THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES IN MEMORY OF MRS. VIRGINIA B. SPORER WHITE WINGS. A YACHTING ROMANCE. BY WILLIAM BLACK, AUTHOR OF 'A PRINCESS OF THULE," "THE STRANGE ADVENTURRS OF 4 PHAETON," "MACLEOD OF DARE," "A DAUGHTER OF HETH," MADCAP VIOLET." NEW YORK: JOHN W. LOVELL COMPANY, 14 AND 16 VESEY STREET. WHITE WINGS A YACHTING ROMANCE. CHAPTER L OX THE QUAY. A MURMUR runs through the crowd ; the various idlers grow alert ; all eyes are suddenly turned to the south. And there, far away, over the green headland, a small tuft of brown smoke appears, rising into the golden glow of the afternoon, and we know that by and-by we shall see the great steamer with her scarlet funnels come sailing round the point. The Laird of Denny mains assumes an air of still further importance ; he pulls his frock-coat tight at the waist ; he adjusts his black satin neck-tie; his tall, white, stiff collar seems more rigid and white than ever. He has heard of the wonderful stranger; and he knows that now she is drawing near. Heard of her? He has heard of nothing else since ever he came to us in these Northern wilds. For the mistress of this household with all her domineering ways and her fits of majestic temper has a love for her intimate girl-friends far passing the love of men ; especially when the young ladies are obedient and gentle, and ready to pay to her matronly dignity the compliment of a respectful awe. And this particular friend who is now (omingtous: what has not the Laird heard about her during the^e past few days ? of her high courage, her resolute unsel- fishness, her splendid cheerfulness? "A singing-bird in tbe house," that was one of the phrases used, "in wet weather or fine." And then the enthusiastic friend muddled her metaphors somehow, and gave the puzzled Laird to understand that the presence of this young lady in a house was like having sweet- brier about the rooms. No wonder he put on his highest and stift'est collar before he marched grandly down with us to the quay. 2040737 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. "And does she not deserve a long holiday, sir?" says the Laird's hostess to him, as together they watch for the steamer coming round the point. " Just fancy ! Two months' attendance on that old woman, who was her mother's nurse. Two months in a sick-room, without a soul to break the monotony of it. And the girl living in a strange town all by herself." "Ay; and in such a town as Edinburgh," remarks the Laird, with great compassion. His own property lies just outside Glasgow. "Dear me 1" says he, " what must a young English leddy have thought of our Scotch way of speech when she heard they poor Edinburgh bodies and their yaumering singsong? Not that I quarrel with any people for having an accent in their way of speaking ; they have that in all parts of England as well as in Scotland in Yorkshire and Somersetshire, and what not ; and even in London itself there is a way of speech that is quite recognizable to a stranger. But I have often thought that there was less trace of accent about Glesca and the West of Scotland than in any other part : in fact, ah have often been taken for an Englishman maselr." " Indeed !" says this gentle creature standing by him ; and her upturned eyes are full of an innocent belief. You would swear she was meditating on summoning instantly her boys from Epsom College that they might acquire a pure accent or get rid of all accent on the banks of the Clyde. '" Yes," says the Laird, with a decision almost amounting to enthusiasm, "it is a grand inheritance that we in the south of Scotland are preserving for you English people ; and you know little of it. You do not know that we are preserving the Eng- lish language for you as it was spoken centuries ago, and as you find it in your oldest writings. Scotticisms ! Why, if ye were to read the prose of Mandeville or Wyclif, or the poetry of Robert of Brunne or Langdale, ye would find that our Scotticisms were the very pith and marrow of the English language. Ay, it is so." The innocent eyes express such profound interest that the Laird of Denny-mains almost forgets about the coming steamer, BO anxious is he to crush us with a display of his erudition. " It is just remarkable," he says, " that your dictionaries should put down as obsolete words that are in common use all over the ON THE QUAY. 6 south of Scotland, where, as I say, the old Northumbrian English is preserved in its purity; and that ye should have learned people hunting up in Chaucer or Gower for the very speech that they can hear among the bits o' weans running about the Gallowgate or th Broomielaw. ' Who's acht ye? ' you say to one of them ; and you think you are talking Scotch. No, no; acht is only the old English for possession : isn't ' Who's acht ye ? ' shorter and pithier than ' To whom do you belong ? ' ' " Oh, certainly !" says the meek disciple : the recall of ihe boys from Surrey is obviously decided on. " And speir for inquire; and ferly for wonderful; and tyne for lose; and fey for about to die; and reek for smoke: and menseful for becoming ; and belyve, and fere, and big (/an, and such words. Ye call them Scotch? Oh no, ma'am; they are English ; ye find them in all the old English writers, and they are the best of English, too ; a great deal better than the Frenchi- fied stuff that your Southern English has become." Not for worlds would the Laird have wounded the patriotic sensitiveness of this gentle friend of his from the South ; but, indeed, she had surely nothing to complain of in his insisting to an Englishwoman on the value of thorough English. " 1 thought," says she, demurely, " that the Scotch had a good many French words in it." The Laird pretends not to hear : he is so deeply interested in the steamer which is now coming over the smooth waters of the bay. But, having announced that there are a great many people on board, he returns to his discourse. " Ah'm sure of this, loo," says he, " that in the matter of pro- nunciation the Lowland Scotch have preserved the best of Eng- lish: you can see that faither, and twelmonth, and twa, and such words, are nearer the original Anglo-Saxon " His hearers had been taught to shudder at the phrase Anglo- Saxon without exactly knowing why. But who could with- stand the authority of the Laird? Moreover, we see relief draw- ing near ; the steamer's paddles are throbbing in the still after- noon. "If \i turn to 'Piers the Ploughman,'" continues the inde- fatigable Denny-mains, " ye will find Langdale writing 'And a few Cruddes and Crayme.' Why, it is the familiar phrase of our Scotch children I Do ye 6 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. think they would say curds and then, fewe * I am not sure, but I imagine we Scotch are only making use of old English when we make certain forms of food plural. We say ' a few broth ; ' we speak of porridge as ' they.' Perhaps that is a survival, too, eh?" "Oh yes, certainly. But please mind the ropes, sir," observes his humble pupil, careful of her master's physical safety. For at this moment the steamer is slowing in the quay, and the men have the ropes ready to fling ashore. "Not," remarks the Laird, prudently backing away from the edge of the pier, "that I would say anything of these matters to your young English friend ; certainly not. No doubt she prefers the Southern English she has been accustomed to. But, bless me ! just to think that she could judge of our Scotch tongue by the way they Edinburgh bodies speak !" " It is sad, is it not ?" remarks his companion but all her attention is now fixed on the crowd of people swarming to the side of the steamer. " And, indeed," the Laird explains, to close the subject, " it is only a hobby of mine only a hobby. Y"e may have noticed that I do not use those words in my own speech, though I value them. No, T will not force any Scotch on the young leddy. As ah say, ah have often been taken for an Englishman maself, both at home and abroad." And now and now the great steamer is in at the quay ; the gangways are run over ; there is a thronging up the paddle-boxes, and eager faces on shore scan equally eager faces on board each pair of eyes looking for that other pair of eyes to fl sh a glad recognition. And where is she the flower of womankind, the possessor of all virtue and grace and courage, the wonder of the world ? The Laird shares in our excitement. He, too, scans the crowd eagerly. He submits to be hustled by the porters; he hears nothing of the roaring of the steam ; for is she not coming ashore at last? And we know or guess that he is looking out for some splendid creature, some Boadicea with stately tread and imperious mien, some Jephtha's daughter with proud death in her eyes, some liosaroond of our modern days with a glory of loveliness on her face and hair. And we know that the master who has been lecturing us for half an hour on our dis- graceful neglect of pure English will not shock the sensitive MARY AVON. 7 Southern ear by any harsh accent of the North, but will address her in beautiful and courtly strains, in tones such as Edinburgh never knew. Where is the queen of womankind, amidst all this commonplace, hurrying, loquacious crowd ? And then the Laird, with a quick amazement in his eyes, sees a small and insignificant person he only catches a glimpse of a black dress and a white face suddenly clasped round in the warm embrace of her friend. He stares for a second, and then exclaims apparently to himself: " Dear me 1 What a shilpit bit thing 1" Pale slight delicate tiny : surely such amaster of idiomatic English cannot have forgotten the existence of these words. But this is all he cries to himself, in his surprise and wonder : " Dear me 1 What a shilpit bit thing I" CHAPTER II. MARY AVON. THE bright, frank laugh of her face I the friendly, unhesitating, affectionate look in those soft black eyes 1 He forgot all about Rosamond and Boadicea when he was presented to this "shilpit" person. And when, instead of the usual ceremony of introduc- tion, she bravely put her hand in his, and said she had often heard of him from their common friend, he did not notice that she was' rather plain. He did not even stop to consider in what degree her Southern accent might be improved by residence among the preservers of pure English. He was anxious to know if she was not greatly tired. He hoped the sea had been smooth as the steamer came past Easdale. And her luggage should he look after her luggage for her ? But Miss Avon was an expert traveller, and quite competent to look after her own luggage. Even as he spoke it was being hoisted on to the wagonette. " You will let me drive," says she, eyeing critically the two shaggy, farm-looking animals. ' Indeed I shall do nothing of the kind," says her hostess, promptly. But there was no disappointment at all on her face as we drove away through the golden evening by the side of the murmuring 8 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE, shore, past the overhanging fir-wood, up and across the high land commanding a view of the wide western seas. There was instead a look of such intense delight that we knew, however silent the lips might be, that the bird-soul was singing within. Everything charmed her the cool, sweet air, the scent of the sea weed, the glow on the mountains out there in the west. And as she chat- tered her delight to us, like a bird escaped from its prison, and glad to get into the sunlight and free air again, the Laird sat mute, and listened. He watched the frank, bright, expressive face. He followed and responded to her every mood, with a sort of fond paternal indulgence that almost prompted him to take her hand. When she smiled, he laughed. When she talked seriously, he looked concerned. He was entirely forgetting that she was a " shilpit bit thing ;" and he would have admitted that the Southern way of speaking English although, no doubt, fallen away from the traditions of the Northumbrian dialect had, after all, a certain music in it that made it pleasant to the ear. Up the hill, then, with a flourish for the last ! the dust rolling away in clouds behind us, the view over the Atlantic widening as we ascend. And here is Castle Osprey, as we have dubbed the place, with its wide-open door, and its walls half hidden with tree-fuchsias, and its great rose garden. Had fair Rosamond her- self come to Castle Osprey that evening, she could not have been waited on with greater solicitude than the Laird showed in assist- ing this " shilpit bit thing" to alight though, indeed, there was a slight stumble, of which no one took any notice at the time. He busied himself with her luggage quite unnecessarily. He suggested a cup of tea, though it wanted but fifteen minutes to dinner time. He assured her that the g'ass was rising which was not the case. And when she was being hurried off to her own room to prepare for dinner by one who rules her household with a rod of iron he had tke effrontery to tell h' r to take her own time : dinner could wait. The man actual y proposed to keep dinner waiting in Castle Osprey ! That this was love at first sight, who could doubt? And per- haps the nimble brain of one who was at this moment hurriedly dressing in her own room and whom nature has constituted an indefatigable match-maker may have been considering whether this rich old bachelor might not marry, after all. And if he were to marry, why should not he marry the young lady in whom he MAR? AVON. U seemed to have taken so sudden and warm an interest? And as for her: Mary Avon was now two or three and twenty; she was not likely to prove attractive to young men ; her small fortune was scarcely worth considering; she was almost alone in the world. Older men had married younger women. The Laird had neither kith nor kin to inherit Denny-mains and his very sub- sta'ntial fortune. And would they not see plenty of each other on board the yacht ? But in her heart of hearts the schemer knew better. She knew that the romance chapter in the Laird's life and a bitter chapter it was had been finished and closed and put away many and many a year ago. She knew how the great disappointment of his life had failed to sour him ; how he was ready to share among friends and companions the large and generous heart that should never have been laid at the feet of a jilt; how his keen and ac- tive interest, that might have been confined to his children and his children's children, was now devoted to a hundred things the plan ting at Denny-mains, the great heresy case, the patronage of young artists, even the preservation of pure English, and what not. And that fortunate young gentleman ostensibly his nephew whom he had sent to Harrow and to Cambridge, who was now -living a very easy life in the Middle Temple, and who would no doubt come in for Denny-mains ? Well, we knew a little about that young man, too. We knew why the Laird, when he found that both the boy's father and mother were dead, adopted him, and educated him, and got him to call him uncle. He had taken under his care the son of the woman who had jilted him five- and-thirty years ago : the lad had his mother's eyes. And now we are assembled in the drawing-room all except the new guest ; and the glow of the sunset is shining in at the open windows. The Laird is eagerly proving to us that tlie change from the cold east winds of Edinburgh to the warm westerly winds of the Highlands must make an immediate change in the young lady's face, and declaring that she ought to go on board the yacht at once, and asserting that the ladies' cabin on board the White Dove is the most beautiful little cabin he ever saw, when When, behold I at the open door, meeting the glow of the sun- shine, appears a figure, dressed all in black velvet, plain and un- adorned but for a broad belt of gold fringe that comes round the 10 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. neck and crosses tlie bosom. And above that again is a lot of white inuslin stuff, on which the small, shapely, smooth-dressed head seems gently to rest. The plain black velvet dress gives a certain importance and substantiality to the otherwise slight figure ; the broad fringe of gold glints and gleams as she moves towards us ; but who can even think of these things when he meets the brave glance of Mary Avon's eyes ? She was humming, as slie came down the stair: " Oh think na lang, lassie, though I gang awa ; For I'll come and see ye, in spite o' them a'." We might have known it was the bird soul come among us. Now the manner in which the Laird of Denny-mains set about capturing the affections of this innocent young thing, as he sat opposite her at dinner, would have merited severe reproof in one of less mature age, and might, indeed, have been followed by serious consequences but for the very decided manner in which Miss Avon showed that she could take care of herself. Whoever heard Miss Avon laugh would have been assured. And she did laugh a good deal ; for the Laird, determined to amuse her, was relating a series of anecdotes, which he called " good ones," and which seemed to have afforded great enjoyment to the people of the south of Scotland during the last century or so. There was in especial a Highland steward of a steamer about whom a vast number of these stories was told ; and if the point was at times rather difficult to catch, who could fail to be tickled by the Laird's own and obvious enjoyment ? " There was another good one, Miss Avon," he would say ; and then the bare memory of the great facetiousness of the anecdote would break out in such half-suppressed guffaws as altogether to stop the current of the narrative. Miss Avon laughed we could not quite tell whether it was at the Highland steward or the Laird until the tears r n down her cheeks. Dinner was scarcely thought of. It was a disgraceful exhibition. "There was another good one abor.t llomesh," said the Laird, vainly eadeavoring to suppress his laughter. " He came up on deck one enormously hot day, and looked ashore, and saw some cattle standing knee-deep in a pool of water. Says he hal ha! ha 1 ho 1 ho I ho I says he says he, 'Ay wish ah tcass a stott !' he ! he ! he ! ho ! ho ! ho !" Of course we all laughed heartily, and Mary Avon more than MARY AVON. 11 any of us ; but if she had gone down on her knees and sworn that she knew what the point of the story was, we should not have believed her. But the Laird was delighted. He went on with his good ones. The mythical Homesh and his idiotic ad- ventures became portentous. The very servants could scarcely carry the dishes straight. But in the midst of it all the Laird suddenly let his knife and fork drop on his plate, and stared. Then he quickly exclaimed "Bless me, lassie 1" We saw in a second what had occasioned his alarm. The girl's face had become ghastly white ; and she was almost falling away from her chair, when her hostess, who happened to spring to her feet first, caught her, and held her, and called for water. What could it mean ? Mary Avon was not of the sighing and fainting fraternity. And presently she came to herself, and faintly making apolo- gies, would go from the room. It was her ankle, she murmured, with the face still white from pain. But when she tried to rise, she fell back again : the agony was too great. And so we had to carry her. About ten minutes thereafter the mistress of the house came back to the Laird, who had been sitting by. himself, in great con- cern. " That girl ! that girl 1" she exclaims, and one might almost imagine there are tears in her eyes. Can you fancy such a thing 1 She twists her ankle getting down from the wagonette, brings back the old sprain perhaps lames herself for life and, in spite of the pain, sits here laughing and joking, so that she may not spoil our first evening together ! Did you ever hear of such a thing 1 Sitting here laughing, with her ankle swelled so that I had to cut the boot off!" " Gracious me 1" says the Laird ; "is it as bad as that ?" " And if she should become permanently lame, wh/ why " But was she going to make an appeal direct to the owner of Denny-mains ? If the younger men were not likely to marry a lame little white-faced girl, that was none of his business. The Laird's marrying days had departed five-and-thirty years before. However, we had to finish our dinner somehow, in considera- tion to our guest. And then the surgeon came, and bound up the foot and ankle hard and fast ; and Miss Avon, with a thousand 12 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. meek apologies for being so stupid, declared again and again that her foot would be all right in the morning, and that we must get ready to start. And when her friend assured her that this pre- liminary canter of the yacht might just as well be put off for a few days until, for example, that young doctor from Edinburgh came who had been invited to go a proper cruise with us her distress was so great that we had to promise to start next day punctually at ten. And so she sent us down again to amuse the Laird. But, hark! what is this we hear, just as Denny-mains is having his whiskey and hot water brought in ? It is a gay voice hum- ming on the stairs : " By the margin of fair Zurich's waters." " That girl !" cries her hostess, angrilv, as she jumps to her feet. But the door opens, and here is Mary Avon, with calm self- possession, making her way to a chair. " I knew you wouldn't believe me," says she, coolly, " if I did not come down. I tell you my foot is as well as may be ; and Dot-and-carry-one will get down to the yacht in the morning as easily as any of you. And that last story about Homesh," she says to the Laird, with a smile in the soft black eyes that must have made his heart jump " really, sir, you must tell me the ending of that story ; it was so stupid of me 1" "Shilpit" she may have been ; but the Laird, for one, was be- ginning to believe that this girl had the courage and nerve of a dozen men. CHAPTER III. UNDER WAT. THE first eager glance out on this brilliant and beautiful morn- ing ; and behold 1 it is all a wonder of blue seas and blue skies thut we find before us, with Lismore lying golden green in the sunlight, and the great mountains of Mull and Morven shining with the pale ethereal colors of the dawn. And what are the rhymes that are ringing through one's brain the echo of some- thing heard far away among the islands the islands that await our coming in the west ? " O land of red heather ! O land of wild weather, And the cry of the waves, and the laugh of the breeze ! TJNDEB WAY. 13 O love, now, together Through the wind and wild weather We spread our white wings to encounter the seas I" Up and outj> laggards, now ; and hiost this big red and blue and white thing up to the head of the tall poll, that the lads far below may know to send the gig ashore for us ! And there, on the ruffled blue waters of the bay, behold ! the noble White Dove, with her great main-sail and mizzen and jib all set and glowing in the sun ; and the scarlet caps of the men aru like points of fire in this fair blue picture ; and the red ensign is fluttering in the light north-westerly breeze. Breakfast is hurried over ; and a small person who has a passion for flowers is dashing hither and thither in the garden until she had amassed an armful of our old familiar friends abundant roses, fuchsias, heart's-ease, various colored columbine, and masses of southernwood to scent our floating saloon ; the wagonette is at the door, to take our invalid down to the landing-slip ; and the Laird has discarded his digni- fied costume, and appears in a shooting-coat and a vast gray wide- awake. As for Mary Avon, she is laughing, chatting, singing, here, there, and everywhere giving us to understand that a sprained ankle is rather a pleasure than otherwise, and a great assistance in walking ; until the Laird pounces upon her as one might pounce on a butterfly and imprisons her in the wagonette, with many a serious warning about her imprudence. There let her sing to herself as she likes, amidst the wild confusion of things forgotten till the last moment, and thrust upon us just as we start. And here is the stalwart and brown-bearded Captain John John of Skye we call him himself come ashore in the gig, in all his splendor of blue and brass buttons; and he takes off his peaked cap to the mistress of our household whom some of her friends call Queen Titania, because of her midge-like size and he says to her, with a smile. " And will Mrs. herself be going with us this time ?" That is Captain John's chief concern ; for he has a great regard for this domineering small woman ; and shows his respect for her, and his own high notions of courtesy, by invariably addressing her in the third person. " Oh yes, John !" says she and she can look pleasant enough when she likes '' and this is a young friend of mine, Miss Avon, whom you have to take great care of on board." 14 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. And Captain John takes off his cap again, and is understood to tell the young lady that he will do his best, if she will excuse his not knowing much English. Then, with great care, and with eome difficulty, Miss Avon is assisted down/rom the wagonette, and conducted along the rough little landing-slip, and helped into the stern of the shapely and shining gig. Away with her, boys ! The splash of the oars is heard in the still bay ; the shore recedes ; the white sails seem to rise higher into the blue sky as we near the yacht : here is the black hull with its line of gold the gangway open the ropes ready the white decks clear and shining. We are on board at last. " And where will Mr. himself be for going ?" asks John of Skye, as the men are hauling the gig up to the davits. Mr. briefly but seriously explains to the captain that, from some slight experience of the winds on this coast, he has found it of about as much use to order the tides to be changed as to sett'e upon any definite route. But he suggests the circumnavi- gation of Mull as a sort of preliminary canter for a few days, until a certain notable guest shall arrive ; and he would prefer going by the south, if the honorable winds will permit. Further, John of Skye is not to be afraid of a bit of sea, on account of either of those ladies | both are excellent sailors. "With these somewhat vague instructions, Captain John is left to get the yacht under way ; and we go below to look after the stowage of our things in the various state-rooms. And what is this violent altercation going on in the saloon ? " I will not have a word said against my captain," says Mary Avon. " I am in love with him already. His English is perfectly correct." This impertinent minx talking about correct English in the presence of the Laird of Denny-mains ! " ' Mrs. herself is perfectly correct ; it is only politeness; it is like saying ' Your Grace' to a duke." But who was denying it? Surely not the imperious little woman who was arranging her flowers on the saloon table ; nor yet Denny-mains, who was examining a box of variegated and recondite fishing tackle? " It is all very well for fine ladies to laugh at the blunders of servant-maids," continues this audacious girl. " ' Miss Brown presents her compliments to Miss Smith ; and would you be EO UNDER WAY. 15 kind,' and so on. But don't they often make the same blunder themselves ?" Well, this was a discovery 1 " Dosen't Mrs. So-and-So or Lady So-and-So request the honor of the company of Mr. So and-So or Miss So-and-So ; and then you find at the corner of the card ' It. S. V. P. ?' Answer, if YOU please !" The darkness of a stricken conscience fell on us. This girl was right. But her triumph makes her considerate. She will not harry us with scorn. " It is becoming far less common now, however," she remarks, "' An answer is requested,' is much more sensible." "It is English," says the Laird, with decision "Surely it must be more sensible for an English person to write English: Ah never use a French word maself." But what is the English that we hear now called out on deck by the voice of John of Skye? " Eachan, slack the lee topping lift! Ay, and the tackle, too. That'll do, boys. Down with your main tack now i" " Why," exclaims our sovereign mistress, who knows something of nautical matters, "we must have started I" Then there is a tumbling up the companion-way ; and lo ! the land is slowly leaving us, and there is a lapping of the blue water along the side of the boat, and the white sails of the White Dove are filled with this gentle breeze. Deck-stools are arranged, books and field-glasses and what not scattered about ; Mary Avon is helped on deck, and ensconced in a snug little camp- chair. The days of our summer idleness have begun. And as yet these are but familiar scenes that steal slowly by: the long green island of Lismore Mios-mor, the Great Garden ; the dark ruins of Duart, sombre as if the shadow of nameless tragedies rested on the crumbling walls ; Loch Don, with its sea- bird-haunted shallows, and Loch Speliv, leading up to the awful solitudes of Glen More ; and then, stretching far into the wreath- ing clouds, the long rampart of precipices, rugged and barren and lonely, that form the eastern wall of Mull. There is no monotony ; the scene changes every moment, as the light breeze bears us away to the south. For there is the Sheep Island ; and Graveloch which is the rough island ; and 16 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. Eilean-na naomha which is the Island of the Saints. But what ai\3 these to the small transparent cloud resting on the horizon ? smaller than any man's hand. And the day is still, and the seas are smooth : cannot we hear the mermaiden singing on the far shores of Colonsay? "Colonsayl" exclaims the Laird, seizing a field-glass. "Dear me 1 Is that Colonsay? And they tell me that Tom Galbraith was going there this very year." The piece of news fails to startle us altogether, though we have heard the Laird speak of "Mr. Galbraith before. "Ay," says he, "the world will know something o' Colonsay when Tom Galbraith gets there." " Whom did you say ?" Miss Avon asks. " Why, Galbraith," says he. " Tom Galbraith." The Laird stares in amazement. Is it possible she has not heard of Tom Galbraith ? And she herself an artist, and coming direct from Edinburgh, where she has been living for two whole months ! " Gracious me !" says the Laird. " Ye do not say ye have never heard of Galbraith ? He's an Academeecian a Scottish Academeecianl" " Oh yes ; no doubt," she says, rather bewildered. "There is no one living has had such an influence on our Scotch school of painters as Galbraith a man of great abeelity a man of great and uncommon abeelity ; he is one of the most famous painters of our day." " I scarcely met any one in Edinburgh," she pleads. * But in London in London !" exclaims the astonished Laird. u Do you mean to say you never heard o' Tom Galbraith ?" "1 I think not," she confesses. "I I don't remember his name in the Academy catalogue " . " The Royal Academy !" cries the Laird with scorn. " No, no. Ye need not expect that. The English Academy is afraid of the Scotchmen : their pictures are too strong: you do not put good honest whiskey beside small beer. I say the English Academy is afraid of the Scotch school !" But flesh and blood can stand this no longer : we shall not have Mary Avon trampled upon. u Look here, Denny-mains : we always thought there was a Scotchman or two in the Royal Academy itself and quite capable of holding their own there, too. Why, the President of the Acaci- UNDER WAT. 17 emy is a Scotchman ! And as for the Academy exhibition, the very walls are smothered with Scotch hills, Scotch spates, Scotch peasants, to say nothing of the thousand herring smacks of Tarbert." " I tell ye they are afraid of Tom Galbraith ; they will not ex- hibit one of his pictures," says the Laird, stubbornly. And here the discussion is closed ; for Master Fred tinkles his bell below, and we have to go down for luncheon. Jt was most unfair of the wind to take advantage of our ab- sence, and to sneak off, leaving us in a dead calm. It was all very well, when we came on deck again, to watch the terns dart- ing about in their swallow-like fashion, and swooping down to seize a fish ; and the strings of sea-pyots whirring by, with their scarlet beaks and legs; and the sudden shimmer and hissing of a part of the blue plain, where a shoal of mackerel had come to the surface ; but where were we, now in the open Atlantic, to pass the night? We relinquished the doubling of the Ross of Mull ; we should have been content more than content, for certain reasons* to have put into Carsaig ; we were beginning even to have ignominious thoughts of Loch Buy. And yet we let the golden evening draw on with comparative resignation ; and we watched the color gathering in the west, and the Atlantic taking darker hues, and a ruddy tinge beginning to tell on the seamed ridges of Graveloch and the isle of Saints, When the wind sprung up again it had backed to due west, and we had to beat against it with a series of long tackles, that took us down within sight of Islay and back to Mull apparently all for nothing we were deep- ly engaged in prophesying all manner of things to be achieved by one Angus Sutherland, an old friend of ours, though yet a young man enough. "Just fancy, sir !" says our hostess to the Laird the Laird, by-the-way, does not seem so enthusiastic as the rest of us when he hears that this hero of modern days is about to join our party. " What he has done beats all that 1 ever heard about Scotch Uni- versity students ; and you know what some of them have done in the face of difficulties. His father is a minister in some small place in Banffshire ; perhaps he has 2fX) a year at the outside. This son of his has not cost him a farthing for either his main- * A health to you, madam! and to the Laird, too; and may you lire long and prosner! But, alas I those rocks I \Vewerealwaysafraid. 18 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. tenanceorhis education since he was fourteen ; he took bursaries, scholarships, I don't know what, when he was a mere lad ; sup- ported himself and traveled all over Europe ; but I think it was at Leipsic and at Vienna he studied longest ; and the papers he has written, the lectures, and the correspondence with all the great scientific people ! When they made him a Fellow, all he said was, " I wish my mother was alive." This was rather an incoherent and jumbled account of a young man's career. " A Fellow of what !" says the Laird. " A Fellow of the Royal Society ! They made him a Fellow of the Royal Society last year ! And he is only seven-and-twen- ty! I do believe he was not over one-and-twenty when he took his degree at Edinburgh. And then and then there is really nothing that he doesn't know : is there, Mary ?" This sudden appeal causes Mary Avon to flush slightly ; but she says, demurely, looking down, " Of course I don't know anything that he doesn't know." " H'm !" says the Laird, who does not seem overpleased. " I have observed that young men who are too brilliant at the first seldom come to much afterward. Has he gained anything sub- stantial? Has he had a good practice ? Does he keep his car- riage yet ?" " No, no 1" says our hostess, with a fine contempt for such things. " He has a higher ambition than that. His practice is almost nothing. He prefers to sacrifice that in the mean time. But his reputation among the scientific why why, it is Euro- pean 1" " H'm I" says the Laird. " I have sometimes s~en that persons who gave themselves up to erudeetion lost the character of human beings altogether. Tliey became scientific machines. The world is just m:ide up of books for them and lectures ; they would not give a half-penny to a beggar for fear of poleetical economy " " Oh, how can you say such a thing of Angus Sutherland !" says sho, though he has said no such tiling of Angus Sutherland. " Why, here is this girl who goes to Edinburgh all by her>elf to nurse an old woman in her last illness ; and as Angus Suther- land is in Edinburgh on some business connected with the University, I believe I ask him to call on her and see if he can give her any advice. What does he do? He stops in Edinburgh UNEER WAY. 19 two months editing that scientific magazine there instead of in London and all because he has taken an interest in the old wo- man, and thinks that Mary should not have the whole responsi- bility on her shoulders. Is that like a scientific machine ?" " No" says the Laird, with a certain calm grandeur ; " you do not often find young men doing that for the sake of an old woman." But of course we do not know what he means. " And I am so glad he is coming to us I" says she, with real delight in her face. " We shall take him away from his micro- scopes, and his societies, and all that. Oh, and he is such a de- lightful companion so simple, and natural, and straightforward ! Don't you think so, Mary ?" Mary Avon is understood to assent : she does not say much she is so deeply interested in a couple of porpoises that appear from time to time on the smooth plain of the sea. " I am sure a long holiday would do him a world of good," says this eager hostess ; " but that is too much to expect. He is always too busy. I think he has got to go over to Italy soon, about some exhibition of surgical instruments, or something of that sort." We had plenty of further talk about Angus Sutherland, and of the wonderful future that lay before him, that evening before we finally put into Loch Buy. And there we dined ; and after din- ner we found the wan, clear twilight filling the northern heavens, over the black range of mountains, and throwing a silver glare on the smooth sea around us. We could have read on deck at eleven at night, had that been necessary ; but Mary Avon was humming snatches of songs to us, and the Laird was discoursing of the wonderful influence exerted on Scotch landscape art by Tom Galbraith. Then in the south the yellow moon rose ; and a golden lane of light lay on the sea, from the horizon across to the side of the yacht ; and there was a strange glory on the decks and on the tall, smooth masts. The peace of that night ! the soft air, the silence, the dreamy lapping of the water 1 "And whatever lies before Angus Sutherland," says one of us " whether a baronetcy, or a big fortune, or a marriage with an Italian princess, he won't find anything better than a cruise in the White Dove. 1 ' WHITE WINGS. A YACHTING BOMANCE. CHAPTER IV. A MESSAGE. WHAT fierce commotion is this that awakes us in the mornmg what pandemonium broken loose of wild storm sounds with the stately White Dove, ordinarily the most sedate and gentle of her sex, apparently gone mad, and flinging herself about as if bent on somersaults ? When one clambers up the companion- way, clinging hard, and puts one's head out in to the gale, behold I there is not a trace of land visible anywhere nothing but whirl- ing clouds of mist and rain ; and mountain masses of waves that toss the White Dove about as if she were a plaything ; and decks all running wet with the driven spray. John of Skye, clad from head to heel in black oil skins and at one moment up in the clouds, the next moment descending into the great trough of the sea hangs on to the rope that is twisted rouud the tiller, and laughs a good morning, and shakes the salt-water from his shaggy eyebrows and beard. " Halloo! John where on earth have we got to ?" " Ay, ay, sir." " I say. WHEBE ARE WE ?" is shouted, for the roar of the rushing Atlantic is deafening. -"Deed I not think we are far from Loch Buy," says John of Skye, grimly. "The wind is dead ahead of us ay, shist dead ahead I" " What made you come out against a head-wind, then ?" "When we cam' out," says John, picking his English, "the wind will be from the norse ay, fine light breeze from the norse. And will Mr. himself be for going on now?-it is a ferry bad sea for the leddies a ferry coorse sea." But it appears that this conversation bawled aloud has been overheard. There are voices from below. The skylight of the ladies' cabin is partly open. "Don't mind us," calls Mary Avon. "Go on, by all means !" The other voice calls : " Why can't you keep this fool of a boat straight? Ask him when we shall be into the Sound of lona." One might as well ask him when we shall be into the Sound of Jericho or Jerusalem. With half a gale of wind right in our teeth, A MESSAGE. 21 and with the heavy Atlantic gwell running, we might labor here all day and all the night too without getting round the Ross of Mull. There is nothing for it but to turn and run, that we may have our breakfast in peace. Let her away, then, you brave John of Skye ! slack out the main-sheet, and give her plenty of it, too : then at the same moment Sandy from Islay perceives that a haul at the weather topping-lift will clear the boom from the davits ; and now, good Master Fred our much-esteemed and shifty Friedrich d'or if you will but lay the cloth on the table, we will help you to steady the daucing phantasmagoria of plates and forks 1 " Dear me 1" says the Laird, when we are assembled together, " it has been an awful night !" " Oh, I hope you have not been Ul I" says his hostess, with a quick concern in the soft, clear eyes. He does not look as if he had suffered much. He is content- edly chipping an egg, and withal keeping an eye on the things near him; for the White Dove, still plunging agood deal, threatens at times to make of everything on the table a moveable feast- " Oh, no, ma'am, not ill," he says ; " but at my time of life, ye see, one is not as light in weight as one used to be j and the way I was flung about in that cabin last night was just extraordinary. When I was trying to put on my boots this morning, I am sure I resembled nothing so much as a pea in a bladder indeed, it was so I was knocked about like a pea in a bladder." Of course we expressed great sympathy, and assured him that the White Dove famed all along this coast for her sober and steady-going behavior would never act so any more. " However," said he thoughtfully, " the wakefulness of the night is often of use to people. Yes, I have come to a decision." We were somewhat alarmed. Was he going to leave us merely because of this bit of tossing? " I dare say ye know, ma'am," says he, slowly, " that I am one of the Commissioners of the Burgh of Strathgovan. It is a posee- tion of grave responsibility. This very question now about our getting a steam fire-engine has been weighing on my mind for many a day. Well, I have decided I will no longer oppose it. They may have the same fire-engine, as far as I am concerned." We felt greatly relieved. "Yea," continued the Laird, solemnly; "I think 1 ana doing 22 WHITE WINGS I A YACHTING ROMANCE. my duty in this matter as a public man should laying aside his personal prejudice. But the cost of it ! Do ye know that we shall want bigger nozzles to all the fire plugs ?" Matters were looking grave again. " However," said the Laird cheerfully for he would not depress us to much " it may all turn out for the best ; and I will telegraph my decision to Strathgovan as soon as ever the storm allows us to reach a port." The storm, indeed I Whem we scramble up on deck again, we find that it is only a brisk sailing breeze we have ; and the White Dove is bowling merrily along, flinging high the white spray from her bows. And then we begin to see that, despite those driving mists around us, there is really a fine, clear summer day shining far above this twopenny-halfpt-nny tempest. The whirling mists break here and there, and we catch glimpses of a placid blue sky, flecked with lines of motionless cirrhus cloud. The breaks in- crease ; floods of sunshine fall on the gleaming decks ; clearer and clearer become the vast precipices of-southern Mull ; and then, when we get well to the lee of Eliean-straid-can, behold ! the blue seas around us once more, and the blue skies overhead, and the red ensign fluttering in the summer breeze. No wonder that Mary Avon sings her delight as a linnet sings after the rain ; and though the song is not meant for us at all, but is really hummed to herself as she clings on to the shrouds and watches the flash- ing and dipping of the white-winged gulls, we know that it is all about a jolly young waterman. The audacious creature : John of Skye has a wife and four children. Too quickly, indeed, dqf s the fair summer day go by as we pass the old familiar Duart, and begin to beat up the Sound of Mull against a fine, light sailing breeze. By the time we have reached Ardtornish, the Laird has acquired some vague notion as to how the gaff top-sail is set. Opposite the dark green woods of Funeray, he tells us of the extraordinary faculty possessed by Tom Galbraith of representing the texture of foliage. At Salem we have Master Fred's bell summoning us down to lunch ; and thereafter, on deck, coffee, draughts, crochet, and a profoundly interesting description of some of the knotty points in the great Semple heresy case. And here, again, as we bear away over al- most to the mouth of Loch Sunart, is the open Atlantic of a breezy gray under the lemon-color and silver of the calm evening A MESSAGE. 