z,i,ii.^-x;v.v\. A a; Oi Oi 0! 4 : o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF WORKS 7 9 8: 1 i 3\ 8 ^H|\ RELATING TO DEEP WATERWAYS FROM THE GREAT LAKES TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN WITH SOME OTHER RELATED WORKS BOOKS, ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING' OFFICE 1908 % >/ '■■■'i .c [Printed as Manuscript] LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO DEEP WATEKWAYS FROM THE GREAT LAKES TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN WITH SOME OTHER RELATED WORKS BOOKS, ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETOxX PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER -» s » ' ., , » 3 O J > • ^ ) •■>" 4 , WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19 08 li:iHi) ^ L. C. card. 8-35004 • • « « «• ft • •• I • • • • • « • • • • • _ • • • •• • > • • • • « • • • • • • • h • • • • • • • • • vi • • • * • • • • • • ••• .' . • • •• • • • s • • • * ■ LIST OF WORKS REI,ATING TO DEEP WATERWAYS FROM THE GREAT LAKES TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, ETC. BOOKS American academy of poHtical and social science. American water\Yays. Philadelphia: Amer'ican academy of political and social science, 1908. Hi, (1), 299 pp. 8°. {Annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. 31, no. 1, January, 1908.) Contents. — (tur national inland waterways policy, by Presi- dent Roosevelt, pp. 1-11; Present status of the Panama project, by Henry L. Abbot, pp. 12-35; Legislative program Congress should adopt for improvement of American water- ways, by Joseph E. Ransdell, pp. 36-47 ; The use and develop- ment of American waterways, by Francis G. Newlands, pp. 48-66; The Delaware river, by J. Hampton Moore, pp. 67-72; Engineering features of Chesapeake and Delaware and Nor- folk-Beaufort waterways, by C. A. F. Flagler, pp. 73-80; Cape Cod canal, by William Barclay Parsons, pp. 81-91; Atlantic coastwise canals : their history and present status, by G. D. Luetscher, pp. 92-101 ; The anthracite-tidewater canals, by Chester Lloyd Jones, pp. 102-116 ; The New York canals, by John A. Fairlie, pp. 117-127 ; Transportation on the Great Lakes, by Walter Thayer, pp. 128-138 ; The improve- ment of the Ohio river, by John L. Vance, pp. 139-145 ; Mis- sissippi improvements and traffic prospects, by R. B. Way, pp. 146-163 ; Water power in the Mississippi Valley, by Cal- vin O. Althouse, pp. 164-177; The improvement of the Mis- souri river and its usefulness as a traffic route, by Lawrence M. Jones, pp. 178-188 ; Columbia river improvement and the Pacific Northwest, by Frederick G. Young, pp. 189- 202 ; Reclamation of arid west by federal government, by Arthur P. Davis, pp. 20.3-218; The relation of forests to stream control, by Gifford Pinchot, pp. 219-227; The inland waterways of Great Britain and the plans under considera- tion for their improvement, by Urquhart A. Forbes, pp. 228- 245 ; The present significance of German inland waterways, by Walther Lotz, pp. 246-262. 3 4 LIBR.^ilY OF CONGRESS The Atlantic deeper waterways conference. Philadelphia^ 1907. Report of the proceedings. Nov. 18-20, 1907. Published by the Atlantic deeper waterways association. Compiled and edited by Addison B. Burk. Philadelphia: The l)ook j^rint, January, 1908. 30 Jf pp. Plate. 