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American academy of poHtical and social science. American
Philadelphia: Amer'ican academy of political and social
science, 1908. Hi, (1), 299 pp. 8°. {Annals of the
American academy of political and social science, vol. 31,
no. 1, January, 1908.)
Contents. — (tur national inland waterways policy, by Presi-
dent Roosevelt, pp. 1-11; Present status of the Panama
project, by Henry L. Abbot, pp. 12-35; Legislative program
Congress should adopt for improvement of American water-
ways, by Joseph E. Ransdell, pp. 36-47 ; The use and develop-
ment of American waterways, by Francis G. Newlands, pp.
48-66; The Delaware river, by J. Hampton Moore, pp. 67-72;
Engineering features of Chesapeake and Delaware and Nor-
folk-Beaufort waterways, by C. A. F. Flagler, pp. 73-80;
Cape Cod canal, by William Barclay Parsons, pp. 81-91;
Atlantic coastwise canals : their history and present status,
by G. D. Luetscher, pp. 92-101 ; The anthracite-tidewater
canals, by Chester Lloyd Jones, pp. 102-116 ; The New York
canals, by John A. Fairlie, pp. 117-127 ; Transportation on the
Great Lakes, by Walter Thayer, pp. 128-138 ; The improve-
ment of the Ohio river, by John L. Vance, pp. 139-145 ; Mis-
sissippi improvements and traffic prospects, by R. B. Way,
pp. 146-163 ; Water power in the Mississippi Valley, by Cal-
vin O. Althouse, pp. 164-177; The improvement of the Mis-
souri river and its usefulness as a traffic route, by Lawrence
M. Jones, pp. 178-188 ; Columbia river improvement and
the Pacific Northwest, by Frederick G. Young, pp. 189-
202 ; Reclamation of arid west by federal government, by
Arthur P. Davis, pp. 20.3-218; The relation of forests to
stream control, by Gifford Pinchot, pp. 219-227; The inland
waterways of Great Britain and the plans under considera-
tion for their improvement, by Urquhart A. Forbes, pp. 228-
245 ; The present significance of German inland waterways,
by Walther Lotz, pp. 246-262.
The Atlantic deeper waterways conference. Philadelphia^
1907. Report of the proceedings. Nov. 18-20, 1907.
Published by the Atlantic deeper waterways association.
Compiled and edited by Addison B. Burk.
Philadelphia: The l)ook j^rint, January, 1908. 30 Jf pp.
Plate. 8°.
Contains the following addresses:
Inland waterways in the United States, by Francis G. New-
lands ; Inland waterways along the Atlantic coast, by Charles
Heber Clark; The cut through Cape Cod, by William Bar-
clay rarsons; Another canal across Cape Cod, by Loyed E.
Cliamberlain; Long Island Sound and the northern ap-
proaches to New York, by Joseph A. Goulden ; The Hudson
river outlet from the Erie canal to the sea, by William B.
Jones; New York harbor — its commercial and naval signifi-
cance and the apjiroaches from Raritan bay, by George E.
Waldo; The Delaware and Raritan canal — its history and
commerce, by Edward C. Stokes; Engineering features of a
Trans-New Jersej- canal, by Lewis M. Haupt; The Delaware
river from Trenton to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia
south, bj' Joel Cook ; The Chesapeake and Delaware canal —
its history and commerce, by Anthony Iliggins ; The Chesa-
peake bay and its connection with the Delaware, by Felix
Angus ; Hampton Roads and the Chesapeake approaches to
Maryland, A'irginia and North Carolina, by Hugh R. Gar-
den ; Behind Hatteras — The Norfolk-Beaufort route, by John
H. Small ; The engineering outlook — Chesapeake and Dela-
ware and Norfolk-Beaufort route, by C. A. Flagler ; Looking
south from Beaufort, by C. P. Goodyear ; Inland waterways
from the Florida view-point, by George F. Miles.
Bates, Lindon "Wallace. The navigation interests of nations in
ports and waterways, and modern means for their im-
Paris: Impr. P. Dupont, 1900. 5!f pp. Plates. Plan. 4°.
{viiith Into'national congress on navigation. Paris 1900.
Third section.^
Benyaurd, W. H. H. From Lake Michigan to the Mississippi
Puhlished hy the Michigan and Mississippi canal commis-
sion, Davenport, Iowa. \n. fZ.] 15 pp. 8°.
Boston. Board of trade. Proceedings. Relative to a canal from
the lakes to the Mississippi,
Boston: Wright c& Potter, 1870. 36 pp. 8°.
British iron trade association. American industrial conditions
and competition ; reports of the commissioners appointed
by the British iron trade association, to enquire into the
iron, steel, and allied industries of the United States, Ed.
by J. Stephen Jeans.
London: The British iron trade association^ 1902. xxei^
590 pp. Illustrations. Folded plates. Folded map. 8°.
" Transportation systems and conditions," pp. 74-112 : A. Rail-
road transportation ; B. American lake transportation ; C.
River transportation ; D. Canal transportati. -J.
Ramsey, Alexander. Cheap transportation obtained hj improved
water-routes and railways. Speech in the United States
Senate, March 6, 1874.
Washington: Government printing office^ 1874. 9 pp. 12°.
Bansdell, Joseph Euo:ene. Duty of ffovernment to improve water-
ways and harbors. Address before the Mississippi Valley
Latin-American convention, New Orleans, La., April 7,
[New Orleans: 1906.] fd3, (1) pp. 8°.
Ringwalt, John Luther. Development of transportation systems
in the United States; comprising a comprehensive descrip-
tion of the leading features of advancement, from the
colonial era to the present time, in water channels, roads,
turnpikes, canals, railways, vessels, vehicles, cars and
Philadelphia: Published hy the author., Railway world
o-ffice, 1888. 398 pp. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Fac-
similes. Diagrams. 4°*
Kiver and harbor improvement convention, Tuscaloosa., Ala..,
1885. Memorial and proceedings of the Eiver and harbor
improvement convention.
Cincinnati: The Ohio Valley press., 1886. (6), 86 pp. Map.
River improvement. Mississippi Valley memorial. New Or-
leans, Keokuk and Louisville conventions. Reports and
resolutions. " Cheap transportation a public necessity."
Dubuque: Daily Herald steam p7'inting house., 1869. 3'2
pp. 8°.
Roosevelt, Theodore. Address of President Eoosevelt at Keokuk,
Iowa, October 1, 1907.
Washington: Govern'ment printing office., 1907. 58 pp. 8°.
Address of President Roosevelt at St. Louis, Missouri, Octo-
ber 2, 1907.
Washingto?i: Government printi?ig o;ffice, 1907. 50 pp. 8°.
Address of President Roosevelt to the Deep waterway con-
vention at Memphis, Tennessee, October 4, 1907.
Washington: Government printing office, 1907. (^), 71 pp.
Russell, Israel Cook. Rivers of North America ; a reading lesson
for students of geography and geology.
New York: G. P. Putnam's sons; London: J. Murray^ 1902.
{2),(€v, {4),S27 pp. Plates. Majhs. Tables. 8°. {The
science series, ed. hy J. M. Gattell and F. E. Beddard.)
St. Louis. Chamber of commerce. Proceedings of the St. Louis
chamber of commerce, in relation to the improvement of
the navigation of the Mississippi Eiver, and its principal
tributaries and the St. Louis harbor. AVith a statement
submitted by A. B. Chambers.
St. Louis: Chambers di Knapp, 184'2. 4 VP- including
tables. 12°.
Sanborn, John Bell. The story of the Fox- Wisconsin rivers im-
Madison: State historical society of Wisconsin, 1900. 186-
194 VV- ^°- {Wisco7isin. State historical society ^ Pro-
ceedings^ 1899. )
Seddon, James A. St. i^ouis, a lake and gulf port. A deep water-
way joining the lake and gulf commerce.
\n. p.] 1904. 15 pp. 8°. _
Semple, Ellen Churchill. American history and its geographic
Boston and New York: Houghton, MiffJ.in and company,
1903. {8), 466 pp. Maps. 8°.
" The geography of the inland waterways," pp. 246-279 ; " The
geographical distribution of railroads," pp. 367-396. Com-
pares canal and railway transportation.
Sibert, William L. Artificial waterways in the L^nited States.
(In American society of civil engineers. Transactions, vol.
54, part F, 1905, pp. 255-284. New York, 1905. 8°.)
Smith, Joseph Russell. The organization of ocean commerce.
Philadelphia : Published for the University, 1905. viii, 155
pp. Folded map. Diagrams. 4° - {Publications of the
University of Pennsylvania. Series in political economy
and public law, no. 17.)
"Appendix A. Bibliographical note": pp. [149]-150.
" The probable effects of the Panama canal upon ocean trade
routes and coaling stations " : pp. [79]-101.
Contents. — Introduction, — pt. 1. Traffic. — pt, II. Routes and
shipping. — pt. III. Harbors and port facilities. — Conclusion.
Southall, James C. Cheap transportation. Delivered before the
American cheap transportation association in Richmond,
Virginia, December 2nd, 1874.
Riclimond : Clemmitt <£' Jones^ 1875. 39 pp. 8° .
Taylor, Robert S. The improvement of the Mississippi River. An
address delivered at St. Louis, Mo., January 26, 1884.
St. Louis: R. P. Studley & co., 1884. 32 pj). 5°.
Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, and D. A. Watt. The improvement
of rivers. A treatise on the methods employed for im-
proving streams for open navigation, and for navigation
by means of locks and dams. 1st ed.
Xew York: J. Wiley and sons; London: Chapman & LLall.,
limited., 1903. xiv, 356 pp. Plates. Map. Plans. Dia-
gram. F°.
Tompkins, P'rank H. Riparian lands of the ' Mississippi River,
past — present — prospective; being a collection of essays
and discussions of problems affecting the improvement of
navigation of the Mississippi River.
