UC-NRLF $B S3 Efi3 wm m mmmm £/.#. £duJt^r (Zy^l '£ i^6&. i r q THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS, CANONS OF THE APOSTLES IN COPTIC. WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY HENRY TATTAM, LL.D. D.D. F.R.S. &C &C. &C. ARCHDEACON OF BEDFORD. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; SOLD BY W. H. ALLEN AND CO., LEABENHALL STREET; AND B. DUPRAT, PARIS. M.DCCC.XJLVIII. TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED WITH THE GREATEST RESPECT, BY HIS GRACE'S MOST OBEDIENT AND OBLIGED SERVANT, HENRY TATTAM. 781559 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/apostolicalconstOOtattrich v CONTENTS. 1. Of the division of countries, and appointment of officers in the church p. 2 2. Of the words of Christ, and fraternal teaching 4 3. Of the correction of him who speaks of things he ought not 4 4. Of the two precepts of the Decalogue 4 5. Of not doing to others, as we would not be done unto, 6 6. Of the precepts of the Decalogue, and others 6 7. To abstain from anger, envy, and contention 6 8. To abstain from concupiscence 8 9. Not to be an utterer of wicked expressions 10 10. Not to be a diviner, nor enchanter, nor astrologer, nor magician, nor idolater 10 11. Not to be a liar, a lover of money, nor of vain glory, nor a murmurer, nor a thinker of evil; but to be meek, merciful, compassionate, &c 10 12. Of him who declares the word of God, and is the cause of life to thee, thou shalt honour him, and sus- tain him with thy labour 12 13. Thou shalt not make schisms, but shalt reconcile those who contend with one another. Of almsgiving, and doing good 14 14. Of doing good, and observing the things received. ... 14 15. Of the precepts of the Holy Scriptures • 16 16. Of the ordination of Bishops 16 17. 18. Of the ordination of Presbyters 18 19. Of the appointment of Readers 22 20. Of the appointment of Deacons 22 11 CONTENTS. 21. Of the appointment of Widows p. 24 22. That the Deacons should be doers of good works .... 26 23. The laymen to obey the decrees delivered to them ... 26 24. To appoint Deaconesses 28 25. 26. To appoint the Eucharist of the body and blood of the Lord 28 27. It becomes women to pray standing 28 28. Women to assist the indigent 28 29. 30. Of him who labours ; and the authority of the commands 28, 30 31. Of the ordination of Bishops, and the celebration of the Eucharist 32 32. Of the ordination of Presbyters 34 33. Of the ordination of Deacons 34 34. Of confessors who have been in bonds for the name of Christ, they are worthy of every sacerdotal office ... 36 35. Of the appointment of Readers 38 36. Of the appointment of Sub-deacons 38 37. Of the appointment of Widows 40 38. Of the appointment of Virgins 40 39. Of the gifts of healing 42 40. Of new men who have not arrived at the faith 42 41. Of the actions and works of those who shall be brought in. If one of the faithful hath become a soldier, to be rejected; or an enchanter, or astrologer, or di- viner, or the like, to cease, or to be rejected. Of concubines, and men who have concubines 44 42. Of the time for those hearing the word 48 43. Of the praying of those hearing the word 48 44. Of the laying of hands upon the catechumens 50 45. Of those who shall receive baptism 52 46. Of the institution of baptism, the doctrine of faith, the rite of baptism, and the Eucharist 54 47. Of fasting 66 48. Of the time of fasting 66 CONTENTS. Ill 49. Because it is not becoming that the catechumens should eat with the faithful p. 68 50. Because it is becoming that they should eat with rea- son and contentment 68 51. Because it is meet to eat with thanksgiving 70 52. Of the supper to the widows 70 53. Of the fruits which are requisite for the necessity of the Bishop 72 54. The blessing of the fruits 74 55. Because it is not becoming that any man should take any thing in the Passover before the time in which it ought to be eaten 74 56. Because it is meet for the Deacons to make known to the Bishop 76 57. Of the time when it behoves us to pray 76 58. Because it is right to partake of the Eucharist the first time it shall be presented, before they shall partake of any other thing 78 59. Because it is right to watch scrupulously at the Eu- charist 78 60. Because it is not becoming to pour any thing from the cup 78 61. Of burials 80 62. Of the time when it is right to pray 80 63. Of gifts and ordinations. Let not any one be proud because of them 94 65. Of Bishops 114 66. The Sacrament 122 67. Of the ordination of Presbyters and Deacons 126 68. Of Confessors 128 69. Of Virgins 128 70. Of Widows 128 71. Of Exorcists 130 72. Because it is necessary that a Bishop should be or- dained by how many Bishops ? 130 IV CONTENTS. 73. The Bishop blesses but is not blessed. The Presbyter blesses and receives the blessing, &c p. 134 74. Of First-fruits and Tithes 136 75. Of those things which remain at the Eucharist, they shall not be set on at the time of the Mysteries . . . 138 76. What are the days that it becomes us to observe for those who sleep 146 77. Of those who are persecuted for the faith, and who flee together from city to city for the faith, so that they may be assisted together 150 78. Of those who approach to receive the holy Mystery . . 166 79. Of Trades and Works 166 The Apostolical Canons, comprising the 85 Canons, except 47, 48, 49, 50, from page 174—210. PREFACE. The Apostolical Constitutions by Clemens Roma- nus have been long known to the public through the medium of the Greek copies, and Bovius's, Turrianus's, and Winston's Translations, and pos- sibly others. This .work has also long been con- sidered as the production of a later author, although it is not known by whom, or at what period it was written. Du Pin says of them, " We can only con- jecture, that it is most probable that the Constitu- tions ascribed to the Apostles, or St. Clement, be- long to the third, or rather to the fourth century ; and that they have been from time to time corrected, altered, and augmented, according to the various customs of different ages and countries." Eccles. Hist. Vol. i. p. 30. Ed. 1696. The judgment of Cardinal Bellarmine is this, given in Zonarus's edition of the Canons, where the Apostolical Constitutions are published : " De libris Constitutionum Apostolicarum quae Clementi auc- tori tribuuntur, idem fere judicium fieri debet, ac de libris Recognitionum. Multa enim in illis utilia sunt, et a Graecis veteribus magni fiunt : sed in Ecclesia Latina nullum fere nomen habent : et ipsi etiam posteriores Graeci in Concilio Trullano can. 2. A 11 PREFACE. improbant has constitutions, ut ab haereticis de- pravatas." In the edition of the Councils by Labbe and Cossart, Paris 1671, the following note is given on the date of their composition : " Sane ut Clementis Romani faetum non esse, ita etiam erudito scrip- tori, qui 3° saltern seculo floruerit, vindicandum, omnibus hodie persuasum esse video, inquit Must, de Marca, Concordia lib. iii. 2. p. 393, cum in illo commentario antiquae discipline satis expressa vestigia supersint. An vero eaedem sint cum illis quarum Epiphanius meminit adversus haeresim* Audianorum uberius alias disputabitur. Interim lege Petavium in notis ad Epiphan. et torn. ii. dogm. theologicorum, Bellarminum de Script. Eccl. v. Clemens, Gabrielem Albaspineum ep. Aurel. lib. i. observationum, cap. 13. §. Certe si quis, &c, qui S. Clementi adjudicant." It is also argued, in a later edition of the Councils by Mansi, viz. 1759, chiefly from points of internal evidence, that the true date of the Constitutions is about the beginning of the fourth century, probably between the Council of Illiberis, A.D. 309, and that of Nice, A.D. 325. The Apostolic Constitutions, as they are called, are in eight books, and the title in Greek is, AIATArAI TGN AHGN AnOZTOAQN AIA KAHMENT02 TOY POMAIQN EniZKonoY te kai noAiTOY, KadoKtKYj StSadev y ov Kavovi^,6fxeva fxev y rervKcofxeva he irapa rcov Trarepcov cua^evuxTKecrdai to?? aprt irpo- aep^o/J-eiotq, /cat fiovAo/nevois KarYjy^eurdai tov tyjs evaefieiaq Xo^oV « 2.ofj.a' Aida^r] 'AirocTToXoiv' KArj/jLevria' e£ lav fxereippao-dycrav eKAe^evra to aXtjdeo-repa kcu Oeoicvevarra. — Synops. S. Script, apud Athanas. Op. torn. iii. p. 202. a 2 IV PREFACE. people. 2. The book of The Doctrine of the Apostles contained only two hundred verses according to the Stichometria of Nicephorus, which cannot agree with the Constitutions, that are more voluminous. 3. In the Index of Scripture made by Anastasius Nicenas, Sidaxai and $ida et 1 autre cmqnante six Canons. ' , Ce qui est contenu dans les soixante et onze - f y tK u< Canons de ce premier livre : ^r^ %< cn*r*Pf Le 1, contient les Noms des Apotres. Le 2, err OYT^gic err^fieq, at page 137 of this work. It begins again at the commencement of the sixth book, page 165, and concludes at the end of the section oh. The division of the work into numbered sections, up to 2\<>, is after the Coptic manuscript, where the numbers cease ; from thence the numbers and divi- sions of the Sahidic manuscript are followed, as far as that extends. But the numbers and divisions of the Canons of the Apostles, in the seventh book, are after the Greek copies of those Canons. PREFACE. XV I have translated the words rfiKArtum itTe m- iLnocTO?\oc " The Apostolical Constitutions/' leaving it to others to decide whether the volume has claims to be considered that work, or whether it is derived from it : upon this subject I offer no opinion. H. TATTAM. Bedford, Dec. 1, 1848. N IKS\NIHN HT6 NISMIOCTOXOC. HIK&HUIN NT6 HIS\IIOCTOM)C. it a.i rte ft iKAJtcjuit irre rrerc io^- eeoYA.fi. it ajtoc- to^\oc JtTe neitoc ihc n^c gtay^ay e^>pHi rrertcyHpi rreju iterrcyepi £>err 4>pA.rr juneitoc ihc n^c nexe louAJtitHC iteju juicr- enoc iteju neTpoc iteju A.rt2s.peA.c cJ>i^\innoc rteui cuutcjuft ia.kcjuB.oc rreju itA.eAJtA.H2s euu- JUA.C iteut ky<|>a.c B.A.peo?\ojueoc rteju ioyXa^c ncorf 1tiA.KcjuB.0c. A.. KATTA. niOYA.gCA.gItl junerfoc ihc n^c neccjuep rf r rertecjuoY ,c h itejui itertepHOY A.qgort- gerritA.rc eqxcjujuuuoc xe JutnA.Teffc|>uuc£) jtm- ^cjupA. excjurr junAjreTerrc^otyoY exeit eHffOY gcjuc ^e eepe jtioyaj jiioyaj 6t junequiA katta. TenrertHni. ecjuty itgA.rtA.^icjujUA. itrcieniCKonoc oyjuia.- ffgejuci rminpec&YTepoc OYeTgH it2uAj£ff mcj>tfQYi irroYApeg epuuoY e&o?\gA ouu2\ell fiiAert oYog rrroYCuuoYrt xe ceruvi" ?\oroc Jitc|>' r {- ^>6fi niegooY mtiarf rhre +- kpHCic ee&e itHeTAYcouT-ejut. epuuoY THpoY OYog jttnoYApeg epoioY. OYog AqoYAgc^gm rr<\ft eepertTAOYo rc- ItAI CA2£| 6&0?\ ^6ff ^-OIKOYXieffH THpC. 5. A.cep2LOKirr 2^6 ftAft eepe jiioyaj jiioyai XJLXJLOtt CA2CI KA.TAc|>pH , i" €T A. HOC "f" ffOY- gAJLOT ftAq KATA cJ>OYUUcy XilurT gt- T6it ninit* eeoY^R ertipi jLic[>jmeYi ttiteqcAxi eeperfgorrgerc juumouTert epuuoY eYenjuteYi ttexx OYcKcju juiuiGT-corr. r. nexe luuArtftHc xe rnpuujui iticrmoY err- ccuoYrr xe Term* whct Aftcoe- juioy rrejui rrHGT" AYgorrgerr juuuiuuoy epoit jli- nepepe jtioyai jtioyai juumoit tff xtngo juineq- u^cj>np a2\?\A. ^pety^rt oyai itay xe neqcxj- 4>Hp xuu JtrfHexeprfoqpi Aft jmApeqTAgrto juuutoq xe neTeiotuujiiuuioq oy ertAffeq Aft Acep^oKiit 2l6 itcx)OY eepe icju^rtrrHC caxi it- J^opn. X. nesce luuAmtHc xe oyjukjuit E eTcyon oyai c|>* nojrr *> ne kcoyai 4><\. c1>juoy ne oyon OYtyiR+ eqocy ^eit n<*j jmcun - E c[>jukjuit 2.e JuinuHT^ ne c|>aj xe CKeixertpe noc neKftoY^f" cl>H6T <\qeai eTAqcoTK eRo?\erf c]>AAOY OAI T^p T6 i-cxjopn lterrTO?\H. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 4 in heaven, that they may keep themselves from every spot. And they should know that they shall give account to God in the great day of judgment for all the things which they have heard and have not kept. And He commanded us to make known these words in all the world. 2. It also appeared to us, that each one of us should speak as the Lord hath given him grace, according to the will of God the Father, by the Holy Spirit, making remembrance of His words, that we may command them to you. They will be remembered, and the fraternal teaching. 3. John said, " Men and brethren, we know that we shall give account for those things which we hear, and for those things which have been com- manded us. Let not any one of us accept the per- son of his friend. But if any one should hear his friend speak of those things which are not profitable, let him restrain him, saying, " what thou sayest is not good." It therefore pleased them that John should speak first. 4. John said, " There are two ways, one is the ap**/ <- way of life, and the other is the way of death ; and 7 there is much difference in these two ways. But 7- 2 the way of life is this, Thou shalt love* the Lord thy God with all thy heart, who created thee, and thou shalt glorify him who redeemed thee from death ; for this is the first commandment. * The Sahidic is correct— CKEJUtepe, thou shalt love. e fUK- Hp JtuneKpirt" nmojuoc rrejut runpoc^HTHc ev- ^uji ^err tai erfro^sH 5+. e. nex*q rtee JuteTeeoc *:e guuErnRert GTeKn^ovAc^oY Aft eepoYujuum iLiJuioK iWok guuK orf jutnepAJTOY rfKeoY^i €Te n<*J ne xe neT GKJUtoc^f juumoq jutnepajq rtKeoYSJ iWok 2lg ub neTpoc n*cort i-cEuu rruuoY erte?\ujipi rir- rfextfibYi itrfeKepcJ>*pjuiHTC enecjrr oy- Xe *cujAftxc|>oq rrrteK^ooReq mteKepenieY- jmm neitx** Aneicu^Hp mteKepjmeepe mtoYX mteioce neTgujoY itg?\i oy2lC ort fmeKJuteYi eRo?\ eneTgoJOY mteKepgHT E oyXc firrreKep- ?\«SX E OY<|><\cy Y&p Jt T6 c[>.UOY T6 r T3JL£ r r?\&C E mre neKC*xi cyuuni eqtyoYiT - oy2l6 rrc* jueerroYx mteKcyuuni juumei rroYToi rrgoYo oy2^g rfpeqgo)?\6JUi OY2,e oyj^cjuEi OY2ie oy- gHT eqguuoY oy2lg OYd^cigHT mteioce oy- c*xi eqgouoY e^oYit eneKujHp rrrfeKJmecTe g?\i rfpu)jmi *?\2\* gAftoYorr juterr eicecogi jlji- juujuoy g^rfKejo^oYiti ^.e exert*! rruuoY eice- uj?\H?\ exert gAJtoYorr eKejutertpe rtgArtKe^cuj- oYfti Jiic|>pHi- rrreKAj/YXH- 5. nexe rtxe Aitkpeax xe nAcyHpi c|>out THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 6 a But the second is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang the law and the Prophets." 5. Matthew said, " Every thing that thou wouldest not should be done to thee, that do not thou also to another; that is,*what thou hatest do not to another. But thou, O Peter my brother, teach them these things." 6. Peter said, " Thou shalt not kill ; thou shalt not commit adultery ; thou shalt not commit fornica- tion ; thou shalt not pollute a youth ; thou shalt not steal ; thou shalt not be a sorcerer ; thou shalt not use divination ; thou shalt not cause a woman to miscarry, neither if she hath brought forth a child shalt thou kill it. Thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy neighbour's : thou shalt not bear false witness : thou shalt not speak evil of any one, neither shalt thou think evil. Thou shalt not be double-minded,* neither shalt thou be double- tongued, for a double tongue is a snare of death. Thy speech shall not be vain, neither tending to a lie. Thou shalt not be covetous, neither rapacious ; nor a hypocrite, nor of an evil heart, nor proud. Thou shalt not speak an evil word against thy neighbour. Thou shalt not hate any man, but thou shalt reprove some, and shalt have mercy upon others. Thou shalt pray for some, and shalt love others as thy own soul." 7. Andrew said, " My son, flee from all evil, and * ItfCeKepgHT £., Thou shalt not be double-hearted. Z, niK*ft(jurf ittg itiAnocTo^oc. GRoT^Git normporf mRerr oYog, gkgjlugctg ncTgcjuov rtiRert xaiGpujcjuni rrpcq^cjurnr xg nixuurrr tfTJUiuuiT GeJUGT^uuTefi. nxourrr r<\p oY2^6jmcjuft eqguuoY jig jutneppeqxog juinepep- pcq+Tum jLnnepeppeqjmicyi xe gRo?\ r*p ^berr itaj uj^vic|>e oYc|>eorfoc. it. jtgxg c|>i?\innoc xg n^u^Hpi xnneptyuuni rtpeqepenievjum xe +enieYiutiA (Hjukjuit g- ^>oYff e'TnopmA ecccxjK rmipuu.u.1 ft * 'TgY^orm cajaytako rfffHGT OYff^eyonOY GpuUOY i[>AJta)IT ^G XJLTll- uitA. JunorfHport jig <|>rtoRi it+\J/YX« oYog gcnrAft *qcy*rm*Y goykoyxi JiAJUiAffGJirroiT eqcyert^q e0Yrt cy^qope nuutuurr oyujcxjc gRo?\ oYOg cqctfT' rrejm^q itKGnrtA JutnoftHporc THpoY eqrf^tyerf^q err oYGnicTiutH rrT6 r r6ffcoKq fturTGft 6c]>AgoY xgkac mteqgioYi JuumurrGft egpni eYgujR eqgouoY nxuurtT r*p rrejui 'rgY- 2^0ftH GTgCJUOY AYtyAftX^ ttCHOY ffi&Grt GYJUtHrt gRo^s cyAYtycuni ffgAff^GJmujrf OYog gOT*ff AYUJAIiGpOC 6cJ>pU)JULI ujAYCAJlJ&rf ^Gft , +M /Y X H wcetyumi £}* oYrutyt" JtgouR OYog AYtyArfGrfTGq GgpHi £>git gAitgRHOYi ff(fijt- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 8 hate all evil. Be not angry, because anger leads to murder, for anger is an evil demon. Be not emu- lous, neither be contentious, nor quarrelsome, for envy proceeds from these." 8. Philip said, " My son, be not of unlawful desires, because desire leads to fornication, drawing men to it involuntarily : for lust is a demon.* For if the evil spirit of anger is united with that of sensuality, they destroy those who shall receive them. And the way of the evil spirit is the sin of the soul. For when he seest a little quiet entering in he will make the way broad ; and he will take with him all other evil spirits : he will go to that soul, and will not leave the man to meditate at all, lest he should see the truth. Let a restraint be put to your anger, and curb it with not a little care, that you may cast it behind you, lest it should precipi- tate you into some evil deed. For wrath and evil desire, if they are suffered always remaining, are demons. And when they have dominion over a man they change him in soul, that he may be prepared for a great deed: and when they have led him into unrighteous acts, they deride * OY^eJUtum, Arabic Jia*&< t Satan. t Sahidic gOTAft eqcyAffffAY, when he sees. e rtiKAffum rfTe mA.nocTo?\oc. xorrc cyAYcouRi jtcouq eYep*cyi exeit htako JLtmpCJUJUl 6T6AJIJUIAY. e. ne^A.q Jtxe cuuum xe n^tynpi juinep- cxjuuni rrpeqxe oyc*xi eqguuoY oyXg oyuj- 7sO)c\ OY^e ixnepujuuni jttfXciRATs eB.o?\ r*p d>err itaj cy*pe g^rrjueTTfuuiK tyuuni. i. nex:*q Jtxe i^kuu&oc xe n<\cyHpi juinep- ujuum JtpeqtnjutHirti eni2s.H i-JUteTpeqtn'.uHmi ectfumuuiT e<*>OYrr eoYJueTpeqty*Juicye i^xju- ?sorr OY^e ffpeqjmoY^f OY^e rrpeqx*oYffOY OYXe peqepc|>A^>pi oY^e peqepi2uju?\off OY2^e xinepT-cA&o epouoY le ecouTCJut epuuoY eRo?\ r^p^>ert ff*i cy*pe OYJUteTpeqcyajuttye iXou- ?sorf tyuuni. f*. nex^q rtee it aoait ah^ xe n*ujHpi Jtt- neptyouni JtpeqxeimeerroY^: eni^H see ^"juiee- rfOYit ectfijuuurr e£>oYff eoYJmeTpeqxeoYA oYXe julajum gAnr OY^e juijuai ojoy eqtyoYiT xe 6&o?\ r*p £>eit rr^i ty<\pe g^rttfibYi tyuum. n^tyHpi jutnepu^uuni rlrpeqkpejuipejut em2^H 'TJuteTpeqkpeJupeJUi cy*ccouK juinipuujuti e£>- oYit eoYJUteTpeqxeoY^ Juinepc^ouni gkx^xuu oy2s.c rcpeqjmeYi eRo^s enmeTguuoY eRo7\ r*p £>ert rtJs.1 TTHpoY t*jAY*:c|>o JtgArrjmGTpeqjuticyi cxjuuni 2^.e rreoK oYpeJutpAY^y xe ftipeJutpAY^y eert*epk?sHporfOJUUff xitiK^g,* cyouni 3ie orr itg^pujgHT JtpeqepgipHrrH rcitAHT ckttoy- Rhoyt d>err neK&trr eRoSsg* neTgouoY m- Keit cyuuni iWrKAKiA ffpejupAYty rfAFAeoc THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 10 him, and will rejoice in the destruction of that man." 9. Simon said, " My son, be not the utterer of an evil expression, nor of obscenity, neither be thou haughty, for of these things come adulteries." 10. James said, " My son, be not a diviner, for divination leads to idolatry ; neither be thou an en- chanter, nor an astrologer, nor a magician, nor an idolater ;* neither teach them nor hear them ; for from these things proceeds idolatry." I 11. Nathanael said, " My son, be not a liar, be- cause a falsehood leads to blasphemy. Neither be thou a lover of silver nor a lover of vain glory, for from these thefts arise." " My son, be not a murmurer, because repining leads a man to blasphemy. Be thou not harsh, nor a thinker of evil, for of all these things contentions are begotten. But be thou meek, for the meek shall inherit the earth. And be thou also merciful, peaceable, compassionate, cleansed in thy heart from all evil. Be thou sincere, gentle, good; trembling at the words of God which thou hast heard, and do thou keep them. Do not exalt thy- * The Sahidic has peqeipRoOffe, one that bewitcheth. ia. mKAJtuuit rrrc rriAnocToTsoc. eKcoepnrep e&o?\g>eff ttic&xt jttg cj>i" gtak- COeJUOY OYOg GKGApGg GptJUOY* JUtnGptf^CTK JUtJUtAYATTK OY2S.6 JtrfeK^- JUUIGKgHT mtltf*CI- gHT A.tstsA. GKGAYgrfJOtl* ItgOYO ffGJUl ftl2UKGOC rrejui ffHGTeG&moYT- guuKmRerf G'rguuoY ee- rtHOY egpHi gxuuk ujojtoy epoK guuc Grt^rreY GKCUJOYrf X6 XJLSJLOti g^\l ItAcyumi JL1AAOK G- RH?\ 2C6 ITTGrf 4>+. fS. nGX«\q itXG euujm*c :£6 n^ujHpt c|>H6»T- nr&ovo cpoK mtic*2:i rfTG + OYog Aqcyuum rt*K rc oYog *q+ rf6tt niGXUJpg ffGJUl niGgOOY GKGTAJOq *+- c^pni" JLinoTD nuut^r^p gtg nc*xi jlujuigtoc rt^HTq cq juuuay rtecG noc eKitAtyim 2.G rrcA ncqgo xiJUHni jWoq ftGJU HKGCGni rrrfHGOOY^B XGK*C GKGGJUTOff XIJUOK G^Gff ffOYC^XI H6T- TOJUI r^p JUtJmoq 6itH6eoYAJiqrfeit n^ici nrfGKXix icxg a noc v*p <*.q*iK rcGJmnuj* cepcqi" it^k g&o?\- giTOTq riroY r rpocJ>H JutnrtX r riKOft ttestx oyccju xxuH^ctikh rfGXi 0Yuurf^> cy* crfGg hgtcc^g guuK orr cpoK nc rrgoYo cepGK'i" rr<\q rfOYi£>pG GUJ*CThoyt * Sahidic GKg^pGg GpOOY, do thou keep them. t Read *TA.7\?sO JtffGK&A?\. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 12 self, neither shalt thou give thy heart to pride, but thou shalt increase more and more with the just and humble. Every evil which cometh upon thee receive as good, knowing that nothing shall come upon thee but from God." 12. Thomas said, " My son, he who declares to thee the words of God, and hath been the cause of life to thee, and hath given the holy seal to thee which is in the Lord, thou shalt love him as the apple of thine eyes, and remember him by night and day : thou shalt honour him as of the Lord : for in that place in which the word of power is, there is the Lord ; and thou shalt seek his face daily ; him, and those who remain of the saints, that thou mayest rest thee on their words : for he who is united to the saints shall be holy. Thou shalt honour him according to thy power, by the sweat* of thy brow, and by the labour of thy hands : for if the Lord hath made thee meet that he might impart to thee spiritual food, and spiritual drink, and eternal life, by him ; it becomes thee also the more, that thou shouldest impart to him the food which perishes and is temporal ; for the labourer is worthy of his hire. For it is written, Thou shalt not muzzle the * Coptic is literally TeKCJCU'f", thy sweat. if rriKArfum rrre rfiAnocTO?\oc. r*p xe itrreKi" ca^o?\ egpert ege eqgi oy2s.g juuuoit g?si 6uj ttox*x&ttk?\0?\i oYOg rrreq- cyTejmoYuuiui €&o?\<£eff neqoYTAg. Jr. nexAq rtace ky<|>a xe mteidpi itgAit- c|>cx)px eicegurrn mtHeTiuutyi £>err oYgipHrm rrejui rroYepnoY uiAgAn £>eit oy^ikcocywh AtfTte tft go cogi JLtcI>H6 r rA.q6prfoRi exert neq- JtoRi jutneitepe H-JuteTpAJutAo xejmxoju <&a- Terr c|>+ oY^e xtnepeJuiAie gAitoYOft X k%\- ujjuiA xe 0Yu>c[>e?siA Art itxe itcai a?s?\a oYgAn rtesJKeocYWH £>Arerf nTHpq Jtinepep- gHT 5 £>ert neKu^^sH^s eKJuteYi xe c|>neT AKepeTtit xumoq qrtAtyuuni cyAit juumorr jui- nepcyouni jutert AKtyAft^ eKCuuoYTeit jtTOTK e&o?\ AKujAitei- 2s.e ckcujk wtotk epox etyum 2^e GOYorrrAK eRo?\j*>err iteicxix eiatA.^- en- cuu^ mteKitoRi mteic^H^ecic eiot A+ oY2^e ore AKtyArrf rmeKicpeJupeJut excuuoYit xe hai fie^e oy eB.o7\^>ert c|>^- mteKKOTK bKo2\ jui- neTtyAT eKftAepKomuuitm £.e rtejut meTcyAT d^ert guuRitiRert mteicxoc xe noyi juuuayat rre it ai icxe TeTeitoi itKoutuutiA itejm ffeTerr- epHOY ert itHeerfA.TA.KO. IX. nexAq rcxe &Apeo?\OJUieoc xe 'H'go epurrert rtAcrtHOY goc ntcHOY rrreit enrroY itejm oYGpenrm cyon itejmurreit fhreTeitoYoit- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 14 ox treading out the corn : neither does any one plant a vineyard and not eat of the fruit thereof." 13. Cephas said, " Thou shalt not make schisms : thou shalt reconcile in peace those who contend with one another. Judge in righteousness without accepting of persons. Reprove him who hath sinned, for his sin. Suffer not wealth to prevail be- fore God, neither justify the unworthy, for beauty profiteth not; but righteous judgment before all. Doubt not* in thy prayer, thinking whether what thou hast asked of him will be or not. Let it not indeed be that when thou receivest thou stretchest out thine hand, but when thou shouldest give thou drawest thy hand to thee. But if thou hast at handf thou shalt give for the redemption of thy sins. Thou shalt not doubt, thou shalt give ; neither when thou hast given shalt thou murmur, knowing this reward is of God. Thou shalt not turn away from the needy, but shalt communicate with the needy in all things : Thou shalt not say these things are mine alone. If ye communicate with one another of those things which are incor- ruptible, how much rather should ye not do it in those things which are corruptible?" 14. Bartholomew said, " I beseech you, my Bre- thren, while you have time, and he who asks remains with you, (and) you are able to do good to them, do * JUtnepepgHT &.., literally, be not of a double heart. t Literally, of thy hands, ovfrom the labours of thy hands. le rtiKAJtum rfTe rriAnocTo?\oc. ujxojm JLUJUturrerf eep neerr Afteq ituioY Ainep- X* totcn e&o?\^eft g7\t itg^si oYormTcju- Tert caitoy. q^>errT rAp e^oYft itxe negooY juinac c|>ai eTepe eitx^iNifterf eerrAY epuuoY itAfku^s eKo7\ oYOg ninorrHpoc itA.TA.KO JtibHTq qrm- oy TAp rrxe noc oYog neqRexe fteAAAq. tycjuni rmoJiioeeTHC epujTert juuutAYATAft erntoY ujcjuhi rtpeq+cRuu epuuTeft jlijuiaya- TAft eHftoY gcjuc ec|>^- c|>hct AqTCARe eHftoY 6K6Apeg 6NH6T AKtflTOY ITTeKtijTeJUiqi Jt^H- TOY OY2S.6 UTeKJxjTeJUOYCJDg epuUOY. ie. nexAq rtece neTpoc xe mpumi mcitHOY niceceni ixnnrMpq ffcRuj mtirpAH eeoYA& puuuji eTCARe emtoY epuuoY Affoit Xe jua- pertxoc rcouoY mtHCT AYCAgrn juuuujuoy nan TOTE ACpAfTUUOY THpOY COpe JieTpOC CAXI. isv. nexAq rtece neTpoc xe etyuun AqujArt oyuia ne epe gAmcoYxi rrpumi rc^>HTq xx- nicToc JiinATeqAcyAi fixe rutAHuj eepoYxeui- xojul eeAUiie \J/yc|>icjuia eeRe nieniCKonoc tyA ntyi JiiniE rrpumi JuiApoYc^Ai mtieK- k?\hcia eTgiKurt" epouoY numA eTepe oYJUHcy liniCTOc rr^DHTq eYTAxpuuoY. xckac eYei rcxe nr rcpoujuii 4>err jtijua e- tcjuijuiay rccuuTn rrce^oKmA^m £>ert oy- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 16 not fail in any thing to any one, which you have the power to do. For the day of the Lord draweth nigh, in which every thing that is seen shall be dissolved, and the wicked shall be destroyed with it, for the Lord cometh, and his reward is with him. " Be ye lawgivers to your own selves ; be ye teachers to yourselves alone, as God hath taught you. Thou shalt keep those things which thou hast re- ceived, thou shalt not take from them, neither shalt thou add to them." 15. Peter said, " Men and brethren, all the remain- ing precepts of the holy scriptures are sufficient to teach you; but let us declare them to those to whom we have been commanded." Then it pleased them all that Peter should speak. 