8°. Contains the following addresses: Inland waterways in the United States, by Francis G. New- lands ; Inland waterways along the Atlantic coast, by Charles Heber Clark; The cut through Cape Cod, by William Bar- clay rarsons; Another canal across Cape Cod, by Loyed E. Cliamberlain; Long Island Sound and the northern ap- proaches to New York, by Joseph A. Goulden ; The Hudson river outlet from the Erie canal to the sea, by William B. Jones; New York harbor — its commercial and naval signifi- cance and the apjiroaches from Raritan bay, by George E. Waldo; The Delaware and Raritan canal — its history and commerce, by Edward C. Stokes; Engineering features of a Trans-New Jersej- canal, by Lewis M. Haupt; The Delaware river from Trenton to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia south, bj' Joel Cook ; The Chesapeake and Delaware canal — its history and commerce, by Anthony Iliggins ; The Chesa- peake bay and its connection with the Delaware, by Felix Angus ; Hampton Roads and the Chesapeake approaches to Maryland, A'irginia and North Carolina, by Hugh R. Gar- den ; Behind Hatteras — The Norfolk-Beaufort route, by John H. Small ; The engineering outlook — Chesapeake and Dela- ware and Norfolk-Beaufort route, by C. A. Flagler ; Looking south from Beaufort, by C. P. Goodyear ; Inland waterways from the Florida view-point, by George F. Miles. Bates, Lindon "Wallace. The navigation interests of nations in ports and waterways, and modern means for their im- provement. Paris: Impr. P. Dupont, 1900. 5!f pp. Plates. Plan. 4°. {viiith Into'national congress on navigation. Paris 1900. Third section.^ Benyaurd, W. H. H. From Lake Michigan to the Mississippi river. Puhlished hy the Michigan and Mississippi canal commis- sion, Davenport, Iowa. \n. fZ.] 15 pp. 8°. Boston. Board of trade. Proceedings. Relative to a canal from the lakes to the Mississippi, Boston: Wright c& Potter, 1870. 36 pp. 8°. British iron trade association. American industrial conditions and competition ; reports of the commissioners appointed by the British iron trade association, to enquire into the BOOKS RELATING TO DEEP WATERWAYS 5 iron, steel, and allied industries of the United States, Ed. by J. Stephen Jeans. London: The British iron trade association^ 1902. xxei^ 590 pp. Illustrations. Folded plates. Folded map. 8°. " Transportation systems and conditions," pp. 74-112 : A. Rail- road transportation ; B. American lake transportation ; C. River transportation ; D. Canal transportati. -J. 22 LIBRAE Y OF CONGEESS Ramsey, Alexander. Cheap transportation obtained hj improved water-routes and railways. Speech in the United States Senate, March 6, 1874. Washington: Government printing office^ 1874. 9 pp. 12°. Bansdell, Joseph Euo:ene. Duty of ffovernment to improve water- ways and harbors. Address before the Mississippi Valley Latin-American convention, New Orleans, La., April 7, 190G. [New Orleans: 1906.] fd3, (1) pp. 8°. Ringwalt, John Luther. Development of transportation systems in the United States; comprising a comprehensive descrip- tion of the leading features of advancement, from the colonial era to the present time, in water channels, roads, turnpikes, canals, railways, vessels, vehicles, cars and locomotives. Philadelphia: Published hy the author., Railway world o-ffice, 1888. 398 pp. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Fac- similes. Diagrams. 4°* Kiver and harbor improvement convention, Tuscaloosa., Ala.., 1885. Memorial and proceedings of the Eiver and harbor improvement convention. Cincinnati: The Ohio Valley press., 1886. (6), 86 pp. Map. 8°. River improvement. Mississippi Valley memorial. New Or- leans, Keokuk and Louisville conventions. Reports and resolutions. " Cheap transportation a public necessity." Dubuque: Daily Herald steam p7'inting house., 1869. 3'2 pp. 8°. Roosevelt, Theodore. Address of President Eoosevelt at Keokuk, Iowa, October 1, 1907. Washington: Govern'ment printing office., 1907. 58 pp. 8°. Address of President Roosevelt at St. Louis, Missouri, Octo- ber 2, 1907. Washingto?i: Government printi?ig o;ffice, 1907. 50 pp. 8°. Address of President Roosevelt to the Deep waterway con- vention at Memphis, Tennessee, October 4, 1907. Washington: Government printing office, 1907. (^), 71 pp. 8°. Russell, Israel Cook. Rivers of North America ; a reading lesson for students of geography and geology. BOOKS RELATING TO DEEP WATERWAYS 23 New York: G. P. Putnam's sons; London: J. Murray^ 1902. {2),(€v, {4),S27 pp. Plates. Majhs. Tables. 