l_ I B R / STA 1 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA \ THE HOUSE ITS PLAN, DECORATION AND CARE ISABEL BEVIfiR AMERICAN SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1911 A/4 7120 CONTENTS EVOLUTION OF THE HOUSE I DEVELOPEMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE . .- 20 THE MODERN HOUSE .49 HOUSE PLANNING 52 ENTRANCES 58 THE FARM HOUSE . . ... 74 ROOMS 80 STAIRS 90 SECOND FLOOR PLAN . 95 APARTMENTS 95 CONSTRUCTION OF THE HOUSE 101 FLOORS 109 DECORATION AND FURNISHINGS 123 DRAPERIES 139 FURNITURE ... .... 145 CARE OF THE HOUSE 152 HOUSES OF THE TRANSITIONAL PERIOD . . . i^- COLOR IN DECORATION 170 HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES 181 PLANS FOR A $2,000 COTTAGE i85 COMPLETE HOUSE PLANS 185 THE COST OF BUILDING BY FRANK CHOUTEAU BROWN 189 PROGRAM FOR SUPPLEMENTAL STUDY .... 217 INDEX 221 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS CHICAGO January 1, 1907. My dear Madam: As the home is so inseparably connected with the house and as our comfort and efficiency are so greatly influenced by the kind of houses in which we live, much of interest and importance centers in the study of "The House" Moreover, with the house, its evolution, decoration, and care may be associated much that is interesting in history, art, and architecture, as well as much that has a direct bearing on the daily life of the individual. These lessons are the outgrowth of some class work' in which the students and I have found pleasure and profit, so I am glad to pass them oh with whatever of information and inspiration they may have for another and larger class Of students. If they help to a better conception and a truer appreciation of the meaning of the terms house and hone, they have not failed in their purpose. Sincerely yours, TEEE DWELLINGS OF THE TRIBES'OF CENTRAL AFRICA From " 1,'HobiUtion Humint" THE HOUSE Its Plan, Decoration and Care T N our study of the House it will be interesting to * review briefly what is known about the earliest human habitations and the way in which the modern house has developed. THE EVOLUTION OF THE HOUSE. It may be well to consider what is meant by the term "the evolution of the house." One hears much in these days about evolution in plans, plants, ani- mals. For present purposes the following definition seems best suited : "Evolution is a process in which, by a series of continuous progressive changes, a com- plex arrangement, agency, or organism is developed from rude or simple beginnings as the evolution of civilization from savagery ; the evolution of a chicken from an egg." The evolution of the house, then, means that progressive series of changes by which the modern house has developed or evolved from an earlier and simpler form. What were some of these simpler forms? The . . Simpler modern house has a very denr.'te meaning to most Forma of us, but how little we know of its beginnings. Let us go back into that dim and shadowy past and find what it can tell us about the earlier human habitations. THE HOUSE It is so difficult to trace beginnings even of most im- portant events and inventions. The origin of lan- guage, the origin of the family, the earliest home of the human race, are alike unknown ; so we shall not hope to find the first human dwelling, but to find types of early human habitations, and in a study of these types to be enabled to see the evolution of the modern house. However much the modern house may differ from the earliest dwelling place, since both were destined to serve the needs of human beings, we may assume that the earlier, as the later form, has been intended to meet some primal human need. Man today needs shelter from the summer's heat and the winter's cold, protection from the wind and the storm, defense from wild beasts ; so it seems most probable that his brother man in the earlier ages of the world had these same human needs. Those who have studied most about early human habitations seem quite agreed that man found his first shelter under the spreading branches of a tree. In a warm climate and in the absence of wild beasts a tree might meet his requirement for shelter from the sun's rays. Viollet Le Due in his "Habitations of Man in all Ages," gives us a picture of this first human dwelling. Moreover we know that trees are now occupied by tribes in Central Africa and South America. EVOLUTION 01 ; THE HOUSE The overlapping and intertwining of the branches Tr6eg are supposed to have suggested the thatched roof for which shingles were later substituted. Viollet Le Due - i , i , 1*1 r FIRST HUMAN DWELLING shows how the primitive hut may have been suggested by this- putting together of the branches of the tree and intertwining of them. But trees are not found everywhere and cannot be moved from place to place. THE HOUSE Among nomadic tribes whose place of habitation is dependent upon the water supply and the pasture a PRIMITIVE HUT MADE BY INTERTWINING OF BRANCHES movable dwelling is a necessity. A small amount of wood would serve as a frame work or support and skin for a covering, while its lightness and ease of EVOLUTION OF THE HOUSE 5 transportation made the tent a most desirable dwell- ing. We read how Abraham sat at the door of his tent, and how the Israelites dwelt in booths at the TENT OR HUT [ Light framework covered with Reeds or "Woven Straw time of one of their great festivals. "And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees and the boughs of thick trees and willows of the brook ye shall dwell in booths TENTS OP NOMADIC TRIBES seven days."* One other form of dwelling which Nature has pro- Tents Cavei Levttlcna rxlll, 40. 6 THE HOUSE vided for her children was that of the cave in the rock from which it was sometimes necessary to drive out the lower animals before it could be used by man. The cave finds its modern counterpart in the "dugout" Pueblos TWO-STORIED TENT COVERED WITH SKINS of the west. The sod house or "dugouts" are neither so durable nor desirable as the log cabin which has served as a dwelling place for so many pioneers. The log cabin seems to be the most universal form of early dwelling. Types of it are found among primitive and modern races, in Russia, and in all parts of the United States. Two other forms of human habitations are of in- terest particularly to Americans. First : The pueblos ; EVOLUTION OP THE HOUSE 7 this name signifies a market town or village and is ap- plied to the structures found in Mexico. They con- sist of a compact mass of rooms that may be entered only from the top. They were entered by ladders and the ladders were drawn in after the people, so these REED TENTS OP AFRICAN TRIBES dwelling's offered considerable security to their occu- pants. These buildings were made of stone carefully laid and the crevices filled with clay and mud. They are both rectangular and circular in form. They con- tained from two to six stories with seventy or more rooms or cells on each story. Some of the rooms com- municated with each other by trap doors, and some of them had openings in the side walls admitting light and air. 8 Description of Pueblos Communal Life Mr. Lee Ghilde gives a description of a modern In- dian pueblo which he visited in 1881. "Before us," he says, "on the right are two rows of these adobe habitations, low, with no openings outward, no doors, no staircases. The flat terraced roofs are reached by a movable outside ladder. All the windows and doors LOG H( OF RUSSIAN PEASANTS open into an inside court which can only be reached by going down another ladder. Each house is thus a little fort into which, the ladder once withdrawn, neither man nor beast can penetrate." The general arrangement of the cells in these habi- tations indicates that the inhabitants had a communal rather than a family life. Travelers speak of the morn- ing chant and the proclamation made at dawn by the chief. The chant is supposed to be an act of wor- Ef'OLUTION OF THE HOUSE ' $ - /7 /"AV '*<**/'< -z *. - n '< ^JS^ *$**r~ PRIMITIVE LOG HOUSE OF THE ARYANS Shows chimney which seems to have been lost for some years 10 THE HOUSE PUEBLO OF TAGS, NEW MEXICO ship, and the proclamation the assignment of the day's tasks of the different families living in the pueblo. The second form of habitation which in general character much resembles the pueblo are the cliff dwellings. The cliff hous- es were built of rock or cliffs and were often reached with great diffi- cult},'. Their shape and size depended largely up- on the form of the cliff. The walls are of stone ce- mented with clay, and they show much skill in construction. While these later forms show much architectural skill and knowledge of the management of mate- House In a Rock rials, they would seem very unsatisfactory dwellings to the modern man. The absence of light and heat, the EVOLUTION OF THE HOUSE ii stone floors and bare walls, with no provision for sanitation do not accord with the idea of what a mod- ern house should offer. Besides these typical American forms of dwellings, we will consider four others, viz. The Swiss, Grecian, Roman and Japanese dwellings. The lake dwellings of Switzerland are old- er than the pyramids of Egypt. They were built in the still waters of lakes, but far enough from the shore to be safe from dis- turbance. As life be- came safer, the lake dwellers came back to the land. In the primitive dwellings which we h ave considered the one requirement which they have all met has been that of protection or defense. As civilization ad- vanced and man learned the use of tools, domesti- cated animals, learned the arts of weaving and of working in wood and metal, his dwelling came to mean something more than a place of shelter. More- over, the character of the country, the climate, the Rio Mancas. Two-Storied Cliff House and Enlarged Plan of Rooms 12 THE HOUSE Greek Houses kind of building material at hand, all had a part in determining the kind of dwelling that was built in any locality. Among the Greeks the energies of the people seem to have been given to the making of temples rather LAKE DWELLINGS OF SWITZERLAND than private dwellings. Judging from the indications home and family life as we understand it were almost unknown to the ancient Greek. The dwellings were within walled cities ; of one story with stone floors. The absence of any provision for family life is very PUEBLO OF TAOS. (After a Photograpft.i EVOLUTION OF THE HOUSE 13 evident. The two principal divisions are the courts for men and women. The seclusion and separation of the women is shown in the general plan. It is said that the Greek woman of the wealthy class was not expected to leave her home more than about once a year ; that she never appeared at dinner with her husband if a guest were present. We see in the plan given the combination of the shop or small store with the dwelling. The entrance is guarded by the porter. The vestibule leads into the men's court about which are the bedrooms for the men. The anteroom separates the women's part from the men's, and about the women's court are various rooms in which the house work is done. There seems to have been no general room for both men and women. The house was sometimes two stories. In that case the women's apartments were in the second story. We are indebted to the ruins of Pompeii for the B 0man knowledge we have of Roman houses. These houses Houses were derived from the Greek house with its two courts. The plan shown is evidently the house of a wealthy man. We see here the combination of the shop and small house with the larger house. There is the family court and the public court. One has said that the Greek house was made for the use of men and women, the Roman house for public and private life. The house occupied a block. The out- side was rented to tenants and used either as shop or THE HOUSE GREEK HOUSE EVOLUTION OF THE HOUSE ROM AX HOUSE i6 THE HOUSE Japanese Houses house while the family dwelling centered about the inner court. The walls were of wood finished with plaster; the floors of stone. There were no windows, but there was a good water supply and drainage. The house was heated by braziers containing charcoal, and lighted by wicks in oil. The Roman loved display EXTERIOR OF A JAPANESE HOUSE and publicity and much of his time was spent in the forum or. the theater. The Roman woman enjoyed greater freedom than the Greek. The Japanese house is built of wood with tile roof and no cellar; its walls are made of sliding shutters so that it is possible to make doors anywhere. The size of the rooms is decided by the number of mats. These mats are made of straw, size 3 x 6 ft. There are no bedrooms needed in a Japanese house because any of the rooms can be transformed into a bedroom EVOLUTION OF THE HOUSE 17 by putting thick comforters on the mats. This practice is much more cleanly than it sounds to an American be- cause the Japanese houses are kept exceedingly clean FLOOR PLAN OF A JAPANESE HOUSE THE HOUSE Swiss Houses and the shoes are removed on entering the house, so the dust of the street is not carried in. The rooms are used for different purposes. No chairs are used and no dining room tables. Charcoal is used for cooking. It is said that the kitchen utensils- are kept under the floor. The wooden verandah is also inclosed by shutters. The Swiss houses are made almost entirely of wood. The lower story is of masonry and the base- ment is sometimes used for stores and for the domestic animals. Timbers of the lower story project, form- ing corbel windows. To summarize this sec- tion : We see that through the centuries there has been a progressive series of changes in human habita- tions. From the shelter afforded by a tree, the tent, the cave, and the log cabin of one room, the courts of the Greek and Roman houses, or the great hall of the castle, to the modern house of today is a long journey, marked at various times by the introduction of those elements which Swiss House. Basement used for Cattle; Upper Stones for the Family EVOLUTION OF THE HOUSE SWISS HOUSE, SECOND FLOOR PL.AN enter into the modern house. The thatched and stone roofs have been replaced by slate and wood. Here the window has been introduced ; there the chimney. The ladder has been replaced by a beautiful staircase. Provision has been made for heat and light. The ar- tist and architect have combined to make the modern house not only the place of shelter but the place of beauty as well. Civilization and Architecture Conditions Influencing American Architecture In the previous section some steps in the evolution of the house have been briefly outlined. It is evident that social conditions and climate influence the charac- ter of the buildings of a country or nation. So we have what are called the characteristic buildings of dif- ferent nations. For example: Egypt is noted for its temples and towers ; Assyria for its palaces ; Greece for its temples ; Rome, for its bridges and aqueducts ; mediaeval Europe for castles and churches ; the Low Countries, for their trade halls ; England, for its coun- try houses, and the United States, for its fine office and municipal buildings. So we realize the truth of the statement that much of the civilization of a coun- try can be read in its architecture. It may be well to consider how social conditions- and tradition have influenced American architecture. In a new country there is less of conventionality, greater freedom of action, more originality in the manner of conducting affairs, often less wealth and fewer class distinctions than in an old and well established com- munity. Judged by the standards of the old world America is a very new country. When its resources were undeveloped and its people had little wealth its life and its houses were very simple, limited for the most part to the necessities, but as the development progressed, life became more complex, more influenced by the traditions of these lands whose descendants had 20 DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 21 LOG CABIN IN WHICH PRESIDENT LINCOLN WAS BORN Typical of the Houses of the Early Settlers. Chimney on the End Partly Demolished settled in America. Moreover, America has always been a land for the people not for any one class, but for all the people. Its architecture shows some of these same characteristics. It is original, varied, irregular, with a strong individuality. Again, the Americans are a comfort-loving people, so they demand comfort and convenience in a building, whether it be house or shop. The marble halls and stately palaces of the old world, beautiful though they be on the exterior, do not ap- peal to the American because they are damp and cold ; the same is true of many of the European dwelling houses. 