STAC* 5 LAWS 1)34 BEGl'LATING THE RELATIVE RIGHTS AM) IMTIKS o ; lASTERS, SERVANTS, 3 7 8 CAPE COLONY, ANNOTATED WITH DF. DIFFERENT E 1 alifornia rional H ' TENNANT, THE INKER TIMPLB, BARR1STER-AT-LAW. Gary's Jfon- C. JUT A & GO. 1890. LAWS REGULATING THE RELATIVE RIGHTS AM) DUTIES MASTEES, SEEVANTS, APPEENTICES CAPE COLONY. ANNOTATED WITH DECISIONS UNDER THE DIFFERENT SECTION v H. TENNANT, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW. Editor of " The Rules of Court," "Notary's Manual," etc., ttc. CAPE TOWN: J. C. ^UTA & CO. 1890. LONDON: 1'HINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED f S-TAMFOUD STUF.F.T AXD CHARING CROSS. PREFACE. The following pages are published in order to moot the desire, often expressed by many members of the community, for a convenient and easy reference to the Masters' and Servants' Laws of the Colony. H. T. CHAMBERS, January, 1890. 1824125 Contracts entered into in England. The following important case was decided by the Supreme Court on the 3rd of March last, after this pamphlet had passed through the Press : SAYERS vs. THORNE. This was an appeal from a decision of the Resident Magistrate of Cape Town on a case in which the appellant was charged with having failed to perform a contract made by her in England to enter the service of the respondent in Cape Town as a cook, and with respect to which it was contended for the appellant that the contract was not executed in accordance with the terms of the Act. The objection was overruled, and the appellant was sentenced to pay a fine of 2, or to undergo a month's imprisonment. Mr. Innes now appeared in support of the appeal, and Mr. Giddy for the respondent. Mr. Innes contended that the conviction was bad, because section 10 of sub-section 1 of Act No. 1 of .1873 provided that contracts of service in which it was not stipulated that the service was to commence within a month were not binding unless executed before a magistrate or some officer specially appointed for that purpose. He held that this section repealed section 1 of Act No. 15 of 1856. In this case the contract was irade in Southampton, but it was not made before a magis- trate or other officer who held an appointment from the Government of the Colony. Counsel having been heard, The Chief Justice held that if there was any ambiguity in construing an Act of this kind, the Court must look at the whole Act, and at the enactments it was intended to modify. His opinion was that the Legislature, in framing the Act of 1873, intended it to apply to contracts entered into in the Colony, and that the proviso that certain contracts of service should be entered into before a magistrate applied wholly to magistrates in the Colony. It could never have been the intention of the Legislature that, when an employer had paid the passage of a servant to the Colony, the servant on arriving here should have the power of refusing to enter the service. He thought the Court ought not to disturb the find- ing of the Magistrate, and that the appeal ought to be dismissed. MASTERS AND SERVANTS. VI. Act 151856. ~ L'. 181873. >C 3. 281874. DC 4. 71875. X 5. 301889. 6. 351886 (Employers' Lia- bility). 7. Ord: 311830, 12, 13 (Trade beyond Boundaries). 8. Act 22- 1857 (Native Children). 9. Act 61861, 5, 6 (Prescription Debts). 10. 22 18G7, 2 (Passes to Natives). 11. 141870, 2-5 (Cattle Removal). 12. 7 1879, 4, 11, 12, 20, 21 (Reformatories). 13. 81889 (Apprenticeship of Juveoile Offenders). SIC f- No. 151856.] AN ACT [June 4, 1856. Act 15-185^ To AMEND THE LAWS REGULATING THE RELATIVE EIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPREXTU i>. Preamble. Whereas it is expedient to amend and consolidate the laws regulating the relative rights and duties of masters, servants, and apprentices: Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly thereof, as follows : Repugnant laws repealed. 1. From and after the commencement and taking effect of this Act, the Ordinance enti tilled " An Ordinance for amending and consolidating the Laws regulating the relative rights and duties of Masters, Servants, and Apprentices," enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, and bearing date the first B 2 LAWS DELATING TO 151856. of March, 1841, and all Orders in Council confirming or continuing the said Ordinance (except in so far as the said Ordinance, or any of the said Orders, repeals any former law or usage), the Act No. 4, 1855, entituled " An Act for Encour- aging the Importation of European Labourers into this Colony," and all other laws and regulations repugnant to any of the provisions of this Act, shall be repealed, and the same are hereby repealed accordingly. Interpretation clause. 2. For the purposes and within the meaning of this Act, unless it be otherwise specially provided, or there be something in the subject or in the context repugnant to such construc- tion, 1st, The word " governor " shall mean the officer lawfully administering the government of this colony ; 2nd, The word ".servant " (I) shall be construed and understood to comprise any person employed for jiire, wages, or other re- muneration, to perform any handicraft or other bodily labour in agriculture or manufactures, or in domestic service, or as a boatman, porter, or other occupation of a Hke nature ; 3rd, The word " apprentice " shall be construed and understood to comprise any person indentured or bound by any contract of apprenticeship made according to law, as apprentice to any other person ; 4th, The word "master " shall be construed and understood to comprise any person, whether male or female, employing for hire, wages, or other remuneration, any person falling within the before-mentioned definition of the word "servant," or to whom any person falling within the before- mentioned definition of the word " apprentice " shall have been indentured or bound by any contract of apprenticeship, made according to law ; 5th, The words "Contract of service " and " contract of apprenticeship " shall respectively be construed and understood to comprise any agreement, whether oral or written, whether expressed or implied, which any person falling within the before-mentioned definitions of the word "servant" or "apprentice" shall respectively have (1) A stationer's assistant is not a "servant" within the meaning of this semion. Falconer v. Juta, Buch, 1879, p. 22. See also noie to 2, p. 5, infra. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 3 entered into or made, according to law, with any person falling Act 15 : within the before-mentioned definition of the word " master," for .the performance of any work or labour of any kind hereinbefore mentioned ; 6th, The words " magistrate " and " magistrates " shall be construed and understood to comprise the resident magistrates duly appointed for the different districts of this colony; 7th, The words "this colony" shall be construed and understood to comprise all islands, and other territories whatsoever, which are dependent on the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, and subject to the government thereof; 8th, The word "month" shall be construed and understood to comprise the period of one calendar month ; 9th, The words " father," " parent," "relative^" "husband," and " wife," shall be respectively construed and understood to comprise reputed fathers, parents, relatives, husbands, or wives, as well as actual parents and relatives, and lawful husbands and wives; 10th, The words " officer " and "proper officer." when used with reference to the attestation >r making of contracts of service of apprenticeship, or to the transfer and assignment of apprentices, shall be construed and understood to comprise every person who shall have been appointed by the Governor to attest or make such contracts; llth, All words in this Act, and in the various rules and regulations hereinafter enacted, importing the singular number or the masculine gender only, shall be construed and understood to include several persons as well as one person, and females as well as males. CHAPTER I. In cases not proviJ> dj > " of L /lateral contracts in general to prevail. 1. Notwithstanding the repeal, by the Ordinance aforesaid, of the laws thereby repealed, the courts of this colony, in all cases which are now or shall be hereafter depending before the same, arising out of or respecting the formation or dis- solution of contracts of service or apprenticeship, or touching or concerning any rights, duties, obligations, powers, liabilities or other matters or tiling arising out of or proceeding from i; 2 4 LAWS RELATING TO 151856. any contracts of service or apprenticeship, or any of the mutual relations subsisting between masters and servants or appren- tices, shall respectively try, judge, and determine the said causes according to the law of this colony, respecting and applicable to bilateral contracts in general, except when other provisions touching and concerning any such matter and thing as aforesaid shall have been made in this Act, or by any other Law not repealed by the Ordinance aforesaid. Repeal aforesaid not to annul contracts entered into previously to the taking effect of this Act. 2. The beforementioned repeal shall not annul or affect any contracts of service or apprenticeship entered into previously to the time when this Act shall take effect, and which, under and by virtue of, and according to any laws in force within this colony on the day previously to the taking effect of this Act, were then subsisting legal and valid contracts. Contracts liable to be set aside on account of fraud, &c. 3. Nevertheless any such last-mentioned contract of service or apprenticeship, to be performed within this colony, shall be liable to be set aside by any magistrate having jurisdiction over the parties, or any competent court, upon reasonable jproof being made to the satisfaction of such magistrate or court, that either of the parties to such contract was induced to enter into the same by any fraud, misrepresentation, or con- cealment. CHAPTEK II. ON THE FORMATION OF CONTRACTS OF SERVICE. Contracts entered into out of the colony, how to be certified. 1. No contract of service made elsewhere than within the limits of this colony shall be of force or effect within this colony, except the same shall have been made in writing, and be duly certified by the British consul, or other similar officer, at the place where the same was made, or if there be no such officer, then by such magistrate of such place, or other proper MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 5 authority ; but contracts not so certified shall, notwithstanding, Act 15 if have force and effect in this colony, upon other proof of such contract, to the satisfaction of the magistrate before whom the same shall come in question. Every contract shall be deemed to be entered into for one month ^ unless otherwise specified: except tlie servant be non-resident, or shall work by the piece. 2. Every contract of service, whether oral or written, the term of endurance of which shall not have IMM.-H expressly specified and limited by such contract, shall, in the absence of sufficient proof to the contrary, be deemed and taken to be for the term of one month from the commencement thereof; save and except contracts for service in any trade or handicraft, whereby it shall not have been stipulated _that the servant jshall, during the term thereof, reside in tin- house of or on the premises of the master, which shall be deemed and taken to endure only until the night of Saturday of the week on any day of which it shall have been stipulated that the service shall commence ; and contracts for executing any particular piece of work specified in the contract which shall expire so soon as the work is finished, and when the work is not finished within a reasonable time, may be put an end to by the master, after the lapse of a period of time reasonably sufficient for finishing such work. (1) No oral contract to be binding for more than one year, and not valid unless tJie time to be entered upon shall be stipulated. '3. No oral contract of service shall be valid or binding for any longer term than one year from the period fixed for the (1) Where a compositor, under an engagement by which he was paid at a rate calculated per 1000 eus and entitled to a week's notice, sued his employer under sect. 14 of Act 18 of 1873 for withholding wages in lieu of notice, and no exception to the jurisdiction was taken : Held, that he was a servant in terms of the Masters and Servants Act : Held, also, that on appeal to the Supreme Court the objection that the magistrate had no jurisdiction under Act No. 18, 1873, inasmuch as the Act only contemplated the withholding of wages already earned, could not be raised, as it had not been taken in the court below. Baker v. 1 Juta, 253. 6 LAWS DELATING TO Act 151856. commencement of the service stipulated for by such contract ; an d__no such oral contract shall be valid or binding in any case, unless it be stipulated in such contract that the service, thereby stipulated for, shall be entered upon by the servant within one month from the date of the contract. 4. [Repealed by 1 of Act 18, 1873.] No contract to be valid or binding for a longer period than five years. 5. No such contract so entered into before a magistrate or other proper officer, shall be valid or binding for a longer period than five years from the date thereof, if entered into within this colony ; and no such contract shall endure longer than five years from the day of the commencement of the service, when such contract shall be entered into elsewhere "nTthis colony. Form of contract o/ service. 6. All contracts of service entered into before a magistrate or other proper officer, within the limits of this colony, shall be drawn up as nearly as possible in the following terms : Be it remembered, that on this da} of in the year of our Lord , A. B., of , and C. D., of , appeared before me, E. F. (resident magistrate, or officer specially appointed by the Governor to attest contracts of service for the district, as the case may be, with his usual description), and in my presence, signed their names (or made their marks, as the case may be) to the following contract of service : The said A. B. agrees to hire the service of the said C. D., and the said C. D. agrees to render to the said A. B. his service at all fair and reasonable times, and in the capacity of for commencing on the day of instant, and terminating on the day of in the year . And it is further agreed that the said A. B. shall pay to the said C. D., as such servant as aforesaid, wages after the rate of by the day (week, MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 1 shall be paid on the - day of each week (or Act 15 1856. month, as the case may be). (Here add any special agreement compatible with the law, and not adverted to in this form.) (Signed) A. B. C. D. The preceding agreement was signed by the abovenamed parties, in my presence, on the day and year above written, voluntarily, the same being, as far as I am able to judge, understood by them respectively. (Signed) E. F., Resident Magistrate (or officer specially appointed by the Governor to attt >i contracts of service for the district). In the absence of special agreement, one month's notice is required before a contract shall be deemed to have expired. 