8°. {The science series, ed. hy J. M. Gattell and F. E. Beddard.) St. Louis. Chamber of commerce. Proceedings of the St. Louis chamber of commerce, in relation to the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi Eiver, and its principal tributaries and the St. Louis harbor. AVith a statement submitted by A. B. Chambers. St. Louis: Chambers di Knapp, 184'2. 4 VP- including tables. 12°. Sanborn, John Bell. The story of the Fox- Wisconsin rivers im- provement. Madison: State historical society of Wisconsin, 1900. 186- 194 VV- ^°- {Wisco7isin. State historical society ^ Pro- ceedings^ 1899. ) Seddon, James A. St. i^ouis, a lake and gulf port. A deep water- way joining the lake and gulf commerce. \n. p.] 1904. 15 pp. 8°. _ Semple, Ellen Churchill. American history and its geographic conditions. Boston and New York: Houghton, MiffJ.in and company, 1903. {8), 466 pp. Maps. 8°. " The geography of the inland waterways," pp. 246-279 ; " The geographical distribution of railroads," pp. 367-396. Com- pares canal and railway transportation. Sibert, William L. Artificial waterways in the L^nited States. (In American society of civil engineers. Transactions, vol. 54, part F, 1905, pp. 255-284. New York, 1905. 8°.) Smith, Joseph Russell. The organization of ocean commerce. Philadelphia : Published for the University, 1905. viii, 155 pp. Folded map. Diagrams. 4° - {Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in political economy and public law, no. 17.) "Appendix A. Bibliographical note": pp. [149]-150. " The probable effects of the Panama canal upon ocean trade routes and coaling stations " : pp. [79]-101. Contents. — Introduction, — pt. 1. Traffic. — pt, II. Routes and shipping. — pt. III. Harbors and port facilities. — Conclusion. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Southall, James C. Cheap transportation. Delivered before the American cheap transportation association in Richmond, Virginia, December 2nd, 1874. Riclimond : Clemmitt <£' Jones^ 1875. 39 pp. 8° . Taylor, Robert S. The improvement of the Mississippi River. An address delivered at St. Louis, Mo., January 26, 1884. St. Louis: R. P. Studley & co., 1884. 32 pj). 5°. Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, and D. A. Watt. The improvement of rivers. A treatise on the methods employed for im- proving streams for open navigation, and for navigation by means of locks and dams. 1st ed. Xew York: J. Wiley and sons; London: Chapman & LLall., limited., 1903. xiv, 356 pp. Plates. Map. Plans. Dia- gram. F°. Tompkins, P'rank H. Riparian lands of the ' Mississippi River, past — present — prospective; being a collection of essays and discussions of problems affecting the improvement of navigation of the Mississippi River. [Chicago: A. L.Swift &co.\, 1901. 216,225-640 pp. Illus- trations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. F°. Toronto deep waterways convention, Sept. 17-20^ 1894. [Pro- ceedings of the] Toronto deep waterways convention. September IT, 18, 19, and 20, 1894. (In International deep waterways association. Proceedings of the first annual convention, Cleveland, September 24-26, 1895, pp. 390-449. Cleveland, 1895. 8°.) Trans-Mississippi commercial congress. 9th, Salt Lake City, 1897. Official proceedings of the ninth session of the Trans-Mississippi commercial congress, held at Assembly hall, Temple park. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 14, 15, 16, and 17, 1897 . . . Compiled by Secretary W. H. Culmer. Salt Lake City: Press of Trihune job printing co., [1897 f] 320 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Tunell, George G. Statistics of Lake commerce. A report made to the Bureau of statistics. February 3, 1898. 