•^. SOCIOLOGY JOHN M. GILLETTE The National Social Science Series Edited by Frank L. McVey, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University of North Dakota Now Ready SOCIOLOGY. John M. Gillette, Professor of Soci- ology, The University of North Dakota. THE AMERICAN CITY. Henry C. Wright, First Deputy Commissioner, Department of PubHc Chari- ties, New York City. GOVERNMENT FINANCE IN THE UNITED STATES. Carl C. Plehn, Professor of Finance, The University of California. THE COST OF LIVING. Walter E. Clark, Pro- fessor and Head of the Department of Political Science, The College of the City of New York. TRUSTS AND COMPETITION. John F. Crowell, Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. MONEY. William A. Scott, Director of the Course in Commerce, and Professor of Political Economy, The University of Wisconsin. TAXATION. C. B. Fillebrown, President Massa- chusetts Single Tax League, Author oi A B C of Taxation. THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY. John M. Gillette. Professor of Sociology, The University of North Dakota. BANKING. William A. Scott. THE CAUSE AND CURE OF CRIME. Charles R. Henderson, late Professor of Sociology, The Uni- versity of Chicago. Each, Fifty Cents Net A. C. McCLURG & CO., PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO The National Social Science Series Edited by Frank L. McVey, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University of North Dakota In Preparation PROPERTY AND SOCIETY. A. A. Bruce, Asso- ciate Justice Supreme Court. Xorth Dakota, Com- missioner on Uniform State Laws, etc. STATISTICS. W. B. Bailey, Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Yale University. BASIS OF COMMERCE. E. V. Robinson, formerly Professor of Economics. The University of Minne- sota, late Professor. Columbia University. WOMEN WORKERS AND SOCIETY. Annie M. MacLe.AiN, Assistant Professor of Sociologjs The University of Chicago. THE NEWSPAPER AS A SOCIAL FACTOR. Allan D. Albert, Former Editor Minneapolis Trib- une, President International Association of Rotary Qubs. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND IN AMERICA. Charles W. Holman, Editorial writer, expert of L^nited States Industrial Commission, Secretary of National Conference on Marketing and Farm Credits. MODERN PHILANTHROPY. Eugene T. Lies, Gen- eral Superintendent. Chicago United Charities, Lec- turer Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Di- rector Illinois Commission on Social Legislation. ESSENTI.\LS OF FOREIGN TRADE. John F. Crowell^ Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. POPULATION. E. Dana Durand, Former Director United States Census. Professor of Statistics, The University of Minnesota. COOPERATION. L. D. H. Weld. Professor of Busi- ness Administration, Yale University. SOCIOLOGY BY John M. Gillette, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology in the Uni'versity of North Dakota, Author of "Vocational Education," "Constructi