16. Peter said, " If there should be a place having a few faithful men in it, before the multitude in- crease, who shall be able to make a dedication to pious uses for the Bishop to the extent of twelve men, let them write to the churches round about them, informing them of\he place in which the multitude of the faithful (assemble and) are established. " That three chosen men in that place may come, that they may examine with diligence him who is b i^ itiKAituuit mre fUAnocTo^soc. ^oT^err AAneTeAxnujA jutnAi Baoaaoc etyuun AqtAjAit oyai efk>2\<£eit rfieercoc eoYomrAq aaaaay rfOYctuiT en Aiteq eqoi itATffo&i ne e- qoi itAT^umT ne oyaaai qhki ne OYpeAAitgHT" ne itgAK itovpeqeiAi ^w ne rlroYnoprtoc Ait ne rroYiiei toi wgoYO Ait ne ffOYpequjuuuj Ait ne itoYpeqtff go Ait ne itejut rfHeTiit i mtAi. oYgouR uteit eitAiteq ne eujuun AqujAft aa- AAOitTAq cgiAAl aaaaay etyum £.e AqflTitOYc- giAAi eoYomrAq aaaaay itgAittynpi AAApeq^H ncaaac eqAAtoiti ffc&uj mlieit eoYoitujxoAA AAAAoq eepjuterreYm mtif pAH ka?\cjuc etyum Xe nqcouoYit Ait itcd>Ai AAApeqtyumi eYpeui- pAY*y ne AAApeqepgoYo d>err T" AVAnn e£>0Yit eptoAAi m&eit xiHnoTe itceepKATHFopm xiinie- mcKonoc d>eit oYguuR oYog qitAtycuni eqtffi- m JLirrrHpq. 1^. nexAq itxe fuuAititHc xe memciconoc €T oYit akaoicta AAAAoq AqujAiti-geHq en- cuuoYft rteAA T-gYnoAAorm AAAAeTAAAt itoYi" itrrHeeiteAJtAq AAApeqKAeicnrA 2l€ w5 xtnpec- RYTepoc ^ert neTpeq^oKiAAASjm aaaauuoy. IH. OYOg AYepOYtii THpOY X6 S Aft A*£\A r xe rcHeTcyon 2l€ kX JutnpeciiYTepoc iS CAOYlItAAA OYOg tE CAXAJUl6Yi ffftaj tb It^CftHOY ItHeTC^OYI- ft*jm Y&p AYty*rt6T mticj>Y*?\H itTOTOY it- rriArre^oc cyAYtfrroY eerr niKOCJitoc ^err oycixot JuumeT^eSs^so ceoY- hoy eKo^s ecxjTeJLiepoY6trfeJut cguuti cyoi w- peqi" erterc guuRrtiRert eYeuu- oY"f" JuiniJUiHcy e£>OYrr eepoYimertpe noY.u*rt- ecajoY ft mpecELYTepoc 2s.e eTC^oYiruum evqi JuicI>pcjuoYtg itrrHeT^oci £>ert meYci*CTH- piorc gm* rfTOY r r^i6 mtHe r reJUinty* rrr«MO ru&ert oYog irroYepeniTUuwut rfrfHeTejmnty^ jteniTiJUi* rtouoY rtinpecRYTepoc eTca^^tfS eYit^qipcjuoYuj jutruuiHcy xeK*c irroY^cjuni err oYgYnoT^KH rtiRerr ecyum 2.e AY"j*rr+c&uj itoYAl eqepoYcii ^ert oYJUteTAYeATTHC epe itHrr c^^oYit emeYCia.cTHpioit rr^ep oy- &wt rcoYajT ffcju oYrrtouiuiH ffOYouT NcetfT THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 20 John said, "You have rightly recalled these things to remembrance, O my brethren ; for when those on the right hand have received the censers from the hands of the angels, they present them before the Lord* But those on the left hand shall be sustained by the multitude of angels. f But it behoves the Presbyters that they should be in the world, after the manner of old men, removing far off, that they should not touch a woman, being cha- ritable (and) lovers of the brethren : that they should not accept persons, being partakers of the holy mysteries with the Bishop, assisting in all things, collecting the multitude together, that they may love their Shepherd. And the Presbyters on the right hand have the care of those who labour at the altar, that they should honour those who are worthy of all honour, and rebuke those who merit their rebuke. The Presbyters on the left hand shall have the care of the people, that they may be upright, that no one may be disturbed. And they shall instruct them that they should be in all sub- jection. But when they have instructed one, answer- ing contumaciously J, those within the altar should be of one heart, and one mind, that they may * Rev. V. 8. — Kat ol €iKO(TiTe(T(Tape<; irpecrfBvrepoi eireffov ev(o- ttlov rov apvcov, e^oi/res eKCUTTos .... ye/j,ovaag 6v/mia/aaT(i)Vj ac elaiv al irpocrev^ai rett OYJUteT^Ye^THC, avdadt]s, are rendered in Arabic by s->^, with modesty, respect. KA. fflKAltUm ItT6 ItlAnOCTO?\OC. jutty&ejce sjlum tisjlh katta neqejmnuj* oy- og nKcceni THpoY it Aepgo^ iiumuuc ffcapiKi* oYog eqeep oyai "Juumouov ujo&i Jtt.c|>pHi- JtOYrATpAJffA oYog jtceexAJW^uT-eYiit xt- AACUOY THpOY. ie. nex*q rtece laxiujioc xe mArtArmjuc- thc eYffATTAgoq epATq £>ew neTpeqep^o- kijuia^iit juumoq £>erc oYffiuri- jt^oKiJuiAciA. eqx*^*NOY Jiitneq?\AC itoYpeqei^i Art ne rroYpeqcouRi Ait ne 4>err neqcAxi a?\?\a eitece neqcjucrr eqoi itcurrejut ne eqoi Jtcyopn jteajoY+ e£>oYit £>eit itiKYpiAKH itpeq^iA- Kumm eqcouoYit xe oy neTctye epoq eepeq- xu)K xtngouB. jutnigitoicy neTXuux r*p e£.o?\- £>erc iteimAujx JtgArtKexuuoYiti d}ert rteqc- Rcjuoyi neTcuje r*p epoq ne JtgoYo eepeq- ujuuni jtoYeprATHC eqertgoT it Agpeit c^^. k. nex*q rcxe JuusjTeeoc xe mXiAKumoc jutApoYKAeiCTA juuuujuoy eirr epjmeepe r*p xe gnreit pouq juumeepe 5 ie r epe caxi itiReit ogi epeit 2aA- KuumA. ru&eit eYepjmeepe 4>ApuuoY giTeit * Sahidic fircepiKe. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 22 receive the reward of that honour according to its desert. And all the rest shall fear lest they should deviate, and one of them should become changed like one wasting away*, and all should be brought into captivity." 19. James said, " The Reader shall be appointed after he has been fully proved t; bridling his tongue, not a drunkard, not a derider in his speech, but de- corous in his appearance ; obedient, being the first to congregate on the Lord's-day ; a servant knowing what is meet for him, that he may fulfil the work of publishing the Gospel. For he who fills the ears of others with his doctrines, it becomes him the more that he should be a faithful workman before God." 20. Matthew said, " Let the Deacons be appointed by three testifying to their life. For it is written, 6 By the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.' Let them be proved in every service, all the people bearing witness to them, that they have resided with one wife, have brought up * oYog eqeep oyaj juuuujuoy txjo&i xitypH-i - rfOWAypAIffA., and one of them should become a hypo- crite like one wasting away, *qX*, with a gangrene. t *>6ft neTpeqep^oKumAj^iiT xtjuioq ^eit OYft I^rf* ItXOKlJUtA.CIA., after he has been proved by a great trial. kt itiKAitum rtTe rrt^nocT-o^oc. m?\«\oc THpq GAYgGJmci rfGjm oYcguuti rroY- uux GAYtyArtuj rrrfOYcxjHpi k*?\ er * oYiticyf" rrcno2s.H GftHee- JUlOtyi ATA.KTOC OYOg OYOIt JULGfT GepOY^f"- cj&.uj ituuoY g*rfOYOit GYGpcnn-uuiArf hcjuoy g^rrKG^wJOYrfi 2s.g 6epoYGpKo2\m jlijuiijuoy rtHGTKArr^c^porrift 2^6 rfGjm mpcqcyouty ***- pOYIt02COY G&0?\ GYCUUOYff 2C6 pCJUJUll ITI&Gff rfpGqoYougGJUt ig rrpcqc^goYi GY+ oyjBLg jt^qc. ic*. nc^^q rrxG khcJ>ac xg JUt*poYK*eiCTA> rrr rfX H P* Si" GepoYnpocjc^p^HpiA gi oy- con gjt!u#\H^ 6eK6 oYorrrfiRGrr gt^gn mm- pACJUlOC OYOg GOpOY^ITOY ffg^ftgJUOT G0&6 nGTOYAgoY Jtcuuq 'tkgoyi ^.g on GepoY$c* c &x H 4>A.Terf rugiaui GTOYmpA^m jljuuuuoy Hft ecxoj jtrtinpecKYTepoc ititHGTujon uoyjuiai gHov jtujTsujq ^rt tg gcoi Ait itpcq- ei^i xgkac gcg^gjuucojui GitYAA*|>Hit Gopec^i- AKouitm Jtexuupg oYog Gcxjum GOYoit kgoyi OYCJUty GOYOUg 6TOTC GGp gAItg&HOYI Git AltGY JUApGCipi KATA niGpOYOT JUUlGCgHT It At FAp itG itiATAeort gtt a noc ujopn itgoitoY. icE. nc^Aq itXG Aft2s.pGAC 2C6 rn2uAKumoc jmApoYtyuum fteprATHC GgAitg&HOYi GftA- ItGY GY+OYOI JliniGgOOY ttBSJL JTIG^CJUpg ^Glt AAAI ItlRGff rfC60 ItUUOY rfOYHAppHCIA GftA- tyouc. kt. nG^Aq rtecG c|>i?\mnoc :kg jti^saikoc JUlApGqCOUTGJUl ItCA ItinpOCXOTJUA ItTOYTHI- TOY GTOTOY ffff l?\AIKOC GYtfftGXUUOY ItltHGTC- pOqT GniOYCIACTHpiOIt HIOYAl niOYAI JUIA- pcqcpAitAq jutcl>^t- d}6ff TUJUIA GTAYOUUty ffAq ItCGOl Aft JUtJUAI XA2CI GItOYGpHOY itCG^Og Alt 60JR.6 HJUtA GTOHcy JLtniOYAI niOYAI A?\^sA nioYAi niOYAI uiApcq^cxj ^Gft nieougGUi GTAYeAgJUGq ItifcHTq G&CttsgrTGft Hp THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 26 which take place. Not a lover of filthy lucre ; not given to drink ; that she may be able to watch, that she may minister in the night. And if another one desires to help to do good works, let her do so ac- cording to the pleasure of her heart ; for these are the good things which the Lord first commanded." 22. Andrew said, " Let the Deacons be doers of good works, drawing near by day and night in every place. They must not exalt themselves above the poor ; neither must they accept the per- sons of the rich. They shall know the afflicted, that they may give to him out of their store of pro- visions; constraining those who are able for good works to gather them in, attending to the words of our Master, ' I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat.' For those who have ministered without sin, gain for themselves much confidence." 23. Philip said, " Let the laymen obey the de- crees which have been delivered to them for the laity, being in subjection to those who serve at the altar. Let every one please God in the place to which he hath been appointed. They should not love hostility to one another. They should not envy for the situation which is appointed for each one ; but let every one abide in the calling to which he hath been called of God. Let not any one inquire after the offence of his neighbour*, in * The margin has by a later hand, instead of JUinequjc|>Hp , his friend, AJtneTglTOYOUq , his neighbour, according to the Sahidic. k^ itiKAJtum itTe ftiAnocTo^oc. d>6it neqkpojutoc GTAqc^HT Jt£>HTq oy2lg FAp m*TT&\oc jutnovep nKo7\ JiiinoYAgCA- grti JLinoc. icX. ncxAq Jt^e Art^kpGAC xe oYgcjuR Git a- rreq tig eeHcy GgAftgioiuti gaitoy rteJAKortoc. kg. nc^Aq rrxG nGTpoc xg Aitcyopn GeHcxj cJ>ai g^Rg mnpocc|>opA !k.6 jutmcujjm* ugjui nicrtoq rrrc noc TGrfftAOYumg JutngouB. g- Ro?\ £>Grr OYifcoT'feeT". i«v. ncxAq rrx6 icuArmHc xg ATGTGitGp- nuuRuj u) rticriHOY xiniGgooY ittg JTGrtCA^ 6f jutniuuiK rtGJU nmonrHpiorr AqauoY GpuuoY Gqxuujuumoc xg c|>ai jig hAccjujuia itGJUt nic- rroq ATGTGftrtAY xg JLtnGqi" jua ftrrigiojun GOpOY'i'TO'TOY ffGJUtUJOY ACGpOYU) IYXG JUIA- pOA X6 60B.6 JUApiA XG Aqft AY GpOC 6CCCX)Kl jtgxg JUApiA X6 aiccju&i Ait Aqxoc rAp itAft Gq+cRcju xg qrtAOYXAi rtecc niGTxauR giTGrt C^HGTXOp. K^. JTGXAq ff^G KHc|>AC 2C6 gArtOYOIt XOC X6 JTGTCUjG FIG ffltlglOJUll GU^?\H?\ GYOgl GpA- TOY OYOg GUJ r T6JUiepOYpApHI GXGIt JTKAgl. kh. nc^Aq itXG iakuu&oc xg Arm agupcgjui- xojui* ceHty mtigiaui GY^iAKortiA gRh?\ g- TAI XlAKONIA JLUTAipH+ JUtJUtAYATC X6KAC GYG'^roTq JuinGT-tyAT. ice. HG^Aq rtecc <|>i?\innoc xg rucrr hoy goRg H+ <|>HGT GpgUjR Gq^UUOYi" ftAq GjfeOYIt * Read ANN AtyXGJUtXOJUt. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 28 his course on which he has entered, for the angels exceed not the command of the Lord." 24. Andrew said, " It is a good thing to appoint women to be made Deaconesses." 25. Peter said, "We have first to appoint this concerning the Eucharist, and the body and blood of the Lord : we will (then) make known the thing diligently." 26. John said, "'Have you forgotten, O my bre- thren, in the day that our Master took the bread and the cup he blessed them, saying, 'This is my body and my blood' ? You have seen that he gave no place for the women, that they might help with them. (Mar- tha answered for Mary because he saw her laugh- ing: Mary said, 'I laughed not'). For he said to us, teaching, that the weak shall be liberated by the strong." 27. Cephas said, " Some say it becomes the women to pray standing, and that they should not cast themselves down upon the earth." 28. James said, "We shall be able to appoint women for a service, besides this service only, that they assist the indigent." 29. Philip said, " Brethren, concerning the gift, he who labours gathers for himself a good treasure ; Ke rriKAJTum irre ittAnocTo^soc. woya&o err Aiteq neTeuuoYT 2s.e it*q e^ovit jtovAgo eitAfteq eqea)ov+ rr*q e<&0Yrr it- i'JUieTOYpo «T6 itic|>HOYi certAonq rcovep- Y&mic jut4> ,r t" eqmum kKo7\ ty* erteg. 2\. nex*q itxe neTpoc xe rticitHOY itoY- egoYci* noyaj aw fte kata oyaw avkh a?\- 2\a xttypHi" eTAYOYAgcAgm rfAit e&o?\gi- Teit HOC. ^^go epurrerr eepeTeTertApeg emerr- TO^sH ItT6 eit <|>p*rf .unerfOD ihc n^QC «|>ai eTecJnjuq ne niouoY «ja erreg AJutnrt. Aqxuux eRo?\ itxe jtxcjujia itgoYiT eRoTs- ^eit rriKAitum itxe iterfio^t" itAnocTo^oc 6T- 4*eit new xix it ak^shjuihc oYog itaoq ne nxoux*. JutiUAg 5 £>ert oYgipwtn Jt*ert typAft iH-epiAC ee. nixauju xuutAg E eB.o?\^6it rtiKArtum rtTe rtemcrf rtAnocTo^\oc eT^ert rtertxix rt- akSshjuihc rreoq ne nixuuju juuuu\g r. ee&e meniCKonoc. 2\*. evex^po^orfirr juinieniCKonoc k*ta nic*xi eT*rtxoq rtujopn eAYCcrrnq eRo?\- £>ert niAAHuj THpq eqoi 2^.6 vt&rrito&i n*J AYcy^N^-pert neqp*rt oYog itAYepAitAY epe niTs^oc THpq eovHT rtejut rtoYepaoY gi oy- con OYog mnpec&YT-epoc rteju mXiAKuurtoc ^err niegooY rt+KYpiAKH epe meniCKonoc THpOY eY+AJtM" OYOg ftTOYX* ftOYXlX 6g- pHi exujq rtinpec&YTepoc guuoY eYOgi ep<*>- toy ^ert oYcejmni OYog itaauoY THpoY cy- X^P^oy gi oycoh OYog rtceu#\H?\ ifeert noYgtrr eepe nmrt* eeoY*R i egpm exouq oYog c|>He r reJuncxj^ e&o?\opA e^oYft epoq 4>*i ^.e ^qcxjeff^caj irTeqxix exert +npoc- opA ffejm rtinpecRYxepoc ju*peqxoc rtoY- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 32 In the name of God the Most Holy. The Second Book of the Canons of our Fathers the Apostles, by the hands of Clemens, which is the Third Book. Concerning Bishops. 31. A Bishop shall be ordained according to the word that we before said, who hath been chosen by all the people, and is blameless. This one, when his name has been named and they have agreed, all the people shall assemble together, and the Presbyters and Deacons, on the Lord's-day, all the Bishops con- senting ; and the Bishops shall lay their hands on him, and the Presbyters standing quietly, and they all being silent together, they shall pray in their heart that the Holy Spirit may descend upon him. And he who is worthy out of the Bishops, every one stand- ing, putteth his hand upon him whom they have made a Bishop, praying over him.* And when he is made a Bishop let all give the salutation of peace to him, saluting him with the mouth. And let the Deacons present the Holy Communion to him. And he, when he has put his hand upon the Eucharist with the Presbyters, let him say the thanksgiving, " The Lord be with you all." Let all the people say, tt And with thy spirit." He shall say, " Lift up your hearts." The people shall say, " We are • According to the first Apostolical Canon, with two others. c 2\r ftiKANum iWe tnkuoc^roTsoc. ^O^piCTiA. ze o ice xxtcr* riANTum HAAturr* uu\pe m?\*oc THpq xoc xe JUte r r* r ro nrc*- toc coy eqexoc xe ktta) Yutuurf t*c K^p- 2j*c rrre n?\*oc xoc xe 6YX^ )AAeft "P oc nrott Kr? eqexoc ore xe eYX*P* crrHCU)1 -* err Tore KYpiorr eqexoc rtxe rttsAoc THpq xe *giow K6 ^LiKeort oYog jm*pequ#\H?\ xinop* eeoYAJi. ee&e itinpecfiYTepoc. 5o5. epe nienicKonoc Xe itAxipo^orurf jui- nmpecKYTepoc eqit^x* rteqxix exert Teq- A.c|>e epe rtinpec&YTepoc THpoY 6og epoq OYOg jm*pequ#sH?\ exuuq kata ncjutoT e- TAftxoq eeKe nienicKonoc. ee&e iti^iAKumoc. 2\f. epe nienicKonoc Xe ffAKAeicTA jtoy- XiAicumoc e^Yconrnq katta itHeT Arttyopn xcooy epe nienicKonoc rt^x* rreqxix egpni exuuq. ee&e oy Xe Aitxoc xe nienicKonoc juuhay- Arrq neTrcATr*?se rteqxix exert niXi*Kumoc oaj Te nrkrrik Jtinguuii xe eYrfAx*P°^ OItlrr * Sahidic YAAUUrf. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 34 praying to the Lord." He shall say again, " Let us give thanks to the Lord." All the people shall say, " (He is) worthy and just." And let him pray thus, saying the (prayers) following these, according to the form* of the Holy Communion. Of Presbyters. 32. And (when) the Bishop shall ordain a Pres- *"*• ' byter he shall put his hands on his head, all the Presbyters shall touch him. And let him pray over him, according to the form which we have spoken of concerning the Bishops. Of Deacons. 33. And the Bishop shall appoint a Deacon who hath been chosen according to those things which we have before stated: the Bishop shall lay his hands on him. And why we have said that the Bishop alone shall put his hands on the Deacon, this is the cause of the thing ; because he shall not be ordained for Sahidic nCCJUffT", the custom. c2 u 2\i rriKAJtum JtTe itiAJiocTctfsoc. xmoq *rt goyjuigtoyhBl a?£\a. GYgmGpGTHc ixnieniCKonoc eepeqipi mtHGT GqrtAOYAg- cAgiti juumcjuov it*q OY2ie GYitAKAeiCTA jui- jutoq Ait eepeqtyouni itCYAJiRo?\uun ijinik^H- poc THpq a2\?\a. eepeqqi JLic|>pujoYtg mtHGT- tyumi oYog GqGTvuutG nieniCKonoc epauoY oy2lg GYitAKAeiCTA JiitAJtoq Ait eepeq^Tf Jti- nmitX rf+Jui6 , Triicy'i- <|><*j gt epe rttnpecRY- Tepoc (Hnrq a?\?\a eepeqtyumi itAgioc eepe nieniCKonoc jtictgyg it*q gnhgt-ccajg goRg aj nieniCKonoc juuuiAYArrq ncTTtA^ 1 ? ^ 0- it lit JLtni2Li^Kuunoc. nmpGcKYTGpoc 2±e cpc nieniCKonoc itA^i- po^omit JLiJUtoq NC6X* *** cxuuq xg jtai ff*q- rr AGty K^eicTW Ait nk?\Hpoc GcxjAqcc^pAri^m JLininp6cB.YTGpoc AJtuiAYArrq cpc niGniCKO- noc itA^'po^ONiit JutAxoq. 6eR6 ItlOUO^OFITHC. 2\X. nioJuoTvoriTHC 2lg icxg GT^qcyouni £>Glt gAltJUOp GeB.6 c|>p^lt JlinOC ItltOYX* XIX GXCJUq GeB.6 OY^IAKOItlA 16 OYAJtGTnpGC- B.YT6pOC OYOftTAq Y&p JUtJUAY fTTTIJUlH Jtt- JUGTnpGcELYTGpoc giTGrt TGqouio^oFiA G- tguun ^.6 GYitAK^eiCTA juumoq rroYGniCKonoc GYlt A^A XIX GXUUq ICXG OYOJmo^sOTITHC ^6 THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 36 the Priesthood, but for the service* of the Bishop, that he may do those things which he shall com- mand him. Neither shall he be appointed that he may be of the counsel of all the Clergy, but that he may take care of the sick, and he shall make them known to the Bishop. Neither shall he be appointed that he may receive the spirit of greatness which the Presbyters shall receive', but that he may be worthy, that the Bishop may be- lieve him in those things which it behoves him. On this account the Bishop alone shall ordain the Deacon. But the Bishop shall ordain the Presbyter. He shall put the hand on him, because that same spirit cometh upon him, for the Presbyter only receiveth it ; he has not power to give it to the Clergy ; therefore he will not be able to appoint the Clergy. The Presbyter is sealed only ;f the Bishop shall ordain him. Of Confessors. 34. But the Confessor, if he has been in bonds for the name of the Lord, they shall not lay hands on him for a service or Priesthood, for he hath the honour of Priesthood by his confession. But if they will appoint him for a Bishop they shall lay hands on him. But if he is a Confessor, he shall not have been taken in before the authorities ; neither shall * Arab. &*£&-, the service. Sahidic gYnEDGCIA., service. t Possibly the practice of the Coptic Church may explain this expression. 2\^ rriKAJtum rrre tnknocnro^oc. ne jLinoYtfrrq e^}OYff ftAgperr megoYci<\ oy- 2s.e JutnoYKO?\*cic juumoq £>err gArmop oY^e JutnoYginrq e^oYft eniu^reKo oY^e juutoyka- TAkpiitm Jiiuuioq ^eit g?si trrk^iKtk &2\?\A k«vt<\ oyxcju GAYtyocyq JUumAYA-Tq exerr c|>p*ff jutnertoc oYog, ayko^acic juumoq eit oyc- uo7s.h eqeYX*P* cr *"°Y jlic|>^- *?\?\,\ katta t> ^toim JutmoYeir oYJUteTgi- Kerc oYiuteTopeo^ogoc. ee&e niA.rf^rrfcxjcTHc. 2\e. niArf^rrfcjucTHC eYft^K^eicTA juumoq epe nienicKonoc tttcj- jutnxuujut JuiniAnocrro- ?\oc rr<\q rt*quj?\H?\ egpm exouq mteq^A xnc exuuq. eeRe nigYno2LiAKum. 5mv. rrrroYX^ *12C exert gYno2sJAKum <\?s- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 38 he have been punished with bonds ; neither shall he have been cast into prison ; neither shall he have been condemned in any injustice. But ac- cording to the word, because he has been reviled alone for the name of our Lord, and has been punished with punishment in a house, and hath confessed, he is worthy of every sacerdotal office from them, they shall lay hands on him. And the Bishop shall give thanks according to those words which we have before spoken.* Truly it is neces- sary for him that he should make known these same words which we before have spoken, that he may meditate upon them diligently, giving thanks to God. But every one shall pray according to his ability ; but if he is able to pray suitably, and the prayer acceptable, it is good. But if, when he again prays, he sends forth a prayer in (a cer- tain) measure, no one forbidding him, let him only f pray entirely in a right faith. + Of the Reader. 35. The Reader shall be appointed. The Bishop shall give him the Book of the Apostles, (and) shall pray over him, (but) he shall not lay his hand upon him. Of the Sub-Deacon. 36. They shall not lay hands on a Sub-deacon, * See under the head " Of Bishops." Arabic U*>, at once. X Arabic pAit Gujuun 2s.g k necg^t juloy *>^^err OYmurf rrcHOY jm^poYKAeicr^ juumoc Gujum 2^.6 jlutgcuuck ic^ert necg^i ajloy JuuiGpnic- tgyg nac a?\?\a ecyuun ^cep^e^s^co aaa- poY^OKiJuu^m juijuioc giTerr ni^portoc no?\- ?\akic r*p u^^pe nin^eoc guu oY6p^>e?\^o rtGJUt ncTttA^* aaa rcuuoY rr^HTq. JUAYATq rccGJUopc e^>0Yrr nejm nKeceni Jt- rtoYX* aa* gxuuc gKo^\ xg rfnGCTA^G npoc- OpA Aft GgpHI OY2l6 Jtrr6C?\ITOYpriA *!*+- ^ipo^omA 2i6 ty^ct^uuni rtGJui niic?\Hpoc goRg rriTOYpriA. +x H P* ^ 6 8^° gujayka.- 0ICTA MAAOC 60B.G mup\H?\ c|>AI 2^6 c]>A OY- ormi&Grt ne, go&g mnApeGrfoc. 2\h. ititoYx* *** G2t6it nApeGrroc a2\2\a TGCnpogAipGCICI JUUHAYATC TG TGCipi JLl- juoc JuuiApecrtoc. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 40 but he shall be named, that he may follow the Deacons. Of Widows. 37. But when a Widow is appointed, she shall not be ordained, but she shall be chosen by name ; and if her husband hath been dead for a long time, let her be appointed. But if she has not delayed from the death of her husband believe her not. But if she has become old let her be proved for a time ; for often even the passion grows old, and will have place in them. Let a Widow be appointed by word only. She shall be united with the rest. They shall not lay hands on her, because she shall not put on* the Eucharist, neither shall she perform public service. But imposition of hands shall be with the Clergy for the Ministry. But the Widow is appointed for prayer, and that is of all. Of Virgins. 38. They shall not lay hands on a Virgin, for it is her choice f alone that makes her a virgin. * Arab. Jv*»- D, not carry. f Sahidic TeCgAJpeCIC, her choice, will; but the Arabic is {^jfyu, her secret, mystery. aa<\ ffiKArtourf irre it iknocro'hoc. eeRe mgAAOT nTA.?\66. 2ve. epety*it oyai 2.e xoc xe AI6T it g*rt g- aaot iW^tfo giTeft OY6cb?\n eRo?\ JtrroY^x;* xix exouq itaoq r*p nguuR it^oYOitgq eRo?\ etyuun eqxe AAeeAAHi. eeRe mpuuAAi JutRepi ffAJ eTft Arf-AAnoYOYoi e^xmt 6 r rnic r ric. St. ffHeT OYrfA.ertTOY 2l6 e^oYff g'ttuct-ic jttRepi ecurreAA enc<\xi AAApoYemroY e^>0Yff itujopn epa/roY ffffipeq+cKoj AAnA.Te n?\*oc i e^oYit oYog itcetynti itc*. r rA r riA. AAngaiR xe eeRe oy itgc/jR AY+JLtnoYOYoi e^oYft e r rnic r ric oYog AA^poYepAAeepe ^ApuuoY k- xe it hgt AYertTOY g^oyw xe erte oYortujxoAA AAAACJUOY eCCJUTeAA enC<\XI AA^pOY^yiftl 2.6 rtc* noYRioc xe oy*uj AAAAHim ne le xe oy- OrfTA.q CglAAl JLIAAAY 16 X6 OYRuUK H6 NTC oyhictoc 0Y03 itT6 neqac k c|>*i eqp*itAq AA^peqctoTeAA Apecxj^atufreAA neqro epAAee- pe £><*.poq xe itAfteq AAApoYitoxq eRo?\ e- ujuun oYeerfiKOC ne neqou eYei-cRu) ff<\q eepeqep*it?\*cc|>yaaia cxjuuni etycjun 2.6 *quj*rf oyitojmoc ie eq^H krfOJmoc etyuun ^.e Aqcy^rr oyai OY^eJutuurt rteJUiAq rciteqcurrejut encAXi Jt^cRou tyArfreqTOYiio. ee&e nuoriH rreju mnicTnutH. eYit^tyim 2l6 rcc* rtuone rteui mg&HOYi jtrfHeTOYrr^ertTOY e^oYrr 6kaoicta juuuou- OY X6 gAITOY It 6. etyuun Apetya.it oyai oYnoprroRocKoc gtg oYpeqcAAftty ne rfgoc ne JutApoY+c&uu ituuoY ec^TejmepoYe^iuie i2iu)?\orf JuapoY- 7\0 ie lAApoYgiTOY e£.o?\. etycjun coyaj oYeeArrpiKoc ie rreoq ety^qep oYnY^Hgic ^eit nieYJ&pon jm*peq?\o ie jmapoYgiTq e&o?\ icxe eq'TcaJio itrriKOYXi ruMtec jmeit eopeq^so etyoun jmeitTAq tc^nm jlijuiay sn&povxw NAq e&oK oYerro^oc uuaajoc eq^rcjuitiEjirr oYog eq- ujertAq eniAFuuit jmApeq2\o ie JUtApoYgiTq * Sahidic A.7\7\A H , but either THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 44 cording to the law. But if one has a demon, let him not hear the word of teaching until he has been purified. Of Actions and Works.* 41. They shall inquire after the actions and works of those who shall be brought in, what they are, that they may appoint them. If one has been a bawd, who is a supporter of prostitutes f, let him cease, or let him be re- jected. But if one is a maker of shrines, or a painter J (of idols), let such be taught that they should not make idols. Let them cease, or let them be cast out. If one is pleased with theatrical shows, or he has been an announcer || in the theatre, let him cease, or let him be cast out. If he teach the young (in heathen principles), it is good that he should cease. If he has not a trade let him be forgiven. Likewise, he who is guilty of contending, and goes into the contest, let him cease, or let him be Arab. JUc-Jl^ Jl*3M actions and works. t The Arabic is *lijji J &*£jt Li^o^, an effeminate ivretch, desiring to live in fornication. t The Arabic is^-oc, a painter, or sculptor. II The Arabic is .^sr^^ij! _i y& jll jy***, one who is conspicuous, or he who is a teller of news, or an an- nouncer in a celebrated place. e&o?\ oy<*j eqoi XM.xxottoxjL^x oc le weoq eq r r- CA.Ko itgAffJUtorfOAJiA^oc Gjmityi le kywhkoc eq £>err nKYitHKioit ie oy2ujuujucioc eq ^err flAJtOltOJUUS^ 10 ™ AA^pOY?\0 IC JUtApOYglTOY e£o*. oyai eqoi itoyoyhB. i?rfii2aju?\orf le itaoq ovpeqApeg emi^uj^sorf uuxpoY?\o ie JU*poY- glTOY g&o?\. OYJmgn oYegoYciA ixnepepeq- ^(jutcB. rfpcuuii eYujporurr Jutc^i". oYnoprrn le oYpuujmi jtujita ie oy*i e*q- cy^rrq eRo?\ ie Jteoq Ke oyai e*qep KegcjuB. eTctye *ff e^oq JUApoYgiTOY e£.o?\ cetfa^beju r*p oy2s.c rfcerc^eit sjlatoc ait e+kpHcic. i|>peqinoYi- ie n^CTpoTsOTOC ie npeqcxjim THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 40 cast out. One who is a gladiator, or he who teaches gladiators to fight, or a hunter in the chase, or a public servant in the gladiatorium, let them cease, or let them be cast out. One who is a priest of the idols, or he who is a keeper of the idols, let them cease, or let them be cast out. A soldier who is in authority, let him not kill a man ; or if he is commanded, let him not hasten to the act; neither let him swear. But if he is not willing (to observe these commands), let him be rejected. One who has authority over the sword % or a ruler of a city, clothed in purple, let him cease, or let him be rejected. A catechumen, or a faithful person, if they have desired to be soldiers, let them be rejected, because they have despised God. A harlot f, or luxurious man, or one who has been cut off, or he who has done any other thing which it is not becoming to mention, let them be rejected, for they are impure : neither shall they bring a magician to the judgment. An enchanter, or an astrologer, or a diviner or Arab. I—SLA** ^c laL*^, a governor over the sword. t Arab. Y- ^icrHpiorr ui*poY?so ie JutApoYgiTOY cRo?\. 