22 THE HOUSE Early House Lacking in Beauty The artistic sense of the people has not been de- veloped by association with the art treasures and splen- did buildings which are so numerous in the old world, so for many years American architecture was sadly lacking in beauty. It was natural that builders should follow the forms of construction which were used abroad. It was soon found, however, that many of those forms were unsuited to the life and customs which prevail in this country. A castle, for instance, is not adapted to the free and simple life of America. The English country house or manor is not suited to FAIRBANKS HOUSE AT DEDHAM, MASS., BUILT IN 1(536 From " Hnmes in City and Country ' Charles Scribner's Sons, Publishers DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 23 Built about 1650. Second Story Overhangs Front and Sides From ' Early Connecticut Houses ' Preston and Rounds Co., Publishers country life in America. Nor do Americans wish the first story of their city houses to be given up to sta- bles and shops as they are in Paris. So the newer and better architecture of America is formed by tak- ing the elements of proportion, symmetry, and beauty as found in the old world structures and using them in the construction of buildings which are suited to the needs of Americans. Log Cabins 24 THE HOUSE DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE IN THE UNITED STATES As we know, the log cabin was the earliest home of the colonists. The construction of the early houses was much the same though they differed in the number of rooms which they contained. Built about 1660. Shows Front Overhanging and Long Sloping Roof From " Early Connecticut Houses " The logs were dressed on two sides and placed one on top of the other until the structure was high enough for a tall person to walk about in it. The crevices between the logs were filled with mud. The roof was made of poles covered with straw or reeds. Fireplaces at first were made of sticks, and plastered on the inside with clay, but later of stones or brick laid in mortar. DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 25 Domestic architecture developed rapidly. At first the construction was changed only by the addition of clap-boards to the log walls and hand- made shingles for the roof. The following descrip- tion is given by Air. Plym, of a house of the period V t685. Has an Entrance Porch, the Sloping Roof Covering the "Lean-to" Retained From "Early Connecticut Houses' known as "Old Colonial :" "Tliis was probably the most common type, having eight rooms and a front central stair hall. The fire- places were symmetrically located on the inner walls, while the exterior was decorated with a small portico. The second story was usually constructed of heavy log timbers placed at regular intevals 1 , which served as a ceiling for the rooms below. The outside walls were often packed with mud or sea weed to add to their warmth in winter and coolness in summer. Ice "Old Colonial" House THE HOUSE Types Built about 1715. A Two-Story House with Dormer Windows. North End of Brick From "Early Connecticut Houses" was kept in the cellar and was reached through a trap- door in the floor* About 1630 hand-cut wood shingles came into use for roofs, and brick and other materials were brought from Europe. The several colonies, English, Dutch and Swedish, began to show individ- uality in their designs, which was suggestive of their native buildings. The Dutch houses were especially distinctive on account of the gambrel roofs with heavy over-shot eaves and practically no cornice on the ga- bles. They often constructed their houses of stone and barred their windows with solid panel shutters." Two quite distinct types of colonial houses are found in the earlier houses, both founded on English models : DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 27 1. The Puritan or New England. 2. Those houses which were built on the large estates in Virginia. Climate and s-ocial customs have left their impress on each. The early Puritan "on that rock-bound coast" found life a rather serious business, and his architecture has something of severity in it. The houses are built comfortably of three stories, with very plain exteriors. The Virginia homes of the eighteenth century offer quite a contrast to this. In the "sunny south" the climate was pleasant, the soil productive. There were plenty of slaves to do the work ; the owner of the estate was socially inclined ; circumstances favored a luxurious mode of life, so the house needed to be large to accommodate the family, guests, and slaves-, BteeSsfey^-iSi^ ^&^^ 1 *3r ^i'. . '*-%: .'*:' New England Old Colonial Specimen of Early Dutch Architecture. Long Island, N. Y. From " Homos in City and Country " 28 THE HOUSE Plan of Southern Old Colonial Houses and to maintain the generous hospitality for which the region is famed. Monticello is one of the most typical of these estates. It is said that Jefferson ruined himself by his hospitality. The houses consisted frequently of a central two- story portion with two wings. The wings were Rhode Island and Connecticut Shore House, with Gambrel Roof and "L" From Homes in City and Country " sometimes used for guests, sometimes for domestic servants. The use of brick when wood was so much easier to obtain showed how the colonist clung to his English models. The fact also that they were slow in introducing the veranda so much needed for pro- tection against the heat of an American summer is due to the same slowness to give up old ideals. The DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 29 importance of the hall in the early colonial house must not be overlooked. It was living room, dining room and frequently guest room, in fact all the house except kitchen and bedroom. The common life of the family centered about this room, and to it the family treasures in the way of good furniture were brought. The colonial builder was limited both in materials and skilled workers. He had plaster, wood, and paper, but good plasterers 1 were scarce ; carpenters were the best craftsmen of the times, so the wood work of the colonial builder remains his chief title to recognition. It is said that much of the best interior work in the coast towns was done by ship carpenters who had left r Limitation of Colonial Builders STRATFORD HOUSE, WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VA. The Birthplace of General Lee, built in the 18th Century, of Bricks sent over from England i^v--- 3 IS PD f THE HOUSE. Influence of the Carpenter Careful Detail their ships for a season. Desmond and Croly say: "Colonial architecture has well been defined as 'the carpenters' interpretation of the Renaissance.' In no other country was the carpenter permitted a rendering of the great classic revival. "The predominance of the carpenter rather than the mason, arising immediately from the great variety and abundance of native American woods, is from the start one of the most important facts connected with American architecture and to the present day it has not lost its importance. In structure and ornament the American house has been made largely too largely of wood. In colonial times, while a good tradition prevailed, the use made of the material was acceptable ; but later when the craftsmen had deteriorated, the ex- cessive importance granted to a building material that is flexible, cheap, and tempts the unwary into multi- plying members and elaborating detail, was partly re- sponsible for some of the most grotesque wooden mal- formations which the world has ever seen. More- over, our wood work, founded as it was upon forms that pertained properly to the masons' materials, has always betrayed a leaning toward a decadent principle, which has not been without a generally corrupting effect upon American practice."* The Colonial architecture was characterized bv care- fulness in detail, by a considerable use of moldings as *" Stately Homes in America." DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 35 a finish for doors, windows, chimneys, and paneling. The staircases with their newel posts and baluster gave an opportunity for much fine work, the carving of which often showed much delicacy and skill. The paneling and the fireplace were sometimes the best features of the work. Desmond and Croly sav : "The MT. VERNON, THE HOME OF WASHINGTON Southern Colonial House detail was most carefully and elaborately worked. Often it is somewhat stiff and lifeless ; but it is always moderate and correct ; and occasionally it is of an exquisite and delicate simplicity. The Colonial is the one type of building in our architectural history which bears the mark of a definite style. It is strongly dis- tinguished from every subsequent style of residence, 36 THE HOUSE because it was used in the colonies for something 1 over a century ; and because throughout all that time it prevailed absolutely. The owners of these Colonial houses were nothing more than ordinarily well-to-do men who had enough money to live in a pleasant and substantial generous manner, but who very distinctly could not Economical afford any considerable extravagances ; consequently, while they built substantially they were also obliged to build economically. One of these old brick houses frequently took many years to erect, and required on the part of the owner and builder the utmost patience and the utmost ingenuity in overcoming obstacles. They did not have the benefit of expert assistance ; there were practically no professional architects in the colonies until the very end of the colonial period ; and they were engaged almost exclusively in the design of public buildings. The only assistance upon which a man who wanted to build could rely was that of trained mechanics, who were frequently imported for the purpose, and who naturally built according to rule. That under so many disadvantages the result was often so admirable, is most excellent testimony to the train- ing of the eighteenth century hand craftsmen. They had been educated in a good school : they knew how to do certain things only, but everything they did was well done; and if their tradition and method of work had only survived for two or three generations, we Americans would have been spared a caution of ugli- r? t/j DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 39 ness particularly in wood-work which persists among American carpenters to the present day." While there is so much that is favorable to be said concerning the "old Colonial" style it is but fair that THE "OLD MANSE." CONCORD, MASS. Home of Hawthorne and Emerson we should consider the unfavorable statements also and Desmond and Croly close the chapter on "The Colonial residence" thus : "At the time the colonial style prevailed it was admirable because it was safe; but in view of the immensely richer materials and larger opportunities which architects 1 of the present time have at their disposal, they cannot afford to ac- Deflciencies of the Old Colonial Style THE HOUSE Lacking in Breadth of Style Transitional Period cept the colonial tradition too seriously. Both as re- gards outside and in, the excellence of the colonial dwellings depended on their decorous and unobtru- sive character. They aimed studiously at under-state- ment. Their owners were people of taste, in whom the ideal of respectability was still fortunately allied with some notion of good form, and who would not for the world do anything to .violate the prevalent proprieties. But it lacked structural and functional character; its range of expression was extremely limited. It is as- sociated somehow with a tea table respectability, an old maidenly reserve and propriety ; it is quaint and stiff and charming, but it lacks the richer tones, the deeper harmonies, the grander style of some French and Italian models. It remains, nevertheless, one of the best sources from which to derive the forms of a modest and inexpensive modern dwelling, for its de- signs are simple, its material cheap, and the character of its expression adapted to the houses of quiet people of good taste without much originality."* \\"hat might be called the decadence of the colonial style of architecture, or the transitional period, began in the early part of the nineteenth century. The White House is among the last and best known examples of pure Colonial. The times were revolutionary in more senses than one. New social and economic forces were at work. The people were trying experiments in gov-~ ernment and business. The condition of the country "Stately Homes in America." DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 41 was unsettled. Houses, especially on the borderlands, were temporary structures. The standard of handi- craft was lowered. It seemed necessary to build quickly rather than well. After 1825 domestic architecture ceased to be colo- nial. The use of classic forms was- revived and led to CRAIGIE HOUSE. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Headquarters of Washington and Home of Longfellow. An Example of New England Colonial House the making of wooden parthenons for public buildings and for a dwelling house a Doric or Ionic temple. The rapidity with which one kind of architecture fol- lowed another was remarkable. The classic forms were Monstrosities THE HOUSE THE WHITE HOUSE, SOUTH FRONT succeeded by the use of French and Italian models. The stately mansion in the Greek was followed by the picturesque villa. Many of these dwellings were built along the Hudson about the middle of the nineteenth century. This century marks the development of the city house. There was a great deal of indiscriminate imitation of Old World forms. The French villas were succeeded by Italian ones. The Gothic was intro- DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 43 duced in ecclesiastical buildings, such as Trinity and St. George's churches in New York City, about 1850. The Romanesque revival began in 1877 with the com- pletion of Trinity church in Boston and deserves men- tion because it is associated with the name of Richard- son, one of America's best architects. Now we have the country house, the city residence, and the suburban dwelling, each with its characteristics NORTH FRONT OF THE WHITE HOUSE 44 THE HOUSE. strongly marked. Various localities have also their distinctive types. Root says : "In the growth of their plans Western city houses have tended also toward greater enlargement and importance of the living and dining rooms at the expense of the parlor and reception rooms."* western One feature in the plans of Western city dwellings City Houses _,..,. must be clearly denned. Ihis is their openness. Aot only are windows upon the average larger than in the East, but they are more frequent. Price says : "The ordinary older cottages, those of a quarter of a century ago, were generally planned with a single entrance facing the approach ; this opened from a porch into a passage rather than a hall, with the stairway starting a few paces within and running straight up the side wall to the floor above ; the parlor and library to right and left, with the dining room beyond the one and the kitchen beyond the other. Be- tween the last two came the butlery and servants' stairs and the back door, which usually in the family life of the occupants became the thoroughfare to and from the house. This, pure and simple, was the general plan from which the house of to-day started. Step by step it developed ; the passage became a hall ; the stair- case changed its position ; the parlor became less im- portant, the fireplace more so."* So much, or rather so little, out of all that might be said for the evolution of the house in the United "'Homes in City and Country." DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN HOUSE 47 States. Let us next consider certain essentials in planning for one of these modern houses. BIBLIOGRAPHY A further knowledge of the "Evolution of the House" and the ''Development of the American House" may be obtained by reference to the following : The Habitations of Man in All Ages. Viollet LeDuc. L'Habitation Humane. Gamier and Amman. Prehistoric America. Nadaillac. American Renaissance ($4.00). Joy Wheeler Dow. Early Connecticut Houses ($4.00). Isham and Brown. Homes in City and Country ($2.00). Sturgis, Root, Price, Mitchell, Parsons and Linn. Stately Homes in America ($7.50). Desmond and Croly. Note. Any of the above books will be purchased and forwarded on receipt of the price given. TEST QUESTIONS The following questions constitute the "written reci- tation" which the regular members of the A. S. H. E. answer in writing and send in for the correction and comment of the instructor. They are intended to emphasize and fix in the memory the most important points in the lesson. THE HOUSE Its Plan, Decoration and Care PART I Read Carefully. Place your name and address on the first sheet of the test. Use a light grade of paper and write on one side of the sheet only. Do not copy answers from the lesson paper. Use your own words, so that your in- structor may know that you understand the subject. Read the lesson paper a number of times before attempting to answer the questions. 1. What interest or value has the "evolution of the house" for you? 2. Name some of the types of early human habita- tions. What purposes are they supposed to have served? 3. Show how the environment influences the char- acter of the dwelling place. 4. Explain the statement The history of a nation may be read in its architecture. 5. What do you learn from a study of the Greek and Roman houses about their family life? 6. Mention some advantages of Japanese houses. 