[Chicago: A. L.Swift &co.\, 1901. 216,225-640 pp. Illus-
trations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. F°.
Toronto deep waterways convention, Sept. 17-20^ 1894. [Pro-
ceedings of the] Toronto deep waterways convention.
September IT, 18, 19, and 20, 1894.
(In International deep waterways association. Proceedings
of the first annual convention, Cleveland, September 24-26,
1895, pp. 390-449. Cleveland, 1895. 8°.)
Trans-Mississippi commercial congress. 9th, Salt Lake City,
1897. Official proceedings of the ninth session of the
Trans-Mississippi commercial congress, held at Assembly
hall, Temple park. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 14, 15, 16,
and 17, 1897 . . . Compiled by Secretary W. H. Culmer.
Salt Lake City: Press of Trihune job printing co., [1897 f]
320 pp. 8°.
Tunell, George G. Statistics of Lake commerce. A report made to
the Bureau of statistics. February 3, 1898. 106 pp. 8°.
(U. S. 55th Congress, 2d session. House document no.
Also printed without document number.
United States. JfOth Congress^ Ist session. Senate report no. 46,
pts. 1 and 2. Report of the Senate select committee on
interstate commerce. (With appendix.)
Washington: Government printing o^ce, 1886. 2 vols. 8°.
Presented by Mr. Cullom.
Contents. — Part 1 : The railroad system of the United States —
Its evolution and extent ; The internal commerce of the
United States; The power of Congress to regulate com-
merce — A review of the declarations of the United States
Supreme court on the subject ; The relations of the railroad
to the community and to the governmental authority ; The
various methods of railroad regulation ; The course of rail-
road legislation in England; Railroad legislation in the
United States ; Summary of the provisions of the state stat-
utes — The work of the State commissions ; The comparative
volume of state and interstate traffic — Returns from leading
railroads; Competition between waterways and railroads —
Water routes the most effective regulators of railroad
charges; The necessity of national regulation on interstate
commerce; The causes of complaint against the railroad
system ; Railroad rates — The principles upon which they
should be established, and the limitations within which dis-
crimination may be justifiable ; Publicity the best I'emedy for
imjust discrimination ; A national commission — Its estab-
lishment recommended for the enforcement of the legislation
proposed ; The committee's bill. Part 2 : Testimony.
• 59th Congress., 2d session. Debates on H. R. 24991, making
appropriations for the construction, repair, and preserva-
tion of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for
other purposes.
{In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 41,
pts. 2-3, 5. Washington: 1907. 4°.)
Debates in the House, pt. 2, pp. 1998-1990 ; pt. 3, pp. 2027, 2030.
2031-2057, 2093, 2094, 2095-2136, 2164-2172, 2291-2304, 2304-
2325, 2362-236S, 2369-2371, 2391-2392, 2420-2428, 2428-2433,
2433-2434, 2439-2473.
Debated in the Senate, pt. 3, pp. 3439-3448.
Debates are also reported in pt. 5, Appendix, pp. 8, 15-18, 38-
44, 44-46, 47^9, 73-75.
The subject of tlie improvement of the Mississippi River was
discussed by Mr. Bartholdt, pt. 3, pp. 203.3-2040, 2386-2390 :
Mr Snapp, pp. 2041-2045, 2382 ; Mr. Coudrey, pp. 2048-2052,
2391 ; Mr. Rhodes, pp. 2055-2057 ; Mr. Clark, pp. 2094-2096 ;
Mr. Rodenberg, pp. 2090-2098; INIr. Rainey, pp. 2098-2106;
Mr. Crumpacker, pp. 2106-2108; Mr. :Madden. pp. 2108-2112,
2381; Mr. Shackleford, pp. 2112-2113; Mr. Graff, pp. 2113-
2118; Mr. Sheppard, pp. 2118-2125; Mr. Candler, pp. 2127-
2134; Mr. Garrett, pp. 2134-2136; Mr. Hepburn, pp. 2168-
2170; Mr. Davidson, pp. 2295-2301; Mr. Humphreys of Mis-
sissippi, pp. 2301-2304, 2384-2396 ; Mr. Lloyd, pp. 2306-2310,
23S1-23S2; Mr. Williams, pp. 2310-2311; Mr. Bankhead, pp.
2311; Mr. Lorimer, pp. 2376-2378, 2383; Mr. Burton, pp.
2379-2381, 2382, 2428-24.33; Mr. Smith of Illinois, pp. 2391-
2392, and Appendix, pp. 73-75; Mr. Ellis, pt. 3, pp. 2426-
2428, 2440; Mr. Kennedy of Nebraska, pp. 2441; Senator
McLaurin, pt. 4, pp. 3445-3448 ; Mr. Broussard, Appendix, pp.
38-11 ; Mr. Bennett, pp. 41^4 ; Mr. Bowers, iii). 44-40.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on commerce. Im-
provement of the Mississippi RiA-er. Report of the hearing
held February 3, 1904, embocl3^ing also report of a conven-
tion held October 27-28, 1903, at Xew Orleans. April 4,
1904. — Presented by Mr, Berrj^ and ordered to be printed,
[Washington^ Government printing office., 1904^.'] 116 ff.
8°. {58th Congress.^ 2d session. Senate document no.
House. Committee on levees and improvement of
the Mississippi River. Improvement of the Mississippi
[Waslvington., Government printing office., 187 8. '\ 12 pp.
Frontispiece. 8°. {4oth Congress., 2d session. House of
representatives. Report., no. 714.)
Caption title.
Report to accompany House bill. no. 4318.
Committee on rivers and harbors . Memo-
randa relating to appropriations and authorizations to be
included in River and harbor bill as decided upon by the
Committee January 23, 1907.
[Washington: Government printing office, 1907.] 8 pp.
Caption title.
Board of engineers on deep waterways. Report of the
Board of engineers on deep waterways between the Great
Lakes and the Atlantic tide waters , . , Dec. 7, 1900. —
Referred to the Committee on rivers and harbors,
Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 2 vols.
Hlustrations. Plates. 4°. Atlas, I4I folded maps and
profiles. 4°. {U. S. 56th Congress, 2d session. House
document no. 149.)
United States. Census office. 11th census. Report on transporta-
tion business in the United States, at the Eleventh census :
1890. Part 2. Transportation by water.
Washington: Government printing office., 1891^. xiii, {!),
632 pp. Folded maps. ,^°.
Contents. — Trausportation on the Atlantic coast and Gulf
of Mexico ; Transix)rtation on tlio Pacific coast ; on the
Great Lakes; on Lalvo Chauiplaiu; on the rivers of the
Mississippi valley; on canals and canalized rivers; By
express companies.
Department of commerce and labor. Bureav of statistics.
Monthly summarj^ of commerce and finance of the
United States. <
Washington: Government printing office., 1907. Jf°.
Contains statistics of the •' Internal commerce of the United
States," including " Domestic commerce on the Great Lakes,"
and " Commercial movements on rivers and canals."
This forms a regular feature of this publication.
Engineer department. Analytical and topical index to the
reports of the chief of engineers and the officers of the
Corps of engineers, United States army, upon works and
surveys for river and harbor improvement, 186G[-1892].
Washington: Government printing office., 1881-1895. 3 vols.
and folded map (8 folded sheets in 1 vol.) . 8°.
Continued by the "Analytical and topical index to the reports
. . . 186G-inOO. AVashington, 1903."
Annual report of the Chief of engineers, United
States army, and of subordinate engineers upon the im
provement of rivers and harbors, and report of the Missis-
sippi river commission, for the fiscal year ended June 30,
Washington: Government printing office^ 1906. 2 vols. 8°.
( U. S. o9th Congress., 2d session. Rouse document no. 22.)
Eeport upon survey, with plans and estimates of
cost, for a navigable waterway 14 feet deep from Lock-
port, 111., by way of Des Plaines and Illinois rivers, to the
mouth of said Illinois River, and thence by way of the
Mississippi River to St. Louis, Mo., and for a navigable
waterway of 7 and 8 feet depth, respectively, from the
head of navigation of Illinois River at Lasalle, 111.,
through said river to OttaAva, 111., by the Mississippi
River commission, covering the section below the mouth
of the Illinois River, and by a Board of officers of the
corps of eiicfineers. U. S. army, covering the section above
the mouth of the Illinois River.
Washhiffton : Goveimment printing office, 1905. 5JfIf. pp.
Plates. 17 maps. 8°. {o9th Congress, 1st session.
House document 263.)
V United States. Engineer department. Reports upon transportation
routes to the seaboard; being appendix cc of the Annual
report of the chief of engineers for 1875.
Washington: Government printing office, 1875. 2Jf6 pp.
including illustrations. Tables. 33 plates {including
maps, plans, diagrams). 8°.
Rivers and harbors. Letters from the secretary of
war to the House of representatives. 5Gth Congress, 2d
session, transmitting reports of examinations and surveys
of the Engineer department, U. S. army. Compilation
in 3 vols.
Washington: 1900 and 1901. 90 pamphlets in 3 vols.
Folded plates. Folded maps. Folded plans. 8°. {56th
Congress, 2d session. House documents.)
Compiled in the Division of documents. Library of Congress.
Each vol. has a typewritten title and an " Index " to the
entire compilation arranged alphabetically, by States.
Contents. — vol. 1. Doc. no. 66-78, 82-94. — vol. 2. Doc. no.
95-104, 111-11.5, 117-130.— vol. 3. Doc. no. 131-134, 1.39, 148,
150-153, 178-180, 201-202, 217-220, 227-228, 234-235, 261-
264, 274, 283, 207, 318, 355, 378, 450, 506.
Industrial commission. Report of the Industrial commis-
sion on transportation . . , including testimony ... re-
view and topical digest of evidence, and special reports on
railway legislation [by B. H. Mever] and taxation [by
Roswcll C. McCrea].