0YnA.7s7sA.KH irre oyaj icxe 2s.e 'tRcjuki tg ecyuin AA€ft ^cujajtuj rmecujHpi oYog ec^n rr*q jutiutAYATq jm*peccurrejm eujuun *q- tyA.rf JutJUtort JUApoYgiTC eRoTs. oYpuuimi eoYorfTTAq oyhaTsTs^kh jl*juu\y jm^peqTso OYog juuxpeqtficguui krto- ajioc ecyain Xe equjxeJmoYujey JUi*poYgiTq eRoTs. Arrort 2s.e 1C3C6 t^itx* Ke S^ 1 rf&uu& ecj>^- goY mg&HOYi rr Of THE TIME FOR THOSE HEARING THE WORD, AFTER THE ACTIONS AND WORKS. 42. Let the catechumens be three years hearing the word ; but if one hath been diligent, and perse- veres well in the work, the time shall not decide, but the application f alone shall entirely decide it. Of the Praying of those hearing the Word. 43. When the teacher has ceased exhorting J, let Arab. *^so, cut themselves. t Arab. ^«, qualities. + Arab, lacjll , the exhortation, sermon. d uie itiKAxruiit ftTe itiAnocTrctfsoc. K^eHKiit JitApe ftiKA.eHxoYJmerfoc uj^h?\*>*- pi ^ApcXJOY €Yc|>OjpX eRo?\ tiBSiX niCTOC oy- og jm*pe rugiojui ogi epanroY cyu#\h?\ ^ert qyaa* ^erc "i-eKic^HciA. ^Api ^ApuuoY xit- JUUIT JUtAAOJOY IT6 fflglOJUtl JUUTICTOC ixe ffl- giojuti itKAn-HxoYiuierfoc eYty- pOYgeRc JtXCUOY ai. eeRe n^A. xix: exert mKArraxoYJuierfoc. 55;. epety^rr neT^-cRou JuteitertcA mu#sH?\ X* ^*2£ exerr rfiKArrHxoYJmeitoc ju*peqL&£jl, the testimony, martyrdom. d2 ft* rtiK^ffuurf rrre it i&jiqctoTsoc. rrxorrc r!rce*)oe&eq juut^oj g&o?\ rmeqrto&i CGrt^euwuoq &c\6f RAnTicjut* r*p ^erc neq- crtoq juuuuit Jtumoq. go&g rrH6Trf*6t RajixicjuiA. lie. Gcyum 2s.e <\Y<^*rfccnnn rmHeTeHcy G(Tf R^nTicjuiA. GAY-txTr^GT" gjtoy&ioc xg Gfte AYuurt£> ^n oYJUGTcejuitoc gyoi rfK0Yft epjmeepe £}*pa)OY xg AYipi jutn^tpiH" ju^poYcuuTeJui emeYArve^siort ^>ert cl>rtAY 2S.6 6TOYrr*cJ>opxoY e&o?\ sjl&- poYx^ *** 6XOJOY i*>erf niegooY gtgjuuuiay GYGgopn^m juijuujuoy. epecyajt niegooY 2^6 dbcjurrr g^oyn gt OYrr^R^nTicjui* juijuujuoy ff£>HTq xi^pe jtig- niCKonoc egopn^m juutioy*! jtioy6rt oYnicnc eKo^s xg jutjuiorfujxojui eepe nicyGJUUuto g,uun erreg juu*.- pOY+cRaJ ^.G rffTHGT-OHaj G&a.nTlCJUi* 60- pOYXUJKGJUL OYOg rfCGOYff e&H?s e<|>4M JUUULAYoYft ee&e i~eYX*pic- ttia neTccye r*p ne Juu^Hex *qejmnuj<\ eepeqert Teqnpocc^op* e^oYW jt+oYftoY. ee&e "f-nApaAocic jutR^nTicjuiA eeoYAR. Hsv. juttyitAY 2^e eepe niaSseKToup rroYft e^- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 51 Let those who shall receive baptism fast on the preparation of the sabbath. But the sabbath when those who shall receive baptism have been gathered together in one place, by the advice of the Bishop, let them all be commanded to pray, and to kneel*; and when he has laid his hand upon them, let him exorcise every strange spirit to flee from them, and not to return into them from that time. And when he has finished exorcising, let him breathe on them; and when he has sealed their foreheads, and their ears, and the opening of their mouths f, let him raise them up ; and let them watch all the night, reading to them, and exhorting them. And let those who shall receive baptism not receive any thing within them, but that alone which each one shall bring in for the thanksgiving; for it is be- coming him who is worthy, that he should bring in his offering immediately. Of the Institution J of Holy Baptism. 46. And at the time of the crowing of the cock let them first pray over the water. Let the water be drawn into the font, or flowing into it. And let * Literally, to bend their knees. f Coptic, their nose; but probably the word ffOY£9A.I was preceded by some such word as <£} A. , beneath their nose, which has been omitted by copyists. + Arab, iu^sy precept. rte rfiKAitam rfT6 rtiAnocrro^oc. KO^sYJuiRHepA 16 eq^A^f eRo?\ gixuuq jua- peqcyumx 2^e JuinAfpirt" icxe juumoit g?\i itAffA.rKH juuhay ecxjuun 2^6 oxkit&YKH ne AAApOYXUJcy ^6ff +KO?sYJUlRH0p^ JLUTIJUKJUOY eTOYrfAxeJuq OYOg Jut^poYRocyoY OYOg rr- TeTerfeptyopn JutR^nTicjui^ miiKOYXi oYOft ^.6 mRerf gtg oYorcujXOJLA juuucjuoy ec^xi ^^pcjuoY Jm^poYCAXi rrn ^.e gtg juuuortuj- xoju juuuujoy ecA^i jm*pe noYicrt" caxi <*>*- PCXJOY 16 K6 OYAI 6qHn &.e ^.6 mgicmi e<\Y&e?\ rroYquji eRo^ THpOY OYOg 6Y50UJ 6^>pHI fffflKOCJUHCIC rt- rtoY& gi g 'c r riA rrreqtfT on nice rteg eqegopn^m egpm excuq eqejmoY^t" epoq xe nrreg juinigopncjuioc. OYOg epe oY^!<\Kuuftoe q«M iJ>A mteg jut- nigopncuioc rfTeqogi ep^rrq rrcA t-xaGh jutninpec&YTepoc rrre Ke2uy , vest, garment. ijumoK ncvTAit^c itejui nGKujGJuicyi THpq rtejui ITGKg&HOY! THpoY OYOg AqcyA.rf^cju?\ ititA.1 XHpov gRo?s uiApeqeAgcq xtrrrfeg juinigop- ncjuoc Gqxuujtxjuioc xg JttApG nit* rr iRerr oygi caRo?\ juumoK oYog iwupiH" JUiApe nieniCKo- noc tfrrq cqRHuj le mnpGcRYTGpoc GTAgoq epArrq gixerr cJxuuuoy Gn&*nTicjui* cjujuumoc £.e JUApe m2sJ«\Kumoc ujg it6Juu\q e^pm gjti- juujuoy oYog jm^peqxoc rr^q eq+TOTq ee- peqxoc xe ^fr^g^" gcH" xjlsjlhi JuuiiAYArrq <|>iurr ninArrroKp<\rrujp iteui neqjutorroTeftHc rt^yHpi ihc n^c nerroc oYog nGitcurrHp rtGjm mnit* eeoYA.B. JtpeqTA.ff^>o "f-epi^c noyjuio- OYCIOC OYJUtGTOC ffOYUUT OYUteTTOYpO itOYCXJT OYlt Agi" rfOYUUTT OYUJUIC ffOYUJT ^6ff 'TKA- eo?\HKH itAnocTo^siKH ngkk^shciA gooyaR 6Ycuft^ caja erreg Axum . neTtft 2^6 gtoq jm^peq^oc kat* rrH6Tia)T *g Aqcp pajixi £}6ff OYujc|>Hpi Ge&HTGft 6ff Ju^piA i-nApoGitoc GeoYAfi. AtfffG cnepuu\ itpujjuu THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 58 thee, Satan, and all thy service, and all thy works." And when he has renounced all these, let him £^,/// anoint him with the oil of exorcism, saying, "Let ^fh V every spirit depart from thee." And let the Bishop or the Presbyter receive him thus unclothed, to place him in the water of baptism. Also let the Deacon go with him into the water, and let him say to him, helping him that he may say, " I be- lieve in the only true God, the Father Almighty, and in His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, and in the Holy Spirit, the quickener*; the Trinity f, of the same essence ; one Sovereignty, one Kingdom, one Faith, one Baptism ; and in the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, and in the life everlasting. Amen." And let him who receives (baptism) repeat after all these, " I believe thus." And he who bestows it shall lay his hand upon the head of him who re- ceives, dipping him three times, confessing these things each time. And afterwards let him say again, " Dost thou believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God the Father ; that he became man in a wonderful manner for us, in an incompre- hensible unity, by his Holy Spirit, of Mary the Holy Virgin, without the seed of man ; and that he * Arab, ^^s 4 ^', the reviver, the giver of life. f Arab. cL^lUJl, the Trinity. rte ruKajtuuit ittg rfi<\nocTo?\oc. OYOg 2£e AYCTAvpoitm JLtJuioq <*>*port ftAg- pert norrrioc ni?\Arroc <\qjuioY i£>6ir nGTGg- it*q ^}* nenoYX^i gi oycojt AqTuurtq ?\ g&o?\ rmHGTJUiHp ^qujert *q encyuui erfic|>HOYi Aqgcuici caoyi- rt^jut JutneqiouT n ataooc ^err rrHGTtfoci oy- og qrtHOY orr e+g^n GftHGTorf^ ftGJi*. rtHGe- juujuoyt kata neqoYourfg g&o?\ ftGJUt Teqjuie- TOYpO. OYOg icrf*g+ entmtX gooyaBl rfA^wooc OYOg rrpeqT^rf^o gttoy&o JLtrrrHpq ^err TeKKtsHcik eeoY^R. n*2\m orr jui^peqxoc xe i~rfAgi~ OYOg XAApoYtyerf^q Ggpm eRo?\g>erf juu)oy OYOg itTreqe^gcq rrxe ninpec&YTepoc £>eit oYneg ittg "tgyx^P'c^" 1 ^ eqxoc 2:6 ^-euugc juljuqk riroYecjugc £>ert oYitcg 6qoY6ft cj>p^rt mm; nxc n^ipH+ nKeceni jtioyai jtioy*i *qe*gcoY OYOg Gq+giurroY n^ipHi" hkg- ceni OYOg iui^poYcye e^ovrt g^ckk^hciA. JUtApe nieniCKonoc x* Treqxix gxcjuoy £>6ft OYtfiujtyuuoY eq5touijiJUioc xe uod c]^ kahta.- c|>pH+ GTAKope rtAi epneJutncxjA rrTOYtfT jii- jt^uj eRo^s rfTe rroYrcoRi eniGffGg g&ithoy ApiTOY rfGJUinujA GAX^goY GRo?\^>6rf nGKnrtA GOOYAJEl OYOg OYUUpn G^>pHI 6XCJUOY JUtJTGKg- JULOT gilt* rCTrOY^yGJUtcyHTK KATA HGKOYIJUUJ X6 cJxxjk JT6 niO)OY. c|>iurr ftGJUi ntyHpi rfGjm nirw* gooy^R THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 60 was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and died of his own will once for our redemption*, and rose on the third day, loosing the bonds (of death) : he ascended up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of his good Father on high, and he cometh again to judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom? And dost thou believe in the Holy good Spirit, and quickener, who wholly purifieth in the Holy Church ?" Let him again say, " I believe." And let them go up out of the water, and the Presbyter shall anoint him with the oil of thanksgiving, saying, " I anoint thee with holy anointing oil, in the name of Jesus Christ." Thus he shall anoint every one of the rest, and clothe them as the rest, and they shall enter into the Church. Let the Bishop lay his hand upon them with affection, saying, " Lord God, as thou hast made these worthy to receive the forgiveness of their sins in the coming world, make them worthy to be filled with thy Holy Spirit, and send .upon them thy grace, that they may serve thee according to thy Arab. li*c)L>», redemption. g<\ rriKAJtum rrre itiAnocTo?\oc. £>eit TeKK^sHci* eeoYAfi. ^rroY ftejut choy- ruRerf fiejm uja erteg itTre nierteg oYOg eq- xuuuj ijiniteg iH-eYX^piCT" 1 ^ cxeit Teqxix oYog eq^A TOTq exert Teq**l>e eqxcjujuuuioc xe "feujgc xtJutoK rtoYeuugc £>err oYiteg eqoYAR giTert cj^ 4> |a)rr ninAitTOKpAnrcup rrejm ihc nxc rrejui nimtX eeoY*&. oYog eqe- cc^pAri^m exeit TeqTegrte eq+c^i epcuq oYog eqexoc xe noc rtejm^K nTeqepoYci) rirxe 4>H6T oY6pccJ>p^ori^m juuutoq xe kc aaata toy nitAroc coy nAiptrf eYipi itxe moYAi nioY^i fteju nKcceni OYOg JutApe n?\Aoc THpq cxj^h^s gi oYcon oYog 6Y6cyuuni itxe ff<*J CTOYtfT &eff pcXJOY. ut*pe iti^iAKuuitoc en "J-npoc<|>op<\ xtnie- mcKonoc OYog itaoq equjengjmoT exert oy- cjuik eeRe xe ncjutoT JtTCApg jun*£c ftem oyac^ot itHpn xe itooq ne ncrroq Jutn^c eTOYffAc|>orfq exert OYOftmRert eertAgi - epoq OYog oYepuu^- itejut oycRiu) cyoht shxiit- juog rfitiuuuj frre niioi" xe Aqxoc xe "f-jtArt" ftuuTert itoYKAgi eq^Arf itoYepuu^t" gi e&icii e*i Te +c^pg JtTe n^c eTAqTHic rr Aft ee- poYtyAffcy eKoTs Jt<*>HTC Jutc^pH^f Jtg^rtA- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 62 will, for thine is the glory. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Church, now and always, and for ever and ever." And he shall pour of the oil of thanksgiving in his hand, and put his hand upon his head, saying, "I anoint thee with the holy anointing oil, from God the Father Almighty, and Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit." And he shall seal upon his forehead, saluting him. And he shall say, "The Lord be with thee." He who hath been sealed shall answer, " And with thy spirit." Each one doing thus with the remaining. And let all the people pray together. And all those who receive baptism shall be praying: let them say peace with their mouths. Let the Deacons bring the Eucharist to the Bishop, and he shall give thanks over the bread, because of the similitude of the flesh * of Christ, and over the cup of wine, because it is (the similitude of) the blood of Christ, which was poured out for every one who believeth on him: and milk and honey mixed, for the fulfilling the promises to the Fathers, because he hath said, « I will give you a land flowing with milk and honey." This is the flesh f of Christ, which was given for us, that those who believe on him should be nourished by it as infants ; that bitterness of heart may be dissipated by the * Arab. tW>. , the body. f Arab. - , the body. gv rfiK^wum m~6 rfiHeeit^tfT' R<\nTicjmA. eu^cxm «\pecyecy ncjuiK ju^peq^ rfOY?\err oYeYT^gi* itce^ N V \ ffuuoY juncrroq Jmn^c ihc nercois oYog nie- purj- rteAJt nieRiaj juu^peqxoc itace c|>H6Ti" JutninoTHpiort xe c|>' r J- oYog enoTsiTeYift ^ert oYcuuoYTert eqcpoqT e+eick^HCi* eqipi rmHGT *q'TC*Ro epuuoY eqnpoKonTirr ^err ejuieTpequjeJUiuje ffOYi". ffop<\ eeoY*&. em^H ayoyo) eYK^eHKirc juumurrert eeRe nTcjuoYff nn-c^pg rfejm ffiKex^oYm THpoY KATT*c|>pH'i- CTC^HOYT. eujum 2^e oYorr kg gtxjR eTcuje eTAOYoq THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 64 sweetness of the word. All these things the Bishop shall discourse to those who shall receive baptism. And when the Bishop has now divided the bread, let him give a portion to each one of them, saying, " This is the bread of heaven, the body of Christ Jesus." Let him who receives it answer, "Amen." And if there are not more Presbyters there, let the Deacons take the cup, and they shall stand in order, that they may give them the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord, and the milk, and the honey. Let him who giveth the cup say, " This is the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord;" and* he who receives it again shall answer, "Amen." And when these things have been done, let every one hasten to do all good things, and to please God, and to take care to live in integrity, being diligent in the Church, doing those things which they have been taught, proceedings in the service of God. But these things have been delivered to you briefly, with regard to the Holy Baptism and the Holy Eucharist. And since they have ceased instructing you con- cerning the resurrection of the flesh and all the remaining things, as written. And if there is any other thing which it becomes Arab, j , and. ' Arab. Ixoti , increasing, e ge rriKAjtuuff itTG ffiAnocTo?\oc. jmApe niemcKonoc xoq GrfHGerfAtff RAirric- aaa £>6ft oyujpuhc xinepepe ffAmcToc 2lg 6Ajii gRh?\ GTft Atft Ratti-ioua rrcyopn eoc rlroYiuRcy gta luuAjtitHC xoc xe oy- oit OYpAft jutRcpi ch<*> epoc juuuort g?u cuu- OYff JLIJUIOC 6JBlH?\ GcJ>HGeff &.Gt IT+'vJ/YC^OC. GORg ^-ffHCT-IA. *JL%- fflXHpA rfGAl Itm^peGffOC JUlApOYGp- rfHCTGYHt JtOYJUlHC9 ItCOJI OYOg JUt*pOYUj?\H?\ ^Gff ^-GKK^HCIA rfinpGCRYTGpOC UUAAIOC rfGJU ffl?\AIKOC JUti|>ftAY GTOYOYUUcy JUApOY- 6prfHc r T6Ym juuuorrtljxojui 2lg JutniGnicKonoc GprfHGTGYIff GRH?\ GJIIGgOOY GTG ITI?\<\X)C THpq ftAGprfHCT-GYIff CffAtyuum Y&p OYOff OYAI OYUJUJ G6T Jtg^sl G+GlckSsHCIA OYOg JUl- jmorfjxjxm*. Jitjuioq GepcqAprr* Aqtxjuuty ^.g juutiuuik nAfrruuc qrtAXGJurf-ni xjltuudik GqoYcujm Xg juumoq ngx*. gArcKG^ajoYm jui- iiictoc nGJU*q JUApoYtfi 6Ro?\^6rf "rxix ixniGnicKonoc r!roYk?\ACJUiA mjuiK rroYouT jut- HATTG niOY*! ITIOYAI 4>eey jW)IK GTgApoq OYCAAOY Y&p JT6 J1AJ OYOg rfOYGY^ApiCTlA AIT T6 JLttypH'l" JUtnCCXJAAA Jiitnoc. goRg nm ay rfOYouui. US. oYoit 2lg mRGff jlujtatoycu) nGTctyc GpiJUOY JTG GOpOYtfT ffOYA<|>OT rfCGGYX^P^- TOY GgpHI GXOJq ffCGCU) OYOg ffCGOYOUAA GY- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 66 us to make known, let the Bishop declare it dili- gently to those who shall receive baptism. But let not the unbelieving know, but he who shall receive baptism first. This is the white stone* which John said hath a new name written on it, which no one knoweth but he who shall receive the stone. Of Fasting. 47. Let widows and virgins fast often, and let them pray in the church ; likewise the Presbyters and the laity, let them fast when they will. But the Bishop is not able to fast, except on the day that all the people shall fast. For it will be, that some one will wish to take something in the Church, and it is not possible for him to deny. And if he break the bread at all, he will taste the bread, and eat it, and the rest of the Faithful with him. Let them receive from the hand of the Bishop, a portion of the same bread, before each one shall divide the bread which is for him, for this is a blessing, and is not a thanksgiving like the body of the Lord. Op THE TIME OF EaTING. 48. It becomes every one before they drink to take the cup and give thanks over it, that they may drink and eat with purity. And thus let them Arabic J&, signet e 2 g^ itiKAxrum rrre ttiknoc*ro7\OC. xoy&hoyt JutnAjptrf rfiKA.eHxoYJuiercoc 2lg jn^povi" rrcjuoY jtoyuuik rfegopricuioc ngjui OY^c|>OT. go&g rsc jutnenrccge Aft ne eepe tnKtcrHX **- jmertoc oyujju itgaji rtmicToc. lie. junepepe rfiKArrH^oYJuerroc i e^ovrc £>err n^mrroit xjluoc weui oyjtictoc juu\pc 4>HeeoYujiLJi 2l6 epc|>Jui6Yi Juic^HGT-Aqe^gJuiGq katt* con mReit gyoyuujui eeRe c|>aj r*p irr^qcGncuunoY xe gygi e* TcqoY- egcuui. go&g 2ce ccx^e gyoyujjui £>6it oYenicTiJUiH rrejui oYGpuutyi. it. GTGTGitoYum Xg oYog GTGTGftcu) £\* xgk*c rireoq 6qGuj?\H?\ cepc nhg- eoY^fi. ujGit^q g^oyit ty*poq nGXAq r*p xg iWcjutgit jig nguioY xiniK^gi. Gcyuun AYujA.rr*t" rcuuTGrr rfgAftuiGpoc th- pOY gl OYCOn 6Krf*i kq, reason and contentment, or sufficiency, which I translate reason and moderation. f Arab. < jtiuo , in purity, modesty. %& itiKAJtum rtTe rfiAJiocrro^oc. cuuxn €ttHeeoY*& oYog eqp^uji £>eit neTe- Tentye e^oYrt <^jApoq. GYOYlJUJUl 2^6 Jtxe ffHeTAYeAgJUOY jm^poY- OYUUJl*. XG #\A ApeujAit nienicKonoc oYAgcAgm riroYAi eepeqcymi rod* oycaxi JUt^peqepoYU) ft Aq oYog Apeuj^ff nienicKonoc caxi ju<\pe oYoitrfiRerr x^P 000 *^ ^ err oY+geHq ty<\- TeqcyemroY oft etyum &e jutjutort enicxonoc juuuay a.7\7s^< g^rrnicToc juljuayatoy it- rfHGT £>eit mXinitoit juadoyGT cy?\ofia w- TOTq iutninpecRYTepoc eujuun eq juijuiay e^yuun £.e juumoxt ore JUApoYtff JtTOTq it0Y2sj- isxumoc uujuuuoc rrTe niKArrHxoYJmertoc tff JLUTIUUIK XlJllB^ppTlCXAOC til7\MKOC 6Y gl ffOY- epHOY JtoYecy jtk?\HpiKoc jm^poYOYajJut £>err oYeniCT-iuiH ni2\AiKoc &e JUJUtorrupcoJui jui- juoq 6+ gy?\ofia. eefte xe neTctye ne eoYum £>eff OYujen- gJUOT. itA. jtioyai 2s.e hioyai JutApoYOYum ^eit oYtyengJutoT ^eit pAit xttyir 4>ai FAp ne neTepnpem Jrrjuie r rpequjejuitye noy^ scexAc erretyumi THperr rmYiuicJ>m OYog epe meerroc XO& eport. ee&e n^mrroit mti^HpiA. FF5. etyoun ApetyAit oyai oYouty jyoychoy THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 70 holy, and he will rejoice in your entering in to him. And those who have been called shall surely eat, but let them eat in peace, and not contentiously. And if the Bishop should command any one to seek for a word, let him answer him. And if the Bishop has spoken, let every one be silent with attention, until he interrogates them again. And if a Bishop be not there, but the faithful alone are at the supper, let them receive the bless- ing from the Presbyter, if he be there ; but if he be not there 9 let them receive it from a Deacon. Likewise that the Catechumen receive the bread of exorcism. The laity being by themselves with- out a Clergyman, let them eat with moderation, but the layman cannot give the blessing. Because it is meet to eat with thanksgiving. 51. And let each one eat with thanksgiving, in the name of God, for this is proper for the servant of God, that we all should be watchful, and the Gen- tiles will emulate us. Of the supper to the Widows. 52. If any one desires for a time to call the oa itiKAJtum kte itiAnocTo^oc. ceAgGUi rn^Hp* oYortmfiLGrf gacgp<*>g?\?\uj juu^pGqTGJuuutuuoY rf^q^AY eRo?s JuinArre povgi tyumi oYog ecyum juumorrujxojut jui- juicjuoy eeE.6 nik?\Hpoc gtayk?\hpoy cpoq ei jut^peqi" rtuuoY JtOYHpn rrejui ovenx** goy- UJ3JL OYOg CGIt^OYUJAJl ^Gff HOYHI JUtC^pH^" GTOYOYOCAJC. eeRe rriK^pnoc eTctye enpoc Xhatkh jLtnieniCKonoc. ffr. jut^pc oYorfftiRerr cjto2lh gS? g^oyit jLtnienicKonoc nchoy itiReit rtikn&px** wtg rtiK^pnoc itujopn itreitHuiA. nienicKonoc 2^6 fta»q jm*peqtfrroY <*>git oy- ujengjmoT eqecimoY epcuoY eqorfuuju^ce jul- c|>p^it JLtc|>HGT ^qtfrroY it *q 6£>OYff Gqxum- JUIOC XG. TGfftyGngJUlOT itTOTTK HOT c|>+ OYOg TGItl- ttt it*K G^oYrr itnrkri*pxH witiicApnoc gtak- THITOY ftAJt GepGfftfT' gRo^MT^HTOY GAKXO- KOY GKo^glTGlt HGKCAXI OYOg AKOYAgCAgtt I JLtHKAgl GepGqTA.OYG KApJTOC ffl&Grt GgpHI GYffOqpi OYOg GYOYffOq flGJUl OYT-pOC^H JUU7- VGrroc rfitipumi rr6Jm mcouitT THpoY tgitc- JUIOY GpOK c|>+ GgpHl GXGff ItAI KGJUl fflKGX^)- OYffl THpOY GTAKGYGprGTIft XJLXJLOtt Jt^HTOY G*KKOCAJUIt JUUTCUUJTT THpq 4>6ft ItiKApnOC THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 72 widows, let him feed every one who is become old, and send them away before the evening comes. And if it be impossible for the Clergyman to whom they have ministered to come, let him give them wine, and something to eat, and they shall eat in their own house, as they will. Of the Fruits which are requisite for the necessity of the blshop. 53. Let every one hasten to take to the Bishop, at all times, the first fruit of the fruits,* and the first of the produce.f And the Bishop shall also receive them with thanksgiving, and J shall bless them, and name the name of him who brought them in to him, saying, We give thanks to thee, O Lord God, and we present to thee the first fruit of the fruits which thou hast given unto us, to partake of them, which thou hast perfected by thy word ; and thou hast commanded the earth to produce every fruit for use, and for gladness, and food for the race of men, and for all creation. We bless thee, O God, for these, and all other things by which thou hast benefitted us. Thou hast adorned all creation with the various fruits, through thy holy * Arab. i2j\jA$>\ j£j , the first ripe dates. T Arab. culaJl, of all kinds of grain. \ Arab. ^, and. or itiKAmxm itTe ruAJiocToSsoc. eYtyeRiuuoY gnreit neKtynpi eeoY<\& ihc n^cc neitoc. <|>aj 6X6 e&o^giTcrrq muuoY itak ffcu^q fteju mnn* eeoY*R ty* erreg Jtnre nierteg AJULHft. r T6Y?SOT'lA rrrfiKApnoc. itX. waj ite rriKApnoc eTOYffACJUioY epuuoY nn*?\o?\i niKerrre mepjuuMt nixuurr nmA.ni- 2uoit niscejuul^g mnepciKoit nucepAcioit m- AJULHK^A^IOft. jtitoYCJUtov Xe eni^suucxjc oYXe enieiuixu)?\ oY^e GmecyxHn oY2^e eninenuurr oY2^e em- jute?\uunenum OY^e enityuuciblie OYXe uKeg?\i ^>erf m^A^rroir. Git^cgajm 2^e eepoYepnpocc|>epm ffgAft- Arreoc Jut^poYtTf itoYHpT e^>oYrf rfejm nikpi- rrorr rfiKG^ouoYiti 2ie xmepepoYtfrroY e£>oYft eit^** 2^ e itiReit GTOYitAOYOJmoY eYetyeng- jutcrr rfTOTq aacH- oYog rrcexejurfni jul- JUtUJOY GYG+UUOY IT Aq. ee&e xe JuineTctye an ne eepe g?u rlrpuujuti 6t g?\i ^>6ff m nAC^c*. £>*xerr +oYrroY eTcuje eoYum re *>ht"c. Fee. ffcertA.en ^-ffHCTiA. Art enAJ jutnAiptrt" *quj*rrep2\*RgH d^A^err nrr ay GTenxujK ne rrfrmcrriA a3\2\a> etyuun A>qujA.rf oyaj eq- ujumi ne juumortdixojui juumoq eepffHCTeYirr iixnegooY 5 JUApeqeprfHCTeYirr JuinegooY xjl- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 74 Son Jesus Christ our Lord. The glory which is by him, be to thee, and him, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. The Blessing of the Fruits. 54. These are the fruits which shall be blessed ; the vine, the fig, the pomgranate, the olive, the prune, the apple, the peach, the cherry, and the almond.* But they shall not bless the garlic, nor the onion, nor the melon, nor the cucumber, nor the melon cucumber, nor the immature date, nor any other thing of the pot-herbs. It shall be that they shall offer flowers : let them offer a rose, and the lily. But the rest they shall not offer. But every thing which they shall eat they shall give thanks to God for. And when they shall taste them they shall give glory to him. Because it is not becoming that any man should take any thing in the passover before the time in which it ought to be eaten. 55. They shall not compute this fast thus, if they have celebrated the Passover t before the time when the fast is completed. But if any one is ill and is not able to fast for two days, let him fast on the day of the Sabbath, on account of * Arab. .jXawUJI, the apricot. "t Arab. ^ a *', the passover, Eatser. oe itiKAJtuuit iVtg itiAnocTo^oc. ncAR-BATorr ee&e i-AJtATKH itA.qxuu* ^e epoq eoYouiK itejm oYguioY itejm oyjuuuoy ovog icxe oyaj ne £>eit mujtfHp te weoq ffiteqcuuoYit enegooY Jutnin^c^A c|>aj *q- ujAJte.u.1 enAJ JUApeqi" frreqitHCTiA. jmeiteit- ca. ^-nertTHKocTH oYnAC^A r*p *rt ne r rert- Apeg epoq ajibtoi r*p JtTYnoc cei ite ee&e aj juineitxoc xe £>eit cj>JmA.g 5 it jLAot *?\- ?\a. xe A.qcAjA>rreuu xe ojuhi eqe+jiineqoYoi rrfitHCTtA. ee&e xe neTctye ne itm^iAJcumoc eTAjme nienicKonoc. itiv. juoyaj !ke itioyaj mtiXiAJcumoc itejm ItlgYnO^IAKUmOC AAApOYTWXpO OYOg Jtce- TA>Jue nienicKonoc xe ituu neTujoum xckax) eqtyAJtXuuKiit JutnieniCKonoc qitA^eJutnoY- tynti tgA>pe itHeT-cytom r*p co^sce^s A.YtyA.it- it*Y enoYApxHepeYC eqxejutnoYujmi oYog itceepnoYJueYi. eeRe jtway eTcuje euj?\H?\. it^. nicroc ^.e itiReit jut<|>it ay eTOYitAJteg- Cl JLUTATTOYgl TOTOY Cg?sl rfgOjR JUlA^pOYUJ- 7\Ht\ trido oYog nAjptrf JtAA>poY+JLinoYOYoi erfOYg&HOYi. eujuun Xe ApetyAit hcajxi ittka^hkhcic cyumi jutA^poYcoTnc ituuoY JtgoYO eepoY«je- itcuoY itcecurreju encAXi iut^i" eYTA^po * The margin has It A.qgLUOY. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 76 the affliction, contenting * himself with bread, and salt, and water. And if any one be on the sea, or he knows not the day of the Passover, when he knows it let him perform his fast after the Pente- cost. For it is not a Passover that we should keep, for it is a type of that which should come. Therefore we say not in the second month, but when he knows the truth he shall enter into the fast. Because it is meet for the Deacons to make known to the Bishop. 56. And let every one of the Deacons and Sub- deacons be established, and they shall shew the Bishop who is sick, that when he approves he may visit them. For the sick are consoled when they see their chief Priest visiting them, and they are remembered. Of the time when it behoves us to pray. 57. And let all Believers when they shall wake up, before they put their hand to any work, pray to the Lord, and thus let them approach their works. But when there shall be a word of instruction let them prefer it greatly to go to hear the word of God for the establishment of their souls. And Arab. UsuC©, contenting. O^ ItlKAftUUft ItTTG ItlAnOCTO^OC. jtTOY\J/YX H **ApoYcno2s.A2;irt 2^g GepoYujG- ffUUOY G+GKK^sHCIA JTIJUIA GTGpG ninitA +OYUU JtAHTq. goRg xe neTccye ne Gert fevxA- PHctia Jtcyopn jutnrtAY GTOYftATA^oc egpHi JutnATOYXGJurt-m rfgTsi <&6ft gAN- FtH. niniCTOc 2^e mReit JULApoYcno^A^m G(tf GRo?\i56rf H'gyx^PHctia iutn6ft gAitg?\i etyuun FAp oYort gArtniCTOc rcA£>pi juuuoy rcqitAujXGJUt- 35:0x1 epoq Aft. eeRe xe nGTctyG jig epuuic <&6it oy^ot^gt G^eYX^P'CTlA. Fee. JUApe oYOftmRGft qipcjuoYcy ai GTepe rrmicToc THpOY 6t gR()?\ It^bHTq OYOg ftCCXjG Aft GKA- r rA<|>poftm juumoq. goRg xg juutgtcujg Aft ne Gc|>ourt g^si gRo?\ £>6ft ninoTHpioft. g GKtyAftCJUlOY VAp GninOTHpiOft ^GfT THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 78 let them hasten that they may go into the Church, the place in which the Spirit quickens.* Because it is right to partake of the Eucharist the first time it shall be presented, before they shall taste of any other thing. 58. And let every the Believer hasten to partake of the Eucharist before he tasteth of any other thing. For if they are believers in it, if any one hath given him receiving it deadly poison, it shall have no power over him. Because it is right to watch scrupulously at the Eucharist. 59. Let every one take care by investigation that no unbeliever eats of the Eucharist ; or a mouse,f or other creature, or that any other thing indeed hath fallen into it which hath strayed. This is the body of Christ which all believers partake of, and it is not becoming to despise it. Because it is not becoming to pour any thing from the cup. 60. For if thou hast blessed the cup in the name * Arab. pA.it jl*c|>+ akGT g&o?