7. What conditions and influences affected the de- velopment of the American house? How did the Northern houses differ from those in the South ? THE HOUSE. 8. Trace briefly the development of the house from the log" cabin to the houses of our grand- parents. 9. What good points had the so-called Colonial houses? In what were they lacking? 10. Describe some house in your neighborhood that exemplifies the deficiencies of the transitional period of American architecture. NOTE. After completing the test sign your full name. 7 ^*j^ [he beauty of k the house is &the Mess- ing of the house is contentments the glory of the house is hospitality&the crown of the house is godliness ^^&3 a o H P i 8 s fc S < < B 1 CJ 1 K t W x Q I" iJ C THE HOUSE Its Plan, Decoration and Care PART II THE MODERN HOUSE While the subject is "The House/' it is almost im- possible to separate it in thought from the home for which it stands. We all appreciate that the house is not the home, as the body is not the spirit, but as the body serves as the means of expression for the spirit, so in the houses we build and furnish we show our appreciation of beauty or the lack of it. We give, quite unconsciously perhaps, our definition of home. All this thought and care then is to be expended The House upon the house, not only that it may be a comfortable ite Home and convenient workshop for home industries, but also a place in which child life may develop among artistic and beautiful surroundings, and that it shall at the same time serve as a place of rest and inspira- tion for the older members of the family. There should, then, be a very definite idea in the mind of the owner of the amount of money he wishes to expend and the kind of family life he wishes to maintain in this house. It is to be built for his family, not his neighbors. The real comfort and convenience of the family are not to be sacrificed to display for the chance guest. Comfort may demand that the expense 49 5 o THE HOUSE of the parlor mantel be put into the kitchen sink. Es- sentials, not fancy work, are to be considered. The sue The selection of a suitable site is one of the first considerations. To be sure it is quite probable that to the vast majority of home makers the opportunity for choice in the details of location and construction may not be given ; but this paper is written from the stand- point of the freedom of choice in the belief that it is better to strive for ideal conditions than to omit them from life's 1 program. Where then shall the new house be put? On the hill or in the valley? In the city or in the country? The answer to these questions will vary according to the tastes of the different owners, but in each case cer- tain questions should be very carefully considered in choosing the location of the house. The character of the soil ; the natural slope of the land ; the direction of the prevailing winds ; the possibilities of drainage ; the character of the surroundings ; the kind of neighbors one is likely to have. In most regions a southern or eastern exposure al- lows the best distribution of sunlight in the house. There may be the temptation in the crowded city to use the "made ground" before nature's agencies has had time to make it fit for human habitation ; and, in the country, the site of the barn, regardless of the drainage may determine the location of the house on the basis of saving steps for the men of the family. MODERN Since so much of some people's time must of neces- sity be spent inside the house some real thought and care ought to be given to securing an outlook that shall yield to the occupants of the house as much of the beauty of the earth and air and sky as possible. A slight change in the position of even one window may bring to the dwellers for all time a picture of hill ,-*- and dale with forest and stream that shall be a peren- _^ nial source of pleasure. Due consideration having been given to securing pure air, sunlight, dryness, and the various elements included in the term "agreeable surroundings," the form of construction and kind of materials are to be ^considered. Shall the new house be of wood, brick, or stone? .. Queen Ann, Gothic, or Old Colonial style? Here again much depends upon individual taste and the ma- terials that can be obtained at least expense. Stone houses, for example, are practically debarred from some localities because of the expense of transportation which must be added to the cost of the stone ; but in any case the construction must be adapted to the location. A stone house in a treeless, stoneless, prairie region, looks like an intruder in the landscape. It needs the hills and rocks for its setting. A low, rambling house, if it crown the brow of a hill, lends- itself to the land- scape much better than the high narrow one which gives somewhat the impression of a sign board. Again, The Outlook Style of House Tbe Architect 52 THE HOUSE an Old Colonial house requires space for its proper setting. Adaptation and appropriateness are important elements in deciding the materials and construction or the new house. HOUSE PLANNING We are now to consider this subject in detail. The problems of domestic architecture are complex not simple. Its elements are numerous and varied. Ec- clesiastical architecture has fewer difficulties to con- tend with than domestic. A church is built for a spe- cific purpose, a dwelling house stands for a dozen in- terests, some of them apparently conflicting. It must be at the same time a workshop and a place of rest. In it provision must be made for the sick and the well, the young and the old, for sleeping, eating, and cooking, as well as for the entertainment of guests. It requires skill of a high order in more ways than one to plan a successful house. A house plan is to be regarded as successful only when it meets the require- ments for comfort and convenience of the particular family for which it is intended. It is evident then that house plans should not grow, like mushrooms, in a night but should be given ample time for develop- ment. The architect should be made familiar in so far as practicable with the personal preferences of the family in order that he may the better plan for their comfort. \ HOUSE PLANNING 55 It is not for the architect to express the personality of the owner, but to help the home maker to do so. Six months or a year is not too long a period in which to consider the plans for the new house. In the meantime it is well for the family to collect as many concrete examples as possible of the things that seem to them desirable in the new home. The sight of the real may often do away utterly with an ideal that had been cherished for sometime. Hav- ing collected and considered these various ideas it is well to formulate some method of procedure, to make some analysis of house plans, an outline, if you please, of essentials and non-essentials. However much house plans may differ in details it Di vision is evident that the whole space enclosed by the four of s P ace walls must serve at least two purposes ; one part of it will serve as a place to rest, work, or sleep in ; and an- other portion must serve as a means of communica- tion. This fact serves as a basis for the division of the entire space into rooms and thoroughfares. This first division is of great importance. The comfort and convenience of many a house has been forever de- stroyed by the fact that the thoroughfares were im- properly located, or in wrong proportion to the size of the house, and the cost of heating has been mate- rially increased by a wrong distribution of floor space. We all know of houses in which the distance from the front door to the kitchen is so great that the time 56 THE HOUSE and energy used in answering the front door bell leaves little of either for anything else, and other houses where wide drafty halls and open stairways take the heat from the small rooms and leave the occu- pants shivering before the grate. The manufacturer constructs his "plant" so as to save time and labor for his workmen. Ought not the same care to be given to the construction of his house ? The space and money expended in passage ways be- yond that required for comfort and convenience adds to the expense in building and later in the care and fur- nishing without yielding an adequate equivalent. Both rooms and thoroughfares admit of classification. The rooms may be divided as those intended (i) for the use of the family, (2) for the use of the servants. Yet another division may* be made of the rooms. In every home there are rooms set apart for family use, for the entrance of the friend or stranger, and there are other rooms for the private use of the individ- ual members of the family. Thorough- The thoroughfares, too, may be classified as those intended for the family or for the servants and the family ones may be intended for public or private use ; the servants' thoroughfares may be private or service, that is, used by servants in performance of their duties. We give, then, as most suggestive and helpful the "analysis of the house plan" outlined by Osborne in his little book on house planning: HOUSE PLANNING 57 ' Reception Room (Pu.). Parlor (Pu , Pi ). Drawing Room (Pu., Pi..) Library (Pu ,Pi.. Public, -t Billiard Room (Pi.). Picture Gallery (Pu.>. Dining Room (Pi., S.). Verandas. 'Family. < .Etc. Study (PI ). Boudoir (Pi.V Bed Rooms T APARTMENTS 97 PLAN OF A FLAT WITHOUT A LONG, DARK HALL. GOOD CLOSET ROOM. of a vessel, a gingerbread cornice and a heavy castle door all heaped together in a small house, making it look as if it had been made from an architectural scrap bag. This quotation from "Decoration of Houses," by Codman and Wharton is one that ought to be fre- quently recalled. The author is discussing originality in architecture : "What is originality in art ? Perhaps it is easier to define what it is not; and this may be 98 THE HOUSE done by saying that it is never a wilful rejection of what have been accepted as the necessary laws of the various forms of art. .Thus, in reasoning, originality lies not in discarding the necessary laws of thought, but in using them to express new intellectual concep- tions ; in poetry, originality consists not in discarding the necessary laws of rhythm, but in finding new rhythms within the limits of those laws. Most oi the features of architecture that have persisted through va- rious fluctuations of taste, owe their preservation to the fact that they have been proved by experience to be necessary ; and it will be found that none of them pre- cludes the exercise of individual taste, any more than the acceptance of the syllogism or of the laws of rhythm prevents new thinkers and poets from saying what has never been said before. * * * All good architecture and good decoration must be based on rhythm and logic. * * * To conform to a style then is to accept those rules of proportion which the artistic experience of centuries has established as the best, while within those limits allowing free scope to the individual requirements which must inevitably mod- ify every house or room adapted to the use and con- venience of its occupants," THE HOUSE Its Plan, Decoration and Care PART II Read Carefully. Place your name and address on the first sheet of the test. Use a light grade of paper and write on one side of the sheet only. Do not copy answers from the lesson paper. Use your own words, so that your in- structor may know that you understand the subject. Read the lesson paper a number of times before attempting to answer the questions. 1. Name some considerations that influence in de- termining the (a) site of a house, (b) ma- terials, and (c) general appearance of a house. 2. What disadvantages arise from an unwise dis- tribution of floor space? 3. Name the different types of entrances. 4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a reception hall plan. 5. What are some of the special needs of farm houses ? 6. Which of the nine plans illustrated do you like best? Why? 7. Give some distinctive characteristics of the (a) parlor, (b) living room, (c) dining room, (d) library, (e) chambers. THE HOUSE 8. Which type of kitchen plans do you prefer? What are your reasons ? 9. How is ease secured in stairs ? 10. What are the advantages of a combination stairs ? 11. Complete the plan you like best (No. i, 3, 4, 5, or 6) for the first and second story. Make your drawing twice the size of the illustration, i. e., scale y inch:=i foot, using cross section paper. 12. Indicate on your sketch the position and size of range, sink, refrigerator, and dining room table on the first floor, and of the beds and bureaus on the second floor, determining their position by using small bits of paper as de- scribed on page 95. Note. After completing the test sign your full name. THE HOUSE Its Plan, Decoration and Care PART III CONSTRUCTION OF THE HOUSE Perhaps an outline will afford the simplest method for suggesting some of the points to be considered in the construction of the house. THE HOUSE (2) Preparation of the soil for, includes Removal of the top soil, Grading, Drainage. (4J Cellar Structure, floor and walls, Drainage, Divisions, Inner finish, Ventilation, Lighting. Before considering the superstructure, we will stop a moment to amplify some of the points suggested. The adaptation of the structure to its intended uses has already been considered. The removal of the top soil prevents it from being mixed with the lime, sand, and cellar dirt, and leaves ( 1 1 Structure adapted to Location, Environment, Purpose of the owner. ''5; Foundation Walls Materials, Size, Manner of laying, Height above ground. outline Preparation of the Bite 102 THE HOUSE Sle Ceilar it ready for use in the growing of the grass later. If this precaution is not observed it may be necessary to bring good soil from elsewhere. The materials of the foundation will be either brick or stone, according to the expense. Stone is usually more expensive and is generally considered better than brick, but owing to the difficulty in securing good stone masons to lay the stone properly, brick has grown into favor and is preferred by some good build- ers, especially above the ground line. Neither brick nor stone should be laid in freezing weather and only cement mortar, to keep out dampness, should be used for walls below ground. The thickness will depend upon the kind of superstructure. F. C. Moore says in "How to Build a House," "Foundation walls should not be less than twelve inches if of brick, nor less than eighteen inches if of stone." The part of the walls above the surface of the ground should not be less than eighteen inches in thickness. One feels inclined to beg that special emphasis should be given to the construction of the cellar, for out of it issues so much that makes for health or disea.se. Probably it will never be known how much of the low state of vitality found in some families is to be cliarged to an illy ventilated, badly lighted, poorly drained cellar used as a storehouse for decaying vegetables and send- ing its foul germ-laden air to every part of the house. It is more sanitary to have the cellar under the whole house and adds very little to the expense. Its CONSTRUCTION 103 ceilings should not be less than seven feet high, plas- tered if possible on metallic lathing. The side walls should be whitewashed. The floor made of concrete. It should be well drained, well lighted and partitioned into such rooms as have definite uses. The vegetable room should be separated and fitted for its purpose. SUPERSTRUCTURE OF THE HOUSE , (2) 1 1 'alls Materials, Wood, Stone, Brick. Shingles. (4) Chimneys Built from ground, \Yalls of flues (eight inches thick), Lined with fire clav or ('/; Framing Balloon, Braced. (3j Floors Construction, Single, Double. Manner of laying. Deafening. Sweeping molding. ( 5; Doors ( Closets flue lining. (6) Windows (8) Devices for Strength. Warmth, Dryness. Safety from fire. Preventing shrinkage. (10) Roofs Material, Manner of laying. Of the two kinds of framing, that known as the braced is the more expensive and stronger. (Q) Porches 104 THE HOUSE Balloon and Braced Framing Frame Lath and Plaster The balloon frame is considered strong enough for all practical purposes and is quite generally used. See illustration. Owing to the greater expense of building stone or brick houses, and the fact that they are more apt to be damp than frame houses, wood is the material more generally used. The construction of a wooden building is, in gen- f -~r | BRACED FRAME. BALLOON FRAME, a, Corner Posts; b, Sill; c, Plate; d. Girt; e. Braces;/, Studs; h. Sill; j, Ledger Board; *, Plate. In the full braced frame all pieces are fastened together with mor- tise-and-tenon joints. In the balloon frame the pieces are simply nailed, the frame depending upon the boarding for its stiffness. A combination of the two is common. eral, as follows: The walls consist of a frame of studs or light timbers, 2 in. by 4 in. or 2 in. by 6 in., set about sixteen inches apart from center to center. The outside is covered with rough boards, then with clap-boards or shingles. Inside the walls are covered with laths and plaster The interior partitions are made of