STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORTS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES EDWARD HYATT, State Engineer BULLETIN No. 22 Volume I of Two Volumes REPORT ON SALT WATER BARRIER Below Confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, California By WALKER R. YOUNG, Engineer, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Prepared under contracts executed jointly by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, the California Department of Public Works, and the Sacramento Valley Development Association 1929 0686 UBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS FOREWORD This bulletin, printed by the State Division of Water Resources, is he report in full of the investigations for a Salt Water Barrier below Jie confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, carried on from A.pril, 1924, to March, 1926. On January 26, 1924, a contract was executed jointly by the U. S. ureau of Eeclaraation, the then California State Division of Engi- aeering and Irrigation, and the Sacramento Valley Development Asso- jiation, providing for contribution of funds and carrying out of the nvestigations. Three supplemental contracts were subsequently exe- uted, providing additional funds. The work was performed in accord- ince with an agreement covering the general plan of procedure. Field nvestigations and preparation of the report were under the direct jharge of Walker R. Young, Engineer of the U. S. Bureau of Reclama- ion, in consultation with a state engineering adAdsory committee. Texts )f the contracts and agreement are given in Part Two of this volume. The release of the report was authorized to the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation by Edward Hyatt, State Engineer of California, on June 21, 1928, and its final release approved by Elwood Mead, Com- nissioner of Reclamation, on June 22, 1928. Since the latter date the report has been publicly accessible in manuscript form, but no funds were available for printing from federal, state or other sources. On June 18, 1929, the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation approved publi- cation of the report in full but solely at state expense. The cost of Drinting the report, therefore, has been defrayed entirely from state [unds, which became available for this purpose in August, 1929. The original typewritten report was prepared in four volumes, but n printing it was found advisable to assemble all material except the irawings under one cover as Volume I, and to bind the plates separately IS Volume II. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Ellensbukg, Wash., August 27, 1927. From Walker R. Young, Constniction Engineer, To Chief Engineer, Denver, Colorado. Subject. — Report upon the proposed Salt Water Barrier below the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers in California. 1. Transmitted herewith is a report upon the investigation made of the above proposed control works as provided for in the Cooperative Contract of January 26, 1924, to which the United States Department of the Interior ; the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineer- ing and Irrigation of the State of California ; and the Sacramento Valley Development Association are parties. The execution of supple- mentary contracts made possible the extension of the investigation to include development of foundation conditions in detail at three loca- tions, and to make studies of subjects which are inseparable from those of the structure itself. These studies have not only delayed the com- pletion of the report but have added materially to its volume. 2. In the report, sixteen preliminary designs and estimates with three alternatives, are presented according to the suggestion of your Board of Engineers that all designs and estimates completed be included in the report in order that they may be readily available in the economic study which is considered necessary in the final deter- mination of the feasibility of the barrier. No attempt was made to study the economic aspects of the problem other than to enumerate the advantages and disadvantages, as such a study was not considered within the scope of this report. 3. The report is submitted in the following four volumes :* Volume I — Text. Volume II — Exhibits, Tables, and Estimates. Volume III — Logs of Holes Drilled. Volume IV — Drawings. Realizing that many of the details will be of no particular interest except to those who may be assigned to the further study of the problem, an effort has been made, in Chapter I of the report, to give a brief history of the investigation and to summarize the results obtained. It is not believed that it will be necessary for you to do more than review the first chapter to obtain the essential information. 4. The writer wishes to express his appreciation of the many cour- tesies extended by those with whom he and his associates have come in contact in the course of the investigation. Valuable assistance was rendered by the Navy Department. I wish to acknowledge especially • In the printed report all material except the drawings is assembled under one cover as Volume I. The drawings are bound separately as Volume II. 6 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL the courtesy of Commander C. A, Carlson, Public Works Officer, Mare Island Navy Yard, through whom drill equipment was secured. The War Department cooperated through the District Engineers at San Francisco, Seattle and Detroit. We are indebted to Colonel W. J. Barden, District Engineer at Seattle, who furnished very complete data on the design and operation of Lake Washington Ship Locks. The United States Coast and Geodetic and Geological Surveys cooper- ated, as did the Southern Pacific and San Francisco and Sacramento railroads. Data were furnished by the State Flood Control Engineer, Highway Engineer and Water Supervisor. The Association of Indus- trial Water Users of Contra Costa and Solano counties furnished data relative to shipping, use of water and salinity. The American Toll Bridge Company made available their record of borings in Carquinez Strait. Space does not permit of naming the many individuals who cooperated. I can not, however, refrain from mentioning the courtesy and material assistance rendered by Mr. Geo. A. Atherton, general manager for California Delta Farms, Inc., by Mr. William Pierce of Suisun, California, and by Mr. C. H. Schedler, general manager, Great Western Electro-Chemical Company. 5. In the preparation of the materials for the report, credit is due Mr. W. A. Perkins, associate hydraulic engineer. Division of Engi- neering and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works, who made the principal studies of tides, floods and water required for operation ; to Mr. Nelson B. Hunt, associate engineer. Bureau of Rpclanialion, who had direct charge of the preparation of all designs and estimates of cost ; to Mr, Paul A. Jones, assistant engineer. Bureau of Reclama- tion, who made the field surveys and the study of storage in the bays and delta channels ; and to Mr. Ray C. Gossett, diamond drill foreman, Bureau of Reclamation, who was in direct charge of all drill operations. I wish here to express my appreciation of the loyalty and earnest effort of these men and of their assistants. (Signed) Walker R. Young. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pago FOREWORD 3 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 Part One, Text of Report 7 Part Two, Exhibits. Tables and Estimates 11 Part Three. Logs of Holes Bored. 14 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS, (Not reproduced in printed report) 17 LIST OF PLATES, (Bound separately in Volume II) 18 PART ONE Text of Report on Salt Water Barrier Chapter I HISTORY OF INVESTIGATION AND SUMMARY OF RESULTS: Hiatory 23 The problem 23 Purpose of investigation. 24 Authority for investigation 24 Plan of procedure 24 Engineering board meetings 25 General conference 25 Field office -.. 25 Studies made 25 Field work 26 Funds- - - 26 Cost o f investigation 26 Data filed -.. 27 Visitors 27 Summary of results 28 General 28 Type of dam proposed 28^ Estimated cost 29 Tides and floods 30 Navigation and bridge traffic 31 Storage in the delta channels and bays 32 Silt. 32 Salinity 32 Return flow 33 Control of salinity by storage in mountain reservoirs 33 Teredo 33 Fish ...-- 33 Sewage 33 Use of water from barrier lake 34 Advantages 36 Disadvantages 36 Chapter II GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: General plan for controlling salinity 38 Precedent 38 Pre\ious investigations 39 The Great Central Valley of California 39 Precipitation 40 Run-off 40 The bays 40 Golden Gate and the bar 41 Silting of bays 43 The delta 44 Delta levees 45 Irrigation in the delta 46 Salinity in the delta 47 Amount of fresh water required to act as a natural barrier against salinity in the delta 48 Amount of fresh water available under present conditions to act as a natural barrier against salinity in the delta 48 The Antioch suit 49 Pending suit 50 Navigation 50 Conflict in the use of water 51 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS— Continued Page Chances of betterment of conditions without the barrier 51 Tides and floods 51 Water available for flushing 54 Transfer of Sacramento Valley water into San Joaquin Valley 54 Economic aspects 55 Chapter III FIELD INVESTIGATIONS: General — Barrier sites suggested. ._ 57 Comparison ofsites 68 Sites selected for investigation 59 Geology. 59 Earthquakes and construction 61 Plan of development ofsites by drilling 62 Results of drilling operations 62 Army Point site 63 Features of the site 63 Channel cross sections 64 Development of foundations and areas to be excavated. 65 Dillon Point site.. ._ 66 Features of the site.. 66 Channel cross section 66 Development of foundations and area to be excavated.. 66 Point San Pablo site 67 Features of the site 67 Channel cross section 68 Development of foundations and areas to be excavated 68 Benicia site 69 Features of the site ■ 69 Data relative to underwater conditions 70 Other cross sections in the bays 70 Sacramento River channel __. " 71 The Key System pier fill at Oakland ?..- 71 Mare Island Dike No. 12 72 American Toll Bridge Company test pile No. 12 73 Caissons at American Toll Bridge site 74 Deep wells 74 Drilling operations 75 Summary ^ 75 Equipment used in development of sites 75 The tug 75 The drill barge 76 The tools - 76 The crew 77 Datum and level control -- 77 Designation of holes - 78 Reports - 78 Methods used 78 Samples 79 Cost of drilling 79 Chapter IV DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: General 82 Object and scope of studies 82 Foundation 82 Materials in salt water 83 Excavation 84 Excavated rock used for fill 84 Obstruction of existing waterways - 85 Unwatering 85 Work included 85 Types of cofTerdams - 86 Steel slieet piling 87 Cofferdam construction 87 Removal of cofferdams 89 Flood channel 90 Requirements 90 Hydraulic properties 90 Control works 90 Requirements 90 Substruot ure 90 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION— Continued Control works — Continued Page Superstructure M Stoney gates 95 Counterweights 95 Operating mechanism 95 Caisson gates : 9^ Bridge 96 Requirements 96 Bridge piers 97 Supeirstructure 97 Ship locks 98 Requirements 98 Lock walls 99 Sills for miter gates and emergency dams. 100 Miter gates 100 Stoney valves and cylinder valves 100 Emergency dams 100 Salt water relief conduits 101 Fish ladder - -- 101 Guide walls 102 Embankment 103 Requirements 103 Settlement - - - 103 Swell, shrinkage and waste 104 Highways 104 Approaches 104 Requirements 104 Rock fill and open cut... - - 104 Tunnels -- 105 Construction 105 Cofferdams - 105 Construction materials 105 Excavation 105 Time required for completion 106 Right of way 106 Unit costs - 106 Chapter V TIDES AND FLOODS: Purpose of study 108 Data available from other sources 108 New data collected 108 Current meter measurement 109 Bench marks, datum planes, and location of tide staffs 110 Distances, area and volume curves -, 112 Tidal prism graphs and computation of volumes 113 Discussion of tidal prisms 115 Height of tide below the barrier 118 Velocity and slope curves 120 Record floods - -- 121 The 1907 flood.. - 122 The 1862 flood.. - 123 Flood to be passed by the Salt Water Barrier 126 Extremely high tides 129 High tide of 1914 130 Comparison of extremely high tides , 132 Effect of discharge of fresh water from rivers upon the elevation of tides 132 Study of discharge 135 Flood planes 137 Summary - 140 Chapter VI NAVIGATION AND BRIDGE TRAFFIC: General Disf-ussion 143 Volume of traffic 143 Type of vessels 143 Size and number of vessels 144 Draft of vessels - - 145 Vertical clearance 146 Navigation projects 149 Entrance to harbor.. 149 San Pablo Bay 150 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS NAVIGATION AND BRIDGE TRAFFIC— Continued General Discussion — Continued Page Suisun Bay 150 Sacramento River 160 San Joaquin River 152 Future requirements 153 San Joaquin River and Stockton Channel 154 Sacramento Deep Water Ship Canal 155 Saltwater Barrier locks - - -- -- 158 General features 158 Loss of fresh water 158 Incursion of salt water 159 Analysis of water traffic 159 Provisions for ship locks in preliminary estimates 161 Bridge traffic ..- -. 162 Provisions in preliminary estimates 162 Chapter VII STORAGE IN DELTA CHANNELS AND BAYS: Purpose of study 165 Storage in the river and delta channels 165 Storage in the bays 166 Volume of tidal prism above barrier sites 167 Chapter VIII SILT: General 169 Formation of the bays 169 Changes in the bays due to silting '. 1 171 Changes in the Golden Gate Bar 174 Character of silt 175 Silt carried in suspension. - 176 Rate of settlement of silt 180 Colloidal silt 180 Probable effect of salt water barrier upon silting in the bays 181 Probable effect of barrier upon Golden Gate Bar 185 Chapter IX SALINITY: Advance of salt water up the bays 187 Mixing of fresh and salt water in the bays 190 Periods of low river discharge 191 Monthly distribution of river discharge 192 Return flow - -.. 193 Salinity of sea water - -. 194 Limits of salinity of water for irrigation and industrial uses 195 Salinity as it affects industries 196 Teredo 198 Records of salinity 202 Control of salinity 206 Features of the salt water barrier proposed for the control of salinity 210 Effect of elimination of salt water upon sewage 213 Chapter X WATER REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATION OF BARRIER: Outline 216 Evaporation .17 Gate leakage 217 Ix)8S from operation of locks 219 Industrial and municipal use 221 Summary of water required for operation of the barrier 222 Water available for operation of the barrier 223 TABLE OP COXTENTS 1 1 PART TWO Exhibits, Tables and Estimates Accompanying the Report EXHIBITS: Page 1 Request for survey, dated January 4, 1923 .. 229 2 Contract of January 26. 1924 230 3 Contract of Juno 26. 1924 233 4 Contract of March 3, 192r>.. 234 5 Contract of March 16, 1926 236 6 Contract of September 19, 1924 237 7 Plan of procedure 238 8 Statement of funds contiibutcd 240 9 Detailed statement of cost of investigations - 241 10 Economic aspects, by Mr. Dan Hadsell 242 11 Kirk Bryan's repoit on geology : 248 12 Logs of deep wells drilled 252 13 Action of salt solutions on concrete, by Irving Furlong 255 14 The action of sea water on concrete structures. Standard Oil Co., San Diego, Calif 256 15 Pamphlet, "Tides and Currents in San Francisco Bay," Department of Commerce, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Surv'ey 262 16 Correspondence with R. L. Faris regarding datum 262 17 The Flood of 1861 and 1862, extracts from journal of the California State Senate for 1863. .. 265 18 Precipitation and Sacramento River stages preceding and during the storm of January, 1914 272 19 Two letters from G. A. Atherton regarding high water in the delta (Oct. 31, 1924 and June 27, 1925). 273 20 Two Memos, by N. B. Hunt regarding tides 274 21 Three letters from U. S. C. & G. S. and one from U. S. Weather Bureau regarding CTtremely high tides 280 22 Mechanical analysis of silt from Mare Island Strait, report of January 22, 1925, Bureau of Standards 283 23 Pamphlet, "The Control of Sea Water Flowing into the Lake Washington Ship Canal," by Victor Smith and Thomas G. Thompson 284 24 Correspondence with Army Engineer's oflSce at Seattle relative to the amount of fresh water required to keep lake above the Lake Washington Ship Canal fresh 284 25 "A Salt Clearing Ship Lock," by W. M. Meacham 295 TABLES; 5- 1 Distances between points on San Francisco Bay system along average flow line of tides 297 .5- 2 Areas of Suisun and San Pablo bays and Carquinez Strait 298 5- 3 Lag of slack water 299 5- 4 Volume in tidal prisms above Army Point 300 5- 5 Volumes in tidal prisms above Point San Pablo 301 5- 6 Volumes in tidal prisms above Golden Gate 302 5- 7 Velocity of tide phases through the bay 303 5- 8 Summary of volumes in tidal prisms 304 5- 9 Reduction of volume of tidal prisms above Golden Gate by construction of barrier at Army Point 305 5-10 Reduction of volume of tidal prism above Golden Gate by construction of barrier at Point San Pablo 305 5-11 Volume per foot of range in tide 306 5-12 Properties of various control sections in San Francisco Bay system 306 5-13 Discharge capacity of flood gates under varying heads 307 5-14 Flood discharge studies, slope through Carquinez Strait 308 5-15 Discharge through thirty 50' x 50' gates at Point San Pablo during the tidal cycle from 5.00 p.m., January 24 to 6.00 p.m., .Januarj' 25, 1914 309 5-16 Study of discharge at Army Point, 0=750,000 s. f 311 5-17 Study of discharge at Army Point, Q=500,000 s. f 313 6- 1 Summary of traffic for 1923, San Francisco Harbor 315 6- 2 Comparative statement of traffic, San Pablo Bay and Mare Island Strait 316 6- 3 Comparative statement of traffic, Suisun Bay channel 317 6- 4 Comparative statement of traffic, Petaluma Creek 318 6- 5 Comparative statement of traffic, San Rafael Creek 319 6- 6 Comparative statement of traffic, Xapa River 320 6- 7 Comparative statement of traffic, .Suisun channel 321 6- 8 Comparative statement of traffic, Sacramento River 322 6- 9 Comparative statement of traffic, San Joaquin River 323 6-10 Comparative statement of traffic, Mokelumne River , 324 6-11 Comparative statement of traffic. Feather River 324 6-12 Size of vessels passing Army Point dam site 325 6-13 Size of vessels passing Point San Pablo dam site 325 6-14 Annual dockages between Army Point dam site and mouth of rivers 326 6-15 Annual dockages between Dillon Point and Army Point dam sites 326 6-16 Annual dockages between Point San Pablo and Dillon Point dam sites.. 327 12 TABLE OF CONTEXTS TABLES— Continued Page 6-17 Water traffic at Rio Vista bridge 327 6-18 Water traffic at Collins\-ille. 328 6-19 Water traffic at Pittsburg... 328 6-20 Water traffic at Avon 329 6-21 Water traffic at Oleum 329 6-22 Draft of ships entering San Francisco Harbor 330 6-23 Summary of drafts of 854 vessels entering port of San Francisco during the six months ending September 24, 1924 331 6-24 Water traffic at dam sites. 332 6-25 Assumed time for locking vessels 333 6-26 Operation of one lock 40x200 feet and one lock 80x825 feet to accommodate water traffic at Army Point as observed July 6-7, 1925 334 6-27 Operation of one lock 40x200 feet, one lock 60x500 feet, and one lock 80x825 feet to accommodate water traffic at Army Point as observed July 6-7, 1925 337 6-28 Operation of one lock 40x200 feet, one lock 60x500 feet, and one lock 80x825 feet to accommodate water traffic at Dillon Point as observed Ju!j 6-7, 1925 340 6-29 Operation of one lock 40x200 feet, two looks 60x500 feet and one lock 80x825 feet to accommodate water traffic at Dillon Point as observed July 6-7, 1925 343 6-30 Operation of one lock 40x200 feet, one lock 80x825 feet and one lock 110x1,000 feet to accommodate water traffic at Point ?an Pablo as observed July 6-7, 1925 346 6-31 Operation of one lock 40x200 feet, two locks 80x825 feet and one lock 110x1,000 feet to accommodate water traffic at Point San Pablo as observed July 6-7, 1925 350 6-32 Operation of one lock 40x200 feet, one lock 60x500 feet, two locks 80x825 feet and one lock 110x1,000 feet to accommodate water traffic at Point San Pablo as observed July 6-7, 1925... 354 6-33 Summary of lockages for 24-hour period to accommodate water traffic as observed July 6-7, 1925 358 6-34 Probable annual lockages at salt water barrier under present traffic conditions com- ; pared with lockages at Lake Washington 360 6-35 Coincidence in direction of tide and traffic 3^1 6-36 Bridge traffic interruption due to one lift span operation 362 6-37 Operation of lift span to accommodate water traffic at Army Point as observed July 6-7, 1925 3^3 6-38 Operation of lift span to accommodate water traffic at Dillon Point as observed' July 6-7, 1925 * 364 6-39 Operation of lift spans to accommodate water traffic at Point San Pablo as observed July 6-7, 1925 365 6-40 Summary of bridge traffic interniptions for 24-hour period, as of July 6-7, 1925 367 7- 1 Total reservoir capacity in acre-feet 368 7- 2 Storage in tidal prism above each barrier site investigated between various elevations . 368 10- 1 Evaporation data 369 10- 2 Water requirements for operation of ship locks 370 10- 3 Interchange of fresh and salt water during one complete operation of locks; full depth gates. 371 10- 4 Loss of fresh water and inflow of salt water through the locks for 24 hours; full depth gates - 373 10- 5 Total loss of fresh water in 24 hours in the operation of the locks; full depth gates 373 10- 6 Interchange of fresh and salt water during one complete operation of locks; gates in 2 sections 374 10- 7 Total loss of fresh water in 24 hours in the operation of the ship locks; gates in 2 sec- tions 376 10- 8 Summary of water required for operation of barrier; nates in 2 sections.. 377 10- 9 Rainfall data 378 10-10 Annual accretions to water supply from local rainfall 379 10-11 Gross discharge of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers combined and net dis- charge available for operation of barrier 379 10-12 Water required for operation of barrier during irrigation season 380 10-13 Water supply, water requirements and water shortages with barrier located at each of the three sites investigated 381 COST ESTIMATES. SALT WATER BARRIER: Summary of preliminary estimates 382 Army Point-Suisun Point site: Preliminary estimate No. 1 385 Preliminary estimate No. 2 403 Preliminary estimate No. 3 412 Preliminary estimate No. 4 424 Preliminary estimate Xo. 5 . 434 Army Point-Martinez site: Preliminary estimate No. 6.. 440 Benicia site: Preliminary estimate No. 7 .... ...... 451 Preliminary estimate No. 8 462 TABLE OF CONTENTS 13 COST ESTIMATES. SALT WATER BARRIER— Continued Dillon Point site: ^^^^ Preliminary estimate No. 9 467 Preliminary eatimate No. 10 476 Preliminary estimate No. 11 485 I*reliminary estimate No. 11-A - 495 Preliminary estimate No. 12 497 Preliminary estimate No. 12-A 499 Preliminary estimate No. 13 500 Preliminary estimate No. 13-A 506 Point San Pablo site: preliminary estimate No. 14 507 Preliminary estimate No. 15 52.3 Preliminary estimate No. 16 529 PART THREE Record of Drilling Operations and Logs of Holes Bored ARMY POINT DAM SITE Page . 541 . 542 - 542 - 543 Hole No. 370 Hole No. 625 Hole No. 820 Hole No. 1000 Hole No. 1500.- 544 Hole No. 2000 545 Hole No. 2500 547 Hole No. 3000.. 548 Hole No. 3550... 549 Hole No. 4000... 550 Hole No. 4500.. 550 Hole No. 4700 551 Hole E 25° 40'- 310 551 Hole E 25° 40'- 500 552 Hole E 25° 40'- 750 552 HoleE25°40'-1000... 553 Hole E 25° 40'-1500 553 Hole E 50° 40'- 250 554 Hole E 50° 40'- 540 554 Hole E 50° 40'- 750 555 Hole E 50° 40'-1100 555 Hole E 50°40'-1500 556 Hole E 50° 40'-2000 557 Hole E 75°- 50. 557 Hole E 75°- 100 558 200 558 512 558 960... 559 Hole E 75°-1000 559 Hole E 75°-2000 559 Hole E 75°-3000 560 HoleE87H°- 41 560 HoleE87H°- 83 560 HoleE87>^°- 150 561 HoleE87H°- 220 561 HoleE87»^°- 440 561 HoleE87H°- 880 562 Hole E 87H°-2000 562 Hole E 87}^°-3500 562 HoleE 100°-175 563 Hole E 100°-165 563 Hole E 100°-940 563 Line "A" and Hole "X" 564 Line "B" 564 Line "C" and Hole "Y" 565 Line "D" 565 Hole W 25°- 250 566 Hole W 25°- 500 566 Hole W 2.=)°-1000. 566 Hole W 25°-1500 567 Hole W 50°- 500 567 Hole W 50°-1000 568 Hole W 50°-1440 668 Hole W 50°-2000 668 Hole E 75°- Hole E 75°- Hole E 75°- Page Hole W 50°-2500 569 Hole W 62H°-2500 569 Hole W 75°- 500 570 Hole W 75°-1000.. 571 Hole W 75°-1500 571 Hole W 7o°-2000.. 571 Hole W 75°-2500 572 Hole W 75°-2950.. 573 Hole W 75°-3500 573 Hole W 75°-4000.. 574 Hole W 75°-4500. 574 Hole W 75='-5100 575 Line S 1285 576 Hole W lOOO-S 500 576 HoleW1500-S 500 577 HoleW2000-S 500 577 Hole W 2000-S 18.30 578 Hole W 2140-S 1050 578 HoleW2500-S 500 579 HoleW2750-S 960 579 HoleW2S00-N 500. 579 HoleW3090-S 500 580 Hole W32.50-S 1050 580 Hole W 3500-S Hole W 3500- N Hole W 4000-S Hole W 4500-N Hole W 4500-S Hole W 4500-S Hole W 4500-S 500. 500. 500. 500. 250. 500. 750. 581 581 582 582 583 583 584 Hole M-2075 584 Hole M-3900 585 Hole M-5400 585 HoleW5100-S 500 586 Hole W 5100-S 940 586 HoleW5700-N 250 586 HoleW5800-S 260 587 HoleW5800-S 760 587 Hole W 5800-S 1285 588 Hole W 5840-S 1635. 588 HoleW6830-N 250 588 HoleW68.30-S 425 689 HoleW6830-S 635 589 Hole W 6830-S 1135 590 Hole W 68.30-S 1635 590 HoleW7830-N 250 690 HoleW8000-S 300 691 HoleW8000-S 800 591 Hole W 8000-S 1235 591 HoleW8750-N 20 593 HoleW8750-S 190 592 HoleW8750-S 690 592 HoleW8830-N 250 693 Holes Miscellaneous . ... 593 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS DILLON POINT DAM SITE Page Hole No. 270 594 Hole No. 500 -- 595 Hole No. 1000 596 Hole No. 1500 597 Hole No. 1900 598 Hole No. 2200 .-. 598 Hole No. 2400 --- 599 Hole No. 2620 - 599 Hole Base-100 600 Hole Base-2.50 600 Hole N 1-1000 - 601 Hole N 1-2000 601 Hole N 1-3000 601 Hole N 1-4000 - 602 Hole N 2- 100 -- 602 Hole N 2- 250 603 Hole N 2- 500 -- 603 Hole N 2-1000 --- 604 Hole N 2-1500 604 Hole N 2-2000 604 Hole N 2-2500 605 Hole N 3- 100... 605 Hole N 3- 250 606 Hole N 3- 500 - 606 Hole N 3-1000 606 Hole N 3-1500 ..- - 607 Hole N 3-2000 607 Page Hole N 4- 100 - - 608 Hole N4- 250 608 Hole N 4- 500 - 608 Hole N 4-1000 - 609 Hole N 4-1500 609 Hole N 5- 100 610 Hole N 5- 250 - -. 610 Hole N 5- 500 - 610 Hole N 5-1000 -.. 611 Holes 1-430 611 HoIeS 1-1060 - 611 HoleWl- 100 612 Hole Wl- 250 612 Hole W2- 250 -- 613 Hole W 3- 500 613 Hole W4- 500 613 Hole W 5- 750 614 Hole W 5-1000 614 Hole W 5-1400 615 Hole W 6-1000 -- 615 Hole W 6-1500 --- 615 HoleW7- 280 -- 616 Hole W7- 460 616 Hole W 8- 300 616 Miscellaneous soundings 617 Miscellaneous holes west of Dillon Point 618 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole No. 270 Page 619 No. 500 620 No 750 620 No. 1000 621 No. 1500 . - 622 No 2500 623 No. 3500 623 No. 4500 -- 625 No. 5500 . . . 626 No. 6500 626 No. 7500 628 No. 8500 629 No. 9000 - 630 No. 9300 . 630 N 1- 250 631 N 1- 500 631 N l-17°W-250 631 N l-15°W-500 631 N 1-1000 . . .- 631 N 1-1500 632 N 1-17°W-1000 632 N 2- 2.50 . . 633 N 2- 500 633 N 2-1000 634 N 2-2000 634 N3- 250 634 N 3- 500 635 N 3-1.500 63') N 4- 250 636 N 4- 500 636 N 4-1000 637 N 4-2000 637 N 5- 250 638 N 5- 500 638 N 5-1500 639 N 6- 250 639 N 6- 500 639 N 6-1000 640 8 1- 700 640 S 1-1000 641 Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole PIolc Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Pafee S 1-1500 641 S 1-2000 - 642 S2- 642 S 2- 250 642 S5 - 5GG.„.,=„^ „ 643 750. 64S S 2-1000...„^,^ „ . . 644 8 2-1.500 644 S 2-2000. 644 S 2J^-500 --- 645 S3- 645 S3- 300 646 53- 750 646 S 3-1000 -.- 646 S 3-1500 647 S 3-2000 647 S 3-2.'300 648 54- 200 648 S4- .500 049 S 4-1000 649 S 4-1500 050 S 4-2000 650 S 4-2500 - 651 S 4-3000 651 S 4-3500 651 8 5- 500 652 S 5-1000 652 S 5-1500 .-. 653 8 5-2000 653 8 5-2500 653 S 5-3000 654 8 5-3500 654 8 5-4000 655 SO- 290 655 8 6- 825 655 8 6-1700 656 8 6-2500 656 8 0-3000 6.57 S 6-3500 - 657 8 6-4000 658 TABLE OP CONTENTS 15 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— Continued Page Hole S 6-4500 658 Hole S 7- 500 659 Hole S 7-1000 659 Hole S 7-1500 659 Hole S 7-2000 660 Hole S 7-2500 660 Hole S 7-3000 661 Hole S 7^000 661 Hole S 7-4500 662 Hole 8 8- 500 662 Hole S 8-1000 662 Holes Holes HoleS Holes Holes Holes Hole S Holes Holes Holes Holes 8-1500. 8-2000. 8-2500. 8-3000. 8-4000. 8-4500. 8-5000. 9-1200. 9-1600. 9-2100. 9-5050. Face . 663 - 663 - 664 . 664 . 664 - 665 . 665 - 666 . 666 - 666 . 667 •i 1 i T,IST OF PHOTOGRAPHS 17 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs are not reproduced in printed report. Films on file in office of U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado >acramcnto-San Joaquin Delta; Photo No. Junction of San Joaquin River and Old River, roll 10, film 3 .. 2- 1 Sacramcnto-San Joaquin Delta: Typical farm at lower end of Venice Island, roll 10, film b . 2- 2 C'arquiuez Strait: .Showing Army Point, Benicia and Dillon Point sites, aeroplane photo ... .S - I Army Point site: Looking westerly at the damsitc from the end of the Chipman Chemical Company wharf. roll 1. films 2, 3, 4, and 5 3- 2 .\rmy Point site: Looking westerly across the marsh at the Mountain Copper Company plant on Suisun Point, roll 1, film 1 .-{-3 Army Point site: Looking easterly at Suisun Point from Associated Oil Company's abandoned wharf, roll 1, f^lms 8,9. 10. and roll 2, film 1 .. .3-4 Army Point site: Army Point from drill barge at Hole 3550, roll 4, films 7 and 8 3- 5 Army Point file: Looking westerly at Army Point, showing detail of rock formation, roll 4, films 2 and 3 3- Army Point site: The Martinez water front from the drill barge located at the municipal wharf, rcll 9, films 2, 3. and 4 3-7 Dillon Point site: Looking upstream at the site from point just west of Eckley, roll 5, films 6 and 7 3- 8 Dillon Point site: Dillon Point from Hole 1900, roll 5. film 8 3- 9 Dillon Point site: South shore of Carquinez Strait from Hole 1900, roll 6, film 1 3-10 Point San Pablo site: Point San Pablo and The Brothers from Point San Pablo, roll 8. film 5 3-1 1 Point San Pablo site: Point .San Pablo from barge at Hole 1500, roll 8, film 3 :. 3-12 Point San Pablo site: Point San Pedro from drill barge at Hole 1500, roll 8, film 2 3-13 Point San Pablo site: Looking upstream along Point San Pedro from proposed axis of barrier, roll 8, film 6 3-14 Point San Pablo site: Panoramic view showing alternative location for ship locks, roll 8, films 7, 8, 9, and 10 3-15 Equipment: Drill barge at work on Hole 820, Army Point site, drill column in working position, roll 1, film 6 3-16 Equipment: Drill barge being moved from one hole to another with drill column in raised position, roll 2, film 2 3-17 Equipment: The tugboat "Bear," roll 9, film 5 .VIS Equipment: The drill barge on Hole 1500. Point San Pablo site, roll 8, film 4 3-19 Equipment: Details of drilling equipment, roll 4, film o 3-20 Equipment: American Xo. 8 diamond drill, roll 8, film 1 3-21 Navigation: River boat with 5 barges in tow. rcll 4, film 1 - 6-1 Plate 14, 1921 Marine Piling Report -.. 9-1 Plate 21, 1921 Marine Piling Report 9-2 Plate 29, 1921 Marine Piling Report 9-3 2 — 70686 18 LIST OF PLATES LIST OF PLATES Published in Volume II of this report Drawing No. Plate SV 46 Relief map of California 1- 1 SV 21 General map of bay system 2- 1 SV145 Chart of northern part of San Francisco Bay 2- 2 SV146 Chart of San Pablo Bay 2- 3 SV147 Chart of Suisun Bay 2- 4 SV148 General map of delta region 2- 5 SV149 Geological map of San Francisco Bay region 3- 1 SV150 Geological map of Carquinez Strait 3- 2 SV 57 Topography and layout of drilling at Army Point site 3- 3 SV 50 Borings at Army Point site, sheet lof3 3- 4 SV 51 Borings at Army Point site, sheet 2 of 3 3- 5 SV .52 Borings at Army Point site, sheet 3 of 3 .3- 6 SV 58 Topography and layout of drilling at Dillon Point site 3- 7 SV 48 Borings at Dillon Point site, sheet 1 of 2.. 3- 8 SV 49 Boringp at Dillon Point site, sheet 2 of 2 3- 9 SV .59 Topograjjhy and layout of drilling at Point San Pablo site .3-10 SV 53 Borings at Point San Pablo site, sheet 1 of 3 3rll SV 54 Borings at Point San Pablo site, sheet 2 of 3-. 3-12 SV 55 Borings at Point San Pablo site, sheet 3 of 3 3^13 SV 97 Layout at Benicia site (foundations assumed) ' 3-14 SV 06 Comparative channel sections, sheet 1 of 5 3-15 SV 67 Comparative channel sections, sheet 2 of 5 .3f-16 SV 68 Comparative channel sections, sheet 3 of 5.. ^ 3?-17 SV 69 Comparative channel sections, sheet 4 of 5 3-18 SV 70 Comparative channel sections, sheet 5 of 5 3-19 SV151 Profiles of Sacramento River channel 3-20 SV152 Theoretical cross section of Key System pier fill at Oakland 3-21 SV153 Subsidence test data. Mare Island Dike No. 12 3-22 SV154 Test pile data, American Toll Bridge Company 3-23 SV 3 Drill rig accessories 3-24 SV 1 Drillcolumn 3-25 SV 2 Drill platform 3-26 SV 71 Army Pomt site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 1 4- 1 SV 72 Elevation and section, preliminary estimtte No. 1 4- 2 SV 73 Rock embankment, top details 4- 3 SV 74 Main cofferdam, plan and sections 4- 4 SV 75 Control works, 50' x 60' gate, preliminary estimates 1, 3, 4 and 7, sheet 1 of 2 4 -5 SV 70 Control works, 50' x 60' gate, preliminary estimates 1, 3, 4 and 7, sheet 2 of 2 4- 6 SV 77 Superstructure for Stoncy gate 4- 7 SV 78 Stoney gate, .50' X 60' 4- 8 SV 79 Ship locks, layout, preliminary estimates 1 to 6, inclusive 4- 9 SV 80 Ship locks, sections, preliminary estimates 1 to inclusive, sheet 1 of 2.. 4-10 •SV 81 Ship locks, cross sections, preliminary estimates 1 to 6 inclusive, sheet 2 of 2 4-11 SV 82 Ship locks, junction with control works 4-12 SV 8.J Ship locks, guide walls, 80' and 110' locks. 4-13 SV 84 Army Point site, general layout, iiroliminnry estimate No. 2 4-14 SV 85 Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 2 4-15 SV 86 Control works, 70' x 80' gate, preliminary estimates 2, 4, 6, 9, 14 and 16 4-16 SV 87 Stoney gate, 70' x 80'. 4-17 SV 88 Army Point site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 3 4-18 SV 89 Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 3 .*. 4-19 SV 90 Army Point site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 4 4-20 SV 91 Elevation and sections, prrliniinary estimate No. 4.. 4-21 SV 92 Army Point site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 5 4-22 SV 93 Elevation and Bcctions, preliminary estimate No. 5 4-23 SV 94 Control works, 50' x 00' gate, preliminary estimates No. 5 and No. 8 4-24 SV 95 Army Point — Martinez site, general layout preliminary estimate No. (J 4-25 SV 96 Elevation and sections, i)ri'liminary estimate No. 6. 4-26 SV 98 Benicia site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 7 4-27 SV 99 Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 7 4-28 SVIOO Ship locks, 4-lock plan 4-29 SVlOl Cross section of loclc«, 4-lock plan 4-30 SV102 Benicia site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 8 4-31 SV103 Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 8 4-32 SVI04 Dillon Point site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 9 4-33 LIST OP PLATES 19 DrBwing No. Plate SV'lOo Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 9 : 4-34 SV106 Dillon Point site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 10.. 4-35 SV107 Elevation and sections, preliminary e.-timate No. 10 4-36 SV108 Dillon Point .site, general layout, preliminary estimates No. 11 and No. 12 4 37 S\'109 Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 11 4-38 i'Vl 10 Caissons and accessorii s, pri'liniinary estimates No. 10 and 13 4-.39 .S\'l 11 Caisson operations, preliminary estimates No. 10 and No. 13 4-40 SV112 Control workp, 70' X SO' gates, preliminary optimate No. 11, sheet 1 of 3 4-41 SV113 Control works, 70' x 80' gates, preliminary estimate No. 11, sheet 2 of 3 4-42 S\']14 Control works, 70' x 80' gates, proliminarj- eetimate No. 11, sheet 3 of 3 4 43 SV11."> Elevation and sections . preliminary estimate No. 12 4-44 S\'n6 Control work", 70' x 80' gates, preliminarj- estimate No. 12, sheet 1 of 2 4-4.'> S\'l 17 Control works, 70' x SO' gates, preliminary estimate No 12, sheet 2 of 2 4-46 S\'11S Dillon Point t-ite, general layout, pr -liiiiinary estimate No. 13 4-47 SVllO Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 13 4-48 S\'120 Control works 70' x 80' gates, pr liminary estimate No. 13, sheet 1 of 2 4-49 SV121 Control works 70' x SO' gates, preliminary estimate No. 13, sheet 2 of 2 4-50 S\'122 Point San Pablo site gencrallayout, pr.^liininary estimate No. 14 4-51 SV123 Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 14 4-52 SV124 Snip locks. 5-lock plan 4-.53 SV12o Cross sections of locks, 5-lock pan 4-54 S^■126 Point San Pablo site, ganeral layout, preliminary estimate No. 15 4-55 SV127 Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 15 4-56 SV12S Point San Pablo site, general layout, preliminary estimate No. 16 4-57 SV129 Elevation and sections, preliminary estimate No. 16 4-58 SV 4 Current meter measurements, sheet 1 of 5 5-1 SV 5 Current meter measurements, sheet 2 of 5 .5-2 SV 6 Current meter measurements, sheet 3 of 5 .5-3 SV 7 Current meter measurements, sheet 4 of 5 5-4 SV 27 Current meter measurements, sheet 5 of 5. 5- 5 SV 65 Tidal elevation, San Francisco Bay. July 6-7, 1925 . 5- 6 SV130 Curves of storage in delta 5- 7 SV131 Tidal prism? above Presidio. July 6-7, 1925 - 5- 8 SV132 Tidal prisms above Point San Pablo, July 6-7, 1925 5- 9 SV133 Tidal prisms above Army Point, July 6-7, 1925... 5-10 SV134 Slope and velocity curves. Army Point and Point San Pablo 5-11 SV135 Army Point and Collinsville gage heights, January 1909 flood 5-12 SV136 ^■ariation in sea level in San Francisco Bay and in Sacramento River discharge near Red Bluff 5-13 S\'137 High and low water at Presidio and Mare Island during flood periods in rivers 5-14 SV138 Die-charge capacity of flood gates 5-15 S^'139 Discharge and elope curves _. 5-16 SV140 Flood discharge at Point San Pablo, water surface elevations for "Q"=750,000 c. f . s 5-17 SV141 Flood discharge at Army Point, water surface elevation for "Q":^7.")0,000 c. f. s 5-18 .S\'142 Flood discharge at Army Point, water surf.'iec elevation for "Q"=500,000 c. f. s 5-19 S^■143 Sacramento River flood control project (State) 5-20 SV144 Sacramento River flood control project (.\rmy) 5-21 SV155 Maximum and minimum predicted tides at Presidio for 1914, 1924, 1925, and 1926 5-22 SV 64 Water traffic, Rio Vista bridge, April, 1924-October. 1925... 6- 1 SV 63 Water traflfic, San Pablo Strait, May-June, 1925 (discontinuous) 6- 2 SV 60 Map of delta region showing location of typical sections used in estimating the area and capacity of the lower river and delta channels, sheet 1 of 3 7- 1 SV 61 Map of delta region showing location of typical sections used in estimating the area and capacity of the lower river and delta channels, sheet 2 of 3 7- 2 S^■ 62 Map of delta region showing location of typical sections used in estimating the area and capacity of lower river and delta channels, sheet 3 of 3 7- 3 SV156 Area and storage curves for delta region above confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers 7- 4 SV1.57 Area and storage curves for bays, exclusive of San Francisco Bay proper (From 1925 charts), sheet 1 of 2 7- 5 SV158 Area and storage curves for bays, exclusive of San Francisco Bay proper (From super- seded charts), sheet 2 of 2 7- 6 SV1,")9 Area and storage above barrier sites between elevation — 3.6 and -f 6.4 U. S. G. S 7- 7 SV160 Plan and sections of Golden Gate bar 8- 1 SV161 Graph of salt water invasions, C. and H. Co. records, 1908-1925 9- 1 SV164 Relation of saUnity in Sacramento-San Joaquin delta to river discharge, Stafl'ord report 1924 9- 2 SV165 Relation of salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin delta to river discharge, Stafford report, 1925 9- 3 SV166 Map of delta showing salinity observation stations. Stafford report, 1924 9- 4 SV167 Curves showing variation of salinity with tide. Stafford report, 1924 9- 5 SV168 Silinity graphs for 1920, six stations from Martinez to Walnut Grove, 1921 piling report.. 9- 6 SV169 Salinity graphs for 1921, eight stations from Pittsburg to Tiburon, 1922 piling report 9- 7 SV162 .Salinity curves, relation between river discharge and bay salinity, sheet 1 of 2 9- 8 SV163 Salinity curves, relation between river discharge and bay salinity, sheet 2 of 2 9- 9 PART ONE TEXT OF REPORT ON SALT WATER BARRIER CHAPTER I HISTORY OF INVESTIGATION AND SUMMARY OF RESULTS HISTORY The Problem. In the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, in California, there are nearly one-half million acres of highly productive land which are wholly dependent upon the lower river and delta channels as a source of fresh water necessary in the irrigation of crops variously estimated to be worth from 50 to 90 million dollars annually. Along the shores of the upper San Francisco Bay system are many industrial plants requiring large quantities of fresh water in their operation. As shown on Plate 1-1, Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers dis- charge into Suisun Bay through what is practically a common mouth and find their wav to the Pacific Ocean through the "Golden Gate" after passing through Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay and the northerly portion of San Francisco Bay proper. If it were not for the rivers the water in the bays would be practically as salty as the ocean, wholly unsuitable for irrigation and for many industrial uses. In years of normal run-off from the two great valleys of the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin, the discharge of fresh water during the flood season is sufficient to flush out the lower river and delta channels, and, in fact. Suisun Bay and Carquinez Strait. With decreasing river discharge during the summer months the salinity of Suisun Bay increases, but in normal years the summer discharge of the rivers is sufficient to keep their common mouth flushed clear of injurious quan- tities of salt. However, in recent years of deficient rainfall the run-off from the area draining into Suisun Bay has decreased to the extent that it has, in years like 1920 and 1924, not been sufficient to supply irrigation demands of the two great valleys and of the delta, and leave enough fresh water to act as a natural barrier against encroachment of salt water into the loAver river and delta channels. Salinity in the lower reaches of the rivers is not a new experience, as is evident from the following quotations from page 54, House Document Xo. 123, 59th Congress, first session : It is of interest to note that in August. 1841, Commander Ringgold's party entered the mouth of the San Joaquin "and proceeded upstream for a distance of 3 miles, where they encamped, without water, that of the river being still brackish" (this camo was evidently opposite or in the immediate vicinity of the site of the present city of Antioch). It is also said that there was trouble from salt water in this vicinity in 1871. In years of extreme drouth, salt water invades the San Joaquin to points opposite Stockton. If it had not been for the water conservation measures adopted in 1924, it is probable that Sacramento's domestic water supply would have been contaminated by salt from the ocean. The encroachment of salt water into the upper bays and lower rivers, therefore, constitutes a serious menace to irrigation, industries and municipalities, which promises to become more acute as the demand for water increases with the natural development of the two great valleys. 24 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Purpose of Investigation. The investigation was made at the request of the Sacramento Valley Development Association and of the Delta Land Syndicate for the purpose of determining the feasibility, probable effectiveness and the approximate cost of a "Salt Water Barrier" constructed at some point below the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers to pre- vent incursions of salt water into the region of the delta. It was hoped that in addition to eliminating the salt menace in the delta, the construc- tion of a barrier would make possible the reclamation of what are now salt marshes around the bays, and M'ould create a body of fresh water which would be of great economic value to the rapidly growing com- munities and industries. If incursions of salt water can be prevented through construction of a barrier, not only could the fresh water now required to act as a natural barrier be largely conserve'], but the delta channels could be utilized as canals for the transfer of water from the Sacramento Valley to San Joaquin Valley, which transfer is contem- plated in the development of the state's water resources. The request for the investigation, dated January 4, 1923, is attached as Exhibit 1. Authority for Investigation. Authority for the investigation is contained in a cooperative contrapt of January 26, 1924, entered into by the United States of America, Department of the Interior ; the Department of Public Works, Division (*f Engineering and Irrigation of the State of California, and tl^e Sacrp- mento Valley Development Association, and three supplementary con- tracts dated June 26, 1924, March 3, 1925, and March 16, 1926. The contracts accompany this report as Exhibits 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. A contract dated September 19, 1924, attached as Exhibit 6, is the authority for performing certain drilling for the East Bay ]\Iunicipal [Ttility District. Plan of Procedure. A controlling board, created under the provisions of the original con- tract, included the Chief Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, the State Engineer of California and the president and general manager of the Sacramento Valley Development Association. In practice, Mr. Paul l^ailey acted for the .state, Mr. W. A. Beard for the Development Asso- ciation, while the writer Avas authorized to act for the Bui-eau of Reclamation. According to the terms of the first contract, the investigation fol- lowed a general plan agreed to by all iiarties to the contract. The agreement covei-ing the general plan of procedure is attaehed as l^]xhibit 7. Valued advice and suggestions liave been ohtaJTied through the frequent visits of Mr. W. A. Beard, ]\Ir. Paul Bailey and Mr. J. L. Savage, Chief Designing Engineer. Bureau of Reclamation. A plan Avas adoi)ted of holding nu'(>tings in cities and towns in the bay and delta regions for the purpose of discussing the Salt Water Barrier as it might affect various interests. Meetings were held in Berkeley, Richmond, Croekett, Martinez, Pittsburg, Sacramento, McNear's, San Rafael, Napa, Vallejo and Suisun. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 25 Tlu' work aeeoinplislicd in llio investiureau of Heclamation, for ihe ])erio(l April. 1924, to the date of this report. Engineering Board Meeting. On June 9. 1924, the state's advisory committee met in the Berkeley office of the Bureau of Reclamation in an advisory capacity to assist in the formulation of the jreneral ]ilan of procedure. The committee met ajrain in the Berkeley office on December 13, 1924, and on February 17, 192G. Members of the committee were Consultinp: Enf?ineers F. C. Jlerrmann, W. L. Huber, A. J. Cleary, G. A. Elliott, A. Kempkey and li. A. Etcheverry. IMr. K. G. E. Weber, superintendent of the Orland Project, was called in to confer with the state's committee in the formulation of the plan of procedure. On Januarj' 4, 1926, a Board of Engineers, appointed by the Chief Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, convened in Berkeley for the purpose of considering the designs and estimates which had been i)repared. Members of the board were Consulting Engineer A. J. Wiley and Chief Designing Engineer J. L. Savage. Their report was transmitted to the Chief Engineer on January 11, 1926. General Conference. On January 8, 1926, a general conference was held in the Berkeley office to discuss the broader aspects of the barrier problems. Those l)resent were Mr. C. E., Mr. W. A. Beard, Commander C. A. Carlson of the Navy Department, Lieut. Col. G. R. Lukesh, and Majors John W. N. Schultz and C. S. Ridley of the War Department; Messrs. Paul Bailey and W. A. Perkins, representing the state, and Messrs. A. J. Wiley, J. L. Savage, N. B. Hunt and the writer for the Bureau of Reclamation. Unfortunately, members of the state's advisory com- mittee could not attend. Field Office. Headcpiarters for the joint investigation of the Iron Canyon Project in Sacramento Valley, and of the proposed Salt Water Barrier, were established in Berkeley, California, on April 19, 1924, the writer being in direct charge. ^Mr. W. A. Perkins, Associate Hydraulic Engineer, representing the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, w-as assigned to the Berkeley office on July 21, 1924. The Berkeley office was discontinued on March 31, 1926, after which Avork on designs and estimates were continued in the offices of the Bureau of Reclamation at EUensburg, Washington, to which the writer had been assigned. The state's representative returned to his regular duties in Sacramento upon discontinuation of the Berkeley ofifice. Studies Made. The principal studies made, aside from design of the barrier, included those of tides, floods, navigation, storage, salinity, silt and w^ater required for operatiton. 26 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Field Work. Of a number of sites which have been proposed for construction of a barrier, three were selected for investigation as b^ing typical. The Dillon Point site is located in Carquinez Strait at Dillon Point, where the distance between shores is about one-half mile — ^less than at any other point below the mouth of the rivers. As would be expected, the depth of wat^r is the greatest. The Point San Pablo site, between Point San Pablo and Point San Pedro, represents a wide side, the distance between shores being nearly two miles. At the Army Point site what may be considered average conditions are found, the distance between shore lines being about one mile. Each of the three sites was drilled to determine the cross-section between shores and to develop foundation conditions under the ship locks and flood gates. Drilling was started on August 16, 1924, and completed on August 7, 1925, after drilling a total of 322 holes, aggre- gating 24,640 linear feet. Topographic surveys and geological examinations were made at each of the sites investigated, the latter by Kirk Bryan, Geologist of the United States Geological Survey. Measurements of tidal fluctuations and velocities were made at each site as a part of the study to determine the gate area required to pass floods from the rivers. Samples of bay water were taken at the Army Point and Point San Pablo sites over a period of one year in connection with the study of salinity. -*- » A count was made of vessels of various sizes passing each of the sites for use in the determination of the number and size of ship locks required. Funds. The original contract of January 26, 1924, made $30,000 available for the investigation. As the work progressed it became evident that additional funds would be required to complete the investigation of the three typical sites selected. To meet the situation other contracts were executed which, with the original sum, made available a total of $77,407.82, of which the United States contributed $37,736.92, the State of California $27,110.10 and local interests $12,560.80. A more detailed statement of funds contributed appears as Exhibit 8. It should be stated that funds contributed by local interests were raised, j)rincipally, by subscription through the efforts of a contribu- tors' committee of the LoAver Sacramento River Control Water Project, of which Mr. Dan Hadsell was chairman. Cost of Investigation. All money made available for the work has been expended with the excei)tion of a small amount reserved by the state for reviewing the report. Of the total, approximately 57 per cent ($43,600), including a proportional part of the overhead expense, was used in drilling opera- tions, the balance being used in the various studies made and in the preparation of the preliminary designs and estimates recommended for THE SALT WATER BARRIER 27 inclusiou iu the report by the Botird of Engineers. A detailed state- ment of the cost of the investigation is included as Exhibit 9. The great increase in cost over that contemplated in the original con- tract is explained by the fact that three sites for the barrier were fully developed by extensive drilling, whereas it was first believed that development drilling could be limited to one site, selected upon the results of a comparatively small amount of preliminary drilling. More- over, alternative designs and estimates have been made for all three sites drilled, and for one site which was not developed by drilling, rather than for one site only, as was originally contemplated. Data Filed. Original computations and drill logs, field note books, maps, reports and correspondence relative to the investigation are filed in the office of tlie Chief Engineer, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation at Denver, Colo- rado. In most cass copies of comjiutations, drill logs, and othr essen- tial data used in the preparation of the report, as well as all of the drill core and samples obtained in the drilling operations, were forwarded to the State Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, at Sacramento, California. Visitors. During the course of the investigation a number of prominent persons inspected the sites for the proposed barrier, among them the following : Commissioner Elwood ]\leacl was in Berkeley at the time the investi- gation was inaugurated in April, 1924. He was a visitor again in June, 1924, and in April, 1925. Chief Engineer F. E. Weymouth and Director of Reclamation Economics Geo'. C. Kreutzer visited the work in June, 1924. The Chief Engineer was in Berkeley again in October of the same year. State Engineer W. F. McClure (now deceased) called at the Berkeley office in July, 1924. In October, 1924, Congressman Clarence F. Lee of California and party inspected the work. Secretary Hubert Work and party went over the work in April, 1925. In June, 1925, a party of about thirty guests of Congressmen Chas. F. Curry of California made an inspection of the barrier sites. The principal guest was Secretarj'^ Herbert Hoover. Other guests included State Engineer ]\IeCTure, engineers of the Army and Navy, and repre- sentatives of various chambers of commerce and industries. Superintendent of Construction, S. 0. Harper of the Bureau of Reclamation, inspected the work in August, 1925. In October, 1925, the Rivers and Harbors Committee of Congress inspected the various sites under investigation while on a trip through the bay and delta regions. The committee members were Congress- men S. Wallace Dempsey of New York, chairman; Walter Lineberger of California, John McDuffie of Alabama, and Nathan L. Strong of Pennsylvania. Other congressmen who made the trip were Chas. F. Curry and Clarence F. Lee of California and A. J. Sabath of Illinois. Engineers of the Army, Navy, state and government accompanied the party. 28 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SUMMARY OF RESULTS General. TJie slucUes made lead to tlie conclusion that it is i)hysicaliy feasible to construct a Salt Water Barrier at any one of the sites investigated, but at great expense ; and that it will be effective in controlling the salinity of the reservoir impounded above it. Not only Avill it protect the delta and industrial ])lants along the shores of the bays, but its construction will result in the conservation of a large part of the fresh water required to act as a uatural barrier against invasions of salt water under present conditions. Without the barrier, salinity conditions will become more acute unless mountain storage is provided to be released during periods of low river discharge to act as a natural barrier against invasions of salt water. The amount estimated as necessary to act as a natural barrier was in excess of the flow in the Sacramento River above Red Bluff in 1924. Below Red Bluff diversions of water for irrigation in the Sacramento Valley exceeded inflow. The sites selected for development by drilling are considered geologi- cally satisfactory for the type of structure proposed. Although preliminary designs and estimates are presented for four sites, there are only two general ])lans involved. A barrier, if constructed at the Army Point, Benicia, or Dillon Point site, would creat a body of fi-tesh water in Suisun Bay and in the delta channels, while a barrier at the Point San Pablo site would include San Pablo Bay as well. . Type of Dam Proposed. The type of .structure to Avhich prineii)al consideration is given is one in which the shi]) locks and flood gates are located at one side upon rock foundations, the closure of the jiresent waterway being effected by means of an earth and rock fill dam to be brought up to its designed height after completion of the ship locks and flood gate structure. In another type studied the flood gates form the closure between concrete ])iers sunk to bedrock foundations in the present waterway by the open caisson method. Both types have been designed with and without provision for carrying a railroad and highway. The passage of floods is probably the most imi)ortant jjroblem since it involves the safety of the delta levee system. Tt would be desirable, if practicable, to provide gate area ecpiivalent to, or slightly in excess of, the i)resent waterway area in order that conditions of flow might remain unchanged, but tiie accomplishmeni of this jilan would l)e very costly if not altogther infeasible. Tn the design of the structure, advantage is taken of the diiference in the elevation of water surface whicli it is possible to create above and below the barrier to discharge flood water. On account of the fluctuating head, resulting from tides on the downstream side, the discharge thorugh the flood gates will vary from a maximum at low tide to ;i minimum at high tide. The res(>rvoir above the barrier, there- fore, will function as a basin in which the river di.scharge in excess of the flow through the flood gates at high tide is stored to be discharged at a rate in excess of the river discharge dui-ing low tide. The flood gates are of the Stoney roller tyi)e with sills de]n'essed to 50 or 70 feet below .sea level in order better to control the salinity of THE SALT WATER BARRIEK 29 the -water behind tlie barrier as explained in Chapter IX. Tn operation, the gates woud be raised clear of the ^vater surlace as required to allow- free passage of the floods. As the flood receded the gates would be ]o-v\ered, one at a time, as necessary to maintain the -water surface above the barrier at any predetermined elevation. The requirements for pa.ssing ves.sels tlirough the barrier i.s an important consideration irresi)ective of wliere it might be located, but particularly, if located below INIare Island Navy Yard. In the designs proposed, ship locks have been provided in number to care for consider- able growth in water borne commerce and in size to puss the largest ships likeh^ to navigate the waters above the barrier. In some of the design for the Army Point site, the ship locks would be constructetl away from the flood gates, which, of course, would be advantageous for shipping during the ])assage of great floods from the rivers but these are rare and considerable study would be required before it could be determined whether the advantage thus gained would offset the advantage of having the large salt water sump adjacent to the shij) locks w^here the salt water entering the fresh water reservoir through the locks could be caught and returned to the salt water side. It is po.ssible that the design with the ship locks and flood gates separated would be even more eiificient in controlling .salinity, but this is doubtful. The plan at the Army Point site in which the .struc- tures are separated interferes least with the plant of the Mountaiii Coi)per Company and results in economy otherwise. In the designs including a railroad and highway bridge across the locks have been placed at an elevation to permit a large portion of vessels using the locks to i)ass underneath without o])ening or lifting the bridges. In one design at the Dillon Point site, the clearance is made sufficient to pass large ships without the necessity of moving bridges. Adequate clearance will be more imi)ortant 25 years hence than at present on account of the increase to be expected in commerce. A fish ladder is provided in one of the ship lock walls and provision is made for relieving .salinity above the barrier by i)umping salt Avater from that side in an emergency. The design of the structure is di.s- cus.sed in Chapter IV. Estimated Cost. Following is a table showing the estimated cost of the barrier at each of the sites investigated. It should be noted, particularly, that the estimates for the Benicia site are based upon assumed foundation conditions since the site was not develojied by drilling as were the other three sites. No attempt will be made to analyze the costs as such an analysis Avould be quite involved and of no particular value. Con- clusions as to the desirable plan can he arrived at best by balancing the estimated costs against the features of the design as shown on the general ])lans referred to in the table, and to other clrawiugs con- tained in Volume II. Estimate No. 13 is uni(|ue in that Cai-cpiinez Strait, for its full width, is taken advantage of in providing an extra large flood gate area, and the railroad and highway bridges are placed at the elevation required to avoid the necessity of lifting bridges to allow the passage of vessels. 30 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SALT WATER BARRIER— SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES Totals only (Refer to Table of Contents, Page 12, Section III, for reference to detailed description of each structure estimated.) Estimate Plate Estimated No. No. Location total cost 1 4-1 Army Point-Suisun Point $58,500,000 2 4-14 Army Point-Suisun Point 55,900,000 3 4-18 Army Point-Suisun Point 54,100,000 4 4-20 Army Point-Suisun Point 49,800,000 5 4-22 Army Point-Suisun Point 46,300,000 6 4-25 Army Point-iMartinez 77. 300, 000 7 4-27 Benicia *46,200,000 8 4-31 Benicia *40,;;00,000 9 4-33 Dillon Point 97,100,000 10 4-35 Dillon Point 38,900,000 11 4-37 Dillon Point 50,400,000 11-A 4-37 Dillon Point 44,700,000 12 4-37 Dillon Point 50,600.000 12-A 4-37 Dillon Point 44,900,000 13 4-47 Dillon Point 53,300,000 13-A 4-47 Dillon Point 47,600,000 14 4-51 Point San Pablo 75,200,000 15 4-55 Point San Pablo 66,000,000 16 4-57 Point San Pablo 82,100,000 1 TJie preliminary estimates are believed to be conservative. Refine- ments in the final designs will probably result in reduction of quantities. All construction materials are readily available in large quantities and can be brought to any of the sites investigated by rail or water. Lai.*ge tnanufacturing plants, foundries and machine shops are located nearby, all tending toward low unit costs. The estimates of cost are based upon present prices of material and labor. Should these change materially it will, of course, be necessary to make adjustments in the estimates. Tides and Floods. The most critical condition to be met is a combination of a large flood from the rivers, a storm on the ocean tending to pile up tlie water driven through the Golden Gate in the bays, and an unusually high tide. An analysis of past floods leads to the conclusion that provision should be made for the ])a.ssage through the barrier of not less than 750,000 second-feet. According to com])utations made the effect of a barrier of the type proposed, at the Army Point site would be to raise the water surface immediately above the structure 0.7 of a foot with a discharge of 750,000 second-feet. The effect would be felt less at the mouth of the rivers as a result of the smootliing out of irregularities by the reservoir created. The studies indicate that if a 750,000 second-foot flood from the rivers should coincide with a tide reaching the maximum height recorded at Armv Point in 1000, but otheruis(> similar to the high tides of Januarv 24 and 25, 1014, the elevation of (>xtreme high water (8.5 feet above mean sea level) at Colliiisville, as computed in flood plane studies made by the State Department of Public Works (Bulletin dated February 10, 1925) would not be exceeded. Tt is probable that the rise in water surface at Collinsville, due to a barrier at the Point San Pablo site with ecpiivalent gate area, would • Foundations not developed by drilllnR, estimated cost Includes 35 per cent for enKJneorlnpr. administration and conf inKencics. All other locations dovelopod by drill- Inp. estimated costs Include 25 per cent for enBlneering-, administration and con- tingencies. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 31 be less than if located at the Army Poiut site, but it would not be safe to reduce tiie gate area at Point San Pablo for the reason that extreme tides through the Golden Gate are more effective near the gate. At the Army Poiut and Dillon Point sites the ship locks are consid- ered effective in passing extremely large floods but they are not considered available at the Point San Pablo site because of the greater necessity for keeping the locks open to navigation at that site, even during great floods. The effect of a barrier at the Armj'' Point site would be to reduce the tidal volume passing the Golden Gate by less than 8 per cent in comparison with about 35 per cent if it were built at the Point San Pablo site. The occurrence of frequent high tides in the bays due to piling up of water in them as a result of storms on the ocean would be eliminated above the barrier if one should be constructed. The effect on the elevations of tides immediately below the structure would be to raise them slightly according to the United States Coast and Geodetic Su^ve3^ Navigation and Bridge Traffic. Any plan for the control of salinity involving the construction of a dam across the bay or river channels must be coordinated with the requirements of navigation. Ship locks are provided in number and size to meet the requirements of the present and immediate future. Provision for ultimate traffic at the time the barrier is constructed does not seem necessary since anticipated additional flood control on the upper rivers will permit the replacement of flood gates by ship locks as the need for them develops. A summary of the operation as it would have occurred on July 6 and 7, 1925, is shown in Table 6-33. Although railroad and highway bridges are contemplated in most of the designs they are not regarded as indispensable and are omitted in some in anticipation of indifference on the part of railroad and high- way interests toward the opportunities afforded by the barrier. In the studies made it is considered that traffic over them is subject at all times to the convenience of navigation. The bridges are designed to give a vertical clearance of 50 feet above high water when in the lowered position and 135 feet Avhen raised. The interruptions to bridge traffic, as they would have been on July 6 and 7, 1925, are summarized in Table 6-40*. An examination of Plates 2-3 and 2-4, showing de])ths in San Pablo and Suisun bays, will indicate the limitations placed upon commerce under present tidal conditions. If the elevation of the water surface above the barrier were maintained at about 2i feet above mean sea level, a con.stant depth equivalent to that at mean high tide under present conditions, could bo obtainod. T''^ncertain and varying tidal currents would be eliminated above the barrier and thoy would bo reduced in velocity below, providing that present conditions of the channels are maintained. The maintenance of a constant water level would not only be convenient for navigators but would bo a material benefit to owners of wharf property above the barrier. The farther upstream the barrier is located the less it will interfere with .shipping. Locking requirements can be satisfied with least expense! 32 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES at the Army Point site and conditions are most unfavorable at the Point San Pablo site. The construction of a barrier at the Point San Pablo site probably Avould be looked upon with disfavor by the Navy Department for the reason that it would restrict free navijration through San Pablo Bay to the Mare Island Navy Yard by the necessity of passinj? war vessels tlirough ship locks. This objection does not apply to the Dillon Point, Benicia or Army Point sites. Storage in the Delta Channels and Bays. Jb^r convenience the calculated storage in the tidal prism above each barrier site, between elevation — 8.6 and +6.4 U. S. G. S. Datum (0 and 10, tj. S. Engineer Datum), has been summarized in Table 7-2, Part Two of this volume. Silt. The i)roblem has been attacked with the idea that any structure wliich would be detrimental to San Francisco harbor would be looked upon with disfavor by those in jurisdiction. Whether the scouring .ictiou of the tidal currents tends to maintain or destroy fixed ehannols ill the bay system, and what will be the effect of a barrier upon silting, rvuiain to be determined. Conclusions must, therefore, take the form of conjecture until studies more comprehensive than were possible', in litis investigation have been completed. Salinity. in years of normal river discharge there is no salinity problem in the flelta. It is menacing for a few days in the fall only but, considering the marshes surrounding tlie upper bays and the towns and industrial l)lants along their shores, tlie enci-oacliment of sail water presents a serious problem almost every year. Conflict between irrigation interests in the ujijier valleys and in the delta region never will occur in years of large run-off for the reason that in the development of storage the construction of expensive reservoirs to hold the excessive run-off will not be practicable even though sufficient reservoir sites in which to store all of the run-off were available. The introduction of salt water into the fresh water lake through the ship locks can not be prevented but means aie provided for drawing off this salt water and thereby controlling the salinity of the water upstream from the barrier. Leakage of salt water past tiie flood gates, although comparatively small in amount, can be ])revented by maintaining the water surface ;d)ove the barrier at a sufficiently higher elevation than below. Deep gates, opening from the bottom, are essen1i;d to the successful oi)ei-ation of the barrier for dependence is placed upon them ;is a means of drawing off the heavier salt water which seeks the deep holes and channels, and for flushing out the reservoir above the barrier. Unless fresh water is available for occasional flushing, the reservoir above the barrier will gradually l)ecome salty. Flushing can be accom- plished quit(! readily if water be available for that The studies of water sui)])ly. although based on meager data, indicate that, on tlie THE SAIiT WATER BARRIER 33 average, there will be from eleven to twelve million acre-feet available for that purpose annually. In years of deficient water supply, there will be little, if any, fresh water available for flushing and the reservoir above thf ban-ier may liavo to hold over ouc oi- moro ycai's without flusbiug. Return Flow. Keturn flow will increase witli irrigation develo])ment in the upper valleys with the result that the salt menace in the Delta will be alle- viated; but, even though tiie return flow should increase to the .'5500 second-feet estimated to be suflTicient to act as a natural barrier against encroachments of salt water, the demand for water Avill be such that it could not be used for that ])urpose unless it is replaced by water fi-om mountain storage. Control of Salinity by Storage in Mountain Reservoirs. Salinity in the delta can be controlled through construction of storage reservoirs in the mountains from which water could be released during the season of Ioav river discharge in the amount necessary to act as a natural barrier against invasions of salt water. Mountain .storage would be a temporary expedient for tlic reason that, ultimately, there will be for all of the available flow from the rivers, aiul the dis- charge into Suisun Bay and thence to the ocean, of water sufflcitMit to act as a natural barrier against salt, would be an economic waste However, storage created in mountain reservoirs constructed mainly for other pur[)0ses might advantageously be used for some time to control the salinity in the upper bays and delta channels during development of the requirement for full use of the reservoirs for the pur])Ose foi- which they wore primarily constructed, thus deferring the large invest- ment in the Salt Water Barrier. Teredo. The factor of saliiiity is one of fundamental importance in the dis- tribution of teredo. The average lethal salinity for teredo navalis, the species to be feared most in the upper bays, has been determined experi- mentally as 5 parts per 1000 ; therefore, if the water above the barrier is maintained at a concentration below the limit for iri'iu-ation use, teredo can not exist there. Fish. Fishing industries above the barrier, if constructed, should not suffei- for the reason that, even though the fish ladder which is an integral part of the structure, should fail to function, the fish would not be prevented from entei'ing the fresh water reservoir because they would have free access to it through the ship loeks whieh, under normal f'onditions. would be o]ierated many timos throughout each day and night. Sewage. No investigation was made of the effect of the barrier upon sewage, but from investigations made elsewhere it appears that fresh water 3 — 70686 34 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES will be better adapted for receiving sewage than either salt or brackish water since, gallon for gallon, fresh water disposes in a normal manner of more sewage than salt Avater. It will be best, in this respect, to keep the water above the barrier fresh because the intermittent admis- sion of salt water interferes with bacterial, animal and vegetable growths that effectively aid in taking care of and digesting sewage. Use of Water from Barrier Lake. The seven main sources of loss of fresh water accompanying the operation of the barrier are evaporation from the water surface of the reservoir created ; water required for the operation of the ship locks ; leakage around the flood gates ; water used in operating the fish ladder ; and water to supply the requirements of industries, municipalities and irrigation. With the exception of losses past the flood gates and through the fish ladder, which are constant for the same type of struc- ture, the losses increase as the barrier is moved downstream and this factor has an important bearing upon the selection of a site. Owing to the increasing difficulty of maintaining the reservoir created by the barrier free from salt water as the water surface is permitted to fall, and because of navigation requirements, it probably will not be advisable to allow the water surface to fall below mean sea leVel. Likewise, because of the nature of the delta levees and the cost of drain- age in that region by ])uin])ing, the ultimate maximum allowable Avater surface, for periods of several months duration, may be assumed. at 4.0 feet above mean sea level, although later developments rfiay show that this maximum storage level can be increased to 5.0 feet. It is not necessary to decide at this time at what elevation the water surface above the barrier should be maintained. To begin with, it .should be held at, or a little below ordinary high tide level. As time goes on the elevation may be raised as experience dictates. It would be desirable to replace water drawn from the fresh water lake for irrigation, domestic and industrial uses, as well as that required in the operation of the ship locks, with water from river flow or moun- tain storage for the purpose of maintaining a constant dejith of water for the navigable waterways efll^ected by construction of the barrier. In years of extreme low run-oflC the water surface could be drawn down to the elevation of mean sea level, or possibly, in an emergency, to the elevation of mean lower low water. As the water surface behind the barrier is lowered, the cost of maintaining the delta levees, not considering floods, should become less; the cost of pumping water out of the lake for any use become greater; the cost of ]Mimping seepage water would become less; the difficulties of keeping the lake fresh would increase; aud the depth of navigable channels effected would become less. Ship locks are provided in various sizes in order to economize on the use of fresh water and to in-event entrance into the frc>sh water lake of larger volumes of salt water than necessary by requiring vessels to the smallest lock which will accommodate them.. Intermediate lock gates are added for the same reason. Economy in the use of fresh water in the operation of the ship locks can be effected through the adoption of lock gates divided horizontally at a depth to allow a large portion of the vessels having a shallow draft to pass through the locks without opening the lower half of the gates THE SALT WATEU BARRIER .'^') and it is assumed that this type of construction will be adopted. It is estimated that the resultinreliminary studies of structures at several points in Carquinez Strait to replace the ferries which are now used to carrj' their trains across the strait. A recent study of the problem was made by Captain C. S. Jarvis, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. The results of his study and the discussion thereof are reported in Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers, Volume LXXXIV (1921), under the heading "Control of Flood and Tidal Flow in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, California." In connection with the water resource investigation made by the State Department of Public Works, IMr. A. Kempkey, consulting engineer, made tentative designs and estimates of various types of barrier for construction at the westerly end of Suisun Bay or in Carquinez Strait. The studies are reported by ^Mr. Kempkey on pages 154-158, Proceed- ings of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Conference for 1923. The Great Central Valley of California. By reference to Plate 1-1 it ^^ill be seen that in the central part of California a very large valley, somewhat elliptical in shape, is formed by the merging of the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Range. The water shed is about 540 miles in length, has a width of from 120 to 150 miles and a drainage area of ap))roxiraately 58.000 square miles, with a single outlet to the ocean through the Coast Range. It is drained from the north by the Sacramento River, headinir in the region of Mounta Shasta, which reaches an elevation of 14.880 feet, and from the south by the San Joaquin Avhich has its source in the vicinity of ^Mount Lyell, at an elevation of about 13,000 feet. The two rivers discharge into the easterly end of Suisun Bay, from either side of Sherman Island, through a common mouth in the vicinity of Collinsville and Antioeh and find an outlet to the Pacific by way of Sui.sun Bay, Carquinez Strait, San Pablo Bay, San Francisco Bay and, finally through the Golden Gate. The portion of the valley of greatest interest is the comparatively flat area between the foothills of the surrounding mountains. This jiortion is about 450 miles in lencrth. about 50 miles in average Avidth and contains approximately 14 million acres of arable land, about three- fifths of the agricultural area of the entire state. That ])ortion north of the Cosumnes River is generally known as the Sacramento Valley, while that to the south is spoken of as the San Joaquin Valley. The Cosumnes, however, is selected as a boundary for convenience only for in reality there is no definite dividing line. The Sacramento Valley comprises, a drainage area of about 26,000 square miles while the watershed tributary to the San Joaquin contains approximately 32.000 square miles. In past ages the entire valley was undoubtedly an arm of the sea. The bottom has been built up gradually with material washed down from the mountains until at preesnt only Saji Francisco Bay remains 40 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES with its appendages, San Pablo and Suisiin bays. The erosion of the higher areas is still nnder Avav as evidenced by the shoaling of tlic upper bays. Precipitation. In the drainage basin of the Great Central Valley the year is divided into two well-defined seasons, wet and dry (winter and summer). A])- ])roximately 75 per cent of the aA'erage annual ]u-ec'iiiitation occurs in the months November to March, inclusive. In the Sierra, the greater part of the precipitation is in the form of snow. The precipitation increases from south to north, ranging in average amount from about 15 inches on Tehachapi Pass to 90 inches at Inskip, near Mount Lassen. On the floor of the valley the range is from about 5 inches at the southerlv end to approximately 25 inches at Ked Bluff. In the delta region the average preci])itation is from 10 to 15 inches ; on Suisun Bay from 12 to 15 inches and on San Pablo Bay from 15 to 20 inches; increasing in a westerly direction. Run -off. j As given in State Bulletin No. 4, the mean annual run-off from the Sacramento drainage area is about 25,200.000 acre-feet and that from the San Joaquin about 12,300,000 acre-feet. In general terms the annual run-off from the drainage area of the Great Central Valley varies from about one-third to 3 times the normal. The largest run-off in recent years occurred in the season 1889-90 while the lowest year of record is 1924. The rainfall in the Sacramento Valley is greater cent greater than that of the former, the run-off is only 50 per cent as much. The bulk of the water from the San Joaquin is discharged \fi\ev in the season, thus sustaining the discharge into Snisnn B>iy necessar\- to keep back the salt water. Since the Sacramento furnishes much the larger part of the water available for use in the Great Central Valley, the attention of delta waters users is naturally directed to it. On the average. 75 per cent of the run-off from the Sacramento drainage area occurs during the months December to May, inclusive. Without storage reservoirs in tlu^ U]>por valley the bulk of this water runs to waste into tlie ocean. The dis- charge decreases gradually until June oi- early July when the last snow disappears from the higher mountains. In years of low ])reei])itation the run-off during the summer and fall months is not sufficient to supjily the demands of irrigation in 1he ujiper valley and therein lies the difficulty, particularly with respect to the delta region. The Bays. Inspection of Plate 2-1 will show that the San Francisco Bay System is made up of three irregularly shai^ed ba.vs, San Francisco Bay (north- ern portion shown on Plate 2-2. San Pablo Bay (Plate 2-3) and Suisun Bay (Plate 2-4). San Pablo and Suisun bays are connected by a deep, narrow channel named Carquinez Strait. At the easterly end of Suisun Bav, about 50 miles bv water from the city of San THE SALT WATER BARRIER 41 Francisco, the ISacramcnto and San Joaand river bods which, within the next 50 years, will find its w'ay to the bays. It is estimated that in addition there will be 400,000,000 cubic yards of soil waste brought down, resulting in a total of 800,000.000 cubic yards of material, practically all of which will be deposited on the shoals of the bays in the form of mud. Maintenance of navigable channels across the shoals is already a matter of considerable expense and it is natural to speculate as to the result of building a barrier the bay. Although comparatively little has been done toward the study of the silt problem, an effort has been made to analyze available data. A discussion of the silt problem is contained in Chapter VITT. The Delta. Along the lower course of the two rivers a delta containing approxi- mately one-half million acres has been formed, extending iip the Sacra- mento River from Suisun Ba.y nearly to the city of Sacramento, and up the San Joaquin to a point 20 miles south of Stockton. In the delta there is an aggregate length of navigable channels amounting to about 550 miles. Some of tht^m obtain depths of 50 to fiO feet. The mode of travel is bj^ water i-ather than by road. ]\Tost families have their own speed ])oat ; others i)atronize tlie ferries which take the place of the commonly known highway bus. A mait of the delta region is included as Plate 2-5. Before the levees were construet<>d the character of the area was tliat of a permanent tule marsh of boggy peat, impregnated with silt, over which the water surface oscillated regularly with the tides in Suisun Bay. The river channels divide into numerous winding water- ways, giving to portions of the marsh lands the character of islands from a few hundred to several thousand acres in extent. Some of th THE SALT WATER BARRIER 45 channels connect the two river.s so that much of the delta, in its original state, was inundated by a flood from cither river. In the report upon the San Joaquin River and Stockton Channel, House Document No. 554, 68th Congress, 2d session, it is stated that, in its natural condition, the land of the delta region was a peat formation ranging in depth from 10 to 60 feet, underlaid by a substratum of liardpan. the peat apparently having formed at about the same rate as the subsidence of the general land level, while the river beds and banks have been built up by deposits of sand and clay, or loam, carried down from higher ground. Before the extensive construction of levees the overflow of the rivers in flood stage built up their banks with the deposit of the lighter materials carried in suspension. Con- sequently the rims of the islands are of firmer soil and are higher than the interior. It is said that the interior elevation of some of the islands is from 6 to 7 feet below mean low tide. Originally the ground was not .so low but under cultivation the soil settles, due to the rotting and compacting of the peat. Upon first cultivation the settlement on raw land is said to be as much as 18 inches. Delta Levees. The exceptional fertility of the delta lands was a great attraction to the early settlers. Attempts to reclaim some of the islands were made as early as 1852. The levees at that time were small, two to four feet high, and were built to shut out high tides. Though small, and of little weight, difficulty was experienced in their maintenance, and during the flood of 1861-62, they were overtopped with disastrous results. In tlie later development of agriculture, much more substantial levees were built. The levee sj'stem has now been extended to either fully or partly protect every island in the delta against floods from the rivers as well as from extreme high tides. After expending millions of dollars in construction, the system is now practically complete except for strengthening to secure greater safety. The levees were not built without difficulty, particularly in the San Joaquin area where the top layer of peat is underlaid in turn by fine sand, blue clay. and. finally, by a very fine, soupy sand which, under load, acts much like quick .sand. I'^nder the weight of the constructed bank the ground under it, and for a short distance each side, settles, the theory being that the soupj' material, not being .stable enough to support the load, moves out laterally until stability is established. As a result of the settlement the ground immediately back of the levee is lower than the general elevation of the island and the water collect- ing there tends to aggravate conditions by softening the spongy peat foundations. The levees are maintained only through constant vigilance. In many instances they are built of jieat. Chunks containing as much as 5 or 6 cubic yards have been known to slough off and float away, demonstrating the low .specific gravity of the material. In June, 1924, the writer observed the behavoir of a levee on Venice Island, located in the lower portion of the San Joaquin area, where a bank built prin- cipally of peat re.sted on the same material. The levee was cracked along its crest in several places over about one half mile of its length. 46 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES In places the whole levee had settled ; at others the front half was apparently tipping toward the channel; at others the back half was tipping landward ; and at still other places the front portion appeared to be sliding into the river. On the whole it presented to the writer's mind a precarious condition althoiigli those in charge did not appear to be alarmed, supposedly on account of their many similar experiences. In the past, an attempt has been made in the lower delta to maintain a 4-foot freeboard above the high water marks of 1907, but this prac- tically has been given up and in many cases it is not more than 3 feet. Mr. Geo. A. Atherton, General Manager, California Delta Farms, Inc., has said that in his opinion 13.3 U. S. Engineer Datum (9.7 feet above mean sea level) Avould be a reasonable elevation at which the levees could be maintained permanently. This is 3 feet above the higli water mark of 1907 as recorded at the junction of the San Joaquin and Old rivers, near Bouldin Island. The elevation at which the Salt Water Barrier would hold the water permanently against the levees is a question of much concern to those living in, or having investments in the delta region. The suggestion has been made that the elevation of the water surface above the barrier be raised to increase the depth of navigable channels materiallj'j to provide storage of fresh water for use by municipalities and industries, and for the irrigation of the bordering marshes and nearby higher valleys. Although the adoption of such a plan would result beneficially to many interests, the plan is believed to be impracticable and •• not possible of accomplishment without hazard to the delta region which it is proposed shall share in the benefits to be derived through con- struction of the barrier. It is the belief of some most familiar with the situation that it will not be practicable to hold the water surface permanently against the delta levees at an elevation exceeding 6 feet, U. S. Engineer Datum, or about 2Y2 feet above mean sea level, which, under present condi- tions, is about the elevation reachofl by the ordinary higli tides during the non-flood period. Although some of the islands are below sea level the cost of pumping to prevent inundation resulting from seepage under the levees is not prohibitive under present conditions of a fluctuating tide and it is not believed that dilltieulties would be experienced from excessive seepage unless in the operation of the bar- rier an attempt were made to raise the water surface, outside, more than is contemplated in this rei)ort. ]\Ioreover, the capacity of the levees to resist the pressure of water permanently held against them at heights materially above ordinary high tides is questionable, espe- cially in regions where peat predominates. The height to which it is found practicable to maintain the water surface above tlie liarrier fixes, to a large degree, the amount of water available for the operation of tlie barrier. This sul).ieet is a vital one and is discussed at considerable length in Chapter X. Irrigation in the Delta. The principal crops raised are potatoes, onions, beans, barley, corn, asparagus and celery. On the higlier lands large quantities of fruit, principally pears, are raised. The asparagus crop is rapidly increas-j THE SALT WATER BARRIER 47 ing in importance and may become the most important. Most of the crops are transported to San Francisco, Sacramento and Stockton by boat. As reported in the Proceedings of the Sacramento River Problems Conference held in Sacremento on January 25 and 26, 1924, Mr. George S. Nickerson estimates that there are 556,000 acres in the delta region which are dependent upon the lower river and delta channels for irrigation water, of which 475.000 acres are in reclamation districts and islands and 81,000 acres in the uplands. Various methods of obtaining water are employed. On a very large portion of the low lying lands siphons or tidal flood gates are used, the latter usually operated to take water at high tide. Some of the low lands receive their irrigation water by seepage through, or under, the levees. In case of the higher lands water is pumped through low heads, usually not exceeding 7 feet. In general, the water is applied by the method of subirrigation, supplemented by surface irrigation during the latter part of the grow- ing season. The main ditches are permanent but the distributing ditches which are dug with small trenching machines, are usually plowed under each time the land is plowed. The elevation of the water plane is controlled bj- pumping back into the channel over the levee. The of pumping this water is a consideration in the deter- mination of the elevation at which the water surface should be held in the operation of the barrier. Salinity in the Delta. The numerous channels form the reservoir from which water is drawn for the irrigation of the delta. Under normal conditions of run-off from the Great Central Valley the discharge of the two rivers not only replenishes the supply of fresh Avater, but serves as a natural barrier against the encroachment of salt water from the bays by reason of the continuous discharge into Suisum Bay. During the flood season of a normal year the salt water is forced seaward until Suisun Bay is flushed clear of brackish water, only to become salty again with the falling off in the discharge from the rivers. With the development of irrigation in the upper valleys the demand for water has increased to the extent that fresh water, sufficient to act as a natural barrier against encroachments of salt water, no longer reaches Suisun Baj' during the summer and early fall months of dry years, with the result that the water available for the irrigation of . the lower portion of the delta is no longer fresh. The most critical months are July and August. It has been roughly estimated that in 1920 approximately 25 per cent of the delta lands were severely affected by .salt. Irrigation was actually discontinued on some of the lands farthest downstream. Not only do crops suffer at such times from lack of water but more permanent damage results through seepage of the salt water through and under the protecting levees. The limit of salinity of water for irrigation use is generally considered as 100 I)arts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water. In 1920 it is reported the water in all of the delta channels contained in excess of 20 to 30 parts chlorine per 100.000 (33 to 50 parts of common salt). 48 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Amount of Fresh Water Required to Act as a Natural Barrier Against Salinity in the Delta. After making a study of salinity conditions, particularly in the dry 3^ears 1920 and 1924, the State Water Supervisor in his report for 1924, estimates that under present conditions a combined flow of 3500 second-feet, as measured at Sacramento on the Sacramento River and at Vernalis on the San Joacjuin, is necessary to prevent the encroach- ment or cause the recession of salinity at the common mouth of the rivers. At some of the upper stations the indications are that a considerably greater flow is required to cause the recession of salinity than to prevent encroachment. In his report for 1925, the State AVater Supervisor states, on page 116: A study of the relation between the 'advance and retreat of the salinity and the river discharge as presented by the 1925 observations would seem to indicate that a greater combined discharge at Sacramento and Vernalis for the two rivers would be needed to control the salinity at any definite point than was indicated by the 1924 investigations. It is believed that, for want of better data, 3500 second-feet may be adopted in studies presented in this report as the amount of w^ter required to serve as a natural barrier against ejicroachments of salt into the delta region. In comparison with the 3500 second-feet required, the .eombihed flow of the two rivers in 1924, at the stations referred to, was 1898 second-feet in June ; 1329 in July ; and 1786 in August. The combined discharge was less than 3500 second-feet for 116 days from May 26th to September 20th. During that period an additional 363,000 acre- feet of water, as measured at Sacramento and Vernalis, would have been required to supplement the combined discharge to an average of 3500 second-feet, and a total of 812,000 acre-feet would have been required to supply the 3500 second-foot average flow throughout the 116 days. It may be concluded that not only would the Salt Water Barrier serve to protect the delta against encroachments of salt water, but would make possible the conservation of a large amount of fresh water otherwise required to serve as a natural barrier. With the barrier constructed, tlie amount of fresh water flowing to the ocean during the irrigation season would be reduced to that ree stopped by lack of suitable agricultural lands in Sacramento Valley. ♦ * * ; « * * rpj,,. jf.jtji landowners claim water rights both by riparian rights and appro- 1 priation anrl s\\sc) claim the right to have enough water in the river to keep the ( salinity condition Ix'low the danger point, and have stated that for this purpose [ it is necessary that 13500 second-feet be allowed to pass Sacramento. You will note I that this is considerably more water than there was available in the river above diversions during the past summer (1024). The Antioch Suit. The outlook for the delta is such as to cause considerable apprehen- sion. The salt menace will increase in succeeding years unless storage of water is provided to .supplement the summer flow of the rivers or 4 — 70686 50 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES a Salt AVater Barrier is constructed. If diversions for upstream ir- rigation are permitted to increase under present conditions of tiow, the delta water users are faced with a very serious problem. It was the consideration of this prospect that led to a prolonged and expensive law suit in 1920 between the water users in the Upper Sacramento Valley and in the delta region. The suit is referred to as the Antioch case. Supported by an organization of delta landowners, the town trustees of Antioch applied to the courts for a temporary injunction, asking that a number of appropriators of water from Sacramento River above the city of Sacramento, be enjoined from taking more water from that river than would permit a flow of 3500 second-feet past Sacramento. The superior court of Alameda County granted the temporary injunc- tion but upon appeal to the Supreme Court of California the decision of the lower court was reversed. In the decision of the Supreme Court it was stated: Our conclusion is that an appropriator of fresh water from one of these streams at a point near its outlet to the sea, does not by such appropriation, acquire the right to insist the subsequent appropriators above shall leave enough water flowing in the stream to hold the salt water of the incoming tides below his point of diversions. Pending Suit. Another large suit has been filed, and is now pending, in which 14:5 landowners in the delta have brought action against nearly 500 of the principal users of Avater from the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, the contention of the plaintiffs being that they, as riparian owners, are entitled to the fresh water which they have enjoyed for a great many years. It is understood that this later suit is being held in abey- ance, awaiting the outcome of the investigation reported upon herein. Navigation. Although it may be argued that the interests of irrigation are para- mount to those of navigation in Sacramento and San Joacpiin valleys, the effect of a Salt Water Barrier upon navigation must be given careful consideration. The Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, as well as the bays, are important highways of commerce which have been under improvement by the War Department for many years. San Francisco Bay is accessi- ble to the largest vessels afloat. Ocean going vessels receive and dis- charge their cargoes at the wharves of the many industrial plants along the shores of San Pablo and Suisun bays and Carquinez Strait. Deep water now extends well into the lower rivers, and under present devel- opment the cities of Stockton and Sacramento are accessible via channels 9 and 7 feet deep below mean low water, respectively, regular schedules being maintained by boats plying the rivers and bays between these cities and San Francisco. Surveys have been made of deep waterways to both Sacramento and Stockton and it is probable that construction of a channel providing a minimum dei)th of 26 feet to the latter will be under way in the near future. INIare Island Navy Yard is located at the easterly end of San Pablo Bay and, obviously, the Avay to this strategic point must not be blocked, especially in times of stress. It is evident that any i)lan for the control of the salt water situation must be coordinated with the requirements of navigation. THE SAIjT water BARRIER 51 Conflict in the Use of Water. Under conditions of unregulated river flow the time has arrived when there is a conflict in the water requirements of the upper valleys, of the delta and for navigation. It appears that the interests of the delta and of navigation are somewhat the same. It is safe to say that, in the final settlement, the irrigators in the upper valleys will not be prevented from diverting their much needed water supply, nor will they be per- mitted, for long, to divert Avater in quantities injurious to the delta region. A remedy must be devised and put into operation or perma- nent injury to the irrigation dev(»lopnient of the State is bound to result. Chances for Betterment of Conditions Without the Barrier. (a) The maintenance of navigation on the Sacramento River below Sacramento is of vital importance to the commerce of the Great Central Valley and of the San Francisco Bay region. Since it is classed as a navigable stream it is under the control of the United States Govern- ment through the Army Engineer's office. In the interest of naviga- tion the government might undertake to prevent the upstream diversion of water with advantage to the delta to the detriment of upstream irrigation. In Document No. 123, GOtli Congress, first session, the District Engineer, in rei)orting upon preliminary examination and survey of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers with a view to improvement for navigation, recommends that direct diversion from the Sacramento be limited to such as can be made without reducing the flow in the river below Vernon to less than 3500 second-feet. He states on page 35 of the document : While the actual needs of navigation will not be fully met by less than 4000 to .^000 second-feet, it seems reasonable, in view of the high value of and great need for water for other purposes, that the United States should assume the increased cost of maintenance that would result from there being a somewhat less amount of water in the river. Under the circumstances it would be fair and eciuitable for the department to demand for navigation a minimum flow of 3500 second-feet in the river at Sacramento, which is also the minimum estimated as necessary to protect the lands of the delta against the salt-water menace. (b) As the two valleys are further developed bj' irrigation the return flow will increase possibly with benefit to the delta, particularly in the late summer months at the itme of maximum salinity. (c) A material increase in irrigation development in the valleys is not feasible without storage of flood waters. If storage reservoirs are ; built, as planned, the flood menace in the delta will be partly, if not fully, relieved. ' Tides and Floods. Tidal fluctuations of the ocean are transmitted to the bays through j the Golden Gate. As determined at Presidio, the mean range of tides I in Golden Gate is 3.93 feet ; the great tropic range, 6.23 feet ; and the greatest observed range between tlie highest and lowest water surface is 10.5 feet. The rivers, in their lower reaches, have very low gradients. In the 61 miles from the citv of Sacramento to Suisun Bay, the Sacramento 52 DIVISION OF WATKR BESOURCKS falls at the rate of about .07 foot per mile while on the lower 42| miles of the San Joaquin, from the mouth of Stockton Channel to Suisun Bay, the fall is at the rate of about .02 foot per mile. It follows that at low stages of river discharge the tidal fluctuations extend up the river : on the Sacramento to tlie mouth of Feather, and on the San Joaquin to a point a few miles above the "Western Pacific Rail- road crossing, decreasing in amplitude Avith increasing distance. Tides are therefore effective at Sacramento and Stockton, as well as through- out the entire delta region, during the irrigation season. During 1924, when the run-off in the Sacramento River was the lowest of record, the automatic gage at Verona, located at the mouth of Feather River, did not record any tidal fluctuations but it was reported that the tidal influence Avas felt at the pum])ing ])lant of the Central Mutual Water Company, about 4 miles downstream from Verona. The maximum tidal fluctuation at Sacramento in 1924 was 3.4 feet on July 30 in comparison with 2.12 feet as measured on July 7, 1925. On the same date the maximum range at the IMo.ssdale bridge of the Southern Pacific Railroad, just below the AVestern Pacific Cross- ing, was 1.42 feet. There is a reversal of flow in the rivers far above their mouths. ; On July 16 and 17. 1924, at which time the discharge of the Sacramento River reached the minimum for the season, measurements were made by the State Water Supervisor (Water Supervisor's Report for 1924, Bulletin No. 4, ]). 107), at a point about six miles upstj*eam from the Southern Pacific bridge at Sacramento, whicli show that, at low tide, there was a maximum flow downstream of 1600 c.f.s., with a mean velocity of 0.5 f.p.s., and that at the highest tide on July 17, there was a maximum upstream flow of 1080 c.f.s., with a mean velocity of 0.3 f.p.s. The mean discharge past the station during the tidal cycle of about 25 hours w^as 750 c.f.s. Meteorological conditions were favorable for tides, as on July 15th the moon was at its maximum southern declination and was full on the 16th. The predicted range at the Presidio was 7.8 feet, near the maximum for the month. The point of no reversal of flow, as well as that of no tidal fluctua- tion, moves downstream as the river discharge increases and as the tidal fluctuations in the bays become less. During periods of hii>h river discharge, sucli as occurred in 1907 and 1909. it is probable that tidal fluctuations do not extend much above Rio Vista on the Sacra- mento, nor above the entrance to the Stockton Channel on the San Joaquin. In all of the above the term "tidal fluctuation'' is descrip- tive of a ])('rcci)tible lowering and rising of the water surface resulting from the tidal niovements in the ocean. Of particular interest in the delta is the height to which the tides rise above mean sea level since in time of flood from the rivei's th<> water surface against the levees is further raised by the effect of the tides. In tlie bays llie liighest water has not l)een cau.sed by extreme floods from the rivers but rather through a ]nling up of water in tlie bays by severe storms on the ocean, coincident with high tides. The highest tide of record at Presidio occurred in November, 1918, at a time when neither the Sacramento nor San Joaquin rivers were dis- charging excessive amounts of water. Tlie tide rose to 5.2 feet above standard .sea level at Presidio. In upjier Suisun Bay one of the highest waters of recent vears occurred in January, 1914. at which time a THE SALT WATER BARRIER 53 severe storm on the ocean, combined with the seasonal high water in the rivers, resulted in the water at high tide rising to 6.83 feet above mean sea level at the point wliere the San Francisco and Sacramento Railroad crosses the bay. In February, 1J)17. the tide rose two inches higher than in 1914 (to elevation 7.00) although there is no record of river floods of considerable proportions in that year. In January, 1909, dur- ing one of the greatest floods of recent years on the Sacramento, the maximum elevation of water surface reached at Collinsville was 6.1 feet above mean sea level. As far as known, great floods from the two rivers have not occurred simultaneously, nor have great river floods been coincident with extreme tides. If the latter should occur conditions similar to those described for 1861-62 are not beyond concojjtion wliether or not the Salt Water Barrier is constructed. In this connection, Mr. Geo. A. Atherton, general manager, California Delta Farms, Inc., in letter of August 4, 1924. states : Your assumption that floods of short duration raising the water surface as high as in 1907 (El. 10.3 U. S. E. D.) could again be passed with no more serious results than developed in the flood of 1907 or 1909 is quite true, but those results were sufiiciently serious that we are not anxious to have them recur as they were very disastrous and we certainly would be very much opposed to a situation that would result in the water being any higher which I assume would not be planned. As to this elevation 10.3 for the maximum flood water height, we must, under any and all conditions assume that it may come again and, in fact, would come with similar weather conditions even though no dam (barrier) were constructed. In the design of the barrier particular interest centers, not in the maximum momentary elevation reached by the water surface in the bays, but in the maximum average elevation over an entire tidal cycle, for the reason that the capacity of the flood gates through the barrier to discharge a flood is dependent upon the available head, not only at high tide but throughout the cycle. The critical condition to be met would result through the coincidence of a large river flood, a severe storm on the ocean and an unusually high tide. It is readily seen that the study of floods is inseparable from that of tides and for that rea.son they have been combined in one chapter of the report. In the study the assumption is made that a combined flood of 750,000 second-feet from the rivers must be discharged through the barrier under conditions of tidal fluctuations in the bays as they were during the severe storm of January, 1914, the most critical found, considering head available for discharge through the flood gates. Since the memorable flood of 1861-62, when the overflow from the rivers is reported to have formed a navigable body of water from Sacra- mento to Stockton, and to Suisun Bay, surveys and plans have been made for their control 1)y the government and by the state. At present work is under way upon straightening and enlarging the lower Sacra- mento Rivor wliioh. when finished, should greatly relieve the flood mcnaco in tlio delta region. The work is being done by the War De])arliiien1 under the general direction of the California Debris Com- mission, with funds contributed by the government and by the state. x\ny structure placed below the common mouth of the rivers, obvi- ously, must be designed to pass the floods without materially increasing the flood heights at upstream points as otherwise many miles of delta 54 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES levees would have to be raised and strengthened to a degree which] experience has shown to be impracticable. Water Available for Flushing. In the operation of the barrier, the entrance of a certain amount o^ salt water into the fresh water pond above the structure through tW ship locks, and as leakage past the flood gates, can not be prevented. Therefore, unless water is available for flushing the pond clear of salf water the salinity of the water will gradually increase until, in time the water would no longer be fit for domestic, industrial or irrigj tion use. With a combined normal annual run-off from the drainage area o\ the Great Central Valley of 37 million acre-feet, it might be supposet that there would be no question as to the adequacy of the supply o\ fresh water for use in flushing. Under present conditions of river floA in which only a small portion of the natural run-off is held in storage" reservoirs in the upper valleys, the flow is sufficient, in most years, to clear Suisun Bay and Carquinez Strait of salt water. Even in years like 1920 and 1924 the natural flow during the high water season is sufficient to clear the delta channels and upper portion of Suisun Bay of salt water. Salinity in the delta is most pronounced in the' late summer and fall, following seasons of low run-off. Water available to act as a natural barrier under present conditions, or for flushing, in the event a barrier is constructed, will decrease with the developqnent and utilization of storage in the upper valleys. Obviously, if the run-off should be only one-third of the normal, as it was in 1924, there would be a severe shortage of water in the upper valleys even though all of the run-off were stored unless a large amount of water were held over from previous years. There would bo very little, if any, water available for flushing unless deliberately released from mountain storage for that purpose and it is not probable that this would be done except as a last recourse in an emergency. It seems likely that the barrier will occasionally have to carry over one season without comnlete flushinjr, and perhaps more in case of successively dry years. The subject is discussed in Chapter X. Transfer of Sacramento Valley Water into San Joaquin Valley. Witli an arable area of one and on^-half times that of the Sacramento Valley, the San Joaquin Valley receives from its drainage basin, on the average, only half as much water as runs off from the Sacramento drainage area. Tlie available supply ]"»er aero then is only onr-third that for llie Sacramento Valley. There are areas in the southern i^art of San Joaqiun Valley, on which the draft from underground storaire for irrigation by luiiiipiug lias exceeding the supply, with the result tliat the water plane lias been lowered to an alarming desrrcc. There are other areas which are approaching a similar situation and unless water can be brought in from some souree outside the San Joaquin drainage area, the abandon- ment of irrigation in a portion of the valley is inevitable. In a Suriplemental Beport on the Water Besourees of California CBullctin No. 9, Division of Engineerincr and Irrigation, State Depart- ment of Bnblif" Works'^ by Mr. Paul Bailey, it is stated that from a studv of llie water resources it has beon determined that, if distributed THE SALT WATER BARRIER 55 by a coordinated plan, there is sufficient water in the drainage basin of tlie Great Central Valley for all its agricultural lands. The plan (Solved provides for taking the surplus water of the Sacramento Valley to areas of deficient supply in the San Joaquin Valley. If the plan were adopted the surplus water from the Sacramento River would be diverted at sea level into the mouth of the San Joaquin and boosted, by- |)umping, up its channel for a distance of 154 miles southward and to a maximum height of 159 feet above sea level. The plan contemplates the construction of 14 dams, with movable crests, in the present river channel, creating quiet ponds, each successively higher than the next downstream. Through an exchange of water within the San Joaquin Valley, water now used to irrigate lands in the northerly (lower) por- tion could be transferred southAvard to the higher areas, leaving the lower lying lands to be supplied with water imported from Sacramento Valley. In the report it is stated that, at present, the plan can be declared feasible only as to the physical works required in its execution. The ultimate plan involves the construction of large storage reser- voirs on the Sacramento and some of its tributaries, and of the Salt Water Barrier below the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. The barrier is therefore an integral part of the state's comprehensive plan for the conservation of the waters of the Great Central Vallev. Its constuction might be deferred. The following is quoted from Mr. Bailey's report: * * * Except for possible legal entanglements, it (the first unit of the comprehen.sive plan) could be developed either by the construction of a mountain reservoir in the Sacramento Basin or by the construction of the barrier below the mouth of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. If the equivalent to the water released from storage into the Sacramento River were pumped from the lower San Joaquin, it would not particularly disturb the condition of low water flow in the two rivers. Thus, although the barrier is not a physical necessity to the first unit of the comprehensive plan in the San Joaquin Valley it is an essential feature of the ultimate diversion of Sacramento River water into the San Joaquin, for without it, there can not be the complete conservation necessary to develop the large volumes of surplus Sacramento water for exportation; but unless its construction were assured, undoubtedly the first unit of the comprehensive plan would become embroiled in the water right controversies surrounding the incursions of salt water into the delta region of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, and be subjected to court injunction. Without the barrier, the ultimate plan could not be realized since, with full conservation, water necessary to act as a natural barrier against encroachment of salt would no longer be allowed to flow to waste. If fresh water in amount less than about 3500 second-feet were not allowed to flow into Suisun Bay, and on out to the ocean, the water, in its transfer through the delta channels from the Sacramento to the San Joaquin would be contaminated with salt. Economic Aspects. The investigation of the proposed Salt Water Barrier covered by this report has not been extended to cover the economic phases of the prob- lem, being limited to consideration of the physical features only. Such an economic study must be made to determine whether the benefits to be derived from the construction of the barrier will be commensurate with its co^t. The economic phase is very ably discussed in Mr. Dan 56 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Hadsell's letter of July 2, 1926, to Dr. EI wood Mead, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation. The letter is included in volume 2, page 22, as Exhibit lU. ]\Ir. Hadsell's discussion is predicated upon the assump- tion that a body of fresh water can be created and kept fresh through construction of the barrier. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 57 CHAPTER III FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Barrier Sites Suggested. An examination of the general maps of the San Francisco Bay sys- tem leads one to believe that there are numerous sites at which the construction of a barrier might be feasible. No less than eleven sites have been suggested at various times. Proceeding downstream, they are shown on Plate 2-1 as follows : A. At the westerly end of Sherman Island. B. At Chipps Island near the town of Pittsburg. C. Army Point to Suisan Point. D. At Benicia. E. Dillon Point to Eckley. P. At Vallejo Junction. G. Point San Pablo to Point San Pedro. H. ]\rolate Point to Point San Quentin. I. Castro Point to California Point. J. Point Richmond to Bluff Point. K. At the entrance to the Golden Gate. The Sherman Island and Chipps Island sites were dropped from consideration early in the investigation for the reason that even though foundation conditions might be found favorable, a dam at either place would develop comparatively little storage back of it and, as will be brought out in this report, storage is desirable in the operation of the barrier. Tlie foundation at either of the sites would be of peat, sand and silt, similar in character to that found in the delta and described in Chapter II. As the barrier, to fulfill the requirements, must be designed to pass a flood of 750,000 second-feet, foundations can not be considered too lightly. The Golden Gate site was not considered, first: because a structure there would obstruct the full use and development of San Francisco Bay as an ocean port or naval base; second, because a dam located at any point between the headlands and the bar would be constructed on the unstable sandy slope to the bar, and third, because, as indicated on Plate 3-1. the structure would be located on or in the immediate vicinity of the San Bruno fault zone. Although the Benicia site has been attractive from the beginning, it was not selected for development by drilling for the reason that a brief geological examination made by Mr. Alfred R. Whitman for the State Division of Engineering and Irrigation in 1922, had tenta- tively fixed the location of the Sunol fault as crossing Carquinez Strait from the west side of Martinez to the east side of Southampton Bay. Reference to Plate 3-2 will show that a fault line so located would cut through the point off Benicia where, if that site were adopted, the flood gates and ship locks would probably be located to 58 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES take advantage of shallow rock foundations. Moreover, a barrier at this site, built to take advantage of the shortest distance across the strait, would be transverse to the general trend of fault lines in this locality which would not be desirable. The Vallejo Junction site, at the westerly end of Carquinez Strait, was at first considered a likely site. Subaqueous drilling done by the Southern Pacific Company at this point had developed bedrock at a maximum depth of about 110 feet. No designs were prepared for this site for the reason that the distance across the strait is considerably more than at the Dillon Point site ; conditions along the precipitous shores are less favorable for construction of ship locks and for rail- roads and highway approaches ; and if a barrier were built there a large number of ocean going vessels destined for Crockett would have to be locked past the barrier, which would not be necessary with the barrier built at one of the sites just upstream. The Point Richmond to Blui¥ Point site is believed to be the most westerly site that, in any case, should be considered and for this reason the geological study made in the course of the investigation included it. The distance across the bay is here about 3.3 miles, the depth of water, especially on the west side (where there is one sounding of 108 feet) is comparatively great; and, as stated in the geological report, there was a possibility that unsatisfactory foundation conditions would be found if drilled. As at the Benicia site, the direction of the barriCtT, if built here, would be transverse to that of the two nearby major fault zones. The site has no apparent advantage over the Point San Pablo site where the distance between shores is in comparison only about 1.8 miles. It is argued by some, and very ably, that a wide site is desirable, if not essential, to provide length of dam crest on which to install flood gates in number sufficient to pass the river floods. With the type of gate proposed in this report, a wide site is not neces.sary and it appears tliat selection of a wide site would result in additional cost although no designs or estimates for the very wide sites were prepared. A wide site presupposes the installation of wide, shallow flood gates, while in the design proposed the gates are deep. It is the MTiter's belief that tlie adoption of shallow gates would defeat the purpose of the barrier for reasons which are discussed in Chapters IX and X. The Molate Point to Point San Quentin site, or the Castro Point to California Point site, have no particular advantage over the Point Richmond to Bluff Point site except that the depth of water is less. They have the same unattractive features. A review of the eleven sites listed will show that all but three are eliminated from consider- ation at the present time. Comparison of Sites. Generally speaking, the farther down-stream the barrier were located the greater would be the benefits to irrigation and industrial interests and the greater would be the effect upon navigation interests. Stated more fully the farther downstream the barrier were located the greater would be : The area of salt marsh j)ossible of reclamation; THE SALT WATER BARRIER 59 The leiifjfth of shore line for use of industrial plants requiring fresh water in their operation ; The protection against the ravages of the teredo; Tlie loss of fresh water by evaporation; Tlie area from wliich tidal fluctuations and currents could be elim- inated ; The reduction of tidal velocities through the Golden Gate and across the Bar; Tlie number of vessels to be handled in locks; The number and size of ship locks; and The amount of fresh water required to flush out the area back of the ])arrier. Advantages and disadvantages are discussed elsewhere. Sites Selected for Investigation. Following out the general plan of procedure agreed to by all parties to the contract (Exliibit 7), field work in connection M'ith the develop- ment of sites was confined to the following three sites : Army Point to Suisun Point. Dillon Point to Eckley. Point San Pablo to Point San Pedro. In the report they are referred to as the Army Point, Dillon Point and Point San Pablo sites, respectively. It Avill be noted, by reference to Plate 2-1, tliat a barrier at either of the two upper sites would serve to create a body of fresh water in Suisun Bay and the delta channels, while a barrier constructed at the San Pablo site would make possible the inclusion of San Pablo Bay as well. In reality there are but tAvo general plans involved, the Army Point and Dillon Point sites being alternative sites for a barrier to protect Suisun Bay and the delta channels against salt. It is believed that the sites selected for investigation are typical of any site suggested, with the exception of those at the eastern end of Suisun Bay and that in the ocean at t"he entrance to San Francisco harbor. The Dillon Point site represents a narrow site where the depth of water is great; the Point San Pablo site is representative of a wide site; while at the Army Point site average conditions are found. Although a barrier constructed at either of the upper sites were estimated to cost less than one at the Point San Pablo site, an eco- nomic study might show a barrier at the latter, to make San Pablo Bay fresh as well as Suisun Bay, to be much more valuable. With this in mind an effort was made to develop each site in sufficient detail to ]>ormit the preparation of designs and estimates of a character to be of value in the study of the economic feasibility of the structure. Geology. One of the first step.s taken was to have a brief geological examina- tion made of the sites selected to determine whether they were geo- logically suitable before money was expended in their development by subaqneous drilling. The examination was made in August, 1924. by Mr. Kirk Bryan, geologist. United States Geological Survey. His report is attached as Exhibit 11. 60 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES By reference to Plates 3-1 and 3-2, it will be noted that the Army Point, Dillon Point and Point San Pablo sites are all located away from the principal fault zones and in each case the direction of the barrier would be approximately parallel to the general trend of the faults. In reporting upon his examination of Carquinez Strait, Mr. Alfred R. Whitman says : If a severe earthquake were to be produced by a longitudinal differential movement on the Sunol or Avon fault there vrould probably be a tendency for the mud of the strait to shift forward and backward in the direction of the fault movement, rupturing the dam if this lay diagonal to it ; but if the dam lay along a line parallel with the faults it would be least in danger from shifting mud. The safest point and direction for the dam would be between the Sunol and Avon faults extending from Bulls Head Point to a little north- east of Army Point. In summarizing the Bryan report the following points are of par- ticular interest: 1. The region is one where earth movements of considerable mag- nitude have taken place in comparatively recent times. 2. He predicts that earth movements will continue and states that they may be considered as an irregularly recurrent hazard to structures. 3. Regardless of the risk of earth movements, engineering structures should be built to meet present conditions and contingencies. 4. In the design of structures for this region consideration should be given to the possible effect of earthquakes. 5. Major fault lines should be avoided as they represent lines of greatest weakness along which earth movements are most likely to recur. 6. Minor faults, between the major fault zones, have little effect on the character of the sites as future movements on these lines are unlikely. 7. A fault is suspected as lying in the draw just east of Eckley and crossing the strait into Glenn Cove. It would be of the older type, considered no longer active, but if it exists it may cut through the southerly end of the Dillon Point site. 8. There is no objection, geologically, to the Army Point, Dillon Point or Point San Pablo sites with the possible exception mentioned under (7). Mr. Bryan apparently does not consider the exception as of any importance. 9. Tlie rocks at all sites are suitable as foundations for structures of ordinary size. 10. The quartzite in the vicinity of the Point San Pablo site is excellent material for ri])rap and for crushed concrete aggregate. 11. The harder sandstones found at the upper sites are suitable for riprap. 12. "As material for embankments under water it seems likely that the shales and fragments of sandstone from the thinner beds will fill the voids of the larger stones derived from the massive sandstone beds and form a tight and relatively stable structure." THE SALT WATER BARRIER 61 Earthquakes and Construction. The following quotation from pages 171 to 174 of Geologic Atlas of the United States, Folio 193, San Francisco Bay, California, by Andrew C. Lawson, U. S. Geological Survey, may be of interest : The well known susceptibility of the region about San Francisco Bay to earthqunkos naturally raises the question how, in the light of geologic knowl- edge, loss of life and juoperty due to violent shocks may be guarded against or minimized. In considering this question it should be noted, first, that more than 99 per cent of the earthquakes that affect the region are harm- less. They are tremors of the earth's crust due to the adjustments of minor stresses in the rocks far below the surface. In regions where such tremors are frequent, however, as in the region about San Francisco Bay, violent and destructive shocks occur also, though at comparatively long intervals, and it is to these greater .shocks, of course, that attention is particularly directed. Next, among the many faults thus recognized it is necessary to discriminate between those upon which there is no probability of future movement and which are therefore harmless and those which lie in zones of active stress and which are therefore dangerous. Of the many faults discovered in the region of San Francisco Bay only two are certainly known to be zones of active stress. These are the San Andreas fault and the Ilaywards fault, each of which is a record of a catastrophic earthquake. Other zones of active stress may yet be discovered, but most of the faults are the expression of energies that have been long spent and are not in any sense a menace. It is, moreover, barely possible that the stresses in the San Andreas fault zone have been completely and permanently relieved by the fault movement of 1906. * * * If we have positive evidence of recent movement — evidence of any of these three kinds (historic, or geomorphic, or geologic), then all stimctures such as roads, bridges, aqueducts, pipes, and tunnels, which cross the fault, are in danger of destruction, and every effort should be made in their design not only to minimize the destructive effect, but also to supply auxiliary structures to tide over a period of repairs. * * . * * * * Even where there is no reason to suspect recent movement on fault lines engineers should avoid them as far as possible in locating impor- tant works. * * * Besides the dangers that arise from the rupture and displacement of the ground and that may either be avoided by wisely selecting the locations for important structures or be minimized by providing auxiliary structures and facilities for speedy repairs, there are other more general dangers due to the vibration of the ground, concerning which a word of caution may be of service. The principle to be observed by those who may design and locate large build- ings or works in this region is that all structures which rest on solid rock are very mucli safer than those which rest on loose, unconsolidated ground, whether the ground is natural or artificial, and that loose ground saturated with water is the most dangerous of all. Another principle to be observed in any region subject to sevei'e earthquake shocks is simplicity and unity of structure. Two structural types combined in the same building and not intimately and strongly tied together vibrate with different periods and mutually tend to destroy each other. * * * * * * In general, all buildings erected in a country subject to severe earthquakes should be made stronger than buildings erected elsewhere, and the best provision against partial destruction ts a large margin of safety in strength. Finally, it may be remembered that, although the coast of California has never suffered in historic times from a sea-wave generated by a fault on tlie sea floor, such an event is not beyond the range of possibility. As will appear in Chapter IV the .ship locks and flood gates of the proposed barrier are so located as to be founded entirely upon bed rock : they are made as simple as possible; all parts of the structure have been tied together ; and, in cases where the structure does not rest upon bedrock, a type of dam (rock fill) has been adopted which, it is believed, 62 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES most nearly satisfies the eondition.s suggested by the warning "and loose ground saturated with water is the most dangerous of all." Plan of Development of Sites by Drilling. In the general plan adopted a cross-section of the channel was first developed by drilling a number of holes on a line from one shore to the other at each of the three sites selected, followed by the develop- ment of foundations under the proposed ship locks and flood gates and over the area of approach to and exit from the flood gates. In each set of drilling work started at the Army Point site and ended at the Point San Pablo site, the development of foundations at the former site not being undertaken until after the cross-section drilling at all three sites had been finished. The cross-section drilling furnished data upon which to base preliminary designs. The drilling to develop foundations followed a plan laid out to fit the structures as tentatively designed upon the basis of the preliminary cross-section drilling. Results of Drilling Operations. A detail log of each hole drilled is included in Volume III of this report. Following is a summary of the results. In general, bedrock is overlaid in turn by gravel, sand, clay and mud. An exception to the general rule is found at the Dillon Point site where water, at one place, just off the Point, was found running on bare rock at a depth of 136 feet below mean sea level. At each site investigated both abutments are of rock and the concealed rock forming the floor of the bay was found to be of the same character as that exposed on shore. It was early apparent that ship locks and flood gate structure should be founded upon rock and preliminary studies of gate area required to pass river floods indicated that with gate sills 44 feet below mean sea level, the length of the flood gate structure would be about 2000 feet. The desirable site would therefori' be one where bedrock would be located at a depth of about 50 feet over about one-half mile of its length. The nearest approach to tiiis condition was found along the Martinez water front. A sloping bench of fair length was found at the southerly end of the Army Point site and a very short one at the southerly end of the Point San Pablo site. At the Dillon Point site the rock drops off abruptly on both sides. A bench, just offshore at Benicia, is suspected. The mud varies from a soft, black slimy oo/e to clay, as depth is gained. In general the mud is grilty, the sand increasing in size with depth from an almost impalpable grit. The clay varies from soft, plas- tic, to liard clay, which is in reality softened shale overlying the drier rock formntion. Gravel is usually encountered below depths of from 100 to 135 feet and would not be involved to any great extent in excava- tions for structures except at the Dillon Point site, where a concrete structure, founded on bedrock clear across the channel, is considered as an alternative for the rook fill type of barrier. It has been assumed that pumping will prove to be the most economical method of excavating all material overlying the rock. The statement contained in the geological report by Kirk Bryan (Exhibit 11), to the effect that the rock at all sites selected for investi- gation is suitable as foundations for structures of ordinary size, was borne out. « THE SALT WATER BAKKIER 63 The rock, in all eases, is sandstone and shale alternating in layers, generally from one-fourth inch to 24 inches thick. At Point San Pablo site the sandstone and shale is associated with quartzite. In rare instances the sandstone is found in layers as much as 15 feet thick. As a usual thing the sandstone is very fine grained and poorly cemented, approaching a sandy shale. With a little effort it can be cut with a knife. In some instances, the cementing is so poor that pieces one incii in diameter can be crushed and rubbed to sand between the fingers. The harder layers are extremely hard and analysis has shown the rock to be a silicious limestone containing as much as 30 per cent lime. These hard layers are found at all three sites. The shale weathers badly upon exposure to the atmosphere and at Army Point site swelling ground was encountered by the diamond drill bit. The strata dip downstream (to the southwest) at angles between 45 degrees and 90 degrees. The usual dip does not exceed 70 degrees from horizontal, the strike being across the channel. In most cases the percentage of core recovered in diamond drilling was small, due, perhaps, to the comparatively thin strata, their steep inclination and the friable character of the rock. Evidently it was ground up in the core barrel although a double tube barrel, yielding If-iuch diameter core, was used. Tlie core recovery was approximately as follows : Army Point site . 5.6% to 30% Dillon Point site 15.0% to 50% Point San Pablo site 6.2% to 25% Generally .speaking, the rock at the Army Point site is softer than at either of the other sites and the strata at the Dillon Point site are thicker, especially at the north side of the strait. It is believed that a dredge with powerful cutter head would handle most of the rock at the Army Point site but it is just about on the border line and it probably would be unwise to figure on this type of excavating equip- ment unless extensive experiments showed it to be practicable. It is believed that the rock will drill easily. The only difficulty expected would he due to the .steep inclination of the strata. ARMY POINT SITE Features of the Site. Reference to Photo 3-1* will show that if con.structed at this site the barrier would join two prominent points. Army Point on the north and Suisun Point on the south. The line on which the drilling across the channel was done was so chosen that the length of the barrier would be the minimum consistent with good alignment and approaches for the railroad and highwa}' if it were found desirable to carrj* them across the water on top of the barrier. A topographic map and layout of all holes drilled in the development of the site are shown on Plate 3-3. Both points are of rock rising to elevations in excess of 100 feet. The main line of the Southern Pacific Company from the east and north rounds Army Point on the way to the ferry crossing at Benicia. The point is occupied by the U. S. Army Arsenal. Practically no interference with existing construction would be occasioned on this • Not included in printed report. Films on file in office of U. S. Bureau of Reclama- tion, Denver. Colorado. 64 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES side of the chauuel but construction of a barrier would interfere with the plant of the Mountain Copper Corapan}' and Associated Oil Com- pany on iSuisun Point. As will appear in Chapter IV, alternative designs have been prepared in an effort to reduce interference to the minimum. Various features of the site are shown on Photos 3-2 to 3-6 inclusive. In drilling- holes to the west of Suisun Point the "desirable bench" on which to build the flood gate structure and ship locks was apparently located. As preliminary designs had indicated that a crescent shaped area, such as that along the Martinez water front, would be required to accommodate the structures and provide a channel for by-passing river-floods, it was decided to extend the drilling operations to develop the site from Martinez to Army Point. The axis of the barrier in this case Avas located to give the most suitable foundation conditions under the ship locks and flood gates; good railroad alignment at the Army Point end without materially lengthening the barrier; and a railroad approach at the Martinez end which would interfere least with present construction. In the plan adopted the railroad would bo carried under the residence portion of Martinez in a tunnel; would encircle the town to the south and continue down the west side of tBe valley of Alhainbra Creek to the present location of tracks along Car- quinez Strait. The conditions to be met are indicated on Photo 3-7.