\ rr^HTq guuc encrroq x*jiX c ne *P E S E P 0K ejui<\uju> juinepcj>ajrf eRoTs Jt4>HTq xe itrce nit* itujejuuuio Tsoxgq 2C6 fffte cj^ xuurrr epoK gouc iteoK jtgt ak- KA.TA.c|>porfiit oYog eKGujuum naitioc jutnc- itoq juui^cc Aert JTGKujGujq rfOYTAio gtay- tyonK gElO^s wd>HTC. m^iAKumoc 2s.g itGJUt mnpec&YTepoc jua- poYeuuoY'i" jutuiHfii eniJutA gtg nienicKonoc itAOYAgCAgm juumoq ftuuoY oYOg ru2UAKU)- rroc xiert jlutoyajuigSshc GrmffeuuoY*f rcit ay mRerr gRh?\ xg oyujuuiti GpKutfvirt jliaacjuoy AYcg^rreUJOYi" G^OYW THpOY JUApOYTAJUG ItHGT d>6It +6KK?\HCIA. OYOg ITAipirf <\Y- «j<\rru#\H?\ JU^pG jtioyai moYAJ i-JutnGq- OYOI CmgRHOYI GTeHtxj itAq. 60B.6 AAJUtAjWlJUJUtC. gA. JutnGpepoYfiApGi jtpuujuti gogjuic pUJJUll 4>6ff fUKOIAJUTTHpiOrf HgOlR FAp c|>A gHKI ftiRGit jig nTsHit jm^poY+ JiinB.6xe JutmeprA- THC GTtgiK ItGJUl TAIO JtJtlKGpAJUtOC ffHGT ^Glt niJUlA 2^6 GTGJUUmAY GTqGI JLlc|>p(JUOYty juu\pe nienicKonoc ujajtoYtyoY xgkac rcrtcq- gpOty Gg?Sl 4>6ff ffHGTCAJGftOUOY GitiTonoc GTGAJIJULAY. GeB.6 c|>WAY GTCUJG GUJ?\H?\. ^5. mcnroc 2.6 ru&Gff gi nicrnc ayujan- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 80 of God, and* hast partaken of it, like as of the blood f of Christ, keep thyself with the greatest care : spill not of it, lest a strange spirit should lick it up, that God may not be angry with thee as one who hast despised it, and thou shalt be guilty of the blood of Christ by thy contempt of the price by which thou wast purchased. Let the Deacons and the Presbyters assemble daily in the place in which the Bishop shall com- mand them ; and the Deacons shall not be negli- gent in assembling to see to all things, unless sick- ness hinder them. When they have collected all, let them make known to those in the Church, and thus when they have prayed let each one proceed to the employments appointed him. Of Burials. 61. Let them not burthen a man to bury men in the cemeteries, for it is the work of all the poor. But let them give wages to the workman who digs, and a gift to the keepers,]: and to those in that place who have had the care of it. Let the Bishop support them that no one may press upon them among those who go to those places. Of THE TIME WHEN IT IS RIGHT TO PRAY. 62. And all believers, men and women, when * Arab, y and. t Arab. »*£, like as cf the blood I Arab. ^J^', guardians, keepers. f n* rmcAftum itTe rriAnocToTsoc. oyit rctyuupn Gfk>?\6ff neqgHT xg + neTAqcuuTex! epoq cqc^xi i£>6ff nGTKA^HKm equj^H?\ r*p ^erc +6Kic^HciA. eqrf^eu^xejuixojui Y*p gji*- pe^see iVtkakia jutniegooY AA*pe nipeqep- go+ onq xe OYmuH - mtoRi ne Gqu^ffuj- Tejmcyerf^q enm* GTOYcpx^eHKirt rr^HTq juw^mcta Xe oYortujxoJm juuuoq guucaj ig epe- ty*rf c^peq+cKuu eqi iuineqepe g^si JuumcjuTerr Gp<£>g2\gi ^>eit ithgt epe ninrt* eeoY^R rfA.THiTOY ft<\K g- &cft\£>eit neTK^eHKirt nAiptcf 2s.g t-gkjtictic rt*cycjuni ecT^xpHOYT exerr rtHGTAKCoejutoY ceitaxu) ^.e rr*K ort £>6ft ttijuia gtgajuuiay JtltHGTCU^G GpOK GAITOY £>£tt JT6KHI GORg c|>ai ^.6 JuiApG jtioy*i hioy^i ^no&A^m GtyG- ftAq g+gkIc^hci^ nun* GTGpc nimt* ceoYAR i"OYa) rfd>HTq. GUJUUJT AqujAIf OYGgOOY XJLSJLOlt K*0HKHCIC THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 82 they have risen in the morning from sleep, before they touch any work, let them wash their hands, and* they shall pray to God, and thus let them proceed to their works. And when it comes to pass that there shall be an exhortation f of the word of God, let every one choose for himself to go to that place, reckoning this in his heart, that he hath heard God speaking in the exhortation ; for praying in the church will prevail. For when the darkness of the day is passed by J, let the timid reckon that it is a great sin if he go not to the place in which they exhort ; and espe- cially he who is able to read. Or when the teacher comes let not any one of you be last in the church, the place in which they instruct. Then it shall be given to him who speaks that he shall declare things useful to every one, and thou shalt hear the things thou thinkest not, and§ thou shalt profit by those things which the Holy Spirit shall give to thee by the exhortation : and thus thy faith shall be established by those things which thou hast heard. And they shall speak to thee again in that place of those things it becomes thee to do in thy house. Therefore let every one hasten to go into the church, the place where the Holy Spirit stirs up. || When there is a day in which there is no ex- * Arab. • , and. t Arab, Uacj , an exhortation, sermon. X Arab, U^od , delayed, retarded. § Arab. ^ , and. || The Arabic is £/u, is poured out. nr itiKAjtum jWg rtiAnocToSsoc. ff^HTq epe jtioyai jtioyai <£>git ncqHi aaa- pGqtft rfOYXuujm 6qoYA& eqajjxj etypuuoji it- ^HTq GTc^OKirc rr *q xg qcpujAY. oYog etyuun juteit gkx* £>ei* jtgkhi uj?\h?\ juu|>rf+ gujuujt julgn AKtyAffGK ^ert kgixa kcpoqT cnKAipoc e- rrgpHi r^p i£>6it ^-oYftoY gtgjuuuay gtay- tt&xsnxc evajqT juuuoq g^oyn enicye goRg 4>ai ore ^>6rr i~n^?\^6 k nnoxxoc oYAgcAgrti eepoYT^?\e nuuiK rrfnpoeGcic Ggpm mtAY mReft nTYnoc JutncuuJUA nejut ncrtoq .unxc itejui nit ay naxjt sv gt- oya^t n^c r*p cntyG xxut^c k niGgooY GTGJUJUiAY cJxjuuj oYOg Aqujuum ITX6 oYmtyi" ffX^KI gCJUC^G JUlApOYU#\H?\ JUtc|>rf AY GTGJUL- JUIAY ^}Gff OYU^^sH2\ GqXGiUlXOJUl GYTOTTGrt AA- JUUJUOY G+CJUH JUK^HGT" A.C\U)7\H7\ AqepG +K- thcic T"Hpc 6px*Ki Git ArrrtAgi- mtnoY^Ai. AJlApOY6pu#\H?\ ^6 Off ffftlurt* ffGJUl OY- rticxrt" rfouoY juu|>itay itAxn e^- xgkac gkg- GAAI XJtc|>pHi- GTGpG ftl\J/YXH mtl^JKGOC CJUIOY THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 84 hortation, let every one being in his house take a holy book, reading in it sufficiently, what appears to him useful. And if thou art in thy house, pray at the third hour, blessing God. But if thou art in another place, having opportunity at that time, pray in thy heart to God ; for in that hour they saw Christ nailed to the wood. Therefore again in the old law it is commanded that they should put on the shew-bread continually, the type of the body and the blood of Christ. And the slaying of the irra- tional lamb*, this was a type of the perfect lamb, for the shepherd is Christ. He again is the bread which came down from heaven. Pray again likewise at the sixth hour ; for when they crucified Christ on the wood of the cross, that day was divided, and there was great darkness. Wherefore let them pray at that time with a fer- vent prayer, helping them by the voice of him who prayed, causing all creation to be dark, by reason off the unbelief of the Jews. Let them pray again a great prayer J, and a great praise, at the ninth hour, for thou shalt know, like the souls of the righteous they shall bless the * Arab, sbli .a*1I ujfjjs*', mute or irrational lamb. The Coptic is nteCCJUOY, sheep. t Arab. Is-l*, except. t Arab, slo, prayer. The Sahidic also has OYffCXT'rf- UJ^\H^> a + jluuhi <1>xteYi mtHG- eoY*& AqoYuupn JutneqtyHpi rtuuoY gtg neq- 2\oroc jig GTAqcpoYoumi cpuuoY. <£>err ^foYrroY T^p gtgjujlaay AYeogc jui- ricc|>ip jutn^c noY^sorxH *qi g&o?\ rtefG oyc- rroq ffGJUi oyjuujuoy OYOg JUGrfGrtctjuc ^qepoY- ajmi jLtniKecouxn jtunicgooY ty* poYgi go&g c1>6it OYJUtCJUOY eqXOYB.HOYT. GCXJCJUJT 2lG ON OYOffTAK CglJUU Jit JUL AY uj- ?\H?\ ngjul rfeTertepHOY gi OYCon Gcyuun Xg JutJTivrecepniCT-ic GKA^cjupm* nak g£>oyn 6YJULA GKUJ?\H?\ JULJULAYATK OYOg GKKOTK Off gttgkjula rtKGCon iWok Xg c^hgt jump GnrA- juloc JULJTGpTAgrto gu#\h?\ TGTGfttfA^GJUL FAp Aft ftHGTAY^uJKGJUL FAp NCGGp^piA an rteaju- kgjul rfKecon gjBlO?\ xg cgtoyRhoyt OYOg cgoi ffKAeApoc. GKcyAitmqi Xe gtgkxix GKCc^pAn^m jul- julok ^ert 'THAtfCG GTCKftAGft tca&o^ <*>6rr pOJK tyAKCAJU)JTI GKTOYRHOYT THpK CAJA ItG- * Sahidic GIGAftAXUJpei ^AK GgOYff 6YJULA nr«j?sH?\ JULAYAAK. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 86 Lord God of truth. He who remembered the holy, sent His Son, who is His word to them, who en- lightened them. For in that hour the side of Christ was pierced with a spear, and blood and water came out ; and afterwards it was light the remaining part of the day until the evening. Therefore thou also, if thou hast slept (at that hour), thou shalt remember ano- ther day, and make the type of the resurrection. Pray again before thou restest thyself upon the bed of thy repose, and if thou hast risen at mid- night upon thy bed, wash thy hands and * pray ; but thou shalt wash thy hands in pure water. And if thou hast a wife pray together with one another. But if she has not yet believed, thou shalt withdraw thyself into a place andf shalt pray alone, and return again to thy place. But thou who art bound in marriage refrain not from prayer, for you are not defiled. For those who have washed have no need to wash again, for they are purified and are clean. And if thou breathest in thy hand, sealing thy- self with the vapour + which shall come out of thy mouth, thou shalt be all clean to thy foot, for this is Arab. *, and. f Arab. ., and. J Jf^» vapour. n^ rfiK^rtcjurf htg tnkuoc^oTsOC. KpArr nXuupoft T&p ne cJ>ai jtinimtA g0oya& oYog ft itg^sti^ni Jutnjuta)OY ff g jutni&*n r ric.uA GYffHOYGgpHI £>Gff OYJIYTH GTG JTAJ ITG ngHT JuniCToc eqTOYB-O Jutc^Heerf^g^f. ovkit&TKH Xg orr ne eepe itiuj?\H^ rri-oY- itoY gtgjujuiay kg v&p rfinpecKYTepoc itau)- oy ga)OY off rtHex AY^f jutn^t g,u)& GTOTGff oYog ay'tcaRc eiArrerr gRo?\ Juin^|-. mcioY rfGXii itiujtxjHff itejut rcumcjuoY cgoi JLlC^pH^" Itff HGT Ogl GpATTOY i-CTpATTI X THpC rfffAY gtgjuuuiay eeJ^e cj>6ff i~oYffOY Xg gtgjujuiay. noc Xg oit Aqxoc juinAipirf GqepjucepG JULc|>ai Xg puuic XG TGTGffCUUOYff Aff AAJTIGgOOY OYX6 ^OY- ffOY 6TG nc^Hpi JUtcl>pcJUJUI ffHOY gOJUUMOUC AKUJAffTUUOYff JUtc|>ff<\Y 6T GpG n?\GKTCJUp ff A- AAOY+ d)7sH7\ XG 6T A ffGft^Hpi JUtniC2\ ApffA *AJ1XC £*tytt*X GTGJUIJUIAY cJ>AI GTAffCUJOYff MAAOq AffOff ffHGWf Agi" Gpoq ^Gff +JTICT-IC GffxoYc^T bBloTs &>An-£H itoYgG?\nic ne* niG- gOOY XiniOYUJIffl UJA GlfGg <]>*! GOffAGpOY- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 88 the gift of the Holy Spirit. And the drops of water are the baptismal drops coming up from the fountain, that is, the heart of the believer, purifying him who believeth. There is a necessity again that prayers should be at that hour for the Elders ; for they who delivered this work* to us likewise taught us thus to wash; for in that hour all creation is silent, praising God. The stars, and the trees, and the waters, are as all the host of angels who stand around, serving with the souls of the just, praising God Almighty at that time. Therefore it becometh believers to pray at that hour. The Lord again hath spoken after this manner, witnessing to this, saying, " In the middle of the night behold there was a cry, ' Behold the bride- groom cometh, come ye out to meet him.' " And he interpreted the word again, saying, " Watch therefore, because ye know not the day, neither the hour when the Son of man cometh/' Likewise if thou shalt rise at the time of the cock crowing, pray, because the children of Israel denied Christ at that hour. This we have known who believe on him by faith, looking for the hope of the day of light for ever, which shall enlighten us for ever in the resurrection of the dead. And all ye believers, Arab.^Jl, command. ne ruKArfuurt itt-g ruAJiocTo^oc. oum i eport j^a Gircg ^err r rArt actacic rrrt hgo- ukjuoyt ffJUl6Y« ixjixc rircHOY rfiRcff 67 juutaj ppAI T&p JT6 nilAHim GTOYGJUll Gpoq OYOg GTOYong g&o?s jtai Gty^pc jti2lIaRo?soc ta- ko GRoTsgiTOTq AKtgAffAtq £>Gff oyjtictic KOYUWg JtlJLAOK 6B.O?\ ffAgpGft ftipiJUJUtl JLt- juayatoy Art &2\?\&> £>6it ncujoYff gtak- eHTrfgHTT Ggpm GXUUq Jiic|>pHi" ffOYeHpum gjii^h niArrriKtJUGrfoc ni2u<\ilo^\oc eGoupm jt+^OJUt JuingHT jijumAYArrq oYog AqujAff- ItAY GJTipUUJUl GTCA^OYJt 2£6 OY?\OFIKOC JIG epc4>pA>n^iit cavort rrcjui c^Ro^s ^crt r rcc|>- p&ri% jutni^soroc rtTG cj^ tyAqcJxjuT rrf-oY- rroY gyc^ht" Jtcuuq giTGrf mnnrt* ceoY^R c|>ai gt^gn nipuujuti G^Aqx* *** rr*q rc- <*>HTq. ita! oft jtgt a juiouychc nmpocl>HTHc cyopn rf'TC^Rorr Gpoq giTGrr nm^c^A. jtgjui jtig- COJOY 6T^Y^)6^0^q AqOYAgCAgffl cepoY- rtox^ juufrcrroq gjtgtoya ft gjla TOYGxpuu CGrrf- CffOY'i" GqTAJUO JUtJUOrt GTTIICTIC GTGff^H- TGff +ffOY eAJ GTAYTHIC ffAJt glTGff JTIG- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 90 if ye fulfil these things, and remember that ye teach one another, and instruct the Catechumens to perform them, nothing shall try you, and ye shall not mourn for ever. Remember Christ con- tinually, and receive this name at all times, sealing thy forehead in fear, for this is the sign which is known and manifest, an d by this the devil is ruined. If thou hast done it in faith, thou art known, not only before men, but by the knowledge which thou hast acquiesced in it, as a sign*, because the ad- versary the devil looks to the power of the heart only ; and if he sees the inner man that is rational, sealed within and without with the seal of the word of God, he flees immediately, fleeing from him through the Holy Spirit which is in the man, who hath granted him a place in himself. This also Moses the Prophet first taught us by the Passover. And he commanded that they should sprinkle the blood of the lamb which had been killed, upon the lintel and the two door-posts, shew- ing to us the faith which is now in us, which was given to us by the perfect Lamb. If we have sealed with Arab. U*«, , sign, instrument. q* rriKAitum rfre m<\nocTo?\oc. cuuoy rrre?\iofT e*i ^rfty^ftcc^p^n^ift rcnre nregrce iy^htc £>err rrerocix TermAffogejm eitH60ovu)ty e^oeRerr. hai 2.6 eTGT-errc^^rrtfrTOY £>ert oYcyen- gJutoT rreAA oYitAg+ eTcoYTuuit cerraxeT OHffOY OYog Kcecyon itcjuTert novum £> uja eiteg. rrAi JuuuoJOY iturreff eApeg epouoY JtoouTerf rtHeTe oyok gHT jliuujuoy epetyajt OYOit r*p ruRert oYAgOY ffc<\ fim^- pA2iocic rfmAnocTO?soc itai e'TAYCuj'reJUi epuuoY oYog JtceApeg epuuoY juuuojt g?u rr- gepeTiKoc NAjxpceJuxojm en^^itH juijuiujoy oy^.6 g?\i itpujjmi GHTHpq n^ipwi - r*p rc- TOYAYgAfte ftace itig^pecic eTOty eeRe xe Jiine nHCT npogicTA oYouty etficRu) gtg n- pocgApecic itff iAjtocto^oc a7\7\A. krm juLJiitirr jlijukjuoy ceipi itrtHGT ayoy- AtyoY rfrtHGTrnpeni Ait. icxe Afr^A g?\i Xe eRo?\ a> fferfJULerfperf j?ikajyujjt rmerucrf nknocrofooc itxujjui juuuAg r ne <£ert oYgipHrm rrre cl>+ eTtfoci THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 92 this on our foreheads, with our hands, we shall be delivered from those who wish to destroy us. And if ye receive these things with thanksgiving and a right faith, you shall be converted, and re- ceived into eternal life. We have written these things to you to keep, you who have a heart for them. For whosoever shall follow these traditions of the Apostles which they have heard, and shall keep them, not any heretic shall be able to seduce them, nor any man whatsoever. For thus many heresies increase be- cause those who preside are not willing to learn the doctrines* of the Apostles. But after their own lusts they do those things which they desire, which are not becoming. If we, O beloved, have omitted any of these things, God will grant to those who are worthy a pilot f of the Church, worthy to conduct them into a calm harbour.* f^rtcJ^ It, The Second Book of the Canons of our Fathers ^^ the Apostles is ended (it is Book the Third), in the peace of the most high God. Amen. * Arab. *jJUj>, doctrines. T Arab. I^A*, a governor, director. % Arab. ULa^, haven, port. V V qr iriKAxrum ntc rriajiocrro^oc. cYrr ecu ic^Ypoc. nixuujut juum*g r G&o?\£>6it mKArtuurt ittg itemcrt" gooyaBl it<\nocTo?\oc gt 4^ert rreftxix it AK?sHJUiHc gtc rreoq ne nixuujm JUUULAg X. goElC mx^P'CJm^ rrejm ffixipoXom<\ &.&)- Teimepe g?\i cxjoYtyoY juuutoq gxcjuoy. gr. nenrtoYi" oYog nerrccjuTHp ihc jt^cc eq^ - erroTen juurimuH - JuuuYCTHpiorr it+- JueTpeqcyeJUicye rfOY^" OYog GqeuugGJi*. mti- ioy^IUTT JLUUtAYATrq KA.T*cJ>pH+ G- TAqxoujutJUioc itxc noc £>6it oyaa* Gqcycng- julot smeit noYXAi ffitHGTAYit<\g ,p t- epoq xe ^lOYuurrg JiiinGKp^rt eRo^s rutipumi gt^kthi- TOY ftHI fJUSCGK ng(JU& G&0?\ GTAKTHITq KHI GepiAjq OYOg cqc^xi on Ggpm g* nGqiurr GeRHTGff uj«\qxoc xg nrtK oy- Og It AI gUUOY Olt AYCOYUJItK. ni GXGpnpGni it*rt +rtoY jig Gepcqxoc rtAft THpcrf *itorr rtHGT AWGpTG^sioc goRg rtix^- picju* GT^qTHixoY rt*rr giTGrt nGqnrt* gooy^R xg it 6ff n*p<\rt cg- kacaxi ^Gft itiAcm C6it*q*i itrtigoq ^}6it THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 94 In the name of the Powerful God. The Third Book of the Canons of our Holy Fathers the Apostles, by the hands of Clemens. The same* is the Fourth Book. Of Gifts and Ordinations. Let not any one be proud because of them. 63. Our God and* Saviour Jesus Christ has given us the great mystery of godliness, and has called the Jews and all the Greeks that they may know the only true God, the Father ; as the Lord said in a (certain) place, giving thanks for the salvation of those who have believed in him. "I have mani- fested thy name unto the men which thou hast given me. I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." And speaking again to his Father concerning us, he said, " Holy Father, the world hath not known thee, but I have known thee, and these also have known thee." It is evident to us now that he has said to us all who have become perfect, concerning the gifts which he has given us by his Holy Spirit, " These signs shall appear f in those who believe. They shall cast out devils in my name, they shall speak with tongues, they shall take up serpents in their Arab. y& ^ , et idem. f Arab. «^JLJ" , shall follow. qe itiKAftum rrre itiAnocrro^oc. ItOYXIX KAIt AYtyAItCUU ffOYc|>AitAY GTGit- ohuj engiuuity jutni6YAW6?\ioit rf^-KTHCic THpc eeperr^iTOY ititHcerfAg't- eRo^giTo- TGit GYrtoqpi it Ait Ait Aitoit GTipi ajuliojoy a?\?\a rrcjuxert rfeuuTerr Aitoit it a cj^ kttott jtocjuTerc Xg ftH6eitAg ,, t* GTGff^HTGit GYitoqpi rfurrGit xgkac itHGTG jixne hcaxi xc|>e Jit- juiujoy* epe "rxojm itGJi*. JutHim itAiclxjuoY ftuutHiiti FAp Aitoit Ait itc Aitoit juutictoc a?\^a na mAmcToc rce eRo?\*)erf ituoY2s.Ai rrejui moYciitiit oy2s.g rAp oy^hoy rtArt Ait ne AittyAitgi XGJmurn gRo?\ a?\?\a ngHOY c[>a ItHGTAYTTOYB-O JT6 glTGIt TrGITGpFIA JUtH^CC ihc ncrfoc. KA. r TAcI>pH ,c f iteoq nGititoY'i- Gq+c&uu ft ah <*>6ft oyaaa GqoYCJUitg Jting,u)R rfAft gRo^s 6q2CUJJUlJlllOC X6 JUtnGppAUJ! ^Gff c|>AI X6 Itl- nrtA ft Atfftoit iWuuoy iturTGff a?\?\a pAuji 2^6 iWoq xg rfGTGrfpAit cc£>hoyt £>6it itic|>HOYi ghi2s.h ngioYi* mti^AJmum gRo?\ c|>a 'txoaji Alt ITG GOpOYCH^ ItGItpAft X6 <£>6It ftlc|>HOYI itGitoYuuty itGJU rt6itcnoY2s.H OYRoHOIA g&o?\- glTOTq KATA HGTOYOrig GRo?\. OYAIt AFKH Off £.6 Aft ^ItOY IT 6 GOpG ntCTOC ItlRGIf glOYi ItfU^GJUUJUIt 6&0?\ 16 GTOYftOC * In the margin GUJJ1GI&G XIJUOOY. U •; THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 96 hands, and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay their hands on those who are sick, and they shall recover." And these are the gifts which were first given to C***rf, us the Apostles, when we were ordained to preach the Gospel to every creature, that we should per- form them on those who believe by us. They are not profitable to us who do them, but they are to ^J* you. We are of God : but they are profitable for you who believe by us: that those whom the word has not persuaded, the power and miracles may gain. For signs are not for us who believe, but they are for the unbelievers of the Jews, and of the Greeks. For neither is it an advantage to us if we have cast out devils, but the gain is to those who have been cleansed by our effectual working in Christ Jesus our Lord. According as our God teacheth us in (another) place, making known the thing to us, saying, " Re- joice not in this, that the spirits are subject unto you, but rejoice in this, that your name is written in Heaven." For truly it is not on account of the power of casting out Devils that our names are written in Heaven, but our will and dili- gence is by the help of him, according as it is manifest. But there is no necessity now that every be- liever should cast out Devils or raise the dead, or V V qj£ itiKAJtum rrnre mHpi oYog itaoq ore c|>+ eq- epjueepe juicJ>pH T f GTAqxoc ^>err ni- itoiuoc xg Jt^>pHi ^>erf gAitKGAcm rrejut g^rr- KeccJ>oTOY Httacaxi ngjui n^- gt epe jukjuychc nmpoc^jrrHC ep rtaj xxtutti it- itiuH - ties* rtAi ujc|>Hpi rr^HTOY. oy^g orr juuig ruuHcy mtiioY^L*! ftAg^t" gc^hgtoi rrri icyi" gjuiujychc gtg n^cc ne GT*q- t*?\66 Jtujumi jtiRgit gi 2\ox?\6X rnRert gtg IT^HTOY. oy2s.6 orr jixne nty&anr inie mtHGTrGJUtJuiAY c|>0 XG JUIJUIUUOY OY^.6 ftltfA?\6Y 6- TAYJUOtyi OY2l6 ftHGOJUUXJOYT GT AYTCJUOYftOY. OYOg <|>At JWGIt AY+OY&Hq JtXG AJtff HC ftGlA THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 98 speak with tongues. But he who shall be worthy of these graces shall be altogether worthy, without the advantageous cause for the salvation of unbelievers, who may profit by it. For since they would not receive them by the demonstration of the word, therefore they have caused the necessity that we should work miracles, if perhaps they shall be saved. For not all the ungodly are ashamed who are reproved by wonders. And God himself wit- nesseth to this, as he has said in the Law : " With other tongues and other lips will I speak with this people, and they will not hearken to me, saith the Lord." For neither did the Egyptians believe in God, when Moses the Prophet did those great signs and wonders among them. Nor again did the multitude of the Jews believe in Christ who was greater than Moses, who healed every sickness and every infirmity among them. Neither again were they, the Egyptians, convinced by the rod which was changed into a serpent, — it became a living animal by the hand of his servant Moses, — or the hand which became white with leprosy, and the water of the Nile which became blood. Neither also did the blind who saw, convince the Jews; neither the lame who walked, nor the dead who rose again. And Jannes and Jambres indeed resisted the 9* qe itiKAitum it'Te itiAnocT-o^soc. lAjm&pic noc Xe guuq Aftirajt rrejut k*- e*i Te 2^e jtttypHi - epe ft mmm xme oy- ortm&ert Ait &2\?\&. rfovrrtcjujuiH juwaayatoy oYOg eeRH'TOY orr tyAq+jm^jf rtece c[>^t" xic|>- p*rt" ffOYcert neqovujtg rlreoq juumm juumoq. rtai eqei e*>OYft ec|>itAg"t" juic|>turr item nequjHpi iteui nmrtA eeoYAR oyx*P*c- jula ftTe cl>^f" nre juus^icta xe AftgioYf ca- Ro^s JLiJutorr Jutn^HRc fntiioY^Ai OYog «Mt- ft Agi" ^.e £>eit cJ>oYo)cy jluc^iujt rrejui numo- rforerrHC rlrtyHpi eTcyon itejm neqiurr ttkr&- eoc ^axouoy mtieuu rrrHpoY rtex*. nmrtA eeoY^R rfpeq^Art^x). £>ert T^b^e mtAi egooY AY;£cl>oq eRo^^err AJL&ptk ^nApeertoc rt eit e- juuH" rutipumi Adfte rtoB.i caxjxhk ^jkco- * The margin has ItgtOOYT. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTE- {ipB£ Lord, and also Annas and Caiaphas. And thus it is, signs do not convince all, but their judgments alone ; and of them God has pleased as a wise steward, that the powers of conviction should be, not in the power of men, but in his own will. But we have said these things, that those who have received these gifts, and these graces, may not be exalted in importance over those who have not received them. We* speak of the gifts of God which are for signs, since there is not any man who has believed in God, through his holy Son, who has not received a spiritual gift or favour from him. For it is a deliverance from the impiety of the service of a multitude of gods.* And he shall enter into the faith of the Father, and of his Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The gift of God is chiefly that we have cast away from us the feeble light of the Jews, and have believed in the will of the Father, and of the only-begotten Son who existed with his merciful Father before all ages, and of the Holy Spirit the quickener. In these last days he was born of Mary the im- maculate Virgin without the seed of man, and that he lived among men without sin, and fulfilled all the righteousness of the law, and with the assent of * The Sabidic is here followed, being more intelligible : JtToc r*p TJuutTpjuige eRo^grt T*ce&iA it- xjuurrpeqc^Iiitye FtgAg nrfovre. pert T-cYftx^pw 010 *Aiurr ^ porfirr aaji- tyim OYOg xe ^qjutoY OYOg xg AYeoutcq OYOg, X6 AXJTUUftq GRo'^^eft JtHGOJUlCJUOYT- £>err cJ>AJiAg r rregooY OYOg xe jtnGrterccA e- peqTcjurtq ert oYAgcAgm rtiRerr *qujerf<\q entyoji g* JTOYgO "J* c|>H6TGc|>(Juq rflCJUT* c^'i". nieTniCTOC ^.e ec|><\i fhr6qrf6ff OYeuUgGAA ft6JU. oy- ecjuTitgHT GAqtff Ani^Apicjut*. ne eiio2\gi- Tcrr cjr^- cl>iurr nGrf gApccic itiRGft *q6T xxmx^pic**** rlroYouT. JUtc|>UUp 2S.6 +ltOY JLUJTGpOpG oyai G&o?\ff- *>HT6rt kpirrm rtoYAi i£>6ff ftHGTAYGprucrroc xg JLinGqcpnGJunu^A Gipi itgAftJuiHifti ftGJUi g*ft&<4>Hpi CGcyiK^- v&p ffXG mgjmoT ttnre + rt ai gtoy^" juljuiujoy itmpuujui g&q?\ gi- TOTq. OYOg jWoK JUGft AKtfJ' JULC^AI KGT" ^.6 JtKG- OYlA 16 oYcouoYit 16 0Y2sJ* £>ici ie OYerkpHTq Juini?s^oc jmertertcujq juineq- 6Ici juuuoq exert cl>irte*c oy2l6 exert x<*^ e & eT^qT^ge c|>pn ep^rrq exert vARAum oYog nirog, exert nil* rfei^\uurr £>ert mno?\eJUtoc ffieRoYcc«sjoc eeRe xe ixne megooY xxsjl&x- A^q pejucyt epoq eepeqtfpo ov^e ort frre ca- juoyh?\ ep itjuum itoY'i" eg?si xe oy ne kctoixc g*rtn- pocI>HTHC juinE c|>ai juiert oYApxnepeYc ne m^eT ^ 6 oYOYpo ne oYog ort £>ert n^ ncyo rrpcjujun eeoY*R eTAYCuuxn ^eit mc2\ rt*i eTAY^peg epcjuoY eufreJutnoYKcu^sx cI>a.t rc+R**^ OY2s.e ep g?\i h?\i*c r*p jlijuiay- ATq rteju e?siceoc neqjuu^eirrHc ffHeTAY- cyuuni rr *>htoy eYipi rtg,Hpi a.7\7\^ oY^e ijine h?\i*c Kujjmty rtCA *R2aoY moiKOitoJUioc eqepgo'f' sbKTQH xt- cj>+ eqipi itg*rtjumirti rtejut g*rtcy<|>Hpi OYXe jtine e^siceoc neqjuuvoHTHC epoYU) eneqxoYxi eqceepTep oc ^.Hp eTAYftogeJui eRo?\£>ert ^fgpou rfc*g*t" eemog cecuuoYit v*p xe eTAYrtogejm err ert r rxojm JUtt|>+ evipi nituuutiiti itejui 8^rru^c[>Hpi ayc1>ht itTOT-oY mtAi eft eHftoY 67ci jui- juoq exert neqcort kan oYnpoc^mrHc ne ie eqipi ffgAftJUHifti ftejut gAftujHpi erce my- thic FAp ne e^Tejuepe g?\i Jtpcxjjmi ujuuni re AmcToc d^ert Atxj 3JLJJL& icxe a. TertepriA mtmmrti cyumi eg?\i eepetypuuuti jmerr cyaj- ni jtpeqtyeimuje noy^ - a neqgHT ne eertA- rreq eepeqipi Xe wgArtJuiHirti item gAftuj- c]>Hpi A^xcm JutcJ>+ eTeitepriA ne oYog ttAi ncyopn c|>uuft ne <|>JtitAg 5 ^.e <1>a c|>^- ne eTerteprm ee&e ftiArriA ^.e eTAitcyopn xuj- oy oyk oYff Jitnepepe moYpo tyecyq mcT- pArriA eT^ApATq oy^c juinepepe it lApxuw ujejxjq rfHGT 0YApx« exuuoY gArtg?\i rAp rte mApxuuN eYeJuumAY aw itxe itHeT oy- &PX H *&P Hl exouoY OYog +jmeTOYpo ft acxj- ogi epATc Art eY«jon aw itxe rtiCTpATHroc. a?\?\a oY^e juinepepe memcKonoc 6tci a*- uioq exert Ssjakuunoc ie npecB.YTepoc oY^e juinepepe ninpecRYTepoc 67ci juumoq exert nTsAoc epe nTAgo rAp epATq JLinerreujoY'i" e4>0Yrf tyon eRo^s^ert fteitepHOY erte xumort ?