studding covered CONSTRUCTION 105 on both sides with laths and plaster. The laths should be green, that is, not dried, for the wet plaster would cause them to warp. The first coat of plaster, called the "scratch coat" because it is scratched or roughened in order to hold the next coat, should be allowed to dry thoroughly before the second coat is laid over. Much of the falling, cracking and annoyance with plastering comes from the lack of this precaution. The studs of the outside wall should stand on a heavy timber called a sill, which rests on top of th^e cellar wall. At the top of trie walls the horizontal piece, called the plate, is placed, on which rest the lower ends of the rafters forming the roof pieces. The rafters are cov- ered with boards and these with shingles. CCD SILL PLACED ON WALL. a, Cement; b. Anchor Bolt; c, Sill; d. Girder, The girders are the heavy timbers set level with the beams of the first floor, on which stand the studs of main interior partitions. Shingle houses are much in favor in some localities and make very attractive and inexpensive homes. Cedar shingles "weather" to a grey tint that is pleasing, but many prefer the brown or green stain. Shingle houses are a little more expensive than plain wooden ones. The SiH Girdera Shingled House* io6 THE HOUSE Floors Windows Floors should be of well-dried, carefully selected ma- terial. The beams are usually two inches thick and ten inches wide ; but if one or two inches be added to each of these dimensions the extra cost will add to the strength of the floor and tend to prevent cracks in ceilings and walls due to vibrations. It is better to have the floor double and to put asbestos paper or salamander between the two layers. The paper serves as fire resisting material as well as to deafen the sounds. The under floor should be nailed diagonally. The baseboards should be set upon the under floor if the floors are double, or tongued into the floor plank if the floors are single, to prevent the unsightly cracks that sometimes appear between the floor and base- board. The sweeping molding should be convex so as to shed rather than retain dust and moisture. In general, doors and windows should be of a uni- form size and height. In a city house, recently, the writer counted win- dows of nine different shapes and sizes on the front of a single house. The small leaded or colored glass window may have its place in the dining room or library where light is wanted without the view ; and the French windows which open like doors may sometimes be desirable, but usually the ordinary sized windows hung on weights will prove more practicable for the admission of light and better ac'^pted to keep out the storm. The writer was impressed with the limitations of casement win- CONSTRUCTION 107 dows recently, when she found herself in a bedroom on the first floor with two windows, one opening on the front porch of the house, the other one on the drive way. The only possible way of securing air in the bedroom was by opening a door, as it were, to the mmitif'i >*&& i_-4-'' ^*m^ .' * ?ii i UE!*-L, X. A SHINGLED HOUSE. public. The problem was complicated by the fact that the host had explained that bears frequently wandered about the region after dark. If sliding doors-are used precautions should be taken to insure their moving easily when so desired. Closet doors should never open in, and bedroom doors should ^ be so hung as to screen rather than reveal the bed. Swinging doors with glass in them to provide against servants running imo each other, are desirable in pantries. Doors io8 THE HOUSE Front Door It is desirable to have the front door a little larger and heavier than other doors, with perhaps glass in the upper half, but if the glass extends below the upper half, it detracts from the sense of privacy desirable in an outside door. Provision for warmth is made by a generous use of building paper, back plastering, mineral wool and felt. Nothing is so good a non-conductor as a dead air space, so double walls with air space between are of special value in this respect. It seems almost criminal to be careless . in the matter of fire stops. Yet this is so often the case in the ordinary house, often far removed from the help of any fire de- partment. Hollow partitions, open staircases and spaces in side walls from cellar to gar- ret make drafts and flues for carrying flames. These spaces should be closed on each floor by plaster, cement, or metal stops. Metal lath for ceiling, as- bestos or mineral wool between the floors, ordinary lime mortar are all helpful in making a "slow burn- ing" house. FIRE STOPS BETWEEN. STUDS. FLOORS Volumes might be written upon the subject of floors and their finishing, covering and care. Pine, hard and soft, maple, ash, and oak are the kinds of timber most often used in floors. Soft pine has the advantage of being least expensive. Oak is by many considered the best wood for floor uses, particularly if it is quarter- sawn. All woods darken in time if treated with oil. Material METALLIC LATF. Maple is preferred by those who object to the dark floors, as the closeness of its grain prevents the rapid absorption and consequent darkening by oil. The stained, painted, oiled or waxed floor partly covered by rugs is steadily growing in favor and displacing the floor covered with carpet. There is much to be said in favor of the finished floor. It saves the tugging and pulling sometimes necessary to make the carpet fit. It simplifies very much the problem of house cleaning. Instead of that week or two in the spring and fall when all the carpets were taken up, pounded, beaten, stretched and pulled 109 Advantages of Finished Floors no THE HOUSE with the resulting finger and back aches, with the rug covered floor, the rugs are removed as often as need be, shaken, the floors wiped off with a damp or oiled cloth and the rugs relaid with much less expenditure oi 'energy. The rugs are much lighter and easier to handle and the dust which accumulates under the ordi- nary carpet is thus dispensed with ; so the rug covered floor is apt to be more sanitary. Some people object to any bare floor where there are children or elderly people. This can easily be obviated by the use of large rugs with borders of matting or filling. No exact statistics can be given as to the compara- tive time required in caring for a room with waxed or painted floors with rugs, and one covered with carpet. The testimony of one woman who had the care of eight carpeted rooms for years, is given. After one of them had been transformed by floor finish and two rugs, she said that she would rather care for three such rooms than one carpeted one. Kind of The question as to whether the finish shall be paint, varnish, shellac or wax must be decided by the expense and by the use of the rooms. \Yax and varnish are not desirable if the floor is to be subjected to the tread of many dusty feet. The oiled or painted floor will stand the wiping with the damp cloth to remove the dust much better. A little kerosene or milk added to the water used in sponging will serve to brighten either the paint or oil. Q 8s a" K 6 a fc FLOORS 113 Before a floor is treated with varnish or wax, the pores of the porous woods are usually filled with a paste filler, which may be combined with a stain if other than natural finish is desired. This treatment brings out the grain of the wood and prevents the absorption of too much of the more expensive finish.- Varnished floors are perhaps easiest to keep clean and when newly finished look well, but they are easily marred and become unsightly in places where there is much wear, especially if the varnish is not of the very best quality. The cost of the best materials is small in comparison to the cost of labor in finishing floors. Refinishing is always an expensive process, so that it is economy to use the best varnish obtainable- Much expense will be saved by re-varnishing at the first sign of wear, for if the surface becomes broken, the wood underneath absorbs dirt, and scraping or planing may be required to remove it. It will be found cheapest in the end to apply a thin coat once a year, or oftener if necessary. Many housewives find shellaced floors easiest to manage. Shellac varnish is made by dissolving gum shellac in either grain or wood alcohol. The varnish which one buys is apt to be adulterated with cheaper, inferior gums, so that the surest way to get pure var- nish is to make it for oneself. The materials can be obtained at almost any drug store. To make sufficient quantity for small repairs, six ounces of light yellow flake shellac may be added to a pint of alcohol. The Varnished Floors Shellaced Floors H4 THE HOUSE gum will dissolve in about an hour and make a varnish of proper consistency for floors. It is best to strain the varnish through cheesecloth before using. The varnish will dry in less than an hour and makes a very hard surface. All varnish should be applied with long, slow strokes of the brush and with the grain of the wood. In repairing a varnished floor which has been neg- lected, the much worn, dark places may be scrubbed with water and a fine sand soap, like sapolio, until clean; then be given a preliminary coat of varnish, and after these places have dried, the entire floor should Le varnished. Waxed Many think that wax makes the most desirable Floor* , i]ic j j ast j n y fl oor finish for the living rooms. The ex- o -* pense of this finish is somewhat more than the varnish finish because of the greater amount of labor required. Clark in "The Care of the House" recommends that a new floor be treated with two coats of linseed oil and turpentine mixed with enough Japan dryer to dry over night. This is put on to prevent the floor from show- ing spots. \Yhen this is dry. two coats of floor wax are applied and after standing over night, rubbed thor- oughly into the wood and polished with a weighted brush made for the purpose. A waxed floor should be given a new coat of floor wax every year or oftener in the places subjected to hard wear. A floor so treat- ed will last for a long time. One objection to the wax finish is that water will turn the coating white. I-LOORS The floor must be cleaned with a dry cloth or mop or one which is only slightly damp and rubbed occa- sionally with the weighted brush. If the floor becomes spotted by water through accident, the damage can be repaired easily by applying a little wax and rubbing with the brush. If the floor becomes soiled or stained the wax may be removed by turpentine, the spot treat- ed and the place covered anew with wax. Ink or iron stains may te removed with a solution of oxalic acid. Xo entirely satisfactory finish for the kitchen floor has yet been found. The time honored way of scrub- bing with soap and water makes the whitest and clean- est looking floor, it is true but the work required ! It does not seem to be an economic condition to have the floor cf .the work shop such that nothing may fall upon it. Linseed oil, frequently applied, makes a finish in every way good if it were not for the unsightly dark- ening. When the wood is thoroughly filled with oil, nothing will produce a spot on such a floor, not even grease. It may be wiped up with a wet cloth but should not be scrubbed with soap and water. A good grade of linoleum makes a floor covering most easily cared for. \Yhen this is to be used there is no necessity of laying an expensive hard wood floor in the kitchen. This does not mean, however, that the floor need not be carefully laid, for if any of the boards warp the linoleum will be quickly worn through in the raised parts. Kitchen Floor Linoleum n6 THE HOUSE Oiling Expense of Finished Floors Comparative Cost of Floors Fainted The clear boiled linseed oil is applied hot. The first essential in the care of any finished floor is that it should be perfectly clean and dry before oil, wax or varnish is applied. The floors of pantries, back hall and stairs may well be finished in oil. The expense so often urged against a hard wood floor does not seem to be borne out by the following statistics carpets to look well must be frequently re- moved while waxed or oiled floors may be kept in order for years with slight additional expense. The utmost care should be used in securing well dried material for floors, and eternal vigilance is re- quired to prevent new floors from being ruined by careless workmen before the house is finished. The following table compiled from recent estimates will answer some of the questions concerning the cost of new floors per square foot. I. Cost of soft pine floor, Laid unfinished 3^2 cents Stained " Total cost of floor 4^ cents 2. Cost of soft pine floor, Laid unfinished 3^2 cents Painted two coats, cracks not put- tied i 1 / Total cost of floor 5 cents FLOORS 117 3. Cost of hard pine floor, 011 Planed and scraped 7 cents Oiled with one coat of hot linseed oil y s " Total cost of floor 7^ cents 4. Cost of hard pine floor, shellac Planed and scraped 7 cents Stained and two coats of shellac ... 2 Total cost of floor 9 cents 5. Cost of soft pine floor, Carpet Laid unfinished 3^/2 cents Cost of ingrain carpet at 65c per yard . 7.2 " Total cost of floor 10.7 cents 6. Cost of soft pine floor, plain Laid unfinished 3^2 cents Linoleum Cost of plain linoleum at 65c per yard 7.2 " Total cost of floor 10.7 cents y. Cost of straight oak floor, Oak Planed and scraped 9 cents Stained, filled and two coats of shellac .^A " Total cost of floor n l /2 cents THE HOUSE Oak and Wax Brussels Carpet Inlaid Linoleum Quartered Oak 8. Cost of straight oak floor, Planed and scraped 9 cents Stained, one coat of shellac and wax 2 l / 2 " Total cost of floor 1 1 1 A cents 9. Cost of soft pine floor, Laid unfinished 3^ cents Cost of Brussels carpets at 8oc per yard 9 " Total cost of floor i2 l / 2 cents 10. Cost of snft pine floor, Laid unfinished 3^ cents Cost ot inlaid linoleum at $1.10 per yard 12.2 " Total cost of floor 15.7 cents ii. Cost of quarter sawed oak floor, Planeu and scraped 14 Stained, filled and three coats of varnish 5 cents Total cost of floor 19 cents The above cost is given in items of sq. ft. from which it is easy to obtain the cost per sq. yd. if one remembers that nine sq. ft. make one sq. yd. One or two examples are worked out for the sake FLOORS 119 of comparison. For example : What is the cost of the floor in a room 15 ft. square with 1. A soft pine floor covered with ingrain carpet? 2. A soft pine floor covered with Brussels carpet? 3. A hard pine floor, planed and scraped, with one coat of oil ? 4. A hard pine floor planed, scraped, stained and with two coats of shellac. A room 15 ft. square contains 25 sq. yds. The table shows ( Xo. 5) that a soft pine floor with ingrain carpet costs 10.7 cents per sq. ft.