Washington: Government printing) office, 1900-1901. 2
vols. Map. Facsimiles. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. {The
Commission'^s Reports, vol. iv, ix.)
Vol. 4. Lake transportation, pp. 100-107 of the Digest; Ocean
transportation, pp. 167-175.
For the testimony on these subjects see Index to testimony,
page 832.
Vol. 9. Freight rates to the Pacific Coast and sea competi-
tion, pp. cxvi-cxx of the Digest; Water transportation, pp.
clxxiv-clxxxiv ; Transportation ou the Mississippi and
tributary rivers, pp. clxxxiv-clxxxix ; Labor connected witli
water transportation, pp. cclxv-cclxxii.
For testimony on these snbjects see Index to testimony, page
United States. Treasury department. Statement of appropriations
and expenditures for public buildings, rivers and harbors,
forts, arsenals, armories, and other public works, from
March 4, 1789, to June 30, 1882.
Washington: Government printing office., 1882. GO If. pp.
Bureau of statistics. First annual report on the
internal commerce of the United States, by Josej^h Nimmo,
jr. For the year ending June 30, 187G.
Washington: Government printing office., 1877. 215., (),
«y, 257 pp. Folded maps. Folded charts. 8°.
Issued as "Part second of tlie annual rejKn-t of the Chief of
the Bureau of statistics on tlie conimeree and naA'igation
of the United States." Contains reports of investigations
of economy of transport by rail ; The competitive forces
which exert a controlling influence over the commerce
between the West and the seaboard with respect to the com-
mercial interests of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and
Baltimore; The regulation of the railroads by the state; The
regulation of rail rates through the competition of water-
lines; The regulation of railroads tlirough the competition
of one or more railroads owned and controlled by the na-
tional government or by cities or states; and The railroad
question in foreign countries.
Annual report. December 1, 1879.
Washington: Government printing office., 1879. xi, (1), 250
pp. Folded map. 8°.
Contains reports on The commerce of the cities of Saint Louis,
Louisville, and Cincinnati with the stares south of the Ohio
river and south of the state of Missouri : Comparative
growth of traffic on railroads and on the Erie canal in the
commerce between the west and the seaboard ; and The rela-
tions of the railroads to the public interests.
Same. July 1, 1881.
Washington: Government printing office, 1881. viii, 239 pp.
Folded maps. 8°.
Contains reports on Railroad confederations or pooling organi-
zations; Governmental regulations of railroads: The compe-
tition between water lines and railroads and the competition
of commercial forces; The commercial, industrial, and trans-
portation interests of Cincinnati, Chicago, Saint Louis,
Louisville, and Kansas City.
Upper Mississippi river improvement association. Proceed-
ings, 1002, 1004.
Quincy, lU.: Volk, Jones (& McMein eo., [1902-1 00 4. -] 2
vols. 8°.
Proceedings. Convention held at Moline, Illinois, October 22
and 23, 1907.
[Quincy, Illinois: McMein printing company, 1907.1 ^^^
pp. 8°.
Remarks of the various speakers. Convention held at Mo-
line, Illinois, October 22 and 23, 1007.
[Quiticy, Illinois: McMein printing company, 1907.1 92 pp.
Contains addresses by the following:
W. J. McGee; Thomas Wilkinson; A. J. Hopkins; Thomas
Hedge; George W. Prince; D. W. Hamilton; C. W. Hall;
A. F. Dawson; Alonzo Brysou; Our association, by Thomas
Wilkinson ; The outlook, by A. F. Dawson ; The deep water-
ways, by William Lorimer ; The United States Senate, by
A. J. Hopkins ; The improvement of our waterways a na-
tional problem, by Frank O. Lowden ; The value of water-
ways, by J. W. Murphy ; The future of our waterways sys-
tem, by Lyman E. Cooley ; Waterways of the Pacific coast, by
W. J. McGee.
Ward, Edward G. Internal commerce.
(In U. S. Department of commerce and labor. Monthly sum-
mary of commerce and finance of the United States, Novem-
ber, 1904, pp. 1663-1710. Washington, 1904. 4°.)
Ward, Elijah. Speeches on commercial, financial and other sub-
New York: G. IF. Garleton & co., 1877. 320 pp. Por-
trait. 8°.
Ship-canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; its
value to the commerce of the United States and other
nations. House of Representatives, February 15, 1859, pp.
A free canal policy: the best guarantee for the preservation
and increase of our inland commerce, pp. 302-313.
Whitford, Xoble E. History of the canal system of the state of
New York together with brief histories of the canals of
the United States and Canada . . . Under the authority
of Henry A. Van Alstyne, state engineer and surveyor.
[Alba/iy: Brandow jninting company, 1906.] 2 vols.
Plates. Folded maps. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. {Sup-
plement to the Annual report of the state engineer and
surveyor of the state of New York for the fiscal year end-
ing September 30, 1905.)
'A,Bibliograpliy of New York canals and navigable waterways,"
by Minnie M, Beal, vol. 2, pp. 1173-13GG.
" Biographies of engineers :" vol. 2, pp. 1145-1172.
" Great canals of the world. I'arts of a monograph . . . pub.
by the United States . . . Bureau of statistics:" vol. 2, pp.
Williams, Charles G, Improvement of the Mississippi river.
Speech in the House of Representatives, February 18,
Washington: Government printing office, 1895. 9 pp. 8°.
Windoni, William. Cheap transportation. Speech in the Senate
of the United States, April 24, 1874.
W ashi7igton : Government printing office, 187 J^.. 52 pp. 8°.
Wooten, William Preston. The improvement of the Mississippi
river between St. Louis and Cairo.
Press of the Engineer school of application, Washington
Barracks, Washington, D. C. 1902. {2), 8 pp. 8°.
1887. The great water wny to connect Lake Michigan with the
Mississippi Eiver, and its influence on floods in the Illi-
nois River. Thomas T. Johnston.
Association of engineering societies. Journal., vol. 6 {May,
1887): 182-199.
1888. The waterway between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi
by way of the Illinois river. Robert E. McMath.
Association of engineering societies. Journal, vol. 7 {Aug..,
1888): 313-329.
Discussion before the Engineers' Club at St. Louis of the pro-
I)osed waterway from a St. Louis i)oint of view in respect
to its physical, sanitary, economical, and political conse-
1889. Levels of the lakes as affected by the proposed Lake Michi-
gan and Mississippi waterway. Read before the Western
society of engineers. September 5, 1888. George Y. Wis-
ner, and others.
Association of engineering societies. Journal.^ vol. 8 {Mar..,
1889): 123-151^.
Introductory : The proposed waterway ; Levels of the lakes,
by (ieorge Y. Wisner ; Discussion by L. E. Cooley, L. M.
Haupt, etc.
1892. Onr lake commerce and ways to the sea. Cushman K.
Forum, vol. 12 [Feb., 1892) : 729-739.
1892. The water route from Chicago to the ocean. Charles C.
Scribner's magazine, vol. 11 {Mar., 1892) : 270-295.
1893. Inland transportation, F. A. Mahan.
American society of civil engineers. Transactions, vol. 29
{July, 1893) : 97-127.
DEEP waterways: articles in periodicals
1893. The limits attainable in improving the navigability of
rivers by means of regulation. H. Engels. Translated
from the German by Kenneth Allen.
American society of civil engineers. Transactions, vol. £9,
(July, 1893) : 97-127.
Opening the Great Lakes to the sea. Carl Snyder.
Harper's weekly, vol. 39 {Sept. 21, 1895) : 900-901.
Ship canal projects.
Public opinion, vol. 19 {Nov. 7, 1895) : 580-582.
" Press comment on Cleveland waterways convention,"
The present aspect of the Mississippi river navigation im-
provement. J. B. Johnson.
Engineering news, vol. 35, {Feb. 0, 1896) : 94-95.
Railroad gazette, vol. 28 {Feb. 7, 1896) : 87-88.
1896. The Mississippi river improvement. J. A. Ockerson.
Railroad gazette, vol. 28 {Feb. 28, 1896) : 139-llfi.
Engineenng news, vol. 35 {Mar. 5, 1896) : 154-155.
1897. Joining the Great Lakes to the sea.
Bradstreefs, vol. 25 {Jan. 23, 1897) : 55.
Editorial on the report of the Deep waterways commission.
1897. The report of the United States deep waterways commis-
sion. [Extracts.]
Engineering news, vol. 37 {Feb. 11, 1897) : 84-87.
1897. The deep waterways commission's report.
Engineering news, vol. 37 {Feb. 11, 1897) : 88-90.
1897. New York's canals. Campbell W.. Adams.
Seaboard, n. s. vol. 9 {Feb. 25, 1897) : 301, 305, 307; {Mar.
4, 1897) : 317, 323-325.
1897. The busiest canal in the world [Sault Ste. Marie]. Wil-
liam P. Kibbie.
Engineering magazine, vol. 13 {July, 1897) : 600-610.
1897. Inland navigation in the United States. Smith S. Leach.
Engineering news, vol. 38 {Aug. 19, 1897) : 117-118.
" Extracts from a paper presented to the Institute of Civil
Engineers. A brief summary of the extent of inland naviga-
tion in this country."
1897. New York's canals and commerce. Alexander R. Smith.
S-eaboard, n. s. vol. 9 {Aug. 26, 1897) : 721-723.
32006—08 3
1897. From the Lakes to the sea: an account of the inventions
and the devices that have now rendered feasible a gi'eat
ship canal. Carl Snyder.
American monthly review of reviews^ vol. 16 {Nov.., 1897) :
1897. Will a shiiD canal from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic pay?
Enginccrincj ?iews, vol. 38 {Nov. 11, 1897) : 316-3W.
1897. A ship canal from the Lakes to the sea.
Railroad gazette, vol. 29 {Nov. -5, 1897) : 777-778.
1897. The Lake Erie and Ohio river canal.
Engineering news, vol. 38 {Dec. 23, 1897) : 405-^06.
