HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF POLICE SERVICE OF WORCESTER, MASS., FROM 1674 to 1900. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. ILLUSTRATING AND DESCRIBING THE ECONOMY, EQUIPMENT AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE POLICE FORCE OF TO-DAY. WITH REMINISCENCES OF THE PAST, CONTAINING IN- FORMATION FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES. BY HERBERT M. SAWYER. ARRANGED BY R. E. MURPHY. PUBLISHED BY THE WORCESTER POLICE RELIEF ASSOCIATION WORCESTER, MASS. 1900. F. S. BLANCHARD & CO., PRINTERS. 34 FRONT ST., WORCESTER, MASS. CHAPTER I. THE FIRST PEACE OFFICER. Grave and Pious Matoonus of the Nipmuck Tribe the Original Constable Clothed with Authority of the Crown, He Inspires King Philip's War Early Settlement of Quinsigamond and First Constables The Beat of the Constable Along the Blackstone Canal Work of Thief-Detecting Asso- ciation. The story of the Worcester Police Department is a story of upbuilding and maintenance of the strong right arm of the law as the tiny village of more than two centuries ago has grown to be a thriving city of 120,000 souls in the last year of the nineteenth century. This story has never been adequately told, yet it furnishes interest, pathos, courage, heroism and sen- sation enough to fill many volumes. In reviewing the history of the Worcester police for 226 years, this volume can tell but briefly, yet with an attempt at completeness, of the history of the department which is closely interwoven with the history of the city, and must have more than a passing attraction for every citizen of the Heart of the Commonwealth. The character and duties of the police can only be gathered from the customs, opinions and tastes of the people the nature of events and the peculiar condition of things. It is a bird's- eye view of the character of the times, the police regulation of the laws, and here and there an inkling of the civil and criminal jurisprudence. Nothing but facts are dealt with here. Police departments recognize nothing but facts, and the record of a department is a record of nothing but facts. In the town's earliest days, it is true, the original policemen are shrouded almost in mystery, yet it is the mystery that shrouds the commonplace which peo- ple of the time think not worth recording, until it is too late for absolute verification of exact dates and names. Yet even in this respect, the Police Department does not waver far from the straightest line of correct information, and what is printed may be accepted for all time as the truest possible information 6 History of Police Department, regarding the Worcester Police Department to the year 1901. Of the story of the Police Department of Worcester as a plan- tation, town and city, it may be said, it is simply a matter of record, and a record to be proud of, for the Worcester Police POLICE DEPARTMENT FLAG. Department has been free from scandal, competent and coura- geous, doing its duty always faithfully and well, and keeping the reputation of Worcester as free from criminal stain as any city of like population in the world can boast. In the preparation of this book, it has not been forgotten that the present day is one Worcester, Massachusetts. 7 of great interest in matters of local history, and so it happens that few books have been compiled relating to Worcester's his- tory which are more valuable to students of local history. All communities have their peculiar standards of morals, and there are different classes in the scale. The laws of the Puritan fathers were severe on the licentious and vicious. Women sus- pected of any little improprieties were liable to be set high upon a stool in the broad aisle of the church Sundays, there exposed to the gaze and derision of the whole congregation. Worcester has had its standard of morals always high, and better police rules have resulted in extreme measures. In the early days the pillory and the gaol, or cage, were put in frequent use, but the town fathers never consented to the use of stocks. The Massachusetts people in their new homes were almost surrounded with a wild, unexplored wilderness. The General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony established a watch in Bos- ton in 1631, but it took more of the character of a military guard than otherwise. There were numerous straggling Indians, and there were also among the inhabitants a set of knaves, thieves and burglars of their own kith and kin. Records show that Worcester originally was a plantation con- taining eight square miles, purchased from the Indians for "12 pounds of lawful money," this tract including what is now por- tions of Holden and Auburn. The first constable was an Indian, who had a roving commission among the tribes of the Nipmucks, From the original copper-faced constable the police system has progressed until to-day there is a police force in Worcester com- prising 137 persons, of whom 118 are patrolmen, and the terri- tory covered by them is 36 square miles, protection being af- forded to upward of 120,000 persons. Matoonus, spoken of by historians as a "grave and pious" Indian of the Nipmuck tribe, on Pakachoag hill, a short distance south of the present location of Holy Cross College, was the first peace officer for the territory of which Worcester is now a part. With the appointment as constable, and with the author- ity of the crown, Matoonus went to Mendon in 1675, where he revenged the loss of his offspring by murdering five inhabi- tants of that place. This act hastened the uprising against the whites by the Indians and precipitated King Philip's War. Matoonus not only was the first policeman appointed, but his case is the first suspension of a policeman of which there is any record. 8 History of Police Department, Capt. Daniel Gookin, superintendent of the Indians, an office created by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony, with John Eliot, apostle to the Indians, visited Pakachoag, Sept. 17, 1674. There was a court kept among the Xipmuck Indians whose ruler was Wattasacompanum. July 17 a court was or- ganized by Eliot and Gookin, with John, alias Horowanninit, and Solomon, alias Wooanckocku, as rulers. John was sagamore of the Xipmuck tribe, on Pakachoag hill, and Solomon was saga- ALVAN ALLEN, City Marshal, 1853. more of the tribe on Tataeset, or Tatnuck hill. Both tribes were allies of King Philip in the Indian War of 1675 and 1676. These red men had made considerable advances in civilization, and some of them professed Christianity. In Sagamore John's rude hut on Pakachoag hill the court constituting John and Solomon as rulers, was established by direction of the General Court, and this authority was accepted by the rulers. The newly constituted court, with Eliot and Gookin, selected from the Xipmuck tribe "a grave and sober Indian" called Matoonus. He was confirmed constable, and in his history Gookin says : "Then I gave both the rulers, teacher and constable of the people their respective Worcester, Massachusetts. 9 charges to be diligent and faithful for God, zealous against sin, and careful in sanctifying the Sabbath ; to apprehend drunkards, cake away their strong drink, and bring the offenders before the constable for punishment." The historians of the period heap upon Matoonus a load of abusive and uncharitable epithets. Sagamore John, that he might ingratiate himself with the Eng- lish, whose friendship he was willing to seek, got into his hands "an old malicious villain" one Matoonus who was the first to do any mischief in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, July 14, 1676, bearing an old grudge against them, as is thought, for justice that was done upon one of his sons in 1671. Increase Mather, in his history, speaking of Matoonus, says : "Matoonus, who was the first Indian that shed innocent blood in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, had some years before pre- tended something of religion, being- a professor in general (al- though never baptized), that so he might the more covertly man- age the hellish design of revenge that was harbored in his devil- ish heart; but at last Sagamore John, with some of his Indians, unexpectedly surprised and delivered him to justice." William Lincoln's "History of Worcester" refers to Matoonus as follows : "In 1677 the settlement was prosperously advancing, and the inhabitants had built after the manner of a town, when the war with Philip, of Alt. Hope, broke out in Plymouth county. Although remote for a time, the war soon approached the plantation of Quinsigamond. The son of Matoonus had been executed in 1671 for the murder of an Englishman, and his head placed on a pole on Boston Common, where it long remained as the terrific memorial of justice. The father, a grave and sober Indian, appointed by Gookin constable of Pakachoag, in his profession of Christianity had not forsaken the principle so deeply cherished by his people. July 10, 1675, he visited Men- don, and revenged the loss of his offspring by the death of five of its inhabitants. This was the signal for the commencement of a desperate contest. July 27, 1676, Sagamore John surren- dered and returned to Boston, bringing 180 of his followers. To propitiate favor and purchase peace, for an acceptable offering he had treacherously seized Matoonus, who had shed the first blood in Massachusetts on the beginning of the war, in Mendon, and had brought him down bound with cords to be given up to justice. Matoonus, having been examined, was condemned to immediate death. Sagamore John, with the new-born zeal of 10 History of Police Department, a traitor, to signal his devotion to the cause he adopted by ex- traordinary rancor against that which he deserts, entreated for himself and his men the office of executioner. Matoonus was led out, and being tied to a tree on Boston Common, was shot by his own countrymen, his head cut off and placed upon a pole opposite to that of his son, who formerly suffered on the same spot for a real or supposed murder committed in 1671." Three attempts were made before Worcester was permanent LOVETX BAKER, City Marshal, 1854. ly settled. In 1674 a few settlers cultivated land taken by them in different sections of the plantation of Quinsigamond, and Oct. 11, 1675, Daniel Gookin petitioned the General Court to survey a "meet place for plantation" near Quinsigamond pond. King Philip's War drove away the settlers, and not until ten years later was the second attempt made. April i, 1684, the County Court of Middlesex county ordered that "the people of plantation Quinsigamond meet together on the Lord's day to worship God, and Capt. Daniel Henchman is required and authorized by the court to take special care to prevent the prophanation of the Worcester, Massachusetts. n Sabbath by -neglect thereof." Daniel Gookin, Thomas Prentis and Daniel Henchman, the committee from the General Court on settling and ordering the new plantation near Quinsigamond, in the roadway from Boston to Connecticut, gave approbation that Thomas Browne of Cambridge desire the County Court of Middlesex to give him a license to furnish travelers with wine and strong waters. This license was granted Dec. 15, 1674, to "keep an ordinary at plantation of Quinsigamond." This was the first inn-holder's license of the first settlement. In 1684 Nathaniel Henchman was given a license to "sell and furnish travelers with rhum and other strong waters in bottles of a pint or quart, but not to retayl any in his house or suffer tipling." He had the first license in the second settlement. His house was north of Lincoln square, where now is the freight-house of the Worcester & Nashua Railroad. Other early inn-holders were James Rice, John Hubbard, William Jennison and Robert Gray. The settlement was so far advanced that in June, 1684, the appointment of a constable, fence-viewers and hogreeves was required. The following is the order of the court, April 17, 1684: "At the motion and desire of the committee of ye Plantation of Ouansicamund this court doth order that William Weeks be constable for ye plantation for one year next ensuing, and that he have all the power of a constable as the law directs, and Capt. Daniel Henchman is empowered to give said constable his oath." This is the first record of the appointment of a constable in the settlement of Quinsigamond. Sept. 10, 1684, the name of the plantation of Quinsigamond was changed to Worcester. The first assault case that came before the court while Worces- ter was a plantation was brought Oct. 2, 1685, by George Dan- son against Capt. George Wing, one of the Plantation Committee. Danson had lived in Boston, and twice had been whipped for attending a religious service of the Quakers. He claimed that Wing assaulted him while laying out a parcel of land near North Pond. When the case came into court, the charge of assault was dropped and that of defamation of character was substituted. Danson lost the case. The third settlement was in 1713, and was permanent. The records from 1686 to 1813 are meagre and indefinite, except to show that the Indians caused a second desertion of the place, the most serious interruption being during the raging of Queen Anne's War, beginning in 1702, when Digory Sergeant was 12 History of Police Department, killed and his family taken prisoners. Sergeant's death and the capture of his family is prominent as an historical event of the early settlement of Worcester. In 1722 Worcester was incor- porated as a town. June 17, 1722, a warrant was issued by Ira Fullam of Weston, justice of the peace, calling a town meeting, and was given to Lieuts. Jonas Rice and Henry Lee, there being no constables. The meeting was Sept. 30, 1722, and Jonathan Moore and John Hubbard were elected constables and James JONATHAN DAY, City Marshiil, 1855. Holden and Jacob Holmes tithingmen. Police-duty had been done in a general way by the militia, and for a long time after the incorporation of the town the military organization was looked to for protection of the citizens. The records of the town of Worcester have little touching upon the subject of police. There is no record of the appointment of a night-watch aside from the constabulary watch and ward, and the reports of the town treas- urers contain no record of payment of funds for police-duty of any description beyond what was paid out to constables for serving of warrants and collection of taxes. At a meeting of the Selectmen Oct. 12, 1722, the northern and southern precincts of the town, then including Holden and Worcester, Massachusetts. 13 one-half of Auburn, were established by the following vote: That "the country road shall be the line between the constables from Leicester to half-way river, and from thence said river to be the line till it comes to Mill brook; thence said brook to be the line until it comes up to the country road ; then the road to be the line to Shrewsbury, and to be known by the names of the North and South Precincts." At the meeting Oct. 19, 1722, the Selectmen were directed to procure staves for the consta- bles and the tithingmen. In 1723 James Rice and Zephaniah Rice were chosen constables and James Moore and James Kelogth tithingmen. The oldest people of New England remember the tithingman as a sort of Sunday constable, whose special duty it was in the old parish meeting-house to quell the restlessness of youth and to disturb the slumbers of age. This ancient watchman was a primitive character. The original town record shows it was the duty of the tithingman not merely to preserve order in the meet- ing-house, but to see that everyone went to church. He was a kind of an ecclesiastical "whipper-in." In New England the execu- tion of the laws for the observance of the Sabbath in other ways than going to church was intrusted to the local tithingman. Travel on that day was strictly forbidden. The law against Sunday travel has been rigidly enforced in one way and another by tithingman, constables, local police or public opinion down to the present day. From the colonial laws of Massachusetts it appears that the functions of tithingmen were not restricted to the arrest of all Sabbath-breakers, but extended to the inspection of licensed inns for the discovery of disorderly tipplers. Even by such links as these were the towns bound to the old English parish life. The use of the pillory and stocks in punishment for drunkenness was a similar link of parish habit. The tithingman is the histor- ical prototype of the parish constable, for constables were ap- pointed long before tithingmen. They had many functions in common with constables. Both endeavored to repress tippling, gaming, night-walking, strolling, begging, roaming streets or fields, and idleness in general. They restrained butchers and drovers from cruelty to animals, and kept boys and all persons from swimming in the water. The tithingman was the father of the hamlet. He felt himself personally responsible for the char- acter and conduct of all householders in his neighborhood. He 14 History of Police Department, was held strictly to account by the Selectmen or townsmen for the presence of any new-comer in the hamlet. He was keeper of peace ; he was arbitrator between neighbor and kinsman ; he regulated the division of land, the use of pastures or meadows ; he announced the time of harvest, and when enclosures were to be removed and fences put up. He was a man having author- ity in a small neighborly way, and foreshadowed the petty con- stable and the easy-going Selectmen of our modern New Eng- land towns. FREDERIC WARREN. City Marshal, iS56-'57-'5S. One of the first persons committed for refusing to pay a fine was Joseph Dyer. He came to Worcester in 1736, and was a lawyer and shopkeeper. For twenty years he objected to the town records and protested against all municipal proceedings. In 1759 he was committed to jail for neglecting to discharge a fine incurred by absence from a military muster. The fine amounted to sixteen pence. He had refused to bear his burden of taxa- tion. In 1764 the sum necessary for his liberation was raised by subscription, and he was forcibly ejected from the jail, pro- testing as he went. While in jail he compiled a dictionary of the English language. Worcester, Massachusetts. 15 In 1724 Constable James Rice was ordered to "warn William Hamilton to depart forthwith from Worcester with all his sub- stance and never to reside there any more." On March 27, 1723, the town paid three pounds to each of the constables as a gratuity for gathering the tax of three pence per acre. The jails and lockups in the early history of the town were at Lin- coln square. For many years they were of an inferior design, but in 1732 a new jail was built on the south side of Lincoln square. Until the present jail on Summer street was built in 1819, jails were in that vicinity. An act for keeping watches and wards in towns for the pre- vention of disorders in streets and public places, was passed by the Legislature March 10, 1797, this act repealing the acts of 1699, 1703, 1711, 1712, 1726 and 1752, which had provided in a general way for keeping the peace in towns. Section i provided that all male persons of the age of eighteen years or upward shall be liable to watch or ward, except all persons who shall live more than two miles from the place where the watch or wards are kept, and except also the justice of the peace and the selectmen of the town or district and the sheriffs of the county and the ministers of the gospel. Section 2 provided that when so often as a military watch shall not be appointed to be kept, the justice of the peace, together with the selectmen of each town, shall have the power from time to time to direct a suitable watch or watches to be kept nightly from 9 o'clock until sunrise ; and also a ward to be kept in the daytimes and evenings, when they shall think the same watch and ward necessary ; the constables shall have authority to warn such watch and ward and see that the duties are per- formed, and to take care that some able householders be joined in each watch and ward. Constables shall charge the watch to see that all disturbances and disorders in the night shall be prevented and suppressed, and to examine all persons whom they shall see walking abroad in the night after 10 o'clock, and whom they have reason to suspect of any unlawful intention or design, inquire of their business and whither they are going. Each constable, when attending the watch and ward, shall carry with him the usual badge of his office. Section 3 provided that when any town shall judge that a watch may be kept more for the benefit and safety thereof, and the inhabitants shall agree to support the charge of the same, 1 6 History of Police Department, the justice in the court of general sessions of the peace within the county wherein such town lies, upon application made, are hereby empowered to direct and order the rule for apportioning and levying such sum upon the inhabitants and residents of such town as shall be granted by the town for that purpose. Section 4 provided that one sober, discreet, able-bodied house- holder shall be appointed officer of the watch (if a watch shall be appointed and agreed upon different from a constables' J. WALDO DENNY, City Marshal, 1858. watch) by said justices and selectmen, to take charge and com- mand of such watch, who, as the badge of his office, shall carry a quarter-pike, with a spire on the top thereof, and every watch- man, as well in this as in the constables' watch, shall carry a staff with a bill thereon, as is usual. Section 5 provided that any person refusing to serve on the watch shall forfeit a fine of $i for each offense, to the use of the poor of the town or district, and any person refusing to per- form the duties of watchman shall pay a fine of $10. Section 6 provided that when the justices or selectmen shall inspect the order of the town at night, the watchmen and con- stables shall attend them and obev their commands. Worcester, Massachusetts. 17 Section 7 provided that the fee of the gaoler for each person taken up in the night shall be twenty-five cents when committed until morning. The town of Worcester did not act under this law so far as it applied to a watch and ward, independent of the constables' watch. The law and order of the town was maintained by the constables, who received fees for their work, the records not showing that any stated sum was paid for police-duty. In 1838 and 1840 there are records of police-work done by Ivers Phillips as a constable. He was, with Frederic Warren, the most prom- inent police official in Worcester before it was incorporated as a city. Some creditable police-work was done by these two officials, but the records name them as constables, indicating that the establishment of a permanent night-watch or police de- partment did not come until after Worcester's incorporation as a city. The constables from 1825 until 1848, when Worcester was in- corporated as a city, were : John Gleason, Jr., Thomas Howe, Timothy W. Bancroft, Lewis Bigelow, Luther Burnett, Jr., John F. Clark, Joseph Lovell, William Chamberlain, Levi A. Dowley, Samuel Ward, Asa Hamilton, Dorrance J. Wilder, Charles A. Hamilton, Simeon Gleason, Lewis Thayer, Billings Hobart, Charles M. Deland, Edward H. Hemenway, Charles P. Bancroft, Clarendon Wheelock, Asa Matthews, William R. Wesson, Seth Fisher, Lyman Whitcomb, W^arren Hinds, Samuel R. Jackson, Gordin Gould, Luther Capron, Joel Wilder, Danforth H. Bundy, Leonard Pool, Peter Richardson, Ivers Phillips, Benjamin Flagg* Joseph Lovell, George Hobbs, Rufus Hastings, William M. Bickford, Harrison G. Howe, William Green- leaf, Charles Hersey, Parley Goddard, Whiting Gates, Clau- dius B. Long, George B. Conklin, John H. Knight, Benja- min B-. Otis, Levi Jackson, Thornton A. Merrick, Asa D. Whitte- more, Benjamin Walker, Samuel Banister, Rufus Rice, Charles Davis, George Jones, Francis Strong, Rudolphus C. Edwards, Calvin W. Ainger, Frederic Warren, Sumner Pratt, Luther Gunn, Jubal H. Haven, Lewis Thayer, Charles Warren, Edwin Eaton. In 1846 there were twelve constables, and they did all the civil business as well as looking out for the protection of the inhabitants. On the occasion of the funeral of Capt. George Lincoln, killed at the battle of Buena Vista Feb. 23, 1847, which was July 22, a special appointment of constables was made, in- 1 8 History of Police Department, eluding these names : Alvan Allen, Samuel D. Harding, William C. Whiting, Andrew A. Williams, Joseph Lovell, Jr., George \\ . Wilder, Charles P. Bapcroft, Jonathan Luther, Henry Earle, Silas Dinsmore, Peregrine B. Gilbert, John F. Gleason, Adolphus Morse, William C. Clark, Fitzroy Willard, Samuel Banister and Francis Strong. The Worcester Association of Mutual Aid in Detecting Thieves proved a valuable auxiliary to the police authorities of the town W. S. LINCOLN, City Marshal, 1859. in the days when constables were few in number. The associa- tion was organized Nov. 16, 1795, and its constitution was re- vised in 1837, 1857 and 1862. The preamble of the association is : Whereas, the practice of stealing has been so prevalent of late that it becomes necessary for the well disposed to unite in the most effective measures for protecting their property against the hostile incursions of unprincipled individuals and lawless free- booters that infest our community. We, the subscribers, do therefore associate ourselves together for the purpose of more effectually providing means for the re- Worcester, Massachusetts. 19 covery of any property that may be stolen from the members of the association by mutually aiding each other, by the adoption of the most effective measures for bringing offenders to justice. The constitution provided for holding the annual meeting the second Tuesday in January. The officers consisted of a board of directors, clerk and treasurer, and a pursuing committee con- sisting of twelve members. One of the articles of the by-laws was that any member of the association who shall refuse when detached by the directors to go in pursuit of a thief or thieves shall be excluded from the benefits of the association. Another article provided for the payment of a member such sum as seems reasonable for active work of pursuing, but in 1837 this article was amended by providing for the payment of $1.25 a day when actually engaged in the services of the association, and an ad- ditional compensation of one-twelfth of a dollar a mile for all necessary travel. The first treasurer and clerk was David An- drews, and the members admitted in 1795 were David Andrews, Samuel Andrews, John Barnard, Samuel Brazen, Samuel Brooks, John Chamberlain, ThaddeusChapin, Oliver Fisher, Samuel Flagg, Daniel Colliding, John Green, Jr., Asa Hamilton, Abel Heywood, Benjamin Heywood, Daniel Heywood, Daniel Heywod, 2d, Joel Howe, Phineas Jones, Ephraim Mower, Nathaniel Paine, John Pierce, Ebenezer Reed, Robert Smith, Charles Stearns, Isaiah Thomas, Walter Tufts, Asa Ward, Joshua Whitney, Daniel Wil- lington, and Leonard Worcester. Persons who became members during the first fifteen years of its existence include the follow- ing: 1801, William Caldwell, Ebenezer Mower, Ebenezer Wis- well; 1802, David Curtis, William Eaton; 1803, William Cald- well, 2d; 1804, Joseph Daniels, William McFarland, Jonas Rice, Peter Slater, Nathaniel Stowell, Peter Stowell, Benjamin T. Fos- ter; 1805, Samuel Chandler, Elnathan Pratt; 1806, Elisha Flagg, John Foxcroft, Joseph Holbrook, Jacob Miller, Rufus Paine, Geer Terry; 1807, Thomas Chamberlain, Reuben Munroe; 1808, Theodore Wheeler; 1809, John Curtis, Enoch Flagg and Joseph. Lovell. Other names that appear in the list of membership up to 1862 include John Green, William G. Green, Levi Lincoln, John Earle, Levi Lincoln, Jr., Artemas Ward, Nathaniel Gates, Samuel Ward, John M. Earle, Lewis Barnard, Ichabod Wash- burn, James Estabrook, Osgood Bradley, Joseph Pratt, Artemas Ward, 2d, Horatio N. Tower, William R. Wesson, John Bar- nard, Asa Matthews, Ivers Phillips, W. C. Clark, Albert Curtis, 20 History of Police Department, John Hammond, Edward Earle, Leonard Fales, Elizabeth Green, F. H. Kinnicutt, Joseph Boyden, J. S. C. Knowlton, Genery Twitchell, Levi Jackson, E. Harrington, D. Waldo Lincoln. These familiar names appear in the list of membership since 1848: Elliott Swan, Fred Warren, T. P. Curtis, Jason Temple, J. C. Ripley, Dennis G. Temple, Priestly Young, C. B. Pratt, James H. Wall, Hiram Fobes, O. B. Hadwen, Charles Hamilton, Ashley Moore, J. B. Pratt, R. C. Taylor. The original mem- 1VERS PHILLIPS, City Marshal, :86o. bers of the Pursuing Committee consisted of Thaddeus Chapin, 1806 and 1807; Daniel Heywood, 1806 and 1807; Phineas Jones, 1806; Joshua Whitney, 1801 ; Daniel Willington, 1803; Ebenezer Mower, 1803; Ebenezer Wiswell, 1804, 1805 and 1811. In 1843 the association was organized with County Treasurer Anthony Rice as Treasurer and Clerk ; Directors, Ephraim Mower, George T. Rice, John W. Lincoln, Otis Corbett, Leon- ard W. Stowell, Alpheus Merrineld, Lewis Bigelow, Benjamin Butman, John Jones, Daniel Goddard, Cyrus Stockwell, Asa Walker; Pursuing Committee, John F. Clark, William R. Wes- son, Ivers Phillips, Asa Matthews, Jaines Estabrook, Josiah Worcester, Massachusetts. 21 Brittan, Jr., Jonas Bartlett, Horatio N. Tower, Artemas Ward, Jr., Benjamin P. Rice, Joseph Pratt and Loring F. Perry. When the city was incorporated and a permanent police force was appointed, the Thief-detecting Association took little part in criminal work. It still keeps up its organization, the social fea- ture being its most important consideration. The last meeting held was in 1895, when the looth anniversary of the organization was observed. In 1838 the last by-laws of the town of Worcester were adopted. They prohibited ball-playing in the public streets ; throwing stones in the streets ; smoking a cigar or pipe in any of the streets within the school district ; swimming between sunrise and sunset in the waters of the Blackstone canal within the limits of the town in view of a dwelling-house, street or high- way; coasting; driving in excess of eight miles an hour; and carrying a naked scythe between sunset and sunrise. Fines for offenses of the by-laws ranged from $i to $10, and the highway surveyors, field-drivers and constables of the town were author- ized to enforce the laws. There were two criminal cases in 1840 in which Constable Ivers Phillips was identified. Elias M. Turner and Dickinson Sherer were each sentenced to state prison on the charge of kidnapping Sidney O., son of John F. Francis, and transporting him into Virginia with intent to sell him into slavery. The case was the most important of that year, and the defendants were represented at their trial by Isaac C. Bates of Northampton and Jonathan Chapman of Springfield. The cases were prose- cuted by District Attorney Pliny Merrick. Martin T. Draper, of Draper & Davis, grocers at Washington square, entered into a conspiracy with Samuel A. Way of Bos- ton, in June, 1840, to defraud creditors. Draper delivered to Way $5,000 in cash and refused to account for it. He was arrested by Ivers Phillips on a charge of perjury and sentenced to five years in state prison. The office of tithingman was dropped by the Selectmen of the town seventy years ago, but the constable has been a fixture from the time Matoonus roamed the hills of Worcester county among the King Philip tribes in the sixteenth century. 22 History of Police Department, CHAPTER II. CRIME OF EARLY TIMES. Prisoners Led to Gallows, Whipping-Post and Pillory in Colonial Days Hanging of Bathsheba Spooner on Frost's Hill in 1778, Only Woman Executed in Worcester County Executions in Public and in Private Cases that Made Worcester Prominent during Revolutionary War Re- view of a Century. In the early history of Worcester crime was frequent and punishment severe. The gallows was erected for burglars and murderers alike in the last century, and offenses which in these times would furnish no public interest, being disposed of with a light fine or short term of imprisonment, called for punish- STOCKS. ment in the pillory or at the whipping-post. It was also a favorite sentence of the court to condemn a prisoner to the gallows for an hour, to sit with the rope around his neck, to give him opportunity to think upon death and his God. For what are now considered trivial offenses prisoners were subjected to humiliating punishment, being sent to the whipping-post, or both, and if there were any aggravating circumstances connected with the case, an hour on the gallows for meditation, with a year or term of years in the "gaol," was added to the sentence. Branding a prisoner on the forehead or cropping one of the ears was oc- casionally included in judicial sentences in cases of burglary. Worcester, Massachusetts. 23 The pillory and whipping-post were familiar objects on Court hill a century ago. The gallows was usually erected on what was called "Frost's hill," where now is located the Worces- ter Insane Asylum on Summer street, and with a single excep- tion hangings took place there as long as they were held out- doors. Here is where Bathsheba Spooner, the only woman hanged in Worcester county, was led to her death. In connection with the pillory and whipping-post, an early record shows that Caleb Jephterson was exposed in the pillory "for one hour and a half, pursuant to the sentence upon three separate convictions, for the odious and detestable crime of blas- phemy." The notorious Stephen Burroughs, tried in Worcester in 1791, was sentenced" to receive 117 stripes on the naked back, stand two hours in the pillory, and sit one hour on the gallows with the rope around his neck. His case created considerable excitement, and he was rescued from the jail by a mob of 1,000 before the sentence was fully executed. In his memoirs Bur- roughs says the mob came from Uxbridge. Early in the century the whipping-post was abandoned, the sentence of a woman to this punishment for a trivial offense creating public sentiment against it. William Caldwell of Rut- land was sheriff early in the century until 1805, and when the woman was led out to have the sentence executed, he disap- pointed a crowd of about 3,000 by saying the sentence did not say when she should be whipped. After the crowd had dispersed, the woman received the punishment, the lashes being applied lightly by the humane sheriff, and she was allowed to go with the injunction to sin no more. What is known in the criminal history of Worcester county as the Bathsheba Spooner murder case relates to the most famous crime and subsequent execution in its history. In reference to it in recent years the facts often have been misrepresented, and descendants of the unfortunate woman and historical societies have devoted considerable time in bringing out the accurate facts in the case. Bathsheba Spooner, who proved to be an ac- cessory before the fact in connection with the murder of her husband in 1778, was the daughter of Judge Timothy Ruggles of Hardwick, generally called Brigadier General Ruggles, one of the most distinguished citizens of the province of Massachusetts Bay. He adhered to the cause of the king during the Revolution and years of discussion which preceded it. The people of 24 History of Police Department, Worcester were incensed with him for adopting that position, and although he was a true friend of his country and honest in his political opinions at the time of the trial of Airs. Spooner, he had come to be "regarded as the worst traitor, and his name was held in the utmost abhorrence." The daughter was well brought up, and on account of the family name and her posi- tion in society, the case attracted widespread attention through- out the country at that time. It has been referred to as the LEVI BARKER, City Marshal, 1861. most extraordinary crime ever committed in New England on account of its long premeditation and the methods made use of to bring it about. The crime was committed on the night of March i, 1778, by Lewis Buchanan, a lieutenant in the army under Gen. Burgoyne ; William Brooks, a private in the same army ; and Ezra Ross, a soldier in the Continental army, who made his home with the Spooner family in Brookfield, and at the time of the crime was but eighteen years old. Bathsheba Ruggles was married to Joshua Spooner of Brook- field in 1764, and the evidence at the trial showed that prior to 1778 she had conceived a great aversion to her husband. His only fault appeared to be "in not supporting a manly importance as the head of his family and not regulating the government Worcester, Massachusetts. 25 of it." It was not certain what the aversion in Mrs. Spooner ; s mind was, but from the general tenor of her conduct it is prob- able she cherished a criminal regard for some other person, and decided to destroy the life of her husband. He attempted to check her in her career. She at various times procured poison, but never gave it to him. She told Ezra Ross if he would kill her husband, she would become his lawful wife. He testified that upon her persuasions and the fancied happiness of marrying a woman so much above his rank in life, and the allurements of "wallowing in Mr. Spooner's wealth," he finally consented. Mrs. Spooner became tired of the delay of Ross in keeping his promise, and made like overtures to Lieut. Buchanan of the troops. Ross took Mr. Spooner to ride, going to Oakham, with the intention of carrying out his promise, but did not have courage to give the poison he had taken with him. Buchanan and Mrs. Spooner en- gaged William Brooks of the troops to commit the murder, Brooks being promised the watch, buckles and $1,000. Thurs- day before the murder Mrs. Spooner met Buchanan and Brooks at the Widow Walker's in Worcester. They remained two days, and hei conduct disgusted the widow's family, who knew her social position in life. They returned to Brookfield, and the three men agreed to wait for him. They were concealed in the barn for a day and a night, and Mrs. Spooner took their meals to them. The night of the murder Brooks met Mr. Spooner at the door of his house and knocked him down. They all fell upon and killed him and threw the body in the well, where it was found the next day by the servants in the house. Mrs. Spooner paid the men for the performance of the crime, giving Brooks $200, the watch and buckles. They then burned the clothing which was covered with blood, and Ross, Buchanan and Brooks fled to Worcester, where they were arrested by constables the follow- ing night. On examination they implicated Mrs. Spooner, and she was arrested at Brookfield Thursday, March 3. They were all tried in Worcester in April, 1778, Mrs. Spooner being de- fended by Levi Lincoln, who made a defense of insanity. They were all convicted of murder in the first degree, and on April 17 were sentenced to be hanged on July 2, 1778. Mrs. Spooner, through her counsel, petitioned for a reprieve until after the birth of her child, which was denied by the Council of the state of Massachusetts Bay. This action was undoubtedly influenced by the excitement existing in the community regard- 26 History of Police Department, ing prominent Tories, and Mrs. Spooner, who was fond of her father, probably sympathized with him in his political views. Two midwives and a jury of twelve matrons were selected to examine Mrs. Spooner, and their report was contrary to her claim made in the petition for reprieve. A second petition was made to the Council, Mrs. Spooner averring the fact that "the infant she bore was lawfully begotten." The Council refused to grant her peti- tion, and Rev. Thaddeus Maccarty sought a reprieve, expressing WM. E. STARR, City Marshal, 1862. it as his firm belief the jury of midwives was mistaken. Follow- ing the execution the post-mortem verified her claim on which she based her petition for reprieve. The execution took place at 2.30 o'clock on the afternoon of July 2, 1778, the gallows being erected on the hill where now is the Worcester Insane Asylum. The criminals were brought out of the prison and conducted to the place of execution under a guard of 100 men. The three male prisoners went on foot and Mrs. Spooner rode in a chaise with Rev. Thaddeus Maccarty of the Old South Church, she having been sick several days. A thunder-cloud appeared, the heavens were darkened, and there was an awful half hour. The loud hallooing of the officers, "Make way, make way," amidst the crowd of 5,000; the horses press- Worcester, Massachusetts. 27 ing upon those on foot ; the shrieks of women in confusion ; the malefactors slowly advancing to the fatal tree, preceded by the dismal urns ; the fierce clouds, quickly followed by loud peals of thunder and vivid flashes of lightning, conspired together and produced a dreadful compound scene of horror. While the sher- iff William Caldwell of Rutland was reading the death-war- rant, Buchanan, Brooks and Ross stood on the staging. Mrs. Spooner, being feeble, was permitted to sit in the chaise. She was indifferent, and bowed to many in the gathering with whom she had been acquainted. When called to ascend to the stage, she stepped out of the chaise and crept up the ladder upon her hands and knees. The halter was fastened, she was pinioned, her face covered, and the sheriff informed her he should drop the flag immediately. Mrs. Spooner took him by the hand and said : "My dear sir, I am ready. In a little time I expect to be in bliss, and but a few years must elapse when I hope I shall see you and my other friends again." The prisoners were all calm, and almost smiled at the approach of death. The sermon was preached by Rev. Thaddeus Maccarty, his text being, ''Thine eyes shall not pity him, but thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well with thee." In their dying statement Buchanan gave his age as 36, his birth- place as Glasgow, Scotland, and said he was a lieutenant in Gen. Burgoyne's army ; Brooks, a private in the same army, was 27, born in Wednesbury, county of Stafford, England ; Ross was 18, a Continental soldier, born in Ipswich, in the parish of Lynde- brook, Xew England. It is a generally accepted fact that the body of Mrs. Spooner rests on the Green farm, in the northern part of Worcester. Samuel Swett Green, in a paper before the American Antiquarian Society twelve years ago, argued in her defense, on the belief she was insane at the time of the murder, and was a victim of public opinion on the question of a reprieve. He said "the evidence showed she was a remarkably eccentric person. Mrs. Spooner's daughter, Bathsheba, who died in Cambridge thirty years ago, was hopelessly insane for many years before her death. Mrs. Mary Ruggles Green was made temporarily insane by trou- bles preceding and accompanying the trial and execution of her sister/' Referring to her resting-place, he says : "Her remains are in a grave in the northeasterly portion of this place ; the exact spot where they are buried is known, I presume, to only a few 28 History of Police Department, of the descendants of the first Dr. John Green of Worcester, who married Mary Ruggles, a sister of Mrs. Spooner. She rests in an unmarked grave within the bounds of the estate formerly owned by the husband of the sister and occupied by them and their family. The land is still in the possession of some of Dr. Green's posterity." As Worcester has always been the seat of the courts of justice in the county, all the executions of prisoners for high crimes and C. B. PRATT, City .Marshal, iS63-'64-'65. misdemeanors committed within the county since its organiza- tion in 1731, have taken place here. There have been eighteen individuals hanged at thirteen different times one of them a woman, four at one time, and there were two occasions when two were hanged. Ten were executed for murder, five for bur- glary and three for rape. Different days of the week were se- lected, the taking of Friday being a comparatively modern usage. The first execution was Nov. 26, 1737, when Hugh Henderson, alias John Hamilton, was hanged for burglary. The last execu- tion was that of Samuel J. Frost of Petersham, for the murder of his wife's brother, Frank P. Towne. The hanging took place Worcester, Massachusetts. 29 in the Summer street jail May 25, 1876, the prayer at the gallows being given by Rev. C. M. Lamson, then pastor of the Salem Square Congregational Church. Frost was a small man, and when the drop fell his head was nearly severed. Many in the gathering fainted, and from that day there has been a sentiment in Worcester against hanging. Other executions were : 1745. A negro named Jeffries was hanged for the murder of his mistress. Oct. 20, 1768. A negro named Arthur was hanged for rape, the sermon at the gallows being preached by Rev. Thaddeus Maccarty. Oct. 25, 1770. William Lindsey was hanged for burglary. Nov. n, 1779. Robert Young was hanged for rape upon a eleven-year old girl named Jane Young, of Brookfield. June 19, 1783. William Huggins and John Mansfield were hanged for burglary. The day before the execution, they made an attempt to escape, but were discovered the next morning. They used a crowbar, of which they obtained possession the day before, and pried up a floor. This allowed them to escape into a vault, but they were unable to get any further, and there they were found. Little sympathy was shown them in the jail, and they were led unceremoniously to their death. The last hanging for burglary was Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1786, the victim being Johnson Green, and the crime of which he was convicted being especially aggravating. Since that time the gal- lows has not been used for a crime of less importance than murder, although thieves and burglars were sentenced to sit upon the gallows before the public gaze, and had the halter around their necks as a suggestion of the fate of their criminal companions. April 1 6, 1784, Samuel Frost, tried for the murder of his father, was acquitted on the grounds of insanity. Whether he was con- fined as an insane person, there is no record, but July 16, 1793, he murdered Capt. Elisha Allen of Princeton, for whom he worked on a farm. Frost and Capt. Allen were working in the field, and as the result of an argument Frost struck Allen with the blade of a hoe, cutting a gash in his head, knocking him to the ground. He struck his victim upward of fifteen blows with the hoe, and left his body lying in the field. Frost was not arrested until several days later, when he was brought to Worcester and placed in "the gaol." His case was heard by the Supreme Court short- 30 History of Police Department, ly after, and he pleaded guilty. The court insisted on a trial, and an inquiry was made as to his sanity, as he had previously been acquitted of a charge of murder on this pretext. He was adjudged sane, and after a trial sentenced to be hanged, the execution taking place Xov. 5, 1793, on "Frost's hill." A ser- mon was preached by Rev. Aaron Bancroft, and the execution took place in the presence of 2,000 persons. The first hanging of the present century was the last outdoor j. H. KNOX, City Marshal, 1866. execution in Worcester county, the victim being Horace Carter of Worcester. There has been no other Worcester person hanged in Worcester county in the century, and there was a lapse of thirty-two years between the hanging of Carter and the execu- tion of Samuel Frost in 1793. Horace Carter and his brother Thomas were both tried at the same term of the court, Horace being charged with rape upon the person of Ruth Ainsworth of Brookfield, an inmate of the poor farm, aged seventy-eight years. Thomas Carter was tried for burglary and intent to com- mit personal violence upon a female child. Horace Carter's crime was committed Feb. 23, 182-5, and the trial was at the October term of the court. It was an interesting case from the fact that the evidence which condemned him was given bv the victim, Worcester, MassacJnisctts. 31 whose reputation for truth had not been considered of the best, and after the hanging there was talk that an innocent man had been sent to the gallows. The evidence of Ruth Ainsworth was that she was awakened on the night of Feb. 23 by a burglar in the house, she being a pauper and living at the Brookfield poor farm. She asked who was there, and Carter replied that he was an overseer of the poor, and demanded admittance to her room. She refused, and he broke open the door. He was de- fended by John Davis and Pliny Merrick, and the jury found him guilty. He was sentenced to be hanged Dec. 7. The exe- cution took place upon the hill on the north corner of Belmont street and Lincoln square. Thomas Carter, his brother, was convicted and sentenced to state prison for life. Stephen Dick- inson, convicted at this session of the court of the abuse of a female child, was sentenced to state prison for life. Thomas Barrett of Lunenburg \vas the first murderer hanged in the Summer street jail. He killed Ruth Houghton of Lunen- burg Feb. 18, 1844, and the hanging took place Jan. 3, 1845, the first hanging since that of Horace Carter in 1825. Barrett was employed on a farm in Lunenburg. On the morning of Feb. 19, his victim, who was seventy years old and lived alone, was found dead, with her ribs broken, and there were evidences she had been strangled. Barrett was indicted by the grand jury for rape and murder, and tried at the session of the Supreme Court following the date of the murder. He was convicted, and the execution was Friday, there being present fourteen persons, including three physicians, Sheriff Rice of Hampden county, Rev. Mr. Williamson, Barrett's spiritual adviser, and several deputy sheriffs. The same rope was used that hanged Carter nineteen years before. Although Barrett made a confession to the priest who attended him in his last hours, he never made a public statement concerning the crime. Asa Matthews was jailer at the time, and the sheriff was John W. Lincoln. Friday, Sept. 25, 1868, took place the hanging of Silas and Charles T. James for the murder of Joseph G. Clark, the execu-' tion being in the chapel of the Summer street jail. This was one of the famous cases in Worcester, and is referred to in an- other chapter. Examination of the court records for the last century shows cases interesting to the present generation. The town consta- bles were evidentlv alert to their clutv, and had a keen scent for 3 2 History of Police Department, criminals who infested this section of the county. In the earlier days of the town of Worcester, burglaries were advertised, and occasionally a reward was offered. Burglaries that took place in Boston and other sections of New England were advertised in Worcester in the latter part of the last century, and the Pursuing Committee of the Worcester Association of Mutual Aid in De- tecting Thieves took a hand in the police-work early in the cen- tury. A burglary that attracted widespread attention throughout A. IJ. R. SHRAGUE, City Marshal, 1867. New England was that of April 12, 1784, when the store of Elijah Paine in Cambridge and the library of Harvard College were broken into. A valuable collection of coins was taken from the college. A reward of $30 for the arrest and conviction of the thieves was offered. May 12, 1/84, the residence of Hon. Dwight Foster in Brook- field was entered and robbed in the night, and a few nights later the residence of Rev. Ephraim Ward of Brookfield received a visit from thieves, and a quantity of valuables was carried off. The records show then as now that Brookfield had more than its share of unusual crime. The most horrible crime of the last Worcester, Massachusetts. 33 century was committed there, and during the last decade some of the most startling crimes of record have taken place in Brookfield. A few sentences of the court between 1775 and 1800 will give some idea of the severity of the law in the early courts of the county, and the persistency of officers in bringing to justice criminals of every description. At the session of the Supreme Court Oct. 5, 1784, several violators received the discipline of the whipping-post, and a man named Sennett, whose offense was especially obnoxious, received the extra penalty of being branded on the forehead. Attached to the old stone jail, which stood on the south side of Lincoln square, are many melancholy reminiscences. It was used for the incarceration of poor debtors as well as criminals, and one of the saddest of these recollections is the fact, duly recorded, that the patriot, Col. Timothy Bigelow, was committed there on an execution for debt Feb. 15, 1790, and died in the jail March 31 following the entry reading, "Discharged by Death April i." Timothy Queen, charged with uttering counterfeit money, was fined forty pounds, and for having counterfeiting tools in his possession was sentenced to the whipping-post, where twenty stripes were applied, and to stand one hour in the pillory. Samuel Corey, charged with assault on Mrs. Hannah Day, an aged woman, with intent to ravish, was sentenced to sit on the gallows one hour with the rope around his neck, to be whipped thirty stripes, and to find sureties for good behavior for three years. Robert Simpson and Hannah Gibbs, charged with lewd and lascivious cohabitation, were sentenced to stand one hour in the pillory, Simpson to receive thirty lashes and Hannah Gibbs twenty lashes. James Trask, for fraud in transferring false notes, was sen- tenced to stand in the pillory for one hour, and for another fraud of a similar nature to be whipped thirty stripes. Being unable to pay treble for the damage, Trask was sentenced to be sold for the term of four years. July i, 1784, two men escaped from the "gaol," and one of them David Smith was described at the time as being "as thorough- paced a villain as ever was decked with a halter." July 2, 1784, James McFarland's house was robbed, and the same week the houses of Mr. Tanner and Mr. Mower. The 34 History of Police Department, authorities were much excited over the affair. The newspapers at the time said : "They deserve the fate of Mansfield and Hig- gins, who have previously been hanged for robbery." John Connolly, who was before the Supreme Court in April, 1789, received one of the severest sentences recorded. For steal- ing he was sentenced to pay a fine of 151 pounds, 28 shillings and 6 pence, to receive twenty stripes, and if unable to pay the fine to be sold for seven years by White, from whom he had stolen. JAS. M. DRENNAN, City Marshal, iSoy-'oS-'oo-^o-'yi, 'So-'Si-'S2, and Chief of Police, iSoy-'yS-'^. If not sold within thirty days, Connolly was to be sent to Castle William for one year. On a second offense of breaking and enter- ing Reed & Rice's shop, he was fined 50 pounds, sentenced to sit on the gallows one hour with the rope around his neck, to receive twenty stripes at the whipping-post, and to be sent to Castle W'illiam for two years. Paul Caldwell, convicted for forgery May n, 1791, was sen- tenced to stand in the pillory for one hour. Elisha Dakin Mansfield, convicted of tlieft, sat on the gallows for one hour and received fifteen stripes at the whipping-post, after which he was sent to Castle William for three vears. Worcester, Massachusetts. 