CHINA, ETC. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAPS, VIEWS, &c. RELATING TO ASIA THE ASIA T. I C CONTINENT: Geography^ History, Antiquities ; INCLUDING ATLASES AND GAZETTEERS, GEOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS, OVERLAND TRAVELS, AND VOYAGES ROUND THE ASIATIC COASTS. 4001 Al BirQni's Chronology of Ancient Nations (c. a.d. 1000), from the Arabic, with Notes by Sachau (Oriental Transl. Fund), imp. 8vo, cloth. 1879 7s 6d A standard work in Oriental literature containing details of the various systems for the coiui)Utation of time used by the Persians, Sogdians, Cborasmians, Jews, Syrian.-, Harraniane, and Arabs, together with Greek traditions and calendars of the ancient inhabitants of Central Asia. Geography. See India. 4002 Alexander the Great. The Invasion of India: Translations (accompanied by historical, critical, and topographical notes) from Arrian, Quintus Curtius, Diodorus, Plutarch, and other Classical Authors, describing Alexander's Campaigns in Afghanistan, the Panj4b, Sindh, Gedrosia, and Karmania ; with Introduction by J. W. M'Orindle, 2 maps, 25 illustrations of coins, gems, and inscriptions ; second edition, Svo, pp. xvi-432, cloth. 1896 (pub. lOa 6d net) 4s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London y W, 357272 3S3J 2 * * Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4003 Alexander (Sir James E.) Travels from India to England through Persia, Asia Minor, and European Turkey, 1825 26, portrait, maps, and coloured plates, 4to, calf. 1827 ^^ Includes Accounts of Burmah and the War, Andamanjslands, Col. Kinneir's Mission to Persia, the War between Kussia and Persia, 182o-27. 4004 All Round the World : an Illustrated Record of Voyages, Travels, and Adventures. Edited by Ains worth, 4 vols in 2, 4to, cloth [1860-62] 10a Contains articles on China, Japan, Cochin China, Central Asia and Siberia, Syria, Russia and the Ca jcasus. Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Africa America, the West Indies, Australia, the Fiji Islands, and Tahiti. 4005 Anzi (Conte Aurelio) II Genio Vagante. Biblioteca Curiosa di Cento, e pill Relazioni di Viaggi. Parte Prima, Seconda, e Terza, plates, 3 vols, 24mo, old calf. Farma, 1691-2 £1 Rare Italian collection of travels, including Mar. ens" Voyages to the North, Zani to Transilvania and Moscow, Fava to Egypt and Syria, Berni to Cafrari* and Mozambique, Montecuccolo to Congo, Giovanni di Lucca to Tartary. &c. ; Ta/ernier, Chardin, and Olearms to Persa; the Jesuit Fathers to Siam, Toniiin, and Cochin China; Knox s Ceylon; Notices of the D.itjh in Jiva, Borneo, &c. ; OAemelin. Gomberville. and Hennepin in Americi; Notices of Turkey, Algeria, Tunis. Ethiopia, the Pyramids. •Monomotapa, Cafrarii, Benin, Zanzibar, and the Cape; Morandi on the Grand Mogul; Mendoza's China, &c. 4006 Arnold (Sir Edwin) Seas and Lands : Letters reprinted from the Daily Telegraph, illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1891 (pub. 21s) 5s 4007 East and West, with 41 illustrations by Pritchett, 8vo, cloth. 1896 58 The Ancient Egyptian Thief, Aspects of Life, Astronomy and Religion, the Indian Upanishads, Indian Viceroys, Jungle Kingdoms, the Triumph of Japan, Buddha-Gya, and other Papers from the Jbaily Telegraph. &c. Arrian's Voyage of Nearchus. See M'Crindle, Vincent. 4008 Astley (Thomas) General Collection of Voyages and Travels, mtmerotis plates, 4 vols, 4to, calf. 1745-7 £1 48 Vol. f. Rise and Progress of Navigation, Voyages to the South East and East Indies, including English Voyages to Java and Japan. Vol. 1 1. Voyages to West Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Gold Coast. Vol. 111. Voyages to Benin, the Congo Coast, Cape of Good Hope, and China. Vol. IV. Descriptions of China, Tibet, Corea, &c., 13th to 17th Century. *^* French and Dutch translations of these voyages are included in Vols. L to VIL of Provost's Collection. See Nos. 4177 to 4179. 4009 Avril (Pere Ph.) Voyage en Divers Etats d'Europe et d'Asie, con- tenant Remarques Curieuses de Physique, de Geographie, d'Hydro- graphie et d'Histoire, avec Description de la Grande Tartarie, map and plates, small 4to, calf. Paris, 1692 (rare) 10a ' 4010 Travels through Europe and Asia to discover a New Way by Land to China. From the French, 12mo, half-calf. 1693 (rare) 148 The author had not the happiness to reach China. He travelled through Armenia, Tzjtary, Muscovy, and Moldavia, and his book contains descriptions of the roads to China. 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, Asia 4011 Barros and Couto. Da Asia ; dos Feitos, que os Portugueses fizeram no Descubrimento et Conquista dos Mares e Terras do Oriente, 24vol8, 8vro. 1778-88 (itn6oMnd) £6 Barros s ' Asia' and its continuation by Da Couto contain the best original account of the Portuguese Discoveries and Conquests in Asia, See also Astley's and Ramcsio's Collections. 4012 Bartholomew's Library Reference Atlas of the World : a Series of 84 modern maps (coloured), size 14 in. by 10 in., with a complete geo- graphical Index of 100,000 places, imp. 4to, bound in buckram. 1891 (pub. £2 128 6d net) 188 The maps include : 1, Astronomical Chart— 2-7, World : Physical Features, Ocean Currents, Winds, Races, Religion, Climate, &c.— 8, Polar Regions— 9-17, England and Wales, 9 maps— 18-22, Scotland, 5 maps— 23-27, Ireland, 5 maps— 28-40, Europe : various Countries, with inset maps of the chief capitals— 41-52, A^ia— 53 56, Africa, including special maps of the West Const and South Africa— 57, North Atlantic -58-75, North Ameiica, with special maps of the chief cities— 76-79, South America— 80, Oceania— 81-84, Australasia. Batuta (Ibn) Travels in Bengal, China, &c., 1355. See Yule's Cathay, under China. 4013 Beazley (C. Raymond) The Dawn of Modern Geography, 8vo, cloth 1897 158 A useful continuation to Bunbury's Ancient Geography. See No. 4020. 4015 Benjamin of Tudela, Travels through Europe to Asia and Africa, 12mo, calf. 1783 8s See also Purohas, Harris, Pinkerton, Kerr, and other Collections. 4016 Benjamin (J. J.) Eight Years in Asia and Africa, 1846-55, maps, Second English Edition, 8vo, cloth. Hanover, 1863 48 6d Travels through Syria, Kurdistan, Persia, India, Egypt, Tunis, Algeria, &c., with Notes from Benjamin of Tudela, R. Petachia, P. Teixeira, &c. 4017 Bernard's Collection, Recueil de Voyages au Nord, nouvelle edition, plates, 10 vols, 12mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1725-38 (Jlne copy) £1 La Peyrere's Relations of Iceland and Greenland; Voyages of Frobisher; Martens and Wood to Spitzbergen; Linschoten, Early Voyages to Hudson s Bay, Newfoundland, Virginia, and California; Relations of China, Japan, Tartary; Louisiana and iMexico (Hennepin) ; Armenia; Tartar Conquest of China; Mingrelia and the Caspian Regions; Lange 8 Journey to China, 1721-22; Mullers Ostiacks ; Relation of the Natchez, Martm's Georgia ; Relations of U reat Tartary, Tangui , Turkestan, Caucasia, Crimea, the Cossacks, &c. 4018 Be van (W. L.) and Phillott (H. W.) Mediaeval Geography : an Essay in Illustration of the Hereford Mappa Mundi, illustrated ivith photographs, 8vo, half morocco, and facsimile of the Origirialy in folio. 1873 ^2 2s 4019 Bretschneider (Dr. E.) Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources : Geography and History of Central and Western Asia, 13th to 17th Century (Trubner's Oriental Series), 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Xos 1888 83y High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4020 Bunbury ([Sir] E. H.) A History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans, maps, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1879 lOs A survey of ancient geographical systems, including the Voyage of the Argor.auts, Geography of Homer, Anaximander, Hecateus, Herodotus, Ctesi^s, Xenophon, Ephorus, ^nd Aristotle; the Expedition of Alexander and Voyage of Nearchus ; the Systems of Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Polybius, Strabo, Pliny, Ptolemy, the Geographer of Ravenna, &c. 4021 Calendar of State Papers : Colonial Series : East Indies, China, and Japan, 1513-1616, 1617-21, 1622-24, 1625-29, 1630-4 5 vols, imp. Svo, cloth (scarce) £4 158 4022 Camoens. Os Lusiados (The Lusiads) and Rhythmas, or Lyrics or Luis de Camoens ; his Sonnets, &c. Englished by Sir Richard Burton, with Life, Geographical Commentary, &c, 6 vols., 12mo, cloth. 1880-84 £2 5s 4023 The Lusiad, in English verse, by Mickle, 4to, calf. 1776 5s 4024 The Lusiad, translated into verse by Aubertin, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1884 7s 6d 4030 Campbell (Donald, i.e., Stephen C. Carpenter), A Journey Overland to India, partly by a Route never gone before by any European ; and the Author's Shipwreck and Imprisonment with Hyder AH, &c, 4to, calf. 1795 10s A series of letters describing Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Venice, Alexandria, Syria, Bagdad, Goa, shipwreck, imprisonment, East Indian politics, &c 4031 Capper (James) Observations on the Passage to India through Egypt ; also by Vienna, Constantinople, Aleppo, Bagdad, and Bassora, maps, Third Edition, Svo, boards. 1835 3s 6d 4032 Careri (Gemelli) Voyage Round the World (1693-99), from the Italian (Churchill's Collection), pZa Rubruquis, Marco Polo, Oderic, Clavijo, Schiltberger, Mendez Pinto, Sharpey, Middleton, Jenkinson, Hanway, Andrada, Grueber, La Penna, Pegoletti, Goez, Cosmas Indicopleustes* Conti, Barthema, Da Gama, Cabral, Roe, Bernier, Tavernier, Moorcroft, Fraser, Bogle> Turner, Kirkpatrick, Forster, Elphinstone, Pottinger, Zeno, Barbaro, Contarini. Sherley> Herbert, Olearius, Chardin, Malcolm, Olivier, Morier, Holy Land Pilgrims, Pococke, Wood> Clarke. Burckhardt, Niebuhr, V'alentia, Seetzen, Bahdia, Cesar Frederick, Balbi, Symes> Borri, Barrow, Andrada, Ricio, Navarrete, Nieuhoflf, Isbrand Ides, Lange, Bell, Macartney, Amherst, Hall, Kaempfer, Thunberg, Krusenstern, Golowin, Pallas, Gmelin, and many others. 4157 Myers (Ralph) Voyage to ye East Indies in ye " Stretham" Friggott, Capt. Roger Myers Feb., 1702/3, to Nov., 1706, manuscript, 106 leaves, folio, calf £4 48 Batavia, Malacca, Madras, Pulu Condore, Macao, Canton, Atchin, Calicut, Cananore, Muscat, Gombaroon, Surat, Bombay, Carwar, Cochin, Cape of Good Hope, St. Helena, Navarretb's Voyages. See China. Nearchus. See Harris, M'Crindlb, Murray, Puechas, Ramusio, Vincent, &c. 4159 Nieuhoff (Jean) Zee en Lantreize West en Oostindien [1643-62], nearly 100 engravingsy folio, vellum. Amsterdam, 1682 14s See also China. 4160 English translation, Voyages and Travels into Brasil and the . East Indies, Java, China, &c. (1643-62), engraved title, portrait, maps, and plates, from Churchill's Collection of Voyages, folio, calf. 1703 14s See also Astley, Harris. 4161 Nordenskiold (Baron) Voyage of the "Vega" round Asia and Europe, with Review of all Previous Voyages along the North Coasts of the Old World, translated by Leslie, numerous maps and engravings, 2 voIp, 8vo, cloth. 1881 1*^ 4163 Norman (Henry) The Peoples and Politics of the Far East, Travels and Studies in the British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese Colonies- Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam, and Malaya, 60 illustrations and 4 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1895 ^^ ^^ See also Japan. 4164 North (Marianne) Recollections of a Happy Life, edited by Mrs. Addington Symons, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1892-3 ^^ Miss North in a search for rare plants travelled in North and South Ammc«, Jap,an, Singapore, Borneo, Java, Ceylon, India, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, boutli Atnca, and the Seychelles. 83, High Street, Marylelone, London, W. 16 Francis Edwards's Catalogue Odoric (Friar) Travels to the East, 1316-30. See China, Yule's Cathay; also Ramusio, Hakluyt, and other Collections. 4166 Ogilby (John) Asia, the First Part, being a Description of Persia, the Mogol Empire, and other Parts of India, maps and copper- plates, folio, russia. 1673 - £1 8s 4167 Asia, another copy, folio, calf £1 2s See also Japan. 4168 Oliphant (Laurence) Episodes in a Life of Adventure, or Moss from a Rolling Stone, 12mo, clo*h. Edinburgh, 1887 58 Ceylon, Greece, Canada, the Crimea, Circassia, Central America, Indian Mutiny, China, Montenegro, Japan, Albania, Poland, &c. 4169 Ortelius's Atlas. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, comment, Geographicis et Historicis illustrata upwards of 30 fine large mapsy folio, calf neat. Antwerp, Plantin, 1624 £2 4170 Peritsol (Abraham) Itinera Mundi sic Dicta Nempe Cosmographia, 4to, pp. xvi-196. Oxford, 1691. Tractatus Alberti Bobovii, de Tur- carum Liturgia, Peregrinatione Meccana, Circumcisione, Latina, &c., Veraiones donavit Thomas Hyde. Oxford, 1690. 1 vol, calf, 4to. 98 Description of Europe, Africa, and Asia, especially the Turkish and Mohammedan dominions. 4171 Perrot and Chipiez, History of Ancient Art in Assyria, Persia, Asia Minor, Syria, Greece, Egypt, &c. Translated from the French, with numerous coloured and other illustrations, complete set, 12 vols, royal 8 vo, cloth. 1883-5 (pub. £12) £5 5s The following can be sold separately : — 4171b Ancient Art in Persia, 1 vol (2l8) 7s 4171c Ancient Art in Phrygia, Lydia, &c. (158) 5s 4171d Ancient Art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor, 2 vols (36s) 128 6d 4171b Ancient Art in Phoenicia, 2 vols (42^) 17s 4172 Pinkerton (John) General Collection of the Best and most Interest- ing Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World, numerous maps and copper -plate engravings, 17 vols, 4to, calf, gilt. 1808 £5 Vols. I. to V I. Travels in European Countries. Vols, V I. to X. Travels in Asiatic Countries. Vol. V 1 1. Travels of Two Mahometans, Rabbi Benjamin, William of Rubruquis, and Marco Polo; NieuhoflFs Travels in China; Bell's Travels in Siberia &c. ; Hamel's Korea; Goez's Travels, Lahore to China; Missionary Travels through Tibet : Caron's, Kaempfer's, and other Accounts of Japan. Vol. Vllf. Roe's Embassy to the Great Mogul; Bernier's and Tavernier's Voyages to the East Indies; Hamilton's Account of the East Indies; Lord's Discovery of the Banians ; Buchanan's Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. Vol. iX. Dellavalle, Chardin, Francklin, and Forster's Travels in Persia; Accounts of 'ndependent Tartary; Jenkinson's Travels to Bucharia ; Balbi's and Fitch's Voyages to Pegu, &c. ; Symes's Embassy to Ava ; 'i'urpin's History of Siam ; Baron s and Richards's Description of Tonquin ; Bovis's History of Cochin China. Vol. X. Niebuhr's Travels in Arabia; Blount's Voyage to the Levant; Dandini's Voyage to Mount Libanus ; Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem ; Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai ; Pococke's Travels in the East. 8^, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Asia 17 Vol. XI. Asiatic Islands. Vols. XII. to XIV. North and South America and West Indies. Vols. XV. and XVI. Travels in African Countries and Islands. Vol. XVK. Retrospect of the Origin and Progress of Discovery in Ancient, Modern, and Recent Times; Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels; General Index. 4173 Pinto. Hiatoria Oriental de la8 Peregrinaciones de Fernan Mendez Pinto, Adonde se escriven muchaa las Reynos de la China, Tartaria, Sornao, que vulgarmente se llama Siam, Calaaiinam, Peguu, Martauan, &c. Traduzido de Portugues en Oastellano Alio 1620, Madrid, folio, calf, gilt edges, fine copy £2 2^ 4174 — — Voyages and Adventures of Fernand Mendez Pinto, a Portugal, during one and twenty years in Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchinchina, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and a Great Part of the East Indies done into English by H[enry] C[ogan], folio, half -calf. 1653 £1 4s 4175 Voyages and Adventures, anothj^r edition, folio, calf. 1663 £1 4176 Voyages and Adventures of Mendez Pinto, Cogan's translation, introduction by Vambery (Adventure Series), 8vo, cloth. 1891 33 6i 4177 Prevost (Abbe') and others. Histoire Gdndrale des Voyages depuis la commencement du XV^ Si^cle, illustrated throughout by fine copper- plate engravings and mapSj complete, with Supplement, 20 vols, 4to, half- calf Parl-i, 1746 89 £4 A valuable collection of voyages and travels in all parts of the world, including the Spanish. Voyages to America and the West, and those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and English to the East Indies, Malayan and Moluccan Archipelagoes, the Philippines, China and Japan, besides a number of voyages to Australasia and the Pacific, De Goniieville, Magellan, Saavedra, Mendana, Quiros, Le Maire, Tasman, Pelsart, Roggewein, and Dampier. A special volume treats of the Natural History of the East indies, and another of the Dutch Governors Carpenter, Van Diemen, and many others, being illustrated with their portraits and other j)late8. For complete list of contents see Royal Geographical Society^s Catalogue. 4178 Historische Beschryving der Reizen, &c, Dutch Translation of the preceding Collection, engravings and maps, 21 vols, 4to, calf. The Hague, 1747-67 £2 4179 Historische Beschryving der Reizen, Vols. I. to XII., containing most of the African, Asiatic, and Eastern Travels, 12 vols, 4to, calf 188 4180 Prior (James) Narrative of a Voyage in Indian Seas, 1810-11, in the "Nisus" Frigate (Capt. P. Beaver), including visits to the Gape, Bour- bon, Mauritius, Seychelles, Madras, Java, St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands, map, 8vo, half calf. [1819] 5s 4181 Purchas (Samuel) His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions Observed in All Ages, Second Edition, folio, calf, rebacked. 1614 21s This copy has no title-page. It is otherwise complete, containing Preliminary Epistles, Contents, and List of Authors, pp. 1-918, and Index Table at end. It lorms the tilth volume of Purchas, His Pilgrims. See next item. . • o • Relations of the World and Religions in all ages and places : Babylonia, Assyria byria, Phoenicia, Palestine; of the Hebrews, Arabians, Saracens, Turks, Armenians, Medes, Persians, Parthians, Scythians, Tartars, Chinese, Indians ; of Egypt, Africa, Ethiopia, and the New World. 83 f High street, Marylehone, London^ W. 18 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4182 Purchas, His Pilgrimes, Voyages and Peregrinations made by the Ancients ; a Description of all the Circum- Navigations of the (Grlobe ; Navigations and Voyages of Englishmen, alongst the Coasts of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, and from thence to the East Indies, Japan, and China ; their just Commerce nobly vindicated against Turkish treacherie, Portugall Hostilitie, Dutch Malignitie, Discoveries of the English Nation in the Easterne parts of the World, English- Indian Occurrents, the Portugall Attempts, and Dutch Disasters, divers Sea-fights with both, and many other remarkable relations, maps and illustrations^ 5 vols, folio, calf neat. 1617-25 £48 In these volumes Purchas incorporated the substance of more than 1,200 writers : " valuable alike for the abundance of its materials and its importance in the history of early discoveries, especially those of the English" (' Biog. Universelle). Among Asiatic Travels are Ancient Accounts of Voyages to Ophir ; Peregrinations of the Patriarchs and Apostles; Conquests of Alexander the Great; Portuguese, Dutch, and English Voyages round the Cape of Good Hope, including those of the E. 1. Company; the Embassies of Roe and Sherley , Letters of Tom Coryat ; Pilgrimages to the Holy Land; Rabbi Benjamin, William of Rubruquis, Marco Polo, Maundeville— Early Travels from Europe to Siberia. Central ■» sia Persia, and India ; Mendez Pinto, Pereira, Ricci and Trigault, Goes, Xavier, Pontoia. Monfart, and others to China, Japan, and the Philippine Islands. The full list of contents will be found in the Royal Geographical Society's and the York Gate Catalogues. 4183 Pyrard de Laval (Frangois) Voyage contenant sa Navigation aux Indes Occidentales, Maldives, Moluques, Bresil, &c., S"*^ ddit. avec un petit dictionnaire de la Langue des Maldives, 12mo (2 vol? in 1). Paris, 1619 £1 18 4184 Voyage to the East Indies and Shipwreck on the Maldives, 1601-11, translated and edited by Albert Gray (Hakluyt Soc), 2 vols in 3, 8vo, cloth. 1887-90 £1 15s See also Purchas, voL ii. ; Harris, vol. i., and other Collections. 4186 Ramusio, Delle Navigation! et Viaggi, with maps, 3 vols, folio, vellum (not uniform). Venice, 1588, 1583, 1556 £3 15s A valuable collection, containing many narratives printed for the first time. Among the \ oyages and Travels to Eastern and Asiatic Countries are those of Da Gama (1497), Thome. Lopez (1502), G. di Empoli (1503), Varthema (1503-8). Corsali (1515-17), Barbosa (1516), Conti (1449), Stephano (1499), Marco Polo and Hayton the Armenian (13th cent.^, Barbaro, Contarini, Zeno, and others to Persia (16th cent.). 4188 Ratzel (Prof. F.) The History of Mankind. Translated by Butler, Introduction by Tylor, coloured plates, mxips, and illustrations, 3 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1896-98 £1 168 Vol. I. Principles of Ethnography, the American Pacific Group of Races ; Races of Oceania (Polynesians, Micronesians, Melanesians) ; The Australians, Tasmanians, Malays and Malagasies. Vol. II. The Americans, Cultivated, Ancient, and Arctic; African Light Stock and Negro Races. Vol. IIL Civilized Races of the Old World. "An indispensable book of reference to every student of ethnology." — Natural Science. 4190 Rawlinson (Canon George) The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World : History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chal- dea, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, and Persia, illustrations, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1879 (pub. 428) £1 128 83, High Street^ Marylebone, London, W. Asia 19 4191 Rawlinson (Canon George) The Sixth Oriental Monarchy : History, Geography, and Antiquities of Parthia, 8vo, cloth. 1873 {rare) 4192 The Seventh Oriental Monarchy : Geography and History of the Sassanians (or New Persian Empire), map and 95 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1876 (pub 288) 128 4193 History of Phoenicia, 8\ro, cloth. 1889 (pub 248) Ts 4194 Manual of Ancient History, 8vo, cloth (pub 148) Ss Rawlinson (Sir Henry) History of Herodotus. See above, No. 4091 England and Russia in the East. See Russian Central Asia. 4198 Memoir of Major- General Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, by Canon Rawlinson, with Introduction by Lord Roberts, map, portraits, and illustrations of the Mock of Behistun, 8vo, cloth. 1898 6s 4200 Raynal (Abbd) Histoire Philosophique et Politique des ^tablissemens et du commerce des Europdens dans les Indes, 7 vols, 8vo, maps and fronts, by Eisen, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome {fine copy). La Bays, 1774 £2 5s 4201 History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies, translated by Juatamond, third edition, maps, 5 vols, 8vo, calf (Jlne copy). 1777 10s 4202 Reclus (Elis^e) The Earth and its Inhabitants : the Universal Geo- graphy. Edited by Ravenstein and Keane, with GOO full-page engravings, 100 coloured maps, and over 3,000 illustrations in the text, complete in 19 vols, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1886-90 (pub. £19 19s) £8 The most useful, systematic, and comprehensive geographic work of the century. Vols. 1. to V. treat of Europe and European Countries, the British Jsles, and the Arctic Regions; Vols. Vi. to IX, of Asia and Asiatic Countries; Vols. A. to Xill. relate to Africa and African Countries; Vol. XlV. to the Eastern Archipelago, Australasia, Poly- nesia, &c.; Vols. XV. to XIX. America, the United States, West indies, &c. 4203 The Earth, &c. Asia and Asiatic Countries : Asiatic Russia, East Asia, India and Indo-China, South- Western Asia, maps and illustrations, 4 vols, imp. 8vo, cloth gilt ^^ 4205 Reinaud (M.) Relations de I'Empire Romain avec I'Asie Orientale d'apr^s les Tdmoinages Latins, Grecs, Arabes, Persans, Chinois, avec 4 cartes, 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1863 3s Renaudot's Travels of Two Mohammedans to India and China in the Ninth Century. See China. 4206 Rennefort (M. Souchu de) Histoire des Indes Orientales, 12mo, calf. Leyden, 1688 ^^^ Voyage to Madagascar-Description of the Island, People, &c.-Return Voyage--Cap- tured by English Frigate— Imprisoned Carisbrook Castle— Taken to London (1667 j-yCourt of St. James-Gay Life in Heydeparc-Theatre-" Maisons a Londres Nommees Musicaux, "Gladiateurs Voluntaires," &c.— Dialogues Philosophiques- Second \oyage-lenenfie, Brazil, Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar, Surat, Calicut, Goa, &c. 4207 Rennell (James) The Geographical System of Herodotus, the Voyage of Hanno, &c., Explained, 4to, calf. 1800 ^ 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 20 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4208 Rennell (James) The Comparative Geography of Western Asia, Arrian's Periplus of the Euxine, &c., 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1831 8s See India (Atlases and Maps). 4209 Ritchie (Leitch) History of the Oriental Nations, chiefly British Possessions in Eastern and Southern Seas, their History, Religion, Laws, Manners and Customs, Commerce, &c., 2 vols, 8vo, cloth 1848 Os India and the East India Company, Afghanistan, Burraah, Malay Peninsula, Straits Settlements, China and Japan, the Islands of the Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, the Islands of the Indian and South Atlantic Oceans. 4210 Rochon (AbM) Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies, with M. Brunei's Memoir on the Chinese Trade, may, 8vo, half bound. 1793 5s RuBRUQUis's Travels to Tartary, ad. 1253. See Collections of Purchas, Harris, Pinkerton, Kerr, &c. 4212 Salmon (Thomas) Modern History ; or, the Present State of All Nations, Vol. I., Asia, maps and plates by Moll, small 4to, calf. Duhlm, 1739 98 China, Japan, Tonquin, Cochin-Chiua and Siam, the Ladrone and Philippine Islands, Celebes, Banda, Amboyna, and the Moluccas, Borneo, Java and Sumatra, Nicobar and Andaman Islands, India, Pegu, Ava, Arracan, Burma, Boutan, Ceylon, Persia, Arabia, Tartary, Armenia, Palestine, and Asia Minor. 4213 Scherzer (Karl) Voyage of the Austrian Frigate "Novara," 1857-59, 3 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1861-63 £1 10s The "Novara" during her Circumnavigation visited Gibraltar, Madeira, Rio Janeir.i, the Cape, St. Paul and Amsterdam islands, Ceylon, Madras, Nicobar Islands, Singapore, Java, Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and the PaciJBic. 4214 Schiltberger (Johann) Bondage and Travels with the Armies of the Turks in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396-1427. Translated by Com- mander Buchan Telfer, Notes by Prof. Bruun, 8vo, cloth. (Hakluyt Soc ) 1879 10s Schiltberger served under Tamerlane (Timur) in Asia Minor. Armenia, Persia, &c. He also relates the victories of Timur in India. 4216 Schultzen (Walter), i.e., Schouten (Wouter), Ost lodische Reyse, With cupper -plate engravings, folio, vellum. Amsterdam, 1676 12s 6d Voyage to the Dutch and Portuguese Settlements, with views of Malacca, Batavia, Macassar, Ternate, Aniboina, Point de Galle, Colombo, Negapatam. 4217 Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 2 vols, 12mo, calf gilt. 1725 lOa 4218 SeyfTert's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, Mythology, Religion, Literature, and Art, with additions by Nettieship and Sandys, over 450 iiiustrations, second edition, 4to, cloth. 1891 (pub. 21s) 78 6d A concise, comprehensive, and up-to-date Dictionary, fully illustrated, but less elabo- rate in detail than Dr. Smith's well-known Dictionary. An Index is attached to the end of the volume. 83y High Street^ Marylebone, London^ W, Asia 21 4219 Sonnerat, Voyage aux Indes Orientales et k la Chine, 1774-81 ; dans lequel on traite des Moeurs, de la Religion, des Sciences et des Arts des Indiena, des Chinois. des Pdgouins, et des Madegasses ; suivi d'Obaer- vations sur le Cap de Bonne-Esp^rance, les lies de France et de Bourbon, les Maldives, Ceylan, Malacca, les Philippines, et les Moluques, et de Recherches sur I'Histoire Naturelle de ces Pays, with maps, Large-paper usue, 3 vols, 8vo, calf. Parisj 1782 15s 4220 Another edition, 4 vols, 12mo, boards ; Atlas, 4to. Paris, 1806 16s 4221 Stanford's Compendium of Geography : Asia. By A, H. Keane. New Edition, maps and illustrations, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1896 £i 48 Vol. I. Northern and Eastern Asia. Vol. II. Southern and Western Asia. 4223 Strabo's Geography. Translated, with Notes by W. Falconer and H. C. Hamilton, with Index of Names, 3 vols, 12mo, cloth. (Bohn) 93 4224 Smith (Dr. Wm.) assisted by various Writers. An Encyclopaedia of Classical Antiquity, comprehending the Series of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Biography, Mythology, and Geography, with 1,600 illustra- tionsy 7 vols, medium 8vo, cloth, last editions £5 4225 Greek and Roman Antiquities (separately), 2 vols, cloth £2 10s 4226 Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, 3 vols, cloth £1 10s 4227 Greek and Roman Geography, 2 vols, cloth £1 4229 Smaller Classical Dictionary (7s 6d) 33 6d 4230 A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, 2 vols, medium 8vo, cloth £2 8s 4231 A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects, and Doctrines, 4 vols, medium 8vo, cloth £4 10s 4232 A Concise Dictionary of the Bible, 1 vol, 8vo, cloth 10s 4233 Smaller Bible Dictionary, 12mo, cloth (7s 6d) 33 6d 4235 and Grove (Sir George) An Atlas of Ancient Geography, Biblical and Classical, intended to illustrate the preceding works, with a full Index, and 43 maps, beautifully engraved and coloured, folio, half morocco (pub. £6 63) £2 lOa 4237 Smith (Dr. Philip) History of the Ancient World to the Fall of the Webtcrn Empire, a.d. 476, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1868 83 6d 4238 Student's Ancient History of the East, 12mo, cloth 33 6d 4241 Tavernier (J. B.) Recueil de Plusieurs Relations et Traitez Singuliers et Curieux de J. B. Tavernier, a^ec La Relation de I'lnt^rieur du Serrail du Grand Seigneur [Amsterdam] suivant la copie imprimee^ Paris, piates and maps, 12(no, morocco, gilt edges. 1681 l^a Contents : (1) Relations of Japan; (2) Negociations on behalf of the trench C^^^^^^ in Persia and India; (3) Observations on E. 1 Commerce; (4) Relation of ionqum, (5) Conduct of the Dutch in Asia; (6) Relation of the CJrand Turk s Seraglio. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 22 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4242 Tavernier (J. B.) Collection of [Five] Several Relations and Treatises of Tonquiii, Japan, East India Trade, &c., published by Edmund Everard, folio, calf. 1680 148 4244 Les Six Voyages de Jean Baptiste Tavernier Premiere Partie, Ou il n'est parl^ que de la Turquie et de la Perse, suivant la copie imprimee h Paris. 1678. Also with engraved title-page, Amsterdam, 24mo, pp. [xxiv] 792, numerous plates. 1678 58 4245 Las Six Voyages de Jean Baptiste Tavernier Seconde Partie, oil il est parle des Indes et des lies voisines [? Amsterdam] suivant la copie imprimee h Paris, numerous plates, figures of current coins, &c., 12mo, morocco, gilt edges. 1679 68 4246 Italian Translation : Viaggi nella Turchia, nella Persia, e nell' Indie tradotti da Giovanni Lueti Parte Prima, Bologna, 1680, 2 vols ; Parte Seconda, Bologna, 1690, 3 vols, 24mo, half-calf 10s Edition unknown to latest editor, and without plates. 4247 Travels in India. New English Translation, by Dr. V. Ball, with Biography, Notes, Bibliography, facsimile maps and illustrationSj 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1889 10a 6d 4248 Tavernier and others. Collections of Travels through Turkey into Persia and the East Indies Being the Traveh of Tavernier, Bernier, and other Great Men. Made English by J. P[hillip8], complete, and with the Relations of Tonquin, Japan, &c. , plates, 1 voJ, folio, calf. 1684 25s 4250 Taylor (Major John) Travels from England to India (1789) by way of the TyroJ, Venice, Scandaroon, Aleppo, and Bussora, with Instructions for Travellers, Account of the Expence, &c., maps, 2 vols, 870, calf. 1799 3s 6d 4252 Thevenot — Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux, qui n'ont point este Publi(^es ; ou qui ont estd traduites des Voyageurs Anglois, flol- landois, Portugais, Alemands, Espagnols, Persans, Arabes et autres Auteurs Orientaux [donndes au public par les soins de feu Melchisedec Thevenot], enriches des figures de plantes, danimaux, et de cartes geo- graphiques, 4 parts in 2 vol?, folio, old calt. Paris, 1663-66 £10 This, the first edition, includes Pelsarfs Discovery of Australia and Shipwreck in 1629; Commerce and Routes to the East Indies with charts of the Indian Ocean ; Pelsarfs Remonstrance presented to the Dutch E. I. Company. 1627; Carrillo s Relation of the Philippines ; Chart of the Eastern Archipelago ; Dutch Relation of Japan ; Brief Relation of China by a Jesuit iVl issionary ; Dutch Mission to Pekin, 1656, with copper-plate illus- trations ; Description of the Provinces of China and Tartary ; Relations of Peru ; Lobo's Abyssinia; Gages iMexico and New Spain, with a History of Mexico represented in 63 figures, with explanations; Roe's Kmbassy to the Great Mogul; Greaves s Account of the Pyramids, with plates, &c. 4254 Treaties, Engagements, and Sunnuds relating to India, Burmah, 8iara, Malayan States, Sumatra^ and Indian Archipelago. Collected and Edited by Aitchison, with Index, 8 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1862-66 £1 128 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Asia 23 4255 Valentia (George, Viscount) Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802-C, wiih 69 fine plates by Angus, Landseer^ Warre^i, and others. Large-paper copy, with proof plates, 3 vols, imperial 4to, morocco extra {fine copy). 1809 £2 lOs Including Mr. Salt's ' Narrative.' 4257 Valentyn (F.) Oud- en Nieuw Oost-Indien, vervattende eene verhandeling van Nederlands mogentheyd in die gewesten. Portraits, charts and plates, 8 vols, folio. Amsterdam, 1724 26 £8 A very full and interesting account, illustrated with numerous plates, of the East Indies, including the Cape of Good Hope. Malabar, and Coroniandel Coasts, Surat. Great Viogul Dominions, Bengal, Ceylon. Arracan, Pegu, Siam, Cambodia, Tonkin, Malacca, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Formosa, Banda, Amboina, Moluccas, Japan, &c. 4259 Valle (Pietro della) The Travels of a Noble Roman into East India and Arabia Deserta, &c [Translated by G. Havers.] Whereunto is added A Relation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyage into the East Indies [with a Description of the Territories under the Subjection of the Great Mogul], folio, calf. London, 1665 ISs 4260 Havers's translation, edited by Edward Grey (Hakluyt Soc), 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1892 . 168 4261 Varthema (Ludovico di) Travels in Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, India, &c. , 1503 8. Translated by Winter Jones, edited by Dr. Badger (Hakluyt Soc), 8vo, cloth. 1863 £1 See also Ramusio, Purohas, Supplement to Hakluyt, Kerb, and other Collections. 4263 Vincent (Dean) The Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, from the Journal of Arrian, with Dissertations, maps, 4to, calf. 1797 98 4266 Periplus of the Erythrean Sea : Account of the Navigation of the Ancients, <&c , 4to, half- calf. 1800. £1 4266 Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean, maps and plates, 2 vols, 4to, cloth. 1807 288 Comprehending Arrian's Voyage of Nearchus, the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, Dissertations on China and Maps of the Ancients. 4267 Wolff (Rev. Joseph) Missionary Journal : Second Visit to Palestine and Syria, 1823-24; Researches and Missionary Labours m Malta, Egypt, Constantinople, Armenia, Persia, Khorassan, Turkistan, Bokhara, Atfghanistan, the Himalayas, Cashmere, Hindostan, Abyssinia, and Yemen, 1831 34, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. 1828-35 lOa 4268 Travels and Adventures of, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1860. 58 4269 Travels and Adventures [enlarged edit.], 1 vol, 8vo, cloth. 1861 48 See also Central Asia. 4271 York Gate Library Catalogue : an Index to the Literature of Geography, Discovery, Commerce, and Colonization, founded on the Collection of S. W. Silver, Esq. Compiled by E. A. Petherick, /ac We titles, &c., imperial 8vo. parchment, gilt top. 1886 ^*8 YuLB (General) Cathay and the Way Thither. See China. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 24 Francis Edwards's Catalogue ASIATIC TURKEY: Anatolia, Cyprus, Transcaucasia, Armenia, Mesopotamia, a7td Euphrates Valley ; INCLUDING ASSYRIAN AND BABYLONIAN RESEARCH. *^* For Syeia and Palestine and Arabia see under separate headings. 4277 Ains worth (W. F.) Personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition, 1835-37, wop, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1888 6s Of the oflScial work by Major-General Chesney. published in 1838, only nine chapters out of twenty are devoted to the narrative of the Expedition, besides which vir. Ainsworth conducted several independent Explorations on the sites of Ancient Cities. His work is divided into seven Books : I. The Transport, II. Winter Wanderings in the Taurus, &c. II I. The Descent of the River. IV. Babylonia and Chald!»a. V. Wanderings in Persia, VI. Ascent of the Euphrates, Tigris, and the Karun, VII. Kurdistan and Asia Minor. Appendices. The River Kariin. See Persia. Alexander (Sir J. E.) Travels through Asia Minor. 1825-26. See p. 2. 4278 Andrew (W. P.) The Scinde Railway and its Relation to the Euphrates Valley and other Routes to India, mwps, 8vo, cloth. 1856. 2s 4279 Memoir on the Euphrates Valley Route to India, ma'ps, 8vo, cloth. 1857 2s 4280 Armstrong (T. B.) Journal of Travels to the Seat of War during, the last Two Campaigns of Russia and Turkey ; intended as an Itinerary through Russia, the Crimea, Georgia, Persia, Koordistan, and Asia Minor, 8vo, cloth. 1831 2s 6d 4281 Babylonian Tablets— Translation of those in Sir H Peek's pos- session, by T. G. Pinches, 4to, cloth. 1888 5s 4282 Badger, The Nestorians and their Rituals, with Narratives of Visits to Mesopotamia and Coord istan, 1842-44 and 1850, map and 2 portraits, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1852 15s 4284 Barker (Wm. B ) Reading Book of the Turkish Language, with Grammar and Vocabulary, 8vo, cloth. Hertford, 1854 3s 4285 Barkley (H. C.) A Ride through Asia Minor and Armenia, 8vo, cloth. 1891 4s 4286 Bent (J. T.) Explorations in Cilicia Trachera, map. P.RG.S., 1890 Is 3d 4287 Bible, Old and New Testaments in Turkish, thick 4to, sheep 5s 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Asiatic Turkey 25 4288 Bigham (Clive) A Ride through Western Asia, with illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1897 48 London to Constantinople, Asia Minor, Persia, North to South, Turkish Arabia, Persia* West to East, Turkestan, Bokhara, Ferghana, Kashgar, the Tian Shan Mountains, the Siberian Railway. 4289 Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces : the Discoveries of Botta and Layard, 7 plates and 294 woodcuts^ 8vo, cloth. 1852 3s 6d 4291 Botta' S Letters on the Discoveries at Nineveh [Khorsabad]. From the French, numermis folding plates, 8vo, cloth. 1850 3s Brun (Le) Travels to Asia Minor, (fee, 1674-75, see p. 12. 4292 Bryce (James) Transcaucasia and Ararat : Notes of a Tour (1876), Chapter on the Armenian Question (1896), 8vo, cloth 8s 6d 4293 Budge (Ernest A.) The History of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria, B.C. 681668, Cuneiform Inscriptions, English translation, &c (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1880 * 8s 4294 Burnaby (Capt. Fred.) On Horseback through Asia Minor, portrait and maps, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1877 - 6s 4295 Campbell (Prof. John) The Hittites ; their Inscriptions and their History, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1891 9s Capper (James) Observations in Aleppo, Bagdad, &c. c. 1830. See p.. 4. 4296 Cesnola (Gen. di) Cyprus ; its Ancient Cities, Temples, Tombs, &c., numerous illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1877 198 4297 History of Salaminia (Cyprus), royal 8vo, cloth. 1884 10s 4300 Chesney (Lieut. -Col.) Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris, 1835-37, with Geographical and Historical Notices, maps and plates, 3 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1850 £2 10s See also Ainswokth, above. 4301 The Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829, maps, 12mo, cloth. 1854 2s 6d 4302 Conybeare (F. C.) Specimen Lectionum Armeniacarum. Review of Fragments of Philo-Jud^us, edited by Rendel Harris, 8vo, sewed. Oxford [189-] 1« 4303 Creasy (E. S.) History of the Ottoman Turks, map, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1854 ^^^ 4305 Cunynghame (Gen. Sir A T.) Travels in the Eastern Caucasus, on the Caspian and Black Seas, in Daghestan, and on the Frontiers of Persia and Turkey, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1872 oa 4306 Curzon (Hon. R.) [Lord Zouche] Armenia : a Year at Erzeroom and on the Frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and Persia, map and woodcuts, IJmo cloth. 1854 ^'^^ 4307 Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant, illustrated, crown 8vo, cloth. 1849 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 26 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4309 Davids (A.. L ) Grammar of the Turkish Language, with Dialogues, Vocabulary, and Discourse on Turkish Literature, 4to, boards. 1832 (Edwin Norris's copy) Ss 6d 4310 Davis (Rev. E. J.) Anatolica : a Visit to some Ruined Cities of Caria, Phrygia, Lycia, and Pisidia, map and illustrations, royal Svo, cloth. 1874 ' 9s 4311 Life in Asiatic Turkey : a Journal of Travel (1875), map and illus- trations, 8vo, cloth. 1879 4s 6d 4312 De Hell (X. Hommaire) Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, &c, 8vo, cloth. 1847 3s 6d 4313 Du Loir, Les Voyages de Levant la Grece, et la Domination du Grand Seigneur, la Religion et les Moeurs de ses Sujets avec la Relation du Siege de Babylone, 1639, 4to, calf. Paris, 1654 9s Duncker's History of Assyria, Phoenicia, Babylon, &c. See p. 6. 4314 Elisseus (Bp.) history of the Religious Wars between the Persians and Armenians, translated by Neumann (Oriental Translation Fund), 4to, boards, uncut. 1830 da 6d 4315 Euphrates Valley Railway : Report and Evidence. Pari. Paper, folio, sewed. July, 1872 2s 6d 4316 Evliya Efendf, Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa in the 17th Century, from the Turkish by Von Hammer (Oriental Translation Fund), 4to, cloth. 1834 68 Evliyd travelled for 40 years in European and Asiatic Turkey, visiting also Malta, Cyprus, Mecca, Armenia, Persia, Russia, &c. 4317 Falkener (E.) Ephesus and the Temple of Diana, plates and map, royal 8vo, cloth. 1862 8s 6d 4318 Fellows (Sir Charles) Asia Minor : a Journal of an Excursion in Asia Minor, royal 8\?o, cloth. 1839 63 4319 Discoveries in Lycia during a Second Excursion in Asia Minor, royal 8vo, cloth. 1841 Ss 4319a Fraser (J. Baillie) Travels in Kocrdistan, Mesopotamia, &c., with Sketches of the Character and Manners of the Koordish and Arab Tribes, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1840 6s 4320 Travels, another copy, 2 vols in 1, cloth 4s 6d 4321 Freshfield (Douglas) Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan, including Visits to Ararat and Tabreez, and Ascents of Kazbek and Elburz, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1869 9s 4322 The Exploration of the Caucasus, with over 70 full- page photographs, several mountain panoramas, and upwards of 100 autotype illustrations in the text of scenery, people, and buildings of the Mountain Region, 2 vols, imperial 8vo, well bound. 1899 (pub. 63s net) £2 58 " Two monumental volumes in a form more splendid than any other book of recent travel can boast." — OeograpMcal Journal {R.G.S.). " Never have the majesty of glaciers, the awe-inspiring silence of perpetual snow, the splendour of mountain scenery, been more vividly described than in the language of Mr. Freshfield and the pictures of Signor Sella." — Pall Mall Gazette. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Asiatic Turkey 27 FreDch Embassy's Travels through Turkey in Asia, &c. 1807-8. See Persia. 4324 Geary (Grattan) Through Asiatic Turkey : Narrative of a Journey from Bombay to the BosphoruSj illustrated, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1878 53 4326 Godinho (P. Manuel) Journey from India to Portugal, 1663, by way of Mesopotamia, by E. Rehatsek, 8vo, pp. 35 [188-] Is 6d GoLDSMiD (Sir F.) Telegraph and Travel [through Euphrates Valley, &c.]. See p. 8. 4327 Grant (Asahel) The Nestorians, or the Lost Tribes of Israel, with Travels in Assyria, Mesopotamia, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1843 28 4328 Haxthausen (Baron von) Transcaucasia : Sketches of the Races between the Black Sea and the Caspian, tinted illustrations, 8vo, half- calf. 1854 38 6d 4329 Heude (Lieut. Wm.) Voyage up the Persian Gulf and Journey Overland to England, 1817, with Notices of Arabia, Persia, Mesopotamia, the Garden of Eden, Babylon, Bagdad, Koordistan, Armenia, Asia Minor, &c., plates, 4to, calf. 1819 4s 6d 4330 Voyage up the Persian Gulf, another copy, half bound 38 6d 4331 Hincks (Rev. Edw. D.D.) The Khorsabad Inscriptions (Trans. R. Irish Acad. XXII. pt. 2), 4to, sewed. Dublin, 1850 4s 4332 Personal Pronouns, Assyrian, Hebrew, &c. (Trans. R. Irish Acad. XXIII. ), 4to, sewed. Dublin, 1854 3s 4333 Hogarth (David G) A Wandering Scholar in the Levant [Asia Minor, Cyprus, Egypt], with illustrations from photographs, including Hittite inscriptions, 12mo, cloth. 1896 3s 6d 4334 Hogarth and Munro (J. A. R.) Modern and Ancient Routes in Eastern Asia Minor, maps, royal 8vo, cloth. R.G.S., 1893 4s 6d 4335 Hottinger (J. H.) Historia Orientalis : quae ex variis Orientalium Monumentis Collecta. I. De Muhammedismo. II. De Saracenismo. Iir. De Chaldaismo. IV. De Statu Christianorum et Judseorum. V. De Variis, Sententiis, Schismatis, &c. VI. Genealogise Muhammedis, plenior illustratio Taarich Bene Adam, &c., small 4to, calf. Tiguri [Zurich], 1651 ^^ Howell (Dr. T.) Journey, India through Armenia and Asia Minor, 1787-88. See p. 10. IvBs's Journey through Euphrates Valley, Syria, &c., 1758-59. See India. 83 f High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 28 Francis Edwards s Catalogue 4337 Jones (Capt. Felix) Direct Highway to the East [Euphrates Valley Railway], 8vo, pp. 13. Norwood, 1872 Is 6d Keppel (Hod. George) Journey from India to England through Mesopotamia. See p. 11. 4338 Narrative of a Journey across the Balcan, also of a Visit to Azani and other Ruins in Asia Minor, 1829-30, maps, 2 vols, 8vo, boards. 1831 43 Another copy, 2 vols, 8vo, half-calf 5s 4339 Kinneir (J. Macdonald) Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Koordistan, 1813-14, with Remarks on the Marches of Alexander, &c , 8vo, board?. 1818 38 6d 4340 Lang (Consul Hamilton) Cyprus, its History, Resources, &c , two illustratio7i3 and four maps, 8vo, cloth. 1878 98 4342 Lrayard (Sir Austen) Nineveh and its Remains, with Account of Kurds and Yezidis, and an Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians, plates arid woodcuts, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1849 10s 6d 4343 Nineveh and its Remains, popular edition, 12mo, cloth 38 4344 Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon, with Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, &c., maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1853 6s 4345 Nineveh and Babylon, popular edition, 12mo, cloth 3s 4346 The Monuments of Nineveh, two Series, containing 171 fine plates, some coloured, 2 vols, imperial folio, in portfolios (scarce) £8 8s 4347 Early Adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia, including a Residence among the Bakhtiyari and other Wild Tribes, before the Discovery of Nineveh, map and illustrations, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1887 9s 4348 Early Adventures, another copy, 2 vols, half-calf extra 12s 6d 4350 Lenormant (F.) La Langue Primitive de la Chald^e et les Idiomes Touraniens, imperial 8vo, half-calf. Paris, 1875 10s History of Assyria, Babylon, Phoenicia, &c. See p. 12. 4351 Chaldean Magic, &c. , translated from the French, with additions, 8vo, cloth [1877] 68 4352 Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia [From the German], A Journey into Persia in 1812, and an Abridged History of Persia since the Time of Nadir Shah, from the French, plates and maps, 8vo, half- calf. 1823 48 Morier's Journey through Armenia and Asia Minor, 1808-9. See Persia. 4353 Madden (R. R.) Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine 1824-27, coloured plates, 2 vols, 8vo, boards. 1829 48 6d 83, High tStreet, Marylehone, London^ W. Asiatic Turkey 29 4354 Mignan (Capt. R.) A. Winter Journey through Russia, the Caucasian Alps, and Georgia to Koordiataun, 1829 30, »Za*es, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1839 5a 4355 Military— Tables for the Use of Bombardiera (in Turkish), 12mo, sheep. Fera [1824?]. 28 4356 Millingen (Major Fred.) Wild Life amoug the Koords of Armenia and Koordistan, map, 8vo, cloth. 1870 7b 4358 Mounsey (A. H ) Journey through the Caucasus and Interior of Persia, map, 8vo, cloth. 1872 33 4359 Murray's Handbook for Turkey in Asia, Cyprus, Armenia, Mesopo- tamia, by Sir C. W. Wilson, 12mo, cloth. 1895 133 6d 4361 Newton (C. T.) Travels and Discoveries in the Levant [Asia Minor], &c. , plains and numerous illustrations of sculpture and landscapes (some in aquatint), 2 vols, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1865 98 6d 4362 Nicolai (M. de) Le Navigationi et Viaggi nella Turchia novamente tradotto di Francese, illustrated with numerous figures of the inhabitants in their varied habits and costumef, small 4to. calf. Anversa, 1576 178 6d Turkey, Greece, the Archipelago, Malta, Tunis, Algiers, Balearic slands, Arabia, Persia, Armenia, &c. 4363 Oliphant (Laurence) The Russian Shores of the Black Sea in 1852 ; a Voyage down the Volga, and a Tour through the Don Cossack Country, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1853 2s 4364 The Transcaucasian Campaign of the Turkish Army under Omar Pasha, 1854-55, map and plates, 12mo, cloth, 1856 3a 6d 4365 Palgrave (W. Gifford) Ulysses, or Scenes and Studies in Many Lands, 8vo, cloth 1887 3s Byzantine Anatolia— 1 he Monastery of Sumelas— Anatolian Spectre Stories— Turkish Georgia— A Visit to Upper Egypt and Thebes— West Indian Memories— The Leeward I slands and the "Boiling Lake —Malay Life in the Philippines— Phra- Bat— The Three Cities: Hong-Kong, Canton, Macao— Kioto— From Montevideo to Paraguay— a Ik amah s Cave, a Story of Nejd. 4367 Parrot (Dr. Fried.) Journey to Ararat (1829-30), translated by Cooley, map and woodcuts, 8vo, cloth [1845] 3s 6d 4368 Parsons (Abr.) Travels in Asia and Africa ; Journeys from Scanderoon to Aleppo, Bagdad. Bussora, and Bombay ; Bombay to Mocha, Suez, Cairo, and Rosetta ; views of Bagdad and Antioch, 4to, half-calf, 1808 ^^ 4370 Perrot (Georges) and Chipiez (Charles) History of Ancient Art in Egypt, Phoenicia Greece. Asia Minor, Sardinia, and Persia, translated from the French, with all the numerous coloured plates and wood engrav- ings, 12 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, 1883 5 (pub. £12) £5 53 Comprising Art in Ancient Egypt, 2 vols, 1883; Greece, 2 vols; Persia 1 vol; Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. Ivol; Sardinia, Judaea. Syria, &c,2vols; Phoenicia, 2 vols ; Chaldaea and A ssyria, 2 vols. _^______ 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 30 Francis Edwards's Catalogue Perrot and Chipibz History of Ancient Art. The following can be sold separately : — 4371 Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia, 280 illustrations (pub, 153) Ss 4372 Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor, 395 illustrations, 2 vols (pub. 368) 128 6d 4373 Phoenicia and its Dependencies, 2 vols (pub. 428) 17s 4374 Peters (Dr. J. P.) Nippur ; or. Explorations and Adventures on the Euphrates : Narrative of the Pennsylvania University Expedition to Babylonia, 1889-90, maps and illustrations, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897 £1 4375 Phillipps-Wolley (Clive) Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus, 8vo, cloth. 1881 48 4376 Savage Svanetia : Sport in the Caucasus, illustrated, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1883 6s Pocockb's Travels in the East. See Pinkerton's Collection, Vol. X. 4377 Porter (Sir R. K.) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, &c., 1817-20, 87 plates of antiquities and costume, 2 vols, 4to, half-calf. 1821-2 £1 58 4379 Ramsay (Prof. W. M.) Historical Geography of Asia Minor (Supp. Papers R.G.S.), royal 8vo, cloth. 1890 12s Rawlinson's (Canon) Ancient Monarchies. See p. 18. 4380 Rawlinson (Sir H.) Notes on Early History of Babylonia, pp. 45, 1855 ; Outlines of Assyrian History, pp. xv-xliii, 1852 (Jour. Roy. Asiatic Soc), 8vo, half-calf 3s 6d See also p. 19. 4381 Redhouse (J. W.) Lexicon, English and Turkish, royal 8vo, half- bound. 1861 10s 4382 Rich (C. J.) Journey to the Site of Babylon, 1811 ; Memoirs on the Ruins and Major Rennell's Remarks ; and Journey to Persepolis, 1821, with maps and 26 plates, 8vo, cloth. 1839 4s 4383 Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan and on the Site of Ancient Nineveh, with Journal of a Voyage down the Tigris to Bagdad and a Visit to Shirauz and Persepolis, maps and plates, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1836 5s 4384 Russell (Sir Wm. H.) A Diary in the East during the Tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales (Nov., 1868— May, 1869), illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1869 48 6d Vienna, Brindisi, Alexandria, Cairo, the Nile, Dendera, Luxor, Karnak, Thebes, Assouan, Philae, the Pyramids, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Opening of the Suez Canal, the Dar- danelles, Constantinople, Scutari, the Crimea, Modern Athens, &c. 4385 Sandwith (Dr. Humphry) Narrative of the Siege of Kars ; Travels in Armenia and Lazistan, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1856 2s 6d 4886 [Sandys (George)] A Relation of a Journey begun 1610 contain- ing a Description of the Turkish Empire, Egypt, the Holy Land, &c., second edition, engraved title and textual illustrations, folio, old calf. 1621 98 4387 Another edition, the sixth (1658), with engraved title-page of the fifth (1652), folio, calf 7s 6d 83 f High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Asiatic TurTcey 31 4388 Schliemann (Dr. Hy.) Researches and Discoveries in Asia Minor, complete set, 5 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1875-91 £5 5a Troy and its Remains, 1875; Mycenae, 1878 ; Ilios, 1880; Troja, 1884; Tiryns, 1885. 4389 Schliemann's Excavations : an Archaeological and Historical Study. From the German of Dr. C. Schuchhardt, with Introduction by Dr. Laaf, illustrated^ royal 8vo, cloth. 1891 8s 6d 4394 Skinner (Major) Adventures during a Journey Overland to India, by way of Egypt, Syria, the Holy Land, and the Euphrates Valley, 2 vols, 12rao, cloth. 1837 4s 6d For other Works see India. 4396 Smith (George) Assyrian Discoveries : Explorations on the Site of Nineveh, 1873-4, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1875 7s 4396 South gate (H.) Tour through Armenia, Persia, and Mesopotamia, with Remarks on Mohammedanism, &c. , 2 vols, 12nio, cloth. 1840 48 6d 4398 Steuart (J. R.) Description of Ancient Monuments, with Inscriptions, in Lydia and Phrygia, 17 plates, folio, half-bound. 1842 12d 6d 4399 Strangford (Viscount) Selections from his Writings, jjor^raii, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1869 58 Occasional notes on Turkey, Greece, Crete, Russia, and Central Asia, Mr. Layard and Dr. Sandwith, the Circassians, &c. Taylor (Major J.) Travels Overland to India by way of Scanderoon, Aleppo, &c. 1789. See p. 22. 4400 Thevenot (M. de) Voyages tant en Europe qu'en Asie et en Afrique. Parties I.-II., plates, 3 vols, 12mo, calf. Paris, 1689 9s Turkey and the Turks, Egypt and the Nile, the Pyramids and Mummies, Arabia and Mecca, Syria, Mesopotamia, the Euphrates and Tigris, Persia and Persepolis ; there are 2 other vols — 6 in all. 4401 Thielmann (Baron Max von) Journey in the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey in Asia. From the German, Tnap and woodcuts, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1875 6s 4402 Tournefort (M. Pitton de) Relation d'un Voyage du Levant [1700 2], contenant I'Histoire Ancienne et Moderne des lies de I'Archipel, de Constantinople, des Cotes de la Mer Noire, de I'Armenie, de la Georgie, des Frontieres de Perse et de 1 Asie Mineure, plans, plates, figures, ttc, 4to (2 vols in 1), calf. Amsterdam, 1718 7s 4403 Tozer (Rev. H. F.) Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor, illus- i/rated, 8vo, cloth. 1881 58 4404 Turner (Wm.) Journal of a Tour in the Levant, coloured plates, 3 vols, 8vo, half-calf. 1820 98 Voyage to Cadiz, Gibraltar, Sicily, Malta, Constantinople, Albania, Greece, Rhodes, Cyprus, Syria, Mount Lebanon, Palestine, Mount Sinai, Alexandria, Asia Minor, the Archipelago, Zaute, Trieste, Milan, and Paris. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 32 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4405 Turkish Stories— History of the Forty Vezirs ; or, the Story of the Forty Morns and Eves, by Sheykh-Zeda, done into English by Gibb, 12mo, cloth (pub. lOs 6d) Ss A delightful addition to the wealth of Oriental stories available to English readers. Sir R. F. Burton says :— '' 'n my opinion the version is definite and final, and the notes are sufficient and satisfactory, with the absolutely necessary flavour of quaintness." 4406 Van Lennep (Dr. H. J.) Travels in Little Known Parts of Asia Min'ir, map and ilhistratio7is, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1870 7s 6d The author was a missionary for 30 years, and his book contains information respect- ing the habits, customs, &c., of the various races. Wagner's Travels in Georgia the Caucasus, &c., 1856. See Persia. 4408 Walpole (Hon. F.) The Ansayrii, or Assassins, with Travels in the Further East [Mesopotamia] in 1850-1, including a Visit to Nineveh, plates, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1851 lis 4409 Wardrop (Oliver) The Kingdom of Georgia : Notes of Travel in a Land of Women, Wine, and Song ; Historical, Literary, and Political Sketches, Specimens of the National Music, and Bibliography, illus- trated, 8vo, cloth. 1888 12s 4410 Warkworth (Lord) Notes from a Diary in Asiatic Turkey, map and 32 illust7'ations, small 4to, cloth. 1898 5s Angora, Erzerum, Ararat, Bayazid, Van, Mosul, Piarbekr, Aleppo, &c. 4411 Wilson (Sir C. W.) Notes on the Physical and Historical Geography of Asia Minor, map. P.R.G.S. 1884 Is 3d 4412 Wittman (W., R.A.) Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt, 1799 1801, coloured plates, 4to, half- calf. 1803 lOs The author accompanied the British Expedition to Egypt. Wolff (Rev. Joseph) Missionary Travels and Adventures. See p. 23. 4413 Wood (Lieut. J. T.) Discoveries at Ephesus, including Remains of the Temple of Diana, plates, 4to, gilt edges. 1877 Os 4414 Wright (Dr. Wm.) The Empire of the Hittites, with Decipherment of Inscriptions by Prof. Sayce, map and plates, 8vo, cloth. 1886 8s 6d 83, High Street^ Marylehoney London, W.i Francis Edwards s Catalogue 33 SYRIA AND PALESTINE, Geography, History, Travels, 4415 Athanasius, The Fegtal Letters of, in Syriac, edited by Wm. Cureton, royal 870, sewed. 1848 4a Benjamin (J. J.) Travels through Syria, &c., 1846-65. See p. 3. 4416 Bliss (F. J.) Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-97, plans and illustra- tions by A. C. Dickie, 8\ro, cloth. 1898 (pub. 12a 6d) 6i 4417 Buckingham (J. Silk) Travels among the Arab Tribes east of Syria and Palestine, 4to, half- calf, 1825 83 6d 4418 Burton (Capt. Sir R. F.) and Drake (Tyrwhitt) Unexplored Syria; Visits to Libanus, &c., 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1872 • ISa 4419 Burton (Lady) The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land, illustratedy 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1875 14i Campbell (Donald) Journey to India via Syria, &c., c. 1790. See p. 4. 4420 Churchill (Col.) Mount Lebanon : a Ten Years' Residence, 1842 52, Describing the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, third edition, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1855 (pub. 25s) 10« 4421 - — ' The Druses and Maronites under the Turks, with Account of the Massacres in Lebanon and Damascus, 12mo, cloth. 1862 53 4422 Conder (C. R.) Heth and Moab, Explorations in Syria in 1881-2, illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1883 7a 4423 Dusratta's Hittite Letter, Svo, sewed. B.A.Soc.Jour., 1892 Is 6d 4424 Notes on the Hittite Writing, 8vo, sewed. 1893 Is 6d 4425 The Lycian Language, Svo, sewed. 1890 Is 6d 4426 Dan din i (Jerome) A Voyage to Mount Libanus, with Account of the Turks and Maronites, from the Italian, 12mo, calf. 1698 3s 6d 4427 Early Travels in Palestine, edited, with Introduction, by Wright, 12mo, cloth. Bohn 4s Includes the Narratives of Arculf. a.d. 700 (written by Adamnan) ; Willibald, 721-7 ; Bernard the Wise, 867; Ssewulf, 1102-3; Sigurd the Crusader. 1107-11; Benjamin of Tudela, 1160; Maundeville, 1322; Bertrandon de la Broquerie, 1432; and Maundrell, 1697. 4428 Hill (Gray) With the Bedouins: Journeys and Adventures in Unfre- quented Parts of Syria, map and 68 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1891 oi 4429 Josephus, Whiston's translation, revised by Shilleto, with Topo- graphical Notes by Sir C. Wilson, 3 vol e, 12mo, cloth. Bohn l^a 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, 34 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4431 Kinglake (A, W,) Eothen ; Travels in the East, best edition, 8vo, cloth. 1845 • 9a 4432 Eothen : Popular edition, 12mo, cloth 3s 4434 Laurent (J. C. M.) Peregrinatores Medii ^vi Quatuor : Burchardus de Monte Sion, Ricoldus de Monte Crucis, Odoricua de Foro Julii, Wilbrandus de Oldenborg, 4to, vellum. Leipzig, 1864 lOa 6d Early Travels and Descriptions of the Holy Land, printed from the Origip^tl Ma,ntt- scripts, with notes, bibliographical, &c, Lenormant's History of Palestine, &o. See p. 12. 4437 Lindsay (Lord) Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land, with 2 maps and 36 ivood engravings, 12mo, cloth 3s 4439 Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, lQd7, plates, 12mo, calf, O^^ford, 1703 3a See also Early Travels above. 4440 Miller (E. E.) Alone through Syria, with an Introduction by A. H. Sayce, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1892 3a 4441 Murray's Handbook to Holy Land, Syria, and Palestine, maps and llustrations, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1892 12s 4442 Oliphant (Laurence) The Land of Gilead, with Excursions in the Lebanon, 8vo, cloth. 1880 7s 4443 — Haifa ; or, Life in Modern Palestine, 12mo, cloth. 1887 43 4444 Oliphant (Mrs.) Jerusalem, its History and Hope, illustrated ivith wood engravings from drawings by Hamilton Aide, and photographs, best edition, 8vo, cloth. 1891 ' 13s 4446 Palestine Exploration Fund : Survey of Western Palestine, edited by Prof. Palmer and [Sir] Walter Besant, plans, dbc. , complete set, with index, 8 vols, 4to, and 3 portfolios, cloth. 1881-88 £21 Memoirs of the Survey by Capts. Conder and [Lord] Kitchener, 3 vols. Name Lists in Arabic and English. By Prof. Palmer. 1 vol. Excavations and Researches in Jerusalem. By Sir C. Warren. 1 vol. Papers on Archaeology and Topography : History of Architectural Monuments of the City and Account of Excavations and Researches. By Capt. Conder. 1 vol. Abstract of M. Clermont-Ganneau's Researches, 1874-5. 1 vol. Flora and Fauna of Palestine. By Canon Tristram. With coloured plates. 1 vol, 4447 Quarterly Statements, complete set, unbound. 1869-99 £6 10s 4449 Palestine under the Moslems, A Description of Syria and the Holy Land, from a.d. 650 to 1500. Translated from the Works of the Mediaeval Arab Geographers by Guy Le Strange, maps and illustra- tions (Palestine Expln. Fund), 8vo. Watt, 1891 5s 4450 Pierotti (Ermete) Jerusalem Explored : Description of the Ancient and Modern City, numerous illustrations, plans, and sections, 2 vols, imp. 4to, half-morocco. 1864 (pub. £5 5s) 14s S3, High Street, Marylehone, London^ JF» i^yria and Palestine 35 -4451 Porter (J. L.) Five Years in Damascus, with Travels in Palmyra, Lebanon, &c. , 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1855 53 4452 Roberts (David) The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, and Arabia, 125 jplates coloured like the original dramings, with Historical descriptions by Dr. Croly, 3 vols, atlas folio, half-morocco. 1842 (pub. £42) £8 The original and best issue, with the coloured plates mounted. 4455 Robinson (E.) Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petrsea, illustrated, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1841. 7s 6d 4457 Rudolf (Crown Prince of Austria) Travels in the East, including a Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, &c., poHrait, and 92 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1884 83 4458 Russell (Alex.) Natural History of Aleppo and Adjacent Parts : Climate, Inhabitants, Diseases, particularly the Plague, plates, 4to, calf. 1856 [1756] 33 Russell (Sir W. H.) Visit of Prince and Princess of Wales to JaflFa, Jerusalem, Suez Canal, &c., 1868-0. See p. 30; 4460 Schumacher (G.) Across the Jordan: Exploration of Hauran and Jaulan, with additions by L. Oliphant and Guy Le Strange, l2mo, cloth; 1886 33 SkiJjner (Major) Journey Overland;..... Syria, Holy Land, &Ci See p. 31 4461 Stanley (Dean) Sinai and Palestine, in connection with their Historjr, 8vo, cloth. 1870 93 4462 Talmud, Selections from the, by H. Poland, maps, plans, dx. (Chandos Library), l2mo, cloth 2a 4463 Talmudic Miscellany (A): Extracts from the Talmud, Midrashim, and the Kabbalah. Translated by P. J. Hershon, preface by Farrar (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1880 lOs 6d 4464 Temple (Sir Richard) Palestine Illustrated, coloured 2^l(^ies, im^. 8vo, cloth. 1888 ^^ 4465 Thomas (Margaret) Two Years in Palestine and Syria, with 16 illus' trations in facsimile of paintings hy the Author j 8vo, cloth. 1899 12a 6d 4466 Tristram (Canon H. B.) The Land of Israel : a Journal of Travels in Palestine, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1866 ^^ 4467 The Land of Israel, another edition, 12mo, cloth. 1876 3s 4468 The Land of Moab : Travels and Discoveries, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1873 4471 Wilson [Sir C] and Warren [Sic C] The Recovery of Jerusalem a Narrative of Recent Exploration, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. l«7i Wolff (Rev. Joseph) Journal in Palestine and Syria. See p. 23. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, Tf''. c2 3 6 Prancis Edwards's Catalogue ARABIA. Geography, Travel, History, Literature, and Language* 4476 Abulfeda Historia Anteislamica Arabice, versione Latina, auxit H. 0. Fleischer, 4to, cloth. Leipzig, 1831 78 6d Al Beruni. See p. 1 ; and India, pod. 4478 Al Hariri. Makamat; or Rhetorical Anecdotes, from the Arabic by Rev. Theodore Preston, royal 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1850. lOa The 'Makamat Hariri,' •which ranks next to the Koran, consists of fifty oratorical, poetical, moral, and satirical discourses. Preston's translation contains twenty of the pieces and a summary of the remainder. 4479 The Makamat, another English translation by T. Chenery : The Assemblies, First to Twenty-sixth (all published), 8vo, cloth. 1867 83 4480 Al Tabari. Chronique de Mo'hammed al Tabari, traduit par Zotenberg (Oriental Translation Fund), 4 vols, 870, sewed. Paris, 1867-74 148 4481 Odd vols, I, III, and IV, 8vo, sewed each Ss Al Tabari is styled by Gibbon " The Livy of the Arabians." 4483 Antar, Life and Adventures of : a Celebrated Bedoueen Chief, Warrior, and Poet, who flourished prior to the Mahommedan Era. Translated by Terrick Hamilton, 4 vols, 12mo, boards, uncut {nice copy). 1819-20 16s 4484 Antar : a Bedoueen Romance [vol I only], 12mo, half - calf. 1819 28 6d 'Antar' illustrates the desert life of the Arabs as the ' Arabian Nights ' illustrates that of the towns and cities. 4485 Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The * Alif Laila,' or Book of the Thousand and One Nights, now first published in the Original Arabic. Edited by Sir W. H. Macnaghten, 4 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. Calcutta, 1839-42 (pub. £6) £3 4486 Knight's Original Pictorial Edition, translated, with copious notes, by E. W. Lane, several hundred heautifrd engravings on wood froni designs by Harvey, best edition, 3 vols, royal 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. 1841 ' £4 43 4487 New edition of Lane's Translation, edited by his nephew, E. S. Poole, Harvey* s ilkistmtions, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1883 15s 4488 The Thousand and One Nights, or Arabian Nights' Entertain- ments, translated by Lane, with an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs, nWineroHs illustrations by Fraidc Brangmyn, and Arabesque title-pages^ (tc, 6 vols, 12mo, cloth. " 1896 i5s 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Arabia ^f Arabian Nights' Entertainments (continued). 4489 The Series of 36 spirited designs by Brangwyn, intended to extra* illustrate any edition of these famous Tales, proof impressions on Japan paper, royal 8vo, in neat portfolio. 1896 l2s 6i 4490 Another edition, translated from the French of Galland, 4 vols, 12mo, calf. 1798 lOa 4491 With an Introduction illustrative of the Religion, Manners, and Customs of the Mohammedans, by Jonathan Seott, illustrated with original etchings hy Lalauze^ 4t vols, l2mo, cloth. 1883 (pub. 303) ITs 4492 The Book of the Thousand and One Nights, 9 vols ; Tales from the Arabic, 3 vols ; Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp, 1 vol ; now first completely done into English Prose and Verse by John Payne, 13 vols, royal 8vo, printed on hand- made paper, and bound in parchment, uncut^ top edges gilt {very scarce), Villon Society, 1882-89 £14 4493 The * Nights ' only, 9 vols, royal 8vo, parchment, 1882 84 £10 4494 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. The Book of a Thousand Nights and Night, and Supplemental Nights, Plain and Literal Translation from the Arabic, with Introduction, Notes, and Essay, by Capt. Sir R. F. Burton, 16 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. Benares, 1885-88 {scarce) £37 4495 Library edition, reprinted from the Original edition of Burton, and edited by L. Smithers, 12 vols, royal 8vo, cloth gilt, uncut, top edges gilt. 1894 £4 10a 4496 The same edition, with a series of 70 heliograimres from drawincjs hy Albert Letchfiml, 13 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. 1897 £5 10s 4497 Lady Burton's Household edition, founded on that of Capt. Burton, edited by J. H. M'Carthy, 6 vols, royal 8vo, white cloth, gilt* 1886 363 4498 . Stanley L. Wood's 100 Illnstrationi to Sir Richard Burton's * Arabian Nights,' proofs before letters, royal 8vo, in cloth case £5 4409 — - A series of 6 orighml Water-colour Drawings, each 9 by 7 in., illus' trating the story of the Barber and his six brothers, framed and glazed, about 1840 £2 28 4507 Arabian Tales ; a Continuation of the Arabian Nights, translated from the French version of Dom Chavis and M. Cazotte, 4 plates, 4 vols, 12mo, calf. Edinburgh, 1792 (scarce) l^a 4508 Arbuthnot (F. F.) Arabic Authors : a Manual of Arabian History and Literature, 8vo, cloth. 1890 ^^ 4509 Arnold (Sir Edwin) Pearls of the Faith j or, Islam's Rosary, with Comments in Verse as made by an Indian Mussulman, 12mo, Cxoth; 1884. ^^ 4510 Arnold (T. W.) The Preaching of Islam : a Hist )ry of the rropagatimi of the Muslim Faith, 8vo, cloth. 1896 ^"^ 83^ High Street^ Maryhhone, London, JK ^8 Francis ildwdrds's Catalogue 4512 Badger (Dr. G. P.) History of Oman, a d. 661 1856, translated from Salll-lbn-Razik, and continued to 1870 (Hakluyt Society), 8vo, cloth. 1871 11« 4513 An English- Arabic Lexicon, 4to, cloth, 1881 (pub. £9 9s) £1 123 4514 Beale (T. W.) The Oriental Biographical Dictionary, new and enlarged edition by H. G. Keene, royal 8vo, cloth. 1894 7s 6d 4516 Beke (Dr. Charles) Discoveries of Sinai in Arabia and of Midian, with Geological and other Reports, mop, plans^ and engravivgs, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1878 103 4517 The French and English in the Red Sea, 8vo, pp. 20. 1862 2a 4518 The Commerce and Politics of Abessinia, &c., 8vo, pp. 76, and map. 1861 2s 4520 Bent (J. T.) The Bahrein Islands in the Persian Gulf, map. P.M. G.S. , 1890 la 3d 4521 Bland (N.) On Muhammedan Science of Tabi'r, or Interpretation of Dreams, 8vo, pp. 55. [187- ] l** 4523 Blunt (Lady Anne) The Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates, with account of the Arabs and their Horses by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, majy and illustration^, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1879 123 6i 4524 •— =- A Pilgrimage to Nejd, the Cradle of the Arab Race, A Visit to the Court of the Arab Emir, and * Our Persian Campaign,' map, poHraitSi and ^Mgraving^i 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1881 6«» 4525 Blunt (W. S.) Visit to Jebel Shammar (Nejd) : New Routes through Northern and Central Arabia, ^naj). P.RG.S., 1880 Is 3cl 4526 Boulainvilliers (Count) Life of Mahomet, English Translation, 8vo, calf. 1731. 43 With book 'plate of Thomas Bates. Bovovius (Albert) Peregrinatione Meccana, &c. See Peritsol, p. 16. 4528 Burckhardt (J. L.) Travels in Arabia, comprehending Accounts of Mekka and Medina, 2 vols, 8vo, half-bound. 1829 {scarce) 233 4529 — Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, 2 vols, 8vo, half- calf, 1831 153 4530 ' Notes on the Bedouins, &c., another copy, half-calf extra 2l8 4531 Arabic Proverbs ; or, Egyptian Manners and Customs from Current Sayings at Cairo, royal 8vo, cloth. 1875 128 6d Burton (Lady) Arabia, Egypt, &c. See India. 4534 Burton (Capt. Sir K F.) Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Mecca : a Personal Narrative, original edition, coloHred illudrations, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1855-57 £2 I83 With appendices: Pilgrimages of Varthema (1603), Pitls {1680), and Finati (1814). 83f High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Arabia 39 4535 Burton (Oapt. Sir R. F.) Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Memorial edition, edited by Lady Burton, portrait, coloured plates and woodcuts, 2 vols, 8vo, oloth. 1893 IQa 4536 Pilgrimage to AI-Madina and Meccah, with Introduction by Lane- Poole (Bohn's Library), 2 vols, 12rao, cloth. 1898. 6a 4537 The Gold Mineg of Midian, and Ruined Cities of N.W Arabia 8\ro, cloth. 1878. ' 7^ 4538 The Land of Midian Revisited, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1879 12a 4540 The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam. Edited by W. H. Wilkins portrait, royal 8vo, cloth. 1898 12a 4542 -^^- Life of Sir R. F. Burton, by his Wife, numerous portraits, maps, and illustrations, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1893 (pub. 42s) 153 Thebegt Life of this Famous Traveller, Poet, Historian, Oriental Scholar, and Soldier 4543 Early, Private, and Public Life of Sir R. F. Burton, with an Account of his Travels and Explorations, by Hitchman, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1887 - 10a 6d 4544 Catafago (Joseph) Arabic-English and English-Arabic Dictionary, 2 vols, 8vo. 1858 (pub. £2) £1 4545 Cowper (H. Swainson) Through Turkish Arabia: a Journey from the Mediterranean to Bombay by the Euphrates and Tigris Valleys and the Persian Gulf, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 1894 43 6d 454c Deutsch (Emanuel) on Islam, Arabic Poetry, and other Literary Remains, 8vo, oloth. 1874 63 4547 Doughty (Charles M.) Travels in Northern Arabia, 1876-77, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1886-88 £2 10a 4549 Paris' s Practical Grammar of the Arabic Language, with Vocabulary, third edition, 12mo, cloth. 1883 23 6d 4551 Finati (Giovanni) Life and Adventures, under the name of " Mahomet," in the Campaign against the Wahabies for the Recovery of Mecca and Medina, and elsewhere as Interpreter to European Travellers, translated from the Italian, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1830 83 4552 Garcin de Tassy. La Rh^torique des Nations Musulmanes (Jour, Asiatique), 8vo, pp. iv., 42. Paris, 1844 Is 6d 4553 Hadji Khalfa. Lexicon Enciclopaedicum et Bibliographicum (Arabic and L^tin), editit Fluegel (Oriental Translation Fund), 7 vols, 4to, cloth. Leip>zuj, 1835 60 (pub. at £10 lOs) £4 "An extremely valuable work, containing many thousands of titles of Arab, Persian, and Turkish authors, put together with the most astonishing and perseyering ca,re:'—Arlnthnol. 4554 Haig (F. T.) Journey through Yemen. P.B.G.S., 1887 la 83 J High Street ^ Marylebone, London , W. 40 Francis Edwards s Catalogue 4553 Hughes (Rev. T. P.) Dictionary of Islam ; Doctrines, Ceremonies, &c., royal 8vo, cloth, 1885 (pub, £2 28) £1 Sa 4559 -— - Notes on Muhammadanism : Outlines of the System of Islam, 12mo, cloth. 1894 23 Ga 4561 Irving (Washington) Life of Mahomet and his Successors, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1850 83 4562 Irwin (Eyles) Adventures in a Voyage up the Red Sea, on the Coasts of Arabia and Egypt, and through the Deserts of Thebais in 1777, m^'ps 8vo, calf. [1780] 2s 6d 4563 Voyage up the Red Sea, &c., with a Supplement of a Voyage from Venice to Latichea, and Route through Arabia by Aleppo, Bagdad, and the Tigris to Busrah, 1780-81, mapsj 2 vols, 8vo, calf. 1787 53 6d 4564 Kaleran (Ebn) Monarques et Conqu^rans, a French translation of an Arabic Chronicle, Manuscript^ about 1780, half-morocco 10a 4566 Keane (T. F.) Six Months in Meccah : Account of a Pilgrimage accomplished by an Englishman professing Mohammedanism (1877-78), Svo, cloth. 1881 43 4567 My Journey to Medinah disguised as a Mohammedan, 8vo, cloth. 1881 43 6d 4568 Three Years of a Wanderer's Life, 12mo, cloth. 1888 2a Includes "Wanderings" as far apart as Norway and Shanghai, Calcutta and Brazil, London Docks and Singapore, ending with a fall down a Fleet Street backstairs and King's College Hospital. 4570 Khallikan (Ibn) Biographical Dictionary, translated from the Arabic by B. MacGuckin de Slane (Oriental Translation Fund), 4 vols, 4to, cloth. 1842 71 £1 143 4574 Koran, English Translation, with Discourse, by Sale, Svo, cloth. 1850 6s 4576 English Translation, with Notes and Index, by J. M. Rod well, second revised edition, Svo, cloth. 1876 {scarce) 17s 6a 4577 Selections from the Koran, with Commentary, translated by E, W. Lane, new edition, with Introduction on Islam and India by Stanley Lane-Poole (Triibner's Oriental Series), Svo, cloth. 1879 7a 4578 A Comprehensive Commentary to the Quran, comprising Sale's Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with additional Notes, Index, &c., by Rev. E. M. Wherry (Triibner's Oriental Series), 4 vole, Svo, cloth. 1882-86 £1 16a 4579 The Qur'an, translated by E. H. Palmer (Sacred Books of the East), Parts I. and II. , all published, 2 vols, Svo, cloth ISs 4580 Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran, with Grammatical Refer- ences and Explanations, by John Penrice, 4to, cloth. 1873 19a 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. A ^rahia 41 4583 Landberg (Graf von) Critica Arabica, No. 1, pp. 100, 8vo, cloth. 1886 52 4584 Lane- Poole (Stanley) Studies in a Mosque, second edition, enlarged, 8vo, cloth. 1893 58 The Arabs before Islam: Mohammad; Islam: The Koran; An Eastern Reformation; The Brotherhood of Purity ; The Persian iMiracle Play ; Sabians and Christians of St. John; Islam in China; The Hell of Islam. See also Mohammad. 4o85 Mansur (Shaik) History of Seyd Said, Sultan of Muscat, with Account of the Countries and People on the Shores of the Persian Gulf, particularly the Wahabees, mai), royal 8vo, boards. 1819 63 4586 Marigny (Abb^ de) History of the Arabians under the Caliphs, from the French, with Notes, 4 vols, 8vo, calf. 1758 123 4587 Maured Allatafet Jemaleddini filii Togri-Bardii, sen Rerum ^gypti- carum Annales, Arabic Text only, edited by J. l). Carlyle, small 4to, boards. Cambridge, 1842 43 6d 4588 Mirkhond's Life of Muhammad: Translated from the Persian Rauzat-us-Safa, or Garden of Purity, by E. Rehatsek, 4 vols, 8vo, cloth. Oriental Translation Fund, N.S., 1891-93 303 4589 Mohammad. The Speeches and Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad, chosen and translated, with Introduction and Notes, by Stanley Lane-Poole (" Golden Treasury" Series), 18mo, cloth 28 6d — — Life of. See Irving, Koran, Lane-Poole, Mirkhond, Muir, Sprenger. 4590 Mohammedan Priest's Vestment, covered with extracts from the Koran, in cjold and colours £5 4591 Muhammad al-ShahraStani, Book of Religious and Philo- sophical Sects, edited by Cureton, royal 8vo, sewed. 1846 (pub. ISs) 5s 4592 Muir (Sir Wm.) The Life of Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira, with introductory chapters on the Sources for the Biography of Mahomet and the Pre-Islamite History of Arabia, best edition, 4 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1858 £2 loa 4593 — Annals of the Early Caliphate [a continuation of the ' Life of Mahomet '], maj}, 8vo, cloth. 1883 "3 Nadir Shah's Travels to Arabia, &c., 1739-49. See Persia. 4594 Niebuhr (Carsten) Travels through Arabia, with Accounts of the Manners, Usages, Language, Agriculture of the Arabs, translated by Robert Heron, map, 2 vols, 8ro, boards, uncut. Minhnrgh, 1792 63 4595 ^-.^ Travels, Heron's Translation, 2 vols, 18mo, calf. Perth, 1799 43 6d 4597 Noldeke (Prof. Theodor) Sketches from Eastern History, translated by Sutherland Black, 8vo, cloth. Minhnrgh, 1892 48 Some Characteristics of the Semitic Race; The Koran; Islam ; Caliph Mansiir; A Servile War in the f:a3t [the Zenji; Yakub the Coppersmith and his Dynasty; borne Syrian Saints ; Barhebraeus; King Theodore of Abyssinia. 85, High Street y Maryhhone, London, W. 42 Francis iJdwards^s Catalogue 4599 'Omarah's History of Yaman ; also History of its Dynasties by Ibn Khaldun, and Account of the Karmathians of Yaman, Texts, with Trans- lation and Notes by Kay, map, 8vo, vellum cloth. 1892 (pub. ITs 6d) 4s 4601 Palgrave (W. Gifford) Narrative of a Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia, 1862-63, second edition, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1865 lOa 6i 4602 Journey thro' Arabia, popular edition, 12 mo, cloth 43 4603 Palmer (E. H.) The Arabic Manual : Grammar, Reading Lessons, and Exercises, 12mo, roan. 1881 Ba 6d Peritsol, Itinera Mundi Peregrinatione Meccana, &c. See p. 16. 4605 Pitts (Joseph) of Exeter, Account of the Mohammetana and a Pilgrimage to Mecca, Medina, &c., 12mo, calf {rare). Exeter, 1704 lis See also appendix to Burton's Pilgrimage, 1855. 4606 Playfair (Capt. R. L.) An Account of Aden, 8vo, pp. ii, 75. Aden, 1859 23 4607 Price (Major D.) Principal Events of Mahoramedan History from the Death of the Arabian Legislator to the Establishment of the Moghnl Empire in Hindustan, 4 vols in 3, 4to, half-calf. 1811 £2 4608 History of Arabia antecedent to the Birth of Mahommed, 4to, boards, uncut. 1824 78 6d 4609 History of Arabia, another copy, calf 83 6 d 4611 Reeland (Adrian) and others. Four Treatises concerning the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Mahometanp, translated from the Latin and French, to which is added the Life and Actions of Mahomet, and a Letter from Leibnitz, 1 vol, 12mo, calf. 1712 4^ 6d 4612 Rehatsek (E.) Military Career of the Prophet Muhammad. 8vo, pp. 30. [188-] 1% 6d 4613 Rooke (Major) Travels to the Coasts of Arabia Felix, Red Sea, &c., with Account of an Expedition against the Cape of Good Hope, 12mo, boards. 1784 (.scarce) 9a 4614 Silvestre de Sacy Grammaire Arabe, seconde edition, 2 void, 8vo, calf. Paru, 1831 {scarce) £2 2s 4615 Another edition, 2 vols, 8vo, calf gilt. Paris, 1810 16a 4616 Sell (Rev. Edward) The Faith of Islam, second edition, revised (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1896 lOs 4617 The Historical Development of the Qurd,n, 8vo, cloth. Madrdi 1898 3; 4618 Smith (R. Bosworth) Mohammed and Mohammedanism i Lectures at the Royal Institution, second edition, with additions, l2mo, cloth. 1876 48 8Sf High Street, Marylehone, London, W^ Arabia 43 4619 Sprenger (A ) Life of Mohammad, from Original Sources, 8vo, doth. 1861 12s 4020 — - — Die alte Geographie Arabiens, als Grundlage der Entwicklungs- geschichte des Semitismus, maiij 8vo, half-calf. Berne, 1875 5s 4621 Steingass (F., Ph.D.) English- Arabic Dictionary, for Travellers and Students, 8vo, cloth. 1882 12a 4622 Syed Ameer Ali, The Spirit of Islam ; or, the Life and Teachings of Mohammed, 8vo, cloth. 1873 12a 4623 Tremenheere (Major-General C. W.) Report on Arab Tribes in the Neighbourhood of Aden (Ind. Govt. I^ecords, No. 101), royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1872 2a Valle (P. della) Travels to Arabia Deserta, &c. See p. 23. Varthema's Travels in Arabia, &c., 1503 8. See p. 23. 4625 Voyage to Arabia Foelix by the French, 1708-10 ; Journey to Yaman. 1711-13 ; Observations on Coffee, &c. Also Account of Sir H. Middleton's Captivity at Mokha, 1612, 8vo, calf. 1732 {rare) 10a 4626 Wahabee Case (The Great) Report of Proceedings, 8vo, pp. iv, 163. Calcutta, 1870 23 6d 4627 Wellsted (Lieut. J. R.) Travels in Arabia, maps, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1838. 63 Vol. I. Oman and Nakab el Hajar. Vol. 11. Sinai, the Gulf of Akabab, Coasts of Arabia and Nubia. 4628 Wright (W, LL.D.) Grammar of Arabic, from the German of Caspari, with additions, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1874 75 ISs 4629 Zotenberg (H.) L'Histoire deGal adet Schimas(Ext. Jour. Asiatique), 8vo, pp. 32, Pro/.s, 1880 2s 83 J Hi^h Street, Marylehone, London, W^ 44 Francis Edwardis Catalogue PERSIA. Geograjphy, History, Travel, *^* For Persian Language and Literature see pp. 51-54. 4634 Abbott (Keith) Geographical Notes during a Journey in Persia, 1849 50 (from Journal Royal Geographical Society), map, 8vo, half- morocco 43 4C35 Abdulkurrcem (Khojeh) Memoir and Travels with Nadir Shah to Persia, Syria, and Arabia ; with History of Hindostan, 1739 49, from the Persian by Gladwin, Bvo, calf. 1793 Sa 4636 Ains worth (W, F.) The River Kanin an Opening to British Com. merce, map, 12ino, cloth. 1890 Is 6d A Supplement to the author's 'Personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition,' See p. 24. Alexander (Sir J. E.) Travels through Persia, &c., 1825-26. See p. 2. 4637 Arnold (Arthur) Through Pereia by Caravan, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1877 7s 4638 Bassett (James) Persia the Land of the Imams : a Narrative of Travel and Residence, 1871 85, map, 12nio, cloth. 1887 4i With brief Bibliography. Benjamin (J. J.) Travels through Persia, &c., 1846-55. See p. 3. 4640 Benjamin (S. G. W.) U.S. Minister. Persia and the Persians, with 57 iUustrationf, imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 1887 lis The Country, People, Government, Arts, Religion, Literature, Products, Politics, &c, 4641 Biddulph (C, E.) Journey across the Great Persian Desert, via the Siah Kuh Mountains and the Darya-i-Namak, map. P.R.G.S. 1891 ls6d 4642 Bishop (Mrs.) nee Isabella Bird. Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, the Upper Karun Region, &c., portrait, map, and illustrations, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1891 9a Blanford's Zoology and Geology of Persia. See Goldsmid, p. 46. 4644 Bode (Biron C. A. de) Travels in Luristan and Arabistan, 1841, maps arid plates, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1845 53 4645 Travels in Luristan, another copy, 2 vols in 1, 8vo, half- calf 53 4646 Brydges (Sir Harford Jones) Account of H.M. Mission to Persia, 1807-11. with a Brief History of Wahauby, map and plates, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1834 ' 6s 4647 Mission to Persia, &c, another copy, 2 vols in 1, half- morocco 6i6d ^^, Hi^h Street^ Marylehone^ London^ "PT, Persia 45 4648 Brisson's Persia— Barnabas Brissonii Da Reglo Persarvm Prin- cipatv libri tres, post CI. Sylbvrgii editionem prseter complurea sublatos errorea, Teatiraoniorvm Gr?ecorvm veraione Latina Avctores 12mo, vellum. Argentorati [Straaburg] 1710 6i An account of the Kings, Religion, Laws, Customs, &c„ of Persia, 1,000 pages. 4650 Browne (E. G.) A Year amongst the Persiana, map, 8vo, cloth, 1893 6s 61 4651 Chardin (Sir John) Travels into Persia, with Account of the Coronation of Solyman III. , portrait ^ engraved title, arid large folding plates, folio, calf. 1686 19a 4652 Voyages en Perse et autrea lieux de I'Orient, maps and plates, 10 vols, 12mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1711 £1 8i Lieut.-Co!. FitzClar^nce Earl of Munster's copy with his book-plates. 4653 Collins (E. Treacher) In the Kingdom of the Shah : Journey of a Medical Man through Persia, illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 3i Journey across the tableland of Iran, from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea, by caravan, by carriage, and by chappar horses. The book depicts the customs, arts, super-. Btitions, myths, and religious beliefs of the Persians ; touches on such questions as the railway to India, the Armenians, and eflfects of Christian missions in Mahommedan countries. Conolly's Journey through Persia, &c., 1829-30. See p. 5. 4655 Curzon (Geo. N., Lord) Persia and the Persian Question, 2 vol?, 8vo, cloth. 1892 £1 15a 4656 The Karun River and Commercial Geography of S.W. Persia, map. P.R.G.S. 1891 Is 3d Duncker's History of the Medes and Persians. See p. 6. 4657 Eastwick (E. B.) Journal of a Diplomatist's Three Years' Residence in Persia, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1864 6s 4658 Ferrier (J. p.) Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, Beloochistan, &c., with Notices of the Countries between Ruasia and India. Tranalated by Capt. Wm. Jesse and edited by H. D. Seymour, map and woodcuts, 8vo, cloth. 1856 63 FoESTBR (George) Journey, Bengal to Persia, &c. 1782-83. Sea p. 7. 4659 Francklin (Capt. Wm.) Tour, Bengal to Persia in 1786 87, with Account of the Remains of the Palace of Persepolis, 8vo, half bound. 1790 "^^ 4660 History of the Reign of Shah Aulum, 4to, half-calf. 1798 (scarce) 4662 Eraser (James) Hiatory of Nadir Shah, Emperor of Pers^^'J^^^i^^* Short History of the Mogul Emperors [and a Catalogue of Persian Arabic, and Sanskrit MSS. collected by the author], 8vo, calf. 174J. Os Presentation Copy with Autograph Inscription by the Author. 4663 History of Nadir Shah, second edition ,^8vo^jcalf^_m2_____^ Js^loigh Street, Manjlehon^, London, W, 46 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4664 Fraser (J. Baillie) I^arrative of a Journey into Khorassan, 1821-22> 4to, boards, 1825 lOs. 4665 Travels and Adventures in Persia on the Shores of the Caspian Sea, with Account of the Trade, Oommerce, and Resources of those Countries, 4to, boards, uncut. 1826 7s 6d 4667 — --' A Winter's Journey from Constantinople to Teheran, fronts. y^ 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1838 5^ Includes accounts of the Armenjafts, Koords, and Toorkomans. Fryer (Dr. John) Account of E, India and Persia, See India, Gbmklli-Careei's Voyage to...... Persia, &c., 1693-99. See p. 4, 4670 Goldsmid (Sir F.) Eastern Persia • an Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-72, maps and illustrations, 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth 12a Vol. I. Introduction by Sir F. Goldsmid ; Physical Geogra|ihy and Narrative of a Journey through Baluchistan and Southern Persia, 1872, by Major Oliver B. St. John ; Narrative of a Journey through. Baluchistan, 1870-71, by Major Beresford Lovett; the Perso-Baluch Frontier Mission,. 1870-71, and the Perso-Aighan Mission, 1871-72, by Major Euan Smith. Vol. II. Zoology and Geology by V(. T. ^^anford, numerous coloured Ulustratiovfi, Telegraph and Travel [through Persia, &c.]. See p. 8. 4671 Gordon (Sir T. E.) Persia Revisited in 1895, plates, 8vo, cloth. 1896 48 6ci 4672 Han way (Jonas) Historical Account of British Trade o\^r the Caspian Sea, with the Author's Journal of Travels through Russia into Persia, and Account of the Revolutions of Persia and History of Nadir Shah, second edition, revised, numerous maps, 2 vols, 4to, calf, 1754 Iga Herbert (Sir T.) Travels in* Persia, &c, See p, 10. Heude's Voyage up the Persian Gulf, &c. See p. 27. HowoRTH (Sir H. H.) The Mongols, of Persia, See Tartary and Tibet. 4673 Houtum-Schindler (Gen. A,) Eastern Persian Irak, map, 8vo, pp. 132, boards. B.G.S. 3s 4674 Hunt (Capt. G. H.) The Persian Campaigns of Generals Outram and Havelock, 12mo, cloth. 1858 3a 4675 Italian Travels to Persia in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Hakluyt Soc), 8vo, cloth. 1873 l^a The Travels of Barbaro, Contarini, ^aterino Zeno, and other Italians, 4676 Jenkinson (Anthony) and other English Merchants, Journey through Russia to Persia, Sixteenth Century (Hakluyt Soc), 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1886 £1 4677 Khorassan (Map of), with Parts of Irak and Mazandaran, to illus- trate Reports of Capt. the Hon. G. Napier, 40 by 26, mounted and folded in small 4to> cloth. London, 1876 48 83^ High Street^ MarylebonCj London, Jf, Persia 47 4678 Kinneir (J. Macdonald) Geographical Memoir of the Persian Empire, map, large paper, royal 4to, calf. 1813 6, 4679 Mission to Persia, 1825. See Alexander, p. 2. 4681 Kotzebue (Moritz von) Narrative of a Journey into Persia in the Suite of the Russian Embassy in 1817, from the German, plates, 8vo, boards. 1819 23 6d 4682 Journey into Persia, another copy, half- calf 38 6d Krusinski's Persia. See Mitford (G. N.). Lb Blanc's Travels to Persia, &c., c. 1650. See p. 12. Le Brun's Travels to Persia, &c. , 1701-3. See p. 12. Lenormani's History of Media, Persia, &c. See p. 12. Lettres Edifiantes Turkey, Persia, &c. See p. 12. 46S8 Lovett (Beresford) Itinerary Notes of Route Surveys in Northern Persia, map. P.R.G.S. 1883 la 3d LuMSDEN (Lieut.) Journey through Persia, &c., 1819-20* See p. 13. 4684 Macgregor (Col. C* M;) Journey through the Province of Khorassan and North- West Frontier of Afghanistan, map and illustrations^ 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1879 (pub* 3O3) 6s 6d 4685 Malcolm (Sir John) History of Persia^ with Account of the Religion^ Government, Usages, and Character of the Inhabitants, map and 21 plates^ 12 vols, royal 4to, half-morocco extra* 1815 SSs 4686 History of Persia, fine and large-paper edition, 2 vols, imperial 4to, half- morocco £2 10s 4687 [ ] Sketches of Persia from the Journals of a Traveller in the East, 2 vols, 12mo> half-calf* 1827 ^a 4688 — ^— Sketches, new edition, 2 vols, 12moj half bound. 1828 33 4089 — - Sketches, new edition, 1 voJ, 12mo, cloth* 1861 23 6d The writer endeavours to conceal his authorship by remarking in his preface : "J am ho historian, therefore I did not tremble at Sir John Malcolm's ponderous quartos." *^* See also India, 2)osi, Mandelslo's Voyages to Persia, &c* See p. 13. Melton's Voyages to Persia, E. Indies, &c., 1660-77. See p. 14; 4690 Mitford (G. N.) Chronicles of a Traveller ; or, History of the Afghan Wars with Persia early in the Eighteenth Century* Translated from Clodius's Latin Version of Krusinski, to which is added an Account of the Afghan Usurpation, 8vo, boards. 1840 Ss ed 4692 Morier (James) Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor to Constantinople, 1808-9, with Account of Sir Harford Jones's Mission to the Court of Persia, 3 maps and 25 engravings, 4to, half - calf. 1812 1^^ 46§3 -— Sedond Journey through Persia^ Armenia^ &ch l^l^i ^f' ^^*^ Voyage by the Brazils and Bombay to the Persian Gulf, and Account of Sir Gore Ouseley's Mission, maps and engravings^ 4to, Halt-calf. 1818 ______—- 83^ High Street, Maryhhone, London, W^ 48 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4694 [Morier (James)] Ayeaha, the Maid of Kars, 3 vols, 12mo, boar (!<=■, uncut. 1834 5a 4695 [ ] Ayesha (Bentley'a Standard Novels), 12nio. cloth 2a 4696 [ ] Zohrab the Hostage, second edition, 3 vols, 12mo 5s 4698 [ ] The Mirza, 3 vols, 12rao, boards, uncut. 1841 6s 4699 Hajji Baba, illustrated by H. R. Millar, with Introduction by Lord Curzon, 12mo, cloth. 1895 Ss "If all this solid literature were to be burned by an international hangman tomorrow, and were ' Hajji Baba ' and the ' Sketches ' of Sir John Malcolm alone to survive, 1 believe that the future diplomatist or traveller who visited Persia, or the scholar who explored it from a distance, would from their pages derive more exact information about Persian manners, and acquire a surer insight into Persian character, than he would gain from years of independent study or months of local residence. Together the two works are an epitome of modern and moribund Iran. George N. [Lord] Curzon." 4700 Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, edited by C. J. Wills, with Introduction by Sir F. Goldsmid, illustrated, royal 8vo, cloth. 1897 (pub. 21s) 7s 6d 4703 Some Account of the Iliyats, or Wandering Tribes of Persia, 8vo, new half- morocco. J.R.G.S. 1837 43 6d MouNSEY ( A . H. ) Journey through Persia, &c. See p. 29. 4705 Nadir Shah. The Compleat History of Thamas Kouli Kan (at present called Schah Nadir), Sovereign of Persia. In Two Parts. I. Persian Empire. II. The Empire of Indostan translated from the French, portrait, 1 vol, 12mo, calf. 1742 53 6d See Hazin, Persian Literature, p, 52. Ogilby's Asia Persia, &c. See p. 10. 4707 Olearius (Adam) The Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors to the Duke of Muscovy and King of Persia in 1639, containing a compleat History of Muscovy, Tartary, and Persia, with the Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo from Persia to the East Indies, Japan, China, &c., front containing portraits of the Ambassadors, maps, ttc, folio, old calf rebacked. 1662 2l3 4708 Ouseley (Sir Wm.) Travels in Persia and other Countries of the East, 1810-12, with Extracts from Oriental MSS., 80 plates and maps, 3 voIp, 4to. 1819-23 253 The author was private secretary to his brother, Sir Gore Ouseley, during his Embassy to the Court of Persia. 4709 Outram (Sir James) The Persian Campaign of 1857 : General Orders, Despatches, Correspondence, 8vo, cloth. 1860 lOs 6d A limited number only issued for private circulation. See also Hunt, above. 4710 Perrot and Chipiez's History of Ancient Art in Persia, 12 plates and 254 illustrations, royal 8vo (pub. 2l8) 7a 8S, High Street, Marylehonef London^ W. Persia 49 4711 Persia and Affghanistan, Correspondence relating to, 8vo, boards. London^ 1839 5a 4712 Persian Gulf and Muscat, Report on Administration, royal Svo. Calcutta, 1875 la Gd 4713 PiggOt (John) Persia, Ancient and Modern, 12 mo, cloth. 1874 33 61 ^ A useful handbook ; it contains chronological list of works of reference. 4714 Preece (J. R.) Journey from Shiraz to Jashk, via Darab, Forg, and Minab, map, royal 8vo, cloth. B.G.S. 1886 53 4715 Rawlinson (Major) Notes on a March from Zohab, at the foot of Zagroa, along the Mountains to Khuzistan, thence through Luristan, map, 8vo, new half -morocco. J.RG.S. 1839 5i 4716 Journey from Tabriz through Persian Turkestan to Zenam and Taram, 870. new half-morocco. J.RG.S., 1841 53 Russian Travels to Persia, &c., Eighteenth Century. See Siberia. 4718 Shah of Persia, Diary of H.M. the, during his Tour through Europe in 1873. Verbatim translation by J. W. Redhouse, portrait, 12 mo, cloth. 1874 43 4719 A Diary kept during a Journey to Europe in 1878, English trans- lation, 8vo, cloth. 1879 53 4720 The New Lake between Kom and Teheran. P.E.GS. 1888 la 3d 4721 Shepherd (W. A.) From Bombay to Bushire and Bussora, with Account of Persia and the War, 12mo, cloth. 1857 2$ 6d 4723 Sherley, the Three Brothers ; their Travels in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, &c. (1596-1606), portraits, 12mo, cloth. 1825 5s 6d 4724 Stack (Edward) Six Months in Persia, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1882 63 A journey, Bareilly to Bushire, Shiraz, Persepolis, Firuzabad, Lar, Saidabad, Karman, Yozd, bhirkuh, Ispahan, Chakhakhur, Teheran, Damavand; Geography of the Country, Condition of the People, &c. 4725 Sykes (Ella C.) Through Persia on a Side-Saddle, mop and photo- graphs, Svo, cloth. 1898 6a Tavernier's Relations of Persia, &c. See pp. 21-22 4726 Ussher (John) Journey from London to Persepolis, imperial Svo, cloth. 1865 78 6d Thiblmann's Journey in Persia, &c. See p. 3L Varthema's Travels in Persia, &c., 1503-?. See p. 23. 4727 Vaughan's (Lieut.) Journey in Eastern Persia : from Lingah (S. or sea boundary) to Semnan (northern frontier), adapted by Sir F. Goldsmid, map, P. B. G.S. 1890 Is ^^ 4728 Journey through Persia, 1887 88, royal Svo, cloth. B.G.S. 1893 85f High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 50 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4730 Wagner (Moritz) Travels in Persia, Georgia, and Koordistan ; with Sketches of the Cossacks and the Caucasus, 3 vols in 1, 12mo, cloth. 1856 33 6d 4731 Waring (E. Scott) Tour to Sheeraz, with Remarks on the Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, and Literature of the Persians and a History of Persia, 4to, boards, uncut. 1807 Us 4732 Wells (Capt. H. L.) Surveying Tours in Southern Persia, maps, P. R.G.S. 1883 Is 3d 4733 Wills (C. J.) In the Land of the Lion and Sun ; AddoUnt o! Fifteen Years' Residence in Persia, 1866-81, 8vo, cloth. 1883 93 " Probably the most amusing book of travel that has been published in recent years." Times. 4734 Persia as It Is : Sketches of Modern Persian Life and Character, 12mo, cloth. 1886 Ss 4735 Behind an Eastern Veil : Inner Life of the Ladies of the Upper Class in Persia, 8vo, cloth. 1894 Ss 4736 Windt (H. de) A Ride to India across Persia and Baluchistan, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1891 Ss Wolff's Travels in Persia, &c. See p. 23. 83 f High Street, Mar^lebone, London, W. Francis Edwards's Catalogue 51 PERSIAN LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 4740 Abul Fazl : The A'i'n-i-Akbari, by Abul-Fazl-i' AlUmf, the original Persian text, edited by Prof. Blochmann, jplates, Vol. I. royal 4to, half- calf (Asiatic Society of Bengal). Calcutta, 1872 £1 6ia Institutes of the Emperor Akbar, edition collated with 15 manuscripts, 4741 ' The Ainri-Akbari, from the Persian by H. Bloohmann, 2 vols, royal 8vo, new half-calf extra. Calcutta, 1873-91 £1 l^a 4742 Anvar-i Suhaili, Persian text of the Fables of Pilpay, Edited by Lieut.-Co). J. W. J. Ouseley, 4to, boards. Hertford [1851] 10a 4743 — The Anvdr-i Suhaili, or the Lights of Canopus, being the Persian version of Pilpay— 'KaUlah and Damnah'— translated into English prose and verse by Eastwick, royal 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Hertford, J854 12a 4744 . The Anwdr4-Suhaili, or Lights of Canopus, commonly known as ' KaU'lah and Damnah/ from the Persian by Wollaston, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1877 16a *»* See also Indian Literature. 4745 Arbuthnot (F. F.) Persian Portraits : a Sketch of Persian History, Literature, and Politics, 8vo, cloth, 1887 2s Qd 4747 Asiatic Miscellany (The New) : Original Essays, Translations and Fugitive Pieces, Vol. I. [Edited by Francis Gladwin], 4to, half bound. Calcutta, 1789. 12a Contains Kirkpatricks Introduction to Persian Poets; Akbar's Letter to Abdullal^ Khan (Persian and English) ; The Dabbistan or School of Manners (Persian and English) ; Institutes of Ghazan Khan, Emperor of the Moghuls, by Kirkpatrick ; Extracts froiQ the Bostan of Sadi. 4749 Bleeck (A. H.) Concise Grammar of the Persian Language, Dia- logues, Reading Lessons, Vocabulary, &c, 13fno, cloth, 1857 3a 4752 Clarke (Capt. H. Wilberforce) The Persian Manual j Grammar and Vocabulary, 12mo, roan. 1878 3s 4753 Costello (Louisa S.) The Rose Garden of Persia, illuminated titles and coloured borders, original edition, 12mo, boards. 1845 12s 6d 4754 New edition, with the illuminated titles, &o., 12mo, cloth. 1887 4755 New edition, 12mo, blue half-calf extra. 1887 9s 6d Includes extracts from Pbrddsi, Omar Khiam, Sadi, Attar, Jami, Hafiz, &c. Eastwick, see above (p. 45) ; also 'Anvae-i Spahaili' and Sadi's 'GULISTAN.' Soy High Sireetj Marykhone^ London^ W, •52 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4758 Firdausi's Shah Nameh, or Book of the Kings of Persia, translated by Atkinson, 12aio, cloth. Warne, 1886 Is 6d 4759 The Epic of Kings : Stories retold from the Persian Poet Ferdusi, by Helen Ziramern, i{;ith etchings by [Sir] Laurence Alma Tadema, 4to, cloth. 1870 X83 See also Arbuthnot, Costello, Robinson, &c. 4761 Hafiz of Shiraz : Century of Ghazsls, or 100 Odes selected and translated from the ' Diwan,' 12mo, cloth. 1875 Is 6d 4762 — - Selections from, translated by Bicknell, 4to, cloth. Triibner, 1876 32d 4763 Ghazels from the 'Diwan 'of Hafiz done into English by J. H. McCarthy, 12mo, cloth. 1893 53 4764 — ^ Poems from the Diwan of HaSz, translated by Gertrude Bell, 12mo, cloth. 1897 Ss 4765 Hasan and Husain, The Miracle Play of, collected by Sir Lewis Pelly, revised by WoUaston, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1879 6s 4768 Hazin (Sheik Mohammed Ali) Life of, in Persian, edited by F. C. Balfour (Oriental Translation Fund), royal 8vo, cloth. 1831 4s 4769 Translated (Oriental Translation Fund), 8vo, cloth 4s Contains anecdotes and observationg on men and manners of his time, including Nadir Shah. 4770 Hovelacque (Abel) Grammaire de la Langue Zende, imperial 8vo cloth. Paris, 1868 58 4771 Jalal-uddin Rumi : The Mesnevi Sherif of Mevlana Jelalu'd-Din Muhammed er-Rixml, Book the First, with Anecdotes, translated and the Poetry versified in English by Redhouse (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1881 16i 4772 Masnavi i Ma'navi : the Spiritual Couplets of Maulana Jaldlu-'d- Din Muhammad i Riimi, translated and abridged by Whinfield (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1887 o^ 4774 Jami : Yusef and Zulaikha : a Poem, translated from the Persian by Griffith (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1882 63 6d 4775 Persian Wit and Humour : the Sixth Book of Jami's ' Bahari- stan ' in English prose and verse, with Notes by C. E. Wilson, 12mo, parchment. 1883 43 4776 Salaman u Absal, an Allegorical Romance, edited by Forbes Falconer, 4to, sewed. 1850 6^ 4777 Just a Khalifa, Persian manuscript. (About 1760) 63 4778 Nazami, Laill and Majniin : a Bedouin Love Shory, from the Persian by Atkinson, 8vo, cloth (Oriental Translation Fund). 1836 33 4779 Makhzan ul Asrdr, the Treasury of Secrets, edited by N. Bland, 4to, eewed. 1844 (pub. IO3 6d) 6^ S$f High Street, Marylebone, London, W, Persian Literature 53 4780 Omar Khayyam, The Qaatrains of: Persian Text and English Verse. Translation by E. H. Whinfield (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo cloth. 1883 83 4781 Whinfield's translation only, 8vo, cloth 43 4782 — — Rubaiyat in English Verse, by Fitzgerald, 8vo, cloth. Macmillan, 1896 88 6d 4783 Fitzgerald's Translations (Golden Treasury Series), 18rao, cloth. 1899 2s 6d 4784 The Qaatrains in English Verse, according to the original forms, by John Payne, royal 8vo. (Villon Society) 1898 £2 28 4785 - — Translated by R. Le Gallienne, 12mo, cloth. 1898 38 4786 Rubaiyat : English, French, and German Translations according to Fitzgerald's Version, with further Selections, Bibliography, &c., by Dole, 2 vols, 12 mo, cloth. Boston 12a 4787 A Concordance to Fitzgerald's Omar Khayyam, by J. R. Tatin, 12mo, cloth. 1900 83 6d 4788 Ouseley (Sir Gore) Biographical Notices of Persian Poets, with Memoir of the Author by Reynolds. (Oriental Transl. Fund) 1846 7s 6d 4790 Pocock (Ebenezer) Flowers of the East, with a Sketch of Oriental [Persian] Poetry and Music, with facsimiles, 12mo, cloth. 1833 43 Contains ' The Fund Naniuh ' and ' The Khanjgaruh ' ; facsimile of an ode by Jamee, and of the inscription on the tomb of Hafiz. 4791 Penmanship (Oriental) : Specimens of Persian Handwriting, with facsimiles from South Kensington by Prof. E, H. Palmer ; Illustrations of the Nagari character by Fred. Pincott, 4to, cloth. 1886 7s 4794 Roebuck (Thomas) Boorhani Quatiu, a Persian Dictionary and Grammar, thick folio, calf, large-paper copy. Calcutta, 1818 10s 4796 Sadi: The Gulistan. A Persian Manuscript, beautifully written in red and black, in gilt borders, with marginal notes, folio, limp leather. (1760) 153 4797 __ The Gulistan, New Edition, with Vocabulary by John T. Platts, royal 8vo, cloth. 1874 7s 4798 — ^ The Gulistan, translated into English, with Life of Sadi by J. T, PlattB, 8vo, cloth 7s 6d 4799 The Gulistan, translated into English Prose and Verse, with Life of the Author, by East wick (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1880 ^^ 4802 The Gulistan, or Rose Garden of Sadi, faithfully translated into English by F. F. A[rbuthnot], 870. Privatehj printed by the Kama Shastra Society, Benares. 1888 ^^ 4804 The Bustan, translated into English Prose by Wilberforce Clarke, 8\ro, cloth. 1879 ^^^ 4805 Stewart (Charles) Original Persian Letters and other Documents, with facsimiles and translations, 4to, calf. 1825 ll ^3, High Street, Marylehone, London, TF, 54 Francis Edivardss Catalogue 4807 Tarikh-i-Jadid (The) or J^ew History of the Bab, translated from the Persian with Notes by E, G. Browne, 12mo, cloth, 1893 8a 4808 Thousand and One Days (The) Persian Tales, edited by J. H. McCarthy, 2 vols, crown S^^o, half- parchment. 1892 5a Wabing (E. Scott) Language and Literature of the Persians. See No. 4731 Wilson (0. E.) Persian Wit and Humour. See Jami. 4809 Wollaston (A. K) An English-Persian Dictionary, 8vo, cloth. 1882 12s 6d 4810 A Complete English-Persian Dictionary, large type, imperial 4to, cloth. 1889 (pub. £4 143. 6d) 32a ' Anwar-i-Suhaili ' and ' Hasan and Husain.' See Nos, 4744, 4765 Zoroaster, the Zbndavesta, an^ th^ Parsee^. See Rbljgion, &c,. of PiNDOSTAlf. 83^ High Street, Marylehone, London, W^ Prancis Edwards's Catalogue BS RUSSIAN CENTRAL ASIA, Westerii Turkestan, Khiva, Bokhara, the Oxus, and the Pamirs. *j^* For Herat and Boundary Commission, see Afghanistan, pp. 58-63. Arabian Accocnts of the Countries on the Oxus. See Murray's Asia, Vol. I. Alhacen, Life, &c., of Timur. See Purchas, Vol. III. Bonvalot (G.) Through Asia and over the Pamirs. See Tartary and Tibet. 4814 Boulger (Demetrius) Central Asian Questions : Essays on Afghanistan, China, and Central Asia, portrait and maps, 8vo, cloth. 1886 3s 4815 Bruce (Peter Henry) Memoirs of (1692-1755), including Travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, the West Indies, u&c, and private Anecdotes of the Czar Peter, 4to, calf rebacked. 1782 14s 4816 Burnaby (Capt. Fred) A Ride to Khiva : Travels and Adventures in Central Asia, cheap edition, 8vo, cloth • Is 4817 Ride to Khiva, best edition, 8vo, cloth. 1876 (pub. 21s) 4s 6d 4818 Burnes (Sir Alex.) Travels into Bokhara, containing Narrative of a Voyage on the Indus to Lahore, Journey to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia, 1831-33, steel lAates, second edition, 3 vols, 12mo, boards. 1829 8a 4819 Bokhara, another edition, 3 vols, 8vo, half -morocco. 1834 123 6d 4820 Burslem fCapt. Rollo) A Peep into Toorkisthan, plates and map of Cabul &c., 8vo, cloth. 1846 2s 6d 4822 Clavijo (Ruy Gonzales de) Life and Acts of the Great Tamerlane : Narrative of the Castilian Embassy to the Court of Timur at Samarcand, 1403 6, translated with Notes and Life of Timur Beg by [Sir] C. R. Markham (Hakluyt Society), 8vo, cloth. 1859 lOs Travels through Armenia and Persia to Samarcand. 4823 Cumberland (Major C. S.) Sport on the Pamirs and Turkistan Steppes, 8 70, cloth. Edinburgh, 1895 ^s 4824 Curzon (Lord) Russia in Central Asia iu 1889 ; and the Anglo- Russian Question, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1889 {rare). £2 23 4826 — The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus, map and illustrations, royal 8vo {R.G.S.), half-calf ^s 6cl 4827 Dobson (George) Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia : Notes of a Journey from St. Petersburg to Samarkand, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1890 . . ^ ^' ^^ 4828 Dunmore (Earl of) The Pamirs : Narrative of an Expedition through Kashmir, Western Tibet, Chinese Tartary, and Russian Central Asm, illustrations, 2 vols, 12rao, cloth. 