23 sky. What is the use of going on against this contrary wind, and missing, in the darkness of the night, all the wonders of the western islands that the Laird is anxious to see ? We resolve to run into Tobermory ; and by-and-by we find ourselves under the shadow of the wooded rocks, with the little white town shining along the semicircle of the bay. And very cleverly indeed does John of Syke cut in among the various craft showing off a little bit, perhaps until the White Dove is brought up to the wind, and the great anchor cable goes out with a roar. Xow it was by the merest accident that we got at Tobermory a telegram that had been forwarded that very day to meet us on our return voyage. There was no need for any one to go ashore, for we were scarcely in port before a most praiseworthy gentle- man was so kind as to send us on board a consignment of fresh flowers, vegetables, milk, eggs, and so forth the very things that become of inestimable value to yachting people. However, we had two women on board ; and of course despite a certain ban- daged ankle they must needs go shopping. And Mary Avon when we got ashore, would buy some tobacco for her favorite Captain John, and went into the post-office for that purpose, and was having the black stuff measured out by the yard, when some mention was made of the White Dove. Then a question was asked ; there was a telegram ; it was handed to Miss Avon, who opened it and read it. "Oh!" said she, looking rather concerned; and then she regarded her friend with some little hesitation. "It is my uncle," she says; "he wants to see me on very urgent business. He is coming to see me the day after to-morrow." Blank consternation followed this announcement. This person, even though he was Mary Avon's sole surviving relative, was quite intolerable to us. East Wind we had called him in secret, on the few occasions on which he had darkened our doors. And just as we were making up our happy family party with the Laird, and Mary, and Angus Sutherland to sail away to the far Hebrides, here was this insufferable creature with his raucous voice, his washed-out eyes, his cropped yellow-white hair, his supercilious manner, his bull-dog face, and general groom or butler-like appearance thrusting himself on us ! "Well, you know, Mary," says her hostess, entirely concealing 2-1 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. her dismay in her anxious politeness, " we shall almost certainly be home by the day after to-morrow, if we get any wind at all. So you had better telegraph to your uncle to come on to Castle Osprey, and to wait for you if you are not there ; we cannot be much longer than that. And Angus Sutherland will be there ; he will keep him company until we arrive." So that was done, and we went on board again one of us meanwhile vowing to himself that ere ever Mr. Frederick Sme- thurst set sail with us on board the White Dove, a rifle bullet through her hull would send that gallant vessel to the lobsters. Now what do you think our Mary Avon set to work to do all during this beautiful summer evening, as we sat on deck and eyed curiously the other craft in the bay, or watched the firs grow dark against the silver-yellow twilight ? We could not at first make out what shi was driving at. Her occupation in the world, so far as she had any beyond being the pleasantest of companions and the faithfullest of friends was the painting of landscape in oil not the construction of Frankenstein monsters. But here sho begins by declaring to us that there is one type of character that has never been described by any satirist, or dramatist, or fictionist a common type, too, though only becoming pronounced in rare instances. It is the moral Tartuffe, she declares the person who is through and through a hypocrite, not to cloak evil doings, but only that his eager love of approbation may be gratified. Look now how this creature of diseased vanity, of plausible manners, of pretentious humbug, rises out of the smoke like the figure sum- moned by a wizard's wand ! As she gives us little touches here and there of the ways of this professor of bonhomie this bundle of affectations we begin to prefer the most diabolical villany that any thousand of the really wicked Tartuffes could have com- mitted. He grows and grows. His scraps of learning, as long as those more ignorant than himself are his audience ; his mock humility anxious for praise ; his parade of generous and senten- tious sentiment ; his pretence pretence pretence all arising from no evil machinations whatever, but from a pitiable, and mor- bid, and restless craving for esteem. Hence, horrible shadow 1 Let us put out the candles and get to bed. But next morning, as we find ourselves out on the blue Atlantic again, with Ru-na-Gaul light house left far behind, and the pale line of Coll at the horizon, we begin to see why the skill and A MESSAGE. 25 patient assiduity of this amateur psychologist should have raised that ghost for us the night before. Here uncle is coming. He is not one of the plausible kind. And if it should be necessary to invite him on board, might we not the more readily tolerate his cynical rudeness, after we have been taught to abhor as the hatefullest of mortals the well meaning hypocrite whose vanity makes his life a bundle of small lies ? Very clever indeed, Miss Avon very clever. But don't you raise any more ghosts ; they are unpleasant company, even as an antidote. And now, John of Skye, if it must be that we are to encounter this pestilent creature at the end of our voyage, clap on all sail now, and take us right royally down through these far islands of the west. Ah I do we not know them of old? Soon as we get round the Cailleach Point we descry the nearest of them amidst the loneliness of the wide Atlantic sea. For there is Carnaburg, with her spur of rock ; and Fladda, long, and rugged, and bare ; and Lunga, with her peak ; and the Dutchman's Cap a pale blue in the south. How bravely the White Dove swings on her way springing like a bird over the western swell ! And as we get past Ru- Treshnish, behold 1 another group of islands Gome tra and the green shored Ulva, that guard the entrance to Loch Tua ; and Colonsay, the haunt of the sea birds ; and the rock of Eris- geir all shining in the sun. And then we hear a strange sound, different from the light rush of the waves a low, and sullen, and distant booming, such as one hears in a sea-shell. As the White Dove ploughs on her way we come nearer and nearer to this wonder of the deep the ribbed and fantastic shores of Staffa ; and we see how the great Atlantic rollers, making for the j.iant cliffs of Gribun and Burg, and caught by those outer rocks and torn into masses of white foam, and sent roaring and thundering into the blackness of the caves. We pass close by; the air trembles with the shock of that mighty surge ; there is a mist of spray rising into the summer air. And then we sail away again ; and the day wears on as the white-winged White Dove bounds over the heavy seas ; and Mary Avon as we draw near the Ross of Mull, all glowing in the golden evening is singing a song of Ulva. But there is no time for romance, as the White Dove (drawing eight feet of water) makes in for the shallow harbor outside Bunessan. 26 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " Down foresail 1" calls out our John of Skye ; and by-and-by her head comes up to the wind, the great main-sail flapping in the breeze. And again, " Down chub, boys 1" and there is another rattle and roar amidst the silence of this solitary little bay. The herons croak their fright and fly away on heavy wing; the cur lews whistle shrilly ; the sea-pyots whir along the lonely shores. And then our good Frederich d'or sounds his silver-toned bell. This stillness of this summer evening ou deck ; the g'ory deep- eningover the wide Atlantic ; the delightful laughter of the Laird over those " good ones" about Homesh ; the sympathetic glance of Mary Avon's soft black eyes : did we not value them all the more that we knew we had something far different to look for- ward to? Even as we idled away the beautiful and lambent night, we had a vague consciousness that our enemy was stealthily drawing near. In a day or two at the most we should find the grim spectre of the East Wind in the rose-garden of Castle Osprey. CHAPTER V. A BRAVE CAREER. BUT when we got on deck the next morning we forgot all about the detestable person who was about to break in upon our peace (there was small chance that our faithful Angus Sutherland might encounter the snake in this summer paradise, and trample on him, and pitch him out ; for this easy way of getting rid of dis- agreeable folk is not permitted in the Highlands nowadays) as we looked on the beautiful bay shining all around us. " Dear me 1" said Denny-mains, " if Tom Galbraith could only see that now ! It is a great peety he has never been to this coast. I'm thinking I must write to him." The Laird did not remember that we had an artist on board one who, if she was not so great an artist as Mr. Galbraith, had at least exhibited one or two small landscapes in oil at the Royal Academy. But then the Academicians, though they might dread the contrast between their own work and that of Tom Galbraith, could have no fear of Mary Avon. And even Mr. Galbraith himself might have been puzzled to find among his pigments any equivalent for the rare and clear colors of this morning scene as now we sailed away from Bunessan A BEAVE CAREER. 27 with a light top-sail breeze. How blue the day was blue skies, blue seas, a faint transparent blue along the cliffs of Bourg and Gribun, a darker blue where the far Ru-Treshanish ran out into the sea, a shadow of blue to mark where the caves of Staffa re- treated from the surface of the sun-brown rocks! And here, nearer at hand, the warmer colors of the shore the soft, velvety olive-greens of the moss and breckan; the splashes of lilac where the rocks were bare of herbage ; the tender sunny reds where the granite promontories ran out to the sea ; the beautiful cream whites of the sandy bays I Here, too, are the islands again as we get out into the open- Gometra, with 'its one white house at the point ; and Inch Kenneth, where the seals show their shining black heads among the shallows ; and Erisgeir and Colonsay, where the skarts alight to dry their wings on the rocks; and Staffa, and Lunga, and the Dutchman lying peaceful enough now on the calm blue seas. We have time to look at them, for the wind is slight, and the broad beamed White Dove is not a quick sailer in a light breeze. The best part of the forenoon is over before we find ourselves opposite to the gleaming white sands of the northern bays of lona. " But surely both of us together will be able to make him stay longer than ten days," says the elder of the two women to tho younger and you may be sure she was not speaking of East Wind- Mary Avon looks up with a start ; then looks down again perhaps with the least touch of color in her face as she says, hurriedly, " Oh, I think you will. He is your friend. As for me you see I I scarcely know him." " Oh, Mary 1" says the other, reproachfully. " You have been meeting him constantly all these two months : you must know him better than any of us. I am sure I wish he was on board now he could tell us all about the geology of the islands, and what not. It will be delightful to have somebody on board who knows something." Such is the gratitude of women 1 and the Laird has just been describing to her some further points of the famous heresy case " And then he knows Gaelic 1" says the elder woman. " He will tell us what all the names of the islands mean." " Oh yes," says the younger one, " he understands Gaelic very well, though he cannot speak much of it." 28 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " And I think he is very fond of boats," remarks our hostess. " Oh, exceedingly exceedingly 1" says the other, who, if she does not know Angus Sutherland, seems to have picked up some information about him somehow. " You cannot imagine how he has been looking forward to sailing with you ; he has scarcely had any holiday for years." "Then he must stay longer than ten days," says the elder woman ; adding, with a smile, " you know, Mary, it is not the number of his patients that will hurry him back to London." 'Oh, but I assure you," says Miss Avon, seriously, "that he is not at all anxious to have many patients as yet. Oh no I never knew any one who was so indifferent about money. I know he would live on bread and water if that were necessary to go on with his researches. He told me himself that all the time he was at Leipsic his expenses were never more than one pound a week." She seemed to know a good deal about the circumstances of this young F.R.S. " Look at what he has done with these ansesthetics," continues Miss Avon. "Isn't it better to find out something that does good to the whole world than give yourself up to making money by wheedling a lot of old women ?" This estimate of the physician's art was not flattering. " But," she says, warmly, and there is a roar in the silence of the lonely little bay. And thereafter silence ; and the sweet fragrance of the peat in the night air, and the appearance, above the black hills, of a clear, shining, golden planet that sends a quivering line <:' light across the water to us. And, once more, good night, and pleasant dreams 1 But what is this in the morning ? There have been no pleasant dreams for John of Skye and his merry men during the last night ; for here we are already between Miagary Bay and Ru na Gaul Light-house ; and before us is the open Atlantic, blue under the lair skies of the morning. And here is Dr. Sutherland, at the tiller, with a suspiciously negligent look about his hair and shirt- collar. " I have been up since four," says he, with a laugh. " I heard them getting under way, and did not wish to miss anything. You know these places are not so familiar to me as they are to you." " Ts there going to be any wind to-day, John?" " No mich," says John of Skye, looking at the cloudless blue vault above and the grassy sweeps of the sea. Nevertheless, as the morning goes by, we get as much of a breeze as enables us to draw away from the main-land round Ardnamurchan (" the headland of the great sea") and out into the open with Muir': Island, and the sharp Scuir of Eigg, and the peaks of Rum lying over there on the still Atlantic, and far away in the north the vast and spectral mountains of Skye. And now the work of the day begins. Mary Avon, for mere shame's sake, is at last compelled to produce one of her blank canvases, and open her box of tubes. And now it would appear that Angus Sutherland though deprived of the authority of the NORTHWARD. 47 sick-room is beginning to loose his fear of the English young lady. He makes himself useful not with the elaborate and pat- ronizing courtesy of the Laird, but in a sort of submissive, mat- ter-of-fact shifty fashion. He sheathes the spikes of her easel with cork, so that they shall not mark the deck. He rigs up, to counterbalance that lack of stability, a piece of cord with a heavy weight. Then, with the easel fixed, he fetches her a deck chair to sit in, and a deck stool for her colors, and these and her he places under the lee of the foresail, to be out of the glare of the sun. Thus our artist is started ; she is going to make a sketch of the after-part of the yacht, with Hector of Moidart at the til- ler : beyond, the calm blue seas, and a faint promontory of land. Then the Laird having confidently remarked to Miss Avon that Tom Galbraith, than whom there is no greater authority liv- ing, invariably moistens the fresh canvas with megilp before be' ginning work has turned to the last report of the Semple case. ' .No, no," says he to our sovereign lady, who is engaged in some mysterious work in wool, " it does not look well for the Presbytery to go over every one of the charges in the major prop' oseetion supported by the averments in the minor only to find them irrelevant ; and then bring home to him the part of the libel that deals with tendency. No, no ; that shows a lamentable want of purpose. In view of the great danger to be apprehended from these secret assaults on the inspiration of the Scriptures, they should have stuck to each charge with tenahcitj. Now 1 will just show ye where Dr. Carnegie, in defending Secundo illustrated as it was with the extracts and averments in the minor let the whole thing slip through his fingers." But if any one were disposed to be absolutely idle on this calm, shining, beautiful day far away from the cares and labors of the land? Out on the taffrail, under shadow of the mizzen, there is a seat that is gratefully cool. The glare of the sea no longer be- wilders the eyes ; one can watch with a lazy enjoyment the teem- ing life of the open Atlantic. The great skarts go whizzing by, long-necked, rapid of flight. The gannets poise in the air, and then there is a sudden dart downward, and a spout of water flashes up where the bird has dived. The guillemots fill the silence with their soft kurrooing and here they are on all sides of us Kurroo ! Kurroo ! dipping their bills in the water, hast- ening away from the vessel, and then rising on the surface to flap 48 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. their wings. Butjthis is a strange thing: they are all in pairs obviously mother and child and the mother calls Kurroo ! Kur- roo ! and the young one, unable as yet to dive or swim, answers Pe-yoo-it I Pee-yoo it ! and nutters and paddles after her. But where is the father ? And has the guillemot only one of a family ? Over that on-,-, at all events, she exercises a valiant protection. Even though the stem of the yacht seems likely to run both of them down, she will neither dive nor fly until she has piloted the young one out of danger. Then a sudden cry startles the Laird from his heresy case, and Mary Avon from her canvas. A sound f*r away has turned all eyes to the north ; though there is nothing visible there, over the shining calm of the sea, but a small cloud of white spray that slowly sinks. In a second or two, however, we see another jet of white water arise ; and then a great brown mass heave slowly over; and then we hear the spouting of the whale. " What a huge animal 1" cries one. ''A hundred feet I" " Eighty, anyway 1" The whale is sheering off to the north : there is less and less chance of our forming any correct estimate. " Oh, I am sure it was a hundred ! Don't you think so, An- gus ?" says our admiral. " Well," says the doctor, slowly pretending to be very anxious about keeping the sails full (when there was no wind) " you know there is a great difference between 'yacht measurement' and ' registered tonnage.' A vessel of fifty registered tons may become eighty or ninety by yacht measurement. And I have often noticed," continues this graceless young man, who takes no thought how he is bringing contempt on his elders, " that objects seen from the deck of a yacht are naturally subject to 'yacht measurement.' I don't know what the size of that whale may be. Its registereU tonnage, I suppose, would be the number of Jonahs it would carry. But I should think that if the apparent 1 yacht measurement ' was a hundred feet, the whale was probably about twenty feet long." It was thus he tried to diminish the marvels of the deep. But, however he might crush us otherwise, we were his masters on one point. The Semple heresy case was too deep even for him. What could he make of " the firtt alternative of the general majort" NORTHWARD. 49 And see now, on this beautiful summer evening, we pass be- tween Muick and Eigg; and the sea is like a plain of gold. As we draw near the sombre mass of Rum the sunset deepens, and a strange lurid mist hangs around this remote and mountainous island rising sheer from the Atlantic. Gloomy and mysterious are the vast peaks of Ilaleval and Ilaskeval; we creep under them favored by a flood tide and the silence of the desolate shores seems to spread out from them and to encompass us. Mary Avon has long ago put away her canvas ; she sits and watches ; and her soft black eyes are full of dreaming as she gazes up at those thunder-dark mountains against the rosy haze of the west. " Haleval and Haskeval?" Angus Sutherland repeats, in reply to his hostess .; but he starts all the same, for he has been covert- ly regarding the dark and wistful eyes of the girl silting there. " Oh, these are Norse names. Scuir na Gillean, on the other hand, is Gaelic it is the peak of the young men. Perhaps the Norsmen had the north of the island, and the Celts the south." Whether they were named by Scandinavian or by Celt, Hale- val and Haskeval seemed to overshadow us with their sultry gloom as we slowly glided into the lonely loch lying at their base. We were the only vessel there ; and we could make out no sign of life on shore, until the glass revealed to us one or two half-ruined cottages. The Northern twilight shone in the sky far into the night; but neither that clear nietaac glow, nor any radiance from moon, or planet, or stars, seemed to affect the thunder-darkness of Ilaskeval and Haleval's silent peaks. There was another tale to tell below: the big saloon all lit up 5 the white table-cover with its centre piece of roses, nastur- tiums and ferns ; the delayed dinner, or supper, or whatever it might be called, all artistically arranged ; Angus Sutherland most humbly solicitous that Mary Avon should be comfortably seated, and, in fact, quite usurping the office of the Laird in that re- spect ; and then a sudden sound in the galley, a hissing as of a thousand squibs, telling us that master Fred had once more, and ineffectually, tried to suppress the released genie of the bottle by jamming down the cork. And now the Lrurd, with his old- fashioned ways, must needs propose a health, which is that of our most sovereign mistress and lady ; and this he does with an elaborate and gracious and sonorous courtesy. And surely there is no reason why Mary Avon should not for once break her habit 50 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. and join in that simple ceremony ; especially when it is a real live doctor and not only a doctor, but an encyclopedia of scien tific and all other knowledge who would fain fill her glass ? Angus Sutherland modestly but seriously pleads ; and he does not plead in vain ; and you would think from his look that she had conferred an extraordinary favor on him. Then we we propose a health too the health of the FOUR WINDS ! and we do not care which of them it is who is coming to-morrow, so long as he or she comes in force. Blow, breezes, blow ! from the Coolins of Skye, or the shores of Coll, or the glens of Arisaig and Moidart for to-morrow morning we shake out once more the wings of the White Dove. CHAPTER VIII. PLOTS AND COUNTERPLOTS. Now the Laird has a habit laudable or not of lingering over an additional half cup at breakfast, as an excuse for desultory talk ; and thus it is, on th's particular morning, the young people having gone on deck to see the yacht get under way, that Denny- mains has a chance of revealing to us certain secret schemes of his over which he has apparently been brooding. How could we have imagined that all this plotting and planning had been going on beneath the sedate exterior of the Commissioner for the Burgh of Strathgovan? " She's just a wonderful bit lass !" he says, confidently, to his hostess ; " as happy and contented as the day is long; and when Bhe's not singing to herself, her way of speech has a sort of a sort of music in it that is quite new to me. Yes, I must admit that ; I did not know that the Southern English tongue was so accurate and pleasant to the car. Ay, but what will become of her?" What, indeed I The lady whom he was addressing had often spoken to him of Mary Avon's isolated position in the world. "It fairly distresses me," continues the good-hearted Laird " when I think of her condeetion not at present, when she has. if I may be allowed to say so, several friends near lier who would be glad to do what they could for her ; but by and-by, when sh is becoming older " PLOTS AND COUNTERPLOTS. 51 The Laird hesitated. Was it possible, after all, that he was about to hint at the chance of Mary Avon becoming the mistress of 'he mansion and estate of Denny mains ? Then he made a plunge. " A young woman in her position should have a husband to protect her ; that is what 1 am sure of. Have ye never thought of it, ma'am ?" " I should like very well to see Mary married," says the other demurely. " And I know she would make an excellent wife." "An excellent wife!" exclaims the Laird ; and then he adds, with a tone approaching to severity : " I tell ye he will be a fort unate man that gets her. Oh ay ; I have watched her. I can keep my eyes open when there is need. Did you hear her asking the Captain about his wife and children? I tell you there's human nature in that lass." There was no need for the Laird to be so pugnacious ; we were not contesting the point. However, he resumed : " I have been thinking," said he, with a little more shyness, 14 about my nephew. He's a good lad. Well, ye know, ma'am, that I do not approve of young men being brought up in idleness, whatever their prospects must be ; and I have no doubt what- ever that my nepliew Howard is working hard enough what with the reading of law-books, and attending the courts, and all that though as yet he has not had much business. But then there is no n cessity. 1 do not think he is a lad of any great ambeetion, like your friend Mr. Sutherland, who has to fight his way in the world in any case. But Howard 1 have been think- ing now that if he was to get married and settled, he might give up the law business al'ogethcr; and if they were content to live in Scotland, he might look after Denny-mains. It will be his in any case, ye know; he would have the interest of a man looking after his own property. Now 1 will tell ye plainly, ma'am, what I have been thinking about this day or two back ; if Howard would marry your young lady friend, that would be agreeable to me." The calm manner in which the Laird announced his scheme showed that it had been well matured. It was a natural, simple, feasible arrangement, by which two persons in whom he took a warm interest would be benefited at once. " But then, sir," says his hostess, with a smile which she cannot wholly repress, "you know people never do marry to please a third person at least. Bal '* 52 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. "Oh, there can be no forcing," said the Laird, with decision. " But I have done a great deal for Howard : may I not expect that he will do something for me?" " Oh, doubtless, doubtless," says this amiable lady, who has had some experience in match-making herself ; " but I have generally found that marriages that would be in every way suit- able and pleasing to friends, and obviously desirable, are precisely the marriages that never come off. Young people, when they are flung at each other's heads, to use the common phras", never will be sensible and please their relatives. Now if you were to bring your nephew here, do you think Mary would fall in love with him because she ought ? Mo e likely you would find that, out of pure contrariety, she would fall in love with Angus Suther- land, who cannot afford to mairy, and whose head is tilled with other things." " I am not sure I am not sure," said the Laird, musingly, " Howard is a good looking youug fellow, and a capital lad, too. I am not so sure." " And then, you know," said the other, shyly, for she will not plainly sayanything to Mary's disparagement, " young men have different 'astes in their choice of a wife. He might not have the high opinion of her that you have." At this the Laird gave a look of surprise, even of resentment. "Tiien i'il tell ye what it is, ma'am," said he, almost angrily, " if my nephew had the chance of marrying such a girl, and did not do so, I should consider him I should consider him o fool, and say so." And then he added, sharply : " And do you think I would let Denny-mains pass into the hands of afooll" Now this kind lady had had no intention of rousing the wrath of the Laird in this manner, and she instantly set about pacifying him. And the Laird was easily pacified. In a minute or two he was la'ighing good-naturedly at himself for Belting into a passion ; he said it would not do for one at his tirn of life to try to play the part of the stern father as they played that in theatre pieces ; there was to be no forcing. " But he's a good lad, ma'am, a good lad," said he, rising as his hostess rose ; and he added, significantly, " he is no fool, I assure you, ma'am ; he has plenty of common-sense." "When we get up on deck again we find that the White Dove i* PLOTS AND COUNTERPLOTS. 53 gently gliding out of the lonely Loch Scresorst, with its solitary house among the trees, and its crofters' huts at the base of the sombre hills. And as the light cool breeze gratefully cool afte* the blazing heat of the last day or two carries us away north- ward, we see more and more of the awful solitudes of Haleval and Haskeval, that are still thunderous and dark under the hazy sky. Above the great shoulders and under the purple peaks we see the far-reaching corries opening up, with here and there a white water-fall just visible in the hollows. There is a sense of escape as we draw away from that overshadowing gloom. Then we discover that we have a new skipper to-day, vice John of Skye, d -posed. The fresh hand is Mary Avon, who is at the tiller, and looking exceedingly business-like. She has been pro- xmtecl to this post by Dr. Sutherland, who stands by ; she re- ceives explanations about the procedure of lit ctor of Moidart, who is up aloft lacing the smaller top-s il to the mast ; she watches the operations of John of Skye and Sandy, who are at the sheets below ; and, like a wise and considerate captain, she pretends not to notice Master Fred, who is having a quiet smoke by the windlass. And so past those lonely shores sails the brave vessel the yawl While Dove, Captain Mary Avon, bound for anywhere. But you must not imagine that the new skipper is allowed to stand by the tiller. Captain though she may be, she has to sub- mit civilly to dictation, in so far as her foot is concerned. Our young doctor has compeilhd her to be seated, and he has passed a rope round the tiller that so she can steer from her chair, and from time to time he gives suggestions, which she receives as orders. " I wish I had been with you when you first sprained your foot," he says. " Yes ?" she answers, with humble enquiry in her eyes. " I would have put it in plaster of Paris," he says, in a matter- of-fact way, " and locked you up in the houe for a fortnight ; at the end of that time you would not know which ankle was the sprained one." There was neither " with your lei.vo " nor " by your leave" in this young man's manner when he spoke of that accident. He would have taken possession of her. lie would have discarded your bandages and hartshorn, and what not ; when it was Mary Avon's foot that was concerned, it was intimated to us: he would have had his own wav of all comers. 54 WHITE WIXGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. " I wish I had known," she says, timidly, meaning that it was the treatment she wished she had known. " There is a more heroic remedy," said he, with a smile, " and that is walking the sprain off. I believe that can he done, but most people would shrink from the pain. Of course, if it were done at all, it would be done by a wo. nan : women can bear pain infinitely better than men." "Oh, do you think so?" she says, in mild protest. "Oh, I am sure not. Men are so much braver than women, BO much ftronger " But this gentle quarrel is suddenly stopped, for some one calls attention to a deer that is calmly browsing on one of the high slopes above that rocky shore, and instantly all g'asses are in re- quest. It is a hind, with a beautifully shaped head and slender legs. She takes no notice of the passing craft, but continues her feeding, walking a few steps onward from time to time. In this way she reaches the edge of a gully in the rugged cliffs where there is some brushwood, and probably a stream ; into this she sedately descends, and we see her no more. Then there is another cry : what is this cloud ahead, or water- gpout, resting on the calm bosom of the sea ? Glasses again in request,amidst many exclamations, reveal to us that this is a dense cloud of birds a flock so vast that toward the water it seems black. Can it be the dead body of a whale that has collected this world of wings from all the northern seas? Hurry on, While Dope, for the floa ing cloud with the b!ack baen sea and the blue and white of the sky. They resent the presence of strangers in this far home of the sea-birds. It is a terrible business getting that young lady and her para, phernalia back into the gig again ; for the sea is still heavy, and of course, additional care has now to be taken of the precious canvas. But at last she, and the Laird, and the lunch?on basket* and everything else, have be^n got on board ; and away we go for the yacht again in the now clearing afternoon. As we draw farther away from the roar of the caves, it is more feasible to talk ; and naturally we are all very complimentary about Mary Avon's sketch in oils. " Ay," says the Laird, "and it wants but one thing ; and I am sure I could get Tom Galbraith to put that in for you. A bit of a yacht, ye know, or other sailing vessel, put below the clilt's, would give people a notion or the height of the cliff's, do ye see 1 I am sure 1 couid get Tom Galbraith to put that in for ye." "I hope Miss Avon won't let Tom Galbraith or anybody else meddle with the picture," says Angus Sutherland, with some emphasis. Why, a yacht I Do you think anybody would let a yacht come close to rocks like these? As soon as you introduce any making up like that, the picture is a sham. It is the real thing now, as it stands. Twenty years hence you could take uj- A WILD STUDIO. 63 that piece of canvas, and there before you would be the very day that you spent here; it would be like finding your old life of twenty years before opened up to you with a lightning fla^h. The picture is why, I should say it is invaluable, as it stands." At this somewhat fierce praise Mary Avon colors a little. And then she says, with a gentle hypocrisy, "Oh, do you really think there is there is some likeness to the place ?" " It is the place itself," says he, warmly. ''Because," she says, timidly, and yet with a smile, "one likes to have one's work appreciated, however stupid it may be. And and if you think that would you like to have it ? Because I should be so proud if you would take it only I am ashamed to offer my sketches to anybody " "That!" said he, staring at the canvas as if the mines of Go'conda were suddenly opened to him. But then he drew back. " Oh no," he said ; " you are very kind ; but but, you know, I cannot. You would think I had been asking for it." " Well," says Miss Avon, still looking down, " I never was treated like this before. You won't take it? You don't think it is worth putting on your portmanteau." At this the young doctor's face grew very red ; but he said, boldly, 'Very well, now, if you have been playing fast and loose, you shall be punished. I will take the picture, whether you grudge it me or not. And I don't mean to give it up now." " Oh," said she, very gently, " if it reminds you of the place, I shall be very pleased; and and it may remind you too that I am not likely to forget your kindness to p;:or Mrs. Thompson." And so this little matter was amicably settled though the Laird looked with a covetous eye on that rough sketch of the rocks of Canna, and regretted that he was not to be allowed to ask Tom Galbraiih to put in a touch or two. And so back to the yacht, and to dinner in the silver-clear evening ; and how beautiful looked this calm bay of Canna, with its glittering waters and green shores, after the grim rocks and the heavy Atlantic waves I That evening we pursued the innocent lithe again our lard- er was becoming terribly empty and there was a fine take. But of more interest to some of us than the big fish was the extraor- dinary wonder of color in sea and sky when the sun had gone 64 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. down ; and there was a wail on the part of the Laird that Mary Avon had not her colors with her to put down some jotting for further use. Or if on paper: might not she write down some- thing of what she saw, and experiment thereafter? Well, if any artist can make head or tail of words in such a case as this, here they are for him as near as our combined forces of observation could go : The vast plain of water around us a blaze of salmon red, with the waves (catching the reflection of the zenith) marked in hori- zontal iines of blue. The great headland of Canna, between us and the western sky, a mass of dark, intense olive green. The sky over that a pale, clear lemon-yellow. But the great feature of this evening scene was a mass of cloud that stretched all across the heavens a mass of flaming, thunderous, orange-red cloud that b"gan in the far pale mists in the east, and came across the blue zenith overhead, burning with a splendid glory there, and then stretched over to the west, where it narrowed down and was lost in the calm, clear gold of the horizon. The splendor of this great cloud was bewildering to the eyes ; one turned gracefully to the reflection of it in the sultry red of the sea below, broken by the blue lines of waves. Our attention was not wholly given to the fishing or the boat on this lambent evening : perhaps that was the reason we ran on a rock, and with difficulty got off" again. Th r n back to the yacht again about eleven o'clock. What is this terrible news from Master Fred, who was sent off with in- structions to hunt up any stray crofter he mi-zht find, a- d use such persuasions in the shape of Gaelic friendliness and English money as would enable us to replenish our larder? What ! that he had walked two miles and seen nothing eatable or purchasable but an old hen T Canna is a beautiful place ; but we begin to think it is time to be off. On this still night, with the stars coming out, we cannot go below. We sit on deck and listen to the musical whisper along the shore, :md watch one golden-yellow planet, rising over the dusky peaks of Rum, far in the east. And our young doctor is talking of the pathetic notices that are common in the Scotch papers in the advertisements of deaths. "New Zealand paper t, please copy." " Canadian papers, please copy." When you see this prayer appended to the announcement of the death of some old \vonien of seventy or seventy-five, do you not know that it is "DUNVEGAN! OH! DUNVEGAN!" 65 a message to loved ones in distant climes, wanderers who may forget but who have not been forgotten? They are messages that tell of a scattered race of a race that once filled the glens of these now almost deserted islands. And surely, when some birthday or other time of recollection comes round, those far away, " Where wild Altama murnurs to their woe, 1 ' must surely bethink themselves of the old people left behind living in Glasgow or Greenock now, perhaps and must bethink themselves, too, of the land where last they saw the bonny red heather, and where last they heard the pipes playing the sad aird, doubtfully. He was not sure of this young man. lie had heard something about Gaelic being spoken in the Garden of Eden, and suspected there might be a joke lying about somewhere. However, there was no joking about our F.R.S., when he began to tell Mary Avon how, if he had time and sufficient interest in such tnings, he would set to work to study the Basque people and their language that strange remnant of the old age who inhabited the wefct of Europe long before Scot, or Briton, or Roman, or Teuton had made his appearance on the scene. Might they not have traditions, or customs, or verbal survivals to tell us of their prehistoric forefathers? The Laird seemed quite shocked to hear that his favorite Picts and Scots and Fingal and Arthur and all the rest of them were mere modern interlopers. What of the mysterious race that occupied these islands before tho great Aryan tide swept over from the East? Well, this was bad enough ; but when the doctor proceeded to declare his conviction that no one had the least foundation for the various conjectures about the purposes of those so-called Druidical stones that it was all a matter of guess-work whe'her as regarded council halls, grave-stones, altars, or serpent worship aud that ^ was quite possible these stones were erected Ly 72 \VHITF. \VI\OS: A YACIITIXO ROMANCE. tho nnn -Aryan race who inhabited Europe before either Gaul or lioman or Teuton came west, the Laird interrupted him, tri- umphantly. " But," says he, " the very names of those stones show they are of Celtic origin will ye dispute that? What is the meaning of Carnac, that is in Brittany oh ? Ye know Gaelic ?" "Well, I know that much,'' p.a:d Angus, laughing. "Carnac means simply the place of piicid stones. But the Celt* may have found the stones thero, and given them that name." "I think," says iLss Avon, profoundly, "that when you go into a question of names, you can prove anything. And I suppose Gaelic is as accommodating as &ny other language." Angus Sutherland did not answer for a moment; but at last he said, rather shyly, " Gaelic is a very complimentary language, at all events. Bean is ' a woman ;' aud beannachd is ' a blessing.' An ti a bheannaich thu that is, *' the one who blessed you.'" Very pretty ; only we did not know how wildly the young man might not be falsifying Gaelic grammar in order to say something nice to Mary Avon. Patience works wonders. Dinner-time finds us so far across the Minch that we can make out the light-house of South Uist. And all these outer Hebrides are now lying in a flood of golden- red light ; and on the cliffs of Canna, far away in the south-east, and now dwarfed so that they lie like a low wall on the sea, there is a paler red, caught from the glare of the sunset. And here ii the silver tinkle of Master Fred's bell. On deck after dinner ; and the night air is cooler now ; and there are cigars about; and our young F.R.S. is at the tiller; and Mary Avon is singing, apparently to herself, something about a Berkshire farmer's daughter. The darkness deepens, and the stars come out ; and there is one star larger than the rest, and low down, and burning a steady red that we know to be Ushinish light house. And then from time to time the silence is broken by '* Stand by, forrard! ''Rout ship!" and there is a rattling of blocks and cordage, and then the head sails fill, and away she goes again on the other tack. We have got up to the long head- lands of Skye at last. Clear as the night is, the wind still comes in squalls, and we have the top-sail down. Into which indentation of that long, low line of dark land shall we creep in the darkness ? "DUNVEGAN! OH! DUNVEOAN!" 73 But John of Skye keeps away from the land. It is past mid- night. There is nothing visible but the black sea and the clear sky, and the red star of the light-house ; nothing audible but Mary Avon's humming to herself and her friend the two women sit arm-in-arm under half a dozen of rugs some old world ballad to the monotonous accompaniment of the passing seas. One o'clock: Ushinish light is smaller now, a minute point of red fire, and the black line of land on our right looms larger in the dusk. Look at the splendor of the phosporous stars on the i ushing waves ! And at last John of Skye says, in an undertone, to Angus, " Will the leddies be going below now?" "Going below?" he say-, in reply. "They are waiting till we get to anchor. We must be just off Dunvegan Loch now." Then John of Skye makes his confession. ' I think I could ha' held ye mysel, feyther ;' " and the Laird laughed, and laughed again, til) the tears came into his eyes. We could see thut he was scill internally laughing at that good one when we went below for luncheon. At luncheon, too, the Laird qui'e made up his feud with Angus Sutherland, for he had a great many other good ones to tell about whiskey and whiskey-drinking ; and he liked a sympathetic 88 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. audience. But this general merriment was suddenly dashed by an ominous suggestion coming from our young doctor. Why, he asked, should we go on fighting against these northerly winds? Why not turn and run before them? "Then you wan't to leave us, Angus," said his hostess re- proachfully. ' Oh no," he said, and with some color in hio face. " I don't want to go, but 1 fear I must very soon now. However, I did not make that suggestion on my own account ; if I were pressed for time, I could get somewhere where I could catch the Clans- man." Mary Avon looked down, saying nothing. " You would not leave the ship like that ?" says his hostess. " You would not run away, surely ? Rather than that we will turn at once. Where are we now ?" " If the breeze lasts, we will get over to Uist, to Loch-na-Mad- dy, this evening, but you must not think of altering your plans on my account. I made the suggestion because of what Captain John was saying." u Very well," says our Admiral of the Fleet, taking no heed of properly constituted authority. " Suppose we set out on our return voyage to-morrow morning, going round the other side of Skye for a change. But you know, Angus, it is not fair of you to run away when you say yourself there is nothing particular calls you to London." " Oh," says he, " I am not going to London just yet. I am going to Banff, to see my father. There is an uncle oi mine, too, on a visit to the manse." ' Then you will be coming South again ?" " Yes."