* It will be noted that there is at present no construction of any impor- tance on the marsh land so that right of Avay should be comparatively inexpensive. The railroad would pass under the hill at tlu' left of the picture and return to the present location of tracks at the extreme ricrht. 'p'" Channel Cross-sections. Tiie cross-section between Army and Suisun points was developed by drilling 12 holes to and into bedrock as shown on Plate 3-4. The follow- ing summarizes the results obtained : Distance between shores about 4900 feet Maximum depth of water 11 c *®^l Average depth to gravel }}^et Maximum depth to hedrock i^i q 5 ^ Deepest hole drilled 183.8 feet Area of waterway (below M.S.I..) 204„'')00 .sq. feet As the holes are, in general, 500 feet apart, there is no assurance that the deepest rock was located. The bottom of the bays, almost everywhere, is soft mud, incapable of supporting any material load. As a rock fill dam is the type to which principal consideration has been given in the preparation of this report it was of interest to learn something relative to the sup- porting power of the mud. In order to throw some light on this important feature a record was kept of the depth to which the drive pipe used in drilling sank of its own Aveight. The weight of the pipe and the depth to which it sank without boring is shown on the section, Plate 3-4. Additional data are presented later. Another cross-section was roughly developed from ]\Iartinez to Army Point by sinking three holes on line "M" in addition to those sunk • Not inchult'd in iirinted report. FIlm.M on file in offli-e of U. S. Bureau of Reelam.'i- tion, Denver, Colorado. THE SALT WATER HARRIER 65 ill the developnieiit along the Martinez water front. In clrivinjr these ihreo holes it was the object to locate supporting ground for a rock (ill. Although the fill might not settle clear through the mud, clay and sand to gravel it was assumed that it would, in any event, not I'ttle into the gravel. In.structions were therefore given to discon- linue driving when it was reasonably certain that continuing gravel had been reached, xllthough no diamond drilling was done the indi- cations were that bed rock was reached in all but one hole. The results of drilling on line "JM." which is in reality a continuation of line "W 4")()(), " are shown on Plate M-G and may be suniiuarized as follows: Di.stance from intersection with Southern Pacific trades at Mar- tinez to Army Point (measured along Line W 4500 and Linu M) about 8650 feet Maximum depth of water 59.2 feet Depth to grravel 80 to 110 feet Afaxinium depth to bedrock (roclt not reached in one hole) 121.8 feet Deepest hole drilled 128.8 feet Development of Foundations and Areas to be Excavated. As the bench ot¥ Suisun Point, located when drilling the cross-sec- tion of the channel, was not sufficient to accommodate the ship locks and flood gate structure as tentatively designed, it was evident that Suisun Point would have to be encroached upon. The site was devel- open by drilling holes on radial lines around Suisun Point and approx- imately normal to the sliore line along the iMartinez water front as indicated on Plate 3-8. The details of the drilling are shown on Plates 3-4, 3-5 and 8-6 and by the drill logs which are contained in Volume III. It will be noted that there is a rock bench under the Martinez marsh and tidal flat, terminating oft' Suisun Point. If 90 feet is assumed as the maximum practicable working depth for the pneumatic caisson process, structures built by that method could be founded on rock as much as 1200 feet off Suisun Point and approximately 2000 feet out from the Southern Pacific tracks on line "W 4500." "East of Suisun Point the rock drops rapidly and would not be encountered but for a short distance from the point in excavations proposed in Chapter IV. The low saddle through Suisun Point, and the marsh to the east between the point and the nearby hill, suggest the possibility of con- structing ship locks "in the dry" in a position to avoid serious inter- ference with present structures. This is the explanation of the drill- ing on the marsh adjacent to the ]\Iountain Copper Company plant. Where there was interest only in the character of material to be excavated for estimating purposes the holes were drilled from 60 to 70 feet deep only, as there are no excavations having a contemplated depth greater than this. In drilling the cross-section off Suisun Point the holes were carried well into the rock to determine its character to the depth of the proposed excavations. The borings indicate tliat the bedrock under the Martinez marsh and tidal flat, between Alhambra Slough and the submerged draw issu- ing from back of Suisun Point, is in general a soft, sugary, compara- tively coarse grained sandstone in which the cementing material has very little strength. It is this material that can be rubbed to sand between the fingers. 5—70686 66 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DILLON POINT SITE Features of the Site. As indicated on Plate 2-1,* and by Photo 3-1,* a barrier built at this site would have less length than at any point in Carquinez Strait or in the bays. The axis of the proposed structure was fixed to give the best alignment possible for the railroad and highway around Southampton Bay if it proves desirable to carry either across the strait on top of the barrier, and to take advantage of the draw at Ecldey Station in making the right angle turn to the west. A topographic map and layout of the system of holes drilled in developing the site are shown on Plate 3-7. The rock on each side of the strait rises abruptly to elevations 150 feet and more above the water surface. The main line of the Southern Pacific Company to Oakland and San Francisco skirts along the south side of the strait, the Benicia to Port Costa Railway Ferry crossing being located just east of the barrier site. The precipitous hills on either side suggest the possibility of a railroad and highway crossing at an elevation to clear the masts of vessels being locked past the barrier without the necessity of raising bridges. The narrow channel, and the comparatively little channel filling, suggests a barrier of the articu- lated type in which the present waterway would be closed by large gates carried between concrete piers resting on bedrock. Such a type; is presented in Chapter IV as an alternative for the rock fill type., By inspection of Photo 3-1* it will be noted that there' would bej practically no interference with, existing construction. Present con- struction consists of the Southern Pacific Railroad, the high tension] suspended transmission line belonging to the Pacific Gas and Electric] Company and a submarine telephone cable owned by the same com- pany. Features of the sute are shown on Photos 3-8,* 3-9* and 3-10.*' Channel Cross-section. The cross-section was developed by drilling 7 holes on line to, and] into, rock as shown on Plate 3-8. FolloAving is a summary of results] obtained : Distance between shores about 2740 feet Maximum depth of water 136 feet Depth to gravel 88 to 136 feet Maximum depth to bedrock 148 feet Deepest hole drilled 152.6 feet Area of waterway (below M. S. U) 211.600 square teet| There is no assurance lliat Ihe deei)est rock was located since tluj, holes are spaced a considerable distance apart but the information| obtained is considered sufficient as a basis for preliminary designs anc estimates. It should be noted that the rock drops off rapidly on eacl side of the strait and that at Dillon Point water runs on bare roek,J the tidal currents being sul'Hcicntly sti'ong to keep it swept clean. Development of Foundations and Areas to be Excavated. As there is no bench in the jn-esent Avaterway upon which to build' ship locks and a flood gate structure it was evident that if a rock fill type of barrier were built it would be neces.sary to build tlie locks and • Not included in j)rinlecl report. I'iluiH on lilo in oflice of U. S. Bureau of Reclama- tion, Denver, Colorado. THE SALT WATER HAHRIKR H7 tloocl s'ate structure iu the jiosition now oceuined b}' Dillon Point whieh, in turn, means that ajiproaeh to and exit from the flood gates would have to be excavated in the region of Southami)ton Bay and Glen Cove respectively. The site was therefore develojied by drilling holes on radiating lines around Dillon Point and on lines normal to the general direction of the shore as indicated on Plate 3-7. The details of the drill- ing are shown on Plates 8-8 and 3-9 and by the drill logs which appear in Volume III. The investigation sliows that the rock of Dillon Point along the strait is swe})t clean of any loose 'Lle])Osits; that on the eastern side the rock drops rapidly as along the strait, and that a rock bench underlies Glen Cove. As indicated on Plate 3-8 the excavation of approach to the flood gate in Southampton Bay would be almost wholly iu mud, clay and sand. While of sm.-dl extent, excavation over the area of exit in Glen Cove Avould be partially in rock. See Plate 3-9. POINT SAN PABLO SITE Features of the Site. As will be seen by reference to Plates 2-1 or 2-2, the site between Points San Pablo and San Pedro is the narroAvest which could be utilized to make San Pablo Bay fresh through the construction of a Salt Water Barrier, Avith the exception of the Golden Gate. In selecting the line on which to develop a channel a cross-section consideration was given to the shallow depth of water at the down- stream end of Point San Pedro in comparison with that of the upstream end. The shoal water at the downstream end indicated the possi- bility of the existence of a rock bench on which to build the flood gate structure, whereas there was no possibility 'Of the existence of such of a bench at the upstream end. If the barrier were built at the upper location it would be slightly shorter and more nearly parallel to the general direction of fault lines, but (pmrry operations there would be a source of inconvenience, if not of danger, in the operation of trains and vehicles across the barrier. A topographic map of the site and layout of holes drilled in its development are shown on Plate 3-10. Both points are of rock and rise to an elevation in excess of 200 feet. There would be no interference witii present construction on Point San Pedro unless a railroad were carried across the bay on the barrier, in which case small adjustments might be necessary in case of the brick- yard now operating there. At point San Pablo tliere would be inter- ference with the Belt Line Railroad which serves practically all industrial plants on the point and with plants located on the tip end of the point. Some features of the site are shown on Photo-, 3-11* to 3-14.* inclusive. The existence of marsh country east of the ridsre wliicli terminates in Point San Pablo suggests the possibility of building the ship locks associated Avith the barrier "in the dry" somewhere on the and joining them Avith San Francisco and San Pablo bays by ship channels exeaA'ated in mud. Although available funds did not permit inATstiga- tion of this plan, pictures Avere taken to show AA'hat Avonld be encoun- tered if such a plan Avere adopted. Tlie country which would be traA'ersed is .shown on Photo 3-15.* • Xr»t ipcluded in printed report. Films on file in office of U. S. Bureau of Reclama- tion, Denver. Colorado. 68 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Channel Cross-section. The cross-section was developed by drilling 14 holes on line as shown on Plate 3-13. In the first drilling that was done rock was developed at each end of the site to depths of over 100 feet, and over the rest of the length of the site holes were put down 1000 feet apart to develop gravel as was described for the IMartinez to Army Point site. Later, on two holes, located at about the third points of the length of the site, were drilled to and into rock to give a general idea of bedrock conditions. Following is a summary of results obtained : Distanfe between .shores about OSfiO feet Maximum depth of water 87 feet Average depth to gravel or coarse sand 140 feet Maximum depth to bedrock (rock not reached in all holes)- 240 feet Deepest hole drilled 255 feet Area of waterway (below M.S.L.) 480,000 square feet As at the Army Point site, a record was kept of the depth to which the drive pipe used in drilling operations sank into the mud of its own weight. The weight of the pipe and the depth to which it sank without wash boring is shown on the section, Plate 3-13. The three holes of particular interest are holes 2500, 3500 and 6500. In hole 2500 the only gravel encountered was contained in a stratum of clay and gravel 10 feet thick from 168 to 178 feet depth. This stratum is underlaid bv soft clav of an undetermined thickness, but at least 50 feet. In drilling hole 3500 nothing larger than course sand was encountered above elevation — 217.6. In hole 6500 a stratum of sand and gravel over 50 feet thick rests on about 50 feet of mud and sand. Similar conditions may have been developed in other holes had they been drilled to greater depths. In the preliminary studies it has been assumed that a rock fill barrier will not settle below the top of gravel or coarse sand but in the preparation of final designs careful consideration should be given to the character of the channel filling in arriving at its suitability as a foundation of a rock fill of ] great weight. Development of Foundations and Areas to be Excavated. The cross-section drilling failed to develop a rock bench at the Point San Pedro end of the site nor one at the Point San Pablo end sufficient to accommodate shij) locks and flood gate structure. It was therefore apparent, as at other sites investigated, that if a rock fill type of barrier were adopted space would have to be provided for the ship locks and flood gates, if they were to be founded upon rock by removing a i)art of a point of land. Other things being equal the ship locks should be located at Point San Pablo in order to be on the course at present traveled by the majority of vessels. Conditions making it desirable for large vessels to take the middle course, would, to a large extent, be changed with the barrier constructed. The site was developed by drilling on lines normal to the general direction of the shore line as indicated on Plate 3-10. Details of the drilling are shown on Plates 3-11, 3-12 and 3-13, and b}' the drill logs referred to previously. The investigation shows that there is a small rock bench off Point San Pablo where the depth to rock is less than 90 feet for 1000 feet THE SALT WATER BARRIER 69 out from shore. Tlu- bench is not in position to be of use in connection with flood gates but is well adapted for the ship locks. The rock drops oflf rapidly on either side of the point so that it would not be involved to a frrcat extent in excavations over the area of approach to and exit from the flood gates. The excavation would be largely in mud, clay and sand. It will be noted that the bottom of the channel between Point San Pablo and the Brothers Islands is swept clean to bedrock. The rock here, at depths not exceeding about 90 feet, is attractive in connection with the flood gate structure. In drilling in the region of Invincible and Whiting rocks a ridge was located, the high points of which protrude above the water surface a.s the Brothers Islands. The ridge looked promising as a foundation for sliip locks until studies of vessel traffic indicated that locks in numl)er too great to be accommodated by the ridge were required at this site. BENICIA SITE Features of the Site. Although the site at Benicia was not developed by drilling there is a possibility that a barrier could be built here at less cost than at any other site. Examination of Plates 2-1 and 2-4 and Photo 3-1* will show that on account of the low narroAv point extending into the strait at Benicia, and the marsh just upstream from it, the above water exca- vations necessary to construct ship locks on a line drawn from Port Costa to the tip of Suisun Point would be comparatively small. A study of test pile data obtained in this locality several years ago by the Southern Pacific Company which will be presented later, indicates that rock possibly extends out from the Benicia Point at depths, and for a distance, to accommodate the flood gate structure. Whether the site actually has merit can only be determined by development drilling. The principal difficulty probably would be the interference with operations of the Southern Pacific Company in the event advantage was not taken of the barrier to carry trains across the strait. Aside from this feature interference with present construction would be limited to a few plants, warehouses and buildings in "the lower end of town." As a recompense deep water would be made available in place of the present mud flats. As previously stated, this site was not considered seriously for the rea.son that a fault line was suspected as passing through it. In view of the geologist's statement found in Exhibit 11: It follows, therefore, that engineering structures should be undertaken to meet present conditions and contingencies that may be reasonably predicted during the life of the structure, without regard to the risk of earth move- ments which is inherent in the region and is a part of man's life in the area. it is probable that the consequences anticipated as a result movement on the fault line, if it exists, are overestimated. Perliaps the possi- bility of earth movement should be overlooked in case it later develops that a large amount of money could be saved through adoption of the site. With this in mind preliminary designs and estimates were pre- pared for file Benicia Site, based upon foundation conditions which 70 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES were, very largely assumed. A map of the site and the assumed underwater conditions are shown on Plate 3-14. DATA RELATIVE TO UNDERWATER CONDITIONS Other Cross-sections in the Bays. During the investigation many data were gathered relative to under- water conditions. Some of the most pertinent of these appear on Plates 3-15 to 3-19 inclusive. They include 17 channel sections at various points from the eastern end of Suisun Bay to the lower end of San Pablo Bay. Changes in the channels due to silting are shown, in some eases from 1857 to 1925. The record of borings at Vallejo Junction by the Southern Pacific Company, at Valona by the Ameri- can Toll Bridge Company and at Chipps Island by the San Francisco- Sacramento Railroad Company are shown, as are test pile data obtained by the Southern Pacific Company in the vicinity of Army Point and Benicia. By reference to section 14, Plate 3-18, it will be noted that at Chipps Island no rock is reported to have been encountered although a num- ber of the holes were put down about 130 feet ; and that hard material, probably a mixture of clay, sand and gravel, was located under .the present channel at depths of about 100 feet. It is interesting to compare the test pile data, section 12, Plate 3-17, with the drilling record obtained in the present investigation as sh6wn on Plate 3-4, since the work was done on practically the same line between Army and Suisun points. The similarity of the profiles indicating the depths to which the test pile and pipe used in drilling settled of their own weight is quite remarkable. Off Suisun Point the small penetrations, and consequent high calculated safe loads, indicated the probable existence of rock. Its existence was demon- strated in the drilling operations. In fact, the top of rock as indi- cated by test pile 2a is checked exactl}' by drill hole 1000. The test piles across the remainder of the channel were not driven far enough to reach the sand and gravel developed by drilling, but the more compact material found in drill hole 3000 was indicated by test pile 7. The absence of other material than mud in drill hole 4500 explains the low calculated safe loads as determined from test pile 11. The discrepancy in the distance between .shores, shown on the two plates referred to, is probably due to noncoincidence of Ihe lines on which the sections were developed. As shown on section 15, Plate 3-19. the cliannel filling about 0.7 mile upstream from Army Point is firmer than between Army andj Suisun points. Tiie conclusion to be drawn is that this location is better adapted to a structure sui)ported on piles although the distance between shores is almost twice that between Army and Suisun points. The approaches to a structure at tlie upper location, however, would be across marsh land which has litHe sup])orting power. Comparison of results obtained at the Army Point site with South- ern Pacific test pile data at Benicia led to the belief that rock would be found extending out from Benicia in the form of a flat bench which l)reviously lias been referred to. as at 1hat location test piles showed | no penetration. Tlie i-esiilts dlitained Ity tlie Smitlieni Pacific Com- THE SALT WATEK BAKItlER 71 pany are sliowii on section 9, Plate 3-16. These data were used in drawing in the assumed underwater rock contours shown on the gen- oral map of the Benicia site, Plate 3-14. Sacramento River Channel. The channel of the Sacramento River has undergone very noticeable changes since the gold mining era in California. Data compiled and very kindly made available by Mr. George S. Nickerson, consulting engineer of Sacramento, appear on Plate 3-20. The data were com- piled from surveys made at various times between 1849 and 1917, from the city of Sacramento to Suisun Bay. Tlie information relative to the lower reaches of the river are of particular interest in this investi- gation. The Key System Pier Fill at Oakland. It was of interest to learn of the experience of others in building embankments in the bays. The following is quoted from a memo- randum of a discussion with Mr. Edward ]M. Boggs, consulting engineer of Oakland, in December, 1925. ]Mr. Boggs, as assistant to the general manager, was the engineer in charge of construction of the pier. Originally the Key System's work in San Francisco Bay consisted of a double-track railway trestle three miles long, thirty feet wide, curved and widened near the end into the form of a golf clvib ; all carried upon Avooden piles. The trestle was in its original condition when the earthquake of April, 1906, occurred. It would have been intei-esting to have seen the behavior of this long wooden structure under the heavy shocks of that unusually severe eartlKiuake ; but so far as known no one observed it, the 'quake occurring at an early morning hour before train service had begun for the day. The supposition is that a series of waves, b<;th vertical and horizontal, and of considerable amplitude, comparable to swells on a smooth water sur- face, must have traversed the entire length of the trestle. All that is known, however, is that whatever the distortion may have been the structure settled back into its proper position with almost perfect accuracy, and without material injury. Trains were run over it a few minutes later and regularly thereafter. After the more urgent matters were taken care of the appearance of the tracks was improved somewhat by "spike-lining" the rails at a few places, to the maximum of perhaps two inches; but noiiiiug more was required. In inOS a small portion of the trestle extending 1007 feet westward from the subway crossing of Southern Pacific tracks was filled. All the remainder of the present "pier fill"' was constructed between .Tune, 1913. and March 10, 1915, as to the dredge fill and December 1. 1915, as to the rock walls. The apparent paradox in the dates of completion of the two principal classes of work is explained by the fact that the rock contractor was many months in arrears with the placing of the "facing rock" — heavy rock on the outer face of the wall. The fill consists of two parallel rock fills with a theoretical cross section indicated on Drawing 9444-D, between which soft material borrowed from the bottom of the bay was pumped. Some modifications were made in build- ing the fill. One of these reduced the width of the trench to be dredged as a footing and gave it a form more readily excavated. The resulting fill has an overall top width of 200 feet. The depth of water below mean lower low water varies from nothing at the land end to about 8 feet where the pile structure begins. (The drawing referred to appears as Plate 3-21.) The rock work was done by the Daniels Contracting Company using quarry run rock from McNear Landing with the following limitations: The core of the rock fills making up 80 per cent of the rock was to be free from dirt and waste and no piece less than one-half pound in weight was to 72 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES be used. The core was to consist of rock from one-half pound to one cubic foot or as much larger as practicable. The face rock making up not less than 20 per cent of the total rock was to range in size between one cubic foot and six cubic feet or as much larger as practicable. The quantities of rock were as follows : Core rock, 577,478 short tons. Face rock, 28,018 short tons. The weight of the rock used was approximately li tons per cubic yard. In placing the rock, bottom dump barges were used where possible. Other- wise the rock was loaded into skips at the quarry and hauled to the job by flat deck barges. The skips were handled at the fill by a derrick barge. The contract price was S2i cents per short ton (about Jjil.lO per cu. yd.) in place. Considerable trouble was experienced in getting the tug men to dump the rock where the engineer in charge wanted it due to tidal currents and the disposition to get rid of the rock in the easiest and quickest manner. The (Iredgins of the trenches for the rock fills was done by contract at 15 cents per cubic yard measured in the solid. The digging was done by a clamshell dredge. The material was deposited in the prism between the rock fills by simply swinging. The pumped fill between the rock fills was done by contract. The material was obtained from the bottom of the bay alongside of the rock fills but at a safe distance away. 2,456. .31.3 cubic yards measured in the excavation were pumped at a contract price of Si cents per cubic yard. Woik was carried on 24 hours a day. Actual dredging occupied 76i per cent of the calendar. ! Actual dredging occupied 82-J per cent of working days. The average discharge for 204 24-hour working days was 12,040 cubic yards, measured in the excavation, 500 cubic yards per hour. - . y During the construction three local side slips of the rock fills Wftre ex|f»eri- enced due to the side pressure developed by the hydraulic fill. None of the slips wei'e serious. Never had a slump in the fill. The terminal is built on what is apparently a subaipieous hill. All of the structures are carried on piles about 45 feet long (assumed below M. Ij. L. W.) There are no depths anywhere at tiie terminal, or under the trestle approach, over 70 feet to hardpan. The hardpan is a fairly well cemented sandy clay. As a usual thing piles GO feet long, or less are requiretl. With piles GO feet long no settlement has been noticed although they are supporting their load by skin friction only. Mare Island Dike No. 12. As shown on Plate 2-3 the dike extends into San Pablo Bay in a westerly direction from the end of Mare Island. It is reported to have been built in 1912 for the purpose of creating a scouring velocity below Marc Island Strait. Another object was to build land back of the dike through deposition of .silt in the quiet water there. Originally the dike consisted of a line of 12-incli sheet iiiling driven between waling tim- bers and supported laterally by batter i)iles. The timbers Avere attacked by the teredo and damaged to tlie extent that it became necessary to reinforce the Avail with rip-rap placed along the outer side. The rock Avork was done by the Daniels Construction Comi)nny under con- tract dated January 2, 11)23. About 400,000 cubic yards of (piartzite from the quari-ies at McNVar's Landing, said to weigh approximately 2450 pounds per eubie yard in barges Avas used. Part of the rock Avas dumped from bai-ges, the rem;iiuder being placed in the dike by derrick barges handling the rock in skips. To determine the behavior of the rock fill two test sections were selected as indicated on Plate 3-22. Soundings Avore maile to dcA'clop Ihe oi-igiual bottom aiul Avere repealed during llie progi-ess of tiie work. Aftei- y)lacing of rock had been completed a line of holes was drilled in THE SALT WATER BARRIER 73 the center of each test section to develop the cross-section of the rock (ill. The results are shown on the plate referred to. It will be noted that the rock settled into the mud to depths as great as 30 feet ; that tliere was a buljrinfr of the bay bottom out from the fill; and that the resultin*;: fill is about 125 feet in width. Apparently equilibrium was established throufrh consolidation of the mud and by the bulfrinnr of the bottom outside the fill. The timber wall restricted lateral mov«^mont in one direction and the reactions of this wall prob- ably explain the peculiar shape of the rock fill. It is understood that in placing the rock a toe wall was first built parallel to. and at the proper distance from, the timber wall. If it is assumed that the toe wall was placed to produce a 1 on 1.] slope it must have moved laterally from 90 to 110 feet before equilibrium was (\stablished. It is interesting to speculate what the shape of the rock lill would have been had there been no timber wall to confine the move- ment in one direction. In the design of the Salt Water Barrier it has been assumed that if the rock were all dumped within narrow limits along the axis of the fill a wedging action would result. As the rock sank into the mud the latter would be displaced horizontally, allowing the rock fill to attain width. The bottom would bulge in the amount necessary to establish stability. It is possible that lateral movements could be controlled by dumping the first rock in an excavated trench but the utility of this trench is not altogether apparent. Its cost would not be excessive- however- and future studies may demonstrate its utility. Settlement might be controlled by resorting to the use of brush mats similar to those used in building dikes in Holland. American Toll Bridge Test Pile No. 12. Foundations for the bridge across Carcpiinez Strait, at Valona. were verj- carefully investigated by drilling and with test piles. Data which have been made available through the courtesy of officials of the Bridge Company are valuable for inclusion in this report in that the results obtained are probably typical of those which might be expected at any one of the sites investigated for the Salt Water Barrier, where similar materials were encountered. Test Pile Xo. 12 is of particular interest. It was driven just inside the pierhead line. 80 feet west of the center line of the bridge, where the water was about 32 feet deep at mean high water. Data compiled from company records are shown on Plate 3-23. The location of the test pile is shown on section 4. Plate 3-15. By comi)aring the calculated safe loads with the material encountered in a nearby drill hole it will be noted that very little resistance was developed by the mud, fine sand or vegetable matter above elevation — 70. Considerable resistance was developed by the clay, and increased at a nearly uniform rate until the .soft sandstone was struck. Prom here on the pile was driven through soft sand.stone and soft shale. The average penetration of the pile, just before drivina' was stopped, was 0.36 inch per blow of the 5000-pound steam hammer having a stroke of 3 feet. It will be noted that there was very little settlement, if any. at the end of tin- mouth diirinir wliich the pile carried a load of 25 tou'^ of steel railN. 74 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Caissons at American Toll Bridge Site. Experience gained in sinking the caissons for the center pier is of value in considering the alternative design of the Salt Water Barrier which is suggested in Chapter IV for adoption at the Dillon Point site. At the center pier of the bridge the depth of water below mean high water was about 80 feet. As the cutting edge of the open caisson neared the bottom, the effect of the increased tidal velocity under the caisson was to scour out approximately 20 feet of mud. While the excavation inside the caisson was reduced- the hazard in landing the cassion was, no doubt, increased. Deep Wells. Data relative to the formation in Carquinez Strait at the point marked "A" on Plate 2-4, which were supplied by the California and I Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation, are shown in Exliibit 12. The following are extracts from various reports on the well drilled; at Benicia Arsenal at the location marked "B" on Plate 2-4: Chief of Ordnance Report for 1876, Page 8— By June 30, 1875, a depth of 1049 feet had been reached. At the] time the report was written the well was down 1093 feet. The ground surface at the well is about 20 feet above mean sea levfel. Page 45 — The strata are upheaved in all directions, and, in some placesJ are nearly vertical, and the number and nature of the strata Jo be plercee before reaching a level at which a large supply of water can be obtained are unknown. (3hief of Ordnance Report for 1877. Page 693— On reaching a distance of 1099 feet from the siirfnfo, the stratur changed to that of hard sand rock, and the tools innuediatel.v gave evidence of this change * • *. Changed from hard sand rock to sand and shale and" finally to shale. This stratum of shale seems without limit in extent. At about" 1212 feet a bed of donso lime rock was struck — not very (liick — then sand rock and shale. At 1407 feet struck coal. Gas burned at the mouth of the hole with a yellow flame. A new stream of water also came in. Chief of Ordnance Report for 1879. Page 216 — There were two sources of water — at depth 960 and 1407. Tlic water was very soft but organic matter made it unfit for food. It was used, mixed with the hard water of the .small well, for irrigation and for the animals. It did not disagree with the animals but violets which were irrigated faded and died. It agreed with the grass and trees. Caving ground caused a great deal of trouble. The formation undci' the Siiisiin iiuirslies, as developed in tlie drilling of several wells, is indicated in Exhibit 12. The well marked "Iv"' on Plate 2-4 is of particular interest as it throws additional light cediii-e agreed upon by pat-til's to the c-ontract on June 9, 1924. See Exhibit 7. Crews organized and drill equipment assembled during July and first half of August. 1924. Drilling started August IG, 1924 Drilling completed August 7, 192."> Number of holes drilled — Army Point site 138 Dillon Point site 79 Point San Pablo site 105 Total 322 Character of drilling — Water 8,363.8 feet 34.0% Channel filling 15.477.7 feet 02.8% Rock 798.6 feet 3.2% Total 24,640.1 feet 100.0% Division of time — Moving and repairs 243 shifts 41.8% Wash boring 274 shifts 47.1% Drilling rock 64i shifts 11.1% tTotal 581i shifts 100.0% .Vverage progress per shift including proportional part of moving and repairs — Total measureany; fog signals and signal lights. The Tools. From inspection of the bay charts it was known that drilling would be necessary in water about 140 feet in depth at high tide. It was evident that the tools must be designed to withstand lateral loads to which they would be subjected by tidal currents in excess of 6 feet per second. To meet the conditions a latticed steel column was designed as a support for the drill casing within which the drill rods were to be operated. The column was ])uilt in the shops at INTare Island Navy Yard according to designs ])rei)ai"ed in the r>erk(>ley office. It was 24 inches S(|uare and made in sections which were bolted together to give any desired length within about 6 feet. There were six sections 20 feet loner, two 9 feet and one 6 feet, making a total length of about 145 feet. The lower end of one of the 9-foot sections was ecinipped witli a cutting edge. In the center of each long section a Funnel-sliajied guide was provided which also s(>i-ved to hold the drill easing in a steady l)Osition in the center of the coluum. The design of the drill column is shown on Plate 3-25. It will be noted that the connecting plates were made heavy, loner and were provided with plenty of connection bolts. The calculated deflection of the total column, due to a 6-foo1 tidal velocity, was about 11 inches and it is believed that the actual deflec- tion in opo-ation was apiiroximatcly that amount, ♦Not IncluflPd In printed report. Films on I1U> in office of IT. S. Bureau of Rec-lamn- tion, Denver, Colorado. THE SALT WATElt BARRIER 77 Diilliiijr cuiild not be well done from tlie deck of the barge on aecount of the constant rise and fall of Ihc tide, and the rockinf? of tiie barge in rough weather. A platform 10 feet square was therefore designed to be mounted on the drill column which in turn rested in the mud, or on the rock of the l^ottom. All wash boring and diamond drilling was done from this platform, steam and water being supplied through flexible liose. A cage, operated from one drum of the drilling hoist, was l)uilt into tiie ))ile driver leads so that in drilling a man could be kept in position opposite the water swivel rigardless of the stage of the tide, or the position of the chopping bit or the diamond bit. The details of the drill i)latform are shown on Plate 3-26 while the drill rig. in full operation diamond drilling in rock, is shown on Photos ;Mi>* and 3-20.* The skids on the drill column, forming the sliding connection between the column and barge, are clearly shown in Photo 3-20.* The diamond drill used is shown on Photo 3-21.* Its compactness and small weight made it particularly suited to the work. The hydraulic I feed was well adapted to the character of rock drilled. Size "B" drill rods were used, equipped with double tube core barrel yielding [ a core 12 inches in diameter. Three sizes of ea.sing were used, 2|-inch pipe inside of 4-ineh and 4-inch inside of 6-incli. The three sizes, in combination, were used only where the anticipated depth of driving ; through channel filling was great. I Holes on the marshes at the Army Point site were put down by hand. } In this operation the tools included a timber tripod, "E" drill rods ' and a hand pump. Xo diamond drilling was done in these holes. The Crew. Operations were carried on during six days a week upon a two I 8-hour shift basis. Both crews were directed hy one diamond drill foreman who was in direct charge of all operations. He was a high type man and his ability to operate a transit saved the services of an instrument man to "spot the holes." Each drill crew included a diamond driller and two helpers. A repairman was included on the day shift and a watchman was always on tiie barge during the "graveyard shift." The captain of the tug was on duty during both working shifts but worked only as required in moving the barge and transi)orting men and supplies. Datum and Level Control. According to practice estal)lished in the San Francisco Bay region, all measurements are given as from water surface. In order that eleva- tions reported may be referred to, the same datum as that used on land (U. S. G. S.), mean sea level was adopted as the plane of reference rather than mean lower low water, which is the plane of reference upon which the charts, prepared by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey are based. Level control was established at the Army Point site by levels run from the U. S. G. S. bench mark at the Martinez courthouse; at the Dillon Point site by levels run from the U. S. G. S. bench mark at Port Costa; and at the Point San Pablo site by connecting the U. S. C. & G. S. bench marks on Point San Pablo and Point San Pedro. • Not included in printed report. Films on file in office of U. S. Bureau of Ueclama- •ion, Denver, Colorado. 78 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES In drilling operations depths were measured from the drill platform, the elevation of which was determined by leveling from shore. This elevation established, the depths of hole were adjusted to read below mean sea level. Designation of Holes. Holes drilled were usually designated by "line" and distance, in feet. , from an initial point, ordinarily the closest point to the water's edge | where it was practicable to set up a transit. Tlie transit points arc indicated on Plates 8-3, 3-7 and 3-10. Alojig the ^Martinez water front a system of coordinates was ado])tpd for designating IioIps drilled. Reports. The progress and results obtained were made the subject of daily reports by each diamond driller. From these reports the foreman prepared his log. The drill logs accompanying this report were pre- pared from the original daily reports of the diamond drillers, supple- mented by data supplied by the foreman. Methods Used. The drill barge was spotted with a transit, distance being, deteruiinetl by the stadia method. White targets were painted on the pile drivei- leads and no difficulty was experienced in spotting the barge, eitliter as to alignment or distance, except in foggy weather. *^ With the drill column raised, the barge was towed to the approxi- mate location of a hole. One anchor was dropped from the barge located so that the tide would carry the barge toward the line of drilling. The tug then "ran out" the second anchor against the tide. These anchors in place, the other two were "run out" by the tug. The anchors were so placed that an anchor line left eacli corner of the barge at about 45 degrees, so that the barge could be accurately "spotted" by hauling in on one line and paying out othei*s. Long anchor lines were used to allow the barge to rise and fall with the tide without dragging the anchors. As the verticality of the drill column depended upon the support given it by the barge it was essential tluit the latter be kept in one po.sition. ft was often necessary to "plumb the column" by manipulation of the anchor lines. Tn some areas tlu' mud would not support the weight of tlu' drill column without excessive settlement and to overcome this difficulty a timber step l)earing was added at the lower end. Where the nuid was unusually soft the anchoi-s would move, particularly (lui"ing wind storms, when the high pile driver leads proved a very efficient .sail. At first 8()()-pound anchors were used. These were soon aban doned in favor of 12()0-pound anchors and when the bai'ge was moved to the Dillon Point site, where severe conditions were to be encountered 2r)00-T)(>und anchors were adopted. During stormy weather at the Point San Pablo site, two 1200-i)ound anchors were used in combination with the four 2500-pound anchors ordinarily used off each corner of the barcre. one directly upstream and the otlier downsti-eatn. PoiTs interfered with the work to a considerable extent. No accidents occurred although vessels came near striking the barge on several occasions. Koutrh weather was experienced at the Point San Pablo site. At times it was dangerous for the men to work above the deck. THE SALT WATER BARRIEU 79 At only one place did other construction interfere with tlu' (hilling. At the Dillon Point site, the line on which to drill the cross-section was chosen to avoid possilile damage to the Pacific Gas and Electric Com- pany's submarine cable across Carcjuinez Strait by the drill column or anchors. If it bad not been for tliis the section would have been drilled directly off Dillon Point. See Plate 8-7. Samples. Three kinds of samples were obtained. Wash samples were gotten by catcliiug the return water from wasli borings at the top of tbe casing. TJu^ .sample is not i-epresentative as the tines are carried away in sus- pension and since the velocity of the return water, up the casing, is not sufficient to carry the heavier material. They are of considerable value in drilling operations, however, and drillers keep constant watch of the "returns." Drive sam])les, if properly taken, are truly representative. A number were obtained by driving the hollow drill rods with the chopping bit removed, or the 2^-inch pipe, into the material being sampled. Upon withdrawal of the tool the sample was extracted. Diamond drill core, representing bedrock, was obtained in the usual way by drilling into the rock after seating the casing and sealing the joint. All core obtained was stored in ordinary core boxes. The wash samples and drive samples were put into glass fruit jars. Each was identified according to the drill logs and as shown on the drawings. All were shipped to the State Department of Public Works. Division of Bneineering and Irrigation, at Sacramento, upon completion of the work. Cost of Drilling. The detail cost of drilling, and the distribution of costs, are given on the following pages. It will be noted that unit costs are referred to depths below sea level and below mud line. Following established practice, all measurements of depth were referred to water surface. It is believed tbat it is proper to include the water as part of the drill- ing although the unit costs are thereby reduced. Difficulties of drilling increa'-ed with depth of water and the total of a hole was affected more by the depth of water than by the depth of "mud. > J SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS— SALT WATER BARRIER SUMMARY OF DRILLING COSTS FIELD COSTS Total Cost Item coat per shift Direct labor — Total time book charged to drilling $12,847 92 $22 10 Indirect labor — Boatman, watchman, repairman and proportion of Berkeley office expense 7,614 27 13 10 Tugboat — Rent, fuel and oil 4.710 70 8 10 Drill barge — Fuel, oil and water 691 87 1 19 Carbon loss 342 92 59 80 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SUMMARY OF DRILLING COSTS— Continued Total Cost Item cost per shift Automobile expense — Transportation for drill crews $843 81 $1 i'> Miscellaneous supplies and freight — Material and supplies — Xavy Vard $2,018 71 Other supplies 1,356 05 Freis;l)t on equipment 234 79 — 3.659 55 6 30 Preparatory and dismantling expense — Railroad fare and expense of crews $116 64 Lahor--Navy Yard 2,687 37 Labor — Bureau of Reclamation 1,390 56 Dockage 24 00 4,418 57 7 60 Depreciation 2,131 82 3 67 Total field cost as of December 31. 1926 $37,261 43 $64 lo Drilling was begun on August 16, 1924, and finished on August 7, 1925. Total number of shifts worked, 5 81 J. Wages paid — ■ Diamond drill foreman ____$250 00 to $275 00 per month Boatman 180 00 per month Diamond driller , 7 00 per day Diamond drill helper 5 00 per d^y Repairman 6 00 per day Watchman 5 00 per d^y Tug boat rent (including insurance) 320 00 per month Overhead — Field oflfice only — Time of engineer in charge \ i07c Time of clerk *---; ! 40% Operation of one automobile 40';, THE SALT WATER BARRIER 81 m < fe H < I O % t-i •J i-i Q r- -2 c o 3 J3 S »^ r^ w c» ro rr: ■?: 1^ Nl^ 01 "5eo 00 »t- '^Ci-^OOOO'-O eo3i M i-JS C ^4 oooooooob — M •» •» <• M«^*c-ico-ro-^^-^ CO 00 ^^ coo — — — M-^COiO c; -^ 1 CO — — oooo — o ooooooooo 00 » •*• ^ «» CO ^^ lO c^ c*i oo -^ o t-- 1^ oco CO T3 ^« 1^ 1(0 'O C-. c-1 — ' »o '^ oo OCl e-j — c 5f- b*OCOO^ — ^ooc^ t~(M Ci — — ooooooo >raco 00 c «» •» «» s ^■^ ^ i<5I^C^eOCo — -f C^ t^ -^ 00 «0 t-- CM 101^ CO os a -S ''S'^ CO *0 CO CO 1:0 C-» itcoo^oi- 00 C^ t- aj" Cr, fO -rf^ M 1 C^ 1— •-£> 'O : i i : ! 1 1^-2 ; ;.9 : 1 111!!, c-a 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 m"^ ; :a ; II2IIIIII ■(** ' 1 5-2 5 1 pX. Ha H j; 1 s. -o e C9 9 T3 C3 3 o ^H r^ OS a i5 ^ » X pi) e 5 o H I o 6—70686 82 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER IV DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION GENERAL Object and Scope of Studies. Assumptions fundamental to studies of design and construction involve many debatable technical points wliicli have important bearing on the cost of the barrier. Diversity of opinion may, therefore, lead to a Avide range of results in the preparation of preliminary estimates. An attempt has been made to follow conservative engineering prac- tice but this object has been attained only in part. Certain conditions have led inevitably to some structures that are unprecedented in one or more respects. Unusual features are in the minority, liowever, and the treatment of structures, in general, docs not express undue optimism. Studies have been carried no farther than necessary to insure proper functioning of the main features of the barrier and to establish the elements of cost where precedent is lacking. Nineteen estimates are presented in Part Two of this volume for works at the following sites : Army Point — Suisun Point. Army Point — Martinez. Benicia. Dillon Point. Point San Pablo. The provisions of the various estimates are described in connection therewith. No attempt has been made to include a study of docks, wharves or warehouse facilities which will naturally find place adjacent to the barrier, for the reason that such a study is considered outside the scope of this report. Foundation. All concrete structures are founded on rock, and foundations which it is proposed to construct behind cofferdams are limited in depth to 90 feet below mean sea level at the original surface of rock. This limit has been fixed in consideration of pnounmtic work which may. ulti- mately, be deemed preferable to the open cofferdam construction pro- vided for in the estimates. The placing of concrete by the tremie method is contemplated when conditions malce it necessary to exceed the 90-foot limit, as described subsequently. The surface of sand and gravel occurs, generally, at greater depths than 90 fe^^t below menu sea level at tlie three sites and these materials are therefore eliminated from foundalion considerations by the fore- goincr restriction, except as a support for pilinir. The feasibility oF supporting concrete by piling merits discussion. Stnictnres of this type have heretofore been pi-oposed for the barrier anarden. Colonel, Corps of Engineers, at Seattle : Xo trouble dne to galvanic action has been noted at the Lake Wa.shington Canal Locks. Bronze is used under water only for bu.shings of rollei-s. for roller trains, washers at ends of rolleif:, biishings and washers for gate cable sheaves. Bronze bolts or nuts are not usod on lock valves or gates nor on any iron in contact with salt water. Babbitt metal is used in bottom .seals for Stoney gate valves, and valvrv and lock gate.s inside and out.side are painted with bitumastic solution and enamel. At Panama the bottom seals for the valves were changed from Babbitt metal to greenheart lumber and all bronze bolts were replaced with steel bolts. 84 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Zinc strips were bolted to the valves on the lowei- edge on each side of the bottom casting. The use of metals at Lake Washington has been followed in the design of .structures for the Salt Water Barrier. In salt water, where the teredo is active, the short life of timber structures, particularly when unprotected, is a matter of common knowl- edge. The belief that certain woods possess teredo-resisting qualities is evidently unwarranted. Colonel Barden is quoted again as follows: The iron bark for guard gate seals which was used in place of the greenheart at the Lake Washington Lock was badly eaten by teredo in two years, and the greenheart timber attached to the concrete mitre sill was also destroyed by teredo. Rubber and steel were substituted for the iron bark and greenheart at Lake Washington and complete satisfaction has resulted. Engineer- ing News Record of October 12, 1922, contains a description of the disappointing results from the use of greenheart at Panama, notwith- standing deiinitions quoted therein from the New International Encyclopedia and the Encyclopedia Britannica which justify confidence in its permanence. \ The use of submerged timber has been avoided in designs for 'the barrier so far as practicable. No other material appears suitable, however, for fenders on lock gates. Guide walls in certain locations are of timber to avoid expensive cofferdam or caisson construction. •The estimates contemplate creosoting in such cases. Gate fenders could be renewed at little expense and it will be noted that the lowest estimates provide for concrete and steel guide walls, though for reasons which have no relation thereto. Excavation. Wet and dry excavation in extremely large quantities is necessary. Sand and silt under water would be removed by suction dredges and disposed of at convenient locations along the shore. It may be prac- ticable to reclaim large areas of tidal lands with this material and introduce an element of profit in connection with the operation. Sides of cuts in sand and silt for permanent structures require a slope of about 1 on 5 to insure stability according to local Army engineers, whose experience in harbor improvements con.stitutes reliable authority. Special equipment would be required for wet rock excavation owing to the unusual depths, with a maximum of 70 feet at mean tide. In general, a large amount of wet and dry rock excavntion would be required for fill and further study is necessary to determine the feasil)ility of taking it directly to tlio fill after removal witliout intro- ducinJT oh.iections as described later. Slopes of 1 on 1 have been ado])ted for unprotected sides of permanent cuts in rock. Excavated Rock Used for Fill. There' is generally sufficient material available from excavation for structures to satisfy the needs of the embankment and other permanent fills of broken rock. Borrowing is necessary in some schemes, how- ever, to supplement the supply from excavation and the cost of the THE SALT WATER BARRIER 85 fill would depend upon the source of material. The fill in an.y scheme for the barrier comprises a number of distinct units for which the cost could not be expressed as a function of the source of supply without j)rcsi'ribino; the disj)osition of eacli cubic yard of excavated and borrowed rock. It was more convenient to allow for borrowing in all unit costs for fill and make a sinfrle adjustment in the estimates correspondinjr to the quantity available from excavation. Pollowincr the gross total near the end of each estimate the above adjustment appears as a credit. To make its purpose clear a summa- tion of tile (luantities in rock embankment and fill is presented in terms of loose and solid measurement, the latter being necessary for comparison Avith material to be excavated. The lesser of the two quantities in solid measurement represents the overallowance for bor- rowing which should be deducted. The swell of the rock when exca- vated is discu.ssed under embankment. The foregoing considerations are of importance in studying the influence of the various elements of cost on the total cost of the bar- rier since the significance of those which involve rock fill is appreciably altered by the subsequent adjustment. Obstruction of Existing Waterways. The formulation of a construction program which does not entail dangerous restriction of flood and tidal action, and at the same time promotes the utmost efficiency in construction, is a matter which merits intensive study. A fixed obstruction across the existing waterway would not be permissible until artificial means of accommodating floods had been substituted therefor and a problem develops in connection with the disposition of the excavated material which would ultimately the embankment but could not be deposited at that location as it became available. A large quantity of the material would sink into the silt and it could undoubtedly be deposited to an elevation somewhat above the bed of the channel without serious consequences. In many cases the cofferdams constitute an initial obstruction that would influence the program for the rock embankment. The situation could be greatly improved by devising means for putting a portion of the flood channel and gates into service wliile construction was in progress on the remainder. This possibilitj'^ exists in the schemes proposed for E.sti- mates 1 and 2 as described later. By avoiding temporary storage of excavated material and subsequent rehandling, a large saving would be assured and the matter will undoubtedly be given thorough stud}' before con.struction is under- taken. It has been assumed that success will attend these efforts and, accordingly, no need for handling the material twice is recognized. UNWATERING Work Included. Unwatering includes the items under the same caption in the pre- liminary estimates. The construction of cofferdams required for unwatering at Stonej' gate locations in Estimates 10 to 13, inclusive, is itemized under control works. These cofferdams are formed hy 86 DIVISION OF wXter resources caisson gates as shown on Plato 4-40. and since the caisson orates are intended to provide access to the Stoney prates as required after the completion of the barrier, their cost is not included with temporary works. The construction of cofferdams involves excavation within the limits of permanent structures that is essential to the operation of the latter, aside from cofferdam considerations. These structures should, and do, bear the cost of this work, but in order that the initial expenditure for unAvatering may be given in its entirety, the preliminary estimates show a gross total from which items otherAvise chargeable are subse- quently deducted. The .salvage value of sheet piling discussed later is included with these deductions. Types of Cofferdams. With modifications more or less fundamental according to the var- ious needs, the main cofferdams are of the type adopted for the con- struction of a 1000-foot pier at Ncav York City, described in Trans. Am. Soc. C. E., 1917. For structures offshore from Suisun Point, Martinez, Benicia, Eckley (Dillon Point site), and to a limited extent T)flfsh{)re from Point San Pablo, as described later, the type closely resembles that used at Xew York and is shoAvn on Plate 4-4. The maximum lieight is considerably more, however, and splices, in large quantity, are necessary to attain lengths of sheet piling up to about l.SQ.feet ^or the deepest portions. Off shore from Point San Pablo much of the rock is bare and in the absence of .supporting material for the piling, a timber trestle has been provided with a rock jetty, immediately upstream, to deflect the current during cofferdam construction. See Plates 4-5] and 4-");'). Smaller cofferdams are re(|uired in considerable variety. In Estimates :!, 4 and .") (Plates 4-1 S, 4-20 and 4-22) the east coffei-dam consists of a single line of sheet piling driven to rock through silt in its original position. The west cofferdam is located in .silt where bedrock is close to the surface and no shoot piling is necessary in combination with the rock fill. The rock off shore from Dillon Point is bare Ixit with a required maximum heigiit of about 40 feet, and with structures not opposing the force of tlie current, construction is somewhat simplified. Coffer- dams at this location are built witli the aid of a trestle to support the piling before placing the rock fill. See Plates 4-33. 4-35, 4-37 and 4-47. In addition to the main cofferdams at Point San Pablo, Estimate 16 re(|uires a rock fill similar to that in the west cofferdam at Suisuu Point (Estimates 3, 4 and 5). See Plato 4-57. The north cofferdam for Estimalf Ml Ihougli comparativoly small, is of the typo shown on IMato 4-4. The west cofferdam for E.slimafo 6 (Plate 4-25) is neces.sary for the construction of the retaining wall which protects the ]\[artinez slioro against erosion. It consists of a Avide trench, formed by a double roAv of sheet piling Avith heavy timber bracing betAveen. In most estimates large areas, at present above sea Ica'cI, must be excavated to elevations beloAv AA'ater surface. To carry on this Avork in the dry so far as possible, tiie construction program contemplates leaving material in ]^];^(•o along th(> shoi-e lino, below El. 10. in the THE SALT WATER BARRIER 87 form of a diko with a slopo of 1 on ^ on tlio land side and a top width of .'^0 feet to acconiniodate a doublc-ti'aek construction railroad. Exca- vation within the protection of the dike would be carried to «>rade in the dry and the dike subsequently removed as wet excavation. The dike has been tei'med "natural coft'oi'dam" in the estimates for lack of a better term. Steel Sheet Piling. Preliminary estimates provide for sheet piling of uniformly heavy section similar to Lackawanna, or United States, weighing about 43 pounds per linear foot and having a strength of approximately 9500 pounds per linear inch at the interlock. A weight of 95 pounds per linear foot is assumed for the three-way piles at the intersections of longitudinal and transverse rows. The Bethlehem Steel Company states, in letter dated 7, 1925, that lengths greater than 55 to 65 feet are impracticable without splicing and that splices for Lackawanna piling to meet the requirements would weigh 68.7 pounds each. Cofferdam Construction. The construction of many of the cofferdams described briefly above involves difficulties and ri.sks which are unavoidable without materially increasing the cost of other items. If it may be granted, however, that accompli.shment will continue to transcend precedent, the feasi- bility of the proposed schemes is not a matter for concern. In the time allotted to the studj^ of similar works, it became evident that there is no radical departure from accepted practice. As the success to be attained in the construction of the ship locks and flood gate structure in many of the designs presented is dependent upon the feasibility of unwatering the site, a discussion of cofferdam construc- tion is, however, considered warranted. The first operation in con.structing cofferdams of the type shown on Plate 4-lr is the driving of sheet piling which would progress from the shore at both ends. JMethods for driving the piling in the positions shown on the drawing have been developed to meet earlier needs and will not be discussed. Material to be penetrated would offer little resistance and the driving is expected to be a simple operation. Splices would be attached Avhen the top of the lower section is a few feet above water surface. Excavation on both sides of each longitudinal row of piling would closely follow the operation of driving. jNIaterial would be removed to witliin about 20 feet of rock along the piling on the side to ])e unwatered, thence .sloping flatly to the rock surface. Beyond the toe of this .slope, material would be removed over the area ultimately to be occupied bj'- the rock fill. Beyond this area it may be left in place temporarily, on as steep a slope as consistent with assurance against movement. It is expected that the rock fill will displace the material left along the piling and reach rock with its interstices filled adjacent to the bottom of the piles. At the same time the surface of silt in the pile pockets would be lowered, maintaining the surface about 15 feet above that of the material inside the cofferdam. The surface of 88 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES materiiil at tlie piles on the outside of the cofferdam would be main- tained at the elevation of that in the pockets, and the mud would slope flatly upward from the piling to its original surface. Experience indicates the necessity for internal pressure at each pocket to provide some tension at the pile interlocks and therebj' avoid danger of collapse. Care must be taken, however, to avoid stresses exceeding the strength of the interlock and it has been demonstrated that unbalanced pressures of approximately the intensity to be expected from the foregoing program will lead to satisfactory results. It is assumed that excavation in construction of cofferdams will be performed by suction dredges. The material is almost entirely sand and silt. Clay is encountered at these depths in quantities too small for recognition in the estimates. At this stage of the operations the piling would be largely unsup- ported and there would be, in addition, an unbalanced pressure. A pile section of appreciable horizontal length, if left thus, might invite disaster and it is important to have the operation of placing rock follow the excavation as closely as practicable. Owing to the flat slopes that must be maintained to avoid movement of the silt, there would be a number of pile pockets left unsupported to a greater or less degi;ee, but it will be noted that this section must receive support from those at either end whose stability is assured by the presence of rock fill, or silt, in its oi-iginal position. The rock fill is to be placed on both sides of the double row of piling and the surface of the material in the pockets would be raised, maintaining the original relative positions, by depositing clay brought to the site on a standard gauge construction railroad. It is important to maintain a fair balance in pressure from rock fill on opi)Osite sides of the piling, as well as an excess of pressure from the material in the pockets. The completed fills are shown on Plate 4-4. If it is feasible to allow some of the silt to remain inside the cofferdam during the placing of rock it would be excavated before the coff'ertlam is unwalovod by tlie method employed for material adjacent to the piling. Off shore from Point San Pablo the situation is complicated by the absence of mud over large areas. At sucli places some modification of the foregoing plan is necessary. Cofferdams extending into the current (Estimates 14 and 15) seem to require 1ii(> i)roteetion of_ a rock jetty during their construction. (See Plates 4-51 and 4-55.) Slopes of 1 on 2 with 10-foot top width are contemplated for this structure. With the assurance of still water within the area of operations, a timber trestle of 6-pile bents on 10-foot centers, with outer piles battered for stability, would be built along the cofferdam line to furnish support for tile steel sheet piling. Waling pieces would iiold tiu' i)ih's in place at the top and, for convenience, pockets rectangular in plan (16' X 24') are proposed. The trestle must be loatled to overcouK^ buoyancy. To insure a fixed position at the bottom, and to improve water tight- ness, piles would be driven to vetnsal in tlie rock which is generally soft at the surface. The pile pockets are to be filled to a depth of about 10 feet witli clay as soon as tliev are ready to receive it. so that the danger of collapse THE SALT WATER BAKRIER 89 would bo reinovt'd as i>reviously stated. Tlie width of trestle that appears necessary for stability and proper arrangement of the sheet piling; will aeconimodate a double-traek railroad of standard gauge. Subsequent operations would follow the program devised for eoffer- ilams shown on Plate 4-4 until the surface of rock fill reached the bracing near the top of the trestle. The bracing would then be removed to facilitate the removal of the entire cofferdam described later. For the same reason the timber piles would be cut off at the surface of the fill after completion and the track laid on the fill. The cross-section of completed cofferdam would dift'er from that on Plate 4-4 only in respect to the slope of rock fill, which would be 1 on 1| on both sides, and the uniform width of 16 feet between the two rows of pilc"^. This leaves a level portion 17 feet wide at the top of the rock fill on the outside. The fill of, would rest upon bedrock on both sides of piling. Sketches of the structure were prei)ared in connection with estimates ..f quantities, but, except for the tre.stle, their similarity to the type of cofferdam previously discussed nuikes it unnecessary to reproduce them in this report. E.stimates 14 and 15 require about 3500 linear feet of this type of structure with the remainder, where mud is present ''about 2800 linear feet) as shown on Plate 4-4. The smaller cofferdams present in a lesser degree the problems already discu.ssed and are omitted from further consideration. In connection with tiie natural cofferdam, which was described briefly with other types on a preceding page. Estimates 1 and 2 include an item termed ''plug" which requires explanation. Its purpose is <) fill a temporary gap opened in the natural cofferdam to permit construction of the control works without discontinuity at that point. See Plates 4-1 and 4-14. With the plug in place around the completed control works the unity of the natural coft'erdam is restored, and the main cofferdam may be removed before construction within the natural cofferdam has been completed. An equivalent area across the original waterway would thereby be made available for depositing excavated material along the location of the rock embankment before completion f the flood channel and control w^orks. Removal of Cofferdams. The functions of the barrier can not be realized without removing ill, or part, of the cofferdams as will be seen by reference to the general layouts. The lower portions of the cott'erdams might generally be left in plaee without causing interference. In such cases piles would not be entirely freed from surrounding material and it becomes necessary to deeide between the alternatives of cutting and pulling to accomplish their removal. Estimates contemplate pulling steel piles when the penetration does not exceed 25 feet and cutting in other cases. The determination of this limit is influenced somewhat by the salvage value of the piles. It is as.sumed that 50 per cent of those removed will be fit for further use and may be disposed of to lessen the ultimate cost. Investigation indicates that it is becoming common practice to I'Ut steel piling under water and no difficulty is anticipated within the lepths required for the barrier, where the maximum would not exceed 70 feit. It has been assumed that timber piles would be cut when Their removal is necessary. 90 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES FLOOD CHANNEL Requirements. The capacity of the flood channel is fixed hy tJiat of the control gates. Hydraulic Properties. Gradual slopes and transitions have been provided so far as prac- ticable to minimize the losses. Velocities vary uniformly from the minimum at the upstream and downstream ends to the maximum at the gates. These characteristics involve expenditures which may in future studies be deemed unnecessary. Steeper slopes and more abrupt changes in cross-sectional area may be advocated for excavation, with assurance that the waters will scour their own channel. This view may be carried to great extremes, however, and the more conservative treatment of providing a thoroughly adequate cliannel by artificial means is favored in this report, Avith recognition of the margin that exists. ]\Ioreover, the uncontrolled de])Osition of large quantities of silt at points downstream from the barrier might result in a hindrance to navigation. CONTROL WORKS | Requirements. !■ The gate area necessary to pass the maximum flood from the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin rivers, estimated to be 750,000 cubic feet per second, is discussed in Chapter V. Requirements are satisfied by thirty 50-foot by 60-foot gates or fifteen 70-foot by 80-foot gates, the first dimension being the width of waterway between gate ])iers and the second the depth of gate sill below El. --|-10. At Point San Pablo the freeboard requires greater height for the same elevation of gate sill. Additional gates are provided in some cases when conditions permit their use as an alternative for rock embankment which would otherwise be required. Substructure. The. term substructure lias been applied to the concrete portions of the control works below elevation -\-^2 at Point San Pablo and beloAv elevation +10 at otlier sites. Greater exposure to tlie elements at the former site indicates the need for more freeboard. Two distinct types of substructure are contemplated in alternative schemes as shown on the drawings. At Army Point, Benicia, Point San Pablo and in one case (Estimate 9) at Dillon Point, the construc- tion would be carried on within open cofferdams. In schemes which provide for control works across all, or part, of the present waterway at Dillon Point, hoM'ever, the foundation attains depths too great for tlie success of this method and estinuites contem|)late the depositing of concrete by tremie in caissons sunk to rock as described later. Reinforced concrete is contemplated for substructures of the types shown on Plates 4-5, 4-16 and 4-24, built by the cofferdam method. The width of gate piers influences the width of flood channel and it Avill be seen from the general layouts that, with the position of the offshore end of structures fixed by the 90-foot limit previously dis- cussed, the amount of excavation would be materiallv increased bv the use of wider piers of plain concrete. M THE SALT WATER BARRIER 91 Each gate pier, with the footiug parallel to its horizontal axis, has lieen designed as a unit. Resistance to overturning at the elevation r the floor and bottom of footing has been determined transversely by assimiing an excess of head amounting to 10 feet on one side of the pier, a condition that might be approached, if not realized, if one of the adjacent gates were up and the other down. It was further as.sumed that eai-sson gates were in place on one side of the pier in the positions shown by the caisson gate seats on the drawings, and that the space between was unwatered for access to the Stoney gate. a tractive force of lOO.OUO jiounds from a locomotive on tiie bridge was added to the unbalanced water pressure, and stability was pro- vided with uplift due to full hydrostatic pressure over the entire area of the base. Tile floor beams, which connect the footings and make an integral structure of the control works, are an added factor in its stability rather than a necessity, except when the space adjacent to the Stoney gates is unwatered. Their value in the event of an earthquake is apparent ; probabilities of a disaster are more remote than if the piers were isolated ; and they perform the additional function of preventing the serious undercutting of strong currents. Although the footings are adequate to resist transverse overturning, except as previously stated, the floor beams must inevitably take their share of the stress when unbalanced external forces are acting and they consequently require heavy reinforcement. Resistance to unbalanced longitudinal forces provides for a wind load of 30 pounds per square foot on all structures above water surface, including the Stoney gates when raised. With gates down, unbalanced heads of 12 feet downstream and 10 feet upstream were separately investigated in combination with wind load and uplift. Foundation pressures under the solid type piers do not exceed 10 tons per s(juare foot and sliding does not require special provisions in any case. The dimensions are governed by stresses in the concrete and necessary resistance to overturning and would not be influenced by more liberal allowances for foundation pressure. Features of the design and construction of the substructure for control works across the present waterway at Dillon Point site are shown on Plates 4-39 and 4-40. The design is further shown by con- trol works drawings for Estimates 10 to 13, inclusive. (Plates 4-41, 4-42. 4-43. 4-4o, 4-46. 4-49 and 4-50.) In this case the limiting founda- tion pre-sure is directly responsible for the hollow type of pier adopted. Steel caissons for the deep portions of the channel are of enormous weight, notwithstanding the adopted working stress of 24.000 pounds per square inch. Unbalanced pressures are avoided so far as prac- ticable. It was assumed tliat mud would be excavated to elevation — 70, where rock is below that elevation, before caissons are sunk, hence only the lower portions must resist pressure from this source. Unwatering is not contemplated. Salt water within the caisson can, of course, be replaced by fresh water before concrete is deposited in the salt water is considered objectionable. Studies of pressure induced by silt, made in connection with Colorado River investigations, indicated that material weighing 100 pounds per cubic foot would exert a horizontal pressure of about 80 pounds. The 92 DIVISION Of" WATER RESOURCES studies iiicluded pressures recorded by Goldbeck cells in a number of I liydraulic fill dams and reeommendations of various experimenters) in addition to data secured at Boulder Canyon, and may be considered j fairly representative of conditions in San Francisco Bay. On this] basis the external pressure below elevation — 70, after excavation is begun, would be 80 — 62.5 or 17.5 pounds per square foot (in fresh] water) for each foot in depth. The weight of one cubic foot of "ooze,' or slimy silt, as taken from the tidal flat just off Suisun Point has been] found to be 81 pounds. The ooze contains about 70 per cent moisture] and, although of comparatively light weight, probably exerts lateral pressure almost, if not quite, equal to that exerted by the material found at greater depth. A cofferdam is necessary for constructing the abutment pier at the side of the flood channel near Eckley. See Plates 4-35, 4-37 and 4-47. This pier is similar to those at the ends of control works pre- viousl}' discu.ssed. After completing the rock embankment inshore from the pier an area of sufficient size is available for erecting the traveler shown on Plate 4-40. Subsequent operations, prior to con- creting, need no explanation further than to state that the traveler controls the position of the pier caissons during sinking and the latter performs a similar function for the corewall caissons. The inner and outer skin plates of the pier caisson terminate at different levels at the bottom to allow the tremied concrete to cover the entire area within the outer plate to a depth of 15 feet. With this type of pier the gate sill is at elevation — 70 in all cases and the foundation is never higher than elevation — 75. Above this elevation the design presents for unbalanced forces acting transversely and longitudinally, but at lower elevations it has been assumed that they would be absorbed by the rock fill shown on the drawings, and that no inequality can exist in the distribution of pressure over the foundation, except from the eccentricity of the resultant of the vertical loads. Pressures include weight of water in the hollow portion of the pier up to elevation 0. Transverse stability, when the base is at elevation — 75, satisfies the assumptions of unbalanced head (10 ft.), unwatering between caisson gates and locomotive traction that have been discussed in con- nection witli solid piers of reinforced concrete. Resistance to unbal- anced longitudinal forces, however, is based on slightly different assumptions owing, in part, to progress in studying flood and tidal action during llie period wliieli intervened in the designs of the two types of piers. The same provisions were made for wind loads, but an unbalanced head of 10 feet was assumed to act either upstream or and uplift was anticipated over only two-thirds of the ])ase area under full hydrostatic head. The conditions to be satisfied are, therefore, somcAvhat less severe than in the previous case. Wlien the base is lower than elevation — 75, it is evident that stability is dependent upon the rock fill, except for the support the corewall and pier afford each other by reason of their individual failure not necessarily being .subject to the same combination of circumstances. Foundation pressures under the hollow type piers do not exceed 12 tons per square foot and are generally lower. Tension does not occur at any horizontal section. Uplift is of importance in this con- THE SALT WATER BARRIER Dl] nectiou at elevation — 75, but at lower elevations its effect is negligible, owing to the absorption of horizontal forces by the rockfill. The I'ceentricity of the resultant of vertical forces is so slight that the danger of tension is not approached under the influence of uplift. The maximum pressure in the concrete of the pier is about 15 tons per square foot and occurs at the top of the solid base. Sliding factors are very low. In contrast with the solid piers previously discussed, the allowable foundation pressure is of prime importance. Pressure from the rock fill on the sides of the hollow piers indicates the need of diaphragms l)o]ow elevation ' — 90 in most cases. The caissons are somewhat complicated by this requirement but the height above the top of diaphragm provides sufficient horizontal continuity and rigidity when supplemented by bracing at lower elevations. In the preparations of the designs considerable thought was given to the action of salt water upon concrete although the salinity in the vicinity of the barrier will never equal that of the ocean, on account of the operation of the ship locks. It appears that there should be no particular cause for ap])rehension providing the concrete is propor- tioned to give low permeability. It is believed that good, tight concrete may very readily be secured by careful grading and proportioning of the aggregates and by demanding a high class of workmanship. The subject is discussed by Mr. Irving Furlong, associate chemist. Bureau of Standards, in a letter included herewith as Exhibit 13. Mr. R. R. Arnold, county engineer, Contra Costa County, has used salt water in gaging concrete for highway work and states that after 2 or 3 years service, (December, 1925), the concrete appears to be as good as any in the county. The action of sea water on concrete struc- tures is summarized in Exhibit 14 which includes extracts from a report upon the subject, compiled by the Standard Oil Company. There appears to be considerable precedent for building deep piers by the open caisson method and for placing concrete by the tremie method. The following are extracts from Vol. 1 (1916 Edition) of Waddell's 'Bridge Engineering": The open dredging process for deep foundations has been in use only about thirty years, the oldest examples of it being the Poughkeepsie Bridge over the Hudson River, where a depth of 134 feet below high water was reached, the Morgan City Bridge over the Atchafalaya River, where eight- foot cylinders were sunk to a depth of 120 feet below high water and the Hawkesbury River Bridge in Australia, where the remarkable depth of 100 feet was attained. Probably the greatest depth ever reached was on the bridge over the Ganges River at Sara, India, the cutting edge of one of the piers for this structure landing 160 feet below lowest water, or 190 feet below high flood level. In the Oregon and Washington Railway and Navigation Company's verti- cal lift bridge over the Willamette River, at Portland, Oregon, * * ♦ the two main piers ♦ • * were sunk by the open dredging process under great diflScuI- ties. The depths to which their bases had to go. viz, 132 and 14.5 feet below low water, rendered the open-dredging process obligatory. In plan, each caisson was 36 feet by 72 feet. The borings showed a bed of cemented gravel and boulders amply solid for a foundation ; but unfortunately, it was far from level, in one case there being a difference of elevation of 19 feet between the diagonally opposite corners of the caisson. Before any sinking was attempted, the foundation was prepared by blasting to receive the caisson. 94 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Open dredging within caissons at depths found at the Dillon Point Site is considered practicable in view of the character of the channel filling. No trouble in seating the caisson on the bottom is anticipated on account of the generally soft character of the rock. In connection with placing concrete under water the following references should be noted : Engineering News, September 24, 1903. The new graving dock of the Kawasaki Dock Yard Company at Kobe, Japan. The article described the construction of a dry dock supported on piles, in which 27,200 cubic yards of concrete were placed wuder water by means of buckets. The thickness of the floor was 9 feet. Before concrete was placed the salt water was replaced by fresh. An interesting feature was the attempt to build coffer- dams on soft silt and sand, with resulting settlement of the fill and building of the ground adjacent to it. Engineering Netvs Record, April 15, 1920. Heavy foundation work for l)ascule bridge at Seattle. Concrete placed under water by means of tremies was used to seal two caissons, the seal at one caisson being 23 feet thick with bottom of footing 54.5 feet below the waler surface, the seal at the other caisson being 15 feet thick with the bottom 43 feet below water sur- face. A total of 6,493 cubic yards of 1 :2 :4 concrete was deposited under water at an average rate of 25 cubic yards per hour. It was found that concrete which flowed readily on a 1 on 3 slope in metal spouts would flatten out and flow a distance of 30 feet at a slope of 1 on 6.5 under water. Exam- ination after the caissons were unwatered disclosed hard, dense concrete without any lamination except in small spots and on the toe of one pier. Engineering News Record, May 20, 1921. Concrete Sea Wall. Poured in Block Sections By Tremie. Sea wall 6 feet thick on top and 12 feetlthick at the bottom was placed on rock foundation about 15 feet below low water sarface, the concrete being poured through tremies. This wall served as part of foundation for a steam plant of the United Electric Light and Power Company on the East River, New York City. 1 :2 :4 concrete was used. Engineering News Record, November 3, 1921. Concrete River Wall Poured Inside Large Steel Forms. Ohio Basin Terminal of Barge Canal at Buffalo. Under water concrete placed true to line and grade by flexible system of forms. A concrete gravity wall 1,550 feet long was founded on rook 21 to 28 feet below normal water, part of the concrete being poured under water. The portion of wall below an elevation 12 feet below mean water surface was specified as 1:3:6 concrete providing that one extra sack of cement per cubic yai-d of concrete would be used if the concrete was placed in water, which the contractor elected to do. The form is of novel con- struction, designed by the Blaw-Knox Company. In order to examine the concrete several .">0-incli diameter tost wells woio pnividod and examination showed that the concrete is of excellent quality. Trnnsaclinns, A. S. C. E., page 223. Vol. LXXX. Pearl Harbor Dry Dock. Approximately 14,840 cubic yards of concrete deposited through tremies in water varying in depth from 54 to 44 feet. Article contains a large amount of good infornmtion about placing oonci-ete through tremies and about deep water foundation work. Transd'HouH, A. S. C. E., page 289, Vol. LXXIV and Engineering News, March 17, 1910. The Detroit llivor Tunnel. Concrete placed through trem- ies in water from 00 to 80 feet deep. Samples of 1:3:6 tremie placed con- crete, 2 years old, tested from 2740 to 4000 pounds, i)er square inch. Article contains much valuable information al)out under wafer concrete work. Superstructure. In most cases the proximity of the bridge to the super.structure of the control works has suggested a single structure to meet the requirements of both, with its shared according to its functions. The term, "pedestal." has been applied to the concrete supports under the gate towers which are shown in combination with concrete THE SALT WATi:i{ UAKUIER U5 bridge piers. The pedestal preseuts no unusual features. The extreme test of stability oceui's with a Avind load of 30 pounds per square foot and the gates raised. The steel gate towers are stressed to capacity under the same conditions. Stoney Gates. Stoney gates seem to offer the best solution of the problems of flood control and salinity. They are easily operated and function properly with any size of opening above the gate sill. It has been demonstrated that tlie salt water will seek the lower levels in the basin above the barrier and some provision for drawing off tliis water from the bottom is an establislied necessity. Gates have been designed to withstand a head of 15 feet from the upstream side. With water on both sides, the unbalanced head is, of course, constant below the elevation of the lower water surface. The gates would be appreciably lieavier with a skin plate on each side since botli would have to resist tlie head above the gate sill. j The double .skin plate would i)rovide protection for interior members and prevent the depo.sition of silt and debris on the horizontal girders. However, since protection against corrosion is of greatest importance on the salt water side, this danger may be largely avoided with a single skin plate. With only one skin plate the annual task of painting the ■ gates would be simplified. These considerations, and the advantage of presenting a smooth surface in opposition to the greatest wave action, led to the arrangement shown on the drawings. The amount of silt in suspension on the fi-esh water side is not likely to be great when the gates are down and the skin plate would unavoidably, at times, be on I the tension side of the gate since it is expected that the elevation of the i salt water will occasionally exceed that of the fresh. The thickness of 1 the skin plate which is perhaps somewhat unusual is a precaution j against corrosion. Preliminary designs for the gates are shown on Plates 4-8 and 4-17. It will be noted that concave rollers are provided in anticipation of deflection of the gate leaf, and that staunching rods are provided to [ prevent leakage from either side. I 1 Counterweights. ' Counterweights were studied in connection with their relation to the weight of the Stoney gates and in the brief time allotted to this work it seemed advantageous to make their weight equal to that of the j submerged weight of the gate and two-roller trains. I The heavy steel members iwe intended to serve the double ])urpose of I supporting the forms while the counterweights are being concreted in place on the gate piers and of taking the place of reinforcing steel j subsequent to construction. I I Operating Mechanism. Details of the operating mechanism have been worked out as shown ■ on Plate 4-7 but do not warrant discus.sion. By placing the motors at the middle of the spans across the gate towers unequal torsional deflec- tion in the shafts connecting them with the sprockets is avoided and the movement of the lifting chains is synchronized. The designed lift- 96 m VISION OF WATER rehoubces ing speed is 4 feet per minute. The load on a motor during the raising of a gate is more constant than might be supposed. As a gate emerges from the water it gains in weight, but the rolling friction, due to water pressure, becomes less and the combined effect of these two factors is fairlj'^ constant at times of maximum head. Caisson Gates. Reference to caisson gates will be recalled in the preceding discus- sion. Their function is to provide access to the Stoney gates and gate seats when either of the latter are in need of inspection, repair or replacement. After floating the ca.ssion gates to place, and sinking at the gate seats shown on the drawings of control works, the water l)etween the caissons Avould be pumped out. The space between the caisson gate seats has been made as narrow as consistent with freedom of action during the progress of work on the Stoney gates for reasons that have appeared in the discussion of stability of the piers. A further u'-e for the caisson gates which has also been mentioned is illustrated ou Plate 4-40. Tiie cost of the caisson gates is a comparatively small item in the con- sti-uetion of the barrier and since their form is not unlike .the gbard gates in the larger ship locks, the latter have served to determine "their weight, after due allowance for differences in size and water pressure. BRIDGE Requirements. The bridge is more or less an accessory to the barrier. It has not been regarded as indispensable and is omitted from some schemes in anticipation of indifference on the part of railroad and highway inter- ests toward the opportunities afforded by the barrier. This attitude will undoubtedly be influenced by the choice of site, which will to some extent determine the communities that may be served and the benefits that would accrue. A barrier at the Point San Pablo site would not offer railroad facilities to replace the Port Costa-Benicia Ferry, and proximitv to the Carquinez Bridge would lessen its value as a crossing { for the highway. It is, however, not for the purpose of this report to argue the case or to predict the outcome, but rather to anticipate either alternative. If the need for a bridge accoinmodating railroad and vehicular traffic be granted, the provision of two tracks is evidently indicated. The width of hi^hwav has been fixed at ^0 feet as a result of corres- ponrlonce with R. ]\I. IMorton. State Highway Engineer, who states: We consider that n 20-foot widtli of rondwny will handle, at a reduction of speed, 10.000 vehicles per day. A 24-foot width will handle no more inasmuch i as it does not preatly increase the opportunity for vehicles going in the same ilireotion to pass each other. A SO-foot width provides three definite lO-foot lanes for traflic, and makes i( possihle, at times of peak load, for two lines | to proceed in one direction and oTie line in the opposite direction. The designers of the Carquinez Bridge have provided a .30-foot width of roadway. T believe, with sidewalks in addition, and it would be my judgment ^ that .30-foot widths should he provided at harrier "A" (Army Point Site) | and "C" (Point San Pahlo Site), hut in estimating, a 20-f()()t width of surfac- i ing would probably he sufficient for a time, the balance of the space to be occupied by a sidewalk. Then, when the traffic required additional space, the sidewalk could be thrown into the roadway and some scheme devised to ■rilE SALT WA'IKK BARRIER 97 overhung or support a yidewalk structure over the slope of the rock einbank- ment. If the ueed for a sidewalk across the bridge develops, it can easily be coustructed below the level of tracks and roadway by utilizing one of the girders of the railroad bridge and a truss untler the highway which are shown on i'lates 4-5 and 4-llJ. The double-deck bridge in Ewtiniates 11 to 13 (Plates 4-41, 4-45 and 4-49) does not offer the same convenience but cantilever construction at the highway level would be feasible. Grades of 1 per cent have been adopted as the limit for the railroad. The highway- is necessarily in conformity therewith, except in some cases at the ends where grades up to five per cent have been allowed. Curves were unavoidable at some locations. Their use is governed by limits of ()-degree curvature for railroad and 215 degrees for highway. Bridge clearances over navigable waterways are discussed in Chapter V'l. Estimate 13 (Plates 4-48, 4-49, and 4-50) provides for a high crossing which eliminates all sources of interference between bridge and water traffic but, with tliis exception, a clearance of 50 feet above high water at the locks has been adopted, with the consequent necessity for lift spans over all but the 40-foot ship lock. A clearance of 135 feet above high water is attained by the bridge in Estimate 13 and by tlie lift spans in highest position. Bridge Piers. The piers present no unusual features. The same allowance for locomotive traction (100,000 pounds) that was used in determining the eontrol works sul)structnre is applicable in this case. Superstructure. The double-deck type of superstructure was ado])ted when conditions permitted, but owing to the general use of rock embankment, such cases were limited to the Dillon Point site, estimates 11 to 13. The upper deck would necessarily be extended over a portion, at least, of the rock embankment and the inevitable settlement of the latter would lead to ditificulties. It will be noted that in estimates 11 to 13 the super- structure is supported by piers which reach bedrock under the embank- ment (Plates 4-38, 4-44 and 4-48). Tn studying the su])erstructure, preliminary designs were prepared of concrete and steel l)ridges. Where 50-foot x 60-foot flood gates are used the piers supporting the bridge are spaced 65 feet apart while if 70-foot X 80-foot flood gates are adopted, the pier spacing is 90 feet, or 120 feet, depending upon the type of pier used. For the 65-foot spans it is believed that, in ease of tlie highway, at least, reinforced concrete pinh-rs would be found cheaper than steel trusses but with tho longer spans the use of steel trusses would result in economy. Tn any event, steel s]Kins have been adopted in all preliminary designs as they are eonsidei-ed better adapted to a sti-uetiirc subject to possible seisnnc disturbances. Further study is necessary to determine the best type of lift spans. Estimates were prepared by approximate methods for a vertical lift span but figures were submitted by The Strauss Bascule Bridge Co. and the Selierzer Eolling Lift Bridge Co. for alternative types. While 7—70686 98 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the estimates and drawings present the data for the vertical lift, preference is not thereby implied and the matter of selection is left entirely without recommendation. The requirement for a movable bridge over the lock gates suggests the possibility of utilizing the bridge as the upper support for the emergency lock gate. Such a combination has been adopted for the locks of the Troliuittan Canal at Strom, Sweden. The designs were prepared by the Strauss Bascule Bridge Company. A description of the structure is contained in the July, 17, 1919, issue of Engineering News Record. The weights of fixed and movable si)ans and of towers for the vertical lift, have been computed hy formulas with no investigation of stresses. Cooper's Class B-60 loading was used for railroad spans. Information from the California State Highway Commission relative to span lengths and weights of several bridges now in operation served to indicate a formula of general application which satisfied the requirements in these specific instances. SHIP LOCKS Requirements. The requirements as to number and size of ship locks are discustsed at length in Chapter VI. With these features established, the subse- quent work of designing and estimating was materially expedited by the acquisition of data on the Lake Washington Ship Canal Locks through the courtesy and consideration of William J. Bardeu, Colotnel, Corps of Engineers, and his assistants, at Seattle. Owing to the simi- larity between many features of the barrier locks and those at Lake Washington, which has been realized to the utmost both by necessity and intention, it has been advantageous to estimate their cost from drawings furnished by Colonel Barden. Other features were adaptable with changes more or less fundamental. Reports of the Isthmian Canal Commission constitute another source of information that has been of great value. As previously stated, it is the opinion of officials at the Lake Wash- ington Locks that interruptions to bridge ti-affic would be reduced to a minimum when the bridge is located at the upstream or downstream lock gates. Ft would, of course, be impracticable for the bridge to cross at an intermediate point because the lift span would then renuiin in a raised position while the vessel occupied the lock. Aside from traffic interference, if the bridge crossed at a point removed from the area bounded l)y the lock gates, an extension of lock walls would be necessary to provide support for the piers and junction with the control works. It was deemed ])referable, on account of the detrimental effect of salt water on concrete, to locate the bridge at tlu^ downstream lock gates so tliat the greater i)art of the locks would be in fr(\sh water but this arrangement was generally not adai)table to the l()pograi)hy. The pi-oximity of the flood channel in some schemes may be regarded as a menace to navigation on account of the occasional high velocities. IMaxinium velocities are shown' on Plates 5-17. .5-18 and 5-19 to range up to about 20 feet per second momentarily during a 750,000 second- foot flood. Although the guide Malls afford some protection to vessels, it is expected that those interested will favor an arrangement of struc- tures which eliminates this danger, snch as that shown on Plates 4-18, 4-20 and 4-22. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 99 Lock Walls. It was impracticable to rely entirely on precedent in determining the dimensions of lock walls and computations for stability were tlierefore prepared. They are, however, not thorough, owing to lack of time and further investigation is reconnnended in the belief that a saving in cost can be effected. The width of lock walls at the top is fixed to some extent by consid- erations of ojieratiiig space for workmen and machinery. excei)t where fill behind the wall provides the equivalent. Bridge piers and gate anchorages determine the minimum width at some points. It was not ; apparent that the locks could be built in space appreciably more con- 1 fined by using reinforced concrete, hence plain concrete was adopted. I Reinforcing steel, is, however, required at localized areas such as gate 1 tinchorages, footings and adjacent to culverts and other openings. P^ree- ! board is the same as for the control works substructure. ' The investigation of stability followed the customary procedure for I gravity sections, allowing for openings in the concrete and unwatering I of locks, with pres.sures against the opposite side of wall from sub- merged rock fill, silt and water, or water only, as the case might be. Uplift was a.ssumed to act over two-thirds the base, under full hydro- ' static head on the water side of the wall, diminishing to zero at I the unwatered side. At gate recesses stability allows for a gate on the unwatered side in position against the gate sill, a condition in which the horizontal force at the top of the gate acts with maximum com- I ponent in the same dierction as the forces on the opposite side of the wall. Pressures were limited to 10 tons per square foot. Xo tension was [ permitted at the base but was contemplated at higher elevations in some cases where reinforc ;ment could be provided. The rock fill shown between the lock walls on some of the drawings is an added factor of safety which may be omitted if so desired. There are, however, obvious advantages in having a level bottom at the elevation of gate sill and the space below offers a convenient means of wasting excavated material. Lock wall quantities would not be affected by more liberal allowance in foundation pres.sure when the base is at the higher elevations, but when the location of the locks is fixed by the 90-foot limit in depths cf rock previously discu.ssed some saving would result although the base width is, in general, fixed by provisions for safety against over- turning and tension. If it were assumed that the rock fill would ab.sorb the horizontal forces in the manner previously discussed in connection with control works substructure across the present water- way at the Dillon Point site, the quantity of concrete would be materially less, but the saving in cost would not correspond if it were necessary to borrow the rock for fill. The least total length of lock walls results from arranging the locks in order of size the channel and. in general, concrete cpiantities vary accordingly. It will be noted, however, that the arrangement ai the Point San Pablo site is somewhat different (Plate 4-53) in that the 60-foot lock is located between the two of next larger size. The additional length of wall needed for this arrangement seemed to require less material than a wider wall to accommodate two culverts of the size necessary for adjacent 80-foot locks, since it did not appear 100 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES feasible to locate one above the other in this case. It is not unlikely, hoAvever, that further study would suggest advantageous modifications. Sills for Miter Gates and Emergency Dams. As reference to the draAvings will show, the purpose of the sills is to furnish horizontal support at the bottom of the miter gates and emer- gency dams when they occupy positions across the locks. There are no features that merit discussion. Miter Gates. All gates are intended to be electrically operated. The guard gates must withstand unbalanced head above the gate sills and are conse- quently heavier than the service gates which are designed only for head between the extremes of water surface elevations up and down stream. Each lock i-o(juires but two pairs of guard gates, but, owing to the neces- sity of providing for an excess of head from either direction, twice that number of service gates are required, exclusive of intermediate gates. The purpose of the intermediate gates is discussed in Chapters VI and IX. The requirements are the same as for service gates at either end. All gates are intended to resist water pressure only ftom the side away from the sill. ' No drawings of miter gates were prepared for the report. ' Estimates are based on desig)is for Lake Wasliington and Panama, correctino; by approximate methods when necessary for differences in height 'and width. The minimum depth on gate sills is very nearly the same for locks of the same Avidtli but the lift of the locks, and consequently the unbalanced heads on the service gates, would be appreciably less at the barrier. The range in water surface elevation is shown on the drawings of locks in cross-section, Plates 4-10, 4-30 and 4-54. Stoney Valves and Cylinder Valves. The Stoney valves and cjdinder valves which control the flow through the culverts during lockages have been estimated from data on the Lake Washington locks, with due allowance for differences in size and head where requirements ai"e not the same. Valves have been i>rovided in ])airs for security against interrupted service in the event of damage, the number of valves being double the requirements for operation. 8toney valves have been provided for emergenc.y and also for con- tinnons service, except in the 40-foot lock where cylinder valves are eoiitem|)lated at limes other than in emergencies. Emergency Dams. Emergeiic}^ dams are provich'd to maintain the elevation of water .snrface aboxc the barrier in the event of damage to miter gates, and to prevent losses and accretions respectively of fresh and sail water in such an emergency. For these strnetui-es also, data From Lake Washiiiiilon and Panama were nsed in i)reparing estimates. The enu'rgency tlams for the 110- foot lock are of the swing bridge type used on the Isthmus while those for the smaller locks iiu-lude a derrick for placing the bridge. The type u.sed for tlie 80-foot lock at Lake Washington served to determine their weights by applying corrections according to dilferenees in size. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 101 Salt Water Relief Conduit. The necessity for drawiii-i- oft' water from a sump located at the upstream end of the h)cks, to retard contamination of tlie })asin is dis- cussed in Chapter IX. The conduit to serve this purpose is shown on the lock drawinjjs. A capacity of 200 second-feet was assumed and it is expected that at times pumpinj>- will be necessary. However, if a short conduit can be used, a «>ravity flow will occur under favorable condi- tions, althou^di the nu)st favorable would probably exist during floods Avhen the purpose of the conduit would be more eff:'ectually served by the flood gates. Fish Ladder. Considering Ihe number and size of the ship locks, it appears that no anxiety need be felt about fish finding their Avay past the barrier, but a fish ladder has been included in the designs and estimates for the reason that omission of this detail might be interpreted as an intention to evade the law. The locks seem to offer the most convenient location for the fish ladder and, with a view to their supplementing the latter as a means of access for the fish to the fresh water basin the proximity of the two structures is advantageous. The chief problem is to provide a structure that will function with an excess of liead from either side of the barrier. It is also important to avoid losses of fresh water and to exclude the salt water from above the barrier. These requirements are fulfilled to a limited degree by the tructure that is proposed but modifications would not necessarily add to the cost and, from this standpoint, exhaustive study is not war- ranted at this time. It was estimated that a flow of 25 or 30 second-feet would provide Mifficient depth to accommodate the fish. During floods, however, when the gates are open and the conservation of fresh Avater is not an object, the flow from the fresh water basin may be allowed to exceed this amount. Cnd-i-r other conditions partial submergence provides the necessary depth with much less discharge. To avoid the interchange of waters in some degree the use of water from the salt Avater conduit is proposed. The purpose of the salt water conduit has been explained. Its operation involves an unavoidable loss of fresh water. The chlorine content of the mixture Avould be consider- ably less than that of .sea water and contamination of the fresh water basin Avould be retarded by allowing a small amount of Avater from the conduit to return by Avay of the fish ladder, in place of an infloAV of an equal quantity from the salt Avater side. Furthermore, the loss of fresh Avater Avould be diminished by providing for the discharge of Avater fr(»m the conduit through the fish ladder to the salt Avater side. A pool Avas provided at the summit of the fish ladder to receive Avater from the salt Avater conduit through a feed pipe as shoAvn on Plate 4-12. Pumping is necessary under certain conditions while others are favor- able to graA-ity floAv. ^Yater Avould floAv doAvnstream or in both direc- tions from the pool according to upstream and doAvnstream Avater sur- face elevations. The bottom of the pool is beloAV Ioav Avater on either Bide, but by maintaining the proper elevation of AA-ater surface therein, the floAv from either side of the barrier mav be controlled. The folloAv- 102 . DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ing tabulation illustrates the action under different conditions. Dis- charge from the pool is controlled by the baffles and does not vary in accordance with the difference in head shown in the table. Klevation water surface — Upstream 6.0 2.5 2.5 —3.5 In pool 2.8 2.3 6.2 — 3.7 Downstream — 3.5 — 3.5 6.0 — 4.5 Flow in second-feet — From salt water pipe 25 31 23 From Iresh water side 35* 5 2.5 From salt water side Into fresh water side 18 Into salt water side 35 30 13 25.5 * Fresh water not conserved during flood. From the above it will be seen that the losses of fresh water are very little. The only water which enters the basin comes from the salt water conduit and is only partially saline. AVhen the water surface is higher downstream than upstream the water flows in both directions from the pool, and from this point to the basin the fish would be travelling in the direction of flow. If their instincts oppose this course the function of the fish ladder would not? be realized at such times and unless further study reveals ways of over- coming the objection it may be periodically inoperative. The estimates provide for a feed pipe leading directly from the fresh water basin to be used instead of that from the salt water eonduit if desired. (See Plate 4-12.) Guide Walls. The usual functions of guide walls are exceeded at the barrier by reason of the protection they afford vessels from the high velocities of the flood channel when the latter is adjacent to the locks. The general layouts show their importance in this respect. Three distinct types of guide Avails for the 80-foot and 110-foot locks have been adopted to meet the conditions and are shown on Plate 4-1 ;i No drawings ol' gnide walls for the 40-t'oot lock have been ])repai-ed. The latter nrv. solid Avails of concrete except for tiie limited use of l)iling in some schemes Avhere the location of the cofferdam interferes Avith concrete construction. Gravity Avails are necessary at some loca- tions on acconnt of unbalanced ])r('ssnr(', Avhile others re((uire only a wall Avith vertical faces, strengthened against shocks from vessels by buttresses on a Avide base. Of the three types designed for the larger locks the concrete wall re(jnires a cofferdam and the other tAVO ai'e, to some degree, inter- cliangeablc. The caisson tyi)e Avail Avas contemi)lated. hoAvever, Avhere mud overlies rock in dejiths too shallow to snpport piling snbjected to shocks from large vessels. The general layouts shoAv the type adopted for each case. No description of the timber and concrete Avails is necessary to sup- plement the draAvings. The caisson type is not shoAvn in detail but has been Avorked out as required to insure reasonable quantities in the eslimates. The ])ressure of silt Avas computed Avith the same assump- tions discussed in connection Avitli snbstruclnre caissons for control Avorks at the Dillon Point site. The estimates provides for excavation and concreting Avithont unAvatering. THE SALT WATER BARRIER lO.} EMBANKMENT Requirements. Except for differences shown on Plate 4-3 to meet alternative require- ments, the rock enibankniont is essentially the same in all schemes. Where the rock would have to be deposited in water characterized by tidal currents, which is the prevailing condition, slopes of 1 on 3 were adopted for most of the heijrht below water surface. At hijyher eleva- tions, and when the embankment is to be constructed within a coffer- dam, or around a corowall that would retard the current, slojies of 1 on IJ were deomod adequate. The clum<>e in slope before rij)ra}) is placed was assumed to mark the highest elevation that could be attained in depositing material from bottom dump barges. Above elevation — 7.5 the use of derrick barges and skips is contemplated. It is believed that above elevation — 7.5 the 1 on li s^ope can be maintained since the depth of water flowing over the fill at that time will have become relatively small. Material for the embankment is available in sufficient quantity from excavation in all schemes except those presented in Estimates 6. 14 and 15, which provide for borrowing to make up the deficiency. The con- tingent necessity of rehandling during the transition of the material from its original state to final disposition in the embankment was dis- cussed at the beginning of this chapter. Materials for construction of the embankment are discus.sed in the Geological Report included as Exhibit 11 which is summarized in Chapter III. It will be recalled that it was Mr. Bryan's belief that the rocks found at the various sites, when deposited underwater in an embankment, would form a tight and relatively' stable structure. To insure watertightness, how- ever, the estimates provide for pumping mud from the bottom of the channel to fill the interstices of the rock, the necessary quantity being determined from the assumption that if concentrated at the surface of the fill it Avould cover both slopes below water level to a depth of 6 feet. I Unfortunately, the drawings of the cross-sections of the embankment, with the exception of those shown on Plate 4-3, are misleading in that the relative size of the rock in the fill and that used for riprapping above elevation — 7.5 are reversed. Neither is drawn to scale and the method of illustrating the two kinds of rock must be considered sym- bolic only. Settlement. The subject of settlement at locations where firm material is overlain by silt in a semi-fluid state has received considerable attention. Data on similar structures in the Bay region were secured and it was found that extensive displacement of the mud in some cases has occurred under the weight of superimpo.sed rock. Data on the character of the channel filling and examples of settlement were presented in consider- able detail in Chapter III. No attempt will be made here to enlarge upon the discussion. It is generally agreed that quantities should include a liberal allow- ance for settlement although the disposition of the material below mud line, after equilibrium has been reached, cannot be predicted 104 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES with any degree of certainty. It seemed likely that the mud would be displaced for its entire depth where the weight is greatest, and that quantities based on more optimistic assumptions would not satisfy conservative opinion. To expedite the work of computing, it was assumed that the amount of settlement would be equivalent to a prism defined by a rectangle, or trapezoid, of width equal to the width of embankment at the surface of mud and height equal to the mean depth of rock, or other firm material such as sand and gravel, below top of mud. A few exceptions to the foregoing method were intro- duced where the water is shallow and the depth of mud comparatively great. The relative height and width of the resulting sections approached absurdity and practical considerations were satisfied by extending the 1 on 3 slopes below the surface of mud. The necessary treatment involved more or less extreme modification of the foregoing rule but such cases were rare and had no appreciable effect on the quantities. Swell, Shrinkage and Waste. ' It was assumed for estimating purposes that a cubic j'^ard of solid rock would be equivalent to 1.35 cubic yards after excavatioii which means 26 per cent voids. It is probably that a high percentage of fine ])articles would be present after blasting and subsequently carried away if the material were deposited in running Avater. It was assiBfficd ttiat this loss below elevation — 7.5, combined with shrinkage, would amount to 35 per cent of the quantity as measured in place in tlie embankment, or in other words, that a cubic yard in situ would make a cubic yard of fill. Above elevation — 7.5 a large part of the material would not be subjected to the action of the current and 10 per cent is considered a fair allowance while slirinkage alone, assumed, at 5 per cent, was estimated for embankment placed on unwatered areas. .Highways. The inevitable settlement of the embankment thi'ougli a long period of time would be destructive in its effect on a paved road and, to avoid heavy maintenance disbursements, the estimates provide for macadam with a surface of oiled screenings. It is reported that it is necessary to add from 2 to 3 inches to the Southern Pacific i-ond bed across Suisnn Marsh about every 4 to 6 months to maintain the elevation of grade. APPROACHES Requirements. To provide easy grades (1 per cent maximum for raili'oad) the apj)roaehes to the main sli-uctni'es are generally of considerable length as shown on the general layouts and involve large items of expense. The limit of curvative is the same as for the bridge, which has been dis- cussed, and the width of highway is the same. Rock Fill and Open Cut. Rock is available with the same exceptions that were noted in the dis- cussion of embankment. Except for the absence of ripraji and dif- ferences in top widths when adjacent locations for the railroad and THE SALT WATER BARRIER 105 liii^lnvny were not soleetocl, tlic rock fill, in section, is the same as eni- hank'Hont placed on nnwatererl areas. Slopes of 1 on h were provided in oi>(Mi ent as previonsly stated. Tunnels. The schemes presented in estimates 6, 13, 13-A, 14 and 16 (Plates 4-25, 4.47, 4-51 and 4-57) include tunnels. In all but the last named, which provides separate tunnels for railroad and hirrhway, they are for the exclusive use of the railroad. Timbering;- has been frenerously estimated in anticipation of needed protection aoainst disintegrating rock throusi'liout the len<;th durinpr construction. CONSTRUCTION Cofferdams. Construction of cofferdams, perhaps the most difficult feature of the work, was discussed in considerable detail under "TTnwatering" and will not be repeated here. Construction Materials. There are a number of Portland cement mills in the region, the nearest at present being located at Tolenas and one near Mount Diablo. The largest local source of sand and gravel suitable for concrete is located on Alameda Creek, at Niles. Another deposit is found on the delta of "Walnut Creek a short distance south of Concord. Excellent sand and gravel may be obtained from IMarysville by railroad but can not be bai-ged down the Sacramento without rehandling for the reason that the Yuba River or the American River are, at preesnt, not naviga- ble at the sand and gravel plants. River sand used to a large extent in the bay region is obtained by pumping from the Sacramento River bottom near Clarksburg and barged down the river. The river sand is the least expensive but is rather fine for use in concrete. In the preliminary estimates of the barrier it has been assumed that river sand would be mixed with ^larysville or Niles sand in equal parts. It is estimated that there are 75,000 cubic yards of slag suitable for concrete aggregate available at the Mountain Copper Company smelter on Suisun Point. The slag dump is shown on Plate 3-3. This slag can ' be purchased at the rate of 25 cents per cubic yard on the dump. As stated in the Geological Report, Exhibit 11, excellent material for riprap and for crushed concrete aggregate is found in the quartzite quarries on Points San Pablo and San Pedro, particularly the latter. The suitability of the rock at the damsites for building the embank- ment portion of the barrier as discussed in Exhibit 11 is .summarized in Cha])ter TIL Suffice it to say that it is considered suitable for con- structing a stable, tight dam. Clay for cofferdam work may be obtained from the delta slopes of Alameda San Pablo and Walnut creeks. There are many places on the salt marshes around the bays where good clay may be secured by dredging. Other clay deposits are located near Bryant, Glorietta, Orinda and Lafayette. Excavation. The character of material to be excavated and the methods suggested for handling it were discussed in Chapter TIT. The operation Avill be 106 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES hindered somewhat hy the oscillations of the tides, which reach a maximum of about 10 feet, and ])y tidal currents up to about 6 feet per second. If it becomes necessary to Avaste solid material, other than on adja- cent marshes, it may be dumped shoreward of the bulkhead line estab- lished b}'- the War Department but, j]renerally, it must be retained by suitable structures to preevnt its finding its way back into the channel. A permit must be secured from the District Armj^ Engineer to dump material bayward of the bulkhead line, or at any place where harbor lines are not established. Dredged material may also be dumped in water over 50 feet deep, under permit, in selected spots approved by the district engineer. Harbor lines are shown on the topographic maps of each of the sites investigated. There are no established harbor lines at Point San Pedro or anywhere on that side of either San Francisco or San Pablo bays, nor in San Pablo Bay just upstream from Point San Pablo. Time Required for Completion. The matter of time required for construction of the barrier is one to which little consideration has been given. The undertaking is a large one and while construction should be pushed to completion as expeditiously as possible there is no apparent reason for purchasing k a large amount of plant for the purpose of rushing the work in Ofder to make a record. It seems that a construction program covering a period of from 5 to 7 years, depending upon the site chosen, would be reasonable. Excavation could be under way throughout the whole period. Right of Way. Information secured from the U. S. Land Office at San Francisco indicates that there are no vacant public lands in the vicinity of the sites investigated for the barrier. These lands are covered by Spanish grants, swamps or overflowed lands. The lands within the grants were deeded by the Spanish Government before California became a part of the United States, and the state claims all swamp or overflowed lands | under the act of Sei)1 ember 28, IS.jO. However, the state has sold much >'■' of the land to private interests. In some cases construction of the barrier will require the acquisition % of lands now occupied by various types of plants and buildings. An ^ attempt has been made 1o reduce interference with present construction to the practicable niiiiimnm. Right of way required is indicated on xai'ious layouts. Ownerships, as lunirly as it has been practicable to .secure the information, are shown on Plates 3-8, ']-l aiul 8-10. Unit Costs. In considering uiiil prices it musl be itoled that the bK-ation of the barrier, at any site investigated, is one that favors low costs. Construc- tion materials can bo brought directlv to the site bv water or rail. There are excellent C|uarries, sand and gravel pits, clay deposits and Portland cement mills within short hauling distance. Large manufac- turing plants, foundries and machin(> shops are located nearby, and any one of tin' sites investigated is convenient to tlu^ lionies of a large THE SALT WATER HARRIER 10' workiii','' population of mechanics and laborers. San Francisco and Oakland arc headquarters of numerous contractinji; firms. The unit ]>rices used in the preliminary estimates of cost are the result of an intensive study of the subject. While it is very difficult 10 estimate the cost of items like Class III, subaqueous excavation on account of lack of precedent, it is believed that, in general, the esti- mates are conservative. They are, of course, based upon present prices cf material and labor and must, in the future, be adjusted as required to take into consideration the then current prices. The preliminary estimates which accompany the report are in great detail so that a further discussion of unit prices would be superfluous. The unit prices assigned to the principal items of cost are, for convenience, sumnuirized in the following list. They are field costs, exclusive of engineering, administration and contingencies and, as indicated at the end, include no allowance for interest during construction. LIST OF PRINCIPAL UNIT COSTS Item Fitld cost Open caisson excavation, Class I $0 75 per cubic yard Open caisson excavation, Class III 15 00 per cubic yard Subaqueous excavation, Class I — mud pumped average of 1 mile 12 per cubic yard aubaqueous excavation, Classes I and II — Removing rock- till cofferdam.s 85 to 1 05 per cubic yard Subaqueous excavation, Class III (maximum depth 50 feet) 3 25 per cubic yard Subaqueous excavation, Class III (maximum depth 70 feet) 4 50 per cubic yard Dry excavation, Class III — Quarrying in deep cuts 1 25 per cubic yard Dry excavation. Class III — Stripping and cut-off trenches 5 00 per cubic yard Tunnel excavation, Class III (timbered) 6 50 per cubic yard Rockfill in cofferdams 90 per cubic yard Kocktill in barrier below elevation — 7.5 (bottom dump barge) ] 10 per cubic yard Kocktill in barrier above elevation — 7.5 (dumped by derrick) 1 40 per cubic yard Rockfill between lock walls 90 per cubic yard Rock riprap 3 00 per cubic yard Grouted paving 7 50 per cubic yard Cement delivered to bins 2 50 per cubic yard Sand for concrete (50% river sand and 50% Niles sand) 1 80 per cubic yard Crushed rock for concrete, Army Point and Dillon Point sites 2 00 per cubic yard Crushed rock for concrete, Point San Pablo site 1 60 per cubic yard Plain concrete in lock walls ?10 25 to 12 00 per cubic yard Plain concrete in lock sills 8 25 to 8 75 per cubic yard Plain concrete in guide walls 10 25 to 10 75 per cubic yard Plain concrete in sea walls (1:2^:5) 9 75 to 10 25 per cubic yard Plain concrete in abutments (1:2J:5) 9 75 to 10 25 per cubic yard Plain concrete filling under floors (1:3:'. All of these data have been freelj' made available lor the investigation and have been invaluable in the preparation of this report. New Data Collected. Owing to the fact that the tidal data heretofore gathered have been mainly for the service of navigation and the general study of tidal' phenomena, they wei-e not in such shape that they would sorve for all THE SALT WATER B.VRRIER 109 phases of the proposed studies and it was found necessary to do some additional work along this line. Advantage was taken of the presence of the drill barge to make current metor measurements throughout a tidal cyele at eaeh of the three barrier sites investigated. One cycle was observed at Point San Pablo, one at Dillon Point, and three at Army Point, the last one being made during the high water of February, 192;"). While the current meter measurements were being made, read- ings at 10 to 15 minute intervals were also made of a tide staff at the site. On July 6 and 7, 1925, during a cycle of the greatest range occurring (luring the year, a series of simultaneous tidal gage readings was obtained for various points extending from the Presidio to Sacramento on the Sacramento River and to the Southern Pacific Railroad bridge near Lathrop on the San Joaquin. Automatic tide gage records were available for the Presidio, ]\Iare Island, Sacramento, Stockton and Lath- rop bridge. These were supplemented by 15-minute readings on tide staffs established at Point San Pablo, Dillon Point, Suisun Point, Col- linsville and the highway bridge at Rio Vista. Mr. Wm. Pierce also established an automatic gage in the slough at Suisun ; the curve could not be plotted, however, because while the high and low points were recorded, the clock mechanism Avas out of order so that the time interval was incorrect. All other records have been plotted in superimposed po.sition on Plate 5-6. The combined river discharge into Suisun Bay varied approximately from 13,000 second-feet on July 1 to 10,500 on July 7. Current Meter Measurements. Measurements were made to ascertain the velocities that might be expected during construction, and to furnish additional data in con- nection with tidal studies. The first observation was made at Army l-'oint at hole 2500 (Plates 8-3 and 3-4) from 5.10 p.m. September 19, to 6.35 p.m. September 20, 1924. The maximum range during this period was only 4.5 feet, or 55 per cent of the range that was found on July 6-7. 1925, which is to the normal maximum range at this point. The .second observa<-ion was made at hole 3550 at Army Point, from 8.40 a.m. October 1, to 5.55 a.m. October 2, 1924. The greatest range was 5.5 feet, or 67 per cent of the Jidy 6-7 range. The third observation was made at hole 1900, Dillon Point site (Plates 3-7 and 3-8), from 9.25 a.m. October 30. to 10.10 a.m. October 31, 1924. The greatest range was found to be 7.28 feet, or 85 per cent of the July 6-7 range. The fourth series of measurements Avas made at hole 4500. San Pablo site (Plates 3-10 and 3-13), from 5.30 p.m. November 25, to 6.40 p.m. November 26, 1924. Here the greatest range was 8.03 feet, or 93 per cent of the July 6-7 range. The last current meter measure- me?it was made at Hole 3550 at Army Point from 11.45 a.m. February 7, to 9 p.m. Fcbruajy 8, 1925, at a time Avhen the rivers were dis- charging flood Av;ii.'r< into Sni. M. above standard sea level is 4.25 feet. The result of these two changes was to reduce the reading of this staff by 0.25 feet, and to lower the plotted graph to a position which appears to bear a more correct relation to that of the Presidio graph. The San Pablo staff' is located on the shore side of the land- ward "L" of the Standard Oil Go. dock at Point Orient, just south of Point San Pablo. This staff, as well as all others used in this work, was made of an unpainted 2-inch by 3-inch plank, with knife cut to mark the feet and tenths. The "0" of all staffs was supposed to be set 6 feet below standard sea level. Aftei- making the correction of 0.25 feet to the Point San Pablo readings, the elevation of the mean tidal |)lane during the cycle was fouml to be 0.155 feet above standard sea level, while that for the Presidio gage was 0.152 feet. The tide staff for the Dillon Point sile is locah'd on a pile in the ;ipi)roach to the burned warehouse dock of tbe Balfour (iutlirie Go. lU'ar Eckley. The "0" mark is set six feet below mean sea level as deter- mined by a closed level line run from the U. S. G. S. B. M. at Port Costa, elevation 16.787. This B. ^1. is described in bulletin 342, page 128 as being a bronze tablet stamj)ed "17" in a concrete column of the Car(iuinez Market, now the post oflice. The gage set at Suisun Point has been destroyed, but its "0" was set 6 feet below mean sea level as determined by a closed level line from P THE SALT WATER BARKIEK 111 the bench mark at the Court House in Martinez, elevation 23.04. The orifriual V. S. G. S. B. M. was a bronze tablet stamped "27" in the front wall of the County Building, elevation 27.082. When the build- ing: -was replaced, the B. M. -was set in a granite block at bottom of steps at the left side of the Avest entrance of the building. In 1923, County Surveyor K. R. Arnold detenuined the new elevation to be 23.04 by levels from the Port Costa and Concord bench marks. The permanent gage at Suisun Point is a painted staff, probably set by the Army Engineers, located at the intersection of the curved and straight portion of the outer end of the ^Mountain Copper Co. dock at Suisun Point. This gage was compared with the gage used in the observations of July 6 and 7 and found to read 3.65 when the Keelama- tion Service gage read 6.0. In other words, the reading for mean sea level, as determined above, on the present gage is 3.65 feet. The Collinsvilie gage, made like the others, is nailed to a pile just v.est of the inclined landing platform at the main dock. The elevation of the '*0" of this gage is also 6 feet below mean sea level as deter- mined by a closed line of levels run from the V. S. G. S. B. ]\I. at the southwest corner of the school house grounds, one-half mile north of Collinsvilie. The B.M. is marked "5B," and its elevation, given on page 140 of Bulletin 342, is 4.927. At Rio Vista, permission was granted by the Army Engineers to move one of their gage boards, painted Avhite with black tenth marks, i from the timber bulkhead near the highway bridge to one of the piles [ on the west side of the west guard i)iles, near the bridge tender's house, [ where it could be conveniently read by the bridge tender. The datum I of this gage was not changed, "0" on the gage being 3.6 feet below I mean sea level. This Avas checked to a knoAvn elevation on the southwest corner of the west pier and found to be 0.08 feet low, but this adjust- [ ment Avas not made in plotting, as uncertainties in the gage readings I and IcA'els did not Avarrant it. This elevation Avas run by the Army Engineers from the bench mark at the southeast corner of the Rio Vista Bank Building (noAv the stage station), a bronze tablet set in the brick Avail 2 feet above the ground, .stamped "23B," elevation 22.425, as described on page 141, Bulletin 342. The U. S. G. S. eleva- tion of this B. M., as furnished by the Army Engineers, AAas 22.404. U. S. G. S. Bulletin 342 Avas published in 1908. In 1925 a neAV Bul- letin of Spirit Leveling in California. No. 766, Avas published, but a copy was not available until the Avork in connection with tidal studies had been completed. Below are given the elevations of bench marks upon which the plotting of graphs of the simultaneous tidal readings depends, as given in Bulletins 342 and 766, respectively. > Biilletin Sii Location Pckjc Port Ccsta, Carquinez ISIarket 128 Collinsvilie, School Grounds 140 Rio A'ista, Bank Building 141 Stockton Cool Corner 120 Fairfield, Court House '129 Sacramento, Post Office 142 Martinez Court House 129 Benicia, U. S. C. & G. S { ^^gf } * Used in studios reported herein. * B. M. 2.7 miles east of Fairfield Court House is given in Bulletin 342 as elevation '4.704 and in No. 766 as 15.183. ' See text above. 2 Bulletin 766 Elevation Pagr Elevation 16.787 4.927 590 5.509 22.425 591 22.985 15.633 538 10.033 15.170 30.527 601 31.086 ( » 27.082 ) » 23.04 5.980 112 DIVISION OF WATER RESOUKCES Tlie datum plauey ior Fresidio, the standard for all bench mark work, is best set forth in correspondence with the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survej^, included as Exhibit 16. In plotting the simultaneous gage readings, that for the Presidio is referred to the latest .standard sea level datum, 2.97 feet above the plane of standard lower low water. The datum for the Point San Pablo curve, already described, is also compared with this latest stand- ard sea level plane. All the other curves were referred to elevations of bench marks as given in Bulletin 342. As will be explained under the discussion of tidal prisms, any small change in the adjustment of bench marks would not affect the result of the study of vohimes in tidal prisms. It would, however, affect the relative positions of the tide graphs and the .slopes of water surface as shown on Plate 5-6. Since the change in elevations given in Bulle- tin 766 is greater than the change in datum at the Presidio, and since it is impractical to go into the adjustment of levels used in obtaining the new bench mark elevations, it has been deemed best in this pre- liminary study to plot the curves in accordance with the datum planes explained above. Before final studies of the Salt Water Barrier are c()mi)leted, however, careful levels should be run from the Presidio to connect up all the bench marks involved in order that all .elevations may be tied to one plane of reference. Distances, Area and Volume Curves. > The distances used in connection with the tidal .studies were sealed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey ciiarts of San Francisco Bay along the average flow line of the tidal currents, and are shown in Table 5-1. The areas in Suisun and San Pablo bays are shown in Table 5-2, and the volume curves for the delta channels have ])een plotted on Plate 5-7. For convenience and accuracy in computing the volumes in the tidal prisms, the areas in the bays are tabulated for ever}^two miles in distance from the lower end of each bay. Tn the delta, the volumes for the prism l)etween elcvatiems — ;).6 and -|-6.4 (0.0 and 10.0 V. S. E. I), datum) liavc been computed and the results shown by curves No. 1 and No. 2, Plate 5-7, for every two miles in distance from the lower end of Chain Island, near Collinsville, to the point where these eleva- tions run out above Sacramento and Stockton. The volume curve for the entire prism is also shown by curve No. M. In order to use the volume curves in connection with the tidal prisms, the rates of accumu- lation for the different elevations on the volume curve were determined. Assuming that the total aecunndation of this curve is 1 acre-foot, the rati's for the diffen^it elevations, expressed as a fractional part of an acre-foot, have been ])lotted on the rate of accumulation of Curve No. '>. It may be assumed that the abscissae of the rate curve represent tlic fractional part of the whole which is included in a section 1 foot deej) at the elevation shown on the scale of ordinates. The method of using this curve is explained under "Tidal prism graphs and computa- tion of volumes." Because of lack of detail information as to elevations in the bays botwef>n low water and high water, it has been as.sumed tliat there is a slraiL'lit line variation of areas between these elevations, and no capacity curves were plotted for the tidal studies, as they were not required for this work. THE SALT WATER BAItRIElt 113 Tidal Prism Graphs and Computation of Volumes. The volume of water iu the tidal prism above any cross-section of the channel, which in this report will be designated the "home section," is represented by the volume that passes the home section between two successive slack water periods, corrected for river flow and opposite tide. iSlack waters are not coincident with high and low water, but usually occur one to two hours later. True slack water is very difficult to determine. If the delinition is assumed as being thcit period wlien tlie total passage of water by the section is zero, then it is entirely possible to conceive tiuit there may be no place in the cross-section where the current is zero ; but that the algebraic sum of the up and down stream velocities is zero. There is an old belief, partially borne out by data shown on plates 5-1 to 5-5, and also substantiated by studies by John R. Freeman in Boston Harbor (See Report of Com- mittee on Charles River Dam, 1903, pages 398 to 403), that the flood current .starts first at the bottom. At times this may be neutralized by a .surface current in the opposite direction, so that true slack water occurs with appreciable currents flowing. This condition will be very noticeable if there is a heavj^ flow of fresh water from the rivers. This phenomenon of flood current first existing on the bottom, accom- panied by a second phenomenon, that the fresh water does not imme- diately mix with the salt but floats on top, can readily be studied at the mouth of the Klamath River, or any similar stream, when flow conditions are right. During the summer the Klamath empties through a narrow channel, restricted by sand bars, directly into the ocean, but has a small bay above of such .size that the tidal prism can not be fully supplied by the flow of fresh water. Within the straits, and not more than 200 to 300 feet from the ocean, during flood tides, a very distinct line exists on the surface, marking the division between fresh and salt water. P"'or three or four hours during the strength of the tide, this line maintains a position varying not much more than 100 feet up and down stream. For .some distance from this line, on the fresh water side, there is practically no surface current, but below the surface a very strong flood current of salt water Avill be found moving Unless the discharge of fresh water is considerable in proportion to the volume of the tidal prism, the period of slack water for purposes of study of the tidal prism can be determined fairly closely. Even if there .should be considerable error in time, the error in the volume of water that passes will be much smaller in proportion, because the rate of passage of water at this time is much less than the average rate for the cycle. Wlien the gages were read on July 6 and 7, 1925, the time of occur- rence of .slack water was also determined so far as this could be done by observations from shore. In addition to .shore observations, .salt water samples were taken at the slack after higher high and lower low tides on the morning of the seventh at Point San Pablo from a boat 1000 feet out in the channel, and 200 feet out at Collinsville, while at Snisun Point, samples were taken from the Mountain Copper Company dock. As these were tnken at 10-foot intervals between top and bottom, a better determination of the time of slack could be obtained by observim? the inclination of the line to the sampler, than from surface indications. 