Review of the report of tlie provisional committee of the Pitts-
burg Chamber of commerce.
1898. The decaying commerce of New York and how to restore it.
Thomas C. Clarke.
Engineering news, vol. 39 {Mar. 31, 1898) : 202-203.
1898. The future of the Erie canal. Thomas W. Symons.
EngineeAng record, vol. 37 {Mar. 19, 1898) : 3JfO-3Jfl.
1898. The Lake Erie and Ohio river ship canal. William Gilbert
Scientific American, n. s. vol. 79 {Sept. 2Jf, 1898) : 195.
1899. Sault Ste. Marie canal. Some rare pictures of the old state
lock, with a historical resume of the development of the
Marine review, vol. 19 {Feh. 23, 1899) : 12-13.
1899. The economic relation of the proposed deep waterways to
the state of New York. George W. Rafter.
Technology quarterly, vol. 12 {Mar., 1899) : 1^3-50.
1899. Railway competition with canals in New York [Editorial].
Engineering news, vol. 1^1 {May 11, 1899) : 300-302.
1899. Deep Avaterways for lake commerce. F. W. Fitzpatrick.
Self culture, vol. 9 {May, 1899) : 257-263.
1900. The NeAv York canals. John A. Fairlie.
Quarterly journal of economics, vol. H {Feh., 1900) : 212-
1900. New York's canal problem. A discussion of the report of
the Advisory committee. William G. Raymond.
Railroad gazette, vol. 32 {Mar. 2, 1900) : 132-133; {Mar. 9,
1900) : 150-151.
DEEP waterways: articles in periodicals 35
1900. Canals from the Great Lakes to the sea. Thomas W. 8y-
Forum, vol. 29 {Apr., 1000) : 203-216.
1901. Shall a canal be built from the lakes to the sea? William
G. Raymond.
Railroad gazette, vol. 33 {Feb. 15, 1901) : 105-106.
1901. American canal problems with special reference to the state
of New York. Robert E. Horton.
Marine engineering, vol. 6 {May, 1901) : 188-193.
1901. The Chicago river. Thomas T. Johnston. Discussion.
Isham Randolph. Notes on the Chicago river. Ernest L.
Western society of engineers. Journal, vol. 6 {Aug., 1901) :
1903. Improvement of the Black Warrior, Warrior and Tombig-
bee rivers in Alabama. R. G. McCalla, and others.
American society of civil engineers. Proceedings, vol. 28
{Apr., 1902): 337-390; {Sept., 1902): 650-669; {Oct.,
1902) : 700-729; {Nov., 1902) : 777-791^.
1902. Full use of the rivers at Pittsburg and the removal of the
obstructions to such use. William L. Sibert.
Engineers society of western Pennsylvania. Proceedings,
vol. 18 {Oct., 1902) : 3^5-360.
1903. Pittsburgh: her waterways and her railways. Antes
Engineers society of western Pennsylvania. Proceedings,
vol. 19 {Pel., 19, 1903) : H-60.
1903. ''Improved waterway necessary for commercial outlet."
W. B. Rodgers.
Engineers society of western Pennsylvania. Proceedings,
vol. 19 {Feb. 19, 1903) : 61-83.
1903. Waterway improvement on the Ohio. William Gilbert
Scientific American, n. s. 89 {Aug. 15, 1903) : 117-118.
1903. Extension of federal jurisdiction over state canals.
American law review, vol. 37 {Nov.-Dec, 1903) : 911-916.
1904. The west's southern outlet to the world.
Commercial west, vol. 6 {Feh. 13, 190 J^) : 18.
1904. Canal enlargement in New York State. John A. Fairlie.
Quarterly journal of economics^ vol. 18 {F eh. ,190 If) : 286-
1904. New York's new canal system. Thomas W. Symons.
Marine i^eview, vol. 39 {Mar. 10, 1904) •' 16-17.
1904. The projected new barge canal of the State of New York.
Thomas W. Symons.
American geographical society. Bulletin, vol. 36 {May,
1904) : 257-264.
1905. The improvement of the Mississippi ri^-er between St. Louis
and Cairo. William P. "VVooten.
Engineering news, vol. 53 {Mar. 9, 1905) : 247-249.
1905. Xew York's hundred-million dollar canal. Earle Hooker
Harper's weekly, vol. 49 {Mar. 11, 1905) : 350-351.
1905. Canada's canal system. M. M. Wilner.
Amencan monthly review of reviews, vol. 32 {Aug., 1905) :
1905. The urgent need of waterway legislation. Lewis M. Haupt.
North American review, vol. 181 {Sept., 1905) : 417-427.
1906. The country's duty as to waterways improvements.
Manufacturers'^ record, vol. 49 {Feh. 1, 1906) : 57-58.
1906. By canal from New York to Oregon. Alexander Hume
PuUic opinion, vol. 40 {Feh. 10, 1906) : 165-168.
1906. The Erie canal and freight rebates. C. H. Quinn.
World to-day, vol. 10 {Feh.. 1906) : 164-170.
1906. Detroit river and " Soo " canals traffic.
Bradstreefs, vol. 34 {Mar. 17, 1906) : 164.
1906. The traffic on America's inland seas.
Dun's review, vol. 14 {Mar. 31, 1906) : II-I4.
1906. Waterways improvement: the liberal part to be played by
the general government.
Manufacturers' record, vol. 49 {Mar. 8, 1906) : 197.
1906. Bonds for waterways improvement. E. P. Wilson.
Manufacturers' record, vol. 49 {Mar. 22, 1906) : 250-251.
DEEP waterways: articles in periodicals 37
1906. A barge canal between Pittsburg and Lake Erie. W. Frank
World to-day, vol. 10 {Mar., 1906) : 323-324.
1906. The Cape Cod canal. Fergus Crane.
Eclectic magazine, vol. II^G (Apr., 1906) : 277-282.
1906. The pre-eminence of Pittsburgh in transportation (AVith
Iron age, vol. 77 .{Apr. 19, 1906) : 1022-1023.
1906. Deep-water outlet for east Texas traffic. H. G. Spaulding.
Manufacturers' record, vol. Ifi {Apr. 19, 1906) : 376-377.
1906. To connect the Rio Grande and the Mississippi. Proposed
intercostal canal. C. S. E. Holland.
Manufacturers' record, vol. 49 {May 3, 1906): 431-432.
1906. The completing of the Mississippi. Aubrey FuUerton.*
World to-day, ^vol. 10 {May, 1906) : 494-498.
1906. Georgian bay canal.
Canada, vol. 2 {June 16, 1906) : 397.
1906. River and harbor appropriations. B. G. Hnmplireys.
Inter-nation, n. s. vol. 1 {June, 1906) : 86-95.
1906. The enlargement of the Erie canal. Day Allen Willey.
Scientific American, n. s. vol. 95 {July 21, 1906) : 4-^-46.
1906. The resuscitation of a river: how the Mississippi valley
states propose to regulate traffic rates. Richard Lloyd
Collier's, vol. 37 {Aug. 18, 1906) : 18-19, 26.
1906. New York's barge canal. Day Allen Willey.
Moody''s magazine, vol. 2 {Aug., 1906) : 255-260.
1906. Fifty millions annuallj^ for waterways. Joseph E. Rans-
Manufacturers'^ record, vol. 50 {Oct. 25, 1906): 361.
1906. $50,000,000 annually for rivers and harbors [National rivers
and harbors congress, third convention].
Manufacturers'' record, vol. 50 {Dec. 13, 1906) : 549-550.
1906. Waterway defenses of the Atlantic coast. William J. Roe.
Popular science monthly, vol. 69 {Dec, 1906) : 530-538.
1906. Making the Ohio navigable. J. R. Schmidt.
Technical world magazine^ vol. 6 {Dec.^ 1906) : 387-390.
" Canalization of the Ohio river from Pittsburg to Cairo."
1907. Two history-making conventions: 1. The Lakes-to-the-Gulf
deep waterways association. Charles M. Harvey. 2. The
Trans-Mississippi commercial congress. W. E. Williams.
World to-day, vol U {Jan., 1907) : 39-U'
1907. Waterways in demand: Progress of Erie canal work: pros-
pective undertakings.
American monthly revieic of reviews, vol. 35 {Feb., 1907) :
1907. Waterways development. Joseph E. Ransdell.
Manufacturers' record, vol. 51 {Feb. 28, 1907) : 181.
1907. Onr great river: what it is and may be for commerce, agri-
culture, and sanitation: the largest inland project of our
time. W. J. McGee.
World's work, vol. 13 {Feb., 1907) : 8576-8581
1907. A ship canal across the United States.
World's work {London) vol. 9 {Feb., 1907): 23Jf.
1907. Waterways and railroads in the United States: on river
and harbor improvements: Ransdell on our waterways
progress : rivers and harbors : canals.
Manufacturer, vol. 20 {Mar. U 1907) : 7. 9-10, 11^-15.
1907. Protected waterway from Boston to the Gulf. John H.
Manufacturers' record, vol. 51 {Mar. 21, 1907) : 271-272.
1907. The transportation crisis. Lewis M. Haupt.
Manufacturers' record, vol 51 {Mar. 28-May 30, 1907) :
303-30^, 337-339, 369-370, }^06-.W7, ^33-Jf3^, ^517-518, 5.^5-
51^6, 587-589, 621-622.
1907. Proposed ship canal from Xew Orleans to Chicago.
World's work {London) vol. 9 {Mar., 1907) : ^7.
1907. Illinois' great waterway: interior waterways: the new com-
American monthly review of revieivs, vol. 35 {Apr., 1907) :
1907. Travaux d'amelioration du Missouri. F. Marchais.
La Genie civil, vol. 50 {Apr. 6, 1907) : 385-388.
1907. The St. Lawrence route: the St. Lawrence ship canal. J. S.
Railway age, vol. 1^3 (Apr. 6, 1907) : 563-565.