35 On the night of Sunday, July 15, 1791, there was a wholesale escape of prisoners from the gaol. Paul Caldwell, convicted for forgery ; Jeremiah Nightingale, sentenced for horse-stealing ; and James McDale and Edward Burns, serving for minor offenses, dug through the floor of the gaol and under the foundation. The authorities instituted a search for them, and the town constables hunted for the escaped prisoners. They were not caught for a time, and the sheriff offered a reward of $40 for the arrest of Caldwell, $20 for Nightingale, and $5 each for the arrest of Mc- Dale and Burns. The old "gaol house" was advertised for sale during 1788, and a new and more modern jail erected. Oct. 6, 1785, J. Austin Smith, convicted for passing counterfeit money, and James Jewell, sentenced for theft, escaped from the gaol, and a reward of $40 was offered for their arrest and return to the gaol. Jewell was arraigned on seven counts for stealing, and sentence was suspended upon five. For the two on which he was sentenced, he was obliged to stand in the pillory and have one of his ears cropped. Smith was sentenced to receive fifty stripes at the whipping-post and serve seven years in the gaol. The escape caused much excitement, but they were not recap- tured. During and after the war with England in 1812, excitement ran high in Worcester. A climax was reached when nine British officers, including Col. Grant, were arrested and placed in jail. They were given two rooms in the second story of the building, and had considerable freedom during the day. On the night of Jan. n, 1814, John F. Clark, while making the rounds of the cells preparing the prisoners for the night, was pounced upon in the rooms where the officers were confined. He was bound with a rope, gagged with a handkerchief, and tied to one of the beds in the room. The cord was not fastened sufficiently secure, and he released himself shortly after, but not until the officers had made good their escape. The town authorities were quick-, ly notified, and a general searching party set out to recapture the prisoners. On account of the excitement attending the war and the importance of capturing the officers, local interest in the case was at a high pitch. No case in the history of the early town police-work was followed by so general a discussion, which brought the case into national importance. The patriotism of the people of Worcester was at stake as the result of the corre- 36 History of Police Department, spondence following the escape. James Prince, United States marshal at the time, authorized a statement in the Boston Patriot, over his signature, in which this paragraph appeared: "If the friends of these British officers can as well excuse themselves for the escape that has recently been effected as they can justify the country or its officers from the charges of rude and unfeeling conduct, it will be well for their personal character and for the laws of the state." JONATHAN B. SIBLEY, City Marshal, 1872. These remarks created widespread indignation in Worcester and throughout Massachusetts, and a leading editorial in the Spy called for an apology from the marshal. It said : "The United States marshal should retract his illiberal insinuations, and on his knees beg the pardon of the citizens of Worcester." Thomas Walter Ward of Shrewsbury, son of Gen. Artemas Ward, was sheriff and made a thorough search, with the result that the prisoners were recaptured in Worcester county. Hard experi- ences were had in getting them back, as several towns were traversed in the search. One of the officers was taken on the turnpike, near Holden, and four of them succeeded in reaching Barre, twenty-one miles away, being driven in a team a portion Worcester, Massachusetts. 37 of the distance. Francis Blake of Worcester, a personal friend and counsel for Colonel Grant, the most important prisoner, was indirectly charged by the United States marshal with being re- sponsible for the escape of the officers. He figured with no small prominence in the discussion that was carried on through the news- papers for several weeks. He advised Grant at the time of his arrest, also visited the jail, and interceded for better quarters for the men than were accorded ordinary prisoners. A man named Dale, an officer in Rutland, acting under a proc- lamation issued by United States Marshal Prince, after the escape of the officers, got into prison on account of a false arrest. One Bigelow, passing from Rutland to Boston, was arrested by Dale, brought to Worcester, and was placed in jail on the charge of treason. He was later released, and Dale, admitting he had made a mistake, was tried and sentenced for his connection with the case. With its tithingman and its constables, when capital punish- ment was the penalty for crimes no more serious than burglary, Worcester went through the most critical days in its history, well policed and well governed. History of Police Department, CHAPTER III. ORIGIN OF THE NIGHT-WATCH. Incorporation of City and Appointment of George Jones City Marshal Bomb-Throwing in Mayor Henry Chapin's Administration Fugitive Slave Law Riots and Visit of "Angel Gabriel" Tragic Death of Marshal Frederic Warren First Police Rules Adopted in 1856 Arrest of John Langley. As the transition from town to city was scarcely noticeable, except in change of name of corporation and titles of office, so W. ANSEL WASHBUKX, City Marshal, 1873, '7S-'76-'77-' 78-'79, '83, 'S6-'$7,.SS-'S9-'9O-'9i-'92. there was no special change in the method of furnishing protec- tion to the citizens. The same men who had been constables, for the most part, became members of the newly established night-watch, which did not come into existence until Worcester had been a city two years. Their duties remained essentially the same as before the incorporation of the city. The Millbury Bank robbery in 1843, tne murder of William Stiles by Orrin DeWolf Worcester, Massachusetts. 39 in 1845, and the hanging of Thomas Barrett the same year, had aroused the primitive constabulary force to a keen sense of ac- tivity, and a more substantial police government was demanded by the people. The population in 1848 was about 15,000, having doubled in ten years. The opening of the Boston & Worcester railroad in 1835, and the employment of many foreigners blasting at "deep cut" for sev- eral years, resulted in the locality known as Pine Meadow, being a troublesome neighborhood. The constabulary force had been gradually increased from year to year, and the association which for fifty years had been prominent in the detection of thieves had given assistance to the constables ; but the growing town became ambitious and wanted watchmen. Other towns had boasted of a night-watch for a century. Worcester was incorporated as a city Feb. 29, 1848. Section 8 of the act establishing the city provided "that the mayor and al- dermen shall have exclusive power to appoint constables and a city marshal and assistant marshals and all other police officers, and have the same to remove at pleasure." Section 24 of the act established the police court. The first election, resulting in the choice of Levi Lincoln as mayor, was contested on the tem- perance issue a question that entered with prominence in elec- tions for many years. When Mayor Lincoln was inaugurated, there were twelve constables. No salaries were paid them, fees being their only source of income from the town. The first meet- ing of the City Council was held April 17, and Asa Matthews, George Jones, Levi Jackson, Edwin Eaton, Frederic Warren and Benjamin R. Otis were appointed constables, confirmed by the aldermen and sworn into duty by Mayor Lincoln. They were ordered to furnish bonds in $500 each. In the cases of Warren and Jackson their bondsmen were not accepted, and they were obliged to furnish new sureties. May 4, 1848, Mayor Lincoln appointed George Jones city marshal. He was confirmed and furnished bonds in $1,000, his bondsmen being Calvin Foster and Lemuel T. Fox. Frederic Warren and Edwin Eaton were ap- pointed assistant marshals June 29, and were sworn in July I. The ordinance providing for the appointment of a city marshal fixed his salary at $400 a year in addition to his legal fees as constable. Alvan W. Lewis was the first watchman appointed in Worces- ter. This appointment was made by Mayor Lincoln in September, 40 History of Police Department, 1848, under an ordinance which reads : "A watch is hereby estab- lished to do duty within and about the City Hall, and to take the care and see to the safe-keeping of the prisoners who may be confined in the lock-up therein, with such other duties as may be required of them by the mayor." Mr. Lewis began his duties Sept. 27, and remained in office until April I, 1849. He was reappointed and remained until April 27, 1850, when he was suc- ceeded by John D. Welts. The salary of the watchman was fixed at $225 a year at the time the ordinance was passed. A. DAVIS PRATT, City Marshal, 1874. Henry Chapin was elected mayor in the fall of 1848, and in his inaugural called attention to the ordinance relative to the police ; also to the fact that since Sept. 27, 1848, "there had been nearly 300 commitments to the watch-house, and at least nine-tenths of them had been for the cause of drunkenness." He demanded rigid enforcement of the liquor laws. He appointed George Jones, city marshal; Frederic Warren, assistant marshal; Alvan \Y. Lewis, watchman at City Hall ; and as constables, Jonathan Day, William L. Merchant. Elbridge G. Watkins, Jeremiah Kane, Peter Donliavie and William A. Howland. There is no record in the re- ports of the town treasurers, or of City Treasurer John Boyden Worcester, Massachusetts. 41 in his report for 1849, f an 7 money being paid for police-duty excepting to the city marshal and the watchman at City Hall. The ordinance providing for the establishment of a night-watch was passed by the City Council May 6, 1850, and is as follows : The mayor and aldermen may, whenever they may deem it necessary, appoint city watchmen, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the mayor and aldermen, and who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of their office, and receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the mayor and aldermen. Following the passage of this ordinance, Alderman Joseph Pratt of Ward 4 and Charles White of Ward 6 were appointed a committee to select watchmen. They reported names, and Mayor Chapin appointed as the first regular night watchmen Moses L. Bolster, Lathrop Dorman, William W. Codding, John A. Dodge, Daniel Holman, Stephen Shumway and Matthew F. Harding. Under the ordinance passed in 1848, assistant marshals had acted as watchmen. In 1850 the salaries of watchmen amounted to $2,505.28, including $328.27 paid George W. Norris, Frederic Warren and Levi Jackson for extra work on account of the bomb-throwing incident. Of the many evils that taxed the ingenuity of the police since Worcester became a city, the control of the liquor business has not been among the least. The liquor law has been enacted, es- tablished, amended, reenacted, reestablished, modified, suspended and reconstructed for half a century. The "Maine law" was passed in Massachusetts in 1855, and was then supposed by its friends to be the best thing that could be made. At the time of its passage the question assumed somewhat of a political char- acter. The authorities found its enforcement an up-hill business. Progress was slow because of the united efforts of the opponents. The work of the police was persistent, the police courts and grand juries were busy, and the results are not forgotten. Some interesting experiences have been told. It was early in the history of Worcester, the outcome of the stand made by Mayor Chapin against the rum element, that one of the exciting incidents in the city's history took place. A weekly paper called the Liberty of the Press, printed in a barn in the vicinity of Foster street by Peter Johnson, and edited by Jubal Harrington and others, was devoted to the liquor interests. Personal assaults were made through its columns upon represent- ative temperance men, and its influence culminated in the attempt 42 History of Police Department, to blow up the office of Mayor Chapin and home of Assistant City Marshal Frederic Warren, the latter on Warren street. The City Council Jan. 15, 1850, instructed the police to more thoroughly enforce the liquor law, and Frederic Warren had charge of the police-detail that made raids and gave the rum-men all their trouble. In Liberty of the Press Mr. Harrington had promised to give the Free-soilers and temperance men ''hell and scissors/' and on the night of May 3 an attempt was made to carry out EDWARD T. RAYMOND, City Marshal, 1893, and Chief of Police iS94-'95-'o6. the threat. Mayor Chapin's office was in the Flagg building, opposite the Bay State House. Shortly before midnight a six- inch hand-grenade was placed in the entrance of the building, near the door leading to Mayor Chapin's office, on the second floor. The door of the office was shattered, and the doors of the offices adjoining were wrecked. A hole was blown through the floor of Hall & Thompson's store, the wreckage going into the cellar. On the night of May 6 another bomb was thrown at the residence of Assistant Marshal Warren. Extra policemen were ordered on duty, and a reward of $1,000 was made for the arrest and conviction of the violators. Several arrests were made, but Jubal Harrington, who was responsible for the outrage, left Worcester, Massachusetts. 43 Worcester, locating in California. A special meeting of the City Council was held May 4, when a reward of $1,000 was offered, and at the regular meeting of the council May 13, $500 was appropriated for the expenses connected with the incident. George Jones held the office of city marshal from 1848 until 1853, resigning to become deputy sheriff, and was succeeded by Alvan Allen, who was appointed by Mayor John S. C. Knowl- ton. He went out of office with the record of having successfully gone through trying times in the first five years of the city's growth. The lock-up was in the basement of the old City Hall, demol- ished two years ago. During a few months when it was being remodeled, the old brick school-house at the lower end of the Common was utilized as a police station. The office of the city marshal was in the basement for several years, but in the '6o's was located in the southeast corner of the first floor of the build- ing, the room in the basement being given up to police captains. There were cells enough in the old lock-up to care for many prisoners, and it was frequently filled to its capacity. The watch- man had a small room, and one-half the force went off duty at midnight and gathered at the lock-up to eat their lunch. There were no uniforms until 1865, and during the cold weather watch- men wore heavy blankets thrown over their shoulders the last half of the night. The beats were known as the north, south, east, and west beats, and each covered a vast territory. The sections of the city were familiarly known and always referred to as the "north end," which was the territory north of Lincoln square; "Pine Meadow," the section east of Washington square; the "Narrows," the section through Franklin and Winter streets ; "Scalpingtown," including the territory east of Madison street, through Gold and Assonet streets ; the "Island," familiar to the present generation; and the "Flat," that section of the city in the vicinity of Chandler, Austin and Tufts streets, near Park avenue. Watchmen traveled but a short distance north of Lincoln square, and Quinsigamond was not included in the beats. The present generation is not familiar with the sharp crack of the watchman's rattle, which was provided for use of the watchman before the days of the "billy" and revolver. The start- ling sound of this instrument was about the only thing to infuse life and energy into the heart and heels of a watchman. Its 44 History of Police Department, peculiar tone, different from anything else imaginable, produced a sensation novel and exciting. The records of arrests in the old City Hall lock-up were orig- inally kept on a slate, and when it was covered the names were rubbed out. When Alvan W. Lewis was appointed night watch- man at the lock-up, he had furnished him a book in which records were made, and this book is now in the possession of the Police Department. On the inside of the cover is an autograph state- ment of the appointment of Alvan W. Lewis, his reappointment April i, 1849, resignation April 27, 1850; also the statement that he turned over his keys to John D. Welts, who remained until Jan. 10, 1852, when he resigned and went to Maine. George M. Pierce served as night watchman during the vacation of Lewis in 1848, and when Lewis resigned in 1850, Samuel Stillman was appointed to take his place, but declined. In 1854 the first detail was made for a policeman in Washington square, his boun- daries being fixed between the canal bridge, on Front street, and the crossing of the western railroad, on Grafton street. In 1851 the blue laws came in for attention from the City Council. Feb. 21 Alderman Charles White introduced the fol- lowing order, which was adopted : "Whereas, it appears that the ordinance against smoking in the streets is daily violated, it is ordered that the city marshal be directed to prosecute all such violations without unnecessary delay." Feb. 13, 1854, Mayor Knowlton appointed Frederic Warren city marshal, but the Board of Aldermen, by a vote of 5 to 3, refused to confirm him. Henry W. Conklin was nominated and confirmed Feb. 27, but declined the office. Lovell Baker. Jr., was appointed and confirmed Feb. 27. The pay of the watchmen was on a sliding scale from 1848 to 1862, when it was fixed at $2 a day, and watchmen were obliged to give their entire time to the city. During the first sixteen years of the city's incorpora- tion, the watchmen worked afternoons in shops and traveled nights. In 1859 tne P av of watchmen was $1.37^ a night, and at other times it was fixed at $1.12^ and $1.16 2-3. In 1858 the cap- tain of the night-watch was paid $1.50 a night. In 1851 the list of property owned by the Police Department, according to the report of Mayor Bacon, was "furniture in office-room, 10 straw ticks, 26 blankets, 12 watchmen's rattles, 7 billies, and i pair of leg-irons." Worcester, Massachusetts. 45 * In 1854 Mayor Knowlton recommended the reorganization of the department. The population was increasing 1,000 a year, and there were but five watchmen. The expenses of the depart- ment increased from $585 in 1848 to $5,450 in 1854, and the Police Court complaints had increased from 365 in 1848 to 1,026 in 1854. In 1855 George W. Richardson was elected mayor, and appointed Jonathan Day city marshal, the salary being fixed at $1,000, and Levi Jackson and Benjamin Walker were appointed assistant marshals, at a salary of $700 each. Samuel Sweetser and Ebenezer Flagg were appointed day watchmen. Alvan Allen, city marshal in 1853, was elected city auditor in 1854. He was killed Nov. 29, 1859, between Front and Mechanic streets, while walking on the railroads tracks. Mayor Peter C. Bacon, in his inaugural April 7, 1851, said in reference to the fugitive slave law : There is one subject now occupying a high place in public consideration. I refer to the duty of the public police as con- nected with the recent enforcement of enactment of the fugitive slave law. It may be asked whether it is intended that the police of this city shall assist in its official capacity, in its enforcement. I say, "Xo." The government of the Union is clothed with all nec- essary authority, and to them should be left enforcement of this law. The anti-slavery sentiment in Worcester dates back to 1767, when the representative to the General Court was instructed to use his influence "to obtain a law to put an end to that unchristian and impolitic species." It developed until the days of William Lloyd Garrison, and during the administration of Mayor Knowl- ton there was considerable Garrison sentiment in Worcester. The city was a hotbed of anti-slavery agitation, and intense ex- citement was caused by the attempted enforcement of the fugi- tive slave law. Many of the citizens were pronounced anti-sla- very men, and many a fugitive slave found shelter within the city limits. The excitement that was created in 1853 developed in the year following, until riots calling for police interference took place. What are known as the Asa Butman and "Angel Gabriel" riots, are familiar to many of the older residents who took an active interest in them at the time. Asa O. Butman was one of the deputy United States sheriffs who had assisted in hunting down and arresting refugees in Bos- ton and elsewhere in this state. His fame had reached Worcester,. 46 History of Police Department, so that when he had put in an appearance, a welcome awaited him that was not tending to his personal safety. He came to this city on the afternoon of Oct. 29, 1854, and put up at the American House, where he registered under an assumed name, thinking, no doubt, his identity would be unknown, and he could pursue his work without molestation. He had not been long in town before his presence was generally known, and a meeting of the POLICE HEADQUARTERS, Station i, Waldo Street. Vigilance Committee called. A committee was appointed to watch the hotel during the night to see that he did not escape, and excitement on the street and among the crowd ran high, even to the point of a mob. The committee of watchers was considerably reinforced from the crowd, and found amusement during the weary hours of the night by frequent calls at the inn door, and by shouting and jeering. Butman became ex- asperated by their actions, and drew a revolver, which he threat- Worcester, Massachusetts. 47 ened to use upon the crowd if it did not leave him alone. This gave the committee an excuse for having him arrested. A warrant was soon served charging him with carrying concealed weapons, and he was lodged in the watch-house. The case was disposed of the following day by being postponed until a later date. The prisoner, after furnishing bail, was allowed to depart and was to take a train for Boston, but the mob outside was awaiting his appearance. Fearing a riot, Marshal Baker took Butman to his office, and then went out to address the crowd. George F. Hoar also spoke to them, asking that the man be allowed to depart un- molested. While the marshal was thus engaged, a negro had made his way inside the building and to the room where Butman was waiting. Inside the room he proceeded to administer pun- ishment to the defenseless victim of his anger. Butman. was knocked to the floor and would have been given a severe pound- ing but for the return of the marshal, who immediately arrested the negro and locked him up in the room, where he was left for a short time. When wanted he was not to be found, having crawled out of the window, dropped to the ground and made his escape. Escorted by Mr. Hoar and Rev. T. W. Higginson, Butman started for the depot. The crowd was too much ex- cited to allow him to depart without some token of their indigna- tion. Several times before the depot was reached he was pelted with eggs and similar missiles, none of which had any serious effect. Arriving at the depot, it was found that the train by which he was intending to take his departure nad gone and another would not leave for an hour or more. The crowd again became excited, and cries of "Kill him !" "Put him out of misery," "Make him a present of a coat of tar and feathers !" and similar remarks, were heard. Fearing an outbreak, Butman was hurried into the closet attached to the station, the marshal ordered a team, and he was taken to Upton, where he could await the next train in safety. It was in John A. Dodge's brougham that he was finally sent on his way, no doubt rejoicing at having escaped with his life. He promised never to show himself in Worcester again, and it is believed that he kept his word. One of the unusual events that marked the progress of the year 1854 was the advent of "Gabriel" and his horn. It was not the Archangel Gabriel spoken of in the sacred page, but John S. Orr, a Scotchman, with more impudence than brains, who, with a three-cornered hat and a cockade on his head and an old bras? 48 History of Police Department, horn in his bosom, came to Worcester. He took advantage of the political excitement and traveled about the city tooting his horn, collecting crowds in the streets, and delivering what he called a public lecture, passing the hat for contributions. His lectures generally consisted of a repetition of a few ill-chosen words, prin- cipally a tirade against the papacy and Catholicism, resulting in a disturbance. His best argument was the tooting of the horn. He drew crowds, demanded police protection, and a rough time he had of it. He was arrested the second day he appeared on the streets, and on promise of leaving the city was released. He returned a week later, and on the occasion of his lecture a riot followed. Mayor Knowlton read the riot act, and the City Guards were called out. He was finally got out of town, and peace and quiet were again restored. He went to San Domingo, where he was placed in prison during one of his harangues, on the charge of being a general disturber, and died before the expira- tion of his three years' sentence. Rev. T. W. Higginson, pastor of the Free Church, was ar- rested by a Boston officer June 12, 1854, on the charge of con- spiracy in connection with the Anthony Burns case. Burns was a runaway slave, arrested in Boston, and afterward turned over to the Southern officers. An attempt was made to rescue him, Higginson being indicted with many others. Isaac Davis, elected mayor in 1856, appointed Frederic War- ren city marshal and John L. Baker deputy marshal. Joseph H. Flint, for more than forty years a member of the police force, who died early in the present year, was appointed by Mayor Davis. Frederic Warren, known as ''King" Warren, was the most widely known official in Worcester for many years. He was a constable early in the '4o's, and is said to have given the best satisfaction of any marshal who had held the office. He was courageous and fearless, and the rough element in the several sections of the city had a dread of his approach. It was during the first year of Marshal Warren's administration that the first rules governing the watch were adopted by the City Council. Nothing of importance transpired during Marshal Warren's first year in office, and he was reappointed in 1857 by Mayor Rich- ardson, and again in 1858 by Mayor Davis. J. Waldo Denny wa assistant marshal in 1857 and 1858, and Samuel H. Reed was captain of the watch. In 1857 the star badge was adopted, but it was not until later that a uniform was suggested. The total Worcester, Massachusetts. 49 earnings of the department for that year was $2,041.98, and the expenses $9,213. City Marshal Warren died Nov. 13, 1858, be- ing shot in his office Nov. 10. He had returned from Springfield with a prisoner, and at the time of the shooting there were in his office B. L. Harden and Henry W. Hendricks, the latter a sheriff from Charleston, S. C., who had been in Worcester a week on criminal business. Marshal Warren took from his safe a revolver which Henry D. Stone had given him, and was showing it to Deputy Sheriff Hendricks. The Southern officer drew back the hammer of the revolver with the thumb and was twirling the chambers of the revolver with his fingers when it was accident- ally discharged, the bullet entering Warren's breast. He knew he was fatally wounded, and before he died exonerated the dep- uty sheriff. He lived three days and was buried Nov. 15, the funeral being largely attended, many policemen from out of the city being present. City Marshal Warren was forty-nine years old, son of Charles Warren, and was born in Sutton. He had been a policeman, since coming to Worcester, several years before the city was incorporated. The Boston Courier, in speaking of his death, said : "Mr. Warren was an efficient officer and coura- geous man. He was the detective of western Massachusetts." Rules governing the watch were verbal in its early days, there being up to 1856 little system in connection with the manage- ment of the department, then not exceeding six men. The bomb- throwing and the fugitive slave law excitement of the early years of that decade had been handled fairly well, many specials being sworn in on occasions of importance. City Marshal Warren recom- mended rules for the government of the department, as Worcester was assuming the importance of a city. Mayor Isaac Davis ap- pointed Warren, and in the Board of Aldermen Samuel V. Stone, to whom the matter of police rules was referred, reported Feb. 25, 1856, the following rules and regulations. They were adopted by the Board of Aldermen and went into effect immediately. No copies were printed, they being read to the watchmen by the officer in charge of the station : Section i. The captain of the watch shall have the charge and supervision of all the watchmen, and shall have the preced- ence and control of the same whenever engaged in their duties, subject to the general control of the city marshal. Sec. 2. He shall keep a minute record of all doings of the watch ; of all arrests made bv him or bv the watchmen under his HOX. RUFUS B. DODGE, JH.. Mayor. Worcester, Massachusetts. 5 i control ; and of commitments to the lock-up (while he is on duty) by others than the watchmen. Said record shall state the names of the persons arrested, and for what cause ; the name of the officer or person making the arrest ; and what disposition (if any) has been made of the case. Sec. 3. If any person shall have been discharged by him during the night and before making his morning report, he shall record the reason for said discharge. He shall make a record of all the property taken in charge by him or by the watchmen, and what disposition has been made thereof. He shall have the general charge of the lock-up, and to see to the care and safe- keeping of the persons who may be confined therein. Sec. 4. The record herein acquired shall be transmitted each morning to the city marshal as a report of the doings of the watch for the preceding night ; and the record shall at all times be open for the inspection of the mayor and aldermen. Sec. 5. The watchmen shall have a fixed salary, to be agreed upon and fixed by the mayor and aldermen, and paid monthly ; and they shall account for or pay into the city treasury all fees received by them, or to w r hich they are entitled as witnesses in all criminal cases in which they may be called to attend before the police court. Sec. 6. The duties of the watchmen shall commence at sunset and end at sunrise ; and they shall exercise full power as watch- men during that time. Sec. 7. Every \vatchman shall perform his tour of duty at least one hour. Sec. 8. Every watchman who shall be found asleep at his post of duty, or any other place during his hours of duty, or shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct whatsoever, shall be suspended by the captain of the watch. Sec. 9. If any watchman shall be found in any house, shop, cellar, or other place of concealment during watch hours, except in the performance of his duty, he shall be suspended. Sec. 10. If any watchman desires to be absent during the night, he shall make it known to the captain of the watch be- fore* the time of setting the watch, who may grant his request if he thinks proper. Sec. TI. In case any watchman is absent, the captain may supply his place by appointing some person for the night. Sec. T2. The watchmen shall report all violations of law and order, or the ordinances of the city, which they shall discover, and all obstructions or defects in the streets or highways, to the captain of the watch, who shall report the same immediately to the city marshal. Sec. 13. Xot more than one-half of the whole number of the watchmen shall leave their beats for refreshments at one time ; and the time shall be regulated by the officer of the watch. 52 History of Police Department, Sec. 14. They shall render immediate assistance to any person who shall cry for it. Sec. 15. In case of a discovery of fire by a watchman, he shall first spring his rattle sufficiently to give alarm, and then cry "Fire" distinctly, and in an audible voice say where the fire is. Sec. 16. At the time appointed for leaving for their beats, the several watchmen shall meet at the watch-house and make a report to the officer of the watch. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the watchmen to shut off the street gas-lights within their beats, and at the time directed by the persons having charge of the same. Sec. 1 8. Any watchman neglecting to perform the duties or refusing to obey the rules above specified, shall be suspended by the captain of the watch. Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of the captain of the watch, after suspending a watchman from duty, to forthwith report the same to the city marshal, together with the cause assigned for such suspension ; and said watchman shall not be allowed to go on duty again except by the permission of the mayor and alder- men. Sec. 20. It shall be the duty of all constables and police officers to report to the city marshal all violations of law and order, or of the ordinances of the city, and to aid and assist the marshal when required so to do. Sec. 21. The foregoing rules and regulations are established for the government of the police and watch, but verbal and tem- porary orders may be given from time to time, as occasion may require, by the mayor and aldermen, or by the city marshal or captain of the watch when directed by them. Mayor Alexander H. Bullock in 1859 selected as marshal Wil- liam S. Lincoln, with James McFarland as deputy marshal and captain of the night-watch, and John M. Studley the second deputy marshal. There were nine watchmen and three day- police, making the total force of patrolmen twelve men. Mr. Lincoln began a crusade against illegal liquor-selling, which was followed with persistency in after years, and was accompanied with many exciting incidents. John Langley, one of the prom- inent gamblers in the city, had defied the police, and the watch- men had not exerted themselves to effect his arrest. Mr. Lin- coln had sufficient courage to carry out his intentions, and one of them was to bring Langley to justice. In disguise he caught Langley violating the law, and brought him before the court, but a fine of $100 and costs was the extent of the punishment, which Langley willingly paid. Political influence and public Worcester, Massachusetts. 53 opinion were a serious handicap to the work of the department. Warner Clifford, proprietor of the Bay State House, was caught selling liquor and ordered into court. Before the trial Marshal Lincoln received orders from Mayor Bullock to discontinue the prosecution. Marshal Lincoln tendered his resignation, but it was not accepted. He finished his term, but made no further at- tempt to prosecute liquor men. The constables from 1848 to 1851, and watchmen and day police from 1851 to 1860, were: Frederic Warren, Edwin Eaton, Asa Matthews, George Jones, Levi Jackson, Alvan W. Lewis, Jona- than Day, William L. Merchant, Elbridge G. Watkins, Jeremiah Kane, Peter Donliavie, William A. Howland, John D. Welts, David Gleason, Andrew Beaman, William W. Codding, Stephen Shumway, Lathrop Dorman, Gustavus Elliot, Ebenezer Lund, Arvin Thompson, James McFarland, M. L. Bolster, Joseph Chap- man, Lewis B. Clisbe, Michael O'Driscoll, George S. Hamilton, Lawson E. Levering, John R. Willard, Samuel S. Sweetser, Ebenezer Flagg, Henry H. Harrington, Horace Hilman, Dwight S. Jackson, James H. Raymore, Otis Stearns, Haskey Wight, George S. Hamilton, Ezra Kent, William Hoyle, Samuel H. Reed, Charles T. Whitmore, Joseph H. Flint, William Lawrence, John Morrison, George F. Newton, Silas Xotirse, Francis C. Bigelow, Silas Clapp, John G. Coes, Perley Dean, Walter H. Duggan, Charles W. Wentworth, Hollis Ball, John W. ' Davis, William B. Martin. The deputy marshals during that period were: Frederic Warren and Edwin Eaton, 1848; Frederic Warren, 1852 and 1853; Levi Jackson and Benja- min Walker, 1855; John L. Baker, 1856; J. Waldo Denny, 1857 and 1858; John M. Goodhue, 1858; James McFarland and John M. Studley, 1859. Captains of night-watch Frederic Warren, 1851, 1852 and 1853; Benjamin Walker, 1855; Samuel H. Reed, 1857; James McFarland, 1858 and 1859. POIJCE COMMITTEE. Worcester, Massachusetts. 55 CHAPTER IV. THIRTY YEARS IN BRIEF. Growth of Department During Period of Civil War Escape of Counter- feiter William Brockway Col. James M. Drennan's Crusade Against the Gamblers W. Ansel Washburn and Amos Atkinson at Head of Police Offices of Roundsman, Detectives and Sergeants Created Opening of Xe\v Station on "Island." The night-watch had been established ten years when, in 1860, the police force went through its second reorganization. The fugitive slave law riots, the active temperance agitation that pre- ceded municipal elections, and the tragic death of Frederic War- ren, were fresh in the minds of the people when the war-cloud appeared to keep the public mind in a fevered state of excite- ment. \Yilliam W. Rice was elected mayor in the fall of 1859, and the year 1860 opened in police circles with the appointment of Col. Ivers Phillips of Fitchburg city marshal, and Levi Jackson and Charles H. Braman deputy marshals, Levi Jackson acting as cap- tain of the night police. Colonel Phillips, who died in Boulder, Col., June 10, 1900, at the age of 95 years, was the oldest survivor of the town constables. He was constable in 1838, a member of the Pursuing Committee of the Mutual Aid Society for the Detection of Thieves in 1843, anc ^ a bitter opponent of the rum sentiment. He had moved to Fitchburg, where he was engaged in manufacturing interests, and was also president of the Boston, Barre & Gardner Railroad when Mavor Rice called him to the i - 1 office of city marshal. Colonel Phillips accepted the place with reluctance, but as his temperance ideas agreed with those of Mayor Rice, he accepted, still retaining the presidency of the railroad. Mayor Rice recommended a more liberal appropriation for the police, and discouraged the inclination to increase the earnings of the department by unnecessary arrests. The department had been placed upon a more substantial basis, the police quarters under City Hall being enlarged the year before. In October, 1860, Edwin Haven was appointed lieutenant of police, his pay being fixed at $1.65 a night. The watchmen included Sumner 56 History of Police Department, Bridges, Leonard E. Brigham, Ephraim L. Drury, Ebenezer Flagg, Joseph H. Flint, H. H. Harrington. Charles D. Mower, Stephen Shumway and Otis Stearns. In addition there were ten constables and six specials. The original rules were revised, and those adopted in 1860 were ordered printed. The first sec- tion was : The night police shall consist of a captain, and lieutenant of the watch, and, until otherwise ordered, of ten watchmen, who shall be distributed as follows, viz. : four on Main street, from Park street to Lincoln square ; two on the south beat, from Front street south ; two on the north beat, from Front street north, and two on the west beat, from Main street west, which beat shall extend from Wellington to Grove street. The rules were more specific than those of 1856, and many of them are embodied in the rules of the present department. The first assistant marshal was also captain of the night- watch, and was obliged to be on duty a portion of the day and until 12 o'clock at night, when he was relieved by the lieutenant. It was the duty of the lieutenant of the watch to patrol the city from 9 to 12 o'clock, when he was to relieve the night captain and remain in the office until the arrival of the second assistant marshal. The action taken by City Marshal Phillips against the rum ele- ment brought him into unpleasant notoriety, and at the end of the year he was satisfied to give up the office. He made many liquor seizures, the majority of them being during the night, and many convictions were brought about through the persistency of his efforts. Shortly before his term of office expired he was sued by W. C. Clark, owner of what is now the Walker block, corner Main and Mechanic streets. Marshal Phillips arrested Mr. Clark during the progress of a riot in front of his block, and suit was brought on the ground that Colonel Phillips was not a legal resident of the city. The case was freely discussed and finally dropped. Isaac Davis was again elected mayor in 1861, and appointed Col. Levi Barker city marshal. The Legislature passed in 1860 a law defining costs in criminal proceedings, and marshals and assistants were afterward paid stated salaries by the city, and were obliged to turn into the county treasury all fees paid them. The year was uneventful in police circles, although there was some excitement throughout the city resulting from the prepara- tions for war. Provost marshals had been appointed in the con- Worcester, Massachusetts. 57 gressional districts in all the loyal states, who were to supervise and execute the enrollment and draft. The excitement attend- ing the draft was not experienced in Worcester, for the reason that there were sufficient volunteers, and there were not the riots over the conscription act for drafting men in 1863 experienced in other cities. During City Marshal Barker's administration the first special was sent to Quinsigamond Village. James Mc- Farland was appointed captain of the night-watch in place of Levi Jackson. Soldiers were encamped on the fair grounds awaiting orders during the year, and naturally were unruly at night, keeping the night-watch busy much of the time. Mingled with their patriotism was the desire to enjoy the preparations for war, to the expense of many hours of worry by the night watchmen. There were desertions and foraging parties, and the watchmen were not sorry when the orders to go to the front were received. During the war 'many deserters were arrested and sent back to their companies. There was also more or less excitement in the city when the soldiers returned on furloughs and made free use of their money. No exciting events followed the return of the soldiers on furloughs or the final marching home of the troops later in the decade. During the four years of the war the mayors were P. Emory Aldrich, D. Waldo Lincoln, and Phinehas Ball, the latter hold- ing the office when the troops came home. The marshals were William E. Starr, succeeding Col. Levi Barker, in 1862, and Charles B. Pratt, in 1863, 1864 and 1865. Colonel Barker and William E. Starr are now living in Worcester, and have a clear recollection of the troublesome times during the years they were at the head of the department. The appointment of special policemen increased from year to year, the first detail being made in 1859, under Marshal J. Waldo Denny. He succeeded Frederic Warren upon his death. These first specials were Calvin W. Angier, Boston & Worcester railroad station ; John Graves, western railroad station ; Erastus N. Holmes, Mechanics Hall ; Calvin H. Pierce, mission chapel, on Summer street. The year of Mr. Starr's administration was one of the quietest in the early history of the city, possibly due to the fact that the events of the war greatly overshadowed those at home. The pay of the policemen was gradually increased during the years from 1860. In 1864 the department was put upon what in those days was called a permanent basis. It had been the custom of WILLIAM J. E. STONE, Chief of Police. Worcester, Massachusetts. 59 watchmen to travel nights and work a part of the day. Under Mayor Lincoln the watchmen were increased to $2 a day Jan. IT, and captains were increased to $2.40 a night. At that time, on recommendation of Alderman George Crompton, the pay of the city marshal was increased to $1,500, and the deputy mar- shals to $800 and $850. The salary of the city marshal was in- creased Feb. 15, 1869, to $1,600, and the assistant marshals Feb. i, 1866, 'to $1,050 for first assistant and $1,000 for second assist- ant. The salary of the marshal was not changed for several years, but the assistants were raised in 1869 to $1,100 and $1,150. The pay of the watchmen, which had been increased to $2 in January, 1864, was increased to $2.25 in October, 1865, the pay of the captains being fixed at $2.40. March I, 1866, the salary of the captain of the night-watch was increased to $2.65 a night, and the captain of the day-police to $2.50. Feb. 3, 1868, the pay of patrolmen was raised to $2.50, and the following year the pay of captains was raised to $2.75, the night and day captains receiving the same amount. Charles B. Pratt was city marshal in 1863, 1864 and 1865, through the administrations of Mayors D. Waldo Lincoln and Phinehas Ball, and proved to be an interesting official. He took active interest in the affairs of the department, and several events of importance took place during his terms of service. His assist- ant marshals were Charles M. Ruggles and John A. Dana, and the captain of the watch was John F. Murray. These officials held office until 1865, when James M. Drennan became second assist- ant marshal and Henry Cole captain of the night-watch. Truant commissioners were created in 1863, consisting of Mayor D. Waldo Lincoln, City Marshal Charles B. Pratt and J. D. E. Jones, superintendent of schools. Special policemen were ap- pointed that year for "Ward's island." The report of the city marshal for the preceding year showed that there were forty- four arrests for desertions from the army and one from the navy, and that the "soldiers in camp had kept the department busy much of the time." Uniforms for men were recommended dur- ing Marshal Pratt's first year, and Oct. 10 the City Council voted that $25 should be allowed each officer for military over- coat. During the enforcement of the conscription act in 1863 $100 was expended for extra policemen on July 4. In 1865 the Legislature passed an act authorizing policemen to carry arms 60 History of Police Department, and a "billy" and revolver, and the police gave up the rattle for the more modern equipments. Under Marshal Pratt's administration the affairs of the depart- ment progressed smoothly, the only incident of special interest being the escape and capture of William Brockway, counterfeiter and burglar. Brockway presented a bill at the depot for a ticket to a western point, and it was discovered it was a counterfeit. He was arrested at Springfield at the request of the Worcester officers and brought back to this city. Assistant Marshal John A. Dana met him at the railroad station and locked him in a cell at the police-station. There were no bars across the windows, and Brockway smashed out the glass with a shovel and escaped. Assistant Marshal Dana gave chase, but was not fast enough, and the counterfeiter escaped by jumping into a farmer's wagon and driving toward Auburn. In 1865 City Marshal Pratt learned Brockway was in Xew York, and with Assistant Marshal Dana went to that city, brought about Brockway's arrest, and he was brought back to this city. He received sentence, but it was not long after his liberation that he was wanted for burglary. In 1865 W. Ansel Washburn was appointed a member of the police force by Mayor Phinehas Ball, and in 1866 Sumner W. Ranger, now captain of Station 2, was appointed a member of the force by Mayor James B. Blake. J. Orlando Bemis was ap- pointed first truant officer in 1865. City Marshal Pratt made the first suggestion that the Police Department be made perma- nent. In 1865 he recommended an increase in the force, also a raise of pay, and asked for a day policeman at the railroad sta- tion. Referring to the permanency of the force, he said in his last report : "The system of dispensing of police appointments as political rewards, thereby producing many and frequent changes, does not produce the best results." Mayor James B. Blake assumed the office in 1866, and served through a portion of 1870, when he was killed by the explosion of the Gas Works. The war had closed, and military men were receiving rewards for their services in the way of political ap- pointments. For several years the soldier figured with promi- nence in the police, in common with other departments. City Marshal Pratt resigned Jan. 29, 1866, and at a special session of the Board of Aldermen Jan. 30 the appointment of Capt. Joseph B. Knox was made by Mayor Blake and confirmed. Nothing of interest took place during that year, the "cholera Worcester, Massachusetts. 61 scare" being agitated freely. It was during this year the ordi- nance forbidding hogs to 'run at large was passed, and City Marshal Knox was ordered to strictly enforce it as a preventive against the spread of cholera, of which the city was in dread. Gen. A. B. R. Sprague was appointed city marshal in 1867, and after serving six weeks resigned to accept a position in the in- ternal revenue department. Col. James M. Drennan, also a sol- dier, who served as assistant marshal under Marshal Sprague, was appointed city marshal June 10, 1867, and since that time has been prominently identified with the department. Emory Wilson was assistant marshal, and the captains of police were Henry Cole and George W. Austin. During City Marshal Dren- nan's first term Clark Jillson, clerk of the Police Court, and afterward mayor, was appointed patrolman. He appreciated the work of a policeman, for when he became mayor the pay of the police was raised to $3 a day, the highest figure it has reached. City Marshal Drennan's connection with the department first ceased in 1872, and he is entitled to the credit of ridding Worces- ter of its most pronounced gambling evils. He drove the most notorious of them out of the city, and an ex-police official briefly puts it : "Colonel Drennan broke the gamblers." He was a fear- less, industrious official, and personally conducted many of the police expeditions that made the department much to be feared during the early '7o's. He showed no mercy to rumsellers, and in making raids took long chances for his personal safety, bring- ing rum out of the most inconceivable hiding-places. His re- forms began with a military drill, which the police were obliged to go through in Horticultural hall, wooden swords being used. What soldierly discipline there is in the department to-day had its origin with Colonel Drennan, who devoted many years of his useful life to police-work. In one of his reports he said the "method of discipline was new and distasteful to the men, but they gradually worked into and liked it." He recommended in 1868 a new station near the Junction depot. In 1868 Emory Wilson and W. Ansel Washburn were assist- ant marshals, John Howe captain of the night-watch and Joel L. Prouty captain of the day-police. Amos Atkinson, now dep- uty chief of police, Ezra Churchill and Charles A. Garland were added to the force that year. The force was materially increased in 1869, Harrison H. Comings being captain of the day-police and John Howe captain of the night-police. In 1870 Reuben AMOS ATKINSON, City Marshal, iS&t-'Sj, and Present Deputy Chief of Police. Worcester, Massachusetts. 63 M. Colby and Joseph M. Dyson were added to the force, and two horses were purchased, the cost of horse-hire for the previous year having been upward of $1,000. The first system of police records was introduced by Marshal Drennan in 1869, showing in detail the work done by the department. Stations were rec- ommended that year for the north and south ends of the city, and dormitories received recommendation in his annual report. In referring to the death of Mayor Blake, City Marshal Drennan said in his report : "The last work performed by him at night before leaving City Hall, even as late as the midnight hour, was a tour of inspection through the department and the city prison, and the kindness of heart shown and the pleasant word spoken by him to the poor imprisoned unfortunates will dwell long in their recollections." In 1870 there were twenty-four night watchmen, and E. D. McFarland was truant officer. The force had been increased, and City Marshal Drennan had prominently figured in the two most famous cases in police history of Worcester the mur- der of Joseph G. Clark by Silas and Charles T. James in 1868, and the Graf ton Bank robbery in 1870. From 1870 to 1880 there was continued agitation relative to the pay of officers, and early in the decade the first steps were taken toward making the force permanent. In 1872, under Mayor George F. Verry, the pay was $2.75 a day for patrolmen, $3 for captains, and the marshal received $1,600, that being the salary paid for several years. Clark Jillson succeeded Mayor Verry, and there was a de- cided advance in salaries. The city marshal received $2,200, as- sistants $1,500, captains $3.25, and patrolmen $3. In 1874, under Mayor Davis, the salary of the city marshal was reduced to $2,000, assistants received $1,500 and $1,450; captains were paid $3.25, and patrolmen $2.75 a day. Clark Jillson was mayor in 1875, and the pay of captains was reduced from $3.25 to $3 a day. In 1876 the salaries were further reduced, the marshal being paid $1,800, assistants $1,350 each, captains $2.75, and patrolmen $2.50. The pay of the city marshal and assistants remained the same until 1881, but the pay of patrolmen was reduced in 1877 from $2.50.10 $2.25. Worcester was experiencing results of the panic of 1877, and there was a tendency in the Board of Aldermen to make a gen- eral reduction of salaries. Captains received $2.50 in 1877, ^78 and 1879, and were raised to $2.75 in 1880. In 1881, under 64 History of Police Department, Mayor F. H. Kelley, the salary of city marshal was increased to $1,800, the assistant marshals $1,300 each, captains $3 a night, and patrolmen were advanced to $2.50. There it remained until the reorganization of the department Dec. I, 1896, when the graded system was adopted, pay being fixed at $2.75 a day for third-year patrolmen. This was done through the efforts of Councilman Nicholas J. Mooney, a member of the Police Com- mittee of the City Council. The pay of detectives, which began in 1876 with the appointment of Ezra Churchill, has varied from $2.50 to $3.25, the amount paid at the present time. In 1883 the rank of sergeant was created, the salary being fixed at $1,000, and the pay of captains was advanced to $1,200. The only change in recent years is the advance in the salary of sergeants to $1,100. the pay of captains remaining the same. In 1884 and 1885 Amos Atkinson was the city marshal, and he combined with it the office of probation officer, increasing the salary from $1,800 to $2,200, probation officer being paid $400. The office was established by act of the Legislature in February, 1883, and is now held by Col. E. J. Russell, the salary having been increased to $1,500. In 1871 the name of watchman dis- appeared from the records, and since that time Worcester has had a police force upon modern lines. The first detective ap- pointed was Ezra Churchill in 1876, and David A. Matthews was appointed roundsman in 1879, serving one year. Amos Atkinson had acted as roundsman, but the office was not created by the City Council until 1879, an( l lasted but a single year. During that year Patrick O'Day was appointed special liquor officer. Jan. 7, 1884, Reuben M. Colby and Patrick O'Day were appointed detectives, and in February, 1883, John W. Hadley and Charles W. Barker were appointed sergeants to have charge of Station 2, they being the first sergeants appointed in the department. Jonathan B. Sibley was appointed city marshal by Mayor George F. Verry in 1872, held the office one year, and was suc- ceeded by W. Ansel Washburn, the first city marshal to come from the ranks. Emory Wilson and James R. Fish were assist- ant marshals under Marshal Sibley, and when Mr. Washburn assumed the office, E. D. McFarland and Joseph M. Dyson were made assistants. Amos Atkinson was appointed captain of night- police and Joseph L. Hall captain of day-police. Mayor Yerry was elected by the Democrats, and the changes up to that time were made in the department. The force was made up Worcester, Massachusetts. 