1893 Fi.RRiER'8 daravan Journeys to Turkistan, &c^eePERSiA£o^_4658. 83i High Street; Marylebone, London^ W. o6 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 4829 Gordon (Lieut.-Col. P. E.) The Roof of the World : Narrative of a Journey over the High Plateau of Tibet to the Oxu8 Sources in the Pamir, royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1876 £1 4830 Grover (Capt. John) The Bokhara Victims [Stoddart and Conolly]. Second Edition, Svo, cloth. 1845 3s 6d 4831 Hellwald (F. von) Russians in Central Asia, map, 12mo, cloth. 1874 3s 4832 Hutton (.James) Central Asia, from the Aryan to the Cossack, 12mo, cloth. 1875 3s Jenkinson's Journey to Astrakhan, the Caspian, Bokhara, &c. See Persia (p. 46) and collections of Hakluyt, Purchas, &c. 4833 Kossiakof (M.) Journey in Karateghin and Darwaz in 1882, map, F.RG.S. 1886 Is 3d 4834 Lai Mohan Travels in the Panjab, Afghanistan, and Turkistan, to Balk, Bokhara, and Herat, Svo, cloth, portrait and map. 1846 63 4835 Lansdell (Henry, D.D.) Russian Central Asia: Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva, and Merv, portrait, maps, and illustrations, 2 vols, Svo, cloth. 1885 lis 4836 Lessar (Paul) The Kara-Kum or Desert of Turkomania. P.RG.S. 1885 . ' Is 3d 4838 MacGahan (J. A.) Campaigning on the Oxus and the Fall of Khiva, map and illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1874 7a 4839 Campaigning on the Oxus, 12mo, cloth. 1876 4s 4840 Malleson (Gen.) Herat, the Granary and Garden of Central Asia, Svo, cloth. 1879 4b 4841 Marvin (Charles) Merv the Queen of the World and the Scourge of the Mati-Stealing Turkomans, portraits and maps, Svo, cloth. 1881 di 4842 The Russian Advance towards India, Svo, cloth. 1882 78 6d Includes conversations with Skobeleff, Ignatieff, and other Russian Generals and Statesmen on the Central Asian Question. 4844 The Russians at Merv and Herat, and their Power of invading India, 3 maj^s and 24 illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1883 63 4845 The Region of the Eternal Fire : Account of a Journey to the Caspian Region, 1883, 21 maps and illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1884 S3 4846 — — Col. Grodekoflf's Ride from Samarcand to Herat through Balkh and Afghan Turkestan, with his own route from the Oxus to Herat, 12mo, cloth. 1880 (pub. 6s) 38 6d 4847 Reconnoitring Central Asia : Pioneering Adventures in the Region between Russia and India, Svo, cloth. 1886 5a Brief Accounts of the Journeys of Vambery, Marsh, Valentine Baker, Macgahan, Capt. Napier, Capt. Burnaby, O'DonoVan, and other English and Russian agents. 4849 Michell (J. andR.) The Russians in Central Asia, from the Travels of Valikanof and Veniukof, Svo, cloth. 1865 48 4850 Morier (Capt.) Memoir on the Russian Expedition against Khivah, map, Svo, cloth. 1840 28 6d 8Sf High Street, Marylehone, London^ TF. Russian Central Ai 67 4852 O'Donovan (Edmond) The Merv Oasis: Travels, Adventures and Residence among the Turkoman Tekkes, 1879-81, portrait, mapl and facsimiles of documents, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1882 X28 4853 Merv : Story of Adventures and Captivity, Epitomized, 12mo, cloth. 1883 33 Q j 4854 Perofski (General) Narrative of the Russian Military Expedition to Khiva in 1839, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1867 4? 4855 Popowski (Joaef) The Rival Powers in Central Asia, or the Struggle between England and Russia in the East. From the German, 8vo, cloth. Westminster, 1893 3g gjl 4856 Rawlinson (Sir Henry) England and Russia in the East : Papers on the Political and Geographical Condition of Central Asia, map, 8vo, cloth. 1875 4s Schiltberger's Bondage and Travels with the Armies of Timur, 1396- 1427. See p. 20. 4857 Schuyler (Eugene) Turkistan : Journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja, plates, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1876 12d 4858 Spalding (Capt. H.) Khiva and Turkestan, translated from the Russian, map, 12mo, cloth. 1874 23 4859 Tarikh-i-Rashidi (The) : a History of the Moghuls of Central Asia, translated by Deniaon Ross and edited by Ney Elias, 8vo, cloth. 1895 . 83 4860 Vambery (Arminius) Travels in Central Asia to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand, 1863, 8vo, cloth. 1864 63 4801 Sketches of Central Asia, 8vo, half-morocco, extra. 1868 73 4862 History of Bokhara, from the Earliest Timep, composed after Oriental and unknown Historical MSS. , 8vo, cloth. 1873 48 6d 4863 Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian Frontier Question : a Series of Political Papers, 12mo, cloth. 1874 33 4864 Life and Adventures of A. Vambery, portrait and 14 illustrations, 12mo, cloth 33 4865 Wood (Capt. John) Personal Narrative of a Journey to Source of the River Oxus by the route of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakahan, 1836 38, 8vo, cloth. 1841 33 Journey to the Source of the Oxus, with Essay on the Geography of the Valley of the Oxus by Yule, maps, 8vo, cloth. 1872 43 4867 Wood (Herbert) The Shores of Lake Aral, maps, 8vo, cloth. 1876 3s 4868 Wolff (Rev. Joseph) Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45, to ascertain the Fate of Stoddart and Conolly, plates, 2 vols, 8vo, half-calf. 1845 ^^ 4869 Mission to Bokhara, 1 vol, 8vo, cloth. 1846 4s 6d YouNOHusBAND (Capt. F. E.) Travels in Manchuria the Pamirs, &c. See Tartary. 8S, High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. Francis Edwards's Catalogue AFGHANISTAN. History^ Geography, Travels, Literature, and Language. 4873 Abbott (Gen. Augustus) The Afghan War, 1838-42, Svo, oloth. 4874 Adye (Co). John) Sitana : a Mountain Campaign on the Borders of Afghanistan, 3 maps, Svo, cloth. 1867 33 Affghanistan, Persia and ; Correspondence relating to. 1839. See No. 4875 Affghanistan ; Papers relating to Military Operations in. Pre- sented to Parliament, 1843, Svo, cloth. Calcutta, 1863 [1843] 4a 4876 Correspondence relative to ; Central Asia, Correspondence, 1879, Parliamentary Papers, folio, bds. 1880 43 6d 4877 Afghanistan, Map of, enlarged from the Third Edition of Col. J. T. Walker's Map of Turkestan, 44 by 32 in., coloured, mounted, and folded, 4to, oloth case. Dehra Di\n, 1876 3s 6d Alexander the Great's Campaigns in Afghanistan, &c. See p. 1. 4879 Allen (Rev. I. N.) Diary of General Nott'a March through Sinde and Affghanistan, vi&wi of Kabul, Sc, 1842, 12mo, oloth. 1843 3a %* See also India : Nott. 4880 Argyll (Duke of) The Afghan Question, 1841-78, 12mo, cloth.. [1879] 2s 4881 Atkinson (James) The Expedition into Afghaunistan : Personal Narrative of the Campaign, 1839-40, 12mo, half-calf. 1842 5i 4.382 — =-= Sketches in Afghaunistan, 20 large lithographs, including mountain scenery, gorges, and passes, portraits, fortresses, (be. , imperial folio, half- bound. 1842 15s These views were made at the time of the First Afghan War, and serve to illustrate that campaign. For Second Series of Sketches see Hart and Atkinson. 4884 Bayley (Sir E. Clive) Dates on Coins of the Hindu Kings of Kd,bul {Numismatic Ghron.) Svo, pp. 38 {postscript) 4, and 2 plates, 1882 Is 6d 4885 Bell (Major Evans) The Oxus and the Indus, second edition, enlarged, Svo, cloth. 1874 2s Urging proclamation of the Imperial supremacy over the Afghan Government. Sir Theodore Walrond's copy with autograph letter from the author. 4887 Bellew (H. W.) Surgeon-Major: Journal of General Lumsden's Mission to Afghanistan in 1857, with Account of the Country and People, illustrated, Svo, cloth. 1862 4s 6d 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, Afghanistan 5^ 4888 Bellew (H. W.) General Report on the Yusufzais, map, 8vo, cloth. Lahore, 1864 6^ 4889 Dictionary of the Pukkhto or Pukshto Language, in which the Words are traced to their Indian and Persian Sources, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1867 4890 [ ] Our Punjab Frontier, with brief Remarks on Afghanistan, by a Punjab Official, 8vo, pp. 40. Calcutta, 1868 2a 4891 The Races of Afghanistan, 8vo, cloth. 1880 Is 6d 4892 Broadfoot (Major George) Career in Afghanistan and Punjab^ portrait and maps, 8vo, cloth. 1888 (pub. 158) 5a Contains information on the First Afghan War and on the Punjab prior to t'irst Sikb War. Bouloer's Essays on Afghanistan, &c. See Central Asia, No. 4814. 4893 Broadfoot (Lieut. J. S.) Reports on the Ghilzi Country and Tribes near Ghazi, &c., 1839, map, royal 8vo, cloth. (E.G.S.) 1886 49 Buckle's Bengal Artillery in the Afghan War, 1838, &c. See India. 4894 Burnes (Sir Alex) Papers descriptive of the N.W. Frontier of India^ large folding mop, 8vo, new half -morocco. J.B.G.S. 1834 43 6d 4895 Cabool : Narrative of a Journey to, and Residence in that Cityi' 1836-38, illustrated, second edition, 8vo, cloth. 1843 4s 4897 Churchill (Lieut. Winston Spencer) Story of the Malakand Field Force : an Episode of Frontier War, maps, plans, dbc. , 12mo, cloth. 1898 3£f 4898 Colquhoun (Major J. A. S.) With the Kurram Field Force, 1878-79, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1881 33 Includes valuable informaiion upon Afghanistan for the geographerj ethnologist, and naturalist. Conolly's Journey through AfFghaunistaun, &c., 1829-30. See p. 5. 4890 Gumming (Lieut. J. S.) A Six Years' Diary, 8vo, cloth. 1847 3a Contains Account of the Taking of the Kyber Pass, &c., 1842, during Sale's Campaign. 4900 Dennie (Col.) Personal Narrative of Campaigns in Affghanistan, Sinde, Beloochistan, &c., map, 12mo, cloth. Dublin, 1843 2s 6d 4901 Eastwick (Capt. J.) Lord Lytton and the Afghan War, 8vo, sewed. 1879 Is 3d 4903 Elphinatone (Hon. Mountstuart) Account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, large map and 14 coloured plates, 4to, half-calf. 1815 129 4904 ^ Caubul, Sir Stamford Raffles's Copy, with his book-plate, half- vellum ^^' 4905 Caubul, another dopy, with coloured mi^iiature inserted, half- calf '^'^^ 4906 Caubul, another copy, full calf ___ii' 33, High Street, Mdnjlehone, London, W. 60 Prancis Edwards's Catalogue 4907 Eyre (Major- General Sir Vincent) Military Operations at Cabul, Retreat and Destruction of the British Army, 1842, and Journal of Imprisonment in Aflfghanistan, 12mo, cloth. 1843 Is 6d 4908 Prison Sketches (32) of the Oabul Prisoners, and other Subjects, in wrapper, 8vo. [1843] Ga 4909 The Kabul Insurrection of 1841-42, New Edition, revised by Col. Malleson, maps and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1879 (pub. 93) 23 Ferrier's Caravan Journeys in Afghanistan, «fec. See No. 4658. 4911 History of the Afghans, translated by Jesse, 8vo, cloth, with author's autograph. 1858 53 6d 4912 History of the Afghans, another copy, Svo, half -calf extra 63 4913 Fincastle (Viscount) and Lockhart (P. C. E.) The Frontier Cam- paign : Narrative of Operations of Malakand and Buner Field Forces, 1897-98, map and 16 illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1898 2$ 6d FoRSTER (George) Journey in Afghanistan, &c., 1782-83. See p. 7. 4914 Gleig (Rev. G. R.) Sale's Brigade in Afghanistan, with Account of the Seizure and Defence of Jellalabad, 12mo, cloth 23 6d 4915 Another copy, bound up with Letters from Madras [By Mrs. Maitland], 1 vol, 12mo, cloth. 1846 3s 6d 4916 Gore (Dr. F. St. J.) Lights and Shadows of the Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjaub,/u/Zy illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1895 10a 4917 Gray (Surgeon J. A.) At the Court of the Amir of Afghanistan [Abdurrahman], with illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 4s 6d 4918 Green (Major H. W. R.) Report on Affairs of Khelat, 1857 60 (Ind. Gov. Records, No. 34), map, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1861 2a 4919 Greenwood (Lieut.) The Campaign in Afghanistan under General Pollock, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1844 3^ Griffith (Surgeon) Travels in Assam Affghanistan, &c., 1835-44. See India. 4920 Hart (Capt. L. W.) and Atkinson (James) Character and Costume of Afghaunistan, 27 lithographs by Haghe, coloured and mounted, ivith map in large portfolio, with descriptions. 1843 £2 ISs Includes Portraits of Shah Shoojau, Dost Mohamed, Views in Cabul, Jellalabad, Khelat, &c. This is the Second Series of Atkinson's Sketches in Afghanistan. For First Series sec Atkinson. 4921 Haughton (Col. J. C.) Char-ee^Kar : an Episode of the First Afghan War, 8vo, pp. viii-62, &nd plan. 1879 23 6d 4922 Havelock (Sir Henry) Narrative of the War in Aff^hanietan, 1838-39, 2 vols, 12ino, cloth. 1840 9s Life of, see India. 4923 Hensman (Howard) The Afghan War, 1879 80: Kafratlve of the Capture of Kabul, Siege of Sherpur, March to Kai-dahar, Operations (»ri the Helmund, &c., maps, 8vo, cloih. 1881 (i>nb. 21«) C>* 8B, High Street, Marylthone, London, W^ Afghanistan gj 4924 Hough (Major W.) Narrative of the Operations of the Array of the Indus in Affghanistan, 1838-39 ; with a History of the Dooranee Empire map and views, 8vo, boards. Calcutta, 1840 6a 4926 Jackson (Sir A. Keith) Views in Affghauniataun, during the Cam- paign of the Army of the Indus (1839), folio, half-morocco 128 Includes Views of Caubul, Kwettah, Kandahar, Khelat, the Bolan Pass, Tatta. the btormmg of Ghuznee, &c. 4927 James (Lionel), Renter's Special Correspondent : The Indian Frontier War, being an Account of the Mohmund and Tirah Expeditions, 1897, lolth 10 maps and plans and 31 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 4? 4929 Kaye (Sir J. W.) History of the War in Affghanistan. Best Edition, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1851 Us 4930 Third Edition, 3 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1874 83 6d 4932 Kaye (Lieut. -Gen. E.) The Mountain Passes leading to the Valley of the Bamian. P.R.G. S. 1879 Is 3d 4933 Kennedy (R. H., M.D.) Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus, in Sind and Kaubool, 1838-39, 8 plates, 2 vol?, 12mo, cloth. 1840 5s 4934 Another copy, 2 vols, 12mo, calf 6s 6d 4935 Kirke (Dr.) Views of Defiles and Mountain Passes in Affghanistan, with map and descriptions, oblong folio, cloth. [1845] lis 1. Defile between Deyra and Kahun. 2. Pass of Surtoff. 3. Pass of Nuffoosk. Krusinski's Afghan Wars with Persia. See No. 4690. Lawrence (Sir George) The Cabul Disasters. See India. 4937 Lai Mohan : Life of Amir Dost Mohammed Khan of Kabul, with Account of the Victories and Disasters of the British Army in Affghanistan, icltJi numerous portraits, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1846 63 Travels in Afghanistan, &c. See p. 56. 4938 Leitner (Dr. G. W.) Linguistic Fragments : the Dialects of the Magadds, the Argots of Thieves, &c , in Kabul, &c , folio, sewn. 1882 5s 4939 Le Messurier (Major) Kandahar in 1879. Reprinted, with additions, from the Royal Engineers' Journal, l2mo, cloth. 1880 33 Login (Sir John) Herat, 1839 40 ; Afghan War, 1840-41. See India. 4940 Lumsden (Sir P.) Countries and Tribes bordering on theKohi-Baba Range. P.K.G.S.18S5 Is 3d 4041 Mission to Afghanistan, 1857. See Bellew, above. 4942 McFall (Capt. Crawford) With the Zhob Field Force, 1890, with 90 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 53 Macgregor (Col. C. M.) Journey thro' Khorassan and North - West Province of Afghanistan. See Persia, p. 47. 4944 Macintyre (Major-General Donald) Hindu Koh : Wanderings and Wi!d Sport on and beyond the Himalaya?, illustrated, Svo, cloth. 1889 83f High Strecf, Maryhhone, London, W. 62 Frahcis Edwards's Catalogue MACKINNON (Capt. D. H.) Campaign against the Afghans, 1839. See India. ^4945 Macnaghten (Sir W.) Article JFroni Calcutta Review, Vol. VI., pp. 209-265. [1846 ?] Is 4946 Maitland and Talbot (Capts.) Journeys in Afghanistan [Valley of the Heri-Rud to Daulafcyar]. P.R.G.S. 1887 la 3d 4948 Malleson (Gen.) History of Afghanistan, from the Earliest Period to the Outbreak of the War m 1878, 8vo, cloth. 1879 7s 6d 4950 Markham (Sir C. R) The Mountain Passes of the Afghan Frontier of British India, map. F.B.G.S. 1879 Is 3d Marvin's The Russians at Merv and Herat. See Russian Central Asia, No. 4844. 4951 Masson (Charles) Legends of the Afghan Countries, in Verse^ Original and Translated, 12 mo, cloth. 1848 4s 6d Journeys in Afghanistan, «&c. See Baluchistan, p. 64. . 4953 Melville (Hon. W. Leslie) Remarks on the War in Afghanistan, 8vo, pp. 28. 1842 2s 4954 Mitford (Major R. C. W.) To Oaubul with the Cavalry Brigade under General (Lord) Roberts, maps and illustrations, Bvo, cloth. 1881 23 6d V 4956 Nash (Charles) History of the War in Affghanistan, 12mo, cloth. 1843 3s 6d •^4957 Outram (Capt. James) Journey from Khelat to Sonmeeanee, 1839, with map (Bombay Records, 1855, pp. 369-382), royal 8vro, half-calf 63 Notes of Campaign in Affghanistan, 1838-39. See India. 4960 Prinsep (H. T.) Historical Results deducible from Discoveries [of Bactrian Coins] in Afghanistan, plates^ 8vo, cloth. 1844 2s 6d 4962 Punjab Frontier : Relations of the Government with [Afghan] Tribes on the N.W. Frontier, 1849-55, map (Ind. Gov. Records No. 12), royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1856 2s 6d 4963 Record of Expeditions against the N.W. Frontier [Afghan] Tribes, by Lieut. -Col. W. H. Paget, maps and plans, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1874 143 4964 Raverty (Major H. G.) Dictionary of the Pushto or Afghan Languagp, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1860 16s 4965 Afghan Dictionary, second edition, with additions, cloth. 1867 2O3 4900 Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans, 16th-l9th Century, 12mo, cloth. 1862 7s 6d 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Afghanistan 63 4970 Robertson (Sir George Soott) The Kd-firs of f the Hindu.Kush, illustrated by A. D. McCormick, royal 8vo, cloth. 1896 (pub. Sis 6d) 9a 4971 — — Chitral, the Story of a Minor Siege, with plans, pictures, and portraits, 8vo, cloth, 1898 78 Contains account of Ross's disaster iu the Koragh defile, the heroic defence of Reshunj and Kelly's great march. 4972 Sale (Lady) Journal of the Disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-2, 12mo, cloth. 1843 3a Copy with MS. notes. 4974 Shadbolt (Sydney H.) The Afghan Campaigns of 1878-1880, com- prising Historical and Biographical Divisions, containing Sketch of the War, maps and 140 photographic portraits, with Memoirs, 2 vols, 4to, cloth, gilt edges. 1882 16s 4975 Stacy (Ool, L, R.) Narrative of Services during General Nott's Campaign in Afghanistan, 8vo, cloth, privately printed. 1844 5s 6d 4976 Stewart (Col. C. E.) The Herat Valley and the Persian Border from the Hari-Rud to Sistan, map P.E.G.S. 1886 Is 3d 4978 Thackeray (Lieut.-Col.) Views of Kabul and Environs, 30 plates from photographs^ with description and historical sketch. Printed for private ci7'culation, oblong 4to, cloth, 1881 7s 6d 4979 Thorburn (S. S.) Bannil; or, Our Afghan Frontier, 8vo, cloth. 1876 (pub. 188) 93 Account of the district, people, rulers ; popular stories and ballads, with collection of proverbs, English and Pushto, 4980 Trumpp (Dr. Ernest) Grammar of the Past5, or Language of the Afghans, 8vo, half-calf. [Leipzig] 1873 ISs 4981 Vigne (G. T.) Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan, and Residence at the Court of Dost Mahomed, with Notices of Run jit Sing, Khiva, and the Russian Expedition, illustrated, 870, cloth. 1840 4s 4982 Another oopy, 8vo, half- calf 6g 4983 Willis (Capt.) Character and Costumes of Afghanistan, lithographs j folio, half-morocoo. 1843 123 4984 Yate (Lieut. A. C.) Travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission, maps and plates, 8vo, cloth. 1887 10a 4985 Yate (Major C. E.) Northern Afghanistan : Letters from the Afghan Boundary Commission, maps, 8vo, cloth. 1888 48 A sequel to A. C. Yate's England and Russia Face to Face in Asia. YouNGHUSBAND (Capt. G. J.) Indian Frontier Warfare and Relief of Chitral, See India. y 83^ High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 64 Francis Edwards s Catalogue BALUCHISTAN. History, Geography ^ Travels, Language, and Literature, 4988 Baluchistan : Map of the Territories of H.H. the Khan of Kelat, with adjacent portions of Sind, the Punjab, Afghanistan, and Persia, 42 by 36 in., coloured, mounted^ 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1877 3s 6d 4989 Bruce (R. B. J.) Notes on the Dera Ghazee Khan District and its Border Tribes (Punjab Records), royal 8vo, swd. Lahore, 1871 Sa Dennie's Narrative of Campaigns in Beloochistan. See No, 4900. 4990 Floyer (E. A.) Unexplored Baluchistan : a Survey with Observations, Astronomical, Geographical, Botanical, &c., of a Route through Mekran, Bashkurd, Persia, Kurdistan, and Turkey, map and illubtrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1882 12s 6d 4991 Gladstone (C. E.) Biluchi Handbook : Grammar, Vocabulary, Sentences, &c., folio, bds. Lahore, 1874 63 4992 Hughes (A. W.) The Country of Balochistan ; its Geography, Topo- graphy, Ethnology, and History, map and 7 photographs, 12rao, cloth. 1877 43 6d 4993 Macgregor (Col, C. M.) Wanderings in Balochistan, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1882 Ts Gd 4994 Masson (Charles) Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Pan jab ; including a Residence in those Countries, 1826 38, 6 views and 14 ivoodcuts, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1842 lis 4995 , Journey to Kalat, including Account of the Insurrection in 1840, and a Memoir on Eastern Balochistan, map illustrating former journeys, 8vo, cloth. 1843 5s Legends of Afghan Countries. See No. 4951. 4996 M in chin (Capt. C.) Memorandum on the Beloch Tribes in Dera Ghazi Khan District (Punjab Records), royal 8vo, sewed. 1869 23 4997 Oliver (Edw. E.) Across the Border, or Pathan and Biloch, illus- trated by J. L. Kipling, 8vo, cloth. 1890 6s 4998 Pottinger ([Sir] Henry) Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde, with Geo^^raphical and Historical Account of those Countries, map and plate, 4to,'oalf. 1816 10a WiNDT (H. de) A Ride across Baluchistan, &o. See No. 4736. 83, High Street, MarylehonCj London, W, F'rancis Edwa/rds's Catalogue 65 INDIA. Geography, Travel, Ethnology, History, Antiquities, Statistics, Politics, Commerce, &c. *;,£* For Religion, Language, and Literatdke, and for Natural History and Products, see subsequent Sections. 5000 Abbott (Lt. George) Views of the Forts of Bhurtpore and Weire, 13 litho plates (india proofs), with a Short Account of the Capture of the Forts, oblong folio, boards. 1827 12s 6d 5001 Abbott (Major-General Augustus) Extracts from his Journal and Correspondence : the Afghan War 1838-42, with Introductory Account of the Indian Service of the Brothers Sir Frederick, James, Saunders, and Augustus Abbott, by C. R. Low, Svo' cloth. 1879 6s 6d General Augustus Abbott's field-service in India began in December, 1822. He was present at the siege of Bhurtpore in 1825. 5002 Abbs (Rev. John) Twenty-Two Years' Missionary Experiences in Travancore (1838-60), 12mo, cloth. 1870 2s 6d Includes chapters on Caste, Marriage Customs, and Intercourse with Moham* medans, «&c. Abd-er-Razzak, Voyage into Hindostan, 1442. See Major; Elliot. 5003 Abdulkurreem (Khojeh), a Cashmerian, Memoirs : including Nadir Shah's Journey to Persia, History of Hindostan, 1739-49, Account of the European Settlements in Bengal and on the Coromandel Coast, translated by Gladwin, Svo, boards. 1793 8s 5004 Aberigh-Mackay (G. R.) The Sovereign Princes and Chiefs of Central India, Vol. I., photographic illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1879 9s This volume contains account of the States, their resources and administration by the Imperial Government, and History of the Family of Holkar. 5C05 Twenty-One Days in India; or, the Tour of Sir AH Baba, K.C.B., new edition, illustrated, 12mo, cloth 3s 6d Twenty-one sketches of Anglo-Indian life, reprinted from Vanity Fair. Abulfeda, Geography of India, 13th cent. See Thevenot's Collec- tion, Vol. I. Abu Taleb Khan (Mirza), Persian Prince, Travels (1799-1803). See Stewart (Prof.). 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 66 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 5006 Ackermann's The World in Miniature, edited by F. Shoberl. Hindoostan : a Description of the Hindoos, their Religion, Manners, Customs, Trades, Arts, Literature. &c., loit/i over 100 coloured en- gravings, 6 vols, in 3, 12tno, cloth, 1822 14s 5007 Acland (Rev. Charles) Account of the Natives of India ; their Manners, Customs, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1847 (Murray) 2s 6d 5007b Adair (Capt. F. E. S.) A Summer in High Asia: n Record of Sport and Travel in Baltistan and Ladakh, map and 10 illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1899 6s 6d Account of Journe)^ from Srinagar to Leh, Gya, &c., Big Game described, chapter on the Trade of Ladakh with China and Thibet by Capt. S. H. Godfrey, and List of Butterflies from Thibet. 5008 Adam (W.) Report on the State of Education in Bengal, royal Svo, pp. 126; Part II., pp. 128. Calcutta, 1835-6 4s 6d Contains statistics of schools, children, their reading lessons, and names of their teachers. 5009 Adams (Dr. Leith) Wanderings of a Naturalist in India, the Western Himalayas, Cashmere, and Ladakh, frontisiiiece, 12mo, cloth. 1867 6s The author spent nearly seven years in India, from 1819 onwards. His work is that of a lover of nature, scenery, flora, animal, especially bird-life. 5010 Addison (G. A.) Indian Reminiscences; or, the Bengal Moofussul Miscellany (Prose and Verse), 8vo, cloth. 1837 4s Includes A Journal from Mangalore to Seringapatam in 1801, Ac -ounts of the Canara Caves in Salsette, of Delhi, Agra, and the Taj-Mahal, Anecdotes of Chess, Papers on Anagrams, Chronograms. 5011 [ ] Original Familiar Correspondence between Residents in India, including Sketches of Java, 12mo, cl. Edinburgh, 1846 4s Letters, chiefly literary. Mr. Addison was private secretary to Mr. (afterwards Sir) Stamford Baffles, and died in Java, 1815. ADMINISTRATION. 5012 Indian Territories : Report from the Select Committee (H.C.) on Indian Territories, with Proceedings and Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, Index, map and tables (Pari. Paper), folio, pp. xii-1006, cloth. June 29, 1852 15s This Committee was appointed to inquire and report on the Government of India at Home and in India; Military and Naval Establishments; Income and Expenditure : Judicial Establishments, European and Native ; Education ; Public Works ; and Miscellaneous Topics. Lords Elphinstone, Ellenborough, and Hardinge, General Pollock, Col. Sykes, Sir G. Russell Clerk, Wilberforce Bird, Sir T. H. Maddock, H. T. Prinsep, Cosmo Melvill, and others gave evidence. The Appendix of Statistics, Accounts, and Reports occupies pp. 271-911. 5013 Report from Select Committee (House of Lords) on Indian Territories (Pari. Paper), with Index, cloth. Dec, 1852 10s 6d The Lords took evidence on similar subjects : from Wilberforce Bird, Sir C. H. Cameron, Sir George Russell Clerk, David Hill, John MoPherson McLeod, Sir Herbert Maddock, J. Cosmo Melvill, John Stuart Mill, Frederick Millett, R Keith Pringle, Lestock Reid, and T. Campbell Robertson. 83, High Street^ Marylebone, London, W. India 57 Administration {continued) — 5014 Indian Territories— First, Second, and Third Reports from the Lords Committee on Indian Territories, with Appendices, Index, and majiSy folio, cloth. 1853 18s New evidence, on similar subjects to preceding, was given by Edward Thorn- ton, Col. Kennedy. Col. R. Torrens, G. Gr. Macpherson, Col. D. Sims, Major French, Judge Edwards, Sir Erskine Perry, Gen. Paslev, Dr. Duff, George Norton, J. C. Marshman, Sir Charles Trevelyan, T. A. Wise, Wilberforce Bird, H. H. Wilson, Sir C. Hay Cameron. Rev. W. Keane, Bp. Carr, Rev. J. Tucker, Bp. Spencer, and many other Indian officials. 5015 First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Reports from the House of Commons Committee on Indian Territories, with Evidence, Appendices, majiSy plans. Index, and Analysis of Evidence (9 Pari. Papers), 2 vols, folio, cloth. 1853 £\ 10s This Committee was appointed to inquire into Operations for Effecting an Arrangement v^^ith the E.I. Co. and for the better government of H.M. Indian Territories. The subjects comprehended the whole field of Indian Administra- tion and Policy (Civil and Military), Religion. Education, Public Works, Justice, Finance, Land Revenue. Newspaper Press. Evidence was given by Sir Willoughby Cotton, Sir Thomas M'Mahon. Sir George Pollock, Fred. Abbott, W. Jacob, nnd F. Spencer Hawkins, F. J. Halliday, Lord Gough. Sir Edward Ryan, Malcolm Lewin. John Sullivan, Sir Charles Trevelyan, Prof. H. H. Wilson, Rev. J. Tucker, J. 0. Marshman, Ardaseer Cursetjee, Cooper Aylwin, N. B. Edmonstone Baillie, R. M. Bird. K. Brodie, Col. W. Burlton, Dr. S. Cahill, C. M. Caldecott, Sir C. H. Ca?neron, B p. Carr, John Chapman, W. H. Deane, J. W. Ballantyne Dykes, A. S. Finlay, J. F. Leith, R. D. Mangles, Sir Erskine Perry, W. F. Prideaux, and others. 5016 Sbitement exhibitinjc^ tlie Moral and Material Progress and Con- dition of India, 1861-62, 2 vols, folio, cloth (Pari. Paper). 1863 £1 10s Part T Narrative ; Reports, Finance, Post Office, Telegraph, Marine, Survey, and Public Works Departments ; Administration of Port Blair (Andamans), Bengal, and Madras Presidences. Part 11. Administration of Bombay Presidency, N.W. and Central Provinces, Punjab, Oude, Hyderabad Districts, Straits Settlements, Coorg, British Burmah. 5017 Administration in India, British and Native, their Comparative Merits (Pari. Paper, Feb., 1868), folio, sewed 3s 6d Includes Letters from Lord Lawrence, Cant. R. A. Cole, Gordon Forbes, Sir R. Temple, Col. Fytche, Dr. R. N. Oust, Sir D. F. Macleod, W. C. Anderson, and others. 5018 Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during 1870-71, coloured maps (Pari. Paper), folio, sewed. 1872 2s 6d 5019 Ditto, for 1871-72, folio, sewed. 1873 2s 6d 5020 Ditto, Uth, 16th, and 22nd Numbers. 1879-87 each Is 6d 5021 Ditto, 19th Number, 2 parts, icith 12 large maps by T. Saunders. 1885 7s 5023 Some Results of Indian Administration during the Past Thirty Years (Pari. Paper), folio, sewed, pp. 36. 1889 Is 6d 5024 A Glance at the East, by a Retired Bengal Civilian, pp. 32. 1857 Is 6d 5025 Memorandum of Improvements in the Administration of India during the Last Thirty Years, pp. iv-101. 1858 2s 6d Revenue, Judicature, Public Works, Education, &c. 83^ High Street, Marylebone, London, W. p 2 68 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue Administration {continued) — 5026 Brief Observations on Reorganization of Our Power in India, by an Old Resident, pp. 14. 1858 Is 6d 5027 Observations on Proposed Council of India, pp. 7. 1858 Is 5028 A President in Council the best Government for India, pp. 8. 1858 Is 5029 Five Letters on Indian Reorganization by C. D. L., pp. 38. 1858 2s 5030 Justice for India, by a Plain Speaker, pp. 82. 1858 2s 5031 The Government of India as It Ought to Be, pp. 62. 1858 2s 5032 Observations on the Civil, Criminal, and Police Administration of Bengal, by M. H. Court, pp. 56 2s See Army ; Bengal ; Bombay Association ; Central India ; Crime ; East India Company ; Education ; Emigration ; Finance ; Land, Law, AND Justice; Native States; Public Works; Eulers of India; Treaties &c. Also Argyll, Arnold (Sir E.), Auber, Auckland, Bell (Evans), Blackett, Blanshard, Bose, Bright, Bruce, Campbell (Sir G.), Chesney, Congreve, Cornwallis, Dalhousie, Denison, Dilke, Duff (M. E. Grant). Dufferin, Elgin, Ellenborough, Elphinstone, Fawcett, Frere, Hastings (Warren), Hastings (Mar- quess), Hunter, Ilbert, Jacob (Gen.), Kaye, Keir, Lauderdale, Lawrence (Lord), Lewis (G. C), Luard, Lyall, Lytton, Martineau, Mayo, Meade (Sir R.^, Mills, Miuto, Moorsom, Morison, Munro, Murdock, Napier, Phillips, Prinsep, Raikes (C), Reay, Routledge. Samuelson, Strachey, Temple (Sir R.), Thomason, Torrens, Trotter, Tucker, Verelst, Wellesley, Wheeler, Wood (Sir C), Wyllie. Aberigh-Mackay, Dodwell, East India Register, Elliott (Sir C), Hobart, Hodgson, Keene, Malcolm, Prichard, Sandeman, &c. 5036 Adye (Gen. Sir John) Recollections of a Military Life, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1895 4s 6d The Crimea, Indian Mutiny, Frontier Campaigns, Bootan War, &c. 5037 The Defence of Cawnpore, with plans, Svo, cloth. 1858 5s 5038 Sitana: a Mountain Campaign on th^ Borders of Afghanistan in 1863, 2 maps and view of Umheyla Pass, Svo, cloth. 1867 3s With remarks on state of the N.W. Frontier and Russia's advance in Asia. Afghan and N.W. Frontier. See Afghanistan, pp. 58 to 63; also Adye, Allen, Cotton (Sir S.), Durand (A.), Edwardes, Paget, Punjaub, Robertson (Sir G.), Sandeman (Sir R.), &c. 5041 Agra, Fort, Water-colour Sketch by a Native Artist, 9^ ft. by l|ft, on linen 12s 5042 Statistics of the District of Agra, by C. C. Jackson, Svo, pp. iv-48, table and map. Agra, 1850 2s 5043 Almanack or Year Book for the N.W. Provinces and the Punjaub, for 1850 and 1851, 1 vol. Svo, half-calf. Agra 5s Contains Calendar (English, Hindu, Mohammedan), Meteorological Tables, Exchange, Itioeraries, Tables of Distances, Routes, Topographical Sketches, &;c. 5044 Guide to the Taj at Agra, the Fort, Akbai-'s Tomb, Ruins of Futtehpore Sikree, &c., Svo, half-calf. Lahore, 1869 3s See also AECHiBOLOGiCAL Survey, Bholanauth, Bouroe. Coopland, Parks. Rousselet, Bussell, Sleeman, Tavernier, Cumberland, Cumming, Daniell, Elliot (R.), Fergusson, Forrest, Hamilton, Heber, Hobbes, Hodges, Luard, and others. S3., High Street^ Marylebotie, Londjon^ IF» India 5045 Aitchison (Sir Charles) Lord Lawrence and the Reconstruction of India under the Crown, with map (Rulers of India Series), 12mo cloth. 1892 2s Collection of Treaties relating to India, Burraah, Siam, Ma- layan States, &c. See above, p. 22 ; also Smith (George), post, Beale (T. W.) Oriental Biographical Dictionary. See Keene. 5047 [Aitken (E. H.)] Tribes on My Frontier: an Indian Naturalist's Foreign Policy, by Eha, with illustrations by F. C. Macrae. 12mo. cloth. 1892 3g6^ A Durbar, the Rats, the Mosquito, Lizards, Ant?, Crows, Bats, Bees, Wasps, Spiders, the Butterfly, Frogs, Birds, &c. Papers written during the Afghan War, and reprinted from the Times of India. 5048 Behind the Bungalow : Sketches of Life in India, by Eha, illustrated by Macrae, 12mo, cloth. 1889 5s A series of Sketches of Indian Servants, portraying every variety of native character, caste, trade, or class. 5049 A Naturalist on the Prowl : In the Jungle, by Eha, illus- trated by Sterndale, 12mo, cloth. 1897 5s 5050 Ajmere and Mhairwarra Districts, Administration of 1872- 1873 (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 112), royal 8vo, swd. Oalcutta 2s 6d 5051 Report on Settlement, by La Touche. Calcutta, 1875 2s 6d See also Census, Coryat, Dixon, Hamilton (W.), Heber, Hunter, Murray, and references under Rajputana. 5052 Akbar (the Emperor) : a Contribution to the History of India in the 16th Century, by Count Frederick Augustus of Noer, trans- lated by Annette Beveridge, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. Calcutta, 1890 8s An exact and exhaustive work. 5053 and the Rise of the Mughal Empire, by Malleson (Rulers of India) with map, 12mo, cloth. 1891 2s Fresco Paintings on Akbar's Tomb at Sikandra, with 11 full-page coloured illustrations. See Journal of Indian Art, vol. vi. 5054 Ayeen Akbery ; or, the Institutes of Akber, translated from the original Persian by Gladwin, frontispiece, 2 vols. 4to, half-calf. 1800 16s For Persian text and Blockmann's translation, see p. 51. The 'Ain-i-Akbari' is a native account of the Court, Dominions, and Administra- tion of the great Emperor, by his Minister Abul-Fazl, the great Munshi, who, as a writer, according to Blockmann, was unrivalled. On Akbar see also the Histories of Briggs, Erskine, Elliot, Elphinstone, Ferishta, Fitch, «fec. 5056 Albemarle (Earl) Speech on Torture in the Madras Presidency, H.L., 14th April, 1856, pp. 22 2s 5057 Alberuni's India: Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Law, and Astrology of India, A.D. 1030, translated, with notes, by Prof. Edw. Sachau (Triibner's Oriental Series), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (scarce). 1888 £3 Abu Rihan al Alberuni is said to have stayed in India forty years, but probably did not travel further east than Lahore. His work forms the best account of India to the middle of the 11th century A.D., the period of the conquests of Mahmud of Ghazni, and contains extensive quotations from Hindu authors, whom he criticizes in the manner of a modern scholar. His India is the India of the Brahmins when the centres of learning were Benares and Kashmir. Chronology of Ancient Nations, see p. 1. 83y High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 70 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 5058 Albuquerque, and the Portuguese Settlements in India, by H. Morse Stephens (Rulers of India Series), 'portrait and mapj 12mo, cloth 2s See also D'Alboqubrque's Commentakies, and Danvers, p. 5 ; also refer- ences under Portuguese in India. 5059 Alexander the Great's Invasion of India as described by Classical Writers, edited, with introduction, notes, maps and illus- trations of coins, j^etns and inscriptions, by M'Crindle, 2nd edition, 8vo, cloth. 1896 (pub. 10s 6d) 4s All the translations are accompanied hy historical, critical, and topographical notes. The Appendices include notes on cities and districts described, on gold- digging ants, Alexander's Camp on the Hydaspes {The Jhilam), Battle with Poros, Voyage down the Hydaspes, Alexander in Sindh, sindimana {Schwan), Indian Sages, The Indian Month, Indian Serpents, Peacocks and Dogs, Suttee, Ancient Indian Coins, an Asoka Inscription, &c. See also Arrian, Cunningham (Gen. Alex.), Thomas (B.). 5060 Alexander (Gen. R.) British Opium Smuggling and its Injurious Effects upon India, China, &c., 8vo, pp. 80. 1856 2s 6d 5061 Contraband Opium Traffic, the Disturbing Element, pp. 27. 1857 2s 5062 Opium Revenue of India; it is Not Right, &c., pp. 19. 1857 ls6d See also Jeffreys, Opium, and China. Alexander (Gen. W. R. E.) Memories of the Mutiny. See Pitt. Allen's (Capt. A.) Views in Mysore. See Colebrook (Lt. R. H.). 5063 Allen (Rev. I. N.) Diary of a March through Sinde and Affghanistan with Gen. Nott's Troops, with Sermons and a series of litho. views (1841-42), 12mo, cloth. 1843 3s Contains a description of Upper and Lower Sinde, the Bolan Pass, Pisheen Valley, Kandahar, Ghuznee, Kabul and Peshawur. See also Neill (Capt. Bladen). 5064 Allen (Mrs.) Views and Flowers from Guzerat and Rajpootana, 13 coloured plates, royal 8vo(185-), (Paul Jerrard's Cream and Gold Series) 5s Ameer Khan (Mohummud), Pathan Soldier of Fortune, and the Pindaree War, 1817-18. See Prinsep (H. T.). 5065 Amherst (Loi-d) and the British Advance Eastward to Burma, by Miss Thackeray and R. Evans (Rulers of India Series), map and portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1894 2s 5066 Anderson (Rev. Philip) The English in Western India, at Surat, Bombay, &c. (1612-1708), 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1854 4s 6d 5067 Anderson (Capt. R. P.) Personal Journal of the Siege of Lucknow, 12mo, cloth. 1858 4s 5068 Andrada (Father) Life of Dom John de Castro, Fourth Viceroy of India, Portuguese Voyages and Conquests, &c., translated by Sir Peter Wyche, tvith plan of Diu and portrait, folio, calf anticxue (fine copy). 1664 £1 5s 5069 Dom John de Castro, another copy, original calf ^1 One of the most illustrious of the Portuguese captains in the East Indies, who for his great deeds was made viceroy 1547, but he died in the arms of Xavier at Goa in the following year. 83 y High Street, Marylehone, London, TT. Iifidia 71 5071 Andrew ([Sir] W. P.) The Indus and its Provinces; their Political and Commercial Importance, 8vo, cloth. [1857] 3s 6d 5072 The Scinde Railway and its Relations to the Euphrates Valley, and other Routes to India, with mmps, Statistics, &c., Svo cloth. 1856 2s 6d 5073 [New edition] Memoir on the Euphrates Valley Route to India, with Oflicial Correspondence and t)iaps, 8vo, cl. 1857 2s 6d 5074 Railways in Bengal, pp. 50 and map ; Upper India Rail- way Company, pp. 25 and map. 1853 2s 6d 5075 Tramroads in N. India (Kumaon and Gurhwal), pp. 106, 1857 2s 5076 A Steam Flotilla on the Indus, pp. 28. 1857 Is 6d 5077 Portof Kurrachee, w/^Amajoo/fZisicmces, pp. 33. 1857 Is 6d 5078 The Punjaub Riiilway, pp. 37 and map. 1857 Is 6d 5079 (and others) Telegraphic Communication with India, pp.36. 1858 ls6d 5080 India and her Neighbours: Proposed Direct Railway, tnaps, Svo, cloth. 1878 (pub. 15s) 2s 6d See also Sinde. 5081 Arbuthnot (James) A Trip to Kashmir, with 64 illusirations^ smaU 4to, cloth. 1900 10s 5082 Arbuthnot (8ir A. J.) Lord Clive and the Foundation of British Rule in India, 12mo, cloth. 1899 3s .6d ARCHAEOLOGY. 5083 Ancient Moxumexts, Temples, and Sculptures of India, 500 pliotograjihs with descriptive letterpress. In Three Portfolios Part I., containing 170 plates, of which 26 illustrate the Bharhut Stdpa, 19 the Sanchi Stupas, 6 the Sarnfith Remains, and 83 the many interesting Gandhara (or Gra3co-Buddhist) Sculptures found around Pesh^lwa^, Asoka Inscriptions, Bhaja Cave Temples, Mathura Sculptures, &c., imperial 4to. 1902 £10 Parts II. and III. sliortly It will be seen that this imporfant work illustrates very fully the history and development of the various styles of ludian architecture from the earliest times in Buddhist, Brahmanical, ami Jaiua caves to Drjividian, Chalukyan, Indo-Aryau, and Saracenic temples, mosques, and other buildings. Arch^ological Survey Reports, royal 8vo, cloth. Simla and Calcutta, 1871-87: - 5084 1., II. Four Reports by Gen. Alex. Cunni ogham, 1862 65, with ^\) plates of iuscriptionif, maps, and plans, 2 \ols. Simla, 1871 21s On the Antiquities of Buddha Gaya, Behar, Benares, Delhi, Mathura, Canouge, Allahabad, Madipur, Ajudhya or Oudh, Deoryia, Dewal, Peshawur, Lahore, Jaipour, Kurd war. Ajmere, Gwalior, &c. 50a5 III. Report 1871-72: Styles of Hindu and Muhammadan Architec- ture -Mathura, Bitha, Garhwa, Buddha Gaya, Gaya, &c., by Geo. Cunningham, 47 plates and maps. 10s 6d 5066 IV. Report 1871-72: Delhi, by J. D. Beglar ; Agra, by A. C. L. Carlleyle, 18Wa^6^?. 10s 6d 5088 VI. Report of a Tour in Eastern Raj putaua, 1871-72-73, by A. O.L. Carlleyle, map and 23 plates. Calcutta, 1878. 14s 5089 VII. Tour in Bundelkhand and Malwa, 1871-72. and m the Cen- tral Provinces, 1873-74, by J. D. Beglar, m^p and 21 plates. 10s 8Sy High Street^ Maryhhoiie, Lonvdon, W. 72 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue Arceleological Surveys of India {continued) — 5090 VIII. Tour through the Bengal Provinces, 1872-73, by J. D. Beglar, map and 20 plates. lOs 5091 IX. Tours through the Central Provinces, 1873-74, 1874-75, by Gen. Cunningham, map and 2^ plates. lOs 6d 5092 X. Tours in Bundelkhand and Malwa, 1874-75, 1876-77, by Gen. Cunningham, map andS^ plates. 12s 6d 5093 XI. Tours in the Gangetic Provinces from Badaon to Bihar, 1875-76, 1877-78, map and ^S plates. 12s 6d 5094 XVI. Tours in North and Souch Bihar, 1880-81, by General Cun- ningham and H. B. W. Garrick, map and 30 plates. lOs 6d 5095 XIX. Tour through Behar, Central India, Peshawar, and Yusufzai. 1881-82, by H. B. W. Garrick, 22 plates and map. 10s 6d 5096 XX. Tour in Eastern Kajputana, 1882-83, by Gen. Cunningham. 38 maps and plates. 12s 6d Mathura, Bharatpur, Gwalior, Alwar, Gurgaon, Delhi. 5097 XXI. Tours in Bundelkhand and Kewa, 1883-84 ; in Rewa, Bundelkhand, Malwa, and Gwalior, 1884-85, 42 plates and maps. 12s 6d 5098 XXII. Tours in Gorakhpur, Saran, and Ghazipur, 1877-78-79-80, by A. C. L. Carlleyle, 14 plates and maps. 12s 6d 5099 XXIII. Tour in the Panjab and Rajputana, 1883-84, by Mr. H. B, W. Garrick, map and 27 plates. 15s 5100 General Index to Reports, Vols. I. to XXIII., by Vincent Smith, 1887. Ss 6d A valuable work in itself, containing not only a General conspectus of the contents of eacl^ volume, but a useful Alphabetical Index, which includes most of the names of persons, clans, tribes, and places mentioned in early and mediasval Indian history, and their dates. 5101 Illustrations of Ancient Buildings in Kashmir, 5S permanent photo and other plates, with descriptive text by Lt. H. H. Cole, imp. 4to, morocco extra, 18ti9 (pub. £3 10s) £2 5s The illustrations include photos of the Temples on Takt-i-Suliman Hill, at Rajdainbal and Nagbal, Marttand, Bhaniyar, Pathan, Pandrethan, Pillars and Ruins at Srinagar, Avantipore, (fcc. 5102 Illustrations of Buildings near Muttra and Agra, showing the mixed Hindu-Mahomedan Style of Upper India, by H. H. Cole, photographs and plates, imp. 4to, half-morocco. 1873 (pub. £3 10s) £1 10s Photographs, with descriptions, plans, and details of the Hindu Temples at Bindrabund and Goverdhuu, Rajah of Bhurtpore's Palace at Deeg, and Palaces at Futtehpore Sikree. 5104 Report on Antiquities in the Bidar and Aurangabad Districts, by Dr. James Burgess, 1875-76, 66 litho and photo places of temples, caves, idols, inscriptions, &c., imp. 4to, half-morocco. 1878 (pub. £2 2s) 30s 5106 The Stupa of Bharhut : a Buddhist Monument, by Gen. Cunning- ham, bl plates, imp. 4to, cloth gilt. 1879 (pub. £3 3s) 35s 5107 The Buddhist Stupas of Amaravati and Jaggayyapeta in the Krishna District, Madras Presidency, surveyed in 1882 by Dr. James Burgess, with Translations of the Asoka Inscriptions at Jaugada and Dhauli, by ' Dr. Biihler, 6^ photo and litho plates and other illustrations, iui\). 4to, half-morocco. 1887 (pub. £4 48) £1 16s 6108 Mahabodhi ; or, the Great Buddhist Temple under the Bodhi Tree at Buddha -Gaya, by Gen. Cunningham, 31 plates^ imp. 4to, cloth. 1892 £1 12s 5109 Inscriptions from the Cave Temples of Western India, with Descrip- tions by Dr. James Burgess and Bhagwanlal Indraji Fandd, plates, 4to, sewed. Bombay, 1881 8s Includes Inscriptions (Pahlavi, &;c.) from Caves of Ellora, Ajanta, Kuda, Kanheri, &c. 5110 Report on the Architectural and Archaeological Remains in the Province of Kachh by Dalpatram P. Khakhar, with Five Papers by Sir Alex. Burnes (Bombay Govt. Records), imp. 8vo, sewed. 1879 5s 88i High Street^ Marylebone, London^ W. India 73 Arch^X)logical Surveys (continued) — 5111 Bhagvanlal Tndraji, Antiquarian Remains at Sop^rd and Padana • Account of the Buddhist Stupa and Asoka Edict, &c., 7vith 21 nlates' royal 8vo. Bombay, 1882 6s 5112 Bhavnagar Archfeological Department. Colleclion of Prakrit and Sanskrit Inscriptions, 41 jylates, royal 4to. cloth. Bhavnagar [188-] 14s Illustrations and Translations of Inscriptions of K. Asoka's Edicts, and of the Sah, Gupta, Valabhi, Surya, Gohila, and Solanki Dynasties. 5113 — - Copper Plates found at Katapar, near Mahuva, under Bhavnagar, in Kathiawad, &c., 20 plates, with transliterations and descriptions, 4to, morocco. Poonah [188-] 6s 5114 Inscriptions at Mangrol (Mangalpur) in the Mahadeva Temple at Udeypoor, Temple on Mount Aboo, in the Jain Temple, near Sadadi, Marwad, &c., with transliterations and translations, royal 4to, half- morocco. [188-] lOs 6d 6115 Monumental Antiquities and Inscriptions in the N.W. Provinces and Oude, described by Dr. Fiihrer, roy. 4to, half-mor. Allahabad, 1891 12s List of Antiquities and Inscriptions arranged in Districts and Divisions— Mirath, Rohilkund, Kumaon, Agra, Jhansi, Allahabad, Benares, Lucknow, Sitapur, Faizibad, Kai Bareli. 5116 Revised Lists of Antiquarian Remains in the Bombay Presidency, Sindh, and Berdr, wiajo awrf^/an.9, 4to, cloth. Bombay, IS97 lOs 6117 Lists of the Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of Madras, compiled hy Robert Sewell, 4to, cloth. Madras, 1882 128 Inscriptions found in Gun jam. V^izagapatam. Godaveri, Kistna, Kurnool, Bellary, Anantapur, Cuddapah, Nellore, Arcot, Chingleput and Madras, Salem, Coimbatore, Nilgiri Hills, Canara, Malabar, Cochin, Travancore, Trichinopoly, Tanjore, Madura, and Tinnevelly Districts. 5118 Lists of Inscriptions and Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India (A.D. 690-1843), compiled by Robert Sewell, 4to, cloth. Madras, 1884 98 In this volume the arrangement is in chronological order, and by dynasties —the dynasties themselves being described : an Index to both volumes is added. 5120 South Indian Inscriptions from the Tamil Countrj"^ : Inscriptions at Ukkal, Melpadi, Karuvur, Manimangalam and Tiruvallam, edited and translated by Dr. E. Hultzsch, with five plates, royal 4to, boards. 1899 3s 5121 Reoort on the Amantvati Tope and Excavations on its Site in 1877, by Robert Sewell, 4 plates, imp. 4to, boards Ss Mr. Fergusson devoted half his work on 'Tree and Serpent Work' to the few defaced and damaged specimens of marbles from this Tope in the British Museum. 6122 Notes on the Amaravati Stupa, by Dr. James Burgees, 17 lithographic plates, 4to, cloth. Madras, 1882 ■ .8s 6124 Report on a Tour of Exploration of the Antiquities in the Tarai. Nepal. and Region of Kapilavastu, February and March, 1899, ivith 32 plates by Babu P. Chandra Mukherji, imp. 4to, sewed. Calcutta, 1901 78 6125 Preservation of National Monuments in India : Photographs and Drawings of Historical Buildings, 100 plates by Griggs, many in colours, imp. 4to, cloth. 1896 £2 5s The monuments illustrated in this volume are the Tombs of Akbar at Sikandra, of Itmad-ud-Daulah, Agra, and of Jahangir near Lahore, Palace at Oodeypore, Buddhist Tope Sanchi, Temples at Madura, Trichinopoly and Amritsar, Shalimar Gardens, near Lahore, Buddhist Sculptures at Gandhara, &c. See also Asoka, Beal. Biggs, Bourne, Breeks, Burgess, Burnell, Bumes, Cole, Colebrook, Creighton (H.), Cunningham (Gen.), Daniell, Douglas, Fergusson, Forbes, Gill, Griffin, Griffiths, Grindlay, Growse, Griinwedel, Harris (C), Hart, Hodges, Home, Indian Antiquary, Indian Surveys, Maisey, Mannmg, Maurice, Oriental Portfolio, Orlebar, Rajendralala Mitra, Ram Raz, Seely, Seven Pagodas. Stephen (Carr), Tod, Valentia, Vellore, Bendall, Graham (D. C), and JoumaJ, of Indian Art. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 74 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 5128 Archer (Major Edward) Tours in Upper India and in Parts of the Himalayas, with Accounts of the Native Princes' Observations on the Government and Army of Bengal, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1833 6s 6d The author accompaoied Lord Combermere as Aide-de-Camp to Lucknow, Agra, Delhi, Hurdwar, Loodianah, across the Sutlege, Simlah to the Borendo Pass, and through the Upper Provinces, 1827-29. He has added several chapters on the Local Government of Bengal and on the Bengal Army. 5129 Letter to Lord John Russell on Emigration (of Coolies) from India to the Mauritius, pp. 32, 1840 2s 5130 Archer (Capt. J. H. Lawrence-) Commentaries on the Punjavib Campaign, 1848-49, with some additions to the History of the Second Sikh War, 12mo, cloth. 1878 3s 6d 5131 Arcot — Case relative to the Company's Orders and Mr. Benfield : Claims [for Loans to the Nabob of Arcot, or Carnatic], 4to, pp. iv-32. 1781 3s 6d .5132 Letter from Directors E.L Co. to Madras Council relative to the Na])ob's Private Creditors, 8 pp. 4to. 1784 3s 6d 5133 Original Papers relative to the Rights and Pretensions of the Nabob of Arcot and the Rajah of Tanjore, and to the Demands of British Subjects on the Nabob of Arcot, 8vo, pp. iv-82. 1785 4s 6d 5134 Representation and Petition of the Nabob of the Carnatic, March 5, 1792, 8vo, pp. 75 48 5135 Papers and Proceedings of the Court of Directors relative to the Private Debts of the Nabob of Arcot, January 1796, March and April, 1797, 4to, half-calf. pp. iv-115 ' 8s 513fi Treaties between Nawabs of the Carnatic and the E.L Company, 8vo. pp. 34. 185() 2s Gd See also Burke, East India Co. (1819-20), Orme, Tanjore. 5138 Argyll (Duke of) Speech on Yote of Thanks to Services in India, Feb. 8, 1858, 8vo, pp. 20 Is 6d 5139 India under Dalhousie and Canning, 8vo, cl. 1865 2s 6d The Afghan Question, 1841-78. See p. 58. 5140 [Army.] Abstract of General Orders, 1817-40, compiled by Capt. D. Thomson, 56th Regiment, N.I.,4to, half-mor. Delhi, 1841 20s 5141 Letter on Rank, &c., of Army Officers, by Percy Vy vyan, pp. 16. 1854 2s 5142 Review of New Rules for Promotion in the Indian Army : from Articles in the Madras Athencemn, 8vo, pp. 117. Madras, 1855 2s fid 5143 Bengal Military Fund : Loss by Exchange Operations, pp. 10. 1856 Is 5144 Letter by Gen. Swiney, pn. 52. fl858] 2s 5145 What is to be Done with the Bengal Army ? By Qui Hi, pp. 90, 1857 28 6d .5146 Reconstruction of the Bengal Army [by Major Wm. Martin]. 1857 Is Od 5147 A System of Armv Organization, pp. 32. 1857 2s 5148 Bombay Military Fund. Regulations, 8vo, pp. 48. Bomlay, 1857 Is 6d 5149 Hints on Reorganization of the Itdian Army, by An English Officer, pp. 31. 1858 28 5150 Claims of Sons of Indian Officers [upon] Sandhurst and Woolwich [by H. B. Mayne], 8vo, pp. 30. 1860 Is 6d 5151 The Armies of the Native States of India— Mahratta, Mahomedan, Hindoo, and Frontier, from the Times, map, 12mo, cloth. 1884 2$ 6d See also references under Administration, Carnatic. Mahratta, Mutiny, Mysore, Neral, Oude, Punjab, Chesney, Cotton (Sir S.), Archer (Major E.), Bonarjee, Dod- well, Frere, Jacob, East India Register. 83^ High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India *j^ 5152 Arnold (Sir Edwin) The Marquis of Dalhousie's Administration of British India, mmp, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1862-65 12s Vol. I. Preliminary History and Acquisition and Administration of the Punjab. Vol. II. Containing the Annexation of Pegu, Nagpore, and Oudh, and a General Review of Lord Dalhousie's rule in India. See also Argyll, Dalhousie, Hunter (W. W.), Trotter. 5153 India Revisited, 34 full-page photo illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1886 4s Chapters descriptive of the Voyage to Bombay, Visits to Poonah, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Agra and the Taj, Benares, Calcutta, Madras, Ceylon, Madura, the Nilgiris, Ootacamund, Hyderabad, &c. " An excellent work."— Sir Charles Dilke. Other Works, see p. 2, and Indian Literature in subse- quent Section. 5154 Arnold (E. Lester) On the Indian Hills: Coffee Planting in Southern India, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1893 3s Includes interesting Sketches of Jungle Life in the Madras Presidency, the Neilgherries, &c., and of Visits to Colombo and Kaudy, the capital of Ceylon. 5155 Arriani Anabasis et Indica, Diibner ; Reliqua Arriani et Scriptorum de Rebus Alexandri M., Muller, Gr. et Lat., imp. 8vo, half-calf. Paris, Didot " 9s See also M'Crindle, p. 13 ; Vincent, p. 23 ; Alexander the Great, p. 70. 5156 ART. Twenty-nine Drawings, in Indian Ink and Colours, of Hindoo Deities, Brahmin Priests, Fakirs, Agricultural Operations, Female Costumes, &c., folio, half-morocco, (c. 1850) £1 10s 5157 Examples of Indian Art (Eighteenth Century): Nine Water-colour Drawings, representing Hindoo Mythology, portraits of Mogul Princes, in portfolio £2 5157b Rough List of Indian Art Ware, by T. N. Mukharji, folio, pp. 18. Calcutta, 1883 2s See also Birdwood (52(56), Journal of Indian Art and Industry (6286), &c. 5158 Arthur (Rev. Wm.) A Mission to the Mysore, with Scenes and Facts illustrative of India, its People, and its Religion, 12mo, cloth. 1847 3s 5159 Arthur (T. C.) Reminiscences of an Indian Police Official, illusirations, 8vo, cloth. 1894 6s 5160 Ashmore (Harriette) Narrative of a Three Months' March in India, and a Residence in the Dooab, by the Wife of an Ofacer, plates, 12mo, cloth. 1841 5s Includes account of voyage outward via the Cape in 1883, and Homeward in 1838. Description of Calcutta, Serampore, Cawnpore, Allahabad. Benares, &c. 5161 Asoka, Buddhist Emperor of India, by Vincent A. Smith (Rulers of India), map, 12mo, cloth. 1901 3s Inscriptions: see Alexander the Great; Arch^ological Surveyh; Cunningham (Gen. A.); Fergusson ; Manning; Ra.iendralai^ Mitra; Sfeir ;, and followmg Section. Asoka was the Constantiiie of Buddhism, which he made the State religion of India, third century B.C. 8S, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 76 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 5162 Assam. Papers relating to Assam : Geography and Population, by Capt. Neufville ; Memoir on Assam and Neighbouring Countries, 1825-28, by Lt. R. Wilcox ; Visit to an Abor Village, 1855, by Capt. Dalton, &c. (Bengal Records), roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1855 3s 6d 5163 Reports on Revenue of Assam, and Wild Tribes bordering on Chittagong (Bengal Records), roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1853 2s 6d See also Barker, Butler, Census. Griffith (W.), Hamilton, Hill Tracts, Hunter (W. W.) Murphy, Needham, Pollok, Kobinson (W.), Wylie, &c. 5163b Atkins (J.) Coins and Tokens of the British Possessions in Europe, India, America, and other Dependencies of the British Empire, engravings, 8vo, roxburghe binding. 1888 (pub. 24s) 12s Descriptions of upwards of 3,500 pieces, with many illustrations, including Coins and Tokens struck for, or issued in, Bombay, Bengal, Madras, the Indian Empire, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Java, Hong Kong, Borneo, Mauritius, &c. 5164 Atkinson (Capt. G. F.) The Campaign in India: Twenty-six tinted lithographs illustrating the Military Operations before Delhi during the Mutiny, with letterpress, imp. folio, cloth. (Day & Son), . 1859 £1 10s Sketches representing mutinous Sepoys and Native Allies, Bengal Fusiliers and Officers, Camp Scenes, Pickets, Sorties, Artillery in Action, Hodson's Horse, Siege Trains, Sappers at work in the Batteries, the Storming of Delhi, Prize Agents extracting Treasure, Wounded Men and Officers at Simla, &c. 5165 Campaign in India, another copy, bound up with Capt. Mecham's Sketches and Incidents of the Siege of Lucknow: Twenty-seven tinted lithographs, with descriptive notices by Couper, (Day & Son), 1858. One vol. imp. folio, half-mor. 1858-59 £2 2s See also Mecham. 5166 "Curry and Rice," on Forty Plates, or the Ingredients of Social Life at "Our Station" in India, 4to, extra gilt. Day & Son [1860] £1 7s A series of amusing articles on Anglo-Indian life, illustrated by 40 tinted litho- graphs. The work is dedicated to Thackeray. 5167 Attar Singh (Sirdar) Travels of the Gurus Tegh Bahadar and Gobind Singh, translated from the Gurmukhi, 12mo, cloth. Lahore, 1876 3s Crude prophecies of Sikh religionists, bearing upon political and ecclesiastical matters. 5168 Auber (Peter), Secretary E.I. Co. Rise and Progress of the British Power in India, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1837. Founded on official records. 7s 6d Evidence before Select Committee, 1832. See E.I. Company. 5169 Auckland, Tlie Earl of, and the First Afghan »War, by Capt. L. J. Trotter, map (Rulers of India Series), 12mo, cloth. 1893 2s Lord Auckland was Governor- General, 1835-41, the period covering the first Afghan War and the Retreat from Cabul. See also Colvin, Eden (Hon. Miss), Fane, Johnson, Trotter, &c. AURUNGZEBE and Decay of the Mogul Empire, 1658-1707, see Bernier, Careri, Dryden, Elliot and Dowson, Elphinstone, Hedges, Lane-Poole, Manouchi, Rulers of India, Tavernier, Wheeler's and other Histories. 88 J High Street, Ma/rylehone, Lotidon, W. India 77 5171 Autobiography of an Indian Army Surgeon; or, Leaves turned down from a Journal, 12mo, cloth. 1854 3s 6d Includes experiences of a voyage to India, Madras, Calcutta, Allahabad. &c., Episodes of Burmah, and two visits to the Cape of Good Hope. 5172 Baber, Emperor of Hindustan, Memoirs of, by Himself, in the Jaghatai Turki, translated by Dr. Leyden and Wm. Erskine, with Notes, Geographical Introduction, and ?nap, 4to, half-calf. 1826 {rare) £3 10s 5173 The Life of Baber, Emperor of Hindostan, by Himself (abridged), edited by R. M. Caldecott, ina^p, 8vo, cloth. 1844 9s "Baber's delightful Memoirs are no rough soldier's chronicle They contain the personal impressions and acute reflections of a cultivated man of the world."— Lane- Poole. " Baber's Autobiography is one of those priceless records which are for all time, and is tit to rank with the Confessions of St. Augustine and Rousseau, the Memoirs of Gibbon and Newton. In Asia it stands almost alone."— Beveridge. See also Elliot, Elphinstone, Erskine, Hunter, Keeue, and Lane- Poole. 5174 Bacon (Thos.), Lt. Bengal Hoi-se Artillery. First Impressions and Studies in Hindostan, 1831-36, plates, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1837 12s Stored with descriptions of Oriental magnificence, anecdotes of tiger hunting and bear shooting, perilous and humorous adventures. Bacon (Lieut. Thos.) Illustrations of Scenery and Architecture of India. See Oriental Portfolio. 1841. 5175 Baden-Powell ([Gen.] R. S. S.) Pigsticking or Hog Hunting, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1889 6s 5176 Baden-Powell (B. H.) The Land Systems of British India: a Manual of Land Tenure and Land Revenue Administration in the Several Provinces, ma'ps, 3 vols. 8vo, cl. Oxford, 1892 (pub. 63s) £2 5177 The Indian Village Community Examined with Reference to the Physical, Ethnographic, and Historical Conditions of the Provinces, chiefly on the Basis of the Revenue-Settlement Records and District Manuals, map, 8vo, cloth. 1896 (pub. 16s) 4s 5178 Badger (Dr. G. P.) The Church and Church Missions— Bombay Q. Magazine, Jan., 1852, pp. 129-164 2s 5179 Government, Education, and Christianity in India, pp. 44. 1858 2s 5181 Baikie (Dr. R.) Observations on the Neilgherries, their Topo- graphy, Climate, Soil, and Productions, maps, coloured views, &c., edited by W. H. Smoult, royal 8vo, half-calf. Calcutta, 1834 6s Contains 2 large maps, 80 plates of routes from E. or W. Coast, 2 coloured views of Ootacamund, 2 bketches of Toda natives, and 3 coloured plates of plants. 5182 Tlie Neilgherries, second edition, 2 7naps, 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1857 3s 6d .5183 Second edition, another copy, morocco. 1857 5s The second edition is wi.liout the plates of the first edition, and both copies described are minus a panoramic view of Ootacamund which they should have. 5184 [Baillie] Memoirs of the Late [Mahratta] War in Asia, 1780-84, with Narrative of the Imprisonment of the Officers and Soldiers at Seringapatam, by an Officer of Colonel Baillie's Detachment, 2 plam^ 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. 1788. 83 J High Street^ Marylebone, Loiidon, W. 78 Fran(ns Edwards^s Catalogue 5185 [Baillie] Memoirs of the Late War in Asia, revised and abridged, with plan, Svo, half-calf. 1789 • 10s This work has been attributed to Wm. Thomson, LL.D, The name of "Thomson" is not in the list of imprisoned officers of Col. Baillie, but two officers of the name of Baillie are. and as both survived their imprisonment, they may have furnished materials for the ' Narrative,' It is largely quoted in the third vol. of Lord Lindsay's Lives of the Lindsays, which work has another circumstantial account. See also Hyder Ali and Munro (Capt. Innes). 5186 Baillie (Alex. F.) Kurrachee ; its Past, Present, and Future, maps, plans, and pliotographs, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1890 £1 Is 5187 Baird (Gen. Sir David) Life of [By Theodore Hook], portrait, max)s, and plates, 2 vols. Svo, bds. 1832 8s 6d 5188 Another copy, half-russia 10s Including services in Mysore, in Egypt, at the Cape of Good Hope, in the Peninsular War, &c. Baker (Sir S.) Wild Beasts. See Natural History Section. 5189 Baker (Sir Wm. Erskine) Memoir [by Gen. Yule and Sir R. Maclagan], Svo, pp. viii-67 and photo portrait (for private circula- tion). 1882 2s 6d 5191 Baker (Edward B.) Sport in Bengal, and How, When, and Where to Seek It, large map, Svo, cloth. 1887 5s '• The record of forty years' life amongst savage beasts and more savage men," with a chapter on the physical and climatic features of the country, another of " wrinkles," lists of game, and vocabularies in English and Hindostanee. 5192 Baldseus (Philippus) Beschryving van Malabar en Choromandel en het Eyland Ceylon (1649) nevens de Afgoderije der Oost-Indische Heijdenen, engraved title and mnnerous copper-plate views, folio, calf. Amsterdam, 1672 £1 5193 Description of the Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel and of Ceylon, plates, folio, calf (from Churchill). 1703 18s 5194 Anotherissue, larger paper, fob, calf (Churchill). 1747 ^1 5s 5195 Baldwin (Capt, J. H.) The Large and Small Game of Bengal and N.W. Provinces of India, illustrated, small 4to, clo. 1877 14s The Tiger, Panther, Leopard, Lynx, Wolf, Buffalo, Bear, Elephant, Antelope, Game and Water Birds. 5197 Balfour (Major George), late Consul at Shanghai, Services in India and China (1825-46), Svo, pp. 30. 1848 2s 5198 Balfour (Surgeon-Gen. Ed.) Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, 3 vols, royal Svo, cl. 1885 (pub. £5 5s) £1 5s The work brings together for the first time commercial, scientific, and industrial information relating to India, Further India, and the East Indies generally. "Hitherto there has been no way of learning anything of India except by accumulating a large library It is not t )0 much to say that Dr. Balfour has now supplied this want."— Geographical Revieio. 5199 Ball (V.) Jungle Life in India; or, the Journeys of an Indian Geologist (1864-78), map and illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1880 10s Contains much valuable information on the features of the Nerbudda Valley, Orissa, Central and N.W. Province:*, accounts of visits to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in 1869 and 1873, appendices on geological formations, distribution of stone implements, and list of scientific papers published by the author. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. India 79 5201 Ballantyne (Henry) On India's Frontier ; or, Nepal, the Gurkhas' Mysterious Land, plates, 12mo, cloth. London [New York], 1896 as 6d 5202 Baly (Arclidn. J.) The Employment of Europeans in India, 8vo, pp. ii-38-vl. Calcutta, 1879 Is 6d Bannu. See Edwardes, Nicholson, Sandeman, Thorburn. 5203 Barbe (Emile) Le Nabab Rene Madec : Histoire Diplomatique des Projets de la France sur le Bengale et le Pendjab, 1772-1808, portrait and plan, 8vo, sewed. Paris, 1894 3s 6d 5204 Barbosa (Duarte) Description of the Coasts of E. Africa and Malabar and Bengal (1520), translated by Lord Stanley of Alderley (Hakluyt Soc), 8vo, cloth. 1865 10s 5206 Barker (George M.) A Tea Planter's Life in Assam, with 75 illnstrations, 12mo, cloth. Calcutta, 1884 3s Sketches of Calcutta, the Naga expedition, the Assamese, planting, coolie labour, insects, birds, and carnivora, laws of health, jungle fever, snake-bitep, future of Indian teas, &c. Barlow (Sir George) Administration of, 1805-7. See Malcolm, Marsh. 5207 Barns (J. W.) Physical Geography of Bhawulpore State, Punjab, Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1872, vol. xlii. pp. 390-408, cloth 3s 5208 Baroda, The Revolution at, 1874-75, by D. A. Taleyarkan, 8vo, pp. 78-xix, sewed. Bombay Is 6d See also Bombay, Census, Chapman, Meade, Outram, Reid (L. K), Wallace CCol.) 5209 Barr (Lt. Wm.) 'Journal of a March from Delhi to Peshawur and from thence to Cabul, with the Mission of Sir C. M. Wade, witli plates, 12mo, half-calf. 1844 5s Includes Travels in the Punjab, a Visit to Lahore, and a Narrative of Opera- tions in the Khyber Pass, 1839. 5211 Barras (Julius) India and Tiger Hunting, and other Adven- tures, 12mo, cloth. 1883 2s The author passed twenty-eight years in the Army in India. 5212 Barron (Oapt. Richard) Views in India, 6 double page COLOURED DRAWINGS, chiefly among the Neelgherry Hills, 1835, with notes, small descriptive illustrations, on India paper, and coloured plate, 'Male and Female Toda,' &c., royal folio, new half-morocco. 1837 ^'^ 1"^ [ ] Wanderings in the Himmala. See Pilgrim. Barros and Da Couto, Portuguese Conquests in India, &c. See p. 3. Bartolomeo (Fra). See Paolino da San Bartolomeo. 5213 [Bartrum (Mrs.)] A Widow's Reminiscences of the Siege of Lucknow, 12mo, cloth. 1858 ^^ 5214 Bateman (Rev. Josiah) Le Martiniere : Reply respecting Bishop Wilson of Calcutta on Education in England, 8vo, pp. HA 1839 "^^ See Wilson (Daniel, D.D.). 8Sj High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 80 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 5215 Bayley (W. H.) Suggestions for a Uniform System of Weights aad Measures for India, 8vo, pp. 36. Malvern, 1857 2s See also Bombay Chamber, Coins, Gover, Prinsep. 5216 Bayley (Sir E. Olive) The Local Miihammadan Dynasties — Gujarat, map, Svo, cloth, 1886 (pub. 21s) 6s One of the histories Sir Henry Elliot hoped to have added to his great work * The History of India as told by its Own Historians,' to which it forms a sequel. The translation (based on that of Prof. Dowden) is prefaced by a brief memoir of Sir E. C. Bayley, a descriptive introduction, and an ' Early History of Gujarat.' 5217 Beal (Samuel) Si-Yu-Ki. Buddhist Records of the Western World, translated from the Chinese, with map (Triibner's Oriental Series), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1884 £1 16s The Travels of the Chinese Pilgrims Fa-hian (A.n. 400), Sung-Yun and Hwei- Sang (518), and Hiuen Tsiang (629-645) to India, with the Geography, History, Manners, and Religion of the People ; and accounts of the sacred vestiges of their religion which they found— stupas, temples, schools, books, teachers, &c. The best account of India at the dates mentioned. 5218 History of the Early Life of Hiuen-Tsiang, Svo, cloth. 1888 7s A Supplement to the 'Si-Yu-Ki,' correcting and illustrating it in many par- ticulars. 5219 Beatson (Col. Alex.) View of the War with Tippoo Sultaun, Operations of the Army, and Siege of Seringapatam, portrait, map, and 4 plates, 4to, calf. 1800 14s 5220 TheWarwithTippoo, another copy, 4to, half-calf. 1800 12s 6d Beaulieu (Commander) Expedition to the East Indies, 1619-22, with Observations of the Coasts, People, &c. See Thevenot's Col- lection, Vol. I., and Harris's Voyages, Vol. I. 5221 Bell (Major Evans) The Rajah and Principality of Mysore, Svo, cloth. 1865 . 2s 5222 The Mysore Reversion : an Exceptional Case, second edition? with Remarks on Parliamentary Papers, &c., Svo, cl. 1866 2s 6d See also Beiggs (Gen.) and references under Mysore. 5223 Retrospects and Prospects of Indian Policy, Svo, cloth. 1868 2s 6d 5224 Bellew (Capt.) Memoirs of a Griffin ; or, a Cadet's First Year in India, 10 amusing illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1843 6s Our Punjab Frontier. See Afghanistan, pp. 58, 59. 5225 Benares. History of the Province of Benares, Part I. (all published), Svo, cloth. Inverness, 1873 3s 6d In defence of the rights and privileges of the Rajah of Benares. 5226 Bendall (Prof. Cecil) Journey of Literary and Archaeological Research in Nepal and Northern India, 1884-5 (Cambridge Univ. Press), Svo, cloth. 1886 Ss 6d See also Indian Literature. 5227 Benett (W. C.) The Family History of the Chief Clans, Roy Bareilly District, royal Svo, pp. iv-76, and folding pedigrees. Lucknow, 1870 2s 6d 8.3j High Street, Marylsbone, London, W, India 32 5228 Bengal. Narrative of Transactions during the Soobahdaries of Azeem us Shan Jaffer Khan. Shuja Khan, &c. [in first half of the 18th century]. Prom a Persian MS. by Prof. Gladwin, 8vo, boards. 7s 5229 — — Memorial to Sir Charles Wood on Proposed Reduction of Salaries of Civil Servants, folio, sewed. 1862 28 5230 Memorials of Covenanted Civilians, folio, sewed. 1862 2s ^^^^ TT" ^•^- Secretary of State to Gov.-General of India on C.b. Salaries, folio, sewed. [1866] 2s 5232 Circularof Subscribersto Annuity Fund,folio,8wd. [1869] 2s 5233 Handbook of Rules and Regulations affecting Officers in ?iji^ Departments, by R. C. TuUoh, 8vo, pp. iv-184. Calcutta, o . , ^ Is 6d Social Condition of Bengal, 1748-64. See Long. Statistical Account of Bengal. See Hunter. Administration of Justice in Bengal. See Law and Justice. Records. See Hunter. Rural Life in. See Grant (Colesworthy). Leaves from a Diary in. See Clay (A. H.) See also Calcutta, Census, Danvers, East India Company, Francis, Hastings (W.), Hunter, Long, Maps, Murray (Handbook). Bentinck (Lord William). See Boulger. Benjamin fJ. J.) Travels through India, &c., 1846-55. See p. 3. 5241 Berar Provinces, History of the Assignment of, for Mainten- ance of the Hyderabad Contingent, royal 8vo, pp. 52. 1881 3s 6d See Census. 5242 Beresford (Lord William) Soldier, Statesman, and Sportsman : a Record of his Eighteen Years in India, and a full Resume of his Racing Career, by H. E. Abbott, crown 8vo, sewed. 2s 5244 Bernier (Fran9ois), Voyages de (1656-68), contenant la Descrip- tion des i^tats du Grand Mogol avec Lettre a M. Colbert de TEtendue de I'Hindoustan, et de la Decadence des Jfetats d'Asie, nouv. ^dit., plates, 2 vols. 12mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1724 9s 5245 Travels in the Mogul Empire (1656-68), History of the late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogul with Letter to Colbert on the Decaying States of Asia, &c., English translation, 1671 [reprinted Bombay, 1830], 8vo, pp. 348, half-calf 5s 5247 Travels in the Mogul Empire, Brock's translation, improved by Arch. Constable, with bibliography, coloured frontispiece, 2:)lates, and facsimile maps, 12mo, cloth. 1891 (pub. 6s net) 2s 9d " The most instructive of all East Indian travellers."— Major Rennell. " Bernier's account of India is most picturesque, nor can we imagine anything more interesting than his descriptions of the barbaric splendour of the Court of Aurengzehe."— Quarterly Review, January, 1828. " Accurate and candid memoirs describing the causes of that important revolu- tion which raised Aurungzebe to the throne of Hindostan. Bernier was personally engaged in the scene of action, and an eye-witness of many of the principal events, which are related in a simple, interesting language."— George Forster (1783). "Notwithstanding the remoteness of its date, this work contains the most graphic and best account of the manners, customs, and institutions of the people of India hitherto published."— J. E. McCulloch (1845). 83, Hi^h Street, Marylehone, London, W, 82 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 5248 Be van (Major H.) Thirty Years in India, 1808-38, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1839. . 8s 5249 Beveridge (H.) History of India, Civil, Military, and Social, from the First Landing of the English, 500 illustrations , 3 vols, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1866 12s 5250 Beveridge (H., Jun.) The District of Bakarganj, Eastern Bengal ; its History and Statistics, map, 8vo, cloth. 1876 8s Physical Features, Antiquities, the Peoples, Land Tenures, Administration, Revenue, &c. 5251 The Trial of Maharaja Nanda Kumar: Narrative of a Judicial Murder, 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1886 8s 6d With Appendix of Evidence, Depositions, Documents, and Notes. Mr. Beveridge re-examines the whole case as well as the arguments of Sir James Fifz- james Stephen (q v.), and gives his verdict against Hastings and Impey. See also references under Nuncomab. 5252 Bholanauth Chunder. Travels of a Hindoo to Bengal and Upper India, Introduction by Talboys Wheeler, map, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, 1869 6s Descriptions by a native of local traditions, stories, manners, and customs. • " One of the most remarkable and original works in connection with India." Introduction. 5253 Biddulph (Col. J.) The Tribes of the Hindu Kush, with Appen- dices on Languages, mup and illustrations, roy. 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1880 10s 6d 5254 The 19th and their Times: Four Cavalry Regiments that have borne the Number **19," and the Campaigns in which they have served, plates, 8vo, cloth. 1899 8s 6d Includes chapters on the War in Mysore, Battle of Assaye, War with the United States, 1808-18, on the Niagara Frontier, 1814-21, Egypt, 1882-84, Nile, 1899. 5255 Stringer Lawrence, the Father of the Indian Army, 12mo, cloth. 1901 . 4s 5256 Biggs (Col.) Architecture of Ahmedabad, Goozerat, 120 photo- graphs, with Historical Sketch of Goozerat by T. C. Hope, and Architectural Notes by J. Fergusson, 4to, cloth gilt. 1866 £1 10s 5257 Architecture of Ahmedabad, text only, 4to, gilt 14s BiLGiiAMi (Syed Hossain) History of the Nizam's Dominions. See Nizam. 5258 Billington (Mary F.) Woman in India, with Introduction by the Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava, portrait and numerous illustra- tions, 8vo, cloth. 1895 5s "It is a satisfaction to find one volume in which an attempt is made to traco the career of Indian women from the cradle to the grave, and to give some account of their customs, their occupations, their pleasur^F, their religion and their dress." Lady Dufferin. 5259 Birch (Surg. Be B.) Topographical Report on the Neilgherries, Madras Journal, July, 1838, pp. 81-126 2s 6d 5261 Bird (Major II. W.) The Spoliation of Oudh, pp. 28. 1857 Is 6d 5262 [ ] Dacoitee in Excelsis ; or the Spoliation of Oudh by the E.I. Co., with documents, 8vo, pp. 214. 1857 4s 83^ High Street, Marylebone, London^ W, hidia 83 5263 Birdwood (Sir George) Report on Miscellaneous Old Records of the India Office, folio, sewed. 1879 2s 5264 Report on Records, with Note and Appendices, royal 8vo, boards. 1890 2s 5265 Report, second reprint, royal 8vo, cloth, 1891 3s 6d 5266 The Industrial Arts of India, map, lb plates, and numerous woodcuts, 2 parts, 12mo, cloth. [1880] 5s 6d Part I The Hindu Pantheon, with 15 plates of Gode. IT. The Master Handi- crafts : Gold, Silver, and other Metal Work, Enamels, Arms, Trappings. Jewellery J^urniture and Ornament, Musical lubtrumenrs, Woven Stuffs, Pottery, &c. 5267 Two Letters on the Industrial Arts of India, pp. 28. 1879 ls6d Illustrations of Records and ReHcs of the E.I. Co. See Journal of Indian Art, vol. ill. (No. 31) Collections of Indian Art in Marlborough House and at Sandringham Hall. Ibid., vol. iy. (Nos. 36 and 37) Life and Work of Sir George Birdwood, with 14 plates. Ibid., vol. viii. See also East India Com pan y. 5269 Blacker (Lt. Col.) Memoir of the Operations of "the British Array in India during the Mahratta War, 1817-19, with 2 x>cinoramic views byW.Daniell, 8 maj^s and 38 plans, 4to, half-calf. 1821 24s 5270 Another copy, 4to, half-morocco, uncut 26s 5271 Another (with plates, separately bound), 2 vols. 4to, calf extra {fine copy) £1 10s 5274 Blackett (J. B.) Speech on India Reform, H.C., June 9, 1853, pp. 12. Netvcastle Is 6d 5275 Blagdon (F. W.) Brief History of Ancient and Modern India, with engraved title, and coloured plate of Native Judges and Officers, Bombay, bound up with Orme's Views in Hindostan, 24 coloured aquatint vieivs, from the original pictures painted by Col. Ward, with descriptions, 1 vol. oblong imperial folio, half-morocco. 1805 £3 5276 History of India, another copy, engraved title and coloured plate, bound up with Orme's Twenty-four Views in Hindostan, and Hunter's Scenery of Mysore : Forty Views coloured in aquatint (also published by Orme), with descriptive letterpress; Three Works, compreJiending 06 plates, 1 vol. oblong imperial folio, full morocco extra. 1805 £6 5277 History of India, another copy, bound up with Orme's 24 Coloured aquatint Views in Hindostan, and Colehbook's 12 coloured aquatint Views in Mysore (Orme) ; Three Works, com- prehending 38 plates, 1 vol. oblong imperial folio, half-bound. 1805 3JO lUS These grandly illustrated works— produced by the combined skill of the engraver and the artist— have rarely been equalled and probably never surpassed ill their effective beauty. Further details of their contents will he found under (Joi.EBKOOK, IJANIELL,' HuNTER, and Orme. Mr. Blagdon's History was also reprinted in a work of Sir Charles D'Oyly (q.v.). 83f High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 84 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 5279 Blakiston (Lieut. John) Twelve Years' Military Adventure, including service in India, 1802-14, 2 vols. 8vo, hf.-cf. 1829. 16s Lieut. Blakiston served under Wellington in the Mysore, was present at the Siege of Ahniednaghur, Battles of Assaye and Argaum. He also took command of the Engineer Department in the expeditions to Bourbon and Mauritius as well as to Java. 5281 Blanshard (H.) Appeal on Behalf of the Native Population of India, pp. 24. 1836 2s 6d 5282 Boar- Hunting. Sketches and Scenes in India, 7 lithographs illustrating the Chase of the Wild Boar, with letterpress, oblong folio, cloth. [1851.] 10s 5283 Boileau (Lieut. A. H. E.) Narrative of a Tour through Rajwara in 1835 and a Visit to the Indus and Buhawulpoor, with large map and 14 plates, 4to, boards, uncut. Calcutta, 1837 14s 5284 Another copy, calf (presentation copy from the author to his brother) 18s Includes Views of Jesulraer, Balmer, Jodhpoor, Jaipoor, dancing women and curious chess-board coloured sheet of Hindi poetry. The map comprehends the states of Buhawulpoor, Jesuhner, Jodhpoor, Shekhawutee, Beekaner, Patun, Jaipoor, Kishungurh, Adjmer, &c. Bolarum, Mutiny of. 1855. See Mackenzie (Colin). 5285 Bolts (Wm.) Considerations on Indian Affairs, particularly respecting the Present State of Bengal and its Dependencies, map, 4to, half-calf. 1782 14s The author, a Dutchman, loug in the E.I. Company's Service, wrote this work to show the defects of their policy and administration. The volume contains much valuable and interesting information. 5286 Bombay. Lithographic Views of Bombay, Colaba, Mazagon, &c., 6 plates by J. M. Gonsalves, oblong 4to, half-calf. Bombay, 1826 (rare) 2is 5287 Life in Bombay and the Neighbouring Out-stations, with 13 tiyited lithographs, royal 8vo, cloth. 1852 6s 5288 Another copy, half -morocco 8s Includes Visits to the Cave Temples, to Poonah, the Peishwa's Palace, Ahmednuugur, &c. 5289 Bombay Briberies, by " Indus," 8vo, pp. 68. 1853 3s On Baroda Aifairs. See also Chapman, Outram, Reid, Sec. 5290 Guide to Bombay (pp. 169-274f ), 8vo, boards. 1855 2s Climate, Products, Native Manufactures, Natural History, &c. 5292 Bombay Association, Proceedings and Annual Reports, 1853-56, Letter to Bombay Government, 8vo. Bombay, 1853-56 3s 6d 5293 Civil Administration of the Bombay Presidency, by Nowrozjee Furdoonjee, 8vo, pp. viii-88. London, 1853 2s 6d Proceedings of an Association for reform of administration, composed of natives, with their Petitions to House of Commons, articles from the English Press. 5294 Bombay Almanac and Book of Direction for 1856, with Army List, &c., 8vo, cloth 4s 83j High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Tthdia 85 5295 Bombay Calendar and Almanac, 1861, with Army List and Directory, 8vo, cloth 2s 6d 5296 Bombay Chamber of Commerce : Annual Reports, 1849- 1850, 1850-51, 1851-52, 1852-53, with Appendices, 1 vol. 8vo, half- morocco 5s Treats of Native Produce (Cotton, Corn, &c.), Shipping, Tariff, Marine Acts, Ti-ade at Port of Kurrachee and in the Interior, with valuable Appendices, including Native Correspondeuce, Law Cases. Financial Matters, Adulteration, Fairs, Weights and Measures, Resources of Scinde, Prices, Overlaud Service, E.I. Co.'s Charter. 5297 Bombay Literary Society Transactions, with engravings, Vols. I. and II. plates^ 4to, boards, uncut. 1819-20 12s Contains manj^ valuable papers on Historical, Topographical, Philological, and Philosophical subjects, by Sir James Mackintosh, Sir J. Malcolm, Capt. Miles, Sir George Staunton, Lieut. Macmurdo, Capt. Vans Kennedy, Wm. Erskine, Capt. John Briggs, and other eminent Oriental scholars. 5298 Bombay Presidency, Junjeera, Jowar, Sucheen, Cambay, the Bheel Tribes, Khandeish, &c., Notes, Historical, Statistical, &c., maps (Bombay Records), imp. 8vo. 1856 3s Handbook. See Murray. Khyrpoor State, Memoir on. See Pelly (Sir Lewis), 5299 Bombay Riots (The) of 1874, imp. 8vo, half-calf. Bombay, 1874 4s Bombay State Papers. See Forrest (G. W.). 5300 Bonarjee (P. D.) The Fighting Races of India: a Handbook, 12mo, cloth. 1900 6s An account of the Sikhs, Chu-khas, Pathans, Baluchis, Punjabis, Dogras, Kajputs, Mahrattas, and other tribes from which the Indian Army is recruited. Bontekoue, Voyage to E. Indies, 1618. See Thevenot's Collection. 5301 Bootan, Political Missions to (1774-1864), map, royal 8vo. Calcutta, 1865 7s 6d Contents : Report on Bootan and the Mission of 1863-64, by Hon. Ashley Eden ; Report on Bootan, by Capt. R. Boileau Pembertou, and Journal of the Mission m 1837-38 by Wm. Griffith, with map by Ensign Blake : Account of Bootan, by Kishen Kant Bose, in 1815, with references to the preceding Missions of Messrs. Bogle (1774) and Turner (1783). See also Adye, Griffith (W.), Hamilton, McGregor (Sir C), Louis (J. A. H.), Rennie (Dr.), Turner (Capt. S.), Wylie, &c. 5302 Bose (Shib Chunder) The Hindoos as they Are: Manners, Customs, and Inner Life of Hindoo Society in Bengal, 8vo, cloth. 1881 ^^ ^ 5303 Bose (P. Nath.) History of Hindu Civilization during British Rule (4 vols.). Vols. I., II., III., 12mo, cloth. 1894-96 18s Brahmoisra. See subsequent section. 5304 Bolero (Giovanni) Aggiunta alia Quarta parte dell' Indie, illustrated with woodcut figures of imaginary monsters, caricatures of human nature, small 4to, half-bound. . Venice, 1618 l»s 5305 Bourchier (Col. George) Eight Months' Campaign against the Bengal Sepoy Army, 1857, plans of Cawnpore, Delhi, Lucknow, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1858 „ ^ 5306 Another copy, half-calf extra, gilt top ^s oa 83, High Street, Maryhbone, Loyidon, W. 86 Francis Edwardds Catalogue 5307 Boulger (Demetrius) India in the 19th Century, 8vo, cloth. 1902 6s 5308 Lord William Bentinck (" Rulers of India"), 12mo, cloth. 1892 2s 5309 Bourne (John) Railways in India, 8vo, pp. 151, map. 1848 4s 5310 On Steam Barges for Rivers of India, pp. 16. Glasgow, 1855 2s 5311 Public Works for India : Irrigation and Internal Naviga- tion, ma'p, 8vo, pp. 64 3s 6d 5312 Bourne's Album of Twenty-three large Photographic Views of Architecture, Native Village and Street Scenes in Agra, Benares, Bombay, &c., including the Taj Mahal, Akbar's Tomb, &c., 1 vol. oblong folio (18 by 15), half-morocco. 1870 18s See also Bui-gess. 5313 Boutros (F.) Inquiry into System of Education for Behar and Upper Provinces, 8vo, pp. 32. Serampore, 1842 2s 6d 5314 Bo wring (L. B.) Eastern Experiences, with 2 inajys, 8vo, cloth. 1872 4s 6d Historical and descriptive sketches of Mysore and Coorg, with chapter on the Sikh Invasion of the Cis-Satlaj Country, an Account of a Visit to the Taipings (China) in 1854, and extracts from Mrs. JBowring's Letters to her Friends at Home, describing the social aspects of Anglo-Indian life, Mr. Bowring being for a time Lord Canning's private secretary. 5315 Haidar Al! and Tipu Sultan and the Struggle with the Musalman Powers of the South, wap (** Rulers of India" Series), 12mo, cloth. 1893 2s 5316 Braddon ([Sir] Edward) Life in India, a Series of Sketches, 12mo, cloth. 1872 6s 5317 Thirty Years of Shikar (1848 78), including Hunting Adventures in the Forests of Oude and Nepal Terai, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 5s Days of Griftinage, Pig Sticking, and Boar Hunting in Bengal, Among the Indigo Planters, The Santhal Rebellion (1855), The Santhal Country during the Mutiny, Man-Eating Tigers, Wild Elephants, The Terai, Mixed Shooting, and Station Life in Oude, L'Envoi, Tasmania and its Merits — Eleven Years' Experience. 5318 Bradley (Surgeon W. H.) Statistics of the Circar of Dowlatahad, Madras Journal, 1849, pp. 481-551 2s 6d 5319 Branfill (Col. B. R.) Physioi^raphy of S. India. Proc. R. Geog. Soc, N.S., 1855, Vol. VII., pp". 719-735 2s 5320 Breeks (James Wilkinson) An Account of Primitive Tribes and Monuments of the Nilagiris, map and 82 photo plates, imp. 4to, half-morocco (India Office). 1873 £2 10s 5321 Briggs (Gen. John) Madras Army, Memoir of, w^ith Comments on Some of His Words and Worts, by Major Evans Bell, portrait, royal 8vo, cloth. 1885 2s Gen. Briggs was in active service during the first eighteen years of the century, and subsequently Itesident at Sattai*a and Commissioner of Mysore. He returned to England in 18:^5.' representing by his pen the non-annexation policy to the time of his death in 187.''). An analysis of Briggs's 'Land Tax of India' (a work of permanent value), by Col. E. D. Os^born, is included in chap. vii. pp. 111-135. 88, High Street, MaryUbone, London, W. India 87 5322 Briggs (Gen. John) Account of the Bimjaras— Bombay Lit. Soc. 1819. Vol. I., pp. 159-183 5323 History of the Mahomedan Power in India to 1612, from the Persian of Ferishta, with Account of the Conquest of Circars, &c., by the Kings of Hyderabad, 4 vols. 8vo, half-calf gilt. 1829 {scarce) £3 15s Contains a Life of Ferishta. Histories of the Kings of Lahore, Dehly, the Deccan, Guzerat, Malwa., Kandeish, Bengal and Behar, Mooltan, Kashmer, the Rulers of Sind, Accounts of Malabar, Hindoo Saints, and Reckoning of Time and Seasons, Dictionary of Proper Names, &c. 5324 Letters to a Young Person on India [with Sir John Malcolm's Notes of Instruction], 12mo, boards. 1828 2s 5325 ■ Letter to the Marquis of Tweeddale [on the Madras Army], 8vo, pp. 40, sewed. 1842 Is Od 5326 Letter to Lord Stanley [on the Madras Land Tax J, 8vo, pp. 31, sewed. 1859 Is 6d 5327 Second Letter to Lord Stanley [Causes of the Indian Mutiny], 8vo, pp. 23, sewed. 1859 . Is 6d 5328 Briggs (Henry George) The Parsis ; or, Modern Zerdusthians, a Sketch, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1852 3s 5329 The Nizam : His History and Relations with the British Government, map, portraits, &c., 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1861 10s See also references under Hyderabad. 5331 Briggs (Capt. D.) Operations connected with the Hindostan and Thibet Road, 1850-5 (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 16), royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1856 2s 6d 5333 Bright (Rt. Hon. John) Speeches on Questions of Public Policy, edited by Thorold Rogers, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1868 12s 6d 5334 Speeches, Popular Edition (small typej, 12mo, cloth 2s 6d The first five speeches relate to the E.I. Company's Affairs, the Indian Mutiny, the Afghan War of 1838 39, and other Indian subjects. 5335 Speech on the India Bill, June 24th, 1858, pp. 36 Is 6d 5336 Brinckman (Arthur) The Rifle in Ca,shmere, Ladak, the Punjaub, Narrative of Shooting Expeditions, Notes on Army Reform and Indian Politics, &c., 2 plates, 12mo, cloth. 180^ os British Indian Association : — 5337 Petition to Parliament relative to E.I. Co.'s Charter, 8vo, pp. 47. ^Cajj r,.S.S8 Petftion to E.I. Co. on Resumptions, pp. 28. CMta,m2 Js 6d 53.31) Letter to the Board of Revenue, pp. 10. Calcutta IS52 j^ 5340 Petitions on Evidence and Affirmations, pp. 12. C'a^c"^^"' J^f •„ i^dia 5341 Evidences relating to the Efficiency of Native Agency m intna, 5342 Th^eYffmfBili?nd the Criminal Administration of Bengal, 8vo, pp-^k Calcutta, 1854 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 88 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 5343 Broadfoot (Major George), Career of, in Afghanistan and the Punjab, 1841-45, from his own Papers and those of Lords Ellen- borough and Hardinge, by Major W. Broadfoot, 'portrait and maps, 8vo, cloth. 1888 7s 6d Prefixed to the work is a long list of authorities luid books consulted. Broeck (Van den) Visits to Surat, 1616 and 1620, and Opening of Dutch Trade with India. See Dutch E.I. Co. Voyages, Vol. VII. 5344 Brooke (Col. J. C.) Politicsil History of the State of Jeypore (Indian Government Records, No. 65), royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1868 2s 6d 5345 Broome (Capt. A.) History of the Bengal Army, Vol. I. (all published), with 6 plans, 8vo, half-morocco extra, gilt top (uncut). Calcutta, 1850 12s A valuable though unfinished work. It comes down only to the close of Clive's second Administration (1757) : the plans illustrate the capture of Calcutta Plassey, Masulipatam, Patna, &c., the campaigns of Olive, Major Adams, and Major Munro. 5346 Broughton (T. D.) Letters written in a Mahratta Camp, during the year 1809, descriptive of Character, Manners, Ceremonies, &c., with 10 coloured engravings from drawings by a native artist, 4to, boards, uncut. 1813 £1 5347 Letters from a Mahratta Camp, new edition, with intro- duction by Sir M. E. Grant Duff, illustrations, map, and index, 12mo, cloth. 1892 2s 6d Col. Broughton was Commander of the British Eesident's Escort at the Court of Sindia, in Eajpootana. His letters contain graphic accounts of the character, habits, and religious ceremonies of the Mahrattas— of the great festivals of the Mohurruni, the Hohlee, the Dussera— as well as of the sports and employment of the people, nautches, Sec. 5348 Brown (Capt. Lewis), Private Journal in the Murree Hills, at Kahun, &c., 1840 (Bombay Records, 1855, pp. 161-188), royal 8vo, half- calf 6s 5349 Brown (C. P.) The Wars of the Rajas; the History of Anantapuram from the Telugu, 8vo, sheep. Madras, 1853 3s 6d 5350 Brown (J. Moray) Shikar Sketches, with Notes on Indian Field Sports, with 8 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1887 5s " Mr, Moray Brown records his long experiences among big game in India with capital spirit and style ; there are some thrilling pages on pig-sticking and tiger-shooting."— T^e World. 5351 Powder, Spur, and Spear, a Sporting Medley, with numerous sketches by the author, 8vo, cloth. 1889 3s 6d Includes Adventures and Sports, Tiger Hunting in the Punjaub, Deccan. Salmon Fishing in the Highlands, &c. 5351b Stray Sport: a Collection of Incidents, ivith 15 full-page and 37 other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1893. 7s 6d Vol. I. Indian Shikar : Tiger, Chital, Hog Hunting and Small Game Shooting in the Sewalik Hills, Natural History Notes around Delhi, the Nagpore Hunt, Measurements and Weights of Tigers, After Jungle Fowl in Ceylon, &c. Vol. II. Sport at Home, Shooting and Fishing in Buchan, Donegal, &c. 83y High Street^ Marylebone^ London^ W, India 89 5352 Bruce (John) Annals of the Honourable East India Company from their Establishment in 1600 to the Union of the London and E.I. Companies, 1707-8, 3 vols. 4to, half-morocco extra, gilt tops. .1810 ^ £4 10s With an Introductoiy Chapter on the Rise and Progress of the Portuguese and Dutch _ Esfeablishments in the East Indies ; the leading characters of Asiatic sovereignties and the political and commercial relations between England and the maritime Powers of Europe. 5353 Report on the Negociation respecting the Renewal of the E.I. Co.'s Privileges for Twenty Years from March, 1794, 4to, half-calf. 1811 5s Bruton (W.) News from the East Indies, Voyage to Bengal, with Account of the Court and People of Malcandy, 1632-8. See Supplement to Hakluyt, and Harleian Collection, Vol. II. 5354 Bryce (James, D.D.) Sketch of Native Education in India, under the Superintendence of the Church of Scotland, Remarks on the Hindu Character, Sanscrit Literature, &c., 8vo, cloth. Edin- hurgh, 1839 2s 5355 Another copy, with autograph letter from the Author to Sir Charles Forbes, cloth 3s Evidence on Presbyterians in India. See Pael. Reports. 1852-3, p. 67. Brydon (Dr.) Account of the Retreat from Cabool, 1842. See Edwards (Judge) 5356 Buchanan (Francis, M.D. [afterwards Hamilton]), Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar (1800-1), State of Agricul- ture, Arts, and Commerce ; Religion, Manners, and Customs ; Natural and Civil History, Antiquities of the Dominions of the Rajah of Mysore, with 37 plates, including portraits, implements of art, &c., 3 vols. 4to, cloth. 1807 18s 5357 Journey through Mysore, another copy, 3 vols. 4to, half- calf (with hook-plates by Bewick) 25s 5358 Journey through Mysore, &c., another copy, 3 vols, calf 30s A valuable work of reference. Dr. Buchanan-Hamilton's survey of the country and people was most minute and accomplished before European influence and aids had effected changes in the habits and occupations of the people. See Hamilton. 5359 Buchanan (Claudius, D.D.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings by Hugh Pearson, with portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1819 6s 5360 Colonial Ecclesiastical Establishments, with Sketch of an Establishment for India. 8vo, calf. 1813 2s 6d 5361 Christian Researches in India, with Notices of the Trans- lations of the Scriptures, new edition, 12mo, cloth, 1858 3s Buckingham (J. S.). See Calcutta Joubnal, E. India Co., and p. 33. 5362 Buckle (Oapt. E.) Memoir of the Services of the Bengal Artillery, its Internal Organization, &c., edited by J. W. Kaye, Tncludes^ccounts of the Black Hole at Calcutta, Battle of inassey, Munro's Campaigns. Popham's Capture of Gwalior, War in the Carnatic, Capture of bern^^^^ patam, Lake's Campaigns, Goorka, Pindarrie, and Mahratta Campaigns, Bui mese War, Afghan Campaign, and Sikh War. __^ 8Sf High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 90 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 5363 Burgess (Dr. Jas.) The Rock-Temples of Elephanta, with pla7is and 13 photographs by D. H. Sykes, imperial 8vo {only 50 copies issued). Bombaij, 1871 20s 5364 Photographs (30) of Architecture and Scenery in Gujarat and Rajputana, by Bourne and Shepherd, with Historical and Descriptive Letterpress, royal folio, cl. 1874 (pub. i^lO 10s) £2 Includes large views and details of Jain and Vaishnava Temples, Palaces, Towers, Mosques, and Tombs at Ahmedabad, Oodeypur, Siddapur, lianpur, Ajmer, Mount Abu, Jaypur, Bundi, Komalmer, Delwada, &c. See also Archaeological Survey, pp. 71 to 73 ; Constable's Gazetteer; Fergus- son ; Griinwedel ; Indian Antiquary ; Journal of Indian Art ; post. 5366 Burke (Eamund) Works of, 12 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1887 .£5 5s Vol. II. c mtains Speech on Fox's E.I. Bill (Dec. 1, 1783). Vol. III. Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's debts (Feb. 28, 178."")). Vols. VIII. to XII. Ninth and Eleventh Reports of the Select Committee (H.C.), Articles of Charge against Warreu Hastings, with Speeches in the Impeachment. BouGHTON (Surgeon G.) Mission on Behalf of E.I. Co. to the Court of Shah Jehan, 1G45. See Hedges's Diary (Yule), vol. iii. 5368 Burnell (A. C.) The Best Way of Making and Utilizing Copies of Indian Inscriptions, 8vo, pp. 8. Madras, 1870 Is 6d Linschoten's Voyages. See p. 13. 5369 Burnes (James, K.H. LL.D.) Narrative of a Visit to the Court of Sinde (Hyderabad), 1827-8, Sketch of the History of Cutch, from Reports of Hon. Mr. Elphinstone and Capt. MacMurdo ; Medical Topography of Bhooj, &c., 2 maps, 1 vol. 8vo, calf. Edin- hurgh, 1831 4s 5370 Another edition, with new inaj), and Appendices on the Navigation and Trade of the Indus, by Sir H. Pottinger and Sir Alex. Burnes, coloitred plates, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1839 2s 6d 5371 Burnes (Sir Alex.) and others, Architectural and Archaeo- logical Remains, Province of Kachh (Bombay Records), imp. 8vo, sewed, 1879 5s 5372 Geographical Memoir on the Indus, with 2 niaps — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1833, Vol. III. pp. 113-156, 287-290, cloth 4s 5373 Countries on N.W. Frontier of India — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1834, Vol. IV. pp. 88-129, cloth 3s 6d See also pp. .55, 50. 5376 Burton (Capt. Sir Richard) Goa and the Blue Mountains, map and 4 illustrations, 12mo, cloth, 1851 (scarce) 18s 5377 ■ Scinde ; or, the Unhappy Valley (in 1848), 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1851 (scarce) 18s 5378 Sindh and the Races that Inhabit the Valley of the Indus, 8vo. 1851 (scarce) £1 10s 5379 Falconry of the Yalley of the Indus, 12mo, cloth. 1852 7s 5380 Sind Revisited (1876), with Notices of the Anglo-Indian Army; Railroads, Past, Present, and Future, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1877 12s 6d See also Camoens, p. 4 ; Syria, p. 33 ; Arahia. pp. 38-39 ; and Indian Religions, post. 83, High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. India 91 5381 Burton (Sir Richard) Life of, by his Wife, Lady Isabel Burton, portraits, nmps, and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1893 16s The 'Life' of Burton connects and supplements his travels, observations researches, and gleanings in different parts of the world. These two volumes of fourteen hundred ck)sely printed pages include notes on the Kasidah Bhujang, and the Cock-fight, visit to a Beloch Chief, letters on the Jeddah Massacre, a description of African Character, report after a search for Palmer, com- plete list of Burton's works, &c. 5382 Burton (Isabel, Lady) Arabia, Egypt, India; Narrative of Travel, Account of Goa, Xavier, &c., illustrated, 8vo, cl. 1879 10s 5385 Burton (Lt.-Gen. E. F.) Reminiscences of Sport in India, illustrated by the Author, 8vo, cloth. 1885 6s 5386 An Indian Olio, with ilhostrations, 12mo, cl. 1888 3s 6d Notes of experiences in India and Burmah— Madras, Vellore, Trichinopoly, Tanjore, Cummum Valley, the Neilgherries, Ootacamund and the Todas, Mysore and Bangalore, Cuddapah, Cumbum, Bellary, Secunderabund, Hyderabad, Kamtee, Nagpore, Northern Circars, Western Coast of India, Rangoon, &c., with Notes on Sports and Natural History, Indian Government, the '"llbert Bill," &c. 5387 Bustar and Kharonde Dependencies of the Raepore District, Report on (Indian Government Records, No. 30), royal 8vo, boards. Calcutta, 1861 Is 6d 5388 Report on Bustar, by (J. L. (Jhisfurd (Indian Government Records, No. 39), royal 8vo, cloth. 1863 Is 6d 5389 Busteed (Dr. H. E.) Echoes from Old Calcutta, being chiefly Reminiscences of the Days of Warren Hastings, Francis, and Impey, illustrated, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1897 7s 6d "Valuable and entertaining." — Saturday Revieiv. "A work of which the value will increase with ye^v^'' —Calcutta Englishman. The new edition contains more letters from Warren Hastings to his wife, and additional papers relating to Francis and Nuncomar, as well as to Mrs. Grand, who became Princess Benevento and wife of Talleyrand. 5391 Butler (Sergeant Robert) Narrative of his Life and Travels, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1823 2s 6d Sergeant Butler served in India, 1807-14, the greater part of his relation being given to his experiences at Madras, Hyderabad, Masulipatam, Trichmopoly, and Bangalore. 5392 — Narrative, third edition, portrait, 18mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1854 2s 6d 5393 [Butler (Major John)] A Sketch of Assam, with some Account of the Hill Tribes, map and 21 coloured plates, 8vo, cl. 1847 7s 6d 5394 Travels and Adventures in Assam during a Residence of Fourteen Years (1841-54), with map, plates, illustrating landscapes, figures, and antiquities, 8vo, cloth. 1855 7s A continuation of the author's former work, describing the Nagas, Rookies, Mekirs, and other wild tribes of the Hills. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 92 Francis Edvjards^s Catalogue 5395 Byrne (Sir Owen Tudor) Clyde and Strathnairn (" Rulers of India" Series), map and portraits, 12mo, cloth. 1891 2s Brief Biographies of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde, and of Hugh Rose, Lord Strathnairn, with especial reference to the Suppression of the Indian Mutiny. Cabeza di Vaca, Relation concerning the Fleet in India, 1527-36. See PuRCHAs, 'His Pilgrimes,' p. 18. 5396 Caine (W. S.) Picturesque India : a Handbook for Travellers, with 260 illustrations, 8vo, cloth gilt. 1890 4s The author travelled through the three Presidencies, the Nizam's State, ]\^ysore' and Ceylon. He has added a chapter on the N.W. Frontier, written by Lord Curzon* 5397 Caird (Sir James) Report on the Condition of India, with Correspondence (Pari. Paper), fol. sewed. 1880 Is 6d 5398 Calcutta Gazettes, Selections from, 1784 to 1823, showing the Political and Social Condition of the English in India, edited by W. S. Seton-Karr and H. D. Sandeman, maps, 5 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1864-69 £4 A valuable work, giving interesting details of public affairs as well as of matters not usually treated by the historians, from the time of Warren Hastings to that of Marquess "Hastings. 5399 Calcutta Journal, Suppression of, with petition of J. Silk Buckingham for Consequent Loss. Select Committee's Report (Pari. Paper), 4th Aug., 1834, pp. viii, 168, 142, and Minutes of Evidence, folio, sewed 8s 6d Evidence was given by Messrs. Colebrook, Sutherland, J. S. Buckingham, Sandford Arnot, W. H. Trant, Thomas Love Peacock, and Col. Wm. Francklin. 5401 Caldwell (Rev. R.) The Tinnevelly Shanars, their Religion, Moral Condition, and Characteristics, 8vo, half-calf. Mady'as, 1849 3s 6d 5402 Calvert (John) Yazeeri Rupi, the Silver Country in Kulu, its Beauties, Antiquities, and Silver Mines, including a Trip over the Lower Himalayah Range and Glaciers, map and 35 plates (28 coloured), 8vo, cloth. 1873 (pub. 16s) 6s 5403 Another copy, with MS. Notes and Letter from the Author, cloth 7s 6d 5404 Cambridge (Richard Owen) Account of the War in India, between the English and French on the Coromandel and Malabar Coasts, 1750-60, Relation of Events on the Malabar Coast and Expeditions to Golconda and Surat, illustrated with 18 maps and plans, 4to, calf. 1761 £1 5s Including Col. Lawrence's Narrative, Call's Journal of the Siege of Fort St. George. Col. Forde's Expedition to Golconda, and Naval Operations of Admiral Watson, Siege of Arcot, Operations of Coote and Clive, Dupleix and Lally, &c ; Appendices on Indian Fortification, Journal of the Loss of the " Pembroke " in a Hurricane, and Proceedings at Sadrass. 5405 Account of the War, 1750-60, abridged, 9 maps and plans, 8vo, calf. 1762 9s 5406 Works of R. Owen Cambridge, with Account of his Life and Character by G. O. Cambridge, 4to, calf. 1803 15s S.S, High Street^ MaryUhone^ London, W, India 93 5408 Camoens, The Lusiads of, Portuguese Text, with Translation into English Verse, by J. J. Aubertin, portrait and man, 2 -o]« 12rao, cloth. 1884 7s 6d Mr. Aubertin's second and improved translation compared with that of Burton and others. " Camp and Barrack Room," 1846. See MacMullen. 5409 Campbell (Capt. Donald) his Shipwreck, and Imprisonment by Hyder All's Troops (1780), 12mo, pp. 28, half-morocco. [1820] 4s See also p. i. 5410 Campbell (Ool. John), Memoir of, by a Retired Officer who was present with him at the Assault of Annantpore and in Mangalore (1783) when besieged by Tippoo Sultan, with plan, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1836 gg This copy has an autograph note and signature of the " Ketired Officer "—J. Spens, late Lieut.-Col. 42ud Highlanders. 5411 Campbell (R. J. R.) The Indian Mutiny, its Causes, &c., pp.32 [1857] 2s 5412 India, its Government and Future Considered, pp. 48. 1858 . 2s 5413 Campbell (Colin, Lord Clyde), Life, Diary, and Correspondence, by Gen. Shadwell, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1881 12s 5414 Colin Campbell, by Arch. Forbes ("Men of Action" Series), 12mo, cloth 2s Colin Campbell served in the Peninsular War, in the Crimea, and through the Indian Mutiny. See Byrne (Sir Owen T.), Rulers of India. 5416 Campbell (Col. Walter) The Old Forest Ranger: Wild Sports of India in the Neilgherry Hills, the Jungles, &c. (1830-36), plates and illustrations, second edition, 8vo, cloth. 1845 £1 4s 5417 The Old Forest Ranger, third edition, Svo, cloth. 1853 9s 5419 My Indian Journal (during Five Years' Residence, 1830-36), with illustrations by Noel Paton and Wolf, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1864 8s ' Tlie Old Forest Kanger ' in another form, including Hunting Excursions to Dharvvar. on the Banks of the Black Kiver, the Neilgherry Hills, &c., Visits to Madras, Vellore, Bangalore, Goa, Masulipatam, the Nicobar and Andaman Islands: 5420 Campbell (Major-Gen. John) Narrative of his Operations in Qplssa for Suppression of Human Sacrifices and Infanticide, 12mo, cloth. 1861 {printed for private circulation) 4s 5421 Personal Narrative of Thirteen Years' Service amongst the Wild Tribes of Khondistan (Orissa) for the Suppression of Human Sacrifice, map and 7 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1864 6s 5422 Wild Tribes of Khondistan, another copy, half -morocco 7s 6d 5423 Campbell (Sir George) Memoirs of My Indian Career, 1843-76, edited by Sir C. E. Bernard, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1893 8s Contains an account of the Sikh and Cis-Sutlej States, the Mutiny, Orissa and Bengal Famines, &c. As an administrator Sir George Campbell is acknowledged to have left a permanent mark for good on Bengal, the Central Provmces, Oude, and part of the Punjaub. 8S, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 94 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 5424 Campbell (Sir George) Modern India : a Sketch of the Civil Government and of Native Institutions, 8vo, cloth. 1852 6s 5425 India as It May Be : Outline of a proposed Government and Policy, Svo, cloth. 1853 6s Cliapters on Home Government, India Government, Our Political Relations (Internal and Frontier), Civil Administration, the Civil Service, Military Establish- ments, Finance, Public Works, Moral and Material Improvements, Education, &c. 5426 [ 1 A Scheme for the Government of India, pp. 56. 1853 2s 6d 5427 Geography and Climate of India as regards Site for a Capital. Proc. R. Geog. Soc, 1867, Vol. XI. pp. 54-77 See also Land Tenure in India. Canning (Earl) Governor-General of India, the Indian Mutiny, &c. See Bowring (L.), Cunningham (Sir H. S.), "Rulers of India," Hare, Holmes, Kaye, Keene, Simpson, Trotter, &c. 5430 Capper (John) The Three Presidencies of India : a History of the British Indian Possessions, map and numerous engravings, 8vo, cloth. 1853 3s 5431 Careri (Dr. J. F. Gemelli) Voyage Round the World, 1693-99, with Descriptions of Turkey, Persia, India, China, the Philippines, and Mexico (from Churchill's Collection), folio, calf. 1744 18s Dr. Gemelli Careri visiled Damam, Surat, Bazaim, Salsette Island (and its great pagoda), Bombay. Goa, Galgala (where the Great Mogul Aurungzeb was encamped) in 1695. He gives minute accounts of the English and Portuguese Settlements, of the Great Mogul's Army, his Wealth and Conquests, of the Customs and Super- stitions of the People, the Fruits and Trees and other productions. For other editions see p. 4. 5432 Carey (Wm., D.D.) Missionary to Bengal, Professor of Oriental Languages, Calcutta, Memoir of, by Eustace Carey, portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1836 5s 6d See also Marshman ; Smith (Dr. George). 5434 Carless (Commander T. G.) Survey of the Delta of the Indus ; Etliersey (Lieut. R.) Bore in the Gulf of Cambay ; Jervis (Capt. T. B.) Tides in the Gulf of Cambay ; Joub. R. Geog. Soc, 1838, Vol. VIII. pp. 328-66, 196-205, and 2 maps, cloth 4s 5435 Memoir on the Bay, Harbour, and Trade of Kurachee, 1838 (Bombay Records, 1855, pp. 189-208), half-calf 6s 5436 Memoir on the Province of Lus and Journey to Beyla, 1838 (Bombay Records, 1855, pp. 299-320), royal 8vo, half-calf 6s 5437 Memoirs on the Delta and other Portions of the Indus, 1836-37 (Bombay Records, 1855, pp. 457-540), half-calf 6s Carnatic, Affairs of the. See references under Areot, Madras, Mysore, Pigot, Tanjore, &c. War in the. See Buckle, Cambridge, Clive, Cornwallis, Dalton, Duff, Hough, Ives, Malleson, Orme, Voltaire, Wellesley, &c. 5438 Carpenter (P.) Hog Hunting in Lower Bengal, 8 large and finely coloured plates, folio, cloth. 1861 (scarce) £4 10s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. India 95 5439 Carpenter (Mary) Six Months in India, porto-ait of Rammohun Roy, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1868 4g Cd The author visited Ahmedahad, Surat, Bombay, Poona, Madras, and Calcutta and adds chapters on the Women of India, Education, and Prison Discipline. ' 5440 Carpenter (Edward) From Adam's Peak to Elephanta : Sketches in Ceylon and India, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1892 4s Account of visits to Colombo, Kandv, and the ruins of Anuradhapura ; South Indian temples— Tanjore and Madura ; Madras, Calcutta, Benares, Allahabad, Delhi, Agra and the Taj ; Bombay and Elephanta, with chapters on Buddhism, Caste, Western Science and Copamercialism. Carr (Bp.) Evidence on Religion and Education, Pari. Reports, 1852-53. See p. 07. 5441 Carre (M.) Voyages des Indes Orientales, mele de plusieurs Ilistoires Galantes et Curieuses [liistoire de Seva-gy, un des plus grands honimes do guerre du I'Orient, &c.], 2 vols. 18mo, calf. Paris, 1699 9s 5442 Case (Mi-s.) Widow of Colonel Case. Day by Day at Lucknow : a Diary of the Siege, 12ino, cloth. 1858 5s A book of genuine and real interest, illustrating every movement of besieged and besiegers, and written at tlie time. Castro (Don John de) Portuguese Viceroy. See Andrada, p. 70. 5444 Cave-Brown (Rev. J.) The Punjab and Delhi in 1857, a Narrative of the Measures by which the Punjab was saved and Delhi recovered during the Indian Mutiny, with plans and portraits of Sir J. Lawrence, Sir H. Edwardes, Sir R. Montgomery, and Brig.