T30 rmr Xtbe XCubor jFacsimile tTeyts ®lj£ gottrnfall af lloli£rt (Barl of Juntingirnn [by Anthony Munday] Date of only known original edition . . . . 1601 {B.M. 161 k. 70.) Staged 1598-9 Reproduced in Facsimile , . 1913 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER Wxt goirnfHlI of 0krt ^arl of litntiugdon [by Anthony Munday] 1601 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXin ^)jt Bntoitfall 0f [by Anthony Munday] 1601 This facsimile is from an original copy in the British Museum . There are other examples in Bodley and at South Kensington (Dyce). What is known of Munday is set out in the " D.N.B.,*' but the bibliography of the subject of that memoir is not always accurate. The reproduction now given is, subject to the usual limitations of collotype, faithful to the original. JOHN S. FARMER. 274805 ^ OF ROBERTA EarlcofHuiitington, •r' i ^ Robin Hood ofjiierrie SherwiSdUe: \0dbytk %ightHonourahUythenarUof / Hptingham, Lord high i^toirall of f ^ Imprinccd at London, iotWWam •^.a^ IT HE DOWN-FALL ' o£ 1
    ert,Ea.nt oi Hmmgton. ¥ 5f ^ Opens tbcdoore,' :ohnEkam.i ^auefe4itttoice,f Either time |je mitt, t^at bjcnf tc feefee pcu. Elt, ^atulU)3eU l)ec mig^c . ?^tjeTe tujo fjoificrs it pieaC'O bis ^ateff? iCo \3rc mp fecutce in fucuaptn^ 9papp2», !&cntouerfconTt|)eg;ooKfeins Ferdinand, Sat totKIndies_,at Scbaliians fute, &efrtSefeTetit a ^pamS; Colonic* .pic/^tient\3JiU trouble pou.after pout great affaicjf, Eotafectlegatne t^at31 wtenufotottttreat^oiito, aijout reJjearfaU of pour p^omiCiJ plap. Elt. j^ap maffer Skeltontfo^tbektnjjbimiclfe, <3£f U3CP toere parttncf, hit mee t^ke ^rcat l;eeDe t5sacefaiIenotofoutDap,tbecefo?e}ipjaj> .r §)ettQe fo? tbeteiJ , tl>at noto toe map retjeatt?; Skel. ©t^ei^arerea5feaU,at«Jujetttoplap. taftatpactplaptou'J • - Elt. mb??Jplap little lohn, 'anocameoftJtttDaCeUJitbtbisgceenerttte. ^ _ ^2 '-^Skclr, V, >«w « • *^ L. Skcl. ![?oUam? maHew, fttttj^itohn fj5 come* If At cuery doorc all the l^laycrt rtinnje out,fbme crying whcref where? others VKclcoinc Cixlehn, among other : thcboyesandClownc* ^ . > Skel. jTaitJjtittle Tracy toqarefometo|>atfojtoawr5: S8l^at>ouc Maid Marian leaping Uke a Tauf 3lf pott remeiifber,Robin f 9 pottr Iduc: l&ir Thomas mantle ^onuer, not fir lohn. . CIo^*-. Q3utmafl?er,0rlohnij5 mp ftUetoe/fo? 3| am Much,t|jeS^iner0 ronne.9im 3 notf Sk.^bnotijpeearenct ^ 9n5!j€tttletnni>fincepouatetlju0p?epar'D, , 05oe in, ano \iiixi^ pour DHmbc f cene on tlje Uage, 3nd 3ljai3 ip^oloffue^purpotc to £]cp?eae ^c s^rounD iDlbereon ottr btito^ie i9 late^ Exeunt) nianet'Si^<^/i^<'9* Trumpets foiindcj enter iirft king 'Kichardvf'Mh drum and Auncientjgiuing£i^ a purfe andfcepterjhis mother, and brctherM», Ckefitry LeJler,Lacie,^ others at the kings appointment doing rencfencc. The king goes in: prelcnily£/)'afcends thechaite,C^ir/ii<^adingiWi^|^/rf»^fDUowcsh{^p^i^^ ^ Warrnav the Prior, ^^rttr^weuerflatttring 4nd making) cuftlic, taking gi{t5.of the Pripr b^hiridc, ind his maficr ', before. Prince Mm enters, offcrcth to take vW4w». but they inside, each other V,a«d(?t-dov*i'iic wjlhi'n the curtciiie$;[»^^^iw^ witlicHe'l^nGr, G>t ifn^h Lacy, iotd Sentloe^^tixGiK^e'-t'Brophton fold? hands ^ and drawing thecurleins>all(but the Prior/enter,.^nd arc kindclyrc- cciUedby -^p^/»//oc7i/(f..Thecurtclnsarcaga]ne'n3ut. ik.Sirloho^ncemo;e;biii poiiconmJb.cl^cUJOs coinein;" / I f Enter king RicUrdmth drumtne and Enligne, gluing £/rapurfe, and fccpter, his mother and brother /o^«, Cheftfr,Lefier,Lacie,oi}i\^is at the kings appointment, doing rcucrence. The king goes in. RichardcalOCCor dc LyontabfgHsl^aMfr imet^e lojw Ct)a\ttpion gaiuff tlje i^aganfoe0, 4Z!:i)at fpovleludeajano rici Paleliine. ^^crulc of engUuD an^ ^ts p?incelp fcate, ^eIeaae0toit^£ly3tijento;o€banccUojt . - >Coto^omt!)cmotl)crCl««nc.l^crfDnRe,pjincelohir, Cheftcr,antjaUtDel3ecmarcCb30ine, £xi: iytfi&4rtt{oU lowcshim W-rwrf/T, and afccr fF4rw4«thc Pnor^^T-r- m4ti eacrflattering,andmaking curtfic, tikinj;gittcf ■ k • ofthe Prior behinde, and his mafter before. Prince 7(,i&»entcr$,oftcrethtotakc cJH4rM»,auecnc^/M»»r enters^ offering to pull Robm from her ; but they w- foldceachothcr,and()tdowoewithiathccuKeins, %i>{^?ont^ t^atUatJfi poniJirsiufa^ tbc }sm (3s Dot^ tlje 5§>unne,tbe mo^nin? ticWP ctan) 30(juc eade Robcitj e^ tow« ^^f>^'" Hoodc, ^t»tmt^ofeDaic?>toaseavUofHunungcon* . J 1 de (Itfac't mifer,l)?iblj in etfber Ijanu, 30Warman, once t^z ^telDact) on)i0 Oottfe, ' ta^o ludaslifte betratesi l)is \ibeuU t0}9j 3lntotbebanwoftt>atteIentlctrep^to?, CalUe Gilbert Hoode,l)llcU to Huntington: djotettoot^at fcekctopart tbeCe lottelp frienw, 3reElcnortbc£laeene,anDiohnt|)e'Pjmce, fe^e loues carle Robert, ^e maiDeMarian, '315ut ijamelp:fo^ tt)eif neare affect is fuclj, SiS onlp Deatl} can funtiec t\)Zk ttm Iouc0, LongljaD tljep Iau'D,anD noto tc is agreen, Ctjis Dapt^ep muftbetrottj-pUg^t, after lues, 3t Huntingtons faire [)oufe afeaft ts Ijcluc; iut cnuie tnrnes it to a Ijoufe of tearc0. jfo^ tljoie falfe guettcs, confpirinj ^itl) t^e P^io j, Co lM|iome carle Robert greatlp IB in uebt, ^canc at tbe banquet to betrap t^e Carle, 5IntoabeauiciD?itofoutlaU)rp. .%\)t manner ano efcape poit al! Cjall fee« Elt. ^biclj all , poU Skclton? SkcU (iai)B alltbefe loofeer0 on: suborn if ireepleafe^t^ckino; iDillfurebeplearo. loofee to pour entrance,gct pou in fir lohn. Exit firlohn. Sppnjift i0 long, foj 3 plap jTrier Tucktj tabcrein if Skclton liaue but anp luckr it)cele tbanlte tii0 bearer0 oft, toitb manp a uuclie. Jfo? nianp talfeof Robin Hood ^ ttcuer l^ot in |)i0 betoe, •a3ut Skelton tu^ite0 of Robin Hood )Dl;at i[)e OOtb Crulp '«i:berefo;e31p?ap)3ee, , (Knoljoe- €ontenteoli?ftappee, 9nota^enooffcnDinof, •J^ttCfittotbeenoihg. 3LikcU)ife 3i uefire, Ipcatojoulo notaDmire S©Stimcf03ifl;)ift. fat L... ^'^ EarlcoTHuntington, Comaisepee allblitljc: •ButifpeonccfttlaJiie, ^9ooje skclton 5oe5 uoUJne, l^ts labour ano coft, ^e tbmkftt) all loll, I 3!n tumbling of l)oohej5 i ^f Sparp goe lookC0. - ^^i '^I.lje <^^enffc Ujttb ff aucsf, ; tiGlitficaccljpolcsanuknawesf, i 2n comming,3l fee, l^igbtfmemfo^mee • Co leaiie off mp babble 3nti fond ctbble rabble. 2Dl)eref0?etoitbtbts curtfie ato^ileSltoUneauepee. ■f Enter, as it were in haftc , the Vnot of Torke, the ; Shcnffc,lui\\ccWarman,Stcw2itd to Ro^iftHoodc. , Pri.l^0rettta0ct Warmanjtljerefl! a tunojeu ccotonsf, if ojvojir gooo tuiU auB furt^grante in tW* \v^ f Jlniepoump lej^DlPiio^^Smuaatoa? Co fljannefufpidoaj butbe rcfolute, anD toee toiU tal^e biin,batte no rioubt of it. Pri, i^ut 10 loju Scntloe anu tbeot^et corner ( to» WaiXo JU Sentloe,ar Hugli Lacie,gt Uc Gilbert Brogh, ^retl)ere,ant>a0tbepy?omi(!poulaamgbt, | CQiUbelpe to tafee bitt^ wtjen tlje J^fjenffe come0. Pri.^vobilefaretoeU, anu tban'kegtotljcw $ pon. ; Comcmaaer&^eriffctbcoutlator^isp^odam'D, j i^enoc ttjercfo^e naicMp fo> mo je compaiiic, . i $Inu at t^ebacfer gate tocetuill enter in. Sher* caec (ball baue mucij aooe 3 am aftaioe* Pri.'^)it^ep are berp merrp at aftatt. —^ 310 ctott 'PliS()teti to tvaSfttU Hdncingtbo. 0nii at cbe featt^are mp efpccian friietiiijs, ^^om beerttrpectejBtiottcotneineele i&attel^finjmany ^nti fo^ pout patne^> bere i0 a ^unn^d marker. Exeuoc. Shcr.3( tl)an&e tonr lo^od^f ppe^tuesle be niftsetK. f Ent^r^p^iffHtf^iff^i /r/^/r/^ji following him;theone« citlcof HimtiH£tatts>^hc other his feruancj ^0^Mha*i ulnghis napkin on hisfhoulder^as if hcev^edbrddain* lyraifed from dinner. / , 1 Robin. 00 31 am otttlfltoeti from mp fame anbfete, o^e tbi0 m ontlavuen from c^e name of oate^: - '^ Dai^lucktelTeiOUtlattielatDlefifjiratbaccurlt^ r Flings away his napkin, hat, and fittcth downc«i lohn. Doe not forget pour tionou? able Hate, jl^o; c^e true nohleCTeofpom: ino^t^ boufe- v Rob. Doe not petf&aDe mee: tNitne as Dannie 0re aU tbp comfojf «, 31 am comfo;tle(& . John, Ideate mee mp Jlo;ti. Rob, caijatC^all 2 bcare t&ee fapf Qlreaotelja^tlwnifiiSetDflmttcbtobeare.. _i fllreaoic iatt tfiiu ftabDmeetoftl) tljp tongl:!^;^"^''^ 4 3n( tbe uiioe bibuno Uitcb luo^ns totu not be cloflTr ^m n not ontlauieb, bp tbe I3^io;of ^o^be^ )D;ocIatmn) tn Court, in cttte, ano in totonej ^ 3 laiDlelTe per(bn.^ebi3 cbp tongue repo^t0; ^notbrrcfbjerrrbenoteomahkfmoocbmp grfefe: 5ro^ tbe roHgb tto)me,tbp UJinoie ibojd^ batb eaif b, C2:tninoc be calmU till f itn firsuebe lafetv, John. Oauepacicnce pet. , • Rob. ^ea, noiu inoeeoe tbou fpea^eff. " patience batb potuer to beare a g:reater crolfr 'l Cbcn bonours fpopIe,o? awt eartblplolTe. lohn^DoeComBto^o* uiol» -wws^^l'^ Rob.3, mo I teotttebesinttf: !0nt tee, aaotter f^cene of sriefe comejH in. Enter Marian* Mar, SEtljp in m I-OP fo fa^^ iubetefo je Co foone, d>0 fot>aittri|> arofe |ee Crom t|)e boo^tte'-^* aia$ mg Robin, tDbat ofttempering gtiefe S>|inftc«t)ptberofeac colour eft|?c^jehc0': Kt^l? art t^ou ftlcntH anCtocre mee mp louc. Rob. tec bim^lct bim^lec Ijim mafec tjjee aji CaD. Oeeljacb a tongue canl^anttl) tfjee from top, anu ctiafe t|j^ crtmfon colour from tbp cbeckfst. m\}V rpeaHcft cbou roc *; 3! p?ap tbcc little lohn, Ect tbe (5o;t If o^ti of m^ ions DiftrciTe ^etitcereDiHatoo^o.^aijat meantie^ou to protract': CSIllt c|ott not fpcakcVrbcn Marian M t0 mce. ©bistJai>tbott\»erc amaiDe,anDnotoa(poUjre> ■:,; \ Slnone(p9O}0roule) aluiDDoljoet^oumoitbee: 1 ^\)i^ Robin is an Otttlatee, Marian, I JI^istgooBuauBlanoefimuIlbecrteRtiction, ^ ^tmfelfcc^Jilftefrom tbectOou bepc from (jtm, ] Shcfinkcsinhisarmcs, ! •3p tbe long oiftaucc of ^nn«ml)?eo miles; I jraint atliouatt&igf fpeake to mccMarian, {^leoloclouencUJel? met, parte not Co Coone, ; Caec Jjaue a little time to tarrp ^ct. ,' Mar. 3ifbut alittletimcolec mee not a«?, gartti}eet90ap,^niaill3H»pctoOap. lohn. foi a;ame mp iLop, \ttit^ couraje of a man, ; Wolett)i8ouer-gteeuingpa(fto«, | «D? fife tJiffemble it, to comfort t^cr- Rob.3l like tbccounrclU Marian, cleAedjeCe ctouw, anti bJltb tbe funnpbeames of tbP b.Hgt)t ei?e5> Vm^^ ijp tbefe «iifte» of CojroUoe tbat arife. Mar, ^m can 3 iop,U)I)eu t^ou art banltj^ed? Bpb, k teiUj^ee loue, mp grufe 10 countecfaite; The down-fall of Robert 3nu 31 abruptly frnm tfje tabic i*ofe, 'a;fjcbanqLa£e being; almott at ancnue, j©nelp CO ii;i(ue confafeu anti fati tl)cug(jt« 3'ntoct)c minors of t!jetmutcDa;uc(fc£i. ifo^centlcloue, atgrcateoi nnpttallfcato, caitl) ^omickc fpo?tC0, oj Cra^tckc (lacelr j^tate?^ caLtec ^feto recreate tljcfealtcogueftes, tSKljicl)3amfttrc ourkingfolfeenoeocpcct. Mar. £)f tbi? VMljflt t^en*; tijts feetiK? of no effect. Rob. m\)V tbtt^ of tlji3,a5 little lohn can tt U, 31 ^aD befpoKcn quaint CometJiang: C6iit grcate lohn. lohn tlje prince, nip ilif gei8 b^otfier. £©p ri«an,Marian,!)CtUac croQourloue, Cpatb crolt mcc in tbis teC, ano at tfje Conrt, implopes t Ije piapc r?,(i)OulD ^aue niaoe Us fpo^t; 'Cbis tiias tbe tp&ings b^ougljt bp littleiohn, Cbat firC oifturbD mee, anc begot tbtB tljougbt ©f fouainecpfintj,\uOic() bp tbis 3! kno^ i^atbuiitb ama^ement^troubleDaUdut gucilejst <25oe in^goou Ioiie,tijOu as tbeChoiub flialt, Crp^ellf tlje meaninn; of me (tlent griffe, SQbicb i^ no ntoH* but tbis; J. onlp meane (^be mojte to bonour our rigbt noble frienbe) Q9pftlfeinpcrfon,tot)Kfent feme |&ceanei3 © f tragi :k mat tcr, o? per clan cc of mir tb> ^VLta Cue!) as filrUlbaU iumpe toitb mp couceipt^ Mar.S^ap 3 be bolDe tbou baft tbe too?(l erp^cft': lohn^jTairrmiOreffCj all i» truemp lojo batb faib. Rob. gt is, it is. Mar. ^peake net fo boIloU) tb^n, ^0 Cgfj,anii faofp fpeake true fo;rotDing men. Rob 13elCEUcmceIoue^belecucmee(3S befeecb) 9[5i? Grft ^cene tragicb i0>tbercfo?c tragicke fpeecb^ 3nt) accentB,fitting luofuU action,3 ftriue to get: 1 pjag tljcc lluf etc goe in, auo toitl; tbp figbt^ L ■ - r T' ** *w^w Vi A»^»*»*"»^ i ^ttiHt tbeman? tjoittw tbat ma^ art ft. '«;bat Done.bc t^ou c|)cir ulijer,!) jing tOem to tMiS |?Iace, ^nBt^ottll)aU Cee mceUJicb alofcieuecfe, remitt^ {t)c^earct0eare0, and tempt ttieir epejas ©0 ga^e^pon c^e action t^at 31 tjCe. Mar» gntijeljutaplap,a*eplapmppatt: . ■But furc fome eanieC griefe affrigf)t0 mp ^eatc. lohn. Let mtc intreate pee flj^aoam not to feare, foi bv tf^t ^chetlie of Htt!e lohn, 31C0 bttt a tcagtcKe ^icette Uie ()aue m h anQ> SDttl^ to fie t^l^ttmoup of tl^e Sineene, 5123 tjo 10 tlje cl)f efca at pour ttof b-pUglJt fi^att- Mar.SDt^en totU31 fetc^ Ijer %?isW^t ano t^je cett. Rob. 3l,tfeat fame icalous aHiieene, toljofe ooting age ^naie0 tlje c^opce of mp f aire Marian, j^^e^acba^antiefnttiiei. lohn«eMl,tobatoft|)aCf l^oto mttff pout ibonoat leaue tfjefe moucmns tttne0, 2nii t^u0 bp mp areeoe pou (ball p^oaioe; IDottc piatfc ano jmtU J\t araigibt pacfte bp, 9lnB totuatoNotingham conuep tbembence, ^tRowford, SowtbanijWortlcy, Hochcrsficldt €f all pour cattell, monp I^all be maoe, 3r«i 31 atMansfiddtBillattenopour comming. ' (Ka^cretoeelewterm(ae,tebic^toaie'0 bcHtota&e. Rob. mtllhz it fo , a (J5oi»0 name let it be : ^uo if 3 can,Maiian (ball come toitfj mee. lohn, eife cart luill &iU bec^tberefoje if goupleafe, ^ttbutmoU corner of t|»esaroenUiall, ^oone in tbeeuecinjtoattefo? Marian, anoa03 goeaUteU ^ecoftlje place, |>8i«to?fejfstt^e Bell l^aUreaoie bee, 31 meane Beifauagcyiobence as ctti^en0 •^l^batmeant to riOefo^pleafttrefomeCmall toap, ^ottQjallfetfoojt^r ^ 2 Rob. J an(plst)tof st:ieft)t()? lone compels meefmilet 1l5utnotuottrAU(Un(ecomr0y tveemultlooltefair. ExicIohn« el)anq,tfet> £^as l)ur a Oumo^,tD|)tc^ pou meane to purge, Bfnfome tttgl) ^ragtcbe imcs,o; ComicfcUft^* Ro.