65 largely of Republicans. Mayor Verry dropped nearly one-half the number, replacing the Republicans by Democrats as his po- litical reward. In 1873 Mayor Clark Jillson reinstated many of those dropped by Mayor Verry. When Mayor Jillson was suc- ceeded by Mayor Edward L. Davis, the most sweeping change in the history of the department was made, upward of twenty men being dropped. The majority of them were reappointed the following year by Mayor Jillson, who succeeded Mayor Davis In 1877 Charles B. Pratt was mayor, and he laid the foundation of a permanent police force. During this period the force was increased rapidly from year to year, and Mayor Pratt was able to make political appointments without pronounced changes. He recommended in his inaugurals that the force be made permanent. His example was followed by other mayors until it was made permanent during Mayor Samuel Winslow's administration in 1888, the City Council, May 22 of that year, accepting the act of the Legislature for "the tenure of the members of the police force of the city of Worcester." During the administration of Mayor E. L. Davis in 1874, an unfortunate incident happened that resulted in the defeat of Mayor Davis at the polls, and a complete change in the organization of the Police Department. A. Davis Pratt was appointed city mar- shal in 1874, and during the fall of that year John Kelley com- plained of the conduct of his son, who was living at the corner of Union and Thomas streets. The place was watched, and Officers Silas Clapp and Joseph Whittemore arrested Kelley and a woman Dec. TO, locking them up at the police-station. It de- veloped that the couple was married, and the incident was used as a campaign document, with the result that Clark Jillson de- feated Mayor Davis, and the police who had anything to do with the arrest went out of office. City Marshal Pratt had been a fore- man in the Walker boot shop, and after the defeat of the admin- istration went to Wisconsin. Mayor Charles B. Pratt in 1877 gave the city its first mounted policemen. Numerous complaints of thieving on the outskirts resulted in the experiment. The original detail included George V. Barker, D. A. Matthews, Albert J. Bonn and Napoleon Oliver. Two men were to ride the first and two the last half of the night. It was the coldest night of the winter when the officers started out. Before the hour for reporting back, all of them experienced trouble with the harness, and the horses were put into the stable 66 History of Police Department, until warmer nights. The experiment gave satisfaction, and it was carried out through Mayor Pratt's three years of office, one year nights and two years days. A carriage for the transportation of prisoners was purchased in 1882, and the mounted police idea given up. Others who rode were R. M. Colby, Charles H. Benchley, George J. Chandley and David Goggin. While riding in the vicinity of Fox mill, on Green street, David Goggin was thrown from his horse and had his leg broken. PATRICK O'DAY, Inspector of Police. The assistant marshals from 1874 to 1880 were E. D. McFar- land, Henry W. Conklin, Joseph M. Dyson, John W. Hadley, Friewaldau C. Thayer and James K. Churchill ; the captains were Patrick E. Ratigan, Joseph L. Hall, Amos Atkinson, John W. Hadley and J. K. Churchill. In 1875 City Marshal Wash- burn inaugurated the system of three reliefs. It had been the custom prior to that time to go on duty at 9 o'clock at night and go off at 4 o'clock in the morning. The growth of the city de- manded officers on duty early in the evening. The two night- reliefs had practically the same hours of duty as the present time 6 to i o'clock, and I to 7 o'clock although for a short time the late relief traveled until 8 o'clock. The reliefs were not alter- Worcester, Massachusetts. 67 nating, but in 1879, as tne result of a petition circulated among the officers by Walter N. Drohan, the system of alternating beats was established. Joseph M. Dyson went off the force March 12, 1878, resigning as assistant marshal, and John W. Hadley was appointed in his place. In his annual report for 1878, City Marshal Washburn recommended a system of graded salaries, which did not become a fact until nearly twenty years later. D. A. Matthews was appointed roundsman by Mayor Pratt in 1879, being the first to be formally appointed, and the pay was fixed at $2.75 a night. In 1880 Col. James M. Drennan returned to the department as city marshal and served three years, when W. Ansel Wash- burn succeeded him and remained one year. During 1879 Mayor Pratt issued an order to the city marshal for "further investiga- tions of the sale of liquor, and to prosecute all violations." This resulted in nearly 300 raids. City Marshal Drennan served his second period in that office during the administrations of Mayors Frank H. Kelley in 1880 and 1881, and Elijah B. Stoddard in 1882. During the adminis- trations of Mayors Yerry, Jillson, Davis and Pratt, many of the officers now on the force received their appointments. In his annual report for 1880 City Marshal Drennan referred to his re- turn after eight years, and recommended a police commission and an addition to the force. Officers R. M. Colby and Patrick O'Day were detailed for detective duty, and Jan. 7, 1884, they were appointed detectives. Feb. i, 1886, the name was changed to inspectors, and they were appointed to that office, the pay being fixed at $3.25 a day. In 1882 a police-wagon was purchased for the department, used for conveying prisoners and for ambu- lance service. That year an officer was sent to the lake, where a temporary police station was leased. March 7, 1881, the first order was introduced in the City Council for a central police-sta- tion. In 1883 Samuel E. Hildreth was mayor, and City Marshal Drennan was replaced by W. Ansel Washburn. What was known as the "Know-nothing" element entered largely into that campaign, and Assistant Marshals F. C. Thayer and J. K. Churchill were dropped. The members of the Grand Army in- terested themselves, and Mayor Hildreth made Mr. Churchill captain of the night-watch, Xathan Taylor and Amos Atkinson being appointed assistant marshals. The pay of the marshal was 68 History of Police Department, fixed at $1,800, and the assistant marshals received $1,300 each. In 1883 Station 2, on Lamartine street, was occupied, Officer Charles W. Barker being appointed sergeant by Mayor Hildreth and transferred to the new station for night-duty. John W. Had- ley was appointed on the force in February, with the rank of sergeant, and sent to Station 2. The station was opened Feb. 26, and dedicated Feb. 28. Mayor Charles G. Reed dropped Ser- geants Barker and Hadley the following year, and appointed S. W. Ranger and M.B. Lamb. In 1884 Mayor Reed appointed Amos Atkinson city marshal, F. C. Thayer and James K. Churchill as- sistant marshals, and David A. Matthews captain of night-police. In 1883 recommendations were made that the Armory on Waldo street be utilized as a central police-station. Sub-stations were also recommended for Prescott street, Grafton street and Bloomingdale road and Lake Ouinsigamond. The recommendation was also made that the department be taken out of politics, the suggestion of Mayor Reed in 1885 being "that the appointing power be taken away from the mayor and vested in a civil-service commis- sion." In City Marshal Atkinson's report for 1884 he referred to Worcester as the only city obliging its policemen to light and turn out the gas-lights, "an old custom still adhered to, v and recommended a graded system on the question of salaries. The question of a signal system had been agitated, and Mayor Reed and Marshal Atkinson made a personal investigation of the sub- ject, resulting in a system being established in 1887. The mar- shal's report for 1884 showed that two officers had been detailed for park duty, there had been 5,925 lodgers cared for, and De- tectives Colby and O'Day had recovered stolen property of the value of $3,527. The report of the probation officer, the first made, showed that 103 prisoners were taken on probation in 1884. and it was explained that "probation was the suspension of sentence for a limited time to give the offenders opportunity to reform without punishment." In 1885 tne department occupied the Armory building on Waldo street, its present quarters, removal being made Xov. 30. It was called the central station, and gave what was then consid- ered ample room for the needs of the department for many years, but within a decade the demand was made for more room. A section of the building was devoted to general offices, there were sleeping quarters for twenty men, a guard-room and two cell- Worcester, Massachusetts. 69 rooms, one for men and the other for women. The department at the time numbered seventy-seven men. In his second report Marshal Atkinson showed the valuation of police property to be $18,398.90. The lodgers numbered 7,215, the number having more than doubled in two years, and were declared a nuisance ia the report. James A. Herbert, one of the most widely known of the patrolmen, died March 2, 1885. The first patrol-wagon was purchased by City Marshal Atkinson in 1885 ; it cost $400, and was made in Amesbury. There was no barn at the station, and the horses were kept in an adjoining stable. When an alarm came in it was necessary to send word to the barn and have the horse brought to the station, a slow process, but a decided im- provement upon walking a prisoner in from Quinsigamond or some equally distant section of the city. The citizens' ticket administration went out with the election of Samuel Winslow mayor in the fall of 1885, and he held the office during 1886, 1887, 1888 and 1889. He appointed W. Ansel Washburn city marshal and Amos Atkinson second assistant mar- shal, the first assistant being F. C. Thayer. It was the first no- license year, and the police had a busy time. The salary of the city marshal was dropped from $2,200 to $2,000, the assistants each receiving $1,300, and the captain received $1,200. City Mar- shal Washburn held the office until 1893, being succeeded by Major E. T. Raymond. His fourteen years at the head of the department, during a period of twenty years, gave him oppor- tunity to make many reforms which were suggested to him by the growth of the city, and some reforms in the department to- day are the result of his early recommendations. He was the foe of the rum-men, and in the enforcement was honest and conscientious. He had traveled as patrolman, knew the needs of officers, and while maintaining strict discipline had a kindly con- sideration for an officer who stepped out of the straight and narrow path. In his report for 1886 Marshal Washburn said the department had grown from the little band of six watchmen under George Jones to eighty men. The arrests for the year were 2,917, a smaller number than in 1881, when it was 3,022, and the arrests for drunkenness numbered 1,680, the smallest in many years, a direct result of no license. In seven months of license the arrests numbered 1,385, while during a corresponding seven months under no license the number was 954. During the 70 History of Police Department, year there were served 1,372 liquor warrants, resulting in the seizure of 4,000 gallons of liquors of all kinds. In 1887 Mayor Winslow added several officers to the force, and the recommendation was made that it be increased to 100 men. In 1888 Sumner W. Ranger was appointed captain of Station 2, on Lamartine street, having been in charge of the sta- tion days with the rank of sergeant. During that year the office of police matron was established by legislative act : Mrs. Mary B. Lane was appointed matron at a salary of $500 a year. David J. Barr was appointed permanent driver of police-wagon, a jani- tor was added to the department at a salary of $600 a year, and the assistant marshal's salary was advanced from $1,300 to $1,500. The expenses of the department for that year amounted to $102,- ooo, the first year in its history it had reached the $100,000 figure. The Brewer & Smith signal-service system was installed, and under its first two months' operation 227 prisoners were brought to the station in response to calls, and the police-wagon ran 138 miles. James J. McLane died Feb. 5, and Leonard X. Thayer July 25, the latter having been a member of the depart- ment since June i of that year. May 22, 1888, under Mayor Samuel Winslow, the city accepted the act of the Legislature making the force permanent. On June 4 an order was passed requesting the city physician to make an examination of members of the force, excepting marshals and assistants, with a view to permanent appointment. The report was made June 11, when Mayor Winslow dropped the entire force of patrolmen and reappointed them as permanent officers, under the provisions of the civil-service act. Not one of the patrolmen was dropped as a result of the examination. This was the ending of what had been during the latter part of every year scenes of confusion and disorder, unmanning nearly the entire force. Worcester, Massachusetts. 71 CHAPTER V. AN ERA OF PROGRESS. Central Police Station Occupied in 1885 and Department Furnished with Patrol-Wagons Signal and Telephone System Installed and Woman's Prison Established Force Made Permanent by Mayor Samuel Winslow in 1888 Organization of Police Relief Association and Establishment of Ambulance Service. The period from 1880 to 1890 was the era of progress in the Police Department. It began with the purchase of a wagon for the transportation of prisoners by City Marshal James M. Dren- nan in 1882. This improvement upon the custom of dragging prisoners through the streets a mile or more gave the officers such ideas of ease and luxury that they were not contented until all the progressive steps suggested had been carried into effect. The action of City Marshal Drennan was followed by the purchase by City Marshal Amos Atkinson of a patrol-wagon for general use in arrests and conveyance of sick and injured per- sons. In 1883 came the establishment of a sub-station on Lamartine street during the administrations of Mayor Samuel E. Hildreth. It had a civilizing effect upon the inhabitants of the "Island" district, and proved decidedly beneficial to the order and discipline of the department. In 1885 came the occupation of a central station on Waldo street, followed by the installation of a police-signal and telephone system in 1887. This was followed by the establishment of a wom- an's prison in charge of a matron. The organization of the Worces- ter Police Relief Association in 1887 was followed in 1888 by the acceptance by the city of the civil-service law, making the force permanent. As the result of agitation among members of the department, following the death of two patrolmen in 1886, the Worcester Police Relief Association was organized March 2, 1887. Assistant Marshal F. C. Thayer, associated with other members of the de- partment, investigated the organizations in other cities and pro- cured copies of constitutions and by-laws under which kindred organizations were working. The first meeting was held in the Central District Court room, on Waldo street, there being pres- 72 History of Police Department, ent sixty-seven members of the department. Assistant Marshal Thayer called the meeting to order, and outlined the purpose of the organization to afford aid and relief to the sick members of the department, and to provide a benefit for the family of a de- ceased member. Patrick O'Day was elected chairman and Mr. Thayer clerk. The committee to draw up by-laws included Of- ficers John F. Beahn, William Hickey, J. T. Johnson, Capt. David A. Matthews and Sergt. Sumner W. Ranger. To this ARTHUR F. ROACH, Acting Inspector of Police. committee were added City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn, Assist- ant Marshal F. C. Thayer and Inspector Patrick O'Day. The meeting was adjourned to March 9, when the constitution and by- laws were adopted and officers were elected. The by-laws provided for the payment of a death-benefit of $300, and a sick-benefit of $i a day for not more than 180 days, and the annual dues were fixed at $2. The membership-fee was fixed at $5, and an article in the by-laws provided that any member of the association leaving the force could still retain his member- ship. The meeting was adjourned to March 10 for the election of officers. City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn was elected presi- Worcester, Massachusetts. 73 dent, but declined to accept. The following were the first officers of the association : President Friewaldau C. Thayer. Vice-president Matthew J. Walsh. Secretary Patrick O'Day. Treasurer Amos Atkinson. Directors Sumner W. Ranger, Michael J. Foley, David A. Matthews, Nicholas J. Mooney and Addison March. The question of a concert and ball was discussed at this meet- ing, and a committee to consider the project included City Mar- shal W. Ansel Washburn, Sergt. Sumner W. Ranger, Capt. David A. Matthews and Officers John F. Beahn, James T. John- son, William Hickey, Addison March, Edward C. Fitzpatrick, George V. Barker and Thomas Hurley. The first quarterly meeting of the association was held April 6, when the Ball Com- mittee reported it inadvisable to hold a concert and ball until winter, and the committee was discharged. A Committee on Entertainments was appointed consisting of Capt. David A. Mat- thews, Inspector Patrick O'Day and Officers Charles A. Gar- land, William Finneran and M. J. Foley. It was voted to hold a ball in Mechanics Hall Dec. 2, 1887. The committee to make arrangements included City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn, As- sistant Marshal F. C. Thayer, Assistant Marshal Amos Atkin- son, Inspector Patrick O'Day, Capt. David A. Matthews, Sergt. Sumner W. Ranger, Officers Thomas Hurley, Michael J. Foley, James T. Johnson, William Finneran, Nicholas J. Mooney, George V. Barker, Edward S. Crowell, John F. Beahn, William Hickey, Simeon M. Bellows, Romanzo Thayer and Charles A. Garland. The price of tickets was fixed at $1.50, and City Mar- shal Washburn was selected as floor director. Later in the meet- ing Sergt. Matthew J. Walsh and Inspector Reuben M. Colby were added to the General Committee. Drilling for it took place in the Rink under the direction of Capt. David A. Matthews, and the ball was a social and financial success, the drill being a feature of the programme. The report of Treasurer Amos Atkinson relative to the first ball of the association shows the receipts as follows: Tickets sold, 1,738; receipts from sale of tickets, $2,608.25 ; donations, $223.05 ; total receipts, $2,922.35 ; expenses, $530.20; net receipts, $2,392.15. The report shows that there was in the treasury before the ball $292.15, and the total cash in the treasury Jan. 4, 1888, when the first annual report of the 74 History of Police Department, treasurer was made, was $2,684.65. The donations were from the following: Stephen Salisbury, ex-Mayor Samuel E. Hildreth, F. B. Knowles, Sargent Card Clothing Co., Charles H. Eastman, George F. Hewett, William J. Hogg, Prof. L. P. Kinnictitt, M. J. Whittemore, John Bowler, W. H. Chandler, Albert Curtis, \Yilliam Bonney, Mr. Higgins, J. D. E. Jones, Jeremiah Murphy, W. H. Inman, Charles Crompton, Mr. Bigelow, Col. E. J. Rus- sell and Mr. Benchley. The first annual report showed a balance in the treasury, after paying sick-benefits and the expenses of the association, of $2,740.81. At the second annual meeting the original officers were reflected, and the president, secretary and treasurer were in- structed to take necessary steps to have the association incor- porated under the laws of the Commonwealth. Application was made Oct. 20, 1888, and Jan. 23, 1889, the charter was granted by H. B. Peirce, secretary of the Commonwealth, the charter members being Assistant Marshal F. C. Thayer, Inspector Patrick O'Day, Capt. David A. Matthews, Sergt. Sumner W. Ranger, Assistant Marshal Amos Atkinson, and Officers Addison March, Nicholas J. Mooney and Michael J. Foley. Oct. 31, 1888, the by-laws were amended so as to increase the death-benefit from $300 to $400, and the annual dues and death-assessments were $2 each. The officers were called a Board of Governors, and the first sick-benefit was paid Officer Joseph H. Flint, amounting to $4, it being voted him at a meet- ing, of the board in January, 1889. The first death in the asso- ciation was Officer M. J. Hubbard, and his widow received $400. The first year's sick-benefits amounted to $118. On May i -. 1889, the by-laws were amended to provide for the payment of a sick-benefit of $1.25 a day not exceeding 120 days; that is the benefit paid at the present time, which represented for many years one-half a day's pay. Assistant Marshal F. C. Thayer held the office of president until 1892, when Capt. David A. Matthews of Station i suc- ceeded him, and Capt. Sumner W. Ranger of Station 2 was elected vice-president, the offices of secretary and treasurer being held by Patrick O'Day and Assistant Marshal Amos Atkinson respectively. Capt. Matthews held the office of president during 1892, 1893, 1894 and 1895, an(1 was succeeded by Sergt. Thomas McMurray of Station i. who held the office during 1896 and 1897. He was succeeded by Officer Edward C. Fitzpatrick of Station 2, Worcester, Massachusetts. 75 who held the office during 1898 and 1899, and his successor in 1900 was Lieut. James T. Johnson of Station i, who holds the office at the present time. The vice-presidents since Captain Ranger have been Sergt. John W. Warren of Station 2, two years; Officer Herbert W. Merrill of Station i, two years; and Sergt. William Hickey of Station 2. elected last March, who is serving with President James T. Johnson. The members of the department who have served on the Board of Directors are Chief of Police W. J. E. Stone, Sergts. John W. Warren, Thomas McMtirray, Walter N. Drohan, William Hickey, Acting Inspect- or Arthur F. Roach, Officers Henry B. Streeter, William R. Ramsdell, Thomas Cummings, Charles W. Barker, Henry H. Mecorney, Oliver Blake, George A. McLeod, James J. Tierney, J. Clarence Davis, Silas D. Hemenway, D. E. Clifford, Thomas F. Boyle, John O'Connor, John B. McCarthy, Edward C. Fitz- patrick, John Dunn, Thomas Hurley, Fred M. Ames and David J. Whelen. There have been thirteen annual concerts and balls, the amount cleared being as follows: 1887, $2,392.15; 1888, $2,399.84; 1889, $1,969.18; 1890, $2,255.38; 1891, $2,010.45; 1892, $2,328.28; 1893, $1,734.26; 1894, $i.975-65 : 1895- $2492-25 ; 1896, $2,470.46; 1897, $2,264.07; 1898, $1,907.87; 1899, $1,781.23. The sums in the treasury to the credit of the association since 1890 are as follows: 1891, $9,567.01 ; 1892, $11,277.08; 1893, $13,507.84; 1894, $15,242.10; 1895, $17,774.95; 1896, $18,964.11; 1897, $21,- 742.65; 1898, $24,656.82; 1899, $27,383.95; 1900, $28,945.20. Benefits have been paid on account of the deaths of Reuben M. Colby, Freeman H. Sampson, Patrick E. Ratigan, Thos. C. Cum- mings, James S. O'Connor, Michael J. Healey, Patrick Diggins, Wm. H. Johnson, Marshall S.Greene, Bellville R. Hunter, Andrew J. Benson, Joseph H. Flint and Charles A. Garland. The death- benefit has been three times increased. It was raised from $300 to $500 by an increase of $100 at a time, and during the last year Capt. David A. Matthews was president, his recommenda- tion that the death-benefit be increased to $700 was adopted. The membership-fee at the present time is $20, and the annual dues and death-assessments $2 each. There has been paid out in death and sick benefits since the organization of the institution between $13,000 and $14,000, an average of $1,000 a year dur- ing its existence. There is now a membership of 132, and the income from dues and death-assessments pays nearly one-half 76 History of Police Department, the average expenses of a year based on the reports for the past ten years. There is an annual income from the invested funds more than sufficient to pay one death-claim. Within the past year the by-laws have been changed to meet the requirements of the insurance commissioner, owing to changes in the insur- ance laws requiring separate death-benefit and sick-benefit ac- counts, also expense accounts. The finances of the association have been carefully handled, and sickness and death in the depart- HERBERT J. FISHER, Acting- Inspector of Pawn-shops and Licenses. ment can be cared for a long time to come. There is no more worthy organization, and Worcester's citizens have contributed to it liberally. When the police signal service went into effect Oct. 14, 1887, following the purchase of a patrol-wagon three years before, the policeman realized his burdens had been lightened. It had been a custom to walk prisoners to the station from whatever section the arrest was made, and the task became tedious if the prisonei was inclined to be unruly, and the distance to the station was as far as the limits of some of the beats of to-day. Prisoners have an idea they must contest every foot of the ground with a Worcester, Massachusetts. 77 policeman when under arrest, and the crowd that looks on gen- erally sympathizes with the under dog in the fight. For several years recommendations were made by mayors and city marshals for a signal service, the difficult duties of the policeman being set forth with emphasis. The city was expand- ing in every direction, and policemen who were sent to the lower end of Shrewsbury street, New Worcester and Quinsiga- mond were not able to give the city much protection if obliged to make an arrest in the night, and walk to the police station with a fighting prisoner. Mayor Samuel Winslow, City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn and the committee from the City Council, consisting of Aldermen F. A. Harrington and L. L. Brigham, visited several cities where signal systems had been installed. It was decided to recommend the Brewer & Smith visual system, invented by Capt. James P. Brewer of Station i, and W. C. Smith, superintendent of the fire-alarm system, both of New Haven. The City Council passed the order for the service June 20, and the contract was signed Sept. 12. It was a ground-wire system, meaning that one wire was grounded at each station. Two boxes were on a circuit, and the original contract called for thirty boxes. The cost of the system was about $4,000, and it gave satisfaction until the heavy current escaping from the street-car rails charged the telephone wires and practically made them useless. W. C. Smith came to Worcester to superintend the construction of the system, which was done under the supervision of Charles M. Mills, then superintendent of fire-alarm telegraph. The best feature about the system was the red light that could be thrown from the central station. This light could be seen :i long distance, and when an officer was wanted, or there was a message to deliver an officer from central station, the globe was thrown, and the attention of the officer was attracted instantly if he happened to be in the vicinity of the box. In setting up some of the boxes the adjustment was not perfect, and the globe would not go up. When the defect was remedied, the system worked well for nearly ten years. The first boxes were centrally located, and in 1888 ten boxes were added, making forty boxes, which was the number in use when the new system was installed in 1899. The most distant box in the old system was at Lake Quinsigamond, and other outside boxes were at North and Pres- cott streets, Webster square, Quinsigamond wire mill, and Agri- cultural and Highland streets. There were two stations on a 78 History of Police Department, circuit, and an enormous amount of wire was necessary. Where two boxes were put on a circuit in the first system, ten are put onto the circuit under the Gamewell system. In connection with the first system a bell was attached to a stable on Foster street, where the horse for the patrol-wagon was kept, and the stable- man was notified immediately after the call came in. The first message sent over the wires was from the box corner Main and Oread streets. One of the aldermen who was on the committee to select the system, opened the box and ordered his dinner, the message being received at the Waldo street station. The second day after the boxes were installed, one of them failed to work, but the adjustment was reset and there was little trouble after- ward. As soon as trolley-cars began running on Main street, it was necessary to put in resistance boxes to neutralize the current. The system was turned over to the Fire-alarm Department to care for, and since 1890 has been in charge of Supt. W. H. McClure. For six years the system was in fairly good condi- tion, but for five years it had given poor satisfaction. The visual feature was the best invented, but the telephone was ruined by street railways. To work the visual system required grounded wires, and these were useless on the telephone branch. Elec- tricians said it was impossible to have a visual and telephone system in one box under the present conditions of wiring and the leakage from street-car rails. It took one man nearly all the time to care for it, and it proved expensive after a few years. The cost of repairs during the past five years averaged $600 a year, and electricians condemned it. Early in 1899, a f ter tne fire-alarm system was installed by the Gamewell Fire & Police Telegraph Co., the question of a new police signal service was agitated. The Police Committee, con- sisting of Aldermen John R. Back, Charles A. Vaughan, and Councilmen John H. Meagher. George C. Hunt and Wesley Mer- ritt, together with Chief of Police James M. Drennan, visited several cities and decided upon the Gamewell system. Mayor Rufus B. Dodge, Jr., contracted with the Gamewell Co., the price being $10,000. It is a metallic circuit central station sys- tem. There are forty-eight boxes in use, and there is no limit to the number of boxes that can be placed on one circuit. The territory in which boxes have been installed has not expanded since the Brewer & Smith system was put in, but there are Worcester, Massachusetts. 79 eight additional boxes in the more thickly-settled districts. Ed- ward Rogers of the Gamewell Co. superintended setting up the new system, but the work was done under the direction of W. H. McClure and D. E. Healy of the Fire-alarm Department.' It is a tape system, all calls being registered at central station on a tape, by telegraph code. In the box are telephone, police- wagon, ambulance and duty calls, the tape showing the box, officer who sent it in, and the nature of the call. The boxes are arranged about the city at the junction of several beats, and there are many hundred calls during the night. Officers are obliged to send in a duty-call every hour, and the tape on which they come in is kept for reference, so that every officer in the department is accounted for during the time he is on his beat. Officer M. E. Craffey of Station i had charge of the system when it was installed, but in the interest of economy it was turned over to the care of the superintendent of fire alarm, the change making a saving to the city of several hundred dollars a year. In the central station are the switch-boards, clocks, pole- changes for each circuit, relays for each circuit and pen-register. The charging-board consists of volt and am meters, and double pole-switches to connect the line with the batteries. This sys- tem was first used in September, 1899, and gives satisfaction. The establishment of a sub police-station at the corner of Lamartine and Grosvenor streets in 1883 had more of a civiliz- ing effect upon the unruly element of the sections of South Worcester, Millbury street, the "Island" and "Scalpingtown," the name given the territory around Gold and Assonet streets, than any other single act done by the City Council. The police had experienced considerable trouble in these sections, and for nearly twenty years a sub-station had been recommended. The building which is now occupied as Station 2 was originally built for a Fire Department house. It was constructed under the direction of S. E. Combs, chief engineer of the Fire Depart- ment for many years, and proved to be too large for the needs of the department. It is a three-story brick structure, and the only piece of fire apparatus in it at the time it was used for Fire Department purposes was a hose-reel. The expense of heating the Lamartine street building was so much that Chief Engineer Combs made a proposition to the police officials that if the de- partment would build him a smaller house on the adjoining lot, his department would give up the engine-house to the Police 8o History of Police Department, Department. This was done, and Feb. 26, 1883, the new station was formally opened. Mayor Samuel E. Hildreth made three additions to the force to meet the demands of the new station, and Feb. 5 appointed Martin Doherty, Nathan A. Simmons and John W. Hadley. An order was passed by the City Council that two sergeants be appointed for the new station, at a salary of $1,000 each. John W. Hadley had been dropped from the office of assistant city marshal by Mayor Kelley in 1880, and was not WILLIAM L. ROBINSON, Clerk of Police. again a member of the force until 1883, when his appointment was made by Mayor Hildreth. Feb. 26 a detail of sixteen men was made from central station for the Lamartine street station, and John W. Hadley was made day-sergeant, and Charles W. Barker night-sergeant, the latter being appointed Feb. 19. They were the first sergeants created by the City Council. The six- teen patrolmen who were transferred to the new station were : W. R. Curtis, Martin Doherty, Walter N. Drohan, Daniel Foley, Charles Hanson, Frank J. Howe, James Hunt, Thomas Killilea, John Legasey, J. M. Maloney, Daniel McCarthy, John O'Con- nor, Patrick E. Ratigan, Freeman H. Sampson, Nathan A. Sim- mons and Nicholas J. Mooney. Worcester, Massachusetts. 81 The new station was dedicated on the evening of Feb. 28 by Mayor S. E. Hildreth in the presence of members of both branches of the City Council, with eighty invited guests. A gen- eral inspection of the building was made, after which the party went to the drill-room on the third floor, where a collation was served. Mayor Hildreth welcomed the party, after which there was general speaking. He referred to the action of the City Council in establishing a branch station as the "opening wedge which would secure to other parts of the city similar quarters, and to the rest of the department a station and facilities suita- ble for its business." Mayor Charles G. Reed dropped Sergts. Hadley and Barker, together with City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn, and Jan. 7, 1884, Sumner W. Ranger and Matthew B. Lamb were appointed sergeants, the former in charge of the station days and the latter nights. March 24 Sergt. M. B. Lamb resigned, and Matthew J. Walsh was appointed sergeant. In 1899 the building was re- modeled, the lodging-room being abandoned. The force at the station in 1900 is composed of one captain, one lieutenant, two sergeants, two doormen, four day-patrolmen and twenty night- patrolmen. In 1886 the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Massa- chusetts inaugurated a movement to have a woman's prison and matron connected with the police departments in cities of over 30,000 inhabitants. This agitation resulted in an act being passed by the Legislature in 1887, and the Worcester department car- ried it into effect at once. Mrs. Mary B. Lane, who had the endorsement of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Worcester, was appointed matron May 31, 1887, by Mayor Sam- uel Winslow, and began her duties July i. She did not make the Waldo street station her home, as there were few women arrested in the early months of her appointment. During her connection with the department from July i, 1887, to April i, 1892, she cared for 1,400 women prisoners, an average of about 275 a year. She was adapted to the care of unfortunate women, and when she re- signed April i, 1892, the department realized it had experienced a loss it would be difficult to fill. The work was hard for her, and she resigned to accept a similar position in the Massachu- setts reformatory at Concord. The office of police matron had been established from a humanitarian point of view, and it was with many misgivings that Mrs. Lane undertook to bring the 82 History of Police Department, influence of Christian womanhood to bear on the darkest sub of woman's life. She had to deal with the depraved and the de- graded, and many of the unfortunate characters in Worcester came under her care. The influence wielded at this time is im- portant, and, generally speaking, the influence brought to bear upon these people had good results. When Mrs. Lane first became connected with the department, women prisoners were in the same cell-room with men. Through her efforts the present quarters on the second floor were obtained in 1888. Dora H. Cook, employed in the Westboro Insane Asylum as a nurse, succeeded Mrs. Lane, and held the office until Jan. i, 1897, when she resigned and was succeeded by Mrs. Deborah B. Sawtelle, for eleven years matron at the Summer street jail. Mrs. Sawtelle was appointed by Mayor A. B. R. Sprague. The salary of the office has been raised from $500 under Mrs. Lane to $700, the latter raise having been made on petition of Mi:-;-; Cook during her administration of the woman's prison. The matron makes her home at police headquarters, having three furnished rooms, and the department has been successfully man- aged. May 22, 1888, the City Council accepted the act of the Legisla- ture for the tenure of the members of the police force of the city of Worcester. The subject was brought to the attention of the City Council in 1887 on petition of City Marshal W. Ansel Wash- burn, P. L. Moen and others. It had been recommended by Mayor Samuel Winslow, and the chiefs of police for twenty-five years had suggested in annual reports, to take the police out of politics. Mayor Charles B. Pratt in 1877 recommended a perma- nent police force, and it was in his administration that the fewest changes were made. In 1875 tne force began increasing yearly, and Mayor Pratt dropped a few members of the department when he came into office. His custom was followed during the administrations of mayors who succeeded him, and Mayor \Vins- low in his inaugural strongly favored a permanent force. The petition was referred to a committee consisting of Aldermen Crane and Porter and Councilmen Aldrich, Luby and Wood- ward. The report was favorable, and the city accepted the law. An order directing the mayor to petition the Legislature to make the Worcester police force permanent, introduced in the City Council Jan. 26, 1880, during Mayor Kelley's administration, had been rejected. Worcester, Massachusetts. 83 Placing the Police Department upon the permanent basis made it necessary for every applicant, unless a veteran of the Civil War, to take the civil-service examination. The general law went into effect in 1884, and members of the Worcester force who were appointed after that year were required to take an examination. An amendment to the law was passed which pro- vided that "veterans may apply for appointment to or for employ- ment in any position in the public service without examination. In such application such veteran shall under his oath state such facts as may be required by the civil-service rules." In the force at the present time there are thirty-four veterans of the Civil War and one veteran of the Spanish-American War. Veterans of the Civil War who are under fifty-five years of age are few in Worcester. There are no names on the veteran civil- service list whose ages are under fifty-five, and the last appoint- ment from this list was made by Mayor Rufus B. Dodge, Jr., May 28, 1900, of John H. Walker, whose age was fifty-one years. Any veteran has the right to have his name added to the list by application to the Civil-service Commissioners. To be placed on the civil-service list requires a lengthy ex- amination. It is competitive, and one is usually held every year, taking place at City Hall. The largest number examined at one time was seventy, and the lowest forty-two. Questions are asked in various studies, including simple questions in criminal law, and every applicant is required to write a letter to the mayor as a specimen of his handwriting and composition. The exam- iners in Worcester are James Early, one of the original mem- bers of the board ; Frank B. Hall, secretary, who has served since May 5, 1892; and John P. Munroe, who has served since July, 1898. The first secretary of the board was Frederick W. South- wick, and the other original member was George H. Mellen, now a resident of Boston. Whenever there is an addition to be made to the police force, the mayor must make a requisition upon the civil-service ex- aminers for several names. For one vacancy three names shall be certified ; for two vacancies, four names ; for three vacancies, five names ; then for each multiple of three vacancies the same multiple of five names. Before an applicant can get on the list, he must pass a physical examination. Last year the Board of Aldermen accepted the strength-test, which is conducted by Dr. Augustus H. Brown of New York, and takes place at the Young 8 4 History of Police Deportment, Men's Christian Association gymnasium. This test has proved a stumbling-block to many bright applicants who have passed the mental test. The ambulance service, now centred at the Waldo street po- lice-station, is one of the important branches of the service, and added an annual expense of several thousand dollars. When the police-station was under the old City Hall, on Front and Main streets, one small room was used for the care of sick and injured DAVID A. MATTHEWS, Captain. persons. It was the custom to call the city physician, and as soon as possible take the patient either to his home or the City Hospital. In 1882 the first wagon was purchased by the de- partment. It was a covered arrangement, and was known as the "Black Maria," being used for transportation of prisoners from the police-station to the jail. In 1885, during the administration of City Marshal Amos Atkinson, a wagon was purchased in Amesbury at an expense of $400, and this was fitted as a patrol- wagon and emergency ambulance. Upward of ten years ago Worcester, Massachusetts. 85 the first regulation ambulance was bought. City Physician L. F. Woodward gave lectures at the police-station soon after it went into service, on emergency work, and the drivers and of- ficers received information relative to the care of a person severe- ly injured. The police at first carried sick and accident cases to the hospitals, but during Major E. T. Raymond's administra- tion as chief of police, he refused to convey sick persons, and the ambulance was placed under the supervision of the trustees of the City Hospital. The Police Department purchased a new emergency ambulance, after the pattern of those used at the Boston hospitals. For several years there was correspondence between the hospital and police authorities relative to having the entire ambulance service under the full charge of either one department or the other. Conferences were held between the police officials, Mayor Dodge and hospital trustees, and in 1899 the ambulance service was placed under the supervision of the Police Department. The Waldo street engine-house passed into the hands of the police, and is used as a stable. There are two ambulances, two drivers for ambulance-work, and a surgeon who goes on every call, his headquarters being in the building. The appointment of an ambulance surgeon is the direct re- sult of the work of the Brotherhoods of Railroad Trainmen and Locomotive Engineers. It was claimed that accident victims in the railroad yards could not be properly handled without the presence of a surgeon. Petitions were sent to Mayor Dodge, and in 1899 he appointed Dr. Francis Shaw, who is the surgeon at the present time. 86 Histcry of Police Department, CHAPTER VI. HALF CENTURY OF MURDERS. Hanging of Silas and Charles T. James for Killing Joseph G. Clark Arrest of John Murphy in May Street Road-HousePardon of Thomas Callahan Arrest of Dwight F. Stesre Accidental Shooting of Henry T. Weikle by Officer Lowe'l Lilla Hoyle Mystery Tainter and William Streets Tragedies. After the close of the Civil War Worcester's population in- creased rapidly. It nearly doubled in the ten years from 1860 to 1870. In 1860 there were twelve policemen, this number being increased to sixteen in 1865. As the population grew and the city expanded, it was found necessary to enlarge the police force to meet the demands of the growing city. From a force of six- teen men under City Marshal C. B. Pratt in 1865, it was in- creased to thirty men under City Marshal James M. Drennan in 1870. The period from 1865 to 1875 is generally considered the dec- ade of greatest lawlessness since the department began. It was the period when the gamblers realized their days in Worcester were drawing to a close. Col. James M. Drennan inaugurated a crusade against them that practically drove them out of the city. The road-houses and gambling-houses were familiar resorts. Dan and Eunice Green ran the "brick house" on Bloomingdale road after Green left the "Five Points," and his arrest Sept. 13, 1851, for the murder of James Callahan; Jack Shepherd's place on May street had a wide reputation ; the Five Points cottage, near the Summit, was run by Beeman Webber, after Green left it ; Jack Quimby ran the Tatnuck cottage, which was a short distance west of the present location of Newton square ; the Half- Way house, between Worcester and Millbury, was run by Mrs. Sugee, who left Worcester suddenly after Jim Crockett was murdered in 1866; these, with the "Farm," below Rice square, and the "White House" on Belmont street, were the famous road-houses of that time. Joseph G. Clark, John Langley and Bill Eager were the most notorious gamblers. Langley had a room where' the Walker Ice Co. now has its office on Exchange street. Eager ran a wide Worcester, Massachusetts. 87 open game in the building west of Langley's, now occupied by D. W. Meagher & Co., and Joseph Clark had rooms in Union block, on Alain street. Yank Sullivan's place was at 419 Alain street and Aaron Lord's rooms were at 464 Main. street. Other places were 10 Pearl street, Stockwell's block, 16 Alechanic street, the block corner Alechanic and Norwich streets, the Gould- ing block at 300 Alain street, 398 Alain street, and at Franklin square. During City Alarshal Drennan's administration occurred the Joseph G. Clark murder and the Grafton Bank robbery, the most famous cases in the police history of Worcester. Marshal Drennan brought Silas and Charles James to the gallows for the murder of Clark, and rounded up the Grafton Bank robbers, sending two of them to state prison. The jealousy of a woman resulted in the discovery of the murderers of Clark, and for re- venge a woman gave the police information that brought about the arrest of the bank robbers. The James boys were the only persons hanged for a murder committed in Worcester. Joseph G. Clark was a professional gambler, and came to Worcester from Providence at the close of the Civil War. He occupied rooms in the third story of the fourth-story building which stood on the east side of Alain street, south of and ad- joining the Alechanics Hall building. It was known as Union block, owned by Lewis Barnard, who had made preparations to vacate its use by tenants of an objectionable character. Silas James, familiarly known in Providence and Worcester as "Gen- eral," and Charles T. James, the former thirty-one years old, and the latter twenty-two, were cousins, and belonged in Green- wich, R. I. They came to Worcester on the morning train from Providence Feb. 25, 1868. Charles had been in Worcester before that time. They boarded during their stay at the Waldo House on Waldo street, and visited saloons and gambling-rooms in the city. There were many gambling-places at that time, and among Clark's associates was John Langley, who had been selected as a victim by the James boys. George R. Wesson, now living on Grafton street in what was known in the earlier days as Wesson's tavern, knew Clark, and also had an acquaintance with Charles and Silas James. He gave Clark a warning that they were in Worcester to rob someone, but Clark had received so many warnings concerning visiting gamblers that he took no no- tice of it . 88 History of Police Department, On the evening of Feb. 28 George H. Ward Post, G. A. R., gave its first ball in Mechanics Hall, and there was an unusual number of persons on the streets. An alarm of fire was given from Union block in the course of the evening, and it was dis- covered Clark had been murdered in one of his rooms by blows given by a hatchet upon his head, and that his death had been made certain by the violent twisting of a hempen cord around his neck. The body had then been moved to an adjoining room, JAMES T. JOHNSON, Lieutenant. where it was placed upon a bed, kerosene oil sprinkled upon it, a lighted match applied, burning the clothing and filling the room with smoke. The murder was discovered by Emma F. Thayer, formerly Mrs. Eaton, whose home was at the corner of Summer and Charles streets, and she had lived with Clark for two years. She was a native of Charlton, had been married, but was separated from her husband, and at the time of the murder had been hold- ing a relation to Clark that was by no means equivocal in its Worcester, Massachusetts. 