106 pp. 8°. (U. S. 55th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 277.) Also printed without document number. BOOKS RELATING TO DEEP WATERWAYS 25 United States. JfOth Congress^ Ist session. Senate report no. 46, pts. 1 and 2. Report of the Senate select committee on interstate commerce. (With appendix.) Washington: Government printing o^ce, 1886. 2 vols. 8°. Presented by Mr. Cullom. Contents. — Part 1 : The railroad system of the United States — Its evolution and extent ; The internal commerce of the United States; The power of Congress to regulate com- merce — A review of the declarations of the United States Supreme court on the subject ; The relations of the railroad to the community and to the governmental authority ; The various methods of railroad regulation ; The course of rail- road legislation in England; Railroad legislation in the United States ; Summary of the provisions of the state stat- utes — The work of the State commissions ; The comparative volume of state and interstate traffic — Returns from leading railroads; Competition between waterways and railroads — Water routes the most effective regulators of railroad charges; The necessity of national regulation on interstate commerce; The causes of complaint against the railroad system ; Railroad rates — The principles upon which they should be established, and the limitations within which dis- crimination may be justifiable ; Publicity the best I'emedy for imjust discrimination ; A national commission — Its estab- lishment recommended for the enforcement of the legislation proposed ; The committee's bill. Part 2 : Testimony. • 59th Congress., 2d session. Debates on H. R. 24991, making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preserva- tion of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. {In Congressional record, 50th Congress, 2d session, vol. 41, pts. 2-3, 5. Washington: 1907. 4°.) Debates in the House, pt. 2, pp. 1998-1990 ; pt. 3, pp. 2027, 2030. 2031-2057, 2093, 2094, 2095-2136, 2164-2172, 2291-2304, 2304- 2325, 2362-236S, 2369-2371, 2391-2392, 2420-2428, 2428-2433, 2433-2434, 2439-2473. Debated in the Senate, pt. 3, pp. 3439-3448. Debates are also reported in pt. 5, Appendix, pp. 8, 15-18, 38- 44, 44-46, 47^9, 73-75. The subject of tlie improvement of the Mississippi River was discussed by Mr. Bartholdt, pt. 3, pp. 203.3-2040, 2386-2390 : Mr Snapp, pp. 2041-2045, 2382 ; Mr. Coudrey, pp. 2048-2052, 2391 ; Mr. Rhodes, pp. 2055-2057 ; Mr. Clark, pp. 2094-2096 ; Mr. Rodenberg, pp. 2090-2098; INIr. Rainey, pp. 2098-2106; Mr. Crumpacker, pp. 2106-2108; Mr. :Madden. pp. 2108-2112, 2381; Mr. Shackleford, pp. 2112-2113; Mr. Graff, pp. 2113- 2118; Mr. Sheppard, pp. 2118-2125; Mr. Candler, pp. 2127- 2134; Mr. Garrett, pp. 2134-2136; Mr. Hepburn, pp. 2168- 2(3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 2170; Mr. Davidson, pp. 2295-2301; Mr. Humphreys of Mis- sissippi, pp. 2301-2304, 2384-2396 ; Mr. Lloyd, pp. 2306-2310, 23S1-23S2; Mr. Williams, pp. 2310-2311; Mr. Bankhead, pp. 2311; Mr. Lorimer, pp. 2376-2378, 2383; Mr. Burton, pp. 2379-2381, 2382, 2428-24.33; Mr. Smith of Illinois, pp. 2391- 2392, and Appendix, pp. 73-75; Mr. Ellis, pt. 3, pp. 2426- 2428, 2440; Mr. Kennedy of Nebraska, pp. 2441; Senator McLaurin, pt. 4, pp. 3445-3448 ; Mr. Broussard, Appendix, pp. 38-11 ; Mr. Bennett, pp. 41^4 ; Mr. Bowers, iii). 44-40. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on commerce. Im- provement of the Mississippi RiA-er. Report of the hearing held February 3, 1904, embocl3^ing also report of a conven- tion held October 27-28, 1903, at Xew Orleans. April 4, 1904. — Presented by Mr, Berrj^ and ordered to be printed, [Washington^ Government printing office., 1904^.'] 116 ff. 8°. {58th Congress.