@>Iiffeepc0m^Ib;rotoe0ree, Stio camep?0pac'Dtofcaftatmprao faU, rGl)oreeuttie^greeDtnefl>,ar.otcaloufi« Sffo?De mee fcjirobJecnoleffccprnfo^tfrnaU, il^notsetobat pouknelije before, lubatpotio^DainQ: ^0 crofTe tbefpoufali banquet of mp Isae, ^bat31 amoutlatoebbp tbd^^io^of ^ojlie, ^H traitero ti3 bn({e,a»D ^ottr trot^ljeSit frieno. jSimflepouinueene Eimor f imsfyd t^ouHo^o Sentloet Lacy lool( d tf^on Co blithe At mt lament^ Broghcon armDot|)bitoU)cgr«cctl)pour(!(rneface: SnD]^ott are merr^ Warman ac mp mone« Ci)e £xuttm fjtcept^H tioe t ott alt DeSg. Pou are a Cs^t of f a\t)nins Sycophants, ^^utimW t^iefuK $(tteofm^ sreatne(reDur'9> Eeuelo out allmp nap fo^ pour odigtitflf, 9nD noU) ree fee tl^e blacke nigbt of mp mt £)^e(|)aoe tljebeautieof mp fmtlino; goou, ^ou to mp griefe aDue QiicU, anu are n^reen CSait^ tbat falfe lP?to?, to rep?i«c mp iopru jTrom ejCECtttionofaflbappinefTe. War. ^ourbonourtliinlisinot inofmee,3[ bopt. Rob.ludas fpeafeegfirlf^tottfj, maSer is it i*; 5!^o,ntpfaire&telJDarii, pour ar counts are trne> l^ou^aueoiQjQnonrco mee,31 luo^l^tpt^ou. ^oufromapattrppcn ano inkbo?ne clarfee, ^eartncf a buckram (atcticU at pour bclty ©nto a 31u0ice place 31 Di!» p^eferre, } ^^txt pou ijniuOlp bane mp tenants racW, CClafteQ mp treafure^ anoincreatt pour fto;e. gout fire cotttciuf D toitl; a cottage poo^e, ^our maitcr^tppe Ijarb balles ano maufiotis butlt^ ^et arc poa innocent^as clcare from guilt, §0 10 tbe raurnous maaifc tbac tiatb fpiit 'SDb^blcooe of a UJbole flocbc, pet Uilp corner 9nO coucfjw in Ijis fee nnrU.tottfj fmcaro cbaps, £)ut of mp boufejfoa pet mp bflufc it is, » 2nt)fo!IotBebimpcecatc^poIe b^ibeo groomes: JTo? ncitber are pe LojDs^no? Gentlemen, Cbat toill be t)ireD to to?oug a Jj^oblcmanj 5ro;btr8 peebjere, Iaftniabt» 3 fenouje it K, %o bempguclls^mpfaitbfciregujOcs tbis Dap, S^batpourHin^efiofte pou trot l^lefCcmisbtbctraBt T^3 3i5«t .-J l^ourttoiS attempt rfelltraito^siiajBtpab^^c, 3uoioc,o?atomc)cccutepfeaU, «. eCrc anp crecution come at mee, Runnc away. Cl^ep ran atDap^fo enD0 t^etrageoie. Marian,bp Tittle I ohn,ms minoepou linotu, 3(f pou toiUjDoeaf not,U}|)p,be it fo. Offers to goe in. Qu. ^otoojw to me earle Robert ere pott goe/ Rob. ^ topourlt)tgl>tie{rc^pe«,a5iett p^ouD iT^ueette, IE)ati notpoubcne^tbn0 poo^eBl (laonotbeene' £xic. Qu. ^beu to;onga mee Robert,earlc of Huntington, Qittti U)erettnotfo;ptttteof ttismatDe^ 3 tdoulo reuense tbe U)o^O0 t^at tljou^ad fafeo • Mar.^Duew)t,faireSCliteene:>iiiftrefl£i)nto DiftreDTe: O^ttcifpotican/o^pittiemafeeljisflerre. Que, § can ann toill fo;gft Deferuing |jate, 0n^ giue btm comfort in t^ia b)ofull Saceo Marian,3I knolue Carie Roberts to|!o!e DeCrc 3(0 to baue tljee tolt!? fjim from bence atnap: Sim tljoagb 31 loueD btm oearelp to tbie eap; ^ct fince 3! fee beerieariicr louet b tbec, Cbou i^alt bane aU tl;e furtberance Bi map. ^eUmeefairegirle^anb fee tboutrulp tell, 22:tbetbertbi0m'5bt,tomo2roUje,o?ne]ctoa^, %l)eu be no pointment fo; to mee te tbp loue. Mar. -©bete f0,t|>i0 ntgbt tbere 10,3 toiU not lie, SnD be it ntfappotnten, 31 (^ali ^te. Qiie. aU0 poo^e fottleiiup fonne,p;ince lohn mp foti> ^ttb fcurjraU troupes bac^ ctrcutteD tbe Courts %ti\s l}mte,t\)C citiCjtbat tbou canll not fcape. Mar. 3 toiil aiuap ^itb Deatb>tbottgb bebegrim, 3f tbepcenpmeetogocbence Ujjtbbim. Qlj ,Marian5tbou Wt go toitb l)ivn clao to mp attire^ 9nli fo^ a fljift, ik put tbp garment0 on, ij;t 10 not mee,mp fonne lohn Dot^nefir^ O^nt EarleofHahtmgtcn. •But Marian (t is tl)ee,|cfiocet(i'on. m\)t\\ t\m attO 31 arc come into t^e ttel&, SDi anpottjer place tolKfc Robm ttaiesi, S»ee ill t^p clotl)£5,tIjc ambuQ; ^lU bfcfct, 'a:ijcetnmp roabcc t^cp uare not once appjoacy: ^0 tobile wtt!) m?e a reaComng t^ei? Sap, lat piraCurc tbouioitfe fjimmaiarioc a\uap. Mar, K am ic^lomg to pour S^aicOp, gnooftliisulottriurenoem^Robiniuojue. Qu , jaap.netter trouble btm, leaC it b;eeOc fufj^cct: teitt get tbee in, auD fljift of tijt attire, «Bproabe 10 loore>ano it Uiill foone be off, eocgcntleMariaD,38\j)mfoUotoe t^c gnu frtm betrayer « bantJstDillfetc^c^rc^ Mar 3 ttjankc pour Digbnefle,but 31 tofll not trtm pc, flSp Robert (ball tjaue fenoiolesgc of tljis Q)ifc; ro; 31 concctue alwattiepotttiJetpc ^piu Qu,5acti) {baU3i ^aue mp toill of Huntington, tZ^bo taking meetljisi nigbtfe^Marian, e^iUbarrp mcc atoap in llcatieof bcr: foihtt uarrt not 0ann trifling to coiiferret faitb p^ettie Marian 3^ (balmectctuitbpou, gtt5 toiti) pent load? Crucete beart Robert too: $ti} tob^ tuee come ^nto a baitmg place, 3lf ixjitblilselottemplotte^eBoenotgrace, ©f treafon capttall 31 tDill accnfe bim> iToi traitereus forcing meout of tbe Court, 3no guerBon bts uifoaine \mt(j guiltie Beatb, . ISbat of apjin£e0 loue foligbtlp i»eijjJje0. fc«c. •f Enter little hh» fighting with tbeSbeiiffe and Wsmen, f^4rw4« pcrfwading him. ro.Warman Ilau off.tit tattlctd notme to^at pe can w: t^ goow i fap are m(ne,ano 31 fa? true. War.J fap t^e Jfcl)cjiffe muft r?e t^em ere tljep goe» "-^ Thcdown-lallotRbbftf lob. ^oUfai^Cb Warraan, little Iohnfa<(sl MO. shre.jOiFl mtidfo^S «mtt)eftins028)t}(eaf. loh. ^our mult (8 falfe. )»out of ice J belem* Watch. SDottne isittibim^ciotonetoiti iim* Uhn, Se barlte at me like t\ittttiMt 3 tDil{ Ootani VZSlitt) tiflcntf e (aano,anti tobo soe tberee^of tottj 3f pee Sann lonff temptingmp patience. 201b? madec (l9b)iue,t|iinke pou mee a foolef mw iMct i» tbere pou (boulD fearef) mp truRiteji, 2)^ ({a)^ tni? gooDd fb^ tbat mi; maOer oloe0^ Shc.(^ece0 UnHtce Warman>(teU)arDCo teudo^o^ ^u(pecee0 Come copne>(ame Jleuiels.o^ Come plate ^^at lons0 imto pottc iojD, are in pone trutiHei?, 3no tf)e ei^tenc 10 out fp^ all bts gooti^: ^berefo^e Uiee ougiit to Cee none be conttaio. War.ts:cueJiclerohn,31amtbcfcner» . lohn. 3 plaguetjpon pe elfe, boia fo^e pe toeepe't Cmb?, faptbout}paatt,cbat tberetneceCbme belpe^ 38bome little little belpe in tW ftl^refTe^ 'QToatBeourlo^o ano m^lttr comfo^tlelTe; 3a it tbp pact> tbou Ccceenfac't fnottp uofe, %o bm^ec bim tbat gauetbee all tbeu Ijati? f Enter IniHcef^arntanj wifr,6dly accyrcd. Wifc.Gabo'0 tbatbwCbani>.'peu,pou,mean0 bepou': War.3ibecla&B is it^J tbankebim. Wir. 9 pe bncue pou, goos pittie btCbattij^tDbP Oie sot potir too^fijippe fenoe tbe ftncwe to ll^etogatf ;f loh. meii wnUtt l^^itifU, i^all J palTe 0^ no.' Shcr..i!5ct tottbout feawb. lchi\Cb£n bere tbe casket ttattU0, 0np,tbactinrc»,\3moitfcttbcir^anW, letbimbeginne. Wif. Dot biftan5,)?ou are a ^ai£ftie,pl»arrattt tber0 olDelinackB, ri)ein6flnti ocber topes. John, I5ttt not f9; pou^godO ^aoam beetle b^mta. Wirc.©ttti)ponf>i'ht.^?mpfrtitJma8ec3ftt^ce,«ttBr^e 9oe not clap Ijim ^jJi mill ftte a bill of remote?, anD ue« uercomebcctoeeneapcce of (^eete^ U)it|) pee*3^ttc( < fcnctteai; c^t5>9ot»nei»it|i^tm Jp^ap. Scivponhim, Hcknockcsfomcdownc, Wifc.fl gooD lo?o,come not neerc gcoij feif banOjOnlg tfiarse l^imi charge ^im. 3 c^ood 009^ ^elpe^l^elpe. f Enter Prince /tfi^», the Biflbpppe of £/;r, the Prior of r#rT^, with ©then. All ft ay, P.rohn.221|>at wmuU Ijaucteee tjerc^^te^ Jot^reQd ^bekiogKtD^icjaittttljCucl) i^ythnatecomempc': Wife.C^ijdtQaae. P. lohn. !t;)0ttt ROUi little lohn, ^»xc pott no mo^e oitcretiont^an pou'(|ietDef Ely.lap ioltre,att6 clappetictraito? bp ttje beelesf* lohruj am nfl trao of Ely* ^icflt;)eare»ue,t^n commtc me if pou pU^e, P.loh.^pf^eaaobeb^iefe. - Job. !^eere t0 a Ittcle bojre^ Containing aU mp getting^ ttonttie^cate; ^bict) is mine on)ne,ano no manss bucmineotnne' C&i0tbeptnoui(n{le3tl)i03Doeoefeno> ^ ^nn about tbi^ toe onlt we content). -•: P.loh.^ottiwetbefclloioiM?ong:bi8f5tiowarel>fe: " gonottlp mottejctenObpoittbeCatlcp. Prior, ^^at lnas( mp Lo^B;fanf no\»e is Robcn Hood, 3.CmpIc?eomana$iii0fcruauC0\J3ere. " , ' Wifc.lJacke Mh cbat Icggc mp JLo^^l^jioj: ^^ecB befome,ti)at ttere W f^tuantesr,. G^iaU twit fcojnetobecaltipeanten, •Pri, a crp pour t»o^(bippemercp,miffrew Wtrman. %^t (^nire pour buCbanb toas bid Cer nam once. ioh.a rcttmiefqnire^toittireuctenceof tijeCe iopf, jt wife* ^•; -mti-vrr fWxrsirs. Wife,J)oo'iB ijenof (Jcaftctrearonp^ep. Ely* fiS)trra,pca arc too fau«c,tjct pou bcnce. War. 'But l)earc mer firff^mp to^DSjtoUl) patience JEllU Ccoffiwff careUfFc felloluc, Kttle lohn, IK^atl) loaDcn^encf a jjo^fctiDirt bim anuMucb, ^rtnpi:uQeknaue,Muct)tl)cmillen3ronnc. ^ Enter Aiuchy clo wnc. Much. 31 am !jer« to anfujerc fo^ mi? Celfe, auD fjatte ta- KrnpoutnttDoUe0 at once, jTtrit^Much is no Hnaur^ ttctt^cc bins it a IjojfeUttle lohn anu 3! loucii , but a lutle cuctatle,of feme Sue iianofuU ^ig)) > Qb to p ;3pe;$ 8nclpbcaCatl3aiiQ)garoen. Ioh.^utmattetWarm3n,poii!janc!oiiericart0, Sno turn^mp Lo;Os gooos to pour proper \jfe^ tSX\)o etter ^atj) t^e rig^t.poaooe t^t tD;ong, ^noace Wife* WL^Sit is bee fencucf loh. ixntxioit^^ to be nameu a man« Mucb.^no 3Ble befiDo^ne fo^ W toife. Wife. 3,fo t^ou maift Nicb, MucbXijat Qjec fct0 ncU)c marfeea of all mp oloc la bieelinnrnf (Son reft ^ccfoule;* mppouug 1o?d ne-^ ucrljaBtbcmfincc, vvifc.OutiOut.i tooHc^jim tIjembnttotol;ic{ng:,aj? Ooumenccmee, Ely.Lfaucctftfji^ iDic talhe,get peebotbbence. lohn. 31 tbanhe pour Donours: luee arc not in lore \t bciH^tiere; \iict muCl fccUc fcruicc tl;at are maflec UffC. Exeunt A fuch^/ohM, Ely. lo?o p?ic^ of J:)o?Ve.berc'3 pour conimifTion- ^ou arc bcC tnafee fpccuc, Icaft m Ijig countrp ijaufei3> ^p (ji0 appoiutmcnt:,aU bi3 l^earo^ be foloe- Pr.3i tbanl^c pourlponour^takmn-bnmbleleaue.Exit. £ly.$lno mailer VVarman,berc'0t!our patent fealo, jf 01 the ijijlj feljcriffetoick of Noring.'iara: L EarleofMunttngton, extent tJithin^imt ma0et9oecrpeal( Pr.Ioh.iict bim tBeto^poCitffcif. P.loh^^aellWftnnan, t^ts pjOUDcPjitft J ta»l ««J^ leuttoourotbcrmatcer.rfinit^p tDifeatBa^. (b;a)^€» War. ©oeittgou Wife, t^t^ivxccm% met batft p^iuate confergnce. Wife. -iSr mp trot^ pee to(U anjer met:noto gee tjaoe t|epaterue,tcf ^oulD call nice nott)ing but miarGCTe Jf^iffe ;fo^a tellFCu3I ftanu i)pon mp rtpUcation*.- P.Ioh. e^inkea t^ou t^acMarianmean« Co fcapc ttjts cacntng bencetoitti Robin Hooded Eljc bojCe Uop tolre mee Ib,attU ^erc ^c comcp, DtCgitiCcO U&e aciti^eti mcc^tnkcs. f Warman lets ittjie fit bim p^efentlp, £)nlp foj Marian am J no\xJ !ii3 cncmie. Exeunt. ^ Enter /?<>^/»like a citizen. Ro.CarIc lohn ? Warman,tljjo sooo ftCettttj; of mine: 3 tbinHc tl)cp fenctoe mee nof,si (f tbep Dio I carenotfaj!jatcanfollo\jje,3i amfure C^e ^arpcft enuc «s iieatl),anrr tbat UJiU coine . ^ut tobat of Dcatb o^Co^roUJe not 31 ftjeame? $^)) Marian^ mp fattc lifc^mp OeatttiottB loue, 22 comminff> to giiie comfort to mpgrtefe, ano tbe Up iltteene,intemji«t5 to oeceiue, Oatb taujbtti^ bo\u toe ttioulu |)er aag^t0decrftt«, iBut iD^oifl tbis; souspittie, !3cre'fli^;ttice lohn, CaeCbaUbaueComegooO rule laitb bim anone, P.ioh. C5ob EUenCr: tbis clcare eueningl^oulo po^teni ^flmcfroa3tbinfee:b3^i«05^pool)0"5^^^5"^^ 2 . Rob.31 am not uieac^er\Mirc:bttt ic map be, ^ mceiball baucbarufroajfo^true djaritie, m <5oooDeaUnit,fait|>fuUfrienbl](jippe,!janeaie, ^ ^ Tlicdo'Wh-fall ofRobert X Ci^at Mt bat^ McD manp Mtttt (a^ IfCnotDe ere no Cro^en Dearth t|iat are belou V Rob. lonei? aSame^aftre^tljat bcm^ niou7)f» SbttU b^sfitet grotsestbotTai^^are sou betou o' P.ioh. 3|bioniO be^tf 31 be nsoc : \mt pafTe (bat« flr^K « JittelUttn tbltf citie.pjapf Rob. !l atmano fb^ a l$entteU)oman daig, SCbacrtDes Tome fbure o^ fittemtle iti great ^alte. f Enter Qucene, J/DoelDbatpotn:l^tgbne(t;ep{ea&:, l^urtutlUfl! p.loh. Spp motber 19 Uiftb gentle Marian: ISD ft ootb gr^euc ber to be left bebtnde. C2^. 5%>bani»ealuapmtRol;>in,Ieaatbe^ueene ti^etrap one pnrpofe j(\vecte let bjs attfap: 3i bane great tD^l to goe^no bcart to 0^ap. Rob.3U)apt»itbtbee*t^o:geftbeefarreab}ap jTcosmnee fonleMarian/aire tbougb tbou be nam'D: fo} tbf betailtcbtngepest baue ratfetiib^me0> /^bat bane mpitame an^ nobUile euec (b|tth'o: ^;inee lohn^nip oeare frieno once^i^ nojbo^fo} tbee, O^ecomeanboreienting enemte, p.ioh.o^ac fie relent^aiiD tone tbee,lftbou.leattt bee. Rob.^nn Elinor nip ^ooeratgnesmotl^erC^ueenei Z^u ^ec maf ne0 tru^paffil^ in bet b^e^ff^ j&tanbj^ Earic of Huntington. .; mx> m^ tyaa.attD %\xmbU par^wj W ^ -- ^ ^ ^. ^ence !^o jcercire, t!)p beautP 3l^0i56e. *5Bf tbott bane anp touc at all to twee, ' £xcum Robin, Maiiin. ;. .{:^:; Qu.5^«»»tott|raUi^aueittben,- ci^ P. i^fi tljw notC^eafee/aire Marian,cop^^^^ ^batloacjft^etDeUt Qu. (SooofiJ? Sltnotu 8«tt^»^ prin.eiat««itnai«taitw^<5? tlHttWerto 3 fi^tte maintameT> W* Piin. Spp l?^tncel?ntot!jer^ sroi^ottt i^atpeCttrfe,anuitttoalUas?, Sjourfcojiiebf mee,)?ott«Q?ite taMariap^ ^^wottSwr-Mtteglou^to Huntingte^^^^ |atiw«|owfclfe>ai«im«eittHU*&n?