89 character. Although she claimed to make her home with her mother, Clark furnished the provisions, and they lived separately from the rest of the family, part of the time in the house and part of the time in the block. On the night of the murder Mrs. Eaton went to Clark's rooms at an early hour, and made several ineffective attempts to gain admission. She seated herself upon the stairs leading to the floor above, occasionally knocking at the door. She was jealous, and her thought was that Clark had company that he did not want her to know about. She left the building, but quickly re- turned and made another attempt to get into the rooms. She seated herself upon the stairs leading to the upper story, and had been there but a short time when two men came out of the room with their heads covered and walked rapidly away. From their dress she recognized them as Charles and Silas James. After they went away she made another attempt to get into the rooms, and in her excitement broke a glass in the sash of the door. It was then she discovered the fire and gave an alarm. Officers Sumner W. Ranger and Louis Harper were playing "muggins" in the police-station, and were at once sent to the scene of the murder. Officer Ranger was the first in the room. Clark's head had been split open with a hatchet. Around his neck was the rope, with a piece of paper twisted in it as a tourni- quet. He had been struck with the hatchet while sitting in front of a stove. He was carried to the bed by the murderers, and a kerosene lamp was broken over his head, the bed being then set afire. City Marshal James M. Drennan was in Mechanics Hall, and as soon as he reached the block he detailed Officers Ranger and Harper to go directly to the western depot. Mrs. Eaton had told the officers her story, and the vigilant police set out upon the tracks of the murderers. Silas James was found at the west- ern depot with two tickets to New York in his possession, and was taken into custody. James made no resistance, but emphat- ically denied any connection with the murder. It was 10 o'clock when the arrest was made, three hours after the murder, and Silas was waiting for a train for New York. Charles James walked clown the tracks of the railroad to Westboro, where he hired a man to drive him to Woonsocket. He was arrested in Providence the following clay by Officer William A. Carroll of the Providence police force. The gold watch, a diamond ring and $1,000 in money stolen from Clark's room were found in Charles 90 History of Police Department, James' possession. Deputy Sheriff Charles X. Hair accompanied Officers Ranger and W. H. Clark to Providence. On the way back to Worcester James confessed to Officer Ranger the mur- der. He said Silas James persuaded him to come to Worcester, telling him Clark had a large sum of money. The murder was committed between 6 and 7 o'clock. Charles admitted striking Clark with the axe as he was sitting in front of the stove, and the "General" put the rope around his neck to stop his groaning. "General" robbed the body and Charles took away the axe, which had been bought at the store now known as Duncan & Goodell's, on Main street. Charles James told Ranger the spot in the canal where he threw the axe on the way to the depot. The fol- lowing morning Officer Ranger raked the canal under the via- duct on Front street, and after a short search found the axe within a few feet of where James said he threw it. The coroner's jury that heard the evidence in the case con- sisted of R. M. Gould, foreman ; Jerome Marble, George R. Spurr, D. W. Knowlton, Charles Sibley and William A. Gould. This jury found that Clark came to his death from a blow with a hatchet struck by Silas or Charles James. The court for the trial of Charles and Silas James consisted of Chief Justice Reuben A. Chapman and Associate Justices Dwight Foster, James D. Colt and John Wells. The prosecuting officers were Attorney Gen- eral Charles Allen, assisted by District Attorney Hartley Wil- liams. George F. Verry and Samuel Utley were counsel for Silas James, and P. Emory Aldrich and L. W. Southwick were counsel for Charles T. James. Silas James was so mad with his cousin Charles for the confession he made that he never spoke to him after the arrest. They were led to the gallows together, and the cousins did not exchange a word or look. The jury that tried the two men was famous for the reason that upon its verdict the only persons ever hanged for a crime committed in Worcester were sent to the gallows. It consisted of Francis A. Merriam of Phillipston, foreman ; Albert Lee, Clinton ; George H. Mansfield, Grafton ; John Q. Maynard, Berlin ; Samuel Page, Winchendon ; Hiram C. Reed, Shrewsbury ; Charles C. Richard- son, Dana ; John F. Thurston, Lancaster ; Lorenzo West, Peters- ham; Samuel L. White, Leominster; Joseph Baldwin, Fitch- burg, and George W. Oaks, Brookfielcl. The prisoners were arraigned in the Supreme Judicial Court May 18, 1868, and both pleaded "not guilty." George F. Worcester, Massachusetts. 91 Verry made a motion for a separate trial for his client, on the ground that an alleged confession had been made by one of the defendants, which prejudiced the case of his client. The motion was denied, and the two defendants were tried together June 10. A woman in black was a prominent figure at the trial, who proved to be the widow of Joseph G. Clark. Clark's son was a witness at the trial. Among other witnesses were Dr. J. Marcus Rice, medical examiner ; Emma F. Thayer, also known as Mrs. Eaton, with whom Clark had lived ; John Langley, known among the gambling profession, and an acquaintance of Clark for twelve years ; W. L. Chase, the first person in the room of the murder after the entrance of the policemen ; Rolla N. Start of the Waldo House, who testified to knowing the Jameses as boarders ; Lewis Barnard, owner of the Union block ; Officers Louis Harper and Sumner W. Ranger; Samuel Stratton, who testified to the pur- chase of the axe which was used to do the murder; and City Marshal James M. Drennan. The jury was out but a short time, bringing in a verdict of guilty, and the defendants were sentenced to be hanged. An attempt was made to have the sen- tences commuted to imprisonment for life, but this appeal was without avail. The hanging of Silas and Charles T. James took place in the Summer street jail Friday, Sept. 25, 1868. The gallows was the same that was used in hanging Dr. Webster for the murder of Prof. Parkman of Harvard College in 1850. It was a gloomy day, the rain falling in torrents. It was the intention to have the hanging in the corridor, but it was necessary to change these plans, and the execution took place in the chapel of the jail. This announcement created discussion, there being a protest from the ministers of the city. The prisoners were attended in their There were not many witnesses to the hanging. Before last hours by Rev. R. R. Shippen, of Church of the Unity, his death Charles James received the ordinance of baptism from Rev. Dr. William R. Huntington of All Saints' Church. At 10.27 o'clock the prisoners were brought from their cells to the gallows, accompanied by Deputy Sheriffs Sibley and New- ton of Worcester, Bullock of Fitchburg and Hall of Grafton, and Rev. R. R. Shippen. The official witnesses were Hon. Edward Mellen of Worcester, X. H. Davis of Webster, Hon. E. B. Stod- dard of Worcester, F. P. Goulding of Worcester, Dr. James Green of Worcester, Hon. Velorus Taft of Upton, City Marshal 92 History of Police Department, James M. Drennan of Worcester, Assistant Marshals Emory Wil- son and W. Ansel Washburn, Lyman Brooks, Dr. Rufus Wood- ward of Worcester, and C. W. Whitcomb of Barre. The death- warrant was read by John A. Dana, clerk of courts, and the sheriff was John S. C. Knowlton. When the gallows was reached, Silas James said he had nothing to say except to thank the officers for their kind and gentlemanly treatment, and as the rope was adjusted about his neck, said: "Pull that rope tight, and THOMAS McMURRAY, Sergeant. give me all the drop you can." He did not appear in the least ner- vous, and faced death calmly. He did not look at his cousin Charles, who was nervous, and evidently feared the last act. Charles James made a long address to the people. Sheriff Knowl- ton sprung the drop at 10.31 o'clock, and Silas James was in- stantly killed, but Charles James was slowly strangled to death. After the bodies had been hanging twenty-one minutes, Drs. Rufus Woodward of Worcester, W. E. Dyer of Philadelphia, and C. W. Whitcomb of Barre examined the bodies. They were taken to West Greenwich, R. I., for burial. Worcester, Massachusetts. 93 A crime equally as brutal as Clark's murder was the killing of John Bullard in Shrewsbury by John Murphy Oct. 2; 1876. Bui- lard lived with his brother Charles in Shrewsbury lower village, opposite the Artemas Ward homestead, made famous by the Revolutionary War. The Billiards sold cider, and in the even- ing usually had a crowd of the village boys in their place until a late hour. The cider they sold was the attraction. On the night of Oct. 2 Charles Bullard went to the grocery store near by, and when he returned an hour or so later, found his brother dead with thirteen hatchet-wounds in his head. For brutality the mur- derer had no rival, for he literally hacked his victim's head to pieces. It was the only murder Shrewsbury had experienced, and there was intense excitement in the village. A reward of $500 was offered the following day by the Selectmen of Shrews- bury for the murderer's arrest. John Murphy, youngest son of Martin Murphy, who worked in Rice & Co.'s currier shop, in Shrewsbury lower village, had borne a good reputation among the village folks, but the night of the murder he disappeared and suspicion pointed toward him. It was known he had been keeping company with a girl named Buckley in Worcester, and wanted to take her to the Shrews- bury cattle-show. The day of the murder he went to George Warren's stable, in Shrewsbury, asking for the best team he had in his stable for cattle-show day. Warren told him that until he paid a bill he owed for a team, he would not let him have it. Murphy tried to borrow money among his friends, but failed. That day Calvin Noyes had bought some cattle from Bullard and paid him about $100. It is supposed that Murphy went to Bullard's place to borrow the money, and when he was refused the murder was committed. About $100 was stolen, and during the evening Murphy went to Warren's stable and paid for the team for which he owed. He said he would come and get a team for the cattle-show, and Warren agreed to let him have it. On the bill Murphy paid Warren was a blood-spot, and when the news of the murder spread and the disappearance of Murphy was known, Warren furnished the information leading to the identification of the muderer. Patrick O'Day, then a member of the state police force, and Ezra Churchill, of the Worcester police force, worked on the case. They were looking for Mur- phy, and the road-houses about Worcester were closely watched. What was known as the Jack Shepherd road-house, on May 9 4 History of Police Department, street, was run by Johnson Magee. On the night of Oct. 5 Murphy went to Magee's place, and word was sent to the police- station. Night Captain Amos Atkinson, and Officer James Hen- nessey, who was traveling a Main street beat, went to Magee's, and Captain Atkinson arrested Murphy. He made no attempt to get away and confessed the murder to him. At the trial in the Supreme Judicial Court Murphy was defended by John R. Thayer, and was prosecuted by District Attorney Horatio B. Staples. He was found guilty and sentenced to the state prison for life. He served fourteen years, when he was confined to the prison hospital with consumption, and after an effort on the part of his friends was pardoned. He had a cancer and consump- tion, and died five months after being brought to his home in Shrewsbury. The reward offered by the Selectmen of Shrews- bury was divided among Walter Warren, who gave the informa- tion leading to the identification of the murderer, and the officers of the Worcester Police Department, who made the arrest. War- ren received $350 and Capt. Amos Atkinson, Detective Ezra Churchill and Officer James Hennessey $50 each. A family feud between Jim Crockett, a steam-pipe fitter, and a Conway family was wiped out on the night of March u, 1866, by the death of Crockett. One of the famous road-houses was the "Farm" on Millbury avenue. On the night of the murder, Crockett and another man hired a team at Denny & Harrington's stable to drive to the "Farm." When it was returned the claim was made that the couple met with an accident. Crockett was a soldier in the war, and had been home but a short time, but the trouble between him and the Conway family was of long standing. Nick Conway was bar-tender on Front street, and his brother John was well known about town. The Conway boys went to the "Farm," and the following morning Officer Ezra Coombs found Crockett lying behind a stone wall on Grafton street, in Swan's field, near Penn avenue. He was badly cut about the head, and had a fracture of the skull. He was sent to the hospital, where he died. There was no evidence that he had been robbed, and he did not recover to give any account of his injuries. It was suspected that the Conway boys met him on the road and a fight followed. The coroner's jury, after hearing the story of the case, made up a verdict, declaring that Crockett came to his death between i and 2 o'clock on the after- noon of Monday, March 13; that death was caused by a fracture Worcester, Massachusetts. 95 of the skull and consequent injury to the brain, and that the injury was inflicted by. John Conway. No conviction was se- cured. A murder better remembered by the present generation was that of Luke Daily at the Lincoln House on the afternoon of Sept. 3, 1879. It was the week of New England fair, and at the time of the murder the hotel was crowded. Thomas Callahan of Leicester had been at work in the hotel four years as steward. He was twenty-one years old, and was keeping company with Miss Amelia Marr, employed as a domestic in the hotel. Luke Daily, porter at the hotel for a year or more, had been show- ing some attention to the Marr girl, and a rivalry sprang up between Daily and Callahan. Callahan was a slight fellow, while Daily was much larger and more muscular. On the afternoon of the murder Callahan and Daily met in the wash-room, and Daily accused Callahan of insulting the girl. Words followed, with the result that Daily struck Callahan several blows, causing his nose to bleed, and threatened to repeat the dose if he did not keep away from the Marr girl. Callahan went into the Lincoln House block and borrowed a revolver from one of the tenants. He returned to the hotel-office, where George Tower, proprietor, was sitting. Standing in the corridor was Elliott Brigham, a bell-boy, and Henry Lee, clerk, was behind the desk. Callahan met Daily in the corridor, and the quarrel was renewed. Without a word of warning Callahan fired two shots into Daily's body, and he died that night. Callahan was sentenced to state prison for life. In 1888, through the influence of Hon. Charles A. Denny, of the governor's council, and several citizens of Leices- ter, including Hon. John E. Russell, a pardon was secured. Rockwood Hoar represented Callahan at the hearing before the governor's council. Back in the earlier days of Worcester, when crime was fre- quent, and punishment severe, the killing of William Stiles by Orrin DeWolf was a famous case. DeWolf worked for a Ferdi- nand Whipplc, who kept a stable on Thomas street, in the rear of Eagle Hotel. He boarded with William Stiles, and there had been several fights between the two men over Stiles' wife. Stiles was a drinking fellow, and on the night of Jan. 14, 1845, had a row with DeWolf. In the testimony at the trial it was said Stiles defied DeWolf to kill him, and DeWolf took him at his word. Both men had been drinking. The trial was in June, 1845, De- 96 History of Police Department, Wolf being defended by Alexander H. Bullock. The cause of death was given as strangulation, DeWolf choking Stiles with a rope. The jury found DeWolf guilty, and he was sentenced to be hanged. As a result of efforts made to save him from the gallows, sentence was commuted to imprisonment for life. At the session of the Supreme Judicial Court that tried Silas and Charles T. James for the murder of Joseph G. Clark, James E. Shephard and William McGrath pleaded guilty to murder in GEORGE H. HILL, Sergeant. the second degree, and were sentenced to state prison for life. Shephard killed his wife, Laura A. Shephard, Nov. 15, 1867. He had a wife living, and was secretly married to Laura A., daughter of Leander Wesson. She was but eighteen years old, and short- ly after their marriage, the young wife found out that Shephard had another wife living and left him. She went to live with a Curtis family in New Worcester. Shephard went to see her and was refused admission. On the afternoon of Nov. 15 he went to the house and shot his wife. He was not found for several Worcester, Massachusetts. 97 weeks. At the trial he was represented by Major M. J. Mc- Cafferty. Shephard got into a quarrel with a prisoner in state prison and was killed. William McGrath and John McCarthy worked together in the Washburn Iron Works in 1867. McCar- thy was the night-boss at the mill, and McGrath worked under him. McGrath lived near the mill, and one night followed Mc- Carthy to the McGrath home. He returned to the shop, and when McCarthy returned McGrath struck him over the head with a bar of iron, fracturing the skull. McCarthy died, and McGrath pleaded to murder in the second degree, .receiving a life sentence. Ezra Churchill, for many years a detective on the Worcester police force, figured in the arrest of Dwight F. Steere in the summer of 1875 for murder. Steere was employed in Luther Stowe's boot factory in Washington square. A personal friend was F. A. White of Oxford, who had been working in Spencer. White called at Stowe's shop to see if Steere would go to Phila- delphia with him. Steere told White he could not, but would go to the station with him. They parted at the train, and it appeared later that Steere jumped on the rear car and followed White to the pier in New London, where he was to take the steamer for New York. White's body was found on the pier the next morning. There was evidence of a desperate struggle, and the night of the murder Steere was a guest at a New London hotel. The body was found to have been robbed of money and watch and chain. Steere returned to Worcester the next day, and attended the funeral of his victim in Oxford. He talked with the family, and expressed the hope that the murderer would be found and punished. A few days later he was arrested by Detec- tive Churchill in Stowe's boot shop, and the bloody knife and White's watch and chain were found on him. He confessed to the murder, and was taken to Connecticut, where he was sen- tenced to imprisonment for life. It was afterward supposed he was guilty of two murders that took place in Oxford and never were cleared up. In 1891 an attempt was made to have Steere pardoned, and Detective Churchill went before the Connecticut authorities to oppose it. Few cases in Worcester county criminal history have attracted so much attention throughout New England as the murder of Lilla Hoyle, in Webster, Sept. i, 1887. The Worcester police were not directly interested, it being a state case, in which David 9 g History of Police Department, H. Hayter figured with prominence. Several arrests were made, and for many months the interest in Worcester and Webster was intense, but the mystery never was cleared. Lilla and Alice Hoyle were orphans, and Lilla worked in Taylor's restaurant and' ice-cream saloon in Webster. She was twenty-six years old, had an attractive figure and pretty face, and had several ad- mirers. The sisters had a room in Dixon R. Cowie's tenement over the restaurant. On the night of Sept. i Lilla Hoyle left her room and never afterward was seen alive. A search was made, and the suicide and murder theories were advanced and dis- cussed. On Sept. 20 Charles Shumway discovered the body of the missing girl forced between the rafters of a corn-crib on the Dwyer farm, about two and a half miles from Webster on the Webster and Oxford road. He was attracted to the place by a disagreeable odor, and the authorities were immediately notified of the finding of the body. State officers and newspaper-writers made Webster their headquarters for several weeks, and many theories were advanced as to the cause of Lilla Hoyle's death. No case in Worcester county has attracted such widespread at- tention, and no more of a sensation has been made than the arrest of John McQuaid in. New York May 8, 1888. McQuaid was a former student at Holy Cross College, and the faculty and students insisted that he was innocent of the charge from the moment the arrest was made. This arrest was on a confession said to have been made by Alice Hoyle, sister of Lilla. She was reported to have said Lilla went away with John McQuaid and Dixon R. Cowie the night of her disappearance. Cowie was arrested in Meriden, Ct, the day following the arrest of Mc- Quaid, at the request of the state police. Both McQuaid and Cowie were indicted by the grand jury of Worcester county May 8, 1888, and McQuaid was brought to Worcester May 13, a week after Cowie had been locked in the Summer street jail. McQuaid was studying medicine in New York at the time of his arrest. A crowd was at the depot the day of his arrival, and great interest was taken in his case during the summer he was in the Summer street jail. McQuaid and Cowie were arraigned in the Superior Criminal Court Oct. i, 1888, Cowie being represented by Rice, King & Rice, and McQuaid by John R. Thayer. The release of Mc- Quaid and Cowie created as much of a sensation as did their arrest. The confession of Alice Hoyle was found to be untrust- Worcester, Massachusetts. 99 worthy, and Nov. 17, 1888, McQuaid and Cowie were released from jail on their own recognizance. The indictment never was quashed, and the case has not been disposed of. Before the Police Department had a patrol-wagon, officers were obliged to drag prisoners through the streets. A crowd usually followed in the wake of the officer and his prisoner. The shooting of an innocent man by a policeman has twice occurred in the history of the Worcester department. The first case was June 10, 1866, when Henry T. Weikle was fatally shot by Officer Samuel J. Lowell. During the evening of Sunday, June 10, there was a call for officers to quell a disturbance on Larkin street. The "Meadows" in those days was a lawless section. Officer Lowell brought the prisoner to the station under the old City Hall, and almost a riot followed. The crowd numbered upward of 1,000, and stones were thrown at the station and of- ficers. A stone struck Officer Lowell, and he drew his revolver, firing a shot into the crowd. Weikle was a tall man, and was shot through the head. He died the following day, and there was excitement in connection with the case. The feeling against the policeman was bitter. The coroner's jury held Officer Lowell responsible for the murder, and he was held for hearing in $6,000. Mayor James B. Blake issued a proclamation, in which he said, "There is not sufficient legal justification or ex- cuse for the action on the part of Officer Lowell, neither was there premeditation or malice." Lowell was committed, and bailed later in the week. He was tried for manslaughter, and sentenced to one year in the house of correction. The City Council voted $1,000 to the family of Weikle. Patrick Dunphy, alias Dunvey, was arrested in Cherry Valley late in 1871 for the murder of John Stack, which took place in that section of the city on the night of Oct. 16. Both had been drinking, and Dunphy struck and kicked Stack until he killed him. The body was found the following day. Dunphy was rep- resented by Frank P. Colliding and George H. Ball, and was sen- tenced to the state prison for fifteen years. Oct. 23, 1870, Benjamin Westwell, living on Lafayette street, was murdered in his home by Francis Doran. Officer Michael Deady, for several years a member of the police force, arrested Michael Maloney, alias Michael J. Whyte, wanted in Dudley for the murder of Frank Spencer of Wood- stock, Ct. Officer Deady was traveling with Officers C. W. Bar- 100 History of Police Department, ker and Andrew Harper of Station i, on the night of August 21. Whyte was acting in a suspicious manner, and Officer Deady suggested to the officers with him that he had better be taken to the station as a vagrant. The murder of Spencer the day before had been reported to the police of New England cities, and Whyte answered the description of the man wanted. He was committed for vagrancy, and a few days later was identified as the murderer. He was sentenced to state prison for life, and WALTER N. DROHAN, Sergeant. Officer Deady was commended by City Marshal W. Ansel Wash- burn. Two family tragedies within the last decade horrified Worces- ter. The first took place Christmas eve, 1892, and the second the night of Nov. 6, 1897. Henry C. Varnum, who was of an inventive turn of mind, employed on Church street, lost his position during the hard times of 1892. He became discouraged, and brooded over his Worcester, Massachusetts. 101 troubles. The family consisted of himself and wife, Laura A. Varnum, daughter Florence, and Mrs. Sylvia Wright, his wife's mother. The murder was discovered by Rev. E. W. Phillips, pastor of Hope Church, who called at the Varnum home, 31 Tainter street, the day after Christmas. He was unable to get into the house and started an investigation. The front door was forced open, and the murder was discovered. Varnum had killed his wife and daughter with a patent door-hanger, an in- vention on which he had been working. He had struck his mother-in-law several blows, but she was alive when found. Varnum had killed himself by a wound in the heart with a jackknife. Mrs. Wright remained at the City Hospital for several weeks, but never recovered her reason entirely. She was not able to tell the story of the murder and suicide. She was taken to Vermont after she had recovered sufficiently to be moved, and died a few months later. Edward Bangs Hamilton, cashier in the Worcester County Institution for Savings on Foster street, had been sick during the fall of 1897, and his mind was affected. On the night of Nov. 6 he shot his wife Katharine as she was asleep in bed, and then went to an adjoining room and killed his infant son Ed- ward and shot his daughter Katherine. He then went into an- other room and shot himself. The crime was discovered in the morning, and Hamilton and his daughter were taken to the City Hospital, where he died. After the child's recovery she was taken away from Worcester. A tragedy in the county that attracted wide attention through- out New England was the Bergen murder and suicide in North Brookfield Jan. 19, 1900. Martin Bergen was known through- out the sporting fraternity as a member of the Boston Baseball Club, and recognized as the best catcher in the country. It was known he had acted in an irrational manner on the baseball field during the season of 1899, refusing for a time to play ball with his club. He imagined the members of the team were working against him, and it worried him. He was not well during the winter of 1899. On the morning of Jan. 19, 1900, his father found the family dead in the house, and it is supposed the murder was committed several days before. Bergen had shot his wife, and beat out the brains of his two children, Joe and Florence. He then cut his throat with a razor. 102 History of Police Department, Isaac Isaacson, living at 5^ Crescent street, was shot on Garden street on the night of March 2, 1896. He refused to disclose the name of his murderer before his death, which was two days later at the City Hospital. The shooting was the re- sult of an old country fight. Walter Brinkworth shot Bessie McDonagh at her home on Columbia street December 27, 1898, and then shot himself. Both recovered, but Brinkforth is paralyzed. The shooting was the outcome of a love affair. The Worcester police assisted the state police in the detec- tion of Edward Cunningham, who killed William Baxter in Hoi- den in July, 1893. That was the most revolting murder that ever took place in Holden, Baxter being killed with an axe. Cunningham was sentenced to imprisonment for life. John A. Krussell shot and killed John A. Cornell in a house on Millbury avenue on the night of Dec. 23, 1892. Krussell was arrested by Officers Dunn, Fyrberg and Hackett. Mekor Kervorkian shot and killed Kazar Karavarian on the Common July 4, 1891, and was arrested by Officer W. R. Rams- dell. The shooting was at the time of a balloon ascension, Kervorkian claiming he shot at the balloon. Sentences for these crimes were short periods in the house of correction. The Worcester police worked for over a year in connection with the state police to cause the arrest of Paul Mueller for the murder of the Newton family in West Brookfield. Mueller mur- dered Francis D. Xewton, wife, and daughter Elsie with an axe on the night of Jan. 9, 1897, and was seen walking in the direc- tion of the Boston & Albany railroad, where he took a train leaving at I o'clock in the morning. Xot a trace of him has been found since. During a family quarrel in the tenement at 23 Larkin street Sept. 14, 1896, John Early struck his sister Ann, wife of John Hogan, with the end of an umbrella rod. The point entered her brain, killing her, and Early was arrested by Officer John Dunn of Station i. He was sentenced to the house of correction for a short term. Worcester, Massachusetts. 103 CHAPTER VII. THE GRAFTON BANK ROBBERY. Work of Worcester Police in Arrests of Dan Dockerty, Charlie Gleason, Sam Ferris and Jim Welch "Worcester Sam's" Escape from Summer Street Jail Millbury Bank Robbery and the Learned Mare Lancaster National Bank of Clinton and People's Savings Bank's Funds Stolen Lucius W. Pond a Forger. Following closely upon the events in connection with the mur- der of Joseph G. Clark, and the hanging of Silas and Charles T. James in 1868, came the announcement of the robbery of the Grafton National Bank on the night of Oct. 25, 1870. The Millbury Bank had been robbed in 1843, an d tne Barre Bank was robbed about the same time. The Lancaster National Bank of Clinton was robbed in 1885, and the teller of the People's Savings Bank of Worcester went away with $50,000 in 1890. None of these robberies created such a sensation in financial cir- cles as did that of the Grafton National Bank. Planned in James M. Welch's saloon on Temple street by Samuel Perris, familiarly known as "Worcester Sam," it was successfully carried out by bank robbers of New York city who had a national notoriety, and the Worcester Police Department was called upon for work requiring its keenest officers. Although handicapped by the in- difference of the New York police, the Worcester authorities inaugurated a plan of action that brought the burglars to the Worcester courts for trial. Daniel Dockerty, alias Potter, and Charles Gleason, were sentenced to the state prison, Sam Perris escaped from the Summer street jail while awaiting a third trial, James M. Welch turned state's evidence, furnishing information that convicted the burglars, and Reuben Perris was acquitted on the charge of burglary. He was rearrested as an accessory before the fact, but the case never was tried. For two years previous to the Grafton Bank robbery, there had been several burglaries in Worcester, the feature being blowing of safes. City Marshal James M. Drennan had suspicions of Welch and the Perris family, and when the job was done in Grafton Jim Welch was watched closely. Austin Gleason, a Boston & Albany railroad engineer, placed government bonds to the value of $5,500 in the safe in Stephen Taft's grocery store, 104 History of Police Department, corner Front and Trumbull streets. One night in 1869 the sate was blown open and the bonds stolen. They were sold through a Boston broker. The Worcester police were notified of the sale by the United States government, the name of "J ames M. Wells of Worcester" being given as the person who negotiated the bonds. The broker described James M. Welch to City Marshal Drennan as the man who sold the bonds, but would not go into court and swear positively that he was the man. A short time FRANCIS SHAW, Surgeon. before that the Court Mills, on Prescott street, lost a month's pay-roll by the safe being blown open, presumably by the same gang. Sam Ferris and his father were fish-peddlers, riding through the county. Sam was a quiet fellow, appearing to take no special notice of surroundings, and when not peddling fish was a bar- tender in Welch's saloon. He was the youngest of the crowd in the Grafton Bank robbery, but considered the shrewdest. Per- ris selected the Grafton Bank as the best place in Worcester county for a break, and his pals were sent for. Dockerty came to Worcester, where he remained several days, and two days be- Worcester, Massachusetts. 105 fore the robbery appeared at the hotel in New England Village kept by George H. Bundy. Another of the burglars, believed to be Bill Dunn, also put up at the hotel several days before the robbery. The crowd met at Welch's saloon once or twice before the night decided upon. On the night of Oct. 25, the gang met in Grafton, and Reuben Ferris drove to the village with the tools. The president of the bank was Jonathan Warren, M. B. Goodell was cashier, and Lewis Daniels was watchman. About 10 o'clock in the evening Gleason met Daniels on the Common, asking him where he could get something for the toothache. Gleason was joined byDockerty,who seized Daniels by the throat. He was bound and gagged and taken to the bank, where he was thrown into the coal-hole. He was near enough to see the men and hear what was said. They worked quietly, and Gleason, who was the mechanic of the crowd, gave orders by numbers. He suggested that Daniels be killed, as he would prove a convict- ing witness if any of the crowd was caught. Dockerty protested against murder being committed, and argued the burglars out of that notion. At the trial Daniels gave this evidence, which had an effect upon the judge, and he commented upon it in sentencing Dockerty, saying he would give him the benefit of a year off his sentence for his humaneness. The burglars left the bank before midnight with $10,000 in bank bills, $10,000 in bank notes, $70,000 in bonds, $90,000 in promissory notes and $1,000 in gold coin, a total of $181,000. On the morning of Oct. 26 Sam Ferris went to the home of Welch, 4 Penn avenue, tapped on the window, and asked for a bottle of brandy. He was later joined by the rest of the gang, and after opening champagne in the barn, where Welch kept his liquors, breakfast was served, and the gang scattered, leaving Worcester by different directions. Reuben Ferris drove Sam Ferris, and Welch drove Dockerty to Oakdale ; Dunn and Glea- son went out on the 10 o'clock train. The money was left with Jim Welch, who took it to New York a few days later. As soon as the report of the .robbery was sent out, the New York police arrested Dunn. George Bundy, of the hotel at New England Village, was sent to New York to see if he could identify him as one of the burglars. Bundy visited the Tombs, and looked over twelve prisoners, but failed to pick Dunn out of the crowd. As soon as he returned to Worcester, the gang planned to meet in New York. Jim Welch took the money to New York Oct. 28, 106 History of Police Department, and received $100 for making the trip. He was seen to leave on a train by Officer Peter Rice, but acting under directions of City Marshal Drennan, he did not feel warranted in making an arrest. He did not see Welch have any satchel or bundle, and did not think he was going to New York. Welch met the gang at the Albemarle Hotel, and a champagne supper was served at Jem Mace's place. The bank had offered a reward of $5,000 for the arrest and conviction of the burglars, but the gang was not then arrested, it being claimed they put up $15,000 in Xew York for protection. It was known in New York who robbed the Grafton Bank, and the Worcester police soon after knew who was in it, but could not immediately bring about their arrest. Sam Ferris, Charlie Gleason and Bill Dunn went to New Hampshire and Vermont in January, 1871, where Dunn had plans made to rob two banks. At Barton's Landing, Vt., the officers followed the burglars, who robbed the bank in that town. Gleason, Dunn and "Cockney" Charlie were arrested, and an officer had a tussle with Sam Ferris in a sleeping-car. The officer and Ferris fought on the platform, and both went off the car just before the train reached White River Junction. Ferris got away, leaving his coat* and vest with the officer. Dunn was held in $8,000 bonds and the others in $3,000. Friends from New York bailed Gleason and "Cockney" Charlie, but let Dunn remain. The burglars were indicted, and Dunn's wife went to Ferris and told him if he did not do something to get Bill out of jail, she would make trouble for him. Ferris told her that any man who allowed himself to be locked up by an officer ought to stay there, and refused to help Dunn out. Mrs. Dunn went to Detective A. P. Squires of Claremont, N. H., who was working on the cases in that state, and told him who robbed the Grafton bank. Detective Squires came to Worcester, and after a con- ference with City Marshal Drennan and District Attorney W. W. Rice, indictments were brought against Dunn, Dockerty, Glea- son, Ferris, Jim Welch and Reuben Ferris. Detective Squires went to New York in April, soon after the information was given him by Dunn's wife, and worked that end of the case. "Cockney" Charlie had escaped from jail at Barton's Landing, and he was arrested in New York later at the request of Squires, and taken back to Vermont. Assistant Marshal W. Ansel Washburn (who knew Ferris), Capt. H. H. Comings and Officers J. M. Dyson and E. D. McFarlancl worked on the case for three weeks before Worcester, Massachusetts. 107 the arrest of the burglars in May. Assistant Marshal Washburn did valuable work, spending seventeen days and nights chasing Sam Ferris, and finally located him in Hoboken, N. J. The first of the gang arrested was Charlie Gleason, in a house on Twenty-first street. He was hurried out of New York and turned over to Officer Joseph M. Dyson, who locked him up in Springfield. Gleason wanted to get word to friends, but was refused, and protested to being held without a chance to have a hearing. The authorities had no right to hold him, but City Marshal Drennan refused to allow him to consult with friends, as it was not known by them Gleason was arrested. Officer McFarland and Detective Squires were with the I9th precinct officers at the time of the arrest of Dockerty in a house at the corner of First avenue and Thirty-second street. Dockerty was in bed when the officers went into the room. He reached for his revolver, but was outwitted by the police sergeant, who dis- charged his revolver so close to Dockerty's head that his ear was burned by the powder. Sam Ferris was located by the officers in Albany, where he had been living since the Grafton and Vermont burglaries. When he thought the excitement had subsided, he moved his house- hold effects to Hoboken, X. J. His goods were traced, and in Hoboken Assistant Marshal Washburn learned that Sam's child was sick with measles. The physician was found who was in attendance, and after the house was spotted, the officers visited it late at night. The New Jersey officers went in, and Ferris denied his identity. When Assistant Marshal Washburn stepped into the room, Sam gave up, and was brought to Worcester after a legal contest in the courts of New Jersey. He was the last :>f the gang arrested, and it cost the Worcester department much money and time, and nearly exhausted the patience of the offi- cers. The reward offered by the bank was nearly exhausted 'n hunting down the burglars, and none of the property stolen was returned. The case turned out to be one of the most stubbornly contested from first to last that took place in Worcester county, and the officers who were interested in it deserved credit for a vast amount of hard work. The arrests, as shown by the records at the Waldo street police-station, are as follows: May 3, 1871, James M. Welch, 37 years old, arrested by City Marshal J. M. Drennan and Capt. H. H. Comings; May 6, Reuben Ferris, 58 years old, arrested by Assistant Marshal W. Ansel \Vashburn ; I0 8 History of Police Department, May 10, Samuel Ferris, 31 years old, arrested by Assistant Mar- shal W. Ansel Washburn, and Detective Squires of New Hamp- shire ; May 12, Charles Gleason, 41 years old, arrested by Officer J. M. Dyson ; May 20, Daniel Dockerty, 36 years old, arrested by Officer E. D. McFarland. All were booked for burglary, and bail was fixed at $50,000 in each case. The trial of the burglars was the first week in June, 1871, Judge Pitman presiding. James M. Welch, indicted with the EDWARD J. RUSSELL, Probation Officer. others, became a government witness. District Attorney W. W. Rice prosecuted the cases, assisted by George F. Verry; W. F. Howe of New York appeared for Dockerty; H. B. Staples and F. P. Goulding for Gleason, and Major McCafferty for Sam Per- ris and Reuben Ferris. The witnesses were Jonathan Warren, president of the bank ; M. B. Goodell, cashier ; Winthrop Faulk- ner ; John Brophy ; Mary M. Ames ; George H. Bundy ; E. B. Dolliver , clerk in the hotel at New England Village ; Lewis Dan- iels, the watchman ; George F. Slocomb, of the Board of Di- rectors ; Charles Snow, all of whom either had some connec- tion with the bank, or saw one or more of the defendants in the vicinity of Grafton about the time of the robbery. James M. Worcester, Massachusetts. 109 Welch, Catherine Welch, his housekeeper, his daughters Nellie and Abbie, testified for the government. Welch told of the visit of the burglars at his place before and after the robbery, of his visit to New York with the money, and was the most important witness of the government's list. His housekeeper and daughters told of the visit of the men to the house the morning after the burglary when breakfast was served them. Reuben Ferris ex- hibited a letter claimed to have been written by his son Sam in Dublin at the time of the robbery, and it also contained the in- formation that Gleason was with him. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty as to Gleason, Dockerty and Ferris, and not guilty as to Reuben Ferris. Motions were made for new trials, and the Supreme Court sustained exceptions taken, sending the cases back for new trials. On the second trial in Feburary, 1872, Dockerty and Gleason were found guilty, and the jury disagreed as to Sam Ferris. The jury in his case stood n to I for con- viction, the juror in favor of acquittal being a Worcester busi- ness man, who believed the defendant proved an alibi. Gleason was sentenced to fourteen years in state prison and Dockerty to thirteen years. After serving eight years in prison, Gleason escaped, and after reaching England wrote a letter from Dover to Joseph M. Dyson, telling him he was sorry he could not call on him, but he was once more free and had his family with him, his home being in Paris. Dockerty made an attempt to es- cape from state prison, but fell in front of the team waiting for him in front of the prison, and was captured. After his sentence expired he went to England, where he committed murder, and was sentenced to the penitentiary. It is said he was released from prison within the last year. When Sam Ferris was committed to the Summer street jail in February, 1872, to await a third trial, he was placed in the north wing of the prison in one of the second tiers of cells facing, the west. While Gleason and Dockerty were prisoners with Ferris, an extra guard was placed over them, but when they were trans- ferred to the state prison, the guard was removed, and the reg- ular night watchman was guard over Ferris the same as the other prisoners. On the night of April 6 Ferris made his escape. He sawed two bars of his cell with a fine watch-spring saw, and crawled into the corridor through a two-foot opening he had made. Gaining access to the corridor, he went to the corridor above by the staircase, where a wooden door opened to the stair- no History of Police Department, way leading to the fourth-floor corridor. The lock was picked, and he went to the fourth floor. There were four windows on the north side, guarded by upright iron bars and strengthened by transverse bars two feet apart. He raised one of the windows, and let down a long string composed of shoemakers' thread. There were confederates outside, who attached to the string a three-quarter-inch rope 100 feet long, and a black cambric bag containing a jack-screw, lever and burglar's jimmy. With the jack-screw Ferris forced the bars to an opening eight inches wide and two feet high. Securing the rope to the bars he crawled through the small opening and slid down along the dead wall. a distance of eighty feet, to the ground. This left him on Pros- pect street, where a carriage was waiting, and he was driven out of the city. Officers Sprague and Garland of the Police Depart- ment, who were on their way home from duty, discovered the rope hanging from the window, and also saw several tracks in the mud, showing that there were several persons interested in the escape. Perris's wife had made visits to her husband in the jail, and it is supposed she furnished him the saws with which the bars were cut. He never was caught, although a search was made for him. He visited England, and Pinkerton men searched for him far and wide. "Worcester Sam" is to-day spoken of as the smartest all-around burglar who ever operated in Xew Eng- land. During the past ten years his death has been reported several times, the last report being that he died in Albany up- ward of a year ago. James M. Welch is living on Salem street in Worcester crippled and infirm. Famous in the annals of crime in the latter days of Worcester as a town was the robbery of the Millbury Bank August 27, 1843. It was a state bank, and at the time of the robbery steps had been taken to wind up its business. August 158. S. Leonard, wjio ran the express between Worcester and Boston, received from the Suffolk Bank a sealed package purporting to contain $17,000 in bills of the Millbury Bank, which had been redeemed. This pack- age was brought to Worcester and placed in Leonard's safe over night. It was carried to Millbury the following morning, and delivered to the cashier of the bank. He had no special use for the money for a few days and placed the package in the vault. August 27 he had occasion to use some of the bills of the bank and opened the package. There was nothing to be found but carefully-folded pieces of paper, which had been substituted for Worcester, Massachusetts. in the money. The day after the discovery of the burglary, Jeremiah Learned went to the bank and presented $800 of Millbury Bank bills for payment, claiming the report of the burglary would have an unfavorable effect upon the credit of the bank. The next day Abijah Learned went to the bank and presented $800 of Millbury Bank bills for payment. The robbery was placed in the hands of the police, and the police of Worcester did a great deal to bring about the arrest of the burglars. Jeremiah Learned came to Worcester August 21, and exchanged $1,000 of Millbury Bank bills at the Quinsigamond Bank. The burglars were traced to Springfield, where $4,000 Millbury Bank bills were exchanged for other funds, and at Norwich, Leicester and Boston bills of the Millbury Bank had been exchanged. Jeremiah Learned, Abijah Learned and James Learned, the last two being brothers, and the former a cousin, were arrested Aug. 31, 1843, an d brought to Worcester, where they were tried before Justice W. N. Green, Jeremiah and James Learned being held to the grand jury in $20,000 bail, and Abijah Learned was held in $10,000. When arrested the Learneds had $3,000 in possession. Abijah Learned carried on a cotton-mill in Millbury, and James was a wool- sorter. When the officers went to Learned's mill a paper was found in Abijah's desk on which was a row of figures which added $16,800, and the total had been divided by three. The Learneds were tried in 1844, at the .May term of the Supreme Judicial Court, and all were convicted. Abijah Learned was sen- tenced to the state prison for ten years, Jeremiah for five yars, and James Learned was given a new trial. The Learned mare is still a much-talked-about animal in the Blackstone valley. She covered more ground in a night than seemed possible, but there is little doubt that she figured in some of the bank robberies in central Massachusetts and New Hamp- shire half a century ago. This mare aided the Learneds in estab- lishing an alibi on their trial for robbing the Barre Bank. The story is told of the family that when the Concord Bank was robbed of between $200,000 and $300,000, the team containing the money and securities was left standing beside the road, and wandered away so far that it could not be found by the bank- robbers. The horse walked into a farmer's yard early in the morning, and a blanket recently stolen in Oxford was the means of tracing the burglars. The last of the family to figure in rob- beries was Otis Learned, a tool-maker, who was found dead in 112 History of Police Department, Clinton several years ago. His last Worcester job was the rob- bery of a smoke-house on Pleasant street, when a load of hams was stolen and sold in another part of the state. In 1843 Worcester, in common with other cities, suffered finan- cially from a series of forgeries that puzzled the police for many months. New York brokers were continually finding forged paper in their business, and officers of Massachusetts and New York worked on the case for several weeks. That same year Worces- POLICE-STATION NO. 2, Lamartine Street. ter county was startled by the confession of William Goddard, postmaster of Petersham, considered above suspicion, to com- mitting the forgeries. He had been doing an extensive business as William Goddard & Co., and Goddard & Hildreth. He lived an expensive life, but the people of Petersham supposed his busi- ness was profitable. He confessed that the amount of the paper he had forged amounted to $41,700. Of the proceeds of his for- geries he applied $15,000 to the use of the business of William Goddard & Co., $5,200 to the business of Goddard & Hildreth, and $17,000 was applied to his personal debts. He pleaded guilty, and was represented at the trial by Hon. Emory Wash- Worcester, Massachusetts. 113 burn. He was sentenced to state prison for two years each on three counts. Prominent of the Worcester county bank robberies was that of the Lancaster National Bank of Clinton, Dec. 30, 1885. William H. McNeil, president of that institution, wrecked it, and fled to Canada, where he is now living in retirement on a farm in Hatley, Stanstead county, Quebec. This was not a Worcester case, but attracted the attention of the Worcester police, and State Officer Joseph M. Dyson did considerable work in connection with it. The wrecking of this widely-known banking-institution caused the greatest financial sensation the eastern portion of Worcester county had ever known. William McNeil, president of the bank, was one of the most respected citizens in Lancaster, and was the political boss of the town. On the night of Dec. 30, 1885, he disappeared, and with him went cash and notes of the bank aggregating $175,000. It developed that McNeil and Charles H. Veo, clerk in the office of Dr. E. M. Nelson of Lowell, went to the bank, opened the vault and got the money. Veo and McNeil took the night train for Canada, getting off at Rutland, Vt., with most of the cash and bonds. Veo, Nelson and Henry Forrester, the latter cashier of the bank, were arrested, and Veo and Nelson were indicted, but no indictment was brought against Forrester. Chief Wade, of the state district police force, worked on the case, and Detec- tive J. M. Dyson recovered $165,000. It was found in Rutland hid in a wash-boiler in a stone heap, on the side of Tinmouth mountain. It had been placed there by L. L. Barnum, clerk in the employ of the West Rutland Granite Co., one of the concerns in which McNeil was connected with Nelson. McNeil never returned to the States so far as any resident of Clinton or Lancaster ever knew, but in 1892 a reporter for the Worcester Telegram visited McNeil at his home in Hatley, where he was doing work on his farm, and appeared to be not financially well off. The directors of the bank settled with the depositors, and went out of business. Prosecutions were not encouraged by the bank directors, they refusing to pay $1,000 for which the arrest and return to the United States of McNeil was guaranteed. State Officer Dyson never was compensated for $300 expenses in con- nection with the case used from his personal funds. Lucius W. Pond, manufacturer of machinists' tools, princi- pally lathes and planers, at the corner of Union and Exchange ii 4 History of Police Department, streets, was considered up to Oct. 4, 1875, one of the most suc- cessful and thoroughly honest men in Worcester. He was prom- inently connected with Laurel Street Church, and owned a splendid residence at the corner of Laurel and Edward streets, but did not live an extravagant life. He had the respect of the entire community, and had served the city in both branches of the Legislature. It had been his custom to invest money for his friends, and he gave his notes, with good indorsers for security. He used the money of widows, persons in his employ who had small amounts they wanted to invest, and gave his promissory notes, providing for interest larger than could be re- ceived at the savings banks. Oct. i, 1875, he went to Boston, collected a bill of $2,500, and sent word to his family that 'he was going to New York with a friend. He left Boston on the City of Providence, of the Fall River line of steamers. The following morning several arti- cles of clothing were found in his stateroom, but no trace of him could be found. The suicide theory was quickly accepted. Four days later the discovery was made that he was a forger, a fact which startled the community as it had not been disturbed for many years. His wealth had been estimated at something like $200,000, and he was congratulated for his business tact in going through the panic of 1873 without a failure. An investiga- tion of his business affairs showed that he was heavily in debt, his liabilities amounting to $100,000, and a startling array of forgeries was brought to light. Among those who suffered to a considerable extent were William Dickinson and T. W. Wel- lington. His large indebtedness caused the suspension of several firms, and his flight and failure were a sensation Worcester had not known for a long time. In examining the large number of promissory notes that had been altered and forged, it was discovered that Talmadge's light- ning ink-eraser had been used. 7 This was about the first introduc- tion of the liquid ink-eraser now so common in business houses, a composition of chloride of lime. This eraser had been applied to the face of the notes, the original being removed and different names and amounts rewritten, but the names of the endorsers remained as originally. These notes were treated with a solution of nutgalls, which had the effect of restoring the ink that had been blotted out by the acid. Many poor people were affected by the forgeries, and Waldo W. Stevens, who had been in Mr. Worcester, Massachusetts. 