8—70686 114 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The estimated time of .slack water, after adjustmeiit for eoiisistcucy Hinoiifi- the various observations, are shown on the tide graphs, Plate .")-6. Slack water data for the observations recorded on Plates 5-1 to -l-o are shown in Table 5-3. The graj^lis of the tidal prisms, shown on Plates 5-8, 5-I> and 5-10 for Presidio, Point San Pablo and Army Point, represent, for July 6 and 7, 1925, the elevations of the water surface throughout the extent of the tidal aya above the home section for the instant of slack Avater at the beginning' and end of the tidal interval, and also for each intervening hour. In case of the tidal prism above the Presidio, how- ever, no graph has been shown for the tidal prism in south San Fran- cisco Bay because of the fact that no tide gage readings were available. The water surface elevations shown were determined from the tidal graphs on Plate 5-6. Whenever interpolations were made, straight line variations of water surface and velocity of the tidal wave were assumed. For Point San Pablo and Army Point, the volume was computed by breaking the hourly strata into sections two miles long and deter- mining the number of acre-feet in each of these blocks. For example: For the flood tide beginning at 8.50 p.m., July 6, at Army Point, between 11 p.m. and midnight, for the block, 4 miles to 6 miles abQve Army Point, the rise of water surface for the hour is 1.06 feet, and the average elevation is 2.65 feet. Assuming the marsh line to be at eleva- tion 3.2 (See Table 5-2), and the minimum area at low water to be at f 5.85 -A • elevation — 3.2, the area at elevation 2.65=4480+ I p , 1=4635 acres. The volume = 1.06 X 4635 = 4910 acre-feet. Considering the block, at this same hour, from 6 miles to 8 miles above Collinsville, the rise of the surface is 1.08 feet and the average elevation is 1.25. From the table on Plate 5-7, the volume of storage for 10 feet of depth at this distance is 18,500 acre-feet. From Curver No. 5, the rate of increase at elevation 1.25 is 0.1006. The total volume of storage in this 2-mile block is equal to 0.1006 X 18,500 X 1.08 = 2110 acre-feet. Tlie results of these com]nitations are given in Tables 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6 for Armj^ Point, Point San Pablo and Presidio, respectively. Flood flows have been given the plus sign and ebb flows the minus. Since the fresh water flow is in the same direction as the ebb, it also takes the minus sign. The sign of the "opposite" tides, explained below, will always be o])posite to that of the main tide. Inspection of Plates 5-6, 5-8, 5-9 and 5-10 shows that there is a faJT'ly unifoi-jn ])i-ogression of the tide phases from the Presidio to the head of tidewater. This is further brought out in Table 5-7. Since the Mvci'airc time interval from high water to low water is only 6 hours and 12 minutes, it follows that at points ap]n-oximately 85 miles apart, the tides must be in opposite phases, that is, if it is high at one place it is low at the other. Between these points is a third where the graph of the tidal prism appears to have a node. This is not a permanent nodal point, foi- the nodal points, like all other phases of the tide, progress. They are the points where the tidal surface has the same elevation at the beginning and end of a period of time during which the tide is passing from one phase to the opposite phase at some other point. Tf. at the beerinning and end of any six-hour period, there are nodal points at B with respect to A, then for a period beginning three THE SALT WATER BAKUIEU 115 hours later, there will be a node at, or near A with respect to B. The word "appears" has beeu used above to distinguish this type of node from the usual conception of a nodal point with respect to vibrations, where the node is a point about which oscillations occur. In case of a true nodal point the elevation remains constant, but at B the elevation of tlie water surface will Imvo risen to high, or dropped to low, after the lapse of three hours; and at the end of the six-hour period it has returned to its midtide elevation. In the following discussion of "opposite" tides, it will first be assumed that there is no inflow of fresh water. Then, if the main tide is rising, the opposite tide must be falling. If there is only one tidal node, due to the defined limits of the length of the estuary, the water comprising the prism of the opposite tide must pass by the nodal point into the prism of the main tide, thus decreasing by this amount the amount of water which must pass the home section in order to produce the full volume in the main tidal prism. The opposite condition occurs when the tide in the main prism is falling. If there is a flow of fresh water, its efl^ect is to lielp supply the water in the tide prism when it is rising, thus cutting down the quantity of water that passes the home section during the flood tide, while on the ebb. not only tlie water in the tidal prism must pass the home section, but also the fresji water flow during that period. Thus, the sign of the flow of water in the opposite tide prism is always opposite to that at the home section, while the sign of the fresh water flow is the same as the ebb, but opposite to that of the flood. If, for any i)articular tide, the flow of fresh water is sufficient to the surface of a basin as rapidly as the tide would raise it, there would be no flow in the upstream direction during the flood tide past tlie home section, although the tide would be rising; but at points below there would be an upstream flow, necessary to fill the tidal prism below the section of no flow. Tliis neutral section will always exist at some point within tidal influence if there is an appreciable flow of fresh water, the neutral section moving downstream as the flow increases, and receding as the flow decreases. The position and char- acter of this neutral point will be influenced by the presence of salt water, as previously mentioned, but usually the plane of neutral flow will be a considerable distance upstream from the point where the saline content is high, .so that the flows in opposite directions in the vertical section are not so likely to be found here. When the flow of fresh water is very large, however, and the neutral section is well downstream, say at Carrpiinez Strait, it is very probable that at points farther down- .stream there will be found a condition of upstream flow of salt water along the bottom, and ebb flow of fresh water on top. Discussion of Tidal Prisms. The volumes of the tidal prisms, as calculated from measurements made on July 6 and 7, 1925, have been summarized in Table 5-8. It will be noted that for Point San Pablo and Army Point the sums of the flood and ebb check very closely. It is not probable, however, that this is an exact measure of the accuracy of the volume determinations for the reason that the quantity in the tide covering the marshes is uncertain. An error in this quantity, however, could not affect the check, because the same quantity of over-marsh water appears in both 116 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES flood and ebb. Moreover, the volume of the marsh overflow is only a small percentage of the total tidal prism; therefore the total volume would be atfected very little, even with considerable error in the marsh overflow. No graph could be constructed for south San Francisco Bay for the reason that no gage readings were available for the period July 6-7. It, tlierefore, appeared to be a useless refinement to attempt a computation of that portion for which there were records, so the areas in this prism were divided into districts, and the total deptli of each portion was computed at one operation; consequently the vol- umes in the four prisms do not check as closely as the prisms at the other two points, but check sufficiently close for all practical purposes. To check the volume of flood against ebb flow, it is necessary to deduct from the ebb the total volume of fresh w'ater that has flowed throughout the period of both the flood and ebb tides, or else to elim- inate the fresh water flow from the volume of both the flood and ebb tide prisms. Allowance must also be made for the difference in eleva- tion of the Avater surface at the beginning and end of the period of measurement. Inspection of Plates 5-8, 5-9 and 5-10 shows that if a barrier were placed at Army Point, the reduction of the tidal prism at the Golden Gate would not be equal to the tidal prism above Army Point, but would be that portion of the Presidio prism lying above Army Point less the opposite tide, the latter being eliminated if tlie barrier existed at any point below what is now a node. The effect of the construction of a barrier on the volume of the tidal prism above the Golden Gate is summarized in Tables 5-9 and 5-10. Tides of July 6 and 7, 1925, are used. River flow is not included, because the assumption is that, except in flood times, this will not pass the barrier. The volume of the four tides at Army Point is 13.8 per cent of the volume at Golden Gate, while the reduction in the Golden Gate tides by a barrier at Army Point is 7.5 per cent. The San Pablo tides are 35.8 per cent of the volume of those at Presidio, wliile the barrier at Point San Pablo would reduce the Golden Gate tides by 35.8 per cent. Prom the above, the conclusion can safely be drawn : As the barrier is located farther from the Golden Gate the influence of the elimination of tlie tide above the barrier on tlie volume of the tidal jirism above the Golden Gate decreases, till the reduction is zero; and if the barrier is placed at tlie nodal points, -the Presidio tides will actually be increased by an amount nearly as great as the volume of the opposite tides. The elevation of the water surface, or of the center of gravity of the tidal prism, as Avell as the range of the tide, has an influence on the volume of the tidat prisms, because of tlio fact that the higher the elevation of the sui'face, the greater tlie area to be flooded. Table 5-11 gives the ranges of tide and volumes in the four tidal prisms at Presidio, Point San Pablo and Army Point on July 6 and 7, 1925. The volumes in Table 5-11 are not the same as those in Tables 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6. for in the latter, tlie volumes given are those which pass the home section during tlie phase of the tide while in Table 5-11 the quantity of water in the main tide between the upper surface and the lower sur- face at the beginning and end of the tidal period is given. From the THE SALT WATER BABRIER 117 (luantities in this table it is possible to arrive at the volume in any tide above any of the given home sections when the range and eleva- tion of half tide is given. The U. S. C. & G. S. Bulletin, "Tides and Currents in San Francisco Day" (Exhibit 15), gives the mean range for the Presidio as JJ.fJ.'i feet, for Point San Pablo, 4.42 feet, and for Army Point, an average of about 4.7 feet. The San Pablo record is for only one day and appears large compared with other stations in the vicinity with longer records. As indicated in Table 5-11 for the July, 1925, series of measurements, the mean Presidio range was 5.37 feet and the Point San Pablo range 5.65 feet. Comparing these with the mean range at Presidio of 3.93 feet gives a mean range for Point San Pablo of 4.14 feet, which compares favorably with the range of other points near Point San Pablo. Using the respective ranges 3.93, 4.14 and 4.7 feet, the approximate volumes of the tidal prisms of mean range above the ditferent stations are: Presidio, 1,173,000 acre-feet; Point San Pablo, 414.000 acre-feet; Army Point, 157,500 acre-feet. The volume of South San Francisco Bay (south of Goat Island), computed from mean tide range, is 625,000 acre-feet. The volumes were arrived at by plotting the values .shown in the last column of Table 5-11 as abscissa and the half tide elevations shown in column 4 of the same table as ordinates. From the resulting curve the probable value for the volume per foot, for a tide with mean elevation at zero, was deduced, and this value, multiplied by the mean ranges, gives the volume in the average tidal prism. The determina- tion of exact volumes is difficult for the reason that the plotted curves are irregular, the iregularity being due to the fluctuation in the position of the nodes, to the eflfect of the over-marsh tide and to various other factors. On page 82, Professional Paper 105, Geological Survey, "Hydraulic Mining Debris in the Sierra Nevada," the volume of the mean tidal prism above the Presidio is given as 1,205,000 acre-feet, which checks within 2.6 per cent the value given above. To arrive at the quantity flowing past the home section, it would be necessary to correct for the opposite tides, whose volumes can be taken from Tables 5-4. 5-5 and 5-6, and also for river flow. Tt is evident that if the flow of water at a section is equal to I lie upstream flow producing a certain flood tide, then the flow during liie flood tide will be practically zero, while the ebb flow will be approxi- mately twice its normal quantity. At the same time the volume in the tidal prism may be practically the same as if there Avere no fresh water flow. Under the heading "Bench marks, datum planes, and location of tide staffs," it was stated that any small change in the adju.stment of bench nuirks would not affect the result of the study of volumes in tidal pri.sms. These volumes are determined from elevations of water sur- face recorded on tide gages, and the depth of water in a prism is definitely fixed from these readings, irrespective of the correct eleva- tion of the gage. An adjustment of bench marks might affect the areas of water surface .slightly, due to the variation of the area of successive elevations, but any bench mark adju.stment would be so slight that ' he correction in area could not be determined from anv existing data. 118 DTVISTON OF WATER RESOURCES Height of Tide Below the Barrier. When flood tidal flow starts at the Golden Gate, the mass of water eomprisino; the tidal prism receives its energy from the head that is built up throiioh the approach of the ocean tide wave to the shore. As shown on pages 102 to 106 of Exhibit 15, the velocity of the current in this rising tide is small compared Avith that through the Gate. If we conceive of a barrier at the Golden Gate, we have a condition of a continuous shore line, and no heavy currents Avould be likely to be found. With conditions as they are, there exists a large area in the bays to be supplied with water through a restricted opening, with a constantly increasing head outside. A column of water, whose cross- sectional area is that of the Golden Gate, is thus set in motion, with a velocity equal to that due to the head of the tide plus the head of the velocity of apy)roach of the ocean current, minus the decrease in head due to the rising water in the bay. Just inside the gate this stream divides, one portion flowing south and the other north. These flowing streams are of large cross-sectional area and several miles long. To the south the bay tapers almost to a point, with gradually shallow- ing depth. The area to be flooded is insufflcient in size to absorb all the water that has been set in motion in the channel to the north, with the result that the energy, and volume of flow of the mo\nng column, must be absorbed in filling up the south end of the bay to a level nearlj' twice as great as that at the Presidio, thus neutralizing ithe energy of flow of the moving colunni by creating a counter Tiead and by absorbing an extra portion of the volume of flow. To the north this condition exists to only a minor degree. The Avidth of Avater surface at sea IcA'el, the cross-sectional area of the channels at the various control sections beloAv mean sea level, and the values of the hydraulic radii are given in Table 5-12. The mean velocity at these control sections, in feet per second, com- puted from mean tidal prisms and areas of AvaterAvays are: Golden Gate, 2.4; Point San Pablo, 1.66; Army Point, 1.51; Goat Island, 1.78. Since velocity varies as the square root of the hydraulic radius, the velocities should be divided by this quantity if it is desired to compare the conditions of floAv at the various sections. For the various sections, V, the square root of r gives: Golden Gate, 0.178; Point San Pablo, 0.232; Army Point, 0.234; Goat Island, 0.230. This Avould indicate that the energy of the moving column of Avater at each station, compared Avith the tidal i)rism beyond that station, is equal in all cases exce])t llii-oiigli the CJate. (^n i)age 121, l*rofes- sional Paper 105, Geological SurA'cy, "Hydraulic Mining Debris in the Sierra Nevada." Mr. Gilbert states that the bed of Golden Gate is A'ery rough, due lo the presence of numy ledges. This condition Avould account, in pai-t, foi- the Ioav value of the factor of flow at this point, for much of the energy Avould be absorbed in overcoming resistance lo floAv. There is evidently a flatter slope through the Gate than at other points, because the tide tables give a lag of only 10 minntes lo Alcatraz Light, Avhicli calls for a higher velocity o!" the lidal ])hases than at other points in the bay Avith a corresponding flatter slope of the Avater surface. The presence of the flatter slope has been demon- strated in the investigations, as indicated by the slope curA'es on Plate 5-11. This flatter slope Avould also reduce the value of the flow factor. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 119 This relative area south of Goat Tsland to be flooded is smaller than that beyond Point San Pablo or Army Point ; therefore, in order that the ener 122 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Sacramento River, of which there are fairly complete and reliable records, occurred in March, 1907, and January, 1909. Floods from the Sacramento are effective on the lower San Joaquin by reason of the many interconnecting channels throughout the delta. The largest recent flood of record on the San Joaquin is said to be that of January 31 to February 3, 1911. The 1907 Flood. The flood of March, 1907, is of particular interest because it is generally believed to have been larger than that of January, 1909, and resulted in materially higher water against the levees in the heart of the delta. See Mr. Atherton's letter of June 27, 1925, contained in Exhibit 19. It is reported that the 1909 flood was better sustained for a period of four consecutive days, but that the flood of 1907 was better sustained over a week or 10 days, and crested higher. (House Document No. 81, 62d Congress, 1st session, p. 17.) During the 1907 flood the U. S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the State of California, made a study of the runoff from the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. A very complete article entitled "The Flood of March, 1907,' in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins, California," prepared by Messrs. W. B. Clapp. E. C. Murphy and W. F. Martin of the U.' S. Geological Survey, together with discussions, is found in Volume LXI, Transoctiohis of the American Society of Civil Engineers. It is stated in the article that the flood was preceded by a period of heavy precipitation, and consequent flood stages in all streams, a condition which had prevailed intermittently for several preceding weeks. The precipitation in March was nearly three times the normal for the month, and about one-third of it occurred in the three day.';. March 17th to 19th, accompanied by comparatively high temperature and consequent rapid melting of snoAV in the higher altitudes. During the flood the flow from 83 per cent of the mountains and foothills in the Sacramento Basin was measured at 11 gaging stations, while the flow from 41 per cent of the mountains and foothills in tlie San Joaquin Basin was measured at 6 gaging station.s. Unfortunately, no gagings were made of the San Joaquin itself. Where data were lacking esti- mates were made upon tlie basis of runoff per square mile. As a result of the study it was estimated that had the levees not broken, permitting storage of flood water in the flood basins, the mean runoff into Suisun Bay for the four day period, March 18th to 21st, 1907, expressed in cubic feet per second, would have been as follows: From Sacramento Basin 554,700 From San Joaquin Basin 226,960 Combined mean discharge , 781,660 It is estimated that the maximum flow in the Sacramento would have occui-rcd ])elow the mouth of Cache Slough at 8 p.m.. IMareli 19th, if the water had been confined in the channels, and would have fimounlcd to about 640.000 second feet. Likewise, it was estimateeli('\('d to be the best authorities. House Document No. 81, ()2il Congress, 1st sessit>n, "Reports on tlie Control of Floods in the River Sj'stems of the Sacramento Valley ami the Adjacent San .loaqin VaUey, California." Transmitted on .lunt' 27, 1911, by the Secretary of AVar. Report of California Debris Commission. Page 5 — All projects prior to this one, however, have been b.iscd on a maximum flood discharge (in the Sacramento River) of about SfiO.OOO cubic feet per .second at Collinsville, while the floods of March, 1!M)7, and .January, 11)09, sliowed that it will not be safe to provide for less than 000,000 cubic feet per .second. It is evident that when the maximum flood discharge considered was less than one-half of what it is known to liave been at a later date, great modifications must be made in tlie projects that have been advanced. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 127 I'uge Hi — * * * It is oonsidered that this flood (1907) was the greatest cxiKTicnced since the flood of 1SG2, and whih> a discharge of any one tributary may occur that will exceed that of the flood of 1907, the possibility of a greater discharge than that of 1907 sinmltaneously in several important tributaries is so remote that it is not considered advisable to provide for a greater flood over the entire river system. * * * rage 19 — * * * The floods of 1907 and 1909 have provetl conclusively that a a flood in this (Sacramento) river may continue for several days at almost the point of maximum discharge. Failure to provide for a discharge such as is shown by these floods of 1907 and 1909 would leave open the way for damage by the occurrence of a similar flood. Page 20 — It i.s considered advisable, therefore, by this commission to provide capacity for a flood of the extent and duration of that of March, 1907, or .January. 1909. and that provision for anything less would be not only unwise but unjustifiable. Letter of November 12. 192."), from ^Nlr. E. A. Bailey, Flood Control Eng-ineer. Stato Dejmrtincnt of Public AVorks. to tbo writPT of tliis report : Our estimate of the total discharge which would probably have occurred at Collinsville from the combined floods of the Sacramento and San .Joaquin rivers in 1907. if the flood control projects had been completed during that flood, was 750.000 second-feet, about .^30.000 of which would have come from the Sacramento River. Some of this, however, would have reached the San .Joa- quin through Georgiana and Three-Mile Sloughs. As to the di.scharge which actually did pass through Suisun Bay in 1907, with both Sacramento and San .Joaquin Valleys flooded, it is probable that not much over one-half of the 750.000 second-feet actually reached the bay but we have never had occasion to make any detailed analysis of that flood with the conditions existing in 1907. U. S. Geological ISurvey. Profe.ssional Paper 105. ''Hydraiilie-Miiiing i Debris in tbe Sierra Nevada" by Mr. Grove K. Gilbert: Page 120 — * * * It is impracticable to gage the flow of Sacramento and San .loacpiin rivers at their mouths, because there tlie rivei-s are tidal. The best available data on their discharge are derived from gagings on numerous branches, made for the most part where they issue from the uplands. * * * Page S9 — * * * All authorities agreed, liowcver. that such a rate of delivery (782.000 cubic feet per second estimated by Clapp, ^lurphy and Martin) has not been realized in the past, and before the construction of levees it was not even approached. So much flood water was stored in the lateral basins of Sacramento Valley and on the delta marshes that the delivery to the bays was regulated as by a res.TVoir. Its r.-ite may never have exceeded .SOO.OOO cubic feet per second, and 400.000 cubic feet can be ac<-epted as an outside estimate. House Document No. 123. SOtli Congress, 1st. session. [ "Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. California." Transmitted on I December 7. 1925, by the Secretary of War. Page 30 Table H — Existing Conditions. Sacramento River. Flood discharge from Suisun Bay to Steamboat Slough 000.000 cubic feet per .second. The figure is for the flow in the river channel, assuming the by-pass system of the Sacra- mento River flood-control project complete. Page 40 Table M — Existing conditions. San .Joaquin River: Flood discharge. Suisun Bay to Stockton Channel. 2SO.0OO cubic feet jter second. The flow exceeds the channel capacity. Page 5.3 — By .section 2 of the act approved March 1. 1917, Congress adopte that some of the levees would be overtopi)ed and fail as they have in the past, permitting storage of a part of the flood in the lateral basins, and on some of the delta area, with the result that the rate of discharge into Suisun Bay would be tiecreased. However, ])r«nisioii for a smaller rate of discharge past the barrier would be attended by considerable risk in view of the fact that coincidence of the peaks ol the 1907 flood in the Sacramento and the 1911 flood in the San Joa(|uiii would result in a combined maximum discharge of nearly one million second-feet, if the estimates of Clapp, iMurphy and ^Martin may b« assumed as correct, and furthermore, since it is possible, although nol probable, that such a flood might occur simultaneously with exti-em- THE SALT WATER HARRIER 129 I hiy:li tides oeoasionod by a storm such as tliat of January, 1914, which ■ is discussed in the following paragraphs. Extremely High Tides. iMention has previously been made of an elevation of approximately 6 feet for higli water at Suisuu during the 1862 flood. The quotations also stated that the highest tide at Benicia occurred several days before the January flood of 1862. The actual elevation of this high } • tide is not known. The highest elevation r(^corded at Army Point i is 5.8 at 1 p.m., January 21, 1909, Avhen the Army Engineers had an - automatic gage 'in operation at this point. The pencil at this time ran off the paper, however, so the actual height may have been a little ' greater. An automatic gage in operation at the same time at Collins- ; ville produced a complete record, with a maximum height at 1 p.m., Januarv 21, of 6.1 feet. A copy of these two records is shown on I Plate 5-12. Letters from Mr. F. N. Chaplin to Mr. Wm. Pierce, and from W. T. ' Richards, construction engineer of the San P^rancisco-Sacramento Rail- ' road (the 0. A. and E. R. II. referred to by i\Ir. Chaplin) are here quoted to show the elevations that have been reached in recent years. F. N. CHAPLIN. 50G First National Bank Building Miami Florida, September 10, 1924. Mr. William Pierce, 1 Suisun, California. Dear Sir : — My sister, Mrs. Wilson of Grisly Island, wrote mo that you desired information regarding the floods on Van Sickle Island ; that you are gather- ing data, relative to conditions that would be affected by the Carquinez Dam. I moved to Van Sickle in 1913. The lirst flood came on January 25, 1914. The water covered most of the levees surrounding Van Sickle. There was a Hood on the river, and a terrific storm on the ocean. At the drawbridge of the O. A. and E. R. R. across the Montezuma Slough, the water arose to a line two-thirds the width of the wheels on which the bridge turns. The diameter of the wheels is about 10 inches. The water rose up on those wheels above the center of the wheels. The flood on the river did not greatly increase the height of the tide (water at high tide). Several days before, the scheduled tide was higher, and the flood on the river higher. The storm drove tlie water up from the ocean. The second flood came on February 25, 1917. There was only a 5.4 tide marked in the tide book, and no flood on the river. Water was low in the I river. Not much rain that winter. But a terrific storm blew from the I southwest. The water rose at the same railroad bridge about 2 inches higher than during the storm of 1914. The flood took out, in one tide, about one mile of levee, on the bay side, opposite Pittsburg. So the water rose about as high inside the levee as outside. When I left Van Sickle, about 18 months ago, the marks of the 1917 flood were still on the building around the house, near where the railroad crosses the Montezuma. The water was 21 inches deep in the dwcllinghouse, at the door between the dining room and the bedroom at the time of the highest flood. At other times we had breaks in the levees, during storms, but the island would be flooded only in small parts. Tlie breaks always came during storms at high tide. F. N. CHAPLIN. 9—70686 130 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SAN FRANCISCO-SACRAMENTO RAILROAD CO. Oakland, California, October 11, 1924. Mr. Walker R. Young, Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, Berkeley, California. Dear Sir: — In reply to your letter of October 10th relative to flood planes on Suisun Bay. The information in the letter which you quote from F. N, Chaplin is verified by our own employees who were at the drawbridge during the periods mentioned. It is undoubtedly true that the sweep of the wind across the bay is often as damaging as any extremely high tide, provided, of course, that conditions are gcnei-ally favorable for high water. The elevation of the bottom of the rollers referred to is 5.94 U. S. G. S. Datura. The rollers are 10 inches in diameter so that as the water rose approximately to about two-thirds the height of the rollers above their bottom, and later two inches higher still, the high water mark could be considered at an elevation of 7.00 U. S. G. S. Datum. This is the most accurate reference we have to high waters in that vicinity. Yours very truly, SAN FRANCISCO-SACRAMENTO RAILROAD CO. W. T. RICHARDS, Construction Engineer. These data are set forth in the following table Jan. 25, 19H Dia. rollers=16" =1.33' g X 1.33 = 0.89 Feb. 25, 1917 2" higher than 1914 In 1914 6.83 2"= .17 El. W. S. :5.94-f-.89 = 6.83 U. S. G. S. El. W. S. (.00 U. S. G. S. By reference to the map of Suisun Bay, Plate 2-4, it will be noted that Van Sickle Island is a little below Collinsville, and the crossing referred to is about 2 miles below that point. Except as protected by levees, this, as well as all the other islands, is covered by the higher tides, and probably is one of the islands referred to in the previous quotations stating that live stock was not injured by the flood in 1862 in this region. While there was high water in the river during 1914, it was by no means of record proportions, and there was no flood of moment in 1917. The following is quoted from a letter of March 26, 1925, from ]\Ir. W. T. Richards: In reply to your letter of February 18th, lt)2r», regarding high water in Suisun Bay during February of this year. The highest water recorded at our drawbridge over Montezuma Creek during this high period, was on February 20th, when it rose to an elevation of .">.(• V. S. , then for any other value of Q this same law of variation holds good. Investigations of flow and slopes were made also for Carquinez Strait and Pinole Shoal. The results of the study for Carquinez Strait are given in Table 5-14. As the slopes through tiie Strait are very small, they are neglected in the final studies. The results of studies across Pinole Shoal are shown on Plate 5-16, by curves Xos. 12. 13 and 14. The derivation of these was the same as for the other curves on this plate, already explained. Attention is called to the rapid increase in the rate of change of slope in curve No. 9 at a rate of flow of 20.000 aere-feet per half hour. or approximately 500,000 c. f. s. This would indicate that the channel has been eroded to accommodate flows not greatly in excess of this THE SALT WATER BARRIER 139 ([uantity, and that the natural limit of capacity of the channel is rapidly approached beyond this point. Tlie results of the flood discharge studies through a barrier located at Point San Pablo and at Army Point are shown on Plates 5-17, 5-18 and 5-19, and in Tables 5-15, 5-16 and 5-17. It was necessary to assume that flow across the stretches over which slope was considered as uniform, although this is not strictly true, for verj'' seldom is the flow actually uniform. Inspection of the flood discharge curves shows that this is practically always affected by stor- age action, and that this action is seldom the same at the two ends of tlie bay. Storage, or release, will generally be acting at a different rate, and frequently at one end .storage will be taking place while at the other there is release from storage. Surge effect was also neg- lected. These two features could be taken into consideration, but limitations on time available did not permit it; and it is questionable whether this refinement, in view of the many uncertainties in the whole problem, is warranted. It is doubtful whether the final results would be apjireciably changed by consideration of them. The slopes between Collinsville and Army Point, and across Pinole Shoal, were assumed to be those necessary to carry the estimated average amount of water, determined by consideration of storage conditions, flowing at any time with water surface as shown by the plotted elevations. These slopes were determined from the curves on Plate 5-16. At the beginning of each .study, the assumption was made that all slopes and discharges were balanced ; that is, the head above the barrier was a.ssumed at the proper height to discharge the incoming fresh water flow, no change in storage conditions was taking place, and the slopes across the various control sections was correct to carry the uniform flow. While this might not have been found to be the actual condition if the study had been carried through the previous tide, the adjustment to the probable true condition would have been made before the peak of the higher high tide was reached. If the elevations were assumed too high, the discharge through the gates would have ( been greater, so that the accumulation of storage would have been at a slower rate. On the other hand, if elevations were assumed too low, 1 discharge through the gates would be less and the accumulation of ■ storage more rapid. Thus incorrect assumptions of elevations at the beginning of the study soon automatically correct themselves. It will ])e noted that in case of a 750,000 c. f. s. flood, with the bar- rier at Point San Pablo (Plate 5-17). the tide rises more rapidly than the bays are filled by the incoming fresh water from the rivers. Con- sequently, to prevent inflow from the downstream side, it would be necessary to close the gates for a period of about four hours during the rise of the lower high tide. With the barrier at Army Point, and , a flow of 750.000 c. f. s.. there would always be an outflow through the barrier. With 500.000 c. f. s., the outflow is almost, but not quite, checked. The condition of no flow through the barrier depends upon the rapidity with which a particular tide rises, the quantity of fresh water flow, and the capacity of the storage reservoir back of the bar- I'ier. Incidentally, referring to conditions during great floods, they do not differ materially from conditions as found with the barrier con.structed. 140 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The studies made indicate that the effect of a barrier at Army Point, would be to increase the rise in water surface immediately behind the barrier by 0.7 feet with a flow of 750,000 c. f. s. Owing: to the result- ing increase in depth in the channels, the slope to Collinsville is flattened a little, so that the increase in height of tide at the latter point above the height it would reach under natural conditions without the barrier would be a little less than the increase at Army Point. As shown on Plate 5-18, the study of a 750,000 c. f . s. flood through a barrier at Army Point, the top elevation of levees recommended by the Flood Control Office, State Department of Public Works, at Collinsville is 13.52 feet above mean sea level. The probable extreme height of water under the assumed maximum flood conditions has been computed by the flood control bodies of the State to be elevation 8.5. The maximum recorded elevation at Collinsville is 6.1 on January 21, 1909. The maximum computed elevation found in the three flood plane studies embraced in this report is 7.75, shown on Plate 5-18. The maximum tidal elevation recorded at Army Point is 5.8, 0.7 feet higher than the height used in the studies. It has been shown that the ;full amount of this addition should not be assumed at Collinsville. Assum- ing that with this tide of 5.8, the elevation would be increased 0.55 feet at Collinsville, the maximum height at that point would be 8.30, which is well within the limit of the height of water surface ior wiiich recommended heights of levees have been fixed. Mention has previously been made of the surging action above the barrier, analogous to tidal action, but differing from the latter in that there is no reversal of flow. The curves on Plate 5-11, and the graphs of simultaneous water surface elevations on Plate 5-6, illustrate the action of the moving stream of water against the adverse grade that is set up by the alternating tidal movements. In these flood studies there is no reversal of slope, and no allowance has been made for the absorption of the average energy of flow when the discharge has been checked by the rising tide below the barrier. The probable effect of the energy of flow would be to carry the water to the lower end of the storage basin nearer the barrier, where a greater head to produce discharge would be maintained, thus cutting down the amount of water required to be taken into storage. This reduction in storage would result in a lowering of the water surface at Collinsville, at the peak period. Consideration of storage aliove Collinsville would have the same effect. Summary. Due consideration of all tlie factors entering into the jn-oblem would show a tendency toward a general avei-aging of tlie elevation of tlie water surface at Collinsville during a tidal cycle. The study on Plate 5-19, which is for a flood of 500,000 c. f. s., through a barrier at Army Point, shows tlie maximum elevation reached at Collinsville to be 6.1, which is well below the safe line, so that dis- cussion of this assumption is unnecessary. It has been shown that in case of a 750,000 c. f. s. flood, the gates in a barrier located at Point San Pablo would have to be closed during THE SALT WATER BARRIER 141 certain periods to prevent an upstream flow. Because of this, the theory has been advanced that the construction of a barrier at Point San Pablo would reduce the elevation of the water surface, during floods, at Collinsville below the height it would reach under natural conditions. This contention is not borne out by the results of the study, nor is the argument believed to be logical, unless an excessively large gate area be provided. The study sliows that the height of water surface immediately above the barrier would be 0.35 feet above that of the water surface below the barrier. The elevation of water surface at Collinsville would not be as liigh as that shown on Plate 5-18, due, in part, to the fact that the height of tide used was not as great as that used at Army Point, and, partly, to the fact that the large storage basin appears to have a tendency to smooth out the water surface at Collinsville, or to partially eliminate the tidal action. The fact that the inflow of water from below the barrier is assumed to be prevented by the closing of the gates has less effect than might at first seem probable. To illustrate, assume the same flood and tide conditions shoAvn on Plate 5-17, but without a barrier. The lapse of time of the first flood tide is 7.8 hours. The elevation of mean tide is — 0.4 and the range of the tide 5.8 feet. From Table 5-11, the volume of this tide per foot would be 96,900 acre-feet, or a total volume of 561,000 acre-feet. During this same period, the inflow from the river would be 483,000 acre-feet. The back flow from the tide then would be 78,000 acre-feet. The period of the next rise is 6.3 hours, the range is 3.25 feet, and the volume per foot is assumed to be 120.000 acre-feet, giving a total volume of 390,000 acre-feet. The inflow during the same period is equal to this quantity. The total period between the two points considered is 18 hours, during which the total inflow was 1,114,000 acre-feet, so the back flow represents only 7 per cent of the total discharge through the straits. It is difficult to conceive how any structure could be designed for any of the sites, whose cost would not be prohibitive, that would not retard the discharge of flood waters by more than 7 per cent. The maximum elevation of water surface immediately above the ; barrier, according to the studies, would be 0.35 feet at Point San I Pablo and 0.7 feet at Army Point, higher tlian that below the barrier \ due to the fact that at the lower site the larger storage basin prevents ' the water from rising as rapidly. On the other hand, this same fact delays the acquiring of head for maximum discharge, but maintains I it for a longer period during the ebb tide. It is also this fact that ' tends to smooth out the tidal effect at Collinsville. The reason for the excessive height of tide at Army Point on Janu- ary 21, 1909 (5.8 + ft.), compared with that at Mare Island (5.25), i and at Presidio (4.5), is not known. It previously has been stated 1 that the tides may rise higher just below the barrier, if constructed, I than they do under present conditions. It is probable, however, that I during periods of excessive floods, the great outflow of fresh water ! would neutralize this, due to the fact that the momentum of the flood I tidal flow from the ocean does not exist in that locality under these I conditions. The construction of a barrier at Army Point would reduce the tidal volume passing through Golden Gate by less than 8 per cent. Under 142 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES normal conditions, the height of tides below the barrier would prob- ably be increased somewhat at high water and decreased at low water, with possibly a maximum increment or decrement of two feet; but during periods of excessive flood flow the change from present condi- tions would not be nearly as much. The increase in height of water at CoUinsville, with a flood of 750,000 c. f. s. would not exceed 0.7 feet above that under natural conditions witliout the liarrier. The effects from a barrier at Dillon Point would be practically the same as though it were located at Army Point. A barrier located at Point San Pablo would reduce the volume of tidal water passing through Golden Gate by about 35 per cent. The elevation of tides below the barrier probably would not be increased as much as at Army Point, although there is nothing certain on this point. The increase in water surface immediately above the barrier over that below w'ould be about 0.35 feet but the increase at CoUinsville would not be as much as this unless an unlooked for piling up of the tide below the barrier should develop. If a height of tide of 5.2, the maximum for the Presidio, had been used, it is probable that the maximum elevation attained at CoUinsville would have been a jfew tenths higher than shown in the study. • -' The designs, to be in conformity with the studies outlined in this chapter, must provide a flood gate area of approximately 75,000 square feet. At the Army Point site the additional sectional area iji the^ship locks should be considered effective. The lock area at the Point San ' Pablo site should not be considered available for discharging floods 1 1 because of the necessity of keeping the locks at that site open to navi- ' gation, even during extreme river floods. It is believed that in the i preliminary designs and estimates the area of the flood gates should I be made the same at all sites investigated. If the 0.7 feet raise in i water surface (possibly 0.55 feet at CoUinsville) caused by a barrier i at the Army Point site is considered reasonable, it might be assumed I that the gate area provided at the Point San Pablo site could be | reduced. Whether this should be done to effect economy would depend i upon the type of structure adopted, because, in some instances, closure i of the present waterway can be effected by the construction of gates I and piers as cheaply as by some other means. In arriving at a decision i in the matter it should be recalled that extreme tides in the Golden Gate are apparently more effective in the lower bays than in the upper i bays as evidenced by the records for January, 1914, and Nov('ml)er, 1918. It can not be said at this time that the effect of such extreme tides upon the discharge of floods tlirougli the gates would be detri- mental over a period of 24 hours, but it seems likely that such Avould be the case. It appears, therefore, that until additional studies are made it would be unwise to estimate a smaller gate area at the Point San Pablo site than at tlie Armj- Point site. In any event, a large gate area is considered good insurance, and if a smaller raise in water surface at CoUinsville will result through construction of tlie barrier at the San Pablo site witli a gate area equal to that at the Army Point site, this should be considered as an advantage of the lower site. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 143 CHAPTER VI NAVIGATION AND BRIDGE TRAFFIC GENERAL DISCUSSION 8an Francisco Bay is considered one of the finest iiarbors of tiie vorld, beinj? accessible thronjih Golden Gate to the larjrest ships afloat. By reference to the general map, Plate 2-1, it will be seen that the bay s.vsteni is made np of San Francisco Bay proper, San Pablo Bay and Suisun Bay. The total length of the system is approximately 80 miles \vhile the -width varies up to about 12 miles. Both the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin rivers, which discharge into Suisun Bay at its easterly end, are navigable streams of importance. The accessibility of the upper bays, as well as the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, is limited at present only bj' the depth of channels which are maintained. It is evident that any plan proposed for the control of salinity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta should, if practicable, be coordinated with the requirements of navigation. In the study of a Salt Water Barrier located at any point between the Golden Gate and Collinsville the volume of traffic, both present and future, and the size of vessels used in that traffic, become considera- tions of vital importance. It appears that it is only a matter of time until the city of Sacramento or Stockton, possibly both, will be made accessible to ocean going vessels. Future industrial development, to be expected along the .shores of any body of practically fresh water whicii nuiy be created through construction of the barrier, nui-kes it imperative that the ship locks be made sufficient in .size to accom- modate the largest commercial vessels which enter San Francisco Bay and with capacity to permit of considerable groAvth in traffic. AVith these two i)()ints in mind data have been a.ssembled in an effort to determine the requirements. Volume of Traffic. An idea of the commercial imi)ortance of San Francisco Harbor may be gained from a study of traffic figures shoAvn in Tables 6-1 to 6-11. The data .shown are extracted from the 1924 Annual Report of the Chief of p]ngineers, U. S. Army, and are for the calendar j^ear 1923. As the barrier site located at the lower end of San Pablo Bay, between Points San Pablo and San Pedro, is the most westerly site considered in this report, figures for traffic on the navigable waterways east of that point only are included. Type of Vessels. Vessels enter San Francisco Bay from all parts of the world, includ- ing the largest battleships with large beam and draft, airplane carriers of great length, sailing ves.sels Avith tall masts and ocean liners with high deck structure and funnels. Boats navigating the bay sj'^stem include those of almost all conceivable types. There are commei-cial 144 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES freight carriers, large and small. There are fast passenger steamers operating on regular schedule between San Francisco and upstream points. There are many river boats of light draft but large beam, usually propelled by means of a stern wheel. There are motor driven barges of various types, sea going tugs, harbor trugs, towed barges, pile-drivers, dredges, derrick-barges, yachts, fishermen's boats and miscellaneous other craft. All of the vessels could be handled in ship locks as at many places throughout the world. Some classes are more troul)lesome tlian others. For example, barges laden with crops from the Great Central Valley are towed downstream by one transportation company and returned with freight from San Francisco for distribution in the valley. They are towed in tandem in strings said at times to include as many as eight or ten barges. The barge ordinarily in use is about 46 feet wide and 235 feet long having capacity of around 800 tons. "Strings" of five and six barges are quite common. A string of five barges is shown in Photograph 6-1.* As the length of these tows ranges from 1200- feet to one-half mile, it is obviously not practicable to construct locks which would pass the "string" as a unit. Long rafts of logs would be difficult to handle at the locks but it is believed that thej' need not be , considered in the designs for the Salt Water Barrier. No rafts have been observed during the two j'ears occupied in the investigations although piles are occasionally towed in the water. ^; f Size and Number of Vessels. ' Considering the probable industrial growth in the Bay region as i^ result of the creation of a practically fresh water lake, and the development of commerce expected to follow^ the construction of a deep Avater channel either to Sacramento or Stockton, it is believed that provision should be made at all barrier sites under consideration ■ for passing the largest connuercial ^•essels. Even under present condi- tions of channel improvement boats having a length considerably in excess of 400 feet navigate Suisuu Bay, above all of the sites under investigation. Incomplete lists and dimensions of vessels greater than 400 feet in length, which pass Army Point and Point San Pablo dam sites, are given in Tables 6-12 and 6-13. The dimensions of vessels which pass Dillon Point site are not available except as may be assumed from the above tabulations. The number of vessels of various Icngllis calling aiiMually at wharves of some of the more important indusli-ial phmts in the Bay region above the Point San Pablo dam site under present conditions of development is given in Tables 6-14, 6-15 and 6-16 in ^\lli('ll data furnished by tlie companies named are ta})ulated. Continuous records of the number of vessels passing various points of interest, during the j^eriods given below, apj^ear in Tables and plates as follows : Ta1)lr 6-17: Pio Vista bridg.\ Julv 6 and 7, 1925. Table 6-lS: Collinsville, July 6 and 7, 1025. Table 6-19: Pittsburg, May 14 to 20, 1925. Ta])le 6-20: Avon, Mav 14 to 21, 1925. Table 6-21 : Oleum, May 19 to 26, 1925. • Not included In printed report. Films on file in office of U. S. Bureau of Reclama- tion, Denver, Colorado. THE SALT WATER BARKIER H") Piute l)-l : Kio Vista Ijridge, April, 19124, to October, 1925. Plate 6-2: San Pablo Strait ((liscontiiiuous), May 12 to June 23, 1920. Four of the largfest eoniinercial vessels Avhich at present enter San Franeisoo harbor are listed l)el()w : Length, Bcavi Draft, Name feet feet feet Owner vica 6G9 74 34 U. .S. Shipping Board ii^sota 622 74 32 Panama-I'acific Line •huria *">20 65 31 Panama-Pacific Line (lent Taft 517 72 31 Dnllar Steamship Co. At the jjresevit time there are two-stern-wheel boats bein«>- built at Stockton for use on the rivers Avhicli are reported to be 286 feet lon<>: and of 58-foot beam. As will appear later, locks are proposed at each of the barrier sites which are sufficient in size to pass a boat considerably larger than the 'America." As the very larjiv boat is the exception, rather than the rule, other and smaller locks are proposed for reasons which will he discuss(?d. Draft of Vessels. I Quantities of data relative to the draft of vessels serving San Fran- j-isco harbor have been assembled by the War Department by reason l)f its jurisdiction over navi<>a])le waters and by others who have been lUteres^^ed in developing transiiortation facilities. Data that are of Particular interest in the study of locks for the Salt Water Barrier jvere g-athered in connection with the investigation of the proposed deep vater channels to Sacramento and Stockton. The .subject has been thoroughly covered that no attempt has been made in the investiga- ions of the barrier to do more than summarize the data. Portions of arious reports will be quoted which bear directly upon the lockage •equirements at the barrier. ' "The question of draft is less easily settled, the draft of ships varying according: to weight of cargo and salinity of the watpr. and there being no obtainable compilation of the average or maximuni drafts of vessels operating on tiic Pacific Coast. To determine the relative proportion of ships now entering the port of San Francisco that could use either a 24 or a 30 foot channel the pilot records have been gone over and summarized in the following Table B (6-22). In this table actual draft at the time of entry into port has been considered, and the record is thought to be trustworthy as the pilots' remuneration varies with the draft of the ship when docked. To eliminate, as far as practicable, any eccentricity resulting from war conditions, the table has been prepared to comprise a six months' period before the war and the last six months for which complete records were available. The * * * investigation shows thnt 24-foot channel will be ample for 78 to 88 per cent of the vessels normally entering San Francisco during a year." - "Following are excerpts from a letter by Capt. John W. Wallace, port ngent, San Francisco Bar Pilots: We are pleased to advise you that the average draft covering vessels entering this harbor under our control for the period of six months ending September 24, 1924, is 20 feet 3 inches, the number of vessels involved being 854.' 'In computing this average we have taken the give-and-take system ; that is, on vessels drawing less than inches, we dropped the inches, and in those drawing over G inches, we called it another foot.' " Keport on San Joaquin River and Stockton Channel, California ; House Document 554, 68th Congress, Second Session, p. 35. 'House Document No. 554, p. 82. 10—70686 146 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Table 6-23 is a summary of the work sheet kept in the ofRce of Cap- tain Wallace. Inspection of the details indicates that the maximum draft by any vessel entering the harbor under San Francisco Bar Pilot's control was 30 feet. ' "Grain is now mostly shipped from the east side of San Francisco Bay and from Port Costa. In both cases a depth of 32 feet or more is available ; it is therefore to be expected that the ships now engaged in the carriage of grain would usually have, as they do. a draft approximating 2fi to 28 feet. The accompanying Table R shows the draft of the ships that actually went out of San Francisco Harbor with barley cargoes during the calendar year 1923.'' Table R, referred to above, .shows that in the calendar year 1923 there were 97 lar^e ships that left San Francisco Harbor carrying barley as a part of the cargo. The average draft of all of the vessels when leaving San Francisco was 26.5 feet. The minimum was 17 feet 7 inches v.hile the maximum was 34 feet. The "Tenyo Maru" was the largest vessel, having the following dimensions: Length 558.0 feet, width 61.9 feet, depth 35.5 feet, draft on leaving the port 30 feet 10 inches. There were 4 vessels 500 feet or over; 10 with length 485 feet or over; 29 Avith length 450 feet or over; and only 23 less than 400 feet in length. The minimum length was 337.7 feet. The "President Cleveland" 'had the greatest width and depth, 72.2 feet and 36.8 feet respectively. ' Its length is 517.0 feet. The draft when leaving port was 29.5 feet. -"This concern (Luckenbach Steamship Co.) is reputed to operate the 'larg- est and fastest' vessels in the intercoastal service. Tlie cargo capacities of the vessels range around 11,500 tons and the exact full-cargo drafts of 10 of them are as follows : 31 feet 8^ inches, 31 feet 8:^ inches, 31 feet i inch, 30 feet 6 7/16 inches, 30 feet 6 3/16 inches, 30 feet 6 7/16 inches, 31 feet 1 inch, 30 feet 4i inches, 29 feet 43 inches, and 29 feet. Their lengths between perpendiculars vary from 44.5 feet to 496 feet, and when they arrive at San Francisco from the northwest their drafts range around 25 and 26 feet." In the design of the ship locks the fact that a vessel has a greater draft in fresh water than in salt water must not be overlooked. It has been estimated'' that in passing from salt water to fresh water a vessel of the size suitable for navigation of the upper bays and deep water river channels, if built, will increase its draft at the maximum about 8 to 10 inches. In Tables 6-2 to 6-11 data are presented which indicate the number of vessels of various drafts in use on the bays and lower rivers, many of which, under present conditions, would have to pass through the ship locks at a Salt Water Barrier. Vertical Clearance. The following quotation is taken from Military Engineer for July- August, 1920, to indicate the seriousness of the problem encountered in an attempt to build structures across important navigable water- ways sufficient in height to clear all vessels. Height of Vessels and Clearance of Bridges. An investigation has recently been conducted by the Port Facilities Com- mission, United States Shipping Board, to ascertain the maximum height ' House Document No. 554, p. 57. - House Document No. 554, p. 79. "House Document No. 554, p. 22. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 14: of songoiug ve.ssels above light iind load water line, the results of which are of interest in connection with the vertical clearance of bridges, and cable lines across navigable waters. Data were received as to 53 vessels ranging in gross tonnage from 4170 to 54,281 and in height above water line from 96.8 to 217 feet. Fifteen of the 53 vessels have n niaxinitini height above light-water line greater than 150 feet, as follows: FIFTEEN VESSELS OF MAXIMUM HEIGHT (In Feet) Navic Built Aquitaiiia 1914 Leviathan 1914 Stavanpertjorcl 1917 Carmania 190;") Caronia 1905 Mauretania 1907 Neslor 1913 Henderson 1917 Rotterdam 1908 Geo. Washington 1908 Von Steuben 1901 Noordam 1902 Ryndam 1901 Aeneas 1910 Ascaiiius 1910 Average 1909 Gross Heitjht tonnage Light Loaded 45,647 217.0 205.0 54,281 192.8 186.5 13.600 191.0 183.0 19,524 181.0 173.0 19,687 181.0 173.0 30,704 173.0 170.0 14,501 168.5 153.0 7,493 164.4 157.0 24,149 162.3 149.0 25,569 159.7 154.0 14,908 154.8 151.0 12.531 153.5 135.8 12,527 152.5 135.8 10,049 151.0 136.0 10,048 151.0 136.0 21,014 170.0 159.9 The following table contains data on the more important bridges under which ocean-going vessels pass : CLEARANCES OF IMPORTANT BRIDGES Name of bridge Poughkeepsie Firth of Forth Quebec Vancouver Glison street, Port land, Oregon Tower Bridg, London Brooklyn Manhattan Williamsburg Hell Gate Qinpiislidro Maximum horizontal Type Waterway spa»i in feet Cantilever Hudson River 547 Cantilever Firth of Forth 1,700 Cantilever .Su Lawrence River. 1,800 Vertical lift Columbia River 250 .Vertical lift Willamette River_. 205 Double bascule with overhead footway-. Thames River 280 Cable suspension East River 1,546 Cable su.spension h,i!St River 1,470 Cable suspension-- East River 1,536 Fixed arch East River 1,017 Cantilevpr TT-ict -Rivor f East span- 947 cantue%er— East River_- j ^y^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^3 Vertical clear- ance in feet 160 157 150 150 144 141 135 135 139 135 135.6 133.6 Of the 53 vessels reported on, 32 have a height above light-water line greater than 135 feet and are therefore unable to pass under the East River bridges. Of 19 vessels whose gross tonnage ranges from 12,527 to 54,281, 12 exceed 150 feet and IG exceed 135 feet in height. Of 18 vessels whose gross tonnage ranges from 10,048 to 11,850, 2 exceed 150 I feet and 9 exceed 135 feet in height. ! Of 10 vessels whose gross tonnage ranges from 4170 to 9996, 1 exceeds 150 j feet and 7 exceed 135 feet in height. Of the 53 vessels, only one, the Powhatan, gross tonnage 10,531, is less than 100 feet in height. Its height above light-water line is 96.8 feet. The vessels built during the war for the Emergency Fleet Corporation, ranging in gross tonnage from 2020 to 7898, all have heights less than 100 feet. This is due, however, to the fact that the height of these vessels was, prior to the ; signing of the armistice, kept as low as possible. Restrictions upon the allow- I able height of vessels of the Emergency Fleet Corporation have now been removed. j In view of the constant tendency to give deep water access from the sea to important cities at moderate and even considerable distances from the ocean, the I restricted heights of bridges are a serious problem. 148 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES There seems to be no relation between the size of boat and the height of masts or permanent deck structures. Small schooners have tall masts. The Matsonio and Maru, owned by the Matson Navigation Company of San Francisco, ships 501 feet in length, with beams of 58 feet, are reported as having masts 123^ feet above light load line. This company, however, has plans for building a steamer requiring a vertical clearance of 180 feet. The highway bridge recently completed over San Joaquin River near the town of Antioch, was built under a permit issued on December 20, 1923, by the War Department which specified a vertical clearance above high Avater of 70 feet under fixed spans and 135 feet under the lift span when raised. The original permit for the construction of the high level highway bridge erected across Carquinez Strait, near Crockett, provided for a vertical clearance of 135 feet above mean high water. The plan was revised to include a roadway built on a grade and on January 17, 1924, permit was issued providing for a vertical clearance above mean high water of 135 feet at the south pier and 158 feet at the north pier. No definite information has been obtained relative to the clearance required by the ordinary smaller vessels in the vicinity of San Francisco Bay, but data obtained in the operation of the Lake Washington locks at Seattle, Washington, show that gas schooners of only 26 tons have 39-foot masts; 60-ton tugs have 40-foot masts; 100-ton tugs have 38-foot masts; 200-ton tugs have 40-foot masts and 400-ton boats have 55-foot masts. The height of deck houses of these tugs above water line vary from 20 feet for tugs up to about 150 tons to 30 feet, and over, for the larger tugs. If it may be assumed that the smaller boats in use on the San Francisco Bay system are similar to those on Puget Sound, which appears reasonable, the determination of the clearance necessary to pass the bulk of the smaller vessels without lifting the bridge is difficult. Harbor regulations require all craft navigating ocean or inland waters to shoAv range lights, but as far as has been learned no definite mini- mum height of the uppermost light has been established for San Fran- cisco harbor. Establishment of uniform bridge clearance is now under consideration by the War Department, but no conclusions have been reached to date. One of tlie controlling considerations in the construction of the new Central Railroad of New Jersey bridge over Newark Bay, was to provide sufficient vertical clearance to permit all low vessels to pass without raising the lift span. The clearance above mean high water is 35 feet with the lift span in lowest position and 135 feet when raised. Data obtained relative to the operation of the Lake Washington canal are of value in indicating the vertical clearance required to pass ordinary small boats. The lowest city bridge across the canal has a vertical clearance of 30 feet. Tliis bridge carries more street traffic than any of the others and is required to be opened oftener. The District Engineer states that a vertical clearance of 45 feet would have been much better, as it would have allowed practically all of the small craft, which use the small ship lock, to pass under the closed bridge thus avoiding interference with vehicular traffic. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 149 As the smaller lock of those proposed at the Salt "Water Barrier is lougrer than the small Lake Washington lock (40' x 200' in comparison with 30' X 150'), it is probable that the vertical clearance required will be greater than found advantageous at Seattle. In the design of the barrier to which principal consideration is given in this report, provision is made for a minimum clearance of 56 feet above mean sea level, or 50 feet above the highest observed tide. It is assumed that any vessel requiring a vertical clearance of more than 50 feet would be too large, otherwise, to use the small lock and the bridge span over that lock is made a fixed span although it could be made movable at very little added expense. If deck houses of the smaller craft will clear a bridge it is not a difficult matter to arrange the masts and stacks to be lowered to avoid opening or lifting the movable part of the bridge. Movable bridge spans are provided over the larger locks proposed for the barrier. Two types have been considered — the bascule and the vertical lift. In case of an open bascule bridge the .sky is the limit of vertical clearance. In case of the vertical lift the clearance has been made 141 feet above mean sea level or 135 feet above the highest observed tide. A minimum clearance of about 70 feet would be advantageous in that practically all, if not all, regular river boats could pass under the closed spans, thus avoiding interference with trains or vehicular traffic, and although the increased cost of the barrier to provide the additional 20-foot clearance has not been considered warranted by those responsible in the investigation just completed, it is possible that further consideration would alter this point of view. Since most of the river boats are too large to be accommodated by the small lock there would be no object in providing a greater minimum vertical clearance other than to minimize interference with vehicular or rail- road traffic. Delays to overhead traffic are discussed later. Navigation Projects. The depths of water below mean lower low water in the San Fran- cisco Bay system are shown on Plates 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4, respectively. Entrance to Harbor. The following quotations are from House Document No. 124, 67th Congre.s.s, 1st Session, which contains reports upon the "Entrance to San Francisco Harbor, California," transmitted by the Secretary of War on November 17, 1921 : ' The entrance to San Francisco Harbor is through the Golden Gate, where there is ample depth and width. Five to six miles outside there is a semicircular bar through or around which are three channels, two of which — the main ship channel directly opposite the entrance and Bonita or North Channel along the shore — are now used. The controlling depth and width of the former are 36 feet and IGOO feet, respectively, and the latter 54 feet and 730 feet. In Bonita Channel there are some rock obstructions and for some distance it runs approximately parallel with the rock-bound coast, rendering navigation somewhat hazardous. The main ship channel is the usually travelled route, but the depth is not sufficient in times of heavy swells to prevent large vessels from striking the bottom. The mean tidal 'House Document No. 124, p. 2. 150 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES range on the bar is 3.8 feet. The improvement desired is a channel which will permit deep-draft vessels to enter the harbor .safely in all kinds of weather. A study of the draft of vessels iising Sa*i Francisco Harbor shows that to comply with this requirement the depth should be 40 feet at mean lower low water. * * * After due consideration, * * * j (;Major General Lansing H. Beach) concur in the views of the District Engineer and the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, and therefore report that the improvement of the entrance to San Francisco Harbor by the United States is deemed advisable to the extent of dredging a channel through the outer bar on line of the main ship channel, 40 feet deep at mean lower low water and 2000 feet wide, at an estimated cost of $530,000 for original work and $100,000 annually for maintenance. * * * 1 * * * During the calendar year 1920, 17G foreign and 371 American vessels cntei-ed the port. The largest of these had a draft of 32 feet. The largest vessels of the Navy are reported to draw 33 feet. Experience has shown that in rough weather there should be at least 7 feet between the keel and the bottom to insure safety. This indicates a depth of about 40 feet. 2 * * * The maximum draft of commercial craft likely to use this harbor at present is 32 feet, and of naval vessels 33 feet. It has been noted that there are large transatlantic vessels of much greater draft than this, but it is not expected that those vessels will trade in San Francisco in the near future. * * * ! 8 * * * i„ the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1920, p.' 274. it is noted that a ship with a reported draft of 42 feet, 10 inches navigated Ambrose Channel, New York Harbor, in 1919. San Pablo Bay. The authorized project for San Pablo Bay and Mare Island Strait provides for dredging a channel 44,000 feet long, 500 feet wide, and 35 feet deep at mean lower low water, thence throngli j\Iare Island Strait, a channel 16.000 feet long, 500 feet wide and 35 feet deep, with a turning basin 1000 feet wide in front of the quav wall at the Navv Yard. Suisun Bay. The authorized project for Sunsun Bay from ]\Iartinez to Antioch provides for a channel 300 feet wide, 24 feet deep across the lower shoal near Bullshead Point, thence 18 feet deep across Point Edith and Middle Ground Shoals, thence 18 feet deep through New York Slough. In addition, an existing project for Suisun Channel (commonly known as Suisun Cr(;ek) i)rovides for dredging a clumnel 125 feet wide and 6 feet deep up to the head of navigation at the town of Suisun, with a harbor of the same depth, 1400 feet long and 150 feet wide. All depths are referred to mean lower low water. Sacramento River. ^ The State of California has, by statutory enaetment, declared that navigable waters and all .streams of sufficient eapacit}' to the I)roduce of the countr}' are public ways, for the purpose of navigation and of such transportation. Among the streams denominated as nav- igable is the Sacramento River, between its mouth and the mouth of ' House Document No. 124, p. 3. ■-■ Document No. 124, p. 20. ^ House Document No. 124, p. 18. * Rcijort on the Economic Asjiects of a .Saciiiiiuiiiii J )i't'p WatiT Ship Canal by C. E. anti lA'onarO M. Cox, p. 96. THE SALT WATER BARRIER l")] Middle Creek. This river is thus declared to be a public way to a point in Shasta County. Tlie Sacramento River has been under improvement from its mouth, at Collinsvillo. to the city of Red Bluif, a distance of approximately 250 miles. The existing project provides a low water depth of 7 feet from the mouth of the river to Sacramento. 60.7 miles; 4 feet from Sacramento to Colusa. 86.2 miles; 3 feet deep from Colusa to Chico Landing, 51.3 miles, and such depths as practicable from Chico Land- ing to Red Bluff, 52.4 miles. Below Sacramento the results are obtained by means of wing dams at the shoals, supplemented by dredg- ing when necessary. Above Sacramento the results are obtained by the removal of snags and concentration of the channel by temporary works. Under present conditions it is probable that Sidds Landing, east of Willows and al)out 120 miles upstream by river from Sacramento, is the practicable head of navigation. Diversions for irrigation purposes affect the navigability of the upper river at low stage and it is the belief of some that ultimately Colusa must necessarily be regarded as the head of navigation during the Ioav water season. In the study of the Salt Water Barrier the requirements of naviga- tion on the Sacramento River below Sacramento are important con- siderations. The project depth of 7 feet has, in recent years, been maintained without great difficulty. A project which proposes to provide a depth of 10 feet at mean lower low water up to Sacramento has been approved by the War Department and is now before congress. Any lock proposed for handling river boats should therefore provide a depth over the gate sills of at least 12 feet at mean Ioav Avater. Navigation beloAv Sacramento is not dependent ujion river discharge to the same extent as above. On July 7, 1925. the range of the spring tide under approximately normal conditions of summer river flow, was 2.12 feet. The following figures are taken from the curves shown on Plate 5-6 : f it COMPARATIVE TIDAL FLUCTUATIONS AT COLLINSVILLE AND SACRAMENTO ON JULY 7, 1925 Elevation of water surface U. S. G. S. datum Tide Collinsville Sacramento Higher high — -|-3.80 -i-4.8.3 ,1 Lower low —2.28 +2.71 Range 6.08 feet 2.12 feet The curves referred to show that the maximum instantaneous drop in water surface from Sacramento to Collinsville was 6.28 feet in 60.7 I miles while the greatest slope in tlie direction was 0.74 feet. ' The corresponding slopes are 0.1034 and 0.0122 feet per mile, both A-ory ' flat. In 1924 the floAV past Sacramento dropped to 705 cubic feet per second, alloAving for the draft and American River floAv betAveen the ■ measuring section and Sacramento. ^ In spite of this the largest riA'er steamers maintained their regular schedules betAveen San Francisco -©" * Proceedings of the Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Conference, p. 107. 152 DIVISION OF WATER RF.SOITRCES mid Sacramento and it appears that requirements at the locks for the Salt "Water Barrier are independent of any action tliat micfht be taken relative to the division of water between navig-ation and irrigation interests. The Army Enjjineers have investig:ated various schemes whereby irripationists might be allowed to take a maximum amount of water from the Sacramento River without impairing the navigability of the river during the low water period. One plan investigated con- templates canalization of the river by a system of four dams which would provide slack water navigation during the low Avater period to the vicinity of Butte City. Each dam would be provided with a ship lock 76 feet wide by 450 feet long. - The dams proposed would be located as follows : No. 1. Near Freeport, about 13 miles beloAV Sacramento. No. 2. Near Collins Edd3^ about 13 miles above Knights Landing. No. 3. At Kent, about 6 miles below Colusa. No. 4. At Comptons, about 12J miles al)ove Colusa. It is said that the scheme, supplemented with some dredging just below each dam, would provide a minimum depth at low water of |9 fer to Sacramento and 6 feet from there to Butte City. It appeared i-. those who made the study that the project might be operated witl not more than 500 second-feet of water and perhaps much less. The argument is advanced that the amount of water retpiired fen* opeVation of the system Avould be well under the amount which must of necessity be allowed to pass on down the river for the use of irrigationists in the delta region. This is no doubt true, but the system of (Unus i would not solve the salt water problem in the delta, as none of the flams ])ro])osed are downstream far enough to be of any use in stopping the encroachment of salt water. No claims have been made in this direction. Upon the other hand, if, in the future, slack water ot the depths indicated were provided, the. effect of increased commerce on the river would probably be to increase the number of lockage- at the Salt Water Barrier and this should not be lost sight of in considering the number of locks required. San Joaquin River. The existi)ig ])roject for the mamtenaiUH'. of navigation on the San Joaquin River provides for a channel 9 feet deep and 200 feet widi' from the mouth of the river to the mouth of Stockton Chainiel and in Stockton (/'hannel to its head at Stockton, a total distance of -t") iiules; and for snagging, removing overhanging trees jind construct- ing brush wing dams to facilitate light draft navigation from the mouth (^f Stockton Channel to Hills Ferry, a distance ol" 86 miles. A large amount of coniniei'ce is handled on th(> lower San Joaiiuin and on the many navigable channels of the delta. Navigation is not dependent upon the discharge of the river. During the low water season the entire river is diverted for use in irrigation and the flow through the delta is return flow only. The slope of the river through the delta is even flatter than that of the Sacramento River. Under present conditions tidal fluctuations extend well above the Southei-n Pacific bridge near Latlu'op but are not noticeabh> a1 I he WM-nalli-- =* Proceedings of the First Sacramento River Problems Conference, p. 139. i THE SALT WATER BARRIER 153 ^raginj? station. The figures api)earinp: in the following table are Taken from the curves on Plate 5-6. They may be of interest in com- l»arison with figures given i)reviously for the Sacramento River. COMPARATIVE TIDAL FLUCTUATIONS AT COLLINSVILLE AND STOCKTON, JULY 7, 1925 Elevation of water surface U. S. G. S. Datum Lathrop Bridge (Southern Tide Collinsville Stockton Pacific R. R. ) Higher high +3.80 +4.31 +5.54 Lower low — 2.28 0.00 +4.12 Range 6.08 feet 4.31 feet 1.42 feet The curves on Plate 5-6 show that the maximum instantaneous drop in water surface from Stockton to Collinsville was 4.26 feet in a distance of about 42 miles while the greatest drop in the opposite direc- tion was 2.13 feet. The corresponding slopes are 0.1014 and 0.0507 feet per mile respectively. Future Requirements. Under present conditions approximately 200 vessels visit Mare Island Navy Yard annually. In addition, a Yard tug makes two trips a week to San Francisco. At a time of emergency it is estimated that possibly as many as 800 to 1000 vessels would go to the Navy Yard in the of a year. If a Salt Water Barrier were constructed at the lower end of San Pablo Baj', all boats going to the yard w'ould be passed through the ship locks, while, if located above Mare Island Strait, the barrier would not af¥ect navigation between the ocean and Mare Island Navy Yard, other than to reduce the velocity of tidal currents through a small reduction in the effective tidal prisms pass- ing in and out through Golden Gate. The largest dry dock now constructed at Mare Island Navy Yard is approxiniately 740 feet long from the inside of a caisson gate to the head of the dock, with an entrance width of 102 feet. These dimensions diminish toward the bottom so that the maximum theoretical shij) which could be docked would have a length of 719 feet, a beam of u])out 90 feet and draft of 29 feet. At present the largest battle crui.sers have a length of approximately 875 feet, beam of 102 feet and maximum draft of 33 feet. The Wash- ington limitation of Ai-manient Conference limits battleships to about 3r),0()0 tons displacement which provides for a sliip about 650 feet long, inO-foot beam and maximum draft of approximately 35 feet. The plan for the projiosed development of a Naval Base at Alameda con- templates a dry dock which would accommodate a vessel of this size which might, when disabled, draw 40 feet of water. If the barrier should be constructed at the Point San Pablo site at least one lock similar to those of the Panama Canal should be provided. They practically fix the limits of vessel dimensions for some time to come. The Panama lock chambers are approximately 1000 feet long, 110 feet Avidc and provide a depth of about 40 feet of water on the gate sill. ]54 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The al)ility to lay np vessels in a fresh water basin has its advan- tages in the retardation of marine growth and in arresting the corrosion of the steel hulls. It is not probable, however, tliat a considerable amount of money should be put into large locks having these benefits solely in view, as the majority of naval vessels of greatest value to the fleet are necessarily in active commission and would not be lying around in basins merely for the pnrpose of destroying marine growth and arresting deterioration of the hull. They have their periodic dock- ing at least twice a year to remove the growth which retards their speed and to permit the hull otherwise to receive proper care. It therefore appears that locks to pass large war vessels may be dropped from consideration at sites located east of Mare Island Strait. The population of the bay region is increasing at a rate which merits careful consideration of future traffic. Moreover, the presence of a fresh water basin may hasten the influx of industries that depend upon its use and if the water surface were maintained above present low tide level, shipping would be promoted by the greater depths. Consideration must also be given to proposals which have been made to build deep waterways making both Sacramento and Stockton acces- sible to large ocean going vessels. Construction of either project wpuid influence the growth of traffic through the ship locks at the barrier. San Joaquin River and Stockton Channel. - ^ In April, 1925, the city of Stockton voted a bond issue for the construction of deep waterway' to Stockton with federal and state aid. The project was studied by the AVar Department, the results of the investigation being reported to congress by the Secretary of War in House Document No. 554, 68th Congress, 2d. session, from whicli the following extracts are taken : ' The floor of the San Joaquin-Sacranu'iito Valley is formed by some 17 countip.s having a total area of over 38,000 square miles. Tributary to the valley because of natural conditions, are 12 foothill and mountain counties covering about 30,000 square miles. Nearly half of the land in farms, witliin the State of California, is in these counties. Also tributary, in a more limited sense, are 12 counties of Nevada having an aggregate area of about 01,000 square miles and Klainatli County (in Oregon) with an area of ai)i>roximately OOOO scjuare miles. "The principal navigable waterways serving parts of the area which bear on this study are the San Joacpiin and Sacramento rivers. Tlie San Joaquin River below the mouth of Stockton Channel serves a highly pro- (hictive agricultural area and at preseiit is tributary to Stockton and San Francisco commerce. 'The board (of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors) has made a careful study of the case, has held several hearings, and has made an inspection on tlie ground tlirough a committee of its nuMubcrs. It (the board) discusses in detail the economic aspects of the i)roposed improvement, basing its dis- cussion primarily on a brief submitted i)y local interests. In this brief it is estimated, with certain assumptions as to present and future rail and water rates, and based on available figures of present commerce, that under existing conditions the potential traffic of a deepwater port at Stockton is 770,000 tons a year, with a corresponding annual saving of $094,000. For the year 1930 it is estimated that these figures would be increased to 1,000,000 tons and $900,000 annually. The board is of the opinion that the data in the brief have been carefully and conservatively gathered, and that the assumptions regarding rates are justifiable. Some reduction of the estimates » House Document No. 554, p. 85. 'House Document No. 554, p. 86. 'House Document No. 554, p. 3. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 155 of tonnage and savings appears desirable, however, in view of the uncertainty of the movement of certain commodities, including a portion of the barley and much of the canned goods and vegetables which are included in the potential comnu'rce. It concludes that, even with this correction, the probable saving would still be sutlicient to justify federal participation in a deep-water proj- ect on suitable terras of cooperation. The Chief of Engineers, on page 5 of the Document, reported : "That the further improvement of San Joaquin River and Stockton Channel is deemed advisable to the extent of providing for a channel from deep water in Suisun Bay to the city of Stockton, 26 feet deep at mean lower low water and 100 feet wide on the bottom, following the river route, in general as laid out by the district engineer, with levees set back 230 feet from the center of the channel, and having suitable passing places and a turning basin at Stockton ; and for dredging in Mormon Slough from its mouth to Center street, to a depth of 9 feet at mean lower low water and a width of 100 feet ; at a total estimated first cost of $3,715,000 for excavation, levee work and dredging l)lant, and $195,000 for maintenance the first year, and $125,000 annually thereafter; subject to the provisions that local interests shall * • * submit plans for an ultimate terminal development capable of handling at least 1,000,000 tons per year. * * * On page 57 of the Document the District Engineer states that 87 per cent of the vessels entering the port of San Francisco during the period April-September, 1924, could have gone to Stockton with a 26-foot project upon the assumption that it would accommodate a ves- sel drawing 24 feet or less. Some difference of opinion exists among ship operators as to the dimensions of future vessels. The following is found on pages 36 and 37 of House Document 554: The charts (not printed) collated with similar more general studies' indicate that by 1051 a channel 37 feet deep, with bottom width 274 feet and low water surface width of about 550 feet will be required for navigation l)y the largest Pacific coast ships. * * * The possibility of their (these larger ships) going to Stockton can not now be foreseen. * * * Moreover, it is the con.seiisus of opinion among operators that the 12.000 to 15.000 ton ships drawing not more than 32 feet are an economic maximum, which will persist as such until there is some radical change in trade conditions, in the costs of operation, or in the kind of motive power : such a change can not now be fore- seen and can not. therefore, be provided for with any reasonable assurance of the provision being adequate when the changed conditions do occur. A 30-foot • hannel may then be considered as the limit for which provision at the present time is economical and practicable. A 30-foot channel was the deepest for which estimates of cost were prepared for inclusion in the District Engineer's report. It cannot be concluded from this that locks providing a 30-foot depth over the gate sills would meet the requirements of navigation in the future. As noted in Chapter IV the preliminary designs for the Salt Water Bar- rier ])rovide a mean depth of 40 feet over the sills in the lock which would most likely be used by the larger ships. The ship predicted for 1951, with a 37-foot draft, could pass over the gate sills at anj^ stage of ordinary tides. It could not pass at extremely low tide. Sacramento Deep Water Ship Canal. Construction of a deep water canal from some point on the lower Sacramento or San Joaquin River to the city of Sacramento for the accommodation of ocean going vessels has been under consideration for 'Papers of the Twelfth International Congress of Navigation, Philadelphia, 1912 156 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES some time. The physical aspects of the project were investigated by the State Department of Public Works in cooperation with the Sacra- mento Chamber of Commerce. The investigation was made under the direction of the late IMajor Paul M. Norboe. The results of the investi- gation were reported under date of October 7, 1922. The economic aspects of the project, including a terminal port at Sacramento, were investigated by the C. E. Grunsky Company, Engineers, who reported under date of February 28, 1925. The Grunsky Eeport includes the Norboe Report as an appendix. Both are draAvn upon freely in the following discussion of the project: Of several plans studied ' "Alternative IV, known as the Norboe plan, with such changes in alignment as may be indicated during the preparation of detail studies, appears to be the most logical and feasible plan for a ship canal to Sacramento. ' The canal and port should ultimately provide facilities for the largest vessels which are likely to make use of such a canal. Construction may be progressive beginning with a canal and harbor 26 feet in depth, but looking to a canal with ultimate depth of 30 feet. • The project contemplates the continued maintenance of at least a 35-foot depth (M. L. L. W.) through San Pablo Bay; maintenance of the same depth through Suisun Bay and the San Joaquin or Sacramento rivers to the loca- tion of the southern end of a proposed canal." * * * * In the report principal consideration is given to a canal 30 feet deep below mean low water, having a bottom width xH 160 feet. Estimates were also prepared in less detail for a canal 26 feet deep with a bottom width of 100 feet. A summary of the estimated cost of the 30-foot project is as follows: Ship canal $13,180,15C Harbor at Sacramento 6,221,G8c Belt Line Railroad 81G.50C River connection and lock 316,25( Total $20,534,58t "The hinterland, or region which will contribute to the business of a Sae ramento deep water port, if there be no competition of a second interior deef water port, is the Great Central Valley of California and adjacent mountair slopes. The dependable tributary district is the Sacramento Valley and adja cent counties, a region with a present population of about 300,000, and ai assessed valuation of real estate and improvements of about $325,000,000. " While it is possible, or oven probable, that with a port at Sacrament' first in the field the already important shipping center of Stockton wouli become a lighterage tributary and load its shipments on ocean carriers ai Sacramento wharves, a conclusion based upon such a contingency wouh not be justified. Your Commission should face facts at the very outse of your investigation and it is a fact that Stockton, already taking stei' in that direction, can at any time with the improvement of an existing water way somewhat sliorler than the wlioUy artificial Sacramento ship canal become a competing port to which favorable differentials in freight rato would draw shipments south of the Mokelumne River. In the economic study made by Mr. Grunsky, only the Sacrament( Valley and adjacent counties north of the Mokelumne River wer< ' Keport on the Economic Aspects of a Sacramento Deep Water Ship Canal b: C. E. Grunsky and Leonard M. Cox, p. 111. » Grunsky Report, p. 8. » Grunsky Report, p. 39. ♦Grunsky Report p. 55. " Grunsky Report, p. 5. • Grunsky Report, p. 6. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 157 assumed to be tributary to the port at Sacramento. The total area of the 20 counties within this district is said to be 26,215,680 acres of which 8,148.827 acres are in farms valued at $577,428,862 according to the 1920 census. * From computations made by the State Board of Public Works, Division of Engineering, the total cultivatable acreage comprised within the district appears at 5,295,600 acres. 'Of the freight which originatos in the dopondable tributary area about 450,000 tons per annum is of a character which could be handled through a Sacramento port. Of incoming freight the amount which could better reach this area through a Sacramento port than through any other water terminal is about 125,000 tons. The above estimate of tonnage is based upon present conditions. Of the exports, probably grain would be the largest item, estimated at 230,000 tons annually. 'Assuming cargoes of from 5 to 10,000 tons, this total would annually bring to the port some 25 to 40 ships — peaked during the season of grain movement. Any improvement, such as the proposed Sacramento Canal, will obviously Contribute to general prosperity and growth of population, and increased activity. Industries will be attracted to Sacramento on account of the deep waterway. The forecast of future outbound water-borne freight originating in > the Great Central Valley is given on page 52 of the Grunsky Report ; as follows, in tons: Origin 19S0 191,0 1950 ■ Canal Hinterland (north of Mokelumne River). 650,000 850,000 1,050,000 1 San Joaquin Valley (South of Mokelumne River) 850,000 1,050,000 1,450,000 Totals 1,500,000 1,900,000 2,500,000 j The figures for the "Canal Hinterland" are based upon business which would belong solely to the Sacramento Deep Water Canal, ^ regardless of whether there be established an additional port in the •; Central Valley of California. The totals represent the tonnage to ' be expected upon the assumption that no other new port be established ! which would draw water-borne freight from the Great Central Valley. It is probable that a deep waterway either to Stockton or Sacra- mento would serve the Great Central Valley. As previously stated, I the War Department has approved construction of the Stockton Chan- ; nel and the matter is now before Congress. The Sacramento Canal has not been made the subject of investigation by the War Department. Whether one or both deep waterways are built the tonnage to be handled through the locks at the proposed Salt Water Barrier would be about the same, estimated as above at from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 tons in 1930 and increasing perhaps to 2.500,000 tons in 1950. Assum- ing that cargoes carried on the deep waterways average 5000 tons, an annual report of 2,500,000 tons would not tax the capacity of the ship locks proposed as they would be required to handle, on an average, only on e or two large boats a day each way from that source. The 'Grunsky Report, p. 7. "Grunsky Report, p. 5. •Grunsky Report, p. 17. 158 DIVISION OF WATER Ri:.SOURCES navigation channels in either case would probably be built first to a depth of 26 feet below mean lower low water with the idea of increasing the depth as required. The depth over the sills at the ship locks need be no greater than in the channels above the barrier. Dimensions of constructed canals are of interest in the study of ship locks as they indicate the present requirements of large vessels. Some of the more important canals are as follows : Name ^ Bottom width Depth of Water Suez 108 feet 36 feet Manchester 104 feet 28 feet Amsterdam (North Sea) 164 feet" 32 feet North Sea-Baltic (Kiel) 144 feet 35 feet - The dredged channel below the ship locks in the Lake Washington Canal, at Seattle, has a bottom width of 150 feet and a depth of 30 feet at low water; from the locks to Lake Union a channel 100 feet wide on the bottom and 36 feet deep has been dredged; and between Lake Union and Lake Washington, the channel is 75 feet wide and 26 feet deep. These dimensions will be increased to meet the needs of commerce. SALT WATER BARRIER LOCKS General Features. The number and size of the ship locks at the various sites foi* the proposed barrier are subject to the following considerations: (a) Requirements of present and future water traffic. (b) Loss of fresh water. (c) Incursion of salt water. It has been assumed that no serious interference with water traffic will be tolerated ; consequently the time consumed in locking should be reduced to a minimum and the number of locks should be sufficient to preclude the liability of waiting for other vessels beyond a reasonable limit. A bridge with a lift span at the locks would not be an obstruction to navigation if water traffic were given precedence. Each lock proba- bly would be unwatered for renovation during a period of a week or two annually. Delays at such times might be permissible but there should be facilities for passing all classes of traffic when one lock is inopera- tive. Ship locks of the following dimensions were selected for study in various combinations : Depth on {Kite Inside Length between sills helnv width service gates m.e(in sea hrcl 40 feet 200 feet 26 feet eOfeet 500 feet 33 feet 80 feet 825 feet 40 feet 110 feet 1000 feet 44 feet As shown on Iho drawings, intermediate lock gates are utilized which results in a greater variety of lock siz<\s than indicated above. Loss of Fresh Water. The loss of fresh water can be minimized with locks economically suited to the size of vessels. Intermediate loek gates allow adjustment 1 Grunsky Report, p. 122. •Military Engineer, July-August, 1920, p. 322. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 159 in length; and in the final desijins it may be practicable to provide economy in depth by dividing each gate leaf into two parts along a horizontal plane so that the npper section can be moved independently of the lower. No adjustment in width appears to be feasible, however, and a choice of different sized locks is the only recourse. The 110- foot lock shoidd be reserved for warshi])s so far as practicable. Empty lockages are a .source of waste that can be largely avoided with locks in generous number, if the saving in water justifies the expense of their construction. The alternative of detaining a vessel until one has passed in the opposite direction is not consistent with locking provisions, ;is previously stated. Incursion of Salt Water. The remedy for excessive salt water incursions is similiar to that for saving the fresh water. Economic depth is probably of prime importance in this case, owing to the tendency of the heavier salt water to progress upstream along the bottom of the channels. Analysis of Water Traffic. Comprehensive records of traffic at Point San Pablo, Dillon Point and Army Point were obtained from continuous observations during a period of about 27 hours on July 6 and 7, 1925. Incidentally, the traflflc for 24 hours of this period has been summarized in Table 6-24. The purpose of these observations, hoAvever, was mainly to secure data for analyzing the operations of several combinations of locks with traffic as it actually occurred. These analyses depend upon assump- tions as to the time required for handling vessels. In Table 6-25 the time consumed in locking through the 40 feet and 80 feet locks has been estimated from experience gained at Lake Washington locks near Seattle which also furnish a good indication of what may be expected in operating the others. It is believed that the figures are conservative. Vo distinction, as to time of operation, has been made between the two ili visions of a lock having intermediate gates and the lock as a unit. It is assumed that vessels will proceed through the locks under their own power. Officials at Lake Washington are of the opinion that tow- ing locomotives would not expedite the lockages at that place although they are used at Panama. The above mentioned analyses of lock operation, with respect to the traffic on July 6 and 7, are given in Tables 6-26 to 6-33 inclusive. It is a.ssumed that advance information will allow all empty lockages to be completed before approaching vessels have arrived at the locks. River boats less than 150 feet in length could enter the 40-foot lock but a tug with tow might exceed its capacity unless the one were less than 60 feet in length and the other less than 150 feet. The summary (Table 6-33) shows that a reduction of time in waiting for passage can be accomplished only by sacrificing economy in the number of locks and lockages, and bj'^ introducing long periods of idleness when the traffic is not at the ])eak. If vessels arrived at the locks in suitable order, or if long delays in pa.ssage were permissible, one or two locks at any of the sites con- sidered would be ample. This will be evident by inspection of Table ^-33. With only two locks at the Army Point site one lock would have 160 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES })een in operation only 7 hours and 42 minutes out of 24 and the other 14 hours and 50 minutes, according to the assumptions made. With only three locks at the Point San Pablo site, the lock working over the longest period of time would have been in operation only 18 hours and 40 minutes out of 24. By increasing the number of locks at Ariny Point to three, the cal- culated numlier of delays was reduced from 32 to 21 ; tiie total waiting time was cut from 7 hours and 52 minutes to 2 hours and 34 minutes; and the maximum single waiting was reduced from 1 hour and 10 minutes to 30 minutes. The total number of lockages was reduced from 100 to 98 but in all other cases the number of lockages, and therefore the tendency to feed salty water into the upper bay, increases as the number of locks is increased. By increasing the number of locks at the Point San Pablo site from three to five the calculated number of delays was reduced from 71 to 45 ; the total waiting time was cut from 32 hours and 28 minutes to .") hours and 8 minutes ; and the maximum single waiting was reduced from 1 hour and 38 minutes to 13 minutes. The number of lockages was increased from 118 to 131. Some other use of the locks undoubtedly would have resulted differently. The man who made the analysis ^as placed in the position of the superintendent of the locks who would dictate the program of lockages. The total time occupied by a boat in passing the barrier, including time required in the locking process and time lost in waitllig to; be admitted into the locks, is an important consideration and has much \(, do with the selection of the number of locks to be built at any site. With the locks clear, the time reciuired to lock a single vessel the barrier, according to Table 6-25, varies from 5 minutes for a small tug through the 40-foot x 200-foot lock to 55 minutes for a large ship through the 110-foot x 1000-foot lock. During peak periods, hoAvever, the locks must be operated to the best advantage, which requires that two or more vessels be passed at each lockage. This expedient results in better overall efficiency but introduces soine delay to boats for which there is not room in the lock, or which arrive at the locks "just too late." The following summary has been prepared to show the rela- tion between the maximum time required at locks, had they been in operation at the various sites on July 6 and 7, 1925, according to the assumptions shown in Table (5-25. In each case the period of waiting and locking which resulted in the maxiniiDH time at the locks is shown. Time at locks — Minutes Site Cotnbination of Locks Waitiny Locking Total Army Point l-40'x200' and l-80'xS25' 70 20 90 l-40'x200', 1-C0'xr)00', and l-80'x82r)' 60 CO union Point l-40'x200', 1-C0'x500', and l-80'x825' 41 65 lOG l-40'x200', 2-G0'x500', and ]-80'x825' 8 65 73 Point San Pablo l-40'x200', 1-S0'x825', and 1-110'xlOOO' 98 95 193 l-40'x200', 2-80'x825', and 1-110x1000' 39 65 104 l-40'x200', l-60'x500', 2-80'x825' and 1-110'xlOOO' 10 90 100 The two days preceding the observations were holidays and the traffic Avas probably in excess of the average. From Plate 6-2 the maximum number of vessels passing San Pablo Strait in 24 hours, for the period shown, was 151, while the number was 145 on July 6 and 7. The latter probably may be taken as close to the peak for this time of year. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 161 It is not unreasonable to assunie a correspondin»'e iO'xZOo' au'xoon' SO'xSiS' llO'xlOOO' Total Army Point 1110 8 l>Ulon Point 12 10 4 Point San Pablo 1 1 2 1 B 11—70686 162 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES It is believed that under present conditions there are no vessels passing Army Point and Dillon Point sites that could not be accom- modated by the 60-foot lock. At Point San Pablo large vessels could use either of the 80-foot locks. Two 110-foot locks might be deemed necessary at this site in case one needed repair at a critical time, but in this report it is assumed that one would suffice. Indirectlv, the barrier will induce a more timelv arrival of vessels at the locks, which will offset, in some degree, the future increase of traffic. Observations show a marked tendency of vessels to follow the tides as exemplified by the classification in Table 6-35. This character- istic of the July 6 and 7 observations is sufficiently well established to preclude the possibility of accidental coincidence. The tidal prism above the barrier will be eliminated and its volume, for some distance below, will not reach the quantity necessary to produce a strong cur- rent. Vessels should, therefore, arrive at more regular intervals and avoid the congestion to be expected intermittently under present tidal conditions. Since the peak of the traffic will determine the number of locks, if delays are to be avoided, it is evident that some advantage will result. Allowance for this condition can not be made ^itht any degree of assurance, however, and it is safer to recognize it as a margin of safety rather than justification for modifj'ing locking requirements. Provision for ultimate traffic should not be necessary at the time the barrier is constructed since flood control on the upper river!*:will dbubt- less improve to permit the replacement of flood gates by locks as the need for the latter develops. Consideration should, however, be given to the requirements of the immediate future. BRIDGE TRAFFIC Provisions in Preliminary Estimates. Provision is made for a bridge across the barrier in all but four of the preliminary estimates. The vertical clearance, with movable spans in tlie lowered position, is 50 feet above liigh water Avith one exception where 135 feet is provided. The latter is, consequently, not subject to any objections arising from interference with water or bridge traffic, and is excluded from discussion in that connection. Bridges with 50-foot clearance have a fixed span over the 40-foot by 200-foot lock, as previously stated, aiul lift spans over all others. The study of railroad and vehicular traffic has been correlated with the passage of vessels through locks which have been selected at the three sites for estimating purposes. The precedence of water traffic is thus assured since the analyses of lockages do not take tlie bridge into consideration as a source of delay. Bridge traffic is considered subject, at all times, to the convenience of navigation. Under the foregoing conditions a determination of the interruptions to bridge traffic involves assumptions concerning the operation of the lift spans over the locks. Experience at the bridges the Lake Washington ship caiuil and data on a number of otlier lift bridges, together witli some ar])itrary assumptions, have contributed to the figures presented in Table 6-36, which is the 1)asis of the study. With a bridge located at the lock gates the period of interruption will depend I'lpon tlic direction from whicli tlie vessel approaches. Tin: 8Ai/r nvatrh ijarrier 163 The period will be shorter when foUoAving a lockag:e than when pre- codinjr it. In the former case the vessel would be stationary in the lock a short distance from the bridge which need not be raised until the lock gates are opened to permit its departure. The interval between the raising of the bridge and arrival of the vessel is therefore very short even when the average speed of approach is assumed to be only one mile per liour. Coming from the opposite direction, however, .safety would retpiire a greater margin in time, because the vessel might not come to a stop before passing the bridge and its speed of approach would not be under such direct control by lock officials. At the Great Northern Ivailway bridge across the Lake Washington ship canal the lift span is raised when a vessel is about 1000 feet distant, and the speed of approach has been observed to average about two miles per hour. It is assumed that similar conditions and requirements will prevail at the barrier. The lock gates are deemed the most favorable location for a bridge by officials at Lake Washington. With a vertical lift bridge at the barrier the span would be raised 85 feet from lowest to highest position. An assumption of one and one-quarter minutes for this operation is consistent with standard practice and would apply as well to a bascule bridge. It is impracticable to allow for ditf'eiences in the time required for vessels to pass the bridge. The interval has been made constant by assuming an average length of vessel of 300 feet and a speed of one and one-quarter miles per hour, to apply to all passages. During the observations of July 6 and 7, 1925, vessels passed simul- taneously. If they were destined to use the same lock, however, it ■would be necessary for one to have precedence over the other whether their directions were the same or opposite. If they arrived from opposite directions a lockage Avould occur between their times of arrival at the bridge and a lift span operation would be necessary for each ves.sel. but if tlieir directions were the same there would be but one lift span operation which, however, would cover a longer jieriod to include the passage of both vessels at the bridge. It is a.ssumed that the movable spans, in their lowest positions, will not interfere with the passage of fishing boats, yachts, tugs with or without tows, or river boats less than 150 feet in length, but must be raised for all other vessels. The operation of the lift spans during a continuous period is analyzed i?i Tables 6-37 to 6-40, which show the effect on bridge traffic. It is obviously necessary to a.ssume the location of the bridge before the interference of a vessel with overhead traffic can be expressed in a period of time. If the number and size of vessels proceeding in opposite directions Avere the same, which would be virtually the case over a long [•eriod, no ultimate inequality would be introduced by such an assump- tion, but in a limited period an advantage will be indicated by one or the other of the two locations (the upstream or downstream lock gates) which reflects the error due to the brevity of the observations. In all estimates for a barrier a+ the Dillon Point and Point San Pablo sites which provide for a bridge, the upstream lock gates mark its location and it occupies a similar position in the best arrangement at the Army Point-Suisun Point site from the standpoint of cost 164 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES (Estimate No. 4). The operation of the lift spans has, accordingly, been analyzed for this location. In the case of vessels approaching the bridge from the side away from the locks (proceeding downstream in the cases that have been studied) the time of arrival at the bridge and locks is practically the same and has been so assumed. The time at which the lockage is com- pleted has been taken to represent arrival at the bridge when approach- ing from the locks. Owing to the fact that the time consumed in lockage provides for tlie passage of a vessel beyond the re'stricted water- way at either end where it could not pass another vessel approaching the same lock, the arrival at the bridge would actually occur within the lockage period. It is impracticable to estimate the exact time of arrival for each vessel and no advantage would accrue since all arrivals would be advanced a small fraction of time without altering the result. The average length of vessel passing the barrier sites increases with I-roximitj^ to San Francisco, heiice the assumed average of 300 feet, v/hicli fixes the time consumed in passing the bridge, is on the safe side at Army Point and presents the situation somewhat too favorably at Point San Pablo if the assumption is correct for Dillon Point, ithe intermediate site. Further refinement is not warranted by the period of observation however. Table 6-40 is a summary of bridge traffic interruptions at the three sites during a 24-hour period on July 6 and 7, 1925. In drawing Con- clusions the growth of navigation merits serious consideration but it is believed that the figures shoAV a fair margin to provide for this con- tingency. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 165 CHAPTER VII STORAGE IN DELTA CHANNELS AND BAYS Purpose of Study. The principal object of the study was the determination of the amount of water which could be stored behind a barrier constructed at any one of the three sites investigated. A second object was the development of data for use in the studies of salinity and silting of the bays. Storage behind the barrier will include not only that in the bay or bay.s, as the case might be, but also that in the lower river and delta channels to the point where the level of the pond intersects the slope of each river. In the following paragraphs the .storage in the river and delta channels, and in each bay, will be considered separately. storage in the River and Delta Channels. In determining the amount of storage in the lower river and delta channels above the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin, approximately 400 typical cross-sections of the various channels were selected from maps on file in the U. S. Army Engineer office, 2d Dis- trict, drawn to .scales of 400 and 800 feet to the inch. Cross-section notes were prepared by sealing on the typical sections distances between soundings made by the Army Engineers. Distances between typical .sections used in the calculation of volume were also scaled from the .same maps. As the work progressed, the typical sections were located on smaller scale maps and numbered consecutively. These maps are included in this report as Plates 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3. As it was not possible to obtain information on soundings covering the entire delta region during a recent short period of time, it was necessary to use data obtained as of 1908, 1913 and 1920. There are a few short sloughs east of the Mokelumne River, and drainage canals west of the Sacramento River, on which no soundings have been made. The volumes of the sloughs east of the Mokelumne were calculated by multiplying their approximate end area at the junction with the Mokelumne by one-half their scaled lengths. The storage in the drainage canals west of the Sacramento River was estimated by using sections which appeared to have the proper dimen- sions for excavation necessary to construct the dikes whose approximate dimensions were known. The quantities obtained from these two sources are very small in comparison with the whole and an error in either would not materially affect the result. Results of the study of the lower river and delta channels are shown on Plate 7-4. The data are summarized on Curve No. 6. It will be noted that the area and volume curves do not extend below elevation — 3.6 nor above elevation -|- 6.4, referred to mean sea level (0 to 10 U. S. Engineer Datum), the former being the plane of mean lower low water at the mouth of the rivers, below which it is considered the water 166 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES behind the barrier will never be draAvn, and the latter being the extreme height to Avhich it is believed water will ever be stored. Ele- vation + 6.4 is only 0.3 feet below the high Avalcr of the 3907 flood in the delta region. While storage to that elevation is not advocated herein, it is possible that at some future time the delta levees might be enlarged and strengthened to make this feasible. The only object in extending the curves downward would be to furnish data for compari- son with earlier data in the study of the reduction of storage in the delta channels caused b}^ silting. Since comi)rehensive earlier data are not available for the delta region, the comparison can not be made. The storage below elevation —3.6 U. S. G. S. (0, U. S. E. D.) is, however, indicated on each curve. It was not determined whether the surveys of the delta region by the Army Engineers have ever been "tied in" by carrying levels to or from the U. S. G. S. Bench Mark (Elevation 5.98) at Benicia, but it was assumed that they are based upon the same datum. Should it be found in future studies that this is not the case, adjustments should be made since the studies of the area and volume of the bays, and of Carquinez Strait, are based on the elevation of that bench mark. Storage in the Bays. ^ The results of the study are shown on Plate 7-5 and in Table 7-1. It will be noted in this case that the curves have been extended from the bottom of the bay to elevation -f 6.4, U. S. G. S. (10, U. S. E. D.) the latter having been selected for reasons previously stated. Points on the area curves were obtained by planimetering, on the most recent U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts (No. 5533 of June, 1925, and No. 5534 of March, 1925), the area enclosed within contours drawn at each fathom (6 feet) of depth below mean lower low water, the datum plane to which all soundings shown on the charts are referred. The charts are included with this report as Plates 2-3 and 2-4, respec- tively. The depths shown on the charts are referred to mean lower low water at the nearest tide gage established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. The datum plane is not at the same elevation at all localities. It is not a gradually sloping plane between points of change, but is a series of ste])s, the area of whieli arc laid down ai'bitrarily from time to time as the need arises. Since the elevation of the ]ilane of mean lower low water is not the same at the various tide gages throughout the bays, it was necessary to determine tiie average elevation of this plane of reference for the tliree divisions of the bays for which curves are shown on Plate 7-5. Furthermore, it was necessary to determine the relation of this refer- ence plane to mean sea level in order that the curves for the bays, and those for the delta region, could be drawn upon the same basis. Data available in the San Francisco office of the U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey, relative to tides at various points in the area under con- sideration, are shown in the following table : THE SALT WATER BARRIER 167 TIDE DATA FOR SAN PABLO AND SUISUN BAYS Location of gcujc Main tl. II. ^V. Mean tide iUan sen IcvtA ilcan L. L. W. nm San Pablo +2.65 0.00 • — 0.04 — 3.25 Mnre Island +2.92 0.00 — 0.04 — 3.58 Crockett +2.95 0.00 Not given — 3.55 Benicia +2.92 0.00 — 0.14 — ?,.r>'> Martinez +2.92 0.00 — 0.14 — 3.55 Bav Point +2.90 0.00 Not given — 3.40 Rver Islind +2 78 0.00 Not given — 3.45 Collinsvjile +2.60 0.00 +0.04 — 2.91 • Relation to mean sea level assumed same as Mare Island. The calculations made resulted in the establishment of the following relations : •Section MeanH.H.W. Mean tide Meanaealevel MeanL.L.W. San Pablo Bay +2.80 0.00 — 0.04 — 3.40 Carquinez Strait +2.95 0.00 — 0.09 — 3.55 Suisun Bay +2.85 0.00 — 0.05 — 3.40 In determining the location of the average mean lower low water plane in San Pablo Bay from which soundings were taken, and its relation to mean sea level, it is assumed from the shape of the bay and tributaries that half of the soundings were referred to the ]\Iare Island gage and half to the Point San Pablo gage; and that mean sea level at Point San Pablo is 0.04 foot below mean tide level at the same point. For Carquinez Strait an average of the gages at Mare Island and Benicia was used for the relative positions of mean sea and mean tide levels and it was a.-^-sumed that mean lower low water is — 3.55, gages at Benicia and Crockett being adjacent to the entire area. For Suisun Bay, which is very irregular in shape, it was estimated that soundings over probably one-twelfth of the area were referred to the gaee at Collinsville. two-twelfths to the gage at Benicia and nine- twelfths to the average of the gages at Bay Point and Ryer Island. An average of the relative positions of mean sea level was taken for the gages at Benicia and Collinsville. From the above table it was found that the relative position of ele- vation -f 6.40 U. S. G. S.. above the averaee mean lower low water for the three sections, is as follows: San Pablo Bay, 9.76 feet; Car- quinez Strait, 9.86 feet ; and Suisun Bay, 9.75 feet. The curves .shown on Plate 7-6 were used in the early studies but are superseded by those on Plate 7-5 which are based on the latest charts. A comparison of the two sets of curves throws some light upon the deposition of silt in the upper bays. Volume of Tidal Prism Above Barrier Sites. As used in this chapter the term, "volume of the tidal, " should not be confu.sed with the same terra as u.sed in Chapter V. The tidal prism, as di.scus.sed in Chapter V, is the portion of the bay lying between the plane of mean lower low water and the surface of the bay at mean high tide, the bays' surface being curved vertically for the reason that no phase of the tide occurs simultaneously throughout the bay sj'.stem. In this chapter it is assumed that tidal movements have been eliminated through construction of the Salt Water Barrier. 168 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES The water surface, therefore, would be a level plane and the volume of the tidal prism would be an altogether different amount than con- sidered in Chapter V. The calculated volume of the tidal prism upstream from each barrier site is shown on Plate 7-7. As before, the curves are drawn between Elevations — 3.6 and + 6.4, U. S. G. S. (0 and 10, U. S. E. D.). These curves are of particular interest in the study of water available for beneficial use and in the operation of the barrier. For convenient reference the data shown by the curves have been summarized in Table 7-2. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 169 CHAPTER VIII SILT General. As far as could be learned, no extensive study of silting of the San Francisco Bay System has been made other than that by Grove K. Gilbert, whose report was published in 1917 by the U. S. Geological Survey as Professional Paper 105. The Army Engineers have made various studies of shoaling in dredged areas, including those recently made of the dredged channels in Mare Island Strait and across Pinole Shoal. In this chapter it is the intention to cover the subject in a general way, only, and in so doing an attempt will be made to summarize information obtained from other reports, adding data that have been secured during the progress of this investigation. Conclusions as to the effect of a Salt Water Barrier upon silting of the bays, and upon the Golden Gate Bar, can be drawn only after studies more comprehensive than it was possible to make with funds available for the present investigation have been made. ]\Ir. Paul Bailey, on page 46 of his Supplemental Report on the Water Resources of California (Bulletin No. 9), states that studies of the effect of the barrier on silt deposits in Suisun Bay and San Pablo Bay, and on the flood heights in the lower river region, are being conducted by the Division of Engineering and Irrigation, but that additional money will be required to complete them. Formation of the Bays. In U. S. Geological Survey Folio 193, "Geologic Atlas of the United States," INIr. Andrew C. Lawson states that San Francisco Bay is a submerged valley and is a most notable example of a great harbor formed by the influx of the sea into the low parts of a subsiding coast. Before submergence, the river that drained the Great Central Valley probably flowed between Tiburon Peninsula and Angel Island and thence, through the gorge of the Golden Gate. Mr. Lawson states further that : Outside the Golden Gate, extending out to the Farallou Islands, there is a broad submerged embankment, wliich lies beneath an area of very shallow water. This embankment probably in part represents the delta of the ancient river that once flowed through the Golden Gate before the depression, but it has been also in part built up bj' deposits of fine silt, which in the flood season are carried through the bay of San Francisco and dropped outside the gate. At the time the valley became submerged the seat of deposition of the sediments brought down by the rivers from the interior was trans- ferred from a delta outside the Golden Gate to the bays wliich, as a consequence, are gradually filling up, the coarser and more pervious gravels and sands having been buried by silt, clay, or dark colored ^andy mud, as indicated by the logs of the holes drilled. 170 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Accordiug to Gilbert, there is some reason to believe that the areas in which the debris comes finally to rest are undergoing a slow down- ward movement, bnt after a review of the evidence, the possible eco- nomic subsidence seems to be limited to San Francisco Bay proper. In supporting this contention Mr. Gilbert gives as reference: (1) Lawson, A. C, The Post-Pliocene Diastrophism of the Coast of South- ern California ; California Univ. Dept. Geology P>ull.. Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 115-160, 1893; The geomorphogeny of the coast of northern Cali- fornia ; Idem., No. 8, pp. 241-272, 1894.' (2) Trask, J. B., report on the geologv of the Coast Mountains and part of the Sierra Nevada, p. 27, 1854. ' (3) Newberrv, J. S., U. S. Pacific R. R. Ex. pi., Vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 14, 1857. The bay region is divided into two areas, which are sharply separated by the Haywards fault extending along the southwestern face of the Berkeley Hills to Pinole Point, across San Pablo 'Brv in a northwesterly direction, and along the northern edge of Petaluma Valley. In the eastern area the latest recorded movement, according to Mr. Gilbert, was downward, but the changes have not been the same as for the western area. Since Sacramento River excavated the Carquinez gorge, there have been three distinct changes; first, a subsidence of more. than 100 feet ; second, an elevation of more than 50 feet ; and third, a subsidence of about 30 feet. J. S. Newberry has noted that the uplift was not shared by San Francisco Bay. While the latest recorded Aiove- ment in 1)oth areas is downward, it is indeterminate whether this move- ment is still in progress, but it is reasonably safe to assume that it is, since the development of deltas in the bays by streams from the neighboring hills is comparatively small. There are deltas being developed, but they are not being extended to the marsh plane. The marsh planes have been built up by the water. Had subsidence taken place rapidl}^ and reached completion before the building of the marsh lands the waves would have made their records on the coastal slopes and that record would now be visible, but such is not the case. These facts would indicate tliat subsidence lias continued so nearl.v to the present time as to establish the presumption that it is still in progress, and that the general rate of subsidence is no more rapid than the upward groAvtli of the marsh lands. 0)1 ]iage 23 of his report, Mr. Gilbert says: Tlio j;(Mier;il fact npjionrs to be that the delta deposits, ineluding the peat inarslies niid tlieir silt rims, rest on a pre-existent surface with alluvial slopes, and that the outlet of the earlier drainage, like that of the present, was west- ward to the Suisun Basin. In all probability these .slopes record for the (Jri'at Valley an epoch in which the Sacramento and San Joaquin waters tliiwcd as a river thronj;h the Caniuinez and Tiolden fJate Rorjres to the ocean, and tjic presenl bays did not exist. Since that epoch the delta region has subsided through a vertical distance equal to the maximum depth of the peat plus the fall of the ancient river between the passage at the Montezuma Hills and its mouth. This subsidence is the latest recognized vertical movement of the land in the delta region. It may have been slow and continuous. It may have been interrupted by period of rest or of elevation. It may have been com- pleted long ago or it may be still in progress. If it was completed long ago, it created a bay in the Great Valley, a fourth bay of the San Francisco cliaiii. anrl within this bay the delta plain was aft«>rward built. If it occurred gradually and slowly jind is still incomplete, the growth of the delta plain may iiave kept pace with it, i)revenling the formation of a bay. 1 THE SALT WATKU 13ARRIER 171 If siihsidonco is ufcepted as tho geiuTal character of crustal movement at the i)resent time, alike in tlie hay region, the delta region, and the Sacra- mento Valley, it does not follow that the change has everywhere the same rate. Diversities such as have characterized the movements of the past in different areas may plausihiy be ascrii)ed to those of the present. Changes in the Bays Due to Silting. The following extracts from ]\Ir. Gilbert's report indicate the changes that have taken place in the bays due to silting : The streams that discharge to the chain of bays (Suisun, San Pablo and San Francisco) deliver along with the water a quantity of fine detritus, con- sisting of mud and sand. Lodging ou the bottom the detritus tends to shoal the bays, and combining with vegetation along the margins it tends to con- tract them. These tendencies are opposed by the slow subsidence of the land, and in the natural condition of the region there may have been an approximate balance between the opposed factors. If such a balance existed, it has been overthrown, by the activities of the white man, which have so increased the detrital loads of the streams that the bays are now losing in depth and area. The water of Sacramento and San .Joaquin rivers reaches first Suisun Bay, then San Pablo and San Francisco hays, and then escapes through the Golden Gate to the ocean. The forward movement is not continuous, but is reversed twice a day by the tides, with the result that many eddies are formed and the river water is gradually mingled with ocean water. The river water is also carried to all the remoter reaches of the bays. The sediment is widely spread within the bays, mingling with smaller quotas from minor streams. It is evident also that a part of it reaches the ocean, for in times of flood, while the rivers are turbid and opaque, the outgoing tide through the Golden Gate shows a tinge of yellow. Some information as to the extent and distribution of the recent deposits is afforded by the charts of the United SUxtes Coast and Geodetic Survey, which give soundings in all parts of the bays and at different dates. Complete surveys of Suisun Bay were made in 1S67-GS and in 1887-88. A complete survey of San Pablo Bay was made in ISoG, a small part was resuiweyed in 1887, and the remainder was resurveyed in 1896. The northern part of San Francisco Bay was surveyed in 1853 and again in 1895-1901 ; its southern part in 1857-58 and in 1895-1899. The interval of 20 .vears between the two surveys of Suisim Bay included If! years of the most active hydraulic mining, together with the 4 years immediately following, when the temporary deposits of debris in the moun- tains presumably yielded their maximum quantity of waste. The interval l)etween surveys of San Pablo and Sau Francisco bays, averaging for all parts about 41 years, covered the same time as the Suisun Bay interval, with the addition of an earlier decade during which hydraulic mining was advancing toward its maximum and a later decade during which the flow of mining debris was slowly diminishing. Suisun Bay (See I'late 2-4) is relatively deep in the .southern and middle parts, where it is traversed by a group of channels from the river mouths to <'arquinez Strait. Among the channels are islands and a broad, irregular ► hoal. to part of which the name Middle Ground is given. At the north are two arms. i»road and shallow, known as Grizzly Bay and Honker Bay. In ihe period of 20 years the shoals, having a total area of about 30 square miles, received an average deposit of 1.63 feet, the quantity of sediment being 50,000,000 cubic yards. The depth of fill was greatest in Honker Bay (2.17 feet) and least on the ^liddle Ground (1.25 feet). The channels are so irregular in form that it is not practicable to compute their changes with close approximation by means of the published soundings, but the general nature of their modifications is quite clear. Almost without exception they l>ecame narrower and deeper ; almost without exception, also the quantity ■ f material added at the sides was notably greater than the quantity scoured out between, so that a net fill resulted. A rough estimate places the net till of channels at 13.000,000 cubic yards, and makes the total deposit in the hay 04.000.tM)0 cubic yards. 172 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES lu Carciuinez Strait, which connects Suisun and San Pablo bays, the bottom is irregular. The depth changes so greatly within short distances that the magnitude of each recorded sounding may be assumed to depend in part on an accident of location, and computations of average depth are subject to considerable uncertainty. Moreover, the surveys on which the earliest and latest maps are based were made at uneven dates, so that the intervals between dates contrasted in different parts of the maps range from 20 to 41 years. A comparison was made by dividing the area into 14 parts and studying each part separately, and it was found that the depth had apparently increased in 3 divisions and diminished in 11. The average apparent loss of depth in the 11 divisions was much greater than the average gain in the other 3. From the data thus obtained it was estimated that the total amount of material deposited in the strait from the beginning of hydraulic mining to the year 1890, was 40,000,000 cubic yards. San Pablo Bay (See Plate 2-3) is traversed, from Carquinez Strait to the constriction separating it from San Francisco Bay, by a broad channel of simple contour. North of this is a great shoal occupying more than half the total area, and south of it are minor shoals. In the 41 years between surveys the channel was much reduced in width and was also reduced in depth. The filling along the middle line was small compared to the marginal filling. The great northern shoal received a lai"ge deposit, and the eastern division of the southern shoal an important though small deposit, but the western division of the southern shoal suffered a loss. To give ((uantitative expression to some of these facts the computations were made by divisions, the channel being arbitrarily limited by the position of the 3-fathom contour in 1856; and the northern shoal being separated into two parts, distinguished by diftei'ent dates of resurvcy. The data are exhibited in Table 3. It is worthj of note also that the eastern part of the northern shoal itceived ti much heavier deposit than the western part. -^ MR. GILBERT'S TABLE 3 Data on Sedimentary Deposits m San Pablo Bay Between the Survey of 185f and Later Surveys Volume of Period Area Depth of deposit (million Fart of buy (years) (square miles) deposit (feet) cubic yards) Channel 42 29.4 4.86 147.2 North part of north shoal. 31 8.4 2.11 18.3 Main part of north shoal- 41 00.9 2.97 186.3 Southeast shoal 42 7.3 2.S4 21.4 Southwest shoal 42 7.2 — 1.25 —9.3 Means and totals-— 41 113.2 *3.13 'See.G I ' The mean depth and total volume of the deposits are adjusted to the nieai period of 41 years. A summary of the above estimates as given by Mr. Gilbert, I'evised to includ percentages, follows: Volume of Volume Dates of deposits between of deposits Per cent of Body of water surveys dates of sJirvcys 1S',9-19H total deposit Suisuii Bay 1867-1886 64.000.000 200,000,000 24.4 Carouiiiez Strait 1861-1890 40,000,000 50.000,000 6.1 San Pablo Bay 1857-1897 366,000,000 570,000.000 69.5 Total averaKe annual deposit in bay .'rr:iy sand. Tlie material deposited on the shoals has been carried to tlie bays by he rivers in suspension. Deposition has been in part due to the slack- ninir of ciirreiits as tlie muddy water enters the bay and in part to r 176 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES flocculation as the silt laden river water met and mingled with the salty water in the baj^s. It is extremely fine, as shown in Exhibit 22, which is a report by the Bureau of Standards upon a mechanical analysis of sediment taken from Mare Island Strait in the operations of the U. S. Army Engineers. It will be noted that 97 per cent of the material would pass a No. 500 sieve if such a sieve could be made. The following chemical analysis was made in the laboratory of the Mountain Copper Company of mud taken from the tidal flat just off Bull's Head Point in August, 1925. The data were obtained through the courtesy of Mr. T. B. Swift. Weight of mud as it is found on the tidal flat, 81 pounds per cubic foot: Silica 51.60 per cent Iron 7.90 per cent (Equivalent Ferric Oxide) 11. 2S per cent Aluminum oxide 19.71 per cent Calcium oxide l.lfi per cent Loss on ignition 13.30 per cent Moisture 69.58 per cent Silt Carried in Suspension. Under normal conditions the water of the rivers is highly charged with silt during the flood season but carries a comparatively small amount during low stages of flow. As a matter of interest in. the investigation of the Salt Water Barrier samples of bay water were analyzed to determine the amount of solid material carried in su.s- pension. The first set of samples were taken on February 8, 1925, at the Army Point .site to determine the relative amount of silt in sus- pension at various stages of the tide. On the day the samples were taken the predicted tidal range at tlie Presidio was 6 feet. The water Avas very turbid, almost the color of cofl'ee to which cream had been added. The estimated combined discharge of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers into Suisun Bay was 153,000 second feet, the maximum for that year. The samples were taken just below the water surface at high and low tides with the following results : Tide Time sample Chlorine, Solids Feb. 8, 1925 icas taken P. P.M. P. P.M. Lower high 2.15 a.m. 262 ) Av. 125 ) Av. Higher low 8.25 a.m. 140 f 201 111 f 118 Higher high 1.55 p.m. 318 1 Av. 74 I Av. Lower low 7.25p.m. 41 J ISO 163 j 118 Average 190 118 The solids are reported in parts per million by weiglit. The residue was thoroughly dried but not ignited. The average amount of solids carried in sn.sponsion in each cubic, foot of water represented by the samples was ().()()7;)75 jiouiids and the calculated net discharge of the rivers past Bull's Head Point (153,000 s. f.) would carry 1128 pounds of silt per second — equivalent to approx- imately 49,000 tons per 24 hours. If the material, after being deposited on tlie shoals, weighs 81 pounds per cubic foot, about 45,000 cubic yards of silt would be deposited west of the Army Point site per 24 hours. On February 12-13, 1925, samples were taken to ascertain the rela- tive amounts of silt carried in suspen.sion at the Army Point and Point THE SALT WATER BARRIER 177 San Pablo sites. The ealculated combined discharge of the rivers into Suisun Bay was 132,200 s. f. on the 12th and 134,650 s. f. on the 13th. Tlie color was about the same as on February 8. The predicted tidal range at Presidio for the two days was 4.1 and 3.7 feet respectively. The samples were taken at "slack" following the higher high and lower low tides for the reason that maximum salinity and minimum silt content were expected to occur at slack tide following higher high tide and minimum salinity and maximum silt content were looked for at slack tide following lower low tide. The results of the investigation, in which the salinity is reported as parts of chlorine per million and silt as parts of solids per million by dry weight (not ignited), are as follows. ARMY POINT SITE— FEBRUARY 12, 1925 Samples from tug at Hole 3550 (See Plate 3-3) Depth Higher high tide Lower low tide •'* Samples .i.50 to I,. 