««t , 91 ^ * The down-fall of Robert Jn btie&,t|)e manner f^w 31 Ml tepeate; 3&nctDe»t»tt|i malici t|}att|ie1^^(o) nifofiLt ^urCU'o €atle Robert; and 31 fucore) tc$ ^tottgl) (000 can tell fo^ loue of Huocington. ^o| tljn? % tl^onsbt,tt)(^n ^e toasi m mntamai 5f)ee&e> 9 m^ loue monlo totnne Come gotm regar^e jTrom ^imto mee,3lf 31 relleun [rte mant. ^0 t{)i0 enD came 3 to t^e mock-rpoufefieait: IS^ot^t^enomai^e^ c^anoiefo^ Marians tuecoe) tS^0a£me>fb^t7er3<2rarU Robert (|)oul9 receine: S5ttt noU) 3i fee t^ep botli of cbem asreeo^i ^nrnpoeceiptj^misbtm^telfeDecetue. ^ Come to ncucr cbangtng bate. Exic,. Prin.3inbp ponr Cciret Bf paflcnotfo^ pourfpelsc. SDfpoutbano bcautte Hill pott are tbeCic: Cfec curfe of Rofaraond rettg on ^onc beaa, jfaireKofe confounoco bp poar cankers bate* 2D tbat (be loerc not as to mee Q)c tfi, ^ motber,tobom bp nature 3! muU lone, iC^tn isoKlD J tell ber (bee tsere too too bafe» ^S^odotetbUfEonabanilbtcareleiresroome; j ^ber? (boulD 3; tell bee tbft t (bee \)oete too fo4to> j 'C^otb;nttfatre Maria n to an enleis band* ^ ^ Enter a mcflengcr from ^/)'. Me{r.2^^Lo}D,mplLo^tior£ly(en00fo^pou, | ^bout important buHnelTe of tbe 0af e. Prin. ^tU tbep;u)ube l^^elate 31 am not mfpoCtif J^o^ in eff ate to come at bis eommaunae. Smite him, hecblccdes. • ^e gon bittb tbat^ o) tarrp anD take tbts. j Jttouns arepeelianingfo? an after-arrant? ! 3;iefoUoi»e,lDiib reuenffefuil murti;ou3 bate> Cbeban(^tybes2^erD;bankroRt Huutingcoa. £ntcc i J -xswnv"^»»^«"« S7t ftall tOottSb all tiettojlD lap 1.0. «rtfl9toe,mufpeatt)ca,a«i)rtittttngi»eeB»- fine wBttS oloe Lacy aim if « b jotljtt hub"' CneiaowftittiB.ttitottietfanotttne. *^ ? Hn«r Lord £«rr/» »«*."« ''^yv„„fc„ L.CT ftfljtt tml9! as tm "rttSp ««« Weffmotiw ifttift tlr aitrins tonsut tiou Cetke to iioe ^ttiSoatHaSt i)ilUin8«tl)tebi«.»n ? Conmp;pouttto!a.£9plojBoE£iytaome« C6atJ»l)at3fat.istf««' LcUlpatiinteiojB Lacy,(jttfM eon Ot Hugh. l3«nokcbtmn8t,fo?iebatl)tol»esouttu« poS 6n«totit.t!,ata fenotot t'^^fj^rtlt^* ' ■eoMtktlirftbtn? geico Lop 4()aonctUo , SCofcaatoitftRobertonitaeayofMiu Hugh.€i)tS«ttt'rtfa?"53w6e?«»««- . ,„, PriD.)litowVt()tKartetbott,li.{ft. Watman ^imftlft. %W crecp{nsiuereletfbet)iUa«ener fo} tWytAvit Laciebonoursrcbee ,p^inceiohn»^ £)netre(bevoit$(ottle;i0fenttoAnrtt)ere))p;ott{|f« Boy. ©ereabere, m?lo?D, loo&elsbere mp matter lieis. %« eabiitmurii^oHs bSB batb ^^ tt)iss gentle &m$!;^e, ')#0^St! Ifu^lacjr^iteioarD of mi^lanUjeif Prin, Hlyjbt 5ietibj> tl^is pjincelp banu. £ly.cnip;incel|?tieeii.Deiitb.arbec[)i}eatb^ou¬e^ £!y.^rrettb(woffiar»» Prin,S) at,3Heob£B;VOtt ioiH take ba(le,S bopc • Cheft.^i«miwe*fir,tbanb?ettiap* Lei.Chcftcf,b.e wa^bu laujejfttto tberefo^e (baHl £ly.2Slboai:cb^0 bailer Lei.;. , Lacy.anoS- £Iy. ^on are cotifetieratc0« Prin* I8?»l)^ tojtj,penl?e. Cbcao^ereuercnt, i^jwceiohn;m?lo?bof ^ly,, |3oi^ knoUie^tBiaegeiit foi W ^aiettte. Prin.i^ttt bete arelletteneifrpm bi? ^aiettp^ $>enf out of lopp a>in tbe bolp lann, • ^0 poti,td(be£^>to me^ to dM tbe ^tace; Containing Mt^z^\% of tbat large grattnt. ^nD" j EarleofHiTntiiigton. gnofrec auttjo?icicfofa!^cciicfeaIc, 3!nto t\)t banDs of cf)?re LojDfi tcmpojall, QttU the LOIB ^rcljblOjotJlJC of Roan.^c fCttC. anD !jcc (bail yiclDc iuo} as Lacy lice, 2>cfcrtfuUp, io} puoc atiD trcaCcn ftabtr, l)c Ojall ctf long Ijic-TOofc tW intcno as 3( ^ollotoJe tW ft«Ip enagne, lift on W). Lifts vp his drawnefword: £xit, cum Lcftcrand Lacy» Ely. 51 t^otifatiD tijoufanu cnfig;nc0 of flinrpe llcelc , 2nD featl^f re arrouics/rom tlyt bo^c cf Deat^, Sgainft p;ouD lohn, to ;ousd £ly uitU imploB- S^p llo?u cf Cheftcr, let rtiee ^aue pout aioe, ^laptljep^ioeofijaateuCurpingjIohn. Chca. fs>oitmt\)tv conrfe tban taarrc Jetb? bctljutRCi '3f ttmat! be,lftncttoncimU ij;oiU?, iSDtttctmllban&stirfiU* £ly.6oDkno\uc8tbat3!» 5ro^ quiet of tijc Ecalme,bJOulO mght fb;bearc: %{\t siue mcelcaucmp noble Lo^^ co fcarf, ©Itl)cnotte/iiucarelpIou'5,t0mttrDctcD, ©noer tbc colour of a little to^onff, ?Donc to tbC toaafuU caUe of Huntington: 2abomlohn,3 tuetue.tiott) bate unto tbeueatb, :©nlp t9\ lotte be beaica to Lacies eaugbter. Chcft.c^p Jlojo,its plaine tbi? qiuatteligi but )?icw 5ro> an innuc nncnt to a gr eatcnll: •36ut toce vuill call (be Coimfell of ettate, attobicbtbemotbctaneenclballpKrcntbe.- ^bitbec bu fummonB tbaU |3jiiicc lohn be caln^ LcftcranD Lacy,lubo^ ttCccmcjEf, 5rauourromcftUtion0yurpc!fcoftbePiince. £ly.Ti>oubaiteauiiiff51»en,TnpLojDofCneftcr, 9tt5 a0 ^ou connfellfo ooe J coacluoe. ^xcunc 13 £ntcc f £ntcr R»hiH Hocdt, MAtilddy at one doore, little /«ferj and Much the millers fonnc at another doorc. Much, lucfe 3 \HUt^ tljee,$^«rp ant) ame«, H^UlKng; betioc l>em, it l)e t^em inDecoe, 0^ m? g08i> Lo?t»,fei anu mp ItttU LaUic. Rob.ca^atfMuch atto Ibhn, tocHmat in f|n0 iXMimt. loh. 3ln tfjtsi cfooJ time mp JLa?u ; fo? being met, %\)zm\\^ l^aU not oeparc U0 till U)ee die. Mat. &aiat^ou mce Co lohn;'a0 31 am tnte maioe, 31f 3 iiue lait^^toell t^aUttn?loue be paiue- Much. eLaeU,t|)etebeontt0,fimpIet^ongb tpee 0aRQ |)ere,|)aue.a04nuc|floue in |)cma0 little lohn. Mat, Much, 31 conffCretboo loueftmet berp mut|, i^ino Bf U)iII nio^e rcvi^arotttbaniuitbuio^d^. . Much.5l!lap 3 kuuU) tbat , but toce mtUerg ct)ilD?c» loue tbe co^ge a little » anB tbe faire CpeaUing. Rob.S^mi is it pofTible tbat Warmans fpitr ^boulD(iretcbrofdrre,cbatb£Dotb^unttbeliue0, JDf bonnie Scarlet, anb bjotber Sc aihlock. Much,C>j3inr. Warman came butpefterba? tota&r charge oftbciailc at Nctinpt.am,anDt|)i0 Dap be faie* %t tuiU bang tl)e tloo outlalue0 : t)e meane0 toCet tjietit atUbcrcie. Mat. ^\\i\i libertie 6oD fenb tl^e pieuK^ lo^et cd 31nbt0moaneeDe, Rob.jBotD bp mp bcnourf bope, ^et burieo ixi, tbe lotoe bud of DiCsrace^ i^e t0 too blame :ra^ iohn,tt)bere mud tbe^Me^' Ioh.^oniiet0 tbeir motbfr0 boufe^ann beretiie trer^ tCli)eteon(poo^e men) tbep muSfo^goc t^cirlttte0: ^no uonoer comes a la^iclo^cll if tier, *E.bat i0 appointed foj tbeir confeflfo?, SS:tbo luben w b;tougbt pour monie to tbetr mottiet0: 9Sla0iutil)in0et to patience fo^ t^cu; beati)0. I Enter Jy^"" EarreoTRuhtington. f Bnter Frier Tuckf, ^nd Ratpbe^pfarmMm man. Ra* 3i amtimorottis dr^ tljatt^e jp^tgtoner^ m ^alTcO from t5e31aiU. Fru &0ft ftrra, b? mip c^uer 3 p^otcff, ^e are coo fo.:t)oarD:ctis no g;ame,tto lead Satesoeabonc Rob^ Matilda,tiial^e afo^e, %Q totnotoe Scarlets bottfe I loole tuyere ft t!an^2f: Much.man pour LaDietltttlc lohn anD 3! CQJillcemeimco pout&icfjer patent Ip. Much^ Ceme s^aoame, mp Lo?o {)a0 pouuen t Jepjo- perec man to goe before pee. Mac. )l5e carefttll Robin in %W time of feare» Exit Much J A^ at t/d:i. Fri^ 3i5ol» bp tbereliqueg of t^e bdp ^a(fe, Sp^cttieafirU.aucrtbDnnplafTr* Rob. irrier,f)oto Iihe -pott tiet^ Fri.^atr.bpmpboote, J U&e bcr iweU, ano ujiOi fier nougl^t bat orooo. R«fe. ^ecpjotcacf matter Jfriec. J obftcratepeUittb all furtefiejomictintu complement , pou UJoala bouclj> 0? iie(iriie to p;ioc£eor, Fri» Deta;m5tto«cb,p^otract, cowplemeiit^obfecratef V^hv 500D man trick3,\j)ljo taugbt pou tljus to paatet , poor name,pour name,toere pouneuer clj^iilneUf Ra^pHommattonRadulfctBOJ Ralph, . ^lulgars co^ruptlp bCe to call mee Rafc^ Fri.S) foule corruption of bafepalUacDi^e, i tiaaijen ioiots toitleffctraucll to be tBiCe; i^ge barbarou0, times impionst^men bitiouj^^ ', 3bletobpraife, £penoeademanp dates;, ^^atlsionteotop^atfe^ ^beKimesanutbelaieu SDfiaseCjB laureate, 2^2 mtofe The dowri-faU oTRoBett mWt berft m'D titcomt, janfit^eltUnep lulhate 15ot& prince atiD patentat^ CftcfefrDmt^eirgraacjs, &ega(lfieiamiKttaue3i jBafeiDiot flatten, 2Bit^ boaftinssi ano b jatte?> 'ia:otbe^eauen0l)te> ratcljt)a(ttefoo!crt> 3lu5ruoeribalojt' ^3meoftbemto;ite flDfbeaai? tdigljc, buffering tl)eirUne0j '2:i flatter tbef£tiinc0, CaitblPan^wifwebare, l^nnluaooebttcare, from tbe plachct to tbc pappt: (DobCenntbemiU^appe. g(ome Uke attaint pedant?, refcne, o} a qatcke repieeue? loh. ijpe feeme0 lifee a gooo fcUotoe,mp goou ILo^ir. Rob. J|?e*0 a ^005 fellouw lohn^upon m^ Ujo;d, lent ime t^ ba^ne, and get tbee tn to Much^ attOtobcn3J blotDC t^tsfjo^nejcomebotfj ^tbrtp^we*- Xoh.'Cake Ijeeo mp lo?0:puiUane Warman knoto? ^ow, ^nti ten to one^ be batb a Ui^tt asainS poa. Cobiell) Rob. iTear not:belob) ^ b;toge a pod^e lilmti mao oot^ C^ttb btm Bl tutll cban^e mv babtt,ami oi^iCe^ SDnlp be ceaote toben 31 call fo^ ^ee: ^To^ 3 toiUCauet^ctc liaesi,if ttmapbee. lob.3ttUlO0etD|)atpoat0ota(immeotat(pJ ^V.ntcrfFarm4ft,Scarlefj s^ndScatblocl^houndc y Frier Tuckjis their confeflbr^ Officers vsich halberts. War. spader |Frfer,bc bjiefe, ttlap no time.- Scarlet anoScathlock, neucc boj?5&^^ife> |betc ii tbc place of ejcecution^ Sno pott muft anCiDere Iatoe,fo?\MTj«kt fe oonei ^car, ^cil, if tberc brno rcmeDie,\ue mnfc ^t)ongt) it iU (eemett) Warm9D,ttou {{^onlDlt bee ■ lUe-dM^tt-^UAJol Robert ^ f^t btootiie to patCue out Iwts tbtts cruelltr. Scac. flDut mother fau'D tiee fro ^ pUoUJCtf^ WarmanJ !t)i8fatljettiDpKf««^f t^^^fo% ^ojo: 1Dntmot^zt\)ti^^tt botb,aniiijocb ourfatfjersf, <5^o ttiee atitt to t^p fatjjet, toecc kinDc fric nus, Fru (Soon feUetoWjIjere sow fee ^ts kmrncir? en5Sf# ZSX^t be ttias oncc^ ^ce ootb not no)s) conSo^r: j)oit muft conQuet of pour mmp ft«nc»: ^^ifioap , iniieatl),pour ^appmeire hZQinntg, Scar.:jf pou account it (japptneffcgoaD ^ricr, %ti beare\)9 campant£>3! pou ocftrc ; ^bemo^etbememer,Ujeeareboncttmem War.$)e\uere fiiriloutlalos^t^enpep^ooueQtfieeQeiera ano no\B all careJelTelp pee fcoffe at Oeat^: O^otb ofpottt fdtbers tuere gooo boned men; ^ourmotberltueSjtbettiuteoiue.tngooiifamcf 15utpou8rercapetb|ift0j\intfi2tfcs,t)tUanc3 kn^uCj^j ' !^« a0 peelittli bt^ llbtfts>(baf I Ote toteb Q)ame. Scat. Warman^ooDtoo?nB,fa? all pour bitter OeeOSf^ SnCpeac^^ to to^etctietr men,tsi mo^c tban ntm* f£n'cr Raphe, running. Ra.!g>fr5retirepee,foz itbat^tbus fucceebfd, tht car* nifcx,o?c]cecuto?,rinina[onan iUcurcall Ijatb tituba* ten 0^ QumbleD^anu isnoU) cripplefieo.tDitb broken o^ fracteo etbtartt$,9 fenntng pou ttDtttg;s of fucce(re> faitfr, pour felfemuftbe })is ceputie. War. J\\ lucktbut 0rraj,i'ou (Ijall fccue tbe turne: %\)e co^os cbat btnoe tbeni,pou OjaUbang tbem tor. Ka. (ipott) are pou,{tr,ofmeeoptntateDri^otto^o(re0e pour fenefcbalfljip , o^ fljerittaltie, notte be earle of Notinnbam.uitll Ralph be nsmtnateobptbebsle fcan* Dalou0 boctferation of a bangmati. ^ Enter Hohin Hoodejixkc an old man, Rob.SDbere is tbc (b?ieue,ktnDefrienD3*:3l pou beftecfc €^it^ |)i!3 goootto^Ql^tppe, let mee t^aue (bme Cpm&» Earlc of Huntington. ^Fri. IJere is tht ^hcriffc,fa{^cr,tt;ifi is ^ee. Rob. jTrier^cjooD alin?,^ manp bldTings t^anfe tjc^t fs>iT,^o\x arc toelcome to tljiiei troublous l^cerc: £)ff^i9Baif s! c]Cf cutionuto !J licare. Scarlet atiD Scatbicckc murucrcijmi?pottngronne, S©ec liaue tbcp robtJ^ano belpUffclp ^ntjoone. Benengt3 tJJoulu.but 3 am olDe atiDU^p: taijcrffo^^ fU3ectc maUcr^fo^ faiiu c^antie, g)tnce tbep arc boimO^DcUuf r t^em to ttiee, -eijat fo? mp fon? bloon>3! reacng'D map bee. Scar. '^W olo man Uc5,tae nere did &im fitcb tojonj, Rob. 3 60C not lie, row *^ote it too too iDell, Cbe Of cDetoJa« fuci),as tiou map (bame to tell. 05ut 31 toitb aU (ntreats migbt not p jeuaile tCJit^ ^our Qcrm Hubbo^nc ntniDe2i,bent all to bloolf,- jfeballj bane fucb reitengc tbna maftec ^znftt, %\)9,t toit^mpfonne? lofTt^map fuffice m ^^Wf? Robin vviitfpers with them. War. )©oefatber totjat tfjou toilC,fo? t^ep mod Die. Fri» 3 neucr ^earD t^em toucljc toitb blooDe till noUs? War.5!*ioto:iou0 I3illane2!,$tbep maDc tbeir b?ag0, 'E^Ije earic of Huntington luoalD fauetljeitUuess: O^ut iee is lotone t^e luinticas all fuel) (ball, C^af rettcll,toaaauDfpcnDe,attDtafeettocare. ' Rob. spp bo?ne oncetoinoeD, 3|letjnbmDempUeKj tei^freattbefuJOjDs anDbucMcrsarefafttteD. - Scath.Ctianbes to pouclponouc .jratbrr\»c confelfe, gnD toere oar armes bnbouHDe,toe tooulD \3pbeaue OttPfinfuU^anDiB toitb fojrotoins^eart^ to \)zmtn. Ro.a t»iUtinbtnDe^ou,toitt3 tbe^beriffealcaue. ' War.)2Dor:be!pe bim Ralphe;go to ttjemmafterrner, Robin.a«D as pee blew pont bo)n0,at mpfons wat^^, |&olwll3fouuDpoucKncli,\Bmi? Mh^mr* Sound his home, g[nD^re'?aWaoe,tbat^anget^atmjbelt, ^^^, " ^■TKcdown-ialloni5b-cff ^^fjallmalte pe feele in oeat^^to^at m? fomie felt; f Enter little lohnyMuch^ScAriet tnASc4thlockiF\^ixt\it Fricr,making as if he hclpt the ShcrifFcJcnockesdownc Kismcn,crying,kcepcthckingspcace. Ralph. £) t^e? mufi be battgD fatber^ Rob* '^bp matter anD tb? felfe fuppip i^tit roome?* Warman,apppac^ mce noMcmpt not m; U);at(|. ^0} tf tt)ou iioe,tl)on niett remeotlefTe. War. %ti$ ttjeotttlalweB earie of Huntington, jDotsne toici) ^im ftitxi o|) t^on nottm ^(tafce. ^^i;alph,\}]eeDieelfe>letl)0 ratfet^eQ^tre. Sheriflfe runnes away^and his men. Frf.f aretoell carte Robert, as 31 am trae JTrfer, 3 to rather be f b? clatfee, fbcn ferue tbc lP;io>. , Rob.