\aikoc FAp ujon rtAepe memcKonoc exert rfijm ie nmpec&YTepoc ay cjxjurt juert ne eo- pertep ^cpHCTiArtoc THperr eepeitep Anocrro- ^soc 2±e ie eniCKonoc ie ice g?\j jutc|>um Art ne THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 10G God : performing signs and wonders they fled from those afflictions. Let none of you exalt himself above his brother, though he be a Prophet, or performs signs and miracles ; for if they have been given, it is that there should not be any unbeliever in any place. If the power of working of signs has been effectual to any one, that the man truly has become pious, and his heart has been made good to perform signs and wonders, the power is of God, who is the w T orker. And these first are ours, but secondly they are of God who worketh, and for the reasons which we before have mentioned. Therefore let not the King despise the armies which are under him, nei- ther let the Rulers despise those over* whom they rule. For where there are not some to be ruled, there are not those who rule over them : and if there are not officers the kingdom will not be able to stand. But neither let the Bishop exalt himself over* the Deacons or the Presbyters ; neither let the Pres- byter exalt himself over the people, for the stability of our congregation depends on each other ; for if there are no laymen over whom shall the Bishop or the Presbyter be ? It has indeed been in our own power that we all should become Christians, but to be Apostles or Bishops, or any other thing, is not henceforth ours, but of God, who gives these Arab. ^Jz, over pz; ffiK«MTum rtTe m&nocTo^soc. icxerr n*i it ay a?s?\a c|>a c|>^- neT + mtAi g- juot eic it«M inert ArtxuuoY tyA naj juia ee- &e rfH6T4wepnejuLnty* jtgArtgjmcrr le g*rtA- gici)AJiA n*i j)C err ^ e TertrtAOYAgq exert n- caxi xe OY^e itovpeqepcyejuitye rtoY^f Ait ne OYortmRert eT-epnpoc^frreYirt oY^e hoy- neeoYA& Ait ne oYortm&ert eertAgioYi rt- rti^ejuujurt eRoTs Ke v&p Ra?\aajui n^Hpi JUt&Aujp c|>pequjmi oYATftoYi" neeqepnpo- c|>HTeYirr oYog ore kaia4>ac ceJUOYi" epoq xe Ap^nepeYC eoYpArt rtrtoY*: neT^H gi- xujq m2LiA&o?\oc 2s.e ore rtejui ru2iejmum en - - j^on ^ApATq cecyopn rtTAOYO rtgArtJUiHcy KguuB. oy nApA. totoy epe rtuutHiiti go?\uuc juumeTpeqcyejJitye rroY^" cyon fferf OYJUe r rA.T- couoYft eeKe nineTguuoY eeoYcjuty eAiq. nguuB. oYuurtg e&o?\ xe epeujAft rtiAce&HC epnpoc^HTeYirt itcertAujgujn rrroYnpoc^HT-i a Aft grrert TOYJutenrAceRHc oY^e epetyArt ^eutuurt rtAgioYJ rtoY^eJUtuurt e&o?\ certAuj- ipi An cyoyaB. ett rtneertAqAi d}Apy„ , is content, satisfied. pe rf!K*rrujff rfT6 ftiAnocToSsoc. eniCKonoc «*jt ne &3\7\& ovp^rr rmoYX neT gixuuq OYOg JLinoYeoujjq eRo^giTert c|>+ a.7\7\^ eRo^sgiTOTov rrmpcjujuii jutc|>pH+ ka- itAftiAc itejui cajuum^c eit nic2\ OYOg oit Jutc|>pHi- ff^e^exi^c itejui kx*** nHTHC fmoYX ^err 'tRaElY- ?\cjuit OYOg JULtypH^t" ajl&a.?\&.a3jl npequjmi <1><*j GTAY2sjJuujupirf juumoq xe *qepe mc2\ THpq eprroRi ^berr Ree?\cJ>eFCJup OYog jutc|>- pn+ orf rrmtyHpi itACKAYA it*! GTepegtTo- toy egioYi JLtm2s.eJuujuff e&o?s ayc[>cjut- £>eit oYtx^mi eAYn^sYVH juljuicjuoy grrerr rfHeTejm- JU1AY OYOg JLt.pH^" ffltlOYpcJUOY THpOY Jtl- mc2\ itejut ioy2l* e AY^umuupm jlijuicjuoy Aerr ^.uucjupiA mRert ngcjuR Xe oYumg eRo?\ xe iWcjuoy guuoY menicKonoc itejut itmpec- KYTepoc GT6 OYpAit rmoYX neTcyon JLIJUICJU- OY cerf*ujurr *rt itTonrq JuingAn jluulhi irre cj^ cerr*xoc r *p ort epuuoY xe rrecjuT-erf moYHJS. gcjuT-ert eTtyuutyq jutn^p^rf eeoY*& ^-rr A.i" ffurreit ttOY£?\ juttypni- it^e^e- KI*C KGJUl A^I^C ft Al 6T6 ITOYpO Jte&Aj&Y?\- uurf £>oeik>Y JLic|>pH+ GT^qxcjuJuumoc rrxe lepeJUUAC ninpoc^HTHC eittycjuujq r*p «Mt k- itinpoc^HTiA irre rfinpoc|>HTHC juuuihj Terr- cuuoYit r^p xe eYerteprm jlijuicjuoy *>ert m- pcjujuu eeoY*R rhce + grreit mrm^ eeY a.7\7\^ eftq«M juljucjuoy itaoq itejmeTtfXcigHT JtoYujjOYcyoY OYOg ertT^jmo juuuujuoy xe ty*- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 1 10 has not been appointed by God, but by men ; as Ananias, and Samaias in Israel, and also as Zede- kiah and Achias, who were false Prophets in Baby- lon ; and as Balaam the diviner, who was punished because he caused all Israel to sin in the matter of Baal Peor ; And also as the Sons of Asceva, who endeavoured to cast out a Devil, fled in confusion, and were wounded by those demons ; and as all the Kings of Israel and'Judah were punished with every punishment. And the thing is evident, that the Bishops and Presbyters also, who are falsely so named, cannot flee from the just judgment of God. For it will be said to them, Ye Priests, also, who despise my holy name, I will deliver you up to slaughter, as Zedekiah and Achias, whom the King of Babylon slew, as Jeremias the Prophet had said. For we despise not the Prophecies of the true Prophets, because we know that God hath wrought efficaciously in holy men by the Holy Spirit. But we remove the proud boasters,* and we shew them that God taketh away the grace from these first ; " For God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. ,, And Silas and Agabus were Pro- phets among us ; and they did not exalt themselves Arab. ^JsZteuA\, boasters. pi^- rre. AYepnpoc[>HTeYirf 2.e ore rirxe g^rtKegiojuti iberr +n^?\A6 rtejut jutApiAJm -rcouui juuuiujy- chc iteju «\<\pum jueiterfcujc 2^ 2l6jB.jB.ojp * OYog juerfertcojc gArnceuiHcy iteiut ioY2je ^-oyi AJterr gi iujciac ^KeoYi T6 gi T^pioc. ibeit 'tkajith 2.6 guuc k&xiAx jutnac epn- poc[>HT6Yirt rreiii A^ic^KeT TeccYrreitHc lit** ArfOYH?\ OYOg e£.o?\ juumorc mujepi frre c|>i?\innoc OYog xjlub ft«*j GTCI JULJUtUJOY 62t6rt ItlgOYOT A.?\?\&. AYApeg ertoYcyi. OYOg Orf K*ff OYCglJUtl T6 16 OYgOYOT" JIB ne r TAqtfi' eft*! gutoT rrrAiJUtajH JUiApeq- cyuuni eqee&iHOYT xeKAC epe <$>*\~ epm it*q rc^HTq. ne**q r*p xe em^zoYtyT e^err mut e- xerr <1>H6T eeRiHOYT rteiA nipeuipAYty OYog eTceepTep rcc* ft acasci. AqxajK e&o?\ jtxe ni:eujjut jitAAAg r e&o?\- ^eu stiKAxrum itTe rfeitioi - nAnocTo?\oc k- eoq ne nxuuAA juum^g X j&ert OYgipnrm irTe c|>i" ksJLHlt. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 1 \2 above the Apostles, neither did they exceed their measures, though they were beloved of God. And some women also prophesied under the Old Testament, both Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, and after her, Deborah, and after her many others, and Judith ; the first under Josiah, and the other under Darius.' And under the New Testament also, the Mother of the Lord prophesied, and Elizabeth her kins- woman, and Anna the daughter of Phanuel;* and of us the daughters of Philip : and these did not exalt themselves over the men, but they kept to their own measures. And if there be a woman or a man who has re- ceived these so great gifts, let him be humble, that God may prepare him for himself; for he saith, "Upon whom shall I look, but upon him who is humble, and meek, and who trembles at my words ?" The Third Book of the Canons of our Fathers the Apostles is finished (the same is Book the Fourth) in the peace of God. Amen. % * Luke ii. 36. h \ V pir rtiK^mjuft ffTe ftiAnocToTsoc exit ecu ic^Ypoc. tu-kujxa juuuu^g X eRo?\*)6rf rnK^rtum rtTe *k?\hjuhc exe rreoq ne nxejujut juuuu\g e. ittyopn juterr juin^i c*xi ^rtT^OYO juumoq ee&e mx*picim* 6Te c[>^- thixoy mtipuuju katt* neqoYouty eeoY*£. OYog JLtc|>pH+ e- ty*qxnio juinicjticrr rmHGT giTcrroY exou KgHpi. +rtoY 2s.e A nic^xi couk jihuon eeperti exerr nKecJ>*?seorr jutneuuey it+eKK^sHciA *e- kac iWouTerf rmeT AYeotyoY ffemcKonoc e- Ro?\gi r ro r rerf iunr c|>pH+ GTr^rrajopn eoYAgcAgm xx- juioc THpert gi oYcon rtcyopn eqcurrn eqoYA& THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 114 The Fourth Book of the Canons of our Fathers the Apostles, which were by the hands of Clemens : the same is Book the Fifth. We have put forth this first discourse concerning the gifts which God gives to men, according to his holy will, and how he reproved the appearance of those who attempted to speak falsehoods, being moved by strange spirits ; and that God has been pleased that the wicked should prophesy, and should perform signs and wonders. But now the discourse draws us to come to the principal point of the constitution of the Church, that you, who have been ordained Bishops by us, at the command of Christ, when you have known this order from us, may do every thing according to the command which has been delivered to you ; know- ing that he who hears us, hears Christ, and he who hears Christ, hears God the Father, to whom be glory for ever. Amen. Of Bishops. 65. It is necessary that a Bishop should be or- '?*&' * dained as we all together before have commanded, first being chosen, being a holy person, approved in k2 pie ffiKArtuurf rrre ffi«\nocTo?\oc. eYcuuTn ne £>err gouRrfiRert k n?\Aoc THpq coTnq eYcyaj ne 4>ert oYJUteeJum. JUApequjerr oYorr xe TeTeit epjueepe ^Apoq THpoY xe qejuncxj* ittai rficy+ JututeTgH- rejmuuff eTTerr ^JUteTeYce&Hc eTe oy- ortTAq CA^>OYft €+ OYOg xe erre eqApeg en^iKeocYitH e^oYff epumi mReir OYOg xe ewe AqoiKortoJUirt jutneqni ka2\"f- c|>iu)t iteui neqxiorro- veitHc rccynpi ihc n^c nertoc itejm nmrt^ eeoY^B. oi rckpiTHc ertAJ JLtnAipH+ JUApoY- tyerroY oit jiji<|>JUiAg r neon xe erreqeuincyA NTAJ ltiurt" It^slTOpriA NTAI tyCJUT XCKAC THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 116 all things, chosen by all the people ; who, when he has been named and approved, let all the people and the Presbyters, and the honoured Bishops as- semble together on the Lord's-day, and let the prin- cipal among them ask the Presbyters and all the people, if this is the man whom ye desire* for a ruler ? And if they shall say " Yes, this is he in truth." Let him ask them. again, "Do ye all bear witness to him that he is worthy of this great, honourable, and holy authority ?f and whether he has been pure in the piety which he hath towards God? And whether he observes justice towards all men ? And whether he governs his own house well ? And whether his whole life has been blameless, and he hath not been apprehended in any thing, neither those of his house?" And if they all together have witnessed that he is such an one X according to the truth, and not ac- cording to favour, God the Father, and his only begotten son Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit, being Judge that these things are so. Let them be asked the third time, if he be worthy of this great service, of this sacrifice §, a That out of * Arab. ^^H , desire; and Sahidic TGTrtXlTei XJL- JttOCJ, ask. T Arab. jm*g r rrcon xe qeju- J1UJ&. AAApOYtff ffTOTOY THpOY ffrfOYCYfteY- JLAA OYOg, AYtyAJrTHtq £>ert OYepUUOYT X!<\- pe oYX^P^q "jumi rrejut oYecYX** ntc oy- ai 4^erc miticyi- rcemciconoc St iteJUAq Nice 5 itemcKonoc epe meniCKonoc THpoY ogi ep*- toy sbxreit nieYci^cTHpiorr cyu#\h?s £>err oYX^P^q rceA*. ff inpec&YTepoc epe ru2aAK(ju- rroc TTHpoY guuoY AJm^gTe nrueYArre^iorf eeoYAR eYc|>cxjpcy eRo^gi^eit r r^c[>e Juu|>HeT- oYrfAx , P ^ om N J ^ AA0C J epe meniCKonoc ty- ^\H?\ ec^^ egpHi exuuq OYOg AqujArcoYub equ#\H?\ excuq xn^pe oyai ^ert meniCKonoc r r^?se "f-OYCiA. egpai exerr mxix JLnc|>HeTOY- rfAX^po^ortirt juuutoq oYog jut^pe mKeenicKo- noc 'Tgejucoq escerr meportoc eTepnpem rt^q oYog AYcyArf^cnA^ecee juumoq ^erf jtiac- n^cjmoc eT^err nac Jn^poYcuuj 4}erc meY- ^rre^iorr eeoYAB. oYog ayuj«mtoyu) cyoy- cjuty jLinieY^rFe^sioft jut^pe meniCKonoc e- TAYXipo^orfm xiJuoq Acna^ecee u^-eKK^sH- ciA. TTHpc eqxuujuuuoc xe ^x^P 10 *** Junerroc ihc n^c oYog +ArAnH itTe c^^ 4>iurr rteut 'TKOirfcxjmA Jtininrt* eeoY^B. rrejuurrerf th- pOY OYOg JUtApOYepOYli) THpOY X6 ItBSJL neK- nrtX guuK OYog AqcyAftoYub eqxcju jlic1>ai AAApeqxa) orr en?\Aoc rtgAitcAXi rrco?\ce?\ %/to ert oYqi ccoyaR oYog jm<\pe mic^sH- poc *cn*- Ten mpcjuoY frre ffigiaui xckac rrrre g?si ujerr Aq eRo?\ OY^e mtoYOYourf rmipujoY xjl- tyrtAY rri-npocc^op* eeoY*& K*rt oyjtictoc neTgiperr c|>po *x&pe mgYno^JAKortoc 2^e im rfOYJUouoY itn ioyhR ei* jtoyxix eruuiHim rfOYTOY&o rirrfOY\J/YXH eYq*i jlijuujuoy egpHi cy* cj)^ ninArtTOKpArrajp OYog jut^pe Ke^i*- Korroc ojuj e£.o?\ xe Jtinepepe g^si ffKerf THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 120 for the sick, or the others, let the Deacon say to them all, " Salute ye one another with a holy kiss." And let the Clergy salute the Bishop, and let the laity, the men salute one another, and the women salute the women : and let children stand near the reading-desk, and let another Deacon stand near them that they may not be disorderly* with one another. Other Deacons shall also walk about, taking custody f of the men and the women, that there may not be any tumult among them, and that no one nod to another, or there be whispering, or sleeping. Let a Sub-deacon stand at the door of the men, and other Deacons shall stand at the doors of the women, that no one go out, neither shall they open the doors at the time of the holy communion J, although a believer is at the door. And let the Sub-deacons bring water for the Priests to wash their hands, for a sign of the purification of their souls, lifting them up to God Almighty. And let another Deacon cry out, " Let no Catechumen re- main here ; let none of those who hear the word only, but are not partakers of the holy mysteries, be present here. Let not any of the unbelievers remain ; let not any of the heretics be present here with us, in the glory. Mothers, take your children. Arab, ly^io, disorderly. T Arab. ^y**j^ ;,» guarding, protecting. % Arab. ^l^aJI, the Christian communion. pKA. rfiKAitum itnre ffiAnocTo?\oc. rrH6Tccx)T6Jui enc*2£! juutiAYArrq eujTeJUioi- Korruuitirr 2s.e JuuutYCTHpiorf eeoY*& ogi ep*- toy JUtnAjJUiA jutnepepe oYorc iuinepepe oyoit ^err rugeperf neqgtrr e^oYft boyaj jutnepepe oyai ogi epArrq jutnajjut* *>ert oYgYnokpme 16 £>ert oYgYnoicpncic tyuuni eTeTertcoYTum THpoY 6^>oYft znov c]^ jutApe rreTerrogi ep6pm. gsv. ft aj 2^e AYwjArrajajni uiApe it i^iAKon oc iiti mti2ajuporr e<*>0Yit eniemcKonoc enieYci- ACTHpiorc gooy^B. oYog "j*pe runpecRYTe- poc ogi ep^rroY c^oYiftajm rrejm cax*6h ii- nienicKonoc £>ert oygcyx** xincJUOT rrg^rr- JUL^HTHC CYOgl epATTOY GJTOYC***} JUt*pe kgE rf^iAjcoffoc ogi epArroY itc* jtaic* nejut jt^ Ki^pion eYcxjoJuume ncee^o cElO?\ rrrriKOYxr rrcuurrr GTgH?\ eu^TexiepoY^e- rrcjuoY egpm emncrrHpiorr. oYog nAipH^ JUApe ni^pxHepeYc Tuu&g egpm e:xerr i~npoccj>opA. eepe nmrtA eeoYAR i egpni exuuc hiujik jmerr eqAiq rrcuuJiAA Jut- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 122 Let no one permit anger in his heart towards ano- ther. Let no one be present here in hypocrisy or detraction.* Be ye all upright in the Lord God : Be ye standing with fear and trembling." The Sacrament. 66. And when these things have been done, let the Deacons bring the gifts to the Bishop to the holy altar; and let the Presbyters stand on the right hand and on the left of the Bishop, in silence, after the manner of disciples standing near their Master. Let other two of the Deacons stand on either side of the altar, having soft fansf in their hands, made of something soft, or of feathers J of a peacock, or of soft silk§, that they may drive away the little flying creatures, that they may not go into the cup. And so let the High Priest pray over the Eucha- rist, that the Holy Spirit may descend upon it : the bread indeed is made the body of Christ, and the * Arab. HeT67 gcuq epoYii) see ksixHti gouuMuuc Xe on ni^JAKortoc ct^ - jli- nmoTHpiort jut^peq^oc *e nHeT67 gouq ort jm*peq*oc :xe ajuihit. oYog JutApoYep\J/^?\ift eY'i" cy^mroYOYU) eYCYtt AruurH THpOY. goTAft ^.e AYty^rf (Hf 'THpoY jmApe rfixegio- au THpoY 67 OYog ^ert nxmepeq?\o xtm- ^I/a^^ithc eqepijAJuMft jut<\pe m^iAKortoc coty eRo^s eq2tcjujuumoc xe Ait67 THpert eRo^s- £>ert nicuuiA item mcitoq cttaihoyt ntc n^c Juu\perteYX*picTOY rt^q xe Aq^nrerr jteimncy^ e*rt67 eRo?\^beit fteqjUYCTHpiorf e- eoY^R oYog JtATJUioY eTHm £>ert mc|>HOYi oYog juteftertcuuc jui^pe nieniCKonoc u#\h?\ eqtyengjuurr e2cert c|>oycju.u xxtiicujaaa. ft ex*. jtccju juuricftoq xin^c equjAftOYO) 2s.e equ#\H?\ JUApe m^iAKorroc xoc xe kc^s^ TeTeftAc^e enectrr xtnoc rtTeqcjmoY epuuTert oYog <\y- uj*ft67 cjuioy xx&pe m^iAKortoc xoc ftouoY xe jmAujertunrerr d^ert oYgipHftH nucoYxi !ke THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 124 cup the blood of Christ. And when he has ended the Prayers which it is necessary for him to say, let the Bishop partake first, and after him the Presby- ters, and after them the Deacons, and thus all the other Clergy, according to order : after them all the people receive ; and let the Bishop say who admi- nisters, " This is the body of Christ ; " and let him who receives answer, "Amen." And likewise let the Deacon who gives the cup, say, " This is the blood of Christ, this is the cup of life;" and let him that receiveth again say, "Amen." And let them sing, distributing, until the whole assembly have finished. And when all the men have partaken, let all the women also partake. And when the singer ceases singing, let the Deacon call out, saying, " We have all partaken of the precious body and blood of Christ, let us give thanks to him, because he has made us worthy to partake of his holy and immor- tal mysteries, which are numbered in heaven." And after this let the Bishop pray, giving thanks for the eating of the body, and the drinking of the blood of Christ. And when he has finished pray- ing, let the Deacon say, " Bow down your heads to the Lord, that he may bless you." And when they have received the blessing let the Deacon say to them, " Depart in peace." And the little that shall be left, let the Presbyters pKe itiKAitum rfT6 ruAnocT-cfcvoc. eerrAcem jn*pe ffinpecRYTepoc nejut ru&jjl- Korroc cY(rTe?\ei juijuujuoy eepoY6nroY euj- Tejuiope g?\i epgovo xe rrne ovicpmift u^cuni gixuuoY rtitiuH - Juic^pHi" JtmcyHpi rrre aa- pum itejut mc^Hpi rrre gA?\i hai ctg nimt* eeoY*& takcjuoy xe ijinoYApeg epuuoY euj- Teuic^eajq rf+eYciA. JtTe noc nouc u> jm*?\- ^sorr rtHGorr AKAnrAcl>poitm jutrrccjujuu\ rtejut nc- itoq xinoc eYxieYi xe OY r rpo4>H hcuu.u.a.'tikow T6 GTOYtff AJLXXOC JLlJUtAYA-TC rfOYnn^TIKH nai 2s.e rte itHeTerfOYAgc^gm jlijucjuoy iturrert u> rcieniCKonoc rrejui mnpecRYTepoc ftexi m^LiAKorfoc eeRe mujeuicyi eeoY*R rrejui ftlJUtYCTHpiOlt. ee&e -rx , P°^ orfl ^ witinpecfiYTepoc fiejm rrtiSJAXOftoc, ^5. rreoK 2l6 to nieniCKonoc eKxipo!koffw jutninpecRYTepoc x*- Teiocnc egpm exert Treqa^e epe rfinpec&YTepoc THpoY ogi ep*- toy next ru2u*Korfoc exu#\H?s eYX*po^.omrf jLiAioq ni2u*Kortoc ore eKftA^ipo^orfirr ix- jmoq katta jtrfm **• jlicuoy. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 126 and the Deacons bind up*, that they may receive them, that there may be no superabundance t, that no great judgment may come upon them, as upon the sons of Aaron, and the sons of Eli, whom the Holy Spirit destroyed because they kept not them- selves from despising the sacrifice of the Lord. How much more those who shall despise the body and blood of the Lord, thinking that it is bodily food only which they receive, and is not spiritual. And these are the things which we command you, O Bishops, and Presbyters, and Deacons, con- cerning the holy service and the mysteries. Of the Ordination of Presbyters and , , , Deacons. r ^ //*: 67. When thou, O Bishop ordainest a Presbyter, lay thy hand upon his head, all the Presbyters standing, and the Deacons praying, ordaining him. Thou shalt also ordain the Deacon according to this first ordination. And concerning the Sub-deacons, and Readers, and Deaconesses, we have before said that it is not necessary to ordain them. * Arab. \^jsx& , let them diligently keep. The Sahidic is CYCTGSsGI JUtJUOOY GYJipOCG^G GpOOY 6JUUVT6 GT-JUtTpG g*g pgOYO. t Arab. U£ JuLa_j> i ^J^, and that nothing may remain over and above. pK^ rciKpArf JUK^i" neq- ujHpi juineJLiioo gE.o^ rcmoYpuuoY ire** mee- rtoc epetyArrHxp*^ ^ t^uuni eepoY^iq rr- eniciconoc le npec&YTepoc le n2a*Korroc JUi*poYXipo^omit Juumoq. epeuj*i JmApoYArr^eHJUiA juuuoq itOY<*j ATuurc r*p rie nrecnpogApecic ne oyo& eq juiAJiAY Aft eeRe n^yeajq jutrnr<*jmoc a3\?\A. eeRe cpoqT JuuueTtyejmtye rroYi". eeRe mxHp*. o. mtoYacipo^offirr ff^HpA &2\?s&> eujoun ^cty^rt oyi Te k necgaj juioy ic oYmtyf- jt- choy oYog Acum£> ^ei* oY/meTcyAY juinoY- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 128 Of Confessors. 68. Ordain not the Confessor, for this thing is of his choice* and patience: for he is worthy of a y'/j great honour, as he who has confessed the name of God, and his Son, before kings and nations. But if there shall be occasion that he should be made a Bishop, or a Presbyter, or a Deacon, let him be ordained. If a Confessor who hath not been ordained has seized for himself* the dignity, on account of the confession, let him be anathematized; for he is not one, since he has denied the command of Christ, and " has become worse than an infidel." Of Virgins. 69. Let not a virgin be ordained, for we have no command from the Lord. For this struggle f is her choice, and is not for the reproach of marriage, but for the leisure of serving God. Of Widows. 70. A widow shall not be ordained ; but if it is a great distance of time since her husband died, and she has lived prudently!, and they have not found * Arab. h)j, an ensign, banner. """ Arab. c>l^J' , an endeavour, effort. I The Sahidic is ASsts*. ecyume GOY6I T6 eK JT6C- gOYit epoc oYog e^cqei AA<|>puuoYert oyx*^*noc eqrtAtyT. eeRe itigopncAAoc. oX. itrfOYX'po^ orf||t nirigopricAAoc m^e- ?\orf r^p n* noYuuuj rrre npogepecic ne OYog nA +X^P IC **+ ne lteiUl n XC ihc epeujAit nmitX eeoY^K oYuug, ^eit nipojjuti eeitAtfT' rroYgJUtoT rtTA^stfo ujAqepeqoYumg eRo2\gi- Tert n6cb?sn eRo?\ aa+ ^eit 't^CApic rhre c|>+ GTerr^irrq epoYoumi epuujui mRerf epe- ^yArrf^piA 2s.e cyuum eepeqep emciconoc le npecKYTepoc le XiAxoitoc AAApoY^po^owm JutAtoq. eeRe xe neTctye ne eepoYXipo2^orrm Atnie- niCKonoc giTeit oYHp nenicKonoc. oS. neTctye ne eepoYxipo^oitm Ainienic- Konoc giTeit r iteniciconoc le E ecyum !ke oYemcKonoc itoycjut neTAqxipo^omrc aa- AAoq Ai<\povepiaf aohaaa. AAAAoq. eujuun 2^e eTAitAVKH TAge oyaj eepoY- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 130 any fault against her, and has taken care of those of her house well, as Judith, and Anna, women of purity, let her be appointed to the order of Widows : but if she has not waited from the death of her hus- band believe her not, but let her be proved by the time. For the evil passion grows old with the man who will permit it a place in himself, if it be not restrained with a sharp bridle. Of Exorcists. 71. Exorcists shall not be ordained, for the de- sign* is of the choice of the will, and of the grace of God, and Christ Jesus. When the Holy Spirit is manifested in the man he will receive the gift of healing : it is made manifest by the revelation of God, by the grace of God which is in him, giving light to all men. But if there be a necessity that he should be a Bishop or Presbyter, or Deacon, let him be ordained. Because it is necessary that a Bishop should be ordained by how many blshops ? 72. It is necessary that a Bishop should be or- dained by three, or two Bishops : but if one Bishop has ordained him let him be anathematized. But if a necessity hath happened to any one that he should be ordained by one only, because they are Arab. &}b> a purpose, design, intention. i2 r »l \ \ p2\* itiKAitum ftTe mAnocToSsoc. X^po^orrm juuuoq eRo^giTert oyai jlujulay- oxit ee&e n2.iuur.uoc eTerf&o^ le eeRe ice g?\i wajtiA nAipH+ JWApoYtfT +\|/yxoc rc- totoy itgAitKeeniCKonoc eYOY*& cyouj cy- ep c|>4*j eTepnpent it*q. *qxcjuic eRo2\ rtece jtixoujui JutJUiAg X e&o?\- *>err itiK*f AJUHff. *«JO K 6H2lIOK?\H. AqepjmeiteYirr juumoq elio2\£>erf +Acni it- pejuuuu^pic cy* +*cni rrpeJuneJugiT nmpec- &YTepoc reuupnoc cl>* kocjua 4>err rmitecju- oy+ jutnemouT c'tta.ihoy't oYog ctoi Jt- rfi£*H~ Aerr menicKonoc THpoY nikvioc ^e^ffAcioc nienicKonoc jtxe "f-no^uc tajto- ohkh noc eqeApeg, eTeqJueTenicKonoc ty* +CYrfT6?siA. ajuhit. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 132 not able to gather together on account of the persecution which is without, or on account of any other such like cause, let the permission* from many other holy Bishops be received for doing this, which is requisite for him. The Fourth Book of the Canons of our Holy Fathers the Apostles is ended, by the hand of Clemens (the same is the Fifth Book) : in the peace of God. Amen. ; 1520 of Diocle. * Greek -^>r,erf rriK^itum rrre itemcrf it knocTO?\oc GT^eit ^txix it ak- ^sHjuhc itaoq m nixojjut jujm*g sv. ov. nienicKonoc cy^qcuioY juuuoit eYCJUOY epoq cxj*qx*po2sx)rtorf ^*qx* * lx exert m- poujui tyAqT«\?\e npocc[>opA. egpm ty^qtfl' eY^oriA. iWcnroY mtienicxonoc a£\?\a. nto- toy itmnpec&YTepoc an nienicxonoc uja- qAftAeHJUA. rfkTsHpoc ruiieit exe-uncy* jtoY- AitAeHJUtA kg emciconoc 3ie oyattxojui ne eepeqep <|>aj juuuAYArrq. ninpecRYTepoc gouq ty^qcjmoY tyAqdT eY- 7\OTtk rrroTq Juineqcij<|>Hp JuinpecB-YTepoc oYog rinrcrrq xinieniCKonoc OYOg iteoq guuq oft ^Aq'i" jixneqcI|c|>Hp JLinpecRYTepoc cy*q- X* *i^ exert rripujjiu *2\?\&> Ainec\x l P ^°~ rf m oY2^e JuineqArf^eHJLAA. <*j*qx* NHeTdoxi Jtcuuq giKo^s. ecyuun 2s.e OYorr gAitoYoit sjl juay eYeJuufruj* jtXiXAoupm juulaouoy JutApeq^ jutnep £jako- itoc cjuioy OY2ie jutneq^ eY^sonA tgAqtff 2,e rrrroTq JutninpecRYTepoc rreju nienicKonoc jutneqjBuwrricjuiA OYXe JutneqT^Tse npoc<|>opA egpHt. epecyajt nienicxonoc 2l€ le nmpecRYTepoc ta?\o e&pm niXiAKorroc ne j^*qi" JturinoTH- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 134 The Fifth Book of the Canons of our Fathers the Apostles, by the hand of Clemens : the same is the Sixth Book. 73. The Bishop blesses, but is not blessed. He ordains, lays hands upon men, puts on the Eucha- rist, receives the blessing from the Bishops, but not from the Presbyters. The Bishop anathematizes* every Clergyman who deserves an anathema; but to another Bishop he is without power to do this alone. A Presbyter also blesses, and receives a blessing from his fellow - Presbyter, and from the Bishop. And he likewise gives it to his fellow- Presbyter. He lays his hands on men, but he does not ordain, neither does he anathematize. He puts out those who are under him ; and if there are some de- serving of punishment, let him give it them. A Deacon does not bless, neither does he give the blessing, but he receives it from the Bishop and the Presbyter. He does not baptize, neither does he put on the Eucharist. But when the Bishop or the Presbyter sets on the Eucharist, the Deacon gives the cup, not as a Arab. +js-, deprive, prohibit. \ V p2\e itiKAJtum itTe rfiAnocTo?\oc. piorr gouc oyh& *rt a?\?\* gouc e+SuAKUJ- mit emoYHB. oYKegoYciA ffg?\i £>ert mk?