00 p.m. Samples 10.^5 to 11.00 p.m. feet Chlorine Silt Chlorine Silt Surface 10 65 166 35 146 20 62 163 33 144 30 63 163 36 157 40 63 161 33 163 50 63 167 30 239 Bottom 55 __ ___ 26 765* tiO 68 279 Average 64 183 32 Average exclusive of bottom 63 164 33 170 • Sample not representative. Sampler touched bottom and picked up some of the bottom material. POINT SAN PABLO SITE— FEBRUARY 13, 1925 Lower low tide Higher high tide From fug upstream from Hole Oepth NE. cor. Standard Oil Co. wharf looo {See Plate 3-10) in Samples S.50 to .'i.OO p.m. Samples 10. k5 to 11.00 a.m. feet Chlorine Silt Chlorine Silt Surface i 10 4060 56 2250 48 20 6280 33 2150 46 30 6150 58 3330 57 40 6160 *59 3280 61 50 ___ 2340 58 60 ___ 2380 62 70 ___ 2710 103 80 Bottom 90 ___ ♦*5850 284 Average 5660 51 3036 90 Average above 40' depth ___ 2752 53 Average exclusive of bottom — _ 2634 62 •Rock bottom — no scouring action. ••From a depression in the bottom. By inspection of the data for each site it will be noted that with an estimated 133,000 s. f. di.scharge from the rivers into Suisun Bay the salinity at slack higher high tide is approximately double that at slack lower low tide, but that the silt in suspension at any depth is some- where near the same. By comparing the two sites it is seen that the 12-70686 178 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES salinity is very much greater at the lower site and that the silt content is only about one-third as much. The conclusion reached is that the difference in silt content is a measure of the amount of silt that is deposited in Carquinoz Strait and San Pablo Bay. It will be observed that the silt content near the bottom is much greater than above. The exception is at Point San Pablo where, at the Standard Oil Company wharf, water runs on bare rock. Out in *the channel, at this site, the silt content at the bottom was found to be 284 p. p. m., while above a depth of 60 feet it varies from 48 to 62 p. p. m. At the Army Point site the silt content at the bottom was practically the same (279 p. p.m.), although above a depth of 50 feet the content was from 161 to 167 p. p. m. At a distance of 5 feet above the bottom the silt content was 239 p. p. m. The significance of this observation appears to be that the tides scour the bottom in their move- ment up and down the bays. Whether this scouring action tends to maintain or destroj^ fixed channels remains for determination. Pursuing the suggestion that the difference in the amount of silt carried in suspension represents the deposition of silt between Army Point and Point San Pablo the following computations are presented. Before an,y conclusions could be drawn a detailed study would be required involving a very large number of samples over a long period of time. In the calculations the bottom samples are disregarded. .Vrmy Point Site "^ u Average .silt cor.tent at high tide 164 Average silt content at low tide 170 p. p.m. Average silt content at Army Point Site 167 p. p.m. Point San Pablo Site Average silt content at high tide 51 p. p.m. Average silt content at low tide 62 p.p.m. Average silt content at Point San Pablo Site__ 56 p.p.m. Loss by deposition between the two sites 111 p.p.m. Solids per cubic foot of water 0.00694 pound Amount silt per second in 1,33,000 sec. -ft. of net river flow to ocean 923. pounds Equivalent to about 40,000 tons per 24 hours. The computations indicate that silt was being deposited between Army Point and Point San Pablo, under conditions as of February 12-13, 1925, at the approximate rate of 36,600 e, y. per 24 hours if the silt is assumed to weigh 81 pounds per cubic foot. It is probable tliat a large ])art of this silt is deposited in the eastern end of San Pablo Bay wlicre there is a sudden slackening of cui'rents. Unfortunately, the samples taken during tlie high water of Feb- ruary, 1925, did not include any from the eastern end of Suisun Bay. If these had been included it would have been possible to compare the probable deposition in Suisun and San Pablo bays of silt carried in suspension during the sirring run-off. In the absence of these samples another attempt was made later to determine the comparison of the silt content at various points. The greatest predicted tidal range for 1925 occurred on July 7. This tide was selected for studying hydraulics of the bays, salinity and silt. As a part of this study, measurements and samples were THE SALT WATER BARRIER 179 obtained at Colliusville, Suisuu Point and Point San Pablo. The tidal tjraph.s are shown on Plate 5-6. Samples of water were taken at slack water following higher high tide and lower low tide at each of the three locations. They were taken at the surface, at each 10 feet of depth and at the bottom. Each .sample was analyzed for chlorine but in this discussion the average throughout the entire depth only will be shown. The details are given in Cluipter IX. In order to arrive at the average silt content at each location equal amounts of water from each sample were mixed togetlier and this mixture was analyzed. Following is a summary of the results: Averages expressed in parts per million CoUinsville' Army Point site - Point San Pablo' Tide Chlorine Silt Chlorine Silt Chlorine Silt Higher high 493 52 8548 75 15,860 26 Lower low 72 70 2460 64 11,270 84 Average — 282 61 5504 69.5 13,565 55 ' Samples from row boat 200 feet out from CoUinsville Wharf. High tide samples — 4.00 to 4.25 a.m. Low tide samnles — 12.27 to 12.40 p.m. -' Samples from NE. corner Mountain Copper Co. wharf. ?Iigh tif'e samples — 2.50 to 3.10 a.m. I»w tide samples — 10.30 to 10. 40 n.m. " Samples from tug approximately on line of profile drilling at Hole 1000. High tide samples — 12.30 to 12.50 a.m. I.ying deeji channels in Avliieli there is not a flushing current from a river or otlier source. TJie deeper pockets stop the upstream progress of the salt water only for the time required to^ displace the fresh water in tliem. Since resistance to flow is extremal small with very slow velocities, it requires only a small difference i^ the specific gravity of tlie fresh and brackish water to cause the advam of the latter if sulYicient time is allowed. The Army Engineers developed .some interesting data in their .studj of the practicability of a salt water guard lock in the Sabine-Neche Waterway, Te.\as. The reports aro contained in House Document No" 234, 68th Congress, 1st session. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 189 Sabine Lake, a comparatively shallow tidal basin approximately 17 miles long and averaging about 6J miles in width, is joined with the Gulf of Mexico at one end through Sabine Pass much as Suisun Bay is connected with San Pablo Baj- by Cartiuinez Strait. At the other end it receives the discharge from Neches and Sabine rivers so that the londitions are very similar to those being considered in this report. The United States has improved the system of waterways at Sabine Lake by providing a channel Avith a project depth of 30 feet at mean low tide through Sabine Pass thence via a canal around the northerly side of Sabine Lake and up the two rivers. Movements of salt water up the Neches River are quite common at low river stages as in the case of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. In speaking of the canal around the lake the Chief of Engineers says : The presence of the Port Arthur and Sabine-Neches canals with guard lock open modifies in .several ways the natural diffusion of salt water in the I lake, but with one exception these modifications are negligible. The exception coiK-erns the action of so-called salinity currents, which are currents set up due to the difference in specific gravity of salt and fresh water, and the consequent tendency, when the two come together in a channel, is for the salt water to move upstream along the bottom forcing the fresh water down- stream along the top. This action is much more pronounced with deep chan- nels than with shallow. It follows that when salt water makes its appear- ance in Sabine Pass, and when the discharges of the Sabine and Neches rivers are sufficiently low to permit it to enter, it will, through the action of salinity currents, move more rapidly up the canal than up the much more shallow lake. Therefore, given the conditions that Sabine Lake is com- paratively fresh and that the river discharges are low, the existence of the open canal will result in the appearance of salt at the mouth of the Neches (river) at an earlier date than would occur were the canal absent or closed by a guard lock. It is reported that, other things being equal, salt water will advance j up the canal about four times as fast as up the lake when both are ; filled with comparatively fresh water and the river discharges are low. A portion of the discharge of the Neches River finds its way to Sabine Pass via the canal. Observation shows that when the Neches is discharging 15,000 cubic feet per second or above, the current down the canal overcomes the advance of any salinity currents while if the discharge falls below 8000 cubic feet per second that of the canal falls below 3000 cubic feet per second and under unfavorable tide conditions there may be an advance of salt water up the canal toward the guard lock ; when the Neches falls below 4000 cubic feet per second the canal discharge becomes less than 2000 cubic feet per second and the salt water will soon make an appearance at the site of the guard lock. During this period there will be a similar advance of salt up the nearby lake, but at only about one-fourth the rate up the canal. With conditions reversed, we find, as might be expected, that the canal is quickly cleared of salt whereas the lake may remain polluted for many months. If, as in 1917 and 1018, the Sabine and Neches rivers show low discharges througli the winter and spring, Sabine Lake may remain continuously salty from one season to the next and exceed the canal in salinity. Some property owners on the lower Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers fear that channel enlargement which is now under way and the j proposed deep water ways to Sacramento and Stockton will induce a I a greater tendency for salt water to find its way into the river and j delta channels. During the trial of the Antioch case it is said that i much evidence was presented to show that the deepening and widening 190 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES of the channel of the Sacramento River was largely to blame for the increase in salinity in lower rivers. On page 20 of the 1921 Report on the San Francisco Bay Marine Piling Survey, it is stated : The situation relating to the upriver penetration of the (brackish) bay water is aggravated, too, by the fact that the work of channel enlargement ill progress since 1913 and being done by the U. S. Government, in coopera- tion with the State of California, on the Sacramento River below Rio Vista has been a material factor in facilitating tidal flow in the lower reaches of . that river and in augmenting the circulation of water around Sherman Island, thereby expediting the upriver advance of the bay water. It has been demonstrated on San Francisco Bay, on the Lake Wash- ington Ship Canal at Seattle, and more particularly on the Sabine- Neches Waterway in Texas, that salt water, on account of its greater density, seeks the deeper channels and holes. Deep channels permit the heavier salt water to flow upstream along the bottom, underneath the fresh water w^hich it tends to displace. It folloAvs that any dredg- ing done to deepen the channels through the bays and up the rivers would result in increased salinity in the delta region. - Generally speaking, any increase in the carrying capacity of the low^er rivers ■ through deepening, widening, or straightening of the channel, w'ill, in' the w^riter's opinion, permit of easier access of salt water into the delta. It is believed that insofar as salinity is concerned the deepening of channels is the more important consideration, which suggests the possi- bility of increased salinity resulting through the construction of the proposed 26-foot ship channel through Suisun Bay and San Joaquin River to Stockton. As described in Chapter VI the present authorized navigation project through Suisun Bay provides for an 18-foot depth across Point Edith and Middle Ground shoals at mean lower low water which, it will be seen from in.spection of Plates 5-20 and 5-21, is les^ than the present depths in the lower Sacramento River channel. The shoals in Suisun Bay under present conditions therefore tend to retard the upstream advance of salt water. With a 26-foot channel excavated through the shoals the advance of salt water probably w'ill be more rapid than under present conditions. Assuming, however, that improvement of the loAver Sacramento River is necessary for protectioD against floods, and that in the natural development of the Great Central Valle}' deep waterways will be of economic importance, it is evident that some artificial means must be adopted to prevent the easier acces of salt water tln-ough the deepened channels. It is believed that those responsible for the investigation of the proposed Salt Water Barrier had in mind the increasing danger from salinity under conditions o future development at the time funds for the investigation wer* requested. Mixing of Fresh and Salt Water in the Bays. It has l)oon sliown that wliero there is a slow influx of salt Avate under a body of fresii water tliey will not mix materially so long a there is no disturbance. In his study of salinity in the Lake Wasliing ton Ship Canal, Mr. W. M. Meaeham concluded that tlie chemical dil fusion of salt Avater upAvard throngli a body of fresh water is so sIoa as to be negligible. Mechanical diffusion, or mixing, and mixing du THE SALT WATER BARRIER 191 I to difference in the temperature of the salt and fresh water, are material [ factors. Slechanieal mixing: is due to a nnmber of causes among which are the tidal currents, currents produced by the discharge of the rivers into the bays, winds which create considerable disturbances over the shallow waters of the bays, and the propellers of numerous vessels plying j the bays. It is probable that the tidal currents are largely responsi- I ble for the thorougli mixing which takes place in the bays, for by reference to Table 7-1 it will be noted that the amount of -water ibove the Army Point site is over 700.000 acre-feet at low tide and t about 1.200,000 at high tide while corresponding figures for the Point I San Pablo site are about 1.500,000 and 2,500,000 acre-feet. These 1 volumes of Avater are pushed back and forth by the tides, becoming ^ more salty during the protracted annual low water .stage of the rivers lud freshening again as the rivers rise to their winter and spring high , stages. ' It is reported that in August, 1920, tests were made by placing floats in the rivers at their mouths to determine the movement of water upstream during the period from low tide to high tide. The floats were so designed that their motion Avould not be affected by wind and would correspond closel}' with the upstream flow of the water. Tests were made on three days in the Sacramento and on three different days in the San Joaquin. The floats moved upstream 10.3, 10.05 and 10.25 miles up the channel of the Sacramento and 10.6, 10.35 I and 10.46 miles up the San Joaquin. As tides are effective to points - well above Sacramento and Stockton it is apparent that any salt water j which might creep up along the bottom of the deeper channels would become thoroughly mixed with the fresh water in the river channels H'en though it escaped thorough mixing in the bays. • Due to the mixing of the salt water entering the bays through the ' Golden Gate witli the fresh water from the rivers during low stages (jf flow only a portion of the salt water arriving with the previous flood tide leaves the bays at ebb tide, carrying with it a portion of the fresh water which was originally in the bays. The result is that after one tidal cycle tlie bays are saltier than they were before and that the salt has been diffused to a considerable distance from the Golden Gate. Likewise, some of the brackish bay water which in dry years enters the river and delta channels during the late summer and fall months with each flood tide is retained in the river channels causing the water in these channels to become saltier with each flood tide until the river discharge increases to the point wliere it is sufficient to push the brack- ish water back toward the bays. Periods of Low River Discharge. In considering .salinity in the delta region it is interesting to look into the past to determine the seriousness of the situation for, in years of normal river discharge, there is no salinity problem in the delta. It is said tliat in 1921-22, when the run-off was something less than normal, salinity was not noticed at points above Sherman Island. Reliable measurements of stream flow are not available for years prior to 1905 but the run-off from the Great Central Valley is closely related 192 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES to the seasonal rainfall and rainfall records are available as far back as 1850. On page 117 of the 1923 Proceedings of the Sacramento River Prob- lems Conference, Mr. C. E. Grunsky, Jr., says: The rainfall records of the U. S. Weather Bureau indicate that the season 1919-20, which was one of less than half normal, was preceded by two seasons, 1916-17 and 1917-18, which were 70 per cent and 55 per cent of the normal, respectively, and by a third season, 1918-19, which was barely normal. These figures show a four-year period, 1916-1920, during which the annual rainfall would average about 68 per cent of the normal annual. Looking backward to find a period that even approximated this shortage, the most protracted period of shortage prior to 1916-1920 is found to be the three-year period, 1868-1871, during which the annual rainfall averaged 72 per cent of the normal annual. Shorter periods where two years of sub- normal rainfall occur are found between 1850 and 1920, but the two periods of most protracted shortage are 1868-1871 and 1916-1920. In this connection a former resident of Twitohell Island testified in the Antioch ease that he resided at Kentucky Landing from 1870 to 1875 and that on one or two occasions during that period the water in the San Joaquin River in front of his residence became so salty or brackish that it could not be used for household purposes, and he was forced to sail upstream some times as far as the mouth of Mokelumne River so as to get "water; fresh enough to drink. The witness could not remember the exact year, but judg- ing from the rainfall records, the conclusion may be reached that such a con- dition would have occurred in the fall of 1871. It will be recalled that Commander Ringgold found braclvish water near the mouth of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers in August, 1841, as mentioned in Chapter I. Monthly Distribution of River Discharge. Since all of the flow of the San Joaquin River is diverted for irri- gation purposes early in the season, dependence must be placed on the Sacramento to supply the needs of the delta irrigators and to act as a natural barrier against invasions of salt water. The characteristics of the Sacramento are therefore of particular interest in this study. From long-time' records of measurements made by the U. S. Geo- logical Survey, in cooperation with the State of California it has been determined that the average annual run-off from the Sacramento and principal tributaries is 21,400,000 acre-feet. It has been estimated by the State Department of Public Works that the mean annual run-off from the entire drainage basin for a 50-year period is 25,200,000 acre- feet as stated in Chapter II. The difference of 3,800,000 acre-feet (15 per cent) represents minor drainages not measured by the Geo- logical Survey and includes diversions that are made above the gaging stations. From the data appearing in a paper by II. D. McGla.shan, District Engineer, U. S. Geological Surve}^ contained in the 1923 Proceedings of the Sacramento River Problems Conference, the measured run-oli in typical years is about as follows : Run-off from Sacramento and pi-incipa! tributaries Year Total Mean Average year 21,400,000 acre-feet 29.500 second-f'^o High water 190G-07 3r>,900,000 acre-feet 49.000 second itet Low water 1919-20 8,540.000 acre-feet 11,800 second-feet * Lowest of record 1923-24 5,200,000 acre-feet 7,174 second-feet • From data furnished by Mr. McGlashan during the investigation. THE SALT WATEK BARRIER 19.? Under present conditions of non-regulated flow, the monthly distri- bution of the discharge from the Sacramento and tributaries is esti- mated by ]Mr. McGlashau to be as follows : Monthly distribution in per cent of total for the year Year Oct. Xov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Average ___ 2 4 f. IS IG IC 15 13 8 3 2 2 I""";-07 1 2 tj 7 17 25 16 10 8 4 2 2 : ; '-20 5 4 7 t! 6 14 22 17 S 4 4 3 •l;.:3-24 8.3 7.5 8.0 9.2 19.0 9.2 11.1 8.0 4.9 4.T 4.7 4.8 • From data furnished by ^Ir. McGlashan during the investigation. Tlic table sliows that only 15 to 20 per cent of the annual di.scharge, regardless of the ty])e of year, runs oif during the low water period, June to September, which is the period of steadily decreasing discharge with practically no chance of replenishment from precipitation. It is also the period of heavy demand for irrigation and for water to act as a barrier against salinity in the delta. Return Flow. As previously stated, all of the natural flow of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers is required during the irrigation season in years of low run-off to supply the requirements of the upper valleys and for this reason the delta users would be dependent upon return flow to ^upply their needs unless restrictions were placed upon upstream diversions. Return flow is already an important factor in relieving the salinity situation in the delta region, particularly in the late sum- mer months, and the situation would be less serious if the volume of the return water increases with the continued development of irriga- tion in the two valleys through the use of water which of necessity will have to be provided through construction of storage reservoirs on the upper reaches of the rivers and their tributaries. The increased return flow will tend to su.stain the river flow throughout the low water period but it is doubtful that its volume will be sufficient to act as a barrier against salinity even though the water could be spared f^or that purpose. Not all of the return flow would be available for liis purpose as some of it, under ordinary circumstances, would be rediverted before it reached the delta. The measurement of return flow had been .sadly neglected until 1924 and as a result there are little iata available relative to its quantity or quality. In his report for 1924 the State Water Supervisor .says: The conrlitions surroundiug return water to the Sacramento River differ considerably from those on the San Joaquin. Here a large portion of the return flow follows the troughs in the basins on either side of the river, and is discharged to the river in definite channels at points fairly well down- stream. It was found that in 1924 the total return from Red Bluff to Sacra- iiento, for the four months, June to September, amounted to 33 per ent of the diversions in that period on the same stretch of the river. The water supervisor's report for 1925 shows 40 per cent return on be same portion of the river from July 1 to October 31 and it is tated that the only return water considered was that which entered 13 — 706S6 194 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES through definite return channels. It does not include seepage or return water which could not be directly measured. There is apprehension upon the part of irrigators relative to the fitness of the return water for use in irrigation, especially in case of the return from the rice fields located in more or less alkali areas. In order to determine the dilference in salts and alkali contained in river water and return water the State Water Supervisor caused tests to be made of samples of both. On July 30, 1924, a sample was taken of the Colusa Trough water at the MaxAvell Road and at the same time one was taken from tlie adjacent Maxwell Irrigation District canal carrying water diverted from the Sacramento River at the pump- ing plant about seven miles distant. The results of the tests are shown in the following table taken from the Water Supervisor's report: Parts per million Return Canal water water in from Sacra- Test Colusa Trough mento River Alkalinity bioarbonates 207.00 121.00 Alkalinity carbonate.s 0.00 0.00 Total hardness 164.00 156. QO Sulphates as SO, 0.50 1.50 Chlorides as CI 65.00 ^' 65.00 Alkali as Na 49.00 ^ 19.00 Alkali coefficient* 24.00 107.00 Alkali rating Good Good * Alkali coefficient is the depth in inches of water which on evaporation would yield sufficient alkali to render a four-foot depth of soil injurious -to the' most sensitive crops. The water supervisor states that early in the fall the rice fields are drained of all the water which has been ponded during the summer, and at this time, therefore, there is considerable increase in the return to the Sacramento River of such water. A sample of water taken from the back-borrow-pit of District 787, just above its junction with the river at Knights Landing on September 12, 1924, at the peak of the fall drainage, expressed in parts per million, analyzed as follows : Total solids 582 Permanent hardness 298 Suspended solids 73 Chlorine as CI 82 Di.s.s<)lved solids 509 Sulphates as SO, 95 Bicarbonates 260 .Mkali coefficient 24 Total hardness 213 Alkali rating Good Temporary hardness 85 No comprehensive conclusions can be drawn from the few tests that have been made but the indications are that there is no immediate cause for alarm insofar as the salinity of the return water is concerned. The salinity of the river water is given in U. S. Geological Water Sup- ply Paper 274, pages 93 and 107. Salinity of Sea Water. The salinity of sea water is not uniform over the world. It may be said tliat sea w-ater contains from 19,000 to 20,000 parts of chlorine per million parts of water. TT. S. Geological Survey Paper 479 gives 19,3r)0 parts per million, as normal. This represents the average of 77 analyses by W. Dittman, of sea water collected by the Challenge expedition, "Cliallenge Report, Physics and Chemistry," Volume I, 1884, page 203. THE SAI/r WATER HARRIER ]9"> Mr. C. E. Gruiisky, Jr., the salinity of sea water briefly on page 113 of the 1923 Proceedings of the Sacramento River Problems Conference. Quoting Mr. Grunsky : Tlio quantity of mixed salt.s which ocfur in sea water is about in the proportion of ."'ncKJ parts of salt to 100,000 parts of water by weight. About 90 per cent of the .«alt.s that occur in Roa water are chlorides. If, for con- , veuience, the chlorides in a mixture of sea water and river water are cal- culated ns sodium chloride or common salt, 3000 to 3100 parts of chlorides in 100.000 parts of water will indicate almost pure ocean water. A sample of ocean water taken near the Cliff House. San Francisco, on October 15, l!t2(). contained 3(;05 parts of chlorides (calculated as sodium chloride) in KKJ.CKH) parts of water. It is found that in the bay region salinity is expressed in various ways, the most common being as common salt (NaCl), and as chlorine (CI). To reduce chlorine content to salt content multiply the former Ity 1.65. On February 17, 1925, at the time the approximate combined dis- •harge of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers into Suisun Bay was 131,440 second-feet, a .sample of ocean water was taken at the entrance to the Golden Gate near the ("lilt* IIousp. Analysis of the sample showed it to contain 16,120 parts of chlorine per million. The relatively low salinity is. no doubt, the result of the high river dis- charge. The sample was taken from the surface and therefore repre- Ncnted the fresher water floating on top of the more salty ocean water. In comparison with the above, the salinity in Puget Sound near Seattle, Washington, is of interest. Analyses of samples taken in 1925 [ about 200 yards north of Alki Point, at the surface and at depths of 10, 20 and 30 feet show the following average salinity expressed in ' parts chlorine per million : November 1 17.285 Xovember 2!) 16,600 November 9 17.240 December 7 16,880 November 16 16,710 December 31 16,540 November 22 17,0.35 January 15 16,680 Limits of Salinity of Water for Irrigation and Industrial Uses. There is a difference of opinion as to the limit of concentration of -alt in irrigation water but it is generally believed that for average •onditions in the delta region 100 parts of chlorine (CI) (165 parts of salt, XaCl) per 100.000 is the limit which can be used with safety. This concentration is said to have been reached on August 1, 1924, j at the middle of Ryer Island. Grand Island, Andrus Island and • Bouldin Island. If the salinity of ocean water may be taken at 19.350 parts chlorine per million, it follows that a mixture of 1 part of ocean water and 18.35 parts of fresh water would have a salinity of 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000. Since the river water is not absolutely I fresh, but contains some chlorine, the amount of ocean water required to produce a mixture with the river water containing 100 parts of I chlorine per 100.000 would be somewhat less than indicated above. It is the belief of some people that salinity in the delta region has j been exaggerated but there is no question that it constitutes a serious I menace. It is true tliat under present conditions the salinity in the delta, in normal years, is menacing for a few days in the fall only, but considering the marshes surrounding the upper bays and the towns 196 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES and industries located along theiv shores the encroachment of salt water presents a serious problem almost every season. Mr. J. A. Wilcox, Manager of the Benicia Water Company, estimates that water containing 50 parts of salt (30 parts chlorine) per 100,000 will do for domestic use and 35 parts (21 CI) for boiler water. He states that not in excess of 20 parts of salt (12 CI) are desirable and this is the aim of the Benicia Water Company. He estimates that over a long period there is an average of about 4| months per year that water carrying less than 50 parts of salt per 100,000, could be ])umped from the bay at Benicia. Benicia is an example of towns located on the bay which would benefit as a result of tlie construction of the Salt Water Barrier, pro- viding it were built at some location to the Avest. It has a population of about 3500. The town receives its water supply from two reservoirs located in the nearby hills, augmented by pumping from Carquinez Strait when fresh ^vater is available there. All of the water is chlor- inated. During years of low water supply it has been necessary to haul water from upstream points to the town by barge. The w'ater company is said to have barged water as early as 1908. According to Mr. Wilcox, water was barged in 1913 ; from November 30, 1918, to February 15, 1919 ; and from April 26, 1920, to December 1, 1920. From December 1, 1920, to June, 1921, water was pumped from ^sub- merged barges tied up at the city w^harf. The barges were filled at low tide when the water was comparatively fresh and emptied by pumping from them during the period of high tide. The cost of securing fresh water at Benicia in 1920 is reported at from $100,000 to $120,000. Salinity as it Affects Industries. The entire shore line of the bay system offers potential industrial sites. At present the principal industries requiring fresh water in their processes are located along about 30 miles of the south side of Carquinez Strait and of Suisun Bay from San Pablo Bay to the town of Antioch. This stretch of water front is ideally situated for the reason that it is served by two transcontinental railroads, ocean going vessels and two power lines. Living conditions are ideal. At the time the plants were located it was believed that fresh water would be available in unlimited quantities. Companies locating farthest upstream expected to have fresh Avater available at all times while those locating on Carquinez Strait expected to be able to pump fresh water for their use at least during ])eriods of low tide. Mr. C. W. Schcdler, General Manager of the Great Western Electro- Chemical Company, whose plant has been located at Pittsburg since 1916, has stated that no difficulties on account of salinity of the bay Avater Avere encountered at their plant until 1920. During the sum- mer of that year the salt content of the bay water Avas such as to interfere Avith their process. The years 1921, 1922 and 1923 were fairl}' satisfactory but again in 1924 conditions became acute, causing damage in the stoppage of their processes and resulting in deteriora- tion of their equipment, estimated at not less than $35,000. Other industries have been affected in a similar manner. They use steam THE SALT WATER BARRIER 197 boilers, air compressors, vacuum ' pumps, locomotives, cranes, con- densers, coolers, pumps, presses, washers, rolls, dry kilns, elaborate pipe systems, etc. All are subject to rapid deterioration when saline water is used in them. Tlie Columbia Steel Company at Pittsburg uses largo (|uantities of water in cooling some of their finished products such as steel wire, plate, rods, etc., and the presence of salt in the water rusts the product and reduces their sale value when in competi- tion with the output of other plants. All of the industrial plants have their own fire fighting systems. Salt water, if it gets into tiie system, soon eats into the pipes and wliile the pipe may not be i)erforated, it may be so weakened that it would fail just as the time dependence was being placed in it in an emergency. The most careful inspection might not reveal the weak- ness. It has been estimated that the investment in industrial plants from Crockett to Antioch is in excess of $60,000,000. If it is assumed that .") per cent of this amount is invested in equipment subject to corrosion from salt water, $3,000,000 would represent the investment in this class of equipment. ]\Ir. Schedler, on page 88 of the 1924 Proceed- ings of the Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Confer- ence, says that the increased depreciation on this equipment brought about bv the salinitv conditions experienced in 1924 amounted to over $150,000. Not only is there a large ex]iense due to maintenance of plant, but the process is sometimes affected, resulting in losses. Mr. Schedler states that in 1924 the .salinity at their Pittsburg plant, for the period July, August and September, was approximately half that of the ocean water. In July of that year it Avas necessary to shut down their hydrochloric acid plant on account of stoppage in the pipe sy.stem. Upon dismantling it Avas found that the entire pipe system was plugged with salt. The system was cleaned out and the plant put in opera- tion but the next morning the plant was down again from the same cause. From that time on, well water was purchased from the city of Pittsburg for about two months until a well could be sunk on their own property. The water from the new well was found to be of poor quality but usable. It is reported that the California-Hawaiian Sugar Corporation, whose plant is located on Carcpiinez Strait at Crockett, s]iends over $100,000 in obtaining fresh water in years of low run-off. This plant, alone, approximately 2,000,000 gallons of fresh water per day. It is also reported that during the World War the manufacture of T.X.T. by the Giant and Hercules powder companies was limited by the available supply of fresh water. The principal requirement for a factory location is an abundance of good fresh water which can be obtained at a cost no greater than that of pumping through a low head. It has been demonstrated that the waters of the rivers, Suisun Bay and Carquinez Strait are suitable if incursions of salt water can be prevented, and this explains the interest which industrial com])anies have in the construction of the Salt Water Barrier. 198 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Teredo. The unusual facilities offered on the shores of San Pablo Bay, Car- quinez Strait, Suisun Bay and the lower river channels have attracted many lar^e industries. The water front structures erected by these industries were all built with untreated piling because of the absence of marine activity and the belief that the fresh water discharged by the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers would be sufficient to prevent the invasion of the various forms of marine borers which inhabit salt water. San Francisco Bay proper is said to have been subject to marine borer activity since records have been kept although, according to tradition, the ship worm was not known in Spanish days and did not become a menace until the period following the gold rush in 1849. Prior to 1914 the only ship worm observed by biologists was the Xylo- trya. This borer, together Avitli the Limnoria. were the ones which had caused the principal damage in San Francisco Bay prior to that date. Early in 1914. following two years of low run-off, the activity of marine borers was noticed in the dykes of the Mare Island Navy Yard, at a dock between Crockett and Vallejo Junction, and at a dock located at Oleum. Tliis attack appeared to be sporadic like the earlier ones, but in 1917 attacks by tlie same shipworm, identified a^-a tetedo, which has caused so much destruction in European waters for centuries past, again appeared in tlie vicinity of JMare I.sland and during the following years spread very rapidly and increased in severity-. In the latter ])art of 1919 tlie attacks had progressed to such an extent that parts of waterfront structures and, in some cases, whole docks began to fail. In 1920 these failures assumed such proportions and l)ecame so frequent as to present a critical situation. As a result the San Francisco Baj- Marine Piling Committee was appointed and a survey of the whole problem was definitely begun in September, 1920. The committee made three reports, one dated August. 1921. one dated Jan- uary 15, 1922, and the last on February 20, 1923. These reports con- tain the authentic information on the subject and they will be (pioted freely in this report. In tlie upper bay system, including Carquinez Strait and the immed- iately adjacent waters of San Pablo l>ay, many pile structures, althougli built of untreated timbers, had stood from 30 to 40 years. Untreated piles at Port Costa, driven prior to 1870, remained untouched by teredo although several periods of Ioav rainfall had intervened which might have permitted invasions of salt water into the upper bays and delta region. The destruction since 1917 has been swift. Every Avater fi'ont structure as far as Antioch has been attacked by teredo. 11 was estimated by the committee that during the two years preceding their first report the damage done by tlie marine borers ill the area described amounted to more than $15,000,000 in terms of replacements and repair. The survey brought out the fact that in 1920 certain forms of marine life had gone up the Sacramento Kiver as far as "Walnut Grove and that these same forms were luxuriantly lliriving in piling attacked in Carquinez Strait as salt water had invaded that territory. Tl w;is THE SALT WATER BARRIER 199 coneliided that barnacles and hydroids precede teredo and that the occurrence of yoiinj; mussels on marine piling: is a dang:er sign to look out for teredo. Teredo navalis. harnacles and mussels made their appearance in the wharf of the .Mountain Copper Company off Bull's Head Point in the winter of 1920, but they were exterminated by the flood waters of April and May. 1920. In their 1921 report the committee stated that it was hiprhly probal)le that the bay system was then thoroughly seeded with teredo and that even in normal years there is a possibility of its invading the territory above Carquinez Strait with sufficient effect to cause some damage. Xew. untreated piles driven in April, 1921, in 36 feet of water at Crockett, were attacked so heavily, especially at the mud line, as to be broken off in December of tliat year. Another pile driven in the latter part of January, 1920, and ])ulled 3| months later in May, showed a penetration by teredo of two inches. In a redwood salt water tank on the ninth floor of the California-Hawaiian Sugar factory at Crockett, teredo penetrated the lumber two inches in eight weeks in July-September, 1920. After the teredo attack of 1920 the Southern Pacific Company is reported to have spent about $2,000,000 at Benicia and Port Costa in replacing untreated piles which had been in place 40 years. In, 1924, it was estimated that the Associated Oil Company would have to spend from $150,000 to $200,000 before Christmas to repair damage done to their Avon wharf by teredo. On the night of October 29th of that year the wharf collap.sed at a time when a large oil tanker Avas discharging its cargo. The wharf caught fire and before the tanker could get away the fire spread to it. The result was the loss of seven lives, the loss of the tanker and its cargo and the destruction of the wharf, all directly attributed to encroachments of salt water into Suisun Bay bringing with it the teredo. At the Booth Cannery, at Pittsburg, a 16-inch pile Avhich iiad been [ driven at the end of the company wharf in March, 1924. Avas pushed r over in October of the same year by the superintendent of the plant t kicking it with his foot. The entire pile had been honeycombed at the mud line. The princi])al piling timber in the San Francisco Bay system is I Douglas fir brought down from Oregon and Wa.shington, Redwood II and blue gum Eucalyptus, although frequently asserted to be immune to borer attack, appears but little, if any, better than other common species. Teredo enter the wood as minute larvae and leave only a pinhole to mark the entrance. There is nothing to indicate to the casual observer either their presence or the degree of destruction which they liave accomplished. A close inspection with a lens is generally necessary to reveal the minute openings in the wood. The marine borers at work in San Francisco Bay are said to belong to two groups of animals, to the Mollusca and to the Crustacia. The boring mollusks all belong to one family, the Teredinidae. Most of the boi-ers working on the timber structures drill slender tubes into the wood by means of their shells and have a pair of plumose or 200 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES paddle-sliaped pallets near their siphons which serve as plugs to close the outer end of the burrows against intruders. These borers line their burrows with a film of pearly nacre and drill tubes of different lengths up to and even exceeding four feet into submerged or floating wood. They seem to have the boring instinct well developed and continue drilling throughout most of their lives. This family of borers is represented in San Francisco Bay by at least three different species. These are the Xylotrya setacea tryon, the large borer of the Pacific coast; the Teredo diegensis Bartsch, a small species of the California Coast ; and the notorious Teredo navalis Linnaeus. When full grown in the waters of San Francisco Bay, the Xylotrya setacea ordinarily measures as much as two feet in length and has a diameter at the head or shell-bearing end of three-fourths inch. Tubes over three feet in length and seven-eighths inch in diameter have been found in old piling on the San Francisco waterfront. The most upstream location reported by the committee in 1921 Avas at Crockett, on Carquinez Strait, where a few large individuals were found in piling of the California-Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation which ,was heavily infected by teredo. It does not appear to adapt itself readily to the brackish water as does teredo navalis. Teredo diegensis is the smallest, molluscan borer found in the bays and is most restricted in distribution. It is of little intei^t inHhis investigation for the reason that it does not appear to have taken part in the destruction of piling in the upper bay in recent years. It usually has a length of from one to four inches. The largest tube found by the committee was about six inches long and five-sixteenths inch in diameter. Teredo navalis is known as the "Pile-Avorm of brackish waters," and is the same as found in the dikes of Holland. It is the medium- sized species of the three molluscan borers occurring in the San Fran- cisco Bay system. When full grown it is generally from six to eight inches long, and has a diameter at tlie head end of fi-om one-(iuarter to three-eightlis incli. Tho Avhitish, worm-like body lies in the burrow which enters the i)iU' hori/ontally and generally turns downward and exi)ands within one or two inches to a nearly uniform diameter throughout the rest of its course. The head, or shell bearing end, is at the bottom of the burrow. The ]iosterior ond of the b-ody is at the month of the burrow where Hie mollusk protrudes its two siphons through the minute jiore. Water for respiration and carrying food enters one of the siphons while chips from the drilling and the excreta pass out through the other. These siphons are drawn in and the month of the hole closed by two pallets at the least (listurl)ance. It is probable that teredo navalis reaches sexual maturity in the first year of its growth. It is believed to be short lived, only a few surviving the winter. A heavy deat rate has been found in the autumn associated with decreasing salinity Teredo navalis spreads very rapidly. It has beeii estimated tiiat the number oL' ova produced in the larger females approximates 2,000,- 000. During its larval life the young teredo may be carried by tidal currents for long distances, hence the ease with which it invades new territories. The length of larval life is sufficient to permit even a transoceanie transfer in the tank of a steamer. They are suppo.sed to THE SALT WATER BARRIER 201 be capable of swimming about for at least a month during which time they develop a foot and a set of bivalve shells. They are then ready to settle down on the wood, and transform into the boring adult type. The point of most severe attack on a pile is at the mud line, although teredo will work at any ])oint below mean tide line. The factor of salinity is one of fundamental importance in the dis- I tribution of teredo navalis. It is clearly a species surviving a wide range of varying salinities and is thus capable of appropriating , promptly tidal areas which the ocean is tending to invade. The lethal ' action upon teredo of brackish or fresh water is a function of two variables, the salinity (or lack of it) and the length of time between recurring periods of higher salinities which permit resumption of more normal functioning. A teredo might be able to survive com- pletely in repeated exposure to fresh water, provided ocean water of suflficient salt content was available between times, which explains their survival through the winter months of high river discharge at points above Carquinez Strait. The effect of low salinity on teredo navalis IS summarized on page 867 of the Third Annual Progress Report of the San Francisco Bay Marine Piling Committee as follows: Experimental observations on the activity of teredo navalis in various salinities, as manifested by the extension of the siphons, indicate that the organism is normally active in salinities as low as 9 parts per 1000, and below this point the activity decreases with decrease in salinity. Below a salinity of 7 parts per 1000, the proportion of active individuals decreases very rapidly until at 3 parts per 1000 no teredos are extending their siphons. The average lethal salinity for teredo navalis has been determined experi- mentally as 5 parts per 1000. Teredos obtain some pi-otection from water of a salinity below the lethal (;j parts per 1000) by stopping the mouth of the burrow with the pallets and thus preventing the entrance of water from the outside. At the same time, a sui>ply of .salt water is held within the burrow. It is probable that tlie salinity of this retained water is gradually diluted by diffusion through the wood and that the organisms are finally killed in this way. If, however, the salinity rises above 5 parts per 1000 before the salinity of the retained water becomes diluted enough to kill the organism, it will be able to obtain a fi-esh supply of water and survive for a longer period. A period of 33 days below 4 parts per 1000 salinity has destroyed 90 per cent of the teredos in piles at Crockett. Immediately prior to the above period an interval of 20 days below 5 parts per 1000 salinity occurred, but the record shows frequent peaks of 4 parts per 1000 salinity or more during this interval. It is probable that the salinity actually rose to 5 parts per 1000 at some time diii-ing the days on which these peaks occurred, since the water samples were 'lot always taken at the major tide. Thus it seems reasonable to measure the period of survival as the period below 4 parts per 1(K)0 .salinity, i. e., 33 days. The period necessary to destroy the surviving 10 per cent of the organisms is impossible to determine definitely at present. Teredos show remarkable recovery from sudden changes of salinity in aiiuaria. They have also survived great changes in the salinity of the bay water during the past season. (1921-1922.) I The salinity referred to in the above quotation is based upon the ' formula S = 1.8050 Cl+0.080. It gives approximately the propor- tion of ocean water in Carquinez Strait water used in the experiments, but includes also the saline content of the stream and seepage water. ' Among the conclusions reached by the committee are the following: Marine l)urers are very active in San Francisco Bay and connected waters, and in places where their attack is severe will destroy untreated piling in as 202 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES short a time as six to eight months. In other places the untreated piling may last from two to four years. The data in hand indicates that it is fair to expect creosoted Douglas fir piling in San Francisco Bay to give a life of 15 to 20 years under present conditions and practice. Certain piles are of authentic record from the Oak- land Long Wharf which were sound when removed after a service of 2L> years. Poor treatment, or damage to creosoted piling by careless handling, rafting, storage or construction, will materially reduce the life which might other- wise be rendered by such piling. Records of Salinity. In general the salinity of the bay waters increases with depth; decreases with distance from the Golden Gate ; and decreases as the discharge from Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers increases. The salinity at any point in the bay system varies from year to year, being relatively low in a year of large run-off from the Great Central Valley and relatively high in a yoar of small run-off. The invasion of salt water into the delta region is serious only in years of deficient run-off but the salt menace has been growing worse during the past few years. In 1916 the State Water Commission took up the study of salinity of the rivers and delta channels but the work was interrupted during the World War and was not again taken up until the dry season of 1918-19 brought the subject forcibly to the attention of the public. In 1920 a combination of an unusuall^^* dry year and large diversions for the irrigation of crops in the valleys brought about a deeper invasion of salt water into the delta region than ever before known. Nineteen hundred and twenty-four was the most severe year of record. The discharge of the Sacramento at Red Bluff Avas the lowest of any year of the past 30. At Sacramento the discharge was less in 1920, but in 1924 the peak of flow was reached earlier in the season. Salt water appeared in the delta earlj^ in June, 1924. On June 1 of that year the concentration at Collinsville was as heavy as on July 22, 1920. In 1924 the maximum concentration of salt in the delta was greater and occurred earlier in the season. In the past, as at present, salt water invaded the lower river and delta channels in years of low rainfall and run-off. As noted in Chapter I, the water at the mouth of the rivers was brackish in 1841. It is said that trouble from salinity was experienced in 1850-51, 1870-71 and in 1912-13. Many data are available relative to the salinity of the upper bay waters since salinity became a menace to industries and agricultural interests. One of the interesting records is that kept by the California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation in connection with their rofinerj'- at Crockett. It shows the extent of the invasion of Suisun Bay and the rivers by salt water for each year since 1908. water for use in their refining process is obtained by water barges which are towed up,stream until water of tlie desired quality is readied. The record kept includes tlie distance above Crockett which it was necessary to go on each trip to obtain the water and the salinity of the water obtained. The barge is filled when the samples taken show a salinitj' of not more than 7 or 8 parts of sodium chloride (salt) per 100,000 so that the data furnish an excellent record of the distance brackish water of that concentration invaded the upper bay THE SALT WATER BARRIER 208 and river channels. When the water in Carquinez Strait is fresh riiouprh it is pumped direct to the plant from the refinery dock. On Plate 9-1 is shown tlie averafje distance above Crockett traveled each month, since 1P08, by the barges to obtain suitable water. The record does not show the distance upstream that it would have been necessary to go in all years, for in recent years, when the distance is too great, water is obtained from a storage reservoir in Marin County, west of Crockett. It will be noted that it was necessary to go above the mouth of the rivers every year from which it may be concluded that the whole of Suisun Bay becomes brackish during the fall months of each year. Tlie complete record of salinity in the delta region is that kept by the State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Rights. This record, for 1919 to 1924, inclusive, is shown in graphical form on Plate 9-2 while that for 1925 is shown on Plate 9-3. The location of the .stations at whicli observations were made is indicated on Plate 9-4. It will be noted on Plates 9-2 and 9-3 that the approximate discharge of the Sacramento River at Sacramento and of the San Joaquin River at Lathrop, or Vernalis, is shown. As indicated on Plate 9-5, taken from the State Water Supervisor's report for 1924, maximimi and minimum salinity at Antioch, on the San Joaquin River, and at Rio Vista on the Sacramento, occurs at about the time of slack tide following high and low tides. The salini- ties shown on Plate 9-2 represent the maximum as the samples were, in general, taken about two hours after high tide. In his 1924 report the State Water Supervisor says: Freeport and Lincoln Highway bridges were the farthest upstream sta- tions maintained in 1024 on the Sncraniento and San Jonciuln rivers, resper- tively. Tests at Froeimrt slioweil a maximum of !."> jiai-ts of chlorine i)er 100,000 on August 16 and the ma.ximum at Lincoln Highway bridge was 14 parts on September 6. Tlie upi)er limits in the delta region reached in 1924 by salt water in proportions generally believed to be dangerous for irrigation use (100 parts of chlorine per 100,000) are shown on Plate 2-5. The upper limit on the Sacramento River which, it is estimated, would have been reached had conservation measures not been adopted is also shown. It Avill be noted that it lies below the town of Freeport. In a letter from Mr. Geo. A. Atherton, General Manager, California Delta Parm.s, Inc., dated November 22, 1924, he says: In 1924 the area (in the delta) that was affected extended very much farther east (than in 1920) and the salt situation was very serious and included all of the lands west of Old River (See Plate 2-5) north of the territory about Byron and. on the east side of Old River, included Victoria, Woodward. Bacon. Mandeville and Medford islands, the upper and lower Jones Tract and McDonald Tract, and, on the north side of the San Joaquin River, included Bouldin Island, Venice Island, Empire Tract, King Island, Reclamation District No. 548 and the lower portions of Staten Island and, to a les.ser degree, adjoining lands farther east, but on those tracts the saline content was 100 parts chlorine or more to 100,000 parts of water and grad- ually increased in content, of, farther down the river. Most of the domestic water supply in this territory is obtained from the river. In 1920 there was no time when the river water was not generally 204 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES used for domestic purposes. During this year, 1924. the situation was so bad that in some instances the stock would not drink the water and all of the tenancies brought their household drinking water from Stockton by boats. On August 12, 1924, the maximnm salinity at Rio Vista was 608 parts chlorine per 100,000. The salinity considered dangerous for irrigation, 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000, was found at Howard Ferry on Steamboat Slough, above Rio Vista, on August 5, 1924. According to the records of the Great Western Electro-Chemical Company the maximum salinity reached since their plant was estab- lished at Pittsburg in 1916, occured in August, 1924. The high points in other years were reached in the month of September, 3480 parts chlorine per million in 1921, and 2425 parts per million in 1922, which represents the highest days of the entire year. The average salinity of the water at Pittsburg during the low water period expressed in parts chlorine per million, is as follows : Year June July August September October 1921 62 262 1,395 2,140 824 1922 33 97 1,177 1,740 464 1923 55 256 752 ___ 1924 5,900 8,120 11,450 8,410 4,250 The figures are as they appear in a paper presented at the 1924 Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Conference, page 89 of the Proceedings. The samples were of the "bleed" type, taken over 24 hours each day. It will be noted that the average salinity for three months in 1924 was approximately half that of ocean water. Some very interesting data are shown on Plates 9-6 and 9-7. Plate 9-6 consists of a group of graphs showing : (a) The salinity of bay water at the Southern Pacific ferry slips at Benicia and Vallejo Junction at high and low tide, and at the surface and bottom, in 1920. (b) The relative salinity of water in 1920 at six stations, Martinez to Walnut Grove, samples of which were taken at the surface at high tide. Plate 9-7 shows the relative salinity of bay water in 1921 at eight stations along the water front from Pittsburg to Tiburon. The depth, and stage of tide at which the samples were taken, were not ascertained but, in any event, the curves .show the relative salinities at the various stations. The salinity, as shown on Plates 9-6 and 9-7, is not expressed in terms of chlorine but in terms of "salinity" used in the San Francisco Bay Marine Piling Survey from which the graph's are reproduced. This "salinity" represents the oceanic portion of bay waters only, and neglects the stream and seepage, or land water, contributions, since marine borer.s, the sul)ject of the report, are only adapted to the normal saline complex of sea water. The "salinity" in parts per 1000 is derived from the formula S = 1.8050 CI -f 0.030. See page 99 of the committee report dated August, 1921. In his study of the salinity situation as it affected the water supply for the town of Benicia, Mr. J. A. Wilcox found that a close relation exists between the salinity of the bay water at Benicia and the height of the Sacramento River at Sacramento. It was determined that when THE SALT WATER BARRIER 205 the river at that point is above the 11-foot gage height fresh water cau be obtained from the bay at the Benicia city dock for at least an hour or two eflch day, or for sufficient time to load the water barge tied up tiiere. At this minimum gage height at Sacramento Mr. Wilcox, in his report of February, 1921, says that there will be a , few days each month during unfavorable tide conditions (small run- I out) when no fresh water is available at Benicia. As the river rises I at Sacramento above the 11-foot gage the length of time of fresh water at Benicia is said to increase and is less affected by tide condi- tions. Following this line of thought, a study was made as a part of the investigation of the Salt Water Barrier to develop the relation between , the combined discharge of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and the salinity of bay water at various points. Samples of bay water were taken each month beginning at the time the rivers were high in Februar3% 1925, and ending the following February. The stations ' selected were the jMountain Copper Company wharf off Bull's Head Point, at the lower end of Suisun Bay and the Standard Oil Company wharf at Point San Pablo, located at the lower end of San Pablo Bay. The object was to secure a record covering one full year which might be considered normal, or at least typical. It was believed that a fairly good idea of the advance and retreat of salt water up and down the , bays could be obtained by plotting the monthly data on the curve ' of continuous record kept by the Great Western Electro-Chemical I Company at Pittsburg and the Aveekly record kept by the Mountain , Copper Company at Bull 's Head Point, which latter two, for all [ practical purposes, determine the general shape of the curves at the I sites being considered for the Salt Water Barrier. In general, the samples were taken at the time of slack water follow- ing higher high and lower low tides. In July, September, November '. and December, 1925, and in January- and February, 1926, the tides sampled were those having the maximum range for the month. Sam- ! pies were taken at the surface and at each 10 feet in depth to the ! bottom in order to determine the increase in salinity with depth and ; to arrive at the average salinity in a vertical section. At slack water following higher high tide the salinity should be at its maximum while the minimum .should occur at slack water following lower low tide. The average of the two should be the approximate average for the day I on Avhich the samples were taken. In addition, gage readings were ; recorded at short intervals between the time of high or low tide, and the time the samples were taken. The samples were analyzed for chlorine in the laboratory at the University of California, College of '[Agriculture. Division of Plant Nutrition, under the direction of Mr. ;P. L. Hibbard. The results are shown on Plates 9-8 and 9-9. The ' salinity at Collinsville on July 7, 1925, is also shown on Plate 9-9. At Pittsburg the water samples are taken at the pump house of the 'Great Western Electro-Chemical Company. The pump intake is : located approximately 75 feet from shore and 5 feet below the eleva- jtion of mean low tide in the .same position that it has occupied for , several years. Mr. Schedler advises that the samples are a bleed I on the pump line so arranged that the water drips into a barrel 24 206 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES hours each day for all water pumped into their tank. Their method, however, is to pump as much water as possible at low tide, although at times it is impossible to obtain all water required at the low stage. Mr. Schedler states in a letter of June 25, 1925 : I believe that our sample represents very closely the average of the water in front of our plant during the 24 hours of the daj*. The drip sample is analyzed once each week and is reported in parts chlorine per million. (Determined as chlorides.) The Mountain Copper Company samples at Bull's Head Point are taken at weekly intervals at high and low tides, one being obtained at the surface and one from the bottom where the depth below mean tide level is about 27 feet. The salinity was reported in terms of "salin- ity" as used in the San Francisco Bay Marine Piling Survey but on Plate 9-8 the figures have been reduced to parts chlorine per million in order that all of the graphs be on the same basis for comparison. By reference to the graphs, Plate 9-8, it will be noted that the salinity in 1924, as shown by the Mountain Copper Company records, was much more severe than in 1925. This is further borne. out iii the State Water Supervisor's Report for 1925 from which the following data were extracted : COMPARISON OF MAXIMUM SALINITY, 1924 and 1925, IN PARTS CHLORINE PER 100,000 192J, 1925 Station Attiount Date AmoiDit Date O. & A. Ferry 1345 Ausust 28 7tj2 September 2G Collinsville 1150 August 16 448 September li lOmmaton S02 Ausust 6 136 September 4 Three-iMile Ferry (i!)2 August 30 81 September C Rio Vista ti08 August 12 21 September 2 Isletoii 310 August 14 12 September 16 Antioch 1080 August 20 356 September 4 .Jersey 708 August 30 81 September (! Webb Pump 414 September 6 24 September 4 Central Landing-- 288 September 24 10 September 2 Medford Pump 236 Sopteml)er 26 19 September 19 Ridge I'ump 126 September 16 35 September 2 .Middle River 186 September 30 13 September 10 Holland Pump 308 October 4 18 September 22 Mansion House 148 October 12 11 September 16 In order to secure more complete information as to the relation between tlie inflow from tlie rivers and the salinity of the bays, the State Water Supervisor established early in February, 1926, four new salinity stations on Suisun and San Pablo bays whicli will be main- tained throughout the year. The stations are located at Bay Point, Bull's Head Point, Oleum and Point Orient. The data to be obtained should be of great value in future studies of the proposed Salt Water Barrier. Control of Salinity. It has been demonstrated that Suisun Bay and Carquinez Strait can be kepi clear of salt water if fresh water is available in large quantity, as for examjile, during periods when the Sacramento and San Joaquin are in flood. Also it has been found tliat a combined river discharge of about 3500 second-feet as measured at Sacramento and Vernalis is ill THE SALT WATER BARRIER 207 sufficient to prevent encroachments of salt water into the delta region if this amount of water is allowed to flow into Suisun Bay which, of course, suprgests the storage of flood waters in mountain reservoirs to be released during the low water period in amount sufficient to keep the flow into Suisun Bay at or about 3500 second-feet. This phase of the problem was discussed briefly in Chapter II and will not be elaborated upon liere as it is outside the scope of this report. A great (h'al has been aecomplislied through cooperation of water users in the Great Central Valley and it is certain that continued and increased cooperation will be necessary unless storage reservoirs, or the Salt Water Barrier, are constructed. The success of cooperation was effectually demonstrated in 1920. When it was foreseen that there was to be a severe water shortage, and that crops would be lost unless the most economic use of the available water Avas practiced, an Emergency Water Conference was held at which the appointment of a Water Master was decided upon. The respective rights to divert water ! from the rivers having never been determined, it was mutually agreed to place the division of the water in the hands of the Water Master. On page 164 of the 1923 Proceedings of the Sacramento River Problems Conference, Mr. Paul Bailey states: The plan followed was to effect reductions in the use of water as exigencies required, on the part of those who could best spare it. By keeping close contact with field conditions, and through the excellent cooperation of the project managers, a maximum of about 24 per cent reduction in the use of water, compared to that at the same time in 1919, was effected during the most critical 10 days of the season and this without damage to crops. In 1924 conditions were even more .severe than in 1920 and the 1 polic}' of strict economy in the use of water was again adopted. By I the middle of July, 1924, the discharge of the Sacramento had fallen off to 700 second-feet at Sacramento and at the same time the San ! Joaquin had dropped at 400 second-feet. Salt water had invaded the delta channels in quantities to make irrigation dangerous below [ Isleton and Howard Ferry on the Sacramento and the Webb tract in t the San Joaquin area. (See Plate 2-5.) Beginning about Julj' 25th, I cuts were made in diversions of upriver irrigators and other economies were. put into effect. The results aecomplislied are summed up in the Water Supervisor's Report for 1924 as follows: These measures were reflected very soon in an increased flow past Sacra- j meuto to the delta. From the lowest discharge of 700 cubic feet per second I the flow increased nearly 50 per cent to an average of 1020 during the first week of August, and to 1500 cubic feet per second by the time the rice water drainage commenced in the latter part of August. During this time the inflow at Red Bluff remained practically constant. At Howard Ferry, on Steamboat Slough, from a chlorine content of 100 parts per 100,000 on August 5th, there was a drop of 42 parts on August 20th and to 10 parts by September 1st. From a situation where the salinity was menacing irriga- tion as high up as Walnut Grove. Sutter Island and Upper Ryer Island, such relief was obtained that by the latter part of August, irrigation could be safely carried on above a line through the southern end of Staten, Tyler, Andrus, Grand, Ryer and Prospect islands. The water supervisor estimated that had no conservation measures been adopted salt water would inevitably have reached proportions II 208 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES in the Sacramento portion of the delta dangerous to irrigation practi- cally to Clarksburg and the northern boundaries of Reclamation Dis- trict No. 999. (See Plate 2-5.) Some are of the opinion that it will not be necessary to allow the estimated 3500 second-feet of water to flow into Suisun Bay to act as a natural barrier against invasions of salt water and argue that if the water required for irrigation purposes in the delta is permitted to flow to the delta there would be no salinity problem there. The fallacy of this argument should be evident from the discussion of the upstream progression of salt water contained in the first part of this Chapter. Even were it true that the problem in the delta could be solved in this manner the industries located along the shores of the upper bays would receive no relief whatever through the adoption of the plan. In considering the control of salinity in the reservoir to be created through construction of the Salt Water Barrier we are confronted with the problem of controlling the entrance into the reservoir of salt water through the ship locks and as leakage around the flood gates. Leakage past the floodgates can be prevented by maintaining the water sur- face above the barrier at a higher elevation than below but injany event the entrance of salt water by this route would be comparath'ely small. The question then is : Can salt water work its way through the ship locks in sufficient quantity to vitiate the purpose -of the^Salt Water Barrier, or diminish its effectiveness? The amount; of Water required in the operation of the barrier and the probable amount of salt water which will find its way into the fresh water reservoir above it are dealt with in Chapter X but it remains to find ways of con- trolling the interchange of fresh and salt water in order to avoid unnecessary contamination of the fresh water lake. The means of* controlling the entrance of salt water will have been recognized in the designs and discussion contained in Chapter IV. It has been proven, notably on the Panama Canal and at Tiake Wa.shington Ship Canal, Seattle, that where ship locks separate bodies of fresh and salt water the salt water tends to climb through the locks even though the water surface on the fresh water side is maintained at a considerably higher elevation than on the salt water side. Ship locks therefore cause salt water to invade areas that never before were salt unless provisions are made to control it. At Miraflores Locks on the Panama Canal, salt water climbed to Miraflores Lake, .some 50 feet above sea level. At the Lake Washington Ship Canal locks the surface of the fresh water lake is maintained about 25 feet above extreme low tide and 7 feet above extreme high tide. Mr. W. ]\r. Meacham of Seattle, wlio has made a study of metliods for keeping salt water out of lock controlled waterways, concludes that : A low lift look will pass a greater amount of salt water at n lockage than a high lift lock of the same size, the reason being that there is less fresh water taken in and, therefore, less dilution. A lock will also pass more salt water when the tide is high than when low. On account of the salt water from a low lift lock having a higher specific gravity than that from a high lift lock, it travels along waterways faster. During long, low-water seasons, or periods when there is little or no water furnished from the watershed above, a lock is most effective in causing large areas of salt infected water. THE SALT WATER HARRIER 209 A sufficient volume of water, either stored or continuously supplied from the watershed above, is necessary for keeping salt water out of lock con- trolled waterways. The flow of salt water through the ship locks, and the resulting con- tamination of tlie fresh water lake above at the Lake Washington ship canal, furnislios an excellent example of what may be expected at the I Salt Lake Barrier since conditions are much the same. Exhibit 23, \ which will be found in the envelope at back of Volume II of this report, is a published article on "The Control of Sea Water FloAving into the I Lake Washington Ship Canal," by E. Victor Smith and Thomas G. ; Thompson. It is particularly- interesting because it contains a sum- , mary of the results of eight years of experience in the operation of ' the ship locks and of investigations of their effect upon the salinity of the lake above. As described in the pamphlet, there are two ship locks in operation. Authorities at the locks advise that in 1923 the 1 larger one was filled and em]itied 8044 times and the smaller one . 19.334 times (See Table 6-34). The article (Exhibit 23) shows how completely salt water replaces the fresh water in the locking operation when the lower gates are opened to Puget Sound and how the salt water escapes into the fresh water lake when the upper gates are opened. It brings out how the fresh water lake will be contaminated if proper control is not provided ; describes the method adopted at the ! Lake Washington locks for controlling salinity, and shows how readily I the lake is cleared of salt water when fresh water is available for that ' pur])ose. The authors' conclusions 2 and 3 are of particular interest I as they indicate that salt water finding its way into the fresh water j lake through the ship locks can be removed quite eflSciently through I the use of a large, deep salt water sump above tlie locks and by drawing ' off the salt water from the bottom of this sump. The plan resorted I to at the Lake Wa.shington locks is shown on page 6 of the pamphlet. i The plan adopted for the Salt Water Barrier is shown on the pre- ( liminary designs and is discussed in Chapters IV and X of this report. I The amount of river water required to keep the reservoir back of ; the Salt Water Barrier fresh is of vital importance. The amount 'can not be predicted accurately at this time for the reason that data sufficient for this purpose are not available. It is possible, however, that conclusinns based on an extensive study of the San Francisco Bay j System would be no more reliable than those drawn from the exper- ience gained in the operation of the Lake Washington ship canal locks. With this possibility in mind an inquiry was addressed to the Army ■Engineer's office at Seattle, relative to the amount of fresh water • pquired to keep the lake above those locks fresh. The letter referred ' and Colonel W. J. Barden's reply, dated July 20. 1925, will be i found as Exhibit 24. The exhibit supplies some very valuable data. I Not only are the conclusions stated pertinent to the proposed Salt (Water Barrier but a great deal can be learned about salinity above ;the locks, and its control, by a close study of the accompanying map jaiid tables. While the conditions are not identical at the two places •they are analogous, considering the Salt Water Barrier built at the Army Point site. The area of Suisun Bay is approximately 32.000 14 — 706 so 210 DIVISION or WATER RESOURCES acres in comparison with 25,000 acres as given for Salmon Bay, Lake Union and Lake Washington. By inspection of the profile of the Lake Washington ship canal on page 5 of Exhibit 23, it will be noted that there is a "hump" in the bottom between the locks and Lake Union similar to Middle Ground shoal in Siiisim Bay. On page 3 of the same exhibit it is stated that the depth across this "hump" is 31 feet. If the proposed San Joaquin River and Stockton channel is constructed a channel depth of 26 feet at mean lower low water will, no doubt, be provided through Suisun Bay, and if the water surface of tlie fresh water lake above the barrier is maintained 2.5 feet above mean sea level the resulting depth across Middle Ground shoal will be about 32 feet, or 29.5 feet if the water surface is permitted to drop in the late fall to mean Sea level. The deep channels of the lower Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers will act as a secondary salt water sump or trap, much as Lake Union does, in case some salt water does get past Middle Ground shoal. (See statement near top of page 6, Exhibit 23.) An examination of the salinity tables which form a part of Exhibit 24 will show that the concentration decreases with distance from the ship locks and in this connection the advantage would lie with the Salt Water Barrier for Suisun Bay is about twice as long as the Lake Washington ship canal. Also, it will be seen that salinity increases with depth ; that it is greater in the fall than in the spritig ; and that in 1924-25 it gradually increased at practically all of the stations until November and then decreased very noticeably in December, and until February, when it again started to increase. The sudden drop from November to December was undoubtedly due to the discharge through the lock culverts from November 10th to 25th after a long period of no discharge of lake water with the exception of that passing through the salt water conduit. An outstanding feature of the salinity table. Exhibit 24, is that the salt water remaining above the ship locks in the spring, after the flushing accomplished as a result of the winter rains, is confined prin- cipally in Lake Union at a depth greater than 30 feet which is about the controlling depth between the locks and Lake Union. Attention is also called to the salinity of the water at the outlet of the salt water discharge pipe before and after a lockage, and to extreme variance in the salinity at top and bottom within the ship lock. The very high salinity of 10,809 at depth of 55 feet is probably the result of salt water being trapped in the lock behind the upstream lock gate sill. This sill is at elevation — 12, 37 feet below the water surface in the fresh water lake, in comparison with the 55-foot depth at which the sample was taken. ; Features of the Salt Water Barrier Proposed for the Control of Salinity. The object is to remove any salt water getting past the barrier &^ quickly and quietly as possible. The general type of barrier proposed although radically different from those considered in earlier discus sions, was designed with the belief that it will more nearly accomplisl the desired result than any other type. Another type might have f THE SALT WATER HARRIER 211 less first cost but unless certain principles are adhered to the purpose of the barrier will be partially defeated. A larpe prate area is required to pass the floods from the Great Central Valley. In desiprns previously proposed for the Salt Water Barrier wide shallow {rates were suggested and, in fact, the argument has been advanced that a wide site for the barrier must be selected in order I that length sufficient to mount these shallow gates on the crest of the barrier would be available. In the design proposed herein deep gates have been ado|)ted with their sills either 50 or 70 feet below mean sea level in all eases. The type of gate proposed is one opening upward from the bottom sill rather than one which is lowered to pass the flood. It has been shown that the heavier salt water seeks the deeper chan- nels and that, to prevent mixing of the salt and fresh water, disturb- ances must be avoided. This suggests the necessity for a broad, deep sump located in a position to trap all salt water that finds its way into the fresh water : lake with provision made for drawing off the salt water settling to the bottom of this sump. In all of the preliminary designs, where a deep sump does not exist naturally it will be noted that the sump, with bottom gently rising away from the barrier, has been provided adjacent to the principal source of .salt water invasion (the ship locks) in fulfillment of the first requirement and Stoney gates have been provided to satisfy the latter. As the deepest part of the sump, with I the exception noted later, is next to the Stoney gates the most con- i centrated salt water will collect there. During periods when the I water surface above the barrier is maintained at, or above, high tide I level the salt water can be drawn off by raising the Stoney gates t slightly. "When the water surface above the barrier for any reason falls below the elevation of high tide the Stoney gates must be closed ; as otherwise salt water from below the barrier will pass into the fresh •water lake through the gates. Under these conditions salt water col- lected in the sump should be gotten rid of by raising the Stoney gates -lightly at low tide when the head will be sufficient to "squeeze out" the salt water unless the water in the fresh water lake is lowered considerably below- mean sea level, but this is not contemplated. The exception mentioned above occurs in the designs in which 'lO-foot by 60-foot flood gates are showm. In this case the bottom of the salt water sump at the upstream end of the ship locks is at eleva- I tion — 55, more as an extra precaution than a necessity. It is probable ' ^hat the salt water from the locks will be deflected into the larger >ump above the flood gates but that settling into the smaller and deeper ump would be pumped back to the salt water side through the con- duit provided for that purpose. In operating the Stoney gates to rid the sump of salt water it will , he best, but perhaps not ordinarily necessary, to open all of them very * siightly rather than only a few of them a larger amount, for a large volume of water should not be drawn from the surap at any one place I or from a .small area. In this connection it has been found that the I salinity of the water at the outlet of the salt water siphon at the Lake 'Washington ship canal looks is less than the mean salinity of the water 212 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES at its intake. Tests showed that the siphon was drawing in some of the fresher water from above the inlet. Velocities in the sump must be kept low for, otherwise, the currents set up would produce an undesirable mixing effect. It is believed that from this discussion it will be evident that shallow gates mounted on top of a barrier structure would be of little value as a means of ridding the lake above of salt water during the low water period. Other openings at the bottom of the lake, or pumping, would be necessary unless the special type of ship lock, described in Exliibit 25, was adopted. If low openings were provided they should be made large since the inefficiency of small openings has been demon- strated. If the salt control openings were made large their cost would tend to offset any saving which might result through the use of shallow floodgates. It is believed that the Stoney gates will be very effective in flushing salt water out from above the barrier Avhen there is fresh water avail- able for the purpose, since all of the water will be drawn out from the bottom of the lake where the salt water tends to collect. As designed, the control works at the Salt Water Barrier should be much more efficient than those in the Lake Washington ship canal. • There the flood waters are discharged over the top of an ogee dam so that there is a tendency for the fresh water to float on top of the salt water* and escape over the top of the dam with resulting inefficient flushing. The lock culverts in those locks are used as much as possible to avoid passing flusliing water over the ogee spillway but the culverts are not at the bottom of the sump where they should be to draw off the water of highest salinity. The salt water siphon was installed as an after- thought and, although it serves its purpose well, it is rather small and draws its water all from one spot in the sump. Also, the sump is too small. The conclusions stated in Colonel Barden's letter. Exhibit 24, relative to improvements which are suggested to secure higher effi- ciency of the control works at the Lake Washington ship canal locks are pertinent. By reference to the designs of the Salt Water Barrier it will be noted that in all cases the bottom of the salt water sump and the Stone}' gate sills are below the sill of the upper lock gates and in this respect the design Avith the larger Stoney gates is to be preferred, for the deeper the sump, the better. It will also be noticed that the lines of excavation are laid out with easy curves and the bottom should slope gently toward the sump above the Stoney gates. In order to reduce the entrance of salt water, provision has been made for sealing all floodgates with water stops. The lock filling conduits have l)een placed Avith their inlets as low as possible so that salty Avater, insofar as practicable, will be used in filling the lockl. As a precaution against failure of the Stoney gates to relieve the salinity above the barrier in the event the water surface there should be allowed to fall below mean sea level, a salt water relief conduit, six feet in diameter with inlet about 10 feet below the upper lock; gate sill, is provided in one of the lock walls. As described in Chapter | IV this conduit is connected with pumps capable of drawing off largej quantities of water. ! THE SALT WATER BARRIER 21;) Since the volume of salt water entering the fresh water lake at I each lockage is dependent upon the size of the ship lock, locks of various sizes have been provided. The smaller vessels should, of course, use the small lock. Intermediate gates have been added in the larger j locks in order that use of the full length of the lock may be avoided I if not required to accommodate the length of a vessel. Although not I indicated on the drawings, it is proposed that lock gate leaves split I horizontally at elevation — If) shall be installed in the larger locks i to avoid discharging of a full lock of salt water into the fresh water : lake unless necessary to open the whole lock gate to accommodate ! vessels having a draft in excess of that provided by the half gates. I It will also be noted that the fish ladder has been designed to prevent j the passage of salt water through it to the fresh water side of the ; barrier. The layouts shown on Plates 4-18 and 4-20 may have some advan- ' tages over the others but considerable study would be required before I it could be concluded that the advantage of having the ship locks separated from the floodgates would offset the advantage of having the large sump next to the locks where the salt water could settle more quietly to the bottom. It would, of course, be safer for vessels in time of extreme flood from the rivers to have the ship locks away from the high velocities througli the flood channel and it is possible that the salinity could be controlled even more efficiently. In the design shown on Plate 4-20, there are only two Stoney gates provided adjacent to the ship locks upon the assumption that they would be sufficient to draw off the .salt water from above the locks. If they were not adequate the salt water would proceed up the ship channel through Suisun Bay tinless it should be deflected to find its way down the slop- ing bottom of the flood channel to the flood gates where it could be drawn off. In this respect the design sliown on Plate 4-18 is pref- erable to that shown on Plate 4-20 as will be evident from an examin- ation of both. In a case like that shoAvn on Plate 4-33 it is probable that a part of the salt water passed through the ship locks will find its way into I the deep hole above the barrier although an effort is made to direct its , flow into the sump above the Stoney gates but it is probable that, 1 eventually, the deep hole referred to w-ill be silted up. In any event I the salt water there can do not harm, for it would be trapped there much as salt water flowing up the Lake Washington ship canal is trapped in Lake Union. In the designs shown on Plates 4-37 and 4-47, I the salt water entering through the ship locks is purposely deflected into the deep hole above the barrier. Effect of Elimination of Salt Water Upon Sewage. This is a subject outside the scope of this report but is one relative to which some express concern, as evidenced by the following quotation from a letter received during the field investigation: The creation, however, of a fresh water lake with a slight current, or with very little, will have a direct effect upon the question of sewage dis- charge and sewage flow in the river itself. If the sewage flow be retarded, then we will have either a backing up or a raising of the proportion of sew- age in the stream to a questionable level. There must, in addition, be con- 214 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES sidered the question of extensive sewage deposits in a body of fresh water of limited area as opjjosed to that deposit in the same area of water which is salt or semi-salt and subject to tidal flow. No investij^ation was made of the effect upon sewage of building a Salt Water Barrier in the San Francisco Bay sj'stem but the conclu- sions reached bj^ the committee charged with the investigation of the feasibility of constructing the Charles River Dam at Boston are inter- esting since one of the important considerations was that of the effect of the dam upon sewage pollution. The fresh water basin created by the dam is reported to have an area of only 800 acres. Before con- struction of the dam the estuarj^ was filled with tidal water from Boston harbor. Among their conclusions are the following: Fresh water, gallon for gallon, disposes in a normal manner of more sewage than salt water; the tendency of salt water is rapidly to precipitate sewage in sludge at the bottom. For the proper disposition of sewage in water, it is essential that the water be well supplied with oxygen. Tliis is accomplished by the contact of its surface with the air, and this surface water is carried down by the action of the waves and currents, and especially by the vertical movement caused by changes of temperature. Bodies of fresh, nearly still water, are well oxygenated to a depth of 25 feet or more in ordinary summer weather, iind to much greater depths with the autumn cold. No considerable part of the basin, with a permanent level at grade 8 or 9, would be pver 25 feet in depth. ^- Letting in salt water under the fresh interferes with the vertical circu- lation necessai-y for oxygenation and the salt water under the fresh soon loses its oxygen if any waste material is admitted to it. Changing a fresh water basin into a salt from time to time interferes with bacterial, animal and vegetable growths, which effectively aid in taking care of and digesting sewage. A comparatively still body of fresh water with animal and -plant growths will dispose of a considerable amount of sewage admitted from time to time, and will tend to purify itself, even if no more fresh water is added. Such a body of fresh water will dispose of more sewage if comparatively still than if in motion. Although the amount of fresh water coming over and through the Water- town dam is found by careful measurement to seldom average less than 70 cubic feet per second for the 24 hours in dry seasons, there is good reason to believe this is sometimes reduced to 30 cubic feet a second, for a month at a time, by storage in mill ponds while turbines are shut down. Notwitlislanding (he amount of sewage that enters the basin at present (I!)fl,'^), wliich our Chief Engineer estimates as eciuivalent to the constant discharge by a population of from 5000 to 8000 people, including that which comes from the Fens and from the Beacon Street houses, it is (he unanimous opinion of the engineers and exjjcrts of tlie committee that a fresh-water basin, owing to i(s supi)ly of oxygen and large area, would not affect injur- iously the health of the inhabitants of the neighborhood. On page 4;{ of the report it is stated lliat: The results (of the investigation) are very instructive, and show a decided sujieriority in fresh water, and a decidedly greater tendency to precipitate a sludge and «ive off offensive odors in salt water. And on page 49 : Fresh water * ♦ ♦ ^vil] be better adapted for receiving sewage without causing offensive deposits or offensive odors than either salt or brackish water, THE SALT WATER BARRIER 215 111 letter of February 5, 1925, Mr. John R. Rabliii, chief engineer, Metropolitan District Commission of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, states: The report of John K. Freeman, cliief en>;ineer, which you say you have on Hie, describes the expected effect of the change from tidal water to fresh water. Judging by general conditions and the use of the basin for bathing and recreation purposes, the condition conforms generally to that predicted by Mr. Freeman in his report. 216 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER X WATER REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATION OF BARRIER Outline. There are seven main sources of loss of fresh water that will accom- pany the operation of a Salt Water Barrier. Evaporation during the summer months will be one of the largest sources of loss, but a variable amount depending upon the area of water surface above the barrier as determined by the location of the structure, and upon the character of the season. A second loss will be occasioned through the operation of the locks. This loss also will be a variable amount, but not between such wide limits as evaporation. A third loss will occur through leakage around the gates. This factor will be independent of the location of the barrier, depending only upon the periphery of the floodgates and the difference in elevation of Avater surface on the two sides of the barrier. In addition, fresh water will be required in the operation of the fish ladder, and to supply the needs of industries, municipalities and irrigation. The use of Avater for irrigation will not be discussed in this report, as it is a subject which properly belongs in the investigation of the water resources of California now being con- ducted by the State Division of Engineering. However, it is believed that water to supply the needs of irrigation in the delta and on the marshes about the bays, will ordinarily l)e draAvn from natural flow or storage reservoirs constructed in the drainage basins of the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin rivers, as, otherwise, the water kvel behind the barrier in a year of low run-off, Avould be reduced to the extent of interference with navigation and to the point where the control of salinity upstream from the barrier would be difficult, if not impracti- cable. An exception might be made in a year of severe water sliortage when draft from the fresh water lake would be permitted to irrigate crops during the latter part of the season, Avhich, otherwise, would be without water. The seven sources of loss will be continuous. In addition, it will be found necessary to flush out the whole reservoir at intervals of a year or more, but now impossible to determine exactly. This require- ment will 1)0 due to the gradual diffusion of eiioroaoliing sea Avater. the accumulation of salts through the ground Avater return of irrigation Avater, and contamination due to growth of aquatic plants and the general accumulation of other contaminating agents. This study is based upon conditions that Avould exist during seasons of very Ioav run-off like 1919-20 and 1928-24, Avith storage in the mountains well dcA'eloped. During such seasons, the run-off from th smaller, uncontrolled streams is loAVcr in proportion than the general avei-age of the seasonal run-off, and it ma.A'' be expected that practically all the run-off of the main streams Avill be retained in the reserA'oirs. This portion of the report is closely interAvoven Avith the investiga tions of the Water Resources of California now in progress by the THE SALT WATER BARRIER 217 State Departiueut of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irri- gation, and until that work is farther advanced, it is impractical to draw final conclusions with respect to the water supply for the barrier. For lack of complete data upon which to base the study, it is necessary to make certain assumptions which may require modification as a result of more comjilete information becoming available. In general, however, modification of the assumptions should not greatly modify the findings of this chapter. Evaporation. True evaporation from the surface of a large body of water is diffi- cult to determine. On pages 61-63, Bulletin 9 of the California State Department of Engineering, 1920, "Water Resources of Kern River, " the results of observations for Buena Vista and Tulare lakes are given ; and on j^ige 79 of the report on the San Jacinto River Hydrographic Investigations, 1922, by the California State Division of Water Rights, are given the results of measurements at Lake Elsinore. These results represent all known available data for Tulare Lake ; a six-j'ear average at Lake Elsinore; the year 1920 at Buena Vista Lake; and a 13-year average at East Park Reservoir. Table 10-1 shows the results referred to above, together with U. S. Weather Bureau records of evaporation from pans at Berkeley and San Francisco ; pan records for the year 192.") at Alvarado near the south end of San Francisco Bay; and a 19-year record at Lake Chabot by the Spring Valley Water Company, The aboA'e represent the true evaporation, rainfall being treated as .so much water added to the pan, or lake surface, and not affecting the figures for evaporation. There is also shown the record kept by the Leslie Salt Refining Company at their plant near San Mateo. The last named record represents net loss, that is, rainfall is deducted from the true evaporation to arrive at the actual loss of water. Evaporation will not be the same for all portions of the reservoir back of the barrier, for. owing to the higher temperatures, the loss from the rivers and delta channels will be greater than from the lower portions of the reservoir. It is believed that the adopted value of 3.50 feet per year represents as closely as can be estimated from present data the losses from this source. This, however, may be too low a value, especially during dry .vears, considering that the temperature of the water over the shallow flooded portions of the bays will be rela- tively high. Gate Leakage. For estimating purposes it is assumed that leaks will occur through an opening of about one-sixteenth inch or say 0.005 foot, around the full periphery of the gate below Avater surface. Leakage will not always occur from the fresh water side. There will, at times, be a leakage from the salt water side. At other times fresh water will leak out near the surface, and salt water will leak in near to the bottom. At the maximum concentration of chlorine, sea water weighs 64.28 pounds per cubic foot and as fresh water weighs 62.4 pounds there is a difference of 1.88 pounds ])er cubic foot. Assuming the chlorine content of sea water as 19,000 parts per million, the increment in weight 218 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES is about 0.1 pound per 1000 parts of cliJorine per million. If the salinity below the constructed barrier is assumed as 16,000 parts per million, the weight would be about 64 pounds per cubic foot, and as the water above the barrier will not be .strictly fresh, the weight may be assumed as 62.5 pounds, resulting in a difference in weight per cubic foot of 1.5 pounds. With the salt water surface at elevation (50 feet above the gate sill), the head necessary to balance on the fresh water side would be 51.25 feet. Under this condition, there would be no leakage at the bottom, but the leakage from the fresh water side would gradually increase toward the surface. With the water surface on each side at the same elevation, salt water would leak in throughout the full depth. For conditions between, there would be leakage in both directions. With water surface at elevation 2.5 on the fresh water side ; a mean of elevation on the downstream side ; and a mean tidal range of 4.7 feet; the mean maximum differential head on the sill would be 4.85 feet and the mean minimum would be 0.15 feet. Since the balancing head is 1.25 feet, the effective maximum head pro- ducing outflow at the sill of the 50-foot by 60-foot gates would be 3.60 feet and at high tide tlie head producing flow of salt water would be 1.10 feet. The mean velocity between two different heads h^ and hj is i.35 \^h, — h, j ho — hi When h is 0, mean V reduces to 5.35 V l^- ^oi' fh^' leakage from the fresh water side at the sill V = 5.35 V 3T6 = 10.2 f.p.s. for 75 per cent of the time. The head along the guides varies from 3.60 feet to 4.85 feet for a depth of 47.65 feet and from 4.85 feet to for a depth of 4.85 feet. The mean V for 47.65 feet = 16.5 f.p.s. The mean V for 4.85 feet = 11.8 f.p.s. These last two velocities are at mean low tide. As the tide this condition of flow from the salt water side will start, but there will always be a flow of fresh water at the top. The mean velocity along the gate sill, with inflow of salt water, is 5.6 f.p.s. for 25 per cent of the time. Along the guides, the inflow of salt water will be from for a depth of feet to 5.6 feet for a depth of 46 feet, extending over 25 per cent of the time. The mini- mum outflow of fresh water past the guides will be 2.1 f.p.s. through a depth of 6.4 feet. The outflow of fresh water along the sill will be, for 24 hours, 75 per cent of 10.2 X .005 X 50 = 1.91 c.f .s. The outflow past the guides will be 2(16.5 X 47.65 + 4.85 X 11-8 + 2.1 X 6.40) X .005 ~ 2 = 4.28 c.f.s. for 24 hours. The total outflow of fresh water will be 6.19 c.f.s. per gate. The inflow of salt water along the sill will be 25 per cent of 5.6 X .005 X 50 = 0.35 c.f.s., and along the guides it will be 25 per cent of 2(0 + 5.6 X 46) X .005 -^ 2= 0.32 c.f.s. The resulting total inflow of salt water = 0.67 c.f.s. per gate. Assuming that the salt water will remain at the bottom, near the gates, and will flow out at the next low tide, thus cutting down the actual of fresh water, the net loss will be 6.19 — 0.67 -= 5.52 c.f.s. I THE SALT WATER BARRIER 219 per gate or, for 30-50-foot by 60-foot gates au average net loss of 166 t'.s., equivalent to 329 acre-feet per day. If the water surface above the barrier wen' held at elevation 0, tlie inflow of salt water would bo greater than the outflow of fresh water during the 24 hours. At higli tide, the velocity at the gate sill would be equal to that due to a head of 3.65 feet = 15.3 f.p.s. ; past the guides the mean velocity would be 13.9 f.p.s. for 50 feet and 8.2 f.p.s. for 2.35 feet = 14.3 f.p.s. for 50 feet. At half tide, V at the sill = ^.79 f.p.s. corresponding to a head of 1.2 feet. The mean velocity at ihe sill during the period high tide to half tide would be 12.4 f.p.s. At half tide, the mean velocity past the guide would be 5.86 f.p.s. The mean velocity during this period for a depth of gate of 50 feet = 10.7 f.p.s. At low tide, the velocity of fresh water at the sill =8.79 f.p.s., [uivalent to a head of 1.2 feet. Past the guides, mean V = 10.62 t p.s. for 47.65 feet and 8.2 f.p.s. for 2.35 feet, equivalent to a V for 50 feet of 10.5 f.p.s. The discharge Q, of salt water at high tide = 10.75 cl.s. ; Q at half tide = 5.13 c.f.s. At low tide, the flow of fresh water = 7.45 c.f.s. Plotting the curve of discharge against head, down- stream flow being plotted as a minus quantity, it is found that at half low tide the flow downstream = the flow of salt water. The mean liscliarge of salt water, flowing 75 per cent of the time, is found to be 7.0 c.f.s., equivalent to 5.25 c.f.s. for 24 hours. The mean discharge tf downstream flow for 25 per cent of the time is 3.5 c.f.s., equivalent • 0.88 c.f.s. for 24 hours. Assuming that the downstream flow con- >i.sts of salt Avater that has pa.ssed upstream, the net inflow of salt *vater is 4.37 c.f.s. per gate or 131 c.f.s., equivalent to 260 acre-feet per lay for 30-50-foot by 60-foot gates. The loss of fresh water, due to luicing out the salt water is 102 c.f.s., as explained later. Loss from Operation of Locks. Whenever the lower gates of a lock, located between bodies of fresh ind salt water are opened, the more dense salt water rushes in at the 'Ottom and crowds the fresh water out, forcing it to flow downstream n top of the .salt water until finally diffused. Likewise, when the <»wer gates are closed and the upper ones opened, the salt water passes ipstream out of the lock and is replaced by fresh water. This is "vy clearly demonstrated in the discussion of Salinity Variation in he Locks on pages 7 and 8 of Exhibit 23. The number, size and volume of the locks at the various sites Investigated for tlie Salt Water Barrier are shown in Table 10-2. The large lock at Lake Washington, where the tests of salinity were ade, is the same size as the 80-foot lock proposed in this report. The jalinity of the water below the proposed barrier probably will not differ widely from that shown under Series 1, in Table 1 of Exhibit '), and for convenience it has been assumed to be 16,000 parts of hlorine per million, which is the degree of salinity assumed for the ater leaking upstream around the gates. Using the values given in Series 2, 3 and 4, in Table 1 of Exhibit 23 -and the lock capacities sliown in Table 10-2 — Table 10-3 has been 220 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES prepared to show the uumber of acre-feet of fresh water that are dis- placed by salt water with each opening of the lock gates to the salt water, and the number of acre-feet of salt water that enter the fresh water lake wdth each opening of the lock gates to the fresh water, if the water surface above the barrier is maintained at elevation + 2.5 and if full depth lock gates are used. In Table 10-3 the quantity of salt water is based on a concentration of 19.000 parts of chlorine per million, the approximate mean saline strength of sea water. In other words, the number of acre-feet of salt water that are given represent the number of acre-feet of sea water that would enter or leave the locks if all the salt content of the water that passes in and out Avere concentrated into a portion of thp water which would have a chlorine strength of 19,000 parts. This appears to be the most convenient base to which to reduce the saline content in terms of quantity of salt water, although the use of any other base would yield the same results in the determination of the loss of fresh Avater. Table 6-33 show's tbe total number of lockages per 24 hours for each site, while Table 6-34 shows the estimated number of annual 'lock- ages. The figures given summarize the lockages in both directions, consequently the average number of lockages in each direction will be half of those indicated. Table 10-4 shows the total lotss of jfresh water and inflow of salt water for each side per 24 hours, based upon traffic as it occurred on July 6-7, 1925, and assuming that full depth lock gates are used. The salinity of the water above the Lake Washington locks under various conditions is shown in Table 3, on page 9 of Exhibit 23. The concentration in the salt water sump just above the locks is of particu- lar interest. In figure 2, on page 5 of the same exhibit, Station 3 is showu to be located in the dredged sump. See page 3 of the exhibit also. By reference to Table 3 in Exhibit 23, it will lie noted that at Sta- tion 3, at a depth of 45 feet, the concentration following a very dry summer is 9075 parts of chlorine per million. In the computation of gate leakage, the concentration of the inflowing salt water is assumed to be 16.000 parts per million. If it is assumed that all this salt water is sluiced out, and that beliind the barrier it is tliluted to 9000 parts of chlorine, for each acre-foot of salt water that enters there will be required to effect the stated dilution seven-ninths acre-feet of fresh water, which, of course, Avould be lost in the sluicing. The total loss would be 102 cubic feet per second. In Tables 10-3 and 10-4, the concentration of the salt water that enters is assumed to be 19,000 parts of chlorine per million. If this is diluted to 9000 parts of chlorine, there will be required for each acre-foot of sfilt water that enters, ten-ninths acre-feet of fresh water, which will be lost in sluicing out the salt water. This loss of fresh water, together with that which is lost directly as given in Table 10-4, is summarized in Table 10-5. The quantities shown are based on traffic conditions as observed on July 6-7, 1925. Wliile lockages on those two days may be assumed to represent the number required to handle the maximum daily traffic at the present time, they probably are low THE SALT WATER BARRIER 221 considering the future, because of natural increase in traffic to keep up 'svith the growing communities and because of the increment to be brought about through the increase in industry above the barrier fol- lowing its construction. The use of water shown in Table 10-5 is based on the assumption that each lock gate leaf is made in one section. If these are built in two sections, with the elevation of the dividing line at elevation — 15, so that light draft vessels could be passed by operating only the upper part of tlie gate, much of the interchange of fresh and salt w^ater dur- ing a lockage could be prevented. Table 10-6 shows the loss of fresh water and the inflow of salt water through one operation of the locks with the upper part only of the gate opened. In the data on vessel traffic during the Julj' 6 and 7, 1925, observa- tions have been separated into two classes — those vessels that could be locked through by using the upper section of the gates, and those that would require the operation of both sections. In Table 10-7, prepared from these data and data in Tables 10-3 and 10-6, the total amount of fresh water required to operate the locks is shown. Comparing the use of Avater as shown in Tables 10-5 and 10-7, there is found to be a large saving in water through the use of lock gates built in two sections. This saving as of July 6-7, 1925, is summarized below. SAVING OF FRESH WATER PER 24 HOURS BY THE USE OF LOCK GATES BUILT IN TWO SECTIONS Quantities are in acre-feet Point San Type of gate Army Point site Dilloii Point site Pablo site Kaoh leaf in one section 9G3 1291 2207 Each leaf in two sections 489 892 1398 Saving of water 474 399 809 At the three sites, this would amount to annual savings of 173,000, 146,000 and 295,000 acre-feet, respectively, if the average daily traffic is assumed to be as it was on July 6-7, 1925. industrial and Municipal Use. The following letter shows the present use of fresh water bj' indus- tries in and around Pitt.sburg : C. A. HOOPER & CO. Lumber Merchants. Balfour Bldg. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 30, 1924. Mr. W. R. Young, C. E., U. S. Reclamation Service, Campus, University of California, Berkeley, California. My Dear Mr. Young : In conformity with our conversation on our recent trip, I beg to give you herewith a resume of the water used by the main industries in Pittsburg at the present date: 222 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Columbia Steel Co., under the signature of Mr. N. A. Becker, Gen. Supt., that their daily consumption is 4,600,000 Gals. Great Western Electro Chemical Co., under the signature of Mr. C. W. Schedler, Gen Manager, is 3,000,000 Gals. Redwood Manufacturers Co., under the signature of Mr. W. M. Casey, Gen. Manager, is 2,200,000 Gals Pioneer Rubber Co., under the signature of Mr. W. G. La- mond. Gen. Manager, is 1,000,000 Gals. F. E. Booth Co. given me verbally by Mr. F. E. Mullins, Gen. Manager, is 800,000 Gals. The National Metals Co. of Califoniia 20,000 Gals. Total 11,620,000 Gals. Other smaller industries have not reported. A. J. JONGENEIL, General Manager. With a present daily use of 11,620,000 gallons in the comparatively small area of Pittsburg, it seems reasonable to assume that for the whole region above Army Point, with the growth that would come with the construction of a barrier, this use would ultimately amount to 100,000,000 gallons per day equal to 155 c.f.s., or 807 acre-fet't ])er day. With a barrier at Dillon Point, this use might amount to 120,000,- 000 gallons per day equal to 186 c.f.s., or 368 acre-feet, and atPoin,t San Pablo a use of 200,000,000 gallons equal to 310 c.f.s., or 614 acrfe-feet per day might be expected. Summary of Water Required for Operation of the Barrier. Table 10-8 summarizes, by months, the requirements in acre-feet and second-feet, upon the assumption that the gate leaves at the ship locks will be built in two sections, divided horizontally at elevation — 15, and that the water surface above the barrier will be maintained at elevation + 2.5. It should be noted that the indicated requirements to meet losses used in the tables of barrier operation, do not include any allowances for irrigation use in any year. The effect of irrigation draft which may be permitted in years of extreme deficient run-off has not been computed. In addition to the quantities shown in Table 10-8, there are the requirements for flushing out the bays, previously mentioned. Below elevation + 2.5, the volumes in the bays above the three dam sites, according to Table 7-1, are: Army Point, 1,116,000 acre-feet; Dillon Point, 1,235,000 acre-feet; Point San Pablo, 2,400,000 acre-feet. The necessary frequency of flushing, and the amount of water that must be wasted to restore the waters in the bay to the required degree of purity, cannot be foretold without additional data. Complete informa- tion as to the work that has already been done at Lake Washington, supplemented by other data that can be gathered at that point, will help inaterially in answorijig the problem of the encroachment of sea water. The ])roblem of tlie collection of salts through the return ground waters can be studied locally. Some data have already been collected, and additional data must be gathered. The question of contamination from industrial waste, sewage and other agents must be studied. When these problems are more thoroughly under- THE SALT WATER BARRIER 223 Stood, the question of flushing can be answered with a greater degree of certainty. Water Available for Operation of the Barrier. In Table 10-9, is given the rainfall for stations around the bays by months, both for the period of record and for the year 1924. The rainfall represents a source of accretion to the water supply for the barrier which will not appear in any records of run-off of streams, and a large part of this rainfall is not now available for use, as it paivses on out to the sea. In addition to the rain on the open water .surface, there are in the neighborhood of 500,000 acres of land in the delta islands and in marshes contiguous to the bays from which rain- fall reaches the river by seepage, as there are no defined water channels. Assuming that 40 per cent of the rainfall on the 500.000 acres of land enters the channels and bays, the equivalent area of open water surface would be 200,000 acres. The total equivalent open water surface for the catchment of rain above the respective barrier sites at elevation + 2.5 would be : Army Point, 267.000 acres ; Dillon Point, 271,000 acres ; Point San Pablo, 352,000 acres. Using the totals given in the last two columns of Table 10-9, the accretions to the water supply from local rainfall would be as shown in Table 10-10. In addition to the rainfall shown in Table 10-10. there ultimately would be, in normal years, a discharge from the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers of from 10,000.000 to 15,000,000 acre-feet in excess of municipal and irrigation requirements. In this study it is assumed that none of the water from the Kings River, nor from streams south of the Kings, reaches the bay. Likewise the proposed irrigation draft from those streams has been omitted from the quantities assumed as irrigation draft in Table 10-11. This table covers the period beginning with the .sea.son of 1919-20, and embraces the dryest years of record. The quantities are approximate because the study of irrigation require- ments and ."Storage development for the two valleys has not been com- pleted. The amount of return flow from irrigation, and the proportion that would be rediverted for irrigation under the condition of complete agricultural development of the two valleys, cannot be foretold at this time, but the residue available for the operation of the barrier probably will be small. Owing to the increasing difficulty of maintaining the reservoir upstream from the barrier free from salt water as the water surface is permitted to fall, and also because of navigation requirements, it probably will not be ad^nsable to allow the surface of this reservoir to fall below mean sea level (elevation 0)., because of the nature of the levees and the cost of drainage in the delta region, the ultimate maximum allowable water surface, for periods of several months' duration, may, for the purpose of the study, be fixed at 4.0 feet above sea level, although later developments may show that this maximum storage height may even be increased to 5.0 feet. Table 7-2 gives the total storage capacity for the reservoir above each of the three «;ites as follows: 224 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SUMMARY OF TABLE 7-2 STORAGE CAPACITY IN ACRE-FEET ABOVE THE THREE BARRIER SITES Quantities are in acre-feet Range of water surf ace Army Point Dillon Point Point San Pablo to +2.5 161,000 169,000 344,000 to -f4.0 260,000 273,000 565,000 to +5.0 .-{iJS.OOO 352,000 714,000 During normal years, there would be practically no water available for the operation of the barrier from natural stream flow between July 1st and October 1st. During 1920, the period would have been from June 1st and October 1st, and in 1924 this period would have been from May 1st to October 1st. Table 10-12 gives the requirements in acre-feet by months, and accumulated, for water in the operation of the barrier at each of the three sites during the above named periods. (See Table 10-8 also.) Prom data contained in Tables 7-2, 10-8, 10-10, 10-11 and 10-12, Table 10-13 has been prepared, covering the average season, tlie season of 1919-20 and that of 1923-24. It shows the total seasonal water supply available and the seasonal requirements for each of the three sites; also the shortages during the respective seasons and ±he \yater available for flushing out the reservoir above the barrier f ot each' site investigated. In some cases the shortage is due to lack of reservoir capacity and in others to lack of seasonal water supply. The quantity 12,000,000 d=, in the column headed "Water Supply," is the figure assumed as the probable discharge from the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, in a normal year, in excess of municipal and irrigation requirements. Other figures in this column are derived from stream flow (Table 10-11) and rainfall (Table 10-10). As the rainfall data for 1919-20 at the stations used in the study were rather incomplete, the totals for that season were assumed slightly in excess of those for 1923-24 shown in Table 10-10. Tlu> rainfall assumed for 1919-20 is as follows : Accretions to water Location of Barrier supply from rainfall Army Point 300,000 acre-feet Dillon Point .■505,000 acre-feet Point San Pablo 400,000 acre-feet A considerable error in the assumed rainfall would have but a small effect upon the final results of the study. The quantities appearing in the column "Water Required" are taken from Table 10-8 in which, it should be noted, evaporation from the ex])()sed water surface is considered. Quantities under "Water Shortage" are derived from Tables 7-2 and 10-12. The shortage is the difference between the requirements during the irrigation season and the quantity in storage in the reser- voir above elevation 0. The reservoir is assumed to be full at the beginning of the periods covered in Table 10-12. In the column, "Availa})le for Flushing" (Table 10-13) 12,000,- 000 zt acre-feet are shown for the average year with the barrier located at the Army Point and Dillon Point sites, while 11,000.000 ± are shown for the Point San Pablo site. At best, the 12,000,000 ± acre-feet THE SALT WATER BARRIER '22.") is a rough approximation of the average seasonal water supply; and as the addition of rainfall and the deduction for water required in operating the barrier at either of the two upper sites would result in changing the figure by less than 500.000 acre-feet, it was assumed that the amount of water available for flushing at the two upper sites, I in an average year, would be 12,000.000 ± acre-feet. With the bar- rier located at the Point San Pablo site, however, the decrease in water ' available for flushing, due to operation of the barrier, modified by , accretions from rainfall, amounts to nearly 1,000,000 acre-feet, and the water available for flushing at that site in an average year was, accord- ingly, reduced to 11,000,000 acre-feet, although this refinement may ' not be justified in view of the other rough assumption made. The I quantities available for flushing in the seasons 1919-20 and 1928-24 are equal to the supply minus the water required for operation ilecreased by the shortage. From Table 10-13, it is evident that if the maximum height of water nrface above the barrier is restricted to elevation +2.5, the water , stored in the reservoir thus formed will not be sufficient to operate the barrier at any of the three sites during the irrigation season. even in vears of heavv run-off from the Great Central Vallev. and, therefore, it will be desirable to seek the highest practicable elevation at which to maintain the storage level. As previously stated, the levation at which the water surface may be held will depend upon the bility of the delta levees to resist the pressure, and this can only be iletermined by experience. It .should be noted that the shortages due to lack of reservoir capac- y increase as the barrier is moved downstream, although the capacity f the reservoir is greater. This is principally due to the greater vaporation, and to the larger requirements of navigation, indu.stries and municipalities, as indicated in Table 10-8. The sequence of supply and demand can not be known accurately; , therefore the shortages given in the table are minimums since the ' figures are ba.sed upon the assumption that, in years of low run-off, 11 available water can be conserved up to the capacity of the reservoir hove the barrier. It is possible, however, that the small surplus in years of deficient water supply will reach the reservoir within a very -liort period so that the storage capacity will be taxed beyond its mit, with the result that some of the run-off must b6 wasted. It will be noted by examination of Table 10-13 that as the storage • elevation behind the barrier is raised, the amount of water available 'or flushing out the reservoir in years of low run-off is decreased. Vceording to the table no water would be available in the season 1928-24 to flush out the reservoir created through construction of a arrier at the Point San Pablo site whether water were impounded to levation -\- 2.5, -|- 4.0 or + 5.0. It appears that, in any case, there ould be no flushing water available in 1923-24 if water were stored I elevation -f- 5.0, although in a normal year there would be a large mount of water available for flushing, regardless of where the barrier I IS constructed or of the elevation .it which the water surface above ^he barrier is maintained. 15—70686 226 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES If the above analysis is correct, it may be concluded that since one of the principal objects of the Salt Water Barrier is to conserve fresh water, it will be desirable to maintain the largest practicable storage capacity above the structure. Likewise, it is evident that the farther downstream the location for the barrier is chosen, the greater will be the quantity of w^ater re derived. It is desired that a survey be had which will warrant such con- hisions. We very much desire such an engineering study and investigation by the U. S. Reclamation Service and hereby make application for a survey. We believe the Service is the proper body to make this study because of its vast experience in j dealing with irrigation projects. This is an irrigation project. The fact that I it is designed to form a barrier against salt water in no way detracts from its standing as an irrigation which primarily it is. We believe a survey of this project by the U. S. Reclamation Service would j be a logical step in the development of plans for large scale irrigation in the ' Sacramento Valley begun nearly twenty years ago and continued from time to time. We believe this is one of the most important of the various units which , in time must comprise a completed Sacramento Valley project, and we very respect- j fully ask that when funds are available a sufficient amount be set aside to enable I the Service in cooperation .with tiie State <»f California or other interests here to make a thorough survey upon which definite conclusions may be based. Captain Jarvis in reply to our inquiry has estimated the cost of the further -iirveys needed at $25,000. We will undertake to secure from local sources one- 230 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES half of this sum or of such other sum as may be deemed necessary for a cooper- jiiive survey. We very respectfully ask that the Reclamation Service, when funds are avail- able, undertake such survey in cooperation with the proper state authorities and services, and that one-half of the cost of such survey be met from the Reclamation Service funds. We trust this may have your favorable consideration. Yours very truly, SACRAMENTO VALLEY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, By W. A. Beaed, President. DELTA LAND SYNDICATE, By D. Hadsetx, Chairman. Exhibit 2 CONTRACT OF JANUARY 26, 1924 Department of the Interiou Bureau of Reclamation --; t Contract between the United States ; the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of the state of California, and the Sacramento Valley Development Association, providing for continuation of cooperative in\^esti- gation of the proposed Iron Canyon Project and cooperative investigation of pro- posed control works on the Lower Sacramento River, California. THIS AGREEMENT, Made this 2Gth day of .Januarv. 1024. between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by HUBERT WORK, Secretary of the Interior, pursuant to the act of February 21, 1923 (42 Stat., 1281), and the act of March 4, 1923 (42 Stat., 1540), partv of the first part; the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND IRRIGATION, OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, pursuant to Chapter 280, Session Laws of California, 1923, and Chapter 121. Session Laws of Califomia. 1923, party of the second part, and the SACRAMENTO VALLEY DEVELOPMENT ASSO- CIATION, a cori^oration duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, party of the third part : Witnesseth : 2. WHEREAS, The SecreUirj- of the Interior has allotted from the ai)pro- priation made for miscellaneous investigations of reclamation projects, available until December 31, 1924, the sum of TSventy Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) to 1)6 expended in the continuation of investigations of the proposed Iron Canyon Project and in the investigation of proposed control works on the Lower Sacra- mento River in California, and 3. WHEREAS. The Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of the State of California, has available the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,tM10.00) to l)i' expended in said investigations, and 4. WHEREAS, The Sacramento Valley Development Association has avail- able tlie sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (.$10,000.00) to be expended in said investi- gations, and o. WHEREAS. The Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation has, under llur authority of the Secretary of the Interior, approved for investigation and is willing to undertake and make the examinations, suneys and estimates necessary to determine the feasibility of alternate plans now sugge.sted in connection with the proposed Iron Canyon I'roject in California and also investigation of a pro- posed system of control works on the I^ower Sacramento River in the State of Cali- fornia. 6. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, it is stipulated and agreed between the parties hereto as follows: 7. The Secretary of the Interior, upon the execution of this contract, will make available for tlio work pi'ojiosed liorein. the sum of Twenty -Thousand Dollars (.$20,000.00); the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of the State of Califoniia, upon the execution of this contract, will make THE SALT WATER BARRIER 231 nvailahlo as hcifiiiaftor provided, for the work proposed herein, tlie sum of Ten Timusand Dollars ($1().()00.(M)) and the Sacramento Valley Development Associa- tion, upon the execution of thi.s contract, will deposit with the Special Fiscal Agent of the Bureau of Reclamation at Denver. Colorado, for the work proposed herein, the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (.$10,000.00). 8. As to the said sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to be made 1 available by the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irri- gation, of the State of California, the Engineer in charge of the work, pursuant I to paragraph lo hereof, shall determine in his discretion the items of expenditure ! which shall be chargeable against said sum. and shall voucher the said items directly to the state officer designated by the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation of the State of California. 1). Each item of the work neewer development at the proposed dam and reservoir site heretofore investi- I gated at Iron Canyon, including the necessary changes in plans and estimates to , provide reliable information thereon under such new conditions as may now be I proposed, (b) Make examination and sui-vey of a proposed canal (known as I the Low Line Canal) diverting from the Sacramento River at or near the mouth I of Red P.ank Creek for the irrigation of lands on the west side of the river in the j proposed Iron Canyon Project. Said investigations will include. (1) classification "f materials, the preparati.00) which may be expended in the continuation of the investigation of proposed control works on the Lower Sacramento River in California, and 4. WHEREAS. The Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of the State of California, has available the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) which may be expended in the continuation of said investiga- tion. 5. NOW. THEREFORE, In consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained it is stipulated and agreed between the parties hereto as follows: j G. Effective upon the date of this contract the Commissioner of the Bureau [ ©f Reclamation, under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior, will make { available for the continuation of the investigation of proposed control works on |i the Lower Sacramento River in California, the sum of Five Thounsand Dollars , ($5,000.00), and the Department of Pultlic Works, Division of Engineering and Lrrigation, of the State of California, will on the same date, make available a like snm for the said work. 7. As to the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to be made avail- j able by the Department of Public Works. Division of Engineering and Irrigation, I of the State of California, the engineer in charge of the work, pursuant to paragraph 13 of the said contract dated January 26, 1924, shall determine, in his discretion, •he items of expenditure which shall be charged against said sum. and shall voucher lie said items directly to the state officer designated by the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of the State of California. 8. Each item of the work need not be paid in the proportion of the funds I provided by this agreement, but the aggregate cost of the continuation of the said [investigations, as herein provided for, shall be paid in said proportion, to wit : ' One-half by the United States and one-half by the Department of Public Works, } Division of Engineering and Irrig.-ition. of the State of California: provided, that ■ny payments in excess of said proportions made by either party out of the funds available during the progress of the work shall be adjusted when the report con- templated by paragraph 15 of said contract dated January 2(k 1924. is made; iwovided, further, that should the entire amount herein provided he not expended, there shall be returned to each party any excess of the money made available liy it over its proportion of the expenditure. 234 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 9. The provisions of Articles 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of said contract dated January 2G, 1924, sliall govern the work of the said investigation, as herein pro- vided for, and shall be considered a part of this contract the same as if the said Articles were set out in detail herein. 10. No member of or delegate to congress, or resident commissioner, after his election or appointment or either before or after he has qualified and during his continuauce in office, and no officer, agent, or employee of the Government, shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or agreement, or to any benefit to arise thereupon. Nothing, however, herein contained shall be construed to extend to any incorporated company, where such contract or agreement is made for the general benefit of such incorporation or company, as provided in section 116 of the Act of Congress, approved March 4, 1909 (35 Stat., 1109). IN WITNESS AVHEREOF, This contract has been executed in triplicate by the parties hereto the day and year first above written. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. By Elwood Mead, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclama- [seal] tion. Department of the Interior. DEPARTMENT OF TUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND IRRIGATION, OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. By W. F. McClure, Director of Public Works and State Engineer. Attest : Myrti.e V. Murray, Secretary. SACRAIMENTO VALLEY DEVELOPMENT ASSO- [SEAL] CIATION. ^- ] By W. A. Beard, President and General Manager. Attest : M. A. Sexton, Secretary. Exhibit 4 CONTRACT OF iVIARCH 3, 1925 Contract between the United States of America and the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of the State of California, providing for the completion of the investigation of proposed control works on the Lower Sacramento River, California. THIS AGREEMENT, Made this 3d day of March, 1925, between the United States of America, by Hubert Work, Secretary of Interior, under the provisions of the Aft of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat., 388), and acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, party of the first part, and the Department of Public Works, Division of ETigineoring and Irrigation, of the State of California, pursuant to Chapter 380, Session Laws of California, 1923, and Chapter 121, Session Laws of California, 1923, party of the second part ; WITNESSETH : 2. WHEREAS. By contracts dated January 26. 1924. and June 20. 1924, between the Ignited States of America ; the Department of Pul)lic Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of the State of California; and the Sacramento Viilloy Development Association, certain cooperative investigations in the Sacra- iiHMito Valley in California were provided for, including an investigation of proposed control works on tiie Lower Sacramento River at a total expense of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). 3. WHEREAS, There is available from the appropriation made by Congres for secondary investigations, the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars (.$15,000.00> wliich may be expended for the completion of the investigation of the proposed cs hereto the day and year first above written. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. By Hubert Work, Secretary of the Interior. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND IRRIGATION, OF (SEAL) THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. By W. F. McClurk, Director of Public Works and State Engineer. Attest : Mtbtle V. Murray, Secretary. Exhibit 5 CONTRACT OF MARCH 16, 1926 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Contract between the United States and the California Developincnt Association providing, in iiiirt, for conlinuation of cooix'rative investigation of propo-sed contro' wiirks on the I.owei- Sacramento River, California. THIS AGliEE.MENT. Made thi.s 16th dav of March. 1926, between THI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by Ehvood Mead, Commissioner of the Bureai of Reclamation, under the provisions of the Act of June 17. 1902 (.32 Stat., 388) and aits amendatory thereof or suiiplenicntary thereto, party of the part hereinafter referred to as the United States, and the CALIFORNIA DEVELOP MENT ASSOCIATION, a corporation duly organized and existing under the law of the State of California, i)arty of the second part, hereinafter referred to as thi Association ; WITNESSETH : 2. WHEREAS, By contracts dated January 2(5, 1924, June 26, 1924, ant :\rarch 3, 1925, between the United States, the Department of Public Works Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of tlie State of (California, and the Sacra mento Valley Development Association, certain cooperative investigations in th' THE SALT WATER BARRIER 237 Sacramento Valley in California were provided for, including an investigation of proiwsed control works on the Lower Sacramento River, at a total cost of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) ; and, 3. WHEREAS, The California Development Association has available the sum of Four Tliousand, Four Hundred and Fifty-seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($-l,4;'57.50) which may be expended for continuation of the investigation of the proposed control works on the Lower Sacramento River in California; and, 4. WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation has, under authority of the Secretary of the Interior, available for allotment from the nppnipriation for cooperative and general investigations, secondary projects, as contained in the Act of March 3, 1925 (43 Stat., 1141, 1171), such a sum of money as, when added to the sum of money available by the Association, will not exceed the aggregate sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($0,000.00). ij. NOW. THEREFORE, In consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, it is stipulated and agreed between Ihe parties hereto as follows : 6. The As.'jociation has deposited with the Special Fiscal Agent of the Bureau of Reclamation at Denver, Colorado, the sum of Four Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty-seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($4,457.50), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, for continuation of the investigation of the proposed control works on the Lower Sacramento River in California. Should it be necessai-y, in the progress of the work of said investigation, to expend funds in addition to those made available by the Association, the United States will expend from the appro- priation for cooperative and general investigations, secondary projects, as contained in the Act of March 3, 1925 (43 Stat.. 1141, 1171), such sum or sums as, when .idded to the funds made available by the Association, shall not exceed the aggre- gate sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00). 7. The work shall be performed by the Bureau of Reclamation of the Depart- ment of the Interior under the supervision of the Chief Engineer of said Bui-eau. 5. So far as applicable, and where not inconsistent with the provisions hereof, the provisions of the said contracts dated January 26, 1924, June 26, 1924. and March 3, 1925, between the United States, the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, of the State of California, and the Sacra- mento Valley Development Association, shall be applicable. 