* " Then why not come another cruise with us on your way back ?' It was not like this hard-headed young doctor to appear so em barrassed. " That is what I should like very much myself," he stammered u if if 1 were not in the way of your other arrangements." " We shall make no other arrangements," says the other, defi nitely. " Now that is a promise, mind. No drawing baok Mary will put it down in writing, and hold you to it." Mary Avon had not looked up all this time. a You should not press Dr. Sutherland too much," she gayg FEKDINAND AND MIBANDA. 89 shyly ; " perhaps he has other friends he would like to see before leaving Scotland." The hypocrite 1 Did she want to make Angus Sutherland burst a blood-vessel in protesting that of all the excursions he had made in his life this would be to him for ever the most memorable, and that a repetition or extension of it was a delight in the future almost too great to think of? However, she seemed pleased that he spoke so warmly, and she did not attempt to contradict him. If he had really enjoyed all this rambling idleness, it would no doubt the better fit him for his work in the great capital. We beat into Loch-na-Maddy that is, the Lake of the Dogs in the quiet evening ; and the rather commonplace low-lying hills, and the plain houses of the remote little village, looked beautiful enough under the glow of the western skies. And we went ashore, and walked inland for a space, through an intricate net-work of lagoons inbranching from the sea ; and we saw the trout leaping and making circles on the gold red pools, and watched the herons rising from their fishing and winging their Blow flight across the silent lakes. And it was a beautiful night, too, and we had a little singing on deck. Perhaps there was an under-current of regret in the knowledge that now for this voyage at least we had touched our farthest point. To-morrow we were to set out again for the South CHAPTER XIII. FERDINAND AND MIRANDA. THE wind was laughing at Angus Sutherland. All the time we had been sailing north, it had blown from the north ; now that we turned our faces eastward, it wheeled round to the east, as if it would imprison him forever in this floating home. " You would fain get away" this was the mocking sound that one of us seemed to hear in those light airs of the morning that blew along the white canvas " the world calls ; ambition, fame, the eagerness of rivalry, the spell that science throws over her disciples all these are powerful, and they draw you, and you would fain get away. But the hand of the wind is uplifted against you ; you may fret as you will, but you are not round Ru Hunishyetr 90 WHITE WINGS ! A YACIITIXG ROMANCE. And perhaps the imaginative small creature who heard these strange things in the light breeze against which we were fighting our way across the Minch may have been forming her own pi ins. Angus Sutherland, she used often to say, wanted humanizing. He was too proud and scornful in the pride of his knowledge ; the gentle hand of a woman was needed to lead him into more tractable ways. And then this Mary Avon, with her dexterous, nimble woman's wit, and her indomitable courage, and her life, and spirit and abounding cheerfulness ; would she not be a splen- did companion for him during his long and hard struggle ? This born match-maker had long ago thrown away any notion about the Laird transferring our singing bird to Denny mains. She had almost forgotten about the project of bringing Howard Smith, the Laird's nephew, and half compelling him to marry Mary Avon : that was preposterous on the face of it. But she had grown accustomed, during those long days of tranquil idleness, to see our young doctor and Mary Avon together, cutoff from all the distractions of the world, a new Paul and Virginia. Why she may have asked herself should not these two solitary waifs, thus thrown by chance together on the wide ocean of existence, why should they not cling to each other and strengthen each other in the coming days of trial and storm? The strange, pa- thetic, phantasmal farce of life is brief ; they cannot seize it, and hold it, and shape it to their own ends ; they know not whence it comes or whither it goes ; but while the brief, strange thing lasts, they can grasp each other's hand, and make sure amidst all the unknown things around them, the mountains, and the wide seas, and the stars of some common, humble, human sympathy. It is so natural to grasp the hand of another in the presence of something vast and unknown. The rest of us, at all events, have no time for such vague dreams and reveries. There is no idleness on board the White Dove out here on the shining deep. Dr. Sutherland has rigged up for himself a sort of gymnasium by putting a rope across the shrouds to the peak halyards ; and on this rather elastic cross- bar he is taking his morning ( xercisc by going through a series of performances, no doubt picked up in Germany. Miss Avon is busy with a sketch of the long headland running out to Vater- iiishPoint; though, Indeed, this smooth Atlantic roll makes it difficult for her to keep her feet, and introduces a certair. amount of bap-hazard into her handiwork. The Laird has brought on FERDINAND AND MIRANDA. 91 deck a formidable portfolio of papers, no doubt relating to the public, affairs of Strathgovan, and has put on bis gold spectacles, and has got his pencil in band. Master Fred is re-arranging the cabins; the mistress of the yacht is looking after her flowers. And then is heard the voice of John of Skye " Stand by, boys! 1 ' and ''Bout ship I" and the helm goes down, and the jib and fore- Bail flutter and tear at the blocks and sheets, and then the sails gently fill, and the White Dove is away on another tack. " Well, I give in!'' says Mary Avon, at last, as a heavier lurch than ever threatens to throw her and her easel together into the scuppers. " It is no use I" " I thought you never gave in, Mary," says our admiral, whose head has appeared again at the top of the companion stairs. " I wonder who could paint like this !" says Miss Avon, indig- nantly. And indeed she is trussed up like a fowl, with one arm round one of the gig davits. " Turner was lashed to the mast of a vessel in order to see a etorm," says Queen T . "But not to paint," retorts the other. "Besides, I am not Turner. Besides, I am tired." By this time, of course, Angus Sutherland has come to her help, and removes her easel and what not for her, and fetches her a deck-chair. " Would you like to play chess ?" says he. " Oh yes," she answers, dutifully, " if you think the men will tay on the board." "Draughts will be safer," says he ; and therewith he plunges below and fetches up the square board and the pieces. And so, on this beautiful summer day, with the shining sens around them, and a cool breeze tempering the heat of the sun, Ferdinand and Miranda set to work. And it was a pretty sight to see them her soft dark eyes so full of an anxious care to ac- quit herself well 5 his robust, hard, fresh-colored face so full of a sort of good-natured forbearance. But nevertheless it was a strange game. -All Scotchmen are supposed to play draughts, and one brought up in a manse is almost of necessity a good player. But one astonished on looker began to perceive that whereas Mary Avon played but indifferently, her opponent played with a blindness that was quite remarkable. She had a very pretty, small, white hand: was he looking at that, that he did not, on one occasion, see how he could have taken three pieces 02 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. and crowned his man all at one fell swoop ? And then is it con- sidered incumbent on a draught-player to inform his opponent of what would be a better move on the part of the latter ? However that may be, true it is that, by dint of much advice, opportune blindness, and atrocious bad play, the doctor managed to get the game ended in a draw. " Dear me," says Mary Avon, u I never thought I should have had a chance. The Scotch are such good draught-players." " But you play remarkably well," said he and thire was no blush of shame on his face. Draughts and luncheon carry us on to the afternoon; and still the light breeze holds out ; and we get nearer and nearer to the most northerly points of Skye. And as the evening draws on we can now make out the hilly line of Ross shire a pale rose- color in the far east ; and nearer at hand is the Skye coast, with the warm sunlight touching on the ruins of Duntulme, where Donald Gorm Mor fed his imprisoned nephew on salt beef, and then lowered to him an empty cup mocking him before he died ; and tlien in the west the mountains of Harris, a dark pur- ple against the clear lemon golden glow. But as night draws on, behold I the wind dies away altogether, and we lie becalmed on a lilac and silver sea, with some rocky islands over there grown into a strange intense green in the clear twilight. Down with the gig, then, John of Skye I and hurry in all our rods, and lines, ani the occult intrapping inventions of our patri- arch of Denny-m:iins. We have no scruple about leaving the yacht in mid ocean. The clear twilight shines in the sky ; there is not a ripple on the sea; only the Atlantic swell that we can hear breaking far away on the rucks. And surely such calms are infrequent in the Minch; and surely these lonely rocks can have been visited but seldom by passing voyagers? Yet the great rollers as we near the forbidding shores break with an ominous thunder on the projecting points and reefs. The doctor insists on getting closer and closer (he knows where the big lithe are likely to be found), and the men, although they keep a watchful eye about them. obey. And then it is Mary Avon who first calls out and behold 1 her rod is suddenly dragged down the point is hauled below the water agony and alarm are on her face. "Here; take it take itl" she calls out. "The rod will be broken I" FERDINAND AND MIRANDA. 98 u Not a bit," the doctor calls out. "Give him the butt hard. Never mind the rod. Haul away !" And indeed by this time everybody was alternately calling and hauling; and John of ISkye, attending to the rods of the two ladies, had scarcely time to disengage the big fish and smooth the flies again ; and the Laird was declaring that these lithe fight as hard as a twenty-pound salmon. What did we care about those needles and points of black rock that every two or three seconds showed their tee h through the breaking white surf? "Keep her close in, boys 1" Angus Sutherland cried. to We shall have a fine pickling to-morrow." The one fish, stronger or bigger than his fellows, pulls the rod clean out of Mary Avon's hands. " Well, I have done it this time !" she says. " Not a bit," her companions cries. " Up all lines ! Back now lads gently 1" And as the stern of the boat is shoved over the great glassy billows, behold ! a thin dark line occasionally visible the end of the lost rod 1 Then there is a swoop on the part of our doctor; he has both his hands on the butt; there elapses a minute or two of fighting between man and fish; and then we can see be- low the boat the wan gleam of the captured animal as it comes to the surface in slow circles. Hurrah I a seven-pounder 1 John of Skye chuckles to himself as he grasps the big lithe. "Oh ay I" he says ; "the young leddy knows ferry well when to throw away the rod. It iss a gran' good thing to throw away the rod when there will be a big fish. Ay, ay, it iss a good fish." But the brutes that fought hardest of all were the dog-fish the snakes of the sea; and there was a sort of holy archangelic joy on the face of John of Skye when he seized a lump of stick to fell these hideous creatures before flinging thejn back into the water again. And yet why should they have been killed on ac- count of their snake-like eyes and their cruel mouth? The hu- man race did not rise and extirpate Frederick Smethurst because he was ill-favored. By half-past ten we had secured a good cargo of fish, and then we set out for the yacht. The clear twilight was still shining above the Harris hills; but there was a dusky shadow along the Outer Hebrides, where the orange ray of Scalpa Light was shin- ing ; and there was dusk in the south, so that the yacht had become invisible altogether. It was a long pull back, for the 94 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. White Dote had been carried far by the ebb tide. When we found her, she looked like a tall grey ghost in the gathering darkness ; and no light had as yet been put up ; but all the same we had a laughing welcome from Master Fred, who was glad to have the fresh fish wherewith to supplement our frugal meals. Then the next morning, when we got up and looked around, we were in the same place ! And the glass would not fall, and the blue skys kept blue, and we had to encounter still another day of dreamy idleness. " The weather is conspiring against you, Angus," our sovereign lady said, with a smile. " And you know you cannot run away from the yacht : it would be so cowardly to take the steamer." ''Well, indeed," said he, "it is the first time in my life that I have found absolute idleness enjoyable, and I am not so very anx- ious it should end. Somehow, though, I fear we are too well off. When we get back to the region of letters and telegrams, don't you think we shall have to pay for all this selfish happiness ?" " Then why should we go back ?" she says, lightly. " Why not make a compact to forsake the world altogether, and live all our life on board the White Dove 1" Somehow his eyes wandered to Mary Avon, and he said, rather absently, " I, for one, should like it well enough, if it were only possible." " No, no," says the Laird, brusquely, " that will no do at all. It was never intended that people should go and live for them- selves like that. Ye have your duties to tlie nation and to the laws that protect ye. When I left Denny-mains I told my broth- er Commissioners that what I could do when I was away to fur- ther the business of the Burg I would do ; and I have entered most minutely into several matters of great importance. And that is why I am so anxious to get to Portree. I expect most im- portant letters there." Portree 1 Our whereabouts on the chart last night was marked between 45 and 46 fathoms W.S.W. from some nameless rocks j and here, as far as we can make out, we are still between these mystical numbers. What can we do but chat, and read, and play draughts, and twirl round a rope, and ascend to the cross-trees to look out for a breeze, and watch and listen to the animal life around us. " I do think," says Mary Avon to her hostess, " the calling of these divers is the softest and most musical sound I ever heard ; FERDINAND AND MIRANDA. 95 perhaps because it is associated with so many beautiful places. Just fanc} r , now, if you were suddenly to hear a diver symphony, would you not think of the Hebrides, and the White Dove, and the long summer days ? In the winter, you know, in London, I fancy we should go once or twice to see that opera I" " I have never been to an opera," remarks the Laird, quite im- pervious to Mary Avon's tender enthusiasm. " I am told it is a fantastic exhibeetion." The chief incident of that day was the appearance of a new monster of the deep, which approached quite close to the hull of the White Dove. Leaning over the rail we could see him clearly in the clear water a beautiful golden submarine spider, with a conical body like that of a land spider, and six or eight legs, by the incurving of which he slowly propelled himself through the water. As we were perfectly convinced that no one had ever been in such dead calms in the Minch before, and had lain for twenty-four hours in the neighborhood of 45 and 46, we took it for granted that this was a new animal. We named it the Arachne Mary- Avon en sis, but did not seek to capture it. It went on its golden way. But we were not to linger forever in these Northern seas, sur- rounded by perpetual summer calms however beautiful the pros- pect might be to a young man fallen away, for the moment, from his high ambitions. Whatever summons from the fair world might be awaiting us at Portree was soon to be served upon us. In the afternoon a slight breeze sprung up that gently carried us away past Ru Hunish, and round by Eilean Trodda, and down by Altavaig. The gray-green basaltic cliffs of the Skye coast were now in shadow ; but the strong sunlight beat on the grassy ledges above ; and there was a distant roar of water along the rocks. This other throbbing sound, too: surely that must be Borne steamer far away on the other side of Rona ? The sunset deepened. Darker and darker grew the shadows in the great mountains above us. We heard the sea along the solitary shores. The stars came out in the twilight : they seemed clearest just over the black mountains. In the silence there was the sound of a water-fall somewhere in among those dark cliffs. Then our side-lights were put up ; and we sat on deck ; and Mary Avon, nestling close to her friend, was persuaded to sing for her "Yestreen the Queen had four Maries" 96 WHITE WINOS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. just as if she had never heard the song before. The hours went by; Angus Sutherland was talking in a slow, earnest des- ultory fashion ; and surely he must have been conscious that one heart there at least was eagerly and silently listening to him. The dawn was near at hand when finally we consented to go below. "What time of the morning was it that we heard John of Skye call out " Six or seven fathoms J ll do ?" We knew at least that we had got into harbor, and that the first golden glow of the daybreak was streaming through the skylights of the saloon. We had returned from the wilds to the claims and the cares of civilization ; if there was any message to us, for good or for evil, from the distant world we had left for so long, it was now waiting for us on shore. CHAPTER XIV. EVIL TIDINGS. We had indeed returned to the world : the first thing we saw on entering the saloon in the morning was a number of letters actual letters that had come through a post-office lying on the breakfast table. We stared at these strange things. Our good Queen T was the first to approach them. She took them up as if she expected they would bite her. " Oh, Mary," she says, " there is not one for you not one !" Angus Sutherland glanced quickly at the girl. But there was not the least trace of disappointment on her face. On the con- trary, she said, with a cheerful indifference, " So much the better. They only bother people." But of course they had to be opened and read even the bulky parcel from Strathgovan. And amidst much trivial domestic and other news, one of us stumbled upon one little item that certainly concerned u. It was a clipping from the advertisement column of a newspaper. It was enclosed, without word or comment, by a friend in London who knew that we were slightly acquainted, perforce, with Mr. Frederick Smethuret. And it appeared that that gentleman, having got into difficulties with his creditors, had tiiken himself off in a surreptitious and evil manner, inso- much that this newspaper clipping was nothing more nor less than a Hue and Cry after the fraudulent bankrupt. The letter and EVIL TIDINGS. 97 its startling enclosure were quickly whipped into the pocket of the lad} r to whom they had been sent. By great good luck Mary Avon was the first to go on deck. She was anxious to see the new harbor into which we had got. And then, with considerable dismay on her face, our sovereign ' mistress showed us this ugly thing. She was much excited. It was so shameful of him to bring this disgrace on Mary Avon 1 What would the poor girl say ? And this gentle lady would not for worlds have her told while she was with us until, at least, we got back to some more definite channel of information. She was, indeed, greatly distressed. But we had to order her to dismiss these idle troubles. We formed ourselves into a committee on the spot; and this com- mittee unanimously, if somewhat prematurely and recklessly, re- solved: First, that it was not of the slightest conseqmence to us or any human creature where Mr. Frederick Smethurst was, or what he might do with himself. Secondly, that if Mr. Frederick Smethurst were to put a string and a stone round his neck and betake himself to the bottom of the sea, he would earn our gratitude, and in some measure atone for his previous conduct. Thirdly, that nothing at all about the matter should be said to Mary Avon : if the man had escaped, there might probable be an end of the whole business. To these resolutions, carried swiftly and unanimously, Angus Sutherland added a sort of desultory rider, to the effect that moral or immoral qualities do sometimes reveal themselves in the face. He was also of opinion that spare persons were more easy of detection in this manner. He gave an instance of a well- known character in London a most promising ruffian who had run through the whole gamut of discreditable offences. Why was there no record of this brave career written in the man's face? Because nature had obliterated the lines in fat. When a man attains to the dimensions and appearance of a scrofulous toad swoolen to the size of an ox, moral and mental traces get rubbed out. Therefore, contended our F.R.S., all persons who set out on a career of villany, and don't want to be found out. should eat fat-producing foods. Potatoes and sugar he especially men. tinned as being calculated to conceal crime. 98 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. However, we had to banish Frederick Smethurst and his evil deeds from our minds ; for the yacht from end to end was in a bustle of commotion about our going ashore ; and as for us, why, we meant to run riot in all the wonders and delights of civiliza- tion. Innumerable fowls, tons of potatoes and cabbage and let- tuce, fresh butter, new loaves, new milk : there was no end to the visions that rose before the excited brain of our chief com- missariat officer. And when the Laird, in the act of stepping, with much dignity, into the gig, expressed his firm conviction that somewhere or other we should stumble upon a Glasgow newspaper not more than a week old, so that he might show us the reports of the meetings of the Strathgovan Commissioners, we knew of no further luxury that the mind could desire. And a* we were being rowed ashore, we could not fail to be struck by the extraordinary abundance of life and business and activity in the world. Portree, with its wooded crags and white houses shining in the sun, seemed a large and populous city. The smooth waters of the bay were crowded with craft of every description ; and the boats of the yachts were coming and going with so many people on board of them that we were quite stared out of countenance. And then, when we landed, and waiked up the quay, and ascended the hill into the town, we regarded the signs over the shop doors with the same curiosity that regards the commonest features of a foreign street. There was a pecu- liarity about Portree, however, that is not met with in Continental capitals. We felt that the ground swayed lightly under our feet. Perhaps these were the last oscillations of the great volcanic dis- turbance tlvit shot the black Coolins into the sky. Then the shops: such displays of beautiful things, in silk, and wool, and cunning wood-work ; human ingenuity declaring itself in a thousand ways, and appealing to our purses. Our purses, to tell the truth, were gaping. A craving for purchase possessed us. But, after all, the Laird could not buy servant-girls' scarfs as a present for Mary Avon, and Angus Sutherland did not need a second water proof coat ; and though we reached the telegraph office, there would have been a certain monotony in spending innumerable shillings on unnecessary telegrams, even though we might be rejoicing in one of the highest conveniences of civiliza- tion. The plain truth must be told. Our purchases were limited to some tobacco and a box or two of paper collars for the men, to one or two shilling novels, and a flask of eau-de-Cologne. We ETIL TIDINGS. 99 did not half avail ourselves of all the luxuries spread out BO tempt- ingly before us. "Do you think the men will have the water on board yet?" Mary Avon says, as we walk back. "I do not at all like being on land. The sun scorches so, and the air is stifling." "In my opeenion," says the Laird, " the authorities of Portree are deserving of great credit for having fixed up the apparatus to let boats get water on board at the quay. It was a public- spirited project it was that. And I do not suppose that any one grumbles at having to pay a shilling for the privilege. It is a legeetimate tax. I am sure it would have been along time or we could have got such a thing at Strathgovan, if there was need for it there. Ye would scarcely believe it, ma'am, what a spirit of opposition there is among some o' the Commissioners to any im- provement : ye would not believe it." " Indeed," she says, in innocent wonder ; she quite sympathizes with this public-spirited reformer. "Ay, it's true. Mind ye, I am a Conservative myself; I will have nothing to do with Radicals and their Republics ; no, no, but a wise Conservative knows how to march with the age. Take my own poseetion : for example, as soon as I saw that the steam fire-engine was a necessity, I withdrew my opposition at once. I am very thankful to you, ma'am, for having given me an oppor- tunity of carefully considering the question. I will never forget our trip round Mull. Dear me I it is a warm day," added the Laird, as he raised his broad felt hat, and wiped his face with his voluminous silk handkerchief. Here come two pedestrians, good-looking young lads of an ob- viously English type, and faultlessly equipped tromhead to heel. They look neither to the left nor right 5 on they go manfully through the dust, the sun scorching their faces ; there must be a trifle of heat under these knapsacks. Well, we wish them fine weather and whole heels. It is not the way some of us would like to pass a holiday. For what is this that Miss Avon is singing lightly to herself as she walks carelessly on, occasionally pausing to look in a shop ? " 'And often have we seamen heard how men are killed or undone, By overturns of carriages, and thieves, and fires in London.' " Here she turns aside to caress a small terrier; but the animal, mistaking her intention, barks furiously, and retreats, growling 100 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. and ferocious, into the shop. Miss Avon is not disturbed. She walks on, and completes her nautical ballad, all for her own benefit: " ' We've heard what risk all landsmen run, from noblemen to tailors, So, Billy, let's thank Providence that you and I are sailors !' " " What on earth is that, Mary ?" her friend behind asks. The girl stops, with a surprised look, as if she had scarcely been listening to herself; then she says, lightly, " Oh, don't you know the sailor's song ! 1 forget what they call it. " 'A strong sou'wester's blowing, Billy, cant you hear it roar now ? Lord help 'em, how I pities all unhappy folks on shore now !' " " You have become a thorough sailor, Miss Avon," says Angus Sutherland, who has overheard the last quotation. " I I like it better I am more interested," says she, timidly, " since you were so kind as to show me the working of the ship.'* " Indeed," says he, "I wish you would take command of her, and order her present captain below. Don't you see how tired his eyes are becoming ? He won't take his turn of sleep like the others ; he has been scarcely off the deck night or day since we left Canna; and I find it is no use remonstrating with him. He is too anxious ; and he fancies I am in a hurry to get back ; and these continual calms prevent his getting on. Now the whole difficulty would be solved if you let me go back by the steamer; then you could lie at Portree here for a night or two, and let him have some proper rest." u I do believe, Angus," says his hostess, laughing in her gentle way, " that you threaten to leave us just to see how anxious w are to keep you." " My position as a ship's doctor," he retorts, " is compromised. If Captain John ialls ill on my hands, whom am I to blame but myself?" "I am quite sure I can get him to go below," says Mary Avon, with decision u quite sure of it. That is, especially," bhe adds, rather shyly, " if you will take his place. I know he would place more dependence on you than on any of the men." This is a very pretty compliment to pay to one who is rather proud of his nautical knowledge. " Well," he says, laughing, ' the responsibility must rest on you. Order him below to-night, and see whether he obeys. If EVIL TIDINGS. 101 tfe don't get to a proper anchorage, we will manage to sail the yacht somehow among us you being Captain, Miss Avon." " If I am captain," she says, lightly though she turns away her head somewhat ' I shall forbid your deserting the ship." "So long as you are captain, you need not fear that," he an- swers. Surely he could say no less. But it was still John of Skye who was skipper when, on getting under way, we nearly met with a serious accident. Freshwater and all provisions having been got on board, we weighed anchor only to find the breeze die wholly down. Then the dingey was got out to tow the yacht away from the sheltered harbor ; and our young doctor, always anxious for hard work, must needs jump in to join in this service. But the little boat had been straining at the cable for scarcely five minutes when a squall of wind came over from the north-west and suddenly filled the sails. " Look out there, boys 1" called Captain John, for we were running full down on the dingey. " Let go the rope I Let go I" he shouted : but they would not let go, as the dingey came sweeping by. In fact, she caught the yacht just below the quarter, and seemed to disappear altogether. Mary Avon uttered one brief cry, and then stood pale clasping one of the ropes not daring to look. And John of Skye uttered some exclamation in the Gaelic, and jumped on to the taffrail. But the next thing we saw, just above the taffrail, was the red and shining and laughing face of Angus Sutherland, who was hoisting himself up by means of the mizzea boom ; and directly afterward appeared the scarlet cap of Hector of Moidart. It was upon this latter culprit that the full force of John of Skye's wrath was expended. " Why did you not let go the rope when I wass call to you ?" " It is ail right, and if I wass put into the water, I have been in the water before," was the philosophic reply. And now it was, as we drew away from Portree, that Captain Mary Avon endeavored to assume supreme command, and would have the deposed skipper go below and sleep. John of Skye was very obedient, but he said, " Oh, ay j I will get plenty of sleep. But that hill there, that is Ben-Inivaig ; and there is not any hill in the West Highlands so bad for squalls as that hill. By-and-by I will get plenty of sleep." Ben-Inivaig let us go past its great, gloomy, forbidding shoul- ders and cliffs without visiting us with anything worse than a few 102 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. variable puffs ; and we got well down into the Raasny Narrows. What a picture of still summer loveliness was around us 1 the rippling blue seas, the green shores, and far over these the black peaks of the Coolins, now taking a purple tint in the glow of the afternoon. The shallow Sound of Scalpa we did not venture to attack, especially as it was now low-water ; we went outside Scalpa, by the rocks of Skier Dearg. And still John of Skye evaded, with a gentle Highland courtesy, the orders of the cap- tain. The silver bell of Master Fred summoned us below for dinner, and still John of Skye was gently obdurate. " Now, John," says Mary Avon, serioa3ly, to him, " you want to make me angry." " Oh no, mem ; I not think that," says he, deprecatingly. "Then why won't you go and have some sleep ? Do you want to be ill?" " Ob, there iss plenty of sleep," says he. " Maybe we will get to Kyle Akin to-night ; and there will be plenty of sleep for us." " But I am asking you as a favor to go and get some sleep now. Surely the men can take charge of the yacht." " Oh yes, oh yes," says John of Skye ; " they can do that ferry well." And then he paused, for he was great friends with this young lady, and did not like to disoblige her. " You will be having your dinner now. After the dinner, if Mr. Sutherland himself will be on deck, I will go below and turn in for a time." " Of course Dr. Sutherland will be on deck," says the new cap- tain, promptly ; and she was so sure of one member of her crew that she added, " and he will not leave the tiller for a moment until you come to relieve him." Perhaps it was this promise, perhaps it was the wonderful beauty of the evening, that made us hurry over dinner. Then we went on deck again ; and our young doctor, having got al! his bearings and directions clear in his head, took the tiller, and John of Skye at length succumbed to the authority of Commander Avon, and disappeared into the forecastle. The splendor of color around us on that still evening 1 away in the west the sea of a pale yellow-green, with each ripple a flash of rose flame, and over there in the south the great mountains of Skye the Coolins, and Blaven, and Ben-na-Cailleach become of a plum purple in the clear and cloudless sky. Angus Sutherland EVIL TIDINGS. 103 was at the tiller, contemplatively smoking an almost black meer- schaum ; the Laird was discoursing to us about the extraordinary pith and conciseness of the Scotch phrases in the Northumbrian psalter ; while ever and anon a certain young lady, linked arm- in-arm with her friend, would break the silence with some aim- less fragment of ballad or old-world air. And still we glided onward in the beautiful evening ; and now ahead of us, in the dusk of the evening, the red star of Kyle Akin. Light-house steadily gleamed.* We might get to anchor, after all, without awaking John of Skye. " In weather like this," remarked our sovereign lady, " in the gathering darkness, John might keep asleep for fifty years." " Like Rip Van Winkle," said the Laird, proud of his erudition " That is a wonderful story that Washington Irving wrote a verra fine story." " Washington Irving 1 the story is as old as the Coolins," said Dr. Sutherland. The Laird stared as if he had been Rip Van Winkle himself: was he forever to be checkmated by the encyclopedic knowledge of Young England or Young Scotland rather and that know- ledge only the gatherings and sweepings of musty books that any- body with a parrot-like habit might acquire ? "Why, surely you know that the legend belongs to that com- mon stock of legends that go through all literatures ?" says our young doctor. "I have no doubt the Hindoos have their Epi- menides ; and that Peter Klaus turns up somewhere or other in the Gaelic stories. However, that is of little importance ; it is of importance that Captain John should get some sleep. Hector, come here 1" There was a brief cousultation about the length of anchor chain wanted for the little harbor opposite Kyle Akin : Hector's instructions were on no account to disturb John of Skye. But no sooner had they set about getting the chain on deck than an. other figure appeared, black among the rigging ; and there was a well-known voice heard forward. Then Captain John came aft, and, despite all remonstrances, would relieve his substitute. Rip Van Winkle's sleep had lasted about an hour and a half. * Oh yes, Mr. Yachtsman, you are perfectly correct. Sailing according to strict rules, we ought to have kept Kyle Akin light white : no doubt. But then, you see ome of us had heen round this coast once or twice before perhaps eren three or four times. We were not in imminent danger. 104 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. And now we steal by the black shores ; and that solitary red star comes nearer and nearer in the dusk ; and at length we can make out two or three other paler lights close down by the water. Behold ! the yellow ports of a steam-yacht at anchor ; we know, as our anchor goes rattling out in the dark, that we shall have at least one neighbor and companion through the still watches of the night. CHAPTER XV. TEMPTATION. But the night, according to John of Skye's chronology, lasts only until the tide turns, or until a breeae springs up. Long be- fore the wan glare in the east has arisen to touch the highest peaks of the Coolins, we hear the tread of the men on deck getting the yacht under way. And then there is a shuffling noise in Angus Sutherland's cabin ; and we guess that he is stealthily dressing in the dark. Is he anxious to behold the wonders of daybreak in the beautiful Loch Alsh, or is he bound to take his share in the sailing of the ship? Less perturbed spirits sink back again into sleep, and contentedly let the White Dove go on her own way through the expanding blue-gray light of the dawn. Hours afterward there is a strident shouting down the com- panion way ; everybody is summoned on deck to watch the yacht shoot the Narrows of Kyle Rhea. And the Laird is the first lo express his surprise ; are these the dreaded Narrows that have caused Captain John to start before daybreak so as to shoot them with the tide ? All around is a dream of summer beauty and quiet. A more perfect picture of peace and loveliness could not be imagined than the green crags of the main-land, and the vast hills of Skye, and this placid channel between, shining in the fair light of the morning. The only thing we notice is that on the glassy green of the water this reflected, deep, almost opaque green is not unlike the color of Niagara below the Falls there are smooth circular lines here and there ; and now and again the bows of the White Dove slowly swerve away from her course as if in obedience to some unseen and mysterious pressure. There is not a breath of wind ; and it needs all the pulling of the two men out there in the dingey, and all the watchful steering of Cap- tain John, to keep her head straight. Then a light breeze comes TEMPTATION. 105 along the great gully; the red-capped men are summoned on board ; the dingey is left astern ; the danger of being caught in an eddy and swirled ashore is over and gone. Suddenly the yacht stops as if it had run against a wall. Then, just as she recovers, there is an extraordinary hissing and roaring in the dead silence around us, and close by the yacht we find a great circle of boiling and foaming water, forced up from below and overlapping itself in ever-increasing iolds. And then, on the perfectly glassy sea, another and another of those boiling and hissing circles appears, until there is a low rumbling in the sum- mer air like the breaking of distant waves. And the yacht the wind having again died down is curiously compelled one way and another, insomuch that John of Skye quickly orders the men out in the dingey again ; and again the long cable is tugging at her bows. " It seems to me," says Dr. Sutherland to our skipper, "that we are in the middle of about a thousand whirlpools." " Oh, it iss ferry quate this morning," says Captain John, with a shrewd smile. "It is not often so quate as this. Ay, it iss sometimes ferry bad here quite so bad as Corrievreckan ; and when the flood tide is rinnin, it will be rinnin like shist like a race horse." However, by dint of much hard pulling and judicious steering, we manage to keep the While Dove pretty well in mid-current; and only once and that but for a second or two get caught in one of those eddies circling in to the shore. We pass the white ferry-house ; a slight breeze carries us by the green shores and woods of Glenelg ; we open out the wider sea between Isle Orn- &ay and Loch Hourn ; and then a silver tinkle tells us breakfast is ready. That long, beautiful, calm summer day: Ferdinand and Miran- da playing draughts on deck, he having rigged up an umbrella to shelter her from the hot sun ; the Laird busy with papers refer- ring to the Strathgovan Public Park ; the hostess of these people overhauling the stores, and meditating on something recondite for dinner. At last the doctor fairly bursts out a-laughing. " Well," says he, " I have been in many a yacht, but never yet in one where everybody on board was anxiously waiting for the glass to fall." His hostess laughed too. 106 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. "When you come south again," she said, "we may be able to give you a touch of something different. I think that, even with all your love of gales, a few days of the equinoctials would quite satis !y you." " The equinoctials I" he said, with a surprised look. " Yes," said she, boldly. " Why not have a good holiday while you are about it? And a yachting trip is nothing without a fight with the equinoctials. Oh, you have no idea how splendidly the White Dove behaves !" 4< I should like to try her," he said, with a quick delight ; but directly afterward he ruefully shook his head. " Xo, no," said he, "such a tremendous spell of idleness is not for me. I have not earned the right to it yet. Twenty years hence I may be able to have three months' continued yachting in the West Highlands." ' If I were you," retorted this small person, with a practical air, "I would take it when I could get it. What do you know about twenty years hence ? you may be physician to the Emperor of China. And you have worked very hard; and you ought to take as long a holiday as you can get." " I am sure," says Mary Avon, very timidly, " that is very wise advice," " in the meantime." says he, cheerfully, " I am not physician to the Emperor of China, but to the passengers and crew of the White Dove. The passengers don't do me the honor of consult- ing me ; but I am going to prescribe for the crew on my own responsibility. All I want is that I shall have the assistance of Miss Avon in making them take the dose." Miss Avon looked up inquiringly with those soft black eyes of hers. " Nobody has any control over them but herself they are like refractory children. Now," said he, rather more seriously," this night-and-day work is telling on the men. Another week of it, and you would see Insomnia written in large letters on their eyes. I want you, Miss Avon, to get Captain John and the men to have a complete night's rest to-night a sound night's sleep from the time we gnish dinner till daybreak. We can take charge of the yacht." Miss Avon promptly rose to her feet. "John!" she called. The big brown-bearded skipper from Skye came aft quickly putting his pipe in his waistcoat pocket the while. TEMPTATION. 