7. ^No contract of service for a month or any longer period shall be deemed and taken to have expired until at least one month's notice, calculated from, and inclusive of, the day of giving such notice, shall have been given by either of the parties to the other party, unless it shall have been expressly stipulated that no such notice shall i -ary ; and when the service shall be a weekly one, a week's notice shall In- necessary: Provided that nothing herein contained shall lie construed so as to enable any party to any contract of service to determine the same without the consent of the other party, before the expiration of the term of service originally agreed upon. (1) (1) Where the parties stand in the relation of master and servant, the I mere fact that insufficient notice of discharge has been given does not confer on the servant the right of bringing an action against the master for damages for wrongful dismissal, unless such notice has been acted upon, or unless the period fixed by the notice has actually ex ] tired. If, before the expiration of the notice of discharge, a servant grossly misconducts himself in the. service and is di.Miiissed, the ma>t'_-r may avail himself of such misconduct as a defence to an action brought against him for - accruing after such misconduct and dismissal, or to an action for damages sustained by the servant by reason of not being employed after such misconduct. Xh-on v. Blaine & Co., Buch, 1879, p. 217 ; Kenrick v. Central ., Ld., 3 High Court 414 ; Douglas v. L. & S. A. Exp. Co., 4 High Court 275 ; Donaldson v. Webber > 4 High Court 403 ; Hunt v. E. P. Boating Co., 3 E. D. C. 12. Act 151856. How such notice may "be waived. 8. When any such notice as is hereinbefore mentioned shall have been given by either of the parties to the other, and the master shall suffer the servant to remain, or the servant shall remain in his service after the day on which according to the notice given the contract of service should expire, such notice shall be deemed and taken to have been withdrawn and passed from, and the contract of service shall continue to endure as long, and in like manner, as if no such notice had been given unless it shall have been otherwise expressly and specially agreed between the parties. Servants hired to reside on the premises to be supplied with food and lodging, wnless otherwise agreed upon. 9. In all contracts, whether oral or written, by which it is stipulated that the servant shall reside on the premises of his master, and wherein it shall not be expressly provided that the master^ is not to supply food and lodging, the master shall be deemed and taken to have engaged to provide sucjijservant, and such of his family (if any) as shall have been included in the contract, in manner hereinafter mentioned, in section twelve of this chapter, with lodging and sufficient food of good and wholesome quality, during the continuance of the contract. Where a servant on a monthly hiring wilfully deserts his service without notice during the month : Held, that he was not entitled to claim any wages for the service rendered during that month up to the day of his desertion. Bassaramadoo v. Morris, 6 Juta 28. Where a servant, after his discharge from his master's employment, made an admission with reference to a transaction performed by him by his master's orders during his engagement : Held, that the statement^ so made was not admissible in evidence against the plaintiff, the former master. Wood v~Dersley, 2 E. 5707200! In estimating the amount of damages to be awarded where a servant had been improperly dismissed before the termination of his time of service, the Court will take into consideration any employment which may have been obtained by the servant after dismissal and before the time fixed for the expiration of the contract. Denny v. S. A. Loan, Mortgage, and Mercantile E. D7C. 477 MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 9 Act 151856. When rate of wages not specified, the magistrate to fix such rate ~by custom. 10. In case of any action for non-payment of wages, due and payable by virtue of any contract of _ service, being brought before any magistrate, or other competent court by any ser- vant, and when the rate of wages at which such contract was made shall not be proved to the satisfaction of such magistrate or court, such magistrate or court is hereby required to fix the rate of wngos_ at that usually paid in the district or plac,- in which the service for which the wages are claimed was per- formed, reference being had to the skill and ability of the servant, and to give decree accordingly. Provision in ease of sickness. 11. When any servant shall, in consequence of any sickness or accident, which shall not have been occasioned by his own fault, be rendered incapable of performing his master's service, he shall, in the absence of any special provision in the contract to the contrary, be entitled to receive his full wages during the first month of such incapacity, and every other benefit, privilege, or advantage, whether for himself or his family, stipulated for in the contract of service during the whole period of such incapacity, unless the stipulated term of service shall sooner expire, or unless the period of such incapacity shall extend to a longer period than two months ; in which latter case the master shall be entitled, if he shall so think fit, at the expiration of such two months, or at any time afterwards during which such incapacity shall uninterruptedly continue, to treat and consider the contract of service as rescinded and determined, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, he, the said master, being however bound, before being so entitled to con- sider the said contract as determined, to make good all stipula- tions therein mentioned and agreed upon, up to and for the day on which he shall declare his intention to treat and consider the said contract as rescinded, with, however, the limitation as to wages, hereinbefore provided : Provided, how- ever, that if the master shall not think fit, at or after the expiration of such two months as aforesaid, to treat the con- 10 LAWS RELATING TO Act 151856. tract of service as determined and rescinded, but shall permit the servant to remain in his service, such servant shall not be entitled to claim any portion of the wages beyond wages for the first month as aforesaid, or any other benefit or advantage stipulated for in the contract of service (save and except such food and lodging for himself and family as by the contract of service the master had engaged, or shall be deemed and taken to have engaged, to provide him with), for any period sub- sequent to such two months during which such incapacity as aforesaid shall continue : And provided, always, that no servant hired by any contract expressly to perform service in any trade or handicraft, shall be entitled to receive the wages, or any other benefit or advantage stipulated in the contract oT service, for any part of the time during which he shall have been rendered incapable of performing his master's work by any such sickness or accident as aforesaid, save and except such food and lodging for himself or family as by the contract of service his master has engaged to provide him with, such food and lodging to be provided during such incapacity as aforesaid, unless the contract of service shall sooner expire, or unless such incapacity shall extend to a period longer than one month, in which latter case the master shall be entitled, if he shall so think fit, under the same powers and conditions in every respect as in this section before set forth, to treat and consider such last-mentioned contract of service as absolutely,^ and, to all intents and purposes, determined and rescinded. Contracts for the services of husband, wife, and children how to be entered into. 12. All contracts of service stipulating for the services of the wife of any servant, together with those of her husband, shall be made or executed by her in like manner as the same shall be made and executed by her said husband : And it shall be lawful for the father, or, in the event of his death or absence, then for the mother, of any child under the age of sixteen years, to contract for the service of such child together with his own, in like manner as such person may contract for his own services ; and when such contract shall be in writing, the name and age of every such child shall be clearly set forth MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 11 and specified in the contract : Provided always, that nothing Act 151856. herein contained shall give to the master of any such parent any claim on the services of any such child beyond the period for which the parent shall be engaged, nor beyond the period when such child shall attain the age of sixteen ; nor to the services of any other child of the contracting parent, whether under colour of such last-mentioned child having been fed or clothed by the master, or having been born while the parent of such child was in the said master's service, or under any other pretence whatsoever. One month after the death of the husband, contract to be null and void witli i\-'j<.rrd to tlte services of tlu wife ami children. 13. On the death of any person being at the time, together with his wife and any child, under contract as aforesaid, the contract shall become null and void, with respect to such wife and children, at the expiration of one month after the death of such person. Wife and children of the servant not to reside on the premises of the master, unless stipulated in the contract, nor the master to claim. tlitir *> / .- / /< '-f apprenticeship, and if any sum shall have been really and paid by or on behalf of such apprentice as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for any magistrate having jurisdiction, or other competent court, upon proof of such payment, to order, in a summary manner, any sum which to the said magistrate or court shall seem reasonable to be paid to or for the use of such apprentice as aforesaid, by any such master as aforesaid, or his legal representative ; regard being had, however, in estimating such sum, to the amount of the sum originally paid by or on behalf of such apprentice, and to the time during which, such apprentice continued in the service of such master as aforesaid; Provided always, that every such apprentice shall be entitled to his full wages, or other remuneration, which may have become due previous to such dissolution of the contract of apprenticeship. Effect of death or insolvency oj master where apprentice is under or of the age of 16. 3. In the event of the death or insolvency of the master of any child, who having been in a state of destitution, shall have been apprenticed by a magistrate or other proper officer in the rnanaer hereinbefore set forth, it shall be the duty of c 2 20 LAWS RELATING TO Act 151856. such magistrate or other proper officer, in case such apprentice shall, at the time of the death or insolvency of his former master, be under the age of sixteen years, and unable to support himself, to retake the charge and care of such child; and if it shall be deemed expedient, jta apprentice again the said child for any term within the limits prescribed by this bill for the duration of apprenticeship to such fit and proper person as such magistrate or other proper officer and such child, if of the age of sixteen years or upwards, shall mutually approve of and agree upon ; Provided that when such child has not attained the said age of sixteen years, his consent shall not be necessary in any case. Widow of deceased master may adopt the contract of service. 4. The wife of the deceased master of every servant or apprentice, hired or contracted to perform service, as a domes- tie or agricultural servant, is entitled, if she shall so think fit, to claim the service of such servant or apprentice during the full period of the stipulated term of service, provided she shall consent to perform, and shall perform, all the stipulations oF" the contract in favour of the servant or apprentice which the master was bound to perform. On death of servant or apprentice, wages to be paid up to period of death. 5. In the event of a servant or apprentice dying during the currency of the stipulated term of service, his heirs, exe- cutors, or other legal representatives, are entitled to claim from the master the full wages and other remuneration dueT to such servant or apprentice for the period which he had served previously to his death, and no more. Effect of change of residence of master upon the contract of or apprenticeship. 6. No servant or apprentice (save as hereafter provided as to persons apprenticed as destitute children), hired or contracted to perform service at the residence of, or at any particular place of trade or business, occupied by his master, is, in the event of his master's removing his residence, or place MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 21 of trade or business, out of the town, or (where such place Act 151856. is not in any town) from the place in which by the contract such servant or apprentice was bound to perform his service, to any greater distance than two miles from such town or place where, by the stipulations of the contract, such servant or apprentice is not bound to reside in the house or on the premises of his master, or out of the district of such town oF plaee \\here such servant or apprentice is bound to reside in the house or on the pivmises of his master, bound to per- form his service at the place to which his master shall have removed his residence or place of trade or business, without the consent of such servant, or of the parents or guardians of such apprentice ; but such consent shall in all cases be deemed and taken to have been given whenever it shall be proved that such servant, or apprentice, being one not bound to reside in the house or on the premises of his master, has performed, or in the case of an apprentice, been knowingly permitted and allowed by his parent or guardian to perform, at the new residence or place of trade or business of his master, any service to his master of any kind which he was bound by the contract to perform, or being one bound to reside in his master's house or premises, lias puie to and remained, and in the ease of an apprentice, been permitted and allowed by his parent or guardian to go to and remain in such house or on such premises, for one week after his master's removal thereto. The master of an apprentice, who slw.ll have been a destitute child, may remove such apprentice* with permission o magistrate. 7. The master of any apprentice who has been apprenticed to him in manner hereinbefore provided as a destitute child is entitled, without limitation or restraint, to remove such appren- tice to and to exact the performance of the service stipulated in the contract wherever such master may have removed his residence or place of trade or business within this colon)', upon Diving notice of his int>-ntion so to do before his depar- ture to the magistrate of the district which he is going to leave, and the magistrate, upon receiving such notice, shall 22 LAWS RELATING TO Act 151856. endorse the same on the thirdj^art of the contract of appren- _ticeship registered and filed by him ; and on such removal taking place, forthwith transmit such third part to the magis- trate of the district to which such an apprentice shall be removed, to be by him duly registered and filed in manner hereinbefore provided. Certain servants and apprentices hound to make certain journeys, if required. 8. No servant or apprentice, hired or contracted to perform domestic service, may lawfully refuse to accompany his master, or any of his family, by desire of his master^n any journey within this colony, or in the course of such journey to perform every such service as, by reason of his contract of service or apprenticeship, he would be bound to perform in his master's house or on his premises ; and no servant or apprentice may lawfully refuse to go on any journey within this colony on which his master shall order him to go, or in charge of, or to drive, herd, tend, or take care of any carriage, horse, or any kind of cattle, the property or in the lawful possession of or under the lawful control of his master, which such servant or apprentice would, by reason of his contract of service or apprenticeship, be bound to ride, drive, herd, tend or take care of, or charge of, at his master's residence or on his premises : Provided always, that there shall be reasonable ground for believing that such journey may and will be performed Jjefore the expiration of the stipulated term of the service of such servant or apprentice ; and that such master shall be bound to provide such servant or apprentice with food and every other thing which may be necessary and proper to enable such servant or apprentice to perform such journey, and to return to the residence or premises of his master before the expiration of the term of service. No servant or apprentice shall lie bound to accompam master or go out of the colony without special agreement or consent. 