9. No member of or delegate to congress or resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or to any benefits to arise therefrom. Nothing, however, herein contained shall be construed to extend to any incorporated company if the contract be for the general benefit of such corporation or company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, This contract has been executed by the parties hereto the day and year first above written. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. By Elwood Mead, Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation. (March 30, 1926. ) CALIFORNIA DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION. By N. H. Sloane, Secretary and General Manager. I SKAL) Exhibit 6 CONTRACT OF SEPTEMBER 19, 1924 Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation THIS AGREEMENT, Made September 19, 1924, in pursuance of the Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat., 388), and acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, between THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereinafter styled the United States, l)y Walker R. Young, Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, thereunto duly authorized, and subject to the approval of the proper supervisory officer of the Bureau of Reclamation, and the East Bay Municipal Utility District, a cor- poration organized under tlic laws of the State of California, hereinafter styleen'iiture8 by state of California Actual cost. U. S. and local $50,297 72 $76,603 30 Estimated cost alloarties* ' Percentages of overhead cost apply only on direct cost oi the United States, excluding the expenditures by California. • This report is not final cost of inveitigations, as further expense will be incurred in assembling report of project Description of work: For cooperative investigations of the Salt Water Barrier, Sacramento Valley, California, under contracts with the State of California and local interests Approved: L. R. Smith, Correct: L. J. Moran, Chief Clerk Costkeeper 16 — 70686 242 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Exhibit 10 ECONOMIC ASPECTS Law Offices op IIadsell, Sweet & Ingaixs 433 California Street, San Francisco. July 2, 1926. Dr. Elwood Mead, Care United States Bureau of Reclamation, Yakima, Washington. My Dear Doctor : In Re proposed Economic Survey in connection with proposed Carquinez Dam. I understand that Engineer Young is practically ready to report upon the pro- posed barrier at four different sites between Army Point and Point Richmond. Naturally the next question will be whether or not the benefits derivable from such barrier at each respective 'site will justify the cost of construction and the expense of maintenance and operation. To determine these benefits in each instance an economic survey obviously is necessary. For some time past we have put before you, in various ways, our desire to have this further survey made by the Bureau of Reclamation by means of funds contributed equally by the Bureau of Reclamation and our own State Department of Public Works, but"; thus far we have only stated in general tei-ms what the benefits will be and whaf'f actors must be examined and appraised in such a survey. We Avish, therefore, now to be more specific. We will take each proposed site in turn. Army Point Site. This site is just above Benicia, between Army Point at the Arsenal on the north shore and Bull's Head Point opposite on the south shore. A barrier here l)resents the following factors for study and appraisement : (a) One of the natural and most feasible routes for vehicular traffic between the west side nf the Sacramento Valley and the cities of Oakland and Berkeley on the east shore of San Francisco Bay is along the edge of the marsh lands from Suisun to Benicia, thence across the straits to Martinez, thence to Concord and Walnut Creek and (hen by the Tunnel Road into Berkeley and by Redwood Canyon into ();ikland. 'flic route by the Tunnel Road has long been open. For the st.'veral i)ast months much work has been in i)rogress to make this route even more usable than it has been for many years. They are straightening and widening the road on the Contra Costa County side of the hill. I'lans are under discussion to cur a tunnel at a much lower level and to widen, straighten and lower the road on the Alameda County side of the hill. Recently, in Oakland. .*i?.")()00 was appro- priated and arrangements made to plan a liighway from Oakland through Redwood ('anycm to Walnut Creek. There are several other suggested routes for additional roads through this riuige of hills to connect these East Bay communities with the back country ; and every route now existing or suggested is tributary directly to any liigliwjiy from M.-irtinez to the north. So it is clear that in conjunction with a dam at this site, a bridge, as a part of such a north-going highway, will be very important. It is the duty of our State Highway Commission to provide just such main highways. No doubt the Commission could be interested in this feature of the project; and it might well be that the Commission, through moneys especially provided for it by our present two-cent gas tax, or through other moneys which likely will be provided for it by several measures which will be on the ballot in November, will be willing and anxious to join in the expense of construc- tion, maintenance and oi>eralion. But only an economic survey can possibly inform us as to what extent, on the basis of benefits to vehicular traffic both now and in the future, the state's Highway Commission should participate. (b) The main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, both from the east and from the north, crosses the straits at Benicia. It is my information that the THE SALT WATER BARRIER 243 monthly cost to the railroad to maintain and operate its ferry (it runs two large boats with frequent crossings) is wrll above $100,000. But it is my understand- ing that a railroad bridge may well be built iu conjunction with the barrier. If 80, the railroad will be greatly interested to determine how far it should contribute, on the basis of present and future benefits, towards the construction, maintenance and operation of such a barrier. But here again an economic study or survey must be made. I wish to add that the railroad itself has done considerable to ascertain the feasibility of constructing a bridge at this point ; and Mr. Young told me that he had gotten the railroads data for his use. (c) Above this dam site, and below the delta area, there are a number of very important industries which use very large supplies of water. These industries at present are the Shell Oil Company, which has a refinei-y near Martinez ; Tide Water Associated Oil Company, formerly the Associated Oil Company, which has its refinery at Avon east of Martinez ; Columbia Steel Company, which has a very large steel mill at Pittsburg; Paraffine Paint Company, which has one of its paper factories at Antioch ; Great Western Electro-Chemical Company, which has a large plant for the manufacture of chemicals situated near Bay Point ; Pioneer Rubber Mills, which has a large plant between Pittsburg and Antioch, and Coos Bay Lumber Company, which has a large yard and factory near Bay Point. Most of these industries use very large (|uantities of water and customarily they pump it at a very low expense — about one cent per 1000 gallons, I believe, from the neighboring channel. Needless to say, it is fresh water and not salt water that they use and must have. Salt water, even were the quantity of salt in it small, is very damaging to machinery and greatly increases the cost of the maintenance as well as cost of operation. The diluted salt water conditions which now prevail for several months in the summer time in this stretch of channel makes the water situation for these industries a very severe one. They have an industrial associa- tion whicli for a long time has been actively in search of relief, and they have been considering several different methods of bringing water to their industries by means of aqueducts from other sources. Any of these means of relief will be very costly and will greatly increase the expense of water. The fact is that cheapness of water supply is one of the reasons which greatly induced these industries to locate where they did many years ago. Here then is an instance where the construction of this barrier will have a very beneficial result for these industries and one of the purposes of an economic survey must be to ascertain the comparative values of this proposed barrier as a means of furnishing fresh water to these industries and of the alternative projects for the bringing of water to this area for these industries by means of aqueducts from distant sources. There is one large user of water, namely, tlio Califoruia-Hawiian Sugar Refining Corporation, whose plant is at Crockett, below this particular dam site. At present it expends large sums of money annually to barge water to its plant during the critical months. If this dam is constructed a pipe line might be provided of very short length by which this company would be relieved of the expense of bringing water to its plant by barges. So this element also would enter into the proposed economic survey. (d) East of Martinez, in Contra Costa County, there are considerable areas of farming lands where additional supplies of water for irrigation and domestic uses are already needed and will be more largely needed in the future. Several thousand acres are involved. The time must come when this area will have to provide itself with additional water either from a distant source of from the channel between Martinez and Bay Point. Certainly an economic survey should consider this factor. (e) There are also a number of small and yet important towns and urban communities which are in much neeose which these cities had in organiz- ing this district was to provide an additional water supply for the territory com- prised within the district. The water situation in this territory is extremely serious and has been so for the last few years. At present there is barely epough water in sight to carry the territory for the next five months. This.assumes that the present wells south of Oakland will continue to yield as well as they are yielding at the monicul. But engineers are saying that there is grave danger that these wells will fail because of the tremendous demands which are beingj made' upon them. In some of them there is already a trace of infiltration of salt water. This district, after some investigation, decided to build a large reservoir on the Mokelumne Kiver cast of Stockton to conduct the waters by a huge aqueduct from that reservoir to the East Bay communities to supplement the present water supply furnished by the East Bay Water Company. This project is under construction. This district must get its water from the Mokelumne River or some other distant source. Tlie trouble with the present project is that it will do a great deal of harm to the farming communities along the lower reaches of the Mokelumne River, In consequence a very bitter fight is now being waged between the district and the farming communities. What the outcome of this battle will be it is not possible to say. The farming communities are going to continue to do everything they can to prevent the district taking their water supply. If this salt water barrier were constructed a -great deal of the present trouble between the district and the farming communities could be removed and perhaps the whole trouble could be entirely alleviated. I would think that it would be a part of the economic survey to take this whole problem into consideration. (g) P.etween Benicia and Antioch on both sides of the channel there are considerable areas of marsh lands which, if the salt could be kept out of them and if the salt in them could be leached out with fresh water, would constitute some of the richest farming land in the State of California. Personally I think it would be richer than any of the land in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Delta. It wmild have more silt in it d(tes the land in the San .loacpiiu Delta and it would have more peat in it than does a larger part of the land in the Sacramento Delta. I would judge that some fifty to sixty thousand acres are involved. • A barrier of this kind is the only hope for the future which this marsh laiul area has and certainly the value which the barrier would have for this land is a factor for investigation in an economic survey. (h) The thing which most immediately instigated the present investigation was the existing battle between the Delta territory and the Sacramento Valley over the large diversions of water from the Sacramento River above Sacramento whereby, as we of tiie Delta claim, tiie iiitlux of salt water into the Delta clianncls has been produced and thereby has endangered the rich farming communities in the Delta. The fact is that 75 per cent of the lands of the San Joacpiin Delta arc lower than high tide and most of them are lower than low tide in San Francisco Bay. In the Sacramento Delta a very large part t>f tlie lands are lower than high tide and a considerable jxirtion of them are lower than low tide in San Francisco Bav. Tidal effects occur in Jill channels of the Delta even above Stockton and THE SALT WATER BARRIER 245 above Sacramento. The diannels «f all streams in the Delta are much below low tide and in some instances obtain a depth of 50 or 60 feet. Now, in the remote past, the great flow of water rushinf; through the Delta to the sea from the Sacramento and San Joaquin River stream systems has kept these channels clear of salt water and has stored such quantities of fresh water in San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Straits, Suisuu Bay and Honker Bay and channels connecting with them that the inflow of salt water into the Delta territory has been prevented. In recent years, however, the greatly increased storage of water on the tributaries of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and the greatly increased diversion of water from these two stream systems for the irrigation of vast areas of lands in I he Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, combined with ten or more years of shortage of rainfall, have brought it about that in such years as 1920 and 1924 the fresh water barrier of which I have just spoken has been entirely done away with and salt water has gone far into (ho many stream channels in the great Delta territory. This condition caused the Delta interests to organize Delta Land Syndicate and River Lands Association and to institute suits and to take other measures to prevent diversions above us which operated to prevent formation of the fresh water barrier below the Delta territory. Hard battles have already been fought and hard battles are still to be fought. It is obvious that the construction of this barrier will remove the cause of this trouble and pei-mit development to continue unhampered in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys and upon the upper reaches of the Sacramento and San Joaquin river stream systems. Obviously the economic factors are many and of enormous consequence to the future welfare of this state. All of the great power companies of the state are involved and a great majority of the irrigation districts. Likewise, there is involved the Hetch Iletchy project of the city of San Fi-ancisco as well as the project of the city of Sacramento. Then, too, there are many public utility canal systems which are involved. Any economic survey must take all of these things into account in appraising the economic values which arise or are involved in the construction of this barrier. (i) Something must be said also on the subject of the ravages of the teredo, or marine borer. Before salt water conditions were brought about in the channels between Benicia and Antioch through the causes therefor which I have described, the piling on the wharves in this area was not treated for protection against the teredo. The reason was that the piling always was in fresh water and the teredo would not invade fresh water areas. The salt water condition came to prevail in this area long before anyone realized that the change had occurred. In consequence many wharves collapsed in use and wharfingers and warehouse owners first became aware of the condition when such accidents happened. There is extant a report on the inva- sion of the teredo into this area and into the straits between Benecia and Vallejo and it is estimated that the losses through damage to piling by the teredo between Vallejo and Antioch has exceeded $15,000,000. Even piling which has been treated to withstand the teredo eventually succumbs and has to be replaced ; but piling in fresh water has an extremely long life and therefore there is an economic factor here which must be taken into consideration in any economic survey. This, of course, related to shipping and commerce along this channel between Sacramento, Stockton and San Francisco and other bay points. (j) From your long residence in California you are quite familiar with the fact that the San Joaquin Valley has a very much greater in-igable acreage than there is water to irrigate it and the Sacramento Valley has a much greater supply of water than there are irrigable acres to use it. You are likewise aware of the very desperate situation which prevails in the lower end of the San Joaquin Valley where many thousands of acres are going backwards thi'ough lack of water due to overexpansion and to lowering of water tables under extensive pumping. These conditions have been getting more acute year by year. Those in touch with the water condition in northern California have anticipated what has happened and the last several legislatures have made large appropriations of moneys for water resources investigations and, as based thereon, for the formulation of a scheme for the comprehensive development of the water resources of the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys with their tributary systems. At the legislative session of 1925 a report for such a comprehensive development of these water resources was submitted to the legislature and is known as "Bulletin No. 9 — Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California — A report to the Legislature of 1925." I am enclosing a map which is part of that bulletin whereon is delineated the compre- hensive scheme. You will note from this map that the dam in Carquinez Straits 246 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES at some as yet unascertained point is a crucial factor in this scheme. In other words, the whole economic situation in the San Joaquin Valley, so far as that situation depends upon an adequate supply of water for irrigation, is involved in this project for the construction of a barrier below the mouths of the Sacramento and San Joacjuin rivers. Here is an economic factor which is worthy of more than usual attention because it extends in so many directions and any economic survey in connection with the proposed barrier must certainly consider this factor. (k) I must also note that an improvement in navigation would arise, as I see it, from the construction of this barrier. At present, in the summer time, there is such a low flow in the Sacramento River during several months, particularly in such excessive dry years as were 1920 and 1924, that navigation even to Sac- ramento at times is impossible and is entirely impossible for a considerable period of time over the stretches of the river immediately above Sacramento where a considerable commerce otherwise would originate. There have been numbers of occasions when the river at Sacramento has been so low that the boats had to stop several miles below Sacramento. The federal authorities who are concerned with navigation have given considerable thought and study to this condition and have made reports to the higher officials at Washington concerning the same. They have proposed, in fact, that a lock should be built across the river at Freeport, a considerable distance below Sacramento, for the express purpose of maintaining navigable conditions as far up the river as Sacramento and somewhat beyond. I understand, however, that the army engineers have definitely recommended against the construction of a lock at Freeport and have proposed other meane to help the situation. However, this is one of the factors which must be* considered in any economic survey. (1) In view of what I have now said it seems to me conclusive that another economic factor must be studied in any economic survey. For, as I iJee it„ the construction of this barrier through the various beneficial results which I have indicated will cause great developments to occur along the straits, and in the delta and in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys and even in the mountain areas and in Contra Costa and Alameda counties. These developments will extend to an increase in intensive farming, to an increase in irrigated areas, to the growth of cities, and to the development of manufactures of every sort and thereby will steadily promote the development of commerce throughout northern California. No man can say how great this additional production of wealth will be. You are aware that both the city of Sacramento and the city of Stockton have deep water jirojects afoot where they pi'opose to construct deep water channels from the upper reaches of San Francisco Bay to their respective localities in order thereby to create inland ports for deep sea-going vessels. Sin-ely no man can foretell, if the developments occur which I have suggested, how great will be the growth of sea- borne commerce as well as commerce by rail. Now I do not mean to say that there will be no disadvantages arising from the construction of this barrier. I am referring now to economic disadvantages. There will be some. For example, construction of this barrier will make it neces- sary for vessels operating on the rivers between bay points and river points to use locks during several months of the year. In a way this use of locks will hinder fonimerce and consequently an economic survey must consider this question. Moreover, tlio barrier will have the effect to increase seepage conditions in large portions of llie Delta and will nuikt- ntccssary. iis I sec it. the construction of larger levees or stronger levees. These things mean increase in maintenance and oi)eration ns well as in capital expenditiiics and must be taken into consideration i 1 any economic survey. As far as commerce may be hindered the federal authori- ties will l)e dcejily interesteuce nmy accompany earth movements of inconsideral>le .'imount and they may affect areas at r considera!)le distance from the center of i)ropagalion. Tiius. enrthiiuakes may be considered as an irregularly recurrent hazard to structures. The history of tiie region records two earthquakes separated l)y an interval of .'{(» years. This interval is doubtless purely fortuitous l)Ut i)robably indicates that eartlujuakes of consideral)le magnitude may be expected at intervals measured in tens, ratlier than in hundreds of years. That structures should be designed to avoid tlie effect of eartliquake shake seems a reasonable r('(|uireiuent. In llio foregoing review of the risks n;ttural to the region due to earth move- ment and earlliiiuake shock, il may lie seen that the science of geology can con- tribute little to assist the engineer in estimating the risk, or in the location of structures. It 9 14 20 15 Sandy and luud S a n d .V , coar-'sor harder and 30 in. Quartz .', C8 Tule mud 40 Soft blue clay 15 Sediment soil and soft sand 15 Black mud 15 Soft yellow clay Depth Thickncsa Character of strata 155 If) ft. Yellow clay and sand 171 211 226 242 2r.9 40 Soft blue clay 15 Dry blue hard clay 16 Black sand 27 Coarse sand, light color Depth ?,0 40 77 79 yo !I8 122 "E" SEYMOUR O Thickness Character of strata 2 ft. Decayed tule 28 Bluish black mud 10 Yellow clay, dry 37 Yellow clay, soft 2 White sand 20 Blue clay, hard and dry 19 Greenish clay 4 Blue clay UN CLUB WELL Dvpth Thickness Character of strata 122 1 4 ft. Sand and gravel 136 17 White beach sand 153 20 Light blue clay, stratas 173 white rock 20 Blue clay, sandy layei's 193 rock 97 Light gray clay, hard 290 and dry 40 Blue shale, very hard 330 10 Blue shale, almost rock 340 11 Medium coarse gravel (Fresh water and gas 351 this strata) "F" OTIS WELL [Oepth Tliickncss Character of strata 1 48 ">8 no 13G 140 176 1 ft. Decayed tule 4 7 Soft gray clay 10 Yellow clay 58 Light yellow clay, medi- um hard 15 Light gray clay, medium hard '< Dark gray clay, medium hard 10 Dark lead clay, medium hard 30 Light yellow clay, hard Depth Thickness Character of strata 17G 1 ft. Redwood log 177 197 217 237 257 271 296 316 20 20 20 20 14 2", 20 ^fedium fine gravel and a little sand Coarse gravel Yellow clay, soft Light green clay, layers of sand Gray clay Yellow clay, hard Fine gravel and coarse sand 'G" FRANK MASKEY WELL pth Thickness Character of strata 2 ft. Tule root 42 62 SI 40 Decayed vegetation 20 Soft blue clay 19 Yellow clay 10 Black sand Depth Thickness Character of strata 91 98 ft. Sand and fine clay 189 4 Dry blue clay 193 35 Sand 228 7 Sand 235 254 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Exhibit 12 — Continued LOGS OF DEEP WELLS DRILLED •*H" N. V. C. MURDOCK WELL, Depth Thickness Character of strata 2 ft. Tule roots 2 43 Decayed vegetation 45 10 Soft blue clay- 55 5 Soft yellow clay 60 15 Red sand 75 ]0 Soft yellow clay 85 20 Soft blue clay 105 35 Black mud 140 l.j Dark clay and sand 155 32 Black mud 187 15 Decayed vegetation 202 1 Old wood and log 203 5 Dark sand and clay 208 Depth Thickness Character of strata 208 25 ft. Soft blue clay 233 83 Black mud 316 3.19 43 Soft blue clay 10 Medium blue clay 369 4 Aledium hard clay 373 11 Clay and grit 3S4 15 Pine black sand 399 5'-3" Clay and grit 404' -3" 36 ft. Hard blue clay 440' -3" 11 Soft blue clay 451' -3" j Sand and clay .' 456' -3" "" 1 12 Fine bla&k sand 4r,8' -3" Total 468' -3" ^ , 'I" THRELKELD & SCOTT WELL Depth Thickness Character of strata Hi) 68 83 90 105 155 175 187 195 213 230 256 264 272 291 299 352 370 381 393 523* 55 ft. Peat 13 Brown clay 15 Clay and gravel 7 Brown clay 13 Yellow sticky clay 50 Sticky clay, blue 20 Sandy clay 12 Tough sticky clay, yellow 8 Sticky clay 18 Yellow clay 17 Sandy clay, yellow 26 Yellow clay 8 Clay and sand 8 Clay 19 Clay and sand S Sand, hard 53 Clay IS Tough sticky clny 11 Sandy clay 12 Blue clay 30* Clay Depth Thickness Character of strata 523* 16 ft. Tough sticky clay 539 10 Clay 555 S Tight gravel, made 20 563 in 9 hours *> Tight sand 565 50 7 2 Lava 33 Clay 600 42 Lava 642 23 Clay 665 78 Lava 743 132 Clay 875 16 Tough sticky clay 891 lt;7 Clay 1058 30 Hard lava 1088 14 Soft lava gravel, lit' 1102 water 8 Soft lava 1110 5 Hard lava 1115 35 Lava water 1150 8 Soft blue shale 1158 23 Hard blue shale 1181 31 Blue sand, some water 1212 Discrepancy. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 255 "J" FRANK HOWELL WELL I>r,)(h Thickness Character of strata 2 52 2 ft. Tule roots 50 Blue mud 8 Yellow sand (brackish water) "K" WARD WELL— B Depth y/ticA-ness Character of strata 3 5 ■i ft. Soil 2 Coarse gray sand 20 Peat -0 05 105 " a7 40 •10 2 Soft blue mud Fine blue sand Blue clay " 1 ■ •> "i 18 Yellow clay 12fi 1 Yellow .sand Depth Thickness Character of strata GO 40 Yellow clay 100 200 Yellow sand.stone 300 400 Blue shale (pockets of 700 oil) Depth Thickness Character of strata 126 4 ft. Yellow clay 130 132 135 138 139 141 141J Yellow sand Yellow clay Yellow sand Yellow clay Yellow sand Yellow clay Exhibit 13 ACTION OF SALT SOLUTIONS ON CONCRETE Dep^uitment of Commebce Bureau of Standards Washington San Francisco, California, May 26, 1925. ^ir. Walker R. Young, Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, 110 Agriculture Hall, Berkeley, California. I 'ear Mr. Young : In reply to your letter of May 22d regarding points of interest to you concerned itli use of concrete in the proposed Salt Water Barrier: Briefly discussing the points in the same rotation you presented them numer- ifall.v, the following comments are offered : 1. The most desirable characteristic in a concrete projected for exposure to lenncii)!; salt solutions is a hiw pcrnicahility f;i< tor. 2. How such a concrete of low permeability factor ran be fabricated the most ■ononiically at any given job can only be determined through experimentation ith available aggregate. It is likely considerable care will have to be exerted in lection of aggreg.nto. fabrication and placement to insure a low permeability (factor in tlie structure. Therefore, the assumpton that such a concrete in place will prove more expensive than the ordinary run of concrete used with safety here service conditions are less exacting, is at a reasonable one. 3. Though cautious practice always favors the use of fresh water in concrete aging, there are reports that salt water has on occasions been used for the same arpose without apparent detriment to the job. This may indicate that a fresh ater gaged concrete can be placed under salt water with the same engineering fficulties and limitations such operations can be successfully accomplished under ' ■-'■ water. After the conditions most favorable for development of law per- ility Concrete have been determined, then the question of practicability of :!e tremie system far handling and placing that prescribed concrete mixture will ■quire attention. This appeals more as an engineering problem involving the 256 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES * proper physictil placing of a prescribed concrete mixture than as a chemical con- sideration of possible salt water hazards present during placement operation. 4. There are at least two constituents normal to salt water regarded as deleterious to concrete. To the magnesium salts is attributed the power to replace calcium in the Portland cement complex with weakening effects. Water-soluble sulphate acts both chemically and physically upon concrete, the latter action largely confined to zones of wetting and drying. Neither magnesium salts nor water- soluble sulphates are present in salt water to the extent dire results must follow the admixture of some salt water with the green concrete. Assuming that all of the salts thus presented for combination with the Portland cement actually went through the chemical cycle, the tolerance of the cement for the limited dosage avail- able should be manifested. Real and serious trouble may occur, however, when the accumulative effects of the equivalent of an over-dosage of salts has been administered through the agency of percolating salt water continuously carrying into the concrete structure a fresh supply of harmful salts. The reaction between set cement and sea water is roughly quantitative, and like most chemical reactions, the rate of action is determined by the relative area exposed to such action, assuming the supply of attacking reagent is without limit. Therefore, when attack is limited to structure facing only, the rate of attack will be much slower as compared to a honeycomb condition in the concrete where the contact of attacking reagent with concrete surface is proportionately increased. It is obvious then that a nonporous concrete, that is, a concrete of low permeability factor, will exhibit the gi'eater djirabilit'y under the exposure conditions found in salt water. --v ' 5. Pei-colating water carrying in sodium chloride to reinforcing steel starts the chemical change of transposing steel to iron chloride, likely mixed with iron oxide, etc. Suffice to state that such chemical changes or corrosio|L are attended with marked increase of volume over the space originally occupie4 by the reinJ forcing features, resulting in the rupture and scaling of the concrete within th( pressure area developed. A structure once fractured and split by such actior offers no barrier against infiltration of the salt water to work over a relatively larg< surface of concrete. (See latter part of Paragraph No. 4.) The distance fron the facing to place the reinforcing steel to insure against contact with salt watei is not readily answered. If the concrete is porous, the salt water may find extensive penetration of the concrete mass. A policy of placing reinforcing steel close t( the surface of facing seems justified only where there is assurance the concrete v.ill serve as a barrier against salt water penetration Yours very truly, Titvixct Friu.oxc. Associate Chemist. Exhibit 14 THE ACTION OF SEA WATER ON CONCRETE STRUCTURES IN ANt ADJACENT TO SAN DIEGO BAY Standard Oir, Company Sai>es Dkpartment San Diego In making this investigation and report it has been thought advisable t accumulate and suniinarize the re.'^ults of similar investigations, not only on th coast, but wiiorevor it has seemed that the data contained or the conclusioi reached would be of value, not only in determining wliat conditions we might I expected to encounter, but in aiding us to arrive at the proper conclusions fn such conditions. To this end we have summarized and included in this report the foHowii reports on sea water concrete: 1. CONCRETE IN SEA WATER : Rudolph .T. Wig and Lewis R. Fergus^ 2. CONCRETE IN SEA WATER: J. L. Harrison. 3. FAILURE OF THE SANTA MONICA PIER: J. II. Quinton, W. Barnard and F. II. Olmsted. THE SALT WATER BAKKIEK 257 Following these sumiuarizations, we have given a general statement of the con- usions reached by these investigators, and have followed this with the report on in DicRo Baj- conditions. Notj:. — The detail report on San Diego Bay conditions is not included in this lixhibit. The conclusions are included at the end. — W. R. Y. I CONCRETE IN SEA WATER By Rudolph J. Wig. of The Bureau of Standards, and Lewis R. Ferguson, of , Iho Portl.Mud Cement Association, published in Engineering News Record, Septem- ber liO. I!tl7. October 4. lUIT. nctnluT 11. lillT. ( ictobci- Is. 1!I17, jind October j 25, 1917. Objects of the Invrstignfion: To determine the extent, character and causes failures in concrete structures, plain and reinforced, subject to the action of t sea water. Xature uiid Scope of J)ivcstiffatioii: Personal examination of all the important .iicrete structures subject to the action of sea water, on both coasts of the United } States, and in Canada, Cuba and Panama. Number of structures examined 130 Number on the Pacific Coast 49 Number in California 34 Number in Southern California 19 Plain Concrete. Condition of Structttres Invextigateil: The condition of the structures investi- -.ited indiciiled a universal i)rop:i'essiv(! dccom|iositiou of coiicrett^ strm-hires swlij. 1020 Mr. C. O. Van Valer : H. Le Chatelier (International Association for Testing Materials) finds that the active ingredients of cement (lime alumina tes, silicates) are decomposed by the magnesium salts of sea water, yielding soluble calcium chlorides and lime sulphates. The latter, with lime aluminate, forms a compound whose crystaliza- tion tends to swell and crack the material. The substitution of iron for alumina in cement removes cue of the most active reagents in the deteriorating effects of the salts in sea water. The disintegration of concrete in .salt water appears to be due less to the action of the water itself than to physical action from outside sources. Cement mortar has remained in perfect condition for 15 to 20 centuries in Italian harbor works although exposed to the constant actions of sea water. The above confirms Mr. Brown's conclusions. The experience of the writer while in the service of Velie, Blackwell & Buck, on the East coast, is also in confirmation of Mr. Brown's article, i. e., Monolithic Concrete work with very little or no reinforcement showed no signs of failure when exposed to salt water, while heavily reinforced work such as bridge abut- ment, wingwalls, etc., deteriorated rapidly. D. D. PUBBINQTON. 262 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Exhibit 15 This exhibit, sliown in the origrinal report, is in tlio form of a pamphlet entitled. "Tides and Currents in San Francisco Bay." Copies of this pamphlet may \«- obtained by application to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Exhibit 16 CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING DATUM Department of Co>i]m:ekce U. S. Coast axd Geodetic Survey Washington October 16, 1924. Mr. "Walker R. Young, Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, 110 Agriculture Hall, Berkeley, California. Dear Sir : Your letter of September 25, 1924, to Inspector H. C. Denson, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, San Francisco, California, has been referred to this oflBce for reply. The table of tide planes accompanying your letter has been examined and new values based on the latest information at hand have been supplied. The table is returned herewith. The now values, tabulated on a separate sheet, are also enclosed. (Copied below.) '^ i You will note on the new sheet that standard sea level and standard- lower* low water correspond to moan sea level and moan lower low water on the old sheet. Standard sea level was adopted as the standard datum for the precise level net as referred to on page 7 of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publi- cation No. 22. It is based on 16 years of hourly readings, 1898 to 1913, and reads 8.519 feet on tide staff of 1897 at Presidio. I am informed that the elevation of the U. S. (Joological Survey liench marks are now being ad.)UStod and soon will bo published, the reference being standard sea level. Stand:ird lower low water, corresponding to a reading of 5.55 feet on tide staff of 1S97 lit Presidio, was adopted as a standard datum for hydrographic work by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey on March 23, 1907. It agrees closely with the value for mo;\n lower low water as derived from 26 years of automatic gage record, 1898 to 1923. Standard lower low water is 2.969 feet below standard sea level at Presidio. With roforonco to the second paragraph of your letter, you are advised that tiio roliition of moan lower low water to the mean sea level varies as the half range and low water inequality of the tide vary at the different places. For jnactical mean sea level is considered to be in the same equipotential surface :it all iioinis, while moiin lower low water would present a warped surface. Tliis o.xpliiins wliy dilTorent lower low water datums were used for work in the lower liiirl)(>r and in Suisiui Bay, as referred to by Mr. Perkins. The Coast and Geodetic Survey is always glad to be of service, and if there is iiiiy further information you desire, do not hesitate to let me know. Very truly yours, R. L. Faris, Acting Director. THE SALT WATER BARRIEFt 268 Presidio, Caijfokma Elevatiou of tidal datiiius and mean range of tide in accordance with the best infoniiation at hand October 14, 1924, the plane of reference being standard lower low water. On 1S'J7 Above plane tide staff of reference I feet feet I City datum, San Francisco 17.385 11.835 Highest tide observed (26 years 1893-1923) 13.7 8.15 Datum of Southern Pacific Railroad 11.G50 6.100 Mean higher high water (26 years 1898-1923) 11.16 5.61 Mean cf all high waters (26 years 1898-1923) 10.58 5.03 Mean lower high water (26 years 1898-1923) 10.00 4.45 Mean half tide level (26 years 1898-1923) 8.61 3.06 Standard sea level ( 16 years 1898-1913) 8.519 2.969 Mean higher low water (26 years 1898-1923) 7.80 2.25 Mean of all low waters (26 years 1898-1923) 6.65 1.10 Standard lower low water (adopted in 1907) 5.55 0.00 Below plane of reference feet Datum of Central Pacific Railroad 5.183 0.367 Datum of State Engineering Department Lowest tide observed (26 years 1898-1923) 3.2 2.35 Mean range of tide (26 years 1898-1923) 3.93 110 Agriculture Hall, Berkeley, California, June 6, 1925. The Director, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Refer J,J/HMA , Dear Sir: I Please refer to letter dated October 10. signed by :\[r. R. L. Faris, acting I director, addressed to the writer with reference to datum planes in San Francisco I Bay. There are points on which I am not yet clear. I For a time subsequent to 1907. the difference in elevation between mean lower ' low water and mean sea level was 3.102 feet, based on 10 years of observation ' on what is designated as the fixed tide staff. In the letter from Mr. Faris, the ' observations are made on what is designated as the tide staff of 1S97 and the difference in the low water and standard sea level planes is given as 2.9G9 feet. Are these two different tide staffs or are they identical, at least so far as the eleva- tion of the "0" is concerned V Apparently the elevation of the plane of standard lower water, fixed in 1907, has been held constant and the absolute position of the plane of mean sea level has been dropped 0.1.33 feet. Is this assumption correct? In the enclosed table, which is copied from a table accompanying Mr. Faris' letter, there is a greater change in the elevation of the datum planes of the Central , Pacific and Southern Pacific H. It. than is rciircsented by the 0.133 feet above. I Have the elevations of these two planes been changed, as represented in column three of the table, or were there errors in the elevations as shown in column one? At places situated like Collinsville, at the mouth of the Sacramento River, and the head of Suisuii Bay, is it probable or possible for the elevation of the mean \ tide plane, assuming it has been correctly determined by sufficient observations, to be appreciably higher than mean sea level, due to the influence of a heavy constant [ flow of fresh water? I Respectfully, Walkee R. Young, Engineer. Bureau of Reclamation. 264 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Exhibit 16 — Continued Presidio, California U. S. Coast Geodetic Survi'v , August 13. 1907. Tidal Division The tide planes given belov? were obtained from the records for the 10 years, 1897-1907, at Presidio, California. (See note) Column 1 On fixed tide staff, feet Column 2 Above plane of reference, feet Column 3 On tide staff of 1897, feet Column 4 Above plarir of reference feet City da turn , San Francisco -- --. Highest tide ol'scrvcd __ Datum of Southern Pacific Railroad Mean higher high water Mean of allhigh waters... Mean lower high water Mean half t'de level - Mean sea level; this is U. S. G. S Datum (^Standard sea level) Mean h igher low water Mean of all low waters Mean lower low water: C. & G. S. datum also datum U. S. .'Vrmy Engineers, and State Harbor Commis- sion, San Francisco, California (^^^Standard lower low water) » -. 17.318 13.718 11.178 11.320 10.694 10.068 8.694 8.652 7.910 6.694 5 550 11.768 8 168 5.628 5.770 5.144 4.518 3.144 3.102 2 360 1.144 0.000 Below plane ofrefcrcncc 17 385 •13.70 11.650 *11 16 '10 58 *10.00 *8 61 **8.519 •7.80- •6.66;; #5,55 11 835 8 15 6 100 5.61 5 03 4.45 30S 2.969 2.25 1 : 1 10 ou Below plai ' of reference 1 0.367 i Datum of Central Pacific Railroad... Datum of State Engineer Department Lowest tide observed Mean range of tide Zero of Misoii n Rock tide staff, 1872 . Zero of Union Iron Works tide staff.. Zero Powell Street tide staff, ISi),").^. Zero Sausalito tidestalT, 1877-1897.. . Zero Presidio tide staff, 1897 Zero Fort Point tide staff, 1854-1877. Zero Mission Street tide staff, 1889... 4.678 4.438 2.958 4 000 2 909 2 617 2 497 129 000 0.291 3.556 0.872 1 112 2 592 2.641 2.933 3.053 5 421 5 550 5 841 9.106 5.183 •3.20 •3.93 • For 26 years. •• For 16 years. # For 10 years. .\ccording to Mr. Pond, Assistant Engineer in the office of Colonel Deakyne. this datum plane is used for work in the lower harlor. but for work in S lisun Bav they use the same datum plane as the D-bris Commission, which is 3 6 Lelow mean sea level. (This note added by W. A. Perkins, Sacramento Valley Investigations, August, 1924.) Columns 3 and 4 by \J. S. C. & G. S., Washington office, brought up to October 14, 1924. See their letter of Uctol'- 16, 1924. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 265 Department of Commerce U. S. Coast and Gex)detic Survey Washington June 16, 1925. .Mr. Walker R. Young, Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, 110 Agriculture Mall, Berkeley, California. Dear Sir : With roforeiioe to your letter of June 6, 1925, requesting further infoi-mation relative to datum planes at San Francisco, Calif., the following statements are submitted : The value for mean sea level as given in the first column of the table accompany- ing your letter and that given in the third column of the table are both referred to the zero of the staff of 1S07. The difference in the elevation of this datum as given in the two columns is due to the difference in the length of series on which these values are based. Mean sea level varies from day to day, from month to month, and from year to year due to variations in meteorological conditions. There is a rough periodicity in these variations but they can not be accurately foretold. A good determination of mean sea level requires several years of observations. While from time to time a number of different tide staffs have been used at the Fresidio tide station through their connection to the same primary bench mark, all of the observations have been referred back to the staff of 1897. Standard lower low water adopted in 1907 has, as you have inferred, been held constantly at the same elevation, while mean sea level as adopted since that date and based on 1(5 years of observations from 1898 to 1913, inclusive, has been lowered 0.133 foot. These datums have been referred to a number of standard bench marks in the vicinity of the tide station and recovery through these bench marks will he much more reliable than through the tide staff itself, which has been renewed from time to time. This Bureau will be glad to furnish descriptions smd elevations of these bench marks upon request any time they are desired. In regard to the datum planes of the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific rail- roads, this office is unable to say wiiethcr the elevations of these two datums have been changed or not. The elevations given for these datums in the first and third columns of your table are evidently based on statements submitted to this ofl5ce at different times. The values given in the third column arc based on a sketch furnished by Assistant Chief Engineer J. R. Barlow of the Southern Pacific Rail- road Company on December 22, 1910, and also on the descriptions and elevations of several bench marks furnished by Mr. Barlow on February 7, 1911. At places situated like Collinsvillc, where there is a considerable outflow of fresh water, the local mean tide level must necessarily be higher than the ocean mean sea level. After the local mean tide level has been determined from a series of tidal observations, the difference in elevation of the two datums can best be determined by leveling to the nearest bench mark, which is referred to mean sea level. It is lioped tin- alxive statements will give you tlie information you desire, and this Bureau will he glad to be of service to you at any time. Very truly yours. R. L. Fabis, Acting Director. Exhibit 17 EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE FOR 1863 TIIIO FLOOD OF 18(51 AND 1862 "During the |)revalence of the floods of last winter, while the iucideuts con- nected with them were fresh in the memory of all, copies of the following circular, the object of which is explained by itself, were addressed to each of the county surveyors throughout the state. At the same time, letters were addressed to 266 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES responsible persons in different parts of the state, requesting them to furnish this office with any reliable information regarding the destruction by the late flood of any old landmarks or evidences of antiquity, which would tend to show the extent <>f the floods of 1802, as compared with those of former years : Surveyor-General's Office. Sacramento, February 13, 1862. Sir: It is deemed of utmost importance to preserve in concise form in the state arcliives, for future reference, as much statistical information as possible in regard to the recent floods throughout the state. The most proper method of obtaining such information seems to be through tlie surveyors of the several counties, acting under instructions from the Surveyor- General. There is no appropriation out of which such services can be paid, but it is hoped that an interest in the general welfare will prompt each of the county sur- veyors to as efficient a performance of this duty as possible. You will, therefore, whenever opportunity occurs, so far as it can be done without expense to the state, collect all possible information upon the points indicated below, and any other information you may deem of importance in this connection, and report to this office in July next : First : The extreme height above low water at any well designated points upon streams in your county. Second : Date of highest water. Third : The general depth over the adjacent lands. Fourth : The approximate quantity of land overflowed in your county. Fifth : If the banks of the streams have been seriously affected, sj^ate in 'what manner and to what extent. Sixth : If any bars were formed, or considerable change of channel occasioned, state the facts and circumstances. Seventh : If there was much deposit upon submerged lands, state the general depth and character of it. Eighth : Upon swamp and overflowed lands, state the depth of water and general direction of the current, depth of deposit, etc. It is suggested also, that all persons having facilities for doing so, should be requested to mark distinctly, upon large trees, or other objects not liable to removal, the point of highest water. The value of this information will readily suggest itself to the survejors of counties containing swamp lands belonging to the state, in reference to their future reclamation. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. F. Houghton, Surveyor-General. To County Surveyor. County, California.'' a| The folhtwing ([notations are from the report of the Surveyor-General : "Tlie result, so far as niiswers have been received, has been highly satisfactory, and the testimony furnished in the report of Amos Matthews, county surveyor of Yolo, and of Dr. Louis M. Hooth of Stanislaus, furnish strong circumstantial evidence tliat the Hood of 1S012 is without parallel in centuries past. In Yolo County. Indian mounds of great depth, formed of the lightest material, which would almost float in still water, bearing unmistakable evidence of great anticiuity in the large oaks growing upon them, have been almost entirely carried away, trees and all, leaving strewn along the course of the current, numberless skulls and other bones of the tribes who once inhabited the valley of the Sacra- mento, and who made these mounds, at the same time the home of the living and the resting place of the dead. Reliable infonnation has reached me of the destruction by the rising of the waters melting the sun-dried l)ricks of which it was constructed, of an old adobe house in Solano County, built 25 years since, in a position which had never before been above the rise of the waters. Evidence which is believed to be reliable, THE SALT WATER BARKIER 267 lias been received of a similar disaster to an old adobe, built in the valley of Russian River 50 years since. By the report of Dr. Booth, it will be seen that the Stanislaus River, which, to all appearanrcs, had for centuries discharged its waters through its proper channel, and allowed alluvial deposits to accumulate upon its banks to the depth of 10 or 12 feet, and upon the top of this deposit oaks from 5 to 10 feet in diameter to ,^ow undisturbed for more than 300 years, during the great flood of 18G2 tore iBway its old banks, tarried away considerable tracts of land well grown over with I timber, and uprooted and carried down its swollen stream the trees which its waters had so long nourished, and in some places left its old bed, and formed a new channel entirely away from it. The report of Mr. Drew, county surveyor of San Joaquin, in answer to the circular, contains full statistics of the flood in the vicinity of Stockton, and the county, which will be valuable in reference to the reclamation of the great body of swamp lands bordering the San Joaquin and other rivers in that county. j The county surveyors of Lake and Fresno have also furnished valuable informa- tion respecting the flood in their counties. An erroneous impression prevails to a considerable extent, created chiefly by ;i series of well written articles published last spring in several public journals of the state, that the Straits of Carquinez, connecting Suisun and San Pablo bays, have, by incapacity to discharge a sufficient amount of water, contributed largely to the overflow of the Sacramento Valley. It is a well admitted and self-evident principle in hydraulics, that when an obstruction to the free passage of any current of water occurs, it is accompanied by a corresponding rise in the water. Had the writer of these articles applied this simple test to the Straits of Carquinez, no complaints would have been made f their want of capacity The highest water ever known at Benicia was occasioned by an extraordinary liigh tide, being eight inches higher than any previous spring tide, and occuring about the oth or (Uh of January, 18G2, or several days before the highest flood. land at no time aftei'wards was the water so high as on that day. T'pon the swamp lands bordering the Suisun Bay on the north, at a distance about a mile below Collins' Landing, hogs lived all winter with no floating siands to flee to. showing that there could not have been two feet of water at any ! ime on the marsh. Ascending the Sacramento, at a distance of a mile above Collins', the water • as about four feet over the marsh, and at Rio Vista it has increased to about jiight feet," "Also I am under many obligations to Dr. Thomas M. Logan of Sacramento -.1 valuable information which he has allowed me to compile from his most complete ind reliable records ; also, for a chart showing the oscillations at Sacramento, i'Xtending over a period of 13 years. * * * During the later part of the month »f November, and the first few days of December, 1861, large quantities of snow Jell in the mountains to the east and north of us. The average temperature of the month of December for eight years, at Saera- |nento is forty-six and thirty-one hundredths degrees (46 deg. 31) December, '1862, being forty-three degrees {4'A dej;. ) : while the averajie of December, l^iil. leaches the high figures of fifty and ninetj-eight one hundredths degrees, (50 deg. '^8), and the few days preceding the flood still higher, as follows: December 7th, ■ ifty-six degrees (")(! deg.) ; December Sth, fifty-seven and sixty-six one hundredths ^legrees (."»7 deg. 00) ; December 9th, fifty-one and sixty-six one hundredths degrees 1(51 deg. 00). I On each of these days a warm rain was falling, which rapidly melted the large iiocumulations of snow in the mountains, and the rivers, already high, receiving j hese accessions of rain and melted snows of the 7th and Sth of December, reached Mere on the 9th of December, with the result already too well known. • • ♦ The flood of January, 1802, which reached its highest point at Sacramento ,.l>out 9 o'clock p.m. of the 10th of said month, combined all the unfavorable i-itcumstances of that of the previous month, with the most remarkable downfall )f rain ever recorded. ♦ • • I Mr. Begole reports from December 23 to December 30, seven and fifty one- •landredths inches of rain ; December 30 to January 9, six and sixty-five one- "Jndredths inches; January 10, five and eighty-two one-hundredths inches; Janu- 268 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ary 11, five and fifty one hundredths inches ; being a total of twenty-five and forty-seven one-hundredths inches in 19 days, or eleven and thirty-two one-hnn- dredths inches in 48 hours, ending with January 11. This includes 10 inches of snow, which is reduced to rain, being about equal to one inch ; and also shows a total of forty-five and three one-hundredths inches falling in that locality from December 23 to January 23. Dr. Logan's report shows that on the 8th of January there fell at Sacramento, six hundred and eighty-one thousandths inches rain ; January 9, one and four hundred one-thousandths inches ; January 10, seven hundred and sixty-one thou- sandths inches; January 11, nine hundred and ninety-six one-thousandths inches; and a total for the mouth, of fifteen and thii'ty-six one-thousandths inches. The nearest approach to which was in December, 1849, in which fell 12J inches ; and next, in March, 1850, in which month fell 10 inches." "December 3, 1862. * * * I have received a circular from your office, propounding eight questions, having reference to the floods of last winter. By personal examinations and inquiry I have endeavored to collect such information as was possible, and will give you only such as may be reliable, as in many cases it is so conflicting as to bf unavailable. First : The highest water in Stockton was on the 24th day of January, 1862, being 12 feet 1 inch above the low tide of this date ; December 3, 10 feet 6 inches above the high tide of this date, and 3 feet 6 inches above the highest water in the flood of 1852. About 15 miles northwest from this city, in Township 3, North, Range 5, East ; the highest water was on the 24th day of January^ being, 14 feet higher than the summer low tides. ==^~ In Township 1, South, Range 5, East. 12 miles from this city, in a south- westerly direction, and near the forks of the San Joaquin River, the highest water was on the 24th day of January, 12 feet above the summer low tides, and 5 feet above the highest water of 1852. Second : The first heavy flow of watei'. from the east or mountain streams occurred on the 2r)th day of December, on which day the city was slightly sub merged. On the 28th day of December, the water in the city was a few inches higher than on the 26th. On the 11th day of January occurred the greatest overflow of the country t( the northeast, east and .southeast, caused by the water from the mountain streams The highest water in this city and on the land to the west, was on the 24th daj of January, being 24 inches higher than on the 11th of January. This was bad water, and came from the north, or Sacramento River; no current near the city A short distance to the west of the city, on tliis and several subsequent days, then was a strong current running past the city from the north, and running nearly dm south, to a point six miles south from this city, there meeting the waters of thi San Joaquin, and changing the direction of the current to a northwest course. Tliird : It is difficult to answer this question satisfactorily. I believe about two thirds of our entire county was inundated. Of the agricultural and grazing per tion, about one-half. Over this portion the water would avei-age one and a hal to two feet in depth. Fifth : The banks of the streams have not been seriously affected. Sixth : Xo consideral)le bars or changes of channel have been occasioned b: the flood. Seventh and Eighth: There was no large amount of deposit left on the agri cultural iiortion — perhaps an average of two inches except at a few points on th river bottoms. Tliis dejiosit Wiis a very fine sand or slum, and to tlie most of on land was an advantage. It is impossible to tell the amount of deposit there ma be on the tule lands, as they are still submerged. The greatest danger we have of a recurrence of the events of last winter i from tlie waters of the Sacramento and American rivers breaking over the plaii to the north, as it was the waters from these rivers which caused the greatcf amount of damage in this vicinity. Aside from the Sacramento water, the damaj; in tills vicinity W(»uld not have exceeded $10,000. ♦ • ♦ George E. Dbew, County Surveyor of San Joaquin County." THE SALT WATER BARRIER 269 "December 10, 1862. • • ♦ As to the height of the waters above low water mark in the last flood, it was impossible for me to keep any memorandum of it ; but I have been , told that at the head of the (^ache Slough, at a place called Main Landing, the I f water w^as 10 feet above the ground, which would make it about 18 feet above low ' water mark. In the marshes around Suisun City, the greatest height attained was I only about two feet six inches, which would give about nine or ten feet above low i water mark. In the islands in Suisun Bay the water did not rise more than six I inches above the marsh, and that only at the highest tides. All these islands were covered with cattle, and they continued on them all winter without the least I inconvenience, and have been doing all the time exceedingly well. j In your letter of the 2Sth of November, last, accompanying your circular, you ' mention the washing away of Baca's house on Putah River. I never heard of it, i but. however, it is possible, as that house was built very near the bank and immediately below a ford, and the least overflow of the river would wash any ' adobe building. John Peabodt, County Surveyor, Solano County." "December 2, 1862. * • * Am of the opinion that such a flood as the last has not occurred within the last htindred years, and, perhaps, never since the Great Flood receded from the land. The evidence upon which I found my opinion, in part, is the undoubted fact, that many years ago, the banks of the Sacramento were inhabited by populous tribes of Indians, who have disappeared from the face of the earth. In witness, we see the numerous mounds scattered along the river bank through the whole valley. These mounds must be very old ; some of them had large oak trees, grown from acorns carelessly thrown aside by this extinct race. These mounds, till within a year, retained their shape as left by the aborigines ; there could be seen the excavation scooped out where stood the principal hut, with numerous smaller cavities, used for like purposes. Now the flood has destroyed the original shape of the mounds, and we see but a heap of earth strewed with the skulls, which, for centuries, had lain covered with the light ashes and mould ' of which the mounds were composed. Some say the Indians did inhabit the 1 valley, but were destroyed by a great flood, wherefore we do not find their descend- I ants; but all of us have seen just such mounds on high lands, where no modern } flood has ever reached ; and the apparent age of these mounds indicates their I inhabitants to have been coeval with those who lived along the river. The mounds i are of the lightest material, and accumulated slowly, in long years, from ashes ' and decayed vegetable matter. In my opinion, if floods had often occurred, they > would have been washed away ages ago. In one place on the river I saw an j innumerable number of skulls, the mound in which they were buried having been ' almost entirely swept away. In many places great oak trees, centuries old, have been uprooted and carried away. The Indians have no knowledge of any disaster which happened to their ancestors by reason of floods, and their traditions must ' certainly extend back a hundred years, as many of them have livwl three-quarters ' of that time. In reply to j'our request for statistics of the late flood, I can state, perhaps, ; but little not generally known. This county was pretty generally overflowed, either ' by the river or by the rush of water from the coast mountains. The greatest depth of water in the tule, west from Sacramento, was about 15 feet. Considerable ' quantities of sediment were deposited. I think we should ask to know how the ' water stood at different points with reference to the river when its banks were full, I with no regard to height above low water mark. The river, at this point, rose about two feet above its banks ; 15 miles farther down, about three feet ; and at I Rio Vista, where the incline plane of the river meets the horizontal plane of the fiay, it rose nearly eight feet. There was but little current in the river during he flood. The water, as is natural, ran where was the greatest fall, that is, ' where there is a fall of 1 in 16 by the tortuous course of the river, there may be a fall of 1 in 4 on a direct line. In one instance, the counter current carried a i bam two miles up the river, and deposited it on the opposite bank, where it now "tands. Amos Mathews, County Surveyor," 270 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES "December 26, 1862. Hon. J. F. Houghton, Surveyor-General. Dear Sir : In response to your questions in relation to the late flood, I have obtained from Mr. J. D. Morley, of Stanislaus County, the following replies in relation to the effects of the flood in that county, and also certain other information which is thereto appended : First : The extreme height above low water mark at well designated points upon the Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers, was 20 feet, but where the Tuolumne River flows through the mountains, the e.xtreme height was 50 or 60 feet. The extreme height above low water mark at well designated points on the Merced River and Dry Creek, was 15 or 16 feet. Second : The water attained its greatest height on the 10th or 11th of January. 1862. Third : The lands in Stanislaus County adjacent to the Tuolumne, Stanislaus and San Joaquin rivers, and Dry Creek, were overflowed to the depth of 8 or 10 feet. Fourth : All lands bordering upon streams in Stanislaus County Avere over- flowed. The Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers overflowed land to the width of about a mile; the San Joaquin, in Stanislaus County, overflowed lands, to the width of from 5 to 20 miles. Persons living upon lands overflowed by that stream, only saved their lives by fleeing to the mountains and high lands. Dry Creek over- flowed lands to the width of from one-quarter to two miles. Fifth : The banks of the Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers have been very seriously affected by washing; in some places the width has been-increasbd from 200 to 1500 feet ; and whenever those rivers rise five or six feet, there will be three or four channels at different points, all occasioned by the washing of the late floods. The banks of the San Joaquin are very little changed, the river retaining its original channel. Tuolumne River, by changing its channel and overflowing its banks, has destroyed many ranches by washing away the soil. Sixth : The Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers have changed their channels in many places, and large sand bars have been formed in those rivers. The San Joaquin retains its original channel, and there are no bars to obstruct the naviga- tion. Seventh : There was a deposit of light, sandy material upon most of the sub- merged lands in Stanislaus County, varying in depth from six inches to four feet Eighth : Upon the swamp and overflowed lands in Stanislaus County the deptl of water was about 10 feet, the current running west-northwest. The deposit was less than upon some of the higher l.iiuls. varying in depth from four inches ti two feet, the deposit upon submerged lands near the mountains and low hills beinj always greater than upon the lower lands. The deposit upon the swamp lands was more of a vegetable character than that upon the higher lands. Nine-tenths of the crops ui)()n the 'I'uohimno and St.-inislaus rivers wert destroyed, and many houses were swept off ; a general destruction of fencinj occurred ; many cattle and horses perished in the flood ; the destruction of timbei was very great, caused entirely by the soil being washed away from the roots o the trees by the immense volume and velocity of the water. ]\Iany of the ferryboa landings were entirely destroyed by washing of the banks, changes of channel an( formation of bars. In relati(m to Merced County, on the Merced River the effects of the Uooi were very similar to those occasioned by the Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers. The effects of the flood in ]\Iariposa County, generally, in consequence of th face of the country being more hilly, were that so great an area was not over flowed, and the injuries were confined principally to mining improvements upoi the banks of the Merced River and various creeks, the water rising as much as 5' or 60 feet above low water mark. At such times as I receive information in relation to the flood, I will seni it to you. Yours respectfully, W. H. I4YON8." THE SALT WATER BARRIER 271 "Branche's Ferry, Stanislaus Count}', December 5, 1862. W. II. Lyons, Esq. Dear Sir: In answer to your note of the 1st instant, I would state that it gives me great pleasure to impart any information in my power regarding the subjects mentioned in the Surveyor-General's circular : First: On the Tuolumne River, at this point (Section 35, 3. South, 13, East), the extreme height was about 30 feet above low water mark, and about seven feet higher than the high water mark of the flood of 1851 and 1852. Second : About meridian, on the 10th of January, 1862. On Satui-day, the 11th, at 12 o'clock, it having fallen three or four feet in the interval, it was a few inches lower. Third : From 7 to 20 feet. Fourth : All the bottom lands on the Tuolumne River, from blufiE to bluff. I .should think that 10 times as much land was submerged as lies within the United States meandering posts. Fifth : The banks of the river have all been washed away ; in some places to the extent of five or six rods. Sixth : Old bars were washed away, and new ones formed. The channel was changed every half mile, in many instances sweeping away all the bottom lands, in others, cutting a new channel through the center of a ranch. Seventh : In some instances the flood left large deposits on the land of a light sandy character, unfit to sustain vegetable life. The flood appears, in most cases, to have swept off the soil and original deposits to the depth of from 5 to 20 feet, and as the water subsided, to have deposited sand and loose gravel of various depths. Eighth : I can only state that I believe that nearly every acre of overflowed l.nnd within the United States meandering lines on the Tuolumne River has been swept away, or rendered valueless by a deposit of sand, as the water fell. In reply to the concluding clause of your letter I would state that no flood of like character and extent has occurred on the Pacific slope for many hundred years. The evidences in support of this conclusion are to be found in the facts that the land washed away along the river banks was originally formed from alluvial deposits, in some places 10 or 12 feet above the bed rock, where the Indians had for years bruised the acorns and seeds for food, forming dozens of small and large holes in the rock. The period of time occupied in forming 10 or 12 feet of deposit, including a foot or two of soil, geologists can determine. Upon that deposit grew oak trees from 5 to 10 feet in diameter, washed up and carried down the stream. Some of them must have been more than 300 years old. In some places the hearts of large oak trees can now be seen lying on the bed rock where 10 or 12 feet of the original deposit has been washed down stream. My ranch, as well as those of many of my neighbors, was rendered nearly \alueless by the sweeping away of the soil and depositing afterwards of loose gravel and fine sand, which the wind blows hither and thither as it changes. In a hurried manner I have given you all the information thought of at this moment ; any further questions answered with pleasure. I should estimate the damage caused by the flood on the Tuolumne River, from Jacksonville to its mouth, at not less than $150,000. Yours respectfully, Louis M. Booth, M. D." 272 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Exhibit 18 PRECIPITATION AND SACRAMENTO RIVER STAGES Preceding and During the Storm of January, 1914 Date Rainfall in inches United States Weather Bureau Mountain Copper Company Southern Pacific Railroad Sacramento River United States Weather Bureau Sacramento, California •^uisun Point. California buisun. California Sacramento gage at 7:00 a.m. November 1 to December 30, 1914. December 31 January .January January January January January January January January January 10. January 11. January 12. January 13. January 14. January 15. January 16. January 17. January 18. January 19. January 20. January 21. ■January 22 January 23. January 24. January 25. January 26. January 27. January 28. January 29. January 30. January 31. Total.. .04 .36 .50 .57 .24 .78 .03 .48 .05 .03 ^ CO 50 ell? ■ »-( I P .74 .50 .31 56 .76 .02 5.97 E E S = > o O 7;i Exhibit 19(a) HIGH WATER IN THE DELTA California Delta Farms, Inc. Pacific Finance Building. Belding Building. Los Angeles. Stockton. Stockton, California. October 31, 1924. Mr. Walker R. Young, Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, 110 Agriculture Hall, Berkelej', California. Dear Sir: In further reply to your letter of October 16th regarding the elevation of water surface in the Delta territory during extn-me hifjli tide. The extreme high tide to which you refer on January 25, 1914, occurred in the Delta territory as you describe in your letter and was primarily the result of a severe storm on the ocean. I have not all the details of the figures relating to that tide. The peak of it, however, gave the highest water Icvi'l in the lower Delta around the junction of Old River with the San Joaquin that has ever occurred so far as we know, with the exception of the high water of 1907. At the top of this tide the water stood in this territory at an elevation of practically 9.5 U. S. E. D., or 5.9 U. S. G. S. datum. The high water in the flood of 1907 during the latter days of March stood at an elevation of 10.3 U. S. E. D. This high level of the water on January 25, 1914, was undoubtedly contributed to by the flood waters that were coming down the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. It is interesting to note, however, that this date was three or four days earlier than the peaking of the flood of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers in this territory. You probably have the records from the Sacramento Weather Bureau showing the daily flood elevations of the Sacramento at Rio Vista and the San Joaquin at Lathrop during all of the flood period. A reference to those tables for the period about January 25, 1914, will show that the flood waters peaked at Rio Vista and Lathrop along about the 28th or 29th of January. The storm on the ocean in the interval between the 25th and the 29th had abated, yet notwithstanding the fact that the flood waters adjacent to the junction of the San Joaquin with Old River were raising, the peak of the tide in this terri- tory was steadily lowering. I have not the exact figures on the rate of this drop- ping, but I have very clearly in mind that during these three or four days the peak of the high tide at this junction of the rivers dropped somewhere between 1.0 and 1.5 feet and this drop removed the .serious menace under which our levees existed on January 25. There was on the peak of this tide on the afternoon of January 25 in the San Joaquin Delta only one mishap which did not turn out seriously. On the Webb ■ Tract for a distance of something over 700 feet the inside half of the levee dropped I yertically, as a result of a longitudinal crack in the levee, a distance of from two to five feet, putting the interior half of the levee far below the elevation of the top of the tide. Fortunately a narrow strip of the levee next to the water side ranging from two to five feet wide on top held and continued to hold until the ' tide receded. It may be said in this connection too, that the peak of the tide was , of probably about one hour's duration. This recession of the tide relieved the 1 pressure and we were enabled with dredgers to strengthen the levee materially I before the next tide came, which was on the afternoon of the 26th and, incidentally, I this tide was about four inches lower than the one of the 25th. Following this, as I said before, the tide continued to recede each day and in the meantime we iiad strengthened the levee so that no serious damage resulted. Regarding the high water of February 25. 1917, I have no record covering this •.ater. I do have in mind that about that time there was a high tide, but it was not of such moment that we paid any attention to it, possibly because our levees ; were better and it did not interest us. 18 — 70686 274 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Another fairly high tide that caused us some misgiving occurred on February 11, 1919, at which time the top of the tide went to 8.5 U. S. E. D., and my remembrance is that there was no material flood water coming down the river. We were particularly interested in the situation at that time because we had only i>. short lime previously enclosed the new Bouldin Island levees and of course a tide of this height was somewhat menacing. So far as our properties were con- cerned, however, this elevation was not a serious menace, existing as it did only for a very brief period. Yours very truly, G. A. Atheibton. Exhibit 19(b) HIGH WATER IN THE DELTA California Delta Farms, Inc. Pacific Finance Building. Belding Building. Los Angeles. Stockton. Stockton, California, June 27, 1925. Mr. Walker R. Young, Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, _ J 110 Agriculture Hall. -C > Berkeley, California. Dear Mr. Young : ■ '^- In reply to yours of June 19, I have the following information for you : On February 20, 1925, the high tide peak was 8.0 feet, U. S. E. D., at the Bouldin Island pump, which is on the west side of Bouldin Island, about a mile upstream from the mouth of the Mokelumne River. At the same place the water on the 19lh was 7.5 feet and on the 21st 7.6 feet. At the King Island pump, which is on the dredger cut between Empire Tract and King Island, at 5 o'clock on February 20 water stood on our U. S. E. D. gauge at 7.9 feet, at the top of the tide. The conditions at this time were evidently abnormal. Under ordinary conditions the difference in the time of high tide between Ft. Point and Bouldin Ishind as fixed by general ob.servations tiiat we have made is about six hours. The difference between Ft. Point and Stockton is about eight hours, and we have always estimated that at King Island the difference was about seven hours. On February 20 the high tide at Ft. Point was at 8.50 a.m., which should have brought the high tide at King Island at about 4 o'clock, which would seem to indicate a lag of probably an hour on February 20. The report that you have from Chipps Island of the tide, 9.2 feet, in connection with the very much lower level up in our territory, is somewhat of a parallel to the conditions that existed in 1909 when the water near Antioch was materially higher, according to' reports that we received, than it was in 1907, when we on the upper river had our highest water, and although I have no records of how high the water actually was in our territory at that time, yet it was not sufficiently high to cause us any alarm and was materially lower than it was in 1907. Yours very truly, G. A. Atherton. Exhibit 20(a) MEMORANDUM REGARDING TIDES BY N. B. HUNT December 22, 1924. Subject: Tidal characteristics at proposed sites for Salt Water Barrier — Sacra mento Valley Investigations. 1. Data relative to tidal characteristics are valuable in connection with variou; studies to determine the feasibility and type of a Salt Water Barrier below th' THE SALT WATER HAIMMER 275 I ontiueuce of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Unfortunately, the exhaust- ive study which this subject merits can not be undertaken at the present time but the information wiiich has been obtained will be an aid, at least, in eliminating iincortninties. 2. Data have been secured at two stations at the Army Point site, one station it the Dillon I'oiiit site and one station at the Point San Pablo site and include in each case water surface elevations and velocities at various depths from surface to bottom throughout a tidal cycle. The stations were selected with a view to ascertaining the maximum velocity in the .section and with the exception of one station at the Army Point site the measurements were made during Spring tides. A drawing showing elevation and velocity curves been prepared for each hservatiou station. (Plates 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 and 5-4.) 3. Tiie data may be useful in the following ways : (a) Velocities are an important factor in the construction of a cofferdam or the rock fill section of the barrier, assuming this type will be recommended. (b'l The tendency to scour may be judged from the velocities near the bottom. (c) The velocity of flow of the water in the tidal prism computed on the basis of volume of prism and time required to flow in or out, may be checked roughly by means of the measured velocities. (d) The form of curve corresponding to fluctuation in water surface must be known in order to calculate the discharge through the gates of the barrier during a tidal cycle. (e) A use for the data may be found in flood-plane studies, especially those concerned with conditions below the barrier. 4. Data should be used subject to the following considerations : (a) The configuration of the laud may be such that the main currents of the flood and ebb are deflected to different parts of the section. (b) Results are dependent to an uncertain degree upon the flow of the Sacra- mento and San Joaiiuin rivers during the measurements. (c) The direction of flow below surface during measurements D and L at Army Point on September 19 and 20 was not determined with certainty. 5. Velocities were measured from the downstream end of the drill barge with a small Price electric penta meter suspended on a 3/32 in., single strand, galvanized airplane cable which was wound on a reel. One or two 30-pound tor- pedo weights, as depth and velocity required, were suspended below the meter. The cable was marked at 5 and 10-foot intervals with strips of white and red cloth held in place by wire through the strand of the cable. The barge draws about two feet of water and has a 45-degree overhang at each end. 6. The direction of flow below the surface was determined by the inclination 01 the meter cable and is doubtful in cases already mentioned because the velocities were too low to cause inclination. The inclination might be misletiding in the case of strong cross-currents at different depths but their presence could probably have been detected as the meter was lowered and the cable came under their hifluence gradually. 7. At Dillon Point the direction of flow fluctuated through an angle of about 30 degrees and often was not the same near the bottom as at the surface. At Point San Pablo the early flood flow at the surface approached the barge from a point between San Quentin and the Marin Islands while the direction of current l)eloAv the surface was perpendicular to the line of drilling. 8. When the tide was ciianging from flood to ebb, and vice versa, the flow .1'. the surface was observed to be opposite in direction from that near the bottom in all cases when the latter was determined. According to John R. Freeman, in his report of 19tl3 on the Cliarles River Dam, there is an old saying among pilots that "the flood tide comes in first on the bottom." Observations in Boston Harbor under his direction confirmed this statement (p. 403 of his report). He is not so definite in describing the flow at different depths when the flood was changing to ebb but the measurements which are the subject of this memorandum indicate that not only does the flood tide come in first on the bottom but that it is sustained near the bottom after the ebb has begun at the surface, or in other words, that the ebb tide begins first at the surface. From the foregoing it is to be expected that the early flood tide i.«t strongest near the bottom and the early ebb tide is strongest at the surface and it is believed that the velocity curves justify such a conclusion in spite of some inconsistencies. Reference to the drawing shows that the ebb flow continued for about two hours after the water surface had begun to rise and 27() DIVISION OP WATER laiSOURCES the flood flow continued for about the same length of time after the water surface had begun to fall. 9. In every case the greatest velocity during a tidal cycle occurs between half tide and higher high water or lower low water. The greatest velocities which preceded the two extreme stages of the tide are given in the following table : Date, 192i Place September, 19-20 Army Point October ] Army Point October 30 Dillon Point November 26 Point San Pablo Max. vel. Max. vel. preceding preceding higher high lower loiv u-ater (flood) water (ebb) 2.44 2. 58 3.47 4.91 4.34 5.83 4.45 6.44 Time of max. vel. 3 hours lower 1 hour lower 2 hours higher 2 hours lower before low before low before high before low 10. A comparison of velocities near bottom shows very little difference between ebb and flood. Actually the average of the ebb velocities at the lowest depth during a tidal cycle is greater than the flood in all cases except the measurements ft September 19 and 20 at Army Point. The greatest recorded velocity at the lowest depth occurred during the ebb tide and was 2.92 feet per second. (Measure- ment at Point San Pablo.) 11. The approximate flow of the rivers into Suisun Bay, in second-feet, for a few days preceeding each current meter measurement is given below, in second- feet. The Mokelumne was measured at Clements ; the Cosumnes at Michigan Bar ; and the Calaveras at Jenny Lind. No allowance is made for the difference in time reN._ /?r/^_K Point Oct h2, 1924 -Point Son Pablo /\/oi/P5-26, 1924 1 A906AM0ctl ' ' B3?0PM.0ctl ' C 9- 50 PM Oct I D43SAl\AQct2 '—- ~t- 5iePM. \.:^^; ■ 612 Pt^. Q\ .5 Nov 26^ I .7 -4 ^ .9 I rRACTIONS OrriME INTCRI/AL BET^/EEN HIGHQlLOW WATERS 278 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 13. The gage readings for each tidal cycle has been plotted on semisinusoidal coordinates to show the silimarity of the tidal wave to a true sinusoid, which plots in the form of a straight line. A close approximation to the true sinusoid would justify using the latter as typical in all calculations involving the tidal wave, thereby effecting a saving in time, since the sinusoid can be drawn by plotting the elevations of crest and trough and connecting them with a straight line. The following curves represent the tidal wave at Army Point during the measurements ol October 1 and 2 and at Point San Pablo during the measurements of November 25 and 26. The utility of the true sinusoid may be decided in connection with the particular case at hand. Exhibit 20(b) MEMORANDUM REGARDING TIDES BY N. B. HUNT February 17, 1925. Subject: Tidal characteristics at proposed sites for Salt Water Barrier — Sacra- mento Valley Investigations. 1. This memorandum is supplementary to that of December 22, 1924, on the .same subject and deals with a comparison of tidal characteristics during periods of high and low run-off. 2. At drill hole 3550, Army Point site, which was the station occiipied October 1 and 2, 1924, further observations were made on February 7.«nd 8, 1925, to include the peak run-off. The tidal range was not at its monthly" maximum at this time but was greater than that of October 1 and 2, Elevation and velocity curves are shown on Plate 5-5. "^ ] 3. In drawing ccmclusions from the data which follows, it is rT'^cessary, as before, to recognize the possibility of the main currents of the flood and ebb tides being deflected to different points in the cross-section of the waterway. It should also be noted that the so-called mean velocities are actually the average of all the measurements in each vertical, disregarding the lack of unif»»rmity in vertical distance between points of observation. It is believed that more exact methods would not be wan-anted. 4. The observations failed to confirm previous indications that the flood tide comes in first near the bottom and is stronger near the bottom in its early stages. Changes in direction of flow arc more gradual at Army Point than at the other sites and there was no inclination of the meter cable during the reversals at the surface to indicate the direction below. Allowing for changes in velocity during tile elapse of time between the first and last measurements of each vertical series, as shown by the subsiMjuent measurement near the surface as the meter was raised, the curves F and K indicate that the change took place nearly simultaneously from top to bottom. In explanation of this discrepancy with previous observations, the theory lias been advanced that the fresh water has increased in weight with tlie greater amount of silt in suspension. The ebb tide began first at the surface as before but its strength in the early stages was more nearly uniform at different depths and it is probable that the change near bottom followed that at the surface more closely. 5. A comparison of the tidal curves for the two periods of oliservatitui at drill hole 3550 shows the iiKjre recent to be higher in actual elevation than the predicted tides, while the former are generally lower and resemble in this respect most of the observations at other sites. Great reliance should evidently not be placed on the evidence of the predicted tides liut the inference that abnormal conditions pre- vailed on February 8 is unavoidable and is strengthened by other peculiarities of the curve for this date. The water surface is generally higher in elevation than nl any previous time for which records have been obtained. Lower high water is very nearly as high as the preceding higher high water and higher low water is at mean sea level elevation. 1 1 it is not known to what degree the height of tide is sub- ject to the influence of the wind but it seems proliablc that its effect is secondary to that of the run-off through a period of large variation such as occurred from October 1 to February S. This belief if justified by observations at Army Point on THE SALT WATER BARRIER 279 September 10. 1924, during a strong upstream wind when the observed higher high water was nearly one foot lower than predicted. (The above does not refer to severe storms on the ocean.) 6. The maximum velocity recorded during the tidal cycle (5.19 feet per second) occurred about 23 hours before lower low water and agreed approximately as to time with previous observations at this site. Notwithstanding more favorable conditions for high velocities, however, with respect to run-off and range of tide, it was less than the maximum on October 1 (5.83 feet per second). 7. The maximum velocity at the bottom occurred during ebb and was 3.14 feet per second, the highest measured at bottom at any site. Contrary to earlier measurements, the velocities at the bottom during flood were generally much lower than for the ebb. 8. The flow of the rivers into Suisun Bay, in second-feet, for the first 10 days of February, 1925, is given in the following table : Mokelumne* Combined** Date, l^acramento San Joaquin Calaveras, flow to feb., at Hacramento, at Veiiialis, Cosumnea, Suisun Bay, 1925 second-feet second-feet second-feet second-feet 1 20,400 1,180 660 22,240 2 21,500 1,220 530 23,250 3 21,700 1,260 550 23,510 4 28.900 1,260 2,000 32,160 5 60.200 1,360 11.500 73.060 6 83,000 6,770 38,100 127,870 7 111,400 16,260 11,400 139,060 8 133.200 11,360 8,020 152,580 9 128,900 8,910 6,170 143,980 10 121,200 6,530 4,440 182,170 • Mokelumne at Clements, Calaveras at Jenny Lind, and Cosumnes at Michi- gan Bar. •• No allowance made for difference in time required for the water to reach the bay from the various gaging stations. The figures do not include drainage water from areas not gaged, but the percentage of error is not large. 9. The statement previously made, to the effect that surface observations do not furnish reliable evidence that no reversal of current takes place, appears to have less significance in the absence of further proof that the flood tide is strongest at the bottom at certain times. Data is too meager, however, to wan-ant an assumption that this phenomenon is entirely eliminated during floods and assui-ance must still rest upon a knowledge of conditions at all depths. The effect of the run-off on the tide at the different observation stations may be judged approximately from the following tabulations, making due allowance for the uncertainty in direction of flow below the surface which generally prevailed at slack tide. 10. In conclusion, it appears that the tidal characteristics are maintained during variable run-off with greater uniformity than might be expected and the effect of the flood of February 8, 1925, was not sufficiently marked to serve as a measure of the volume necessary to cause continuous flow toward the ocean. RELATIVE DURATION OF FLOOD AND EBB TIDES Date Length of flood, hours Length of ebb, hours Place Lower low to lower high water Higher low to higher high water Total Lower high to higher low water Higher high to to Tower low water Total Ratio, flood to ebb .^rmy Point .\rmy Point Dillon Point Point San Pablo... Amy Point Sept. 19-20... Oct. 1- 2... Oct. 30-31... Nov. 25-26... Feb. 7- 8... 6 5 5.9 5 3 6 4 5 4 •6 5.2 6.1 6 3 4.3 12 5 11.1 11 4 12 7 9.7 5.0 •5 3 •5 4 4.8 6 6 6 8 7.8 8.3 •7.7 •8 4 11 8 13 1 13 7 12 5 15.0 1 06 85 83 1.02 0.65 280 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES RELATIVE MAXIMUM MEAN VELOCITIES DURING FLOOD AND EBB Place Date Velocity, feet per second Ratio, flood Flood Ebb to ebb Army Point _ _ __ Sept. 10-20... Oct. 1- 2... Oct. 30-31... Nov. 25-26... Feb. 7-8... 2.2 2 8 4 1 3.8 2.4 2.0 3.8 4.0 5 2 4.3 1 10 Army Point . 74 Dillon Point 1 02 Point San Pablo - . . __- 73 0.56 • Estimated. Exhibit 21(a) CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING EXTREMELY HIGH TIDES Department of Commerce U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Washington January 1?, 1926; Mr. Walker R. Young, Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, t- 2054 University Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Dear Sir : Your letters of December 28, 1925, and January 2, 1926, relative to high tides in San Francisco Bay, and addressed to the Inspector, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Field Station, San Francisco, Calif., have been referred to this office for reply. With regard to the fourth paragraph of your letter of December 28, 1925, it will be noted that the tidal data for the period 1S78-1896 are given on pages 41 and 42 of U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publication No. 115, Tides and Currents in San Francisco Bay. (See Exhibit 15.) The records show that the highest tide at Sausalito during this period occurred on January 16, 1878, the height being 3.1 feet above moan high water, 5.1 feet above mean sea level. This height is very to the height of highest high water at Presidio on November 18, 1918, which was 5.2 feet above standard sea level. With reference to the fifth paragraph the records on file in this office show that the highest tides at Fort Point in 1861 and 1862, respectively, occun-ed on Decem- ber 31, 1861, and January 1, 1S62, the heights being 4.6 and 4.1 feet, respectively, above mean sea level. Although these are not the highest tides observed at Fort Point, the record being 4.9 feet above mea!i sea level on November 5, 1869, it is found that the water surface in January, 1862, was materially raised as indicated by the following : Sea level for January, 1862, was the highest observed during the period 1860- 1876, being 0.6 foot above mean sea level. !Mean low water for that month was the highest obtained at Fort Point. Mean high water for the month was unusually high, and was only exceeded by the montlily means for September, 1876, and this was but 0.01 foot higher. The mean range for Jnnuary, 1862, was the smallest range o])taiiied tVtr any month duiing the period 1860-1876, indicating that the tide was materially affected by meteorological conditions. As Fort Point was the only station in San Francisco Bay or tributaries where tidal observations were made dur- ing the i)eriod December, 1861-January, 1S62, we are unable to furnish you with corresjionding elevations at any other station for this period. Referring to your letter of January 2, 1926, the extreme high water on Novem- ber 18, 1918, may be attributed to a combination of astn)noniical and meoteoro- logical causes. The moon was in perigee on November 17 and on November 18 it was full, the combined effect of which would tend to give a large range of tide. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 281 |The predicted astronomical high water on the 18th was 6.7 feet above mean lower llow water, or 3.8 feet above standard sea level, which leaves a difference of 1.4 ffcet to be accounted for by meteorological causes. The following data relative to the weather on November 18, 1918, were obtained jm the San Francisco office of the U. S. Weather Bureau : The 18th was rainy, with O.OG inch of rain on the 17th, and 2.34 inches on the th. A low pressure was to the northward of San Francisco, with a minimum of 1.70 inches at 8.45 a.m., 18th, at San Francisco. Winds commenced from the south- Bt at 7 p.m. on the 17th and continued through the 18th, reaching a velocity of 45 les an hour at 8.34 a.m. In connection with this subject a letter from the inspector of the U. S. Coast ^d Geodetic Survey Field Station, San Francisco, Calif., dated December 6, 1918, ited that there was a strong southerly wind and heavy seas outside on November 1918. Should you desire further meteorological data, it is suggested that you com- ;muni(ate with the San Francisco office of the U. S. Weather Bureau, as this sub- ject does not come within the purview of this survey. Very truly yours, E. Lesteb Jon^es, Director. I Exhibit 21(b) CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING EXTREMELY HIGH TIDES Department of Commeece U. S. Coast and Gex)detic Survey Washington February 23, 1927. 'Mr. Walker R. Young, Construction Engineer, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Ellensburg, Washington. |My dear Sir : '• Your letter of February 9, 1927, requesting tidal data for the Golden Gate and (addressed to the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, San Francisco, California, has biMMi referred to this office for reply. The predicted higher high water for San Francisco for December 31, 1861, is 12.8 feet above mean sea level, and that for January 1, 1862, is 2.6 feet above [mean sea level. At Presidio the ob.served sea level for January, 1914, was 0.5 foot above mean jsea level. Very truly yours, R. L. Faris, Acting Director, I Exhibit 21(c) CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING EXTREMELY HIGH TIDES Department of Commerce U. S. Coast and Gexjdetic Survey Washington I , . March 2, 1927. Mr. "U alker R. Young, Construction Engineer, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Ellensburg, Washington. I My dear Sir: [ Your letter of February 21, 1927, requesting the elevation of sea level at Pre- [Sidio for the month of November, 1918, and addressed to our San Francisco office I has been referred to this office for reply. 282 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Our records show that the obsei*ved sea level at Presidio for November, 1918, was 0.4 foot above mean sea level. Very truly yours, R. L. Faeis, Acting Director. Exhibit 21(d) CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING EXTREMELY HIGH TIDES United States Department of Agbicultuee Weather Bureau Washington March 5, 1927. Mr. Walker R. Young, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, Ellensburg, Washington. Dear Sir: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter inquiring as to the meteorological condi- tions existing in the vicinity of San Francisco, Calif., on December 31, 1861, and January 1, 1862. The nearest weather i-eporting station to San Francisco in operation at the time indicated was at Benicia Barracks, about 25 miles northeast of San Francisco, and we are furnishing herewith a statement of the weather conditions existing at that point on the dates indicated. In addition to the data for Benicia Barracks, we are sending hei'ewith a state- ment concerning the weather conditions at Ft. Bragg, which is located apparently about 135 miles northwest of San Fi-ancisco, for January 1, 1862. No record was made at that place during the latter part of 1861. As of possible interest we are also inclosing a statement from Fort Crook, which is located in the interior portions of northeastern California. None of these reports seem to indicate the presence of any particular storm on the Pacific Coast at the time indicated by you. Respectfully, P. C. Day, Meteorologist, In Charge of Division. I'. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau Cr.iArATor/ioTCAT, Division Washington, D. C, March 3, 1927 Copy of the original record of observations made by observers of the Army Medical Force at places in California named on the dates and at the hours specified below. 1861-1862 (December 31 and January 1) Presidio (gap In record from October 9, 1861, to January 11, 18621 Benicia Barracks, 25 miles northeast of San Francisco Temperature, degrees fahronheit Precipitation Wind force and direction Date Hour Thermom- eter HyRrom- etcr Total (inches) 21 hours ending Force Direction Character of sky 1861- December 31 December 31 December 31 1862- .lamiarv 1 7 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. 7 a.m. 2 p.m. p.m. 52 58 53 51 56 51 50 55 51 49 53 48 Not stated 0.08 none 1 2 1 1 2 2 E. NE. E. E. W. W. Cloudy Fair Cloudy Fair Fair Januarv 1 Fair THE SALT WATER BARRIER 283 Exhibit 21 (d) — Continued Fort Bragg, on coast, 135 miles norttiwest of San Francisco 1861, Dcceroljer, no record Iatt<^r part of month, after 7 19tb January 1 i-mary 1 i::jary 1 t a.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 48 61 50 52 58 50 none i\W. NW. Fair Fair Fair li; I 'Fort Crook, in interior northeastern California (See below) ■ comber 31 Deceml er 31 December 31 sea- January 1... I January 1... January 1 . . . 7 am. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. 1 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. 35 43 29 25 40 23 32 39 27 23 36 26 2 NW. 2 NW. 1 NW. 1 SE. I SE. 1 SE. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Fair Fair i Fair Notes: — No reading of pressure are found. "Hygrometer" reading seems to mean a stationary wet-bulb moistened V wick, save in freezing weather, when wet for each oteervation. "Force" of wind may be on[scale 1-10 or instead the Beaufort", 1-12. No »ntr\- above 8 is noted and verv few abive 5. •Fort Crook not in present day atlases. Latitude and longitude are entered 41° 10' or 40° 10', and 121° 20^ (Even here entered consistently we find these latitudes and longitudes not alwa>-s approximately right). If 41° 10' the fort as probably near Pitt River, between Redding and .\lturas. If 40° 10', the fort was probably near Feather River, between "''vi lie and Quiney. Exhibit 22 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF SILT Depabtment of Commerce Bureau of Standards port of Mechanical Analysis of Sediment Submitted by Bureau of Standards, San Francisco, California, for U. S. Engineer's OflBce, San Francisco, Calif. fare I'd. t^trait Air Analyzer (per cent blown off) '.ab. Xo O.OI mm 132 28.6 «ar Sir: AVith reference to your letter of July 6, Mr. A, W. Sargent, Assistant Engineer, in charge of the Lake Washington Ship Canal, submits the following memorandum : "The area of Salmon Bay, Lake Union and Lake Washington is approximately j'..0UO acres. The following table shows the average discharges per day, July 19, 11>24, to May 18, 1925, over the spillway dam and through the lock culverts, not i.icluding that required for lockages or that passing through the salt water conduit." AVERAGE DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, PER DAY I Lock Spillway Lock Spillway Date culverts dam Date cjtlverts dam .Inly, 1924 December, 1924- —Continued 19 18 600 to 19 900 20— - 900 November 21 700 10 22 900 11 1500 23 900 12 1800 24 300 13 100 25 2100 14 1800 26 1300 15 900 27 1200 16 400 28 2400 17 1200 29 1700 18 400 30 400 19 1200 31 400 20 21 1800 1100 January, 1925 22 1600 1 300 23 1800 2 24 800 3 25- __ _. _ _ 700 4 5 1700 1600 2G 27 700 6 600 28 7 600 29- 8 _ 400 30 9 10 - _ _ __ 900 December 11 1 12 300 2 13 300 3 300 14 1200 4 1600 15 800 5 2400 16 400 6 400 17 600 7 1100 18 1200 8 1100 19 1200 9 1100 20 400 10 2400 21 900 200 11 2400 22 1800 800 12 1800 900 23 __ _ _ - _ -- 1000 800 13 24 400 800 14 2100 25 1800 800 15 1800 26 600 800 16 1600 27 1800 800 17 1800 28 1200 800 286 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Exhibit 24 — Continued AVERAGE DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, PER DAY Date Lock culverts January, 1925 — Continued 29 1800 30 400 31 1700 February 1 2000 2 2400 3 1800 4 1800 5 2400 G 1800 7 1800 8 1600 9- 10- n. 12- 13. 14- 15- 16- 600 900 1800 900 900 700 900 600 17 1800 IS 1800 19 1200 20 1800 21 2400 22 1500 2;5 2400 24 500 25 400 26 27 900 28 1800 March 1800 900 800 1200 400 900 600 700 300 300 2300 16 1200 1- 2. 3- 4- 5- 6- 7. 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14. 15 17. 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 700 Spillway dam 800 800 1500 3200 9700 2100 1200 1200 2800 1200 5600 4000 1600 1600 1200 300 800 800 800 1140 2850 4800 980 995 920 1100 450 Date March, 1925 — Continued 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April ]_. 2_. 3_. 4- 5- 6_. 7-. 8-. '.)-. 10-. 11_. 12-. 13_. 14_. 15-. 16_. 17-. 18-. 19- 20-. 21_. 22-. 23-. 24_. 25-. 26-. 27-. 28-. 29_. 30-. May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1200 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Lock Spillu- culverts dam 1 700 1200 900 900 200 900 iSOO 30P •800 10.0 '800 • 800 800 800 ^ 8 1800 ^ •800 1100 1800 1800 1800 800 800 300 soo 800 800 200 II 1200 1200 1200 6on II 500 THE SALT WATER UAltRIER 287 Exhibit 24 — Continued Approximate average dis- Number of charge during period, Ihites ichen salinity tests were made times large cubic feet per second and lake elevations at time of test lock was filled Lock Spillway 192i-1925 during period culverts dam iiilv 19 (23-10) August 19 (23-6) 254 AuRust 19 to September 13 (23-3) 402 ^ ptember 13 to October 20 (23-7) 530 ' tober 20 to November 10 (25-1) 242 ..ivember 10 to December 13 (24-10) 438 1009 necember 13 to January 10 (24-9) 244 1004 .lanuary 10 to February 14 (25-1) 442 1177 1270 I .bruarv 14 to March 14 (24-10) 372 924 540 March 14 to April 11 (25-3) 332 326 64 April 11 to May 18 (25-3) 690 134 422 "The small lock was filled 800 to 1000 times per mouth. The discharges are •1 [.proximate and are based on a record which is kept of the length of time each spillway gate is open, height of opening, and times when water is discharged tiirough large lock culverts. The formula for discharge given in U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper No. 200 was used." Conclusions. "Our condition here would be much improved if the salt water sump above the locks were enlarged. This would allow more of the salt water to be held near the discharge culvert where it could be carried away before it raised to a point where it would overflow and travel up through the canal to the lakes. The bottom of our sump is four feet lower than the upper mitre sill of the large l.ick and the intake of the salt water conduit two feet above the bottom of the sump. The area of the sump is about 400.000 square feet. A sump two or three times larger, six or eight feet deep, with the intake of the salt water conduit a little above the bottom, would probably keep the lakes reasonably clear of salt under our piesent conditions of discharge and lockages with 200 or 300 second-feet continuous lii.scharge through the salt water conduit. If part of the water passing over the spillway were carried through the dam at as low an elevation as practicable, instead of all over the spillway, some addi- tional salt would be carried off." Yours very truly, W. J. Bakden, Colonel, Corps of Engineers. District Engineer. 1 End. Copy of Salinity Test. 288 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES UJ H CO i. y V o ra o _i _i o -0 < OT z r < o (8 Q. r O n a. o O X (0 o_ CM z 1— ■^ o (U iE 1- c -C o o X UJ z IE I O < o ^ r. UJ Q. < (Mcocoeo ICO 1 1111 eccoco leo ■ t~t^r-i lO ii» i e-jioio .m iwoo 1 1 111! t kOiOiiCicCtOC^ iO> lOSO 1 1 IIIII III ; 1 1 1 ISS 1 1 IIIII III III 1 !■»"«> 1 i iiiii i i i i i i 'i i! i : II 1 IIII II 1 lO 1 t^ 1 ^H f'i^Q ■ o> • o ■ • oou3r~o lOOirar^o CO — e- — icmc-jmn .-ic-»cicoco'<»<->s< "hc^cicoco-^-si-^io 1 i !5 i i i 9 1 a 1 1 1 1 .5^1 1 J ?. II i J 1 1 ^ 1 J s 1 1 II 1 1 1 i S g 1 1 2 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 280 V ■D O 3 C C o O X X UJ lU h CO O O _l J o < M z t - i I o 03 z O h o z I CO < o o « c 'Z. _o O •4- o UJ < n a. 22 > ■^eoco'co- -^-^co'coeo r*oo-<>cO' 850 1.675 2.130 Si llllt I !lll coco^j^; eoeoeO|eO'CO- coeoeO|t*--ooog| t t 1 1 • t ( « • ) 1 < III . Od C4 I 1 1 1 I I J ; I I ; ; ; II! I c^" I |i iiiii lilt COCOCO'' CO CO CO CO ' CO ' CO 00 00 00 • ^ — eob- 1 ^« . .is f22 iilli I IlII coeocolll coeocolcoleol (Ot^olr^ IIIII I 1 1 t 1 111 • 1 1 pH t ^4 ^4*-i csoo iOco»fto«'^ ii 1 1 ! I 1 I eoMecm mmco 'eo '• neon jeo .« ■ 2 — ° -"S-cinoc ',11111 ,1 III — l«MU5_ III!'! ! 1 1 I ! ! cinn ll IIIII 1 ect»0>T«< OOS'* lc» 1 U5U50 !« IlO 1 lONO it^ t- t^t~0't^i t~t~««- .00 ito . tool" M IIIII 1 *^ — ^^ — c^ii »-ieoit^'O0' ^-cieO' cs. 1 1 1 ! 1 1 II III 1 "^ 5S eo'eo' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00-400 I u? 1 COt^OO i»fi lO < o-^o >o 11 I.I rtco lO 1 c««C> 1 i-H*-4CO iCO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ! II III |e« occo eo'.*' 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eoeoeo 1^ 1 «^^ lo lo 1 j-go jo 11 ' 1" 1 ;^. ooo 1 * t^ :o . C?J C= O 1 eicon | ■ii ,1111 1 1111 nnn leo 1 ,^«=D 1- lg« gog jo 1 1 1 I 1 . . 1 •"! « M . « 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 ^^ 3,740 3.905 3,915 .£3 -** O000U3O CO OOOW5 ooo»cr*cs 000»OOiOOCO 000»COiOO»Ot^O 10010(^0 eo ^ow -HMooo f-HOMcoeov^ ^cs c^eoco^^ ^»c ^H .-t ^ C^ 1 ■ c s 1 E c E a c Light, Laurclhurst Point Union Bay (at Foster Island) Portage Cut University Bridge Lake Union Gas Plant 19 70686 290 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ■D 4> 3 _C 4^ C o O llJ UJ H (0 o o _l _i < z < o a. I to z o I- o z I < < t. 0) t n Q. O o o 8 o O <*- o V) t n Q. 11 ooic—iooiio Ill 111 <2?E;o c^Tj-^ikOooi'eo t 1111 cot>"Cir- — -< eg 1 CM ' 01. 1 ' eo_ 111 — 1« l« 1 1"*" 1 I I 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 ! -" «5 —' t^coo lOO • W3 1 l"D*ft (1(1.111 oor^oaoeooo ( 1 1 1 1 ^»coo^»« OOM ICC (■* 1 leooo 1 . ( ( ( 1 ( ( ooidot^to ^,-^0000 1 1 d 1 ( C^ CO ((((1111 eg 11111 1 1 '-!' 1 1 •*' ■* ;; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! ! 1 ! eocot^ ( W5 ( ( ( ( ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( ( 1 1 1 1 1 eccc^OQO ■ cc(iii 11 1!1! II'II ' ' J ' ll co^HinoutiOO lO I 1 ! ! ! 1 I I I 1 eo-^ooo*« oot^^coio (M e) t-- to 00 — 1 CO (Oi ( ( (,(((((( eg e-> 10 eg 00 00 11111 egdco-rej ,-1,-ii-tcooooot— lO 1 1 1 f-N.-i»-no t^^eg 1 i 1 1 1 ,_«*-( «-< os^'^. »-i*ei'co -*" 1 10 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cg'eo W I 1 I I I eg c^ Is tSO> 2- 1 ; 1 i 1 1 to 1 i 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 '1 1 I ! I ! CO CO tc eo 1 (((((( f-4 1 (( ( ( ( 1 1 1 ( ( ( 11111 1 Oi005i03iiO(i'ii iii((((. cot-^eocoo Ciegocot ,_^ ( (t-v(((( (( (.(((( r— *-^^H i-H 1 (eg ( ( ( ( ' •-<. ' 1 leg" ; ; ; ; I ! i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; I 1 1 1 « . I I 1 ', 1 1 '( i 1 1 ! ( 1 1 111!!! • '• "Bo ',',', \ ', \ \ \ \ ', ', ',',',',',',',', 1 1 1 1 'i 1 r~t^s»>n>o o«co lo (1 (((((( ^^.-legb-t^ eaei03'»o 1 1 1 ( 1 ( ( ( ( ( 1 1 1 I 1 1 ( ( '■ Oi to ■^ 1 ; I ; ; ; ; I ; 1 I ; 1 1 1 ! I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 "-•'«>" *' ;;;;;;;:;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; - - ■» ; i i i i i i i i i i i I i : i i ; i i i i i ; i i i ^i i U\\\ OOCiO (•* ■•9< ' ( 1 1 1 ' ' ' i ' ' ' OOJOOO i 1 oot»oo-*» OC-. c»oo« -H leg 100 1 1 rt 1 ( —ig 11 ««c<» 1 1" 1 1 1 ; : 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 • • Is c»c3^ leu 1 lo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111 t~t^-Ocoi< ! SSm ;«;;§;;; 11111111 111111 '^'"^So ''"^'^tS ! 1 1 l-* 1 1 1 11111111 111111 '"'«' '^ 1 :-}< 555 — 1 th CO 1 1 1 o 1 I ( 1 1 ( ( ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ! 1 ira to 1 ( ( ■* : 1 1 (COCO ( ( ( -^ ( 1 ( ( (1(11111 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I till! ■So °2SSgS§??55S °2ggS3§:S5: °Sg^JSE; ^Sgg? °2ggSS i i ii i j i • I 1 i i fH -a tS <" m § "J ^ .2 ^ - i 1 i I i 1 1 2 1 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 291 UJ h (0 (. Y » O *> n o -1 _l o TJ < M « C z t < n Q. r o o Q. o O i o CM z '- ♦> o t> JO H c X C3 o X z UJ X I O < o ^ 1. UJ n Q. < >>!2 S2 rus Qi= z2 MOO ooroco OiC »c OO'fl" «-*o 1^3 ^O -=3 « — e-« Q.S K500 --0-— ' CO r- oo ' QC oo coco ro « c: to kOCO co'co" oo c; i- o QO O O ~ «-iC^CO 00 oo «-^oo • •»■ -^ -^ ooo GO GO c^eo oo 0 z < o re Q. r o o u. a O X X a> o c5 z t— *• o v J3 h ^ CJ o X z IE I O to < <*• o ^ lU re Q. < _l si" q2 •«io OO 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 i 1 1 I '"to .IIII. — _t~_ 1 1 1 1 1 , ^c^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oooi^oo '' 1 r-iraoo iioo o — comio II 1 1 1 I 1 t i • ■ > ■ ■*Oii ■Oti<. OU5i' iiii. II 1 «" —<' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ! ! i I 1 June, 1922 < 1 ■ CO o2 OS»-tlOO ! I cocoo I»o I -^t^OiO 1 1 ^H.-iCO 1 lO • c^wcoco ! 1 I CO*" I (m" OU3 .11111 Ol^ .11111 OOO .111. 1 t^-'o^" 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 t 1 In CC-^^ !D §§ i i i i i i i i i i i or- ..... ...... -<"«>' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £2 l-t »-4 »-* i-H 1 , eoeocO 'ii^O •-•w-- .Oi_ -^ 1 . t 1 . 1 I *"•" 1 I I I 1 1 i i i i i i i jf i i i?i i i . . . 1 . 1 . cj— -L .11111 . . ..... J; t. ...... ; I I : : ! : £i ; : : : ; i ; i i i i ; i ^'^ i ; i i i i §2 1-3 — S2S i I I wwoo Ii-H I koosocn , 1 ,-H^CO '^ « W5WDOO II 1 OS 1 c^ »-*_ II 1 . 1 1 1 O^ ^t^COC3C4tA . . ..... oio e^ej>o-"0-* .1 .1111 coco CO ^^ II 1 1 1 1 1 co't^ ICt** II I I I I I I iAu^cDiO II 1 1 1 1 1 t CO CO CO 05 II 1 1 1 1 • 1 Tt« .. toosoo-^to 1 1 .. wto — ot- . . . ire C-. CO . II «>" 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 iC O: — »C -«1« TT lO CO _ 0) Q.S ooooc^poio ooooooci oooo»oo«o ooooo o o»o»«»ow2g & n a 1 a s 1 i S i ! 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 i i i < • o \ \ i : ; ^ ! ' ^ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ^ 1 1 i 1 ° s o ^ ^ THE SALT WATER BARRIER 293 UJ h V. I. O nj O ^ -D < M « Z i. C < o (U Q. r o o O 4 Q. I CO H CM z '- !5 O 1- c i o o 111 z X I O CO >4- n < in ••J ni UJ Q. < li 1- C-l « « ts . t^ 00 CI ' © M IM "5 1 O CO ^ ^ o OO 1 OCI • t »"*" I ! 1 1 1 i" 1 i' 1 ! ! ! •eto'«>' 1 ! 1 1 1 I !!!!!! is o 1 co-o. 5g : ! ; : i : i i : : : : t^m « It ^oi I ; I I I I 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 li — MWCl 1 '4<*> I t ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ^2 ssgg 1 oa^oo --HO iOWDOO oo«o 11111 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 «»« , . 1 1 1 CRQO I • •ooo* 111!! 1 11!!!! |2 PS* ' «5 O O ' O , O Otj« • -^ ■*-*IO '00 o o o»« loia 11111 1 11!!!! to» 11111 1 111!!! o'-"" I 1 1 1 I I !!!!!! ^^ "^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I'i >«ooio I O « CO ' "5 1 CO Tji •* . ■«■_ I i c' 1 1 i 1 1 1 111!!! CD — e4 1 o o o • o 1 l^ t^ — . 00 . CI e^ f -^ 1 ico" ^^ 1(5 O O — COO O CO CO O CO co' o o 11111 1 111!!! es CO 1,1 II, •-« CI 1 Ill o'o" 111!! 1 11!!!! «-« t-i I I I I I , 1 1 1 1 1 1 3ffl < — 1 CICOO '»f3r^ -^ot^o 1 CO-^O iCOO -^CO — 00 1 ^H ^H d • •O.C^ ^^ .- C4 l^_ oco 1 I ! 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 to CI 1 . . , . 111,11 OO II o'— " 1 1 1 t 1 1 !!!!!! ■-1 — 1,695 66 71 230 " ' 3810 3,066 90 94 227 3,070 r^o 11111 1 111111 «« , . , , , C»l~ ' • 1 1 1 1 1 o'o 11111 1 1 I t I 1 1 ^H ,1 I , , I , I ■■(III 5^ Q.S ^SggSJSS °2gSg?J =2Sg' T3 4) 3 _C ♦• C o O X UJ -1 o < (0 7 t < n U n g o I S o z T- o 1- 0) c C3 o < -I Is M J?. t^2 ■go CO oo ■«# CO CO cn coosi- co ! O O V CO 3 « 1 i ii ii < 1 1 t 1 1 * ' *, 1 1 .■■«' I . I I 1 I ■ :a 1 I CO ^i ? O) <;-. 1 I t 1 1 1 -.1 1 1 5"S 00000^ 000 a* ! S. : 8 : a a ; i ; _o ; M ! • ' 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 1 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 295 Exhibit 25 A SALT CLEARING SHIP LOCK By W. M. Meacham, Seattle, Wash. It follows that if the difference of head is .55 feet of water with a height of a fresh water column of 55 feet above the opening below the wall, that the mean lecific gravity is 1.01. or that the difference of height of the two columns of water - a measure of the mean specific gravity of the salt water. This pressure is '.'14 pounds per foot of wall length. This explanation of pressure is not to show what pressure the siphon wall must take care of, but to show the actual head and pressure produced by the salt water. For the purpose of a simple explanation it was assumed that the dense salt water was on one side of the wall and below the line of its lower edge on the other (le. The actual condition at times would be a quantity of salt water of varying linsity on the h-esh water side of the wall above its lower edge. A similar head 'xists against the upper gate of the lock just before it is opened to the canal above, after a lockage from below. The salt siphoning spillway has been described as working with locks of the type now in use in the Lake Washington Canal at Seattle and at Panama. A limited water supply was assumed. A salt clearing lock is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The inlet culvert is shown at \. It is connected with fresh water through the horizontal inlet F, which is ; own below the surface of upper canal. Culvert A tapers in cross-sectional area from an area of twice that of B, the outlet culvert, to six feet at its small end. The outlet culvert B empties into the salt water of the lower canal at 1. It also tapers in cross-sectional area to a diameter of six feet at its small end. The ilucts C connect culvert A with the lock chamber below the low water level of the lock. Tlie object of their entering the lock here is to put the fresh water entering the lock on top of the salt water with as little mixing as possible. The ducts C leave tlie conduit A at the bottom so tliat the salt water entering the lock when the lock gates at lower level are open will not contaminate the fresh water in ulvert A. thereby increasing the amount of water required to be drawn off to c'eshen the lock. The lock operates as follows : Assuming that a ship has entered the lock from litlow and is moored to the side of lock containing culvert B with the lock gate I'lsed ; the valve J in culvert B is opened if not already open, and valve K in ilvert A is opened, allowing fresh water to enter the lock rapidly. This, by raising the water level in the lock, will create a head above the lower level of '■anal water outside lock. This will create a flow through openings H in the floor 'f lock; ducts E and culvert B. This flow of the full capacity of culvert B will increase as the head increases, continuing until the water in the lock has become ! ■ fresh. Then culvert B is shut off by closing gate J. When lock has filled up to ' the higher level, the upper lock gates are opened ; there is not the usual rush of water and tlie ship goes on. The culvert A is shown larger than the culvert B. This is so that the freshening can be accomplished and a lockage made up the canal in a shorter time than would have have been required had the plan of filling ' the locks been that of admitting water from the upper level through a culvert of '.e size of B. The freshening of the lock from the top will not interfere with the mooring t ships when tied up at side away from the filling opening D. The velocity ^f the current from the openings D is low on account of the total I 'area of the openings being large. With careful design the turbulance of the water 'lien making a lockage in this type of a Iru-k sliould bo loss tliaii in the looks of the wake Washington Canal, which admit water from culverts through openings in the I lower edge of lock wall-s. The admitted water being fresh is buoyant, relative to *he salt water in the lock, which causes vertical currents and turbulance. This .akes it necessary, when raising a number of small boats at one time, that care ': taken to keep them from damaging one another. A lock of this type would reduce the amount of salt water passed to a small uantity, making the work required of the siphoning spillway largely that of a ifety device. There would always remain tlie jiossibility of lookagos being hurried r of a lockage being improperly handled and a lock full of salt water being emptied into the higher level. 296 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES is: o \0 J vT) O y "!c o 1 e ^ CO 1 O 0- ^; •^ h- £: (O Lj < en < LAKE WASHINGTON SHIP CANAL Seattle, Washington 296 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES \S^^i-:'^&i23P:!99t,- — T- ■■ — -.,^~^!. ,.a»\ _ Jr I t StCTIWl S_S STATt • Nl*tRSlT* r /i PZT _ __ ,_«, — . ,j t • ■l , V- ?/ t; f ^\. ■*"*. '■ '3fe*ri;o. \ ! \:^ i.n/r£ 1 ' j'j^ ' . a; ■■■' ;^"^?%;a V / 'JNl'jiJ SAY \ ;j^;-Kyct tibd ' ) I \ r f'/ •I - -jd .y r-/^'' ii. -ion lo 10 giS^ jj-.«»«~itajd * ..:„.., — « ■ V 5V-ni LAKE WASHINGTON SHIP C/l SEATTLE. WASH. ."".'--C'fer:. 70C8C p. 29C ^ ■« THE SALT WATER HARRIER 297 V) < < o CO o < < CO O o < CO H I— I O IZ H n CO u < Eh CO S lU O 1^ — ft) 5^1 PStg s.s —.2 S5 o CO •a II p4 u o>a>ao>n'«i C» ^^tOC4l/3 u5IN»-C 00 00 t^ ^ CO lOTTCOMN i^t* cocoes •^tT COOO» oooot~Ti"eo o o c^ CO >n o 00 a o aoo ao t>-o>eo ous '"§.5 p » o b S.a.s 5 o S= a j-.-fS o fe § (CftHO-SoSQ-SpaoooScoOT 3 .a 5 d CO a Q u e w o (5 C3 GO •o o Uj3 1° Bib « S §.2 8a •S s .ac: -^ o "5 298 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 5-2 AREAS OF SUISUN AND SAN PABLO BAYS AND CARQUINEZ STRAIT Areas in acres in Suisun Bay from line of borings at Army Point to a line from Point San Joaquin through lower end of Chain Island (near Collinsville). Distances are from Army Point site. Location Low water High water to marsh line Marshes Total, Radial distances Flow distances including marshes miles to 2 miles 2.080 3,410 4,480 6,380 5,140 2,730 2.600 2.120 3.570 4.650 6,980 5,910 4,940 2.720 1,520 3,260 2,070 3,590 5,490 6,470 6 090 3 640 2 miles to 4 miles 6 830 4 miles to 6 miles . 6.6 miles 9.13 miles 11.7 miles 13.8 miles 17.0 miles 6 720 6 miles to 8 miles 10 570 8 miles to 10 miles. _ 12 400 10 miles to 12 miles . .. 11 410 12 miles to 14.3 miles ■ KRin Totals 26,820 31,890 28 490 60 »Rn — , — Areas in acres in Carquinez Strait from a line between Marc. Island Light and nearest point at Sclby to line of borings at Array Point site. Location Low water High water to marsh line Marshes - Total, including marshes Mare Island Light to Dillon Point Dillon Point to .\rmy Point Totals 1,190 2,940 1.270 3,650 4,130 4,920 160 160 1,27(1 3,8!ii 5,080 Areas in acres in San Pablo Bay between line of borings at San Pablo site and line from Mare Island Light to nearest point on shore at Selby. Location Low water High water to marshes Marshes Total, including marshes to 2 miles, in bay 3,680 4,640 4 640 to 2 miles, in creeks 2 to 4 miles, in bav 7,580 9,480 1.540 11,020 2 to 4 miles, in creeks 4 to G miles, in bay 9,540 11,770 50 14,510 1,260 430 210 13 030 4 to miles, in creeks 480 6 to 8 miles, in bay 13,300 14 720 6 to 8 miles, in creeks 8 to 10 miles, in bav 13,870 16,750 50 15,400 580 2,020 1.455 1,285 1,110 920 350 590 70 190 760 2,800 3,200 3,300 2,950 820 700 17 340 8 to 10 miles, in creeks 120 10 to 12 35 miles, in bay 9,830 260 1,100 830 620 520 430 200 15 590 10 to 12 35 miles, in creeks 1340 12 35 to 15 miles, in creeks... 4 820 15 to 17 miles, in creeks 4 fi.SS 17 to 1!) miles, in creeks 4 ,58.') 19 to 21 miles, in creeks 4 noo 21 to 23 miles, in creeks 1 740 Above 23 1,050 Totals .; 61.760 80,370 18.820 99,190 »i THE SALT WATER BARRIER 299 TABLE 5-3 LAG OF SLACK WATER FROM CURRENT METER OBSERVATIONS Army Point Site, September 19-20, 1924, Apogee and Neap ffigh WZtCT Low water Slack water Maximum velocity** Lag of Time 1 1 Time Feet per second slack water, minimum Scot. 19 6.00 p.m 1.80 6'75' 8.00 p.m. 2.47 a.m. 9.20 a.m. 2.17 p.m. 9.45 p.m. 6.52 a.m. 11.35 a.m. 5.33 p.m. —2.1 +2.07 —1 38 +2.22 120 Sept. 20. 12.58 a.m Sept 20 7.30 a.m. . . —2.70 109 110 ' S«pt. 20, 12.40 p.m 1 — i 25 97 Army Point Site, October 1-2, 1924, Perigee, Half Spring ODt. 1, 9.10 a.m.. Oct 1, 3.17 p.m.. Oct 1. 9.45 p.m.. I Oct 2. 4.45 a.m.. 2.97 2.35 —2.13 —2.57 11.00 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 11.32 p.m. 5.53 a.m. Noon 8.40 p.m. 1.32 a.m. +2.8 —3.80 +2.78 no 53 107 68 Army Point, February 7-8, 1925, Spring Feb. 7, 12.25 p.m 3.48 4.40 p.m. Midnight 6.45 a.m. 11.30 a.m. 5.30 p.m. —4.18 +2.38 —2.25 +2.07 -4.3 Feb. ", 7.30 p.m 2.95 9.53 p.m. 3.17 a.m. 9.55 a.m. 2.15 p.m. 143 Feb. 8, 2.30 aJD 3.35 3"83' 47 Feb. 8, 7.22 a.m ■Feb. 8, 1.10 p.m —0 04 153 65 •Feb. 8. 8.17p.m. —2.75 Dillon Point, October 30-31, 1924, Perigee and Nearly Full Tropic ,Oet Oct. Oct ,Oet ;Oet. 30, 30, 30, 31, 31, 8.24 a.m 2.25 p.m 9.37 p.m 4.00 a.m 9.10 a.m 3.35 1.85 -1.25 -3'93' -i'so' 9.52 a.m. 3.57 p.m. *11.45 p.m. 5.28 a.m. 12.10 p.m. 6.05 p.m. 2.07 a.m. 7.22 a.m. +4.1 —3.95 +3.18 —2.92 88 92 •128 88 Point San Pablo, November 25-26, 1924, Spring and Nearly Perigee , Not. 25, 5.20 p.m 1 Nov. 26, 12.15 a.m Nov. 26. 4..50a.m Nov. 26, 11.20 a.m NoT.26. 6.15p.m 1.95 "s'ss" —3.70 '— i'22' '^"17' 7.15 p.m. 1.40 a.m. 6.30 a.m. 12.50 p.m. 10.10 p.m. 4.30 a.m. 9.25 a.m. 3.20 p.m. +3.75 —3 +3.80 —5.23 115 85 100 90 • Time of slack water uncertain. •• Average from top to bottom, not at a single point. 300 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TAB.LE 5-4 VOLUME IN ACRE-FEET IN TIDAL PRISMS ABOVE ARMY POINT Volume con.sidered is that between water surfaces at successive slack water periods. Flood tide, 8.50 p.m., July 6, to 3.00 a.m., July 7, 1925 Time interval Suisun Bay Sacramento River San Joaquin River Fresh water flow Opposite tide Total 8.50 to 9.00 p.m., July 6 9.00 to 10.00 p.m., Jvilv 6 10.00 to 11.00 p.m., July 6 11 00 to 12 00 midnight + 4,510 +21,230 +35,310 +35.690 +23.440 +10,070 + 3,560 -150 —875 —875 -875 —875 —875 —875 — 50 —300 —300 —310 —300 —300 —310 + 4.310 + 544 + 6.873 +13,657 + 14,455 +12,816 + 9,329 +2,083 +5,375 +6,541 +8.445 +20.600 +41.010 +50.240 12.00 to 1.00 a.m., July 7 1.00 to 2.00 a.m., July 7 2.00 to 3.00 a.m., July 7 +42.100 +28.250 +20.150 Total +133,810 +57,680 +22,440 —5.400 —1,870 +206.660 Ebb tide, 3.00 a.m. to 10.45 a.m., July 7, 1925 3 00 a m to 4 00 a m —45,400 —44,690 -37,540 —30,530 —21,980 —13.630 — 5.330 — 3,4.50 — 2,165 —10.320 —15,468 —13.286 —10.119 —10.140 — 8.500 — 6,520 —875 -875 —875 —875 —875 -875 —875 —670 +140 +220 +290 +310 .+220 —48.300 4.00 a.m. to 5.00 a.m —505 —4,372 —5,100 —5,466 —7,045 -6,645 —5,750 , —56.170 5 00am to 6.00 a.m ■ -57,970 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 am 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m 8 00 1 m to 9 00 n m t —49.460 —38,220 —31.690 9 00 a m to 10 00 a m —21.350 10.00 a.m. to 10.45 a.m --^ ^ -16,390 Total - —202.550 —76.500 -34,890 —6.790 -^180 —319,550 Flood tide, 10.45 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., July 7, 1925 10.45 to 11.00 a.m, 11.00 to noon Noon to 1.00 p.m.. 1.00 to 2.00 p.ra 2.00 to 3.00 p.m 3.00 to 4.00 p.m 4.00 to 5.00 p.m Total -. +11,570 +26,310 +44,630 +33,880 +22,620 + 9,160 + 3,030 + 151,200 + 70 + 5,170 + 14,070 + 11,600 +10,780 + 8,590 +50,280 +1,430 +4,020 +4,850 +5,130 +15,430 —220 —875 —875 —875 -875 —875 —875 -5,470 —1.120 —1.120 —1.120 —1.120 — 670 — 450 -5.600 Ebb tide, 5.00 p.m. to 9.50 p.m., July 7, 1925 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.ra 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.ra 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m —18,810 —28,310 —23,250 — 6,640 — 1,200 — 423 — 5,565 —10.587 —10,763 — 5,844 -875 —875 —875 —875 —730 +3,870 +3.570 +1,410 + 260 —16.240 — 90 -1,732 —3,900 —2,909 —31,270 —35,030 —21,920 9 00 p.m. to 9.60 p.m —10,680 Total —78.210 -33,180 —8,630 -4,230 +9.110 -115.140 + Indicates flood flow. — Indicates ebb flow. THE SALT WATER HARRIER 301 TABLE 5-5 VOLUME IN ACRE-FEET IN TIDAL PRISMS ABOVE POINT SAN PABLO Volume considered is that between the water surface at successive slack water periods. Flood tide 7.30 pm., July 6, to 0.54 a.m., July 7, 1925 Time interval San Pablo Bay Carquinea Suisun n„i,„ Stiait Bay ^"'^ 1 Fresh water flow Oppoeite tide Total July 6- 7 30 to 8.00 p.m -.. +25.720 +71.560 +81,170 +79,480 + 600 1 —440 —870 -870 —880 —880 ^790 —1.490 —5,190 —4,040 —2,780 —1,920 —1,230 + 24,390 8.00 to 9.00 +3.790 +5,530 +5,670 +4,320 +2,400 + 5.140 + 74,430 9 00 to 10 00 p.m. + 18,200 + 99,990 10 00 to 11.00 p.m +33.990 + 1,610 +37.560 + 9,190 +28.650 +14.070 +117,090 11.00 tc midnieht +61,790 + 110,060 Mi'inight to 0.54 ajn +18,060 + 61.160 Total +337.780 +22,310 +123,540 +24,870 —4.730 —16.650 +487,120 Ebb tide, 0.54 a.m. July 7, to 9.00 a.m., July 7, 1925 0.54 to 2.00 a.m — 74.330 —125.340 -125.690 —118.070 — 78,720 — 30,540 — 6,430 — 1,090 —1,290 —5,030 -7,360 —8.090 —6,120 —4,810 —3.790 —1.210 — 90 —870 —880 —870 —880 —870 —880 -880 +3,870 +3,870 +2,580 +1,290 + 650 + 390 + 250 + 40 — 71,840 3 00 tc 3 00 a m. —10.140 —29.320 —43,630 —37,510 —30.420 —23,480 —19,290 —137,510 3.00 to 4.00 a.m - 160,670 4.00 to 5.00 a.m 5.00 to 6.00 a.m — 1.950 — 8,520 —11.260 —11,640 —13,690 —171.320 —131.100 6.00 to 7.00 a.m — 77,510 7.00 to 8.00 a.m — 45.970 8.00 to 9.00 a.m — 36,120 Total —560,210 —37,700 —193,790 —47,060 —6,220 +12,940 —832,040 Flood tide, 9.00 a.m. to 3.45 p.m., July 7, 1925 July 7 — 9.00 to 10.00 a.m.. 10.00 to 11.00 a.m.. 11.00 to 12.00 noon 12.00 to 1.00 F-m.. 1.00 to 2.00 p.m.. 2.00 to 3.00 p.m.. 3.00 to 3.45 p.m.. Total + 82,460 +101,440 93.880 72.320 38.050 13.0?0 490 +401,720 +3,480 +6,830 +6.290 +5.940 +3.7.30 +3,140 + 260 + 2,000 +14,030 +23,730 +39.760 +33.510 +22..360 +10.320 +29,670 +145,710 + 630 + 8.490 +11.230 + 9.450 —870 -880 —870 -880 —870 -880 —660 +29,800 -5,910 —6,340 —4,660 —3.790 —3.170 —2.120 — l.OSO —21,140 + 80,730 +116,760 + 119,240 +114,600 + 80,790 + 47,870 + 19,860 +579.850 + Indicates flood flow. — Indicates ebb flow. Ebb tide, 3.45 p.m. to 8.42 p.m., July 7, 1925 July 7- 3.45 to 4.00 p.m -10.700 —59,010 —68,490 -33.800 — 4,640 — 310 — 170 —2.620 —4,990 —4,550 —2,590 — 330 —220 —870 —880 -870 -880 -440 +1,820 +7,260 +6.490 +5.190 +3.900 + 1.300 — 9,270 4.00 to 5 00 p m. — 2.865 —15.430 —25.690 -30,130 — 7,730 —58.040 5.00 to 6.00 p.m. . ... — 830 —7,030 —5,670 —83.300 6.00 to 7.00 p.m —60.550 7.00 to 8 00 p.m —41.370 8.00 to 8.30 p.m —13,180 Total —176.950 -15,250 -81.780 —13,530 -4.160 +25,960 —265.710 302 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 5-6 VOLUMES IN ACRE-FEET IN TIDAL PRISMS ABOVE GOLDEN GATE (PRESIDIO) Volumes considered are those between water surfaces at successive slack water periods. This study is approximate, tides being considered as a whole instead of by hourly, two-mile sections. Flood tide, 6.48 p.m., July 6, to 0.13 a.m., July 7, 1925 Fort Point to Point San Pablo 3.76 x .58,800 and to Hunters Point Hunters Point to San Mateo Point 4.44 .x 94,400 + 1 x 8.630 San Mateo Point to south end of bav 7.4 x 30.000 + 2 x 31,000... San Pablo Point to Dillon Point 4.44 x 77,000 + 1 x 18,820 Dillon Point to Army Point 4.30 x 3.480 + 1 x 160 Army Point to CoUinsville 2.70 X 32,640. Collinsvilletoend .88 x 10,900... River flow 5.4 x 875 Opposite tide 0.8 X 22,750. Total +221,00' +427.60' +284,00 +360,80 + 15.20 + 88,00 + 9,57'' — 4.73 — 18.20 +1,383.24 Ebb tide, 0.13 a.m., to 8.18 a.m., July 7, 1925 Fort Point to Point San Pablo and to Hunters Point 7.4 X 56,600 Hunters Point to San Mateo Point 8.0 x 92,600 + 1 x 8,630 San Mateo Point tosouth end of bav 11.2x26,000 + 2x31.000 :.^. San Pablo Poirt to Dillon Point 8.0x72,300+ Ix 18,820 SC Dillon Point to Army Point 7.7 X 3.300+ 1 x 160 .. Armv Point to CoUinsville 5.1 X 31.000. .-- Collinsvilletoend 1.9 x 10,900+ .5 x 1,380 + .5x3,350 River flow 8.1 x 875 Opposite tide 1.0 X 18,000 Total --. —419.00 —749,60 —353,00 —596,80 — 25,60 —158,10 — 23,10 — 7.10 + 18,00 -2,314,30 Flood tide, 8.18 a.m., to 2.33 p.m., July 7, 1925 Fort Point to Point San Pablo and Hunters Point 5.5 x 56,000 Hunters Point to San Mateo Point 6.4 x 90,000... San Mateo Point to south end of bay 8.0 x 24.000. San Pablo Point to Dillon Point 6.4 x 70,300.... Dillon Point to Army Point 6.3 X 3,200... Armv Point to CoUinsville 3.8x30,000 Collinsvilletoend .84 x 10,900 -.- River flow 6.25x875 Opposite tide 1.6 X 22,750 Total +308,0( +576,0( + 192,0( +450,0( + 20,2( + 1H.0( + 91( — 5,4; — 36,4( +1,628,41 Ebb tide, 2.33 p.m., to 8.00 p.m., July 7, 1925 Fort Point to Point San Pablo and Hunters Point 1.72 x 57,400 Hunters Point to San Mateo Point 2 7 x 93.200 SanMatcoPointtosouthendof bay 3.4x28,600 - San Pablo Point to Dillon Point 2,7 x 75,400 Dillon Point to Army Point 3.0 x 3,200 Army Point to CoUinsville 1.7x30,900 CoUinsville to end .5 x 3,350 — liiver flow 5.45 x 875 Opposite tide 1.3x30,300 ^ Total + Indicates flood flow. — Indicates <>bb flow. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 303 TABLE 5-7 VELOCITY OF TIDE PHASES THROUGH THE BAY From Simultaneous Tide Graphs )| Station First low First high Second low Second high Third low Average Data from tide table' Distance, miles Presidio to Point San Pablo 13.1 33 23.8 75 12 7 27 10 7 93 11 51 15 279 10.3 231 11.8 180 4 36 21.8 63 15.1 21 13 7 87 11.7 54 14 2 210 13.7 213 12.8 153 4.7 30 26.2 99 9.6 28 10.3 125 8.2 72 10.7 300 9 6 240 11.4 225 3 2 56 14 70 13.6 22 13.1 88 11.5 34 22.6 210 13.7 193 14.2 195 3.7 48 16.4 81 11.8 15 19.2 102 10.0 33 23.3 279 10.3 190 14.2 "19.3 '"i2"3' "i2'7" "Vo's "'is's' "'ii"2" "'"i2"8" Time, minutes 55 Velocity, miles per hour 14 3 Distance, miles Point San Pablo to Dillon Point 15.9 Tin If minutes 75 Vol city, miles per hour .- 12 7 ^' 1 nee, miles . -. Dillon Point to Army Point 4.8 minutes 20 \eiocity, miles per hour 14 4 Distance, miles Army Point to Collinaville 17.0 Time, minutes 80 Velocity, miles per hour 12 75 Distance, miles CoUinsville to Rio Vista 12.8 Time, minutes 80 Velocity, miles per hour ••9 6 Distance, miles Rio Vista to Sacramento 47.9 Time, minutes. . . 310 Velocity, miles per hour 9 7 Distance, miles CoUinsville to Stockton 45.5 Time, minutes 270 Velocity, miles p«>r hour 10.1 Distance, miles Stockton to Lathrop Bridge 12.0 Time, minutes Velocity, miles per hour 3.8 • Computed from time interval of tide lag as published in the tide tables of the U. S. C. & G. S. •* Discrepancy possibly due to fact that channel has been straightened and enlarged since data were collected. 304 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 5-8 SUMMARY OF VOLUMES IN ACRE-FEET IN TIDAL PRISMS ABOVE DESIGNATED POINTS FOR THE PERIOD JULY 6-7, 1925 Army Point First flood 206,660 First ebb 319.550 Second flood.. 205 840 Second ebb... 115,140 Total. ... 412,500 Total 434,690 Grose ebb flow 21,890 River flow 412,800 Net ebb 2,300 'Excess of ebb over flood 412,500 and 410,500 should balance. Point San Pablo 410,500 First flood Second flood.. 487,120 579,850 First ebb Second ebb-.. 832,040 255,710 Total 1,066,970 Total 1,097,750 Gross ebb 21,890 River flow 1,075,860 Net ebb 7.500 'Excess of ebb overflood 1,068,360 1,066,970 and 1,068,360 should balance. Golden Gate (Presidio) Firstflood 1,383.240 Firstebb 2,314,300 Second flood.. 1,628,490 Second ebb..- 699,170 Total 3,011,730 Total 3,013.470 Gross ebb 22.070 River flow 2,991,400 Net ebb 33,600 'Excess of ebb over flood 2,957,800 3,011,730 and 2.957,800 should balance. • Excess of ebb over flood is the quantity represented by the difference in water surface at the beginning and end of the period, the surface at the end being lower than at the beginning. TFIE SALT WATER BARRIER 305 TABLE 5-9 REDUCTION OF VOLUME OF TIDAL PRISM ABOVE GOLDEN GATE BY CONSTRUCTION OF BARRIER AT ARMY POINT Tides of July 6-7, 1925 • Volume of present tide acre-feet Reduction of volume by barrier, acre-feet Volume or reduced tide, acre- feet Per cent of reduction First flood - 1,406,170 2.325,200 1,670.360 733,800 97,570 181,200 123.160 54,200 1.308,600 2,144,000 1,547,200 679,600 7.0 First ebb 7.8 SMond flood _.- 7.4 Socoiid ebb - 7.4 Mean . 7.5 TABLE 5-10 REDUCTION OF VOLUME OF TIDAL PRISM ABOVE GOLDEN GATE BY CONSTRUCTION OF BARRIER AT POINT SAN PABLO Tides of July 6-7, 1925 Volume of present tide, acre-feet Reduction of volume by barrier, acre-feet Volume of reduced tide, acre feet Per cent of reduction First flood 1,406,170 2.325.200 1.670.360 733.800 473,570 803.600 593.360 277,300 932,600 1.521,600 1,077,000 456,500 33.7 First ebb 34.5 Second flood 35.4 Second ebb 37.7 Mean . ... J 35.3 1 20—70686 306 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 5-11 VOLUME IN ACRE-FEET PER FOOT OF RANGE IN TIDE The tidal prisms and graphs of July d-l , 1925, are the basis of the table. The volumes are the total in the main tidal prism, irrespective of the imme- diate source of water in the prism. Presidio Time of high or low water Water elevation Range Elevation half tide Total volume in prism, acre-feet Volume per foot of range, acre-feet Julv 6- 5.21 p.m -0.38 3.93 -4.47 1.91 —0.48 4.31 8.40 6.38 2.39 +1.77 —0.27 —1.28 4-0.71 1,406,170 2,325,200 1,670,360 738,570 11.24p.m. 326,000 July 7- 6.33 a.m.. 277.000 1.22 p.m. 261,500 6.09 p.m 318.600 •5.37 1 Point San Pablo July 6— 5.54p.m —0.51 3.95 —4.7 2.07 —0.65 4.46 8:65 6.77 2.72 4-1.72 —0.37 -1.32 +0.71 5W,500 838.760 606.900 287.510 I Midnight.. 114.000 July 7— 7.03 a.m. ... 96,900 2.18 p.m 89,700 6.57 p.m 105,700 •5,65 Army Point July 6— 7.36p.m -0.52 4.29 —3.90 2.80 —0.63 4.81 8.19 6.70 3.43 4-1.88 4-0.19 -0.55 4-1.08 213,930 313.940 216.910 120.020 44.400 38,300 Julv 7- 1.24 a.m 9.10 a.m , 3.50 p.m 32,400 8.33 p.m 35.000 •5.78 ' Mean. TABLE 5-12 PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS CONTROL SECTIONS IN SAN FRANCISCO BAY SYSTEM Section Width at water surface Area, square feet Hydraulic radius Army Point to Suisun Point Dillon Point to Eckley (tide prism not computed) Point San Pablo to Point San Pedro Fort Point to Lime Point Thru Goat Island 4,900 2,740 9,560 5.200 11,500 204,510 211.600 489.000 957.000 688.000 41.5 77.0 51.0 183.0 59.5 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 307 TABLE 5-13 DISCHARGE CAPACITY OF GATES UNDER VARYING HEADS Area of gate openings, 50' x SO' at sea level ; 30 gates. Entrance loss, 10% of velocity head, equivalent to an efficiency of opening of 95%. Effective area of opening is that which is below the elevation of the downstream water surface. Table below is based on an assumed elevation of tail water=0.0. For any other depth, d, Q' = d^ 50 x Q. A = 95 x 75,000 = 71,250 square feet. Velocit)^ of approach is based on the velocity in an assumed channel area of 200,000 square feet above the barrier. Velocities in table below include velocity due to head of velocity of approach + the static heads. Discharge Static head, in feet Velocity, feet per second Cubic feet per second Acre feet per half hour 05 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.80 2 60 3.81 4.67 127,700 185.250 271,460 332.740 5.280 7,656 11,218 13,750 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 5.42 6.07 6.63 7.18 7.68 386.180 432,490 472,390 511,580 547.200 15,958 17.872 19.520 21.140 22.612 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 8.15 8.60 9.40 10.17 10.87 580,690 612,750 669,750 724.610 774,490 24.000 25,320 27,676 29,942 31,928 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 11.52 12 13 12.75 13 31 13.86 820,800 864,260 908,440 948,340 987,520 33,918 35,714 37,540 39,188 40,808 2.8 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 14.38 14 89 16.09 17.18 18.21 1,024,580 1,060.910 1,146.410 1,224,080 1.297,460 42,338 43,840 47,372 50,582 53,614 5 5.5 6.0 19.20 20 17 21.07 1,368.000 1.437,110 1,501.240 56,530 59.386 62.036 308 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 5-14 FLOOD DISCHARGE STUDIES. SLOPE THROUGH CARQUINEZ STRAITS Assuming the section from S. P. test piles near Vallejo (shown on plate 3-15) as typical for straits, the functions are, A=^219,200 at mean sea level; p=3234 ; r=67.7 ; n=.02 ; ^Z r =8.23. Assuming s=.000001, c=370, V=3.05 and Q= 669,000 c.f.s. Assuming s=000004, c=296, V=4.88 and Q=l,070,000 c.f.s. Assuming s= .00001, c=-232, V=6.04 and Q=l,323,000 c.f.s. Slope of .000001=0053' per mile, and s of .000004=.021' per mile. V necessary to produce a flow of 750,000 c.f.s.^3.42. .000001 lij O.000005 _j .000010 _ -! ^^ 1 — . 1, 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 HEAM VLLOCITY- f.p.'^. 1.0 From curve, the slope necessary to produce a velocitv of 3.42 f.p.s. is .0000014 =.0074' per mile. Distance from Army Point to Mare Island Light is 8.4 miles. For 750,000 c.f.s., the total fall would be .062 ft. For 1,070,000 c.f.s., the total fall would be .177 ft. This fall i.s so slight that it can be neglected because it is I'.ir witliiii the r.iiige of the limits of error in other factors in the problem. OTer30feet... ■ 28 to 30 feet- -. ' 26 to 28 feet... ' 24 to 26 feet... ; 22 to 24 feet... ' 20 to 22 feet... 18 to 20 feet... 16 to 18 feet... 14 to 16 feet... 12 to 14 feet... I 10 to 12 feet... , StolOfeet... I 6 to 8 feet..., I Los than 6 feet Totab I OTer30feet.