=96.3 cents per sq. yd. 25 sq. yds. cost 96.3x25=824.075. A room of the same dimensions of soft pine covered with Brussels carpet (Xo. 9) costs $28.125. If the floor to be of hard pine treated as in No. 3, the cost will be $16.59. If the floor be of hard pine treated as No. 4, the cost will be 820.25. OLD FLOORS Many people who would be glad to have the benefit of the use of rugs, feel that they cannot undertake either the trouble or expense of having new floors laid. For such the following suggestions, which have been carried out in actual practice, are given. One woman wished to make over an old soft pine floor, but found the wide cracks a great detriment. She overcame this difficulty by stretching very tightly over the floor I2O THE HOUSE Color Floor Coverings strips of old sheeting. To this she applied two coats of paint and thus secured a very satisfactory "border" to her room, the center of which she covered with a rug made of old ingrain carpet which had been ravelled out and woven over. Another woman secured a very good looking floor from an old, soft pine one with wide cracks by apply- ing first, a coat of linseed oil, after which the cracks were filled with a "crack and crevice filler," then an oak stain and two coats of floor finish were used. The wood work of the floor was inconspicuous because it was of the same general tone as the rest of the wood work of the room. This treatment of the floor cost $5.00 and the floor is in quite good condition after two years constant use. In treating an old floor it is well to avoid the use of bright colored stains or paints as such treatment calls attention to the floors ; also very dark colors are to be avoided as they show the dust more easily than lighter colors. At the same time it is to be remem- bered that in the general color scheme of the room, the floors are supposed to carry the deepest tones, the walls to be lighter and the ceiling still lighter. It is well if possible to have the color of the floor blend with the color of the baseboard and with the border -of the rug. The kinds of floor coverings now on the market are so numerous that one can hardly fail to find a suitable- one. Fiber carpets and mattings of good color and de- FLOORS 121 sign can be obtained for a comparatively small sum. Then there are a great variety of American rugs. The "Smyrna" rugs made in Philadelphia are very satisfactory. Oriental rugs with their beautiful dura- ble colors are a constant source of pleasure. It ought to be remembered in selecting any floor covering that the walls and floors are to be a background for the other furnishing. Therefore, patterns and colors that "rise up and hit you," startling colors, immense bou- quets and in general large designs are to be avoided. Bright colors in a small pattern or a conventional de- sign make a much better background. DECORATION AND FURNISHING No problems of household management are perhaps more trying to the average woman than those of deco- ration and furnishing. ' The daily paper will provide her with menus for every day in the week, with direc- tions for the preparation and the service of the food. The current magazine will give her numerous sugges- tions for her clothing, but she finds fewer helps in the line of decoration and feels a greater need for assist- ance there. The subject is a large one. Let us begin with some questions. \Yhat does decorate mean ? To embellish ; to adorn. The savage decorates his body with paint ; his tools by carving them. The child easily learns to say "pretty,' 7 "pretty ;'' and the woman tries to express her sense of beauty in her house furnishings. \Yhy does she so often fail ? Usually for one of three reasons, viz. : (i) Because of a lack of trained color sense; (2) Be- cause she overlooked the law of appropriateness; (3) Because of the lack of means. But no amount of money can compensate for the failure to appreciate the value of color and appropriateness. The definition of decoration sometimes leads one astray by giving the impression that decoration applies to something added and has nothing to do with the original construction, while the truth . is that good decoration in houses has its beginning in good archi- tecture and that a room which has good lines and good 123 Decoration Defined Proportion 124 THE HOUSE proportions will require less decoration and look much better than one not so constructed. Color A trained color sense is not an easy thing to acquire ; it is born of association with the beautiful, and some people's opportunity for seeing the beautiful creations in the way of art treasures and good architecture has been limited. However, one should not be discouraged. Nature shows us beautiful things in form and color, so most of us have access to at least one great teacher. More- over, the world is waking up to the pleasure and profit to be found in developing the artistic instinct. Copies of the really good pictures of the world are being made for moderate prices. The school children are being trained in form and color, and William Morris's defini- tion of decoration, "To give people pleasure in the things they must perforce use ; that is the one great office of decoration. To give people pleasure in the things they must perforce make; that is the other use of it", is being appreciated more and more. ad Where then shall the decoration begin? With the lines of the room. If the house be new, it is to be hoped that the builder has realized the truth of the statement, "Proportion is the good breeding of Archi- tecture". If the room is not in right proportion, oeco ration should begin in the consideration of what may be done to make the lines of the room good. If the ceiling be too high, the effect of lowering it may be given by allowing the ceiling paper (or calcimine) to DECORATION 125 extend a foot or more on the side wall. The picture molding may be put on where the ceiling paper meets that of the side wall. If the pictures are hung from this molding and brought down to the level of the eyes, one is helped to the impression that the molding marks the line of the ceiling. "Skied" pictures that one must stretch one's neck to see are never decorative. A wain- scoting and frieze help greatly in breaking up a high side wall. Again, if the ceiling be low a striped paper, where stripes extend from baseboard to ceiling, will make the ceiling ceiling appear higher than it really is. The apparent height of windows may be changed by their drapery. The opening of a door in the opposite way or the Wall closing up of it altogether, may materially improve the spacing: wall spacing of the room. After lines and proportion comes color, and here one Colo: meets many difficulties because so many factors enter into the problem. The quantity and quality of light that enters the room, the use of the room, the ''livable- ness" of the color, all are to be considered. For ex- ample, a pink or lavender ribbon may give just the finishing touch to a young girl in a white muslin dress, but a living room in pink or lavender may prove something of an undertaking "to live up to" three hun- dred and sixty-five days in the year. The psychology and physics of color are not easily given in set for- mulae. A few general principles may prove helpful. 126 THE HOUSE White Light Complementary Colors Harmony White light may be separated into what are known as the seven primary colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, although there are a great num- ber of different shades of these colors. In a stricter sense red, green and blue are the primary colors be- cause they can not be resolved into any others. Complementary colors are those colors which when combined produce white light. Rood in his "Text- book of Colors" gives the following Table of Com- plementary Colors : Red Green blue. Orange Cyanogen blue. Yellow Ultramarine blue. Greenish yellow Violet. Green Purple. A knowledge of complementary colors is important because these colors furnish the strongest contrasts. Again there are the "cool" colors blues in various grades, grays, apple green ; warm colors are reds, golden browns or pure gold, olive green. Colors are also classified as grave, gay or somber. Harmony and appropriateness are to be carefully watched in the selection of color schemes. Harmony is secured by the skillful blending of colors of somewhat the same tone. Contrasting colors emphasize each other and should be used with care. For example, in a room in which the walls are colored bright red and the floor covered with a bright green rug, the contrast between the two colors will make both stand out more DECORATION 127 plainly. Where the background of floor and walls is so striking it is difficult to have the furnishings blend with the colors already present. In simple furnishing it is better to choose some one prevailing color as the predominant one rather than two contrasting ones. The quantity and quality of light which enters the Color &nd room will prove a potent factor in selecting its color Lighting schemes. A room with a southern or western ex- posure is likely to be well supplied with brightness and sunshine and needs to have its brightness modified by cool blues or greens, so a west dining room in red is apt to seem too warm most of the year, while a sunless north room needs the yellow and gold to be brought to it in the colors of its walls and draperies. Golden browns and rich reds have their place in such rooms. One more principle is of universal application in the Principle consideration of color effects. It is known as the prin- Gradation ciple of gradation. According to it the strongest tones of color belong at the base. In a room the floor serves as the base in any scheme of decoration. The floor covering, therefore, should carry the strongest tones, the walls should represent the next lighter tone and the ceiling the last step in the gradation. This does not imply any fixed line of demarcation for the varying tones. It is rather the statement of a general relation that is to be maintained among the various parts. The floors, walls and ceiling should sustain a certain rela- tion to each other, while they are the setting for the furnishings. The application of this principle forbids 128 THE HOUSE Appropriate- ness Relation of Booms the use of light gray paint for the floor with cbep blue walls and ceiling, though blue and gray in some com- binations might be most desirable. The law of appropriateness if practiced would re- move many things from our homes ; the spider web tidies that protect nothing, the gilded spoon tied with a ribbon and hung in the parlor, the brie a brae from the sitting room mantel that must be dusted every day, the meaningless pictures, the very light and delicately upholstered chair from the sitting room, the pitcher that will not pour from the dining room. It would ex- change this rubbish for one beautiful picture, or com- fortable chair, or a table that will hold something and thus add simplicity and comfort to the house. Diamonds are always valuable and beautiful but they are not the proper accompaniment of morning dresses. They show to better advantage among velvet and laces; so velvet carpets and real lace curtains are not to be expected in the living room. Rooms must be considered not only as individual rooms but in their relation to the other parts of the house, if one would have the house a harmonious whole. To this end sharp contrasts in size of rooms, color and furnishings are to be avoided. One should not be ushered from a bright green parlor with hand- some mahogany furniture to a dull and faded sitting room with the cast off and worn out parlor furniture. Such contrasts show that emphasis is put upon display rather than comfort in the house. Bright green is DECORATION 129 rarely if ever a suitable color for a wall, and half worn, cast off furniture is neither useful nor beautiful any- where. Design is another important factor in decoration, as is also the kind of material. PRINCIPLES OF SELECTION Certain general principles apply in the selection of decoration and furnishings. Avoid pretentious things. If real lace cannot be afforded, sham lace ought not to be allowed. Muslin curtains are better adapted to the purpose and much prettier than sham lace ones. Get simple things, few things, durable things and such as will harmonize with many others. Avoid the unusual ; chairs with impossible twists in their legs ; tables with glass and brass feet ; settees, whose arms are "deco- rated" with hearts set on at irregular intervals and whose backs are "finished" with marvelous clusters of grapes glued on. These and their kind make a room a museum for the keeping of curios rather than a place of rest and beauty. One should have a definite plan in mind for the decoration and furnishing of the whole house before it is begun. Possibly only the color scheme for the walls can be realized the first year with a few pieces of good furniture, but these will be a pleasure because of the simplicity, harmony and comfort which they af- ford. Styles in furnishing vary ; but good colors, good designs and appropriate furnishings are always in fashion and a satisfaction. Avoid the Pretentious ;, nd Unusual Definite ?lan 130 THE HOUSE ROOMS Perhaps a few concrete examples may help in the application of these principles of decoration. Let us begin with the vestibule Certain additional principles apply in the selection of all furnishings, (i) The pur- pose of the room; (2) Its size; (3) The use of the article. These furnishings should be adapted to the Vestibule purposes of a room so exposed as a vestibule. The floor coloring should be the deepest ; a suitable grada- tion would leave the walls of a lighter tone with the ceiling still lighter. The amount of light will influence the color. The vestibule is not likely to be too well lighted, and therefore dull and dark colors are to be avoided. Pompeian red, or tints of brown correspond- ing with the natural finish of the wood are desirable. The floor of the vestibule should be tile or linoleum that it may be easily cleaned. Owing to the effect that the weather may have upon the paper some prefer the use of rough plaster or paint. The window hang- ings should be of some washable material. The en- trance is to shut out the world and at the same time serve as a pleasant introduction to the brightness and cheer within. Dunable, substantial, and pleasing ef- fects are to be sought in its furnishings. The Hail In the hall proper the same rules as to gradation of color hold. It is safer and better, if one is somewhat of a novice in the selection of color, to choose some one prevailing tone for the hall and the rooms that open from the hall in order to avoid a striking contrast, DECORATION 131 and trust to relieve the monotony by a difference in the principal colors in the rugs. A grey green makes a comfortable color to live with, and the halls and rooms opening from it may have papers in which these colors predominate ; varying shades of reds and browns may be used in the rugs. In wall coverings one has the choice of many ma- wail terials, calsomine, papers of many kinds, grass cloth, burlap and its near relative fabrikona. The list as given indicates in a measure the scale of cost. Plain papers have their use and their abuse. A plain paper makes a good background for pictures and is less likely 9 to introduce elements that are at war with the other furnishings. On the other hand too liberal a use of it in a house tends to monotony. Very good patterns may be found in two-toned papers. Of a given sum of money to be expended in wall covering, some prefer to use elaborate and expensive Morris or Crane papers and to omit all the pictures. Grass cloth makes satisfactory hanging. Its slightly uneven surface gives pleasing effects in the distribu- tion of light and shades. ,Burlap and fabrikona are more expensive but they can be painted and so re- newed. Both give a somewhat severe and substantial air to a room. Too much of them in a small house gives a somewhat heavy effect. They are, perhaps, most suitable for library and dining room. FURNISHINGS 133 A two-toned green paper with a cream ceiling, weathered oak furniture and wood work, with Oriental rugs or American ones in shades of browns and a little red, make a satisfactory living room. Or one may use the copper brown tints for the walls with blues, browns and reds in the rugs. However, blue is likely to show soil and wear more easily than either browns or reds. Morris's words, "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful", finds especial application in the sitting room. Where so many tastes are to be considered as in the family living room one can hardly hope for great beauty, but there should be harmony, comfort, and restfulness suggested by all the furnishing as well as durability and appropriateness. Chairs that do not tip over easily ; tables that will hold the lamp, books and maga- zines and leave a little extra space are quite necessary here. Draperies and brie a brae should be conspicuous by their absence ; a beruffled lamp and a bedecked sofa cushion are alike undesirable. A good light and com- fortable chairs are essentials. The furnishings of the parlor are best characterized The as delicate. Some one has said it corresponds to the afternoon tea toilet of the family. Whatever of ele- gance the family wishes to show will find its place here. Old rose or blues make a good background for the delicately upholstered furniture, the rare vase or bit of favrile glass. Oriental rugs with their mellowed tones will harmonize with almost any color. FURNISHINGS 135 The dining room requires little furniture besides the table, chairs and china which are its essentials. Soft yellow walls, mahogany furniture, ivory white paint and net curtains make a pleasing combination. Soma prefer the Delft blue with cream ceiling, oak furniture and the Delft china displayed on the plate rail. The plate rail is a somewhat questionable feature, as some- times used with a motley collection of old ugly china covered with dust, it is far from decorative. A side- board on which a few good pieces are displayed at one time is likely to be more truly decorative, and a china closet built in, more useful. Leather bottomed chairs are a desirable addition to a dining room, and burlaps may be used very success- fully on its walls. The kitchen furnishings should be such as can be kept clean easily. Linoleum seems to have the prefer- ence* as a floor covering. Tiles are expensive, hard for those who must walk over them constantly and a hard wood floor is more difficult to keep in order than linoleum. A good piece of linoleum will last for years and its use dispenses with the scrubbing which takes so much time and energy. If the worker is careful to wipe up the spots immediately, the care of the kitchen floor is reduced to a minimum. In wall coverings, one has the choice of paper, cal- somine, paint, enamel paper or oilcloth. Paint some- times scales and its continuous use necessitates a num- ber of coats which must finally be removed and this is The Dining: Room FURNISHINGS 137 a somewhat tedious and expensive process. Paper must be frequently renewed, the enameled paper is quite durable and can be wiped with a damp cloth; oilcloth stands this treatment still better, and for the woman who does her own work and does not wish to calsomine or paper her kitchen every season, it is perhaps the most satisfactory wall covering and it may be obtained in very attractive patterns and colors. Un- der present circumstances the kitchen may be a very attractive