-Gen. Nicholson, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1858 8s 6d 5445 Cavenagh (Lt.-Gen. Orfeur) Rough Notes on the State of Nepal, its Government, Army, &c., map, 12mo, cl. Calcutta, 1851 3s 5446 Calcutta during the Mutiny (from Colhurn^s United Service Magazine), Svo, pp. 24. [1860] 2s 6d 5449 Census of British India, 1871-72, Memorandum (Pari. Paper), folio, sewed. London, 1875 Is 6d Census of British India, 1881 : 5451 Ajmere-Merwara Province, folio, cloth. Ajmere, 1882 2s 6d 54.52 Assam, folio, boards. Calcutta, 1883 4s 5453 Baroda Territories, folio, boards. Bombay ,"[S8'3 4s 5454 Bengal, 3 vols, folio, boards. Calcutta, 1883 12s 6d 5455 Calcutta Town and Suburbs, folio, boards. Calcutta, 1881 2s 6d 5456 Berar, by E. J. Kitts, folio, boards. Bombay, 1882 3s 5457 Bombay Presidency and Sind, 2 vols, folio, boards. Bombay, 1882 5s 5458 Bombay, City and Island, folio, boards. Bombay, 1883 2s 6d 5459 Central India, Note on Operations and Statements showing Popu- lation, folio, boards. 1882 2s 5460 Coorg, folio, sewed. Bangalore, 1881 Is 6d 5461 Madras Presidency, *5 vols, folio, boards. Madras, 1883 14s 5462 Mysore, compiled by Rice, folio, bds. Bangalore, 1884 2s 6d 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 96 Francis Edwards^B Catalogue Census of British India, 1881 {continued) — 5463 N.W. Provinces and Oude, with Appendices, 3 vols, folio, boards. Allahabad, 1882 10s 5464 Panjab, Report, Tables, Appendices, 3Vols. royal 4to, boards. Calcutta, 1883 " 13s 5465 Rajputana, Review of Tables of Population, Native States, folio, boards. Bombay, 1882 2s 5467 General Report on the Census of India, 1891, by J. A. Baines (Pari. Paper) folio 5s Contains a geographical description of the Indian Empire, and interesting chapters on the Occupations of the People, with Ethnological Remarks, Distribu- tion of Languages and Religions. *" 5469 Central India Agency : Reports on Administration of Territories by Lieut.-Col. Meade, Major-General Daly, and others, for the Years 1865-6, 1866-7, 1870-1, 1871-2, 1872-3, 1873-4, (Ind. Govt. Records), royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta each 2s Gwalior, Bhopal, Bundelcund, Baghelcund, Western Malwa, Bheel, and Goona Agencies. 5470 Central Provinces : Antiquarian and Scientific Society Journal, Vol. I. Nos. 1 and 2. Nagpore, 1866-7 3s Cesar de Federioi. Viaggio dell' India, 1563-81. See Ramusio, Viaggi, Vol. III. : English Translation, Extracts of his Eighteen Years' Observations. See Collections of Hakluyt, pp. 8 and 9 ; and Purchas, 'His Pilgrimes,' p. 18. 5471 Chapman (John) The Cotton and Commerce of India, Railway Communication, &c., 3 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1851 5s With Remarks on Irrigation, Taxation, Famines, Reports of Robert Stephenson, G. J. Clark, and Correspondence on Proposed Routes for Railways. Evidence on Public Works. Pari. Reports, 1852-3, see p. 67 5472 Baroda and Bombay : On the Removal of [General] Outram from the Court of the Gaekwar, 8vo, pp. 174. 1853 3s 6d 5473 On Irrigation and Public Works, pp. 20. 1854 Is 6d Charnook (Job) Documentary Memoirs of, and the Foundation of Calcutta. See Hedges's (Sir Wm.) Diary, vol. ii. 5474 Cheek (Ensign A. M. H.) The Martyr of Allahabad, murdered by the Sepoys, porti^ait, 12mo, cloth. 1857 2s 5475 Cheem (Aliph), i.e., Maj. W. Yeldam. Lays of Ind, Comic, Satiri- cal, and Descriptive Poems of Anglo-Indian Life, enlarged edition, containing both series, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1876 3s 6d 5476 Chesney ([General Sir] G.) Indian Polity, a View of the System of Administration in India, third edition, map, 8vo, cloth. 1894 8s Geography, Aboriginal Races, History, Rise of British Rule, Government, Legislation, Organization, and Administration, Civil, Military, Native ; Public Works, Irrigation, Railways, Finance, the Home Government, &c. 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 97 5477 Chevrillon (Andre) Romantic India, from the French by Wm. Marchant, 8vo, cloth. 1897 4s Letters describicg a Voyage— Ceylon, Pondichery, Calcutta, Darjiling, Benares, Lucknovv, Cawnpur, Agra, Delhi, Jaipur, Bombay, Elura, with Observations on Buddhism, Bi-ahmanism, Hinduism, &c. Child (Sir Josiah) Governor of the E.I. Co., and his relations with India. See Hedges's Diary, vol. ii. pp. cxii-cxx, and 'portrait. " That which we promise ourselves in a most especiall manner from our new President [Child] and Council is that they will establish such a Politic of civill and military power, and create and secure Such a large Revenue to maintains both at that place, as may bee the foundation of a large, w^ell-grounded, sure Engliah Dominion in India for all time to come " (Dec. 12, 1687). Christianity in India. See references under Missions. 4579 Churchill (Winston S.) Story of the Malakand Field Force on the N.W. Frontier, 1897, maps, plans, &c., revised edition, 12mo, cloth. 1899 3s 5480 Clark (Mrs. H.) Summer Scenes in Kashmeer, 12 litko jjlates in tint (Day & Son), imperial folio. 1858 9s Beautiful views of mountain, lake, and river scenery, ruins of temples, t. Eastwick was engaged in the East India trade from 1792 to 1825, voyaging between Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, the Nicobars. Eangoon, Bencoolen, Canton, Persian Gulf, Port Jackson, Norfolk Island, kc. He was also with Whitelock's expedition to Buenos Ayres (1807), was twice wrecked, and has some very interesting details of Col. Wellesley, afterwards Duke of Wellington, who sailed with him on one occasion from Madras to Calcutta (1798). 5510 A King's Hussar: Military Memoirs of Twenty-five Years in the 14th Hussars, 12mo, cloth. 1893 3s 6d Includes chapters on Cantonment Life, Soldiers' Pets and Pastimes in India, &c 5511 Congreve (Richard) Positivist. India, 8vo, pp. 40 2s 6d Conner (Lt.) Description of the Hill Tribes in Travancore, and Memoir in the Travancore Survey — Madras Journal, Vol. I., 1834 5512 Connor (Ensign James) Eight Water-Colour Views and Sketches in Indian Ink, 1781-4 £2 10s Guard of Nabob's Cavalry ; Hindu Ceremony of Huson Hawson ; View on Ganges between Monghir and Kajemal; Scene in Berhampore ; Fort St. George, Madras ; Calcutta, near the Old Fort, March 80, 1784 ; and two others. Conolly' See p. 5. 5513 Constable's Hand Atlas of India: a series of Sixty Maps and Plans prepared from Ordnance and other Surveys under the direc- tion of J. G. Bartholomew, 12mo, half-morocco. 1893 6s This Atlas contains twenty-two plans of the principal towns. Topographical Section Maps reduced from the Survey, Military, Railway, Telegraph, and Mission Station Maps, an index of nearly twelve thousand names, and an abstract of the 1891 Census. 5514 Hand Gazetteer of India, compiled under the direction of J. G. Bartholomew, and Edited with Additions by Dr. Burgess, 12mo, half-morocco. 1898 6s The Hand Gazetteer of India is based on the Index to Hand Atlas, which has been added to very largely, bringing the number of entries to close upon 20,000. The populations of districts, towns, and villages, and the position of each place are clearly indicated. Conti (Nicolo) Travels in India, 1449. See Ramusio, p. 18, and Major's India in the 15th Century, post. Conti was probably the first European who visited Bengal, That achievement is sometimes credited to Athanasius Nikitin, but he did not visit India till 1468w4. 83 J High Street^ Marylebone, London, W, B 2 100 Francis Edwards* s Catalogue 5515 Qonwdcy (Sir Wm. Martin) Climbing and Exploration in the Karakoram Himalayas (1892), ma'p and 300 illustrations by A. D. McCormick, royal 8vo, cloth. 1891 14s 5516 Supplementary volume of Scientific Memoranda: Reports by Prof. Bonney, Dr. A. G. Butler, W. L. Duckworth, W. B. Hemsley, W. F. Kirby, and others, cloth. 1894 15s The journey was from Hriuagar tlirough Gilgit. See also Eckenstein and McCormick. 5517 Crossing of the Hispar Pass, Kashmir, Geog. Journal, Feb., 1893, Vol. I. pp. 131-8. Is 6d 5518 — — Exploration in the Mustagh Mountains, Geog. Jour., Oct., 1893, Vol. II. pp. 289-303. Is 6d 5519 Cooke (H. R.) Repression of Female Infanticide in Gujarat, &c. (Bombay Records), imp. 8vo, pp. vili-102. 1875 2s 6d Coolie Emigration. See Archer (E.) ; Emigration. 5520 [Cooper (Frederic, of Umritsur)] The Crisis in the Punjab from the 10th of May until the Fall of Delhi [14th Sept., 1857], by a Punjab Employe, plans, 8vo, cloth. Lahore, 1858 5s With Table of Disposition of the Troops, Despatches, &c., and tale of the terrible acts of punishment inflicted upon the captured mutineers, total destruction of the 26th Regiment N.I. at Peshawar, 1st August, nearly 500 men, 5521 The Crisis in the Punjab, London edition, map, 12mo, cloth. 1858 6s 5522 Coopland (Mrs. R. M.) A Lady's Escape from Gwalior and Life in Agra Fort during the Mutiny, 12mo, cloth. 1859 6s 5523 Coorg and its Rajahs, by an Officer formerly in the Service of H.H. Veer Rajunder Wadeer, 8vo, pp. 136. 1857 4s See also Bowring, Census, Markliam, Meade, CooTE (Sir Eyre) and his Services at Plassey, and in the Carnatic, 1754-83. See Histories of Orme and Mill, Stuart, and Wilks. 5524 Cope (Capt.) New History of the East Indies, with Observations on the Inhabitants, Descriptions of Forts and Settlements of Europeans and Trade of the E.I. Co., map, 8vo, half-calf extra. 1754 15s Account of the Philippine and Spice Islands, Voyage of Vasco da Gama, Borneo. Sumatra and Java, Tonquin, Cochin-China, East Africa, Arabia, Persia and Mogul Dominions— Sindy, Guzerat, Cities and Forts of Cambay, Surat, Bombay, Diu, St. George (Madras), &c. CoRDiNER (Rev. J.) Voyage to India, 1797. See Ceylon. 5525 Cornwallis (Charles, Marquis) Correspondence. Edited, with Notes, by Charles Ross, second edit., 1859, 3 vols. 8vo, cl. £1 8s Papers and Correspondence during the American War, Two Administrations in India, Union with Ireland, and the Peace of Amiens. Lord Cornwallis was twice Governor-General of India, from 1786-93, dving during his second period of office, in 1805, and was also engaged in the Mysore War against Tippoo Bultaun. His papers and correspondence are the chief authority for these periods in the history of India. See also Kaye, Malcolm, Seton-Karr, Mysore, &c. SSj High Street^ MaryUhone, London, W, India 101 5526 Corrie (Rev. Daniel, D.D.) First Bishop of Madras, Memoir of, from his Letters and Journals, 'portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1847 ^h fid Dr. Corrie arrived in Calcutta in 1806, and for nianv years laboured in Northern India, at Chunar, Benares, Cawnpore, Agra, &c., and subsequently at Calcutta four times, on the deaths of Bishops Middlcton, Heber, James, and Turner', administered the affairs of the diocese. Among his correspondents were Flenry Martyn, T. Thomason, Rev. C. Simeon, J. W. Sherer, and Bishop Daniel Wilson. CoRsALi (Andreas) Letters to G. Medici, from Cochin, 1515 and 1517, describing Eastern Countries and the Trade of the Portu- guese. See Ramusio, Viaggi, p. 18. CoRVERTE (Capt. Robert) Account of India, 1608-11. See Covert. 5528 Coryat's Crudities, hastily gobbled up.... in France, Savoy, Italy, &c., reprinted from the rare edition of 1611, with his Letters from India, Oration, Character, Death, &c. facsimile illustrations, portraits, engraved on copper, 3 vols. 8vo, calf. 1776 (scarce) £5 Copies of many commendatory verses in various languages are prefixed to the book. The frontispiece shows the several modes of travelling— the author on board a boat, the pides of which he " varnished " as he crossed to Calais ; next he is in a Picardy cart, &c. He says that he had walked 1,97.5 miles in one pair of shoes, and this pair of shoes was deposited, in token of gratitude for his safe return home, in the parish church, Odcomb, Somersetshire, rie travelled to India again, and visited the Great Mogul at Agra, and joined the suite of Sir Thomas Roe ; but this first "globe trotter '' met with misfortunes and died at Surat towards the end of 1617. 5529 THOMAS CORIATE | Traueller for the English | Wits : Greeting. | From the Court of the Great Mogvl, Resi- | dent at the Towne of Asmere, in | Easterne India. [Woodcut] Printed by W. laggard, and Henry Featherston. 1616 (reprint 1810) 10s Small 4to, one leaf with two woodcuts and verses; title (^s above) ; blank (with pen-and-ink marks) ; To the Reader, 2 pp. To the Right Hon. Sir Edward Phillips, From Asmere, 1615, and other Odcombian Letters and Verses, pp. 56. This work (included in the 1776 edition) contains, besides the Letter to Sir E. PhillipSj others to " his Mother, and to the High Seneschall of the Right Worshipfull Fi-aternitie of Sirenical Gentlemen, that meet at the Mere-Maid in Bread- Streete, London. There are also some commendations for M. lohn Donne, Maister Beniamin lohnson, M. Samuel Purkas, the great collector of the Lucubrations of sundry classical authors, for the description of Asia, Africa, and America, M. Inigo Tones, to the Printer of his ' Crudities,' to all the Stationers in Paules Churchyard and others — God bless them all & me to \" CosMAs Indicopleustes, Topography of India, a.d. 535-47. See p. 5 and Thevenot's Collection, p. 22. 5531 Costumes and Characters of Western India, 31 large photographs (with descriptions) on cards, each 17 by 12^ 18s 5532 Cottineau de Kloguen (Rev. Denis) Historical Sketch of Goa, with Account of surrounding Territories under its Jurisdiction, plan, 8vo, half-calf. Madras, 1831 (scarce) 8s 5533 Cotton (Lt.-Gen. Sir Sydney) Nine Years on the N.W. Frontier of India, 1854-63, with an Appendix on Indian Army Organization, 8vo, cloth. 1868 7s 6d General Cotton's active service extended over a period of 53 years in all three Presidencies, Burmah and Scinde, in the Carnatic, Mysore, and the N.W Frovinces. This work records his services in the last-mentioned districts, and includes a narra- tive of the Mutiny of 1857-58. 83 J High Street^ Maa-ylebone, London, W* 102 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 5534 Cotton ([Sir] Arthur) Letter in Reply to Col. Baker's Report on [Sir] A. Cotton's Papers, pp. 30, with Letters from the TirneSf pp. xvii, pp. 11-56 and folding table, 8vo. 1856 3s 5535 Letter on the Ganges Canal Committee's Report, 24 Feb., 1866, 8vo, pp. 83, and plans. 1867 2s 6d 5536 On Communication between India and China by the Line of the Burhampooter and Yang-tsze — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1867, Vol. XXXVII. pp. 231-239, and map, cloth 3s 5537 The Madras Famine, with Letter from Florence Night- ingale, and other Papers, 8vo, pp. 40, cloth. Dorkhig [1877] 2s 6d 5538 Cotton. Memoir of George Edward Lynch Cotton, D.D., Bishop of Calcutta, and Metropolitan (1858-66), with Selections from his Journals and Correspondence, portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1871 6s 5539 Memoir, new edition, portrait, 1 vol. 12mo, cloth. 1872 4s 5540 Charge to the Clergy of Calcutta, with Appendices on Education, &c., 8vo, pp. iv-108, xxviii. Cambridge, 1859 2s 5541 Cotton (J. S.) India; and Payne (E. J.) The Colonies (" English Citizen" Series), 12mo, cloth. 1883 3s Decennial Statements : Progress and Condition, &c. See p. 67. Mountstuart Elphinstone. See p. 126. Warren Hastings — Ency. Britannica, 9th edit.. Vol. XI. 5542 Court (Major M. H.) The Future Government of India; with the Laws of Menu in Twelve Chapters, 8vo, pp. 134. 1858 4s 5543 Couteur (Capt. J. Le) Letters from India : Military Trans- actions during the War, 1782-84, with Account of the Inhabitants of Hindostan, from the French, 8vo, boards. 1790 7s 5544 [Covert.] A | Trve and 1 almost incre- | dible Report of an Englishman, that \ (being cast away in the good Ship called | the Assension in Gamhaya, the farthest part of | the East Indies) trauelled by Land thorow | many vnknowne Kingdomes and \ great Cities. I With a particular Description of all ! tliose Kingdo7nes, Cities, and People : \ As also, | A Relation of their Commodities and manner of \ Traffique, and at what seasons of the yeere | they are most in vse. Fayth- | fully related: | With a Discovery of a Great ] Emperour called the Great Mogoll, a Prince | not till now knowne to our Eng- | lish Nation. | By Captaine Robert Couert, small 4to, calf extra (rare). London, 1631 £4 10s Title (1 leaf), Dedication (8 pp.), To the Reader (1 page), The Voyage (in black letter, pp. i-68), Colophon (1 leaf). The "Ascension," with the "Union," formed the fourth expedition sent out by the E.I. Co. After touching at the Cape the vessels were separated, the "Ascen- sion" going on to the Comoro Islands and Pemba (near Zanzibar), Socotra, Aden, Mocha {Red Sea), and Cambay, where she was wrecked. Coverte and some of his companions after reaching Surat travelled to Agra, where they spent some time, and were introduced to the Great Mogul by Hawkins. They afterwards travelled through Persia and overland to Aleppo, whence they sailed to England. Coverte's 'Report' has been reprinted in the Collections of Astley (Vol. I.), Harley (Vol.11.), Kerr (Vol. VIII.)- Other narratives of t' sion " and the " Union " will be found in Purchas (Vol Soc, Vol. LVI,— See Lancaster's Voyages, above, p. 11. 83, High /Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. India jqo 5546 Commerce with India before the E.I. Co 8vo nn U [CalcMtta, 1861] *' ' ^P* ^g Both pamphlets bear Lady Franklin's autograph. On Buddhist Travellers, &c. See Elphinstone. Works on Sanskrit. See Indian Literatuke. 5548 Craufurd (Q.) Researches concerning the Laws, TheoWy Learning, Commerce, &c., of Ancient and Modern India, 2 vols' 8vo, boards. 1817 ' 7^ g^ Indir^*^ Chapters on the Sikhs, Mahrattas,and Ancient Authors who have described 5549 [Crawford (John)] View of the Prospects of Free Trade and Colonization of India, second edition, 8vo, pp. 108. 1829 3s 5550 Chinese Monopoly [E.I. Co.] Considered, pp. 96. 1830 2s 6d 5551 Letter to the Author of ' Yiew of Prospects of Free Trade and Colonization of India,' by Desh-u-Lubun Ocharik of Calcutta, 8vo, pp. 86. 1830 2s 6d 5553 Crawford (F. Marion) Mr. Isaacs; a Tale of Modern India, I2mo, cloth 3g 5554 Crawford (Arthur) Reminiscences of an Indian Police Official, with illustrations by H. van Ruith, 8vo, cloth. 1897 6s Stories of Indian crime humorously told, abounding in local colour, and afford- ing illustrations of native character. 6555 Our Troubles in Poona and the Deccan, with 7iumerou8 illustrations by H. van Ruith, 8vo, cloth. 1897 6s A historical sketch of the Poonah People and their Eulers from the earliest times, with description of migratory and predatory tribes, showing that disaffection is confined to a small body of one caste. 5556 Crawshay (Geo.) Cause of the Indian Mutiny, pp. 28. [1857] 2s 5557 Creighton (Henry) The Ruins of Gour, Described and Repre- sented in 18 coloured vieivs and map, 4to, calf. 1817 £1 5s 5558 Creighton (J. N.) Narrative of the Siege and Capture of Bhurtpore, by the Forces under Lord Combermere, 1825-26, coloured frontispiece and other plates, 4to, boards. 1830 (scarce) 18s 5559 Criminal Classes of India : Eleven Reports on Meena Dacoits, Eunuchs, &c., 8vo, half-calf. Allahabad, 1865 4s See also Arthur (T. C), Carpenter (Mary), Crawford (A.), Cumberlege, Graham (D.C.), Gunthorpe, Hcrvey, Punjab Correspondence, Taylor (Meadows) , Von Orlich. Warburton, and references under heading Law and Justice. 5561 Crooke (W.) The North- Western Provinces of India ; tlieir History, Ethnology, and Administration, map and 16 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1897 3s With Chapters on the Land and its Settlement. See also North Indian Notes and following section. 83f High Street^ Ma/ryUhone, London^ W. 104 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 5562 Crooke (W.) Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India, new edition, ilhistrated, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1896 8s 6d New Edition, entirely rewritten, with a considerable amount of fresh ioforma- tion collected in the course of the Ethnological Survey of the N.W. Provinces. This is the first attempt to bring together information on the popular beliefs of the races of Upper India. See North Indian Notes and Queries. 5563 Crump (Lieut. C. W.) Pictorial Record of the Oawnpore Massacre, 3 large coloured plates, folio, cloth. 1858 15s 5564 [Cumberland (Dr.)] Stray Leaves from the Diary of an Indian Officer, containing Account of the Temple of Juggurnath and a Residence in Australia, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1865 5s Dr. Cumberland served 25 years (1828-53) in the Bengal Army in Calcutta and N.W. Provinces. A coloured view of the Taj is given as frontispiece. 5565 Cumberlege (N. R.) Some Account of the Bunjarrah Class, 8vo, pp. 44. Bombay, 1882 Is Treats of the Gipsy Classes and Castes, and of their Criminal propensities. 5566 Cumming (Miss C. F. Gordon) From the Hebrides to the Himalayas. A Sketch of Eighteen Months' Wanderings in Western Isles and Eastern Highlands, illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf extra. 1876 14s The second volume is devoted to India, Agra, Faiths of Hindostan, Delhi and Meerut, the Himalayas, Simla, a Peep into Chinese Tartary, the Hill Tribes, Benares, its Temples and Worshippers, the Taj, &c. 5567 Cumming (Lt. - Col. Gordon) Wild Men and Wild Beasts : Scenes in Camp and Jungle (1847-65), with illustrations by Col. Baigrie and Harrington Bulkley, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1871 15s 5569 Cumming (J. Slator), Lieut, in the 9tli Foot. A Six Years' Diary, 8vo, cloth. 1847 3s Journal of Voyage to Calcutta and of the March to Delhi, Agra, and Meerut, thence through the Punjaub, and the Khyber Pass, 1842, in the successful forcing of which Lieut, Cumming was killed. 5571 Cunningham (J. W.) Christianity in India : Duty of Intro- ducing it among the Natives, 8vo, pp. xii-199. 1808 3s 5573 Cunningham (Capt Joseph D.) History of the Sikhs, their Country and the Battles of the Sutlej. Second edition, with corrections and additions, 2 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1853 (scarce) 19s • The author was resident among the Sikh people for a period of eight years, and had access to all the public records. Several chapters relate to Runjeet Singh and his Alliance. 5574 Cunningham (General Alexander) The Bhilsa Topes ; or, Buddhist Monuments of Central India, with Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Buddhism, 33 plates, 8vo, cl. 1854 £2 With chapters on Asoka, the Gupta Dynasty, Descriptions of the Topes at Sanchi, Sonari, Sattara, Andher, and Bhojpur. The representations include religious and military pageants, ceremonies, battles, and domestic scenes. 5575 Coins of Alexander's Successors in the East, Greeks, Indo- Scythians, and F&rthi&ns, Author's interieatJed cop j/ [with pagination corrected], 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. [ ] 12s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. India 105 5576 Cunningham (General Alexander) Laddk, Physical, Statistical, Historical, with Notices of the Surrounding Countries, map and 31 plates, mostly coloured, and including views by Col. Bates, royal 8vo, cloth. 1854 £2 5577 Laddk, another copy, without map, half-calf 20s The result of two visits in 184G and 1847, with notices of earlier travellers, chapters on Tibetan Buddhism, the Lamas, Religious Buildings, Language, and various Alpine Dialects. 5578 The Ancient Geography of India, Buddhist Period, including Alexander's Campaigns and Travels of Hwen-Thsang, 13 nmps, 8vo, cloth. 1871 (pub. 28s) 14s 5579 Inscriptions of Asoka (Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum), with 31 plates, 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1877 9s Cd See also Archajological Survey of India, ante, and Mahey, post. 5680 Book of Indian Eras, with Tables for Calculating Indian Dates, royal 8vo, cloth. 1883 21s 5582 [Cunningham (Sir H. S.)] Chronicles of Dustypore : a Tale of Modern Anglo-Indian Society, by the author of 'Wheat and Tares,' &c., 12mo, cloth. 1875 3s " It is possible to gain some insight into Indian problems by the perusal of much brilliant Anglo-Indian satire of Anglo-Indian rule in the pages of novels such as the well-known ' Dustypore.' " — Dilke. 5583 British India and its Rulers, 8vo, cloth. 1881 5s 5584 Earl Canning, and the Transfer of India from the Com- pany to the Crown, map ("Rulers of India" Series), 12mo, cloth. 1891 2s 5585 Cursetjee (M.) of: Removed from Assistant - Collector- ship of Customs, Bombay, 8vo, pp. 46. 1847 2s 6d 5586 Curzon (Lord) of Kedleston, Viceroy of India, Speeches hy, 1898-1901, 8vo, cloth. 1901 7s 6d Speeches before leaving England, in Reply to Addresses in India, in Durbar at Lucknow, Quetta, Rajkot, and on Finance, Commerce. Memorials to Queen Vic- toria, &.C. 5587 [Dalence] Relation ou Journal d'un Voyage fait aux Indes Orientales, contenant I'Etat des Affaires du Pais, & les Etablisse- ments de plusieurs Nations avec la Description des principales Villes, les Moeurs, Coutumes & Religions des Indiens, 24mo, morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1677 , , l^s Narrative of a French expedition to India, 1671-5, including the enterprises against the Dutch at Ceylon, St. Thom6, and Batavia, under Caron and Martm, accounts of the Cape, Mozambique, &c. 5588 Dalhousie (Marquess of) Minute on his Administration (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 14), royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1856 3s Minute on L.C. Government of India Act, 1853. See Ilbert. 5589 The Marquess of Dalhousie and Final Development of the E.I. Co.'s Rule, by Sir W. Hunter, map, portrait, and facsimile C* Rulers of India " Series), 12aio, cloth. 1890 2s See also Argyll, Arnold (Sir E.), Holmes, Jackson, Marshraan, Trotter, Keene and other recent Historians of India. . ,. ,^^.„ ,, ^ Ki;,T.«ri Lord Dalhousie's Papers are, by a special clause m his Will, not to be pubiibhed before 1910. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, 106 Fra/ncis Edwards's Catalogue 5590 Dalrymple (Alex.) A Plan for Extending the Commerce of this Kingdom and of the E.I. Co., pp. iv-112 and nuip, 8vo, half- calf. 1769 lis See also East India Company, pp. 117, 118, and Tanjore. 5591 Contest concerning Four New Regiments offered to H.M. by the E.I. Co., 8vo, pp. 76. 1788. 4s 5592 Oriental Repertoiy, Vol. I., large-paper issue, royal 4to, sewed (without the plates). 1808 15s Contains Descriptions of Malwa, Bandelcund, Jaypoor, the Province of Agra, Country between Masulipatam and Calcutta, by M. Topping (1786-87) ; Roads from Nellore to Western Passes, by Colin Mackenzie (1788) ; Col. Upton's Journey, Poonah to Ballisore (1777) ; Accounts of Tippoo Sultain, the Morattas, the Nair Princes of Malabar, of Cochin China (Mr. Bowyear, 16i>5-97, and Mr. Kirsop, 1750), Avar (Lester's Embassy, 1757), the Island Negrais (1759), &c. 5593 Dalton (Charles) Memoir of Captain [John] Dalton, Defender of Trichinopoly, 1752-3, portrait and plans, 12mo, cloth. 1886 2s 6d Dalton was a life-long friend of Lord Clive, and a great part of the contents of Dalton's ' MS. Journal ' was embodied by Orme in his ' History of India.' 5594 Dalton (Col. E. T.) Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal, illustrated by 38 litho plates from plwtographs, 2 vols, imperial 4to, half- morocco. Calcutta, 1872 £4 10s 5595 Daniel! (Thomas and William) Oriental Scenery ; or, Views of the Architecture, Antiquities, and Landscape Scenery of Hindostan, six parts, containing 144 exquisitely finislied engravings in aqua- tinta, COLOURED in imitation of paintings; the Views in 6 vols, elephant folio, half-morocco (24 by 19), with Descriptive Text in 1 vol. 8vo. 1795-1808 Part I. Title and twenty-four plates, comprehending Views and Specimens of Hindoo and Mohammedan Architecture at Delhi, Gour, Allahabad, Agra, and the " Taj." Pntna, Kamnagur, Benares, the Sacred Tree at Gyah, &c. Paet 11. Twentj'^-four views of Calcutta, the Port, and Chowringee, Madras, an«i Fort St. George, Palace and Fort Madura, Eock of Tritchinopoly, Temple at Tanjore, &c. Part III. Twenty-four views on the Ganges and Jumna, and in Behar, Gate at Fyzabad, Mausoleum of the Wife of Jehangir, views in Lucknow, Cannouge. Mosque at Juanpore, Hill Forts in the Barramahl, more views in Delhi, Eamnagur, Eajmahal, &c. Part IV. Twenty-four plates, chiefly Landscapes from Cape Comorin to the Mountains of Serinagur, taken in the months of July and August, 1792. Part V. Twenty-four views, including the Seven Pagodas at Mauveleporam, Sculptured Eocks at Salsette and Elephanta, Fakeer's Eock in the Ganges ; at Deo, Mandeswara, and Chaynpore in Behar, Muddanpore, Bangalore, Observatory at Delhi, the Cuttub Minar. [Part VI.] Hindoo Excavations in the Mountain of EUora, near Aurungabad, in the Deccan. Twenty-four views from the drawings of Mr. James Wales, under the direction of M^. Thomas Daniell (1792-3) and eight plans. This, the finest illustrated work ever published on India, contains views of palaces and of cities, mountain, river, and forest scenery, illustrations of the rock- cut Temples of Ellora, other Hindu antiquities of the Deccan and Southern India, as well as the Mohammedan Palaces, Mosques, and Tombs of the Bengal and N.W. Provinces. The Messrs. Daniell spent many years in India, and the objects depicted in these volumes are scattered over the whole territory from Bombay ^^ Calcutta, from Travancore to Kashmir. The work was originally publishedi hc Two Hundred Guineas. 8S, High Street^ Marylehone, London^ W, India 107 5596 Daniell's Oriental Scenery: another copy, containing 132 plates, coloured, 6 vols, elephant folio. 1795-1803 £19 Contents.— First, Second, Third, and Fourth Parts ; Part V. Antiquities, twelve plates. (1) Sculptured Rocks (the Seven Pagodas) ; and (2) Entrance to Excavated Temple at Mauveleporam, near Madras ; (3, 4^ 11, 12) Excavated Temples at Salsette ; (5. 6) Hindoo Temple at Behar; (7, 8) Cave at Elephanta; (9, 10) Fakeer's Rock in the Ganges. Part VI. The Cave Temples of Ellora. Although photography accurately reproduces scenes and details, that art has not yet superseded nor surpassed these drawings in effectiveness, and it comes after another century of decay has left its effacing marks on all antiquities. The original plates, too, in these copies are fresh and clean ; produced on Whatman's paper, they are free from the ironmarks found in the reduced copies, which are occasionally " foxed " throughout. 5597 Daniell's Oriental Scenery, aquatint e7igravings, coloured, separate plates, 24 in. by 19 in. each 6s Paet I. 1. Eastern Gate of the Jumma Musjed, Delhi. 2. Hindoo Temples at Bindrabund, on the Jumna. 3. The Cotsea Bhang, or Begum's Garden, Delhi. 4. Ruins at Gour. 5. Raje Gaut, Road to Rotas Ghur, Behar. 6. The Chalees Satoon, or Forty Pillars, Allahabad. 7. Ancient Ruins near Delhi. 8. Palace in the Fort, Allahabad. 9. Gate leading to Akbar's Mausoleum, near Agra. 10. Part of the City of Patna. 11. Hindoo Temple in the Fort of Rotas. 12. Mausoleum of Mucdoom Shah, Moneah. 13. vv . Entrance to Shere Shah's Fort, Delhi. 15. The Sacred Tree at Gyah. 16. Dusasumaude Gaut, Benares. 17. Mausoleum of Sultan Chusera, near Allahabad. 18. Gate leading to and Distant View of the Taje Mah 1, Agra. 19. Hindoo Temples at Agouree on the R. Soane. 20. View of Part of Rotas Ghur. 21. Hindoo Temple near Currah, on the Ganges. 22. Mausoleum of Sultan Purveiz, near Allahabad. 23. The Jumma Musjed, at Delhi, Chief Mosque m India. 24. Gate leading to Musjed at Chunar Gur, on the Ganges. Part III. 2. Ruins of Raiah Rotas's Palace, Behar. . i,. , „i o^ 3. Gate of the Loll Bhang Sujah Dowla's Garden at 1 yzabad. 4. Mausoleum of the Wife of Jehangir near Arahabad .5. The Punj Mahalla Gate, Sujah Dowla's Palace Lucknow. 6. Mausoleum of Amir Khusero, Prmce and Poet, Delhi. I i^rrcf rM^us^o^ml'luItan Khusevo's Garden, near Allahabad. la- &7Mo'q2e'buUt by Hafi. Ramut, Kohilla Chief, at Pillibeat. 14. View of Ousoor, near Bangalore, Mysore 18. Baolee, or Bath, near the Old City of Delhi. 20. The Boalee at Ramnasur. Maiiol 24. Mausoleum of Nawaub Asoph Khan, at baje Mahal. 5598 Oriental Scenery, Reduced edition, t^^^^J^^^^^^.,^^ j,*^^,^, ^t- lUustrations of the six parts engraved on see w^th Descrip tions, in 3 vols. obi. roy. 4to, half-morocco^^812Ub^__* 83, High Street, Ma/ryUhone, London, W. 108 Frcmcis EdAimrd^s Catalogue 5599 Daniell's Oriental Scenery, Reduced edition, hut printed, on large paper, 6 vols, in 3, imperial 4to, half-morocco. 1812-16 £3 3s In the reduced edition the descriptions accompany the plates, which are uniform in size, each Sin. by 6 in. 5601 Picturesque Voyage to India by Way of the Cape : a Series of 50 most beautiful coloured engravings printed in exact imitation of drawings, with descriptive letterpress, 4to, half-morocco. 1810 £4 Views of Gravesend, Beachv Head, Madeira (2), Crossing the Line, Gale off the Cape, Man Overboard, Table Mountain, Albatross, Malay Proas and Canoes (2), Java Head, Macao (2), Coast of Cochin China, Whampoa (2), Canton Kiver (4), Chinese Gentlemen, Ladies, Officer, Husbandman, and Barber (7), Chinese Vessels (3), Chinese Duck Boat, Garden, Pavilion, Tomb, and Offering to the God of Fire (5), Pedro Branco, Cape Richards, Anger Point (3), Malays of Java and Village (3), Cocoa Nut and Betel Trees, Fowl Island, Bay of Bengal, Views on the Hoogly (2), Calcutta (2). 5602 The Oriental Annual for 1836; or, Scenes in India, with 22 steel plates by DaJiiell, 12mo, morocco 4s 5603 Oriental Annuals for 1836 and 1837, containing 36 beau- tiful steel engraved plates from drawings by Daniell and Westall, largest paper issue, 1 vol. imp. 4to, half-morocco 15s Views in Bombay, Salsette (2), Elephanta (2), Delhi (4), Jehanabad. Madura, on the Ganges, Hoogly, Coast of Malabar, in Bootan {5), at Muskat (3], of Hindoos and Mahomedans, Sultan Baber, a Tiger Hunt, Lion and Buffalo. Brahmin Bull, a Hunting Cheetah, Alligator and Bullock, Java Pheasant, &c. 5604 Eastern Legendary Tales and Oriental Romances, with 13 steel engravings [Oriental Annual], 12mo, cloth gilt 3s 6d 5606 Danish Missionaries and their Success in Malabar, with Account of a Printing Press set up in Tranquebar, and Catalogue of Books there printed. [Part I., pp. 68], 12mo, half-bound. London, 1714 4s 5607 • New Edition, continued, with map. Part I., pp. xvi, xxxvi, 80 ; Part II., pp. viii - 60; Part III., pp. xxiv - 236, and map, 1 vol. 12mo, calf. 1718 9s On the Character of a Missionary ; Voyage 1705-6 ; Idolatry of the Malabarians ; Conversions and Particular Providences ; Journey from Tranquebar to Madras ; of the Printer, Press and Types sent out ; Translations of the New and Old Testaments Method of Instruction in the Schools, &c. Speaking of written opinions about the native character, Mr. Robert Elliot ('Experiences of a Planter,' 1.155), notes that of all the books he had read upon India "none has taken my fancy so much a* a little work which consists of translations from the letters of two Danish Missionaries." See also Grinfield, Phillips (J. T.), Smith (T.), Swartz. 5608 Dan vers (F. 0.) Bengal Chiefs, Agents, and Governors, pp. 22. 1888. Is 6d 5609 The Portuguese in India : a Histoiy of the Rise and Decline of their Eastern Empire, with 22 facsimile maps, plans, views, and j)ortraits, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1894 {pub. £2 2s) 12s 6d For the period of Indian history covered (about four hundred years) no more useful work exists. It has been compiled from the published writings of I'ortuguese and Spanish authors, amplified by some uni)ublished records as well as from English publications and records of the E.I. Company, The introductory part of nie work treats of the Indo-European trade of the Arabs, the Voyages of Vasco da Gama, 83, High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. India 109 the Conquests of D'Alboquerque and others ; these chapters are followed by others on Portuguese enterprise in the Eastern Archipelago, the coming of the Dutch and the loss to them of Ceylon, and the spice trade of the Moluccas ; lastly of the arrival of the English and subsequent cession of Ceylon to that power. A List of Portuguese Viceroys, Governors, and Heroes of the Epic Period, Names of Places mentioned, and Bull of Pope Alexander VI., designating Eastern Discoveries to Portugal, are printed in the Appendix. 5611 Darrah (Henry Zouch) Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir: Eight Months in Baltistan and Ladak, 2 maps and 52 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1898 10s 6d 5612 Dass (Ishuree) Domestic Manners and Customs of the Hindoos of Northern — chiefly N.W. Provinces — India. Keprint, 12mo, cloth. Benares, 1860 2s 6d •' The reader will get more information from it than from many [works] of much greater pretension." — Calcutta Review. 5613 Das (Devendra N.) Sketches of Hindoo Life, 12mo, cl. 1887 2s Phases of the inner life of the people of India— sketches mostly reprinted from London newspapers. 5614 Dave (Ldlshankar) A Short History of Gondal, 12mo, cloth. Bombay, 1889 * 2s 6d 5615 Davidson (Lieut.-Col. C. J. C.) Travels in Upper India to Kurd war and the Himmalayas, a Tour in Bundelcund, and a Voyage down the Ganges, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1843 6s With Chapters on Dacca, the Jungle, Sunderabund, and Calcutta ; also Account of a Sporting Tour in Oude. 5616 Day (Thomas) Letters of " Marius " upon the Peace, the East India Bill, the Present Crisis, &c., 8vo. 1784 3s 5617 Deakin (Hon. Alfred) Irrigated India : an Australian View of the Irrigation and Agriculture of India and Ceylon, map, 8vo, cloth. 1893 '^s 6^ Treats of Indian Irrigation generally, and specially of the Cauvery, Ganges Canal, Bari Doab, Sirhind, and other systems, with Chapters on Ceylon, the Madras, Bengal, and Bombay Presidencies, the Independent States, N.W. Provinces, Native Population, Agriculture, Indian Wheat, Australian Trade, &c. 5618 Dean (John) Narrative of the Affair of the Ship "Sussex" until her Wreck on the Bassas de India, 8vo, half-calf. 1740 6s 5619 [Deane (Mrs. A.)] A Tour through the Upper Provinces of Hin- dostanbetweenl804andl814,hyA.D.,wrtp,8vo,half-calf. 1823 5s6d Extracts from the diary of a lady (wife of Jobn Deane, Esq., Commissioner m Behar aid Benares), with remarks and incidents of the .lo;;y"\Vn71\w, nore to Serampore, Moorshednbad. Rajmahal, Monghyr, Benares, Allahabad, Cawnpoie, Lucknow, Agra (with account of the " Taj "), Delhi, Meernt, Sec. 5620 Deccan, Recollections of the, with Miscellaneous Sketches and Letters. By an Officer of Cavalry, royal 8vo, calf (scarce)^ Calcutta, 1838 ,, i i n ^A Account of Goa, Elophanta, Kolaupoor, l^^^f ^ ^holappre^^ M^ Mines, Short Tour in the Carnatic, and other sketches; repimted trom vanou. Indian periodicals, and letters signed " Junius. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 110 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 5621 Delessert (Adolphe) Souvenirs d'un Yoyage dans I'lnde, 1834- 1839, with 35 plates (27 of natural history, coloured), including Birds, Butterflies and Moths, royal 8vo, boards. Paris, 1843 15s 5622 Delhi Sketch Book (The) with numerous comic cuts and cartoo7is, 12 Nos., 1851-53, 4to, morocco (scarce) 16s 5623 Military Plan of Delhi, 19 by 14, coloured sheet, London, 1857 Is 6d 5624 History of the Siege of Delhi, by an Officer who sei-ved there, with Sketch of Events in the Punjaub during the Rebellion of 1857, plan, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1861 7s 5625 Short Account of the Siege, 1857, by Colonel Handcock, commanding at Delhi, Simla. 1892 2s 5626 Plan of the Siege, September, 1857, p/toto- lithograph, 18 by 15. London, 1894 Is 5627 Dellon (M.) Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyage fait aux Indes Orientales, contenant la Description des lies de Bourbon et de Madagascar, de Surat, de la C6tes de Malabar, Calicut, Tanor, Goa, &c. ; avec Histoire des Plantes et des Animaux, et un Traite des Maladies particulieres et des leurs Remedies, plates, 18mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1699. lis 5628 Yoyage to the East Indies, with Accounts of St. Helena, Madagascar, Malabar, Goa, Ormus, &c., with Supplement taken out of Rennefort's East Indies, 8vo, old calf. London, 1698 £1 10s 5629 [ ] Relation de I'lnquisition de Goa [Par T)***], plates, 18mo, calf. Paris, 1688 9s 5630 History of the Inquisition at Goa, English translation, 8vo, cloth. Hull, 1812 5s 5631 Denison (Sir Wm.) Yarieties of Yice-Regal Life, including Letters of Lady Denison, inaps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1870 6s 5632 Another copy, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf 9s Sir Wm. Denison was Governor of Tasmania (184:7-55), of New South Wales (1855-61), and of Madras (1861-66). The second volume contains correspondence on Indian Finance and Public Works, and visits to different parts of the Presi- dency ; the assumption of the Governor-Genei-alship on the death of Lord Elgin. 5633 D'Ewes (J.) Sporting in Both Hemispheres, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1858 3s 6d Sporting experiences in India, France, Spain, Baden, Bavaria, Hungary, Prussia? Cape Verde Islands, Australia, and China. The chapters relating to India contain accounts of Thuggism and of a Suttee witnessed by the author. 5635 Dickinson (John) Reply to the Indigo Planters' Pamphlet: * Brahmins and Pariahs,' 8vo, pp. 43. 1861 2s 5636 The Famine in the N.W. Provinces, pp. 36. 1861 2s 5637 The Cotton Crisis and Public Works in India, pp. 39. 1862 2s 5638 Remarks on the Indian Railway Reports, pp. 32. 1862 2s 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India HI 5639 Dickinson (John) Obstructions to Trade in India, 8vo, pp. 15. 1862 Is 6d 5640 Policy of the Secretary for India, 8vo, pp. 40. 1863 2s 5641 Dhar not Restored in Spite of the Honse of Commons and of Public Opinion, 8vo, cloth. 1864. 3s 5642 Sequel to ' Dhar not Restored,' 8vo, pp. 35. 1865 2s 5643 Digby (Wm.) Hon. Sec. Indian Famine Relief Fund The Famine Campaign in Southern India, 1876-8, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1878 9s Mr. Digby's volumes contain fullest information on the questions of relief works, of relief camps, and are of permanent value as a record of this campaign. 5644 Dilke (Sir Charles) Greater Britain : Travel in America, Australasia, Ceylon, and India, 1866-7, 6 ?nop.s and 10 ilhistrationsj best edition, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1868 9s After travelling across North America, the Pacific, and through Australasia, Sir Charles Dilke visited Point de Galle, Colombo and Kandy, Calcutta, Benares, Mirzapore, Allahabad and Cawnpore, Agra and the Taj, Delhi, Bimla, Amritsar and its Golden Temple, Lahore, Moultan, Kurrachee, and Bombay ; writing not only descriptions but chapters, suggested on the way, on Caste, Mohamedan Cities, Colonization, the Gazette, Our Indian Army, Russia, Native States, Scinde, Over- land Koutes, the Mohurrum, English Learning, and on India— in general. 5645 Problems of Greater Britain, with 5 maps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1890 lis This work, founded on the observations recorded in the preceding work and the writer's later travels, treats of the statecraft and legislation of British colonies and possessions across the seas in (I) North America, (2) Australasia, (3) South Africa, (4) India, (5) Crown Colonies, ((5) Colonial Problems, (7) The Mother Country and the Remainder of the Empire, (8) Imperial Defence. Indian Pro- blems occupy l.W pages in the second volume. DiODORUs SicuLUs, Account of India about B.C. 60. See above, p. 6, and Alexander the Great, pp. 1 and 65. 5646 Dirom (Major) Narrative of the War with Tippoo Sultan, 1792, maps, plans, and view of Seringapatam, 4to, calf. 1793 18s 5647 War with Tippoo, second edition, with sheet showing State of the E.I. Co.'s Finances, 1793, 4to, calf. 1794 21s 5648 Dixon (Lieut.-Col. C. J.) Sketch of Mairwara ; Origin and Habits of the Mairs, their Subjugation and Civilization, with Descriptions of Irrigation Works in Mairwara and Ajmeer, and 32 maps, pUms, and vieivs, 4to, cloth. 1850 14s 5649 [Dobbs (General R. S.)] Brief Sketch of the Life of Gen. Charles A. Browne, accompanied by Reminiscences of Christian Life in India Half a Century ago. by a General OfiQcer, Umo. Dublin *^ 5650 Reminiscences of Life in Mysore (1834-62), South Africa (1840-41), and Burmah (1852-53), 12mo, cloth. Dnhlin, 1882 2s bd With chapters on Christian Mission Work, Professional Robbers, Police Expe- riences, Thuggism, Wild Beasts, Public Works, &c. ^^^^^ 8S, High Street, Marylehone, LoTidon, W. 112 Francis Edwa/rds's Catalogioe 5651 Dodgson (Lt.-Col. D. S.) Yiews of Lucknow, with descriptive notices: 2S tinted lithographs and plan^ imp. folio, cloth. 1860 £1 5652 Another copy, half -morocco ^1 4s Scenes in and around the city just after the Mutiny, including the Residency, Dr. Fayrer's House, Palaces of Motee Mahal and Dil Khoosha, the Martiniere, General Outrara's Camp at Alum Bagh, Fortress, Batteries, &c. 5653 Dodwell (Edward) and Miles (J. S.) Indian Army List, 1760- 1837, royal 8vo, cloth, 1838 68 5654 Bengal Civil List, 1780-1838, royal 8vo, half-bound. 1839 6s 5655 D'Orsey (Rev. A. J. D.) Portuguese Discoveries, Dependencies, and Missions in Asia and Africa, maps, 12nio, cloth. 1893 4s A short and useful history of the Portuguese Conquests and Missions in India, with cliapters on Xavier and the Jesuits, Syrian Missions and Christians in South India, Protestant Missions, Recent Re\ival of Roman Missions. 5656 Doughty (Marian — Hetton Mervyn) Afoot through the Kashmir Valleys, illustrated^ 8vo, cloth. 1902 7s 6d 5657 Douglas (James) Bombay and Western India, maps, plans, 13 full-page and over 100 other illustrations, 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1893. (pub. 42s net) 10s History and progress from the sixteenth century to the present date : the outcome of twelve years' residence and research. There are papers on General Sir C. Napier, Eliza Draper. Akbar, Sivaji, Outram, Dr. John Wilson, Governors Aungier, Elphinstone, and Malcolm, «&c. ; on the pirates of the Ratnagiri coast. Nelson in 1775, Napoleon at Suez, Wellington in Bombay, the Mutiny of 1857, Bijapur, and the Elephanta Cave Temples. Some of the portraits and views are from rare prints, and many from sources never before published. 5658 Dow (Lt.-Col. Alex.) History of Hindostan, translated from .the Persian of Ferishta, with Continuation from the death of Akbar to the Settlement of the Empire under Aurungzebe (977-1669), with portraits, second edition, revised and enlarged (2 vols., 1770) ; with a Dissertation on the Hindoos, and on Despotism in Hindostan, and An Inquiry into the State of Bengal, 1772, 3 vols. 4to, calf 36s 5660 History of Hindostan, with the Dissertations and State of Bengal, new edition, portraits, 3 vols. 8vo, half- morocco. 1792 17s 5661 History of Hindostan, &c., another copy, 3 vols. 8vo, calf 19s 5662 Downing (Clement) History of the Indian Wars with Angria and other Pyrates, 12mo, morocco extra. 1737 21s 5663 Doyly (Sir Charles) The European in India : Twenty Coloured Drawings engraved by Clark and Dubourg, with Descriptions by Capt. Williamson ; to which is added Mr. Blagdon's History of India, small 4to, half-morocco extra {Ornie). 1813 £2 12s "I found great amusement and interest in looking over Sir Charles D'Oyly's drawing-books ; he is the best gentleman artist I ever met with. He says India is full of beautiful and picturesque country and his own drawings and paintings certainly make good his assertion."— Bishop Heber's Journal, August 20tn, 1824. 8Sy High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 113 5666 Doyly (Sir Charles) Behar Amateur Lithographic Scrap Book, containing 28 sketches, obloDg folio, half-calf extra. Behar, 1828. Portraits, Sketches, and Views in or near Benares, Patna, Bariackpore, Gyali, Dacca, &c. i ^ i ^ j > 5667 [Amateur Scrap Book] No. 2, Indian Sports, litho. title and 12 plates, oblong folio, half-calf. Behar, 1829 (rare) 18s 5668 Views in Calcutta and its Environs, 25 plates, containing 27 litho. views, coloured, large folio, half-morocco. 1848 £5 10s East Gate, Government House ; Government House ; View near Circular Road ; Garden Reach ; Custom House Wharf ; The Town and Port ; Banyan Tree ; The Church ; Mosque ; Procession of the Churruckpooja ; Office of the Board of Revenue ; Calcutta from Fort William ; View in Clive Street ; Village of Sheerpore ; '/'"^'cutte. from the Old Course ; The Cathedral ; Barrackpore Menagerie and Park ^. ^ 5 J^^^^ '" Serampore Road ; Bishop's and Mahommedan Colleges (2) ; Suspen- sion Bridge at Alipore ; Chowringee (two views) ; Tank Square ; Hindoo Mut and leinple (2); Esplanade. See also ' The Old Missionary '—Hunter. 5669 Drew (Frederic) The Jummoo and Kashmir Territories, maps, photo and other illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1875 15s A valuable work of reference on the Physical Characteristics and Inhabit- ants of Jummoo; Kashmir and Sirinagar, the Surrounding Mountains and their Geological Features ; Ladak and Higher Valleys ; Baltistan, Dardistan, and their People ; Gilgit History, Languages, Vocabularies, Statistical Tables, &c. 5670 The Northern Barrier of India : a Popular Account of the Jummoo and Kashmir Territories, map and illiistrations, 8vo, cloth. 1877 4s 6d This volume contains those parts of the author's previous work most likely to interest the general reader. 5672 Drury (Col. H.) Reminiscences of Life and Sport in Southern India, 12mo, cloth. 1890 2s 6d 5673 Dryden's Aureng-Zebe : a Tragedy, and the Second Book of Somervile's * Chase,' edited, with Notes, by K. Deighton, portrait of Dryden and coloured plate, ' The Emperor Akbar Deer Stalking,' 12mo, cloth. 1892 2s 6d 5674 Duberly (Mrs. H.) Campaigning Experiences in Rajpootana and Central India during the Mutiny, 1857-58, maps, 12mo, cl. 1859 Os 5676 Dubois (I'Abbe J. A.) Description of the Cliaracter, Manners, and Customs of the People of India and of their Institutions, Religious and Civil, 4to, boards. 1817 1^^ 5677 Another Edition, with Notes and Additions by Rev. G. U. Pope (but somewhat abridged) portrait, royal 8vo, half-calf. Madras, 1862 7s 6d 5678 New Edition : Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies, translated from the author's later French MS., and edited, with notes, corrections, and biography, by H. K. Beauchamp, Prefatory Note by Max Miiller, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1897 (Clarendon Press) "^ The Abb6, who went to India as a missionary, was remarkably free from theological prejudices, and his work will always retain its value as a trustworiny 8^, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 114 Francis Edward^ s Catalogue authority on the state of India in his time. He had an intimate knowledge of the life of the people, and was an eyewitness to Suttee and other practices. For his translation of the Pancha-tantra, see subsequent section. 5679 Dubois (FAbbe J. A.) Letters on the State of Christianity in India, with a Vindication of the Hindoos, 12mo, half-calf. 1823 3s 6d The Abbe Dubois saw little possibility of converting the Hindus, particularly the higher castes, to any sect of Christianity, and in some sense became almost a Hindu himself. Evidence on Missions, see E.I. Co. Report, 1832, p. 120. 5681 Duff (Alex., D.D.) Life of, by George Smith, JAt.T>., with portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1879 (pub. 24s) 10s 6d These volumes tell the story of Dr. Duff's labours in organizing the Scotch Church mission work in India during the three periods of his residence, 1830 to 1839, 1841 to 18o0, and 18.58 to 1868 ; of his efforts on behalf of the education of the natives of India, and of his opposition to the policy of Lord Auckland. The earlier chapters tell of his two shipwrecks on his first outward voyage, of Calcutta as it was, and later chapters of the Great Mutiny. 5682 India and Indian Missions, including Sketches of the Gigantic System of Hinduism, 8vo, cloth 5s 5683 The Indian Rebellion : its Causes and Results, map, 12mo, cloth. 1858 3s 6d 5684 Letter respecting Wreck of the " Lady Holland," near Cape of Good Hope, 13th Feb., 1830, 8vo, pp. 20. Edinburgh, 1830 2s 6d 5685 Address on the Church of Scotland's India Mission, 8vo, pp. 28. Edinburgh, 1835 2s 5686 English Language and Literature in India, 8vo, pp. 46. Edinburgh, 1837 2s 6d 5687 — - — Bombay and the Church of Scotland's Mission There, 8vo, pp. 36. Edinburgh, 1840 28 5688 What is Caste ? pp. 22. Calcutta, 1858 2s 5689 Farewell Address on Leaving Scotland, 8vo, pp. 17. [1862] 2s With autograph of Lady Franklin. Evidence before House of Lords. See Parl. Reports, p. 67, 5690 Duff (Mabel, Mre. W. R. Rickmers) The Chronology of India to the beginning of the Sixteenth Century (b.c. 3102 to a.d. 1530), 8vo, cloth. 1899 6s I. The Chronology. II. Dynastic Lists. III. Index. Each entry is accom- panied by references to the sources of information. 5692 Duff (Capt. James Grant) History of the Mahrattas (a.d. 1000- 1819), r.iap and 2 plates, 3 vols., 8vo, half-mor. 1826 £2 10s "The admirable 'History of the Mahrattas' wri-ten under personal advan- tages and with a living knowledge."— Sir Richard Temple. 5693 History of the Mahrattas, 1 vol. 8vo, cl. Bombay, 1873 5s "This admiral)le work minute, luminous, sagacious, and scrupulously con- scientious of primary importance time honoured but too generally neglected." Prof. Sidney Owen. 83f High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 115 5694 Duff (Mountstuart E. Grant) Governor of Madras. Notes of a Diary kept chiefly in Southern India, 1881-86, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1899 5s " Sir Mountstuart Grant DulGE records the good things that have come within his ken with an enjoyment that sliarpens the points of them Superabundance of entertainment." — Standard. 5696 Dufferin and Ava (Marquess of) Speeches delivered in India, 1884-8, 8vo, cloth. 1890 4s Lord Dufferin delivered 177 speeches during his term of oflSce. Nearl)' 100 are l)rinted in this volume. They include addresses to Buddhists, Mohanmicdans, Burmese, native princes, trade associations, speeches on the Bengal Tenancy Bill, the Oude Rent Bill, education, trade, the French in India, &c. 5697 (Lady) Our Yice-Regal Life in India: Selections from Journal, 1884-8, ma'p and portrait, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1890 8s " No province of our teeming Indian Empire was left uncovered by the Vice- regal tours ; and an observant eye and lively pen made the best of Lady Dufferin's opportunity." — Pall Mall Gazette. " Bright, lively, and entertaining."— ^Sipec^a^or. " Perhaps the visit which Lady Dufferm paid to Burmah will attract as much attention as any other part of her travels." — Daily Telegraph. DuLEEP Singh and the British Government. See Hardinge, Login. Ddncker's History of the Aryans on the Indus and Ganges. See p. 6. 5698 Dunlop (John, M.D.) Mooltan, During and After the Siege, 21 drawings lithographed in tints, with Account of the Siege, imperial 4to, cloth. 1849 £1 5700 Dunlop (Misses Wallace) The Timely Retreat ; or, a Year in Bengal before the Mutinies, numerous illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1858 7s 6d An interesting and animating picture of Anglo-Indian life at an exciting and critical period. 5701 Another copy, 2 vols. 12mo, half -morocco extra lis 5702 Dunlop (R. H. Wallace) Service and Adventure with the Khakee Ressalah, or Meerut Volunteer Horse, during the Mutinies of 1857-8, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1858 6s With coloured and other illustrations representing a Khakee Trooper, Mussul- man Sowar, Sikh Ilecruit, Sikh Servant, a Goorka Soldier, &c. 5703 Hunting in the Himalaya, with Notices of Customs and Countries from the Elephant Haunts of the Dehra Doon to the Bunchowr Tracks in Eternal Snow, map and illustrations by J. Wolf, 12mo, cloth. 1860 8s 5704 Hunting in the Himalaya, Presentation Copy, 12mo, cl. 10s DurLEix. See Guyon, Lawrence (Stringer), Malleson, Orme. 5705 Du Quesne. Journal d'un Voyage fait aux Indes Orientales, par une Escadre de Six Vaisseaux commandez par Mr. Du Quesne, 24Fev., 1690—20 Aout, 1691, par Ordre de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, 3 vols. 12mo, calf. Rouen, 1721 18s 5706 Relation du Voyage [de M. Du Quesne] et Retour des Indes Orientales, 1690-1, 18mo, vellum. Paris, 1693 l^s Account of voy'age to Pondicherry-Sea Fight off Madras-Manners and Cus- toms of the People of India— Description of Ascension island, &c. ^ 83j High /Street, Ma/ryUbone, Londo7i, W. 116 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 5707 Du Quesne. English Translation : A Voyage to the East Indies, 1690-1 ; being a full Description of the Maldives, Cocos, Andam^nts, and of the Isle of Ascention ; also of Forts and Garrisons of the French, with an account of the Indians, and map. To which is added, A New Description of the Canary Islands, Cape Verd, Senegal, and Gambia, &c., 1 vol. 18mo, calf. 1696 16s 5708 Durand (Major-Gen. Sir Henry) Life of, by his Son, with portrait, plans of battles, &c., 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1883 (pub. 32s) 6s These volumes contain accounts of the first Afghan War, the second Sikh War the Burmese War, and the Indian Mutiny ; Papers on Central India under British Supremacy, Col. Campbell Gardiner, Judson the Apostle of Burmah, The East India Company, Indian Treaties, Button's Chronology of Creation, Minutes on the Expeditionary Force to Abyssinia, Proposed Reductions in the Rank and File of British Regiments in India and of the Artillery, on Irrigation Works and Railways, on Employment of Native Troops out of India, the Civil Service, Affairs in Central Asia, Barrack Expenditure, Hill Sanitaria, Replies to Attacks of Sir John Kaye on Lord Ellenborough and Sir H. Durand, &c. 5709 Durand (Col. Alg.) The Making of a Frontier ; Five Years in Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar, Chitral, and the Eastern Hindu-Kush, portrait, map, and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 6s See Knight (B. F.) Where Three Empires Meet. 5710 Dutt (Shoshee Chunder) Complete Works, Imaginative, Descrip- tive, Metrical, portrait, 10 vols. 12mo, cloth 18s 5711 Dutt (Romesh Chunder) A History of Civilization in Ancient India, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (Triibner's Oriental Series). 1894 21s " As far as possible [Mr. Dutt] allows the original texts to speak for themselves ; his book is thus filled with extracts selected and translated with care ; and the extracts are connected together by analyses and resumes in which we always find what is necessary, and seldom what "is superfluous. On the whole I know of no work which enables one better to enter into the spirit of ancient Indian thought, or which is more fascinating reading."— M. Barth, in Beviie Critique, Paris. 5712 Ancient India: Hindu Period, B.C. 2000— a.d. 800, with 2 m^ps, 12mo, cloth ('* Epochs " Series) 2s 5713 The Economic History of British India: a Record of Agriculture and Land Settlements, Trade and Manufacturing Industries, Finance and Administration, from the Rise of the British Power in 1757 to the Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837, 12mo, cloth. 1902 7s 6d EAST INDIA COMPANY. 5714 East India Company: Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies, Court Minutes of the E.I. Co., 1599-1603, printed from the Original MS. by Henry Stevens, with Introduction by Sir George Birdwood, Svo, cloth. 1886 12s Illustrations from the Records and Relics of the East India Company, Facsimiles of Documents, Seals, Charters, Letters Patent, Views of Old Buildings, Leadeuhall Street, of the New India Office, Whitehall and St. James's Park. See Journal of Indian Art, vol. iii. (No. 31). E.I.C. Charter of Queen Elizabeth, 1600. See Ilbert. 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 117 East India Company {continued) — 5715 Charters relating to the East India Company, 1600 to 1761, re- printed from a former Collection, with Additions and a Preface by John Shaw, 4to, calf. Madras^ 1887 8s 5716 The First Letter Book of the East India Company, 1600-19, edited by Sir George Birdwood and Wm. Foster, 8vo, cl. 1893 £\ 5717 Letters received from its Servants by the E.I. Company (from the India Office Records), Vols. I to VI., 1602-17, 8vo, cloth. 1897-1902 each 14s 6d These letters are dated not onlj from India but from Sumatra, Java, Borneo, the Moluccas, Japan, Siara, the Mala)-^ Peninsula, Persia, Arabia, &c. Vols. I. and TI. were issued under the supervision of Mr. Danvers ; Vols. III. to VI. under that of Mr. Wm. Foster. 5718 Unique Collection of over One Hundred Rare Pamphlets, formed by John Bruce, Esq., Historian of the Company, many containing his autograph and marginal notes, uniformly bound in calf, 16 vols. 8vo. 1764-94 £17 Lord Olive's Letter to Proprietors in his Defence, pp. 54. 17(54. Letter to Proprietors on Lord Olive's Jaghire, pp. 92. 1764. Reflections on India Affairs, by a gentleman long resident in India, pp. 80. 1764. Lstter to Proprietors [on Lord Olive], by a Proprietor, pp. 24. 1764. Considerations on E.I. Oo.'s Affairs, by a Person interested in them, pp. 28 Narrative of What Happened in Bengal, 1760 (reprinted), pp 52. 1764. Supplement to the Narrative of What Happened, &c., 1760, pp. 26. 1764. Some Remarks on Pamphlet Given Away ['Oonsiderations'], pp. 16 1764 Letter to Proprietors from John Johnstone, pp. 90. 1766 Tbe East India Examiner, pp. 112. 1766. The Absolute Necessity of Laying Open the Trade, pp. 64. 1767. Letter to Proprietors from Henry Vansittart, pp. 150. 1767. Defence of Mr. Sulivan's Propositions, pp. 42. 1767. Address from Mr. J. Z. Holwell to Luke Scrafton, pp. 62. 1767. State of E.L Oo.'s Affairs and Intended Dividend Bill, December, 1767, pp. 34. Dangers and Disadvantage of the Oo.'s Building Ships, pp. 32. 1768. Oonsiderations on E.I. Oo.'s Affairs [by Home Tooke ?], pp. 28. [1768]. Account of what has passed between the Directors and A. Dalrymple : Intro,! uction to Plan for extending Commerce and an establishment at Balambangan. i/bJ. Plan for Extending the Commerce, &c., by A. Dalrymple, pp. 116, and map. 176i). Letter to the Proprietors, by a Steady Proprietor, pp. 32. 1769. Letter from a Proprietor in Town to a Proprietor in the Country, pp. 24. 1769. Brief Oonsiderations Plan for a Corps of Light Troops, pp. 28. 1769. General View of the E.I. Co.. 1769 Some Observations on the Present btate ot their Affairs [by Alex. Dalrymple], pp. 118. 1772. • t. r a- . Oonsiderations on a Pamphlet Thoughts on Our Acquisitions m E. Indies, particularly Bengal [by Alex. Dalrymple], pp. 72. 17//5. j ^„i,i,« Present State E.I. Oo.'s Affairs, under lQ8i>ection of Mr. Hoole, pp. 51, and tables. RepirVfrim Committee .f Secrecy, H.C, on State of the R.I. Co., pp. 50. 1773. By-Laws, Constitutions, Orders, and Rules, pp. 54. 1774. T„of,v^ with Proceedings at Fort William respecting Administration of Justic, with Translation of the Gentoo Laws, pp. 108. J77o. Letter to Directors, by Keane Fitzgerald, pp. 38. i / / / • Letter from George Dodwell to the Proprietors, pp. 40. 1777. 83, High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. 118 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue East India Company — Pamphlets (continued) — Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Pigot, pp. 24. 1777. An Essay on the Rights of the E.I. Co., pp. 68. 1778. An Address to the Proprietors relative to their Shipping, pp. 124. 1778. Considerations on the Important Benefits to be deri/ed from the E.I. Co. Building their own Ships, by the author of the ' Essay on the Rights,' (fee, pp. 40. 1778. Strictures on a Pamphlet Considerations on the Important Benefits, &c. [by John Clarkson ?], pp. 38. [1778]. Every Merchant not his own Shipbuilder, pp. 78. 1778. Speech intended to have been Spoken on Opening the Trade, pp. 47. 1779. Minutes of the Supreme Council of Bengal on late Contracts, &c., pp. 100. 1780. Abstract of the Trial of George Stratton. Henry Brooke, Charles Floyer, and George Mackay, Esquires for Deposing Lord Pigot, pp. 86. 1780. Thoughts on Improving the Government of the British E. Indies, pp. 76. 1780. Heads of an Agreement between the Parliament and the E.I. Co., pp. 14. 1780. View of the Present State of the Dutch Settlements in the E. Indies, by a Person long Resident in India, pp. 62. 1780. State of the British Authority in Bengal under Mr. Hastings ; of the Marhatta War, and Negociations with the Rajah of Berar, pp. 62. 1781. A Short Review of the Transactions in Bengal during the last Ten Years, by Major John Scott, pp. 120. 1782. Extracts from the Records E.I. House relative to Mr. F. Fowke, pp. 38. 1782. A Hint upon the Present Debates on Indian Affairs, py. .56. 1782. Third Letter to Edmund Burke on the Evidence in Reports of the H.C. Select Committee [By Capt. Joseph Price], pp. 40, 72. 1782. Letters of Detector [N. B. Halhed] on Reports of Select Committee, pp. 138. 1782. Letter to Robert Gregory, Chairman of the Court of Directors, pp. 24. 1782. Some Observations on a Late Publication 'Travels in Europe, Asia,' &;c., in which the real Author of this new and curious Asiatic Atlantis, his Character and Abilities are made known [by Capt. Joseph Price], pp. 167. 1782. The Oriental Magazine, or E.I. Intelligence (History of European Settlements in S. Asia), No. I., pp. viii-32. 1782. The Bast India Intelligencer ; or. History of E.I. Affairs in England, pp. 32. 1782. The Commercial Companion for the E. Indies, pp. 24. 1782. The East India Register for 1782 : Lists of Proprietors, Officers, Servants, and Shipping of the E.I. Co., pp. 32. 1782. The Public Remembrancer : Lists of Land Forces and Royal Navy, pp. 32. 1782. Vindication of Gen. R. Smith, Chairman H.C. Select Committee, pp. 145. 1783. A Series of Facts : Political State of India, Powers at War, &c. [by Capt. Joseph Price], pp. 54. Letter to Earl Shelburne on Mr. Townshend's Letter to E.I. Co.. pp. 28. 1783. Letter to Directors from Warren Hastings, Fort William, March 20, 1783, pp. 48. Letters of a Citizen on India Affairs, pp. 52. 1783. Letter to Edmund Burke on his Charges against the Gov.-Gen. of Bengal (signed " Detector," i.e., N. B. Haihed), pp. 78. 1783. Letter to Edmund Burke by Major John Scott, pp. 36. 1783. Retrospective View of India Affairs, Mharatta War, &c., pp. 112. 1783. Letter from Capt. Joseph Price to Philip Francis, Esq., pp. 46. [1783.] A Retrospective View of the Antient System of the E.I. Co., with a Plan of Regu- lation, [by Alex. Dalrymple], pp. 92. 1784. Observations on the B.L Bills of Pox and Pitt, 8vo, pp. 46. 1784. The Real Situation of the B.I. Co., with Appendix of Original Papers, by George Tierney, pp. 98. 1784 [1787]. 83^ High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. India 119 East India Company — Pamphlets {continued) — Some Considerations : Dangerous Consequences of Passing the E.I. Bill, pp. 40. 1784 Considerations on E.I. Affairs, by a Member of the Last Parliament, pp. 66. 1784. Second Letter to a Country Gentleman, pp. 64. 1784. The Case of the E.I. Co. as Stated and Proved at the Bar of the House of Lords, Dec, 1783, pp. 160. 1784. Authentic Narrative of the Treatment of English Prisoners by Tippoo Saib, 1783- 1784, by Capt. Henry Oakes, with another Relation by Lt. John Charles Sheen, List of Survivors, &c., pp. 126. 1785. Original Papers relative to the Nabob of Arcot, and Rajah of Tanjore, pp. 86. 1785. Present State of the East Indies, by Warren Hastings, pp. viii-104. 1786. Letters of Albanicus on the" Charges against Warren Hastings, pp. 106. 1786. On the Exorbitant Freight of E I. Co.'s Ships, by Anthony Brough, pp. 52. 1786. Serious Address on Disputes relative to E.I. Co.'s Shipping, pp. 42. 1786. An Appendix to Mr. Dalrymple's Account of the Loss of the " Grosvenor " : Report of Wm. Hubberley, pp. 40. 1786. Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings, presented to H.C. 4th April, 1786, by Edmund Burke, pp. 322. 1786 Minutes of what was offered by Warren Hastings, Esq upon the Charges pre- sented against him, pp. 196. [1786] Speech, House of Commons 7th March, 1786, by Philip Francis, pp. 88. 1786. East India Debate House of Commons 1st and 2nd June, 1786 on the Charges against Hastings : Speeches by Burke, Kenyon, Pitt, North, Mornirg- ton, Mulgrave, Windham, Francis, Scott, Wilberforce, Fox, &c., pp. 100. Speech of R. B. Sheridan, 7th Feb., 1787, on Fourth Charge against Warren Hastings, relative to the Begums of Oude, pp. iv 76. 1787 Obseivations on the Defence made by Warren Hastings, part i., pp. 100. 1787 Articles of Charge against Sir Elijah Impey, 12th Dec, 1787, pp. 144. 1788 A Copy of the Charter of the Bank of England, pp. 62 ; Rules, By-Laws, &c, pp. 63-80 (imperfect). 1788 Memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, a Casbmerian, who accompanied Nadir Shah from Hindostan to Persia, &c., with History of Hindostan, 1739-49 (pp. xn- 220) ; Narrative of the Tranpactions in Bengal during the First Half ot the Eighteenth Century (pp. x, 212). Two works translated from the Persian by Prof. Gladwin. 1788 „ , , onx See also Abdulkurreem, above (p. 65), and Bengal (p. 81). General View of the Variations in the Affairs of the B.I. Co. from 1784, by George Anderson, pp. 106 and folding tables. 1792 Heads of the Speech of Mr. Dundas, 23rd Feb., 1793, on Stating the Affairs of the E.L Co., pp. 48, 26. 1793 Strictures and Observations on British Commerce with the E. Indies, with a Succinct History of the Sugar Trade, pp. iv.210. 1792. The Right of the West India Merchants to a Double Monopoly of fhe Sugar Market and the Experience of all Monopolies Examined, pp. viii-86. U,)6. Letter from Mr. Fmncis to Lord North. Calcutta, 17th Sept., 1777, pp. iv-108. 1793. Heads of Mr. Francis's Speech in Reply to Mr. Dundas, 23rd April, 1793, on the/ Government and Trade of India, pp. 20. 1793. Three Letters on Importing Bengal Sugars, pp. 88. 1793. Letter on Present Crisis of the Co.'s Affairs, by John Prinsep, pp. 28. 1793. Letter to R. Brinsley Sheridan on Renewal of the E.I. Co 's Charter, by a Friend to the Freedom to the Press [Major Scott], pp. 48. 1793. Heads of a Proposed Speech by a Proprietor, upon the Policy of Renewing tne Co.'s Monopoly, pp. 40. 1793. tt, t n ' pv.ortpr Case of the Proprietors of India Annuities and the Renewal of the 1..1. C.o. s onarrer pp.34. 1793. 83, High^Street, Marylehone, London, W. 120 Francis Edwcerds^s Catalogue East India Company — Pamphlets (continued) — Letter to Mr. Dundas from Buyers of East India Piece Goods, on the Prohibition of India Muslins, pp. 16. 1793. Sketch of Debate, H.C., May 25, 1793, on Passing the Bill for Continuation of the Charter of the E.l. Co. [by John Bruce], pp. 42. 1793. Keponse precise au Precis pour les Actionnaires de la Nouvelle Compagnie des Indes (Paris), pp. 40. Amsterdam, 1787. Observations on the Conduct of Mr. Fox in the Impeachment of Mr. Hastings, by a Friend to the Freedom of the Press [Major Scott], pp. lv-60. 1793. Observations on Causes of the Present Discontents, Bombay, pp. iv-40. 1794. Bengal Sugar : Method of Cultivating the Sugar Cane, pp. iv-164. 1794. Thoughts on E.I. Co. Directors as Agents for Private Traders, pp. 18. 1794. Observations on Copper Coinage for the Circars, by Alex. Dalrymple, pp. 40. 1794. Substance of the Speech of Mr. Burke in answer to Observations (of Lord Thurlow) on Report of the Committee of Managers, pp. 28. 1794. 5719 The Grand Question concerning the Judicature of the House of Peers and the Case of Thomas Skinner against the E.I. Co., 12mo, half-calf. 1669 5.s Hedges (Sir. Wm.) Diary of His Agency in Bengal, 1681-87, with Illustrative Extracts from Unpublished Records, See post. 5720 A Letter to a Proprietor of the E.T. Company on Affairs at Madras and Pondi- cherry, 1740-49, 8vo, pp. 123. 17.50 4s 6d 6721 Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal, 1757, by which Meer Jaffeir was raised to the Government, 8vo, pp. x-133. 1760 5s 5722 A Defence of the English Yj.I. Co. and their Servants, particularly those at Bengal, against the Dutch E.I. Co., by Mr. Dunning [afterwards Lord Ash- burton], 4to, half-calf. 1762 10s 5723 A Letter from certain of the Council at Bengal Reasons against the Revo- lution in favour of Meer Cossim, signed by Coote, Verelst, Camac, &c., 4to, boards, 1764 » & j , » ^^ Original Papers on the Bengal Disturbances, 1759-64. See Vansittart. 5724 The East India Examiner : Reprinted Papers, Nos. I. to XI., Sept. to Nov., 1766, 8vo, pp. 112 3s 6d Includes Letters on the Policy and Administration of the E.I. Co. 5725 State of the E.I. Co.'s Affairs, 8vo, pp. 32, and folding table, Dec, 1767 ' 3s .5726 Utility and Equity of a Free Trade to the East Indies, 4to, half -calf. 1768 14s 5727 Enquiry into the Rights of the E.I. Co. of making War and Peace (1769), 8vo, pp. viii-27. 1772 3s 6d 5728 Reflections on the E.I. Trade and the E.I. Co., 1769 [by Thomas Forrest], pp. 16. 1779 2s 6d 5729 Thoughts on Our Acquisitions in Bengal, &c., 8vo, pp. 44. 1771 3s 5730 Plan for the Government of Bengal, 8vo, pp. 42. 1772 3s 5731 Thotights on improving the Government of the British Possessions in the E. Indies, 8vo, pp. 76. 1780 3s 6d 5732 Erskine (Col. J. F.) Narmtive and Memorial, relative to a Regiment raised o ^n}^ Switzerland for the E.I. Co., small 4to. boards. [1782] 5s 5733 Effects to be Expected from the E.I. Bill [Fox's], if passed into a Law, by Wm. Pulteney, 8vo, pp. 47. 1783 2s 6d o734 Stair (John, Earl of) On the Proper Limits of Government Interference with the E.I. Co., 8vo, pp. 28. 1784 2s 5735 Debates m the H.C. on Mr. Pitt's E.L Co.'s Bill, Jan. 12 to 16, 1784, with Copy of the Bill, 8vo, pp. 234 6s Speakers : Pitt, Powys, Fox, Gen. Conway, Lord North, Sheridan, Adam, Scott, Erskine, Dundas, Lushington, Yorke, Burke, and others. 6736 Report of the Court of Dii-ectors. to the House of Commons, Feb. 14, 1784 ; Reports of Select Committee, 179H, with Mr. Fox's Bill for vesting E.I. Co.'s Affairs in the Hands of Commissioners, 1783, 1 vol. folio, calf 12s 83, High Street^ Marylehone, London^ W. India 121 East India Company {continued) — 5737 List of Names of Members and Directors of the E.I. Co., 8vo, pp. 84. 1784 3s 6d 5738 Stewart (Kobert) Narrative of a Transaction in Bengal (1782-83) between James Fraser and the Executors of Lieut.-Col. Hannay, half-calf. 1787 5s 6d 5739 Tierney (George) The Keal Situation of the E.I. Co., 8vo, pp. ii, 44, 48. 1787 3s 6d 5740 Stuart (Major-Gen. James) Letters to Directors of the E.I. Co. [Claim for Indemnity for losses of Grain], 4to, half-calf (wormed). 1787 2s 6d 5741 Impartial Reflections respecting the Four Kegiments being raised by the E.I. Co., 8vo, pp. (54. 1788 2s 6d See Dairy mple, p. 10(>. 5742 Letter to Fox on the Declaratory Bill, by an India Proprietor, pp. 36. 1788 2s 5743 Crauford (George) An Enquiry into the Situation of the E.I. Co., from House of Commons Papers, 1787-88, 4to, calf. 1789 4s 5744 Speech in Reply to Duudas's India Budget, by a County Member, 8vo, pp. 24. 1790 28 5745 Fiott (John) Narrative of the Cases of the Ships "Tartar" and "Hartwell" not taken up by the E.I. Co., 8vo, pp. iv-131. 1791 3s 5746 Anderson (George) Variations in the Affairs of the E.I. Co., since 1784, 8vo, half-bound. 1792 3s 5747 E.I. Co. Papers (Ten) respecting the Negociation for a Renewal of the Co.'s Exclusive Trade, 4to, sewed. 1793 8b 6d 5748 First, Second, and Third Reports of E.I. Co.'s Committee on th-e Export Trade to E. India, with Appendices ; also Report on Ireland's Claims to Participate, 4to, sewed. 1793 8s 6d 5749 Report of Committee of Accounts, Feb. 15, 1793, 4to, sewed 4s 5751 Fiott (J.) Letter to Proprietors of India Stock ; Aid. Le Messurier's Protest agamst Shipping Contract, &c., 8vo, pp. 16. 1793 2s 5752 List of Names of Members and Directors of the E.I. Co., 8vo, pp. 83. 1794 5s 5753 Original Papers Elucidatory of the Claims preferred by Officers of the E.I. Co.'s Army, Seven Pamphlets, 1 vol. 4to, rough calf. Calcutta, 1794 7s 6d 5754 Lushington (W.) Speech in Support of Proposal to raise Three Regiments for H.M. Service, 8vo, pp. 16. Oct., 1794 28 5755 A List of tlie Company Servants in Bengal, Fort St. George (Madras), Bombay, Fort Marlborough (Sumatra), St. Helena, and China, 12mo, sewed. Jan. 1, 1795 os 5756 Tolfrey (Samuel) Answer to Speech of Mr. Twining on the Trading of Directors, 8vo, pp. xii-76. 1795 3s 5757 Watson (Mr. Serjeant J.) Cursory Remarks upon Mr. Twiniug's Pamphlet : 'Observations on the Question to be Balloted for Jan. 14, 1795,' 8vo, pp. 26 2s 6d 5758 Francklyn (Gilb.) Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled Bengal Sugar, and on the E.I. Co.'s Manner of Trading, 8vo, half -morocco. 1795 4s 5759 Proprietor (A) Letter to Proprietors of E.I. Stock on behalf of Owners of E.I. Shipping, 8vo, pp. 40. 1795 2s 5760 Old Servant (An) of the United B.I. Co. [Letter] to the Proprietors of E.I. stock, Svo, pp. 35. [1795] , . ^ . . ^^ 5761 Twining (Richard) Observations on the Sale of Commands of East India Ships, Svo, pp. ii-2S. 1796 , . 2s 6d 5762 Jilast India House. Debate on Vote of Thanks to Lord Nelson for hisrsile Victory, August, 1798, 4to, cloth. 1799 4s 6d 5763 Papers respecting the Charge of Mr. Bosanquet against Mr. David Scott, and respecting Illicit Trade, with Determination of the Court of Directors B.l. Co. thereon, 1 thick vol. 4to, half-calf. 1799 128 r,764 Debates on Illi«it Trade, June 19 and 28, 1799, 4to, cloth 4s Od 5765 -r- . Proceedings in Consideration of the Success of the British Arms in the War against Tippoo Sultaun, Nov. 13, 1799, 4to, cloth 4s bd 8S, High Street^ Marylebone^ London, W. 122 Frcmcis Edwards* s Catalogue East India Company {continued) — 6766 Considerations upon the Trade with India, and the Policy of continuing the Company's Monopoly (by George Grenville), 4to, boards, uncut. 1807 3s 6d 5767 Trade with India, another copy, calf -Is 6d 5768 Fifth Keport of the Select Committee (House of Commons) on the Affairs of the East India Company, July 28, 1812, pp. 1002, folio, full russia (J. Talboys Wheeler's Copy) £2 10s A most important work of reference on Indian administration, containing a sunnnary of the different systems of internal government antecedent to Hastings's settlement of 1781, and of the subsequent reforms, with Appendices, including Minutes of Sir John Shore (1789) respecting the Permanent Settlement of Bengal Lands ; Analysis of the Finances of Bengal, extracted from James Grant's Political Survey of British India and of Northern Circars, 1786 ; John Hodgson's Memoir on Zemindary Settlement, 1806, and many other Reports and Extracts. "The famous Fifth Report is still a standard authority on Indian Land Tenures, and the best authority on the judicial and police arrangements of the time." — Sir COURTENAY IlBEET. 5769 Papers respecting the Negociation for a Renewal of the E.I. Company's exclu- sive Privileges (Nos. I. to VII.), 4to, half-calf. 1813 5s 5769 b The Same. Papers and Further Papers (Nos. I. to XV.), including the Bill, June 21, and the Bill as passed July 13, with Sir George Staunton's Con- siderations on the China Trade, Resolutions of the House of Commons, &c., John Bruce's copy witk hix notes, 1 vol. 4to, half-calf, uncut £1 lOe 5770 Minutes of Evidence (including that of Warren Hastings, Malcolm, Munro, Lord Teignmouth) taken before the Lords' Committee ; also before Select Committee, H. Con E.LCo.'s Affairs, 2 vols. 4to, half-calf. 1813 £1 5771 Considerations on Colonial Policy, with Relation to the B.I. Company's Charter. By An Impartial Observer, 8vo, pp. ii-92. 1813 3s 6d 5772 Debates at the E.T. House during the Negociation for Renewal of the Co.'s Charter, 1813, with Appendices, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf 9s Resolutions submitted to Parliament in 1813 on extendicg the E.I. Co.'s Privi- leges for Twenty Years, on the China Trade, the Appointments of Governor-General and Higher Oflficials, King's Troops in India, Bishop and Archdeacons, the Colleges, Missionaries, «fec. See appendix to Mill and Wilson's ' History,' vol. vii. 5773 Nabob of Arcot's Debts. 14th Report of the Carnatic Commissioners, Feb., 1819, pp. 91 ; Administration of Justice in Bengal, Fort St. George ( Madras), and at Bombay. July, 1819, pp. 348 ; Papers relating to the War in India, Feb., 1819, pp. iv-99 ; Treaties concluded with Native Powers : Berar, the Peishwa, Scindia, Holkar, Bhopal, Jeypore, &c., Feb., 1819, pp. 47 ; De- spatches from Sir Stamford Raffles respecting the Acquisition of Banca, Marcii, 1819, pp. 104 ; Papers relative to the Restitution of Java and Cession of Banca to the Netherlands, Feb., 1818, pp. 10, 1 vol. folio, half-calf 15s 5774 Nabob of Arcot's Debts, loth Report of Carnatic Commissioners appointed by Agreement with the E.I. Co., July 10, 1805 (pp. 50) ; East India Co.'s Accounts, 1814-17, and 1818 ; Papers relating to Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, 1816 (pp. 182), 1817 (pp. 131) ; Postage Bill, the Cape, Mauritius, and East Indies, June, 1819 ; Report of Committee on Petition of Gen. Boyd (for his Claim on Loss of Shipment of Salt Petre), pp. 60 (Pari. Papers), 1 vol. folio, half-calf. 1819 10s 6d 5775 Nabob of Arcot's Debts. 16th Report of Commissioners, May 17, 1820 (pp. 21) ; East India Co.'s Accounts (various), 1815 to 1818, and 1819 ; Trade of E.I. Co. and of Americans with China, 1809-20 (pp. 30) ; Divorce : Indian Wit- nesses Bill, July, 1820 ; E.I. Co. Volunteer Bill, June, 1820 ; Papers relating to Execution of the Killedar of Talneir, 1819-20; Letter from Lt.-Gov. of Java with Memorandum of Articles required for Trade to Ja[)an, Feb. 11, 1814 (Pari. Papers), 1 vol. folio, half-calf. 1820 lOs 6d 5776 East and West India Trade ; Returns, March to July, 1823 ; East India Annual Revenue Accounts, June, 1823, pp. 72 ; Papers relating to Hindoo Widows and Voluntary Immolations, July, 1821, pp. 271 ; Copies of Later Communi- cations on same Subject, June, 1823, pp. 139, 1 vol. folio, half -calf 15s 83j High Street^ Marylehone, London, W. India 123 East India Company (continited) — 5777 Reflections on the Present State of British India (Character of the Natives Colonization, &c.), 8vo, pp. xiv-214. 1829 5s Territorial Acquisitions ; Dangers of Invasion ; Condition of the People theii- Character and Temper ; Colonization of India, &c. 5778 Whitmore (W.) Speech on East India and China Trade, 8vo, pp. 33. 1829 2s 5779 Territorial Government and Commerce of the E.I. Co., 8vo, pp. 48. 1829 2s 6d 5781 Report of Meeting, Liverpool, Jan. 28, 1829. on Removing Restrictions upon Commerce by the E.I. Co. {Oriental Herald), pp. 40 2s 6d 5782 East India and China : Review of Arguments against Renewal of the E.I. Co 's Charter, 8vo, pp. 74. 1829 2s 6d 5783 Field (Capt. G. B. P.) Mf morial to the Directors E.I. Co. for Redress in conse- quence of an Illegal Trial, 4to, boards. 182i) 5.s Joseph Hume's copy, with MS. notes and two letters from Capt. Field. 5784 Papers relating to the Finances of the E.I. Company and the Trade of India and China (Pari. Papers), folio, boards, Feb.. 1830 6s Mr. Hume's copy, with his MS. notes of Committee's Proceedings. 5785 Welsh (Col. James) Memorials to the Directors E.I. Company, including Correspondence, 180G-10, 8vo, boards. 1830 5s Col. Welsh solicited compensation, having been unjustly superseded in his command of a corps in the Madras establishment. 5786 O'Brien (W. Smith) Considerations relative to Renewal of the E.I. Co.'s Charter, with their Revenues, 8vo, pp. 78. 1830 3s 5787 Buckingham (J. S.) History of Proceedings on the Question of the E.I. Mono- poly, with Outline of Mr. Buckingham's Descriptions of the Oriental World. 8vo, pp. iv-76. 1830 3s 6d 5787b Enquiry into the Impediments to a Free Trade with India [by T. Hey wood], 8vo, pp. 44. 1830 2s 6d 5787c Ellis (Henry) First of a Series of Letters on the E.I. Question on Trade with China, with Letter of "An American Merchant," 8vo, pp. iv-80. 1830 3s 5788 Affairs of the E.I. Co., Public Report and Minutes of Evidence taken before Select Committee H.C. (pp. 260), Aug. 16, 1832, with Appendix, Index (pp. 902), and map, 1 vol. half-calf £1 The subjects of inquiry were on the Home Government, Local Government, Law, Natives, Ecclesiastical Affairs, Patronage, Education, the Press, Intercourse, and Settlement of Europeans. Evidence was given by Messrs. Auber, Scutt Jones, James Mill, John Sullivan, N. B. Edmonstone, Holt Mackenzie, C. Lushington^ James Sutherland, Duncan Campbell, J. W. Sherer, Capts. Macan and Harkness, Hon. T. P. Courtenay, Sir Alex. Johnston, Revs. Dr. Batten and James Hough, and the Abb6 Dubois, Catholic Missionary. 5789 Grant (Sir Charles [Lord Glenelg]), Secretary of State, Letter to, the Board of E.I. Co., Feb. 12, 1833, 4to, sewed 3s Macaulay'8 Speech on the Government of India, July 10, 1833. See Macaulay's Works, post. Mill (James) Despatch accompanying Govt, of India Act, 1833. See Ilbert. 5790 Prinsep's General Register E.I. Co.'s Servants, 1790-1842, royal 8vo, half-calf. Calcutta, 1844 6s 5791 Letter to Proprietors of India Stock, 8vo, pp. 16. 1855 2s .5792 Letter from Brev. Lt.-Col. J. S. Hodgson, claiming full rank, pp. 16. 1856 Is 6d 5793 A Reply to the Memorandum of the E.I. Company ; or, an Insight into British India, by John Freeman, pp. 69. 1868 2s 6d 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. 124 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue East India Company {continued) — 5794 Tlie Company's Eaj, by Canon Trevor, from Blackwood's Mag., pp. 56 2s 571)5 Memorandum on Improvements in the Administration of India and Petitit)n of the E.I. Co. [By John Stuart Mill], roy. 8vo, swd., pp. iv-131. 1858 3s 6d 5796 The Familiar Epistles of Mr. John Company to Mr. John Bull, from Blark- tvood's Magazine, 8vo, pp. 124. 1858 3s (kl 5797 Eastwick (Capt.) Speech at the East India House, Jan. 20, 1858, 8vo, pp. 36 2s 5798 Btrachan (J. M.) Letter to Capt. Eastwick occasioned by his Speech, pp. 48. 1858 2s 5799 The East India Company : Memorandum of Leading Events in the Co.'s Career, 1599-1858, by Wm. Fidler, with Index by G. M. Crauford, folio, cloth. Queen's Printers, 1874 7s 6d 5800 Prinsep (Charles C.) Record of Services of the E.I. Co.'s Servants, Madras Presidency, 1741-1858, 8vo, cloth. 1885 3s *»* See also under headings of Administration, Bengal, Brit. Ind. Asso- ciation, Finance, Land, Law and Justice, Madras; Histories of Hunter, Malleson, Marshman, Mill, Trotter, Wheeler, and others ; Calendar of State Papers (above, p. 4), Harris's Voyages (p. 9) ; Purchas, his Pilgrimes (p. 18) ; also Arcot, Auber, Birdwood, Bruce, Clive, Colvin, Cornwallis, Crawford, Ualhousie, Dalrymple, Eastwick, Forrest, Grant, Hamilton (Alex.), Hastings (Warren), Hedges, Hodgson, Kaye, Keene, Lewin, Macpherson, Martin (R. M.), Middleton, Minto, Pigot, Ritchie, Robertson (H. D.) Robertson (T. C), Shore, Slavery, Sullivan (J.), Tanjore, Tucker, Twining, Vansittart, Verelst, Young (Major). 5801 East India Register and Army List, 1844, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1857, 12mo, leather - each 5s 5802 [Eastwick (Edward Backhouse)] Dry Leaves from Young Egypt ; being a Glance at Sindh by an Ex-Political [1839-46], 12mo, cloth. 1849 2s 5803 [ ] Young Egypt, new edit., illasirated, 8vo, cloth. 1856 3s 6d Indian Scenes and Characters. See Soltykoff. ?ee also Persia, p. 45, Lutfullah, and Murray's Handbooks, ^os<. For Life of Capt. Robert Wm. Eastwick, father of E. B. and W. J. Eastwick, see CoMPTON, p. 99. 5804 Eastwick (Capt. Wm. Joseph) Speeches on the Sinde Question, the India Bill, 1858, &c., 8vo, cloth. 1862 2s 6d Speech at E. India House, 1858. See above, 5797. 5806 Eckenstein (Oscar) The Karakorams and Kashmir : Account of a Journey (April to Aug. 1892), 12mo, cloth. 1896 2s 6d The writer accompanied Sir Wm. Conway, see p. 100. 5807 Eden (Hon. Miss Emily) Up the Country. Letters from the Upper Provinces of India (1837-40), 2 vols. 12mo, half-calf extra. 1866 8s 6d 5808 Up the Country, 1 vol. edition, 12mo, cloth. 1867 3s Letters and extracts from Hon. Miss Eden's Journal, describing the every-day jife of the Vice-regal Court of Lord Auckland. SSj High Street, Marylebons, London, TT, India 125 5809 Eden (Hon. Miss Emily) Portraits of the Princes and People of India, 24 jine lithographs, with letterpress descriptions, royal folio, half-bound. 1844 2153 5810 The same work, iclth the 2Dlates mounted on large paper and COLOURED IN FACSIMILE OF THE OIlICilNAL DRAWINGS, imp. folio, half bound. 1844 i'3 15s 5811 Another copy, coloitred j)lates, full bound in morocco extra, arms and emblem on side £4 4s Among the portraits are those of Kuiijeet and Sheer Singh, Dost Mahomed, the King of Oude, Lord Auckland receiving the Rajah of Nahun in Durbar, other Rajahs and Maharajahs, Horsemen, Fakirs, Zemindars, Attendants, &c. Eden (Hon. Ashley) Report on Bootan, 1864. See p. 85. 5812 Edgar ([Sir] J. Ware) Report of Visit to Sikhim and the Thibetan Frontier, 1873, photographs, royal 8vo, half-calf. Calcutta 9s With Autograph letter from the Author. 5813 Another copy, morocco 8s EDUCATION. 5814 Correspondence relating to Vernacular Education ; Native Printing Presses, Bengali Writers, Translators, and Newspapers ; Language to be taught m Assamese Schools (Bengal Records, No. 22), royal 8vo, cloth. 18.^5 6s 5815 Annals of Native Education (Excerpt from Vol. II., pp. 122-166, 1855) 2s 6d 5816 Note on the State of Education in India during 1865-6, by A. M. Monteith (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 54), roy. 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1867 ^s 5817 Note on the State of Education in India, 1866-67, by A. P. Howell (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 67), roy. 8vo, sewed. 1868 ^s 5818 Despatches from the Home Government on Education in India, 1854-68 (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 76), roy. 8vo, sewed. 1870 ^s 5819 Report of the Calcutta Female Normal, Central, and Branch Schools, 8vo, pp.54. Calcutta, 1S59 j™ 5820 Some Remarks on Mr. Hodgson Pratt's University Education in England tor Natives of India, by a Civilian, 8vo, pp. 21. Bombay, 1861 is ba 5821 Travancore (Maharaja of) Letter on Higher Education and the Education of the Masses in India, 8vo, pp. 15. Madras, 1882 ^^ ^^' r,822 Notice of Statements in Rev. J. Johnston's Reply to "Letter," 8vo, pp, ^4. Madras, 1882 ^^ ^. ^ ^ '' 5823 The Missionary Crusade against State Education, by A Native of bouti.m India, 8vo, pp. 60. Madras, 1S85 '• " 5824 Report on Public Instruction, Madras Presidency, 1887-8, folio, boards 5825 Edwards (Lt. Wm.) Sketches in Scinde, 12 hthographs by D.y & Son, with descriptions, imp. folio, half-morocco. 184b ; ' Equestrian portrait of Sir Charles Napier ; Views « V^^^^fp^^Sce to St ' "^ (5) ; Towns of Schewan and Rorree ; Fortress of Deyra ; lombs, Entrance to hold, and Plan of Operations, Truckee (3). 83. High Street, Marylehone, London, W, 126 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 5826 Edwardes ([Major-Gen.] Sir Herbert) A Year on the Punjaub Frontier, 1848-9, map and numerous engravings^ 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1851 12s The record of the bloodless conquest of the wild valley of Bannu, giving an insight into the actual life and labours of an Indian political officer, and a contribu- tion towards a knowledge of the countries beyond the Indus ; also account of the siege and capture of Mooltan. "This work is perhaps the best of its class ever yet published on an Indian subject charming reading to old and young alike, whether interested in India or not. '— Thoeburn, ' Bannu,' p. vi. 5827 Memorials of the Life and Letters of, by his Wife, portraits and illustrations f 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1886 10s 5828 Memorials, another copy, 2 vols. 8vo, half -calf extra 16s Edwardes arrived in India in 1841, and the services he rendered in the Punjaub (as a political administrator), Afghanistan, and through the Mutiny, was scarcely surpassed by any of his contemporaries. He finally retired to England in 1865. " One of the noblest names on the roll of the soldier-statesmen of the British Empire." — Ihicydopcedia Britannica. "A born ruler of men."— Sir John Lawrence. 5829 A Knight's Faith : Passages in the Life of Sir Herbert Edwardes, collated by John Ruskin, royal 8vo, half-calf extra. Orpington^ 1885 6s See also Holmes (T.), Lawrence (Sir Henry), Lumsden. 5830 Edwards (H. Sutherland) Russian Projects against India from Czar Peter to Gen. Skobeleff, map^ 8vo, cloth. 1885 3s Includes Accounts of the Anglo-Russian Agreement of 1844, and of the Expe- ditions of Perofski, Ignatieff, and Kauffmann. See also Russian Central Asia, pp. 55-.57. 5831 Edwards (Wm.), Judge of H.M. High Court of Agra. Remi- niscences of a Bengal Civilian, 1837-58, 12mo, half-calf. 1866 5s The Cabul Disaster, The Sikh Wars, Annexation of the Punjab, Perponal Adven- tures during the Indian Rebellion, Reflections thereon, Narrative of Rajah Bygenath Misr's Sufferings. 5831b Personal Narrative during the Rebellion, 12mo, cl. 1858 4s Evidence'on Natives of India, &c. See Pari. Reports, 1852-53. See also Lawrence (Sir G.). 5832 Egerton (Hon. Capt. Francis, R.N.) Journal of a Winter's Tour in India [and Ceylon], with a Visit to the Court of Nepaul, illus- trated, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo, half-calf extra. 1852 7s 6d Capt. Egerton visited Calcutta, Gyah, Patna, Sejowlee, Catmandhu, Benares, Allahabad, Cawnpore, Lucknow, Agra, Delhi, Dheeg, Bhurtpore, Gwalior, Indore, Ajiin^a, Ellora, Aurungabad, Poonah, and Bombay. 5833 Elgin (James, 8th Earl of) Letters and Journals as Governor of Jamaica (1842-46), Gov.-Gen. of Canada (1847-55), Envoy to China and Japan (1857-60), Viceroy of India (1862-63), edited by Walrond, 8vo, cloth. 1872 4s 6d See also Prichard, Trotter, Keene. and later Historians ; Loch and Oliphant in Chinese Section. 83^ High Street^ Marylebone^ London^ W, India 127 5834 Elgin (Victor Alexander, 9th Earl of), Viceroy and Governor- General of India. Speeches, 1894-99, 8vo, morocco extra. Calcutta, 1899 63 6d Addresses and Speeches in different parts of India on Commerce, Cotton Duties, Finance, Penal Code at the Queen's Jubilee, Durbars at Quetta, Lahore, Eangoon, &c., at Investitures, Banquets at Gwalior, Hyderabad, Mysore, Lucknow, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, &c. 5835 Ellenborough (Lord), The Indian Administration of (1841-44), edited by Charles, Lord Colchester, 8vo, cloth. 1874 6s Including Correspondence with the Duke of Wellington and Lord Ellen- borough's Letters to the Queen, relating to Afghanistan, the China Expedition (1841-42), and his own Administration of Indian Affairs. With an Appendix : " Plan for intercepting the great water communication between the north and south of the Empire of China, by the Editor (1839)." 5836 India and Lord Ellenborough, 8vo, pp. 123. 1844 3s 6d Sketch of History of British India and Comments on Lord EUenborough's Administration. 5837 Reply to ' India and Lord Ellenborough,' by Zeta, pp. 83, 1845 3s See also Broadfoot, Hope, Macaulay, Sinde, Trotter's, and other Histories. 5838 Elliot (Capt. Robert, R.N.) Views in the East, comprising India, Canton, and the Shores of the Eed Sea, 60 sketches, made in 1822-24, drawn by Skinner, Prout, Purser, Stansfleld, Cattermole, and others, engraved on steel, with Historical and Descriptive letterpress, 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half-morocco, gilt edges. 1833 15s Contains views of Hindoo temples, Mahomedan mosques, tombs, forts, and palaces at Benares, Agra, Delhi, Ellora, Elephanta, Bejapore, &c., including the Taj-Mahal, tombs of Akbar, Aurungzebe, Humaioon, Shere Shah, Mahomed Shah , and Ibrahim Padshah, &c. 5839 Elliot (Robert H.) The Experiences of a Planter in the Jungles of Mysore, map and tinted illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1871 8s 6d In addition to chapters on Native Agriculture, Coffee. Cinchona, and Cardamom Planting, Tea, Cotton, Silk^ Sandalwood. Rhea-Grass, &c., this work contains much information on local administration, education, caste, religion, the Nagas, &c., and is largely devoted to correcting the errors of ill-informed writers and many of the current opinions of Anglo-Indian society on the native character. 5840 Gold, Sport, and CofTee Planting in Mysore, Thirty-Eight Years' Experience of a Planter, 12mo, cloth. 1894 6s 5841 Our Indian Difficulties and a Warning to Investors in Indian Securities, 8vo, pp. 48, sewed. 1874 2s 5842 Indian Famines and their Causes. Piioc. R. Col. Inst., 1877, Vol. IX. pp. 1-41, cloth 3s 5843 Elliott ([Sir] Charles Alfred) The Chronicles of Oonao, a district in Oudh, 8vo, cloth. Allahabad, 1862 6s The Mythic Age, Prehistoric Period, The Rajpoot Colonization, The Mahom- medan Conquest, The Dehli Administration, The Nuwabee. The forerunner ot a General History of Oudh. 5844 Hafiz Ool-Moolk, Hafiz Rehmut Khan (RohiUa Chief) Life of, by his Son, translated from the Persian by [Sir] Charles Elliott (Oriental Trans. Fund), 8vo, boards. 1831 os bd Relates to the RohiUa War, &c. 83, High Street, Mwrylebone, Loiidon, W. 128 Francis Edwards* s Catalogue 5845 Elliot (Sir Henry M.) Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Muhammadan India, Vol. I. General Histories (all published), Svo, cloth. Calcutta, 1849 4s A useful manual for Oriental scholars and librarians, subsequently extended into ' The History of India as told by its own Historians.' 5846 The History of India as Told by Its Own Historians : The Muhammadan Period, Edited and continued by Prof. J. Dowson, 8 vols. Svo, cloth. 1867-77 (pub. £8 8s) £3 10s Vol. I. Early Arabian Geographers, including Ibn Haukal, Rashidu-d Din (from Al Biruni), Al Edrisi and Al Kazwini ; Historians of Sind, with bibliographical notes. IT. Al Biruni.' Utbi, Baihaki, and other Muhammadan historians, bringing down the History to a.d. 12fi0. III. Rashidu-din. Amir Khusru, Sultan Firos Shah, Autobiography of Timur, &c., to A.D. 1398, with the Poems of Amir Khusru, Extracts from Ibn Batuta, &c. IV. Abdu-r-Razzak, Mirkhond, Khondamir, Hariri, Autobiography of Babar, Abdul Latif, Sarwani, &c., from the invasion of Timur to the culmination under Akbar. V. ' Humayun-Nama ' of Khonamir, ' Tabakat-i-Akbari ' of Nizamuddin, &c.' completing the reign of Humayun and thirty years of that of Akbar. VI. *Akbar-nama of Abul-Fazl, Dwazda-8ala-i Jahangiri, Extracts from Ferishta, &c., completing the Reign of Akbar, with Articles on the Early Use of Gunpowder in India, Comments on the Institutes of Jahangir, and translation of the Introduction to Ferishta. VIT. The historians treating of 'the Reigns of Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb, Bahadur Shah, Jahandar Shah, and Farrukh-Siyar, including the Badshah-nama of Abdul Hamid Lahori, Mimtakhabu-1 Lubab of Khali Khan, &c. VIII. Numerous minor historians, supplementing preceding sections, Sawanih-i Akbari of Amir Haidar Husaini, Siyaru-1 Muta-akhkhirin of Ghulam Husain Khan. &c., with copious Indexes to the whole work— Bibliographical, Geographical, and General. " A great work which must always be a guide to English students."— Kbenb. Sir Henry Elliot hoped to have added histories of Gujerat, Bengal, Kashmir, and other Mahomedau monarchies. That of Gujerat was completed by Sir E. Clive Bay ley. See p. 80. 5847 Supplement to the Glossary of Indian Terms, A — J (all published in this form), royal 8vo, cloth. Boorkee, 1860 3s The ' Glossary' itself was then a work planned only, but was issued subsequently in 1855. See Wilson (H. H.) 5848 Memoirs on the History, Folk-Lore, and Distribution of the Races on the N.W. Provinces of India ; beiDg an Amplified edition of the original Supplemental Glossary of Indian Terms, edited by John Beames, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1869 (pub. 36s.) 9s In this edition, largely amplified and completed, the arrangement of the words is systematic as well as alphabetical : the whole being in four parts (1) Castes and their Subdivisions with Appendices, (2) Customs, Rites, and Superstitions, (3) Revenue and Official Terms, (4) Rural Life. 83^ High Street^ Marykbone, London, W. India 129 5849 Elphinstone (Hon. Mountstuart) Life of, with Selections from his Correspondence and Papers, by Sir E. Colebrooke, portrait &c., 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1884 9^ Elphinstone returned to England in 1829, after thirty years of official and diplomatic work in different positions, from Assistant Resident Magistrate in Benares to the Governorship of Bombay. He declined that of Governor-General. Account of Caubul, 1815. See p. 59. 5850 Report on the Territories conquered from the Paishwa, 4to, half-bound. Calcutta, 1821 4s 5851 The Paishwa's Territories, royal 8vo, pp. 128. 1872 3s 5852 The History of India [Hindu and Mahometan Periods, to A.D. 1760], LiBEARY Edition, large type, with maiJ, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1841 12s The Hindu section is preceded by a General Description of India, and accom- panied by chapters on Medicine, Language and Literature, Commerce, Agriculture, Manners and C^iaracter, Village Life, Appendices on Greek Accounts of India, &c. "The 'Mahometan Period' of Mr. Elphinstone's History, in its clear despatch- like narrative, has always seemed to me to possess in no small degree some of those characteristics which we all admire in Mr. Grote's ' History of Greece.' The author bad been so long engaged in Indian politics that he could at once enter into and unravel all those endless details which render Asiatic history so confused and difScult ; and I question whether this portion of his History will ever be super- seded."— Principal GOWELL. 5853 The History of India : The Hindu and Mahometan Periods, New Edition, with Notes and Additions by Principal E. B. Cowell, map, 1 thick vol. 8vo, cloth. 1889 (pub. 18s) 9s The editorial Additions consist of appendices on the Vedas, Brahmanical Tribes and Aborigines, and the Chinese Buddhist Pilgrims. "The History of India by the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinsone will probably long continue to be the classical history to introduce the enquirer of every denomina- tion to a coriect knowledge of India.'"'— Erskine, History of Bdber and Humdyun. 5854 The Rise of the British Power in India ; being a Continua- tion of The History of India in the Hindii and Mahometan Periods, edited by Sir Edward Colebrooke, 3 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1887 7s This volume brings the military and political history down to the year 1760, with an additional fragment on the cliaracter of Clive. The references in thifs to the author's former work are to the library edition in two volumes, which it matches both in size and type. 5855 Selections from Minutes and other Official Writings, with Introductory Memoir by G. W. Forrest, 8vo, cloth. 1884 6s "There is hardly an imjjortant problem connected with the government of India which has not been discussed by Mountstuart Elphinstone" (Editor). This volume contains Elphinstone's letters describing the battles of Assaye and Kirkee (published for the first time), the important Minute on Education (1824), the Report on the Peishwa's Territories, (fee. 5856 Mountstuart Elphinstone, by J. S. Cotton (" Rulers of India " Series), 12mo, cloth 2s 5857 Elwood (Mrs.) Narrative of Journey Overland from England, by the Continent of Europe, Egypt, and the Red Sea, to India, illustrated, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1830 7s Mrs. Elwood was the first lady who travelled outward to India by the overland route. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 130 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 5860 Emigration from India : The Export of Coolies and other Labourers to Mauritius, 8vo, pp. 74. B. and F. Anti-Slavery Soe., 1842 3s 6d 5861 Remarks upon the Emigration of Hill Coolies, pp. 16 Is 6d See Archer, Slavery. Empoli (G. di) Viaggio fatto nell' India, 1503. See Ramusio, Viaggi, p. 18. 5862 English Connexion with India, Origin and Progress of, Calcutta Rev., No. XII. pp. 64 2s 6d 5863 Erskine (Wm.) A History of India under Bdber and Humayun (1494-1556), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1851 16s Mr. Erskine's thorough acquaintance with the language of contemporary and subsequent authorities enabled him to improve upon Ferishta. and to produce perhaps the best record of this important and intercbting period. See also Baber. Cave Temples of Elephanta. — Bombay Lit. Soc. r?'aws.. Vol. I. 5864 Escott (T. H. S.) and others. Pillars of the Empire : Indian and Colonial Statesmen and Officials, 12mo, cloth. 1879 3s 6d Sketches of Sir N. Chamberlain. Sir Andrew Clarke, Sir G. Colley, Sir E. A. Holdich, Sir F. Roberts, Dr. French, Bp. of Lahore, Sir H, Maine, Sir Barnes Pea- cock, H. G. Keene, Lords Dufferin, Kimberley, Lytton, Napier of Magdala, North- brook, Sir B. Frere, Sir R. Temple, Sir A. C. Lyall, &c. 5865 Ethnology and Archaeology of India : Papers by Huxley, Sir G. Campbell, Sir W. Elliott, Meadows Taylor, and others {Q. Ethnol. Journal, vol. i. pp. 89-193, and map), 8vo, cl. 1869 3s 6d 5866 Evans ([Sir] De Lacy) On the Practicability of an Invasion of British India, 8vo, pp. 8-lviii-147, and map. 1829 48 Means of transport, military routes, &c., with resources of the Indian Empire. 5867 Everest (Lt.-Col.) Engravings and Diagrams illustrative of the Measurement of Two Sections of the Meridional Arc of India, royal 4to, cloth. 1847 6s 5868 Ewart (Wm., M.P.) Settlement in India and Trade with Central Asia, 8vo, pp. 18. 1858 2s 5869 Ewart (Gen. J. Alex.) The Story of a Soldier's Life ; or, Peace, War, and Mutiny, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1881 12s Vol. I. includes two voyages to Ihe Mauritius and the entire campaign in Turkey and the Crimea ; Vol. II. The Sepoy Mutiny and five years' service at home. Eyre (Sir Vincent) Operations in Cabul, 1841-42. See Afghanis- tan, p. 60. The Belief of Arrah, 1857. See Gubbins, Halls, Trevelyan (Sir G.), Malleson, and other Historians of the Mutiny. Fa-Hien, Travels in India and Ceylon (a.d. 399-413). See Beal, SVKES. 5871 Facts and Reflections by a Subaltern of the Indian Army, 12mo, cloth. 1849 2s 6d Falconer (Hugh) Geological and other Memoirs of the North of India. See Natural History section. 83 J High Street, Marylehone, London, W, India 131 5872 Falkland (Viscountess) Chow-Chow, a Journal of Social Life in India, Egypt, and Syria, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1857 6s Famines: Campbell (Sir G.), Cotton (Sir A.), Dickinson, Digby, Elliot (R. H.), Frere, Hornaday, Hunter's Indian Empire, Kaye's E.I. Co., Lawrence (Lord), Lytton, Merewether, Nash, North brook, Routledge, Smith (Baird), Strachey, Temple (Sir R.), Trotter's India under Victoria, &c. 5873 Fane (Hy. Edward) Five Years in India (1835-39). comprising Travels in Bengal, Visit to Court of Runjeet Singh, Residence in the Himalayas, Account of the Triumphant Entry into Cabul, 1839, Voyage down the Indus, with 12 steel plates and other illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1842 6s The author was Aide-de-Camp to Lord Auckland. The work, which is most instructive and entertaining, concludes with an amusing narrative of the author's overland journey to England. 5874 Faria y Sousa (Manuel de) Asia Portuguesa, with num&rous plates and woodcuts, 3 vols, folio, calf. Lisbon, 1666-74-75 £4 A valuable narmtive of the Portuguese conquests in the East Indies — when their flag waved from the Azores to China. The work is largely founded upon older writers, especially upon Barros and DA CouTo. For English translation, somewhat abridged, by Capt. John Stevens, see above, p. 7 ; see also references under PORTUGUESE in India, post. 5875 Europa Portuguesa ; Asia Portuguesa ; Africa Portuguesa ; Retrato de Manuel de Faria y Sousa, por Don F. Moreno Porcel, engraved titles, 8 vols, folio, calf. Lisbon, 1666-1733' £8 Complete sets of Faria y Sousa are rare. This is composed of Europe, 2nd edit.. 3 vols., 1678-80 ; Asia, 3 vols., 1666-75; Africa, 1 vol., 1681 ; and Ketrato, 1 vol., 1733. ' 5876 Fawcett (Henry) Speeches on some Current Political Questions, 8vo, cloth. 1873 4s Includes Fawcett's great speeches on Indian Finance and the Budgets of 1872 and 1873, on Education, Woman Suffrage, the Irish University Education, and the speech at Brighton, Feb., 1873, wherein he refers to the continuous neglect of Indian Affairs in the House of C'ommons. 5877 Fayrer (Surg.-Gen. Sir Joseph) Recollections of my Life, por- traits and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 6s Sir Joseph Fayrer's professional service in India began in 1850 and continued through the Mutiny, to which, and the Siege of the Residency, Lucknow, three chapters are devoted. After a short visit to England, Sir Joseph returned to Calcutta, 1859-72. He subsequently revisited India in the suite of H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, 1875. Snakes of India, and Eoyal Tiger. See Natural History Section. See also Martin (Sir J. Ranald). 5878 Fenton (Mrs.) Journal of : Narrative of her Life in India, the Isle of France (Mauritius), and Tasmania, 1826-30, with Preface by Sir Henry W. Lawrence, 12mo, cloth. 1901 5s Mrs. Fenton vi.sited India in 1827-28, residing mostly near Calcutta. Her Journal of that period occupies the greater part of the volume. 5879 Fergusson (James) The Rock-Cut Temples of India, 19 litho- graphic plates, folio, half-morocco, with a vol. of Descriptive Text and 10 additional plates, 8vo, cloth. 1845 £2 2s 5880 The Rock-Cut Temples, another, without the text .£1 10s 83, High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W, 132 Francis Edwards* a Catalogue 5881 Fergusson (James) The Rock-Cut Temples of India, illustrated hy 74 photographs taken by Major Gill and described by James Fergusson, 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. 1864 £1 4s A Selection of the best examples of the different series of caves at Ellora, Ajunta, Cuttack, Salsette, Karli, Kannari and iMahavellipore, drawn on stone by T. C. Dibdin from sketches made on the spot, with the assistance of the camera- lucida, 1838-39. See also Biggs ; GiLL (Major). 5882 Picturesque Illustrations of Ancient Architectui'e in Hin- dostan : Thirty-four tinted plates and sketch map, imp. folio, half-morocco. 1848 £3 3s The illustrations include the gate of the Tope at Sanchi, the Temples of Bobaneswar, of Jugganath at I'uri, of Kanaruc, Chandravati, Barolli, Vimala Sab, Sadri Mahavellipore, Towers at Cbeetore, Palaces at Boondee, Porches, Gateways, Tombs, &c. 5883 Tree and Serpent Worship : Illustrations of Mythology and Art in India from the Sculptures of the Buddhist Topes at Sanchi and Amravati, with Essays and Descriptions, original edition, 100 plates and 21 icood engravings, imp. 4to, half-morocco. 1868 (pub. £10 10s) £6 10s The main body of the work is preceded by an Introductory Essay on Human Sacrifices and Serpent Worship in Egypt, India, Phoenicia, Mesopotamia, Greece, Italy, Germany, Sarmatia, Scandinavia, France, Great Britain, Africa and America ; in I'ersia, Casnmere, Cambodia, China, Oceania, Ceylon and India, the Mahabharata, Buddhism, &c. 45 plates illustrate the Tope at Sanchi, and 43 that at Amravati. Most important appendices on Asoka inscriptions, Snake Worship. &c.. are con- tributed by Gen. Cunningham, Col. Meadows Taylor, Dr. Best, and Dr. Balfour. 5885 Rude Stone Monuments in All Countries, their Age and Uses, with 234 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1872 £1 4s The rude stone monuments, which are probably more numerous in India than in Europe, throw much light on the problems connected with the study of mega- lithic monuments in the West. Mr. Fergusson discusses their geographical distribu- tion and age, and gives engravings of 27 examples in different parts of India. 5886 Notes on the Saka, Samvat, and Gupta Eras, 8vo, cloth, pp. iv-24. 1875 {privately printed) Is 5887 and Burgess (Dr. James) The Cave Temples of India, with map, 98 plates in photo-lithography and 73 woodcuts, imp. 8vo, half-morocco. 1880 £2 12s 6d Mr, FerguMon treats of the Eastern caves at Barabar, Kadgir, Katak, Hathi, Undavilli, Mahavellipur, and the Seven Pagodas, Dr. Burgess of those in Western India, in Kathiawar, the Koncan, Karle, Junnar, Nasik, Ajanta, Kanheri, Bagh, Klura, Aurungabad, as well as the Brahmanic and Jaina Caves and Cave Temples in the Dekkan, at Poonah, Elephanta, &c. 5888 History of Indian and Eastern Architecture, with 2 maps and 394 illustrations, 8vo, half-bound. 