^tolipfelloluey Scarlet ^uolDktttboubim^ Scar.i^eefe of ^o^Ue^ant) of <^aint Mtries CloUtcr: SCbcre U)bcre ^our stecDte bnelc t^ )Lo^D l^^to^ Much.i3D macren on pe^bauc i^ou tbio fcaj^'t ban^tng^ l^atke peemp lo^o^t^eCe f luo fi WtiW^ kept at Q^atnC* dale Ceauen pcare^to mp fcnotDUDs;e> anu no man Rob. l^ete i0 no hM\\% maffer^^ffcc pee tn, ^atte a (bo^t bleiTtns at pour motber^ banbi^i Muchjbeare tbem-compante^ma&e Matilda mertpt lohn ann txv^ fclfe toiU fonotocp;cfentlp, Iohn,otiafonencefo jt| 31 idiU be caUeb ^obiu Hoodc, Mattlf EarIe<)?ilunnngtSii; Come lohn.frienoiian^fo^ nm htsitmtt (became: ^lafteronrtierect^yrostouieourfame. fxeam* f Enter Prince M« and his Lord€> with (buldicrs. Prin. ji^ott is t()t0 Cotnetf^oc into tlje tcs, E>} lie> litte dime^ t)pon c^e CuUen eart^K Cotm^tit U oeaDe,eife t^oulo bie ^eareof liim. Sair 3 imotoe not WW to tfitnlte lieref n,ms llop* Fia.Ely i0tto(t|)eman31 tool(el)imfo?, 31am afrafoc tueeHjan^aueUJi^fetlatt^ee. loh*(!Hijp0OooFitzwatcr,to^ecewt^fp?roff?ottrfcari» Fitz.|>imfo>|t8pH&09tueiu01i»^aae(Uj^p^e(t* 9i3nt p>oo(er dimer? are about to tiCr^ Salfcjiiamc t^em Fitzwater,fenoto pott anp (li^'i ' ioHvPltzwatcr HKanes not anp tljin5,3l Iwoto: i^bjif fi^ W^,P5^6ii juettouto tt nijwf ^eart Fitz, 3n afc^ument of m^free Ijeartjnp lop> ^bat ^^ t|)s*)oo^l9e1)e VDtcneCTe of mp t^ougbt. C2ttben3Itoa9tausbt3trueoealt!tglteptt()er(boo(^ Deettf teere fbio^tte parthccs bueb p^otedm^ )»o^f • £9le&l(tmtr(i03tt)efe rap ant) ifeuetmeane* ^j)t0l)p9tep>ot((!atioii of fto p^ioofr; Cl>i)*>3 i«&ec|j poKlle accept mploaej Commamiii mee,bre mee30 poa ave too blame, Cbat ooe neglect mp ettertagins ?««l^> 5pp aeat:e,mp Hhoe affect : tt>ben6oo can tellt '! -■• ^ ^fooainfpuffeoftuin8p>aUgbtning flail, .i;)^ ;> ^twMeontbeftteamebotb longerooce, Cban^iwtb tbe purpofeof tbetcp^omiTe btoe. 3 (bame t)pon tbts peentfb ^pt(^ age, ' Cbeftccoucfjing bppocrite niffembling timejr. taieU,toeU>®oDrtotbe1^attonc0of tbeCecrtme0> i> at ot tbf?1anti.3 baae an intuaro feace* ' r%iifi illj t^ell rremtng,anne>IU bebougbt beare. \ Thci3own-feII of Robert • ""1 Sair. 9^pLo^tlFitzwatert0tn^ir'O 31t^&f. > r ^JEru€r Queen* mother, CAir/?rr^ She riffe, Kent fouldicrs. Qu« /rem tf^e parfntns of t|)e |{atefull1^^kS, 3n0 boocl£iretiea»^t)f Ely are toee come: Prin. ^nb uoeUome <£ipottr facreo ^aieiNe. I^no Chefter Welcome too, asatndpour tmlL • Cheft.dnmaitn^men come hot U)ictmutcon(!ramt; IBut t>ncompe^D comeiei Chellerto t|t'0 piace, %o c&afe^nct Ely>CbauncclO'> to f l^efting, *• vr*: ' 'iZDo Cet ti)i? fooceSeppe0 on cj^e cloacl) of 0dtc, ano featetftp boop in tbp h}otW^ ti^one* — Sale ^|)odiotdoCacceeDeti)ei)aott)ecjbutc^e bipt^ecV- Chea«;Jf ooeijoere Desor»otte(^pul;o Otcceeo^^ptibi^. Qu/^p Odttneui iLi^^pfotitbeifi w^ttfti^i^^ti Ficz.^|ieC8imei0 lung,tbe ^eatc.aUott^ notfioaiiie. S air. Cbe fttbteclf man; ^earea tbe,i(ing]||au^ mijS* - Che.^tttXttbfecc^mitS not cbtt& liibatiting ^(i£l?MV iQij. iScbardiatbcDnnoeriEii HmgDomes inthi€sAi Fitz.Sl({gacbeel»iUnot^o^itH0mfi}eps^'^-'^ ' 5df.'J3? Sa/sbiKlp^Of POl^ 31 ¥mU foUotfB lohn.* " ' CheH. ^0 Cbeiter bHUy to ^UfiW commotion; . C^.2]:Ettl?^IohQ»mnoe|[ins Richards loaet . '; ^0 pon \ai\l a!)(iDer'c>ooe t^t ^|80 oir^ong* ' i Q^. dneU fatft oU! confctence^^onfiee{^ ftAioneiongir ^ Prin. 3|tifour contentiott^ fiumcars noble Lo}90, l^eerea.ano t)pbeloer0 of tb^^^nglUb ^tatei lohnnientOoooe^asonetbat^Bataaite ,.,. C^t^arfeatenreBeeoetermittixfiw msitfei .i?. < ii ?i,ii !l5utfince^bttareagreel>t{iat3H»aUbeacc k :)rO ^betoeijrttte burthen ofcWpKingOome^lUtir/- -^j^ SCiU tt)C rctortieofRichafdjOtttijeao Wnff: 3 wc acctpe f!>e f ljars:e,an0 tt^ante pott aU, Cliat cljink me l»o^t|>te of fo great a place. All . saJee aU conftrme ^ou Richards Depuffe* 5air. j^ote Own 1 plague p^tt5 Chetter. Qu. j^itpOuCureFitzwaccr* ^ arcfl.jF'«^peaee,3|^€lDCottjottff» Prin^ i^ottf ofoe man,fo) pone naog^er. Fitz.^ofeeto?6grttle,mpepe0wnftream?ioftoater* A noyfc within, f £ntcraC<:dlicr,cTyinga mooftct. Col. monSet , a mon^ : being f^ out ^obln , a tttonlfetjamonaer* (arc^ Salf. l^eace gaping MtOnti knotoeft t^ou loaWt t^u Col. m^B? lam in Kent,ttiitUin a imle of Douen j^blouD^ttfrere lam ,peace,aQ) a gaping ttVUiWi StQ} all pout Dagger,U)Ctt not Co; pour gtog, 3tDontoluu>cfcemp tD^iipOocfteonpoaraooleiieav. Come ottt tDttb t^e monder, l^obn. Within. J comt,3! come, telpemeeQrefcrate* CoLlle gee tier e^UQ: come out peebeamedttitc^. Bring forth ^/^^^with a yardeio his hand, aodlin- •ftcn cloath, drcft hke a wcm;ut Ely. 6oo( fellotte0 let mee goe^tl^ece'is goU> to ^inkc 31 am aman, tl)ot^i^in a lDomansioeeoe0. ^onoets prince lohn.Bi p^ap peetet mee goc QU't2It)at tuoe capanion^baue tse pbnoecSalsbuiyf CoU ^fjall toe take 6ii5 moncpf i(.CoU jao>no;t^{0 ijofcbetj^iefef^attobl) maSer Mighel; , ano came inline a tooman in labour; 3! i»ar- tantpee. Salf. mbobaue^ee fjere^boned collietfl? i.Col.amon(ter,amon(!er:atoomantoif^ a beartie> a man in a pettt cote. ^ monger, a monHctt ^ SaK.Qiatl^mpgooBlo^Oo(£lyiij}it;ou't ' Thcdown-tain^rRrocrt JEly i^ ttikmi'^ttVd ttje Cbaunceloi., i«Col, l^iap <&oii toee be not (^angO fo J t^i^ Ukl€t EIy.3, 31,ambitiDU03iaote» Prin. TOo,ntplo?»Ct)aimceIour^ £iy-3I,?oup?ouDbfurpcr. Sair.22Jbat,is(50KrrurpU(retnrne5taafmDck't £Iy. IQeace Sallburyjtbou cbangdig lueatbercocRe* Cbcft. aiasi mg ILo?o,3i grieue tofcc t^is figbf. £ly. Chcfter,it toiU be Oap fo? tW Darke nigt^t • Fitz,£Iy,tbOtt toett tlje.foe to Huntingrpm^ Robintbou knetuea>iMa8 mp aoopteij foune.- £) £ly,tbou to bittt t»ert too too ccuell, mith liim fleo Metier Matilda, mp fatre3[etocll: jTo? ttieirto?ong%,an8 tbPbantiep^iBe, 3 belpt earleiohnibut noto 31 fee tbee lotoe, at tf)p Dillreffe,mp fjeact is fiillof toof> Qu . j^eeuefl mattj ^^ Fitzwatcrs oueetli^otoe? lohn, 3 affect ^(mnot^ljelcues nottf^e, iaemoouet)(miohn,Ieaff tl^ottremooneb bee. PriD.^ot^er^Utmee alone:bp0ne ano one, , 'S tuill not leaue one,tbat enuiegouc ffooo. S^p lo^nof Saisbury^sitte cbefe ^onett colUer<» f^o? taking; %i eaci a bttRD^Dwatkesf, $air. Come ftUotee0.goerp(tb mee. Col.Cl^anlte pee fatcb : facetoeK monffer. ' Exeunt 5aI$bury,collicM. Vim.^i;tti^tDmmcMltE\ytC1^0\itt^HVSZ, ftm ^^;ztut to ^l^^reue.feim bimto Notingham : ^dlierc Warman^bp out latent, t? bigt> '^liJ""^- Cbere a8 a traitoi let bim be clofe kept, ^nb to bt0 trtall tuee t»iU foUotn ttrats^t £ly»atraUo;,Tohn? Pr.Ioh,jBDoe noteicpottttUte^ gotiatpottrtrialCWSawtiwe top^ate«£x€utcaEry* -wsm* IV VJ * -.imiv*«<^^ Pn.iaigftt5catiousmottjer,\»olD?our&U^Chcflcr taoulobat\»W;atDepou fo; a little fpace, ^u.^y.llo?o of Chciier^totU pouujalke aaiie^ Chi »tbec?outl^iSbnetre plcafe^u|)«31toa» ti £xcuntCheaeoQuecne. ..... v Pfin» &oulDier0,attenot^e perCbnof out mot^er^xcut. laeble F Jtzwatcr,noto toec are alone, Jcibat oft 31 feaue oefif u,3! teUUntteate, R[^r©f^etVBl)atUJolDpotttoacfe?E;ottCbittg\a febci^ fleiiDefeenceti)itbRobcrt,^etwue^ms^^ , . Prin.Robcri ts outUtoeo^antt Mati da free, Si0pWcomfo?t,allsourage&bUJfe. ^_ fohe i^ auenslanos bcautie,aU|ecp^«>ie;. CaUlieragaineFitzwawr,caUagatne eM0bepaiii,t)«RoincsDccree, at in affweB jabColtt B ^t can not be; auBtt«canmuerb<.^tieuecwtfe, - ^^ ^nt mintttl^inte lohn ^our mt tnxting (rten^* , Prin»C«lbetfrdm|iFi^05? t^is( conlfrttcci0n,(fte<|)OttlD be tbespeotie, Shiti sots tDdnl9 betde man toit^in t^e ^oone. Prid«3 pteaMnt ejepo(ttton^SooD Fitzwater: !l3iit tf ttWIfe oiit.t^irt Jf^l! in, £ott of ntf fttll tope« (Ijouto be cbf efepartalier* Fitz: lohnjt oe&et^:bp mp l^onours ^pe> 31 t»illitoit{iraretbi0|i)afejiiiristiicier SDalie to t^p topie0«C|Mfe(r t^on a jf^oble m$n Caillfae al^animrto^pioperc^itoe^ if o; UJbatintenotf ttK^trtlfe^GreinsJ ftnotoe, Carle Clepf^owes oaasb^er is t()p marrieo U)tfe< Coihe,ift^dU beartgbt Plsmcagmct, OialDeanotrefimiie t|iee:o^ our Haote ^ttpe Ccue i^ngltQ lo>B0^ (tomiftti^ a ti^rant lo^tr. . tabat,ir0«rt|icitt t^niie 3 ■ 5ar/e 6f Huntington^ " '^ Prin.jf5fty^alebimIjence.-fbe«:c?wialoFitzwater? fstz tW i?on Qst not fi«e (aieein t|^ IRcalmet 5fo^ i( pott ooe^poo die i:emeoilr{&. Fitz.^pea1tiLo^Ds«Do^ottcon&cttie))9^fttirefiat6rAi(^ All.H^e If our^tnce«ant»t)emttSbe obaiOv Fitz.!^arkcn eatle lohti^fttittine wo jo toiM fap. Prinjoh,3l toiU not t)earC't^!ee>neit^ertoin 3 flap. iliDOotifoio)seftll)ptime* Exit., fitz. emiU not pour l^igbneffe Ibwce? r-QM^jSattlip Matilda rcbo WW of mp Ware. E;fif» ' Fit^^f aioeot6eeinbatcell5ai«bury. salf,p;tnceiohnt0moott'li, 3 dare ttottfaptoitl^t^ee^ Fitz^eainfttbee aiiD fly.Chcfterjtoatf 31 foe? 9ai» Dott cbou Oap to a^granate mp vooe ? . .auft.i90,gO0&f itzwatcrjChclict 5ott> ianWMt ^()p I0^ons;tj^{o9aine baaKbrneot. jabencegru&tbe (ittarreU ttoijtt tbe p^J^ce ano tf)ce2 /^itz* Ch«ftcr,tbe OtlttUtempleO olO Fifzvvatcr, Ci?beaPanoat tolito onlpoiasb€er> am) mp great ^e«t (impatient/ojftmplatw, 3ln mp trueil?onow:« rigbt to cibalettgebim.- ipiaBtbetoWle,W?ongtoiHnot berepioott'Di. Chcft.^aretoeftFitzwatcrjtobcre(bcre tbott bee, ^pletten8,31beftecbtbee,fen^comce. Exitr ritz.Chcftcr,31tum,31l»ill. . ©eauen0tttrtte,togooij)tbi9i»oe,t()Wito?ong,tlitis lU* t3;;.--j ^- ;-.:,./ ■ ■ • ■:.■;. ':.. - ^»^ f Enter Scathlockcand Sc^rkt, winding their homes at feucrall doQfCSrTotbem cnccrRbbin HoodCjMatilda allingreenc^cathbckcsnJothcr,Mucb,Uule|olip>«li tfacmcnwiifebow«andan:ow?l5 : ; .• Rob.t?aibotee,3|tjrf(6t^!>omrt98ronot»tatDett0t J(tWftWannan8nSli«iD0jket^ee«np WJOW0. , / , fe^^.-" - C4^ Widow- Th« down-fall of Robert n ©ntbec>t^p lottc,an0 all cljefe peomen ttrwj^. Mat»jro?getnottoiDotoe,to|)atjottpjomiumef; ' Much. IS) % mil^f flie^fo^ s^QjBi CaHe ietis ^anc lin^y, . Wid»poull^aUtaae finny fenti^eu t&aaipecDe. donnesi raretoen^ann lip |»our mothtiB reeoe, '^ LottttocU ?ottr matter: Meffmff eaer fall £7n ^tm, ponr midceffe, mn t\)ttt peomentall. Exit* ' i Much . ^00 be \Dit^ pott mocker, ^aue mnc^ minrtt J p^ap on Much,p0uc Gsnne.anii pour tmugbcer linny. Rob. minrt oncemo^e^^ollp l)untrmen^ all paur l;o^nii: CB^ore(^^iUfounti,tDU^ t^eeccboingU)8D9 afna, ^^all ring a (an iknell fo^ ttiefearefuU Deere, 15efo^e our featbereo Q)Aftsi,}jt&t^s U)tns(odatnerttmmon0ro)tbeirfatatleaD0. . Scar. 3|tjei ful feaucn pearst Once toe tuere mttlafveo firff j 3nti tuealtl^p &beceU)ooi> toaef our lierUase.' fo} all clioCe i^eare^ toe ratgned bitcontrolBe: jTrotnl^arnftate ^}o^,tfi }^otixi^%smB reo clifttff, at BKtlie atiQ CtcHbtU mere UtetneUomegueltsr.. <5000 George a Greene at l^jallfO^O tt)a0 OUT frieti, .. ^nDtDamonWalieSelDB|BtnnerlonoD0U]eU. : .' ^t l^arndep otDe(6 a potter tongb anD ffron^, Cl^at neuer b^ooltt.toe a^et^^en i^vln ()aue U)^oni[f. ^I^e ^unne0or^8rniB6elD>p^ettp .launnesittiep bec^ <^auenapliin0,{l^trt0> ano 'banns to liimati&R^ee. B^eeman of Eennall, 0anr bjePllienoall grecne^i . -. n SnD 5harpeof lleeDe9>Q)arpe arromes fo^ Ds made: StHotberamntteltoar botDper>($ob binibUtrrj lackfon be btsbt^littbotDesintDnettermifle. v %f}isi fo; our gooD^onr fcatt^eletScaihlocke telf, 31nmcrrp9|^an8fteMot»bue tttuasinbame, jTo^ ef t^em all uie toonne c^e maScr?, auD tbe gilt t»^eatlie0^lDere gtuen to ^im ant) me^;- ^tjcrc bp Hr Doncaftcr of l^et^ersfielB, Si^Piee tuere iietD^aia,befet,anti fo j(t to ctelo: SJnD fo bo jtte bo«tta,fcom tbence to Notingham^ ©abwctoelap Doom'o toDeatft.till Warman came, Rob. f)f cdat enoug^>m^at ttieere m^ oearet)^ lotte^ Much.f)goo( ctjeare nmntfUtMWl fjauel^cnron fierbellpfull. Mac Matilda ig Hi iopfull of tbP S 0Oti, 00 top can ma^e dec .* (lolo fares Robin Hood*: Rob. mell mp Ma tilda^antl tf tl)OU fi^ttt, ~|!)ot^tn0tiutmtrtf)Q)aUtt)aiteont()ee anomee. Mac. Cx^oD^bo^ fuUof pecfiect nurtlj toere Bfy ^ fee t|)P gciefe turno to true toUttie/ Rob.(Situe me t^ l)anu;noU} soO0 cnrfeon me li^it, BffBI fo^fake not sctefe^iR s^iefes Defpifflit. M«ch,make a crp^tiu peomenffans peerotmu: 3 cliarsepeeneuecmo^elctlJDoefanrounti rdt ^earo among tee j but tt^at ettec fall, iLaugb gttefe to Ceotne; ano Co malie Cb^cotoe? fmaH. Miich^make a crp,ah>loui>lp little John. Mucb.f) ^ii^®oii>t)elpe,i)elpe,de(pe, 31 am i)n- ooone, ifamtntoont' ioh.mi;t^oD)nottMuch'ipeace,{)eacf,pptt roaring flaoe* Much.$ppmafter bifimeecrp,anD3l toill cr^till dee iiomeleaue; ^elpe,delpe,delpe:3l macijtotua. Rob«^eaceMiich;cea9eontde9li:ttcle0gooD lohn. loh.f ictt, no man muftpjcfume to callottcmaHer, :i^p nameofeacle,Lo}D,1^aton9 l^uigbt^o; i^quice: ^ut dmplp bp tde name of Robin Hoodc, Rob.toa)?|eomen,totbi0 a^oer iuiUpesielW: Ml^t ptjelo toCeroe our matter R^bia Hoodc, ^ "^ lohn Thcdown-falfofRoBcrt ~ ~ lohn, )ntxt lis asrecDCif tberto Cbee agree) ^fjatf»itri? Matilda fjeiKCfciitl) c\)mzt htt name, 0nDU)bileici0CljCcij3nceof Robin Hoodc, Politic in ^Oerelu:09c a poo2Cout!a\u« life, J^Or^br inniB Marians Hamr M onip calo. Mat. 35 am ror.tchcct; rcatjc on little lohn, f)£ntifo}t}) Ut me bt namiJ maid warian. loh. Eljirulp no j>eoman,folloU)ing Robin Hoodc •^n &t)Ci:ctooi>, fball \jfe U)iootDes\jJife,o^maiO, Oput l)p truclabour>Iu(tfun tijougljtiscjcpcu. All. Staffer ,ttc like it mXh Muc.'35ut 31 cr? no to it.tCI tjat f^a! J no lo Umy t^^n? Scar.pcaccMucb;(joe tojUiarOc iuitO t|^eo;fOera,fel. lolseiohn. loiin. fourtljI)>»no palTencif r \uitO Uifjom ^e weete, ^baU pee let pad's till ^^e iDttlj Robin fcaft; Cufpt al^aa,aCarrsrrjO^ Cuctrfollte, ^5 breUJitlj fooDc t^ feme tbe market totoneir. All. an cjuecto^icbujeslfltilpluillobferue. loh, 5iftlpjpon newer fl^nll tl)cpoo?e man\J);onjj, V^ojfpare a1^ncff,a\jfurer,oj a clarfte. Much, /!5 01 a faire toen ci},meete ujc ber in tfje oa*e* /oha laai^^roti n)aU Defnio U}itball pour poU)er> ^atO0,tDiDoli}ed,£D ?p|iant0janD Oi(!re(reti men. * All«^U tl)c(e iDce uouie to keepejos toe are men* Rob, ^tjen Hjeno pe to tbe ©reeneteoo merrilp> ^nolet tbeligbtKoes ba^otlefTe from pee runne. Marian auo 3l>afii !