1907. To unite a hundred rivers. Frank A. Briggs.
Technical world magazine, vol. 7 (Apr., 1907): 121-128.
Regards the project to connect the Rio Grande with the
1907. From New York to Boston by canal. Hugh C. Weir.
World to-day, vol. 12 {Apr., 1907): 370-37 If.
1907. Commerce on the Great Lakes. J. Oliver Curwood.
World's toork, vol. 13 {April, 1907) : 8785-8790.
Treats of the freight traffic with some statistics.
1907. Canal project for the central south. C. P. Goodyear.
Manufacturers'' record, vol. 51 {May 30, 1907) : 620-621.
1907. Report on Georgian bay canal.
Railway world, vol. 51 {May 17, 1907) : 4O8.
1907. Our inland waterways.
American monthly review of reviews, vol. 35 {June, 1907) :
1907. Canada's big canal project: prospects of the Georgian bay
ship waterway.
Canada, vol. 6 {June 15, 1907) : 325-326.
1907. The Atlantic and great western canal. Lewis M. Haupt.
Manufacturers'' record, vol. 51 {June 6, 1907) : 651^.-655.
1907. Linking Lake Michigan to the Gulf. William Trowbridge
Yan Norden magazine, vol. 2 {June, 1907) : 66-73.
1907. The waterways of America. Charles D. Stewart.
Century magazine, vol. 7^ {Aug., 1907) 528-542.
1907. Wholesale canal building. George Ethelbert AValsh.
Moody''s magazine, vol. 4 {Aug., 1907) : 219-225.
1907. Economy of water transportation. Franklin Wood.
Moody's magazine, vol. 4 {Aug., 1907) : 225-232.
1907. Recent legislation on the Mississippi river. Robert Marshall
, Brown.
Popular science monthly, vol. 71 {Aug., 1907) : 131-138.
1907. The Lakes-to-gulf waterway: an undertaking to float the
conunerce of the West to the sea. Will Payne.
Saturday evening post, vol. 180 {Sept. 7, 1907) : S-J^, 2Jf, 25.
1907. Commercial importance of the sanitary canal and gulf
waterway. Hoyt King.
World to-day, vol 13 {Sept., 1907) : 897-901.
1907. The President's Mississippi journey. William Flewellyn
American monthly review of reviews, vol 36 {Oct., 1907):
1907. The revival of internal waterways in the United States.
George Ethelbert Walsh.
Cassier's magazine, vol. 32 {Oct., 1907) : 1^8-50 J^.
1907. The President sees the Mississippi : learning at first hand of
the dwindling traffic of our inland waterways. Frederick
Collier's, vol. JtO {Oct. 5, 1907) : 13-U.
1907. An address upon rivers and harbors: more or less academic
and technical. Theodore E. Burton,
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 5, 1907) : 8.
1907. Commercial advantages deep waterways to Missouri.
Joseph W. Folk.
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 5, 1907) : 8.
1907. The complementary nature of water transportation as allied
to transportation by rail. J. T. Harahan.
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 5, 1907) : 8-9.
Railway age, vol. U {Oct. 11, 1907) : 502-503.
Railway world, vol. 51 {Oct. 11, 1907) : 855-856.
"Address before the Deep waterway convention at Memphis,
Oct. 4."
1907. Deep waterways. A. B. Cummins.
Comniercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 5, 1907): 10.
1907. Mississippi and deep waterway. E. F. Noel.
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 5, 1907): 10.
1907. The necessity of united action by the friends of river im-
provement. Joseph E. Ransdell.
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 5, 1907): 2.
1907. President Kavanaugh delivers the annual address: Lakes-
to-the-gulf deep waterways convention.
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 5, 1907) : 2.
1907. President's address.
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 5, 1907) : J^.
1907. Arkansas and the deep waterway. Xenophen O. Pindall.
Commercial appeal {Memp/m) , vol. 79 {Oct. G, 1907) : 2-3.
1907. Benefit of the deep waterways to the Northwest. John
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 0, 1907) : 3.
1907. Florida's interest in the deep waterway. Napoleon B. Bro-
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 6, 1007) : 3-4, 8.
1907. The importance to Wyoming of river navigation. Bryant
D. Brooks.
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 0, 1907) : 8, 10.
1907. Inland waterways. Coe I. Crawford.
Commercial appeal {Memphis), vol. 79 {Oct. 6, 1907) : 10.
" Relation of South Dakota to transportation up the Missouri
and Mississippi."
1907. Ohio and Mississippi as transportation factors. John L.
Commercial appeal {Memphis) , vol. 79 {Oct. 6, 1907) : 2.
1907. Down the Mississippi. William A. Rodenberg.
Independent, vol. 63 {Oct. 3, 1907) : 783-788.
1907. Water-power: by-product of navigation improvement.
Charles H. Baker.
Manufacturers'^ record, vol. 52 {Oct. 10, 1907) : 1^7-48.
" Illustrated in the plans for the development of the Tennessee
river-Muscle shoals situation."
1907. Mississippi valley waterways improvement. Albert Phenis.
Manufacturers'' record, vol. 52 {Oct. 10, 1907) : 49-50.
1907. The one means for improving waterways. John Glass.
Manufacturers^ record, vol. 52 {Oct. 17, 1907) : 40-50.
1907. Eoosevelt's speech: indorses deep waterways.
Memphis news scimitar, vol. 28 {Oct. 4-, 1907) : 8.
1907. Fourteen feet through the Valley. John Sharp AVilliams.
Memphis news scimitar, vol. 28 {Oct. 6, 1907) : 12-13.
1907. Railroad vs. water transportation. Colyer Meriwether.
Moody'' s magazine, vol. 4 {Oct., 1907) : 4k^-h¥)-
1907. Biiiklino; a great industrial waterway [Cape Cod canal].
Reed Carradine.
American industries^ vol. 6 {Nov. 15., 1907) : 9-12.
1907. The Atlantic inland waterway. George Byrne.
Manufacturers^ record, vol. 52 {Nov. llf., 1907) : 1^8.
1907. For a broad policy in waterways improvement. Joseph E.
Manufacturers' record, vol. 52 {Nov. 28, 1907) : 1^7.
1907. The Cape Cod canal. Reed Carradine.
Van Norden magazine, vol. 2 {Nov., 1907) : 113-128.
1907. With Roosevelt on the Mississippi. Wilson H. Cotton.
World to-day, vol. 13 {Nov., 1907) : lOSIf-lOSS.
1907. The rediscovery of the Missouri. Walter Williams.
World to-day, vol. 13 {Nov., 1907) : 1125-1128.
1907. The future of our navigable waters. John L. Mathews.
Atlantic monthly, vol. 100 {Dec, 1907) : 721-728.
1907. $500,000,000 for river and harbor improvement.
Manufacturers'' record, vol. 52 {Dec. 5, 1907) : 59-61.
1907. National rivers and harbors congress.
Manufacturers'' record, vol. 52 {Dec. 12, 1907) : 1^5-1^6.
1907. Circumventing Cape Hatteras: an inland waterway from
Chesapeake Bay to Beaufort Inlet, N. C, which will bene-
fit the entire country. C. H. Claudy.
World to-day, vol. 13 {Dec, 1907) : 121^8-1251^.
1908. The new canal and old Cape Cod. Reed Carradine.
Harper's Weekly, vol. 52 {Jan. 11, 1908) : 16-17.
1908. Inland waterways. Herbert Quick.
Reader, vol. 11 {.Jan., 1908) : 119-131^.
1908. The romance of the Great lakes. J. O. Curwood.
Reader, vol. 11 {Jan., 1908) : 167-182.
1908. To link the Lakes with the sea. H. G. Hunting.
Technical world magazine, vol. 8 {Jan., 1908) : J^67-Ji75.
1908. Developing the nation's waterways. C. W. Asbury.
American industries, vol. 7 {Feb. 15, 1908) : lJf.-15.
1908. A short cut to Boston [Cape Cod canal]. Charles Culver
Appleton^s magazine, vol. 11 {Feb., 1908) : 182-189.
1908. Some of the engineering problems involved in the construc-
tion of a deep waterway from the Great Lakes to the Gulf
of Mexico. J. A. Ockerson.
Association of engineering societies. Journal, vol. Jfi {Feb.,
1908) : 110-127.
1908. The demand for waterway development.
Chautauquan, vol. Jf9 {Feb., 1908) : 306-307.
1908. From Lakes to Gulf. Charles Jewett Swift.
Manufacturers'' record, vol. 53 {Feb. 13, 1908) : 1^7.
" A suggested route by the Tennessee and Chattahoochee
1908. The romance of the Great Lakes. 2. What the ships carry.
J. O. Curwood.
Reader, vol. 11 {Feb., 1908) : 233-2^5.
1908. Inland waterways. 2. Bringing the sea to the farms. Her-
bert Quick.
Reader, vol. 11 {Feb., 1908) : 263-277.
1908. Rebuilding a great canal [Erie]. Lindon Bates, jr.
Technical world magazine, ool. 8 {Feb., 1908) : 622-630.
1908. Handling the rivers of the nation. AVilliam Atherton
World's work, vol. 15 {Mar., 1908) : 10011-10016.
1908. Inland waterways. 3. The railways and the waterways.
Herbert Quick.
Putnarri's monthly and the Reader, vol. S {Mar., 1908) : 703-
1908. Our inland waterways. W. J. McGee.
Popular science monthly, col. 72 {Apr., 1908) : 289-303.
1908. Vast wealth for the state. Charles S. Deneen.
Technical world magazine, vol. 9 {Apr., 1908) : 121-129.
Note. — The heavy face numerals at the end of the titles are the serial num-
bers used in the check list of documents, published by the Superintendent of
1808. Roads and canals. Report of the Secretary of the treasury
[Albert Gallatin] communicated to the Senate, April 6,
10th Congress^ 1st session.