9. No servant or apprentice shall be bound to accompany Jiis master or _tp go out of this colony, without the special MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 23 agreement or consent of such servant, or of the parent or Act 151856 guardian of such apprentice, or when such apprentice is of the full age of sixteen years, without, also, the consent of such apprentice. Where servant not bound to accompany his master to new residence, contract dissolved l>y master's removal. 10. When any servant not being bound or obliged to accom- pany his master, or go to any place to which the master shall remove his residence or place of trade or business, or to which the master shall order such servant to go, shall decline or refuse so to do, the contract of service shall, from the date on which the servant shall be prevejjtSI from performing his Stipulated service at the place where the same was to have been performed, stand dissolved, and such servant shall be entitled to claim from the master sucn wages or other remu- neration, at the rate specified in the contract of service, as shall have been earned up to the time of the refusal before men- tioned, together with wages and remuneration after th aforesaid forjthe period of one month additional, or until the expiration of the contract of service, in case it shall expire within one month from the time of sueh refusal : Provided always, that when notice of his intention to remove as aforesaid. or to send such servant as aforesaid, shall have been given by such master, sueh additional wages and remuneration shall not in any case be" due or payable for any period longer tnan one month from the date of sueh Any special agreement touching change of residence to be good. 11. Nothing herein contained shall annul or affect any special agreement or stipulation, made in any contract of pprenticeship, whereby the servant or apprentice .1 be bound to accompany > any p! to which the master shall remove his residence or place of trade or busines>, or order such servant or apprentice to go and there perform the service stipulated in such contract. 24 LAWS RELATING TO d Krj'cct of marriage of female servant or apprentice, as to rigid ofjiusband. 12. When any female servant or apprentice shall be lawfully married during the currency of her stipulated term of service, IHT husband may at any time subsequent to such marriage dissolve the contract of service or apprenticeship, and remove his wife from her master's service, if he shall think fit so to do, and shall be entitled to claim the wages and other remuneration which may have become due to her, for services previously to such removal, but shall be liable to her master for all damage which her master may sustain by such removal. But such damages shall in no case exceed the amount of the wages \\hirh she would have earned between the time of her marriage, and the time of the expiration of her service, had she continued in such service until such expiration. Effect of marriage or pregnancy of female servant or apprentice, as to tlie ri 'jlits of master. 13. The master of any female servant or apprentice, who during the currency of her stipulated term of service, shall marry or enter into any state which in this colony is or shall be reputed to be the marriage state, shall, where such servant or apprentice is, by her contract of service or apprenticeship, bound to reside or to perform domestic service in the house or on the premises of her master, j>e entitled, at any time subsequent to such marriage or reputed marriage, to dissolve such contract and dismiss such servant or apprentice, and when such servant or apprentice is not by such contract bound to reside or to perform domestic service, in the house or the premises of her master, he shall be entitled to dissolve such contract, and dismiss such servant or apprentice from his service, whenever she shall, by reason of her pregnancy or delivery of a child. Inrnmr disabled from performing the service which, by such contract she is bound to perform ; but any such servant or apprentice so dismissed on account of her marriage, or entering into a state so reputed as aforesaid to be the marriage state, or of pregnancy or delivery of child, shall be entitled to claim from her master the wages and every other MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 25 remuneration which shall have become due to her for her Act 15 1856. services previously to the date of such dismissal; and the master, before being entitled to dismiss such servant or appren- tice, shall be bound to pay and satisfy the same. CHAPTER V. OF THE JURISDICTION OF THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATES IN CASES BETWEEN MASTERS AND SERVANTS AND APPRENTICES. Jurisdiction of resident magistrates in cases between masters and their servants and apprentices. 1. The resident magistrates within the colony have juris- diction in all cases arising in their respective districts between masters and their servants and apprentices, and with reference to their relative rights and duties, or to any matter or thing, or offence, as to which provision is made by this bill. Resident magistrates have jurisdiction or>r all pt-rsons within tlieir respective districts. 2. Every resident magistrate has jurisdiction in any such case as aforesaid, brought before him against any person being at the time within his district, whether the grounds of such case arose within the district or not, or whether the person against whom th> - brought has his usual residence or o - place of abode in that district or not ; but the magistrate shall, whenever it shall appear to him that any such case can be more conveniently tried or determined by the resident magistrate of any other district, dismiss such case, and, in the event of his doing so, when the servant or apprentice is accused of desertion, and when he shall have probable cause shown to him, by oath or affidavit, of any credible person, for believing this to be the fact, such magistrate may, if he think fit, issue a warrant for the conveyance, under sure custody, <>t such servant or apprentice to the town or place where the court of such other magistrate is held; Provided the master 26 LAWS RELATING TO Act 15 1856. shall undertake to pay the expense of such conveyance, and the magistrate by whom the cause shall be ultimately trie3. and decided shall adjudge by which of the parties the said expenses shall be paid. 3. [ 3-9 repealed by 21 of Act 18 of 1873.] Definition of punishment for servant refusing to resume his service after undergoing imprisonment. 10. If any servant or apprentice, whose contract of service or apprenticeship still subsists, shall, upon being discharged from prison after undergoing imprisonment under this Act, refuse or neglect, upon his master's request, to resume his service under his contract, he shall be liable to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding one month, and so on for successive periods, not any of them exceeding one month, until he shall consent t'o resume, and shall resume, his service under his contract; and every such period of imprisonment, or so much thereof as the convicting magistrate shall adjudge, may be with solitary confinement with or without spare diet, or with spare diet with or without solitary confinement : Provided, however, that no servant or apprentice shall, under this Act be imprisoned continuously, and without any intermediate resumption of service, under his contract, for longer than six months in all. period of imprisonment of servant to be added to the term_of service stipulated in the contract. 11. When any period of^mprisonment shall be undergone by any servant ;or apprentice for any offence under this Act, a like period shall be added to the term of service stipulated for in the contract of service or apprenticeship, as it subsisted when such imprisonment was commenced, so that such servant or apprentice shall be obliged to serve a further period equal to the period of his imprisonment, in addition_to the term of service originally stipulated. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 27 Period during which any servant shall have absented himself Act ! _ from the service of his master to le added to the term of service originally stipulated. 12. (1) When the offence of which any servant or apprentice shall be convicted under this Act, shall be the offence of absenting himself from, or of departing from, the service of his master, then the period of his absence shall be added to the term of service originally stipulated, in like manner as in the last preceding section directed in regard to the period of imprisonment therein mentioned ; and it shall be the duty of the magistrate convicting such servant or apprentice, to ascertain, at the trial, the period of absence, and to certify the same by some writing under his hand, to be delivered to the master, and the period mentioned in such writing shall, by all courts and in all places, be deemed to be added to the original term of service. Compensation by servant for loss of or damage to property of master. 13. As often as any property of the master shall be lost or damaged by means of any act or omission of his servant or apprentice, which act or omission is by this Act declared to be an offence, it shall be lawful for the magistrate, should he so think fit, and the master shall thereto agree, to ascer- tain whether such servant or apprentice is able to make compensation for such loss or damage, and if so, to fix the amount of such compensation, and make such order as to the payment thereof, either at once or by instalments out of wages to be yet earned, or otherwise, as shall seem reasonable and just, and in the meantime, and until default made in such payment, or in the payment of such some instalment, to defer passing sentence upon the party offending; but such magistrate shall preserve on record the evidence in the case, and, upon application of the master, and proof given, upon oath, of some such default as aforesaid, shall issue his war- rant for the apprehension of such servant or ice, and shall pronounce upon him such sentence as, regard being had to the circumstances of the original offence, and to the degree (1) Njoli v. Sttwart, 1 E. D. C. 147. 28 LAWS DELATING TO Act 151856. in which such servant or apprentice has made, or failed to make, the compensation ordered, shall appear equitable and just. (1) Cancellation of contract for misconduct of servant. 14. As often as the master of any servant or apprentice, who shall be convicted of any offence under this Act, shall^ desire the cancellation of the contract of service or appren- ticeship, the magistrate, should he so think fit, may order the cancellation of the same^ and the same shall be cancelled accordingly ; Provided that such cancellation shall not prevent the execution of any sentence which the magistrate may pronounce or may have pronounced upon the offender for his offence. Cancellation of contract on groundless accusation by the master. 15. As often as the master shall have caused any servant or apprentice to be brought before the magistrate to answer any charge preferred against him by such master, and such master shall fail in obtaining the conviction of such servant or apprentice, then the magistrate should he so think fit, may, at the desire of such servant or apprentice, order the cancellation of the contract of service or apprenticeship, and the same shall be cancelled accordingly. 16. [ 16-20 repealed by 21 of Act 18 of 1873.] (1) Where upon a trial and conviction for theft of stock the owner of the stock applies for judgment against the prisoner, who was his servant, for the damage suffered, the proceedings should be taken under Act 16 of 1864, 4, and not under the Masters and Servants Act, No. 15, 1856, section 13. Where compensation is asked against a prisoner convicted of theft of stock, the value of the property stolen must be proved. Queen v. Jack, 2 E. D. C7 388T" A servant convicted for breach of duty whereby his master's property is lost, cannot be sentenced to imprisonment and to pay the value of the property lost. Queen v. Whitbooy, 2 E. D. C. 161. If a servant Kas goods of his master in his possession, and by a subsequent contract, either by pledge or sale, the property is intended to be passed to the servant, there need not be an actual fresh delivery, per De Villicrs C.J. Assignees v. Cavanayh, 2 Juta 122. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 29 Actions by servants to compel delivery of property detained. Act is 1856. 21. (1) Tlie magistrates of this colony have jurisdiction in any civil case instituted by any servant or apprentice, to compel the delivery of any of his cattle, sheep, goats, or other animal*, lawfully running or "being upon his masters land, and which his master shall, either before or after the expiration of the contract of service or apprenticeship, -upon demand made, and without laii-fn.l cause, have refused to deliver or permit to be taken away ; and in case it shall be made to appear that the ma*t< r had no reasonable and probable cause for believing that the animals i,i fj nation were lawfully detained, the magistrate shall, besides giving jn-*. [ 25 & 26 repealed by 21 of Act 18 of 1873.] (1) This section is n-pcuU-cl by Act 18 of 1873, but is reprinted in view of the provisions of 3 Act 14 of 1S70 (( 'attic Ilcinnval") ; si e, however, If), Act 18 of 187:5, //)/,'. 30 LAWS RELATING TO Act 151856. Detaining a child under 16 years of age. 27. If any child under the age of sixteen years shall be wrongfully detained by any person as a servant or inmate, the resident magistrate of the district in which it shall be so detained, shall have jurisdiction to order the restoration of such child to such of its parents as would, under this Act, be entitled to apprentice such child, if then about to be apprenticed : Provided, however, that should it be made to appear, upon the hearing of any such case, jthat the person complained against originally obtained the said child in a lawful manner, and when an infant under the age of five years, and that the parent claiming the same has so acted in reference to the said child, and to the person bringing it up, as to make it a breach of good faith on the part of such parent to seek to take it away, as he or she now seeks to do, and that from the character of the said parent, the purpose for which he or she appears to desire to obtain possession of the said child, or other cir- cumstances, it will be for the manifest benefit of the said child to remain with the person with whom it is residing, rather than to be delivered to the parent applying, then the magistrate shall refuse to order the delivery of the said child, leaving it 'to the parent applying for the same to take such other pro- ceedings, if any, as he or she may be advised; and such magistrate may, in the meantime, authorize the person rearing up such child to retain possession thereof. Attorney -General and the clerks of the peace to act for servants, respondent, in cases of appeal to Supreme or circuit court. 