^ 2d session. Senate document no. n5.) House. Committee on levees and improvement of the Mississippi River. Improvement of the Mississippi River. [Waslvington., Government printing office., 187 8. '\ 12 pp. Frontispiece. 8°. {4oth Congress., 2d session. House of representatives. Report., no. 714.) Caption title. Report to accompany House bill. no. 4318. Committee on rivers and harbors . Memo- randa relating to appropriations and authorizations to be included in River and harbor bill as decided upon by the Committee January 23, 1907. [Washington: Government printing office, 1907.] 8 pp. 8°. Caption title. Board of engineers on deep waterways. Report of the Board of engineers on deep waterways between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic tide waters , . , Dec. 7, 1900. — Referred to the Committee on rivers and harbors, Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 2 vols. Hlustrations. Plates. 4°. Atlas, I4I folded maps and profiles. 4°. {U. S. 56th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 149.) ^ BOOKS RELATING TO DEEP WATERWAYS 27 United States. Census office. 11th census. Report on transporta- tion business in the United States, at the Eleventh census : 1890. Part 2. Transportation by water. Washington: Government printing office., 1891^. xiii, {!), 632 pp. Folded maps. ,^°. Contents. — Trausportation on the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico ; Transix)rtation on tlio Pacific coast ; on the Great Lakes; on Lalvo Chauiplaiu; on the rivers of the Mississippi valley; on canals and canalized rivers; By express companies. Department of commerce and labor. Bureav of statistics. Monthly summarj^ of commerce and finance of the United States. < Washington: Government printing office., 1907. Jf°. Contains statistics of the •' Internal commerce of the United States," including " Domestic commerce on the Great Lakes," and " Commercial movements on rivers and canals." This forms a regular feature of this publication. Engineer department. Analytical and topical index to the reports of the chief of engineers and the officers of the Corps of engineers, United States army, upon works and surveys for river and harbor improvement, 186G[-1892]. Washington: Government printing office., 1881-1895. 3 vols. and folded map (8 folded sheets in 1 vol.) . 8°. Continued by the "Analytical and topical index to the reports . . . 186G-inOO. AVashington, 1903." Annual report of the Chief of engineers, United States army, and of subordinate engineers upon the im provement of rivers and harbors, and report of the Missis- sippi river commission, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1906. Washington: Government printing office^ 1906. 2 vols. 8°. ( U. S. o9th Congress., 2d session. Rouse document no. 22.) Eeport upon survey, with plans and estimates of cost, for a navigable waterway 14 feet deep from Lock- port, 111., by way of Des Plaines and Illinois rivers, to the mouth of said Illinois River, and thence by way of the Mississippi River to St. Louis, Mo., and for a navigable waterway of 7 and 8 feet depth, respectively, from the head of navigation of Illinois River at Lasalle, 111., through said river to OttaAva, 111., by the Mississippi River commission, covering the section below the mouth 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS of the Illinois River, and by a Board of officers of the corps of eiicfineers. U. S. army, covering the section above the mouth of the Illinois River. Washhiffton : Goveimment printing office, 1905. 5JfIf. pp. Plates. 17 maps. 8°. {o9th Congress, 1st session. House document 263.) V United States. Engineer department. Reports upon transportation routes to the seaboard; being appendix cc of the Annual report of the chief of engineers for 1875. Washington: Government printing office, 1875. 2Jf6 pp. including illustrations. Tables. 