{In American state papers: Miscellaneous, vol. 1, pp. 724-921.)
Importance of Intei'nal improvements. Canals along the At-
lantic coast, between the Atlantic and western waters, be-
tween the Atlantic and the Great Lakes ; Reports on canals.
Letters of B. H. Latrobe and Robert Fulton.
Reprinted Jan. 15, 1816.
14th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 19.
1816. Report of the Secretary of the treasury [Albert Gallatin]
on the subject of Public roads and canals. [Apr. 12, 1808]
January 15, 1816. Printed by order of the Senate.
Washington: Printed hy William A. Davis, 1816. 129 pp.
IJfth Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 19.
1819. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting topograph-
ical reports, made with a view to ascertain the practicabil-
ity of uniting the waters of Illinois river, with those of
Lake Michigan. Dec. 28, 1819. 10 pp. 8°.
Kith Congress, 1st session. Executive document no. 17. 32
1825. Canal from Lake Pontchartrain to the river Mississippi.
Report from the Select committee on roads and canals.
Feb. 4, 1825. 3 pp. 8°.
18th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 26. 109
1825. A report of the examination which has been made by the
Board of engineers, with a view to internal improvement,
etc. Feb. 14, 1825. Ill pp. 8°.
18th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 32. 109
1825. Same.
18th Congress^ 2d session. House document no. 83. 117
Report of S. Bernard and J. G. Totten on the several canal
routes examined in 1824. Cliesaiteake and Oliio; Ohio and
Erie; Ohio and Sehuyllvill ; Delaware and Raritan ; Barn-
stable and Hyannis harbor; Buzzard's Bay and Barnstable;
Taunton and Weymouth, pp. 13-69.
1825. Memorial of the le^jislature of the state of Oliio, in relation
to the connection of Lake Erie, with the Ohio river, by
means of canal navigation. Feb. 22, 1825. 6 pp. 8°.
18th Congress^ 2d session. Senate document no. 36. 110
1825. Memorial and resolution of the Legislature of Louisiana,
upon the subject of a canal from Lake Pontchartrain to
the river Mississippi. Jan. 21, 1825. 4 pp. 8°.
18th Congress.) 2d session. Executive document no. 57. 115
1825. Annual report of the president and directors of the Wash-
ington canal company. Feb. 24, 1825. 2 pp. 8°.
18th Congress.) 2d session. Executive papers no. 102. 118
1825. Report of the Select committee to whom was referred, on
the 3d ultimo, a memorial of the General Assembly of
Illinois, upon the subject of a canal communication be-
tween the Illinois river and Lake Michigan, accompanied
with a bill to aid the state of Illinois in the accomplish-
ment of the same. February 1, 1825. 6 pp. 8°.
18th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 53. 122
1825. Report of the select committee on the subject of aiding the
state of Indiana in opening a canal to connect the waters
of the Wabash river, with those of Lake Erie, accom-
panied by a bill to accomplish that object. Feb. 21, 1825.
4 pp. 8°.
18th Congress., 2d session. House report no. 78. 122
1826. Report from the select Committee on roads and canals on
the survey of a route for a canal between the Atlantic and
the Gulf of Mexico. Jan. 19, 1826. 14 pp. 8°.
19th Congress., 1st session. Senate document no. 21. 126
Letter from Joseph M. White, pp. 2-13.
1826. Memorial of the General Assembly of the state of Illinois,
on the construction of a canal, to unite the waters of Lake
Michigan with the Illinois river. February 28. 1820.
'4 pp. 8°.
19th Congress., 1st session. Senate document no. 49. 126
1826. Report from the Select committee on roads and canals, on
the subject of providing for the surveys of canal routes,
in the state of Indiana, and of various routes for roads
and canals, in the state of Maine. April 19, 1826,
2 pp. 8°.
19th Congress^ 1st session. Senate document no. 81. 128
1826. Report of the engineer employed in exploring the country,
and running levels between the Deep creek and Castle-
man's summits, on the contemplated route of the Chesa-
peake and Ohio canal. Apr. 29, 1826. 12 pp. 8°.
19th Congress.) 1st session. House document no. 169. 140
1826. Canal — Lake Michigan to Illinois river. Report from the
Committee on roads and canals. March 30, 1826. 5
pp. 8°.
19th Congress.) 1st session. House report no. llf'T. 142
1826. Survey-canal route — Olean point to Erie canal. Report
from the Select committee on roads and canals. April 4,
1826. 4 pp. 8°.
19th Congress., 1st session. House report no. 151. 142
1826. Survey of canal routes — Mississippi and Louisiana. Report
from the Committee on roads and canals. Apr. 14, 1826.
4 pp. 8°.
19th Congress.) 1st session. House report no. 162. 142
1826. Canal around the Muscle shoals. Report from the Commit-
tee on roads and canals. May 15, 1826. 2 pp. 8°.
19th Congress.) 1st session. House report no. 215. 142
1826. Extension of Chesapeake and Ohio canal, from Pittsburgh
to Lake Erie. Report from the Committee on roads and
canals. May 16, 1826. 3 pp. 8°.
10th Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 216. 142
1826. Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Report from the Committee
on roads and canals. May 22, 1826. 122 pp. 8°.
19th Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 228. 142
1826. Canal to connect lakes Champlain and Ontario. Report
from the Committee on roads and canals. May 22, 1826.
3 pp. 8°.
19th Congress., 1st session. House report no. 230. 142
1827. Memorial of the general assembl}^ of the state of Illinois,
asking for a grant of land to aid said state in opening a,
canal to connect the waters of Lake Michigan with the
Illinois river. Feb. 7, 1827. 4 pp. 8°.
19th Congress^ 2d session. Senate document no. J^6. 145
1827. Statement in relation to a canal from Lake Pontchartrain
to the Mississippi. Mar. 3, 1827. 18 pp. 8°.
19th Congress., 2d session. House document no. 133. 154
1827. Inland channel from the Bay of St. Mary's to St. John's
river. Report from the Committee on roads and canals.
Feb. 3, 1827. 11 pp. 8°.
19th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 70. 159
1828. Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Estimate of the cost of making
a canal from Cumberland to Georgetown. Mar. 10, 1828.
99 pp. 8°.
20th Congress., 1st session. House document no. 192. 173
1828. A report, map, and estimate of the Chesapeake and Ohio
canal to Alexandria, in the District of Columbia. Apr.
21, 1828. 14 pp. 8°.
20th Congress., 1st session. House document no. 25^. 174
1828. Memorial of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company. Dec
5, 1828. 32 pp. 8°.
20th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 12. 184
1828. Communication from the chief engineer, on the subject of a
communication between the HiAvassee and Conesauga
rivers, etc. Dec. 11, 1828. 10 pp. 8°.
20th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 15. 184
1829. Memorial of Amos Binney, et al. on the Chesapeake and
Ohio canal Feb. 9, 1829. 24 pp. 8°.
20th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 116. 186
1830. Letter from the president of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal
company, with proceedings of a meeting of that company,
to the Hon. E. F. Chambers, Chairman of the Conunittee
on the District of Columbia. May 24, 1830. .3 pp. 8°.
21st Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 144- 193
1830. Two acts of the legislature of Virginia, respecting the
Chespeake and Ohio canal company. Mar. 9, 1830. 4 pp.
21st Congress, 1st session. House document no. 94. 198
1830. Chesapeake and Ohio canal west of the Alleghany. Report
from the Committee on internal improvements. Mar, 8,
1830. 2 pp. 8°.
21st Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 280. 200
1830. Canal — Lake Michigan to Illinois river. Illinois to relin-
quish land and issued scrip. Report from the Committee
on the public lands. April 22, 1830. 3 pp. 8°.
21st Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 377. 201
1830. Memorial of the president and directors of the Chesapeake
and Ohio canal companj^ May 24, 1830. 10 pp. 8°.
21st Congress., 2d session. House report no. 31. 210
1831. Alexandria canal. Report from the Committee on internal
improvements recommending a subscription from Con-
gress to aid in the construction of the said canal. Jan. 31,
1831. 22 pp. 8°.
21st Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 71. 210
1832. Report from the Secretary of war, relative to an examina-
tion Avith a view of connecting Lake Michigan with the
AYabash river, in Indiana. May 14, 1832. 19 pp. 8°.
22d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. IJ^S. 214
1832. Canal — Lake Michigan and Illinois river. Letter from the
Secretary of war, transmitting a report of the route of a
canal to connect the waters of Lake Michigan with those
of Illinois river. May 24, 1832. 7 pp. 8°.
22d. Congress.^ 1st session. House document no. 2Jf.5. 221
1832. Alexandria canal company. Report from the Committee on
internal improvements recommending subscription, on the
part of the United States, to the stock of the said canal.
Mar. 30, 1832. 34 pp. 8°.
22d Congress, 1st session. House report no. Jf.19. 226
1832. Canal — Lake Michigan and Illinois river. Report from the
Committee on internal improvements. April 13, 1832. 20
pp. 8°.
22d Congress, 1st session. House report no. ^1^6. 226
1834. Ship canal between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Petition
from inhabitants of New York, asking for an appropria-
tion to survey a route for a ship canal from Lake Erie to
Lake Ontario, and also to construct said canal. January
6, 1834. 5 pp. 8°.
23d Congress, 1st session. House document no. 3^. 254
1834. Canal — Michigan to Illinois river. Report from the Com-
mittee on roads and canals. June 25, 1834. 21 pp.
Folded map. 8°.
23d Congress, 1st session. House report no. 546. 263
1836. Canal — Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. Letter from the Secre-
tary of war, in relation to the construction of a canal
from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. April 14, 1836. 75
pp. Folded maps. 8°.
^21^th Congress., 1st sessio7i. House document no. 214- 290
1837. Niagara ship canal. Report from the Committee on roads
and canals. February 14, 1837. 40 pp. 8°.