115 Pond's employ for fifteen years, was so depressed by his loss that he committed suicide by hanging Dec. 16, 1875. W. Ansel Washburn, city marshal in 1875, had circulars and pictures of Mr. Pond sent to every city in the United States as soon as the forgeries were discovered. Mr. Pond was first heard of in Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 4, where he applied for work in several machine-shops under the name of D. W. Pond. City Marshal Washburn placed a watch on Mr. Pond's house, and Nov. 1 8 a trunk was delivered to an expressman. This was fol- lowed to a hotel in San Francisco, where the arrest of Mr. Pond was made by a San Francisco officer, who accompanied Detec- tive Ezra Churchill of the Worcester police force. The trunk when it left Worcester was sent to "S. J. Kidder, Boston, to be called for." Ezra Churchill then followed the trunk to Sacra- mento, Cal., where it was delivered to "L. D. Wilson." The Wells, Fargo Express Company was notified of the affair, and traced the trunk to San Francisco, at the request of Detective Churchill, where it arrived Dec. 28, 1875. In the meantime it was learned that Mr. Pond registered in a hotel in Hamilton, Ont., as "L. Wilson," taking his middle name. W^hen Detective Churchill met him in the San Francisco hotel Dec. 9, 1875, Mr. Pond was considerably changed, his face having been shaved. He at first denied his identity, but finally admitted that he was the man wanted, and consented to accompany Detective Church- ill to Worcester without a legal fight on requisition proceedings. The trunk contained Mr. Pond's patterns and tools, and he had a ticket for Australia, the steamer being due to sail the day fol- lowing the arrest. City Marshal Washburn met Detective Churchill and Mr. Pond at Omaha, and the three reached Worces- ter Dec. 16. Mr. Pond was indicted by the grand jury on thirty-five indict- ments, thirty-one for forgery, and four for obtaining money under false pretences. His arrest was made on complaint of William Dickinson, who charged him with uttering a forged promissory note for the sum of $5,000. He was brought into court Jan. 28, 1876, and was represented by George F. Verry and Col. W. S. B. Hopkins, District Attorney H. B. Staples ap- pearing for the Commonwealth. He was arraigned on three counts, all for forgery, and pleaded guilty to them all. His counsel represented that he was penniless, that he uttered the false notes during a period of fourteen months after the panic n6 History of Police Department, 'of 1873, that he had not hoarded any of the money, but used it to carry on his business. District Attorney Staples said the forged notes were in the hands of bankers, trust companies, brokers, widows, and guardians of orphans. Chief Justice L. J. Brigham pronounced sentence, which was six years in state prison on one count, five years on another and four years on the third, a total of fifteen years. Mr. Pond was pardoned after serving eight years, and returned to Worcester, where he went to work SUMNER W. RANGER, Captain. as superintendent in the shop of the L. W. Pond Machine Co.. and remained there until his death. His petition for a pardon was signed by many persons in Worcester, and he came out of prison to find he had many friends in the city which had been his home for the greater part of his life. The People's Savings Bank is the only Worcester banking- house that has been robbed. April 2, 1890, it was discovered that $43,000 in bonds and $3,400 in cash had been taken, and sus- picion pointed to the teller, who had been absent several days Worcester, Massachusetts. 117 by permission of the officials. A reward of $3,000 was offered for his arrest, and Detectives D. H. Hayter and J. E. Shaw, of the state police force, assisted by Pinkerton men, of New York, worked on the case. It was learned that the teller had gone to Paris, and representation was made that if he returned and made good to the bank its loss disposition would be made of the case satisfactory to him. The teller sailed for New York from Havre on La Bretagne in August, reaching New York Sept. i. He was arrested, brought to Worcester, and sentenced to the state prison for seven years. He brought back the bonds taken, none of them having been disposed of. The reward went to parties outside of Worcester who were prominent in inducing the teller to return to the United States. In 1869 George Noyes. Hills and Ed McDonnald came to Worcester claiming to be representatives of the firm of Bates & Conklin, Rhinebeck, N. Y. They lived at the Waldo House, and claimed they wanted to buy machinery. Accounts were opened at the Worcester and Central National Banks, and a week was passed in visiting machine-shops and examining machinery. Early one Monday morning the men appeared at each of these banks and cashed a check for $2,780. They immediately left Worcester, and the forgery was discovered in the afternoon, when City Marshal Drennan sent Officer E. D. McFarland in pursuit of them. They were traced to New York city, but Officer McFarland was one train behind and lost them. A few weeks later Hills was arrested in Elizabeth, N. J., for forging a check for $5,000 on the Elizabeth National Bank, and shortly after that Ed McDonnald passed a forged check for $5,000 on the Loan & Trust Co. of Hartford, and fled to Canada. He was induced to come over the line, and was arrested. R. N. Start of the Waldo House went to Hartford, and Elizabeth, N. J., where he identified both men as being the Worcester forgers. Hills was sentenced to eight years in prison and McDonnald to five years. Hills wanted a pardon, and to avoid a requisition from the authorities, settlement was made with the banks in Worcester. Hills went to England, where he joined the Bank of England forgers ; and another of the gang was George McDonnald, brother of Ed Mc- Donnald who forged the check in Worcester. The Bank of England forgers were rounded up and sent for life to Van Deman's land. They were afterwards released, and George Bid- n8 History of Police Department, well is well known in Worcester, where he sells his book telling of that famous gang. In 1868 a silk-sale was opened in Worcester by a man named Dudley, at which silks were sold so cheaply that the attention of the police was attracted to it. Dudley was living with a woman on Grafton street, who was the wife of an employee of the dry goods house of C. B. Claffiin & Co. in New York. The police received their information through a Mrs. Sugee, who ran the Half-way house at the time Jim Crockett was murdered. The New York dry goods house was notified, and a detective watched the employee. A lot of silk was found hid under the coal in the boiler-room, and when the arrest was made, the employee had a lot of costly silk wound about his body. The employee was a native of Southboro, and was sentenced to Sing Sing for five years. Dudley died six months later from nervous prostration, caused by the discovery of the crime, and City Marshal Drennan went to the funeral, which took place in Xew Hampshire. C. B. Claffiin & Co. estimated their loss at $50,000. and the man who was caught in the act had charge of the boilers. Dudley and the New York man's wife lived on Penn avenue. Mrs. Sugee was found by City Marshal Drennan living in a house on Twenty- first street in New York. She exposed the robbery rather than be brought back to Worcester to explain what she knew of the Jim Crockett murder. Hezekiah Broughton was arrested Dec. 21, 1874, on the charge of larceny and bigamy. He was sentenced to the state prison Feb. i, 1875, for three years for stealing a horse and carriage from Simeon M. Streeter of Sturbridge. It was discovered that he had served terms in state prison in Wisconsin and Iowa for bigamy and larceny, and had several wives living in various sections of the country. He was first married in Poultney. At., where he was born and lived the early part of his life. He left his wife he married in Poultney and located in Wisconsin. He was twice married in Iowa, where he served a term in prison, and after his release came to Sturbridge, where he worked for a time. He became interested in church work, and was married in Fiskdale in September, 1873, to the daughter of his employer. Clark W. Hatch, alias Clark Wells Hatch, formerly a broker in Boston and agent of the Travelers Insurance Co. of Hartford, Ct., was arrested at Union Station Jan. 31, 1891, by Inspector O'Day on the charge of forgery. The arrest was made at the Worcester, Massachusetts. 119 instance of the Travelers Insurance Co., which claimed he uttered a forged check for $3,000 payable to Mamie E. Smith of Worces- ter, wife of Harry E. Smith, a commercial traveler who was claimed to have been drowned between Narragansett Pier and Providence about the middle of August, 1890. The check was presented at the Mechanics National Bank for payment August 25, 1890. It was from the Travelers Insurance Co. of Hartford, on the Fourth National Bank of New York, and representation was made that it was sent to Hatch & Woodman of Boston to be paid to Mamie E. Smith. It bore the indorsement of Mamie E. Smith, and was made payable to Clark Wells Hatch, who was ;\ member of the firm of Hatch & Woodman, and at the time it was presented for payment an agent for the insurance company. Hatch was on his way from Colorado Springs, Col, to Boston when the arrest was made, Inspector O'Day taking him off an express train. Hatch had received the money from the Mechanics National Bank, and it was not discovered to be a forgery until several days after its payment. Hatch was a man of remarkable physique, and attracted considerable attention at the time of his trial. He was forty-three years old, stood six feet, three inches in height, and weighed 225 pounds. After his arrest he was identified by William J. Lewis, adjuster for the company, for a year a friend of Hatch. Hatch came to Worcester several days before pre- senting the forged check, and opened an account at the Me- chanics Bank, making a deposit of $250, which he afterwards withdrew. During a Raymond excursion through the West in 1885, he became acquainted with several Worcester persons, and used their names for reference when he presented the check for payment. He was defended by Col. W. S. B. Hopkins, and at the trial proved an alibi, two women testifying that he was in Boston the night it was claimed the check was cashed in Worces- ter. They afterward acknowledged they might be mistaken in the day, but Hatch was then far out of the reach of the police. After his acquittal Col. Hopkins obtained for his client a writ of protection, a second warrant being ready to serve, and on this writ of protection Hatch left the state of Massachusetts. The last heard from him was that he was living in South America. Hatch was well known throughout the West, where he had been tried for the murder of his uncle, Henry E. Hatch, in Flagler, Kit Carson county, Col., in 1890. He visited his uncle in 1889, and after he left the place his uncle was found murdered. 120 History of Police Department, He was twice tried for the crime, and acquitted on the last trial. During his early life he lived in Canandaigua, N. Y., where he married a daughter of Orrin Poppleton, a wealthy business man of Cazenovia. This is the only case of any prominence of "grave- yard insurance" with which the Worcester police have had expe- rience. Among the brokers there have been various complaints for alleged crooked transactions, but the only one of the number who ever received a state prison sentence was Charles B. Whit- ing, for several years the most prominent broker in Worcester. In 1888 he was charged with embezzlement of stock in the Ameri- can Electrical Manufacturing Co., valued at $7,900, and owned by Luther Brigham of Boylston. He was sentenced to state prison for seven years. AN APPLICANT FOR LODGINGS. Worcester, Massachusetts. 121 CHAPTER VIII. TEN YEARS OF CRIME. Arrest and Death of "Gentleman" George Ellwood Nellie Deedy's Catch of "Watt" Jones, Notorious Bank-sneak Sentence of John Gillispie, the "Butcher" Visits from Frank Moulton and "Lord Beresford" Horse- thieving by John Lyons and Charles Dansreau Escape of John Reed H. C. Barnum's Diamond Robbery. Within the past ten years some of the most interesting cases in the police-record have transpired. Bunco-men, swindlers and horse-thieves have been brought to the courts, and justice has been meted deservedly. An unusual number of notorious crim- inals have temporarily reached the end of their career of crime, and, strange to say, for offenses committed in Worcester of minor importance. There have been frequent murders, some of them surrounded with revolting circumstances, but the hangman's noose has escaped them all. The state prison holds the majority of them, although a few sought protection behind the defense of insanity. George Ellwood, a noted masked burglar, known over the United States as "Gentleman George," reached the end of his career of crime in Worcester on the morning of Sept. 10, 1891, He came into the city on the 5 o'clock train, and on Front street inquired of Officers John O'Connor and Fred M. Ames for a doctor. He was directed to Dr. Dean S. Ellis, in Franklin square, who found he had received a bullet in his back, and ordered him sent to the City Hospital. Ellwood gave the name of George Martin, and said he received his wound in a gambling- room. Inspector O'Day knew that the residence of C. B. Humphrey, of the Daniels, Cornell Co. of Providence, had been entered a few nights before by a masked burglar and valuable diamonds taken. The day Ellwood arrived in Worcester the newspapers had an account of a masked burglar entering the house of L. T. Frisbie in Hartford the night before, when he was shot by the owner of the house while escaping pursuit. In- spector O'Day visited Martin at the hospital, and made a care- ful examination of his body for marks of identification. Prop- erty stolen from the Humphrey residence in Providence was 122 History of Police Department, found sewed in his clothing, and Inspector O'Day had an idea Martin was but the assumed name of a burglar. Two or three years prior to this incident, interest was created in the middle states by the escape of Ellwood from the Ohio state penitentiary at Columbus, and a reward of $5,000 was of- fered for his capture. A description of Ellwood was printed at the time, and by reference to this Inspector O'Day connected Martin with Ellwood. He accused the prisoner at the hospital MATTHEW J. WALSH, Lieutenant. of being Ellwood, the fugitive from justice, and after Inspector William B. Watts of Boston saw him he admitted his identity, and rather than be turned over to the Ohio authorities, he said he would go to Providence for trial on the Humphrey job. Mr. Frisbie of Hartford, Mr. Humphrey of Providence, and a man from Albany, N. Y., came to Worcester co see Ellwood, the Albany man desiring to get trace of $5,000 worth of jewelry robbed from his house a year before. Ellwood was taken to Providence after his recovery, and made one of the most stub- born legal fights in the history of the Rhode Island criminal courts. He was sentenced to twenty-five years in the penitentiary Worcester, Massachusetts. 123 at Cranston. In the prison at the time of his sentence was "Spike" Murphy, sentenced for life for killing Waterman Irons, a Provi- dence business man. Ellwood and Murphy planned to escape. Ellwood armed himself with an iron bar, and when opportunity presented, both men made a dash for liberty. The keepers ordered them to stop, and Murphy threw up his hands. Ellwood reached the door, but was shot dead by one of the guards. A reward of $50 offered by Mr. Humphrey was divided between Officers O'Connor and Ames. As a desperate criminal Ellwood had few equals. His earlier associates in crime were "Shang" Campbell, George Millard and Jim Irving, all notorious in criminal history. Ellwood was said to have murdered two of his associates in the earlier years of his career. In 1885 he robbed a residence in Toledo, Ohio, and in making his escape shot an officer. He was later arrested, and sentenced to the Ohio state penitentiary Dec. 12, 1885, for ten years. After serving several years, he planned an escape. He reached the roof of the penitentiary, and going down through a shaft reached the quarters of the warden, whose son was an of- ficer in the penitentiary, and Ellwood obtained access to his apartments. He put on the official's uniform and passed out of the prison yard. In walking through a swamp, he froze his feet and passed fifty-seven days in a hospital. Ellwood is known to have robbed houses in Cleveland, Albany and Boston. H. C. Barnum, traveling salesman for Shaffer & Douglass, 26 Cortlandt street, N. Y., reported to Chief of Police E. T. Ray- mond Feb. 8, 1894, that his sample-trunk was stolen in Spring- field the day before, containing diamonds and jewelry valued at $20,000. His room in the hotel where he stopped had been robbed, and the check for his trunk was among the articles taken. The thieves sent an expressman to the depot with the check, and had the trunk delivered at a room in the business section of the city. The trunk was ransacked, and the more valuable of the diamonds and jewelry were placed in a large bag and sent by express to Worcester. Inspectors O'Day and Stone watched the express-office two days and two nights, but no one called for the bag. Several weeks later Daniel Coty of \Vorcester was arrested by the Springfield police, and for robbing the trunk he was sen- tenced to state prison for four years. John Scanlon is serving a twenty-five years' sentence in state prison under the habitual criminal act. He was arrested May 124 History of Police Department, n, 1891, by Inspector Stone, having given the police of Worces- ter and surrounding towns considerable trouble. He had been known as a criminal since 1865. Jan. i, 1882, he was sentenced to the state prison for seven years for breaking and entering, and was released in 1887. He was arrested the next year in Bos- ton, and received a short prison sentence. When arrested in Worcester, the records of three terms in state prison, sentences being made in 1876, 1882 and 1888, were submitted to the court, and he was put away for a long term. In May, 1894, Frank Moulton came to Worcester and entered into negotiations with E. Avery Brewer, of Bush & Co., drug- gists, for the purchase of the Dr. Brockway pharmacy, corner Main street and Layard place. The deal was made, and Mr. Brewer introduced Moulton at the Quinsigamond National Bank. On June 20 he deposited a cashier's check for $5,400 drawn on the National Bank of Tama, Iowa. The same day he drew $2,000. He was not seen in Worcester afterward, and June 26 the officials of the Quinsigamond Bank learned from the Tama Bank that the check was a forgery. Inspector O'Day traced Moulton through several cities, and finally located him in Vineland, N. J., where he lived in luxury under the name of Horace D. Baker. He was wanted in Bel Air, Md., for forgery on the Harforcl National Bank, and before Inspector O'Day could get a requisi- tion from Massachusetts the officials of Bel Air took Baker to Maryland, where he was sentenced to eight years in state prison. He was wanted in several cities and towns in the East for for- geries, and was known as Moulton, alias Baker, alias Hall, alias Sage, alias Thomas, alias Roberts. He was a native of Virginia, and his name was Robert E. Hall. July 12, 1894, Charles M. McFarland, jeweler at the corner of Main and Elm streets, was swindled out of $400 worth of diamonds and jewelry by a young man claiming to be the son of Judge Thomas L. Nelson. The swindler secured a diamond ring, diamond pin and a Knight Templar charm, requesting permis- sion to take them home for approval. Inspector O'Day discov- ered that he was stopping at the Colonnade Hotel, on Front street, and was known as J. E. Myers, letters from a girl in Wal- lingford, Ct., being found in his room. He had been a dry goods clerk in Hartford, Ct. ; Des Moines, la. ; Dubuque, la. ; St. Paul. Minn., and St. Louis. He was arrested in Grand Rapids, Mich., a few years ago, and received a short sentence for swindling. Worcester, Massachusetts. 125 William Sullivan, now serving a fifteen years' sentence in the Charlestown state prison, broke into the residence of Prof. E. Harlow Russell, principal of the State Normal School, on the night of Sept. 10, 1894. He locked the members of the house- hold in a room, and got away with money and valuables. He was masked, and forced the family into a room at the point of a revolver. Sullivan went to Denver after the burglary, where he was arrested, and given a sentence in the penitentiary at Canon City. He was released July I, 1897, and delivered to Inspector O'Day and Officer Dillon, who brought him to Worcester. On May 29, 1895, Lucius W. White, mortgage-clerk at the Worcester County Institution for Savings on Foster street, left Worcester suddenly. An examination of his accounts showed him to be an embezzler to the amount of $2,258, which he ob- tained by neglecting to enter on the books the amount of interest paid on mortgages, and converting the interest to his own use. The peculations had been going on more than a year, until de- tected by Charles A. Chase, treasurer of the institution, by the accidental discovery of a bank-book in the pocket of one of White's coats left in the bank. He was traced to New York, and later went to London. The bank did not care to assume any expense in bringing him back to Worcester, and White is still a fugitive from justice. When last heard from, he was working in the South. Miss Nellie P. Deedy, bookkeeper in T. A. Small's grocery store, 22 Millbury street, by coolness and courage detained for the police a thief who was known throughout the country as a bank-sneak. "Watt" Jones is known to every police department in the United States. He came to Worcester in the wake of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show June 6, 1895, and robbed E. A. Goodnow of a diamond pin valued at $200. It was picked from his shirt-front at Harrington corner during the parade. Jones" was caught at Small's grocery tapping the till, and was held by Miss Deedy until the arrival of Officers Luke Dillon and Nils Lind- quist of Station 2, who arrested him for larceny. He was sen- tenced to six months in the house of correction, but before he was taken to the Summer street jail, Inspector O'Day identified him as "Watt" Jones, the noted bank-thief. Several months after the incident Jones arranged to have Mr. Goodnow's diamond returned to him. 126 History of Police Department, Jones was known as William Stetson, A. J. Stetson, Jasper Simpson, Rufus Comstock, Thomas Guerin, Albert Montague, and by several other aliases. For robbing the Moulston Bank of St. Thomas, Ont, he was sentenced to seven years in the peni- tentiary at Kingston. Under the name of Clark he served two years in jail at Minneapolis, Minn. The job that attracted most attention was committed in 1883 in Denver, Col. He went into a bank during business hours, and at the point of a revolver WILLIAM HICKEY, Sergeant. forced the cashier to deliver to him $10,000 in cash, and then he walked out of the bank without a word being said. He had called Ihe cashier to his private office, where he made his de- mand. He followed the cashier with the revolver in his coat pocket ready to use if the cashier made a motion to attract the attention of the clerks in the bank. In 1886 he led a party to rescue from the jail in St. Louis Jimmie Carroll, a bank-robber awaiting trial. Jan. 6, 1896, he went through Senator Warner Miller's rooms in the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York citv, and Worcester, Massachusetts. 127 made his escape after being discovered in the apartment by a daughter of Senator Miller. He was sentenced May 16, 1896, to three years in state prison in Pennsylvania for stealing a travel- ing man's satchel. He is now serving a sentence in the New York state penitentiary at Dennamora. John Gillispie, known as the "Butcher," is serving a twenty- five years' sentence in the state prison at Charlestown under the habitual criminal act for robbing the residences of W. A. Rich- ardson on Austin street, and P. J. Skinner on Pleasant street, in the summer of 1895. He was sentenced, Aug. 27, 1895, to twenty years for the Richardson break and five years for the Skinner break. He is the most close- mouthed criminal the Worcester police ever encountered. He is believed to be an escaped English felon. His careless manner of doing his work gave him the name of the "Butcher." In 1883 Gillispie entered the residence of Rev. Dr. William L. Gage, pastor of the Pearl Street Congregational Church of Hartford, Ct. Dr. Gage was awakened after midnight and gave Gillispie a tussle. The minister and thief rolled down the stairs together and into the street. Dr. Gage clung to his prisoner for twenty minutes until help arrived, but in trying to get away Gillispie struck Dr. Gage a blow on his head from which he never re- covered. The citizens of Hartford presented Dr. Gage a $1,000 watch and chain and a gold-mounted revolver. A year and a half after this incident, Dr. Gage was committed to a sanitarium in Philadelphia for treatment, and one day hurled himself from a window and was killed. Gillispie was sentenced for that burglary, and while in prison never received a caller or received or wrote a letter. Thomas O'Brien, alias Burton, "king of the bunco-men," and George W. Post, his associate, were arrested in Worcester Nov. 5, 1885, on suspicion of working their game on Elbridge G. Partridge. O'Brien and Post had been in Worcester several days, and an appointment had been made with Mr. Partridge to meet them at the Bay State House. Before the time of the appointment the arrests were made, and O'Brien and Post were willing to leave Worcester at the suggestion of the police. When arrested, O'Brien had $3,400 in cash, including several packages of $100, containing bills of the Drovers' Bank of Chicago. Within the last ten years O'Brien and Post were arrested on the charge of swindling a man named Corning, in Albany, out i 2 8 History of Police Department, of $10,000. They were each sentenced to ten years in state prison at Dennamora. O'Brien was released on a writ of review, and taken to Utica, where he escaped in a way similar to that of John Reed in Worcester. He went to New Orleans, where he took a fruiter for South America, and afterward went to France. He met a bunco-man named Wardwell in Paris, and during a quarrel between them, he killed Wardwell. He was sentenced to the galleys for life, being confined on Devil's Island, but made his escape. O'Brien is credited with making $1,000,000 out of his bunco-methods. In the summer of 1897 a swindler opened an office in rooms 716 and 717, State Mutual building, under the name of F. S. Lancaster, insurance agent, and also agent of the Worcester & Yukon Mining Development & Investment Co. He remained here during the summer, and figured with prominence in the sporting events given by the English societies. He lived with his wife at the Bay State House, and Sept. 15, for the purchase of furniture at Flint & Barker's, gave a check for $126.50, drawn on the Chapin National Bank of Springfield, signed by A. M. Ben- nett. The goods were delivered, and Lancaster received in change $104. Lancaster disappeared from Worcester, leaving a number of unpaid bills and small loans that were never settled. It developed that he was a swindler known as "Lord Beresford," alias Sidney Lascelles, who had served a long term in the Georgia penitentiary for forgery. He was also known as Sir Harry Vane, R. N., and as Lord Courtney. He married the daughter of Alex- ander Pelkey, a wealthy resident of Fitzgerald, Ga. After he left Worcester, he was located in Buffalo, where he lived for a time under the name C. H. Davis, and when last heard from was in the City of Mexico, where he swindled people on an ex- tensive scale. The North Grafton post-office was robbed on the night of Nov. 7, 1898, by a gang of safe-blowers who had been operating in central Massachusetts. While the job in the North Grafton post-office was being done, a citizen of the town discovered it and notified William A. Gatchell and Amos G. Gatchell, con- stables of the town. They caught Lawrence Day and Thomas McGrath. While trying to escape, one of the burglars known as "French Louie" was shot and killed by one of the Gatchells. The fellow was getting away from the post-office, and was found dead in a field the following morning. Inspector Stone and Of- Worcester, Massachusetts. 129 ficer W. H. Brady of the Worcester police force arrested Fred Norris in a Front street lodging-house the day after the burglary on suspicion of being one of the robbers. He could not be connected with the crime, but was identified as a Fitchburg burg- lar, and was sentenced to state prison by the same judge who sentenced Day and McGrath. No one claimed the body of the burglar killed by the Grafton constables. Horse-thieves have operated extensively in and about Worces- ter during the last half century. The arrest of John Lyons in Springfield, Xov. 12, 1896, and his identification by Inspector O'Day, and the arrest of Charles Dansreau in Danielsonville, Ct., Feb. 22, 1894, are the most interesting cases in the history of the local police. Both did a vast amount of work in their crimi- nal line, and were sent to state prison for long terms. Deputy Sheriffs McCann and Phelps of Springfield, while on a coon-hunt in the vicinity of W^est Springfield, Nov. 12, 1896, found Lyons with a new team in an abandoned barn. The fellow was unable to give a satisfactory account of himself, and was taken to Springfield on the charge of vagrancy. The arrest attracted the attention of the Worcester police, who communicated with the police of Springfield. Inspector O'Day went to Springfield, and identified the fellow as Lyons, who stole a pair of valuable colts from Charles B. Pratt in 1885. He was brought to Worces- ter and held on the charge of stealing ex-Mayor Pratt's team. In the meantime it was learned that the team found in Lyons' possession was stolen from Waterbury, Ct. Ex-Mayor Pratt did not care to prosecute the case, by reason of an agreement made at the time the horses were returned, and Lyons was turned over to the police of Waterbury. He was sentenced to eight years in state prison at Wethersfield for stealing the Waterbury team. Lyons had served eight years in Sing Sing for stealing a team in Westchester county, N. Y., being released in 1893. More than thirty years ago Lyons came to Worcester and robbed the resi- dence of R. C. Taylor in Quinsigamond. He found a safe which he supposed contained money and valuables, and moved the safe out of the house, driving away with it. This is the only case on record in local police history of a safe being taken away from a building by burglars. Charles Dansreau, arrested in Danielsonville, Ct., Feb. 22, 1894, by Inspectors O'Day and Stone of Worcester and Detective Pat- rick Parker of Providence, and brought to Worcester, stole dur- 1 3 o History of Police Department, ing his short career as a horse-thief nearly seventy-five horses in Providence and six horses in Worcester. At the time of the ar- rest fourteen horses belonging in Rhode Island and six belonging to Worcester persons were found in his possession. He was tried at the May term of the Superior Criminal Court of Worcester county, 1894, and sentenced to thirteen years in the state prison, on the charges of stealing teams from George L. Stratton of Wor- cester. Dec. 30, 1893 ; from Francis W. Grout of \Vorcester, Jan. JOHN VV. WARREN, Sergeant. 4, 1894; from John Manning of Cherry Valley, Jan. 6, 1894; from John J. Riordan of Worcester, Jan. 17, 1894; from John Jenberg, Jan. 27, 1894; from Gilbert J. Rugg, Feb. 7, 1894. He was traced from Worcester to Danielsonville, Ct., by Inspectors O'Day and Stone, and Deputy Sheriff Bowen of Danielsonville assisted in the arrest. This was the most extensive series of horse-thieving operations in Worcester. Feb. 22, 1890, Dansreau was arrested under the name of Johnson and sentenced to the Massachusetts reformatory. Worcester, Massachusetts. 131 No ease so thoroughly interested the public at large as the ar- rest, subsequent conviction, and escape of John Reed, as clever a bunco-man as ever operated in New England. He was arrested in Clinton Nov. 19, 1897, by officers of that town on the charge of gaming. He was hurrying out of the city, and had with him a partner believed to be "Lou" Ludlum, also a bunco-man, who es- caped. It was found a few days later that Charles R. Brown of Gardner had been buncoed out of $2,000, and Reed was held for the offense. The Gardner justice who heard the preliminary case held Reed in $2, 500, and bail was furnished. So much publicity had been given to Reed's arrest that bunco-cases that had taken place within two years in Massachusetts towns came to light, and Reed was suspected of doing it all. He had many friends in New York and New Jersey, who furnished bail for him in several counties, upward of $15,000 being furnished for securities by his friends. Indictments were found against him in Worcester and other coun- ties in the eastern part of the state for obtaining under false pre- tences $2,000 from Charles R. Brown of Gardner, $3,500 from Charles Sweetser of Chelmsford, $1,200 from S. D. Hardy of South Framingham, and $4,500 from Martin Wood of Bridge- water, the latter offense claiming to have been committed Sept. 20, 1897. It was also claimed he secured $5,600 from Comford Thompson of Uxbridge, Sept. 15, 1896. It was unfortunate for Reed that he was arrested, for every man in the state who had been buncoed within ten years came to the front, and was ready to swear Reed was the man who did it. There is no doubt Reed had to answer for bunco-games with which he had no connection. He was tried on three complaints, and sentenced to not less than four nor more than five years on each of the Hardy, Wood and Sweetser complaints, a total of not less than twelve nor more than fifteen years. Oct. 29, 1898, he was brought to Wor- cester from the state prison by Officer James L. Abbott of the prison, and they stopped at a Front street hotel. Reed's visit was to confer with Col. W. A. Gile, his counsel. On the night of Oct. 30 Reed escaped from the hotel while the officer was absent for a few moments. Officer Abbott lost his position, and Reed never was caught. How Reed got out of Worcester has never been printed, but it is known that after being concealed for a day or two, he went out in a soldier's uniform, this being about the time the 2d Massachusetts Regiment went to Springfield to be mus- tered out of service of the United States government. ] 3 2 History of Police Department, After a year of no license in 1890, the opening of saloons May i, 1 891, was marked by the murder of John Manning, nineteen years old, by James F. Quigley of Xew Haven, Ct., a book-agent who was canvassing in Worcester. The saloons had been open but a few hours on the ist of May when John Manning, employed as driver of a wood delivery wagon by P. A. Friberg, drove through Orange street. He was calling out "Wood, wood" from his seat when he met Quigley, who was drunk. Quigley imitated the call of the wood-peddler, and words followed. Manning was a crip- ple, and as he stepped off his team at the corner of Orange and Myrtle streets, Quigley struck him several blows on the head with his fist. The blows burst a blood-vessel in Manning's head, from which he died on the sidewalk within a few moments. Quigley was arrested, and sentenced to the house of correction for eighteen months. Manning was the son of Joshua S. Manning, and lived in the "rookery" on Cypress street. Quigley was later arrested in Boston for a murderous assault on Thomas McGuin- ness, a Worcester man in the liquor business in Boston. For that attempt to murder Quigley was sentenced to fifteen years in state prison, where he is now confined. William W. Graves killed his wife, Johanna Griffin Graves, in a lodging-house on Front street on the night of Dec. 28, 1893. The couple were arrested together on Summer street several years be- fore their marriage, and Inspector Stone advised him to pay his fine of $30 rather than go through a marriage ceremony. Graves could not raise money enough to pay the fines, and they were mar- ried. Their life was unhappy, and during a drunken carousal Graves kicked his wife so severely that she died in consequence. She was found in her room, and Graves was arrested later by In- spector Stone and Sergt. Thomas McMurray. He was sen- tenced to seven years in the state prison. William G. Carr shot and killed his sister, Ellen T. Lucier, in the front yard of her tenement, corner Belmont and Liberty streets, Sept. 29, 1894. Carr was employed in the Grove street wire-mill. On account of family troubles he became demented. He went to the home of his sister in an apparently friendly mood, and without a word of warning shot and instantly killed her. He was seen in Washington square during the afternoon by several acquaintances, and in the evening was arrested by Officer Thomas Hurley of Station i. Carr made no denial of the crime nor any attempt to resist arrest. He was examined to determine his men- Worcester, Massachusetts. 133 tal condition, and was adjudged insane. Carr was committed to the Worcester Insane Hospital, where he remained several years, and is now confined in the insane-ward of the Bridgewater state farm. He is spoken of as appearing rational, and a short time ago made a move toward securing a pardon. He wrote friends in Worcester, but was advised to make no further attempt in that direction. Dr. H. Robert Surles, a practicing physician in Worcester for many years, and prominent in the English societies, was arrested Jan. 22, 1895, on a charge of murdering Anna F. Murphy, a do- mestic employed by George F. Clark, at Salem square. He ad- mitted performing a criminal operation upon the girl, but his de- fense was that the operation did not cause her death. A young man concerned in the case turned state's evidence, furnishing the police with the information leading to Surles' arrest, and the de- fendant was sentenced to eight years in state prison, where he is now confined. This was the most sensational case of that charac- ter Worcester has experienced in half a century. For a crime of the same nature Lena Lavigne, alias Peterson, \vas sentenced to the house of correction for six years for causing the death of Ida \V. Briggs. She was arrested in a house on Grand street by Inspector Stone and Officer George A. McLeod June 29, 1897. Gilbert Parker, arrested in a house on Xewbury street by In- spector O'Day in 1887, was sentenced to state prison for five years for a similar crime. He was watched by the police for sev- eral months, and his house was so carefully arranged that it was almost impossible for a police officer to gain admission. The murder of Mesak D'Sahagian at 28 Liberty street on the night of Feb. 13, 1896, was the result of a row which had its origin in Armenia. Bagadasar Shervonian, who committed the murder, one of the most cruel and premeditated that ever took place in Worcester, was cook in the Armenian boarding-house on Liberty street where D'Sahagian lived. The latter came from Tarsus, and had been in Worcester several years at the time of the murder, but had repeated warnings that Shervonian would kill him, the grudge being conceived in the old country, and death was the only way, Shervonian said, to wipe it out. While D'Sa- hagian was asleep, Shervonian crept into his room, which was on the first floor, and with a Turkish knife, the blade of which was eight inches long, stabbed him through the heart. The blade was 134 History of Police Department, driven its full length, and the heart was cut in two by the blow. Shervonian fled the house, and an alarm was sent to the police- station shortly after midnight. Search was made by the police POLICE DEPARTMENT IN 1870. for two days. S. Everett Phipps, a member of the Fire Depart- ment, learned from George C. Blanchard, a farmer on Salisbury street, that an Armenian answering the description of Shervonian had been working on Pliny Moore's farm, about two miles from the city on Salisbury street. Chief of Police Raymond and Dep- Worcester, Massachusetts. 135 uty Chief of Police Amos Atkinson went to Moore's farm, and found Shervonian at work in a corn-crib. He was peeling pota- toes with the knife used to commit the murder. Chief Raymond arrested him, and Shervonian was driven to the police-station without making any resistance, although he denied committing the crime. He later made a confession, and was sentenced to state prison for life. The assault upon Thomas Devoy, a potato-dealer on Black- stone street, on the night of Feb. 27, 1896, gave the police a long and unsuccessful chase. Devoy brought potatoes from Canada, and sold them to peddlers from a freight-car. William Murray was a new-comer to Worcester among the peddlers, and the police knew very little of him. On the night of Feb. 27 Murray went to the car while Devoy was preparing to close for the night and struck him over the head with an iron bar, fracturing the skull. He was taken to the City Hospital, and as long as he lived in Worcester never spoke a word, the injury resulting in the total loss of speech. Devoy was well liked among the peddlers, and information leading to the identity was quickly furnished the police by those who traded at the car. Murray drove from W r or- cester after the assault in a team hired of Charles Randall, and was located in several cities, but his arrest was never effected. Alexander Berkman, sent to state prison in Pennsylvania for shooting H. C. Frick, of the Carnegie Steel Works, during the strike of 1892, lived in Worcester with Emma Goldman, the anar- chist, in rooms over the City National Bank, and went from Wor- cester directly to Pittsburg, Pa., just before the shooting. Inspectors O'Day and Stone, on January 16, 1896, unearthed a counterfeiters' den on the Major Brown farm in Oxford. A lot of counterfeiting tools was found, and several Armenians were arrested, but no convictions were secured. Ellen Carey, 9 Harding street, during an attack of insanity, killed Patrick Hassett, a boarder, on the night of March 25, 1899. She was committed to the Worcester Insane Hospital. Peter Finnigan shot and killed his wife July 4, 1887, at their home in East Worcester after a family fight. Finnigan was drunk, and had given the police trouble for a long time. He was sentenced to the house of correction for eighteen months. Not since Officer Samuel J. Lowell killed Henry T. W'eikle while shooting into a crowd was there another crime of such a nature until Feb. TO, 1899, when Officer Ira F. Goodwin of Sta- 136 History of Police Department, tion 2 shot and instantly killed William Harvey, who was em- ployed by the Welcome Mission. Officer Goodwin had a fight with a prisoner, who assaulted him, and the prisoner got away. Goodwin ordered him to stop, and when he did not the officer fired two shots at him. One of them struck William Harvey, who was driving a wood team, and instantly killed him. He was suspended from duty, and indicted for manslaughter, but the case was placed on file. He was one of the most conscientious officers POLICE DEPARTMENT IN 1884. on the force, and during his trial had the sympathy of the public. He was reinstated on the police force Feb. 7, 1900. One of the most desperate attempts ever made to kill a police officer was that upon Officer Romanzo Thayer of Station i on the night of July 31, 1892. Officer Thayer and Officer Stone, now chief of police, were detailed as rum-officers during 1891. One of the places where rum was openly sold in violation of the law was a boarding-house on Thomas street, run by Edward D. Les- lie. Pie had threatened the life of Officer Thaver if he did not Worcester, Massachusetts. 137 quit raiding his house. Officer Thayer had ceased doing special work as a liquor officer, and was traveling a beat, going off duty on the night of the assault at i o'clock. He lived on Paine street, and was obliged to walk through a dark section of wooded land on the way to his home. It was in this clump of trees, near the home of Officer Thayer, that Leslie pounced upon him, knocking him to the ground with a baseball bat. When Officer Thayer was found, he was covered with blood, and was thought to be dead. For many weeks he was confined to his home, and for a week his life hung by a thread. Leslie was suspected, and arrested within twenty-four hours after the assault. He was sentenced to seven years in state prison. Deputy Chief of Police Amos Atkinson has a scar on the back of his head that will go to the grave with him. He received it in a fight in Buck's court, off Mechanic street, in 1870, two years after he went on the force. There was a midnight row in the ten- ement occupied by a man named Hughes. Officers Atkinson and Henry Allen went into the tenement to quell the disturbance. There were four men and a woman, and all fought the officers. Officer Allen deserted Atkinson when the woman threw a stove- lid at them. Officer Atkinson jumped over the stove and Hughes struck him with an iron bar on the head, cutting a long gash. At- kinson rushed to the door and fired his revolver, attracting the at- tention of Officers S. W. Ranger and Joseph M. Dyson. Officer Atkinson remained at the house, preventing the four assailants from escaping, and while he was weak from the blow and loss of blood, he fought the men until the arrival of other officers. Hen- ry Allen afterward resigned from the department. The last murder-case on which Inspector Stone worked was the murder of Asa Bennett in Hubbardston on the night of Dec. 21, 1899. The state police were detailed on the case, and State Detective Peleg F. Milrray asked the local department for. the services of Inspector Stone. The case has not been cleared up, not sufficient evidence being secured to make an arrest. Inspector Stone was obliged to leave the case by reason of his appointment as chief of police. 138 History of Police Department, CHAPTER IX. DECADE OF POLICE-DUTY. Increase of Force and Appointment of Night-Sergeants by Mayor F. A. Harrington Retirement of City Marshal \V. Ansel Washburn Adminis- trations of Maj. E. T. Raymond and Return of Col. James M. Drennan - Reorganization of Department by Mayor A. B. R. Sprague Inspector William J. E. Stone Appointed Chief. When Francis A. Harrington became mayor in 1890, one of the most urgent recommendations in his inaugural was that the police force be increased to 100 patrolmen. When Mayor Winslow went out of office, there were 79 patrolmen, and the total strength of the department was 94 members. The department had to its credit nearly $100,000 worth of property, and the operation of the civil-service law, and the action of Mayor Winslow in placing the department upon a permanent basis, had brought it up to a high standard. The city was going through the process of expansion, and there was an urgent demand from the suburban sections for additional police protection. Mayor Harrington, being a subur- ban resident, realized the needs of more police, and made it a strong feature of his inaugural. In his report for 1889 City Marshal Washburn made special mention of the services of Officers Romanzo Thayer, S. M. Bel- lows, Thomas Hurley, James T. Johnson, M. J. O'Connell, O. A. Johnson, W. H. Brady and Inspector Patrick O'Day for their part taken in arrests of burglars who had operated about Worcester, breaking into several residences on the west side and in stores on the east side. Mayor Harrington inaugurated his official acts with the appoint- ment of ten patrolmen, all from the civil-service list, who were George A. McLeod, Daniel L. Lamson, John Keyes, James J. Tierney, John F. White, John B. McCarthy, August Thunman, Frank F. Burbank, Fred C. Eaton and Thomas F. Boyle. Since 1879 there had been no officials who looked after the immediate work of the night-police, and the appointment of sergeants was agitated, followed by the City Council passing an order recom- mending their appointment. Mayor Harrington selected from the ranks Thomas McMurray and James T. Johnson of Station i, and William Hickey and John W. Warren of Station 2, appoint- Worcester, Massachusetts. 139 ing them sergeants at a salary of $1,000 a year, these being made March 21. There were 3,01 1 arrests made during 1890, a decrease of nearly 1,000 over the previous year. The first year of Mayor Harring- ton's administration was the second no-license year, and the re- port of the city marshal showed that nearly all arrests were for misdemeanors, and that crimes of a serious nature had been com- paratively few. The expenditures of the department for 1891 were $104,599.95, with a revenue of $13,290.33, a net expense of $91,- 309.62. So the first year of the last decade began with 104 per- sons in the department and an annual expenditure of over $100,- ooo. A disposition to violate the law prohibiting the sale of liquor during the no-license year of 1890 made additional work for the police. During 1890 there were served 1,588 search-warrants, resulting in the seizure of about 575 gallons of liquor. The wis- dom of appointing a police matron is clearly shown in the report of Mrs. Lane. There were 236 arrests of women, which was said to be unusually small in number in comparison with license years. There were 129 arrests for drunkenness and 45 for keeping liquor. In 1891 the office of detective was changed to that of inspector. The reason was that for a few years previous, several detective agencies had started up, and their work was of such a questionable character that it lowered the standard of legitimate detective work. During that year William J. E. Stone and Romanzo Thayer, patrolmen attached to Station i, were detailed for special duty, and Officer Stone was appointed inspector the following year on recommendation of City Marshal Washburn. Inspector Reuben M. Colby resigned Sept. 28, 1891, on account of sickness, and died a few years later in the Soldiers' Home at Chelsea. Patrick Diggins of Station 2 died July 16, and Charles F. Gould and Gus- taf Fyrberg were appointed to the force Oct. 12. The last report by City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn was in 1892, he being succeeded the following year by Maj. E. T. Ray- mond. His appointment was made by Mayor Henry A. Marsh. There were in the department during the year 89 patrolmen, a total of the rank and file of 107 members, 75 at Station I and 32 at Station 2. That year an order was adopted in the City Council without much opposition directing the city physician "to examine all members of the force, except the city marshal and assistant marshals, as to their physical qualifications for the positions." March 16 Patrolmen Marshall S. Green, William Finneran, BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WORCESTER POLICE RELIEF ASSO CIATIOX FROM 1898 TO 1900. Worcester, Massachusetts. 141 Michael J. O'Connell and Nicholas J. Mooney were discharged for being physically disqualified, and Joseph H. Flint, Henry H. Me- corney, Elliott Tyler and Sylvanus G. Bullock, found physically defective, were reduced to the duties and pay of doormen. Their pay was fixed at $600 a year, but upon petition it was later raised, but not to the standard of a patrolman. Patrick E. Ratigan, doorman at Station 2, died Dec. 22, 1892, and Freeman H. Samp- son of Station i died Sept. 28. Officer David Goggin was de- tailed to the Board of Health during a small-pox outbreak, and has since been connected with that board. Officers William Law- rence, Wyman S. White and Edward S. Crowell resigned in 1892, and Michael Deady, Michael J. Sullivan and John F. Beahn left the force. With the inauguration of Mayor Henry A. Marsh in 1893, came the appointment of Maj. E. T. Raymond as city marshal. He had been clerk of the Central District Court for many years, but in a change of administration a Democrat was appointed to his place. He had the training of a soldier, being a veteran of the Civil \Var, and introduced much discipline that was new to the de- partment. He was active, and in his four years' connection with the department had remarkable success. He went out of office with a good record as an executive officer and superintendent of police. He was the last city marshal and the first chief of police Worcester had, for during his connection with the office the city charter was accepted, which made many changes in the several departments, one of them being a change of name from city mar- shal to chief of police. In Chief Raymond's administration regu- lar drills were introduced and successfully carried out, and there was an infusion of new life into the department. The department took on many military ideas, and the style of uniform was changed. The effect of these changes was healthy, and to-day the department is better for his connection with it. He gave more of his time to it than was absolutely needed, not feeling to take the time for a vacation, but his active interest resulted in success- ful work by his officers. He enjoyed going out to make an arrest with some of the officials. He made several, including a mur- derer, and felt a pride in the department whenever a kind word was said of it. City Marshal Raymond recommended two new stations, one to be located in the vicinity of Shrewsbury street. Earlv in his ad- 142 History of Police Department, ministration the ambulance used for the transfer of sick persons was turned over to the custody of the trustees of the City Hospi- tal. The Police Department continued to care for the emergency cases, of which there have been enough to keep it fairly busy, being an average of one a day. Legislation was begun by Chief Raymond to check the speed made through the public streets by trolley-cars, and officers were detailed to watch the speed of cars on lines within the city limits. This resulted in several cases being heard in court relative to cars running in speed exceeding that allowed by law. He also recommended an ordinance pro- hibiting riding bicycles on sidewalks, and his recommendations were heeded by the City Council. The report of the matron for 1892 showed 446 arrests, 372 of them being for drunkenness. Michael J. Healey of Station 2 died June 4, and William H. John- son, so long stationed at Union Station, resigned after serving the department a quarter of a century. In 1894 the total force of the department was 119 persons, of whom 99 were patrolmen. The deputy chiefs of police were Amos Atkinson and F. C. Thayer. This year Maj. Raymond changed the name of his official title from city marshal to chief of police, and the assistant marshals became deputy chiefs of police. The enlargement of the headquarters, which seven years before had been thought ample for the department for many years, was recommended ; also building a stable in the rear of the building, and providing sleeping quarters. He argued that men should sleep in the station-house, in case of a riot, or any occasion where policemen were required quickly. No provision could be made at that time, and there was added to the fire-alarm system a riot-call, which is known as box 444, but never has been used. For use of the department the City Council appropriated $114,000, and the revenue from other sources amounted to $6,000, giving the de- partment $120,000 for its use. The pay-roll was $111,195. There were during the year 4,200 arrests, of which number 2,747 were for drunkenness, and the report of the police matron showed 323 arrests. There were four additions to the force in 1895. James S. O'Connor died on Sept. 9, and Bellville R. Hunter was killed at Brunswick, Me., on the night of August 12, the first day of his vacation, while walkmg on the railroad-track from the depot to the home of a relative, after the arrival of the train from Boston. Worcester, Massachusetts. 