1899 dBl 4s Book I. Buddhist Architecture in India and Ceylon. II. Jaina Architecture. III. Architecture ih the Himalayas (Nepal and Kashmir). IV. Dravidian Temples, Rock- Cut, Tan j ore, &c. V. Chalukyan. VI. Indo-Arynn Temples and Palaces at Benares, Cuttack. Dharwar, Gwalior. &c. VII. Saracenic Tombs, Mosques, Minars, the Taj, &c. VIII. Further India : Burmah, Siam, Java, Cambodia. IX. China. 5889 Collection of Photographs : Nineteen large Views of Hindu Sculpture and Temples at Aiwulli, Tanjore, &c., imp. folio, half- morocco 22s 8S, High Street^ Marylehone^ London, W. India 133 5891 Ferishta's History of Dekkan from the First Mohummedan Conquests (a.d. 977-1605); with Continuation to the Einperor Aurungzebe by other Native Writers ; also, Reign of his Succes- sors ; and the History of Bengal, 1739-80, by Jonathan Scott, 2 vols. 4to, calf. Shrewsbury, 1794 £1 8s "The work of Ferislita is an abridgment of other historians, and extends to the end of the reigu of Akbar it is the most curious and valuable piece of Oriental history."'— Orme. See also Briggs, Dow, Elliot (Sir H.). Feudatory States. See Native States. 5892 Fife-Cookson (Lt.-Col. J. C.) Tiger Shooting in the Doon and Ulwar, numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 1887 5s Finance, Revenue, Taxation, &c.— 5894 Mr. Dundas's India Budget for 1789 ; Reply to, by County Member, , in the Deccan, Sind (which he ruled for seven years), N.W. Provinces, Calcutta (in the Legislative Council*, as Governor of Bombay, and on the Indian Council in London. Sir Bartle was also principal director and manager of the Tour of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales in India, 1875-76, " When shall I see a Commander return from India in the pride of honourable poverty ? " was a question asked by The Man of Feeling (Mackenzie). The question was answered a hundred years later when Bartle Frere came home. Here, as elsewhere, the natives look to deeds not words : "The example of a Frere is worth the teaching of a hundred missionaries — painstaking and earnest though they be."— 1866, Dilke, ' Greater B.,' ii. p. 220. 5942 The Three Zillas of Sind, with map, 1853 (Bombay Records, 1855), pp. 659-664, royal 8vo, cloth 4s 5943 Reply of Mirza Ali Ackbar to Attacks upon his Character by H. B. Frere, Esq., pp. 39, 1858 2s 5944 Letter to Col. Dnrand on the Reorganization of the Indian Army (Printed for Private Use only), 8vo, pp. 160 (scarce). Bom- bay, [1858] 6s 6d 5945 Notes on the Runn of Cutch and Neighbouring Regions, Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1870, Vol. XL. pp. 181-207, map, cl. 2s 6d 5946 The Impending Bengal Famine and How to Prevent Famines in India, three maps, 12mo, cloth. 1874 3s and Case of Meer Jaffer Alee. See Law and Justice. Pandurang Hari. See Hockley (W. B.) See also Malleson, Temple, &c. Freshfield (D.) Notes on Mt. Everest. See Walker (Gen. J. T.) 5948 Fryer (John) Account of East India and Persia : Nine Years Travels, 1672-81, maps and figures, folio, calf. 1698 £2 Fryer was a surgeon in the service of the E.I. Company. He describes the factory at Surat, the life and trade there as well as at Bombay and Madras, and gives an account of the English embassy to the coronation of Sivaji, the Mahratta King. See also Wheeler, Early Travels in India, pod. Fryke's Voyage to the East Indies, 1680-86. See p. 7. 5949 Fullarton (Colonel Wm.) A View of the English Interests in India, and Account of the Military Operations [in Mysore], 1782-84, 8vo, calf. 1787 7s 6d 5950 Another copy, half-calf 6s 6d 5951 Fuller (Rev. Andrew) An Apology for Christian Missions to India, in Answer to Mr. Twining and Major Scott- Waring (Three Parts), 8vo. 1808 (scarce) 5s See Scott-Waring, Twining, and references under Missions. 5952 Fullerton (Col.) Views in the Himalayah and Neilgherry Hills, 24 plates coloured in Jacsimile o/ the original draivings, with descrip- tions, oblong 4to, cloth. 1850 14s 83 y High Street, Marykbone, London j W, India 139 5953 Gaffarel (Paul) Les Colonies Francaises, 8vo, half - bound PariSf 1884 ^ TnHi«^mfir?"i'Jm'i?f-?°'2'°' Madagascar, French Guiana, French Antilles, French India (History, 1508-ljbl-French Establishments at Pondichery, &c., pp. 247-321) Cochin China, Indo;Chma, Tahiti, Marquesas, New Caledonia, &c. Bibliography prefixed to each section. ^ f j 5955 Gama (Vasco da) Calcoen: a Dutch Narrative of the Second Voyage to Calicut. Facsimile of edition printed at Antwerp c. 1504, with Introduction, and translated by Dr. Ph. Berjeau. small 4to, cloth. 1874 3s qI The places in India visited and referred to in this voyage (1502-3) are supposed to have been Camhay, Goa, Cananor, Calicut, and Cochin. See also Gama, p. 7. 5956 Ganges Canal Revenue Reports, 1855-56, gapatani-the KCPne of Lord Corn- waliis 8 campaign. ^ ^^m 6162 Views in Mysore, another copy, morocco extra 17s 6d 6163 Honigberger (J. M.) Physician to the Court of Lahore, Thirty- five Years in the East : Sketches of the Punjab and Cashmere, with Materia Medica and Medical Vocabulary in Four European and Five Eastern Languages, ilhistrated, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1852 8s 6d 6165 Hooker ([Sir] Joseph Da Iton) Himalayan Journals : Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, &c. (1848-51), best edition, with 2 maps, 12 coloured plates, and 80 tvood engravings, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1854 24s 6166 Himalayan Journals, another copy, 2 vols. 8vo, hf.-mor. 30s With several appendices including Meteorological Observations ; Mineral \V aters by Dr. R. D. Thomson ; Rev. M. J. Berkeley on Himalayan Alg£e ; Soils of Sikkim ; Auroral Appearances, Physical Geography of the Districts, Climate, Humidity of Air at various Elevations. Tt mperature of Soil, Elevations, Altitudes, &c. The plates include coloured views of KJuchinjunga and other Himalayan peaks, valleys, and lakes. 6167 Himalayan Journals, condensed edition, woodcut illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1855 8s 6d This edition is without the coloured plates and appendices. 6168 Notes of a Tour in India, Part I. England to Calcutta (from London Journal of Botany), 8vo, pp. ii-41. 1848 (scarce) 3s 6d These notes were not reprinted in the Journals. Himalayan Plants ; and Ehododendrons. See Natueal His- tory section. Dr. Hooker was the first European permitted to explore and survey Sikkim and the eastern border of Nepal. He did his work with such fulness of knowledge that his book remains the leading authority on the botanical and physical history of these regions. " I found Dr. Hooker's work invaluable. Never was the officer commanding a force favoured with a fuller, more able, or more lucid report of a country and its inhabitants than i was by the study of Dr. Hooker."— Col. Gawlke, 'Sikkim,' p. 3. "Every student of Indian geology will be delighted wiih the 'Himalayan Journals '—a work that will do much to sustain the reputation of the British School of natural history. The geologist will find in it a rich store of facts of the highest interest, and for the inquirer into glacial phenomena it abounds with new and valuable details."— Prof. Edward Forbes. 6169 Hoole (Rev. Elijah) Personal Narrative of a Mission to the South of India, 1820-28, plates, 8vo. 1829 4s 6d The awthor visited the Wesley an Mission Stations at Trincomallee (Ceylon), Madras, Tranquebar, Negapatam, Trichinopoly, Bangalore. Seringapatam, &c. He has some remarks on the Jesuits, and an essay on the Religion of the Hindoos, its Character and Influence. 6170 Hooper (Fred. E. E.) The Indian Revolt: a Poem, Part I., 12mo, pp. 48. 1858 Is 83, High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. 158 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 6171 Hope (John) The House of Scindea : a Sketch, 12mo, cl. 1863 3s Has reference to the policy of Lord EUenborough, the Annexation of Oude, and its results. 6172 Hornaday (Wm. T.) Two Years in the Jungle : Experiences of a Hunter and Naturalist in India, Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula, and Borneo, mutps and illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1885 9s 6d Overland Journey to India ; Bombay, Physical Aspect of Western India, Gavial Shooting on the Jumna, the Gaogetic Crocodile, Ravine Deer and Black Buck Hunting, Benares, Calcutta, and Madras, the Neilgherry Hills, the Wainaad Forest, the Animalli Hills, Elephant Hunting, Monkeys, Bears, Tiger Hunting, Skeleton- izing an Elephant, Second Year of the Madras Famine, Poetry of Forest Life, Bison Shooting, the Indian Elephant ; Ceylon ; Malaya ; Borneo ; Outfit for a Collector, Loss of Life in India by Wild Beasts and Serpents, &c. 6173 [Horne (M. J.)] [Life, Voyages, and] Adventures of " Naufragus," written by himself, 8vo, half-calf. 1827 5s Containing the Author's observations during Voyages in the East Indies (1) Pulo Penang, Malacca, Calcutta ; (2) Ceylon, Calcutta, Mauritius (with the Story of Paul and Virginia) ; (3) Sumatra, Calcutta, Serampore, Chandernagore, Chinsura; (4) Batavia, Bencoolen, Mauritius, St. Helena, &c. This copy contains an autograph letter from the author to Mr. Arbuthnot. 6174 Hoseason (Commander J. C.) On Rapid Transmission of Troops to India, Interior Navigation, &c., 8vo, pp.48, map. 1858 2s 6d 6175 Hough (Rev. James), " Philanthropos," Letters on the Climate, Inhabitants, Productions, &c., of the Neilgherries (1826), Svo, pp. iv-172, boards. 1829 3s 6d Contains Observations on the Geology, Mineralogy, and Temperature during 182.5-26 ; also List of Plants of the District. Evidence before Select Committee, H.C., 1832. See E.I. Co. 6176 History of Christianity in India, from the Commencement of the Christian Era, 5 vols. Svo, cloth. 1839 12s Early Intercourse of the Western Nations with India, Introduction of Christianity, the Nestorians, Mahomedanism, Legend of St. Thomas, Venetians, Genoese and Portuguese ; the Church of Rome and Xavier, the Inquisition at (^oa, Syrian Church of Malabar and the Roman Church, Archbishop Meneses, the Jews in Malabar, the Synod of Diamper, and the Protestant Missions. 6177 Hough (Major Wm.) Remarks on Indian Revenue, 8vo,pp. ii-16 Calcutta, 1842 2s 6178 Brief History of the Bhopal Principality, C. India, c. 1700 to Present Time, Svo, russia extra. Calcutta, 1845 9s 6179 Political and Military Events in British India, 1756-1849, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1853 7s 6d Sketch of History of the E.L '^ompany ; the Rohilla and Mahratta Wars ; Hyder Ali and Tip -oo Sultan and Wars in the Mysore ; Holkar, Sindia, and the Pindaree W^ars ; Expeditions to Mauritius and Java ; the Gorka and Burmese, Afghanistan, and China Wars ; Affairs of Sind ; Conquest of the Punjab. Operations of the Army of the Indus. See Afghanistan. 83^ High Street^ Marylebone, London^ W, India 159 6180 Howell (T. B. and T. J.) Complete Collection of State Trials and ProceedlDgs for High Treason and other Crimes and Mis- demeanours, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time with Index, 34 vols, royal 8vo, half-calf, 1816-28 £16 Vol. XX. contains the Trials of Nuncomar, of Hastings, and Impey. 6182 Hudson ( ) and Fisher (Thomas) A Collection of Treaties and Engagements made with Native Princes and States of Asia on behalf of the E. I. Company, 1739-1809, with Index, 4to. 1812 8s MS. Note.— "This collection was made under the orders of the E.I. Co.'s Com- mittee of Correspondence by the Assistant Examiner. Mr. Hudson, and passed through the press by Thomas Fisher, a clerk in the service of the Company." 6183 Hugel (Baron von) Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab, with Account of the Sikhs, illustrated, royal 8vo, cloth. 1845 6s 6d 6184 Humayun, The Tezkereh-al-Vakiat : Private Memoirs of the Mogul Emperor Humayun, translated from the Persian by Major C. Stewart (Oriental Trans. Fund), 4to, sewed. 1832 6s Life, See Erskine, and other Histories. 6185 Humbley (Capt. W. W. W.) Journal of a Cavalry Officer, including the Sikh Campaign, 1845-6, map and plans, roy. 8vo, cl. 1854 14s Includes Accounts of Visits to Delhi, Benares, Allahabad, Monghyr, Moor- sbedabad, Calcutta, &c., and Appendix of Treaties and Proclamations relating to the Punjab. 6186 Hungerford (Capt. T.) Report of Occurrences at Mhow during the Mutiny, July, 1857, 8vo, pp. 58, half-calf {privately printed) 10s 6187 Hunt (Capt. W. S.) Brown's Sporting Tour in India : a Pictorial Journal, 41 amusing sketclies, on fine plate paper, oblong 4to, half- morocco. 1865 £1 4s 6188 Hunter (Lieut. James) Picturesque Scenery of Mysore, 40 beautifully coloured views and portrait of Tippoo Sultan; also Orme's 24 Views of Hindoostan (from paintings by Ward and Daniell), coloured, 1 vol. oblong folio, half-calf. 1804-5 £5 The plates in Hunter's work consist of portrait of Tippoo Sultan, views in Seringapatam and Hyder Ally's Tomb (6), Bangalore and 'lippoos Palaces (12), Mt. St. Thomas, the R.A. Encampment at Arcot, Pagoda, Mosque, &c., at Struper- mador (4), Ouscottah and Killader's Tomb (2), Kistnalghurry Fort (2), Osar (2), Shole Ghurry (2), Barra Mauhl and Pass (2), Encampments at Conjeveram (2), and at Conditore, Outra Droog, and two others. For details of Orme's views see URME. 6190 Hunter (Sir W. W.) The Indian Empire : its People, History, andProducts,thirdedition, map, thick8vo, cloth. 1892 (pub. 28s) lis " Never before has the whole subject of Indian history been so adequately and so intelligibly treated."— Po/^ Mall Gazette. . . „ •* A model of combined lucidity, conciseness, and co"iprehensivene^.^^^.^^ 6191 Brief History of the Indian Peoples, map, 12mo, cloth 3s » By fer the best manual of Indian history that has hitherto ^^^^^''Iff^f^ 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 160 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 6192 Hunter (Sir W. W.) School History and Geography of Northern India, ma'ps^ 12mo, cloth. 1891 2s 6193 Annals of Rural Bengal, 8vo, cloth. 1872 8s 6d State of the Country when it passed under British Rule ; Ethnical Elements ; The Aboriginal Hill Men ; The Company's Attempts at Rural Administration, and as a Rural Manufacturer ; Bengal in 1772, portrayed by Warren Hastings ; the Great Famine of 1770 ; Santali Grammar and Traditions, k,c. " It is hard to over-estimate the importance of a work whose author succeeds in fascinating us with a subject so generally regarded as unattractive, and who, on questions of grave importance to the future destiny of India, gives the results of wide research and exceptional opportunities of personal study in a bright, lucid, forcible narrative, rising on occasion to eloquence." — Times. 6194 Orissa; or, the Vicissitudes of an Indian Province under Native and British Rule (being the second and third vols, of The Annals of Rural Bengal), with map, steel, copper, and wood en- gravings, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1872 12s History under Mughal, Mahratta, and English Governors, lo68-1871, Calamities, Floods, and Famines ; the Village System ; Statistics of each District ; Chronicle of Orissa Kings, 3101 B.C. to A.d. 1871 ; Vernacular Literature ; Catalogue of over one hundred writers. " A great subject worthily handled. He writes with great knowledge, great sympathy with the Indian people, a keen and quick appreciation of all that is striking and romantic in their history and character, and with a flowing and picturesque fetyle." — Saturday Review. 6195 The Indian Musalmans : Are they Bound in Conscience to Rebel against the Queen ? 8vo, cloth. 1871 3s 6d 6196 — — The Indian Musalmans : a Sketch of the Muhammadan Revival, with Chapter on the Requirements and Social History of the Indian Musalmans under British Rule, Svo, cloth 8s 6d 6197 Famine Aspects of Bengal Districts: a System of Famine Warnings, royal 8vo, cloth. Simla, 1873 3s 6d 6198 A Statistical Account of Bengal, 20 vols. 8vo, half -morocco. 1875 £3 iOs " Twenty volumes of material, collected under the most favourable auspices, are built up into a vast but accessible storehouse of invaluable facts. Invaluable to the statesman, the administrator, and the historian, they are no less interesting to the general reader. Mr. Hunter undoubtedly has the faculty of making the dry bones of statistics live. But they also contain matter which may be regarded as the fountain of the yet unwritten history of Bengal. They are a guide for administra- tive action now. They also seem to 'be the point of a new departure for the future." Nineteenth Century. 6199 A Statistical Account of Assam, 2 vols. 8vo, hf .-mor. 1879 10s 6200 The Imperial Gazetteer of India, second edition, 14 vols. 8vo, half-morocco. 1885-7 £3 The Topography, Administration, Agriculture, Commerce, Antiquities, and Ethnology of every district, described by Indian Officials " One of the grandest works of admmistrative statistics which have ever been issued by any nation." — Times. 6202 The New Industrial Era in India — Proc. R. Col. Inst., 1888, Vol. XIX. pp. 260-294, cloth 3s 6203 Bombay, 1885-90. A Study in Indian Administration, 8vo, cloth. [1892] 7s 6d The period of Lord Reay's administration. 8Sy High Street, Marylehone, London^ W, India 161 6204 Hunter (Sir W. W.) Bengal MS. Records : a Selected List of 14,136 Letters in the Board of Revenue, Calcutta, 1782-1807, with Historical Dissertation and Analytical Index, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth 1894 16s Materials for the Study of Rural Bengal and of its Land Tenures as evolved by British Legislation, 1782-1807 ; being a Selected List of over fourteen thousand letters, some of the results of their examination being recorded in the editor's ' Annals of Rural Bengal,' ' Orissa.' and ' Statistical Account of Bengal ' ; with an Introductory Dissertation on Landed Property and Land Rights in Bengal, at the end of the Eighteenth Century, and an Analytical Index. "If these four volumes stood alone ther would place their author in the first rank of scientific historians they are" the firstfruits of that comprehensive history of India on which he has been engaged for the last twenty years."— Tmes. 6205 The Old Missionary, with illustrations by Sir Charles D'Oyly, small 4to, cloth. [O.T/ord], 1896 2s 6206 A History of British India to the Overthrow of the English in the Spice Archipelago (1623), pur rtiaps, Vols. I. and II. (all puhlished), 8vo, cloth. 1899-1900 £1 Vol. I. treats of Mediaaval Trade, Africa Circumnavigated, Portuguese Policy, East India Companies and P]nglish and Dutch rivalry. Vol. II. First Settlements on Bombay and Madras Coasts, the Company and the Commonwealth, the Restoration, the New E.I. Company, Union of the two Companies. See also Dalhousie, Hodgson, Mayo, and many articles in the ' Encyclopasdia Britannica' (India. Assam, Bengal, Bombay, Calcutta, Cawnpore, Central Provincep, Dacca, Delhi. Madras, Mysore, &c.). Rulers of India Sbriks, and following section, Indian Language and Literature. 6207 Hutchinson (Col. H. D.) The Campaign in Tirah, 1897-98 : Account of the Expedition against the Orakzais and Afridis under Gen. Sir Wm. Lockhart, portrait, maps, plans and illustra- tions, 8vo, cloth. 1898 5s Including the Storming of the Heights of Dhargai. 6208 Hutton (R. N.) Five Years in the East, with two steel plates, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1847 7s 6d Account of Voyages in the 'Forties, and Visits to Ascension Island, Saint Helena, Cape of Good Hope, Comoro Islands, Calcutta, Java, China, Ceylon, Bombay, Red Sea, and Egypt. 6209 Hutton (James) Account of the Thugs and Dacoits, the Hereditary Garotters and Gang Eobbers of India, 12mo, cloth. 1857 5s Hwen-Thsang (Chinese Pilgrim), Travels in India (a.d. 629-645), SbcBeal, p. 80 ; Cunningham, p. 105 ; Cowell's Appendix to Elphin- STONE, p. 129. Hyder All See Baillie, Bowring (L. B.), Gholam, Miles, Munro (Innes), Mysore, War in, Swartz, &c. 6210 Hyderabad. Report of Census taken Hyderabad Assigned Districts, 23rd August, 1867, folio, stitched. 1868 3s 6d and the Berar Provinces, 1881, see p. 81. See also Nizam (The). 6211 Hyderabad Papers (The), and the House of Palmer & Co. ; Remarks on the Hyderabad Papers by the Hon. D. Kinnaird; Proceedings connected with Palmer & Co. ; Speech by Sir John Doyle, four pamphlets, 1 vol. 8vo, half-calf, 1825 7s 6d 83, High Sl/reet, Marylehone, London, W. 162 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 6212 Hyndman^(H. M.) The Bankruptcy of India: an Enquiry into the Administration of India under the Crown, including a chapter on the Silver Question, 8vo, cloth. 1886 3s 6d Ibn Batdta's Travels in Bengal, &c., 1334-42. See Elliot, p. 128 ; Oriental Translation Fund; and Yule's Cathay, China, post. 6213 Ibraheem (Peer) Khan, Bahadur, British Agent to H. H. the Nawwah of Bhauwalpur, Memoir, by himself, 12mo, cloth. 1852 3s 6214 Iggulden (Capt. H. A.) The 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Sikkim Expedition, 1888, maps, 12mo, cloth. 1900 Is 6d 6215 Ilbert (Sir Courtenay) The Government of India: a Digest of the Statute Law relating thereto, with Historical Introduction and Illustrative Documents, 8vo, half-bound. 1898 lis Includes the Charter of Q. Elizabeth, 1600 ; James Mill's long Despatch accompanying the Government of India Act, 183:^ ; Lord Dalhousie's Minute on Legislative Council Government of India Act, 1853, &c. 6216 Inipey (Sir Elijah) First Chief Justice of Bengal, Memoirs of, with Anecdotes of Warren Hastings, Sir Philip Francis, Brassey Halhed, and others, compiled in Refutation of Macaulay, by E. Barwell Impey, portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1846 8s With Extracts from Impey's ' Defence ' on the Nuncomar Charge and from his ' Refutation ' of Sir P. Francis. Mr. Barwell Impey asserts that Francis was the author of the * Junius ' Letters and of other anonymous publications. 6217 Letters Patent establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William, Bengal [with Sir E. Impey as First Chief Justice], 4to, pp. 44. 1774 6s 6218 Extract of an Original Letter from Calcutta relative to the Administration of Justice by Sir E. Impey [By Sir Philip Francis], 8vo, pp. 58. 1781 10s See also Beveridge, Busteed, Howell, Law and Justice, Minto, Stephen (Fitz- james) and the references under Nuncomar. 6219 Speech at the Bar of the H.C. (Feb. 4, 1788) in his defence to the charge [of Sir G. Elliot] relative to the Nuncomar Case ; with Appendices of Documents and Evidence taken before the Committee, H.C, 8vo;(pp. 432), half-calf. 1788 {extremely rare) £3 " It is now among the rarest of books ; except the copy from which I have made the copious extracts and here and there another in the possession of my immediate relatives and friends, I know not of a single impression extant." ' Memoirs of Impey,' pp. 321, .322. 6220 Answer of Philip Francis to Impey : Speech in the House of Commons, Feb. 27, 1788, 8vo, pp. 100 {rare) 10s 6221 Befutation of the Answer of Philip Francis, with copy of the Petition of Nuncomar, 8vo, pp. 54 {very rare), half-calf. 1788 £1 See * Memoir of Impey,' 323-338. 6222 India, Pictorial, Descriptive and Historical, witli ^najy and upwards of 100 engravings, 12mo, cloth. {Bolm) 3s Indian Alps (The), by a '*Lady Pioneer." See Himalayas. 83j High Street, Maryleboney London, W, India 163 6223 Indian Antiquary (The): a Journal of Oriental Research in Archseology, History, Literature, Languages, Philosophy, Religi'^n Folk-lore, &c. Edited by Dr. Burgess. Nos. 1 to 4, (3 110 112* 113, 115, 117, 121-31, 4to. Bombay, 1872-82 ' £1 6224 Vols. IL and IIL (1873-4), VIIL, IX, X, and XL, pp. 1-208 (1879-82), 6 vols. 4to, cloth £4 6225 Yols. YII, YIII, and IX, 1878-80, 3 vols, hf.-cf. ea. 16s 6226 Taw Sein-Ko, Preliminary Study of the Kalyani Inscriptions of Dhamraacheti, a.d. 1476, 4to, sewed. Bomhay, 1893 4s 6228 Indian Surveys : Trigonometrical Survey of India. Tables of Heights in Sind, the Punjab, N.W. Provinces, and Central India, map, royal 8vo, cloth. 1863 Is Od 6229 Memoir on the Indian Survey (to 1875), by [Sir] Clements R. Markham, second edition, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1878 5s Includes account of hydrograpbical surveys of the Indian Navy. 6230 Catalogue of MS. and Printed Reports, Field Books, Memoirs, Maps, &c., of the Indian Surveys in the. Map Room of the India Office, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1878 4s Arranged in accordance with the current Administrative Divisions of India, each group being arranged chronologically ; an alphabetical Index is added. 6231 Memoir on the Indian Survey, 1875-90, by Charles E..D. Black, imp. 8vo, cloth 5s 6d 6232 The Cadastral Survey of India, by Lieut.-Col. W. Barron ; Spirit Levelling Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, by Major A. W. Baird ; Some Remarks on Clinometrical or Approximate Heights, by Major J. Hill, with diagrams — R. Geog. See. SuppL. Papers, Vol. I. pt. 4, pp. 595-641, cloth 3s 6d The Annual Reports of the Indian Surveys are printed in the Proceedings of the R. (itog. Society and the Geographical Journal. Mr. Black compiled several of these Reports, as well as a Paper ' Decade of Progress in India,' which appears in the Geog. Jour., vol. iii., 181U. See also Everest, Godwin-Austen. 6234 Inglis (Hon. Lady) The Siege of Lucknow : a Diary (April to December, 1857), 8vo, cloth. 1892 6s Major Inglis defended Lucknow after the death of Sir Henry Lavvrencefor eighty-seven days, until the arrival of Havelock and Outram. The Diary narrates the events of this and the subsequent period until relief arrived by Lord Clyde. 6235 [Inglis (James)] Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier : Twelve Years' Reminiscences of an Indigo Planter, by *' Maori," 8vo, cloth. 1878 5s 6236 Tent Life in Tigerland and Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier, 22 chromo illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1892 10s 6237 Innes (Col. P. R.) History of the Bengal European Regiment, now the Jioyal Munster Fusiliers, and How It Helped to Win India, loilU iUiisirations and coloured plate, 8vo, cloth. 1885 8s The services of this Regiment cover the period from Plassey to Luckuovv, 1757 to 1858, including operations in Bengal and N.\\^. Province.^ Java, Nepal, Afghanistan, Punjab, Sind, Pegu, and during the Mutiny. 8Sf High Street, Marylebone, London, W. a 2 164 Frcmcis Edvmrdds Catalogue 6238 Innes (Lieut.-Gen. McLeod) Lucknow and Oude in the Mutiny : a Narrative and a Study, views ^ma'ps, and plans, 8vo, cloth. 1895 5s 6239 The Sepoy Revolt : a Critical Narrative on its Origin, De- velopment, and. Suppression, 12mo, cloth. 1897 2s 3d See also Lawrence (Sir H.)- 6240 Innes (A, D.)A History of the British in Indisi, maps and plans, 12010, cloth. 1902 6s "A thoughtful and impartial account" — Spectator. 6242 d'Innigo de Biervillas. Voyage a la Cote de Malabar, Goa, Batavia, &c., 1717-19. Two parts in one vol. 12qio, old calf. Paris, 1736. {rare) 10s 6243 Invasions of India from Central Asia, 8vo, cloth. 1879 5s Invasion of Baber, 1525 ; of Nadir Shah, 1739 ; English Invasion of Kabul, 1839- See also Edwards (Sutherland), p. 126, Head (p. 10), Rawlinson (p. 57 j, and Eussian Central Asia (pp. 55-57), Evans (p. 130), Vambery. 6244 Dangers of British India from French Invasion and Missionary Establishments, by a Late Resident at Bhagulpore, 8vo, pp. 132. 1808 4s 6245 [Ireland (Dr. W. H.)] History of the Siege of Delhi by an Officer who Served There, with Sketch of the Events in the Pun- jaub, 1857, 12mo, cloth. lEdinhurgh, 1861 7s 6246 Irrigation Projects: Tank at Erkrookh, near Sholapore (Bom- bay Records), 2 parts, swd., with plans, cloth case, 1866-7 6s See also Balfour's ' Cyclo,' Chapman, Chesney, Deakin, Maps, Morris, and references under JPuBLic Works. 6248 Irving (B. A.) The Theory and Practice of Caste, and its Effect on the Institutions and Destinies of the Anglo-Indian Empire, 12mo, cloth. 1853 2s 6d 6249 Irwin (H. C.) The Garden of India; or, Chapters on Oudh History and Affairs, 8vo, cloth. 1880 3s A bird's-eye View ; a few Facts and Figures ; Early Oudh History and Legend ; The Nawabi, 1720-1856 ; Annexation ; Fifteen Mouths of Zamindari Policy, 1856-57 ; Ten Years of Talugdari Policy, 1858-68 ; Conclusions. 6250 Ives (Edward) Voyage to India, 1754, and Narrative of Opera- tions under Admiral Watson and Col. Clive, 1755-7. Also Journey from Persia to England, 1758-9, by the Euphrates Valley, Syria, Italy, and Germany, maps, 4to, calf. 1773 14s 6251 Jackson (Sir C.) A Vindication of Lord Dalhousie's Indian Administration, 8vo, cloth. 1865 4s 6252 Jacob (Gen. Sir George le Grand) Report on the Province of Katteewar in 1842 (Trans. Bombay Geog. Soc), 8vo, pp. iv-96, map. Bombay, 1845 3s 6253 Western India Before and During the Mutinies : Pictures Drawn from Life, 12nio, cloth. 1872 4s An important contribution to the literature of the Mutiny of 1857, with Trans- lation by Mr. Kies, a German Missionary in the Southern Mahratta country, of a Canarese Epic on the Capture of ^urgoond by the English, 1858. 83i High Street^ MaryUhone, London^ W. India 155 6254 Jacob (Gen. John) Views and Opinions, edited by FSirl Lewis Pelly, 8vo, cloth. 1858 ^ l j ^^ Opinions on Civil Administration and Military Matters in India: North- western Frontier Question; the Persian War: on Eeorganization of Indian Administration, &c. 6255 A Few Remarks on the Bengal Army and Furloughs, by a Bombay Officer (1851), 8vo, pp. 25. 1857 2s 6256 On Reorganization of the Indian Army, pp. 18. 1857 2s 6257 Replies to Questions on same Subject, 8vo, pp. 142. 1858 3s 6258 Jacquemont (Victor) Voyage dans I'lnde pendant les Annees 1828 h. 1832, illustrated with 300 fine steel plates of views, portraits, &c., those of Natural History being coloured, maps and charts (text in 4 vols. ; Atlas, 2 vols.), together 6 vols, imperial 4to, half-morocco. Paris, 1841-6 £8 This expedition was productive of important scientific results. The author visited the whole of India and made a varied and rich collection of objects. The work treats of the history, manners, customs, and languages of the people, of geology, botany, zoology, &c. 6259 Letters describing a Journey in India, Tibet, Lahore, and Cashmere, 1828-31, by order of the French Government, map and portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1834 9s 6d " Jacquemont's 'Correspondence ' and Heber's 'Journals' are two of the most instructive and important books ever given to the world on India. They have never been excelled." — Sir George Birdwood. 6261 James (John Thomas, D.D.) Bishop of Calcutta; Brief Memoirs of, particularly during his residence in India, 8vo, cloth 6s 6262 James (Hugo) A Volunteer's Scramble through Scinde, the Punjab, Hindostan, and the Himalayah Mountains, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1854 6s Mr. James long resided in India ; he gives a pleasant account of the people, of camp life, of a tiger hunt, of a scientific and sporting tour for lesser game, and a narrative of the defeat of the Sikhs at Soorujkoond and capture of Mooltan. 6263 James (Lord Justice Sir W. Milbourne) History of British Rule in India, 1750-1858, inap, 8vo, cloth. 1882 6s Jang Bahadur, Prime Minister of Nepal. See Nepal, Hodgson, Oldfield, Oliphant. 6264 JefTreys (Julius) The Traffic in Opium, -Svo, pp. 37. 1858 2s Jehangir (Emperor). See Coryat, Covert, Gladwin, Lane-Poole, Price, Roe, Terry, Elphinstone, and other historians. 6265 Jejeebhoy (Sir Jamsetjee) Life and Public Charities of, portrait, 8vo, silk extra (for private circulation). 1855 2s 6d 6266 Jennings (Samuel) My Visit to the Gold Fields in the South Bast Wynaad (Mysore), 8vo, cloth. 1881 2s 6d 6267 Jervis (Lieut. H.) Narrative of a Journey to the Falls of the Cauvery, with Account of the Neilgherry Hills, iMtes, 8vo,^half^ calf. 1834 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 166 Fromcis Edwards^ s Catalogue 6268 Jervis (Major T. B.) Geographical, Statistical, and Historical AccouQtsof the Konkun, Western India (from Bo?7ibat/ Geog. Journal)-^ 8vo, swd. Calcutta, 1840 3s 6d 6269 Jochmus (Gen.) Memorandum on India, 8vo, pp. 21. 1858 2s Johnson (J.) Voyage to India and China, and Visits to Madras, Calcutta, Bombay, Elephanta, and Salsette, 1803-5, with Account of the Hindoos. See p. 11. 6270 Johnson (Daniel) Sketches of Indian Field Sports, with De- scription of the Art of Catching Serpents, Remarks on Hydrophobia and Eabid Animals, Hunting the Boar, illustrated, 8vo, half-calf. 1827 8s 6272 Johnson (Capt. C.) Journey through the Himmalah Mountains to the Sources of the Jumna, 1827 — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, Vol. IV. pp. 41-71, and map, cloth 4s 6d 6273 Johnson (George W.) The Stranger in India; or, Three Years in Calcutta, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1843 7s The Voyage, First Impressions — Calcutta ; the Seasons, Festivals ; Anglo- Indians, .Native Character, Education, Arts, and Music; the "Services." Civil, Military, iMarine ; Sporting ; Agriculture, Land, Coolies ; Lord Auckland, his character, government, and external policy. 6274 Johnson (Wm.) The Oriental Races and Tribes, Residents and Visitors of Bombay, a series of 20 photographs, with letterpress descriptions (Vol. I. all published), Gujarat, Kutch, and Kathiawar, imperial 4to, morocco. 1863 £1 5s Includes photo groups of Owdich and Nagur Brahmins, Kajpoots, Bhats, Khuwas and Colas, Banians, Bhatias, Sadhoos, Khumbars, Khai-avas, Dheds, Waghurees, Parsis, Mehmans, Khojahs, Bohoras— menand women. The letterpress descriptions are by the Rev. Ur, Wilson, Hon. A, Kinloch Forbes, and others. 6275 Johnson (Major W. T.) Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life (Native Irregular Cavalry), portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1897 3s 6d Services in India, &c., 1846-.")7— Baroda, Ahmadabad, Poonah, Oude (Alumbagh and Lucknow)— with an interval in the Crimea (1854). 6276 Johnston (Rev. James) Our Educational Policy in India, 8vo, pp. xviii-61. 1880 , 2s 6277 Abolition or Transference of Colleges and Schools in India, 8vo, pp. xii-22. 1880 Is 6d 6278 Report of Depu tuition on Education in India to Marquis of Ripon, 8vo, pp. 16. 1880 Is 6d 6279 Education in India: Case for Inquiry, pp. 16. 1881 Is 6d 6281 Johnstone (Major-Gen. Sir James) My Experiences in Mani- pur and the Naga Hills, 1874-86, ^>ie?noi?*, portrait, and ilh^strations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 7s Jones (Sir VVm.) Works, with Life by Lord Teignmouth. See subsequent section, Indian Literatuiie, &c. — — ■- ^t 8S, High Street^ Marylebonej London^ W. India jgy 6282 Jones (Capt. Oliver J., R.N.) A Winter Campaign in India 1857-58, 'portrait and 16 litlio illustrations, roy. 8vo, cl. 1859 lOs 6283 A Winter Campaign, half-calf extra 12s Account of the Services of the Naval Brigade during the Mutin)\ 6284 Jones- Parry (Capt. S. H.) An Old Soldier's Memories, ^w^mi^ 8vo, cloth. 1897 5g India— Madras, Rangoon, Pegu, Tonghoo— The Crimea— Lucknow, Alumbagh,&c. 6286 Journal of Indian Art and Industry, with numerous plates in colours and gold, illustrative of the Arts, Architecture, Indus- tries and Manufactures of Hindustan. Vols. I. to IX., compre- hending parts 1 to 69, folio, cloth. 1886-1901 £10 Containing papers on Indian Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, and other Metal Art Ware ; Arms and Armour ; Wood and Ivory Carving ; Bidri Ware, Lacquer Enamelling, Inlaid Work ; Architecture and Architectural Decoration ; Pottery and Porcelain ; P^mbroidery ; Silk and Cotton Industries ; Cloth Stamping and Dyeing ; Bookbinding and Decoration, &c. The principal writers are Sir Edward Buck, Sir George Birdwood, J.Lockwood Kipling, E. B. Havell, Dr. James Burgess, Edmund W. Smith, B. H. Baden - Powell, Mrs. Rivett-Carnac, Col. S. S. Jacob, I^ieut.-Col. T. H. Hendlev, Capt. C. W. Ravenshaw, Col. R. C. 'J'emple, B. A. Gupte, T. N. Mukharji, E. S. Growse, Henry Cousens, G. Bidie, Major H. PI. Cole, Sir Charles Lavvson, &c. 6287 Kalhana's Rajatarangini : a Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmlr, translated, with Introduction, Commentary, and Appendices — Historical, Geographical, and Topographical, maps, 2 vols. 4to, cloth. 1901 £2 10s Kalhana's 'River of Kings.' the oldest and fullest chronicle of Kashmir history, practically the sole extant product of Sanskrit literature possessing the character of a true chronicle, and first made known to European scholars by Dr. H, H. Wilson in his famous ' Essay on the Hindoo History of Kashmir,' is now translated for the first time." Kashmir. See Adair, Adams, Arbuthnot, ArchjBological Survey, Brinckman,CasseirsTravels(p.4),Clark(Mrs.H.),Clarke(Melville), Conway, Cunningham, Darrah, Doughty, Drew, Eckenstein, Fergusson, Forster(G.), Hardinge, Hodgson, Hodson, Honigberger, Hugel, Jacquemont, Knight (Capt.), Knight (E. F.), Lambert, Lawrence (W. R.), Macintyre, Maclagan, Markham, Moorcroft, Newall, Petrie, Savory, Torrens, Vigne, Wakefield, Wilson (W.), Wilson (A.), Workman, Younghusband, and references under Ladak. 6288 Kay (W., D.D.) Patience and Passion: a Lecture, 8vo, pp. 19. Calcutta, 1862. With autograph of Lady A. Franklin 2s 6d 6289 Kaye ([Sir] John Wm.) The Administration of the East India Company : a History of Indian Progress, 8vo, cloth. 1853 5s India under the Moguls, Establishment of the Company, the Eevenues, Settle- ment of Bengal, Madras, N.W. Provinces, Famines and Public Works, Judicial Systems and Agencies, Thuggee, Dakoitee, Non-Regulation Provmces (Smdh and the Punjaub), Savage Tribes, Human Sacrifice, Suttee, Infanticide, Native Education, Christianity, &c. 6290 Christianity in India: a History, 8vo, cloth, 1859 4s 6d Legend of St. Thomas, Xavier and the Jesuits, Danish Missions State of Anglo- Indian Society, the Clapham Sect, Martyn, Carey,, Marshman, Wai-d, the Vellore MassTcrel^Episcopal Missions, He ber, Wilson, the .eritish Government, Education. 8Sj High Street^ Marylehone, London^ W, 168 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 6291 Kaye (Sir J. W.) History of the Sepoy War in India, 1857-8, to the Fall of Delhi, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1880 £1. Vol. I. Introductory ; The Sepoy Army ; The Outbreak of the Mutiny. Vol. II. The Rising in the North West ; Progress of Rebellion in Upper India ; The Punjab and Delhi. Vol. III. Bengal, Behar and N.W. Provinces; Mutiny and Rebellion in the N.W. Provinces ; Lucknovv and Delhi. " The admirable History of Sir John Kaye a work that will ever remain a moou'uent of the literary power and conscientious accuracy of that historian." — C. R. Low. 6292 and Malleson (Gen.) History of the Indian Mutiny, with Index, by Pincott, mays and plans, library edition, 7 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1877-80 £2 10s Gen. Malleson resumed and continued the history from the close of Kaye's Second Volume. " His work is not less remarkable for its literary beauty and loftiness of diction than it is for the research and careful inquiry which are perceptible on every liage.'^— Examiner. 6293 Lives of Indian Officers, Illustrative of the Civil and Military Services of India, best edition, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1867 10s Cornwallis, Malcolm, Elphinstoue,Martyn, Metcalfe, Burnes, Conolly, Pottinger, Todd, Sir Henry Lawrence, Neill, Nicholson. 6294 Lives of Indian Officers, 2 portraits, 3 vols. 12mo, cl. 1889 9s See also Buckle, Malcolm, Metcalfe, Simpson, Tucker, "Watson, and Afghanistan, p. 61. 6296 Keene (H. G.) A Servant of John Company : Recollections of an Indian Official, portrait and 6 ilUistrations, 8vo, cloth. 1897 6s Dr. Keene's active services in India, in various departments, covered a period of thirty-five years (1847-82). His work should be read by all who aspire to service in the Indian Administration. It gives accounts of Rugby in Arnold's time, of Haileybury, Calcutta, and Mauritius in the 'forties, chapters on the decay of duelling, Thomason and Administration of the N.W. Provinces, the Mutiny, (fee. 6297 Administration in India, 12mo, cloth. 1867 5s 6298 The Turks in India : Historical Chapters on the Adminis- tration of Babar and his Descendants, 8vo, cloth. 1879 6s 6299 The Fall of the Moghul Empire, from the Death of Aurung- zebe; Overthrow of the Mahratta Power, 1760-1803, map, 8vo, cloth. 1876 3s The Rohilla and Mahratta Wars, Sindhia, Holkar, Perron. 6300 The Fall of the Moghul Empire, map, 12mo, cloth. 1887 3s 6301 • Sketch of the History of Hindustan from the Muslim Conquest to the Fall of the Moghul Empire, 8vo, cloth. 1885 6s A clear, consecutive narrative of the larger events which have occurred in Hindustan from the first Moslem Conquest down to the year 1803— preceded by a chapter on the ethnologic features of the country. 6302 The Great Anarchy : Sketches of Military Adventure in Hindustan during the Period immediately preceding British Occu- pation, with Preface by Sir R. Temple, 8vo, cloth 6s 83 f High Street, Mo/rylebone, London, W. India 169 6303 Keene (H. G.) Fifty-Seven : Some Account of the Administration of Indian Districts during the Revolt of the Bengal Army, 8vo, cloth. 1883 4s 6304 History of India from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, mapsy 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1893 6s Dr. Keene gives authorities at the end of each chapter, and has an Appendix on Indian Law and the ' Indian Penal Code.' A most useful work covering the whole history of India— ancient and modern. It is remarkably fair, lucid, and compre- hensive. 6305 An Oriental Biographical Dictionary, founded on Materials collected by the late T. W. Beale, new revised edition, royal 8vo, cloth. 1894 (pub. 28s) 7s 6d Great care has been taken in the compilation to secure accuracy, and this edition may be commended as trustworthy. 6306 Mddhava Rao Sindhia, and the Reconquest of India, 18th Century (" Rulers of India" Series), 12mo, cloth. 1891 2s 6308 Kelly (Capt. J. R.) and others. Memoirs on Mahee Kanta, with Account of the Gaekwars (Bombay Records), map, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1855 5s 6309 Keir (Arch.) Thoughts on the Affairs of Bengal, 8vo, pp. 84. 1772 3s 6d The people, laws, land, trade in salt, &c. 6310 Kennedy (Rev. James) Life and "Work in Benares and Kumaon> 1839-77, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1884 3s 6d The author (of the L.M.S.) has recorded his experiences of the Mutiny at considerable length, has chapters on the Muhammadans and the Hindus, on the Government of India, and account of a visit to Ceylon in 1858 and 1859. Evidence on Education and Religious Instruction. See Pael. Reports, 1852-3, p. 67. Kennedy (Rev. Joseph, Vicar-Gen. Bengal), Evidence on Catholics in India, the La Martinere School, &c. See Pari. Reports, 1852-3, p. 67. 6311 Kenyon (General) Autobiography of, edited by Lloyd, 12mo, cloth. 1880 3s 6d Includes service with Sale in Afghanistan, the Sutlez, the Mutiny, Crimea, &c. 6313 King (Mrs. R. M.) Diary of a Civilian's Wife in India, 1877-82, loith illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1884 6s 6314 King (Lieut. Edw.) A Birds'-Eye View of India: Our Position, its Danger and Remedy, 8vo, pp. viii-63. 1857 2s 6d 6315 King (Lieut.-Col. W. Ross) Aboriginal Tribes of the Nilgri Hills, (from Jour. Anthropology), plates, 8vo, cloth. 1870 2s 6d 6316 Kinloch ([Gen.] Alex. A.) Large Game Shooting in Thibet, the Himalayas, Northern and Central India, with map and 36 photo- gravures, 4to, cloth. 1885 Y''^ A New Edition of the author's work formerly issued in two Series, "contains descriptions of the country, and the various animals-the tiger, P'^^^^^r ^ynx wol^^ wild dog, bear, Indian rhinoceros, kiang, wild boar the gaur, yak, buffalo, nil^ao, gazelles, antelopes, deer. &c., " bagged " between 1864 and l»8/. ^^„^t, • " Splendidly illustrated letterpress very pleasant reading. -Graptiic. 8S, High Street, MwryUhone, London, W. 170 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 6317 Kinnaird (Hon. A.) Bengal: its Landed Tenure and Police System: Speech, H.C., June 11, 1857, pp. 70 2s 6d Kipling (J. L.) Beast and Man. See Natural History Section ; also Jour, of Indian Art, p. 167. 6320 Kipling (Rudyard) The Works of, uniform edition (each in one vol.), 16 vols, 12mo, cloth each 4s 6d (a) The Light that Failed ; (h) Plain Tales from the Hills ; (c) Life's Handicap ; (d) Many Inventions ; (e) Soldiers Three, &c. ; (/) Wee Willie Winkie, &c. ; (g) The Bay's Work ; (A) Captains Courageous ; (i) Stalky & Co. ; (j) Jungle Book ; (k) Second Jungle Book ; {I) Soldier Tales ; (m) Kim ; {n) The Naulahka (by R. K. and Wolcott Balestier) ; (o) From Sea to Sea ; Letters of Travel, 2 vols. 6321 The Works of Rudyard Kipling, in Prose and Verse, edition de luxe, printed in large type on hand-made paper, loith portrait drawn and etched hij W. Strang, 21 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1897-1901 £15 Plain Tales from the Hills ; Soldiers Three, and Military Tales, 2 v. ; In Black and White ; Phantom 'Kickshaw, &c. ; Under the Deodars, &c. ; Jungle Book ; Second Jungle Book ; The Light that Failed ; Naulahka ; Verses, 1889-96 ; Captains Courageous ; Departmental Ditties ; The Day's Work, 2 v. ; From Sea to Sea, 3 v. ; Stalky & Co. ; Early Verse ; Kim, illustrated by J. L. Kipling. 6322 [ -] Quartette, the Christinas Annual of the Civil and Military Gazette, by Four Anglo-Indian Writers, Svo, original wrapper. Lahore, 1885 {rare) £5 This Christmas annual was entirely written by members of the Kipling family. 6323 Departmental Ditties, and other Yerses, fii-st edition, oblong 8vo, original wrapper, printed on brown paper like an official docu- ment. Lahore [1886] £1 10s 6324 Departmental Ditties, second edition, 12mo, boards. Cal- cutta, 1886 £1 10s 6325 Departmental Ditties, and other Yerses, with additional Poems, first complete edition, 12mo, cloth. Calcutta, 1890 15s This edition contains about fifteen new poems. 6326 Departmental Ditties, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1897 5s 6327 Plain Tales from the Hills, first edition, 12mo, original Indian cloth. Calcutta, 1888 £4 10s 6328 Plain Tales from the Hills, another copy, first edition, pub- lisher's English cloth. Calcutta, 1888 ^3 10s 6329 Soldiers Three, second edition, Bvo, original wrapper. Allahabad, 1889 15s 6830 The Story of the Gadsbys, first edition, Bvo, original wrap- per, fine copy. [1888] £2 63S1 The Story of the Gadsbys, second edition, Svo, wrapper. 1889 . 6s 6332 In Black and White, first edition, Bvo, original wrapper. Allahabad [1888]. £2 8S, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, India yj\ 6333 Kipling (Rudyard) In Black and White, second edition, 8vo, wrapper. Allahabad, 1889 Gs 6334 Under tlie Deodars, first edition, Svo, original wrapper. Allahabad [1888]. £1 lOs Back wrapper wautiug, and last page of advertisements torn. 6335 Wee Willie Winkie, and other Child Stories, first edition, 8vo, original grey paper wrapper. Allahabad [1888]. £2 6336 Wee Willie Winkie, etc., second edition, Svo, wrapper. Allahabad, 1889 5s 6337 The Phantom 'Rickshaw, and other Eerie Tales, first edition, Svo, original wrapper. Allahabad [1888]. £2 6338 The Phantom 'Rickshaw, &c., third edition, Svo, wrapper Allahabad, 1890 4s 6340 The City of Dreadful Night, and other Pieces, first edition, original paper wrapper. Allahabad, 1891 £2 6341 Letters of Marque, first edition, Svo, cloth. Allahabad, 1891 £Q This work is not included in an)' collected edition of Kipling's works, the copyright being held by the proprietoi-s of the Pioneer. 6342 Kirkpatrick (Col. Wm.) Account of the Kingdom" [and People] of Nepaul : Observations made during a Mission to that Country in 1793, map and 14 engraved vieivs of Khatmandu Natives, Implements, Alphabets, and I coloured plate, 'The Khalidge,' 4to, half-calf. 1811 15s Contains a vocabulary, official papers, historical sketch, and Father Giuseppe's account of the Invasion oi Nepaul by Purthi Nerain in 1769. See also Tippoo Sultaun. 6343 Knight (Capt.) 4Sth Regt., Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet, tvith 16 tinted litho plates and 28 luood engravings, Svo, cloth. 1860 10s Includes an Account of a Visit to Ladak and the monastery of Hemis (with views), Chapters on the Religions and Temples, and a Sketch of Cashmere History. 6344 Knight (E. F.) Where Three Empires Meet : a Narrative of Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and Adjoining Countries, map and 54 illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1893 10s 6345 Another edition, illustrated, 12mo, cloth 3s As special correspondent Mr. Knight accompanied the Settlement Officer to the Kashmir State on one of his tours, visited Ladak with Capt. Bovver, and reached CJilgit in time to take part in the expedition of Col. Durand {q.v.}. 6346 Knighton (Dr. Wm.) Tropical Sketches; or, Adventures of an Indian Journalist, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1855 8s 6347 The Private Life of an Eastern King, Nussir-u-Deen, King of Oude, 12tno, cloth. 1855 ^^ 6348 Elihu Jan's Story ; or, the Private Life of an Eastern Queen (of Oudh), from the Urdu, 12mo, half-calf. 18C5 /s See also Ceylon. 83 High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 172 Fraiuiis Edwwrds^s Catalogue 6349 Krishnanath Raghunathji, Pdtane Prabhus ; their History, Character, Customs, Religion, &c., written for t^ie Bombay Gazetteer ^ 8vo, pp. 82. Bombay, 1879 3s 6351 Kyndersley (Mrs.) Letters from Tenerifle, Brazil, the Cape, and East Indii s, 12mo, half-calf. 1777 10s 6352 La Bourdonnais (Mahe de), Goiiverneur des lies de France et de Bourbon, Memoires Historiqnes, 'portrait, 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1827 4s 6d See also Malleson's Dupleix, and French in India. Ladak. See Adair, Adams, Clark (M.), Cunningham, Darrah, Drew, Gerard, Hugel, Knight, Lambert, Macintyre, Markham (F.), Moorcroft, Shaw, Thomson (Dr.), Torrens, Vigne, Workman, and other references under Kashmir. Lafitau on Portuguese Conquests in India. See p. 11. 6354 Laing (Samuel) India and China : England's Mission to the East, 8vo, pp. 56 (scarce). 1863 3s On Peace, Land, Indian Finance, Currency, Contract Law, &c. Lake (Lt.-Gen. Gerard, Lord) Campaigns (N.W.P. and Punjab), 1803-1806. See Thorn, Wellesley. 6355 Lake (Major Edward) Madras Engineers, Journals of the Sieges of the Madras Army, 1817-19, 8vo, half-calf extra. 1825 6s 6356 Plans and Yiews illustrating the Journals, 22 plates, royal 4to, calf. 1825 lis 6357 Lake (Major-Gen. Edward) : In Memoriam, portrait, 16mo, cloth. [1877] 2s A son of the preceding : he served with Edwardes in the Punjab. 6358 Lally (Count) Memoirs of, as Commander-in-Chief of the French Forces in India, with Accounts of the Prior Past of his Life, his Condemnation, and Execution, map, 8va, calf. 1766 21s See also Cambridge ; Malleson, Orme, Voltaire, &c. 6359 Lalor (J.) The Hill Districts, S.W. of Mehur, Sind (Bombay Eecords), imperial 8vo, pp. 20. 1860 2s 6d 6361 Lambert (Cowley) A Trip to Cashmere and Ladak, ivith numerous illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1877 3s 6d Includes a shooting expedition in the Tilail Valley, Journeys to L6, to Srinagar — among the black bears — and a chapter on Jeypore. 6363 Land Tenure and Revenue — Jagheer and Eanam Land Tenure: Minutes of Case, MS., folio. 1822 4s 6364 Report on Operations of the Inam Tenures Commission, by W. T. Blair, folio, sewed. Madras, 1869 2s 6d 6365 Systems of Land Tenuie in Various Countries : a Series of Essays (Cobden Club), 8vo, cloth. 1870 5s Includes an essay on the Tenure of Land in India, by Sir George Campbell. 83f High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 173 Land Tenure {contiiiued). (5366 Dissertation concerning the Revenues of Government and Landed Tenures according to the Mohammedan Law, in Persian, with English translation hv Gladwin, 8vo, pp. 118, half-calf. 179t> Ts fid See also Baden- Powell (B. H.). Briggs (Gen.), Corn wallis, Crooke (VV.), DufEerin. E.T. Company (Fifth Report, 1812), Forbes (A. K.), Green '(H.), Hunter (Bengal Records, Orissa, &c.), Kinnaird, Laing, Mackenzie, Madras, Maine, Mead, Munro, Norton, Pattalo, Phear, Phillips, Punjaub, Raikes, Rice (L,), Robertson (H. D.), Saunders, Sullivan, Thornton, Toynbee, Wood, Dntt, and Administration (Pari. Reports), p. 67. 6307 Lane- Poole (Stanley) History of the Moghul Emperors, illus- trated by their Coins, 8vo, cloth. 1892 5s 63G8 Aurangzib, and the Decay of the Mughal Empire (" Rulers of India " Series), 1658-1707, map and portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1893 2s 6369 Bdbar, the Founder of the Mughal Dynasty, 1494-1530 (same series), map and portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1899 2s Catalogue of Indian Coins in the British Museum : — 6370 Vol. I. The Sultans of Delhi, ivith 9 j)lates, 8vo, cloth. 1884 20s 6371 Vol. IL Mohammadan States, imV A 12 ya;derabad, Shikarpoor, Khyrpoor, the Capital, chapters on Indian Finance, Revenue, Trade, Railways, &c. 6376 Laplace (C. P. T.) Voyage autour du Monde de la Corvette " La Favorite," 1830-32, sous le Commandement de M. Laplace, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, Paris, 1832-35; also. Album Historique de Voyage, par M. de Sainson, super-royal folio, half-morocco extra. Fans, 1S^5 ^^ The 'Album 'contains a series of 72 well-executed and f^jtliful sketches m^ eluding scenes in Bourbon (3), Mauritius (4), Seychelles (1), Po°d/,f,^^R^osed and Sites for Masonrv Works, 5^X42; the Maldah, Rampore Bauleah. Moorshedabad, and Nuddeah Embankments 21 X30 ; |xunduk Kiver Embankments, 37x14, folded, royal Svo, clotli case. Calcutta, Ihla (s ba 6586 India, with Bunnah, Ceylon. Andamans, Malaya, Sumatra, &c., on linen, coloured. 41X38. royal Svo. Calcutta ISdO ,^^^^.,^ °^ Scale 1 inch to Gl miles, or 1 : •1,055,040. 6587 Indian Atlas, Sheets 27a, 28, 44a N.W., 44a S.E , 44a S.W ^5 N.W 45 S.W 03a SW and 61, including parts of Cashmere, Karakorum lass Balti, Dras, Sooroo and Zask^^^ UiversrPangkong Lake, and River Indus, m all six sheets mounted, in cas(!, royal Svo, cU)th. 18t)8-/4 t^ , t.- j- 0-,K8 Sheets 28 29 45 N.E., and 46, including parts of Cashmere, Rawul Pindi, Ladak, Chainb.; &c., coloured and 'mounted, four sheets, folded, in royal Svo cloth. 1866-75 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 190 Francis Edwards's Catalogue Maps, &c. {continued) — 6589 Railwciy Map of India, 44x37, on linen, smull 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1890 8s 6591 Walker (John) Large Map of India (including Birmah), with additions to 1827, four sheets, each 24x29, coloured and mounted and folded in case (Wyld) 6s 6592 Map of the E.I. Railway, showing Proposed Line from Calcutta to Delhi, 46x44, mounted and folded, 4to, cloth case. 1846 8s 6d 6593 Map of India (subdivided into Collectorates), and including Burmah, four sheets, each 30 in. by 30 in., coloured, mounted, and folded, imperial 4to, cloth case. 1879 (Stanford) 9s Bengal Presidency. The following Indian Survey Maps are coloured, mounted on linen, and folded in cloth cases : — 6594 Balasore District, 25X28. 1876 3s 6595 Bengal Presidency, including Orissa, Assam, &c., 34x24. 1873 28 6596 Bengal, Behar, Orissa, and Chota Nagpore, 31x26. 1886 4s 6597 Bhagalpur Division : Monghyr, Purneah, Maldah, Sonthal-Pergunnahs. 26x30. 1890 3s 6598 Burdwan, Beerbhoom, Bankoora, Midnapore, Howrah, and Hooghlj', 20x29. 1889 3s 6d 6599 Calcutta, City of, reduced from Mr. Simms's Large Map, 14x22. 1858 4s 6601 Chittagong Division, Noakholly, Tipperah, 21x37. 1891 4s 6602 Chittagong District, Hill Tracts, Lushai Bills, &c., 25X57. 1884 6s 6603 Chumparun, Motiharee, &c., 26X27. 1889 4s 6604 Cuttack,Jajepoor, Kendrapara, &c., 31X24. 1876 4s 6d 6605 Dacca, Furreedpore, Backerguuge, and Mymensingb, 24x39. 1890 4s 6d 6606 Darjeeling District, two sheets, 30x63 and 36x52. 1881 7s 6d 6607 Ganges (The), Calcutta to Benares, and Country South, 56x31. 1860 5s 6608 Gya, Aurungabad, Jehanabad, Nowada, &c.. Lower Behar, 37x24. 1889 48 6609 Jessore, 23x25. 1887 4s 6611 Khoolna, Sundarbans, &c., 23x27. 1887 4s 6612 Manipur, Naga and Jaintia Hills, Cachar, Upper Chindwin, &c., 34x20. 1890 45 6613 Midnapore, 34x27. 1886 4s 6614 Mymensingh, Jamalpoor, &;c., 31X29. 1884 ' 48 6615 Moorshedabad, 21x24. 1887 48 6616 Nuddea, Kishnaghur, &c., 22x27. 1887 4s 6617 Orissa and Tributary States, 24x20. 1871 4s 6618 Patna Division : Sarun, Chumparun, Mozuffcii)ore, Gya, &c., 34x36. 1889 4s 6d 6619 Pooree, Juggurnauth, Lower Bengal, 30x24. 1877 . 4s 6620 24-Pergunnahs District, 21x32, royal 8vo. 1887 48 6621 Presidency Division : Moorshedabad, Nuddea, Jessore, Khoolna, 24-Pergun- nahs, with Sundarbans, 21x34. 1894 4s 6622 Rajshahee Division : Moorshedabad, Rungpoor, Dinajpoor, Maldah, Pubnah, and Bograh, 24X34. 1874 48 6623 Saugor and Nerbudda Territories, 52x37. 1862 4s 6624 Madras Presidency, 34x39. Madrois, 1872 48 6625 North- West Frontier : Attok and Peshawar to Cabul, 50x36. 1878 6s Original Manuscript Plans, Route Maps, and Surveys of Bengal Coast and River Ganges, Madras Forts, &c , carefully drawn to scale and coloured, by Rennell, Richards. Huygeiis, Plaisted, and others. Some of these were prepared for General Cariiac (1758-66) : — 6626 Plan of the Attack on Fort St. David, surrendered to the French June 2, 1758, coloured, scale 100 yards to § inch, 32x27 £1 10s 83f High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. India 191 Maps, Original Manuscript Plans, &c. 6627 Pliui of St. George, Madras, showing tlie Attack of Lally and Operations of Draper and Brereton, Dec. 12, 1758, 48x27, coloured, scale 66§ yards to an inch £1 los 6628 Plan of the Hoogly and Great Ganges, Seranipore to Sabalpore and Meerjapore, 1762, by J. A. Porter, two sheets, 66x33, scale 4 miles to an inch 7s 6d 6629 Plan of the E.I. Company's Lands and Lakes [on the Hoogly, near Calcutta], by Capt. Cameron, 48x56, scale 1 mile to 10/16 inch £2 6630 Anotlier Rough Plau of the Lakes and Creeks near Calcutta, 27x20, scale ]^ miles to an inch 5s 6631 Survey of the Coast of Chittigan and the Eiver [Hoogly] up to Dacca, 1761, by Bartho. Plaisted, 39x30, scale 4 miles to an inch 6s 6632 Islamabad [Chittagong], survey'd by B. Plaisted, 1764, 17x34 5s 6633 Coast of Chittagong and Arracan, from Islamabad to 21° 10' N., 21 X9 3s 6634 Chart of the Cassimbazar lliver, surA'^ey'd by Capt. Lewis Du Gloss, 1764, 45x11, scale 9,600 feet to an inch, with Notes of Clive's Campaign against Snrajah Dowlah 8.s 6635 Maj) of the Ganges from Bennares to Allahabad, survey'd in August, 1765, by Capt. Henry Huygcns, 21 xl6, coloured, scale 4 miles to an inch 6s 6636 Map of the Ganges from Bennares to Patna, surveyed February, 1760, by Capt. Henry Huygens, 36x11, scale 4 miles to an inch, coloured 6s 6637 Plan of Allahabad, capitulated 8th Feb., 17ti5, 19x13^, coloured 10s 6638 Survey of the Road from Jouci to Lucknow, showing Towns, Villages, Fort.«, and TankP, by John Jones, 11 X25. [1766 /] 8s 6639 Plan of Mongheer P^ort, coloured, 14x11, scale 200 yards to an inch 10s 6640 A Map of the Roads between Rungpour and Dacca, in which the different I'urgannahs, Rivers, and Villnges are particularly noted, by W. Richards, 13x19, scale 10 miles to an inch 5s 6641 Mai) of t^'^ Rivers Neelcomer and Dherla through Bengal to their Conflux with the Baramputrey, surveyed by Messrs. Rennel and Richards, 1766, 29x10, scale 1 mile to an inch 5s 6612 An Exact Survey of the Roads [N.E. Bay of Bengal ]^ between Luckypour Province of Amedabad and Islamabad, Province of Chittagong, surveyed by Messrs. Daw and Rennell, 1766, 28x20, coloured, scale 3 miles to an inch 6s 6643 A Set of General Maps of the Rivers Ganges, Megna [and Baramputrey], with the Creeks, Islands, and Villages adjacent, reduced from the Original Surveys by James Rennell, with a small map of Bengal, 1765, scale 3 miles to an inch, eight sheets, each 20x10 £2 8s G644 Markham (General F.) Shooting in the Himalayas : Sporting Adventures and Travels in Chinese Tartary, Ladak, Thibet, Cash- mere, &c., maip and numerous tinted pZates, roy. 8vo, el. 1854 £1 15s With Hccounts of rare animals, anecdotes and sketches of the people, and ' descriptions of magnificent scenery. 6645 Markham ([Sir] C. R.) Travels in Peru and India, for the Collection and Introduction of Chinchona Plants and Seeds into India, maps and ilkistrations, 8vo, cloth. 1862 8s C)646 Travels in Peru and India, another copy, 8vo, half-calf 9s 6647 Peruvian Bark : Account of the Introduction of Chinchona Cultivation into British India, 1860-80, maps and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1880 , . ^ , ^. , 3s The first part of the work treats of the natural history and properties of^ the plant and the introduction of the bark into Europe ; the second part of its cultiva- tion in India, the (;limate and characteristics of the districts into which it has bee ti introduced-the Nilgiris, Southern Ranges, Wainad, Coorg, Mahabaleswar Hills , Sikkini. and British Burma. BSj High Street^ MaryUhone^ London^ W, 192 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 6648 Markham (Sir C. R.) Forest Destruction in the Ghats ; the Neil- gherries; Inland Navigation of Travancore — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1866, Vol. XXXVJ., pp. 180-198, and 2 maps, cloth 3s 6d — — Indian Surveys, see p. 163. Rennell {'post). 6649 Marriott (Saville) India and its State (1846), pp. 80, sewed. 1857 2s 6d 6651 Marsden's Numismata Orientalia, new edition, Part I., Ancient Indian Weights, by Edward Thomas, 1 plate, 1874 ; International Numismata Orientalia, Coins of Arakan, Pegu, and Burma, by Sir Arthur Phayre, 5 plates, 1 vol. imp. 4to, half-calf 10s 6d 6652 Marsh (Charles) Review of some Important Passages in the Administration of Sir G. H. Barlow at Madras, 8vo, cl. 1813 4s 6d 6653 Marshall (W. E.) A Phrenologist among the Todas, a Primitive Tribe in South India, autotype illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1873 8s History, Cliaracter, Customs, EeligioD, Infanticide, Polygamy, Language. 6654 Marshman (J. C.) History of India to the Close of Lord Dal- housie's Administration, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1867 7s 6d 6655 Abridged History of India, map, 12mo, cloth. 1880 5s 6656 Lives of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, Baptist Missionaries, Serampore, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1859 7s 6657 Story of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, 12mo, cl. 1864 2s 6d 6658 Letter to Bright on the India Question, pp. 52. 1853 2s Evidence on Law and Justice, E.I. Company, Schools, Col- leges, Missionaries, &c. See Pari. Reports, 1852-3, p. 67. Life of Havelock, see p. 145. Biographical Sketch. See Smith (Dr. George). Martens (Henry) Pictures from the War in the Punjab, 1845-9, a series of fine large coloiwed engravings. Ackermann each £1 Is 6fi60 The 31st at Moodkee, 1845. 6661 The Battle of Ferozshah, 1845. 6662 Ditto, Charge of the 3rd Light Dragoons. 6663 Ditto, Night Bivouac. 6664 The 16th Lancers at Aliwal, 1840. 6665 The Battle of Sobraon, 1846. 6666 The Battle of Kamnugger, 1848. 6667 The Storming of Mooltan, 1849. 6668 Tlie Battle of Goojerat, 1849. 6669 [Martin (R. Montgomery)] The Anglo-Eastern Empire in 1832, Renewal of the E.I. Co.'s Charter, &c., 8vo, calf. 1832 3s 6d 6670 History of the Possessions of the Hon. E.I. Co. (" British Colonial Lib."), 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1837 4s 6671 History, Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of Eastern India, comprising Districts of Behar, Shahabad, Bhagulpoor, Gorackpoor, Dinajepoor, Puraniya, Eungpoor, and Assam, plates, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1838 10s See also Wellesley. 8Sj High Street^ Marylebone, London^ IT, India I93 6673 Martin (Sir James Ranald), Inspector-General : a Biography, by- Sir Joseph Fayrer, portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1897 3s Sir Ranald Martin's service in India extended over the years 1818 to 1839. 6674 Martineau (Harriet) History of British Rule in India, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1869 Is 6d 6675 Martyn (Rev. Henry) Memoir of, by Rev. John Sargent, por- trait, 12mo, calf, gilt edges. 1844 3s 6d 6676 Journals and Letters, edited by [Bishop] Samuel Wilber- force, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1837 5s See also Kaye, Smith (Dr. George). 6677 Masson (Charles) Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab, including a Residence in those Coun- tries from 1826 to 1838 (3 vols.), also a later Journey to Kalat, with Account of the Insnirrection in 1840 and a Memoir on Eastern Balochistan, inap (1 vol.), 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1842-43 16s Contains much information on the Sikhs and their Country prior to its annexation, also litho views of Jeldlahad, Billlabagh, Kaltit, the Caves at B^mian, and other iHustrations. Master (Sir Streynshara), Governor of Fort St. George (Madras), 1677-81, with a Description of Surat, Bombay, and the E.I. Co.'s Factory, Account of Guzzarat, Aurungzebe, the Great Mogul, the Mohammedans, Hindoos, Rajpoots, Banians, Gentoos, Parsees, &c., with his portrait. See Hedges' Diary, vol. ii. 6678 Master (A. B.) Technical Education for India, 8vo, pp. 48. 1885 ls6d 6679 Mateer (Rev. Samuel) "The Land of Charity": Account of Travancore and its People, with Special Reference to Missionary Labour, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1871 3s 6d Chapters on the Geography, People, Government, Natural History, Commerce, Agriculture, Vernacular Languages, Literature, Hinduism, Mohammedanism, Devil Worship, Roman Catholics and Syrian Christians, &c. 6680 Native Life in Travancore, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1883 (pub. 18s) 5s 6681 Mathias (Capt. H. V.) Five Weeks' Sport in the Interior of the Himalayas, with Description of the Game, &c., 12mo, cl. 1865 2s 6d 6682 [Matthew (J. M.)] Letters from a Young Officer under Corn- wallis on the Operations of the Army to the Capture of Bangalore, 1791, 4to, pp. 60, half-morocco. 1793 (rare) £1 These letters supplement the narrative of Major Dirom, see p. IIL 6683 Maude (Col. Cornwallis) Memories of the Mutiny, with the Personal Narrative of John Walter Sherer, portraits and illustra- tions, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1894 9s 6684 Memories of the Mutiny, 2 vols, half -morocco extra 12s See also Shebbe. 83, High SVreet, MaryUhone, London, W, 194 Francis Edwwrd^s Catalogue 6685 Maundevile. Marvellous Adventures of Sir John Maundevile, Kt., being his Voyage and Travel which Treateth of the Way to Jerusalem and of the Marvels of Ind, other Islands and Coun- tries, edited and illustrated by Arthur Layard, with Preface by J. Cameron Grant, 8vo, cloth gilt. 1895 3s 6d 6686 Maurice (Rev. Thomas) Indian Antiquities : Dissertations rela- tive to the Geography, Theology, Laws, Literature, &c., of Hindo- stan, compared with those of Persia, Egypt, and Greece, map and numerous engravings, 6 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1791-96 15s Vols. I,, II., and III. Dissertations on the Geography and Theology of Hindostan. Vols. IV., V. Investigation of the Oriental Triads of Deity and Penances of Indian Devotees. Vol. VI. Dissertations on the Indian Origin of the Druids, Ancient Commerce of Hindostan through the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, and Greeks with the British Islands for Tin, the whole illustrated with Specimens of Hindu, Egyptian, Roman, and Mexican Architecture, Views of Stonehenge, &;c. 6687 Proposals for Printing a History of the Revolutions of the Empire of Hindostan, 8vo, pp. iv-51-iv (two pamphlets). 1790 2s 6d 6688 History of Hindostan, as connected with other Empires of Asia during Ancient Periods, 2 vols. 4to, half-calf. 1795-98 16s 6689 Mayo (Richard Southwell Bourke, Earl of), Fourth Viceroy of India, Life of, with Narrative of his Indian Administration, by Sir Wm. Hunter, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1875 8s "This masterly work has two great recommendations: it is the vividly and faithfully told narrative of the life of a man, and it contains a lucid and compre- hensive history of recent administration in Indm^— World. 6690 The Earl of Mayo and the Consolidation of the Queen's Rule in India, by Sir W. Hunter, portrait and map (** Rulers of India" Series), 12mo, cloth. 1891 2s "A fit and attractive record of what was eminently a noble Hie."— Academy. 6691 Speeches in England and India, edited, with an Introduction, by G. B. Mullick, portrait, 8vo, half-mor. Calcutta, 1873 7s Includes three important speeches on the Indian Income Tax and Finance Bills. See also Temple, and Trotter's * India under Queen Victoria.' 6692 Mead (Henry) The Sepoy Revolt : its Causes and its Consequences 8vo, cloth. 1857 4s 6d Story of the Outbreak, observations on the Rule of the E.I. Company, future Land Policj— results of ten years' labour as an Indian journalist, with Appendix on the " Gaggmg" Act. 6693 Meade (Gen. Sir Richard) and the Feudatory States of Central and Southern India: a Record of 43 Years' Service, by T. H. Thornton, portrait, map, and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 6s Service in Gwalior during the Mutiny, in Mysore, Coorg, and Hyderabad ; Baroda and the Gaekwar, &c. ^5, ffigh Street, Maryleborie, London^ W, India I95 6694 Mecham (Capt. Clifford H.) Sketches and Incidents of the Siege of Lucknow from Drawings made during the Siege, with Descriptive Notices by George Couper, Esq., 27 tinted sketches on 18 plates, imperial folio, cloth. 1858 £i 23 See also Atkinson, p. 76.1 6695 Medley (Capt. J. G.) A Year's Campaigning in India, 1857-58, with 4 plans and portrait of a native officer, 12mo, cloth. 1858 6s Megasthenes. See McCrindle, Murray. Melton's Voyages to East Indies, &c., 1660-77. See p. 14. Menezes (Duarte) Laws, Customs, and Revenues of Portuguese India. See Purohas, His Pilgrimes, p. 18. 6696 Merewether (F. H. S.) A Tour through the Famine Districts of India, map and 32 photographs, 8vo, cloth. 1898 4s 6d Bombay J'residency, Central India, the ir'unjaub, and North-West Provinces. 6697 Metcalfe (Charles, Lord) Life and Correspondence of, by [Sir] J. W. Kaye, with portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1854 8s Lord Metcalfe served in an ofticial capacity at the Court of Sindhia, was Private Secretary to the (jroreruor-Generai and to the Commander-in-Chief ; subsequently Resident at Delhi, at Lahore, Secretary to the Marquess of Hastings, Resident at the Court of the Nizam, had a seat on the Supreme Council, was Governor at Agra, and provisionally Governor-General. In 1839 lie was appointed Governor of Jamaica, and in 1842 Governor-General of Canada. This biography is one of the most valu- able and instructive for Indian history. 6698 Life and Correspondence, new and revised edition, portrait, 2 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1858 5s The early portion of the work relating to Metcalfe's subordinate position has been abridged in this edition, and some correspondence illustrative of his ever- prevailing sense of danger has been added in the second volume. See also Kaye, ' Lives of Indian Officers,' p. 168. 6699 Papers of Lord Metcalfe, edited by Kaye, 8vo, cloth 5s Lord Metcalfe was one of the greatest and purest men that ever aided in governing India. His sagacity and statesmanship are shown in this volume. No Indian library should be without it. 6700 Address of the Native Inhabitants of Calcutta and Neigh- bourhood to the Hon. Sir Charles Theophilus Metcalfe on the Occasion of his Departure to enter upon the Government of the Presidency of Agra, in English, with upwards of 500 native signa- tures, in English, tlindustani, 3i,nd Bengali, some with seals attached, the whole on two sheets of parchment, in velvet and silk lined case £2 This address is undated, but was presented in December, 1834, and is referred to and partly quoted in Kaye's 'Life of Metcalfe ' (2 vols., 1858). vol. li. p. 109. 6701 Address of Native Inhabitants of Calcutta and Neighbour- hood to Sir Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, Bart., G.C.B., on his Departure to Agra to assume the Lt.-Governorship of N.W. Pro- vinces, 1st April, 1836, seven sheets of parchment in a roll, 30 in. wide, 17 ft. 6 in. long, written in English, Hindustani (or Urdu), and Bengali, with seals and about 2,000 signatures, preserved in velvet bag, silk lined, a valuable and unique document £3 10s 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London., W, II 2 196 Francis Edwards* s Catalogue 6702 Metcalfe (Sir Charles) Native Address to on his Resignation of the Lt.-Governorship of the N.W. Provinces, dated Agra, 11th Dec, 1837, in Hindustani, with translation in English, over 100 signatures, several with seals, on two sheets of parchment and one of paper £1 *' The native address was really a native address — not the elaborate composition of an European scholar. It came in real Oriental garb, and was conceived by an Oriental mind, but it was truthful in spite of its Orientalism." — Kaye's 'Life of Metcalfe ' (2 vols., 1858), vol. ii. p. 206. 6703 Middleton (T. F.), D.D., First Bishop of Calcutta, 1814-22, Life of, by Rev. C.- W. Le Bas, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1831 7s 6704 Miles (Col. W.) History of Hydur Ali, from the Pei-sian MS. of Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani (Oriental Transl. Fund), map, 8vo, cloth. 1842 7s 6705 Large paper issue, royal 8vo, cloth 10s 6706 Tipu Sultdn, History of the Reign of : a Continuation of the Neshani Hyduri, written by Mir Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani, Translated from the Persian, royal 8vo, cloth. 1864 6s Mill (Col. James) Proposal for Conquest of Bengal, Behar, and Orissa under the German Flag (1746). See Wheeler's Early Records, chap. viii. 6707 Mill (James) History of British India, revised and continued, with Notes and Illustrations, by Prof. H. H. Wilson, library edition, with Index, 9 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1848 32s 6708 Library edition, another copy, 9 vols., half-morocco 35s 6709 Cheaper edition, with Index, 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1858 ^1 " One of those rare works destined to immortality With all its merits, there- fore, something was wanting before Mill's 'History of British India' could take rank as a standard national work. The deficiencies have now been amply supplied ; indeed no living man could be found better able to correct Mr. Mill's errors and modify liis too sweeping conclusions than Prof. H. H. Wilson, a distinguished Oriental scliolar, long ii resident in India, and familiar with the habits and manners of its diversified iuhiibitiints."—Athenceum. Despatch accompanying E.I. Co.'s Charter Act, 1833. See Ilbert, Government of India (pp. 492-532). 6710 James Mill: a Biography, by Alex. Bsiin, portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1882 2s 6711 Milman (Right Rev. Robert) Bishop of Calcutta and Metropoli- tan of India, 1867-76, Life and Correspondence, 8vo, cloth. 1879 5s 6712 Miln (Louise Jordan) When We were Strolling Players in the East, numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1894 5s 6d Including risits to Colombo, Calcutta, Burmah, Hong Kong, Canton, Tokio, India, the Himalayas, Bombay, Punjab, &c. 6713 Minturn (R. B.) From New York to Delhi by Way of Rio de Janeiro, Australia, and China, map, 12mo, cloth. 1855 4s "An agreeable account within a modemte compass of the great features of Indian scenery, society, and government [before the Mutiny] ; a compendium of all that it is essential to know." — Saturday Bevieiv. 83f High Street, Maryhhone, London^ W. India I97 6714 Minto (Lord) Life and Letters of Gilbert Elliot, First Eurl o^ Miato, 1751-1806, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1874 12s "Interspersed with numerous anecdotes and amusing gossij), illustrating the maimers of tbe period and the leading actors on the public stage. .....We may safely pronounce it one of the best books of the class to which it belongs."— Acobdemy. 6715 Lord Minto in India : his Life and Letters while Governor- General, 1807-14, 12mo, cloth. 1880 4s In this volume of Lord Minto's letters we have interesting accounts of the missions of Malcolm to Persia, of Metcalfe to Ranjit Singh at Lahore, and that of Elphinstone to Cabul, of the Mutiny of the Madras Army, the Capture of Mauritius, and the Expedition to Java. Missions in India : Catholic and Protestant :— 6716 A Letter on the State and Patronage of the Church in India, by a Bombay Chaplain, 8vo, pp. 59. 1820 2s 6717 Results of Missionary Liibour in India (from the Calcutta Review), 8vo, pp. 60. 1852 2s 6d 6718 On Government Connection with Idolatry in India (Calcutta Review), 8vo, pp.65. 1852 • 2s 6d 6719 Revised Statistics of Missions in India and Ceylon, by Rev. J. Mullens, 8vo, pp. 29. Calcutta, 1862 2s 6720 The Bible in India (Calcutta Bible Soc), Svo, pp. 56. 1853 2s 6721 Searchings of Heart in Connection with Missions in Bengal, by Rev. Lai Behari De, 8vo, pp. 16. Serampore, 1858 Is 6d 6722 What Shall We Do with the Musalmans ? 8vo, pp. 10. Calcutta, 1858 Is 6d 6723 The Peshawur Missions and Central Asia, 8vo, pp. 13. Calcutta, 1858 Is 6d See also Abbs, Arthur, Badger, Buchanan, Carev, Clifford, Corrie, Cotton (Bp.), Danish Missions, Dubois, DuflE (Dr.), French, Fuller, Hartmann, Heber, Hislop, Hoole, Hough, Invasions, James (Dr.), Kaye, Lobley, Longridge, Malabar, Marsh- man, Martyn, Middleton, Milman, Minto, Paranaoda, Scott, Scott- Waring, Seram- pore, Sherring, Smith (Dr. G.), Strickland, Stuart, Swartz, Teignmouth, Temple, Tucker (St. George), Tyerman and Bennet, Wilson (Bp.), Wilson (Dr., of Bombay), Wylie, Xavier. 6724 Mitford (E. L.) A Land March from England to Ceylon Forty Years Ago, through Dalmatia, Montenegro, Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Assyria, Persia, Afghanistan, Scinde, and India, of which 7,000 miles on horseback, portrait, map, and original sketches, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1884 9s The author travelled through the Bolan Pass, to Hyderabad, Karachi, Bombay, Poonah, Golconda, Nelloor, Madras, Tanjore, Madura, &c,, in 1841-42. MiTRA. See RajendralIla. 6725 Mohan Lai (a Kashmirian) Travels in the Panjab, Afghanistan, &c., with a Memoir by Sir Charles Trevelyan, map and portrait, Svo, cloth. 1846 6s Account of journey with Sir Alex. Burnes from Dehli to Peshawur Herat, &c, and back to Calcutta, 1831-34 ; also Missions to Kabul m 1835-36 and in 1839-42, with account of the murder of Burnes ; Voyage to England, 1842-43. 6726 Money (R. Cotton) On the Education of the Natives of India, Svo, pp. 24. 1857 ls6d 8Sj High Street^ MaryUbone, London, W. 198 Frcmcis Edwa/rdss Catalogue 6727 Moor (Rev. Edward) Narrative of the Operations of Captain Little's Detachment, and of the Mahratta Army, against Tippoo Sultan, 4to, half-calf. 1794 15s 6728 Hindu Infanticide and other Customs, with 7nap ofGuzerat^ 4to, cloth, uncut. 1811 9s Hindu Pantheon. See Religions, &c., of India. 6729 [ ] Oriental Fragments, by the Author of the ' Hindu Pan- theon,' plates of seals f inscriptions, cfcc, 12mo, cloth. 1834 4s 6d Oorrespondeuce, Seals, Stoues, Manuscripts, Papacy and Hinduism, Education, Monkery, Sanskrit Names in Greece, in Africa, in Ireland, in America, in Abyssinia, in the Sandwich Islands, in New Zealand, &c. 6730 Moorcroft (Wm.) and Trebeck (George) Travels in the Hima- layan Provinces, the Panjab, Ladakh, Kashmir, Peshawur, Kabul, and Bokhara, 1819-25, edited by H. H. Wilson, map and vieivs of Le and Dankan, 2 vols. 8vo, half-morocco extra 15s Part I. Journey to Ladakh. II. Eesidence in Ladakh. III. Journey to Kashmir and Peshawar. IV. Journey to Kabul and Bokhara. 6731 Natural Productions and Agriculture of Cashmire — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1832, Vol. II. pp. 253-268, cloth 3s 6d 6732 Moorsom (Capt.) On Reorganizing the Administration of India, 8vo, pp. 9. [1858] Is 6d 6733 [Morellet (M. le Abbe)] Memoires relatives a la Discussion du Privilege de la Nouvelle Gompagnie des Indes, 4to, pp. 140, half- morocco. A7nsterdamf 1787 10s 6734 M orison (Theodore) Imperial Rule in India: Principles proper to the Government of Dependencies, 12mo, cloth. 1899 • 2s 6735 Morris (Henry) Descriptive and Historical Account of the Godavery District in Madras Presidency, niap, 8vo, cl. 1878 7s ■ Geography, -Topography, Ethnology, Education, Public Works, Irrigation, Ancient History ot the Dravidiau Race, Aryan Invasion, English, Dutch, and French Settlements, the Moliamniedan Period, Expulsion of the French, English Administration, llecent History, Surveys and Revenue Systems. 6736 Morrison (General John), Commander of the Mogul Forces: Advantages of an Alliance with the Great Mogul, 8vo, pp. 99. 1774 4s 6d 6736b Mountain (Col. Armine). . . . Adjt.-Gen. to the Forces in India, his Memoirs and Letters, portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1857 4s Madras, Calcutta, Simla, Bombay, Neilgherry Hills, &c., 182l)-34 ; First China War, 18il ; War in Suide, Groojerat, and Punjab, 1849-50. MiJLLER (Max) Works. See Litejbatube, &o., of India. 6737 Mundy (General G. C.) Pen-and - Pencil Sketches in India, woodcuts and 26 etclilngs of kantiag scenes by Landseer, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 1832 10s Account of Lord Combermere's tour through the Upper Provinces, 1827-29. ^'5, Jliyh Street, Marylehvne^ Londmi^ W. India 199 6738 Munnipoor Agency, Administration Reports by Dr. R. Brown and others, 1868-69 (Ind. Govt. Rec), royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta 3s 6739 Reports for 1873 and 1873-4, sewed each Is 6d See also Manipur. 6740 Munro (Capt. Innes) Narrative of the Military Operations on the Coromandel Coast, 1780-84, wit/iplanso/ bat Wes,4to, half-calf. 1789 £1 Preceded by account of the Tape of Good Hope, visited by Adm. Hughes in 1779 ; with account of the Isle of France, with view of Port Louis, visited in 1784. 6741 Munro (General Sir Thomas), Life and Correspondence, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig, with supplement, 3 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1830 lis Sir Thomas Munro served through the wars with Hyder Ali and Tippoo Sultan ; afterwards as Civil Administi-ator in the ceded districts ; he commanded a division in the last Mahratta War, 1817-18, and was Governor of Madras from 1820 until his death in 1827. 6742 Sir Thomas Munro, with Selections from his Minutes, &c., Memoir by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1881 7s This collection of Munro's valuable papers is arranged under five heads : Revenue, Judicial, Political, Military, and Miscellaneous, and they embody his views on the land tenures of Southern India, especially the Ryotwan s) stem which he introduced into the Madras Presidency. Among" them also are a series of Minutes on the first war with Burmah. 6743 Sir Thomas Munro and the British Settlement of the Madras Presidency, by John Bradshaw (" Rulers of India " Series), map, 12mo, cloth. 1894 2s 6744 Autograph Lettei-s [7] addressed to Josiah Webbe, Esq., Chief Secretary to Government of Madras, dated Cuddapah, Anant- paer, Adoni, Ballari, Camlapoer, &c., during his Administration of the Ceded Districts, 1801-3 £1 15s On the payment of Gen. Campbell's detachment; on the army stores of grain at Ballari and their disposal; on impending famine and assessment of villages; request for an efficient assistant ; accumulated business, heat, fatigue, illness ; ''Be under no alarm, inhabitants loyal all will be perfectly safe ; but it would not be prudent to withdraw any part of the military force ; the Ryots are a good- natured, honest, noisy race, they clamour for remissions, but never expect that half their demands will be granted " ; State of Canara, " people loyal because I have not exacted the amount of Tippoo's assessments " ; on subordinate collectors, surveys, settlements, Juc^ges of Circuit ; Mahratta wars destructive, &c. 6745 Munro (Surg.-Gen.) Records of Service and Campaigning in Many Lands, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1887 4s Vol. I. The Cape and Kaffir Wars, Nova Scotia, Bermuda, New Orleans. Vol. II. The Crimea and the Indian Mutiny. " These records should be in the hands of every soldier, for the sake of the information which they give and the spirit which informs them." - (^^ofte. " Full of interesting notes on the army and army Me:'— Graphic. 6746 Murphy (Lieut.) Account of the Cossyahs (Assam)— Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1832, Vol. II. pp. 93-98, and map, cloth 3s 6d 6747 Murray (Hugh) Historical and Descriptive Account of British India, with Accounts of its Zoology by J. Wilson ; Botany by Dr. Greville; Climate, Geology, &c., by Jameson; Medical Observa- tions by Dr. Ainslie ; Diseases by Dr. Rhind ; Astronomy of the Hindoos by Prof. Wallace; and the Voyage by Capt. Dalrymple, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth (Edinburgh Cabinet Lib.). 1832 bs 8S, High Street, Marylebom, London, W. 200 Frcmcis Edwards^s Catalogue 6748 Murray's Handbook of the Bengal Presidency, maps, 12mo, cloth. 1882 7s Calcutta, Orissa, British Burma, Darjiliog, Benares, N.-W. Provinces, &c. 6749 Handbook of the Panjdb, Western Rajptitdnd, Kashmir, and Upper Sindh, compiled by E. B. Eastwick, maps, 12mo, cloth. 1883 7s Ajmir, Lahore, Simla, Peshawur, Kawul Piudi, &c. 6750 Handbook of India and Ceylon, including Bengal, Bombay, and Madras, the Panjab, N.-W. Provinces, Rajputana, the Native States, Assam, Cashmere, and Burma, lultli 55 maps and plans o/ towns and buildings, 1 vol. 12mo, cloth 15s 6751 Muter (Mrs.) Travels and Adventures of an Officer's Wife in India, China, and New Zealand, 2 vols. 12mo, half-bound. 1864 6s Includes experiences during the India Mutiny at Meerut, Delhi, &c. THE MUTINY, 1857-8. 6752 History of the Indian Mutiny and of the Great Military Events in Hindostan, by Charles Ball, with 2 maps and 79 steel engravings of battle-scenes, portraits, &c., 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half- calf. [1858-60] 16s 6752a Annals of the Indian Rebellion : a Collection of Extracts, Letters, and Narra- tives [wanting title-page and all after p. 932], 8vo lis 6753 Mutinies in the East Indies : Papers, Further Papers, and Supplementary- Papers presented to Parliament, 1857 (Five Pari. Papers), folio, sewed Ss 6d 6754 Letters from Directors E.I. Co. to Gov.-General of India, Nov. 25, 1857 (Pari. Paper), Feb. 5, 1858, foho, sewed 28 6d 6755 Names, &c., of Regiments which have Mutinied since Jan. 1, 1857, folio (Pari. Paper), March 15, 1859 28 6d 6756 Papers relating to the Mutiny in the Punjab, 1857, folio, pp. 143 3s 6d Reports of Sir R. Temple, Sir R. Montgomery, Sir H. B. Edwardee, G. C. Barnes, Sir T. D. Forsyth, G. H. M. Ricketts, and J. R. Becher. 6757 The Present Crisis in India, by Author of ' Our North-West Frontier,' 8vo pp.56. 1857 l8 6d 6758 The Sepoy Rebellion (from London Quarterly), 8vo, pp. 16, Oct., 1857 28 6759 Bengal Massacre 1 Lord Canning and Letters of " Militaire" [W. F. Beatson], for which the Hurkaru Paper was stopped, 12mo, pp. 8. Calcutta, 1857 Is 6d 6760 Lord Canning, the Mutinies, &c., by a Scotsman, 12mo, pp. 24. 1857 28 6761 The Sepoy Mutinies, their Origin and their Cure, by an Old Servant E.I. Co. [Wm. Sinclair], 12mo, pp. 22 2s 6762 Illustrated Almanack : Indian Revolt (1858), Svo, pp. 32. 1857 Is 6d 6763 Exposure of Tortures inflicted on the Natives, 8vo, pp. 16. 1857 Is 6d 6764 Extracts from Indian Journals describing the Outbreaks, Svo, pp. 24. Chelten- ham, 1858 28 The " Red Pamphlet." See Malleson. 6765 A Few Words anent the " Red " Pamphlet, by One who has Served under Lord Dalhousie (C. Allen), 8vo, pp. 32. 1858 28 6d 6766 The Blue Pamphlet, by an Officer once in the Bengal Artillery (Col. W. Ander- son), 8vo, pp. 77. 1858 28 6d $S^ High Street^ Marylehone^ London^ TT, India 201 The Mutiny (continued) — 6767 India : the Revolt and the Home Government, 8vo, pp. 39, 1858 2s 6d 6768 The Great Indian Crisis in Five Minutes' Reading, by a General Officer, 8vo, pp.13. 1858 2s 6769 The Indian and the Irish Rebellion, 8vo, pp. 29. Calcutta, 1858 28 6770 Our Conduct after the Disaffection and Mutiny and its Consequences, 8 vo. pp. 22. Calcutta, 1858 2 s 6771 The Anglo-Indian Magazine, with Articles and Incidents of the Mutiny, June. July, and Sept., 1858, 8vo, half-calf 58 6772 Narrative of the Indian Mutinies of 1857, compiled for the Madras Military Orphan Asylum, with large map, 8vo, pp. iv,-196. Madras, 1858 6s 6773 The Mutinies and the People ; or, Statements of Native Fidelity exhibited during the Outbreak, by a Hindu, 8vo, pp. 196, half-calf. Calcutta, 1859 6s 6d Trial of the King of Delhi for Rebellion, &c., 1870. See p. 175. 6774 Two Native Narratives of the Mutiny in Delhi, translated by Charles T. Met- calfe, map, 8vo, cloth. 1898 Qs Diarv of Munshi Jeewan Lall and Narrative of Nawab Mainodin Hassan Khan. See also Adye (Geo.) Anderson (R. P.) Argyll Army Atkinson Beveridge Bouchier Briggs Campbell (Lord Clyde) Campbell (Sir Geo.) Campbell (R. J. R.) Canning (Earl) Cave- Brown Cavenagh Cheek Colvin (Russell) Cooper Coopland Cotton Crommelin Delhi Dodgson Douglas Duberly Duff Dunlop Durand (SirH.) Edwards (Judge) Edwardes Ewart B^'ayrer Forbes-Mitchell Forjett Forrest (G. W.) Forsyth ( Si rD.) Fraser (Major-Gen. French Frere Gardiner (Sir R.) Gibney Gordon (Sir C.) Gordon-Alexander Grant (Hope) Greathed Gubbins Halls Handcock Harcourt Hare Havelock Hod son Holloway Holmes Hooper Hungerford(Capt.) Hunter (Sir W.) loglis (Lady) Innes Ireland (Dr.) Jacob Jochmus Johnson Jones (Oliver) Jones-Parry Kaye Keene Kennedy Kenyon Lang Lawrence (Sir H.) Lawrence (Lord) ) Lawrence (Sir G.) Lewin Roberts (Lord) Lock wood Robertson (H. D.) Login Rose (Lord Strath- Low nairn) Lowe (T.) Rotton Lucknow Russell (W, H.) Ludlow Sandeman Lyall Seaton Macbean Seetaram Macgregor (Sir C ) Sherer Mackay (Rev. J.) Showers Mackenzie (A. R. D.) Simpson Majendie Steel (Flora) Malleson Tayler Maude Taylor (M.) Mead Temple Meade Thackeray Mecham Thompson (M.) Medley Trevelyan (Sir G.) Munro (Surg.-Gen.) Trials Muter Nicholson Nolan Norgate North Oliphant Oude Outram Ouvry Pitt Polehampton Prichard Punjab Raikes Raines Trotter Tucker (Major-Gen.) Valbezen Verney Vibart Von Orlich Wheeler (Talboys) White (S. D.) Wilberforce Williams (E. A.) Wilson (T. F.) Wilson (Cracroft) Wilson (Dr.) Windham Young (Keith) Myers' Voyage to East Indies, 1702-6 (MS.)^See p. 15. 83y High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. 202 Frmvcis Edwards^s Catalogue 6783 Mysore, Papers connected with the Administration of (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 11), royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1856 . 2s 6784 6785 6786 r- The Mysore Adoption [Report of Meeting], 8vo, pp. 37. Madras, 1865 2s Adoption versus Annexation ; with Remarks on the Mysore Question, by V. Narayan Mandlik, 8vo, pp. 60. 1866 2s See also Bell (Major Evans), Briggs (Gen.), Murray (Handbook), Rice. Extracts from Capt. Colin Mackenzie's Work regarding the Dominions of the late Tippoo Sultaun and Correspondence of Prince Gholam Mohumed and his Family, royal 8vo, pp. x-101 4s Mysore War, &c. Allan (A.) Baillie Baird Beatson Biddulph Bowring Buchanan Buckle Census Campbell (D.) Campbell (J.) Colebrook (R. Cornwall is H.) See also Dirom Dubois E.I. Co. ' Elgin Elliot (R. Fullarton Gholam Harris Heyne Home Hough Hunter (J. H.) Hyder Ali Le Couteur Lee Warner Lethbridge Lindsay (Hon Loyd (C.) Macartney Meade Mill's ' History ' Munro(SirT.) Murray Rees J.) Rennell Robson Scurry Stuart Swartz Tippoo Sultaun Ward Wellesley Wellington Welsh Wilks Wood (M.) Nadir Shah, Invasion and History of Indostan. See Persia, p. 48 ; Invasions, p. 164; and Jones (Sir Wm.) in subsequent Section. 6787 Nairne (Alex. Kyd) The Konkan : History, Castes, Tribes, &c. (written for the Bombay Gazetteer), 8vo, pp. vi-160. Bombay^ 1875 3s 6d 6788 Napier (Sir Charles James) The Life and Opinions of, edited by Sir Wm. [Francis Patrick] Napier, author of 'History of the Penin- sular War,' with 4 portraits and map, 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1857 12s Sir Charles Napier served in the Peninsular War, in the Ionian Islands and Greece ; appointed on the Indian Staff 1841, he was sent to Scinde, and became its " Conqueror " and "Administrator." He was then engaged in the subiugation of the tribes in the Cutchee Hills, and after a visit home returned to India as Com- mander-in-Chief. 6789 Corrections of Errors in Sir Wm. Napier's Life of his Brother, by Dr. George Buist, 8vo, pp. 64. Manchester, 1857 3s 6790 Gen. Sir Charles Napier and the Directors of the E.I. Company, 8vo, pp. 45. 1857 2s 6d Defence of Sir C. Napier by Bruce (Lord Aberdare), Koebuck, and others in the House of Commons. 6791 Life of General Sir Charles Napier, by the Hon. Wm. Napier Bruce, portrait and maps, 12mo, cloth. 1885 5s 6d This volume is founded on Sir Wm. Napier's volumes, upon conversations with Sir Charles's son-in-law McMurdo and Sir Bartle Frere, rarliamentary Papers, and other correspondence. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 203 6792 Napier (Sir Charles), by Sir Wm. Butler (" Men of Action " Series), 12mo, cloth Is 6d 6793 The Conquest of Scincle, with Introductory Passages m the Life of Gen. Sir Charles James Napier, 2 parts, maps, 8vo, cloth. 1845 5g 6794 Conquest of Scincle, 1 vol. 8vo, half -calf. 1845 7s 6795 History of Su* Charles Napier's Administration of Scinde (1843-47) and Campaign in theCutchee Hills, 'inaps and plates, 8vo, cloth. 1851 4s 6796 History of the Conquest of Scinde, also the Administration of Scinde, maps and plates, new editions, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1856- 1857 8s 6d Carlyle. addressing Sir William Napier (May 12th, 1856), wrote : " I have read with attention, and with many feelings and reflections, yonr record of Sir Charles Napier's ' Administmtion of Scinde.' You must permit me to thank you in the name of Britain at large for writing such a book It is a book which every living Englishman would be the better for reading, for studying diligently a book 'profitable ' in the old Scripture sense for reproof," &c. 6797 Letter to Sir J. Hobhouse on the Baggage of the Indian Army, 8vo, pp. 66. 1849 2s 6798 Papers relating to the Resignation of Sir Charles Napier (India Govt. Records), royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1853 2s 6799 Defects, Civil and Military, of the Indian Government, edited by Sir Wm. Napier, 8vo, cloth. 1853 3s This volume contains a vindication of Sir Charles's conduct as Commander-in- Chief, and a complete examination of the system of military administration in India: he did not live to complete the civil part of the work. A supplementary chapter contains Letters from Lord Ellenborough, Sir H. Edwardes, and others. 6801 Lights and Shades of Military Life, edited by Sir Charles Napier, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1840 4s 6d 6802 Lights and Shades, &c., another edition, 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. 1850 3«* Renderings of De Vigny's ' Servitude et Grandeur Militaires,' and of Elzear Blase's Recollections of Bivouac, Camp, and Garrison Life, with Remarks on British and Foreign Armies. See also Edwards (Lieut.), Ellenborough, Holmes, Outram, Sinde, Wilson (H.). 6803 Nash (J. T.) Volunteering in India (the Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry) during the Mutiny, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1893 3s 6804 Nash (V.) The Great Famine and its Causes, icith map and 8 photographs, 12mo, cloth. 1900 3s 6d 6805 Native States. The Political Relations of the Government of India with Native States, with Index, imperial 8vo, half-bound. Calcutta, 1862 ,, . t,, . See also Bonariee Hunter, Lee- Warner, Lethbridge, Malleson, Meade Playfair, India, Cooeg, Hyderabad, Kashmir, Manipur, Mysore, jsizam. ivajputana, SiKKiM, Treaties, &c. , \ t, 6806 Needham (J. F.) Excursion in the Abor Hnis (Assam)-PROC. R. Geog. See., N.S., 1886, Vol. VIII. pp. 313-328 JsM 8S^ High Street^ MaryUhone, London, W, 204 Francis Edwards's Catalogv£ NEITX5HERRY HiLLS. See Baikie, Barron, Birch, Breeks, Burton's * Goa,' Campbell (W.), Harkness, Hornaday, Hough, Jervis, King (Ross), Letters, Mackay, Mackenzie, Marshall, Mountain, Murray (Handbook of Madras), Packman, Savory, S herring, Wallace (Prof.). 6807 Neill (Oapt. Martin Bladen) Recollections of Four Years' Service with H.M. 40th Regiment in Scinde, 1840-41, and Operations of "the Avenging Army of Afghanistan," 1841-42, under Major-Gen. Nott, portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1846 6s 6808 Another copy, half -morocco. 1846 7s 6d Nepal. See Aitchison (Treaties), Ballantyne, Bendall, Braddon, Cavanagh, Egerton, Fergusson, Fraser (J. B.), Gardiner (Col.), Hamilton (F.), Hastings (Marquess), Hodgson (B. H.), Hoffmeister, Hooker, Indian Alps, Inglis, Kirkpatrick, Markham's ' Tibet,* Old- field, Oliphant, Oriental Sporting Mag., Parks, Pollock, Waddell, Walshe, Wheeler, Wright, &c. 6809 Newall (Capt. J. T.) Eastern Hunters, ivith 6 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1866 9s 6810 Another copy, 8vo, half-calf extra lis Sporting adventure>j— tiger hunting -in Central and North-West Indian jungles and Kajputana, narrated under assumed names, the results of other exi)eriences as well as the author's own. 6811 Hog Hunting and other Sports, 8vo, cloth. 1867 lis 6812 Scottish Moors and Indian Jungles: Scenes of Sport in the Lews and India, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1889 4s 6d The Indian chapters relate the author's own experiences of tiger, bear, and hog hunting in the Deccan, Cutch, Scinde, Gujerat, and Rajputjina in the muzzle- Joading days, and supplement the preceding works. 6813 [Newall (Lieut. D. J. F.)] Sketches in Cashmere ; or. Scenes in Cuckoo-Cloud-Land, illustrated, 8vo, boards {for pHvate circtdation). Newport, I.W., 1882 4s 6d Account of a shooting trip in 1861, including historical sketches, chiefly from native MSS. and archaeological researches. Newberie (John) Visit to India, 1585. See Fixcg, p. 130. 6816 [Newspaper Press] Letters to the Marquis of Hastings on the Indian Press : an Appeal for its Liberty, by a Friend to Good Government [Capt. Francis Romec], large paper, imp. 8vo, boards. 1824 3s 6d 0817 Two Letters to Sir Charles Forbes, by a Proprietor of Indian Stock, on the Suppression of Public Discussion in India, 8vo, pp. 42, 70. 1824 4s 6818 Petition of George Buist, editor of the Bombay Times, to H.C., 8vo, pp. 28. 1852 58 Contains much infoi-mation on the Press of India. Reprinted in the Appendix to 5th Report Select Committee, see p. 67. 6819 Liberty of the Press in India : Letter and Petition of John Connon, late of the Bombay Gazette, pp. 37. 1857 28 6d 6820 Bengal Massacre ! Lord Canning and Letters of "Militaire" (W. F. Beatson) for which the Hurkaru Paper was stopped, pp. 8. Calcutta, 1857 Is 6d See also Administration (Pari. Rep., 1853), Calcutta Journal, Laurie, Lytton, Mead, Metcalfe, Smith (Dr. G.), &c. $S^ High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. India 205 6821 Newland (Surgeon-Capt. A. G.) The Imag3 of War ; or, Service in the Chin Hills, a collection of 34 full-page lilioto-illiistrations and 160 in the text, with Introductory Notes by J. D. Macnabb, 4tu, cloth. 1891 14s 6822 Nicholson (Brig.-Gen. John), Soldier and Administrator, by Capt, Lionel J. Trotter, 2 portraits, 3 max>s, &c., 8vo,cl. 1897 6s The first Afghan War, the Satlaj Campaign, 184r)-6 ; Conqnest of the Punjab, 1848-9; Bannu, 1852-G ; Peshawur, Kashmir, the N.W. Frontier, and Storming of Delhi and Death, 185(3-7. See a'so Kaye's Indian Officers, and Cave- Brown. 6823 Nieuhoff (John) Voyages and Travels to Brazil and the East Indies (1643-72), loith nnmerous copperplates and maps, translated from the Dutch, folio, half-calf. Churchill, 1704 16s On his second voyage in 1662 NienhoflE visited Ceylon, Cochin, Travancore, and Dutch Settlements. He gives an interesting account of the people, animals, natural products, &c. NiKiTiN (Athanasius) Travels to India from Russia, a.d. 1468-74. See Major. 6824 Nixon (H. J.) Album of Views in the Nizam's Dominions, Golconda, &c., 15 photographs, oblong folio, cloth. [1865?] 8s 6825 Nizam's Dominions, Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the, compiled by Syed Hossain Bilgrami and C. Willmott, with large map, 2 thick vols, royal 8vo, cloth. Bomhaij, 1883-84 19s Physicid Features, Productions, History. Inhabitants, Trade and Manufactures, Administration, and Places of Interest, the" Caves of Ajanta and Ellora. Vizyjinagar, Assave and the Battle. Aurungabad, Bidar, Bolarum, Daulatabad, bolkonaa, Haicfanibad, Aurangzeb's Tomb, Shorapur, &c. See also Archa}ological Survey, Briggs, Eraser, Gribble, Hyderabad, Hunter's Gazetteer, Lee-Warner, Lethbridge, Nixon, Taylor (Meadows), Temple, Wilson (J.-K.j. Noble's Voyage to the East Indies, 1747-48. See China, post. 6826 Nolan (E. H.) The Illustrated History of the British Empire in India and the East, from the Earliest Times to the Suppression of the Sepoy Mutiny in 1859, steel engravings and maps, 2 vols, royal 8vo, half-morocco. 1858-60 ^^^ 6827 Norgate. From Sepoy to Soobadar, Life of a Native Officer, Bengal Army, translated by Col. Norgate, 12mo, half-calf extra. Lahore, 1880 '^ ^ 6828 Norman (C. B.) Colonial France, 8vo, cloth. 1886 5s Richelieu's and Colbert's Policy ; Senegal, the Gaboon &c,R6uni^^^^^ Madagascar, Mayotte, East Indies (Pondicherry, &cO,Jahiti, New Caledonia, Coch n China, Annam, Tonkin, Martinique, Guadaloupe, French Guiana, Obock, lunis, Colonial Defence. &c. 6829 North (Major) Journal of an English Officer i^ Mia, Aide-de- Camp to Gen. Havelock, portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1858 6831 North Indian Notes and Queries, edited by Wm^ Orooke, Vol. I. Nos. 1, 5, 6. 7, 8 ; Vol. II. Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10, 4to, sewed (13 Nos.). Allahabad, 1891-92 83 J High Street,^Marylebone, Londm, W. 206 Frcrnds Edward^s Catalogue 6832 North-West Frontier (Our) map of Russian Turkestan, Afghanistan, &c., 8vo, pp. 19. 1856 2s See Caine (Lord Curzon), Hutchinson, Jacob, McFall, Paget, Punjab, Eoberts, Eobertson. Sandeman, Sbadwell, Slessor, Warburton, White (Sir G.), Yate, Young- husband, &c. 6833 North-Western Provinces, Statistical, Descriptive, and Historical Account of the N.W. Provinces of India, Vol. VI., edited by E. T. Atkinson, coloured maps, imperial 8vo, cloth. Allahabad, 1881 7s 6d Cawnpore, by F. N. Wright ; Gorakhpur, by E. B. Alexander ; Basti, by H. C. Conybeare. 6834 Canals, N.W. Provinces, Keport of Kevenue Returns, 1859-60, with map (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 33), royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1861 2s 6835 Canals, Revenue, N.W.P., 1860-61 (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 38). Calcutta, 1863 2s 6836 Selections from Government Records, N.W.P., 8 odd parts, royal 8vo, sewed. Allahabad, 1861-77 8s 6837 Revenue Records, N.W.P. (Ind. Govt. Records), 1818-20, royal 8vo. Calcutta, 1866 3s See also Agra, Census, Delhi, Mutiny, Punjab, Smith (Baird), &c. NoRTHBROOK (Lord) Indian Administration 1872-76. See Escott, Routledge, Trotter, India under Q. Victoria ; the Histories of Keene, &c. Under this administration the disasters of a great famine were avoided, and, in the words of a native journalist, this Viceroy "annexed no territory, he committed no plunder, he gave the land rest." 6839 Norton (John Bruce), Reply to Madras Civilian's (Mr. Hollo- way) Defence of the Mofussil Courts, 8vo, pp. 19. 1853 28 6840 Administration of Justice in S. India, pp. 200. Madras, 1853 4s 6841 Speech of Mr. Norton at the Patcheapah Moodelliar's Insti- tution, April 23, 1857, 8vo, pp. 28 2s 6842 A New Financial Scheme for India, 8vo, pp. 24. 1857 2s 6843 Proselytism in India, with Account of the Tinnevelly Slaughter, 8vo, pp. 72. 1859 3s 6845 Nott (Sir Wm.) Commander of the Army of Candahar and Envoy to the King of Oude : Memoirs and Correspondence of, edited by J. H. Stocqueler, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1854 9s See also Neill (Capt. Bladen). 6846 Nugent (Maria, Lady) A Journal, from the Year 1811 till the Year 1815, including a Voyage to and Residence in India, with a Tour to the North West, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1839 8s Account of Calcutta, Moorshedabad, Benares, Allahabad, Luoknow, Agra, Delhi, Cawnpore, &c, NuNCOMAR. or Nanda Kumar, Case of. See Beveridge, Hastings (Warren), Ilbert, Impey, Macaulay. Mihto, Price (J.), Scott- Waring, Stephen (Fitzjames), Vansittart, Mill's, MacFarlane's, and other Histories, Speeches^of Burke, Sheridan, &c. NuNiz (FernSo) Chronicle of the Kings of Bisnaga (Vijayanagar), written 1535-7 (?). See Sewell, A Forgotten Kingdom, 1900. 8S, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, India 207 6848 O'Connor (J. E.) Prices and Wages in India, 1861-85, (India Government), royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta^ 1886 28 Ogilby's Asia The Mogul Empire, &c. See p. 16. 6849 Oldfield (H. A., M.D.) Sketches from Nipal, Historical and De- scriptive, with Anecdotes of Court Life and Wild Sports of the Country in the Time of Jang Bahadur, and an Essay on Nipalese Buddhism, illustrated^ 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1880 12s 6d Dr. Oldfield was Residency Surgeon at Kathmandu 1850-63, and Honorary Assistant Resident during the last four years of that period. 6850 Oldham (R. D.) Evolution of Indian Geography, illitstrated^ Geog. Jour., 1894, Vol. III. pp. 169-96 2s 6d 6852 Oliphant (Laurence) A Journey to Katmandu, Nepaul, with the Camp of Jung Bahadoor, 12mo, boards. 1852 3s 6853 Episodes in a Life of Adventure ; or, Moss from a Rolling Stone, 12mo, cloth. 1896 Is 9d The Overland Route Forty-six Years Ago, an Ascent of Adam's Peak, Sporting Reminiscences in Ceylon, Calcutta during the Mutiny, &c. 6854 Oman (Prof. J. Campbell) Indian Life, Religious and Social, 12mo, cloth. 1889 2s 6d The sages of India, Mahatmas, &c., Fortune-Tellers, the Arya and the Brahmo Saraaj, the Golden Temple of the Sikhs, Buddh Gaya, Witchcraft, Thief-Catching, &c. 6855 Ookhtomsky (Prince E.) Travels in the East of His Imperial Majesty Czar Nicholas II. of Russia when Cesarewitch, written by order of His Imperial Majesty, and translated by Robert Goodlet, with 500 wood engravings and numerous Tieliogravure plates, edited by Sip George Birdwood, imperial 4to, cloth. 1896 ^3 6856 Opium Revenue (The) of India. Is it Right ? &c., pp. 38. 1857 2s See also Alexander (Gen. R.), Jeffreys, and China. 6857 Oppert (Gustav, Ph.D.) On the Original Inhabitants of Bhara- tavarsa or India, 8vo, cloth. [Madras] 1893 Us The object of this work is to prove the Finnish-Ugrian or Turanian origin of the ancient inhabitants of India, and to identify them with the so-called pariahs ot Southern India and tribes of Dra vidian and Gaudian race, all branches of one ana the same people. 6858 Oriental Portfolio (The): Picturesque Illustrations of the Scenery and Architecture of India, 11 full-page lit^^09raphs,vf ith descriptions by Prof. H. H. Wilson, royal folio, cloth. 1841 l^s oa The illustrations are from sketches by Lieut. Thomas Bacon. 6859 Oriental Sporting Magazine, June, 1828, to June, 1833, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Calcutta [London], 1882 »s *^« Contains numerous int(u-esting articles and Sporting I^epollecHons of Tiger Boar, Buffalo, and Leopard Hunting, the Turf and Racmg, ni different parts ot India, eighty or a hundred years ago. *f„oiro,i thp fiprrest and "Full of thrilling advent", res of sportsmen who l^ave attacked the herce^^^ most gigantic specimens of the animal world in their native ]ungle. Oivu Service Gazette. 8S, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 208 Francis Edwardis Catalogue 6861 Orissa. Human Sacrifice and Female Infanticide in the Hill Tracts of Orissa (Records India Government), royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1854 2s 6d 6862 Report on Operations for the Suppression of Human Sacri- fice and Infanticide in Orissa, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1854 4s Orissa. See Ball (Bengal Presidency), Campbell, Hamilton, Hunter (W. W.), Laurie, Macpherson (S. C), Murray, R^jendraldlaMitra, Sterling, Toynbee, Wylie, &c. 6863 Orlebar (Prof.) The Monolithic Temples of India, and Account of the Mural Paintings at Adjunteh, loitfi 10 illustrations, including 7 original coloured drawings by the author, Svo, cloth. [185 -] 9s 6864 [Orme (Robert)] A History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan from the Year 1745, to which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Establishments made by Mahomedan Con- querors, numerous maps and plans by Rennell, 3 vols. 4to, calf. 1775-78 £1 15s 6865 Another copy, 3 vols, in 2, 4to, calf, 1780 .£1 12s The fullest account of the Wars in the Carnatic, the Deccan, and Bengal, in which Clive, Lally, Bussy, Dupleix, Daltoo, Stringer Lawrence, Admirals Boscawen, Griffin, and Watson were engaged, with Accounts of the Expedition against Angria, the Black Hole at Calcutta, History of Mysore, Arcot, Tanjore, &c. The history covers a period of seventeen years only, but " in its very minuteness is as interesting as it is instructive" (Sir John Malcolm). Orme's narrative is "one of the most authentic and one of the most finely written in our language " (Macaulay). 6866 Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire ; of the Morat- toes, and of the English Concerns in Indostan, from 1659 ; Origin of the English Establishments ; of the Company's Trade at Broach and Surat, and a General Idea of the Government and People, with Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, portrait and maps, 4to, calf. 1805 £1 10s "An extremely valuable work The account of Mr. Orme's life is a neat, plain piece of hiograiihy.''— Edinburgh Beoieio. 6867 Military History and Historical Fragments, uniformly bound, 4 vols. 4to, calf. 1803-5 £3 6869 Orme (Edward) Twenty-four coloured Views in Hindoostan* drawn from the original paintings by Col. Ward and Mr. Danielb with descriptions, oblong imp. folio, boards. 1804 £2 Includes Palace of the Nabob of Arcot, Views in Fort St. George, Madrasi Trichinopoly, Gwalior, Delhi, Calcutta. See also Blagdon, Colebrook, Hunter, Solvyns. 6870 Osborn (Capt. Edw.) Amalgamation of the Indian Army with that of Great Britain, 8vo, pp. 22. 1859 Is See also Army, p. 74. 6871 Osborne (Hon. W. G.) The Court and Camp of Runjeet Sing, with Introductory Sketch on the Origin and Rise of the Sikh State, 16 engravings, 8vo, cloth. 1840 6s 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 209 6872 Oude. On the Affairs of Oude (Parliamentary Paper), 28 June, 1834, folio, sewed 5s 6873 The Oude Question, by W. P. Hale, 8vo, pp. 84. 1857 2s 6d 6874 India. On Expected Guide-Book, The Oude Question, pp. 12. 1857 Is 6d 6875 Minute on Civil Administration of Oudh, by Sir James Outnim, 17th August, 1858, pp. 6 Is 6d 6876 Oude ; its Princes and its Government Vindicated, by M. Mohummud Mussee- hood-deen, 8vo, pp. iv-207. 1857 3s 6d 6877 Papers relating to the Administration of Oude : Correspondence of Lords Stanley and Canning, Reports of Sir Hy. Lawrence and his Secretaries, Sir J. D. Forsyth, and Major Barrow, folio, 12th July, 1861, pp. 149 3s 6d 6878 Sir John Lawrence and the Taloogdars of Oudh, 8vo, pp. 47. 1865 2s ,6d 6879 Breach of Faith in India ; or, Sir John Lawrence's Policy in Oudh, 8vo, pp. 40 [1865] 2s Gd See also Arnold (Sir E.), Bird, Braddon, Campbell (Sir G.), Census, Dalhousie> Elliott (C. A,), Hall, Hamilton, Hope, Hunter, Irwin. Knighton, Lawrence (Lord), Lewin, Ludlow. Marshman, Nott, Parks, Sleeman, and references under Mutiny. 6881 Outram. Life of Lieut.-Gen. Sir James Outram, by Major-Gen. Goldsmid, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1880 12s 6d 6882 Rough Notes of the Campaign in Scinde and Affghanistan, 1838-9, plansj 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1840 3s 6d 6883 The Conquest of Scinde. A Commentary [on the Work of Sir Charles Napier], 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1846 8s I. Sir U. Napier's negotiations with the Ameers. II. The Campaign and Treat- ment of the Ameers. See Napier, p. 203. 6884 Baroda Intrigues and Bombay Khutput : Reply to Mr. Lestock Reid, 8vo, pp. viii-178. 18r,3 *» On the Removal of Outram as Resident from the Court of the Gaekwar. See also Bombay, Chapman, Reid (L. R.) 6886 Memoir of the Public Services rendered by Lieut.-Ool. Outram, C.B. {for private circulation), Svo, cloth. 1853 4s 6d 6887 Correspondence between Lieut.-Col. Outram and Lieut.-Col. Melvill, Bombay Army, 8vo, pp. 32. Bombay, 1853 ^^ ^^ 6888 Correspondence between Outmm and Melvill, with Introduction and Notes, 8vo, pp. 114. London, 1854 ** 6889 Campaign in India, 1857-8 : General Orders, Despatches, and Correspondence relating to the Defence and Relief of the Luck- now Garrison, and Capture of the City, Svo, cloth. 