room and color schemes are as effective here as anywhere. One feels inclined to turn aside for a moment from the purely decorative effects in the kitchen furnishing to plead for a careful placing of the essential furnish- ings, range, sink and work table, so as to keep the working space within small compass. The height of these same articles plays no small part in the comfort of the workers. Most kitchen sinks are too low, and however much the plumbers may insist that it is the "regular height", the mistress should see to it that it is made the height she finds convenient. It is a great waste of energy to be obliged to bend double in so simple a process as dish-w r ashing. The sink should be ample in size and the faucets set well up and back. Breakage is much more apt- to occur in a narrow sink than in a broad one. The bedroom is the place for individual expression such as is not attainable in the family room. The first requirement is a good bed ; be the mattress hair, wool, Placing of Fixtures The Bedrooms 138 THE HOUSE cotton or husk, it should be the best of its kind. Many Mattress people have a wrong sense of values in regard to bedroom furnishings. Much too large a proportion of the total expenditure goes for something other than the mattress, and yet one-third of a life is to be spent on the bed, so the mattress and springs should have the first consideration. A hard wood floor and a rug or two help to the simplicity which aids restfulness and to the cleanliness which is one of the most desirable elements in bedroom furnishings. Here is a chance for dainty belongings, for light and airy wall papers, cool blues, greens and pinks not with fantastic figures that dizzy and perplex by their intricacies. The bedroom is not to be a sitting room, but a sleeping room with per- haps an easy chair and one or two favorite books, be- side the mirror and drawers in dresser or chiffonier. The bath room may relieve the necessity for a wash stand and thus save the trouble of caring for the articles it requires. Bedroom O ne has a large opportunity for choice in the mat- Covering ter of suitable bedroom floor coverings mattings in great variety, fiber carpets, Berea rugs or the more expensive ones. A very attractive bedroom can be made with white enamel paint, white iron bedstead and the Japanese matting with its blue figures and a blue rug. An old dresser may be quite transformed by a coat or two of white paint. Rattan chairs because of their lightness make good bedroom chairs DRAPERIES 139 The bathroom is one of the most useful rooms of The Bathroom the house and can easily be one of the most attractive. Good plumbing, a commodious tub and a stationary wash stand are its most attractive furnishings. A hard wood or tile floor with a small rug, a wainscot- ing of wood, tile, or cement made to resemble tile, with paint or oilcloth above, give a good setting for the necessary fixtures. A small cupboard for the bathroom accessories, a larger one for the towels, a washable curtain, a good mirror and a towel rack complete the list of essentials. A desirable addition is the chute, by which the soiled clothes may be sent down to the laundry. Some very ugly bathrooms have been transformed by a generous use of white paint and enamel. DRAPERIES A word should be said in this connection regard- color ing draperies for they have a potent influence in mak- ing or marring the artistic effect of the room. If of the right color and suitable material they add much to the attractiveness of the room. A beautiful por- tiere may serve as a picture in giving color and bright- ness to a dull room. In general their color should follow that of the walls. In order to give variety, if the walls are plain the curtain should be figured ; while if the walls are covered with figured paper the curtain gives variety by plainness. DRAPERIES 141 The law of appropriateness should be observed in regard to window hangings. Curtains do soften the lines and take away the bareness and stiffness from the room, but that fact does not make it desirable to have a double set of draperies in a living room. The family need the light, air, and sunshine which the hangings, particularly if they are heavy, shut out. We forget that the heavy hangings were used origi- nally for the purpose of keeping out the wind and rain which entered through the openings cut in the walls of the castle. Texture and quality are important factors in select- ing draperies. Silk lends itself most easily to grace- ful folds, and wool conies next, but alas ! woolen stuffs are a favorite haunt for moths. This leaves cotton and linen for inexpensive hangings and there is a large list from which to choose ; chintzes, lawns, mus- lins, cretonnes, denims, Madras, hop-sacking and countless others. Chintzes have a large use in bed- rooms and in summer houses. Denim is very much prized by some in indigo blue it is apt to hold its color well ; that and Turkey red are the two colors which are most nearly "fast" in cotton stuffs. Madras makes very pretty and effective curtains for those who are not so old-fashioned as to feel that nothing is quite so satisfactory as white. The fading of most of the cotton stuffs is a serious objection to their use. Mrs. Wheeler says in "Principles of Home Decora- tion" : "There is a place waiting in the world of art Appropriate- ness Texture - - A Hissing: Textile 144 THE HOUSE and decoration for what in my own mind I call the miss- ing textile. This is by no means a fabric of cost, for among its other virtues it must possess that of cheap- ness. To meet an almost universal want it should Governor Carver's Chair. Elder Bewster's Chair. EXAMPLES OP TURNED CHAIRS. combine inexpensiveness, durability, softness, and ab- solute fidelity of color, and these four qualities are not to be found in any existing textile". FURNITUk^ Draperies, furnishings and furniture are so closely related and so integral a part of decoration that it is difficult to tell in what order they should be consid- ered. We have treated of the wall and floor coverings first and left the separate pieces of furniture to the last on the supposition that in the furnishing of the new house that might be the order observed. One safe principle should guide in the buying of furni- ture, avoid getting too many things. The average houses are crowded with pieces of furniture which serve no definite purpose and take space that could be better used. Helen Campbell in "Household Economics", says : "This reasoning holds good for every article of furni- ture ; first, its use to man ; second, its own laws of construction ; third, its relation to the thousand needs of household life". Our early models in furniture as in architecture were English. To them we are indebted for the de- signs which served as models for New England cab- inet makers. Out of the number of forms we select various styles of chairs as illustrating the types of furniture. Frances Clary Morse says in "Furniture of the Olden Times" : "Forms and stools were used for seats in the six- teenth and early seventeenth centuries and inventories of wealthy men do not often contain more than one 145 146 THE HOUSE or two chairs". Thrown or turned chairs were in use then English Three of the best known English chair makers of Makers the eighteenth century were Chippendale, Hepple- CHIPPENDALE AKM CHAIRS From Furniture of the Olden Times, by Alice Carey Morse. Macmillan & Co., Publishers. white and Sheraton. Chippendale seemed to have borrowed his ideas from the French in the way of ornamentation, though the form is developed from the Dutch style and the legs adapted from Chinese furni- ture. He seems to have preferred the French scroll foot. A distinguishing characteristic is the bow form FURNITURE 147 at the top of the back ; elaborate carving and fine pro- portion are his also. Hepplewhite followed Chippendale. The Hepple- \vhite chairs are characterized by lightness. He used both carving and inlaying. The heart, oval, or shield shape back distinguishes these ^-_,.. \$fr.m^^ chairs. A specialty of Hep- af ./ ,_ pie white was to finish the V^- chair backs with painted or japanned work. Hepplewhite was followed by Sheraton, whose chairs re- tained many of the features of Hepplewhite's, but he sought to strengthen the chairs by a different construc- tion of the back. He made the back rectangular in shape. The splats end in a rail which crosses the back a few inches above the seat. The Windsor is another familiar type of chair which made its appearance in this country about 1730. Originally the Windsor chairs were painted green. The comb back Windsor chair illustrated is a Windsor writing chair said to have belonged to Thomas Jeffer- son. CHIPPEXDALE CHAIR W r ITH LEATHER SEAT. Hepplewhite Windsor Chairs 148 THE HOUSE Mission and Morris Furniture HEPPLEWHITE CHAIRS. With these types which show so much of beauty and grace of proportion may be contrasted our modern "Mis- sion" furniture, where strength seems often to have been exaggerated to clumsi- ness. The original Morris furniture, bearing that name, is said to have been much lighter than the heavy pieces now found in the market. Good lines, simplicity of ,, ARM CHAIR construction, strength ana ap- From Fttrniture of the O i d en nme s . FURNITURE 149 SHERATON PAINTED CHAIR. From Furniture of Olden Times. SHERATON CHAIRS. propriateness make for beauty in furniture as well as in architecture. The fashion swung from the gilt and gold chair, too ornamental for use and too poorly constructed to bear the weight of any human body except that of a child, to the other extreme of heavy "substantial" furniture, about as immovable and decorative as a log. Fortunately we are in a saner mood at present and are conscious of the fact that it is not only desirable but quite necessary that fur- simplicity Parlor "Sets" ISO THE HOUSE niture be movable. Another delusion that is passing, too may it continue to pass is the fashion of "sets." Often these three-piece and six-piece sets were a device WINDSOR CHAIRS. Wholesome- ness and Beauty for using up the remnants of upholstery and were often at variance with each other in regard to color. Many a misguided individual has bought two pieces of un- desirable furniture with the one piece which really sold the "set." But a better day is dawning. The public taste is FURNITURE demanding things that have more real elements of beauty. Henderson's words find a response in many minds. He says, "One must sur- round one's self with wholesome- ness and beauty. This parallelism between con- sciousness and nature makes this insistence upon convenience of arrangement and respect for form and color more than a matter of taste. It makes it a matter of moral obligation. A man's surroundings are not accidental. They are a part of himself and must likewise be chastened and purified. An ugly room, badly lighted, poorly ven- tilated, inadequately heated, must be regarded as morally reprehensible whether provided for one's self or for somebody else. It is the projection of an evil thought and, entering into consciousness, lowers the level of human life." Comb Back Windsor Chair of Thomas Jefferson. CARE OF THE HOUSE Changes More Windows New Wall Paper However carefully a house may have been planned it is indeed rare that the result is perfect. Very many have not even the opportunity to plan for themselves and either buy houses built for others or are compelled by circumstances to live in rented houses. Remodelling a house that is hopelessly wrong is never a success, as the expense is oftentimes as great or greater than building anew. There are minor changes, however, which can be made at moderate cost. It is always a good plan to have a carpenter or build- er estimate the cost of any changes before beginning, and it will generally be found more satisfactory to have an architect plan alterations. If a house lacks a good broad porch or verandah, the addition of one will well repay the expense. Two seven by nine bedrooms with no closets had better be made into one fair sized bed- room and one closet. A window cut in the kitchen or dark corner or closet will frequently be found worth the cost. The addi- tion of a bay window is less in vogue now than a few years ago, but if made in keeping and not "stuck on," may improve the appearance of the outside of the house and brighten up the room wonderfully. Win- dow seats cost but little and may be found to add much to the comfort of a room. For the money expended the change in wall paper will produce the greatest difference in the appearance 152 CARE OF THE HOUSE 153 of a room. One never realizes the irritating and de- pressing influence of ugly wall paper until it is changed for the better. If over two layers of paper are on the wall, the old paper should be removed before put- ting on new, as the paste used may serve as an attrac- tion for vermin and also make a very unsanitary con- dition. It costs fifty cents a roll, more or less, to "hang" Cost wall paper in addition to the cost of the paper itself, which may be from ten to fifty cents or a dollar or more a roll. A roll of paper will cover four square yards. Generous allowance must be made, however, for waste. The plain cartridge paper is very apt to fade as the coloring is simply a stain, while the fig- ured papers are coated and printed with mineral colors or "lakes." The color of faded papers can be renewed or changed slightly by a thin coat of water color stain applied, of course, by one who has had experience. It sometimes happens that the fading of the paper adds to the harmony of a room. In sections of this country burning soft coal, the Cleaning: r . ' . . Wall Paper use of wall paper cleaner is very common, but it is not so frequently made use of in the eastern states. The most convenient kind of wall paper cleaner comes as a powder which, when mixed with cold water, makes a mass of rubber-like consistency with which the paper is rubbed vigorously. It will brighten soiled paper greatly ; pencil marks, even, may be removed with it. A TWO-STORY KITCHEN TABLE ON ROLLERS Made from an Old Fashioned Wash Stand with Zinc Covered Top and CARE OF THE HOUSE 155 A home-made recipe for cleaning soiled wall paper is as follows : Take a salt sack or make a small cheese cloth bag, partly fill it with ordinary flour and gently rub the paper. The flour will become dusty as the wall paper grows cleaner. A friend of the author makes bread dough, bakes it so that it is quite "doughy," and uses this for a wall cleaner with great success. She says it is much cheaper than the ordi- nary cleaner. Happily the style for paper- ing ceilings in figured designs is going out. A ceiling so covered may be painted with two coats of calcimine and thus the restfulness of the room helped. The staining and painting of floors has already been spoken of. The woodwork of a parlor may often be brought into better harmony with the rest of the room by coats of cream-colored paint. The last coat should be mixed with good varnish to give a more resisting surface. Ugly radiators and steam pipes can be im- proved by a coating of aluminum enamel. Most kitchens can easily be changed for the better. A drop-leaf table may be an added convenience. A table, preferably with two "stories" on rollers or castors, should be found in every kitchen. It should be small enough to pass through the doorways easily. It may A Drop Leaf Table. Painting Changes in the Kitchen 156 THE HOUSE Raising the Table Raising: the Sink be used to transfer dishes or food from one room to another. If the bread needs to be nearer the stove for warmth it can be put on this table and moved wher- ever needed. Such a table is also useful when one is making croquettes or doughnuts. Almost all kitchen tables are too low for a person of ordinary height. Table Leg TableLeg. Iroi actually cost just over $2,800 and House B, about $3,- 200. The Colonial House containing more elaborately de- signed finish, Oak and Maple floors and mahogany doors and mantels comes into quite another class. Cov- ering about 2,658 sq. feet and allowing for porches 310 sq. feet more (about one-third their area they are only half covered) a total of 2,968 sq. feet is the result. At $6.00 a foot this equals $17,898; and its cubic contents 100,912 ft. at i8c a foot equals $18,- 164.16. The cost of this house ran somewhat over $18,000. (See page .) ITEMS IN THE CONTRACT On a five thousand dollar wooden frame house, the various items included in the contract would probably average about as follows : Foundation and Chimney $ 680 Framing 420 Lathing and Plastering 350 Interior Finish 320 Exterior Fnish 225 Painting 275 Plumbing 490 Heating System 320 Hardware 125 Carpenter Labor 1,625 4-830 Architect (5% of the cost) 241.50 $5.071-50 202 THE HOUSE . Of course hard digging or gravel on the lot would increase or lower the cost of this item, while the sum set aside for "finish," inside and out, depends alto- gether upon the design of the dwelling. While this schedule will vary somewhat in its different items in almost every instance, still as it was compiled from averages obtained from a number of small houses of about the same size and cost, but of different styles, it should prove approximately correct, sufficiently so at least, to act as a guide for obtaining the preliminary estimates. The above tabulation is based solely upon an ap- proximate size of house with the average correspond- ing quality of finish and architectural treatment that would ordinarily be expected to accompany an Ameri- can dwelling of that size. It must be remembered however, that these figures merely offer a mean basis for comparison. If expensive systems of plumbing and heating are installed, if hard wood is used largely for finish and oak for floors, if the mantels are elaborate and the rooms are finished with beam ceilings and dados, the expense can be run up very quickly to far beyond these approximate figures; while on the other hand, by keeping the finish down and with an econom- ically arranged plan and disposition and installation of plumbing, heating, etc., it is oftentimes possible to obtain an attractive and modestly designed home at a corresponding reduction from the estimates given. It is always possible, for instance, for the architect COST OF BUILD1\'C 203 to use a porch finish as on the cottages A and B, that will be both simple and effective, for a sum which will be considerably less than a finish much the same in appearance, but requiring heavier stock and more workmanship ; and this depends largely upon the judg- ment and training of the architect as well as his dis- position and judgment of his client's actual desires. The finish on the first cottage (A) is simpler in ef- fect but in reality about as costly as the columns and simple rail shown on the second small dwelling (B). Such balustrades and columns as on the porches of the Colonial house at Wellesley, however, will cost more than double the simpler porch finish of those cot- tages. THE IDEAL AND THE REAL It rarely happens that the house-builders ideas of what he wants to pay and his requirements as to number of rooms, their size and location, are co-or- dinated one to the other. Almost invariably his de- sires are greater than his set limit of price can secure. Also he is not to be satisfied with the architect's mere statement of this fact ; but is only convinced by hav- ing the house that he desires drawn out and esti- mated ; when he either has to cut it down, and so sacrifice many of his pet ideas, or else make up his mind to pay the larger amount that his ideal will cost. Generally a satisfactory compromise is arrived at. Cer- tain things he is willing to give up; certain others he is willing to pay for the privilege of securing. 