-. I 28to30feet... I 28 to 28 feet... ' 24 to 26 feet... ■ 22 to 24 feet... ■ 20 to 22 feet.. - 18 to 20 feet... ' 16tol8feet... I 14 to 16 feet... I 12 to 14 feet... 10tol2feet... ■ StolOfeet... I 8 to 8 feet... I Lmb than 6 feet Totals.... 260 265 147 274 258 303 1,064 1,154 1,912 740 1,134 478 2,674 1,902 3 1 5 6 12 5 5 50 46 2 22 308 5,164 5,693 701 2.789 3,411 12,565 37 11.285 6.902 Outbound 79 117 129 503 189 260 664 1.246 2.064 507 1.142 901 2,502 2,129 12,432 2 1 6 4 12 9 3 37 22 96 2 26 20 273 4,559 6.302 11,299 701 2.635 3.579 6,916 289 1.087 651 2.027 288 1,088 651 2.027 316 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 6-2 SAN PABLO BAY AND MARE ISLAND STRAIT Comparative Statement of Traffic Year Tons Value Passengers 1919 . --- - 1 '4,321.904 •1,302.778 >1.755,327 '2.292,249 «2, 101,171 $164,059,377 36,503,808 83,920.595 08,033,596 85,239,303 1.013.378 1,040,625 1920 --- 1921 --- 1922 - - 627,786 1923 --. 607,581' » Does notinclude traffic on Marelsland Strait. > Does not include traffic for Carquinez Strait. Vessel Classification in 1923 Classes Total number Total net registered tonnage 999 3.296 1,477 970 • 8 1,496.760 Stpamers bav* 3,799 861 Barges 187,400' ' 1 Others - > Totals - - - 6,750 5,484,021 t ' No i2?regation of 3 teamers and motorships in foreign trade available. •Operated on a regular schedule. » Total net ragistered tonnage not repotted. Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 Upbound Drafts Steamers and motorships Barges Gaaolinc ntk„>. launches O'*""" Over 30 feet - - -- 3 76 29 41 33 36 24 85 1,625 28 1.642 52 100 521 28 to 30 feet 26 to 28 feet 24 to 20 feet 41 22 to 24 feet 20 to 22 feet 18 to 20 feet 16 to 18 feet 46 n 14 to 16 feet 12 to 14 foot lOto 12feet 1 24 83 1,282 8 to 10 feet - 6 to 8 feet 19 Ijessthan Ofeet .............. 951 Totals . . 4,205 1 477 070 Downbound Over 30 fee t 3 76 47 29 29 29 28 83 6 1,648 1,699 2 88 £29 28 to 30 feet - 26 to 28 feet 24 to 26 feet 41 22 to 24 feet 20 to 22 feet 18 to 20 feet 16 to 18 feet 46" ,s 14tol6feet 12 to 14 feet 10 to 12 feet 1 8to lOfeet Oto 8fcet . -. .. . . 83 1,306 19 ...i.. Less than6feet . 951 Totals 4,295 1,477 970 « THE SALT WATER BARRIER 317 TABLE 6-3 SUISUN BAY CHANNEL Comparative Statement of Traffic Year i Tons Value Year Tons Value ,919 288,233 362,223 519,532 $6,849,546 13,033.360 19,271.264 1922 1,272,938 2,593,424 $31558 538 '920 1923 43,367,542 921 Vessel Classification in 1923 Classes Total number Foreign Domestic Net registered tonnage I:«uner8... liling.- owand^ug boats. arges Mother Totals. 1,262 1 88 450 611 2,412 1,916,743 4,706 1.964 89.618 39,947 2,052,978 Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 t Draft Upbound Steamers Sailing vessels Tows Barges All others to 28 feet 289 1 200 101 ' to24 feet ito20feet ." 2 15 15 2 (0 16 feet to 10 feet 11 5 57 25 191 219 : to 8feet 630 42 25 ■M than 6 feet 584 Totals 1.263 2 88 450 611 ! 1 Draft Downbound Steamers Sailing vessels Tows Barges All others ■28 feet 289 1 200 101 to24 feet , to 20 feet 2 15 15 •1 1 to 16 feet •to 10 feet... 11 5 57 25 191 219 |to 8 feet 630 42 25 ■ tlun6feet 384 Totals 1.263 2 88 450 611 318 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 6-4 PETALUMA CREEK Comparative Statement of Traffic Year Tons Value Year Tom Value 1919 235,208 281,616 173,414 318,093,925 17,061,972 11,490,083 1922 1923 220,173 254.289 $18,866,873 1920 . 21 018 969 1921 Vessel Classification in 1923 Classes Domestic Net registered tonnage Passenger Steamers and m3torships. Sailing boats Towbiats- Launches.. '744 8 1,004 932 625 162,036 282 132,738 8.970 3,075 Totals. 3,313 303:!01 401 401 ' Opsrating on regular schedule between San Francisco and Petaluma, California. Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 Inbound Draft Steamers Sailing vessels Barges Tow-boats Launchei 6to8feet 23 981 932 625 4 to 6 feet 744 8 Totals 744 8 1,004 932 835 Outbound Draft Steamers Sailing vessels Barges Tow-boats Launches 6 to 8 feet 23 981 932 til 4 to 6 feet 744 8 Totals 744 8 1,004 932 62: THE SALT WATER BARRIER 319 I; Bilge -sor motorships. .•333sls Totals' TABLE 6-5 SAN RAFAEL CREEK Comparative Statement of Traffic Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1021 33,332 S359865 1923 61,748 $2 495 286 ■ 22 39.180 3,779,500 Vessel Classification, 1923 Classes Domestic, total number Totol net registered tonnage 522 20 196 738 30.000 1.800 24,000 55.800 Draft of all vessels less than 6 feet. Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 Both directions -teamersor motorships. Siilingvissels Barges I I Total' Number 522 20 196 738 > Draft of all vessels less than 6 feet. 320 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 6-6 NAPA RIVER Comparative Statement of Traffic Year 1919 1920 1921 Tons 76,667 111,118 90,151 Value $2,318,922 1,054,736 766,858 Year 1922. 1923. Tons 139,811 110,814 Value $1,333,224 2,763.348.^ Vessel Classification, 1923 Classes Total number of vessels, domestic Total net registered }. tonnage Steamers and motor baats. Barges... Launches Allother 279 563 140 156 13,606 67,997 Totals- 1,158 81,603 Not reported. Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 I Drafts Upstream ^1 Downstream Steamers Barges Launches AU ethers Steamers Barges Launches Allothera 6 to 8 (ept 72 207 402 161 72 207 402 161 Lessthan 6 feet 140 156 140 14( Totals 279 563 140 156 279 563 140 14( • 1 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 321 TABLE 6-7 SUISUN CHANNEL Comparative Statement of Traffic Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 16,731 71,207 42,016 $184,041 844,080 398.405 1022 55,836 05,036 $447,110 I-; '•! 1023 396 148 1 . '1 Totals.. Vessel Classification, 1923 Classes Domestic, total number % Total net registered tonnage S • imers 52 77 3.536 Biases - 32,725 129 36,261 Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 Draft? Upbound Downbound Steamers Barges Steamers Barges 8 to 10 feet 52" 77 . ..1 ^ Less than 6 feet „ 52 Totals 52 77 52 77 21—70686 322 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 6-8 SACRAMENTO RIVER Comparative Statement of Traffic Year Tons Value Passeogcre 19191 _ __ 1,666,025 1,377,700 976,596 1,291,135 1,204,821 $78,601,238 53.946.146 52.092,263 60.606.728 62,470,235 91.540 1920» 104.923 1921» . 102,807 1922« - 93.903 1923' - 94,226 ' Includes 712.500 tons of wafer, valued at 527.075. ' Insludes 539,883 tons of water, valued at S60,468 and 13,682 tons of government materials used in improvement of fheriver, and valued at 8606,191. ' includes 143,000 tons of water, valued at 117,847, and 14,028 tons of government materials used in improvement of tiieriver. and valued at $217,478. ' Includes 269,067 tons of water, valued at $20,263, and 12,958 tons of government materialE used in improvement of theriver. and valued at S199.934. ^Includes 105,333 tons of water, valued at $10,000; government materials used in improvement of river are not included. Vessel Classification , 1923 Classes Number Net tonnage reported — Passengers Registered: Steamers - 29 99 20 49 42 11,270 3,897 8,444 94,169 Gas 12 Unrsgistered: Gas 45 Totals 239 23,691 94,226 Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 As about 85 per cent of the vessels using this waterway and i tsintereonnccting sloughs in 1923 made only seasonal or occasional trips, it was impracticable to obtain even an approximation of the number of trips madebv vessels of var- ious drafts, at reasonable ."ffort and expense. Throughout the year one steamer line maintained a schedule of two tripB a day. six days a week, forfrsight and passengers b.>twcen bay points and Sacramento, one steamer for through trafSc and one for way traffic in each iirection, with standard full-load drafts of 5 to 7 feet ; another steamerline maintained* schedule of one trip a day, six days a week, for fr-ight and passengers, between San Francisco and Sacramento and WM , points, in each Iirection, with standard full-load drafts of O'i feet: and another steamer line maintained asches. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 323 TABLE 6-9 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Comparative Statement of Traffic Year Tons Value Passengers 19Hii 647,156 692,306 646,657 678,751 697,773 J54, 100.043 42,203,211 37.263.122 34.291,675 38,027,909 221.259 192)- - 242,238 1 ."' 206,783 li • 188,807 ]i>i> 163,566 ' Includes 19.065 tons of water, valued at $1,922 and 2,596 tons of government materials used in the work of improve- ment, and valued at $125,450. = includes 27,075 pissengers carried in ferry traffic. • Includes 400 tons of government materials used in the work of the improvement, and valued at $86,000. • Includes 2.382 tons of govsrnment miteri.ils used in the work of the improvement and valued at $3,700. ' Exclusive of government miterials used in the work of the improvement. Vessel Classification, 1923 Classes N'umbcr Net tonnage reported Passengers Registered: r?- ■:\mers ..; 12 95 14 36 21 4,219 3.218 56 G,307 58,098 i] .■■ ' 104,415 i' istered: 1.053 ' nriefrfA f fonnairp not renorted^ Totals - 178 13,800 163.566 Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 As about 90 p;rc?nt of the vjss^ls using this waterway and its interconnecting sloughs in 1923 made only seasonal wasimoracticable 'o obtain even an approximation of the numk'r of trijs niade by vessels of var- ious drafts, at reasonable jffort and expense. Throughout the vear onesteamcrliiie maintained a daily scheduK for freight And pi3S3nger8.5ixdays a week. b:twepn Stockton and .San Francisco, with vessels of standard fuU-ltad drafts of 6 feet; ' rstcamtrline raiiataincd a similar schedule one day a week b?twepn Stockton and San Jranci,sco, and six days b 'tween San Francisco and points on Old and Middle Rivers (branches of San Joaquin River), with standard id drafts of 5 to 6' 2 feet : a line of gas launches operated nine or more boats daily, with cxpros.-; and passuiger scr- ■ tween Stockton and down-river piints, with standard full-load drafts of 2 to 4} 2 feet. In additicn.. steam vessesls . .g5,'2to lOfeet, gaslauachesorschooncrs2}/^ to 9 feet, with barges 2 to 6 feet, allstandard full-lead drafts, made ! sequent though irregular trips b3tween Stockton and down-river points. 324 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 6-10 MOKELUMNE RIVER Comparative Statement of Traffic Year Tons Value PasseDgers 1919 . 01,901 91,498 88,320 75,140 77,204 $6,389,098 0,260,596 5,080,278 4,158.332 5,023,688 19,591 1920 18,813 1921 - - 14.981 1922 12,166 1923 10,377 Vessel Classification , 1923 Classes Number Net tonnage reported Passengers Registered: Steamers _ - - - -- 5 34 5 15 11 1,543 1,079 20 2,695 895 Gas . - 9,452 Unregistered: Gas - - --- - 30 -^- 1 Totals -- 70 5,332 10,377 Summary of Trips by Vessels, 1923 As over 96 p^r cant of the vassels using this waterway in 1923 made only seasonal or occasional trips, it was imprac' ticable to obitin cvsn an upiroxiraition of the numbsr of trips made by vessels of various drafts at rcasonatlc effort and exp^nsa. A semiwaeklv f.-jight and passenger schsdule was maintained throughout the year by one steamer linee with standard full-load drafts of 5 to 0'^ feet; and a daily passongjr and express gas launch service throuhgout the year by a'i!)(h''rlinp, with standard full-load drafts of 2 to 3J-^ feot. In addition, steam vessels dran-ing 5)-2 to 10 feet, gas launches or schooners 2 J.^ to 9 feet, with b.irges 2 to 6 feet, all standard full-load drafts, made frequent though irregular trips. TABLE 6-11 FEATHER RIVER Comparative Statement of Traffic Year Tons Value 1919 - 2,621 567 1,266 1.088 $22,260 1920 . . 27,146 1921 22,183 1922 7,616 1923< No freight traffic reported for this year. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 325 TABLE 6-12 SIZE OF VESSELS PASSING ARMY POINT DAM SITE Dimensions in Feet of Vessels Exceeding 400 Feet in Length Name Length Biam Max- imum draft Height above light loadlinc Mast Stack Deck house Owner ■ BiUerton P.H.Huck. F.G.Drum. Wm.F.H.-rrin.... PiulShoup TuU'ieas 450 425 453 400.5 439.6 450 453 428 59 55.4 56.2 52 1 58.2 59 56.2 56 •28 •28 •28 •28 •28 •28 •28 Associated Oil Co. Associated Oil Co. Associated Oil Co. Associated Oil Co. Associated Oil Co. Associated Oil Co. M.H.Woittier.... Talabot Associated Oil Co. B. J. Onne ss and Sons Coos Bay 405 53 405 53 •24.5 24 80 tioo 60 35 Pacific States Luttber Co. Vulcan C. X. Smith lumber Co. • .\pproximate. t Height above main deck. Nnir: The abovelist is not complete. TABLE 6-13 SIZE OF VESSELS PASSING POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE Dimensions in Feet of Vessels Exceeding 400 Feet in Length Length Beam Max- imum . draft Height above light loadline Name Mast Stack Deck house Owner La Brea . . 435 407 452 453 435 457 453 457 485 420 406 412 412 411 530 501 501.2 451 446.2 437 498 498 435 416 56 51 56 56 56 58 56 58 55 54 51 53 53 53 70 58 58 54 54 53 62 62 54.2 54.2 27 24 27 29 28 29 28 29 29 Union Oil Co. Ta Pii'isima Union Oil Co. Los.\ig.'le8 Cathwood Union Oil Co. Union Oil Co. Deroche Union Oil Co. LaPlac;ntia . Union Oil Co. Utacarbon Union Oil Co. Moaleb^Uo Uricn Oil Co. Colli nga Union Oil Co. Bank Line Mitra 25 24 Anglo Saxon Co. Mv'ilus Anglo Saxon Co. Anglo Saxon Co. Pearl Shell Shell Co. 31 Shell Co. Maui 123.5 123.5 115.25 115 2 103.25 116.1 116.1 102_3 102.3 Matson Navigatien Co. MaiS'iriia Matson Navigatien Co. Matson N.ivigaticn Co. Manoa. .. . - . Matson Navigatien Co. Lurline Matson Navigation Co. Manulani 31.5 31.5 Matscn Navigation Co. Matson Navigation Co. Mauna AJa Matson Navigation Co. Makiki Matson Navigation Co. Notes: The above list is not complete. Vessels which pass Army Point Dam Site, listed in Exhibit 6-12, also pass this site. 326 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CO > o X H t) O Q < H tn < 3 o m Oh < w H W n CO w o < o Q ►J <: OOIOOOOOU5PO 0>/5C=CO-« .-■»;. CC JS o H ■*A §^ o§ o o M 1 o to 1 .»^ •.J* o a -*^ o o^ o2 TOO o o 00 li< loo o CO 'Cq iO(M -^ CO ICO icoeo o • ««-< o o o lAlO CD \^ O 00 co^^t^ a ' .4^ t-o" ■* 0) a ^ lo >A ■2.2 o Oo .1^ 50iO K5 ':p. «o to lO 1 ■ o . I-^J* 1 s^ 1"5 1 "2 -2 C3 t^g o ; o u 1.1 ca o S hJ la bO u bi) bi) ail g 1 >,.S22i23 > 3 rt .ti .^ ."t:; .^ .ti -i4li«l •S? (2 (Se CfaO 1 43 .5 'o Ah s a o o I IK) B 'S I < .a CO W H CO Q H I— I O p < H ►-I O (1. 2 O I-) 1-1 I— I Q W ^ H W pq CO W O < o o Q < 2 o eoO uo o o; Oo toK 00 00, o J a -«: ■§3 ci a §1 -«!2 o O 1° II o o to 00 JOO >.■- = S. §.« ■no O CO "Sir 'ij « o (U O O ^ o ca — -c o.ti -a > o « >^C*l <» . " c o .*^ «- o-o a ■"« o E 2 = "■S-* ■Sjg •r; a ^ .rj > o) 5?; THE SALT WATER BARRIER 327 SS 1 S"-e« , m" 5 c H o CO •M O) U sJ 1— 1 68 W5 CO 001(3 < too Q 1^^ H o2 2 o 00 1~ Oi °? (NO_ o JBQ 00 CO • « hJ >• o J3 m — Q Ctf coco B ,fcj CO ^3 OJ a <^ » Q ►J ■2^ Oo 2 < O o> J to OQ < CO o U3 0* to w 2 •-) < n CO I. -^ < H 2 1— 1 O ■* Ph 2 U a o H »• 0j« i:. 1 CO w o Oleu Croc Selb: <: « u o Q ! d J ;o < 1 B D «< i i'i 2 . i(§ 2 It3 1 B < ;C o a a !ii •iSi >c :>•< 1 \6 h m < < o H 1— 1 e B uu cJ^5 Q.-*i en B B S <*>6i « i *.H Ef- o-o it 2 a B B o-^ U] .S to -' ;=; E a < « 1/1 in re CO 03 > rt 1 .£■ OO II ^1 O© 11 -21 ^ o to 00 CO lO I— t to a- B L. £? = m og OO Co ^2 O — OO So >-^ to -^t- Yachts under 60 feet IM.-I O-H O^ 328 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES * i CM at n ^ 00 MS CO QO 'Ja en -** og oo o 5| oo o a n rt.S og cq« >n •*«»< <» Barges and scows under tow •4J og (MO (M pg e^-* O 3 CO (MO 3 a d ■«« us C9 (Si c .a CO Og "-a -SI w o > o. OO in ►5° U 3 n pus a 03 OO CO O) V •a 2 8 I. •" « o-O ft* I a ic cq 00 us o •«■ CJ — O 00 OS 'H to O'HOOOO^ c; ;c o CO »c ;c h* t-» c; c^i c-j CO CO CO W »0 ^H CO w i-< *-• '-^ t^ eo 00 ^^axs t^ cj T»i »-i CO o; (M s V ^ CO = «-- _c — •2-2 te o ■5-0 « J3 1^ O O CO ^H c; ^ CO ■^1 03 Q a ^ oc;-= S.! ^C4C4 0OC4^CO o =» a to >i l» ill o c u "•2 9 ^ifcS o 5 » o -^ »0 to 1^ 00 OJ o ^^ •^ '— "-^ ^H ^1 c^ >>>*>»>. X >. >% c8 c4 c9 rt cS CQ o8 o THE SALT WATER BARRIER 329 o. a< 5g v^ 00 Q 00 O) 03 O to OO^H^^O»^^^hO 00^C0C0^C**^^O »orcooc^eo*o»H^H -^ kO cc ^1 Oi ■^ 00 -^ ot^03«r»'^occ "B p>o CD .5 5 ja 2 c;»-»OcDOaeo^c»3 COOU30Si«W500-<*« OO^OO—OO CM I < s cs Q C .s a o O .a 3 o 9 a o (S o 55 N >. to i 6. ro O *j a\ CO d CO < o H O c o •-3 O H < H < bfi C m CO V CO CO V > n B B 3 CO ^ s. 03 6g 5§ -O £7 Oo in OC4cotor~^coioo» 3 OO (Jo i2 _ S a jj OOOOC^OOt^-H 0040000000 I J3 09 o 9 a a ■ V o fl8rtr3=3ar:e3a 'Z'Z'S.'Z'Z'Z'Z'Z s o 330 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 6-22 DRAFT OF SHIPS ENTERING SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR' DURING FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1913 Number of different vessels'... Percentage of the total number of different vessels Number of arrival of vessels' Percentage of the total number of arrivals of vessels.. Total registered net tonnage of arrivals Percentage of total registered net tonnage of arrivals. Which could have used a 24-foot channel (maximum draft 21 feet or less) 270 69 2,746 88 2.080,381 61 Which could not have used a 24-foot channel, but could have used a 30-foot channel (maximum draft 21-27 feet) 80 20 286 9 863,427 25 Which could not have used a 30-foot channel (maximum draft over 27 leet) »42 11 97 3 464,998 14 Total 392 100 3,129 100 3,408,806 100 •Note. — Report referred to is the "Preliminary Examination and Survey of San Joaquin River and Stockton Chan- nel, Calif." Documen No. 554, House of Representatives, 68th Congress, 2nd Session, from which the above table is extracted. DURING LAST SIX MONTHS OF 1920 Number of different vessols' Percentage of the total number of different vessels Number of arrivals of vessels'.. Percentage of the total number of arrivals of vessels.. Total regis tpred net tonnage of arrivals Percentage of total registered n^t tonnage of arrivals'. 304 178 «120 602 50 30 20 lOO 1,680 398 222 ■ 2,300 73 17 1» 100 1,324,2% 1,295,999 1,005,610 3,625,899 36" 2 35H 28 100 •' Compiled for this report from the records of San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, and of the port captain of San Francisco Bay pilots. ' Maximum draft 35 feet. » The difference between figures for "vessels" and for "arrivals" is, of course, due to the fact that smaller ships izen- erally make shorter trips than the larger ones and so enter the port a gr»ater number of times in the same period ol time. « Maximum draft, 34 feet. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 331 TABLE 6-23 Summary of Drafts of 854 Vessels Which Entered the Port of San Francisco During the Six Months Ending September 24, 1924, Under San Francisco Bar Pilots Control. Vcss**! drafts Number Per cent (over) M fp<>t and und'»r - 438 305 111 51 M feet and less, and over 20 feet 35 '.er24feet - - 12 Totals 854 743 HI (100) 87 Over 24 feet - -- 13 Totals 854 (100) 332 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CO H I— I CO < PQ fe vo <3 ao-4< oa o^ CO »-■«»" us toia f-« WD CO e-< *-i *— < »-l ci ^N CO gj o§ 00 •^ g. '■S CO ^s rHCO •««< ooo 00 coo l-( 1-H *-H »— 1 »-« CO Bo t)o 1 ■<»> s= •t^ CO to « lOCD ,^ — 00 o CU (Q '^ •"• tsja *H 11 ^1 ^3 ■<« CJ 1-H S: s s o >_ " o og »-H 05M »-t 00 00 CO CO 00 »-H "£ (N 1-1 v-4 c« C£ 3 u> TJiS C4 n ►5=> ■Tj< 00 t^ t^o t~ «■* CO -1.3 1-H !-• OJ a v >*:i: Co CD 00 u> ^ «oeo CI ooo t* 00 CO *-H »--*^ CO CO O) CJ "§:? t)g o»-^ ^_^ ^HC^ CO d^H CO ca . -*i .« So tA coo CO CI CO «o e^-* CO ]3 a m O E^ oo o oo o oo o 1 m li § i 1 A 1 1 J3 1 1 ja '•4-» 1 H 3 a. o 5 1 (3 s i . if o. o ^ ^ o. o o H ■q ■^a U)Q \->a S • m i i 1 i a >> B a 1 -r; s £ B B 6. § CO -a a a C9 O B <3 -> Q M > « W 09 4-> pq U O fe CO to <3 ^ o a o S 5 ^ I 2 •T3 a « 9 (5 g a a a a B a E E a a a a a a e a a a a a a a e a a a a a d s e C&P.O-OC»00>0OQ000f0 p c^ »q ^ CS '-^, M •-; CnJ CO (Ocoot^r-^ooodoioJos a a a do.d Ot^O CO coco a a d. d. ooo (M -H 00 o> a E a a a ace cooocc -^ (N C*3 tT •<)< Oi Oi Oi Oi s a a o. »qp s :a Q. I d BE C9 C9 »0OO»f3>0OOOOO«0»C^XXXXXXXX>CKX>^XX>;>'->i->'-J'-j"^'-!'-Si-j'-5>-J'-S>-5>-S'-5>-j'-J"T-»>-^'-5>-5'-3'--5>-5i-,i-5i-,i-5.-,>-5>-:>-> THE SALT WATER BARRIER 335 .-^ .000 'O* -o iat* lOira 'Oto •^- • —< tt^o too '30>oo ■r*»ooioo 'OO -o 'O -oo -^ ;2gg ;g ig ig§ iSS iS-* :2 iS5S g2 ig is i-'SSS ;«gg-'2 ;22 :2 ;2 ;22 !ooo !c4 lo !o&r« *ous !oo 1^ lo<-to It^o !qd !o Ioooo 'cmiaooo !oo Io Io >oo )C4 ' < •■* • ' "^ 'CO » t 1 . • , til OiOOOCOOOOO O O O lOOiCkftOO — • e4 e^ -^ CM •— N ^^ CO -^ ro — * -^^^ O i00»0 O kOOUiOtO o = B a c £ c S S B B B ■t O — ■vM « *o — r^^ ^ :^j ^ ^* -^ CM CM C4 ec CO ec V s a 6 s s s a £ a CS s9 C3 C3 :3 S3 cS QO 00 CC CC 00 CO CO lO C^ ^ 0-^'^»C_0»0 ^ -^ kii ^ %ri kfi '^ ifi a ao E B B E E E s a a d s. s. c d d d CC C-5 O O C^ C^ e-j « -^r »r3 -N c^ ci oi c»■ =^ n '«« n-9 a a a kC :c> tf> C3 r: S C3 O O i-OCM CCMCC^ £ a a a a 53 rt e3 eS c3 »« »o 0000 »C -^ C^ C^ CO CD -J -^" ^ -^ £ a aa do. CM CM fc.o«^u^»c»oc»-'t».'iooOwi.oi-'; 000 iC'^oooow 0^00000 O C C cj c^ c^ ?-» c^i CI C-) c-i C) c^j c^ ri s o o o ~ IT) c-i r» c-i M r? ^ ri ci c: ~ — = rj c<» c; O O rj c^i ^ c — o ~ :_ « c^ cj oc oc a: X 3C oc X X ac 2c GC « *i c^i CM c-j M ac X X X 2C 3C n X 3C ci ;*) r-j rj 3C 3C ci M ri 3C 3C n ri 74 ci n rj : ■*5^oc56ocxxxxxoc-5c56x^^^^^2530x5coox^3o5c^^^^oooo'?^^ a e » : » o a o Qsa a a o o aa a a ca o c a s B » » » 000 aas c a a a » ! » o c. o a at^auj a a. c c o Q, ;3ppap ao. 3P ac t)P I I I « 1 b u 00 ■OU3 0^ o e s 3 3 B OD o o 5 o o > > •2 1i ^t ^"S S a a Sfe 3> o O O -si *ss OU3 ©T3 > Q O 3 o o o ^ ■0 ^ 12 JJ ®9 00 " *- ^ tj '^ t- •- -J li 3 3 -5 1; i^ S = 5= = » 3 =0 3 ■(*• ' W C£ hhkSkhh S.i 5 >,= >.5-^ > = >.=-^- =^ >.= > >.^ >•-= >>? S .-**3-*^fc-03-e3fc,fc-3i-*'3C'iL-**»-*f.5£ O"— =■ r^, =-T> " ■ — ■^9 1- a a-- 3 3 3 3.i..i 3-- a 3 3 E.i E.- S.S.2 3 3 3'3 333333333333333333 ~" 3 3 3 3 336 Q > o CO < o o O i I W < (LI > n! 6 ■4-i Wi f) < o o CM o o H-l c DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES s s cm s o E-i s 3 C9 H-; a m ^ 03 OU3W5Ot*00t^t^OOOOO OOU5U30 o o »COOOO O O»ft»COU5»COiCOO"5i0W5OiCOOO"^OO< esse e E a &a ac. a a a ooow o t-(M — (M cq^^ *-•»-< Cl (M C^ a BBBBB d d ddd d U3 lO O O O »C ^ O C* CO -^ o^*ictceOicc^o6odo6o6odo6aoo>o»o< s B s a a a a d d d d d d d to lO o O lO r- r- CQ (>1 CO -^^ »0 O i-H ^ »-i »-J r-» r-1 (m' CS a aaesaaeBsaaseSssaaeaEssaseaa d ddddd d ddddddd^dacLddcdddcacca o oooo»(5 kc o»oicooicoS*^oo»oo«tom»coc»c«ouj Tj*_ o --< c^3 CO -^ c^ ^ c^ »o •-; »-' o '-; " c I »-; c-1 to '-; i-^ c*5 CO ^ -r u? lO o ^ ci cococococo CO co^coiCTt^(^o6o6QOoocx)C3oqpoo®0> s d aesseasassaaa ddddddddddddd omok'^ooeccooocoo 1-J ^ ^* ^ cr>tnoooooio>o>oo>«o>ooooioO"5u2000©oo»rai»ogo IMOOOOOOOCSJJC:Og 00(N(MC^l(MCMOOOOOOOONOOOOC Q.O aao cccao ao a a B a 22 t^ **. C. t«X «M Wh 'O ^o©oooo § o a)_S V 3 3.2 3 3 3 3 3 3.^ I'D B 3 » O g 3 a aao c aa < EJ2 >.> O^ I 3 »- -^ O -^ I- B B ^ ^ ^ QQt2 B '»• ^S CO O ♦^ ^ B s- >. >..^ O 3 O O ♦- I. ;2 3 3 3 a.K; 8| •V 3 hi ■** "J 09 a a & » o o GQ s a O Q. T B Mi^JS ♦^ .i; *^ I- Bslsa^ -OT3 a B c? ^ ^ a.S-- o o4! =« — ^ c '~^: a a p.m. p.m. p.m. . d d 'ino ~ 100 00 Vi 00 00 00 ->i , s ■9 • * ! -I 's'a'a a s's b's a's 3 b's 3 3'a 3*3 3'3'3!3 3 3 S 3 3 3 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 3 3 a 3£ ►? ►? i-s i-j "-s •-» i-s "-5 "^ >-> •-» ■-» i-s "-= "-5 '-5 •"= "^ "-5 ■-: "^ •-= "^ "^ "^ '^ "^ "^ "^ "^ "^ ^ "^ "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ™ THE SALT WA'IKIl BARRIER :j:{l n < vo 5h hJ 5 ♦-» •— » 4> Q fa > to 00 « y Ci] to o 00 O u O w h4 < CJ t— I c O b — 1 U< < rt « H V v Oi 4-( fc U c o H o IO < EU X ^ >. o vo [tI l^ h < ^ u < o Q ,-1 O u o u u < o H w t^ u o ►J fa o 2 o H < W o fa o o o u O a a i 1 i t2 c^^^^ |M*-i | — coco .^ ,00 .0 .to .0 i — ■ i^4C4 n-« .^« i*^ tCO« • 1 -N o r^ioio 1 c 'Si loo io ''ta !o loo 1 ^HcA »n . .5 1 OOOO ioO !t«tOO Io 00 Io l« Io l^o 1 Io o t^ CO 1 1 o OOOiOkOOOkCO O r*»0>C OOtOOC^ kOiO oo O it^kO tC OtCOkCifttC cs)*-4^4'^ *-i <-( ^H CO ^^ ^^c< ^^ ^^ ^^»-i eo I 'H -< w^<^ i , B s s a 2 6 s a a e a e a s a s a a a a s a s ' aaaasgaaa 6, o. c^ d. d. c 6. d. c^ d ::. .seaartsrsartr. or-».occooooccco co Trcrc^c^-^c^ci^oooci o Icjt^c o^r'^.-.t^tr: O 50 t-^ 00 00 00 ci ci oi O oi ci ci O O O O O O o' O ^ •— ' ci (N W C^ ci ci (>J (M* ^' a 1 Esaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaaa a a ddddddddd d ddddddddcddd d d ot^ooomooooow n t^ •o" r~ ?< •» i^ c^ ■«. — lo o o o « CO » to t^ 00 00 o' o> ci oi oi o: o" ci c o' o o o o c -^ -; -^ 1 a a a i a a a s \ aaaaaaati IC^'^CSCi'.J'tOC^C 1 p o o — (>j c^ i.-; c; ' M c-i ci ci c^ c^i cvi — E "a > > a a a a a i a a : a a a : a dddd Idd Iddd Id ot-ooo |ooo |tcQOK :' ci ci c: > ci B a la la i a i a a i =.d Id Id Id Idd 1 M-* |e IP ■ ci ' i-i a § cj 12.17 a.m. 12.26 a.m. 12.52 a.m. •o n s o 000>OOOOOOut«COOOOOOOOOOi.->CinO O00eMO000CC>ID4OC00OC0OC0Oe-)CSIM0 USC'je^OOC^OJCKMCSQCOOi-'^tCC^C-li.'^C^ICJi.'^iCC^C^OOQOOCiC X>C ooooooooooooocooooocoooooo eO'^'^00'^^-f»t"^00000«0-t1"^:0'^TfCOCCT*--^0000000 looc = ooo = 'OCCOOOOw 1 tC CI CJ C) O u'; csl Ci ixxxxxxxx 'OOC oo = oc s 1 3 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 t , , 1 I B|Bcla||>!!|d »,»»'». CO n o < o 3 .S ■4-> c o o I W PQ < W H < m H <3 Q O O o o < o H CO o o •-) o o I— I o O Ph H 00 o 00 o h4 C O •o c a o o o o o c O o o CM o o l-f 1 OiCC0»0 ine^o O lO ota -< lO^O iflO 1 >o O iU5>0 >oo ^SS »^--«coc^ «coco e» Id *-* -< ilOTti-* f-1 *-4 1 ^H ^^ 1 ^^ Ci-i 5 s e2 OiC»CW5 woo o lo OU5 o looo •oo U5 O tu5>o U50 ■ooo o a B »-<-H(MCJ ^^coco C4 "C^ »-H ^^ l^^ltf* 1-^ *^ «.H «.^ 1 v.^ C»»H coos ooooo ocqo o lo oo -< loiiO oo O o loo OO IMIOO Eh '3 -... ,.--..- -_ , _ - -— ^J— - OW5 »6 t^io o r^ot^o»coic»coo o t^ioot^iCi«ooioioo>oo»ft»o o ^H^-)C4 *-tcO C-1C^I»-< ^-Hi-^i^ f.^,^,.,^^ ,Mi-<(N^^ eo o '-'■0 BB B SB B BBBBBBBBBB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B (L> c3rt rt cart rt rtc3cJc3c!rtc3c3c3ea c3 cSrtcSc3c8c3cartrtc3rtc«rtcSe3 eS ^ t3 »o lO ■** coco i-H 00 00 ec CO eo CO 00 eo CO io lo oo eoicr^ mooo»o in uoom t^ c^ o i-H CO CO i-H CO »-H '^ o ci -«*< o i-H tp lo o lO -^ 1-- co»-i ,-icoc^ eooo eo eoo»o«0 »o o [JQ i-i^H (M coco -^ CO-^-^-'J^miCkCiOtOiO CD (OCOt^t^l^OOOOOOSCSO— 'OO^ <-< a s a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a s s a S a a a cscs a aaataaaaaacs a aaaaaaaaaaaaaatc) c9 lO O O »-<00 ^H ^- 00 =0 CC OO CO eo 00 CO to lO ^ OOiO Ol^ »00t000*0 »OCQ «t^ O G) oe-» o -<•-> Tji ■<»<-*-.OOOOOQPSC; oo oo o ^ "a a g a a a a a a 'B a e a ; a a a sa a a ' a a aa saa > 3t rt cS rt 03 a a d C3 I oi tA 03 a 1 o: 03 c8 03 03 C3 CS I 03 C3 C3 OS cieid lOO'-as Q0O5 ^H 00 Ico COCO c^ ;iO') kO ^XXXXKHK ooooooooooo ^oooooooo oooooooooooooooooo o ^CO:O«3o — 1 I'O •^ j 1 1 *^ 1 1 lO'^ "5 1. 1 1 . o V . 1 1. » a and 1 to 50 feet... 50 feet... nd 1 tow 50 feet.. 50 feet.. 50 feet.. l-o I'' B E In ' « o 1 150 feet. and 1 to 150 feet. 150 feet. 22 -CX) B a 03 a 1 and 1 to et 50 feet... g2 X) c B OS iJJ 60 feet over 1 over 1 feet a It 1 ^1 ^^ .-« t M !-• (ri 1 O OJ u ■^ iJ M ^J o 60 feet k ereOfe over 1 V it ^1- i=:<='^^ JtO jS_^ ■ss. ;= jSas. Sg^ 2^- -=2 2 fc— 2 2 S — -u — -o — -o-c— 9 — T3 g 5 — -o-c— o — -c— 5 2— o~-- ^.>.t?t.?.ll&^l?l^?t.> !?.>.? t??t.^t^t1.>l^^ E-tfPSHW«««WHWl-Wt-HW(«Wt-Kff;Wb-t-W«WHW>-9 1-5 "-3 l-» >- 5»-»>-3^»- 5'-t'->-T- »>-Si-5'- » l-> >-» '-3 i-S ■-» - >«-s"-si- 3»-»»- 3 »-s t-s "-a *-» •- >'->-T'- 5 ■-»•-!' . THE SALT WATER BARRIER 339 ooo •o©r-e4r*cot^r^o*oooo ^^w^-^ . ^« ^^ c^ *^ ^- -i* ^ CO CO — -^c* OC O»OU0 o»OiOor*oor*t^ooooo ooooo —no o »00»00*0 O 0»CO»0 C^ Oua O WSOOOO O 00»0»0»0»0000»C»C»00»ftOOt^OOOO ' B e ^ a B s s e s s e e s s e s s h s s s s s e s s e a s s e s a s s s a a a s a a a a a dAS d ddci.ds. d dddd d dd d d.d. d. c^d. d dc:.dcc£uS.:ic-r-^ ^^ci ci cic^Tioi^ ^ c^*^^^ ci cici co cocoeocoeo ■««« cO'^'^'*'^»c»r:*-^>oo6ocoooooboooor MM c* c^ a s a aa ddddd o »c »o o *o « C^ C^ CJ *o ifj »C O 1^' t'^ :b EE • d a c. !« •no ;oo 00 00 E E E E O tC •c •c tC »^ »C "C oo 00 00 oc = o ~ o o IX X '£c *i lO 71 1^ n Ti 7^1 >H C4 Sc ?) rj 7i T) rj 71 »ft 'i^ D c» c-i ,KK>^xxx>;>;>'X>^>r*^*r;-"><>; [OOOOCOO — ooooooooooooooooooooocooocoooooooooococ:wC:c:c !**'«"Tr-— T- — --^■.^■^rr«'rT)"'»'<»<'tJ''*'^:SOO-*'*'*'*OOOOQO-*»-*0'>»''>«<^0'»00'«I''»'»-»'^'»-i — -r-r-T it a » a ao PPQ o c = pQppap:i:iu;apauj c e a a o c a a o DSaCJPpQ s e a a o o a o o fe is . S o c a o ac— Q lis ii| .?ls ^^^ 3 3 s , a = to to!i e • I S o - t ■w ■*.> -fc» • O 2 5« a- o a a. t> r d *; sj_ -.i S ?i S; -- »C ^ iO ^ t. & fc« & ~ o~c C -X soo'Oo = oo= r = - o o t: o to .i -J -^ -^ = -- O cO •— ii u » 81-1 >.Sf S'H — -5 = c — -= — — — -i — — — - — tat a *_ * — -^ ^ ""tj^. ^■*' ^^e^^ = = r *- T •- —.= .5 - — •- = a.: =*<*-> ~> e-r— £■£■> S« «— t-c-WKt; — E.2 ti.aijL,s:c-t-&.rT- 25 > I. = ace u &c e^ ;i S3 S' 3 s- ^ ; ~ o-c- tt It !j E.C^.i^,; I l.i = >> a , Ui Z:^ UZ Si PZ UZ r?»3 3 a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa I '•'•^ '-i T^ -T-j -T-j — -: -: - :uo DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES » Ot »-l t-^ lO >* •J o •-» Q •4J H TlH g U 00 CO X n 1—1 o 00 03 ^ <; o u i4 M V |Z| c PC U < "O K c H rt « ■M ID 00 W M f-i r \D < O O O H ^ Oh o •J < < O a o o h4 S 4) S o o o o (U < o o H H V CO u O o o H < O o (J o i«eoc»cicoc:*c COiftiOtDcDOOiCOCO'-^ ooo WN OOOkC 'O SC >o , 05D -^^ coco eocjMc^-* — ■^^'i'^ t»t^ «« -N ^^ -* ^N 1 ^1 J a M tCOOu^kCO^CU^ »CiCiCu^O»C^O*CkC oo >e « OOCiC *o O 'O B s CS to ■»»• CO CO — CM« H 1 . ^^ - ^-,^— - • ,. - '—>,—' • ' -—..-^ otI ID O iO»00 lO b-w5 lO W30»rt»C0 »C O O t- iC *0 O O O »CiC O « O «C O CO -^fCO -*{N^-i-**4^-^-^/3iO a M rt; io»cin -H »c-- -^ ifico»ccoco O -^^ -^ O co ■^»r:co'^ictco»— c^-^»o pi3 iC CD lO ic CD r^' tD' r~' w r^ o6 00 oi OS O Cs O O C c: O: C O O O •— * »-I ^' ^ ^ ^ ^ a a a a a E a 3 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a s d d ddd d d.d. d ddddd d d d d d ddddddddddd d O OOCO^H CI »— 'QO CD ^-^DCDO^O iC »0 »C C t^ •— 'CDCCOC^Ou-'CCOiC n ^ -^j" 'tj* la r-^ *+ "^. ''n ^ '^ *^ ^ "^ *^. ^ ^ "^ "^ ^ ■* iO wj »C »C CD CD CD CD t^ t— ' t-^ 00 00 od ci Ci Ci C O CT T C^ CO ^^ »C tf^ c "f". T c." o o c c o «- ^-t *— < ,_) ,« ,^ ,-4 _H ^ *-N ■-) i-t ^^^ ,--— , ^^^ .— ^-. ^^^ ,— -^ u > i'E «- 1 ■ 1 a a a a a a a a EESESESSSS sa E S &-B s a : E s is d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d.; c. d. d d d. c-d-d. '■ d. d ;d C:i-O00co— oOM O^tOOOCOOiCI^Cl t^ U5 o o ■■^ TOOO -^ »c c4 :« ^ ^ H C3 ^ CO 'rr ■^ -3'_ -^ CO '-^^ -^^^i:v^»-'^co»cw^^-H M M ■«■ o ■^.C^ CO Tt< »c o ;■♦ iC »'< »0 iC iC CD cd' cd' :d I^' t-' I-' 1-* 00 00 00 Ci C: oiov cio c: oSo d o< ^ -^ o t-l »»-4 OiOiCOOO»C»COOOOC500iCCOO*0»OiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOp ooc ir: »c 'r; tr? »-t 'C ac ic ic tc oo 00 00 »c lO ii:: c-i S'C00000COOeDcDcDCD;DQCcDcDeC!0C0000CDcD-sD'-*'-f-?>'^«-r-r— ■f-^^ o 1 1 i 1 ! 1 ! 1 ii g i i : ci ; ; d d B c I e i ! e t I id id i ; I ^f u ; : 1 s ! : s s fe fe . S ! . fe , . :»;»': . ■ , 3 aaco a&o o ccocoacoac d Q, a d c. o c. o 'a c^ C •^•^•^at:j::^CiQ UiQQpC&^sQSP ;-iCJ && :-otja ;u. •_ - m 0S 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 • 1 I I ■•* I 1 1 1 I ' -M .«.< I I .^ ; ;s ; : :^ j ■g ; : J : ; ; ; ; ; • ■*« :s£ : IS h- : io i iJl •2 ; il ; i ; ; i : :j iool !o "5 IX*^ o >— iC«vS U5 O ; ;- ; : ,=© •2 ; ;o ; ; 1 1 ; : ''S i-^o ;- c 1 11. . ■ 'S"" " • ,tO • ^M • h. k lO • b* o , .4) . ■ ."^rt ■m 1 ■ l"^ 1 1 1 • 1 t 1 V c — • 1 a> S i . t. § -s i i i i i : II it o ;o w und w und over w und 1 1^ ii : • ; ; ■ ; :>o JS2» 15 u feet and 1 t nder 150 fee ver 150 feet foct and 1 t OOfcet ver 150 feet 00 fret 00 feet ver 150 feet ver 150 feet •♦* ** u J-, _. _ ii ' — '-a 8l nder 150 f( ) feet and ) feet and feet and 1 ) feet and = • c O 3 Co"* C*" O 0--*o^ C— , c'3 3 «.2j 3 3 3 =.S.i a'r.SlSIc---' C S 3 B.C~ B.- 3 3 3 5 3 ^ CfiME-^-ta-aHE-KE-tKPiE-ttaicCMKOiWc^HWCCMKKHHt-WHU OtOC 0) CO CD CO CO CO CO CD cO co CO CO ^D CD CD CD CO CO CD CO CO CD CD CO CO CD CD CO CO CO CD CO CO cC ■•4 _>^ >i >.,^ '*^,'^' ^ ''^ **> *^,'*>.*^ '^'.'*^ '*!*.'*!' ^^'^.ir* ''^''••'^-*»>^'*»»*>'^'*»>^I*^>»'^'^^-!^' "Hasp 3'9'9"5 3333 3*3 3 3 3*3 3 = 333333333U33 = 3 3 3 f J THE SALT WATER BARRIER 341 >r^ -coco ■'*e^ i^^-h il«l« «OU5 IM5 10 cje>> loots oo 1 e>i-< c c; o o « o in o >c o o CO ^H ^ ^^ CI Eeea e saBeaBseeEEEeEcSsaEssESEssEseaea CK| ^ *^ ^^ r^ »c c^i t^r^o 00 oo c^ c*io»o-^oooio^o "f^ '^. "^ T ■*. "^ ^ *^ ^\ '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■^. "^. "^. ^ ^ *^ ic irJ :c o eo CO t- t^' r--" i^ od od oo ci o Ci c- oi o o -^ EEE B BEEaBBEEaEEEBESEEEaEEEEEEBBaBEaE d ei si rt c3c3cjeaearte3rtc3rtrtrtnrto5csdrtc3c3rtdcic:s3c3c«e5rtc5c5C. o « o to te «; o — 00 — (« -^ ■<*' urs »d CO o o cq 1^ IC oc — ~ M -^ -^ O -^ OJ 50 o CD eb r^ w t*' r^ CO o -^ »n »o »n o o o 0^4C^'>rcoco*9«icc^ ex 7 asv; a > > - t.c= Cj :k - >>¥ oS ■■gs s » ■" o OS s o>— o ■ > o ■ 5f >. = > S >•■- £ M- c 1. c 5 a i'_- 1- w ^ i! ^ — ^^^^.^.^._>._^j;._>._>.^.^_>.^_>>^.^^._>._>._>._>._>.J;._^_>._>._>._>._>._>._>.2;._X_^._>._>,_>>_^^ 342 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 13 P > xn PQ o CO <3 H < PQ < 73 V 3 .s c o O 00 VD < 8 o X H o CO ^ W o u h4 O •-) c fe O o 2 o Pi O h^c^m»ooooi'-»c c^ c^i CvoeO^TiCOtCcc ^^c »o o ec ca o ^ tc occooie t-H ^H»-i-^*' •<}*.-« t> ec ;o ccc^ c^^«:occ»^c. c;dr-eoc»-^oococ«^H •♦i^ai* 3 1 g. &£ c OiO »CO»0»0>00"^»C»0»OiC»CO»C»OW5»C»0 o>nioio a *-« »-t *— 1 r-» Tji -^ t— « cc CO i-H *.H .-.i-i«OtOCOi-iOcD-^OClC^»-OcD^-^i- -^ CS cO(D •g" ? C8 p 0} 66 fc«ooooo*ccqo t-c- ^0^^^^00^oeo»mo o c-it^oiaiTto *-i »c eo iO»0'-« »o oo eo a .-jwO'-^csico-^cii-;'^ o c^co»n»c»-;c^ c^i co ci o»oco co '^, c^. '^ P>Q eg M T-I •-<»-* 1-1 c-i ci CO M '^' CO CO CO cc -^ '^ »c ■^* o co o i^ o i^ 00 o> vA -« EEEgeaEsse e eeseee e s e 'ess a sd a 3 d d c o>nc ^ CL C .& o. \fi \r. C> 00 Vi ^^^oo-^CNio^eccc »o ^c^rotcic^ «-h ci ci •^jj-^M-c* c^*«; <=? PQ ei c(5 ic o »c W3 o »o c ec »o «r5 lr^ o lO »o »c »c »c o °SSS t H e3 ^NC^O»— COCO»C»CiO ceo ^^r-^r-c-iiraiftic-^ec-o;-* -9f-«-0 -; c>> rt ^. S ® V^ cc oo 00 ci f-< -J -^ c-i e-i ci ci ci nn cc -^ ■^' TjJ r)« -^r rr ••I* -^ »c wf ic »c lojq^ ^ ^ o ""-- • O C C O O O O >C O O O >^ >C »ft C: O O C O O »C »0 iO O »C to »C iO O O O »(5 iC o o o c O M « M "S OOC'OOOOfMOOOC-lC-lOlOOCCCrOCKMC^OC^C^CSIC^OOOC^C^OCOw (MC^C^C^(MC;X>^XXX>^XXi-^>-;XKXXHKXXKKKXXKi-'i' X X X M ocoo CC 00 00 00 OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOw •3 o 1-:) ■«)<-o<->»'->r-«"»->j'oo-j'-«--^ a 1 1 B C B B , B B B B 1 l c 1 1 1 1 1 B B B Cl ', c 1 1 tc & Be ^ ' , it i: » If . . . , Is Be B: » fc . *-•-'« S 0. 0. aaoooa&ca o ft CO o o o o o. c. d. 5 ^,*^ C3 P t):3QClQt.;&&t, O'P fOQQCUiUJp&tJQCiQCQPPP CPPC3 a* 1 1 1 1 •-H 1 1 «-« 1 ^ 1 1 • 1 1. . I. . V . . 1 ' -a -0 1 . . ■ . 1 C^ 1 t 1 I 5 > O iT3 ■ 1 ' ' a !i a B 1 • < 1 Q) I ■ fc .T3 . . . . ■s I's : 5 ' ' ; is 3.111 > • ' C k > ' o ; ° ^ =" o ^ ^ ! 1 ! 1 ; 3 O o 3 =:=;»::: js 1 1 1 : : : ;j|j ; 22 tow eet. tow eet. eet.' tow tow eet. Ito •** 09 1 #—4 c: 3 feet and 60 feet... )feet.... feet OOfeet... nder 150 f feet and 1 nder 150 fi OOfeet... f— *-< „>~^>-, ,<— , t and 1 tan'd'i erIoOf x!tand feet... feet... «M s fc t and erl50 tand erl50 feet.. erlSO feet' ! gisf -a JJ J-gJ-gg-S SM iJ-g^fgg i ty lock, under 6( ty lock, r boat u ty lock, under 5( it under over 40( over 60 under 4 r boat II over "0 r boat u under 4i ty lock, over 60 over 60 ty lock, over 60 r boat '1 over 60 r boat 11 under 4 r biat u ing boat under 4 over 60 ing boat over 60 r boat u under 6( under 4 under 4 ing boat ing boat r boat u itv lock- a 3 S.:: E 3 aZ. s\S-~ =--^ £338 s.i 3--^--.2:S =,S s-C r^^.ZJ.S-- = Wf-wo;WH>-£«HaJc:E-«MHHi-WHtff-airAc:u.c/-.'Hu.HaHr«a:t^'i.a:w ^SiMOS 1 t>. t^ r- 1^ 1^ r^ t^ 1^ 1^ t^ t^ t^« t>. t^ 1^ 1^ 1^ t^ t^ 1^ t» t^ r« h* t>- 1>- 1-- 1^ t* t^ 1^ t« t^ 1^ i>- r^ t^ h.i~t>.r- _>._^_>> >,>,>,>,>.>.>.>,>,>■.>.>,>,>,>,>.>. >^ >.>.>,>.>,>. >.>.>>>■. >^ >> >t >.>. S^ >->-jt>' 3* = 3333 = 333 3*3 3 s'a's 333333333333 ""S as "s ="= 3 ZS ZS'S 3"^ • ^■ "-s"— '-3'— ►-> *-»•-&*-: *-»•-» "-s i-T-ji-j -5'-> .-> — 5^^.-r» THE SALT WATER BARRIER 348 U1 t3 Q 01 U pt, > tr> rg 00 C/3 X n ("5 o ^ W3 u < O h4 u u HH r O < •o 0^ c H *-» « W c fa < o o hJ f CQ < Q 5^ O o o k4 o o o o l-H H < O o (J 4» < fa o 8 H CVJ X ? u ^ o u »j O h4 »n CO U5 i« C » •-. 10 15 "» >Oifl«0 I^ ftCOO • •no •noouj • o 00 O 1^*0 «VCO«^^C'l § 3 1 OCOOOOO-fl-OOOOOOOOO CMOOO om 0000 o 00 o H •2 1 »0 O L-TkCO lO »f5 lO 0»CJ»f5kOOr* »0 OO Wi 4COI^»COO»C»OOiOOi«0 «o -^r OO ^ c^ CI -^ — ■«* ^ c^ -^ .-t CO ^^ ,^ ._, ^ ^ ^^ ^H »^ ^a E E SEE g S S S S E S E E S E S B E E E E E E S E E E E E E & d d. d d d d d d dddddd d dd =. d d d d =. d d d d d d d d 1 T3 •* o cooo-^ r^ lo -M o»oooic»ot^ -^ kn ^ o co«o»ceoooc5icicoo>c»o a c5 ^ »c iS lo — u5 ■«■ ira CO •«; M ?; -; •* -; •»; c^. -s; ■". '^ 1 '^ "''. "^ "^ R "^ "^^ ■*. "^ u o ■J Pd *o o icicsD t^ o 1^ i-^o6ooa>cici ci oci o c:c; oc: oooo---- — '-i — B S E E B e B E S E E S B B S B B S E S E B E E E E E E E B E c d d ddd d d d c-C^ddd d dd d c d =. d d d =. a c. :i c. c =. C5 o oc«— e-j o ss oocooioo c-. loic ■« — ^coOMocJ-out-reooo o S ^ ■? io — ir •* — • cc •-■; « iC lO — . ". rs « •» ■«■•«; lO o cj co -r lO ic o — -«; ^ PQ uj tii ic»co o o 1^ t^woocadodcJ cs csci os cioscsoooooo^^-^ — e9 E E e E S E E* E S E B E S fc* E B E E E : E E E : B E E E E E a < J 5; dddddddddddddddd d d c 1 d c d I dddd d d d i Z "fc- Ctt^OOOr^^-OOC^C'— ^OwCOO*^ t^ 3-. r^ loo to 'oecoo'j' W3 22 lO b - C5 -^ro*«j''«'"^^co^r'^— ' — cc»^cc»o*o « — CM . ■* '^, ■O" ;oeMeo-* »o o "*. id ko »« ic »e :c cc «D « 1^ i^ 1^' t^ o6 00 00 » oi ci 1 ci ci 55 . 0" O ^ •-« C ;" -a S c^ (>) c c ■ CM « "7 1 r c-i CM ;• CI "7 V 1 ,- "T c-1 CM o = w ,- ,■ o o T £ o o o o o SooQoSSooooo = (= = ocoocoo = c:o = cocooooricM — =:CMCMc:2"\J^'2'\i 3 xxxxxSxxSooKxoxci^ooc^xxxxKoojsxoi;)'. >J B .2 ; ; i ! i £ s : s s i i \i 1 a ! c Q a Q.a dc. 0. a c. D. ' Q. Q. Dpt)ap^acsGa:iaDpQ 3»» &E3 := t^OtiQ U> jP P U ;|jj i I ■•* S ' ' '•—to OJ cs hi I I 1^^ 1 N i i i i ;o^£ J ;2oog lo *© Sow 1 ; g 1 Q)"* "^0 ;io c U, 1 1 SS-" , .to , , 1 1 V-l '"O »• t-"' 1 1^ o U 1 • ■§ ; ; a 1 [ ver 1 ndcr ver 1 : = c a s • S 3 3 > 1 0) .T3 i B • 3 'C ^ ' ' ~ 3 ' I ; ; ; ; 9 !2fc » = ' S 1 : : 4^ 1 1 * ^ » J : ? ; : ; ; •M J 1 o is ; s -♦J i -a ! 1 III! tand 2 t and 1 t and 1 r ISOfc 150 fee t and ! feet.... 150 fee foot.... feet.... 150 fee •I 50 fee feet .. 50 feet an feet and feet and eet and 1 B ! ^ 'O =-g ;= li j; fe-= t soSoo too § s '-3 |-o :-H oo= ,oui^.ii c >.::o >.oo > ^.o c • oo>— ■o t B 1 M Row boat - Ship unde Tug undei Yaeht uni Fishing [>t Ship unde Tug over Tug over Tug over River boa River boa Tug over Ship undc River boa Ship uiidc Ship undc Empty loi Itivcr boa River boa Ship undc Empty Ioi Tug over River boa Empty loi River boa Empty Ioi 2 tugs uni Tug unde Tug unde Tug over Empty loi Tug unde Empty loi River boa Empty loi River boa o cOcsco:OeOce^^coeO^O'.0cDtcO'^OCO-5 — "- »- "■»•- •-5>- '-5'- ■-T-5'-5"T- IT- »^^ 844 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES eg vo >^ h^ t3 •— > -i-) V Q IT) (^ 00 W X CO PQ o 00 O < o c o (£< fe TS < rt c ■l-> d « •w to u W c • .-1 R 1 H U lO 1 0^ .S'E 3 Q is S a o la oo oo oin cO;o ce ' B a Tp e a : e a a d ooo loooor^ a et _„ . - .O'^^no ^H^H jcjc^io ,c^-^Meo ■ ■ — rnrn c ' ^XOOOOO«X!-:>^XXXXXXXOOOJ-^ ; iC »0 ■— O iC iC O "O »o o o o o o o o o o o o »o tC «C o < >^ XOOGO >^ X X X XOO000O'«*"Tt«'^-*J*'*Tp-^-^ X X X. -* I 11 I I "^1 CM I I ■ I , ■ I CV| CM CM t; ---.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOCM .. X XOCOOO X xooooo«><><>^ O O O »C lO 4C ^C 'O '— O tC »0 '^ 'O »0 O O O O I— i™-" '—''—''—' "—^ *—' -Tt^Trrp X X X X XOOGO X X X X XOOOOOO'^^*^'**'^'^'^^ ooooo oo o^OcOcOO ■r^ X X -* ooo CO CO CO oo rT "^i Qo ' - C 00 ^ W '. O >: X K iCOOC' X 00 ^ ^ ■. o a c c c c & ^ ^ » oooo QQQQ ^^ a « g a .2: a.s 2oo c c c S !C is o c o — ^>- o «o t»o 1 O CO o c c is S o o - rt o c3 c x* o u w S :^% lilii ■2. c Cl c^ w Ela.s.-: s c & ic o o QQ 5 >• C« (3 ^ C3 B B c o -^ « . s e s c o QQ c c ^ * ^ ceo. QQP '"o * c =" 3 3 ■£. ,£• M M I' ^ d M.M . .So o aa & , MJ3 ^-5 s:^ £• b£ M S'la > £■ •: a = r a. 2-- =■- =^ 5 g § i-u M bt lac £• >. : c k. u c u-g — 3 3 3*3 3 b's'S 3 3 3~ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3*3 333 = 3333 3*3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 = THE SALT WATER RAKRIER 345 »eo o o c o u^ c^ o o o o o — — o o 'Coo -o 'Oicoo OOWSiCOOCIOMO 1/3 O lA = E £ = E £ E E E E E E c E S S E S E E S E E S E E SEBEEESESSS d. d d d dddd d dd d — C — -* — — — — « C^ C* CM C^J • • -^ -^ CM Cfl CO CM cc co-^ -* E d s d E d •-'i cc 00 lO o "^ c: i.*^ t-*^ I'S o io o M CC»?3CC>^ — — ClOW^M*"^ Ct5 CM — '«• ^' ^ -^ irt u5 o ;o ir: «3 «o ^00 c; EEE . .EEEEEE B BEBS eacJcsESdddddd d dddd rOO — — — — CMC-JCICMCM — ^-*H *^ CMC4CMO ESSE E dddd d i*"^ O »0 O CO CC CC CO ^ ^ c, d d dddd d dd d d d d i-l :C CC oo »C O »0 O »^ *0 »f5 O O 00 M ^ ic ^_ '•? "^ ■"! "^ '^. ^ ^ ^? "^ ®. -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ %ei tfi ifi tfi ko \ri o i^ oo E c « 3 ES EEBcES=SSE==E=EEE {ic.:^d.:id.d.d.c.d.d.c.d.d.d.d.c. E E ;S d :x ! d c re I »c ^ *-^ CM CM CM CM C; jcccac-v^ X x-'Tf-^-^-^-n'-^'^'^oc-^ K^ooocoo X X x*rococoC'^ X X X X x-i*-^ X xM-ococoo-^'^'^ xococao iQCC C= C OCO OCOOO CO o .a : a a a c a S s S c c = = c c . . c c c c S , . S S S S ccaoococ. /-*—-< — /-* r> r-v ^M — 1 e C C * is S c = o = S 6 c .=.£.= C =. D. ' S .8 II — X is H ^ — Ko = o J- = «.=• = > 2.=- = > =• =f =■_> :i=;Hxu; ^it-u;:: JIJI O 3 -*^' ^».'5S»C^S^S«0S»f3 'to g _ ^ -3 ^ ~C2 - C^ 1; V — ^ -^ H— >-° w C^ -a c ; 3 ; ; 3 ; » : ; * js : ■°- s ;j ■fji'Ojs-So f £- s "" '^~ o - o"c c o -o =— o , -^-^ — -- r 'T = = -;= > Sf > ^-5 =i ^1 xr-E-r- — t- — :c; L'>^^^i;.^^^_>j_>._>.^^._>._>._>._>._>._>._>.j;._>._^._>._>._>._>.^._>._>,_>.^.^._>,_>._>._>^ 346 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CTi »— f tC VO >^ I-) t3 ►-> ■4-» Q M > c_> o o CO X M o O w ^ < o u h4 1— 1 Ui (-■ fe n < « H rt Pi o ,4-1 ly l-H n U^ 1 «3 < l^ LO W ^ C (Q CO w OQ X < < ■M c o 00 H o O O o u u < o H w u O O o t— I H W Oh O o C 0"50iC0C>)»C rs OO •-1 CO C0»-'CO^^C0 r-irJ-1-' t^ -"^ -^ 1-1 i-i i-iT- ^3 O cL p. d d c. d d ^d.c.d. d d d ddddddd d dd a -id t: 1-^ r^ iOiCioi«ioc^ C: ci O OC o6 o6 C: O: C: C^' O Ci Ci h^ - E e a a a s a a E E a a a a a s a a a a a a s a c 3 c. c. d a. a. c. a. c. d. d d d d d ddddddd d dd bO i^ i>- »o»c».omiOi^wtitcic c^ o *^ t-wTOt^c-JC^^ ca w^i ^ ,-H ^ »q(Mcoo^c-' t^ i^' i-^ o6 ci oc 00 oc c; c; c; c; ci os ci "5 6 a a a a a | a a : a a a i a s a a a a a a a a | a ; a ^^ a a" a a-s a c 1) >• cijic-ddd Idd Iddd Idddddddddd Id 1 df^' d d d d d d 1 Mt^t^t^ireio :t^'!5 ;>cif:r- IsMre-o-e-. (MCi^oot- jo le^ ;-*«ooou5 E^ 1 C3 ". '"I'^""*. 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' ' y. y. y y. y- ~~^^ y. y y. j< ooooC^oooT;ri^ooooooc:w ^^ocdoco ^ ^ ^ ^occo QOOooooo5^-i--f^5^-i'00-i.-o<-*-9-^-i-£^ocoo-»--r-w55^'-r-»- ^ u o a .2 "S ! I 1 d d ci 1 ! I I ! ! ! I 3 I i i Si if , . ft ic &&I , . , !s fe S . . . ^ '' ', 3 oao-oop. ;c.c. D.ooa O, 'o-ooccac. c o. c. a a o a Qp;^QQt' IPtitjQQta t> ;&OQOUJ&t3 t5:i;=UJi:iCi ;c> 1 I 1 I -«^ 1 I. I 1 1 1 1 1 i J i !| : i ; ; ; ; ! i i i ; : ; ; ; i iJ i i ; :i i i| i 1 1 1 tUt t l«M • ^-i oj 1 1 to [ 1 ! 1 1 'i 1 1 ! ; i ; ; i ; : is I I I I»'3 I I*'^ I O ver 150 1 under 1 '•['''•' «-N I I I^^ t I^ ♦ c c i i ; i i : 1 il ; i i il : il i a 3 1 I . 1 e < ' a • ... 1 3 I 1 3 ; o ; ;g ;;;:;;;; ; ! : : 1 1 : : ! » ;:;:»:;»; ^ ■2;;n5<:;«:s;:s J : ; ; ; ;j2 J : : ;= . :2 a •^ i i ; ii ;^- O ' , ' •'S lO S js :::-:;- : feet and 1 Ofeet 00 feet... ) feet and nder 150 f( feet nder" 150 f 00 feet .. nder 150 f feet 00 feet, nder 150 f O ' ' ' o ! e . nder 15 60" feet feet... 00 feet, ver 150 00 feet, nder 15 9 feet ai nder 15 00 feet. Ofeet.. 00 feet. feet ai 00 feet. Ofeet a' tvlock. over 60 over 40< under 4 under 6( r boat u over 60 ty lock, r Vjoat u under 4 r boat u over 00 under 4 r boat u ty lock, r boat u ty lock. It under over 60 under 4 r boat under 4 r boat u under 6( ity lock. T boat u under 4 under 6i under 4 under 6( under 4 ity lock, uniler 6 >ty lock. 1 _>,_>,_^._>._^^_>>_^^_^_>>^._^_>,^^_^._>._>._>.^.^^^^^^_>.^^i..i•i^i^ " 3 D~ 3 3 3*3 3"= 33333333333 = 3333 = 3333 3.3^ -:^-r-^-T-=— .-^-^"^-T-:-:- -.-! .-.-.-. . THE SALT WATER BARRIER nvj O t^ t^ O tf» ^"S 25S o o "• o . t- MS . •« no CO .o CO i O O iC lO -^-- ■ CO coeo « ooo oo-'O ie«io 'o <>o 00 iOOkcr^ COC4 oa CO i^eOMWfNOOCO 05 C> -- — * O O • O lO 00 CO if- — »■>)• tO^aOOOtCkOO a EHasEss E c. E d S ESEBSSEE d dddddddd ^- C^ C^ W M -- (M •- — CO W ^ (MCCCOCO'T-^COCO E E E E c c. a. c 09 CI O iC » CO CO BBBBBBBQ B B d C) I'- 1-- «M lo tc c^ r- t'- ci — ^ in ^^ »o C'J ^r . c-i r— c^i (M r- oj B d SEEEESEES = dddddddd d d c-i c^i I- t^ o If? cii^ 1^ r^ o — * »o «^ CO CO •-* •— ' c^t i(^ ^ iS ;i.' -j' ic ifi :c I -^ 1^ I- E E S E ci a a d o >c * £ E £ a d d d d re ri — c^ -- C> TT -^ ^ c-i c^ ri E E dd E E E E E E 5 CO CO CO CO -^ E S S S E d d d d c. ESS d. a.c. E E ' E E E E d d ! d d d d m O'l ; t- CI cs -^ ii » ■ -j;t-oi- :oO'-o«o _ '"" -„>i ji.^^-:: ---■-"- --- _->ooo_ _ riococ-ic^iooc:c/:acccc-iTjc-icicr:/:ciciz;^^c^ocxcicic;oOwacoooco ■ X ^ >r >' X ^ X >; ^ X X ^ ^ _^* X X X ;-r X X • >-; ^ X X _J __- __' __- ^ >< X ^_ _ _^_ !Ot-0»0ir;oO»COOOOOO»CiCi?^OOCC'C»'5OCOOOOiraiCOOOOOC:ti — c-» c) CI o ^ n o o c c o c CI oi CI o o — 3 cj O) o o c :d o c: c-i n o o o o o o c -|:X'Crjcci --____ - __ — -r-^QCoC'OC-r-^oo ^: .XXX COO OCOC 00 - '■^•^'^OOOC-'f'T — X- XXX c c o o QO OO" to >c7 o c lo o kO *o >n lo *o ^ooooc1C1C1Clc^ 3CCIC1CJ0000000C00 X • • *• X X X ' X X X X X X X X = .. ..""^c=>S:r5r^c::OOCCOOC X X X X oc c c*-*'-V0O0OOO0O0C ac c s c s a c3 » EC iC EC ^ » c c c c c c o c a a =s c a , a o c o a 8 a a: is a 3. o = 3 3 a 3 _ _ ■^ T^ --J "-5 •-! .i^t-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i^h-r-i-i-i-i^ r^ 1^ I- I- 1- 1- 1- 1^ I- 1- I- 1-1, 1..- I- —■—■—■—■—■— — — — — •-i'— '^ -i"^ .ir-i'i; .i .i'i:-,i>.i- ji-Ji-i'.i'.i'^'^^'^-ij^-j;' >• >• >■■ >■ >. >. >. >. >. >> 33 = 33333333333S3333333'33'=3333'3333r! = 3 3 ~ ~ "5 ~ "5 ~'~'~ 350 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CM «o > hJ t3 >—> ■*-» Q fe M o > o « M o w X PQ o O T— 1 CO ^ < u O O ,-4 H-l o to r-" (!< O < -a H rt « o M o o ■*-) < o o H o eg CO y, o ? o ^ ►-1 o (X, o c O 2 o >^ H < (^ U a< o a a :^ o a o ^ .a a H-3 t^ Oi C3 T3 ^ c o W ■* O O O IM CT O dOOCOOO Ol00l000"5>0 »-t -^ •-< C• a-c 3 s d a d E a . d d a E E E a ddddd a a d d a d BEEEEeaE dddddddd « « o eccceo 1^ I^t^t^r^l-^ t^OO 00 0OO000C5C: 00"C5 Oi a a a 2 a a E c a a a a a a £ a" a a a a s'": s a S E E d d c d a d c d dad c, c d d d £. a c dd Id c c. c c CO 1 - r^ I - «o lO r^ ^ ^ '-^ -^-^ lOO IO »o I^ OOM C2 •O -^ CV C^l c^ (M -^ coo »0 >C >0 »0 iO iO CO od c! od oi oi ^. ,- ^ . -- . ^ . ^vj (T^ C* C^l eg C^ C^ >^ (M (M « ^, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo s^V> ^^ 0=00000000 oo SSSooooo M 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (^"^ ^^ r^ r^ r^ r^ nf. oooo ^^^0000000000 c D. o. c c. a o. Uj t-' t- tJ & t* t> m is o o ^ o — ^oo 5 a> (u ^ i-i •r' o o o a;t» o O > > o •* 'I' o c 5 C. Q. O - eO t; h *- >- G C *-■ o ti ., ,- 0* X « o C-o^ o ;S a o == =5 t. I. 3 3 HE- 0.0,01 o .A J3 psa 3-1. HW« 3 O • inn ^ 1- fc- a.i: ■ g a O £L Q. o. o oo >OlO 2 $ S gg c c Q. a .*^ >»••»■ B a 3 3 » » c o §12 ^iN ■*-' ♦* ,a S:s S.2---- ■ c'SiS b/ >*. Um ^ roo 5 5 to to 3_^ a a o o s gs -o-c^ c \f *^ V^ " C^ w c 5-CT3 c_-3J; ■^3 -CT3 _3».-w3-»'3-- 3 3.- S 3 S 3.K HHSSWHHHB! 2 3 c05DCCoou30 a lO lOO <>n >rar-o N'4>inio ir^ra>n .0 lO >o >n o i«o looo !io«wto«s lusious lo '•"> lo Ixs Im = o»ra lo loo ico iioooo i>o !o lo loo lo lcor~o lococ-. 00 Ic^ooo lo luj lo loo lo W3 O»C»0OO«^'0OW5OO»0O»0»COU5»0O»0O»0O"5O d e s e e s e s £ E £ s s s s d H s 5 £ E s s s s 6 s as £ a a s s a a s d s a a a »o r^. c*3 t>- r— tc o C'l c> t- r- ic »^ »c o •^ ^^ '-0 c^ c^ »- 'C io 00 CO *o o ^-t '■■o oo co o ic "O o ic o o ir: o co ao •^ co^o^^c^^"C'»cocoTr«--;c>i»rtcocceo-^»cc^c*5co^O'^ co ^^ "^ ■"! "^ ^■^. *^^^^"^*^^^^* o cs o o o o* «-• o o o o •-* ri ci ^ ^ ^ t-I c-i c-i CO CO "^ 'T »o *<»• *ti >o wa o to o »o ic »o ui :d o ;d -^ -^ — * a d d d a s s a a a a a d a d £ d d a d a a a a a e a ad a d a d d d a d d d d d d Q,d.d.C.d.d.d.Z.G.d.d.d.ddddddsi7id7ieideiei rt cjci cj ci rt rt'cJrJrirtncicSrtrr o r- 00 CI i-» o i-*: I- o c-i r— ic o *i^ »c o '-o •— 1-- T) o ic c oc 00 o o o ^h eo co lo c •-'^ »o o »c o o «o cc co e^i c^t.ooO'— 'C')'— c-»cc^;oc^'^»ooc-)cccO'^cic^»co^co »o »oo »-< o co coco^»oioO'-^>-c 1 w t^coo ■^1-- -* coco .0 -• -H 10 eo •^ ■0 ,0 COOiO 'O 'O o»-«c*»e^ 1-^ 04 COCO ;■* •*■>»<■«■ •0 -^ »o 10 10 '10»0»0 •0 'lO •0 ><5 ICO o = 3 3 3 3 3 3*3 33333 = 33 1^1* (- I* h^ t^ f^ h- 1^ >. >, >, >. X >•>•>>>»>.>.>.-■ 33333333333 s": >. >, >. >. >: >. >»>,>■.>■ >. >, >. >. >. >. >. >. >, >. X >» 3 3 3 3 3 3 3*3 33333333333333 352 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES I Q Oi M O 09 < I ^ i < PQ H Q O o u < o H CO u o b O o Pi o d m c "o 4> V o o o X o o o hJ c o c to 00 o 00 (J o o fa o o o o u c O 3 o a a o o s o .a "a >o — ooc:c;c;-.rc;ooo o o oc o -^ o o H-E a a 3 o m ass ri n rt ^ 3 a B £ s t-.«rt^ 00 t^cooooo Oi eaaasaase a c-toow'— — to^-c^ r^ lO CO •-; o ^ c-i eo -^ -^^ -^^ 'O E a e a a a a 9i si i t^ 1^ ^ --r ».•: c- «" -f c: . ' . a : a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a : a 'e ra ,c3cicj«csnnc3rtcirsrt o '•(^o^:r>oec«>o^i^«o -c ; -r — c-i c>) "C o o — c^ C "O »C tC C'l C^l C^I iC 'f^ "M >C C^ C'i -t^l Coodo CO o o c; o o cs o o OOQCOOOOOOOO 00 00 OO OOOOOOOO 0000 OO ~'— — — — — — — — J^—'—'—'J^JZ-^'^Ji-^-J^^-^'^'^^'^ >._>>_^_>>_^_>,_>i_>._>. 3 aj3 3 3 3 3 3 o's 3 3 3 3*3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 "a "s 33333333 3 "o THE SALT WA'I'KR BARHIKK :{5:{ cocQeo»^^"co • '^^m ^a* .--oo«« 'CSto t- l^ — O S:. C ^ 1-. ;S »HCC*C<^ ooo 3 a EEScEsae s a a bb b bb b bbb b b b b be sesees Cu c c c c c — —- c^c4c-4c-i — ^-•-'•-i ro c-1'^ciM^fl'Coec c ;i. c a. o. c «•?*»• ic ^ o 2. CC C.CCCS.C. eeeeess s a S EE E B S ^ ci. d c c. a. c. E e E S E c. dd Q. d. -^ ** — «^-e-ici(M^-»-«-H ci c^c^cjC'iffoecco eo cc-v^-^ B ES SEEEES d dd dddddd iri ui lo o ?s o t^ i"* t^ E Ec cj a t! ESS :eeeb :ee ddd Idddd Ice ^ '^. ^ ^ C4 -, — "^ o O"— o •o o »o v^i — o c--i; -< £ c •- § 1 2 1^1 J jl|-|ii J J f I J|| J t|ii|i ill Mli-i I = si- III -'--U.HaiKKSivia.i^ — — K 3 c tt 5C — K H w .^ a: c- vj K t- X ii; ct X CI — t; M W K o>- _ 5 ._ ■- o ♦.; lo ■ V "^ »0 c ^* :5 = j- S c • >.£■ > -.£• 23—70686 354 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CO I m Ok I (O ID •— > t/i o CO u < w H < Q o o o u < o H M o o •-) o o H W Oh o CO Hi o o o o o o h-1 o CM 00 o CO (J o o w o o o o ^4 o »o ift lO o jc »c »o o iC iC -^ iC ^ lO •-< CCOb- oooo s s eaaaassssassasss d o, Q. o, d. d d. c. d. d d. d. d d. cl d. d. d. r* -t-- t^ t^ B a aa a a a d 6, O r- Tf ^ »o o c I o - p ^ C*l CO '^_ — _ oo o6 00 C30 o6 00 r~- a £ a 5 a a a a ;a aa ; a a a : a a a g a a a a BE d d d d d c d D. \ c.a.6. 1 d o. c, ! a dd CO t^ I^ 1^ »0 lO 1-- >0 »f3 »0 lO IC »C ^ CO «(5 ! OS c^ ^ t^ t-^OQ 00 q6 [ -1 ■* ^ CC-l oo . Voo'Tc)OoooOi iC)OOo'TiiOOc:>oOi ,'ooo CI fM Irs IC ^O "O »0 "^ 'O »C lO lO C^ lO lO "M c^i >o »o *C lO to *o ^ o o w »c »o ri Ct »c X X (Tj .cs >: X (M >! >^ X X X X c-1 ci X V X X c^ : X x fM -^ -^ o J 4) o to o I. to o OtD_^ O a 0/ ^ ^ O-c— o •^ s >.-^ k> 3 -t^* ki >._ 3 £.:> c if- o. a o a. u b: UK a c. o s. o. Q. o. e a •w _. _i « ►-^t: ^- S « « > o O > o o ^ rt-iLj ^^ eS-i"l -id •^^ ' - Co. 0.*3 0.a> 0. *; o iM fc* '.a 8:3 a. 2 a.i: a.: cOcCcOcOOcD^Oc&CD»• > I > • > f 1 I • -o l-OOOt^ 'o 00 Imcoooo Ins lo !o looo icot~o 'i-^o laioo-*o I>o««o !o looo lo s a e e e a e a s d e b s 2 h s e e a a e a e s a C. d. cld;lddddc.dcirtc3rtrtc=*c3c3c3c3«rtr:c5 »o c^ CI lo o r- 1- r- c I C4 u7 xo tc »^ o »o '-' ^ c-i c^ •« ic lo fc »o M c*3 *r •*• cc c ■-; -^ CI CO ■^^ "-^ M ^ra O O CO CC ■*# lO CI CO cc O 'l*^ e B a a s a « cs a C3 rt C3 g 5 *M CO 1-H s CI CI W5 ■<-< lO »0 a a aaaaaaq c3 c3 cieicseJcidc: O to OOt^OOOtO'O ^ <-» i-i O lO CI CI ^ o e a EsaaaaEaEeassaaeaeaeaHa d. d!c3rtrtrtcie:c3c3c3«r3rt o o CI »^ ko CI t^ '■- t^ CI 1"^ »r; o t."^ *T o tr '— « »- CI o lO o JO »-o ci ci coco--oop — c»cioc)-tr»oocirccO'^cici»c— -co 3J Ci ciciciooocoO'— c^c^c^•-«»-'»-»c^c^eococor^•^ B a E a a E a rt a n C5 e a a «3 g CO 1- CO ^ U5 in 10 « •o »o a a a a e a a e« ffS ca ci ej CO « iC o o cc o o »o .rr »0 iO o "^ CO -^^ lO 101/5 CO O :3 O £ E = E a d.d. d.d.6. .--coo •■5 — C^ 71 CM C^l -; ci c: OJ si aa a o 00 E a a a a C. C. C. cj cj C: CM "7 O »0 O ^ O C^l •«»'^ c o -- CM c-i : B E a : , cj cS C3 . I"' CO CJ I |C-1 ""^ CI ' a s a a aa cs ci c: I- coo CO .**• uo rt « rt e3 rt -*• CO ro CO I'- »o »C *(^ ic »o a E a cj ci ci s a a c3 ci cj r^ CO o U5 O ■n; •c »o to 00 00 JC CC OC 00 ocoooooo„„oooooooo O 2. c o e , Q. O C C a a c S bJ s aoQ coo c a o o OQ c c a c c ■£ S is 5 S s o o c o aaooa B e a S 6c S 000 Qoa c a 00 a. 13 c c: *- 3 <3 - M.S. ■a'-' II- •o »; „' =1 9 — =. - .^ a 2_i; c- o "^ c Js c s o "^ — -^ " = . is i — -s^ ^ 09 c-o &— c:. S ? I. o c C.2- a c o^ . 3 3 ■« ; « M §• 3— fc,^fc, = -'*-fc.2fc. 3 C 3 -•- s > ?J : 3.i = - - s — .- o c -c^ i J 0^ J >-^ i ^ >> = >. ?? = i 1 3 li U^air-U-Wc-WliiH --=■2 s 5f-3S = OtDO«OcOtOCOCCCO^COCOCOCOt^t»l»t^t»l>>t^ ^^^^^•i:.i-.i'i-i'ii^i±'JC'i:'^-^'^i?.i'±'^^'i:.i.i-^'^^^— — — — — — — -2"— — — — — — ■— ■— 33333333333333333333= ---_ — -- — -_ — —_ — — — - .«^-,^ — ^» 33333333333333333333_)3 :{:)G DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES vo i-J Q W > CO PQ O CO < l-H to -a < c H o o I M n 1 vo W iJ PQ < W < W H -; r^ 1^' i-^ r-" 00 00 od s e H e c5 cj pS c3 »-< t-- COO (M C^ CO »C CO 00 CC CO a s s s B £ a cJ rt Cj c3 c3 rt rt c^ CI ^ o c; o o sad"s ci ci ci ci CO -^ C-l iO oo&o„ aaii ci ei ai ei) roseC — -« i-< CJ; OOOC »-t >^ K ►■ OOOC a c o a o c o. Si* S oo 4* -a 3 O a o o c §Jg^ a a a » & EC a. o o o c o. c 3^ 'J5 « T" — w ■a a s * -2 ;2 « 1-1 i-i ^ ■— b C A. U. J-^lS. -/i 'Ai r- H K K .'/: W ♦J u o -^ »- ■*- III -s.a.=,='-. cit-^ .i a.s , o ^ -^ = 1. M a; r- w a c. Q, o ■1 8SS§ ■M TC -«< «4« J ; : I I I i a OCO •OO'^O ^040 lO i»a <0 'O 'OOa-"OC4 ocoooo OOtCOOtft oooooo EaaBcEgBss a s b bbbbbbbbe b es s bbbbb b SEBsasBaa e:ne3dc.d£.e:i.dc. c. cL d ddddcLdddd d dd d ddddd d ddddddddd »o f ic ^r 1(5 t^ 1— I iC iO "M CI Ci C^ C. M" ^ ro ■^_ c^ cc M CI *« »c :c >/; ^fi '^ to t--* t>^ i-^ c c c c = E = E S ESBBSESBBB E 5 B eidsiii.d.:id.cLd.d. c d d ddddddddd Cs ^ iO -^ c: •— o oo ro C4 w io t^ CI I'- M I- t'- ^r t - d -^ C1C0«^^'^_'-;C^C* '«*'^ -^ »0 I'SiOOO^O — OO •- ^ — « c-T ^i c*i ^ ^ »-; c4 ci ci ci CI ci m eo ci cc* cc co ro ES B E3Eca dd d 6.=.s.c.'c E EccEc==BS d ddddddddd CCM CO TJ<'^' -^Ji CO — ^^TT ■-' ^H ■ ■-^i-l ■ Cl CI «-• — ICIMC^ e-«c< c» CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO jCOCOTji •■^ -^ aO iQ tC »0 U3 Ci, (Q CO t* t^ ac:c:iw5x^;55 r* t>- h- (^ r^ t^ ^- r* 1^ t^ I-- r* r^ i^ t^ t^ r^ t^ r* t^ 1^ t* 1^ t^ r* t^ r-. 1^ t'. t^ !"• r- 1>- 1-- 1* 1^ t-^ t^ t^ 1-^ r^ t-- r* t^ t* r* t- t-. ^ >^ >i >.>.>. >^ >. >^ >. >^ >. >^ >. >^ >>.>,>.>*>-. >i >* X >i >■,>,>. >S >. >i >•>* >4 >»>%>■.>,>■. >V >.>»>.>%>>>. >i >i 358 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CO ro vo I •-» Q > 09 n o CO < o l-H H < O :^ o u o < o H M U o •-) u* o sz; o o s >co "500 ' ■Bl~-. C^IOOO f-tCO»-4 ■ -HPII' 6 "5 a * S ii JO X "S •S CO »4 Oi-I ooo ooo ooo ^ t^, i w o o s t-«o (M I, CO-* •■n OON c-l tO^^O CD o "3 ■* •« c* CO —1 •-< C-4 c»-^ £. .5 ^ ■-3 S rt ~"~ o o '-0 rt o 1^ — rtO e«i — iCO»« 05 ^oo C4 C3 o "o Q t_ o OCo o Cs »C O ^ "5 c -*>o CO w* CO l-H — H-^ l-H CO c^ o M a ^, _ H 1/1 I, — -ri t- r^ 1^ o •ooco 03 UO-^O o « 3 " c< c*« cq l-H I-l CO "5 O H X * •o J — .o o 05I^ C o lO CSl>- ^^ o •n 1 3 3 toco o *— 1 WSCI^H 05 •CiCO-H Ol ■^ CO I-* o Ah 'y — - t ^^c- u C^ oo o ■ooo _ < OcCo4 to ooo o •n' •^ co*o -«< l-HlOlJ' -f C-J '-•■^ l-H p t/; 3 o 43 o S i C ^ -^ ) c H (A — ' C-l CO ^ OO CO -'OO^ -H-i CO Ui o 3 O o 1 w Ul a w ft J OIM •M C; 00 Tj' »— 1 TfOO -^ o 00-* o bo ^ i 3 C-t-H C3 T-4 CO c-> CO R> 5 M V o ■^"~ o u> C^O (M (MlOO 1^ ^ lOiO ■^ o>oo ■» hJ "5 •c 1(5 »C -^l- »C (M c-l — 0"r U9 (4H Si ts o a *5 >, CO toe>> 00 (C COtP I^ i*^CO CO •B-ejO: E ^ K p t^ J "■^ J3 i »-«l^ OO 005 00 1- i^emo •1» OS CS CO ,14 J. 3 -*C1 o •«•« co CIIM-H cc e-»c^i>-i t- CO ! 3 3 ■ t.ja r~.(5 IM ><5tO — to C»iO CO ooo lO eo i OT3 iC iO •-* »OCOC1 CO-* •<»> c-l CO»C CO CM »— t Z'S- §S OOIO 00(N oo>o So c-l ~ = 10 O Oc» CTOO C>1 kOOO e-imoo c-l >r; CO lu y. K X K M H K K X K *-^ K .§•2 OO OOO oe-^o OOO ra_a TJIOO ■* fj o u o o^ o _o c^ CQ CT) "•• is o o s tM Uh •2 m c ^ J9 c ao ja g 5 3 cH o ;§ "rt 5 o >. H H c H H e ^ C l! THE SALT WATER BARRIER 359 II Cl«CO 1 . iC Ci -M 1 . tOCOMO 1 ^^^^ ^^ ^ 0<-<.4 • ooo . oooo 00 ooh^eo 0« 1040F-I — C0-COIM 1^ ^^ CO «5 «■>«•■<»■ to O O O CI CO — !■* ■^ '" i t^OOCO o ■* C^(N O -r «^«o -f •^ — -^ O CI O O — 1 Tj* CI «-! <-• CO I^Ol^^ M CI OO o rH lOCOCO o «oto>o eo CM OO ira c. o CO CO CI CO CD •-< CD>0 CI eo OC5 CO 00 CO CI CI OO 00 <4< ^ ^ ira 1^ t~ 00 CO -r ts-co-w — > 40x200 80x825 110x1.000 40x200 80x825 110x1.000 40x200 60x500 80x825 110x1.000 ^H i-«^H 1 ^M^ 1 ^H VHC4 tH O 3 c 12 i u CO to a o u o a o B H O C9 J2 B a ^ c 360 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 6-34 PROBABLE ANNUAL LOCKAGES AT SALT WATER BARRIER UNDER PRESENT TRAFFIC CONDITIONS COMPARED WITH LOCKAGES AT LAKE WASHINGTON Number of locks Size, in feet Number of vessels locked Numljcr of lockages Location With vessels Without vessels Total Lake Washington, year 1923. 30x150 80x825 1^.006 13,550 14.334 6,544 5.000 1,500 19.334 8.044 Totals for 2 locks 32,646 15,050 14,5^ 20.878 10.820 7,130 6,500 5.290 3,170 27,378 Amy Point 40x200 80x825 16.110 10.300 Totals for 2 locks 29,570 145'>n 0,510 5,540 17,950 10.600 5.020 2.110 8,460 5,020 2,110 1,060 26,410 40x200 00x500 80x825 15,620 7.130 3,170 Totals for 3 locks 29,570 9.510 11,080 11,870 17,730 7.130 5.810 3.960 8,190 3,700 2,110 l,m§i 25,920 Dillon Point -.. 40x200 60x500 80x825 Ho.S.'JO , 7,920 5,020 Totals for 3 locks 32,460 10.030 13.200 y.230 16,900 7.670 7.670 3.440 6,870 ijm 2.^ 1.060 23.770 40x200 60x500 80x825 'h 1.900 T 10.310 4.500 Totals for 4 locks 32,460 12,940 12,940 12,410 18,780 9.780 6.070 4,230 7,930 7,130 2,900 l.OtiO 26,710 Point San Pablo 40x200 80x825 110x1,000 16,910 8,970 5.290 Totals for 3 locks 38,290 14,520 19,540 4,230 20.080 10,820 9.510 1,320 11,090 6,870 3,170 530 31.170 40x200 80x825 110x1,000 17.6M0 i2,r.sfl 1,850 Totals for 4 locks ^ 38,290 12,410 9,780 12.680 3,440 21,650 9,510 5,290 7,670 790 10,570 5,810 2,640 2.640 260 32.220 2 1 40x200 60x500 80x825 110x1,000 15,320 7.930 lO.SlO 1.050 Totals for 5 locks 38,310 23,260 11,350 34,610 1 Note: — Where there are two locks of the same size the average per lock i.s onc-hilf the amountsshown. Number of annual lockages at Salt Water Barrier— figures in Table 6-33 times 105./I45 x 365. Ratio 105/145 is explained in text. I THE SALT WATER BARRIER 3G1 b o VO 2 W O t— ( n H < O H w « Q u o o u fa fa H Q < Q (M 1^ 5 •3 o u o i-< e2 »- U Ci^ Og ■^ClO CO oooso t;^ ■♦W-H f- '=1 eot^ *-i CO »-« Cl eo Yachts under CO feet CIO tm CO coo o CO -ICO -*c^ o « COIMO lO COOO eo Direction Against tide Slack tide Totals With tide Against tide Slack tide Totals With tide Against tide Slack tide Totals ■ c £ o S 1 a B _o s 1 B s '3 e E d o o o Q B tn a n 362 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 6-36 BRIDGE TRAFFIC INTERRUPTION DUE TO ONE LIFT SPAN OPERATION Vessels Passing Bridge Before Reaching Locks * Single vessel Two vessels Item Approximate speed, miles per hour Distance, in feet Time, in minutes Approximate speed, miles per hour Distance, in feet Time, in minutes *« 6.00 2 75 1.25 •* 2 00 1.25 1.000 t300 2.00 1.25 1,000 6 00 Piis^inp of vpsspIs 5 75 Tjowprincf bridge 1.25 Totals 10 00 13.00 Vessels Passing Bridge After Being Locked * Single vessel Two vessels i Item Approximate speed, miles per hour Distance, in feet Time, in minutes Approximate ^jg,^^ Time, in minutes I{.aisiii2 bridce tt 1 25 1.75 2 75 1 25 ^ 1 ft 1.25 Annroach of vessels 1.00 1 25 150 tsoo 1.00 1.25 ^ 1 75 5 75 Lowering bridce 1.25 Totals 7.00 10.00 Note: — Time for two vessels used when arrival at bridge is simultaneous, their direction is the same, and they use the same lock. For vessels to which the upper table is applicable the span is raised 6 minutes before arrival at bridge and for those in lower table it is raised 3 minutes before arrival. * Locks are upstream from bridge in some cases and downstream in others, but onl.v the latter arrangement has been studied. *• Bridge raised during approach of vessel. t Assumed average length of vessel. tt Bridge raised as lock gates are opened . THE SALT WATER BARRIER 363 »C C^ CI OS *^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ -*««-* ^» .r^ rt an ecS ^ C-JCI-^C^-^ ^1 c — u •C 3 «o 1 o E s.s sa »o 1. SB Ot • tc CQ ^5 oooi~* 1 ^ ^ e e s B s = E a a s s s s E e E s E a t3 c ■i C.d.c.o.a=sa3a I-; d d d ci 'm' <-<■ e^ CO to « t^ » "^ " ■* """ 'C o be IS s < pa _o a a E E a e £ E a e" E E s E E E s s E a ddac.n3aBrt«a«rtaacao.o. 00 oo M = t-i ts o — oo C-. — 1- = ■£= = 'i- S S? § (M CO -r -c o c>) c-j o -; « ■<; -^ c-j c> ><:: e^. =^ - '. 2 c ^ b-*cscsdcJc^^M«coMr^ci«-*cocc"^t-w H o. in ::: 1 1 :'>:::•••:;;;; ; Pi «4-i _o :;;;;;;:;:;:;:;!.;; 6-37 WATE o "3 ii 8 s oaaac.3aoo = = o e. o = ^ ° ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 I i ' W a, - 1 I ! I 1 ', 1 { ! ! I ; t ' Ss 60 1 t 1 1 I 1 1 ■ 1111,11.1 ' '. • i ::::!; < < i i i i : i i i i i ; ; i i : i i : : H Q < "5 fill ''''*' 1 1 I 1 O o* 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 « 1 1 • • ' [ J J , , , s u '. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '■''*' ' 2 •4-* o til •'''''!!! • »'•*'•''••' J J 1 I ' 1 1 o c ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >*■*'' ' o O) • • 1 i 1 1 1 ' ' ' * 1 I I itiiiiiiiii*'*'' o "w ..(tit • : 1 I I I • ' * ' I I I I I I 1 <: in :::::::: i : i i i i : I I ' ' o 4* > i :::::!: i 1 : i :: j j j M H bo c i c 2 i : : i i : : : i i : i : i : : : : : t i t 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 • > * * * . I . 1 • • 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' Z *h 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 t 1 '•'''',, , ;;:::::: 1 : j! I :::■; ; < V 3 : ; i ; : ; : i i i i i : : i i i i ; P^ "to Q tiiiiiiitiii*'*' CO '••'■''•'' 1 1 ; I 1 I 1 I I H tC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t I •''»;;; J J • III ' ! ! I 1 1 1 1 to CM 1 V c M M i 1 i i 1 1 i i N N : N C to 3 u ■^^^J.tJ^J^JtJ-*^-^'*''*''*' ! ! ! 1 1 ! 3 1 o u ■JJJJJJJJJJJ^ ;■:::• >• "o *jo o o o o o o o o o oo *J 1^.^^^ 1 ■^ o io ..-5 .n ■« "^ '_2 -j^ 2 12 — 2 ^ r a S S S » 2 O H < C u B to a (0 u bo C ■•-> O under 400 f r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over r boat over under 400 over 400 fe under 400 under 400 under 400 under 400 1 V s. a o .B> >>>>>>>>>> >.=-.=-.S---.£-.2- M U M-i g555S5!xS5Si5K5^^^^M» 04 o k4 - a O ^-t^t— t-t^f^f^>^f^^~'^f*f^*^^* H >,>»>.>. >i >v >^>^J^^^^'^^^^^^^ • A 3 3 3 3"3 :2 z: ^ := 3*3 333 = 3 = 33 •-s-s'^^-^-^-^— . '^-^^'-:"^^^"^^*^^ 364 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES "kl Tt* tO-rf ^H CO C^ _ iC to cooc r a> 1^ 9 00 00 01 00 'O 00 » m « «: ^c-j»oco M o i^(N ■* •c-'t-M (M«r^«t^ r- o oc -^ CI '^ u '11 m *n C3 sa 5S i y-t ■^ - b-r^oo •* r- o c« t^ooo ^ ot^t^t'-r^t-r^ooi^o r* or* *l^ cl »-< I— I ?-t ,— 1 ^-t »-l tH f-^ Cfl ^H ^1— ,-, ,-1 ^^ 1 (/) n •3.S -o lO ■'J-o U i3 1) CO -rr '-' -^ -^^ CO Tj< *-; O O t-i t'-' 00 OS o> o o -'d t-H CO -^ 1-1 (M »— o ^^ tn CO lo c^ to ^ CO eo-H cicic6e6 CO oooioi-^— ^^c-^'-'Wco-^* id t^ci CO n o (A t— 1 ,—(,—(,—»,—( ^H ^ •4-> CD a a a a a a a a a a a a e s B a as a a a a s a b a a a a a a rt 3 ddddddd d dd c3cic4cics ci 73c3Er3csc37:f£.d.a.&f:icl c. cd, 09 ^^ 5 O — ' «D o OO »C iC Tji iCO "Mt^OQCO 00 OM-OiJDOiOOOiOOCCOO *0 OM < v c! X! rj< ^O »— ' iC tJ* lO CO ^ r-i C ■*^ CO 50 t-; t- 00 00 CJ ci O O (M* ci CO cc CQ CO 00 C3 o T^ *-J »-I ci ci c^* ■^' ■^* »o »o t^ oi 12 f.4 -< ._, ^Hr-4f-t^H^H U t-t rt . — '- — , . . *— ^ — ^ o S. a a a a s a a a a a a a 6 a B a a s a a B E s s . a e' e b e a e b s c 6.cid.6,iid.Ci.Q.pi.d.d.i^. cartcJacicecScJcja'cJcJB'^O.C. — — — — F-C. rt p O i^ »-H o o ec in o !•- o: t* o t^ r^ O OO O 00 OO O T}< »C IC O 'i^ o <3 IC W3 CC CO lO i.-^ © 00 a "■ CO 1-H .-. lo CO »o »o '-; 1-; Ci ■rp »c ■^(Meoiotcicoi'^ccM'^^Oo^f^ *'»*-; *o -^r -^^ tt o tr, < id CO I--' t-^' 00 CO 00 oi oi oi oi I-* c4 CO CO cc CO CO 00 00 cV o o ^ c^i c-i ci Qi'^* ^' ic" Lo f*' 00 H o '■ 1 > • « be c o 1 i ; i i' s ; ; : ii ; W c "o C c d c c ci c: c c c 1 , , js Ss .* 1 S; !s fc 00 C"* +j pOQpQtJt:jp;p^jp QQOQQOQtJptJ&t^&QQpe^iCaQU) ^ ^ ^" ... J Jb ^^ J I-) W c .b < ^ a a< H Q Q ^ O o S c S t/1 o o u > <: bo o c H o i ^ "U) .2* < C CO 0\ c Ph CV) £ VO ClJ M V rd »J 3 b fH k. O C *"0 O) 1 o ■ sl III 1 c U- >*■— 1 «*««*-• V-i u- teM **.• 2 ••"■ ^jo^o^Joo^Joo .J00-J000.J J^*j-j :»j*j.j*j-.j.^w I (A ^ CJ O) "^ « »0 o flj lO »0 flj »c »o nder 400 fee boat over 15 boat over 15 ndcr 400 fee boat over 15 boat over 15 boat over 15 ndcr 400 fee ver 400 feet . nder 400 fee nder 400 fee nder 400 fee ndcr 400 fee ver 400 feet, nder 400 fee ndcr 400 fee ndcr 400 fee nder 400 fee nder 400 fee nder 400 fee indcr 400 fee inder 400 fee o IH a -4-» o ssN^ii^&i^^ < in o 1 o ■.B->.&.2-> ".&> " ^^ "" Ifi •"■ liS lis "* "^ ja ..-•.•■• a. °-.£-.£-.2'.2'.£".S'.2'.S'.S' 5 to jo to to to CO to x>totototoi'»t^t^i^i"*("^t^r^i^i^t'™t^i^i'*i^t'^t^i^t"^f^'^*"**^ >>>>>>>'>»>'>• ^^ i*> '^^'J^jZ'^'J^'^^^^'^^^^^j^^J^^^^-^^-^— cQ Q s's'^'s's 3*3 3 a'a 3333333333333333333333333 •-8 ►-8 •-a '-9'-5 —i—i "-5 <-> ■-J •-^•-s •-S •-> ►-3 •-5 ►^ <-i >~t '-1 •T-s -><-> 1 I THE SALT WATER HAKKIEK 365 CO t3 W < n < o o o < O H CO 2 < H o Z o < u o Id d « c/J c o en O c Q w > S cn u u -*-* CO n 3 o -4-1 ei c« < U "O H-l i> b J b c < rt a o bo bo c 3 cr O c u M to V > bo •4-t u "3) c CO O « 13 3 « :- i s -a •- c CS O o o 00 cccioopo » f^-^ooo»cc'^ 30 oooo^r* «£ — «ro^ c*i rc*-^— oci-^ « C w V C 3 E §.E C9 i s a ?3 M r»t-. ^rt r^ 00 r^ ot^ooo ^- -^ or*r-r* 'iT ■^ i-^ ■" *^ •«.«—» v^ — • ^^ oa ^ 3 3.H s= a : i ; ; ; ; a i i i i i i i i a i i i i •? ; d ;;;;:: ; ;«:;;: T3 I I I I I ' o I 1 I I I ! 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' ' ' CSCa • >C>«M •«-' *(M«M >\mm I 1 1 ■ 1 t tM tM «M tw <4Hi IVm • • 00^*JoO*JO*-00*JO*jJw*JJ^OOOOOwO*J jw ic lO ^ c) "C ic :^ »c u if3 CO i) «o ij o cj ij u o ''^ *f5 '^ •'^ ^ c '- - -j» » -:;^-5;S — — i^— t. — — v— c- i; o cj cj i, — — — — -- i)^c..5 > >oo > >o >o > >o >oooooo > > > > >o >OoO oc^-^o o^ d" c c-*^ -'r-r-r-^--'«r o o z z O "^ z^ ^^ —2.^ t. bt.rf'*- Im-m t-.^^ tm -^ h. k. bt b b.k«*rf*^4^4^*^ L**- L.*r i. ,,t. = ='i.>. = i. = i.i. = i. = = = =' = = i-i.i-«-«- = >. = = =' ««-acr!'2->£->>£->£-2-r'5'-S'>>>>>&> .£■.£•.£■ !2£^Mis555x52^:Sxxv:^xx — — — — — X — vi^v: U <0(Ocfi>o»!Ci!00»to-^»-^o = »»i^r~i-i-r~t-t-t^t^r-t^t~ >» >» >v >. t-» >, s^^-'^-^i^— — -i"— '— — '.i'.i*.^— '-^-^-^^— -^^ — e o 's's S3 = = = 3 = = ="= 33 = = 33 = 3 3*= 333 s'S'a S ^--■^-^-,-5 — — >-^-:->-^"^"T-:"T^-:-:-;-5-5'-s'-5'-»T^'-»'^ s 366 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES J! 4-* Ot • V4 •-H ^ r^ OT 1 >* ^ •^ tM D o •-» •a Q G > 6 « w rt < bo o •o (-H >-• b ^ (X, c < c3 K H -a « O jn W U) . ^ H o c <— < Xi O ^ (4 ^ u to bo 1 W C <-" H C/3 u 1 VO i-J < Q c 3 cr O o to 4-* O < S c H o to o V u CO < > o bO H '•4-1 CO u *bo < d) d* C Oi fvf V H CO •r* 3 m =•§ a 2S V bC * m Ot^ oo o r» O ot^r* oo o O co or- o r^ O O 72 cS -H— — — .-^ CO .^^^_,^-M ^^-^ n 11 ; : ; i : : i i a .3 II) 1 1 1 1 t o. lit 1 1 1 1 t o j3 a CO s W III ! 1 1 1 1 CO a m o o Cm ■ It 1 ! 1 I 1 B a o III I I I I I o. _o .— « I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o CJ m ; i ; ; ; : i i CO C. o a III ! ! ! 1 1 ^^^ g B a e g B E s s ; c a a a e a a a a a m ^ a a a a a a ds. z. ', d d d d dd d s. d c. C-i I^ClO OiCOCi-* < oda CI O CC — — — — — MCOCOCOCOCO -»• -O* 'J- ■* lO US to tc«i^ 1 o . — ^-^ . — " — , 1 E e B B E a a B B B B e a a a s e a a a a a a a a a a a a s dc3c:c3c3c3rt'd«£LddtIcic.E.C.dddc.d.£lD.C.dc.C.D. H _o co»crj"(M-*»o»rj«tfJt^* ^H .-( .-H »— 1 f-t c 1 1111111111*111 C a a c 1 ! d d 1 saclllIaQlallllBS 5 s & if fr • . EC ^ . »£»,,,.&».». ...-(» ccooacccosa. cio ooac.s.a.ooaoD.aaaoo Q:jQG;:jaij;:jQau>:i'pQC5U3:i;_U)QQ:^Q;-iU>;iUiQQ il 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 cQ k. c Cl o '•2 b= o 1 ' ■*•» '''*»■'*»*' i|iiiitii^^i,^ti :s ; ; ;s ; ;$ : ;;;:;;;; ;s Si ;S! : ; • «^ • 1 ■•» ■««-• 1 ' ' -tS*— '**- • ' «J.^«io-j-j-j*;o._.M;Q^^ •-j.j.j.u^j :««=>.p-«j i er 400 fee cr 400 fee er 400 fee at over 15 er 400 fee cr 400 fee cr 400 fee er 400 fee at over 15 er 400 fee er 400 fee at over 15 er 400 fee rr 400 fee r 400 feet. cr 400 fee er 400 fee cr 400 fee »r 400 fee er 400 fee r 400 feet. ( :r 400 fee er 400 tee at over 15 at ov( r 15 cr 400 fee at over 13 cr 400 fee er 400 fee a s C..O COS ex c S..2 c:s2>-zaas~i.-c c^js ex c a 333t. = 3 = 3l.3at,3303r333C33t.i.3i.33 o. D._D. J o. c. c. c. ^oo. ^. £•.£•.£■.£•.£• H-.S-.&.&.S-.S- > >.S'>^.S-.S- 'jB'.EM-^'.3'JaMM-r:'£'.a--'.2'£'.S'.S'.B'.2'.2'.Z'.2'.2'.2-^-~'£-^'.a'£ oD (/i ui DC V} c/3 o) M K cc x S5 CO c/5 M '/.J v: a: cc rft ■/. «: cc 3s K a. a; cc w V h* r^ i^r» t^ i^->r^r>- r- r^r« r- r^r^ r^r^t^ 1^1^ t^ i^ 1^ t-l>. l^ r^ i- t^ t>- & _>._>._>._>,_>.^_>,_i._>._>._>.^_>._>._^._>._>._X_>.^^_>.^_>._^._>._>._>._>. 33333333 3 "3 333333333133333 3 "s 3*3 I ►-B"-* '^'-^'-5 "^-5 l-J«-5 >->'-»^>-»'-5'-s'-:>-j>-»'->'-5-T-5 o 2 THE SALT WATER BARRIER ^67 W < »-» Q W c/j pq O CO < O I— I < H « < H < Q O o o o < Cm O o H >. 2 6 < E (^ 5 H M •4 to ■ O o M H < fH O .3 2 — a 1 ■»»'« a o « o 'u 04 ll 3 o I Ui o 0} c o a 3 u o u H 'C CQ W '■g o E c J3 s 4> "^ =3 H. o o •-'o a o a s -a a (A a a 3 o PL, >} S d 03 368 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 7-1 TOTAL RESERVOIR CAPACITY IN ACRE-FEET Compiled from data appearing on Plates 7-4 and 7-5 Storage above barrier site indicated Elevation U. S. G. S. Army Point Dillon Point Point San Pablo +6.4 +5.0 +4.0 +2.5 0.0 —3.6 1,412,000 1,290,000 1,215,000 1,116.000 955,000 749,000 1,545,000 1,418.000 1,339,000 1,235,000 1,066,000 848,000 3,030,000 2.770,000 2.621,000 2,400,000 2.056,000 1,586.000 The elevations to which storage is given in Tables 7-1 and 7-2 include the lowest to which the water surface, in any event, would be lowered ( — 3.6); the minimum to which it would pri bably bo lowered (0 — mean sea level); the naxi- at which it is believed practicable to hold water permanently against the delta levees under present conditir re (+2.5) ;iMi! thr maximum at which the water possibly might be mj'.intained at Rome time in the future (+4.0. +5 and +C.4). TABLE 7-2 STORAGE IN TIDAL PRISM ABOVE EACH BARRIER SITE INVESTIGATED BETWEEN VARIOUS ELEVATIONS Compiled from data appearing on Plate 7-7 Army Point Site s^ * Elevation U. S. G. S. 6 4 5.0 4.0 2 5 -3 6 +6.4 122,000 197,000 75,000 296 000 174;000 99,000 457.000 335,000 260.000 161,000 663.000 +5 541,000 +4.0 466,000 +2.5 367,000 0.0 206.000 —3.6 Dillon Point Site +6.4 127,000 206,000 79,000 310,000 183,000 104.000 479.000 352.000 273,000 169.000 697.000 +5.0 570.000 +4 491.000 +2.5 387.000 218,000 —3 6 Point San Pablo Site +6.4 260,000 409,000 149.000 630,000 370.000 221,000 974,000 714,000 565.000 314,000 1,414,000 +5 1,184.000 +4 1 .035.000 +2 5 SI 4.000 0.0 1 70,000 —3.6 THE SALT WATER HARRIER 369 < < < Q 2 O H < O > it -'3 « S c T3 rt S a S) Ci — r* ifst^a- ».'3^*eo oioccni O*--^ WCO-* »OiO-^ c^^--- eOt^O oi"»»r5 ior5»0 ooc^eo r^oo»o oooo ooo ^f c^ tn •— — CO -^ *o (C t^ eo »c r^ -- •-» 5C ITS CI C-J W C^ ■*** cc^-o occ4>o oooco oo»coe 00.-"t>- mCil-' irtC^OO lOC^O ^^^.-1 c-icc-^ -"^-^CO CCCl"-* 5 .00 «5»Oi?3 OOCOQO OOO^O !>• ffO O ClMt— iCCC»0 OOt- — CC'O WC;C^ C^NC^ C<1C«C-) "rfC^d = 1-1 n C o 5-gJ .1 -^'-ii I "5 = = §• «^. •«;-«— I ;^1 oz: ?^ . o o a Hi O B «-' O °Z. a et o o •- o'^ ^ C3 ^ o3o a-* k c a P = l 1«^ si I -"So • CO C3 2>t § a >. -' 2-3 = ^ a^ _2 0.-7 a fc , 4i S s 3 o S; 2o2 >.a O 5^ « — 24 — 70686 370 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 10-2 WATER REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATION OF SHIP LOCKS Size and Volume of Locks, Below Mean Sea Level Number and size of locks Capacity of each, per foot Total capacity, per lock Army Point site— 1— 40'x200'x26'.. r 0.184 acre-feet 0.69 acre-feet 1 515 acre-feet 0.184 acre-feet 69 acre-feet 1 . 515 acre-feet 0.184 acre-feet 69 acre-feet 1 . 515 acre-feet 2.52 acre-feet 4 8 acre- feet 1— 60'x500'x33' . - 22 . 8 acre-feet 1— 80'x825'x40' ...:..-. 60 6acrp-feot Dillon Point site — 1— 40'x200'x26' 4 . 8 acre-feet 2— 60'x500'x33' 22.8 acre-feet 1— 80'x825'x40' 60 6 acre-feet Point San Pablo site — 1— 40'x200'x26' 4 8 acre-feet 1— 60'x500'x33' . - 22.8 acre- fee. 2— 8D'x825'x40'... . 60.6 acre-feet 1— 110'xl,000'x44'... 111.0 acre-feet THE SALT WATER BARRIER 371 PQ < CO O O •-] o O I— ( < a o H w hJ a* o u w 2 o o z I— I Q « H < H < CO Q 2 < C/3 w PC. o w o 2 < X o on w H 2 W I ID + U > o < W rt X) H rt rt Q B o u in "5 . o ^ ;o J CM o i: •t; o COM o V rt O HI rt u rt C 6 Oil- 00 r^ •♦Ob- e^ «M t^ = & •-• oi It ? o S 'gs ^- CO -^MCO CO 5 es ooo o b lO fr if ci OS 3 + s ^ ec 2 a 09 c5Nr^ 00 s. > oooo t^ o H ,B ciwr-i lO a s -< ,t. S9 b aj i eocs -^ eo 4> •>>• ooo TO 3 s « C« u » s _o o s > -S s <^ o o a S b a > fe — lOO lO a o O ■^•(^(rj "*! (1^ 6C a a - c» ^ a 3 1 c a o a 2 c c 5 O •* 1 S I 1 i i J t c and — 10 nd— 20... nd— 26... ^ *« (3 Surfac —10 a —20 a I ^ 00 r^ 00 cc OC O t'- t^ S 03 ^ CI OQ ^ 00 OJ3 ►J£ bl o cooa »^ CO a as ■^oaa cc »-4 M O a _o B O s Ml '** 'c > "5 ««5» « s. s r^t*M ■^ o » *-M CI a JS C^ s a -f^ 1- U^ n C --(MCO CO g ooo o o -^ 03 ll ^_ B •-•5 ic a> O ci + 01 > -5 B W c c o C3 CJ O bf CSC^I^ 00 CL. Is a a MOOO 'S JL J 1 I O s S eg 1 > s 1 Surface and — 10.. — 10 and —20— . —20 and —26 5 e2 OOU5 05 lO OO) CO s «-l*1«'«" -^ ■<»« eo ^0^- M O -<— ^« OOCO-^ o *n lOOOt* o oo-o »-> ^ C-.0 50 o ec o-^ w eo — ^ O'- CI^'^ CI c^oot^us •"J" OM — o u o 1 ; ; o hJ 1 o'oco ' Ci eocc ■° 1 1 1 a — -a-o cj c; c c c CO ii a ci c3 c:ooo f2 X 0 — "5 eo o M VO O COO — CI CI 00 1^ »o •«• >raci •- O 1.4 ■^ CO»«I^ CI oo — — •o< COCO-fl- o !2 »c oot^os O 00CO-.O-^ •>!• « =>' 1 ,' ! I 1 1 ooeo ' cfl coeo •gill JS «-o-a-o C9 V C S B o U OS a 0] .Sooo H 1.—CJCO 3 111 CO 372 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 0) S c c o o CO CO M o o o o (-1 H < O H •-) Oh O o w ^ u o 2: o o Q H < CO Q !z; < CO W O o < X u H o piq M 00 < ^ X o 00 «C: OOW CI tM t« ■^t^oo-* lO O V ccooooo ^ R « *-« M o S 'S rt — « »— • OQ o Ol iC CCCi CO i o-«cco ' ' CO CO CO s ■o & a « d 3 + E3 § O *^ s C3 eOO»MO Tj* COOOOO t^ Q. lU c9 o 3 J3 OC lO-* (M O ^ ,-H i-H ^H CO a o (^ 3 < £ L- 3 ct -r ^ 1-1 00 »0 C- d O m ^ •-H *— 1 CO _o o c« > ^ a o a o '-H C3 en e3 PL, a > 5 I-" CD CO CO ^ 0) *"• CM n, tn D t- bL, P4 a 'c o a o Q c 1 D o PQ 1 c < ! <3 > > d ; ; 1 1 odo OJ c c c "nan •Sooo o q :) H t — C^ CO 5 111 !-• COC-. 00(M C^I M^ O) Nt^O0-Tj< CO o i h-OOOOO U5 (jO CO m O ^ hJ to S fe CO-H-^f Tt< (M ij COMC»-X> "T K 1 ^" CD CO CO _ 1- J2 a 2? n *.-. ^ -t- £ (O (s o C71 lO COOS CO O-HCOO CO -o s CDOC^CO OO OOOO 00 iO-^ (M o s= o ic o W «-)•-• .-H ^^ CO b. bC Uh .5 'S s. o Q o ( 3 a- « m o ! 1 ! ( 3 < ■ !i ■? 1 1 1 JS c c8-a-a-o s J u a a a o 3 o rt rt rt •fjooo r?.\ \ \ H ifi'^ao^ e*s CO QO If5 -»J« 00 C5 I-^ CTj O CD CD C^ u o h4 o o o 1 1 I 1 .4- „ o c c c c i; ^ c: r3 rt c3 o lull CN '^ 00 •«*< CO »o •* cr OS 1^ o CO CO c» o > Y ■ OO c ' (NCO' ^1 I 1 I a n-0-0-T3-T3 3 o o a o < Pi o H m o „ w o o o 2 D Q J3 J 2 < pc CO Q < CO O O < X u H tt c/5 W > — • ■*-> en" C .2 o en CO 0) O u c« -i w it 00 S) 15 00 d ^ iC ^ c. c>i 3 + e£ c 1 1 C- 0, (NO CO i^ W j= E C^ s < t- 1, fe ccco 1_l ■^ "* OS 00 « 00 d CO C ^ s _C c3 > "3 c tS C '-H m rt 1 1 "3 ft ex c > -2 c! 8 ^0 00 'c c jD ^ 2 u § > 3 d I *-* I2 ■4^ 3 "2 1 (4-1 VO CM 5 C 1 1 X ^i •*-» i+-« ^i 00 t~ 00'«)< CO c; 00 i-l « ^ CM Jl X £: 4^ Mh CJ 03 00 CO •*•* a do d '^ bO c EC c > e9 ^^■* I« £ J ■*•«■ 00 K i£ ^d »^ ^ a s -c 5 !-• £ 1 i* -0 -H —4 CI Im 00 od d *« C3 1* ^ 8 .£ im' CQ -3 + c^ bl a a c: c _o u <; k. c *-< 2 W ii » CO i-H -^ CO ■W M r>- 00 00 OON 8 ■0-9< 00 eo — ^^ to 00 ■* v-l cH eo Ci ■«»* CO W CO 01 - *H o*-i »-H CO 00 •^f <-> VO CO O-^" eo T) 1 D 1 -2 «T3 n §s fS %so 3 1 CO 1 11 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 375 « 9 CO u O h O o H < o H o o o o O KH 3 .s c o O i < Q w H H < P < CO b O o < u H Z co-» ■^ - s ■•0 » o ■£ C3CO t>^ M c: ♦; — e: — * tc C C: to >e "cS 00 •^ bC 00 6 1 U5 » M e3 c 3 + CO tc B e 2 ■3 '■*j c3 «o C^ 00 K > 00 to • ■ « _0 » 00 t^ ^* H »— • CJ XI i < S k* S. 3 « c< t^ o> ■oo> ^• g aa cs tow t^ C s s c C3 >• -5 <£ C a 1 c > u rt * ■0 1 k IM t^ s. JS C 8 3 ki W C [^ "c a 1 £ 5 2 £ ^ I ^ P3 J J 1 "c J ' us c •a*-" +^ ; l 5 00 Mm o ca • c .2 =s 5 TT P 3 t- t- X ^T ■4^ 1 Uh ■-• CC-- «M S IN OS 1-^ lO :S t^ CO ^ C^l B S »^ 00 .a X -^ s *J M-1 c tm M — ■»i< a •S 3 tato C) S » -<» •0 L, f-< « Ji s I 1 < i OtO m & 9 00 *-4 o -3 a dxs d Cj s 10 » en c cj eS > •3 + »■ •no to 00 to •«< 10 to I J§g >o CO OtO to 1-4 M ^ u 1 Td M^ na 1 ^ B 1 .3 X .So iU *-> <*- K 1 o»o to c^d 00 »— t X '*J too to 00 to ■^ K3tO M ^-H 1—1 too to COO CO c»o to CM •00 to 1-1 i-H 00 too to CO to 00 — irj CO CO<-i ■«< ; 1 •<> •SI JS «-a & s« H h «>4 3 1 U CO 1 1 376 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 10-7 TOTAL LOSS OF FRESH WATER IN 24 HOURS IN THE OPERA- TION OF THE SHIP LOCKS Lock gate leaves in two sections. Quantities in acre-feet. Traffic as it was on July 6-7, 1925. Number and size of locks Gate depth required Number of lockages in each direction 30 1 11 3 5 2 Fresh water loss Salt water inflow Fresh water lost in sluicing Totallossof fresh water Army Point site— 1— 40'x200' Upper section 1— 40'x200'— Both sections 1— 60'xoOO' Upper section 1— eO'xoOO' Both sectons 1— 80'x825' Upper section 40.0 2.7 55.7 40.9 55.7 70.6 26.7 2.3 36.7 35.7 36 7 63 29.7 2.6 40.8 39.7 408 70.0 69. 5.; 96. i 80.1 96. S 1— 80'x825' Both sections 140.8 Totals 52 22 1 10 10 3 6 265.6 29.3 2.7 50.7 136.3 33.4 211,9 201.1 19.6 2.3 33 4 119.0 22 189.1 223.6 21.8 2.6 37J 132.2 24.4 2 10. a 489.3 Dillon Point i-ite— 1— 40'x200' Upper section 1— 40'x200' Both sections 2— 60'x500' - - . Upper section 2 — 60'x500'. Bothsections 51 1 5 3 87.8 268.6 1— 80'x825'— Upper section - 1 — 80'x825' . Both sections 57.| ^421.1 Totals 52 27 2 10 5 9 11 1 1 464 3 35.9 5 5 50.7 68 2 100.4 388.0 18.5 61 9 385.4 24.0 4.5 33.4 59.5 06.0 346.0 12.2 55 6 428"> 26.7 5.0 37.1 66:1 73.3 385 13 5 61.8 892 4 Point San Pablo site— 1— 40'x200' Uppersection 1— 40'x200' Both sections 1— 60'x500' Upper section 1— eO'xSOO' Both sections 2— 80'x825' Uppersection 2— 80'x825' Both sections 1— llO'xl.OOO' Uppersection 1— llO'xl.OOO' Both sections 62.6 10 5 87 8 134 3 173 7 773 32.0 123.7 Totals 66 729.1 601.2 668.5 1,397.6 1 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 377 TABLE 10-8 SUMMARY OF WATER REQUIRED FOR OPERATION OF BARRIER Lock gates are assumed to be built in two sections with division line at elevation — 15. Elevation of water surface above barrier assumed to be maintained at +2.5. The mean elevation of water surface below barrier assumed to be at (mean sea level). Quantities, except in the last column, are expressed in acre-feet. Barrier at Army Point Site Month Fish ladder Industries and munic- ipalities Gate leakage Operation of locks Evaporation Total Acre-feet Second-feet ten* 2,150 1.940 2,150 2,080 2.150 2,080 2,150 2,150 2,080 2,150 2,080 2,150 9,530 8,600 9,530 9.220 9,530 9,220 9,530 9,530 9,220 9.530 9,220 9,530 10,200 9,200 10.200 9,870 15,160 13,700 15,160 14670 6,650 8,000 12,000 17,300 25,300 32,000 33.300 31,300 27,300 21.300 13,300 5,350 43,690 41,440 49,040 53,140 62,340 67,840 70,340 68,340 63,140 58,340 49.140 42,390 712 HLim'.o 747 H^h 799 ^Bi 895 ^E> 10.200 1 i5;i66 9 870 ' 14 670 1,015 1 142 Kj^ !bt 10.200 10,200 9,870 10,200 9,870 10,200 15,160 15,160 14,670 15,160 14,670 15,160 1,146 1,113 1,063 950 '".lUSt ..- ■itember tober vembcr 827 iJ«cember 691 Totals 25,310 112.190 120,080 178,500 233,100 1 669,180 926 Barrier at Dillon Point Site Barrier at Point San Pablo Site January. . . February.. March April May June July .\upist September. October... November. December. Totals 2,150 1,940 2,150 2,080 2.150 2,080 2,150 2,150 2,080 2,150 2,080 2,150 25,310 19,020 17,200 19,020 18'410 19,020 18,410 19,020 19,020 18,410 19,020 18,410 19,020 223,980 10,200 9,200 10,200 9,870 10,200 9.870 10,200 10.200 9,870 10,200 9,870 10,200 120,080 43,340 39,140 43,340 41,940 43,340 41.940 43.340 43,340 41.940 43,340 41,940 43,340 510,280 14,970 18,000 26,900 38,900 56,900 72,000 74,900 70.400 61,400 48.000 30.000 12,000 524.370 89,680 85,480 101.610 111,200 131,610 144,300 149,610 145,110 133.700 122.710 102,300 86,710 1,404,020 1,461 1,542 1,6,55 1.872 2,144 2,429 2,437 2,364 2251 1,999 1.722 1,413 1,943 378 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 10-9 RAINFALL DATA Quantities are in Inches Month Berkeley Mean ofrecord 1924 Mare Island Mean ofrecord Benicia Mean ofrecord Suisun Point Mean ofrecord 1924 January. . February. March April May June July...... August... September October. . November December. Year. 5.66 4.55 4.20 1.34 1.07 .19 .03 .05 .64 1.24 2.48 4 33 25.78 2 53 3 19 1.87 .19 .01 2.68 1 52 4.63 16.62 4.04 2 96 2.61 1 16 .64 .13 .01 .40 .76 1.66 2.91 17.28 4.20 2.74 2.32 1.27 .79 .18 .01 .29 17.10 1.40 !.07 !.21 .49 .57 .11 .02 .31 .48 1.19 i.l6 16. IC 2.15 1 09 0.57 18 1 37 83 9 17 Month Rio Vista 50-year mean 1924 Sacramento Mean ofrecord 1924 Useiin this report Mean 1924 January. . February. March April May June July: August September. October... November., December.. Totals. 17.30 1.63 2.52 1.59 .12 .03 1.05 1.32 4.73 13.89 3.69 3.23 3.01 2.00 .98 .15 .01 .39 3.53 20.18 1.80 2.00 1.19 .30 .06 10 59 63 12.67 4.08 3 00 2.54 1.23 .75 .14 .35 .68 1.66 3.27 17 70 I 8S 1 87 1 12 20 .03 1 81 1 25 3.78 11.92 f THE SALT WATER BARRIER 379 TABLE 10-10 ANNUAL ACCRETIONS TO WATER SUPPLY FROM LOCAL RAINFALL Location of barrier Average year Year 1924 Acre-feet Depth on open water, feet Acre-feet Depth on open water, feet Army Point 394,000 400,000 518,000 5.88 5 63 3.42 266,000 270,000 350,000 3 96 Dillon Point 3 80 Point San Pablo 2 30 The depths shown are for areas of water surface at elevation +2.5 as shown on Plate 7-7. TABLE 10-11 GROSS DISCHARGE OF THE SACRAMENTO AND SAN JOAQUIN RIVERS COMBINED AND NET DISCHARGE AVAILABLE FOR OPERATION OF BARRIER Quantities are' in Acre-feet Season Approximate combined discharge of rivers Irrigation and municipal draft and evaporation from reservoirs Water available for operation of barrier lfil9-20 15,200,000 36,400,000 30,500,000 22,500,000 8.300,000 26,100,000 17,000,000 17,000,000 17,000,000 17,000,000 17,000,000 17,000,000 '1,300,000 r.120-21 "19 400 000 1 11.02 13 500 000 '2-23 5,500.000 *400,000 23-24 24-25 •♦9,100,000 • This quantity would come from water sheds uncontrolled by reservoirs, too early in the season to be used for irrigation. The quantity is approximate. •• These quantities probably would be reduced because of the filling of the mountain reservoirs depleted during ■oceding dry years. 380 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 10-12 WATER REQUIRED FOR OPERATION OF BARRIER DURING IRRIGATION SEASON Quantities are in Acre-feet Year Average — July August-,. September 1920— June July August... September 1924— May June July August September Army Point Water required Month 70.340 68,340 63,140 67,840 70,340 68,340 63,140 62,340 67,840 70,340 68,340 63,140 Accumu- lated 138.680 201,820 138,180 206,520 269,660 130.180 200,520 268,860 332,000 Dillon Point Water required Month 86,420 84,420 78,450 83,350 86,420 84,420 78,450 78,120 83,350 86,420 84,420 78,450 .Accumu- lated 170,840 249,290 169,770 2.54,190 332,640 161,470 247.890 332,310 410,760 Point San Pablo Water required Month 149,610 145,110 133,700 144.300 149,610 145,110 133.700 131,610 144,300. 149.6U) 145,1.10 133,700 .Accumu- lated 294.720 428,420 293.910 439,020 572,720 275.910 425,520 570.630 704,330 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 881 TABLE 10-13 WATER SUPPLY, WATER REQUIREMENTS AND WATER SHORT- AGES WITH THE BARRIER LOCATED AT EACH OF THE THREE SITES INVESTIGATED Quantities are in Acre-feet Barrier Located at Army Point Season Average. 1919-20. 1923-24. Storage range to +2 5 to +4 Oto -fo.O to +2 5 Oto-t-4 Oto -1-5.0 Oto -1-2.5 to -f 4 Oto -1-5 Water supply 12.000,000 12.000.000 12,000,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1.000,000 666,000 666.000 666,000 Water required 660,200 669,200 609,200 669,200 669,200 669,200 669,200 669.200 669,200 Water shortage' 40,820 None None 108.060 9,660 None 171,000 72.000 None .\vailable for flushing' 12.000,000 12.000,000 12,000,000 1,039,460 940,460 930.800 167.800 68,800 None Barrier Located at Dillon Point Average. 1919-20. 1923-24. Oto 4-2 5 Oto -f-4 Oto -J-5.0 0to-f2.5 Oto -f-4. to -1-5 Oto -1-2.5 Oto -f-4. Oto 4-5 12,000,000 12.000,000 12.000,000 1,605,000 1,605.000 1,605,000 670,000 670,000 670.000 850,500 850.500 850,500 850,500 850.500 850.500 850,500 850.500 850.500 80,290 None None 163.640 59.640 None 241.760 137,760 58,760 12,000.000 12.000,000 12,000,000 918,140 814,140 754.500 61.260 None None Barrier Located at Point San Pablo Average. 1919-20. 1923-24. to -f 2 0to-f4.0 Oto -(-5 to-f2.5 Oto-i-4 Oto -f 5 Oto -1-2 5 Oto 4-4 Oto -1-5.0 12.000,000 12,000.000 12,000,000 1,700.000 1,700,000 1,700,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 1.404,000 1.404.000 1.404.000 1.404.000 1.404.000 1,404,000 1,404,000 1,404.000 1.401,000 84.420 None None 228,720 7,720 None 360,330 139.330 None 11,000,000 11.000,000 11,000,000 524,720 303,720 296,000 None None None • Shortage due to lack of reservoir capacity. 'Shortage due to lack ofseasonalsuppiy. 382 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SALT WATER BARRIER Summary of Preliminary Estimates Army Point-Suisun Point Site Item Estimate number Unwatering Flood channel Control works Bridge -. Ship locks Embankment Middle approach North approach South approach... Water supply... Block signals Administration buildings Pump, power and transformer house. Machine shop Construction camp Permanent improvements ?4 24 4 1, 9 10, 447,420 ,134.800 256.519 240,662 ,758.710 ,400,882 $4,692,539 20.815.680 4.708.636 1.114.068 10.881.081 10,400,882 169,993 283,100 13,630 10,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 200.000 50.000 169.993 346,309 13.956 10.000 150,000 1.50,000 25,000 200.000 50,000 Gross total. Credit. $55,299,716 9.725,000 $53,728,114 9.787,.500 Total field cost. Engineering, administration and contingencies. Right of way ?45,574,716 511,393,679 1,500.000 •543,940,644 $10,985,161 1,000.000 Total cost. Roughly. $58,468,395 $58,500,000 $55,925,805 $55,900,000 .?3.000,579 18.582.780 4,531.069 1.393.805 12..300.640 8.532.876 100.070 136.915 346,665 10.081 10,000 150.000 150.000 25.000 200.000 50.000 $19,520,480 7,631,250 .$41,889,23Cr $10,472,308 1.750,000 $54,111,538" $54,100,000 ?3.074(W8 15,640.310 5.028,(i39 1,303.309 11,420.470 8.703.251 107.907 136,915 440,480 10.434 10.000 150,000 150.000 25,000 200,000 50,000 $16,462,813 7,650,000 $38,812,813 $9,703,203 l.^O.dflO $49,816,016 $49,800,000 Summary of Prelim.inary Estimates Army Point-Suisun Point Site (No. 5); Army Point-Martinez (No. 6); P.enicia Site (Nos. 7-8) Site Item Estimate number 5 6 7 8 Unwatering $3,074,098 15.646.310 4,545,309 $5,892,315 33.176.020 4.708,396 1,279.067 12.628.724 13.041.957 169 993 1.013,208 5,336 10.000 150,000 1.50.000 25.000 200.000 .50.000 53,194,238 7.556.200 4.539.8.59 2..579.821 13.949.639 6.321.725 55.691 145.966 5.000 10.000 150.000 150.000 25.000 200.000 50.000 $3,194 "•« Flood channel 7 5,V Control works . 3 95(1 Bridge Ship locks . 11,147,045 6,266,480 13 677,539 Embankment 3,835,712 North approach .. Sou t h approach Water supply _ 10,500 5,000 Bloc'ksignals Administration buildings 150,000 150.000 25.000 200.000 50.000 150.000 Pump, power and transformer house 150.01)0 Machine shop.. 25 000 Construction camp 200.000 Permanent improvements '. 50.000 Gross total $41,264,742 5,687.,500 $72,500,016 11.693,750 $.38,933,139 5,608,750 $32,794,298 Credit.. 3.766.250 Total field cost $35,577,242 $8,894,311 1.800.000 $60,806,266 $15,201.,567 1,2.50.000 $33,324,389 $11,063,536 1.250.000 $2 9,028.048 Engincerinc, administration and contingencies Right of way 510.1,59.817 1.000.000 Totalcost... $46,271,553 $46,300,000 $77,257,833 $77,300,000 $46,237,925 $46,200,000 $40,187,881 Roughly $40 200,000 i THE SALT WATER BARRIER 383 SALT WATER BARRIER Summary of Preliminary Estimates Dillon Point Site Item Estimate number 10 11 U-A Unwatering Flood channel Control works - Bridge Ship locks - ' iliankment -. rrh approach .^niiih approach Water supply Block siRnals.. Administration buildings Pump, power and transformer bouse ■ ' lihineshop ii3truction camp I'ermanen t improvements. Gross total lit - - Total field cost Engineering, administration and contingencies Right of way Total cost *-. --- ighly $259,797 52,379,820 4,708,390 1,380,108 15,959,901 8,550,720 993,545 319,073 12.006 10.000 150.000 1.50.000 25,000 200.000 50,000 $1,989,107 415.200 10,392,283 18,150,896 1,459,200 12,823 150,000 150.000 25.000 200.000 50,000 $2,011,722 3,670,950 12,809,706 2,193,904 18,704,690 324,400 1,371,729 277,279 12,810 10,000 1.50,000 150.000 25.000 200,000 50,000 $85,149,566 7.576,250 $32,994,509 1,862,500 $77,573,316 $19,393,329 125,000 $31,132,009 $7,783,002 12,500 $41,962,196 1,657,500 $40,304,696 $10,076,174 15,000 $97,091,645 $97,100,000 $38,927,511 $38,900,000 $50,395,870 $50,400,000 $1,989,107 415,200 11,519,713 2,103,904 18,538.440 1.440.714 1.371.729 277.279 12.810 10.000 1,50.000 150.000 25.000 200,000 50.000 $38,343,902 2,573,750 $35,770,152 $8,942,5.38 15,000 $44,727,690 544,700,000 Estimate No. 11 includes 21 flood gates. Estimate No. ll-.\ includes 15 flood gates. Summary of Preliminary Estimates Dillon Point Site — Continued. Item Eslimati luiniljcr 12 12-A 13 13-A $2,011,722 3,670,9.50 12.814.,506 2.344,279 18,704,696 324,400 1.371,729 277,279 12.810 10.000 l.')0.000 l.iO.oOO 25.000 200,000 50,000 ?1.989,107 415.200 11,.522,216 2,344,279 18,538,446 1,440,714 1.371,729 277.279 12.810 10,000 150.000 150.000 25.000 200.000 50,000 S2.011.722 3.670,950 12,814,506 4,057.441 18.317,146 257,385 2.238.445 1,425,425 16.287 10.000 1.50.000 1.50,000 25.000 200.000 50.000 $1,989,107 i iood channel __-.- 415,200 11,.522.216 ] Bridge 4.057,441 Ship locks. 18,1.50.896 Embankment 1.373.699 2.238.445 ^\ater supply 16.287 1 Block signals 10.000 150.000 ! Pump power and transformer house - 150.000 ! Machine shop 25.000 ■Construction camp _ 200.000 50.000 Grosstotal . $42,117,371 1,657,500 $38,496,780 2,573,750 $45,394,307 2,798,750 $41,773,710 rcdit. 3.716.250 Total field cost - $40,459,871 $10,114,968 15,000 $35,923,030 $8,980,758 15,000 $42,-595,557 $10,648,889 20,000 $38,057,4fiB 1 Cnicincering, administration and contingencies Right of way $9,514,367 20,000 Totalcost --. $50,589,839 $50,600,000 $44,918,788 $44,900,000 $-53,264,446 $53,300,000 $47,531,833 Koughlv - $47,600,000 Estimates N'os. 12 and 13 include 21 flood gates. Estimntes Nos. 12-.\ and 13-.\ include 15 flood gates. 384 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SALT WATER BARRIER Summary of Preliminary Estimates Point San Pablo Site Item Estimate number 14 15 16 Unwatering. Flood channel Cont ro 1 works Bridge Ship locks Embankment North approach , South approach Water supijly Block signals Administration buildings Pump, power and transformer house Machine shop Construction camp _ __. Permanent improvements. Gross total... Credit Tota 1 field cost. ._ Engineering, administration and contingencies Right of way Total cost Roughly ,515.975 513,790 ,886.621 ,715,776 ,097,191 ,598.261 248,921 395,828 30,330 10,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 $69,587,693 10,140,000 $59,447,693 $14,861,923 850,000 $75,159,616 $75,200,000 $8,515,975 3,513,790 4,363,963 26,0Y5,i9i 18,273,170 30,330 150,000 150,000 2^000 200,000 50,000 $61,287,419 9,058,750 $52,228,6«9 $13,057:167 700,000 $65,985'~|36 $66,000,056 !<260,308 19,972,765 4,679,646 1,715,776 31,914.792 24,248,992 248,921 1,122,710 27,765 10,000 150.000 , 150,000 25.000 200.000 50,000 $84,776,675 ^9,825,000 — I 3^4,951,676 , ?16.237,919 950,000 $82,139,594' $82,100,000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 885 SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Army Point — Suisun Point Site Minimum bridge clcarancc_50 feet at looks Three ship locks offshcre from Suisun Point Flood control gales partly in Suisun Point Tup of substructure elevation 10 Width of gate piers 15 feet Thirty Stoney pites 50 by 60 feet Gate sill elevation— 50 Single-deck liridgc Concrete bridge piers Base of rail elevation 60 at locks Highway elevation 59.5 at locks Preliminary Estimate No. 1 Item Quantity Unit cist Total cost Summary UNWATERIN'G Steel sheet piling: Plain, 1.050,000 1. f. at 43 lbs 3-wav 32 000 I. f. at 95 lbs 45.150,000 lbs. 3.040.000 lbs. 652.000 lbs. 19,000 riles 48,842,000 lbs. 1,082,000 1. f. SO 035 05 07 2 00 .01 .15 $1,580,250 152.000 45.640 38.000 488.420 162,300 Splices 9 500 at 68.7 lbs... D^i^'ing _. _. Totalsheet piling $2,466,610 $26,880 2,430 10,800 6.840 4.080 1,213 $2,466,610 Track: Stringers in place - - _ 336 M. 2.430 ties 180,000 lbs. 228.000 lbs. 408.000 lbs. 4,850 1. f. S80.00 1.00 .06 .03 .01 25 Tics. 6" X 8" X 8' 6", untreated Rails and acce^ories Freight on metjl . .. I.iaying track -. $52,243 $340,800 18.800 40.080 52,243 Wet excavation, class 1, sand and silt: Ins ide cofferdam 2,840,000 c. y. 94,000 c. v. 334.000 c. y. SO. 12 20 .12 In pockets Outside cofferdam Totel wet excavation $399,680 $128,250 1.170.000 103.500 399.680 nil: In pockets, earth. .. 171,000 c. v. 1.300.000 c. y. 115,000 0. y. 3 barges Lump sum Lump sum 2,140 M. gal. 10.460 M. gal. $0.75 .90 90 $2,500 Against piling, rock Plug, natural cofferdam, rock Toteieil.. Pumping: Barucs . $1,401,750 $7 500 11,000 5,000 19,260 115,060 1,401.7.50 Pumps, 2-12", 1-14" Pipe Un watering 9.00 11.00 I^fCakage during construction Total pumping $157,820 $438,600 72.500 7,875 392 48.750 2,000 157.820 Removing cofferdam: Rock, broken. 510.000 c. y. 145.000 c. y. 2,100 piles 70 piles b.500 piles 200 piles $0.85 .50 3 75 5.60 7 50 10 00 E-jrth in pocketa Pilling i)iles, ave. pen., 12.5': Plain Cutting piles: Plain 3-way _ Total removing. $.570,117 570,117 $5,048,220 Credit: ««^o«'"°^='»«""K Salvage on sheet piling Wet excavation — Class 1, sand and silt inside of cofferdam — 13,000,000 H«. 1,430,000 c. y. 50.000 c. v. 1,360.000 c. y. SO 02 .12 .12 12 $260,000 171.600 6.000 163,200 260.000 Chargeable to control works Chargeable to ship locks $340,800 340.800 $600,800 Total unwatering $4,447,420 25 — 70686 386 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary FLOOD CHANNEL Dry exravation: Cl'ciss I iron ore dump.- 329,000 c. y. 10,550.000 c. y. SO 20 1.25 S65,800 13,187,500 $132.53,.300 10.831.100 50.400 ClassIII rock --- Total flrv <*\cavatlon $13,253,300 $171,600 2,892,000 7.767,500 Wet excavation; Class I, sand and siit: 1,430,000 c. y. 24.100,000 c. y. 2,390,000 c. y. $0.12 .12 3.25 Outside cofferdam - ~ -- SIO.831,100 $11,175 2,844 6,260 10,800 9,900 9,000 Concrete: 1:2^^:5 mix: Slope lining, 24" thick- 4,470 bbls. 1.580 c. y. 3,130 c. y. 3,600 c. y. 3,600 c. y. 3,600 c.y. 3,600 c. y. $2 50 1.80 2 00 3.00 2.75 2 50 $14.00 Sand Crushed stone . Miscellaneous _ Concrete in nlacc S49.979 $50,400 Total flood channel $24,134,800 i .$207,000- 6,000 > 45,000 1.062.86 CONTBOL WORKS Dry excavation: ClassIII rock -- 41,400 c. y. .50,000 c. y. Lumpsum 21,000 bbls. 7,450 c. y. 14,700 c. V. 2,280,000 lbs. 16.900 c. y. 16.900 c. y. 16.900 c. y. 16,900 c. y. 8,810 bbls. 3,120 c.y. 6,180 c. y. 248,500 lbs. 7.100 c.y. 7,100 c. y. 7,100 c. y. 7,100 c. y. 20,200 bbls. 7,170 c. y. 14,200 c. y. 2,200,000 lbs. 16.300 c. y. 16,300 c. y. 16,300 c. y. 10,300 c. y. 80,200 bbls. 28.500 c. V. 56,300 c. y. 4,850,000 lbs. 64,700 c. y. 64,700 c. y. 64,700 e. y. 64,700 c. y. 1,400 c. y. $5 00 .12 $207i0dD 6.000 45.000 52.500 13.410 29.400 114,000 8.450 42,250 16.900 Wet excavation: Cas.s I saiul and silt -_ Substructure; concrete, 1:2}^:5 mix: Floor beams- Cement $2.50 1 80 2 00 .05 .50 2 50 1.00 $16.50 2 50 1.80 2.00 .05 .25 2.50 .75 $11 00 2 50 1 80 2.00 .05 .50 2 50 1 00 $16.50 2.50 1 80 2 00 05 2 50 3 00 1 00 $16.00 .90 Sand - Crushed stone _ Reinforcing steel, 135 lbs., c.y Forms \1i\tnc and olacins - M iscel laneous --.- $270,910 $278,850 22,025 5,616 12,360 12,425 1,775 17,750 5,325 Floor, 3' thick- Sand - Concrete in nlace «. $77,276 $78,100 50.500 12,906 28,400 110,000 8,150 40,750 10,300 Pier footings — Cement Sand - Crushed stone --- Reirif<.rcing steel, 135 lbs., e. y Forms Mixing and placing Concrete in place $287,006 $268,950 200,.'i00 51,300 112,600 242.500 161.750 194,100 64,700 Piers- Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 75 lbs., c. y Forms . . . MixinK ami placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $1,027,450 $1,035,200 1,260 Back fdl: Behind south pier, rock, Total substructure. I $1,062,300 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 387 Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued Item Qjantity Unit cost ToUlcost Summary OONTROL WORKS-Continued .re: - : concrete, l:2l5:5 mix— 5,580 bbls. 1.080 c. y. 3,020 c. V. 4.1.000 lbs. ijm c, V. 4.500 c. V. 4.,';00 c. y. 4,.500 c. y. 1,140,000 lbs. 216,000 lbs. 5.100 1. f. 660 ftg. 70 M. 1,100.000 lbs. 2.484.800 lbs. 2,484,800 llw. 70 .M. $2.50 1.80 2.00 05 00 3 50 1 00 $16.73 .05 .25 25 .25 30.00 .05 01 .02 50.00 $13,950 3.564 7,840 2.250 27,000 15,750 4,500 • '^•iri'l _. . _. - '•■1 stone. steel, 10 Ibe.. c. V M.\:*^' and placing . .■ i M : 'hvneous Concrete in nlace $74,854 $75,375 57.000 54.000 1.275 165 2.100 55,000 24,848 49,696 3.500 1 '.;: ler sparts — "-T :. • iralsteel - . ... < .^- ■■-1— li'll- r and pin bearings Piper-iiling — 'iw 2"-25.500 lbs n-i ..-s. 3.300 lbs... Towers— Freight on metal Placing lumber ... Total, superstructure. . $322,959 $394,200 64,800 13.100 2,700 66.600 960 140.400 38,000 154,000 15.600 4.800 116,034 464.136 $322 9.59 .>toneygates, 50'x60': Gate leaves- Structural steel.. .. .. ... . 8,760.000 lbs. 432,000 lbs. 131.000 lbs. 10.800 lbs. 333,000 lbs. 4,800 1. f. 936.000 lbs. 152,000 lbs. 770,000 lbs. 15,600 lbs. 60,000 lbs. 11.60,3,400 lbs. 11.603.400 lbs. 30 gates 2,600 bbls. 920 c. y. 1,830 c. y. 2,100 c.y. 2,100 c. V. 2.100 c.y. 2,100 c.y. 457.000 lbs. 66,000 lbs. 18,000 lbs. 6,000 lbs. .147.000 lbs 547.000 lbs. 30 ctrwt. 242.000 lbs. 318.000 lbs. 24.000 lbs. 1.5.000 lbs. 57,000 lbs. 6,600 lbs. 30 motors 707,600 lbs. 707.600 lbs. 30 uniU $0,043 .15 .10 .25 .20 .20 .15 .25 20 1 00 .08 .01 .04 $49,200 $2 50 1 80 2 00 7.50 3.00 5.00 $21.25 .06 .15 .08 .08 01 .02 $3,340 i $0.35 J .08 600 00 .01 .02 $9,000 Roller trains, 120— Structural steel . . .- Cold rolled steel Cast iron Wircrope. 's", 3,0001b8 Lifting chains, 60— "■Tuctural steel Id rolled steel Uuides. tracks and seals — Anchor bolts Freight . Installing and painting -. Total, Stoney gates . $1,475,330 $1,476,000 $0,500 1,6.50 3,660 15,750 6,300 10,500 1.470,000 •ountcrweights; concrete, 1:2J.^:5 mix: '^I'mcnt. - i Forms. Mixing and placing. .. . .. .. Miscel aneous Concrete in place . .. $44,366 $44,625 27,420 9,900 1,440 480 5.470 10,940 Structural steel ''■■t iron '-•..Its.. Freight Installing and painting Total, counterweights . $100,275 $100,200 $229,600 528 18,000 7.076 14,152 100,200 ')perating mechanism: Shafting and couplings C.i-irs, worms and sprockets I .rings . ' 1 ir hi isings Friimesand bases Bolts " "'rs. 30 h. p., 45.000 lbs iht liLilalling Total, operating mechanism $260,356 $270,000 270,000 388 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 1— -Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary CONTROL WORKS-Continued Caisson gates, 50' x 60': Structuralsteel 1.060,000 lbs. 98,700 lbs. 1.158,700 lbs. 1,158,700 lbs. 2 gates Lumpsum $0.06 .35 .01 .04 $78,000 S63,600 34,545 11, .587 46,348 Caststcel .. . Freight Assembling and painting Total, caisson gates $156,080 .?156,000 11.000 $156,000 Lighting - - 11.000 Total, control works $4,256,519 BRIDGE Piers: Dry excavation — Abutments, class II and III 1,800 c. y. 15.870 bbls. 5.630 c. V. 11.140 e.v. 1,088,000 lbs. 12,800 c. V. 12.800 c. V. 12,800 c. .V. 12,800 c. y. $1.50 2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 7.50 4 00 1 00 $22.50 $2,700 39.675 10,134 22,280 54,400 96,000 51,200 12.800 Concrete, 1:23^:5 mix- Cement Sand Crushed stone _ Reinforcing steel, 85 lbs. c. y Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place S286,J"8n $288,000 $29O;7O0 $7,318 1.868 4.106 23,600 17,700 9,440 5,900 Total, piers . I J290,700 Decksupsrstructure: Concrete, 1:2>'2:5 mix,r.iilroad— Cement -. 2,927 bbls. 1,038 c. y. 2,053 c. V. 472.000 lbs. 2,360 c. y. 2,360 c. V. 2,360 c. y. 2,360 c. y. 2,250 bbls. 630 c. y. 1.260 c. V. 255.000 lbs. l,.500c. V. 1,500 c. y. 1.500 c. y. 1,.500 c. y. 4,620,000 lbs. 2,130.000 lbs. 225,000 lbs. 8,320 1. r. 1,630 ftg. 2,440 1. f. 330 ftg. 8,480 lbs. 7,162,220 lbs. 7,162,220 Ibe. 2,120 1. f. 2,120 ties 806,000 Ibe. 806.000 Ibe. 2,120 1. f. $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 7.50 4 00 2.50 $29.75 $2.50 1 80 2.00 05 7 .50 4 00 2.50 $28.75 $0 04 05 25 75 .75 40 .40 .07 .01 .015 2.50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 Sand Crushed stone Reinforcingstcel, 200lbs., c. y Forms. . Mixing and placing. .. Miscellaneous Concrete in place $69,932 $70,210 $5,625 1,134 2,520 12,750 11,250 6,000 3,750 Concrete. 1:2:4 mix, highway- Cement Sand Crushed stone . Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y Forms. Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $43,029 $43,125 $184,800 106,500 56,250 6.240 1.223 976 132 594 71,622 107,433 5,300 4,77C 24,180 8,060 1.060 Structuralsteel — Girder bridge, riilroad Truss bridge, highway Cast steel- Roller and pin bearings. ...... Pipcr.iiling — Pil>e, 4". 124,800 lbs Fittings. 32,600 lbs Wire fence- Pipe, 2J-^", 18,700 lbs Fittings, 2,640 Ibe Wire fabric, 9ga . Freight on metal . . .. .. . Installing and painting metal Track, double- Ballast Ties. 7" X 0" x 8' - 6", treated Riils and acc3^8orie« Frcighl on metal. Ui ving double track Total , deck suDsrstructure $692,475 692.475 THE SALT WATER BARRIER Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued 389 Item Quantity Unit coet Total coet Stimmary BRIDGE— Continued Throvujh sipjrst-ucturf : Concrete, 1:2:4 miic, highway — Cement - • 114 bbls. 32 c. V. 64 c. V. 12.920 lbs. 76 c. y. 76 c. y. 76 c. y. 76 c. y. 316.000 lbs. 113.000 lbs. 14.300 lbs. 140 1. f. 19 ftg. 480 lbs. 445.000 lbs. 445,000 lbs. 120 ties 45,600 lbs. 45.600 lbs. 120 1. f. $2.50 1.80 2.00 05 7.50 4 00 2 50 $28 75 50 04 .05 .25 .40 .40 07 .01 .015 2.25 .03 .01 .50 $285 58 128 646 570 304 190 Sand Oijshed stone ltf?inf"rcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y FiTtliS . . ... and placing . Mis. ollaneous Concrete in place $2,181 S2.185 $12,640 5,650 3.575 56 8 34 4.450 6,675 270 1.368 456 60 Structural steel — Railroad . Highway Cast steel— Rollrr and pin bearings Wire fence — Pipe 2> 2". 1.070 lbs Fitliiigs ISOlbe Freight on metal Track, double — Ties. 7" I 9" I 8' -6", treated Rai!.« and accessories Laying double track . . Total, through superstructure $37,427 $470 95 210 1.063 938 500 313 $37,427 Lift span, 198'-6": Concrete, 1:2:4 mi.r, highway — Cement .. 188 bbls. 53 c. y. 105 c. y. 21.250 lbs. 125 c. y. 125 c. y. 125 c. y. 125 c. y. 1,460.000 lbs. 685.000 Ibe. 45,000 lbs. 230 1. f. 31 ftg. 800 lbs. 2,192.810 lbs. 2,192,810 lbs. 200 ties 75.400 lbs. 75.400 lbs. 198.5 1. f. 1 span 620 bbls. 220 c. y. 435 c. y. 500 c. y. 500 c.y. 500 c. y. 500 c. y. 58,500 Ibe. 2.500 lbs. 61.000 Ibe. 61,000 Ibe. 2ctrwt. $2 50 1 80 2.00 .05 7.50 4 00 2 50 $28 75 $0.05 .05 25 .40 40 .07 01 .02 2.25 .03 .01 50 $192,000 $2 50 1.80 2 00 7.50 3.00 5.00 $21.25 06 .08 .01 .02 $8,080 Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c.y Forma ^!ixinK and placing .. M iscellaneous $3,589 $3,594 $73,000 34.250 11.250 92 12 56 21.928 43,856 450 2,262 754 98 Structural steel- Truss Towers . Cast steel... Wire fence — Pipe, 2W- 1.760 Ibe Fittincs, 250 Ibe Wire fabric, 9 ga Freight on metal Installing and painting metal Track- Ties. 7" X 9" X 8' -6", treated Freight on metal... Laying double track Total, lift span $191,603 8192.000 $1,.550 396 870 3.750 1.500 2.500 192,000 Counterweights: Concrete, 1:23.2:5 mix- Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms Mixing and placing Mucel aneous .... Concrete in place $10,566 $10,625 3,510 200 610 1.220 Structuralsteel Anchor bolts Freight Installing Total, counterweight* $16,165 $16,160 ' 16,160 390 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary BRIDGE— Continued Operating mechanism: • 4,000 lbs. 5,500 lbs. 400 lbs. 300 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 100 lbs. 4,400 1. f. 1 motor 43.000 lbs. 43,000 lbs. 1 unit Lump sum 36 units Lump sum $0.35 .08 1 .50 1,000 .01 .02 $12,800 $3,920 8 6.600 1,000 430 860 Gears worms and sheaves _ - Bearings _ Gear housings Frames and bases Bolts - V ire rope, 2". 27,7001hs MotDr 100 h. p. 4 000 lbs. Freight _ $12,818 $12,800 $2,000 $3,600 2,500 $12,800 Oneratinff house 2.000 Lighting— Lamps and oedcstals $100.00 Total lighting $6,100 6,100 Total bridee - - $1,240,662 1 •$268,000 SHIP LOCKS Dry excavation: Class III, rock 53,600 c. y. 1,360,000 c. y. 376,000 c. y. $5.00 .12 .12 ?268,006 $163,200 45.12* Wet excavation: Inside cofferdam _ -- Outside cofferdam \ Toial wet excavation $208,320' $125,000 $135,000 110,880 244,000 39.500 280.000 280.000 140,000 208,320 125,000 Grouting foundation Lump sum 174,000 bbls. 61,600 c. y. 122,000 c.y. 790.000 lbs. 140,000 c. V. 140,000 c.y. 140,000 c. y. 140,000 e. y. 153,000 bbls. 54,100 c.v. 107,000 0. y. 760,000 lbs. 123,000 c. y. 123,000 c. y. 123,000 c.y. 123,000 c. y. 156,000 bbls. 55,400 e. y. 110,000 c. y. 71)8,000 lbs. 126,000 c. y. 126,000 c. y. 126,000 c. y. 126,000 c.y. 64,500 bbls. 22.900 c. y. 45,200 c. y. 38.300 Ibe. 52,000 c. y. 52,000 c. y. 52,000 c. y. 52,000 c. y. Concrete. 1:2V2:5 mix: Outside wall, 80-ft lock- $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 2.00 2.00 1.00 $11 00 2 50 1.80 2.00 .05 3.00 2.00 1.00 $12.00 2.50 1 80 2.00 .05 3 00 2.00 1.00 $12.00 2.50 I. SO 2 00 .05 2.00 2.00 1.00 $10.75 Crushed stone -.-. - - lirinforrinff stppl npr cent variable -- .- Forms .- Miscellaneous - - Concrete in nlacc --. __,.-. $1,529,380 $1,540,000 382.500 97.380 214,000 38,000 369,000 246,000 123,000 Wall between 80 ft. and 60 ft. locks— Cement - -- Sand Forms --_-_- ..-..-^- Miscellancous Concrete in place Wall between 60 ft. and 40 ft. locka— (ViTinnt ..... ..--.- $1,469,880 $1,476,000 $390,000 99,720 220,000 38,400 378,000 252,000 126,000 J^and ......_.-.--- Mixinff and placing Concrete in place. -. Outside wall. 40 ft. lock- Cement $1,504,120 $1,512,000 161,250 41,220 90,400 1,915 104.000 104.000 52,000 It^inforciniratccl Dcr cent vari&blo -, ... Forms .......... Mixing and placing. ....,.•-...----.--..--...- .Miscellaneous _._.._.....-..---.. $554,785 $559,000 Total, concrete in walls $5,087,000 5.087,000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 391 Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total coet Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Cncretp. 1:3:6 mix: Sills. 80- ft. lock— Cement Sand (■' -tod stone ! r- ■; Miiitinand placing. .Mii-?llancous. Concrete in place. Sills, 60-ft. lock- Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms.. Mixineand placing. Mis.'ellaneous Concrete in place. Sills. 40-ft. lock- Cement Sand Crushedstone Forms Mixing and placing. Mbcellaneous Concrete in place Total, concrete in sills. Rock fill: 80-ft. lock- Rock Gravel blanket. 12" thick.. Grouted paving. 3 ft. thick. 60-ft. lock- Rock Gravel blanket, 12" thick.. Grouted paving, 3 ft. thick. 40-ft. lock- Rock Gravel blanket, 12" thick.. Grouted paving, 3 ft. thick. Total, rock fill. Guard gates, 80-ft. lock: Gate leaves, 46.3' x 48.5'— Structural steel.. Cast steel Cast iron Bolts Lumber, fenders . .\nchoragcs — Structural steel Cast steel Forgodstwl Phosphor bronze .\nchor bolts Quoin post bearings — Structural steel Cast steel Phosphor bronze .\nchor bolts Pintles- Cast st«el Forged steel Vanadium steel Anchor bolts Sill bearings — Cast iron Rubber belt, 6"-6-ply, 230 Iba.. Anchor bolts Freight on metal, etc Installing and painting metal, etc.. Creoeoting and installing lumber.. 21.300 bbls. 8.000 c. y. 18.100 c. y. 20.300 c. v. 20.300 c.y. 20.300 c. V. 20,300 c. y. 26..500 bbls. 11,100 c.y. 22.400 c. v. 2.5.200 c. y. 25.200 c. y. 25,200 c. y. 25.200 c. v. 4,700 bbls. 2.000 c. y. 4.000 c.v. 4.500 c. v. 4,500 e. y. 4.500 c. v. 4,500 c. y. 19,600 c. y. 600 c. V. 1,800 c. y. 25,000 c. V. 400 c. y. 1,100 c.y. 7,500 c. y. 130 c.v 600 c. y. 1 Total, guard gat«6. 710,000 Ibe. 159,000 lbs. 1,800 lbs. 18,400 lbs. 8.7M. 55,300 Ihe. 17.100 Ibe. 21,500 Iba. 1,020 lbs. 1,800 lbs. 74,400 lbs. 24.100 lbs. 6,600 lbs. 2,200 Ibe. 43.000 Ibe. 1,960 lbs. 1,160 lbs. 600 Ibe. 14,300 lbs. 190 I. f. 1,750 Ibe. ,156,220 Ibe. ,156,220 Ibe. 8.7 M. 4 units <2 50 1 80 2 00 1 00 2.00 50 $8.75 50 80 00 00 .00 50 $8 75 2 50 1.80 2.00 1 00 2.00 50 $8.75 $0 90 2.50 7.50 90 2.50 7 50 .90 2 50 7 50 SO. 05 .33 .15 .08 50.00 .06 35 .50 1.00 .08 .06 .35 1.00 .08 35 .50 1.00 08 15 .75 08 .01 .04 100.00 178,100 $53,250 16.020 36.200 20,300 40.600 10,150 $176,520 $177,625 66.250 19,980 44,800 25,200 50.400 12.600 $219,230 $220,500 11.750 3.600 8.000 4.500 9.000 2,250 $39,100 $39,375 $437,500 $17,640 1.500 i 13,500 22.500 1,000 8,250 6,750 325 4,500 $75,965 $85,500 55,650 270 1.472 435 3.318 5,985 10,750 1.020 144 4.464 8.435 6.600 176 15.050 980 1,160 48 2.145 143 140 21,562 86,249 870 $312,566 $312,400 $437,500 75,965 312,400 392 DIVISION OF WATEK RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued r Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS-Continued Opsrating mechanism, g lard gates: Eleslric capstans. 14,000 lbs Wire rope, Vg", 1,800 lbs Motors, 20 h. p., 4,400 lbs Freight-. Installing. Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 80-ft. lock: Gate leaves. 46.3' x 48.5'— Structural steel Cast steel Cast iron - Bolts_._ Lumber, fenders. Anchorages — Structural steel Caststed. Forged steel Phosphor bronze. .\nchor bolts Qaoin post bsarings — Structural steel Cast steel- Phosphor bron/.e. Anchor bolts Pintles — Cast 3 teel Forged steel Vanadium steel Anchor bolts Sill bearings- Cast iron Rubber belt, 6"-6-ply, 670 lbs Anchor bolts.- Freight on meta 1. etc .- InstiUinK and painting metal, etc Creosoting and installing lumljcr Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Shafting-.. Gears and worms Spiral drums Sheaves . . - - - - Gear and motor housings Bearings Bases .'Vnchor bolts WireropcJ^", 5.400 lbs Motors, 20 h. p., 13,200 lbs Freight Instilling- Total, operating mechanism. Operating chaml)er8, 80-fl. Roof- Reinforcing steel . Structural steel Openings— Castiron ('asl steel .... Freight Installing and painting. . lock: Total, operating chambers Stoncy service valves, 8.5' x 14': Gate leaves — Structural steel Cast steel Forged steel Hot finished steel tubing , Castiron 4 capstans 1,700 1. f. 4 motors 20,200 lbs. 20,200 lbs. 4 units ,510,000 lbs. 510,000 lbs. 5,400 lbs. 51,000 lbs. 24 IM. 137,000 lbs. 56.000 lbs. 48.500 lbs. 2,300 lbs. 7,200 lbs. 194,000 lbs. 66,700 lbs. 14,900 lbs. 5,000 lbs. 96,900 lbs. 4.400 lbs. 2.600 lbs. 1.800 lbs. 42,800 lbs. 560 1. f. 5,250 lbs. ),762.420lbs. 5.762.420 lbs. 24 1 .M. 12 units 7,400 lbs. 23,900 lbs. 26.800 lbs. 12,600 lbs. 46,200 lbs. 5,.500lbs. 45,600 lbs. 1,800 lbs. 5,000 I. f. 12 motors 188.400 lbs. 188.400 lbs. 12 units :<.050llj3. 4.770 lbs. 17.:tn011)8. 11,70011)8. 36,820 lbs. 36,820 lbs. 84,1011 lbs. 600 11m. 5701b.-. 5.20U Hie. 11.400 lbs. $1,225 .30 500.00 .01 .02 $2,000 $0.05 .35 .15 .08 50 00 .06 .35 .50 1.00 .08 .06 .35 1.00 .08 .35 .50 1.00 .08 .15 .75 .08 .01 .04 100.00 $71,000 ■ $0 35 .08 .30 500.00 .01 02 $6,000 $0 05 .06 .07 .10 01 02 $0 08 35 50 25 .15 $i,900 510 2,000 202 404 S8.016 $8,000 $225,500 178,500 810 4,080 1,205 8,220 19.600 24.250 2.300 576 11.640 23.345 14,900 400 33,915 2.209 14r 6.420 420 420 57.624 230,497 2.410 $851,976 $852,000 $58,800 144 1.500 6,000 1,884 3,768 $72,096 $72,000 $153 286 1,211 1,170 368 736 $3,924 18,728 210 286 1,300 1.710 $8,000 i r\ 4 ' n 852.000 72,000 3,924 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 39;:{ Preliminary Estimate No. 1— ■Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued elate frames — Cast steel 88,700 lbs. 36,600 lbs. 1,350 lbs. 1.250 lbs. 22:),770 lbs. 229,770 11)8. 6 valves 3,00011)8. 10.200 lbs. 1,860 lbs. 7,38011)8. 4501l)s. 1,230 lbs. 3.600 lbs. 17.400 lbs. 2,640 lbs. 1,65011)5. 30 lbs. 150 !bs 2,970 lbs. 6 motors 65,760 1I)S. 65,760 lbs. 6 units 6 valves 6 units 31,000 lbs. 30 lbs. 300 lbs. 250 bis. 4 screens 725,000 lbs. 615,000 lbs. 7,500 lbs. 220,000 lbs. 14,000 lbs. 600 lbs. 6.600 1. f. 430.000 lbs. 2 motors 2 motors 2.030,300 lbs. 2.030,300 lbs. 2 houses 2 dams 33.600 lbs. 11.00011)6. 8,250 lbs. 3,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 150 lbs. 275 lbs. 500 lbs. 75 lbs. 57.850 lbs. 57,850 lbs. $0 25 15 1 00 08 01 04 $8,470 $0 08 50 35 .35 1 00 1.00 .25 .15 1.00 1 00 .75 .25 .08 750 00 .01 .02 $4,140 $8,470 $4,140 $0.08 .25 .10 .15 $640 00 $0.05 .06 .25 ..20 .15 .08 .35 .35 800 00 680 00 01 .02 2,000 $171,000 $0.10 25 35 10 .07 .08 10 07 08 01 02 $22,175 5,490 1,350 100 2,298 9,191 f'M^Mron -. . I'i ;hor hron«c .\i iior bilts . FreiRlit Installing and painting Total, service \'alves $50,837 $50,820 $240 5,100 651 2,583 450 1,230 900 2,610 2,640 1.650 23 38 238 4,500 658 1,315 $50 820 Valve operating mechanism: Structural steel - Forgevl stcol Wrought steel - . - . Cast steel VanaJium steel Tool steel Cold rolled steel Castiron . . Phosphor bronze Copper Motors. 50 h. p., 13,200 lbs.. Freight _ _ . Installing Total, operating mechanism $24,826 $24,840 $50,820 $24,840 $2,480 8 30 38 24,840 Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as service valves — Total, emergency valves 50,820 Valve operating mechanism: Same as for service valves — 24.840 Culvert scrwns, 80-ft. lock: Structural steel Cold rolled steel . ... Pipe separators.- . Total culvert screens . $2,556 $2,560 $36,250 36,900 1,875 44.000 2,100 48 2.310 150,500 1,600 1,360 20,303 40,606 4.000 2.560 Emergency dams, 80-ft. lock: Structural steel- Bridges Needles Cast iron .\nch<»r bolts . . Wire rope, 1", 9,400 lbs Motors, 00 h. p., 5,100 lbs Motors 40 b. p. 3 700 lbs Freight Operating houses $341,852 $342,000 $3,360 2,750 2,888 300 70 12 28 35 6 570 1,157 342 00(1 Salt water relief conduit: Semi-eios. 500 lbs. 75 lbs. 703.100 lbs. 703,100 lbs. $0.10 .05 .25 .35 .10 .07 .08 .01 .02 $50,400 8,950 2,750 2,888 28 35 6 7,031 14,062 Cast iron nine 24" 875 1. f. Valve, 72" -.- Fish grating — Galvanized wire - Cast iron _ Anchor bolts __ _ _ Freight . .- - Total, unwatering conduit $86,150 $3,938 4,130 276 551 $86,150 Filling conduits, 80-ft. lock: Valves 2 48" - 15,750 lbs. 11,800 lbs. 27,550 lbs. 27,550 lbs. $0.25 .35 .01 .02 V'^ftlvp nrw*rat,ing mw-hanifipi _ _ _ Freight Tn3tallinor Total fiilins conduits _ $8,895 $650 162 3QQ 600 3,150 1,050 1,050- 8.895 Concrete, 1:2)^:5 mix- Cement - 260 bbls. 90 c. y. 180 c. y. 12.000 lbs. 210 c. y. 210 c. y. 210 c.y. 210 c. y. 110,000 lbs. 25 lbs. 40 lbs. 8,250 lbs. 6,200 lbs. 1 pump 1 motor 0.14 M. 129.015 lbs. 129,015 lbs. $2 50 1 80 2.00 .05 15.00 5.00 5 00 $33.50 .05 .10 .08 .25 .35 2,000.00 600 00 50.00 .01 .02 { Sand • Forms ■» $7,022 $7,035 5,500 3 3 2,063 2,170 2,000 600 7 1,290 2,580 Cast iron feed pipe 36". 280 I. f Oilvanized wire - . __-- Structural steel ._ Valves 2 36" .-- Purao SOOOlbs Motor 30 h p. 1500 lbs.. - Stop planks Inatallincr metal Total, fish ladder $23,251 $48,600 81,000 40,500 2,760 4.600 4,600 7,050 1.763 11,750 3.150 5,250 1.215 528 1,256 265 357 23,251 Guide walls, 80-ft. lock: Piling- Delivered 162,000 1. f. 162.000 1. f. 162,000 1. f. 92 M. 92 M. 92 M. 235 M. 235 M. 235 M. 105 M. 105 M. 8.100 lbs. 6,600 Ibe. 15,700 Ibe. 5,300 lbs. 35,700 Ibe. $0.30 .50 .25 30.00 50 00 50 00 30 00 7.50 50.00 30 00 50.00 .15 .08 .08 .05 .01 Bracing- Delivered - - Erectinc ----- -.-. Caps, stringers, etc.— Delivered -... - Flooring — Delivered Bolts Nails. Freight on metal Total, guide walls $214,644 214,644 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 395 Preliminary Estimate No. 1— -Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS-Oontinued luard gates. OO-ft. lock: Gate leaves. 34.3' x 41.5'— Strjct viral steel.- 878.000 lbs. 81,000 ll«. 9001bs. 9,400 Ibe. 5.6 M. 29,000 lbs. 11.000 lbs. 11,000 lbs. .500 lbs. 800 lbs. 38,000 lbs. 12,000 lbs. 3.400 lbs. 1,100 lbs. 22,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 600 lbs. 200 lbs. 7,300 lbs. 140 1. f. 900 Ite. 1,108,270 lbs. 1,108,270 lbs. 5.6 M. 4 units 4 capstans 1,320 1. f. 4 motors 13.050 lbs. 13.050 lbs. 4 units 1.530,000 lbs. 173,000 lbs. 1.800 lbs. 17,000 lbs. 11.2 M. 58,000 lbs. 22,000 lbs. 22.000 lbs. 1.000 lbs. 1.600 lbs. 76,000 lbs. 25,000 lbs. 6,800 lbs. 2,200 lbs. 44.000 lbs. 2,000 lbs. 1,200 lbs. 400 lbs. 15,000 lbs. 280 1. f. 1,800 Ibe. 2,001,140 lbs. 2,001,140 lbs. 11.2 M. 8 units $.05 .35 .15 .08 50 00 .06 .35 .50 1.00 .08 .06 .35 1.00 .08 .35 .50 1.00 .08 .15 .75 .08 .01 .04 100.00 $40,300 $735.00 .22 420.00 01 .02 $1,330 $0 05 .35 .15 .08 50.00 .06 .35 .50 1.00 .08 .06 .35 1.00 .08 .35 .50 1.00 .08 .15 .75 .08 .01 .04 100.00 $38,000 $43,000 28,350 135 752 280 1,740 3,850 5,500 500 64 2,280 4,200 3,400 88 7,700 500 600 16 1,095 105 72 11.083 44,331 560 steel ., Cast iron Bolts Lumber, fenders.. Anchorages — Striicturalstccl Cast steel Forged steel Phosphor bronze .Anchor bolts Quoin post bearings- Structural 3t«el Cast steel Phos f h ">r bronze Anch rb;)Ite Pintles- Forged steel . Anchor bolts Cast iron Anchor bolts.-. Installing and painting metal, etc. Crcosoting and installing lumber Total, guard gates $161,101 $161,200 $2,940 290 1,680 131 261 $161,200 [>perating mechanism, guard gates: Wircrope.»i", 1,050 lbs Motors, 15 h. p.. 3,600 lbs Freight - - Total, operating mechanism $5,302 $5,320 $76,500 60,550 270 1,360 560 3,480 7,700 11,000 1,000 128 4,560 8,750 6,800 176 15,400 1,000 1,200 32 2,250 210 144 20.011 80,046 1,120 5,320 lervice gates, 60-ft lock: Gate leaves. 34.3' X 41.5'— Structural steel.. Cast steel Cast iron Bolts Lumber, fenders Anchorages — Struc tura 1 steel Cast steel Forged steel Anchor bolts Quoin post bearings — Structuralsteel .. .. . .. Cast steel Phosphor bronze .Anchor bolts Pintles- Forged steel - Vanadium steel . ... Anchor bolts. Cast iron . . . RuMicr belt, 6", 6-ply, 340 ibe .\nchc)r bolts Freight on metal, etc Installing and painting metal, etc.. . . Creosoting and installing lumber Total, service gates .. $304,247 $304,000 304.000 396 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Operating mechanism, service gates: Sliaf ting ., Gears and worms. Spira 1 drums Sheaves. - Gear and motor housings Bearings Bases.. Anchor bolts Wire rope, 54", 2,100 lbs Motors, 15 h. p., 7,200 lbs Freight. Installing. Total, operating mechanism. Operating chambers, 60-ft. lock: Roof- Reinforcing steel Structural steel Openings — Cast iron Cast steel Freight Installing and painting Total, operating chambers. Stoney service valves, 7' x 10': Gate leaves — Structural steel Cast steel. Forged steel Hot finished steel tubing.. Cast iron Gate frames — Cast steel Cast iron Phosphor bronze Anchor bolts Freight Installing and painting Total, service valves. Valve operating mechanism: Structural steel Forged steel Wrought s teel Cast steel Vanadium steel Tool steel Cold rolled steel Cast iron Manganese bronze Phosphor bronze Brass Copper Bolts Motors, 20 h. p., 4,400 lbs.. . Freight. Installing Total, operating mechanism. Stoncy emergency valves, 7' x 10': Same as service valves- Total, emergency valves Valve operating mcchatiism: Same as for service valves — Total, operating mechanism . Culvert screens, 60-ft. lock: Structural steel Cold rolled steel Pipe separators Cast iron Total, culvert screens. .3,000 lbs. 9,600 lbs. 10,700 lbs. .5,000 lbs. 18,500 lbs. 2,200 lbs. 18,200 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 2,640 I. f. 8 motors 77,500 lbs. 77,500 lbs. 8 units 1,700 lbs. 2,600 lbs. 9,600 lbs. 6,500 lbs. 20,400 lbs. 20,400 lbs. 23,600 lbs. 170 lbs. 160 lbs. 1,450 lbs. 3,200 lbs. 24,800 lbs. 10,300 lbs. 380 lbs. 350 lbs. 64,410 lbs. 64,410 lbs. 4 valves 850 lbs. 2,850 ll>s. .500 lbs. 2,070 lbs. 120 lbs. 340 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 4,900 lbs. 740 lbs. 460 lbs. 10 lbs. 1011)3. 850 lbs. 4 motors 19,130 lbs. 19,13011)8. 4 units 4 valves 4 units 18,000 lbs. 20 lbs. 200 lbs. 150 Iba. 4 screens $0 35 .08 .22 420.00 .01 .02 $3,730 $0.05 .06 .07 .10 .01 .02 $0 08 .35 .50 .25 .15 .25 .15 1.00 .08 .01 .04 $3,560 $0.08 .50 .35 .35 1.00 1 00 .25 .15 1.00 1.00 75 .25 .08 500 00 .01 .02 $1,030 $3,560 $1,930 $23,520 80 581 3,360 775 1,550 $29,866 $29,840 $85 156 672 650 204 408 $2,175 $l,88Sr 60 80 363 480 6,200 1,545 380 28 644 2,576 $14,244 $14,240 $68 1,425 175 725 120 340 250 735 740 460 8 10 68 2,000 191 383 $7,608 $7,720 $14,240 $7,720 $0.08 $1,440 .25 5 .10 20 15 23 $1,488 70.00 $1,480 $29,840 ! 2.175 14,240 'i 7.720 14,240 7,720 1.480 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 397 Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total coet Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Emernpncy dams. 60-ft. lock: Structural steel— Bridges 425,000 Ibe. 300,000 Ibe. 3.650 lbs. 123.000 lbs. 10.900 lbs. 300 lbs. 5,600 1. f. 214,000 Ibe. 2 motors 2 motors 1,087.750 lbs. 1,087,750 Ibe. 2 houses 2 dams 83,400 Ibe. 75.000 Ibe. 7,875 Ibe. 5.900 lbs. 125 Uxs. 220 lbs. 35 lbs. 172,555 lbs. 172,555 lbs. $0 05 06 $21,250 18,000 913 24.600 1.635 24 1,232 74.900 1.360 1,000 10,878 21,755 4,000 Wicket girders and wickete . . Nccilcs 680 500 25 20 15 08 22 35 00 00 01 03 IXrrick Cas tiron .\nchorb>lt8 .. Wire rope, 'i", 5.000 lbs... Operating mechanism Motors 40 h. p.. 3 700 Ibe Motors. 20 h. p.. 2,200lbe Freight Installing and painting Operating houses _ 2.000 $90,800 $0.05 .05 .25 35 .10 .07 .08 .01 02 Tnt^\ prnprgency Hums $181,547 $181,600 $4,170 3,750 1,969 2,065 13 15 3 1.726 3.451 $181,600 Unwatering conduit , 60-ft. lock: Castironpipe, 48", 125 1. f Castiron pipe, 18". 580 1. f Valve, 48" Valve operating mechanism Fish grating — Galvanized wire .Anchor bolte -. - Installing Total unwatering conduit... .. . $17,162 $2,900 3,045 203 406 17,162 Filling conduits. 60-ft. lock: Valves, 2, 42" 11,600 lbs. 8,700 lbs. 20.300 lbs. 20,300 lbs. $0.25 .35 .01 .02 Valve operating mechanism .. Freight Installing Total, filling conduite $6,554 $16,900 18.900 320 120 1,080 2.275 3,100 400 48 1,740 3,430 40 5,250 500 300 32 690 75 88 4,896 19,581 240 6,554 Guard gates. 40-ft. lock: Gate leaves, 22.9' x 34.5'— Structura 1 steel 338,000 Ibe. 54,000 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 2 4M. 18,000 lbs. 6,500 lbs. 6,200 Ibe. 400 lbs. 600 lbs. 29,000 lbs. 9.800 lbs. 500 Ibe. 15,000 Ibe. 1,000 Ibe. 300 Ibe. 400 lbs. 4,600 lbs. 100 1 f. 1.100 Ibe. 480.520 lbs. 489,520 lbs. 2.4 M. 4 unite 4 capstans 880 1. f. 4 motors 7.100 Ibe. 7,100 lbs. 4 unite $0.05 .35 .08 50 00 .06 .35 50 1.00 .08 .06 35 .08 .35 .50 1.00 08 15 .75 .08 .01 .04 100.00 $20,000 $350 00 17 320.00 .01 .02 $760 00 Caststecl . Bolts.. Lumber, fenders .\nchorages — Structura 1 steel Cast steel.. Forged steel Phosphor bronze Anchor bo Its Quoin post bearings — Structursl steel.. Caststecl Anchorbolts Pintles- Cast steel Forged steel Vanadium steel Anchorbolte ...... ... Sill bearings — Castiron . . Rubber belt, 6", 6-ply. 120 lbs Anehorbilte Freight on metal, etc. Installing and pamting metal, etc. .. Total, guard gates $80,004 $80,000 $1,400 150 1,280 71 142 80.000 Operating mechanism, guard gates: Electric cape tans, 4,000 lbs Wire rope, 5^ ", 500 lbs Motors, 7.5 h. p., 2,600 lbs Freight Installing . Total, operating mechanism $3,043 $3,040 3.040 398 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued Item QuaEtity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS-Continued Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Gate leaves. 22.9' X 34.5'— Structural steel 549,000 lbs. 151,000 lbs. 7,000 lbs. 6.9M. 25.000 lbs. 13,000 lbs. 8,600 lbs. 400 lbs. 1,200 lbs. 35,000 lbs. 12.000 lbs. 1.100 lbs. 19,000 lbs. 1,100 lbs. 500 bis. 1,100 lbs. 9.200 lbs. 200 1. f. 2.200 lbs. 836,640 lbs. 836.640 lbs. 6.9M. 8 units 1,500 lbs. 4,800 lbs. 5,350 lbs. 2,500 lbs. 9,250 lbs. 1,100 lbs. 9,100 lbs. 400 lbs. 1,700 1. f. 8 motors 40,200 lbs. 40,200 lbs. 8 units 1.40011)8. 2,100 lbs. 7,700 lbs. 5,200 llw. I(),4001b8. 16,400 lbs. $0.05 .35 ,08 50,00 ,06 .35 ,50 1.00 .08 ,06 .35 ,08 ,35 ,50 1.00 .08 ,15 ,75 ,08 .01 .04 100,00 $18,800 $0,35 .08 .25 320,00 ,01 ,02 $2,000 $0.05 ,06 .07 ,10 ,01 ,02 $27,450 52.850 560 345 1,500 4,550 4,300 400 96 2,100 4,200 88 0,650 550 500 88 1380 150 176 8.36& 33,4M. 600 Cast steel Bolts Lumber, fenders . . . . Anchorages — StructiiralsteeL Cast steel Forgedsteel . Phosphor bronze . Anchor bolts ._ Quoin post bearings — Structural steel . Cast steel Anchor bolts Pintles- Cast steel . Forged steel Vanadium steel Anchor bDlts- .. Sill bearings — Rubber belt, 6", 6-ply, 240 lbs. \ Freight on metal, etc Installing and painting metal, etc. t Creosoting and installing lumber Total, service gates $150,455 $150,400- $11,760 32 440 2,560 402 804 fl50.400 Operating mechanism, service gates: Shafting. Gears and worms . Spiraldrums Sheaves Gear and motor housings Bearings.. Bases . , Anchor bilts Wire rope, 5-^", l.OOOlbs Motors, 7.5 h. p., 5,200 lbs... Freight Total, operating mechanism $15,998 $16,000 $70 126 539 520 164 328 16.000 Operating chambers, 40-ft. lock: Roof- Structural ateel OiMnings — (!asl iron Cast steel. Freight ... . Installing and painting Totnl, operating chambers $1,747 SI 2, 000 200 23 48 490 981 1.747 Cylinder service valves: Cast iron 48,000 llxs. 400 lbs. 30 lbs. 600 11)8. 49,0.3011)8. 49,030 lbs. 4 valves 1,30011)8. 1,100 lbs. 40 lbs. 260 lbs. 9,700 lbs. 1.000 lbs. 260 lbs. 1,100 lbs. 4 motors 17.760 Ibfl. 17,760 lbs. 4 units $0,25 .50 ,75 .08 ,01 .02 $3,440 $0 35 .50 .25 1 00 .15 1.00 1,00 ,08 360.00 .01 .02 $1,610 Forgedsteel. Leather, 14" X 3/16" X 76' Anchor bolts Freight Installing and painting . . . Total, cylinder valves $13,742 $13,760 $455 550 10 260 1,455 1,000 260 88 1,440 178 355 13,760 Valve operating mechanism: Caststccl .... . . . .. Forgcil steel Cold rolled steel Toohtcel Cast iron-- Manganese bronze Phosphor bronze Anchor bolts Motors, 10 h. p., 3,000 lbs Freight Installing Total, operating mechanism $6,051 $6,040 6,040 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 399 Preliminary Estimate No. 1 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Tout coat Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Stoney emergency valves, 4.5' x 6': Gate loaves — Structural steel 7,500 lbs. 55 lbs. 50 lbs. 460 lbs. 1,020 lbs. 7,900 lbs. 3.260 lbs. 120 lbs. llOlbs. 20.475 lbs. 20,475 lbs. 4 valves 260 lbs. 900 lbs. 170 lbs. 660 lbs. 40 lbs. llOlbs. 320 lbs. 1.550 lbs. 240 lbs. 150 lbs. 5 lbs. 15 lbs. 260 lbs. 4 motors 7,680 lbs. 7,680 lbs. 4 units 7,000 lbs. 15 lbs. 80 lbs. 60IIJ9. 4 screens 180.000 lbs. 106,000 lbs. 1,300 lbs. 61,800 lbs. 4.100 lbs. 100 lbs. 4.500 l.f. 121,000 lbs. 2 motors 2 motors 479,800 lbs. 479,800 lbs. 2 bouses 2 dams 9.600 lbs. 18.100 lbs. 1,600 lbs. 1,200 lbs. 100 lbs. 150 lbs. SOIbs. 30.800 lbs. 30,800 lbs. $0.08 35 50 25 .15 .25 .15 1.00 .08 .01 .04 $1,120 $0 08 .50 .35 .35 1 00 1.00 .25 .15 1 00 1.00 .75 .25 .08 360.00 .01 .02 $830 00 $0.08 .25 .10 15 $145.00 $0.05 .06 .25 .20 .15 .08 .13 .35 500 00 360.00 .01 .02 2,000 45.900 $0 05 .05 .25 .35 .10 .07 .08 01 .02 $600 19 25 115 153 1.975 489 120 9 205 819 Caststwl ForKpd steel Hot finished steel tubing .. Cast iron Gate frames — Caststecl Cast iron Phosphor bronie .Anchor bolts ._ .. Freight . Installing and painting TotftI pmerEPn<^y vnlvea $4,529 $4,480 $21 450 60 231 40 110 80 233 240 150 4 4 21 1,440 77 154 $4,480 Valve operating mechanism: Structura 1 steel Forged steel \Srought steel Caststecl Vanadium s teel Tool steel Cold rolled steel Cast iron Manganese bronze Phosphor bronze Brass Copper - - - Bolts - Motors. 10 h. p., 3,000 lbs Freight Installing Total operating n\echanisn\ $3,315 $3,320 $560 4 8 9 3,320 Culvert screens, 40-f t. lock: Structural steel Cold rollc242,500 61,920 136,000 24,000 234,600 156,400 78,200 Wall between 60-ft. and 40-ft. locks- Cement Sand Crushedstone Reinforcing steel, percent variable Mixing and placing ... . .. .Miscellaneous Concrete in place $933,620 $938,400 $43,750 11,160 24,600 500 28.200 28.200 14.100 Outside wall, 40-ft. lock- Cement Sand Crushedstone.. Reinforcingsteel, percent variable . . Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $150,510 $151,575 Total, concrete in walls. $3,333,375 $24,700 7.452 16,720 9.400 18,800 4.700 $3,333,375 Concrete, 1:3:6 mii: Sills, 80-ft. lock- Cement 9,880 bbls. 4,140 c. y. 8.360 c. y. 9,400 c. y. 9,400 c. y. 9,400 c. y. 9,400 c. y. 6,510 bbls. 2.730 c. y. 5,520 c. v. 6,200 c. y. 6,200 c. y. 6,200 c. y. 6,200 c. y. 1,680 bbls. 700 c. y. 1,420 c. y. 1.600 c. y. 1,600 c.y. 1,600 c. y. 1.600 c.y. $2.50 1.80 2 00 1 00 2 00 .50 $8.75 $2 50 1.80 2.00 1 00 2 00 .50 $8 75 $2.50 1.80 2 00 1 00 2.00 .50 $8.75 Sand Crushedstone Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place S81.772 $82,250 $16,275 4,914 11.040 6,200 12,400 3,100 Sills, 60-ft. lock- Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $53,929 $54,250 $4,200 1,260 2,840 1,600 3,200 800 Sills. 40-ft. lock- Cement Sand Crushedstone Mixing and placing Concrete in place $13,900 $14,000 Total, concrete insills $150,500 $15,750 5.750 150 500 Rock fill: Behind 40-ft. lock wall- Back fill 17,500 c. y. 2,300 c. y. $0 90 2.50 Lock yard gravel blanket, i2" thick Total, rock fill $21,500 21,500 27—70686 I ) 418 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 3 — Continued Itpm SHIP LOCKS— Continued Guard gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, guard gates. - Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism.. Service gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, service gates.. Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1— Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.. Stoncy service valves. 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves. Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoncy emergency valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Culvert screens, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens. . Emergency dams, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams.. Salt water relief conduit: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, salt water conduit. Unwatering conduit, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. Filling conduits, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit*.. Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1- Total, fish ladder... Guide walls, SO-ft. lock: Dry excavation — Class III, rock Concrete, 1:23'^:5 mix, cut-off — Cement Sand Crushed stone Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Piers — Cement Sand Crushed stone Ilcinforcing steel, 30 Ibe., o. y.. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Quantity 4 units 4 units 12 units 12 units 6 valves 6 units 6 valves 6 units 4 screens 2 dams 3,500 c. y. 3.348 bbls. 1.188 c. y. 2.349 c. y. 2,700 c. y. 2,700 c. y. 1,700 c. y. 14, 5 10 354 11 11 11 630 bbls. ,192 c. y. ,270 c. V. ,000 lbs. 800 c. y. ,800 c. V. 800 c. y. 11,800 c.y. Unit cost $78,100 S2,000 571.000 $6,000 $8,470 $4,140 $8,470 $4,140 $640.00 $171,000 $5.00 2.50 1.80 2 00 2.50 1.00 $14.25 Total cost Sumjnarj- $312,400 $8,000 $852,000 $72,000 $3,924 $50,820 $24,840 $50,820 $24,840 $2,560 $342,000 $11,185 $86,150 $8,895 $23,251 $17,600 8,370 2,138 4,698 6.750 2.700 $24,656 9.25 $24,975 2 50 36.575 1 80 9.346 2.00 20.540 .05 17.700 3 00 35,400 3 00 35,400 1.00 11,800 $166,761 $168,150 $312,400 8.000 852,000 72,000 3,924 50,820 1 ]: 24,840 50,820 24.840 2,560 342,000 11,185 86,150 8.895 23,251 THE SALT WATER HARRIER 419 Preliminary Estimate No. 3 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Guide walls — Continued Deck, twiee estimate 2, concrete in place. Posts, cape, sills, etc. — Delivered Painting , Placing Chafing pieces — Delivered.. Placing.. Flooring — Delivered Placing Fender metal — Structura I steel. Cast steel Coil springs, triple Post sockets, cast steel Anchor bolts Bolts Vails : Freight on metal Total, guide walls. Guard gates, 60-ft.lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates... Operating mechanism, guard gate Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. •rviec gates, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers. 60-ft. lock: Srme as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers Sloney service valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves. Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. . 'iStoney emergency valves, 7' x 10' I Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves t Vahre operating mechanism: ( Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism . . Culvert screens, 60-ft.lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens I Emergency dams, 60-ft. lock: 1 Same as in estimate 1 — I Total, emergency damB Unwatering conduit, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit. [iKlling conduits, 60-ft.lock: I' Same as in estimate 1 — ' Total, filling conduits Ooard gates, 40-ft. lock: Sune as in estimate 1 — Total, guard gates 13,600 c. y. 314 M. SUM. 314 M. 81.6 M. 81. 6M. 39.6 M. 39.6 M. 118,000 lbs. 240,000 lbs. 16,200 lbs. 7,200 lbs. 50,000 lbs. 14,000 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 449,400 lbs. 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams 127.00 $40,300 $1,330 $38,000 $3,730 4 units $3,560 $1,930 $3,560 $1,930 $370.00 $90,800 $20,000 $367,200 30.00 9,420 7.50 2,355 50.00 15,700 30.00 2,448 50.00 4,080 30.00 1,188 50.00 1,980 .08 9,440 .10 24,000 .15 2,430 .10 720 .08 4,000 .08 1,120 .05 200 .01 4.494 $661,400 $161,200 $5,320 $304,000 $29,840 $2,175 $14,240 $7,720 $14,240 $7,720 $1,480 $181,600 $17,162 $6,554 $80,000 $661,400 161,200 5.320 304,000 29,840 2,175 14,240 7,720 14,240 7,720 1,480 181,600 17,162 6,554 80,000 420 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 3 — Continued Item SHIP LOCKS— Continued Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 4.5' x 6'; Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valves operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvertscreens: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams. , Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. Filling conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit.. Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Dry excavation — Class III, rock Concrete, 1:2J^:5 mix- Cement Sand Crushcdstone Forms. Mixing and placing. Miscellaneous Concrete in place Total, guide walls- Miscellaneous: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, miscellaneous... Lighting: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, lighting Quantity Unit cost 4 units 8 units units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams Total, ship locks. 2,000 c. y. 15,870 bbls. 5,030 c. y. 11,140 c. v. 12,800 c. y. 12,800 c. y. 12,800 c. y. 12,800 c. y. 8760.00 $18,800 ?2,000 S3,440 $1,510 $1,120 $830.00 $145.00 $45,900 $5.00 Total cost $3,040 $150,400 $10,000 $1,747 $13,760 $6,040 M^tSO $8,320 $580 $91,800 $3,154 $4,448 $10,000 2.50 39,675 1.80 10,134 2 00 22,280 3.00 38,400 3.00 38,400 1.00 12,800 $161,689 2.75 $163,200 $173,200 $12,500 $18,500 Summan' ) 4,4 $12,300,64 THE SALT WATER BARRIER Preliminary Estimate No. 3 — Continued 421 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary EMBANKMENT Abutment: Drv excavation — C'^laflfl II! rock 3,700 c. y. 49.000 bbls. 17,400 c. y. 34,400 c. y. 39,500 c. y. 39,.500 c. y. 39,500 c. y. 39,500 c. y. $5.00 2.50 1.80 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 $10.25 $18,500 122,500 31,320 68,800 59.250 79,000 39,500 Concrete. l:23a:5 mix — Sand Crushed stone . Forms Miscellaneous . - - ........... . Concrete in place -- $400,370 $404,875 $423,375 $1,958,000 518,000 3,465,000 1,903,000 51.800 94,800 35,000 $423,375 Rock fill: Between mud and elevation — 7.5 . 1,780,000 c.y. 370,000 c. y. 3,150,000 c.y. 1,730,000 c. y. 37,000 c. y. 31,600 c.y. Lumpsum $1.10 1 40 1.10 1.10 1.40 3.00 .■Vbovc elevation — 7.5 Settlement in mud Waste and shrinkafje — Below elcN-ation — 7.5, 35% Above elevation — 7.5, 10% Rip rap over 1 cu. ft. Filling voids pumped mud, . . Total rock fill $8,025,600 $10,650 9,585 24,300 8,100 2,130 8.025,600 Track, double: Ballast 4,260 I. f. 4,260 ties 810.000 lbs. 810.000 lbs. 4,260 1. f. $2 50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 Ties 7" X 9" x 8'-6", treated . Freight on metal.. La>ing double track $54,765 $12,070 2,130 1,960 262 1,190 598 426 54,765 Highway, oiled macadam, 6" thick 14,200 8. y. 4,2601. f. 4,9001. f. 656 ftgs. 17,000 lbs. 59,780 lbs. 4,2601. f. $0.85 .50 .40 .40 .07 .01 .10 12,070 Fences:" Timber fence in place Wire fence — Pipe, 2'-.", 37,530 lbs Fittinizs, 5,250 lbs Wire fabric, 9 ga Freight Erecting - - Total, fences - . $6,566 $6,500 4,000 6,566 Lighting: Lamps and pedes tals 65 units Lump sum $100 00 Total lighting $10,500 10,500 Total pmhfin^meTit $8,532,876 MIDDLE APPROACH Drv excavation, class III, rock: Railroad and highway Access road . 45,000 c. y. 20.000 c. y. $1.25 1.25 $56,250 25,000 Total dry excavation $81,250 $2,125 1,913 4,860 1,620 425 $81,250 Track, double: Ballast 850 1. f. 850 ties 162,000 Ibfl. 162,00011)6. 850 1. f. $2.50 2 25 03 .01 .50 Ties. 7" X 9" x 8'-6", treated Freight on metal Laying double track ..... . Total, track $10,943 $2,406 1,471 10,943 Highways, oiled macadam, 6" thick: Main road 2,830 s.y. 1,730 s. y. $0 85 .85 Access road Total, highways $3,877 3,877 422 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 3 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary MIDDLE APPROACH-Continued Fences: Railroad 850 1. f. 850 1. f. $0.50 1 50 $425 1,275 Highway Total, fences . . $1,700 $1,300 1,000 $1,700 Lighting, highwav: Lamps and peaestals . . 13 units Lump sum $100 00 Wiring and small fixtures Total, lighting $2,300 2 300 Total, middle approach $100 070 NORTH APPROACH Dry excavation: Highway, class III, rock 48,500 c. y. 1,000 c. y. 50 c. y. 2,000 c. y. 100 c. y. $1.25 $0 90 .90 .90 .90 $60,625 $900 45 1,800 90 $60,625 Rock fill: Railroad — Shrinkage, 5% Highway — In place Shrinkage, 5% i Total, rock fill $2,835' $600 i,5oa > 2.835 Track, double: Raising 000 1. f. GOO 1. f. $1 00 2.50 Ballast ■» Total, track .$2,100 $5,000 $14,660 $9,095 $300 4,800 2 100 Switch house . . Lump sum 5 000 Crossing: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, crossing 14.660 9 095 Highway, oiled macadam, G" thick .. 10,700 s. y. 600 1. f. 3,200 1. f. ?0 85 $0 50 1.50 Fences: Railroad Highway Total, fences 15,100 $37,500 5 100 Connecting highway ..... .75 miles $50,000 37 500 Total, north approach $136 915 SOUTH APPROACH Dry excavation: Railroad and highway, class III, rock 73,000 c. y. 181,000 c. V. 9,000 c. y. $1.25 $0 90 .90 $91,250 $102,900 8,100 $91,250 Rock fill: Railroad^ — In place. Total, rock fill $171,000 $7,750 6,975 17,700 5,900 1,550 171,000 Track, double: Ballast. - 3,100 1. f. 3,100 ties 590,00011)8. 590,000 lbs. 3,1001. f. $2 50 2 25 03 .01 .50 Tics, 7" X 9" X 8'-6", treated Rails and accessories . . . . Freight on metal . Laying double track Total, track $39,875 $5,000 $29,320 $5,670 fl.550 3.000 39.875 Switch house Lumpsum 5,000 Crossings, 2: Twice estimate 1 — To ta 1 , cross! ngs 29,320 Highway,oiled macadam, 6" thick 6.670 8. y. 3.100 1. f. 2,000 1. f. $0.85 $0 50 1.50 5,670 I'ences: Railroad Highway Total, fences. $4,550 4.550 Total, south approach $346,665 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 423 Preliminary Estimate No. 3 — Continued Item WATER SUPPLY Excavation: Class I, earth trench Pipe: Crs radies on bridge Main. 4", 5,600 1. f Laterals. 13-i", 3.000 I. f.. Fixtures Freight Laying Total, pipe. Backfill Total, water supply. Block signals Adniinis tration buildings Pump, power and transformer house. Machine shop 'onstruction camp Permanent improvements Gross total. Quantity Unit cost Credit, excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fillin place. In quarry, 74% _-. Rock excavation, no swell Cos t o f borrowing Total estimated field cost. 1,600 c. y. 1,750 lbs. 84,000 lbs. 10,000 lbs. 2,500 lbs. 98,250 Ibe. 8,600 1. f. 1,600 c. y. Lump sum 2 bidgs. Lump sum Lump sum Lumpsum Lumpsum 8^47.000 c. y. 6,105,000 c. y. 11,750.000 c. y. 6,105,000 c. y. S2 00 to 10 .05 .05 05 .01 .03 SO. 40 $75,000 11.25 Total cost Engineering, administration an I contingencies, 25%. Right of way. Total estimated cost, exclusive of interest during construction. Roughly $3,200 $175 4,200 500 125 983 258 $6,241 $640 $10,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 $7,631,250 Smnmary $3,200 6,241 640 $10,081 $10,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 $49,520,480 7,631,250 $41,889,230 10.472.308 1.750,000 $54,111,538 $54,100,000 424 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Army Point — Suisun Point Site Minimum bridge clearance 50 feet at locks Three ship loclis in Suisun Point Flood control gates partly in Suisun Point Top of substructure elevation 10 14 Stoney gates, 70 by 80 feet Gate sill elevation — 70 2 Stoney gates, 50 by 60 feet Gate si 11 elevation — 50 Width of gate piers 20 feet and 15 feet Single-deck bridge Concrete bridge piers Base of rail elevation 60 at locks Highway elevation 59.5 at locks Preliminary Estimate No. 4 Item UNWATERING St«el sheet piling: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, sheet piling. Track: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, track Wet excavation: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, wet excavation- Fill: Same as in estimate 3— Total, fill. Pumping: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, pumping Removing cofferdams: North cofferdam — Rock, broken Earth in pockets Pulling piles, ave. pen., 12.5'- Plain- -- --- 3-way — (Cutting piles — Plain --- 3-way - East cofferdam — I^llling piles, ave. pen. 12.5'.. Cutting piles, plain West cofferdam — Rock, broken Total, removing Gross total, unwatering. Credit: Salvage on sheet piling Wet excavation — Class I, sand and silt inside of north cofferdam- Chargeable to flood channel.. Chargeable to control works Total, wet excavation. Quantity Unit cost 267,000 c. y. 100,000 c. y. 1,510 piles 50 piles 2,120 piles 70 piles 350 piles 500 piles 27,000 c. y. 9,390,000 lbs. 1,145,000 c. y. 225,000 c. y. Total, credit. Total, unwatering. FLOOD CHANNEL Dry excavation: Class I, iron ore dump Class I, sand and silt — Inside west cofferdam Class III, rock — Inside north cofferdam In Suisun Point... Total, dry excavation. 