107 " John," she said, " I want you to do me a favor now. You and the men have not been having enough sleep lately. You must all go below to-night as soon as we come up from dinner ; and you must have a good sleep till daybreak. The gentlemen will take charge of the yacht." It was in vain that John of Skye protested he was not tired. It was in vain that he assured her that, if a good breeze sprung up, we might get right back to Castle Ospreyby the next morning. " Why, you know very well," she said, " this calm weather means to last forever." " Oh no 1 I not think that, mem," said John of Skye, smiling. " At all events, we shall be sailing all night ; and that is what I want you to do, as a favor to me." Indeed, our skipper found it was of no use to refuse. The young lady was peremptory. And so, having settled that matter, she sat down to her draught-board again. But it was the Laird she was playing with now. And this was a remarkable circumstance about the game : when Angus Suther- land played with Denny-mains, the latter was hopelessly and in- variably beaten ; and when Denny-mains in his turn played with Mary Avon, he was relentlessly and triumphantly the victor ; but when Angus Sutherland played with Miss Avon, she, somehow or other, generally managed to secure two out of three games. It was a puzzling triangular duel : the chief feature of it was the splendid joy of the Laird when he had conquered the English young lady. He rubbed his hands, he chuckled, he laughed just as if he had been repeating one of his own " good ones." However, at luncheon the Laird was much more serious ; for he was showing us how remiss the government was in not taking up the great solan question. He had a newspaper cutting which gave in figures in rows of figures the probable number of millions of herrings destroyed every year by the solan-geese. The injury done to the herring fisheries of this county, he proved to us, was enormous. If a solan is known to eat on an average fifty herrings a day, just think of the millions on millions of fish that must go to feed those nests on the Bass Rock 1 The Laird waxed quite eloquent about it. The human race were dearer to him than any gannet or family of gannets. "What I wonder at is this," said our young doctor, with a curious grim smile that we had learned to know, coming over his face, " that the solan, with that extraordinary supply of phoa. 108 -WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. pliorus to the brain, should have gone on remaining only a bird, and a very ordinary bird, too. Its brain power should have been developed ; it should be able to speak by this time. In fact, there ought to be solan school boards and parochial boards on the Bass Rock ; and commissioners appointed to enquire whether the build- ing of nests might not be conducted on more scientific principles. When I was a boy I am sorry to say, I used often to catch a solan by floating out a piece of wood with a dead herring on it: a wise bird, with its brain full of phosphoru?, ought to have known that it would break its head when it swooped down on a piece of wood." The Laird sat in dignified silence. There was something oc- cult and uncanny about many of this young man's sayings they savored too much of the dangerous and unsettling tendencies of these modern days. Besides, he did not see what good could come of likening a lot of solan-geese to the Commissioners cf the Burgh of Strathgovan. His remarks on the herring fisheries had been practicable and intelligible ; they had given no occasion for gibes. We were suddenly startled by the rattling out of the anchor chain. What could it mean? were we caught in an eddy? There was a scurrying up on deck, only to find that, having drift- ed so far south with the tide, and the tide beginning to turn, John of Skye proposed to secure what advantage we had gained, by coming to anchor. There was a sort of shamed laughter over this business. Was the noble White Dove only a river barge, then, that she was thus dependent on the tides for her progress? But it was no use either to laugh or to grumble ; two of us pro- posed to row the Laird away to certain distant islands that lie off the shore north of the mouth of Loch Hourn ; and for amuse- ment's sake we took some towels with us. Look now how this long and shapely gig cuts the blue water. The Laird is very dignified in the stern, with the tiller-ropes in his hand ; he keeps a straight course enough, though he is most- ly looking over the side. And indeed this is a perfect wonder- hall over which we are making our way the water so clear that we notice the fish darting here and there among the great brown blades of tho tangle and the long green sea-grass. Then there are stretches of yellow sand, with shells and star-fish shining far below. The sun burns on our hands j there is a dead stillness TEMPTATION. 109 of heat ; the measured splash of the oars startles the sea-birds in there among the rocks. " Send the biorlinn on careering, Cheerily and altogether Ho, ro, clansmen ! A long, strong pull together Ho, ro, clansmen !" Look out for the shallows, most dignified cockswains : what if we were to imbed her bows in the silver sand ? " Another cheer ! Our isle appears, Our biorlinn bears her on the faster Ho, ro, clansmen ! A long, strong pull together Ho, ro, clansmen ! "Hold hard!" calls Denny-mains; and behold! we are in among a network of channels and small islands lying out here in the calm sea ; and the birds are wildly calling and screaming and swooping about our heads, indignant at the approach of strangers. What is our first duty, then, in coming to these unknown islands and straits I why, surely, to name them in the interests of civi- lization. And we do so accordingly. Here let it be forever known is John Smith Bay. There, Thorley's Food for Cattle Island. Beyond that, on the south, Brown and Poison's Straits.* It is quite true that these islands and bays may have been pre- viously visited ; but it was no doubt a long time ago ; and the people did not stop to bestow names. The latitude and longitude may be dealt with afterward ; meanwhile the discoverers unani- mously resolve that the most beautiful of all the islands shall hereafter, through all time, be known as the Island of Mary Avon. It was on this island that the Laird achieved his memorable capture of a young sea-bird a huge creature of unknown species that fluttered and scrambled over bush and over scaur, while Denny-mains, quite forgetting his dignity and the heat of the sun, clambered after it over the rocks. And when he got it in his hands, it lay as one dead. He was sorry. He regarded the newly fledged thing with compassion, and laid it tenderly down on the grass, and came away down again to the shore. But he had scarcely turned his back, when the demon bird got on its legs, * Advertisers will pleaso communicate with the publishers. l\irther expedition! will be fitted out for Africa and elsewhere. The most obscure persons generously treated with. "We hope, by a strict attention to business, to give satisfaction to our 110 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. toad, with a succession of shrill and sarcastic " yawps," was off and away over the higher ledges. No fasting girl had ever shammed so completely as this scarcely fledged hird. We bathed in Brown and Poison's Straits, to the great distress of certain sea-pyots that kept screaming over our heads, resent- ing the intrusion of the discoverers. But in the midst of it we were suddenly called to observe a strange darkness on the sea, far away in the north, between Glenelg and Skye. Behold 1 the long-looked-for wind a hurricane swooping down from the northern hills ! Our toilet on the hot rocks was of brief duration ; we jumped into the gig; away we went through the glassy water. It was a race between us and the northerly breeze which should reach the yacht first : and we could see that John of Skye had remarked the corning wind, for the men were hoisting the fore- staysail. The dark blue on the water spreads ; the reflections of the hills and the clouds gradually disappear ; as we clamber on board, the first puffs of the breeze are touching the great sails. The anchor has just been got up ; the gig is hoisted to the davits ; slack out the main-sheet, you shifty Hector, and let the great boom go out I Nor is it any mean squall that has come down from the hills, but a fine, steady northerly breeze ; and away we go, with the white foam in our wake. Fare well to the great mountains over the gloomy Loch Hourn ; and to the light-house over there at Isle Ornsay j and to the giant shoulders of Ard-na Glishnich. Are not these the dark green woods of Armadale that we see in the west ? And southward, and still southward we go, with the running seas and the fresh brisk breeze from the north. Who knows where we may not be to-night before Angus Sutherland's watch begins? There is but one thoughtful face on board. It is that of Mary Avon. For the moment, at least, she seems scarcely to rejoice that we have at last got this grateful wind to bear us away to the South and to Castle Osprey. CHAPTER XVI. THROUGH THE DARK. " Ahead she goes ! the land she knows I" WHAT though we see a sudden squall coming tearing over from the shores of Skye, whitening the waves as it approaches us? THROUGH THE DARK. Ill The White Dove is not afraid of any squall. And there are the green woods of Armadale, dusky under the western glow ; and here the sombre heights of Dun Bane ; and soon we will open out the great gap of Loch Nevis. We are running with the run- ning waves; a general excitement prevails ; even the Laird ha dismissed for the moment certain dark suspicions about Frederick Smethurst that have for the last day or two been haunting his mind. And here is a fine sight ! the great steamer coming down from the north and the sunset is burning on her red funnels and behold I she has a line of flags from her stem to her top-masts and down to her stern again. Who is on board ? some great laird or some gay wedding party ? " Now is your chance, Angus," says Queen T , almost ma- liciously, as the steamer slowly gains on us. " If you want to go on at once, I know the captain would stop for a minute and pick you up." He looked at her for a second in a quick, hurt way j then he saw that she was only laughing at him. "Oh no, thank you," he said, blushing like a school-boy; " un- less you want to get rid of me. I have been looking forward to sailing the yacht to-night." "And and you said," remarked Miss Avon, rather timidly, "that we should challenge them again after dinner this evening." This was a pretty combination : " we" referred to Angus Sutherland and herself. Her elders were disrespectfully described as " them." So the younger people had not forgotten how they were beaten by " them" on the previous evening. Is there a sound of pipes amidst the throbbing of the paddles ? What a crowd of people swarm to the side of the great vessel ! And there is the captain on the paddle-box out all handker- chiefs to return the innumerable salutations and good-bye, you brave Glencoe I yon have no need to rob us of any one of our passengers. Where does the breeze come from on this still evening? there is not a cloud in the sky, and there is a drowsy haze of heat all along the land. But nevertheless it continues ; and, as the gal- lant White Dove cleaves her way through the tumbling sea, we gradually draw on to the Point or ftleat, and open out the great plain of the Atlantic, now a golden green, where the tops of the waves catch the light of the sunset skies. And there, too, are 112 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. our old friends Haleval and Haskeval ; but they are so far away, and set amidst such a bewildering light, that the whole island seems to be of a pale transparent rose-purple. And a still stranger thing now attracts the eyes of all on board. The setting sun, as it nears the horizon line of the sea, appears to be assuming a dis- tinctly oblong shape. It is slowly sinking into a purple haze, and becomes more and more oblong as it nears the sea. There is a call for all the glasses hung up in the companion-way ; and now' what is it that we find out there by the aid of the various binoc- ulars ? Why, apparently a wall of purple ; and there is an ob- long hole in it, with a fire of gold light faraway on the other side. This apparent golden tunnel through the haze grows redder and more red ; it becomes more and more elongated ; then it burns a deeper crimson, until it is almost a line. The next moment there is a sort of shock to the eyes ; for there is a sudden dark- ness all along the horizon line ; the purple-black Atlantic is barred against that lurid haze low down in the west. It was a merry enough dinner party : perhaps it was the con- sciousness that the White Dove was still bowling along that brightened up our spirits, and made the Laird of Denny-mains more particularly loquacious. The number of good ones that he told us was quite remarkable until his laughter might have been heard through the whole ship. And to whom now did he devote the narration of those merry anecdotes to whom but Miss Mary Avon, who was his ready chorus on all occasions, and who enter- ed with a greater zest than any one into the humors of them ? Ilad she been studying the Lowland dialect, then, that she under- stood and laughed so lightly and joyously at stories about a thou- sand years of age ? ".Oh ay," the Laird was saying, patronizingly, to her, " I see ye can enter into the peculiar humor of our Scotch stories ; itia not every Eng'ish person that can do that. And ye understand the language fine. . . . Well," he added, with an air of modest apo- logy, " perhaps I do not give tho pronunciation as broad as I might. I have got out of the way of talking the provincial Scotch since I was a boy indeed, ah'iii generally taken for an English man maself but I do my best to give ye the speerit of it." " Oh, I am sure your imitation of the provincial Scotch is most excellent most excellent and it adds so much to the humor of the stories," says this disgraceful young hypocrite. ' <>h ay, oh ay," says the Laird, greatly delighted. " I will ad- THROUGH THE DARK. 113 mit that some o' the stories would not have so much humor but for the language. But when ye have both 1 Did ye ever hear of the laddie who was called into his porridge by his mother?" We perceived by the twinkle in the Laird's eyes that a real good one was coming. He looked around to see that we were listening, but it was Mary Avon whom he addressed. " A grumbling bit laddie a philosopher, too," said he. " His mother thought he would come in the quicker if he knew there was a fly in the milk. 'Johnny, 1 she cried out ' Johnny, come in to your parritch ; there's a flee in the milk.' 1 ' It 'II no droon,' says he. ' What /' she says ; ' yrumbliii 1 again ? Do ye tfiink there' 1 s no enough milk? 1 l Plenty for the parritch, 1 says he keel keel keel sharp, eh, wasn't he? 'Plenty for the par- rilch,' says he ha ! ha ! ho 1 ho ! ho 1" and the Laird slapped his thigh, and chuckled to himself. " Oh ay, Miss Mary," he added, approvingly, "I see you are beginning to understand the Scotch humor fine." And if our good friend the Laird had been but twenty years younger with his battery of irresistible jokes, and his great and obvious affection for this stray guest of ours, to say nothing of his dignity and importance as a Commissioner of Strathgovan ? What chance would a poor Scotch student have had, with his test- tubes and his scientific magazines, his restless, audacious specula- tions and eager ambitions ? On the one side, wealth, ease, a pleas- ant facetiousness, and a comfortable acceptance of the obvious facts of the universe including water-rates and steam fire-en- gines; on the other, poverty, unrest, the physical struggle for existence, the mental struggle with the mysteries of life ; who could doubt what the choice would be? However, there was no thought of this rivalry now. The Laird had abdicated in favor of his nephew Howard, about whom he had been speaking a good deal to Mary Avon of late. And Angus though he was always very kind and timidly attentive to Miss Avon seemed neverthe- less at times almost a little afraid of her ; or perhaps it was only a vein of shyness that cropped up from time to time through his hard mental characteristics. In any case, he was at this moment neither the shy lover nor the eager student ; he was full of the prospect of having sole command of the ship during a long night on the Atlantic, and he hurried us up on deck after dinner with- out a word about that return battle at bezique. The night had come on apace, though there was still a ruddy 114 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. mist about the northern skies, behind the dusky purple of the Coolin hills. The stars were out overhead ; the air around us was full of the soft cries of the divers ;. occasionally, amidst the lapping of the water, we could hear some whirring by of wings. Then the red port light and the green starboard light were brought up from the forecastle, and fixed in their place ; the men went below; Angus Sutherland took the tiller; the Laird kept walking backward and forward as a sort of lookout ; and the two women were, as usual, seated on rugs together in some invisi- ble corner crooning snatches of ballads, or making impertinent remarks about people much wiser and older than themselves. "Now, Angus," says the voice of one of them, apparently from somewhere about the companion, " show us that you can sail the yacht properly, and we will give you complete command during the equinoctials." u You speak of the equinoctials," said he, laughing, " as if it was quite settled I should be here in September.'' "Why not?" said she, promptly. "Mary is my witness you promised. You wouldn't go and desert two poor lone women?" " But I have got that most uncomfortable thing, a conscience," he answered ; " and I know it would stare at me as if I were mad, if I proposed to spend such a long time in idleness. It would be outraging all my theories, besides. You know, for years and years back I have been limiting myself in every way living, for exam- ple, on the smallest allowance of food and drink, and that of the simplest and cheapest so that if any need arose I should have no luxurious habits to abandon " "But what possible need can there be?" says Mary Avon, warmly. " Do you expect to spend your life in a jail ?" said the other woman. "No," said he, quite simply; "but I will give you an instance of what a man who devotes himself to his profession may have to do. A friend of mine, who is one of the highest living au- thorities on Mater ia Medico, , refused all invitations for three months, and during the whole of that time lived each day on precisely the same food and drink, weighed out in exact quanti- ties, so as to determine the effect of particular drugs on himself. WeJl, you know, you should be ready to do that " " Oh, how wrong you are I" says Mary Avon, with the same impetuosity. "A man who works as hard as you do should cot THROUGH THE DARK. 115 sacrifice himself to a theory. And what is it ? It is quite foolishl" " Mary !" her friend says. "It is," she says with a generous warmth. "It is like a man who goes through life with a coffin on his back, so that he may be ready for death. Don't you think that when death comes it will be time enough to be getting the coffin?" This was a poser. " You know quite well," she says, " that when the real occasion offered, like the one you describe, you could deny yourself any luxuries readily enough; why should you do so now ?" At this there was a gentle sound of laughter. " Luxuries the luxuries of the White Dove I" says her hostess, mindful of tinned meats. "Yes, indeed," says our young doctor, though he is laughing too. " There is far too much luxury the luxury of idleness on board this yacht, to be wholesome for one like me." " Perhaps you object to the effeminacy of the downy couches and the feather pillows," says his hostess, who is always grum- bling about the hardness of the beds. But it appears that she has made an exceedingly bad shot. The man at the wheel one can just make out his dark figure against the clear starlit heavens, though occasionally he gets be- fore the yellow light of the binnacle proceeds to assure her that, of all the luxuries of civilization, he appreciates most a horse-hair pillow, and that he attributes his sound sleeping on board the yacht to the hardness of the beds. He would rather lay his head on a brick, he says, for a night's rest than sink it in the softest feathers. " Do you wonder," he says, " that Jacob dreamed of angels when he had a stone for his pillow? I don't. If I wanted to have a pleasant sleep and fine dreams, that is the sort of pillow I should have." Some phrase of this catches the ear of our lookout forward ; he instantly comes aft. "Yes, it is a singular piece of testimony," he says. ''There is no doubt of it ; I have myself seen the very place." We were not startled ; we knew that the Laird, under the guidance of a well-known Free Church minister, had made a run through Palestine. " Ay," said he, " the farther I went away from my own country, the more I saw nothing but decadence and meesery. The poor 116 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. craytures ! living among ruins, and tombs, and decay, without a trace of public spirit or private energy. The disregard of sani- tary laws was something terrible to look at as bad as their uni- versal beggary. That is -what comes of centralization, of sup- pressing local government. Would ye believe that there are a lot of silly bodies actually working to get our Burgh of Strath- govan annexed to Glasgow swallowed up in Glasgow ?" " Impossible 1" we exclaim. " I tell ye it is true. But no, no 1 we are not ripe yet for those radical measures ; we are constituted under an act of Parliament. Before the House of Commons would dare to annex the free and flourishing Burgh of Strathgovan to Glasgow, I'm thinking the country far and near would hear something of it 1" Yes ; and we think so too. And we think it would be better if the hamlets and towns of Palestine were governed by men of public spirit, like the Commissioners of Strathgovan ; then they would be properly looked after. Is there a single steam fire-en- gine in Jericho ? However, it is late ; and presently the women say good-night and retire. And the Laird is persuaded to go below with them also ; for how otherwise could he have his final glass of toddy in the saloon ? There are but two of us left on deck, in the dark- ness, under the stars. It IB a beautiful night, with those white and quivering points overhead, and the other white and burning points gleaming on the black waves that whirl by the yacht. Beyond the heaving plain of waters there is nothing visible but the dusky gloom of the island of Eigg, and away in the south the golden eye of Ard- namurchan Light-house, for which we are steering. Then the intense silence broken only when the wind, changing a little, jibes the sails and sends the great boom swinging over on to the lee tackle. It is so still that we are startled by the sudden noise of the blowing of a whale ; and it sounds quite close to the yacht, though it is more likely that the animal is -miles away. " She is a wonderful creature she is, indeed," says the man at the wheel ; as if every one must necessarily be thinking about the same person. Who ?" " Your young English friend. Every minute of her life seema to be an enjoyment to her ; she sings just as a bird sings for her own amusement, and without thinking." THROUGH THE DARK. 117 ' She can think too ; she is not a fool." " Though she does not look very strong," continues the young doctor, "she must have a thoroughly healty constitution, or how could she have such a happy disposition ? She is always eon- tented ; she is never put out. If you had only seen her patience and cheerfulness when she was attending that old woman many a time I regretted it the case was hopeless a hired nurse would have done as well." "Hiring a nurse might not have satisfied the young lady's notions of duty." "Well, I've seen women in sick-rooms, but never any one like her," said he ; and then he added, with a sort of emphatic wonder, " I'm hanged if she did not seem to enjoy that too I Then, you never saw any one so particular about following out instructions." It is here suggested to our steersman than he himself may be a little too particular about following out instructions. For John of Skye's last counsel was to keep Ardnamurchan light on our port bow. That was all very well when we were off the north ofEigg; but is Dr. Sutherland aware that the south point of Eigg Eilean-na-Castle juts pretty far out? and is not that black line of land coming uncommonly close on our starboard bow ? With some reluctance our new skipper consents to altei his course by a couple of points, and we bear away down foi Ardnamurchan. And of what did he not talk during the long starlit night the person who ought to have been lookout sitting contentedly aft, a mute listener ? of the strange fears that must have beset the people who first adventured out to sea; of the vast expenditure of human life that must have been thrown away in the discovery of the most common facts about currents and tides and rocks ; and so forth, and so forth. But ever and again his talk returned to Mary Avon. " What does the Laird mean by his suspicions about her un- cle?" he asked on one accasion just as we had been watching a blue-white bolt flash down through the serene heavens and ex- pire in mid-air. "Mr. Frederick Smethurst has an ugly face." "But what does he mean about those relations between the man with the ugly face and his niece ?" " That is idle speculation. Frederick Smethurst was her trust- tee, and might have done her some mischief ; that is, if he is an 118 WEITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. out and-out scoundrel ; but that is all over. Mary is mistress of her own property now." Here the boom came slowly swinging over ; and presently there were all the sheets of the head-sails to be looked after tedious work enough for amateurs in the darkness of the night. Then further silence ; and the monotonous rush and murmur of the unseen sea ; and the dark top-mast describing circles among the stars. We got up one of the glasses to make astronomical observations, but the heaving of the boat somewhat interferes with this quest after knowledge. Whoever wants to have a good idea of forked lightning has only to take up a binocular on board a pitching yacht, and try to fix it on a particular planet. The calm, solemn night passed slowly ; the red and green lights shine on the black rigging ; afar in the south burns the guiding star of Ardnanmrchan. And we have drawn away from Eigg now, and passed the open sound ; and there, beyond the mur- muring sea, is the gloom of the island of Muick. All the people below are wrapt in slumber ; the cabins are dark ; there is only a solitary candle burning in the saloon. It is a strange thing to be responsible for the lives of those sleeping folk, out here on the lone Atlantic, in the stillness of the night. Our young doctor bears his responsibility lightly. He has for a wonder laid aside his pipe ; and he is humming a song that he has heard Mary Avon singing of late something about " Oh, think na !ang, lassie, though I gangawa, For I'll come and see ye in spite o' them a'," and he is wishing the breeze would blow a bit harder, and won- dering whether the wind will die away altogether when we get under the lee of Ardnamurchan Point. But long before we have got down to Ardnamurchan there is a pale gray light beginning to tell in the eastern skies ; and the stars are growing fainter ; and the black line of the land is grow- ing clearer above the wrestling seas. Is it a fancy that the first light airs of the morning are a trifle cold ? And then we sud- denly see, among the black rigging forward, one or two black fig- ures ; and presently John of Skye comes aft, rubbing his eyes. He has had a good sleep at last. Go below, then, you stout-sinewed young doctor ; you have had your desire of sailing the White Dove through the still watches of the night. And soon you will be asleep, with your head on the hard pillow of that little state-room ; and though VILLANY ABROAD. 119 the pillow is not as hard as a stone, still the night and the sea and the stars are quickening to the brain ; and who knows that you may not perchance, after all, dream of angels, or hear some faint singing far away : "There was Mary Beaton and Mary Sea ton * Or i* it only a sound of the waves ? CHAPTER XVII. VILLAXY ABROAD. IT is near mid-day ; two late people are sitting at breakfast ; the skylight overhead has been lifted, and the cool sea-air fills the saloon. "Dead calm again," says Angus Sutherland, for he can see the rose-red ensign hanging limp from the mizzen-mast, a blaze of color against the still blue. There is no doubt that the White Dove is quite motionless, and that a perfect silence reigns around her. That is why we can hear so distinctly, through the open skylight, the gentle foot- steps of two people who are pacing up and down the deck, and the soft voice of one of them as she speaks to her friend. What is all this wild enthusiasm about, then? "It is the noblest profession in the world!" we can hear so much as she passes the skylight. "One profession lives by fo- menting quarrels, and another studies the art of killing in every form ; but this one lives only to heal only to relieve the suffer- ing and help the miserable. That is the profession I should be- long to if I were a man." Our young doctor says nothing as the voice recedes ; but he is obviously listening for the return walk along the deck. And here she comes again. "The patient drudgery of such a life is quite heroic; whether he ia a man of science, working day and night to find out things for the good of the world, nobody thanking him or caring about him, or whether he is a physician in practice, with not a minute that can be called his own liable to be summoned at any hour " The voice again becomes inaudible. It is remarked to this young man that Mary Avon seems to have a pretty high opinion of the medical profession. 120 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " She herself," he says, hastily, with a touch of color in his face, " has the patience and fortitude of a dozen doctors." Once more the light tread on deck comes near the skylight. " If I were the government," sass Mary Avon, warmly, " I should be ashamed to see so rich a country as England content to take her knowledge second-hand from the German universi- ties, while such men as Dr. Sutherland are harassed and hampered in their proper work by having to write articles and do ordinary doctor's visiting. I should be ashamed. If it is a want of money, why don't they pack off a dozen or two of the young noodles who pass the day whittling quills in the Foreign Office ?" Even when modified l>y the aistance, and by the soft lapping of the water outside, this seems rather strong language for a young lady. Why should Miss Avon again insist in such a warm fashion on the necessity of endowing research ? But Angus Sutherland's face is burning red. Listeners are said to hear ill of themselves." " However, Dr. Sutherland is not likely to complain," she says, proudly, as she comes by again. " No ; he is too prond of his profession. He does his work, and leaves the appreciation of it to others. And when everybody knows that he will one day be among the most famous men in the country, is it not monstrous that he should be harassed by drudgery in the mean time ? Jf I were the government " But Angus Sutherland cannot suffer this to go on. He leaves his breakfast unfinished, passes along the saloon, and ascends the companion. " Good-morning !" he says. " Why, are you up already ?" his hostess says. " We have been walking as lightly as we could, for we thought you were both asleep. And Mary has been heaping maledictions on the head of the government because it doesn't subsidize all you microscope men. The nezt thing she will want is a license for the whole of you to be allowed to vivisect criminals. " I heard something of what Miss Avon said," he admitted. The girl looked rather aghast, glanced at the open skylight. " We thought you were asleep," she stammered, and with her face somewhat flushed. "At least I heard you say something about the government," he said, kindly. " Well, all I ask from the government is to give n;e a trip like this every summer." VTLLANY ABROAD. 121 " What," says his hostess, " with a barometer that won't fall?" " I don't mind." " And seas like glass?" " I don't mind." " And the impossibility of getting back to land?" u So much the better," he says, defiantly. " Why," she reminds him, laughing, " you were very anxious about getting back some days ago. What has made you change your wishes ?" He hesitates for a moment, and then he says, 'I believe a soit of madness of idleness has got possession of me. I have dallied so long with that tempting invitation of yours to stay and see the While Dove through the equinoctials that that I think I really must give in." " You cannot help yourself," his hostess says, promptly. " You have already promised. Mary is my witness." The witness seems anxious to avoid being brought into this matter ; she turns to the Laird quickly, and asks him some ques- tion about Ku na-Gaul light over there. Ru-na-Gaul light no doubt it is shining white in the sun at the point of the great cliff's ; and there is the entrance to Tob- bermorry ; and here is Mingary Castle brown ruins amidst the brilliant greens of those sloping shores and there are the misty hills over Loch Sunart. For the rest, blue seas around us, glassy and still ; and blue skies overhead, cloudless and pale. The ba- rometer refuses to budge. But suddenly there is a brisk excitement. What though the breeze that is darkening the water there is coming on right ahead? we shall be moving anyway. And as the first puff's of it catch the sails, Angus Sutherland places Mary Avon in com- mand ; and she is now by the permission of her travelling phy- eician allowed to stand as she guides the course of the vessel. She has become an experienced pilot : the occasional glance at the leach of the top-sail is all that is needed j she keeps as accu- rately " full and by" as the master of one of the famous cup- takers. "Now, Mary," says her hostess, '' it all depends on you as to whether Angus will catch the steamer this evening." " Oh, does it ?" she says, with apparent innocence. " Yes ; we shall want very good steering to get within sight of Castle Osprey before the evening." 122 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. " Very well, then," says this audacious person. At the same instant she deliberately puts the helm down. Of course the yacht directly runs up to the wind, her sails flapping helplessly. Everybody looks surprised ; and John ot Skye, thinking that the new skipper has only been a bit careless, calls out: " Keep her full, mem, if you please." " What do you mean, Mary ? What are you about ?" criea Queen T . " I am not going to be responsible for sending Dr. Sutherland away," she says, in a matter-of-fact manner, " since he says he is in no hurry to go. If you wish to drive your guest away, I won't be a party to it. I mean to steer as badly as I can." " Then I depose you," says Dr. Sutherland, promptly. " I can- not have a pilot who disobeys orders." " Very well," she says, " you may take the tiller yourself ;" and she goes away, and sits down, in high dudgeon, by the Laird. So once more we get the vessel under way j and the breeze is beginning to blow somewhat more briskly ; and we notice with hopefulness that there is rougher water farther down the Sound. But, with this slow process ot beating, how are we to get within sight of Castle Osprey before the great steamer comes up from the South ? The Laird is puzzling over the Admiralty Sailing Directions. The young lady, deeply offended, who sits beside him, pays him great attention, and talks " at" the rest of the passengers with undisguised contempt. " It is all hap-hazard, the sailing of a yacht," she says to him, though we can all hear. " Anybody can do it. But they make a jargon about it to puzzle other people, and pretend it is a science, and all that." " Well," says the Laird, who is quite unaware of the fury that fills her brain, " there are some of the phrases in this book that are verra extraordinary. In navigating this same Sound of Mull, they say you are to keep the ' weather-shore abroad.' How cun ye keep the weather-shore abroad ?" " Indeed, if we don't get into a port soon," remarks our hos- tess and chief commissariat officer, " it will be the only thing we hall have on board. How would you like it cooked, Mary ?" u I won't speak to any of you," says the disgraced skipper, with much composure. VILLANT ABROAD. 123 Will you sing to us, then ?" " Will you behave properly if you are reinstated in command ?" asks Angus Sutherland. " Yes, 1 will," she says, quite humbly ; and forthwith she is allowed to have the tiller again. Brisker and brisker grows the breeze ; it is veering to the south, too ; the sea is rising, and with it the spirits of everybody on board. The ordinarily sedate and respectable White Dove is showing herself a trifle frisky, moreover ; an occasional clatter below of hair-brushes or candlesticks tells us that people accus- tomed to calms fall into the habit of leaving their cabins ill arranged. " There will be more wind, sir," says John of Skye coming aft ; and he is looking at some long and streaky " mare's-tails" in the south-western sky. " And if there wass a gale o' wind, I would let her have it." Why that grim ferocity of look, Captain John ? Is the poor old White Dove responsible for the too fine weather, that you would like to see her driven, all wet and bedraggled, before a south-westerly gale? If you must quavrel with something, quar- rel with the barometer : you may admonish it with a belaying- pin, if you please. Brisker and brisker grows the breeze. Now we hear the first pistol-shots of the spray come rattling over the bows ; and Hec- tor of Moidart has from time to time to duck his head, or shake the water from his jersey. The White Dove breasts these rushing waves, and a foam of white water goes hissing away from either side of her. Speine Mor and Speine Beg we leave behind ; in the distance we can descry the ruins of Aros Castle and the deep in- dentation of Salen Bay ; here we are passing the thick woods of Funeray. " Farewell, farewell, to Funeray /" The squally look in the south-west increases ; the wind veers more and more. Commander Mary Avon is glad to resign the helm, for it is uot easy to retain hold in these plunging seas. " Why, you will catch the steamer, after all, Angus," says his hostess, as we go tearing by the mouth of Loch Aline. " This is a good one for the last," he calls to her. " Give her some more sheet, John ; the wind is going round to the north." Whence comes the whirling storm in the midst of the calm summer weather ? The blue heavens are as blue as the petal of a crane's-bill : surely such a sky has nothing to do with a hurri- 124 WHITE WINQS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. cane. But wherever it comes from, it is welcome enough ; and the brave White Dove goes driving through those heavy seas, sometimes cresting them buoyantly, at other times meeting them with a dull shock, followed by a swish of water that rushes along the lee scuppers. And those two women-folk, without ulsters or other covering : it is a merry game to play jack-in-the-box, and duck their heads under the shelter of the gig when the spray springs into the air. But somehow the sea gets the best of it. Laugh as they may, they must be feeling rather damp about their hair ; and as for Mary Avon's face, that has got a bath of salt- water at leat a dozen times. She cares not. Sun, wind, and sea she allows to do their worst with her complexion. Soon we shall have to call her the nut-brown maid. Brisker and brisker grows the breeze. Angus Sutherland, with a rope round the tiller, has his teeth set hard : he is, indeed, let- ting the White Dove have it at last, for he absolutely refuses to have the top-sail down. The main tack, then might not that be hauled up ? No j he will have none of John of Skye's counsels. The White Dove tears her way through the water we raise a cloud of birds from the rocks opposite Scallasdale we see the white surf breaking in at Craignure ahead of us is Lismore Light-house, perched over the whirling and struggling tides, shining white in the sunlight above the dark and driven sea "Ahead she goes ; the land she knows 1" past the shadowy ruins of Duart, and out and through the tur- bulent tides off the light-house rocks. The golden afternoon is not yet far advanced : let but this brave breeze continue, and soon they will descry the White Dove from the far heights of Castle Osprey. But there was to be no Castle Osprey for Angus Sutherland that evening, despite the splendid run the White Dove had made. It was a race, indeed, between the yacht and the steamer for the quay ; and notwithstanding that Mary Avon was counseling everybody to give it up as impossible, John of Skye would hold to it, in the hope of pleasing Dr. Sutherland himself. And no sooner was the anchor let go in the bay than the gig was down from the davits, the men had jumped in, the solitary portmanteau was tossed into the stern, and Angus Sutherland was hurriedly bidding his adieus. The steamer was at this instant slowing into the quay. VILLANY ABROAD. 125 u I forbid any one to say good-bye to him," ueys our admiral- in-chief, sternly. "Au revoir auf wiedertehen anything you like no good-bye." Last of all he took Mary Avon's hand. " You have promised, you know," she said, with her eyes cast down. "Yes," said he, regarding her for an instant with a strange look earnest, perhaps, and yet timid as if it would ask a ques- tion, and dared not ; " I will keep my promise." Then he jumped into the boat. That was a hard pull away to the quay ; and even in the bay the water was rough, so that the back-sweep of the oars some- times caught the waves and sent the spray flying in the wind. The Chevalier had rung her bells. We made sure he would be too late. What was the reason of this good-natured indulgence ?* We lost sight of the gig in at the landing-slip. Then the great steamer slowly steamed away from the quay. Who was that on the paddle-box waving good-bye to us? "Oh, yes, I can see him plainly," calls out Queen T , look- ing through a glass; and there is a general waving of handker- chiefs in reply to the still visible signal. Mary Avon waves her handkerchief too in a limp fashion. We do not look at her eyes. And when the gig came back, and we bade good-bye for the time to the brave old White Dove, and set out for Castle Usprey, she was rather silent. .In vain did the Laird tell her some of the very best ones about Homesh ; she seemed anxious to get into the house, and to reach the solitude of her own room. But in the mean time there was a notable bundle of letters, newspapers, and what-not lying on the hall table. This was the first welcome that civilization gave us. And although we defied these claims, and determined that not an envelope should be opened till after dinner, Mary Avon, having only one letter await- ing her, was allowed to read that. She did it mechanically, list- lessly she was not in very good spirits. But suddenly we heard her utter some slight exclamation ; and then we turned and saw that there was a strange look on her face of dismay and dread. She was pale, too, and bewildered - like one stunned. Then with- out a word slie handed the letter to her friend. " What is the matter, Mary?" * Thank you very much, Mr. L , for calling the attention of the captain to th approaching boat. It was one of many good deeds that we are grateful for. 126 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. But she read the letter; and, in her amazement, she repeated the reading of it aloud. It was a brief, business like, and yet friendly letter, from the manager of a certain bank in London. He said he was sorry to refer to painful matters ; but no doubt Miss Avon had seen in the papers some mention of the abscond- ing of Mr. Frederick Smethurst, of . He hoped there was nothing wrong ; but he thought it right to inform Miss Avon that, a day or two before this disappearance, Mr. Smethurst had called at the bank and received, in obedience to her written in- structions, the securities U. S. Five Twenties which the bank held in her name. Mr. Smethurst had explained that these bonds were deliverable to a certain broker, and that securities of a like value would be deposited with the bank in a day or two afterward. Since then nothing has been heard of him till the Hue and Cry appeared in the newspapers. Such was the substance of the letter. "But it isn't true I" said Mary Avon, almost wildly. " I can- not believe it I I will not believe it I I saw no announcement in the papers. And I did give him the letter ; he was acting quite rightly. What do they want me to believe ?" ' Oli, Mary I" cries her friend, " why did you not tell us ? Have j'ou parted with everything ?" " The money ?" says the girl, with her white face and fright- ened, pathetic eyes. " Oh, I do not care about the money. It has got nothing to do with the money. But but he was my mother's only brother." The lips tremble for a moment; but she collects herself. Her courage fights through the stun of this sudden blow. " I will not believe it 1" she says. " How dare they say such things of him ? How is it we have never seen anything of it in the papers ?" But the Laird leaves these and other wild questions to be an swered at leisure. In the mean time his eyes are burning like coa's of fire ; and he is twisting his hands together in a vain en- deavor to repress his anger and indignation. " Tell them to put a horse to," he says, in a voice the abrupt- ness of which startles every one. " I want to drive to the tele- graph office. This U a thing for men to deal wi' not weemen." AN ULTIMATION. 