33 plates {including maps, plans, diagrams). 8°. Rivers and harbors. Letters from the secretary of war to the House of representatives. 5Gth Congress, 2d session, transmitting reports of examinations and surveys of the Engineer department, U. S. army. Compilation in 3 vols. Washington: 1900 and 1901. 90 pamphlets in 3 vols. Folded plates. Folded maps. Folded plans. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. House documents.) Compiled in the Division of documents. Library of Congress. Each vol. has a typewritten title and an " Index " to the entire compilation arranged alphabetically, by States. Contents. — vol. 1. Doc. no. 66-78, 82-94. — vol. 2. Doc. no. 95-104, 111-11.5, 117-130.— vol. 3. Doc. no. 131-134, 1.39, 148, 150-153, 178-180, 201-202, 217-220, 227-228, 234-235, 261- 264, 274, 283, 207, 318, 355, 378, 450, 506. Industrial commission. Report of the Industrial commis- sion on transportation . . , including testimony ... re- view and topical digest of evidence, and special reports on railway legislation [by B. H. Mever] and taxation [by Roswcll C. McCrea]. Washington: Government printing) office, 1900-1901. 2 vols. Map. Facsimiles. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. {The Commission'^s Reports, vol. iv, ix.) Vol. 4. Lake transportation, pp. 100-107 of the Digest; Ocean transportation, pp. 167-175. For the testimony on these subjects see Index to testimony, page 832. Vol. 9. Freight rates to the Pacific Coast and sea competi- tion, pp. cxvi-cxx of the Digest; Water transportation, pp. clxxiv-clxxxiv ; Transportation ou the Mississippi and BOOKS RELATING TO DEEP WATERWAYS 29 tributary rivers, pp. clxxxiv-clxxxix ; Labor connected witli water transportation, pp. cclxv-cclxxii. For testimony on these snbjects see Index to testimony, page 1141. United States. Treasury department. Statement of appropriations and expenditures for public buildings, rivers and harbors, forts, arsenals, armories, and other public works, from March 4, 1789, to June 30, 1882. Washington: Government printing office., 1882. GO If. pp. Bureau of statistics. First annual report on the internal commerce of the United States, by Josej^h Nimmo, jr. For the year ending June 30, 187G. Washington: Government printing office., 1877. 215., ( Feb. 16, 1907. 625 pp. 8°. 59th Congress^ 2d session. Senate report 669^. 5061 Mississippi River between Missouri River and St. Paul, Minn. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting, with a letter from the chief of engineers, report of esti- mate for six-foot channel in the Mississippi River between the Missouri River and St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 3, 1907. 18 pp. 8°. 69th Congress, 2d session. House document 34-1. 5153 Report by C. S. Riche, submitting the report and estimate by C. W. Durliam, with indorsement by W. H. Bixby, division engineer. Interior waterway from the Rio Grande to the Mississippi. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting, with a letter from the chief of engineers, report of examination of project for interior waterway from the Rio Grande to the Mississippi. Feb. 1, 1907. 53 pp. Folded map. Tables. 8°. 59th Congress, 2d session. House document 61fi. 5156 " Preliminary examination with plan and estimate of cost of improvement of inhind waterway along the coast of Louis- iana and Texas from the Mississippi River at Donaldson- ville, La,, to Rio Grande," by Edgar Jadwin, pp. 3-2S. Report of the Chief of the Engineer department, 1907. Washington: Gooernment printing office, 1907. 862, pp. 8°. {War department doc. 305.) lix This book is DUE on the last date stamped below WAV 2 9 1961 Form L-9-35»(-8,'28 \LOS AT^TGELES, CAI-IP. I . y 6839 I6U5 I u;s. Library of eorrgress . Dlvl - sion ^ p;rap hy -• List of v/orl'-s reletting to deep watervmys from the Great) Lakes to z 6553 1(.U5 r?