1860 i^s 6890 Maps to Gen. Outram's Campaign, 1857-8, three sheets, mounted, 8vo, cloth case ^ Journey, Khelat to Sonmeanee, 1839. Sec p. 62. Persian Campaign, 1857. See p. 48. 6892 Ouvry (Mrs. M. H.) A Lady's Diary before and during the Indian Mutiny, Svo, cloth. Lijmington, 1892 6893 Ovington's Voyage to Suratt, 1689, with Account of the City and the English Factory, Descriptions of ^^^^^'"^^^ ^^^/^^^^ Annobon, St. Helena, Bombay, Muscat, Mocha, ^ape of Good Hope and Ascension, Golconda, Arracan, Pegu the Coins of Ind^ and Persia, Silkworms, &c., 2 plans Bombay Oitadel^8vo^^clL^b9b^ 83y High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 210 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue Owen (Rev. J.) Sec. Bible Soc.,on Missions, 1808. See Scott- Waring. 6894 Owen (Prof. Sidney) India on the Eve of the British Conquest : a Historical Sketch, 12mo, cloth. 1872 3s 6d A Course of Lectures describing the state of Anarcliy under the Mogul Empire in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century, the Kise of the Mahratta Power, &c. 6895 Packman (J. D. V.) Companion to the Blue Mountains (Neil- gherries), 8vo, pp. iv-48, viii, and ma'p. Madras, 1850 2s 6d Paez (Domingo) Narrative concerning the Kingdom of Narsimga (Vijayanagar), 1520-2. See Sewell's A Forgotten Kingdom, 1900. 6896 Pages (Capt. de) Voyages autour du Monde et Vers les Deux Poles par Terre et par Mer, 1767-76, with 9 charts and plates, 2 vols, 8vo, calf, 1782 10s M. de Pag^s's first vcyage (1767-71) was to San Domingo and New Orleans, whence he travelled overland through Texas and Mexico to Acapulco, thence to Guam, Manilla, and Batavia, returning to Europe by way of Bombay, the Persian Gulf, and Syria. He spent six months in Bombay, Surat, aud Salsette (Sept., 1769, to April, 1770). His next voyage was to the Cai)e, Mauritius, Kergueleu, and Mada- gascar (1773-74) his last voyage to Spitzbergea and the Arctic regions in 1776. 6897 Paget (Mrs. Leopold) Camp and Cantonment : a Journal of Life in India, 1857-9, 12mo, cloth. 1865 10s 6d "A very interesting volume."—/. W. Kaye. 6898 Paget (Col. W. H.) Record of the Expeditions undertaken against the North-West Frontier Tribes (1847-72), compiled from McGregor's Gazetteer and Official Sources, numerotis mapSf imp. 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1874 lis Expeditions against tribes within and outside the frontier line, Swatis, Afridis, Orakzais, Vaziris, Bughtis, Yusufzais, Mohmands, Butanis, Syads, Hasanzais, Kanizais, Bazotis, Mahsuds, Dawaris, Shiranis, Kasranis, and others. 6899 Palgrave (W. Gifford) Essays on Eastern Questions, 8vo, cloth. 1872 2s 6d Contains an instruotive Essay on the Mahometan Kevival, 1872, (written as a sort of supplement to Sir W. Hunter's 'Our Indian Musalmans'), a subject of vital importance to the government and destinies of India. For other works see pp. 29 and 42. 6901 Paolino da San Bartolomeo (Fra) Voyage to the East Indies, (1776-89), English translation from the German translation of Dr. J. R. Forster, 8vo, half-calf. 1800 9s Includes Accounts of the Manners, Customs, Arts. &c., of the Natives of India and Ceylon. The Abb6 Paolino published the first Sanskrit Grammar in Europe, Rome, 1790. 6902 Parananda (Sri) Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew as Interpreted to R. L. Harrison, 8vo, cloth. 1898 3s 6903 Parker (H. Meredith) The Empire of the Middle Classes, Short Sermons on Indian Texts, 8vo, pp. 31. 1858 2s 6d A Defence of the East India Comi)any's Rule. 6904 Caste and Conversion, 8vo, pp. 30. 1858 2s 83f High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. Iridia 211 6905 [Parks (Mrs. Fanny)] Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque during Four-and-Twenty Years in the East (1822-45), with Revelations of Life in the Zenana, 50 coloured and other sketches, 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. 1850 £2 5s The Journals and Sketches of Fanny, wife of Charles Crawford Parks, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, during her residence at Calcutta, in the Mofus8il,at Allahabad, Cawnpore, Delhi, among the Goorkas in the Hills, at Dinapur, Benares, &c., in- cluding desci iptions of Scenes in Oude, the King's Zenana, Thuggism, the Great Fair, the Cholera, Muhurram, the Taj and its Story, Agra and its Buildings, Story of Colonel Gardner, the Mahrattas, the Ruins of Kanauj and of Gaur, Chita Hunting, Sporting in Assam, &c., also a glossary of words and Oriental proverbs. Parsejes (The). See Briggs, Framjee, Jejeebhoy, and Religions of India, Arda Viraf, Cook (F. C), Haug, Lord, Zoroaster, &c. Parsons (Abraham) Visit to Bombay and Surat, 1775-6, Voyage along the Malabar Coast in the " Sea Horse " 1777-8. See p. 29. Nelson was a midshipman on board the " Seahorse " 1773-6 : he is not men- tioned by name, but was one of the many on board who were " down with a malig- nant disorder," so that the vessel could scarcely keep up with other vessels in the convoy. 6906 Past Days in India ; or, Sporting Reminiscences of the Valley of the Soane and the Basin of Singrowlee, by a Customs Officer, N.W. Provinces, 12mo, cloth. 1874 4s 6907 Patell (Cowasjee) Chronology : Corresponding Dates of Eras used by Christians, Jews, Greeks, Hindus, Mohamedans, Parsees, Chinese, Japanese, &c. (in parallel columns), royal 4to, cl. 1866 10s For Albiruni's Chronology see p. 1. 6908 Pattullo (Henry) Essay on the Lands and Revenues of Bengal, 4to, boards. 1772 4s 6909 Peal (Samuel E.) River Names in Further India— Proc. R. Geog. Soc, N.S., 1889, Vol. XL pp. 90-95 Is 6d 6910 Pearson (G. F.) Report on Mundla District, S. of the Nerbudda, imp. 8vo, sewed. Allahabad, 1860 2s 6d 6911 Peggs (Rev. Jas.) India's Cries to British Humanity in relation to Suttee, Infanticide, Slavery, &c., 8vo, half-calf. 1830 4s bd 6912 Slavery in India: chiefly extracted from Parliamentary Papers, 1828-38, royal 8vo, pp. iv-110. 1840 «>s Od 6913 The Baptist Mission. See Sterling. See also Slavery. 6914 Pelly (Sir Lewis) Memoir and Notes on the Khyrpoor State (Bombay Records, 1855, pp. 103-22), royal 8vo, half-calf ^s See also Jacob (p. 165) and Hasan and Husain (p. 52). Pemberton (Capt. R. B.) Report on Bootan, 1838. See p. 85. $3, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 212 Francis Edwards* 8 Catalogue 6916 Pennant (Thomas) The View of Hindoostan [and Ceylon], map and plates, 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. 1800 10s 6d A Tour of India, largely founded on the works of Orme and Rennell, with extracts from old travellers, and plates engraved after those of Hodges and Daniell. 6918 Percival (Rev. Peter) The Land of the Veda: India briefly described in its Physical, Social, Intellectual, and Moral Aspects, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1854 3s Cd 6920 Perry (Sir Erskine), late Chief Justice of Bombay, A Bird's-Eye View of India, 12mo, cloth. 1855 3s 6d 6921 Addresses to Sir E. P. on his Departure from India, 8vo, pp. 53. Bombay J 1853 2s 6922 Speech, H.C., April 18, 1856, on Indian Finances, and the Policy of Annexation, 8vo, pp. 36 2s 6d Evidence on Courts, Justice, &c. See Pari. Eeports, 1852-53, p. 67. 6923 Peshawur District. Report on the Settlement, by Major H. R. James, folio, sewed. Lahore, 1862 3s 6924 Report on the Settlement, 1865, map, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta ' 3s 6925 Petrie (Irene) Missionary to Kashmir, by Mrs. Ashley Carus- Wilson, portraits, maps, and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1900 4s Miss Petrie, who entered on missionary work in Kashmir, April, 1884, and died at Leh, Tibet, in August, 1897, was "probably the most brilliant and cultured of all the ladies on the C.M.S. roll."— History CM. Soc, 6926 Phear (Sir J. B.) The Aryan Village in India and Ceylon, 12mo, cloth (scarce), 1880 5s Modern Village Life in Bengal, Agricultural Community in Ceylon, Evolution of the Indo- Aryan Social and Land System. 6927 Phillips (J. T.) Account of the Religion, Manners, and Learning of the People of Malabar, from the Letters of the Danish Mission- aries, map, 18mo, calf. 1717 5s 6928 Phillips (H. A. D.) Our Administration of India : Departments of Revenue, with Special Reference to the District Official Work in Bengal, 12mo, cloth. 1886 2s With useful information on Land Tenures and Revenue Settlements, Forest Ad- ministration, Excise and Opium Census, Public Works, &c. A complete ejiitome of the civil duties of an Indian collector. PiGOT (Lord) Governor of Madra«, Case of. See Tanjore. 6929 "Pilgrim," Notes of Wanderings in the Himmala: Descrip- tions of the Grandest Scenery, including Nainee Tal, by Pilgrim [— Barron], mup, 8vo, half-calf (scarce). Agra, 1844 10s 6d PiMENTA (Nicholas) Observations in India, chiefly on the Coromandel Coast and Pegu, 1567-99. See Pubchas, 'His Pilgrimes,' p. 18. PiNDAK^j-: War. See Ameer Khan, Buckle, Hastings (Marquess), Hodgson, Holkar, Lake, Malcolm, Prinscp, Skinner. 83y High Street^ Marylehone, London^ W, India 213 Pitt (Thomas), Governor of Fort St. G^rge and Ancestor of Chatham and Pitt : Documents relating to, with a History of the Pitt Diamond, 2 portraits, facsimiles, and xuood engravimj, See Hedges's * Diary,' Vol. III. ; also Wheeleb's * Madras.' 6932 Pitt (F. W.) Editor. Incidents in India, Memories of the Mutiny, and Records of Alexander's and of Skinner's Horse and the 1st Bengal Cavalry, 12mo, cloth. 1896 3s 6933 Playfair (Wm.) Strictures on the Asiatic Establishments of Great Britain, the E.I. Co., &c., chart of imports and exports, 4to, calf. 1799 4s With the E.I. Co. Act of 1793, treaties with Nabobs of the Ciirnatic, and other Indian Princes. 6934 Playfair (Hy. Wm.) Remarks on the E.I. Company's Charter, the Welfare of India, &c., 8vo, pp. 88. 1829 2s 6d 6935 Plummer (Private Samuel) Journal, containing his Voyage and Journies, principally in the East Indies, 6 plates, 12mo, boards. 1821 3s 6d Account of the Cape of Good Hope (1802), War in India (1803-<)), Visits to Cal- cutta, Juggernaut, Benares, Delhi, and Voyage Home by Mauritius and Bourbon (1811-2). 6936 Pococke (E.) India in Greece ; or, Truth in Mythology, with vmps, 12mo, cloth. 1852 3s 6d Historical sketch of the fortunes of the Western Pandions of Athens, the Hellenes or Chiefs of the Hela in Greece, the Cashmirians of Bceotia, and the Thessalian Himahiyas, with parallel lists of names in maps of Northern Greece and N.W.India. 6937 Pogson (Capt.) Narrative during a Tour (from Barrackpore and Serampore), Chateegaon (Chittagong), 1831, 8vo, morocco. Seram- pore, 1831 • 7s 6d 6988 Pblehampton (Rev. Henry), Chaplain of Lucknow, Memoir, with Letters, and Diaries of Mr. and Mrs. Polehampton, during the Siege, with illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1858 5s 6939 Another copy, half-calf extra 6s 6d 6941 Pollock (Field-Marshal Sir George) Life and Correspondence, by C. Rathbone Low, portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1873 «s Comprehending Sir George Pollock's service in Jndia (1804-46) ; at the Battle and Siege of Deig (1804), Bhurtpore (180r,), Nepaul (1814-6), Burmah (1824-6) Peshaw the Khyber, Jellalabad,Cabul. and Fero.epore (1842), and subsequent v as C^vil and Political Councillor, Director of the E.I. Compimy, and Constable of the Tower . See also Evidence on Army System in India, Pari. Reports, 1852-3, p. 66 , Cam- paign in Afghanistan, Greenwood, p. 60. 6942 Pollok (Colonel) Incidents of Foreign Sport and Travel, illus- trated, Svo,. cloth, 1894 .^,^, V. r ^ Twenty-one years' sport in India (tiger, elephant, rhinoceros, and buffalo shootu.g, hog-hunting), the Andamans, &c. 6943 Fifty Years' Reminiscences of an Indian Ofhcer : Travel Adventure, and Shikar, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1890 Wild Sports in Assam. See Bub mah. ^^ 83, High Street, Maryhhme, London, W. 214 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 6944 Pool (John J.) Woman's Influence in the East, as shown in the Noble Lives of Past Queens and Princesses of India, introduction by Sir Lepel Griffin, 12mo, cloth. 1892 4s An excellent and representative collection of Indian heroines. Four of the lives are more or less mythological ; the rest are authentic history. Portuguese in India. See Harris's Voyages (p. 9), Alboquerque (pp. 5, 70), Andrada, Barbosa, Barros and Da Couto (p. 3), Bruce, Camoens (pp. 4, 93), Corsali, Danvers, Dellon, Dorsey, Faria y Sousa, Gaffarel, Gama (p. 7), Guyon, Lafitau (p. 11), Linschoten, Lobley, Malabar, Pyrard, Raynal, Xavier, Wheeler, Whiteway, &c. 6945 Postans (Mrs. Marianne) Cutch : Random Sketches during a Residence in N.W. India, interspersed with Legends and Traditions, coloured costumes and other illustrations, 8vo, half-calf. 1839 6s With chapters on the city of Bhooj, the Kunn, Ruins, Religious Sects, Suttee, Infanticide, the Harem. Minstrelsy, aiid Literature, Military Tribes, Workmen Pilgrims, Juggling, Magic, &o. PoTTiNGER (Sir H.) Travels in Sinde, &c. (1815). See p. 64, and Burnes (Dr.), p. 90 ; also Sind, p. 229. 6946 Price (J. 0.) Notes on the History of Midnapore [and Jellasore], 1764-74, royal 8vo, boards. Calcutta, 1876 5s 6947 Price (Capt. Joseph) A Letter to Edmund Burke, Esq., on the Report of the Select Committee on Justice in Bengal and Nunco- mar, 8vo, pp. 100, appendices, pp. 20-70, half-calf. 1782 (rare) 10s 6948 Second Letter to Burke on Second Report of Select Com- mittee, with Refutation of Francis's Letter, 8vo, pp. 55, half-calf. 1782 (rare) 10s In defence of Hastings and against the influence of Francis, including selections from the correspondence of both relating to Nuncomar and affairs in Bengal. See also East India Co., p. 117 ; Impey, p. Ifi2, 6949 Price (Major David) Memoirs of the Early Life and Services of a Field Officer, 8vo, half-calf. 1839 8s Major Price passed nearly twenty-four years in the E.I. Company's service. Mahommedan History to the Establishment of the Mogul Empire in Hindostan. See p. 42. Memoirs of the Emperor Jehangir. See Oriental Transla- tion Fund in subsequent Section. 6951 Prichard (Iltudus T.) Narrative of the Mutinies in Rajpootana, at Nusseerabad, at Jodhpore, &c., and Journey into Sind, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1860 7s 6952 The Administration of India from 1859 to 1866 : Ten Years under the Crown, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1869 Us The period covered by the viceroyships of Lords Canning. Elgin, and Lawrence. 6953 The Chronicles of Budgepore : Sketches of Social and Official Life in Upper India, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1860 6s 6d 8Sf High Street^ Marylehofie, London^ W, India 215 6954 Prinsep (Henry Thoby) Narrative of the Political and Military Transactions of British India under the Administration of the Mar- quess of Hastings, 1813-18, portrait, maps and plans, 4to, hali-calf. 1820 16s Including narrative of the wars in Nipal, Hyderabad, &c., with the Gorkas, Piudarees, the Peshwah, Holkar and the Mahrattas, &c. See also Hastings, p. 151. 6956 Memoirs of the Puthan Soldier of Fortune .... Mohummud Ameer Khan, Chief of Seronj, Tonk, Rampoora, Neemaheera, &c., from the Persian of Busawan Lai, map, 8vo, calf. 1832 (scarce) 15s Mohummud Ameer Khan was first in the service of Holkar, and subsequently became th.e chief supporter of the Pindarees. He died 1834. 6957 Origin of the Sikh Power, and Political Life of Runjeet Singh, with Account of the Sikhs, from Report of Capt. Wm. Murray and other sources, portrait and m4ip, 8vo, calf. Calcutta, 1834 9s 6958 [ ] History of the Punjab and the Sikhs, 2 vols. 1 2mo, cloth, 1846 6s Founded on the preceding work. 6959 The India Question in 1853, 8vo, pp. Ill 3s 6d On Administration, Finances, Police, Free Press, Education, Home Government. 6961 Prinsep (G. A.) Remarks on the External Commerce and Ex- changes of Bengal, 8vo, half-calf. 1823 3s 6d 6962 Prinsep (James) Useful Tables (1) Coins, Weights, and Measures of British India, (2) Indian Chronological Tables, 1 vol. 8vo, sheep. Calcutta, 1834-36 Ss 6963 Essays on Indian Antiquities, Historic, Numismatic, and Palfeographic, including his useful Tables, edited by Thomas, numerous plates and ivoodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (scarce). 1858 £6 East India Co.'s Servants, 1790-1842. See p. 124. Delineations of Benares (or Benares Illustrated), folio. Calcutta, 1830 34 large views of Ghats, Temples, Domestic Architecture, &c. "James Prinsep, one of the most brilliant geniuses that India ever knew."— Hooker, in Hodgson's ' Life,' p. 252. 6965 Prinsep (Val. C.) Imperial India : an Artist's Journals, illustrated by Sketches taken at the Courts of the Principal Chiefs in India, map, 8vo, cloth. 1878 ^^ Bombay, Delhi, Agra, Gwalior, Bhurtpore, Jeypore, Ajmere, Jodbpore, pode)- pore, Lahore, llawul Pindee, Sreenugger, the Pir Punjab, Sif^l^'. ^^^nares Indore. Bangalore, Mysore, Madras, and other places were visited at the instance or i.ora Lytton in 1876-77. 6966 Public Works. Progress Reports, 1854-55 (Govt. Records, No. 13), royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1856 ^s ^^ See also Andrew, Bourne, Campbell (Si^G^O, Che sney Cotton, Hoseason^ Macgeorge, Madras, llice, Sanitili-y, Strachey, Sykes, Temple, Ihornton, Wood, and references under Administration, Irrigation, Railways, &c. 6967 Pudukota State, Madras Presidency : History «f the Western Palace Jaghir; its Origin, Resumption, Political Status, Digmty Pension attached to it, &c., royal 8vo, cl. Trichmopolij, 1897 os 83 J High Street^ MaryUbone, London, W. 216 Frcmcis Edwwrdds Catalogue 6968 Punjab. Papers relating to the Punjab, 1847-49 (Pari. Papers), folio, half-calf. May, 1849 7s 6d Includes correspondence of Lord Hardinge, the Lawrences, Edwarde?, Hodson, Abbott, and others. 6969 Repoi-t of Administration, 1849-51 (Ind. Gov. Records), wop, royal 8vo, cloth, Calcutta 2s 6970 Reports, 1851-53, 1853-54, 1854-55, and 1855-56, royal 8vo, cloth each Is 6d 6971 Leaves from the Journal of a Subaltern during the Punjaub Campaign, Sept., 1848-March, 1849, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1849 3s 6d 6972 Original Sketches in the Punjaub, by a Lady, with descriptive letterpress, oblong folio, cloth. 1854. 148 Twenty large coloured lithographs of palaces, street scenes, &;o., in Lahore, Umritsir, Mooltan, &c 6974 Selections from Correspondence of the Punjab Government, Vol. IV. No. 5, pp. 73. Lahore, 1860 2s 6d On mineral springs, the criminal classes, cholera epidemic, &c. 6975 Opinions of the Press in India on Tenant Right, &c., in the Punjab, 1865-69> royal 8vo, sewed. Lahore, 1869 28 6976 The Punjaub and North-Western Frontier of India, by an Old Punjaubee, 12mo, cloth. 1878 2s 6d See also Afghanistan (p. 62), Archer, Barbe, Bowring, Brinckman, Calvert, Census, Cooper, Dalhousie, Dunlop, Edwardes, Griffin (Lepel), Hamilton, Harcourt, Hardinge, Hodson, Honigberger, Hough, Hugel, Hunter, Kenyon, Latif, Lawrence (Sir H. and W. R.), Maclagan, Marten, Murray (Handbook), North-West Frontier, &;c., Peshawur, Prinsep, Simpson, Smith (Sir Harry), Steinbach, Sutlej, Temple (R. C), Thomas, Von Orlich, Mountain, &c. 6978 Pyrard de Laval (Fran9ois) Voyage contenant sa Naviga- tion aux Indes Occidentales, Maldives, Moluques, Bresil, les divers accidens, adventures et dangers qui luy sont arrivez en ce voyage, tant en allant et retournant, que pendant son sejour de dix ans en ce pais la. Avec la Description des Pays, moeurs, loix, gouverne- ment des animaux, &c. Second Partie du Voyage, depuis I'arrivee a Goa, &c. 3'"'' ^dit. avec un petit dictionnaire de la Langue des Maldives, 12mo (2 vols, in 1), calf. Paris, 1619 £\ 18s 6979 Voyage to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil, 1601-11, translated and edited by Albert Gray and H. C. P. Bell (Hakluyt Soc), 2 vols, in 3, 8vo, cloth. 1887-90 £1 15s Pyrard sailed from St. Malo in May, 1601, for the E. Indies, via St. Helena, the Cape, Madagascar, and the Comoros, flis vessel was wrecked on one of the Maldive Islands in July, 1602, and he and his companions remained in captivity till 1607, when the survivors got away after touching at Minicoy and the Laccadives, to Chittagong and afterwards to Calicut, Cochin, and Goa. He subsequently visited Malacca and some of the Eastern Islands, and then returned to Europe in 1611. He gives a good account of the Portuguese commerce in the East Indies. 6980 Quinney (Staff-Serg. T.) Sketches of a Soldier's Life in India, 12mo, cloth. Glasgowj 1853 3s 6981 Raikes (Ohas.) Notes on the N.W. Provinces, 8vo, cl. 1852 2s Chapters on Infanticide, Land Tenures, Revenue System, Agriculture, Family Life, Magistracy, and Police. The work "may still be read with pleasure and profit by those who care to have an insight into the rural life of Hindustan " (Keene). 6982 Notes on the Revolt in the N.W. Provinces of India, 8vo, cloth. 1858 5s 83, High Street^ Marylehone, London^ W. India 217 6983 Raikes (0.) Revolt N.W. Provinces, another half-calf extra 6s 6d Life in Agra during 1857, visit to Delhi, Furuckabad, &c. 6984 The Englishman in India, 12mo, cloth. 1867 3s A short history of British India, with chronological table and three chapters from Notes on the N.W. Provinces,' illustrating the working life of the ordinary Enghshman m India. •' 6985 Raikes (Capt. Stanley N.) Memoir on Thurr and .Parkur, Sind (Bombay Records), nmp, imp. Svo, sewed. 1859 3s 6986 Railway (Proposed) in Bengal : Papers on (India Govt. Records, No. 1), maps, roy. Svo, cloth. Calcutta, 1853 2s 6d 6987 Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway. Report on Line by Lieut. Kennedy, Svo, pp. 72. 1854 3s 6d 6989 Railways in India, their State and Prospects, pp. 44, and map. 1855 28 6d 6990 Navigation of the Indus, and Railways in Scinde and the Punjaub, 8vo. pp. 35. 1858 28 6991 The " Indian Statesman " on Indian Railways, with Appendix on Mr. Laing's Poor Man's Income Tax, Svo, pp. ii-67. Madras, 1861 2s 6d See also Andrew, Bourne, Chapman, Chesney, Langley, Maps, Marvin, Temple, Public Works, &c. 6993 Raines (Gen. Sir Julius) The 95th (Derbyshire) -Regiment in Central India, 1858, 12mo, cloth. 1900 Is 6d Actions of Rowa and Awah, Capture of Chundaree and Battle of Kotah, Capture of Gwalior, &c. 6994 Rainey (J. R.) The Sundarban, its Physical Features, &c., Proc. R. Geoq. Soc, N.S., 1891, Vol. XIII. pp. 273-287, and map 2s 6995 Rajendralala Mitra, Antiquities of Orissa, illustrated by 97 large plates and numerous ivoodcuts, 2 vols, folio. Calcutta, 1875- 1880 £5 A portion of the text of this work is reprinted in ' Indo-Aryans,' vol. I. 6996 Buddha GayA, the Hermitage of Sdkya Muni, with 51 plates {mostly photographic) and woodcuts, roy. 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1878 £2 For later researches on the great Buddhist temple see Cunningham's ' Mah^- bodhi.' 6997 Indo-Aryans : Contributions towards the Elucidation of their Ancient and Mediaeval History, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1881 10s. 6d Origin and principles of Indian Architecture, Sculpture, Dress, and Ornament ; on furniture, domestic utensils, musical instruments, arms, horses, and cars in ancient India ; Beef and Spirituous Liquors in Ancient India ; a Picnic in Ancient India ; an Imperial Coronation, Human Sacrifices, Funeral Ceremonies, Suppose-i identity of the Greeks with the Yavanas ; the Pala and Sena Dynasties, the Early Life of Asoka, the Primitive Aryans, Origin of the Sanskrit Language, &c. 6998 RajpOOtana, Report on Administration of, 1865-67 (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 58), Part I., royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1867 2s 6d 6999 Reports for 1867-68, 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73, 1873-74, 1874-75, royal 8vo, sewed each 2s See also Allen, Boileau, Broughton, Burgess, Cassell's Travels (p. 4), Census, Francis, Francklin, Gardner (Mrs.), Grindlay, Hamilton, Lee- Warner, Lethbridge, Malcolm's Central India, Murray (Punjab), Newall, Prichard, Rice, Ronson, Sherring, Simpson, Thomas, Tod. BSt High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 218 Francis Edwa/rds^s Catalogue 7001 Ram Raz, Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, with 48 'plates (Oriental Translation Fund), imp. 4to, cloth. 1834 12s 7002 Ramabai Sarasvati (Pundita) The High Caste Hindu Woman, with Introduction by Dr. Rachel Bodley, portrait, royal 8vo, boards. PhiladelpMa, 1888 4s An appeal on behalf of the education of the women of India, being a memorial of Dr. Anandibai Joshee, the first high caste Brahman woman to receive the degree of Doctor of Medicine. 7003 Ramsay (W.) Report on the Baitool District, Nerbudda Division, C. Provinces, map (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 57), roy. 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1867 2s Ranjit Singh and his Court. See Fane (H. E.), Gardner (Alex.), Gough and Innes, GrifiQn (Sir Lepel), Honigberger, Metcalfe, Minto, Osborne (W. G.) Prinsep, Punjab, Smyth, &c. Rashiduddin's Notices of India. See Elliot, Yule. 7004 Rathborne (Col. A. B.) Mr. Disraeli and the Council of India : a Letter and Petition for Inquiry, roy. 8vo, pp. 88. 1860 4s For his long and eminent services (1829-66) Col. Rathborne, having been led to expect a seat at the new India Board, alleges that he lost it through the misrepre- sentations of interested parties. 7005 Rawlinson (Sir Henry) England and Russia in the East, map, 8vo, cloth. 1875 4s Papers on the political and geographical condition of Central Asia as affecting India— the results of forty years' continuous observation and experience in Persia, in Afghanistan, in India, the author at the time being a member of the Council of India. For other works and ' Life ' of Sir Henry Rawlinson see pp. 10 (Herodotus), 19, 30, 49. 7007 Raynal (the AhU W. T.) Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies, translated by Justamond, ivith portrait and 7 maps, 8 vols. 8vo, calf. 1788 £1 Vol.'I. Discoveries of the Portuguese, their Trade and Conquests and that of the Dutch in the East Indies. Vol. II. Settlements, Trade, and Conquests of the English in the East Indies — in Persia, India, Arabia, Sumatra, the Comoros, and St. Helena ; Voyages, Settlements, Wars, and Trade of the French in the East Indies ; their Colonies and Conduct at Madagascar, Ceylon, Siam, Tonquin, and Cochin-China, Isles of Bourbon and France ( Mauritius), and the Principles they ought to pursue in India should they ever recover the Power they enjoyed there. Vol. III. Trade of Denmark, Ostend, Sweden, Prussia, Spain, and Russia to the East Indies— in India, the Philippines, &c. Vols. IV. to VII. The West Indies, Peru, Brazil, the African Slave Trade, French and English Settlements in North America. Vol. VIII. Recapitulation and Reflections upon the Good and the Evil which the Discovery of the New World hath done to Europe. See also p. 19. Reay (Lord) his Administration, 1885-90. See Hunter's 'Bombay.* 7009 Rees (L. E. Runtz) Personal Narrative of the Siege of Lucknow, map and portrait of Sir H. Lawrence, 12mo, cloth. 1858 6s 7010 Personal Narrative, another copy, half -calf extra 8s 8S^ High Streetj Marylebonej London^ Wy India 219 7012 Rees (J. D.) Lord Connemara's Tours in India, 1886-90, with 14 imps, Svo, cloth. London [Madras], 1892 5s (1) North Arcot Salem Ooimbatore ; (2) Bellary, Anantapur ; (3) Kuruool, Wynaad Malabar, Cochin, Travancore. Tinnevelly, Madura, Trichinopoly, Tan- ]i^^if^V^^^'^''i^'&i^^^^'^ '..^^^ Mysore, Seringapatam, Bangalore, Oosoor, Kolar ; (7) Malabar, South Canara, Goa, Bellary, Cuddapah, Nellore, &c. ; (8) Ganiarn bouth Arcot, by Mr Claude Vincent ; (10) Calcutta, Darjeeling, Allahabad, Simla,' Quetta, Kurrachee, Bombay; (11) Coconada, Rajamundry, Ellore, Bezwada, Sin' f.^'".^^,^' Hyderabad; (12) Ihe Eurasian Settlements of Whitefield and Sausmond • (13) lanjore, Trivalur, C'onjeeveram, and East Coast Railways. 7013 H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence and Avondale in Southern India, with a Narrative of Elephant-Catching in Mysore by G. P. Sanderson, ma^, autotype portraits, and other illustrations, imp. Svo, cloth. 1891 9g 7014 Reid (Lestock), Acting Governor of Bombay, 1846-47, Letter on Baroda Affairs in Answer to 'Bombay Briberies by ** Indus," ' Svo. pp.70. 1853 3s Evidence before House of Lords, Pari. Paper, 1852. See p. 66* See also Bombay, Chapman, Uutram, &c. 7015 Reid (Surg. Lieut. -Col. Scott-) Cliin-Lushai Land": Account of Expeditions (1871-72, 1880-90) and Annexation of the Country, 3 maps and 9 p^ioto illustrations, Svo, cloth. Calcutta, 1893 5s 6d With geographical and ethnological information regarding the Chins. See also Lewi n, p. 177; Burmah. 7016 [Rennefort (Souchou de)] Memoires pour servir a FHistoire des Indes Orientales, contenans une Description des Isles du Cap Verd, de Sainte Helene, du Cap de Bonne Esperance, de I'lsle de Madagascar, de I'lsle de Ceilon, & generalement de toute les Indes Orientales, par un Membre de la Compagnie des Indes, enrichis de Jignres, suivant la Copie de Paris, prefaced by ' Le Libraire au Lecteur,' 12mo, pp. [viii]-571, calf. 1702 18s Voyages of Mondevergue, Caron, and others to the East Indies, with accounts of their visits to Teneriffe, Ternambuco, the Cape, Surat, Calicut, Goa, Madagascar, Mascaregne, St. Helena, Ascension, &c. (1665-71). 7017 Rennell (Major James) Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan ; or, the Mogul Empire, and of the Countries between the Indian Rivers and the Caspian, Account of the Ganges and Barrampooter Rivers, second edition, with additions, corrections, and geography of the Countries contiguous to the heads of the Indus, 4 maps, 4to, calf. 1792 15s This work is necessary to the understanding of the political geography of India and is cited by most writers of the history of that period. Rennell's map was the first which approached correctness in its details. 7018 Memoir of a Map of Hindostan, third edition, with Additional Map and Geography of the Peninsula of India {i.a.. Southern India), 1 vol. 4to, russia. 1793 ^'1 5s 7019 Memoir of a Map of the Peninsula of India, conformable to the Treaty of Seringapatam, March, 1792 (without the map), 4to, pp.51. 1793 ^ ^s 6\3, High Street, Maryhhvne, London, W, 220 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 7020 Rennell (Major) Marches of the British Armies in India (through the Mysore), 1790-91, 8vo, half-calf. 1792 6s 6d 7021 Major James Rennell and the Rise of English Geography, by Sir Clements Markham, 12mo, cloth. 1898 2s 6d Survey of the Ganges (Manuscripts). See p. 191. See also Orme. 7023 Rennie (D. F., M.D.) Bhotan and the Story of the Dooar War, including Sketches of a Three Months' Residence in the Himalayas, and Narrative of a Visit to Bhotan in May, 1865, maip and illustra- tions, 12mo, cloth. 1866 3s 6d The country, its inhabitants, government, British intercou^^e, and missions, from oflBcial and published records. Reynolds (James) Memoirs of the Early Conquerors of Hindustan, from the Persian, 1858. See Oriental Translation Fund, in subsecxuent Section. 7024 Rice ([Major-Gen.] Wm.) Tiger Shooting in India : Hunting Experiences on Foot in Rajpootana, 1850-54, with 12 chromo plates from the Author^s Sketches, royal 8vo, half-moroceo. 1857 £3 3s A pleasant book of adventure with very spirited illuj-trations. 7025 " Indian Game," from Quail to Tiger, lithograjyhic illustra- tions, royal 8vo, cloth. 1884 Os 7026 Rice (Rev. Henry) Native Life in South India, Sketches of the Social and Religious Characteristics of the Hindus, ivith 12 illus- trations, 12mo, cloth. [1889] 3s 7027 Rice (B. Lewis) Mysore Gazetteer, revised edition, numerous nmps, 2 thick vols. 8vo, cloth. 1897 18s Vol. I. Physical Geography, Flora, Fauna, Ethnography, History, Religious Language and Literature, Art and Industry, Coins, Administration, Lan'1, Tenure, Public Works, &c. Vol. II. General Description of Districts. 7028 Rice (S. P.) Occasional Essays on Native South Indian Life, 8vo, cloth. 1901 8s 6d 7029 Richard (Henry, M.P.) India under British Rule, Svo, pp. 50. 1858 23 7030 Risley (Herbert Hope) The Tribes and Castes of Bengal, N.W. Provinces, and Punjab : Anthropometric Data, 2 vols, royal 8vo, parchment. Calcutta, 1891 £3 3s 7031 Rivett-Carnac (H.) On Clay Discs called " Spindle Whorls " and Seals found in N.W. Provinces, 8vo (Jour. Asiatic Soc, Bengal), 1880, pp. 127-137, and 4 plates 2s 6d 7032 Report on the Wurdah District, Central Provinces (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 56), roy. Svo, sewed. Calcutta, 1867 2s 7033 Roberts (Emma) Scenes and Characteristics of Hindustan, with Sketches of Anglo-Indian Society, 3 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1835 9s Miss Emma Roberts, " the best of the authoresses who have treated of the East." The 'Sketches of India' point out Cawnpore, Agra, and their vicinity as the localities with which she was most familiar. G. W. Johnson, * The Stranger in India ' (1843), in the second volume of which there is an account of her life. See also Elliot (Capt. R.), White (G. F.). 83 J High Street, Mari/lebone, London W. India 221 7034 Roberts (Field-Marshal Lord) Forty-one Years in India, from Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief, best edition, numerous portraits and maps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1897 £1 4s 7035 Another copy, 2 vols. 8vo, half -calf extra £1 8s 7036 Forty-one Years in India, new ed., 1 vol. 8vo, cloth 10s 6d Lord Roberts's 'Recollections' embrace the most important years in the modern history of India, including the last years of the E.l. Company's adminis- tration, the Mutiny and establishment of British rule over the whole peninsula, the Afghan War of 1879, and pacification of Burma, 1886. He was associated with the Lawrences. Nicholson, Outram, Colin Campbell, Sir Wm. Mansfield, Napier of Magdala, Donald Stewart, Samuel Brown, and many more. "A book which must live as long as our Empire and Army of India."— Dr. George Smith. March of the Kurram Field Force. See Colquhoun, Hensman, and Shadbolt, pp. 59 to 63. 7037 Robertson (Dr. Wm.) Historical Disquisition concerning India, with Observations on the Polity, Laws, Arts, Sciences, and Reli- gion of the Indians, maj), 8vo, calf. 1794 4s 7038 Works of, with Account of his Life and Writings, by Dugald Stewart, portrait and maps, 12 vols. 8vo, hf.-ch 1817 12s ' Scotland,' 3 vols.; ' Charles the Fifth,' 4 vols.; 'America,' 4 vols.; * India,' 1 vol. 7040 [Robertson (Major Henry D.)] Principles and Policy of the Indian Government, by a Gentleman in the E.I. Co.'s Service, 8vo, pp. iv-184. 1829 3s Inquiry concerning the Tenure of Lands, Administration of Justice, &c. 7041 Robertson (T. Campbell, afterwards Member of Council) Re- marks on the Government and Foreign Policy of India, 8vo, pp. iv-95. 1829 2s 6d An examination of Crawford's 'Free Trade and Colonization of India' (see p. 103), &c. 7042 Political Prospects of British India, pp. 55. 1858 2s 6d Evidence before House of Lords Committee, 1852. See p. 66. 7043 Robertson (H. Dundas) District Duties during the Revolt in the N.W. Provinces, 1857, with Remarks on the Investigations during 1858-59, map, 12mo, cloth. 1859 6s The author was Magistrate in the Saharunpore district. Robertson (Sir George) Kafirs of the Hindu Kush and Siege of Chitral. See p. 63. Robinson (Ven. Archdeacon) Historical Account of the Christians on the Malabar Coast (4 chapters). Madras Journal, Vol. I. 1834 7044 Robinson (Wm.) Descriptive Account of Asam, and of the Tea Plant, with a Short History of the Neighbouring Hill Tribes, their Manners and Customs, 4 wwips, 8vo, half-calf. Calcutta, 1841 9s General aspect of the country, the climate and its effects, geology, botany, zoology, &c. 7045 Robinson (F. Horsley) Notes on the India Bill, pp. 48. 1853 Evidence on Administration of Government, on Education, &c., in India. See Pari. Reports, 1852-53, p. 67. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 222 Frcmds Edwwrds^s Catalogue 7046 Robinson (Phil) In My Indian Garden, with Preface by Sir Edwin Arnold, 12mo. 1882 2s 6d 7047 Under the Punkah, 12mo, cloth. 1881 2s 6d 7048 Robson (Capt. Francis) Life of Hyder Ally, and a Narrative of the Sufferings of the Prisoners taken by Tippoo Sahib, 8vo, half- calf. 1786 10s 7050 Roe (Sir Thomas) Journal of his Embassy to the Court of the Great Mogul, 1614-15 (from Churchill's Collection, Vol. I.), folio, half-calf. 1744 8s 7051 The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of the Gi-eat Mogul, 1615-19, as narrated in his Journal and Correspondence, edited from Contemporary Records by Wm. Foster, 'portraits (Hakluyt Soc), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1899 24s " Roe's poaition afforded him excellent opportunities for observation, while a natural gift for literary expression imparted a vividness to his descriptions The result is a picture of the India of the early seventeenth century which is of excep- tional value and interest The present edition is based chiefly upon Koe's own copy of \i\%3oyiivniai\{imperf('Ct] upon extracts given in Purchas supplemented by about fifty of nis letters and other documents bearing upon the mission, very few of which have been published before and extracts from other contemporary records, especially from the account published by Terry."— Preface. See collections of Kerr, Pinkerton. Prevost, Purchas ; also Terry, Thevenot, Valle (Delia), Wheeler. 7052 Rogers (Alex.) The Land Revenue of Bombay : a History of its Administration, Rise, and Progress, 18 mapSf 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1892 6s 7053 Life in India: Proc. R. Col. Inst., 1879, Vol. X. pp. 298- 330, cloth 3s RoHiLLA War. See Elliot (SirC), Forster(G.), Francklin, Gholam Hussain, Hamilton, Hastings (W.),Hougb, Mahratta War, Strachey. RONSON (W. T.) Rajputana. Sec Ency. Britannioa, Vol. XX. Rose (Sir Hugh, Lord Strathnairn). See Lowe, Raines, "Rulers of India," Valbezen, Wilkinson. 7055 Ross (David) The Land of the Five Rivers and Sindh: Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, map, 8vo, cloth. 1883 5s 7056 Ross-of-Bladensburg (Major) The Marquess of Hastings and the Pinal Overthrow of the Maratha Power, map and portrait (*' Rulers of India" Series), 12mo, cloth 28 7057 Rotton (Rev. J. A. W.) The Chaplain's Narrative of the Siege of Delhi, with piaw, 12mo, cloth. 1858 6s 7058 Rousselet (Louis) India and its Native Princes: Travels in Central India and in tbe Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal (1863- 1868), revised and edited by Lieut.-Col. Buckle, best edition, luith 317 beautiful illustrations aiid 6 maps, royal 4to, morocco elegant. 1875 £1 15s ' Nothing can hi clearer than M. Bousselet's description of the countries and people he visited, and we seem ourselves to be living among them, as they pass in his vivid pages in stately splendour under our eyes. The book is superbly illustrated."— Times. SS. High Slrcnl, Maryhhone^ London, W. India 223 7059 Rousselet's India and its Native Princes, new edition, with niap and 170 illustrations, imp. 8vo, cloth gilt. 1882 9s The author visited Bombay, Goa, the Neilgherries, Poooah, Hyderabad, Aurun- gabad, Baroda, Ahmedabad, Ajmere, Jeypore, Agra, Delhi, "Meerut, Lahore, Pesbawur, Lucknow, Allahabad, Benares, Patna, Moorshedabad, Chandernagore, Calcutta, Dacca, Cuttack, Madras, Pondichery, and Ceylon. 7060 Routledge (James) English Rule and Native Opinion in India : Notes taken in 1870-74, 8vo, cloth. 1878 4s 6d The author visited India twice (1870-75), the second occasion to report on the Famine in Bengal to the Times. In this volume he gives a view of India and the native chiefs, chapters on the government, the religious sects and faiths, Lord Mayo, Lord Northbrook, Irrigation and Trade, as well as on the Famine. 7061 Rowney (H. B.) The Wild Tribes of India, map, 12mo, cloth. 1882 5s 7062 " Rule ;rs of India " Series, 12mo, cloth each 28 Albuquerque Canning Elphinstone Lawrence (John, Lord) Akbar Clyde, and Strath- Haider Ali, and Tipti Mayo Amherst nairn (1 vol.) Saltan (1 vol.) Munro Auckland Colvin Hardinge Raniit Singh Sindhia Aurungzib Cornwallis Hastings (Warren) Bdbdr Dalhousie Hastings (Marquess) VVellesley . Bentinck Dupleix Uniform with the above, each Ss. Hunter's 'Brief History of the Indian Peoples'; 'James Thomason,' by Sir Richard Temple ; Lawrence (Sir H.). 7063 Rumbold (E. A.) Vindication of the Character and Administra- tion of Sir Thomas Rumbold, Bt., Governor of Madras 1778-80, from Misrepresentations of Col. Wilks, Mr. Mill, and other Historians of British India, 8vo, cloth. 1868 7s 7064 Answer to the Charges exhibited against Sir Thomas Rumbold in House of Commons, &c., by Himself (pp. xii-71), with Appendix (pp. 42), two parts, 4to, swd. 1781-82 10s 7065 Rundall (General F. H.) The River Systems of S. India, Prog. R. Geog. Soo., N.S., 1886, Vol. VIII. pp. 681-98, and map 2s 7066 The Sirjin Chins— R. G. Soc. Supplementary Papers, Vol. III. pp. 563-85, map, cloth 3s 6d 7067 [Russell (Francis)] E.I. Board. A Short History of the E.I. Co. and their connection with the Government of India, second edition, 4to, calf. 1793 7s 6d 7068 Russell (A. M.) Report on the Dumoh District, Jubbulpoor Central District, map (Govt. Records, No. 55), royal 8vo. Calcutta, 1867 2s 6d 7069 Russell ([Sir] Wm. Howard), Times Correspondent. My Diary in India in the Year 1858-9, illustrated, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1860 6s 7070 My Diary in India, another copy, 2 vols, half-calf 7s 6d 7071 My Diary in India, 1 vol. 12mo, cloth. [1875] 4s 7072 The Prince of Wales' Tour in India, with Account of the Visits of H.R.H. to the Courts of Greece, Egypt, Spain, and Portugal, illustrations by Sidney P. Hall, and photo-portrait of H.R.H., imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. 1877 ^ ^S^ Eigh Street^ Marylebone^ London^ W. 224 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 7073 Russell (0. E. M.) Bullet and Shot in Indian Forest, Plain, and Hill, with Hints on Shooting, 8vo, cloth. 1900 6s Experiences in Assam and Sylhet, 1876-81, and in the Mysore, where the author was in the Forest department, 1882-90, including chapters on tiger, panther, bear, elephant, deer, goat, small animal, game bird and wild-fowl shooting ; hints on equipment, preservation of trophies, &c. 7074 Russia's March towards India, by an Indian Officer, map and index, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1894 4s 6d See also Russian Central Asia, pp. 55 to 57 ; Hanna, p. 147 ; Rawlinson, p. 218 ; Vambery, p. 248 ; and references under INVASIONS, p. 164. Ryan (Sir Bdw.) Evidence on Judicial Administration in India. See Pari. Reports, 1852-3, p. 67. 7074b Ryder (John) Four Yeais' Service in India, by a Private Soldier, 12mo. Leicester, 1853 {scarce) 5s The author was a corporal in the 32nd Foot, and served with his regiment at Meerut, Delhi, Fsrozepore, the Siege and Capture of Mooltan, Battle of Goojerat, &;c. 7075 Salt ( ' enry) Twenty-Four Views taken in St. Helena, the Cape, Indip eylou, Abyssinia, and Egypt, engraved on copper and coloci .* (each 24 in. by 18 in.), large folio, fine copy, brilliant plates, with descriptive text, 4to, half-morocco. 1809 £4 Sandy Bay Valley, 8. Helena ; View near Roode Sand Pass, Cape of Good Hope ; Cfvlc'itta, View within Fort Monghyr, Ruins of Fort at Juanpore, Lucknow ; The MoscjuH, Lucknow ; View near Point de Galle, Pagoda at Ramisseram, Pagoda at Tanjore, Pagodas at Trinchicunum, Riilcotta in the Baramahal, Poonah, Ancient Excava*^ions at Carli ; Town of Dixan, Town of Abha, View near Village of Asceriah, and Mucculla, Abyssinia ; The Pass of Atbara ; Obelisk at Axum, Moun- tains of Samayut, Vale of Calaat, Grand Cairo, The Pyramids. This work is intended as a further illustration of the travels of Lord Valentia {q.v.), Mr. Salt being private secretary to his lordship. Salt was the first to discover the Buddhist origin of the Cave Temples of Western India.— Dougla«, Bombay, II , 218-219. 7076 Samuelson (J.) India, Past and Present: Historical, Social, and Political, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1890 6s Sanohi and its Remains. See Archaeological Surveys, Cunning- ham, Bhilsa Topes, Fergusson, Tree and Serpent Worship, GriflQn (Sir Lepel), Maisey, &c. 7077 Sandeman (Col. Sir Robert), his Life and Work on our Indian Frontier, by T. H. Thornton, portrait, map, and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 4s Col. Sandeman's career included military service during the Mutiny and civil employ under the Punjaub Administration. He was twice sent on a mission to Khelat, and ultimately succeeded in terminating the internecine struggle of twenty years' duration between the Khan and the confederate chiefs. He also served in the Afghan Campaigns, &;c. 7078 Sanderson (George P.) Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India (1861-77) : their Haunts and Habits from Personal Observa- tion, with Account of the Modes of Capturing and Taming Elephants, maps and plioto-iUustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 8s Mr. Srinderson was the officer in charge of the Government Elephant- Catching Establishment in Mysore. He describes the scenery of the country, the natives, and has given accounts of some extraordinary adventures with " man-eaters " as well as with elephants ; the illustrations are mostly from photographs. For 'Narra- tive of Elephant-Catching ' and the visit of the Duke of Clarence to the Keddahs in 1889, see Rees, p. 219. 8Sf High Street^ Marylebone^ London^ W. India 225 7079 Sanitary Measures in India, 1883-84, Report on; with Miscellaneous Information up to June, 1885, Vol. XVII fPapl Paper), folio. 1885 ^ 2s 7080 Ditto, Vol. XIX. 1887 28 See Temple (Sir R.), TuUoch, and references under Public Works. 7081 Sarkar (Prof. Jadunath) The India of Aurangzib, Topography, Statistics, Revenue, and Roads, compared with the India of Akbar, 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1901 3g Translated from Persian MSS., and supplemented by extracts from Abul Fazl Tieflfenthaler. Thomas, Tavernier, and others. See also Master, and references under Akbar (p. 69), Aurunzebe (p. 76), and Scott (J.), No. 7086. 7082 Saunders (John O'Brien) On the Sale of Waste Lands and Law of Contract for India, 8vo, pp. 26. 1863 2s 7083 Savory (Isabel) A Sportswoman in India : Perso' il Adventures and Experiences of Travel in Known and Unknown It K, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1900 - »^' 7s Peehawur and the Kyber Pass ; From Dalhousie into Chambi"/ (!^hamba into Kashmir ; Yer Sar Pass ; Pig Sticking ; Tiger Shooting ; Ootacamund and Anglo- Indian Life, &c. /ja J \f. 7084 Scherzer (Dr. Karl) Voyage of the " No vara," 1 8 5f;:ri;^^ under- taken by Order of the Austrian Government, with cJiarh and 66 illustrations, 3 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1861-63 •■'•'•' 18s The "Novara " visited Madeira, Rio Janeiro, the Cape, St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands, Ceylon, Madras, Nicobar Islands, Singapore, Java, Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Caroline and Solomon Islands, Sydney, Auckland, Tahiti, and Valparaiso. Sohewitzer's Voyage to East Indies, 1675-83. See Fryke, p. 7. 7085 Schlagintweit (H. A. und R. von) Reisen in Indien und Hochasien : Eine Darstellung der Landschaft, der Cultur und Sitten der Bewohner, in Verbindung mit Klimatischen und Geo- logischen Verbal tnissen, 1854-58, maps and plates, 3 vols, royal 8vo, half-morocco, gilt tops. Jena, 1869-72. £1 5s Travels in Western, Southern, Central, N.W. India and Bengal, to Kashmir, Tibet, the Karakorume, Yarkand, and Kashgar. Vol. I. India, with 2 maps and 9 illustrations. Vol. II. The K\mQ\&ya.8 of Bhotan &ud Kashmir, with 10 illustrations. Vol. III. Tibetan Himalayas, Karakorums, &c., map and 8 illustrations. SCHODTEN (W.) Voyage to East Indies; and Visits to Ceylon, Coromandel and Malabar Coasts, Bengal, &c., 1664-5, witU copper- plate views. See p. 20. SciNDE. See SiND. 7086 Scott (Capt. Jonathan) Translation of the Memoirs of Eradut Khan, a Nobleman, containing Anecdotes of the Emperor Aurung- zebe, Shaw Aulum, &c., 4to, half-morocco. 1786 (rare) 12s 6d Translation of Ferishta's History. See p. 133. 7087 Scott (Capt. P. G.) Personal Narrative of the Escape from Nowgong to Banda and Nagode (May to August, 1857), 8vo, pp. 40, half -calf {privately printed), Edinburgh, 1857 os 83, Eigh Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. 226 Frcmcis Edwards's Catalogue 7089 Scott (Major John) afterwards Waring. A Letter to Mr. Fox (on Hastings's Impeachment), dated Margate, 10th September, 1788, 8vo, pp. 112 3s 6d 7090 Second Letter to Mr. Fox, ou Charges against Kajah Deby Sing, 8vo, pp. 26- 1789 2s 7091 Speech, H.C., let and 3rd 7uly, 1789, on the State and Finances of India, 8vo, pp. 35 28 7092 Letters to Dodsleyin Refutation of Misrepresentations in the ^miita^jRegrw^er, 1788, 8vo, pp. viii-39, 11th, Feb. 1791 26 6d 7093 Speech in the House of Commone, 14th Feb., 1791, 8vo, pp. xxx, ii-38 2s 6d 7094 A Letter from Major Scott to Philip Francis, second edit., 8vo, pp. ii, xxx-78. 1791 48 6d 7095 Two Letters to George Hardinge, 8vo, pp. xxx-52. 1791 3s The preceding pamphlets relate to the Impeachment of Warren Hastings, for whom Major Scott was agent for a time. 7096 Observations on the E.I. Company, with Prefatory Remarks on the Dis- affection of the Natives to Christianity, 8vo, pp. lxxvi.-76. 1808 38 6d 7097 A Letter to John Scott Waring, in Refutation of his * Observations on the E.I. Co.,' with Strictures on his Prefatory Remarke. [By Rev. J. Owen.] 8vo, pp. iv-82. 1808 28 Gd 7098 Letter to Rev. J. Owen in Reply to his ' Strictures,' &c., pp. iv-118 38 See also Letters of " Albanicus," p. 119 ; Teignmouth (Lord). 7099 Scott (David) Memoir of, by Major White, with correspondence, 8vo, boards. Calcutta, 1832 3s 6d Mr. Scott held appointments at Goruckpore, at Purneah. Behar, and at Rung- pore, 1808-23, and as Governor-General's Agent on the N.E. Frontier of Bengal and Commissioner in Assam, 1824-31. 7100 Scott (Rev. Dr. A.) Buddhism and Christianity, a Parallel and a Contrast, 8vo, cloth. 1890 3s 7101 Scurry (James) Ten Years' Captivity and Suffering in the Dominions of Hyder Ali and Tippoo Sahib [1782-92], 12mo, boards. 1824 6s Contains references to the capture of Col. Baillie's detachment and to the captivity of General Matthews, his officers and men, also the storming and capitula- tion of Seringapatam (1792). 7102 Seaton (Gen. Sir Thomas) From Cadet to Colonel : Record of a Life of Active Service, 2 vols. 12mo, half-calf extra. 1866 14s The author's service in India extended over nearly thirty-six years from the year 1823. He was present at the capture of Bhurtpore, through the first Afghan War, and the Mutiny, finally retiring in 1859. 7103 Seely (J. B.) The Wonders of Ellora, with Observations on the People and Country, and a Residence at Aurungabad, second edition, plates, 8vo, boards. 1825 3s Seetaram, From Sepoy to Soobadar. See Norgate. 7104 Serampore Mission (The) Accounts of, 1827-28, 8vo, pp. viii- 98. Edinburgh, 1828 2s 6d Contains an article on Oriental translations of the Bible. See also CJarey. 83j Sigh Street^ MaryUhone^ London^ W. India 227 7105 Seton-Karr (W. S.) The Marquess of Oornwallis and Consolida- tion of British Rule in India, with chapters on the Revenue S^ttl-^ ment, map (*' Rulers of India"), I2mo, cloth. 1892 2s See also Calcutta Gazettes, p. 92. 7106 Seven Pagodas (The) on the Coromandel Coast : Descriptive and Historical Papers by Chambers, Babington, Mahon, Braddock, and others, edited by Capt. M. W. Carr, tuith photograph, litho- graph plates^ planSf and inscriptions, imperial folio, morocco. Madras, 1869 £2 See also Fergueson and Burgess, p. 132 ; Salt, p. 224 ; Valentia, p. 247. 7107 Sewell (Robert) Chronological Tables for Southern India from the Sixth Century a.d., 4to, boards. Madras, 1881 2s 6d 7108 Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India, 4to, boards. 1883 4g Antiquities of Madras. See AROHiBOLOGioAL Survey, p. 73. 7109 Analytical History of India, from the Earliest Times to the Abolition of the East India Co. in 1858, 12mo, cloth 3s 7110 A Forgotten Empire (Vijayanagar) : a Contribution to the History of India, 3 maps and 15 plates, royal 8vo, cloth. 1900 lis A history of the Hindu City and Kingdom of Vijayanagar in Southern India (1334-1614), serving as an introduction to two Portuguese chronicles written about 1620 and 1636 by Fernao Nuniz and Domingo Paes, now first translated into English, and illustrated by photographs of the ruins of the city and temples. 7112 Shadwell (L. J.) Lockhart's Advance through Tirah, 2 maps and 7 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 4s 7113 Shahamet Ali, History of Bahawalpur, with Notices of Sindh, Afghanistan, Multan, and the West of India, 12mo, cloth. 1848 4s 7114 Shakespear (Capt. Henry) The Wild Sports of India; Breed- ing and Rearing of Horses; and Formation of Light Irregular Cavalry, 12mo, cloth. 1860 6s ** Shekarry (The Old)." See Leveson (H. A.). 7115 Shekleton (J. F.) Assay Tables of Indian and other Coins, Gold and Silver, folio, boards. Calcutta, 1868 3s 7116 [Sherer (Col. G. Moyle)] Sketches of India, written by an Officer for Fireside Travellers, 8vo, half-calf. 1824 3s 6d Notes and Observations during Visits to Madras, Bellary, Vellore, Calcutta, Barrackpore, the Ruins of Gaur. Benares, Allahabad, Gwalior, Goa, fghan and Early and Later Mogul Architecture and Decoration. No entire specimen of Hmdu Architecture is now extant in or about Delhi. 7189 Stephen (Sir J. Fitzjames) The Story of Nuncomar and the Im- peachment of Sir Elijah Impey, 2 vols. l2mo, cloth. 18»5 /s oa See also Beveridge, and other references under Nuncomar. 7190 Sterling (Andrew) Orissa, its Geography, History, J^^ligion and Antiquities ; also History of the Baptist Mission by Jani€« Peggs, 8vo, cloth. 1846 8S, High Street, Marijlebone, London, W. 234 Francis EdwanMs Caialogue 7191 Sterndale (R. A.) Seonee ; or, Camp Life on the Satpurah Range : a Tale of Indian Adventure, illustrated, 8vo, cl. 1877. 7s 6d With Topographical, Hifetorical, Natural History, Linguistic Appendix, and Glossary. Seonee, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1887 3s 7192 Denizens of the Jungles : Sketches of Wild Animals in their Natural Attitudes, 12 large plates in tint, with descriptive letter- press, oblong imp. 4to, cloth. 1886 16s Mammalia of India, &c. See Natural History Seotion. 7193 Steuart (Sir James) The Principles of Money applied to the Present State of the Coin, Currency, &c., of Bengal, 4to, calf. 1772 6s 7194 Stewart (Prof. Charles) Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan in Asia, Africa, and Europe, 1799-1803, translated from the Persian, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf extra. 1810 10s lu this work a ' Persian Prince' records for the first time the genuine opinions of au Asiatic respecting European society and institutions. At tlie same time he gives accounts of his travels through India, visits to the Nico bar Islands and the Cape of Good Hope. A Tract on the Liberties of Asiatic Women, written during the Prince's residence in Eugland, is reprinted in the Appendix. 7195 [ ] Vindication of the Hindoos from the Aspersions of Dr. Buchanan and the Missionaries in Bengal, by a Bengal Officer, 8vo, pp. 171. 1808 4s 7196 History of Bengal from the First Mahommedan Invasion until 1757, map, 4to, half-calf. 1813 18s An indispensable worn for the historical library. See also Humayun, Timur. 7197 Stewart (Lieut.-Col. Matthew) Considerations on the Policy of the Indian Government and the Invasion of Burmah, 8vo, pp. vi-136. Edinburgh, 1826 3s 6d The author was Aide-de-Camp to the Earl of Minto and the Marquess of Hastings, and a son of Prof. Dugald Stewart. 7198 Stirling (Lieut.-Col. Wm.) The Rivers of Paradise, and Dis- quisition concerning Sesostris' Expedition to India, 8vo, cloth. 1855 2s 6d The author finds the site of the Garden of Eden in the Nerbuddah Valley. 7199 Stokes (H. J.) Historical Account of the Belgam District (Bom- bay Records), imp. 8vo, pp. 96. 1870 2s 7201 Stokes (Whitley, LL.D.) Editor. Anglo-Indian Codes, by Sir H. Sumner Maine and otlier Jurists. Vol. I. Substantive Law; Vol. II. Adjective Law, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 1887-89 ; First and Second Supplements, 8vo, sewed. 1901 {Clarendon Press). £S lis 6d "The admirable series of Codes which Englishmen have made for India. Each Code or Act is preceded by a careful introduction, and each article is accompanied by brief but pointed comments, and there is an Index.''— Law Journal. 7202 Stone (S. J.) In and Beyond the Himalayas : a Record of Sport and Travel in the Abode of Snow, illustrated by 0. Whymper, roy. 8vo, cloth. 1896 9s 7203 Strachey (Henry) Narrative of the Mutiny of the Officers of the Army in Bengal, 1766, 8vo, calf. 1773 10s 6d 8Sf High Street, Maryhbone, London^ W. India 235 7204 Strachey (Lt. Henry) Journey to Oho Lagan, Cho Mapan, and the Valley of Pruang in Gnari, Hiindes, 1846 (from Jour. Asiatic Society, 1848), 8vo, cloth 2s 6d 7205 Strachey (Sir John) Hastings and the RohiUa War, Svo, cloth. 1892 gg A Defence of Hastings against Burke, Mill, and Macaulay. 7206 India, map^ Svo, cloth. 1894 4g A Course of Lectures before the Univemty of Cambridge : Introductory • the Government in India and at Home ; the Armv. Finances, Revenues : Taxation Trade, Home Charges ; Public Works, the Debt, Famine Insurance : Law and Justice ; Education ; the N W. Province and Oude ; Native States, Bengal, &c. Himalayas. Ency. Britannica, Vol. XI. Strathnaibn (Lord). See Rose (Sir Hugh). 7207 Strickland (Rev. W., S.J.), The Jesuit in India: Missions, Colleges, &c., of the Jesuits, 12mo. Dublin, 1852 3s Evidence on Roman Catholics in India. See Pari. Reports. 1852-53, p. 67. 7208 Stuart (Andrew) Letters [4] to the Directors of the E.I. Co. and to Lord Amherst, 1777-81, on the Subject of Certain Events in India, and of General James Stuart's Conduct in H.M. Service and that of the E.I. Co., 4to, calf. [1782] 12s 6d Gen. Stuart served H.M. in Europe, North America, and the West Indies, and subsequently in the E.I. Co.'s service. For his arrest of Lord Pigot. at the instance of the Madras Council (1776), he was tried by court martial and acquitted. As the result of his brother's letters, Gen. Stuart received his pay and allowances in full {vide Letter from Court of Directors, 25th Januar}', 1782, quoted at end of volume). Gen. Stuart was afterwards dismissed from the Company's service by Lord Macartney, and fought a duel with the latter on his return to England in 1786, for particulars of which see Macartney's Life (above, p. 181), Vol. I., pp. 336, 586-608. See also Tanjore. below. 7209 Stuart (Major-Gen. James), Commander of the British Troops in the Carnatic, Correspondence with Lt.-Gen. Sir Eyre Coote, Commander-in-Chief in India, after his Excellency left the Coast, 1782-83, 2 vols. 4to, half-russia. 1785 (scarce) £1 15s With Journal and Plan of the Movements of the Army in the Carnatic, February, 1783; the Dismantling of Wandewaeh and Carangooly (with plan); Correspondence with Admiral Hughes ; Official Papers concerning the March to Cuddalore, Apr'l to July, 1783 (with 3 plans); State of Facts and Proofs showing Injustice of Select Committee's Proceedings, September 17tb, 1783, addressed to Lord Macartney ; Correspondence with the Court of Directors since his return to England in May, 1784, to March, 1785. 7210 Stuart (A. J.) Judge, Coimbatore. Manual of the Tinnevelly District, Madras Presidency, roy. 8vo, cloth. Madras, 1879 5s 6d Geography and Topography, Population, History, Land Revenue, Administra- tion, Statistics, Trees and Plnnts &c. 7211 Stubbs (Major-General F. W.) History of the Bengal Artillery, its Organization, Equipment, and War Services, rmps, plans, and photographs, 3 vols. Svo, cloth. 1877 £1 18s 7212 Sullivan (Sir Edward) Conquerors, Warriors, and Statesmen of India, from Mahmoud of Ghizni to Nadir Shah (a.d. 1020-1748), map, Svo, cloth. 1866 ^^ 7213 Second edit., The Princes of India, map, 12mo, cl. 1875 4s as, High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W, 236 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 7214 [Sullivan (John)] Sketch of the Ryotwar System of Revenue Administration, 8vo, pp. 94. 1831 3s With Appendix on Reservoirs and Canals. 7215 Remarks on the Affairs of India, Svo, pp. 173. 1852 2s 7216 Are we Bound by our Treaties? a Plea for the Princes of India, 8vo, pp. 108. 1853 3s Evidence on Administration in India. See Pari. Reports, 1852-53, p. 67. SuRAT Case (The). See Law and Justice, p. 174. 7217 Sutlej Campaign. Despatches [of Lord Gough, Sir Harry Smith, &c.] and General Orders announcing the Victories over the Sikhs at Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Aliwal, and Sobraon, 8vo, cloth, 1846 4s 7218 Inscriptions on the Sikh Guns captured by the Army of the Sutledge, 74 plates, 4to, half-morocco. 1846 8s 7219 Swartz (Chr. Fr.) Memoirs of his Life and Correspondence, with a History of Christianity in India, by Hugh Pearson, D.D., Dean of Salisbury, portrait and map, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1834 5s Swartz was long resident at Taniore, and was sent by the Governor of Madras (Sir T. Rumbold) on a mission to Hyd^r Ali at Seringapatam (1779), a long and interesting account of which appears in the first volume. Fhere is aho an account of the desolation caused by Hyders invasion in 1780 and during the war with Tip poo Sultan. 7221 Sykes (Col. W. H.) Notes on the Religious, Moral, and Political State of India before the Mahomedan Invasion, founded on the Travels of Fa Hian, 399, and the Commentaries of Remusat, Kla- proth, &c., 8vo, cloth. 1841 3s 7222 Vital Statistics E.I. Co.'s Armies in India, Svo, pp. 30 (excerpt, 1846) Is 6d 7223 Notes on Public Works in India, 8vo, itp. 35 {J. Statistical Soc, June, 1858) IsGd 7224 On the Financial Condition of British India, 8vo. pp. 455 480 {Jour. Statistical ^oc, Dec, 1859) Is 6d 7225 Speech, H.C., Feb. 18, 1858, on the India Bill, pp. 67 28 6d Against the transfer of the E.I. Co.'s powers to the Crown. 7226 Symson (Capt. Wm.) New Voyage to the East Indies (in the **Macklesfield" Frigate, 1701); Suratt and Coast of Arabia; Descrip- tion of the Maldivy Islands, their Products and Trade ; the Religion, Manners, and Customs of their Inhabitants ; also Account of the French Factories in India, with Remarks by the Sieur Luillier, adorned with cuts, map, 12mo, calf. 1715 (scarce) 15s 7228 Tagore Family (The) a Brief Account of, Svo, pp. 18 and pedigree. Calcutta, 1868 2s Tagore (Dr. S. M.) Avataras and Rasas of the Hindus. See Indian Religion in subsequent Section. Taj Mahal (The). See Sleeman, Warden, and references under Agra, p. 68. Tamerlane. See Timur. 83 f High Street^ Maa-ylebone^ Londen^ W. India 237 Tanjore, Papers, &c., relating to : — 7230 Letter from Nabob of Arcot (Carnatic) and Statement of Facts relative to Tanjore, 4to, pp. 76. 1777 iSs 7231 Original Papers relative to Tanjore : Letters, Conferences, and Notes, with Lord Pigot's Last Despatch to E I. Co., 4to, pp. xx-134, boards. 1777 98 7232 [ East India Co.] Letter from Alex. Dalrymple, dated Alexandria, 19th January, 1777, with Enclosures from Lord Pigot, copies of Letters from W. Hastings and Bengal Government ; Report of Proceedings at Madras ; Letters from Governor Stratton, Henry Brooke, Col. Stuart, Nabob of Arcot, and others, 4to, pp. 457 lOs 6d 7233 Extract from Proceedings of the E.L Co., containing Letters from Governor Pigot, his Commission and Instructions ; Consultations of Co.'s Civil Servants at Madras against Revolution in the Government, 4to. pp. 127- 169, cloth. 1777 4s 7234 Extract of Proceedings E.L Co., 23rd April, 1777, from Madras and Tanjore Papers, vol. ii. pp. 291-316, 4to. 1777 33 6d Relative to removal of Lord Pigot and order for his reinstatement. 7235 Observations on the Proceedings in Council and Change of Government at Madras (by removal of Lord Pigot), August, 1776, 4to, pp. 16. 1777 Ss 7236 Case of the Governor [Lord Pigot] and of the Council of Madras Stated, as well as that of Colonel [James] Stuart, 4to, pp. ii-32. 1777 4s 7237 [Case of Lord Pigot] Letters to East India Company (with Extracts from Consultations, &c.) from Admiral Hugh Pigot, Alex. Dairy mple,Wm. Randall, Colonel Capper, and various Proprietors of E.L Stock, 21 articles, 8vo, 4to, and folio, in 1 vol. 4to, half-calf. 1777 {A unique collecMon.) £1 Bs 7238 Defence of Lord Pigot [By Alexander Dalrymple], 4to, pp. viii-332, 72, half- calf, 1777 10s 6d With Introduction on the Relations of Tanjore and the Nabob of Arcot, and Review of the State of the Carnatic. The opponents of Lord Pigot asserted that he schemed to keep Arcot and Tanjore in the hands of separate princes t> serve his own private views, whereas he was sent out by the E.I. Company with instruc- tions to effect the restoration of the Rajah of Tanjore, who had been deposed and Tar.jore taken by the preceding Governor, with the assistance of the Nabob of Arcot, who claimed to be ruler of the whole of the Carnatic. Pigot was arrested bv the majority of the Council at Madras. The case was afterwards further com- plicated by his death during confinement. 72.39 The Restoration of the King of Tanjore Considered. Report of E.I. Com- mittee, prepared by Mr. George Rous, in Justification of the Action of tne Directors E.I. Co., 4to, pp. vi-123. 1777 ^^ This narrative ivas issued in conjunction tcith n-i Tr\. 7240 Appendix of Original Papers, 3 vols. 4to, half-calf. 1777 . ^ ^ ^ . , • 1? Cow^ewAs; -Proceedings of Committee of E.L Co. appointed to take into consideration Two Pamphlets (1) State of Facts relative to Tanjore, (2) Original Papers relative to Tanjore. and to examine the Records of the Company (pp. xx;. Appendix, Nop. I. to XVI. (pp. 1-240). Papers of the Directors m London, Nos. XVII. to XXIX Consultations of the Madras Council and Committee relative to the two Expeditions against Tanjore, together with their ^o^nt^ tx^^^^^^ spondence with local Princes (pp. 241-1553), No. XXX. Extracts of Proceedings relative to the private European Creditors of the Nabob of the Carnatic {i.e., ot Arcot), pp. 421. 7242 Mr. Floyer's Case in the late Disputes at Madras, 4to, pp. 15. E^J^^^ 7243 Defences of George Stratton, Esq, and the Majority of Council ma^s m Answer to the Accusation of Supposed Murder of Lord P,go^^^^^ Lord Pigot's Proceedings. Separate Defence of General Stuart tor m ^^ and the Military (extracted from Original Papers). 4to, pp. ^a. 83, High Street, Ma/ryUbone, London, W. 238 Francis Edwa/rds^s Catalogue Tanjore Papers (contimced) — 7244 Observations on the Proceedings in Council at Madras and Change of Government, August, 1776, 4to, pp. 16. [1778] 3s 6d 7245 Letter to Directors E.T. Co. from Andrew Stuart respecting Conduct of General Stuart at Madras, 4to, pp. 84- vi. December, 1778 4s 7246 Account of the Subversion of the Legal Government at Madras by Imprisoning the Governor, Lord Pigot, in August, 1776 ; a Eeply to a Letter from Andrew Stuart, by Alex. Dalrymple, 4to, pp. viii-120 9s 7247 Answer to a Paper entitled The Case of Lord Pigot, on the Part of Mr. Stratton and the Majority of Council [at Madras], by Thomas Erskine, 4to pp. 24. London, 15th February, 1779 4s 7248 Considerations on the Conquest of Tanjore and the Restoration of the Rajah, 4to, pp. iv-74. 1779 58 6d, 7249 History of the E.I. Co. from 1600 to Present Time, containing the AfEairs of the Carnatic, and Proof of Injustice to the Nabob, and Observations on the Restoration of Tanjore, map, 4to, pp. x-274, half-calf. 1779 lOs 7250 A Short Account of Mr. Paul Benfield's Conduct (pp. 17) ; Report of Com- mittee (pp. 64) ; Case of Mr. Beufield, with Opinions of Lord Loughborough and others (pp. 36) ; Opinions of Attorney -General Kenyon and Mr. Er^kir^e (pp. 32) ; Opinion of Wm. Grant (pp. 10) ; Application of Mr. Benfield to be allowed to return to his Station, &c., 1 vol. 4to, half-calf. [1780-81] lOs 6d Mr. Benfield lent money to the Nabob of Arcot on Security of the Tanjore Country. See also Aecot, above, p. 74 ; East India Co., p. 122. 7251 Letter from Andrew Stuart to Lord Amherst on behalf of his Brother, General James Stuart, 4to, pp. 48. 1781 38 7252 Tanner (Col. H. C. B.) Our Present Knowledge of the Hima- layas— Proo. R. Geog. Soo., N.S., 1891, Vol. XIII. pp. 403-423, cloth 3s 6d 7253 Tavernier (J. B.) Travels in India, translated from the edition of 1676, with biographical Sketch, notes, bibliography, &c., fac- simile portraits, titlej map, and plates, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1889 10s 6d A fine library edition of the second, or Indian, section of Tavernier's Voyages. For editions containing travels in other parts of Asia see pp. 21-22. The author, a French jeweller, travelled, partly in the company of Bernikr (see p. 81), to the Court of Aurungzeb at Delhi, thence to Allahabad, Benares, Patna, and Dacca, where he visited the Nawab of Beogal, in 1665-66. In addition to descriptions of the routes followed the work contains chapters on the Currency, Weights, and Measures of India ; Mode of Travelling ; Histors'^ of Father Ephraim, Capuchin, and how he was cast into the Inquisition at Goa ; "Historical and Political Descrip- tion of the Empire of the Great Mogulj with details of his Court, &c. ; Productions and Merchandise ; Methods for establishing a Commercial Company in the East Indies ; Description of the Diamond Mines, Pearl Fisheries, and Gold Mines ; On Precious Stones, Coral, Amber, Musk, Bezoar and other Medicinal Si ones ; Con- cerning the Religion of the Muhammadans and the Idolaters of India ; Voyage to Surat and Batavia, and from Batavia to St. Helena and Holland. Among the illustrations are figures of the Koh-i-noor, the Pitt, and other diamonds and gems. 7254 Tayler (Wm.) Commissioner of Patna. Thirty-Eight Years in India, from Juganath to the Himalaya Mountains, 100 illustrations and portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1881-82 9s " In the history of the Mutiny there is no story which appeals more to the ad- miration than the story of this man guiding, almost unaided, a province through the storm, training his crew and keeping down the foe. whilst yet both hands were at the wheel, and in the end steering his tossed vessel into the harbour of safety."— Malleson's ' Indian Mutiny,' 1. 124. 7255 Sketches of Indians and Anglo-Indians, 6 beautifully coloured plates, with descriptions, folio, half-morocco. 1842 £1 10s 83f High Street^ Ma/rylebone, London, W, India 239 Tayler of Patna (continued) — 7256 Our Crisis ; or, Three Months at Patna during the Insurrection, 1857, 12mo. pp. iv-75. Calcutta, 1858 3s 6d 7257 The Patna Crisis, n.e., 12mo, cloth. London, 1858 28 6d 7258 Brief Narrative of Events connected with his Removal from Commissioner- ship of Patna, 8vo, pp. 92. 1858 38 72.59 Minut'i on same subject by Lt.-Governor of Bengal [Sir F. Halliday], 17 Mar., 1858, fol. sd., pp. 30 3s 72fiO Summary of Facts connected with his Removal, 8vo, pp. 21. 1867 28 6d 7261 William Tayler of Patna : His Splendid Services, Wrongs, and Thirty Years' Struggle for Justice, by Capt. L. J. Trotter, 8vo, cloth. [1887] 3s 6d 7262 Taylor (Col. Meadows) The Story of My Life, edited by his Daughter, Preface by Reeve, portrait, 2 vols. 12mo, half-calf extra. 1877 lis 7263 Story of My Life, 1-vol. edit., 12mo, cloth. 1878 3s Meadows Taylor's civil and military services in India extended over a period of more than thirty-eight yeare, principally as an officer of the Nizam. Chapter xiv. contains- a narrative of the assistance' rendered by the Hyderabad Contingent during the Mutiny. 7264 Sketches in the Deccan drawn on Stone by W. Taylor, E. Morton, and G. Childs, 20 tinted litho plates, imp. folio, half- morocco. 1837 ^1 5s Views of Hindoo temples, tombs, &c., at Aurungabad, Tooljapoor, Golcondah, Hyderabad, Ellora, Beejapoor, &c. 7265 Confessions of a Thug, 3 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1840 7s 6d 7266 Tara, a Mahratta Tale (1657), 3 vols. 12mo. 1863 7267 Ralph Darnell (1757), 3 vols. 12mo. 1865 7268 Tippoo Sultaun, 3 vols. 12mo, 1841 7269 Seeta : a Tale of the Mutiny, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1872 88 7270 A Noble Queen : Romance of Indian History [The Story of Chand, Sultana (of bijapur)], 3 vols. 12mo. 1878 ^^ 7271 One - vol. editions of ' The Thug,' ' Tara,' ' Ralph Darnell,' ' Tippoo Sultaun.' ' Seeta,' and ' A Noble Queen ' each Ss "The various literary productions [of Meadows Taylor] which have stood the test of time, and still exercise a fascinating power over the reader, are not so naucn works of imagination as living pictures of the men and women amongst wnona he dwelt The tales of 'Tara,^ 'Ralph Darnell,' 'Tippoo Sultaun, and Seeta were designed by their author to mark the principal epochs of Indian history....^ and form a complete work, which deserves to retain a lastmg place m JiiUgusn literature."— Henry Reeve. 7272 Letters written during the Indian Rebellion, pp. 26. 1857 2s 6d People of India. See Watson and Kaye. 7274 Taylor (J. H.) On Suspension Pier at Madras, pp. 24 and plan. 1856 "^^ 7275 Teignmouth (Sir John Shore, Lord), Memoir of the Life and Correspondence of, by his Son, portrait a7id autograph, Z vols, ovo, cloth. 1843 ^ Sir John Shore, a civil servant of the Company, succeeded CornwaH^^^ Governor-General, 1793 to 1798, was afterwards for thirty years president ot tne Bible Society. See also Malcolm. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 240 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 7276 [Teignmouth (Lord)] Considerations on communicating the Knowledge of Christianity to the Natives of India, by a Late Resi- dent in Bengal, 8vo, pp. 110 [Reply to Scott- Waring]. 1808 3s 6d Minute on Permanent Settlement of Lands, 1789. See E.I. Co., Fifth Report, 1812, above, p. 122. Life of Sir W. Jones. See Indian Literature, in subsequent Section. 7278 Temple (Sir Richard) The Story of My Life ; or, a Record of Forty -Seven Years' Service, 1848-95 (twenty-nine in India and eighteen in British Politics), together with Account of Travels in Europe, Canada, and the United States, 2 portraits, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1896 5s Sir R. Temple, after a distinguished course at Haileybury, went to India in 1846. He served in the Punjab after its annexation, in the Central Provinces as Chief Commissioner, as President of the Nizam's Court, as Lieut.-Governor of Bengal, and as Governor of Bombay, returning home in 1880. After twenty years of public life in this country, he died March 15th, 1902. 7279 India in 1880, 2 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1881 5s A very comprehensive survey by one who had visited every part of the Indian Empire and served in all three Presidencies and in nearly every province. Sir R. Temple in this volume treats of the scenery, architecture, European classes, natives and native states, education, religious establishments, law and legislation, crime and police, land, revenue, public works, agriculture, commerce, health, sanitation, famines, learned retearch, wild animals and sports, navy and marine, the army, foreign relations, finance, and statistics. 7280 Men and Events of My Time in India, 8vo, cloth. 1882 6s Chapters on Hardinge and his Administration, Thomason and the N.W. Provinces, the Lawrences and the Panjab, Dalhousie, the War of the Mutinies, Canning the Just, James Wilson the Economist, Samuel Laing the Financier, the Central Provinces and Lord Elgin, Sir Bartle Frere and Western India, the Nizam and Native Administrators, Sir John Lawrence as Viceroy, the Finance Minister [Temple], Lord Mayo, Lord Northbrook and the Famme, Sir George Campbell and the Government of Bengal, Affairs of Madras and Southern India, the Bombay Presidency and the Governorship [Wodehouse and Temple], Sub- stantial Safety of British Kule, &c. 7281 Oriental Experience, Essays and Addresses, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1883 5s Contents .-—Geography in Asia during the last fifty years ; the Central Plateau of Asia; Chinese History; Eastern Tibet; Local Self-Government, Keligious Missions, Political Economy, Forests, Currency, Temperance, &c., in India ; the Mahrattas, Muhammedanism ; Aspects of Palestine, &c. 7282 Journals kept in Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sikkim, and Neiml, edited, with Introductions by Richard Carnac Temple, maps, photo and coloured illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1887 5s 7283 Journals in Hyderabad, &c., another copy, 2 vols, hf.-calf 9s Contents :—^\v Eichard Temple's Private Diary kept at the Court of the Nizam, 1867-68 ; Diaries of Travel in Jummoo and Kashmir in 1859 and 1871 ; in British and Independent Sikkim, 1875 and 1876, with Extracts from a Letter to Lord Lytton, dated Darjiling, 30th September. 1876; and a Tour through Nepal, May, 1876 ; accompanied by Introductory Accounts of the Politics, Administration, and History of the Nizam's Dominions ; the Geography and History of Jummoo and Kashmir, and of Buddhism as practised in Sikkim and Nepal ; also an Appendix of Place- Names in Jummoo and Kashmir, Glossary of Vernacular terms, &c. 83, High Street, Moflrylebone, London, W. India 241 7284 Temple (Sir R.) Progress of India, Japan, and China, in the 19th Century, 12mo, cloth. 1902 5g 7285 Lord Lawrence (" Men of Action"), 12mo, cl. 1893 Is 3d 7286 Report on Projected Tramway between Nagpoor and E. Districts, Central Provinces (Govt. Records, No. 41), royal Svo, sewed. Calctittaj 1864 2s 6d 7287 Report on the Mahanuddy and its Tributaries, Trade, &c., of adjacent Countries, Proposed Irrigation Works, &c. (Govt. Records, No. 43), royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1864 2s 6d 7288 and W. R. Cornish on ' A Pound of Grain as the Basis of Famine Wages,' fol. pp. 24-xvi. Madras, 1877 2s 6d 7289 Statistics of the Indian Empii-e— Proc. R. Col. Inst., 1880, Vol. XII. pp. 51-84, cloth 3s 7290 The Lake Region of Sikkim— Proc. R. Geog. Soc, N.S., 1881, Vol. III. pp. 321—, map 2s 6d 7291 The Cradle of the Mahratta Empire— Proc. R. Geog. Soc, N.S., 1882, Vol. IV. pp. 457-480, and map 2s 6d 7292 The Mahrattas. See Ency. Britannioa, Vol. XV. See also Gardner (Alex.), Keene (H. G.), Mutiny (Pari. Papers), ThomasoD. 7294 Temple ([Lieut.-Col.] Richard Carnac) Dissertation on the Proper Names of Panjabis, with Index of over 4,000 names, Svo, cloth. Bombay, 1883 3s 6d Accounts of Hyderabad, Jummoo, and Kashmir. See No. 7282 Panjab Folk Tales. See Indian Literature in subsequent Section ; also Journal of Indian Art, p. 167. 7295 Terry. A Voyage to East-India. | Wherein | Some things are taken notice of in | our passage thither, bafc many more in our | abode there, within that rich and most | spacious Empire 0/ the Great Mogol, \ | Observed by Edward Terry {tlien \ Chaplain to the Right Honorable Sr | Thomas Row Knight, Lord Ambassa- | dour to the Great Mogol) | London | 1655 Small Svo, calf £1 Title ; To the Reader, 5 leaves ; Verses, 2 leaves : Printer to the Reader and Contents, 4 leaves ; Voyage, &c., pp. 1-545 ; Poems, 2 pp. ; with 8 plates (but por- trait and engraved frontispiece missing, as in most copies). The pagination is incorrect ; there are no pages 145, 146 ; pp. 305, 306, 349, 350, 351, 352 are duplicated ; 479 to 494 are repeated after p. 508, instead of 509 to 524. The author sailed in the " Charles," with five other vessels, from Gravesend, Feb. 3rd, 1615, and from the Downs, March 9th, via the Cape and Madagascar, arriving at Swally Road, Cambav, iSept. 25th, and then proceeded to the Mogul s Court as chaplain to Sir Thomas Roe, with whom he lived more than two years, when he returned to England with him. In the introductory part of his work Terry gives some particulars of Tom Coriat (whom he also met) and his character and death (Dec, 1617). The main part of the work— sections 1 to 31 (pp. 78 to 547)— contains a full account of the Mogul's territories, the provinces and cities, soil, merchandise, inhabitants, their horses, elephants, Hnnies, munitions of war, weaiwns; their buildings, diet, cooking, habits, character, languages, physicians, religions, priests— Mahometans, Hindoos ; the Great Mogul (Jehangir) himself, bis iKjlicy, pastimes, the royal camp, wives and children, &c. At the end (pp. 452-54oJ is the author's ' CoroUarie and Conclusion.' The sum and substance of this narrative was written soon after the author's return and presented to the Prince ot w ales (afterwards Charles I.) in 1622. 8Si High Street, Mari/lebom, London, W. ^42 I'rancis Edwards^ s Catalogue 7296 Terry's Voyage to East-India, reprinted from the Edition of 1655, steel portrait^ map, and 3 plates, 8vo, russia. 1777 16s Voyage to East-India, another edition (without the verses or the author's * Corollarie and Conclusion '). See Vajjle (Delia) Travels, Havers's English translation, 1665 (pp. 325 to 480). A summary of Terry'sj Voyage was printed by PURCHAS— see ' His Pilgrimes,' vol. ii. pp. 1464 to 1482— and a French translation is contained in the first volume of Thevenots Collection. P'or Sir Thomas Rob's ' Journal' of his Embassy, see above, p. 222. 7297 Thackeray (Ool. E. T.) Two Indian Campaigns in 1857-58, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. Cliatham, 1896 5s Brief Narrative of the Outbreak of the Mutiny, the Campaigns in Oude and Eohilkund, Capture of Delhi, Lucknow, Bareilly, &c., with portrait of Lord Napier of Magdala, plans, and illustrations. 7298 Thackwell (E. J.) ^"arrative of the Second Seikh War, 1848- 1849: Account of the Battles of Ramnugger, Passage of theChenab, Chillian wallah, Goojerat, &c., 12mo, half-morocco. 1851 7s 6d 7300 Thevenot (M. de) Voyages, contenant la Relation de I'lndo- stan, &c., 4 to, calf. Paris, 1684 12s 7301 Travels de M. de Thevenot into the Levant: Turkey, Persia, the East Indies, portrait, folio, calf. 1687 15s The author visited Surat, Delhi, Goa, Gulconda. Aurungabad, and the Coro- mandel Coast in 1666-68, and describes the Court and Empire of Aurungzeb. Thomas (General George) Military Memoirs. See Compton, Francklin, Skinner. 7302 Thomas (Capt. Geo. Powell) Views of Simla: Twenty-four Lithographs and Map, with Descriptions and Accounts of the Inhabitants, Customs, and Productions of the Himalayas, imperial folio, half-morocco. 1846 £1 4s 7304 Thomas (Edward) Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Delhi, Illustrated by Coins, Inscriptions, &c. : Supplement — Revenue Resources of the Mugal Empire, 1593-1707, 8vo, cl. 1871 12s 6d 7305 Coins of the Pathan Sultans of Hindustan, plates, 8vo, 1847 3s / 306 Supplementary Contributions to the Series of Coins of the Pathan Sultans, 8vro, pp. vi-54. Delhi, 1852 2s 6d 7307 Coins of the Kings of Ghazni, a.d. 9(M-U7 I, plates, 1848, and Supplementary Contributions, 1859 (2 pts.), 8vo 5s - On the Identity of Xandrames (of Diod. Siculus and Q. 7308 Curtius) and the Indo-Pali Krawanda (Asiatic Soc), 8vo, pp. 42. 1864 Is 6d 7309 Bactrian Coins and Indian Dates (Jour. Asiatic Soc), 8vo, pp. 23. 1876 Is 6d 7310 The Indian Balhara and Arabian Intercourse with India, ninth century, &c. (Numismata Orient., 1882), 4to, swd. 5s See also Marsden, p. 192 ; Prinsep (J.), P- 215. 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. India 243 7312 Thomason (Rev. T. T.), Chaplain E.T. Co., Life of, by the E«v. J. Sargent, portrait, 8vo, half-calf. 1833 48 Mr. Thomason, one of the E I. Co.'s Chaplains, was in India from 1808 to 1&26 He was a man of profound learning, and translated the Old Testament into Hindoostanee. 7313 Thomason (Hon. James), Lieutenant-Governor N.W.P., India, 1843-53, by SirWm. Muir, portrait, 12mo, cl. Edinburgh, IS97 2s 7314 James Thomason and the British Settlement of N.W. India, by Sir R. Temple, with portrait, 12mo, cloth 3s 7315 Thomson (Dr. Thomas) Western Himalaya and Tibet: a Journey through Northern India, 1847-48, tnap and plates, 8vo, cloth. 1852 6s Dr. Thomson was the first traveller to reach the Karakoram Pass. He also travelled in the Himalayas with Dr. Hooker in 1849-50. See p. 157. 7316 Thomson (Capt. Mowbray) The Story of Cawnpore, plates, 12mo, cloth. 1859 . 8s Capt. Thomson was one of the only two survivors from the Ciwnpore garrison. 7317 Thomson (H. C.) The Chitral Campaign: a Narrative of Events in Chitral, Swat, and Bajour, 59 illustrations, plans and map, 8vo, cloth. 1895 . 4s 6d 7318 Thorburn (S. S.) Bannu; or, Our Afghan Frontier, with map, 8vo, cloth. 1876 9s Part I. contains a brief history, political and social, of the District under Native and British Rule, of the Revenue System, of the Land System, and Settle- ment Operations Part II. Account of the Customs and Folk-lore, Proverbs, Ballads, and Tales of the Pashto-speak'ng inhabitants, with the proverbs in Pashto. See Edwardes, p. 126. 7319 Thorn ([Capt.] Wm.) Memoir of the War in India, conducted by Lord Lake and Sir Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, 1803-6, on the Banks of the Hyphasis, with Historical and Topographical Descriptions, maps and plans, 4to, boards (uncut). 1818 £1 7320 Another copy, half-calf <£1 4s A valuable account of Lake's Campaign against the Mahrattas, with coloured plans of the Storming of AUyghnr, Battles of Delhi, Laswaree, Assaye, Deeg, and Bhurtpore, in which the author took part as a cavalry ofiQcer. 7321 Six Coloured Plans of the Battles of Delhi, Assaye, (fee, 1803, folded, 1 vol. imp. 4to, half-calf 9s 7322 Thornhill (Mark) Personal Adventures and Experiences of a Magistrate during the Indian Mutiny, 12mo, cloth. 1884 6s •' The author t^aw mucn during the progrets of the Mutiny which has never been recorded."— Times. 7323 Haunts and Hobbies of an Indian Official, 12mo, cloth. 1899 4s 6d Chapters on Ants, My House and Garden, The River. Visitors, The Commence- ment of the Rains. The Rains, Alchemy, The Station, White Ants, The Early Cold Weather, A Cold Weather Tour, Dehra, The Doon, Tigers, Leopards, and Bears Elephints, Disappearance of the Wild Animals, The Deserted Palace, &c. " Worthy of being classed with ' White of Selborne.' Hardly a page or para- graph can be 8p&Ts.d J"— Scotsman. 7324 Thornton (Edward) Gazetteer of the Territories under the Indian Government and of the Native States (revised by Sir Roper Lethbridge), 8vo, cloth (pub. 28s). 1886 ^"^ 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 244 Francis Edwa/rds*8 Catalogue 7325 Thornton (W. T.) Indian Public Works and Cognate Indian Topics, map, 12mo, cloth. 1875 3s 6d Communications. Irrigation, Harbours, lighthouses, Canals, Engineering Establishments, Land Tenure, National Educat on, &c. 7326 Thornton (Surg.-Gen. J. H.), B. Memories of Seven Cam- paigns, with numerous illustrations by George and Kate Thornton, 8vo, cloth. 1895 10s Thornton (T. H.). See Meade, Sandeman. 7327 Timur-Bec, or Tamerlain the Great, History of, from the Persian of Cherefeddin All and the French of M.Petis de la Croix,* 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 1723 12s 6d 7328 Institutes, Political and Military, of Timour, Persian and English, by Major Davy and Rev. J. White, 4to, calf. Oxford f 1783 9s 7329 The Mulfusat Timury; or, Autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur, translated from the Jagtay Turky and Persian in English by Prof. Charles Stewart (Oriental Translation Fund), 4 to, cloth. 1830 12s See also Alhacen and Clavijo, p. 55 ; Elliot and Dowson. p. 128. 7331 Tippoo Sultaun. Copies and Extracts of Advices to and from India relative to the War with the late Tippoo Sultaun, Chief of Mysore, the Partition of his Dominions and Distribution of the Captured Property found in Seringapatam, 4to, calf. 1800 £1 Includes the despatches and correspondence of Lord Harris, Col. Wellesley (Wellington), Col. Kirkpatrick, Lord Mornington (Wellesley), Major Beatson, Capt. Macaulay, Tippoo and his Ambassadors, Bonaparte to Tippoo, Marquess Cornwallis, &c. 7332 Select Letters of Tippoo Sultan to various Public Function- aries, including his principal Military Commanders, Governors of Forts, Tributary Chieftains, &c., arranged and translated by Wm. Kirkpatrick, with notes, 4to, half-calf. 1811 15s See also Bowring, Cornwallis, Mackenzie, Malcolm, Miles, Taylor (M.), Welles- ley, and references under Mysore, War in. 7333 Tod (Lieut.-Col. James) Annals and Antiquities of Kajast'han ; or, the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India, illustrated with map, folding tables, and 48 steel engravings by Finden from drawings by Capt. Waugh, 2 vols. imp. 4to, boards. 1829-32 £S 7334 Another copy, 2 vols. imp. 4to, half-mor. extra <£8 8s 7335 Another copy, with the steel plates on India paper, 2 vols. imp. 4to, half-morocco extra. 1829-32 £9 9s Vol. I. Geography of Rajast'han, or Rajpootana ; History of the Rajpoot Tribes and Genealogies of their Princes ; Sketch of a Feudal System, Religious Establishm "»ts, Festivals, and Customs of Me war ; the Author's Journey to Marwar. with Account of Oodipoor, Kailwarra, Jodpoor, Ajmer, their temples, rock sculptures, ruins, &c., with 31 plates, maps, and tables. 1829. Vul. II. Annals of Marwar, Bikaner, Jessulmer ; Sketch of the Indian Desert ; Annals of Amber, or Dhoondar ; Shekhawut Federation ; Annals of Haravati, with Narr itive of the Author's Journey and Personal Experiences, and 23 plates. 1832. The 'Annals of Rajast'han ' is still the standard authority on all that relates to the Rajpoot S'ates. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, India 245 7336 Tod (Lieut.-Col.) Travels in Western India, embracing a Visit to the Sacred Mountains of the Jains and the most Celebrated Shrines of the Hindu Faith between Rajpootana and the Indus, engravings^ royal 4to, half-morocco. 1839 £1 10s This work contains an interesting account of a visit to Mount Abno and the holy places of the Jains ; a description of the ancient city of Anhulwarra (first discovered by the author), the capital of the Balhara Sovereigns ; and descriptions of Somnath and the Jain temples at Girnar. The graphic illustrations represent some exquisite relics of ancient Hindu architecture. 7337 Tone (W. H.) Institutions of the Maratta People : their System of War and Finance, &c., 8vo, half-calf. Bombay, 1798 6s ToKEEN (Olof) Voyage to Surat, &c., 1750-2. See China, Osbeck. 7338 Torrens (Lieut.-Col. H. D.) Travels in Ladak, Tartary, and Kashmir, map, colotired views, and other panoramic illustrations, 8vo, half-morocco, gilt top. 1863 7s 6d 7339 Torrens (W. McCullagh) Empire in Asia, How We Came by It: a Book of Confessions, 8vo, cloth. 1872 6s A Foothold near the Sea, Beginnings of Aggression, Plunderful Times, Warren Hastings, the Rohillas, Hyder Ali, Tippoo Sahib, Lord Wellesley, the Mahrattas, Scindia and Holkar, the Peishwa, Afghanistan, Punjab and Pegu, &c.- 7341 Toynbee (G.) a Sketch of the History of Orissa, 1803-28, with Appendices : Mr. Stirling on Tenures, the Settlement of Cuttack, &c., royal 8vo, boards. Calcutta, 1873 4s 7342 Trade of India, Foreign Sea-borne, Coasting, and Trans- frontier, for Years 1886-7, 1887-8, 1888-9, folio, sewed. Simla each Is 7343 Sea-borne Foreign Trade, Year ending 31 March, 1883, folio, sewed. Simla Is 3d 7344 Travancore. Reports on the Administration of Travancore, 1887-8, 1888-9, 2 vols, royal 8vo, sewed. Trevandrum, 1889-90 3s 7345 Trevandrum Almanack for 1870 Is 6d 7346 ReportonCensusof Travancore, 1875, roy,8vo, sewed Is 6d 7347 ReportonCensusof Travancore, 1881. Trevandrum Is 6d See also Abbs, Archa'ological Survey, Mateer, &c. 7348 Treaties and Grants from the Country Powers to the East India Company respecting their Presidency of Fort George (Madras), Fort William (Calcutta), and Bombay, 1756-72, 4to, half- calf. 1774 , ^ ^^ See also p. 22 (Aitchison) ; Hudson, p. 156. 7349 Tremenheere (Col. W.) Notes on the Lower Indus— Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1867, Vol. XXXVII. pp. 68-91, and map, cloth ds 7351 Trevelyan (Sir Charles) on the Education of the People of India, with Extract on the State of Medical Education, 12mo, cloth. 1838 Evidence on Government, Laws, Finance, &c.. Pari. Reports, 1852-3, p. 67 : Memoir and Travels of Mohan Lai. See p. 197. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 246 Frcmcia Edwards^s Catahgue 7352 Trevelyan ([Sir] George Otto) The Competition Wallah, 12mo, cloth. 1864 6s 7353 The Competition Wallah, another copy, half -calf extra. 7s 6d Letters descriptive of European life in India, with a story of the Mutiny — the Relief of Arrah. This is the first and complete edition. 7354 Cawnpore, with fro7itispiece and plan, 12mo, cloth. 1865 5s 6d This narrative of the Outbreak, the Siege, the Treachery, and the Massacre is founded upon authentic documents and depositions— the author's aim being to preserve a scrupulous fidelity to the original sources of his information. 7355 Trevor (Col. G. H.) Rhymes of Rajputana, 12mo, vellum. 1894 2s 6d Chiefly founded on traditions and events in Eajput history, with elaborate notes. Trials. See Law and Justice. 7356 Trotter (Capt. Lionel J.) History of India under Queen Victoria, 1836-80, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1886 6s 6d ^ Book I. Auckland and Ellenborough and the First Afghan War. II. Hardinge and Dalhousie, the Sikh Wars, Conquest of the Panjab, and Second Burmese War. Iir.-IV. The Persian War, Canning and the Mutiny. V. The New Administration —Canning, Elgin, Lawrence. VI. Mayo and Northbrook and the Famine of 1873- 1874. VII. Lytton and the Second Afghan War. These volumes supersede a former work partly covering the same period, viz., ' History of the British Empire in India, 1844 62.' "A practically useful work of reference for the general reader." -- AthencBum. 7735 Warren Hastings : a Biography, 12mo, cloth. 1879 2s 6d 7358 — — Warren Hastings, and the Founding of the British Admin- istration (** Rulers of India" Series), 12mo, cloth. 1890 2s 7359 The Earl of Auckland and the First Afghan War, with map (♦' Rulers of India " Series), 12mo. cloth. 1893 2s 7360 The Marquess of Dalhousie ("Statesmen" Series), 12mo, cloth. 1895 Is 6d See also Hodson, Nicholson, Tayler. 7361 Tucker (Henry St. George) Accountant-General of Bengal and Chairman of the E.I. Co., Life and Correspondence of, by [Sir] J. W. Kaye, portrait, 8vo, calf extra. 1854 6s Mr. St. George Tucker was personally associated with Indian affairs for more than half a century. 7362 Memorials of Indian Government : Selected Papers, edited by Kaye, 8vo, cloth. 1853 5s 7363 Another copy, 8vo, calf extra, 1853 6s This volume contains papers on the E.I. Co.'s Administi-ation and Military Establishments, Kevenues, Resources, the Judicial System, Political Relations with Native and Conquered States, Hindooism and Christianity, Finance, Education, Slavery, Commerce, &c. 7364 Review of the Financial Situation of the E.I. Co. in 1824, 8vo, calf, pp. 8, 244. 1825 . 3s 6d 88. High Street, Marylebone, London, W, India 247 7365 Tucker (Major-General) A Glance at the Past and the Future in connection with the Indian Revolt, 8vo, pp. 36. 1857 2s 6d 7366 Tuckett (Harvey) The Indian Revenue System, 8vo, pp. 172, map. 1840 3s 6d 7367 Tulloch (Major R. E.) Report on Drainage and Sewerage of Bombay, plans, royal 8vo, cloth. 1872 3s 6d 7368 Report on Water Supply of Bombay, pla7i8, royal 8vo, cloth. 1872 5s Turner (Capt. Samuel) Journey through Bootan. See Tibet. 7369 Twining (Thomas) Travels in India a Hundred Years Ago, with a Visit to the United States (1795), portrait and mapf 8vo, cloth. 1893 6s Notes and reminiscences of two voyages to India and several years' service with the E.I. Company, including visits to Madras, Agra, Delhi, &c., between 1792 and 1805, when Mr. Twining was obliged by the climate to return to England. 7370 Tyacke (Mrs. R. H.) How I Shot my Bears ; or, Two Years' Camp Life in Kullu arid Lahoul, 12mo, cloth. 1893 4s 7371 Tyerman (Daniel) and Bennet (George) Journal of Voyages and Travels for the London Miss. Soc. to the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c., compiled by James Montgomery, plates^ 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1831 9s 6d The deputation visited Calcutta, Serampore, Benares, Allahabad, Patna, Viza- gapatam, Madras, Cuddapah, Bellary, Belgaum, Goa, Bangalore, Coimbetoor,Tra van- core, Tiichinopoly, and other mission stations between April, 182G, and October, 1827. See Vol. II., Chaps, xliii. to li. 7371b U (A.) Overland, Inland, and Upland : a Lady's Notes of Observation and Adventure, 18 illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1873 3s 6d Anglo-Indian Life in Calcutta, Education, Religion, the Zenana, Mohurrum, Visit of the Duke of Edinburgh, Journey from Madras to the Shevaroy Hills, &c. 7372 Valbezen (E. de) Consul at Calcutta. The English and India, translated by a Diplomate, 8vo, cloth. 1883 4s 6d A French narrative of the Mutiny, its origin, suppression, &c., with chapters on the Punjab, the Mahrattas, Campaigns of Havelock, Colin Campbell, and Sir Hugh Rose, Public Works, Trade, Russia, &c. 7373 Valentia (George, Viscount) Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802-6, with 69 fltw plates by Angus, Landseer, Warren, and others, 3 vols. 4to» calf. 1809 ^1 1^» Vol. I. Contains the Voyage to India, visits to St. H elena, the Cape, Calcutta, Berhampore, Jungepore, Monghyr, Patna, Benares, and Residence there ; LucUnow, Canouge, Kuttyghur, Cawnpore, &c. ; Account of Society in Calcutta, Voyage to Ceylon and Southern India, Visits to Tanjore, londicherry, the Seven ragotias, Madras and Residence there ; Bangalore, Seringapatani, Mangalore, &c. Vols. II. and III. The Red Sea, Abyssinia, Egypt. 7374 Voyages and Travels of Lord Valentia, another edition, 3 vols. 8vo, with the plates in 4to, half-russia. 1811 ^^ Valentyn (Francois) Description of Surat, and History of the Mogul Emperors, 1724, with illustrations. See p. 23. 83, High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. 248 Frcmcis Edwofl-ds^a Gaialogue 7375 Valle (Pietro della) Viaggi di. . . .il Pellegrino (1614-26). Descritti da lui medesimo in 54 Lettere familiari Divisi in tre parti, cioe la Turchia, la Persia, e I'lndia, 3 vols, small 4to, calf. Rome, 1650-58 £1 10s 7376 French translation: Les Fameux Voyages de....dans la Turquie, I'Egypte, la Palestine, la Perse, et les Indes Orientales revues, corriges, et augmentes en cette second edition, 3 vols, small 4to, calf. Paris, 1670-84 £2 10s 7377 Travels of P. della Yalle : Description of the East Indies, &c. English translation by G. Havers ; also Terry's Voyage, folio, calf. 1665 £1 This edition of P. della Valle contains his letters from Surat, March 22 ; Goa, April 27, Oct. 10 ; Onor, Oct. 30; Mangalore, Dec. 9, 1623; Goa, Jan. 31 and Nov. 4, 1624; Muscat, Jan. 19; Bassora, May 20, Aleppo, Aug. 5; Cj'prus, Sept. 6; Malta, Nov. 4 ; Syracuse, Dec. 4, 1025; and Messina, Jan. 24, 1626. Della Valle gives a very good account of the English at Surat, their manner of living at the expense of the Company and assembling for their meals, as well as for prayers, society being free and jovial, ladies not being allowed in the English factory. 7378 Havers's English translation, edited by Edward Grey (Hakluyt Soc), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1892 £1 " Of travellers whose steps were led to India by no inducements of trade or service, but who came for their own pleasure or convenience, the prince of all such, who have related their experiences, is Pietro della Valle, the most insatiate in curiosity, the most intelligent in apprehension, thp fulle>t and most accurate in description."— General Yule. 7379 Vambery (Arminius) The Coming Struggle for India : Account of the Encroachments of Russia in Central Asia, coloured viap, 8vo, cloth. 1885 2s 6d For other works by Vambery, see p. 57. 7381 [Vansittart (Henry), Governor of Bengal] Original Papers relative to Disturbances in Bengal, 1759-64, 2 vols. 8vo, hf.-cf. 1765 12s Authentic papers sent by Mr. Vansittart to England and published by his friends. 7382 Narrative of the Transactions in Bengal, 1760-64, large- paper, 3 vols, royal 8vo, calf. 1766 £1 4s A new edition of ' Original Papers,' with a connected narrative, published by Mr. Vansittart himself on his return to England. The period of Vansittart's administration (in succession to Olive) is memorable for the dethronement of the Nawab Meer Jaffir, and the setting up of his ton-in- law Meer Cossim in his place ; Grant of the revenues of Burdwan, Midnapore, f>nd Chittagong to the Company ; the Patua massacre oy Sumroo, 1763 ; the first Sepoy Mutiny, and Battle of Baxar gained by Major Munro in 1764. Warren Hastings was then a junior member of the Council, and these volumes contain some of his corre- spondence and opinions. One of Hastings's first acts was to investigate some native correspondence, and to discover the forgery in which fNuncomar was implicated. The opinions of Vansittart (who thought Nuncomar " a dangerous man, and not to be trusted "), Marriott, Major Carnac, Major Adams, and other members of the council, are recorded in the third volume (July 6, 1763). 7383 Varthema. The Navigation and Voyages of Lewis Wer- tomannus to the Regions of Arabia, Egypt, Persia, Syria, Ethiopia, and East India, 1503-8. Translated by Richard Eden, 1576, reprint. Edinburgh, 1884 3s 7384 Travels of Ludovico di Varthema, translated by J. Winter Jones, edited by Dr. Badger, 8vo, cloth. (Hakluyt Soc.) 1863 18s Varthema was one of the first Europeans to visit India, about 1507. He describes Bengal, Gujarat, &c., and suggests that the people were greatly oppressed. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. India 249 7385 Vereker (F. C. P.) Original Water-Colour Sketches of Places in the Dominions of H.M. Queen Victoria, in velvet portfolio £2 10s Perira I.- land ; Colaba Poiut, Bombay ; Point de Galle and Trincomalee, Ceylon; George Town, Penaug ; Malacca; Singapore Harbour ; Port Victoria, Labuan. 7386 Verelst (Harry) View of the State of the English Government in Bengal, including a Reply to the Misrepresentations of Mr. Bolts and other Writers, 4to, calf. 1772 12s Governor Verelst concludes for " the iu)pos^ibility of introducing the English laws into Bengal." His policy was most advanced and his observations are of per- manent value. For the Work of Mr. Bolts, see p. 84. 7387 Verney ([Sir] Edm. Hope) The "Shannon's" Brigade in India: Account of Sir W. Peel's Naval Brigade in the Indian Campaign, 1857-58, portrait and plans, royal 8vo, cloth. 1862 5s 7388 Vetch (Major) The Gong ; or, Reminiscences of India, illus- trated, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1852 3s 6d 7389 Vibart ([Col.] H. Meredith, R.E.) Military History of the Madras Engineers and Pioneers, from 1743 to 1880, maps and plans, 2 thick vols. 8vo, cloth. 1881 * (puh. £3 4s) 12s 6d An invaluable work containing maps or plans of Ifort St. George, the Siege of Manila (1762), I'oudicherry, Cuddalore, Bangalore. Seringajjatam, Vellore, Reunion Island, Mauritius, and Port Louis. Operations against the Pindarees, Rangoon, Ava, Malacca, Coorg, China War, 1842, Indian Mutiny, Abyssinia, Perak, Afghanistan, &c. 7390 Addiscombe, its Heroes and Men of Note, with Introduc- tion by Lord Roberts and List of Cadets, 1809-61, coloured frontis- piece, portraits, views, and plans, 2 vols. 4to, cloth. 1894 12s 7391 Vibart (Col. Edward) The Sepoy Mutiny as seen by a Subaltern, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1898 4s With additional chapter " How the Electric Telegraph Saved India "—the true version of the " fateful telegram " signalled from Delhi to Umballa by P. V. Luke, Esq., reprinted from Macmillan's Magazine, Oct., 1897. 7392 Vigne (G. T.) Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the Countries adjoining the Mountain Course of the Indus, and the Himalaya, North of the Pan jab, 2 maps, 11 litho plates, and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1844 10s Mr. Vigne was the first European who penetrated beyond the snowy range as far as Iskardo, and his work gives a full account of that interesting tract of Alpine India. He has some extracts of Dardistan and Dard history. 7393 Vinson (Julien) L'Inde Fran9aise et les Etudes Indiennes, 1882-84, 8vo, pp. 78. Paris, 1885 2s 6d 7394 Von Orlich (Capt. Leopold) Travels in India, Sinde, and the Punjab, 1842-43, translated from the German, illttstrated, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1845 ^^ Letters addressed to Carl Ritter and Alex. Humboldt in 1842-43. The writer visited Bombay and Poonah, Kurachee, Hyderabad, Ellore, Ferozpoor, Lahore, Delhi, Agra, Bhurtpoor, Mathura, Cawnpoor, Lucknow, Allahabad, Benares ana Calcutta. Four letters treat of the Anglo-Indian Army, the Court at Uemi, tne Criminals of India, and the Religion and Education of the Hmdoos. 7395 The Military Mutiny in India, its Origin and its Re«ul*s, 8vo, pp. x-31, half-calf. 1858 *^ ^ 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. 250 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 7396 Waddell (Major L. A.) Among the Himalayas, with over 100 illustrations by A. D. M'Cormick, roy. 8vo, cloth. 1899 6s 6d During fourteen years the author traversed portions of this region nearly every year, sketching, shooting, collecting, and especially exploring the customs of the people on the frontiers of Tibet, and of Nepal— the land of the warlike Goorkhas— living in tents for four or five months for several successive years. To his own narrative he has added a summary of descriptions by other explorers, and geological notes by Mr. Blanford, mostly from reports inaccessible to the general reader. 7397 Mount Everest: among the Himalayas — Geog. Journal, 1898, Vol. XII. pp. 564, cloth 3s 7398 Wade (Lieut.-Col. Sir Claude) Memoir (Ext. R. Asiatic Soc, 1862), pp. 8 Is 6d See Barr. 7399 Wakefield (W.) The Happy Valley: Sketches of Kashmir and the Kashmiris, map and illustrations^ 8vo, cloth. 1879 5s Wales (Albert Edward, Prince of, King Edward VII.), Visit to India, 1875-76. See Fayrer, Frere, Ghose, Russell (W. H.). Wales (Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence) Visit to India, 1890. See Rees, Warburton. Wales (James) Paintings of the Cave Temples of EUora, Elephanta, and Salsette, 1792-93. See Daniell, above, p. 106. Accounts of Wales and his work will be found in the Indian Antiquary^ Feb. and April, 1880, and in Douglas's ' Bombay,' Vol. I. pp. 448 et seq. The painter was also assisted by Mabon, see p. 181. 7400 W^alker (V7.) Papers on Pier Scheme for Bombay Harbour, pp. 72 and flan. Bombay, 1857 38 7401 Walker (Gen. J. T.) The Trans-Indus Frontier— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1862, XXXII. pp. 303-316, and map, cloth 3s 7402 and Freshfield (D.) Notes on Mt. Everest— Proc. R. Geog. Soc. (N.S.), 1886, Vol. VIII. pp. 88-94, 176-188, 257-263, and sTieet o/ views, cloth 4s 6d 7403 The Kachin Tribes on the Frontier of Burmah — Proc. R. Geog. Soc. (N.S.), 1892, Vol. XIV. pp. 161-173, and mxif, cl. 2s 6d 7404 [^Vallace (R. G.)] Fifteen Years in India (1805-19): Sketches of a Soldier's Life, from the Journal of an OflBcer in H.M.S., 8vo, boards. 1822 5s Second edition, 8vo, half-calf. 1825 6s The author served in the Carnatic, Mysore, and Travancore, in Guzerat, and in the Deccan during the last Mahratta War. 7405 Wallace (Lieut.-Col. R.) The Guicowar and his Relations with the British Government, 700 pp. 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1863 7s 6d A most useful contribution to Mahratta history. 7406 Wallace (Robert) India in 1887, plates, 8vo, cloth. 1888 6s Wallace travelled through India to study the prospects of agriculture, crops, and cattle breeding, in the hope that the Government would establish an agricultural department. He visited Bombay, Simla, Lahore, Calcutta, Ddrjiling, Jessor, Nagpur, Madras, Tuticorin, Colombo, Utakamund (Neilgherries), Bangalore, Dharwar, and. Poonah. 83^ High Street, Marylehmie, Ls, plans, and numerous wood engravings, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1859 16s Geology, mineralogy, gems ; climate, health, disease ; vegetation ; zoology ; the Singhalese chronicles and Buddhist monuments ; population, agriculture, com- meice, manufactures, arts, social life, science, literature, mediasval history ; history of the Portuguese, Dutch, and English in Ceylon ; the elephant ; forests ; the ruined cities ; pearl fishery, coffee planting ; the v eddahs, «fec. 7590 Ceylon, new edition, with chapter on Buddhism and Demon Worship, 2 vols. Svo, calf. 1860 24s 7591 Ceylon, revised edition, tvith newly engraved illustrations and additional references in the Index, 2vols. 8vo, cloth. 1860 28s Thunbebg's Visit to Ceylon, 1777-8. See Japan. 7595 Tombe (Ch. F.) Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 1802-6 lies de France, Bonaparte, Java, Ceylon, &c., 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, Atlas of 18 plates, 4to, cloth. 1811-10 £1 Vol. II. contains an account of the capture of Colombo by the English in 1796, and a Malay grammar and vocabulary. 7596 Turnour (Hon. George) An Epitome of the History of Ceylon from Native Annals ; and the First Twenty Chapters of the Mahdwanso, 8vo, cloth. Ceylon, 1836 7s 6d Valentia (Lord) Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, &c., 1802-6. See pp. 23, 247. Lord Valentia visited Ceylon in 1804. Vol. I. contains an account of the capture of the maritime provinces by the English forces, and of the Dutch trade with the island. Valentyn's Account of Ceylon, &c., 1724. See p. 23. Valentyn's fifth volume contains a valuable account of Ceylon and of the Dutch Administration, with reports of the Governors, which, however, are said to have been falsified to deceive the Home Government (' Valentia's Travels,' vol. i. p. 290). " Philalethes" (? Dr. Fellowes) availed himself largely of Valentyn's work. Varthema, Visit to Ceylon, c. 1506. See Hakluyt Society's edition, 1863, p. 23 ; abstract of in Suckling's Ceylon (Vol. i. pp. 272-3). Vebeker's Views of Point de Galle and Trincomalee. See p. 249. 7598 Walters (Alan) Palms and Pearls ; or, Scenes in Ceylon, 8vo, cloth, 1892 4s 6d History, the people, Colombo, Anuradhapoora, rivers and mountains, fauna and flora, gems, minerals, and pearls. 7599 Wolf (John Chr.) Life and Adventures of, with a Description of Ceylon, its Natural Productions, and the Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants, 8vo. 1785 For other accounts of Ceylon, the collector is referred to the following works in preceding- pages— viz., Dutch E.I. Co., p. 6 ; Herbert (Sir T.), p. 10 ; Lettres Edifiantes, p. 12 ; Marco Polo, p. 14 ; Maundevile, p. 14 ; North (Marianne), p. 15 Sonnerat,p. 21 ; also to the following in Indian Section :— Arnold (Sir Edwin), p. 75 Arnold (Lester), 75 ; Brown (Moray), 88 ; Caine (W. S.), 92 ; Chevrillon, 97 ; Dilke 111 ; Egerton, 126 ; Faria-y-Sousa, 131 ; Frederickson, 137 ; Graham (Maria), 142 Hall (Basil, 146; Home ("Naufragus"), 158; Hutton (J.), 161; Kennedy, 169 Letters from India, 1870, 177 ; Miln, 196 ; Murray's Handbook, 200 ; Pennant, 212 iluusselet, 228 ; Salt, 224; Soltykoff, 232 ; Wallace (R.), 250; Wilson (Bp. Daniel),' 26\j. 8Sf High Street, Ma/rylebone, London^ W. ( 267 ) MALDIVES, LACCADIVES, AND MINICOY. 7600 Alcock (Prof. A., M.B. LL.D.) A Naturalist in Indian Seas, Four Years with the Indian Survey Expedition in the ''Investi- gator," illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1902 18s Includes Surveys and Deep Sea Dredgings in the Laccadive Sea, Visits to Minicoy (with account of its botanical and physical features), the Andamans, &c. 7601 Basevi (Capt. J.) Account of the Island of Minicoy— Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1872, vol. xlii. pp. 368-372, cloth 2s 6d Ddquesne's Visit to the Maldive Islands, 1690. See p. 116. 7602 Gardiner (J. Stanley) and others : The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes: Account of the Work and Collections made by an Expedition, 1899-1900. To be com- pleted in 8 parts, forming 2 vols. Subscription for the whole, £4i 4s. ; or 15s. per part separately. Parts I. and II. now ready. -^ 7603 Horsburgh (Capt.) On the Maldiva Islands ; also Owen (Capt. W. F.) on same— JouB. R. Geog. Soo., 1832, vol. ii. pp. 72-92, chart, cloth 3s 6d Ibn Batuta. Two Visits to the Maldive Islands, including Resi- dence there (1343-44 and 1346), and Account of the Inhabitants. See Oriental Translation Fund, vol. i. (chap, xix.) ; Yule's Cathay, vol. ii. ; Gray's Voyage of Pyrard, vol. ii. pp. 434-468. 