12? CHAPTER XVIII. AN ULTIMATIOX. our good friend the Laird of Denny-mains came back from the post-office he seemed quite beside himself with wrath. And yet his rage was not of the furious and loquacious sort ; it was reticent, and deep, and dangerous. He kept pacing up and down the gravel-path in front of the house, while as yet dinner was not ready. Occasionally he would rub his hands vehemently, as if to get rid of some sort of electricity ; and once or twice we heard him ejaculate to himself: " The scoondrel ! the scoon- drel!" It was in vain that our gentle Queen Titania, always anxious to think the best of everybody, broke in on these fierce meditations, and asked the Laird to suspend his judgment. How could he be sure, she asked, that Frederick Smethurst had really run away with his niece's little property ? He had come to her and represented that he was in serious difficulties j that this tern, porary loan of six or seven thousand pounds would save him j that he would repay her directly certain remittances came to him from abroad. How could he, the Laird, know that Frederick Smethurst did not mean to keep his promise? But Denny-mains would have none of these possibilities. H& saw the whole story clearly. He had telegraphed for confirma- tion 5 but already he was convinced. As for Frederick Smethurst being a swindler, that did not concern him, he said. As for the creditors, that was their own lookout : men in business had to take their chance. But that this miscreant, this ruffian, this mean hound, should have robbed his own neice of her last farth- ing, and left her absolutely without resources or protection of any kind in the world this it was that made the Laird's eyes burn with a dark fire. "The scoondrel I the scoondrel 1" he said ; and he rubbed his hands as though he would wrench the fingers off. We should have been more surprised at this exhibition of rage on the part of a person so ordinarily placid as Denny-mains, but that every one had observed how strong had become his affection for Mary Avon during our long days on the Atlantic. If she had been twenty times his own daughter, he could not have regarded her with a greater tenderness. He had become at once her and her slave. When there was any playful quarrel 128 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. between the young lady and her hostess, he took the side of Mary Avon with a seriousness that soon disposed of the contest. He studied her convenience to the smallest particular when she wish- ed to paint on deck ; and so far from hinting that he would like to have Tom Galbraith revise and improve her work, he now said that he would have pride in showing her productions to that famous artist. And perhaps it was not quite so much the actual fact of the stealing of the money, as the manner and circumstance of it, that now wholly upset his equilibrium and drove him into this passion of rage. "The scoondrel ! the scoondrell" he muttered to himself, in these angry pacings to and fro. Then he surprised his hostess by suddenly stopping short, and uttering some brief chuckle of laughter. "I beg your pardon, ma'am," said he, " for the leeberty I have taken; but I was at the telegraph office in any case; and I thought ye would not mind my sending for my nephew Howard. Ye were so good as to say " "Oh, we shall be most pleased to see him," said she, promptly. " I am sure he must have heard us talking about the yacht; he will not mind a little discomfort " " He will have to take what is given him, and be thankful," said the Laird, sharply. ' In my opeenion the young people of the present day are too much given to picking and choosing. They will not begin as their parents began. Only the best of everything is good enough for them." But here the Laird checked himself. " No, no, ma'am," said he. " My nephew Howard is not like that. He is a good lad a sensible lad. And as for his comfort on board that yacht, I'm thinking it's not that, but the opposite, he has to fear most. Ye are spoiling us all, the crew included." " Now me must go into dinner," is the practical answer. " Has she come down ?" asks tke Laird, in a whisper. "I suppose so." In the drawing-room we found Mary Avon. She was rather pale and silent that was all ; and she seemed to wish to avoid observation. But when dinner was announced the Laird went over to her and took her hand, and led her into the dining-room just as he might have led a child. And he arranged her chair for her, and patted her on the back as he passed on, and said, cheerfully, AN ULTIMATION. 129 11 Quite right quite right ; don't believe all the stories ye hear. Nil desperandum we're not beaten down yet I" She sat cold and white, with her eyes cast down. He did not know that in the interval her hostess had been forced to show the girl that paragraph of the Hue and Cry. "Nil desperandum that's it," continued the good-hearted Laird, in his blithest manner. " Keep your own conscience clear, f and let other people do as they please that is the philosophy of life. That is what Dr. Sutherland would say to ye if he was here." This chance reference to Angus Sutherland was surely made with the best intentions, but it produced a strange effect on the girl. For an instant or two she tried to maintain her composure, though her lips trembled ; then she gave way, and bent her head, and burst out crying, and covered her face with her hands. Of course her kind friend and hostess was with her in a moment, and soothed her and caressed her, and got her to dry her eyes. Then the Laird said, after a second or two of inward struggle, '' Oh, do you know that there is a steamer run on the rocks at the mouth of Loch Etive ?" " Oh yes," his hostess, who had resumed her seat, said, cheer- fully. " That is a good joke. They say the captain wanted to be very clever, and would not have a pilot, though he knows nothing about the coast ; so he thought he would keep mid- channel in going into the loch." The Laird looked puzzled: where was the joke? " Oh," said she, noticing his bewilderment, " don't you know that at the mouth of Loch Etive the rocks are right in the mid- dle,and the channel on each side ? He chose precisely the straight line for bringing his vessel full tilt on the rocks." So this was the joke, then : that a valuable ship should be sunk 1 But it soon became apparent that any topic was of profound in terest was exceedingly facetious, even that could distract Mary Avon's attention. They would not let her brood over this thing. They would have found a joke in a coffin. And, indeed, amidst all this talking and laughing, Mary Avon brightened up consider- ably, and took her part bravely, and seemed to have forgotten all about her uncle and his evil deeds. You could only have guessed from a certain preoccupation that from time to time these words must have been appearing before her mind, their commonplace and matter-of-fact phraseology in no way detracting from their 180 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. horrible import : " Police officers and others arc requested to make -immediate search and inquiry for the above named ; and those sta- tioned at sea-port towns are particularly requested to search out- ward-bound vessels. The description of Mr. Frederick Smethurst that preceded this injunction was not very flattering. But among all the subjects, grave and gay, on which the Laird touched during this repast, there was none he was so serious and pertinacious about as the duiy owed by youns^ people to their parents and guardians. It did not seem an opportune topic. He might, for example, have enlarged upon the duty of guardi- ans toward their helpless and unprotected wards. However, on this matter he was most decided. He even cross-examined his hostess, with an unusual sternness, on the point. What was the limit was there any limit she would impose on the duty which young folks owed to those who were their parents, or who stood to them in the relation of parents ? Our sovereign mistress, a lit- tle bit frightened, said she had always found her boys obedient enough. But this would not do. Considering the care and af- fection bestowed on them, considering the hardly earned wealth spent on them, considering the easy fortune offered to them, was it not bounden on young people to consult and obey the wishes of those who had done so much for them? She admitted that such was the case. Pressed to say where the limit of such duty ghould lie, she said there was hardly any. So far good ; and the Laird was satisfied. It was not until two days afterward that we obtained full infor- mation by letter of what was known regarding the proceedings of Frederick Smethurst, who, it appears,before he bolted, had laid hands on every farthing of money he could touch, and borrowed from the credulous among his friends ; so that there remained no reasonable doubt that the story he had told his niece was among his other deceptions, and that she was left penniless. No one was surprised. It had been almost a foregone conclusion. Mary Avon seemed to care little about it ; the loss of her fortune was less to her than the shame and dishonor that this scoundrel had brought on her mother's name. But this further news only served to stir up once more the Laird's slumbering wrath. He kept looking at his watch. " She'll be off Easdale now," said he to himself; and we knew he was speaking of the steamer that was bringing his nephew from the South. AN ULTIMATION. 131 By and-by, " She'll be near Kerra now," he said, aloud. " 1-3 it not time to drive to the quay ?" It was not time, but we set out. There was the usual crowd on the quay when we got there ; and far off we could descry the red funnels and the smoke of the steamer. Mary Avon had not come with us. " What a beautiful day your nephew must have had for his sail from the Crinan !" said the Laird's gentle hostess to him. Did he not hear her ? or was he absorbed in his own thoughts ? His answer, at all events, was a strange one. " It is the first time I have asked anything of him," he said, al- most gloomily. " 1 have a right to expect him to do something for me now." The steamer slows in ; the ropes are thrown across ; the gang- ways run up ; and the crowd begins to pour out. And here is a tall and handsome young fellow who comes along with a pleasant smile of greeting on his face. " How do you do, Mr Smith ?" says Queen T , v^ry gra- ciously ; but she does not call him " Howard," as she calls Dr. Sutherland " Angus." " Well, uncle," says he, brightly, when he has shaken hands all round, " what is the meaning of it all ? Are you starting for Ice- land in a hurry ? I have brought a rifle as well as my breech- loader. But perhaps I had better wait to be invited ?" This young man, with the clear, pale complexion, and the dark hair, and dark gray eyes, had good looks and a pleasant smile in his favor ; he was accustomed to be made welcome ; he was at ease with himself. He was not embarrassed that his uncle did not immediately answer ; he merely turned and called out to the man who had got his luggige. And when we had got him into the wagonette, and were driving oft', what must he needs talk about but the absconding of Mr. Frederick Smethurst, whom he knew to be the uncle of a young lady he had once met at our house. anxious to be kind, and friendly, and considerate. And THE NEW SUITOR. 135 all the time especially it it be a man who is hopelessly dumb- founded she is revenging the many wrongs of her sex by cov- ertly laughing at him and enjoying his discomfiture. And no doubt the expression on Howard Smith's face, as he sat there in a bewildered silence, was ludicrous enough. He was inclined to laugh the thing away as a joke, but he knew that the Laird was not given to practical jokes. And yet and yet " Do you really think he is serious ?" he blurted out at length; and he spoke to this lady with the gentle, innocent eyes. " Oh, undoubtedly," she answered, with perfect gravity. " Oh no ; it is impossible 1" he said, as if arguing with himself. " Why, my uncle, of all men in the world and pretending it was serious ! Of course, people often do wish their sons or daughters to marry a particular person for a sensible reason, to keep estates together or to join the fortunes of a family ; but this no, no ! this is a joke, or else he wants to drive me into giving that fellow a licking. And that, you know, is quite absurd ; you might as well drag the Atlantic for a penknife." " I am afraid your uncle is quite serious," she said demurely. " But it was to be left to you," he answered, quickly. " You were to say whether it was unreasonable. Surely you must see it is not reasonable. Neither the one thing or the other is possible " Here the young man paused for a moment. "Surely," he said, ''my uncle can't mean, by putting these im- possible things before me, to justify his leaving his property to somebody else ? There was no need for any such excuse ; I have no claim on him; he has a right to do what he pleases." " That has nothing to do with it," said Queen T , promptly. " Your uncle is quite resolved, I know, that you should have Denny-mains." "Yes and a wife," responded the young man, with a some what wry smile. " Ob, but you know it is quite absurd ! You will reason him out of it, won't you? He has such a high opin ion of your judgment, I know." The ingenious youth I " Besides," said he, warmly, " do you think it very compliment- ary to your friend Miss Avon that any one should be asked to come and marry her ?" This was better; it was an artful thrust. But the bland, sym- pathetic eyes only paid him a respectful attention. 136 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE, "I know my uncle is pretty firm when he has got a notion into his head," said he; "and and no doubt he is quite right in thinking that the young lady has been badly treated, and that somebody should give the absconder a thrashing. All that is quite right; but why should I be made responsible for it. I can't do impossible things." " Well, you see," said his sage adviser, with a highly matter-of- fact air, "your uncle may not regard either the one thing or the other as impossible." " But they are impossible," said he. " Then I am very sorry," said she, with great sweetness ; " be- cause Denny-mains is really a beautiful place, and the house would lend itself splendidly to a thorough scheme of redecora- tion ; the hall could be made perfectly lovely. I would have the wooden dado painted a dark bottle green, and the wall over it a rich Pompeiian-red ; I don't believe the colors of a hall can be too bold if the tones are good in themselves. Pompeiian-red is a capital background for pictures, too ; and I like to see pictures in the hall ; the gentlemen can look at them while they are wait- ing for their wives. Don't you think Indian matting makes a very nice, serviceable, sober-colored dado for a dining room so long as it does not drive your pictures too high on the wall ?" The fiendishness of this woman I Denny-mains was being withdrawn from him at this very moment, and she was bothering him with questions about its decoration 1 What did he think of Indian matting I " Well," said he, " if I am to lose my chance of Denny mains through this piece of absurdity, I can't help it." " I beg your pardon," said she, most amiably ; " but I don't think your uncle's proposal so very absurd. It is the commonest thing in the world for people to wish persons in whom they are interested to marry each other ; and very often they succeed by merely getting the young people to meet, and so forth. You say yourself that it is reasonable in certain cases. Well, in this case, you probably don't know how great an interest your uncle takes in Miss Avon, and the affection that he has for her. It is quite remarkable. And he has been dwelling on this possibility of a match between you of seeing you both settled at Denny-mains until he almost regards it as already arranged. ' Put yourself in his place,' as Mr. Reacle says. It seems to him the most natu- THE NEW SUITOR. 187 ral thing in the world, and I am afraid he will consider you very ungrateful if you don't fall in with his plan." Deeper and deeper grew the shadow of perplexity on the young man's brow. At first he had seemed inclined to laugh the whole matter aside, but the gentle reasoning of this small person had a ghastly aspect of seriousness about it. "Then his notion of my seeking out the man Smethurst and giving him a thrashing ; you would justify that too ?" he cried. " No, not quite," she answered, with a bit of a smile. " That is a little absurd, I admit it is merely an ebullition of anger. He won't think any more of that in a day or two, I am certain. But the other the other, I fear, is a fixed idea." At this point we heard some one calling outside: "Miss Mary I I have been searching for ye everywhere ; are ye coming for a walk down to the shore ?" Then a voice, apparently overhead, at an open window : " All right, sir ; I will be down in a moment." Another second or two, and we hear some one singing on the stair, with a fine air of bravado : " ' A strong sou'- wester 's blowing, Billy ; can't you hear it roar, now ?' n the gay voice passes through the hall " ' Lord help 'em, how I pities all un * then the last phrase is heard outside- " ' folks on shore now.' " Queen Titania darts to the open window of the dining-room. " Mary I Mary !" she calls. " Come here I" The next instant a pretty enough picture is framed by the lower half of the window, which is open. The background is a blaze of scarlet and yellow and green a mixture of sunlight and red poppies and nasturtiums and glancing fuchsia leaves. Then this slight figure that has appeared is dark in shadow; but there is a soft reflected light from the front of the house, and that just shows you the smile on Mary Avon's face, and the friendliness of her dark, soft eyes. " Oh, how do you do ?" she says, reaching in her hand and shaking hands with him. There is not any timidity in her man- ner. No one has been whispering to her of the dark plots sur- rounding her. Nor was Mr. Smith much embarrassed, though he did not show himself as grateful as a young man might have done for BO frank and friendly a welcome 188 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. " I scarcely thought you would have remembered me," said he, modestly. But at this moment Denny-mains interfered, and look the young lady by the arm and dragged her away. We heard their retreating footsteps on the gravel-walk. " So you remember her ?" says our hostess, to break the awk- ward silence. " Oh yes, well enough," said he ; and then he goes on to say, Btammeringly, " Of course I i have nothing to say against her " " If you have," it is here interposed, as a wholesome warning, " you had better not mention it here. Ten thousand hornets' nests would be a fool compared to this house if you said an/thing in it against Mary Avon." "On the contrary," says he, "I suppose she is a very nice girl indeed very : I suppose there's no douut of it. And if she has been robbed like that, I am very sorry for her j and I don't won- der my uncle should be interested in her, and concerned about her, and and all that's quite right. But it is too bad it is too bad that one should be expected to to ask her to be one's wife, and a sort of penalty hanging over your head, too. Why* it is enough to set anybody against the whole thing 1 I thought everybody knew that you can't get people to marry if you drive them to it except in France, I suppose, where the whole business is arranged for you by your relatives. This isn't France ; and I am quite sure Miss Avon would consider herself very unfairly treated if she thought she was being made part and parcel of any such arrangement. As for me well, I am very grateful to my uncle, for his long kindness to me ; he has been kindness itself to me ; and it IB quite true, as he says, that he has asked for nothing in return. Well, what he asks now is just a trifle too much. I won't sell myself for any property. If he is really serious if it is to be a compulsory marriige like that Denny- mains can go. I shall be able to tarn my own living somehow." There was a chord struck in this brief, hesitating, but emphatic speech that went straight to his torturer's heart. A look of liking and approval sprang to her eyes. She would no longer worry him. "Don't you think," said she, gently, "that you are taking the mitter too seriously? Your uncle does not wish to force you into a marriage against your will ; he knows nothing about Adelphi melodramas. What he asks is simple and natural enough. He is, as you see, very fond of Mary Avon ; he would like to see THE NEW SUITOR. 139 her well provided for ; he would like to see you settled and established at Denny-mains. But he does not ask the impossible. If she does not agree, neither he nor you can help it. Don't you think it would be a very simple matter for you to remain with us for a time, pay her some ordinary friendly attention, and then show your uncle that the arrangement he would like does not recommed itself to either you or her. He asks no more than that ; it is not much of a sacrifice." There was no stammering about this lady's exposition of the case. Her head is not very big, but its perceptive powers are re- markable. Then the young man's face brightened considerably. " Well," said he, " that would be more sensible, surely. If you take away the threat, and the compulsion, and all that, there can be no harm in my being civil to a girl, especially when she is, I am sure, just the sort of girl one ought to be civil to. I am sure she has plenty of common-sense " It is here suggested once more that, in this house, negative praise of Mary Avon is likely to awake slumbering lions. " Oh, I have no doubt," says he, readily, " that she is a very nice girl indeed. One would not have to pretend to be civil to some creature stuffed with affectation, or a ghoul. 1 don't object to that at all. If my uncle thinks that enough, very well. And I am quite sure that a girl you think so much of would have more self-respect than to expect anybody to go and make love to her in the country-bumpkin style." Artful again ; but it was a bad shot. There was just a little asperity in madame's manner when she said, " I beg you not to forget that Mary does not wish to be made love to by anybody ; she is quite content as she is. Perhaps she has quite other views, which you would not regret, I am sure. But don't imagine that she is looking for a husband, or that a husband is necessary for her, or that she won't lind friends to look alter her. It is your interests we are considering, not hers." Was the snubbing sufficient? "Oh, of course, of course," said he, quite humbly. "But then, you know, I was only thinking that that if I am to go in and make believe about being civil to your joung lady friend, in order to please my uncle, too much should not be expected. It isn't a very nico thing at least, for you it may be very nice to look on at a comedy " 140 WHITE WINGS: A. YACHTING ROMANCE. "And is it so very hard to be civil to a girl ?" says hia moni- tress, sharply. " Mary will not shock you with the surprise of her gratitude. She might have been married ere now if she had chosen." " She isn't quite a school-girl, you know," he says, timidly. " I was not aware that men preferred to marry school-girls," says the other, with a gathering majesty of demeanor. Here a humble witness of this interview has once more to in- terpose to save this daring young man from a thunder-bolt. Will he not understand that the remotest and most roundabout reflection on Mary Avon is in this house the unpardonable sin? "Well," said he, frankly, "it is exceedingly kind of you to show me how I am to get out of this troublesome affair ; and I am afraid I must leave it to you to convince my uncle that I have done sufficient. And it is very kind of you to ask me to go yachting with you: I hope I shall not be in the way. And and there is no reason at all why Miss Avon and I should not become very good friends. In fact, J hope we shall become such good friends that my uncle will see we could not be anything else." Could anything be fairer than this ? His submission quite conquered his hostess. She said she would show him some of Mary Avon's sketches in oil, and led him away for that purpose. His warm admiration confirmed her good opinion of him ; hence- forth he had nothing to fear. At dinner that evening he was at first a little shy ; perhaps he had a suspicion that there were present one or two spectators of a certain comedy which he had to play all by himself. But, in- deed, our eyes and ears were not for him alone. Miss Avon was delighting the Laird with stories of the suggestions she had got about her pictures from the people who had seen them even from the people who had bought them in London. " And you know," said she, quite frankly, " I must study pop- ular taste as much as I fairly can now, for I have to live by it. If people will have sea-pieces spoiled by having figures put in, 1 must put in figures. By-and-by I may be in a position to do my own work in my own way." The Laird glanced at his nephew ; was it not for him to eman- cipate this great and original artist from the fear of critics, and dealers, and purchasers ? There was no response. "I mean to be in London soon myself," the Laird said, abrupt ly ; " ye must tell me where I can see some of your pictures." CHASING A THUNDER-STORM. 141 " Oh, no," she said, laughing, " I shall not victimize my friends. I me:ui to prey on the public if possible. It is Mr. White, in King Street, St. James's, however, who has taken most of my pictures hitherto ; and so if you know of anybody who would liko to acquire immortal works for a few guineas apiece, that is the address." " I am going to London myself soon," said he, with a serious air, as if he had suddenly determined on buying the National Gallery. Then Howard Smith, perceiving that no one was watching him, or expecting impossibilities of him, became quite cheerful and talkative ; and told some excellent stories of his experiences at various shooting quarters the previous winter. Light-hearted, good-natured, fairly humorous, he talked very well indeed. We gathered that during the last months of the year the shooting of pheasants occupied a good deal more of his time and attention than the study of law. And how could one wonder that so plea- sant-mannered a young man was a welcomed guest at those various country houses in the South ? But it appeared that, despite all this careless talk, he had been keeping an eye on Mary Avon during dinner. Walking down to the yacht afterward the blood-red not quite gone from the western skies, a cool wind coming up from the sea he said, casually, to his uncle, "Well, sir, whatever trouble that young lady may have gone through has not crushed her spirits yet. She is as merry as a lark." " She has more than cheerfulness she has courage," said the Laird, almost severely. " Oh ay ; plenty of courage. And I have no doubt she could fight the world for herself just as well as any man I know. But I mean to make it my business that she shall not have to fight the world for herself not as long as there is a stick standing on Denny-mains 1" CHAPTER XX. CHASING A THUNDER-STORM. " ALL on board, then 1 all on board 1" the summons comes ringing through the wonder-land of dreams. And then, amidst the general hurry ana scurry throughout the house, certain half- bewildered people turn first of all to the windows of their rooms : 142 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. a welcome sight I The glory of the summer dawn is shining over the mountains ; the White Dove, with nearly all her sails set, is swinging there at her moorings ; best of all, a strong breeze ap- parently from the north east, is ruffling the dark-blue seas, and driving a line of white surf on the farther shores. The news comes that Master Fred, by darting about in the dingey since ever daylight began, has got the very last basket on board ; the red caps are even now bringing the gig in to the landing-slip ; John of Skye is all impatience to take advantage of the favorable wind. There is but little time lost ; the happy-go-lucky procession dona ferentes set out for the beach. And if the Laird is pleased to find his nephew apparently falling into his scheme with a good grace, and if the nephew thinks he is very lucky to get so ea ily out of an awkward predicament, and if Mary Avon, unconscious of these secret designs, is full of an eager delight at the prospect of being allowed to set to work again, may not all this account for a certain indecorous gayety that startles the silence of the summer morning ? Or is it that mythical hero Homesh who is responsible for this laughter? We hear the Laird chuckling; we notice the facetious wrinkles about his eyes ; we make sure it must be Homesh. Then the final consignment of books, shawls, gun cases, and what not is tossed into the gig, and away we go, with the measured dash of the oars. And what does the bearded John of Skye think of the new hand we have brought him ? Has he his own suspicions ? Is his friend and sworn ally, Dr. Sutherland, to be betrayed and supplanted in his absence ? 'Good-morning, sir," he says, obediently, at the gangway ; and the quick Celtic eyes glance at Howard Smith from top to toe. "Good-morning, captain," the young man says, lightly; and he springs too quickly up the steps, making, a little bit of a stum- ble. This is not an auspicious omen. Then on deck : the handsome figure and pleasant manner of this young man ought surely to prepossess people in his favor. "What if his tightly-fitting garments and his patent-leather boots and white gaiters are not an orthodox yachting rig? John of Skye would not judge of a man by his costume. And if he does not seem quite at home in this first look round every one is not so familiar with boating life as Dr. Sutherland. It is true, an umbrella used as a walking-stick looks strange on board a yacht ; and he need not have put it on the curved top of the CHASING A THUNDER-STORM. 143 companion, for it immediately rolls over into the scuppers. Nor does he seem to see the wickedness of placing a heavy bundle of canvasses on the raised skylight of the ladies' cabin : does he want to start the glass ? Dr. Sutherland, now, would have given the men a hand in hauling up the gig. Dr. Sutherland would not have been in the way of the tiller as the yacht is released from her moorings. Unaware of this rapid criticism, and unconcerned by all the bustle going on around, our new friend is carelessly and cheer- fully chatting with his hostess ; admiring the yacht ; praising the beauty of the summer morning ; delighted with the prospect of sailing in such weather. He does not share in the profound curiosity of his uncle about the various duties of the men. When John of Skye, wishing to leave the tiller for a minute to overhaul the lee tackle, turns quite naturally to Mary Avon, who is stand- ing by him, and says, with a grin of apology, " If ye please, mem," the young man betrays but little surprise that this young lady should be entrusted with the command of the vessel. " What 1" he says, with a pleasant smile they seem on very friendly terms already " can you steer, Miss Avon ? Mind you don't run us against any rocks." Miss Avon has her eye on the main-sail. She answers, with a business-like air: " Oh, there is no fear of that. What I have to mind, with this wind, is not to let her jibe, or I should get into disgrace." "Then I hope you won't let her jibe, whatever that is," said he, with a laugh. Never was any setting out more auspicious. We seemed to have bade farewell to those perpetual calms. Early as it was in the morning, there was no still, dream-like haze about the moun- tains ; there was a clear greenish-yellow where the sunlight struck them ; the great slopes were dappled with the shadows of purple- brown ; farther away, the tall peaks were of a decided blue. And then the windy, fresh, brisk morning ; the White Dove running races with the driven seas ; the white foam flying away from her sides. John of Skye seemed to have no fear of this gentle skip- per. He remained forward superintending the setting of the top- sail: the White Dove was to " have it " while the fresh breeze continued to blow. And still the squally north-easter bears her bravely onward, the puffs darkening the water as they pass us and strike the 144 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. rushing seas. Is that a shadow of Colonsay on the far southern horizon ? The light-house people here have gone to bed ; there is not a single figure along the yellow white walls. Look at the clouds of gulls on the rocks, resting after their morning meal. By this time the deer have retreated into the high slopes above Craignure ; there is a white foam breaking along the bay of In- mismore. And still the White Dove spins along, with foam-dia- monds glittering in the sunlight at her bows ; and we hear the calling of the tea swallows, and the throbbing of a steamer some where in among the shadows of Loch Aline. Surely now we are out of the reign of calms : the great boom strains at the sheets ; there is a whirl of blue waters j the White Dove has spread her wings at last. " Ay, ay," says John of Skye, who has relieved Miss Avon at the helm ; " it iss a great peety." " Why, John ?" says she, with some surprise. Is he vexed that we should be sailing well on this fine sailing day? " It iss a great peety that Mr. Sutherland not here," said John, " and he wass know so much about a yacht, and day after day not a breeze at ahl. There iss not many chentlemen will know so much about a yacht as Mr. Sutherland." Miss Avon did not answer, though her face seemed conscious in its color. She was deeply engaged in a novel. " Oh, that is the Mr. Sutherland who has been with you," said Howard Smith to his hostess, in a cheerful way. " A doctor, I think you said ?" At this Miss Avon looked up quickly from her book. " I should have thought," said she, with a certain dignity of manner, "that most people had heard of Dr. Angus Sutherland." 41 Oh yes, no doubt," said he, in the most good natured fashion. " I know about him myself it must be the same man. A nephew of Lord Foyers, isn't he? I met some friends of his at a house last winter ; they had his book with them the book about tiger- hunting in Nepaul, don't you know? Very interesting indeed it was uncommonly interesting. I read it right through one night when everybody else was in bed " "Why, that is Captain Sutherland's book," said his hostess, with just a trace of annoyance. " They are not even related. How can you imagine that Angus Sutherland would write a book about tiger-hunting ? He is one of the most distinguished men of science in England." CHASING A THUNDER-STORM. 145 "Oh, indeed," says the young man, with the most imperturbable good-humor. " Oh yes, I am sure I have heard of him the Geographical Society, or something like that ; really those even ings are most amusing. The women are awfully bored, and yet they do keep their eyes open somehow. But about those Indian fellows ; it was only last winter that I heard how the manages to make those enormous bags, all to his own gun, that you see in the papers. Haven't you noticed them ?" Well, some of us had been struck with amazement by the re- ports of the enormous slaughter committed by a certain Indian prince, and had wondered at one of the gentle natives of the East taking so thoroughly and successfully to our robust English sports. '' Why," said this young man, " he has every covert laid out with netting, in small squares like a dice-board, and when he has done blazing away in the air, the under-keepers come up and catch every pheasant, hare, and rabbit that has run into the net- ting, and kill them, and put them down to his bag. Ingenious, isn't it ? But I'll tell you what I have seen myself. I have seen Lord Justice deliberately walk down a line of netting and shoot every pheasant and rabbit that had got entangled. ' Safer not to let them get away,' says he. And when his host came up he said, " Very good shooting capital. I have got four pheas- ants and seven rabbits there ; I suppose the beaters will pick them up.' " And so the Youth, as we had got to call him, rattled on, relat- ing his personal experiences, and telling such stories as occurred to him. There rcas a good sprinkling of well-known names in this desultory talk ; how could Miss Avon fail to be interested, even if the subject-matter was chiefly composed of pheasant- shooting, private theatricals, billiard matches on wet days, and the other amusements of country life ? The Laird, when he did turn aside from that huge volume of Municipal London, which he had brought with him for purposes of edification, must have seen and approved. If the young man's attentions to Mary Avon were of a distinctly friendly sort, if they were characterized by an obvious frankness, if they were quite as much at the disposal of Mr. Smith's hostess, what more could be expected ? Eome was not built in a day. Meanwhile Miss Avon seemed very well pleased with her new companion. And if it may have occurred to one or other of us that Howard Smith's talking, however pleasant, and good-natured, and bright, 146 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. was on a somewhat lower level than that of another of our friends, what then ? Was it not better fitted for idle sailing among sum- mer seas ? Now, indeed, our good friend the Laird had no need to fear being startled by the sudden propounding of conundrums. He was startled by something else. Coining up from luncheon, wo found that an extraordinary darkness prevailed in the western heavens a strange bronze-purple gloom, that seemed to contain within it the promise of a hundred thunder-storms. And as this fair wind had now brought us within sight of the open Atlantic, the question was whether we should make for Skye or run right under this lurid mass of cloud that appeared to lie all along the western shores of Mull. Unanimously the vote was for the latter course. Had not Angus Sutherland been anxious all along to witness a thunder-storm at sea ? Might it not be of inestimable value to Miss Avon ? John of Skye, not understanding these reasons, pointed out that the wind had backed somewhat to the north, and that Mull would give us surer shelter than Skye for the night. And so we bore away past Quinish, the brisk breeze Bending the White Dove along in capital style ; past the mouth of Loch Cuan ; past the wild Cailleach Point ; past the broad Oalgray Bay, and past the long headland of Ru-Treshanish. It was a strange afternoon. The sun was hidden, but in the south and west there was a wan, clear, silver glow on the sea ; and in this white light the islands of Lunga, and Fladda, and Staffa, and the Dutchman were of a sombre purple. Darker still were the islands lying toward the land Gometra, and Ulva, and Inch Kenneth while the great rampart of cliff from Lock-na-Keal to Loch Scridain was so wrapped in gloom that momentarily we watched for the first quivering flash of the lightning. Then the wind died away. The sea grew calm. OB the glassy gray sur- face the first drops of the rain fell, striking black, and then widening out in small circles. We were glad of the cool rain, but the whispering of it sounded strangely in the silence. Then, as we are still watching for the finst silver-blue flash of the lightning, behold I the mighty black wall of the Bourg nnd Gribun cliffs slowly, mysteriously disappears, and there is only before us a vague mist of gray. Colonsay is gone ; Inch Ken- neth is gone ; no longer can we make out the dark rocks of Eris- geir. And then the whispering of the sea increases ; there is a hasty retreat down-stairs ; the hatches are shoved over j after dinner we shall see what this strange evening portends. CHASING A THUNDER-STORM. 147 " I hope we shall get into the Sound of Ulva before dark," saya Miss Avon. " I wish Angus was on board. It is a shame he should be cheated out of his thunder-storm. But we shall have the equi- noctials for him, at all events," says Queen Titania just as if she had a series of squalls and tempests bottled, labeled, and put on a shelf. When we get on deck again we find that the evening, but not the White Dove, has advanced. There is no wind ; there is no rain ; around us there is the silent, glassy, lilac-gray sea, which far away in the west, has one or two gleams of a dull bronze on it, as if some after-glow were struggling through the clouds at the horizon. Along the Gribun cliffs, and over the islands, the gloom has surely increased ; it were better if we were in some shelter for this night. Then a noise is heard that seems to impose a sudden silence thunder, low, distant, and rumbling. But there is no splendid gleam through the gathering gloom of the night : the Gribun cliffs have not spoken yet. John of Skye has carelessly seated himself on one of the deck stools j his arm hangs idly on the tiller ; we guess, rather than hear, that he is regaling himself with the sad, monotonous " Farewell to Funeray.'' He has got on his black oil-skins, though there is not a drop of rain. By-and-by, however,he jumps to his feet, and appears to listen intently. " Ay, do you hear it ? " he says, with a short laugh. "And it is off the land it is coming ! " He calls aloud : " Look out, boys I it is a squahl coming over, and we'll hev the top sail down whatever." Then we hear a roaring in the dark ; and presently the head- sails are violently shaken, and the great boom swings over as John puts the helm up to get way on her. The next instant we are racing in for the land, as if we mean to challenge the heavy squall that is tearing across from the unseen Gribun cliffs. And now the rain-clouds break in deluges ; the men in their black oil-skins go staggering this way and that along the slippery decks ; the White Dove is wrestling with the sudden storm ; an- other low murmur of thunder comes booming through the dark- ness. What is that solitary light far in there toward the laud T 148 WHITE \rnas: A YACHTING ROMANCE. dare any steamer venture so near the shore on Buch a night ? And we too : would it not be safer for us to turn and run out to sea rather than beat against a squall into the narrow and shallow channels of Ulva's Sound ? But John of Skye is not afraid. The wind and sea cannot drown his strident voice ; the rain deluge cannot blind the trained eyes ; the men on the lookout when the bow of the boat springs high on a wave we can see the black figures against the sombre sky know the channels too : we are not afraid to make for Ulva's Sound. There is a wild cry from one of the women ; she has caught sight, through the gloom, of white foam dashing on the rocks. a It is all right, mem," John calls aloud, with a laugh ; but all the same the order is shouted: "Ready about I" "Ready about!" is the call coming back to us from the darkness. "'Bout ship /" and then away she sheers from that ugly coast. We were, after all, cheated of our thunder-storm, but it was a wild and a wet night, nevertheless. Taking in the mizzen was no joke amidst this fury of wind and rain, but that and the hauling up of the main-tack lessened the pressure on her. John of Skye was in high spirits. He was proud of his knowledge of the dangerous coast ; where less familiar eyes saw only vague black masses looming out of the darkness, he recognized every rock and headland. " No, no, mem," he was calling out in friendly tones, " we not hcf to run out to sea at ahl. We will get into the Sound of Ulva ferry well ; and there will not be any better anchorage as the Sound of Ulva, when you are acquaint. But a stranger I not ask a stranger to go into the Sound -of Ulva on so dark a night." What is this we hear? " Down fore sail, boys!" and there is a rattle on to the decks. The head of the yacht seems to sway round ; there is a loud flapping of sails. " Down chub I" and there are biack figures struggling up there at the bowsprit, but vaguely seeu. "Against the blackness of the sky and the sea. Then, in a second or two, there is a fiercer rattle than ever; the anchor is away with a roar. Some further chain is paid out ; then a strange silence ensues j we are anchored in Ulva'a Sound. Come down into the cabin, then, you women-folk, and dry your streaming faces, and arrange your dishevelled hair. Is not this a wonderful stillness and silence, after the whirl and roar of CHASING SEALS. 149 the storm outside ? But then you must know that the waters are smooth in here, and the winds become gentle as gentle as the name of the island that is close to us now in the dark. It is a green-shored island : the sailors call it Ool ava. CHAPTER XXI. CHA3IXG SEALS. NEXT morning found the Laird in a most excellent humor. All was going well. Though nothing had been said or promised by the Youth, was not his coming away with us into these re- mote solitudes to say nothing of the very pleasant manner in which he sought to entertain Miss Mary Avon sufficient evi- dence that he had at least no great repugnance to his uncle's scheme? The Laird was disposed to chuckle privately over the anxiety that Mary displayed about her work. The poor young thing : she did not understand what higher powers were ordering her future for her. " Let her work on," the Laird said, in great confidence, to his hostess; and there was a fine. secret humor in his eyes. "Ay, ay, let her work on ; hard work never harmed anybody. And if she brings her bit mailin to the marriage ye would call it her do\M-y in the South in the shape of a bundle of pictures, just as a young Scotch lass brings a chest of drawers or a set of napery, she will not be empty-handed. She can hang them up herself at Denny mains." " You are looking too far ahead, sir," says Queen T , with a quiet smile. "Maybe maybe," sa3 r s the Laird, rubbing his hands with a certain proud satisfaction. We'll see who's night we'll will see who is right, ma'am." Then, at breakfast, he was merry, complaisant, philosophical in turns, lie told us that the last vidimus of the affairs of the Burgh of Strathgovan was most satisfactory : assets about 35,000; liabilities not over 20,000; there was thus an esti- mated surplus of no less than 15,000. Why, then, he asked, should certain poor creatures on the Finance Committee make such a work about the merest trifles? Life was not given to man that he should worry himself into a rage about a penny- farthing. 