£4fh Congress, '2d session. House report no. 201. 305
On the " i-eport of the Secretary of war of the result of the
survey of the several routes of a ship canal round the falls
of Niagara to connect the navigable waters of the Lakes
Erie and Ontario."
1838. Ship canal around the Falls of Niagara. Report from the
Committee on roads and canals. January 25, 1838. 35
pp. 8°.
25th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 4^3. 334
1843. Communications and documents on the subject of a grant of
land to the state of Illinois, to aid in the completion of
the Illinois and Michigan canal. January 3, 1843. 14
pp. 8°.
27th Congress, 3d session. Senate doeuTnent no. 26. - 414
1845. Illinois and Michigan canal. Report from the Committee
on public lands, to whom Avas referred "A bill granting
an additional quantity of land to the State of Illinois, to
aid in the completion of the Illinois and Michigan canal."
January 17, 1845. 16 pp. 8°.
28th Congress, 2d session. Hotise report no. 4S. 468
1856. Canal to connect the Mississippi with the Gulf of Mexico.
Resolutions of the Legislature of ]\rississippi. relative to
a canal to connect the waters of the Mississippi river with
the Gulf of Mexico. April 2, 1856. 2 pp. 8°.
34th Congtxss, 1st session. House miscellaneous document
no. 79. 866
1858. Niagara ship canal. Report from the majority of the com-
mittee to whom was referred numerous memorials and
resolutions, asking for a grant of lands to aid in the con-
32006—08 4
striiction of a ship canal around the falls of Niagara.
May 11, 1858. 12 pp. 8°.
35th Congress, 1st session. House veyort no. 374- 966
1862. Ship canal to connect Mississippi river and Lake Michigan.
Eeport from the Committee on military affairs. Feb-
ruary 20, 1862. 13 pp. 8°.
37 fh Congress, 2d session. House report no. 37. . 1144
1863. Letter of the Acting secretary of the interior, to Honorable
H. M. Rice, in relation to uniting the navigable waters of
the Mississippi river with the Red river of the North by
slack-water and canal navigation. January 5, 1863. 2
pp. 8°.
37th Congress, 3d session. Senate miscellaneous document
no. 8. 1150
1863. Niagara ship canal. Report from the Select committee, to
whom were referred all the papers and memorials in re-
lation to the construction of a ship canal around the Falls
of Niagara, upon the American side, to connect the navi-
gable Avaters of Lakes Erie and Ontario. March 3, 1863.
18 pp. 8°.
37th Congress, 3d session. House report no. 53. 1173
1863. Niagara ship canal. Report from the Committee on naval
affairs, to whom was referred the memorial of Horace H.
Day, for the construction of a ship canal around the Falls
of Niagara. March 3, 1863. 2 pp. 8°.
37th Congress, 3d session. House report no. 51^. 1173
1868. Niagara ship canal. Letter from the Secretary of war,
transmitting report by Colonel Blunt, on the surveys for
a ship canal to connect Lakes Erie and Ontario. March
3, 1868. 19 pp. 8°.
Ifith Congress, 2d session. House executive document no.
197. 1341
1870. Water communication between the Atlantic and Mississippi.
Letter from the Governor of the state of Iowa, transmit-
ting a memorial of the state of Iowa in relation to water
communication between the Atlantic and Mississippi.
May 14, 18T0. 19 pp. 8°.
Ji-lst Congress, 2d session. House miscellaneous document
no. 136. 1433
Niagara ship-canal. Memorial and report of the executive
committee of the Detroit commercial convention, held at
the city of Detroit, Michigan, on the 13th day of Decem-
ber, 1871, in relation to the Niagara Falls ship-canal.
December 18, 1872. 73 pp. 8°.
42d Congress^ 3d session.
House miscellaneous document no.
Ship-canal. Report from the Committee on commerce on
sundry bills for the construction and improvement of
interior lines of navigation. February 13, 1873. 28
pp. 8°.
42d Congress.) 3d session. House report no. 76. 1576
Illinois and Michigan canal. Memorial of the legislature of
Illinois, in relation to the extension of the Illinois and
Michigan canal from the Illinois to the Mississippi river.
Feb. 20, 1874. 2 pp. 8°.
Ji3d Congress.) 1st session. House miscellaneous document
no. lJf5. 1619
Canal connecting the Mississippi river with the Gulf of
Mexico. Letter from the Secretar}^ of war, in relation to
a ship-canal to connect the Mississippi river with the
Gulf of Mexico. February 4, 1874. 92 pp. 8°.
JfSd Congress., 1st session. House executive document no.
113. 1607
Cheap transportation. Memorial of American cheap trans-
portation association. Feb. 21, 1874. 16 pp. 8°.
JjSd Congress., 1st session. House miscellaneous document
no.U7. 1619
"Argument and memorial in favor of a national system of
transportation by water as the cheapest and best means of
supplying the demands of the people," by B. W. Frobel.
Canal connecting the Mississippi river with the Gulf of
Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of war, in relation
to the ship-canal to connect the Mississippi river with
the Gulf of Mexico. April 15, 1874. 126 pp. 8°.
J^Sd Congress., 1st session. House executive document no.
220. 1614
Eock Island and Hennepin canal. Report from the Com-
mittee on railways and canals. June 10, 1874. 6 pp. 8°.
43 d' Congress., 1st session. House report no. 643. 1626
1876. Canal to connect the Wabash river and Lake Michigan.
Letter . . . transmitting a copy of the report of Maj.
G. L. Gillespie, on routes for a canal to connect Wabash
river and Lake Michigan. January 17, 1876. 11 pp. 8°.
l^lfth Congress^ 1st session. House executive docutnent no.
86. 1689
1876. Water communication between the Mississippi river and ki-
lantic ocean. Letter from the Secretary of Avar, trans-
mitting the report of the Chief of engineers on the prac-
ticability and cost of inland water communication be-
tween the Mississippi river and the Atlantic ocean, etc.
April 4, 1876. 37 pp. 8°.
JfJfth Congress.) 1st session. House executive document no.
157. 1689
1876. Report on the transportation route along the Wisconsin and
and Fox rivers, in the state of Wisconsin, between the
Mississippi river and Lake Michigan, by Gouverneur K.
Warren. 1876. 114 pp. Folded plates. 8°.
Jf.Ji.th Congress., 1st session. Senate executive document no.
28. 1664
1877. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting a copy of a
report of Lieut. Col. Q. A. Gillmore, Corps of engineers,
, on a water line of transportation from the mouth of Saint
Mary's river to the Gulf of Mexico. January 22, 1877.
26 pp. 8°.
Ji.Jfth Congress., 2d session. Senate executive document no.
22. 1719
1878. Improvement of the Mississippi river. Report from the
Committee on levees and improvement of the Missis-
sippi River. 1878. 12 pp. Folded map. 8°.
Jf5th Congress., 2d session. House report no. 71 J^. 1825
1878. Water transportation between Lakes Michigan and Erie.
Report from the Committee on railways and canals.
June 19, 1878. 1 page. 8°.
Jf5th Congress., 2d sessio7i. House report no. 1010. 1826
1879. Illinois river and Illinois and Michigan canal. Report of
G. J. Lydecker, Corps of Engineers. Feb. 12, 1879. 13
pp. 8°.
Jfdth Congress, 3d session. House executive document no. 81.
1880. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting report of the
results of an examination made of the peninsula of Flor-
ida, Avith a view to the construction of a ship-canal from
Saint Mary's River to the Gulf of Mexico. April 22, 1880.
88 pp. Folded map. 8°.
Ji.6th Congress^ 2d 8ession. Senate executive document no.
15 J^. 1885
1880. "Water route between Lakes Michigan and Erie. Report
from the Committee on railways and canals. January 23,
1880. 2 pp. 8°.
J^Gth Congress^ 2d session. House report no. 155. 1934
1882. Improvement of the Mississippi river. Report from the
Committee on levees and improvements of the Mississippi
river. Mar. 24, 1882. 100 pp. Map. 8°.
Jf7fh Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 848. 2067
1882. Survey of a ship canal across the state of Michigan. Report
from the Committee on railways and canals. Mar. 29,
1882. 3 pp. 8°.
4'/fh Oong7'ess, 1st session. House report no. 879. 2067
1882. The Illinois and Mississippi canal. Report from the Com-
mittee on railways and canals. April 11, 1882. 9 pp. 8°.
47th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1000. 2068
1883. Report, with accompanying map, of the Board of Engineer
officers constituted to consider and report the cost of con-
structing the Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan ship canal.
Jan. 9, 1883. 23 pp. Folded map. 8=.
47th Congress, 2d session. Senate executive document no.
34. 2076
1883. Canal from Hennepin to the Mississippi river. Letter from
AV. H. H. Benyaurd, Corps of Engineers. Feb. 28, 1883.
11 pp. 8°.
47th Congress, 2d session. Senate executive document no.
78. 2076
1884. A communication from the governor of the state of Illinois
with a copy of an act of the general assembly of that
state, tendering to the Ignited States the cession of the
Illinois and Michigan canal, upon condition that it sliall
be enlarged and maintained as a national water-way for
commercial purposes. Jan. 8, 1884. 4.") pp. Folded
maps. 8°.
48th Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document no.
38. 2162
1884. Report of the Select committee of the United States Senate
on the Mississippi river improvements. Jan. 15, 1884.
xxiii, 106 pp. Map. 8^.
l^Sth CongresH^ 1st session. Senate report no. 36. 2173
1884. Michigan and Mississippi canah Report from the Commit-
tee on railways and canals. Feb. 12, 1884. 2 pp. 8°.
JiSth Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 339. 2253
1884. Grant of the Illinois and Michigan canal. Report from the
Committee on railways and canals. April 12, 1884. 3
pp. 8°.
Ji8th Congress.) 1st sessio7i. House report no. 129 If. 2257
1886. Hennepin canal. Letter from the Secretary of war, trans-
mitting report from the chief of engineers of additional
surveys, by Maj. Thomas H. Handburg, of routes for
Hennepin canal. March 8, 1886. 48 pp. Folded
map. 8°.