7604 Moresby (Commodore) The Northern Atolls of the Maldives surveyed in the "Benares," 1834-35— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1835, vol. V. pp. 398-404, cloth 3s 6d 7605 Pyrard (Fran9ois), of Laval, Voyage of, to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil (1601-11), translated and edited by Albert Gray, assisted by H. C. P. Bell, unth maps and illustra- tions, 2 vols, in 3, 8vo, cloth (Hakluyt Society). 1887-90 £1 10s See also India, p. 216 ; Purchas, Vol. II. ; Harris, Vol. I., and other Collections. Pyrard was wrecked on one of the Maldives in July, 1302, and remained jn the islands till 1607, when he, with some of his surviving companions, succeeded in getting away. He afterwards visited Minicoy, the Laccadives, Calicut, Cochin, and Goa, which, as well as the islands, he describes most, minutely. He gives accounts of the inhabitants of the Maldives, their king and government, customs, ceremonies. trade, religion, &c. ; also of the Portuguese conquests and traflfic, a 'Treatise of Animals, Trees, and Fruits of the East Indies, and a Dictionary of the Mnldive Language, to which the Editors luave added some valuable notes and additions from Lieut. Christopher's Vocabulary (1821) ; Early Notices of the Maldives from tHe Arabians-Mas'udi, Alberuni, Edrisi, Ibn Batuta (pp. 484-68)- Portuguese writers- Barbosa, De Barros, &c.. and the Parmentiers ; Notices of the Exiled Kings of the Maldives ; History of Kunhali, the Malabar Corsair ; List of the Mahommedan Kings of the Maldive Islands, and a copious Index. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 268 Frwtms EdAJOwrdis Catalogue 7606 Robinson (W.) Report on the Laccadive Islands [including Minicoy], May, 1848, royal 8vo, cloth. Madras, 1874 4s 6d The inhabitants, trade and products, government, revenue, &c. Description of the Laccadive Islands, with chart — Madras Journal, 1847, vol. xiv. (pt. 2) pp. 1-46 Suckling (Capt.) The Maldives, their Trade, &c. See p. 265. Symson (Capt. Wm.) Description of the Maldivy Islands, their Trade and Inhabitants, 1715. See India, p. 236. 7607 Wood (Lieut. John) The Lakeradeevh Archipelago — Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1836, vol. vi. pp. 29-32, cloth 2s 6d Yule (Sir H.) The Maldive Islands — Ency. Britannioa, vol. xv. ANDAMAN AND NICOBAE ISLANDS. Abu Taleb Khan's Visit to the Nicobar Islands, c. 1800. See Stewart (Prof.), p. 234. Aloock (A.). Surveying Visits of the *' Investigator " to the Anda- man Islands, &c. See p. 267. Alexander (Sir J. E.) Account of the Andaman Islands, 1826. See p. 2. 7610 Andaman Islands (The) with Notes on Barren Island (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 25), ma'ps and illustrations , royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1859 6s Includes narratives of visits by Colebrooke (1789-9*"), Playfair, and other previously unpublished account!?, specimens of the Andaman language, <&c. 7611 Andaman Islands, Statistics of Population Enumerated 17th Feb., 1881, folio, sewed. Calcutta, 1883 Is 6d 7612 Anderson (Capt. T. C.) A Few Words about Two Andamanese Lads, 8vo, pp. 4 (MS. corrections) Is 6d 7613 Atkinson (G. M.) Notes on the Nicobar Islanders (Jour. Ethn. Soo., vol. ii.), 8vo, pp. 137-140, and plate 2s 7614 Baker (Rev. T. T.) Recent Operations at Rangoon, &c., 8vo, cloth. 1852 2s 6d Contains an account of the destruction of English ve-sels, massacre of Europeans by natives of Nancowry, Nicobar Islands, Oct., 1851. 7616 Ball (V.) Notes on the Nicobar and Andaman Islands — Proc. Asiatic Soc, Bengal, Oct., 1869, pp. 4 Is 6d 7617 Geology and Fauna, Nancowry Harbour, Nicobar Islands — Jour. Asiatic Soc- Bengal, 1870, pp. 25 39 28 7618 Notes on Geology of Port Blair, Andaman Islands— Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1870, pp. 231-39 28 7619 Notes on Birds observed at Port Blair, Andaman Islands — Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1870, pp. 240-43 Is 6d 7620 Ee view of Papers relating to Nicobar Islands, 1870 -Calcutta Rev., Oct., 1870, pp. 1-23 2s 6d 7621 Visit to the Andamanese "Home," Port Blair (P. oc. Roy. Irish Acad., Nov., 1871 ), 8vo, pp. 1, and plate. Is 6d See also ' Jungle Life in India,' &c., p. 298. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London^ W, Andaman and Nicohar Islands 269 7623 Birch (Wm. B.) The Andaman Islands {Calcutta Review, 1870, pp. 152-177) 2s 6d 7624 Blair (Arch.) Survey of the Andamans, 1793. O' Riley's Notices of the Red Karens' Country, 1857, tronomv among the Karens, with Vocabu- lary— Bengal Asiatic Soc, 1865, pp. l'73-188; 195-250, cloth 5s 6d 7755D Phvsical Character of the Karens - Bengal Asiatic Soc, 1866, pp. 1-30, cloth ■ 2s 6d 7756 Mason (Mrs. E. H. H.) The Civilizing of Mountain Men ; or, Mission Work among the Karens, 12mo, cloth. 1862 3s 6d Methold (Wm.j Relations of the Kingdom of Golconda Arrecan, Pegu, Tennassery, &c., and the English Trade there (1619). See PuROHAs, His Pilgrimes (vol. v. pp. 993-1007). SS, High Street, Manrylebone, London, W. Burma 279 7757 Moore (Lieut. Joseph) Eighteen Views taken at or near Rangoon, coloured after the original drawings, royal folio, Lalf morocco extra. 1825 £4 lOs The 18 views depict Port Cornwallis (Great Andamao) and the Fleet there collected; Landing of the Forces at Rangoon; Attacks upon the Stockades (5); the CouflagratioQ of l)alla (Rangoon River) ; the Great Dagon Pagoda, exterior, interior, and its approaches (8) ; the Lake and Eastern Road (2). 7758 Another copy, with lithograph list of Subscribers, and six additional views by Stothard, David Cox, and G. Webstee, from drawings by Capt. Marry at and Capt. Thornton, in all 24 beautiful coloured pictures, roy. fol., half-morocco. 1825-26 £5 15s The six additional views are : — 19 Storming of the Fort of Syriam. 20 Attack ott the Dalla Stockade. 21 Attempt of the Birmans to retake the Dalla Stockade. 22 One of the Captured Birman Gilt War Boats. 23 Transports attacking the Stockades at entrance of the Bassein R'ver. 24 Combined Forces passing the Fortress of Donahue. 7759 Another copy, containing the twenty-four views (enumerated above), a plan of Rangoon, the river and stockades, and notes descriptive of all the views, oblong royal folio, half-morocco extra {choice copy) £6 10s 7760 Nisbet (Dr. John) Burma under British Rule, maps aiid illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, 1902 18s ''To the Burmese themselves, their religion, social iuetitutionp, industries, idealsj aud ideas, approximately half the book is devoted. Mr. Nisbet adds t»uu- pathetic insight to long experieoC'? The chapters on agriculture are of the greatest interest The chief staple is rice. Cotton is also grown. Jade and precious stones figure in the lift of Burma's resources. On all these, and the resultant trade. Mr. Ninbei's book is a mine of information."— ^^/lewcewm. 7761 O' Riley (E.) Journal of a Tour in Karennee, 1856, &c. (Ind. Govt. Records, No. 24), royal 8vo, cloth 4s Mission, 1864. See Salweeu Expedition, below. 7762 Parish (Rev. C.) Notes of a Trip up the Salween, with 3 platts —Bengal Asiatic See., 1865, pp. 135-146, cloth 3s 6d 7763 Parker (E. H.) Burma's Supposed " Tribute " to China— Asiatic Quarterly, July, 1898, pp. 152-173 2s 6d 7764 Paske (Dep. Sur.-Gen. C. T.) Myamma ; a Retrospect of Life and Travel in Lower Burmah, edited by F. G. Aflalo, 12mo, cloth. 1893 3s 6d With chapters on Mergui and the Mergui Archipelago. Peaoh (Capt. E.) The Burmese War of 1885— Ency. Britannioa, Vol. XXVI. 7765 Pegu, Survey Reports of Central and Northern (Ind. Govt. Reports, Nos. 15 and 20), roy. 8vo, cl. Calcutta, 1856 each 2s 6d 7766 Map of Province, 45 in. by 39 in., coloured, mounted, and folded, second edition, small 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1857 3s 6d Pinto (Mendez) Adventures on the Coast of Pegu, Martaban, &c. 1555-56 (?). See pp. 17 and China. BS, High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. 280 Fra/ncis Edwards^ s Gatahgue 7767 Phayre (Sir Arthur) History of Burma, Pegu, Taungu, Tenas- serim, and Arakan (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, el. 1883 18s 7768 Memorandum on the Sparseness of Population in B. Burmah, 8vo, pp. 43. Rangoon, 1862 3s 7769 Administration of British Burma, 1862-63, 4to, half- morocco. Rangoon, 1863 4s 6d 7770 Report for 1863^64, royal 8vo. Calcutta, 1864 2s 6d 7771 Report for 1864-65, royal 8vo. Calcutta, 1865 2s 6d 7772 Report for 1865-66, royal 8vo. Calcutta, 1866 2s 6d 7773 Coins of Arakan, of Pegu, and of Burmah, vnth 5 plates (Intern. Numismata Orientalia), roy. 4to, pp. 56, half-bd. 1882 7s 6d 7774 Mission to the King of Burmah, 1855. See Yule, p. 283. 7775 Pollok (Col. F. S.) and Thorn (W. S.) Wild Sports in Burma and Assam, 3 maps and 60 photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 6s Lower Burma and its People, Small Game, Big Game, Carnivora, bv Col. Pollok ; Upper Burma and its People, Mandalay, Ruby Mines, Elephants, Wild Cattle, &;c., by W. S. Thorn. General Sport and Pig Sticking in Assam, by Col. Pollok, Coss)'^ah and Jynteah Hills. 7776 Prendergast (Gen. Sir H. N. D.) Burman Dacoity and Patriotism ; Burmese Politics ; also the Chins and the Kachins, by Taw Sein Ko— Asiatic Quarterly, April, 1893, pp. 271-292 2s 6d 7777 Reid (A. S.) Chin-Lushai Land : a description of the various Expeditions into the Hills, and the final Annexation of the Country, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1893 5s 6d With ethnographical information regarding the Chin Race. 7778 Rundall (Major F. M.) The Siyin Chins, map, royal 8vo, cloth (R. G. S.). 1886 4s 7779 Salween Surveying Expeditions : Journals of Capt. C. E. Watson and Lieut. G. C. Sconce, 1863-64; O'Riley's Mission to Karennee, 1863-64 (Ind. Govt. Records, Nos. 48 and 49), 2 vols. maps, royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1865 6s 7781 Sangermano (Rev. Father) A Description of the Burmese Empire, compiled chiefly from Native Documents, translated from his MS. by Wm. Tandy, D.D., with Preface by Cardinal Wiseman (Oriental Translation Fund), 4to, calf. Rome, 1833 15s 7783 The Burmese Empire a Hundred Years Ago, edited with Notes and Introduction by the Hon. Mr. Justice "Jardine, map, 8vo, cloth. 1893 6s "The best work on the condition of the Burmese Empire under the dynasty of Alompra. Father Sangermano arrived in Burroa in 1783 and returned to Italy in 1808. The increase of our knowledge since his time does not detract from the value of his work or lessen its charm We feel his contact with the people ; we learn how their religion influenced their life. His account of Buddhism and translation of the Buddhist canon was made with the assistance of native scholars, and he went direct to the Burmese annals for his history." 83, High Street, Mcvrylebone, London, W. Bv/rma 261 7784 [Scott (Sir James George)] The Burman, his Life and Notions, by '♦ Shway Yoe," 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1882 12s 7785 Another edition, 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. 1896 8s. Contents : First Years, School Days, Buddhist Baptism, Life in the Monastery, Tattooing, Ear- Boring, Marriage, Domestic Life, the House, the Earth and its Beginning, the Ladder of Existence, Schismatics, Pagodas, Images, Bells, Feasts, Spirit Worship, Silk Growing, Plays, Dancing, Music and Songs, a Boat Race, Chess, Games, Lucky and Unlucky Days, Laws and Etiquette, Wizards, Doctors, and Wise Men, Slaves and Outcasts, the White Elephant, King Theebaw, the Palace, Ministers of State, the Army, Justice, Revenue, Land Tenure, Language, Literature, Eras, Time, &c. " Perhaps the best and most complete account of the Burmese people that has yet appeared." — Winston, p. vii. 7786 The Wild Wa— a Head-Hunting Race (Shans)— Asiatic Q. Rev., Jan., 1896, pp. 138-152 2s 6d Burma, Physical Features, Population, Government, Shan States, Commerce, Statistics — Ency. Bbitannica, Vol. XXVI. (1902) 7787 Sladen (Major E. B.) Expedition from Burma to S.W. China, 1868— J. R. Geog. Soc, 1871, Vol. XLI. pp. 257-281 and mav, cloth 4s 6d See also Anderson, pp. 272 and 284. 7788 Smeaton (D. Mackenzie) The Loyal Karens of Burma, 12mo, cloth. 1887 3s 6d Treats of their origin, language, physical characteristics, customs, folklore, traditions, fireside stories, and Chrietianization. 7789 Snodgrass (Major J. J.) Narrative of Operations of the Barmese War, from the landing at Rangoon in 1824 to the Treaty of Peace in 1826, map, 8vo, half-calf. 1827 3s 6d 7790 Another copy, calf 4s 6d 7791 Sutherland (Wm.) South Tenasserim and the Mergui Archi- pelago, 7 iii'^strations— Scottish Geog. Mag., Sept., 1898, pp. 449- 464 2s 7792 Symes ([Col.] Michael) Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava in 1795, map, plan, and 26 plates, 4to, half-calf. 1800 12s 7793 Large-paper edition, royal 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges £\ 7794 Embassy to Ava, second edition, 3 vols. 8vo, Atlas of 2S plates, 4to, calf. 1800 l^s 6d The narrative of the Mission is preceded bv an Historical Memoir of the Ava Empire, and supplemented by Descriptions of Plants collected by Dr. Buchauan- Hamilton. The object of the Mission was to establish friendly relations with the Emperor, but it ended in failure. 7795 The Birman Empire: Symes' Embassy to Ava, and Bell (H. G.) Narrative bringing the History down to the Birmese War, 2 vols. 18mo (Constable), half-calf. 1827 3s 6d 7796 Tavoy and Mergui, Remarks on (cutting from the Rangoon Times, Sept. 15, 1871), 14 pp. ^ ff 83, High Street, Ma/ryUhon^, London, W. 282 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 7797 Theobald (Wm.) Notes on Stone Implements of Burma (Proc. Asiatic See, July, 1869), pp. 6 and 2 plates 2s •7798 Geology of Pegu, plates (Geol. Survey India, Yol. X. pt. 2). CalcuttUj 1873 4s 7799 [Trant (Capt. Thomas Abercrombie)] Two Years in Ava, 1824- 1826, by an Officer on the Staff of the Q.-M. General, 3 maps, 8vo, boards. 1827 5s 7801 Tripe (Capt. L., Madras Army) Burmese Photographs : a Series of 120 large views taken during Sir A. Phayre's Mission to Ava, in 1855, each mounted on cardboard, with short description, the whole in 1 large portfolio (scarce) £2 2s One plate (No. 119) missing. This collection of photographic views in Ava, Amei-apoora, Kangoon, Prome, Thavet-Myo. Mengoon. Tsagain-Myo, Tantabeng, and Pugahm-Myo, consists chiefly of the grander examples of Burmese architecture— brick, stone, stucco, wood, in- cluding beautiful carved work from Pagodas, Temples, Palaces, Monasteries, Colossal Buddhas, , the Editors, and others. 7841 Corse (John) Observations on the Habits and Natural History of Asiatic Elephants, with 8 plates, 4to, calf. 1799 6s Two Papers from the Philosophical Transactions. 83, High Street, Ma/ryhbone, London, W, 286 Francis Edwwrd^B Catalogue 7842 Day (F.) The Fishes of India, being a Natural History of the Fishes known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon (with Supplement), 198 plates, fi{?iiting many hundred specimens, 2 vols. imp. 4to, half-morocco. 1878 88 (pub. £12 12s) £4 4s 7843 Catalogue of Indian Fresh Water Fishes .(Madras Jour. Sci.), 8vo, pp. 73. 1868 "^28 6d With letter from the Author. 78U Eeport on the Fisheries. of the Punjab, folio, pp. 18. [187-] 28 7845 Report on Fresh Watt r Fish and Fisheries of India, royal 8vo, sewed. Simla, 1871 2s 6d 7846 Report on the Fresh Water Fish and Fisheries of India and Burma, royal 8vo. sewed. Calcutta, 1873 3s 7847 Report on the Sea Fish of India and Burma, royal 8vo. 1873 3s 7848 Amphibious and Migratory Fishes of Asia ; Indian Fresh Water Fishes : Siluridae (Linn. Soc. Jour. Zool., xiii. pp. 197-215, 337-353). 1877 2s 6d 7849 Monographs on Indian Fishes : Seven Papers from Bengal Asiatic Jouknal, 1871-72 oach Is 7851 Distant (W. L.) Rhopalocei-a Malayana : Description of the Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula, with 46 heautifulhj coloured plates and numerous luoodcuts, 4 to, half-morocco. 1882-86 Jtjo Ss 7852 Donovan (E.) Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of China, containing 50 engraved plates beautifully coloured from specimens, representing npivnrds of 100 species, with dej^criptions, 4to, morocco. 1798 £*3 3s 7853 Natural History of the Insects of India and the Islands of the Indian Seas, containing 57 plates, heautifulhj colonved, repre- senting upwards of 250 species, with plants on which they tetd, 4to, morocco. 1800 £2 15s Wanting one plate. 7854 Insects of New Holland, New Zealand, Islands of the Indian, Southern, and Pacific Oceans, with 39 plates, heaviifulUj coloured, 4to, half-morocco, gilt top. 1805 £5 15s Three plates and half a pnge of text wanting. 7855 Drury's Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, with 150 beautifully coloured plates, exhibiting 650 specimens of Foreign Insects, with descriptions, new edition by J. O. Westwood, 3 vols, 4to, halt- morocco. 1837 (pub. £15 15s) £3 7856 Elliot (D. G.) Monograph of the Paradiseid^, or Birds of Paradise, withSl beautifully col. plates, imp. folio, hf.-mor. 1873 £10 7858 Fayrer (Sir Joseph) The Royal Tiger of Bengal, his Life and Death, map and illustrations, 12mo, cloth , 2s A sketch of the natural history and habits of the largest and most powerful of the cat tribe. 7859 The Thanatophidia of India : a Description of the Venomous Snakes of the Indian Peninsula, with Account of the Influence of their Poison on Life, and a Series of Experiments, luith 31 jjlates (some coloured), folio, cloth. 1872 £5 15s 7860 ■ Second edition, with 31 plates (some coloured) emd Additional Experiments, folio, leather. 1874 £S 5s 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. Zoology of India^ , folio, sewed. Calcutta, 1888 Is 6d 7945 Keturns for 1887-88, folio, sewed. Oo/cw^^a, 1889 Is 6d 7946 Keport on the Agricultural Conditions, Capabilities, &c., of the Neilgherry District, by W. R. Robertson, folio, sewed. Madras, 1875 28 7947 Principles of Rational Agriculture applied to India, by E. C. Schrottky, 8vo. cloth. Bombay, 1876 28 6d 7948 On Agricultural Reforms in India, by N. R. GhoUay, 12mo, sewed, pp. 33. Poona, 1881 Is 6d With letter from the Author. 7949 Revenue and Agricultural Department Government Records, Vol. I., 13 odd parts, relating to Grain, Yams, Wool, Dyes, Fibres, Cottons, and other Economic Products, royal 8vo. Calcutta, 1888-89 38 7950 Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India., Journal (Vols. I. to XIV.), 19 odd parts, not consecutive. Calcutta, 1846-63 each 6d 7951 Experience of a Planter in Mysore, by Robert H. Elliot, with Chapters on Native Agriculture, Coffee, Cinchona, and Cardamom Planting, Tea, Cotton, Silk, Sandal Wood, Rhea Grass, &c., map and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1871 8s 6d 7952 Thirty-Eight Years' Experience of a Planter, by the same, 12mo, cl. 1894 6s 7953 Duthie (J. F.) and Fuller (J. B.) Field and Garden Crops of N.W. Provinces and Oudh, Part I., plates, royal 4to, boards. Roorhee, 1882 6s 7964 Part M., plates, royal 4to, boards. Boorkee, 1883 7s 6d 7955 Buchanan-Hamilton (Dr.) Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, 1800-1, 37 plates, 3 vols. 4to, half-calf. 1807 £1 5s ' The most important report ever issued on the state of agriculture in India, methods«nd implements of husbandry, breeds of cattle, articles of produce, mines and mineral, manufactures, &c. See also Balfour's Encyclopsedia of India, p. 293 ; Huntbr's Indian Empire (pp. 575-647), p. 159; Buchanan's Mysore (p. 89;, Statistical Atlas (p. 233), Watt's Dictionary, p. 303, Cattle, Sugar, Tea, &c. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Geology, Botany, <&c., of India, Ceylon, Burma, (kc. 293 7956 Balfour (Surgeon-Gen. Edward) The Cyclopc^dia of India, and of Eastern and Southern Asia; Commercial, Industrial, and Scien- tific ; Products of the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms Useful Arts and Manufactures, with a General Index, 3 vols. 8vo* cloth. 1885 (pub. ^5 5g) ^{ This work affords valuable information on an immense variety of Subiects • Agriculture, Architecture, Armour, Arts and Manufactures, Bamboo, Beder Ware Betel, Boats and Ships, Bombay Work, Borax, Botany, Brass, Caoutchouc, Cardamoms' Carpets, Carving, Cinchona, Coal, Coffee, Colours, Commerce. Cotton, Diamonds' Dyes, Emeralds, Enamel, Fibrous Materials, Fisheries, Flora, Forests, Gold Gums and Resins, Horses, Indigo, Inlaying, Irrigation, Ivory, Jewellery, Jute, Lace, Oils Opium, Pepper, Rice, Salt, Saltpetre, Sculpture, Shawls, Silk, Spices, Sugar, Tea, &c.' 795G Beekeeping in India : a Collection of Papers, folio. Calcutta, 1883 3s 6d BiRDWOOD (Sir George) Industrial Arts of India. See p. 83. Botany, Flora, Algae, &c. 7957 Rheede (Hen. van) Hortus Indicus Malabaricus, Parts I. to lY., containing nearly 240 jine full- page engravings, 4 vols, folio, calf. Amsterdam, 1678-83 35s 7958 S wartz (Olavi) Flora Indise Occidentalis, 3 thick- vols. 8vo, bds. Erlangen, 1797-1806 12s Buchanan-Hamilton (Dr.) Plants Collected in Burmah during the Embassy to Ava, 1795, with 8 plates. See Symes p. 281. 7959 Wallich (Nathaniel) Plants Asiaticse Rariores ; or, Descriptions and Figures of^East Indian Plants : containing 295 plates, beautifully coloured, and map, 3 vols. imp. folio, half-calf. 1830-32 £15 With monographs by Prof. Nees, Von Esenbeck, Von Martius, &c. 7960 Roxburgh (Wm., M.D.) Flora Indica ; or, Descriptious of Indian Plants, Vol. III. Svo, boards. Serampore, 1832 Ss 7961 Flora Indica, reprint, royal Svo, cloth. Calcutta, 1874 58 Berkeley ( Rev. M. J.) On Himalayan Algae and Fungi. See Hooker's ' Himalayan Journals,' 1854, Vol. II. Appendix. 7962 Remarks on the Plants of Sind, by Assist.-Surg. Stocks (Bombay Records, 1855, pp. 589-612), royal Svo, cloth. 1848 4s 7963 Stewart(J. L.) Flora of the Trans-Indus Territories, Jouk. R. Geog. Soc, 1862, Vol. XXXII. pp. 316-334, cloth 28 6d 7964 A Botanizing Tour iu Huzara and Kh^gdn, 1859 (Agric. Soc. India), Vol. XIV. pp. 73. 1865 28 6d 7966 The Flora of the Punjab Salt Range (Agric. Soc. India, N.S., Vol. I. pp. 106. 1867 2s 6d 7966 Punjab Plants, Trees, Shrubs, and Herbs, royal 8vo, cloth. Lahore, 1869 4s 7967 Drury (H. Drew) Handbook to the India Flora : Guide to all Indigenous Flowering Plants, 3 vols. roy. 8vo, cl. 1864-69 £3 3s 7968 Mueller (Sir Ferd. von) Select Extra-Tropical Plants eligible for Culture or Naturalization, Indian Edition, 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1880 4s 6d 7969 Edition for Victoria. , Ss 7970 Edition for New South Wales. Ss 7971 Review of the Ferns of Northern India, by 0. B. Clarke, with index and 36 plates (Linnean Soc. Trans.), 4to, boards. 1880 68 7972 Plants and Drugs of Sind : Account of the Indigenous Flora, by James A. Murray, royal 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1881 3s 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 294 Francis Edwards's Catalogue Botany and Flora of the Indian Region (continued) — 7973 Remarks on the Ceylon Flora, by H. Trimen (Roy. Asiatic Soc, Ceylon), 8vo, pp. 21. 1885 Is 6d 7974 Nairne (Alex. K ) The Flowering Plants of Western India, with Index of Latin, Euglisb, and Native Names, 12mo, cloth. [1894] 3r 6d Plants of the Neilgherries. See Hough, p. 158. 7975 Aitchison (J. E. T.) Botany of the Afghan Delimitation Commission, with 48 plates CTrans. Linnean Soc), 4to, sewed, April, 1888 (pub. £3 12s) £1 15s See also Balfoui-, Fibres, Forestry, Gardening, Grififitb, Hooker, Mason, Materia Medica, Royle. 7977 Camel (The), its Uses and Management, by Major Arthur Glyn Leonard, royal 8vo, cloth. 1894 48 6d " An excellent book of reference, in which the variety of breeds, the structural peculiarities, the nature and character, the diseases and management of the camel are thoroughly discussed The general reader will find it a very interesting account— complete on every point — of an animal regarding which little is commonly known," — Asiatic Quarterly. 7978 Treatise on the Diseases and Breeding of, by J. J. Ayton, 8vo, boards. Calcutta, 1828 {rare) 4s 7979 Caoutchouc (The) of Commerce, and the Possibility of Acclima- tizing the Plants in India, by J. Collins and [Sir] D. Brandis, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1872 5s 7980 Cardamom Cultivation in Coorg, Memorahdum on, by Edgar Ludlow, roy. 8vo, pp. 23, ma'p, and 2 plates. Bangalore, 1871 3s 6d 7981 Cattle. Report on Indigenous Breeds of Cattle in the Madras Presidency, by Dr. John Shortt, folio, sewed, pp. 8. [187-] Is 6d 7982 Cattle Diseases, Papers relating to (Govt. Records, No. LXIX.), royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1868 2s 6d 7983 Papers relating to Cattle Disease (Bengal Records), royal 8vo, cloth. Calctitta, 1869 2s 6d 7984 Manual of the more Deadly Forms of Cattle Disease, royal 8vo, sewed. Cal- cutta. 1872 Is Cd 7985 Chinchona. Peruvian Bark, its Natural History and Properties, and Introduction into India, &c., 1860-80, by Sir Clements Mark- ham, nnaps and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1880 3s See also p. 191 ; Balfour, p. 293 ; Coffee, p. 295 ; Royle, p. 302 ; Watt, p. 303. 7986 Botanical Descriptions of the Species of Cinchonae now Growing in India and Ceylon, 8vo, pp. 31. 1861 Is 6d 7987 Coal. Papers on the Coal of the Nerbudda Yalley, Tenas- serim, and Thayet-Myo (Govt. Records), royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta^ 1856 2s 7988 Coal Resources and Production of India (Govt. Records, No. 64), maps, royal 8vo, sewed. Calcutta, 1868 2s 7989 On the Bokaro Coal Field, by T.W. H. B.ughes, plans. Sec. (Geol. Survey India, Vol. VI. pt. 2). 3s 6d 7990 Note on the Mohpdni Coal-Field, by H. B. Medlicott, and other 'Papers (Geol. Survey India, Vol. XII. pt. 2). 1879 38 7991 The Southern Coal-Fields of the Sdtpura Gondw^na Basin, by E. A. Jones, maps (Geol. Survey India, Vol. XXIV. pt. 1). 1887 28 6d 83 J Sigh Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. Geology, Bot(my, 863, royal 4to, half-morocco. 1874 21s 8166 Boring Beetles infesting Beer Casks, folio, pp. 4. 1867 Is 6d 8167 Watt (G.) Dictionary of the Economic Products of India (A.nimal, Vegetable, Mineral), 6 vols, in 9, royal 8vo, half-calf. Calcutta, 1889-96 ^^ ^^ Published under the authority of the Government of India, and indispensable to all who are interested in economic products, or engaged in the Indian Irade. The habitat, source history, properties and uses, markets, and statistics for each product are given, as well as the scientific, vernacular, and European names, in the compilation Mr. Watt was assisted by Mr. J. F. Duthie, Dr. J. Murray and numerous othe- contributors. , ^ i n i,- ^„i Among subjects speciallv treated are : Brewing, Chmchona, Coal, Cocnmeai, Coflfee, Coral, Cotton. Crops, Diamonds, Dyes, Fibres. Flax, Food ^t"^''';^®'*^'/""?^ and ResinP, Hemp, India Rubber, L.digo, Iron, Jade, Jute, Lac Leather, Materia Medica, Oils, Opium, Paper, Podophyllum, Pottery, Rice, Salt, bilk, bugar, lea, Tobacco, Wool. 8168 Wheat Impurities, Conference on, India Office, 8th May, 1889, folio, sewed f 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 304 Francis Edwards's Catalogue RELIGIONS, LANGUAGES, LITERATURE, FOLKLORE, SCIENCE, MUSIC, OF INDIA, CEYLON, AND BURMA. *** Works on special and distinct subjects are grouped or referred to under separate headings, e.g., Brahma Samaj, Brahmanism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Mohammedanism, Parsbeism, Theosophy. 3174 Abel (Carl) Linguistic Essays (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1882 5s 6d Expression of National Modes of Thought, Conception of Love, English Verbs of Command, Synonyms, Philological Methods, Origin of Language, &c. 3175 Alexander (S.) Moral Order and Progress : an Analysis of Ethical Conceptions (Triibner's Philos. Lib.), Svo, cloth. 1896 10s 6d An elaborate and philosophical examination of Conduct and Character, forming an aWe and original contribution to the study of evolution, and variation of the moral sentiments and conceptions, as modified by educational, industrial, political, and scientific causes and changes. 8177 D'Alviella (Count Goblet) The Migration of Symbols, authorized translation, edited by Sir George Birdwood, 5 full-page plates and 139 illustrations in the text, royal 8vo, cloth lOs Andamanese. See pp. 268-271. 8180 Arnold (Sir Edwin) The Light of Asia ; or, the Great Renuncia- tion of Gautama Buddha, told in Verse, Best Edition, illustrated, small 4to, cloth. 1885 12s 8181 Another edition, 12ino, cloth 3s 8182 • The Book of Good Counsels, from the Hitopadesa, illustrated by Harrison Weir, 8vo, cloth 4s 8183 Indian Idylls, from the Mahabharata, 8vo, cloth. 1883 4s Sfivitrt, or Love and Death, Nala and Damayanti, The Enchanted Lake, &c. 8184 Indian Poetry, 8vo, cloth 5s Contains ' The Indian Song of Songs ' from the Sanskrit of the ' Gita Govinda ' of Jayadeva, Two Books from the Mahabharata, ' Proverbial Wisdom' from the 'Hitopadesa,' and other Oriental Poems. 8185 • Lotus and Jewel, containing ' In an Indian Temple,' * A Casket of Gems,* ' A Queen's Revenge,' &c., Svo, cloth 5s 8186 Pearls of the Faith ; or, Islam's Rosary, being the Ninety- nine Beautiful Names of Allah, 8vo, cloth 5s 8187 • The Secret of Death, being a Version of the Katha Upanishad, from the Sanskrit, Svo, cloth 5s 8188 The Song Celestial ; or, Bhagavad-Gita, from the Sanskrit, Svo, cloth 4s 8189 The Chaurapanchasika : an Indian Love-Lament, translated ^ from the Sanskrit, autographed and illustrated by Sir Edwin Arnold (facsimile), oblong Svo, cloth. 1896 2s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, Religions, Languages, dec, India, Ceylon, Burma 305 8191 Asiatic Society (Royal) of Great Britain and Ireland, Trans- actions (complete), 3 vols., plates, 4to, half-bound, 1827-35 £2 These volumes contain papers on the History, Antiquities, Literature. Science, and Philosophy of the Hindus, Persians, Arabians, Chinese, and other Oriental peoples, by Colebrooke, Davis, Tod, Brings, Malcolm, Staunton, B. H; Hodgson, Marsden, Dr. Morrison, Mountstuart Elphinstone, Burnes, Moorcroft, H, H. Wilson, Stamford Raffles, Buchanan-Hamilton, and others. rnal £35 :s on f all iried ntral ian — i by R,ock : the ans- the 784), set). I 10s 12s ning, were igain •s on . the nt of idian jount rlon; h, by irney Jllora 306 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 8196 Asiatic Miscellany (The) : Original Pieces, Translations, Imitations, &c., complete, 2 vols, in 1, royal 4to, calf. Calcutta^ 1785-86 ' £2 Includes translations from the Vedas, and from the Works of Sadi, Nizami, Jami, Hafiz, the Anvari Soheili, by Sir William Jones, Capt. Kirkpatrick, and others ; Shah Rokh's Embassies ; Voyages of Cesar Fredericke ; Accounts of Arakan, Assam, the Mahratta States, and the Dekkan ; Histories of AhmeH Shah ; History of the World, by Mirkhond ; Jewish and E.I. Customs (1705) ; Motte's Journey to the Diamond Mines of Sumbhulpoor, 1766 ; Jehangir's Memoirs ; Ferishta's Account of Malabar ; Story of Hstim Tai ; Reign of Bahadur Shah, by Gholam Hussein Khan ; Satire on Aurungzeb, &c. %* The 'Asiatic Mi?cellany ' and the 'New Asiatic Miscellany' were issued independently of the ' Researches ' or 'Transactions.' 8197 Asiatic Miscellany (The New), consisting of Original Essays, Translations, and Fugitive Pieces, Vol. I., small 4to, pp. 1-260, half- morocco. Calcutta, 1789 £1 A Hymn to Lacshmi, the Ceres of India ; Introduction to the History of the Persian Poets and Institutes of Ghazan Khan, by Capt. Kirkpatrick ; Letter from Akber to Abdullah Khan, by Abul Fazul, with translation by John Stonehouse ; The Dabistdn, or School of Manners, with translation by Gladwin ; The Death of Mahomed, from the Deh Mujlis ; Description of an Oriental Banquet, from the Arabic ; Dr. B. Franklin's Parable against Persecution ; Extracts from the Bostan of Sadi. 8198 Asiatic Dissertations; relating to History, Antiquities, Arts, Sciences, and Literature, 3 vols. 8vo, calf. 1792-96 £1 4s These volumes contain a selection of Papers from the first three volumes of the ' Asiatic Researches ' and from the ' Asiatic Miscellany,' including Dissertations on the Gods of Greece, Italy, and India, on the Literature of Asia, on the Hindus, Arabs, Tartars, Persians, Chinese, Hindoo Music and Chronology, Chess, Borderers, Mountaineers, and Islanders of Asia, &c. ; Egypt and the Nile from Hindu Book-, by Wilford ; the Songs of Jayad6va ; Turner's Journey to Tibet in 1783; Account or Embassies between the Emperor of China and Sultan Shahrokh ; the Ruins at Mavalipuram (known as "The Seven Pagodas") and the Mahratta Empire, by Wui. Chambers ; Father Giuseppe's Account of Nepal ; Fontana's Nicobar Islands, &c. 8199 Asiatic Society of Bengal, Transactions of the, V0I..XVI., 5 plates, 4to, boards. Calcutta, 1828 15s Wilson (H. H.) Religious Sects of the Hindus and Sanscrit Inscriptions at Abii ; Ti-aill (G. W.) Statistical Sketch of Kumaon ; Trant (T. A.) Notice of the Khyecs between Ava and Aracan ; Neufville (J. B.) Geography, &c., of Asam ; Paton (Charles) Sketch of Aracan ; Hodgson (B. H.) Languages, Literature, and Religion of the Bauddhas of Nepal and Bhot, &c. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Journal of the : — 8200 Vol. XXXI., containing Yule's Visit to Indian Remains in Java ; Raverty's Account of the Swat River and Tribes ; Sherwill's Trip to Explore the Glaciers of Kanchunjingah, &c. ; Forlong and Eraser's Isthmus of Krau ; Theobald's Notes of a Trip to the Spiti Valley ; Papers by Rajendralala Mitra, W. T. Blanford, &c., with plates, half-calf. Calcutta, 1862 123 8201 Vol. XXXIL, containing Loewenthal on the Antiquities of Peshawur ; Ander- son's Flora of Behar ; Blyth on the Rats and Mice of India; Schomburgk (Sir R.) Visit to Laos ; 6'Donel and Reynolds on the Arracan Frontier Tribes, and Papers by Phayre, Dowson, &c.,p^a^es, half-calf. 1863 12s 8202 Cunningham's Archceol. Reports, 1861-2, 1863-4. J.A.S.B., 1863 each 2s 6d 8203 Ravertjr, Upper Kashkar, Lower Chitral, &c. ; Godwin-Austen on Figures of Deities ; Tickell on Three Andamanese ; Williams's Journal of Trip to Bhamo, &c. 1864 3s 6d 83^ High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Religiom^ Languages, dec, India, Ceylon, Burma 307 Bengal Asiatic Journal (continued) — 8204 Cunningham on Pehewa Inscription ; Oldham on Fossils from Spiti ; Raveity on Language of Siaposh Kafirs ; Loewenthal on Persian Inscriptions at Srinagur, &c. 1864 3s 6d 8205 Nassau-Lees on Application of Roman Characters to Oriental Languages ; Williams on British Trade between Burmah and China ; Costello on Geology of Bunnoo, &c. 1864 3s 6d 8206 Rajendralala Mitra on the Origin of the Hindvi Language and its Relation to the Urdu Dialect ; Brooke on Mines of Khetree ; Tytler on Species of Gecko ; Wise on Pillar Towers in British Islands, &c. 1864 5s 8208 Dalton s Notes of a Tour in the Tributary Mehals ; Archdeacon Pratt on Local Attraction ; Geological Map, &c 1865 3s 6d 8209 Aitchison, Vegetation of the Islands of the Indus ; Blanford on Land Shells from Arakan, Pegu, &c. 1865 2s 8210 Sherring (Rev. M. A.) Buddhist Ruins at Bakariya Kund, Benares, also at Saidpur and Bhitari {plates) ; Thomas on Ancient Indian Weights {plates) ; Bastian (Dr.), Some Siamese Inscriptions {plate) ; Jaeschke on Tibetan Pronunciation ; Impey on Gurjat State of Patna ; Cunningham's Archseoi. Survey Report, 1862-63, and on Coins of the Nine Nagas {plates), &c., 4 parts. Ib65. 8s 6d 8211 Sherring on Ancient Buddhist Monasteries and Temples at Benares ; Cunning- ham on Temples of Kashmir {plates). Sec. 1866 3s 6d 8212 Biihler, Notice of the Caunaka Smriti ; Melville on Buddhist Ruins at Doob Koond ; Growse, Objections to the Modern Style of Official Hindustani ; Dalton's Tour in Manbhoom. 1866 2s 6d ^213 Wise (Dr. James) The Barah Bhuyas of Eastern Bengal {plate) ; Rajendralala Mitra on the Supposed Identity of the Greeks and the Yavanahs of Sanskrit Writers, &;c. 1874 4s 8214 Proceedings, 1867, 1868, 1869 ; Journal, 1866 (part), 1867, 1868, 1869 (not com- plete), 4 vols. 8vo, boards £1 158 Containing Campbell's Ancient Cities of Delhi ; Godwin-Austen's Vocabulary of English, Balti, and Kashmiri ; Thomas's Initial Coinage of Bengal : Browne on the Pegu Pagoda ; Home's Antiquities of Mainpuri ; Biochmann's Contributions to Persian Lexicography ; Phayre's History of the Burma Race (two papers) ; Stoliczka's Ornithology of the Sutlej Valley ; Godwin-Austen's Notes on Paugong Lake, Ladakh, and Geology of the Khasi Hills ; Mason's Dwellings, &o., of the Karens ; Theobald's Catalogue of Reptiles in the Asiatic Society's Museum ; Verchere's Geology of Kashmir and Western Himalaya ; Waldie on Water Supply to Calcutta; Blanford's Contributions to Indian Malacology. Maps, plans, and plates. 8215 Asiatic Society of Bengal, Journal and Proceedings, 1.874, 1875, and 1876, 6 vols, royal 8vo, cloth ^2 2s Containing Phayre's History of Pegu ; Kinealy on the Wahhabis ; Wise's Notes on Sunargaon, E. Bengal ; Annals of Oman ; Biochmann's Geog. and History of Bengal ; Growse on Local Names in N. India ; Kurz on Burmese Flora and Palms ; (rodwin -Austen on Birds of Assam, Nnga Hills, &o. ; Kaverty on the Patban Sultans of Delhi ; Fryer on the Khyengs ; Butler's Vocabulary Naga Hills ; Blyth's Mammals and Birds of Burmah ; Maclagau on Earl) Asiatic Fire Weapons ; Marsh's Trip to Gilgit; Shaw on the Ghalchah Languages (Yarkand, &c.); Morals of Kalidasa ; Translations from the Sanskrit ; Lists and Specimens of Coins, &c. Numeroiis plates. 8216 Proceedings, January to December, 1876, with Summaries of Papers read, royal 8vo, cloth ^^ 8217 Proceedings for 1877, containing Oust on the Non- Aryan Languages of India, Shaw on the Shighni Dialect, Leonard on Mythic History, &c., royal 8vo, cloth »s 8Sy high Street, Marylebone, London, W. 308 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue Bengal Asiatic Journal {continued) — 8218 Proceedings and Journal, vols, for 1886 and 1887, plates, 3 vols, royal Svo, cloth 15s Atkinson on Indian Ehynchota ; Douglas on Bees ; Doherty on Butterflies ("with plates) ; G. King on New Species of Ficus from New Guinea ; Oliver on the Saf wf Dynjsty of Persia ; Yate on the City of Hirat, &c. 8219 Proceedings, Vols. I. to XYII., 8vo. 1874-91 £2 8220 Asiatic Society, Bombay Branch, Vol. VII. No. 22 (1861- 1863) 5s Newton (Justice) Sah, Gupta, and other Dynasties of Kattiawar and Guzerat. West (E. W. and A. A.) Nasik Cave Inscriptions, j^^aw and lithographs. Bhdti Ddji, Ajunta and other Inscriptions, & plates. Playfair (Col.) Himyaritic Inscriptioos, »?a, cloth (Oxford Press). 1899 68 61 8462 Dowson (J.) Grammar of the Urdu or Hindustani Language, second edition, 12mo, cloth. 1887 8s 6d 8463 Fallon (S. W.) New English-Hindustani Dictionary, in Roman character, with Illustrations from English Literature and Colloquial English, royal 8vo, cloth. 1883 168 8464 A New Hindustani-English Dictionary, with Illustrations from Hindustani Literature and Folk-lore, royal 8vo, cloth. 1879 £2 Hindustani words are in the Persian and Roman character ; those of Hindi in the Nagari. 8466 Forbes (Duncan, LL.D.) Dictionary, Hindustani-English and English-Hindu- stani, 1 vol. royal 8vo, half-calf. 1848 (first edition) 128 6d 8468 Hindustani-English and English-Hindustani Dictionary, new edition, printed in the Roman character, royal 8vo, half-calf. 1859 188 8469 Smaller Hindustani and English Dictionary, in the Roman character, square 12mo, half-calf. 1862 68 8470 Hindustani Grammar, with Specimens of Persian and Nagari Writing and Vocabulary, 8vo, cloth 63 6d 8471 Hindostani Manual, Grammar and Vocabulary, by Plaits, 18mo, leather 38 8472 Tota-Kahani ; or, Tales of a Parrot, in Hindustani, royal 8vo, cloth 4s 6d 8473 Tota-Kabani, English Translation, 8vo, cloth 48 8474 Bagh o Bahar : Entertaining Tales in Hindustani, with Vocabulary, royal 8vo, cloth 68 8475 Bagh o Bahar, English Translation, 8vo, cloth 48 8477 Garcin de Tassy (M.) Les Aventures de Kamrup, from the Hindustani of Tahcin-Uddin, royal 8vo, cloth (Oriental Trans. Fund). Paris, 1834 7s 6d Histoire de la Litt6rature Hindoui et Hindoustani Biographic et Biblio- graphic. See Oriental Translation Fund, 1839. 8478 Chrestomathie Hinaie et Hindouie : Vocabulaire Hindi-Hindoui-Francais, 1 vol. 8vo, sewed. Paris, 1849 3^ 6d 8479 LesAuteurs Hindoustanies et leursOuvrages, roy.Svo,pp. ii-47. 1855 2s 6d 8480 La Langue et la Litt^rature Hindoustanies, 1850-69, 8vo, swd. 1874 38 6d 8481 Green (A. O.) Practical Hindustani Grammar, 12mo, cloth. 1895. Part I. 7s 8482 Part II. 6s 88, High Street^ Marylehone^ London^ W. Religions, Languages, dco., India, Ceylon, Bwi^ma 325 Hindi and Hindustani (continued) — 8483 Hill Dialects of Kumaun, Garhwal, Tarai, &c., compiled by Pandit Ganga Datt Upreti, royal 8vo, sewed. Almora, 1900 38 gj 8184 Hindustani Manuscript, Two Essays on Fever, by Hakeem Alwi Khan. Cal- ctttta, 1840 ' ,].jj 8485 Kalidasa. The Sakuntala in Hindi, Text of Kan vaLachhman Sinb, edited with notes, by Pincott, small 4to, cloth ' 6g 8486 Kellogg (Rev. S. H.) Grammar of. the Hindi Language, imperial 8vo, cloth. Allahabad, 1876 9g 8487 Second edition, revised and enlarged, 8vo, cloth. 1893 188 8488 isTAirad-Afroz (the Illuminator of the Understanding), by Maulavi Hafizu'd-diu, Hindustani text, notes, &c., by Eastwick, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1867 128 6d 8489 Kitab'i Mugaddas, Reference Bible in Urdu, imp. 8vo, half-bound 93 8491 Laskari Dictionary : Nautical Terms and Phrases in English and Hindustani by Capt. T. Roebuck, W. C. Smyth, and G. Small, 12mo, cloth. 1882 2s 6d 8492 Palmer (E. H.) Simplified Grammar of Hindustani, Persian, and Arabic, second edition, 12mo, cloth. 1890 43 8493 Platts (J. T.) Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi, and English, Arabic, Nagari, and Roman Characters, royal 8vo, cloth. 1884 £2 8s 8494 Grammar of Hindustani or Urdu, 8vo, cloth. 1892 8s 6d 8495 Prem Sagar (The) ; or, the Ocean of Love, being a History of Krishn, trans- lated from the Bhagavat into Hindi by Lalluii Lai, new edition, with vocabulary ; also Literal Translation from the Hindi into English by E. B. Eastwick, 2 vols. 4to, half- morocco. Hertford, 1851 £2 8496 The Prem Sagara, translated from the Hindi Text by Pincott, 8vo, cloth. 1897 128 Rajendralala Mitra, The Hindi and its Relation to Urdu —* Indo- Aryans,' Vol. II. (chap. xvi.). See p. 343 8497 Shakespear (Prof. John) MuntaMabat-i-Hindi ; or. Selections in Hindustani, with Verbal Translations or Particular Vocabularies and Grammatical Analysis, second edition, 2 vols, in 1, half-morocco. 1824-25 lOs 6d 8498 Dictionary, Hindustani and English, 4to, calf. 1817 lis 8499 Smyth (W. Carmichael)Hindustanee Jest- Book ; Gladwin's Persian Mood shee ; Sadee's Pund-Namu, in Arabic and English, 1 vol. 8vo, leather. [Pans] 1840 128 8500 Tweedie (J.) Hindustani as it Ought to be Spoken, with a double vocabulary, English-Hindustani, second edition, 8vo, cloth. 1893 78 6d 8502 Hodgson (Brian Houghton) British Resident at the Oourib of Nepal, Life, by Sir W. Hunter, portraits, 8vo, cloth. 1896 5s With Appendices, Lists (1) of Sanscrit and Tibetan MSS. presented by Hodgson to learned societies ; (2) His unpublished MSS. on Nepal presented to the India Office ; (3) His Buddhist. Ethnological, and Miscellaneous Writings ; (4) His Zoolo- gical Writings and Drawings. 8503 Essays on the Languages, Literature, and [Buddhist] Reli- gion of Nepal and Tibet, royal 8vo, cloth. 1874 14s Includes Vocabularies of the Kocch, Bodo, Dhimal, H4yu, and Kiranti tribes. See Rajendralala, p. 352. 8504 Miscellaneous Essays relating to Indian Subjects, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (Triibner's Oriental Series.) 1880 21s Contains Grammars and Vocabularies of Himalayan Tribes of Indo-Chinese Borderers in Arakan, Teuasserim, of Central Indian Aborigines, of the Nilgins and other Hill Tribes ; Comparative Lists of Caucasian and Mongol ian Words, &c. 83t High Street, Marylebone, London^ W. 326 Fra/rms Edwards^s Catalogue 8505 Hoernle (A. F. Eudolf) Comparative Grammar of the Gaudian Languages, map and table ^ 8vo, cloth. 1880 lis 6d The " Gaudian " are the North Indian vernacular languages of Aryan or Sanskrit aflSnity, viz.. Punjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Hindi, including Hindustani or Urdu, Bengali, Oriya, and Marathi. 8506 Hope (Laurence) The Garden of Kama, and other Love Lyrics from India, 12mo, cloth. 1902 4s " Mr. Hope has caught admirably the dominant notes of Indian love poetry." Athenceum. 8507 Hopkins (E. W.) Religions of India, 12mo, cloth. 1895 8s Containing extracts from the Vedic, Brahmanic, Jain, Buddhist, and other writings, with bibliography. 8509 Hunter (Sir W. W.) Comparative Dictionary of the Non- Aryan Languages of India and High Asia, with a Dissertation, folio, cloth. 1868 16s 8510 Indian Antiquary (The) : a Journal of Oriental Research in Archseology, History, Literature, Languages, Philosophy, Religion, Folk-lore, &c. Edited by Dr. Burgess. 1872-82. See p. 163. 8512 Inman (Thomas, M.D.) Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names ; or, an Attempt to Trace Religious Beliefs, Sacred Rites, and Holy Emblems, with Indexes of Names, plates ; also Ancient Faiths and Modern, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1868-76 £3 15s 8513 Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism Exposed and Explained, illustrated, second edition, 8vo, cloth. 1874 78 6d 8514 Ancient Faiths and Modern : a Dissertation upon Worships, Legends and Divinities in Central and Western Asia, Europe, &c., before the Christian Era, showing their Relations to Religious Customs as they now exist, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1876 IDs 8515 Irving (B. A.) Theory and Practice of Caste in India, 12mo, cloth. 1853 2s 6d Islam. See Mohammedanism. Jacx)b's Manual of Hindu Pantheism. See Vedantasara, p. 354. 8516 Jacolliot (Louis) The Bible in India : Hindoo Origin of Hebrew and Christian Revelation, translated, 8vo, sewed. 1870 3s 6d Jainibm. See Barth, Bird, Bjornstjerna, Bose, Colebrooke, Forlong, Francklin, Gandhi, Goldstiicker, Hopkins, Sanskrit (Gainas, Kalpa Sutra, Katha Kosa, Weber), Thomas, Wilson (H.H.). 8517 Jennings (Hargrave) The Indian Religions ; or, Results of the Mysterious Buddhism concerning that also which is to be understood in the Divinity of Fire, 8vo, cloth. 1890 5s 8518 _^Phallicism ; its Connection with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics and its Foundation in Buddhism, including subscriber's series oj plates, 8vo, cloth. 1884 £1 10s 8519 Johnson (Samuel) Oriental Religions and their Relation to Universal Religion. India (Triibner), 2 vols. 8vo,cloth. 1879 12s Religion and Life : the Primitive Aryas, the Hindu Mind, the Hymns, Tradition. the Laws, Womau, Social Forms and Forces, Caste. Keligious Philosophy: Vedanta Sankhya, the Bhagavad-Grita, Pantheism, Incarnation, Transmigration, Universality, Buddhism aud Buddhistic Civilization, Ecclesiasticism. 83f High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. ReUgwns, Languages, &c., India, Ceglon, Burma 327 8521 Jones (Sir Wm.) Works of, with Life of the Author by Lord Teignmouth, portrait, 13 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1807 £1 15s Vols. I., 11. Memoir and Correspondence ; Idea of an Epic, ' Britain Dis- covered'; Preface to Essay on the Turks, on Grecian Orators; Trant^lation from Jami ; Verses on Plassey, &c. Vol. III. Discourses; Orthography of Asiatic Words; Gods of Greece, Italy, and India. Vol. IV. Hindu Chronology ; Literature and Music ; Chess ; Tales and Fables by Nizami ; * Gitagovinda ' of Jayadeva. &c. Vol. V. Indian Plants and Fruits ; Spikenard, &c. ; Persian Language. Vol. VI. Poeseos AsiaticaB Commentariorum. Vols. VII., VIII. Charges ; Institutes of Menu ; Mahomedan Laws ; Law of Bailments ; On Suppressing Riots ; Principles of Government. &c. Vol. IX. Speeches on the Law of Succession at Athens ; Sacontala of Kalidasa (translation). Vol. X. Translations of the Moallakat, Seven Arabian Poems, and other Poems ; Letter on the Books of Zoroaster (in French). Vol8. X[., XII. History of Nader Chah (French), with Introduction (French aud, Kngliah), and 'Un Traits sur la Poesie Orientale,' Vol. XIII. Translations of the ' Hitopadesa'; Hymns to Indra ; Extracts from the Vedas ; Hatifi's 'Laili and Majnun '; Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 8522 Kashmiri. Folk Tales of Kashmir, by Eev. J. H. Knowles (Triibner), second and best edition, 8vo, cloth. 1893 5s 6d 8523 Grammar of the Kashmiri, by T. R. Wade, with Introduc- tion by Oust, 8vo, cloth. 1888 Is 8524 Kearns (Rev. J. F.) Kalydn'a Shat'anku ; Marriage Ceremonies of the Hindus of South India ; Description of Karumantharum op Funeral Ceremonies, 12mo, cloth. Madras, 1868 3ii 6d 8525 Kennedy (Lt.-Col. Vans) Researches into the Nature and AfiSnity of Ancient and Hindu Mythology, 4to, half-morocco. 1831 £1 Is On the Mythology of Egypt, Asia Minor, Greece, Etruria Latium, Thracia, Germany, Scandinavia, Authenticity of the Sacred Books of India, &c. 8527 Keshub Chunder Sen, Founder of the Brahmo Somaj, his Life and Teachings, by P. C. Mozoomdar, 12mo, cloth. 1887 7s 6d See also references under Brahma-Samaj, p. 311. 8528 Khasia Language, Introduction to ; Grammar, Reading Lessous, Vocabulary, by Rev. W. Pryse, 12mo, cloth. Calcutta, 1855 3s 6d 8529 Kingscote (Mrs. Howard) and Pandit Natesa Sastri. Tales of the Sun or Folk-lore of Southern India, 12mo, cloth. 1890 2s 6d "The tales of Southern India are as varied as any others, but craft and cunning are more generally rewarded than virtue, and stupidity condemned. —Preface, p. xi. 8530 Knight (R. Payne) The Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology, edited, with additional notes, by Dr. Wilder, 348 illustrations by Rawson, roy. 8vo, cl. New York, 1892 10s Includes symbols from India, and observations on the peculiar character of the art of the Hindus ; serpent worship ; the elephant, monkey, and cow as sacred animals ; worship of Bacchus, the Gymnosophists, Juggernaut, &c. 8531 Kuenen (Prof. A.) On National Religions and Univer^l Reli- gions fHibbert Le ctures), 8vo, cloth. 1882 (pub. 10s 6d) 3a 6d 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London'JV. 328 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 8532 Kunte (M. M.) The Vicissitudes of Aryan Civilization in India: Vedic and Buddhistic Polities, Svo, cloth. Bomhaij, 1880 16s 8533 Leitner (Dr. G. W.) Languages and Races of Dardistan, maps by Ravenstein, 4to, half-calf. LaJiore, 1878 12s 8534 Appendix to ' Ohangars ' and Linguistic Fragments, folio, sewed. Lahore, 1882 2s 8535 Specimens of Commercial and other Handwritings current in the Panjab and N.W. Provinces, folio, sewed. Lahore 2s 8536 -^ — History of Indigenous Education in the Panjab, with Appendices, including Specimens of Writing and Arithmetic, folio, boards. Calcutta, 1883 8s 8537 Races and Languages of the Hindu- Kush—^siaific Q. Rev., July, 1891, pp. 139-56 and plates 2s 6d 8538 The Hunza and Nagyr Hand-book of the Language, Race, and Countries of Hunza, Nagyr, part of Yasin, &c., 273 pp. folio ; also Supplement on Dardistan, 254 pp. 8vo £2 2s 8539 Dardistan in 1866, 1886, and 1891-93, History, Religions, Customs, Legends, Fables, and Songs of Gilgit, Chilas, Kandia (Gabrial), Yasin, Chitral, Hunza, Nagyr, and other parts of the Hindukush, maps and illustrations, pp. 254, 8vo, cloth. 1902 14s With papers on 'The Future of Chitral and Neighbouring Countries' and on •Suppressed Treaties and Sla/e-Raids on Kafiristan '; a portrait of late Nizam-ul- Mulk ; account of Umra Khan, Jandol, and adjoining States ; Chronological History of Badakhshan, Bokhara, Wakhan, Shignan, Raushan, Derwaz, &c., to 1872 ; topographical and other details. 8541 Lepcha. Dictionary of the Lepcha Language, by Gen. Main- waring and Prof. Griinwedel, imp. 8vo, cloth. Berlin, 1898 18s 8542 Grammar of the Rong (Lepcha) Language as it exists in the Dorjeling and Sikim Hills, by Gen. Mainwaring, 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1876 7s 6d. See also Tibet. 8543 Long (Rev. J.) Eastern Proverbs and Emblems Illustrating Old Truths (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1851 4s 6d A rich collection gathered from more than 1,000 volumes in libraries in India, the British Museum, or in continental libraries, affording illustrations for Orientalists, lovers of folk-lore, teachers, and preachers, with an Index to Scripture Similes. 8544 [Lord (Henry)]. A | Discoverie | of the Sect of the | Banians | containing their History, Law, | Liturgie, Casts, Customes, and | Ceremonies ] Gathered from their Bramanes | | together with a display of their Manners, &c. | F. Constable | London, 1630. Also The ] Religion | of the | Persees | As it was Compiled from a Booke | | called their Zundavastaw. | 1630 £2 In 1 vol. small 4to, russia, pp. xvi-96 ; xii-54. This copy has the engraved title-page by Marshall, and bound up with it is a work on 'The Policie of the Turkish Empire' (London, 1597), but the title-page and part of " Address to the Reader " in the latter are missing. 8545 Discovery of Two Forreigne Sects in the East-Indies .... (from Churchiirs Collection), folio, half-calf. 1747 7s 6d 8546 Histoire de la Religion des Banians, avec un Traits de la Religion des Parsis, 12mo. Paris, 1667 6s 83 J High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Religions, Languages, dhc, India, Oeylon, Bwrma 329 8548 Lyall (Rt. Hon. Sir A. 0.) Asiatic Studies, Religious and Social, new edition. 2 vols. 12aio, cloth. 1899 14g Vol. T. Religion of an Indian Province; Origin of Divine Myths in India- Witchcraft and Non- Christian Religions ; Missionary and Non- Missionary Religions • the Rajput States; Clans and Castes; Our Religious Policy; Islam in India &o. ' ^ Vol. II. Letters from Vamades Shastri ; The State and Religion in ' China ; The Golden Bough'; Origins and Interpretations of Primitive Religions; Natural Religion in India ; History and Fable ; Permanent Dominion in Asia. 8549 McLennan (J. F.) Studies in Ancient History : Second Series : comprising an Inquiry into the Origin of Exogamy, 8vo, cloth. 1896 (pub. 21s) 5s Includes remarks on Female Infanticide ; Nair and Thibetan Polyandry ; Examples of Fabricated Genealogies from the Vedic Literature, &c. ; References to the Mincopies of the Andaman Islands; Chapters on Customs of the Pacific Islands, Australia, South Africa, and America, supplementing the Author's earlier work on ' Primitive Marriage.' 8550 • The Patriarchal Theory, edited and completed by D. McLennan, 8vo, cloth. 1885 (pub. 14s) 4s Contains chapters on Patria Potestas and Sonship among the .Hindoos ; Origin and Examples of Agnation ; The Tutelage of Women, &c. 8652 McNair (Major) and Barlow (T. L.) Betrothal and Wedding Customs in the Punjab, with other Articles {Folk-Lore, June, 1898) Is 6d 8553 Maconochie (Allan) Extracts from Considerations on the Objects of Researches into the Institutions and Antiquities of the Hindoos (Royal Soc. Edin.), 4to, pp. 28. 1788 4s 6d Madras Journal of Literature and Science, containing valuable Papers on the Languages, History, Antiquities, Manuscripts, &c., of Southern India. See above, p. 300. 8556 Maharajas, History of the Sect of, or Yallabhacharyas in Western India [by Karsandas Mulji], 8teel front, of Bombay Maha- rajas, 8vo, cloth. 1865 {scarce) £2 5s With appendix of evidence on the Maharaj libel case, and comments on the trial and the immoral practices of the Maharajas by the Indian press. See also p. 175. 8557 Malay alim and English Dictionary, by H. Gundert, 8vo. Mangalore, 1872 15s See also Caldwell ; Govbr ; and Matber's ' Land of Charity,' p. 193. Maldive Vocabulary. See Pyrard, p. 267. 8558 [Manning (Mrs.)] Life in Ancient India, by Mrs. Speir, illustrated by G, Scharf, crown 8vo, cloth. 1856 8s 8559 Ancient and Mediaeval " India, with 58 illustrations engraved by Scharf, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1869 9s A standard work on the history, religion, laws, caste, manners an^ customs, language, literature, poetry, philosophy, astronomy, algebra, medic ne architecture, manufactures, commerce, &o., of the Hindu s, taken jrom^ heir writmgs. 83, High Streety Ma/rylehone, London, W. 330 Fraruiis Edwa/rds's Catalogue Marathi. 8561 Acworth (H. Arbuthnot) Ballads of the Marathas in English Verse, 8vo, cloth. 1894 58 With an introductory sketch of Mahratta history and poetry. 8562 ^8op'«3 Fables in Marathi, 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1877 Is 6d 8563 Marathi Proverbs, collected and translated by Rev. A. Man waring, 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1899 78 6d 8564 Ballantyne (James R.) Grammar of the Mahratta Language, lithographed, 4to, cloth. Edinburgh, 1839 2s 6d Beames's Comparative Grammar of Hindi Marathi, &c. See p. 308. 8565 Bellairs (H. S. K.) and Askhedkar (L. Y.) Grammar of Marathi, 12mo, cloth. Bombay, 1868 38 6d Hoenile s Grammar of Qaudian Languages. See p. 326. 8566 Molesworth's Marathi and English Dictionary, Compendium of, by Baba Pad man ji, 8to, cloth. Bombay, 1890 88 6d 8567 Ramachandra Raghunatha, School Dictionary, English and Marathi, 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1892 2jj 6d 8568 Vikramaditya, Anecdotes of, in Marathi, 12mo, bds. 23 6d 8569 Vinchurkar (R. V.) Translation of the Raja Dharma, or Chapter on the Duties of Kings, from the Mahabharat into Marathi, royal 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1869 68 The chief Marathi Poets. See Trans. Orientalists, 1892, Vol. I. 8570 [Maurice (Thomas)] Brahminical Fraud Detected ; Fabulous Deities invested with Attributes of the Christian Messiah, 8vo, boards. 1812 6s Indian Antiquities. See p. 194. 8571 Mitchell (Dr. Murray) Hinduism, Past and Present, with Account of Recent Hindu Reformers, 12mo, cloth. (R.T.S.) 1885 3s The Veda?, Upaniehad*, Brahmaniim, Hinduism, the Epic Poems, PuranaS, Sects, Brahmoism, Rammohuu Roy, Keshub Chunder Sen. MOHAMMEDANISM. 8573 Akhlak-i-Jalaly. Practical Muhammadan Philosophy, from the Persian by W. P. Thompson (Or. Trans. Fund), 8vo, 1839 15s 8574 Ameer Ali (Syed) Life and Teachings of Mohammed ; or, the Spirit of Islam, 8vo, cloth. 1891 12s A work designed to show that the Church militant of Islam was purely defen- sive and tolerant; that its spirit was political, literary, scientific, rational, and philosophic, the status of women raised, and that slavery is abhorrent. 8575 Series of Essays on the Life of Mohammed, and Subjects Subsidiary Thereto, 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. 1870 (scarce) 188 Essays on Geography of Arabia, Pre-Islamic Arabians, whether Islam has been beneficial to Human Society, Mohammedan Theological Literature, Mohammedan Traditions, the Holy Koran, Holy Mecca, Pedigree of Mohammed, Prophecies respecting Mohammed, Birth and Childhood of Mohammed, &;c. 8576 Arnold (Sir Edwin) Pearls of the Faith ; or, Islam's Rosary, being the Ninety-nine beautiful Names of Allah, with Comments by an Indian Mussulman, 8vo, cloth 5s 83, High Street, Ma/ryhhone, LoTidon, W, Religions, Languages, dhc, India, Ceylon, Burma 331 Mohammedanism {continued) — 8577 Arnold (T. W.) The Preaching of Islam: a History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith, 8vo, cloth. 1896 7s 8578 Blunt (Wilfrid Scawen) The Future of Islam, 12mo, cloth. 1882 3s 6d Five Essays from the Fortnightly Review : Cbopus of Mohammedan World— The Haj ; The Question of the Califate : The True Metropolis — Mecca ; a Mohammedan Reformation ; ENGLAND'S Interest in Islam, with Sketch of a Worthy Policy. 8579 Cheragh All (Moulavi) Critical Exposition of the Popular "Jihad," 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 18S^ 6s 6d The author shows that the wars of Mohammad were defensive, that aggressive war is not allowed in the Koran, that the word "Jihad " does not exegetically mean *' warfare," and that slavery was not sanctioned by the prophet of Iblam. 8581 Deutsch (Emanuel) Literary Remains; Essays on Islam, the Talmud, and Semitic Literature, 8vo, cloth. 1874 6s 8582 Futawa Alumgiri : a Collection of Opinions and Precepts of Mohammedan Law, compiled by Sheikh Nizaum and other Learned Men, by command of the Emperor Aurungzeb, 6 vols. 4to, boards. Calcutta, 1828-35 (Arabic text) £4 8583 Hamilton (Charles) The Hedaya, or Guide : a Commentary on the Mussalman Laws, best edition, 4 vols. 4to, calf. 1791 £2 5s 8584 The Hedaya, edited by Grady, 8vo, cloth. 1879 12s The most important monument of Mussulman legislation, a high authority in all Moslem countries, and the great Law Book of India. 8585 Hassan Ali (Mrs. Meer) The Mussalmans of India; their Manners, Habits, Customs, Religious Opinions, Folk-lore, Fables, &c., 2 vols. 8vo, half-morocco. 1832 12s Observations during twelve years' residence in Bengal and the Upper Provinces in a Mussulman family. Account of the Soofies, Superstitious of the Hindoo Natives, and Memoir of the Life of Meer Hadjee Shah-a True Mussalman. 8586 Hughes (Rev. T. P.) Dictionary of Islam : Cyclopaedia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies and Customs, Technical and The- logical Terms of the Muhammadan Religion, illustrated, royal 8vo, cloth. 1895 1^* 8587 Notes on Muhammadanism ; Outlines of the Religious System of Islam, 12mo, cloth. 1897 3s 8588 Hunter (Sir W. W.) The Indian Musalmans : a Sketch of the Muhammadan Revival, with Chapter on their Social History and Requirements, 8vo, cloth. 1876 «s ^^ 8589 Koran (The) Sale's Translation and " Preliminary Discourse," with a Comprehensive Commentary, Additional Notes, Emenda- tions, and Complete Index, by Rev. E. M. Wherry (Trubner s Oriental Series), 4 vols. 8vo, cloth (P^h. £2 »s) *i "As Mr. Wherry's book is intended for missionaries in India, i^is no doubt well that they should be prepared to meet, if they can the ordinary arguments and interpretiitions, and for this purpose Mr.Vherry's additions "^^^^ f^l^J^ay Review 83, High Sin-eet, Marylehons, London, W. 332 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue Mohammedanism (continued) — 8590 Koran (Le) Analyst d'apr^s la Traduction de Kasimirski, par Jules la Beaume (Bibl. Orientale),imp. 8vo. PariSy 1878 12s 6d See also pp. 40-41. Lyall (Sir A. C.) Asiatic Studies, Religious and Social, including * Islam in India.' See p. 329. 8591 Mirkhond, Eauzat-us-Safa (Jardin de Purete) Bible de I'Islam, traduite par E. Lamairesse, royal 8vo, sewed. Paris, 1894 10s 8592 Qanoon-e-Islam ; Customs, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Moosulmans of India, by Jaffur Shurreef, translated by Dr. Herklots, with illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1832 £1 This work treats of the Mussulman customs of the Deccan. 8593 Sell (Rev. Edward) The Faith of Islam, revised and enlarged edition, (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1896 8s Chapters on the Foundations of Islam, the Quran, and the Traditions, Sects, Creed, Duties, Feasts, Fasts, &c., of Islam, the results of study during thirty years' residence in India. 8593b Temple (Sir R.) Oriental Experience ; including Papers on Pan- Islamism, or Political Muhammadanism, British Policy, &c., 8vo, cloth. 1883 5s For other works relating to Mohammed and Mohammedanism see Brown's 'Dervishes,' Clarke, Colebrooke, Flagg, Forlong, Lyall, Keligious Systems, Vaughau, and Arabia, pp. 36 to 43. 8594 Moor (Edward) The Hindu Pantheon, original edition, vnth 105 plates, royal 4to, calf extra. 1810 (scarce) £5 5s 8595 The Hindu Pantheon, new edition, condensed and annotated by Rev. W. O. Simpson, with 61 plates, royal 8vo, cloth. Madras, 1864 15s 8596 [ ] Oriental Fragments, jo/a^es, 12mo, cloth. 1834 5s Correspondence, Seals, Stones, Manuscripts, Papacy and Hinduism, Education, Monkery, Sanskrit Names in Greece, Africa, Ireland, America, New Zealand, &c. Max MuUer's Life and Works. 8597 Life and Letters of the Right Hon. Friedrich Max Miiller, edited byhis Wife, luit^ 3 portraits and 3 photo-illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1902 £1 The undermentioned Works have made known the author, the Letters show the man — " familiar letters to friends, the simplicity, charm, and compass of which can hardly be surpassed." 8598 My Autobiography : a Fragment, 6 jt?ori{raife, 8vo,cl. 1901 4s 6d Childhood in Dessau ; Schooldays at Leipzig University, Paris, England ; Early Days at Oxford ; Early Friends at Oxford. 8599 Auld Lang Syne, First Series, portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1898 6s Eecollections of Mendelssohn, Liszt, Schumann, Wilh. Miiller, Heine, Moritz Arndt, Riickert, Kingsley, Clough. M. Arnold, Tennyson, Browning, Froude, Ruskin, Carlyle, Emerson. Lowell, Holmes, Dean Stanley, Frederick William IV., Frederick III., William IL, Prince Albert. 8600 Auld Lang Syne, Second Series, My Indian Friends, 8vo, cloth. 1899 . 6s 83, High /Street, Mwrylehone, London, W. Eeligions, Languages, dx., India, Ceylon, Burma 333 Max Muller's Works {continued) — 8601 Suggestions for Learning the Languages of the Seat of War in the East, map, 8vo, cloth. 1854 2s 6d On the Study of the Semitic, Aryan, and Turanian Languagee, including Sanskrit, Prakrit, Pali, Zend, and their Modern Dialects. 8602 Proposals for a Missionary Alphabet, 8vo, pp. 56 and folding table. 1854 {scarce) 4s 6d 8603 On Ancient Hindu Astronomy and Chronology, 4to, sewed. Oxford, 1862 5s Preface to fourth volume of the Rig- Veda. 8604 The Science of Language : Royal Institution Lectures, 1861 and 1863, library edition, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth 14s 8605 Chips from a German Workshop, library edition, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1880 £2 2s Vol. I. On the Vedas, Christ and other Masters, the Modern Parsis, and the Zend-Avesta; The Aitareya Brahmana ; Buddhist Pilgrims ; Nirvana; Chinese Translations of Sanskrit Texts ; Confucius; Popol Vuh ; Semitic Monotheism, &c. Vol. II. Essays on Greek Legends, the Norsemen in Iceland, Folk-lore, Zulu Nursery Tales, Tales from the Norse and West Highlands, Our Figures, Caste, &o. Vol. III. Essays on Literature, Biography, and Antiquities. Vol. IV. Essays and Lectures on the Statification of Language ; Migration of Fables ; on Christian Missions, Buddhists, the Brahma-Samaj and Brahmanism ; Oriental Studies ; Life of Colebrooke, with Replies to Darwin and to Prof. Whitney. 8606 Selected Essays on Language, M3rthology, and Religion, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1881 8s 8608 India : What Can It Teach Us ? and other University Lectures, library edition, 8vo, cloth. 1883 5s The other lectures are Truthful Character of the Hindus ; Human Interest of Sanskrit Literature ; Objections ; Lessons of the Veda ; Vedic Duties ; Veda and Vedanta ; also Notes and Illustrations, Renaissance of Sanskrit Literature, kc. , 8609 The Science of Thought, 8vo, cloth. 1887 10s Chapters on the elements of thought and conditions of knowledge, concepts and roots of language, and on language as an absolute barrier between man and On the Achievements of Oriental Scholarship— See Trans. Ninth Congress of Orientalists, 1892, Vol. I. 8610 Three Lectures on the Yedanta Philosophy delivered at the Royal Institution, 8vo, cloth. 1894 fs Origin of the Vedanta Philosophy ; the Soul and God, Similarities and Dif- ferences between Indian and European Philosophy. 8611 Contributions to the Science of Mythology, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1897 ^^ 8612 RamakWshna ; His Life and Sayings, 12mo, cloth. 1898 3s 6d Account of a modern Indian ascetic, saint, or Samnyasin— a real "Mabatman." "great-souled," high-minded teacher, who died in 1886. 8613 The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy, 8vo, cloth. 1899 15s "The six systems of Aryan philosophy constitute the most striking feature of Hindu learning As a permanent repertory of information ....the |>o«k is mvam able It places within the reach of all who can read anguage some of the profoundest thoughts that have ever stirred the minds of Hindus, ana ine very finest fruits of their reasonings."— -dsia^ic Quar terly. 8Sj HighlStreet, Marylehone,lLondon, W. 334 Francis Edwa/rds's Catalogue 8615 Max Muller's Collected Works, cheap and uniform edition, . 17 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1898-1901 ^3 5s The volumes are sold separately, each 48. 8616 Chips from a German "Workshop, 4 vols. 8617 Science of Language, 2 vols. 8618 Science of Religion (Royal Institution Lectures, 1870). 8619 Origin and Growth of Indian Religion (Hibbert Lectures, 1878). 8620 Natural Religion (Gifford Lectures, 1888). 8621 Physical Religion (Gifford Lectures, 1890). 8622 Anthropological Religion (Gifford Lectures, 1891). 8623 Theosophy, or Psychological Religion (Gifford Lectures, 1892). 8624 India : What Can It Teach Us ? 8625 Biographies of Words, and the Home of the Aryas. 8626 Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy. 8627 Last Essays on Language, Folklore, Religion, &c., 2 vols. For other works edited and translated by Max Miiller see Sacred Books op THE East ; Sacred Books op the Buddhists ; Buddaghosha, p. 312 : Oriental Studies, the Dammapada (Pali), Rig Veda and Upanishads, &c. (Sanscrit). 8628 Musee Guimet, Annales du, Tome I., 4to, sewed. Paris, 1880 10s6d Contents : Hignard, Le Mythe de V6nus ; Naville, Un Ostracon Egyptien ; Lef ebure, Races connues des Egvptiens : Garcin du Tassy, Tableau du Kali-Youg, ou Age de Fer, traduit de I'Hindoui ; Regnaud, Le Pessimisme Brahmanique, et le 17i6me chap, du Natya-Castra ; Alwis, Viaites des Premiers Bouddhas dans I'lle de Lanka (Ceylon) ; Dupuig, Voyage au Yun-nan ; Eitel, Feng-Shoui, ou Principes de Science Naturelle en Chine ; Philastre, Bx6g6se Chinois ; Shidda — Anciens Carac- t^res Sanskrits du Japon, &c. For other volumes of this series, see Bourquin (above), also Edkins (China), Feer (Tibet), &c. Hindu Music. 8630 Day (0. R.) Music and Musical Instruments of Southern India and the Deccan, with Introduction and 17 coloured plates by Wm. Gibb, royal 4to, half-morocco. 1891 (pub. ^63 13s 6d) £1 18s 8631 Hipkins (A.) and Gibb (Wm.) Musical Instruments, Historic, Rare, and Unique, 50 very fine coloured plates exhibiting musical instruments of all ages and nations, with full descriptive letter- press, folio, half-morocco, gilt top. 1888 (pub. ^67 7s) £3 10s Several of the beautiful plates in this work represent the musical instruments of the Hindus, Siamese, Chinese, Japanese, Persians, and other Orientals. 8632 Jantra Khettra Deepica : a Treatise on^Citara"; Instruc- tions and Exercises in Hindoo Music, imp. 8vo, morocco extra. Calcutta, 1872 7s 6d 8634 Tagore (Raja Sir S. Mohun) The Eight Principal Hindu Rasas : Tableaux and Dramatic Pieces, roy. 4to, cl. Calcutta, 1880 14s 8635 The Ten Principal Hindu Avataras for Tableaux Vivants, rdyal 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1880 * 14s 8636 Hindu Music, Essays on, by Eminent Authorities, second edition, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, morocco extra. 1882 10s 6d 8637 Mridunga Munjoree, roy. 8vo, swd. Calcutta, 1873 2s 6d 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Religioiis, Languages, (kc, India, Geylon,\Burma 335 8639 Nares (Dr.) On Translating the Scriptures into the Ourrert Languages of the East, 4to, pp. 80. Oxford, 1808 3s 6d NiooBARESE Language. See above, pp. 268-271. Nepalese. See Gust, Hodgson, Hoernle. 8641 Nevius (Rev. John L., D.D.) Demon Possession and Allied Themes ; an Inductive Study of Phenomena of Oar Own Times, with Index, Bibliographical, Biblical, Pathological, and General, and a Supplement, 8vo, cloth. 1897 4s 6d 8642 O'Brien (Henry) The Round Towers of Ireland ; their Origin, Purpose, and Character ; on the Mysteries of Freemasonry, Sabseism, and of Buddhism, &c., illustrated, new edition, 8vo, cloth. 1898 7s 6d 8643 Olcott (Ool. Henry S.) Theosophy, Religion, and Occult Science, with Glossary of Eastern Words, 12mo, cloth. 1885 6s Chapters on India and the Civilization that India Needs ; Spirit of the Zoro- astrian Religion ; Life of Buddha, its Lessons, &c. 8644 Oriental Collections (The) : Essays, Translations, and Papers illustrating the History, Antiquities, Arts, Sciences, and Litera- ture of Asia [edited by OuseleyJ, numerous plates and inscriptions, 2 vols. 4to, mottled calf. 1797-98 168 Lady Blessington's copy, with her book-plates. Contains much information on Persian and Sanskrit literature ; on the Chal- deans, Egyptians, Turks, Arabians, Magians ; on Phoenicia, Bagdad, Hindustan, the Ancient British and Irish, the Oriental Emigration of the latter, and a series of Papers by General C. Vallancey from Fragments of Irish MSS. 8645 Oriental Studies : Papers read before the Oriental Club of Philadelphia, 1888-94, 8vo, oloth. Boston, 1894 5s Papers by Max Miiller, Eaoton, Jastrow, Brinton, Hilpreoht, and others on the Physical Geography of India ; Literature of Chinese Labourers, Berber Alphabets ; the Ancient Ethiopians, Israelitish Deities, Babylonian Document ; Fragment from Nippur ; Numbers of the Rig- Veda ; Japanese Compounds ; Aryan Name SVr? Tongue ; the Feather and the Wing in Mythology ; Eoolesiastes ; Psalms LX-X.ii. and XC. 8647 Orientalists, International Congress of ; Transactions of the Second Session, London, 1874, edited by R. K. Douglas, 8vo, cloth. 1876 6s Papers on Assyrian, Median, Turanian, Aryan, and Hamitic subjects ; Buddhism, the Veda, Ancient Systems of Medicine, Nasik Cave Inscriptions, Oriental ProverDS, Castes and Customs of the Dards, &c. 8648 Orientalistes, Congr^s Provincial de ; Oompte Rendu de la Troisi^me Session, Lyon, 1878, 2 vols. 4to, swd. Lyons, 1880 7s Papers on Commerce and Industry, Science, Philology, History, Fine Arts, Religions of Egypt, Persia, Assyria, India, China, and Japan. 8649 Orientalists, Ninth International Congress of, Transactions, London, Sept., 1892, edited by Delmar Morgan, 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth *^ ^ Vol. I. Indian and Aryan Languages, Literature, Antiquities, Religions, Science tory, Law, Usag( Vol. 11. Semitic Archaic Greece and History, Law, Usages and Customs. . . , ^ 2. ^a Afrinn Vol. 11. Semitic (Syrian, Arabic, Assyrian, Babylonian) ; Egypt a°d AJrica Archaic Greece and the East ; Persia and Turkey ; China, Central Asia ; Mongolia. Japan ; Australasia (New Guinea, Fiji, and Samoa) ; Anthropology and Mytnoiogy, 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 336 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 8651 Oriental Translation Fund : Original Subscriber's Set, Large- Paper issue, royal ito and royal 8vo, cloth. 1829-42 (printed for subscribers at £150) £35 The following in qiuirto :— Ibn Batuta's Travels, Barbary to Sumatra (1325-55), with Notes by Dr. Lee. 1829. Jahangueir (Emperor), Memoir of, translated by Major Price. 1829. Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch, Travels in Anatolia, Romelia, Moldavia, Wal- lachia, Cossack Country, Muscovy, &c., translated by F. C. Belfour (9 parts), 2 vols. 1829-36. Han Koong Tsew ; or, the Sorrows of Han : a Chinese Tragedy, translated by [Sir] J. F. Davis. 1829. History of the Afghans, from the Persian by Dr. Dorn (2 parts). 1829-36. Hatim Tai, Adventures of, from the Persian by Forbes. 1830. The Mulfuzat Timury ; Autobiography of Timur, from the Jagtay-Turkey and the Persian by Major Stewart, map. 1830. Vartan, History of, and of the Wars between the Armenians and the Persians, by Bp. Elisaeus, translated by C. F. Neumann. 1830. Khalifeh (Haji) History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks (15th to 16th cen- tury), translated by James Mitchell, Part I. 1831. Humayun (Emperor) Memoirs, translated by Stewart. 1832. Annals of the Turkish Empire, 1591 to 1659, translated by Fraser. 1832. Kalidasa's * Raghuvansa,' Sanskrit and Latin, edited by Stenzler. 1832. Evliya Efendi, Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 17th century, from the Turkish by Von Hammer, Part 1. 1834. Sangermano's Burmese Empire, translated by Tandy. Borne, 1833. Ram Raz (Judge) Essay on Hindu Architecture, i% plates. 1834. Japan. Annales des Empereurs du Japon, traduites par Titsingh, et pr6c6de Notes d'un Aper9u de I'Histoire Mythologique des Japonais par Klaproth. Paris, 1834. Harivansa : un Appendice du * Mahabharata,' traduit sur le Sanscrit par Lang- lois, 2 vols, in 3. Paris, 1834-35. The Ethiopic Didascalia ; or, Apostolical Constitutions received in the Abys- sinian Church, translated by Piatt. 1834. Kalfa (Hadji) Lexicon Encyclopsedicum et Bibliographicum (Latin), from the Arabic by Prof. G. Fiugel, 2 vols. 1835-37. Tabari, Chronique de, traduit sur la Persane par Dubeux, Liv. I. Paris, 1836. The Sankhya Karika, from the Sanscrit by Colebrooke ; and the Bhashya, or Commentary of Qaurapada, by Wilson. 1837. Makrizi, Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de I'Egypte, traduite en Fran^ais par M. Quatrem^re, Tome I. Liv. 1, 2 ; II. Liv. 1., 1250-94 (all published). 1837-42. Rig Veda Sanhita, Lib. L, Sanscrit and Latin, edit. Rosen. 1838. Kalidasa's Kumara Sambhava, Sanscrit and Latin, edit. Stenzler. 1838. The Vishnu Purana, from the Sanscrit by H. H. Wilson. 1840. Al-Makkari (Ahmed Ibn Muhammad) Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain, trans- lated by Gayangoz, 2 vols. 18iO 43. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, translated from the Arabic by Baron MacGuckin de Slane, Vols. I. Paris, 1842. The following are in octavo : — The Fortunate Union, from the Chinese by Davis, 2 vols. 1829. Yakkun Nattannawa : a Cingalese Poem on Demonology. Also Kolan Nattan- nawa : a Poem descriptive of Masquerade Characters, translated by Ga\l&- yrhj, ivith plates. 1830. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Religions, Languages, dec, India, Ceylon, Burma 337 Oriental Translation Fund, Octavo Series {continued) — Mohammed al Hazin (Sheikh) Life of, by Himself, in Persian. 1831. The same, translated, with Notes, by F. C. Belfour. 1830. Malayan Family, Memoirs of a, translated by Marsden. 1830. Bosnia, the War in, 1737-39, from the Turkish by Fraser. 1830. Hafiz Rehmut Khan, Life of, from the Persian by Elliott. 1831. Miscellaneous Trantlations. First vol. : (1) Ibn-ud-din Al-Aghwaati's Journey in N. Africa, from the Arabic by W. B. Hodgson. (2) Extracts from the Sakaa Thevan Saasteram, Tamul Book of Fate, by Roberts. (3) Last Days of Krishna, from the Mahabharat by Major Price. (4) The Vedala Cadai, Ancient Tamul Tale-^, by Babington. (5) Indian Cookery, by Sandford Arnot. 1831. Neumann (Charles F.) Translations from the Chinese and Armenian : (1) His- tory of the Pirates of the China Sea, 1807-10. (2) Shaman Catechism : Laws and Regulations of Chinese Buddhist Priests. (3) Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, during the Time of the Crusades. 1831. Mohammed Ben Musa's Algebra in Arabic, with translation by Rosen. 1831. Sadik Isfahani, Translation of Geographical Works of (A.D. 1650?), and Critical Essay on various Arabic and Persian MSS. 1832. Firdausi's Shah Nameh, from the Persian by Atkinson. 1832.- The Siyar-ul-Mutakherin, History of the Mahomedan Power in India, 18th Cen- tury, translated by Briggs, Vol. I. {all published). 1832. Hoei-Lan-Ki : Chinese French, by Stanislas Julien. 1832. San Kokf Teou Ran to Sets ; ou, Aper5U Gr6n6ral des Trois Royaumes, traduit de rOriginal Japonais-Chioois par Klaproth, royal 8vo, loith plates and maps, royal 4to. 1832. Description of Corea, Loochoo Is., Jesso, &c. Atkinson (James) Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia, and their Domestic Superstitions. 1832. Ajewc^'espnV, specimen of Persian humour. Mirkhond'a Early Kings of Persia to the Conquest by Alexander the Great, translated by Shea. 1832. The Tohfut-ul-Mujahideen : History of the Mohammedans in Malabar and their Struggles with the Portuguese, from the Arabic by Rowlandson. 1833. Ebn-Malec's Alfiyya ; ou. la Quintessence de la Gramraaire Arabe, Arabic and French, by Baron Silvestre de Sacy. 1833. Miscellaneous Translations. Second vol., containing (1) Genealogical Catalogue of the Kings of Armenia, from Armenian and Russian by J. Glen ; (2) Account of Akbar's Siege of Chaitur, from Abul Fazl by Major Price ; (3) Motives for Mustafa Pasha's March from Adrianople to Constantinople, A.H. 1222 ; (4) Ritual of the Buddhist Priesthood, from the Pali by Clough ; (5) Extract from a Persian Horticultural Work ; (6) Grand Festival held by Timur after defeat of Bajazet, A.H. 803, translated by Franckhn. 1834. Aventures de Kamrup, trad, de I'Hindoustani par G. de Tassy. Paris, 1834. Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph the Sphardi, from the Hebrew by Bialloblotzky. 2 vols. 1835-36. Gujerat, History of, from the Persian by Bird. 1835. Le Livre des Recompenses et des Peines, traduit du Chinois par Stanitslas Julien. 1835. Nazami's Laili and Majnun, from the Persian by Atkinson. 1836. Jalal-addin al Siuti, History of the Temple of Jerusalem, from the Arabic by Rev. James Reynolds. 1836. , ^ x, n • i ., The Akhlak-i-Jalaly : Practical Muhammadan Philosophy, from the Persian by Garcin^de^Tassy. Histoire de la Litt6rature Hindoui et Hindoustanie ; Biographie et Bibliographic. 1839. . , , , „ , * r. i^ „„^ MinAH of El Masudi's Historical Encyclopedia, entitled ' Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems,' from the Arabic by Aloys Sprenger, Vol. I. 1841. 83, High Street, Ma/ryhhone, London, W. 338 Francis Edwards's Catalogue Oriental Translation Fund, Octavo Series {continued) — The Sanhita of the Sam Veda, trans, by Stevenson. 1842. Chodzko's Specimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia, including Adventures and Improvisations of Kurroglou, the Bandit Minstrel. 1842. Hydur Ali, History of, and Invasion of the Mysore, from a Persian MS. by Col. Miles. 1842. The set above enumerated is in fine and clean condition, as issued. A few of the volumes can be had separately, small paper, demy 4to and demy 8vo. Price on application. 8652 Oriental Translation Fund, New Series, 8vo, cl. per vol. 10s Mirkhond's Rauzat-us-Safa, or Garden of Purity, Parti., containing the Moslem History, Sacred and Profane, Adam to Jesus, translated by Behatsek, 2 vols. 1891-92. The same work, Part II., Life of Muhammad, 2 vols. 1893. The same work, Part II., Vol. III., Lives of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and 'Ali, successors of Muhammad. 1894. The Katha Ko^a : Jain Stories from Sanscrit MSS. by Tawnay. 1896. The Story of Kadambari, by Bana, from the Sanscrit by Miss Ridding. 1896. Bana's Harsa-Carita, : a Historical Romance, translated by Prof. Co well and F. W. Thomas. 1897. Al Hariri's Last Twentv-Four Makamats or Discourses, translated by Dr. Steingaes. 1898. First Tweaty-Four Makamats, translated by T. Chenery (18^7) . See p. 36. Chronicles of Jerahmeel, or the Hebrew Bible Historiale : Legends and Traditions, from the Hebrew by Dr. Gaster. 1899. A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics entitled ' Dhamma-Sangawi,' from the Pali by Mrs. Rhys Davids. 1900. 8653 Padfield (J. E.) The Hindu at Home : Account of Domestic Bites and Ceremonies, 8vo, cloth. 1895 3s 6d Pahlavi. See Pabsees. PALI LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 8656 Pali Text Society, Publications of (including the Society's Journal), edited by Profs. Khys Davids, Hardy, E. Miiller, Minayeff, Windisch, J. E. Carpenter, Dr. Morris, M. L^on Peer, &c., com- plete, 1882-96, 45 vols, in 41, 8vo, half-morocco and cloth £12 This series contains Forty Buddhist Texts in Pali (Roman character), including 13 shorter texts printed in the Journal, which also contains Lectures on Buddhism ■ and Pali, a Glossary of Pali Proper Names, List of Abbreviations, Index to the Jataka, Notes and Queries, Lists of Pali MSS. in the Bodleian Library, British Museum, India Oliice, the Biblioth^que Nationale, at Cambridge, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Kandy, Colombo, Brown University, &c. 8657 Buddha, Dialogues of the, translated by Rhys Davids (Buddhist Sacred Books), 8vo, boards. Oxford, 1899 9s 8658 Buddhist Suttas, translated by Rhys Davids (S. B. E.), 8vo, cloth. 1881 9s 1. The Mahaparinibbana Suttanta ; 2. The Dhamrha-fokka-ppavattana Sutta. 3. The Tevi^gra Suttanta; 4. The Akankheyya Sutta; 5. The ^etokhila Sutta; 6. The Maha-sudassana Suttanta ; 7. The Sabbasava Sutta. Keligious, moral, and philosophical discourses from the Buddhist canon. 88, High Street, Marylehone, Lo7idon, W» Religions, Languages, c^c, India, Ceylon, Burma 339 Pali Language and Literature (co7itinued) — 8659 Dathavansa (The), or History of the Tooth-Relic of Gotama Buddha, from the Pali, by Sir C. Swamy, 8vo, cl. 1874 4s 6d French trans., par M. de Millou6 (Annales de Mus^ Guimet, T. vii.), seep. 311. 8660 Dhammapada (The), from the Pali, by Max Miiller ; and The Sutta-Nipata, by Fausboll, being Canonical Books of the Buddhists C'S. B. E."), Svo, cloth. 1881 9s 8662 Childers (R. 0.) Pali-English Dictionary, with Sanskrit equiva- lents, imp. 8vo. 1875 £2 15s 8663 Dipavamsa (The) : an Ancient Buddhist Historical Record, in Roman character, edited, with English translation, by Oldenberg, Svo, half-morocco. 1879 lis The * Dipavamsa ' is the most ancient Historical Work of the Ceylonese ; it contains an account of the Ecclesiastical History of the Buddhist Church, of the conversion of the Ceylonese to the Buddhist Faith, and of the Ancient History of Ceylon. 8664 Fryer (Lieut.-Col. G. E.) Note on the Pali Grammarian Kachcha- yana, royal 8vo, pp. 14. Calcutta, 1882 " 2s 6d 8665 Vuttodaya (Exposition of Metre), Pali Text (Roman character), with translation, royal 8vo, pp. 44. Calcutta, 1877 3s 8666 Jataka (The) : Tales of the Anterior Births of Gotama Buddha, together with the Commentary in the original Pali (Roman character). Vols. I. to VII., cloth. 1877 (pub. £1) £5 18s 8667 The Jataka. Translated from the Pali, under the superin- tendence of Prof. Cowell, by Chalmers, Francis, Neil, and Rouse. In 6 or 7 vols, royal Svo, cloth (to subscribers) each 10s Vols. I. to IV. are ready. 8668 Buddhist Birth Stories ; or, Jataka Tales, from the Pali, by Rhys Davids (Triibner), 8vo, cloth, 1880 16s Supposed to be the oldest Folklore stories in existence. See also Jatakamala (Sanskrit) and Copleston's 'Buddhism.' 8670 Kachchayano's Pali Grammar, translated, with Chrestomathy and Vocabulary by Dr. Mason, royal 8vo, cloth (Bibl. Indica). Toungoo, 1868 10s See Fryer above. 8671 Kuhn (Ernst) Beitrage zur Pali — Grammatik, 8vo, cloth, Berlin, 1875 3s 8673 Mahayana Texts. Buddha^arita, translated by 'Cowell; Sukhavati-vyuha, Vagfrafcfcfeedika, &c., translated by Max Miiller ; Amitayur-Dhyana-Sutra, translated by Takakusu (S.B.TB.), Svo, cloth. 1894 10s 6d 8674 Milinda Panho (The), being Dialogues between King Milinda and the Buddhist Sage Nagasena, Pali Text [in Roman character], edit, by Trenckner, Svo, half-calf. London [Copenhagen'], 1880 9s 8675 The Questions of King Milinda, from the Pali, by Prof. Rhys Davids, Part I. (S.B.E.), Svo, cloth. 1890 9s 8676 Part II., Svo, cloth. 1894 1Q« ^d 83, High Street, Mari/lebone, London, W. 340 Francis Edwardds Catalogue Pali Language and Literature {continvjed) — 8678 Minayeff (J.) Grammaire Palie, Phon^tique et Morphologie, traduite du Eusse par Guyard, roy. Svo, cl. Paris, 1874 4s 8680 Miiller (Dr. E.) Simplified Grammar of Pali, 12mo, cl. 1884 6s 8681 Neumann (Dr. Karl E.) Buddhistische Anthoiogie, royal 8vo, half-morocco. Leyden, 1892 6s 6d German translations from the Pali Scriptures. 8682 Die Reden Gofcamo Buddho's aus der Mittleren Sammlung Majjhiraanikayo des Pali-Kanons, Bands I., II., IV., royal 8vo, 3 vols, cloth and 1 pb. sewed. 1895-1900 £1 4s 8683 Sutta Nipata, Dialogues and Discourses of Buddha, from the Pali, by Sir C. Swdmy, 12mo, cloth. 1874 3s 6d 8684 Takakusu (J.) A Pali Ohrestomathy, with Notes and Glossary giving Sanskrit and Chinese Equivalents, Svo, cloth. Tokyo, 1900 10s 6d 8685 Thero (M.) Abhidhanappadipika, or Dictionary of the Pali Language, with English and Singhalese interpretations and notes, Svo, boards. Oolomho, 1S65 5s 8686 Vinaya Pitacam (The) : one of the principal Buddhist Holy Scriptures in the Pali Language (Roman character), edited by Oldenberg, 5 vols. Svo, cloth. 1879-83 £2 10s Vol. I. The Mahavagga, with Introduction ; Vol. II. The Cullavagga ; Vols. III. and IV. The Suttavibhanga (2 vols.) ; Vol. V. The Parivara. 8687 Vinaya Texts, from the Pali, by Rhys Davids and Oldenberg. (S.B.E.), 3 vols. Svo, cloth. 1881-85 each 9s Part I. The Patimokkha ; The Mahavagga, I.- IV. Part TI. The Mahavagga, V.-X. ; The iTullavagga, I.-III. Part III. The Cullavagga, IV.-XII. The Vinaya Texts give for the first time a translation of the moral code of the Buddhist religion as settled in the third century B.C. Warren's Buddhism, in translations from the Pali. See p. 316 . 8688 Palladius de Gentibus Indite et Bragmanibus ; S. Ambrosius de Moribus Brachmanorum ; Anonymous de Bragmanibus in lucem protulit Edoardus Bissseus, small 4to, calf. LondoUf 1665 123 Orme, the historian's copy, with his MS. notes. The Parsees and their Sacred Books. 8689 Arda Viraf (The Book of), Pahlavi Text, with English translation and introduction, also Texts and Translations of the Gosh t-i Fry ano, and Fragments of the Hadokht-Nask, and glossary and index, and notes on Pahlavi grammar, by Prof. Martin Haug and E. W. West, 2 vols, in one, royal Svo, half-calf. 1872-74 (pub. 50s) £1 16s 8690 Ardashir Babakan. The Karname i Artakhshir i Papakan, the oldest surviving records of the founder of the Sasanian Dynasty in Iran, Pahlavi text, with transliteration in Eoman characters, English and Gajerati translations, notes, &c., Svo, cloth. Bombay, 1896 6s Bopp*s Comparative Grammar of Sanskrit, Zend, &c. See p. 310. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, Religions f Languages^ ihita : the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, with Sayana's Commentary, edited by Max Miiller, second edition, 4 vols. 4to, cloth. 1890-92 (pub. £8 8s) £6 " After the latest researches into the history and chronology of the books <>f the Old Testameat, we may now safely call the Rig- Veda the oldest book, not only of Aryan hunianity, but of the whole world."— Editor. 8895 Rig-Veda-Samhita : the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, translated and explained by Max Miiller. Vol. I. Hymns to the Maruts or the Storm Gods, 8vo, cloth. 1869 7s 8896 Yedic Hymns — to the Maruts, Rudra, Yayu, and Vata, translated by Max Muller (S.B.B.), 8vo, cloth. 1891 16s 8897 Yedic Hymns, Yol. IL, translated by Oldenberg, 8vo, cloth. 1897 12s 8898 Rig Yeda Sanhita : Ancient Hindu Hymns, translated from the Sanskrit by H. H. Wilson, edited by Cowell and Webster, second edition, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1854-88 £6 6s 8899 Rig Yeda Sanhita : Liber Primus, Sanscrit and Latin, by Rosen, 4to. (O.T.P.) 1838 8900 The Sanhita of the Rig- Yeda ; Sanskrit text, with Prose translation by Stevenson, small 4to, sewed. Bombay, 1833 5s 8901 First Two Lectures of the Sanhita of the Rig Yeda, with the Commentary of Madhavacharya, and an English Translation of the Text by Dr. Roer (Bibl. Indlca), 8vo, hf.-mor. Calcutta, 1849 7s 6d 8902 Rig- Yeda, Traduction Fran9ais de A. Langlois (Bibl. Intern. Universale), imp. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1870 6s 6d See also Aitareya-Brahmanam, Katyayana, Manning (Mrs.) 'Ancient and Med. India,' Uimnishads, Sutras. 8903 Saddharma-Pundarika (The), or the Lotus of the True Law, trans, by Kern (S.B.E.), 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1884 10s 6d 8905 St. Barbe (H. L.) The Namakkara, with Translation— Jour. R. Asiatic See, 1883, Vol. XV. pp. 213-220 2s 8906 Sama-Veda, Hymns of, in English Prose, by R. T. H. Griffith, 8vo, cloth. 1893 6s 8907 Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Yeda, by Stevenson, (O.T.F.), 8vo, sewed. 1842 3s 6d 8908 Sanskrit Inscriptions at Mangalapura (a.d. 1146), Udeypoor, (954), Ranakpur (1440), &c., with English translations, imp. 4to, half-morocco (1886) 10s 6d From Mr. Vajeshankar Gavarishankar, 18th Dec, 1886. 8909 Satapatha - Brahmana (The) according to the Text of the Madhyandina School, translated by Eggeling (Books I. to XIV.), 5 vols. 8vo, cloth (S.B.E.). Vols. I. to IV., each 10s 6d ; Vol. V., 16s A minute account of the sacrificial ceremonies of the Vedic age. It contains the earliest account of the Deluge in India. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 354 Francis Edwardds Catalogue Sanskrit Language and Literature {continued) — 8911 Shaddarshana-Chintanika (The); or, Studies in Indian Philosophy. A Monthly Publication Stating and Explaining the Aphorisms of the Six Schools of Indian Philosophy, with their Translation into Marathi and English, Vols. I. to VI., 8vo, 2 vols, cloth, rest parts (wanting 1 number). Doona IPoona], 1877-82 £1 8912 Tantras, The Esoteric Philosophy of the ; Shiva Sanhita, trans- lated by S. Chandra Basu, 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1887 3s 6d 8913 Turrini (Giuseppe) AH' Aurora inno di Praska?iva Kanva recato di Samsfcrito in Volgare, 4tx), pp. 20. Bologna, 1889 2s 8914 Uhlenbeck (Dr. C. 0.) Manual of Sanskrit Phonetics for Students of Classical Philology, English edition, 8vo, cloth. 1898 4s 8915 Upanishads (The) translated by Max Muller, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (S.B.E.) 1879-84 18s The Upanishads cootain the philosophy of the Veda. They have become the foundation of the later Vedanta doctrines, and indirectly of Buddhism. 8916 Philosophy of the Upanishads and Ancient Indian Meta- physics, by Principal Gough (Triibner), 8vo, cloth. 1891 7s 8917 The Secret of Death, translated from the ' Katha Upanis- had ' by Sir Edwin Arnold, 8vo, cloth 5s 8918 Vaidya (L. Ramchandi-a) The Standard Sanskrit - English Dictionary, with Appendices, sq. 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1889 8s 6d 8919 Vedanta-Sutras (The) with ^S'ankara's Commentary, translated by Thibaut (S.B.E.), 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1890-96 each 10s 6d 8921 Sketch of the Yedanta Philosophy and Life of Sujna G. Zala, a Typical Vedantin, by M. S. Tripathi, 8vo. Bombay, 1901 3s 8922 Vedantasara (The) : a Manual of Hindu Pantheism, translated by Jacob, Preface by Prof. Cowell (Triibner), 8vo, cl. 1881 4s 6d Venisamhara. See Bhatta Narayana, p. 345. 8923 Vishnu (The Institutes of), translated by Jolly (S.B.E), 8vo, cloth. 1880 9s A collection of legal aphorisms, closely connected with one of the oldest Vedic schools, the Katha.B, but considerably added to in later time. Of importance for a critical study of the Laws of Manu. 8924 Weber (A.) Ueber ein Fragment der Bhagavati : ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Heiligen Sprache und Literatur der Jaina (Akad. Berlin), 2 parts, 4to, boards. 1866-67 8s 6d 8925 Krish7^ajanm - a - sh^ami, Krishna's Geburtsfest (Akad. Berlin), 4 plates, 4to, boards. 1868 5s 8926 History of Indian Literature : Vedic and Sanscrit, from the German by Mann and Zachariae (Triibner), 8vo, cl. 1882 10s 8927 Modern Investigations on Ancient India, pp. 31. 1857 2s 8928 Westergaard (N. L.) Radices Lingua? Sanscritae, imp. 8vo, half-calf. Bonn [Oopenhagen], 1841 8s 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Religions, Languages, . See Dampier's Voyages, Vols. I. and II. 8^f High Street, Marylehone, Londo7i, W. o 2 364 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 9060 Deveria (G.) Relations de la Chine avec rAnnam-Yietnam, XVF au XIX^ siecle, d'apres des Documents Chinois, carte, royal 8vo, (I'Ecole des Lang. Orientales). Paris, 1880 6s 9061 Dubois (Robert) Le Tonkin en 1900, map and illustrations, royal 4to, Paris [1901] £1 5s Accouot of the French conquest, with chapters on the soil and products, and illustrations representing every aspect of native life and work. Earl (G. Windsor) Visit to Bankok, March, 1834, with Notices of Siam and the Siamese, the American Mission in the "Peacock," &c. See Earl's 'Eastern Seas,' 1837. 9062 Elias (Nay) Sketch of the History of the Shans in Upper Burma and Western Yunnan, royal 8vo, pp. 68, cl. Calcutta, 1876 4s 6d 9063 Visit to the Valley of the Shueli, Western Yunnan ; also Margary's Notes of his Journey to Yunnan, maps — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1876, pp, 172-227, cloth 4s 9064 Finlayson (George) The Mission to Siam, and Hue, the Capital of Cochin-China, 1821-22, with Memoir of the Author by Sir Stamford Raffles, 8vo, half-calf. 1826 5s For Crawfurd's Journal of this Mission, see p. 363. 9065 Fournereau (L.) Le Siam Ancien : Archeologie, Epigraphie, Geographic, &c. maps and 84 plates, Vol. I. 4to. Paris, 1895 (Musee Guimet) £2 9065b Les Ruines d' Angkor, map and 101 plates, 4to £2 9065c Les Ruines Khm^res : Cambodge et Siam, 110 ^^Zaie^, 4to £2 French Mission to Siam, 1685-86 : — 9066 French Missions to Siam, hy " Pinya." See ASIATIC Quarterly (Vol. XT. pp. 331-343 ; Vol. XII. pp. 120-133). 1901 48 9067 Voyage de Siam des P^res Jesuites, envoyez par le Roy aux Indes ii la Chine, avec Observations Astronomiques, Physiques. Geographic, Hydrographie, et de I'Histoire [Par P^re Guy Tachard], /o^o^m^ and other plates, 4to, calf. Paris, 1686 £1 9068 another edition, p/a^es, 12mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1687 lis 9069 Journal ou Suite du Voyage de Siam, Lettres Famili^res, par Mr. L. D. C. [I'Abb^ de Choisy], reprint, 12mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1687 7s 9070 Journal du Voyage de Siam fait par I'Abbe de Choisy, nouvelle edition, 12mo, calf. Trevoux, 1741 8s 9071 Journal ou Suite [par I'Abb^ de Choisy] and Voyage de Siam [par P^re Tachard], 2 vols. 12mo, calf, gilt {Jine copy). Amsterdam, 1687-88 16s 9072 Relation of the Jesuits' Voyage to Siam in 1685, English translation, plates 12mo, half-calf. 1688 98 9073 Memoirs of the Count de Forbin, Commodore in the Navy of France Narra- tive of His Voyages to the East Indies, Account of the Battle at La Hogue. and other Sea Fights during 44 Years' Service ; Secret History of the Chevalier St. George's Expedition from Dunkirk to Scotland, 1708, &.c., translated from the French, 2 vols. 12mo, calf. London, 1731 15s Commodore I^e Foibin accompanied the French Mission to Siam in 1685, and remained there as a liostage — "Generalissimo of the King of Siam's troops and (Jovernor of the Tower of Bancock." He returned to France via Pondichery in 1687. His account of Siam and the people is less favourable than that of Father Tachard and the Abbe de Choisy. 83, High Street, Marylehone^ London, W. Indo-Chinaj Siarriy Toughing , (fee. 365 9074 Garnier (Lt. Fr.) Voyage d'Exploration en Indo-Chine, 1866-8, par une Commission Frangaise, presides par le Capitaine Doudard de Lagree, avec 250 gravures^ 2 vols. 4to, et Atlas, 22 cartes et 48 planches (nornhres colorees), folio. Paris, 1873 (pub. 200 fr.) £6 The route of this expedition was up the Mekong to Ta-li-fu, in Yunnan. 9075 Yojage d'Exploration en Indo-Ohine, revu et annot6 par Leon Garnier, avec 211 gravures et 2 cartes, imp. 8vo, half-morocco. Paris, 1885 18s 9076 Gerini (Major G. E.) Shan and Siam — Asiatic Quarterly, Jan., 1898, pp. 145-163. 2s 9077 Siam's Intercourse with China, 7th to 19th Century — Asiatic Quarterly (Vol. X. pp. 365-394, 1900 ; Vol. XI. pp. 155- 170). 1901 4s With new evidence of the spread of Buddhism in Indo-China. Gill (Capt.) The River of Golden Sand. See China, p. 386. 9078 Gunasekara (A. M.) Siamese Grammar, 8vo, cloth. 1892 10s 6d 9079 Gutzlaff (Rev. Charles) Journal of Two Voyages along the Coast of China, and of a Residence in Siam (1828-31), 12mo, cloth. New Yorlc, 1833 3s 9081 Hallett (Holt S.) A Thousand Miles on an Elephant in the Shan States, 8 mapsand other illustrations, Svo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1890 9s Narrative of exploration surve)'-s in Siam, &c., for a proposed railway from Burma to China, with descriptions of the manners, customs, and habits of the people, their ethnology and history. 9082 Exploration Survey for a Railway Connexion between India, Siam, and China, map— Proc. R. Geog. Soc. 1886 2s Hamilton (Capt. Alex.) Account of Cochin-China, Siam, Ton- quin, &c., 1688-1723. See p. 146 Helms (Ludvig) Visit to Komput of English Merchants, and to the King of Cambodia at Oudong, March, April, and May, 1851, and to the King of Siam at Bankok, July, 1851. See ' Pioneering in the Far East' (pp. 94-122).— Malaya, &c. KiEMPFER's Description of Siam, with Narrative of the Revolution and Execution of Phaulcon, and other Observations, June and July, 1690. See K^mpfer's 'Japan,' Vol. I. 9083 Kennedy (H. G.) Report of an Expedition into Southern Laos and Cambodia, 186&— JouR.R. Geog. Soc, 1867, XXXVII. pp. 298- 328, cloth. 3s 6d Mr. Jvennedy travelled in company with Mr. John Thomson {q.v.). 9084 King (D. 0.) Travels in Siam and Cambodia, 1858, map, Notes on Antiquities, Natural History, &c., of Cambodia, by E. Forrest, Dr. House, Dr. James Campbell, &c. — Jour. R. Geog. Soc., pp. 177-198, cloth. 1860 4s La Place (Capt.) Visits to Tourane Bay and Exploration of the Gulf of Tonquin (Dec, 1830; Jan. and Feb., 1831), with Descrip- tions of the Country and its Inhabitants, Considerations on French Commerce, &c., 5 plates (Vol. II. pp. 277-475, and Atlas). See Voyage of the "Favorite," Malaya. SSf High Street, Mwrylebone, London, W, 366 Francis Edwwrd^s Catalogue 9085 Lanessan (J. L. de) L'Expansion Ooloniale de France, wUh 19 ma'ps, thick 8vo, (pp. 1,040) half-calf. 1886 7s Algeria, Senegal and the Niger, Gaboon and the Congo, Madagascar, Indo-China (geography, ethnography, agriculture, administration, statistics), Pondichery ; Oceanic: Tahiti, New Caledonia, &c. ; Guiana, West Indies; Immigration, Penal Colonization, &c. 9086 L'Indo-Chine Frangaise, Etude Politique, Economique, et Administrative sur la Cochinchine, le Cambodge, I'Annam et le Tonkin, 5 maps, 8vo, half-calf. Paris, 1889 4s 6d Leal's Travels in Siam, 1825-26; Treaty between the E.I. Co., &c. See Wilson's Burmese War, Appendix, 1827; Anderson's English Intercourse with Siam, 1890, p. 361. Leyden (John) on the Languages and Literature of the Hindu- Chines© Nations, Malays, Javanese, Siamese, Anamese, Burmese, Bali, Tagal, &c. — Asiatic Researches (Vol. X., 8vo, 1811, pp. 158- 289). See p. 305, and Miscellaneous Indo-China Papers, Vol. I. 9087 Lorgeou (M. Edouard) Suphasit Siamois (Bull. I'Athenee Orientale, 1881-82) 2s 6d 9088 Loubere (M. de la) Envoys du Roy de la France, 1687-88. Du Royaume de Siam, maip and plates, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Amsterdam, 1691 12s 9089 New Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam, map and plates, 2 vols, in one, folio, calf. 1693 £1 Of the country and its productions, people, their manners, customs, government? revenue, art:?, religion — the Talapoins, &c. Observations on preaching the Gospel to Orientals, weights, money, measures, chess-play, Chinese counting, magical squares, astronomy, chronology, chapters on Taprobane (Ceylon) and the Cape. 9090 McCarthy (James) Surveying and Exploring in Siam, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. (R. G. Soc), 1900 7s 6d The author was engaged for twelve years (1881-93) in exploring and collecting material for a map of Siam which might form a national survey system. This volume contains observations on the physical geography, the people, their history, antiquities, &c. Macartney (Lord), Ambassador to China, Visit to Turon Bay, Cochin China, May and June, 1793, with Notices of that Country. See Anderson, p. 372 ; Barrow, pp. 361, 373 ; Staunton, p 408. 9091 Macgregor (Surg.-Major John) Through the Buffer State: Travels through Borneo, Siam, and Cambodia, portrait of the Prince of Siam and other illustrations, 12mo, cloth, 1896 4s This work describes the new provinces acquired by France, the ruins of Angkor Wat, some great pagodas, &c. Mandelslo, Account of Siam and Cambodia : the People, Kings, Trade with the Dutch and Portuguese, &c., 1639— Mandelslo's Travels (Part II. pp. 121-132). See pp. 13 and 48. Marco Polo's Account of Ziamba or Ciampa (Siam), visited a.d. 1280. See Marsden's * Marco Polo ' (Book III. chap. vi. and Notes), p. 14 ; and China, pp. 395, 413. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Indo-Ghina, Siam, Toughing^ &c. 367 9092 Mesny (Maj.-Gen. Wm.) Chinese Army. Tungking, 12mo, cloth. 1884 2s 6(1 All historical sketch, with some account of the ** Black Flags." 9093 Michels (Abel cles) Dialogues en Langue Cochinchinoise, Bvo, sewed, pp. 24. Paris, 1869 2s 6d Miscellaneous Papers relating to In do-China, &e. (Triibner). See Malaya and Straits Setti^ments. Moor (J. H.) Hindu-Chinese Countries ; Siam, Harbour of Ko-Si Chang, Bankok, the American Treaty, E.I. Co.'s Treaty; Mr. Crawfurd's Mission ; Trade of Siam ; Cochin China (from Sing£|,pore and Calcutta Papers). See Moor, 'Indian Archipelago,' Part I., 1837 (pp. 191-240). 9094 Mouhot (Alex. Henri) Travels in the Central Parts of Indo- China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos, 1858-60, map and illustrations , 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1864 10s M. Mouhot describes Bangkok and the interior of Siam, through which he travelled to Cambodia. He afterwards ascended the Mekong as iar as the frontiers of Laos, exploring country where no European had ever been before, discovering the splendid ruins of Angkor, which are of great magnitude. Starting for the S.W, Provinces of China he died en route. These volumes, edited by his brother, are well illustrated, and contain appendices (with plates) of new species of mammals, reptiles, fishes, insects, and shells ; translations of Chinese tales and fables, a Cam- bodian vocabulary, papers on the Damier or Cape Pigeon, and the Albatross, several letters of tlie Author, and a paper read at the Royal Geographical Society. 9095 Notes on Cambodia, the Lao Country, &c., map; also O' Riley (Edw.) Tour to Karen-ni and Shan States, 1856-57, with 7»iap— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1862, pp. 142-216, cloth 4s 6d 9096 Moura (J.) Le Royaume de Ca.mbodge, 7nap and illustrations, 2 vols, royal 8vo, sewed. Paris, 1886 £1 ig 9097 Neale (Fred. A.) Narrative of a Residence at the Capital of the Kingdom of Siam [Bankok], with description of the Manners, Cus- toms, &c., of the Siamese, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1852 2s With brief Sketch of Siamese History, Songs, Music, and Language. 9098 Norman (0. B.) Tonkin, or France in the Far East, 2 maps, Bvo, cloth. 1884 4s 6d Geography of Tonquin ; Annam and China ; Early relations of France with Annam ; French Missionaries; Conquest of S. Annam, 1862; M. Dupuis's Expe- dition up the Red River to Yunnan, 1872 ; Garnier's Capture of the Delta, 1873 ; Pacific Negotiations— Annexation of Annam, 1874 ; Riviere's Expedition to the Red River, 1882-83 ; Capture of Hu6 ; French and Chinese Negotiations, &c. 9099 Colonial France, map, Bvo, cloth, 1B86 5s chat Cocl 9100 Peoples and Politics of the Far East, British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese Colonies, maps and illustrations, Bvo, cloth. 1895 7s 6d Includes chapters on French Indo-China ; French Colonial Administration and its Cost; Bankok and its People, Siamese Affairs (Fact and Fiction) ; the True Story of France and Siam ; England and the Future of Siam. 8^y High Streetj Marylebone^ London^ W. 368 Frcmcis Edwards^ s Catalogue m »i. ■ — — — — 9101 Orleans (le Pere) Histoire de Monsieur Constance, Premier Ministre du Roy de Slam, et de la Revolution de cet Etat, 12mo, calf. 1692 {rare) 9102 Orleans (Prince Henri d') Around Tonkin and Siam, translated by C. B. Pitman, maps and 28 illust., 8vo, cloth. 1894 6s Account of Prince Henry's Second Visit to Tonkin in 18!)2, containing chapters on Hong Kong and Canton ; on Hanoi and Lower Tonkin, its mines and industries ; Ascent of the Black River, Visit to Luang Prabang, Observations on Laos, Voyage down the Mekong to Bankok, Trade of Tonkin, &c. For account of P. Henry's First Visit to Tonkin with M, Bonvalot, in 1888-90, see Tibet. 9103 ■ From Tonquin to India by the Sources of the Irawadi, 1895-96, translated by Hamley Bent, illustrated by G. Vullier, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1898 10s 6d On this third journey the Prince's route was tlirough W. Yunnan to Tali Fou and by way of the Upper Mekong to the Borders of Tibet, down the valley of the Lower Bramaputra, through Assam to Calcutta. Appendices include Scientific Observations by M. Roux ; Descriptions of Mammals, Birds, Lepidoptera and Plants ; Specimens of 24 Vocabularies, Picture Manuscripts, &c. 9104 Parker (E. H.) Siam— Asiatic Quarterly, July, 1897 2s 6d 9105 The French in Indo-China— /6i(Z., January, 1897 2s 6d 9106 Shan and Siam— /Ji^., April, 1898, pp. 401-405. 2s 6d A reply to Gerini. See p. 365. 9107 Parkes ([Sir] Harry) Geographical Notes on Siam, ivith map of the Lower Menam — Jour. R. Geog. S., 1856, pp. 71-78, cloth. 3s 9108 Pinto (Fernand Mendez) Voyages and Adventures in Ethiopia, China, Tartary, Cochin-China, Siam, Pegu, Japan, &c. (1537-58), with descriptions of the People and Places visited and Accounts of his Five Shipwrecks, translated by Cogan, folio, h£.-cf. 1653 24s 9109 Voyages and Adventures of Mendez Pinto, edited by Vam- b^ry, 12mo, cloth. (Adventure Series), 1891 3s 6d Mendei Pinto visited all the Portuguese trading ports between the Red Sea and Japan. He interviewed the Kings of several countries, was five times shipwrecked, thirteen times a slave, and sold sixteen times. Eeturning home for his notable services and sufferings he received as a reward thanks more affectionate than reasonable, because of his sins (he sui)poses), seeing that kings, the lively source whence all recompense flow, do confer great estates on them which render no service at all. Pinto was characterized by Cervantes as "prince of liars," and by Congreve as "a liar of the first magnitude," his name has also given the word mendacious " to our dictionaries, but his narrative is not now considered to be very much exaggerated. 9110 Prendergast (Sir H. N. D.) France and Siam; McMahon (Gen. A. R.) The Mekong-Menam Arrangement; Pickering (W. A.) The Mekong Treaty ; The Future of Siam, by a Siamese ; The Siam Agreement, &c. — Asiatic Q. Rev., April, 1896 3s 9111 Pruniers Refleuris (Les) Po^me Tonquinois, traduit par Landes, 8vo. Paris, 1884 3s 6d 9112 Reinach (L. de) Le Laos, 6 7naps and 125 illustrations, 2 vols, in 1, royal 8vo, half-morocco. Paris [1902] £1 IDs Phvsical geography, the people, political history, resources, industries, trade, ea cultivation, communications, treaties, bibliography, &c. 88^ High Street, Ma/rylebone, London^ W. Indo-Ghina, Siam, TongJcing, dec. 369 9113 Rey (Capt.) Yoyage from Fiance to Cochin-Ohina in the " Henry " of Bordeaux, 1819-20, 8vo, half-calf. 1821 (Phillips) 5s 9114 Rochon (Abbe) Yoyage to Madagascar and the East Indies, map, 8vo, half-calf, 1793 6s With a Description of Cochinchina ; Taxes, Manners, Natural Products, Com- merce, &c., (pp. 298-826). 9115 Ruschenberger (W. S. W., M.D.,) Yoyage Round the World, 1835-37, including Narrative of an Embassy to the Sultan of Muscat and the King of Siam, 4 plates, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 1838 10s During this voyage the "Peacock" visited Rio Janeiro, Zanzibar, Muscat, Bomba}^, Colombo, Batavia, Bankok, Turon Bay, Macao. Canton, Bonin and Sand- wich Islands, Monterey (California), San Bias, Acapulco,' Callao, Vol. I., chaps, xxiii. to XXV., and Vol. II., chaps, i. to vii., contain Sketches of Siam, and Vol. II., chaps, viii. and ix., Sketches of Cochin-China. The Treaty between the King of Siam and the United States is printed in Vol. II., pp. 129-137. ScHODTEN (Joost) Description of the Kingdom of Siam, 1636. See Thevenot's Collection (Vol. I.) and Japan : Caron ; Varenius. 9116 Scott ([Sir] James George, " Shway Yoe ") France and Tong- King : Narrative of the Campaign of 1884 and the Occupation of Further India, map and plans, 8vo, cloth. 1885 5s With Account of the Tonkinese. Chapters on Annam. Saigon, Camboja, and Haman, Chapters on the proposed Kra Canal, and on the Indo-Chinese Empire. 9117 The Hill-Slopes of Tong-King— Proc. R. G. See, 1886 2s See aho Burma, p. 281. 9118 Siam. Twenty photographs of Scenes in Bankok, Penang and Singapore in large box 98 9119 Siamese Blue Book (The) and Siamese Affairs; Law and Administration in French Colonies of the Far East, by C. H. E. Carmicliael — Asiatic Quarterly, October, 1894, pp. 294-324 2s 6d 9121 Smyth (H. Warington) Five Years in Siam, 1891-96, 7naps and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1898 12s " These volumes present in handsome form the results of numerous adventurous journeys The descriptions of travel are supplemented by chapters on Siamese history and politics Appendices dealing with commercial statistics, natural phenomena, Siamese music and musical instruments. The book is beautifully illustrated by the author's sketches and from photographs."- Geographical Journal. 9122 A Journey on the Upper Mekong, Siam, 3 maps and 60 illustrations (R.G.S.), 8vo, cloth. 