150 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " There is a great dale of right-down common sense, ma'am," said he, " in that verse that was written by my countryman, Welliam Dunbaur: " ' Be merry, man, and tak not sair in mind The wavering of this wretched world of sorrow ; To God be humble, to thy friend be kind, And with thy neighbors gladly lend and borrow ; His chance to-night, it may be thine to-morrow ; Be blythe in heart for any aventure, For oft with wise men it has been said aforow, Without Gladnesse availeth no Treasure. ' " But we, who were in the secret, knew that this quotation had nothing in the world to do with the Finance Committee of Strath- govan. The Laird had been comforting himself with these lines. They were a sort of philosophico-poetical justification of himself to himself for his readiness to make these two young people happy by giving up to them Denny-mains. And no doubt he was still chuckling over the sirnplicify of this poor girl, when, after breakfast, he found her busily engaged in getting her painting materials on deck. "Beautiful beautiful 1" said he, glancing around. "Ye will make a fine picture out of those mountains, and the mist, and the still sea. What an extraordinary quiet after last night's rain 1" And perhaps he was thinking how well this picture would look in the dining-room at Denny-mains ; and how a certain young hostess no longer pale and fragile, but robust and sun-browned with much driving in a pony-carriage would take her friends to the picture, and show them Ulva, and Loch na-Keal, and Ben- More ; and tell them how this strange, quiet beauty had followed on a wild night of storm and rain. The world around us was at this moment so quiet that we could hear the twittering of some small bird among the rocks in there at the shore. And the pale, wan, dream-like sea was so perfect a mirror that an absolutely double picture was produced of the gloomy mountam masses of Ben-More, amidst silver gleams of cloud and motionless wreaths of mist ; of the basaltic pillars of the coast nearer at hand a pale reddish-brown, with here and there a scant sprinkling of grass; of that broad belt of rich orange-yellow sea-weed that ran all along the rocks, marking the junction of the world of the land with the water-world below. An absolutely perfect mirror, except when CHASING SEALS. 151 some fish splashed, then the small circles widened out and gradu- ally disappeared, and the surface was as glassy as before. The Laird was generous. He would leave the artist undisturb- ed at her work. Would not his nephew be better amused if a bachelor expedition were fitted out to go in search of the seals that abound in the channels around Inch Kenneth ? Our hostess declined to go, but provided us with an ample lunch. The gig was lowered, and everything ready for the start. " Bring your shot-gun too, Howard," said the Laird. " I want ye to shoot some skarts. I am told the breasts of them are very close and fine in the leathers ; and I would like a muff or a bag made of them for a leddy for a young leddy," Mary Avon was busy with her work : how could she hear ? " And if the skin of the seals about here is not very fine, we will make something of it. Oh, ay, we will make something of it in the way of a present. I know a man in Glasgow who is extra- ordinary clever at such things." " We have first to get the seal, uncle," said his nephew, laugh- ing. li I know any number of men who assure you they have shot seals j but not quite so many who have got the seals that were shot." " Oh, but we'll get the seal, and the skarts too," said the Laird ; and then he added, grimly : " Man, if ye cannot do that, what can ye do ? If ye cannot shoot well, what else are ye fit for ?" " 1 really don't know, uncle," the Youth confessed, modestly, as he handed down his rifle into the gig. " The London solicitors are a blind race. If they only knew what a treasure of learning and sound judgment they might have for the asking, but they don't. And I can't get any of the Scotch business you were talking about, because my name doesn't begin with Mac." " Well, well, we must wait and hope for the best," said the Laird, cheerfully, as he took his seat in the stern of the gig. " We are not likely to run against a solicitor in the Sound of Ulva. Sufficient for the day. As I was saying, there's great common- sense in what Welliam Dunbaur wrote : " ' Be blythe in heart for any aventure, For oft with wise men it has been said aforow, Without Gladnesse availeth no Treasure.' Bless me, look at that ! " This sudden exclamation sent all eyes to the shore. A largo heron, startled by the rattling of the oars, had risen, with a sharp 152 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. and loud croak of alarm, from among the sea-weed, his legs hang- ing down, his long neck and wings and body apparently a gray- white against the shadow of the basaltic rocks. Then, lazily flap- ping, he rose higher and higher ; he tucked up his legs ; the great wings went somewhat more swiftly ; and then, getting above the low cliffs, and appearing quite black against the silver- clear sky, he slowly sailed away. The silence of this dream-like picture around us was soon broken. As the men pulled away from the yacht, the lonely shores seemed to waken up into life ; and there were whistlings, and callings, and warnings all along the cliff's ; while the startled sea birds whirried by in flashes of color, or slowly and heavily be- took themselves to some farther promontory. And now, as we passed along the narrow Sound, and saw through the translucent water the wonder-land of sea-weed below with the patches of clear yellow sand intervening we appreciated more and more highly the skill of John of Skye in getting us into such a harbor on the previous night. It is not every one who, in pitch dark- ness and in the midst of squalls, can run a yacht into the neck of a bottle. We emerged from the narrow channel, and got out into the open ; but even the broad waters of Loch-na-Keal were pale and still : the reflection of Eorsa was scarcely marred by a ripple. The long, measured throb of the rowing was the only sound of life in this world of still water and overhanging cloud. There was no stroke oar now to give the chorus, " A long strong pull together Ho, ro, clansmen ! " but still we made good way. As we got farther out, we came in sight of Colonsay 5 and farther off still, Staffa, lying like a dark cloud on the gray sea. Inch Kenneth, for which we were mak- ing, seemed almost black, although among the mists that lay along the Gribun and Bourg cliffs there was a dull silver-yellow light, as though some sunlight had got mixed up with the clouds. " No, no," the Laird was saying, as he studied a scrap of paper, " it is not a great property to admeenister ; but I am strong in favor of loc<\l management. After reading that book on London, nnd its catalogue of the enormous properties there, our little bit Burgh appears to be only a toy j but the principle of sound and CHASING SEALS. 153 energetic self government is the same. And yet it is not so small, mind ye. The Burgh buildings are estimated at nineteen thousand pounds odd ; the furniture at twelve hundred pounds j lamps near ou two thousand five hundred ; sewers nine thousand pounds odd j and then debts not far from three thousand pounds that makes our assets just about thirty-five thousand. And if the water-pipes in some places are rather too small for the steam fire-engine, we maun have them bigger. Jt was quite rideeculous that a thriving place like Strathgovan, when there was a big fire, should have to run to Glesca for help. No, no ; I believe in in- dependence ; and if ye should ever live in our neighborhood, Howard, I hope ye will stand out against the policy of annexa- tion. It is only a lot o' Eadical bodies that are for upsetting in- stitutions that have been tried by time and not found wanting." " Oh, certainly, sir," Howard Smith said, blithely. " When you educate people to take an interest in small parochial mat- ters, they are better fitted to give an opinion about the general affairs of the country." " Small ? " said the Laird, eying him severely. " They are of as much importance as human life ; is there anything of greater importance in the world ? By abolishin' the Biggmsburn nui- sance, and insisting on greater cleanliness and ventilation, we have reduced the number of deaths from infectious diseases in a most extraordinar' manner : and there will be no more fear of accidents in the Mitherdrum Road, for we are going to have a conteenuous line of lamps that '11 go right into the Glesca lamps. I do not call these small matters. As for the asphalting of the pavement in front of John Anderson's line of houses," continued the Laird, as he consulted the memorandum in his hand, "that is a small matter, if ye like. I am not disposed to pronounce an opinion on that matter ; they can settle it without my voice. But it will make a great difference to John Anderson : and I would like to see him come forward with a bigger subscription for the new Park. Well, well ; we must fight through as best we can." It was here suggested to the Laird that he should not let these weighty matters trouble him while he is away on a holiday. "Trouble me?" said he, lightly. "Not a bit, man! People who have to meddle in public affairs must learn how to throw off their cares. I am not troubled. I am going to giv the iuo*i a dram, for better pulling I never saw in a boat 1" 154 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING EOMANCE. He was as good as his word, too. He had the luncheon basket handed down from the bow ; he got out the whiskey bottle ; there was a glass filled out for each of the men, which was drunk in solemn silence. "Now, boys," said he, as they took their oars again, "haven't ye got a song or a chorus to make the rowing easy ?" But they were too shy for a bit. Presently, however, we heard at the bow a low, plaintive, querulous voice, and the very oars seemed to recognize the air as they gripped the water. Then there was ahum of a chorus not very musical and it was in the Gaelic ; but we knew what the refrain meant. " boatmen, a farewell to you, O boatmen, a farewell to you, Wherever you may be going. " That is something like the English of it: we had heard the " Fhir a bhata" in other days. The long heavy pull is nearly over. Here are the low-lying reefs of rock outside Inch Kenneth 5 not a whisper is permissible as we creep into the nearest bay. And then the men and the boat are left there ; and the Youth perhaps dimly conscious that his uncle means the seal skin for Mary Avon grasps his rifle, and steals away over the undulating shelves of rock, while his two companions, with more leisure but with not less circum- spection, follow to observe his operations. Fortunately there is no screaming sea-pyot or whistling curlew to give warning; stealthily, almost bent in two, occasionally crawling on all fours, he makes his way along the crannies in the reef, until, as we see, he must be nearly approaching the channel on his left. There he pauses to tnke breath. lie creeps behind a rock, and cauti- ously looks over. He continues his progress. "This is terrible woarkl" says the Laird, in a stage-whisper, as he too with a much heavier bulk to carry worms along. From time to time he has to stay to apply his handkerchief to his fore- head ; it is hot work on thrs still, breathless day. And at last we, too, get down to the edge of a channel some hundred yards lower than Howard Smith's post and from behind a rock we have a pretty clear view of the scene of operations. Apparently there is no sign of any living thing, except that a big fish leaped into the air some dozen yards off. Thereafter a dead ilence. After waiting about a quarter of an hour or so, the Laird seem- CHASING SEALS. 155 cd to become violently excited, though he would neither budge nor speak. And there, between two islands right opposite young Smith, appeared two shining black heads on the still water, and they were evidently coming down this very channel. On they came turning about one way and another, as if to look that the coast was clear. Every moment we expected to hear the crack of the rifle. The then heads silently disappeared. The Laird was beside himself with disappointment. lt Why did he no shoot ? Why did he no shoot ?" he said, in an excited whisper. He had scarcely spoken when he was startled by an apparition. Right opposite to him not more than twenty yards oft' a black thing appeared on the water, with a glistening, smooth head, and large, soft eyes. Then another. We dared not move. We wait- ed for the whistle of the rifle-bullet. The next instant the first seal caught sight of the Laird, raised its head for an instant at least six inches higher, then silently plunged along with its com- panion. They were gone, at all events. The Youth came marching along the rocks, his rifle over his shoulder. " Why didn't you fire ?" his uncle said, almost angrily. " I thought they were coming nearer," said he. " I was just about to fire when they dived. Mind, it isn't very easy to get on to a thing that is bobbing about like that, with a rifle. I propose we have luncheon now, until the tide ebbs a bit ; then there may be a chance of catching one lying on the rocks. That is the pro- per time for getting a shot at a seal." We had luncheon : there was no difficulty about securing that. But as for getting at the seals whether we crawled over the rocks, or lay in hiding, or allowed the boat to drift toward some island, on the chance of one of them rising in our neighborhood it was no use at all. There were plenty of seals about : a snap shot now and again served to break the monotony of the day ; but that present for Mary Avon seemed as remote as ever. And when one is determined on shooting a seal, one is not likely to waste one's attention and cartridges on such inferior animals as ekarts. The silver-gray day became more golden ; there was a touch of warm purple about the shadows of Staffa. " Come." said the Laird, at last. " We must go back. It is no use. I have often heard people say that if you miss the first chance at a seal, it nev* o'rpfr tn Vmv the picture," BEFORE BREAKFAST. 175 She answers, somewhat shortly, " I think not. I think Dr. Sutherland has as good taste as any one. He would know that that would vex me very much." " Oh, well," says he, with a sort of carelessness, " every one to his liking. If he cares to accept so valuable a present, good and well." "You don't suppose he asked me for it?" she says, rather warmly. " I gave it him. He would have been rude to have re- fused it. I was very much pleased that he cared for the picture." " Oh, he is a judge of art also ? I am told he knows every* thing." " He was kind enough to say he liked the sketch ; that was enough for me." " He is very lucky ; that is all I have to say." "I dare say he has forgotten all about such a trifle. He has more important things to think about." " Well," said he, with a good-natured laugh, " I should not con- sider such a picture a trifle if any one presented it to me. But it is always the people who get everything they want who value things least." " Do you think Dr. Sutherland such a fortunate person ?" saya she. " Well, he is fortunate in having great abilities ; and he is fortunate in having chosen a profession that has already secured him great honor, and that promises a splendid future to him. But that is the result of hard work ; and he has to work hard now. I don't think most men would like to change places with him just at present." " He has one good friend and champion, at all events," he ays, with a pleasant smile.- "Oh," says she, hastily and anxiously, "I am saying what I hear. My acquaintance with Dr. Sutherland is is quite recent, I msy say, though I have met him in London. I only got to know something about him when he was in Edinburgh, and I happened to be there too." " He is coming back to the yacht," observes Mr. Smith. " He will be foolish to think of it," she answers, simply. At this stage the yacht begins to wake up. The head of Hec- tor of Moidart, much dishevelled, appears at the forecastle, and that wiry mariner is rubbing his eyes ; but no sooner does he per- ceive that one of the ladies is on deck than he suddenly ducks down again to get his face washed, and hia paper collar. Then *v er j s a voiro honrd in th saloon, callinz. 176 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " Who has left my spirit-lamp burning ?" " Oh, good gracious 1" says the Youth, and tumbles down the companion incontinently. Then the Laird appears, bringing up with him a huge red volume entitled Municipal London ; but no sooner does he find that Miss Avon is on deck than he puts aside that mighty com- pendium, and will have her walk up and down with him before breakfast. "What!" he says, eying the cup and saucer, "have ye had your breakfast already ?" " Mr. Smith was so kind as to bring me a cup of tea." " What 1" he says again and he is obviously greatly delighted " of his own making ? I did not think he had as much gump- tion." " I beg your pardon, sir ?" said she. She has been startled by the whistling of a curlew close by, and had not heard him dis- tinctly. "I said he was a smart lad," said the Laird, unblushingly. " Oh ay, a good lad; ye will not find many better lads than Howard. Will I tell ye a secret ?" " Well, sir if you like," said she. There was a mysterious but humorous look about the Laird, nV>incr " BEFORE BREAKFAST. 177 u I mean that ye like well enough to go sailing about these places ?" " Oh, yes," says she. " When shall I ever have such a beauti- ful holiday again ?" The Laird laughed a little to himself. Then he said, with a business like air : "I have been thinking that, when my nephew came to Denny - mains, I would buy a yacht for him, that he could keep down the Clyde somewhere at Gourock, or Kilmun, or Dunoon may- be. It is a splendid ground for yachting a splendid I Ye have never been through the Kyles of Bute ?" " Oh, yes, sir ; I have been through them in the steamer." " Ay, but a yacht ; wouldn't that be better ? And I am no sure 1 would not advise him to have a steam-yacht ye are so much more independent of wind and tide ; and I'm thinking ye could get a verra good little steam-yacht for 3000." Oh, indeed." "A great deal depends on the steward," he continues serious- ly. " A good steward that does not touch drink is jist worth anything. If I could get a first-class man, I would not mind giv- ing him two pounds a week, with his clothes and his keep, while the yacht was being used ; and I would not let him away in the winter no, no. Ye could employ him at Denny-mains as a but- ler creature, or something like that." She did not notice the peculiarity of the little pronoun : if she had, how could she have imagined that the Laird was really ad- dressing himself to her ? "I have none but weemen-servants in-doors at Denny-mains," he continued, " but when Howard comes I would prefer him to keep the house like other people, and I will not stint him as to means. Have I told ye what Welliam Dunbaur says '"Be merry, man, and tak' not sair in mind ' " " Oh yes, I remember." " There's fine common-sense in that. And do not you believe the people who tell ye that the Scotch are a dour people, steeped in Calvinism, and niggardly and grasping at the last farthing " " I have found them exceedingly kind to me, and warm-hearted and generous " says she ; but he interrupted her suddenly : " I'll tell ye what I'll do," said he, with decision. " When I buy that yacht, I'll get Tom Galbraith to paint every panel in the saloon no matter what it co<"* " 12 178 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. 11 Your nephew will be very proud of it," she said. "And I would expect to take a trip in her myself occasional* ly," he added, in a facetious manner. " I would expect to be in- vited" " Surely, sir, you cannot expect your nephew to be so ungrate- ful" " Oh," he said, " I only expect reasonable things. Young peo- ple are young people ; they cannot like to be always hampered by grumbling old fogeys. No, no ; if I present any one wi f a yacht, I do not look on myself as a piece of its furniture." The Laird seemed greatly delighted. His step on the deck was firmer. In the pauses of the conversation she heard some- thing about " Tantara ! Sing tantara !" " Will ye take your maid with ye ?" he asked of her, abruptly. The girl looked up with a bewildered air perhaps with a trifle of alarm in her eyes. "I, sir?" " Ha, ha 1" said he, laughing, " I forgot. Ye have not been in- vited yet. No more have I. But if the yacht were ready and and if ye were going ye would take your maid, no doubt, for comfort's sake ?" The girl looked reassured. She said, cheerfully, " Well, sir, I don't suppose I shall ever go yachting again, after I leave the White Dove. And if I were, I don't suppose I should be able to aflforn to have a maid with me, unless the dealers in London should suddenly begin to pay me a good deal more than they have done hitherto." At this point she was summoned below by her hostess calling. The Laird was left alone on deck. He continued to pace up and down, muttering to himself, with a proud look on his face, " A landscape in every pannel, as I'm a living man ! . . . Tom'll do it well, when I tell him who it's for. . . . The leddies' cabin blue and silver cool in the summer the sky-light pented: she'll no be saying that the Scotch are wanting in taste when she sees that cabin 1 " " ' Sing tantara 1 sing tantara I . . . The Highland army rue That e're they came to Cromdale !' And her maid it she will not be able to afford a maid, who A PROTECTOR. 179 will ? French, if she likes ! Blue and silver blue and silver that's it 1" Arid then the Laird, still humming his lugubrious bat tie- song, comes down into the saloon. " Good-morning, ma'am ; good-morning 1 Breakfast ready ? I'm just ravenous. That wild lassie has walked me up and down until I am like to faint. A beautiful morning again splendid I splendid I And do ye know where ye will be this day next year ?" " I am sure I don't," gays his hostess, busy with the breakfast things. " I will tell ye. Anchored in the Holy Loch, off Kilmun, in a screw-yacht. Mark my words now : this very day next year I" CHAPTER XXV. A PROTECTOR. ' OH, ay," says John of Skye, quite proudly, as we go on deck after breakfast, "there will be no more o' the dead calms. We will give Mr. Sutherland a good breeze or two when he comes back to the yat." It is all Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Sutherland now 1 every thing ia to be done because Mr. Sutherland is coming. Each belaying-pin is polished so that one might see to shave in it ; Hector of Moi- dart has spent about two hours in scraping and rubbing the brass and copper of the galley stove-pipe ; and Captain John, with many grins and apologies, has got Miss Avon to sew up a rent that has begun to appear in the red ensign. All that he wants now is to have the yacht beached for a couple of days, to have the long slender sea-grass scraped from her hull : then Mr. Suther- land will see how the White Dove will sail 1 " I should imagine," says the Youth, in an undertone, to his hostess, as we are working out the narrow entrance to Loch Speliv, " that your doctor friend must have given those men a liberal pour-boire when he left." " Oh, I am sure not," said she quickly, as if that was a serious imputation. "That is very unlikely." " They seem very anxious to have everything put right against his coming," he says. " At all events, your captain seems to think that every good breeze he gets is merely thrown away on us." 180 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " Dr. Sutherland and he," she says, laughing, "were very good friends. And then Angus had very bad luck when he was on board : the glass wouldn't fall. But I have promised to bottle up the equinoctials for him he will have plenty of winds before we have done with him. You must stay too, you know, Mr. Smith, and see how the White Dove rides out a gale." He regarded her with some suspicion. He was beginning to know that this lady's speech despite the great gentleness and innocence of her eyea sometimes concealed curious meanings. And was she now merely giving him a kind and generous invita- tion to go yachting with us for another month ; or was she, with a cruel sarcasm, referring to the probability of his having to re- main a prisoner for that time, in order to please his uncle? However, the conversation had to be dropped, for at this mo- ment the Laird and his protege made their appearance ; and of course a deck-chair had to be brought for her, and a footstool, and a sun-shade, and a book. But what were these attentions, on the part of her elderly slave, compared with the fact that a young man, presumably enjoying a sound and healthy sleep, should have unselfishly got up at an unholy hour of the morning, and should have risked blowing up the yacht with spirits of wine in order to get her a cup of tea ? It waa a fine sailing day. Running before a light top-sail breeze from the south east, the White Dove was making for the Lynn of Morven, and bringing us more and more within view of the splendid circle of mountains, from Ben-Cruachan in the east to Ben-Nevis in the north ; from Ben-Nevis down to the success- sive waves of the Morven hills. And we knew why, among all the sunlit yellows and greens faint as they were in the distance there were here and there on slope and shoulder stains of a beautiful rose-purple that were a new feature in the landscape. The heather was coming into bloom the knee-deep, honey-scent- ed heather the haunt of the snipe, and the muircock, and the mountain hare. And if there was to be for us this year no toiling over the high slopes and crags looking down from time to time on a spacious world of sunlit sea and island we were not averse from receiving friendly and substantial messages from those alti* tudes. In a day or two now the first crack of the breech-loader would startle the silence of the morning air: and Master Fred's larder was sorely in want of variety. Northward, and still noithward, the light breeze tempering the A PROTECTOB. 181 scorching sunlight that glares on the sails and the deck. Each long ripple of the running blue sea flashes in diamonds j and when we look to the south, those silver lines converge and con- verge, until at the horizon they become a solid blaze of light un- endurable to the eye. But it is to the north we turn to the land of Appin, and Kingairloch, and Lochaber : blow, light wind, and carry us onward, gentle tide 5 we have an appointment to keep within the shadow of the mountains that guard Clencoe. The Laird has discovered that these two were up early this morning ; he becomes facetious. " Not sleepy yet, Miss Mary ?'' he says. " Oh no, not at all," she says, looking up from her book. to It's the early bird that catches the first sketch. Fine and healthy is that early rising, Howard. I'm thinking ye did not sleep sound last night ; what for were ye up before anybody was stirring ?" But the Laird does not give him time to answer. Something has tickled the fancy of this profound humorist. " Keel keel" he laughs, and he rubs his hands. " I mind a good one I heard from Tom Galbraith when he and I were at the Bridge of Allan room to room, ye know ; and Tom did snore that night 1 ' What,' said I to him in the morning, ' had ye night* mare or delirium tremens, that ye made such a noise in the nignt? ' Did I snore ?' said he I am thinking somebody else must have complained before. ' Snore 1' said I ; ' twenty grampuses wa nothing to it.' And Tom he burst out a-laughing. I'm very glad,' says he. ' If I snored, I must have had a sound sleep I* A sound sleep d'ye see ? Very sharp very smart eh ?" and the Laird laughed and chuckled over that portentous joke. " Oh, uncle 1 uncle I uncle 1" his nephew cried. " You used never to do such things. You must quit the society of those artists, if they have such a corrupting influence on you." *' I tell ye," he says, with a sudden seriousness, " I would just like to show Tom Galbraith that picture o' Canna that's below. No ; I would not ask him to alter a thing. Very good very good it is. And and I think I will admit it for a plain man likes the truth to be told there is just a bit of jealousy among them against any English person that tries to paint Scotch scenery. No, no, Miss Mary don't you be afraid. Ye can hold your own. If I had that picture, now if it belonged to me and if Tom was stopping wi' me at Denny-mains, 1 would not 182 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. allow him to alter it not if he offered to spend a week's work on it." After that what ? The Laird could say no more. Alas I alas I our wish to take a new route northward was all very well ; but we had got under the lee of Lismore, and slowly and slowly the wind died away, until even the sea was as smooth as the surface of a mirror. It was but little compensation that we could lean over the side of the yacht and watch the thousands of " sea-blubbers" far down in the water, in all their hues of blue and purple and pale pink. The heat of the sun was blistering, scorching with a sharp pain any nose or che -k that was inacl- vertenly turned toward it. As for the Laird, he could not stand this oven-like business any longer ; he declared the saloon was ever so much cooler than the deck ; and went down below, and lay at length on one of the long blue cushions. " Why, John," says Queen T ," you are bringing on those dead calms again I What will Dr. Sutherland say to you ?" But John of Skye has his eye on the distant shore. " Oh no, mem,'' he says, with a crafty smile," there will not be a dead calm very long." And there, in at the shore, we see a dark line on the water : xnd it spreads and spreads ; the air becomes gratefully cool to the face before the breeze perceptibly fills the sails ; then there is a cheerful swinging over of the boom and a fluttering of the *s yet unreleased head-sails. A welcome breeze, surely, from the far hills of Kingairloch. We thank you, you beautiful Kin- gairloch, with your deep glens and your rose-purple shoulders of hills ; long may you continue to send fresh westerly winds to the parched and passing voyager I We catch a distant glimpse of the white houses of Port Appin ; we bid adieu to the musically named Eilean na-Shuna ; far ahead of us is the small white light house at the mouth of the narrows of Corran. But there is to be no run up to Fort William for us to-night; the tide will turn soon; we cannot get through the Corran narrows. And so there is a talk of Ballahulish ; and Captain John is trying hard to get Miss Avon to pronounce this Bal-a-chaolish. It is not fair of Sandy from Islay who thinks he is hidden by the foresail to grin to himself at these innocent efforts. Grander and grander grow those ramparts of mountains ahead of us, with their wine-colored stains of heather on the soft am! A PROTECTOR. 1853 relvety yellow-green. The wind from the Kingairloch shores still carries us on, and Inversanda swells the breeze ; soon we shall be running into that wide channel that leaps up to the beautiful Loch Leven. The Laird reappears on deck. He is quite en- chanted with the scene around him. He says if an artist had placed that black cloud behind the great bulk of Ben-Nevis, it could not have been more artistically arranged. He declares that this entrance to Loch Leven is one of the most beautiful places he has ever seen. He calls attention to the soft green foliage of the steep hills, and to that mighty peak of granite, right in the middle of the landscape, that we discover to be called the Pap of Glencoe. And here, in the mellow light of the afternoon, is the steamer coming down from the north : is it to be a race between us for the Bal-a-chaolish quay ? It is an unfair race. We have to yield to brute strength and team-kettles. " Four to one Argyll came on," as the dirge of Eric says. But we bear no malice. We salute our enemy as he goes roaring and throbbing by ; and there is many a return signal waved to us from the paddle boxes. " Mr. Sutherland is no there, mem, I think," says Captain John, who has been scanning those groups of people with his keen eyes. " I should think not : he said he was coming to-morrow," is the answer. " Will he be coming down by the Chevalier in the morning, or by the Mountaineer at night?" is the further question. " I don't know." " We will be ashore for him in the morning, whatever," says John of Skye, cheerfully ; and you would have thought it was his guest, and not ours, who was coming on board. The roaring out of the anchor-chain was almost immediately followed by Master Fred's bell. Mary Avon was silent and dis- traite at dinner ; but nothing more was said of her return to London. It was understood that when Angus Sutherland came on board we should go back to Castle Osprey, and have a couple of days on shore, to let the White Dove get rid of her parasitic seaweed. Then, after dinner, a fishing excursion ; but this was in a new loch, and we were not very successful. Or was it that most of us were watching, from this cup of water surrounded by the circle of great mountains, the strange movings of the clouds in the gloomy and stormy twilight, loni afte^ the <">" ^*cl annk ? 184 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " It is not a very sheltered place," remarked the Laird, '* if a squall were to come down from the hills." But by-and-by something appeared that lent an air of stillness and peace to this sombre scene around us. Over one of those eastern mountains a faint, smoky, suffused yellow light began to show ; then the outline of the mountain, serrated with trees, grew dark ; then the edge of the moon appeared over the black line of trees ; and by-and-by the world was filled with this new, pale light, though the shadows on the hills were deeper than ever. We did not hurry on our way back to the yacht. It was a magical night the black overhanging hills, the white clouds crossing the blue vaults of the heavens, the wan light on the sea. What need for John of Skye to put up that golden lamp at the bow? But it guided us on our way back, under the dusky shadows of the hills. Then below, in the orange lit cabin, with cards and dominoes and chess about, a curious thing overhead happens to catch the eye of one of the gamblers. Through the skylight, with this yel- low glare, we ought not to see anything ; but there, shining in the night, is a long bar of pale phosphorescent green light. What can this be ? Why green ? And it is Mary Avon who first sug- gests what this strangely luminous thing must be the boom, wet with the dew, shining in the moonlight. " Come," says the Laird to her, " put a shawl round ye, and we will go up for another look round." And so, after a but, they went on deck, these two, leaving the others to their bezique. And the Laird was as careful about the wrapping up of this girl as if she had been a child of five years of age ; and when they went out on to the white deck, he would give her his arm, that she should not trip over any stray rope ; and they were such intimate friends now that he did not feel called upon to talk to her. But by and-by the heart of the Laird was lifted up within him be- cause of the wonderful beauty and silence of this moonlight night. " It is a great peety," said he, " that you in the South are not brought up as children to be familiar with the Scotch veision of the Psalms of David. It is a fountain-head of poetry that ye can draw from all your life long ; and is there any poetry in the world can beat it? And many a time I think that David had a great lore for mountains, and that he must have looked at the hills A PROTECTOR. 185 around Jerusalem, and seen them on many a night like this. Ye cannot tell, lassie, what stirs in the heart of a Scotchman or Scotchwoman when they repeat the 121st Psalm: *"I to the hills will lift mine eyes, From whence doth come mine aid ; My safety cometh from the Lord, Who heaven and earth hath made. Thy foot he'll not let slide, nor will He slumber that thee keeps : Behold, He that keeps Israel He slumbers not nor sleeps.' Ask your friend Dr. Sutherland ask him whether he has found anything among his philosophy, and science, and the new-fangled leeterature of the day that comes so near to his heart as a verse of the old Psalms that he learned as a boy. I have heard of Scotch soldiers hi distant countries just bursting out crying when they heard by chance a bit repeated o' the Psalms of David. And the strength and reliance of them 1 what grander source of con- solation can ye have ? ' As the mountains are round about Jeru- salem, so the Lord is round about His people from henceforth even forever.' What are the trials of the hour to them that believe and know and hope ? They have a sure faith ; the captivity is not forever. Do ye remember the beginning of the 126th Psalm ? it reminds me most of all of the Scotch phrase, " ' Laughin* maist like to greet" ' When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth tilled with laughter, and our tongue with singing : then said they among the heathen^ The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for us ; whereof we are glad. Turn again our cap- tivity, Lord, as the streams in the south.'" The Laird was silent for a minute or two ; there was nothing but the pacing up and down the moon-lit deck. " And you have your troubls too, ray lass," said he, at length. " Oh, 1 know, though ye put so brave a face on it. But you need not be afraid ; you need not be afraid. Keep up your heart, j am an old man now ; 1 may have but few years to reckon on ; but while I live ye will not rstt a friend. . . . Ye will not want a friend. ... If 1 forget, or ;t -se what I promise ye this night, may God do o and more un.o me 1" 186 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. But the good-hearted Laird will not have her go to sleep with this solemnity weighing on her mind. " Come, come," he says, cheerfully, " we will go below now ; and you will sing me a song the Queen's Maries, if ye like though I doubt but they were a lot o' wild hizzies." CHAPTER XXVI. " MARY I MARY 1" Is there any one awake and listening perhaps with a tremor of the heart for the calling of " White Dove, ahoy !" from the shore? Once the ordinary loud noises of the morning are over the brief working of the pump, the washing down of the decks silence reigns once more throughout the yacht. One can only hear a whispering of the rain above. Then, in the distance, there is a muffled sound of the paddles of a steamer ; and that becomes fainter and fainter, while the White Dove gradually ceases the motion caused by the passing waves. Again there is an absolute stillness, with only that whispering of the rain. But this sudden sound of oars ? and the slight shock against the side of the vessel ? The only person on board the yacht who is presentable whips a shawl over her head, darts up the com- panion-way, and boldly emerges into the moist and dismal morning. " Oh, Angus I" she cries, to this streaming black figure that has \ust stepped on deck, " what a day you have brought with you I" "Oh, it is nothing," says a cheerful voice from out of the drip- ping mackintosh perhaps it is this shining black garment that makes the wet face, and whiskers, and hair glow redder than ever, and makes the blue eyes look even bluer. "Nothing at all. John and I have agreed it is going to clear. But this is a fine place to be in, with a falling glass I If you get a squall down from Glencoe, you won't forget it." " A squall 1" she says, looking round in amazement. Well might she exclaim, for the day is still, and gray, and sombre ; the mountains are swathed in mist ; the smooth sea troubled only by the constant rain. However, the ruddy-faced doctor, having divested himself of his dripping garment, follows his hostess down the companion "MARY! MARY!" 187 and into the saloon, and sits down on one of the couches. There is an odd, half-pathetic expression on his face as he looks around. " It seems a long time ago," he says, apparently to himself. u What does?" asks his hostess, removing her head gear. * The evenings we used to spend in this very saloon," says he looking with a strange interest on those commonplace objects, the draughts and dominoes, the candlesticks and cigar boxes, the cards and books " away up there in the north. It seems years since we were at Dunvegan, doesn't it, and lying off Vaternish Point? There never was as snug a cabin as this in any yacht. It is like returning to an old home to get into it." " I am very glad to hear you say so," says his hostess, regard- ing him with a great kindliness, u We will try to make you for- get that you have ever been away. Although," she added, frank- ly, " I must tell you you have been turned out of your state-room for a time. I know you won't mind having a berth made up for you on one of those couches." " Of course not," he said, " if I am not in your way at all. Bat" And his face asked the question. u Oh, it is a nephew of Denny-mains who has come on board a Mr. Smith, a very nice young fellow j I am sure you will like him." There was nothing said in reply to this. Then the aew-coiner inquired, rather timidly, "You are all Well, I hope?" Oh yes." " And and Miss Avon, too ?" said he. Oh yes. But Mary has suffered a great misfortune since you left." She looked up quickly. Then she told him the story ; and in telling him her indignation awoke afresh. She spoke rapidly. The old injury had touched her anew. But, strangely enough, although Angus Sutherland displayed a keen interest in the matter, he was not at all moved to that pas- sion of anger and desire for vengeance that had shaken the Laird. Not at all. He was very thoughtful for a time ; but he only said, * You mean she has to support herself now ?" Absolutely." "She will naturally prefer that to being dependent on her friends ?" 188 WHITE WINOa: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " She will not be dependent on her friends, I know," is the an- swer ; " though the Laird has taken such a great liking for her that 1 believe he would give her half Denny-mains." He started a little bit at this, but immediately said : " Of course she will prefer independence. And, as you say, she is quite capable of earning her own living. Well, she does not worry about it ? It does not trouble her mind ?" *' That affair of her uncle wounded her very keenly, I imagine, though she said little ; but as for the loss of her little fortune, not at all. She is as light-hearted as ever. The only thing is that she is possessed by a mad notion that she should start away at once for London." "Why?" " To begin work. I tell her she must work here." " But she is not anxious ?" She is not troubled T' " Not a bit. The Laird says she has the courage of ten men ; and I believe him." " That is all right. I was going to prescribe a course of Marcus Aurelius ; but if you have got philosophy in your blood, it is better than getting it in through the brain." And so this talk ended, leaving on the mind of one of those two friends a distinct sense of disappointment. She had been under the impression that Angus Sutherland had a very warm regard for Mary Avon ; and she had formed certain other sus- picions. She had made sure that he, more quickly than any one else, would resent the injury done to this helpless girl. And now he seemed to treat it as of no account. If she was not troubling herself; if she was not giving herself headaches about it ; then, no matter! It was a professional view of the case. A dose of Marcus Aurelius I It was not thus that the warm heartd Laird had espoused Mary Avon's cause. Then the people came one by one into breakfast; and our young doctor was introduced to the stranger who had ousted him from his state-room. Last of all came Mary Avon. How she managed to go along to him, and to shake hands with him, seeing that her eyes were bent on the floor all the time, was a mystery. But she did shake hands with him, and said, ' How do you do ?" in a somewhat formal manner ; and she seemed a little paler than usual. "I don't think you are looking quite as well as when I left," said he, with a great interest and kindness in his look. "MAEY! MARY!" 189 "Thank you, I am very well," she said ; and then she instantly turned to the Laird, and began chatting to him. Angus Suther- land's face burnt red ; it was not thus she had been used to greet him in the morning, when we were far away beyond the shores of Canna. And then, when we found that the rain was over, and that there was not a breath of wind in the silent, gray, sombre world of mountain and mist, and when we went ashore for a walk along the still lake, what must she needs do but attach herself to the Laird, and take no notice of her friend of former days. Angus walked behind with his hostess, but he rarely took his yes off the people in front. And when Miss Avon, picking up a wild flower now and again, was puzzled over its name, he did not, as once he would have done, come to her help with his stu- dent days' knowledge of botany. Howard Smith brought her a bit of wall-rue, and said he thought they called it Asplenium marinum: there was no interference. The preoccupied doctor behind only asked how far Miss Avon was going to walk with her lame foot. The Laird of Denny mains knew nothing of all this occult business. He was rejoicing in his occupation of philosopher and guide. He was assuring us all that this looked like a real Highland day far more so than the A'gerian blue sky that had haunted us for so long. He pointed out, as we walked along the winding shores of Loch Leven, by the path that rose and fell, and skirted small precipices all hanging in foliage, how beautiful was that calm slate blue mirror beneath, showing every outline of the sombre mountains, with their masses of Landseer mist. He stopped his companion to ask her if she had ever seen any- thing finer in color than the big clusters of scarlet rowans among the yellow-green leaves. Did she notice the scent of the meadow- sweet in the moist air of this patch of wood ? He liked to see those white stars of the grass of Parnassus ; they reminded him of many a stroll among the hills about Loch Katrine. "And this still Loch Leven," he said at length, and without the least blush on his face, "with the Glencoe mountains at the end of it, I have ol ten heard say was as picturesque a loch as any in Scotland, on a gloomy day like this. Gloomy I call it, but ye see there are fine silver glints among the mist ; and and, in fact, there's a friend of mine has often been wishing to have a water-color sketch of it. If ye had time, Miss Mary^to make a 190 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. bit of drawing from the deck of the yacht, ye might name your own price just name your own price. I will buy it for him." A friend ! Mary Avon knew very well who the friend was. " I should be afraid, sir," said she, laughing, " to meddle with anything about Glencoe." " Toots I toots !" said he ; "ye have not enough confidence. 