^oueratsn0 of pour tople?* C^illluaitjUJttbin our bo\uer,poar bcntboto^^ fpoil^ Much.^ie among tijem ma^en Exeunt winding chcir homes, Rob. Marian,tl)ott reeittbougi) courtlp pleatan^Uiintj ??ct coKntrp rpo;tjin J^fierebJoooe 10 notCcanCt JToj tl^e ronle«raui(|)tn]|^ QeUcioitfi (buno ft Earle ot Huntington. 'C^t toingcD nuitttters, toi^b nimts notefn, Jbcnt firom t\)tit quaint reco;0infl: p;etcie t^joaCSj ©ncucrp bjaunci cijat compalTetl) our boUjer: COittjout cDmmattno,coiitett?inQ; us caclj tjotoer. ifajarrag^ansins^jans ricb '^Dapcflfrte, ZSXt iMZ (toeete natures bcS tmb^ot[)erp. /o; ttip QeeU oriafTctubetetn tbou inomaco looUe, ^t>p Ctj^illalf epe0,5a?e in a eCbiiffall b?odhe. Sit Conrtiaflotoer o} tujo Bin occKe tbp htati jaoto ^it^ tobole (jarUnbg is it circlcn* jTo? tobat in loealtb toe bJant,UJcba«e ^s flotoeri?, ^no tobiit toee looCe in bailecUic Sube in botocra. Mar.Marian^atb aU,fiBe£te Robcrt,bainngt^:Ci Sina sue(re0 tbee m rtcb,in tauin; inec. Rob. 31am inoeeoct jTo? batrinj tbce, l»!jat conifc^t can 31 nccbc? Mar.vJ5ocin,5oeitt- lijeretBOb,anD bimreJfe pottj plap ^f^e latolelTe Etnenbeare pou,mi5 icjo |5 jtor** l|pe mttabefakcn,o? it totU be Uj^ont Pri.f,8nbbelballbeeto^ TucSij^foone feD:'$Jutere (jebJ^^manptmUicbcaDes C>;c»titbefcpfletg|jt. ^ ^2 i'oO r The Jown-fall of RoBcrt Don. 3! tljcte,t^cre,f rfer. Tuck, ^mmtt mp t o^ti pour c tccution. ^tje toisotoe Scarlet suaugbteMouflP J>f»"y> loues, arnj {f ijelott'D of Much tbemilUw fonne, 3if 31 can get tlje sirle togoetoif^ mce, Difguiro in IjabiMtlte apeMcramojc, 3}z ferue tbist €jcecncton,on mi? life, Sut) Single out a time alone to taKe Robin,t^at6ftencarelecrettjalke0 alone. £ottOec3l fee cornea Iinny,tliat faire matoe: 3If UJee agreejtijen back me foone toitb aiw. , ^ inter Jinny with a fardle^ Ptior»Tuck(fcbonooelc, Don. p^appouooenottallie. ^ss)3)eU)erellranger)Bf,letl)9! carclelTetoftlbe. Iin« j^oto to tbe greene ittooue Mitnn %Z9ti me t^imt Tuck, ^mcr* faire main.ano feno t^ttM tbp nee^e, Muchjtljat is bo^ne to ooe tljce mucb gooo becosf. lin. §re )?ou tbere irrier*:nai? tben pfaitlj toe t^atic ic • Tuck. SBbat toencbci'inp lowe f I»n»3!,5ce'tmcc lubeit J craueit- Tuck,anaskt 31 o(ftT,p?e tbce Ctueetegirletalieif* lin . (Sifts ainKe Uiitl) paoffer,fo|) if tier, 3 fo;fafee iu Tuck.BBtuillbefeinoe. lin. em ill not Bour biuonflTc kill ^w Tuck.£2:titl)lottc? lin.^oucogge. Tuck, ^ut girle 3S am no mniet : \)tm in ? out eare^ Don>2Dbe jftirr courts tier* Pri.'^uQ),lrtbim alone, ^e is our laote^ €baplaine,but fcruesilone. Don. ^ben,from t^e ifr iersfault perc!iance,it map be '2^btp?ouerbegrcto,31onc'0 taKcn fo?mpl«oie» Pii'ldcacegoooncDoDCaacr^uatotteeno. linnj Earle of Huntington. / Hn.1Buf meanepeefait^j «nutrot!j,ajaU3(ffatoepe? Tuck»aponmpfaitl},3i5oe mteimgooofiiitlj, Iin.SntQ)aU31)Auec{;eptnnessaHD laceatoo^ 3|f J bearca geolcMpacbetoitbpou*? * Tuck.ot|)acponoei;U)alhc,Jpjep^ Tuck.linny,] bnome net,betbcptu^at ti^epmaf> ► 3( care not fo? tfiemj^^e tbee Doe not (tap: tl^nt mafce Come fpeeoe^tbat loc mere ^one atDa?. lin. MXel jrrier,31 (rua pou tbat toe go to S>Oereto«. Tuck. 3j bp mp beaO0,ano bnto ^obin Hoodc. im^^abeCpeebesooQjrner. Emhnny, Tuck. lmny,i>oe not feare* iU^l l^^io)>notD pon l^e a$mttcb a5 3l;ffet mee ttoopeoletfipac&eg, i^o{nt0jace0jl8ofttng glaCTetf^pinneg anobnaclce?: SbiDletficDoncafter ttitbfometotffbtlaos, ifonotoe H clofe : ano ere tbefe fb^tte boUierK, Spon mp IftejearleRobert (ban be our?. Prl'^^ottlbaUbatteanptb • anJ In amenO0, 3lc maketbee mp fubprior. Come gooo dr OoncaClcr^ano it to^e tf^^iue, SSJeeUfroltciietoU^tl^ jf^onneBofteeoistbeUne. Exeunc f Enter Rtzwaccrilike an oWc man. FSa.a2JenMobei»; m^it^ tbefe Itiffe UmmtB toil bac&lp let metread; ^nn \s\tn 31 deep e, l;eauen9 glojtoua canopp i&tt ann mp moITie eauteb notb oaet'lp^caBe. g)ft!jt0,iniur(pu0lohti ean notbereaur mee, Cbe aire ano eanl; pt (^biU 3i ltue)mua Seaue mee. I^atfcom tbe€nsliibaKeantieartb,poo)emau4 , 15)10 tprann^ batb rutbletfe tbce ejcU'o: l&et ere 31 Icaue it, JU 00 tobat 3 catt5 ^Cee MatiltiajinpfairelucMcCTe cbilde.* Cuitaincs open^ Rol^m Hoode ilcepcs oti a greeiie bankc, and Maran lire whig flo wcrson hiin^ 9no in soot time^fcc Uibcre mp eomfo^t 0anO0, : 2nDb^bctl?^0tcicctcl'"""''"gf*^"« « lookeboU) m? doiDee Ijolos fiotuere in bet banQ0, < ano flings tbofe l'\j)cetcs,upon m? flcep ing Jbnnt- Jle clofe iittne e)?c0 as if 31 uianteB Ogb^, SLbat 3^ap fee tbc eno of tbeic oelit^t* Goes knocking wih hh liaffc, , Mar. tClbat ag£D man «rt tbow'te; bt?lMbac ebance^ '' Cam tt tbou i\i\\% farre into tbc toaiUflt uiooori* Fitz .caiooujc o; U^ifc,oj maiocn if tbou br, 4 lent mce tbp banO: tbou CeeH 31 cannot fee. J cuffing betioetbee: little fceltlfc|?ouUiant; i CaiibmEC,gooDct)ilre,fbowi8|iotbbacoauofcant. \ Cbcft fmootij f uen \)ainf0» alTurcmce be is ^inof, eaijat ere \)t be,mp ijirlr^tbat tbceuotl) fmue- 3!poo?canoo[Beam reft ofalUartbssooS. jtnu oefperatelp amcce^t into tbis luoooe, Co EarreofTIantington. Co ictU t\)t poeie man«patron>Robin Hoodcm Mar. ^wv t^oii art me Iceme,torfcome agcu maw, 3 ten times toclcome,to main Marian, ^it uotijneoltjefattier/ttano callmetiaugliter. jDCoUjjoU) lifec Ijc 5ooke0 to elJie Fitzwacer/ ^un$ in Fitz.3J0 my Matilda calO main Mariao^ 3] bicnnei loOp fjec name i$ cl^angen tf)U0. Brings wine,me ate* Mar. i|)«e'0 \Dine to cbwre tb? bart rUaCnfe agen man, %%txt'fi \>tn(m aim a knifc.^ere'0 mancljet nm: a>^ittfeGgoon cloman,3l p?epoun>inkcmoje ojine* i!^? Robin ttixvti, ii mull Ong him a Itecpe. R06. iSaVn^ort Ijaue DJaVt mc Marian 110 i»our talKe. ^t^«t man iistljac^is come U)tebin our iDalKe? Mar, 3n agen man,a fill? figljtiefle man, ISeere pin toicb Ijuwgcr fee ^eto fart l)e eafe* Rob.S|pticfjgooo map'ti»oebim»iaetter is gwwwat 3lHpent onfucbaaomacke.jTat&erpjofaee.- ^e Ro^in Hood tl^ou art a Uielcomc man*. Riz. atiban^ j)oamaaer,^rcpouRobinHood? Rob.jratber,3am. " Fitz.OoD ^iiti i^our foulc mud; gooD, jro^t|i0 goon meat main Marian ftat^ gmcn tmc O^ut dcatf )»ou maHer, catt rou tell mee neuws. dBbere faire Matilda i5>Fitzwatcrsnaagt)ter» Rob. mW^i^^ Q)e i«,t^U5 Marian i% QjC?, Fitz.2ai^« nio (be cbaange ber name*: jeob-awtwtiBt^attotljee? . , . . . Fitz» ^e«{,31 cottln meepe fo? griefe tljat it is Co: !ll5ttt eb«mp teareB art all njigcn V)p toitb tooe. Rob. ZtSX\)p^tt l0 calo main Manan^i^oneil f«ett5, l^ecanCe tk^ line0 aQ^tleOe mainen life: gnn q)all,tillRobin$ otttteUJe life ^aue eune, H^^at^maplatofttUctalte^ertoiDife; tB5i^cJ,if WngRicbtrd come, ttllluot belong: F4 *^ "''^ mc uowii-iaii or KODfflfr"^""'''"^ Fltz* 3!f it be tbttHr^l iop m Irer name? ciiansr, ^0 pure loue tn t[)ere ttmejs tsi terp Itcange* Mai. Robin^B t^inU it 1001? agen fati^er. Rob^sCeU mee ite matiM me m (itcce(le» 9te pounoot^er t^anpottfeeme to U*i Fi». 3 am a tt^etc^eo a^eo man, vott &e: 3lf pou totn Doe mee ottsbt fo) ci^arftie^ fntt^tttiiwx tbi0,(brete,Doettot4tteaianmee. Rob.|Don l))aU liaue pouc oeSre^but toj^at be tdeCe^ nngingt ^{^(latlacftepeftodatlackepeeHtttatmpetaiilbttp^ ^np point03p{n0,o^ lacrd^anp UcetjpaixuMO} ptng? jTine gloue^^ftne glalTes.anp bn^iteiei, o} masfce^.^ ^} anp ot^er pttttie ^in%$^ Comecdeapefoilane,o^ bitpfp) monep* Snpcottpc0iipfiitR0, (fittp. fo} Iace0^point0>o;ptn0?fairemai90 comecfiureo^ 31 dauep^ettfepoting Sicit0> Snu manp otfyer tricH0, tomt-tW^to} loae ^ o; bti; fo^monep. Rob.)0eDler>3[p;ttbee(ettbi?paclteii9t»nebem Marian (ball imp> if tboubenottoo ware^ Tuck.iinny,t)nto tbp miffrefte (betoe tbp packfj jailer fo? poa 3 b^u^ > P^^<^ fcnacbe.- if romfacrej b^ottgbt ittpleate pon fee tbe fame. f Enter Friet like a Pedlv^ind Imnyfix Dwmsftr, and others weaponcd* Fri«^r Donca(ler,arc not bie }^cDlerlike^ Don. ^c0,pa(nRg fit^ann ponder 10 tbe boSser: 31 noubt not tteel^U b^ue btm m our poiucc. Fri. i "^ EadcofHuntingtortv ^ Fri. ^ou and pout compante tsere beit ftanD clofct j Don.JBljatM t^eto)atcbluo?0bctob;,ittgb0fo?tV ' Fri, -Cft^eiC i p?ai?, tljouglj it be muclimoje kojtij. KUbcti i fpeafectljat al9m>c,befiire3! ferue ^be f mention pjcfentlpon biw. Don. jTrierjloohe toot. Fii.j^OUJlinnytopourfottg. Sings. ^ Enter Alarian^ Rohin^ war. l9cDlec,\»bat pjcf tie to^eg bane pen to fell': Fri. Iinny ,bnto ottr mlftreffc (bcujc pottr toare. Mar.Comeitigootttooman. Em, Fr, Rafter, loobe bcre,am) (0o)j giue care, ^D mote 3 tbee.to bcr an^ mce, tf euccijjce, Robin to tbee,tbat art fo frce,meane trcacbcr v. Rob. ©n W^Xtc to tbP packe, 3Jftl)oalottemee,mploHetbou(baltnot lackc, Fri. $8a(ttr,iubjicfc, tbcrcia a tbccfe, tbat fecKf0 ^our grt'efc, 6oO fciUJ rclicfc, to pou in nccce:fo^ a foule | wew, if not ttiiib fpeeDe,pou taKc 5000 bcf oe , tbcre ts : Beccecue. Jn ?ontj?r bjalte , tbere l(e« a fnaKc , tbat m?ane5 to take, out of tbip UioMe, tbe yeoman go jd , calw Ro - bin Hoo beeto vaztSmz tb wituert free,ari9 35 oio fee, tbP boneOte; from gallotoe tree, \»be» tboat^ioa free Scathlockc anu Scaricc certaf lie. Rob.mbptbcnitffemeiBtbattiott artlTtierTuckc Fri.^aaer,3am, _ ' '%'^T^ The dowtv Ml oTKo&crc Rob. i pjap tfjcc fricc fa?, VlXlm treacber? is meant tomtc tljfs nat* Fri. jfirfl wtnue pout ^ajitc; thtn ^}mz pour fwojl>«t Hcc windcs his hornc. ^o; 3 Nwe giuen a friera tuojoc, '^o tabc pour boDte p^tfoner: ^nO pidD tJOU to 0r Doncaftcr^ SE^e emit OU0 p^iett of Oot|et06elot ^t()ofe potoer pout butbte tposoe oot^ ^itlw t0ut 3 UJill oie,ete tou (baU picla, ffntcr' little /(?^,8:c.- , ^ntr Htl; sour peomen t)oe appeate, jle gtue t^e toatcbtuo^o b)it|out fcait : %9iU it 31 p;ap tt^etitlm^^ it be mo;e \»m^ Rii(hc in Doncaftcr with his crue, Don.&mtteDoUin,las lldlD on ootlatoen Huncingtoa« lohn. 5^oft lot rpuns p^te({)ti0 not fo qukMp tuiite* Don. ii^out outalas^tbe frt'er atti) tH matoe . ?>aue,{ofal(e t^ceue0,fit Doncattcr brtraiJe, f Enter lohu crowned^ Quecnc Sli4nor,CheJter^ Saif- Awrr, Lord Prior, fit downcalUf^^^rwrfwftands, loh. ag ©ow £l(cegerent, John afcenw i\i% tS^one, ![)( B beau impaili tottb e«s^anwDrabcme> ^no in \i\^ banb tbe alofuUrobDe of rule, (Diu(n5 tbe bumble^placcof c]tceUence, ^nbtot belotneeartb^cai!in0 botonet|ep^o«De. Qu. ^ucb ijpngbt rule, i% in cacb %Z9Xmz allotoe^ *Iohn.Chcfler,pouoncetoerc£liesopcnfricn0, anOpefareiioabtfuUtobetberbeoeferue ^pttbltcftetrtanfa^btie(Pltustetu;ons£(. Che(iB| aill am boabtfuU,lubetber ii be fit Copuni(b p>tuatefaalt0 t»ttbpobi(c!te ({lame^ Jnruc|apcrrottWlJi|0£ly<*t. Prior/ I. fk ■ ' "^"EarTc of Huntington, ^— -^^ Ptidr.Desi^no jabU Chcftcr;Mo>e it fits; ^0 make appatant,0tttt« of migbtiemen, ano on t^ettperfow l^arpelp to correct a little fauU,a \)err Cmall uefect; Ctiati on tt>e ffor c,to practtfc cljattiiement, ft4 if a |?ooje man uie,o? fuffer d^mtj ©nip tbe pooje anu \Hle refpect t^e fame: ^atift|)emigbtiefaU,fearet^ettbefet0 jCiie p?ouo bartsi of tbe migtie ent«, bwmatcflf Cbept^infee tbetuojltJisgarniQjes^Mitb net0, ano trappe0 obtained to intrappe tl^eir ftat w, mbicbfeare,itt tbem.begttsiafeareof m, 0no makes tbemgooO,contrarp to toeir «i)iU. loha. |?onrlLo;iifli)ip tat^faiu rigbt : iop Salibury, 31d not MUt miMbe as ours jconccrnins Ely? SalC 31 («Bffe btmtoo^tbsof repjoofeanu Ojame. lohn^Warman, b?ittg fo^tb pourp^wr. £ly tbe $lnot6bim,bjingtbe(ealetbatbeoetal»W.rebanceUor, Warraan,\ubp goeft tbou not? War.lJe gooo to mee mp Lo^B- lohn.CObatbatttbouoone? War.<^pea^lefo>meempto^^^^no^ aump gooo Lpii>«,intreate bw bomtto jfrientt,no>foe map trutt ebinJtfttbotttn^tbteare» anupUmt? to anCuieretbw? Doe 3 not fenotoe t\n beart''J»« not BSknoiue, ©batb?(bejsba«epttrcba(t £ly tbisefcape/ il^cuer mabeamicfceface«>nettet benoe, f2IitbfaiiieobombU(Gp,tbpftiilcwucbu3g «net; %xa bJitb ft)ct epe0,tint0 tbp wome attenu* aiUane, Jleplagaetb^e foj 9^^^^^J^^'- ($oe J^ence,auo bencefortb ueuer fit tbif toete Thedowivfall of Robert Sln^oitfc 0?(icItie,tTj9Ui»iDft tijts Uflppoireffe. Sl9arbe h)\) at 3i fa?,aBiufe cljce to loobe toot, C» J clfe be fure tfjon Dicft rpmcciletTc. 3(5oj from tbofe (jintrea ftc t()at tbon ceeclue ^0 mttcIjasfl^aUfuftametUeefoj an^at»ef: 05uc ag t!)ou art,goeto^crc ttjott canl! gctfrieuD^, ^no !)cctl]at feeoes tbee,be mine enemie. VVai.^mpgoo:ilo^D. loh. %htmt^^ (jooiJ Lo)iJ betrapf tiff, 9nD ftll tbe tooilD foj monr;? tbou loilt (eU. War. £5;ibat faiep ilj2 ^aecnc> O^etrap c?)p mftdet, t!)OU toiU all (Ktrap. War,SpplejtiSi,ofChe(kran&ofSa!fbury? Both, ^jjeaiie not CO \J8,al! traitors tMCDefte. War. ctt t|jou t^ivikt 'ta:bcrc:s one mowing line to mercie Ijerei* 31 telltl' ceno ; tfjcvcfoje atua?,aU3ap : a fbnmcfuUocatb foHolucB tbv lonjet Hap. War.