49th Congress., 1st session. House executive document no.
117. 2398
1886. Illinois and Mississippi river canal. Report from the Com-
mittee on railways and canals. Feb. 17, 1886. 10
pp. 8°.
49th Congress., 1st session. House report no. 574. 2436
1887. Laws of the United States relating to the improvement of
rivers and harbors from August 11, 1790, to March 3,
1887, with a tabulated statement of appropriations and
allotments. Compiled in the Office of tlie Chief of en-
gineers, U. S. Army, under the direction of John G.
Washington: Government printing o-ffice., 1887. 579 pp. 8°.
49th Congress, 2d session. Senate miscellaneous document
no. 91. 2451
1887. Michigan and Illinois canal. A report of the Board of En-
gineers upon the proposed acquisition, by the government,
of the Illinois and Michigan canal and construction of the
Hennepin canal. Jan. 11, 1887. 169 pp. Folded maps.
49th Congress., 2d session. House executive document no. 79.
1890. Survey of water- waj'' from Lake INIichigan to the Illinois
river, Eeport of ^Y. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers.
Mar. 11, 1890. 2 parts. Folded maps. Folded charts. 8°.
51st Congress, 1st session. House executive document 264,
pt. 1, 2. 2748
1890. Illinois and Mississippi canal. A preliminarj^ report upon
the location of the Illinois and Mississippi canal by AV. L.
Marshall, Corps of Engineers. April 9, 1890. 7 pp.
Folded charts. 8°.
61st Congress, 1st session. House executive document no.
316. 2750
1890. Illinois and Mississippi canal. Final report of W. L. Mar-
shall, Corps of Engineers. June 28, 1890. 21 pp. Folded
table. 8°.
51st Congress, 1st session. House executive document no.
429. 2752
1890. Ship canal around the Falls of Niagara. Report from the
Committee on railroads and canals. April 14, 1890. 35
pp. 8°.
51st Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1430. 2811
1892. Report on the internal commerce of the United States for
the year 1891. Part ii of Commerce and navigation. The
commerce of the Great Lakes, the Mississippi river and
its tributaries. S. G. Brock.
Washington: Government printing office, 1892. (2), Hi, Ixi,
96 pp. Folded map. 8°.
52d Congress, 1st session. House executive document no. 6,
part 2. 2948
Appendix no. 1. " The commerce and shipping of the Great
Lakes," Special report by C. H. Keep: 2. "The commerce
of the Mississippi," Special report by George H. Morgan.
1892. Ship canal from the Great Lakes to the navigable waters of
the Hudson river. Report from the Committee on rail-
ways and canals. April 8, 1892. 49 pp. 8°.
52d Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1023. 3045
Reprinted in full in House report no. 913, 53d Congress, 2d
Exposition of the advantages and value of a barge canal
connecting the waters of the Mississippi river, through
the state of Florida, with the waters of the Atlantic sea-
board, by Robert Gamble. March 13, 1894. 56 pp. 8°.
53d Congress^ 2d session. Senate miscellaneous document
no. 118. 3171
Canal connecting Lake Superior with the Mississippi river.
Eeport from the Committee on railways and canals. May
3, 1894. 5 pp. 8°.
53d Congress, 2d session. House report no. 830. 3271
Ship canal from the Great Lakes to the navigable waters of
the Hudson river. Report from the Committee on rail-
ways and canals. May 17, 1894, 50 pp. 8°.
53d Congress, 2d session. House report no. 913. 3271
Pp. 2-50 are a reprint of House report no. 1023, 52d Congress,
1st session.
Papers and maps to accompany memorial of Maj. Robert
Gamble, showing the advantages and value of a barge
canal connecting the waters of the Mississippi river and
A-tlantic seaboard. Dec. 20, 1894. 24 pp. Folded maps.
53d Congress, 3d session. Senate miscellaneous document
no. 37. 3281
Lake Superior and Mississippi canal. Report from Clinton
B. Sears, Corps of Engineers. Mar. 30, 1896. 65 pp.
Folded maps. Folded charts. 8°.
5Jfth Congress, 1st session. House document no. 330. 3428
Report of the United States deep waterways commission,
prepared at Detroit, Michigan, December 18-22, 1896, by
the commissioners, James B. Angell, John E. Russell,
Lyman E. Cooley. Jan. 18, 1897. 263 pp. Folded maps
and diagrams. 8°.
5^th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 192. 3527
Statistics of Lake commerce. Letter from the Secretary of
the treasury, transmitting a report made to the Bureau
of statistics by Mr. George G. Tunell, of Chicago, on lake
commerce. February 3, 1898. 106 pp. 8°.
55th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 277. 3679
Lake Superior-Mississippi river canal. Letter from the
Chief of Engineers. Dec. 7, 1899. 16 pp. 8°.
56th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 69. 3954
Final report on survey of Upper Illinois and Lower Des
Plaines rivers, Illinois. Dec. G, 1900. 11 pp. Folded
charts. 8°.
56th Congress^ 2d session. House document no. 112. 4135
Report of the Board of engineers on deep waterways be-
tween the Great Lakes and the Atlantic tide waters . . .
Dec. 7, 1900. Referred to the Committee on rivers and
harbors and ordered to be printed.
Washington: Government printing office^ 19G0. 2 vols.
Illustrations. Plates. ^°. Atlas, 11^1 folded maps and
profiles. lt°.
56th Congress., 2d session. House document no. 11^9.
The Illinois and Mississippi canal. Special report from
J. H. Willard, Corps of Engineers. Jan. 22, 1902. 5 pp.
57th Congress., 1st session. House document no. 297. 4337
Improvement of the Mississippi river. Report of the hear-
ing held February 3, 1904, embodying also report of a
convention held October 27-28, 1903, at New Orleans.
April 4, 1904. Presented by Mr. Berry and ordered to be
printed. 116 pp. 8°.
58th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 2Jf5. 4592
Report upon survey, with plans and estimates of cost, for a
navigable waterway 14 feet deep from Lockport, 111.,
by way of Des Plaines and Illinois rivers, to the mouth
of said Illinois river, and thence by way of the ^Mississippi
river to St. Louis, Mo., and for a navigable waterway
of 7 and 8 feet depth, respectively, from tlie head of navi-
gation of Illinois river at Lasalle, III., through said river
to Ottawa, 111., by the Mississippi River commission,
covering the section below the mouth of the Inninois river,
and by a Board of officers of the corps of engineers, U. S.
army, covering the section above the mouth of the Illi-
nois river. 1905. 544 pp. Plates. 17 maps (IG folded).
59th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 263. 5023
Mississippi river improvements. House. Committee on
levees and improvements of the Mi.ssissippi river. [Hear-
ing. March 30, 190G.] 22 p. 8°.
Statement of Oswald H. Ernst, president of the Mississippi
river commission.
1906. Lake Erie and Ohio river ship canal company. Report
from the Committee on commerce. March 23, 1906. 13 pp.
59th Congress^ 1st session. Senate report no. 1997. 4904
1906. Lake Erie and Ohio river ship canal company. Report
from the Committee on railways and canals. February
15, 1906. 10 pp. 8°.
59th Congress., 1st session. House report no. 13^3. 4906
1906. Lake Erie and Ohio river ship canal. Report from the
Committee of conference. June 27, 1906. 4 pp. 8°.
59th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 505ii. 4908
1906. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting letter from
the Acting chief of engineers, U. S. Army, with inclosures,
concerning the facts and data in the possession of the War
department relating to the construction of miles 19 to 23
of the Illinois and Mississippi canal (Eastern section),
etc. December 10, 1906. 5 pp. 8°.
59th Congress, 2cl session. Senate document no. 103. 5070
1906. Annual report of the Chief of engineers, United States
army, and of subordinate engineers upon the improve-
ment of rivers and harbors, and report of the Mississippi
river commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1906.
Washington: Government printing office, 1906. 2 vols. 8°.
59th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 22.
1906. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting, with a letter
from the Chief of engineers, report containing plan and
estimate for new lock for St. Marys Falls canal, Michigan.
December 20, 1906. 6 pp. Folded plans. 8°.
59th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 333. 5153
1907. Laws of the United States relating to the improvement of
rivers and harbors from August 11, 1790, to March 4,
1907. Compiled in the Office of the chief of engineers,
U. S. army.
Washington: Government printing office, 1907. 2 vols. 8°.
58th Congress, 3d session. House document Jf25.
Contents.— I. 1790-1889.— II. 1890-1907.
River and harbor bill. Report from the Committee on com-
merce. Feb. 16, 1907.
625 pp. 8°.
59th Congress^ 2d session. Senate report 669^. 5061
Mississippi River between Missouri River and St. Paul,
Minn. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting,
with a letter from the chief of engineers, report of esti-
mate for six-foot channel in the Mississippi River between
the Missouri River and St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 3, 1907.
18 pp. 8°.
69th Congress, 2d session. House document 34-1. 5153
Report by C. S. Riche, submitting the report and estimate by
C. W. Durliam, with indorsement by W. H. Bixby, division
Interior waterway from the Rio Grande to the Mississippi.
Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting, with a
letter from the chief of engineers, report of examination
of project for interior waterway from the Rio Grande to
the Mississippi. Feb. 1, 1907. 53 pp. Folded map.
Tables. 8°.
59th Congress, 2d session. House document 61fi. 5156
" Preliminary examination with plan and estimate of cost of
improvement of inhind waterway along the coast of Louis-
iana and Texas from the Mississippi River at Donaldson-
ville, La,, to Rio Grande," by Edgar Jadwin, pp. 3-2S.
Report of the Chief of the Engineer department, 1907.
Washington: Gooernment printing office, 1907. 862,
pp. 8°. {War department doc. 305.)
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