1 know twenty young men in Edinburgh and Glasgow who have painted every bit of Glencoe, from the bridge to tlie King's House inn, and not one of them able to come near ye. Mind, I'm look- ing forward to showing your pictures to Tom Galbraith. I'm thinking he'll stare." The Laird chuckled again. " Oh. ay 1 he does not know what a formidable rival has come from the South. I'm thinking he'll stare when he comes to Den- ny-mains to meet ye. Howard, what's that down there ?" The Laird had caught sight of a pink flower on the side of a steep little ravine, leading down to the shore. " Oh, I don't want it I don't want it 1" Mary Avon cried. But the Laird was obdurate. His nephew had to go scrambling down through the alders, and rowan-trees, and wet bracken to get this bit of pink crane's-bill for Miss Avon's bouquet. And of course she was much pleased, and thanked him very prettily ; and was it catch-fly, or Herb Robert, or what was it? Then, out of sheer common courtesy, she had to turn to Angus Sutherland. " I am sure Dr. Sutherland can tell us," she says, timidly ; and she does not meet his eyes. "It is one of the crane's-bills, anyway," he says, indifferently. " Don't you think you had better return now, Miss Avon, or you will hurt your foot ?" "Oh, my foot is quite well now, thank you," she says ; and on she goes again. We pass by the first cuttings of the slate quarries, the men suspended by ropes round their waists, and hewing away at the face of the cliff. We go through the long, straggling village ; and the Laird remarks that it is not usual for a Celtic race to have such c,k-an cottages, with pots of flowers in the window. We saunter idly onward toward those great mountain masses, and there is apparently no thought of returning. " When we've gone BO far, might we not go on to the mouth of "MARY! MARY!" 191 the pass ?" she asks. " I should like to have a look even at the beginning of Glencoe." "I thought so," said the Laird, with a shrewd smile. " Oh ay, we may as well go on." Past those straggling cottages, with the elder-brush at their doors to frighten away witches ; over the bridge that spans the brawling Cona ; along the valley down which the stream rushes ; and this gloom overhead deepens and deepens. The first of the great mountains appears on our right, green to the summit, and yet so sheer from top to bottom that it is difficult to understand how those dots of sheep maintain their footing. Then the marks on him ; he seems to be a huge Behemoth, with great eyes, grand, complacent, even sardonic, in his look. But the farther and farther mountains have nothing of this mild, grand humor about them; they are sullen and awful ; they grasp the earth with their mighty bulk below, but far away they lift their lurid peaks to the threatening skies, up there where the thunder threatens to shake the silence of the world. " Miss Avon," Dr. Sutherland again remonstrates, " you have come five or six miles now. Suppose you have to walk back in the rain ?" u I don't mind about that," she says, cheerfully; "but I am dreadfully, dreadfully hungry." " Then we must push on to Clachaig," says the Laird ; " there is no help for it." " But wait a moment," she says. She goes to the side of the road, where the great gray bowlders and ferns and moist marsh-grass are, and begins to gather hand- fuls of " sourocks ;" that is to say, of the smaller sheep-sorrel. " Who will partake of this feast to allay the pangs of hunger ?" " Is thy servant a baa-lamb that she should do this thing ?" her hostess says, and drives the girl forward. The inn is reached but in time ; for behold there is a gray " smurr" of mist coming down the glen, and the rain is beginning to darken the gray bowlders again. And very welcome are those chairs, and the bread-and-cheese and beer, and the humble efforts in art around the walls. If the feast is not as the feasting of the Fish-mongers, if we have no pretty boxes to carry home to the children, if we have no glimpses of the pale blue river and ship- ping through the orange light of the room, at least we are not amazed by the appearance of the Duke of Sussex in the garb of a 192 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. Highlander. And the frugal meal was substantial enough. Then the question about getting back arose. " Now, Mary," says her hostess, " you have got to pay for your amusement How will you like walking seven or eight miles in a thunder-storm ?" But here the Laird laughs. " No, no, 1 ' he says, going to the window. " That wagonette that has just come up I ordered at the inn on passing. Ye will not have to walk a step, my lass ; but I think we had better be going, as it looks black overhead." Black enough, indeed, was it as we drove back in this silent afternoon, with a thunder-storm apparently about to break over our heads. And it was close and sultry when we got on board again, though there was as yet no wind. Captain John did not like the look of the sky. " I said you \ . e going to bring a gale with you, Angus," his hostess remarked to him, cheerfully, at dinner. " It begins to look like it," he answered, gravely ; " and it is getting too late to run away from here if the wind rises. As soon as it begins to blow, if I were John, I would put out the star board anchor." " I know he will take your advice," she answers promptly. We saw little of Angus Sutherland that evening ; for it was raining hard and blowing hard ; and the cabin below, with its lit candles, and books, and cards, and what not, was cheerful enongh j while he seemed very much to pi-efer being on deck. We could hear the howling of the wind through the rigging, and the gur- gling of the water along the sides of the yacht ; and we knew by the way she was swaying that she was pulling hard at her anchor chain. There was to be no beautiful moonlight for us that night, with the black shadows on the hills, and the lane of silver on the water. A dripping and glistening figure comes down the companion ; a gleaming red lace appears at the door. Mary Avon looked up from her draughts, but for an instant. " Well, Angus, what is the report?" says Queen Titania, bright- ly. " And what is all the noise on deck ? And why don't you come below?" "They have been paying out more anchor chain,' 1 says the rough voice from out of the mackintosh; "it is likely to be a nasty night, and we are going to lower the top-mast now. I want AN UNBPOKEN APPEAL. 193 you to be so kind as to tell Fred to leave out some whiskey and some bread-and-cheese $ for John thinks of having an anchor watch." "The bread-and-cheese and whiskey Fred can get at any time," says she. And she adds, with some warmth, " But you are not going to stay on deck on such a night. Coine in here at once. Leave your mackintosh on the steps." Is it that he looks at that draught-board? It is Mr. Howard Smith who is playing with Mary Avon. The faithless Miranda has got another Ferdinand now. " I think I would rather take my turn like the rest," he says, absently. " There may be some amusement before the morning." And so the black figure turned away and disappeared ; and a strange thing was that the girl playing draughts seemed to have been so bewildered by the apparition that she stared at the board, and could not get to understand how she had made a gross and gigantic blunder. " Oh yes ; oh, certainly !" she said, hurriedly ; but she did not know how to retrieve her obvious mistake. CHAPTER XXVII. AN UNSPOKEN APPEAL. " WHAT have I done ? Is she vexed ? Have I offended her ?" he asked, the next morning, in a rapid manner, when his hostess came on deck. The gale had abated somewhat, but gloom over- spread earth and eky. It was nothing to the gloom that over- spread his usually frank and cheerful face. "You mean Mary ?" she says, though she knows well enough. "Yes ; haven't you seen ? She seems to treat me as though we had never met before as though we were perfect strangers ; and I know she is too kind-hearted to cause any one any pain " Here he looks somewhat embarrassed for a moment; but h"8 customary straightforwardness comes to his rescue. " Yes ; I will confess I am very much hurt by it. And and 1 should like to know if there was any cause. Surely you must have noticed it?" She had noticed it, sure enough ; and in contrast with that tudied coldness which Mary Avon had shown to her friend of 194 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING KOMANCE. former days, she had remarked the exceeding friendliness the young lady was extending to the Laird's nephew. But would she draw the obvious conclusion ? Not likely ; she was too staunch a friend to believe any such thing. All the same, there remained in her mind a vague feeling of surprise, with perhaps a touch of personal injury. " Well. Angus, you know," she said, evasively, " Mary is very much preoccupied just at present. Her whole condition of life is changed, and she has many things to think of " Yes ; but she is frank enough with her other friendg. What have I done that I should be made a stranger of?" A strange answer comes to these idle frettings of the hour. Far away on the shore a number of small black figures emerge from the woods, and slowly pass along the winding road that skirts the rocks. They are following a cart a common farm, yard cart; but on the wooden planks is placed a dark object that is touched here and there with silver or perhaps it is only the white cords. Between the overhanging gloom of the mountains and the cold grays of the wind swept sea the small black line passes slowly on. And these two on board the yacht watch it in silence. Are they listening for the wail of the pipes the pa- thetic dirge of '* Lord Lovat," or the cry of the " Cumhadh na Cloinne ? " But the winds are loud, and the rushing seas are loud j and now the rude farm-yard cart, with its solemn burden, is away out at the point ; and presently the whole simple pageant has disappeared. The lonely burying-ground lies far away among the hills. Angus Sutherland turns round again with a brief sigh. " It will be all the same in a few years," he says to his hostess ; and then he adds, indifferently, " What do you say about stiu t- ing? The wind is against us ; but anything is better than lying here. There were some bad squalls in the night." Very soon after this the silent loch is resounding with the rat- tle of halyards, blocks, and chains ; and Angus Sutherland is seeking distraction from those secret cares of the moment in the excitement of hard work. Nor is it any joke getting in that enormous quantity of anchor chain. In the midst of all the noise and bustle, Mary Avon appears on deck to see what is going on, and she is immediately followed by young Smith. " Why don't you help them ? " she says, laughing. AN UNSPOKEN APPEAL. 195 " So I wood, if I knew what to do," he says, good-naturedly. ' I'll go and ask Dr. Sutherland." It was a fatal step. Angus Sutherland suggested, somewhat grimly, that if he liked he might lend them a hand at the wind' lass. A muscular young Englishman does not like to give in, and for a time he held his own with the best of them ; but long be- fore the starboard anchor had been got up, and the port one hove short, he had had enough of it. He did not volunteer to assist at the throat halyards. To Miss Avon, who was calmly looking on, he observed that it would take him about a fortnight to get his back straight. " That," said she, finding an excuse for him instantly, " is be" cause you worked too hard at it at first. You should have watch, ed the Islay man. All he does is to call ' Ileave !' and to make his shoulders go up as if he were going to do the whole thing him- self. But he does not help a bit. I have watched him again and again." " Your friend Dr. Sutherland," said he, regarding her for an instant as he spoke, " seems to work as hard as any of them." " He is very found of it," she said, simply, without any embar- rassment ; nor did she appear to regard it as singular that Angus Sutherland should have been spoken of specially as her friend. Angus Sutherland himself comes rapidly aft, loosens the tiller- rope, and jams the helm over. And now the anchor is hove right up ; the reefed main sail and small jib quickly fill out be- fore this fresh breeze ; and presently, with a sudden cessation of noise, we were springing away through the leaden-colored waters. We are not sorry to get away from under the gloom of these giant hills ; for the day still looks squally, and occasionally a scud of rain comes whipping across, scarcely sufficient to wet the decks. And there is more life and animation on board now ; a good deal of walking up and down in Ulsters, with inevitable collisions ; and of remarks shouted against, or with, the wind ; and of joy- ful pointing toward certain silver gleams of light in the west and south. There is hope in front ; behind us nothing but darkness and the threatenings of storm. The Pass of Glencoe has disap. peared in rain ; the huge mountains on the right are as black as the deeds of murder done in the glen below ; Ardgour over there, and Lochaber here, are steeped in gloom. And there is less sadness now in the old refrain of " Lochaber," since there is 196 WHITE WIXG8: A YACHTING ROMANCE. a prospect of the South shining before us. If Mary Avon is singing to herself about " Lochaber no more, and Lochaber no more We'll maybe return to Lochaber no more," it is with a light heart. But then if it is a fine thing to go bowling along with a brisk breeze on our beam, it is very different when we get round Ardshiel, and find the southerly wind veering to meet us dead in the teeth. And there is a good sea running up Loch Linnhe a heavy gray-green sea that the White Dove meets and breaks, with spurts of spray forward, and a line of hissing foam in our wake. The zigzag beating takes us alternately to Ardgour and Appin, until we can see here and there the cheerful patches of yellow corn at the foot of the giant and gloomy hills ; then ' 'Bout ship " again, and away we go on the heaving and rushing gray-green sea. And is Mary Avon's oldest friend the woman who is the staunchest of companions being at last driven to look askance at the girl ? Is it fair tliat the young lady should be so studiously silent when our faithful doctor is by, and instantly begin to talk again when he goes forward to help at the jib or foresail sheets ? And when he asks her, as in former days, to take the tiller, she somewhat coldly declines the ofier he has so timidly and respect- fully made. But as for Mr. Smith, that is a very different mat- ter. It is he whom she allows 10 go below for some wrapper for her neck. It is he who stands by, ready to shove over the top of the companion when she crouches to avoid a passing shower of rain. It is he with whom she jokes and talks when the Laird does not monopolize her. " I would have believed it of any girl in the world rather than of her," says her hostess, to another person, when these two hap- pen to be alone in the saloon below. " I don't believe it yet it is impossible ! Of course a girl who is left as penniless as she is might be pardoned lor looking round and being friendly with rich people who are well inclined toward her ; but I don't believe I say it is impossible that she should have thrown Angus over just because she saw a chance of marrying the Laird's nephew. Why, there never was a girl we have ever known so independent as she is not any one half as proud and as fear less. She looks upon going to London and earning her own liv- AN UNSPOKEN APPEAL. 197 ing as nothing at all. She is the very last girl in the world to speculate on making a good match she has too much pride ; she would not speak another word to Howard Smith if such a monstrous thing were suggested to her." "Very well," says the meek listener. The possibility was not of his suggesting, assuredly : he knows better. Then the Admiral-in-chief of the White Dove sits silent and puzzled for a time. "And yet her treatment of poor Angus is most unfair. He is deeply hurt by it he told me so this morning " " If he is so fearfully sensitive that he cannot go yachting and enjoy his holiday because a girl dees not pay him attention " " Why, what do you suppose he came back here for ?" she says, warmly. "To go sailing in the White Dove? Xo, not if twenty White Doves were waiting for him ! He knows too well the value of his time to stay away so long from London if it were merely to take the tiller of a yacht. He came back here, at a great personal sacrifice, because Mary was on board." " Has he told you so ?" " He has not ; but one has eyes." " Then suppose she has changed her mind : how can you help it?" She says nothing for a second. She is preparing the table for Master Fred : perhaps she tosses the novels on to the couch with an impatience they do not at all deserve. But at length she says: " Well, I never thought Mary would have been so fickle as to go chopping and changing about within the course of a few weeks. However, I won't accuse har of being mercenary ; I will not believe that. Howard Smith is a most gentlemanly young man good-looking, too, and pleasant tempered. I can imagine any girl liking him." Here a volume of poems is pitched on to the top of the draught-board, as if it had done her some personal injury. "And in any case, she might be more civil to a very old friend of ours," she adds. Further discourse on this matter is impossible ; for our Fried- rich d'or comes in to prepare for luncheon. But why the charge of incivility ? When we are once more assembled together, the girl is quite the reverse of uncivil toward him. She shows him when she is forced to speak to him an almost paneful courts- 198 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. sy ; and she turns her eyes down, as if she were afraid to speak to him. This is no flaunting coquette, proud of her wilful ca- price. And as for poor Angus, he does his best to propitiate her. They begin talking about the picturesqueness of various cities. Knowing that Miss Avon has lived the most of her life, if she was not actually born, in London, he strikes boldly for London. What is there in Venice, what is there in the world, like London in moonlight with the splendid sweep of her river, and the long lines of gas lamps, and the noble bridges ? But she is all for Ed- inburgh : if Edinburgh had but the Moldau running through that valley, and the bridges of Prague to span it, what city in Europe could compare with it ? And the Laird is so delighted with her approval of the Scotch capital that he forgets for the moment his Glaswegian antipathy to the rival city, and enlarges no less on the picturesqueness of it than on its wealth, of historical traditions. There is not a stain of blood on any floor that he does not believe in. Then the Sanctuary of Holyrood: what stories has he not to tell about that famous refuge ? " I believe the mysterious influence of that sanctuary has gone out and charmed all the country about Edinburgh," said our young doctor. "I suppose you know that there are several plants, poisonous elsewhere, that are quite harmless in the neigh- borhood of EdinburgK. You remember I told you, Miss Avon, that evening we went out to Arthur's Seat?" It was well done, Queen Titania must have thought, to expose this graceless flirt before her new friends. So she had been walk- ing out to Arthur's Seat with him in the summer afternoons ? " Y-yes," says the girl. u Ay, that is a most curious thing," says the Laird, not noticing her downcast looks and flushed cheeks. " But what were they, did ye say ?" " Umbelliferous plants," replies Angus Sutherland, in quite a matter-of-fact manner. " The (Enanthe crocatais one of them, I remember ; and, I think, the Cicuta virosa that is, the water- hemlock." " I would jist like to know," says the Laird, somewhat pomp- ously, " whether that does not hold good about the neighborhood of Glesca also. There's nothing so particular healthy about the climate of Edinburgh, as far as ever I heard tell of. Quite the reverse quite the reverse. East winds, fogs no wonder tne AN UNSPOKEN APPEAL. 199 people are shilpit-looking creatures, as a general rule, like a lot o' Paisley weavers. But the ceety is a fine ceety, I will admit that; and many's the time I've said to Tom Galbraith that he could get no finer thing to paint than the view of the High Street at night from Princes Street especially on a moonlight night. A fine ceety : but the people themselves I" here the Laird shook his head. " And their manner o' speech is most vexsome a long, sing-song kind o' yaumering, as if they had not sufficient manli- ness to say outright what they meant. If we are to have a Scotch accent, I prefer the accent, the very slight accent, ye hear about Glcsca. I would like to hear what Miss Avon has to say upon that point." " I am not a very good judge, sir," says Miss Avon, prudently. Then on deck. The leaden-black waves are breaking in white foam along the shores of Kingairloch and the opposite rocks of Eilean-na-Shuna ; and we are still laboriously beating against the southerly wind ; but those silver-yellow gleams in the south have increased, over the softly purple hills of Morvern and Duart. Black as night are the vast ranges of mountains in the north ; but they are far behind us ; we have now no longer any fear of a white shaft of lightning falling from the gloom overhead. The decks are dry now ; camp-stools are in requisition ; there is to be a consultation about our future plans, after the While Dove has been beached for a couple of days. The Laird admits that, if it had been three days or four days, he would like to run through to Glasgow and to Strathgovan, just to see how they were getting on with the gas lamps in the Mitherdrum Road ; but, as it is, he will write for a detailed report ; hence he is free to go wherever we wish. Miss Avon, interrogated, answers that she thinks she must leave us and set out for London ; whereupon she is bidden to hold her tongue, and not talk foolishness. Our doctor, also interrogated, looks down on the sitting parliament he is standing at the tiller and laughs. " Don't be too sure of getting to Castle Osprey to-night," he says, ' whatever your plans may be. The breeze is falling off a bit. But you may put me down as willing to go anywhere with you, if you will let me come." This decision seemed greatly to delight his hostess. She said We could not do without him. She was herself ready to go any- where now eagerly embraced the Youth's suggestion that there were, according to John of Skye's account, vast numbers of seals 200 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. in the bays on the western shores of Knapdale ; and at once as- sured the Laird, who said he particularly wanted a seal-skin or two and some skarts' feathers for a young lady, that he should not be disappointed. Knapdale, then, it was to be. But in the mean time ? Dinner found us in a dead calm. After dinner, when ve came on deck, the sun had gone down ; and in the pale, tender, blue-gray of the twilight the golden star of Lis- more Light house was already shining. Then we had our warning lights put up the port red light shedding a soft crimson glow on the bow of the dingey, the starboard green light touching with a cold, wan color the iron shrouds. To crown all, as we were watch- ing the dark shadows of Lismore Island, a thin, white, vivid line, like the edge of a shilling, appeared over the low hill ; and then the full-moon rose into the partially clouded sky. It was a beau- tiful night. But we gave up all hope of reaching Castle Osprey. The breeze had quite gone ; the calm sea slowly rolled. We went below to books, draughts, and what not Angus Sutherland alone remaining on deck, having his pipe for his companion. It was about an hour afterward that we were startled by sounds on deck; and presently we knew that the White Dove was again flying through the water. The women took some little time to get their shawls and things ready : had they known what was awaiting them, they would have been more alert. For no sooner were we on deck than we perceived that the White Dove was tearing through the water without the slightest landmark or light to guide her. The breeze that had sprung up had swept before it a bank of sea-fog a most unusual thing in these windy and changeable latitudes ; and so dense was this fog that the land on all sides of us had disappeared, while it was quite impossible to say where Lismore Light house was. Angus Suther- land had promptly surrendered the helm to John of Skye, and had gone forward. The men on the lookout at the bow were themselves invisible. " Oh, it is all right, mem," called out John of Skye, through the dense fog, in answer to a question. " I know the lay o' the land very well, though I do not see it. And I will keep her down to Duart, bekass of the tide." And then he called out, " Hector, do you not see any land yet?" * Cha n 1 eill" calls out -Hector, in reply, in his native tongue. AN UNSPOKEN APPEAL. 201 " We'll put a tack on her now. Ready about, boys !" "Ready about!" Round slews her head, with blocks and sails clattering and flapping; there is a scuffle of making fast the lee sheets ; then once more the White Dove goes plunging into the unknown. The non experts see nothing at all but the fog ; th^y have not the least idea whether Lismore Light-house which is a solid object to run against is on port or starboard bow, or right astern, for the matter of that. They are huddled in a group about the top of the companion. They can only listen and wait. John of Skye's voice rings out again : ' Hector, can you not mek out the land yet ?" " Cha n' eil I" " What does he say ?" the Laird asks, almost in a whisper : he is afraid to distract attention at such a time. 'He says 'No,'" Angus Sutherland answers. "He cannot make out the land. It is very thick, and there are bad rocks between Lisir.ore and Duart. I think I will climb up to the cross trees, and have a look round." What was this? A girl's hand laid for an instant on his arm ; a girl's voice low, quick, beseeching saying, " Oh no I" It was the trifle of a moment. "There is not the least danger," says he, lightly. "Some- times you can see better at the cross-trees." Then the dim figure is seen going up the shrouds ; but he is not quite up at the cross-trees when the voice of John of Skye is heard again : "Mr. Sutherland!" " All right, John !" and the dusky figure comes stumbling down and across the loose sheets on deck. "If ye please, sir," says John of Skye; and the well-known formula means that Angus Sutherland is to take the helm. Cap- tain John goes forward to the bow. The only sound around us is the surging of the unseen waves. " I hope you are not frightened, Miss Avon,'' says Mr. Smith, quite cheerfully ; though he is probably listening, like the rest of us, for the sullen roar of breakers in the dark. " No, I am bewildered I don't know what it is all about." "You need not be afraid," Angus Sutherland says to her, ab- ruptly for he will not have the Youth interfere in such matters 202 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. " with Captain John on board. He sees better in a fog than most men in daylight." " We are in the safe-keeping of One greater than any Captain John, 1 ' says the Laird, simply and gravely : he is not in any alarm. Then a call from the bow : " Helm hard down, sir I" " Hard down it is, John 1" Then the rattle again of sheets and sails and, as she swings round again on the other tack, what is that vague, impalpable shadow one sees or fancies one sees on the starboard bow ? " Is that the land, John ?" Angus Sutherland asks, as the skip- per comes aft. " Oh ay !" says he, with a chuckle. " I wass thinking to my- self it wass the loom of Duart I sah once or twice. And I wass saying to Hector if it wass his sweetheart he will look for, he will see better in the night." Then by-and-by this other object, to which all attention is summoned : the fog grows thinner and thinner ; some one catches sight of a pale glimmering light on our port quarter, and we know that we have left Lismore Light-house in our wake. And still the fog grows thiner, until it is suffused with a pale blue radi- ance ; then suddenly we sail out into the beautiful moonlight, with the hills along the horizon all black under the clear and solemn skies. It is a pleasant sail into the smooth harbor on this enchanted night : the far windows of Castle Osprey are all aglow ; the mariners are to rest for awhile from the travail of the sea. And, as we go up the moonlit road, the Laird is jocular enough, and asks Mary Avon, who is his companion, whether she was prepar- ed to sing " Lochaber no more" when we were going blindly through the mist. But our young doctor remembers that hour or so of the mist for another reason. There was something in the sound of the girl's voice he cannot forget. The touch of her hand was slight, but his arm has not even yet parted with \he thrill of it. HIS LORDSHIP. 203 CHAPTER XXVIII. HIS LORDSHIP. Miss AVON is seated in the garden in front of Castle Osprey, under the shade of a drooping ash. Her book lies neglected beside her on the iron seat ; she is idly looking abroad on the sea and the mountains, now all aglow in the warm light of the afternoon. There is a clanging of a gate below. Presently up the steep gravel-path comes a tall and handsome young fellow,in full shoot- ing accoutrement, with his gun over his shoulder. Her face in- stantly loses its dreamy expression. She welcomes him with a cheerful " Good-morning 1" and asks what sport he has had. For answer he comes across the greensward, places his gun against the trunk of the ash, takes a seat beside her, and puts his hands round one knee. " It is a long story," says the Youth. " Will it bore you to hear it ? I've seen how the women in a country-house dread the beginning of the talk at dinner about the day's shooting, and yet give themselves up, like the martyrs and angels they are ; and and it is very different from hunting, don't you know, for there the women can talk as much as anybody." " Oh, but I should like to hear, really," says she. " It was so kind of a stranger on board a steamer to offer you a day's shooting I" 4< Well, it was," says he ; " and the place has been shot over only once on the 12th. Very well ; you shall hear the whole story. I met the keeper by appointment down at the quay. I don't know what sort of a fellow he is Highlander or Lowlander ; I am not such a swell at those things as my uncle is but I should have said he talked a most promising mixture of Devonshire, Yorkshire, and Westmoreland " " What was his name ? " " I don't know," says the other, leisurely. " I called him Donald on chance ; and he took it well enough. I confess I thought it rather odd he had only one dog with him an old re- triever ; but then, don't you know, the moor had been shot over only once ; and I thought we might get along. As we walked along to the hill, Donald says, 'Dinna thamind, sir, if a blackcock gets up ; knock un ower, knock un ower, sir.' " At thu point Miss Avon most unfairly bursts out laughing 204 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. "Why," she says, "what sort of countryman was he if he talked like that ? That ia how they speak in plays about the colliery districts." " Oh, it's all the same," says the young man, quite unabashed " I gave him my bag to carry, and put eight or ten cartridges in my pockets. ' A few mower, sir ; a few mower, sir,' says Don- ald ; and crams my pockets full. Then he would have me put cartridges in my gun, even before we left the road ; and as soon as we began to ascend the hill, I saw he was on the outlook for a straggler or two, or perhap3 a hare. But he warned me that the shooting had been very bad in these districts this year, and that on the 12th the rain was so persistent that scarcely anybody went out. Where could we have been on the 12th surely there was no such rain with us ?" "But when you are away from the hills you miss the rain," remarks this profound meteorologist. "Ahl perhaps so. However, Donald said, 'His lordship went hout for an hour, and got a brace and a 'alf. His lordshp iis no keen for a big bag, ye ken ; but is just satisfied if he can get a brace or a couple of brace afore luncheon. It is the exerceez he likes.' I then discovered that Lord had had this moor as part of his shooting last year; and I assured Donald I did not hunger after slaughter. So we climbed higher and higher. I found Donald a most instructive companion. He was very great on the ownership of the land about here, and the old families, don't you know, and all that kind of thing. I heard a lot about the MacDougalls, and how they had all their possessions confis- cated in 1745 ; and how, when the government pardoned them,and ordered the land to be restored, the Campbells and Breadalbane, into whose hand it had fallen, kept all the best bits for them- selves. 1 asked Donald why they did not complain. He only grinned. I suppose they were afraid to make a row. Then there was one MacDougall, an admiral or captain, don't you know ; and he sent a boat to rescue some shipwrecked men, and the boat was swamped. Then he would send another, and that was swamped too. The government, Donald informed me, wanted to hang him for his philanthropy ; but he had influential friends, and he was let off on the payment of a large sum of money I suppose out ef what the Dukes of Argyll and Breadalbane had left him." The Youth calmly shifted his hands to the other knee. HIS LORDSHIP. 205 "You see, Miss Avon, this was all very interesting ; but I had to ask Donald where the birds were. ' I'll let loose the doag now,' says he. Well, he did so. You would have thought he had let loose a sky-rocket ! It was off and away up hill and down dale and all his whistling wasn't of the slightest use. ' He's a bit wild,' Donald had to admit ; ' but if I had kent you were agoin' shootin' earlier in the morning, I would have given him a run or two to take the freshness hoff. But on a day like this, sir, there's no scent; we will just have to walk them up; They'll lie as close as a water-hen." So we left the dog to look after himself, and on we pounded. Do you see that long ridge of rugged hill?" He pointed to the coast line beyond the bay. " Yes. 1 ' " We had to climb that, to start with ; and not even a glimpse of a rabbit al! the way up. ' 'Ave a care, sir,' says Donald ; and I took down my gun from my shoulder, expecting to walk into a whole covey at least. ' His lordship shot a brace and a half of grouse on this wery knoll the last day he shot over the moor last year.' And now there was less talking, don't you know ; and we went cautiously through the heather, working every bit of it, until we got right to the end of the knoll. ' It's fine heather,' says Donald ; ' bees would dae well here.' So on we went ; and Don- ald's information began again. He pointed out a house on some distant island where Alexander III. was buried. ' But where are the birds?' I asked of him at last. 'Oh,' says he, 'his lordship was never greedy after the shootin'. A brace or two afore lunch- eon was all he wanted. He hain't none o' your greedy ones, he baint. His lordship shot a hare on this very side last year a fine long shot.' We went on again : you know what sort of morning it was, Miss Avon?" " It was hot enough, even in the shelter of the trees." ' Up there it was dreadful : not a breath of wind : the sun blis- tering. And still we ploughed through that knee-deep heather, with the retriever sometimes coming within a mile of us ; and Don;Jd back to his old families. It was the MacDonnells now ; he said they had no right to that name ; their proper name was Mac Alister Mack Mick Alister, I think he said. ' But where the dickens are the birds ?' I said. ' If we get a brace afore luncheon we'll do fine,' said he. And then he added, ' There's a braw cold well down there that his lordship aye stopped at.' The hin> ""HS 206 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. enough ; we had our dram. Then we went on. and on, and on, and on, until I struck work, and sat down, and waited for the luncheon-basket." " We were BO afraid Fred would be late, H she said ; " the men are all so busy down at the yacht." "What did it matter?" the Youth said, resignedly. "I was being instructed. He had got farther back still now, to the Druids, don't you know, and the antiquity of the Gaelic language. ' What was the river that ran by Rome ?' ' The Tiber,' I said. 'And what,' he asked, ' was Tobgr in Gaelic but a spring or foun- tein ?' And the Tamar in Devonshire was the same thing. And the various Usks uska, it seems, is the Gaelic for water. Well, I'm hanged if I know what that man did not talk about 1" " But surely such a keeper must be invaluable," remarks the young lady, innocently. u Perhaps. I confess I got a little bit tired of it j but no doubt the poor fellow was doing his best to make up for the want of birds. However, we started again after luncheon. And now we came to place after place where his lordship had performed the most wonderful feats last year. And, mind you, the dog wasn't ranging so wild now j if there had been the ghost of a shadow of a feather in the whole district, we must have seen it. Then we came to another well where his lordship used to stop for a drink. Then we arrived at a crest where no one who had ever shot on the moor had ever failed to get a brace or two. A brace or two I What we flushed was a covey of sheep that flew like mad things down the hill. Well, Donald gave in at last. He could not find words to express his astonishment. His lordship had never come along that highest ridge without getting at least two or three shots. And, when I set out for home, he still stuck to it ; he would not let me take the cartridges out of my gun ; he assured me his lordship never failed to get a snipe or a blackcock on the way home. Confound his lordship 1" " And is that all the story ?" says the young lady, with her eye* wide open. " Yes, it is," says he, with a tragic gloom on the handsome face " You have not brought home a single bird ?" " Not a feather ! never saw one." Not even a rabbit ?" ' Nary rabbit." HIS LORDSHIP. 207 " Why, Fred was up here a short time ago, wanting a few birds for the yacht." " Oh, indeed," says he, with a sombre contempt. " Perhaps he will go and ask his lordship for them. In the mean time, I'm going in to dress for dinner. I suppose his lordship would do that too, after having shot his thirty brace." " You must not, anyway," she says. " There is to be no dress- ing for dinner to day ; we are all going down to the yacht after." " At all events," he says, " I must get my shooting things off. Much good I've done with 'em 1" So he goes into the house, and leaves her alone. But this chat together seems to have brightened her up somewhat ; and with a carcass and cheerful air she goes over to the flower borders, and begins culling an assortment of various hued blossoms. The evening is becoming cooler ; she is not so much afraid of the sun's glare ; it is a pleasant task ; and she is singing, or humming, snatches of song of the most heterogeneous character. " Then fill up a bumper ! what can I do less Than drink to the health of my bonny Black Bess ?" this is the point at which she has arrived when she suddenly becomes silent, and for a second her face is suffused with a con- scious color. It is our young doctor who has appeared on the gravel-path. She does not rise from her stooping position j bufc she hurries with her work. "You are going to decorate the dinner-table, I suppose?" he says, somewhat timidly. "Yes," she answers, without raising her head. The fingers work nimbly enough : why so much hurry ? " You will take some down to the yacht, too ?" he says. ' Everything is quite ready now for the start to-morrow." " Oh yes," she says. " And I thjnk I have enough now for the tab'e. I must go in." " Miss Avon," he says ; and she stops, with her eyes downcast. ' I wanted to say a word to you. You have once or twice spoken about going away. I wanted to ask you you won't think it is any rudeness but if the reason was if it was the presence of any one that was distasteful to you " " Oh, I hope no one will think that 1" she answers quickly ; and for one second the soft, black, pathetic eyes meet his. " I am very happy to be among such good friends too happy, I think. T must think of other things" 203 VTHITE WIXGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. And here she seems to force this embarrassment away from her ; and she says to him, with quite a pleasant air, " I am so glad to hear that the White Dove will sail so much better now. It must be so much more pleasant for you, when you understand all about it." And then she goes into the house to put the flowers on the table. He, left alone, goes over to the iron seat beneath the ash- tree, and takes up the book she has been reading, and bends hia eyes on the page. It is not the book he is thinking about. CHAPTER XXIX. THE LAIRD'S PLANS. WHO is first up to thrust aside those delusive yellow blinds that suggest sunshine whether the morning be fair or foul ? But the first glance through the panes removes all apprehensions : the ruffled bay, the fluttering ensign, the shining white wings of the White Dove, are all a summons to the slumbering house. And the mistress of Castle Osprey, as soon as she is dressed, is up- etairs and down-stairs like a furred flash of lightning. Her cry and potent command a reminiscence of certain transatlantic experiences is, " All aboard for Dan I's /" She will not have so fine a sailing morning wasted, especially when Dr. Angus Sutherland is with us. Strangely enough, when at last we stand on the white decks, and look round on the shining brass and varnished wood, and help to stow away the various articles needed for our cruise, he is the least excited of all those chattering people. There is a certain conscious elation on starting on a voyage, especially on a beauti- ful morning ; but there also may be some vague and dim appre- hension. The beginning is here ; but the end ? Angus walked about with Captain John, and was shown all that had been done to the yacht, and listened in silence. But the rest were noisy enough, calling for this and that, hand- ing things down the companion, and generally getting in the way of the steward. " Well, Fred," says our facetious Laird, '' have ye hung up all the game that Mr. Smith brought back from the moor yesterday?'' and Master Fred was so much tickled bj this profound joke that he had to go down into the forecastle to hide his grinning delight, THE LAIRD'S PLANS. 