\Hpi- koc THpov epe nguuR Juini£j<\Korfoc. r r2uilKorroc Xb ircguuu JitneccjutoY oy2lg jutncccp g?si rtguuii £>eit rtHeTepe mnpec&Y- Tepoc next ffiXiajcorroc ipi juumouov <\2\?\* cy^cApeg erupuuoY juijuiayrfAY it* R«mi- TricJutA mugiojuu xe neTepnpeni ne c|>^i. ni^iAKortoc tt&x*- ngYnoikiAxoitoc giRo?\ rrejui rfiArf^rrtcxjcTHC rceui ni^A^r-HC rteju rr iXi^Korroc ffcgnmi etyum emguuB. 6\ e^>OYrf epcuoY JUtertToire juuuort npea&YTepoc sjl- juiay oykg^oycia juinigYno^iAKorfoc ex* ^rf^TTfuucTHC gi&o?\ gi \J/*?vthc gi 2uako- rroc itcgumi le ?\0Yff GnienicKonoc rrejt* itinpecRYTepoc rrejut m- 2u<\Kortoc eepoYOYOJLioY peutHT 2s,e m&erf gcxjoY eYetfnroY eepe nicek?\HpiKoc oyojlaoy rtejui mnApeeitoc itejut m^Hp^ rrejut oYoitfti- Kert eTcyon ^err OYJUteTgHKi mkn*>px H T *P ft*. moYHR JutJuuw«VTOY rre rreju itHeTgYne- p6THC JUIJUUJUOY. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 136 Priest, but as one who ministers to the Priests. There is no power in any other of the Clergy to do the work of a Deacon. And a Deaconess does not bless, neither does she do any of those things which the Presbyters and the Deacons do, but she keeps the doors only, and ministers to the Presbyters at the time of the bap- tism of women, because this is becoming. A Deacon can put out the Sub-deacon, and the Readers, and the Singer, and the Deaconesses, if occasion leads him, no Presbyter indeed being there. A Sub-deacon has no power to put out a Reader, and a Singer, and a Deaconess, or a lay person, for they are ministers to the Deacons. Of First-fruits and Tithes. 74. All First-fruits shall be brought in to the Bishop, and the Presbyters, and the Deacons, that they may eat them. But all the Tithes shall be taken, that the rest of the Clergy, and the Virgins, and the Widows, and every one who is in want may eat them. For the First-fruits are for the Priests alone, and those who attend upon them.* * Arab. ^ ^*J^ , serve them. p2\^ ItlKAJtUJIt JtTG ItlAnOCTOTsOC. ee&e itHeerfA.€pgoYO £>eft itinpoc4>opA jli- jioytaSsoy egpHi JutyitAY JutJUYCTHpioff. oe. ittev^oriA. eerr AepgoYo eit uutYCTHpioft jutnoYTA^soY egpni uiApe m^iiucorfoc <|>oujoy exeit nik?sHpoc guerr "ferituuuiH JutnienicKO- noc fteut mnpecRYTepoc rcce^f X woytoi Jti- nienicKonoc Jtce'i" ? iumpec&YTepoc recent" 5 juuii^jakoitoc rfiKex^oYiti Xe gte mgYno- XiAKorroc rreui mArr AFffuucTHc itejut ititlsi&r THC IteiJl JtlXlJucOJtOC KCglJULI ffCei" ffCJUOY woyaj 5|>ai rap neert Afteq oYog eTujHn jli- ncjuteo eRoTs Juteit oy- tyeopTep a>£sa> £>ert oyt^ic err Afteq. nicroc ^.6 mReit ig nicTHc AYtgAffTuj- oYrroY rcujuupn gA nigYrriAA Juin^TOYep g?u rlrgujK jm*poYi* totoy Jtceu^^sH^v epeujAit 'TKA.eHKeCIC 2S.6 JUUTICAXI tyuUJU JUtApOYCUUTTn jutnc^xi Jt+jmeT6Yce£Hc uouoy itgoYo egouB.- itiRerr. hictoc 2l€ mfteit ic jticth imApoY€pnpoceY- XH rbce itoYeRiAiK £>erc OYAieTpeJUpAYU^ KAT*i|>pHi- GTAJTOYAgCAgm JLIJUIOC NUUTeit gl 4>*SOY OYOg Alti"C&aJ ItOUOY xinAipH'i- £>err meniCTo^H. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 138 Of THOSE THINGS WHICH REMAIN AT THE EUCHARIST, they shall not be set on at the time of the Mysteries. 75. The Eulogies which remain at the Mysteries, shall not be set on. Let the Deacons distribute them to the Clergy according to the will of the Bishop and the Presbyters. They shall give four parts to the Bishop ; they shall give three parts to the Presbyter, and they shall give two to the Deacon. And to the rest who are Sub-deacons, and Readers, and Singers, and Deaconesses, they shall give one part. For this is good and acceptable before God, that each one should be honoured according to his dignity. The church is the place of instruction, not of tumult, but of good order. And all believers, whether man or woman, when they rise early from sleep, before they do any work, let them wash their hands and pray. And if there be instruction in the word, let them choose the word of piety above all things. And let all believers, whether men or wo- men, pray* their servants in meekness, as we have commanded you already, and have taught thus in the Epistles. Let the servants work five days, but the Sabbath mh/, and the Lord's-day let them have leisure for the church, that they may be taught piety in the ser- vice of God. Arab. i^c*^, let them call to, order. p2\e ftiKArtum rfTe rfiAnocro^soc. ut^pe meB.iA.iK ep i itegooY eYepguuR ni- CARKArrorr 2^e rrejut +KYpi<\KH jm<\poYcpoqT e+eKK^HciA eepoYtfic&uu eejmeTeYceRHc tt^- jmeTpequjejmuje rroY+. nc&&&&rroit 2^b jutert *:e a nac ejurroft jut- jmoq rf4>HTq eRo^ebert ncujfrr THpq eTAq- xuuKq eRo?\ i-KYpiAKH 2^e xe negooY jy+a.- rtA.CTA.cic WTe noc ne jutnepepoYepguuR 2^e ore iH"eR2aju.UA.c itTe nimuH" nin^cx*- ncaa eHeeitHov juterterfcuuc eTe itcxjaj ne +OYI juierr x:e eTAYCTAYpumm xinac i*4>htc *f-- KeoYi Xe xe eTA.qTumq e&o?\£>ert itHeeuiaj- oyt ft*>HTC i~e£;piA. Y&p Te eepoYexju gi- Tert +cfi.uu xe itm neTA.qjmoY oYog A.q- Tajitq juinepepoYepgajB. 2s.e ore Jt T t"A.rfA.?\YJUt- \Jaic xe eTATfoiKorrojuiiA jixnac xojk eRo?s jui- niegooY eTejuuutAY oY2^.e xnnepepoYepguuB. iti-nem-HKOCTH eeRe tjta.poycia. Jturinrc* eeoYA.R <|>a.i eTA.qi egpHi exuuft AJtorr ^a rtiAnocTo^soc ftejm oYormiRerc eerr A.g+ enxc- juinepepoYepguuR ore £>erc negooY jutjutici Jutn^c eeRe +x A P lc gtaythic rntipujjuu xi- niegooY eTeuiiuiAY £>err oYXJieTpAJutAO jbert ni;£o ft AJt juic|>'i- ni^soroc rcre <|>iurr eRo?\- giTerc ^eeo^oicoc eeoYA.R xiA.pi k T iTTA.pee- rroc enoYXA.1 xinrerroc THpq rrittpumi xt- nepepoYepgouB. ^.e ort 4>eit ntyAJ x*ni;xcu)cejui niegooY Y&p eTexnjuiAY ex a ,c t"JueeitoY ,c f~ rfTe n^c OYumg eRo?\ a. <|>iuut epxteepe THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 140 And on the Sabbath the Lord rested from all the creation which he had finished ; but the Lord's-day is on account of the resurrection of the Lord. And let them not work again on the week of the great Passover, and that which follows it, which is the feast. The one in which they crucified the Lord, and the other in which he rose from the dead. For it is necessary that they should know by the teach- ing, who" died and rose again. And let them not work again on the Ascension, because the dispensa- tion of the Lord was completed on that day. Nei- ther let them labour on the Pentecost, because of the coming of the Holy Spirit which descended up- on us the Apostles, and upon every one who believes in Christ. Let them not work again on the day of the birth of Christ, for grace was richly given to men on that day in the birth for us of God the word of the Father, by the sacred holy Mary the Virgin, for the salvation of all mankind. Let them not work again on the Feast of Purification*, for on that day the divinity of Christ was manifested : the Father bore witness to him at the Baptism, and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the likeness of a dove, and * Arab. +£***; but the Greek is ifficpccvsiuu, of Epiphany. pjm* rriKAxriorr itTG itiAnocTo^oc. d^Apoq gixeit ntRerr oYim fftfpojutni oYog AqoYum g itxe c^HGTAYepJUieepG ob^poq jtitHeTOgi GpATOY xe c|>aj ne <$>+ ajuuihi oy- og ntynpi ik<|H" ^>eit oYimeejuiHi JutnepepoY- epguufi. itrciegooY itTG mAnocTo?\oc rceuuoY T^p rrejui rfHGTAYtyioni rturrGrr itpeq+cRou g<*>oyit en^cc OYog AYGpewtoY Jtejutnuj* ee- pe r reTeit(n' e+^oupA ejutnmruS gooyaJ*. Jtt- nepepoYepgcoR juinegooY fccTA^Arfoc ni- AJtApTYpoc OYOg n&px** ^iakowoc itejut iti- KeJLWcpTYpoc gooyaK it aj gtayaagitpg juin«)cc jtgoYO enoYourr*) juumw juijuujuoy. GTGTGrftyAitTujoYff 2lg ajlc1>itay ttgAJtGTo- oyi gu#\h?\ u#\H?\ oh juic|>ff ay jya^cjt r rreix A.xn ^ rrejut A.xn e+ rrejui poYgi rtGJu. i|>rrAY e^repe n?\eiercjup it AJUOYi" i|>rf ay Jutert xiiruoY- comi xe A noic epoYoumt eport Aqepe nie- xuupg cmi oYog Aqim itajt gcoq JL*.c|>uuoYirri juiniegooY Axn r ^.e xe gt a. jii^a/toc +Anoc|>Acic enoc juujway gtgjuijuiay Azn sv !ke xe GTAYCTAYpomit JUin^QC ff+oYftoY e- tgjuljuiay oYog GAYeogq eneqcc|>ip *qi g£.o?\ itxg OYcitoq itgjui oyaauuoy Azn e^t" ^.g oit X6 6T GpGCTTAYportlff JtinOC A HKAgl THpq KIJU OYOg AqceGpTGp ttlCI KT6 HiegOOY JtityltAY ^.e enr epe niA^eKTuup rf*jmoY T t~ eTeTerteuj- 7\H7\ xe eYTAgiuuity rtujT-ert £>eit ^oYitoY e- tcjuuuuw irrn<\poYciA JutniegooY eTeTeitei-- juineT-ertoYoi e^oYit cmg&HOYi JuinioYujirti GTeTerrAiTOY. ecyuun juumorfujxojui eepeTeTertcyeitouTert e^oYft e+eKK^HciA eeRe rtH^eitAgi" jWok Xe u> nieniCKonoc eKit^ipi rrfcYitAgic 0Yft item ftiAce&HC. fiTonoc r*p Ait neTTOY&o jutnipcjuxu &2\- ?\&> i|>pcx)juii ne^TOYiio JutfiTonoc ecxjum k- pecy«Mt ru AceRHC AJUtAgTe exert jWonoc <|>urr e&o?\ juuutoq eeKe xe AYtf*i£Juieq JuttypHi" TAp eTecy^pe mpumi eeoY*& toyRo xsl- rnronoc oaj ore Te juttypni" exe rrneTe rrceoY- eit niHi iTe ^>err +eKK?\Hci<\ AJtApe jtioyai itioyaj ep\J/*?\irt £>*pi ^^poq ju^peqeoty utApecjujSsH^N le jutiuiort cy juljuiay rfejm rroYepHOY rtxe S le r nex*q r*p xe <1>.ua eT epe E ie r eouoY-i - nerr n4S.pA.1t +tyon itejmujoY <5ert toyaah^-. jutnep^pe nicrroc uj^sh^s cjupx eRo?\ le JUU^poYgiTOY eRo?v <£eit +eKjc7sHciA. • eefie xe *uj rte megooY exctye caitoy ee&e ftHeTAYeitKOT. oiv. jm^poYep irr JtitHGT Avert kot £>ert g*ft- i|/A*JUtoc rtejut ^tid)7\H7\ eeRe c^HeTAqT-uuftq eB.o^*>ert riHeojmajoYT JuteftertcA ? itegooY. oYog ui^poYep noY^ eYepc|>jmeYi mtHe- Torr *> rtejui whctt AYeitKOT. JU^poYipi 2s.e on jutnoYA&OT- jutrrrYnoc jt- m^pxeoc ejm6Yi GY'i" JtrtigHKi e&o?\£>eft tttn&p- XOitT* Jutc^Herr^qiUOY CYeptyjueYi rt*q. rre?\!A jlijuujuoy Alt Jtg?\i rfHGTepe cj>^- r*p 01 rrxAxi epouoY eit jtaj KOCJUioc qit^^ouu orr eqoi rtetAXi e- pa)OY imeftertCA epoYi eRo?\£>eft jiai kocuioc THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 14(5 the mystery should touch* those who partake not. Neither let him who serves God pray in the house with an heretic ; " For what fellowship hath light with darkness, or what part hath Christ with Satan ?" A believing man or woman, if they have dwelt with servants let them separate, or let them be cast out of the Church. What are the days that it becomes us to observe for those who sleep. 76. Let them keep the third day for those who &*M have slept, with Psalms and prayers, on account of * / * / ' him who arose from the dead after three days. And let them celebrate their seventh day making remembrance of the living, and those who have slept. And let them again celebrate their month from %^. the pattern of the ancients ; for thus did the people mourn for Moses. And let them observe the completion of their year for a sign of their remembrance, giving to the poor out of the goods of him who hath died, making a remembrance of him. And we say these things concerning the servants of God only. But concerning the ungodly, if thou givest every thing which is in the world for them to the poor, thou wilt profit them nothing. For those to Arab. ^j^L, should touch. k2 juuutorr tfrnxorrc r*p rr^HTq oy^jkgoc ne noc ^qjuerrpe 'T^iKGOCYftH oYog oft xe ic nipuujui itgjiii neqgcxjR. eYtxj*rte*geJU ohnoy 2lg ^>eit itoYGgooY OYUJJUt ^}Gff OYCGJUlffl ftGAA OYgO^t" ffTG c^ gojc GOYorfujxoiui juumuuTGrt eepnpec&eYm g<\ rfHGTTAYi €Ro^s^>erf nm rrcHOYm£.Gff <*>Apurrerf JuumAYAxerf enrtoY ftcix gArtKG- XUJOYffl XGKAC GTG^GKU^XGiUXOJU. G+cRaJ ff- rf<*j attc&uu cxcu r*p juulaoc rtxG ^-fpA^H X6 g^rrpGqxuurfT rtc itaj mcy^- JiinGpepoY- cg Hpn JitHncnrG rrcGCcxj rfCGGpnuuRuj rr+coc|>iA oYog rfCGufTGJUGUjXGJmxoJU Gkpmirr JutncuuoY- TGIt OYK OYIi 2S.6 JUGrfGftCA cj>+ nm^ItTOKpA.- T"uup rtGJU nGqjUGftpiT rirujHpi ihc jt^qc hgjui nmrtX ceoY^B. rtiGmcKonoc msjL rtinpGc&Y- TGpOC itOCJUOY rfG ItlltluH" ff+GKK^sHClA. GffXUU 2s.G Jtit hgt a *!- eAiiuoq GYc|>pocYrr h itrr ipuujmi *2\- ?\A. GitoYAgcAgru GujTGJUtepoYcuu rfC6ei<*>i. jlutgcxoc r^p rrxG +rpA k c|>H gujtgjuicg Hpn cnTHpq a2\?\&. oy nGTGCxumuioc xt- ncpce Hpn ncx^c gyoi^i oYog orr xg cy*- pc mujorrt - purr ^crf rtGftxix jumipcqei- d}i c|>ai Xg Gmcumiuoq g^&g rnk?\Hpoc jui- JUAYATOY Art &?\?\&. GO&G ffl?SP*it sjluxc ihc nerroc itAJ r*p orr xtHGT ayxoc eeKHTOY xe epe nioYoi rtAtyumi rrrf iaa 0Y03 niujeopxep nitum rtejui iu6igA.n rutin, rrejui m^cc^e enrgcuoY rutum item juumicyi jt- xirotH rutum le rruut neeTepe neqRA^s 01 it?\e- ?\exHAJti JUtH rtrr hgtujck *rt rre ^err nHpn oYog eTu^mi xe epe jutuwutcuu rr^ujuuni jtauurr. ee&e rfH6TAY6oxi juluiujoy ceRc niitAgf rrejui rfHeTAY^uuT gi oYcon eRo^^ert no- ?\ic gjto?\ic goRg nm^gf guuc^e eepoY- RoHem epouoY gi OYcon. o^. tyuun epcxjTert rtfiHGT ayGoxi rircajoY goRg nirf*g ,t t- oYog gyc^ht kcouoy GRo?\£>Grf no^sic gjto^ic goRg nep v c|>jmeYi itrticAxi ntg nac eYcouoYrr juterr xe ninit* JnerfpojoYT i - - c^pg 2^e oYAceeitHC tg eeRe*c|>aj tyAYc|>urr oYog ujAYcyon epouoY .ungu)?\ejm rintOYgY- n^p^oitTA xgkac GYGApcg rcuuoY Jist<|>p*rf JLin«£C XJLTlOV&pttA, JLltJUtOq RoHem GpUUOY Jt- TGTGrf^- ItUUOY JtitHGT OYGp&pi* JUtJUtUUOY Jt- TGTGrtxuuK gRo^s rf+GitToSsH itTG noc. cj>*i !k6 TGitoYAgCAgiti juuutoq muT-Git th- pOY gl OYCOn GOpG JTIOYAI niOY*! x^ ^ erf 'f'T^glC G^AYTHIC GTOTq OYOg GUJTGJUtepG TGTGrtGpnRo'A JLinicyi kgjui nieuuty GTAYeo- tyoY rrurrGit itoYft T^p Aft rrc &2\?s&. rr<*. <|>+ rce. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 150 the Clergy alone, but of the Lay Christians also, upon whom the name of Christ Jesus our Lord has been called. For these are the things which have been said concerning them : " Who hath woe ? and who hath trouble ? and who hath judgments ? and who hath evil communications ? and who hath beat- ings without cause ? or who hath his eyes marked ? Do not those who tarry long at the wine, and who seek where are the wine taverns?" Of THOSE WHO ARE PERSECUTED FOR THE FaITH, AND who flee together from city to city for the Faith, so that they may be assisted together. 77. Receive ye those who are persecuted for the Faith, and " flee from city to city," for the remem- ' brance of the words of the Lord, knowing indeed that " The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Therefore they flee, and take the spoiling of their goods, that they may preserve to themselves the name of Christ, and may not deny it. Help them, and give to them the things which they need, and fulfil the command of the Lord. And this we all together command you, that each one remain in the station which hath been appointed ^ him, and do not transgress the measure and limit which have been appointed you, for they are not ours, but God's. prr<\ ftiKAitum rnre rn<*jiocTo?\oc. noc r*p qxoujutjmoc xe <|>HeTcurrejm epcxj- nrerc eqecurrejut epoi OYog c|>H6TX(ju^\ xjlxxuj- nrerr qxuu?\ jliajioi oYog c|>HeTX(ju?\ ijuuioi icxe aiJ/yxon ^*p GT^qe^iunajoY ceApeg, GTOYTAglC CCXHK G&0?N GHTG nieXCJUpg ff6JUl megooY nipa rtejui nnog rteju mcioY mcToi- X* orf mcTepeubjut* enre mujiR ,c t" mt ichoy rtiA- Rot meii2ajujuuscc ft ioynoy ceoi julRuuk H~£9C~ pi* 6T*qeocyoY epoc katt* c^hgt *qxoq xe *qx w rrouoY rcoYeuutxj rmoYujcerrq. qxumjmoc orf ee&e c|>ioaa xe ^i^^ rc*q ffOYeuuuj ^pf rfgAftKe?\?\e epuuq itejut g*rr- nY^sH aixoc ^.6 it *q xe epe c|>og cy* n*i aa* rrrecxp-eAAceitq. icxe ft ictoi^ 10 ^ ovit epnKo^s *rr jtitoYeuuuj gta. <1>+ ni^umioproc jutrnrHpq &&ujov tax)- oy* ie 6YHp AA*?\?\oft jWuuTerr neTccye epuu- Tert ne eun-eAAepTroSsAA^rt ckiaa ffg?\i ifeeit ITH6T <\ c|>+ CeAAftHTOY ffUUTerf K<\.T* H6q- oYoucy eeoY^R. en«2oi oyjuhcxj en c|> rfT^gic oYog eepoYepT-o?\AJUMt ecyi&'i- fH^P ^ ™ 1 * et AYx^po^orrm ajutioyaj moY^i Jt^>HTC eYg,cju^\ejm rrcuoY aiaaayAtoy ITg^ftAglCJUAA* JLinOYTHlTOY ffOJOY OYOg CY- eipi itcuoY AAAAiit aaaauuoy JtoYiAeT^YpAit- rroc eepoYep^o^pi^ecee rfgArncexuJOYfti rr- * The margin has gopi^e AAAAOq ffAY. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 152 For the Lord saith, "He that heareth you hear- eth me ; and he that denieth you denieth me ; and he that denieth me, denieth him that sent me." For k" those things which were created without life keep their order perfect, as the night and the day, the sun, and the moon, and the stars, the ele- ments, and the firmament*; also the changes of the seasons, the months, the weeks, and the hours, which are subservient to the use for which they were ap- pointed, according to that winch is said, " He hath set them a bound which they shall not pass." He saith again concerning the sea, " I have set a bound to it. I have given bars and gates to it, and I said to it, 'Hitherto shalt thou come, but thou shalt not pass it.' " If therefore the elements pass not their bounds, which God, the Architect of all, has placed for them, how much more ought you not to venture to remove any of those things which God has esta- blished for you, according to his holy will ? Since many think this, that it is nothing to dis- turb the order, and to dare to change the ordina- tion in which every one of them has been ordained, snatching to themselves alone dignities which have not been given them, and doing it for themselves tyrannically, that they may bestow authority upon others which they have not for themselves ; there- * Arab. CJlaJl , the heavens, firmament. prtr rtiKAffuuff itTG rfiAnocro^oc. rfHGTG JutJUtorrroY GgoYciA xx*x&x epuuoY ee- &e c|>ai ce+xajitT juicH- jLt^pH^f mtiujHpi KKope rreut ociac noYpo rr^ go&g <|>ai itAt juten AYpoKgoY *>erf oY^cpum itaj 2s.e gouq *qcuuq GTGqTGgitG ce-f-xourfT orf Jinnee ihc *i 6T*qoYAgc*g- m eepe ffAJ cyumi jLuiAipHi" oYog cg+^yhh juininrc* eeoY^R gygxuu^s ffTGqjULGT-jUGepG g&o?\ GitccuoYrf 2s.g ^rroY 4>err oy-Ugojuhi jui- nKYff^JNOC GTXH G^bpHI JtltHGTipi fUTAI g- B.HOYI JUinAipH+ ItGJUl ^AJUlGSsHC GTTCyOJT G- d}OYlt GltieYCIA ftGJUl ffl6YX*pH cr J"*4\ gOTAff AY^^mTA.?\aJOY GgpHI GJBLO^glTOTOY mtHGT CUJG A.rf GYJUIGYI GnTAtO JTTJUlG'TApXHGpGYC c|>ai CTGrteuurfT enmiurf rfApx H ^P 6YC xx- xxhi ihc n^c nGitoYpo 2C6 oYguuK jtcujB.1 jig. GOB.G c|>AJ +Art A.^KH TAgOlT 6ep6ltCYJUlB.OY- 7\UD(t ftUUTGrf JLtc|>^t ICXGJT +fiOY r&p g*ffOY- Olt qO^C gl c|>*gOY rfTOYJUGTrnGTcyOYIT. TGIt^UU 2^6 JUIJUIOC X6 JUUUOYCHC* c|>B.U)K JUtc]^ c|>H6T * c|>' t t" C*XI ff6JLA*q ffgO gl gO JUtc|>pH , f" iVoyaj cqc^xi ffGJUi Ji6qujc|>Hp c^hgt *qxoc rt^q X6 T fcuuoYit jlujuiok n^pA. oYoitmRerf <1>hgt A.qc*xi fiGJU^q po oyRg po glTGIT nc- qim oYog giTGit oYeumTGft Aft £>erc g6ft niCHOY GTAqOYAgCAgffl XX- * Read JUUAJYCHC. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 154 fore they provoke God, as the sons of Corah, and King Uzziah, who snatched to themselves the High- Priesthood, without the authority of God : therefore the former were burned with fire, and the latter defiled his forehead. They again provoke Christ Jesus, who hath commanded that these things should be thus, and they grieve the Holy Spirit, and deny his testimony. And now we know truly the danger which is over those who do such things, and the neglect which exists about the sacrifices and Eucharistial things, when they are offered by those who ought not; thinking the honour of the High-Priesthood, which is an imitation of the great true High-Priest Jesus Christ our king, that it is a thing of sport. On this account we find it necessary that we should advise you of this, for already some have turned aside* after their own vanity. And we say that Moses the servant of God, " with whom God spake face to face, as one speaketh with his friend ; " to whom he said, " I know thee above all men," with whom he spake mouth to mouth by his likeness, and not by an enigma, in signs and dreams, or Angels, or obscure things. This man, when he established the law of the Lord, appointed what things they were which ought to be done by the Priests, and again what are the works of Arab, ^dasb I have turned aside. prte rtiKUUft*T 6^}OYft epuUGY A?\- 7sA hioyai moYAi nityejucyi eTAqtfrrq rtAY- Apeg epouoY ne eu/re.uepneqiio?\ etyoun 6petyA.fr oyai epn&o?\ it+nApA2s.ocic gtay- xhic eTOTq <|>juoy neT eqenrruuiA n^.1 2s.e cI>H6T Aqcy aum rtCAOY?\ QYOftgq eRo?\ rcgOYO cj>Ai rrxe mfipoc^HTHC ee- Re meuugc eTAqe^gcq juumoq k cj>^ oft T^juoft giTert OYrtity^ itguuR eqoYumg e- &o?\ rfftneT ayujguiii fto^f^c JuinequjCK etff jLtneqjuincyity exert *rn&p&tiQXJLik ET^q^ic e^q^tq rftyejuumo e+xeJueTOYpo ee&e *f"uie- TAp^cHepeYC eTAqepemeYAJUft epoc cftAcyuu- ni ^.e oft ftTCTeftoi Aft rcArrccjuoYft with6TAY- eocyoY TeTertcajoYft r*p xe g^ftoYOft jmeft AftutoYi" epouoY xe eniCKonoc gAJticex^oYfti !^e xe npecKYTepoc OYog gAftoYOft rr&iAKO- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 156 the Levites : he made evident what is befitting for every one to do, who also adheres to his service. And those things which were appointed for the High- Priests to do, the law of these is, that the Priests should not approach to them. Those things which were appointed for the Priests let not the Levites draw near to them ; but let each one keep to the service which he had received, not transgressing it. If any one transgressed the tradition which was delivered to him, death was his punishment. And that which happened to Saul makes it more mani- fest ; for he who thought to offer a sacrifice without the Prophet and High Priest Samuel, brought upon himself a great sin, and curse for ever. But neither did the Prophet spare him on account of the anointing with which he had anointed him. God has again showed to us by a great thing manifested to those who were with Uzziah ; he delayed not to receive his punishment for the transgression which he did, which made him a stranger in another kingdom, for the High-Priesthood which he desired. And it will not again be th.at you are ignorant of those things which have been appointed. For you know that we have called some Bishops, and others Presbyters, and some Deacons, by prayer, and lay- ing on of hands, we have taught to make them for prt^ rriKAxrum ntc fUAnocTo^soc. itoc ifeerr oyu^h?\ iteju oyta?so rtecix ewr- c*Re gaitoy eRo^s enujifH" rcrugRHOYi gi- Terr rrt9iR+ rrmpAff. oYorr oyjuihuj T^p juterrpe neTOYuuuj ejueg Teit^tix eujdT JtnroTerf nc^hgt AqoYAtyq jli- ncjuoT mtioYHR mtiRAgci wai gta lepoRo- aaa oajuuuuoy ft *i eTtgecyq oYog gtcthoy gRo?\ rfAgperr c|>^- rrejui itipuujuu erte juuutort itojuioc r^p XX3JL&X gi tyiB-i" KTAgic ffAqpuu- tyi ne eepe riTHpq xuuk eRo^sgiTeit oYp*rr ffOYOJT A7\t\4K WTOY'TCAKe gaitoy eRo?\gi- Tert noc e r r^KOY?soYeiA rritig.fi.HOYf. memcKonoc juterr Aitcejurti rcuuoY rrejueTAp- XHepeYC runpecfiYTepoc guuoY rrejueTOYHR fti2uAJajit Jt- ta^ic eRo?\ c|>^f- r*p juic|>^ mu^eopTep Ait ne xgkac Jtrte itHeTXuKxeR gutfseiu. ituuoY jui- juayatoy £>ert oY-ueT^YpAititoc rrit* itHeT- cuuTn epuuoY eY^^u rcuuoY JtoYitoJuioc juiRe- pi enOYTA.KO JUtJUIft JUtJUUiOY CYOI KATTCUJOYrr xe cjmoKg rrcjuoY e+T-Rnp e<£oYft ^err gAit- coYpi rrgoYO ec|>*i rr At r*p JutnAipni" e+oY- &h itajt ajtoit memcKonoc &2\7\&> gy+oyRg THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 158 different employments, by the difference of the names. For many desire (who wish to fill our hand), to take to themselves what they wish, after the man- ner of the Priests of the Calves, whom Jeroboam made, who were despised and rejected by God and men. For if there were not a law and distinction of orders, it would be sufficient that all should be performed under one name. But they were taught to do them by the Lord, who established the order of the things. We have appointed Bishops for the High-Priest- hood, the Presbyters also for the Priesthood, and the Deacons for the ministration which is under them both, that the works of the service may be performed desirably. For it is not lawful for a Deacon to offer the sacrifice, or to baptize, or to give the greater or the lesser blessing : neither shall the Presbyter ordain, for it is not just to overturn the order of things. For God is not the God of confusion, that the poor should not snatch to them- selves tyrannically from those who have been elected by them, appointing for themselves a new law to their own destruction, not knowing that " it is hard for them to kick against the pricks;" for more than this, these thus fight not against us Bishops, but they fight against the great uni- versal* Bishop, and the great High-Priest, our Arab. £»m^, universal. prte rriKAftum itTe rti*i~ OYOg c|>Gft OYJUteeJUlHI. aykaoict* r&p eRo2\giT6ff juujuychc jti- npocI>HTHc OYog neTuusj Jutc^ rrg^rf^p^He- pevc flex* gAffOYHfi. itejui gautSseYiTHC. AYK^eiCTA. gu>q orr e&oSsgiTerf c^ nert- couTHp xxlr JtAnocxo^soc eKo?\ 2s.e gi- Terr rfiA.noc r ro^\oc <*YK*eiCTA. juumorf <\rtoK kSnhjuhc rcejm i^kojRoc ffejm g^rfKex^JOYm itejutAff ert^ujuuoY xe mtertxcjuoY THpoY *x- <|>oyai c|>oyaj ArfKA.eiCTA guurt aiton THperr gi oYcon rcgAitnpec&YTepoc iteiui gArf2u<\Ko- noc fiGAA g4MtgYno2uAicoffoc nejut g*ftiurr neTAqK+ neqiurr JLtn^TOYCTAYpuurtm juumoq *qoYAgc*gm ff<5at juumAYA/rerf eep- c|>*i kg a. oYormi&err *rr eTAYrfAgi" epoq eep oyh& oy2lC eepoYCJUinty* Juim*giu)JuiA rfOJUteT^p- XHepeYC. Jtterterfc* epoYAft*?\<*jui\J/ic juuuoq Arfoc num^K^pioc jtt JutAjyTYpoc rt*q- xcjuxgR *rt eporr ^>erc oYJueeuiH! gtg oYort- TAq e^oYrt ecj^ &3\?\&. *qoYumg rrrcq- jmeTpeqcyeJUicye rroY^t" eB.o7\^>erf nm^g ,r J- ngjui ^ATAnH gtg oYortT^q ca^oYff en^c ihc nenoc jutnA.ipH+ THpc gojc^e eepeqi" rrreq- iJ/yxh A^poq eA rtuoY^^i rfpeq^cjuTreR jli- noxj gitbm Gxuuq AY^oe&Gq a.?\?\&. gcujuioc jtai rn«rt" rfpujjuti £>6ft tt^i juuh GT&Gp&Gp £>gm nmrt* ceoY^K n*i murf" ff*pxHXiH6T *qffAY GrtinY^sH ffTG fflc|>HOYI GAY- oYujrf oYog ihc nac GqgioYirtAJu + nGqiurr jutnGqoYorrgq gRo^s <*}Grr g?si juljula. gouc Gq- Xpuu juinGTGpnpGni rf r rJUL6 r rXi*Kortoc ite*x ItHGTG It^HXC GTA^sG OYCI* GgpHI 16 GTA^SG xix GXGft g^\i &2\?\A. *qAp6g g+t^ic rce- JUGT^IAKOfiOC ty* G&0?\ HGTGpnpGni TAp JIG 4>AJ JUtC^JUApTYpOC GOOY^B. JLin^QC G0pGq- xujk gRo?\ jutncq^pojuioc cqApcg GTOYTAgiA. ICX6 OYOff g^ftOYOrt ^.G JUtJULUTTGrf rr^piKi 6c|>i?\innoc ni2u<\Korfoc ngjui ArfAitiAC nmic- toc rfcorr xg moY*i JUGit AAriTicjutA. jlwiici- OYp niKGOYH6T GltXUUJtllJUlOq THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 162 cording to his command have offered a living, holy, unbloody sacrifice ; and have ordained Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons seven in number. One of them was Stephen, the blessed Martyr, who was not inferior to us in truth, which he had towards God. But he manifested his piety to God by the faith and love which he had to Christ Jesus our Lord so en- tirely, and as to give his life for him ; whom the Jews, the murderers of the Lord, stoned and killed. But still, this so great man was fervent in the Holy Spirit, this great chief-deacon. He who saw the gates of heaven opened, and Jesus the Lord on the right hand of God his Father, appeared not in any place as using what was not befitting to the Deaconship, and those things which belong to it, either to offer the sacrifice, or to lay hands upon any ; but hath kept the order of the Deaconship unto the end. For it was befitting this holy Martyr of Christ to fulfil his course, keeping to their order. But if some of you shall turn to Philip the Dea- con, and Ananias the faithful brother, that the one baptized the Eunuch, and the other baptized me, Paul, they are ignorant of what we say. For we have said that no one snatched to himself the dig- 12 Aitxoc T&p xe juumorr g?