28. In any case between a master and his servant, or apprentice, in which the resident magistrate shall have given judgment in favour of such servant or apprentice, and such jnaster shall appeal from such judgment, or apply to have the same reviewed, it shall be the duty of the Attorney-General, in case such appeal or application shall be brought before the Supreme- Court, and of the clerk of the peace for the district in which such judgment was made, in case such appeal or application shall be brought before the circuit court (provided MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 31 the said Attorney-General or such clerk of the peace shall be Act 151856 called on so to do), to appear for and conduct the case of such servant or apprentice, free of all charge or expense whatever, and the judge of the circuit court is hereby empowered, upon the motion of any such clerk of the peace, to assign counsel to act gratuitously for such servant or apprentice^yhenever such judge shall be of opinion that it is lit and proper so to do. CHAPTER VI. RESPECTING CHARACTERS GIVEN BY MASTERS TO SERVANTS OR APPRENTICES. No master is bound to give a character of a servant. 1. No master is bound to give a character to any servant <>r apprentice, who is or has been in his service, or to assign any reason for refusing to give it. Consequences of knowingly giving a false character. 2. Every master who shall knowingly have given any false character to any servant or apprentice is liable to make com- pensation for any loss or damages which any third party, who, by reason of such character so given, has been induced to take such servant or apprentice into his service, has sustained by the misconduct of such servant or apprentic or with reference to any matter to which such character so given was false. Penalties for counterfeit certificates of character and false r> presentations. 3. Every person who for the, purpose of giving a character to any servant or apprentice, or other person intending to offer himself to be hired as a servant, shall forge or counterfeit and utter any certificate of such servant s or apprentice's character, or shall falsely personate any other person, and as such, either personally or by writing, give ai :<>rged, or counterfeit character, or certificate of character, of any such servant 32 LAWS RELATING TO Act 151856. apprentice, or other person offering or intending to offer to hire himself as a servant ; and every person who shall offer to hire as a servant, asserting or pretending that he has served m any service in which he has not actually served, or with a false, forged., or counterfeit certilicate of character, or shall in any wise add to or alter, by effacing, or erasing, or inserting any word or date, in any certificate given to him by his present or any former master, or by any other person duly authorized by any such master to give the same, and shall use, or attempt to use, the same, as an inducement to hire him, shall, on conviction thereof, incur and be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, nor less than ten pounds, or to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding one year, nor less than one month, or to both such fine and imprisonment. CHAPTER VII. RESPECTING THE CONSTRAINTS OF MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND ArrRENTICES. Definition and punishment of unlawful interference ivith servants or apprentices, in order to prevent them from entering into or completing contract of service or apprenticeship. 1. Any person who shall by violence to the person or property, or by threats or intimidation, or by molesting, or in any way obstructing another, force or endeavour to force any servant or apprentice to depart from his service or work, or to return his work to his master before the same shall be finished, or to prevent or endeavour to prevent any servant or other person, not being hired or employed, from hiring himself to, or accepting service or work from any person, or force or induce, or endeavour to force or induce, any such servant or apprentice, or other such person, to belong to any club or association, or to contribute to any common fund,_pr shall use or employ violence to the property of another, or threats or intimidation, or shall molest or in any way obstruct another on account of his not belonging to any particular club or association, or not having contributed, or having refused to contribute, to any common MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 33 fund, or to pay any fine or penalty, or on account of his not Act 151856. having complied, or of his refusing to comply, with any rules, orders, resolutions, and regulations, made to obtain an advance or to reduce the rate of wages, or to lessen or alter the hours of working, or to decrease or alter the quantity of work, or to regulate the mode of carrying on any manufacture, trade, business, work, or labour, or the management thereof; or who, by any such violence, thrt-ats. intimidation, molestation, or o, or endeavour to torn-, any manufacturer, or person carrying on any trade, business, work, or labour, or tged in agriculture, to make any alteration in his mode of regulating, managing, conducting, or carrying on the same, or to increase or limit the number of his apprentices or servants, shall on conviction thereof before any resident magistrate, or other competent court, be imprisoned with or without hard labour, for any period not exceeding three months. Definition and protection of lawful acts and associations. 2. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall extend to subject to punishment any persons who shall meet ther for the sole purpose (( f consulting upon and de; mining the rate of wages or prices which the persons present at that meeting, or any of them respectively, shall require or demand for his or their service or work, or shall pay his or their servants or apprentices for their service or work, or who shall enter into any agreement, verbal or written, among themselves, for the purpose of tixing the rate of wages or prices, which rate of wages or prices the persons entering into such agree- ment, or any of them, shall require or demand for his or their Ice or work, or pay to his or their servants or apprentices for their service or work, or of fixing the number of hours of work which he or they will work, or will require his or their servants or apprentices to work in any manufacture, trade, business, labour, or agriculture, and that no such persons so meeting together, or entering into any such agreement aforesaid, shall be liable to any penalty or prosr.-ution for SO doing. : -"> LAWS RELATING TO S 1873. 1$S No. 181873.] (1) AN ACT [June 26, 1873. To AMEND ACT No. 15, 1856, INTITULED " AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAWS REGULATING THE RELATIVE ElGHTS AND DUTIES OF MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES." Preamble. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Act No. 15 of 1856, intituled " An Act to amend the Laws regulating the relative Eights and Duties of Masters, Servants, and Apprentices : " Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly thereof, as follows : Fourth section of chapter 2 of Act 15 of 1856 repealed. Written contract of service not valid for more than one year except on certain conditions. 1. (1) The fourth section of chapter 2 of Act No. 15 of 1856, intituled " An Act to amend the Laws regulating the relative Eights and Duties of Masters, Servants, and Apprentices," shall be and the same is hereby repealed ; and from and after the promulgation of this Act no written contract of service entered into in this Colony shall be valid or binding for a Jxmger period than^one year from the date thereof, nor shall any contract for service in writing be valid or binding in any case on any servant, unless the service so contracted for shall be stipulated to commence within the period of one month from the date of the contract, except the contract be signed with the name, or, in case of illiterate persons, with the mark, of the contracting parties, in the presence of a magis- trate, or other jroper officer, described in the second section of Act No. 15 of 1856, who shall satisfy himself by inquiry of the servant or apprentice that the contract was entered into (1) A prisoner cannot be convicted of a contravention of the Masters and Servants Law Amendment Act, 1873. alleged to have been committed beyond the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of this colony. Queen v. Baartman Jakhals, 3 E. D. C. 118. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 35 by the parties voluntarily, and with a clear understanding of Act 181873. its meaning and effect, and shall then, and not till then, subscribe such written contract in attestation of that fact. Definition of punishment for certain acts of misconduct committed by servants or apprentices. 2. (1) Any servant or apprentice may be fined any sum not ling one pound sterling, and in default of payment of the same may be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any period not exceeding one month, in case he shall be 'oi meted of any of the following acts or instances of mis- conduct, that is to say : L . I f he shall, after having entered into a contract, fail or refuse, without lawful cause, to commence the service at tin- stipulated time. 2. If he shall, without leave or other lawful cause, absent himself from his master's premises, or other place proper and appointed lor the performance of his work. 3. If he shall, during working hours, unfit himself for the proper performance of his work by becoming or being intoxicated. 4. If he shall neglect to perform any work which it was his duty to have performed, or if he shall carelessly or improperly perform any work which from its nature, it \\as his duty, under his contract, to have performed rareiully ami properlv. 5. If he shall, without leave and for his own purposes, make use of any horse, vehicle, or other property belonging to his master. (1) Special J.P. has jurisdiction to try offences against this section. See 0, 1882 (Administration of Justice). See Act 30, 1889, infra. When- a servant is accused of refusing to do his duty and desertion, he must l>e. charged with contravening the appropriate sections of the statute which render these acts punishable offences. A servant contravening sections 2 or 7 of the Act 18 of 1873 cannot on a first conviction he sentenced to imprisonment without the :i tine. Queen v. Police, '2 K. 1>. <\ 391. Queen v. ./*, 2 High Court Spare diet cannot be imposed in th a first cqnviction for contra- vention ..f sect i..n 2 of Act 18 of 1873. Queen v. Elsie Oliphant, 5 E. D. C. 330. See also Pentz v. Solomon & Co., Foord 52. D 2 36 LAWS DELATING TO ?i873. 6. K he shall Defuse to obey any command of his master, or of any person lawfully placed by his master in authority over him, which command it was his duty to obey. 7. If he shall make any brawl or disturbance in or at his master's dwelling-house, or on his master's farm, and after being, by his master or any other person placed by his master in authority over him, desired to desist, shall, notwithstanding, continue making such brawl or disturbance. 8. If he shall use any abusive or insulting language to his master, or to his master's wife, or to any person placed by his master in authority over him, calculated to provoke a breach of the peace. Definition of pu/nishment under either the next ensuing section or the last preceding section in case of a second or further conviction. 3. (1) In case of a second conviction under the last pre- ceding section, or of more such convictions than a second, within the space of six months next after any former conv ict ion , the offender may, in regard to such second or any further conviction, J)e fined any sum not exceeding three pounds sterling, and in default of payment thereof may be imprisoned and kept at hard labour for any period not exceeding six weeks, and shall bo liable during such imprisonment (or so much thereof as the convicting magistrate shall adjudge) to be kept in solitary confinement with or without spare diet, or on spare diet with or without solitary confinement, subject as hereafter is mentioned, and upon a conviction under the next ensuing section of this Act followed within six months by a conviction under the last preceding section, the oiTenJeF shall lc liable to the like punishment, as if both convictions have been had under the last preceding section. Definition of punishment for acts of misconduct of a more serious nature committed by servants or apprentices. 4. (1) Any servant or apprentice may be fined any sum not exceeding three pounds sterling, and in default ot payment, (1) See Act 30, 1889, 2, infra. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 37 may be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any Act 181873. period not exceeding two nionths ; or may be imprisoned without the infliction of any fine, at the discretion of the magistrate, with or without hard labour, tor any period not exceeding two months, and during such imprisonment as in this section is mentioned, may be kept in solitary confinement with or without spare diet, or on span- diet with or without solitary confinement, subject as hereafter in the nineteenth section is mentioned, in case he shall be convicted in any of the following acts or instances of misconduct, that is to say : 1. It In- shall by wilful breach of duty, or by neglect of duty, or through drunkenness, do any act tending to the immediate loss, damage, or serious risk of any property placed by his master in his charge, or placed by any other person in his charge for delivery to or on account of his master. 2. If~he shall by wilful breach of duty, (1) or by neglect of duty, or through drunkenness, refuse or omit to do any lauful act proper ami requisite to be done by him for preserving in safety any property placed by his master in his charge, or placed by any other person in his charge for delivery to or on account of his master. 3. It' being employed as a herdsman, he shall fail to report to his master the death or loss of any animals placed in his charge, which he shall allege to have died or been lost, on the earliest opportunity for so doing after he shall have discovered or in the course of duty was bound to have discovered, such death or loss, or if he shall fail to preserve for his master's use or inspection any part or parts of any such animal as he shall allege to have died which part or parts he shall by his master have been directed to preserve, ('2) unless such herdsman shall prove to the satisfaction of the court the death of such animals, or if it shall be made by his master to appear that any such animal or animals alleged by him to have strayed away or otherwise become irrecoverably (1) A servant convicted under cla . tion 4 of Act No. IS of 1873, of breach of duty wherehy his master's property is lest, cannot ue sentenced to imprisonment and to pay the value <>f the pr>|*.Tty lost. (Ju i< v. M7///,'.r. 101. (2)1 -I ut. 38 LAWS RELATING TO Act 181873. lost, could not, under the circumstances of the case, have become irrecoverably lost without his act or default. 4. If, being employed in any capacity other than that of a herdsman, he shall allege the loss of any property placed in his charge by or for his master, and it shall be made by his master to appear that the property in question could not have been lost without his act or default. 5. [Repealed by 4, Act 7, 1875.] 6. (1) If he shall, without lawful cause, depart from his master's service, with intent not to return thereto. Definition of punishment under either the last preceding section or the second section in cases of a second, or further conviction. 5. (2) In ease of a second conviction under the last pre- ceding section, or of more such convictions than a second, within the space of six months next after any former conviction, the offender may, in regard to such second or any further conviction, be fined any sum not exceeding five pounds sterling, and in default of payment thereof may be imprisoned and kept at hard labour for any period not exceeding three months, or may be imprisoned, without the infliction of any line, at the discretion of the magistrate, with or without hard labour, for any period not exceeding three months, and shall be liable during such imprisonment as in this section is mentioned, or so much thereof as the convicting magistrate shall adjudge, to be kept in solitary confinement, with or without spare diet, or on spare diet with or without solitary confinement, subject as hereafter mentioned ; and upon a conviction under the second section of this ActTToTIowed within six months by a conviction under the last preceding section, the offender shall be liable to the like punishment as if both convictions had been had under the last preceding section. (1) See 2, Act 7, 1875, infra. (2) See Act 30, 1889, 2, infra. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 39 Act 18 1873. No fine or imprisonment shall Jiave the effect of cancelling a contract. 6. (1) No fine paid or period of imprisonment undergone under this Act by a servant or apprentice shall have the effect of cancelling the contract of service or apprenticeship. Certain exception from the second to sixth section, ntfluxii'e, and the ninth section. Provision for tin- ^nui^tmi.-nt of servants I'l-'-ntii-cx ofhi-r than those engaged in agriculture or employed to work on farms. 7. (2) Nothing in any of the preceding sections from second to sixth, both inclusive, nor in section nine, shall iily to servants or apprentices under the age of sixteen years, or to servants or apprentices other th;in these engaged in agriculture or employed to work on farms: 1'ro- vi'led, however, that any servant or apprentice other than those engaged in agriculture or employed to work on farms as last mentioned, not being under sixteen years of age, may : 1. If he shall, after having entered into a contract, fail or refuse \\ithout ]a\\ful cause to commence the service at the stipulated time : '2. If lie shall, without leave or other lawful cause, absent himself from his master's premises, or other place proper and appointed for the performance of his work : (15) (1) See Act 30, 1889, 2, infra. (2) See note to 2. See also Act 30, 1889, infra. (8) In the case of liop<-r v. Afon placed by his master in authority over him, calculated to provoke a breach of the peace : be fined any sum not exceeding two pounds, and in default of payment be sentenced to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding one month ; but if it shall appear that such servant or apprentice is able to pay the damage caused by such act or default as in this section aforesaid, it shall be competent for the magistrate, whether the master shall agree thereto or not, to proceed under section thirteen, chapter five, of Act No. 15, Complaints under foregoing sections to be lodged within one month. 8. No servant or apprentice shall be convicted under any of the foregoing sections of this Act unless the master shall lodge his complaint within one month next after the day on which he became cognizant of the olMice or alleged offence. (1) Dth i-aragraph added by Act 7 of 1875, infra. 42 LAWS RELATING TO x cfc ~ 7d " Servant to appear before a magistrate on order of master, and failing to appear to be liable to expenses on conviction. 9. (1) In order to save time and expense, the master of any servant or apprentice alleging matter of complaint against such servant or apprentice may warn and order such servant or apprentice to appear before the magistrate of the district, on some day and hour to be named by such master, there to answer some certain charge, of the nature of which such com- plainant shall inform such defendant; and should the defendant fail to attend, in pursuance of such warning, the magistrate, upon the application of the complainant, and upon proof by jjffidavit that such defendant received such warning, and received the same a reasonable time before the time fixed for his appearance, and that to the best of the deponent's knowledge and belief, such defendant has no lawful cause for not appearing, may issue his warrant for the apprehension of such defendant, in order to the trial of the complaint ; and on such trial, and if the servant or apprentice shall be convicted of the offence with which he shall be charged, the magistrate _may (if he shall be satisfied that the defendant had no good and sufficient cause for failing to attend), in addition to the punishment to which the defendant may be sentenced, adjudge the said defendant to pay to his master such reasonable costs and expenses, not being more than those allowed in criminal cases, to which his master may have been put in consequence of the defendant having failed to attend as aforesaid : Provided, always, that on issuing such warrant as aforesaid, the defen- dant shall be warned by summons to answer the charges brought against him, and to show cause why he shall not be adjudged to pay such expenses as aforesaid in consequence of his default in attendance. Master having warned and ordered his servant to appear before (i magistrate, upon failing to appear himself to lie liable to expenses, and to penalties on failure to pay them. 10. Should any complainant who shall have warned any such defendant as aforesaid to appear as aforesaid himself fail (1) See Act 30, 1889 2 arid 3, infra (master may require servant to appeal- before special J.P.). MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 43 to appear at the time fixed by him for the appearance of such Act 181873. defendant then and there to prosecute his complaint, the magistrate, upon proof by affidavit that such defendant was warned by such complainant to appear at the said time to answer a charge of a certain nature, shall, unless satisfied that such complainant had a good and sufficient reason for failing to appear at such time, ascertain the distance which such defendant shall have travelled, and the distance which any person or persons shall have travelled whom such defendant shall have brought with him as witnesses, and shall, upon being satisfied that such witnesses would or might have been necessary for his defence, make an order in writing against such complainant for the payment of the expenses of such defendant and his witnesses, if any, at and after the same rate as it each of the said persons had been a witness stynnioned at the instance of the public prosecutor, and attending to give evidence in the court of such magistrate upon a criminal case; and if such complainant shall, upon presentation to him of such order by the person or persons in whose favour the same shall have been made, refuse or neglect to comply therewith, he shall incur and be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds sterling, and in default of payment of the same to imprison- ment, with or without hard labour, for any period not _exceeding one month : Provided that one such order may include the expenses of all or any of the persons whose ex i lenses are to be paid, or separate orders may be delivered to one or more of such persons, as may be most convenient. Servant or apprentice liaving complained against his master, f a Ring to appear at time fixed to be liable to expenses, and to penalties on failure to pay tliem. 11. Should any servant or apprentice who shall have com- plained against his master for or on account of any offence against any of the provisions of this Act fail to appear at the time fixed by the magistrate for the appearance of the defendant, then and there to prosecute his complaint, the magistrate may, unless satisfied that such complainant had a 1 and sufficient reason for failing to appear at such time, rtain in the manner in the last preceding section mentioned the expenses and costs which the defendant has 44 LAWS It ELATING TO Act 181873. reasonably incurred in appearing to answer such complaint, and he shall in the manner in the last preceding section mentioned order the payment by the complainant of such costs and expenses ; and if, on the presentation to him of the order therein mentioned by the person in whose favour it is made, such complainant shall jrefuse or neglect to comply therewith, he shall incur and be liable to the same fine, and in default of payment thereof to the same punishment, as is fixed in the last preceding section : Provided that one such order may include the expenses of all or any of the persons whose expenses are to be paid, or separate orders may be delivered to one or more of such persons, as may be most convenient. Servant or apprentice may leave his place of service to lodge complaint. 12. No servant or apprentice who shall leave the place of his service for the purpose merely of lodging any complaint which he may have against his master, after leave for that purpose shall have been unreasonably refused, shall by reason only of his so leaving be deemed to have deserted his master's service, or to have in any wise contravened this Act. Servant or apprentice summoned under the second section may le found guilty under the fourth section and vice versa. 13. A servant or apprentice summoned to answer for an offence alleged in the summons to be in contravention of the jsecond section of this Act, should the proof given in the case show that he is guilty of contravening not the second but the fourth section of this Act, may be convicted and sentenced according to the evidence ; and, in like manner, a servant or apprentice summoned to answer for an offence alleged in the summons to be in contravention of the fourth section aforesaid, should the proof given show that he is guilty of contravening not the fourth but the said second section, may be convicted and sentenced According to the evidence : .Provided, however, that the punishment to be awarded upon a conviction in either of these cases shall not exceed the punishment provided by the said second section: .Provided, also, that the servant or apprentice shall have had in every case sufficient notice of the nature of the charge which he was called upon to answer. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 45 Act 181873. Definition of punishment for withholding wages by master. Judgment may \>e given for wages alone with or without costs. 14. (1) As often as the master of any servant or apprentice shall be convicted of the offence of withholding 1 the wages of .such servant or apprentice without reasonable and probable cause for believing that the wages so withheld were not really due. In- shall be fined any sum not exceeding live pounds MII--. and iu default of payment shall be imprisoned, for any period jiot exceeding one month ; and the convicting magistrate shall, besides passing the said sentence, give judgment for the amount of the wages so wrongfully withheld, and for the costs of the proceedings, which costs shall be the same as in a civil case before the said court; and the said \\ages and costs shall, if not paid, be levied of the movable property of the master, under and by virtue of a warrant under the hand of the said magistrate, together with the cost of such le\y: Provided, however, that when and as often as the magistrate shall acquit the master of the aforesaid offence, J>UJL shall yet find that wages are due by such master to such servant or apprentice- which have teen retained by such master, it shall be lawful for such magistrate, and he is hereby required, forthwith to give judgment for the amount of wages which he shall lind to be due to such s.-rvaut. and make such 7>rtTer as to the payment of costs, should lie auard any, by the master, as shall seem to such magistrate to be in accordance jAJtJi real and substantial justice. ' lition of punishment for refusing to del inf's property. Penalty for . (:_') As often as the master of any servant or apprentice shall b nvicted of the oftence of having, either before or after the expiration of the contract of service of apprentice- ship, iipondejmind_made and without lawful cause, refused to deliver or permit to be taken a\\ay any of such servant's or apprentice's cattle, sheep, gat<. or other animals, lawfully (1) .w M..I,. (1) t" Met -. A ;il( linn,. v:il). 46 LAWS RELATING TO Act 181873. remaining or being upon such master's land without reasonable lind probable cause for believing that the animals in question were lawfully detained, such master shall be fined any sum not exceeding one pound sterling for every animal so unlaw- fully detained ; provided, however, that the total amount of a fine so payable shall not exceed the sum of five pounds sterling altogether ; and in default of payment, shall be im- prisoned for any period not exceeding one month ; and the convicting magistrate shall, besides passing the said sentence, _give judgment for the delivery of the said animals, and for costs, as in a civil action before the said court, which costs, if not paid, shall be levied in the same manner as in the fourteenth section directed ; but the fact that the contract of service or apprenticeship of such servant or apprentice has not yet expired shall not be deemed or taken to be of itself reasonable or probable cause for such detention : Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall impair the effect of any express contract of a lawful kind, by force of which the master shall claim a right to retain any such animals as aforesaid. Definition of punishment for master failing to supply articles stipulated for in contract. 16. As often as the master of any servant or apprentice shall be convicted of the offence of failing, upon demand, to supply or deliver to such servant or apprentice the food t bedding, or other articles stipulated for in any written contract of service or apprenticeship, or of supplying or delivering food, bedding, or other articles not conformable to the said contract, he shall be liable to be fined any sum not exceeding five pounds sterling, and in default of payment to imprisonment for any period not exceeding one month. Contract may le cancelled if the master has not faithfuU>/ performed his part thereof. 17. As often as it shall be made to appear to the magistrate, in any case instituted by any servant or apprentice against his master, that the master has not fairly and faithfully performed MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 47 his part of the contract of service or apprenticeship, the Act is 1873. magistrate may, should he so think fit, and should the servant or apprentice so desire, order the cancellation of such contract of service or apprenticeship, and the same shall be cancelled accordingly. Costs for compelling parties accused under this Act, and their witnesses, to attend the magistrate's court to be paid at the public charge under certain exceptions. Penalties for bringing charge without reasonable cause. 18. As often as any master shall complain against his servant or apprentice, or any servant or apprentice shall complain against his master, for or on account of any offence against the provisions of this Act, the process of the court of the resident magistrate for compelling the attendance of the party aerused and of all necessary witnesses shall be instituted at the public charge and without any fees of court : Provided always, that if at the trial the charge shall appear to have been brought without reasonable or probable cause, the party complaining shall be liable to a tine not exceeding five pounds, and also to defray the costs of process and of the witnesses in the case : and in default of payment of such fine and costs, shall be liable to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding month; Provided, also, that such tine may be imposed upon the occasion of such trial, and without any fresh action or proceeding for the recovery thereof. Regulations as to spare diet and solitary confinement. 19. In regard to the infliction of spare diet and solitary confinement under this Act, the resident magistrate shall observe and conform to such regulations and restrictions as shall have been or shall from time to time be issued by the Governor under the Act No. 20 of 1856. Fines to be paid into Treasury. 20. All fines under this Act shall, when recovered, bo paid into the public treasury. 48 LAWS RELATING TO Act 181873. Certain sections of Act 15 of 1856 repealed. 21. Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, and 26 of the fifth chapter, and so much of any other portion of Act No. 15 of 1856, as is inconsistent with or repugnant to any of the provisions of this Act, shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Short title. 22. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the " Masters and Servants Law Amendment Act, 1873." Act 28-1874. No. 281874.] ACT [July 31, 1874. To AMALGAMATE THE LAWS RELATING TO MASTEES, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. Preamble. Whereas in several parts of the Act No. 15 of 1856, intituled " An Act to amend the Laws regulating the relative Eights and Duties of Masters, Servants, and Apprentices," reference is made to other parts of the said Act, and whereas many of these references have become inapplicable by reason of the repeal of the said Act by the " Masters and Servants Law Amendment Act, 1873," and it is desirable that the said two Acts should be read together : Be it enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly thereof, as follows : Act No. 18 of 1873 to le construed with Act No. 15 of 1856. 1. The said " Masters and Servants Law Amendment Act, 1873," shall be construed with and as part of the said Act, No. 15 of 1856. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 49 Act 281874. Short title. 2. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the u Masters and Servants Law Amalgamation Act, 1874," and the said Act No. 15 of 1856 may for all purposes be cited as the "Masters and Servants Law Act, 185(3." , c, / / --" -t V J I 0. 7-1875.] x ACT [June 30, 1S75. Act 7-1875. To AMKND THE LAW RELATING TO MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. Preamble. Whoreas it is expedient to amend the law relating to Masters, Servants, and Apprentices: Be it enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and , consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly thereof, as follows : Servant or apprentice may be apprehended summarily on "'<," or the "Masters and Servants Law Amendment Act, 1873," shall make deposition on oath before a resident magis- trate, or justice of the peace, ^that he believes (stating the grounds of his belief) that in order to secure the appearance of such servant or apprentice before the resident magistrate having jurisdiction to try the case, that the apprehension of such servant or apprentice is necessary, it shall be lawful for such resident magistrate or justice of the peace to issue his warrant for the apprehension of sm-li servant or apprentice without any previous warning or summons: Provided, how- (1) See Act 30, 1889, sect. 3, infra (master may require servant to appear 50 LAWS RELATING TO Act 71875. ever, that if the master of any servant or apprentice shall make such deposition maliciously and without reasonable and probable ground for believing the same to be true, such master shall be liable to be fined any sum not exceeding five .pounds, and in default of payment thereof to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding one month. May be apprehended summarily for desertion. 2. If any servant or apprentice is charged under either of the aforesaid Acts with having, without lawful cause, departed from his master's service with intent not to return thereto, it shall be lawful for any resident magistrate or justice of the peace to issue his warrant for the apprehension of such servant or apprentice without any previous warning or summons. Punishment for abusive language. 3. (1) There shall be considered as inserted in the jseventh jsection of the said " Masters and Servants Law Amendment Act, 1873," after the paragraph of the said section numbered , supra. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 53 amended by the third section of the Act No. 7 of 1875 (1), the Act so 1889. provisions of the second to the sixth sections inclusive and the ninth sections respectively of the said Act No. 18, 1873 (as the last-mentioned section is amended by this Act) shall extend and apply to any man-servant employed as a domestic servant or to perform any bodily labour in manufactures, or as a boatman, porter, groom, stablekeeper, gardener, or other occupation of a like nature. Servant or apprentice reasonably suspected of offence against Masters and Servants Acts must accompany master before Magistrate ; if he refuses is liable to arrest. 3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the ninth section of the Act No. 18 of 1873, or in the first section of the Act No. 7 of 1875, it shall be lawful for the master of any servant or apprentice, if he shall have reasonable and probable cause to suspect such servant or apprentice of having committed any offence against any provision of any of the Acts commonly called the " Masters and Servants Acts, 1856 to 1875," as amended by this Act, to order and require such servant or apprentice forthwith to proceed in his, the said master's, company before the nearest Resident Magistrate or Special Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction in the district or place where such master so suspects that such offence has been committed, there to answer a charge of having committed such offence ; and any servant or apprentice who shall neglect or refuse to obey any such order made by his master, having such reasonable and probable cause of suspicion as aforesaid, shall be liable to be arrested by his master without warrant, and conveyed in custody before such Resident Magistrate or Special Justice of the Peace as aforesaid, to be by him dealt with according to law ; provided that no servant or apprentice shall be bound or obliged to obey such order as aforesaid, unless or until he shall be informed of the nature of the charge which his master intends to prefer against him. (1) Vide p. 50, supra. 54 LAWS DELATING TO Act 301889. Effect and short title of Act. 4. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the " Masters and Servants Act, 1889," and shall be construed as one with the " Masters and Servants Acts, 1856 to 1875," which, with this Act, may be cited collectively as the "Masters and Servants Acts, 1856 to 1889." EMPLOYEES' LIABILITY. Act 35-1886. No. 351886.] ACT [July 6, 1886. To EXTEND AND KEGULATE THE LIABILITY OF EMPLOYERS TO MAKE COMPENSATION FOE PERSONAL INJURIES SUFFERED BY WORKMEN IN THEIR SERVICE. Preamble. WHEREAS the law relating to the Liability of Employers to make Compensation for Injuries suffered by Workmen in their Service is at present vague and uncertain, and it is desirable to amend the same, and to extend and regulate such liability : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly thereof, as follows : In what eases compensation to be made to injured workmen. 1. Whenever, after the taking effect of this Act, personal injury is caused to a workman : (1) By reason of any defect in the condition of the ways, works, machinery, or plant connected with, or used, in the business of the employer ; or (2) By reason of the negligence of the employer, or any person in the service of the employer who has any superintendence entrusted to him, whilst in the exercise of such superintendence ; or (3) By reason of the negligence of the employer, or any person in the service of the employer to whose orders MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 55 or directions the workman at the time of the injury was Act 351886. bound to conform, and did conform, when such injury resulted from his having so conformed ; or (4) By reason of the act or omission of the employer, or any person in the service of the employer done or made in obedience to the rules or by-laws of the employer, or in obedience to particular instructions given by any person delegated with the authority of the employer in that behalf ; or (5) By reason of the negligence of the employer, or any person in the service of the employer who has the charge or control of any signal, points, locomotive engine, train upon a railway, or any machinery or hauling gear in or about any mine, the workman or, in case the injury results in death, the legal personal representatives of the workman, and any person entitled in case of death, shall have the same right of compen- sation and remedies against the employer as if the workman had not been a workman of, nor in the service of the employer, nor engaged in his work. Exceptions to the provisions of the above section. 2. A workman shall not be entitled under this Act to any right of compensation or remedy against the employer in any of the following cases ; that is to say, (1) Under sub-section one of section one of this Act, unless the defect therein mentioned arose from, or had not been, or had not been discovered or remedied owing to the negligence of the employer or of some person in the service of the employer, and entrusted by him with the duty of seeing that the. ways, works, machinery, or plant were in proper condition. (2) Under sub-section four of section one of this Act unless the injury resulted from some impropriety or defect in the rules, by-laws, or instructions therein mentioned : Provided always that in case any such rule or by-law shall have been submitted to the Governor, and approved of by him by notification in the Gazette, or in case such rule or by-law shall be made under the provisions of 56 LAWS RELATING TO Act 351886. any Act of Parliament, it shall not be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be an improper or defective rule or by-law. (3) In any case where the workman knew of the defect or negligence which caused his injury, and failed within a reasonable time to give, or cause to be given, informa- tion thereof to the employer, or to some person superior to himself in the service of the employer, unless he was aware that the employer or such superior already knew of the said defect or negligence. Limit of sum recoverable as compensation. 3. The amount of compensation under this Act shall not exceed such sum as may be found to be equivalent to the estimated earnings, during the three years preceding the injury, of a person in the same grade employed during those years in the like employment, and in the district in which the workman is employed at the time of the injury. No compensation recoverable under any other law as well as under this Act. 4. No workman, or representative of a workman, shall be entitled to recover compensation for any injury done to him under any other existing law in addition to the compensation to which he may be entitled under this Act. Limit of time within which actions must be brought. 5. All actions under this Act shall be commenced within six months after the occurrence of the injury for which com- pensation is sought. Definitions. 6. For the purposes of this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, The expression " person who has superintendence entrusted to him " means a person whose sole or principal duty is that of superintendence, and who is not ordinarily engaged in manual labour. The expression "employer" includes a body of persons corporate or unincorporate. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 57 Act 351886. Where Act to be in force and Short Title. 7. This Act shall take effect only within such mining areas as the Governor may from time to time declare by Proclama- tion to be published in the Gazette, and may be cited as the " Employers' Liability Act, 1886." TEADE BEYOND BOUNDARIES. No. 81.] [December 23, 1830. Act si. Penalty on bringing natives into the colony against their free will, 100. Agreement beyond the boundaries of the colony void. 12. And be it further enacted that it shall not be lawful for any person whomsoever to bring within this colony any person from beyond the said boundaries thereof not legally contracted to him within the colony, against the free will and consent of such person, under a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds, and if any such person be brought within the colony upon any contract or agreement of any nature soever entered into beyond the said boundaries such contract or agreement shall be void and of no effect. Legal contract before clerk of the peace of persons coming voluntarily into the colony. 13. Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend to prevent any native or other person who may have voluntarily come into the colony with or been brought by any trader or other person from entering into any legal contract or agreement before a clerk of the peace or other person before whom the same may be made. 58 LAWS EELATING TO Act 221857. No. 221857.] AN ACT FOK MOEE EFFECTUALLY PREVENTING THE IMPROPER INTRO- DUCTION INTO THIS COLONY OF CHILDREN BELONGING TO NATIVE TRIBES RESIDENT IN TERRITORIES BEYOND THE LAND BOUNDARIES THEREOF. Preamble. WHEREAS in some instances, persons visiting the territories lying beyond the land boundaries of this colony have there procured, and have thence brought into the colony, to be made servants of, children of tender age, belonging to native tribes resident in the territories aforesaid : And whereas there is reason to believe that if the practice of procuring such children were suffered to grow up, evil consequences may arise there- from : And whereas the existing laws of the colony do not sufficiently provide against the introduction of such children, under such circumstances : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly thereof, as follows : Native children under sixteen years of age not to be brought within the colonial land boundary without previous sanction of the Governor. Except by the parent of the child or by persons delivering the same to a resident magistrate within fourteen days. Such child to be under the guardianship of the Governor and may not be apprenticed to the person by whom it is brought in. Children may accompany visitors from beyond the land boundary fora temporary purpose upon a certificate from a competent authority. Any resident magistrate receiving such certificate to note the date of its production. 1. No person, except as hereinafter excepted, shall, without the previous sanction of the Governor of this colony for the time being, first had and obtained, bring into this colony, across the land boundary thereof, any child under the age of sixteen years, belonging to any native tribe or people in Africa, MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 59 resident beyond the said land boundary. Any person con- Act 221857 travening this section of this Act shall, upon conviction, be liable, for and in respect of every child so brought into this colony, to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, together with, and in addition to, the sum of one shilling per day for every day during which any such child shall have been harboured or kept by such person within this colony : Provided that nothing in this section contained shall extend to any parent of any such child as aforesaid, lawfully entering this colony, and bringing such child into the same, nor to any person whomso- ever bringing into the colony any such child as aforesaid, who shall deliver over such child to any resident magistrate of the colony within the space of fourteen days next after the day upon which such child shall have been brought into the colony : Provided, however, that every such last-mentioned child shall be placed under the guardianship of the Governor of the colony, for the time being, as in the fifth section of this Act provided, and that no such child shall be apprenticed to or left with the person by whom such child shall have been brought into the colony, as in the sixth section of this Act provided : Provided, also, that nothing herein contained shall apply to any inhabitant of any territory beyond the land boundaries of this colony, visiting this colony for a temporary purpose, and bringing into this colony any such child or children as aforesaid, in case such inhabitant shall produce and exhibit to some resident magistrate of this colony, within one calendar month next after the date of his arrival in this colony, a certificate in writing, signed by some magistrate of the territory in which such inhabitant usually resides, certifying that the child or children brought into the colony by such person is or are lawfully in the service of such person, and that the services of such child or children are required by such person during or upon his journey : Provided, also, that the resident magistrate to whom such certificate shall be produced or exhibited shall endorse thereon the date at which the same was so produced to him. 60 LAWS DELATING TO Act 221857. Penalty for keeping or harbouring any child, brought into this colony in contravention of the last preceding section. 