143 Sept. 15 Officer Fred E. Fisher resigned from the force to go into another business, and James H. Connor was dropped from the force. Early in the summer there was complaint from farmers living in the suburban districts against fruit-thieves, and an officer was detailed for mounted duty. An appropriation of $400 was asked for to provide for mounted officers in 1896. The needs of an officer whose duty it should be to inspect licensed places, brokers, junk-dealers, and second-hand clothing-dealers, also hacks and job wagons, were shown and an extra man asked for. It resulted in detailing Officer Herbert J. Fisher as inspector of junk. That year Chief Raymond made a strong recommendation in favor of the reorganization of the department. He claimed there were two deputy chiefs of police, but both had the same authority, and there was need of but one ; that he be moved to the office of the chief of police, and a day-captain be appointed for office-duty. This recommendation was considered by the City Council, and was also recommended by Mayor A. B. R. Sprague. The recommendation was also made that the force properly or- ganized should consist of one chief of police, one deputy chief of police, and for Station i an addition of one lieutenant and one sergeant. This was renewed in 1896, and the reorganization came in 1897. In 1896 the bicycle-squad came into existence. Officer George H. Hill, who was appointed on the force in 1893, was assigned to bicycle-duty June n, his territory being confined to Institute"park and Park avenue. The City Council passed an ordinance limit- ing the speed of bicycles in parks and public streets, and for a few days the police-books showed frequent arrests made by Officer Hill on his bicycle. This action had a good effect, for as soon as riders knew that an officer was detailed for that duty, fast riding ceased, and the days of the "scorcher" on the avenue and in the parks ended. Before the end of the season other riders were added to the force, and the reform inaugurated by Chief Raymond has been in force since, the number of riders being in- creased yearly. In April, 1896, Officer Hill arrested Edward Kelley for at- tempted burglary. Chief of Police Raymond issued an order commending him for his work, and posted an order in the guard- room of both stations. It is the only instance in the history of the department where such an order was issued. It reads : JAMES T. JOHNSON. _ P R. E. S I D E.MT . 'i'v twr" I J AM E S . O'CON O I f^.E CT BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WORCESTER POLICE RELIEF ASSO- CIATION, 1900. Worcester, Massachusetts. 145 DEPARTMENT OF POLICE. Worcester, Mass., April 4, 1896. Gen. Order No. 31. The discovery and capture of three men for breaking and entering on the night of April 3, by Patrolman George H. Hill, deserves special notice, and for the energy, zeal and courage displayed, Patrolman Hill is hereby ten- dered the commendaticfn and thanks of the chief of this department. This order will be read by the officers in charge of the stations to each relief. By order of E. T. RAYMOND, Chief of Police. In his report of 1896 relative to the reorganization of the de- partment, Chief of Police Raymond said : "The present organiza- tion has been in existence since 1848, nearly fifty years, and what- ever merits it may have had, it is to-day cumbersome and top- heavy. For the best interests of the Police Department, this subject should receive careful consideration. If the present or- ganization is to continue, I earnestly recommend that the appoint- ing-power designate one of the two deputies as first deputy, in order that in the absence of the chief the responsibility may fall upon some one certain officer." With this recommendation Chief of Police Raymond resigned at the close of the year to go back to his former position of clerk of the Central District Court, which he now holds, but he never has lost his interest in the department which had such a fascination for him. The reorganization of the department came with the beginning of Mayor Sprague's second term in 1897, Deputy Chief of Police F. C. Thayer being dropped, and Deputy Chief of Police Amos Atkinson was transferred to duty in the office of the chief of police. Capt. David A. Matthews was transferred from night to day duty, and at Station i Sergt. James T. Johnson was detailed to the night-captain's desk. Dec. 14, 1896, an order passed the City Council, after several weeks' consideration, adopting a graded system for the department. By this order the pay of patrolmen was advanced from $2.50 to $2.75 a day, the latter amount being paid patrolmen who had been two years in the department. The graded system provided for $2.25 a day for first-year men, $2.50 for second-year men, and $2.75 for men on the force three years or longer. The new scale of salaries was ordered to go into operation Dec. i, 1896. The reorganization was completed April 5, 1897, by these appointments by Mayor Sprague: Sergt. James T. Johnson of Station i, promoted to I4 6 History of Police Department, lieutenant ; Sergt. Matthew J. Walsh of Station 2, promoted to lieutenant; Patrolman George H. Hill of Station i, promoted to sergeant; Patrolman Walter N. Drohan of Station i, promoted to sergeant. In 1897 Col. James M. Drennan, who had served several years as city marshal, and a deputy sheriff for many years, returned to the department as its chief. The same careful system which characterized his early connection with the police was carried out. He introduced some reforms, but in the course of his adminis- tration of three years the police worked upon general lines adopted earlier in the decade by Chief of Police Raymond. In his first report he said : "After an absence of thirteen years, I was again appointed to take charge of the department, and during those years I have kept well in touch with the force and its work. In my report of thirteen years ago, I stated that as a matter of necessity the organization of the department should be changed to consist of chief, deputy chief, captains, lieutenants, inspectors, sergeants and patrolmen, and after all these years of running in the old ruts, I have had the honor and pleasure of putting in force the long-hoped-for change." He also recommended that there be some form of punishment for the infringement of police rules and regulations other than dismissal or being allowed to resign ; he recommended the appointment of ten additional officers and establishment of a new police signal service ; he made a lengthy recommendation for a police pension system applying to members of the department who had been in continuous service for twenty- five years or more ; he suggested the money received from the pa- trolmen for extra duty and for licenses be applied to a pension fund, and that the officers retired with pensions be termed a veter- an reserve corps, a custom followed in New Haven, where the de- partment is much larger than Worcester and the city smaller. At the close of Chief Drennan's first year the force had 130 persons, of whom 108 were patrolmen. The pay-roll of the department was $129,384, and the total cost of running it was $137,646. In 1897 Patrick Collins and Joseph H. Flint resigned from the force, and Moses Thayer and Joseph A. Toupin were dismissed. Joseph H. Flint had been a member of the department since 1856, and re- signed on account of sickness. In 1898 there were seven men appointed, increasing the force to 112 patrolmen. In June, 1898, the License Board was organized, of which Chief of Police Drennan was chairman. The Worcester, Massachusetts. 147 other members were E. L. Vaughn, chief of the Fire Depart- ment, and James C. Coffey, clerk of the Board of Health. This board took from the aldermen many duties, and in granting licenses and permits is governed largely by the reports of Herbert J. Fisher, inspector of junk. This year Officers Michael F. Ken- nedy and Daniel L. Lamson were dropped from the force, Officer Jeremiah J. Moynihan went to Cuba as captain of the Emmet Guards, in the 9th Regiment of Volunteers, and Officer Andrew J. Benson died April 29. He was a member of the department since May 8, 1893. Early in the year Mayor Rufus B. Dodge, Jr., who succeeded Mayor A. B. R. Sprague, recommended that the office of chief of police be made permanent. In 1898 the police had three days which tested the ability of the department in handling crowds, but it was successfully done. These days were when the Worcester companies of the 2d and 9th Regiments of Volunteers left for camp and the day when the com- panies of the 2d Regiment returned. Late in the year 1898 the department took possession of the Fire Department building ad- joining the police building, and it is used as a dormitory and stable for the ambulance service. The custom was established several months later of detailing five men from each relief to sleep in the dormitory when going off duty at i o'clock in the morning. In closing his report for the year, Chief Drennan said : "A number of officers are entitled to honorable mention for meritorious and courageous acts during the year. Men who can enter a building in the night-time and capture a burglar single-handed have what may be termed 'Hobson courage,' and have well established them- selves in the estimation of their officers and comrades as brave men. We were visited by a gang of burglars for a short time in midsummer, and after doing us some damage, and while the officers were closing in on them, they visited North Grafton to rob the post-office. While there, thanks to the brave officers of that town, the gang met its Waterloo. One was killed outright, two others arrested, and one other of the gang was arrested by the officers of this department, and since they were broken up we have had no further trouble." In 1899 two appointments were made, Frank P. A. Gilchrist and Albert C. Moulton, both on June 13. A year later Officer Moulton resigned to go into other business. A surgeon was added to the department for ambulance duty and two ambulance drivers were added, the City Council having placed the entire PATROLMEN. Worcester, Massachusetts. 149 ambulance system under the supervision of the Police Depart- ment. Officer B. C. Dustin resigned, and Charles A. Garland and Thomas C. Cummings died, the former Sept. 13, 1899, and the latter Oct. 29. Both were attached to Station i at the time of their death, and Officer Garland had worn number I badge since the resignation of Officer J. H. Flint several years before. He was appointed by Mayor Blake in 1868, and with the exception of one year served until his death. He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving for three years in Co. C, 25th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Officer Cummings was appointed by Mayor Reed Jan. 7, 1884, and served continuously until his death. During the spring of 1899, Station i was damaged by a fire. It was renovated and new sanitary appliances were put in. The adjoining building was equipped as a dormitory and surgeon's department. This year the department cared for 12,000 lodgers, and at Welcome Mission there were lodged 8,000, a total of 20,000 wanderers who found shelter in the city. The new signal service was put into operation in September, 1899. The average number of arrests for drunkenness since 1892 was 3,000 a year. The report of Police Matron Sawtelle showed for 1899 362 ar- rests, 24 lodgers, 2 persons detained, 43 neglected children, 71 lost children and 16 insane women cared for, and 7 runaway children detained, a total of 525 women and children who came under her personal supervision. The pay-roll for 1899 was $135,557.26, and the total expenses were $158,656.02. The property in the care of the chief of police included $875 personal in the chief's office, $13,- 644 on Lamartine street, $2,981 in the stables, $10,770 in the guard-room, $42 in the cell-room, $65 in the captain's office, $135 in the matron's rooms, $75 in the surgeon's rooms, $173 in the dormitory, $237 in the inspectors' office, and $314 at Station 2, a total valuation of $29,311. As a farewell recommendation Chief Drennan urged a police commission and pension system. There are fifteen patrolmen and doormen who were appointed to the force more than twenty years ago. They are Edson Fair- banks, appointed Jan. i, 1873; Elliott Tyler, appointed Jan. i, 1873; William A. Piper, appointed Jan. 17, 1873; Addison March, appointed Jan. 17, 1873; James M. Maloney, appointed July 17, 1873; George V. Barker, appointed Jan. i, 1872; Charles W. Bar- ker, appointed Sept. 17, 1872; David Goggin, appointed Jan. 6, 1873; Henry H. Mecorney, appointed Jan. i, 1875; Orrin A. Johnson, appointed Jan. i, 1879; Daniel McCarthy, appointed 150 History of Police Department, Jan. i, 1879; Henry B. Streeter, appointed Jan. i, 1873; Samuel W. Ward, appointed Jan. i, 1879; Michael J. Foley, appointed Jan. i, 1874; Robert F. Mathews, appointed Jan. 7, 1879. Important changes in the department were made May i, 1899, when Capt. David A. Matthews of Station i was transferred to Station 2, and Capt. Sumner W. Ranger went from Station 2 to Station i. Sergts. Thomas McMurray and Walter N. Drohan of Station i exchanged places with Sergts. William Hickey and John W. Warren of Station 2. In 1900 William J. E. Stone, who had been an inspector since 1891, succeeded Chief of Police James M. Drennan, his appoint- ment being made by Mayor Rufus B. Dodge, Jr. Chief Stone is the youngest man who has held the office. The department to- day numbers 118 patrolmen, and its total strength is 137 persons. Of this number 34 men are veterans of the Civil War and i of the American-Spanish War. The veterans are as follows : Clerk William L. Robinson, navy ; Capt. David A. Matthews, 3d and 5th Massachusetts Batteries and 8th United States Cavalry ; Sylvanus G. Bullock, 25th Massachusetts Regiment; William A. Piper, ist New Hampshire Cavalry; Henry W. Butler, ist Connecticut Cav- alry ; James Donahue, 7th New York Infantry ; John Keyes, 36th Massachusetts Regiment; John Legasey, i5th Massachusetts Regiment; Addison March, 2ist Massachusetts Regiment; Samuel W. Ward, 25th Massachusetts Regiment; Charles W. Barker, navy; Michael Cody, navy; Michael G. Donahoe, i7th Massachusetts Regiment and 4th Massachusetts H. A. ; Edson Fairbanks, 3d Massachusetts Rifles and 5 ist Massachusetts Regi- ment ; Michael J. Foley, 5oth Massachusetts Regiment and Co. F, 4th Massachusetts H. A.; Joseph Midgley, 5 ist Massachusetts Regiment ; Frank W. Millett, 2d Maine Cavalry ; Genery T. Dar- ling, 1 5th New York Regiment; Jeremiah J. Moynihan, captain G Co., 9th Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteers in Cuba in 1898; Chandler J. Pike, 7th Massachusetts Regiment; John J. Flaherty, navy ; Charles F. Gould, 34th Massachusetts Regiment ; George W. Hall, 25th Massachusetts Regiment; William H. Mason, 2d Massachusetts H. A. ; Robert F. Mathews, 3d Massa- chusetts Battery ; John H. Walker, 3d Massachusetts H. A. ; Lieut. Matthew J. Walsh, a New York regiment ; Sergt. John W. Warren, 2 ist Massachusetts Regiment; Sergt. William Hickey, 3d Battalion Rifles (old Emmet Guards) and navy ; George V. Barker, 42d Massachusetts Regiment; Peter J. O'Marrah, 37th Worcester, Massachusetts. 151 New York Regiment ; James M. Quimby, 2d New Hampshire Regiment ; Patrick F. Ryan, 4th Massachusetts Cavalry. Since Jan. i, 1900, there have been added to the force Thomas J. Kelleher, George A. Jackson, Pierce P. Power, Richard J. Ker- wick and John H. Walker, the latter being from the veteran civil- service list. The pay-roll of the department last year was $135,- 500, and the total expense, including the cost of the signal service, was $158,656. The attempt to establish a pension system for the police began in 1891, and will be carried into the new century. Discussion in a general way has been going on since the force was made per- manent in 1888 by Mayor Samuel Winslow. It did not take active form until 1891, when an order was introduced into the City Council providing for a physical examination of the members -of the force. The organization of the Worcester Police Relief As- sociation in 1887 was the first relief measure that had been put into force by the department. The action of the City Council in recommending the examination was done in a spirit which led the members of the force to believe the city had in mind the ac- ceptance of a bill providing for a pension system. This did not prove to be the case, however, and rather than submit to the in- dignity of being dropped as a result of physical defects, several of the force resigned before the examinations were made. The general police pension bill introduced into the Legislature in 1892 provided for pensioning police of cities of 75,000 inhabi- tants and over for all who had served fifteen years or longer who had become physically incapacitated by police duty. The force had reason to expect that this pension law would not be opposed by the city government and eventually would be accepted by the city. The argument favoring the examination of policemen was based upon the fact that this bill was before the Legislature. When the bill came before the legislative committee for a hear- ing, Mayor F. A. Harrington went before it in opposition, acting under the instructions of the City Council. Nicholas J. Mooney, who fell a victim to the examination by reason of imperfect eye- sight, was at the hearing in support of the bill and opposed Mayor Harrington. The bill became a law, but Worcester did not ac- cept its provisions. For several years the movement slumbered, but has recently been revived. Councilman N. J. Mooney had an order brought before the Police Committee several years ago to consider the advisability of accepting the pension bill, but it died PATIIOLMEN. Worcester, Massachusetts. 153 in committee. The latest attempt to get the City Council to ac- cept its provisions was made in 1899 by Councilman John H, Meagher of Ward 3, a member of the Committee on Police. Hfs order passed both branches of the City Council, but further con- sideration was not urged. The police have come to believe pa- tience a virtue that needs cultivation, and feel satisfied that some future city council will place them on an equal footing with other cities in the country by the adoption of a pension system. The city marshals and chiefs of police since the incorporation of Worcester as a city have been: George Jones, i848-'49-'5o-'5i and '52; Alvan Allen, 1853; Lovell Baker, 1854; Jonathan Day, 1855; Frederic \Varren, i856-'57 and '58; J. Waldo Denny, part of 1858; William S. Lincoln, 1859; Ivers Phillips, 1860; Levi Barker, 1861 ; William E. Starr, 1862; Charles B. Pratt, i863-'64 and '65; Joseph B. Knox, 1866; A. B. R. Sprague, 1867, six weeks; James M. Drennan, i867-'68-'69-'7o-'7i-'8o-'8i-'82-'97- '98 and '99; Jonathan B. Sibley, 1872; W. Ansel Washburn, 1873- 7 75-'76-'77-'78-'79-'83-'86-'87-'88-'89-'9CK9i and '92; A. Davis Pratt, 1874; Amos Atkinson, 1884 and '85 ; Edward T. Raymond, 4-'95 and '96; William J. E. Stone, 1900. There has been no need to draw on the imagination in writing the history of the Worcester Police Department, as truth is not only stranger, but more profitable than fiction. The duties of the police officer afford peculiar opportunities for the study of hu- man nature, presenting a wide field not only for the pen of the novelist, but for the hand of the philanthropist. The Worcester department can safely rest upon its record, which is as creditable as could be desired. No city has had better success in bringing criminals to justice, and the examination of authorities of noto- rious criminals finds the names of many who have temporarily," at least, reached the end of their career within the borders of the Heart of the Commonwealth. The expense of maintaining this strong right arm of the civil government is not extravagant, com- pared with cities of a like population. The work done compares favorably with that in larger cities where the department is larger and the expenses considerably higher. The cost in com- parison with the work has not been great. The department has been a prominent factor in the development of Greater Worcester, the most cosmopolitan city in the United States. The foreign- 154 History of Police Department, born population is a large per cent, of the entire population of the city, and in view of the many factions from many climes, crime of a serious nature is comparatively small. The puritanical ideas of government have not been completely eliminated, and an occa- sional wave of reform floats over the Heart of the Common- wealth, creating interest for a brief period, then passes on. There have been no great sensations in Worcester since its incorpora- tion as a city. The steady work of the department has been its feature. Strikes and riots have been few in number. In 1868 ihe Yale-Harvard crews rowed their last race on Lake Quinsiga- rnond, and the excitement that followed the victory is not forgot- ten by the policemen who took part in the turbulent scenes at the Bay State House and on Main street the evening following the race ; the Butler political convention in Mechanics Hall in 1883 is one of the incidents in the work of the department that is frequently referred to in the line of riots. Strikes have caused little trouble. Work was done by the police at the strike of S. R. Hey wood's shoe factory in 1887, there was some excitement at the time of the Crispin strike, and on two occasions the police have been sent out of the city to guard property threatened by strikers. A detail went to Millville in 1883 to protect the rubber works, and a squad went to Cambridge in 1887 for duty at the street-railway strike. With the dawn of the new century the Worcester Police De- partment, with its youngest executive, looks back over a half cen- tury to review a record of which the city can well be proud. Worcester, Massachusetts. 1 5 5 CHAPTER X. THESE ARE THE LEADERS. Mayor Rufus B. Dodge, Jr.'s, Long Familiarity with Police Work W. J. E. Stone's Success as Patrolman and Inspector Deputy Chief Amos Atkinson in Department More than Thirty Years Capt. D. A. Matthews' Brave Record as Indian-Fighter Capt. S. W. Ranger's Connection with Clark Murder-Case Police Committee of 1900. The appointments of chief of police and deputy chief of police are made by the mayor. With them is left detail of the manage- ment of the department, but he is directly responsible for their official acts. Error of judgment by them reflects upon his admin- istration. For this reason the mayor necessarily exercises his best judgment in the appointment of his chief of police. The officials responsible for the work of the department are well known to the people of Worcester, having been in active service upward of fifteen years. MAYOR RUFUS B. DODGE, JR. Rufus B. Dodge, Jr., the youngest man elected to the office of mayor of Worcester, was born in Charlton Nov. 24, 1861. His father, Hon. Rufus B. Dodge, who still lives in Charlton, although feeble in health, was a member of the state Senate at that time. His boyhood days were passed on the farm in his country home, and he attended the common schools of that town, taking subse- quently a course in Nichols Academy at Dudley. In 1881, when a minor, being only twenty years of age, the people of his native town elected him a member of the School Committee for three years. This occurrence is, perhaps, unparalleled in the state, but at the time of his election a search of the laws showed there was nothing to prevent the election of a minor to that office. In 1883 Mr. Dodge came to Worcester to study law, though for a time making his home in Charlton. He read law for a few months in the local law office, then entered the Boston University Law School. Taking the three years' course in two, he was graduated in 1885. He immediately entered upon the practice of law in Worcester, which has since been his home, and has built up a business that has increased from year to year. In 1890 he PATROLMEN. Worcester, Massachusetts. 157 was elected a commissioner of insolvency, and succeeded himself to the office in 1891 and 1892. In 1893 he was elected to the Board of Aldermen from Ward 7, and was reflected in 1894 and 1895, being the president of the board the last year. He was one of the most valuable members of the board, and during his alder- manic career showed good judgment in matters of public importance and became influential on matters of importance, his opinions being given valuable consideration by his colleagues. In December, 1895, he was candidate of the Republican party for mayor, but on account of a disruption in the ranks of the party caused by a dispute regarding the seating of a ward-delegation in the municipal convention, he was defeated for the office by Gen. A. B. R. Sprague. In December, 1897, he contested the office with Gen. Sprague, and won by a decided majority, and his ma- jorities have increased the following two years of his reelection. He was elected in 1899 by the largest majority ever given a candi- date for the office where there was an opponent against him. He is one of the most popular men who ever held the office, and has showed wise business judgment in handling the affairs of the ad- ministration. He is a keen, progressive, go-ahead Republican, and is now regarded one of the most prominent of his party in \Yorcester county. When Mayor Dodge was in the Board of Aldermen, he was appointed member of the Police Committee, which gave him op- portunity to become familiar with the needs of the department. Violations of department rules were brought before the committee before the city charter was adopted. This placed affairs of police more directly in the hands of the mayor. He gave the depart- ment careful study, and for several years had been an admirer of Inspector W. J. E. Stone, appointed to that office two years be- fore he went into the Board of Aldermen. He watched the young official's progress, and once remarked to a friend that if he ever had a chance he would "place that young man in a position where the people would see his real worth/' When the opportunity came, he did not do as he intended, appointing Col. James M. Drennan chief of police to succeed himself. In 1899 Mayor Dodge decided to make a change in the department, and without consulting any of his friends selected Inspector Stone for chief of police. It came to Inspector Stone as such a surprise he wanted time to think the matter over. He did not feel he was capable of assuming so much responsibility, but being assured by Mayor 158 History of Police Department, Dodge that he had sufficient confidence in his ability to manage the department, he consented to take the position on condition a change was to be made. This is how Inspector Stone stepped from that office to chief of police without the asking, or having any friends intercede in his behalf. Mayor Dodge discovered him and brought him out, with the result that citizens of Worces- ter are satisfied the city has as capable a chief of police as ever held the office. Mayor Dodge has been prominent in Worcester politics for ten years, taking the stump in the early part of the decade for ex- Congressman Joseph H. Walker. He is a moderate, clear- spoken, effective speaker, full of force and anecdote, and, at times, decidedly humorous. He is full six feet tall, and when he draws himself up to his full height and starts in to speak, his audience listens with appreciation until he gets through. He is a member of the Commonwealth and Shaffner Clubs, identified with the Ma- sonic fraternity, and enjoys hunting and fishing. He is married, and lives in one of the new residences on Massachusetts avenue, the section on the west side recently opened up by Hon. Stephen Salisbury. THE POLICE COMMITTEE. It was not until 1895 that a city council committee on police was created, and it has since had a small share in running the deparr- ment. Until that time all matters were considered by the mavor, who personally directed the city marshal or chief of police in the matter, although he appointed an aldermanic committee on police. City Marshal W.Ansel Washburn, soon after being appointed at the head of the department, recommended in his annual reports the creation of a committee of the City Council for the consideration of many matters that were being introduced in the council as the de- partment was enlarged. The first Committee on Police created was comprised of members of the City Council of 1895, and con- sisted of Aldermen George W. Coombs and A. A. White, and Councilmen E. J. Russell, Charles H. Ellsworth and Nicholas J. Mooney. Councilman Russell had been warden of the state prison at Charlestown, jailer at the Summer street jail, and at the time he was named for the Committee on Police was probation of- ficer, and naturally was valuable as a member of the committee. Councilman Nicholas J. Mooney, who had served for many years Worcester, Massachusetts. 159 on the police force, traveling in the Station 2 district, had also the experience to make his appointment as a member of the commit- tee a wise choice. It was customary for the Police Committee to consider cases of suspensions, and nearly every detail of the de- partment was submitted to its consideration, but in the last four or five years cases of violation of department rules have been dealt with by the mayor. The Police Committee of 1900 includes Alderman Charles A. Vaughan of Ward i, Alderman John R. Back of Ward 6, and Councilman John H. Meagher of Ward 3, Clarence D. Mixter of Ward 7, and Olaf G. Hedlund of Ward 2. Alderman Charles A. Vaughan, chairman of the committee, was born in Sharon, Vt., Aug. 19, 1847, receiving his education in the public schools of his native town, and also at Thetford Academy. He was graduated from the academy, and came to Worcester dur- ing the war. He went to work for H. & A. Palmer, builders and contractors, to learn the carpenter's trade, remaining with them during his apprenticeship of three years. He was foreman for the concern twelve years, until 1880, when he went into business on his own account as a builder and contractor. He has employed from fifty to seventy-five men nearly all the time he has been in business ; and some of his contracts include the residences of George F. Blake, Jr., Gilbert H. Harrington, L. D. Thayer, and Fred H. Taylor. He built the Trumbull mansion on Massachu- setts avenue, which is a reproduction of the famous Trumbull residence which stood for upward of a century at Trumbull square, and was an early court-house in Worcester. He has been president of the Builders' Exchange and the Massachusetts State Builders' Association, and is directo'r of the National Build- ers' Association. He has been on the Police Committee since he was first elected a member of the Board of Aldermen in 1898. He is also a member of the Committee on Public Buildings. Alderman John R. Back has been a member of the Committee on Police both years he has been in the Board of Aldermen. He is also a member of the Finance and Public Buildings Com- mittees. He was born in Worcester April 24, 1851, and after receiving his education in the public schools learned the machin- ist's trade. He has for a long time been engaged as a manufac- turer of machinists' tools, being associated with the F. E. Reed PATROLMEN. Worcester, Massachusetts. 161 Company on Gold street, and is superintendent of the plant. He was first elected to the Common Council from Ward 6 in 1895, and served on all the important committees in the lower branch, succeeding Col. E. J. Russell in the aldermanic board. He was member of the Grade-crossing Commission and the Joint Committee on Public Workshop, and for two years has been chairman of the Joint Standing Committee on Claims. He is a member of the Worcester County Mechanics Association, and is also a director of the Young Men's Christian Association. Councilman John H. Meagher of Ward 3 was born in Worces- ter Oct. 8, 1872, son of Dennis W. Meagher. He attended the pub- lic schools, and was graduated from the Worcester high school in the class of 1891. He entered the Boston University School of La\v after graduation, and received his diploma in 1895, grad- uating well at the head of his class. He was admitted to the bar Dec. 25, 1895, and in December of that year was a candidate for the Common Council on the Democratic ticket, being elected for one year, that being the year all the offices expired under the new city charter. He was reflected in 1896 for two years, and again in 1898 for a two-years' term, which expires in 1901. He succeeded Nicholas J. Mooney on the City Council Committee on Police, Mr. Mooney being one of the original members of the Police Committee. Mr. Meagher is in the law-office of Sullivan & O'Connell, and is an ex-president of the Wachusett Boat Club, one of the most prominent in the country, being the club which sent Edward Hanlon Ten Eyck to England, where he successfully competed for the diamond sculls at the Henley regatta. Mr. Meagher has always been prominently identified in rowing. He is a member of Division 34, A. O. H. Councilman Clarence D. Mixter of Ward 7 was born in Phil- lipston Jan. 1 1, 1867, and came to Worcester in 1876, where he has since resided, with the exception of 1888 and 1889, when he lived in Springfield. He attended the public schools, and left after passing one year in the high school, giving up his studies to enter the employ of F. A. Easton when he was located in the old post- office building on Pearl street. He was bookkeeper for D. H. Eames & Co., at Harrington corner, for upwards of seven years, leaving there Jan. i, 1897, to accept a position in the office of the Worcester corset factory. He is a Republican, being on the Re- 1 62 History of Police Department, publican City Committee for several years, and in 1898 was treasurer of the committee. Olaf G. Hedlund of Ward 2 was born in Warmland, Sweden, Feb. 15, 1858, and after attending the public schools of his native country until fifteen years old, went to sea on a vessel on which his father was commander. He then served two years in the Swedish army, but after two years of army life succeeded his father as captain of the vessel on which he sailed years before. He came to Worcester April 30, 1881, and went to work in the Washburn & Moen wire mill on Grove street, where he is still employed. He was vice-president of the Swedish Republican Club in 1893, and for three years was a member of the Republican City Committee. He is a member of the North Star Benefit Society, for three years a member of the Board of Directors of the Swedish Cemetery Association, and has been a director of the Swedish Cooperative Mercantile Co., and is one of the owners and directors of the Eastern Weekly Publishing Co. CHIEF OF POLICE W. J. E. STONE. Chief of Police W. J. E. Stone is one of the best chiefs Worces- ter has had. His training has been along right lines. He enlisted in the ranks and rose by sheer merit and ability to the chief command. He is the only man in the history of the depart- ment who was appointed to the office without first having served in the various grades of offices, and was raised from inspector to chief, an innovation in Worcester, but a custom practiced in other cities. William J. E. Stone was born in Providence in May, 1860, son of William G. Stone, now living in Auburn, in the town of Cran- ston, R. I., and for many years was a jeweler. The son went to the public schools in Providence. When seventeen years old he went to work for his uncle as a loom-fixer in a woolen mill in Mapleville, R, I. In 1880 his uncle, Henry Bailey, and George Legg bought the Fox mill, at the junction of Green and Bradley streets in Worcester, and William Stone came to \Vorcester that year to work for them. He worked in the Fox and Adriatic mills until 1886. That year he was appointed on the police force by Mayor Samuel Winslow. Two years later, under Mayor Wins- low's administration, the police force was made permanent, and Officer Stone remained on the force as a patrolman until his Worcester, Massachusetts. 163 appointment as inspector. When he took the civil-service exami- nation, heranked high, and was one of the first of Mayor Winslow's appointments. For seventeen months he traveled the Lincoln- street and Laurel-hill beats on the night-relief, and was then transferred to the Union-street beat, which he traveled three years. In the summer of 1890 he was assigned to special duty with Officer Romanzo Thayer of Station i. That was a year of no license, and Officers Stone and Thayer devoted considerable of their time to liquor-raiding. He was on this duty for a year, and these two officers were considered as good liquor officers as there have been on the force. The sickness of Inspector Reuben M. Colby and his subsequent resignation caused a vacancy in the office, and Inspector Stone was detailed, in common with several other officers, to special duty in 1890. After a year with Inspector O'Day, he was selected by City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn for recommendation as inspector, and was appointed inspector by Mayor F. A. Harring- ton Jan. 15, 1892. The only other city marshals to reach the office from the ranks are W. Ansel Washburn, who served four- teen years, the longest time any one man held the office, and Amos Atkinson, now deputy chief of police, who was city marshal under Mayor Charles G. Reed in 1884 and 1885. The first year Officer Stone was on the force he showed ability as a detective, running down a series of burglaries in October, 1886. Wesson's gun-factory, the Worcester Wire Goods fac- tory, J. R. Torrey's razor-factory and E. H. Stark's boot-shop were broken into during the month, and he caught a man in the act of robbing Raymond's drug-store on Prospect street. Capt. D. A. Matthews, on information given by Officer Stone and by his own good work, arrested the following day a man in the Mar- tin block on Pleasant street, with over $800 worth of property .- While traveling the Thomas-street beat Officer Stone caught James Lally robbing Geiger's meat-store, and arrested him at the point of a revolver. Lally had a short time before escaped from the Massachusetts reformatory at Concord, after assaulting the keeper. The fellow gave his name as George Nolan, and Officer Stone the same night arrested, with the assistance of Officer Wil- liam R. Ramsdell, Patrick Reilly. Nolan was sentenced to the state prison at Charlestown, where he died while serving a five- years' term. PATROLMEN'. Worcester, Massachusetts. 165 He had remarkable success as a detective, and has a good reputation through Xew England and in New York. He made a record in running down the extensive horse-thiev- ing in 1894, by arresting Charles Dansreau and Fred Libby in Danielsonville, Ct. Massachusetts and Connecticut horse-own- ers were losing valuable animals. They were located in a secluded district near Danielsonville, and the thieves arrested were convicted. With Inspector O'Day he broke up a den of counterfeiters in Oxford, which attracted considerable attention at the time; has worked on several murder-cases, and at the time of his appoint- ment as chief of police, was working on the Asa Bennett murder- case in Hubbardston. He has always had the confidence and friendship of every man in the department, and his ability has been recognized by the officials under whom he served. He was recommended for appointment as inspector by City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn, had a warm friend in City Marshal Edward T. Raymond during his connection with the department and since, and City Marshal James M. Drennan spoke of him as a bright young man who deserved success. When it was known there was to be a change in the department, Chief Drennan said: "If there is to be a change, I do not know of a man I would rather see here than Inspector Stone." During the many years that Chief Stone was associated with Inspector O'Day, he became acquainted with police officials throughout the country, and few men enjoy the confidence of contemporaries in the police business, or the respect of the public at large, in a greater degree than he. He is a man of even tem- perament, slow to anger and excitement, and much of his success as a detective has been .due to the tact and finesse that he always brings to bear in the consideration of a case. He takes nothing for granted. He always applies cavises to effects. One of the true essentials of the detective is his ability to remember faces after long lapses of time. This Chief Stone possesses in a marked degree. Oftentimes the readiness with which he can recall peculiarities or mannerisms, whether of speech or physique, has been of material aid in the identification of criminals and in the securing of convictions. Discipline is necessarily a quality in a police force as it is in an army. One would think that a man of so agreeable a nature and of so few words as Chief Stone, would be easy-going, and 1 66 History of Police Department, inclined to put up with a great deal before resorting to extreme measures. This in a sense is true if there are extenuating cir- cumstances connected with the case. But there is no stricter disciplinarian than Chief Stone when the occasion requires and the good of the service demands it. Although but a few months in office, he has brought the depart- ment to a state of efficiency that it has seldom occupied, and this, too, without the introduction of new-fangled ideas in the experi- mental state. He is a born police officer, patient, persevering,, and devoted to his duty. He is not prone to discouragement when he encounters obstacles, but works with renewed energy, and this, in a large measure, is the secret of his success. He is of a modest, retiring disposition, and ever ready to give others credit for work accomplished, even though his own efforts were in the main responsible for the achievement of success. Chief Stone lives with his wife and two children at 65 Mason street, and outside of the department has a wide circle of friends. DEPUTY CHIEF AMOS ATKINSON. Deputy Chief Amos Atkinson, with a record of thirty-two years in the Police Department, has held every office from patrol- man to city marshal, with the exception of inspector. His record in these positions is good, and no more careful, courageous or painstaking official has been connected with the department. Capt. S. W. Ranger of Station 2 was appointed a member of the force two years prior to Deputy Chief Atkinson, but was off several years, and has not so many years' police-record to his credit, giving Deputy Chief Atkinson the distinction of being the oldest member of the department in point of service. He was born in South Witham, Lincolnshire, England, Aug. 28, 1839, and came to the United States when he was seventeen years old. He had a brother living in Southbridge, and it was through his influence that he left his native land. He went to work in Southbridge as an engraver in a printing-office, remain- ing four years. While living there, he was married, being but nineteen years old. When twenty-one years old, he went to Wappinger's Falls, Dutchess county, Xew York state, where he went into a printing establishment as engraver, and while there had an offer to take charge of a department in the Parrott gun- factory at Cold Springs, X. Y. The Civil War was in progress Worcester, Massachusetts. 167 at that time, and he accepted the position, having charge of mak- ing the plugs for exploding the shells used in the famous Parrott guns. At the close of the war he returned to Worcester county, settling in Worcester, and went to work in Ball & Williams' machine-shop on School street. He had been there two years when he had a desire to go on the police force. He was appoint- ed Jan. 7, 1868, by Mayor James B. Blake, during the police administration of Col. J. M. Drennan. He traveled the Front- street beat with Officer William H. Johnson. It was the custom to change the detail every three months, but Officers Atkinson and Johnson were on the Front-street beat three years and eight months, the longest time an officer had been on a single beat. Front street was the scene of many fights, and the neighborhood of Spring, Bridge and Mechanic streets furnished work enough for officers. During a fight near Mechanic street during the early years of his traveling, he received a blow on the head that came within a fraction of an inch of being fatal. The circum- stances of the assault are of sufficient interest to refer to in another chapter. In 1872 Officer Atkinson was detailed roundsman, being the first to do roundsman's duty. In 1873 he was appointed night- captain by Mayor Clark Jillson, succeeding Joseph M. Dyson, who was promoted to assistant marshal under City Marshal W. Ansel Washburn. In 1874 Mayor Edward L. Davis made the most sweeping changes experienced in the department, re- placing Republicans with Democrats, and Captain Atkinson went with the rest. Clark Jillson succeeded Mayor Davis in 1875, and Captain Atkinson was reappointed, succeeding Capt. Patrick E. Ratigan, who took his place when he was dropped. Captain Atkinson held the position of night-captain until 1883, when he was appointed assistant marshal by Mayor Samuel E. Hildreth. He held this office one year, and in 1884 Mayor Charles G. Reed appointed him city marshal, which position he held two years. As city marshal he received $2200, the highest salary ever paid the office, and to him belongs the credit of having the salaries of night-captain, assistant marshal and city marshal raised to the highest figure they had reached. In 1886 he was succeeded as city marshal by W. Ansel Washburn, and was appointed assistant marshal. Since that time he has served as assistant marshal or deputy chief of police, and has had no desire to be chief of police. As a patrolman he was fearless, and law-violators kept well out of PATROLMEN. Worcester, Massachusetts. 169 his way ; as night-captain he demanded faithful performance of duty from the patrolmen; as assistant marshal he was well liked, and showed good executive ability in the routine work required. As city marshal he had the good will of the department and the respect of the entire community. He made recommendations that were wise, and had good judgment in his official acts. He has gone through many changes in the police business, and his judgment is frequently sought by the officials of to-day. In 1890 he was granted a six-weeks' leave of absence by the city govern- ment, and returned to his native land for a farewell visit. He was patrolman during the years of the Clark murder by Charles and Silas James and the Grafton Bank robbery, and arrested John Murphy in October, 1876, for the murder of John Bullard in Shrewsbury. CAPT. DAVID A. MATTHEWS. Capt. David A. Matthews of Station i was born in Boston March 7, 1847, son of George R. Matthews. As a boy he lived in Hopkinton and Southboro, getting his education in the "little red school" in Southboro, until twelve years old, when his family moved to West Boylston. He came to Worcester in 1863, enlist- ing for the war in the 3d Mass. Battery, known as Martin's Battery, the commanding officer being Gen. A. P. Martin, recently chairman of the Boston Police Commission. Captain Matthews served in Battery C, in both the 3d and 5th Batteries. He was with General Grant, in the ^th Army Corps, through the Virginia campaign, from the time Grant took command of the army until the surrender of Lee at Appomattox, and was discharged from service June 24, 1865. Returning to Worcester, he went to work in Timothy Stone's boot-shop, located where now is the govern- ment building. June 4, 1867, he enlisted in the regular army, and was sent to California to join the 8th United States Cavalry at Fort Lapwai, Idaho. San Francisco was reached July 13, he making the trip by steamer to Aspinwall and crossing the Isth- mus of Panama, the entire trip taking about a month. He went up the Columbia river 500 miles to Fort Lapwai, and was assigned to Troop E, in the 8th Cavalry. His troop returned to San Francisco, and went by boat to San Pedro, in Loxver Cali- fornia, to Drum Barracks, where the command was equipped with horses. After a march of 300 miles to Fort Mohave, the Col- 170 History of Police Department, orado river was reached July 4, 1868, and two troops were ordered into the interior to establish a post to be called Camp Willow Grove. A sandy desert was crossed, and for 160 miles not a sign of habitation was seen. Camp Willow Grove was established on Cottonwood creek, and Troops E and K remained there until May i, 1869, when they moved forty miles and established a post called Camp Tollgate, near the Mohave and Haulpi Indians' res- ervation. There were many skirmishes during their connection with that camp, and during the two years of life in the Cotton- wood range of mountains, Captain Matthews had the most exciting experiences of his life. The fighting qualities of the young soldier were not long in being recognized, and he was promoted to cor- poral and later to first sergeant of his company ; and for signal bravery and coolness in handling his men in battles, received from the Congress of the United States, through the War Department, a medal of honor. This medal answers the same purpose as the Victoria cross does in England, and is given only to men who show unusual valor under fire. This medal was won in a skir- mish with the Indians in what the soldiers called the Cottonwood range of mountains. Captain Matthews, then a corporal, was sent with a detachment of ten soldiers with rations for comrades stationed at an outpost forty miles from the rest of the command. While returning, the Indians made an attack upon the little band of regulars at daybreak, and a brisk fire was opened by both sides for some minutes. The detachment fought the Indians from ambush, and one soldier was wounded and two of the horses shot. Captain Matthews succeeded in getting his soldiers back to the fort without any loss. In another instance, while in the Hasseamper country fighting the Ute Indians, a band of forty soldiers attacked a party of Indians. Captain Matthews had his horse shot from under him, and was wounded in the knee by an arrow. He used the dead body of his horse for breastworks, and held his ground against several Indians until they retired. His record as an Indian-fighter attracted the attention of Col. S. M. B. Young, now in the Philippines, and he was recommended for bravery. In October, 1869, while his troop was on parade-duty. Maj. A. J. Alexander of the 8th Cavalry called him from the line and publicly pinned the medal of honor upon his breast. He was also promoted from corporal to sergeant at that time. Defending wounded soldiers from an attack from the Indians and bravery in action were the reasons for the promotion and medal of honor. Worcester, Massachusetts. i? 1 From Arizona the detachment of cavalry was ordered to New Mexico, and stationed at Fort Newgate. Aug. i, 1871, Troop E, of which Captain Matthews was sergeant, was ordered with a surveying party of the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company as a protection from the Indians. They did duty from Albu- querque, on the Rio Grande river, to the Needles, on the Colo- rado river, until January, 1872, when they returned to Camp Grout. May i, 1872, Captain Matthews went on his last scout into the Tera Amerilla country, where the Piute Indians were on the war-path. The cavalry was out one month, and Captain Matthews was discharged June 4, 1872, at Santa Fe, N. M., as first sergeant. Captain Matthews returned to Worcester June 18, 1873, and was appointed on the police force Sept. 3 of the same year by Mayor George F. Verry. He resigned in 1873, at tne ^ me f his marriage, and was appointed again in 1874 by Mayor Edward L. Davis, but was off again until September, 1875, when he was appointed by Mayor Jillson, and has been a member of the depart- ment continuously since. He traveled four years as a patrol- man three years on day and one on night duty, and was one of the original members of the mounted police. In 1879 he was appointed roundsman, being the only member of the department who held the office by appointment. He filled it until it was abolished a year later. He was appointed captain of police by Mayor Charles G. Reed in 1884, and was night-captain at Station i until 1896, when he was detailed day-captain, and the detail was made permanent April 5, 1897. Captain Matthews has always held the respect of the members of the department, is considered a careful and efficient officer, and has been prominently connected with some of the most important arrests in the history of the department. He is peculiarly adapted to police work by reason of his keenness and courage. He has had charge of police drills since they were instituted, and at public exhibitions, drills and parades has been a conspicuous figure. He is married and has two children George R., in the Worces- ter County Institution for Savings, and Miss Marietta, teacher in the public schools. CAPT. SUMNER W. RANGER. Capt. Sumner W. Ranger of Station 2 was born in New Brain- tree July 25, 1832. He lived there until twenty-eight years old. PATROLMEN. Worcester, Massachusetts. 