204 '-/'//; HOUSE The architect is often confronted by a client demand- ing a house at a cost and of a size that will not pos- sibly give him the kind of dwelling that he really de- sires and with which alone he will be satisfied. If the mistake is made of starting a plan intended to meet the clients expressed wishes, either the house when finally built will cost greatly more than such a plan rightly demands ; or the scheme is abandoned and an arrangement better suited to the client's needs sub- stituted in its place. In the first event the client re- mains forever unsatisfied ; and in the latter much un- necessary time and energy has been lost by both par- ties. If the owner as frequently happens states at the first an amount less than he actually intends to expend, a similar result is to be expected. COST OF FIXTURES The cost of the various items that go to make up the house may be stated with fair exactitude, although it is doubtful if the attempt to estimate such minor details is not, after all, more confusing than beneficial to one inexperienced in house building; as all these details are already included in the general methods just given for approximately estimating the cost of the completed dwelling. For plumbing, it is possible to say that the cost of installation including labor and simple but good fix- tures will average from $50 to $75 per fixture, de- pending upon whether the house is small or large; while if more elaborate or expensive individual fix- COST OF BUILDIXC 205 tures are employed, the cost may run to over $100 an outlet. For heating, the hot air furnace should cost be- tween $20 and $25 per register in the small house, while running to perhaps $30 or more on a larger dwelling. If a combination hot air and hot water heat- er is used, it may average from $35 to $40 an outlet. For steam, the cost on a small or large house will probably vary from $40 to $45 per radiator with an additional 25 per cent increase for hot water. It is customary in some sections to estimate from a dollar to $1.25 an outlet for gas; and about $1.50 or $1.75 an outlet for electricity, the latter sum including switches as an outlet, wherever they occur. Window screens may be obtained for from about $1.25 to $2.25 a window, depending upon the material of the frame and the quality of the wire employed; the lower price being for wood frame and steel jap- anned mesh, while the more expensive would generally cover the cost of a metal and bronze wire window screen. Screen doors of pine will run corresponding- ly from $6.00 to $7.50 apiece ; with metal weather strips for windows at about $2.00 to $2.50 and for doors from $3.50 to $4.00 an opening. The cost of doors and windows depends upon both their design and material. Stock doors of the cross panel, or four upright panel, type can be obtained in so-called pine (generally actually Washington Fir), Carolina Hard pine, or Birch for about $2.50 apiece. 206 THE HOUSE The frames will cost from $1.25 to $1.50, and the architrave finish upon both sides probably $2.00 more, making each opening cost about $6.00 or with hard- ware a total of about $8.00 a door; not allowing any- thing, however, for labor in fitting, hanging, and fin- ishing around openings, etc. A window costs for the frame between $2.50 and $3.50, with sash costing from $2.00 to $3.00 and, with hardware and architrave finish, the whole would prob- ably run to about $10.00 an opening. These sums will only apply to those sizes and de- signs that are near enough to the stock patterns to be handled by the concerns manufacturing these spe- cialties in large numbers. For special mouldings, de- signs and sizes, or for work executed in more ex- pensive wood, such as oak and mahogany, a consider- able difference in cost will at once manifest itself. Storm windows range from $1.50 to $2.50; with window blinds at between $1.00 and $1.50 an opening. A fireplace will cost about $40.00 for facing and hearth with about $30.00 more for a mantel. This is additional to cost of chimney. It will add perhaps $25.00 to the latter for each fireplace after the first one it carries. In more important rooms the mantel will cost more than the sum given ; in bedrooms suit- able facings may be obtained for less; but the above amounts will stand for fair averages. COST OF BUILD1XG 207 COST OF FINISHING WOODS The cost of woods for finish as has already been said varies in different sections of the country so extensively from time to time, that it is impossible to give any exact price by which they may be compared. In general, however, they bear a certain relation to each other which may be suggested by the order in which they are named. In most portions of the coun- try, cypress and whitewood may be obtained at about the same price, the former having a considerable beauty of grain, and the latter varying in color from white to quite dark. It becomes more and more difficult year after year to obtain good stock in the cheaper finishes, especially in whitewood. While both shrink rather con- siderably, if anything, the advantage belongs with the cypress. Hard pine and ash are more expensive than the first named materials for finish. Sometimes the latter may be used very effectively in a way that sug- gests oak. Birch and cherry, or redwood and cedar are em- ployed for standing finish in some localities, while of late years spruce has begun to be used in summer cot- tages, as it is somewhat cheaper and not much more objectionable than the "country pine," which is about the only variety of this wood that now comes w r ithin the range of the ordinary pocket-book. Both redwood and cedar are considerably less expensive in the western part of the country than in the east. Oak is an expensive finish that is less used now than 2o8 THE HOUSE a few years ago, when its popularity almost equalled that obtained by black walnut in the preceding decade. In part this is because it is difficult to obtain it in the best grades, and often a selected ash will give a finish quite as pleasing as that of the lower grades of the more expensive oak. Mahogany still remains the fa- vorite wood for Colonial finish and treatment, but on account of its expense, various substitutes for it are continually being used. Of these cherry and syca- more are the most common; and cherry, by the way, may in its turn be well imitated by selecting white- wood and then finishing it carefully over a stain. WHAT IS "FINISH"? Although possible materials are comparatively few in number; of variety of design in their finish and treatment there is no end. The word "finish" has, architecturally, two meanings. In one sense it applies only to the surface treatment and protection of the woodwork, in which case its consideration comes en- tirely within the province of the painter; but there is a broader meaning than this, where it applies to the woodwork used for the final covering on both inside and outside of the house, when it is referred to as "interior finish" 2nd "exterior finish," as the case may be. In this meaning not only is the kind of wood in- cluded, but also the general design and treatment 'in which this "finish" is carried out. It may be said that a room is "finished in hardwood" (there meaning the material alone") ; "finished in shellac" (here referring 20Q only to its painted applied surface) ; or "finished in the Jacobean style" (here referring only to the ar- chitecural design and treatment of the walls and ceil- ing of the room). Of the materials for interior finish something has already been said. As to its method of treatment by the painter, this should often be de- cided by the style of design of the room ; to which certain finishes only are sometimes appropriate. PAINTING OF INTERIOR WOODWORK A room . of Colonial design is ordinarily best car- ried out in cream-white painted woodwork, as was done in most residences of the Colonial period, frequently the doors being of mahogany. This offers a pleasure- able contrast, and the white woodwork is best adapted to showing off the delicate furniture of that period, generally mahogany, with which a room of this style only should be furnished. Occasionally, a room in a \ery elaborate dwelling may be carried out entirely in mahogany, although this was rarely done in actual Co- lonial times ; where occasional rooms such as halls or libraries were almost as rarely finished in oak. A room of English architectural character may be most appropriately carried out in oak. stained dark in tone. Less frequently rooms of this period were executed in mahogany or Wclnut and very often their wood- work was painted arid handled in a way not unlike our present so-called "Colonial" finish. The modern English, or so-called "mission style" of furniture, re- quires room backgrounds of similar simplicity and 2io THE HOUSE with oak or ash finish stained and treated in the same manner as the furniture itself. Sometimes appropriate and simple rooms of modern design may have their standing finish even when of a soft wood or white- wood stained and finished in a like manner. Painted woodwork should receive one coat of shel- lac varnish to prevent the sap, which is now very frequently in the wood placed upon the market, from coming through and staining the surface of the paint. Upon this first coat there should be applied four coats of paint, this number being about the least that can be depended upon to thoroughly cover the stock. Even then, if whitewood and pine are used side by side- such as for architraves and door, for instance it is quite possible that a difference between the two colors of white may be noticeable, the pine door being of a warmer, creamier tone and the whitewood being a little more toward the gray white. The least expen- sive way of finishing painted woodwork is to put a little varnish in the last coat and so impart a slight gloss to the surface. When the more expensive enamel finish is desired, the painter uses more stock and each coat of paint is rubbed down with felt and pumice-stone until it is given a dull lustre or flat polish. From six 'to eight coats of paint are necessary to obtain the best effects. Such painted finish should only go -over certain kinds of moulded woodwork, as where many sharp exterior angle? break up the surface, the painters are likely to COST OF BUILDING 211 rub entirely through the paint down to the surface of the wood, which is then exposed and left unprotect- ed at these places. FINISHING OF HARD WOODS Where mahogany is finished to go with Colonial white woodwork, it should be shellaced and varnished four to six coats in all. Each coat of varnish should be rubbed down to the same dead lustre that is found in old furniture. The better the finish, the greater number of coats will be of varnish and the fewer of shellac, as the more expensive varnish furnishes the better surface for wear and polish. Any surface where water or hot pans and dishes may be placed, such as the upper shelf in a side-board or a table top, if of hardwood, should be finished, polished and rubbed down in oil ; if the ordinary stock is used, it will show all the marks made by w-ater or heat, while with an oiled surface such blemishes can be easily wiped off with a damp rag. Where oak is used for "standing finish" (i. e. the upright wood-moulded finish placed upon the walls of a room, and around doors and windows, including base or mop boards, etc.,} it should be finished in shellac or varnishj or with a waxed surface, according to the effect desired. Wax treatment is generally giv- en by using a semi-fluid composition which is put upon the wood with a fag, and then polished as -dully or as highly as may be desired. Hardwood, along with cy- pres's,' white wood and pine or spruce, are frequently 212 THE HOUSE stained in order to bring out the grain and fibre of the wood the more effectively. Some of the best mod- ern finish, especially that on furniture and fine cabinet work, is now obtained by means of burning the wood with acid or ammonia, or "fuming" and smoking it, and so bringing out the grain in this way instead of by a liquid stain, which is too likely to fill up, overlay and obscure the grain instead of bringing it out to the best advantage. The staining of a piece of wood is always the first thing done; the remainder of the painters finish, the shellac, varnish, wax, etc., being applied on top of the stain. STYLE OR DESIGN OF WORK As to the style of treatment of the woodwork it may be that in the matter of interior house finish both client and architect are too easily and generally ruled by conventional ideas. The client desires to reproduce the appearance of a room sometime seen and liked by him, without regard to its appropriate relation to the atmosphere of the rest of his dwelling. The architect is too prone to follow periods and styles that, in the inexpensive American dwelling at least, frequently ap- pear over-pretentious and out of harmony with the life of its occupants. A certain amount of experimen- tation along newer lines could here be undertaken with advantage by both parties. In the summer cottage especially, there are many ways of obtaining attractive effects inexpensively that are perhaps less suitable to the more restrained conven- COST OF BUILDING 213 tions surrounding life near the city, or to the dwelling inhabited for the major portion of the year. Rough plaster stained one coat, for instance, is much more attractive than the same color rendered monotonous in tone by its even application in coatings several times repeated. The simpler life during the summer allows of the introduction of the element of accidental in- formality into the design of the country or sea-shore dwelling. This meaning may perhaps be best and most exactly illustrated by quoting actual happenings that have come within the writer's immediate experience. ACCIDENTAL INFORMALITY" In one instance a dining room was designed with a simple panelled effect of wide boards with the joints covered by narrow moulded "battens." The mill get- ting out the finish asked for further time to complete the contract for this especial room as they had not stock of sufficient width available, except some which had been thrown aside as imperfect on account of dis- coloration and worm holes. The curiosity of the archi- tect being aroused, he made occasion to visit the yard to see this stock and found his anticipations more than realized by discovering it to be a whitewood (the ma- terial specified) of the necessary width, to be sure, but liberally colored in beautiful reds, yellows, browns, and pinks, while the figuring of the wood itself varied greatly