£iyoo;e pco^e man: ©f mitcrabU mifecableft ^}itt^% Am- £xic* Tohn.Cottfnfien be tbp (suiue: a bafcr ttaue €artb c?mnot beacejplajuea foHoniebini % ctftue. Can aa^ ten mec if mig io;xi of ^o^fte 15 e able fo fit Up. Qii. Ctjeatcl^birdoppfP^cace 221 83 rtaronablctoclUnmnoto,gooDronne« Salf 2nobeD£ru'omeetbat3i(bottt80cate ^ouc a^aieiSie to fenD t)nto bis ($tace> 5f anpmatterDioimpojtiJiijpjcftnce, , _ iEarlcSF Hdntfrtgtoir. »otbet. auD mp rooo lo?w»\»iUpottattrtti>i)i^ Prior'SglaOtp toiUattenuizoutSpateftie* ffflbcnUfaioegootjtojMi Kntnoti)okc>i.PMo?tlo>t»afe«otj)pcu«et 5Btttgcou,<»o5Hno\iJrt,poutteuftmeattctob«e» ExtunilhottyQaccnCiChefler,SAHbitjj. Prior.lohnig(ncettft.a««ttttctpm«c^.3lWttW J Cbat fcttUne Watmari i>at!) accufeo mec, aUoutt|jefcapeof£W:\»cU,fuppofel)cDauej (KPbats t^atco mce? 3! am a CUatgtemaiu L anttailftUpotoerjifiierallcptemj, V Cannot p?euaaeapinawpl)ol^oj5ci| jIBttttbe atcbbinjoppcB (Srace is notjj ljl5fm«J), . an0 map pctcljance attempt to Ooeme rtl. ^ Enter a fcruing roan. 8Bbatne\»ciBtDit!)potttlr*^ .^ ^ ...a^^ - Scr.euefttcauiette^jJsm^lojB-.fo^t^eUrttesc jfaUmciR mannct of a 6^2>'*^fe^» . ^^ Oaona bamof pottrsjliat^bum a^barne0, Sno not a ffriV of c ocne rcfeni'Mcom juft. ^ Ciofwno (oulo faue0\)iUane0i K Soh ^^« anB t^ug t^p crioe; ^ «nontl)i«cl)ude,ttj<0booEtwrjpoec0W, CbtorpoplcCOf t^e eatUof Huntington, fCliig ltta«teftleibmmilc©falfe lienor, _ ^U toittWt^atfcarcecouriittJU^t^it w^ ««». a«tWttUbabc0^atneti*ie«uoctofpe^^ ^enmaacfWettattiojottgtoantiHiiuwF, ^w fT"^ TEcdown-f all oT^BcnT ^n in one boice^nit^ a confttCeD crp, 3Kn extctnti&n% b tnn pou bitteclp, pilastte foUolBeplague,cbep ccpiebatbi^noone ^be saoti Loro Kobercy^acle oCHuoclngton: \ taibact^en^t^ubtllane'ti^ft t^eefrommf 0g^t STfjep t^at Uitib plasaei3^Ugne0 iotl t^pon t^zm mu l9e father ieronie,to^o ii Halo Lo|0 p^io^/ ^1? tlie neme 3rcbi)<(boppe« Pii, SDf ^o^lte tyou m£an0* 9 \ienseance on i^intyl^t is mp l)optsi foe« £ntcr a Herald. J/f*' Gilbert deHoodlatel^^toj of ^awtMariet, '^ , £) uc 5^otteraisne lohn commantif tb tbee bp mcr> ^bat p^efentlp ebon leaue tbt0 blefleo Uin^ C^efiUD mitb tbe baroea of tbp tlmt. S^Utbp gooo? tempo;aU ant fpiricuad, (Caitb free confctit of Hubert io;De Yorke, |^;iniate of Cnglanoano tbpC^otnarp) tbe batb fufpcn^^^and bom'd bp bcaof n, Co bangcbrebp>tf tbou tcpart net bence, 22litbouc oclaring o? mo?c (ineCtom Sno cbat be b'^tbsoco reafon to} tbe fame^ l^eCeno^tbtstDrictngftrmiitDitbWarmansbano^ Snt) comes btmfelfc: uibo&prefenre tf ebon aap> 31fearetbi«j2>umuU)iUreetbp oplwjjap* ^ Pri-f),WarmanbatIjfaetraifttticc:luw ismce./ f Enter 7tfi(>«5 Queenc^ Chefie^-ySAlfiHry, loh.j^ccuiitbtbat pciortOrraoo not fpeakCy S^p epe0 are full sf idocatb^mp beart of Uireahe; iCet LeOer come<^if ^aott bart, 31 am Cure, mitt rEtiTtcoffimtmgion. "-"^^r-^ mi^l cjcclie tit kinglp coixttt iue tJrtoerfafee. Exeunt cum Prior, £ntcrl^7?rr, drumme and Ancient. Iho. SBdcotnefcom toarte (b?ice RoMe earle of Leften anco our CouttytDelcome mo0baiiant t&vle. Left, l^ottt Ccmt in Cn^lauD^gt fttrtg Richard gonCj 9 king in €n5lRttTj,atto cbe ft ing[ ftom (jome: €^^iiei dgt^e ant; raluca'rion0 are To drange, roh^^battooulnponfarfptabe bolulp.iur intreat. Left. Jt i0 not fearejbut iDonDerbarrcs mp fpeatlj; 3 mufe to fee a motf^er anD a Oueene, CtiJo peereSjfo great as Sal fbury anB Chcftcr, ^ic ant) fappo^t p;oui»t)furpalt0n^ 9nii fee fting Richards ero^ne,lijo^ne b? earle John, Qi!.l^e 6t0 asUcerop and a fubihcate. Cbeft. |)emua anti QjalreGgneto^enRichard come{(< SalCCheftcr.bctointoitboutrooctttuftanDflijaU^ Left. 2:a^tietljer be teiU oi nojbe ibaU refigne. ioh»|?o« fenotjje rour oton toill Lcfter^bttt not mines Left. Cell me among ?e,U)|ere f? reuerettt £ly, left 6poucti?eaDeWng,asbfebeputic? lohn.O^amflbt tie i05asf P?fluu bfurperg C^uItT. Left.l^^ioetbenjbelihe^toa^enemBtop^iUe: ', 9mbiti8ntnpourrelfe>bi0ltateenuieo. cohere is Fitzwatcr^tljat olo bonoureo le^D? loh.jDiQjonouroano ejcircaa Ely 10. Left, ejrilt) be ma^ be ,bat bilbonouro newer: i^c tnasi a fearelelTe fouloier^ami a bercuous fcf^oller^ OPttt to^ere i0 Huncington,ttjat noble poutt)? Cbeft.anooonebpfpot. Left, 2^, tbe greater rat^. ' lohn^Leucr^pouqueSionmoje tbanooc^ become jjou* l3Dn to t|)e purpofe,b)^p pott come CO b0. Left.3| came (o fly^anb to all t^e J^tace^ ©4 i^ent i ^,^,,.^....,^.«^J^^J^^^J^JJ^J^^„ ^cnt!)i?cteMns,t)>liot^;eetime0r(»t before, Co bane W tanCotneb^oaobt to AuHria: !Sno tCpou be electee oepucic, iDoeaorouougbtauoCetiDtUeranibmemottei^, • loh. Uilcty'^mUt^ antuodcj^uttet Sim} Richards ranCbme if sou Doe rrqotre, SCbu0 iDeemaKe anQperc Richard is a Mtigj 3|tt Cyprus, Aeon, Acrcs,anOricb Palcrtiuc: Co get fboCe Ktn{;oontei €ngUttO icnt bint men, Andmanp a mtUionof berittbdance (pent, Cbe beep enccalo of bee Isombe U)a0 rent 51^0 plougbbatpaiO a(bare,nft neeop banv, 15ut from but poo^e eOtate of penacte> Qlnto bis! Dopage offereo mo^e tban miteiii 9mj mo^e,poo;efoule0,tbantbei?bao migbttofpatia ^et uierettieF^oprulU JTo; atllflpmsueSoeo^ r Sno i|?ins 31 perretae tbem nota to bt> Came of {ttngRichardsglonoo£i\)ieco)tejBi, 1^10 conqueS of tbe Souldans,ant) facii talesi, !30 bletoetbem bp iottb bepc>ben \)c mutnn, |)rb9oalDbaoercatterebgolD about tbedreetesr- Lcft. jaDoel^jtnceo figbtfo? golor 2D Icaoen tbougbt' l^onr fatber knetoe^tbat Ijonour luas tbe atme iKingo lenellat : bi? fttieetc ^aint loim | fmeare, ^u urgcmeelbtbat 3 cannot fo?beare. tmbat Doe pan tell of moncplent tbelftinSj ^benfirabetuentinto tbtsbolp luarre? 2s tf bo b^o eicto;teD from tbopooK, eaben pon,tbe iiTiaectte ano all tbat beare me fpealie^ mm tDttb mb^^ealo tl^z people saue tbetr gnoois; £DloeU)inestookerduerbucHleofromtbettbeltjBi, ^ooung mai05 tbe gilt pins tbat tuckt top tb^ir trainee. 'i Cl»lD?entbeir p^ettie tobtdles from tbeir necbegj !3nD cuerp man l3)bat i)!! ^id modedeeme^ €mm to (bulBioac0j 2Etcare tbefe gift? of o«r?* Earlc of Huntington. j jDi fb^e «bc y copUjf ^at toittj toiUinof Ijearts ! (©attemo^et^antoJasocarB.antiUJljercpottfar, ^ou guefe Richards ijictojiea but licg: '^ aftoeaceljelj)a«ric^CyprusiM(f!j^iefriM02tje: anD tbenee,rtia^e glo^iotts t^an tl^e gtiioe ef Greece, ' SJdatb^ougbtColiuseaficetetoTcticdos, l^e CatllJ along tbe ^euiterran fea: ampere on a ^unb?tgt)t ntojmng IjgDic metce C^etuarlibefouHjiour0,\jJrtIp?eiJarebfle«e. . ' € ftttl mee t()mk« 31 fee king Richard ttano, 3|n ^10 guiU armour ftamo to(t^ ]^aga«0 blooO, r- tSX^on a gante!aipjo\xJe,Uke tearres fierce ©on, anDOttbi!^ creft,aCrucifiicof golDe. fiD t^at nates botiour can be neucr toloe: i^ip timts fijc feucr all i^^igannineis be boarueu, anoin tbegtceDte\jjauesilun5iBouttueii ^Dur^ejT, jaun tbjeetimes tb?tce tbetomgeu ©allies banfee*. OTberin tbe ^ouloaasi fotme teas ^DmiraU; 3Jn bis otone perfon ro^all Richard fmoatli'O, anDleftuabeatbenbano fobebp^eattli ^atn(t t^e Cb^tftian Coul^irr^* lohii. Lcftcrjfo: DiobeaUtbis? . Lcft.3lbp6o5^eeolB/ g[nBnw;etbantbi3;napteaftatitrohn: 3i fujeare fiee bio, b? Lcftcrs faitb bee bio, ' aito mabet^egr^eneCearebtoitbl^aganblooiJ, teabiagw Ioppa,glp'?tott3bicto?p, janb&jUotiJittgffar^tbstfleobntotbefoe. Iohn.ailtbis beeDib,percbance alltbistoasio. Lcft.$olp ^e li^atf) comiucreo, ^ap better t^an poo^c «^t Hcipc tijc \)irgitt to ^zt \jccp fktone : 3nD Lc!tcr,l)aii not !ohn mo^e carefull bin Cbin. Cljan Richard, at c^ijstiotoec, englaDbaonotCngliSe ^^crefo}egoo9l»arliiuto|O^ta1ietOi0inb;tcfc: ZSle \0i(\) King Richard Wit "But C4tt fcuB no tclitfe- Lcrt. C),lct not mp btat t b^et^c V6 ^ntuacB gricfC' loh. ]!>e8 let It Letter, tt is not amilte, '^batt\ii£ntpCucbbeact8b?eaftc,aspottr|ieartiJ(. Lcft^ 3re pou a mott)cr?'toere pan CnglanBS ilXucene? CMere Hcnry,Richard,Gtffcrcy (pour fonnc0) ^11 ronnc0>bue Richard^ (mm of alltbofe Contu?? janu can pou fet tfjis little meteor, 'ZW ignis Fatuus. f (jis fame tDanu^mg 6rr, €:bis 6iibUn of tljc iiigbtitbis b;wnb,t^iB l^arke, ^env.f ti)?ougO a Iantljo?ne,greatcr tl;an be I0? !5p ^eauen pou Doe not toclUbp eartb pou vot MOt Chclicr.ttO; pou, no? poll eatt£ Sali'bury, Pe not not ,no pee ooe not tsbat pee Qjaulo. 2.Z'ant tbt0l5Mre lt)oCe,boU) betuolDtearourmatoer Ch«r.p)flU ocatb^bcrgeanceottJcItoitbmbiB latoetL. i^alCTgut toe can mtn^le bim,ant) binDc biapaUJe?, Jf htiig John rap ttjc QiaU,\ui:e toill inowDe. lot.DaeifpoHcan. Left. 3; ts todi tbou baft fomefeawt 00 (uttcSyVe banc no teethe to baite thin 15care. 5 U):!! not bto mtne enSo;ne bearer isaue <^p totteren colours in tbU iso^tblefte aire, ^ijicbpourbile bK^tbetf bilel)? contaminate* Bc^rc.tboubaftbenemp^uncientbearerlonff, Earle of Huntington; SIttB \f$)nt lop lefters T^ttitc in fd^ten lanvtf : vtt neto refijpw tbefe colottwto mi? ^aaw. jro^ 3 amfuU of griefe,ain> fuUof rage. Iohn,leO'kC t)pOtt mte,t&tlfl Vlt Richard tafee ^^e'cotttr^ A uOrias colottriB in |yi0 tann, ^hb t^n» ^e caflt tijem tjnfter Aeon toallcsf, Snti tbos be troo tfiem titiderneatfi Ijte fcete. mic6colour0,bott) 3 tojettgpeb?t|ji0U)?ong/ ^ttt 31 toili riglit ?ee« Bcare , take t^cm acf aine> flno keepe t|>ent euer, eacr rtcm maintaine. mt Ojall bauetjCefo^ tbem 31 bope,ere long. loh.Darca cljou attempt ti;u0p?ouul^ in our agdc^ Z,cft.2mt>at tft a fnbtect narw.tbat 31 Dare wni 5alf. Date fubtectf 0are,tbeir ^oucraipe being b?f Left. © CDoB^tbat m? true feoneraigne toere n^ C^.Lcfter,bei0« Z,e(l.S^aoflm,bp ®0D pottl)?' ChciiatimannetBman. tcft.aplagtte oftfttercnte, tffitberc no regaru 10 baD of e^icelUnce. 5ounddrura. ^ttti>cttteilUu(tmeenotoe;3 beare?ottr0jumOTe0, Pour p^tttctpalitie batb ^t^ ^.P "^^W' anTJnottJpet^inkefomu^5lebptbi0 3eare: ^tiU tbep come nearer,but are »wt tbe neare. loh»mbatb^um0aretbefc^ Sain 31 tbinfee Come frienti0 of pottrg ipiepare a potojcr to refill tbt0 to^ong, Ui\.Uttl)m\i}mte'MLeRcrigpmme^ aiw tba0 &e UJooe0 bts toiUingmen to figbtj ^oulBier0,pee fee'king /Richards opcn)i>^ong, Richard tbatUt ^ec £0 tbe gto^ton0eaa, anb mabe^ec treabe bpon tbc bleffeb lanb, «aJberebe,tbat b^ougbt aUCb;ifttan0bUirebneire, Qaa0 bo^nc.l(aeb,topttglit W miraclc0,anb bieo, irromfieatliaro&^attbtbetttolieawBaicettbeBj # The down-fall of Robert W!^tk tmt ttligiom faitf) ^e l)mt Defcnueti. ^wfousbtvanu Richard taugbtpte^oiM to fig!)f,: §gain(tp:op^^aKC men, follotLHUg Mahomet: 'Bixt if pe now, t^ep Diu tljctr kings t!jcir rigjt, C^efe mo?et^aul)eatl)en,facr(Ugiou0meti, Pjofcffitt5Cl)iia, b anifli) Cbjifts cbcmpion lenccj COeir lattJfuU lo?D,tljeir Ijomebojne feoueraigne». mii^ psttic quarrel3,anD toitl; Kiglit pretence, ^ Enter 7(yr^«c«<:i,rouldi£rs. Sfo} tbe arm a foe 10 notu VBit'gin oar figW- Hemcmber ^oto gaintt ren^one man Dio Sgl)C, &o bttnti?ci>B againa t^oufanos , \)mt bo^nc ticaor ^ottaretftemen tftaf cuec conquereo* 3f muUittioes opp^cITe re tbat^enie, £ct3 fcU our Iiue0,anu leaue t^m DaHantt?: Cottrage^tjpon tI;cm,tiU toce cannot flan^. Ioh.Richmond 10 ponDcr. Qu. 3,anD fmine,!J tbinfee, %}^t hittz ^^^^ f arre off. Chcft. 3ao\u bcauenfo^fen^. LcR. mf)V (mitt ^cnotjbutllantt tW cotoarfil?? Rich.3;f Richmond burt fiOOO hci\eT,Ut bim Oie» Lcft.Richmond^© parootttninc offending cpe, %W tooUe t()e€ fo? a foe? teelcome ware fr itnu; fiflj^cre 10 mp ^oucraign: Richard'^boa anu \ft t^crebotbtnAunria;.^ichmond,comfojtmee, SlttO tell met lo^crc b^ i^i ano bolx> t>f far? 0- €),fo^bii« raHfome^manB t^oufan^carw i^aucmecsfflktcD. • ^ich. Leftcr,bCt0 comf CO Lontjon, aub iDiU bimCelfc to faitbUlfe Auftria. JLtke atrue fiing,yifi p?omif ranfomebeare. Z'eft.CJt tonoon fata tljott ieicbmond,i0 b^ti^w^f ifarctocll,3 toillnotaa?toteUmjto;onj5«, I Richmond ,1^011 lljaUgocttJitt)m«,Poe not Cfap, f ^nti39lDillteUpou)»ontierjBbptt)elJDa^ I Rich, %i)z bfng^ittDonlit pou tHitt Tome miurg, I 2nuttierefa^efenctf)ispotoertorefcuet«. Lcft.l ttiankc l)i£5 (e«3aBii«tis'o.atiD ^eat^eD l:dtc^Dtrg;race^ Salfbury,to|jatfappJU? SalC 9^p Lo?o,31 bio pour ejccdlence aoictt* 3f, to WngRichardjUjiUfubmit mpfente, gi'^auesoo) lope bUi ^ace millpacDon mee. Cheft. and Sal(bury,^legoe along toitb t|ee. iTaretoeUOtteenemotbjer/arepoti t»cU loaofohn.- ioh»s^otb«,ttappott, Qu.j^ot3l (bnne^bp jS>afnt Anne, loh. miU pott not 0apf QH' ©oe tottli mc-a toili ooe tbe beff 3 map„ a>o beg mp fonnejsfojftiueneffe of mp fonnc. Exlci lohu,(0oe bp pour fclfe. ^p beatten tteas long of joo, 31 roCc to fall Co focme. Lefter anO ^ichmonds ttw^ ] . Cbep come to tafeeme.l^oto too late 3 rue . ! ^i^^p ppuo attempt: Ubefalltng Phaeton^ a perifbft om mp gtt(m'ng of ebe funne. Left.3|toiUgoebacl^epfaitboncemo^eattti (et, ZfiXbet|eitbt£imock-kittganot|)rmotber€lueenr^ SnD:t»bo/bere9 neitbet ^neeneno^ Lo^ti* . ^lat^tting of Crtc&et0,u tberenone but poa": ^rtgfie: C^meotr^|:t|)ii3C(Ototte^t^i0rcepterareftingRicbaids^ 1 h^doWn-fall ofTlobcrt 15f are t^iou tKiem ^ichmond^t^ou «rt &t0 trttdtnij&t* 3Dott tooulB not fenu |)tsf ranfome,ffentU lohn; iX^cottieto fefcf^ it oatii.Comctoilp jTojc, J5oto pott are tttipt out of t|ie Jtpon? cafe, eaiiat^DarepouloQhetljelron tn cbeface? 