173 going to school winters in his earlier years and working on, the farm summers, his parents being prominent farmers in the town. He came to Worcester in 1858, and went to work trucking for Joseph H. Gould, who had a stable on Lafayette street. This street at that time was sparsely settled, and trucking business on the "Island" amounted to but little. In 1860 Captain Ranger bought out the business, and for six years carried it on with success. Tan. 1 6, 1866, he was appointed a member of the police force by Mayor James B. Blake, the city marshal being Capt. J. B. Knox. Captain Ranger is the only member of the present force who saw police service immediately after the war, and remembers distinctly some of the principal events of the early days on the force. He has several souvenirs of the early department, including a rattle and the first printed set of rules under which the watchmen were governed. He and Deputy Chief of Police Amos Atkinson are the only members of the present force who served with the old night-watch. In 1866 several policemen were added to the force, and it was the year the watchmen's rattles went out of service and the revolver and billy came in ; it was also the year uniforms were adopted. During Captain Ranger's early connection with the department, the police station, under the old City Hall, was re- paired and enlarged, and during the progress of repairs prisoners were locked in the brick school-house at the lower end of the Common. He traveled on what was called the night-relief, the territory of his beat covering Main, Green and Summer streets, and he also traveled the "Meadows" beat and on Vernon street. He was an officer in Pine Meadow when it was a rough section, and he is reminded forcibly of this fact because he lost two sets of teeth and had his nose broken at various times. Raiding for rum was the principal work of the earlier days, the police administra- tions being instructed to strictly enforce the liquor-law, and under City Marshal James M. Drennan some famous raids were made. In 1868 occurred the murder of Joseph G. Clark in the Union block by Silas and Charles T. James of East Greenwich, R. I., one of the famous cases in the police history of Worcester. Captain Ranger was the first police officer in the room where Clark's body was found, and with Louis Harper arrested Silas James at the old western depot, where he was waiting for a New York train. The next day Charles James was arrested in Provi- 174 History of Police Department, dence, and Officers Ranger and W. H. Clark and Deputy Sheriff Charles X. Hair went to Providence, the prisoner being turned over to the officers, and they brought him to Worcester. James made a confession to Officer Ranger, and as a result the hatchet with which the murder was done was found by Ranger in the old canal. The two murderers were convicted and hanged. Captain Ranger is the only officer in the Police Department at any time who figured in an arrest of a murderer for a crime committed in Worcester for which there was a hanging. In 1872 Officer Ranger was dropped by Mayor George F. Verry, and went into partnership in the grocery business at Xew Worcester with Geo. H. Brown. He remained with Mr. Brown until 1876, when he was again appointed on the police force by Mayor Clark Jillson, and has been a member of the force since. Between 1872 and 1876 he furnished officers with valuable clues, as he never lost his interest in police work. Shortly after he was dropped from the force, J. Goodrich Scott, a swindler of consid- erable note, escaped from the Summer-street jail. George F. Yerry was his counsel and Charles N. Hair was jailer. Scott lived in Watertown, N. Y., and Captain Ranger was appointed deputy sheriff to follow him for the purpose of bringing about his arrest. He traced him through towns in northern New York, but missed him at Watertown. He arranged with the officials in Rome and Watertown, N. Y., to send him word when Scott put in an appearance, and as the result of this work Charles X. Hair went to W T atertown and brought Scott back to Worcester on in- formation furnished by Captain Ranger. From 1872 until he was appointed sergeant, he traveled beats in the centre of the city, being on Front street considerable of the time. In 1884 he was appointed day-sergeant at Station 2, suc- ceeding John W. Hadley, ,the recommendation being made by City Marshal Amos Atkinson and the appointment by Mayor Charles G. Reed. In 1888 he was appointed captain by Mayor Samuel W'inslow, and he wears a gold badge presented' him by the department at that time. He has good executive ability, which was shown during the police shake-up in 1899 under Chief of Police James M. Drennan, when he had charge of Station i patrolmen in May, June and July, exchanging stations with Capt. D. A. Matthews. He has always had the respect of the officers under his direction, and has a record as a policeman of which he may be proud, having arrested persons for every sort of offense and crime from drunkenness to murder. Worcester, Massachusetts. 175 CLERK WILLIAM L. ROBINSON. William L. Robinson, clerk since 1893, has been engaged with the department in various capacities since 1885. He was born in Barre, Vt, July 8, 1839, son of George C. Robinson, and his mother is still living in Concord, N. H., eighty-six years old. Soon after his birth, the family moved to Concord, N. H., and after attending the public schools of that town he learned the sil- versmith and silver-plating trade. He came to Worcester Sept. 17, 1858, and completed his trade with Appleton Walker, who was prominent as a silversmith before the war. Mr. Robinson re- mained in Worcester a short time, and returned to Concord, where he was living at the time of the outbreak of the Civil War, and enlisted in the ist New Hampshire Volunteers for three months. At the expiration of his enlistment he returned home and was married. Shortly after, he enlisted in the navy as quar- ter gunner on the U. S. S. Managhan, which was attached to the Gulf and South Atlantic squadrons. He was discharged from the navy Sept. 17, 1864, and came to Worcester, where he was em- ployed as timekeeper at the Arcade Malleable Iron Works. He left there and went to Boston, where he worked at his trade, re- turning to Worcester early in the 70*5. For several years he did silversmith business, after which he worked for Henry J. Jen- nings, silver-plater, until he came into the Police Department. When Maj. Edward T. Raymond was appointed chief of police, changes were made in the office and a new system of keeping records adopted. Up to that time there had not been a clerk, the chief of police keeping his own records. The appointment of an inspector for junk-shops and the system of consolidated reports from the stations, made it necessary to have additional clerical work, and Major Raymond appointed Mr. Robinson as clerk. Mr. Robinson has been prominent in the Grand Army, and has been a member of George H. Ward Post, No. 10, since his return to Worcester. He has held every office in the Post with the ex- ception of chaplain and vice-commander, and held the office of post commander three years, 1884, 1885 and 1886. He is a mem- ber of Montacute Lodge, A. F. and A. M., past chancellor of Damascus Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and has been connected with the First Universalist Church for many years. His wife, Angie A. Robinson, is past department president of the Woman's Relief Corps of Massachusetts. PATROLMEN. Worcester, Massachusetts. i 7 7 CHAPTER XI. HUNTERS OF CRIMINALS. Inspector Patrick O'Day on State and City Force Identification of Notori- ous Criminals Work of Acting Inspectors Arthur F. Roach and Herbert J. Fisher Lieutenants and Sergeants Promoted from Ranks Appoint- ment of Dr. Francis Shaw Ambulance Surgeon Mrs. Deborah B. Sawtelle as Police Matron. The responsibility of the department rests with the chief of police and the officials immediately associated with him. Its suc- cess depends largely upon the work of the inspectors, lieutenants, sergeants and patrolmen, who may properly be termed the working-force of the department. INSPECTOR PATRICK O*DAY. Inspector Patrick O'Day is one of the most widely-known members of the department. He has figured in more prominent cases than any other police official in Worcester, and as a de- tective has an excellent record throughout the East. Born in Montreal, Canada, March i, 1847, son f Patrick O'Day, he came to Worcester when five months old, his father first coming here in 1842. After leaving the public schools, he went to work in the Washburn Iron Works, and afterward learned the printers' trade on the Aegis and Gazette. In 1872 he was appointed on the police force by Mayor George F. Verry. He traveled one year as patrolman, and went out of the department in 1873. In 1875 he was appointed on the state police force by Gov. William Gaston, where he remained two years, and then did special work in connection with the district -attorney's office. While on the state force, he worked on the John Bullard murder case, in Shrewsbury, in 1876, and was largely instrumental in convicting two men who had burned $100,000 worth of prop- erty in Clinton, Berlin, and other towns and cities in Worcester and adjoining counties. State prison sentences for long terms were given both firebugs, whose names were Morse and Wil- liams. Jan. 2, 1878, Inspector O'Day was reappointed on the city force by Mayor C. B. Pratt, and has served continuously since, i 7 8 History of Police Department, doing detective duty nearly all the time. He has been associated in detective work with Detective Ezra Churchill and Inspectors Reuben M. Colby and William J. E. Stone and Acting Inspector Arthur F. Roach. He has a wide knowledge of criminals and their methods, and since his connection with the city department made up to Jan. i, 1899, 4,006 arrests for crimes and offenses requiring the services of a detective. In 1879 he was special liquor officer, but since 1880 has devoted his entire time to detec- tive work. His success has been marked. In the list of arrests he has made are the names of some of the most notorious crim- inals on the continent, covering a variety of crime. Nov. 5, 1885, he arrested George Post and Thomas O'Brien at the Bay State House for trying to bunco E. G. Partridge. Post is considered the most successful bunco man in the world. July 2, 1885, he arrested George Carson and Rufus Miner, alias Pyne, on sus- picion. These men appear in Inspector Byrne's book of crim- inals as notorious bank-sneaks, and were suspected of planning the robbery of a Worcester bank. Carson had robbed the Mid- dletown, Ct., bank of $25,000. March 23, 1880, he arrested Scott Lord, notorious horse-thief and burglar, who was sen- tenced to twenty-five years in state prison under the habitual criminal act. Dr. George W. Davis, who had a room on Chandler street, near Wellington, was arrested by Inspector O'Day Nov. 15, 1884, on the charge of making counter- feit money. He had in his room 650 counterfeit dollars and $2,500 worth of machinery. He made the best counterfeit coins that had been seen up to that time. He was sentenced to three years and six months in the house of correction and fined $1,000. With Inspector Colby he arrested, Sept. 19, 1882, Charles F. Lawrence of Auburn for derailing the Modoc train on the Bos- ton & Albany Railroad, between Charlton and Rochdale. A boy named Cunningham furnished a description of Lawrence, whom he saw in the vicinity of the wreck while driving cows. The boy received $250 from the railroad officials, and Lawrence was sentenced to fifteen years in state prison. Lawrence was pre- viously arrested by Deputy Sheriff James M. Drennan for the murder of a man named Battey in Oxford in 1880. but the gov- ernment did not have sufficient evidence to convict. Lawrence was arrested in 1897 by Inspectors O'Day and Stone for break- ing and entering a barn, also for attempting to kill his sister. He was sentenced to six years in state prison. Worcester, Massachusetts. 179 Within the last ten years some of the most famous cases in the history of the department have developed. Inspector O'Day arrested Clark Wells Hatch in 1891, wanted for passing a Trav- elers Insurance Company's forged check on the Mechanics Na- tional Bank. He also in that year identified George Ellwood at the Worcester City Hospital as a notorious masked burglar wanted for escaping from the Ohio penitentiary in Columbus, and for burglary in Providence, Hartford, Boston, and Albany. Among other arrests he has made are the following : May 28, 1895, John Gillispie, the " Butcher," for breaking and entering, sentenced to twenty-five years in state prison ; William D. Sul- livan, breaking and entering the residence of Prof. E. Harlow Russell, and three houses at the lake, in 1895, sentenced to state prison for fifteen years ; Jan. 26, 1 887, Gilbert Parker for a crimi- nal operation, sentenced to five years in state prison ; Chas. Loen- hardt, July 30, 1894, for swindling girls by a jewelry scheme, sen- tenced to fiveyearsin state prison ; Sept. 10, 1895, W. D. Lemont, for robbing the residence of Rev. Dr. A. H. Vinton, on Ash- land street, sentenced to five years in state prison; May 18, 1895, Stephen Wedge, two cases of highway robbery, four years in state prison on one complaint and three years on the other. These are but few of the many cases in which he has figured. Aside from his work in Worcester, he has fur- nished much valuable information to New York and Boston de- tectives. ACTING INSPECTOR ARTHUR F. ROACH. Acting Inspector Arthur F. Roach was born in Clarence, N. S., Jan. 5, 1860, son of John F. Roach. He obtained an education in the schools of his native town sufficient to fit him for teacher. He taught district schools in Hampton, Victoria, Port George, Salem, Margaretville and Kingston Station, N. S., these towns being within a radius of twenty-five miles from his home. In Septem- ber, 1885, he came to Worcester, and for a time worked for the firm of C. W. Walls & Co. on Lagrange street, his brother, May- nard P. Roach, being a member of the firm. His particular part of the business was setting up iron-work, but he remained with the concern but a short time when he resigned to accept a posi- tion as cutter with the Worcester Corset Co., then on Beacon and Hermon streets. He had been a call-member of the Fire De- PATROLMEN. Worcester, Massachusetts. 181 partment a short time, and in March, 1888, went into the perma- nent ranks of the department as driver of Engine 2 on Beacon street. He remained there until August, 1892, when he went to work for the Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co. as foreman of the spring department in the Grove-street mill of the works. He was later transferred to the Ouinsigamond mill. Jan. 31, 1894, he was appointed on the police force by Mayor Henry A. Marsh, and went on duty Feb. 5, being assigned to the Green-street beat. He remained on duty in that vicinity until November, 1895, when he was transferred to the beat on Main and Southbridge streets, between Park and Madison streets. He remained there three years, when he WHS assigned to the beat on Main street, between Central and Foster streets. He traveled the beat one year, and in November, 1895, was detailed on the patrol-wagon, which is a night position. This occurred at the time a general change was made in the details, and Officer Thomas Hurley was sent from office duty to a beat on the west side of the city. Jan. 8, 1900, following the appointment of Inspector W. J. E. Stone as chief of police, Officer Roach was detailed inspector. As a patrolman he made many arrests, none of the offenses being of a serious nature, but showing him a careful, reliable officer and a man of good judgment, an essential requisite in police business. Since his detail as inspector he has had good luck, clearing up nearly every case on which he was detailed. He arrested Walter Percy March 26, on the charge of polygamy, and secured a conviction ; Jan. 23 he arrested Ernest and George Dupont for breaking and entering on three complaints. With Inspector O'Day he arrested Henry Rivard May 3, wanted for stealing teams, and June I the two in- spectors arrested Frank O'Brien, Alfred Charon, Joseph Payette and Henry Gauthier on the charge of highway robbery. Acting Inspector Roach is married, living on Park avenue, and his par- ents are living at Clarence, N. S. ACTING INSPECTOR HERBERT J. FISHER. Herbert J. Fisher, acting inspector, was born in Oakdale July 29, 1853. He lived there until Jan. I, 1871, when he came to Worcester to work in the Rawson boot-shop, corner Ox- ford and Austin streets, where now is located the factory of C. S. Goddard & Son. He remained there until 1877, when he went to work in E. H. Stark's shoe-factorv, near Main and Mvrtle 1 82 History of Police Department, streets. He was there until 1880, when he accepted a position as foreman in the Houghton boot-shop on Front street, where he remained until 1885. That year he took the examination for the police force, and was appointed Jan. i by Mayor Charles G. Reed. He traveled a beat for a short time, and was appointed house- officer at the time Martin Hubbard was made roundsman, and was the first house-officer in the Waldo street station. The office of roundsman was given up at the close of 1885, and Officer Fisher traveled the west-side beat, and resigned from the force Jan. i, 1887. He accepted a position as traveling salesman through the western states, but returned to Worcester late in 1886, being reappointed on the force by Mayor Samuel Winslow in 1887. He traveled days for three years, and was then detailed to night duty. April 17, 1896, he was detailed acting inspector of pawn-brokers and licenses by Chief of Police Raymond. At that time a new ordinance was created by the City Council regulating rag-shops, truck-wagons, pawn-shops and places of amusement, and it was necessary to have an official to see to it that the re- quirements of the ordinance were carried out. He has charge of everything that is licensed by the License Board, and upon the results of his investigations this board acts. Under the provisions of the ordinance everything taken to a pawn-shop must be re- corded in books furnished by the department, and these books are open to the inspector all the time. No article pawned can be disposed of until the description has been examined by the in- spector. Acting Inspector Fisher has been a careful official in this connection, and besides furnishing the department informa- tion that led to the arrest of criminals, he has made several im- portant arrests as a direct result of his visits to pawn-shops. One of the most important arrests he made was that of James Thomp- son Nov. 17, 1896. Thompson was wanted by the Chelsea police for house-breaking and larceny. Inspector Fisher is married and lives at Columbus park. LIEUT. JAMES T. JOHNSON. Lieut. James T. Johnson of Station i was born in Wardsboro, Windham county, Vt., July n, 1855. When seventeen years old, he left home to go into the insane hospital at Brattleboro, Vt., as attendant. For four years he held this position summers, at- tending school winters. Oct. 12, 1875, he came to Worcester as Worcester, Massachusetts. 183 attendant at the Worcester Insane Asylum on Summer street, and until Jan. 3, 1882, was on duty as attendant, watchman or super- visor at the Worcester Insane Asylum or the Worcester Insane Hospital, the latter at Bloomingdale, both being under the juris- diction of the Commonwealth. He was on duty at the lake hos- pital when he resigned his position in January, 1882, to accept the position as watchman at the Summer-street jail, his appointment being made by Sheriff A. B. R. Sprague. From 1882 until Feb. 3, 1886, he served as watchman at the jail, and resigned to accept an appointment on the police force. He took the civil-service ex- amination soon after the law went into effect, and passed with the highest rank that has been attained by a candidate, his mark being 96.25. Compared with the ranking system used to-day, his ex-' animation would be considered practically perfect. Lieutenant Johnson traveled on night-duty for four years one year on Front street and three years on Main street. His police record was sufficient to place him well at the top of the list of can- didates for appointment of sergeants when this action was con- sidered during Mayor F. A. Harrington's administration. He was one of the four appointed to wear sergeant's chevrons March 21, 1890, by Mayor Harrington, and traveled from Station I. He has been successful as sergeant, and for several years was promi- nently connected with raiding for liquor. In this branch of the service he was a thorough, persistent official, and brought before the court many violators. He has always used good judgment in police duty, and when he took a case into court had sufficient evidence to convict. He traveled as sergeant until Jan. i, 1897, when he was selected for promotion by Mayor A. B. R. Sprague at the time of the reorganization of the department. He was detailed to night-duty at Station I, succeeding Capt. D. A. Matthews in charge of the station, and April 5, 1897, was ap- pointed lieutenant of police. He is married and lives on Elm street. LIEUT. MATTHEW J. WALSH. Lieut. Matthew J. Walsh of Station 2, one of the oldest men in the department to wear official chevrons, was born in Wexford county, Ireland, Jan. 28, 1841. He came to the UYiited States when quite young and lived in Brooklyn. He enlisted in a New York regiment at the outbreak of the Civil War, and in 1865 184 History of Police Department, came to Worcester. Machinist's business was good at that time, and he went to work in the "Junction shop," which was a leading machine-shop in Worcester at that time. He worked there until 1874, when Mayor Edward L. Davis appointed him on the police PATROL DRIVERS, AMBULANCE ATTENDANT, AND JANITOR. force. With the exception of four months he has served in the department since. He traveled the Main and Front street beat several years, and business men of twenty years remember him as one of the prominent members of the force, careful and faithful Worcester, Massachusetts. 185 in performance of duty. For a short time he traveled on Front street days. In 1880, when the Millbury street and "Island" dis- trict became troublesome, demanding the presence of more policemen, Officer Walsh was sent to the "Island" section, and for four years traveled the territory between Southbridge street and Union hill and Fox mills and Quinsigamond, the former boundary being at the intersection of Green, Millbury and Lamar- tine streets. March 27, 1884, Mayor Charles G. Reed appointed Officer XYalsh sergeant of police, in charge of Station 2 nights. Sergt. Matthew B. Lamb, who succeeded Sergt. Charles W. Barker in charge of the station, resigned to accept a position as bookkeeper for S. R. Leland & Son. While traveling the Harrington corner beat, he alternated with David A. Matthews, now captain of Sta- tion i , and went to Station 2 with an excellent record as a patrol- man. This record has been maintained at Station 2. He was promoted to lieutenant of police April 7, 1897, by Mayor A. B. R. Sprague, at the time of the reorganization of the department. He is married and lives on Cambridge street. SERGT. THOMAS McMURRAY. Sergt. Thomas McMurray of Station i was born in Worcester Dec. 3, 1859, son of Farrell McMurray. He attended the public schools, and at the time of his father's death left the high school to enter the employ of the Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., working in the inspection department of the Grove-street mill. While there he was a call hoseman of Engine 3, on School and later on Prescott streets, and was a member of the Fire Depart- ment until his resignation at the wire-mill on account of his appointment as a member of the police force by Mayor Samuel Win slow Jan. 4, 1887. For a time he traveled the Union-street beat, and afterward was transferred to the Green-street and Dun- garven-hill beats, including the section of Franklin street and Bloomingdale road. He was on the Dungarven-hill beat when he was detached from patrol-duty, and assigned to special duty, working with Inspector Reuben M. Colby, and after the latter's resignation was assigned to special duty by Marshal W. Ansel Washburn. While doing special duty with John F. Beahn, who left the department a few years later, he was appointed sergeant by Mayor F. A. Harrington Mar. 21, 1890. He has been attached 1 86 History of Police Department, to Station i since his appointment to the force, with the exception of two months in 1899, when he went to Station 2 with Capt. D. A. Matthews. Sergeant McMurray is probably one of the most widely known members of the department. He was for a year on the liquor- squad under Marshal Washburn, when he did creditable work. He is responsible for breaking up what is known as the "Alcohol gang," one of the most vicious gangs of young criminals Wor- cester has ever known. They congregated in the vicinity of Franklin street, and several robberies and murderous assaults have been committed by them. Every member of that gang was rounded up through the efforts of Sergeant McMurray and sen- tenced to the reformatory or state prison. The reign of the "Alcohol gang" was from 1890 to 1895. Sergeant McMurray was with Inspector Stone at the arrest of William W. Graves for kill- ing his wife Dec. 28, 1893, in a Front-street lodging-house. He figured conspicuously in the arrests in connection with the burglary of the Uxbridge depot several years ago, and also the arrests for breaks in Spencer in 1891. With Officer Beahn he broke up a thieving-gang which was operating extensively among the freight-yards, the Boston & Albany Railroad being the worst sufferers. He has figured with prominence in many arrests for various offenses, and always has done his work carefully and well. SERGT. WALTER N. DROHAN. Sergt. Walter N. Drohan of Station i was born in Worcester Jan. i, 1850, son of Nicholas Drohan. He left the public schools early in his teens to learn the machinist's trade, serving an ap- prenticeship in the New York Engine Works on Washington street. He was there three years, when the concern moved to Passaic, N. J., and he went to Philadelphia. He remained there a short time and returned to Worcester, going to work in the L. W. Pond machine-shop. He was appointed on the police force by Mayor Edward L. Davis in 1874. At the end of the year he was dropped with upward of twenty others, and was again appointed a patrolman in 1877 by Mayor Charles B. Pratt. He returned from Warren, where he had been at work in the Knowles Pump Works, to accept the place. For several years he traveled on Front and Main streets, and for three years alternated with Officer J. H. Flint in traveling the Main-street beat between Chandler street and Barton place. In 1880 he was traveling a Worcester, Massachusetts. 187 north-end beat with Officer Daniel Williams. While Drohan was at supper, Officer Williams got into a fight and was badly pounded. A searching-party was sent out after the assailants, and the search was kept up all night under the direction of Capt. Amos Atkinson. The officers did not return until morning, when the entire gang had been rounded up. Two important arrests in which Officer Drohan figured were John Kane, arrested Sept. 10, 1879, for rape, malicious mischief and assault and battery, and John Ryan, alias Jack Ryan, arrested Feb. 15, 1882, on the charge of highway robbery on Franklin street. John Kane assaulted an officer named Carroll with a brick and had successfully eluded the police. Officer Drohan was ordered in citizen's dress, and arrested Kane after a hard fight. He was sentenced to state prison for ten years. John Ryan was one of what was known in the earlier days as the "Moonlight gang." Temple street was its headquarters, and highway robberies in that section were fre- quent. A man who was going to Scotland, and known to the gang to have considerable money, went through the street the night of Feb. 14, was waylaid by Ryan, and robbed of his money. Officer Drohan was one of the best runners on the force and had a personal acquaintance with Ryan. He gave him a chase on the night of Feb. 15, shortly after midnight, and caught him in Frank- lin street. He was sent to state prison for eight years. After his release he was again arrested by Officers Drohan and Lombard, but gave the officers one of the most desperate fights they had experienced. James Sullivan, wanted for breaking and entering, gave Officer Drohan a hard chase on the night of May 26, 1894, but was finally landed in a doorway on Bridge street, where he had fallen exhausted. Officer Drohan was regarded one of the strongest men on the force, and his fleet-footedness made him an exceptionally valuable officer. He had remarkable strength and courage, and always landed the man he went after. For the arrest of John Ryan he received the commendation of City Marshal James M. Drennan. Sergeant Drohan has traveled several of the most important beats in the business section of the city, and when Station 2 was opened was detailed to the Millbury-street section, which was a troublesome section and wanted a fearless officer. He remained there two years, when he was transferred to Station i, where he has since remained, with the exception of two months in the sum- 1 88 History of Police Department, mer of 1899, when he traveled as sergeant from Station 2. He traveled the Front-street beat for nine years, and was taken off the beat to be detailed as sergeant in 1897. He was appointed sergeant by Mayor A. B. R. Sprague April 5, 1897. Sergeant Drohan has taken* an active interest in meetings and parades of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. DEBORAH B. SAWTELLE, Matron. SERGT. GEORGE H. HILL. Sergt. George H. Hill of Station i is the only day-sergeant on the force. He was born in Lawton, Mich., Sept. 13, 1869, son of George B. A. Hill. The family moved to \Yorcester when the son was a year and a half old, and with the exception of three years which Sergeant Hill lived in Lawton later in life, 'Worcester has been his home. He went through the public schools, entering the high school with the class of 1889, but left in his junior year. He Worcester, Massachusetts. 189- went to work in the Grove-street works of the Washburn & Moen wire-mill, being employed in the fine-wire inspection department. At that time he was call-member of Ladder, i, in the Fire Depart- ment, which had its headquarters on Prescott street. After work- ing in the wire-mill, he left to accept a position in the Fire Alarm Department, being employed for three and a half years as lineman. He was connected with the Fire Department as call- member and permanent man in the Fire Alarm Department for five years. He resigned in 1893, being appointed on the police force from the civil-service list by Mayor H. A. Marsh. He went on duty a week later, and his first traveling was in East Worces- ter on the early relief. After traveling the East Worcester section he was transferred to the beat on Main street, between Foster and Central streets, where he remained two and a half years. June ii, 1896, he was assigned on bicycle-duty by Chief of Police E. T. Raymond, he being the first policeman to ride a bicycle. This was the beginning of the bicycle-squad, now a feature of the Police Department. He made a success in this line, and in Jan- uary, 1897, was detailed by Chief of Police Raymond sergeant,, doing day-duty at Station i, and was officially made a police ser- geant April 5, 1897, by Mayor A. B. R. Sprague. In April, 1896, he made a catch of a burglar in the basement of the Barnard, Stunner & Putnam Co. store, on Main street, which practically resulted in his being selected as one of the new sergeants. On the night in question, shortly before 12 o'clock, he discovered burglars in the cellar, and also discovered Edward Kelley lying in a window. He arrested the two burglars in the cellar and took them to the Waldo-street police-station. Kelley did not know the arrest had been made, and was not aware Sergeant Hill knew of the burglary until the officer ordered Kelley to give himself up. Kelley ran and was quickly followed by Officer Hill, who fired several shots after the fleeing burglar. Kelley did not stop until Officer Hill had run him off his feet, and he was arrested in a doorway corner Mechanic and Union streets, Kelley being com- pletely exhausted. For this act Chief of Police Raymond posted an order in the guard-room of both stations commending Officer Hill for his bravery and promptness. Sergeant Hill is a member of the Shaffner Club, composed of Odd Fellows, and has been prominent in the Sons of Veterans. He is married and lives on Paine street. 190 History of Police Department. SERGT. WILLIAM HICKEV. Sergt. William Hickey of Station 2 was born in Ireland Feb. 2, 1840, and came to Worcester in 1854. He entered the public schools, which he attended for several years, and left to learn the moulder's trade. He was serving his apprenticeship at the "Junc- tion foundry" when the Civil W'ar began. He went to the front with the original Emmet Guards, of which he had been a member. This was the first independent company in Massachusetts to volunteer in 1861, and went out as Co. B of the 3d Battalion Rifles ; it was stationed at Fort Henry, Baltimore. The company served three months, and the most of the members reenlisted in POLICE AMBULANCE. Co. E, 25th Massachusetts Regiment, in command of Col. Josiah Pickett of Worcester, the captain of the company being Thomas O'Neil. When Sergeant Hickey returned, he reenlisted in the navy as first-class fireman, and acted as engineer's yeoman. He was three years on the gunboat Connamaugh, attached to the South Atlantic squadron, and was before Charleston and Savan- nah and at Warsaw sound. The gunboat was ordered to Phila- delphia for repairs, and returned south under Admiral Farragut, taking part in the battle of Mobile bay. He was sick with yellow fever in Xew Orleans ten weeks,, after which he returned to Wor- cester, his service in the war having ended. He reached Worces- ter early in July, 1865, and worked for a time at his trade. In 1876 he was elected truant officer by the School Board, serving in that capacity until October, 1885, when he was appointed on the Worcester, Massachusetts. 191 police force by Mayor C. G. Reed. He was detailed at Station 2, traveling Union hill nights and afterward traveled the "Island" district days. He became prominent in police circles during the no-license years as a liquor officer, and was appointed sergeant police by Mayor F. A. Harrington in 1890. He has been con- nected with Station 2 all the time he has been a member of the department, excepting two months in 1899, when Chief of Police James M. Drennan made his most pronounced change in the police detail, transferring Capt. S. W. Ranger and Sergt. Hickey to Station i. While at a circus in 1880, during the time he was truant officer, he arrested George Millard in the act of picking a pocket. It developed that Millard was a professional pickpocket, wanted in other parts of the country. He was released shortly after his arrest on straw bail, and Worcester was rid of an undesirable character, as he gave this section a wide berth. Sergeant Hickey is married, and one son is a priest in the Catholic church. SERGT. JOHN W. WARREN. Sergt. John W. Warren of Station 2 was born in Princeton April 3, 1845, but moved to Boylston when a boy. He was raised on a farm, and at the outbreak of the war enlisted in Co. E, 2ist Mass. Regiment, the company being raised in West Boylston. He was with the Burnside expedition at Roanoke Island and Newbern, N. C., and later joined the Army of the Potomac under General Pope. In 1862 he was in the battles of Bull Run and Chantilly, and under Gen. George B. McClellan his regiment fought in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. At Fredericksburg, in December, 1862, he was wounded, receiv- ing a rebel bullet in the arm which laid him up for a time. The following year the regiment was transferred west, serving in Kentucky and Tennessee, and took part in the siege of Knoxville in 1863. The 2ist Regiment reenlisted in 1863, and was assigned to the 9th Army Corps, in the Army of the Potomac, under General Grant. In 1864 Sergeant Warren was in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania. Xorth Anna river, Cold Harbor, and was in front of Petersburg. He was mustered out in Sep- tember, 1864, returning to Boylston, resuming work on a farm. Sergeant Warren came to Worcester in 1872, going to work in the Washburn & Moen wire-mill. He remained there until Jan- uary, 1883, when he was appointed on the police force by Mayor I9 2 History of Police Department. Samuel E. Hildreth. He traveled from Station i the first year, his territory being Green street and Dungarven hill, and in 1884 was transferred to Station 2, on Lamartine street. He traveled from Station 2 five years, being assigned various beats, and in 1889 was again sent to Station i, where he remained two years. He was appointed sergeant by Mayor F. A. Harrington in 1890 and detailed to Station 2. In the summer of 1899, at the time of the changes made by Chief of Police James M. Drennan, he was sent to Station i, taking Sergeant W. X. Drohan's relief for two months. He is a member of George H. Ward Post, G. A. R., and is married and lives on Kingsbury street. POLICE AMBULANCE. POLICE MATRON D. B. SAWTELLE. Mrs. Deborah B. Sawtelle. police matron since Jan. i, 1897, born in Bridgton, Me., in 1842, and lived there until fifteen years old, when her parents moved to Saco, Me., where she lived until the death of her father. She came to Worcester in 1862. and three years later was married to Francis K. Sawtelle, who died in 1880. During the administration of Sheriff A. B. R. Sprague in 1886, she was appointed matron of the Summer-street jail, and remained there until Jan. i, 1897, when she was appointed matron of the police station by Mayor A. B. R. Sprague, to succeed Miss Dora H. Cook. When she first went to the jail there was but one cell for women, and since that time three have been added. At the jail she was considered an excellent matron, and her reputation has been fully maintained at the Waldo-street Worcester, Massachusetts. 193 police station. Her duties are to care for the women prisoners, lost children and lodgers, the duties being practically the same as were inaugurated in the Summer-street jail when the women's prison was instituted. Her salary is $700 a year, an increase of $200 over the salary paid Mrs. Mary B. Lane, the first matron to hold the office. Mrs. Sawtelle's office gives -her opportunity to see many faces with which she is familiar, her experience at the Summer-street jail bringing her in contact with a majority of the women prisoners who are taken into the Waldo-street station. She has earned a reputation for kind treatment of prisoners, and has the highest respect of Station I officials. While in the Summer-street jail, she became acquainted with Col. E. J. Russell, jailer ; Lieut. James T. Johnson, watchman for several years, and Officer Charles Shippee of Station I, who was steward at the jail much of the time she was matron. These officials of her earlier acquaintance in the jail are now connected with police head- quarters. Mrs. Sawtelle has one daughter, wife of Arthur P. Putnam, living on Dix street. DR. FRANCIS SHAW. Dr. Francis Shaw, in charge of the ambulance department, was born in Blackburn, Eng., June 26, 1875, an ^ came to the United States with his parents, Richard Shaw and wife, when he was three years old. The family settled in New Bedford, where Dr. Shaw received his early education, being graduated from the New Bedford high school in the class of 1893, and then entered a preparatory school, entering the Harvard Medical School in 1895. He graduated in 1899, and after being connected with the Boston hospitals doing special work, he came to Worcester Sept. n, 1899, as surgeon in charge of the emergency ambulance. He had an office at the Waldo-street police station when he first came to the department, but after his marriage lived on the west side of the city, remaining at his office during the day and early evening. He has charge of all the ambulance work, emergency and sick, and when emergency cases are reported to him he visits them before transfers are made. ip4 History of Police Department, CHAPTER XII. THE RANK AND FILE. Brief Sketches of the Patrolmen Who Watch Over Property Day and Night Birthplaces, Ages and Dates of Appointment Work Required, Hours of Duty, and Station to Which they are Attached The Auxiliary on which the Routine Work of the Department Falls Important Arrests are Made on Their Information. The patrolmen of the department are the guardians of the peace of the Heart of the Commonwealth. With them to a large degree P ATROL- W AGO N T . rests the success of the department. Among them are many who have a keen scent for criminals, and through them the inspectors and higher officials bring about important arrests. As a rule they are men of good judgment, courageous and alert, and some of the most creditable work in clearing up puzzling cases has been done by patrolmen. The department to-day numbers 118 patrolmen, divided between Stations i and 2 on Waldo and Lamartine streets. Their work is routine, the tour of night-duty being seven hours, but much extra duty is required of them, and with the time required to attend to court-cases in Central District and Superior courts, much of the time is given to the city. There are three reliefs one on day and two on night duty. The hours of the day-relief Worcester, Massachusetts. 195 are the longest, being from 8 o'clock in the morning. until 6 o'clock at night, with time out for dinner. The first night-relief reports for duty at 6 o'clock and is relieved at i o'clock, the second relief reporting for duty at 12.30 o'clock and remains on until 7 o'clock- in the morning. These reliefs alternate, giving the men what is known among them as a long and short day. On their long day several of them are required to do extra duty, either in the office or outside in attendance on some sporting or other event. In recent years the hours of extra duty have materially increased, and there has been agitation among the members rela- tive to a system of pay covering this feature of the work, with a view to the establishment of a pension fund. Following are brief sketches of the patrolmen : Fred M. Ames, Station I, born in Jefferson, Me., Sept. 4, 1857; came to Worcester Aug. 13, 1880; appointed patrolman Jan. 21, 1889. Charles W. Barker, Station i, born in Monson, Mass., Nov. 29, 1837; came to Worcester in 1865; during Civil War served on U. S. S. Monadnock ; appointed patrolman Sept. n, 1872; appointed sergeant Feb. 19, 1883, and was first night-ser- geant at Station 2. George V. Barker, Station i, born in Randolph, Me., Aug. 4, 1846; came to Worcester 1863; served during war in Co. E, 42d Mass. Regiment; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1872; was out of department in 1874 to 1880. Jerome G. Barker, Station i, born in Carroll, Me., March 14, 1867 ; came to Worcester Aug. 1 1, 1890 ; was attendant at Worces- ter Insane Hospital; appointed patrolman March 21, 1892. William P. Barrett, Station 2, born in Worcester Feb. 24, 1869; appointed patrolman Jan. 31, 1893. Simeon M. Bellows, Station i, born in Brookfield, Mass., July 9, 1849; came to Worcester in 1883; appointed patrolman Jan. 5, 1885. Oliver Blake, Station i, born in Ireland May 19, 1848; came to Worcester May 6, 1869; appointed patrolman Jan. 26, 1887. Fred C. Blanchard, Station 2, born in Boston March 20, 1853 ; came to Worcester April i, 1870; appointed patrolman May 4, 1888. 196 History of Police Department, Thomas F. Boyle, Station 2, born in Whitinsville, Mass., Aug. 19, 1858; came to Worcester in 1870; appointed patrolman April 15, 1890. William H. Brady, Station i, born in Worcester Oct. 8, 1858; appointed patrolman Feb. 28, 1888; is day-officer at Union Station. Benjamin F. Brown, Station i, born in Starksboro, Vt., Sept. 13, 1854; came to Worcester April 29, 1881 ; appointed patrolman June 6, 1892. Hugh F. Bulger, Station i, born in Worcester April 22, 1869; appointed patrolman June 20, 1898. Frank F. Burbank. Station i, born in Worcester in July, 1852; appointed patrolman April 14, 1890; served in Fire Department on Hose 4 in 1872; original member of Fire Patrol in 1875, and thirteen years in Hose 6. Sylvanus G. Bullock, doorman Station i, born in Providence, R. I., Jan. 20, 1834; came to Worcester Jan. i, 1857; during the Civil Wsr was in A Co., 25th Mass. Regiment, Vol. Inf.; promoted first lieutenant and assistant quartermaster March 30, 1864; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1883; made doorman in 1892. James J. Burke, Station i, born in Worcester Sept. 8, 1863; appointed patrolman July 20, 1896; served several years in Fire Department as lieutenant of Hose 3. Charles E. Chamberlin, Station i, born in Upton, Mass., Aug. 20, 1867; came to Worcester in 1870; served on Hose 9 in Fire Department; appointed patrolman June 27, 1898. Dennis E. Clifford, Station i, born in Killarney, Kerry county, Ireland, Sept. 26, 1852; came to Worcester in 1867; appointed patrolman Jan. 4, 1887; is on mounted duty. Michael Cody, Station i, born in Ireland Oct. 6, 1843: came to Worcester in 1867; during Civil War served on flagship Hart- ford and gunboat Kanawha; appointed patrolman Nov. 18, 1895. William A. Condy, Station i, born in Lowell, Mass., Sept. 3, 1862; came to Worcester in 1863; was captain of A Co. (City Guards), 2d Mass. Regiment, M. V. M., several years ; appointed patrolman Jan. 28, 1894. Worcester, Massachusetts. 197 Matthew E. Craffey, Station i. born in Ireland July 26, 1865; came to Worcester in 1871 ; appointed patrolman Feb. 6, 1893. Genery T. Darling, Station 2, born in Worcester Dec. 28, 1847; during Civil War served in Co. F, I5th New York Regiment, H. A.; appointed patrolman June 20, i< James T. Davidson, Station I, born in Ryegate, Vt., March 19, 1862; came to Worcester in May, 1888; appointed patrolman March 21, 1892. George H. Davis, Station 2, born in Worcester Nov. 8, 1867 ; appointed patrolman June 28, 1894. J. Clarence Davis, Station i, born in Moline, 111., Feb. 19, 1854; came to Worcester in 1859; appointed patrolman March 9, 1888. George T. Delaney, Station i, born in Worcester Nov. 15, 1862 ; appointed patrolman Jan. 15, 1887. Luke J. Dillon, Station 2, born in Boston, Mass., Nov. 19, 1861 ; came to Worcester Sept. 6, 1876; appointed patrolman May 4, 1886. James Donahue, Station i, born in Ireland March 15, 1844; came to Worcester in 1876; during Civil War served in 7th New York Infantry; appointed patrolman Jan. 29, 1894. Michael G. Donahue, Station i, born in Ireland Sept. 26, 1842; came to Worcester in July, 1857; during Civil War served in I7th Mass. Regiment volunteers; appointed patrolman July 21, 1896. John Dunn, Station i, born in Worcester in November, 1858; appointed patrolman Jan. 4, 1886. George W. Earle, Station i, born in North Brookfield Sept. 25, 1864; came to Worcester in 1871 ; driver of Engine 3, in Fire Department, for several years ; appointed patrolman Jan. 20, 1898. Fred C. Eaton, Station i, born in Vienna, Me., Jan. 12, 1856; came to Worcester Oct. 2, 1880; appointed patrolman April 14, 1889. Edson Fairbanks, Station 2, born in Holden April 16, 1838; came to Worcester in 1863; during Civil War served in Co. B, 5ist Mass. Regiment Volunteers; appointed patrolman Jan. 7, 1873- 198 History of Police Department, Charles A. Favreault, Station 2, born in Canada Sept. 8, 1853; came to Worcester in September, 1887; appointed patrolman March 4, 1889. Garrett Fitzgerald, Station i, born in Ireland June 2, 1865; came to Worcester May 30, 1882; appointed patrolman Nov. 18, 1895. Edward C. Fitzpatrick, Station 2, born in Worcester Feb. I, 1860; appointed patrolman Jan. 4, 1886. John J. Flaherty, Station I, born in Galway, Ireland, Nov. 20, 1848; came to Worcester in 1867; during Civil War served on PATROL- WAGON. U. S. flagship Colorado, of Mediterranean squadron, and bat- tleship Vermont; rowed in barge-race in France, defeating the French twelve-oared crew ; earned four medals for life-saving when school-boy ; instructor at jail three years ; represented Ward 3 in City Council from 1890 to 1896; appointed patrolman April 13, 1896. Michael J. Foley, Station i, born in Ireland July i, 1847; came to Worcester in 1849; served in Civil War in Co. I, 5Oth Mass. Regiment Volunteers, and Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. ; appoint- ed patrolman Jan. i, 1874. Gustaf Fyrberg, Station i, born in Hoganas, Sweden, May 8, 1864; came to Worcester in 1875; appointed patrolman Oct. 12. 1891. Worcester, Massachusetts. 199 Francis P. A. Gilchrist, Station i, born in Worcester March 10, 1873; appointed patrolman June 12, 1899. Herbert L. Gleason, Station i, born in Heath, Mass., March 13, 1855; came to Worcester in 1884; appointed patrolman March 28, 1892. David Goggin, detailed to Board of Health, born in Killarney, Kerry county, Ireland, in September, 1840; came to Worcester in 1866 ; appointed patrolman Jan. 5, 1873 ; was off force two years ; detailed permanently with the Board of Health in 1892. Ira F. Goodwin, Station i, born in Londonderry, N. H., Oct. 13, 1856; came to Worcester in 1881 ; appointed patrolman June 8, 1893. Charles F. Gould, Station i, born in Clinton, Mass., Jan. 22, 1846; came to Worcester in 1850; served during the Civil War in Co. A, 34th Mass. Volunteer Infantry ; appointed patrolman May 15, 1885. James P. Hackett, Station 2, born in Worcester Dec. 5, 1861 ; appointed patrolman May 15, 1888. George W. Hall, Station i, born in Uxbridge, Mass., June 23, 1841 ; came to Worcester in 1859; during Civil War served in Co. D, 25th Mass. Volunteer Infantry; appointed patrolman July 20, 1896. Charles R. Hanson, Station 2, born in Norway Dec. 25, 1849; came to Worcester in 1874; appointed patrolman June 10, 1883. Andrew Harper, Station i, born in Millbury, Mass., May 13, 1848; came to Worcester in September, 1868; appointed patrol- man Jan. 14, 1 88 1. Alfred Harper, Station i, born in Grafton, Mass., Jan. 12, 1855 ; came to Worcester in 1873 '> appointed patrolman March 3, 1888. Silas D. Hemenway, Station i, born in Shrewsbury, Mass., Jan. 29, 1860; came to Worcester Nov. i, 1886; appointed patrolman June 13, 1892. Patrick Hines, Station 2, born in Falls Village, Ct., March i, 1849; came to Worcester in 1857; appointed patrolman Jan. 5, 1885. 200 History of Police Department, John J. Horgan, Station i, born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 28, 1851 ; came to Worcester April 21, 1871 ; appointed patrolman in January, 1874, and again Jan. 5, 1885. Thomas Hurley, Station i, born in Ireland Nov. i, 1858; came to Worcester in 1869; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1884. George A. Jackson, Station i, born in Worcester April 18, 1871 ; appointed patrolman April 5, 1900. Oren A. Johnson, Station i, born in Hardwick, Mass., July 9, 1852; came to Worcester April 15, 1871; appointed patrolman Jan. 4, 1875. Thomas J. Kelleher, Station i, born in Ireland Dec. 29, 1869; came to Worcester in 1881 ; appointed patrolman April 2, 1900; recruited with G Co., 9th Mass. Regiment Volunteers, for Spanish-American War. Richard J. Kerwick, Station i, born in Worcester Jan. 18, 1874 ; appointed patrolman April 30, 1900. John Keyes, Station i, born in Weld, Me., Aug. 24, 1840; came to Worcester March 20, 1855 ; served through Civil War in Co. E, 36th Mass. Volunteer Infantry; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1882, and Jan. i, James W. Knight, Station i, born in Otisfield, Me., Aug. 17, 1865 ; came to Worcester Oct. 6, 1889 ; appointed patrolman Jan. 30, 1893. Henry A. Laviolette, Station i, born in Chateauquay, P. Q., May 17, 1854; came to Worcester in May, 1861 ; appointed patrolman March 21, 1892. John Legasey, Station i, born in Canada May 3, 1842; came to Worcester in 1847; served during Civil War in Co. G, I5th Mass. Volunteer Infantry ; wounded at Antietam ; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1870, and Jan. i, 1880. Nils Lindquist, Station 2, born in Sweden March 20, 1849; came to Worcester in 1875 ; appointed patrolman Jan. 2, 1885. Eneas Lombard, Station i, born in Castle Island, County Kerry, Ireland, Sept. 30, 1846; came to Worcester in 1868; ap- pointed patrolman July i, 1880. Worcester, Massachusetts. 201 James M. Maloney, Station 2, born in Ireland May i, 1841 ; came to Worcester July 3, 1859; appointed patrolman July 17, 1873- Addison March, Station I, born in Warwick, Mass., Aug. 31, 1839; came to Worcester in 1859; served during Civil War in Co. D, 2ist Mass. Regiment; appointed patrolman Jan. 17, 1873. William H. Mason, Station i, born in Blackstone, Mass., Jan. 2, 1845; came to Worcester in 1888; served during Civil War in Co. D, 2d Mass. Regiment, H. A., ; appointed patrolman April 18, 1892. Robert F. Mathews, Station i, born in Boston May 5, 1845; came to Worcester in 1865 ; served during Civil War in 3d Mass. L. A.; appointed patrolman Jan. 7, 1879. Thomas F. Matthews, Station 2, born in Worcester May 15, 1864; appointed patrolman Jan. 17, 1893. Joseph S. McCarthy, Station i, born in Ireland in February, 1847; came to Worcester in 1879; appointed patrolman Jan. 6, 1885- Daniel McCarthy, Station i, born in Ireland April 14, 1840; came to Worcester July i, 1863; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1879. George A. McLeod, Station i, born in Rogers Hill, N. S., Oct. 2 5> T 857; came to Worcester in 1879; served several years in the Fire Department; appointed patrolman Feb. 7, 1890. Henry H. Mecorney, day doorman Station 2, born in Spencer, Mass., April 3, 1840; came to Worcester in 1861 ; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1875; doorman since 1891. Herbert W. Merrill, Station i, born in Stockholm, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1869; came to Worcester in December, 1888; driver of Engine 4 hose-wagon in Fire Department several years ; appointed patrol- man Jan. 30, 1893. Joseph Midgely, Station 2, born in Lancashire, Eng., Dec. 10, 1843; came to Worcester March i, 1851; during Civil War served in Co. D, 5ist Mass. Volunteer Infantry; appointed patrol- man July 21, 1896. 202 History of Police Department, Frank W. Millett, Station i, born in Corinth, Me., June 25, 1846; came to Worcester Dec. 20, 1872; served during war in Troop M, 2d Maine Cavalry; appointed patrolman Jan. 27, 1887. George E. Moore, Station i, born in Woodstock, Conn., Jan. i, 1865 ; came to Worcester in 1887; appointed patrolman March 14, 1892. Jeremiah J. Moynihan, Station i, born in Killarney, Kerry county, Ireland, Dec. 24, 1865; came to Worcester in 1881 ; appointed patrolman Sept. 3, 1897; captain of G Co. (Emmet Guards), gth Regiment, M. V. M., since Aug. 27, 1894; served as captain of G Co. in Cuba in 1898 in Spanish- American War. PATROL- WAGON. Patrick J. Murphy, Station i, born in Auburn, Mass., Jan. 2, 1857; came to \Vorcester in 1860; appointed patrolman Xov. 18, 1895. George P. Xewton, Station i, born in Oxford, Mass., Oct. 12, 1871 ; came to Worcester in 1879; appointed patrolman June 20, 1898. Henry P. Nugent, Station i, born in Worcester May 18, 1866; appointed patrolman July 20, 1896. James P. O'ConnelJ, Station 2, born in Ireland April 10, 1849; came to Worcester July 5, 1864; appointed patrolman Jan. 7, 1884. Worcester, Massachusetts. 