\i gcju?\6JUt it*q jli- jm^YArrq AnAgiubiui* n+jmeTOYHK a7\7\a ecyaxjtfrrq eRo?sgiTeff c]^ juitypHi" *x*ag?\- j£ice^eK rteui i*kujR mnArrpiApxHc le e- ujAqtfrrq eKo^giTert ni*p#;HepeYC juic|>pH^ itkkpuuit eTAqtfrrq e&o^sgiTerr juluuychc oyk oyn c[>i?\innoc rteui *ff*ffiAC iWcjuoy *rr fte GTAYCOTnC ITUUOY eepcj>AJ ^^pUUOY JUUUUft juumouoY ASsts*. nxc neT^qeoujoY niApxne- peYC JLnutHi 4*+ GT6 juumorr K6 fioY^t" eq^-ert- ecort epoq. AqxouK e&o?\ jlutixujjul juuutAg e £>ert oy- IPHWH iWe c|>^- AJUHft. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 164 nity of the Priesthood, but he receives it from God, as Melchisedech and Jacob the Patriach ; or he re- ceives it from the High- Priest, as Aaron, who re- ceived it from Moses. Therefore Philip and Ana- nias did not elect themselves to do this of themselves, but Christ, the High-Priest of the true God, ap- pointed them, to whom no other God is compared. The Fifth Book is finished in the peace of God. Amen. 0*211*1 ^h t<~ S lZ > }„/c $> Tie pge ruKerr itiKAitum itTe rre- rfio'i- eeoYAfi. rcAnocrro^oc eT^ert rrerr- *ix it^K^sHJuiHC iteoq ne mxuujui axsjl&q %. eeB.6 ItHGT AY+JUinOYOYOI GtH' JUUUYCTH- piorr eeY. oh. rfHeeftA+jutnoYOYoi &e eerc oy^ot- Apoq JUt*poY- ginrq e&o?\ cy^rtTeqeJUinty^ eepe neqoc ep- jtxeepe £}*poq etyuun !ke *qcA}*rtcxrreJUiep- wieepe £>*poq JutnepepoY6rrq OYog ecyum *qty*ffepjuieepe £}&.ujk ne itoYeextiKoc ne jm^poY+cRuj THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS'. 166 The Sixth Book of the Canons of our Holy Fathers the Apostles, which are in the hands of Cle- mens : the same is the Seventh Book. of those who approach to receive the holy Mystery. 78. And those who shall approach to receive the mysteries of the servant of God, let them be brought first to the Bishop, or to the Presbyters, by the Dea- cons, and let them ask them, " For what cause, and for what thing, have you drawn near to the words of the Lord ? " Let those who shall bring them in, who have investigated their works diligently, bear testimony for them. Of Trades and Works.* 79. Let them inquire after their life with scrutiny, if they be servants, and if they be free. And if he be a servant, let his lord be asked whether he will be witness for him. And if he will not be witness for him, let him be rejected until he is worthy, that his lord may witness for him ; and if he does not witness for him, let him not be received. And if he has borne witness for him, let him be received. And if he be a servant to a Heathen, let him be taught to please his lord, "that the word be not Arab. JUc^ «-A3LflJI, trades or arts, and works or actions. xt*q eepeqepAftAq jutneqcrc xex*c rmoYxe- oxk enc<\:£i ecyum 2^e oYgooYT ne eoYorr- T*q cgijuti juijuiay ie oYcgnmi eoYorfr^c g,*i juuuay Jm^poY+cKoj ftcjuoY eepoYpojtyi epuu- oy ecycun 2^e juinoYeuu^ itejue. r«sJuoc jmApoY- TX^ftujoY etxpreJUtnoprfeYirr a?\?\* etfTY*Juioc kata c|>rtoJuioc oYog ecyojn oYmcToc ne neqoc eqccjuoYff see eqepnoprteYirt eqdrrejm- *t" cgumi rt Aq ie itaoq eqcxrrejurf- g*i rrreq- Rcjuki uus.poYX* nOYit eKoirrumift iutJUtYCT-Hpiort e- Rh^\ e^qTOYKo rrtyopn epetyjuioy 2^.e c|>og epoq Juu\poY6rrq e^oYft. ecyujn *qty*rt oy*i ne oYnoprto&ocicoc ne juus.peq?\o *>ert rreqcjutcrr eTgouoY ie jm*poY- gn-q e&o?\. oYnoprtH ecu^Arf'fjuinecoYoi e<£oYft .ua- pec?so ie AJt^poYgnrc eRo?s epeuj*w oyai eqeajmie i^cju^sorr +xineqoYoi e^}OYff *x&- peq?\o ie JUtApoYgixq eJ&o?\ epetyAft OYpujJUii ie oYcgumi ec £>erc nieea^port ei e^oYrr ie OYerreioxoc ie oxxonoxi^x 00 le oy*i eqHT £>err nicT^Xiort ie oy^ijuujucioc eq £>ert njuto- rfOAJt^X lo[t le OY?\YJUini*KOC IC OYX^^YpHC ie oYKie^pajToc ie nexxaj ri'T^sYpA ie oYop- X'cthc ie oYK^nn?\^\oc jm^poY?\o ie Juu^poY- giTOY e&o?\ OYJua/roi *qcy*H+.uneqoYoi e*>0Yrr JU*poY ,e t"c&(JU rr^q eujTejuepeqeptfT THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 168 blasphemed." But if it be a man who hath a wife, or a woman who hath a husband, let them be taught to be satisfied with them. But if they be not troubled with marriage, let them be taught not to commit fornication, but to marry according to the law. And if his lord be a believer, knowing that he commits fornication, and gives not a wife to him, or gives not a husband to his maid-servant, let that lord be put out. But if there be one who hath a demon let him be taught piety, but let him not be received into communion of the mystery unless he has been first cleansed. But if death ap- proach him, let him be received. If any one has been a maintainer of harlots, let him cease his evil examples, or let him be rejected. If a harlot draw near, let her cease, or let her be rejected. If any one who makes idols draw near, let him cease, or let him be rejected. If a man or a woman who belongs to the theatre come in, or chario- teer, or gladiator, or racer, or being publicly in the gladiatorium, or the Olympic games, or a player on the pipe *, or harp, or who sings to the lyre, or a dancer, or vintner, let them cease, or let them be re- jected. If a soldier come in, let him be taught * to do no injustice, and to accuse no one falsely : and let him be taught to be content with his wages which are given him." And if he is persuaded, let him be Greek ^o^cx,vXrig. pge itiKAJtum irre KiAnocTO?\oc. rrxoitc oY^e eujTeJuepeqgi?\* eg?u JutApoY- +cB.ou 2^6 rtAqx^ epoq* erfeqmj/turuorf e- TOY^t" jlujuujoy rt*q *qujY^s^KTHpiorf 16 oYpeqjmoYi" eTeiepRoorre le oYpeqtfTjuiHmi ^eit itig,&.?stcjr le neTtfumH- im ifcert g£\i rfg*rrg?\i 16 oYpeqRcju^ JiinKiJUi rtejut jme?\oc *YujOYff 6YU^T6JUl- eujTrfgHT AA^poYgiTOY eRo?s. oviiA.'hVsA.KH iWe oYAnicToc ecycun juten TeqRuuKi Te ecxo^A^e epoq JuiApoYtfnrc e- £>0Yit etyuun ^.e ctftb£>e.u. juumoc next gAxucc- ^cjuoYiti jmA.poYgiTC eRo?s. * The margin has eepeqgUU 6poq. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 170 received ; but if he speak against it, let him be re- jected. Any one doing abominable things, a sodo- mite, or a vain person, or a magician, or a seditious person*, or an enchanter, or an astrologer who is a constituter of the time f , or a diviner, or a serpent- charmer, or a maker of amulets, or an enchanter who does hurtful things, or an augurer by birds, or who augurs in any other way, or an interpreter of motions and members when they move ; or he who divines by the blind and the lame J, or who observes the call- ing of birds or sounds, or an observer of words which men utter that they may be signs to them, let these be proved for a time, for it is difficult to depart from the evil. If they have ceased doing these things, let them be received ; hut if they will not be persuaded, let them be rejected. A concubine of an unbeliever, if she is his bond- servant, spending her time with him alone, let her be received ; but if she defile herself with others, let her be rejected. And a believer who hath a concubine, if she be a bond-servant, let him put her away, marrying according to the law : if she be free, let him marry her; but if he will not, let him be rejected. Arab. u_5J<=r«, a blasphemer, ungrateful for the bless- ings of God. T Arab. eulcL* L^rvLs, master of the time or hours* { Or who observes the contiguity or conjunction of the blind and the lame. poA jtiKAmjurr rtTe rtiAnocTo^oc. oyjtictoc 2s.e OYorrrfTAq rtoYnA^sAKH jli- aaay etyum jlagit oy&uuki tg jm^peqgiTC g- Ko7\ Gqtf? cgfjuti katta tyitojmoc ecycjun oy- pejmge T6 jut*peqgejutci ngjuac GqcxjTGJUtoY- u>uj Xg AA*poYgiTq g&oK oyH6Ti-cRu) ^.6 Gtycjun Aqty^rt oy2\A.ikoc jtg 6qnAi2s.GY6 £>6it jtca;xi oYog oycgjuutoc nc ^bcrr ncq+pajnoc mAp6q T i-c&uj CGftAcyuum r^p THpoY rirpGqtfTcRuu ittg cj^ ncscAq rbcG nmpoc|>HTHc. AqxuuK gKo?\ jVxg mxum JuuutAg tv g&o?s- ^Gft ItlKAJtUm ItTG ItGltlCrf Jt AnOCTO^OC £)6ff OYgipHItH ItTG HOC XsJLHtt. * Read geit ruKArfum jWe fte- itKrf- eeoYAJi ft AnocroSsoc eT £>eff rrert- 2CI2C JTAK*\HJUIHC 6T6 <1>cmt e.UAY rlroYe&iub ie oYciKepuurf 6AYeerr neqcnoY rteui nrteg rc+^sYX^^ eeoYA& rrejut oYceot itoYqif iuityrtAY rri-npocc|>opA GeoYA&. X. ffftlKegYnopA ^.6 THpOY JUtApOYTAOYO rrTOYAn^pxH e^oYrr emu xurienicKonoc * The margin has JUtApOYeiteeHJUtA JUtJUOq. Arabic f The margin has rf6JLl OYCOY^teff . THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 174 The Seventh Book of the Canons of our Holy Fathers the Apostles, by the hands of Clemens, which is the end of the Eighth Book, by the Cu ^^ t help of God. /lca)** *& ' 1. A Bishop shall be ordained by two or three Ca*> 1 - Bishops. 2. A Presbyter, or Deacon, and the rest of the •* * Clergy, shall be ordained by one Bishop. 3. If a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon introduce - J any thing at the altar besides that which is com- manded, that it may be offered for a sacrifice, or that it may be introduced there, as honey, or strong made drink, instead of wine ; or milk, or birds ; or any other living creatures instead of what the Lord hath commanded, let him be anathematized. It is ^ ^ not lawful to introduce any thing at the altar, ex- cept new fruits and grapes in the season thereof, and oil for the holy lamp, and incense at the time of the holy oblation. 4. But let all other autumnal fruits of their first- — f> fruits be sent to the house of the Bishop and the poe ffiKAJTuurr rrre rfiAnocro^oc. rrejui mnpec&YTepoc *3\7\& rmoYtfrTC eifcoYrt enievciACTHpiorf epe nieniCKonoc guuq c|>o- ujoy exouq xtejui runpecRYTepoc iteui niceceni ftk?SHpiKOC. eeRe xe rute nieniCKonoc le mnpec&YTe- poc 16 ni^iAKorfoc gi* Teqcgnuu e&o?\. e. xtnepepe nieniCKonoc ie nmpec&YTepoc te ni^iAKOfioc gi Teqcgmi eRo7\ ee&e oy- ^suuixi JuuuteTpequ^jmuje rfOY^" ecyuun 2s.e *qcy*rf giTC e&o?\ Juu^poYX^qSe* e&o?s eq- ujTeJUtoYuuty 2.6 e(Hrc e£>oYit JUApoYK^eaj- poY juumoq. 5c. epeujAft oYemcKonoc ie oYnpec&YTepoc 16 oY^iAKonoc ep negooY jlutijtacx* Neui rtnoY^Ai jLinarreep hchoy errepe iteYcyooYe cyHcxj ffem megooY JUtApoYKAOAipoY juumoq. 5. Jiinepepe nieniCKonoc ie nmpecRYTe- poc ie n^iAKorroc eq rtejui mpuuoYcy jui- niKOCJUioc ecyuun £.e Aqcy^rteA^q Jm*poY- KAeajpoY juumoq. h. epeujAit oYnpecRYTepoc ie oY^iAKoxtoc ie K6OYA.1 itaoq go2\uuc ^erc nik^\Hpoc uj- T6JUK5T £&o?\£>eit ^eYX^P^Ti a iutcl>rr ay iti"- CYit^gic ie eqxou JtAiTiA. etyoun AJtert eqejmn- uj* jm^poYX^ N*q eKo?\ ec^oun equjxejuocou irrAn-iA jmApoYX*^ 8 el e&o?\ guuc e^qep ajtoc rcoYoce jutni^sAoc oYog Aq+ rrouoY * The margin has ff6X. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 176 Presbyters, but they shall not be introduced upon the altar ; but the Bishop shall divide them for himself and the Presbyters, and the rest of the Clergy* But neither the Bishop nor Presbyter nor Deacon shall put away his wife. 5. Let not the Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, put away his wife for the pretext of religion ; but if C~ he has put her away, let him be deposed ; and if he be unwilling to receive her again, let him be de- prived. 6. If a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, shall cele- brate the day of the Passover with the Jews, before the time of the vernal equinox, let him be deposed. 7. Let not the Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, be disturbed v$\h the cares of the world ; but if he has troubled himself with them let him be deposed. 8. If a Presbyter, or Deacon, or any other who is *■ wholly among the Clergy does not partake of the Eucharist f at the time of assembling, if he mentions the cause, and if it be a proper one, let him be for- given ; if he does not mention the cause let him be suspended, as being the cause of injury to the peo- ple, and giving a suspicion to them that they may * These four Canons are united in the Coptic and Arabic, t The Arabic adds ^JdJiJI, holy. m pO^ rflKhgt ta- ?\g npocc|>op* egpHi guuc GqTA^sO *ft Ggpm e. nicroc Xt itiRerr GTujGituuoY g+6kk?\h- ciA oYog gtcuutgjui eitirpAcJ>H gooyaR gy- ^^ftUjTGJUt^UJ uj^ KTOYGp rf|U#\H?\ OYOg Jt- CGtff GRo?s^6rr +npoc<|>op* g^oyaR OYOg jt- CGGp rfiu^?\H?s JLinityGngJuoT gxcjuc uu\poY- ^CAYgGl 6Ro?\ gOUC GYipi ffg*ft ATAXIA GT6 g^rfu^eop , TGp ffG £>Glt ^gkkTshcia. i. Gpcty^it oyai ci|^\H?s rfGJUt jtgt Koiitcuitirr *It JLUJUtYCTHpiOrf KAIt GqGff £>OYft JtrfOYHI JUl*pOYX* ^HGTG JLIJUIAY gGI GRo?\. IX. GpGty^rC OYK^sHpOC U#\H?\ JtGJUl OYK?\H- poc GAYK*e*ipoY Juumoq gouc k^sHpoc <|>aj gouq orr JUt^poYKAe^ipoY juumoq. # 15. IT. GpGUJAJT OYK^sHpOC GqgGl GRo?\ 16 Jt- eoq oy2\«jukoc tycrr^q oyho^ic guuc cq gi ^OYff rrcctfrrq G^>oYrr ^bcrr ^no^sic x^P 10 C^>AJ GYCYItglCTA JUtiUtOq SJL^pO^X^^ 1 6- Ro?\ NX6 ItHGTAYdT ffGJUt C^HGTAYtfTTq Gcyuun 2s.G GqgGI GRo^s JUtApGqX^J ffOYCHOY X6 *qx6 JUGercoYX oYog ^qAnArrH iW"gkk?\hcia g- 12L nctye *rt Gg?\i itGniCKonoc cepcqx* neqeuuty rccuuq cq^u) giXGrr kgoyai K*rr gy- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 178 suspect him who offers the oblation, as not offering rightly. 9. And all believers who enter into the church and hear the Holy Scriptures, if they do not remain Jill they have prayed, and partaken of the Holy Eucharist, and make the prayers of thanksgiving in it, let them be suspended, as causing disorders, which are disturbances in the church. 10. If any one prays with one who partakes not of the mystery, even if he is brought into their houses, let that person be suspended. 11. If a Clergyman prays with a Clergyman who hath been deposed, as a Clergyman, let him also be deposed. 12. 13. If a Clergyman or layman who is suspended goes to a city as being still within the Church*, and they shall receive him in the city without commen- datory letters, let those who received him, and he that hath been received, be suspended. But if he be suspended, let him remain for a longer time suspended, because he has lied, and has deceived the Holy Church of God. 14. It is not lawful for any Bishop to leave his diocese f, leaving it for another, even if he is con- Arab. Jy£$\ as approved. t Coptic JieqetOty , his province, or region ; but the Arabic is tiL*** , his habitation, the place where he dwells. m2 poe rriKAitum ittg tuknocTo?\oc. ujA.ttkrtA.YKH juuuoq giTerc oyaah^ ixihti JtTe oyajtia ujuum eceprroqpi itCGtfrrq AtfrtG neTegitaj gouc oyowu^xoaji sjl- jutoq eepovgHOY itrtHerr *>eri nuuux gtgjuuuiay giTGft nc*xi jt+JuteTGYceRHc oYog <|>6ff HGqOYOUty JlAp* "hrffcju- juh JUtncqcniCKonoc TGrtoYAgCAgrti gu^tgaagp itai ^siTopriA. GrfGg aaa?\icta. Gtyum AqujAft ncqcnicKonoc juioy^ Gpoq cepcqiccrrq cncq- jua JUtncqcaj'TGUi rccouq 6ep6q?\o pHH" WOY^IKOC. uv. Gtyoun 2^6 cpGcyAit nicnicKonoc gt^gw ncqeoucy en +GniTiJUii* GgTsi oaj gtaw^uj JUULtOC £)A.piUOY GqtfTTOY gOUC K^sHpiKOC JllA- poYX*q86i eRo?\ guuc G*qujuuni ff2uT*CKA- ?SUUC JTOYATAglA. 15. c[>HGTA.q^5sOJUl2\6iUl ^Glt Y&JJLQC 5 AAG- rtGficA Raitticjuia ig <|>HGT*q3<;uj rr*q itoY- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 180 strained by the multitude, unless it is for some use- ful cause that he is taken without his consent to do this, that he may be able to benefit those in that place by the word of godliness; and he shall not do this alone, but by the judgment of many Bishops, and a very powerful petition. 15. If a Presbyter or Deacon, or any one wholly of those who are numbered in the order of the Clergy, leaves his appointment, and shall go into another region*, remaining in that place for a long time of his own accord, without the consent of his Bishop, we command that he no more minister, especially if his Bishop has called upon him to return to his place and he has not obeyed him, to cease in his disorderly conduct, but he shall assemble in that place as a layman. 16. But if the Bishop who is in that diocese shall reckon the punishment f nothing which we have established against them, receiving them as Clergy- men, let him be suspended, as he who has been a teacher of disorder. 17. He who has been twice united in marriage after baptism, or who has had a concubine, cannot The Greek is zavrov vugoiziuv, his own parish. OLOUj signifies a defined sphere, either great or small, as a province, or prefecture, and a parish ; and %&»- ap- pears to convey the same idea, t Arab. ^ylaJI, the regulation. pn<\ itiKAxrum itTe itiAncxrrctfsoc. n&.Ts'h&KH juijuorfuptau jutuioq eep emcKonoc 16 npec&YTepoc ie 2sJAKorroc ie eepoYonq gcu^oc en<\pie.uoc it+JuteTOYHR. it?, ie. c^aeeitA^ ffOY^Hp* |6 °yi gayca.- tyc ie oYnoprra ie oyRouki ie oyi A^n rfHGT- ^erc mcKYrrn 6T6 meeAXporr ne ie <1>H6t Aqgeiuici iteJU. ccum E^ 16 n-cyepi iijineqcorf ie 'Tcyepi rcTeqcourfi juumorfcxjxojm juuutoq eep enicxonoc ie npecfiYTepoc ie ^JAKortoc ie eepoYonq gouTsoc enik^sHpoc K^-jmeTOYHR. ic. nik^sHpoc eew Aoq JUUTAipiH - ecyuun eqcyAff qeixnujA JtejmeTeniCKonoc AJtApoYAiq eujuun ^.6 eTAYty^rrq eB.o?s jutjutm xumoq jutnepepe- qep kTsnpoc xe Aqcxjumi itpeqd}arre& epoq JtAJutAYATq oYOg Aqep:&AXi eneAJUtio JLt juumm juuutoq. ice. nienicKonoc ie mnpec&YTepoc ie ni- 2uAKoitoc eTOYirATAgoq d^eit oYnopitiA ie THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 182 be a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, or be num- bered wholly in the number of the Priesthood. 18. 19. He who shall marry a widow or one who has been divorced, or a harlot, or a maid-servant, or one of those in the scenes of the theatre, or who has married with two sisters, or the daughter of his brother, or the daughter of his sister, cannot be a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, or be numbered entirely with the Clergy of the Priesthood. 20. The Clergyman who shall become a surety*, let him be deposed. 21. 22. The eunuch, if he have been made an eunuch by the violence of men, or he who was made such in the persecution, or he who was born such, if he be worthy of the Episcopacy, let him be made a Bishop. But if he has mutilated himself, let him not be made a Clergyman, because he is a self-murderer, and an enemy to the creation of God. 23. If he who is a Clergyman mutilates himself let him be deprived : he is a murderer of himself. 24. The layman who shall mutilate himself, let him be separated three years, for he lays a snare for his own life. 25. The Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, who is taken in fornication, or is a false swearer, or a thief, * The Coptic is literally, " The Clergyman who shall take a man for a surety." The Greek is k\*ipikos 6771**? $tSoi>s KaOaipeiffdo). pnr rtiKAJtujff rtTG itiAnocTo^oc. ovAieTpeqoupK itrroYX ie oYtfioYt JUApoYK*- eAipoY juuutoq a?\?\a, JuinepepoYrroxq eRo^\ rrfKomumiA +rp*H T&p xiujxxsjloc xe juine noc 6? k&a rrcon S eefie oYguuJk rc- oyuut. k^. gojmAJoc ore nKGceni jtk?\HpiKoc gtg ItlA.ltATItUUC'THC ff6 ft6JUt ITI\I/A.?VTHC AYtyAftl e£>0Yft enik^sHpiKoc sjljt&tqv6T cgnuti itce- oyuucxj etfT'TerfOYAgcA.gm nujoy jliaaayatoy COAI 6YOI JYAJT^FffUUCTHC OYOg cyoi itpeq- \I/A?VTHC eepOYtfl' A.TstsA. HK6 g?\l *!t JtK^sH- piKOC. k^. nieniCKonoc ie nmpec&YTepoc ie ni- Ssjakonoc GYffAgioYi enicroc eYepito&i ie itaoq £bztt Anicroc rcpeq^Trbcoitc OYOg gyoy- W& grrerf gA.rfgfi.HOYi Juin^ipHi" eepe m- puuuu epgo^f rf*>HTOY TerroY^gcAgm ee- pOYKA0^i ^ert g^si xjlsjla, *?\?\a itAYgioYi epoq rceoq 2^6 rf^qcejmrroc itAYC*goYi juuutoq jutneqc^goYi equjen*>ici itcpcumT Art ne. kh. epecy^rr oYenicKonoc ie oYnpeafiYTe- poc ie oy2lIAKOi?oc GAYKAOAjpoY juuutoq e- xerr goyit ie etfuug gco^voc enTHpq xini- cyejutjiji ctc rfTOTq rrcHOY ffi&eit eYit^tyArr cJ>ai e£.o?\ rrfexk^HciA enrrHpq. ice. ecyejun ApeujArr oYeniciconoc ie oy^ia- KOftoc epoc gc|>ai AgiubjuiA gi^reit gAit&pHiuiA THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 184 let him be deprived, but not be cast out of the com- munion, for the Scripture says, " The Lord will not take vengeance twice for the same thing." 26. Likewise also the rest of the Clergy. They who are the Readers and the Singers, if they have come into the Clergy before they have married, and they wish to marry, we permit them alone in this, being Readers and Singers, that they marry, but not any other Clergy. 27. The Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, who shall strike any believers who sin, or he who is un- just among the unbelievers, and wishes by things of this kind to make men afraid, we command that they be deposed, for the Lord has not taught us this in any place. But he was smitten, and he was quiet; he was reviled, and he reviled not; suffer- ing, he was not angry. 28. If a Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, who has been deposed for manifest crimes, dare to enter in, or to touch at all the ministration which he once had, he shall be cut off entirely from the Church. 29. If a Bishop or Deacon shall become a ruler in this dignity by money, or a Presbyter, let him be pne iHK&itujit JtTe itiAnocToSsoc. 16 ovnpecRYTepoc juuJs.poYK<\e4*jpoY AAJUtoq OYOg itCA K*e*ipoY JLtcl>H6TAq+cl>(JUty rt*q rfceu^TejLAKomourfm itejui*q errrHpq xnc|>pH+ eTACtyuuni itcmum nuuu^roc e&o^giTOT ArtOK neTpoc. 2\. epetyAft oYemcKonoc ep^piA rrgAJT«*.p- X«JW JtTe itaj kocjuoc eqepoc e^-eKK^HciA. e&oSsgiTcrrq JUiApoYgiTq e&o^ ffC6K*eporfw jLtneqenicKonoc rf*qcYfr*ru>ve giRo^s OYog eqe^juuo ft*q ffKeeYci^CTHpioit juineqx*S^i ittaio jiineqeniCKonoc ixe ^err oYJUteTpeq- tyeimuje noY^" IT6 £>eit OY2sJKe6cYffH Jt**poY- K*e*ipoY Juuutoq gouc juum *px H weoq (ten k?\Hpoc rriReit eerr^oY^goY rccuuq oy^yp*! ^.e JUtApequjuum Jute- iterrc^ epe nienicxonoc epKcxj^siit xumoq JtoY- con rteju E le r . 2\E. epeujajt OYemcKonoc x*> oYnpecRY- Tepoc gei eRo^s ig oY^iAKortoc mte g?\i rre- nicKonoc euj^* ! c^oYit hjulhti katta oy- ccjuoyit iWe memcKonoc 6T*qx*qgei efictfs ^qjutOY. 2\r. juinepepe g^si tft g^\i rreniciconoc w- ujejuuuto e^oYft ie npec&YTepoc ie Xiajco- JtOC g(JUC K?\HpiKOC X^P 10 CYffgYCTA JUl- jucjuoy eYeyAffiru &e orr rfgAitc^*! uiApoY- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 186 deposed, and he who set him apart : after they are deposed, they shall not hold communion with him at all, as Simon Magus was by me, Peter. 30. If a Bishop shall have the advantage of the rulers of this world, gaining dominion in the church by it, let him be cast out, that he may be deposed, and all those who communicate with him. 31. If a Presbyter shall despise his Bishop, and assemble separately, and make to himself another altar, who has not deposed any thing against the honour of his Bishop, either in religion or in jus- tice, let him be deposed as ambitious, he, and all the Clergy who shall follow him, for he is a tyrant. Let the laity also who shall follow him be cast out. And let this be done after the Bishop has forbid him once, and a second, or third time. 32. If a Bishop shall suspend a Presbyter, or Dea- con, no other Bishop can restore him but with the knowledge that the Bishop who suspended him is dead. 33. Let not any one receive any strange Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, as a Clergyman, without com- mendations of them. But if they bring letters, let them be examined ; and if they are preachers of the pn^ ruKArrum itTe rfie oYog itceujTejmep g?si itguuB. ^cupic ^-ritco- AAH JLt^HGT-eJUUmAY JUApe HIOYAI HIOYAI 6p mg&HOYi JUtJUAYATq nai eTepitoqi juineq- euucy OYog itijo^P^ gtujoii £>a TcqcgoYciA a*£sA oyXg iteoq gouq oit c^hgt AYKAeiCTA xtuioq it a<|>g gxuuoy itneqep g?\i itguuR iji&e- pi j^uupic TeritouJuiH rcrrienicKonoc THpoY nAip*H" rAp epe oYouoitiA rtoYurr itAujumi OYog itTe c^i" 4 > *< j u rr ai JiApA i"ritu)JUiH jul^hgt AJutAgTG exert i~no*sic e- TGJUtJUlAY 16 ItlX^jp^ AAApOYKAeAipOY i*- juoq iteoq kgjui itHGTAqxipo^oitm ^aaujoy. 2\iv. ecyoun 2.e AYtyArfX l P°^ 0,tm noygitic- Konoc itAquj r TGJi*euj r ntgH r r g^h <&Git oy?m- TOYpriA ig cepcqqi Axc|>pu)OYty juuti?\aoc e- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 188 truth, let them be received ; but if not, they shall receive the things which are necessary, but they shall not commune with them, for many things of this kind are done by surprise/ 34. It behoves the Bishops of every nation to know who is first among them, that they may place himf as their head, and not do any thing without his consent. Let each one do the things only which belong to his province and the countries under his authority. But neither let him who hath been ap- pointed the head over them do any new thing with- out the consent of all the Bishops, for thus there will be unanimity, and God the Father will be glorified, and Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 35. Let not the Bishop dare to ordain without his province, in cities or countries that are not under him. But if he be convicted that he has done this, without the consent of him who hath the power over that city, or the countries, let him be deposed, he, and those whom he has ordained. 36. And if any one who hath been ordained Bi- shop, will not be persuaded to be in the ministry J, or to take care of the people committed to him, he Arab. < — alas", velociter incedens. t The Greek is riyfur&ai ocvrov, esteem him ; but the Arabic is *}>*zf tt , that they may put him, or place him. X Arab. tuAs?' , the ministry. pne itiKAJtuurr rifTG mknocToTsoc. TAYTHiq GTcrrq GYitAX^S 61 eRo^s ujai a?\?\a c|>a 'tkakia juuii?\aoc ne itaoq ore JUiApeqxuu eqoi rreniCKonoc mk?\Hpoc ^.6 rrfnctfMc juia- poYX^ Y 8 61 eKo?\ eRo^s xe JutnoYeppeq+cKuu juutai ?\aoc juuuMpirt- rlrrfOYxou^s gRoK 2\^. JtAApcqcyumi rbee nixmocjuovi" witie- nicKonoc itcon 5 kata pojutni oYog JuiApoY- GpArtAkpmirr rmoYGpHOY goRg rti^orJUA Jt- 'i-AJLGTpGqujGjmajG rroYi" OYog ffC6Ruu?\ gRo?\ ffrriArnri?\OFiA gtg ujAYcyumi ^gk ^-Gick^H- cia nujopn jutcrr JLnnxmeuuoYi" GqrtAtyuuni <*>6ft ejUAg X rrGR^uuJUtAc rpJ-nArtTHKocTH tyjutAg E nc GqitAtyuuni itcoy 15 jlotaojth. 2VH. fflgRHOYI THpOY rrfGlck^HCIA JUlApG nicniCKonoc qi JuinoYpcxjoYcy oYOg JutApcq- 2sJHKIIT JLtJUOUOY gOUC Gc^ nGTXOYtyT GXOUq jutnGTccxjG cpoq Aft jig Gepcqqi g^si n^htoy guuc GYgHOY ftAq JuuutAYATq nc ig Gepcqx*- pi^Gcec rmiGftx** wtc cl>4~ mtcqcYrrGftHC Gtyuun Xg gAftgwci jmApcq^uupH^m rrouoY gU)C gHKl A?\?SA JUtflGp&pGqGpGUJUJT £)Gff fflg^sl ITffA i"6Kk?\HCIA JtT^SUUIXI mtHGTGJUl- JUIAY. 2ve. JuincpepG npGcRYTGpoc ig ^.lAKorroc cp g^si itgujR x^P 10 "Htiumjih juutoygjticko- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 190 shall be suspended until he is persuaded. Like- wise the Presbyter, or the Deacon. But if when he has gone they will not receive him, not because this is his own will, but it is of the wickedness of the people, let him remain a Bishop, but let the Clergy of the city be suspended, because they have not taught this people that they should not thus refuse him. 37. Let there be an assembly of the Bishops twice in a year, and let them examine among themselves concerning the doctrines of piety, and they shall solve the controversies which exist in the church. The first assembly shall be in the fourth week of the Pentecost ; the second shall be in the twelfth of Paopi (October.) 