209 and went covertly smiling about his work for the next quarter of an hour. Then the hubbub gradually ceased ; for the boats had been swung to the davits, and the White Dove was gently slipping away from her moorings. A fine northerly breeze ; a ruffled blue sea ; and the south all shining before her. How could we care whither the beautiful bird bore us ? Perhaps before the night fell we should be listening for the singing of the mermaid of Colon say. The wooded shores slowly drew away ; the horizon widened ; there was no still blue, but a fine windy gray, in the vast plain of the sea that was opening out before us. " Oh yes, mem," says John of Skye to Miss Avon. "I wass sure we would get a good breeze for Mr. Sutherland when he will come back to the yat." Miss Avon does not answer : she is looking at the wide sea, and at the far islands, with somewhat wistful eyes. " Would you like to tek the tiller now, mem?" says the beard- ed skipper, in his most courteous tones. " Mr. Sutherland was aye very proud to see ye at the tiller." " No, thank you, John," she says. And then she becomes aware that she has in her absent mood spoken somewhat curtly ; so she turns and comes over to him, and says, in a confidential way : " To tell you the truth, John, I never feel very safe in steering when the yacht is going before the wind. When she is close- hauled, I have something to guide me ; but with the wind com- ing behind, I know 1 make a blunder without knowing why." " No, no, mem ; you must not let Mr. Sutherland hear you say that, when he is so proud o' learnin' ye ; and there is no dan' cher at ahl of your making a plunder." But at this moment our young doctor himself comes on deck ; and she quickly moves away to her camp-stool, and plunges her- self into a book; while the attentive Mr. Smith provides her with a sun-shade and a footstool. Dr. Sutherland cannot, of course, interfere with her diligent studies. Meanwhile our hostess is below, putting a few finishing touches to the decoration of the saloon ; while the Laird, in the blue- cushioned recess at the head of the table, is pouring over Muni- cipal London. At length he raises his eyes, and says to his sole companion 14 210 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. " I told ye, ma'am he wag a good lad a biddable lad did I not?" " You are speaking of your nephew, of course," she says. " Well, it is very kind of him to offer to turn out of his state- room in favor of Dr. Sutherland ; but there is really no need for it. Angus is much better accustomed to roughing it on board a yacht." " I beg your pardon, ma'am," says the Laird, with judicial gravity. " Howard is in the right there too. He must insist on it. Dr. Sutherland is your oldest friend. Howard is here on a kind of sufferance. I am sure we are both of us greatly obliged to ye." Here there was the usual deprecation. * And 1 will say," observes the Laird, with the same profound air, " that his conduct since 1 sent for him has entirely my ap- proval entirely my approval. Ye know what I mean. I would not say a word to him for the world no, no after the first in- timation of my wishes: no coercion. Every one for himself: no coercion." She does not seem so overjoyed as might have been expected. "Oh, of course not," she says. " It is only in plays and books that anybody is forced into a marriage ; at least you don't often find a man driven to marry anybody against his will. And in- de* d, sir," she adds, with a faint smile, " you - ^.ther frightened your nephew at first. He thought you were going to play the part of a stage guardian, and disinherit him if he did not marry the young lady. But I took the liberty of saying to him that you could not possibly be so unreasonable. Because, you know, if Mary refused to marry him, how could that be any fault of his ?" " Precisely so," said the Laird, in his grand manner. "A most judeecious and sensible remark. Let him do his part, and I am satisfied. I would not exact impossibeelities from any one, much less from one that I have a particular regard for. And, as I was saying, Howard is a good lad." The Laird adopted a lighter tone. " Have ye observed, ma'am, that things are not at all unlikely to turn out as we wished ?" he said, in a half whisper ; and there was a secret triumph in his look. " Have ye observed ? Oh yea ; young folks are very shy ; but their elders are not blind. Did ye ever see two young people that seemed to get on better together on so short an acquaintance ?" THE LAIRD'S PLANS. 211 " Oh yes," she says, rather gloomily ; " they seem to be very good friends." " Yachting is a famous thing for making people acquainted," says the Laird, with increasing delight. " They know one another now as well as though they had been friends for years on th land. Has that struck ye now before ?" " Oh yes," she says. There is no delight on her face. "It will jist be the happiness of my old age, if the Lord spares me, to see these two established at Denny-mains," says he, as if he were looking at the picture before his very eyes. " And we have a fine soft air in the west of Scotland ; it's no like asking a young English leddy to live in the bleaker parts of the north, or among the east winds of Edinburgh. And I would not have the children sent to any public school, to learn vulgar ways of speech and clipping of words. No, no ; I would wale out a young man from our Glasgow University one familiar with the proper tra- deetions of the English language; and he will guard against the clipping fashion of the South, just as against the yaumering of the Edinburgh bodies. Ah will wale him out maself. But no too much education : no, no ; that is the worst gift ye can be- stow upon bairns. A sound constitution ; that is first and fore- most. I would rather see a lad out and about shooting rabbits than shut up wi a pale face among a lot of books. And the boys will have their play, I can assure ye ; I will send that fellow Andrew about his business if he does na stop netting and snar- ing. What do I care about the snipping at the shrubs? I will put out turnips on the verra lawn, jist to see the rabits run about in the morning. The boys shall have their play at Denny mains, I can assure ye ; more play than school hours, or I'm mistaken." The Laird laughs to himself, just as if he had been telling a good one about Homesh. " And no muzzle-loaders," he continues, with a sudden serious- ness. " Not a muzzle loader will I have put into their hands. Many's the time it makes me grue to think of my loading a muz- zle-loader when I was a boy loading one barrel, with the other barrel on full cock, and jist gaping to blow my fingers off. I'm thinking Miss Mary though she'll no be Miss Mary then will be sore put to when the boys bring in thrushes and blackbirds they have shot ; for she's a sensitive bit thing ; but what I say is, better let them shoot thrushes and blackbirds than bring them up to have white faces ower books. Ah tell ye this : I'll give them 212 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. a sovereign apiece for every blackbird tbey shoot on the wing." The Laird had got quite excited ; he did not notice that Muni- cipal London was dangerously near the edge of the table. " Andrew will not objeck to the shooting o' blackbirds," he said, with a loud laugh as if there were something of Homesh's vein in that gardener. "The poor crayture is just daftabouthia cherries. That's another thing : no interference with bairns in a garden. Let them steal what they like. Green apples ? bless ye, they're the life o' children. Nature puts everything to rights. She kens better than books. If I catched the school-master lockin' up the boys in their play hours, my word but I'd send him fleein' I" He was most indignant with this school-master, although he was to be of .his own " waling." He was determined that the lads should have their play, lessons or no lessons. Green apples he preferred to Greek. The dominie would have to look out. " Do you think, ma'am," he says, in an insidious manner " do ye think she would like to have a furnished house in London for pairt of the year? She might have her friends to see " Now at last this is too much. The gentle, small creature, has been listening with a fine, proud, hurt air on her face, and with tears near to her eyes. It is thus that her Scotch student, of whom she is the fierce champion, is to be thrust aside ? " Why," she says, with an indignant warmth, " you take it all for granted ! I thought it was a joke. Do you really think your nephew is going to marry Mary ? And Angus Sutherland in love with her 1" ' God bless me 1" exclaimed the Laird, with such a start that the bulky Municipal London banged down on the cabin floor. Was it the picking up of that huge tome, or the consciousness that he had been betrayed into an unusual ejaculation, that crim- soned the Laird's face ? When he sat upright again, however, wonder was the chief expression visible in his eyes. " Of course I have no right to say so," she instantly and hur- riedly adds ; " it is only a guess a suspicion. But haven't you seen it ? And until quite recently I had other suspicions too. Why, what do you think would induce a man in Angus Suther- land's position to spend such a long time in idleness ?" But by this time the Laird had recovered his equanimity. He was not to be disturbed any bogie. He smiled serenely. " We will see, ma'am ; we will see. If it is so with the young THE LAIRD'S PLANS. 213 man, it is a peety. But you must admit yourself that ye see how things are likely to turn out ?" " I don't know," she said, with reluctance : she would not admit that she had been grievously troubled during the past few days. " Very well, ma'am, very well," said the Laird, bitterly. " We will see who is right. I am not a gambler, but I would wager ye a gold ring, a sixpence, and a silver thimble that I am not so far out. I have my eyes open ; oh ay 1 Now I am going on deck to see where we are." And so the Laird rose, and put the bulky volume by, and pass- ed along the saloon to the companion. We heard " ' Sing tantara ! sing tantara !' " as his head appeared. He was in a gay humor. Meanwhile the White Dove, with all sail set, had come along at a spanking pace. The weather threatened change, it is true ; there was a deep gloom overhead ; but along the southern hori- zon there was a blaze of yellow light which had the odd appear- ance of being a sunset in the middle of the day ; and in this glare lay the long blue promontory known as the Rhinns of Islay, within sight of the Irish coast. And so we went down by Easdail, and past Colipoll and its slate quarries ; and we knew this constant breeze would drive us through the swirls of the Doruis Mhor the "Great Gate." And were we listening, as we drew near in the afternoon, to the rose-purple bulk of Scarba, for the low roar of Corrievrechan ? We knew the old refrain : " As you pass through Jura's Sound Bend your course by Scarba's shore ; Shun, oh shun the gulf profound Where Corrievrechan 's surges roar !" But now there is no ominous murmur along these distant shores. Silence and a sombre gloom hang over the two islands. We are glad to shun this desolate coast ; and glad when the White Dove is carrying us away to the >leasanter south, when, behold 1 be- hold ! another sight ! As we open out the dreaded gulf, Corriev- rechan itself becomes but an open lane leading out to the west ; and there, beyond the gloom, amidst the golden seas, lies afar the music-haunted Colonsay 1 It is the calm of the afternoon ; the seas lie golden around the rocks ; surely the sailors can hear her singing now for the lover she lost so long ago 1 What is it that thrills the brain so, and fills the eyes with tears, when we can hear no sound at all coming over the sea ? 214 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. It is the Laird who summons us back to actualities. " It would be a strange thing," says he, " if Tom Galbraith were in that island at this very meenit. Ah'm sure he was going there." And Captain John helps. u I not like to go near Corrievrechan," he says, with a grin, " when there is a flood-tide and half a gale from the sou'-west. It is an ahfu' place," he adds, more seriously " an ahfu' place." " I should like to go through," Angus Sutherland says, quite inadvertently. " Ay, would ye, sir ?" says Captasn John, eagerly. " If there wass only you and me on board, I would tek you through ferry well with the wind from the norrard and an ebb-tide. Oh yes 1 I would do that ; and maybe we will do it this year yet." u I do not think I am likely to see Corrievrechan again this year," said he, quite quietly so quietly that scarcely any one heard. But Mary Avon heard. Well, we managed, after all, to bore through the glassy swirls of the Doruis Mohr the outlying pickets, as it were, of the fiercer whirlpools and currents of Corrievrechan and the light breeze still continuing, we crept along in the evening past Crinan, and along the lonely coast of Knapdale, with the giant Paps of Jura darkening in the west. Is'ight fell ; the breeze almost died away ; we turned the bow of the White Dove toward an opening in the land, and the flood tide gently bore her into the wide, si- lent, empty loch. There did not seem to be any light on the shores. Like a tall gray phantom the yacht glided through the gloom ; we were somewhat silent on deck. But there was a radiant yellow glow coming through the sky- light ; and Master Fred has done his best to make the saloon cheerful enough. And where there is supper there ought to be other old-fashioned institutions singing, for example ; and how long was it since we had heard anything about the Queen's Maries, or u Ho, ro, clansmen!" or the Irish Brigade ? Nobody, however, appeared to think of these things. This was a sileiat and lonely loch, and the gloom of night was over land and water ; but we still seemed to have before our eyes the fair island amidst the golden seas. And was there not still lingering in the night air some faint echo of the song of Colonsay ? It is a heartbreaking song ; it is all about the parting of lovers. A SUNDAY IN CHAPTER XXX. A SUNDAY IN FAR SOLITUDES. MART AVON is seated all alone on deck, looking rather wistfully around her at this solitary Loch na-Chill, that is, the Loch of the Burying Place. It is Sunday morning, and there is a more than Sabbath peace dwelling over sea and shore. Not a ripple on the glassy sea ; a pale haze of sunshine on the islands in the south ; a stillness as of death along the low-lying coast. A seal rises to the surface of the calm sea, and regards her for a moment with his soft black eyes, then slowly subsides. She has not seen him ; she is looking far away. Then a soft step is heard on the companion ; and the manner of the girl instantly changes. Are these tears that she hastily brushes aside? But her face is all smiles to welcome her friend. She declares that she is charmed with the still beauty of this re- mote and solitary loch. Then other figures appear ; and at last we are all summoned on deck for morning service. It is not an elaborate ceremony ; there are no candles, or genuflections, or embroidered altar cloths. But the Laird has put on a black frock-coat, and the men have put aside their scarlet cowls, and wear smart sailor-looking cloth caps. Then the Laird gravely rises, and opens his book. Sometimes, is is true, our good friend has almost driven us to take notice of his accent, and we have had our little jokes on board about it ; but you do not pay much heed to these peculiar- ities when the strong and resonant voice amidst the strange silence of this Loch of the Burying-Place reads out the 103d Psalm : " Like as a father peetieth his children," he may say ; but one does not heed that. And who is to notice that, as he comes to these words, he lifts his eyes from the book and fixes them for a moment on Mary Avon's downcast face ? ' Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him- For he knoweth our frame : he remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass : as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone ; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children." Then, when he had finished the Psalm, he turned to the New Testament, and 216 WHITE WINGS: A YACHTING ROMANCE. read in the same slow and reverent manner the sixth chapter of Matthew. This concluded the service ; it was not an elaborate one. Then, about an hour afterward, the Laird, on being appealed to by his hostess, gave it as his opinion that there would be no Sabbath desecration at all in our going ashore to examine the ruins of what appeared to be an ancient chapel, which we could make out by the aid of our glasses on the green slope above the rocks. And as our young friends Angus and the Youth idly paddled us away from the yacht, the Laird began to apologize to his hostess for not having lengthened the service by the exposi- tion of some chosen text. " Ye see, ma'am." he observed, " some are giftod in that way. and some not. My father, now, had an amazing power of ex- pounding and explaining I am sure there was nothing in Hutch- eson's Exposeetion he had not in his memory. A very famous man he was in those days as an Anti-Lifter very famous ; there were few who could argue with him on that memorable point." " But what did you call him, sir?" asks his hostess, with some vague notion that the Laird's father had lived in the days of body-snatchers. *' An Anti-Lifter: it was a famous controversy; but ye are too young to remember of it, perhaps. And now in these days we are more tolerant, and rightly so: I do not care whether the min- ister lifts the sacramental bread before distribution or not, now that there is no chance of Popery getting into our Presbyterian Church in disguise. It is the speerit, not the form, that is of importance : our Church authoritatively declares that the efficacy of the sacraments depends not 'upon any virtue in them or in him that doth administer them.' Ay ; that is the cardinal truth. But in those days they considered it right to guard against Po- pery in every manner ; and my father was a prominent Anti- Lifter ; and well would he argue and expound on that and most other doctrinal subjects. But I have not much gift that way," added the Laird, modestly, quite forgetting with what clearness he had put before us the chief features of tho great Semple case. "I don't think you have anything to regret, sir," said our young doctor, as he carelessly worked the oar with one hand, " that you did not bother the brains of John and his men with any exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. Isn't it an odd thing that the common fishermen and boatmen of the Sea of A SUNDAY IN FAB SOLITUDES. 217 Galilee understood the message Christ brought them just at once ? and nowadays, when we have millions of churches built, and mil- lions of money being spent, and tons upon tons of sermons being written every year, we seem only to get further and further into confusion and chaos. Fancy the great army of able-bodied men that go on expounding and expounding, and the learning, and time, and trouble they bestow on their work, and scarcely any two of them agreed ; while the people who listen to them are all in a fog. Simon Peter, and Andrew, and the sons of Zebedee must have been men of the most extraordinary intellect. They understood at once ; they were commissioned to teach ; and they had not even a Shorter Catechism to go by." The Laird looked at him doubtfully. He did not know wheth- er to recognize him a true ally or not. However, the mention of the Shorter Catechism seemed to suggest solid ground ; and he was just about entering into the question of the Subordinate Standards, when an exclamation of rage on the part of his neph- ew startled us. That handsome lad, during all this theological discussion, had been keeping a watchful and matter of-fact eye on a number of birds on the shore ; and now that we were quite close to the sandy promonotory, he had recognized them. " Look 1 look 1" he said, in tone* of mingled eagerness and dis- appointment. " Golden plovers, every one of them ! Isn't it too bad? It's always like this on Sunday. I will bet you won't get within half a mile of them to-morrow." And he refused to be consoled as we landed on the sandy shore, and found the golden-dusted, long-legged birds running along before us, or flitting from patch to patch of the moist greensward. We had to leave him behind in moody contempla- tion as we left the shore, and scrambled up the rugged and rocky slope to the ruins o/' ihis solitary little chapel. There was an air of repose and silence about these crumbling walls and rusted gates that was in consonance with a habitation of the dead. And first of all, outside, we came upon an upright lona-cross, elaborately carved with strange figures of men and beasts. But inside the small building, lying prostrate among the grass and weeds, there was a collection of those memorials that would have made an antiquarian's heart leap for joy. It is to be feared that our guesses about the meaning of the emblems on the tombstones were of a crude and superficial character. Were these Irish chiefs, those stone figures with the long sword and the 218 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. harp beside them? Was the recurrent shamrock a national r religious emblem ? And why was the effigy of this ancient worthy accompanied by a pair of pincers, an object that looked like a tooth-comb, and a winged griffin ? Again, outside, but still within the sacred walls, we came upon still further tombs of warriors, most of them hidden among the long grass ; and here and there we tried to brush the weeds away. It was no bad occupation for a Sunday morning, in this still and lonely burial-place above the wide seas. On going on board again, we learned from John of Skye that there were many traces of an ancient ecclesiastical colonization about this coast ; and that in especial there were a ruined chapel and other remains on one of a small group of islands that we could see on the southern horizon. Accordingly, after luncheon, we fitted out an expedition to explore that distant island. The Youth was particularly anxious to examine these ecclesiastical remains ; he did not explain to everybody that he had received from Captain John a hint tu.:t the shores of this sainted island swarmed with seals. And now the gig is shoved off; the four oars strike the glassy water ; and away we go in search of the summer isles in the south. The Laird settles himself comfortably in the stern ; it seems but natural that he should take Mary Avon's hand in his, just as if she were a little child. " And ye must know, Miss Mary," he says, quite cheerfully, " that if ever ye should come to live in Scotland, ye will not be persecuted with our theology. No, no ; far from it ; we respect every one's religion, if it is sincere, though we cling to our own. And why should we not cling to it, and guard it from error ? We have had to fight for our civil and religious leeberties inch by inch, foot by foot ; and we have won. The blood of the saints has not been shed in vain. The cry of the dying and wounded on many a Lanarkshire moor when the cavalry were riding about, and hewing and slaughtering was not wasted on the air. The Lord heard, and answered. And we do well to guard what we have gained ; and, if need were, there are plenty of Scotsmen alive at this day who would freely spend their lives in defending their own religion. But ye need not fear. These are the days of great toleration. Ye might live in Scotland all your life, and not hear an ill word said of the Episcopal Church." A SUNDAY IN PAR SOLITUDES. 219 After having given this solemn assurance, the Laird cast a glance of sly humor at Angus Sutherland. '' I will confess," said he, " when Dr. Sutherland brought that up this morning about Peter and Andrew, and James and John, I was a bit put out. But then," he added, triumphantly, " ye must remember that in those days they had not the inseedious attacks of Prelacy to guard against. There was no need for them to erect bulwarks of the faith. But in our time it is different, or rather it has been different. I am glad to think that we of the Scotch Church are emancipated from the fear of Rome ; and I am of opeenion that with the advancing times they are in the right who advocate a little moderation in the way of applying and exacting the Standards. No, no ; I am not for bigotry. I assure ye, Miss Mary, ye will find far fewer bigots in Scotland than people say." " I have not met any, sir," remarks Miss Mary. " I tell ye what," said he, solemnly ; " I am told on good au- thority that there is a movement among the U. P. Presbytery to send up to the Synod a sort of memorial with regard to the Sub- ordinate Standards that is, ye know, the Westminster Confes - sion of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms just hint- ing, in a mild sort of way, that these are of human composition, and necessarily imperfect ; and that a little amount of of " The Laird could not bring himself to pronounce the word u laxity." He stammered and hesitated, and at last said : " Well, a little judeecious liberality of construction do ye see ? on certain points is admissible, while cleaily defining other points on which the Church will not admit of question. How- ever, as I was saying, we have little fear of Popery in the Presby- terian Church now ; and ye would have no need to fear it in your English Church if the English people were not so sorely wanting in humor. If they had any sense of fun, they would have laughed those millinery, play-acting people out o' their Church long ago " But at this moment it suddenly strikes the Laird that a fair proportion of the people he is addressing are of the despised Eng- lish race ; and he hastily puts in a disclaimer. " I meant the clergy, of course," says he, most unbluskingly, u the English clergy, as having no sense of humor at all none at all. Dear me, what a stupid man I met at Dunoon last year I There were some people on board the steamer talking about Ho- mesh ye know, he was known to every man who travelled up and down the Clyde and they told the English clergyman about 220 \7HITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. Homesh wishing he was a stot. ' Wishing he was a what ?' says he. Would ye believe it, it took about ten minutes to explain the story to him bit by bit ; and at the end of it his face was as blank as a bannock before it is put on the griddle 1" We could see the laughter brimming in the Laird's eyes ; he was thinking either of the stot or some other story about Homesh But his reverence for Sunday prevailed. He fell back on the Standards ; and was most anxious to assure Miss Avon that if ever she were to live in Scotland, she would suffer no persecution at all, even though she still determined to belong to the Episco- pal Cnurch. " We have none in the neighborhood of Strathgovan," he re- marked, quite simply ; " but ye could easily drive in to Glasgow" and he did not notice the quick look of surprise and inquiry that Angus Sutherland immediately directed from the one to the other. But Mary Avon was looking down. It was a long pull ; but by-and-by the features of the distant island became clearer ; and we made out an indentation that probably meant a creek of some sort. But what was our sur- prise, as we drew nearer and nearer to what we supposed to be an uninhabited island, to find the top mast of a vessel appearing over some rocks that guard the entrance to the bay ? As we pulled into the still waters, and passed the heavy black smack ly- ing at anchor, perhaps the two solitary creatures in charge of her were no less surprised at the appearance of strangers in these lonely waters. They came ashore just as we landed. They ex- plained, in more or less imperfect English, that they were lobster- fishers, and that this was a convenient haven for their smack, while they pulled in their small boat round the shores to look after the traps. And if when the Laird was not looking his hostess privately negotiated for the sale of half a dozen live lob- sters, and if young Smith also took a quiet opportunity of inquir- ing about the favorite resorts of the seals, what then ? Mice will play when they get the chance. The Laird was walking on with Mary Avon, and was telling her about the Culdees. And all the time we wandered about the deserted island, and explored its ruins, and went round its bays, the girl kept almost exclusively with the Laird, or with her other and gentle friend ; and Angus had but little chance of talking to her or walking with her. He was left pretty much alone. Perhaps he was not greatly interested in the ecclesiastical remains. But he elicited A SUNDAY IN FAB SOLITUDES. 221 from the two lobster fishers that the hay scattered on the floor of the chapel was put there by fishermen, who used the place to sleep in when they came to the island. And they showed him the curious tombstone of the saint, with its sculptured elephant and man on horseback. Then he went away by himself to trace out the remains of a former civilization on the island ; the wither- ed stumps of a blackthorn hedge, and the abundant nettle. A big rat ran out, the only visible tenant of the crumbled habitation. Meanwhile the others had climbed to the summit of the cen- tral hill ; and behold ! all around the smooth bays were black and shining objects, like the bladders used on fishermen's nets. But these moved this way and that ; sometimes there was a big splash as one disappeared. The Youth sat and regarded this splendid hunting ground with a breathless interest. " I'm thinking ye ought to get your seal skin to-morrow, Miss Mary," says the Laird, for once descending to worldly things. " Oh, I hope no one will be shot for me 1" she said. " They are such gentle creatures 1" " But young men will be young men, ye know," said he, cheer- fully. " When 1 was Howard's age, and knew I had a gun within reach, a sight like that would have made my heart jump." " Yes," said the nephew ; " but you never do have a sight like that when you have a rifle within reach." " Wait till to-morrow wait till to-morrow," said the Laird, cheerfully. " And now we will go down to the boat. It is a long pull back to the yacht." But the Laird's nephew got even more savage as we rowed back in the calm, pale twilight. Those wild-duck would go whir- ring by within easy shot, apparently making away to the solitudes of Loch Swen. Then that grayish-yellow thing on the rocks? Could it be a sheep? We watched it for several minutes, as the gig went by in the dusk ; then, with a heavy plunge or two, the seal floundered down and into the water. The splash echoed through the silence. " Did you ever see the like of that ?" the Youth exclaimed, mortified beyond endurance. " Did you ever ? As big as a cow I And as sure as you get such a chance, it is Sunday I" ' I am very glad," says Miss Avon. " 1 hope no one will shoot a seal on my account." " The seal ought to be proud to have such a fate," says the Laird, gallantly. " Ye are saving him from a miserable and lin- 222 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. gering death of cold, or hunger, or old age. And whereas in that case nobody would care anything or see anything more about him, ye give him a sort of immorality in your dining-room, and ye are never done admiring him. A proud fellow he ought to be. And if the seals about here are no very fine in their skins, still it would be a curiosity, and at present we have not one at all at Denny-mains." Again this reference to Denny-mains : Angus Sutherland glanc- ed from one to the other ; but what could he see in the dusk ? Then we got back to the yacht : what a huge gray ghost she looked in the gloom 1 And as we were all waiting to get down the companion, Angus Sutherland put his hand on his hostess's arm and stayed her. " You must be wrong," said he simply. " I have offended her somehow. She has not spoken ten words to me to day." CHAPTER XXXL HIDDEN SPRINGS. ' WELL, pernaps it is better, after all," says a certain person, during one of those opportunities for brief conjugal confidences that are somewhat rare on board ship. She sighs as she speaks. " I thought it was going to be otherwise. But it will be all the better for Angus not to marry for some years to come. lie has a great future before him, and a wife would really be an encum. brance. Young professional men should never marry ; their cir- cumstances keep on improving, but they can't improve their wives." All this is very clear and sensible. It is not always this person talks in so matter-of-fact a way. If, however, everything has turn- ed out for the best, why this sudden asperity with which she adds, " But I did not expect it of Mary." And then again, u She might at least be civil to him." u She is not uncivil to him. She only avoids him." a I consider that her open preference for Howard Smith is just a little bit too ostentatious," she says, in rather an injured way. " Indeed, if it comes to that,she would appear to prefer the Laird to either of them. Any stranger would think she wanted to marry Denny-mains himself." HIDDEN SPRINGS. , 223 " Has it ever occurred to you," is the respectful question, " that a young woman say, once in a century may be in that state of mind in which she would prefer not to marry anybody ? " Abashed ? Not a bit of it. There is a calm air of superiority on her face : she is above trifles and taunts. " If unmarried women had any sense," she says, u that would be their normal state of mind." And she might have gone on enlarging on this text, only that at this moment Mary Avon comes along from the ladies' cabin, and the morning greetings take place between the two women. It is only a suspicion that there is a touch of coldness in the elder woman's manner. It is possible that our love for Mary Avon may be decreasing by ever so little a bit ? Then Angus comes down the companion : he has got some wild flowers ; he has been ashore. And surely he ought to give them to the younger of the two women : she is of the age when, such pretty compliments are a natural thing. But no. The flowers are for his hostess for the decoration of her table; and Mary Avon does not look up as they are handed along. Then young Mr. Smith makes his appearance ; he has been ashore too. And his complaints and protests fill the air. " Didn't I tell you ?" he says, appealing more especially to the women-folk for sympathy. " Didn't I tell you ? You saw all those golden plover yesterday, and the wild-duck farther up the loch : there is not a sign of one of them 1 I knew it would be so. As sure as Monday begins, you never get a chance 1 I will un- dertake to say that when we get to those islands where all the seals were yesterday, we sha'n't see one to-day." " But are we to stop here a whole day in order to let you go and shoot seals ?" says his hostess. " You can't help it," says he, laughing. " There isn't any wind." " Angus," she says as if nobody knew anything about the wind but the young doctor "is that so ?" " Not a doubt of it," he sa\ s. " But it is a beautiful day. You might make up a luncheon party, and have a picnic by the side of the Saints' Well down in the hollow, you know." " Much chance I shall have with the seals, then 1" remarked the other young man, good-naturedly enough. However, it is enough that the suggestion has come from Angus Sutherland. A picnic on the Island of the Saints is forthwith commanded seals or no seals. And while Master Fred, imme- 224 WHITE WINGS : A YACHTING ROMANCE. diately after breakfast, begins his preparations, the Laird helps by carefully putting a corkscrew in his pocket. It is his invari- able custom. We are ready for any emergency. And if the golden plover, and mergansers, and seals appear to know that the new, busy, brisk working-days have begun again, surely we ought to know it too. Here are the same silent shores, and the calm blue seas and blue sky, and the solitary islands in the south all just as they were yesterday ; but we have a secret tense that the lassitude and idleness of Sunday are over, and that there is something of freedom in the air. The Laird has no longer any need to keep a check on his tongue : those stories about Homesh may bubble ap to the surface of his mind just as they please. And indeed he is exceedingly merry and facetious as the preparations go on for this excursion. When at length he gets into the stern of the boat, he says to his companion, " 'There was Mary Beaton, and M&ry Seaton, And Mary Avon, and me.' What ails ye, lass ? I have not heard much of your singing of late." " You would not hare me sing profane songs on Sunday ?" she says, demurely. " JNo ; but I mean long before Sunday. However," he says, cheerfully, and looking at her, " there is a wonderful change in ye wonderful I Well do I mind the day I first saw ye, on the quay ; though it seems a long time since then. Ye were a poor white bit thing then ; I was astonished ; and the next day too, when ye were lame as well, 1 said to myself, ' Well, it's high time that bit lass had a breath o' the sea air.' And now why, ye just mind me o' the lasses in the Scotch songs the country lasses, ye know with the fine color on your face." And indeed this public statement did not tend to decrease the sun brown that now tinged Mary Avon's cheeks. " These lads," said he no doubt referring to his nephew and to Angus Sutherland, who were both laboring at the long oars "are much too attentive to ye, putting ye under the shadow of the sails, and bringing ye in parasols, and things like that. No, no ; don't you be afraid of getting sunburnt ; it is a comely and wholesome thing : is it not reasonable that human beings need the sunlight as much as plants ? Just ask your friend Dr. Suther- land that ; though a man can guess as much without a microscope. Keep ye in the sun, Miss Mary ; never mind the brown on your HIDDEN BPRINOS. 225 cheeks, whatever the young men say : lean tell ye ye are looking a great deal better now than when ye stepped on shore a shilpit pale bit thing on that afternoon." Miss Avon had not been in the habit of receiving lectures liko this about her complexion, and she seemed rather confused ; but fortunately the measured noise of the rowlocks prevented the younger men from overhearing. " ' There was Mary Beaton, and Mary Seaton, And Mary Avon, and me, ' " continued the Laird, in his facetious way ; and he contentedly patted the hand of the girl beside him. u I fear I am growing very fond of idleness." " I am sure, sir, you are so busy during the rest of the year," says this base flatterer, " that you should be able to enjoy a holi- day with a clear conscience.** " Well, perhaps so perhaps so," said the Laird, who was great ly pleased. " And yet, let one work as hard as one can, it is sin gular how little one can do, and what little thanks ye get fordoing it. I am sure those people in Strathgovan spend half their lives in fault-finding, and expect ye to do everything they can think of without asking them for a farthing. At the last meeting of the rate-payers in the Burgh Hall I heckled them, 1 can tell ye I I am not a good speaker no, no ; far from it ; but I can speak plain. 1 use words that can be driven into people's heads ; and I will say this, that some o' those people in Strathgovan have a skull of most extraordinar' thickness. But said I to them : ' Do ye expect us to work miracles? Are we to create things out of nothing ? If the rates are not to be increased, where are the new gas lamps to come from? Do ye think we can multiply gas- lamps as the loaves and fishes were multiplied ?' I'm thinking," added the Laird, with a burst of hearty laughter, " that the thickest skulled of them all understood that eh ?" " I should hope so," remarked Miss Avon. Then the measured rattle of the oars : it wants hard pulling against this fiercely running tide ; indeed, to cheat it in a meas- ure, we have to keep working along the coast and across the mouth of Loch Swen. " ' There was Mary Beaton, and Mary Seaton, And Mary Avon, and me,'" Bays the Laird, as a playful introduction to another piece of talk- 226 WHITE WINGS: A licnxiNa ROMASCE. ing. " I have been asking myself once or twice whether I knew any one in the whole kingdom of Scotland better than you." " Than me, sir ?" she says, with a start of surprise. " Yes," he says, sententiously. " That is so. And I have had to answer myself in the naygative. It is wonderful how ye get to know a person on board a yacht. I just feel as if I had spent years and years with ye ; so that there is not any one I know with whom I am better acquaint. When ye come to Denny-mains, I shall be quite disappointed if ye look surprised or strange to the place. I have got it into my head that ye must have lived there all your life. Will ye undertake to say," he continues, in the same airy manner, " that ye do not know the little winding path that goes up through the trees to the flag-staif eh ?" " I am afraid I don't remember it," she says, with a smile. " Wait till ye see the sunsets ye can see from there !" he says, proudly. " We can see right across Glasgow to Tennants' Stalk ; and in the afternoon the smoke is all turning red and brown with the sunset many's and many's the time I have taken Tom Galbraith to the hill, and asked him whether they have finer sun- sets at Naples or Venice. No, no ; give me fire and smoke and meestery for a strong sunset. But just the best time of the year, as ye'll find out " and here he looked in a kindly way at the girl " where there is a bit wood near the house, is the spring- time. When ye see the primroses and the bluebells about the roots of the trees when ye see them so clear and bright among the red of the withered leaves well, ye cannot help thinking about some of our old Scotch songs, and there's something in that that's just like to bring the tears to your een. We have a won- derful and great inheritance in these songs, as j'e'll find out, my lass. You English know only of Burns; but a Scotchman who is familiar with the ways and the feelings and the speech of the peasantry has a sort o' uncomfortable impression that Burns is at times just a bit artifeecial and leeterary, especially when he is masquerading in fine English, though at other times ye get the real lilt what a man would sing to himself when he was all alone at the plough, in the early morning, and listening to the birds around him. But there are others that we are proud of too Tannahill, and John Mayne, that wrote about ' Logan Braes/ and Hogg, and Motherwell : I'm sure o' this, that when ye read Moth- erwell's 'Jeanie Morrison,' ye'll no be abi to go on for greetiii'.' " I beg your pardon I" said Miss Avon. HIDDEN SPRINGS. 227 But the Laird is too intent on recalling some of the lines to notice that she has not quite understood him. " They were school-mates," he says, in an absent way. " When echool was over, they wandered away like lad and lass ; and he writes the poem in after-life, and speaks to her he has never seen eince: " ' Oh, mind ye, luve, how aft we left The deavin', dinsome toun, To wander by the green burn-side, And hear its waters croon ? The simmer leaves hung ower our heads, The flowers burst round our feet ; And in the gloamin' o' the wood The throssil whusslit sweet. *' ' And on the knowe abune the burn For hours thegither sat In the silentness o' joy, till baith Wi' very gladness grat. Ay, ay, dear Jeanie Morrison, Tears trinkled doun your cheek, Like dew-beads on a rose ; yet nam Had ony power to speak. ' " The Laird's voice faltered for a moment ; he had pretended h had great difficulty in remembering the poem, and confessed that he must have mixed up the verses. However, he said he remem- bered the last one. " ' dear, dear Jeanie Morrison, Since we were sundered young I've never "" OT i your face, nor heard TL.O music of your tongue ; But I could hug all wretchedness, And happy could I dee, Did I but ken your heart still dreamed O' by-gane days and me.'" Just as he finished, the old Laird turned aside his head. He seemed to be suddenly interested in something over at the mouth of Loch Swen. Then he quickly passed his red silk handkerchief across his face, and said, in a gay manner, though he was still looking in that alien direction : " Thia is a desperate hard pull. We had nothing like this yes- 228 WHITE \VTNGS ! A YACHTING ROMANCE. terday. But it will do the lads good ; it will take the stiffness out of their backs." However, one of the lads to wit, the Laird's nephew admit, ted at length that he had had quite enough of it, and gave up his oar to the man he had relieved. Then he came into the stern, and was very pleasant and talkative; and said he had quite made up his mind to find all the seals gone from the shores of the sacred island. So formidable, indeed, was the tide, that we had to keep well away to the south of the island before venturing to make across for it ; and when at length we did put the bow straight for the little harbor, the mid-channel current swept us away northward, as if the gig had been a bit of cork. But the four oars kept man- fully to their work ; and by dint of hard pulling and pertinacious steering we managed to run into the little bay. We found it quite deserted. The two lobster-fishers had left in the morning ; we were in sole possession of this lonely island, set amidst the still summer seas. But by this time it was nearly noon ; and so it was arranged that the men of the party should content themselves with a pre' liminary expedition, to find out, by stealthy crawlings cut to the various bays, where the seals were chiefly congregated, while the women were to remain by the Saints' Well, to help Fred to get luncheon spread out and arranged. And this was done ; and thus it happened that, after Master Fred had finished his work, ind retired down to his mates in the gig, the two women folk were left alone. "Why, Mary," said the one of them, quite cheerfully