25,000 c. y. 20,000 c. y. 1,840,000 c. y. 1,315,000 c. y. $1 05 .50 3.75 5.60 7 50 10.00 3.75 7.50 .85 Total cost $0 02 $0.12 .12 $0.20 .30 1.25 1.25 $1,750,942 $39,485 $208,360 $956,550 $90,055 $280,350 50,000 5,663 280 15,900 700 1,313 3.750 22,950 $380,906 $187,800 $137,400 27.000 Summary $164,400 $5,000 6,000 2,300,000 1.643,750 $3,954,750 $1,750,942 ) 39,485 208,360 5 956,550 90,055 380,906 $3,426,298 $187,800 164.000 $352,200 $3,074,098 $3,954,750 THE SALT WATER BARRIER Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued 425 Item QuaEitity Unit cost Total cost Summary FLOOD CH.\NNEL— Continued Wet exca\'ation: Class I. sand and silt — Inside north cofFordam . .._. _ _ 1.145,000 c. y. 437.000 c. y. 33,795,000 c. y. 1,550,000 c.y. 110,000 c.y. SO 12 .12 .12 4 50 3 25 $137,400 52.440 4.055.400 6,975,000 357,500 Inside east cofferdani Outside cofferdam Class III. rock— 70-ft. gate channel Total, wet excavation $11,577,740 $25,200 6,439 14.146 24,390 22,358 20,325 $11,577,740 Concrete, 1:2! 2:5 mix: Slope lining, 24" thick- 10.080 bbls. 3,577 c. y. 7,073 c. y. 8.130 c. y. 8.130 c. y. 8.130 c. y. 8,130 c. y. $2.50 1 80 2.00 3.00 2.75 2.50 $14.00 Sand.. Crushed stone. - Forms ,. Mixing and placing Misc.el aneous $112,858 $113,820 113,820 Total, flood channel $15,646,310 CONTROL WORKS Drvexca\'ation: Class III. rock- 51,400 c. y. 5,600 c. y. $5.00 5.00 $257,000 28,000 In Suisun Point Total, dry excavation . $285,000 S27,000 $37,500 $40,625 10,368 22,800 88,500 6,550 32,750 13,100 $285 000 Wet exca\-ation: Class 1 sand and si It 225,000 c. y. $0.12 27 000 Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, grouting 37.500 Substructure: Concrete, 1:2" 2:5 mix, floor beams- 16,250 bbls. 5.760 c. y. 11.400 c.y. 1,770,000 lbs. 13,100 c. y. 13,100 c.y. 13,100 c. y. 13,100 c. y. 9,250 bbls. 3,300 c. y. 6,500 c. V. 261.500 lbs. 7,470 c. y. 7.470 c. y. 7.470 c. y. 7,470 c. y. 18.400 bbls. 6,500 c. y. 12,900 c. y. 2,000,000 Ibe. 14.800 c. y. 14.800 c. y. 14.800 c. y. 14,800 c. y. $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 .50 2 50 1.00 $16.50 $2 50 1.80 2.00 .05 .25 2.50 .75 $11.00 $2.50 1.80 2 00 .05 .50 2 .50 1.00 $16.50 Sand... Reinforcing steel, 135 Ibe., c. y Mixing and placing - .. . . - Concrete in place $214,693 $216,150 $23,125 5.940 13.000 13.075 1,868 18,675 5.603 Floor, 3 ft. and 4 ft. thick- Cement Sand... Crushed atone . - . - . __ Reinforcing steel, 35 Ibe., c. y Forms , . . , Mixing and placing . _ _ Miscellaneous Concrete in place $81,286 $82,170 $46,000 11,700 25.800 100.000 7,400 37,000 14,800 Pier footings- Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 135 Ibe., c.y Forms Mixing and placing . _ . . » Miscellaneous Concrete in place $242,700 $244,200 426 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost ; " — * Summary CONTROL WORKS— Continued Substructure— Continued Piers — Cement 89,100 bblB. 31,600 c. y. 62.600 c. y. 5,390,000 lbs. 71,900 c. y. 71.900 c. y. 71,900 c. y. 71,900 c. y. 8,400 c. y. $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 2.50 3.00 1 00 $16 00 .90 $222,750 56,880 125.200 269,500 179,750 215,700 71,900 Sand Crushed stone. Reinforcing steel, 75 lbs., c. y Forms . Mi.xing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place 81,141,680 $1,150,400 7,560 Back fill, behind piers, rock . Total, substructure... $1,700,480 $7,935 2,027 4,4.54 1,280 15,360 8.960 2,560 1.700 480 Superstructure: Pedestals, concrete, 1:2^:5 mix — Cement 3.174 bbls. 1,126 c. V. 2,227 c."y. 25,600 lbs. 2.560 c. y. 2,560 c. y. 2.560 c. y. 2,560 c. y. 1,020.000 lbs. 193,000 lbs. 3,300 1. f. 430 ftgs. 56 8 M. 1.880,000 lbs. 70,000 lbs. 14,400 lbs. 340 1. f. 45 ftgs. 4.7 Nf. 88,000 lbs. 3,289,975 lbs. 3,289,975 lbs. 61.5 M. S2.50 1 80 2.00 .05 6 00 3 50 1.00 $16.75 .05 .25 .25 .25 30.00 .05 .05 .25 .25 25 30 00 .05 .01 .02 50 00 Sand Crushed stone.. . Forms Miscellaneous ..... i Concrete in place . . . . . . . $42,57(r $42,88'0 si.ooa, 48,250^ 825 108 1,704 94,000 3,800 3.600 85 11 141 4,300 32,900 65,800 3,075 Girder spans, 70-ft. gates — Struc tura 1 steel Cast steel, roller and pin bearings. ... 1 i Pipe railing — Pipe, 2", 16.,5001bs Fittings, 2.1501bs Timber flooring. Towers, 70-ft. gates — Structural steel Girder spans, 50-ft. gates- Structural steel .. Cast steel, roller and pin bearings Pipe railing- Pipe, 2", 1,700 lbs Fittings. 225 lbs Timber flooring . Towers, 50-ft. gates, structural steel Freight on metal Installing and painting metal Placing lumber Total, superstructure. $352,479 $393,750 47,250 12,200 2,100 81,200 560 184,500 32,250 145,600 9,800 5,376 117.672 470,686 352,478 Stoney gates, 70' x 80': Gate leaves — Structural steel.. 8,750,000 lbs. 315,000 lbs. 122,000 11)8. 8,400 lbs. 406,000 lbs. 2,800 1. f. 1,230,000 lbs. 129,000 lbs. 728,000 lbs. 9,800 lbs. 67,200 lbs. 11, 767,1. 50 lbs. 11,767,150 lbs. 14 gates $0 045 .15 .10 25 .20 .20 .15 .25 .20 1 00 .08 .01 .04 $107,000 Cast iron Roller trains, 56 — Structural steel Cold rolled steel Cast iron Wire rope, V/'. 1,750 lbs. . Structural steel Cold rolled steel Guides, tracks and seals- Cast iron Rubber, sulphurized Anchor bolts Freight Installing and painting Total, 70-ft. Stoney gates $1,502,944 $1,498,000 1.408.000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 427 Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary CONTROL WORKS— Continued Stoncy gales, 50'x60': Gate eaves — Structural steel 584,000 ll)s. 28.800 11)8. 8,700 11)8. 720 lbs. 22,200 lbs. 320 1. f. 62.400 lbs. 10,100 11)S. 51,300 lbs. 1,040 1I)S. 4,000 lbs. 773,460 lbs. 773,460 lbs. 2 gates 2.600 bbls. 920 c. V. 1.830 c. y. 2,100 c. V. 2,100 c. y. 2.100 c. y. 2.100 c. y. 315.000 lbs. 38,500 lbs. 14,000 lbs. 3.500 lbs. 371,000 lbs. 371.00011)6. 14 ctrwt. 174 bbls. 62 c. V. 122 c. y. 140 c. V. 140 c. y. 140 c. y. 140 c. y. 30.400 lbs. 4.400 lbs. 1,20011)8. 400 lbs. 36.400 lbs. 36.400 lbs. 2 ctrwt. 252.000 lbs. 560,000 lbs. 25,200 lbs. 21,000 lbs. 84.000 lbs. 7,000 11)8. 14 motors 984,90011)8. 984.900 lbs. 14 units $0 045 .15 .10 .25 20 .20 .15 .25 20 1 00 .08 .01 .04 $49,200 $2.50 1.80 2 00 7.50 3 00 5 00 S21.25 .06 .15 .08 .08 .01 .02 $5,850 $2 50 1 80 2.00 7.50 3 00 5 00 SI 25 .06 .15 .08 .08 .01 .02 $3,340 V $0.35 .08 800 00 .01 .02 $26,500 $26,280 4,320 870 180 4,440 64 9,360 2.525 10,260 1.040 320 7.735 30,938 Cast iron Roller trains, 8— Struc t ura Isteel Cold rolled steel Wire rope 'g" 200 lbs Lifting chains. 4 — Structural steel Cold rolled steel Guides, tracks and seals — Rubber sulphurized _ .. Anchor boltJB - - . Freight Installinff and naintine _ - - - Total 50-ft. Stoney gates $98,332 $98,400 $6,500 1,656 3,660 15,750 6.300 10.500 $98,400 Counterweights, 70-ft. gates: Concrete. 1:2^^:5 mix- Cement Sand - Crushed stone Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous . Concrete in place $44,366 $44,625 18.900 5,775 1.120 280 3.710 7,420 Structural steel Cast iron . . - r-bolts .\nchorbolf8 Freight . .. -_ Installing and painting Total. 70 ft., counterweights Counterweights. .50-ft. gates: Concrete, 1:2J2:5 mix — Cement $81,830 $81,900 $435 112 244 1,050 420 700 81,900 Rand Crushed stone Formi Mixing and placing - _ - . Miscellaneous Concrete in place $2,961 $2,975 1.824 660 96 32 364 728 Structural steel . Cast iron U-bolts.. Anchor bolts Freight . Installing and painting Total, 50-ft. counterweights Operating mechanism, 70-ft. gates: Shafting and couplings ... $6,679 $6,680 $329,770 560 11.200 9.84(1 19,098 6.680 Gears, worms and sprockets.. . Bearings Gear housings . . . .. Frames and bases Belts Motors, 60 h.p., 35, 700 Ibe Freight Installing Total, operating mechanism $371,077 $371,000 371.000 428 DWISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary CONTROL WORKS— Continued Operating mechanism, 50-ft. gates: Shafting and couplings Gears, worms and sprockets Bearings Gear ho\jsings Frames and bases Bolts Motors, 30 h.p., 3,000 lbs Freight.. Installing Total, operating mecbanism. Caisson gates, 70' x 80': Same as in estimate 2 — Total, 70-ft. caisson gates. .. Caisson gates, 50' x 60': Same as in estimate 1 — Tijtal, 50-ft. caisson gates. Lighting Total, control works- BRIDGE Piers: Dry excavation — Class II and III Concrete, 1:2,'.'2:5 mix- Cement Sand Crushed stone. Reinforcing steel, 85 lbs., c. y.. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous. Concrete in place. Total, piers Deck superstructure: Concrete, 1:2}^:5 mix, railroad — Cement Sand C'rushed stone Reinforcing steel, 200 lbs., c. y.. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Concrete, 1:2:4 mix, highway — Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y.. Forms Mixing and placing , Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Structuralstcel — Girder bridge, railroad.. Truss bridge, highway Cast steel, roller and pin bearings. Pine railing — Pipe, i'\ 12.3,000lb8 Fittings. 32,200 lbs Wire fence — Pipe, 2' 2", 18,100 lbs Fittings, 2,5C0 lbs Wire fabric. !> ga Freight on metal Installing and painting metal 16,100 lbs. 21,200 lbs. 1,600 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 3,800 lbs. 440 lbs. 2 motors 47,140 lbs. 47,140 lbs. 2 units 2 gates 2 gates Lump sum SO 35 I I .08 600.00 .01 .02 S9,000 $194,000 878,000 4,450 c. y. 14,510 bbls. 5,148 c. y. 10,180 c. y. 994,500 lbs. 11,700 c. V. 11,700 c. y. 11,700 c. y. 11,700 c. y. 81.50 2,877 bbls. 1,021 c.y. 2,019 c. y. 464.000 lbs. 2,320 c. y. 2,320 c. y. 2,320 c. y. 2,320 c. y. 2,220 bbls. 622 c. y. 1,244 c.y. 251,600 lbs. 1,480 c. V. 1.480 c. V. 1,480 c. y. 1,480 c. y. 5,480,000 lbs. 2,260,000 lbs. 258,000 lbs. 8,200 I. f. 1,610 ftgs. 2,400 I. f. 320 ftgs. 8,36011)8. 8,182,52011)8. 8.182,520 11)8. S2 50 1.80 2.00 .05 7.50 4.00 2.50 S28.75 $0 04 .05 .25 .75 .75 .40 .40 .07 .01 .015 S15,295 35 1,200 471 943 817,944 $18,000 $388,000 $156,000 S8,200 $6,675 2.50 36,275" 1.80 9,266 2.00 20,360 .05 49,725 7 50 87,750 4.00 46,800 1.00 11,700 $261,876 2.50 $263,250 $269,925 $7,193 1.838 4.038 23.200 17,400 9,280 5,800 $68,749 9.75 $69,020 S2.50 $5,550 1 80 1,120 2.00 2.488 .05 12,580 7 50 11,100 4 00 5,920 2.50 3,700 $42,458 $42,550 $219,200 113,000 64,500 6.150 1.208 960 128 585 81,825 122,738 $18,000 388.000 156.000 8.200 $5,028,639 $269,925 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 429 Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued Item Quantity Unit coet Total coet Sununary BRIDGE— Continued Track, double: Ballast Ties, 7" X 9" i 8'-6". treated Rails and accessories Freight on metal Laying double track Total, deck superstructure. Through superstructure: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, through superstructure. Lift span, 198 '-6": Same as in estimate 1 — Total,lift span Counterweights: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, counterweights. Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Operating house Lighting: Lamps and pedestals Wiring and smallfixtures Total, lighting. Total, bridge. SHIP LOCKS Dry exca\-ation: Class I, sand and silt — Inside west co£ferdam Class III— Slag dump. Massive Trench Total, dry excavation. Wet excavation: Class I, sand and silt — Inside east coEFerdam... Outside east cofferdam.. Outside west cofferdam. Class III, rock- Outside east cofferdam.. Outside west cofferdam. Total, wet excavation. Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, grouting Concrete, 1:2 J 2:5 m x: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, concrete in walls. Concrete, 1:3:6 mix: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, concrete in sills. . Rock fill: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, rock fill Guard gates. 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mecbaoism. . . 2,090 I. f. 2,090 ties 794,000 lbs. 794,000 lbs. 2,090 1. f. $2 50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 1 span 2 ctrwt. 1 unit Lump sum 34 units Lump sum $192,000 $8,080 $12,800 $100 00 28.500 c. y. 276.000 c. V. 2,110,000 c. y. 44,000 c. y. 162,000 c.y. 481,000 c. y. 484,000 c. y. 4,000 c. y. 174,000 c. y. $0.30 1 25 1 25 5.00 $0.12 .12 .12 25 25 4 units 4 units $78,100 $2,000 $5,225 4,703 23,820 7,940 1.045 $764,597 $37,427 $192,000 $16,160 $12,800 $2,000 3,400 5.000 $8,400 $8,550 345,000 2,637,.50O 220,000 $3,211,050 $19,440 57.720 58,080 13,000 565.500 $713,740 $125,000 $3,333,375 $150,500 $21,500 $312,400 $8,000 $764,597 37,427 192,000 16,160 12,800 2,000 8.400 $1,303,309 $3,211,050 713.740 125,000 3,333,375 150,500 21,500 312,400 8,000 430 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued Item Quantity Unit coet Total cost Summarv SHIP LOCKS- Service gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates -Continued Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.. Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism; Same as in estiiViatc 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 14' if Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvertscreens Emergency dams, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — • Total, emergency dams. - Salt water relief conduit: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, salt water conduit. Unwatering conduit, 80-ft. lock: Same as i n estimate 1 — Total, unwatcring. Filling conduits, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits. . Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, fish ladder Guide walls. 80-ft. lock: Sanif ■.If. in estimate 3- Total, guide walls... Guard gates, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Oivratiiig chamljers. CO-ft. lock: Saiiii' as in ostiniale t — Total, ojierating chambers Stoney service valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 1 — Total. service valves 12 units 12 units 571,000 S6,000 6 valves 6 units 6 valves 6 units 4 screens $8,470 $4,140 $8,470 $4,140 $640.00 2 dams $171,000 4 units 840,300 4 units i units $1,330 S38,000 8 units $3,730 4 valves $3,560 $852,000 $72,000 $3,924 .$50,820 $24,840 $50,820 ?24,84ft $342,000 $11,185 $8b,150 $8,895 $23,251 .'«661,400 $161,200 $5,320 $304,000 $29,840 $2,175 $14,240 $852,000 72.000 3,924 50,820 24,840 50,820 i ' 24,840 ?2,5ftO- y 2,560 342,000 11,185 86,150 1,895 23,251 601.400 161,200 5,320 304,000 29.840 2,175 14,240 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 431 Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued Item SHIP LOCKS-Continucd Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Stoney emergency valves, 7' x Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves. . 10' Valves operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1— Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 60-ft.lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dam. 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams. Unwatering conduit, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering Filling conduits, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, tilling conduits.. Guard gates, 40-ft.lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates.. Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — To ta I operating mechanism Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate I- Total, service gates. Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers. . Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 4.5' x 6' Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens. 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate I — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams. Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. Filling conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit.. Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, guide walls Quantity 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams Unit cost Total cost Sl,930 $3,560 S1.930 $370.00 $90,800 S20,000 $760.00 $18,800 $2,000 $3,440 $1,510 $1,120 $830.00 $145.00 $45,900 «7,720 $14,240 $7,720 $1,480 $181,600 817,162 $6,554 $80,000 $3,040 $150,400 $16,000 81,747 $13,760 $6,040 $4,480 $3,320 $580 $91,800 $3,154 $4,448 $173,200 Summary $7,720 14,240 7,720 1,480 181,600 17,162 6.554 80,000 3,040 150,400 16,000 1,747 13,760 6,040 4,480 3,320 580 91,800 3.154 4,448 173,200 432 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS-Continued Miscellaneous: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, miscellaneous $12,500 $18,500 $12,500 18,500 Lighting: Same as in estimate 1— Total, lighting Total, ship locks $11,426,470 EMBANKMENT Abutment: Dry excavation — Class III, rock 6,000 c. y. 68,200 bbls. 24,200 c. y. 47,900 c. y. 55,000 c. y. 55,000 c. V. 55,000 c. y. 55,000 c. y. $5.00 2 50 1 80 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 $10.25 $30,000 170,500 43,560 95,800 82.500 110,000 55,000 Concrete, 1:2>2:5 mix- Cement Sand 1 Crushedstone ' Forms 'r Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $557,360 $563,750 $593,75a $8,025,*600 $54,?ig $12,070 $6,566 $10,500 Total, abutment .._ j$593.75B t 8,025,600 * 54 766 Rock fill: Same as in estimate 3— Total,rockfill Track, double: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, track Highway: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, highway 12 070 Fences: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, fences 6 566 Lighting: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, lighting 10 500 $8 703 251 Dry excavation: Class III, rock- Railroad and highway 50,000 c. V. 20,000 c. y. $1 25 1 25 $62,500 25,000 Total, dry excavation . $87,500 $2,350 2,115 5.370 1,790 470 $87 500 Track, double: Ballast 940 1. f. 940 tics 179.00011)5. 17(1,00011)8. 940 1. f. $2 .50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 Ties, 7" X 9" X 8'-6", treated Rails and accessories . Freight on metal Laying double track Total, track $12,095 $2,661 1,471 12 095 Highways. oiled macadam, 6" thick: Main road 3,130 s. y. 1,730 s. y. $0 85 .85 Access road Total, highways . $4,132 $470 1,410 4,133 Fences: Railroad 940 1. f. 940 1. f. $0 50 1.50 Highway . . Total, fences ... $1,880 $2,300 1 880 Lighting: Same a.'* in estimate 3 — Total, lighting 2,300 Total, middle approach $107,907 THE SALT WATER HARRIER 433 Preliminary Estimate No. 4 — Continued ;■ Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary NORTH APPROACH Same as in estimate 3: $136,915 SOUTH APPROACH Dry excavation: Railroad and highway, class III, rock 130,000 c. y. 195,000 c. y. 9,750 c. y. .$1.25 $0.90 .90 $162,500 $175,500 8.775 162,500 Rock fill, railroad: In place . Shrinkage, 5% - - Total, rock fill $184,275 $12,250 11,025 27,900 9,300 2,450 184,275 Track, double: Ballast 4,900 1. f. 4.900 ties 930,00011)8. 930,000 lbs. 4,900 I. f. $2.50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 Ties, 7" X 9" x 8'-6", treated.... Raits and accessories Freight on metal .. .. . Laying double track.. Total, track $62,925 $5,000 $14,660 $5,670 $2,450 3,000 62,925 Switch house . . Lump sum 5,000 Crossing: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, crossing 14,660 Highway, oiled macadam, 6" thick 6,670 s. y. 4,900 1. f. 2,000 1. f. $0.85 $0.50 1.50 5,670 Fences: Railroad Total, fences .. $5,450 5,450 Total south approach $440,480 WATER SUPPLY Excavation, class I, earth trench 1.800 c. y. 600 lbs. 84,000 lbs. 10,000 lbs. 2,500 lbs. 97,100 lbs. 8,600 1. f. $2.00 $0.10 .05 .05 .05 .01 .03 $3,600 $60 4.200 500 125 971 258 $3,600 Cradles on bridge. - . Main, 4", 5,6001. f.. Laterals, 1>^", 3.000 Lf.. Freight Laying Total, pipe $6,114 $720 6,114 Backfill 1,800 c.y. $0.40 720 To tal. water supply $10,434 Blocksignals . . Lump sum 2 bldgs. Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum $10,000 150,000 150,000 25.000 200.000 50,000 $10,000 Administration buildings $75,000 150,000 150,000 Machine shop .. 25.000 Construction camp .. 200,000 Permanen t improvements 50,000 Gross total.. $46,462,813 Credit, excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fill in place 8,267,000 c. y. 6,120,000 c. y. 7,686,000 c. y. 6,120,000 c.y. In quarry, 74% Rock excavation, no swell . .... Cost of borrowing . . . $1.25 $7,650,000 7.650.000 Total estimatwl field cost $38,812,813 Engineering, administration and contingencies, 25% 9.703.203 Rightofway , -. -. - -_- _-. 1.300.000 onstruction $49,816,016 Roughly $49,800,000 28—70686 434 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Army Point-Suisun Point Site No railroad or highway bridge Three ship locks in Suisun Point Flood control gates partly in Suisun Point I Top of substructure elevation 10 14 Stoney gates, 70 by 80 feet Gate sill elevation — 70 Width of gate piers 20 feet and 15 feet 2 Stoney gates. 50 by 60 feet Gate sill elevation — 50 Preliminary Estimate No. 5 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost ^_=j =:^ Summary UNWATERING Same as in estimate 4: Gross total, unwatering 1 $3 426 298 Credit: Same as in estimate 4— Total, credit— 352 200 Total, unwatering $3 074 098 ' FLOOD CHANNEL Same as in estimate 4: Total, flood channel .«=;:, i $15,646,310 5 \ CONTROL WORKS Dry excavation: Class III, rock- Inside north cofferdam 37.700 c. y. 3,960 c. y. S5.00 5.00 $188,5^ U),800 In Suisun Point ... Total, dry excavation... $208,300 $27,000 $27,500 $34,100 8,712 19.140 74,250 5,500 27,500 11.000 $208 300 Wet excavation: Same as in estimate 4 — Total, wet excavation 27,000 Grouting foundation . Lump sum 13,640 bbls. 4,840 c. y. 9,570 c. y. 1.485,000 lbs. 11,000 c.y. 11,000 c.y. 11,000 c.y. 11.000 c.y. 6.644 bbls. 2.358 c. y. 4,662 c. V. 187.600 lbs. 6,360 c. y. 5,360 c. y. 5.360 c. y. 5,360 0. y. 12.280 bbls. 4,3.'>5 c. v. 8,615 c.y. 1,337,000 lbs. 9,900 c. y. 9,900 c. y. 9,900 c. y. 9,900 c. y. 27 500 Substructure: Concrete, l:2)/i;.b mix floor beams — Cement $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 .50 2 50 1.00 $16.50 $2 50 1.80 2 00 .05 .25 2.50 .75 $11.00 $2.50 1 80 2 00 .05 .50 2.50 1 00 $16.50 { ^ Sand Crushed stone . Reinforcing steel, 35 lbs., c. y Forms. Mixing and placing Miscellaneous ... f Concrete i n place $180,202 $181,500 $16,610 4,244 9.324 9.380 1.340 13.400 4.020 Floor, 3 ft. and 4 ft. thick- Cement Sand Crushedstone Reinforcing steel, 35 lbs., c. y Forms Mixing and placing .. . . Miscellaneous •. Concrete i n place $58,318 $58,960 $30,700 7,839 17,230 66,850 4,950 24.750 9,900 Pier footings — Cement Sand Oushcd atone Reinforcing steel, 135 lbs., c.y Forms Mixing and placing Miscelaneous Concrete in place $162,219 $163,360 THE SALT WATER BARRIER Preliminary Estimate No. 5 — Continued 435 Item QuAOtity Unit cost Total ooet Summary CONTROL WORKS— Continued Subetructure — Continued Piers — Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 75 lbs., c.y Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete ill place Back fill, behind piers, rock. Total, substructure 67,580 bbls. 23,980 c. y. 47,420 c. y. 4,0'>0,ODO lbs. 54,500 c. y. 54,500 c. y. 54,500 c. y. 54.500 c. y. 6,000 c. y. Superstructure: Girder spans. 70-ft. gates — Structura 1 steel Cast steel, roller and pin bearings... Pipe railing — Pipe. 2". le.SOOIbe Fittings, 2,150 lbs Timber flooring Towers. 70-ft. gates, structuralsteel... Girder spans, 50-ft. gates — Structuralsteel Cast steel, roller and pin bearings Pipe railing — Pipe, 2", 1.700 lbs Fittings, 225 lbs Timber flooring Towers, 50-ft. gates — Structuralsteel.. Freight on metal Installing and painting metal Placing lumber :.020,000 Ibe. 193,000 lbs. 3,300 1. f. 430ftgs. 56 8 M. !,600,0001b8. 76,000 lbs. 14,400 lbs. 340 1. f. 45 ftgs. 4.7M. 185.000 lbs. 1,108,975 lbs. 1,108,975 lbs. 61.5 M. Total, superstructure. Stoney gales, 70' i 80': Same as in estimate 4 — Total, 70-ft. Stoney gates Btoneygates, 50'x60': Same as in estimate 4 — Total, 50-ft. Stoney gates Counterweights, 70-ft. gates: Same as in estimate 4 — Total, 70-ft. counterweights... Counterweights, 50-ft. gates: Same as in estimate 4 — Total, 50-ft. counterweights. . . Operating mechanism, 70-ft. gates: Same as in estimate 4 — Total, operating mechanism... Operating mechanism, 50-ft. gates: Same as in estimate 4 — Total, operating mechanism. . . Caisson gates, 70' x 80': Same as in estimate 2 — Total, 70-ft. caisson gates. Caisson gates, 50' x 60': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, 50-ft. caisson gates. Lighting: Same as in estimate 4 — Total, lighting 14 gates 2 gates 14 ctrwts. 2 ctrwts. 14 units 2 units 2 gates 2 gates Total, control works. $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 2 50 3.00 1.00 S16 00 .90 $0 05 .25 .25 .25 30.00 .05 .05 .25 .25 .25 30.00 .05 .01 .02 50.00 $107,000 $49,200 $5,850 $3,340 $26,500 $9,000 $194,000 $78,000 $168,950 43,164 94,840 204,500 136,250 163,500 54,500 $865,704 $872,000 5,400 $1,281,210 $51,000 48,250 825 108 1,704 130,000 3,800 3,600 85 11 141 9,250 41,090 82,180 3.075 $375,119 $1,498,000 $98,400 $81,900 $6,680 $1,281,210 375,119 1,498,000 98.400 81,900 6,680 $371,000 371,000 $18,000 18,000 $388,000 388.000 $156,000 156.000 $8,200 8,200 $4,545,309 436 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 5 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost S:iP LOCKS Dry excavation: Class 1, sand and 3. It — Inside west cofferdam Class III- Slag dump Massive Trench Total, dry excavation. Wet excavation: Same as in estimate 4 — Total, wet excavation Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 1- Total, grouting Concrete, 1:2J'2:5 mix: Outside wall, 80-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place. . . Wall between 80-ft. and 60-ft. locks Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Wall between 60-ft. and 40-f t. locks- Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable. . Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Outside wall, 40-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place. . . Total, concrete in walls. Concrete, 1:3:6 mix: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, concrete insills Rock fill: Same as in estimate 3- Total, rock fill Guard gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates... Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. . . Service gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service Bates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism C)|)erating chamlwrs, 80-ft. lock; Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers. . Stoney service valves, 8.6' x 14' Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. 28,500 c. y. 276,000 c. y. 2,070,000 c. y. 41,700 c. y. 117,000 c. y. 79,700 c. y. 73,660 bbls. 26,140 c. y. 51,680 c.y. 360,000 lbs. 59,400 c. y. 59,400 c. y. 59,400 c. y. 59,400 c. y. 14,100 c. y. 4 units 4 units 12 units 12 units 6 valves 6 units 10.30 1.25 1.25 5.00 $11.00 $12.00 $2.50 1.80 2 00 .05 3.00 2.00 1.00 $12.00 $10.75 $78,100 $2,000 $71,000 $6,000 $8,470 $4,140 $8,550 345,000 2,587,500 208,500 83,149,550 $713,740 $125,000 $1,287,000 $956,400 $184,150 47,052 103,360 is,§e9 178,200 118,800 59,400 $708,962 $712,800 $151,575 $3,107,775 $150,500 $21,500 $312,400 $8,000 $852,000 $72,000 $3,924 '50.820 •24.840 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 437 Preliminary Estimate No. 5 — Continued Item SHIP LOCKS— Continued Stoney emernency \-alves, 8.5' J. 14'; Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, oixrating me. Wiism... Culvert screens, 80-f t. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams. . Salt water relief conduit: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, salt water conduit. Fnwatcring conduit, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. Filling conduits. 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits.. Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, fish ladder Guide walls, 80-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 3 — Total, guide walls Guard g&tes, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates.. Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, scr\'ice gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.. Stoney service valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism.. Stoney emergency valves, 7' x 10' Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechaiusm.. Culvert screen, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams. . Quantity Unit cost Unwatering conduit, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. 6 valves 6 units 4 screens 2 dams 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams Total cost $8,470 $4,140 $640.00 $171,000 $40,300 $1,330 $38,000 $3,730 $3,560 $1,930 $3,560 $1,930 $370 00 $90,800 Sununarv $50,820 $24,840 $2,560 $342,000 $11,185 $86,150 $8,895 $23,251 $661,400 $161,200 $5,320 $304,000 $29,840 $2,175 $14,240 $7,720 $14,240 $7,720 $1,480 $181,600 $17,162 $50,820 24,840 2,560 342,000 11,185 86,150 8,895 23,251 661.400 161,200 5.320 304,000 29,840 2,175 14,240 7.720 14,240 7,720 1,480 181.600 17.162 488 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 5 — Continued Item SHIP LOCKS— Continued Filling conduits, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits Guard gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates... Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimatel — Total, service gates.. Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.., Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves. Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 4.5' x 6' Same as in estimate 1 — Total , emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens. Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit. Filling conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit... Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Dry excavation — Class III, rock Concrete 1:23^:5 mix- Cement Sand... f 'rushed stone Forms Mixing and placing. Miscellaneous Concrete in place Total, guide walls- Miscellaneous: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, miscellaneous. .. Lighting: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, lighting Quantity Unit cost 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams Total, ship locks. 2,260 c. y. 16,490 bbls. r),8.50 c. V 11,570 c V 13,300 (.-. V. 13,300 c V. 13,300 c. y. 13,300 c. y. $20,000 $760.00 $18,800 $2,000 $3,440 $1,510 $1,120 $830.00 $145.00 $45,900 $5.00 2.50 1.80 2.00 3 00 3 00 1.00 $12 75 Total cost Summary $6,554 $80,000 $3,040 $150,400 $16,000 $1,747 $13,760 $6,CijO- $4,480 $3,320 $580 $91,800 $3,154 $4,448 $11,300 41,225 10,530 23,140 39,900 39 900 13,300 $167,995 $169,575 $180,875 $12,500 $18,500 180,876 12,500 18,500 $11,147,046 THE SALT WATER RAKKIER 439 Preliminary Estimate No. 5 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost SunuDAty EMBANKMENT Abutment: E)ry excavation — Class III rock . 4,500 c.y. 47,750 bbls. 16,040 c. y. ' 33,500 c. y. I 38,500 c. y. 38,500 c. y. 38,500 c. y. 38,500 c. y. $5 00 2 50 1.80 2 00 1.50 2.00 1.00 ■ $10 25 $22,500 119,375 30,492 67,000 57,750 77,000 38,500 Concrete, 1:2'^;5 mix— ;^and - ...-.._, Mixins and Dlacinit . , Miscellaneous - . Concrete i n place $390,117 $394,625 $417,125 $1,265,000 156,800 2,838,000 1.441.000 15,680 85,800 7,075 35,000 $417,125 Rock fill: Between mud and elevation — 7 5 1.150,000 c. y. 112,000 c. y. 2,580,000 c.y. 1,310,000 c. y. 11,200 c.y. 28,600 c. y. 2,830 c. y. Lump sum $1.10 1.40 1.10 1.10 1.40 3.00 2.50 Above elevation — 7.5. {settlement in mud Waste and shrinkage — Below elevation — 7 5,35% Above elevation — 7.5, 10% Rinran over 1 cu ft - Gravel blanket 12" thick Filline voids Dumoed mud Total rock fill .. $5,844,355 $5,000 5,844,355 Lump sum 5,000 Total embankment $6,266,480 WATER SUPPLY Excavation: Class I earth trench 1,800 c. y. 350 lbs. 85,500 Ibe. 10,000 lbs. 2,500 Ibe. 98,350 lbs. 8,700 1. f. $2.00 .10 .05 .05 .05 .01 .03 $3,600 35 4.275 500 125 984 261 $3,600 Pip<^ Cradles on girder sfjans -. Main 4" 5 700 I. f Laterals, lli'\ 3.000 I. f Freight - Lavinff . . $6,180 $720 fi,180 Backfill 1,800 c. y. • $.40 720 Total water suddIv $10,500 Administration buildings - - 2 bldgs. Lumpsum Lumpsum Lump sum Lump sum $75,000 $150,000 150,000 25.000 200.000 50,000 ? 150,000 150,000 25,000 Construction camn 200,000 50.000 $41,264,742 Credit. exca\'ation not borrowed but used for fill: 6,150.000 c. y. 4,550.000 c. y. 7,374.000 c. y. 4.550.000 c. y. In ouarrv 74^ Rock excavation no swell Cost of borrowing..- $1.25 $5,687,500 5,687.500 Tnfftl r^timAt'/> 338,096 Stoney gates, 70' x 80': Same as in estimate 2— Total, Stoney gates 15 gates 15 ctrwts. 15 units 2 gates 5107,000 S5,850 $26,500 $194,000 1,605,000 Counterweights: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, counterweights 87,750 Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, operating mechanism 397.500 Caisson gates, 70' x 80': Same as in estimate 2— Total, caisson gates I 388.000 Lighting: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, lighting 8,000 Total, control works $4,708,396 BRIDGE Piers: Dry excavation — Class II and III 1,800 c.y. 500 c. y. 15,000 bbls. 5,324 c. y. 10,530 c. y. 1,028,500 lbs. 12,100 c. V. 12,100 c. y. 12,100 c. y. 12,100 0. y. $1.50 5.00 2.50 1.80 2 00 .05 7.50 4.00 1.00 $22.50 $2,700 2.500 37.500 9,583 21.000 51,425 90,750 48,400 12,100 Class 111, rock A. Concrete, 1:2^:5 mix — Cement 1 Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 85 lbs., c. y Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $270,818 $272,250 To ta 1, piers $277,450 $0,540 1.670 3.672 21,100 15,825 8,440 5,275 $277,450 Dpck superstructure: Concrete, 1:2J^:5 mix, railroad — Cement .. 2.610 bbls. 928 0. V. 1,8,36 c.y. 422,000 lbs. 2,110 c. y. 2,110 c. y. 2,110 c. y. 2,110 c. y. $2.50 1 80 2 00 .05 7.50 4.00 2.50 $29.76 Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 200 lbe.,o.y Forms Mixing and placing Miscc laneous ..... . . . Concrete in place $62,522 $62,773 THE SALT WATER BARRIER Preliminary Estimate No. 6 — Continued 443 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary BRIDGE— Continued Deck superstructure— Continued Concrete, 1:2:4 mix, highway: Cement Sand.. Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Structural steel — Girder bridge, railroad Truss bridge, highway Cast steel, roller and pin bearings. Pipe railing — Pipe, 4", 111,750 Ibe Fittings, 29.200 lbs Wire fence — Pipe, 21^", 16,800 lbs Fittings, 2.360 lbs.. Wire fabric, 9ga... Freight on metal Installing and painting metal Track, double — Ballast , Ties, 7" X 9" X 8';6", treated. Rails and accessories Freighton metal Laying double track To'^I, deck superstructure. Through superstructure: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, through superstructure... Lift span, 198'-6": Same as in estimate 1 — Total, lift span Counterweights: Same as in »stimate 1 — Total, counterweights. Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Operating house Lighting: Lamps and pedestals Wiring and smallfixtures. Total, lighting Total, bridge. SHIP LOCKS Dry excavation: Class III, rock Wot excavation: Class I, sand andsilt — Inside cofferdam Outside cofferdam Total, wet excavation. Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, grouting Concrete, 1:2V2:5 mix: Outside wall, 80-ft. lock— Cenient Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable. Forms .- Mixing and placing M isccllaneous 1 227 1 1 1 ,010 bbls. 563 c. V. ,126 c. V. ,800 lbs. ,340 c. V. ,340 c. V. ,340 c. V. 8 1,340 c. y. ,440,000 lbs. ,140.000 lbs. 253,000 lbs. 7,450 I. f. 1,460 ftgs. 2,190 I. f. 295 ftgs. 7,600 lbs. ,000,710 lbs. ,000,710 lbs. 1,900 I. f. 1.900 ties 722,000 lbs. 722,000 lbs. 1,900 I. f. S2 50 1 80 2.00 .05 7. 50 4 00 2.50 $28.75 $0.04 .05 .25 .75 .75 .40 .40 .07 .01 .015 2.50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 1 span 2 ctrwta. 1 unit Lumpsum 25 units Lump sum $192,000 $8,080 $12,800 $100.00 57.800 c. y. 2,510,000 e. y. 973,000 c.y. $5.00 $0.12 .12 Concrete in place. 223,000 bbls. 79,200 c. y. 157,000 c. y. 1,020,000 bbls. 180,000 c.y. 180,000 c. y. 180,000 c. y. 180.000 c. y. $2.50 80 00 05 00 00 00 $11.00 $5,025 1,013 2,252 11,390 10,050 5,360 3,350 S38,440 $38,525 $217,600 107.000 63,250 5,588 1,090 876 118 532 80,007 120,011 4.750 4,275 21.660 7.220 950 $736,230 $37,427 $192,000 516,160 $12,800 $2,000 2,500 2,500 $5,000 $289,000 $301,200 116,760 $417,960 $125,000 $557,500 142,560 314.000 51,000 360.000 360,000 180,000 $1,965,060 $1,080,000 $736,230 37.427 192,000 16,100 12.800 2.000 5.000 $1,279,067 $289,000 417,960 125.000 444 Dn^ISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 6 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Concrete, 1:2' ■;:5 mix — Continued Wall between 80-ft. and 60-ft. locks- Cement 187,000 bbls. 66,400 c. y. 131,000 c. y. 933,000 lbs. 151,000 c. y. 151,000 c.y. 151,000 c. y. 151,000 c. y. 177,000 bbls. 62,900 c. y. 124,000 c. y. 872,000 lbs. 143,000 c. y. 143,000 c. y. 143,000 c. y. 143,000 c. y. 79,900 bbls. 28.30 ..y. 56,000 c. y. 47,400 lbs. 64,400 c. y. 64,400 c. y. 64,400 c. y. 64,400 c. y. $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 3.00 2.00 1.00 $12.00 $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 3.00 2.00 1.00 $12.00 $2.50 1.80 2.00 05 2 00 2.00 1.00 $10.75 $467,500 119,520 262,000 46,650 453,000 302,000 151,000 Sand . . Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable Forms. Mixing and placing _ Miscellaneous Concrete in nlace 81,801,670 $1,812,000 $442,.500 11.3,220 248.000 43,000 429,000 286,000 143,000 Wall between 60-ft. and 40-ft. locks- Cement. Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable. ... Forms Mixing and placing Misce laneous Concrete in place . 81,705,320 81,716,000 $199,750' 50,940 112,000 2,370 128.800- 128,88ift-- 64,400 Outside wall, 40-ft. lock- Cement 1 Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable Forms . . 1 Mixing and placing . Miscel laneous Concrete in place 8687,060 $692,300 Total, concrete in walls $6,200,300 S68,250 20,520 46,400 26,000 52,000 13,000 $6 200 300 Concrete, 1:3:6 mix: Sills, 80-ft. lock- Cement 27,300 bbls. 11,400 c.y. 23,200 c. y. 26,000 c. y. 26,000 c. y. 26,000 c. y. 20,000 c. y. 24,800 bbis. 10.400 c. y. 21,000 c. y. 23,000 c. y. 23,600 c. V. 23,600 c. y. 23,600 c. y. 4,730 bbls. 1,980 c. y. 4,000 c. y. 4,500 c. y. 4,500 c. y. 4,600 c. y. 4,500 c. y. 82.50 1.80 2.00 1,00 2.00 .50 $8.75 $2.50 1.80 2.00 1.00 2.00 .50 $8.75 $2.50 1.80 2.00 1.00 2 00 .50 S8.75 Sand Crushed stone . Forms Mixinp and placing . Miscellaneous Concrete in place $226,170 $227,500 $62,000 18,720 42,000 23,600 47.200 11,800 Sills, 60-ft. lock- Cement Sand Crushed stone . I'orms Mixing and placing . M iscel laneous Concrete in place $205,320 $206,500 $11,825 3,564 8,000 4,500 9,000 2,250 Sills, 40-ft. lock- Cement Sand ('rushed stone Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $39,139 $39,375 Total, concrete in si lis $473,375 473.375 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 445 Preliminary Estimate No. 6 — Continued Item SHIP LOCKS— Continued Bock fill: 80-ft. lock- Rock Gravel blanket, 12" thick Groutc«timatp i — s»me as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Operating chambers, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.. Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 14' Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams.. Salt water relief conduit: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, salt water conduit. Unwatering conduit, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. Filling conduits, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits.. Quantity 42,600 c. y. 600 c. y. 1,800 c. y. 35,900 c. y. 400 c. y. 1,100 0. y. 8,000 c. y. 130 c. y. 600 c. y. 4 units 4 units 12 units 12 units Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, fish ladder 6 valves 6 units 6 valves 6 units 4 screens 2 dams Unit cost $0 90 2.50 7.50 .90 2.50 7.50 .90 2 50 7.50 $78,100 $2,000 $71,000 $6,000 $8,470 $4,140 $8,470 $4,140 $640.00 $171,000 Total cost $38,340 1.500 13,500 32.310 1,000 8,250 7,200 325 4,500 $106,925 $312,400 $8,000 $852,000 $72,000 $3,924 $50,820 $24,840 $50,820 $24,840 $2,560 $342,000 $11,185 $86,150 $8,895 $23,251 Summary $106,925 312,400 8,000 852,000 72,000 3,924 50,820 24,840 50,820 24,840 2,560 342,000 11,185 86,150 8.895 23,2S1 446 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 6 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Guide walls, 80-ft. lock: Caissons, 16-25' diameter — Structural steel Semi-steel Bolts Assembling Floating to place Sinking. Wet excavation, caissons- Class I. sand and silt. Class III, rock Dry excavation, class III, rock Concrete, 1:2' 2:0 mix, cylinders tremied- Cement. - _ Sand. Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 30 lbs., c, y Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Extra cement Concrete in place Deck- Same as in estimate 3, Concrete in place Cut-off— Cement Sand Crushed stone Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place Piers — Cement Sand Crushed stone.. Reinforcing steel, 30 lbs., c. y... Forms. Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place. . Posts, caiJS, sills, etc. — Delivered. Painting Placing Chafing pieces — Delivered Placing. Flooring — Delivered Placing Fcniler metal — Structural steel Cast steel Coil springs, triple PoBtsockets, cast steel.. Anchor bolts Bolts Nails Freight on metal Total, guide walls. Guard gates, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates... Oi>erating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates.. 1,390,000 lbs. 605,000 lbs. 28,800 lbs. ^023,800 lbs. 16 caissons 16 caissons 20,600 c. v. 7,300 c. y. 660 c, y. 35,400 bbls. 12,500 c. y. 24,800 c. y. 855,000 lbs. 28,500 c. y. 28,500 c. y. 3,560 bbls. 28,500 c. y. 13,600 c. y. 397 bbls. 141 c. y. 278 c. y. 320 c. y. 320 e. y. 320 c. y- 2,480 bbls. 880 c. y. 1,740 c. y. 60.000 lbs. 2,000 c. y. 2,000 c. y. 2,000 c. y. 2,000 c. y. 314 314 314 81.6 81.6 39 39 118.000 240,000 16,200 7,200 60,000 14,000 4,000 7,473,200 M. M. M. M. M. M. M. lbs lbs. lbs. lbs. 11)8. lbs. lbs. lbs. 4 units 4 unite 8 units $0.06 .10 .08 .02 6,000 9,000 .75 15.00 5.00 2.50 1.80 2.00 .10 2.00 2.00 2.50 $13.00 $27.00 50 80 00 50 00 $9.25 $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 3.00 3.00 1.00 $14.25 $30.00 7.50 50.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 .08 .10 .15 .10 .08 .08 .05 .01 $40,300 $1,330 $38,000 8383,400 60,500 2,304 140,476 96,000 144,000 15,450 109,500 3,300 88,500 22,500 49,600 85,500 57,000 57.000 8,900 $369,000 $370,500 $367,20ft 993 254 556 800- 388-- S2,923 $2,960 $6,200 1,584 3,480 3,000 6,000 6,000 2,000 $28,264 $28,500 $9,420 2,355 15.700 2,448 4,080 1,188 1.080 9,440 24,000 2,430 720 4,000 1,120 200 74,732 $1,877,903 $161,200 $5,320 $304,000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 447 Preliminary Estimate No. 6 — Continued Item Quantity Unit C08t Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued •Tilting mcclianism, service gates: -ariic as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism I >;yrating chambers, 60-ft. lock: S;iiiie as in estimate 1 — 1 oial, oixrating chambers.. ■^toney service valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, ser rice valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 7' i 10': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams.. Unwatering conduit, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. Filling conduits, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — ' Total, filling conduit... Guard gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates... Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, serrice gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, serrice gates I Operating chambers. 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.. Cylinder serrice valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves. Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 4.5' i 6' Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvprt screens. 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens $3,730 S3,560 $1,930 $3,560 $1,930 $370.00 $90,800 $20,000 $760.00 $18,800 $2,000 $3,440 $1,510 $1,120 $830 $145 $29,840 $2,175 $14,240 S7,720 $14,240 $7,720 $1,480 $181,600 $17,162 $6,554 $80,000 53,040 $150,400 $16,000 $1,747 $13,760 $6,040 $4,480 $3,320 $580 $29,840 2,175 14.240 7.720 14,240 7,720 1,480 181,600 17,162 6,554 80,000 3,040 150.400 16,000 1,747 13,760 6,040 4,480 3,320 580 448 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 6 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Conlinupd Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. Filling conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit... Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Dry excavation — Class III, rock Concrete, ]:2J^:5 mix — Cement Sand. Crushed stone. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Piling;— Delivered Creosoting Driving Wales, fillers, etc. — Delivered Painting. Placing Chafing pieces- Delivered Placing Bolts... Freight on metal Total, guide walls. Miscellaneous: Sam'" as in estimate 1— Total, miscellaneous. Lighting: Same as in estimate 1— Total, lighting Total, ship locks. EMBANKMENT Rock fill: Dam — Between mud and elevation — 7.5. Above elevation — 7.5 Settlement in mud.. Waste and shrinkage — Below elevation —7.5, 35% Above elevation — 7.5, 10% Riprap, over 1 cu. ft Lock yard — Between mud and elevation — 7.5. Above elevation —7.5 Riprap ^ Gravel blanket, 12" thick Filling voids, pumjxsd mud Total, rock fill. Track, double: Ballast Ties, 7" X 9" X 8'-6", treated. Rails and acccssoriee Freight on metal Laying double track 3 dams S45.900 Total, track. 1,450 c. y. 7.810 bbls. 2,770 c. y. 5,480 c. y. 6.300 c. y. 6,300 c. V. 6,300 c. y. 6,300 c. V. 10,800 10,800 10.800 12.1 12.1 12.1 18.2 18.2 1,400 1,400 1. f. 1. f. I. f. M. M. M. M M. lbs. lbs. 2,140,000 c. v. 1,140,000 c. V. 5,140,000 c. y. 2,5.')0,000 c. y. 114,000 c.y. 51,100 c. y. 74,000 c. y. 30,000 c. y. 1,700 c. V. 2,000 c. y. Lump sum 7,000 I. f. 7,000 ties 1,330,000 lbs. 1.330,000 lbs. 7,000 I. f. 85.00 2.50 1 80 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 $12.75 SO. 30 .50 .25 30.00 7 50 50,00 30.00 50.00 .08 .01 $1.10 1.40 1.10 1.10 1.40 3.00 1.10 1.40 3.00 2.50 $2.50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 $91,800 $3,154 $4,448 $7,250 19.525 4,986 10,960 18.900 18,900 6,300 $79,571 $80,325 $3,246 .5,466 2.700 363 546 910 112 14 $101,556 $12 500 $18,500 $2,354,000 1,596,000 5,654,000 2,805,000 159,600 153,300 81,400 42,000 5,100 5,000 50,000 $12,905,400 $17,500 15.750 39,900 13,300 3,500 $89,950 $91,800 3,154 4,448 J 101.556 12,500 18.500 $12,628,724 $12,905,400 89.950 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 449 Preliminary Estimate No. 6 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary EMB.^XKMENT-Continued Highwa>-s. oiled macadam, 6" thick: Main road 22,000 8. y. 1,560 8. y. $0 85 .85 $18,700 1,326 Access road .. ._._.. .. Total, highways $20,026 $3,300 3,200 440 1,960 981 700 $20,026 Fences: Timber fence in place 6,600 I. f. 8,000 1. f. l.lOOftgs. 28.000 lbs. 98,100 lbs. 7,000 1. f. «0 50 .40 .40 .07 .01 .10 Wire fence- Pipe, 2' .". 61.300 lbs Fittings, 8,800 lbs Wire fabric, 9 ga Freight Erect ing Total fences $10,581 $10,000 6,000 10..581 Liehtiug: Lampe and pedestals . 100 units Lumpsum $100 00 Total, lighting $16,000 16.000 $13,041,957 NORTH .\PPRO.\CH "ame as in estimate 1: Total, north approach $169,993 SOUTH .\PPROACH Dry excavation: Raib-oad — Class III, open cut 5.500 c. V. 75,000 c. y. 22,000 c. y. $1 25 5.00 1 25 »6,875 375,000 27,500 Class III, tunnel Highway- Class m $409,375 $20,100 50,250 8,100 13.500 5,000 1,000 409,37 : imbering in tunnel: Sills and [xwts — Delivered 670 M. 670 M. 270 M. 270 M. 100.000 lbs. 100.000 lbs. $30.00 75.00 30.00 50.00 .05 .01 Erecting Lagging- Delivered __. Nails and bolts.. Freight on metal Total, timbering $97,950 $17,500 $52,000 13,320 29,200 84,000 67.200 16,800 97,950 Hry packing 3,500 c. y. 20.800 bbls. 7.400 c. y. 14,600 c. y. 16,800 c. y. 16.800 c. y. 16,800 c. y. 16,800 c. y. 2.250 1. f. 2.250 ties 428,000 lbs. 428,000 Ibe. 2.250 1. f. $5 00 $2 50 1.80 2.00 5.00 4.00 1.00 $15.75 $2 50 2 25 03 01 .50 17,500 ■ncrcte. I:2;i2:5mix: Tunnel lining, 24" ave.— Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms Mixing and placing Miscel aneous Concrete in place $262,520 $264,600 $5,625 5.063 12.840 4,280 1,125 264,60 Track, double: B.,!!a.-!t 1 • 7" X 9" X 8'-«", treated.... 1; .. ^ and accessories 1 ' k'lit on metal Laying double track... ... Total, track ... $28,933 $5,000 30,000 150.000 $3,655 1.845 28,933 -*itch house. Lump sum Lump sum 1.5 miles 4,300 8. y. 2,170 8. y. 5,000 rijssing. .\lhambra Creek 30.000 inn ect ing railroad $100,000 $0 85 .85 150,000 iighway: Relocation, oiled macadam, 6" thick.. New highway, oiled macadam, 6" thick Total, highway $5,500 5,500 29 — 70686 450 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 6— Continued Item Quantity Unit coet Total coet Summary SOUTH APPROACH— Continued Fences: Railroad Highway .- Total, fences. Total, south approach. WATER SUPPLY Excavation: Class I, earth trench Pipe — Cradles on bridge Main.4", 3,0001. f Laterals, II2", 3,000 1. f... Fixtures Freight Laying- Total, pipe. Back fill. Total, water supply. Block signal Administration buildings Pump, power and transformer house- Machine shop Construction camp Permanent improvements Gross total- Credit, excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fill in place In quarry, 74% Rock excavation, no swell Cost of borrowing 2,850 1. f. 1,950 1. f. $0.50 1.50 500 c. y. 4,600 lbs. 45,000 lbs. 10,000 lbs. 2,500 lbs. 62,100 lbs. 6,000 1. f. $2 00 $0.10 .05 .05 .05 .01 .03 500 c. y. $0.40 Lump sum 2 bidgs. Lumpsum Lumpsum Lumpsum Lumpsum 75,000 12,930,000 c. y. 9,565,000 c. y. 9,355,000 c. y. 9,355,000 c. y. $1.25 Totalestimated field cost. Engineering, administration and contingencies, 25%. Right of way. Totalestimated cost, exclusive ofinterest during construction. Roughly - $1,425 2,925 $4,350 $1,000 $460 2,250 500 125 621 180 $4,136 $200 $10,000 150,000 15O1OOO 25.000 200,000 50;0«IO $11,693,750 $4,350 $1,013,208 $1,000 4,136 200 $5,338' $10,000 ■ 150,000 150,000 ' 25,000 200.000 ■ ^ 50.000 ■ $72,500,016 11.693.750 $60,806,266 15,201,587 1,250,000 $77,257,838 $77 300,000 THE SALT WATEK BAKKIER 'W,l SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Benicia Site Minimum bridge clearance 50 feet at locks Four ship locks in Benicia Flood control gates offshore from Benicia Top of substructure elevation 10 Width of gate piers 15 feet ,30 Stoney gates, 50 by 60 feet Oatexillelevation — 50 Sinrle-dcck bridge Concrete bridge piers Base of rail elevation 60 at locks Highway elevation 59..') ut locks Preliminary Estimate No. 7 Based on assumed rock below water surface Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary UNWATERING Steel sheet piling: Plain. 763.000 1. f. at 43 lbs 3-way. 24.900 1. f. at 95 Ibs Splices 7 000 at 68.7 Iba. .. .. 32.809.000 lbs. 2.366.000 Ibs. 480.900 lbs. 14.000 piles 35.655.900 Ibs. 787,900 1. f. $0 035 .05 07 2 00 .01 .15 $1,148,315 118.300 33,663 28,000 356.559 118,185 Punching for splices _ Handling atsite Driving Total sheet nilini; $1,803,022 $34,960 3.150 13,920 8.880 5.280 1,575 $1,803,022 Track: Stringers i n place 437 M. 3,150 ties 232,000 lbs. 296.000 lbs. 528,000 Ibs. 6,300 1. f. $80.00 1.00 .06 .03 .01 .25 Ties. 6" X 8" X 8 '-6 ".untreated Bearing plates _ Rails and accessories Freight on metal Laying track Total track $67,765 $205,032 2.240 2.184 07,705 Wet excavation: Class 1, sand and silt — Inside cofferdam 1,708,600 c. y. 11,200 c.y. 18,200 c. y. $0.12 .20 .12 In pockets . . . Outside cofferdam Total, wet e.xcavation .-. ,. $209,456 $101,250 729,900 54,000 209,456 Fill: In pockets, earth 135,000 c. y. 811.000 c.y. 60,000 c. y. $0.75 .90 .90 .\gainst piling, rock Approaco Total fill $885,150 $7,500 11,000 5.000 5,850 86,100 885,150 Pumping: Barges 3 bargee Lump sum Lump sum 650 M. gal. 8.200 M. gal. $2,500 Pumps, 2 12", 1 14". Pipe Inwatering 9 00 10 50 Leakage during construction $115,450 $533,800 67.500 21.188 1,008 10,875 500 115,450 Removing cofferdam: Rock, broken. 628,000 c. y. 135,000 c. y. 5,650 piles 180 piles 1,450 piles 50 piles $0 85 .50 3 75 5 60 7.50 10.00 Earth in pockets . . . Pulling piles, ave. pen. 12.5' — Plain J 3-way. Cutting piles- Plain. 3-way. Total, removing $634,871 634,871 Gross total, unwatering $3,715,714 452 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary UNWATERING— Continued Credit: Salvage on sheet piling 15,800,000 lbs. 1,100,000 c. y. 565.000 c. y. 47,300 c. y. $0.02 $0 12 .12 .12 $316,000 $132,000 67,800 5,676 $316,000 Wet excavation: Class I, sand and silt inside of cofferdam — Chargeable to flood channel Chargeable to control works Chargeable to shin locks Total, wet excavation $205,476 205 476 Total, credit $521,470 Total, UD watering $3,194,238 $2 412 500 FLOOD CHANNEL Dry excavation: Class III, rock 1,930,000 c. y. 1,100.000 c. y. 7,910,000 c. y. 1,250,000 c y. $1.25 $0.12 .12 3.25 $2,412,500 $132,000 949.200 4,062,500 Wet excavation: Class I, sand and silt — Inside cofferdam . .. . . Outside cofferdam Class III, rock Total, wet excavation $5,143,700 5 143 700 Total, flood channel $t,656.200 $165 000 CONTROL WORKS Dry excavation: Class III, rock 33.000 c. y. 565,000 c. y. $5.00 $0.12 $165,000 S67,8©8 $45,000 $42,000 12,672 28,400 32,000 16,000 Wet excavation: Class I, sand and silt > 67 800 Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, grouting 45,000 Substructure: Concrete, 1:3:6 mix, filling under floor- Cement . 10,800 bbls. 7,040 c. y. 14,200 c. y. 16,000 c. y. 16.000 c. y. 16.000 c. y. 40,400 bbls. 14,300 c. y. 28,400 c. y. 2,120,000 lbs. 32,600 c. y. 32,600 c. y. 32.600 c. y. 32,600 c. y. 7.000 c. y. 19,800 c. y. 74,900 bbls. 26,570 c. y: 52,550 c. y. 4,530.000 lbs. 60,400 c. y. 60,400 c. y. 60.400 c. y. 60.400 c. y. $2.50 1.80 2.00 2.00 1.00 $8.25 $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 .50 2.50 1.00 $13.00 «1.00 $16.50 $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 2.50 3.00 1.00 $16.00 Sand Crushed stone.. Mixing and placing.. Miscellaneous . . Concrete in place $131,072 $132,000 $101,000 25,740 50,800 100,000 16,300 81.500 32,600 Floor beams- Cement Sand Crushed stone.- . . . .. Reinforcing steel, 65 lbs., c.y Forms Mixing and placing . . . Miscellaneous Concrete in place $419,940 $423,800 $77,000 $326,700 $187,250 47,826 105,100 220,500 151,000 181,200 60.400 Floor, 3 ft. thick- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Pier footings- Same as in estimate 3. Concretein place Piers — Cement Sand Crushed stone. Reinforcingsteel, 751bs., 0. y Forms Mixing and placing Miscel aneouB Concrete in place $959,276 $966,400 Total, substructure $1,925,900 $1,925,900 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 453 Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary CONTROL WORKS-Continued -^iipcrstructure: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, superstructure Sloncy gates, 50' x 60': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, Stoney j^ates Counterweights: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, counterweights Disrating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Caisson gates, .50' x 60': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, caisson gates Lighting: Same as in estimate 1- Total, lighting Total, control works. BRIDGE Piers: Dry excavation — Abutments, class II and III Piers, north end, class III, rock. Concrete, 1:2J^:5 mix, bases — Cement Sand Crushed stone. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place Piers — Cement Sand , Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 85 lbs. Forms , Mixing and placing Miscellaneous c.y.. Concrete in place. Total, piers Deck superstructure: Concrete, 1:2^:5 mix, railroad — Cement Sand Crushed stone. Reinforcing steel, 200 lbs., c. y... Forms Mixing and placing Miscpjlaneous Concretein place Concrete. 1:2:4 mix, highway — Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y.. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous 30 gates 30 ctrwts. 30 units 2 gates $49,200 $3,340 $9,000 S78,000 Concrete in place. 7,118 bbls. 2,526 c. y. 4,994 c. y. 1,148.000 lbs. 5,740 c. y. 5,740 c. V. 5,740 c. y. 5,740 c. y. 3,885 bbls. 1,088 c. y. 2,176 c. y. 440,300 lbs. 2,590 c. y. 2.590 c. y. 2.590 c. y. 2,590 c. y. $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 7. 50 4.00 2.50 $29.75 $2 50 1 80 2 00 .05 7.50 4 00 2.50 $28.75 $322,059 $1,476,000 $100,200 $270,000 $156,000 $11,000 1,800 c. y. $1.50 $2,700 4,800 c. y. 5.00 24,000 4,749 bbls. $2.50 $11,873 1,685 c. y. 1.80 3,033 3,332 c. y. 2.00 6,664 3,830 c. y. .50 1,915 3,830 c. y. 2.50 9,575 3,830 c. y. 1.00 3,830 $36,890 3,830 0. y. $9.75 $37,343 25,420 bbls. $2 50 $63,550 0,020 c. V. 1.80 16,236 17,840 c.y. 2.00 35.680 1,742,500 lbs. .05 87,125 20,500 c. y. 7.50 1.53,750 20,500 c. y. 4.00 82,000 20,500 c. y. 1.00 20,500 $458,841 20,500 c. y. $22 50 $461,250 $525,293 $17,795 4,547 9,988 57,400 43.050 22.960 14,350 $170,090 $170,765 $0,713 1,958 4,352 22,015 19.425 10,360 6,475 $322,959 1,476,000 100,200 270,000 156,000 11,000 $4,539,859 $525,293 $74,298 $74,463 454 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued Item BRIDGE— Continued Deck supprstnictu'c — Continued Structural steel — Girder bridge, r.iilroad Truss bridge, highway. Cast steel, roller and pin bearings Pipe railing — Pipe, 4", 3.58,500 lbs Fittings, 90,400 lbs Wire fence — Pipe, 2' o", 26,890 lbs Fittings, 3,760 lbs Wire fabric. 9 ga Freight on metal.__ Installing and painting metal Track, double — Ballast Tics, 7" X 9" X 8'-6", treated. llai Is and accessories Freight on metal Laying double track Total, deck superstructure. Through superstructure: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, through superstructure... Lift span, 290'-8": Concrete, 1:2:4 mix, highway — Cement _ Sand Crushed stone __ Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place Structural steel — Truss Towers C^aststeel Wire fence — Pipe, 24", 2.530 lbs Fittings, 36011)8 _ _ Wire fabric, 9 ga , Freight on metal... Installing and oainting metal Track— Tics, 7" X 9" X 8'-6", treated. Rails and accessories Freight on nictaL Laying double track Total, liftspan. Counterweights: ('onerete, l:2'-^:5, mix- Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms. Mixing and placing. Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Structural steel I'ig iron... .\nchor holts Freight Installing I'olal, counterweights. QuaEtity 11,100.000 lbs. 3,680,000 lbs. 493.00011)8. 23,900 I. f. 4,520 ftgs. 3,510 1. f. 470 ftgs. 12,200 lbs. 15,764.750 lb«. 15,764,750 lbs. 5.170 I. f. 5.170 ties 1.960.000 lbs. 1,960,000 lbs. 5,170 1. f. 270 bbls. 76 c. y. 151c. y. 30,600 lbs. 180 c. y. 180 c. V. 180 c. y. 180 c. y. 2,820.000 lbs. 1,220.000 lbs. 94,000 lbs. 330 1. f. 45 ftgs 1,160 lbs. 4,138,0.5011)8. 4,138,05011)8. 290 ties 110.000 lbs. 110,000 11)8. 290 1. f. 1 span 347 bbls. 123 c. y. 244 c. y. 280 c. V. 280 c. y. 280 c. y. 280 c. V. 95,000 lbs. 2,614,00011)8. 5,00011)8. 2,714.00011)8. 2,714,00011)8. 2 ctrwtfi. Unit cost $0 04 .05 .25 .75 .75 .40 .40 .07 .01 .015 50 25 03 01 50 S2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 7.50 4.00 2 50 $28.75 .05 .05 .25 .40 .40 .07 .01 .015 2.25 .03 .01 .50 »340,OOO S2 50 1 80 2.00 7. 50 3 00 5.00 $21 25 .08 .015 1)8 01 .02 $66,300 Total cost $444,000 184,000 123,250 17,925 3,390 1,404 188 854 157,648 2.36.471 12,925 11,633 58,800 19,600 2,585 $1,519,901 $37,427 $675 133L 302 1,530 1,350 720 450 $5,164 $5,175 141,000 61,000 23,500 132 18 81 41,381 62,071 653 3,300 1,100 145 $339,556 $340,000 S868 221 488 2,100 840 1,400 $5,017 $5,950 5,700 39,210 400 27,140 54,280 $132,680 .$132,1)00 Summary $1,519,901 » 37,427 340,000 132.600 THE SALT WATER BARKIEK 455 Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary BRIDGE— Continued i)|>eratin(![ mechanism: Seme as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism (•lierating house I.iuhting: Lamps and pedestals Wiring and small fixtures. Total, lighting.... Total, bridge. SHIP LOCKS •ry excavation: Class III, rock — Massive , Trench , Total, dry excavation. Wet excavation: Class I, sand and silt — Inside cofferdam Outside cofferdam. Class III, rock Total, wet excavation. 'Grouting foundation Concrete, 1:2^2:5 mix: Outside wall. 80-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Wall between 80-ft. and 60-ft. locks- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Wall between 60-ft. locks- Cement.. Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable.. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place Wall between 60-ft. and 40-ft. locks- Same as in estimate 3. Coneretcin place Outside wall. 40-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Total, concrete in walls. Concrete. 1:3:6 mix: Sills, 80-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Sills, 60-ft. locks— Twice estimate 3. Coneretcin place.. Sills, 40-ft. lock— . Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Total, concrete in sills. Rock fill: Behind 40-ft. lock wall- Back fill Lock yard, rock — In place Shrinkage, 5%... Gravel blanket, 12" thick.... 1 unit Lumpsum 58 units Lump sum S12,800 $100.00 914,000 c. y. 61,400 c. y. 47,300 c. y. 2,260,000 c. y. 626,000 c. y. Lump sum 117,000 c. y. 79,700 c. y. 73,200 bbls. 26,000 c. y. 51,400 c. y. 360,000 lbs. 59,000 c. y. 59,000 c. y. 59,000 c. y. 59,000 c. y. 78,200 c. y. 14,100 c. y. 9,400 c. y. 12,400 c. y. 1,600 c. y. Total, rock fill. 17,500 c. y. 20.000 c. y. 1,000 c. y. 2,.300 c. y. $1.25 5 00 $0.12 .12 3.25 $11.00 $12.00 $2.50 80 00 05 00 00 00 12.00 12 00 10.75 $8.75 8 75 8.75 SO. 90 .90 .90 2 50 $12,800 $2,000 $5,800 4,000 $9,800 $1,142..'500 307,000 $1,449,500 $5,676 271.200 2,034,500 $2,311,376 $160,000 $1,287,000 $956,400 $183,000 46,800 102,800 18.000 177,000 118,000 59,000 $704,600 708,000 938.400 151,575 $4,041,375 $82,250 108,500 14,000 $204,750 $15,750 18,000 900 5,750 $12,800 2,000 9,800 $2,579,821 $1,449,500 2.311,376 160,000 4,041.375 204.750 $40,400 40,400 456 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS- Guard gatf-s, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, guard gates -Continued Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1— Total, service gates.. Operating mechanism service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Operating chambers, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves 4 units 4 units 12 units 12 units Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens.. Emergency dams, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams.. Salt water relief conduit: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, salt water conduit. Unwatcring conduit, 80-ft. lock: Semi steel pipe, 72", 550 1. f... Cast iron pipe Valve, 72' Valve operating mechanism. Fish grating — Galvanized wire Cast iroiK. Anchor bolts Freight Installing Total, unwatcring conduit. Filling conduits, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits , 6 valves 6 units 6 valves 6 units 4 screens 2 dams S78,100 $2,000 S71,000 $6,000 .$8,470 S4,140 $8,470 $4,140 $640.00 $171,000 «l(i.000ll)S 179,000 11)8 11,000 lbs 8.250 lbs 275 lbs .■iOOlbs 7.-) lbs 8 1. i, 100 lbs 815,100 lbs Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1- Total. fish ladd r... Guide walls, 80-fl. lock; Caissons, 18, 25' diameter- Structural steel.. ■ Semi steel Holts. AsscmbI ing Floating to place Sinking.. Wet excavation, caissons — Class III, rock 5,600,000 lbs. $0 06 680,000 lbs. .10 25.200 lbs. .08 6,305,20011.8. 02 18 caissons 6,000 18 caissons 9,000 8,200 c. y. 15 00 $.312,400 $8,000 $852,000 $72,000 $3,924 .$50,820 $24,840 $50,82^; $24,840 $2,560 $342,000 $11,185 $0 10 $61.li00 05 8,9,50 .25 2,750 .35 2,888 .10 28 .07 35 08 li .01 8,151 .02 16.302 $100,710 $8,895 $23,251 $336,000 ti8,000 2.016 126,104 108.000 162,000 123.00<» THE SALT WATKU BARRIER 457 Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Guide walls— Continued Concreto. 1;2'2:5 mix. Cylinders, tremied — Cement — Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 30 lbs., c. y Mixini? and placing Miscellaneous Extra cement - Concrete in place... Dock: Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place... Posts, caps, sills, etc. — Delivered Painting Placing Chafing pieces — Delivered Placing Flooring — Delivered Placing Fender metal — Structura 1 steel Cast steel.. Coil springs, triple — Post sockets, cast steel.. .■Vnchor bolts Bolts Nails. Freight on metal Total, guide walls. Guard gates, 60-ft. locks: Twice estimate 1— Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Twice estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 60-ft. locks: Twice estimate 1 — Total, service gates... Operating mechanism, service gates: Twice estimate 1 — Total operating mechanism Operating chambers, 60-ft. locks: Twice estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers... Stooev service valves, 7' x 10': Twice estimate 1 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Twice estimate 1 — Total, ojxrating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 7' x 10': Twice estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Twice estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 60-ft. lock: Twice estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens 30,010 bbls. 10,650 c. y. 21,050 c. y. 726,000 lbs. 24,200 c. y. 24,200 c. v. 3,025 bbls. 24,200 c. y. 13,600 c. y. 314 M. 314 M. 314 M. 81. 6M. 81. 6M. 39.6 M. 39.6 M. 118,000 lbs. 240,000 lbs. 16,200 lbs. 7,200 lbs. 50,000 lbs. 14,000 lbs. 4.000 lbs. 6,754,600 lbs. 8 units 8 units 16 units 16 units Emergency dams, 60-ft. locks: Twice estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams 8 valves 8 units 8 valves 8 units 8 screens 4 dams $2 50 1.80 2.00 .10 2.00 2.00 2.50 $13.00 $27.00 30.00 7.50 50.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 .08 .10 .15 .10 .08 .08 .05 .01 $40,300 $1,330 $38,000 $3,730 $3,560 $1,030 $3,560 » 1,930 $370.00 $90,800 $75,025 19,170 42.100 72,600 48,400 48,400 7,563 $313,2,58 $314,600 $367,200 9,420 2,355 15,700 2,448 4,080 1,188 1.980 9,440 24,000 2,430 720 4,000 1,120 200 67,546 $1,753,547 $322,400 $10,640 $608,000 $59,680 $4,350 $28,480 $15,440 $28,480 ^15,440 $2 960 $.363,200 81,753,547 322.400 10,640 608.000 59.680 4,350 28,480 15.440 28,480 15,440 2,960 363 200 458 DR'ISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Tola cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Unwatoring conduits. 60-ft. locks: Cast iron pipe, 48", 350 1. f.-_ Cast iron pipe, 18". 1,160 1. f Valves, 48". 2 at 7,875 lbs Valve operating mechanism Fish gratings, 2 — Galvanized wire _ Cast iron Anchor bolts Freight Installing 234,000 lbs. 150,000 lbs. 15,750 lbs. 11,800 lbs. 250 lbs. 440 lbs. 70 lbs. 412,310 lbs. 412,310 lbs. $0.05 $11,700 .05 7,500 .25 3,938 .35 4.130 .10 .25 .07 31 .08 6 .01 4,123 .02 8,246 Total, unwatering conduits. Filling conduit.s, 60-ft. locks: Twice estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits Guard gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates... Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units $20,000 $760.00 $18800 $2,000 Stoncy emergency valves, 4 5' x 6': Same as in estimate 1— Total, emergency valves Valve oi)crating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Culvert screens, 40 ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total culvert screens Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams $3,440 $1,510 $1,120 $830 00 «145 00 $45,900 )ok: Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit Filling conduit, 40-fl. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit. Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Same iis in estimate 3^ Total, guide walls Miscellaneous: Fogsignals Ladders Snubbing buttons. Sheave buttons Mooring bits Cavpls Lumpsum $39,699 $13,108 $80,000 $3,040 $150,400 I $16,000 *S $1,747 $13,760 $6,040 $4,480 $3,320 $580 $91,800 $3,154 M,448 $173,200 $15,000 $39,699 13,108 80,000 13,040 150,400 16,000 1,747 13,760 6.040 4,480 3,320 580 91,800 3,154 4.448 173,200 Total, miscollanooua. $15,000 15.000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 459 Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued lU*m Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Lighting: Lock walls — 6 beacons 24 units Lumpsum 12 units Lumpsum »500 00 100 00 $3,000 2,400 10,000 1,200 5,000 Laini>s and [xidestals _ . . Wiring and small fixturee Lock y-ard— Lanipe and pedestals . 100 00 Total lighting $21,600 $21,600 Total ship locks - ... $13,949,639 EMBANKMENT North abutmont: Dry excavation — Class III rock 3,100 c. y. 40,050 bbls. 14,210 c. V. 28,100 c.y. 32.300 c. y. 32.300 c. v. 32,300 c. y. 32,300 c. y. 15.00 $2.50 1.80 2 00 1.50 2 00 1 00 $10.25 $15,500 $100,125 25,578 56,200 48,450 64,600 32,300 Concrete, 1:2''2:5 mix- Cement Crushed stone Forms Mixing and placing Concret*" in place .•327,253 $331,075 To ta I north abutment $346,575 $578 2,750 8,680 2,218 4,872 4,200 5,600 2,800 $346,575 South abutment: Dry excavation — Class II broken rock. 770 c. y. 550 c. y. 3,472 bbls. 1,232 c. y. 2,436 c. y. 2,800 c. y. 2,800 c. y. 2,800 c. y. 2,800 c. y. $0.75 5.00 2.50 1.80 2.00 1 50 2.00 1 00 $10 25 Class III, rock. ■- Concrete, 1:2J^:5 mix — Cement . Sand (^rushed stone - . Forms Mi8Pollan**ous - Concrete in place $28,370 $28,700 Total south abutment $32,028 $1,430,000 753,200 2,211,000 1,276,000 75,320 92,100 27,000 32,028 Rock fill: Between mud and elevation — 7.5 1,300,000 c. y. 538,000 c. y. 2,010,000 c. y. 1,160,000 c.y. 53,800 c. y. 30,700 c. y. Lumpsum SI 10 1.40 1 10 1.10 1.40 3.00 Above elevation — 7.5. .__ Settlementin mud .. Waste and shrinkage — Below elevation — 7.5 35% Above elevation — 7.5, 10% $5,864,620 $9,913 8,921 22,601 7,534 1,983 5,864,620 Track, double: Ballast - 3,965 1. f. 3,965 1. f. 7.53,350 lbs. 753.3.50 lbs. 3,965 1. f. $2 50 2 25 .03 .01 .50 Ties 7"x9"x8'-6" treated Rails and accessories Lavinif double track . .. .-- .. Total track $50,952 $11,305 $1,993 1,832 248 1,113 560 399 50,952 13,3008. y. 3,985 I. f. 4,580 1. f. 620 f tga. 15,900 lbs. 55,960 lbs. 3,985 1. f. $0 85 »0 50 .40 .40 .07 .01 .10 11,305 Fences: Timber fence in place . Wire fence — Pipe 24" 35 100lbg. ... Fittings 49601be Wire fa brie, 9 ga FroiKht Total, fences $6,145 6,145 460 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 7— -Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary EMB.\NKMENT— Continued Lighting: Lampsand pedestals .. 61 units Lump sum SlOO 00 $6,100 4.000 Wiring and small fixtures $10,100 $10 100 Total, embankment $6,321,725 NORTH APPROACH Rock fill: Railroad — In place 10,000 c. y. 500 c. y. 1,260 c. y. 63 c. y. $0.90 .90 .90 .90 $9,000 450 1,134 57 Shrinkage, 5% Highway— 1 n place . - Shrinkage, 5% Total, rock fill $10,641 $7,500 6,750 17,100 5.700 1.500 $10,641 Track, double: Ballast.... 3,000 1. f. 3,000 ties 570,000 lbs. 570,000 lbs. 3,000 1. f. $2.50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 Ties, 7" X 9" x 8'-6", treated.... Railsand accessories Freight on metal.. Laying double track . Total, track $38,550 $5,000 1,50Q '38,550 5,000 1,500 Switch house . . . Lump sum 3,000 1. f. Fence, railroad $0.50 Total, north approach "; $55,691 $32,028 SOUTH APPROACH Abutment, highway: Same as south abutment for embankment — Total, abutment $32,028 $135 27 60 306 270 144 90 Bridge superstructure: Cemcn t . 54 bbls. 15 c. y. 30 c. y. 6,120 lbs. 36 c. y. 36 c. V. 36 c. y. 36 c. y. 56,800 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 58,700 ll)S. 58,700 lbs. $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 7, 50 4.00 2.50 $28.75 .05 .25 .01 -.015 Sand... Crushed stone.. Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y P'orms Miscellaneous. Concrete in place «1,032 $1,035 2,840 475 587 881 Structural steel, truss bridge, highway Cast steel, roller and pin bearings Freight on metal. Installing and painting metal Total, superstructure. $5,818 $68,400 3,420 5 818 Rock fill, highway: In place 76,000 c. y. 3,800 e. y. $0.00 .90 Shrinkage, 5%. Total, rock fill $71,820 $850 450 30,000 5,000 71 820 Highway, oiled macadam, 6" thick 1,000 8. v. 300 1. f. 3 miles Lumpsum $0 85 1.50 100,000 850 Fence, highway.. 450 f'onni'ctinK highway 30,000 5000 Switch house Total, south approach $145,966 Water supply Lump sum Lumpsum 2 bidgs. Lump sum Lumpsum Lumpsum Lumpsum $5,000 10,000 150.000 150,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 5 000 Block signals . . 10 000 Administration buildings $75,000 150 000 Piim|), power and transformer bouse 150 000 25 000 Construction camp 200,000 Permanent improvements. 50,000 Gross total $38,933,139 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 461 Preliminary Estimate No. 7 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary !l Credit, excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fill in place In quarry. 74%... Rockexca\'ation, no swell. Cost of borrowing 6,063,000 c. y. 4,487.000 c. y. 5,301,000 c. y. 4,487,000 c. y. $1.25 $5,608,750 Total estimated field cost. Kngineering, administration and contingencies, with allowance for meager topographic data, 35%. Kight of way Totalestimated cost, exclusive of interest during construction. Roughly.. $5,608,750 $33,324,389 11,663,530 1,250,000 $46,237,925 $46,200,000 462 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Benicia Site No railroad or highway bridge Four ship locks in Benicia Flood control gates offshore from Benicia Top of substructure elewtion 10 Width of Kate piers 15 feet 30 Stoney gates, 50 by 60 feet Gatesiilelevation — 50 Preliminary Estimate No. 8 Bases on assumed rock below water surface Item UNWATERING Same as in estimate 7: Gross total, unwatering Credit: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, credit- Total, unwatering- FLOOD CHANNEL »me as in estimate 7: Total, flood channel CONTROL WORKS Dry excavation, class III, rock Wet excavation, class I, sand and silt Grouting foundation Substructure: Concrete, 1:3:6 mix, filling under floor — Cement... Sand Crushed stone. Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place Concrete, 1:23^:5 mix, floor beams- Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 65 lbs., c. y Forms ._ Mixing and placing Misoel lancouB- Concrete in place FJoor, 3 ft. thick- Cement Sand... Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 36lbe., c. y. Forms _ Mixing and placing , Miscellaneous Concretcin place Pier footings — Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 135 lbs., c. y.. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous . Concretcin place Piers- Cement Sand " Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 76 lbs., o. y.. Forms Mixing and placing Misceflaneoua Concrete in place Total, substructure. Quantity 23,300 c. y. 565,000 c. y. Lump sum 10,400 bbls. 4,356 c. y. 8,811c. y. 9,900 c. V. 9,900 e. y. 9,900 c. y. 33,360 bbls. 11,840 c. y. 23.400 c. y. 1,748,500 lbs. 26,900 c. V. 26,900 c. y. 26,900 c. y. 26,900 c. V. 5, 2 4 166 4 4 4 890 bbls. ,090 c. V. .133 c. v. 2.5011)8. 750 c. y. 750 c. y. 750 c. y. 4,750 c. y. 16,620 bbls. 5,895 c. V. 11,660 c. V. 1.809,000 lbs. 13,400 c. y. 13,400 c. y. 13,400 c. y. 13,400 c. y. 54,550 bbls. 19,360 c. y. 38,270 c. y. 3,300,000 lbs. 44,000 c. y. 44,000 c. y. 44,000 c. y. 44,000 c. y. Unit cost $5.00 .12 $2.50 1.80 2 00 2 00 1 00 $8.25 S2.50 1 80 2.00 .05 .50 2.50 1.00 $13 00 $2.50 1 80 2 00 .05 .25 2.50 .75 $11.00 $2 50 1. 80 2 00 05 50 2 50 1 00 $16.50 $2.50 Total cost 80 00 05 50 00 00 $16.00 $116.50e~ 67,800 32,000 $26,000 7,841 17.622 19,800 9,900 $81,163 $81,675 $83,400 21,.'^12 46,800 87,425 13 450 67,250 26,900 Summary $346,537 S349,700 $14,725 3.762 8,266 8,313 1,188 11,875 3^M "$5^692 $52,250 $41,550 10.611 23.320 90.450 6.700 33.500 13.400 $219,531 $221,100 $136,375 34 848 76.540 165,000 110,000 132.000 44.000 $698,763 $704,000 S3.715.714 $521,476 $3,194,238 .» $7,556,200 $116,500 67.800 32,000 11 4nfl 72^ t 408 72S ! THE SALT WATER BARRIER 46:J Preliminary Estimate No. 8 — Continued Item Quantity CONTROL WOUKS-Continued Superstructure: Girder spans — Structural steel Cast steel, roller and pin bearings Pipe railing — Pipe, 2", 2.5,500 lbs Fittings, 3,300 lbs... , Timber flooring Towers, structural steel Freight on metal Installiugand [Minting metal Placing lumber Total, superstructure. Stoneygates, 50'x60': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, Stoney gates Counterweights: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, counterweights. Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Caisson gates, 50' x 60': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, caisson gates Lighting: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, lighting Total, control works. SHIP LOCKS Dry excavation, class III, rock: Massive Trench Total, dry excavation.. Wet excavation: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, wet excavation- Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, grouting Concrete. 1:2' 2:0 mix: Outside wall, 80-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Wall between 80-ft. and 60-ft. locks- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Wall between 60-ft. locks — Same as in estimate 7. Concretein place Wall between 60-ft..and 40-ft. locks- Same as in estimate 5. Concretein place Outside wall, 40-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 3. Concretein place Total, concrete in walls. Concrete, 1:3:6 mix: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, concrete in sills. . Rock fill: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, rock fill 1.140,000 lbs. 216,000 lbs. 5,100 1. f. 660 ftgs 70 M. 1,910,000 lbs. 3,294,800 lbs. 3,294,800 lbs. 70 M. 30 gates 30ctrwt8. .30 units 2 gates 886,000 c. y. 59,100 c. y. 117,000 c. y. 79,700 c. y. 59.000 c. y. 59.400 c. y. 14.100 c. y. Unit cost »0 05 .25 .25 .25 30.00 .05 .01 02 50.00 $49,200 $3,340 $9,000 $78,000 $1 25 5.00 $11 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 10.75 Total cost $57,000 54,000 1.275 165 2,100 95,500 32.948 65.896 3.500 $312,384 $1,476,000 $100,200 $270,000 $156,000 $11,000 $1,107,-500 295,500 $1,403,000 $2,311,376 $160,000 $1,287,000 956,400 708.000 712.000 151,575 $3,815,775 $204,750 $40,400 Summary $312,384 1,476,000 100,200 270,000 156,000 11.000 $3,950,609 $1,403,000 2,311.376 160,000 3,815,775 204,750 40,400 464 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 8 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS-Continued Guard gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, service gates.. Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism- Culvert screens, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams.. Salt water relief conduit: Same as in "istimatc 1— Total, salt water conduit. Unwatering conduits, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, unwatering conduit... Filling conduits, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits.. Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1- Totiil, fish ladder... Guide walls, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 7- Total, guide walls... (Juunl gates, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, guard gates Ojn'rating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 7— Total, operating mechanism . . . Service gates, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, service gates... Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, operating chambers... 4 units 4 units 12 units 12 units 6 valves 6 units 6 valves 6 units 4 screens 2 dams S units 8 units 16 units 16 units 178,100 $2,000 $71,000 ?6,000 $8,470 $4,140 S8,470 $4,140 $640 $171,000 $40,:<00 $i.;i30 $38,000 $3,730 $312,400 $8,000 $852,000 $72,000 $3,924 $50,820 $24,840 S50,820 $24,840 $2,560 $342,000 $11,185 $100,710 $8,895 $23,251 $1,753,547 $322,400 $10,040 $008,000 $59,680 $4,350 $312,400 8,000 852,000 72,000 3,924 50,820 i ^24,840 50.820 24.840 2,500 342,000 11,185 100.710 8,895 23,251 1.753,547 322,400 |0.ti40 008.000 59.680 4.350 THE SALT WATEK BAKKIEK 465 Preliminary Estimate No. 8 — Continued Valve opera tiDg mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. ■ Stoney emergency valves, 4.5' x 6': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. . . Item SHIP LOCKS— Continued Stoney service valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 7 — Tota 1, service valvea Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 7 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, operating mechanism.. Culvert screens, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams. 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, emergency dams , Unwatcring conduits, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, unwatering conduits. . , Filling conduits, 60 ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, filling conduits Guard gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism , Operating chambers, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.. Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves. Culvert screens, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens.. Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams. . Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit.. Quantity 8 valves 8 units 8 valves 8 units Sl,930 Unit cost $3,560 11.930 83,560 8 screens 4 dams 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams $370.00 $90,800 $20,000 $760.00 $18,800 $2,000 $3,440 $1,510 $1,120 $830 00 $145.00 $45,900 Total cost $28,480 $15,440 $28,480 $15,440 $2,960 $363,200 $39,699 $13,108 $80,000 $3,040 $150,400 $16,000 $1,747 $13,760 $6,040 ■54.480 $3,320 $580 $91,800 $3,154 Summary $28,480 15,440 28,480 15.440 2,960 363,200 39,699 13,108 80,000 3,040 150,400 16,000 1,747 13,760 6,040 4.480 3,320 680 91,800 3,154 80 — 70686 466 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 8 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Filling conduits, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, guide walls Miscellaneous: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, miscellaneous. .. Lighting: Same as in estimate 7- Tofal, lighting Total, ship locks - EMBANKMENT Abutment: Dry excavation — Class III, rock Concrete, l:2}-i:5 mix — Cement - Sand Crushed stone Forms Mixing and placing -.. Misc'llaneous -. Concrete in place. . Total, abutment. Rock fill: Between mud and elevation — 7.5. Above elevation — 7.5 Settlementin mud.. Waste and shrinkage — Below elevation —7.5, 35% Above elevation —7.5, 10% Riprap, over 1 cu. ft Gravel blanket, 12" thick Filling voids, pumped mud Total, rock fill. Lighting. Total, embankment. Water supply Administration buildings Pump, power and transformer house. Machine shop Construction camp Permanent improvements Gross total. 2,470 c. y. 24 8, 17 20 20 20 ,800 bbls. 800 c. y. ,400 c. V. ,000 c. y. ,000 c. y. ,000 c. V. 20,000 c. y. $5.00 2.50 1.80 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 $10.25 940.000 c. y. 87,800 c. y. 1,330,000 c.y. 795,000 c, y. 8,780 c. y. 25,200 c. y. 2,420 c. y. Lump sum $1.10 1.40 1.10 1.10 1.40 00 50 Lump sum Lumpsum 2 bidgs. Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum $75,000 Credit, excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fillin place In quarry, 74% ' Rock excavation, no swell Cost of borrowing 4,071,000 c.y. 3,013,000 c. v. 5,252,000 c. y. 3.013,000 c. y. $1 25 Total oitimated field cost. $4,448 $173,200 $15,000 $21,(}00 $12,350 62,000 15,840 34,800 30,000 40,000 20,000 $202,640 $205,000 $217,350 $1,034,000 122,920 1,463,000 874.500 12,292 75,600 6,050 26,000 $3,614,362 $4,000 $5,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 $3,766,250 Engineering, administration and oootingencies, with allowance for meager topographic data, 35%. Right of way Total estimated cost, exclusive of interest during construction. Roughly $4,448 173,200 15.000 21,600 $13,677,539 $217,350 3,614,362 4,000 $3,835,712 $5,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 I 200.000 50,000 $32,794,298 3,766,250 $29,028,048 10.150.817 1,000.000 $40,187,866 $40,200,000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 46' SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Dillon Point Site Minimum bridge clearance 50 feet at locks Four ship locks in Dillon Point Flood control gates in Dillon Point Top of substructure elevation 10 Width of gate piers 20 feet 15 Stoney gates 70 by 80 feet Gatesillelevation —70 Single-deck bridge Concrete bridge piers BascofrailelcvatioD 60 at locks Highway elevation 59.5 at locks Preliminary Estimate No. 9 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summarv UNWATERIN'G Trwtle: Timber piling- Delivered 16.600 1. f. 16,600 1. f. 268 piles 92 M. 92 M. 67 M. 67 M. 67 M. 4.500 lbs. 1.300 Ibe. 6,000 Ibe. $ 30 .25 1.00 30 00 30,00 30 00 50.00 10 00 .08 .05 .01 $4,980 4,130 268 2,760 4,600 2,010 3,350 670 360 75 60 Drinng . . Cutting above fill Caps and stringers — Delivered . .. Placing Bracing and walee — Delivered.. Placing Remo\ing Bolts Nails Freight on metal Total, trestle. $23,283 $335 960 320 168 *23 283 Track: Ties, 6" I 8" x8'-6", untreated 335 ties 32.000 lbs. 32,000 lbs. 670 1. f. $1.00 .03 .01 .25 Rails and accessori<« Frei^t on metal Laving track.. Total.track $1,783 $104,160 29,760 10,380 1 783 Steel sheet piling: Plain, 69,200 1. f. at 43 Ibe 2,976.000'lb6. 2,976.000 lbs. 69.200 1. f. $0,035 .01 .15 Handling at site Driving . Total, sheet piling $144,300 $4,643 54,540 144300 Fill: Core,earth 6,190 c. y. 60.600 c. y. $0.75 .90 Total, fill $59,183 $100 2,000 1,250 11,700 59 183 Pompmg: Foundation Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum 1,300 M. gal. Pump, 1,8".. Pipe.... ::::::::.: $9.00 $15,050 $1,403 200 625 70 31.450 1,730 $35,398 15 050 Bemonng cofferdams: Middle cofferdam — 1,650 c. y. 400 c. y. 140 piles 28 piles 37.000 c. y. 3.500 c. y. SO 85 .50 3 73 2.50 .85 .50 Earth core Cutting timber piles Rock, broken 35 398 Gross total, unwaterinr $278,997 Cwdlt: Stlnge on sheet piling 960,000 Ibe. $0 02 $19,200 19,200 Total, unwmterlag. $259,707 468 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 9 — Continued Item QuaEtity Unit cost Total cost Summary FLOOD CHANNEL Dry excavation: Class III, rock Wet excavation: Class I, sand and silt Class III, rock Total, wet excavation- Concrete, l-.ili'h mix: Slope lining, 24" thick- Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms. Mixing and placing. - Miscellaneous Concrete in place Total, flood channel. CONTROL WORKS Same as in estimate 6: Total, control works BRIDGE Piers: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, piers Deck superstructure: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, deck superstructure. Through superstructure: Same as in estimate 1— Total, through superstructurp. Lift8pan,290'-8": Same as in estimate 7 — Total, lift span Counterweights: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, counterweights Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Operating house Lighting: Lamps and pedestals.. Wiring and small fixtures Total, lighting Total, bridge SHIP LOCKS Dry excavation: Class III, rock — Massive. Trench.. Total, dry excavatjon. Wet excavation: Class I, sand and silt. Class III, rock Total, wot excavation. Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, grouting foundation. 22.000,000 c. y. 12,600,000 c. y. 5,180.000 c. y. $1.25 SO. 12 4.50 5,130 bbls. 1,820 c. y. 3,600 c. y. 4,130 c. y. 4,130 c. y. 4,130 c. y. 4,130 c. y. $2.50 1.80 2.00 3.00 2.75 2.50 $14.00 1 span 2 ctrwts. 1 unit Lump sum 38 units Lump sum $340,000 $66,300 $12,800 $100.00 3,500,000 c. y. 72,700 c. y. 11.25 5.00 292,000 c. y. 417,000 c. y. $0 12 3 25 $27,500,000 <1,512,000 23,310.000 $24,822,000 $12,825 3,276 7,200 12.390 11,358 10,325 557,374 $57,820 $252,450 $596,531 $37,427 $340,000 $132,600 $12,800 J2,000 $3,800 2,500 $6,300 $4,375,000 363,500 $4,738,500 $35,040 1,355,250 $1,390,290 $160,000 $27,500,000 24,822,000 57,820 $52,379,820 $i,708,396 ^$252,450 596,531 37.427 340,000 132,600 12.800 2,000 6,300 $1,380,108 $4,738,500 1,390.290 160,000 IS THE SALT WATER BARRIER Preliminary Estimate No. 9 — Continued 469 Item SHIP LOCKS— Continued Concrete, 1:2,4:5 mix: Outaide »-all, 80- ft. lock- Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable.. Forms M ixing ajid placing Miscellaneous . locks: Concrete in place. . , Wall l)etween 80-f t. and 60-ft. Same as in estimate 3. Concrctcin place Wall between 60 ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7. Concrete i n place. Wall between 60 ft. and 40-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Outside wall, 40-ft. lock: Cement Sand Crushed stone Reiniorcing steel, per cent variable. Forms Mixing and placing _ M iscellaneous Concrete in place Total, concrete in walls. Concrete. 1:3:6 mix: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, concrete in sills. . Guard gates. 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates... Operating mechanism, guard gate?: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.. Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves. 8.5' z 14': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Quantity 159,000 bbls. 56,300 c. y. 111,000 c.y. 660,000 lbs. 128,000 c. y. 128,000 c. v. 128,000 c. y. 128, 79, 000 c. y. 700 c. y. 59,000 c. y. 78,200 c. y. 20, 7, 14, 11, 16, 16, 16, 700 bbls. 350 c. y. 500 c. y. 800 lbs. 700 c. y. 700 c. y. 700 c. y. 16,700 c. y. 4 units 4 units 12 units 12 units Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvertscreens, 80 ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 80 ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams.. 6 valves 6 units 6 valves 6 units 4 screens 2 dams Unit cost Total cost J2.50 80 00 05 00 00 00 SI I 00 12 00 12.00 12 00 2.50 1 80 2.00 .05 2.00 2.00 1.00 flO.75 $78,100 $2,000 $71,000 $6,000 $8,470 $4,140 $8,470 $4,140 $640.00 $171,000 J397,.500 101,340 222.000 33,000 256,000 256.000 128,000 $1,393,840 $1,408,000 956,400 708,000 938,400 51,750 13,230 29,000 590 33.400 33,400 16,700 $178,070 $179,525 $4,190,325 $204,750 $312,400 $8,000 $852,000 $72,000 $3,924 $50,820 $24,840 $50,820 $24,840 S2,S60 $342,000 Summary 84,190,325 204,750 312,400 8,000 852,000 72,000 3,924 50,820 24,840 50.820 24,840 2,560 342.000 470 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 9 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Salt waterrelief conduit: Same as in estimate 1 — Total.salt water conduit Unwatering conduit, 80-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, unwatering conduit Filling conduits, 80-ft. lock: Same as i n estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits-- Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, fish ladder Guide walls, 80-ft. lock: Caissons, 8. 25' diameter — Structural steel Semi-steel Bolts Assembling : Floating to place Sinking Wet excavation caissons — Class I, sand and silt Class III, rock Dry e'coavation, class III, rock Concrete, l:2J-^:5 mix, cylinders, tremied — Cement Sand Crushed stone. Reinforcing steel, 30 lbs , c. y -.. Mixing and placing Missellaneous Ex tra cement Concrete in place Deck- Same as in estimate 3. Concrete in place Cut-off- Cement Sand Crushed stone Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concretein place.. Piers — Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 30 lbs., c. y.. Forma Mixing and placing Miscellaneous , Concretein place.. Posts, cape, sills, etc. — Delivered Painting Placing.. Chafing |)icco8 — Delivered.. Placing Flooring — Delivered.. Placing Fender metal — Structural steel , Oast steel Coil springs, triple.. Post sockets, cast steel. Anchor bolts Bolts Nails. Freight on metal. Total, guide walls. 3,110,000 lbs. 300,000 lbs. 14,000 lbs. 3,424,000 lbs. 8 caissons 8 caissons 1,800 c. y. 3,630 c. y. 3,020 c. y. 17,100 bbls. 6,070 c. y. 12,000 c. y. 414.000 lbs. 13.800 c. y. 13.800 c. y. 1,725 bbls. 13,800 c. y. 13,600 c. y. 1,860 bbls. 660 c. y. 1,305 c. y. 1,500 c. y. 1,500 0. y. 1,500 c. y. 11,480 bbls. 4,074 c. y. 8,056 c. y. 277,800 lbs. 9,260 c. y. 9,260 c. y. 9,260 c. y. 9,260 c. y. 314 M. 314 M. 314 M. 81 6 M. 81 6M. 39 6 M'. 39.6 M. 118,000 lbs. 240,000 lbs. 16,200 lbs. 7,200 lbs. 60.000 lbs. 14,000 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 3,873,400 lbs. $0.06 .10 .08 02 6,000 9,000 .75 15.00 5.00 50 80 00 10 00 00 50 $13.00 27.00 50 80 00 50 00 $9.25 2.50 1.80 2 00 .05 3 00 3 00 1 00 $14 25 30 00 7.50 50 00 30 00 50 00 30 00 50.00 .08 .10 .15 .10 .08 .08 .05 .01 $11,185 »100,710 $8,895 $23,251 $186,600 30,000 1,120 68.480 48,000 72,000 1,350 54,450 15,100 42.750 10,^26 24,900 41,400 27,600 27,600 4,313 $178,589 $179,400 367,200 4,650 1,188 2,610 3,750 1,500 $13,698 $13,875 28,700 7,333 16,112 13,890 27,780 27,780 9,260 $130,855 $131,955 9,420 2,355 15,700 2.448 4.080 1,188 1,980 9,440 24.000 2.430 720 4.000 1,120 200 38,734 Sll.lSS 100.710 8,895 23.251 $1,287,345 1,287,34S THE SALT WATER BARRIER 471 Preliminary Estimate No. 9 — Continued Item Quantity L'nit cuBt Total cost Summary SHIP LOOKS— Continued Guard gatefi. 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, service gates.. Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers. 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, operating chambers Stoney service valves, 7' z 10': Same as in estimate 7 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney em Tgency valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 7 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, opera ting mechanism... Culvert screens. 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, culvert screens... Emergency dams, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, emergency dams Unwatering conduits, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, unwatering conduits. ,. Filling conduits, 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, filling conduits Guard gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total. guard gates.. , Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total operating mechanism Operating chambers, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, opera ting mechanism. 8 units 8 units 16 units 16 units 8 valves 8 units 8 units 8 units 8 screens 4 dams 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units S40,300 $1,330 $38,000 $3,730 $3,560 $1,930 $3,560 $1,930 $370.00 $90,800 $20,000 $760.00 $18,800 S2.000 $3,440 $1,510 1322,400 $10,640 $608,000 $59,680 $4,350 $28,480 $15,440 $28,480 $15,440 $2,960 $363,200 $39,699 $13,108 $80,000 $3,040 $150,400 $16,000 $1,747 $13,760 $6,040 $322,400 10,o40 608.000 59,680 4,350 28,480 15.440 28,480 15.440 2,960 363.200 39,699 13,108 80.000 3,040 150,400 16,000 1.747 13,760 6,040 472 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 9 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Stoney emergpncy valves, 4.5' x 6': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism; Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Culvert screens, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens... Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit-. Filling conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, guide walls Miscellaneous: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, miscellaneous... Lighting: Same as in estimate 7 — Total, lighting.. Total, ship locks- EMBANKMENT South abutment: Dry excavation — Class II, broken rock Class III, rock Concrete, 1:2J'2:5 mix- Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous- Concrete in place. Total, abutment. 7.5. Rock fill: Dam — Between mud and elevation Above elevation — 7.5 Scttlementin mud. Waste and shrinkage — Belowclevation —7.5, 35% Above elevation —7.5, 10%.... liiprap, over 1 cu.ft Killing voids, pumped mud Lock yard — Between rock and elevation — 7.5 Above elevation — 7.5 Riprap, over 1 cu.ft Gravel blanket, 12" thick Total, rock fill. Track, double: Ballaat Ties, 7" X 9" X 8' 6". treated. Rails and accessories Freight on metal Laying double track 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams $1,120 $830.00 $145.00 $45,900 2,000 c. v. 600 c. y. 4,090 bbls. 1,450 c. y. 2,870 c. y. 3.300 c. y. 3,300 c. v. 3,300 c. y. 3,300 c. y. SO 5 10 00 2.50 1.80 2.00 1.50 2.00 1 00 10.25 3,820,000 c. y. 846,000 c. V. 864,000 c. y. 1,640,000 c. V. 84,600 c. y. 20,500 c. y. Lump sum 31,000 c. y. 26,000 c. y. 1,600 c. y. 1,920 c. V. n . 10 1 40 1 10 1.10 1.40 3.00 1.10 1 40 3 00 2.50 2,700 1. f. 2,700 ties 513,000 lbs. 513,000 lbs. 2,700 1. f. $2 50 2 25 .03 .01 50 $4,480 83,320 $580 $91,800 $3,154 $4,448 $173,206- $15,000^ $21,600 $1,500 3,000 10,225 2,610 5,740 4,950 6,600 3,300^ $33,425 $33,825 $38,325 $4,202,000 1,184,400 950,400 1,804,000 118,440 61,500 53,000 34,100 36,400 4,800 4.800 $8,453,840 $6,750 6.075 15.390 5,130 1,350 $4,480 3,320 i 580 91,800 3,154 4.448 ,173,200 15.000 21.600 815,959.901 $38,325 8,453,840 Total, track. $34,695 34,695 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 473 Preliminary Estimate No. 9 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary EMB.\NKME\T-Continued HiRbways. oiled macadam, 6" thick: Main road 9.000 8. y. 1.560 B. y. SO 85 .85 $7,650 1.326 Accees road Total, highwaj-s $8,976 $1,3S0 1,240 168 756 379 3,791 $8 976 Fencee: Timber fence in place 2,700 1. f. 3,100 1. f. 420ftg8. 10.800 lbs. 37.910 Ibe. 37,910 Ibe. $0.50 .40 .40 .07 .01 .10 Wire fence — Pipe. 2' '.•.23.750 Ibe ,... Fittings, 3.360 Ibe Wire fabric, 9 ga freight Erecting Total, fencee $7,684 $4,200 3,000 7 684 Lighting: 42 units Lump sum $100.00 Wiring and small fixtures Total, lighting - $7,200 7 200 TntAl embanlrmpnt. . . ., . $8,550 720 NORTH APPROACH Rock fill: Railroad and highway — In place 658,000 c. y. 32,900 c. y. $0.90 .90 $592,200 29,610 Shrinkage, 5%.. Total, rock fill $621,810 $9,500 8,550 21,660 7,220 1,900 S621 810 Track, double: Ballast 3.800 1. f. 3,800 ties 722,000 lbs. 722,000 lbs. 3,800 1. f. $2 50 2.25 .03 .01 .50 Ties. 7" X 9" I 8' 6", treated Rails and accessories . Freight on metal . ■ $48,830 S5.000 300.000 10.455 1,900 5,550 48,830 Swi tch house. Lumpsum 3 miles 12,300 8. y. 3,800 1. f. 3,700 1. f. 5,000 Connecting railroad _ $100,666 .85 .50 1.50 300 000 Elighway, oiled macadam, 6" thick 10,455 Fences: Railroad.- Highway . . Total, fences $7,450 7,450 Total, north approach $993,545 SOUTH APPROACH Abutment: Same as for embankment — Total, abutment . .. $38,325 $128 25 58 289 255 136 85 $38,325 Bridge superstructure: Concrete, 1:2:4 mix, highway — Cement 51 bbla. 14 c. y. 29 c. y. 5,780 Ibe. 34c.y. 34 c. y. 34c.y. 34 c. y. 170.000 lbs. 54.000 Ibe. 7.470 Ibe. 70 1. f. 10 ftgs. 230 Ibe. 232.320 Ibe. 232.320 Ibe. $2.50 1.80 2.00 .05 7.50 4.00 2.50 $28.75 .04 .05 .25 .40 .40 .07 .01 .015 Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 170 Ibe., c. y Forms. Mixing and placing ... MLwilannniiR Concrete in place $976 978 6.800 2.700 1.868 28 4 16 2.323 3.485 Structural steel — Truss bridge, highway Wire fence- Pipe, 2' .i". 540 Ibe Fittings, 80 Ibe Wire fabric, 9 ga.. Freight on metal Installing and painting metal 474 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 9 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SOUTH APPROACH— Continued Bridge supe-structure — Continued Track, -2:5 mix- Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms. ... Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $182,376 $184,500 $192,000 S850.300 24,360 298,100 2,436 12.960 1.025 10,000 55,980 2,799 6.240 500 1.500 Total, abutment . . $192,000 Rock fill: North of contro 1 works — Below elevation — 7.5 773,000 c. y. 17.400 c. y. 271,000 c. y. 1.740 c. y. 4.320 c. y. 410 c.y. Lump sum 62.200 c. y. 3.110 c. y. 2.080 c. y. 200 c. y. Lump sum $1.10 1.40 1 10 1.40 3 00 2.50 Above elevation — 7.5 Waste and shrinkage— Below elevation — 7.5. 35% Above elevation — 7.5 10% Riprap, over 1 cu. ft. Gravel blanket. 12" thick Filling voids pumped mud South of control works— In place .90 .90 3.00 2.50 Shrinkage. 5% Riprap over leu. ft. _ Gravel blanket. 12" thick Fillinff voids oumned mud Total, rock fill.. $1,266,200 $1,000 1,266.200 Ligh ting Lump sum 1.000 $1,459,200 WATER SUPPLY Excavation: 1.350 c. y. 10 c. y. $2.00 1.60 $2,700 15 Class II, broken rock Total, excavation $2,715 $2,715 484 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 10 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summarj' Pipe: WATER SUPPLY— Continued Cradles on embankment, concrete, 1:23^:5 mix- Cement. Sand _ Crushed stone _ Forms Mixing and placing M isoel laneous Concrete in place. Cradles, steel Main, 4", 8,5001. f Laterals, IJ^", 3,000 1. f.. Fixtures Freight Laying. Total, pipe Backfill Total, water supply. Administration buildings. Pump, power and transformer house. Machine shop Construction camp Permanent improvements. Gross total. Credit, excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fill in place In quarry, 74% Rock excavation, no swell Cost of borrowing 25 bbls. 9 c. y. 17 c. y. 20 c. y. 20 c. y. 20 c. y. 20 c. y. 4,800 lbs. 127,500 lbs. 10,000 lbs. 2,500 lbs. 144,800 lbs. 11,500 1. f. ?2.50 1.80 2,00 4.00 4.00 1.00 S14.75 .10 .05 .05 .05 .01 .03 1,350 c. y. $0 40 2 bldgs. Lumpsum Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum S75,000 2,012,000 c. y. 1,490,000 c. y. 5,551,000 c.y. 1,490,000 c. y. J1.25 Total estimated field cost. Engineering, administration and contingencies, 25%. Right of way Total estimated cost, exclusive ofinterest during construction. Roughly $63 16 34 80 80 20 $293 $295 480 6,375 500 125 1,448 345 S9,568 S540 •5150,000 1,50,000' ■ 25,00.f 200,000 50,000 "^» $1,862,500 $9,568 540 $12,823 150.000 25,000 200.000 50,000 i^. $32,194,509 1,862.500 $31,132,009 7,783.002 12,500 $38,027,511 $38,900,000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 485 SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Dillon Point Site Minimum bridge clearance 50 feet at locks Four ship locks in Dillon Point H Flood control gates across Carquinez Strait Top of substructure elcN-ation 10 Width of gate piers 50 feet 21 Stoney gates. 70 by 80 feet Gate sill elevation — 70 Double-% In pockets, earth ...11 ■Against piling, rock Total, fill $3,554,180 $12,800 2.900 5.100 8.190 3,580 875 575 3,554,180 Track: Stringers in place . 160 M. 2,900 ties 85.000 lbs. 273.000 lbs. 358,000 lbs. 3.500 1. f. 2.300 1. f. $80.00 1 00 .06 .03 .01 .25 .25 Ties. 6" X 8" x 8'-6", untreated. Bearing plates Freight on metal lAving track- On fill On sheet piling Total, track $34,020 $7,500 11.000 5.000 6.030 136.400 $165,930 34,020 Pumping: Barges 3 barges Lump sum Lump sum 670 M. gal. 12.400 M. gal. $2,500 Pumpe. 2. 12", 1, 14" Pipe ITnwatering 9.66 11.00 Leakage during construction Total, pumpug 165,930 508 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary UNWATERING— Continued Removing cofferdam: Rock, broken — Jettv 605,000 c. y. 1,420,000 c.y. 211,000 c. y. 7,530 piles 241 piles 1,650 piles 5.490 piles 180 piles $1 05 1.05 .50 3.75 5.60 2.50 7.50 10.00 $635,250 1.491.000 105,500 28.238 1,350 4,125 41,175 1,800 1 1 i $2,308,438 Main cofferdam Earth in pockets Pulling piles, ave. pen. 12.5', steel- Plain 3-way Cutting piles — Timber Steel- Plain 3-way Total, removing $2,308,438 Gross total, unwatering $9,146,375 $412,000 { : 218,400 Credit: Salvage on sheet piling 20,600,000 lbs. 906,000 c. y. 190,000 c. v. 724,000 c. y. $0.02 $0.12 .12 .12 $412,000 $108,720 22.800 86,880 Wet excavation: Class I. sand and silt inside of cofferdam — Chargeable to control works Chargeable to ship locks Total, wet excavation $218,400 Total, credit... '$630,400 •• Total, unwatering $8,515,975 i ' $1,138,750 1 i 2,330,220 44.820 FLOOD CHANNEL Dry excavation: Class III, rock 911,000 c. y. 906,000 c. y. 3,700,000 c. y. 395,000 c. y. $1.25 .12 .12 4.50 $1,138,750' 108,720 444,000 1,777,500 Wet excavation: Class I, sand and silt — Outside cofferdam... ... Class III. rock Total, wet excavation $2,330,220 $10,293 2,630 4,621 9,060 9.130 8,300 Concrete. \:2\i-^ mix: Slopelining. 24" thick- Cement 4,117 bbls. 1.461 c. y. 2.888 c. y. 3.320 c. y. 3.320 c. y. 3,320 0. y. 3,320 c. y. S2 .SO 1 80 1.60 3.00 2.75 2 50 $13.50 Sand. Crushed stone , Forms Mixing and placing .. . - Miscellaneous ■ Concrete in place $44,934 $44,820 Total, flood channel *3,513,790 $200,000 22,800 37.600 CONTROL WORKS Dry excavation, class III, rock 40.000 c. y. 190.000 c. v. $5 00 .12 $200,000 22,800 $37,500 J36,0O0 10,8.')4 19,520 27,400 13,700 $107,474 $106,175 $81,250 20,700 36,480 85,000 13,100 65,500 26.200 $328,230 $327,500 Wet exca\'ation. class I, sand and silt Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, grouting Substructure: Concrete, 1:3:6 mix, filling under floor- Cement 14,400 bbls. 6,030 c. V. 12,200 c. y. 13,700 c. y. 13,700 c. y. 13,700 c. y. 32,500 bbls. 11,500 c. y. 22.800 c. y. 1.700,000 lbs. 26,200 c. y. 26,200 c. y. 26,200 c. y. 26.200 c. y. %2 m 1 80 1 60 2.00 1.00 $7.75 $2.50 1 80 l.tiO .05 .50 2.50 1 00 $12.50 Sand Crushed stone Mixing and placing Miscellaneous . Concrete in place Concrete, l:2)-^:5 mix, floor beams — Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 65 lbs., c. y Forms Mixing and placing Miscella neons Concrete in place THE SALT WATER BARRIER Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued 509 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary CONTROL WORKS-Continucd Substructure— Continued Floor. 4 ft. thick- Cement 9.300 bbls. 3.300 c. y. 6,520 c. y. 262,500 lbs. 7.500 c. y. 7.500 c. y. 7.500 c. y. 7,.500 c. y. 18,200 bbls. 6,500 c. y. 12,800 c. y. 1,985,000 lbs. 14,700 c. y. 14,700 c. y. 14,700 c. y. 14,700 c. y. 84,100 bbls. 29,800 c. y. 59,000 c. y. 5.085.000 lbs. 67.800 c. y. 67,800 c. y. 67,800 c. y. 67,800 c. y. 7,000 c. y. $2.50 1.80 1.60 .05 .25 2.50 .75 $10.50 $2.50 1.80 1.60 .05 .50 2.50 1.00 $16.00 $2.50 1.80 1.60 .05 2.50 3.00 1.00 $15.50 .90 $23,250 5,940 10,432 13,125 1,875 18,750 5,625 Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel. 35 lbs., c. y Forms ... ... . .. . Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place . $78,997 $78,750 $45,500 11,700 20,480 99,250 7,350 36,750 14,700 Pier footings- Cement Sand Crushedstone Reinforcing steel, 135 lbs., c.y Forms . . Mixing and placing Concrete in place .. $235,730 $235,200 $210,250 53,640 94,400 254,250 169,500 203,400 67.800 Piers- Cement Sand Crushedstone. Reinforcing steel, 75 lbs., c. y Forms Mixing and placing . . . Miscellaneous Concrete in place $1,053,240 $1,050,900 6,300 Back fill- Behind north pier, rock Total, substructure $1,804,825 $10,250 2.610 4.640 1.650 19.800 11.550 3.300 $1,804,825 Superstructure: 'edeatals, concrete. 1:2^:5 mix- Sand 4,100 bbls. 1,450 c. y. 2,900 c. y. 33,000 lbs. 3,300 c. y. 3,300 c. V. 3.300 c.y. 3.300 c. y. 1,100,10011)8. 207,000 lbs. 3,530 1. f. 460ftgs. 60.8 M. 1.630,000 lbs. 2,956,950 lbs. 2.956,950 lbs. 60 8 M. $2.50 1.80 1.60 .05 6 00 3.50 1.00 .?16.25 .05 .25 .25 .25 30.00 .05 .01 02 50 00 Crushedstone . Reinforcingsteel, 10 lbs., c. y. Forms ... Mixing and placing .. . .Miijjllaneous Concrete in place .?53.800 $53,625 55,000 51,750 883 115 1,824 81,500 29,570 59,139 3,040 Girder spans- Cast steel. roller and pin bearings . . Pipe riilinp— Pipe. 2". 17,650 lbs Fittings. 2.300 lbs... Timber flooring Towers — Structural steel . Freight on metal Placing lumber .. Total, superstructure $336,446 $1,605,000 $6,975 1,782 3,136 16,875 6.750 11.250 336.446 .-^toneygates. 70'x82': Same as in estimate 2 — ToUl.Stoney gates 15 gates 2,790 bbls. 990 c. V. 1,960 c.y. 2,250 c. y. 2,250 c. y. 2.250 c. y. 2,250 c. y. $107,000 $2 50 1 80 1.60 7.50 3.00 5.00 $20.76 1.605 000 Counterweights: Concrete, 1:2} 2:5 mix- Cement Sand.. Crushedstone Forms Mixing and placing Mis3allaneous Concrete in place $46,768 $46,688 510 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary CONTROL WORKS— Continued Counterweights — Continued Structural steel Cast iron U-bolts Anchor bolts Freight Installing and painting -. Total, counterweights- Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, operating mechanism. Caisson gates, 70' x 82': Same as in estimate 2 — Total, caisson gates Lighting: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, lighting Total, control works. BRIDGE Piers: Dry excavation, abutments — Class II and III Piers onisland — Class III, rock Concrete, 1:2J'2:5 mix — Cement Sand Crushed atone Reinforcing steel, 85 lbs., c. y.. Forms Mixingand placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place. Total, piers Deck superstructure: Concrete, 1:2,4:5 mix, railroad — Cement- Sand... Crushed stone.. Reinforcingsteel,2001b8., c.y.. Forms - Mixingand placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place , Concrete, 1:2:4 mix, highway — Cement - Sand Crushed stone , Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y.. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous , Concrete in place Structural steel — Girder bridge, riilroad Truss bridge, highway Cast steel, roller and pin bearings. Pipe niiling — Pipe, 4", 100.500 lbs Fittings, 20,200 lbs Wire fence — Pipe, 2H", 1.510 lbs FittiiiRS, 2,080 lbs Wircfabric, 9 ga Freight on mntal Installing and painting metal Track, double — Ballast Ties, 7" X 9" x 8'-6". treated.. Rails and aooossories Freight on metal Laying double track 337,500 lbs. 41,300 lbs. . 15,000 lbs. 3,750 lbs. 397,550 lbs. 397,550 lbs. 15 ctrwts. 15 units 2 gates $.06 .15 .08 .08 .01 .02 $5,770 $26,500 $194,000 Total, deckauperstruoture. 16, 5 11 1,139 13 13 13 1,800 c. y. 300 c. y. 620 bbls. 896 c. V. ,660 c. V. ,000 lbs. ,400 c. y. ,400 c. y. ,400 c. y. 13,400 0. y. 2,356 bbls. 836 c. y. 1,653 c. y. 380,000 lbs. 1,900 c. y. 1,900 c. y. 1,900 c. y. 1,900 c. y. 1,800 bbls. 504 c. y. 1,008 c. V. 204,000 lbs. 1,200 c. y. 1,200 c.y. 1,200 c. y. 1.200 c. y. 1,870,000 lbs. 1,920,00011)8. 226,000 lbs. 6,700 1. f. 1,310 ftgs. 1,970 1. f. 260 ftgs. 0,840 lbs. M53,1301b8. ',153,130 lbs. 1,7101. f. 1,710 ties 650,000 lbs. 650,000 lbs. 1,710 1. f. $1.50 5.00 2.50 1 80 1.60 .05 7.50 4.00 1.00 $22.00 $2.50 1.80 1.60 .05 7.50 4 00 2.50 $29.25 $2 50 80 60 05 50 00 50 $28.25 $0.04 .05 .25 .75 .76 .40 .40 .07 01 .016 2 00 2.25 .03 .01 .60 $20,250 6,195 1,200 300 3,976 7,951 $86,560 $86,550 $397,500 $388,000 $8,000 $2,700 1,500 41,5Sr 10.613 18,656 56,950 100,500 53,600 13,400 $295,269 $294,800 $299,000 $5,890 1,505 2,645 19,000 14,250 7,600 4,750 $55,640 $55,575 $4,500 907 1,013 10,200 9,000 4,800 3.000 $34,020 $33,900 $194,800 06,000 56,500 5,025 983 788 104 479 71,531 107,297 3,420 3.848 19,500 6,500 855 $667,106 $86,550 397,600 388,000 8,000 $4,886,621 $299,000 057.106 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 511 Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Totel cost Summary BRIDGE— ConUnued Through S'lperstnicture: Concrete, 1:2:4 mix, highway — Cement 143 bbls. 40 c. y. 80 c. y. 16,150lbe. 95 c. y. 95 c. y. 95 c. y. 95 c. y. 380,000 lbs. 139,000 lbs. 17,300 Ibfl. 170 1. f. 23 ftgs. 600 lbs. 538,380 lbs. 538,380 lbs. 150 ties 57,000 lbs. 57,000 lbs. 150 I f. $2 50 1.80 1.60 05 7.50 4.00 2 50 $28.25 .04 .05 .25 .40 .40 .07 .01 .015 2 25 .03 .01 .50 $358 72 128 808 713 380 238 Sand Crushed stone. Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y Forms Mixing and placing . M isopllaneous Concrete in place '. $2,697 $2,684 15,200 6.950 4,325 68 9 42 5,384 8,076 338 1,710 570 75 Structural steel— Railroad . Highway .. Cast steel, roller and pin bearings Wire fence — Pipe. 2' •.". 1.300 Ibe.... Fittings. 180 lbs Wire fabric, 9 ga Freight on metal In^tnliing and painting metal . Track, double — Ties, 7" X 9" x 8' 6", treated Rails and accessories Freight on metal Laying double track Total, through superstructure ... . $45,431 $338 68 122 765 675 360 225 $45,431 Lift span, 140' 0": Concrete, 1:2:4 mix, highway — Cement .. . 135 bbls. 38 c. y. 76 c. y. 15,300 lbs. 90c.y. 90c.y. 90 c. y. 90 c. y. 809,000 lbs. 424.000 lbs. 25,000 lbs. 160 1. f. 22 ftgs. 560 lbs. 1,259,970 lbs. 1,259,970 lbs. 140 ties 53,000 lbs. 53,000 lbs. 140 1. f . Ispan 347 bbls. 123 c. y. 244 c. y. 280 c. y. 280 c. y. 280 c. y. 280 c. y. 48,500 lbs. 1,500 lbs. 50,000 lbs. 50,000 lbs. 2 ctrwts. $2.50 1.80 1.60 .05 7.50 4.00 2.50 $28.25 .05 .05 .25 .40 .40 .07 .01 .02 2.25 .03 .01 .50 1 $111,000 $2.50 1.80 1.60 7.50 3.00 S.OO $20 75 .06 .08 .01 .02 1 $5,170 Sand .. Crushedstone Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y. Forms Mixingand placing Miscellaneous - Concrete in place.. $2,553 $2,543 40,450 21,200 6,250 64 9 39 12.600 25,199 315 1.590 530 70 Structural steel- Truss Towers Caststeel Wire fence — Pipe, 2)i", 1,230 Ibe Fittings, 180 lbs. Wire fabric. 9 ga... . Freight on metal Installing and painting metal Track- Ties, 7" X 9" X 8 '-6", treated Rails and accessories Freight on metal Laying double track Total 140-ft. lift span $110,859 $111,000 $868 221 390 2.100 840 1.400 111.000 Counterweights, 140-ft. span: Concrete, 1:23-2:5 mix — Cement. . . 1 Sand Crushedstone.. Forms .. _ Mixingand placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $5,819 $5,810 2.910 120 500 1 1.000 Structural steel Anchor bolts Freight Installing Total, counterweights 1 $10,340 10.340 512 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary BRIDGE— Continued Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism 1 unit Lump sum 300 bbls. 84 c. y. 168 c. y. 34.000 lbs. 200 c. y. 200 c. y. 200 c. y. 200 c. y. 3,180,000 lbs. 1,370.000 lbs. 106,000 lbs. 360 1. f. 45 ftgs. 1,260 lbs. 4,660,370 lbs. 4.660,370 lbs. 314 ties 120,000 lbs. 120.000 lbs. 314 1. f. Ispan 298 bbls. 106 c. y. 209 c. y. 240 c. y. 240 c. y. 240 c. y. 240 c. y. 104,000 lbs. 3,040,000 lbs. 6,000 lbs. 3,1.50,000 lbs. 3,150,000 lbs. 2 ctrwts. 1 unit Lump sum 30 units Lumpsum $12,800 $12,800 $2,000 $750 151 269 1,700 1,500 800 500 $12 800 Operating house, 140-f t. span 2 000 Lift span, 314 '-0": Concrete, 1:2:4 mix, highway- Cement $2.50 1 80 1 60 .05 7.50 4.00 2 50 $28.25 .05 .05 .25 .40 .40 .07 .01 .02 2.25 .03 .01 .50 $405,000 $2.50 1.80 1.60 7.50 3.00 5 00 $20.75 .06 .015 .08 .01 .02 $75,900 $12,800 Sand.. Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 170 lbs., c. y... Forms Mixing and placing... Miscellaneous Concrete i n place S5,6'0 $5,650 159,000 68,500 26,500 144 18 88 46,604 ■ 93,207 707 3,600 1.200- isr Structuralsteel— Truss Towers Caststeel Wire fence- Pipe. 214", 2,750 lbs Fittings, 360 lbs Wire fabric, 9 ga... { Freight on metal Installing and painting metal. Track- Ties, 7" X 9" X 8'-6", treated Rails and accessories Freight on metal i Laying double track < $405,375 $405,000 $745 191 334 1,800 720 1,200 405 000 Counterweights, 314-ft. span: Concrete, 1:2)^:5 mix- Cement .. Sand Crushed stone. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $4,990 $4,980 6,240 45,600 480 31,500 63,000 Structuralsteel Pig iron Anchor bolts Freight Installing. $151,800 $151,800 $12,800 $2,000 3,000 3,500 151,800 Oljerating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — 12 800 0|)erating house, 314-ft. span 2000 Lighting: Lamps and pedestals $100 00 Wiring and small fixtures Total, lighting $6,500 6 500 Total, bridge «1.715 776 SHIP LOCKS Dry excavation, class III, rock: Massive 4,140,000 c. y. 96,300 c. y. $1.25 5.00 $5,175,000 481,500 Trench Total, dry excavation $5,656,500 186.880 459.600 1.144.000 $5,056,500 Wet excavation: Class I. sand and silt- Inside cofferdam. . 724,000 c. y. 3,830,000 c. y. 352,000 c. y. $0.12 .12 3.25 OuLside cofferdam Class III. rock " ' " Total, wet excavation $1,690,480 1.690,48r THE SALT WATER BARRIER Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued 513 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Grou tin(! foundation Lump sum 229,000 bbls. 81,400 c. y. 161 000 c. y. 1,040,000 lbs. 185,000 c. y. 185,000 c. y. 185,000 0. y. 185,000 c. y. 234,000 bbls. 83,200 c. v. 164.000 c. y. 1.160,000 lbs. 189.000 c. y. 189,000 c. y. 189,000 c. y. 189,000 c. y. 205,800 bbls. 73,040 c. y. 144,400 c. y. 1,020,000 lbs. 166,000 c. y. 166,000 c. y. 166.000 c. y 166,000 c. y. 171,000 bbls. 60,700 c. V. 120,000 e. y. 847,000 lbs. 138.000 c. y. 138,000 c. V. 138,000 c. y. 138,000 c. y. 18.100 bbls. 6,420 c. y. 12,700 c. V. 10,400 lbs". 14.600 c. y. 14,600 c. y. 14,600 c. y. 14,600 c. y. $300,000 572,500 146,520 257,600 52,000 370,000 370,000 185,000 $300,000 Concrete, 1:2' 2:5. mix: Outside wall, 110-ft. lock- Cement $2 50 1.80 1.60 05 2 00 2.00 1 00 $10.50 $2 50 1.80 1.60 .05 3.00 2.00 1.00 $11.50 $2 50 1 80 1.60 .05 3.00 2 00 1.00 $11.50 $2 50 1.80 1.60 .05 3.00 2.00 1.00 $11.50 $2 50 1.80 1 60 05 2.00 2 00 1.00 $10.25 Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable Forms. . . . . , Mixing and placing Misecl aneous Concrete in place $1,953,620 $1,942,500 $585,000 149,760 202 400 58,000 567,000 378,000 189,000 Wall between 110-ft. and 80-ft. locks- Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable Forms Mixing and placing ..- Miscellaneous $2,189,160 $2,173,500 $514,500 131,472 231,040 51.000 498.000 332.000 166,000 Wall between 80-ft. and 60-ft. locks- Cement Sand... Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable Mixing and placing... . Miscellaneous Concrete in place $1,924,012 $1,909,000 $427,500 109,260 192,000 42,350 414.000 276.000 138,000 Wall between 80-ft. and 40-ft. locks- Cement . Sand Crushed stone ReinforciLg steel, percent variable Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous • $1,599,110 $1,587,000 $45,250 11,556 20,320 520 29.200 29,200 14,600 Outside wrall, 40-ft. lock- Sand. Cnished stone.. Reinforcing steel, per cent variable Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $150,646 $149,650 $7,761,650 $51,500 15,516 27,840 19,600 39,200 9,800 Total, concrete in walls. . 7,761,650 Concrete 1:3:6 mix: Sills. 110-ft. locks- Cement 20,600 bbls. 8,620 c. y. 17,400 c. V. 19.600 c. y. 19,600 0. y. 19.600 c. y. 19,600 c.y. 19,700 bbls. 8,270 c. y. 16.700 c. y. 18,800 c. y. 18,800 c. y. 18,800 c. y. 18,800 c. y. $2.50 1.80 1.60 1 00 2.00 .50 $8.25 $2.50 $1.80 1.60 1 00 2 00 .50 $8.25 Sand.. Crushed stone Forms Miscellaneous $163,456 $161,700 $49,250 14.886 26.720 18.800 37,600 9,400 Sills, 80-ft. locks- Cement . Sand Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous .. . Concrete in place 33 — 70G86 $156,656 $155,100 514 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued Item Qiantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Concrete. 1:3:6 mix— Continued Sills, 60-ft. lock- Cement 6,510 bbls. 2,730 c. y. 5,520 c. y. 6,200 c. y. 6,200 c. y. 6,200 c. y. 6,200 c. y. 1,680 bbls. 704 c. y. 1,420 c. y. 1,600 c. y. 1,600 c. y. 1,600 c. y. 1,600 c. y. $2 50 1 80 1.60 1.00 2.00 .50 $8.25 2.50 1.80 1.60 1 00 2.00 .50 $8.25 $16,275 4,914 8,832 6,200 12,400 3,100 Sand Crushed stone Forms Mixing and placing .Miscellaneous .. Concrete in place $51,721 $51,150 4,200 1,267 2,272 1,600 3,200 800 Sills, 40-ft. lock- Cement Sand Crushed stone Forms. Mixing and placing Missellaneous $13,339 $13,200 $381,150 $21,500. $162,500 106,40fih 600 2,880 825 6,480 11,900 21,000 2,000 320 8,640 16,800 12,800 352 19,600 1,300 1,600 64 6,600 390 480 41,048 164,193 1,650 $381,150 j •21,500 1 Rock fill: Same as in estimate 3— Total, rock fill Guard gates, 110-ft. lock: Gate leaves, 65' x 54.5': Structural steel 3,250,000 lbs. 304.000 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 36,000 lbs. 16. 5M. 108,000 lbs. 34,000 lbs. 42,000 lbs. 2,000 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 144,000 lbs. 48.000 lbs. 12,800 lbs. 4.400 lbs. 56.000 lbs. 2,600 lbs. 1,600 lbs. 800 lbs. 44,000 lbs. 520 1. f. 6,000 lbs. 4,104,82011)8. 4,104.820 lbs. 16.5 M. 4 units 4 capstans 2.500 1. f. 4 motors 34,950 lbs. 34.950 lbs. 4 units 8,600,000 lbs. 970,000 lbs. 12,000 lbs. 96.000 lbs. 45.6 M. $0 05 .35 .15 .08 50.00 .06 .35 .50 1.00 .08 .06 .35 1.00 .08 .35 .50 1.00 .08 .15 .75 .08 .01 .04 100.00 $148,000 $2,100 .35 680.00 .01 .02 $3,260 . $0.05 .35 .15 .08 50 00 Cast steel... ...:... Castiron Bolts Lumber, fenders Anchorages- Structural steel Caststeel Forgedsteel Phosphor bronze Quoin post bearings — Caststeel.. Phosphor bronze Anchorbolta Pintles— Caststeel Forged steel Vanadium steel Anchor bolts. Sill bearings- Castiron . Rubber belt, 6", 6-ply. 620 Iba.... Anchor bolts Freight on metal, etc Installing and painting metal, etc. Creosoting anc installing lumber Total, guard gates $590,422 $592,000 $8,400 875 2,720 350 699 592,000 Operating mechanism, guard gates: Electric capstans, 24,000 lbs Wire rope. 1", 3.5501bs Motors, 40 h.p., 7,400 lbs Freight Installing Total, operating mechanism $13,044 $13,040 $430,000 339,500 1,800 7.680 2.280 13,040 Service gates, 110-ft. lock: Gate leaves, 05' x 54.5'— 3tructn pifie, 18", 5801. f Valve. 48" Valve operitinR mechanism. Fish (frating — Gal\-aniied wire Cast iron Ant-hor bolts Freight Installing Total, UDwatoring conduit. Filling conduits. 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits Guard gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total. guard gates.. Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same .is in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1—, service gates.. Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers. . Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves. Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 4.5' x 6': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens. Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams. . Unwat«ring conduit, 40-ft lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering Filling conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit... Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, guide walls Miscellaneous: Fog signals Ladders Snubbing buttons Sheave buttons Mooring bits Ctvels Total, miscellaneous. 166,800 lbs. 75,000 lbs. 7,875 lbs. 5.900 lbs. 125 lbs. 220 lbs. 35 lbs. 255.955 lbs. 255,955 lbs. SO 05 .05 .25 .35 .10 .07 .08 .01 .02 4 units I J20,000 4 units 8 units 8 units $760.00 $18,800 $2,000 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens $1,510 $1,120 $830 00 $145 00 2 dams $45,900 Liunp sum 4 valves $3,440 $8,340 3,750 1,9«0 2,045 13 15 3 2,560 5,119 $23,834 $6,554 $80,000 $3,040 $150,400 $16,000 $1,747 $13,760 $6,040 $4,480 $3,320 $580 $91,800 $3,154 $4,448 $173,200 $22,500 $22,500 $23,834 6,554 80.000 3.040 150.400 16.000 1.747 13.760 6,040 4.480 3.320 580 91,800 3,154 4,448 173,200 22,500 520 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Sumrearv SHIP LOCKS— Continued Lighting: Lock walls — Beacons - Lampsand pedestals Wiring and small fixtures Lock yard — Lamps and pedestals. Wiring and small fixtures Total, lighting Total, ship locks. -7.5. EMBANKMENT Rock fill: Between mud and elevation Above elevation — 7.5. Settlement in mud Waste and shrinkage — Below elevation —7.5, 35%. Above elevation —7.5, 10%. Riprap, over 1 cu. ft Filling voids, pumped mud Total.rockfiU Track, double: Ballast Ties, 7" X 9" x 8'-6", treated. Rails and accessories Freight on metal Laying double track Total, track. Highway, oiled macadam, 6" thick. Fences: Timber fence in place Wire fence — Pipe, 2H", 79,200 lbs.. Fittings, 10,300 lbs Wire fabric, 9 ga Freight Erecting Total, fences Lighting: Lamps and pedestals Wiring and small fixtures. Total, lighting Total, embankment. NORTH APPROACH Dry excavation: Railroad and highway, class III, rock. Rock fill, railroad and highway: In place Shrinkage, 5% Total.rockfiU. Track, double: Ballast Ties, 7" X 9" x 8'-6", treated. Rails and accessories Freighton metal Laying double track Total, track. Switch house Connecting railroad Highway, oiled macadam, 6" thick. Fences: Railroad. Highway. Total, fenceg Connecting highway Total, north approach. S beacons 42 units Lump sum 12 units Lump sum $500.00 100.00 100.00 $4,000 4,200 15,000 1,200 5,000 $29,400 4,930,000 c. y. 872,000 c. y. 8,380,000 c. y. 4,660,000 c. v. 87,200 c. y. 76,700 c. y. Lump sum SI. 10 1.40 1.10 1.10 1.40 3.00 $5,423,000 1,220,800 9,218,000 5,126,000 122,080 230,100 85,000 9,000 1. f. 9,000 tics 1,710,000 lbs. 1,710,000 lbs. 9,000 1. f. $2 00 2.25 .03 .01 .50 $21,424,980 $18,000 20,25fr 51,300 17,100 4,500^ 30,000 s. y. 9,000 1. f. 10,350 1. f. 1,290 ftgs. 36,000 lbs. 125,500 lbs. 9,000 1. f. $0.85 .50 .40 .40 .07 .01 .10 138 uniU Lump sum $100.00 113,000 c. y. 2,400 c. y. 120 c. y. »1 25 .90 .90 1,770 L f. 1,770 ties 336.000.lb6. 336,000 lbs 1,770 I. f. $2.00 2.25 .03 .01 .50 Lumpsum 5 miles 5,9003. y. 1,770 I. f. 1,770 1. f. $100,000 .85 $0.S0 1.50 0.4 milee $50,000 $111,150 $25,500 4,500 4,140 516 2,520 1,255 900 r'- $13,831 $13,800 9,000 $22,800 $141,250 2,160 108 $2,268 $3,540 3,983 10.080 3,360 885 $21,848 $5,000 50,000 5,015 $885 2,655 $3,540 $20,000 $29,400 $27,097,191 $21,424,980 •*? 111,150 25.500 13,831 22,800 S21,598,261 141,250 2,268 21,848 5,000 50,000 5,015 3.540 20,000 $248,921 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 521 Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SOUTH APPROACH Dry excavation: Railroad — Class III. open cut Class III, tunnel Highway — Class III Total dry excavation. Rock fill: Railroad — In place Shrinkage, 5% Total, rock fill. Timbering in tunnel- Sills and posts — Delivered Erecting Lagging- Delivered Erecting Nailsand bolts Freight on metal Total, timbering. Dry packing Concrete, 1:2^:5 mix: Tunnel lining, 24" ave. — Cement Sand Crushed stone. Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place Track, double: Ballast :. Ties, 7" X 9" x 8'-6", treated. Rails and accessories Freight on metal Laying double track Total, track. Switch house. Highways, oiled macadam, 6" thick: Main road Access road — Surfacing new road... Resurfacing old road Total, highways. Fences — Highway. Railroad. Total, fences Total, south approach. WATER SUPPLY Excavation, class I, earth trench Pipe: Main, 4", 17,000 I. f Laterals, VA". 3.000 L f Fixtures Freight Laying Total, pipe Backfill Total water supply. 139,000 c. y. 66,000 c. y. 348,000 c. y. 50,000 c. V. 2,500 c. y. 600 M. 600 M. 240 M. 240 M. 89,000 lbs. 89,000 ll)s. 3,100 c. y. 18,500 bbls. 6,560 c. y. 13,000 c. y 14.900 c. y. 14,900 c. y. 14,900 c. y. 14,900 c. y. 4,850 1. f. 4.850 ties 922,000 lbs. 922,000 lbs. 4,850 1. f. Lump sum 7,900 8. y. 1,600 s. y. 1,870 s. y. 2,370 1. f. 2,850 I f. 5,700 c. y. $1.25 5 00 1.25 .90 .90 $30.00 75.00 30.00 50.00 .05 .01 $5.00 $2.50 1.80 1.60 5.00 4.00 1.00 $15.25 $2 00 2.25 .03 .01 .50 $0.85 .85 .85 $1.50 .50 $2.00 25,5,00011)8. $0.05 10,000 lbs. .05 2.500 lbs. .05 267,500 lbs. .01 20,000 1. f. .03 5,700 c. y. $0.40 $173,750 330.000 435,000 $938,750 $45,000 2,250 $47,250 $18,000 45,000 7,200 12,000 4,450 890 $87,540 $15,500 $46,250 11,808 20,800 74,500 59,600 14,900 $227,858 $227,225 $9,700 10.913 27,660 9.220 2,425 ^59,918 $5,000 $6,715 1,360 1,590 $9,665 $3,555 1.425 $4,980 $11,400 $12,750 500 125 2,675 600 $16,650 $2,280 $938,750 47,250 87,540 15,500 227,225 59,918 5,000 9.665 4.980 $1,395,828 $11,400 16,650 2,280 $30,330 522 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 14 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summarv Block signals Administration buildings Pump, power and transformer house. Machine shop Construction camp.. _ Permanent improvements. Lump sum 3 bldgs. Lump sum Lump sum Lumpsum Lump sum SSO.OOO $10,000 150.000 150,000 25,000 200.000 50,000 Gross total. Credit, excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fill in place In quarry, 74%_ Rock excavation, no swell Cost of borrowing 22,420,000 c. y. 16,600,000 c. y. 8,112,000 c. y. 8,112,000 c. y. II 25 $10,140,000 Total estimated field cost. Engineering, administration and contingencies, 25%. Right of way _ Total estimated cost, exclusive of interest during construction. Roughly « 10,000 150 000 150,000 25,000 200.000 50,000 $69,587,693 10,140,000 $59,447,693 14,861,923 850,000 $75,159,616 $75,200,000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 523 SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Point San Pablo Site No railroad or highway bridge Five ship locks in Point San Pablo Flood control gates offshore from Point San Pablo Top of substructure elevation 12 Width of gate piers 20 feet 15 Stoney gates, 70 by 82 feet Gate sill elevation — 70 Preliminary Estimate N 0. 15 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary UN'W.\TERING Same as in estimate 14: Gross to ta 1, un watering $9,146 375 Credit: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, credit 630,400 Total, onwatering $8,515,975 FLOOD CHANXEL Same as in estimate 14: Total, flood channel .. $3,513,790 CONTROL WORKS Dry excavation: Class in, rock 29.300 c. y. $5.00 $146,500 J22,800 $27,500 $22,313 6,732 12.104 17,000 8,500 $146,500 Wet excavation: Same as in estimate 14 — Total wet excavation . - - 22 800 Grouting foundation Lump sum 8.925 bbls. 3.740 c. y. 7,565 c. y. 8.500 c. y. 8.500 c. y. 8,500 c. y. 26,780 bbls. 9.504 c. y. 18.790 c. y. 1,404.000 lbs. 21,600 c. y. 21.600 c.y. 21.600 c.y. 21,600 c.y. 6.696 bbls. 2.376 c. y. 4.698 c. y. 189.000 lbs. 5.400 c. y. 5,400 c. y. 5.400 c. y. 5,400 c. y. 12,030 bbls. 4,268 c. y. 8,439 c. y. 1.309,500 Ibe. 9,700 c. y. 9.700 c. y. 9.700 0. y. 9.700 e. y. 27,500 Substructure: Concrete. 1:3:6 mix, filling under flooi^ Cement $2.50 1.80 1.60 2.00 1.00 $7.75 $2.50 1.80 1.60 .05 .50 2.50 1.00 $12.50 $2 50 1.80 1.60 .05 25 2.50 .75 $10.50 $2 50 1.80 1.60 .05 .50 2.50 1.00 $10.00 Sand Crushed stone . .. . Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place $66,649 $65,875 $66,950 17,107 30.064 70.200 10,800 54.000 21.600 Concrete. 1:2}^^:5 mix. floor beams — Cement Sand Crushed stone - Reinforcing steel 65 Ibe., c. y Forms. Mixing and olacinir . Miscel aneous Concrete in place $270,721 $270,000 $16,740 4.277 7,517 9.450 1,350 13,500 4,050 Floor, 4 ft. thick- Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 35 Ibe., c. y Forms Miscel aneous Concrete in place. . - $56,884 $56,700 $30,075 7,682 13,502 65.475 4.850 24.250 9,700 Pier footings- Cement Sand Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 135 Iba., c. y. Forms ....... .. MiscelTaneoui. Concrete in place $155,534 $155,200 524 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 15 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Sammarv CONTROL WORKS— Continued Substructure — Continued Piers — Cement — Sand.. Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 75 bis., c. y Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place Back fill- Behind north pier, rock. Total, substructure- Superstructure: Girder spans — Structural steel . Cast steel, roller and pin bearings. Pipe railing — Pipe. 2', 17 650 lbs Fittings. 2.300 lbs Timber flooring Towers — Structural steel Freight on metal... Installing and painting metal Placing lumber Total, superstructure. Stoneygates, 70'x82': Same as in estimate 2 — Total, Stoney gates... Counterweights: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, counterweights.. Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, operating mechanism. Caisson gates, 70' by 82': Same as in estimate 2 — Total, caisson gates Lighting: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, lighting Total, control works. SHIP LOCKS Dry excavation, class III, rock: Massive Trench Total, dry excavation. Wet excavation: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, wet excavation.. Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, grouting foundation. Concrete, 1:2J{.:5 mix: Outaide wall, 110-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Wall between 110-ft. and 80-ft. locks- Cement. Sand Crushed stone. Reinforcing steel, per cent variable... Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous 60.260 bbls. 21.380 c. y. 42,280 c. y. 3,645,000 lbs. 48.600 c. V. 48,600 c. y. 48,600 c. y. 48.600 c. y. 5,130 c. y. $2.50 1.80 1 60 .05 2 50 3.00 1.00 S15.,50 .90 1,100,000 lbs. 207,000 lbs. 3.530 1. f. 460 ftgs, 60.8 M. 2,800,000 lbs. 4,126,950 lbs. 4,126.950 lbs. 60.8 M. SO. 05 .25 .25 .25 30.00 .05 .01 .02 50.00 15 gates 15 ctrwts. 15 units 2 gates $107,000 15,770 $26,500 $194,000 3,900,000 c. y. 90,500 c. y. $1.25 5.00 Concrete in place. 185,000 c. y 183,.500 bbls. 65,100 c. y. 128.800 c. y. 910.000 lbs. 148,000 c. y. 148,000 c.y. 148,000 c. y. 148,000 0. y. $10.50 $2.50 1.80 1 60 .05 3.00 2.00 1.00 $11.50 £150,650 38,484 67,648 182,250 121,500 145,800 48,600 $754,932 $753,300 4,617 $1,305,692 $55,000 51,750 883 115 1,824 140,000 41,270- 82,539 3.040 8376,421^ r; $1,605,000 $86,550 $397,500 $388,000 $8,000 84,950.000 452,500 $5,402,500 $1,690,480 8300,000 $1,942,500 $458,750 117,180 206.080 45,500 444,000 296,000 148,000 $1,715,510 $1,702,000 $1,305,692 376,421 1,605,000 86,550 397,500 388,000 8,000 $4,363,963 $5,402,500 1,690,480 300,000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 525 Preliminary Estimate No. 15 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Siimmnry SHIP LOCKS— Continued Concrete, 1:2:5 mix — Continued Walls between 80-ft. and 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Wall between 80-ft. and 40-ft. locks- Cement Sand Oushed stone Reinforcing steel, per cent variable. .. Forms .Mixing and placing .Missellaneous Concrete in place Outside wall, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Total, concrete in walls. Concrete, 1:3:6 mix: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, concrete in sills Rock fill: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, rock fill Guard gates. 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers. 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating chambers Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 17': Same as in estimate 14 — Total, service valves Valve operating rae3hanism: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 17': Same as in estimate 14 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanLsm. Culvert screens, 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 110-ft. lock, 2: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, emergency dams Salt water relief conduit: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, salt water conduit Unwatering conduit. 110-ft lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, unwatering conduit... 166,000 c. y. 132,700 bbls. 47,080 c. y. 03.090 c. y. 657,000 lbs. 107,000 c. v. 107,000 c. v. 107,000 c. y. 107,000 c. y. 14,600 c. y. S11.50 $2.50 .80 1.60 .05 3.00 00 ,00 $11.50 10.25 4 units 4 units 12 units 12 units 6 valves 6 units 6 valves 6 units 4 screens $148,000 S3,260 ■5135,000 $10,600 $11,000 $5,210 $11,000 $5,210 $770 $1,909,000 .5331,750 84.744 148.944 32,8.50 321,000 214,000 107,000 $1,240,288 $1,230,500 149,650 $6,933,650 $381,150 S21,500 $592,000 S13,040 Sl.620,000 $127,200 $4,474 $66,000 $31,260 $66,000 $31,260 $3,080 $1,340,000 $11,185 $142,974 $6,933,650 381,150 21,500 592,000 13,040 1,620,000 127,200 4,474 66,000 31.260 66,000 31,260 3,080 1,340,000 11,185 142.974 526 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 15 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Filling conduits, UO-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, filling conduits Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, fish ladder Guide walls, 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, guide walls Guard gates, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14- Total, guard gates Operating mechanism , guard gates: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers. 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating chambers... Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 14 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 14 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, emergency dams Unwaterin^ conduits. 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, unwatering conduits... Filling conduits, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, filling conduits Guard gates, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total, guard gates... Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate I — Total, service gates 8 unite 8 unite 24 units 24 units $78,100 12,000 $71,000 $6,000 12 valves 12 units 12 valves 12 unite 8 screens 4 dams $8,470 $4,140 $8,470 $4,140 $040 $171,000 Operating mechanism service gates: Same aa in estimate 1— Total, operating mechanism 4 units 4 units 8 units S unite $40,300 $1,330 $38,000 $3,730 $8,895 $23,251 $2,226,340 $624,800 $16,000 $1,704,000 $144,000 $7,848 $101,640 $49,680 $101,640 $49,680 $5,120 $084,000 $108,962 $17,790 $161,200 $5,320 $304,000 $8,895 23,251 2.226,340 624,800 16,000 1.704.000 144.000 V.848 101.640 49,680 101.640 49,680 5,120 684.000 108.962 17.790 161.200 5.320 304.000 $29 840 1 29 840 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 527 Preliminary Estimate No. 15 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Totelcost Sjmmarv SHIP LOCKS— Continued Operating chambers. 60 ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers Stoney service valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service \-alve8 Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1— Total, operating mechanism. .Stoney emergency valves, 7' x 10' Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency \-alves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism.. Culvert screens. 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Tota I . emergency dams Unwatering conduit, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, unwatering conduit Filling conduits, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits... Guard gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate I — Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in Mtimate 1 — Total. operating mechanism... Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers. 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers. . Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves. 4.5' x 6': Same as in estimate I — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units Emergency dams, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams.. 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams $3,560 Sl,930 {3,560 $1,930 $370 $90,800 $20,000 S760 $18,800 $2,000 $3,440 $1,510 $1,120 $830 $145 $45,900 $2,175 $14,240 $7,720 $14,240 $7,720 $1,480 $181,600 $23,834 $6,554 $80,000 $3,040 $150,400 $18,000 $1,747 $13,760 $6,040 $4,480 $3,320 $580 $91,800 $2,175 14,240 7,720 14,240 7,720 1,480 181.600 23,834 6.554 80,000 3,040 150,400 16,000 1,747 13,760 6,040 4.480 3.320 • 580 91.800 528 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 15 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit Filling conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit... Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 3- Total, guide walls. . , Miscellaneous: Same as in estimate 14 — Tota 1 , miscellaneous Lighting: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, lighting.. Total, ship locks. -7.5. EMBANKMENT Rock fill: Between mud and elevation Above elevation — 7.5 Settlement in mud Waste and shrinkage — Below elevation —7.5, 35%. Above elevation — 7.5, 10%. Riprap, over 1 cu.ft Gravel blanket 12" thick Filling voids, pumped mud Total, rock fill. Lighting. Total, embankment. WATER SUPPLY Same as in estimate 14: Total, water supply Administration buildings Pump, power and transformer house. Machine shop Construction Permanent improvements Gross total. S3,154 $4,448 $173,200 $22,500 $29,400 4,056,000 c. y. 318,000 c. y. 7,689.000 c. y. 4,111,000 c. y. 31.800 c. y. 76.700 c. y. 6,700 c. y. Lumpsum SI. 10 1.40 1.10 1.10 1.40 3.00 2.50 $4,481,600 445.200 8,457,900 4,522,100 44.520 230,100' 16,750^ 85,000 Lump sum $18,263,170 10,000 2 bldgs. Lumpsum Lump sum Lump sum Lumpsum $75,000 $30,330 $150,000 150,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 Credit, excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fillin place In quarry, 74% Rock excavation, no swell Cost f borrowing 19,640,000 c. y. 14,530,000 c. y. 7,247,000 c. y. 7,247,000 c. y. $1 25 $9,058,750 Total estimated field cost. Engineering, administration and contingencies, 25%. Right of way Total estimated cost, exclusive of interest during construction. Roughly $3,154 4,448 173.200 22,500 29,400 $26,015,191 $18,263,170 ! 10.000 $18,273,170 $30,330 150,000 150,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 $61,287,419 9,058,750 $52,228,669 13,057,167 700,000 $65,985,836 $66,000,000 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 529 SACRAMENTO VALLEY INVESTIGATIONS Salt Water Barrier Point San Pablo Site Minimum bridge clearance 50 feet at locks Five ship locks in Point San Pablo Flood control gates in Point San Pablo Top of substructure elevation 12 Width of gate piers 20 feet 15 Stoney gates. 70 by 82 feet Gate sill elevation — 70 Single-deck bridge Concrete bridge piers Baseofrailelevation 60 at locks Highway elevation 59.5 at locks Preliminary Estimate No. 16 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary UN'tt'ATERING Steel sheet piling: North cofferdam — Plain, 58.000 1. f. at 43 lbs 2,494,000 lbs. 174.800 lbs. 2.668 800 lbs. 59,840 1. f. $0 035 .05 .01 .15 $87,290 8,740 26.688 8.976 3-wav. 1,8401. f. at 95 lbs Hanilling at site DriWng ... . - Total, sheet piling $131,694 S3.360 300 1,326 846 503 150 $131 694 Track: North cofferdam — Stringers, in place. 42 M. 300 ties 22.100 lbs. 28.200 lbs. 50.300 lbs. 600 1. f. $80.00 1.00 .06 .03 .01 .25 Ties. 6" X 8" x 8'-6", untreated Bearing plates Rails and accessories .. Freight on metal . Laying track Total, track $6,485 $3,360 $8,250 58,950 13.770 6,485 Wet exca\'ation: North cofferdam — Class I, sand andsilt, inside cofferdam 28,000 c. y. 11.000 c. y. 65,500 c. y. 15,300 c. y. $0.12 $0.75 .90 .90 3,360 Fill: North cofferdam — In pockets, earth . .\gainst piling, rock South cofferdam- Rock Total, fill $80,970 $15,050 $9,775 1.275 1.013 56 6.525 300 13.005 80,970 INimping: Same as in estimate 9— Total, pumping. .... 15,050 Removing cofferdams: North cofferdam — Rock broken 11.500 c. y. 2.550 c. y. 270 piles 10 piles 870 piles 30 piles 15.300 c. y. $0 85 .50 3 75 5 60 7 50 10 00 .85 Earth in pockets Pulling piles, ave. pen. 12.5 ft.— Plain 3-way . .. Cutting piles- Plain 3-way South cofferdam , rock, broken Total. removing . . $31,949 31,949 Gross total unwatering . .. $269 508 Credit: Salvage on sheet piling 460.000 lbs. $0.02 $9,200 Total, credit $9,200 Total, unwatering $260,308 FLOOD CH.\NNEL Dry excavation: Class I, sand and silt, inside south cofferdam Class III, rock 1,200 c. y. 8,000,000 c. y. $0.30 1 25 $360 10,000,000 Total, dry excavation $10,000,360 $10,000,360 34 — 70686 :.30 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 16 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summarv FLOOD CHANNEL— Continued Wet excavation: Class I, sand andsilt Class III, rock Total, wet excavation- Concrete, 1:2'4:5 niix: Slope lining, 24" thick — Cement Sand Crushed atone Forms Mixing and placing — Miscellaneous Concrete in place Total, flood channel. CONTROL WORKS Dry excavation: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, dry excavation Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 2 — Total, grouting Substructure: Concrete, 1:2}'2:5 mix, floor beams- Cement Sand... Crushed stone Reinforcing steel, 135 lbs., c. y... Forms Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Concrete in place Floor, 4 ft. thick: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Pier footings: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Piers: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Back fill: Behind north pier, rock. Total, substructure. Superstructure: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, superstructure Stoney gates, 70' x 82': Same as in estimate 2 — Total, Stoney gates Counterweights: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, counterweights. . Operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 2 — Total operating mechanism. Caisson gates, 70' x 82': Same as in estimate 2 — Total, caisson gates Lighting: Same as in estimate 2- Total, lighting 9,330.000 c. y. 1,960,000 c. y. Total, control works. 