2. If any child brought by any person into this colony, in contravention of the last preceding section, shall, without the previous sanction of the Governor of this colony for the time being, be received, kept, or harboured, whilst under the age of sixteen years, by any other person within this colony, such last-mentioned person knowing, when so receiving, keeping, or harbouring such child, that such child had been brought into this colony, without the previous sanction of the said Governor, from beyond the land boundary thereof, then such last-mentioned person shall, upon conviction, be liable to the same penalty as that in the last preceding section mentioned : And any person receiving, keeping, or harbouring, within this colony, any chiM brought into this colony by any such inhabitant of another territory, as in the first section mentioned, shall be liable to the same penalty. Hoiv to judge of the age of such children. 3. In every prosecution for a contravention of any of the sections of this Act, the court in which such prosecution shall be pending shall judge from the appearance of the child in question in such prosecution, and also, if needful, from the opinions, given under oath, of persons skilled in ascertaining the age of such children, and from any other evidence which may be adduced on the subject, whether the child referred to in such prosecution was, when brought into this colony, or received, kept, or harboured therein (as the case may be), under the age of sixteen years or not. How to judge of the age if child has died. 4. When by reason of the death of such child, before the hearing of such criminal case as aforesaid, or other cause, the court in. which such case shall be pending shall be unable to inspect the child in question, in such case, then such court shall judge of the age of such child when it was brought into MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 61 the colony, or received, kept, or harboured therein (as the case Act 22 1857. may be), by the knowledge or opinion of persons acquainted with such child. Evenj child brought into the colony in contravention of the first section, placed under the guardianship of the Governor, and iii'iy be apprenticed or placed at an industrial school. Guardianship not to extend beyond the age of eighteen. 5. Every child brought into this colony in contravention of the first section of this Act, whether the person who brought such child into the colony be convicted or not, and every child brought into this colony, by any inhabitant of another territory, as in the first section mentioned, which child shall be received, kept, or harboured by any other person within this colony, is hereby placed under the guardianship of the Governor of the colony for the time being, and may, by any person acting under the authority of the said Governor, be apprenticed in like manner as is, or shall be, by law provided in regard to destitute children, or the said Governor may, without, or before apprenticing such child, cause such child to be placed at any industrial school within this colony, and to be there main- tained and instructed so long as may be necessary, or as the said Governor shall think fit : Provided that the guardianship of the Governor aforesaid shall not extend to, nor shall he cause to be apprenticed, or placed at an industrial school as aforesaid, any person who shall be of the age of eighteen years or upwards. No such child to be apprenticed or left with the person by whom introduced or harboured in the colony. (>. Xo such child as aforesaid shall, in any case, be apprenticed to or left with the person by whom, in contravention of the first section of this Act, such child was brought into this colony, or any person by whom, in contravention of the second section of this Act, such child was received, kept, or harboured, after being brought into this colony. [The remaining sections of this Act relate to children brought into the Colony prior to its promulgation, and have no further applicability.] 62 LAWS DELATING TO Act 61861. PRESCRIPTION (DEBTS) ACT. No. 61861.] [August 14, 1861. Prescription of three years established in certain cases. 5. No suit or action for the fees or for the fees and disbursements of advocates, attorneys, public notaries, con- veyancers, land surveyors, or persons practising any branch of the medical profession, or for the amount of any baker's, or butcher's, or tailor's, or dressmaker's, or boot and shoe- maker's bill or account, nor any suit or action for the salary or wages of any merchant's clerk or other persons employed in any merchant's or dealer's store, counting-house, or shop, nor any suit or action for the wages as a servant of any person coming under the definition of the term " servant " given in the Masters and Servants Act, No. 15 of 1856, shall (except as hereinafter is excepted) be capable of being brought at any time after the expiration of three years from the time when the cause of action in any such case as aforesaid first accrued or in case such cause or action shall have already accrued, then after the expiration of three years from the time of the taking effect of this Act : Provided that as often as any acknowledgment of or promise in writing to pay any such debt as is in this section mentioned, shall have been made or given at any time before the expiration of such term of three years, then such debt may be sued for at any time within eight years from the date of such acknowledgment or promise, or in case such acknowledgment or promise shall specify some future time for the payment of the debt, then within eight years from the date at which the said debt became, by or according to the tenor or effect of such acknowledgment or promise, due and payable. And provided that nothing in this section contained shall prevent the application to any such debt as is in this section mentioned of any of the provisions of the eighth section of this Act. How in regard to minors or persons under legal disability. 6. If at the time when any such cause of action as is in the second, third, and fifth sections of this Act mentioned, MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 63 first accrued, the person to wboin the same accrued shall Act 61861. have been a minor, or under coverture, or of unsound mind, or absent from the colony, then such person, or the person claiming through him may, notwithstanding that the period of prescription hereinbefore limited in regard to such cause of action shall have expired, bring a suit or action upon such cause of action at any time within eight years or three years (as the case may be) next after the time at which the person to whom such cause of action first accrued shall have ceased to be under any such disability as aforesaid, or shall have died, whichever of these two events shall have first happened. PASSES TO NATIVES. No. 221867.] [August 16, 1867. Act 22-1867. Contracts under Masters and Servants Act to hold good. But not to protect person infringing subsequent provisions of Act. 2. From and after the passing of this Act all contracts of service made between employers and natives or native foreigners, in conformity with the provisions of the Act No. 15 of the year 1856, commonly known as the " Masters and Servants Act," shall be good and valid in law ; but the existence of any such contract shall not be allowed to protect any native foreigner who may be a party thereto from being prosecuted and punished for entering or being within the Colony without a pass, as hereinafter provided. 64 LAWS RELATING TO Act 141870. CATTLE REMOVAL ACT. No. 14-1870.] [May 5, 1870. Certificate for removal of stock to be obtained. 2. It shall be the duty of every person desiring the removal of stock (1) from any place to any other place (2) to procure a certificate (3), signed by any resident magistrate, justice of the peace, field-cornet, or landholder, stating the date upon which the same is granted, the name of the owner, and the number and description of the stock to be removed, the name of the place from which the same is being removed, and of the place to which it is being sent ; and also the name or names of the driver or drivers thereof. Duty of landholder to grant certificate for removal of stock from his land. How, if landholder refuses. 3. It shall be the duty of any landowner to grant, free of charge, such certificate as aforesaid, written in such language, whether English, Dutch, or native, as such landholder may be able to write intelligibly, to any person who, being in the lawful possession of any stock, desires to remove the same from land occupied by such landholder ; and the refusal by (1) " ' Stock ' shall mean any horse, gelding, mare, colt, filly, mule, or ass, or any bull, ox, cow, heifer, or calf, or any sheep or oat : Provided that stock under saddle, or pack-saddle, cattle employed in drawing any vehicle, whether inspanned or outspanned, or stock in the possession of the police shall not be deemed to be stock within the meaning of this Act," 13, Act 14, 1870. No stock deemed to be removed merely by reason of their moving from place to place on land in which owner of stock has an interest or ownership, 6, Act 20, 1889. (2) Printed as amended by Act 20 of 1889. (3) This Act to come into force or be suspended in any division, at the request of the Divisional Council of such division, by proclamation in the Gazette. Certificates, however, granted in places where Act not in force to be valid in any division where the law has been proclaimed, and when so proclaimed the 3rd and 4th sections to apply to the whole Colony, 14, Act 14, 1870. A penalty of six months' imprisonment, with or without hard labour, may be imposed upon any one granting a false certificate or fraudu- lently altering one, 12, Act 14, 1870. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 65 the master of any servant or apprentice to grant, in regard to Act 14 1870. any stock of such servant or apprentice lawfully running or being upon the land of the said master, such a certificate as is in this Act mentioned, shall be deemed and taken to be, for the purpose of the twenty-first (1) section of chapter 5 of the Act No. 15, 1856, commonly called the Masters and Servants Act, a refusal by such master to deliver such stock or to permit the same to be taken away ; and the provisions of the said twenty-first section shall apply to such case as fully as if the same were herein again set forth. Who required to grant certificates. 4. It shall be the duty of any magistrate, justice of the peace, field-cornet, or landholder, to whom application is made for such certificate as aforesaid, to grant a certificate, written in such language, whether English, Dutch, or native, as the person applied to may be able to write intelligibly, to the person applying for the same : Provided that the magistrate, justice of the peace, field-cornet, or landholder to whom application is made shall be satisfied that the stock for the removal of which the certificate is required are the property or in the lawful possession of the person about to remove the same. Persons driving stock may be required to produce certificate. On failure to produce, &c. } stock may be seized and impounded. 5. (2) It shall be lawful for any magistrate, justice of the peace, field-cornet, police officer, constable, or landholder, who shall find any person driving stock, to call upon such person to produce such certificate as aforesaid, and if such person shall fail to produce such certificate, or if the stock being removed shall not correspond in all material respects with the certificate produced, or if the direction in which such (1) This section is repealed by 21, Act 18, 1873, but see 15 of latter Act. (2) Person driving stock may be arrested without warrant, 2, Act 20, 1889, and detained pending inquiry for not more than 4 weeks ; vide 3 of latter Act. F 66 LAWS DELATING TO Art M 1*70. person is proceeding with the stock shall not correspond with the direction indicated in such certificate, or if the name of the person driving the stock shall not correspond with that in the certificate, then such magistrate, justice of the peace, field-cornet, police officer, constable, or landholder, if he shall be able to read such certificate (1), may take possession of such stock and cause the same to be conveyed to the nearest pound, there to remain until liberated by order of the resident magistrate, or otherwise disposed of as hereinafter provided. REFORMATORY INSTITUTIONS. Act 7-1879. No. 7 1879. J [January 27, 1882. Convicted child may le sentenced to detention in institution in addition to imprisonment. Or may le sent to institution in lieu of imprisonment. 4. (2) Whenever any child shall hereafter be convicted of any offence, either upon indictment or on summary conviction punishable by imprisonment, it shall be lawful for the judge or other competent court by which such child shall be con- victed, in addition to the sentence which may then and there be passed as a punishment for the said offence, to direct such child to be sent, at the expiration of such sentence, to any reformatory institution established under this Act, to be there detained until he or she reaches the age of sixteen years ; or for such shorter period as such judge or other competent court may think fit ; or such judge or other competent court may, if such judge or court deem fit, send such child to any reform- atory institution in lieu and instead of sentencing such child to imprisonment, or may, at the expiration of any sentence, or instead of sentencing such child to imprisonment, order that such child shall be bound to some useful calling or occupa- tion for such period as such judge or court shall think fit, but (1) Printed as amended by Act 20 of 1889. (2) See Act 8, 1889, infra. MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES 67 not longer, however, than until such child shall attain the age Act 71879 of sixteen years. Power to bind inmate as apprentice. 11. At any time before the expiration of the warrant authorising the detention of any inmate in a reformatory institution, the resident magistrate of the district in which such institution is situate, or of the district in which such child shall then be detained, may bind any such inmate as apprentice to any useful calling or occupation as he may think fit, in the same manner in which destitute children (1) are now authorised to be bound by the law of this colony ; and such binding shall be as effectual as if such child were of full age and had bound himself: Provided that, if such child should have one or more parents or guardians alive, no such apprenticeship shall take place without the consent of such parents or guardians. Provisions of ((rtich-x of apprenticeship. 12. The resident magistrate may, in any articles of ap- prenticeship under this Act, provide that such portion of the wages to become due to such apprentice as he may think fit, shall be deposited, at such times and in such manner as he shall determine, in any savings or other bank of this colony on account of such apprentice, and every such deposit shall be deemed and allowed as a payment to such apprentice, but no portion thereof shall be withdrawn by such apprentice, without the consent in writing of such resident magistrate, until the expiration of the apprenticeship. Appren tices absconding. Penalties. 