'a^tjeCnglilljlptm^tfjat in Auflria, ^tt^ fji^Hvon^ ^an&j^ulo out a Lpons ^eartr ®ooD «ichmendteiricmecjfo;Q5oiJ0fakeooc: €)t),ic Doegmeetjwju to ^eare!)i$ glories caloe. ^icbni. Lcftcr,31 faiu Iting Richard toit|j t)ti9 fil!, Strike Dcauec^efonne of A uflrian Leopold, ^nB tljen 31 fatoe^im.bp t^c Dukes commaimJ, Compait ant} taken bp a troope of men> JUtjo leD king Richard to a Lpons denne, iDpeningt^eDoo^ ann inapancficourt, C^e cotearD3 left ^in^ Richard ujcaponleCTe. ^none comes fo|tt)e t^jefier-ep^e^^eaofull bead, 0nD ioiti) a leart-ama^ino; boice i)e roaroe, flDpeningr^Ue belUbis iron tootljeo tatoc«, ^noSrctcbtng out bis Serceoeatb'tbteatmng pained, 3 tell tbee Lefier, an!) 3I fmile tbereat, (Cbougb tben^<^oti knotDe0^3! bati no poiiJer toCmile) 3(SaoDcbptreacberous! Aufhisallibciiubtle: ^bo in agallerp.tnitb iron grates, ^caib to btbolbe king Richard mat)e a p^ep. Left.caijatVDall.tbou fmileC at in Aiiftria': ^ich. Le(kr,beQ)oobe,ro l)elpe me ^oo^betbooke, ffiaittb ^erp tmour,at tbe lpons looke. Lcli.^bcotoartJ: but goc on in'oat Richard oiu? ^ich.Richard aboutbis rtgbtbanD UJounoafcurfe (^00 quit bcr fb| ttjgiaen bim bp a maiDe, MitbenolclTc gocumap tbat gooo^ceDc bepaib, 3nb tb?uft tbat armc Doujne tbc Deaotoring cb;oat C)f tbc fierce l^on,ano U)itbo;a\)}ing it, D;ciue out t^e (trong beart of t^ monitroujs beadf, f ; * Eaflcof Huntington, Lcft.iS)ropaURtcf^ard/Rkhmond,locbCOn lohn: Come,toe toilUcawc ^im Richmond,Ut vis q^, • lohn,makeCutefoj grace, pwjwurnwaw i^wluioliie. £xeunt. loh. amifc!)tcfeont^a£ Lcftcr.w.^goni? Utoere bed goetoojleattitt feme ma^ fit, - l^e curnc againe,an&Uaue me p;iConec. <^outbtoarD 3 oare not flieifamef atne 31 Waiilo, Co ^totlauD btno m? cottcCetlrat aUtlje teontct Qrc foil of ©utla\jjes,tba! in iienttaU g^rcene, V tf ellotoe t^e outlatoc^earle of Huntington. mt%% toiU cloatb mp f elfe tn fuc^ a fote, 3n6b^t^tmcaiiejiaftiielUcfipraUputfiuef, 9)8palfet^iiattnget-tb?eatmii(5 Huntington: 5f*?^teCngm«i»?ootlatoe«t]^l«)wkemee, , . ^p mp attire, one of tl^eit tnattu to be. £««• ^ Enter Scarlet yhhnyxnA Frier r«»^ Ff ^Scarlet ano lohn^fo ^DO me faae, J^ominw\mtomig beaiie« 31 Ijaoe: 31 t|>(nfee te be a luckhtfe oap; iTo? 3! can neitbec fing,iwi Car, I jao^batteSianppotDer toloofte, ^ £anipo>ta(re,o?oii9^amnfibooite. ^ Scar.Wbatv«tbe«afoii,tdlWJfftecH , f Fri.aj«rUJ0ttl5peebattemeebetwiper» Ioh.|5o:(8«oDcfen0tbatpoa(bonlolie, Fri.^bcwbptbmat;< bet man. £ly. 31 am Cure ar,| tioe pou no^Hct.we 31? Scar- CBee (I)aU ^aue com^ianp^no nottbt: f^p fenob)e Much ()at^ fountie one out. Fri.^foic.afonas J »m jTricr, Much <9 UjeU UJe^tfjie of gooD |jire» loh, s^ap iFricr footblp ItnoUirtl tf)Oti!jim? Fr\.3ti0 a\nolfe mat^cepejsC&mne. ^oeeaUottrma(ler,ltttle Iohn« gU^ man toiU Ije be anonet 2t'0 £ly man 3 c^e Cbancelo^ loh. ©CDs pittie looKeDnfo Mm,5rrier. Eicitlohn. Much.^bat,li«peeg3esi toCeUolfi feUotoe.' £iy*31 Cr>romefeb}e>anD ttjoCempueeDeconfltraingr meebearetoSj^anefido, ^bat 3! map f cI! tbem c[)cre,to bup me b^eatr. Scar, aiassooo iitan:3ip?et|}^U]beceooasb)eU.^ Ely.BlutoeUatOxenllr. Sc V. 3! ttnotoe tbe totune. Much. 3la0 pooK fenot),tf fbou Dt»eUU)ttb €i)cen, 3It Orange tbep uoe not go?c tbce luitb tbcic bo^ne$» £iy»Cpdaer8,3.tcIlpcettulptub£«3lDU)eU, anutobetbcr J am coing;Ut mee goe: Pour matter tDouto be mucbotrpleafo 3 knotoe. }f be (bonlo beare,pott binder poo^e men tbus. fn.ifat^er,onelDo?Dtoitbponbffo?etDepart. Much.ScarIcr,tbc Wer totUmake V)8b«te anger all: irareU)eU>a»D bearemeiDicne(re,tboug^b3i ottaloofe,fo?fcaretlie?ttotepottcface* , Saner to ptarcufrcnD£Iy, iflping tljefurteof ambftious lohn, 3! muruicu bp tbt0 peafant. fepeake bi!c matt, t^HIjeretijoutiaft Donctljjicc Cponojable Ely? E/y.atbpooflcljou grace Ely toitb flilesof^racc/. Catotbceluttballtiiepotoerfougfjttooifgracc/ Pob. 'BcUke 1)10 U)tCDomc CatDC Come fault m Biec. fly. j:^o I affurc ctiee lpono?able carle: 3»t uja0 ^10 f naie,no Bcfcct of tljine, Sno t{)C pnTiBaaonB of tlje ^?io^ of So^Ke, tQ^jJtclj Ely noUJ repents; fee Huntington , £}yt)lmrclfe,auDp(tiicbtm,0ooi>fonne. Rob. aias fo? iDee^alack tljat fo greate Hate 'Ci'ljemalice of t^t0lijo?lo l^ou ID ruinate* Come in great lio^nXtt ootoue ano take t^p nUy Hrceiuc tfje (cale ano parDonmp offence, caitt me pou f^all be Cafe ano if pouplgiCe^ '^ill Richard come, from all men0t)tolencc: <3gcD Fitzwater, bamfljeO bp lo hn, anD W (aire oanglitcr (^U cen uerfe Uitcfi potc "31 i- i ' EarlcofRuntington, 31 aiVJ mv men tW mc aftena ijpon, ^^all giue pou all tm is to 5)onour uue* 22liU pou ac ccpt mp Centice,ttoble t oju^ £ly.C^^ feinDneCfc D;itte0mc Cfl fu(^ inWaru igamf , '5i:imt fbj mplifcj. no replp can frame eoe 31 toiUfoUowe,ble(rcomaiatboabef, «attl)U«relcctt'flttbpfbMt«miferte. £xcunr, loh.Skclton atoo;tieoUU)Obcatje t\}tW. FrL5S^otoarlohnEltara,to^atmpoutDOulBrarn Ihon,S^etbtnb03feenoteaa0ofRobin Hoodc, 3150 metrp Sconces of frier Tuck, SopUatonTfkippmt5Si)panoOotD|ttt^etoobt)e, !aob«tittn5Cbng0,nocouransoftbei3nc&ei »ia» (5oD ttjis l^lap of outs map baae sooD.lucfec, QMit m ^im S^aicdie miaike it not. Fruantt if be »oe,ttb«t can toe ooe to tbat? 3 n)omillbimal^l«?«f^°^^l?*^r?^ ^bonojablelifctnmerrp^beretooo; . m^ 9fiaiemcbimfdftrurtta«J tbepwt, anD bao me bololp tojUe it,(t ^aji gwn. ^mert?icalfe,tbepbattebene(botonebee(i?e, a»boto tbc iTricr feHittta tbe cadl, ^ozlweoflinnytiiatftirebonnpbell: SotoGtccnclcafc robMbe«)bneaeof Notingham, 3ttOotbetmirtbfuUmattcr,fuUof58me. JDurt)Up^rp)c(t(e«ttobleRobcri8t»jmig, foig miloefoVttingtrecberott^mittrie: ISbotrmalictraktinctnoerslonj, leuakegoutatlaatDitbRob.risCraseuic, 2fWetbatbearetbebil3to?ierebeartt, _ ^mnemp^UttobenltbeginstofpW. au letit to it^er to^ile it 10 sbuoBe, . flnBtttnerlhctoeibeflctijettotbeminj. lSbT©n?tSngbeaDe;poufaUintop9urtJai«c, IDfribbU rabble rime?, Skcltomcaii, ^^ ', The Jo'wn-fall oTRobcrt ^0 oft attt Uan5 folong^t^at pen offcRD, t'l '.Kt is a fault I tjarclp tan amcnB • © f)ciaj3 cbftmpcmptonguetotalRet^efctearmcjf, 3 Doc fo;5ct eft times mp ifritrs part: "iiJutpuIlmcc bptljcfleeuctolien ;ii cwee^e, ^nr> poll Ojall fee mcc mcno tbaf fatiU inore^e* . 'IO(j?rffoj^Iii!l Ct pcii^uotlj Skciton iiuccat vou, ZDiiiiU l)t facctciuil O^ccfdp rep?atepou,tl)eljilTo.jp aT, . ^nD talc tragical ,b? UoljofctreaclKrpjauD Uafc iuiurp, ^obin tljegOD9iCaiDC Robin Hood,BKtJ inSheievvcHidc: GKbtcI; till pott fee, be ruru bp me, Ct paticiUIg , ^ giucL a plau»iicc,ifanptljin5pleare tfc« fxcuat, . War.05atti(bt from all^of all am 31 bereft, ^0 mc?e tljan uibat 5 \j3earr,\3nto me left, £)iJj?etc|jeD,U)?etci;cngciefe,lierccifull fall: ^triuing to jet all, % am reft of all; 2^etif 31 coulrato&ilempfelfcreUeue, ^illiilybeinfomeplaccfettleo, ^Dpublerefiitiitionajoulti Jget, . ^no tijcfen;arpcfo^rob}c0 tt)at l;auetop rtipp;e0f !^f}OUlo turne to top tnttl) Double tntcreU. ^ £nicr a gentle man jW'««r»;4«/cofin, ^nb in gooo timc^Oe're romes mp coOn Warman, 2£Jt>ome I (jaue often pleafurD in mp time.- ^isbcurcatBingham2bf(!oto*6onjim: 9nb ttjer^efoje Doubt not, t)elurtlcioetftet)0ttfe-EOomc» ©oooeuengooDcofitt, Cof. C) cow fen Warman>to^at^ooD nctoeiEi toitb To^'i VVarXOljetberfofarre aJoottoalHpou mShercwod? Cof, JcamcfromRothffram,anD b^j litfjcrFarruficld ^p Ijo^fe DiD tire,anD3i toalltt Ijome a foot'e- \Var.3i Do^ btff eel) uou couftn at fome (rienDU, £)^atpouroU)ne!)ourefo^al))eel(eo^t)vo^ . (S'jMem^fomefuccouc. CoP- X <4 1 'I r-^. ^^ Earleof HuntingMnr - »- -^ - JJ'rat^ luftumrtecitt^otttonotteme, Exit. t , 22Ja» « V5,*^j;_^„^«^«ier of Notinghatp, - " iTTc"^owIRairoTK65ert ' Iay.£2Joul5ff|jampaec? War.moulD ©oD 31 (jaD a liftle li?eaiieto ute* lay. sSofclet mefeele mp bagje.© ^eare 10 imatc, Cbat 31 put up at Redford fo? mp tome. a care not greatlp tf3I mt \iim tW- War.3ip;et|)eeDoe^ pn let me Cearc^ mp confctencefoa it firtt: SPP iio5ge'0 mp feruant,faicl}fun,triiaie,trtte: Vixt Warman b)a0 a traicfi? to ^i$ toiu, a rep?ol)ate,a cafcaU, ano a Jetoe, CZlo^fer tfian BoggesjOf men to be aOfto^rtu |&caruetOererefo?e Warman,ooggcreceuie tbpoue* jTollotoe me not, leaff j Ddabour pou, * ^ou balfetfac t groat, pou t fjicfe-cbeekt cljittiface. Pott Iudas,tJtUanei?ott tbat bauebnooone '^Cbebonourable^Robcrtjearle of Huntington. Exit. War.mo^fe tban a 5ogge,tlje Wlme nic rcfpect?, 5^0 Doffge bee fteDea^mce in mp neeoe rciect0. m\)it a^all I iioe.^onber 3|Cee a ^eD, a little cottage, tobere a tooman btDeUe0, C21bore tiufbanD J from Qeatb tteUuereO: 3!f (beoente mee,tbeii3I faint ano Die, • it;)0 gOOOtoiffeTonifon't Wo. cabat a nopfe 10 tbere? a fbule (bame on ?ce:i0 it pou tbat fenoc&t.' War. cab acauDUmaucSltoiUgoefetcHt m. War.S) bIcfretJiJMman,comfbjtabU Wojo: Wo ^c warman,pat mVtptn cauMe cjetj^pbeafij S)eei>o\Bncwaru,ponuet wt^ mafte r0 V»alke, earle of Huntmgton. War.6oot> counan,ano gooo comfo;tbf m? f«tt9» Cbjee Doctors are of one opinion, . ,_- 1^* Chit WaimanmuftmakcfpeeMto ba^^imCelfe: Cbe iafli^atb ginen a c«o^?«i?»«f^^^^Jfi ,, -B^bat to recure mp 5riefe« wOrons M^ aW^^^^ 3le ta^c i)er mcBcine.ano 3JU cbnfe tbta tta)?, Ssabetein (be fait^ mp matter |atb W W«lKc^> CberetomSl offer lifefo;trecber?, SlnobansjaVjJonoertoaUsocrjibp. •:ettt (of t toibat CbunD !)ertno«iott« W t9i0? Ca^afbirtw are t^efe.tbatfing fo cf^etefoUp, 20 if tbep oiB faltttetlieflolDjinffrpjmg/ fitter it totre,ttitfe tune^ mo>e oolefaUp ^bep ajjiekt otttCo^rotor, t^an t^ c^eerelp ttnff. 3 UJiltffocf«befattBe(pefation0celU Cbi0 i0notir,toj^ereategreeae.Uao'tttree0. Sh&ioneminter-bittenbareoitfttub, , , ^ TOereon,att);etc|>e5life,alsJ|etcfetoottlol«fe. © beret0 one:t^?iceWelJeo btiW ftte, 31f amaacttr(e9,map aWelfing giue f Enter oW iTfrr^<^*r. -^ 34 ^^ i^ f' . The36wn-laIIoTR6Ecrt l^ttt ottt aTa0,poniier come0 one to me, Co yttitrer iieatb,Vul)en 31 tifccft toliue. Ficz,2m^at tooefuU \)oue beare a mthiti thin toan^ .;! ISKtjat UJ?e£cb is t^cre complained of Uj^etcJ&etmelTc? ^ War.a man.olo man.bereau of all mt\)B aooo, 2nD neCperatdp feckea oeatlj m c[jt0 Dtff reOe. Fitz.5S)cefec not fo;j tftac lD|jict» UJill bt dire too foone Sit lea(lift!joit be gutUic of iUDeeuc0. ^ CD^cre art tljou fonne/'come and neerer Ht, Ideate toljoiramc counfell,gama ijn^aHotoeo tbottftWjt War,d;e man 10 UlinDe.spufflle tfje ej^c of oap, ^e gloomie clouw^ann oarhcr t^an mp otm?. * C^at oarkei: be t^an pitcljie fable nigjjt) Snuffer cogfctfjer on tbefe bigb (opt tree0, 'Cbat not a fparfte of ligbt tbo?oirgb tbcir fp^apei^, SIPap ^inntt tobat 31 meane co erecuce* Fiiz. mw 5oft tjiott matcer^t^eare mee toofttll mm ^ £mcr Mariaffymth mcatc. Man. (Son mo^rotDe fatber> Ficz^ Welcome louelp maioey ano in Sfoob tfme,31 triiU pou Ijitber comet Looke (f pou fee not a oiftre IfcfuU man, Cbat to btrnfelfeuitenoctfj utolence: fl)ne fucb ttten noto iwas berc tinn 10 not farrcj feceke 31 befeecb i?ou,faue bim if pou map, Mar,^la0 btre t0,ljereteamanenrag'D, JTalhiing a balcecon a Uiitbereo bougb^ ^no flareeibpon mee, tottb fucbfrigbteoloofeei, ^0 31 am featefull of (310 (bacpeafjiiecc. (nn, Fuz.£abatmeanatbouto?etcb?fap,tubat(at^tttoae War. 30 ludasDi&jfo 3f iutenofo Doe. jfo? 3 bawc bone alrcaoie a0 be oiO: ^10 matter be befraiD : fo 31 ^f^nt mine* jTaire miltrelTe loohe not on me biitl; ^our1itf(reii a^nc. jfrom f \i. *.jmt1ictna« from Come eteelUnttDiuint, - iSVoiaTpc iut.5cment,anD tommattnB.tf fpeen F, 7 .aoftat ccoeMariintalUnSobinHoodrt M«.aias,altt,ou5l)itbf,vctto>c fcisl'ft- iwinrratiebclptttntopottp'.crentir). ^.„ Wa;&ou » Win««an,«W"na ccms fl,amc? an° giactD infants tonjuc. to ct? aU-BiBe, aUjofuUlMt asaintttbt ttcc^"""'- cFnterA//»^» running. amonstbccucBanBoauanin.ioa'v V inonc?jro?ol5u^uai«ancc,3uuw v^^ 3'^»"T£«S stir' 13jtrentV)?t.t|)eq»tettOTfNounghara. ^^^^^ ._j Mue^.{5aC^e>3i tTjinKe tljere toas (utJ) a purclamf^^i,^ Come mt fmall ff llo^ue lohn, pou fl^all fjaue tialtcann ttimfo^cb^inof in one, lohn. /io, mpbigfcIloUJ, ^onc0 matter Much. %Ca}^c allljnto ^our fclfc, tie be no balfe. MuchX^cnftanu, tonC^alUjetije tujotljcciicis, anc JtoillbctOcpiefenter. C) rnattct: ^Ijucuc of Notinnham, CCIbcn cares tonto mp tunings came ("Ilcfpcfit-vcmpjorc, 3i niilTctbis bcrfc biU Iptfjat ^cithlockauD Scarlcctocre aricflcObP^obm Hooding ma(fcr,auo little Fohn mp fcUolocauD ii Mud. ijia fcr- uaut, anD tnfeeu from pou matter -ibncuc, being torll fo^ljjarD in tfje Ijanrjing Ijoap^^jubcrcin pee noU) arCi'anD Coo Kec|jc pee in t^efame;^ alfo v poa matter ^b^icuc iuoulDgiucanp mantntotDne,ciciejOiconrrep, a Ijun- D^cn pcimo of labafull arrant monepof CugUnoe, tbat iDOtilD b^inc ^ fame tioo tbeeues, being tljcfc ctuo; nobj 3,tbefaitiMuch, cbalcnge of pou tbefaioe^^i^ieuc, jbjingtng tbem,t(jefame monep. Sc2u ir aicb.becannotpap tl)ee,Much. Much. 3l,buc tobile t\)\^ enfi is in mp (;anD,anD tjat a- bout f)ij3 neclte. be is bouno to it. £nter RebififSly^MA^uin War.Spockon,moc&on:mafte me pour icattmggamo 31 Boe beferue mucb mo?e tban tbis fmaf I (bame.. Rob.Difconfolate anb pcoK Dcif ctro man, Catt frsm tbp necKe tbat ajamefull Ognc cf Dcat^. Qna liue fo; mee.if tbou amenoe tbp life, !^8 muct) in fauonrajBitboueaecbtttt. vVar.O too?ft tban anpueatb, lZX\}tn aman,lDion5D,bi6to?on2:er pittiet^. Ely.VVarnjan, be ccmfo;tcD,rife ano amcnD. fiJn mp iDo^o Robin Hoodc toill be tijp frtcnD. Rob^3UjininbeeDe:jfo(n,beart-b?okenman, jfat6ctFiuvYatcr,p^apjou!eaoe!)imiii.' rjcancoi nwnnngcons— ^ ^itint uzriin,\i)it^^me co!