1895 5s 6d 9123 Societe Academique Indo-Chinoise de France, Memoires Tome I., 4to, sewed. Paris, 1879 8s Contains papers relating to Caujbodian, Siamese and Malay Manuscripts, Buddhism, Architecture, History, Language, Ancient Ruins, &c. Papers from Bulletin de Soc. Indo-Chinoise. 1890 : — D124 Avera (Fernand de) La France, La Hautc-Birmanie, et le Tong-Kin (1883), pp. l!>l-2()t 2s 9125 Aymonier (M.) Inscriptions du Cambodge, pp. 421-432 2s 9126 Bock (Carl) Le Bouddhisme au Laos (1883), pp. 177-190 and photograph 2s 6d 9127 Castonnet des Fosses (M H.) Les Relations de la Chine et de I'Annam (1883), pp. 205-264 4s 9128 Gibert (Eugene) La Famille Royale de Siam (1883), pp. 163-176 28 8Sj High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. '370 Frimds Edwards^s Catalogue 9129 Sommerville (M.) Siam on the Meinam, from the Gulf to Ayuthia, with Three Romances illustrative of Siamese Life and Customs, 8vo, cloth. 1897 . 8s 6d 9130 Sprye (R. and R, H. F.) On Communication between Rangoon and S.W. China ; also Paper on Same Subject by Dr. McCosh — Proc. R. Geog. Soc, 1860, pp. 45-54, cloth 3s 6d 9131 Tavernier (John Baptista) Relations and Treatises, additional to his Six Voyages, wap and plates, folio, calf. 1680 18s (1) Kelation of Tonquin, with map and numerous folding plates, (2) How the Hollanders manage their Affairs in Formosa, Mauritius, Java, Persia, &c., (3) Relation of Japan, with map, (4) Relation of the Negociations of the French Company in Persia (1665), at Agra, &c., (1666), (5) Observations on the E.I. Trade. For other editions of Tavernier, see pp. 21, 22, and 238. 9132 Thomson (John) Antiquities of Cambodia: Sixteen Photo- graphs, with Descriptions, obi. 4to, hf.-mor. Edinhurgli, 1867 15s Contains exterior and interior views of the Temple of Nakhon Wat, the great- est of the Cambodian antiquities, now shrouded in the heart of a dense tropical forest. These ruins, of considerable antiquity, are referred to in Mr. Thomson's work 'The Straits of Malacca, &c.,' by Mouhot in his ' Travels,' and by Fergusson in his ' History of Indian Architecture.' 9133 On the Antiquities of Cambodia — N. China Branch R. Asiatic Soc, 1872, pp. 197-204 2s 9134 The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China: Ten Years' Travels, maps and 60 wood engravings, 8vo, cl. 1875 8s Description of Bangkok, Buddhist temples and priests ; an expedition to Cambodia and its ruins. Voyage up the Gulf of Siam ; Saigon, the harbour and town ; the Cochin-Chinese ; Visits to Hong Kong, Canton, Macao, Formosa, Foo- chow, Shanghai, Nanking, Pekin, &c. 9135 Tran Bo: Comedie Annamite, traduitpar Landes, 8vo. 1887 3s Treaties between the E.I. Co., Great Britain, and Siam. See p. 22. Valentyn's Account of Siam, Cambodia, Tonquin, &c., 1724. See p. 23. Varenius (B.) Descriptio Regni Siam. See Japan. 9136 Vincent (Frank) The Land of the White Elephant : Travels in Burma, Siam, Cambodia, and Cochin-China, 1871-72, illustratedy 8vo, cloth. 1873 8s 9137 Another copy, half -morocco 10s Narrative of a voyage to Burma, Singapore, Siam, Cambodia, and Cochin China, in 1871, with visits to Rangoon, Mandalay, Bangkok, Siamrap, Panompin, Saigon, &c., account of the ruins of Angkor, audiences with King of Siam, and a day in his Palace, audience with King of Cambodia, the French in Cochin China, &c. 9138 White (John, Lieut. U.S.N.) A Voyage to Cochin-China, 1819- 1820, 8vo, half-calf. 1824 4s 6d Narrative of a trading voyage to Bahia, Tristan d'Acunha, Java, Banka, Palara- ban, Pulu Condore, Philippines (with account of the Islands), and Cochin China, the First American Voyage up the River Donnai to Saigon, with Account of the Country and People. 9139 Young (Ernest) The Kingdom of the Yellow Robe : Sketches of the Domestic and Religious Rites and Ceremonies of the Siamese, with illustrations by E. A. Norbury and from photographs f 8vo, cloth. 1900 3s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 371 CHINA. Geography, Travels, Histcrry, Ethnology, Statistics, Politics, Commerce. *it:* For Chinesk Religion, Literature, and Language, see pp. 416 to 426. 9140 Abeel (Rev. David) Journal of a Residence in China and Neighbouring Countries, 1830-33, map, 12mo, cJoth. 1835 4s 6d As American Missionary to S.E. Asia Mr. Abeel visited Canton, Macao, Patavia, Singapore, Malacca, and Bankok. He has added chapters on Borneo, Celebes, Philippines, Loochoo, and Japan. 9141 Ackermann's World in Miniature: China, containing the Manners, Customs, Character, and Costumes of the People, by Frederic Shoberl, 30 coloured plates, 2 vols. 12mo, bds. 1823 6s 9142 Abel (Clarke) Narrative of a Journey in China, and of the Voyage to and from that Country, 1816-17, map, charts, coloured and other plates, 4to, half-calf. 1818 12s Mr. Abel accompanied Lord Amherst's Embassy as Surgeon and Naturalist. When the " Alceste " was wrecked he was able to preserve his Journal of * Observa- tions ' only ; these describe the physical features, scenery, and people of the places visited— Cfhina, Corea, Loochoo, Philippines, Java, Hong Kong, Cape, Brazil, St. Helena, Madeira, &c. Nearly the whole ©f his collections, 300 cases of plants and zoophytes, were lost. For other narratives of the Embassy, see references under Amherst, below. 9143 Agassiz (A. R.) Journey from Hai-phong, Tong-King, through Kwang-si Provinces to Canton, Feb. and March, 1890, map — Proc. R. Geog. Soc, May, 1891, pp. 249-264. Is 6d Alcock (Sir Rutherford) The Englishman in China during the Victorian Era. See Miohie. 9144 Alexander (W.) Costume of the Chinese, 50 coloured plates, royal 8vo, cloth. 1804 18s Lieut. Alexander accompanied Lord Macartney's Embassy, 1792-94. 9145 Allan (James) Under the Dragon Flag, Experiences of the Chino-Japanese War, 12mo, cloth. 1898 2s 9146 Allen (Roland) The Siege of the Peking Legations: a Diary, maps and plans, 12mo, cloth. 1901 4s 9147 Allgood (Major-Gen. G.) China War, 1860, Letters and Journals, with 24 illustrations, 17 maps, and2 plans, oblong 4to, cl. 1901 8s 6d 8ee also references under " Arrow." 9148 Amherst (Lord), by Mrs. Thackeray Ritchie and Richardson Evans, portrait (Rulers of India) 12mo, cloth. 1894 2s With chapter on Lord Amherst's Embassy to China, 1816-17, and extracts from his Lordship's unpublished diary. For other narratives see Abel, Davis, Ellis, Morrison, Staunton (Sir G. T.), and Hall's and M'Leod's Corea. 9149 Amundsen (Edward) Journey through S.W. Sechuan, 1898-99 —Geog. Joub., June and Nov., 1900 (Vol. XV. pp. 620-625 ; Vol. XVI. pp. 531-537) ^ ff 83, High Si/reet, MaryUhone London, W. 372 Frcmcis Edimrds's Catalogue 9150 Anderson (^neas) Narrative of the British Embassy [under Lord Macartney] to China, 1792-94, with Account of the Chinese, their Towns, Cities, &c., 4to, half-calf. 1795 7s 9151 Another edition, 8vo, boards. 1796 3s With a Glossary of Chinese Words. See also Barrow, Macartney, Staunton, 9152 Anderson (John, M.D.) Mandalay to Momien : a Narrative of Two Expeditions from Burma to Western China in 1868 and 1875, under Cols. E. B. Sladen and Horace Browne, ivith vocahularies^ maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1876 6s See also Sladen, p. 281 ; Zoology, &c., p. 284. 9153 Anderson (Capt. Lindsay) A Cruise in an Opium Clipper, 12mo, cloth. 1891 3s 6d 9154 Among Typhoons and Pirate Craft, with Visits to China Ports and Japan, ilhistrated, 12rao, cloth. 1892 2s 6d Andradas (The) Voyage to Canton, 1517-18, See Barros, Ljungstedt, Martin (R. M.), and Murray's Asia. 9155 Anson's Voyage Round the World in H.M.S. "Centurion," 1740-44, compiled by Richard Walter, 42 plates, 4to, calf. 1748 12s 9156 Another edition, ivith 3 charts, 8vo, calf. 1749 7s The "Centurion" was at Macao from November, 1742, to April, 1743, and from July to December, 1743, at Canton. Book III. chaps, vii. ix. and x., contain account of Anson's proceedings and transactions with the Chinese, including the sale there of the Spanish galleon which he had captured off the Philippines. 9157 True and Impartial Journal of Anson's Voyage, by Pascoe Thomas, Teacher of Mathematics, 8vo, calf. 1745 7s Thomas's Journal contains an account of China, the people, government, towns, religion, maxims, customs, education, &c., as well as a narrative of the proceedings of the " Centurion" (see pp. 175-310). "Arrow" f The Lorcha) War, 1800. See Alcock, Allgood, Blakeney, Bowring, Collev, Cooke, Elgin, Fisher, Gordon (C. A.), Grant (Hope), Grose, Hunter, Keppel, Knollys, Leavenworth, Lindley, Loch, McGhee, Michie, Mitford, Oliphant, Oliver, Parkes, Rennie, Scarth, Swinhoe, Wolseley. AvRiL (Father) Attempted Journey through Tartary to China. See p. 2. 9158 Baber (E. Colborne) Travels and Researches in Western China, 3 large maps, royal 8vo, cloth. (R.G.S.), 1886 5s Journey of Exploration in Western Ssu-Ch'uan— Journey to Ta-Chien-Lu, 1878— Notes on the route of Grosvenor's Mission through Western Yunnan to inquire into the circumstances of the murder of Mr. Margary.— On the Chinese Tea Trade with Tibet, 1879. The book contains a full description of the Lolo aboriginal tribe and of their peculiar writing, which Mr. Baber was so fortunate as to discover. " One of the finest books of travel ever written." — Arch. Little, Esq. 9159 Backhoff (Feodor Iskowitz) Muscovite Envoy. Travels through Siberia to Peking, China ; also Wagener (Z.) Voyages to Brazil, the Cape, Java, and China (from Churchill's Collection, 12 pp.), folio, sewed. 1704 4s 88, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, China 373 9160 Balfour (F. H.) Waifs and Strays from the Far East: Essays on Chinese Matters, royal 8vo, cloth. Shanghai, 1876 5s Different views of the Chinese ; Dynasties ; Secret Societies ; Armaments ; Liuchiu ; Legendary Corea ; Javanese Invasions and Influence ; Foreign Trade ; Opium ; Rival Evangelizers ; Foreign Culture ; Buddhism ; Astrology ; Chinese Jews; Creation, &c. 9161 Leaves from My Chinese Scrap-Book, 8vo, cloth (Triibner's Oriental Series). 1887 3s This collection of papers relate to the First Emperor, Court Etiquette, Chinese Medicine, the Horse in China, the Seven Wonders of Corea, Prince Kung, China's Greatest Tyrant— Custom, Taoist Fairy Tales of Instruction and Delight. " Contains much that will interest a wider public than that which commonly concerns itself with Chinese affairs." — Athenceum. 9162 Ball (Samuel) On Opening a Second Port in China, 2 maps, 8vo, pp. 40. {From edition printed Macao, 1817) 2s 6d 9163 Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in China, gathered during a Residence, 1804-26, 8vo, cloth. 1848 38 9164 Ball (J. Dyer) Things Chinese, third edition, revised and enlarged, 8vo, cloth. Hong Kong, 1900 * 7s A Dictionary of Subjects connected with China - e.g., Abacus, Aboriginal Tribes, Adoption, Amusements, Ancestral Worship, Arch'tecure, Army, Art, Audience, Bamboo, Books on China, Botany, Buddhism, Carving, Chess, Children, Chinese Abroad, Chinese People, Climate, Confucius, Dialects, Dre.^s, Earthquakes, Educa- tion, Embroidery, Etiquette, Fire-crackers, History, Insects, Language, Laws, Literature, Mandarin, Missions, Mongols, Opium, Porcelain, Silk, Slavery, Societies (Secret), Taouism, Tea, Torture, Woman, Writing, Zoology, &c. 9165 Barrow ([Sir] John) Travels in China (1793), Descriptions and Observations during a Residence at the Imperial Palace, and on a Subsequent Journey from Pekin to Canton, with 5 roloured plates by W. Alexander, and other illustrations, 4to, calf. 1804 12s This work supplements that of Sir George Staunton on the Embassy of Lord Macartney in many particulars regarding the language, literature, science, govern- ment, origin, and religion of the Chinese, and has a preliminary chapter on the results of preceding embassies from other European Powers. 9166 An Auto- Biographical Memoir of Sir John Barrow, Bart., of the Admiralty, portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1847 7s 6d Includes Barrow's Personal Narrative of the Embassy to China, further obser- vations on China and the Chinese, and notes on preceding narratives of the " Embassy." See also Macartney ; Anderson (^neas) ; Staunton. Batuta (Ibn) Visit to China, with Account of the Country, People, &c. See Oriental Trans. Fund, p. 336, and Yule's ' Cathay,' p. 413. Baudier (Michael) History of the Court of the King of China (1610). See Harley's Collection of Voyages, Vol, II. 9168 Bax (Capt. B. W.) Voyage of H.M.S. " Dwarf " in Eastern Seas, (1871-74), Visits to China, Japan, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1875 3s 6d Includes Visits to Singapore, Hong Kong, Amoy, Foochow, Nagasaki, Yesso Fusi-Yam«, F'ormosa, Loochoo, Vladivostock, &c. Benyowsky (Count) Visit to Macao and Canton, and Proceedings there, Sept., 1771, to Jan., 1772. See Siberia: Benyowsky s * Memoirs,' 1790 (Vol. II. pp. 75-88), p. 45L 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, TT. 374 Francis Edwards* s Catalogue 9169 Beauvoir (Marquis de) Pekin, Yeddo, and San Francisco: Conclusion of * A Voyage Round the World,* English translation, loith 16 photo-illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1872 3s 6d Contains account of the visit of the Orleanist Princes to Shanghai, Tient-siu, Pekin, and the Great Wall in March and April, 1867. 9171 Belcher (Sir E.) Voyage Round the World, in the '' Sulphur," 1836-42, including Naval Operations in China, 1840-41, 3 charts, 19 steel engravhigs, and 20 vignettes, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1843 14s In this voyage Central America, Sacramento River, N.W. Coast, Sitka, the Sandwich Islands, Marquesas, Tahiti, Huaheine, Tonga, the Feejees, New Ireland, New Britain, New Gruinea, and the Eastern Archipelago were visited. The " Sulphur " subsequently took part in the operations of the Canton River, and on her way home put in at Point de Galle, Seychelles, the Cape, and St. Helena. An appendix contains a treatise on geographic botany by Mr. R. B. Hinds, 'The Regions of Vegetation.' Voyage of the *' Samarang," 1843-46. See Malaya, po»t. 9172 Bell (John) Travels from Russia to Diverse Parts of Asia — through Persia and Siberia to China, &c., 1715-38; with Delange's Journal of his Residence as Agent of Peter the First at Pekin, 1721-22, map, 2 vols, small 4to, calf. London, 1763 14s Mr. Bell, of Autermony, accompanied the Russian ambassador to Peking in 1719. 9174 Bell (Col. Mark) The Dungan Rebellions of 1861 and 1895-96— Asiatic Quarterly, January and July, 1896 4s 9175 Beresford (Lord Charles) The Break-up of China, with Account of its Commerce, Currency, Waterways, Armies, Railways, Politics, and Prospects, 7naps, 8vo, cloth. 1899 68 Results of inquiries on behalf of the London Chambers of Commerce at all the British trading ports and an inspection of the Chinese army, navy, forts, and arsenals. 9176 Bernard ("W. D.) Narrative of the Voyages and Services o the ** Nemesis," 1840-43, and of the Naval and Military Operations in China : with Account of Hong Kong and Remarks on the Character and Habits of the Chinese, from Notes of Commander W. H. Hall, 3 charts, 6 plates, and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1844 12s 9177 Another copy, 2 vols. Svo, half-morocco. 1844 15s 9178 Another edition, 1 vol., slightly condensed, i«;2^A 4 charts, 4 plates, and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1844 5s 9179 Populai' edition, ivith 4 charts, 3 plates, and other ilkistra- tions, 12mo, cloth. 1846 3s A Naval Classic— The " Nemesis," which was the first iron steamer to double the Cape, visited Madeira, Princes and St. Thomas's islands, and, meeting with very rougli weather, had to put in at the Cape, Delagoa Bay, and Mozambique for repairs. She next called at Johanna in the Comoros, at the Maldives, and Point de Galle, whence she was ordered to Canton, vid Penang and Singapore. Mr. Bernard gives a full account of the operations in the Canton River as well as of those at Chusan, Ningpo, &c. ; also of the Envoy's visit to Nankin, the circumstances attending the cession of Hong Kong, and the opening of the China Ports. For other accounts of the First China War, 1840-41, see also Belcher, Bingham Cunynghame, Davis, Ellenborough, Field Officer, Forbes, Jocelyn, Mackenzie' Macpherson, Murray, Ouchterlony, Peking, Williams (Wells), Ellis (S. B.), &c. 83, High Spreet, Maryhhone, Lwidon W, CUnd 375 Bbbesford (Wm.) Letters relating to Visits to Macao and Canton, 1787-88. See Dixon's Voyage, p. 382. Bernardine's Account of China, 1578. See Harley's Collection, Vol. n. 9180 Bickmore (A. S.) Sketch of a Journey from Canton to Hankow, Aug.-Oct., 1866— Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1868, pp. 50-68 and uiap, cloth 33 — — Travels in the Indian Archipelago, 1865-66. See Moluccas, &c. 9181 Bigham (Clive) Hon. Attach^ to H.M. Legation in Peking. A Year in China, 1899-1900, with 4 majpa and 40 'ph.oto-illustrations^ 8vo, cloth. 1901 3s Personal experiences and impressions of the Chinese during journeys through China Proper, up the Yangtze and down the Yellow River to Tientsin, Port Arthur, and Wei-ha-Wei, Corea, and Manchuria, with map of the railways, and a railway map of Siberia, over which the author returned to Europe. 9182 Bingham (Commander J. Elliott) Narrative of the Expedition to China (1841-42), with Sketches of the Manners and Customs of the People, map and plates^ 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. "1842 4s Commander Bingham was First Lieutenant of H.M.S. "Modeste." To this account of the War he has added a History of the Opium Question and Official Papers. One plate represents an English prisoner as carried in a cage. 9183 Narrative, second edition, with additions and coloured portrait of the Emperor, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1843 6s 9184 Biot (Ed.) Dictionnaire des Villes, &c., dans I'Empire Chinois, 8vo, half-calf. Paris, 1842 8s 6d 9185 Birch (John Grant) Travels in North and Central China, numerous photo-illustrations, Syo, cloth. -1903 6s Mr. Birch made journeys to Kalgan and Manchuria as a railway surveyor, and subsequently with Capt. Watts-Jones up the Yangtse through Western China, across the Tibetan plateau to Lanchou in Kausuh province. Eetuniing down the Yellow River Mr. Birch lost his life in the wreck of tbeir raft, and his companion was murdered by a party of Boxers a few days later. " Mr. Birch had a trained eye for geological formations and natural beauties, and draws vivid pictures of the scenes he witnessed in the gorges and plains of Western China.''— Athenceum. 9186 Bishop (Mrs., Isabella L. Bird) The Yangtze Valley and Beyond: Journeys in Central and Western China, map and 116 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1899 9s Travels from Shanghae andNingpo to Nankin and Hankow, to and through the Province of Sze Chuan, and among the Mautze of the Somo territory in 1896-97. 9187 Blakeney (Wm.) R.N. On the Coasts of Cathay and Cipango (China and Japan) Forty Years Ago, luith 19 maps and 90 illustra- tions by F. le B. Bedwell, R.N., 8vo, cloth. 1902 8s A record of Surveying Service in the China, Yellow, and Japan Seas, Korea Strait, Gulfs of Pechili, Liau-Tung, Tartary, and Coast of Formosa, iu H.M.S. "Actseon," 1857-62, with incidents relating to the Capture of Canton and of the Taku Forts, the first ascent of the Yangtse and a narrative of the Elgin Embassy. See also Olipiiant. 83j High Street, MaryUbone, London, W. 376 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 9188 Blakiston (Capt. T. W.) Five Months on the Yang-Tsze (1861), with Notices of the Rehellions in China, 2 ma'ps and 24 illustrations by Dr. Barton, Svo, cloth. 1862 9s Narrative of a private expedition (towards Tibet and India) in company with Col. Sarel, 17tli Lancers, and Dr. Alfred Barton from Shanghae to the Upper Waters of the Yangtsze, in the Province of Sze Chuao, a distance of 1,800 Miles, with account of the Taipings and their Rebellion b}^ Mr. R. J. Forrest, a chapter on the physical features of the great river, and Apj)endices, geological specimens, list of ferns, meteorological observations. 9189 Borget (Auguste) Sketches of China and the Chinese, Thirty- two Lithographs, with descriptions, imp. folio, half- bound. 1842 18s 9191 Boulger (Demetrius Charles) History of China, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1881-84 £1 12s The work treats generally of the Chinese Empire, including relations of China with Tibet, Corea, Kashgaria and Yakoob Beg, Mongolia— Genghis and Kublai Khan— The Taepiog Rebellion, &c. "One cannot read this admirable history without feeling how much Mr. Boulger's sympathies have been enlisted by the wonderful record of Chinese achievement and Chinese character which he has collected with so much charm and ability."— A^a^wrc^ay Bevieiv. 9192 History of China, new edition, revised, maps and portraits, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1898 18s This edition contains details of recent wars with foreign powers and their consequences. 9193 A Short History of China for the General Reader, with map, royal 8vo, cloth. 1893 (pub. 12s 6d) 5s A good one-volume book on the history of China ; a concise survey of the history of 4,000 years. Gives more prominence to Modern History than the larger work, and contains a supplemental chapter, * How China is Governed.' " Ten pages dispose of the mythical history of China, 36 more brings the work, to the 13tli century and to Genghiz Khan ; the Manchu Conquest lands us at p. 125, and the remaining 294 pages treat of the Modern History, more than half the volume being devoted to the 19th ceninvy.'"— Asiatic Quarterly. 9194 Central Asian Questions: Essays on Afghanistan, China? &c., portrait and maps, 8vo, cloth. 1885 5s Contents :— Russia and Central Asia, the Future of China, the Mongols, the Chinese in Central Asia, Russia and China, the French in Anam and Tonquio, China and Foreign Powers, France and China, Foreigners in China, Tihet, the Tsung Tang, Yakoob Beg, the Opium Traffic, Three Chinese Generals, the Chinese Art of War, Reflections on Cliinese Histoiy, the Russian Railway, and other Essays. Life of Gordon. See p. 386. Bowers (Capt. H.) Voyage down the Yangtze, Feb., March, 1892. See Tibet. BoYM (Pere Michel) Briefve Relation de la Chine ; Flora Sinensis ; Monumens Antiques de la Religion Chretienne, trouves dans la Province de Xensi. See Thevenot's Collection (Vol. II.) p. 22. 9197 Brebner (Alex.) A Little History of China, and a Chinese story, * The Pleasing History,' 12mo, cloth. 1895 2s Includes chapters on Japan and Corea. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, China 377 9198 Breton (M.) China ; its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, kc, 80 copperplate engravings, principally from the originals in the Cabinet of M. Bertin, with Observations from the French, 4 vols in 2, Svo, calf. 1813 12s This interestiog collection of engravings exhibits the Chinese in every grade and in all the occupations of their daily life, their arts, implements, weapons of war and of torture. The descriptions by M. Breton were gathered from every available source. 9199 Another edition, with the plates coloured, 4: vols, in 2, 18mo) morocco. 1824 £1 9201 Bretschneider (Dr. E.) Mediaeval Eesearches from Eastern Asiatic Sources: Fragments towards the Knowledge of the Geography and History of Central and Western Asia, 13th to 17th Century, ivith 2 maps (Trubner), 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1888 £2 2s A useful supplement to Yule's ' Cathay, and the Way Thither.' Not having access to Chinese authors in their own language. Gen. Yule was occasionally misled by untrustworthy translations. 9202 History of European Botanical Discoveries in China, 2 vols. royal 8vo, sewed. 1898 * £1 10s Notes of the additions to our knowledge of Chinese botany, from Marco Polo downwards, with short biographical sketches. The notices of llobert Fortune and P6re Armand David are particularly full and interesting. See also Boym. 9203 Brine (Admiral Lindesay) The Taiping Rebellion in China, map and plans, 12mo, cloth. 1862 4s 9204 Broomhall (Marshall) Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission, with a Eecord of the Perils and Sufferings of some who escaped, portraits, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cl. 1901 4s 9205 Brown (Edw.) Adventures among Chinese Pirates, and in Cochin China, 1857-58, 12mo, cloth. 1861 3s 6d Brunel (M.) Memoir on the Chinese Trade. See Roohon, p. 405. 9206 Bryson (Rev. Thomas) A Week in Nanking, the Old Metropolis of China, 18mo, sewed, pp. 55. 1872 Is 9207 Bullock (T. L.) Consul, Chefoo. The Geography of China, map— Manchestek Geog. Jour., April, 1898 2s 6d 9208 Past Intercourse between China and Foreign Countries— Asiatic Quarterly, July, 1899 2s 6d 9209 Burns (Rev. Wm. C.) Missionary to China (1847-68), Memoir of, by Dr. Islay Burns, portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1870 3s 6d Mr. Burns, one of the Pioneer Presbyterian Missionaries, laboured at Canton, Amoy, 8hangliai, Swatow, Peking, and Nieu-Chwang. 9210 Gallery e Yvan (MM.) A Insurrei^ao na China, obra composta em France/ e traduzida em Portuguez por Jose da Fonseca, map, 12rao, half-calf. Paris, 1853 2s 6d 9211 History of the Insurrection in China, Notices of Christianity and Proclamations of the Insurgents, translated by Oxenford, with Supplementary Chapter, map, 12mo, cl. 1853 3s 6d Li-Ki : Memorial des Rites. See p. 417. 83 f High Street, Marylehone, London, W, 378 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 9212 Carey (Fred. W.) Journeys in the Chinese Shan States, ma2) and illustrations — Geog. Jour., May, 1900 (pp. 486-517) Is 6d 9213 Carne (Louis de) Travels in Indo- China and the Chinese Empire, map and illust, 8vo, cloth. 1872 7s Account of exploriog journey up the Mekong through Yunnan and a voyage down the Yang-tse-Kiang in 1866-68. 9214 ''Caroline" (H.M.S.), Voyage to India, China, &c., with Descriptions of Places Visited, 1803-5, chart, 8vo, bds. (Phillips) 4s Contains descriptions of Madeira, Madras, Calcutta, Pulu Penang, and China, Canton and neighbourhood visited in Oct., Nov., Dec, 1804. 9215 Casserly (Capt. Gordon) The Land of the Boxers: China under the Allies, with plan and 15 illustrations , 8vo, cl. 1903 6s "An extremely valuable and entertaining book It gives a very clear and concise account of the principal military operations during the campaign." — Times. 9216 Charpcntier-Cossigny (C.) Voyage k Canton, k la Chine, par le Cap de Bonne-Esperance, suivi d' Observations sur le Voyage de Lord Macartney et du Van-Braam, et d'une Esquisse de Arts des Indiens et des Chinois, 8vo, calf. Paris, 1799 6s 9217 Children of China (The) written for the Children of England, map and illustrations, small 4to, cloth. 1884 3s 9218 China Illustrated. A Series of 120 Views displaying Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits by Allom, engraved on steel, with Historical and Descriptive Notices by Eev. G. N. Wright, 4 vols, in 2, 4to, half-morocco. 1840 (pub. 84s) 18s 9219 China, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical, with some Account of Ava and the Burmese, Siam, and Annam, map and nearly 100 illustrations, 12mo, cloth. (Bohn) 1853 3s 9220 China, the Country, History, and People, compiled from Best Authorities, map, 12mo, cloth (R.T.S.). [1866] 2s 6d 9221 China, Correspondence respecting Aflfau's of (Pari. Papers, April, 1898, pp. x, 66, and March, 1899, xxiv, 360), folio, cloth 6s 6d Telegraphic and other correspondence relating to occupation of Chinese terri- tory by Germany ; Russia in Manchuria ; Notes on Manchuria by Col. Browne ; Cession of Port Arthur and Talienwan ; also of Wei-hai-Wei to Great Britain ; Eailway and other Concessions ; Hongkong Extension, kc. 9222 Trade in China, Ordinances, 1844 ; Rules and Regulations, 1846; Report from Select Committee on Commercial Relations, with Evidence (pp. 614), 1847 ; Orders, Ordinances, Rules, and Regulations, 1847-52 (Eight Pari. Papers), folio, cloth. 1845-52 15s 9223 Correspondence, Opening of the Yang-tze-Kiang, 1861 ; Papers relating to the Rebellion, and trade in the Yang-tze, maps, 1862-63 ; Order for Fitting Out Vessels for Service of the Emperor, 1863 ; Correspondence relative to Col. Gordon's Position in the Chinese Service, 1864 ; Foreign Customs Establishment, 1865 (Ten Pari. Papers), folio, cloth. 1861-65 12s 9224 ■ Correspondence with Russia on Railway Interests ; Yangtze Navigation, Pritchard-M organ's Concession for Mining, Burmah- Yunnan Surveys, French Concessions, Wei-hai Wei ; Correspondence • with United States Government ; Anglo-German Agreement ; Mas- sacres and Indemnity Claims, &c. (Five Pari. Papers), folio, cloth. 1899-1902 * 12s 6d 83i High Street^ Marylebone, London^ W. China 879 9225 China, Chinese Rice Paper Drawings, 16 coloured draivings of Chinese costume, mounted on stout paper, folio, cloth £2 2s This series is beautifully clean and perfect, and the draughtsmanship is of a superior character to that of the Chinese drawings usually offered for sale. 9226 Twelve Drawings of Chinese Street Hawkers, m colours on rice paper, mounted and folded in covers, imp. 8vo. [1870 ?] 6s 9227 Thirty-one Large Photogi-aphs of Chinese Architecture, the Ming Tombs, and Costumes, cloth box 18s 9228 Chirol (Valentine) The Far Eastern Question, maps and illus- trations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 4s China after the War with Japan ; European Diplomacy and the Tsungli-Yamen ; Foreign Powers at Vekin ; Genesis of Missionary Outrages in China ; Financial Position of China ; Wanted, An Imperial Policy. "Admirably written and full of interest."- Saturday Review. 9229 Cobbold (Rev. R. H.) Pictures of the Chinese Drawn by Themselves, 34 engravings, with descriptions, ]2mo, cloth. 1860 4s 9230 Colley (Sir Geo. Pomeroy-) Life of, including Services in KafEraria, China, Ashanti, India, and Natal, by General Butler, portrait, maps, and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 6s Sir George Colley served with "The Queens" at the taking of the Peiho and Taku J'orts (July to Nov., 1860), when the Armstrong gun was first tried in actual warfare ; its effect upon the Tartar soldiery is described in Colley's letters, as well as the destruction of the Summer Palace near Pekin, a view of which is given here. 9231 Collingwood (Dr. Cuthbert) Rambles on the Shores and Waters of the China Sea : Observations in Natural History during a Voyage to China, Formosa, Borneo, Singapore, Hongkong, &c., 1866-67, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1868 7s 6d " Professedly a book of science, it is also a book of travel, and that too of an order considerably above the average. The range of the writer's observation is extensive ; so that from the Atlantic, the Indian and the China Seas, he brings experiences which were amply worth the labour of recording."— i^r'a^amwer. 9232 Colquhoun (A. R.) Across Chryse (1882), Journey of Explora- tion through South China Border Lands from Canton to Mandalay, with 3 maps, 30 facsimiles of native drawings, and 300 illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1883 14s The author's object in this journey was to ascertain the commercial and physical aspect of S.W. China and of the Shan country. He travelled up the Si-Kiang through the provinces of Kwang-tung and Kwang-si to Yunnan, which he crossed to Bhamo, thence down the Irawadi to Mandalay, Ava. and Kaugodu. In an Appendix is given a translation (by Mr. G. W. Clarke, of the China Inland Mission) of a Manuscript Account of the Kwei-Chau Miao-tzu, m ritteu after the subjugation of the Miao-tzu, about 1730. 9233 Exploration in Southern and South- Western China (1882), three-sheet map (R.G.S. Papers), cloth 3s 6d A brief account of the route, Canton to Bhamo. This is the expedition for which Mr. Colquhoun was awarded the gold medal of the K. Geog. Society. 9234 China in Transformation, with maps and diagrams, 8voj cloth. 1898 6s Chai)ters on geographical, economic, and political questions, foreign relations, communications, England's objective, diplomatic intercourse, the native press, Chinese democracy, Hongkong, &c. 83^ High ^ireet^ Maryhhone^ London, W. 380 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 9235 Colquhoun (A. R.) The '' Overland " to China, with portrait, viapSf and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 6s A ]ourney overland from Europe to China, with chapters on Siberia an«i the Conquest ; Industries and Products ; the great Trans-Siberian- Manchurian Railway ; Peking, Past and Present; Manchuria; Eastern Mongolia; th« Yangtse Valley; South- West China ; Tongking ; the interests of Britain jyid the United States. 9236 The Railway Connection of India and China; Barton (Alfred) The Yangtsze Valley and British Commerce; New China, by Taw Sein Ko— Asiatic Q., July, 1898 (pp. 35-79) 2s 6d 9237 Coltman (R.) The Chinese, their Present and Future, Medical, Political, &c., illustrated, 8vo. 1892 7s 9238 Cook (Capt.) Third and Last Voyage performed under the Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore in the ''Resolution" and "Discovery," 1776-80, maps and charts, 3 vols. 4to, calf, with imperial folio Atlas, containing large chart and 62 plates, half-calf. 1784 " £2 10s This voyage was made to N.W. coast of America and Behring Strait. After Cook's death at the Sandwich Islands (discovered on this voyage) the vessels pro- ceeded to Kamtschatka and homeward by way of the China Seas. Vol. III. contains account of proceedings and observations at Macao, Wampoa, and Canton, Dec, 1779, and Jan., 1780 ; prices of commodities. &:c. 9239 Cooke (G. Wingrove) Tiines Correspondent. China in 1857-58, maps and portrait of Commissioner Yeh, 12mo, cloth. 1858 3s British relations with China, Impressions of Hongkong, Battle of Fatshan, Visit to Hnnkow, the Ningpo Massacre, Chusan, Shanghai, Agriculture, and Chinese Communication ; Canton, the bombardment and capture ; Lord Elgin and Chinese Diplomacy ; Counnissioner Yeh, his character, &c. 9240 Cooper (T. T.) Travels of a Pioneer of Commerce in Pigtail and Petticoats Overland from China towards India in 1868, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1871 5s Account of an adventurous journey up the Yangtse through Szu-Chuan Province to Eastern Tibet, and an unsuccessful attempt to cross to Burma through Yunnan. For Mr. Cooper's next jouroey from Calcutta to the Mishmee Hills in 18fi9, see Tibet. Subsequently appointed Bri(ish Kesident at Bhamo, he was murdered there April 24th, 1878. 9241 Cordier (Henri) Histoire des Kelations de la Chine, avec les Puissances Occidentales, 1860-1902, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1901-2 Including accounts of the Taiping and Boxer Kebellions, Massacre of Tientsin, the Margary Affair, Chinese Emigration, the Catholic and Protestant Missions. 9242 Cornaby (W. A.) China under the Search Light, 12mo, cloth. 1901 3s Shoi- , pithy, and suggestive chapters in explanation of Chinese problems, by an observ. nt resident. 9243 Creagh (Fitzgerald) Journey from Amoy to Hankow, 1879 — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1880, pp. 275-306, map, cloth 4s 9244 Culin (Stewart) Chinese Games with Dice and Dominoes (Smith- sonian Inst., 1893, pp. 489-537), with 12 plates 4s See Korea, p. 427. 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. China 381 9245 Gumming (Miss C. F. Gordon-) Wanderings in China, m«p, portrait, and 9 autotype illusts., 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1886 9s 9245b Another copy, 2 vols, half -calf extra 13s 9246 Populai' edition, 7)iap, portrait, and 6 illustrations^ 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. 1888 48 A ebarmiDg work, full of interest from first page to last. Miss Gordon-Cum- ming visited Hongkong, Canton, Amoy, P''oocl^>ow, Shanghai, Niogpo, Tien-Tsin, Pekin. The illustrations include views of Hongkong, Foochow, and other cities. " Miss Cumniing's pages convey a great deal more knowledge to the ordinary mind than many volumes of a more pretentious character."— J. .sm^ic Quarterly. Cunningham (James) Observations on the Coast of China during a Residence in Chusan I., 1701. See Harris's Voyages (Vol. I.), p. 9. 9247 Cunynghame ([Gen. Sir] Arthur) An Aide-de- Camp's Recol- lections of Service in China, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1844 7s 6d Sir Arthur Augustus Thurlow Cunynghame subsequently served through the wars in the Crimea and South Africa. 9248 Curzon (Hon. George N. [Lord]) Problems of the Far East; Japan, Korea, China, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 5s An examination and discussion of interesting and abstruse problems suggested by the national character, resources, and organization of Japan, Corea, and China, as affected by their intercourse with foreign or Western Powers. The author does not believe in a future rule of the Yellow Kace. The volume is complementarj^ to his former works treating of the Central and Western Asiatic Problem, Russia in Central Asia (see p. 55), and Persia (see p. 45), and to a promised future work on Tongking, Annam, Cochin-China, Cambodia, and Siam. 9249 Daniell (S.) Picturesque Voyage to India by way of the Cape and China, a series of 50 beautiful engravings coloured in imitation of the original draiuings, 4to, half-morocco, 1810 £4 Views of Gravesend, Beechy Head, Madeira (2) ; Crossing the Line, Gale off the Cape, Man Overboard, Table Mountain, Albatross, Malay Proas and Canoes (2) ; Java Head, Chinese Garden, Chinese Military Officer, Duck Boat, Macao (2) ; Coas^t of Cochin China, Pedro Branco, Cape Richardo, Fowl Island, Bay of Bengal, on the Hoogly (2) ; Calcutta (2) ; Whampoa (2) ; Chinese Pavilion and Tomb (2) ; Chinese Gentlemen (2) ; Chinese Ladies (2) ; Canton River and Fort (4) ; Chinese Husband- man and Barber (2) ; Chinese Vessels and Junks (3) ; Offering to the God of Fire, Anger Point (3) ; Malays of Java and Village (3) '> Cocoa Nut and Betel Trees. 9250 David (I'Abbe Armand) Journal d'un Voyage dans le Centre de la Chine et le Tibet Oriental, illust., 4to, swd. Parts, 1877 10s Narrative of scientitic journeys to the Mongolian plateau, Tibetan highlands, Koko-Nor territory, &c., 18G()-C8. 9251 et Oustalet (Dr. E.) Les Oiseaux de la Chine, with Atlas of 124 2^lates beautifully coloure^d by hand, 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1877 £5 5s 9252 Renseignements sur FHistoire Naturelle (Geologic, Botanie, Zoologie, &c.) de la Chine S. et O. — N. China Br. R. a. Soc, 1872, pp. 205-34 2s 6d 9253 Davidson (G. T.) Trade and Travel in the Far East; or Recollections of Twenty-One Years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia, and China, 12mo, cloth. 1846 3s 6d 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 382 Francis Edwwrdis Catalogue 9254 Davis ([Sir] John Francis) The Chinese : a General Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants, illustrated, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. (Knight), 1836 6s History of European Intercourse, Geography, History and Government, Charac- ter, Manners, Customs, Cities, Religion— Confucians, Buddhism, Taouism— Language, Literature, Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, Natural Histor)^ Commerce, and Statistics. 9255 Sketches of China during an Inland Journey between Peking, Nanking, and Canton [in company with Lord Amherst's Embassy, 1816-17], with Observations on the War, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1841 5s 9256 China during the War (1841) and since the Peace, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1852 6s Part I. Chinese History of the War with Great Britain, from Captured Papers, translated by Dr. Gutzlaff. Part 11. China since the Peace, with account of the Rebellion in the South of the Empire ; Observations on Japan and Indo-China. 9257 Chinese Miscellanies : a Collection of Essays and Notes, 12mo, cloth. 1865 3s 6d Review of Hue's Travels, Chinese Literature and Language, Novels, Drama, Romances, Chusau, Observations in the Valley of the Yangtse. 9258 The Island of Chusan, with a Survey, map — JouR. R. Geog. Soc, 1853, pp. 242-264, cloth 4s See also Chinese Literature, p. 418. 9259 D'Ewes (J.) Four Years' Wanderings in China, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, 1853-56, 12mo, cloth. 1857 3s 6d 9260 Dixon (Oapt. George) Voyage Round the World, but more particularly to the N.W. Coast of America, 1785-88, a Series of Letters by Wm. Beresford, ivith chart and plates, those of Natural History coloured, 4to, half-caK. 1789 £1 The " King George " and " Queen Charlotte" visited the Sandwich Islands three times. After obtaining a cargo of sealskin furs on theNW. Coast of America, they sailed to Macao and Canton (Nov., 1787, to Feb., 1788). Mr. Beresford gives account of the sales of several cargoes of sealskin furs. 9261 Dixon (Rev. H.) Notes on North China ; its Productions and Communications, 8vo, pp. 114. 1898 3s 6d Extracts from Rev. A. Williamson's Notes on Shensi and from Baron Richtho- fen's Letters on China, 1870-72, Donovan's Insects of China. See Natural History, p. 286. 9262 Doolittle (Rev. J.) Social Life of the Chinese, with some Account of their Religious, Governmental, Educational, and Business Customs and Opinions, 150 illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1865 9s 6d 9263 Social Life of the Chinese, edited and revised by Paxton Hood, 150 illustrations, 1 vol. 12mo, cloth. 1868 7s 6d A book full of all the curious superstitions, strange ceremonies and customs of the Chinese, as more particularly seen at Foochow. 83, High iStreeif Marylehone, London, W. China 383 9265 Douglas (Prof. R. K.) China, with Chapter on Recent Events (Story of the Nations), 12mo, cloth. 1900 4s A brief but comprehensive account of Chinese history from the time of Mareo Polo : the ancient history will occupy another volume of the series. 9266 Our Commercial Relations with China — Scottish Geog. Mag., January, 1891, pp. 11-26 Is 6d 9267 Society in China, with 22 illustrations^ 12mo, cl. 1895 3s 6d Hi&tory, Customs, Language, Literature, Religion, &c. See also Chinese Literature, p. 419. 9268 Duhalde (P^re J. B.) Description of the Empire of China, Chinese Tartary, Korea, and Tibet, from the French, with Notes by the Translator, maps and plans, 2 vols, folio, calf. {Edward Gave), 1738-41 £2 2s 9269 Another edition (English), 4 vols. 8vo, calf. 1741 £1 This, the first great work on China, compiled from the letters and reports made to Duhalde by the Jesuits, contains a General View of the Empire ; Journey of Fathers Boures, Fontenaj, Gerbillon, Le Comte, and Vesdelou, Nov., 1687, to Feb., 1688 ; Descriptions of Fifteen Provinces ; Annals of the Monarchy and of the Twenty -two Dynasties ; System of Government ; Policy ; Nobility ; Agriculture ; Industry ; Genms and Character of the People ; Architecture and Public Works ; Trade, Manufactures ; Language, Grammar, Books, Education, Keligion, and Sects ; Sciences, Literature, with Stories, Novels, &c. ; Life of Confucius ; Geography of Tartary, with Observations of Father Gerbillon ; Abridged History of Corea ; Behring's Travels into Siberia ; Geography and History of Tibet— territories of the Grand Lama, &c. 9270 Dukes (E. Joshua) Everyday Life in China ; or. Scenes along River and Road in Fah-Kien, Missionary Journeys, rmp and 12 illustrations, 12mo, cloth. (R.T.S.), 1885 2s 9271 Eden (Charles H.) China, Historical and Descriptive, with Appendix on Corea, map and 89 illustrations, 12mo, cl. 1877 2s 6d 9272 Elgin (James, 8th Earl of) Letters and Journals, edited by Wal- rond, 8vo, cloth. 1872 58 6d Mission to China, &c., 1857-59. See Loch, p. 393 ; Oliphant, p. 401 ; Osborn, p. 402; Scarth, p. 407 ; "Arrow," p. 372. 9273 Elias (Ney) Notes of Journey to the New Course of the Yellow River, 1868, map— Jour. R. G. S., 1870, pp. 1-33, cloth 3s 9274 Visit to Valley of the Shueli, W. Yunnan, map ; Bhamo to Mung-Mau, through the Hills of the Lenna Kahhyens, 1875— Jour. R. G. S., 1876, pp. 198-227, cloth 3s See also p. 364. Ellenborough (Earl of, Governor-General of India) Letters on the China Expedition of 1841-42. See India, p. 127. 9275 Ellis (Sir Samuel B.) Royal Marines, Memoirs and Services, from his own Memoir, 8vo, cloth. 1866 4s Sir S. B. Ellis served at Trafalgar, in blockading North American Ports, in the Persian Gulf, and in First China War— to which the greater part of these 'Memoirs relate. SS^ High Street, Ma/ryhhone, London, W. 384 Frcmds EdwG^dis Catalogiie 9276 Ellis ([Sir] Henry) Journal of Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China, 1816-17, with portrait of Lord Amherst, maps, and 7 beautiful engraved plates coloured from di'awings by Hon. Charles Abbot, 4to, calf extra. 1817 15s 9277 Another copy, 4to, half -calf. 13s The official historj^ of Lord Amherst's Embass.v, with particulars of the Voyage to and from China, including visits to Madeira, Rio Janeiro, Cape of Good Hope, Java, Hongkong, the Peiho, Pekin, and journey overland to Canton, Voyage to Manilla, Shipwreck of the " Alceste," boat voyage to Batavia, homeward voyage by way of the Cape and St. Helena. 9278 Proceedings of the Embassy to China, 1816-17, second edition, ivith portrait and 2 maps, 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 1818 5s For other narratives, see references under Amhekst. 9280 Field Officer (A) The Last Year in China to the Peace of Nanking, map, 12mo, cloth. 1843 3s 6d 9281 Fielde (A. M.) A Corner of Cathay : Studies from Life among the Chinese, ivith 12 coloured illustrations by a native artist, crown 4to, cloth. 1894 3s 6d The authoress resided in Swatow and neighbourhood for fifteen years. 9282 Fisher (Lieut.-Col. R.E.) Personal Narrative of Three Years' Service in China (1857-60), illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1863 6s FoNBLANQUE (E. de) Niphon Pe-che-li, Northern China. See Japan. Fleming (George) Account of a Summer's Ride from Tientsin to INIoukden in 1861. See Chinese Tabtaey, &c. FoNTANiA (Jean de) Letters describing his Voyage to China, and the History of the Jesuit Missions, also of Japan, 1684-1704. See * Lettres jfedifiantes ' (Vols. VII. and VIII.), and Lockman's ' Travels of the Jesuits ' (Vol. II.), p. 12. 9283 Fortune (Robert) Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, with Account of the Agriculture and Horti- culture of the Chinese, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1847 4s 9284 Journey to the Tea Countries of China, with a Notice of the E.I. Co.'s Plantations in the Himalayas, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1852 4s 9285 Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalayas, with a Narrative of Adventures, Description of the Tea Plant, Agriculture, Horticulture, and Botany of China, illnstrated, 2 vols. 12nio, cloth. 1853 6s A slightly abridged edition of the two preceding works, published io 1847 and 1852. 9286 A Residence among the Chinese ; Scenes and Adventures during a Third Visit, 1853'-56, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1857 4s 9287 Yedo and Peking: Journeys to the Capitals of Japan and China, with notices of their Horticulture, Agriculture, Trade, &c., map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1863 3s 6d 83 f High Street, Marylebone^ London, W. China 385 9288 Forbes (Lieut. F. E.) Five Years in China, 1842-47, with Account of the Occupation of Labuan, iilnstrated, 8vo, cl. 1848 5s Lieut. Forbes, whose principal object in visiting China was to collect coins, found o.portunities of observing all classes of the people. He has chapters on the Chinese observance of the IVace, Provincial (lovernnient, Coins, Agriculture. Tavern Life, Education, Confucius, Taouisni. Buddhism, Christianity, Military and Naval Affairs, Nautical Surveys, &c. 9289 Frere (Alice M., Mrs. Godfrey Clerk) The Antipodes and Round the World : Travels in Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, China, Japan, and California, lUusti-ated, 8vo, cloth. 1870 6s 6d Contains most interesting inform ition oa the life and occupations of the Chinese, Tde author vist^d Hongkong, Canton, Shmghai, Hankow, Ningpo, the TuDg Lake, Nanking, Chefoo, Kai-chow, Tientsin, Peking, the Great Wall, in April, Mav, June, and July, 1866. Fytche (Col.) Memorandum on the Panthays, or Mahommedan Population of Yunnan, 1867. See Fytcue's 'Burmah,' p. 276. 9290 Gardner (Chris.) Chinese Laws and Customs — Jour. Hoyal Asiatic Soc, N.S., Vol. XV. pp. 221-236. 1883 2s Gaspah ua Cruz, Dominican Friar, A Treatise of China and the adjoining Regions : Canton Described ; Shipping and Husbandry of China, Industry, Trade, Customs, Government, Religion, Portu- guese Trade, &c. 1556. See Purchas (Vol. III. pp. 166-198), p. 18. Gaubil (Anthony) Journey from Canton to Peking, 1722. See Astley's Voyages (Vol. IV.), p. 2. 9291 Gemelli - Careri (Dr. J. F.) Voyage Round the VS^orld to Turkey, Persia, India, China, IPhilippines, New Spain (1693-99), luith folding plates (from Churchill's Collection), folio, calf. 1704 £1 The author spent nearly two years in China (Aug., 1695, to VTarch. 1697). He has chapters on Macao and its Forts, Canton, Nanyanfu, the Great Canal, Nan- chianfu, the Capital of Kiansi. Nanking, Peking, the Imperial Palace, Audience with the Emperor, the Great Wall, Religions of the Empire, Catholic Missions; History, Cities, and Population of the Empire, the Government, Arts, Literature, Industries, Navigation, Nobility and Ceremonies, Habits, Customs, Weapons, Coins, Funerals, the Emperor Cam-hi and the ruling Dynastv, Chinese Festivals, &c. 9292 Giglioli (Prof. Enrico Hillyer) Yiaggio Intorno al Globo della '* Magenta," 1865-68, Capt. V. F. Arminjon, Relazione Descrittiva e Scientifica, Introduzione Etnologica di Paolo Mantegazza, 9 maps, 10 plates, 88 wood engravings, royal 4to, boards. Milan, 1875 18s The "Magenta" conveyed a Diplomatic Mission from King Victor Emanuel II. to China which visited Peking, Woosung, Shanirhai. Plongkong, Macao, Canton during September to December, 1866, and Januai-y, 1867. 9293 Giles (Herbert A.) Chinese Sketches, 8vo, cloth. 1876 5s The Emperor Tsai-Shun, Position of Women, Etiquette. Literatu e. Medical Science, Guilds, Pawnbrokers, Slang. Games and Gamblingr, Jurisprudence, Budd- hists, Superstition, Opium Smoking, New Year, Lying, Suicide, Journalism, &c. 9294 Historic China, and other Sketches, 12mo, cloth. 1882 4s Dynastic Sketches during three thousand years ; Judicial Sketches— Pewa^ Code and twelve cases ; Education — Fans — Surnames— Freemasonry— Mesmerism, Plan- chette and Spiritualism— Wei-chei or Chinese Game of War. 9295 China and the Chinese, 12mo, cloth. iV. 7., 1902 3s Language, Literature, Government, Taoism, Manners and Customs. See also Chinese Literature, &c., pp. 420. 83^ High Street^ Marylehone, London, W. 386 Fraiwis Edwa/rds^s Catalogue 9296 Gill (Oapt. Wm., K.E.) The River of Golden Sand ; a Journey through China and E. Tibet to Burmah (1876-77), with introduction by Yule, illustrations and 10 inaps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1880 15s 9297 Another copy, half -morocco extra 20s After a first journey in North China, Capt. Gill started up the Yang-tse to the Western interior, partly in company of Mr. COLBORNE Baber (see p. 372), making excursions to the Min Mountains among Lolo, Man-tzu, Si-fan, Tibetan and other highland races, thence through Yunnan, in the footsteps of Margary, to Bhamo and the Irawadi. The introduction, by Gen. Yule, treats of the geography and rivers of Eastern Tibet, on direct communication between India and China, on Missions, including that of Hue and Gabet ; the Explorations of Gamier (with some unpub- lished letters) and later travellers, viz :— Cooper (1868), Sladen (1869), Browne (1875), Margary (1874), the Grosvenor and Baber Mission to Yunnan to inquire into the circumstances of Margary's Murder (1875), McCarthy (1877), and Cameron (1878). 9298 Travels in Western China and on the Borders of Tibet — JouK. R. Geog. Soo., 1878, pp. 57-172 and map, half-mor. 6s This paper gives the scientific results of Capt. Gill's Explorations, for which he received the gold medal of the Society. 9299 Gipps (G.) H.M.S. " Orlando." The Fighting in North China to the Fall of Tientsin, ivith sketches, 4to, swd. 1901 2s 6d Goes (Benedict) Journey, Agra to China, 1594-1607. See Puechas, Vol. III. ; Hue's * Christianity in China *; and Yule's * Cathay.' 9300 Gordon (Surg.-Gen. Sir 0. A.) Recollections of Thirty-nine Years in the Army, portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1898 6s Services in India, 1843, 1857-58 ; Gold Coast, 1847-48 ; Siege of Paris, 1870-71 ; China Expedition, 1860-61, including Visits to Singapore, Hongkong, Tientsin, Ghefoo, Nagasaki, &c. 9301 Gordon (General) Events in the Taeping Rebellion (1862-64), with monograph, introduction, and notes by Egmont Hake, photo- portrait, Chinese seal, and map, 8vo, cloth. 1891 (pub. 18s) 4s 6d With chapters on Gordon as " Leader of Men," China and Foreign Powers, and ' Reminiscences by One who Served with Gordon in China.' 9302 Life of Gordon, by Demetrius Boulger, with 2 portraits, 8vo, cloth. 1896 58 A considerable portion of this ' Life ' is devoted to the China War, the Taeping Rebellion, and Operations of the " Ever- Victorious Army," Mr. Boulger having had free access to General Gordon's private papers. To these he has added (by special privilege) a further authoritative narrative of the events that followed the execu- tion of the Taeping Wangs at Soochow, and a chapter on Gordon's private mission to China in 1880 when war between Russia and China was preventeci. The " Ever-Victorious Army." See Wilson. 9303 Gorst (Harold E.) China, with map and 28 illustrations (Imperial Interest Library), 8vo, cloth. 1899 3s 6d Contents : Impending Changes in the Far East ; China's Resources ; the Yang-tse Valley, Chinese History, and Civilization ; Scientific Ignorance ; Genius in Farming ; Family Life ; the Chinese Workman, Old and New ; Merchants and their Guilds ; Influence of the Literati ; Paternal Government ; a Corrupt Man- darinate ; Religion and Worship ; the Missionary Trouble ; the Chinese Army ; Intercourse with the West ; Diplomacy and Foreign Influence ; Russia ; Recent Developments ; Railway Enterprise ; Fmancial Resources ; Problems of its Future considered from a Chinese point of view, and in reference to British interests and international claims. Several of the illustrations are reproduced from Lieut. Alexander's drawings taken during Lord Macartney's Embassy in 1793. 83^ High Street, Marylehone, London^ TT. China 387 9304 Grant (Gen. Sir Hope) Incidents in the China War of 18G0, edited by Capt. Henry [Lord] Knollys, R.A., 12mo, cloth. 1875 6s Contains a chapter describing Sir Hope Grant's visit to Japan, Dec, 1860. 9305 Life of General Sir Hope Grant, with Selections from his Correspondence, by Gen. [Lord] KJiollys, 'portraiU, plans, and illnstrationSf 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1884 9s Sir Hope Grant served through the First China War (1841), the First and Second Sikh Wars (1844-45 and 1848-49), the Indian Mutiny (1857-58), and the China War of 1860 (of this expedition he was commander-in-chief). The second volume of the ' Life ' is largely occupied with it, and contains matter not in the ' Incidents.' See also Knollys, p. 391. 9306 Gray (Ven. J. H., LL.D.) China: a History of the Laws, Manners, and Customs of the People, edited by W. Gow Gregor, with 150 full-page illustrationa, being facsimiles of drawings by a Chinese artist, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1878 (scarce) £2 2s 9307 Another copy, 2 vols. Svo, half-calf extra £2 8s Dr. Gray was Consular-Chaplain at Canton, and subsequently Archdeacon of Hong Kong. Contents : Geography, Topography, Population ; Government ; Prisons and Punishments ; Religion— Confucianism, Gods and Goddesses ; Education and the Press ; Marriage, Divorce, Parents and Children ; Servants and Slaves ; Festivals ; Funerals ; Suicides; TitlesTof Honour and Visits of Ceremony ; Sumptuary Laws ; Amusements and Sports ; Astrologers and Fortune-Tellers ; Benevolent Institutions and Beggars ; Hotels, Inns, and Restaurants ; Pawnshops ; Pagodas ; Highways and Bridges ; Agriculture and Stock ; Gardens ; Tea ; Silk ; Potteries ; Ships ; Fisheries and Fishing-Boats; Aboriginal Types ; Physical Features, &c. "The most truthful and vivid picture of Chinese life which has ever been published."— ^^/lenccMWi. 9308 Gray (Mrs.) Fourteen Months in Canton (1877-78), illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1880 4s 6d A series of familiar letters descriptive of the everyday life of the Chinese in the City of Canton and neighbourhood. 9309 Gros (Baron) Embassy to China (1857-58), Recollections of, by Marquis de Moges, translated from the French, 12mo, cl. 1860 5s 9311 Grosier (Abbe) A General Description of China, Tartary, the Isles and other tributary Countries, their Provinces, Natural History, Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, Cities, Population, Government, Religion, Manners, Customs, Arts and Sciences, translated from the French, map and copperplates, 2 vols. Svo, calf. 1788 lis Compiled chiefly from the writings of the Jesuit missionaries, with criticism of the work of MM. Paw and Sonnerat. Grosvenor (The Hon. Thos.) Mission through Western Yunnan to inquire into the Circumstances of the Murder of Margary. See Baber, • W. China ' (pp. 154-192), p. 372. Grueber et d'ORViLLE (Peres) Voyage h, la Chine, avec la Relation du Voyage par terre dupuis Pekin jusqu'en Europe, ou il se trouve aussi des remarques curieuses sur la Langue Chinoise. Le Memo en Italien. See Thevenot's 'Collection of Voyages' (Vol. XL), p. 22. 83i High Street^ Marylebone, London, W. 388 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 9312 Gueluy. Description de la Chine Occidentale, Moeurs et His- toire, par un Voyageur, traduit du Chinois par M. Gueluy (Extrait du Museon), roy. 8vo, pp. 158 and 2 maps. Louvain, 1887 3s 9313 Guignes (M.) Voyages a Peking, Manille et File de France, 1784-1801, Text, 3 vols. 8vo, Atlas, de 97 planches et cartes, folio. Paris, 1808 £1 M. de Guignes was interpreter in the Dutch Embassy (1794-95). and travelled through the country from Canton to Peking and back, visiting Nanking on the return journe)\, Plates 1 to 95 illustrate scenes and incidents in China. See also Van Braam. 9314 Guinness (Geraldine) Story of the China Inland Mission, ^najys, jwrtraits, &c., 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1894 7s 6d 9315 In the Far East: Letters from Geraldine Guinness (Mrs. Howard Taylor), portraits and illustrations, 4to, cloth. 1901 3s 6d 9316 Gundry (R. S.) China and her Neighbours : France in Indo- China and Thibet, maps, 8vo, cloth. 1893 5s 9317 China, Present and Past, 7nap, 8vo, cloth. 1895 4s Education, Industrial Progress, Foreign Intercourse, Currency and Trade, Missions, &c. 9318 Gutzlaff (Rev. Charles) Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China, 1831-33, with Notices of Siam, Corea, and Loo- Choo, with Essay on China by Rev. Wm. Ellis, map and portrait, 12mo, cloth. [1839] 3s 6d See also Lindsay, p. 393. 9319 China Opened : Topography, History, Customs, Arts, Manufactures, Literature, Religion, Jurisprudence, &c., of the Chinese Empire, revised by Dr. Andrew Reed, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1838 6s 9321 Habersham (Lieut., U.S.N.) My Last Cruise; Where we Went and What we Saw during the U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1853-55, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 9s Malay Archipelago, Loochoo, Coasts of China, Formosa, Japan, Kamchatka. 9322 Halcombe (C. J. H.) The Mystic Flowery Land : a Personal Narrative, coloured and photo illust., 8vo, cloth. 1896 4s 6d Hall (Commander) Voyages of the "Nemesis" in China Seas, 1840-43. See Bernard, p. 374. 9323 Hart (Rev. Yirgil C.) Western China : a Journey to the Great Buddhist Centre of Mount Omei, Province of Sz-Chuan, Upper Yangtse-Kiang (1887), illustrated, 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1888 5s The province of Sz-Chuan is one of the most populous in China — an empire in itself — numbering 80 millions. 9324 Hart (Sir Robert) These from the Land of Sinim : Essays on the Eastern Question, 8vo, cloth. 1903 3s 6d New edition, with additional chapter, ' China, Reform, and the Powers.' 9325 Henderson (W. A.) Health of Chefoo and Ningpo, 8vo, pp. 20. 1886 Is 6d 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. China 389 9326 Henry (Rev. B. C.) The Cross and the Dragon; or, Light in the Broad East, 12mo, cloth. [1885] 3s 6d 9327 Ling-Nam ; Interior Views of Southern China, and Explora- tions ia Hainan, maps and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1886 3s 6d A pleasant, brightly written book, with descriptions of scenery, fine rivers, and thickly populated districts. The second part of the volume (chaps, xvii. to xxvii.) is devoted to Hainan, or the Island of Palms, its topography, rolling plains, interior hill country, aborigines, &c. 9328 Hertslet (Sir Edward) Treaties of Commerce between Great Britain and China, 1st January, 1877, 8vo, cloth 3s 9329 Hippisley (A. E.) Catalogue of Chinese Porcelains and History of Ceramic Art in China (Smithsonian Inst., 1878-88, 387-491) 4s 9330 Hirth (F., Ph.D.) China and the Roman Orient, their Ancient and Mediieval Relations, as represented in Old Chinese Records, 8vo, cloth. SJianghai, 1885 lis 9331 Chinesische Studien, imp. 8vo, half-mor. Mimich, 1890 9s Essays on Trade of China in Ancient Times and in the Middle" Ages; on the Porcelain Industry ; Trade and Produce of Canton and Province of Kwang-tung ; General Trade of China ; Geography of the Province of Kwang-tung and Peninsula of Lei-Chow, with Account of the Climate, Products, Inhabitants, &c. ; Chinese and Japanese Ornament, Metal Work, &c. 9332 Holcombe (Chester) of the U.S. Legation at Peking. The Real Chinaman, with 77 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 4s 6d 9333 The Real Chinese Question, 12mo, cloth. 1901 4s This little volume, "stating facts neither exaggerated nor overdrawn, appeals not for China, but for fair play," Mr. Holcombe describes the Chinese as they are —the literati, societies, the army and navy, missionaries, and the forces and influences which operate in China. 9334 Holman (Lt.) the Blind Traveller. Travels in China, New Zealand, New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, &c., plates, 8vo, cloth. 1840 5s • The author spent three months (Sept. to Dec, 1830) at Macao and Canton, and devotes nine chapters to a description of the trade of the port, character and customs of the merchants, opium smuggling, Chinese policy and ethics, arts and manufactures, the religion, language, and an outline of Chinese history. A map and five plates are added. 9336 Hosie (Alex.) Three Years in Western China : Narrative of Three Journeys in Ssu-ch'uan, Kuei-chow, and Yiin-nan, with a Pho vocabulary, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1890 6s 6d In an introduction contributed by Mr. Arch. Little he says :— "Few visitors to Western China have enjoyed Mr. Hosie's opportunities, and none have used their opportunities to better advantage in accumulating information for the benefit of those who come after them in the same field, as well as for the instruction and entertainment of the world at large." The preface to the new edition contains a history of the changes in the Chinese commercial policy on the Upper Yangtze since 1889, and bears testimony to the imp<^rtance of Sechuan and Yunnan as producing areas. This work is of permanent interest. 9338 [Second] Journey through S.W. China to Western Yunnan, map. P.R.G.S., 1886 Is 6d 83, High Street, Mwi'ylehone, London, W, 390 Francis Edwa/rde's^ Catalogue HowARTH (Sir Henry) History of the Mongols. See p. 445. HuBNER (Baron) A Ramble Round the World, 1871 — China: Shanghai, Pekin, Tien-Tsin, Hong-Kong, Canton, Macao. See p. 10, 9339 Hue (Abbe) Travels through Tartary, Thibet, and China, 1844-46, trans, by Hazlitt, illust., 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. [1852] 5s EecoUectioDs of a two years' journey by MM. Hue and Gabet through the deserts of Tartary (Southern Mongolia), across the Chinese province of Kansu, the Koko Nor Country, and Thibet (including a residence in the monastery of Koum- boun and in Lhasa\ thence to the W. border of China, where they were arrested by the Chinese authorities. The volumes contain a most minute account of the Tartar peoples, their manners, customs, nomadic and caravan life, as well as of the Tibetans, their religion, priesthood, books, &:c., and are illustrated with 100 engravings. 9340 Condensed edition : A Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, 1844-46, translated, with the author's sanction, by Mrs. Sinnett (Travellers' Library), 12mo, cloth. 1852 2s 9341 The Chinese Empire : a Sequel to ' A Journey through Tartary and Thibet,' mapy 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1855 10s 6d These volumes continue the picturesque narrative -of Hue and Gabet's journey from the western border through the heart of China to Canton, and teem with valuable information gleaned during a previous residence of fourteen years, when they had secretly traversed the country from north to south. The life of the people, their customs and character, their government, industry, &c., are displayed with thorough knowledge. 9342 Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet, to the Commencement of the 18th Century, 3 vols. 8vo, cl. 1857-58 158 Vol. I. From the Apostleship of St. Thomas to the Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, including Nestorians, " Prester John," Missions of Carpini, Rubruck and Hay ton, Marco Polo, John of Montecorvino. Vol. II. To the Establishment of the Manchoo-Tartar Dynasty ; Xavier, Roger and Ricci, Go6s, D'Andrada, L§on, Semmedo, Schall and Rko. Vol. III. The Dominicans: Morales, Capellas, Lopez, Navarette, Verbiest; French Missionaries ; Gerbillon ; Cardinal de Tournon^s Legation — Narrative of Father Thomas, 1706 ; Constitution of Pope Clement XI. on Chinese Cer.-monies. 9343 Hunter (Wm. 0.) Bits of Old China, 12mo, cloth. 1885 3s 6d Recollections and anecdotes of Canton, Macao, &c., visits to Singapore and Malacca before the English factory was removed to Hongkong, with incidr nts of the first Chinese War, 1842. Ibn Batuta's Travels to China, 14th Century. See Yule, p. 413. 9344 Illustrated London News : Cuttings relating to China, 1842-64, mounted on sheets, folio £\ 9345 Isbrand Ides (Everard) Three Years' Travels from Moscow Overland to China, through Great Tartary to Peking (1692-95), with Description of China by a Chinese Author (Dionysius Kao), translated from the Dutch of Witzen, with his interesting map of the Muscovy Empire and numerous plates^ small 4to, calf. 1706 £1 5s 9346 Another copy, without map, small 4to, calf. 1706 10s Account of the First Russian Embassy from Peter the Great to the Emperor of China. There are several views of Siberian towns, of the Great Wall of China, and of the reception of the visitors in Peking, where they remained 106 days. The map is that of Francis Halba. 83 f High Street, Marylehone, London, W. China 391 9347 Jack (Dr. R. Logan) From Shanghai to Bhamo, with map ayid illustrations— Geog. Jour., March, 1902 (Vol. XIX. pp. 249-277) 2s Jesuit and other R. Catholic Missions in China, 16th and 17th Centuries. See Hue, Kp:sson, ' Lettres ]6difiantes,' and Lockman's Translation (p. 12), L.tungsted, Le Comte, Martin (Montgomery), Mendoza, Purchas (' His Pilgrimes,' Vol. HI.), p. 18, Semmedo, &c. 9348 Jocelyn (Lord) Six Months with the Chinese Expedition: Leaves from a Soldier's Note Book, plate, 12mo, cloth. 1841 Is 6d Kao (Dionysius) Description of China, its Provinces, Inhabitants, Great Wall, Rivers, Lakes, Religion, Morality, Trees, Fruits, &c. See Harris's Collection (Vol. II.), p. 9, and Isbrand Ides (above). 9349 Keppel (Admiral Sir Henry) A Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns, with numerous portraits and other illustrations, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1899 10s 6d Admiral Keppel served in the China and Eastern Seas as Commander of the *' Dido," 1842-43, in the " Raleigh," and after her loss in the " Alligator," 1847, and held the China Command 1860-69, The third volume contains brief accounts of visits to Hongkong and other Chinese Ports, narrative of a trip up the Yangtse, Memories of Gordon, and of visits in company of the Duke of Edinburgh and suite to Yedo and Peking, Sept. and Oct., 1869. 9350 Kesson (John) The Cross and the Dragon; or, Fortunes of Christianity in China, 12rao, cloth. 1854 2s 6d Chinese legends of Christ, the Nestorians, Missionaries of the Middle Ages, Xavier and the Jesuits, Dominicans, Persecutions, Morrison and Protestant Mission- aries, with some account of Chinese Secret Societies. 9351 Kircher (Athanasius). La Chine d'Athanase Kirchere, illustree de plusieurs Monuments tant Sacr^s que Profanes, et Recherch^s de la Nature et de I'Art traduit par F. S. Dalqui^, portrait, maps, and plates, folio, calf. Amsterdam, 1670 (wormed) 16s Anquetil du Perron's copy, with a note on fly-leaf. 9352 KnoUys (Major [General] Henry [Lord]) English Life in China, 12mo, cloth. 1885 5s With chapters on Hongkong ; Shanghai ; Up the Yang-tse to Hankow ; Foochow ; Medical Missions and the Missionary Question, &c. Founded on the author's visit in 1860. See also Grant (Sir Hope). 9353 Krausse (Alexis) China in Decay: Story of a Disappearing Empire, 6 maps and 21 photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 5s The Country, the People, the Government, Foreign Relations, Record of the P.ritish, Russiau, French, Germans ; Trade, Railway?, Politics, the Present Situation, the Future. This work is enlarged on in the author's 'Russia in Asia.' See Siberia, &c. 9354 The Far East : its History and its Question, with 8 maps and 5 plans, 8vo, cloth. 1903 6s A useful handbook on the Eastern Question, treating of the history of China, Manchuria, Korea, Japan, and the European Powers ; Dawn of Western Influence ; Opening-up of China and Awakening of Japan ; Rival Policies ; the Duty of P,ritain ; the Crisis of 19CX). There is an Appendix of Treaties and Conventions ; Bibliography. 83, High Street, Ma/ryUhone, London, W. 392 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 9355 Krusenstern (Admiral) Voyage Round the World in the ''Nadeshda" and "Neva," 1803-6, translated by R. B. Hoppner, chart and coloured plates, 2 vols, in 1, 4to, half-morocco. 1813 £1 10s The first Russian circumnavigation. The object of the voj'age was to open up communications with f'hina. A relation of the negotiations carried on at Canton, an account of the People, Government and the llebellion, the introduc- tion of the Christian religion, vaccination, and the hydrography of the Chinese Sea, are contained in Vol. IT. 9357 Lamprey (Jones) Journey N.W. Neighbourhood of Pekin — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1867, pp. 239-269, cloth 2s 6d 9358 Landor (A. Henry Savage-) China and the Allies, with 10 maps and plans, over 50 coloured and full-page j)^ioto-illu8trations, and 200 in the text, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1901 10s Account of thf^ Boxer Rebellion and Crut^ade, Capture of Tientsin, and opera- tions of British, Russian, Austrian, German, Japanese. French, American, and Italian troops, including a narrative of the events at the 8ie^e of Pekin, 1900-1 9359 Lang (H.) Shanghai Considered Socially, a Lecture, 8vo, pp. 64. Shanglmi, 1875 2s Lange (Russian Envoy) Travels in China, 1719. See Astley (Vol. IV.), p. 2; Bell, p. 374. La Place (Capt.) Visit of the *' Favorite" to Macao (Nov.-Dec, 1830), with Descriptions of Macao and the Portuguese Establish- ment, Canton and its Inhabitants, General Considerations on China, its Government and its Relations with Europeans, 12 i^lf^i^s — Voyage (Vol. II. pp. 1-276, and Atlas). See Malaya. 9361 Lay (G. Tradescant) The Chinese as They Are: their Language, Arts, and Sciences, &c. 8vo, cloth. 1841 5s With chapters on the Opium TrafiBc, Medical Missionaries and Missions, Chinese Philosophy, Logic, Drama, Music, Drawing, Architecture, Medicine, Surgery, Veterinary Art, Husbandry, Hongkong, Chinese Roots, &c. Voyage of the " Himmaleh " and " Morrison." See Japan. 9362 Leavenworth (Prof. Charles S.) The "Airow" War with China, 12mo, cloth. 1901 2s 6d The Loreha "Arrow"; The Struggle ; Lord Elgin and Baron Gros ; The Treatieg of Tientsin, &c. ; Bibliography. 9363 Le Comte (Louis) Nouveaux Memoires sur I'Etat de la Chine, portrait and plates, 2 vols. 12mo, old French calf. 1687 Os 9364 Memoirs and Observations. . . .in a Journey through China, on Pottery, China, Silk, Pearl BMshing, the People, their Language, Habits, Government, Philosophy of Confucius, &c., from the French, plates, 8vo, calf. 1697 78 6d 9365 Memoirs on the Empire of China, new edition, ivith portrait of Confucius, and other plates, 8vo, calf. 1737 8s M. Le Comte accompanied the First French Embassy to China, 1685. 9366 [Lindley (A. F.)] Ti-ping Tien-Kwoh : History of the Tiping Rebellion, including a Narrative of the Author's Personal Adven- tures, maps, wood engravings and 21 chromo-lithographs, 2 vols, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1866 10s 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. China 393 9367 Lindsay (H. H.) and Gutzlaff (Rev. Mr.) Reports of Pro- ceedings on a Voyage to the Northern Ports of China in the " Lord Amherst " (Feb. to Oct., 1832), 8vo, boards. 1833 3s 6d From House of Commons Papers relating to the Trade with China. See also Gutzlaff. 9368 Little (Arch. J.) Tlirough the Yang-tse Gorges ; or, Trade and Travel in Western China, wiap, 8vo, half-morocco, gilt top. 1888 7s 9369 Cheaper edition, 12mo, cloth. 1898 3s 6d Journal of a Trip from Shanghai up the Yangtse, 1,400 miles, to Chung-King, Province of Sze-Chuen, Feb., March, and April, 1887, with chapters on Chinese Trade, Geography, Geology and Fauna of the Yangtse Valley, Ichang and its Environs, Catholic and other Missions, the Awakeniog of China, Pliny on the Chinese, &c. 9370 The Crux of the Upper Yangtse, illustrated — Geog. Jour., Nov., 1901, XVIII., pp. 498-508 2s 9371 Little (Alicia Bevvicke, Mrs. Archibald) Intimate China: the Chinese as I have Seen Them, map and numerous illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1899 ' 10s 6d 9372 Intimate China, another copy, roy. 8vo, hf.-mor. extra 14s Contains a very good account of Chinese domestic life and customs, gathered during journeys up the Yangtse and a residence in Chungking, the capital of Western China. The work includes chapters on Arts and Industries ; Affairs of State; aiagoificence of the Emperor and Empress; Beginnings of Reform; The Coup d'Etat ; Chinese Morals and Superstitions ; Our Missionaries ; Buddhist Monasteries ; The Sacred Mountain of Omi ; A Trip to Chinese Tibet, &c. 9373 The Land of the Blue Gown, with 125 photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1902 5s A series of interesting sketches portraying the condition of things in China prior to and during the "Boxer" uprising of 1900, as well as the circumstances of the foreigners during the siege of Peking, with chapters on the border tribes of Tibet, accounts of visits to Canton, Hongkong, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Fooohoo, Hankow, and Mission Stations. 9374 Litton (G. J. L.) Report of a Journey to North Ssu-ch'uan, royal 8vo, pp. 48, maps (Foreign Office). 1898 Is 9375 Ljungstedt (Sir A.) Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settle- ments and of the Roman Catholic Mission, with Chapter on the City of Canton, with plans and view of Macao in Ohina, 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1836 (rare) 10s 6d With chapters on Trade, and Dictionary of Imports and Exports of Canton. 9376 Loch (Capt. Grenville) The Closing Events of the Campaign in China, the Operations in the Yangtse Kiang, and the Peace of Nanking, map, 12mo, cloth. 1843 5s 9377 Loch (Hy. Brougham [Lord]) Personal Narrative of Occurrences during Lord Elgin's Second Embassy to China, 1860, portrait and map, 12mo, cloth. 1869 4s Including account of the capture of the author and Sir Harry Parkes, their imprisonment, imminent death, and escape. 9378 A new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1900 3s 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 394 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 9379 Lockhart (J. H. St.) The Currency of the Farther East, from the Earliest Times up to the Present Day : the Glover Collection of Chinese, Annamese, Japanese, Corean Coins, of Coins used as Amulets, and Chinese Government and Private Notes, text, 1 vol. 8vo, with Atlas of 204 plates, containing 2,000 illustrations , oblong 8vo. Hongkong, 1895 18s 9380 Guide to the Inscriptions on the Coins of the Farther East, with special reference to the Glover Collection and a Chronology of the Dynasties and Emperors of China, Annam, and Japan, small 4to, boards. Hongkong, 1898 10s Vol. Iir. of the 'Currency of the Farther East.' China, Siam, Annam, Japan, Korea, and Indian Archipelago. 9381 Lockhart (Wm., L.M.S.) The Medical Missionary in China: Narrative of Twenty Years' Experience, coloured view of Shanghai, 8vo, cloth. 1861 4s With remarks on the Opium Question, Chinese Policy, Results of the Capture of Pekin, Chinese Medical Science, Manufactures, Capture of Shanghai by the Triads. 9382 On the Yangtse and the Hwang-Ho Jiivers — Jour. R. G. See, 1858, pp. 288-298, cloth 3s 9383 Notes on Peking and Neighbourhood — Jour. R. G. Soc, 1866, pp. 128-156 and map, cloth 4s 9384 Loti (Pierre) Les Derniers Joure de P^kin, 12nio, sewed. Paris, [1902] 3s The author accompanied the French expedition to China in 1900-1. LouBERE (M. de la) Account of Chinese Arithmetic and Mathe- matics. See Loubere's * Siam * (Vol. II.), p. 366. 9385 Lyons Mission. Chambre de Commerce de Lyon. La Mission Lyonnaise d' Exploration Commerciale en Chine, 1895-97, maps and illustrations, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lyons, 1898 " This splendid monument of French commercial enterprise contains a history of the commission sent out by the Chamber of Commerce of Lyons to China, an account of the journeys made from Tongking to Sechuan and thence to Canton, an article on the aboriginal races of South-Western China, a series of commercial reports on Tongking, Yunnan, Hongkong, Canton, Kwechau, Sechuan, and Mankau, together -with separate reports on the chief commodities." — Geographical Journal. 9386 Macao, &c. Album containing 206 clever pen-and-ink and pencil Views and Sketches of Water-side Scenery, People, Cattle, &c., royal folio, half-morocco. 1827-47 ^63 15s 9387 McCarthy (J.) Across Central China, and Yunnan to Bhamo, 1877, map— Proo. R. G. S., Aug., 1879 2s 9388 Macartney (Earl) Some Account of his Public Life and a Selec- tion from his Unpublished Writings — on the Russian Empire, Political History of Ireland, and the Embassy to China (1792-94), edited by [Sir] John Barrow, portrait, 2 vols. 4to, calf. 1807 lis The Journal of the " Embassy " here printed is a copy of that transmitted to the Government as the public account of his Lordship's proceedings. For other narra- tives see Staunton, Barrow, Anderson (^Eneas), Morrison (R.), Winterbotham. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. GhiTia 395 9389 M'Ghee (Rev. R. J. L.) How We Got to Pekin: Narrative of the Campaign, 1860, illustrated, 8vo, half-calf. 1862 6s 6d Including Sir H. Parkes' narrative of his imprisonment. 9391 Macgowan (Rev. J., L.M.S.) Pictures of Southern China, with 77 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1897 4s 6d Shanghai, Foochow, Kushan, Amoy, Swatow, Hong-Kong, Canton. 9392 A History of China from the Earliest Days to the Present, map, royal 8vo, cloth. 1897 8s 6d A valuahle work, reproducing the authentic and veracious official History of China, omitting those portions which have no interest for the English reader. The story of the present dynasty, dating from a.d. 1644 (still concealed), is comynled from the best authoritative works, and brought down to the war between China and Japan, 1895. 9393 Mackenzie (Col. Kenneth Douglas) Narrative of the Seoond Campaign in China, 1840-41, 8vo, cloth. 1842 ' 5s 9394 Macpherson (Surgeon J. Duncan) Two Years in China, 1840- 1842 : Narrative of the Chinese Expedition, April, 1840, to April, 1842, 8vo, cloth. 1843 7s 6d 9395 Madrolle (Claude) Le Empire de Chine : Hai-nan et la Cote Continentale Voisine, maps, royal 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1900 9s A record of travel through the province Kwangsi, recognized by the author as a sphere of French influence, in 1895, with bibliography. 9396 Itineraires dans I'Ouest de la Chine, imp. 8vo, cloth, Paris, 1900 12s Route surveys during M. Madrolle's journeys, in 18 sheets. 9397 Magaillans (Gabriel de) Nouvelle Relation de la Chine (1668), traduite du Portugais par le Sieur B., large folding plan of Pekin, small 4to, calf. Paris, 1688 15s Mandelslo's Account of China: its Extent, Provinces, Cities, Inhabitants, Revenues, Trade, Products, Government, Religion, Ceremonies; the Tartars, &c., 1639, with map. — Mandelslo's Travels (Part H. pp. 215-242). See pp. 13 and 48. 9398 Marco Polo's Travels to the Eastern Parts of the World in the 13th Century, translated, with notes, by Wm. Marsden, map, royal 4to, half-calf. 1818 £1 4s Marco Polo was absent in Central Asia twenty-four years (1272-1295), seventeen of whicli were spent at the Court of Kublai Khan and in visiting different parts of China. Marsden's edition of Marco is still valuable for his introduction and voluminous notes illustrative of the historical geography of Asia. See also p. 14, and Yule, p. 413. 9399 The Story of Marco Polo, edited by N. Brooks, ivith illus- trations, 12mo, cloth. 1898 4s 9401 Margary (Augustus Raymond) Notes of a Journey from Han- kow to Ta-li Fu, in Yunnan, 8vo, pp. viii-51. Shanghai, 1875 2s Mr. Margary's Itinerary and Journal, Sept. 4 to Dec. 11, 1874. 9402 Journey of Augustus Raymond Margary from Shanghae and Hankow to Bhamo and Back to Manwyne, with memoir and chapter by Sir R. Alcock, port, and map, 8vo, cl. 1876 4s 6d 9403 Another copy, 8vo, half-calf 6s 6d This edition contains introductory and supplementary chapters, and the "Notes" are amplified from Mr. Margary's letters to his friends. . ,, ,^ For Mr. Grosvenor's journey to inquire into the circumstances of Mr. Margary s murder see Baber, p. 372. 83j High Street, Ma/rylehone, Londo7i, W. p 2 396 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 9404 Marjoribanks (Charles, M.P.) Letters on the Present State of British Intercourse with China, 8vo, pp. 68. 1833 2s 6d 9405 Markham (J.) Notes of a Journey through Shantung, with oiiap showing gold and mineral districts — Joub. R. G. S., 1870 (pp. 207- 228), cloth 3s 9406 Marshall (T. W. M.) Christian Missions, their Agents, and their Results, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1863 10s Vol. I., pp. 60-207, summarizes the history of CathoHc and Protestant Missions in China, from the earliest period to the year 1862. 9407 Martin (R. Montgomery) China ; Political, Commercial and Social, maps and tables, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1847 9s The volumes contain a mass of valuable information and statistics, thus arranged :— Geography ; Population, Character, Manners, &c. ; Agriculture, Manu- factures, Minerals ; Government, General, Provincial, &c. ; Banking and Currency ; Revenue, Taxation, Defalcations ; History and Dynasties ; Foreign Intercourse, Treaties, &c. ; Japan, Kurile Islands, Corea, Tibet, Siam, &c. ; The Tea Trade, 1660 to 1&1:6 ; Opium, its Consumption and Effects, Edicts, Seizure and Destruction, Conduct of Eogland; Consular Ports; Hongkong; Chusan, its Advantages, &c. (with map) ; Macao ; Russian Settlement of Kiatchta ; Official Documents. 9408 Martin (W. A. P., D.D.) A Cycle of Cathay ; or, China South and North, with Personal Reminiscences, map and illustrations f second edition, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1897 6s "This is certainly a most interesting book in itself, and probably the most valuable on Chinese affairs during the last sixty years— the length of a Chinese cycle. As Dr. Martin was domiciled in China during three-fourths of that period, his personal reminiscences throw a vast deal of light on the events in which he played so prominent and so distinguished apart His profound scholarship and knowledge of the customs and languages of China, added to a keen power of observation, render him a most competent historian of China's Aacissitudes." 9409 The Siege in Peking ; China against the World, by an Eye- witness, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1900 2s 6d 9410 The Lore of Cathay; or, the Intellect of China, ^^or^rai^ and 14 photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1901 6s 6d China's Contributions to Arts and Sciences ; Alchemy in China -the Source of Chemistry ; Poets and Poetry, Confucius, Chinese Prose, Native Tracts, &c. ; Religion and Philosophy ; Worship of Ancestors ; Education, C.S. Examinations ; Study of Chinese History, the Tartars, International Law ; Diplomacy, &c. 9412 Martinii (Martino) Regni Sinensis k Tartavis, ivith 13 plates ^ 24mo, vellum. Amsterdam, 1661 (rare) 10s Description de la Chine (pp. 216 et carte). See Thevenot (Vol. II.), p. 22. 9413 Mason (Lt. George Henry) The Costume of China Illustrated by Sixty Engravings, finely coloured, with Explanations in English and French, imp. 4to, half-calf extra. 1800 £1 6s The drawings represent itinerant mechanics and handicraftsmen, men and women : the mandarin and the lady of distinction, watchman, beggar, bookseller, apothecary, soldier, traveller, fluteseller, tambouriner, tinker, frogseller, money- changer, &c. 9414 Matheson (J.) British Trade with China, with Outlines of Occurrences in its Past History, 8vo, cloth. 1836 Ss 6d 9415 Mayers (Consul W. F.) Historical and Statistical Sketch of Hainan— N. China Br. R. Asiatic Soc, 1871, pp. 1-23 2s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. China 397 9417 Meadows (Thomas Taylor) The Ohinese and their Rebellions, with their National Philosophy, Ethics, Legislation, and Adminis- tration, to which is added an Essay on Civilization and its Present State in East and West, 656 pp. 8vo, cloth. 1856 7s 6d Mr. Meadows, who was for more than ten years interpreter at Canton and Shanghae, was employed on several special missions. 9418 Meares (John) Voyages of the " Felice " and the " Iphigenia," Capt. Win. Douglass, in 1788-89, from China to N.W. Coast of America ; Voyage in 1786 from Bengal in the ** Nootka " ; Observa- tions on Probability of a N.W. Passage, &c., portrait^ charts^ and coast views, 4to, calf. 1790 £2 2s The " Nootka " visited the Bashee Islands, June, 1786 (pp. iii-iv, 58-61). The "Felice" and " Iphigenia " passed through the Philippines in Jan. and Feb., 1788, and twice visited the Sandwich Islands, Oct., 1788, to March, 1789. and July and Aug., 1789. The introductory part contains a chapter on the Trade between China ani the N.W. Coast of America and lists of E.I. Co.'a and foreign vessels trading to China in 1789 (pp. Ixvii-xcv). There are three views in Canton River. 9419 Medhurst (Dr. W. H., L.M.S.) China; its State and Prospects, with allusions to the Antiquity, Extent, Population, Civilization, Literature, and Religion of the Chinese, maps, engravings, and plate in oil colours (Baxter), 8vo, cloth. 1838 5s Dr. Medhurst represented the L. Miss. Soo. in China from 1816. The volume contains, in addition to subjects above mentioned, references to the Catholic and Protestant Missions to Malacca and Singapore ; Narrative of a Voyage round the Coast ; Appendices on Chinese Chronology ; and Lists of Books printed at Cantoa, Malacca, Batavia, Singapore, and Penang. 9421 Mendez Pinto (Fernand) Voyages and Adventures during 21 Years in China, Tartary, Cochinchina, Siam, Pegu, Japan, &c., English translation by H. C. [Henry Cogan], folio, cf. 1653 £1 4s Mendez Pinto and his companions, being wrecked on the E. coast of China were taken as pirates (as indeed they were) to Nanking, and sentenced to whipping (whereof two of them died) and to the loss of their thumbs. On appeal they were sent in chains to the higher Court of Justice at Peking, where they were welcomed with another lashing. After their trial and acquittal they were sent to the borders of Tartary for twelve months. Altogether they were detained in China for four years (1541-44). Pinto gives descriptions of the magnificent cities, great rivers, grand canals, the multitudes of people, and minute accounts of the proceedings in the prisons and courts of justice. See also pp. 17 and 368. 9422 Mendoza (Juan Gonzalez de) Historic of the Great and Mightie Kingdome of China, and the Situation Thereof, Togither with the great riches, huge citties, politike gouvernement and rare inven- tions in the same, translated out of Spanish by R. Parke, edited by Sir George T. Staunton, with Introduction by R. H. Major {Hakluijt Soc), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1853 {scarce) £1 5s The introduction contains references to previous travellers in China (Moham- medans, Jews, Friars, Jesuits, and others), with extracts from Carpini, Rubruqui, Marco Polo, Oderic, Ibn Batuta, Andrade, Pires, Mendez Pinto, &c. 9423 Michie (Alex.) The Englishman in China during the Victorian Era as Illustrated in the Career of Sir Rutherford Alcock, Consul and Minister in China and Japan, maps, portraits, and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1900 16s 9424 The Siberian Overland Route from Shanghai to Petersburg (1863), with Chapters on Peking, Russia, China, &c. See Sibebia. 83, High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. 398 FraTicis Edwards's Catalogue 9426 Milne (Wm.) Retrospect of the First Ten Years of the Protestant Mission in China, Singapore, 8vo. Malacca, 1820 {rare) 10s 6d Contains account of the early labours of Dr. Morrison and others, their transla- tions of the Bible, &c., into Chinese and Malay, and chapter on Malay books by the Kev. C. H. Thomsen. 9427 Milne (Rev. W. 0.) Life in China: History of the Chinese Missionary Labours, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1857 4s 9428 Miner (Luella) Two Heroes of Cathay, portraits, 12mo, cloth. JV.Y., 1903 3s Stories of Two Young Chinese— Fay Chi Ho and Kung Hsiang Hsi. 9429 Mitford (A. B. Freeman-) The Attache at Peking:, 12mo, cloth. 1900 2s 6d A series of letters dated from Hongkong, Peking, Mongolia, &c., April, 1865, to August, 1866, with introduction on the sources of Chinese hatred towards foreigners — dread of reform, rather than of missionary enterprise, commerce, or the opium trade— advising the removal of the Court from Peking to Nanking, with additional chapter * How Mandarins are Made.' 9430 M Ollendorff (P. G. and 0. F.) Manual of Chinese Bibliography: Works on China, 8vo, sewed. Shanghai, 1876 9s Chinese Language and Literature ; Chinese History ; Natural History ; The People ; Intercourse with Foreigners ; Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, Turkestan, Corea, Liukiu, &c. Montfart's Observations in China (1618), with Narrative of the Acts of the Jesuits. See Purohab (Vol. III.), p. 18. 9431 Morris (Rev. T. M.) A Winter in North China, with an Intro- duction on the Gospel in China, by Dr. R. Glover, of Bristol, map, 12mo, cloth (R.T.S.). 1892 3s Messrs. Morris and Glover visited Japan and China in 1890-91— Yokohama, ' Chefoo, Tientsin, Tsing-Chow-foo, Chow-ping, Chi-nan-fu, the Great Plain, Peking, Shanghai, Hankow, Hongkong, and Canton. Chapters on the Religions of China, " Fung Shui," and on Missionary Work and Methods are added. 9432 Morrison (Dr. R.) Memoir of the Principal Occurrences during Lord Amherst's Embassy in 1816, 8vo, boards. 1820 (scarce) 5s 9433 Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison, D.D., by his Widow, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1839 6s Morrison, the first Protestant missionary in China (1808 to 1834), compiled and published the great Cyclopaedic Dictionary and lived to see the Bible translated into Chinese. He acted for twenty-five years as Chinese interpreter to the E.I. Co. His Journal and Correspondence include an accouat of Lord Amherst's Embassy to Pekin, 1816 ; Narrative of the Affair of H.M.S. " Topaz" in the Canton River, 1822 ; Account of the Fire of Canton in the same year ; Letters from Sir G. T. Staunton, Sir Stamford Raffles, John Crawfurd, M. R^musat, and others ; and Critical Notices of Dr. Morrison's Literary Labours by Prof. Kidd. 9434 Morrison (G. E.) An Australian in China : Narrative of a Journey through the Interior to Burma, map and numerous illus- trations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 5s 6d Narrative of an adventurous journey across China from Shanghai, through the provinces of Hupeh, Szechuaii, Kweichau, and Yunnan to Bhamo, Mandalay, and Rangoon, with descriptions of the country and the people — " as pleasant to read as a good novel"— and a chapter on the Opium Question, 83, High Street, Maryhbone, London, W. China 399 9435 Morse (E. S.) Glimpses of China and Chinese Homes, with Sketches frooi the Author's Journal, 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1902 7s 9436 Moseley (Kev. Dr.) The First Protestant Mission to China and Chinese Translation of the Holy Scriptures, 8vo, cloth. 1842 2s 6d See also Morrison (Dr.). 9437 Mossman (Samuel) China : a Brief Account of the Country, its Inhabitants, &c., «mp, 12mo, cloth (R.T.S.). 1867 2s 6d 9438 Moule (Archdn. A. E.) New China and Old: Notes on the Country aud People during a Residence of Thirty Years, new edition, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1902 ' 4g 9439 Murray (Hugh) and others. An Historical and Descriptive Account of China, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1836 7s 6d Chapters on Language, Literature, Religion, Government, Industry, Manners and Social State, European Intercourse, Missions, Embassies. Commerce, Survey of Geography', Geology, Botany, Zoology, by Hugh Murray, John Crawfurd, Peter Gordon, Capt. Thomas Lynn, Prof. Wallace, and Prof. Gilbert Burnet. 9441 Murray (Alexander) Doings in China (1841-42); being the Personal Narrative of an Officer, from the recapture of Chusan to the Peace of Nanking, map, 8vo, cloth. 1843 7s 6d 9442 Navarette (Fray D. Fernandez) Tratados Historicos, Politicos, Ethicos, y Religiosos de la Monarchia de China, con Narracion de differentes Navegaciones Decretos Pontificios y una Bula de Clemente X. en favor de los Missionaries, folio, calf. Madrid, 1676 . £2 9443 English Translation : Account of the Empire of China and the Author's Voyages [to Mexico, the Philippines, Macassar, Macao, Malacca, Madras, Madagascar], with Additions and Notes on Martinez's Tartar Conquest of China (from Churchill's Collec- tion, Vol. I. pp. 1-424), folio, calf. (1704) 12s Father Navarette, Dominican missionary, having spent eleven years in the Philippines studying the Chinese language and philosophy, proceeded to China in 1659, succeeding Father Morales as Prefect- Apostolic. Owing to the persecutions and controversy between the Jesuits, Franciscans, and Dominicans, he embarked for Europe, gomg to Rome, but not succeeding in settling the differences, he retired to Spain, where lie produced his great work. He afterwards became Bishop of St. Domingo in the West Indies. Neumann (C. F.) History of the Pirates of the Chinese Sea, 1807- 1810. See Oriental Teansl. Fund, 1831, p. 337. 9444 Nevius (Rev. John L.) China and the Chinese; their Civiliza- tion, Government, Religious and Social Institutions, Conditions, and Prospects, illustrations, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1869 5s A general description of the country and the people, with chapters on Confucius, Competitive Examinations and Schools, Buddhism, Tauism, Superstitions, Divina- tion, Language, Moral Tract Literature, Customs, Festivals, Missions, Native Christians, the Tai-ping Rebellion, Foreign Intercourse. The author was for ten years an American missionary in China. 9445 Nichols (Francis H.) Through Hidden Shensi and other Parts of China, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1902 6s Mr. Nichols went to China on behalf of some philanthropic people in America to report on the Famine in China. He describes the people as he saw them— sowing, reaping, toiling, thinking, &c. He also visited the Nestorian tablet in Sian, and gives some photographs of it. 88 J High Street^ M(wylehone, London^^W, 400 Francis Edioards's Catalogue 9446 NieuhofF. Legatio Batavica ad Magnum Tartarise Ohamum Sungteium, Modernum Sinse Imperatorem : Historiarum Narratione quse Legatis in Provinciis Quantung, Kiangsi, Nanking, Xantiing, Peking, &c., 1655-56, per Joannem Nieuhovium, Latinitate Donata per Georgium Horniuin, map and 35 large plates, besides plates in the text, folio, calf. Amsterdam, 1668 {fine copy) 16s The first Dutch Embassy to China. 9447 Embassy of the E.I. Company of the United Provinces to China, wherein the Cities, Towns, Villages, Ports, Rivers, &c., are described ; Englished by John Ogilby, numerous plates, folio, calf. 1669 £1 5s 9449 [Noble (C. F.) Lieut.-Gov. Fort Marlboro', Sumatra]. A Voyage to the East Indies in the ** Prince Edward," 1747-48 : Account of St. Helena, Java, more particularly of China and its Inhabitants, with 11 plates, 8vo, calf. 1762 12s Account of China, its inhabitants, government, religion, learning, military force? agriculture and produce, marriage and funeral customs ; the Tartars ; the City of Canton, its streets, beggars, cheating, crime, custom-house regulations, merchandise, money, &c. 9451 Norman (Henry) Peoples and Politics of the Far East ; Four Years' Travels and Studies, maps and 60 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 Os Includes chapters on the British, French, Russians in the Far East ; Shanghai and Hongkong, the Portuguese in Macao, the Chinese Government and People, the Great Wall, the Future of China ; Korea, Japan, Siam, &c. 9452 Norman (Commander Francis M.) *' Martello Towner " in China and the Pacific, in H.M.S. *' Tribune," 1856-60, 27 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1902 .6s With account of the Chincha Islands and the Peruvian Guano trade ; Hong- kong ; Boat Actions in the Canton River ; Visits to Manila, Japan, Vancouver ; the " San Juan " Affair, &c. 9453 [Nye (G.)] The Memorable J Year of the War in China, the Mutiny in India, the Opening-up of the Resources of Siam, the Projected Movement upon Cochin-China, and the Monetary Crisis in Europe and America : Reflections on the Course of Events in the East and the West, with Correspondence and Documents, small 4to, half-morocco. Macao, 1858 12s 9454 [ ] The Gage of the Two Civilizations : Shall Christendom Waver ? Causes of the Rupture of the Treaties of Tieu-tsin, and a General Review of our Relations with China; with Notices of Japan, Siam, and Cochin-China, supplemental to the 'Rationale of the China Question' and the 'Memorable Year,' small 4to, half- morocco (privately printed). Macao, 1860 12s Odorio (Friar), of Pordenone, Travels through Tartary to China (1317-30). See Collections of Ramusio (Vol. II.), Hakluyt (Vol. II.), and Yule's * Cathay.' Ogilby's China. See Nieuhoff. 8Sy High /Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. China 401 9455 Oliphant (Laurence) Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, 1857-59, map and coloured litliographs by Mr, Bedwell, and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1860 9s 9456 Mission to China, another copy, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf 10s 6d yol. I. contains brief accounts of visits to Singapore, Johor, Hongkong, Calcutta, Manilla, Canton, incidents of the storming and capture of that city, Soo-Chow, Shanghai and residence there, the Peiho, Tientsin ; chapters on the Origin of the War, Diplomatic Proceedings, and Treaty of Tientsin. Vol. II. treats of the Mission to Japan {q.v.). "The volumes deserve to retain a permanent place in the literary and historical annals of our time." — Edinburgh Review. 9457 Notes of a Voyage up the Yang-tse to Hankow, with Chart by Capt. Sherard Osborn ; also Blackney's Account of the Trip — Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1860, pp. 75-100, cloth 3s 6d See Blakeney, p. 375 ; Osborn, p. 402. 9458 Episodes in a Life of Adventure ; or, Moss from a Rolling Stone, 12mo, cloth. 1896 . Is 9d The Overland Route in 1850; Calcutta during the Mutiny, and China during the War, 1857-59 ; Attack on the British Legation in Japan, 1861 ; A Visit to Tsusima Island ((Jorea Strait), August, 1861 ; an Incident of Russian Aggression, &c. 9459 Oliver (Capt. Pasfield) Autograph Letters to Members of his Family during the Expedition to and from China and Japan, July, 1860, to Dec, 1861, plans and illustrative sketches, 8vo, calf £1 10s A series of interesting private letters, most minute and circumstantial descrip- tions of people met and places visited, including Gibraltar, Malta, Cairo, and the Pyramids, the Red Sea, Aden, Point de Galle, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong (Aug. IDth to 3<>th), Canton Heights (where he was quartered with his battery from Sept., 1860, to June, 1861), Chefoo, off the Peiho Forts, Taku Forts, Tientsin, Pekin, Nagasaki, Yeddo, Yokohama, &;c. Opium and the Opium War, Balfour, Ball, Bingham, Boulger, Giles, Lay, Martin (M.), Morrison (G. E.), Warren, Wheeler, and refer- ences under Bernard, p. 374. See also India, p. 207. 9461 d'Orleans (P^re P. J.) History of the Tartar Conquerors of China, including Journeys into Tartary in 1682 and 1683 by Peres Verbiest and Pereira, translated by the Earl of Ellesmere {HaUuyt Soc), 8vo, cloth. 1854 £1 9462 Osbeck (Peter) Voyage to China and the East Indies (175 1-52) ; together with a Voyage to Suratte and China, by Olof Toreen (1750-51), and an Account of Chinese Husbandry by Ch. Gustavus Eckeberg, translated by Dr. J. K. Forster, to which are added a Faunula and Flora Sinensis, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 1771 12s Mr. Osbeck's Journal is devoted chiefly to natural history observations in Cadiz and neighbourhood, the Canary Islands, about the Line, Cape of Good Hope, Java, Whampoa, Canton, where he stayed four months, making notes of the habits and customs, arts, &c., of the Chinese. Ascension Island was visited on the home- ward voyage. Toreen's Voyage consists of letters to Lmnasus. He was at Wampoa and Canton from July, 1751, to Jan., 1752. 83j High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 402 Francis Edwards's Catdtogue 9463 Osborn (Oapt. Sherard) The Past and Future of British Rela- tions in China, 3 majps, 12mo, cloth. 1860 3s 6d Contents: On Chinese Reasomng : H.M.S. "Furious" at Shanghai, at Pecheli, and on the Peiho ; Our Future Relations with China ; War and Progress in China, &c. Partly from Jour. R. G. S. and Blachvood's Magazine, with additions. 9464 Notes, Geographical and Commercial, made during the Passage of H.M.S. ''Furious" in 1858 from Shanghai to the Gulf of Pecheli and back, with Sailing Directions by Mr. S. Court — Proc. R. Geog. Soc, 1858 (Vol. III., pp. 55-87), 8vo, cloth 4s See also Blakeney, p. 375 ; Oliphant, p. 401 ; and Osborn's ' Cruise in Japanese Waters.' 9465 Ouchterlony (Lieut. John) The Chinese War ; Account of all the Operations of the British Forces to the Treaty of Nanking, ivith 53 illustrations by the Author, 8vo, half-morocco. 1844 8s 9467 Oxenham (E. L.) Historical Atlas of the Chinese Empire, second edition, twenty-three Chinese maps with English Counter- parts (Royal Geog. Soc), oblong folio, cloth. 1898 £1 Is 9468 On the Inundations of the Yang-tse-Kiang, map — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1875, Vol. XLV., pp. 170-184 2s 6d 9470 Palafox (M. de) Histoire de la Conqueste de la Chine par les Tartares, frontispiece, small 8vo, calf. 1670 10s 6d 9471 Palgrave (GifFord) Ulysses; or, Scenes and Studies in Many Lands, 8vo, cloth. 1887 59 Contains chapters on Hong Kong, Canton, Macao, Kioto, Malay Life in the Philippines, Bjzantine Anatolia, Turkish Georgia, the Leeward Islands, and the Boiling Lake, &c. 9473 Parker (E. H.) China ; her History, Diplomacy, and" Commerce from the Earliest Times, 19 maps, 12mo, cloth. 1901 6s A valuable work, treating in an interesting manner of Geography, History, Early Trade Notions, Trade Routes, Arrival of Europeans, Siberia, &c., Modern Trade, the Government, Population, Revenue, the Salt Gabelle, Likiu, the Army, Personal Characteristics, Religion and Rebellion, the Calendar, with a Glossary and Index. 9474 John Chinaman and a Few Others, 25 photo-illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1901 6s Experiences of a Consular Officer among the Chinese ; chapters on Birth s> Marriages, and Deaths; The "Innocents Abroad"; Kings, Popes, Premiers, and Philosophers; "Rows"; Piracies and Murders; "The Ways that are Dark"; Viceroys and Governors ; Religion and Missionaries ; Army and Navy, &c. 9476 China and Russia: Earliest Relations, 1655-60— Asiatic Quarterly, July, 1896, pp. 12-22. 2s 6d 9477 Parkes (Sir Harry Smith) Minister to China and Japan, Life of, by Stanley Lane-Poole and F. V. Dickins, maps and portraits, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1894 8s 6d Sir Harry Parkes's services covered the long period of fifty years. He was Consul at Canton during the "Arrow" affair, accompanied the Expedition to Peking, was captured and imprisoned with Loch and others. When Sir R. Alcock left Yeddo for Pekin in 1865 Parkes succeeded him as Minister in Japan. From this position he was promoted to Pekin on the death of Sir Thomas Wade in 1883. PARIilAMENTARY PAPERS. — See p. 378. 83 f High Street, MaryUhoiie, London, W. GUna 403 9478 Parsons (Wm. Barclay) An American Engineer in China, with illustrations f 12mo, cloth. New Yorkf 1900 6s Account of a journey a(U'oss Hunan Province for railway survey, with observa- tions of Chinese industrial development and remarks on Chinese questions. 9479 From the Yang-tse Kiaug to the China Sea, map and ilkcs- tmtions— Geog. Jour., June, 1902 (Vol. XIX. pp. 711-735) Is 6d 9481 Pearson (Charles H.) National Life and Character ; a Forecast, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1894 5s "A scholarly and remarkable work Therein may be found developed at length the dismal thesi? that the future of Eastern Asia, if not of jarts of Central Asia also, is not for the White, but for the Yellow Race : and that neither Great Britain, nor France, nor Russia, but China, is the Power into whose hands will pass the predestined sceptre of the Far East."— Lord Curzon. ' Problems of the Far East,' 1894, p. 101. 9482 Peking, Chinese Plan of the City, showing walls, gates, palaces, elevations, names in native and Roman Characters, 45 by 36, coloured, mounted, and folded, cloth case, oblong 4to. Lithographed, London, May 1st, 1843 (scarce). 6s 9483 Percival (Wm. Spencer) The Land of the Dragon : My Boating and Shooting Excursions to the Gorges of the Upper Yangtse (1887), map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1889 4s With account of Shanghai and Shanghai Society and Clubs, some general remarks on China and the Rebellion, C. T. Studd and other Missionaries ; Chinese Cave Temples, the Opium Question, Secret Societies, the First Railway in China, &c, Perera (Galeotta) Prisoner in China, Relation of China— PUROHAS, * His Pilgrimes ' (Vol. III. pp. 199-209), p. 18; Mendoza (I. p. lii-lxvi), D'Orleans, 'Tartar Conquerors.' Perry (Commodore) U.S. Japan Expedition, Visits to Hong Kong, Macao, Canton, Shanghai, &c., 1853, with Reports on Agriculture of China, Duck-Hatching, &c. See Japan. Perouse (La) Visit to Macao, Jan. and Feb., 1787, with Account of the Portuguese Settlement and the Attitude of the Chinese towards Europeans, with large view. La Perouse, Voyage (2 vols. 4to, 1799, Vol. I. pp. 485-499, Atlas plate No. 40). See Siberia. PoNTOiA (Diego) Description of China ; its Provinces, Cities, Rivers, Commodities, &c., 1602. See POrohas (Vol. III.) p. 18. 9484 Pratt (A. E.) To the Snows of Tibet through China (1889-90), map and illustj'ations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1892 6s Notes of experiences during a voyage up the Yangtse to Ichang, with excursions through the province of Se-chuen, through the Gorges of the Yangtse to Washan, and two journeys to Ta-tsien-lu, in the mountains of Eastern Tibet, collecting various objects of natural history ; with appendices— (1) List of Birds ; (2) List of Reptiles and Fishes, described by Dr. Giinther ; (3) List of Lepidoptera, described by J. H. L'eech. "An interesting description of a journey in search of birds, insects, and reptiles, as also for specimens of the vegetable kingdom. The charm of the book lies in the unaffected simplicity of style and narrative.''— Asiatic Quarterly. 948.5 Two Journeys to Ta-tsien-lu, Eastern Borders of Tibet (W. China)— Geog. Jour., June, 1891, pp. 329-343. 2s 8S, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 404 Francis Edwards's Cataloque Pbigb (Julius M.) Journey in N. China, 1891. See Siberia. 9486 Pumpelly (Prof. Raphael) Across America and Asia ; Notes of a Five Years' Journey around the World and of Residence in Arizona, Japan and China, 4 ma'p% and 25 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. [Neio York], 1870 8s 6d After some overlanding and mining experiences among murderous Apache Indians in Arizona, Prof. Pumpelly went as Government geologist and mining engineer to Japan in 1862, making several short excursions and two jourueys to Yesso, He subsequently visited China during the rebellion (upon which subject he has some chapters, with iijwrts of Consul Harvey and the Rev. Mr. Muirhead), journeying to the Upper Yangtze, afterwards visiting Nankin, Pekin, the coal mines, Great Wall, &c. He came to Europe through Mongolia and Siberia. See also Siberia and Japan. 9487 R (J.) Diary of a Journey Overland through the Maritime Provinces of China, from Manchao to Canton, 1819-20, 8vo, half- calf. (Phillips), 1822 5s Rebellions in China, Taepings, Boxers, &c. See Allen, Brine, Callery, Casserly, China, Cordier, Davis (1852), Gordon, Lay, Lindley, Macfarlane, Meadows, Oliphant, Percival, Pumpelly, Russell, Soarth, Smith, Sykes, Thomson (H. C), Wellby, Won Ching, Williams, Wilson, Wolseley, Boulger, Little, Temple, &o. 9488 Reclus (Elisee) The Universal Geography, edited by Ravenstein and Keane, numerous maps and engravings, 19 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. 1886-90 (pub. £19 19s) £S Vols. I. to V. Europe, British Islands, and Arctic Regions. VI. Asiatic Russia, Caucasia, Aral-Caspian Basin, and Siberia. VII. East Asia : Tibet. Chinese Turkestan, Mongolia. China : Dis- covery, physical features, climate, flora, fauna, inhabitants — the race, their language, religions, secret societies, the Taipings, the communications, canals, railways, telegraphs ; Foreigners and Chinese emigration, government, administra- tion, imperial household, education, public examinations, army, navy, statistics, &o. Koeea ; Japan. VIII. India and Southern Asia. IX. Western Asia. X.-XIII. Africa and African Countries. XIV. Eastern Archipelago, Australasia, Polynesia. XV.-XIX. America and the West Indies. 9489 Reclus (Elisee et On^sime) L'Empire du Milieu ; le Climat, le Sol, les Races, la Richesse de la Chine, avec 28 cartes, 8vo. Paris, 1902 7s 6d Chapters on the Physical Features and Inhabitants of China, their diversity origin, family life, 'customs, religion ; the Botany, Flora, Fauna, &c. 9491 Renaudot (Eus.) Ancient Accounts of India and China, by Two Mohammedan Travellers (of the 9th Century) from the Arabic and French, 8vo, calf. 1733 . 10s 6d The curious accounts of the two Arabian travellers are unquestionably genuine : tea, porcelain, silk, rice, the dresses of the men and women, the skill of the people are described " as accurately as we now know them." The narrative is supple- mented by remarks and copious notes; by inquiries into the 'Origin of the Christian Religion of China,' ' Time when the Mohammedans first entered into China,' ' Concerning the Jews discovered in China,' and by ' A Dissertation of the Chinese Learning.' 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. China 405 9492 Rennie (Surgeon D. F.) The British Arms in North China and Japan; Peking, 1860; Kagosima, 1863, 12mo, cloth. 1864 4s An interesting account of the Third Chinese War. Dr. Kennie was attached to *'v E^^P^^ditiouary force under Sir Hope Grant and stationed at Peking and at Tientsin ; he does justice to the character of the Chinese. 