20. If any child apprenticed or bound under the provisions of this Act shall desert or abscond from the service of his master, it shall be lawful for any court before whom such apprentice shall be brought, upon proof to the satisfaction of such court, in addition to any punishment which may be (1) See Act 15, 1856, fi, supra. 68 LAWS RELATING TO Act 71879. inflicted, either to order the child to return to the service of such master, or that such child shall be detained in any reformatory institution until such child shall attain the age of sixteen years, or for any shorter period. Accessories to escape or absconding. 21. Any person who shall directly or indirectly counsel or induce, by letter or otherwise, any inmate of any reformatory institution to abscond or escape therefrom, or break his apprenticeship and abscond from his master, before such inmate shall have been regularly discharged or before the expiration of such apprenticeship, or who shall aid or abet any such inmate in absconding or escaping, or who knowing such inmate to have absconded or escaped, shall harbour or conceal, or assist in harbouring or concealing, such inmate, or prevent him or her from returning to such reformatory institution, or to his master shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding twenty pounds, or at the discretion of the court before which such conviction shall be had, be imprisoned for any term not exceeding six months, and with or without hard labour. 1889. No. 81889.] ACT [June 28, 1889. To MAKE FURTHER PROVISION FOR THE APPRENTICESHIP OF JUVENILE OFFENDERS. BE it enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly thereof, as follows : Juvenile offenders may be apprenticed until 21 years of age. 1. Whenever any child under the age of sixteen years shall be convicted of any offence in terms of the fourth section of the Reformatory Institutions Act, 1879, it shall be lawful for the court before which such conviction shall take place to MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 69 direct that, in lieu of any of the punishments in the said Act 81889. section mentioned, such child shall be apprenticed to some fit and proper person, who shall be willing to instruct and employ such child in some useful calling, trade, or other occupation, including domestic service and service as a farm labourer, until such child shall have attained his twenty-first year or for some shorter period. Act 15 of 1856 to apply. 2. All and singular the provisions of Act No. 15 ot 1856, relating to apprentices, save and except such provisions as are repugnant to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall, in so far as they are applicable, apply to persons directed to be apprenticed under this Act. Contract executed before Resident Magistrate. 3. It shall be lawful for any Judge of the Supreme Court, before whom any child shall be convicted as aforesaid, to direct that the contract of apprenticeship shall be executed before a Resident Magistrate to be nominated by such Judge. Resident Magistrates to be tutors of all minors apprenticed under this Act. 4. The Eesident Magistrates of the Colony shall be ex officio the tutors of all minors apprenticed under this Act and residing within their respective districts instead of their parents, or tutors, testamentary or dative, and shall, upon proof of the unfitness, inability or unwillingness of any master to retain the custody of any such minor, cancel the contract of apprenticeship and apprentice the minor to some other fit and proper person. Wages to be deposited in Savings Bank. 5. Whenever any wages shall be payable to any minor apprenticed under this Act such wages shall be deposited in his name in such Post Office Savings Bank as the Magistrate 70 LAWS RELATING TO Act 81889. shall direct, and shall not be handed over to such minor until the lawful expiration of his apprenticeship, unless the Ma- gistrate shall for special reasons otherwise direct. How apprentice may be transferred to another person. 6. No master shall assign or transfer to any other person any minor apprenticed under this Act without the consent of the Kesident Magistrate of the district in which such master shall reside, but the consent of the minor or of his parents shall not be necessary. Punishment of apprentice for deserting from service. 7. Any minor apprenticed under this Act who shall desert from his master's service during his term of apprenticeship shall be liable, upon conviction before any Court of Eesident Magistrate, to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding twelve months, or to receive twenty cuts with a cane, or to both such imprisonment and whipping. How contract may le cancelled. 8. It shall be lawful for the Supreme Court, Eastern Districts Court, or High Court of Griqualand or any Circuit Court, within their respective jurisdictions, upon the appli- cation of any minor apprenticed under this Act, or of any parent or relative within the fourth degree of consanguinity of such minor, to order the cancellation of any such contract of apprenticeship, as aforesaid, and, if need be, to direct a fresh contract to be entered into before such Magistrate as shall be nominated by such court. Inquiry as to fitness of master. Notice to le given for applications. 9. Every Kesident Magistrate shall, before approving of any contract of apprenticeship, make full inquiry as to the fitness of any master to whom the minor is proposed to be appren- ticed, and may by advertisement in the Gazette and some news- MASTERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES. 71 circulating in his district, give notice in the English Act s and Dutch languages, that applications may be made to him by farmers and other persons wishing to have the convicted offender apprenticed to them. Such notice shall state tin- name and age of the offender, the offence of which he stands convicted, and the day upon which such applications will be lu-ard before such magistrate. Detention of offender until apprenticed. 10. It shall be lawful for the Resident Magistrate, pending the publication of such notice or pending such inquiry as in the last preceding section mentioned, whether the offender shall have been tried before him or shall have been sent by some Judge of the Supreme Court to be apprenticed by him, to direct that such offender shall be detained in prison or ! admitted on bail until the contract shall be finally executed. Short title. 11. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the "Juvenile; Offenders Apprenticeship Act, 1889." INDEX. ABSCONDING apprentices, 67 ABSENCE, servants, 27 ABUSIVE language by servants, 50 ACCESSORIES, 68 ACCUSED competent to give evidence, 50 dock, not compellable to enter, but may be detained in custody, 51 AGE, children apprenticed to what, 13, 68 native children under 16 years of, 58, 60 AGEICULTURAL labourers, to what age to serve when apprenticed, 13 burgher service, if called out for, 11 APPEALS, servants', 30 APPEARANCE before Magistrate, 42, 43, 53 APPREHENSION, 49, 50 APPRENTICES absconding, 67 appearance before resident magistrate, 42, 43, 53 assignment, 18 complaint by, 43, 44 death of, 20 intimidation of, 32 journeys by, 22 maintenance, 16 marriage by, 24 74 INDEX. APPRENTICES. continued. misconduct, 28, 35, 36, 38 punishment of, 35, 36, 38, 39, 70 removal of, 21 wages of, 16, 20 APPRENTICESHIP OF CHILDREN, contracts to be in writing, 12 triplicate, 18 death or insolvency of master, effect on contract of, 19 definition of, 2 dissolution of, 23 duration of, 13 juvenile offenders, 68, 71 native, 61 (from) reformatory institutions, 66, 68 (See also "Children") ARREST, removal of cattle without certificate liable to, 65 (note) summary, of servant, 49, 50 ASSAULT by master, effect on contract, 29 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT, 18 BOUNDARIES, natives beyond, 57 agreement entered into with, 57 brought within, against their will, 57 coming within, voluntarily, 57 CANCELLATION, contracts of service, 28, 29, 46, 70 CATTLE REMOVAL, certificate for, 64, 65 CERTIFICATE, false, penalty for, 64 (note) granting of, by whom, 65 production of, failure of, 65 removal of cattle under, 64 validity of, 64 (note) CHARACTER, false, consequences of knowingly giving, 31 forging, &c., 31 master not bound to give, 31 INDEX. 75 CHILDREN, apprenticed, 12, 61 absence of, 27 accused not compelled to enter dock, 51 age, limit of, 13, 58, 60, 68 appearance before magistrate, 42, 43, 53 apprehension of, 49, 50 Crown to appear for, in Appeals, 30 desertion of, 50, 71 destitute, 14 contract, assignment of, 18 form of, 16 magistrate's successor, covenants to endure to, 17 triplicate, 18 maintenance, 16 treatment, 14 wages, 16, 20 detention of, under 16, 30 evidence by, 50 female, 24 guardians, magistrates to be, 14 imprisonment, may be compelled to resume service after, 26, 39 intimidation of, 32 marriage of female, eQ'ect of, 24 natives brought within Colony under 16, 58 punishment of, 26, 35, 39, 52, 70 contract not cancelled by, 39 conviction, second or subsequent, 36, 38 offences, for what, 26, 35, 39, 52, 70 services of, 10, 11 wages, 16, 20 See also " NATIVE CHILDEEN " and " REFORMATORY." COMPLAINTS, lodgment of, when, 41, 44 COMPENSATION, injured workmen, 54 servants, for loss or damage to master's property, 27 CONTRACTS, apprenticeship of children, 12 et seq., 18 comprise, what to, 2 form of, 6 written, 12 cancellation, 28, 29, 39, 46, 70 colony, out of, 4 dissolution of, 23 duration of, 5, 34 expiry of, 7 76 INDEX. CONTRACTS. continued. form of, 6 law to prevail, what, 3 limit of, 5, 6, 34 notice, expiry of, before, 7 waiver of, 8 oral, duration of, 5 punishment, master not supplying articles stipulated for in, 46 servants, &c., does not affect, 39 service, comprise what, 2 husband, wife, and children, 10, 11 set aside, liable to be, 4 written, duration of, 6, 34 COSTS, appearance before resident magistrate, 47 CUSTODY, accused may be detained in, 51 DEATH, master's, effect of, 18 servant's, effect of, 11 servants', payment of wages to date of, 20 DEBTS, prescription, 63 DESERTION, 50, 70 DESTITUTE CHILDREN, 14 et seq. contracts of apprenticeship, 15 maintenance, 16 treatment, 14 wages, 16 DETENTION, child under sixteen, 30 offender until apprenticed, 71 in reformatory, 66 DISSOLUTION, apprenticeship, 23 DOCK, accused not compellable to enter, 51 DOMESTIC servants, 10, 11 INDEX. 77 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, compensation to injured workmen, 54 exceptions, 55 limit of sum, 56 time, 56 wht-n, 54 EVIDENCE, accused competent to give, 50 FAMILY servants', 10, 11 FINES contract not cancelled by imposition of, 39 paid into Treasury, 47 payment of, penalty for default of, 45 FOOD, servants', 8 GUARDIANS, magistrates to be, to children apprenticed, 14 GUARDIANSHIP OF NATIVE CHILDREN, 59, 61 HARBOURING NATIVE CHILDREN BROUGHT INTO COLONY UNDER AGE OF SIXTEEN, 60 HUSBAND, death of, 11 servant, female, rights of, 24 service of, 10, 11 IMPRISONMENT, contract not cancelled by, 39 period of, to be added to term of service, 26 service after, may be compelled to resume, 26, 39 INJURIES, servants', 54 INSOLVENCY, master's, effect of, 18, 19 INTERFERENCE, unlawful, with servants, by outsiders. 32 INTERPRETATION OF TERMS, 2, 3 INTIMIDATION, 32 78 INDEX. JOURNEYS, masters', 22 JURISDICTION, justices of the peace, 52, 53 magistrates', 25, 69, 70 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, jurisdiction of, 52, 53 JUVENILE OFFENDERS, apprenticeship of, 68 cancellation of, 70 wages of apprenticed, 69 transferred from one master to another, 70 desertion of apprenticed from service, 70 detention of, until apprenticed, 71 LANDHOLDER, certificate by, for removal of stock, 64 MAGISTRATES, appearance before, 42, 43, 53, 69 guardians of apprenticed children, 14 jurisdiction, 25, 69, 71 tutors of apprenticed children under Juvenile Offenders Act, 69 MAINTENANCE, 16 MARRIAGE, female servants', effect of, 24 MASTER, accusation by, groundless, 28 appearance before magistrate, 42, 53 assault by, on servant, if wrongful, cancels contract, 29 character by, not compulsory, 31 false, consequences of knowingly giving, 31 complaint by, lodgment of, 41 death of, effect on contracts of apprenticeship, 19 service, 18 definition of, 2 deposition, malicious, by, penalty, 49 food and clothing to be supplied to servant by, penalty on failure, 46 insolvency of, effect on contract of apprenticeship, 19 service, 18 journeys by, certain servants and apprentices bound to proceed on, 22 leaving colony, when servants or apprentices to accompany, 21 marriage of female servant, rights of, 24 INDEX. 79 MASTE R. continued. property of servant withheld by, 45 residence of, changed, effect on contracts, 20, 21, 23 wages withheld by, 45 widow of deceased, may adopt contract of service, 20 MEETINGS AND ASSOCIATION'S, 33 MINORS, debts due to, 64 MISCONDUCT, servants', cancellation of contract for, 28 ,, punishment for, 35, 30, 38 MONTH, definition of, 3 NATIVES, agreement with beyond boundaries, 57 brought within colony against their will, 57 coming into colony voluntarily, 57 pass laws to apply to servants who are, G3 NATIVE CHILDREN, brought within colony under 16, 58 age how judged, 60 apprenticeship of, 61 exceptions, 59 guardianship of, 59, 61 harbouring, penalty, 60 temporarily, 59 NOTICE, contract before expiry of, 7 waiver of, 8 ORAL CONTRACTS, 5 PASSES TO NATIVES, 63 PENALTY, charge brought without reasonable cause, 47 PRESCRIPTION, debts, 63 PROPERTY, master's, servant to compensate for damage to, 27 servants', master withholding, 45 80 INDEX. PROSECUTE, who may, 51 PUNISHMENT, contract not cancelled by, 39 conviction, second or subsequent, 36, 38 offences, for what, 26, 35, 39, 52, 70 property of servant, master withholding, 45 REFORMATORY, apprenticeship of inmate of, 67 apprentices from, 67 absconding, 67 detention of child in, 66 REMOVAL OF APPRENTICE, 21 RESIDENCE, master's, changed, 20, 21, 23 servants', on the premises, 8 SERVANTS, absence of, period of, to be added to service, 27 abusive language used by, punishment for, 50 accused, not compelled to enter dock, 51 agricultural, burgher service, if called out for, 11 children as, to what age, 13 appeals by, counsel may be assigned in, 30 appearance before magistrate, 42, 43, 53 apprehension of, 49, 50 character to, master not bound to give, 31 compensation by, for damage to or loss of master's property, 27 complaints by, 43, 44 contract with, punishment for master not supplying articles stipulated for in, 46 Crown to appear for, in Appeals, 30 death of, payment of wages to date of, 20 definition of, 2 desertion, 50 domestic, must make certain journeys, 22 evidence by, 50 family, 53 contracts for service of, 10 husband's death nullifies contract, 11 residence of, 11 food and lodging to be supplied to, when, 8 INDEX. > ! SERVANTS. continued imprisonment of, term of, to be added to service, 26 injuries to, 54 intimidation of, penalty for, 32 journeys by, 22 marriage of female, effect of, as to right of husband, 24 master, 24 misconduct of, cancellation of contract for, 28 property, master withholding, 45 punishment of, 26, 35, 39, 52, 70 contract not cancelled by, 39 conviction, second or subsequent, 36, 38 offences, for what, 26, 35 other than those employed on farms, 39 service after imprisonment, refusing to resume, 2G residence on the premises, 8, 11 sickness of, provision in case of, 9 wages when not specified, 9 withheld by master, 45 witness on own behalf, 50 SERVICE, husband, wife and children, 10 imprisonment after, 26 SICKNESS servants', 9 SPAEE DIET AND SOLITARY CONFINEMENT regulations as to, 47 STOCK definition, 64, (note) removal of, certificate for r 64 TREATMENT OF DESTITUTE CHILDREN, 14 WAGES children's, 16 juvenile offenders (apprenticed), 69 rate of, when not specified, 9 servants, paid up to death, 20 withheld by master, 45 WAIVER OF NOTICE, 8 WIDOW of deceased master may adopt contract of service, 20 82 WIFE service of, 10, 11 WITNESS, servant, on his own behalf, 50 WORKMEN, compensation to, 54 exceptions, 55 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 01 JAN 2 3 A 000100378 9 fflSL Univei Sou Lil