38. Let the Bishop have the care of all the things of the church, and let him administer them as in the presence of God. It is not lawful for him to take away any thing from them as profitable for himself alone, or that he should give of the things of God to his relations. But if they be poor, let him sup- port* them as poor, but let him not trade with the things of the church under that pretext. 39. Let not the Presbyters, or Deacons, do any thing without the consent of their Bishop, for he it ■v Arab. a^lyui, let him maintain them. \ \ pqA. ftlKAJTUUft ffTG ftlAJTOCTOTsOC. noc fteoq v*p ne GTAYmcTGYift ft*q enTs^oc jixnoc ovog itaoq orr ncTftAtyuuT juutca:z:i g* rfov\J/Y3C H - Si. epe mgYnApxoftTA linienicKonoc g- TGOYOftTAq coy jliiaay ftAOYumg, gRo?\ e- tyoun OYOftT^q jlijuiay gApoq Juum<\YArrq oy- og iVtg ft* noc oYOJitg gRo^ xe epeujAjt nie- nicKonoc qftAJUOY qftAGpoc GftHGTGftoYq rre eepeq^iq JUt^HGTGqoYAujq OYog, rfTeujTcu- iteitx^i JutnicnicKonoc coupeui rrf?\u)ixf Jtit* ^gkkSshcia le no'K^A.Kic oyont-g memcKonoc cguuti gt ujHpi le cYrrGitHc le Ruuk n^iiceorf r*p ne ft*gp6ft <|>+ itejui rupuujuu GUfrejmepe ^GlctesHClA +ACO JYftHGTGftOYC ItG GORg X6 KCGCouoYft aw X6 auj riG rf a nicniCKonoc oy^g Oft GUjTGJUt&pOY&YAJlGYi JutniGniCKonoc IG rtcq- CYrrGKHC irfa\U)l*l itftA. ''fGKtosHClil OYOg ff- TG ffHGTHn Gpoq Gl GgpHl ^Glt OYItltyi" It- ^ICI JtCGXGOYA GnGqJUOJOYT. II*. TGftoYAgcAgm Xg cepc niGniCKonoc GpOD Gi"6Kk?sHCliL ItGJU fTGCgRHOYI ICX6 AY- HICTGYG V*p ft *q Gftf^J/YXH GTHTAIHOYT" ftftl- pUJSJLl OYgOYO OYft Gftl^pHJUlA. GepOYTHITOY GTTOTq gOUC X6 Gepcq^lOfKlft JULJUKJUOY TH- pOY katt* JTGqoYAgCAgm Gq^^pn^fft Jt- rrHGTc^Arr gRo?s ff^HTOY giTGft itinpccRY- TGpOC ftGJLA ftlSsJAKOftOC ^Gft OYgoi" JtTG cj^ ftGJUi oYceGpTGp 6q6t 2^6 guuq gRoTs JT^HTOY jtftHGTGqGp^cpiA ftoJOY etyuun pou guuTsoc THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 192 is who is entrusted with the people of the Lord, and he also shall give an account for their souls. 40. The goods which the Bishop hath, shall be evident, if he have any of his own, and those of the Lord shall be evident ; that when the Bishop shall die, he may have power over those which are his own, to do what he will ; and that not any thing of the Bishop's may be scattered, under pretext of the things of the church : for often the Bishop has a wife and children, or relations, or servants. For it is just before God and men that the church should not suffer the Joss of those things which are its own, because they know not what are the things of the Bishop ; nor again that the Bishop or his re- lations shall be proscribed under pretence of the things of the church. And that those who are re- puted his may not come into great trouble, and blaspheme at his death. 41. And we command that the Bishop rule over the Church and her goods; for if he be entrusted with the precious souls of men, much more there- fore with the emoluments which have been com- mitted to him ; and so as to administer them all ac- cording to his authority, dividing to those who are in want out of them, through the Presbyters and Deacons, in the fear of God, and with trembling. And he also receiving out of them those things which he has need of, if he indeed needs the same ; and n pqr itiKAxrum rrre mAnocTo^oc. qep^cpiA oYog q+ oYAgc*gm eepe rtHe r rc- poqT emeYci^cTHpiorf oycjuui e&o?\^eff m- evci^cTHpiorf eni2o* Amort g?si jutuuvroi juicyi oyB.6 rtix:**:! JLtnovpo ^err fteqoij/uj- morf jutAAirr juuuioq. jS5. niemcKonoc le npec&YTepoc le ni2sj<\- Koitoc eTcpoqT eg*rnr<*>Ji* rrejui g^rt^ep- xep rfGJU gArrei^i eq?\o it<\i eepoYujeiuitgi guuc k^sHpiKoc JUwepoYK^eaj- pOY JUtJUCJUOY. juisv. nienicKonoc ie ninpec&YTepoc ie ni2u<\- Korroc eerr^cxjerfuJOY en&AJiTicju* rutigepe- TIKOC JUU^pOYK^eAJpOY JUL JUICJUOY 16 TOYeYCIA *>& T*p Te 'TKoirtoum^ jutn^c we** Re2siAp ie A.C9 ne c|>jmepoc rcoYiricxoc itexx. oyajuctoc. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 194 taking something for the necessity of the strange brethren, who shall receive hopitality from him, so that they may not want any thing, in any manner. For the law of God hath commanded, that " those who wait at the altar should eat from the altar ; since, not any soldier fights against the enemies of the king at his own charges. 42. The Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, who in- dulges in dice*, and luxury, and drinking, let him cease from them, or let him be deposed. 43. And the Sub-deacon, or Reader, or Singer, who shall do so, let them cease, or let them be cast out : likewise the laity after the same manner. 44. The Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, who shall demand usury of those who are debtors to him, let him be cast out. 45. The Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, who shall pray with heretics, let him be suspended ; but if they have done this to minister as Clergymen, let them be deposed. 46. The Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, who shall go to the baptism of heretics, or to their sacri- fice, let him be deposed. For what fellowship hath Christ with Belial, or what part hath a believer with an infidel ? * Arab, dj , dice. n 2 pqe ffiKAitum rrre itiAnocTo^oc. Ft*. epeujAjt oYemciconoc ie oYnpecRYTe- poc 16 oYXi^Korfoc ic KeoY*i gou?\oc ^err niicTsHpoc Jt^jmeTOYHR ceccxjq xinirajutoc itex*. g*rr*q ie oYHpn eeRe ackhcic *rt a?v- ?\A gcuc g*rf<\K*e*p , TOfr rce eAqepnuuRty JLic^HeTCH^ xe AqrtAY rcxe c]>+ eertx**rci- Rert eTAqeajuiiuuoY oYog xe ic gHnne eft a- iteY ejm^cyuu nA.?\m oit xe A. cj^ emuue cj>puu- juti oYgooYT rrejui oYcguuii oYog nA.ipH+ eq- xcoya eqtyuucyq jlujWajuio jutcj>^- ju^poY- 2uopeoY juumoq ie JUtApoYKAeAipoY juiimoq itcerroxq eRo^s^berr "J-eick^HciA. oaj orr tc JUtc|>pHi" SJLUl7\MKOC. itR. epeuj<\rt OYemciconoc ie oYnpecRYTe- poc ie oY^iAKortoc u^nrextoYuuty e67 juu|>H6- TAqxcrrq eRo?\^berf neqrroRi a.7\7\^ eqrtoxq eRo?\ JUi^poYK^eAipoY juumoq xe *q?\YnH juin^QC <1>aj eTXCJUJuuuioc xe cy*pe oYp^tyi ujuuni Juin^ipHi" *>eit *tc|>e exert oYpeqeprtoRi equj*rtjme r rArfom. rtr. epeujAJt oYenicKonoc ie oYnpecRYTe- poc ie oyXiakowoc ujTeuKfi' oykoyxi Jt^q oYog Jtiteqce koyxi rirHpn ^>eit megooY rlr- cyaj JH^poYK^e^ipoY JitJUtoq gouc epe toy- CYitH^Hcic pouKg epouoY AYtycjuni it^ixioc eepe gAJtJUHuj cxajt^ASsi^ecee eRoSsgnro- toy. rtX. eYcya.rfuje eg^si itk?\HpiKoc £>ert KA.nv- 7\oc eqoYum is eqcoi Jui^poYX^qS 61 eRo?\ THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 19() 51.* If a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, or other one wholly among the Clergy of the Priesthood abstains fromf marriage, and flesh, or wine, not for exercise, but as if they are unclean, forget- ting what is written, that "God saw every thing which he had made, and behold it was very good ; " also, that "God made man male and female;" and thus blaspheming, despises the creation of God, let him be reformed, or let him be deposed, and he shall be cast out of the Church : this likewise is equally for the laity. 52. If a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, will not receive him who has turned from his sin, but re- jects him, let him be deposed, because he has grieved Christ, who says, " There is joy likewise in heaven over a sinner, when he repents." 53. If a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, does not receive a little flesh, and will not drink a little wine on the festival days, let him be deposed, as having a seared conscience: they have been the cause by which many have been offended. 54. If any of the Clergy go into a tavern, eating, or drinking, let him be suspended, except in an inn, * The 47, 48, 49, and 50th Canons are not in the Coptic, nor in the Arabic. t The Greek is aTre^eTcu, abstains from ; but the Coptic and Arabic read pollutes. \ \ pq^ rriKAxrum rrre rriAnocTo^soc. ijuurri hgt £>err oYn^rfTo^ioff ie ^ert oy- jutcurr ee&e ovkitAYKH e*roYA.g ftcuoY. itl. epetyAJt g?\i rtk^sHpiKoc cyecxj nienicico- noc JtAA.poYKA.eAjpoY Juumoq ne:£A.q VA.p xe mteioce neTguuoY enA.pxpH , i~ Juu7Ke*\AJKoc eertAep <|>aj. FtH. oYenfCKonoc ie oYnpecj&YTepoc eqA- Jue^sHC enik^sHpoc ie ni?\A.oc euj^-eJurrcAJio juuutcuoY ^>err +JUie , TpeqtyeJiJLcye noy^- ***- poYX^qSe* eRo?s eujuun !ke A.qtyA.rfJUOYiT e- &o?\ ^>err TeqAjmeSsiA. JuiA.poYKA.eAjpoY jli- jmoq. we. epecyAJt oYeniciconoc ie oYnpecRYTe- poc ie oySsjaxowoc efityi coyaj eqtyAJT £>err rfik2\HpiKoc oYog eqtyTeJurf rtA.q juic|>HeT Axjep&piA. juuuoq JUtApoYX^qSe* eRo?\ *q- ty^rrx^ ^ e eqepnouRcy jmA.poYKA.eA.ipoY Jtt- jmoq guuc peq4>eTe£. corr. g. epetyA.rr oyaj oYortg gAJixcjuJit. eRo?\ £>err *feKk?\HCiA. iyaj 6ta mA.ceRHc c^htoy £>err oYJueerroYX gcjuc eYOYA.fi. eYxopxc jut- jti?\aoc rreju nik?sHpoc JuiApoYKA.eA.ipoY Jtt- juoq. ^a!. epecyA.it oYKATTHropm cyuum e<£oYit THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 198 or on a journey, on account of a necessity which befalls them. 55. If any of the Clergy insult the Bishop, let him be deposed; for it is said, "Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people." 56. If a layman insult a Presbyter, or a Deacon, let him be suspended. 57. If a Presbyter, or a Clergyman, mock a deaf man, or lame, or blind, or a cripple, let him be sus- pended. The like also to a layman who shall do so. 58. A Bishop, or Presbyter, who neglects the Clergy, or the laity, and does not instruct them in the service of God, let him be suspended ; and if he continue in his negligence, let him be deposed. 59. If a Bishop, or a Presbyter, or Deacon, neg- lect* one of the Clergy, being in want, and giveth him not what he hath need of, let him be suspended ; and if he remain forgetful, let him be deposed, as a committer of fratricide. 60. If any one make known books in the church as holy, which the ungodly have falsely written, en- snaring the people and the Clergy, let him be deposed. 61. If there be an accusation against a believer * Arab. JiUi> ■ neglect. pqe itiKAitturr irre itiAJiocrro^oc. evnicToc eeB.e oYnoprriA. le oYJUteTituHK le K6gU)& jlijlahc^ Jtei^i OYOg AYtyAitcogi JLl- jmoq JtunepepoYAjq itk?\HpiKoc. gS. epeujAit oYK^sHpiKoc A^pitA. ee&e oy- go-i" mripuujLu iTe oyioy^aj itc oYeiittit itg oYgepeTiKoc etycjun 2s.e e<|>pA.rt JLin^c ne- TA.qApitA. JutJUioq JUA.poYgiTq e&o^ ecyum 2^6 c[>p^rf rrf-jmeTi&sHpiKoc ne JuiA.poYKAeA.i- poY juuutoq A.qcyA.rfepjmeTAJtoirr 2s.e jutA.poY- tfrrq e£>oYit guuc ?\ajkoc. j[f. epeujAJt oYnpec&YTepoc le oy£ja.ko- noc ie oya.i gu)?soc <£eit nik^Hpoc rf+JneTOY- hB. OYeut A.q ^eit ncrroq irreqipYXH ie <|>H6T A. OYeHpiOff TA.KOq 16 cl>H6T<\qJUlOY JllA.pOY- KA.eA.ipoY juumoq eA.1 FA.p Te JuttypH^f 6T a. nmojuioc 0YA.gcA.grfi juijuioc ecyum 6oy?\A.ikoc ne JutApoYX^qSe 1 e&oX gsv. eYcyAitxejm oYK^Hpoc epitHCTeYm jlji- megooY Jt+KYpiAKH eeoYA.fi. ie ncAJkfiAJTorr ijuurri nmicyi" ffCA.fifi.Arrorf JuuuiAYArrq rnre mnA.cx* JUiA.poYKA.eA.ipoY juumoq. gX. epetyajt OYK?\Hpoc ie iteoq oy?\a.ikoc tyeit*q e^oYit e'TCYffA.rujrH mtnoY2s.A.i ie rrronoc itrtigepeTiKoc eepoYuj^\H?\ mtosHpoc jmert JUiA.poYKA.eA.ipoY Juumoq jti?\ajkoc £.e JuiApoYx^qgei efio?\. ge. epeujA.ff oYK?\Hpoc juutyi ftejm oyaj eq- pA^Tq ^err nxu&t *qjuioY ^ert oyujc hoy- cot JUApoYKA.eA.ipoY JutJUtoq eeRe TeqjmeT- THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 200 for fornication, or adultery, or any other thing, as of much drink, and he be convicted, let him not be made a Clergyman. 62. If a Clergyman shall deny for fear of men, whether of a Jew, or a Greek, or an heretic ; and if he has denied the name of Christ, let him be cast out. And if he has denied the name of a Clergy- man, let him be deposed. But if he repent, let him be received as a layman. 63. If a Presbyter, or a Deacon, or one entirely of the Clergy of the Priesthood, shall eat flesh with the blood of the life thereof, or that which a wild beast hath destroyed, or that which hath died, let him be deposed, for this is what the law has for- bidden. If he be a layman, let him be sus- pended. 66. If a Clergyman be found fasting on the Lord's holy day, or on the Saturday, except only on the great Sabbath of the Passover, let him be de- posed. 64. If a Clergyman, or layman, shall enter into the synagogue of the Jews, or the place of the here- tics to pray, let the Clergyman be deposed, and let the layman be suspended. 65. If a Clergyman shall contend with one, beat- ing him in the contention, and he hath died with C* ItlKAffUm lt*T6 ltlAjTOCTO?\OC. nponeTHc cujoun !ke oyTsaikoc ne Jut*poY- X*qS el eRo?\. g^- epetAjAJt oy^saikoc 2l€ tft woYn*peeitoc jraoitc eqerfKOT iteuiAC JutnArrovtyenTOTrc evex^qftci e&cfiN oyk egecTiit rtAq e<$7 rcxe cgmi &2\7^ eqex^J ffeju ohgt Aqee&ioc KA.lt OYgHKI Tt. gH. epeujAft oYnpec&YTepoc 16 oY2a*icorroc 6T itE+ itxipo^oitiA Juu\poYK*eajpoY jli- jutoq itaoq itejui c|>HeT Aqc|>uuty juumoq iuurri qoYortg JungcoR eRo*\ xe ei-AY^'po^ON* 1 * juuutoq e&o^gnroTOY fmigepeTiKoc juuutoittxj- xojui T*p erreg eepe rweT AY&AJrncjuiA jtt- juujuoy ie AYX*P°^ orrm Jajulujoy eRo^giTeit rtHGTeJUJUiAY ep pajjui ijiniCT-oc 16 ep k7\H- piKOC. jTe. epetyAft oYemciconoc ie OYnpecRYTe- pOC 16 OY2UAKONOC 16 OYgYJTO^IAKOrtOC 16 0«tkttA.TmX)CTHC 16 OYp6q\I/A.7\T-HC ujTejmep- rfHCTeYm erf JTlX 16 4>GW ITSV JUlApOYK*eAJpOY juumoq i- jmHTi JtT-e oYtyoum ncuuutA epKou?\irf juijuuxj- oy te 6ujum 60Y^aikoc neTAqep c|>aj jula- poYX^qS^i eRo?s. o. epecy^rc oYemciconoc ie oYnpecRYTe- pOC 16 K6g?\l Jtk?sHpiKOC eprfHCTeYIIt K6JUI ffH- oyXaj ie eqeptyaj rtejmcuoY ie eqtfT JtTOTroY rfgAirrajo rrre noYtyAJ exe g^rr Ae^R we ie K6g?\i rreitx** *JtnAjpH+ jm*poYK*eajpoY THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 202 one blow, let him be deposed for his violence. But if he be a layman, let him be suspended. 67. And if a layman* shall take a virgin by vio- lence, lying with her before she is betrothed, let him be suspended. It is not lawful for him to take another woman, but he shall remain with her whom he has humbled, although she is poor. 68. If a Presbyter, or a Deacon, shall receive a second ordination, let him be deposed, he, and the person who ordained him ; unless the thing is evi- dent that he was ordained by the heretics. For it is not possible that those who have been baptized or ordained by them can ever be faithful men, or Clergymen. 69. If a Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, or Sab-deacon, or Reader, or Singer, does not fast on the forty holy days, or on the fourth, or on the sixth day of the week, let him be deposed, unless sickness of body prevent them : or if he be a layman who has done this, let him be sus- pended. 70. If a Bishop, or Presbyter, or any other of the Clergy keeps fast with the Jews, or keeps feast with them, or receives from them gifts of their feast, as unleavened bread, or any such thing, let * The Greek is «ti(, if any one. V \ cr ruKAJtum riTe ffiAnocTo^oc. jttJUtoq eujuun €OY?\*ikoc neT *qep <1>ei mtieerroc le T-cYitAruJFH rirfnoY^AJ ie £>hRc jm^poYX^Se 1 e&o?s. oS. epetyAit OYK?\Hpoc ie oy?s** iUtApOYX^q8 € * 6R0?\ OYOg itceeniTiJUUUi it^q. oX. eYty*it KArrHVopm jtoYeniciconoc eeRe oYgouE. giTeit gAftpumi JLtnicToc OYOg 6Y- eitgOT" oYArfATKH orr ne eepoYJHOY+ epoq giTew gAiteniciconoc etyuun juteit Aqcyqep6jmo?\OFm JLineqrfoB.1 i&err c^Henr ay- KXTHYOpitt juumoq JUApoYeoucy GitCJUq frre- nrruuuA gt eqejmntya. juijuioc ecyum AYtyAit- ixoY'i" epoq eqdj^reimccjuTeJUi jm*poY.u.oY T f epoq JLtc|>juu\g con 5 giTerr S itemciconoc e- AYOYopnoY g<\poq ecyum 2^e oit equjTeJUtcuj- Tejut 6Y6JL10Y+ epoq jutcJ>juL<\g r jtcon e*Y- taoyo Ke 5 iteniCKonoc epoq etycun 2l6 eqcy- TeAJicuiTeAji juinajpHi- qx*T-A<|>porfm rcexiHi xiApe T-CYffA^oc <\noc|><\fte gapoq mtHeT THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 204 him be deposed : if he be a layman who has done this, let him be suspended. 71. If a layman* take oil into a heathen temple, or synagogue of the Jews, or lamps, let him be sus- pended. 72. If a Clergyman, or layman, steals a vessel f , or oil from the church, let him be suspended, and he shall restore what he has stolen, and five -fold to it. 73. Let not any man take a vessel of gold, or a vessel of silver, or a garment J of linen which has been sanctified, to use it for himself; for this thing is contrary to law. But if any one has done this, let him be suspended and rebuked. 74. If a Bishop be accused of any thing by men faithful and credible, it is necessary that he should be summoned by the Bishops. If he comes and confesses his sin of which he is accused, let them appoint him the punishment which he deserves. If when he is summoned he does not obey, let him be summoned a second time, by two Bishops sent to him : and if again he does not obey, they shall summon him a third time, by two other Bishops sent to him : and if he does not obey, thus despising the truth, let the Synod pronounce what sentence they please against him, that he may not appear as * The Greek is ei tis XpHrriavos, if any Christian. t Arab. Ul, a vase, or urn. + Arab. s->y » a robe, a garment. ce itiKAituuit itTe itiAnocTo^oc. epAitAC xekac mteqep Jutc^pHi" Jutc|>H6T Aq^- gHOY xe AqcIxjuT irrcrrq JUtngAn. oi. mtoY6foYgepe r riKoceepeqepjit.eepe cy- nicTroc a?\?\a oy^.6 on rtrtoYtft OYnicToc rc- oyutt epe ca*:i fti&ert itAepjmm gnreit puuq jLtJuieepe S le r. osv. cuje Aft jiinienicKonoc eepeqepx^pi- ^ecee juinAgiumA iH-JUteT-eniciconoc xtneq- coit le neqtynpi le xeg?\i itcYrreitHc rfTAq le ec JX l P°^ orrm witfleT eqoYAcyoY oY^iKeorr FAp ^rr ne eepeqx* gAftoYOft k^Hpoitojuioc fteuteTenicKonoc eqeps<;*pi?ecee rcitieit^cAi itTe + itoYnAeoc jtuuteTpumi ctye rAp Aft epoq eepeqx* +exk?sHciA irre c|>-i" £>a oy- k?\HpoitojuuA epecxjAit oyai 2l6 ep c|>ai *tx l ~ po^ortfA jmeit eceujumi eg?\i itaoq 2l6 juia- poYeniTiJUA itAq opicu.oc. 05. 6tyu)n coyai ne eqtyooYtfe eneq&A?v IE iteoq epe Teqptrr tyooYtfe epoq eqejuuircxjA rrejueTenicKonoc JUApoYAiq ncyojcy FAp jli- ncojAXA ftAujtfA^>JLieq Ait a?\2sa ntfuu£>ejut jui4>a ^iJ/yoch ne. oh. HeToi it aTs ie B.e?\?se xinepepoYAiq k- emcKonoc oyx ot* ^ 6 eqtfA^ejm Aft a?s?sa xe itfte ftieitx** N*re 'feKic^saciA xoup e£.o?\. oe. c^hct epe oY^ejmum fteuiAq juinepe- peqep K^sHpoc oyXc jutnepepequj?\H?\ ftejn fti- nicToc AqcyAftTOYRo 2^e JUApoYGrrq e£>OYft OYOg ecyuun eqejunc^A uiApeqep k^apoc. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 206 he who has gained, because he has fleet from the judgment. 75. A heretic shall not be received to bear testi- mony against a Christian ; but neither again shall one Christian be received. " By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established." 76. A Bishop must not gratify his brother, or his son, or any other of his relations, or to ordain whom he will to the Episcopal dignity ; for it is not just to constitute heirs to the Episcopacy, gratifying human affections with the things of God. For it is not right for him to put the Church of God under the laws of inheritance. But if any one shall do this, the ordination shall be void, and let him be punished with excommunication. 77. If any one be wounded in his eye*, or wounded in his foot, being worthy of the Episcopacy, let him be made one ; for an injury of the body cannot defile him, but it is the pollution of the soul. 78. He who is deaf, or blind, let him not be made a Bishop : not because he is defiled, but that the things of the Church be not dispersed. 79. He who has a devil, let him not be made a Clergyman, neither let him pray with the believers : but when he is cleansed let him be received ; and if he be worthy, let him be made a Clergyman. Arab. ^ I, one eyed. n. ^hgt A.qi e4>ovrr £>Git oyRioc rreeit ikoc 16 itaoq <*>eit KGAitACTpoc|>H ccgouoY OYog GAqtfTRArrricAAA. JtoY^iKGOft Ait ne eepov^iq rfenicKonoc it^ovitov cujg r*p Ait eepe hg- tg JUtfioYtfoitT-q £>6it g*J tyuum itcA£> itgAit- Ke^ccooYm iaahti gap* itT6 ai cyuum itAq giTGft nigjmoT irre +. Ha. Aftxoc x€ itccxje Aft gjiickojtoc e^^q CgpHl G2UAKUUfflA ItgAlt^JJUlUJCIOIT A?\?\A go- peqcpoqT" GftigRHOYi it+gkic^hcia Gtyum ^.g jutjuoit AiApeqx* ejutGTGniCKonoc e^pai xi- jnoitujxojm T*p Jtg?\i epRuuK itoc 5 kata noYAgcAgiti juinoc. n5. irrGitoYAgcAgiti Ait eepe iti&uujc ep k?sHpoc 5C co P ,c r revrfujAJiH mtoYtfiCGY xgkac ititoY^YnH itxe itoYtfiCGY hai gouR r^p XX.- n*ip*H" eqipi itOYc^opcyep rfgAitm Gtyum ApctyAit oyRouk OYumg eRo^s iVoychoy eqe- juutuja jutni&AeJutoc rrfxipoXoruA Juu|>pH+ iWa AOYitHcmoc neTecIxjuit ne OYumg gRo?\ oYog itrre rteqtfTceY eoYumgcRo^s itCGAiq it- pcuigc OYog itCGTAOYoq eRoTs^eit noYHi JUApeqipi. ifr. niGnicKonoc ig ninpecRYTGpoc ig jiiSua- KOItOC GTTCpOqT GgAftJUlGTJUWOTOI OYOg GOOY- (JUty 6 AITOY JLinS GTG cJ>AI HG GqGAAAgTG ItOY- AJ>X H ITTG ItipOJJUGOC OYOg GtyGJULtgi ItOYJUtG- toyhR jtgtcujg nc GKAOAipoY juumoq ncxAq X6 + ItltA nOYpO JUUTOYpO OYOg ft A clH^ JUuH". THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 208 80. He who has come in from a heathen life, or he who has come in from any other evil course of life, and who has received baptism, it is not just that he should immediately be made a Bishop. For it is not right that he who has not been tried in any thing, should be a teacher of others ; unless indeed this should be to him by the grace of God. 81. We have said that it is not right for a Bishop to place himself in the administration of public affairs, but to attend upon the affairs of the church. But if not, let him leave the Bishopric. For it is not possible for any one to serve two masters, ac- cording to the precept of the Lord. 82. We do not permit that servants be made Clergymen without the consent of their masters, that their makers be not grieved ; for such a thing produces ruin in houses. If a servant appear at any time worthy of the honour of ordination, such as our Onesimus manifested, and his masters allow it, and make him free, and send him from their house, let him be made one. 83. The Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, who serves in the army, and desires to do both, that is, to retain the magistracy of the Romans, and the service of the Priesthood, it is right to depose him. For the Lord said, " Render to the king the things of the king, and to God, the things of God." o nX. c|>Heerf Au^ety noYpo 16 oYApxuw ha- pA^JKGOff AAApoY^ijmujpm JLlJUtOq oYog e- tycjun JUGft ovk?\Hpoc ne Juus.poYKAe<*jpoY ijuutoq etycjun JUtGrt oy^aikoc nc JUtApoYX*q- gGi gRo?s. ire. juu\pe naj scum 2^g tAjuuni rfurrGit rir- eUTTGff THpOY GYTAIHOYT OYOg 6YOYA& Jt- euuTGft mk^sHpoc wgjui rti^iicoc gi oYcon GTG ffAt ffG. G&02\ JUGIt ^>Gff ^^lAOHKH It AHAC T1Z rhcuuJU. juuuiajYCHc +r6ftHcic ni2LOgo2sx>c ni^GYiTi- Koit niApiojmoc ni^GYTGporfauiorr ihcoy it- rtAYH roccjuju mtiicprrHc itGJm poYe nX jlujuig- TOYpo rrcyopn ngju. c|>juu\g 5 oy^ouaa ffOYuuT c|>JUAg r HGJUl cJ>AA^g X GKGXCJUJUl +2+ juuta- pA^soinoJutGfioft mtioYpujoY nujopn Jt^soroc ItGC^pA. ItGJU nGqJUlAg S OYSCtU-U. JtOYUUT lOY^ie ffGJm 2luuB.i , t oyxojjui iojBl nxuujm mti- \J/^?sJutoc GYipi upriA. xinApoiJUiiA rfco^ojucurt ni6KK?\HCIACTHC fTCOU ItTG fflXUU tllE itKOYXI xtrrpoc^HTHc nX itrc ity^f jutnpoc^HTHc hcahac IGpGJUUAC I656KIH?\ 2s.*fflH?\ ffpHI it + jUtJUtHi JLUUAYArrq rtGJm nGqutortorGKHc rirtyHpi Ihc nxp ncftac rfGJm ninrt* gooy^R <|>p6qTArf<£o JutnTHpq OYog c|>p6qe<\juu6 q- ffAGp OHKOY rfOYAI rfOYUOT ^Glt TGqgipHItH GqCG&TG eHftOY G^OYft GATAeOft fflELGIt fTTG- TGncIxjurt 6&o?s Aft A TGTGrfoi rf ArrtflgAn jli- jutort rfoRi uja GftGg giTGit ihc n^c ncxtac cj>^- juuuhi OYog nGrrccxjTHp. c[>AI GT6 G&O^sglTCnrq GpG OJOY ruRGrr 6p- npcni ft *q it6Jm nGqiurr i*af«v&oc itGJH nin- Ha 6eoYA.fi. itpGqT^rt^o OYog rcoYJUtooYcioc JjyA GftGg JtTG niGffGg X*JLHt1. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 212 us the Apostles ; the two Epistles of Peter ; the three of John ; the Epistle of James ; and that of Jude ; the fourteen Epistles of Paul ; the Apocalypse of John; the two Epistles of Clemens, which you read out of. * /«*. /$/l JZ^jf-cet-i These are the things which we command to you, O Bishops, concerning the Canons ; and if you con- tinue in them you shall be saved, and shall have peace for ever. But if you shall disobey them, you shall be mocked, and you shall have war with one another for ever. You shall be mourned for, after you have received the punishment suitable to your disobedience. The only true God, and his only-begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit, the universal quickener, and the creator, shall make you one in his peace, directing you into all good, that you may be perfect, without condemnation, un- reproveable, making you worthy of a place in life for ever, by Jesus Christ our Lord, the God of truth, and our Saviour, to whom be all glory, with his good Father, and the Holy Spirit, the quickener, and of the same essence, for ever and ever. Amen. ^ 't& ?. J Cpc*v+^ ^ai^itj 'Zte-fr Ca~^r*u, 4*^*3 ^^ CtxuJt^H f ' ftu,{- Jctck$ ft-fiJ- <*t fo^L Cecums 1+ koJlZ cir rfiKAftum ntg tnknocToTsoc. AqxuuK 6&o?\ Jt2C6 rfiK^rfuurt ittg rremo't" £>gjt rrerrxix it*k?\hjuihc £>ert oYgipHfta rrrG + AJULHtt. X tyo itejut c|> fteui iic c|>* 2lIok?\h. Aqepjuterfevm juuuoq 6&o?\<£eff ^-^cm Jt- p6Juuuu\pic ty* ^-^cm jtpeJunGJugiT katta Teq^oui nigHKi niKepjuti ma^^xiCTOc m- npecRYTepoc veuuprioc c|>* kocaa*. ^>ert nxmeojoYi" juuiemurf gttaihoyt itieniCKonoc ni^noc *e*rf<\cioc £>gjt nepo- rtoc rrhknoeHKH. d>err +JU6TApxH JtTe nemurr goy juuta- Tpi^pxHc gxtvmhoy c|>pH jutnm^g ,r f n<£>Hlic jLinmoKJUGK nemurr mrriuH" ni^pxHcnicKo- noc aRR* jut^pKoc ninA.TpiApxHc rrrG i~no- ?\ic ititiurt- A^gGffkpiAclH" rtTe t^g taz- poq giXGit nGqeponoc ffgArmHty jtpojutm rfGJUi gAA6YI HOC JT6KJB.UUK JTipGqC*)*! nigHKI niKGpjmi nipcqcprroRi mk?s&x tc ' T0C *&P** jJL c[>a rcicjuT *qgoc ntyHpi itcunuurt 6rr +^^- rfKH <£>Gft TGqJUGTOYpO cy* GffGg AJUlHIt. THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS. 214 The end of the Canons of our Fathers the Holy Apostles, these are the Seven Books which are by the hands of Clemens, in the peace of God. Amen. 1520 of Dioclesian. Translated from the language of Upper Egypt, into the language of Lower Egypt, according to his ability, by the poor dust, the least of the Presbyters, George of Kosma. In the collection of our honoured father the skilful scribe of the language, the great among the Bishops, the holy Athanasius, at the seat of the repository. In the government of our holy Patriarch the honoured sun of the faith, the light of the thoughts, our father, the great Archbishop Abba Marcus, the Patriarch* of the great city Alexandria: the God of heaven establish him upon his throne many years, and in peaceful times, that he may humble all his enemies under his feet quickly, for ever. Amen. * The margin adds, in another hand, nJUAg PH 6&0?\- £>ert "THni mtemoY r f JutneTpi^pxHC, the \0Sth of the number of our fathers the Patriarchs. 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