}ifo^C0 comfort ^im, < ^nn mp tall peotnen jaix ^o\x mee afece, ' Opb^i0elbtmnot)tttt(i()(0fi)^epa(realtfe, Warman,gee iit^goe in aim comfort tljee, [ ' War. £) 03oD requttc |?our 0owour0 curtefife* Mar* Scathlockco^ Scarlet, jdpebKtbine of ?«e. £xcunt Warman J Mar ian,Fitzwatcr,ScathlockjScarIetj Much« Enter Frier Tmcks in his crufTe^wlchom bis weede« Frii 3!eftt bcnedicice, pf^fe eti pfwfejmeccf e on mercj», nttferp on mittti^;^ fncfi a Cs^dc, ajs bp tO^s Itgbt^ (o^i ' Rob. '^eUttiii tbe mateer,p^e tbee |o!]» jf tier. Fri. ^irDoncaftertbe #^(e0tanotbep;tiao p^to; ISre (htpc ann ttounteointbe loo? to Bawcrey, SnD iftbere g:oen6trpeiiteremeiitr, SCtiepl ote,tbepl ole in t(ii0 ercreamitf e* Rob. SiU%, Direct D0 totbat Ui^ctcbeo placet 31 lotu mtnet)nc{e> tboQSb be batetb mee. Fri«^l^ tteese 31 ca^ to kerpe tbem from t(e color^ ^no linny gentle sirle to^e all bee rmocke> Q:be boirie tlTue of tbcir toouno^to So^e. Rob^miU poo goe toitb ^h mp gooo Jlojb of Ely? Ely. 3f toill ano euer p^aife t\)V perfect cbacitie. ^ Enter Prince lohnfolwyin grcenc,bo we and arrowcs^ lohti, mhv tW is Comciobat Uke^noto mag 31 Hn^, as oiD tbe ildabe&ch T^inoec in W note; at 9^tcbaclmas cominetb mp couenant out> ^t ntafter glues me mp feet Cben Robin 3ie \»eare tbp IBtenoall greene, ann toenft to tbe greene'ajoooe witb tbee. ! %\xt fo; a name noUi, lohn it muft not bee, tftlreaote little lohn on t)imatttenoa;« Grcenc/cafc? jfiap furelp tbere'B fucb a one alreattfi^ ii9[eUjB(lebeWodncc,bapiDbatbappcnmap. £ntcrbcathlockc» i ki Vm — xncciown-iiinwi i\ui/uaw l)tn comes agrcenecotcfeoou lucKebcmr guiDc; ^ome foDaittc Ojift migljt bclpcmc fop;cuiDc. Scathe caiiatfcUoto vViiltam,iiiD ?ou mcetcourmaflct? lohn. 31 Din not mtett bim ipct m)> Ijoufafdcnn* Scath.spp !joncafcicno?\j>l)p,U3ljat a termc ufjcre? S^^nameigScathiackc ,man,aiHiiftboubc jT^ootijertbantb? garmcntgl^cljjc tomcc, C^ou art mp feUola e^t^iougb J knotoe t^cc nof. ca^at is tl;p name':to!)cn toert t^ou enter tainoi* loh. ^p name :0 Woodncr,anti t^is Dcr? tiap, m^ noble madcr, earle of Huntington , ^iD gitic mee botb mp fct ann Uueric. 5cath. x)oar noble matter,carlc of Huntington? 'Sit lara ctotune pou are a coantcrfait, Qinn tbat pou knoUje, lacks moncp ofa jl^oble, Dio pou rccciue pour liuerp ano fee, ' ano neuec bearo our outers rca5 unto poo^r mbat &as tbc oatb toafi giucnpou bp tbc Jf rier*; Joli.Cabof jfrierTuckf Entci FiiciTmckf. Scath.31 oocnotplaptbtlpcr: f 0? bt comes bcre bimfelfeto 0)iutc. ^ Iohn.Scathlockfarel9)eU,:ji\i3iU atoap. Scath. feec ^ott tbiB arrotoeMt faiec nap. ic:b?ott5b botb pour fines (ball ftp tbis fcatber, 3f p^efentl^pou come nDt bttbcr. Fri» fim bcaucns true liberalitie iTall euerfojbiscbaritie. Upon tbc beaUC of Robin Hoode, Cbat to bis uerp foes botb goon • ^ Lo?b (Sou.boba be laments tbc 1? HOI . ann batbe? ti ^onQjoaUi abp t^efe qaeStons oeare. Fri. <^atacl^oamef0 laD"; lenn l)tm t()tnr, jf 0? in tftis buft b«« l?ct!j mine: |5oto ip(U31 try tbis netocome gueH. Scath. a am bis ftrft man jTtier Tuck, and if 3 faile and bane no lucke^ Cben tbost tuitb bint ^alt t^aue a pluc&e* . Fri.l5eitfqScathlockc:||oloetbeelab, If^oWer tueapotiSiiCatt be ^ao: Cbeftetoeootb tbem* little ruff: Xuf tearepee^tbe? are toole« of frud*^ Iohn,©ramercp if rierfoj t|is gift, 9ttbiftt)on comcbntompOj^ift, ;^e mahe tiiee call tboCefellotues footer Cbat on tbeirfoesbe(to)»truct) cooler, Scath. Come let us toot. Fight,aiwithc Frier lookeson^ Fri, ^be foutb is beliuft anu ligbt, Ipe p^elfctb 5cathlockcU)itb bi^migbts jU^oto b^ mp beaoes to ooe bint rig^t, 5 tbittke^e be fometrpcb fenig|jt« 'Scath. J&tap,letb0b;eat^ loh.aB toill not flap.' 3f pou leane,frier, come atoap* Scath.ap^e tbcfriert^olueljimplap* FruifricrTucktoillDoetljebellSemap, Fight. EnKiMnridn^ /tfto\»ej3i3attu6gIjtoucljotMfr foneere; Scatb.5piftre(fe,ljei«noman ofijoure, fC^at 62^tej5 Co faft tote ^ ftin Tuckc: Xut on mp te) o^oe ^e (£1 a man> auB fcomtjw epe, flirs louetjnto mp ^eart, Sttentcii bp (uCptctous t^ottgbcs ano fearer, ^^at numme ct}e btgo^ ofcacb ontteaco part: (Dnlipmpfigbt ^at^allfacietie, QnD fttlnelTe of Deligbf,bf£toin|;,|iar ttitk. \ Mar.ieut 31 baue HO Deligfit Inpou g|ince lohn"; Frujei^isl^jincclohn'; Iet (tfoloe tn t^ine. f Enter ^o^/w Hoeie^ Fitz.w4teri El^^fVarmav^ i?ob. J2:iljat fatacte toooman Marian (lanii5 Co neere'j Ioh.3 tootjman Robin,tbat tooulu Urikc pour ocm, SStitb all bis ^eacf.j|5aB neuerloo&e Co drange, i^ou fee tbi0fickletuojlo,oun5,\uiItie lo?o,^ Uiei map txnml bear* Ioh.ra^at,mpolDet'ttenDeFiczwatcr,are)20utbcrc*: janu pou lo^D £lytf ano olD bcft betrall*: 'C\)zn J ptrcef uc tbat to tW gf f rf toe mnH. 2 mcffc of mp gotJti fnenDs,tolnclj of pou foure Will purcbaCe tljanfes bp pteloing to tbe ^ing, CbcboDie of tbc ratb wbelUousflohn*; CdlUrouFitzwatcr? Fitz.3;5oIohn,3lDefie, Co ttm mp olu banus tn tbp poutbfuU bloo^e, Joh.J^outDiUio^uElyjamfurepoutoiU, Ely.'J^e furg 1^011115 man^mp age means tljce no iH lohn.© pou VoiU baue tbe p^aife^b^auc Robin Hood? (Ebe luttie outlatoe ,io^ of tbtg large tuotjoe, ii)ee'l leao a kinjs fonne, p^ifoner to a king;, auu bm tbe bjotber fmite tbe bjotber oeaBe. Rob.S^B purpoCepou baue mucb mifcondcuett/ P;ince lohn,^ tooulD not to} t\)z rnim too^lBjS Doealt^ 3'nccnfe \}ii spateaiejbut oae mp beft, ^5:0 mitigate bi5 to?atb , if be be mottU • loh. caill none of pou?tben bere'is one 3J fiarc Caj', Cbatfrom biscbilDeboouc,lino\jJCBbovn tobctcap: W3rman,\j)til not pou beipe to ^inntt all pou map. War. caitb tobnt 'S\ baue bcene^ttoit me not mp Io^Hp 9Qr> olDc Cms at mp Coule 3 Doc Dete C^. lobXben tbatbecametbis toap,p^inceIohnbJa?bUK. .froi5i«eme£ly,parDonmgcFitzvvater: iCintJ Robin,to tt)P bancs mp felfej P«I5- Rob» ^n^ as mp beart^f rom burt 31 toill tbce Ibieto.* ^ £ntct /1/«r^,running, Mu, ^afie^flp,bioe Pe mtareffCjie al IbaH bt Uhert: /Job, MbPjtobats tbe mattef:- rof bo;re0. Much.2DbeHing,tbekmg,iftn3clucanDt\i3cntvfco?c Rt)b.]pcacefoolc»U3C baue no raufe from bim to ftp, % £nicr Scarlet, lictlclohn. ;oh,Scarlet ano 31 Were b«"c»«5 outbc piattg. . ~ iTicQOwn-Taii or i\x,^ . . S3Co H tsmz ropall Richard UomUs tmnz ( jfo) a great traitte of ^10 i» tiaru at batttij $lnu queStontit)0,if toe feru'u /^obin Hoodc: 3 fatDc toectJiD : ano t()f n ^ifi S^aieffie, putting tbis malTie ctjaine about m^ necke, S)ai3 to^at 3 l^ameto rap:,buttopDeto t;eare: let Sarlct teU it, it befits not mee» 5car«duotl)ourgooDking,tbp n ame is little Tohn, Snu tbou baff long timeferu'D carle Huntington: l^ecaufetlioulefttt^imnotinmtrfrie, abunoKB markes i giuct^ee peareliefee, 3nD from bencefo^tif bou fl^aU a fqwiec bee, Much.©Jlo?uiDbatlucfebaD3itorunneab)ap? 3! n)OulD bane bene maoe a Itnigbt, 0^ a laup fiire, .Jcar.(Sof ,faitj tbe Mn(jj,ano to pour matter Cap, Richard 10 COttlC to caUbUtt to tbe tourt. !3nii teitb bt0 Wttglp pjefence cbafe tbe clouw ©fgricfcanD fo^role jtb at in mittte (baiJC0, i^aue bailD tbe bonour of earle Huntington. Robjji^ioto $>0D pjeferue |jim,bpe ?(hi baclte againe, ano z^int bim^leatt in bP'patba be nuttake. MucK,fetcb a ricber garment fo^ntp fatbcr: (SooB ifricr Tuck,91 pjetbeeroufecbptoitflf. Waniian,tjifit m^ne tocle anB Cr Doncaftcr, <^ee if tbcp can come fo^tb to grace our (botoe» o« are toenpiepr*8, QnB goon Idiincc iohn,fince pou are all m greene, E>irDainenottoatcenoonRobin Hoodct JTcolich 3 p;ap, 3 trutt to Boe pee gooB. tdelcome goon unclCatoelcomc fir Do^ncaf^er, €)a?,luinpccfit,3! fearepee cannot danD. Pri,lie0,ber?U3eU» Rob.tabPrcbeerel^ cbeerrip tfjen. 'C^be crumpec5(bunD0,tbe king i0 note at banB: lo;D0^^'eomen;mati0,tnBecenc o^oer (tattlt .: The r *^ The trumpets foundjthe while '^tf^iwflacM them. Enter firrt^bare-hcadejittlc lohr, and Sc^rieti likqwjfe Chejier^ and £»f/?er,bearing the fword and fccpten the King follow crowncd,clad in grcenrafter him Queenc moth er , after her S^fimy and Richmond^ Sesr/tt and Scdthlocke tumc to Ro^ift Haade; who with all his c6- panykncele downeandcry. All. ©ot)fa«e i^ing Richard, JU))5 p^cftrue ?ottt 6race, King. '^^^aukSi aU,bOtCljiefe;p, riuntington,tO cljee. 3ctfe poo?e uxU^HanD bp,mj) iatc loft Connc, arm on tbp l^oulticrj! Ut me reft m^ arme^, ^fjat battcbcnetopleu Ion? teitlj !jcac^cntB«n:00: CraeptlTcr of m? ftatejdgi^t lo^ luueeDe, 22Jtofc Ijonour Qjinetl; mtheuennecf necne, 31 em men full of toPj«n9 fuUof tuoe; Co fee t^ee,gla5:butfa?j to rectt»eefa» Rob.a) tjjat 3! cottlDpoto^e out mp ro5lei«p^«pcr«f, anD p?aifei5 fo^ t^w fetnglp cartefie, )S)oe not, t!;cao lo^ti>grteue atmp lotseeSatet jaeaet fo rt ct),neuer (b fortunate, mxtm Huncington a0 ne\2) Ijimfelfe ^e ftnoe?* Sno to app^ouelt, map ic pleafe pour 3ges Fitzwatcc ^banilbcfi bp John. King* a iemmeinDeeue:nolP?mce b«tb fucb a one. ®oc«>,gooD oW man,as Welcome \)nto mee, Sis coole frell) ai^^e, m beatg ejctreamitie. Fitz.^noBlasglatJCaktiremp^ouerftisnesbanB, ^9 tbe tt jackt fU3immer,\:jb^« ^^ f«l^!3 tbe lano. -Qu. ©Welcome Ficzwaccr,3amsUutoree pott. __^ ^ -Fttz. Lcfter anu Richmond,C()?itte0 Huo^ne c^ampioiw, 'C&at foUoto'DRrchaid inOtJJbolptoarre. Richm .^oI)leFitzwatcrjtl)anfej3,qt toilcorae liot>, Lef),0 6oQ (joto glaD 31 am fo fee tW tO}Df 3! cannot fpeahe --buttiJelcomeatalODO^tie. Rob, jf^ett t fkkt goou £Iy in pour roi'aU &flttO0, CStfjofleB from neat^^an^ moQ tmimllbanod. Kio.Robin,tl)l*giftfi( f)ccceDe:Moorton mp Ctuncelloor.' 3) n c^is man giu t|)cu tolineffe ano I^ononr. Ely. Jnut^nc Oe Qiat^ mc,anD be gaue me life> IP^eferuingmtfrom fierce ptirfuma; foes, 2Bben B| too biame^babtu^ougbt liimman^tooesi S^itb mebelikcU)t(ebto p;erecue Cbt0re4le« 2B|trb H furreni^er to pour maieffte* Kin> t^eepe it goob Ely j&cepe it (ttllfo? me« Rob* '^be n^t faire 31eU)eU tbat 31 \iJii\ p^efente 3(0 richer tbanbotb t^eCe, pet in tbe fop(e> $P? grattous Lo^Djt batb afoule Default: £2Xbicb if ^onpacbon.bolMp 31 pioted^ Je hJill in Uaf tte far re ejcceebe tbe reft. lob^ Cbats me bemeane0,pfaitb mp tar ttci0 ne;t« (t)ecaUeflmcfotle,ifaitb 31 feareafoile. ^eUjjtie a maD Lo>b,tbiJ8 fante Huntington/ XohJ^zvt WP^fnce lohn ^ont b^otbcr, totwfe rettott^ SnD folic in pour abfence^Ut me craue^ CClitb bi? fubmiiTion map be burieb , 5ro^ be is noU) no mo^e tbe man be toa0> ie» wt Duetifull in all reCpectg to pou* Kin* p^ap 6oD it p;oouefo.Qael jgoob HuntingtoDj fo} tbpfafeeparbomi is onrb^otber lohn, :anb iDelcome to bs in ail beartte loue. Rob'^btslad J giue,a0 tenants bot^eir tanbf/ ZSXi^h a furrrnber^to recetue againe> 2Dbe (ame into tbeir obine potTclTtoa: 1^0 Mahan^bUtFuz waters cf)al{ Matildas ^^CP^eCtOUS f^cfit&at p00?e Huntington^ Dotbmtbi3toojlD,UolDa«l)i0 bcllel!ceme- ait^onsB ADif ^ one ^antt 3i fucccnoec |ier, /fich'ardrefuruesbec-Co 31 ^ope be teiU» ^ Kin.eis ^0' fojbinrrecciue ti^p Marian wcKe, antJ *n£uermavigourloaeijercv«rate, tc>utfloii{l3faircli?totbet)tmoaDate. ^ Rob \«io\3)pleafemf Wn^to entet Robins boUJcr, anu take Cuct) Ijomclp toelcome asjbc giiues, at (baU be reckettcB as mpbappmeoe. - , Kin caitb all mp tieart rt^cu as cembmeu frienu^:, ^oe toe togitb€r,^ere all quarrelles cnb». £xcunt, Manet Sir /tfib»^/M»t-» an dS bJiing tbeir toofull banw,fo? Robms uioe* i:fa€nmuatbeacbemanfaintiTigbpBeg.m0, femeafee boHo^^^o^^^'^"^ Ptelb bt9 Manan^ CbaU maiu Matilda,toberfatbers banBs: Si3lan!>3,bwgoow,latefeaponbptbeP|W?, >otobpH>ep.?iojs»tcearonmaoet4efottS?. I J ^"^ I X C^at af ^e lotig time i?b cell tfjem XxnuW^i . ^ttt ten t(im0lonsetiDe not to^at to (ope 3nTJ3lconfe(fetfjataUpottfapijBfrue. ' ' CSJUl poM iweonc tbing fo? me,c'rHue tjc king ^ofcettoo part0.-fap ti« a p?ettie ttiing: 3 fennto tow tan fioe muc^j if ton cwufemee, tfljtjiU skclton liues^&tt /ohn be tjoluc to bfe mee. S,Iob.:i b)tUperft»at)rt^eI(tng : hvit bota cannon ^ctfUjaUe all tbefc bcbolDers to contents ^^kcl.!^ta? Or lohn Eltam; t»fjat tc t^em 31 fa?, 2>£liwct to tb«to5>from mec,3 pMp. ; csSell ittogtns )imtt9M a liibtle fufpence ! ^oorcettfurf0offtislplatefli)nftm(btenij: 0nti S^clionp^omifesffo^tbifi offence, i liD^t fetono patt Ojall p^efentle be penB.* . ^ictelljaUpottfer.ajsratempfrtenooiDttotr, ming Richards reutls at earle Roberts botoer, \ •€:bepwtpoComii:t{j^anotbcpcrfp?meomone> ^ Cbe (eatb of Robin^anu bt» martercra . ^ iFoj intere ttof pottr ftap,tf)istoiU 31 aooj i i&insR«chard$t3opa0;ebacbeto Auftriaj ^beflDiftretttniet^eiiiingstof bisKcatb] Cbe maimer of bis ropall fnncrall. I ^benioHnfiiaUbcalalofuUcrolunfOliing^ I 'But to Matilda bcarc bnlatofulUotte, ; QgeD FitzwatcrjfinaUbanifijment: ' i^iopitioagettl>,cfpotoerteare]Storoouc 1 i^ommarWepillerB.CbeCataftropkc [ &baU, 9t DumvHod ^bbetjtubereQje contfantlg eboCe ocafb to faue bet fpotlelTr cbattitic Cabebttt m? UJojUimo if 3 faile in tbfs, ^b^n Utmppainesi be baffieoiiJttb a t^iiTc. FINIS. I THIS BOOK IS DUE oK TM I^ST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL pISFof 25 CENTS W.LL iNCRErSE TO SO J?N?^^ ^^ '■^''*'-" OAV AND TO si OO „^ JJ "" ™^ """"TH OVERDUE "" ™^ SEVENTH DAY OS LD 21-l00m-7,'33 CD3imfi42'l 274805 UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA LIBRARY