3,013 bbls. 1,069 c. y. 2.114 c. y. 2,430 c. y. 2,430 c. y. 2,430 c. y. 2,430 c. y. 16,100 bbls. 5,700 c. y. 11,300 c.y. 1,755,000 lbs. 13,000 c. y. 13,000 c. y. 13.000 c. y. 13,000 c. y. 7.500 c. y. 14,700 c. y. 67,800 c. y. 7,000 c. y. 15 gates 15 ctrwts. 15 units 2 gates $0 12 4.50 $2.50 1.80 1.60 3.00 2.75 2 50 $13.50 $2 50 1.80 1.60 .05 .50 2.50 1.00 S16.00 10.50 18.00 15.50 .90 $107,000 $5,770 $26,500 $194,000 $1,119,600 8,820,000 $9,939,600 $7,533 1,924 3,382 7,290 6,683 6,075 $32,887 $32,805 $241,500 $37,600 $40,250 10,260 18,080 87,750 6,500 32,500 13,000 $208,340 $208,000 78,750 235,200 1,050,900 6,300 $1,579,150 $336,446 $1,605,000 $86,650 $397,500 $388,000 $8,000 $9,939,600 32,805 $19,972,765 $241,500 37,500 \ 1,579.150 336,446 1,605.000 86.550 397.500 388.000 8.000 $4,679,646 THE SALT WATER HAKRIER 531 Preliminary Estimate No. 16 — Continued Item Qjantity Unit cost ToUl cost Summary BRIDGE Same as in estimate 14. Total, bridge $1 715 776 SHIP LOCKS Dry excavation: Class I, sand and silt- Inside south cofferdam 800 c. y. 6,834,000 0. y. 96,300 c. y. $0 30 1 25 5 00 $240 8,542,500 481,500 Class III, rock- Massive Trench- Total, dry excavation $9,024,240 $838,800 2,161,250 $9 024 240 Wet excavation: Class I. sand and silt 6,990,000 c. y. 665,000 c. y. SO. 12 3.25 Class III, rock Total, wet excavation $3,000,050 $300,000 §542,500 138,600 243,200 49,000 350,000 350,000 175,000 3 000 050 Grouting foundation: Same as in estimate 14— Total, grouting 300 000 Concrete. 1:2^^:5 mix: Outside »-all,110-ft. lock- Cement 217,000 bbls. 77.000 c. y. 152.000 c. y. 980,000 lbs. 175,000 c. y. 175,000 c. y. 175,000 c. y. 175,000 c. y. 189,000 c. y. 166,000 c. y. 138,000 c. y. 14,600 c. y. S2.50 1.80 1.60 .05 2.00 2.00 1 00 $10 50 11.50 11.50 11.50 10.25 Sand. Crushed stone. Reinforcing steel, per cent variable Forms Mixing and placing Concrete in place.. $1,848,300 $1,837,500 2,173,500 1,909,000 1.587,000 149.650 Wall between 110-ft. and 80- ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Walls between 8a ft. and 60-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place , . Wall between 80-ft. and 40 ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Outside wall, 40 ft. lock: Concrete in place Total, concrete in walls $7,656,650 $50,000 15.048 27,040 19.000 38,000 9,500 7.656.650 Concrete, 1:3:6 mix: Sills, 110-ft. lock- Cement 20,000 bbls. 8,360 c. y. 16,900 c. y. 19,000 c. y. 19,000 c. y. 19,000 c. y. 19,000 c. y. 18,800 c. y. 6,200 c. y. 1,600 c. y. $2.50 1 80 1 60 1 00 2 00 .50 $8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 Sand Crushed stone.. Forms. Mixing and placing Concrete in place $158,588 $156,750 155,100 51.150 13.200 Sills, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place . Sills, 60-ft. lock: Concrete in place Sills, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Total, concrete in sills $376,200 $21,500 $592,000 376.200 Rock fill: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, rock fill 21,500 Guard gates, 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14— Total, guard gates 4 units $148,000 592,000 )32 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 16 — Continued Item SHIP LOCKS— Continued Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism . _ Service gates, 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 110-ft lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating chambers Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 17': Same as in estimate 14 — Total, service valves. Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 17': Same as in estimate 14 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, culvert screens__ Emergency dams, 110-ft. lock, 2: Same as in estimate 14— Total, emergency dams Salt water relief conduit: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, salt water conduit. Unwatering conduit, 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, unwatering conduit... Filling conduits, 110-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, filling conduits... Fish ladder: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, fish ladder Guidewalls, 110-ft. lock: Caissons, 22, 25-ft. diameter — Structuralstcel.. Semi-steel Bolts Assembling Floating to place Sinking _. Wet excavation, caissons — Class I, sand and silt... Class III, rock Concrete, 1:2)^:5 mix, Cylinders, tremied — Cement Sand Oushed stone KeififorcinKstccl, 30 lbs., c. y Mixing and placing Miscellaneous Extra cement Concrete in place. Quantity 4 units 12 units 12 units 6 valves 6 units 6 valves 6 units 4 screens Unit cost $3,260 $135,000 $10,000 $11,000 $5,210 $11,000 $5,210 $770.00 9,240.000 lbs. $0 06 $554,400 83(),0(){) lt>s. .10 83,000 41,600 lbs. .08 3,328 10,111,600 lbs. 02 202,232 22 caissons 6,000 132.000 22 caissons 9,000 198.000 2,900 c. y. .75 2,175 10,000 c. y. 15 00 150,000 51,100 bbls. 2 50 127.750 18,100 c. y. 1.80 32,580 35,900 c. y. 1 60 57,440 1,236.000 lbs. .10 123,600 41,200 c.y. 2 00 82,400 41,200 c.y. 5,150 bbls. 2 00 82,400 2.50 12,875 $519,045 41,200 0. y. $12 50 $515,000 Total cost Sunmiary $13,040 $1,620,000 $127,200 $4,474 $66,000 $31,260 $66,000 66,000 $31,260 $3,080 $1,340,000 $11,185 $142,974 $8,895 $23,251 $13,040 1,620,000 127,200 4.474 66,000 31,260 31,260 3,080 1,340,000 11,185 142,974 8.895 23.251 THE SALT WATER HARRIER 5;^;^ Preliminary Estimate No. 16 — Continued Item SHIP LOCKS-Continiied Guide walls, 110-ft. lock — Continued Deck: Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Posts, caps, sills, etc. — Delivered Painting Placing- Chafing pieces — Delivered Placing Flooring — Delivered Placing. Fender metal — Structural steel Cast steel , Coil springs, triple. Postsockets, cast steel .\nchor bolts , Bolts Nails Freight on metal Total, guide walls. Guard gates, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14- Total, guard gates Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism... Quantity 10 16,400 c. y. .378 M. 378 M. 378 M. 98 3 M. 98.3 M. 47 7M. 47.7 M. 142,000 lbs. 290,00011)8. 19,500 lbs. 8,700 lbs. 60,000 lbs. 17,000 lbs. 4,800 lbs. ,653,600 lbs. Service gates 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, service gates Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating chambers... Stoney service valves, 8.5' x 14': Same as in estimate 14 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism Stoney emergency valves, 8.5' x 14' Same as in estimate 14 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, operating mechanism Culvert screens, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, culvertscreens Emergency dams, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, emergency dams Unwatering conduits, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, unwatering conduits... Filling conduits, 80-ft. locks: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, filling conduits.. . Guard gates, 60-f t. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, guard gates 8 units 8 units 24 units 24 units 12 valves 12 units 12 valves 12 units 8 screens 4 dams Unit cost $26 50 30 00 7.50 50.00 30 00 50 00 30 00 50 00 .08 .10 .15 .10 .08 .08 .05 .01 4 uniU $40,300 $78,100 $2,000 $71,000 16,000 $8,470 $4,140 $8,470 $4,140 $640.00 $171,000 Total cost $434,600 11,340 2,835 18,900 2,949 4,915 1,431 2,385 11,360 29,000 2,925 870 4.800 1,360 240 106,536 $2,476,581 $624,800 $16,000 $1,704,000 §144,000 $7,848 $101,640 $49,680 $101,640 $49,680 $5,120 $684,000 $108,962 $17,790 $161,200 Summarv $2,476,581 624,800 16,000 1,704,000 144,000 7.848 101.640 49,680 101,640 49,680 5,120 684,000 108,962 17,790 161,200 534 DIVISION OF WATER RESOtTRCES Preliminary Estimate No. 16 — Continued Item Qjantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Service gates, 60-f t. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total , service gates. - Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism Operating chambers, 60-ft. lock- Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.- . Stoney service valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, service valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Stoney emergency valves, 7' x 10': Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism. Culvert screens, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, culvert screens Emergency dams, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, emergency dams. . Unwatering conduit, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, uiiwati^ring conduit.. Filling conduits, 60-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduits. . Guard gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1- Total,g\iard gates... Operating mechanism, guard gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating mechanism... Service gates, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1— Total, service gates.. Operating mechanism, service gates: Same as in estimate 1 — Total. operating mechanism ()l)erating chambers, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, operating chambers.. Cylinder service valves: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, cylinder valves Valve operating mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, oiterating mechanism.. Stoney emergency valvce, 4.6' x 6' Same as in estimate 1^ Total, emergency valves 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves 4 units 4 screens 2 dams 4 units 4 units 8 units 8 units 4 valves 4 units 4 valves $1,330 838,000 $3,730 $3,560 SI, 930 $3,560 $1,930 $370.00 $!)(),800 $20,000 $760.00 $18,800 $2,000 $3,440 $1,510 $1,120 $5,320 $304,000 $29,840 $2,175 $14,240 $7,720 $14,240 $7,720 $1,480 $181,600 $23,834 $6,554 $80,000 $3,040 $150,400 $16,000 $1,747 $13,760 $6,040 $4,480 S3,320 304,000 29,840 2.175 14,240 7,720 14,240 5^720 « 1,480 181.600 23,834 6.554 80.000 3,040 150,400 16,000 1,747 13,760 6,040 4.480 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 535 Preliminary Estimate No. 16 — Continued It«m 1 Quantity 1 Luitcost Total cost Summary SHIP LOCKS— Continued \alvc oi>eratin(! mechanism: Same as in estimate 1 — Total operating mechanism. ...._.. 4 units 4 screens 2 dams $830 00 $145 00 $45,900 $3,320 $580 $91,800 $3,154 $4,448 $173,200 $22,500 $29,400 $3 320 Culvert screens. 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1— Total, culvert screens.. . 580 Emergency dams. 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, i»mprgencj' Hams 91,800 Unwatering conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, unwatering conduit 3,154 Filling conduit, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 1 — Total, filling conduit 4,448 Guide walls, 40-ft. lock: Same as in estimate 3 — Total, guide walls . . . . .. 173,200 Miscellaneous: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, miscellaneous ...... 22,500 Lighting: Same as in estimate 14 — Total, lighting 29,400 Total, ship locks. . . $31,914,792 EMB.\N'KMENT Rockfill: Between mud and elevation — 7.5... 5.630,000 c. v. 934.000 c. v. 9,380,000 c. y. 5,254.000 c. y. 93,400 c. y. 82.600 c.y. Lump sum $1 10 1 40 1 10 1 10 1 40 3 00 $6,193,000 1,307.600 10.318,000 5.779,400 130,760 247,800 85,000 .\boveelc\-ation — 7.5... Settlement in mud _ Waste and shrinkage — Below election — 7.5. 35% Above elevation — 7.5, 10% Riprap, over Icu.ft Filling voids pumped mud Total. rock fill $24,061,560 $19,400 21,825 55.290 18,430 4,850 $24,061,560 Track, double: Ballast 9,700 1. f. 9,700 tics 1,843,000 Ibf. 1,843,000 lbs. 9,7001. f. $2 00 2 25 .03 01 50 Tics. 7" X 9" x8'-6". treated Rails and accessories Freight on metal Laying double track . . . Total, track . . $119,795 $27,455 $4,850 4,480 600 2.716 1.366 970 119.795 Highway, oiled macadam, 6" thick 32,300 s, y. 9,700 1. f. 11.200 l.f. 1,500 ftgs. 38.800 lbs. 136.600 lbs. 9,700 1. f. $0 85 $0 50 40 .40 .07 .01 .10 27.455 Fences: Timber fcncein place Wire fence — Pipe, 24", 85,800 lbs Fittings, 12.000 It* Wire fabric, 9 ga... Freight Erecting Total, fences . $1 1,982 $15,200 10.000 14.982 Lighting: Lamps and psdestals. 152 units Lump sum $100.00 Wiring and small fixtures Total, lighting $25,200 25.200 $24,248,992 NORTH APPROACH Same as in estimate 14: Total, north approach $248,921 >36 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary Estimate No. 16 — Continued Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost Summary SOUTH APPROACH Dry excavation: Railroad- 71.000 c. y. 66,000 c. y. 37,200 c. V. 22,200 c. y. $1.25 5.00 1.25 5.00 $88,750 330.000 46,500 111,000 Class III, tunnel - Highway- Class III, open cut - -- _ - Class III, tunnel . - Total, dr3'3xcav tion $576,250 $22,950 1,148 3,825 189 $576,250 Rock fill: Railroad — 25.500 c. y. 1.275 c. y. 4,250 c. y. 210 c. y. JO. 90 .90 .90 .90 Shrinkage, 5% Highway — In place .- . Shrinkage, 5% Total rock fill . $28,112 $18,000 45,000 7,200 12,C00 4,450 890" 6,600. 16,500 i 2,700 4,500 1,750 350 28,112 Timbering in tunnels: Railroad, sills and posts — Delivered - - 600 M. 600 M. 24CM. 240 M. 89,000 lbs. 89,000 lbs. 220 M. 220 M. 90 M. 90 M. 35,000 lbs. 35,000 lbs. $30.00 75.00 30.00 50.00 .05 .01 30.00 75.00 30.00 .50.00 .05 .01 Erecting - Lagging— Delivered . -- i Erecting » Nsils and bolts . . Freight on metnl Highway, sills and posts — 4 1 Erecting . - LaKKing— - Nails and bolts -. FreiRht on metal _ Total, timbering _ - _ ._ $119,940 $15,500 5,750 119,940 Dry packing: Rail road _ 3,100 c. y. 1,150 c. y. $5.00 5.00 Highway Total, drv Dackinff $21,250 $227,225 .? 17.050 4,356 7,656 27,500 22,000 5,500 21,250 Concrete. 1:2' •j:5 mix: Tunnollining, 24" ave., railroad — Same as in estimate 14. Concrete in place Highway— 14,900 c. y. 6,820 bbls. 2,420 c. y. 4.785 c. y. 5,500 c. V. 5,500 c. y. 5.500 c. y. 5.500 c. y. $15 25 82 50 1.80 1 60 5 00 4.00 1 00 S15 25 ('rushed stone.. Forms Miscellaneous . ... ... Concrete in place. . $84,062 $83,875 $311,100 $6,900 7,763 19,650 6.550 1.725 311.100 Track, double: Ballast 3,450 1. f. 3.4.50 ties (),55.000 lbs. 6.55.000 lbs. 3,450 1. f. $2.00 2 25 03 01 .50 Ties, 7" X 9" x 8'-6", treated Railsand accessories FriMght on metal . Total, track $42,688 $5,000 $8,075 4,505 42,588 Switch house.. Lump sum 9,.500 8. V. 530 s. y. 5,000 Highways: Oiled macadam, 6" thick — $0 85 .85 Accessroad _ Total, highways . $12,580 12,580 THE SAl-T WATER BARRIER 537 Preliminary Estimate No. 16 — Continued Item Quantify Unit cost Total cost Summary Fences: SOUTH APPROACH-Continued HiKhway Railroad Total fences. Lighting, highway tunnel Total, south approach. WATER SUPPLY Excavation: Class I, earth trench , Pipe- Main, 4", 15.300 I. f Laterals, Ua", 3,0001. f Fixtures FreiKht Laj-ing Total, pipe. Backfill. Total, water supply. Block signals .\dmini3tration buildings... Pump, power and transformer nouse. Machine shop Construct ion camp Permanent improvements Gross total. Credit.excavation not borrowed but used for fill: Rock fill in place In quarry, 74% Rock excavation, no swell Cost of borrowing 2,110 1. f. 1,450 1. f. ?1.50 .50 Lumpsum 5.200 c. y. 233,000 lbs. 10,000 lbs. 2,500 lbs. 245..500I1-S. 18,5001. f. $2 00 .05 05 05 .01 .03 5,200 c. y. $0.40 Lumpsum 3bldgs. Lumpsum Lumpsum Lumpsum Lumpsum S50,000 21.430,000 c. y. 15,860,000c. y. 17,950.000 c. y. 15,860,000 c. y. II 25 Total estimated field cost. Engineering, administration and eontingencifs, 25%. Right of way Total estimated cost, exclusive ofintereat during construction. Roughly _ $3,165 725 $3,890 .S2,000 $10,400 11,650 500 125 2,4.55 555 S15,285 $2,080 ■SIO.OOO 150.000 150,000 25,000 200,000 50.000 $19,825,000 $3,890 2,000 $1,122,710 $10,400 15,285 2,080 $27,765 10.000 150,000 150.000 25.000 200,000 50,000 $84,776,675 $19,825,000 $64,951,675 16,237,919 950,000 $82,139,594 $82,100,000 PART THREE RECORD OF DRILLING OPERATIONS AND LOGS OF HOLES BORED THE SALT WATEH MARRIKR 541 Date ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 370 As near shore as depth of water would permit Driller 1924- Aug. 16 Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 .\up. 21. .\ug. 21 .\ug. 22 2 crews, 1 shift . 2 crews, 1 shift. 2 crews, 1 shift. 2 crews, 1 shift. Funkley Kreager. Funkley. Depth Material to 5.5 5.5 to 15.5 15.5 to 19 5 19.5 to 22.5 22.5 to 39 5 39.5 to 43.5 43 5 to 56.5 56 5 to 61.5 Water..-. Soft mud. Blueshalewithstreaksof fine grained sandstone. . Blue shale with streaks of fine grained sandstone.. Blue shale with streaks of fine grained sandstone. Sandstone. Blue shale. Blue shale. Remarks Setting anchors and erecting drill column. Lowered drill column. Settled rapidly due to its weight through soft dark mud to rock. 4 in. and 2'4 in. extra strong drive pipe settled to rock of their own weight without wash boring. Sample #1 shows blue mud with grit. Chopped. Sample #2 cuttings. Diamond drilled. Sample #3 cuttings. Diamond drilled. Core 3.3 ft. Thin soft mud seams from 1 in. to 5 in. thick in the shale. This, however, does not reprcent their true thickness since the strata are steeply inclined. Diamond drilled. Core 2.1 ft. Diamond drilled. Core 3.5 ft. Diamond drilled. Core 3.3 ft. drilled 2 hours. PulM casing and helped move. Moved to Hole 1000; 6 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Moving - - ---- Water Wash boring- - --- Drilling rock - - Total and average - - - - - Feet 5.5 10 46 61.5 Shifts 4 2 4M lOM Feet per shift 5.0 10.8 6.0 Core recovery — Single tube core barrel. If inch core Depth 15.5 feet to 19.5 feet. 19.5 feet to 39.5 feet 39.5 feet to 43.5 feet 43.5 feet to 56.5 feet. 56.5 feet to 61.5 feet. Total and average. Exclusive of upper 4 feet •Chopped. Feet drilled 4 20.0 4 13 5.0 46.0 42.0 Core recovered *None 3 3 2 1 3 5 3 3 12.2 12 2 Per cent core 16.5 52.5 26 9 66 26.5 29 542 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 625 Dat« Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Aug. 27 Fiinkley * Moved from Hole 820 to 625. Time Ereager Otol7 17 to 48 48 to 51 51 to 59 59 to 64 Water 4 hours. Mud— . 70 ft. of 2^'2 in. extra strong pipe Hard blue sandstone Soft yellow sandstone and shale (wt. 540 lbs.) settled by its own weight through 31 ft. of mud to rock without wash boring. Sample #33-^, mud scraped from lower end of drive pipe after pulling. Very solid, core 2.0 ft. Core 0.5 ft. Blue shale No return water. 0.5 ft. of core was recovered from bottom of hole by muddingthebit. Dugout of bit in small pieces with knife. Ready to move to Hole 1500. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet perlshift Moving Water 17 31 16 '•2 ' Wash boring.- 62 Drilling rock.. . . 32 Total and average 64 IJi- • 42.7 Core recovery — Single tube core barrel, 1^ inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 48 feet to 51 feet 3.0 8 5.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 66 7 51 feet to 69 feet 6.3 59 feet to 64 feet - . ^. __ _.. _ 10.0 Total and average 16.0 3.0 18.7 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 820 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924- Aug. 26 2 crews, 1 shift.. Pulled drill column at Hole 1000 and Funkley..., 0tol8 18 to 56 56 to 68 58 to 61 61 to 74 Water moved barge to Hole 820. Put down column and startini 2)-i in. pipe. Mud 77 ft. of 2'<2 in. extra strotig pipe .\ug. 27 Blue shale (wt. 600 llw.) settled by its own weight through 38 ft. of mud to rock without washing. Wn.i in. to 86.4. Wash sample #9 at 64, fine sand and clay. Wash sample #10 at 80, fine sand and clay. Put2j2in. and4in. to 117.4. Wash sample #11 at 94, fine sand and clay. Put diamond bit down to drill at 117.4; found to be gravel. Chopped. 2^ in. casing. Wash sample #12 at 124. Coarse sand. 23^ in. casing driving hard. 23^ in. casing to 136.4. Chopped; set drill up. Diamond drilled. Core 2.5 ft. Sample #13, cuttings. Good solid material. Core 4.5 ft. I*ulled casing and drill column 2 hours. Need fuel and water. Go to Hole 2000 next. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 38 4 105.8 16.2 3».( 6Ji Wash boring ^ 16.7 Drillingrock . 16.2 Total and average.. 160.4 im 13.9 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 545 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 1500— Continued Core recoverv — Double tube core barrel, li inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 144.2 feet fo 144.8 feet .. . 0.6 4.6 11.0 •None 2.5 4.5 144.8 feet to 149.4 feet 54 4 149.4 feet to 160.4 feet 40 9 Total and average 16.2 15.6 7.0 7.0 43 2 Exclusive of upper 0.6 feet.. . . . 44 9 •Chopped. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 2000 Date 1924— Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 8. Sept. 8. Sept. 9. Sept. 9. Sept. 10. Sept. 10. Sept. 11 Driller 2 crews, 1 shift. Ereager Funkley Funkley. Kr eager.. Funkley. Kr eager.. Funkley. Kreager. Funkley. Depth Oto 51 51 to 87 87 to 118 118 to 124 124 to 132 132 to 137 137 to 142 142 to 145 145 to 147 147 to 149 149 to 152 152 to 168 Material Water. Mud... Mud- Sand and gravel. Gravel and cobbles. Sand and gravel Sand and gravel Sand Hard clay and gravel. Hard clay and gravel. Hard clay and gravel. Hard clay and shale.. Remarks Moved barge to Shell Oil Company wharf to load oil and water and moved back on lino. 6 hoiirc. Spotted barge on Hole 2000 anH lowered 77 ft. drillcolumn. 106 feet of 4 in. extra strorg fipe (wt. 1590 lbs.) settled of its own weight to 87 through 36 ft. of mud without washine. Drive sannnic ^14 at 60 shows blue mud with very little grit. Wash sample #15 from 67 to 77, blue mud with considerable grit. Wash sample i<16 from 77 to 87, same. Drive sample #17 at 87. blue clay with very little grit. Drive sample from 104 to 108 using B rod. Stiff plastic clay. Sample in core box. Drive sample from 118 to 119 using B rods. Clay, sand and gravel. Largest piece about 1 in. Sample in core box. Shot once at 129, 4 sticks powder. Tried to force another charge aown at 132 but coarse sand filled in pipe to 127. 2}-<> in. casing to 137. Drive sample from 132 to 137, coarsesand. Sample in core box. Wash sample if 18. Medium sand. Wash sample #19. Medium sand. Drive sample from 140 to 147 using B rod. Hard blue clay containing small gravel ' 3 in. to '4 in. Sample in core box. Drove 2^2 in. casing into hard clay to 149. Clay swelling, sticks pipe, larrcd back to 148. Drove 2)-'2 in. pipe to 150, chopped from 150 to 152. Hole stood up. 5 hours wash boring, 3 hours setting up. and getting ready to diamond drill. Diamond drilled. Core 3 5 ft. Sample of cuttings in core box. Could not pull 2^2 in. pipe out of theclav. Shot off the bottom and and pulled it and the 4 in. Ready to move to Hole 2500. 36 — 70fl8« 546 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 2000— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving -- Wash boring . Water 51 101 16 2H VA 15.5 Drillingrock. - 10.7 Total and average 168 lOH 16.0 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 152 feet to 168 feet .. 16 3.5 21.9 i ii If THE SALT WATER BARRIER ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 2500 Located about 60 feet upstream from line 547 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Sept. 11 Krpngpi" Pulled drill column at Hole 2000 and Sept. 12 Funklev moved barge to Hole 2500. Did not get correctly locatc2 in. pipe out. Pulled pipe and drillcoiumn. Ready to move to Hole 3000. 4 in. and 2H in. both bent, caused by tilted drillcoiumn when anchors dragged. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 52 102 24 3>i 9'4 Wash boring . . 11 Drilling roc c 4 6 Total and average 178 18 9 548 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 2500— Continued Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 154 feet to 150 feet 5 3 6 10.0 ♦None 1.0 1.7 4.2 159 feet to 1G2 feet 33.3 162 feet to 108 feet - -- 28.3 168 feet to 178 feet --- 42.0 Total and average .. . 24.0 19.0 6.9 6.9 28.8 36 3 'Chopped. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 3000 Date 1924— Sept. 22 _ Sept. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 25, Sept. 25 Sept. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 27. Sept. 27. Driller Kreager_ Funkley. Ivreager. Funklej'. Kreager. Funkley. Kreager. Funkley. Kreager. Funkley. Kreager. Depth Oto 49 49 to 58 58 to 76 76 to 90 90 to 95 95 to 105 105 to 115 115 to 120 120 to 130 130 to 140 140 to 150 150 to 159 159 to 167 167 to 170 170 to 171 171 to 174 174 to 183.8 Material Water. Mud. Mud. Mud and clay Sand Sand and clay... Sand Gravel. Gravel Clay and gravel mixed. Clay, sand and gravel-. Clay and gravel Clay and gravel Clay or shale Hard streak of shale. S^f tor shale Clav and hard shale. Remarks Pulled anchors at Hole 2500 and moved barge to Benicia Ferry wharf to take on water. Made miscellaneous minor fepairs.i Moved barge from Bfnicia to line of (irilling. _ t Spotted barge on Hole 3000. Lowered drill column. .Anchors dragged. Reset anchors and started 4 in. pipe: ^ y -%r-~ -t 80 ft. of 4 in. extra strong pipe (wt. 1,200 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 60 through 11 ft. of mud. Put 4 in. pipe to 76. 2'-2 in. pipe. Wash sample #26, fine sand. Wash sample #27, fine sand. Wash sample #28, medium sand. Wash sample #29, coarse sand. Wash sample #30, coarse sand and gravel. Put 2J-2 in. pipe to 170. Sample #31, cuttings from chopping rock. Chopped. Chopped. Diamond drilled. Core 1.5 ft. There are clay seams all through the rock which is broken shale. Hole swelling in several places. Cave at 182.8. Could not get bit to bottom of hole after last run. Chopped through cave and reached bottom of hole. Pulled all pipe. 2J-i in. came hard. Ready to move to Hole 3550. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet ShifU Feet per shift Moving Water 49 118 16 8 4 6 1 19.7 Drilling rock 16.8 Total and averairA ._ 183.8 11 16.7 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 549 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 3000— Continued Core recovery — Doul)le tul)e core barrel. 13 inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 167 feet to 174 feet 7.0 9.8 •None 1.5 174 feet to 183 8 feet 15.3 Total aod average . . . 16.8 9.8 1.5 1.5 8 9 Exclusive of upper 7.0 feet 15 3 •Chopped. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 3550 Date Drillpr Depth Material Remarks 1924— Sept. 29 Kreager Moved barge from Hole 3000 and Sept. 29 Perkins spotted on Hole 3550. Took drill platform off, added 10 ft. Sept. 30 Kreager Perkins Oto 62 62 to 83 83 to 113 113 to 123.8 Water length of column and put platform back on. Total length of column 88 ft. 4 in. pipe. Mud 95 ft. of 4 in. extra strong pipe Sand and clay.. . . (wt. 1.425 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 74 through 12 ft. of mud. Put 4 in. pipe to 113. Wash sample Sand and RraveL -- #32 from 76 to 90. Medium sand. Wash sample #33 from 90 to 98. Medium sand. Wash sample #34 from 98 to 109. Fine sand. 2Y> in. pipe. Wash sample )*35 from Sept. 30 113 to 123.8. Medium sand. Repaired drill. Chopped out hole and seated pipe on rock ready to drill. Dianiond drill No oore. Oct. 1 Kreager Perkins . 123.8 to 128 128 to 138.6 Sandy shale... Blue sandstone or sandy shale Diamond drill. Core 10.6 ft. Oct. 1 Pulled all pipe and got ready to move to Hole 4000. . Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet ShifU Feet per shift Moving Water 62 62 15 3 2 1 Wash boring. 31 Drilling rock 15 Total and average 139 6 23 2 Core recovery- -Double tube core barrel, 1| inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered i Per cent core 123 8 feet tol28.0feet 4.2 10.6 10.6 128.0feet to 138.6feet .-- 100 To ta 1 and average 14 8 10.6 71 6 One piece of core recovered measured 4.7 feet. Cut in two to get in core box. 550 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 4000 Date Driller Depth Material i Remarks 1924— Oct. 2 Kreager Moved barge from Hole 3550 to Oct. 2 Perkins Kreager.. Perkins to 62 62 to 99 99 to 116 116 to 130 130 to 130.5 130.5 to 130.8 130.8 to 146 Water... Hole 4000. 4 in. pipe. Mud and sand 95 ft. of 4 in. extra strong pipe (wt. Sand and clay . . 1,425 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 74 through 12 ft. of mud. Wash sample #36 from 74 to 121. Fine sand. 2'-^ in. pipe. Sand and gravel Wash sample #37 from 121 to 126, Oct. 3 Soft sandstone or sandy shale... Soft sandstone or sandy shale coarse sand. Sample #38 cuttings from chopping rock. Soft sandstone or sandy shale Diamond drilled. Core 13.7 ft. Oct. 3 Pulled pipe and got ready to move ¥ to Hole 4500. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water 62 68 16 2 1 1 r^: 1b' Drillingrock . . . . 16 Total and average. . 146 4 36.5 Core recovery- -Double tube core barrel, If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 130 feetto 130.8feet 8 10.0 5.2 •None 9 4.7 130.8 feet to 140.8 feet 90.0 140.8 feet to 146.0 feet 90.4 Totaland average 16.0 15.2 13 7 13.7 85.7 Exclusive of upper 0.8 feet 90 2 •Chopped. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 4500 Dat« Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Oct. 4 Tfrflftgp' Moved barge from Hole 4000 to Hole Oct. 4 Perkins 4500. Drill column too short. Took off platform and 5 ft. length of column. Difficulty holding the column suspended in the strong tidal current. Added 20 ft. length of column and Oct. 6 Perkins Kreager Oto 69 69 to 115 115 to 116 116 to 121 Water replaced the drill platform. 4 in. pipe. Mud Put 4 in. pipe to 101. Sand Oct. 6 Very coarse sandstone ... Diamond drilled. Core 0.6 ft. The core recovered is a hard coarse- grained rock possibly sandstone or conglomerate. The small amount of core recovered indicates a hard boulder or streak in soft material, presumably sandstone or shale found in all other holes drilled. Pulled pipe and column and got ready to move to Hole 4700. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 551 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 4500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hour? Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water Wash boring. Drilling rock 69 47 5 2H 1 47 10 Total and average. 121 30 3 Core recovery- —Double tube core barrel. IS inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 116 feet to 121 feet 5.0 0.6 12.0 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 4700 Dat*- Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Oct. 7 Moved bargf from Hole 4500 to Hole 0to36 36 to 54 54 to 64 Water 4700. Mud 80 ft. of 214 in. extra strong pipe Pand (wt. 620 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 54 through 18 ft. of mud. Struck rock at 64. Ran out of boiler water. Did not drill into rock. Moving 4 hours, wash boring 4 hours. Drilling at Army Point dam aite completed. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.. Water 36 28 }6 56 Did not drill Total and average.. 64 1 64 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE £25°: 40'-310 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 6 Kreager Moved drill barge from Shell Co. Kreager to 2 2.6 to 15 Water wharf, Martinei, to linp of drilling and spotted on Hole £25° : 40'- 310. Could not get nearer to shore account of shallow water. Mud Rock at 15. Did not drill. Pulled pipe and got ready to move to HoleE25':40'-500. 4 hours. 552 DIVISION OF WATER RESOUBCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E25°: 40'-3 10— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 2.6 12.4 1 Wash boring 25 Total and average 15.0 1.6 10 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E25°: 40'-500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 7 Krpagfir Moved barge from Hole E25'':40' -310 to E25° : 40'-500. 4 hours. Jan. 7 Perkins Ereager Perkins Ereager Perkins to 11.3 11.3 to 29.2 29.2 to 34 34 to 44 44 to 60 Water Mud 2K in. pipe to rocL Set up diamond drill. Diamond drilled. Jan. 8 Shale Jan. 8 Shale Diamond drilled. ; Jan. 9 Jan. 9 Shale and sandstone Diamond drilled. Pulled pipe. Replaced 10 ft. length of drill column with 20 ft. length and got ready to move to Hole E50° : 40'-250. '■ ^ Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Oppration Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 11.3 17.9 30.8 I 3 Wash boring 17.9 Drilling rock.. 10 3 Total and average. . 60.0 5H 10.9 Core recovery- -Double tube core barrel. If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 29.2 feet to 34 feet 4.8 10.0 16.0 2.2 4.7 3.6 45 8 34 feet to 44 feet 47.0 44 feet to 60 feet 22.6 Total and average 30.8 10.5 35.0 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E2S°: 40'-750 Date Driller Df'pth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 22 Perkins Moved barge from Hole E75°-20O0 to 19 3 19.3 to 63.1 Water to E26'': 40'-750. Mud Rock at 53.1. Did not drill. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 553 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E25°: 40'-750— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 19.3 33.8 H H Wash boring 67 6 Total and average 53.1 1 53 1 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E25°: 40'-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 30 Perkins Kreager Perkins to 26 26 to 45 45 to 95 95 to 97.4 97.4 to 108.4 108.4 to 110.4 Water Moved barge from Hole E50° : 40' Fine sand . -2000 to E25° : 40'-1000. 2J^ in. pipe. Mud Clay Jan. 30 Shale Diamond drilled. Jan. 31 Shale Removed drill platform and added 10 ft. length of drill column. 6 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 )iours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving- ...Water 26 71.4 13.0 H H Wash boring 95.2 Drillingrock 8.7 Total and average 110.4 3 36.8 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, If inch core Jt ,. ;__;- — ' ■ ■ : Depth Feet drilled Core recovered - * Per cent core 97.4 feet to 110.4 feet 13.0 1.6 12.3 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E25°: 40'-1500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 31 Krpager Moved barge from Hole E25° : 40' -1000 to E25° : 40'-1500. Kreager Perkins to 33.3 33 3 to 62 62 to 77 77 to 97 97 to 111 111 to 120 120 to 123.1 123.1 to 138 Water Mud and sand Sand is fine grained. Fine sand Feb. 2... Mud orclay Fincsand Sand and gravel Clay and gravel Feb. 2 Sandstone Diamond drilled. Blue. Fairly hard with some shale. 554 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E25°: 40'- 1500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifta Feet per shift Moving Water 33.3 89.8 14.9 1 1 1 Wash boring 89 8 Drilling rock _ _ 14.9 Total and average 138.0 3 46 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, 11 inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 123.1 feet to 138 feet 14.9 4.0 26.8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E50° : 40'-250 Date Driller Depth Material RemarlcB 1925— Jan. 10 Ereager .. Moved barge from Hole E25°:40' to 0.1 0.1 to 43 -500 to E50° :-40'-250. 4, hours. No water at low ti4». Mud Rock at 43. 2 hours. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 0.1 42.9 s Wash boring 172 Total and average. . 43.0 H 57.3 . ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E50° : 40'-540 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 10 Kreager Moved barge from Hole £50° : 40' -250 to £50° : 40'-540. 2 hours. Removed 20 ft. length of drillcoluran. Jan. 10 Perkins Perkins to 3.6 3.5 to 37 37 to 60 Water Mud 2\4 in. pipe. Jan. 12 Mud 2H in. pipe. Got roady to move, 4 hours. Did not reach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving W»t«r 3.5 56.6 H Wash boring . 37 7 Total and average.. 60.0 2K 26.7 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 555 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E50°: 40'-750 Dat« Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 12 .. . Perkins Moved barge from Hole E50° : 40' Jan 12 Kreager to 10.4 10.4 to 80.5 80.5 to 90.5 Water -540 to E50° : 40'-750. 4 hours. Mud 2\4 in. pipe. Clay Rock at 90.5. Did not drill. Pulled pipe and got ready to move. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 ho urs » Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water 10.4 80.1 H H 160 2 Total and average. . 90.5 1 90.6 ARMY POINT DAM SITE HOLE E50°: 40'-1100 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 20 Perkins [■J Moved barge from Hole W75''-4500 to 23.5 23.5 to 65.4 65.4 to 87.5 m IWater toE50°:40'-1100. 2 hours. Mud JStiffciav Did not reach rock. 6 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash baring Water 23.5 64.0 H 85.4 Total and average 87.5 1 1 87.5 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E50° : 40'-1100 Second Time Drilled Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb 3... . Krpagpf Pulled pipe at Hole E25° : 40'-1500 Feb. 3. Perkins and moved barge to Hole E50° : 40' -1100. Removed 10 ft. length of drill column. Put drill platform on and repaired Feb. 4. Kreager Perkins to 23 4 23.4 to 72 72 to 97 97 to 102 102 to 114 114 to 119.2 Water equipment. Too stormy to drill on night shift. Mud and fine sand... Stiff mud Fine sand Sand and gravel . Clay Hit rock at 119 2. Did not drill Feb. 4 Pulled pipe and got ready to move. Stormy, llepaired steam engines and cleaned up barge deck. 556 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E50° : 40'-1100— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift •Moving 23.4 95.8 3 1 Wash boring 95 8 Total and average 119.2 4 29 8 •Includes 2 shifts repairing and cleaning up. Too stormy to drill on night shift. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E50°: 40'-1500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 22 Perkins Moved baree from Hole E75°-3000 to Kreager... Perkins Kreager Oto 20 20 to 38 38 to 53 53 to 93 93 to 108 108 to 117 117 to 128 Water E50° : 40'-1500. 2 hours. Mud. Sand 2Vi. in. pipe. 1 Jan. 23 Mud and clay Jan. 23 Coarse sand and gravel .. Mud -^ 1- Jan. 24 Shale and sandstone Diamond drilled. Pulled pipe, repaired drill and got ready to move ta Mare Island to take on water. i_]l : Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 20 97 11 IJi 1'4 ?2 Wash boring. 55 4 Driliingrock . _ _ 22 Total and average. . 128 3M 36 6 Core recovery — Double tuhe core barrel. If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 117 feet to 124.5 feet 7.5 3.6 4.5 3.5 60 124 5 feet to 128 feet 100 Total and average 11.0 8.0 72 7 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 557 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E50°: 40'-2000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Jan.24 Perkins Took barge to Mare Island for water. Jan. 26 Perkins arrived 7:30 p.m. Took on water, returned to dam site. Jan. 26 Kreager Tug "Bear" fouled propeller and went adrift on mud flats. Spotted barge on Hole £50° : 40'-2000 with Associated Oil Co. tug. Pulled "Bear" off mud with lines from drill barge. Jan. 27 Perkins Kreager Perkins Kreager Perkins Kreager to 20 20 to 28 28 to 76 76 to 99 99 to 111 111 to 120 120 to 136 136 to 143 143 to 149.4 149.4 to 159 159 to 164.8 • Water Sand Compact, pipe drives hard. 4 in. Sand and clay... pipe to 28. 214 in- pipe. Jan. 27 Sand Clay Sand and gravel Jan. 28 Sand and gravel 2'-^ in. pipe. Jan. 28 Sand and gravel Very fine. Clay Set up diamond drill. Jan. 29 Shale Diamond drilled. Jan. 29 Sandv shale Diamond drilled 2 hours. Pulled casing and got ready to move. 6 hours. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. Water 20.0 129.4 15.4 3 V4 Wash boring 27.2 Drilling rock 12 3 Total and average. . 164.8 9 18.3 Core recovery — Double tui)e core barrel. If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 149.4 feet to 164 8 feet 15.4 5.1 33.1 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E75'-50 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 9 Perkins .. Moved hand rig from Hole E75''-10O +6.3 to —63.7 63.7 to 69.7 Mud to E75''-60. •Stiff clay Did not reach hard rock. *The clay reported is probably softened shale. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving - . Water. None 76 H Wash boring 152 Total and average 76.0 1 76.0 558 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E75°-100 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 7 Perkins Moved hand rig from Hole E75°-200 +3 to —17 17 to 57 Soft mud to E75°-100. Stiff mud Did not reach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash borinET Water None 60 y2 120 Total and average 60 1 60 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E75''-200 Date Driller I Depth Material Remarks J 1925— Feb 5 Perkins Got equipment together for drilling Feb. 6 Perkins +3 to —56 56 to 69.5 Soft mud Stiff mud additional holes on marsh by hand. Did not reach rock. ^- • Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. ...Water None 72.5 1 1 72.5 Total and averaee. . 72.5 2 36.2 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E75"-512 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Jan 21 Perkins Moved barge from Hole E87*'>** Jan 22 . . Kreager 0to2 2 to 88 Water -3500 to E75°-512. Replaced 6 ft. length of drill column with 20 ft. length. Repairwl and oiled all cables. Mud Clay at 88. 4 hours. Did not reach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.. Wash borinff . - . Water 2 86 1 14 172 Total and averasc. - 88 IH 132 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 559 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E75°-960 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Jan. 2. Perkins to 0.3 0.3 to 60 Water Mud Moved hand rig from Hole E873^° -880 to E75°-960. Put down rods to 60. Did not roach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 0.3 59 7 Wash boring 119 4 Total and average. . 60 1 60 Hole located along side of Peyton Pier. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E75°-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 5 Kreager. Moved barge from Hole E50° • 40' Feb. 6 Kreager to 0.4 0.4 to 59 59 to 74 74 to 86 86 to 100 100 to 120 120 to 130 130 to 142.6 Water -1100 to E75''-1000. Mud 2!^ in. Dine. Fine sand Stiff clay Sand and gravel.. Stiff clay Fine sand Fine sand and clay mixed. Rock at 142.6. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 Hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift 1 Moving Wash boring.. . . Water 4 142 2 1 .... 1 i42 2 Total and average 142.6 2 71 3 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E75°-2000 Date Driller Depth Material ' Remarks 1925- Jan. 22 KreJ^gfr Moved barge from Hole E75°-512 0to4 4 to 68 Water toE75°-2000. 2 hours. Mud Did not reach rock. 2 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 4 64 H y* Wash boring . 256 Total and average 68 H 136 560 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E75°-3000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 22 Perkins Moved barge from Hole £25°: 40' Oto 19 19 to 45 45 to 60 Water -750 to E75°-3000. 2 hours. Mud.. Sand Did not reach rock. 2 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 19 41 'i Wash boring .... 164 Total and average . . 60 Vi 120 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87K°-41 Date Driller Depth Material Remaris 1925— Jan. 3 Kreager +3 to —22 22 to 27 Mud Moved hand rig fro^flole E75°-960 Stiff clay to E87M°-41. Put rods down to rock. Rock at El. —27. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 ho urs Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.. Water 30 ^ Wash boring 120 Total and average. . 30 M 60 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87//-83 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 3 Kreager +3 to -32 32 to 33 Mud Moved hand rig from Hole £87)^° Stiff clay -41 to E87.4''-83. Put rods down to rock. Rock at El. —33. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 36 ^ Wash boring 144 Total and average 36 H 72 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 561 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE KSl^A'-lSO Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 10 Perkins Moved hand rig from Hole E75°-60 +3 2 to -47 47 to 55 Mud to E87J-2°-150. Clay orsbale Did not reach hard rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.. Wash boring Water None 58.2 14 116.4 Total and average. . 58.2 1 58.2 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87^°-220 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Jan. 3 Perkins +3.1 to— 57 Mud Moved hand rig from Hole E87H° -83 to E87>2°-220. Put rods down 60 ft. through soft mud. Did not reach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water None 60.1 120 60.1 1 60 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87'^°-440 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Dec. 24. ... Perkins Severe storm, could not move from Dec. 25 Xmas Point San Pablo site to Army Point site. Tied barge up in shelter at McNear's Landing. Dec. 26 . 2 crews, 1 shift.. Moved barge to Mare Island Na\'y Doc. 27 2 crews, 1 shift.. Yard. Boiler Inpcctors found flues in bad Dec. 28 condition. Ordered full replace- ments. Took on wood and water and overhauled drillequipment. Crews laid off. Dec. 29 Crews laid off. Dec. 30 Moved wash boring outfit from barge Dec. 30 Perkins +3 to -57 Mud to Suisun Point for use in land holes on marsh. Setting up 4 hours. Put rods down 60 ft. from surface of marsh through soft mud. Did not reach rock. 36—70686 562 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87K'' -440— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.- - Water 60 8H H Wash boring 120 To ta 1 and average 60 9 6.7 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87H°-880 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 2 Kreager. +3.2 to— 56.8 Mud Moved hand rip from Hole E100°-940 to E87H°-880. Put rods down 60 ft. from surface of marsh through soft mud. Did not reach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring ...Water 60 _. y-.^ Total and average 60 1 60 Hole located along side of Peyton Pier. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87^r-2000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 21 .. . Tfrpagpp Moved barge from Hole ESO" : 40' to 18 1.8 to 68.4 Water -1100toE87H''-2000. Mud- Did not reach rock. 2 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring . Water 18 66.6 \ 266.4 Total and average _ _ 68.4 Vi 136.8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87K'°-3500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Jan. 21 Krepgpr Moved barge from Hole E87J^»-200O to 3.6 3 6 to 42 42 to 51 51 to 67 Water . to 87>^''-3500. 2 hours. Mud Stiff mud or clay Sand Did not reach rock. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 563 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E87^° -3500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet SbifK Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water 3 6 63.4 g 253.6 Total and average 67.0 H 134 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E100°-175 Date 1 Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Feb. 11 Perkins . . . . 1 Moved hand rig from Hole E87H* +3 3 to —54 7 Mud -150 to E100°-175. 54.7 to 57.7 Clay orshale Did notreach hard rocL Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water None 61 II 244 Total and average . . 61 H 122 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E100°-46S Date Driller Depth j Material Remarks 1924— Dec 31 Kr eager +3 to -72 Mud Moved hand rig from Hole ES'J^" -440 to E100°-465. Put rods down 75 ft. from surface of marsh through soft mud. Did not reach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. Water 75 n 150 75 1 75 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE E100-'-940 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Dec 31 Perkins -1-3 5 to -71.5 Mud Moved hand rig from Hole E100°-465 to El00''-940. Put rods down 75 ft. from surface of marsh through soft mud. Did not reach rock. 564 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE El 00' -940— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. . . Water 75 Wash boring 150 Total and average 75 1 75 Hole located along side of Peyton Pier. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— LINE "A" AND HOLE "X" Across marsh east of Suisun Point between Mountain Copper Conipanj' smelter and the small "haystack" hill to the southeast. Number of hole desig- nates its distance out from the edge of the marsh near the smelter measured from the toe of the slope of the railroad grade. Holes put down by hand. Hole number Depth Material Remarks Jan. 5, 1925, 2 crews working 1 shift— S 109— .-.. 2.8to— 16.2 2.8 to— 17.2 3.0 to —47 3.1 to— 57 3 to —37 3.2 to —31.8 3.2 to —56.8 3.0 to —42 Mud... . 1 ClavorshaleatEl — re.S U S (3 S S 118 _-_. Mud datum. '^ Clav orshale at El. —17.2 U. S. G. S. S 240 Mud Mud.. datum. Clay or shale at El. —4^0 U. S. G. S. datum. i^_ 1 Did not reach clay or rook. S 340. SlOlO Mud... SlllO. Mud. Mud... Clay or shale at El. —31.8. Clay or shale at El. —56.8. Clay or shale at El. —42. Jan. 6. 1925, Perkins crew only — S1060 * X Mud •Located on marsh west of Line .\ on southwest side of the "haj'Stack" hill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving .Water 349 1% Wash boring.. 233 Total and average 349 3 126 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— LINE "B" On marsh east of Suisun Point. Number of hole indicates its distance from initial point which is located 320' out on the marsh from the toe of the Mountain Copper Company's slag sump. Holes put down by hand. Hole number Depth Material Remarks Feb. 24, 1925, Perkins crew- S300 +3 2 to —52 8 52 8 to 53 3 53 3 to 56 8 +2.9to— 49 1 49.1 to 49 6 49.6 to 57.1 +3 3 to— 6.7 6.7 to 24.0 +3.4 to— 21.1 Mud Hard clay Stiff mucf Did notrpaob rock. S600 Mud... Hard clay Stiff mu( Did not reach rock. Feb. 25, 1925, Perkins crew— N250 Mud Stiff mud Rock at 24.0. Did not drill. N320 Stiff mud . Rock at 211 Did not drill THE SALT WATER BARRIER 565- ARMY POINT DAM SITE— LINE "B"— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water None 171.8 Va. Wash boring 229 Total and average. . . 171 8 VA 114 5 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— LINE "C" AND HOLE "Y" On marsh east of Suisun Point. Number of hole on Line "C" indicates its distance from initial point near the edge of the bulged ground at the slag dump of the Mountain Copper Companj- smelter. Holes put down by hand. Hole number Depth Material Remarks Feb. 2, 1925, Perkins crew— N 500 Sandstone and shale at surface. N 80- +10.3 to— 6.2 +3.7to— 16 3 16 3 to 218 +3.5 to— 21.5 21.5to 27.0 +5.3 to— 0.7 Mud.. Rock at EI. —6.2. Probably the slope of the slag dump. Feb. 23, 1925, Perkins crew— S270.. Mud S600 Stiff mud Stiff mud Rock at El. —21.8. Did not drill. Feb. 25, 1925, Perkins crew— "Y" Coarse sand Stiff mud Rock at El. —27.0. Did not drill. Rock at EL— 7. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water None 78.5 Wash boring. - 104 6 Total and average 78.5 VA 52 3 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— LINE "D" On mar.'^h east of Suisun Point. Number of hole indicates its distance southerly from Hole No 270 on Line "C." Holes put down by hand. Hole number Driller Depth Material Remarks Feb. 21, 1925 W 150 .. Perkins +3.8 to— 0.2 +3 5 to— 6.5 6.5 to 12.8 Mud Rock at El. —0.2. W 100 Perkins Mud Stiff mud Rock at El. —12 8 Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water None 20.3 S Wash boring . 81 2 Total and average 20.3 H 40.6 566 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W25''-250 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 12 Perkins. to 2.5 2.5to9.3 Water Put rods down by hand. Rock at 9.3. Did not drill. Mud Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving 2.5 6.8 Wash boring. 54 4 Total and average 9.3 M 37 2 ARMY POINT DAM SITE HOLE W25°.50O Date Driller Depth Material Remarks . 1925— Jan. 13 Perkins Moved barge from Hole E50° : 40' —750 to W25'' —500. 4 hours. Kreager Perkins to 5.8 5.8 to 23 23 to 34 34 to 39 39 to 60 Water Mud 2V^ in. DiDe. ^^^^ i Jan. 13 Softshale Diamond drilled. Jan. 14 Soft shale Hole caved badly. Put in shot at 23 and drove pipe to 39. Diamond dri led. Jan. 14 Kreager Softshale Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 5.8 17.2 37.0 3 Wash boring 34 4 Drilling roc c 12 3 Total and average 60.0 4 15 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel. If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 23 feet to 34 feet 11 26.0 1.1 14 10 34 feet to 60 feet... 6.4 Total and average 37.0 2.6 6.8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W25°-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Jan. 15 Perkins Moved barge from Hole W25''-500 to to 13.1 13 1 to 75.8 Water W25''-1000. 4 hours. Mud 2}4 in. pipe. Rock at 75.8. Did not drill. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 567 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W25°-1000— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet ShifU Feet per shift Moving.- Water 13 1 62.7 125 4 Total and average 75.8 1 75.8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W25''-1500 Date Driller Depth Matfflial Remarks 1925- Mar 23 L. Krpngfr .... Moved barge from Hole W4000- H. Kreager L. Kreager Oto 20 20 to 54 54 to 84 84 to 89 89 to 100 100 to 111 111 to 124 Water S500 to W25°-1500. Mud 2H in- pipe- \f ud And fine sa.nd Clay Sample 1^99. Mar. 23 Clay, sand and gravel Clay, sand and gravel Soft sandstone or sandy shale Sample #100. Hard, rods bounced. Sample /lOl. Diamond drilled. Good core. 1 piece Mar. 24 8 ft. long. Pulled pipe and got ready to move to Line "M." 2 hours. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.. Wawh boring Water 20 91 13 72.8 Drillirie rock - 17.3 Total and average.. 124 2H 55.1 Core recovery- -Double tube core barrel, 1§ inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 111 feet to 124 feet 13.0 10.0 77.0 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE WSO^-SOO Date Driller Depth Material | Remarks 1925— Mar. 12 Perkins to 2 8 2.8 to 13 2 Water Mud Put rods down by hand. Rock at 13.2. DidnotdrilL Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 houcs Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift 2 8 Waah boring 10 4 83 2 Total and average .. . 13.3 H 52.8 568 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W50°-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 15 Vrp^f^fT Moved barge from Hole W25°-1000 to 2.4 2.4 to 58.3 58.3 to 68.3 Water toWSOMOOO. 4 hours. Mud 2H in. pipe. Stiff clay 23^ in. pipe. Rock at 68.3. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.- -.. Wash boring Water 2.4 65.9 ,4 131 8 Total and average . . 68.3 1 68.3 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W50°-1440 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks • 1925- Jan. 16 Perkins Moved barge from Hole W50°-1000 to 7.6 7.6 to 68.4 Water toW50°-1440. 4ho«rt. Mud :.. 2H in. pipe. Rock at 68.4. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. Wash borins . ....Water 7.6 60.8 121.6 Total and average 68.4 - 1 68 4 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W50°-2000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan 16 Kre&ffcr Moved barge from Hole W50°-1440 to 10.1 Water toW50''-2000. 4 hours. ICltoBO Mud.. Did not reach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash borins Water 10.1 49.9 H 09 8 Tot&l&nd averase 60.0 1 60.0 Note— Put rods down to 60 foot depth and pulled right out. On pulling rods gas, or entrapped air, followed, creating a boil about 1 foot high and 6 to 8 feet in diameter. Pocket struck about 4 P. M. Oas flow continued into the night, gradually decreasing in volume. No odor was noticable. THE SALT WATER BARRIEE 569 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W50"-2S00 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 17 PerkJM Moved barge from Hole W50°-2000 to 18.2 18.2 to 85 85 to 110.1 Water toW50°-2500. 2 hours. Mud 25^ in. pipe. Sand Rock at 110.1. 2 hours. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving - - Water 18.2 91.9 n Wash boring 367.6 Tot*] and average . 110.1 i^ 220 2 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W62i^°-2500 Date Driller Depth 1 Material Remarks 1925- Jan. 17 Perkins Moved barge from Hole W50°-2500 to 5.7 5.7to69.7 Water to W62i^i°-2500. 2 hours. Mud 2\i in. pipe. 2 hours. Rock at 69.7. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Water 5.7 64.0 Wash boring 256 Total and average 69.7 V« 139.4 I^ote — This hole in doubt, redrilled. 570 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W62yr-2500 Second Time Drilled Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 13 Mar. 13... Mar. 14 Mar. 14 Mar. 16 Mar. 16. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreagor. to 5.9 5.9 to 64 64 to 71 71 to 78 78 to 83 Water Mud- Stiff mud and sand. Hard yellow clay Sand and gravel 83 to 110 110 to 115. 115.5 to 122 122.5 to 123. Sand and gravel. Sand and gravel. Sandstone Conglomerate... 123.5 to 125.5 Sandstone- Moved barge from Hole \V3500- N500 to W62,^°-2500. 2 hours. 2}^ in. pipe. May be rock formation below 71. Replaced steam pump with one shipped from Salt Lake. Hard driving, probably conglomerate. Soft. Diamond drilled. No core. Diamond drilled. Broken core con- sisting mostly of gravel. Diamond drilled. No core. PulW pipe and rigged up to take on water. In pulling pipe it was raised 12 feet and let go. It settled back to its seat proving that ma- terial, if not rock, at least is so compact that a hole in it stays open. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts J'eet per shift Moving . Water 5.9 109.6 10.0 4 Wash boring 27.4 Drilling rock - 20.0 Total and average 125.5 5'A 23.9 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel. If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 115.5 feet to 125.5 feet 10.0 1.2 10.0 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE WyS'-SOO Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- •lan. 17 Kreager Moved barge from Hole \\ 62' 2°-2500 +0.9 to —18.9 Mud to W75°-500 on high tide. Rock at 18.9. 2 hours. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 19.8 g Wash boring 79.2 Total and average 19.8 1 19 8 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 571 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1 1925- Feb.l2 Feb. 13 Krcager Moved barge from W2500-S500 to W75°-1000. 2 hours. Kreagcr to 0.2 0.2 to 33 33 to 41 Water Mud Clay orshale Hard yellow clay or shale grading to rock at 41. Did not drill. 4 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 0.8 40.2 S Wash boring 80 2 Total and average.. 41.0 H 54 6 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-1500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Jan. 19 Kreager Moved barge from Hole W75°-500 to 1.6 1.6 to 50.6 50.6 to 60.6 Water to W75''-1500 at high tide. Mud Clav Rock at 60.6. Did not drill Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 1.6 59.0 Wash boring 118 Total and average... 60.6 1 60 6 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-2000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1025— Mar. 6 Perkins Moved barge from Hole W2000-S500 Kreager to 1.6 1.6 to 53 53 to 79.6 Water to W75''-2000. Mud 2V2 in. pipe. Mar 7 Yellow clay Shaleat79.6. Didnotdrill. Worked 2 hours, this hole. Progress — 1 shift, J crew working 8 hours Operation Feet ShifU Feet per shift Moving Water 1.6 78.0 1 Wash boring 78 79.6 IH 63 7 572 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-2500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 19 Perkins Moved barge from Hole WTS'-ISOO to 2.3 2.3 to 61 61 to 66 Water.... to \V75°-2500. 4 hours. Mud Stiff clay Rock at 66. 2 hours. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts ■ Feet per shift Moving Water 2.3 63.7 Wash boring . . 284 8 Total and average 66.0 H 88 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-2500 Second Time Drilled Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 17 Mar. 17 Mar. 18. Mar. 18. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. L. ICreager. H. Kreager. to 2.5 to 65.4 to 75.4 to 89.4 to 92.4 to 2.5 65.4 75.4 89.4 92.4 94.4 94.4 to 97.4 97.4 to 102.4 102.4 to 107.4 Water Mud Clay and gravel Sand, gravel and clay. Yellow clay Clay or shale. Clay or shale. Took barge from Hole W62H°- 2500 to Bay Point to take on water. Spotted barge on Hole W75°-2500. Compact sand. Very soft sandstone and yellow clay. 2}^ in. pipe. May be rock formation below 65.4. Sample #108. Hole stands open at 89.4. Diamond drilled. No core. Drove pipe to 94.4. Got sample by driving core barrel into the formation. Sample in core box. Got sample by driving core barrel into the formation. Sample in core box. Diamond drilled. No core. Took sample by driving core barrel into the formation. Sample in core box. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 2.5 97.9 7.0 Wash boring 49.0 Drillingrock 0.3 Total and average.. 107.4 4 26.9 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 573 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-2950 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Mar. 2 Perkins Moved barRB from Hole W75°-5100 to 2 2 2.2 to 60 60 to 76.1 Water to W75''-2950. Mud 2)'2 in. pipe. Stiff clay Rock at 76.1. Did not drill. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hoiys Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 2.2 73.9 ^X Wash boring 98.5 Total and average. . 76.1 1 76.1 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-3500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jan. 19 Perkins Moved barge from Hole W75°-2500 Jan. 20 Kreager to 2 6 2 6 to 56 6 56.6 to 61.6 Water toW75°-3500. 2 hours. Mud Clay Rock at 61.6. 2 hours. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 2.6 59.0 S Wash boring 236 To ta 1 a nd average . . 61 6 H 123 2 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75'-3500 Second Time Drilled Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 19 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole W75°-2500 to W75''-3500. H. Kreager to 2.5 2.5 to 45 45 to 58 58 to 60 60 to 67 67 to 69 69 to 71 71 to 74 74 to 77 Water Mud 2),i in. pipe. Fine sand and mud Clay and gravel Mar. 19 Stiff clay Coarse sand and clay Conglomerate Sample #96. May be rock formation. Diamond drilled. No core. Conglomerate.. Drove pipe down. Hard formation Hard clay or shale slow going. Sample f97. By com- paring sample with samples *I02, 1*103. *104and *105 if appears that formation may Ix; poorly cemented conglomerate Ijolow depth 69. Got sample by driving the core barrel into the formation. Sample in core box. 574 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-3500— Continued Second Time Drilled Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 2.5 72.5 2.0 Wash boring 58 Drillingrock __ _ _ _ _ 4 Total and average 77.0 2 38 5 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75°-4000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 4 Kreager Moved barge from Hole W2800- Perkins to 0.9 0.9 to 45 45 to 58 58 to 65 65 to 80.7 Water N500 to W75°-4000. 2 hours. Mud L Fine sand ,. Sand and gravel \ Mar. 4 Coarse sand and gravel . . May be conglomwate. Collecting wood. Mar. 5 Kreager Perkins 80.7 to 89.7 89.7 to 90.7 Sandstone Diamond drilled. Very soft and Shale sugar like. Gray. Can b? rubbed to sand betweea-the fingers. Very little, if any, cemetting material. Mar. 5 Setting stakes on holes to be drilled. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving ..Water 0.9 79.8 10.0 1^ 1 Wash boring.. 45.6 Drillingrock 10.0 Total and average 90.7 4 22 7 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, 13 inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 80.7 feet to 90.7 feet 10.0 4.4 44 ARMY POINT DAM SITE HOLE W75°-4500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1926- Jan.20 Kreager Move.1 barge from Hole W75°-3600 to 2.8 2.8 to 57.8 67.8 to 63.8 Water toW75°-4500. 4 hours. Mud Clay Rock at 63.8. 2 hours. Did not drill. THE SALT WATER BARRIER ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE WTS" -4500— Continued ProKress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours 575 Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Water 2 8 61.0 ^ Wash boring 244 Total and ttvex^fx 63.8 H 85.1 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W75 -4500 Second Time Drilled Date j Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 20 T. KrpMgpr Moved barge from Hole W 75''-3500 H. Kreager to 2 6 2.6to45 45 to 58 58 to 72 6 72 6 to 84.6 Water to W75M500 Mud 2yi in. pipe. Mud and s&nd Sand and gravel Sample #98. Mar. 20 Soft sandstone. Diamond drilled. Very soft and sugar like. Tan in color. Can be rubbed to sand between the fingers. Very little, if any, cementing ma- terial. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. . .. 2 6 70.0 12 1 Wash boring 70.0 Drillingrock - 24.0 Total and average 84.6 IH 48 2 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 72.6feet to84 6feet 12 1.3 10.8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— W75 -5100 Date Driller *Depth1** Material Remarks fe#tt 1925- Feb.28 Perkins Moved barge from Hole W5100- Kreager to 2 2 74 74 to 82 82 to 92 Water S500 to W75°-5100. Mud Feb. 28 Sand and gravel Gravel hard and sharp. Pipe drove Sandstone hard. Diamond drilled. Very soft and sugar like. Light lirown in color. Can be rubbed to sand between the fingers. Venr little, if any. cementing irjiterial. 576 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— W75°-5100— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving .- Water 2.0 80.0 10.0 }4 Wash boring 91.3 Drillingrock 16.0 Total and average 92.0 2 46.0 Core recover}' — Double tube core barrel, 1| inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 82 feet to 92 feet. 10.0 3.0 30.0 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— LINE S1285 Holes located on marsh along Martinez water front on a line parallel to Line West 75° and 1285 feet south of it. Number of hole designates its distance out from the edge of the marsh near the road leading to the Associated Oil Co. plant on Suisun Point. Holes put down by hand. Hole number Depth Material Remarks Feb. 11, 1925, Perkins crew— W1500 +4.6to— 2.6 +5.1 to— 12.1 +5.1 to— 5 3 +3.7to— 7.2 +3.2 to— 6.7 +4.2 to— 8.2 +3.1to— 7.7 +5.1 to— 11.9 Mud Mud... Mud- Rock at El. —2.6 U. S. G. P. datum. Feb. 12, 1925, Perkins crew— W2500. Rock at El. —12.1 U. S. G. S. datum. W2620 Rock at El. —5.3 U. S. G. S. datum. W3060 Mud Mud Rock at El. —7.2 U. S. G. S. datum. W3500 Rock at El. —6.7 U. S. G. S. datum. W4500.. Mud Mud Mud and sticks Rock at El. —8.2 U. S. G. S. datum. Feb. 26, 1925, Perkins crew— W5100 . Rock at El. —7.7 U. S. G. S. datum. W2000... . . .. Rock at El. —11.9 U. S. G. S. datum. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water None 95.8 1 Wash boring. 95.8 Total and average 95.8 1.875 51.1 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W1000-S500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Feb. 10 Kreager Moved barge from Hole W1500- to 1.3 1.3 to 15 6 15.6 to 34.6 Water S500 to W1000-S500. Mud 2*2 in. pipe. Hard clay or shale This material is same as the rock formation in the railroad cut on Suisun Point. 2 hours. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 577 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W1000-S500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crcAv working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 13 33.3 g Wash boring 133.2 Total and average 34 6 J^ 69.2 Rock too soft to diamond drill. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W1500-S500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 7 KrpAgpf Moved barge from Hole E75°-100O Feb. 9 Ereager to Hole 3550 on line between Army and Suisun Points and rigged up to get tidal velocity mea.surement8. Moved barge from Hole 3550 to Kr eager to 12 1 2to23 4 23 4 to 28 28 to 73 4 Water W1500-S500. 4 hours. Feb. 10 Mud Hard clay or shale Hard clay or shale 2V^ in. pipe. This material is same as the rock formation in the new Associateti Oil Co. railroad cut on Suisun Point. Reached hard rock at 73.4. Did not diamond drill. 4 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 1.2 72.2 1 Wash boring. VA 48.2 Total and average . . 73.4 2H 29.4 Rock too soft to diamond drill. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W2000-S500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 6 Krpagpr Moved barge from Hole W75''-4000 to 1 1 to 39 39 to 59 59 to 69 69 to 95 95 to 114 Water to W2000-S500. Mud . 2yi in. pipe. Stiff mud orclay Coarse sand Drive sample #89. Wa-'h sample i»90. Fine sand Yellow in color. Wash sample (•91. Rock at 114. soft. Note — Sample '90 is gray while i?91 is yellow. Both contain biotite. It is probable that top of rock is at depth 69 but rock is so sDft that drillers could not differentiate between packed sand and sandstone. From the appearance of Sample #91 there islittle doubt about its being derived from the same sandstone that is found on Suisun Point. At depth 114 the material tightened up to the degree that it was called rock by the driller. 37—70686 578 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W2000-S500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving _ _ ....Water 0.1 113.9 H Wash boring . /4 i9n Total and average 114.0 1 114 Although a portion of the drilling was probably in rock it was done by wash boring methods. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W2000-S1830 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 20 H. Kreager +4.1 to +0.9 Mud Put rods down by hand. Rock at +0 9. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts - Feet per shift Moving _ Wash boring Water None 3 2 1 / H - 12.8 Total and average 3 2 H 12.8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W2140-S1050 I Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 26 Perkins Moved hand rig from Hole W2750- +4.3 to— 5.7 5.7 to 15.7 15.7 to 29,2 Sand S960 to Hole W2140-S1050. Mud Stiff mud Did not reach rock. Material too ftiff to go deeper without casing. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifte Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water None 33.5 H 134.0 Total and average. . 33.5 H 89.4 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 579 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W2500-S500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 11 Kreager Moved barge from Hole WIOOO- Kreager to 8 0.8 to 51 51 to 72 72 to 74 74 to 82 Water S500 to W250O-S500. Beached tug and worked on hull. 2 hours. Mud 2li in. oioe. Sand and clay Feb. 12 . Clay Yel ow sand and clay Hard rock at 82. Did not drill. 6 hours. This hole appears to be located in an old creek channel or cove. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water 0.8 81.2 54.1 Total and average 82.0 IH 46.9 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W2750-S960 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 25 Perkins ;.. Moved hand rig from Hole "Y" to +5.4 to —0.6 Stiff mud Hole W2750 -8960. Rock at 0.6. See note. Note — The rock reported is probably that of which a nearby dike is built and not bed rock Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving - Water None 6 Wash boring 48 Total and average 6 H 24 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W2800-N500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 3 Kreager Moved barge from Hole W309O- Perkins to 7 8 7.8 to 62 62 to 77 77 to 78.5 Water S500 to W2800 N500. Mud and fine sand Sand and gravel... 2\i in. pipe. Sand and gravel Coarse gravel. Rock at 78.5. Did Mar. 3 not drill. Pulled pipe and made general repairs. 580 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W2800-N500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving- Water 7.8 70.7 Wash boring-- ... 94 3 Total and average 78.5 2 39 2 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W3090-S500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 2 Kreager Moved barge from Hole W75''-2950 to 0.5 0.5 to 40 40 to 60 60 to 69 69 to 74 74 to 78 78 to 78.8 Water to W3090-S500. Mud.. Fine sand iyi in. pipe. Sand and clay Sand and gravel Sand """ 1"" Sand and gravel. Hard coarse gravel. Rock at 78.8. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours 5;^ t Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 0.5 78.3 Wash boring 104 4 Total and average 78 8 1 78.8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W3250-S1050 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 26 Perkins Moved hand rig from Hole W2140- +5.4 to— 9 6 Mud S1050 to W3250-S1050. Rock at 9 6. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water None 15 } 120 Total and average. . 15.0 H 120 I THE SALT WATER BARRIER ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W3500-S500 581 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Feb. 18 Kreager Moved barge from Hole W5800- to 12 1.2 to 64 64 to 72 72 to 76.1 Water 5260 to \V3500-S500. Mud 214 in. DiDC. Sand - Clay and gravel Rock at 76.1. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift M ovine Water 12 74.9 Wash borino: 149.8 Total and average 76.1 1 76 1 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W3500-N500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Mar. 11 Kreager Moved barge from Hole W4500- Perkins Kreager Kreager to 77 7.7 to 51 51 to 71 71 to 81 81 to 91 91 to 101 101 to 112 Water - NoOO to W3500-N500 Mud Sand V/i in. pipe. Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Sand anil gravel.. Sand and gravel Sand and gravel Wash Sample #94. Very compact. 4 hours. Hard sharp gravel. Wash Sample Mar. 13 Soft sandstone #95. Diamond drilled. Very soft and sugar like. Yellow except near bottom where it is gray. Can be rubbed to sand between the fingers. Very little, if any, cementing material. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving-- Wash lx)rins Water 7.7 93.3 11.0 41.5 14.7 112.0 3K 34.5 Core recovery- — Double tube core barrel, li inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 101 feet to 112 feet 11.0 11 10 582 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W4000-S500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 21 L. Kreager . Movexl barge from Hole W75°-450O H. Kreager to 0.6 0.6 to 38 38 to 51.6 51.6to58.6 Water .... to W4000-S500. Mud Fine sand 2H in. pipe. Mar. 21 Sandstone Diamond drilled. With the exception • of in the bottom of the hole where it is hard the rock is a verysoftsand- stone, gray in color. It is sugar like and can be rubbed to sand between the fingers. Very little, if any, cementing material. Pulled pipe, moved barge to deep water and disassembled drill column. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving-- Wash boring Water 0.6 51.0 7.0 1 ld2 Drilling rock-- -- - - - . _ . T 44 Total and average 58.6 2 29.3 Core recoveri^ — Double tuVjc core barrel, li inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 51.6 feet to 58.6 feet -.. 7.0 1.2 17.1 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W4500-N500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Mar. 9 Kreager . Moved barge from Hole W5T00- Perkins Kreager Perkins to 88 8.8 to 48 48 to 78 78 to 102 102 to 121 8 121.8 to 123.4 123.4 to 126.3 126.3 to 128.8 Water N250 to W4500-N500. 2 hours. Mud..- Fine sand . - -. .. V/t in. pipe. .Mar. 7 Sand and gravel Sample m. Sma 1 packed hard. Sample if93. Mar. 10 Sharp gravel Bed rock Chopped rods down 1.6 ft. Mar. 10 Sandstone Diamond drilled. Very soft and sugar like. Gray in color. Can be rubl)ed to sand between the fingers. Very little, if any, cement- ing material. Diamond drilled. Pulled pipe and Shale got ready to move. • Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Fcot Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wat«r 8 8 113 7.0 I Wash boring 41.1 Drillingrock -_ _ - . 7.0 Total and average. . 128.8 4 32.2 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 583 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W4500-N500— Continued Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, IjJ inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 121 8 feet to 123 4 feet. 123 4 feet to 128 8 feet. 1.6 5.4 Total and average Exclusive of upper 1.6 feet. 7.0 5 4 None 3.1 3.1 3 1 Chopped 57.4 44 3 57 4 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W4500-S250 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 26. .. Kreager .. Moved barge from Hole W4500 Perkins +0 4 to to 33 33 to 48 48 to 67 67 to 71.6 71 6 to 73 6 73.6 to 80.6 Mud . S750 to W4500-S250. 2 hours. No water at sea level. Mud 2H in. pipe. Sand Sand and gravel Sand* . Pipe drove hard below 59. Feb. 27 Stif t Sandstone Soft sandstone Chopped rods 2 ft. into rock. Diamond drilled. Except in bottom of hole rock so soft and sugar like that it rubs to sand between the fingers. Pulled pipe and got ready to move. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet per shift Moving Wash boring. Drilling rock. .Water Total and average. Core recovery- — Double tube core barrel, 12 inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 71.6 feet to 73 6 feet 2.0 7.0 None 2.0 Chopped 73.6 feet to 80 6 feet.. 28.6 Total and average 9 7.0 2.0 2 22.2 Exclusive of upper 2 feet _. 26 8 *It is probable that top of rock is at depth 67 feet, although the rock is so soft that the hole was drilled by wash bor- ing method to depth 73.6. ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W4500-S500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb 13 Moved barge from Hole W'S'-IOOO Feb 14 Kreager... to 8 8 to 51 51 to 60 60 to 62 2 Water to W45Ut)-S500. Mud and sand mixed Sand .. 2Hin. pipe. .Sand and coarse gravel. . Rock at 62.2. Did not drill. 6 hours. 584 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W4500-S500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew* working 8 hours Operation Shifts Feet per shift Moving- -. ....Water 8 61.4 ■•2 Wash borjng 82 2 Total and average 62.2 \H 49 8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W4500-S 750 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 24 Kr eager Moved barge from Hole W8830- Kreager to 8 0.8 to 46 46 to 61 61 to 66 68 to 69 8 69 8 to 79.8 Water N250 to W4500-S750. Mud 214 in. Dioe. Sand Sand and trravel Ooarse travel Last 10 ft. drove hard. - j Diamond drilled 4 hours. Roclf so Feb. 25 Soft sandstone soft and sugar 'ike that it rubg to sand between the fiij^ers. Repaired broken sheave wheel on anchor line. 4 hour.s. ■ = ^ — Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving _ . . Water 8 69 10 H Wash boring . 92.0 Drillingrock 20.0 Total and average 79.8 2 39 9 Core recovery — Double lube core barrel, 1| inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 69.8 feet to 79,8 feet 10.0 2 6 26 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE M-2075 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Mar.24 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole W25°-1500 Mar. 24 H. Kreager.. . to Hole 2075 on Line M. 6 hours. Spotting barge 4 hours. Added 20 ft. Mar. 25 L. Kreager to 36 2 36 2 to 61 61 to 95 95 to 102 102 to 119 119 to 121 Water to drill column. High wind and rough. Mud _ Mud iiiid fiiiosuiul 24 in- pipe- Coarse sand and gravel . Coarse sand and gravel .. Coarse gravel Wash sample 1109. Wash sample #110. Wash sample '111. Did not reach rock. THE SALT WATER BARRFER 585 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE M-2075— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 36 2 84 8 VA Wash boring 56 5 Total and average 121 2H 44 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE M-3900 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- Mar. 25... H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole M2075 to L. Kreager H. Kreager Oto 50 50 to 70 70 to 90 90 to 94 94 to 104 101 to 107 107 to 117 117 to 118 118 to 120 120 to 120 4 Water M3900 and added 10 ft. to drill column. Mud 2H in- pipe. Mar. 26 Sand - Stiff mud or clay Sand Stiff mud or clay_ Sand - .Mar. 26 Coarse sand and gravel .. Grave! Wash sample #112. Hard blueclay Drive sample #113. May be top of rock formation. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Monng Water 50 70 4 '4 2H Wash boring 31 3 Total and average 120 4 3 40 1 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE M-5400 Date D.-iller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mar. 27 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole M3900 to Mar. 27 L. Kreager . .. M5400. Scraped and clcaneTJ 50 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W8750-S690 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Feb. 20 Perkins Moved hand rig from Hole VV8(X)0- +2,7to-4.3 Mud.. . S1235 to W87.')0-S6ilO. Rock at 4.3. Did not drill. THE SALT WATER BARRIER ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W87 50- S690— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours 593 Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water None 7 Va Wflsh boring - . . - 7 H 28 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— HOLE W8830-N250 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Fob 23 Kreagcr Moved barge from Hole W7830-N250 to 18 1 8 to 55 55 to 70 70 to 79 79 to 81 8 Water to W883O-N250. Mud Sand 23^ in. pipe. Clav Gravel Rock at 81.8. Did not drill. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. Wash borine Water 18 80.0 106 G Tolaland average.. 81 8 1 81 8 ARMY POINT DAM SITE— Miscellaneous Holes Located Along Martinez Water Front Hole number Depth Material Remarks 1925- Feh 13 Perkins crew Holts put down by hand. W250(!-S1760 +G 2 to +2 +6 to 4-2 9 +3 2 to +0 2 Perkins crew .Mud Rock i; El. +2.0 U. S. G. S. datum. W350('-S1630 Mud Mud... Rock at El. +2 9 U. S. G. S. datum. W45OO-S1720 Rock at El. +0.2 U. S. G. S. datum. Feb ''6 W5100-S1640 +3.1to-5 4 Mud Rock at El. —5.4 U. S. G. S. datum. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts ' Feet per shift Moving Wftflh horinir Water None 18 8 •^ 50 1 18.8 a 30 1 38 — 70686 594 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DILLON POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 270 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Kreager 2 crews, 1 shift. 2 crews, 1 shift. Perkins. Kreager. Perkins. . Oto 4 4 to 58 58 to 69 69 to 79 79 to 84 84 to 89 Water. Mud... Mud and clay Broken sandy shale- Broken sandy shale. Broken sandv shale. Moved barge to Mare Island Nav\' Yard. Got 4, 2500 lb. anchors to replace lighter ones. Cleaned boiler. Spliced additional 200 ft. of cable to each anchor line, making each line 800 ft. long. Repaired pump and overhauled rig generally. Moved barge to Dillon Point dam site. Encountered severe storm. Spotted barge on Hole 270. Took off 20 ft. length of drillcolumnand set dfil I platform. 30 ft. of 21^ in. extra strong pipe (wt. 230 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 14, through 10 ft. of mud. Sample #39, cuttings from choppings from 69 to 79. Drove 2} 2 in. pipe to 84. Diamond drilkd. Core 2.5 ft. Hole did not cave. Ready to move; to Hole 500. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours " - > Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Movinc Water 4 65 20 *6 Vi Wash boring 43 Drilling rock. - 40 Total and average.. 89 8 11 1 ' Includes 5 shifts at Navy Yard overhauling and equipping for deep water drilling at Dillon Point. Core recovery- -Double tube core barrel, 1| inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 69 feet to 84.0 feet 15 5 •None 2 5 84.0 feet to 89.0 feet .- - - - _-_... SO Total and average - . 20 5 2.5 2 5 12.5 Exclusive of upper 15.0 feet 50 •Chopped. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 595 DILLON POINT DAM SITE— HOLE No. 500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Oct. 11 Kreager. Moved barge from Hole 270 to Hole Oct. 13 Kreager 500. Added 20 ft. of drill column and mounted drill platform. Re- placed 1 light anchor with a 2500 b. anchor. Finished spotting barge. 2 hours. Perkins Kreager.. Oto 7 7 to 81 81 to 110 110 to 124 124 to 129 129 to 139 Water Mud and clay 30 ft. of 214 in. extra strong pipe Sand and clay (wt. 230 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 17. through 10 ft. of mud. Wash sample #40 from 81 to 100, fine Sand and {travel . sand. Wash sample #41 from 100 to 110 fine sand. Wash sample #42, 110 to 124, coarse Oct. 13 . .. 'Broken shale sand. Set up drillund diamond drilled. Oct 14 •Broken shale Diamond drilled. Core 124 to 139, 2.3 ft. Pulled pipe ready to move to Hole 1000. 'Solid pieces of core disintegrated into smal I pieces ii i nch to J^^ inch in core box. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving... Wash b in. pipe. Sand Drive sample #84. Gritty mud Dec 20 Coarse sand Casing driving bard. Wash sample #85 from 155 to 185. Medium to coarse sand. Pulled pipe and got ready to move to Hole 2500. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving- - - - Water 67 118 2 2 59.0 Drillinff rork* - Total and average 185 4 46 2 •Did not reach rock. 624 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 3500 Second Time Drilled Date 1925— July 14 July 15 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 18 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 21 July 21 July 22. July 22. July 23. July 23. July 24. July 24. July 25. July 25. July 27. July 27. Driller L. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. L. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. L Kreager. H. Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. L Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreager, L. Kreager. . II. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. Depth to 71.6 71 6 to 88 88 to 137 71.6to 87 87 to 152 152 to 161 161 to 17l' 171 to 181 171 to 181 181 to 187 Material Water Mud Mud and fine sand. 152 to 172 172 to 176 176 to 201 201 to 211 211 to 217.6 217.6 to 218.6 218 6 to 226.6 226 6 to 231.6 231 6 to 246 6 Mud... Mud and fine sand. Sand. Sand. Coarse sand. Sand. Sand Coarse sand. Sand. Sand Sand Possibly rock. Remarks Repairingand adding to drill column. Repairing suction pumps. Moved barge to Hole 3500. Put column down, anchor dragged, moved barge back to line and reset anchors. 4 in. pipe. Soft shale with nigger heads imbedded in fairly hard rock.. Shale. Soaialoneaiid quartzitc. Reset Wash Wash Anchors dragged. Broke 4 in. pipe off 15 ft. below mud line. Pulled pipe. In resetting anchors broke ananchorline. Dragfdng for lost anchor. anchors and lined up barge. 4 in. pipe. Bottom of 4 in. pipe at 152. sample #245, 110.6-117.6. sample #246, 117.6-118.6. 2}2 in. pipe. Put out third bow anchor. 4 hours. Wash sample #247 at 160.6. Casing driving hard. 2 V2 in. pipe and 4 in. pipe sanded together. Wash sample #248 at 172.6. Pipfe freezing together. Pulled 23-^ in. pipe and hashed out hole. Casing going too hard^ .\uchors slipped, delayed drillin^Until turn^ of tide. Bent i)ipe. Barge drifted out of line. Put third stern anchor out. Pipe sanded together. Pulled 25 ft, of 2}^ in. pipe. Intend to drive 4 in. pipe deeper to cut out sanding. Drove 4 in. pipe to 172. Bottomed in coarse compact sand. 2J2 in. pipe. Boiler foaming, used up an unusual amount of water. Wash sample #249 at 200.6. Pipe going hard. Sand is compact and feels hard when chopping. Hauling water for boiler. Pipe quit driving. Something hard at 217.6. Chopped rods 1 ft. into what may be bedrock. Pulled rods and set up diamond drill ready to drill. Diamond drilled. Sample f250, cuttings. Sample #251, cuttings. Too soft to core; got good drivesaraple. Nigger heads imbedded in softer material. Sec note at end. 231.(>-236.6 cuttings in core bo.x. 237.6-242.6 cuttings in core box. 243.4-246.6 cuttings in core box. Pulled all pii)e, dismantled drill and and got ready to move. Sample #252 taken from accumulation of diamond drill cuttings. Top of rock formation at 217.6. Progres.s- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 liour.^ Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 71 6 146 29.0 6's IIH 3 Wash boring 12 7 Drillingrock . . . 9.7 Totaland average.. 246.6 21 11 7 THE SALT WATEK BAKRIER 625 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 3500— Continued Second Time Drilled Core recover}' — Single tube core barrel, \l inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 217.6 feet to 218.6 feet. 218.6 feet to 226.6 feet. 226.6 feet to 227.6 feet. 227.6 feet to 231.6 feet. 231.6 feet to 236.6 feet. 236.6 fe«-t to 237.6 feet. 237.6 feet to 242.6 feet. 242.6 feet to 243.4 feet. 243.4 feet to 246.6 feet. Total atxl average. 1.0 None Chopped 8.0 50 6 3 1.0 83 83 3 4.0 42 10 5 5.0 None Saved cuttings 10 46 46 5.0 None Saved cuttings 08 42 52 5 3.2 None Saved cuttings 29.0 2 63 9.1 Note— .\ drive sample was taken from depth 226.6 to 227.6. As it was removed from the sampler the top of the sample was damp while near the bottom it was perfectly dry, indicating that the harbor water has not percolated to this depth. The sample is in the core box. POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 4500 Date Driller Depth Material 1924— Nov. 24 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 26. Nov. 28. Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 2 2 crews, 1 shift. Kreager. Perkins. Kreager. Perkins. Kreager. Perkins., Kreager. Perkins. Perkins. Kreager. Perkins. Kreager. Oto 83 83 to 96 Water Mud and sand. 96 to 106 106 to 128 128 to 134 134 to 137 137 to 140 140 to 167 167 to 177 177 to 187 187 to 192 192 to 202 202 to 205 Mud and sand. ' Clay and sand. Sand Sand Sand and gravel. Sand and gravel. Coarse gravel... Coarse gravel Saod and gravel. Sand. Sand. Remarks Pulled drill column and removed 30 ft. of it. Cleaned boiler and water tank. Moved barge to Point San Pablo to take on water and wood. Moved barge back on line and spotted on Hole 4500. Built drill column up to length 110 feet. Set drillcolumn and drillplatform. 114 ft. 4 in. extra strong pipe (wt. 1,710 lbs.) settled bv its own weight to 96 through 13 ft. of mud and sand, .\nchors dragging. Painted stadia targets on derrick. .\nchors dragging. Put out an extra 1,200 lb. anchor upetrram. Four 2.500 lb. and one 1.200 lb. anchors on. Drive sample ^59 from 96 to 106. Gritty mud. Drive sample #60 from 106 to 128. Gritty mud. Bottom of 4 in. pipe at 134. 2' 2 in. pipe. Wash sample #61 from 128 to 137. Fine sand. Moved and reset anchors which had dragged. Wash sample #62 from 137 to 190. Coarsesand and gravel. 2'-^ in. pipje. Material compact. Cobble or boulder at 173. 2'2 in. pipe. From 180.5 to 181 sand ana gravel contained some clay. Pipe driving hard. Broke water hose connection. Wash sample #63 from 190 to 202 Medium sand. No gravel. Pulled 2' 2 in. and 4 in. pipe. Pulled drillcolumn. took it to pieces ready to moveintoshallow water at Hole 9300. On November 25 and 26 the engineers took velocity measurements from the drill barge while spotted on Hole 4500. The range of the tide was 8.06 feet and the maximum \-elocity measured was 6.44 feet per second on the ebb tide. The maximum mean velocity in the vertical occurred on the ebb tide and was 5.23 feet per second. On November 27 the maximum range for th'> month was predicted as 8.7 feet at McNear's Landing on Point San Pedro, at which time the predicted range was 0.2 foot greater than the predicted range for .November 26. 40 — 70686 626 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 4500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 83 122 5 9 Wash boring. 13 6 Drilling rock* __ __ _ . Total and average... 205 14 14 6 *Did not reach rock. POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 5500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Dec. 17 Perkins. Moved barge from Hole 6500 to Hole 5500 and added 20 ft. to drill column. Replaced 20 ft. length of drillcclumn with 10 ft. length. Totallength 92 ft. 125 ft. of 4 in. extra strong pipe (wt. 1,875 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 74 through 10 ft. of mud. 4 in. pipe to 109. Drive sample #82 from 104 to 133. Gritty mud. 2} o in. pipe below 109 • - Dec. 17 Kreagcr Perkins.. Kreager Oto 64 64 to 104 104 to 133 133 to 134 134 to 135 Water Mud.... Dec. 18 Mud and sand Sand and grave!.. Dec. 18 Sand and gravel Drive sample #83 from.-jas to 135. Sand and gravel. Pulled pipe and got ready to move to Hole 3500. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. , Water 64 71 1 3 Wash boring. 23 7 Drilling rock*.. _ . _._ _ _ Total and average 135 4 33 8 •Did not reach rock. POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 6500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Dec. 15 ICreager Moved barge from Hole 7500 to Hole 6500. Worked on drillcclumn. Dec. 16 Perkins Kreagcr Oto 55 55 to 103 103 to 108 108 to 132 132 to 142 Water Mud 100 it. of 4 in. extra strong pip<^ Dec. 18 Mud and fine sand Fine sand and clay Sand and gravel (wt. 1,500 lbs.) 8cttlc235. Very compact, hard driving. Mud is soft. Hole does notstand up. Wash sample #256. Hauled wafer to barge. Hole does not stand up. Wash sample #'257. Hole does not stand up. Wash sample #258. Very hard and gritty. Wash sample #259. Set up diamond drill. Diamond drilled. Holestands up. Drilled without water. Finished hole, 4 hours. Dismounted drilland started pulling pipe. Pipe stuck hard. Shot off bottom 100 ft. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 50 190 15 4H 8H 2 22 4 Drillingroc c. -- 7.5 Total and average. . 255 15 17 628 DIVISION OF WATEK RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 6500— Continued Second Time Drilled Core recovery — Single tube core barrel, If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 240 feet to 250 feet 10 1.0 4 None 1.0 0.9 * 250fect to 251 feet.. 100 251 feet to 255 feet _ ^ . _ ^ _ . ^ 22 5 Total and average ISO 1.9 12 7 •Cuttings and probably caved material in core box. POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No 7500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Dec. 11 Perkins Cleaned boiler and water tank and Dec. 12 Kreager took on water at McNear's Land- ing. Overhauled drive pipe. Moved barge back onto line and Dec. 12 Perkins spotted on Hole 7500. Added 20ft. of drillcoluinn; replaced Dec. 13 Kreager Perkins.- Perkins Oto 18 18 to 76 76 to 134 134 to 142 142 to 145 145 to 160 Water platform and lowered the column. Very strong tide. First strong tide encountered working 6\it fron) Point San Pedro. "^ . Dec. 13 Mud Mud 50 ft. of 4 in. pipe (wt. 750 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 25 through 7 ft. of mui . Drive sample #75 at 22. Mud. Drive sample #76 at 45. Mud. Put 2H in. pipe to 76. 25^2 in. pipe. Drive sample #77 at 92. Dec. 15 Stiff clay Stiffclay Gritty mud. Some silt in the clay. Drive sample #78 at 143. Gritty Clay and gravel mud. Compact. Pulled pipe and got ready to move to Hole 6500. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 18 142 2 4 Wash boring 35 S Drilling rock* -. . . _ _. .__.-. ^ Total and average 160 6 26.7 •Did not reach rock. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 629 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 8500 Date 1924— Dec. 8 Dec. 8 Deo. 9 Dec. 9 Dec. 10. Dec. 10. Dec. 11. Driller Kreager. Perkins. Kre»ger. Perkins. Kreager. Perkins. Kreager. Depth Oto 3 3 to 71 71 to 118 lis to 125 125 to 128 128 to 150 150 to 155 Material Water. Mud... Mud and clay. Sand and gravel. Sand and Sand and Clay. gravel, eravel. Remarks Pulled pipe and drill column at Hole 9000 and started to move to Hole 8500. Had trouble raising anchors. Tide went out, could not finish moving. Sawed off 8 ft. of drillcolumn vhicb was bent and collapsed when anchors dragged while working on Hole 4500. Finished moving barge to Hole 8500 and put new rigging on derrick head block. Lowered drillcolumn. 4 in. pipe. 35 ft. of 4 in. extra strong pipe (wt. 525 lbs.) settled by its own weieht to 15 through 12 ft. of mud. Put 4 in. and 2'^ in. pipe to 71. Drive sample f'O from 3 to 66. Blue mud. 2}-^ in. pipe. Clay seems to be harder lavers of mud; all same material. Drive sample f 71 from 66 to lOa Blue mud. Gravel is blue in color. Wash sample f72 from 118 to 125. Very coarse sand. Gravel is yellow in color. Gravel is yellow in color. Wash sample ^73 from 125 to 150. Very coarse sand. Fairly hard. Did not go to rock. Drive sample #74 from 150 to 152. Clay. Pulled pipe and drill column and moved barge to McXear's Landing to take on water. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet SbifU Feet per shift Movinff .Water 3 152 3H 3H Wash boring 43 4 Drilling rock* Did not drill Total and average. . 155 7 22 1 •Did not reach rock 630 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 9000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Dec. 5 Perkins Moved barge from Hole 9300 and Perkins Kreager Kreager Oto 4 4 to 32 32 to 92 92 to 96 96 to 110 110 to 113 Water spotted on Hole 9000. Lowered drill column. Mud 48 ft. of 2}-^ in. extra strong pipe Deo. 6 Mud (wt. 370 lbs.) settled by its own weight to 14 through 10 ft. of mud. 23^ in. pipe. Drive sample #66 from Clay 37 to 77. Blue mud. Drivesample #67 from 77 to 92. Blue mud. Not very stiff. Drive sample #68 from 92 to 106. Clay. Pipe drove hard below 105. Wash sample #69 from 106 to 109. Very coarsesand. Set up diamond drill. Diamond drilled. Core 0.4 ft. Very Dec. 6 Deo. 7 Stiffclay and gravel Quartzite.- .. - much broken and hard to drill. Broke small diamonds in the drill bit. Got ready to move to Hole 8500. Progress — 1 shifty 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving - Water Wash boring Drilling rock Totaland average 4 106 3 2H 1 113 42 4 3.0 28.3 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, li inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 123 feet to 126 feet 4.0 0.4 10.0 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 9300 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1924— Dec. 3 Perkins Moved barge from Hole 4500 to Hole Dec. 3 Kreager Perkins Kreager Oto 4 4 to 46 46 to 54 54 to 61 61 to 65 Water 9300. Put 30 ft. of drill column down and attached drill platform. Mud Hard clay or decomposed shale. . - .. . 2}^ in. pipe. Sample #64 from 49 to 54. Cuttings Dec. 4 Very aof tshale from chopping rock. Casing drove hard below 49. Presumably bed rock at 49. Diamond drilled. Holestands upbut very 1 i 1 1 le core recovered. Diamond drilled. Rock crumbles. Deo. 4 Shale Total core 0.75 ft. Pulled pipe and drillcolumn ready to move to Hole 9000. Sample #65. Materialcaved into diamond drill bole at depth 65. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 631 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE No. 9300— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Moving Water Wash boring .- Drilling rock Total and average. Feet 4 50 11 65 Shifts Feet per shift 33 3 6 3 16 2 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, li inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 54 feet to 65 feet 11.0 0.75 6.8 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLES Nos. ■{ Nl-250 Nl-500 Nl-17°W-250 Nl-15°W-500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- >!ay 19.... Hole Xl-250 L. Kreager Oto 12 4 Oto 25.2 Oto 12.0 Oto 19.2 Water Landed on bare rock. Hole N 1-500 Water Landed on bare rock. Hole Nl-l?" W-250 Water Water Landed on bare rock. Hole Nl-lS" W-iSOO.... Landed on bare rock. 6 hours. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Sounding, including moving Water 68.8 H 5 holes 91.7 ft. POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE Nl-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 29 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S3-300 to Oto 35 1 35.1 to 86.1 86.1 to 113.7 113 7toll4.1 Water Nl-lOOO and repaired equipment. S hours. Mud 2H in. pipe. Sand and mud Softened shale Drive Sample #239. Ton of rock formation at 113.7 Did not dia- mond drill. 632 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N 1-1000— Continued I'rogress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.... Wash boring ..Water 35.1 78.6 0.4 210.5 Drilling rock . . . Total and average. . 114.1 1 114 1 ! POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE Nl-1500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 30 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole Nl-17* to 47.6 47 6 to 102 6 102.6 to 175.6 Wa tor -. W-1000 to Nl-1500. 2 hours. Mud Mud and sand.. 2H in. pipe. Struck rock at 175.6. Did not drill. i Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts FmI per shift M ovine Water 47.6 128.0 Wash boring 512 Total and average.. 175.6 H 351 2 POINT SAN PABLO DAMSITE— HOLE N1-17°W-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 29. . . H. Kreager. . . Moved barge from Hole N 1-1000 to to 71 4 71.4 to 93.2 Water . .. . N1-17°W-1000. 4 hours. Mud ind fine sand Struck hard rock at 93 2. Too hard for drive sample. Did not diamond drill. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. Water 71 4 21 8 4 H Wash l>oring 43 6 Total and average. . 93.2 1 93.2 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 633 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N2-250 Date Driller Depth Material Krmarks 1925— May 18 H. Kreagcr Moved barge from Hole N2-500 to toll 8 11 8tobl 2 61 2to61 8 Water N2-250. 4 hours. Mud Drivcsample H60. Softened shale Drive sample #161. Rock at 61 2 Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving-- Water 11.8 49.4 0.6 1 ^ ) ^ Wash boring Drilling rock --- ------ 98 8 Total and average.. 61 8 1 61 8 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N2-500 Date j Driller Depth Material Remarks 192.5— May 16 L. Krfager Moved barge from Hole N4-2000 to May 16 H. Kreager L. Kreager to 15.3 15 3 to 119 5 119 5to 127.5 127.5 to 134 5 Water N2-500. Ihour. Mud and sand 2}^ in. pipe. May 18 Gravel. Broken shale Diamond drilled 4 hours. Rock so broken that it would not core. Core recovered pieces of hard blue trap or quartzite only. Sample /162. Cuttinps from diamond drilling. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Moving Wash boring. Drilling rock. .Water Total and average. Feet Shifts Feet per shift 15 3 112 2 7.0 74.8 14 134 5 2H 63 3 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, M inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 127 5 feet to 134.5 feet 7 5 7 1 634 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N2-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 5 May 6 May 7. 2 crews, 1 .shift. 2 crews, 1 shift.. 2 crews, 1 shift.. Oto 14 14 to 108 108 to 117 117 to 135 135 to 138 138 to 154 Water... Mud and sand Stiff mud or clay. Mud and sand Stiff mud orclay. Mud and sand Took drillbarge to Mare Island Navy Yard for water. Too windy to move to Point San Pablo. Crews moved to Richmond. Moved barge from Navy Yard to Pt. San Pablo. Windy. Worked all night. 2}^ in. pipe. Rock at 154. Did not drill. f i Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Mo\'inc ...Water 14 140 4 2 Wash borins 70 Totaland average. . 154 6 25.8 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N2-2000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 19 L. Kreager Moved barge from HoleNl-15° W-500 May 19 H. Kreager to 33. 7 33.7 to 160 Water toN2-2000. 2 hours. Mud and sand 2]^ in. pipe. Did not reach rock. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 33.7 126 3 1 Wash boring 126.3 Total and average 160.0 IM 128.0 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N3-250 Date Driller Depth Materiil Remarks 1925— May 9 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole N3-500 to to 10 2 10 2 to 52 4 52.4 to 64.4 64.4 to 65.0 Water N3-250. 2 hours. Mudandsand .. 2^ in pipe. Sharp sand and gravel . . Softened shale Wash sample #163. Drive sample if 164. Contains pirccs of hard trap or quftrt?ite. Rock formation at 64 4. Did not dia- mond drill. Sample #163 appears to bo cuttings from shale. Top of rock may be at 52.4; but this is doubtful. THE SALT WATER BARRIEB 635 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N3-250— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifta Feet per shift Moving Water 10 2 54 2 6 } ^^ Wash boring Drilling rock - 108.4 Total and average 65.0 Ji 86 7 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N3-500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 8 L. Kreager •.. Moved barge from Hole N2-1000 to May 8 H. Kreagcr to 12 5 12 5 to 102.5 102.5 to 103 Water N3-2000. Anchors dragged. Re- placed 1200 lb. anchors with 2500 lb. Mud 2J^ in. pipe. Shale Drive sample #165. Rock formation at 102.5. Did not diamond drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 12.5 90.0 0.5 1 1J4 Wash boring Drilling rock 180 Total and average 103.0 2 51.5 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N3-1500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 9 May 9 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole N3-250 to H. Kreager to 12.7 12.7 to 156 6 156.6 to 157 Water N3-1500. 2 hours. Mud 2H in. pipe. Lost the drive sample. Top of rock formation probably at 156.6. Did not diamond drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.. Water 12.7 143.9 0.4 1 ^ WiM Total and average. . 157.0 Wk 125. S 636 DIVISTON OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N4-250 Date Driller Depth Material ■■ — _=== Remarks 1925- May 11 H. Krcagcr. . Moved barge from Hole N4-500 to tolls 11.5to93 5 Water N4-250. 2 hours. Mud and sand.. 23^2 in. pipe. Rock at 93.5. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. . Water 11 5 82.0 Wash boring 218 5 Total and average. . 93.5 Vb 149 6 i POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE- -HOLE N4-500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks' 1925- May 11 L. Kreager Moved barge from H(3e N3-250 to H. Kreager to 9.5 9.5to82.5 82.5 to 89.5 89.5to93 5 93 5 to 97.5 97.5 to 110.0 Water N 4-500. 2 hours. Mud and sand 2 Win. pipe. Stiffclay Finesand Gray in color. Sand and gravel Packed hard. Wash sample |166. May 11 Rock Rock at 97.5. Did not drill. Pipe drove hard below 83.5. Diamond drilled. Rock broken and seamy. Core recovered pieces of hard shale and blue trap or quart- zite. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 9.5 88 12 5 ^8 Wash boring 117.3 DrillingrocK - 33 3 Total and average. . 110.0 IH 80.0 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, 12 inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 97.5 feet to 110.0 feet . . 12.6 75 e.o THE SALT WATER BARRIER 637 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N4-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 15 H. Krcager Moved barge from Hole N6-1000 to to 8 9 8 9 to 137 137 to 138 Water N4-1000. 2 hours. Mud... . 2}^ in. pipe. Wash sample 1^167. Softened shale Depth 9 to 100. Drive sample il68. Rock at 138. Did not diamond drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 8 9 129 1 g Wash baring 172 Tota land average 138 1 138 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N4-2000 Date Driller Depth Mattrial Remarks 1925— May 16 L. Krea^r Moved barge from Hole N4-1000 to to 85 8.5to 62 5 625to 64 5 64 5 to 99 5 99 5tol00 5 Water N4-200O. 3 hours. Gritty mud Stiff mud orclay 2J4 in. pipe. Wash sample #169. Mud Softenedshale . . Wash sample #170. Tried to get drive sample but did not succeed. Apparently bed rock at 99 5. Did notdiamond drill. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 8 5 91 10 ' Wash hnring DrillingrocK 145 6 Total and average 100 5 H 115 638 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N5-250 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 13 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole N5-500 to to 12.1 12.1to47 47 to 49.6 Water N5-250. 2 hours. Mud 2^ in. pipe. Sharpsand and gravel... Paclied hard. Wash sample #171. Rock at 49.6. Did not diamond drill. Sample #171 appears to be cuttings from shale. Top of rock may be at 47. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving . Water 12 1 37.5 Wash boring :.. 75.0 Totalsand average... 49.6 % 66.2 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE N5-500 Date Driller Depth Material ^' t, Remarks 1925— May 12 May 12 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole N4-250 to H. Kreager to 10.0 10.0 to 79 79 to 81 Water N5-500. Replaced valves and pipe fittings on boiler with new fittings Mud and sand Brokenshale 23-^ in. pipe. Wash sample ifi209. Rock at 91.6. Anchors dragging. Did not diamond drill. THE SALT WATER BARRIER POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S2-2000— Continued ProRrcss — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours 645 Operation Feet Shifte Feet per shift Moving Water 90.1 1.5 'A Wash bsring 0.24 Totaland average 91 6 V4 73 3 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE Szy^-SOO Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— July 13 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S9-5050 to to92 1 92.1 to 93 1 93.1 to 93 6 Water . S2H-5pO. 2 hours. 2V^ in. oioc. Brokenshale .. Blue clay and hard shale Drive sample #244. Top of rock formation at 92.1. Did not diamond drill. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 92.1 H - Wash boring Drilling rock . . . 1.5 H 6.0 Total and average 93 6 '- 187 2 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S3-0 (Hole Located on Face of Standard Oil Co. Wharf at Its Center) Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 13 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S4-500 to to 33 2 33 2to49 2 Water S3.0. 2 hours. Mud and fine sand Wash sample #207. 2^ in. pipe. Rock at 49 2. Too hard to get drive sample. Did not dri 1 1. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifte Feet per shift Water 33 2 16 Wash baring.. 25 6 Total and average. . 49.2 H 56.2 646 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S3-300 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- June27 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S9.2100 to to 93.8 93 8 to 100.8 Water... S3-300. 6 hours. Anchors slipped on bottom; waited for slack tide. Sand 2\i in. pipe. Hard rock struck at 100.8. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 93.8 7.0 y* Wash baring 28 Total and average 100 8 1 100.8 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S3-750 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- June 30 H. Kreager. .. .. Moved barge from Hole S1.700 to to 73.8 Water S3.750. 2 hours. Drill column landed on bare rock at 73.8. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. .. Water 73.8 S Wash boring Total and average.. 73.8 H 147 6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S3-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- June 9.. . H. Kreager - Right stern anchor line parted. June 10.. L. Kreager etc 43.4 Water Dragged bottom and rccovcrcin. pipe. Drove pipe to 63. Wash sample #199. Drove pipe to 67.6. ^ Diamond drilled 3 hours. Core recovered consists of pieces of hard sandstone. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring - ... Water 45.6 22.0 6.0 17.6 Diillingrock. - - - 16 Total and average. . 73.6 2H 25.6 i Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, H inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 67.6 feet to 73.6 feet 6.0 1.0 16.7 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 651 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S4-2500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 17 L. Krcager Moved barge from Hole S3-2500 to to 89.2 89 2 to 108 108 to 120 2 120 2 to 120 8 Water 84-2500. 2 hours. Mud and sand Mud, aand and shells Hard clay, sand and gravel 2J^ in. pipe. Wash sample #211. Drive sample #212. Top of rock formation at 120.2. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving- Water 89 2 31 0.6 } y. Wash boring Drillingrock .-- -. 84.2 Total and average. . 120.8 % 193.4 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S4-3000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 17 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S4-2500 to to 66.4 66.4 to 67.0 67.0to67.4 Water 84-3000. 4 hours. Gravel or broken rock Stiff clay or softened shale and coarse sand. . 2J^in. pipe. Drive sample ))'213. Did not drill. Top of rock formation at 67. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 ho urs Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 66.4 0.6 0.4 } ^ Wash boring . Drillingrock - - - . .. _ 2.0 To ta 1 a nd average -- 67 4 1 67.4 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S4-3500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— July 11 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole 85-4000 to to 90 7 90 7tolll 3 111 3tolll 7 Water Mud 84-3500. 4 hours. 2H in. pipe. Blue day containing pieces of hard rock Drive sample #242. Top of rock formation at 111.3. Did not dia- mond drill. 652 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S4-3500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 90.7 20.6 04 Wash boring Driliingrock 84 Total and average 111.7 Vi \ 149 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S5-500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1 gas- May 21 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S5-1000 to to 5.6 5.6to39.6 39.6 to 40.6 Water S5-500. 2 hours. Mud Softened sandstone and shale 2>2 in. pipe. Wash sample #180. Drive sample #181. Did notdiamond drill. Top of rock formation at 39.6. — , Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours , , Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving... Wash boring Water 5 6 34 10 } Ji 68.0 DrilliEC rock Total and average. . 40.6 1 % 54.2 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S5-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 20 May 20 May 21 L. Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. Oto 25 25 to 90 90 to 99 99 to 100 Water Mud Sand and gravel Broken shale and hard trap or quartzite. Moved barge from Hole N2-2000 to McNear's Landing for water. Washed out boiler. Took on water and made miscel- laneous repairs. Moved barge fo Hole S5-1000. 3 hours. IVi in. pipe. Wash sample ifil82 Choppeil. Sample Tightened up at diamond drill. #183 100. cuttings. Did not # Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet ShifU Feet per shift Moving.. Wash boring ... - Water 25 74 1 } « 118.6 Driliingrock. . . Total and average. . 100 3 33.3 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 653 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S5-1500 Oate Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 22 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S6-1700 to to 103 6 103 6 to 132 6 132 6 to 133 6 Water S5-1500. 4 hours. Mud 2H in. pipe. Top (It rook formation at 132.6. Did not diamond drill. Softened sandy 8hale Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 103.6 29.0 10 ] ^ Wash ooring Drilling rock . . , . ,_^ 60 Total and average - 133.6 1 1 133 6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S5-2000 Date Driller | Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 22 L. Kreager Moved barge from shelter to S5-2000. to 81.1 81 1 to 108.1 108 1 to 109.1 Water 2 hours. Mud and sand Softened sandy shale 2J/2 in. pipe. Drive sample #217. Top ot rock formation at 108.1. Did not dia- mond drill. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 ho urs Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift MoWng- . - Wash boring Water 81.1 27.0 10 } ^ 112 Total and averaire.. er g 109 1 H 218 2 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S5-2500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 3. June 3. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. to 45 5 455to 47.7 47 7 to 115 115 to 115.6 Water Mud Yellow clay Softened sandstone and shale Moved barge from Hole S4-2000 to S5-2500. 1 hour. 21^ in. pipe. Drive sample #200. Top of rock formation may be at 47.7, but too soft for foundations. Top of rock assumed to be at 1 15. 654 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S5-2500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 45.5 69.5 0.6 1 H 1 Wash boring Drilling rock. . . . 69.5 Total and average... 115.6 I's 102.7 I POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE- -HOLE S5-3000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 4 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S5-2500 to to 49.4 49.4 to 93 93 to 102 102 to 103 2 103.2 to 103 6 Water S5-3000. 2 hours. Mud and sand 2J^ in. pipe. Sand .- Clay Soft sandstone Drive sample #201. Top of rock formation at 103.2. .Stormy and too risky to try to diamond drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Movi ng Water 49 4 53 8 4 Wash boring. Drilling rock 72 2 Total and average. . 103 6 1 103 6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S5-3500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- June 11 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S3-1500 to OtoSO Water S5-3500. 2 hours. Drill column landed on bare rock. Anchors would not hold on bare rock so did not risk drilling. Trieii to get a drive sample but rock was too hard. Rock at 30. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 30 ^ Wash boring Tola land average... 30 H 40 THE SALT WATEK BARRIER 655 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S5-4000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- June 10 L. Krcager Moved barge from Hole S8-50O0 to July 11 L. Kreager to 94 8 94 8 to 117 8 117 8 to 118 4 Water Mud S5-4000. 2 hours. 2)5 in. pipe. Blue clay and sand Drive sample #241. Top of rock formation at 117.8. Did not dia- mond drill. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 94 8 23 6 ( H Wash baring Dri lling rock 94.4 Total and average. . 118 4 li 236 8 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S6-290 Dat« Driller Depth 1 Material Remarks 1925— June 1 L. Kreager Tried to move barge from Hole June 1. H. Kreager to 3 7 3 7 to 37 3 Water S8-500 to S6-250. Encountered sunken obstruction. Moved to S6-290. 2 hours. Mud 2J^ in. pipe. Rock formation at 37.3. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Mo\nng Water 3 7 33 6 g Wash boring . - 67 2 Total and average 37 3 H 49 7 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S6-825 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- May21 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S5-500 to L. Kreager to 21 4 21 4to57 5 57 5 to 95 5 95 5 to 97 5 97 5 to 104.5 Water S6-825. 2 hours. Mud 2^^ in. pipe. Wash sample /184. May 22 Sand and zravel Clay or softened shale Bro cen shale Contains pieces of hard blue reck probably quartzite. Diamond drilled. Hole caved. Broken core. 656 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE 36-825— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8, hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving- Water 21.4 76.1 7 H Wash boring 152 2 Driilingroek . ^ _ . _ . 14 Total and average 104 5 m 83 6 Core recovery- — Double tube core barrel, If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovery Per cent cere 97.5 feet to 104.5 feet 7.0 1.5 21 4 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S6-1700 Date DrUler Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 22 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S5-2000 to to 70.6 70.6 to 90.6 90.6 to 91.6 Water- 86-1700. 2 hours. --r:^ Mud and sand.. 2V^ in. pipe. ^ Softened sandy sha le Drive sample #218. Top of rock formation at 90.6. Did not dia- mond drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 70 6 20.0 1.0 , y* y* Wash boring Driilingroek -. _ - 84 Total and average 91.6 H 183 2 POINT SAN PABLO 1 DAM SITE— HOLE S6-2500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- May28 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S7-3(MH) to L. Kreager to 34 4 34 4 to 57 57 to 73 73 to 140 4 140.4 to 141 Water S6-2500 and removed 10 ft. of column. 2 hours. Sandy mud 2^ in. pipe. Wash sample #185. May 29 Mud Stiff mud and clay Softened sandstone and shale Drive sample #186. Drivcsamplc i? 187. Did not diamond drill. Ton of rock formation at 140,4. Moved barge to shelter behind Standard Oil wharf. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 657 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S6-2500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 34.4 106 0.6 1 Wash borinR Drillingrock -- 106 Total and average 141 VA 94 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S6-3000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 9 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S6-3500 to S6-300O. 4 hours. Anchors had dragged at Hole S6-350O. Column tipped over. Lost 25 ft. of 2H in- pipe. Oto 58 58 to 88 88 to 104 104 !o 104.6 Wa!er Mud and fine silt Mud and sand 2H in. pipe. Hard blue trap or quart- zite Broken. Drive sample #202. Did not diamond drill. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 58 46 6 } ^ Wash boring.. Drillingrock - ..... 93.2 Total and average.. 104 6 1 104.6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S6-3500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 4 Junes. June 5 June 6. June 6. June 8. June 8. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. , H. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. to 50.8 60 8 to 51 6 51.6to61.6 Water Sandy silt Broken shale and hard blue trap or quartzite. . Heavy wind storm. One of the ancnor lines parted 300 ft. from anchor. Moved barge head on to the wind and stood by. Dragged bottom for lost anchor. Recovered it. Moved barge to McNear's Landing. Cut bad spoteout of anchor cables and changed end for end. Took on water. Overhauled anchor cables. Cleaned out boiler. Overhauled anchor cables. Moved barge from McNear's Landing to Hole 86-3500 and added 20 ft. todrillcolumn. 2}i'\n. pipe. Diamond drilled. Only hard pieces of core recovered. 42—70686 658 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S6-3500— Continued Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving and repairing Water 50.8 0.8 10.0 6 y2 Wash boring 1.6 Drilling rock 20 To ta 1 and average. . . 61.6 7 8.8 Core recovery- -Double tube core barrel, li inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovery Per cent core 61.6feetto 61.6feet 10.0 0.75 7.5 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S6-4000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 12 T.. Krpagpr Moved barge from Hole S7-4500 to 0to57 57 to 57.5 Water Softened sandstone and shale and blue trap or quartzite S6-4000. Ihour. - , , Drill column landed on4»re rock. . Drivcsampic#203. Didnotdiamond drill. Topofrockat 57. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift .Water 57 H Wash boring.. ..... Driliingrock ^ 0.5 y< 2.0 Total and average.. 57.5 Vs 153.3 POINT SAN PABLC » DAM SITE— HOLE S6-4500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 30 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S3-750 to to 94.4 94.4 to 121.4 Water S6-4500. 2 hours. Mud 21^ in. pipe. Rock at 121.4. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet ShifU Feet per shift Water 94 4 27.0 g Wash boring 108 Tota 1 and average. . 121,4 yi 242.8 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 659 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 29 H. Kreagcr Removed 40 ft of drill column and to 4.5 4 5to67.5 67.5 to 68.5 Water put timber collar on lower end as a step bearing. Moved barge to HoleS7-500. 4 hours. Mud Hard sandy clay or softened sandy shale. . 2V2 in. pipe. Drive sample #197. Top of rock formation at 67 5. Did not dia- mond drill. Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 4 5 63.0 1.0 1 ^ } ^ Wash boring Drilling rock 128 Total and average. . 68 5 1 68 5 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 23 H. Kreagcr Moved barge from Hole S8-1000 to L. Kreager to 17.5 17.5 to 106.5 106 5 to 110 1 110.1 to 110.9 Water S7-1000. 2 hours. May 23 Mud, c lay and sand Broken rock and clay 2yi in. pipe. Wash sample #188. Softened shale with pieces ofquartzite Drive sample in core box. Top of rock formation at 106.5. Too rough to drill with diamonds. Moved barge to shelter behind Standard Oil wharf. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving.. Waffh b^rin? Water 17 5 89.0 4 4 1J4 59.3 Totaland averaee - 110.9 2 55.5 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-1500 Date • Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- ~ June 23 L Kreager Moved barge from Hole 87-2000 to to 56.0 56.0to 91.0 91.0 to 108 108 to 109 Water S7-1500. Ihour. Mud. 2}^ in. pipe. Stiffclay Hard stiff clay or softened sandy shale. . Drive sample #219. Top of rock formation at 108. Did not dia- mond drill. 660 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-1500— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift I Moving Water 56 52 1 1 Wash boring. Drilling rock - _ _ - 141.3 Tota 1 and average 109 M 218 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-2000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 23 L. Ejeager Moved barge from Hole S5-1500 to S7-2000. Ihour. to 38.8 38.8 to 53.8 53.8 to 73.8 73.8 to 75.8 75.8 to 76.8 Water. Mud 214 in. pipe. Sand and shells Clay.. Stiff clay or softened shale Drive sample #220. Top of rock formation probably a J 75.8. Did not diamond drill. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours -4 Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 38.8 37.0 1.0 } H Wash boring.. Drillingrock . . 101.8 Totaland average.. 76.8 14 153 6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-2500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S8-2500 to S7-2500. 2 hours. to 35.4 • 35.4to44 4 44.4 to 68.4 68.4 to 72,4 72.4to77.4 77.4 to 79.4 Water Mud 2,'^ in. pipe. Wash sample #227. Sand Coarse sand Stiffolay Stiff clay or softened shale . Drive sample #233. Top of rock formation at 77.4. Did not dia- mond drill. • Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 35.4 42 2,0 1 S Wash boring Drilling roc c 176.0 Totaland average... 79.4 ^ 158.8 THE SALT WATER BARRIER 661 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-3000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— May 28. May 28. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. to 46.4 46.4 to 92 92 to 132.4 132.4 to 133.4 Water Mud and sand.. Sandy mud Softened sandstone and shale Moved barge from Hole 88-3000 to S7-3000 and removed 20 ft. of drill column and added 10 ft. 5 hours. 2>^ in. pipe. Drive sample #189. Drive sample #190. formation at 132.4. mond drill. Top of roek Did not dia- Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifto Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water 46.4 86.0 1.0 } ^ 98.3 Drilling rock. Total and average... 133.4 lyi 89 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-4000 Date DriUer Depth Material Remarks 1925— Mav 25 L. Kreager Moved barge from shelter to Hole H. Kreager L. Kreager to 69.9 69.9 to 74.2 74.2 to 82.2 Water S7-400O and added 40 ft. of drill column. Added 20 ft. o f dri II column. 1 Sand 2J4 in. pipe. Wash sample #191. Rock Diamond drilled. Only 0.9 ft. core. May 26 May 26 Pieces of hard shale and quartzite all that was recovered. Heavy storm, wave* running even with deck of barge. Anchors dragged. Bent one section of drill column and broke 2J^ in. pipe off. Lost 90 ft. of pipe. Storm continuec ; stood by. H KrengpT Progress — 1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving and storm Wash borincT Water 69.9 4 3 8.0 3 8.6 Drillinerock - 16.0 Total and average 82 2 4 20.5 Core recovery — Double tube core barrel, If inch core Depth Feet drilled Core recovered Per cent core 74 2 feet to 82 2 feet 8.0 0.9 11.3 662 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S7-4500 Date DriUer Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 11 Ff, Kreagpr Moved barge from Hole S8-4500 to • to 80.5 Wafer S7-4500. 2 hours. Drill column landed on bare rock. Anchors dragged and bent 2^2 in. pipe. Could not drill. Located a sharp ridge of rock at about eleva- tion — 15 by sounding at about 4,200 ft. from shore. Ridge slopes off abruptly to the east and west. «* Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per sluft Mo\'ing Water 80 5 3-4 'A Sounding Total and average 80.5 H 107.3 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-500 Date DriUer Depth Material Remarks -t^"" 1925— June 1 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S~-500 to to 3.5 3.5 to 43.6 43.6to44.1 Water- S8-500. 2 hours. Mud Hard sandy clay or softened sandy shale.. . 2}^2 in. pipe. Drive sample #196. Top of rock formation at 43.6. Did not dia- mond drill. ' Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 3.5 40.1 0.5 y* ) H Wash boring Drilling rock 81.2 Totaland average. . 44.1 H 58. S POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-1000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 192,5— May 22 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S6-825 to 0to35 35 to 59 59 to 92 92 to 93.6 Water 88-1000. 2 hours. Mud 2'2 in. pipe. Sand Wash sample #192. Softened sandstone and shale Drive sample #193. Contains pieces of hard rock, probably quartiite. Top of rock formation at 92. Did not diamond drill. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 663 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8- 1000— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Pect per shift Moving Water 35 57.0 1.0 ) Wash boring. Drilling rock 76 Totaland average... 93.6 1 93 6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-1500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— Jane 24 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S4-1500 to to 36 4 Water S8-1500. 2 hours. 36 4 to 63 4 63 4 to 76 4 76 4 to 79 4 Mud and fine sand Sand 2mn. pipe. Wash sample 11221. Sand and gravel Wash sample *222. 79 4 to 106 4 106 4 to 109 Sand Softened sandy shale or hard clay with trap or quartzite Wash sample -«223. Drive sample #224. Top of rork formation at 106.4. Did not dia- mond drill. Broke forward winch frame when pulling anchors. Moved barge ashore for repairs. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 36.4 70 2 6 \ Wash boring Drillingrock - . . _ . 193 3 Total and average 109.0 % 174 5 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-2000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- June 12 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S6-4000 to to 35 2 35 2 to 69 69 to 73 8 73.8 to 76.8 Water S8-2000. Ihour. Mud 2H in. pipe. Clay Stiff clay or softened shale Drive sample f204. Top of rock formation at 73.8. Did not dia- mond drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving - Water 35 2 38 6 3 ■ Wash boring Drillingrock 83.2 Total and average 76.8 « 122 8 664 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-2500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1025— June 24 June 24, June 25 June 25 June 26. L. Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Krtager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. to 32 3 32.3 to 43.3 43 3 to 74 3 74.3 to 78 3 78.3 to 79.8 Water Mud and sand Sand Clay Stiff clay or softened shale Moved barge to shelter for repairs. 3 hours. Repairing broken winch. Repairing broken winch. Repairing broken winch. Moved barge to Hole S8-2500. 2 hours. 2J4 in pipe. Wash sample #225. Drive sample #226. formation at 78.3. mond drill. Top of rock Did not dia- Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving and repairing Wash boring . Water 32.3 46.0 1.5 m .—-- Drillingrock H - 190 Total and average 79.8 Ws 20.6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-3000 Date Driller Depth Material R«mark8 1925— May 27 H. Kreager. to 46.5 46.5 to 141.5 141.5tol45 5 145 5 to 146 5 Water Mud and sand. Soft blueclay.. Softened shale. Moved Large from Hole S8-4000 to S8-3000. 4 hours. Stormy and rough. 2Hin. pipe. Drive sample #194. Top of rock at 145.5. Did not diamond drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water Wash boring Drillingrock Total and averafce 46.5 99.0 1.0 146.5 198 146.5 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-4000 Date DriUer Depth Material Remarks 1926- Mny 27 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S7-4000 to S8-4000. 4 hours. to 74 6 74 6 to 76 2 76 2 to 76 6 Water Mud.. 4 in. pipe. Shaleand quartzite Drove piiM? into rock formation. Drive sample #195. Did not dia- mond drill. THE SALT WATER BARRIER 665 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-4000— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 74.6 1.6 0.4 1 Wash boring Drilling rock - 4.0 Total and average 76.6 1 76.6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-4500 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925- June 11 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S5-3500 to June 11 H. Kreager to 32.1 Water S8-4500. 2 hours. Drill column landed on bare rock. Did not drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving. Water 32.1 g Wash boring Total and average. . 32.1 H 64.2 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S8-5000 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— July 1 July 1 July 2 Julv 8 July 9 July 10 L Kreager. H. Kreager. L. Kreager. L. Kreager. L. Kreager. L. Kreager. to 88 8 88.8 to 111.8 111 8toll2 4 Water Mud Blue clay and quartiite .. Broke teeth on drive pinion of for- ward winch when moving off of hole S6-4500. Moved barge ashore and started dismantling for repairs. Getting winch ready to take to machine shop. Took winch to Oakland lor repairs. Took repaired winch back to barge. Reset winch and lined up. Moved barge from shelter to Hole S8-5000. 2 hours. 2}-2 in. pipe. Drive sample #240. formation at 111.8. mond drill. Top of rock Did not dia- Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving andrepairing — Wash boring Water 88.8 23.0 0.6 I 5K « Drillingrocc - - . - _ ._ 4< .2 Total and averaw . 112 4 iH 19.5 666 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S9-1200 Date Driller Depth Matprial Remarks 1925— June 26 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S7-2500 to to 18.4 18.4 to 69.0 69 to 69.4 Water ^ S9-1200. 2 hours. Sandy mud Hard clay or softened sandy shale 2H in. pipe. Wash sample #234. Drive sample #235. Top of rock formation at 69.0. Did not dia- mond drill. Progress- -1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Water 18.4 50.6 0.4 1 ^ 1 ^ Wash boring. Drilling rock .. .. 204 Total and average. . 69.4 Vi 138.8 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S9-1600 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1925— June 26 H. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S9-1200 to to 22 2 22.2 to 77.2 77.2 to 86.2 86 2 to 88.2 Water S9-1600. 2 hours. Mud 2^2 in. oipe. Coarse sand Wash sample #236. Very soft sandstone Drive sample #237. So soft that it can be crushed between fingers. Top of rock formation at 86.2. Did not diamond drill. Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving .-- Water 22.2 64 2.0 1 y* Wash boring Drilling rock 264 Total and average 88.2 H 176.4 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S9-2100 Date Driller Depth Material Remarks 1926- June27 L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S9-160O to to 30 6 30 6 to 54.6 54.6to 117.6 117 6 to 131.6 131 6 to 132.6 Water S9-2100. 3 hours. Mud- 2J-^in' pipe. Sand and mud Clav- Hard day or softened sandyshale Drive sample #238. Top of rock formation at 131.6. THE SALT WATER BARRrER 667 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE— HOLE S9-2 100— Continued Progress — 1 shift, 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wash boring Water 30 6 : 101 1.0 } 163.3 Drillingrock Total and average 132.6 1 132.6 POINT SAN PABLO DAM SITE- -HOLE S9-5050 Date DriUer Depth Material Remarks 1925- JulylS L. Kreager Moved barge from Hole S4-3500 to to 99.4 99.4 to 99.6 Water S9-5050. 2 hours. 2}^ in. pipe. Weathered quartadte. Drive sample #243 Top of rock at 99.4. Did not diamond drill. Progress- -1 shift. 1 crew working 8 hours Operation Feet Shifts Feet per shift Moving Wftfih boririff Water 99.4 H Drillinerock . -- - 0.2 y* 08 99.6 M 199.2 PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA When tha Department of Public Works was created in July. 1921. the Division of Engineering and Irrigation succeeded to all of the duties of tha Department of Enitinrerlng except those pertaining to State Architect, and the Dirlslon of Water Rights succeeded the State Water Commission. Both the Division of Engineering and Irrigation and the Division of Water Rights functioned until August, 1929, when they were consolidated as the Division of Water Resources. ♦Bulletin ♦Bulletin Bulletin ♦Bulletin ♦Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin ♦Bulletin ♦Bulletin ♦Biennial ♦Biennial ♦Biennial ♦Biennial ♦Biennial ♦Biennial ♦Biennial Bullet ♦Bullet Bullet Bulletin Bullet Bullet Bullet ♦Bullet: Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet Bulletin Bulletin Biennial Biennial Biennial DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING No. 1 — Cooperative Irrigation Investigations in California, 1912-1914. No. 2 — Irrigation Districts in California 1S87-1915. No. 3 — Investigations of Economic Duty of Water for Alfalfa in Sacra- mento Valley, California, 1915. No. 4 — Preliminary Report on Conservation and Control of Flood Waters in Coachella Valley, California, 1917. No. 5 — Report on the Utilization of Mojave River for Irrigation in Victor Valley, California, 1918. No. 6 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1919 (now obsolete). No. 7 — Use of water from Kings River. California, 1918. No. 8 — Flood Problems of the Calaveras River, 1919. No. 9 — Water Resources of Kera River and Adjacent Streams and Their Utilization, 1920. Report, Department of Engineering, 1907-1908. Report, Department of Engineering, 1908-1910. Report, Department of Engineering, 1910-1912. Report, Department of Engineering, 1912-1914. Report, Department of Engineering, 1914-1916. Report, Department of Engineering, 1916-1918. Report, Department of Engineering, 1918-1920. DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND IRRIGATION No. 1 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1921 (now obsolete). No. 2 — Formation of Irrigation Districts, Issuance of Bonds, etc. No. 3 — Water Resources of Tulare County and Their Utilization, 1922. No. 4 — Water Resources of California. No. 5 — Flow in California Streams. No. 6 — Irrigation Requirements of California Lands. No. 7 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1923 (now obsolete). No. 8 — Cost of Water to Irrigators in California. No. 9 — Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California. No. 10 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1925 (now obsolete). No. 10a — Sacramento Flood Control Project, 1925 (with packet of maps). No. 11 — Ground Water Resources of Southern San Joaquin Valley. No. 12 — Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for Their Development. No. 13 — The Development of the Upper Sacramento River. No. 14 — The Control of Floods by Reservoirs. No. 18 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1927 (now obsolete). No. 19 — Santa Ana Investigation, Flood Control and Conservation (with packet of maps). No. 20 — Kennett Resen-oir Development. No. 21 — Irrigation Districts in California. 1929. Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation. 1920-1922. Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1922-1924. Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1924-1926. • Reports and Bulletins out of print. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California State Library at Sacramento, California. STATE WATER COMMISSION First Report, State Water Commission, March 24 to November 1, 1911. Second Report, State Water Commission, November 1, 1012, to April 1, 1914. ♦Biennial Report, State Water Commission, March 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916. Biennial Report, State Water Commission, December 1, 1916, to September 1, 1918. Biennial Report, State Water Commission, September 1, 1918, to September 1, 1920. DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ♦Bulletin No. 1 — Hydrographic Investigation of San Joaquin River, 1920-1923. ♦Bulletin No. 2 — Kings River Investigation, Water Master's Reports, 1918-1923. ♦Bulletin No. 3 — Proceedings First Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ference, 1924. ♦Bulletin No. 4 — Proceedings Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ference, 1925. Bulletin No. 5— San Gabriel Investigation— Basic Data, 1923-1926. Bulletin No. 6 — San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data, 1926-1928. Bulletin No. 7 — San Gabriel Investigation — Analysis and Conclusions, 1929. ♦Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1920-1922. ♦Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1922-1924. Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1924-1926. Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1926-1928. DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Bulletin No. 18 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1929, Revision. Bulletin No. 22 — Report on Salt Water Barrier. Bulletin No. 23 — ^Report of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor, 195^1928.^ Pamphlets of Division of Water Resources : Water Commission Act with Latest Amendments Thereto. Rules and Regulations Governing the Appropriation of Water in California. Rules and Regulations Governing the Determination of Rights to Use of Water in Accordance with the Water Commission Act. Tables of Discharge for Improved Venturi Flumes. General Plans, Specifications and Bills of Materials for Improved Venturi Flumes. Rules and Regulations Governing the Supervision of Dams in California. COOPERATIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS ♦Report of the Conservation Commission of California, 1912. ♦Irrigation Resources of California and Their Utilization (Bui. 254, OflBce of Exp. Sta., U. S. D. A.), 1913. ♦Report, State Water Problems Conference, November 25, 1916. ♦Report on Pit River Basin, April, 1915. ♦Report on Tx)wer Pit River Project, July, 1915. ♦Report on Iron Canyon Project, 1914. ♦Report on Iron Canyon Project, California, May, 1920. ♦ Reports and Bulletins out of print. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California State Library at Sacramento, California. 70686 11-29 1500 -,>. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE llH' STAMPED BELOW ' ^ AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. WAY 1 7 1967 JUN 1 1 1968 m 6 \'^^'^ JUI 6 2006 PSL JUN 3 2006 V JUL 2 2006 SHIELDS LIBRARY .>,taL. Ji Book Slip-25m-7,'53(A899884)458 J 111^91 TC82li Calif. Diviiion of C2 water resources. A2 T% n -^ 1 • 1 r. PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY C824. v.! ciBRAirr DWrVERSITY OF CALIFORNXA DAVIS 111591 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS 3 1175 02037 6839 mil 'mm m 'f. -?iii ■'mm