203 James O'Connor, Station i, born in Worcester June 30, 1855; appointed patrolman Jan. 4, 1886. John O'Connor, Station i, born in Ireland Oct. 6, 1850; came to Worcester in 1868; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1880. John E. O'Day, Station 2, born in Worcester March 29, 1850; appointed patrolman Jan. 7, 1884. Peter J. O'Marrah, Station i, born in New York city April 13, 1845; came to Worcester March 21, 1878; during Civil War served D Co., 37th New York Infantry ; B Co., 5th N. Y. Cavalry, and in government service from November, 1863, to June, 1864; appointed patrolman Nov. 18, 1895. John O'Sullivan, Station i, born in Killarney, Kerry county, Ireland, July i, 1847; came to Worcester May 30, 1870; ap- pointed patrolman Jan. i, 1881. Chandler J. Pike, Station 2, born in Hopkinton, Mass., March 17, 1839; came to Worcester in 1885 ; appointed patrolman April 13, 1896; during Civil War served in H Co., 7th Mass. Regiment Volunteers. William A. Piper, night doorman Station i, born in Holderness, N. H., March 10, 1842; came to Worcester Nov. 15, 1870; served during Civil War in H Co., ist N. H. Cavalry; appointed patrolman May 6, 1873; made doorman in 1898. Fred W. Porter, Station i, born in Kentville, Kings county, N. S., Sept. 9, 1858; came to Worcester in March, 1878; ap- pointed patrolman July 20, 1896. Pierce P. Power, Station i, born in Worcester Sept. 4, 1876; appointed patrolman April 30, 1900. James M. Quimby, Station 2, born in Weare, N. H., Aug. 20, 1845; came to Worcester Aug. 16, 1866; served during Civil War in 2d X. H. Volunteer Infantry three years, and ist N. H. H. A. one year; appointed patrolman Jan. 6, 1880, and May 12, 1888. William R. Ramsdell, Station i, born in Milo, Me., Jan. 6, 1855; came to \Vorcester in 1875; appointed patrolman Feb. 20, 1883. 204 History of Police Department, John W. Reardon, Station I, born in Palmer, Mass., Oct. 9, 1857; came to Worcester in 1858; appointed patrolman March 5- 1884. James W. Roche, Station i, born in Grafton, Mass., July 10, 1854; came to Worcester in 1865; appointed patrolman Jan. 5, 1885. George E. Rogers, Station 2, born in Columbus, O., Dec. 20, 1863; came to Worcester July 2, 1890; appointed patrolman June 6, Patrick F. Ryan, Station 2, born in Wrentham, Mass., March 17, 1849; came to Worcester July i, 1870; served during Civil War in Co. H, 4th Mass. Cavalry; appointed patrolman May 7, 1889. William J. Ryan, Station i, born in Worcester Oct. 9, 1869; appointed patrolman July 20, 1896. Joseph A. Sinnott, Station i, born in Duxbury, Vt., Feb. 29, 1860; came to Worcester Nov. 16, 1881 ; served several years in Fire Department at headquarters ; appointed patrolman July 20, 1896. Charles H. Shippee, Station i, born in Colrain, Mass., Oct. 9, 1846; came to Worcester in 1875; one of first permanent members of Worcester Fire Department ; appointed patrolman May 31, 1886. Edwin H. Streeter, Station i, born in Milwaukee, Wis., June 9, 1845 '> came to \Vorcester in 1889; during Civil War served in I Co., 9th N. H. Infantry; appointed patrolman Jan. 25, 1897. Henry B. Streeter, Station i, born in Concord, Vt., Jan. 24. 1835; came to Worcester in 1872; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1870. William H. Spencer, Station i, born in Edinboro, Me.. Jan. i, 1855; came to Worcester in 1890; appointed patrolman July 26, 1897. Thomas J. Spencer, Station i, born in Worcester Oct. 14, 1869; appointed patrolman July 26, 1897. Daniel F. Sullivan, Station i , born in Worcester, March i , 1 868 ; appointed patrolman June 6, 1892. Worcester, Massachusetts. 205 Apollos Q. Thayer, Station i, born in Wilmington, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1854; came to Worcester Oct. 26, 1880; appointed patrol- man Jan. 4, 1886. Romanzo Thayer, Station i, born in Wilmington, N. Y., March 17, 1858; came to Worcester March 7, 1882; appointed patrol- man Jan. 8, 1885. Charles J. Thompson, Station 2, born in Ireland March n, 1846; came to Worcester in January, 1864; appointed patrolman Jan. 5, 1885. August Thnnman, Station 2, born in Sweden March 6, 1859; came to Worcester May 21, 1880; appointed patrolman March 21, 1890. Elliott Tyler, night doorman at Station 2, born in Whitingham, Vt., Jan. 17, 1832; came to Worcester Jan. i, 1866; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1873; made doorman in 1892. James J. Tierney, Station i, born in Lowell, Mass., Dec. 10, 1850; came to Worcester in 1859; appointed patrolman March 24, 1890. Samuel W. W r ard, Station i, born in Worcester June 20, 1845 ; served during Civil War in Co. H, 25th Mass. Regiment Volun- teers ; appointed patrolman Jan. i, 1878. John H. Walker, Station i, born in Upton, Mass., Jan. 15. 1848; came to Worcester Oct. i, 1872; served during Civil War in 3d Mass. H. A. ; appointed patrolman May 28, 1900. Rolla C. Walbridge, Station i, born in Palatine, Cook county, 111., Feb. 16, 1867; came to Worcester in 1868; appointed patrol- man June 27, 1898. David J. Whelan, Station 2, born in Worcester June 15, 1869; appointed patrolman Jan. 18, 1894. John F. White, Station i, born in Bradford, Eng., Jan. n, 1864; came to Worcester in 1866; appointed patrolman March 22, 1890. George H. Whiting, Station 2, born in Fayville, Mass., April 23, 1856; came to Worcester in March, 1864; appointed patrol- man March 14, 1892. 2O6 History of Police Department. Frederick W. Williams, Station I, born in Petersham, Mass.. April 24, 1859; came to Worcester in 1882; appointed patrolman May 10, 1887. Michael F. Kennedy, driver, born in Clinton county, X. Y., Feb. 13, 1869; came to Worcester in 1874; appointed Jan. i, 1890. Edward E. Wilson, driver, born in Greenfield, Yt., July 7, 1862; came to Worcester in 1864; appointed Jan. i, 1890. Robert Taft, driver, born in Charlton, Mass., April 27, 1876; came to Worcester in June, 1892 ; served in Cuban campaign in Spanish-American War in 1898 in C Co., 2d Mass. Regiment, Volunteer Infantry; appointed Sept. i, 1899. PATROL- WAGON. Alfred A. Sanderson, attendant Station i, born in Rutland, Mass., Aug. 31, 1843; came to Worcester in 1863; served during Civil War in Co. B, 5ist Mass. Volunteer Infantry; appointed Oct. 9, 1899. Henry W. Butler, janitor Station i, born in East Douglas, Mass., Dec. 29, 1833; served in Civil War in Co. A, ist Conn. Cavalry; came to Worcester in July, 1881 ; appointed June i, 1897. Dr. Francis Shaw, ambulance surgeon, resigned Aug. 15, 1900, and Dr. Arthur C. Doten was appointed. i^> . . J- -* 208 Advertisements. STATE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., OF WORCESTER, MASS. A. G. BULLOCK, ....... President. THOMAS H. GAGE. ...... Vice-president. HENRY M. WITTER, ...... Secretary. GEORGE W. MACKINTIRE, ..... Treasurer. WILLIAM E. STARR Actuary. BURTON H. WRIGHT, . . Supt. of Agencies. Consulting Physicians : THOMAS H. GAGE, M. D. ALBERT WOOD, M. D. CHARTERED J844. annual DivioenDs of Surplus. Claims paiO on proof of Beatb. policy Contract Simple an& liberal. No needless restrictions or useless technicalities. '-Cash Values" and "Paid-up Values" fixed by law. No Massachusetts Life Company Ever Failed. This Company paid all the death-claims of 48 years from the interest earned by its invested funds. COMPANY'S BUILDING, 340 MAIN STREET. THE STATE SAFE DEPOSIT Co. STATE MUTUAL BUILDING, 340 Main St., - Worcester, Mass. The Vaults of the State Safe Deposit Co. are in the new building of the State Mutual Life Assurance Co., and the vaults, doors, locks, safes, etc., are of unusual strength and thickness, and in every detail of their construction the utmost thoroughness has been observed. The premises are entirely above ground, light, and well ventilated, and are under constant supervision night and day, and every precaution will be taken to secure perfect protection. The safes are commodious, of various sizes, and accessible only to renters. Prices from $5 upwards, according to size. A. G. BULLOCK, President. H. M. WITTER, Secretary. HALLECK BARTLETT, Manager. Advertisements. 209 The Worcester Rational Bank, ORGANIZED MAY 9, 1864. Formerly The Worcester Bantc, INCORPORATED MARCH 7, 1804. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $250,000. 215,000, Banking House, No. 9 Foster St. DISCOUNT DAY, MONDAY, DIRECTORS: STEPHEN SALISBURY, President. CHAS. A. CHASE. JOSIAH H. CLARKE. JAMES P. HAMILTON. A. GEORGE BULLOCK. LINCOLN N. KINNICUTT. JONAS G. CLARK. EDWARD L. DAVIS. Cashier, JAMES P. HAMILTON. NEW YORK CORRESPONDENTS, BOSTON CORRESPONDENT, NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK. CHICAGO CORRESPONDENT, COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. Interest Allowed on Special De- posits Subject to Check Worcester County Institution for Savings, No. 13 Foster St., Worcester. CHARTERED FEBRUARY, 1828. This Institution was established February 5, 1828. Its object is to receive and safely invest the sav- ings of the people, especially of those who work for wages or on salary. Money is put on interest on the first day of January, April, July, and October. Interest on deposits is computed to January i and July i. Dividends are payable January 15 and July 15. STEPHEN SALISBURY, President. CHARLES A. CHASE, Treasurer. 210 Advertisements. 448 Main Street, opp, City Hall, CAPITAL, $200,000. SURPLUS, $100,000. Transacts a GENERAL BANKING business. INTEREST allowed on DAILY BALANCES, subject to check at sight. The Company may act as TRUSTEE, as EX- ECUTOR, as ADMINISTRATOR, as GUARD- IAN, as RECEIVER, as ASSIGNEE SAFES TO RENT, $5 to $50 per year, e- -*, for SAFE-KEEPING EDWARD F. BISCO, President. SAML AI> H. CLARY, Secretary. THE Rational Of Worcester, State Mutual Building. CflPlTflli flflD SURPLUS, $500,000, NATHANIEL PAINE, Presiient. BERTICE F. SAWYER, Cashier. DIRECTORS: LORING GOES. THOMAS H. GAGE. T. HOVEY GAGE, JR. WILLIAM E. RICE. HEXRY M. WITTER. OTIS E. PUTNAM. ARTHUR M. STOXE. EDWARD D. THAYER, JR. NATHANIEL PAINE. Advertisements. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WORCESTER, MASS. This Bank solicits accounts from individuals, firms and corporations, and will be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. Interest Allowed on Special Deposits Subject to Check. ALBERT H. WAITE, President. GILBERT K. RAND, Cashier. DIRECTORS. CHARLES C. HOUGHTON, ALBERT H. WAITE, ORLANDO w. NORCROSS, FREDERICK E. REED, WILLIAM H. SAWYER, WILLIAM H. INMAN, RANSOM C. TAYLOR, ARTHUR P. RUGG. J. RUSSEL MARBLE, THE Q, Q. 311 Main St., Worcester, Mass, Incorporated. May 15, 1851. ASSETS, JUNE 30, 1900, . . $7,377,072.93, PRESIDENT, AUGUSTUS B. R. SPRAGUE. TREASURER, HENRY WOODWARD. ASST. TREASURER, FRANK W. CUTTING. Deposits from Five Dollars to One Thousand Dollars are re- ceived and put on interest on the fifteenth day of January, April, July and October. Dividends are declared on the fifteenth day of January and July (payable on or after the first day of February and August). Advertisements. THE CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK, OF WORCESTER, MASS., STATE MUTUAL BUILDING, 342 MAIN ST. RECEIVES ACCOUNTS OF CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS ON FAVORABLE TERMS, AND WILL BE PLEASED TO MEET OR CORRESPOND WITH THOSE WHO CONTEMPLATE MAKING CHANGES OR OPENING NEW ACCOUNTS. HENRY S. PRATT, . .. ' PRESIDENT. GEORGE A. SMITH, . ; '. . CASHIER. FRANK RICHARDSON, . . ASST. CASHIER. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $228,000. DEPOSITS, $1,600,000. WlNSLOW & CO., BANKERS, 342 MAIN STREET, STATE MUTUAL BUILDING, WORCESTER, MASS. Advertisements. 213 VIEW OF OUR COAL YARD, LOOKING SOUTH. THE WORCESTER COAL CO. Dealers in Susquehanna free-burning Coal, Jeddo and Lattimer Lehigh, American Co.'s Cumberland, and Foundry Coke. : : General Office, 536 Main Street. Jfinnicutt .. JOS. A. KNIGHT. Pres. W. M. SPAUI.U1NG, V. Pres. & Sec'y. HENRY C. GRATON, Treas. 224 Advertisements. O Firearms manufacturers, WORCESTER, MASS. Send for Cafalog-ue.- 1 he most important part of a police offi- cer's equipment is his revolver, bis last resort, as it were. POLICE PRO" ECTION H. & R. ARMS CO.'S POLICE AUTOMATIC Is the best high-grade revolver (sold at a reasonable price) that is adapted for police use. 32 and 38 calibers, S. & W. Cartridges. For sale by the leading dealers in Firearms, Hardware and Sporting Goods Send for descriptive catalogue to the Manufacturer. HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON ARMS GO,, WORCESTER, MASS. U. S. A.. Advertisements. 225 CURTIS & MARBLE MACHINE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WOOL-BURRING, PICKING AND MIXING MACHINERY. Cloth=Finishing Machinery For Cotton, Woolen, Worsted and Felt Goods, Plushes, Velvets, Corduroys, Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Etc. . . Shearing Machines of all Kinds c /, v. -j^ m. m a specialty. 56 Cambridge St., Worcester, Mass. ESTABLISHED 1872. Western Union Tel. Code. INCORPORATED 1898. Lieber's Code. ABC Code (4th Edition). CABLE ADDRESS, "DRILATHE." PRENTICE BROS. COMPANY, BUILDERS OF MACHINES AA T 7) BAGJJVB LATHES. WORCESTER, MASS., U. S. A. 226 Advertisements. MACHINE SCREWS U. 8. STANDARD FINISHED. Hardened WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY, WORCESTER, HAS5. Manufactory, WYMAX, HOLL1S AND GRAND STS. Retail Store, 328 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 473-2. Advertisements. 227 The Largest Skate Factory in the World. The Samuel Winslow Skate Mfg, Co, WORCESTER, MASS., U. S. A. WINSLOW SPEED SKATE. srsasa ICE AND ROLLER SKATES. Manufacture the largest and most mod both SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE-LIST. UNION WATER METER CO. INCORPORATED NOV. 9. 1868. MANUFACTURERS OF WATER METERS, WATER, STEAM AND GAS REGULA- TORS, STEAM GONGS, CHRONOME- TER VALVES, WASTE STOPS, BAND STOPS, PIPE LINING PRESSES, AND WATER WORKS SPECIALTIES, jt J* 3 1 -3 7 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass, 228 Advertisements. "Heywood Shoes Wean" OUR PATROL SHOE MADE FOR POLICE AND RAILROAD MEN, POSITIVELY W/ITERPROOF 50LE. EXTRA QUALITY. CALF VAMP. LEATHER LINED. RUBBER HEEL. KeywoodJkol kShoe Co. 436 J\lain Jt. f Worcefter, Maff. NORTON EMERY WHEEL CO WORCESTER, MASS. FLOOR SPACE, 123,380 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED BETWEEN TRACKS OF BOSTON & MAINE AND FITCHBURG R. R., ON GREENDALE ELECTRIC LINE. Advertisements. 229 THE WHITE & BAGLEY COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF LUBRICATING OILS. Economy Drilling Compound, Neverslip Bar Belt Dressing 1 , Mill .and Laundry Soaps Manchester Street, WORCESTER, MASS, U. S. A. THERE ARE THREE THINGS YOU OUGHT TO INVESTIGATE, IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO ALREADY. THE MONARCH FIRE-KILLER EFFICIENT. PERMANENT. INEXPENSIVE. MACNITE COLD WATER PAINT ECONOMICAL. FIRE-PROOF. DURABLE. THE BEST THERE IS IN PAINT, H. W. JOHN'S MFG. CO.'S ASBESTOS PAINT. 6, S, & A, J, HOWE CO, 20F s ' efSt - Worcester, Mass. 2 3 Advertisements. Wood Sawed and Split to Order. TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. F. D. PERRY DEALER IN COAL/ AND WOOD Also Contractor for Excavating and Stoning Cellars. Special attention given to Furniture Moving and Job- bing. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. BRANCHES, 518 Hain Street, Builders' Exchange. 141 Central Street. MAIN OFFICE, 965 Millbnry Street, Worcester. OFFICE 5 Ma n WORCESTER. MASS Advertisements. 231 JOHN F. CHADWICK & CO. BITUMINOUS DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF COAL ANTHRACITE ALSO GOOD DRY WOOD AND KINDLINGS. WOOD FOR OPEN FIRE-PLACES A SPECIALTY. General Office, 24 Pleasant St. Branch Office, 1082 Main St. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. YARDS AT NEW WORCESTER, WORCESTER, MASS. ORDERS SOLICITED. HAY. GRAIN. LIME. CEMENT. FRED A. MANN & CO, Dealers in ALL=RAIL COAL. OFFICES, 7 Pleasant Street, 69 Grafton Street. WORCESTER, MASS. 232 Advertisements. J. E. SNYDER, MANUFACTURERS OF STANDARD UPRIGHT DRILLS. A Full Line of Stationary and Sliding Head, from 20 to 36 inches inclusive. .. .. 100 Beacon Street, WORCESTER, MASS. KABLEY FOUNDRY Co., IRON FOUNDERS. MACHINERY AND TOOL CASTINGS A SPECIALTY. 56 GOLD STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. SHOPS OF F. E. REED COMPANY, Gold and Lamartine Sts., Worcester, Mass. Manufacturers of a Standard Line of ENGINE LATHES from JO to 3O in. swing; also HAND LATHES and FOOT LATHES. Advertisements. 233 SET, SQ. CAP and HEX. CAP MACHINE SCREWS. Also OIL EXTRACTORS. REED & CURTIS MACHINE SCREW CO, Send for Catalogues. Worcester, Mass. Matthews Mfg. Company, MANUFACTURERS OF STOVE TRIMMINGS, BICYCLE FITTINGS, STEAM-PIPE COLLARS, FERRULES, AND SHEET METAL SPECIALTIES. 104 Gold Street, Worcester, Mass. Worcester Machine Screw Co STANDARD SCREW CO. SUCCESSORS, MANUFACTURERS OF SET, CflP 5CREW5 IN IRON, STEEL AND BRASS. STUDS FOR STEAM ENGINES, PUMPS, ETC. CHICAGO, ILL- DETROIT, MICH. LOCKPORT, N. Y. Worcester, Mass. HIGH GRADE DROP FORCINGS IN Iron, Steel, Copper and Bronze. WYMAN & GORDON, 30 Bradley St., Worcester, Mass, 2 34 Advertisements. A. H. Steele & Bro. and Supplies FOR Fabrics. 34 Hermuu St., Worcester-, A/ass. J. S. WHEELER & CO., Manufacturers of Planers, Planer Centres, Planer Chucks, Power, Screw and Foot Presses, Etc. : : : MACHINE JOBBING TO OttDER. No. 23 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass. ELLIOT & HALL, MANUFACTURERS OF THE JBUliot Glotti.-F*olcli? AND STANDARD MEASURER.- 54 Hermon Street, WORCESTER, MASS. DAVID GESSNER, MANUFACTURER OF Office and Works : 172 UNION ST., WORCESTER, MASS. Advertisements. 235 GEO. W. ALLEN, PRES. JOHN P. ALLEN, VlCE-PRES. GEO. F. HIGGINS, TREAS. Allen -Higgins Company, WALL PAPER MANUFACTURERS, Worcester, Mass. Manufacturers of all Standard Grades of Paper Hangings Telephone No. 638-2. Cable Address, ARTISTIC. Boston Office. 59 Lincoln St. WORCESTER SLIPPER CO. J. P. GBOSVENOB. Manufacturers of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Slippers, turned and McKay work. Ladies' Feit Juliettes, Cony Trimmed, Embroid- ered and Toilet Slip- pers, Newport Ties, Leather and Felt Sole. Above styles in all colors. Beaver, Felt, and Serge Bals. and Cpngrets. Serge Bus- kins, Canvas, andWeb Slippers tor Women, Misses and Children. Capacity ,000 pairs per day. Telephone ftW-4. Office and Factory, 370 Park A?e., WORCESTER, MASS. Morgan Construction Company, Worcester, Mass, Morgan Spring Company, STEEL WIRE * SPRINGS, Worcester, Mass. 236 Advertisements. J. J. Warren Company JOHN M. WARREN, President. \W/ U\1. H. HAYDEN, Sec'y and Treas. Manufacturers of Fine Leather and Canvas Goods of Every Description, WARREN BUILDING WASHINGTON SQUARE. Telegraph and Cable Address, "REEDS," Worcester, Mass., U.S. A. Hammond Steed (Co., MANUFACTURERS OF HAMMOND'S NEW PATENT REEDS, PATENT OCTAVE COUPLERS, FAN TREMOLOS, ETC. DEALERS IN Organ Keys and all other Organ Materials. WORCESTER, MASS. COLUMBIA ELECTRIC CO., Electrical Engineers anb Contractors. . . Office and Salesroom, 27 BKSSE PLACE. 28 PEARL ST., WORCESTER. SPBIXGFIELD. MASS. CO., 17 Mechanic St., Worcester, Mass. MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES For Cotton and Woolen Mills. WOOL STOCK AND COTTON WASTE. Agents for Keasey Wood Pulley "with. Iron Centre. W. H. CRAWFORD. JOHN T. BRIERLY. Advertisements. 237 CROMPTON & KNOWLES LOOM WORKS, Worcester, Mass. MAKERS OF Plain and Fancy Looms For weaving Worsteds, Woolens, Carpets, Rugs, Plush, Duck, Ginghams, Silks, Sheetings, Print Cloths, and every type of Textile Fabric. BRANCH WORKS, PROVIDENCE, R. I. STANDARD FOUNDRY COMPANY, IRON FOUNDERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE MANUEACTURE OF HIGH GRADE MACHINERY CASTINGS. Tainter and Gardner Streets, Worcester, Mass. Pine AacfyinerY Castings, Worcester, 238 Advertisements. T. A. CALLAHAN, Treas. _ ^Callahan Supply Co., Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in . . PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. 32 and 34 Foster St., 46 Waldo St , WORCESTER, - MASS. J. H. WASHBURN, PRES. C. S. CHAPIN, SEC. AND TREAS. Washburn & Garfield Manufacturing Go, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WROUGHT IRON 9 BRASS PIPE, Steam, Gas and Water Supplies. Mechanical and Heating Engineers. Steam Construction. Foster Street, Worcester, Mass. BOSTON. ESTABLISHED 1848. WORCESTER. BKAMAN, DOW & CO., 7 Washington Square, Worcester, Mass. CONTRACTORS FOR ALL KINDS OF Mill Piping, And Apparatus for Heating by Steam and Hot Water. JAMES G. ALEXANDER, A^ent for Worcester Branch. Advertisements. 2 39 A. A. McLouighLlio, fttumber* PLUMBING, DRAINAGE AND VENTILATING. Estimates Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Telephone 564-5. Rear 25 Exchange St., Worcester, Mass. EDWIN HAWES, Steam %m Hot Water Heating ENGINEER, 185 Front St., Worcester, Mass. jonnson, i nos. 1. Hall, ur. Jidw. U. Fl&gg, Kelson Fairbanks, D. McCarthy, Andrew Harper, R. F. Mathews, H. Mecorney, Jos. Flint, Wm. H. Mason, Worcester. List of a few people using- AH Right Heaters: A. G. Bullock, Dr. J Garst, Thos. Talbot, Miss A. T. Chapin, C. F. Rugg, C. J. Ekstedt, Dr. F. H. Kendrick, J. L. Ellsworth, C. F. Stowell, G. C. Bryant, Theo. Day, C. H. Goodell, John T. McGuire, A. W. Gifford, W. B Townsend, N. F. Tucker, Edw. Moulton, Geo. V. Barker, W. E. Hall, A. McDerniid, Worcester; L. S. Watson, Leicester; Geo. Taft, Whit- insville. VOLUNTEER. Te/ephone A T o. 427-3. H. A. McMANUS. Established 1852. F. B. JORDAN. J. W. Jordan & Co., SANITARY .. Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. AGEMS FOR THE CELEBRATED HAGEE GOODS. 609 Main Street. C. R. CAMPBELL, SANITARY PLUMBING. 240 Advertisements. E. B. STODDARD, J. W. BISHOP, H. N. LEACH, President. Treas. and Gen'l Manager. Asst. Treas. and Sec'y. J. W. BISHOP CO., General Contractors and Manufacturers of all kinds of FIRST-CLflSS INTERIOR FINISH. Bank, Store and Office Fittings. Cabinet Work and Architectural Iron Work. Offices and Factory : 107 FOSTER ST., WORCESTER, MASS. Providence, R. I., 417 Butler Exchange. Boston, Mass., 408 Exchange Building. Montreal, P. Q., 34 Canada Life Building. G. H. CUTTING. B. C. FISKE. W. W. CARTER. G. B, CUTTING. G. H. CUTTING & COMPANY, SUCCESSORS TO CUTTING, BARDWELL & COMPANY, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. BOSTON ADDRESS, 15 FEDERAL STREET. WORCESTER, MASS. GE.OKGE, A. BARNARD, Roofing and 3f)eet Aetal Slate, Asphalt, Coal Tar, Copper, Tin and Tile Roofing. Metal Skylights, Cornices, Finials, Gutters, and Bay Windows. . . . Ornamental Copper Work a specialty. . . 74 PRE8COTT ST., WORCESTER, MASS. Advertisements. 241 ?eor-e Hatch. F. W. Barnes. HATCH & BARNES, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND FINE BUILDERS' FINISH. PRACTICAL. STAIR BUILDERS. Newels, Balusters and Rails Constantly on Hand and Made to Order. Wood Turning a Specialty. ffice, 163 Tnmon Street, Wlorcester, . . . and Cabinet u/orJc. COII^TIVO SHUTTERS. FLEXIBLE DOOR & SHUTTER CO., CENTRAL STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. BAY STftTE PINK GRflJlITE Capital Stock, $500,000. OWNERS AND PRODUCERS OF THE FAMOUS PINK GRANITE. QUARRIES AT MILFORD, MASS. Rough or finished granite in any quantity furnished on short notice. Deliveries made to any point in the United States. Office, 47O STl^BJBT, 242 Advertisements. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. MASONRY w. 97 BUILDERS' EXCHANGE, WORCESTER, MASS. GRANOLITHIC AND CONCRETE Artificial Stone Walks and Drives. Tar Concrete Walks and Drives. Asphalt Floors for Basements, Stables, Breweries and Mills. GRAVEL ROOFING. CEMENT CELLARS. KOSMOCRETE STEEL BOUND CURB. Established 1868. Incorporated 1893. THE SMITH, GREEN COMPANY, R. C. CLEVELAND, Pres. A. H. GREEN. Treas. 26, 28 and 32 Shrewsbury Street. HEADQUARTERS FOR Cement and. Pilaster. GROCERY STORE,, MEAT MAB^KE,T, FISH MARKE/T. WORCESTER. MASSACHUSETTS. S. I. HOWARD, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL KINDS OF WORK. Store Fronts in Heavy Brick, Stone or Iron Buildings a Specialty. SKYLIGHT LIFTS MANUFACTURED AND ADJUSTED. SHOP, REAR 63 MAIN ST., WORCESTER A. S. MILLER, JR. .TREAS. R. H. BROWN, CHIEF ENGINEER. EASTERN BRIDGE AND STRDCTURAL CO,, Engineers. Contractors and Manufacturers of ^Structural Work OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Steel and iron frame work for buildings, roofs, railroad and highway bridges. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. WHITE US. QtrOOT WnrnOOtar MOCC Works besides tracks of Fitchburg and B. OllCCl, TVUIGCSICI. IViaSSi A M. Railroads, \Vorcester, Mass. A dvcrt ise m ents. 243 OJOROBSTER CONCRETE PAVING COMPANY N. R. POWER & CO., PROPS. GRAVEL ROOFING, CEMENTING, AND ALL KINDS OF GRANOLITHIC PAVING. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, I ft MPDDIPIPI n CTDPPT Estimates given and work done at short notice. IV .MUKrVll IKl.U O 1 KCC 1 . Satisfaction guaranteed. PURE WATER SUPPLY. H CONTRACTOR FOR flRTESIflN flND DRIVEN WELLS Towns and Tillages Supplied itli Pure Water. FOR Shafts for Hydraulic ILlevators. A Sew and Highly Successful Method Employed. A Great Saving in Water Rates. Pumping Outfits, Either Hand, Steam, Caloric or Wind Power, Furnished and Set Up. Dry Wells Deepened. Expert Examinations Made with Reference to Local- ity for Water Works. Estimates Given on Water Tanks and Piping. Be Sure and Get our Prices. All Work Guaranteed. E. J. CROSS, 82 Foster St., f) Worcester. Michael Kenney, HEAVY TRUCKING, EXCAVATING GRADING AND STONE WORK. All M'ork Done at Reasonable Rates. JVo. 31*3 Cmri>jric7i>-e Street, Worcester-, A/ass. 244 Advertisements. M. J. KANE^ CONTRACTOR Teaming, Grading, Excavating, Stone Work, Road Building, Paving, Curbing, Conduits for all Purposes, also Raising, Shoring and Moving Buildings. BUILDING MOVING UNDER THE CHARGE OF WM, R. DEAN, *ff KEEP abreast with the times and have the largest outfit in my line of busi- ness in the state. Anyone having work to be done in my line can see by work I have done that I do the best, as samples of my work can be seen in all parts of Worcester. It includes the foundation for the New England Telephone building, Midland street school, the Oilman block on Main street, the East Ken- dall street school, grading and foundation at the St. Vincent Hospital, grading at A. B. Wood's, Winthrop street, foundation for Richards and Freeland street High School, builder of Whitman, Sagamore and Monadnock roads, Montville. You will find my prices right for first-class work. OFFICE AA't> STABLE, 9 WADE STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. Thomas J. Smith, CONTRACTOR FOR EXCAVATING, GRADING AND STONE WORK. 018 Main Street, BUILDERS' EXCHANGE. OiORCESTER. O5ASS. sJ. E. GIROUARD. COJVTRACTO'R. and MASON. BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Agent for Eureka Hard Plaster. And a Large Stock Always on Hand. ALSO DEALER IN . . * Sl """ 1 SYLVAN STREET, Near Mai,, St., WORCESTER, MASS TELEPHONE 767-5. Order Box, 34 Builders' Exchange. Telephone Connection. Advertisements. 245 H, I>. JTBNKS &L SON. Concrete Pavers of Walks, Driveways, Floors, Etc, EITHER HARD OR SOFT PAVING. ALSO GRADING AND SODDING LAWNS, ETC. 9 Richards Street, : : : : Worcester, Mass. JB. F\ DUES, CEMENTS, SEWEH PIPES, f ME BRICK A.ND SA.ND. <&&. A FULL LINE OF MASONS' MATERIALS. Yard, Garden Street, Residence, 24 Maywood Street. TELEPHONE. JOSEPH .BOUCHER, Brick Manufacturer. At the Dana Yard, PLANTATION STREET, ^ ^ j Near Bloomingdale, Brick of the Best Quality Delivered in any part of the city at Lowest Market Rates. . . . P. 0. Address, Rear Plantation St. Brick Yard, Worcester, Mass. FIRST-CLASS BRICK. MADE IN WORCESTER. . . Address, . . Plantation Street Brick Yard, WORCESTER, MASS. S. H. KIMBALL SL SON, flfoason : Supplies : anb : Cla\> : <5oobs t Including Fine Linings, Chimney and Ash Pit Doors, Terra Cotta and Cast Iron Chimney Caps and Tops. Kimball's Improved Chimney Thimbles, Fire Brick, Building Brick, Metal Laths. Agents for Excelsior Chimney Top, Staples' Improved Mortar and Brick Hods, Standard Steel Wall Ties, Union Metal Corner Beads, etc. "Poctrlonro Rt Mav Stroot Telephone 88-2. Offire, Builders' Exchange. .Kesioence, 01 may otreet. . . . BOX 32. Telephone; 14. Advertisements. We are fully equipped with first-class teams and competent men to move pianos and heavy articles of furniture te a specialty of this handled by us E. L. DANFORTH, We make a specialty of this work, and no damage ever comes to the finest goods when handled by us. Bus parties accommodated at short notice. Office, 36 Pearl St., Worcester. H. Al. WRIGHT. DAVID YOUXG. C A. MIDDLEMAS & CO., The Placing of Defective Plumbing Systems in a Sanitary Condition A Specialty. . . 543 MAIN ST., WORCESTER. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Telephone 1036-12. BAY STATE WOOD CO., TASHJ1AN BROS., PROP. Dealers in all kinds of Wood and Kindlings. Also Coal by the Basket. Postal Cards Furnished. Office and Yard, 731 Main Street. P. A. FRIBERG, Dealer in WOOD, COAL AND CHARCOAL. I'URNITURE MOVING. Orders promptly attended to. Lowest prices in the city. 46 Union St., Worcester, Mass. Tel. 1018-2. Residence, 51 Union St. . C. WARREN, Dealer In Wood and Coal. 149 UNION STREET TELEPHONE 794-12. Advertisements. 247 GEORGE J. WILMOT, jfurniture anfc Jbiano AND STORAGE. Personal attention given to shipping and packing goods. , 1 Central Street, cor. Main, WORCESTEK, MASS. TELEPHONE 493-2. r- r-k r i y-\ i i -i- i M X-N FREIGHTING. House, Keefe Place. Stable, Keefe Place. J. B. BROOKS, Freight, Furniture and Piano Mover. Moving and Boxing Pianos and Organs a Specialty. House and Stable, 89 AUSTIN STREET. OFFICE, Ust l s?ore,) 446 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MASS. HORACE WYMAN, PRESIDENT. H. WINFIELD WYMAN, TREASURER. WORCESTER STORAGE CO., Cor. Pleasant and Clinton Streets, also Cor. Gold St. Court and Bradley Street. Absolutely Fireproof New Storage Warehouse. . . . For Household Goods, General Merchandise, Etc., in separate rooms, with fireproof partitions. Mov- ing and Packing Furniture and Crockery. Elevator lifting five tons makes moving cheap. Our rates are low, our service best. Telephone or write for inspector to call and make prices. OFFICE, Pleasant and Clinton Streets. Telephone 804-4. C. C. BROWN, Superintendent, Residence, 9 Sever St. Telephone 594-5. DAVIS BROTHERS, SUCCESSORS TO C. H. DRAPER, Furniture and Piano Moving, MILO D. DAVIS. Telephone Connection. Personal attention given to Freighting. Rear 161 >Iain St., Worcester, Mass. ORLO W. DAVIS. Baggage Wagon Al ways Ready. 248 Advertisements. WM. GARBUTT & CO., Real Estate and Mortgages. Loans Negotiated and Exchanges Made upon all kinds of Real Kstate. State Mutual BuilJing, 340 Main St., Rooms 807. 808 and 809, Worcester, Mass. OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 A. M. ; 2 to 6 and 7.30 to 9 p. M. THE CRANSKA THREAD CO., Makers of the Best Grades of Thread for Aanafactarers' Wound on spools containing from 200 to 12,000 yards each, or on cones and tubes of any length desired. Spinning Mills at Thread Mills at MOOSUP, COXN. WORCESTER, MASS. Estate of Wm. T. ROOMS AND POWER FOR MECHANICAL USES. On Exchange, Union, Cypress and North Foster Streets, WORCESTER, MASS. vanforct~Oawtelle Company^ SSooksollers and Stationers, * 3/0 Ttfain St., Worcester, 9?ass. Advertisements. MACULLAR & SON, MAKERS OF /lfoen'8 Clotbes. CHAMBERS, 425 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MASS. P. E. ORDWAY, MANUFACTURER OF Billiard tables Ordway's New ^WHsijJi^^ SMT Alld Bowlin " Cognation ^^^J^ All Cushions. ^ W*- Tables. m^ -47 IVLAIX STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. Correspondence with architects invited. A. HARTIGAN, Fancy Groceries. GROCER. Table Luxuries. Fine Wines, Liquors, Ktc. Telephone 564-4. 305 Main Street, WORCESTER, MASS. W. A. GARBUTT & CO., MAKERS OF 20 PLEASANT ST., WORCESTER, MASS. H. A. MANUFACTURER O Elevator Registers Plumbing Specialties. Balsago Cement. Soil Pipe Testing Plugs. Fresh- Air Inlet Guards. Boiler Bracket Rings, Etc. PLUIVIBING "' a11 kin(is done at Reasonable Rates. No. 22 Cypress Street. TELEPHONE 83-4. WORCESTER, MASS. 2 5 Advertisements. Use Only Ifrolisb TO PRESERVE THE LEATHER AND KEEP IT SOFT AND PLIABLE. Worcester, Mass. C. S. HOLDEX, President and Treasurer. INCOKl'OKATKD 1891. Aetna Knitting Co., MANUFACTURERS OF HOSIERY, Woolen and Merino. Worcester, Mass, Advertisements. Business Established in 1814. Incorporated 1897. J, W, SARGENT & Son Co., FINE Sleighs, Robes and Harness. * 34, 36 and 38 WALDO ST., Worcester, Mass. WM. A. DEWHURST, Successor to Manufacturer and Dealer in GEO. c. DEWHURST, Fine Carriages. Painting and Repairing- of all Kinds. 15 to 31 Park Street, Worcester, Mass. . Eugene Curtis, Dealer in CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS AND HARNESS. ioi Front Street, Worcester, Mass. Henry O. Bradley. John E. Bradley. Osgood "Bradley & Sons, BRADLEY CAR WORKS, WORCESTER, MASS. Advertisements. JAMES H. WATSON, Successor to STILES & BUCKMAN > . . Afanufacf urer of . . SPECIAL M MACHINERY, Punch and Die Work a Specialty. ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. JVo. 04 Herman St., *. THE H=> Wire Goods Company, OFFICE, - ---- * 20 UNION STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. MANUFACTURER OF EVERYTHING IN WIRE. PETER WOOD, Pres. and Treas. x ^/ All lengths, from 2OO to 12,OOO yard*. JAMES MONTGOMERY, Sec. -*- Also on one-pound holthlns, and paper CHAS. DOLAN, Supt. /f- tubes and cones. CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Spool Cotton, ALSO ALL GRADES OF THREAD FOR THE MANUFACTURING TRADE, IN SILK AND SOFT FINISH. Office and Factory, 116 Gold Street, Worcester, Mass. L. L. BRIGHAM, Dealer in Floar, Grain, Peed^ nd Aeal, BALED HAY AND STRAW, KO. 57 FOSTER STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. Telephone 45)0. K. H. STEPHAN & COMPANY, OONOAVERS OR RAZORS And Dealers in Barbers' Supplies, all Kinds of Cutlery, Ground and Polished. A FULL LINE OF SOAPS, TOILET WATERS, SHAMPOOS AND POMADES. 18 Pleasant Street, - - - - Worcester, Mass. Advertisements. 253 . . IDress <3oot>s, . . Suits, Garments, Shirts, Blankets, Ibosierv, wear anfc domestics THAN OF iceessors JOHNSON, CARPENTER & CO., fo" J. H. CLARKE & CO., 353 Main St., Worcester. The American Agricultural Chemical Co. Ii. B. DARLING FERTILIZER ttlORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HIGH * GRADE FERTILIZERS. Pure Ground Bone ami Agricultural Chemicals, Tallow, Superior Glues, Poultry Supplies. MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS, BRANCH Mineral Spring Ave. ,<|g OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, PAWTCCKET. - - R. I. WORCESTER, MASS. L. M. DARLING, Local Treas. J. G. JEPFERDS, Manager. WORCESTER DRIVING PARK CO. In corpora ted. John B. Watson, E. E. Frost, J. Henry Washburn, Clarence B. Cook, Saninel Porter, John W. Knibbs, Julius F. Knight. ANNUAL MEETING, FIRST WEDNESDAY IN FEBRUARY. JOHN B. WATSON, Pres. JOH> W. KXIBBS, Treas. E. E. FROST, Vice-Pres. J. F. KNIGHT, Sec. WCXRCJ3STBR, Advertisements. Moulton, DIAMONDS, GClflTGHES, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. 399 Main Street, Cor, Mechanic, Worcester, Mass, A. P. LUNDBORG, WILSON <& SMITH, Cold Metal Punching and Die Making, VINE AND FOUNDRY STS. Firs'-class Watchmaker and Optician Employed. TELEPHONE 103S-5. 315 Main Street, Worcester, Mass, C. W. Walls. A/. JP. Roach. C. W. WALLS St OO., ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK, Structural Iron Work of Erery Description, Fire Escapes, Fences. Iron Work tor Jails, Bridges. S. A. FREXCIf, IO8 W. 28th Street, NEAR SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. Coats and Boots, HELMETS, CAPS, COAT AND CAP BADGES, BUTTONS, EMBROIDERIES, BELTS AND OTHER UNIFORM SUPPLIES FOR POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS. HIRE Your Boats and Canoes at COBURN'S, Next to SUMMER THEATRE. Lin- coln Park, the largest and most complete outfit in Xew Knar- land. Boats and Canoes built to order, for sale and repaired. A. A. t OBI R>, Prop. Advertisements. 255 Worcester Rubber Company, 324 MAIN STREET. H. RUBBER CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, WATER BOTTLES, SYRINGES, NURSERY SHEETING, GARDEN HOSE, DOOR-MATS, TUBING, ETC. BOEPFLB, Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealer in Hll Ikinbs of Sausages, COOKED HAM AND CORNED BEEF, BEEF, LAMBS' AND PIGS' TONGUES, PIGS' FEET, ETC. Imported Swiss Cream and Limburger Cheese, HOLLAND HEBUIXGS, 3O MILLBURY ST. Tel. 10-2 7 -G. Factory, GOO Military St. Tel. 1084-6. WORCESTER. j\/ASS. Established 1H64. J/icorporatee/ IftftO. UIHITE, PEVEY $ DEXTER Co., PORK: PACKERS And Wholesale Dealers in FIK& PROVISIONS. 13 and 15 Bridge St., Worcester, Mass. TELEPHONE NO. 376-3. F>. L,. RIDER. 4 OOODS. WHOLESALE AXI) RETAIL. No. 370 Main St., Lincoln House Block, Worcester, Mass. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Mackintoshes, Rubber Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Steam, Mill, Fire, Surtion and Water Hose, Belting, Packing, and all kinds of Mechanical (joods. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. AGENCY BOSTON BELTING CO. SPECIALTIES MADE TO ORDER. Advertisements. L,. JP. FOR13USII, PL/UMBINO, Repairing and General Jobbing. Tin and Sheet Iron Work. i CANAL STREET, WORCESTER. TELEPHONE 966-3. JAMES CAMERON, Residence, 7 Brittan St. P. < VMIMO\ . liesidence, Gage St. CAMERON & CASHMON, Practical '|n~^- l> Practical Horse= Shoers. 3^ Shoers. Particular attention given to all horses. Koad. track and roach horses a specialty. flri>t-rlass help employed. Shop, Commercial Street, Cor. Mechanic, Worcester, Mass. pMPIRE J^AUNDRY, jf. X. Drurv, proprietor. J 5 and 17 BEACON STREET, Telephone 884=3. Worcester, Mass. Advertisements. 257 GEORGE A. COBURN'S General Laundry. Goods Called for and Delivered Free of Charge. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. 28 Bcllevue St., Worcester, Mass. City Steam Laundry, 46 EXCHANGE ST., (Two Blocks below Theatre) Worcester, - Nlass. Transient Work at Short Notice. C. T. BURNS, Proprietor. Family Washings a Specialty. We do Hotel, Car. Boarding- House, Barber Shop, Restaurant Work, in fact anything that can be done in a Laundry. These goods will be called for and delivered to your houses, as I have three teams for that purpose. New Equipments Throughout. Best Work Guaranteed. A Trial will Convince You. Union Laundry and Clean Towel Supply Co. 7 and 15 PRESCOTT STREET. D. A. SCOTT TELEPHONE 934-3. We lead, let who can follow. We have plenty of imitators, but no competi- tors. We are the originators in this city of all our specialties. Our Specialties are Clean Towel Supply and Family and Hotel Work. In this Hue our capacity is superior to any in the city ana as good as any in the WORLD. We realize that home laundry will soon be one of the lost arts, like the hand-loom, the old stage-coach, etc., only a matter of history. We are fitted up to do work in an up-to-date way, and if you want your laundry done as it should be, give us a trial. Our laundry is always open to the public for inspection. Come and see us. We are now doing the laundry work for more than five hundred families, and eighty per cent, of the hotel and club work of the city. 258 A dvertisements. T. H. MURPHY, UndcrtaKcr and funeral Director, 109 Park, near Trunibull St., WORCESTER, MASS. Open all Hours. Telephone tall 960. ATHY, Furnishing Undertaker. Coffin Warerooms and Residence, 16 GREEN ST., WORCESTER, MASS. Everything connected with the management of funerals promptly attended to. OFFICE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Telephone No. 749 5. Established 1875. FAY BROTHERS, UNDERTAKERS, 19 TEMPLE ST., WORCESTER, MASS. Telephone 672-2. flLPRED ROT, UNDERTAKER. Dealer in all kinds of Coffins, Caskets, Coffin Plates and Trimmings. Robes, Shrouds, Wrap- pers, Etc. Management of funerals will receive personal attention. Agent for Marble or Granite Monuments. 80 Park Street, .. Worcester, Mass. . A. OASWELL, SL CO.. Undertakers. We carry all grades, from the cheapest COFFINS, CASKETS, Etc., to the very best. Everything pertaining to the management of funerals promptly at- tended to. Rooms for private funerals. NIGHT CALLS ANSWERED FROM OFFICE OR RESIDENCE. Office, 21 Pearl St.; Residence, 3 Harvard St., TELEPHONE J OFFICE 238-3. | HOUSE 238-4. WORCESTER, MASS. Advertisements. 259 CALLS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. TELEPHONE 565-2. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS, 47 PARK STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. OPPOSITE COMMON. Jlufiirs in Transit will reeeire Prompt Attention. BEN. J. BERNSTROM, Undertaker and Embalmer. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Funeral goods, such as Coffins, Caskets, Name- plates and Robes, constantly on hand. Everything pertaining- to funerals promptly attended to. Office, Warerooins and Residence, 113 Thomas St., Worcester, Mass. Telephone Connection. GEORGE G. HILDRETH, DARIUS A. PUTNAM, 32 OKEAD ST. 13 Dix ST. HILDRETH & PUTNAM, Funeral Directors and Furnishing Undertakers. A full line of fine and medium priced Caskets, Robes, and Undertakers' Hardware always on hand. Orders from out of town or by telephone promptly attended to. All work first-class. Office and Warerooms, 30 Foster Street, WORCESTER, MASS. TELEPHONE AT OFFICE AND EACH RESIDENCE. CEO. SESSIONS & SONS, FURNISHING FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 7 AND 9 TRUMBULL ST., WORCESTER, - MASS. QEO. SESSIONS. w. E. SESSIONS. NIGHT BELL AND TELEPHONE. F. E. SESSIONS. 260 Advertisements. JOHN HOLDEN, Contractor Builder Ksiiniiitcv Famished. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. 24 Coral Street, Worcester. Shop, 44 Central Street. J. EDWARD FULLER, JR. General Contractor, OFFICE. 452 MAIN ST.. WORCESTER. Wm. F, Tucker, PLUMBING No. 56 Pleasant St., WORCESTER, - - MASS. Fred. E. Adams. A. F. Powers. ADAMS & POWERS, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS Mouldings and Builders' Finish. 771 AND 173 UNION STREET. Worcester, Mass. Contractor of Sewers, Dams and Grading. S Forest Street, Worcester. TELEPHONE 58-3. LUCIAN A. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E. WILLIAM II. TYLKE. TAYLOR & TYLEE, Engineers and Contractors, Street Railways, Water Works, Estimates Furnished. 719 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. 831, 832 State Mutual Build's, Worcester, Mass. SCOVILLE & WHEELER, General Contractors, BUILDERS' EXCHANGE, 518 MAIN STREET, - - - WORCESTER, MASS. Advertisements. 261 D. A. HOWE, FINE TEAS AND COFFEES, 273 Main St., WORCESTER, MASS. sJ. W. GREENB, 20 Lincoln Square, Worcester, Mass. DEALER IN STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter. Combination Hot- Water Heating for Houses. L. A. HASTINGS CO., MAKERS OF Fine Harness, Horse Boots and Stable Furnish- ings, Etc, NO. 14 FOSTER ST., WORCESTER. R X. Brunelle, 1O COBUR1? A VIZ., Worcester. MANUFACTURER OF THE BRUNELLE STEAM HEATER AND RADIATORS. Telephone 483-2. OILMAN CARRIAGE WORKS, Estate of ^. L.. GILMATt, MANUFACTURERS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS, HOSE WAGONS AND AMBULANCES, Cold Tire Setting a Specialty. Repairing in all its Branches. 104 THOMAS STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. C. G. Oilman. Manager. . * Hn Hrab's Saving, . . He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool. SHUN HIM. He who knows not, and knows he knows not, is humble. WATCH HIM. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep. WAKE HIM. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is a wise man. RESPECT HIM. We Know that we are the LEADERS of the Style and BEATERS at Price. TRY US. THREE LITTLE BROS. & Co., H. B. BOGIGIAN, Prop. Ladies' and Gents' Merchant Tailors* 65 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MASS. 262 Advertisements. BREWER & C( BUSH & CO., DRUGGISTS, 56 FRONT STREET, <*> J WORCESTER, MASS. H. G. BARR & CO., Sensitive Drilling Machines and UNIVERSAL TOOL GRINDERS 51 UNION STREET, WORCESTER. Long Distance Telephone. Worcester Thread Co., Manufacturers of MflEfl THREADS, WORCESTER, MASS. Peter Wood, Pres. Robert Ruddy, Treas. Ward P. Delano, Sec. The Peter Wood Dyeing Co,, Bleachers and Dyers of COTTON, YARNS AND WARPS, THREADS, TAPES, BRAIDS, ETC. MORES ON HOLMES ST., Worcester. Charles G. Strat'on, Pres. and Gen. Manager. F. B. Durfee, Treas. MANUFACTURING CO., .W.i /,(;-. of Moolens, Worcester, Mass. Taber Organ Company, Manufacturers of (parlor anfc Cbapei rcjans. Office and Wareroom, No. 25 Union Street, Worcester. P. E. SOMERS, Manufacturer of LASTING MACHINE TACKS And Hand Shoe Tacks of the Best Quality. 17 HERMON STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. Boston Office, Jefferson Building, Room 50. Telephone "7lS-:i. Manufacturers of Ladies' Wrappers, Tea Gowns, Etc. 65, 67 and 69 Winter St., Worcester. JFowiei- Mechanic St., Worcester. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms to let by the week lo jjentlenien only. The only German House in the city. 1'i-n <- Keasonable. Marlboro Cars Pass the Door. Telephone 187-12. New Hotel Lyman, East Side of Lake Ouinsigamond. WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. Parties accommodated with the best the mar- ket affords at short notice. F. .7. KING, Prop. Rates to Suit the Times. . DALY, Dealer in WINES AND LIQUORS. J85 Cambridge Street, ** ** J* Worcester, Mass. TELEPHONE 219-4. 2 74 Advertisements. Co. A dvertisements . 275 vJOHN CD, McKEON SL CO., Wholesale Wine and Liquor Dealers. A Specialty: BOTTLED ALES, WINES AND LAGER FOB FAMILY USE. 66 SOUTHBRIDGE STREET, Near New Post Office, WORCESTER. Telephone 44O. FOX, WHOLESALE LIQUORS, ALES AND WINES. BOTTLED GOODS A SPECIALTY. 474 millbuf St., ttloreester. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Wholesale Dealer In WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, Kentucky Whiskies, Rye and Bourbons, Etc. Imported Porter, Gins, Brandies and Wines. Bottled Goods of all Kinds. Best Lager, Pale Ale, Dark Ale and Porter by the Case for Family Trade. Telephone and Express Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Telephone 16-3. 21 WASHINGTON SQUARE, WORCESTER, HASS. 276 Index. " If I Repair it I Will Do it JEWELER AND Established 1878. OPTICIAN GOOD REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. YOUR WATCH CLEANED FOR $|.OO. BEST MAIN-SPRING, $|.OO. Warrantee/ One Vear. OQyi MAIN STREET, O i* *T SIGN OK THE SIDEWALK CLOCK. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. Adams & Powers, 260 Cross, E. J. 243 Hawes, Edwin 239 ./Etna Knitting Co. 250 Curtis, A. Eugene 251 Henry Bros. 270 Allen, Frank L. 260 Curtis & Marble Machine Co. 225 Hewe'tt, George F. Co. 274 Allen-Higgins Co. 235 Curtis Mfg. Co. 262 Heywood Boot & Shoe Co. 228 American Car Sprinkler Co. 219 Cutting, G. H. & Co. 240 Hildreth & Putnam, 259 American Steel & Wire Co., Daly, Samuel F. 273 Hoar, Rockwood 265 The 221 Danforth, E. L. 246 Holden.John 260 Athy, Andrew 258 Darling, L. B., Fertilizer Hopkins, Smith & Hopkins, 265 Barnard, Geo. A. 240 Works, 253 Hotel Arlington, 268 Barnard, Sumner & Putnam Davis Bros. 247 Hotel Brunswick, 267 Co. 222 Desper, H. A. 249 Hotel du Nord, 260 Barr, H. G. &Co. 262 Dewhurst, Wm. A. 251 Hotel Haven, 263 Bay State House, 266 Donohue, D. J. & Co. 272 Hotel Lyman (New). 273 Bay State Pink Granite Co. 241 Doyle, Peter 270 Hotel Rlaito, 269 Bay State Wood Co. 246 Duncan & Goodell Co. 263 Howe, D. A. 261 Becker's Business College, 256 Eastern Bridge & Structural Howe, G S. & A. J. Co. 229 Bernstrom, Benj. J. 259 Co. 242 Howard, S. 1. 242 Bieberbach Bros. & Co. Back fly-leaf Edgemere, 269 Elmwood House, 269 Hubley Mfg. & Supply Co. 264 Jenks, H. L. & Son, 24? Bishop, J. W. & Co. 240 Elliot & Hall, 234 _iensen, S. R. 208 Boepple, George 255 Empire Laundry, 256 ohnson, Carpenter & Co. 253 Boucher, Joseph 245 England, W. A. 276 Johnson, Gustaf 271 Bradley, E. A, 271 Exchange Hotel, 269 Johnson & Kettell Co. 264 Bradley, Osgood, & Sons, 251 Fay Bros. 258 Jordan, J. W. & Co. 239 Braman, Dow & Co. 238 Brewer & Co. 262 Finnigan, M. J. Back fly-leaf First Nafl Bank, The 21 1 Junction Foundry Co. 237 Kabley Foundry Co. 232 Brigham, L. L. 252 Flexible Door & Shutter Co. 241 Kane, -M. J. 244 Brooks, J. B. 247 Flint, Wm. S. 263 Kenney, Michael 243 Brunelle, F. X. 201 Flodin Studio, The, Back fly-leaf Kidder, R E. 201; Burbank Produce Co. 264 Fontaine & Coutu, 273 Kimball, S. H. & Son, 245 Burns, Wm. H. Co. 222 Forbush, L. P. 256 Kinnicutt & DeWitt, 213 Buttrick & Eddy, 263 Forehand Arms Co. 224 Knight, E. O. 264 Callahan Bros. 263 Fowler & Co. 262 Kumin Bros. 264 Callahan Supply Co. 238 Fox, James 275 Kumin, N. 264 Cameron & Cashmon, 256 French, S. A. 254 Lincoln House, 267 Campbell, C. R. 239 Friberg, P. A. 246 Lundborg, A. P. 25-) Carr, Geo. W. 242 Frost, Briggs & Chamberlain, 264 Macullar & Son, 249 Caswell. F. A. & Co. 258 Fuller, J. Edward, Jr.. 260 Mann, Fred A. & Co. 231 Chadwick, John F. & Co. 231 Garbutt, W. A. & Co. 249 Marsh, B. F. 245 Citizens' National Bank, The 212 Garbutt, Wm. & Co. 24!* Matthews Mfg. Co. 233 City Hotel, 206 German American House, 273 McCloud, Crane & Minter Co.226 City National Bank, The 210 Gessner, David 234 McKeon, John W. & Co. 275 City Steam Laundry, 257 Gilman Carriage Works, 261 McLoughlin, A. A. 239 Cla'flin, C. W. & Co. 230 Girouard, J.E. 244 McLoughlin, P. 271 Clinton & Hudson St. Ry. Co. 218 Click, H. 264 McManus, P. J. 273 Coburn, George A. 257 Graton i Knight Mfg Co. 22? Alerrifield, Wm. T., estate of 248 Coburn, A. A. 254 Greene, J. W. 261 Middlemas, C. A. & Co. 246 Coes Wrench Co. 219 Haas & Fenner, Back fly-leaf Morgan Construction Co. 235 Columbia Electric Co. 236 Hammond Reed Co. 236 Morgan Spring Co. 235 Connor, J. E. & Co. 272 Harper, Joseph 270 Moulton, Edward 254 Cook, C. B., Laundry Co. 257 Harrington & Richardson Murphy, T. H. 258 Cranska Thread Co., The 248 Arms Co. 224 Murray, 250 Crawford & Co. 236 Hartigan, John A. 249 National Biscuit Co. 263 Crompton & Knowles Loom Hastings.L. A. & Co. 261 Norton Em. Wheel Co. 228 Works, 237 Hatch & Barnes, 241 O'Day, M. F. 270 Ordway, P. E. 249 Standard Foundry Co. W Wire Goods Co., The 252 O'Shea, Patrick 272 ite Mut. Restaurant, 263 Wood, Peter, Dyeing Co. 262 Paquette, Ed. 245 Si.ite Safe Deposit Co. 208 Woodward, Geo. M. 265 Parisian Wrapper Mfg. Co., St;ele, A. H. & Bro. 2 34 Worcester B us. Inst. 263 The 262 S-: phan, K. H. & Co. 252 Worcester Carpet Co. 223 Pero, Prespey 265 1 :>er Organ Co. 262 Worcester & Clinton St. Ry. Perry, F. D. 230 Taylor & Tylee, 260 Co. 218 Pierce, E. S. Co. Th lyer & Rugg, 26 S Worcester Coal Co., The 213 Inside back cover Three Little Bros. & Co., 26l Worcester Concrete Paving Pike's Polish, 250 Tompkins, H. M. & Son, 243 Co. 243 Prentice Bros. Co. 225 Tucker, Win. F. 2OO Worcester Consol. St. Ry.Co. 216 Quinsigamond Steamboat Co. Union Laundry & Clean Worcester Corset Co. 226 Back fly-leaf Towel Supply, ^57 Worcester Co. Inst. for Sav. 209 Reed & Curtis Mach. Screw Union Water Meter Co. 227 Worcester Cut Glass Works, 273 Co. 233 Verner, L. 2 75 Worcester Driv Park Co. 253 Reed, F. E. Co. 232 Wachusett Thread Co. 252 Worcester Electric Lt. Co. 215 Regan's Cafe, 268 Waldo House, 267 Worcester Gas Lt. Co. 214 Rice, King & Rice, 265 Walls, C. W. & Co. 254 Worcester Mach. Screw Co. 233 Rider, P. L. 255 Walsh, M. B. 272 Worcester Mechanics Sav. Roy, Alfred 258 Warren, J. C. 246 Bank, The 211 Sanford-Sawtelle Co. 248 Warren.J. J. Co. 236 Worcester Mut. Fire Ins. Co. 213 Sargent, J. W. & Son Co. 251 Washburn & Garfield Mfg. Worcester Nat. Bank. The 209 SchTesinger, M. 263 Co. 238 Worcester Rubber Co. 255 Scoville <& Wheeler, 260 Washburn, J. H. 264 Worcester Safe Deposit & Sessions, Geo. & Sons 259 Watson, James H. 252 Trust Co. 210 Sherman Envelope Co. 262 Webster, Charles S. 265 Worcester Slipper Co. 235 Shredded Wheat Co., The Welch, David 263 Worcester Storage Co. 247 Inside back cover Wheeler Eng. Co., The 25 Worcester & Suburban St. Smith, Green Co., The 242 Wheeler, J. S. & Co. 234 Ry. Co. 217 Smith, Thomas J. 244 White & Bagley Co., The 229 Worcester Thread Co. 262 Snyder, J. E. 232 White, Pevey & Dexter Co. 255 Worcester & Webster St. Ry. Somers, J'. E. 262 Wilmot, George J. 247 Co., The 218 Soucy, Adolphus J. & Co. 271 Wilson & Smith, 254 Wright & Colton Wire Cloth Spencer Wire Co. 220 Winslow & Co. 212 Co. 220 State Mutual Life Assurance Winslow, Sam'l, Skate Mfg. Wyman & Gordon, 233 Co. 208 Co., The 227 Zaeder's, 268 POPULAR FINE FRAMES, COPYING AND ENLARGING IN CRAYON, WATER COLOR OR PASTEL. Strictly First-class Work. . . 476 MAIN STREET, Opp. City Hall. AT LAKE QUINSIGAMOND, MASS. BOATS CHARTERED FOR PRIVATE PARTIES AT ANY TIME, Trips up the Lake Every Half Hour to all Points. HAAS & FENNER, BOATS AND CANOES TO LET. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE CAUSEWAY, L/AKB QUINSIGAmOND. MASS. TELEPHONE 557- . . IMPORTER AND . . WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER. 63-65 FRANKLIN ST., . . . WORCESTER, MASS. Bieberbach Brothers & Co., Wholesale Dealers and Importers of WHI5KIE5, WINE5, CORDIALS, ETC. Distributing Agents for Worcester, . . FOR WRIGHT & TAYLOR, DISTILLERS > LOUIS- VILLE, KY., WHISKIES, AND THE JIM DOUG- LASS HAND-MADE SOUR-MASH WHISKEY. Anheuser Busch St. Louis Lager and the Pfaffe Brewing Co., Boston, Mass. Manufacturers of Ginger Ale, Lemon Soda, Peruvian Beer and all Kinds of Aerated Beverages. ..... Ill, 113 Summer St., Worcester, JVfass. A 000 676 741 2 E. S. PIERCE COMPANY &*** $$$3$$$$$ I Wines, J I Liquors, : | Cordials, ; * . 1 Etc. Successors to 8. S. PIERCE & SON. " " J. S. HILL. Wholesale Dealers ana Importers of Sole owners of OLD | FEBRUARY | PUNCH. I Established 1856. 69, 7J, 73 Mechanic Street. WORCESTER, MASS. G Shredded Whole Wheat | Biscuit Consists of the whole wheat berry (nothing added), made light and short by mechanical shredding and thorough cooking. Combine with the necessary bulk, all the food properties requisite for thorough nourishment. Easily digested but not "predigested." (The digestive organs exist for a purpose, and any attempt to deprive them of their natural functions results in physical degeneration. ) Especially beneficial for indigestion, constipation and kindred complaints. Require no cooking always ready for use. Our Cook Book, "The Vital Question," containing over 250 recipes, besides valuable in- formation for housewives, mailed free on receipt of your name and address plainly written. THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO., Worcester, Mass., U. S. A. S *