from light to a rather dark tone which hand- somely brought out its veining. Realizing the possi- bilities, it did not take long to come to an understand- 2i4 THE PIOUS E ing with the contractors whereby they were only too pleased to be allowed to make use of this material, and affording the owner a considerable reduction for the privilege ! while, by changing the finishing of the wood to a very light gray stain with waxed surface, a room in appearance quite as handsome as though very expensive imported woods had been employed was finally obtained at a really absurd cost. Again; an unusual delay in the installation of some fireplace facings sufficiently aroused the ire of the ar- chitect to cause him to descend upon the workshop of the defaulting contractor with the intention of re- lieving his mind orally and in person. The visit de- veloped the fact that the delay had been caused by the shipment from the factory of a lot of tiles which did not equal the sample selected by architect and client, and the contractor insisted that until he received a shipment of perfect material from the factory, he could not install the fireplaces that had been estimated. The discolered tile being exhibited, it took but a glance to perceive that whereas the sample selected had been a rather flat and characterless pale cream-colored tile ; these "defective" specimens had been tinged 'in their firing by varying and changing modulated -tones of yel- lows,, umbers and browns, in just such a way as. to . em- phasize their design- most delicately, and to form, in combination, a fireplace facing and hearth of much more character and artistic value than would have re- sulted if the original intention had been followed out. COST OP BUILDING 215 Of course both of these opportunities could not have been availed of if the architect had not been sufficiently assured of his client's ability to appreciate the artistic and unusual effects thus accidentally procured ; yet this "accidental" element appears so frequently and so un- expectedly in the evolution of house after house that to obtain the best results, the designer and his client should be at pains to work together harmoniously and remain open to accept and make the most of just such accidental happenings as they arrive. HOW TO KEEP THE COST DOWN If one were asked what single factor most added to the cost of a building there could be no doubt but a truthful reply would be that changes made by the owners during or while the building is in process of construction are more universally the cause than any other one thing. Yet this in itself is easily avoid- able provided only that architect and owner once ar- rive at a perfect understanding, that sufficient time is taken before actual work is commenced to study over the possible variations in plan and finish and to mutual- ly decide which will the better meet the points in- volved that it seems inexcusable that such should be the case. But time after time, to begin actual work but means the beginning of making changes on the plan, until additional and unnecessary expense is in- curred to an amount that is often ridiculously in ex- cess of the benefits achieved; the final result being rarely as good as the arrangement determined upon 216 THE HOUSE in the first instance. Unless one is accustomed to the different aspects under which a building and its in- dividual parts will appear while in course of construc- tion, one is not able to judge what its effect will be when completed. The unduly small and apparently low room, when only studded out or rough plastered, appears of quite different and much more capacious proportions when completed and finished ; and so it goes throughout the entire dwelling, until the old an- swer to the jesting query as to "How to Build a Dwell- ing Cheaply," "Keep the Owner Away Until It Is Fin- ished," is proven to be a most serious and learned bit of practical philosophy. SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM FOR CLASS STUDY ON THE HOUSE, ITS PLAN, DECORATION, AND CARE By ISABEL BEVIER, PH. M. MEETING I (Study pages 1-20.) Evolution of the House. Woman's Share in Primitive Culture. Chapter I. ($1.75, postage :6c.) O. T. Mason. Household Economics. Chapter II. ($1.50, postage i6c.) Helen Campbell. Evolution of the Home. Vol. X, Page 509. Andover Review. The Dwellings of Primitive Man. House Beautiful, January, 1904. Quiviras and the Wichita Grass Houses. Harpers, Vol. 99, p. 126. The House Beauiful. ($0.50, postage 6c.) W. C. Gannett. Topics: Place of Architecture in Civilization Relation of Architecture to History and Art The Home as the Center of Life MEETING II (Study pages 20-47.) Development of the American House. American Renaissance. ($4.00, postage 300.) Joy Wheeler Dow. Cost of Shelter. Chapters I and III. ($1.00, postage IDC.) Ellen H. Richards. Early Connecticut Houses. ($4.00, postage 24C.) Isham and Brown. Homes in City and Country. ($2.00, postage i8c.) Sturgls, et al. Stately Homes in America. ($7.50.) Chapters 2, 3 and 4. Desmond and Croly. House Beautiful. ($2.50, postage 200.) Introduction. Cook. Beautiful Houses. Chapters i and 2. ($2.50, postage 240.) Gibson. Evolution of Domestic Life in America. House Beautiful, Voi. XII, p. 281. Topics: Description of a Colonial House (of the neigh- borhood) The Apartment House as Affecting Family Life The House of the Future. (Select answers to test questions on Part I. and send them to *ie School.) MEETING III (Study pages 49-98.) (.a) The Modern House. Household Economics. Chapter III. ($1.50, postage l6c.) Helen Campbell. Home Economics. Chapter I. ($1.50, postage i6c.) Maria Parloa. The Cost of Shelter. Chapter V. ($1.00, postage xoc.) El- len H. Richards. (b) House Planning. How to Build a Home. Pages i-io. (Out of print.) F. C. Moore. Home Economics. Chapter I. ($1.50, postage ice.) Maria Parloa. House that Jill Built. ($1.00, postage IDC.) E. C. Gardner. House Planning. ($1.00, postage 8c.) Osborne. The House Book. ($1.50, postage I4C.) Kline. The Book of One Hundred Houses. ($3.20, postage i6c.) From The House Beautiful. Collect plans from The House Beautiful, The Craftsman, De- lineator, Ladies' Home Journal, Architects' and Builders' Magazine, Architectural Record, Etc. Topics: House Analysis, or Where to Begin in Planning. The Aesthetic Side of House Planning, or Resi- dence Design. The Ideal Kitchen. (Select answers to test questions on Part II.) ais MEETING IV (Study pages 101-102.) (a) Construction of the House. The Farmstead. Chapters 6 and 8. ($1.25, postage I2C.) Roberts. Article by F. C. Brown, Jan., Feb., March, April, '05, Good Housekeeping. Stairs, Windows, Floors See series in House Beautiful, 1905-1906, R. C. Spencer. (b) Floors. Care of House. Chapter 12. ($1.50, postage i6c.) T. M. Clark. Home Economics. Chapter 12. ($1.50, postage i6c.) Maria Parloa. Topics: Cost of Building. Woods Used in House Building. Outside Finish. MEETING V (Study pages 123-151.) (a) Decorating and Furnishing. Kinds of Art. "Household Economics." Chapter V. ($1.50, postage i6c.) Campbell. Also see Encyclopaedias. Principles of Home Decoration. ($1.80, postage i6c.) Can- dace Wheeler. Art of the House. (Out of print.) Watson. Claims of Decorative Art. (Out of print.) Walter Crane. Household Art. Progress of American Decorative Art. ($1.00, postage xoc.) Wheeler. Household Art. Limits of Decoration. Wheeler. Hopes and Fears for Art. ($1.25, postage I2c.) William Morris. Beginnings of Art. ($1.75, postage I4C.) Grosse. Philosophy of Beauty. (Two parts, each $1.00, postage IDC.) Knight. (b) Household Decoration. Household Economics. Chapter 6. ($1.50, postage i6c.) Campbell. 219 Decoration of Houses. ($2.50, postage 2oc.) Codman and Wharton. Homes and their Decorations. ($3.00, postage 26c.) L. H. French. Color Harmony and Contrasts. ($4.20, postage i6c; printed in colors.) James B. Ward. (c) Furnishings and Furniture. Household Economics. Chapter 6. ($1.50, postage i6c.) Campbell. Furniture of Olden Times. ($3.00, postage 24c.) Alice Cary Morse. See Magazines Country Life in America, Harper's Bazar, House Beautiful, etc. Topics,: Elimination in Furnishings The Setting for the House or the Surroundings. Curtains Their Use and Abuse. MEETING VI (Study pages 152-165.) (a) -Care of the House. Home Economics. Chapters 14-16. ($1.50, postage i6c.) Maria Parloa. Care of the House. Chapter 12. ($1.50, postage i6c.) Clark. (b) Conveniences. Convenient Houses. Chapters i, 2, 5 and 6. ($2.50, postage 24C.) Gibson. See Magazines. Topics: Rugs and their Care. See Rugs, Oriental and Oc- cidental. ($3.50.) Rosa Bell Holt; and Ori- ental Rugs. ($7.50.) J. K. Mumford. The Town Beautiful, or Village Improvement. Home-making as a Professsion. (Select answers to test questions on Part III.) Note. For further references and topics, see syllabus on Shelter, prepared by Lake Placid Conference on Home Econ- omics. Price sc, of the School. 220 INDEX Accidental informality, 213 American architecture, 20 Analysis of house plan, 5 7 Apartments, 95 Appropriateness of draperies, 141 of furnishing, 128 Architect, the, 52 Architect's plans, 190 Architecture, American, 20 American, characteristics of, 21 domestic in U. S. 24 Bilcony, upper, 184 B illoon frame, 104 Bithroom, 139 Badroom floor covering, 138 Badrooms, 137 Braced frame, 104 Brich veneered house, 195 Batler's table on wheels, 181 Care of the house, 152, 163 or marble, 162 of rugs, 162 of woodwork, 162 Caves, 5 Carpets, 109, 117 Ceiling, low, 125 Cellar, the, 102 Chairs, Chippendale, 146 Hepplewhite, 147 kinds of, 146 Mission, 148 Morris, 148 Windsor, 147 Characteristics of American architecture, 21 of colonial architecture, 32 China closet, 183 Chippendale chairs, 146 City houses, western, 44 Civilization and architecture, 20 Cliff dwellings, 10 Closets, 88 shallow, 181 Colonial architecture, charac- terists of, 32 finish, 209 houses, New England, 27 houses, old, 25 houses, southern, 28 houses, types of, 26 Color, 125 harmony and contrast, 170 in decoration, 170, 179 of floors, 1 20 sense, 124 Colors, complementary, 126 Combination of pairs of colors, table of, 176 stairway, 92 Communal life, 8 Comparative cost of exterior finish, 194 Complementary colors, 126, J 74 Compromises in building, 203 Conditions on the farm, 74 Constants of color, 173 Contrasts, table of color, 178 Construction of houses, 101 THE HOUSE Conveniences, kitchen, 155 Cost of building, 189-216 of finishing woods, 206 of fixtures, 192 of floors, 116 Coverings of floors, 1 20 Cross-section paper, use of, 58 Decoration and furnishing, 1 23 Deficiencies of old colonial style, 39 Definite plan for furnishing, 129 Development of American house, 20 Dinner route, the, 84 Dining room, 135 room, lighting of, 84 Division of spacers Door, front, 108 Doors, 107 cost of, 205 sliding, 85 Draperies, 139 texture of, 141 Drudgery, 164 Dwellings, cliff, 10 lake, ii Early habitations, i Entrances, 58 Essentials in house planning, 96 Estimating costs, methods of 196 Evolution of the house, i Exterior finish, 194 Farm house, 74 house, plans of, 78 Finish, definition of, 208 Finished floors, 109 Finishing of hard woods, 211 woods, cost of, 207 Fireplaces, cost of, 206 Fire protection, 108 Floor coverings, 1 20 finish, kinds of, no Floors, 1 06, 109 color of, 1 20 cost of, 116 finished, 109 kitchen, 115 material of, 109 oiled, 116 old, 119 shellaced, 113 varnished, 113 waxed, 114 foundation , 102 Frame, balloon, 104 braced, 104 Front door, 108 Furnaces, cost of, 205 Furniture, 145 polished, 160 Gas outlets, cost of, 205 Girders, 105 Good lines, 124 Gradation of color, 175 principle of, 127 Greek houses, 12 Hall, 80, 130 Harmony, 126 Hepplewhite chair, 147 House, care of, 152 construction of, 101 development of American. 20 evolution of the, i Greek, 12 Japanese, 16 modern, 49 plan, analysis of, 57 plans, 185 planning, 52, 96 Roman, 13 INDEX 223 shingled, 105 style of, 5 1 superstructure of, 103 Swiss, 1 8 Houses of transitional period, 167 Household conveniences, 181 Housekeeping a profession, 163 Hut. primitive, 4 Ice box, 88 Interior woodwork, painting of, 209 Ironing board closet, 183 Japanese houses, 16 Kitchen conveniences, 155 floor, 115 furnishings, 135 range, 157 size of, 87 use of, 86 Lacquer, 161 Lake dwellings, 1 1 Lath, 104 Library, 86 Lighting, 127 Linoleum, 115 Living room, 83, 133 Log cabins, 24 Low ceilings, 125 Marble, care of, 162 Mattress, bed, 138 Men's sitting room, 74 Methods of estimating costs, 196 Mission chairs, 148 style, 209 Mixing of pigments, 171 Modern house, the, 49 Monstrosities in architecture, 41 Morris chairs, 148 New England colonial houses, 27 Oiling floors, 116 Old colonial style, deficiencies of, 39 Old floors, 119 Originality in planning, 96 Outlook, the, 51 Painting, 155 of interior woodwork, 209 Parlor, 81, 133 sets, 150 Pigments, mixing of, 171 Placing of fixtures, 137 Planning, 96 Plans for $2000 cottage, 184 Plaster, 104, 163 Plumbing, cost of. 204 Porches, position of, 73 Preparation of site, 101 Principles in selection of colors, J 73 of graduation, 127 of selection, 129 Proportion, 81, 123 Pueblos, 6 Reception hall, 60 room, 82 Relation of rooms, 128 Remodeling houses, 152 Repair box, 160 Repairs, 157 Roman houses, 13 Rooms, 80, 130 relation of, 128 Rugs, no, 121 care of, 162 224 THE HOUSE Second-floor plan, 95 Selection, principles of, 129 Shallow closets, 181 Shellaced floors, 113 Shelter, 2 Sheraton chairs, 149 Shingled houses, 105 Side entrances, 69 porch entrance, 66 Sill, the, 105 Sink, raising the, 156 Site, 50 preparation of, 101 Sliding doors, 85 Small hall, 69 houses, cost of, 192 Southern colonial nouses, 28 Space, division of, 55 Stairs, 90 Stairway, combination, 92 Storm windows, cost of, 206 Study, the, 86 Style of house, 5 1 of room, 212 Superstructure of house, 103 Swiss houses, 18 Table of color contrasts, 178 Table, raising the, 156 Tents, 5 Texture of draperies, 141 Theories of color, 171 Thoroughfares, 56 Tools, 159 Transitional period, 40 houses of, 167 Tread and riser, 90 Trees as dwellings, 3 Types of colonial houses, 26 Varnish removers, 161 Varnished floors, 113 Vestibule, 130 entrance, 65 Wall covering, 131 paper, 152 paper, cleaning, 153 paper, cost of, 153 spacing, 125 Washing windows, 162 Waxed floors, 114 Well hole, 91 Western city houses, 44 Window cupboard, 158 screens, cost of, 205 Windows, 106 cost of, 206 Windsor chairs, 147 Wood -work, care of, 162 COMPLETE COURSE IN HOME ECONOMICS This course covers, systematically, in an interesting and practical way, the new "Profession of Home-making" and "Art of Right Living." It is divided into forty lesson pamphlets of fifty to one hundred pages each. REGULAR ORDER IN WHICH THE LESSONS ARE TAKEN FOOD SUBJECTS (1) Chemistry of the Household Parts I, II, III. (3) Principles of Cookery Farts I, II, III, IV. (5) Food and Dietetics Parts I, II, III, IV. (7) Household Management Parts I, II, III, IV. HOUSEHOLD ART (9) The House Its Plan, Deco- ration and Care, I, II, III. (10) Textiles and Clothing Parts I, II, III. PARTIAL LIST ISABEL BEVIER, Ph. M. Professor of Household Science, University of Illinois S. MARIA ELLIOTT Instructor in Home Economics, Simmons College, Boston BERTHA M. TERRILL, A. M. Professor of Home Economics, University of Vermont KATE HEINZ WATSON Formerly Instructor Lewis Insti- tute, Chicago MARGARET E. DODD, S. B. Graduate Mass. Inst. of Technology ANNA BARROWS Teacher of Cookery, Columbia University. Director Chautauqua School of Cookery HEALTH SUBJECTS (2) Household Bacteriology Parts I, II, III. (4) Household Hygiene Parts I, II, III. (6) Personal Hygiene Parts I, II, III, IV. (8) Home Care of the Sick Parts I, II. III. CHILDREN (11) Care of Children Parts I, II, III. (12) Study of Child Life Parts I, II, HI. OF INSTRUCTORS ALFRED C. COTTON, A. M., M. D. Professor Diseases of Children, Rush Medical College, University of Chicago ALICE PELOUBET NORTON.M.A. Assistant Professor of Home Eco- nomics, University of Chicago MARION FOSTER WASHBURNE Editor of "The Mothers' Magazine" AMY ELIZABETH POPE Instructor in Nursing, Presby- terian Hospital, N. Y. City CHARLOTTE M. GIBBS, A. B. Director of Household Art, Uni- versity of Illinois MAURICE LE BOSQUET, S. B. Director American School of Home Economics, Chicago BOARD OF MRS. A. COURTENAY NEVILLE President of the Board; First Chair- man Home Economics Committee, G. F. W. C. MRS. ELLEN M. HENROTIN Organizer and Honorary President General Federation Women's Clubs MRS. FREDERIC W. SCHOFF President National Congress of Mothers MRS. LINDA HULL LARNED Past President National Household Economics Association Miss ALICE RAVENHILL Commissioner of the British Gov- ernment on Domestic Science in the United States TRUSTEES MRS. MARY HINMAN ABEL Editor "Journal of Home Eco- nomics" ; Author U. S. Government Bulletins Miss MARIA PARLOA Founder of the Original Cooking School in Boston ; Author, etc. MRS. J. A. KIMBERLY Vice-President of National House- hold Economics Association MRS. JOHN HOODLESS Government Supt. of Domestic Science of the Province of Ontario MRS. WALTER McNAB MILLER Chairman of the Food-Sanitation Committee, G. F. W. C. 7/20- 017- THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482 A 000653178 4