9493 Peking and the Pekingese, during the First Year of the British Embassy, 1861-2, with plan and 22 illustrations, chiefly from Sketches by G. H. Wyndham, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1865 8s 6d Contains interesting information on the daily life and customs of the Chinese, and notices of Prince Kung, the Premier, and otter Chinese statesmen and generals. Rioci and Trtgault, Description of China, the people, government, religion, rites, sects, characters, studies, arts, &c. (1618), withmap, English translation. SeePuRCHAs, * His Pilgrimes ' (Vol. III.), p. 18. 9495 Ripa (Father) Memoirs during Thirteen Years' Residence at the Court of Peking (1710-23), from the Italian, with Account of the Chinese College at Naples, 12mo, cloth. 1861 2s 6d 9496 Rochon (Abbe Alexis-Marie) Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies, with a Memoir on the Chinese Trade by M. Brunei, 8vo, half- calf. 1791 4s 6d Including remarks on Chinese Money, Weights, Measures, Accounts, Mer- chandise, Tea, Galega, Varnish, Quicksilver, Ginseng, Silk, Mother of Pearl, Porcelain, &c. 9497 Rondot (Natalis) Notice sur les Yang [Fibre] de Chine, Svo, pp. 24. Paris, 1847 Is 6d 9498 Ross (Rev, John) The Manchus, or the Reigning Dynasty of China: their Rise and Progress, maps and illustrations, 800 pp. Svo, cloth. 1891 9s 6d Contains a mass of information on Chinese History, with preliminary chapters on Political Principles of China, and supplementary chapters on China's Aborigines, the Manchu Imperial Family, Officials, the Army, Taxation, Slavery, &c. The volume is complementary to the author's ' History of Corea,' once connected with the Province of Liaotung, where Chinese ancient history centres and the "reigning dynasty" originated. Other works present a skeleton sketch, this attempts to clothe it with '* tlesh and colour," to present a living race, the principles and motives of their lives, and "the exact position in the human family which we must assign to the Chinese people." 9499 Ruschenberger (W. S. W., M.D.) Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, 1835-37, in the U.S. ss. ''Peacock," Commodore E. P. Kennedy, and the "Enterprise," ivith views of Macao and Canton, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 1838 10s Macao and Canton were visited in May and June, 1836, the vessels being ordered away to their own country by the Chinese authorities the moment their sick sailors should have recovered their health. Six chapters in the second volume contain ' Sketches of China ' and an account of Tea and the Tea Plant. 9501 Russell (S M.) The Story of the Siege in Peking, June, July, and August, 12mo, cloth. 1901 Is Od 9502 Ryder (Capt. C. H. D.) Exploration in Western China (Yunnan), illuatrated—GF.OG, Journal, Feb., 1903, pp. 109-126 Is 6d 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 406 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 9503 Sarel (Lt,-Col. H. A.) Notes on the Yang-tsze-Kiang, from Hanjiow to Ping-shan ; also Barton's (Dr. A.) Notes on the Expedi- tion — JouB. R. Geog. Soo., 1862, pp. 1-41 and map, cloth 4s 6d See also Blakiston. 9504 [Scarth (John)] Twelve Years in Ohina (1847-59) : the People, the Rebels, and the Mandarins, map of the Rebels' route, 13 tinted plates, and other illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1860 5s 6d Visits to the Free Ports and Silk Districts, with chapters on the Taiping Rebellion and March on Pekin, the French Attack on Shanghai, Siege of Canton by the Triads, Events on the Coast, the "Arrow" Case, Lord Elgin's Mission, Chinese Emigration, &c. 9505 Scidmore (Miss Eliza R.) China the Long-lived Empire, with portrait oj the Dowager Empress and 50 photo and other illnstra- tions, Svo, cloth. 1900 4s 6d Eecollections of seven visits to China, 1884-99. "A book of fascinating and instructive etudies of the people," with " character sketches of leading personalities, foreign and native." — Times. " The most brilliant and interesting picture of the long-lived Empire that we are acquainted with." — Spectator. 9506 Scott (John Lee) Narrative of a Recent Imprisonment in China, after the Wreck of the " Kite," near Chusan, loith 4 steel engrav- ings, 12mo, cloth. 1841 3s 6d 9507 Scott (J. W. Robertson-) The People of Ohina ; their Country, History, Life, Ideas, and Relations with the Foreigner, loith map, 12mo, cloth 1903 3s 6d *' Will be found both valuable and convenient aa a work of reference. China is an unwieldy subject, and readers will be grateful to the author for having con- densed 60 much that they want to know." — AthencBum. 9508 Selby (Thomas G.) As the Chinese See Us, 12mo, cl. 1901 3s 6d A Chinese view of European relations. 9509 Semmedo (Padre Alvaro) Imperio de la China, i Ciiltura Evan- gelica en ^1 por los Religiosos de la Compaiiia de Jesus, small 4to, half-morocco. Madrid, 1642 {rare) 16s With translation of the Christian Inscription in Syriac and Chinese discovered near Si-gan-fu, 1625. 9510 History of that Great and Renowned Monarchy of China, its Provinces, People, Government, Religion, Trafflck, and Com- modities ; of the Preaching of the Gospel there ; to which is added Bellum Tartaricum, Martinius' Account of the Tartar Conquest, translated into English, map and portraits o/ F. Semmedo and the Tartar Conqueror, 1 vol. folio, calf. 1655 £1 4s 9511 Serra (Padre) Notices of China, communicated by Sir John Davis (R. Asiatic Soc), 4to, pp. 10. 1831 Is 6d Notes on Nomination of the Emperor Taou-Kwang, 1821 ; Princes of the Blood and their Incomes ; Concubines and Servants of the Palace ; Customs and Revenue ; Emperor Yung Ching and the Lama Priests, &c. 9513 Shore (H. M.) The Flight of the "Lapwing," a Naval Officer's Jottings in Ohina, Formosa, and Japan, 8vo, cloth. 1881 6s 9514 Sirr (H. C.) China and the Chinese; their Religion, Character, Customs, and Manufactures, &c., 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1849 9s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London , W. China 407 9515 Smith (Dr. George) Narrative of a Missionary Visit to the Consular Cities of China, Hongkong and Chusan, 1844-46, map and vieios, 8vo, cloth. 1847 4s 9516 China, her Futui-e and her Past, 8vo, pp. 54. 1854 2s 9517 Smith (Albert) To China and Back in 1858 ; a Diary, coloured frontispiece, 8vo, pp. 88 2s 9518 Smith (F. P., M.D.) Materia Medica and Natural History of China, for Medical Missionaries, roy. 8vo, cloth. Shanghai, 1871 5s 9519 Smith (Arthur H.) Chinese Characteristics, with 20 photo- illustrations, new edition, 8vo, cloth. 1900 59 Industry, economy, politeness ; disregard of time, of accuracy ; talent for mis- understanding, for indirection ; flexible inflexibility, intellectual turbidity, absence of nerves, contempt for foreigners, conservatism, patience and perseverance, content and cheerfulness, filial piety, benevolence, mutual suspicion, are some of the charac- teristics described in this volume. 9520 Village Life in China : a Study in Sociology, with 31 photo- ilhistrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 59 Village Institutions, Usages, and Public Characters ; Boys and Men ; Girls and Women ; The Family ; Monotony and Vacuity of Village Life, &c. 9521 China in Convulsion, with 2 maps and 48 photo-illustrationst 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1901 16s Sources of Antipathy, International Complications, Protestants, Roman Catholics, Commercial Intrusion, Territorial Aggression, the Boxer Movement, Narrative of the Siege, the Relief, Punishment of Pekin, the Outlook, &c. The author was a missionary in China for 29 years. 9523 Smith (Stanley) China from Within ; or the Story of the Chinese Crisis, 8vo, cloth. 1900 3s 9524 Soares (D. G. de Nogueira) La Souverainete du Portugal a Macao (Bull. Soc, Acad. Indo-Chinoise^, pp. 56. 1890 4s SoNNERAT, Voyage to E. Indies China, &c., 1774-81. See p. 21. 9525 Sosnoffsky (Col.) Expedition to China — Kiatcha to Pekin, Hankov7 to Lan-chow, Hankow to Zaisan, &c., 1874-75 — Jour. R. Q. Soo., 1877, pp. 150-187, cloth 3s 6d 9526 Stapleton (A. G.) The Hostilities at Canton, 8vo, pp. 16. 1857 2s On the unwarranted proceedings of British officials in declaring war. 9527 Swinhoe (Consul Robert) Narrative of the North China Campaign, 1860, with portraits of Prince Kung, plans and views, 8vo, cloth. 1861 5s A complete account of the Operations at Chusan, the Peiho, Taku Forts, Entrance to Tientsin, Pekin, Description of the Palace and Grounds, Signing of the Convention, &c. 9528 Special Mission up the Yang-tsze-Kiang for Inquiry into Trade, map—3om\. R. G. S., 1870 (XL. pp. 268-285), cloth Ss 9529 Narrative of an Exploring Expedition to Hainan, to the Mountains and Around the Island— N. China Branch R. A. Soc, 1872, pp. 41-91 4s 6d 9530 The Aborigines of Hainan — ibid., pp. 25-40 3s 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 408 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 9532 Staunton (Sir George [Leonard], Bart.) Account of an Embassy to China (1792-94), Relation of the Voyage and Notices of the Places visited, chiefly from the papers of Earl Macartney, Am- bassador, and Sir Erasmus Gower, Commander of the Expedition, ivith portraits of Lord Macartney and the Emperor of China and 27 engravings in the text, 2 vols, royal 4to, calf extra or half- morocco, 1797 ; also Atlas of 44 large plates and charts, imp. folio, half-calf or half-morocco £1 15s 9533 Embassy to China, second edition, corrected, 2 vols. 4to, calf extra ; Atlas, imp. folio, half-calf . 1798 £2 5s The first British Embassy to China. The places visited on the voyage outward were Madeira, Teneriffe, St. Jago, Kio Janeiro, Islands of Tristan d'Acunha, St. Paul and Amsterdam, Batavia and Bantam in Java, Turon Bay in Cochin China, Macao, Chusan, and G. of Pe-chili. There is a notice also of St. Helena, sighted on the homeward voyage. The plates are from drawings by W. Alexander and charts by [Sir] Jobn Barrow and Lt. H. W. Parish. 9534 Embassy to China, cheaper edition, without maps, 3 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1797 9s 9535 Lord Macartney's Embassy, abridged from the larger work, with 33 plates, 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 1797 5s Obs. sur le Voyage de Lord Macartney, par Sir G. Staunton. See CHABrENTiER-CossiGNY (1799, pp. 153-414), p. 378. See also Macartney, p. 394 ; Anderson (^Eneas), p. 372 ; Alexander, p. 371 ; Barrow, p. 378. 9536 Staunton (Sir George Thomas, Bart.) Memoirs of his Public Life (for Private Circulation), portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1856 (scarce) 6s Sir George in his twelfth year (1792) accompanied his father to China as Page to Lord Macartney. Becoming proficient in the Chinese language during the voyage, he copied all the diplomatic papers for the Chinese Government, and was introduced to the Emperor. He went out again to China in the E.I. Co.'s service in 1800. He also accompanied the Second Embassy, 1814-17. Later on he entered Parliament, and spoke and wrote on Chinese questions. 9537 Miscellaneous Notices relating to China, including Trans- lations, Considerations on China Trade, &c., 8vo (pp. viii-384), cloth. Havant, 1822 (scarce) 5s 6d 9538 Miscellaneous Notices relating to China, reissue, with New Introduction (pp. 50) and Appendix (pp. 385-432), 8vo, boards. Havant, 1822-50 (scarce) . 8s 6d The Emperor Yong-tching's Book of Sacred Instructions (translated). Notices of Chinese Language, Poetry, Books, Contents of a Chinese and Manchu- Tartar Dictionary, Ceremony of the Ko-tou, Considerations upon the China Trade, 1813 (pp. 126-188), On the British Factory in Canton (pp. 189-260), Suspension of E.l. Co.'s Trading at Canton, 1807 and 1814, &c. 9539 Ta Tsing Leu- Lee : the Fundamental Laws, and Selection from Supplemental Statutes of the Penal Code of China, translated with Notes and Documents by Sir G. T. Staunton, 4to, half-calf extra. 1810 15s This valuable work is still referred to in the Eastern Settlements and wherever justice has to be administered among the Chinese. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. China 409 9542 Sykes (Ool. W. H.) TheTaeping Rebellion in China, 8vo, pp.113. 1863 3s Gd Including letters from Griffith John, Capt. Dew, W. andG. M. Hart, and other correspondents in China, articles from the Daily X^eivs, Nonconformist, &c. 9543 Tcheng-ki-Tong (Ool., MUitary Attache of China at Paris) The Chinese Painted by Themselves, 12mo, cloth. [1885] 3s 6d 9544 Chin-Chin ; or the Chinaman at Home, translated by R. H. Sherard, 12mo, cloth. 1895 3s 6d "In my book 'Chinese Tales ' I endeavoured to show the minor details of the life of my compatriots, whose political and social customs I have described in my other book ' The Chinese Painted by Themselves.' The object of this new book is to give a picture of our private amusements and of our small public fetes. It belongs, accordingly, to anthropological literature, describing as it does a series of ethnological phenomena, games, ceremonies and fStes," &c.— Introductory Note. 9545 Temple (Sir R.) Progress of India, Japan, and China in the 19th Century, 12mo, cloth. 1902 3s 6d Part I. India. II. Japan. III. China— Introductory Chapter, Reigns of Five Emperors, the Opening of the Ports to Foreign Trade, the Taipiug Rebellion, Reconquest of Mongolia, War with Japan, Supplementary Chapter on the Boxer Movement, 19(K)-190I. 9546 Thompson (Joseph) Considerations respecting the Trade with China, 8vo, boards. 1835 2s 9547 Thomson (John) Illustrations of China and its People, embracing 200 Permanent Photographs with letterpress descriptions of the Places and People, 4 vols. imp. 4to, gilt. 1874 (pub. £12 12s) £4 " Mr, Thomson has illustrated China and its people throughout the length and breadth of the land^ —Saturday Review. *'He brings before us the characteristic facts of Chinese life and manners No picture of Chinese manners at once so full and so vivid has yet been attempted. There is scarcely any side of Chinese life, either public or domestic, of which he has not secured some record."— PaW Mall Gazette. 9548 The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China ; or, Ten Years* Travels, Adventures, and Kesidence Abroad, with 60 ivood- engravings and mapSf 8vo. cloth. 1875 8s This work is supplementary to the preceding work. The author visited Hong- kong, Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Formosa, Foochow, Ningpo, Shanghai, Nankin, Hankow (ascended the Yangtse), Tientsin, Pekin, and the Great Wall. 9549 Through China with a Camera, 87 illustrations, small 4to, cloth. 1898 {scarce) 9s This volume contains portions of the preceding work, including the chapters relating to Canton and Kwang-tung Province, Formosa (and Native Vocabularies), Northern China, together with an introductory chapter on China Past and Present. 9550 Through China with a Camera, cheaper edition, revised and condensed, with 106 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 43 6d 9551 Thomson (H. C.) China and the Powers : a Narrative of the Outbreak of 1900, 2 nufps and 30 illust., 8vo, cloth. 1902 Gs With account of the bombardment and capture of Tientsin, discussion of l)()litical policy, position and rights of the missionaries. 9552 Thornton (J. H.) Memories of Seven Campaigns : Record of Thirty-five Years' Service in India, China, Egypt, and the Soudan, illustrations J 8vo, cloth. 1894 7s 6d 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. 410 FrccTicis Edwards^ s Catalogue 9553 Timkovski (legor) Voyage a Peking a Travers la Mongolie, 1820-21, traduit du Russe par N revue par J. B. Eyries, avec Notes par Klaproth, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth; also Atlas, containing carte de la Route, Plan de Peking, 10 planclieB, et Apergu Statistique de la Chine par Klaproth, 4to, cloth. Paris, 1827 14s 9554 Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia and Residence in Peking, 1820-21, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1827 10s Narrative of journey from Kiateka, through Mongolia, across Desert of Gobi, to Kalgan and Peking, with account of the Mongols and Kirghiz, journal of sojourn at Peking, to which are added descriptions of Chinese Turkestan or Little Bukhara, of Zungaria, of Tibet, and of Mongolia. 9555 Trade. Facts Relating to Chinese Commerce : a Letter from a British Resident in China, Svo, pp. viii-66. 1829 2s 6d See C!hina, Lindsay, Marjoribanks, Martin (M.), Staunton, Thompson. 9556 Treaties between the Empire of China and Foreign Powers, together with Trade Regulations, royal Svo, cloth. Shanghai, 1897 ^ 4s 6d See also Hertslet, p. 389. 9557 Tulloch (Gen. Sir A. Bruce) Recollections of Forty Years' Service, Svo, cloth. 1903 10s Includes General Tulloch's services in the second China War— at Horgkong, Canton, Peiho, Taku Forts, and Pekin, 1858-60 (pp. 51-125). 9558 Turner (J. A.) Kwang Tung ; or, Five Years in South China, map and illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1894 2s 6d 9559 Twining (R.) Observations on the Tea and Window Act, and on the Tea Trade, Svo, pp. 68. 1785 2s 6d 9560 Van Braam Houckgeest (Andre Everard) Voyage de I'Ambassadede la Compagnie des Indes Orien tales Hollandaises vers I'Empereur de la Chine, 1794-95, par L. E. Moreau de Saint-Mery, with maps and plates, 2 vols. 4to, calf. 1797-98 £1 10s Printed and published at Philadelphia, with a dedication to General Washington. M. van Braam resided at Macao and Canton from ab^ut 1760 to 1773, when he returned to Holland. On the recognition of the Independence of the United States in 1783 he removed to S. Carolina, and was naturalized in 1784. The loss of his family caused him to go out to China again as agent for the Dutch E.I. Co. When H.E. Isaac Titzing went as ambassador to congratulate the Chinese Emperor on the sixtieth anniversary of his accession to the throne Van Braam accompanied him. These volumes narrate th*^ journey, and contain a list of the presents ; also a long notice of the collection of Chine e drawings made by M. van Braam, the whole of which were subsequently offered to and accepted by the French Republic. On his return to the United States, in April, 1796, M. van Braam brought with him several Chinese, who were exhibited with his collection in Philadelphia, perhaps the first Chinese to visit the States. 9561 An Authentic Account of the Embassy of the Dutch E.I. Co. to China, 1794-95, translated from the French, with map, 2 vols. Svo, calf. (Phillips) 1798 10s Observations sur Voyage de TAmbassade de la Conip. des Indes-Orien tales. See Charpentier-Cossigny (1799, pp. 415-472), p. 378. For another account of this journey through China to Peking see the * Voyage ' of M. DE GuiGNES, who accompanied the Embassy as interpreter, p. 388. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. China 41 1 ViANi (P^re) Legation of C. A. Mezzabarba, titular Patriarch of Alexandria to the Emperor Kang-hi, 1720. See Astley's Voyages (Vol. IV.), p. 2. 95()2 Vincent (Dean) Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean, comprehending * The Voyage of Nearchus,' the 'Periplusof the Erybhrean Sea,' and Dissertations, portraits and iiiaps, 2 vols. 4to, calf. 1807 30s Vol. II. contains an elaborate dissertation on the Sina3, the Seres, and the Ter- mination of Ancient Geography on the East: (1) The Name of China; (2) The Sina3 of Ptolemy in Siam and of other Authors and Seres the same ; (3) Relative Situation of the Seres ; (4) The Capital of Sgres ; (5) Seres distinguished as Manu- facturers of Silk ; (6) Intercourse between China and Europe ; (7) Routes of Marco Polo, Rubruquis, Carpino, Goes ; (8) Route of the Sesat» from Arracan to China ; (9) Intercourse by Sea ; (10) Golden Chersonese, Cattigara, &c. See also p. 23. 9563 Vincent (Mrs. Howard) Newfoundland to Cochin - China, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1892 2s 6d Includes Narrative of Visits to Japan, Shanghai, Peking, and Hongkong, and Reijort on British Interests in China by Col. Howard Vincent. 9564 Vissering (W., LL.D.) On Chinese Currency ; Coin and Paper Money of Different Periods, with facsimile, 8vo. Leijden, 1877 6s 9565 Vladimir, The China-Japan War, from Japanese, Chinese, and Foreign Sources, ilUistrated, 8vo, cloth. 1895 7s 9566 W A Journey North and East of Peking, from the Chinese Times, Nov., 1887, 18mo, sewed Is 9567 Walton (JosepJi) China and the Present Crisis, with Notes of a Visit to Japan and Korea, map, 12mo, cloth. 1900 3s 6d Wei-hai-Wei, Newchwang, Chefoo, Tientsin, Port Arthur, the Upper Yantsze, Trade Competition, &c. The map shows railway concessions, coal mines, &c. 9568 Warren (Samuel) The Opium Question, Bvo, pp. 130. 1840 3s 6d 9569 Wathen (James) Journal of a Yoyage to Madras and China, 1811-12, in the "Hope," Capt. J. Pendergrass, with 24 finely coloured vieivs, 4to, half-calf. 1814 £1 Macao, Camoens' Garden, the Bocca Tigris, Wampoa, and Canton were visited October, 1811, tc/ March, 1812. Eight views are given of these places. 9571 Watters (T., late H.M.'s Consul at Foochow) Stories of Every- day Life in Modern China : Told by Chinese and Done into English, 12mo, cloth. 1896 ^ " 3s 6d A charming little book, containing nine characteristic and interesting narratives, based on real occurrences, giving an insight into the actual Chinese life of the present time. 9572 Wellby (Capt.) Through Unknown Tibet [and Northern China], majos and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 8s Capt. Wellby travelled in company with Lt. Malcolm from Leh, through Northern Tibet, to China, down the valley of the Hoang Ho (Yellow River) to Peking. He describes the inhabitants of the country passed through, and inserts a chapter on 'The Mohammedan Rebellion in China,' 1895-96. 9573 "Wen Ching. The Chinese Crisis from Within, edited by Rev. G. M. Reith, 12mo, cloth. 1901 3s 6d The Reform Movement in China ; The Empress Dowager, her Advisers, Tools, and Victims ; Europe and China Face to Face— a Chinese View of the Situation ; Members of the Tsungli Yamen. 1 9720 English-Chinese Dictionary, with the Punti and Mandarin Pronunciation, 4 vols, folio. 1866-69 ^62 2s 9721 Select Phrases in the Canton Dialect, 12mo, pp. 48. Iloncj Kong, 1872 2s 9722 Lockhart (J. H. Stewart) Manual of Chinese Quotations : a trans- lation of the Ch'ong yii K'ao, with Chinese text, notes, and Index, royal 8vo, half-morocco. Hong Kong, 1893 14s 9723 Malan (Rev. S. C.) Who is God in China, " Shin " or " Shang- te " ? 8vo, boards. [1855] 3s 6d Dr. Malan is for "Shang-te" and against ".'^hin," which stands rather for " Daimon." Considerable research is shown into Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, Ambaric, and the Oriental languages for equivalents for " God." See ako LEfiGE, Moulb, Staunton. 9724 Marshman (Rev. J.) The Works of Confucius, Yol. I., contain- ing The Lun-gnee, the third of the See-Seu, or "The Four Books" : Text and Translation, preceded by a Dissertation on the Chinese Language and Character, 4to, hf.-cf. Serampore, 1809, all published (scarce) £1 12s 9725 Martin (Dr. Ern.) Expos6 des Principaux Passages contenus dans le Si-Yuen-Lu, avec Notes, roy. 8vo, pp. 82. Paris, 1884 3s 6d 88, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, 424 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue Martin (Dr. W. A. P.) The Lore of Cathay ; Poets and Poetry, Prose, Religion and Philosophy, Arts and Sciences of China. See p. 396. 9727 Medhurst (W. H.) Ancient China : the Shoo King, the most Ancient Chinese Record, Chinese and English, 8vo, half-calf. Shanghai, 1846 . 9s Lindesay Brine's and G. Alexander's copy. Mencius. See Faber, Legge. Morris (T. M.) Chapters on the Religions of China, "Fang Shui," Missionary Work, &c. See ' A Winter in North China,' p. 398 9729 Moule (Rt. Rev. Dr. G. E.) An Sen lah-'an dzun Foh-in So, Gospel of St. John in Chinese, 8vo, cloth. [1878] (S.P.C.K.) Is 6d Dr. Russell, Bp. of N. China, having expressed an opinion adverse to the use of " Shang-ti," the terua " Shin-ming " (Zen-min) is used throughout as an equivalent for "God." 9730 Scientific Obligations of China to Europe — North China Branch R. A. Soo., pp. 147-164. 1872 2s 9731 Miiller (Sir F. Max) The Religions of China, three articles Nineteenth Century, October to December, 1900, pp. 373-384, 569-581, 730-742, 3s 6d Nevius (J. L.) Chapters on Confucius, Tauism, Buddhism, Supersti- tions of the Chinese, Divination, Language, &c. See p. 399 9732 Parker (E. H.) Life, Labours, and Doctrines of Confucius from hitherto inaccessible material, map and illust., 8vo, cloth. Woking 2s 6d 9733 Pauthier (G.) Chi-King, ou Livre des Verse, traduit en Fran- ?ais, avec Hymnes Sanskrits, Persans, 6gyptiens, Assyriens et Chinois (Bibliotheque Orientale, Tome II.), imp. 8vo, hf.-bd. 78 6d 9734 [Percy (Bishop T.) Editor.] Hau Kiou Choaan, or the Pleasing History, translated from the Chinese, with Additional Fragments, and notes, ivith 4 plates, half plate missing, 4 vols. 12mo, calf. 1761 8s 6d This translation of the * Pleasing History ' was made by Mr. James Wilkinson, an English merchant, the MS. being dated 1719, the last year he spent in China. The additions consist of (1) A Collection of Chinese Proverbs and Apothegms, chiefly from Du Halde ; (2) The Argument of a Chinese Play acted at Canton, 1719 ; (3) Fragments of Chinese Poetry, with a Dissertation from a Memoir by M. Freret. 9735 [ ] Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the Chinese, 2 vols. 12mo, boards. Dodsley, 1772 6s Includes a Chinese tragedy, 'The Little Orphan of the House of Chao,' Mosheim on the Christian Church in China, Chinese Rules of Conduct, &c. 9736 Petite Pantoufle : Thou Sio-Sie, Roman Chinois par Tin-Tun- Ling, traduit en Fran^ais, 8vo, half-morocco. 1875 5s 9737 Phoenix (The), a Magazine for China, Japan, and Eastern Asia, Vols. I. to III., small 4to, cloth. 1870-73 I6s Includes Papers on Buldhism. Geography, Travel, Languasres, History of the Mongols ; Japanese, Chinese, Burmese Literature ; Reviews and Notes on Books. 9738 Pfizmaier (Dr. A.) Kunstfertigkeiten und Kunst der Alten Chinesen (excerpt, pp. 147-224), royal 8vo, sewed. 3s 6d 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Chinese Religion and Literature 425 9739 Piry (A. Theophile) Le Saint Edit, Etude de Litteratui-e Chinoise, 4to, cloth. Shanghai, 1879 IQg Chinese text and French translation of The Sheng-yii, or Maxims and Precepts of K'ang-Hsi, second Emperor of the Manchu (present reigning) dynasty, first published in 1671, with copious Index of characters and their French equivalents, A very useful introduction to Chinese literature for French students. 9740 Ch' ien Chan Hiii Ts' un : Manuel de Langue Mandarine, ou Recueil Ideologique en Chinois, Fran§ais et Anglais, 4to, half-calf. Shanghai, 1895 £1 4s The ideas and terms are grouped and classed under thirteen general headings : Man Physically ; Man Morally ; Man Socially ; Clothing ; Houses and Apartments ; Food; Employments; Travelling, Pastimes, &c. ; Studies, Religious Sects. &c.; Government ; the Universe ; Natural History ; Sciences and Miscellaneous Terms. 9742 Plaenckner (R. von) Lao-tse, Tdo-te-King : der Weg zur Tugend. aua dem Chinesischen, Svo, hf.-mor. Leipzig, 1870 5s 9743 Confucius, T4-Hi6 die Erhabene Wissenschaft, Svo, half- morocco. Leipzig, 1875 3s 6d 9744 Confucius, Tchong-Yong : der Unwandelbare Seelengrund, Svo, half-morocco. Leipzig, 1878 3s 6d Renaudot's Mohammedan Travellers in China, on the Origin of the Christian Religion there, &c. See p. 404. 9745 Rondot (Natalis) Notice sur les Yang de Chine (extrait du Journal Asiatique), Svo, pp. 22. Paris, 1847 2s 9746 Schlegel (Prof. G.) Hoa-Tsien Ki Of: Chinesche Roman (Dutch), Thian ti Hwui. The Hung-League or Heaven-Earth-League : a Secret Society with the Chinese in China and India (English) ; De Prostitutie in China (Dutch), with 16 plates, 1 vol. 4to, calf. Batavia, 1866 £1 Verh. van het Bataviaasch Genootschap, Deel XXXII. The first work is the same as that rendered by Sir John Bowring, and entitled *The Flowery Scroll.' 9747 La St^le Fun^raire du Teghin Giogh et ses Copyistes et Traducteurs Chinois, Russes et AUemands, royal Svo, pp. 57 and plate. Helsingissii, 1892 3s 6d Shaman Catechism : Laws and Regulations of Chinese Buddhist Priests— Oriental Transl. Fund, 1831 Sd 9748 Shi-Ka-Fang-Chih (Chinese Work), imp. Svo, cloth. 5s SiRR (H. C.) Religion and Customs of the Chinese. See p. 406. 9749 Smith (F. Porter) Medical Missionary. Vocabulary of Proper Names (Chinese and English) of Places, Persons, Tribes and Sects in China, Japan, Corea, Annam, Siam, Burma, the Straits, &c., imperial" Svo, boards. Shanghai, 1870 3s 9751 Staunton (Sir G. T.) On the Proper Mode of rendering the Word ** God" into Chinese, &c., Svo, cloth. 1849 4s With inscription and autograph letter from the Author to Sir John Barrow. Sir George was in favour of using the term " Shang-tee." See Legge, Malan, Moule. See also p. 408. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 426 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 9752 Stent (G. 0.) Chinese Lyrics, with Translations and Music — N. China Br. R. A. Soc, pp. 93-135. 1871 3s 6d 9753 Chinese Legends— N. China Br. R. A. S., pp. 183-195 1872 2s 6d 9754 Taoism, The Texts of, translated by Dr. Legge (Sacred Books of the East) 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1891-92 each 9s See Ball, Doolittle, Douglas, Edkins, Groot, Legge, Nevius, Forbes, &c. 9755 V dicker (Karl T.) Bibliotheca Sinica : Katalog Chinesischer Original Werke, 8vo, pp. iv, 32, 16. 2s 6d Contains titles of over 300 different works in Chinese and Roman. 9756 Watters (T.) Life and Works of Han-Yu, or Han Wen-Kung, T'ang Dynasty— China Branch R. A. S., pp. 167-181. 1872 2s 6d 9757 Guide to the Tablets in a Temple of Confucius, royal 8vo, pp. xx-259. Shanghai, 1879 6s 9758 Essays on the Chinese Language, 8vo, half -calf. 1889 15s On the Origin and History of the Language, Inter jectional and Imitative Ele- ments, Buddhistic Influence, Foreign Words, Terms relating to Death and Burial, &c. 9759 Weston (Stephen) Fragments of Oriental Literature, with Out- line of a Painting on a Curious China Vase, Translations from the Arabic, &c., plate, 8vo, cloth. 1807 4s 9760 Williams (S. Wells) Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language arranged according to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronuncia- tion of the Characters as heard in Pekin, Canton, Amoy and Shang- hai, third edition, 4to, cloth. 1890 £2 10s Chapters on the Structure of the Chinese Language ; Classical Literature, Polite Literature, Proverbs, &c. See * The Middle Kingdom' (Vol. I. chaps. X., XL, XXL), p. 412. 9761 Wylie (Alex.) Notes on Chinese Literature, with Introductory Remarks on the Progressive Advance of the Art and a List of Trans- lations from the Chinese into various European Languages (1867), new edition, 8vo, half-calf. Slianghai, 1901 12s 6d 9762 On an Ancient Inscription in the Neu-Chih Language — Jour. R. Asiatic Soo., pp. 16 and 3 plates. 3s 6d Researches in Chinese Language and Literature, the Nestorian and Buddhist Relics, &c. See p. 412, 9763 Yates (Rev. M. T., D.D.) Ancestral Worship, 8vo, pp. 48. Shanghai, 1878 2s 6d 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, IF. Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 427 KOREA. Adams (Staff Surgeon) Visit to Korea, with Account of the Inhabitants, their Customs, Language, Beliefs, &c. See p. 450. 9767 Bird (Isabella), Mrs. Bishop. Korea and her Neighbours, a Narrative of Travel and Account of the Recent Vicissitudes and Present Position of the Country, with Preface by Sir Walter Hillier, maps and illustrations , 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1898 10s 9768 Carles (W. R.) Life in Ooreaj with map and illustrations, mostly by a Corean Artist, 8vo, cloth. 1888 4s 6d Observations during eighteen months' travel and residence, 1884-85, with chapter on the murders and fighting at Soul, Dec, 1884. 9769 Recent Journeys in Korea — Proc. R. Geog. Soc, May, 1886 (Vol. VIII. pp. 289-312, and map) 2s 9770 Cavendish (Oapt. A. E. J.) Account of a Journey in Northern Korea in 1891 ; also of an Ascent of the Sacred White Mountain by Capt. H, E. Goold- Adams, 2 maps and 40 illustrations, including native sketches, royal 8vo, cloth. 1894 5s 9771 Culin (Stewart) Korean Games, with Notes on the corresponding Games of China and Japan, 22 coloured plates and 135 other illus- trations, royal 8vo, buckram. Philadelphia, 1895 10s 9772 Curzon (Lord) Problems of the Far East : Japan — Korea — China, 8vo, cloth. 1894 9s This work, which forms part of an examination of Asiatic Political Problems, includes four chapters on Korea : Life and Travel— The Capital and Court- Politics and Commerce— Its Political Future. Du Halde's Abridged History of Corea. See China, p. 383. 9773 Gale (Rev. James S.) American Presbyterian Missionary: Korean Sketches, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh [New York], 1898 3s 6d Observations of the people and their country during nine years' residence. 9775 Griffis (W. E.) Corea the Hermit Nation, with illustrations, maps, and plans, 8vo, cloth. 1882 9s 6d The most comprehensive work on the subject. I. Ancient and Mediaeval History. II. Political and Social Corea. III. Modern and Recent History. With a Bibliography and Appendix on the Corean language. 9776 Hall (Oapt. Basil) Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and Loo-Choo, luith 9 heautiful coloured plates, an Appendix of Nautical Information and Charts, and a Vocabulary of Loo-Choo Words, by Lieut. Clifford, 4to, half-calf. 1818 14s This survey was made in H.M. ships " Alceste " and " Lyra" during the period of Lord Amherst's Embassy to China, and prior to the wreck of the former vessel in the Strait of Gaspar, near Java. The narrative contains most interesting accounts of the Coreans and people of Loo Choo, and the drawings of scenery and costume were made by Mr. Wm. Havel 1, R.A., who accompanied the Embassy, from sketches by Capt. Hall and Mr. W. C. Browne. See also MLeod, and for narratives of the Embassy the references under Amherst, p. 371. 8o, High Street, Mai^ylehone, London, W. Q 2 428 Francis Edwarda^s Catalogue 9777 Hamel (Hemy) Account of the Shipwreck of a Dutch Vessel on the Island of Qaelpaert, and Thirteen Years* Imprisonment in Corea (1653-67), with an Account of that Kingdom (from Churchill's Collection), folio, halt-bound. 1704 5s A creditable narrative : nothing since written on Corea is more interesting. For other editions see the Collections of Astley, p. 2 ; Pinkerton, p. 16. Klapjroth (J.) San Kokf Tsou Ran to Sets ; ou, Apergu General des Trois Royaumes (Cor^e ; Lieou-Khieou ; Yeso). See Japan. 9779 Korea and the Far East ; Korean Affairs, a Japanese Yiew ; A Chinese View ; The Korean Question, by E. Oppert ; Proposed International Guarantee of Korean Independence — Asiatic Quar- TERLY, Oct., 1894 (pp. 249-282) 3s 9780 Korean Repository (The), Vol. I., edited by Mr. and Mrs. F. Ohlinger, 8vo, half-calf. Seoul, 1892 18s Some of the Contents of this Volume :— Adams (Capt. H. Goold-) The Mont Blanc of Korea. Edkins (Dr.) On the True Fusang ; and the Persians in the Far East. Gale (Rev. J. S.) To the Yaloo and Beyond. GifEord (Rev. D. L.) Ancestral Worship as Practised in Korea. Hulbert (Prof. H. B.) Origin of the Korean Alphabet. Jones (Rev. G. Heber) The Japanese Invasion, 1590-93. McGowan (D. J.) Petroleum in Korea ; and Eussian Archaic Researches. Chapters on Buddhism, Population, Curious Customs, Notes and Queries, &c. 9781 Koto (B.) and Kanazawa (S.) Catalogue of Romanized Geogra- phical Names of Korea, 12mo, cloth. Tokyo [1903J 5s 9782 Landor (A. H. Savage) Corea : Journey through the Land of Morning Calm, ivith illustrations , 8vo, cloth. 1895 6s 9783 Landis (E. B.) A Pioneer of Korean Independence, Im Kyeng Ep— Asiatic Quarterly, Oct., 1898 (pp. 396-408) 2s 6d 9784 Lowell (Percival) Oho-san, the Land of the Morning Calm : a Sketch of Korea, with 24 photo and other illustrations and 2 maps, royal 8vo, cloth. 1885 13s Mr. Lowell was secretary to the American Embassy to Korea, and afterwards revisited Korea as a guest of the King, enjoying exceptional opportunities for seeing the country. His book is of great interest and value. 9785 McLeod (Surgeon John) Voyage of H.M.S. " Alceste " along the Coast of Corea and to the Island of Lev^chew ; with Account of her subsequent Shipwreck, poj'trait of Capt. Maxwell and 5 coloured plates by Lieut. Dwarris, 8vo, boards. 1818 3s 6d H.M.S. "Alceste," Capt. Murray Maxwell, in company with the "Lyra," Capt. Basil Hall, and the " General Hewitt," Capt, Campbell, carried Lord Amherst to China in 1816-17. After surveying parts of those seas the "Alceste " visited Manilla and Canton ; going towards Java she was wrecked on a sunken rock. The officers and crew found their way to Batavia in the ship's boats. This volume contains a long and interesting account of the Lewchew Islands and their inhabitants. Another account from the * Lettres Bdifiantes,' Tome XXIIL, is quoted on pp. 79-97. See also Abel, p. 371 ; Ellis, p. 384 ; Hall, p. 427. 9786 Michie (A.) Korea and Korean Afl'aii^s— Asiatic Quarterly, Oct., 1892 (pp. 317-329) 2s 6d 8Sf High Street, Marylehone, London, W. K(yrea 429 9787 Miln (Louise J.) Quaint Korea, 12mo, cloth, 1895 3s 6d Papers reprinted from the Times, P. M. Gazette, &c., descriptive of the Country, the People— especially the women ; Customs, Amusements, Gorean History, 'Japan's Ingratitude,' ' The Scourges of China,' &c. Strolling Players in the East. See p. 196. 9789 Norman (Henry) People and Politics of the Far East, Four Years' Travels in China, Japan, Siberia, &c., ma'p and illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1895 6s Includes accounts of a journey on horseback across Corea, the City of Seoul and its inhabitants, the ' Korean Question,' &c. 9791 Oliphant (Laurence) Episodes in a Life of Adventure ; or. Moss from a Rolling Stone, 12mo, cloth. 1896 Is 9d Contains * A Visit to Tsusima Island in the Strait of Korea : an Incident of Russian Aggression.' For a map see JoUR. R. G. S., 1863. 9792 Oppert (Ernest) A Forbidden Land : Corea, its Geography, History, Productions, and Commercial Capabilities, wit/i 2 charts and 21 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1880 • 5s The translation of a German work, ' Ein Verschlossenes Land.' The author made three voyages to Corea ; the last is said to have been "a body-snatching expe- dition " to obtain gome " buried relics held in great veneration." To his own observations he has added an account of the murder of the French missionaries, a vocabulary, alphabet, 182 single syllables, and chapter containing Mr. J. HofiE- mann's ' Investigations on the Corean Language.' P^ROUSE (La) Visit to Corean Coast, May, 1787, with Account of the Island Qnelpaert, and 2 cJiarts (La Perouse, ' Voyage,' 2 vols. 4to, 1799, Vol. I. pp. 534-539, Atlas, plates 44, 45). See Siberia and Kamchatka. Regis (J. Baptiste, S.J.) Description of Korea, 1720. See Du Halde (Vol. II.), p. 383 ; Astley (Vol. IV.), p. 2. 9793 Ross (Rev. John) History of Corea, Ancient and Modern, with Description of Manners and Customs, Language and Geography, maps and illustrations by native artists ('mostit/ coloured), 8vo, cloth. Paisley, [1876] ^ 7s Mr. Ross was resident in Manchuria seven years. See note to the author's ' Manchus,' p. 105. St. John (Capt. H. C.) Notes and Sketches of Nipon, and of Surveys of portions of the S. Coast of Corea in H.M.S. " Sylvia." See Japan. 9795 Salwey (Mrs. Charlotte M.) Korea, the Pearl of the Orient, Traditional, Historical, Descriptive— Asiatic Quarterly, July, 1900 (pp. 154-167) 2s 6d Williamson (Rev. A.) Journeys in North China, with Chapter on Corea. See p. 412. 83f High Street, Manjlebone, London, W. 430 Frcmcis Edwa/rds^s Catalogue TIBET. Geography, Travel^ History, Religion, Language and Literature, *^* For other works on the Southern Borders of Tibet see references under Himalayas, pp. 153-154; Bootan, p.85; Nepaul, p. 204 ; Kashmir, p. 167 ; Ladak, p. 172. For travels on the Northern Borders see Chinese Taetary, pp. 440-449. 9799 Ackermann's The World in Miniature. Tibet and India beyond the Ganges, edited by Shoberl, 12 coloured plates, 12mo, boards. [1824] 4s 6d Tibet and Bootan, the Birman Empire, Tonquin and Cochin-China, Siam, Malacca, Testimonies of the existence of men with tails. 9801 Anderson (Dr. J.) The Irawady and its Sources — Jour. R. G. Soo., 1870 (Vol. XL. pp. 286-303), cloth 3s AndrAda (Antonio, Jesuit) Journey from India to Kodauk, Tibet, 1624, Discovery of the Ganges Source and L. Mansarowar, Source of the Sutlej. See Murray's ' Asia,' Vol. I. (pp. 424-436). 9803 A K . Four Years' Wanderings through Great Tibet, by one of the Pandit Explorers, by Gen. Walker, tvith map — Proc. B. Geog. Soo., Feb., 1885 2s 9804 Revised Sketch Map Illustrating the Explorations of A K in Great Tibet and Mongolia, 1879-82, and showing Routes of other Explorers, by G. W. E. Atkinson, 3 large sheets, and Index Map, coloured, mounted, and folded, 4to, June, 1884 9s Pandit A K started in April, 1878, through Bootan to Lhasa, where he was detained a whole year. In Sept., 1879, he continued his journey across Northern Tibet into Mongolia, crossing the Kuenlun and the Altyn Tag ranges, reaching Sachu in 1881. Avoiding Lhasa he returned to Darjiling by another route in Nov., 1882, having travelled 3,000 miles through almost unknown country. 9805 Bishop (Mrs., Isabella L. Bird) Among the Tibetans, illusti^ated. 12mo, cloth. (R.T.S.), 1894 2s 6d After Mrs. Hervey, Mrs. Bishop was the first European woman to penetrate into these regions. Bogle (George) Mission to Tibet, 1774. See Markham ; Murray. 9806 Bonvalot (Gabriel) Across Thibet : Translation of ' De Paris au Tonquin h travers le Tibet Inconnu,* with illustrations from photographs by Prince Henry of Orleans, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1891 10s 6d Starting from the frontiers of Siberia, M. Bonvalot and his companions traversed Tibet from north to south (1889-90), crossing the table lands through Yunnan to Tonking. The Thibetans, their manners and customs, trade, the Lamas and priesthood, are minutely described. The exploration of Lob Nor by Prince Henry of Orleans, who with Father Dedeken accompanied M. Bonvalot in this extraordinary journey, is contained in chap. iv. BouLGER (Demetrius) Tibet and the "Way Thither. See * Central Asian Questions,' p. 376. Relations of Tibet with China. See * History of China,' p. 376. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Tibet 431 9807 Bower (Oapt. Hamilton) A Journey Across Tibet, luith map and illustrations from photographs, 8vo, cloth. 1894 8s Capt. Bower, in company with Dr. W. G. Thorold, travelled through Tibet from Kashmir to China, April, 1891, to Feb., 1892, crossing the high central plateau of Asia, exploring the salt lakes and surveying the whole route, which is exhibited in profile on separate plan. An account of the journey down the Yangtse and through China is added, as well as a chapter on the religion, country, people, &c., of Tibet. For a previous expedition by Capt. Bower in 1889, see pp. 441-442. 9808 A Journey Across Tibet, large map — Geog. Jour., May, 1893 Is 6d 9809 Bridges (F. D.) Journal of a Lady's Travels Round the World, including a Residence at Leh and in a Lamasary, Tibet, with Account of H 's Journey to Yarkand, June and July, 1878, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1883 5s Carey (A. D.) Journey in Chinese Turkestan and N. Tibet. Seep. 442. 9810 Cooper (T. T.) Travels of a Pioneer in Pigtail and Petticoats Overland from China towards India, inap and illustrations, 8vo, half-calf. 1871 ■ 6s See also p. 380. 981 1 The Mishmee Hills : Journey from Assam towards Thibet, illustrated, 12tno, cloth. 1873 3s 6d 9812 On the Course of the Tsan-po and the Irrawaddy, and On Tibet, with map— Proo. R.'G. Soo., 1869, Vol. XIII. pp. 392-395 2s 6d See also p. 380. 9813 Csoma de Koros (Alex.) Essay towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English, 4to, sewed. Calcutta, 1834 158 9814 Tibetan Grammar in English, 4to, swd. Calcutta, 1834 lis 9815 Life and Works of Alex. Csoma de Koros, including his Journeys to Tibet, and Extracts from Writings on the Tibetan Language (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1885 6s Brief Memoir of. See Ralston *s Tibetan Tales, p. 436. Analysis of the * Kandjour * (Bkah-hgyur), French translation. See Peer, p. 432. 9816 Das (Sarat Chandra) Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, edited by the Hon. W. W. Rockill, maps and illustrations, including copies of native representations of Lhasa and Temple of the Grand Lama, 8vo, cloth. (R.G.S.) 1902 7s Narrative of two journevs through Sikkim and Tibet, 1879 and 1882. and residerjes at Tashilhunpo ad Lhasa, with descriptions of the country visited, accouut of the Government, society, customs, festivals, (kc. See also Buddhist Text Soo. (Jan., 1893), p. 312. 9818 Deasy (Capt. H. H. P.) In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan, Three Years' Exploration, map, 23ort., and ilhtsts., 8vo, cloth. 1901 10s 6d 9819 Journeys in Central Asia : Western Tibet and Chinese Turkestan, map and illustrations — Geog. Jour., Aug. and Nov., 1900 48 9821 D'Mazure (Yery Rev. T.) Memorandum on the Countries between Thibet, Yunan, and Burmah, 1859, nmp, 8vo, pp. 17. [1862] 2s 6d 83, High Streetf MaryUhone^ London^ W. 432 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue Description of Tibet, with Travels of Carpini, Eubruqui, Goes, Grueber, Gerbillon, Penna, &c. See Astley (Vol. IV. pp. 449-751) ; PiNKERTON (Vol. VII. pp. 541-576). Desideri (Hippolifce) Jesuit Missionary. Journey from Delhi to Leh and Lhasa, and Residence there, 1715-29 (from * Lettres Bdiflantes,' Vol. XV.). See Markham, 'Tibet ' (pp. Iviii-lix, 302-308). 9822 Dunmore (Earl of) The Pamirs: Narrative of an Expedition through Kashmir, Western Tibet, Turkestan, &c., in 1892, maps and illustrationsj 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1893 7s 6d Record of a journey through Kashmir, Ladak, Western Tibet, Chinese Tur- kestan, and the Pamirs in company of Major Roche, and subsequent journey alone through Russian Central Asia to the Caspian Sea. The expedition covered, in addition to horseback journeys, 2,200 miles on foot, crossing sixty-nine rivers and forty-one mountain passes, some of them amongst the highest in the world. 9823 Dutreuil de Rhins (J. L.) L'Asie Centrale (Thibet et Regions Limitrophes),Texte et Atlas, pp. xvi-618, 2 vols. 4to, cloth. Paris, 1889 £2 10s Texte Part 1. Regions Bordering on Tibet. 2. S.E. Tibet. 3. N.B. Tibet. 4. Western Tibet. The Atlas contains large-scale map in two sheets and reproductions of early maps and itineraries. A work of value and authority on the geography and topo- graphy of Tibet, produced at the cost of the French Government, and " crowned " by the French Academy. 9824 Mission Scientifique dans la Haute Asie, 1890-95, 3 vols. 4to, and Atlas, folio, cloth. Paris, 1897-98 £3 15s I. Recit du Voyage, 1891-95, avec planches. II. Le Turkestan et le Tibet : Etude Ethnographique et Sociologique. 1898. III. Histoire, Linguist! que, Arch^ologie, G6ographie, par F. Grenard, Appendices Scientifiques, avec planches. M. Dutreuil de Rhins having been murdered in Tibet near the head waters of the Yaog-tse-Kiang and Me-Kong, in June, 1894, his work was continued by his companion M. Fernand Grenard. 9825 Feer (Leon) Fragments Extraits du Kandjour, traduits du Tib^tain (Annales du Musee Guimet, Tome V.), 4to, sewed. Paris, 1883 9s 9826 Analyse du Kandjour : Recueil des Livres Sacres au Tibet, par Csoma de Koros, traduite de I'Anglais (Annales du Musee Guimet, Tome II.), and other Papers, 4to, sewed. Paris, 1881 12s The ' Kan jur ' is one of two collections of Tibetan sacred books which forms over 100 volumes foHo and comprises 1,083 distinct works. The other collection is the 'Tanjur,' and consists of 225 vols, folio, comprising literary, scientific, and religious works, hymns, rituals, ceremonies, &c. For English translation of tales from the former collection see Ralston. 9827 Foucaux (Ph. Ed.) Parabole de FEnfant Egare— Chap. IV. du 'Lotus de la Bonne Loi,' lithographed in Sanscrit and Tibetan, with French translation, royal 8vo, half-calf. Paris, 1854 9s 9828 Georgius (Fr. Aug. Ant.) Alphabetum Tibetanum Missionxun Apostolicarum Commodo Editum, folio, half-vellum. Rome, 1762 £1 2s Compiled by Father Giorgi from materials sent to Rome by the Capuchin Friars. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Tibet 433 9829 Gerard (Capt. Alex.) Account of Koonawur and of that Part Inhabited by the Tartars, Lapcha, Ladak, Yarkund, &c. ; also of his Attempt to Reach Garoo and Lake Manasarowara in 1821, maps, edited by Sir Wm. Lloyd, 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. 1841-46 14s Gill (Capt.) Journey through Eastern Tibet (1876-77). See China, p. 386. Gordon (Col. T. E.) Journey over the High Plateau of Tibet to the Pamirs. See ' The Roof of the World,' p. 444. GiiUEBER and Dorville, Jesuit Missionaries ; Journey from China to Lhassa and India, and Death of Dorville, 1661-65. See Collec- tions of ThEVENOT (Vol. II.), ASTLEY (Vol. IV.), PiNKERTON (Vol. VII.), Markham's • Tibet ' (pp. Ixvi-lxviii, 295-302). 9830 Gutzlaff (Dr. Ch.) Tibet and Sefan, including Baltistan and Lahdak ; History, Boundaries, Mountains, Rivers, Capital (Lhassa), Inhabitants, Products, &c. — Jour. R. G. Soc, 1850 (Vol. XX. pp. 191-227), cloth 4s 9831 Hamilton (Francis, M.D.) formerly Buchanan. An Account of Nepaul, &c., with map, view of Khatmandu, panorama of the Hima- layas, &c., 4to, half-calf. Edinburgh, 1819 12s Dr. Hamilton, in company with Bogle, visited Tesboo Lama in 1774. He gives account of Tibet and the routes thither, Correspondence of Lord Cornwallis with the Dalai Lama, Meoiorial on the Nepaulese War with Tibet, &c. Hedin (Sven) Exploration in Northern Tibet and Discovery of New Route South of the Kuenlun Range. See * Through Asia,' p. 445. Heeley (W. L.) on Tibet— Calcutta Review, July, 1874 ; Reprint, 1894, pp. 131-171. 9832 Hervey (Mrs.) Adventures of a Lady in Tartary, Thibet, China, and Kashmir, through portions of territory never before visited by Europeans ; with Account of a Journey from the Punjab to Bombay Overland, portrait of Goolab Siugh, 2 maps, and 7 engravings of vieivs in Ladakh and Little Thibet, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, 1854 (with Capt. Henry Strachey's autograph in each vol.) 8s Mrs. Hervey, the first European lady to visit Tibet, remained there long enough (1851) " to pick up enough of the language to ask for ordinary things." Her third volume contains a vocabulary of about 130 words with their English equivalents. Hodgson (B. H.) On the Languages, Literature, and Religion of Nepdl and Tibet, and On the Tribes of Northern Tibet and of Sifan. See Hodgson's 'Essays,' pp. 155 and 325. 9833 Holdich (Sir T. H.) Lhasa, tvith 4 2}la7is and views — Geog. Jour., Dec, 1901 (Vol. XVIIL pp. 602-607) Is 6d 9834 Hooker ([Sir] Joseph) A Fourth Excursion to the Passes into Thibet by the Donkiah Lah, map, J. R. G. Soc. (Vol. XX. pp. 49-52), cloth. 1850 3s 9835 Himalay.-m Jotiinals: Notes of a Naturalist, best edition, with 2 maps, 12 coloured plates (including Himalayan Peaks and Glaciers), and 80 wood engravings, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf extra. 1854 28s See Notes on pp. 157, 299. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 434 Francis Edwardds Catalogue Huo and Gabet's Travels to Tibet, Residence at the Monastery of Koumboun and in Lhasa (1844-46), with account of Tibetan Buddhism and Lamaism. See China, p. 390. 9836 Jaeschke (H. A.) Romanized Tibetan and English Dictionary, lithographed, royal 8vo, pp. 158. Kyelang in British Ldlioul, 1866 7s 6d 9837 Tibetan-English Dictionary : English -Tibetan Vocabulary, royal 8vo, cloth. 1897 £1 10s Jaeschke'e great dictionary is a mine of information on technical and doctrinal definitions of Lamaism. 9838 Tibetan Grammar, second edition prepared by Dr. H. Wenzel (Triibner's Simplified Grammars), 12mo, cloth 5s "Kanjur" (The). See Csoma de Koros, Feer, Ralston, Schmidt, Vasilief. 9839 Kinloch (Gen. Alex.) Large Game Shooting in Thibet, the Himalayas, Northern India, &c. (1864-82), map and 36 pJiotogravures, 4to, cloth. 1885 £1 5s See also p. 169. Klaproth, Description du Tibet : Villas, Habitans, Tribus Nomads, Montagues, Fleuves, Lacs, Productions, &c. See p. 446. 9841 Knight (Oapt.) Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet ; Visit to Ladak and Monastery of Hemis, 16 tinted plates and 28 engravings, 8vo, cloth, 1860 10s 9842 Knight (E. F.) Where Three Empires Meet: Narrative of Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, &c., 1891, map and 54 illustrations j 8vo, half-calf extra. 1893 lis 9843 Cheap edition, illustrated, 12mo, cloth 3s Mr. Knight as Times correspondent visited Ladak in company with Capt. Bovfer.—Q.v. 9844 KoslofT (Capt. P. K.) The Russian Expedition to E. Tibet, 1899-1901, illustrated— Geog. Journal, May, 1902 (pp. 576-598) Is 6d 9845 Landor (A. H. Savage) In the Forbidden Land : an Account of a Journey in Tibet, with his Imprisonment, Torture, and Ultimate Release, map and 250 illustrations {several coloured), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1898 12s 6d Mr. Landor entered Tibet by the Lumpiya Pass in July, 1897, and travelled for six weeks down the valley of tiie San-po, when he was arrested and brought back to Taklakot. where he met with friends and returned to India. The work contains Report of the Government inquiry into his case. 'Lettres Edifiantes' — Tartary, Tibet, &c. See p. 12. 9846 Lewin (Capt. T. H.) Manual of Tibetan: Progressive Exercises in the Colloquial Speech, oblong 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1879 9s 9847 Little (Arch. J.) Mount Omi and Beyond : a Record of Travel on the Tibetan Border, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1901 6s 9848 Littledale (St. George R.) Journey Across Tibet from N. to S. and W. to Ladak, 3 maps— Geog. Jour., May, 1896 (pp. 453-483) Is 6d 83, High Street, Marylebojie, London, W. Tibet 435 9849 Macaulay (Oolman) Keport of a Mission to Sikkim and the Tibetan Frontier, with Memorandum on our Eolations with Tibet, map and 22 photographs, 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1885 12s 6d Manning (Thomas) Journey to Lhasa, 1811. See Markham. 9850 Markham (Sir Clements R.) Narratives of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet (1774), and of the Journey of Thomas Man- ning to Lhasa (1811-12), with Notes, Introduction, and Appendix, portrait of Hastings, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1876 10s Other sources of information on Tibet are indicated in the Introduction, and the narratives of Grueber (1661), Desideri (1715-16), and Horace della Penna (1730) are included in the Appendix. 9851 Bogle's and Majining's Narratives, second edition, with that of the Pundit Nain Singh, maps, &c., 8vo, cloth. 1879 15s 9852 Travels in Great Tibet, and Trade between Tibet and Bengal ; Exploration of the Namcho, or Tengri Nur Lake, made by a Native Explorer, 1871-72; Journey to Shigatze, Tibet, by Native Explorer, No. 9, 1871 ; Journey to Tasum, 1873 ; edited by Col. Montgomerie, map~JouR. R. Geog. Soo., 1875 (Vol. JCLV., pp. 299- 363), half-morocco 7s 6d 9853 Montgomerie (Col. T. G.) Report of Route Survey of the *' Pundit" [Nain Singh], Nepal to Lhasa and Source of the Brahmaputra, map— Jour.B. G. Soo., 1868 (Vol. XXXVIII. pp. 129- 219), cloth 48 The Pundit Nain Singh accompanied the brothers Schlagintweit (1856-57), the Second Mission of Sir D. Forsyth to Yarkand (1873-74), and another mdependent journey in 1874-75 to Lhasa. See Trotter, p. 438. 9854 Murray (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, maps, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1820 12s Vol. II. contains outlines of the journeys of Andrada, Webb, Bogle, Turner, and others into Tibet. Nain Singh (The Pundit) Journeys in Tibet and Visit to Lhasa, 1866. See Markham, Montgomerie, and Trotter. 9855 Needham (J. F.) Journey along the Lohit Brahmaputra between Sadiya in Upper Assam and Rima in S.E. Tibet, map, royal 8vo, cloth. R.G.S., 1886 5s Odorio (Friar) First European Visit to Tibet, Journey from China to the Capital of Tibet, c. 1330. See Yule's * Cathay,' p. 413. Penna (Horace de la), Capuchin Friar, Journey from Peking to Lhassa (1719) and Residence of Thirty Years in Tibet. See Brief Account of the Kingdom, 1730 (from Klaproth) — Markham, •Tibet' (pp. lix, Ix, 309-340). 9856 Pratt (A. E.) To the Snows of Tibet through China, map and 30 plates, royal 8vo, cloth. 1892 Ss Narrative of two journeys up the Yangtee, through the Province of Sze-chuen to Ta-tsien-lu ; description of the inhabitants, their dress and arms, brick tea ; ascent of Mt. Omei, with account of priests and temples there, oppression of the lamas, execution of Tibetans, and photo-views of the snowy mountains, &c. 9857 Pyevtsoff and Roborovsky's Expeditions in Tibet, 1888-95— Geog. Jour, May, 1897 (pp. 546-555) Is 6d 83, High Street, Ma/rylebo7ie, Londoyi, W. 436 Francis Edtoards^s Catalogue 9858 Ralston (W. R. S.) Tibetan Tales, derived from Indian Sources, translated from the Tibetan of the Kah-Gyur by Von Schiefner, Englished by Ralston (Triibner's Oriental Series), Svo, cloth. 1882 ^^^'-'■■' ^^ Mr. Ralston's Introduction contains a brief narrative of the life and work of CsonDa Koros ; account of the sacred writings of Tibet, their Sanskrit origin, and the affinities of the stories in the present collection with European folk-tales. 9859 Rijnhart (Mrs. S. Carson) With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple, Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Border and Journey into the Far Interior, 'mt^fi illustrations, 12mo, cloth. Edinhurghj 1901 5s Story of adventurous wanderings and hardships, murder of Mr. Rijnhart, &c. 9860 Rockhill (Wm. Woodville) The Land of the Lamas : Notes of a Journey through China, Mongolia, and Tibet (1888-89), maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1891 9s Contains much historical, geographical, and ethnographical information gathered during four years' residence in Peking, and in a journey through the N.W. provinces of China (in the track of Hue and Gabet) to Koko-nor and Eastern Tibet and down the Yangtse Kiang. Notes on the Tibetan language (with a sylla- bary), in which Mr. Rockhill is one of the few proficient scholars, are given in a supplement, 9861 Diary of a [Second] Journey through Mongolia and Tibet, 1891-92, map and illustrations, Svo, cloth. Washington, 1894 10s 6d The record of an adventurous journey, for which Mr. Rockhill received the R. G. Society's gold medal, with appendices, including vocabularies, geographical and meteorological tables, lists of plants, &c. 9862 A Journey in Mongolia and Tibet, 1891-92, map — Geog. Jour., May, 1894 (pp. 357-388) Is 6d In this paper Mr. Rockhill "has told us more than was ever known before of the religion, the politics, the habits, and the languages of Tibet." — Dblmar Morgan. 9863 Notes on the Ethnology of Tibet, based on the Collection in the U.S. Museum, Svo, cloth. Washington, 1895 6s 6d 9864 Udanavarga : a Collection of Yerses from the Buddhist Canon, compiled by Dharmatr^ta, being the Northern Buddhist Version of Dhammapada, translated from the Tibetan of the * Bkah- hgyur ' by W. W. Rockhill (Triibner's Oriental Series), Svo, cloth. 1883 6s 9865 Life of the Buddha and Early History of his Order, derived from Tibetan Works, with Notices of Tibetan History, Index of Tibet Words and the Sanskrit Equivalents (Triibner's Oriental Series), Svo, cloth. 1884 7s 9866 Pratimoksha Sutra, ou le Traite d'Emancipation selon la Version Tibetaine, avec Notes et Extraits du Dulva (Vinaya), Svo, pp. 64. Paris, 1884 4s See also Das (Chandra). 9867 Ryall (E. C.) and Kinney (T.) Explorations in the District of Hundes, W. Tibet, 1877-78— Proc. R. Geog. Soc, July, 1879 (pp. 444-452), cloth 3s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Tibet 437 9868 St. Petersburg. Memoires de TAcademie Tmp^riale des Sciences, 6<^ Ser., Tomes I. et II., 4to, half-morocco. 1832-34 14s Schmidt, Ueber den Ursprung der Tibetisohen Sprache. Grundlehren des Buddhaismus {plate). Die Sogenannte dritte Welt der Buddhaisten. Die Tausend Buddhas einer Weltperiode. Eine Inschrift aus der JUtesteu Zeit der Mongolenherrechaft (Tschinggis- Chan), 2 plates. Die Volksstiimme der Mongolen. And other Papers by Friihm, Hermann, Graefe, and Sjogren relating to Kussia Finland, the Crimea, the Bulgarians of the Volga, &c. 9869 Sandberg (Rev. Graham) Handbook of Colloquial Tibetan, with Mythological, Zoological, and other Technical Lists (pp. 372), 8vo, cloth. 1895 £1 Is 9871 Sandeman (Major J. E.) The River Irawadi and its Sources, map— Proc. R. G. Soo., Dec, 1882 (pp. 257-273) 2s ScHiEFNER (Anton von) Tales from the Kandjur. See Ralston. 9872 Schlagintweit (Dr. Emil) Buddhism in Tibet, Illustrated by Literary Documents and Objects of Religious Worship, with an Account of the Buddhist Systems preceding it in India, 20 native plates, royal 8vo, cloth ; and Atlas of 20 plates, folio, cloth, 2 vols. 1863 £2 15s The chief source drawn upon for remarks and descriptions is the information obtained by the author's brothers in their Scientific Mission, 1854-58 (see above, p. 225). The text includes a Sketch of the Life of Sakyamuni, (Buddha) a History and Development of Buddhism, Sacred Literature, Laws, System, Organization, Monasteries, Temples, Calendars, Chronology, Astrology, of the present Lamaic Institutions, with a Bibliography of Buddhism and Glossary of Tibetan Terms. 9873 Buddhism in Tibet, another copy of the Text, with plates (but without the Atlas), royal 8vo, cloth 18s 9874 Le Bouddhisme au Tibet, traduit de I'Anglais par L. de Milloue (Annales de Musee Guimet, Tome III.), plates, 4to, sewed. Paris, 1881 14s 9875 Astronomical Points and Tableau of High Asia — Bengal Asiatic Soo., 1866, pp. 46-72 3s 9876 Shawe (F. B.) Western Tibet: Account of Ladak, ilhtstrated— Jour. Manchester Geog. Soo., 1898 (pp. 1-23) Is 6d 9877 Schmidt (I. J.) Dsanglun, oder der Weise und der Thor, aus dem Tibetischen uebersetzt und mit dem Original-texte, 2 vols. 4to, half-morocco. St. Petersburg, 1843 14s 9878 Der Index des Kandjur (Tibetan), 4to, cloth. St. Peters- burg, 1845 9s 9879 Ueber das Mahajana und Pradschna-Paramita der Bauddhen (Tibet and German), 4to, sewed, pp. 123-230 (Akad.Sci., St. Peters- burg, 6^ Ser., T. IV.) 5s ' 88, High Street, Maryleho7ie, Lmidon, W. 438 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 9881 Simpson (Wm.) The Buddhist Praying Wheel : a Collection of Material on the SymlDolism of the Wheel, 48 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 ■ 4s Among the Lama?, the Precious Wheel, the Wheel in Indian Buddhism, in the Brahmanic System, the Solar Origin, the Swastika, the Zoroastrian System, Japan, Egypt, Among the Semites, Greeks, Christians, Gauls, &c. 9882 Strachey ([Oapt.] Henry) Narrative of a Journey to Oho Lagan, Cho Mapan, and the Valley of Pruang, 1846 (Jour. Asiatic Soc, 1848, pp. 98-120, 127-182, 327-351), map, 8vo, cloth 6s 6d Capt. Strachey crossed Western Tibet from Ladakh to Kumaon in Sept. and Oct., 1846. He obtained account of the Grand Lama, the principal officers of State at Lhassa, their titles, districts, &c. 9883 Physical Geography of "Western Tibet, with map — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1853 (Vol. XXIII. pp. 1-69), half-morocco 7s 6d For his surveys Capt. Strachey was awarded the Society's Gold Medal. 9884 Strachey (Sir R.) Journey to Lakes Rakas-tal and Manasarowar in W. Tibet, Sept., 1848, iiia'p and illustrations — Geog. Joub., Feb., March, and April, 1900 4s 6d 9885 Temple (Sir Richard) Oriental Experience : Essays and Addresses' with maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1883 5s Geography in Asia during the last Fifty Years ; The Central Plateau of Asia ; Political Lessons of Chinese History ; Lake Region on the Frontier of Eastern Tibet. 9886 Thomson (Thomas, M.D.) Western Himalaya and Tibet: Narrative of a Journey, 1847-48, 2 maps and 2 litho views oflsTcardo, 8vo, half-calf. 1852 6s 6d Containing account of the physical features and vegetation of the districts passed through— Kunawar, Piti, Ladakh, Leb, Nubra, the Kouenlun Mountains, Kashmir, Chenab Valley, Tibet,'Valley of Zanskar, Karakorum, Murgai Valley, &c. ; with a general description of Western Tibet, its Mountain Systems and Passes, Climate, Glaciers, &c. 9887 Torrens (Col. H. D.) Travels in Ladak, Tartary, and Kashmir, map, coloured plates, and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1863 6s 9888 Trotter ([Sir] H.) The Pundit, Nain Singh's Journey from Leh to Lh^sa and Return via Assam, map — J. R. G. Soo., 1877 (Vol. XLVII. pp. 86-136), cloth 4s See Montgomery, p. 435. 9889 Turner (Capt. Samuel) Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet : Narrative of Journey through Bootan, &c. (1783-84), with map and 13 plates and views by Lieut. Davis, and Observations, Botanical, Mineralogical, and Medical, by Saunders, royal 4to, half-calf. 1800 10s 9890 Another copy (Sir Robert Peel's), russia, gilt edges 14s 9891 Second edition (reissue) j royal 4to, calf. 1806 12s Capt. Turner undertook this journey at the instance of Warren Hastings. The accounts of his intercourse with the oflBcials in Bootan and at the capital of Western Tibet, the people, their manners, customs, and religion, the scenery and inci- dents of the journey, are most interesting. The people were represented as humane, mild, and obliging, the most remarkable feature being their form of polygamy. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Tibet 439 Vasiliep's Russian Work on Tibetan Buddhism, the Kandjur and Tandjur, &c. See Wassiljew, p. 316. ViGNE (G. T.) Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, &c. See p. 249. 9892 Waddell (Major L. Austine) The Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism, with its Mystic Cults, Symbolism, and Mythology, and in its Relation to Indian Buddhism, wiih 200 illustrations , 8vo, cloth. 1899 [1895] 25s The author has embodied the results of much original research in his work and given a clear insight into the system of Lamaism, relegating the technical details required by specialists to elaborate notes. The work is illustrated throughout with photo-views, portraits, native drawings, and symbolical pictures representing Buddhist theories and symbols. A chronology and a bibliography are added. " Though Tibet is closed to almost all Europeans, our author enables us to enter the country, to see its people, and examine their religious observances and beliefs in a manner never before attained."— ^sia^zc Quarterly. 9893 Among the Himalayas, with illustrations by M'Cormick, and from photographs, 8vo, cloth. 1900 3s 6d Contains account of the Jelep and other passes into Tibet, Political Missions thereto, Trade routes to Lhasa, the Tibetans, their character, dress, food, fortifica- tions, soldiers, weapons, the Yaks, their agility, &o. 9894 Walker (Gen. J. T.) The Lu River of Tibet, map of S.E. Tibet — Proc. R. G. Soo., June, 1887 2s 9895 Map of Tibet and Surrounding Regions, with Notes — Geog. Journal, July, 1894 (pp. 52-54) Is 6d See also A— K, p. 430. 9896 Wellby (Oapt. M. S.) Through Unknown Tibet, with sketch and 3 route maps, and numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 8s Narrative of an adventurous and successful journey through Tibet from West to East and in Northern China, giving a definite knowledge of the country along the 35th parallel of latitude. 9897 Journey through Northern Tibet to China, Leh to Peking, in company with Lieut. Malcolm, 1896, map — Geographical Journal, Sept., 1898 (pp. 262-280) Is 6d Geographical results of Capt. Wellby and Lieut. Malcolm's Journey. 9898 Wilson (Andrew) The Abode of Snow: Journey through the Upper Valleys of the Himalaya, illustrated, 8vo, half-calf. 1875 10s Includes Visits to Chinese Tibet, Remarks on Tibetan Polyandry and Exclusive- ness, and on the Tibetan Question. Yule (General) Geography and Rivers of Eastern Tibet. See Gill's * River of Golden Sand,* p. 386. 83, High ^Street, Marylebone, London, W. 440 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue CHINESE TARTARY; Kashgaria, Eastern Turkestan, Mongolia, Desert of Gobi. Geography^ Travel, Language, Literature, Religion, *** For Russian Tartar y, the Pamirs, &c., see pp. 55-57 ; for Tibet, pp. 430-4.39 ; Manchuria, pp. 450-460. 9900 Abramof (N.) Semipalatinsk ; Venuikof (W.) Lake Issyk-kul and R. Koshkar ; Michelson (Dr.) Geography of Bread Plants — Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1862 (Vol. XXXII. pp. 555-566), cloth 3s 9901 Abulghasi Bahadur Chani, Historia Mongolorum et Tatarorum (in Arabic, with Latin Preface by C. M. Frsehn), folio. Kasan^ 1825 12s 9902 Ahmed Shah Nakshahbandi, Route from Kashmir, vid Ladakh to Yarkand, 1846— Jour. R. Asiatic See, 1850 (Vol. XII. pp. 372- 385) 2s 6d Astley's Collection : Description of Tartary, History of Genghiz Khan, &c., ivith plates (Vol. IV. pp. 348-449). See p. 2. 9903 Atkinson (T. W.) Journey through Passes in the Ala-tu and Ac-tu Mountains, Chinese Tartary — Proc. R. G. Soo., 1859 (Vol. III. pp. 127-146), cloth 3s Travels among the Kirghis, in Tchoongaria, Altai Mountains,. Plains of Mongolia, Desert of Gobi, &c. See Siberia. Ayton, or Anthonie the Armenian, History of the Tartars, of Genghis Khan, and other Tartar Kings — Purchas, * His Pilgrimes ' (vol. iii. pp. 108-127), p. 18. Bacon (Roger) Tartarian Relation (from Majoris Opera) — Purchas, •His Pilgrimes ' (vol. iii. pp. 52-60), p. 18. 9904 Bell (Col. Mark S.) The Great Central Asian Trade Route, Peking to Kashgaria, inap— Proc. R. G. Soc, Feb., 1890 (pp. 57- 93) 2s 6d Col. Bell travelled through the Province of Shansi to the Wei Valley at Si-ngan-fu and thence through Shensi, Kansu, and the New or Sin-Kiang Province of Kashgaria, a distance of 3,500 miles. 9905 Bellew (H. W.) Kashmir and Kashgar: a Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy (under Sir Douglas Forsyth) to Kashgar in 1873-74, 8vo, cloth. 1875 6s 9906 Another copy, lialf-calf extra 7s 6d With Introductory (Sketch of the History of Turkestan, its mixed population and conquerors, account of the city of Kashgar, its ancient ruins and shrines, pro- spects of trade, and description of the routes through Kashmir and over the Pamir. See also Foesyth, Trottbe, and Yarkund (p. 290) . 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, Chinese Tartary and Mongolia 441 9907 Bergeron (Pierre) Relation des Voyages en Tartarie de Fr. Gvillavme de Rvbrvqvis, Fr. lean dv Plan Carpin, Fr. Ascelin, &c. plus vn Traicte des Tartares de leur origine, moeurs, religion, conquestes, Empire, Chams, Hordes diuerses, avec vn Abrege de THistoire des Sarasins et Mahometans de lenr pays, pen pies. Religion, guerres, &c. Le tout recueilly par P. B., Parisier, 3 parts in 1 vol., thick 12mo, vellum. Paris, 1634 (rare) £2 10s See RUBRUCK, and references, p. 448. 9908 Bonvalot (Gabriel) Du Caucase aux Indes a Travers le Pamir, map and 250 illustrations by Pepin, imperial 8vo, half-calf. Paris, [1888] 10s 9909 — — Through the Heart of Asia over the Pamir to India, trans- lated from the French, loith map and 250 illustrations, 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. 1889 10s 6d The greater part of this work treats of the Crossing of the Pamir plateau from Russian Turkestan through Wakhan, over the Hindu Kush, and through Kashmir to India. See also Tibet, p. 430. 9910 Borradaile (A. A.) Notes of Journey in Northern Mongolia, 1893, with Note by Ney Elias— Geog. Jouk., June, 1895 (pp. 562- 574) Is 6d 9911 Boulger (Demetrius C.) Central Asian Questions: Essays on Afghanistan, China, and Central Asia, portrait and 3 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1885 5s Essays on Russian, English, Chinese, and French policy and dominion in Asia, the future of China, the Mongols, Tibet and the way thither, the late Yakoob Beg of Kashgar, &c. 9912 The Life of Yakoob Beg, Ameer of Kashgar, with ma]), 8vo, cloth. 1878 5s The career of a " soldier of fortune," who constructed an independent rule, and maintained it against many adversaries for twelve years. The ' Life' is preceded by geographical and ethnographical descriptions of Kashgar, a history of its con- quest and wars and reconqueet by the Chinese. Treaties between Kashgar and Russia, Kashgar and England, and England and Kashmere are given in Appendix. The Relations of Tibet and Turkestan with China are treated in Boulger's •History,' see p. 376. 9913 Bower (Capt. H.) A Trip across the Pamirs to Chinese Turkistan, Kashgar, Yarkand, &c., 1889— Geog. Journal, March, 1895 (pp. 240-257) ls6d See Cumberland. 9914 Bretschneider (M.) Itineraires en Mongolie, traduit du Russe par P. Boyer (ext. Jour. Asiatique), 8vo, pp. 51. Paris, 1893 Is 6d Buddhist Pilgrims' Journeys between China and India by way of the Pamirs and Kashgar. See references under Beal, p. 416. Bridges (F. D.) Journal of Mission to Yarkand, June and July, 1878. See Tibet, p. 431. 9915 Buzzard (Lieut. C. N.) A Two Months' Trip into Mongolia, tuith niap— Proo. R. A. Inst., Feb., 1897 (pp. 49-60) Is ^d 88, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 442 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 9916 Carey (A.. D.) Journey Bound Chinese Turkistan and along the N. Frontier of Tibet, ??iap— Proo. R. G. S., Dec, 1887, and Jan., 1888 3s 6d Mr. Carey, with Mr. Andrew Dalgleish, a pioneer British trader, as interpreter, travelled from Ladakh eastward, through country never before visited by Europeans, to Kiria and Khoten, afterwards along the whole length of the Tarim to the Kuen- lun and other ranges, returning northward by the Tian-Shan, visiting Sachu, Pichan, Turfan, Kuria, Kushar, Aksu, and Yarkand— an extraordinary journey which occupied two years, May, 1885, to May, 1887. See Dalgleish. 9917 Central Asia, Russian Oilieial Map, including Kashgaria, Desert of Gobi, Thian Shan, Khuldja, &c. (2 sheets), 40 in. by 27 in., on linen, folded, 8vo. 1877 5s 9918 Church (Percy W.) Chinese Turkestan with Caravan and Rifle, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1901 10s Account of a journey across the Tian Shan and in regions little visited by Europeans, in search of sport. 9919 Cobbold (Ralph P.) Innermost Asia: Travel and Sport in the Pamirs, 5 maps, 29 page and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 7s A useful volume for the politician as well as the geographer. Mr. Cobbold travelled through Gilgit to the Kiiik Pass, over the Pamirs to Kashgar (meeting with Chinese, British, and Russian agents), to Vierney and Lake Balkash, Tash- kurgan, through the Bartang to Kala-i-war, where he was detained a prisoner- then marched to Charog, and so back to Kashmir. He visited a considerable stretch of country never before seen by an Englishman, has given full narrative of his experiences and the results of his impressions, a chapter on the Russians on the Pamirs and another on the future of innermost Asia, appendices on the commerce, mineral wealth, treaties regarding the Anglo-Russian frontier. A short bibliography is added. 9920 Conway (Sir William Martin) Climbing and Exploration in the Karakoram- Himalayas, with Scientific Reports by Prof. Bonney, Dr. A. G. Butler, W. Laurence, H. Duckworth, Col. Durand, W.B. Hemsley, W. F. Kir by, Miss Raisin, and Prof. Roy, frontispiece, portrait, m-aps, 2 vols, royal 8vo. 1894 £1 8s See also India, pp. 100, 124, 181. 9921 Cumberland (Major C. S.) Sport on the Pamirs and Turkistan Steppes, frontispiece and map by Capt. Bower, 8vo, cloth. 1895 5s Major Cumberland, who was accompanied by Capt. Bower, made an expedition vid Kashmir, Chinese Turkistan, the Pamirs, and Asia Minor in 1889, bringing home some fine specimens of the big game of CentraA A^ia.— vis poli, red deer, wild camel, antelope, as well as a number of game birds. See Bower. Cunningham (Gen. Sir Alex.) Bphthalites, or White Huns— Trans. 9th Congress Orientalists, 1892 (Vol. I.), p. 335. 9922 Dalgleish (Andrew) Itinerary in Chinese Turkistan and Northern Tibet, 1885-87, with Prejevalsky's Orography of N. Tibet, edited by E. Delmar Morgan, royal 8vo, cloth. (R.G.S.) 1893 6s David (I'Abb^) Journeys to the Mongolian Plateau and to Tibetan Highlands, Koko-nor Territory, &c., 1866-68. See China, p. 381. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Chinese Tartary and Mongolia 443 Deasy (Capt.) Three Years* Explorations in Tibet and Chinese Turkestan. See p. 431. 9923 Demidoff (Prince E.) After Wild Sheep in the Altai and Mongolia, inap and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 12s 6d Account of a journey eastward from the Obi in company with Princess DemidofE and Mr. and Mrs. Littledale in 1897. 9924 De Qninoey's Revolt of the Tartars : Flight of the Kalmuck Khan and his People from Russia to the Frontiers of China, Jan. to Sept., 1771, with other interesting Papers (De Quincey's Miscel- laneous Works, Vol. IV.), 12mo, cloth 3s This masterpiece of prose writing records one of the most extraordinary events in modern history. Du Halde's Geography of Tartary, with the Observations of Father Gerbillon. See China, p. 383. 9925 Dunmore (Earl of) The Pamirs : a Narrative of a Year's Expedition on Horseback through Kashmir, Western Tibet, Chinese Tartary, &c. (1892-93), portrait, maps, and illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1893 7s 6d Lord Dunmore and his companion, Major Roche, having traversed Western Tibet, spent five months in Yarkand, Kasbgar, Chinese Turkestan. His second volume relates chiefly to Kashgaria, the Kirghiz, and other tribes, to Tashkend and the Russian provinces. See also Tibet, p. 432. DuTREUiL DU Rhins, L'Asie Centrale. See Tibet, p. 432. 9927 Elias (Ney) Narrative of Journey through Western Mongolia, 1872-73, map— Jour. R. G. S., 1873 (XLIII. pp. 108-156), cloth 4s "Mr. Ney Elias, who has shown a remarkable combination of a traveller's best gifts carried a new line of observations along the vast diagonal of Mongolia from the Gate at Kalgan to the Russian frontier on the Altai a distance of upwards of 2,000 miles."— Yule, Introduction to Prejevalsky (vol. i. p. xxi). See also Ikdo-China, p. 364 ; and China, p. 383. 9928 Forsyth (Sir Douglas) Report of a Mission to Yarkund in 1873, with Historical and Geographical Information, maps and over 100 photo-illustrationa,t\iick4:to, cloth, Calcutta, 1815 (scarce) £3 3s Con^en^s.— Narrative of Mission ; General Description of Knshghar by Dr. Bellew and Capt. Chapman ; History of Kashgar by Dr. Bellew ; other Explora- tions, Geological Notes, Money, Weights, Vocabularies, &c. 9929 On the Buried Cities of the Shifting Sands of the Great Desert of Gobi; also Mitchell (R.) On the Russian Expedition (led by Gen. Skobelef) to the Alai and Pamir— Jour. R. G. Soc, 1877 (Vol. XLVII. pp. 1-47), cloth 3s 6d Remarks on Eastern Turkestan (taken from Official Narrative of Mission, 1873, not published). See Intro, to Prejevalsky's KuLJA (1879, pp. 1-30), p. 447. 9930 Autobiography and Reminiscences of, portrait and map of Turkestan, 8vo, cloth. 1887 4s 6d The volume includes the Official Report of the First Expedition to Yarkund* 1870, and of the Mission to Kashgar in 1873-74; also of the Visit to the Buried Cities. See also Bellew, p. 440; Gordon, p. 444; Trotter, p. 449; and Yabkand, p 290. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 444 Francis Edwards's Catulogvs 9931 Friedrichsen (Dr. Max) The Tian-Shan; its Vertical Relief, Hydrography, &c. (abstract) — Scottish Geog. Mag., 1899 (XV. pp. 583-595) Is 6d 9932 Genghis Kan, Conquerant de I'Asie; Nouvelle Histoire de, 12mo, morocco extra. Paris, 17J.6 5s 9933 Zingis : a Tartarian History, written in Spanish and translated into English by J. M., 12mo, half-calf extra. 1692 8s 6d 9934 Gilmour (James), of Mongolia, his Diaries, Letters, and Reports, edited by Rev. R. Lovett, best edition, portraits, maps, and illustrations, 8vo, 1892 4s 6d Goes (Benedict) Journey from Lahore to Cabul and over the Pamir to Yarkand and Borders of China, 1602-3. See Purchas, 'His Pilgrimes ' (Vol. III. pp. 310-316), p. 18 ; Yule, ' Cathay ' (Vol. II. pp. 529-596), p. 413. 9935 Gordon (Col. T. E.) The Roof of the World : Narrative of a Journey over the High Plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier and the Oxus Sources on Pamir, map and 66 draiLnngs done on the spot, roy. 8vo, cloth. 1876 13s Col. Grordon was attached to Sir Douglas Forsyth's Mission toKashgar in 1873-4. 9936 . The Watershed of Central Asia, East and West— Jour. R. G. See, 1876 (Vol. XL VI. pp. 381-396), cloth 3s 9937 Go wan (Lieut. -Col. W. E.) Mongolia, from the Russian of Matusvoski — Asiatic Quarterly, April, 1898 (pp. 387-400) 2s 9938 Grijimailo (Brothers) Expedition to the Tian-Shan Oases and Lob-nor, 1890, map— Proo. R. Geog. Soc, April, 1891 (pp. 208- 226) 2s Grosier (Abbe) General Description of China, Tartayy, Tibet, &c. See p. 387. 9939 Haidar. Tarikh-ar.-Rashidi of Mirza Muhammad Haidar, Daghlat, translated by E. D. Ross, and edited by Ney Elias, map, 8vo, cloth. 1898 8s First English translation of a history of the Moguls of Central Asia to the middle of the sixteenth century, by a cousin of Baber— " full of minute details of the utmost importance, of stirring events faithfully and graphically described." Asiatic Quarterly. 9941 Hay ward (G. W.) Journey from Leh to Yarkand and Kashgar, and Exploration of the Sources of the Yarkand River, with Remarks on Eastern Turkestan, Main Routes, Passes, &c., mnp — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1870 (Vol. XL. pp. 33-166), half-morocco 6s 6d 9942 Explorations in Gilgit and Yassan, 1870, with Vocabularies of Dardistan, Wakhan, Shignan, and Roshnan, and mxip — Jour. R. G. S. (Vol. XLI. pp. 1-46), cloth. 1871 3s 6d A Letter from Mr. Frede'rick Drew is added, giving account of the murder of Mr. Hay ward on the road to Darkut in August, 1870. 8S, High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. Chinese Tartary and Mongolia 445 9943 Hedin (Dr. Sven) Through Asia, loith portraits, maps, and 300 illustrations, 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1899 (pub. 36s) 12s 6cl A work of the first importance. Dr. Sven Hedin traversed the Pamirs in three directions, explored practically the whole of Eastern Turkestan, cr>ssed the plateaux of Northern Tibet, the Alashan country, Ordos, the Great Desert of Gobi and Mongolia— explorations which occupied him nearly four years (1891-7). In the*e volumes he has related some of his hardships and extraordinary experiences, and in addition thereto he has described lakes, oases, and their population, the caravans, Tangut people, and Mongolian nomads ; wild yaks, wild camels, and other animals, as well as the ruins of two cities which he discovered buried in the drifting sands of those vast wildernesses. •'Dr. Sven Hedin's book stands pre-eminent as an exposition of scientific geography."— Sir T. Holdich. 9944 Attempts to Ascend Mustagh-ata — Geog. Journal, Oct., 1895 (Vol. VJ. pp. 350-367) Is 6d 9945 Journey through the Takla-Makan Desert, Chinese Turkes- tan— Geog. Jour., 1896 (Vol. VIII. pp. 264-278, 356-372), cloth 3s 6d 9946 Lecture before the R. Geog. Soc. on his Four Years' Travels —Geog. Jour., 1898 (Vol. XI. pp. 240-258, 397-415, and map), cloth 3s 6d For his important exploring work, especially for his survey of the glaciers of Mustag-ata, the Takla-Makan desert, discovery of a new route south of the Kuen- lun range, and for his investigation of the physical geographv of the Lob region, Dr. Sven Hedin was awarded the gold medal of the R. Geog. Soc. 9947 Results of Dr. Sven Hedin's Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902, rnap and illust.— Geog. Jour., Sept., 1902 (Vol. XX. pp. 307-315) Is 6d Travels in Turkestan and Central Tibet. Hodgson (B. H.) On the Mongolian Affinities of the Caucasians. See Hodgson's ' Miscellaneous Essays ' (Vol. I. pp. 51-94), p. 155. 9948 Howorth ([Sir] H. H.) History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century, maps, 4 vols, royal 8vo, cloth (scarce). 1876- 1888 ^6 10s Part I. The Mongols Proper and the Kalmuks, 1 vol. 1876. Part IT. The Tartars of Russia and Central Asia, 2 vols. 1880. Part III. The Mongols of Persia, 1 vol. 1888. 9949 Sources for Mongol History; Northern Frontagers of China, Hia or Tangut; also Beal, Two Sites named by Hiouen Thsang— Jour. R. Asiatic Soc., 1883 (pp. 438-482, 333-335) 2s 6d 9951 Hue and Gabet's Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, translated by Hazlitt, 100 engravings, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1852 5s See also China, p. 399. 9953 Hutton (James) Central Asia : From the Aryan to the Cossack, 8vo, cloth. 1875 4s This work treats principally of Russian Central Asia, but has chapters on the Moghuls. Jinghis Khan and Conquest of Northern China; Chinese Tartary, Eastern Turkistan, Kashgaria, Forsyth's Missions. Exploration of the Pamirs, &c. 9954 Johnson (W. H.) Journey from Leh to Ilchi, Capital of Khoten, Chinese Tartary, map— Jour. R. G. Soc, 1867 (Vol. XXXVII. pp. 1-46) ^ 83j High /Street, Marylehone, London, W. 446 Frcmcis Edwa/rdds Catalogue 9955 Klaproth (J.) Magasin Asiatique ; ou, Revue Geographique et Historique de I'Asie Centrale et Septentrionale, ma'Pi 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1825 12s Voyage k Khokand, 1813-14, par Philippe Nazaroo. Notices sur Khokand, Andudjan, Marghil^a, Namangh^n, Tachkand, &c. Remarques sur les Peuples qui habitent la Fronti^re Ghinoise, sur les Tatars tributaires de la Russie, &c. Voyage de Boukhtarmiask k Gouldja ou 111, 1811. Voyage dans I'Asie Oentrale, par Mir I'zzet-ullah, 1812. Route de la Chinois ^ travers le Tibet Orientale, H'lassa, &c. Description du Sidzang ou Tibet ; Villes, Tribus Nomades, Fleuves, Montagues, Lacs, Productions, &c. Knight (Times Correspondent) Where Three Empires Meet. See Tibet, p. 434. 9956 Kozloff (P. K.) The Region of Lob-Nor, with map—QEOG. Journal, June, 1898 (pp. 652-658) Is 6d 9957 Kuropatkin (Col. A. N.) Kashgaria, Eastern or Chinese Turkis- tan : Historical and Geographical Sketch of the Country ; its Military Strength, Industries, and Trade, from the Russian by Major W. E. Gowan, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1882 3s 6d 9958 Lee (Henry) The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary : a Fable of the Cotton Plant, with Sketch of the History of Cotton and the Cotton Trade, curious illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 1887 3s 6d 9959 Littledale (St. George R.) Journey across Central Asia, Lob- Nor to Koko-Nor, with map — Geog. Jour., June, 1894 (pp. 445- 475) Is 6d 9961 Macgowan (Dr. D. J.) on " Mutton Wine" of the Mongols, &c. — N. China Br. R.A.S., 1872 (pp. 235-240) 2s Marco Polo's Travels in Central Asia. See China, pp. 395, 413. , 9962 Markoff (Dr. Anatolius) The Towns of Northern Mongolia— Scottish Geog. Mag., Feb., 1896 (pp. 57-68) Is 6d Meignan (Victor) Journey through Mongolia and Across the Desert of Gobi, with Account of the Mongols, their City of Urga, the Holy Mountain, &c. See Siberia. 9963 Montgomerie (CTapt. T. G.) Geographical Position of Yarkand, &c., map— Jour. R. G. Soc, 1866 (Vol. XXXVI. pp. 157-172) 2s 9964 Morgan (E. D.) Notes on the Recent Geography of Central Asia: from Russian Sources, roy. 8vo, cloth (R.G.S.). 1886 4s 9965 Russian Geographical Work, 1886, Expeditions of Potanin, Ignatief, Krasnof, Grum-Grjimailo, and others to C. Asia— Proc. R. Geog. Soc, July, 1887 (pp. 423-432) 2s See Prejevalsky. 9966 Murray (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, maps, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, 1820 12s Leaving the Indian Archipelago to Crawford and the Northern Shores to Burney and Barrow, Mr. Murray treated fully of travels through the heart of Asia in this work up to the end of the eighteenth century. It is therefore very useful as a guide to the overland travellers of the Middle Ages to Tartar Countries, Rubruquis, Marco Polo, Goes, Gerbillon, Penna, Webb, Bogle, Turner, and others. 88, High Street, Marylehoiie, London^ W. Chinese Tartar y and Mongolia 447 9967 Obruchef (V. A.) Orography of Central Asia: Eastern Mongolia, Ala- and Tian- Shan— Scottish Geog. Mag., Feb., 1896 (pp. 75-87) Is 6d 9968 Parker (E. H.) The Early Turks: Recent Discoveries in Mongolia— Asiatic Quarterly, Oct., 1899 (pp. 314-326) 2s 6d 9969 Pevtsof (Col.) and Bogdanovitch (K. I.) Surveys in Chinese Turkestan and Tibet, 1890, ^nap — Geog. Jour., July, 1893, pp. 55-63 Is 6d 9970 Expedition in N.W. Mongolia, by E. Delmar Morgan — Proc. R. G. S., Nov., 1879 2s 9971 Piassetsky (P.) Russian Travellers in Mongolia and China, translated by J. Gordon-Cumming, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth 1884 6s Account of Col. Sosnofsky's scientific aud commercial expedition to China in 1874-75, to explore a new trade route between Nanking and the Semipalatinsk Frontier. Contains interesting details of the inhabitants of the country passed through. 9973 Prejevalsky (General) Mongolia, the Tangut Country, Northern Tibet, &c. (1870-73), translated by Delmar Morganj and edited by Yule, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1876 £1 Col. Prejevalsky's journeys were of great extent. He made preliminary journeys to (1) Dolon-nor and Eastern Mongolia, (2) the S.E. border of the Mongo- lian plateau to Ordos and Alashan. Eeturning to Kalgan he started a third time (March, 1873), intending logo to Lhassaand to Lob-nor, but when within a month's journey of Lhassa, the camels being worn out and exhausted, he was forced to return. He then recrossed the great desert of Gobi, arriving at Kiakhta October 1, 1873, after making most extensive explorations of the Mongolian plateau and obser- vations of the Mongol and Tangut peoples, their habits, customs, food, language, &c. 9974 From Kulja, across the Tian Shan to Lob-nor, translated by Delmar Morgan, with Notices of the Central Asian Lakes, &c., by Sir D. Forsyth, 8vo, cloth. 1879 5s To the translation of Prejevalsky's brief narrative Mr. Delmar Morgan has added a translation of Baron von Kichthoven's remarks on Prejevalsky's journey (with map) and Prejevalsky's reply. The introductory remarks by Sir Douglas Forsyth treat generally of the geography of Eastern Turkestan, and the supplementary chapters of the Fauna of the larim Valley and Lob-nor, of Lake Balkash, Lake Ala-Kul, and of the Starovertsi, or " Old Believers," their Settlements, at Lob-nor, the Kamenshiki in Siberia, &c. 9975 Prejevalsky's Discoveries in Central Asia ; Potanin's Journey in N.W. China and E. Tibet ; Journey in Manchuria, &c., map— Proc. R. G. Soc, April, 1887 2s 9976 ■ The Last Journey of Prejevalsky, by Charles Johnston — Asiatic Quarterly, July, 1894 (pp. 133-140) 2s 6d 9977 The Orography of Northern Tibet; and Dalgleish's Itinerary during his Journey with Carey in Chinese Turkestan and Northern Tibet, map, royal 8vo, cloth. R.G.S., 1893 6s 9978 Price (Julius M.) From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea ; the Narrative of a Journey across Siberia, Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, &c., map and 130 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1892 5s Includes chapters of the scenery of Mongolia, the Sacred City of Ourga, the Mongols and their religious fervour and prayer- wheels, sport in the desert, &c. 8S, Sigh Street, Marylehone, London, W. 448 FraTwis Edwards^s Catalogue 9979 Prichard (J. C, M.D.) On the Ethnography of High Asia— Jour. R. Geog. See, 1839 (Vol. IX. pp. 192-215), cloth 3s 6d 9981 Ranking (John) Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans, in which Elephants and Wild Beasts were employed or slain, map and 10 plates, 4to, calf. 1826 21s The title continues : and the remarkable local agreement of hiptory with the remains of such animals found in Europe and Siberia. Containing Life of Genghis Khan, his unparalleled conquests ; Life of the Grand Khan Kublai ; Life of Tamerlane ; their battles, splendid Courts, and grand hunting expeditions ; Siberia described in Summer ; Mongol Sovereigns, Invasions of China and Bangalla, battles, rich tombs ; Conquest of Kussia by a grandson of Genghis Khan ; Fisheries of the Walrus, called Mammoth by the Siberians ; Errors arising therefrom, &c. 9982 Remusat (Abel) Histoire de la Yille de Khotan, tiree des Annales de la Chine, 12mo, cloth. Paris, 1820 8s RocKHiLL (W. W.) Travels in Mongolia and Tibet. See p. 436. Early History of Li-yul, Eastern Turkistan or Khoten. See Rockhill's ' Life of the Buddha ' (chap, viii.), p. 436. 9983 Rubruck. The Journey of William of Rnbruck to the Eastern Parts of the "World, 1253-55, preceded by the two Narratives of the Earlier Journey of John of Plan de Carpini and Friar Benedict the Pole, 1245-47, translated from the Latin and edited by W. W. Rockhill, map, 8vo, cloth (Hakluyt Society). 1900 16s William of Eubruck travelled through Turkestan to the Court of the Great Khan at Karakorum ; John of Carpini and Friar Benedict did not go beyond Russian Turkestan. See also Collections of Purchas, Harris, Pinkerton, Kerr, &:c. 9984 Semenof (P. P.) Notes on Central Asia (Djungaria, &c.) — Bengal Asiatic See, 1865 (pp. 113-134) 2s 6d 9985 Djungaria and the Celestial Mountains — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1865 (Vol. XXXV. pp. 213-231) 2s 6d 9986 Expedition to W. Shore of Lake Issik-Kul, E. Turkistan— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1869 (Vol. XXXIX. pp. 311-338) 3s 9987 Severtsof (N.) Journey to Western Portion of Celestial Range (Thian-Shan)— Jour. R. Geog. Soc., 1870 (Vol. XL. pp. 343-419) 3s ScHLAGiNTWEiT (The Brothers) First Journey from India to Kashgar, 1857 ; Murder there of Adolphus S. See India, p. 225. 9988 Shaw (Robert Barkley) Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashgar (Chinese Tartary), and Return over the Karakorum Pass to Ladak, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1871 8s 6d 9989 Mr. Shaw's Observations and Positions calculated by W. Ellis— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1871 (Vol. XLI. pp. 373-392) 2s 6d 9990 A Prince of Kashgar on the Geography of Eastern Turkistan— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1876 (Vol. XLVI. pp. 277-298) 3s 9991 Vocabulary of the Turki Language as Spoken in Eastern Turkistan (Kashgar andYarkand) — Bengal Asiatic Soc, royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 226. Calcutta, 1880 7s 6d 9992 Sheepshanks (Bp. of Norwich) My Life in Mongolia and Siberia, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. (S.P.C.K.) 1903 2s 6d 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. Chinese Tartar y aind Mongolia 449 Sosnofsky's Expedition to Explore New Route from Semipaiatinsk to China, 1874-75. See Piassetsky. 9993 Stein (Dr. M. A.) Sand Buried Ruins of Khotan: Journey of Exploration and Record of Remarkable Finds in Chinese Turkestan, vim^ and over 150 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1903 15s Dr. Stein, exploring the ruins of ancient cities in Khotan and neighbourhood, discovered innumerable relics of Buddhist civilization, coins, images, clay seals, tablets, wood-carvings, stucco statues, fresco- paintings, MSS. in Sanskrit, Chinese, and unknown script- all confirming the local tradition that Khotan was colonized from the Punjab. 9994 Journey of Geographical and Archaeological Exploration in Chinese Turkestan, 7nap and illustrations — Geog. Journal, De- cember, 1902 (Vol. XX. pp. 575-610) Is 6d TiMKOVSKi's Journey through Mongolia and Across the Desert of Gobi to China, 1821-22, with Descriptions of Chinese Turkestan, &c. See China, p. 410. 9995 Trotter ( [Sir] H.) Survey Operations of the Mission to Yarkand and Kashgar, 1873-74, 4to. Oalcuttay 1875 12s 9996 On the Geographical Results of Sir Douglas Forsyth's Mission to Kashgar, 1873-74, luith map—Jovn. R. Geog. Soc., 1878 (Vol. XLVIII., pp. 173-234) 39 Includes the journey to and from the Pamir, and Sources of the Oxus. See also references under Forsyth, p. 443. Verbiest (Father) Two Journeys into Tartary in the Suite of the Emperor Kang-hi, 1682. See D' Orleans' China, p. 401. Williamson (Rev. Alex.) Journeys through Inner or Eastern Mon- golia, 1864-65. See China, p. 412. Wood (Capt.) Journey to Source of the Oxus, Visit to Iskashim and Lake Victoria, towards Yarkand and Kashgar, 1838. See p. 257. 9997 Younghusband (Capt. F. E.) The Heart of a Continent: a Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884-94, 4 maps and 18 photo-illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth, 1896 (pub. 21s) 10s " It is in many ways an ideal book of travel, full of novelty and adventure, instinct throughout with enthusiasm and with generous sympathy for nature and for men," The volume contains an account of the author's journey with Mr. James to the ' Long White Mountain ' in 1886 (see p. 454), a journey by land from Pekin to India (1887-8S), through Mongolia, the great desert, and Chinese Turkestan to Yarkand and the Himalayas ; subsequent visits to the Pamirs and Kashgar, to Chitral and Hunza ; chapters on Missionaries in China and Impressions of Travel. 9998 Among the Celestials : Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, and through the Himalayas to India; abridged from 'The Heart of a Continent,' with additions, map and il lustrations, 12mo, cloth 6s 9999 Journey across Central Asia, from Manchuria and Peking to Kashmir, over the Mustagh Pass, map, P.R. G. S., August, 1888 (Vol. X. pp. 485-518) 2s For this journey Capt. Younghusband received the Society's gold medal. Yule (Gen.) Cathay and the Way Thither. See p. 413. Recent Travels in Central Asia. See Peejevalsky, p. 447. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 450 Francis Edwards's Catalogue EASTERN SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA: The Amur Region, Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, and Saghalin. 10001 Adams (Arthur, Surgeon R.N.) Travels of a Naturalist in Japan and Manchuria, frontispiece, 8vo, half-calf extra. 1870 9s Dr. Adams travelled from the Gulf of Pecheli, beyond the Great Wall, to Corea, and aloDg the shores of Russian Manchuria. He describes the Manchu Tartars, vegetation and food plants, new specimens of insects, &c. 10002 Agassiz (A. R.) Our Commercial Relations with Chinese Manchuria (1893)— Geog. Jour., Vol. IV. (pp. 534-556) 2s A valuable paper. 10003 Atkinson (T. Witlam) Oriental and Western Siberia: Narra- tive of Seven Years' Explorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary and Part of Central Asia (1847-53), map, 32 wood engravings, and 20 tinted viewSf imp. 8vo, cloth. 1858 9s " Our extracts will have served to illustrate the originality and variety of Mr. Atkinson's observations and adventures during his protracted wanderings of nearly forty thousand miles. Mr. Atkinson's pencil was never idle, and he has certainly brought home with him the forms and colours and other characteristics of a most extraordinary diversity of groups and scenes His narrative is well stored with incidents of adventure. His ascent of the Bielouka is a chapter of the most vivid romance of travel, yet it is less attractive than his relations of wanderings across the Desert of Gobi and up the Tangnou Chain."— A thenceum. 10004 Ti'avels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor^ and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China, map, coloured view, and 82 ivood engravings, imp. 8vo, cl. 1860 Os This work is an indispensable supplement to the preceding work. It includes adventures among the Mountain Kirghis, the Manjours, Manyarzs, Toungouz, Goldi, and Gelyaks, Lists of Mammalia, Birds, Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers, and extracts from Maack's ' Travels.' " By far the most important contribution to the history of these regions." Edinburgh Review. 10005 Siberia and the Amoor Regions, both volumes above described, uniformly bound, imp. 8vo, half-calf 20s "We place this book of travel in the first rank The geographer finds in it notice of ground heretofore left undescribed ; the ethnologist, geologist, and botanist find notes, and pictures too, of which they know the value ; the sports- man's taste is gratified by chronicles of sport ; the lover of adventure will find a number of perils and escapes to hang over Seven years of wandering, thirty -nine thousand five hundred miles of moving to and fro in a wild and almost unknown country, yield a book worth rea.dmg."—iExaminer. 10006 Atkinson (Mrs.) The Tartar Steppes and their Inhabitants, with 5 engravings, 12mo, cloth. 1863 4s Mrs. Atkinson accompanied her husband during his six years' arduous journey (184:8-53). This little volume supplements his two larger volumes, as it contains adventures which he has not recorded and strange incidents which befel herself and infant when alone among semi-savages, as well as descriptions of female society among the Kirghis. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Siberia and MoTichuria 451 10007 Backhoff (Feodor Iskowitz) Muscovite Envoy. Travels through Siberia to China, 1654 ; Wagoner's Voyages to Brazil, Java, and China, 1642-57 (Churchill's Collection), folio, 12 pp. 4s Contains a description of Siberia and its inhabitants. 10008 Barrett-Hamilton (G. E. H.) and Jones (H. 0.) A Visit to Karaginski Island, Kamchatka, illustrated — Geog. Jouenal, Sept., 1898, Vol. XII. pp. 280-299 2s 10009 Kamchatka, with a bibliography, map and illustrations — Scottish Geog. Mag., May, 1899 2s 6d 1001 1 Beaulieu (Leroy-) The Awakening of the East : Siberia, Japan, China, trans, by Davey, Preface by Norman, 8vo, cloth. 1900 3s 6d The volume contains much useful information on Eastern and Northern Asia from the French point of view. Bell's Travels thro' Siberia, &c., to China, 1715-16. See China, p. 374. 10012 Benyowsky (Count de) Memoirs and Travels through Siberia to Kamchatka; His Escape to the Aleutian and Kurile Islands, Japan, Formosa, and Canton ; with Account of the French Settle- ment he was appointed to form upon Madagascar (1768-74), English translation, ma'ps and plates^ 2 vols. 4to, half-calf. 1790 21s 10013 Memoirs and Travels of Count de Benyowsky, edited by Capt. S. P. Oliver (Adventure Series), 12mo, cloth. 1890 3s 10014 Le Dernier des Flibustiers: Le Roi des Rois, par G. de la Landelle, 10 vols, in 4, 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1857-58 10s Bigham (Clive) Across Manchuria and Siberia, 1900. See p. 375. 10015 Bookwalter (John W.) Siberia and Central Asia, map and 300 photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 10s 6d Observations during a journey along the Siberian railway and in a subsequent visit to Central Asia. 10016 Brehm (Alfred E.) From North Pole to Equator: Studies of Wild Life and Scenes, with 83 illustrations, roy. 8vo, cl. 1896 6s 10017 Another copy, half-morocco extra 10s This work treats largely of Northern Asia and its Fauna ; the Tundra and its Animal Life ; Forests and Sports ; the Ostiaks ; Nomad Herdsmen of the Steppes and their Herds ; Family and Social Life among the Kirghis ; Colonists and Exiles ; and the Narrative of a Journey in Siberia. Broughton (Capt. W. R.) Survey of the Kurile Islands, Loochoo, Coasts of Corea, &c. 1796. See Japan. 10018 Burney (Admiral) History of North Eastern Voyages of Discovery, maps, 8vo, boards. 1819 4s Treats chiefly of Russian voyages and explorations of the coasts of Siberia, Kamchatka, Kurile Islands, Sea of Okotsk, River Amur, &c., by Behring, Tschirikow, Hedenstrom and others. 10019 Bush (Richard J.) Russo- American Telegraph Expedition, Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow Shoes : a Journal of Siberian Travel, 1865-67, map and 47 wood engravings, 8vo, hf .-cf . extra. 1871 8s 6d Explorations in Eastern Siberia, Kamchatka, and shores of the Sea of Okhotsk. 10020 Christie (Dugald)Ten Years in Manchuria, 12mo, cl. 1895 Is 6d Experiences and work of a Medical Missionary in and about Mukden, 1883-93, account of the country and its inhabitants, &c. 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. 452 Frands Edwa/rds*s Catalogue 10021 Cochrane (Capt. J. Dundas, R.N.) Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the Frontiers of China to the Frozen Sea and Kamtchatka, 1820-23, 2 maps, 8vo, half-calf. 1§24 4s 6d 10023 Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey, &c., enlarged edition, with 3 maps and 6 plates (2 coloured), 2 vols. Svo, hf.-calf . 1824 10s The author travelled through France and Germany to St. Petersburg, Nizni, Kasan, Tobolsk, Tom^k, Irkutsk, Yakutsk, Nishney Kolmysk, Okotsk, Petropoloski, and intervening towns and settlements. He gives a brief history of Siberia and its conqueror Yermak, descriptions of the countries passed through and of their inhabitants— Cahnucks, Yakuti, Tongoosi, Tchuktchi, and other tribes— observations on Kamtchatka, &c. 10025 Collins (P. McDonogh) A Voyage down the Amoor, with a Land Journey through Siberia and Notices of Manchooria, Kam- schatka, and Japan, plates, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860 5s The author travelled from St. Petersburg to Nijne, Ekateriuberg, Omsk, and Irkutsk, through Siberia, 1857, The book contains chapters on the Daurian Mines, Trade of the Amur Region and Siberia, Tartar Monuments, &c. 10026 Colquhoun (A. R.) The " Overland " to China, portrait of the Author, maps, and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 6s Account of the overland journey from Europe to China, with chapters on Siberia and the Conquest, Manchuria, the Great Railway, Eastern Mongolia, the Yangtse Valley, S.W. China and Tongking, 10027 Manchuria in Transformation — Monthly Rev., No. 5, 1901 (pp. 58-72) 2s Cook's Third and Last Voyage: Visits of the ** Resolution " and ** Discovery " to the Bay of St. Peter and St. Paul, May and June, August and September, 1779, with General Description of Kam- chatka, Remarks on the Inhabitants, Russian Commerce, Produc- tions of the Country, Lists of Animals, &c. (Vol. III. pp. 183-238, 282-381, with chart of the harbour, coast views, and nine large plates ; Atlas, Nos. 70 to 78). See China, p. 380. 10028 Coxe (Wm.) Accountof the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America, to which are added The Conquest of Siberia and History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China, 5 maps and view, Ith edition, Svo, calf. 1803 6s 6d Includes the voyages of Behring, Novikof, Kolodilof, Tolstyk, Shilkin, Paikof, Shelekof, Synd, Ismaelof and Betsharof, Billings, and others. 10029 D'Auteroche (M. le Abbe Chappe) Voyage en Siberie, 1761 ; les Moeurs, Usages des Habitans, Geographie, I'Histoire Naturelle, et la Description du Kamtchatka par M. Kracheninnikow, &c., numerous fine plates, large-paper copy, 3 vols, royal 4to, calf ; with Atlas of 30 plates, containing profile of routes from Brest to St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Tobolsk, also 3 maps of Kamtchatka and Kurile Is., elephant folio, calf. Paris, 1768 £4 10030 English translation. Journey into Siberia, 1761, with Account of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, Descrip- tion of the Country, maj) and 9 plates, 4to, calf. 1770 12s M. le Abbe d'Auteroche travelled, by order of the King of France, as far as Tobolsk, to observe the Transit of Venus. This abridged translation of his work (in 3 vjls.), contains the narrative of the outward and return journeys, observations on the mines and minerals— gypses, loadstone, iron ores, copper, malachites, gold, &c. See also Geieve, p. 453. 83, High Street, Marylehoiiie, London, W. Siberia avcl Manchuria 453 10031 Erman (Prof. Adolph) Travels in Siberia, including Excursions down the Obi to the Polar Circle, and to the Chinese Frontier, 1827-29, translated by Cooley, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1848 10s 6d lu this translation the earlier part of the author's work— the journey across Europe to Tobolsk— is abridged. But his descriptions of the life of Samoyede, Yakut, and other tribes are given in interesting detail, as also the trade between Siberia, Bokhara, and Tashkend, the Obi fisheries, the mineral riches of the Ural and Nerchinsk, the fossil ivory in the valley of the Lena and New Siberia, &c. 10032 Fleming (George) Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary : a Summer's Ride Ijeyond the Great Wall of China, map and numerous illustrations, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1863 8s 6d Narrative of a ride from Tientsin to the Great Wall, thence toNew-Chwang and Moukden, on the borders of Manchuria, with account of the inhabitants, their towns, occupations, &c., and account of Moukden by Father Verbiest. 10033 Fraehn (Oh. M.) Ueber Alte Sud-Sibirische Graeberfunde mit Inschriften von Gewissem Datem, plate ; Quinque Centurise Numorum Anecdotorum (Memo. Akad., St. Petersb., 1837, pp. 229- 314), 4to 4s 6d 10034 Eraser (John Foster) The Real Siberia, together with a Dash through Manchuria, with map and 48 pages of illustrationSf 8vo, cloth. 1902 4s Experiences during a journey across Siberia and Manchuria in 1901. 10035 Gerrare (Wirt) Greater Russia : the Continental Empire of the Old World, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1903 12s Chapters on the Awakening of Russia, the Great Siberian Railway, the Siberians and Siberian Life, the Golden East, Russia and the Yellow Man, Manchuria, Russian Empire Builders, Russia's Destiny, &;c. 10036 Gilder (W. H.) Ice Pack and Tundra: an Account of the Search for the " Jeannette," and qj^Sledge Journey through Siberia (1881-82), 3 maps and 48 illustrations, 8vo, half-mor. 1883 7s 6d With chapters on Kamchatka, the Yakouts, and other Siberian tribes. Gmelin's Travels in Siberia, 1733. See Pbi^vost, p. 17 ; Murray's ' Asia'; and Russian Travellers, below. 10037 Gowan (W. E.) The Chinese Vice-Royalty of Manchuria, from the Russian — Asiatic Q. Rev., Jan. and April, 1895 4s Races, religions, provinces, towns, geography, &c. 10039 Greig (James A.) Journey from Kirin, Manchuria, through Siberia, to Moscow, 1897, 4 iJhtstmtions— Scottish Geog. Mag., May, 1898 2s 10041 Grieve (Dr. James) History of Kamtschatka and the Kurilski Islands and Adjacent Country, translated from the Russian, maps and plates, 4to, calf. Gloucester, 1764 12s Translated from the Russian of Prof. Stephen Krasheninicoff, containing his observations and those of Mr. George Wm. Steller during their travels, 1736 to 1740, on the geography and harbours, soil, volcanoes, hot sprmgs, mmerals and metals, trees and plants, and land animals of Kamchatka ; sables and sable huntmg, otters, beavers, seals, sea-lions, fishes, birds, water-fowl; the natives, their condition, customs, habitations, furniture, dress, occupations, diet, travelling aogs, war making, beliefs, ceremonies, hospitality, diseases and remedies ; the Koreki ana Kurile peoples ; discoveries and conquests of the Russians, the Cossacks, trade, &c. 83j High Street, Marylebo7ie, London, W. 454 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 10042 Guillemard (Dr. F. H. H.) The Cruise of the "Marchesa" to Kamschatka and New Guinea, with Notices of Formosa, Liu-Kiu, and Various Islands of the Malay. Archipelago, witli 14 maps and 139 wood engravings (two of birds coloured), best edition, 2 vols, royal 8vo, half-morocco extra. 1886 £2 7s 6d "A book of travel in some respects unrivalled in the rich record of British exploration. The illustrations have never been excelled, and seldom equalled, for accuracy and artistic finish." — Academy. The larger part of the first volume relates to Kamchatka, its shores and islands, their natural features, wild animals, and birds, seals, walrus, otters ; its history and conquest ; voyages and death of Behring ; Dr. Stejneger's list of birds, &;c, 10043 Cruise of the " Marchesa," new edition, 1 vol., ivith maps and wood engravings, royal 8vo, cloth. 1889 (pub. 21s) 9s A chapter on the history of Kamchatka, the appendix of birds, and two coloured plates are omitted from the one-volume edition. Habersham (Lt. A. W.) Visit of the U.S. Expedition under Commo- dore Ringgold to the Coasts of Kamchatka, the Sea of Okotsk, Coast of Tartary, &c., 1856. See p. 388. 10044 Hart wig (Dr. George) The Polar World : Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions, 3 maps, 8 chromos, and numerous woodcuts, 8vo, cloth. 1874 5s Includes chapters on Siberia and Kamchatka ; the Samoyedes, Ostjaks, Jakuts, Tungusi, &c. ; the Eussian Conquest ; Middendorff' s Adventures in Taimurland ; Wrangell's Voyage and Discoveries ; Gr. W. Steller's Scientific Journey and Death ; the Fauna, Fur Trade, Gold Diggings, &c. 10046 Hosie (Alex.) Manchuria: its People, Resources, and Recent History, new edition, m^p and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1903 9s The best work on Manchuria. Mr. Hosie is H.M. Consul at Newchwang. He visited Korin in 1896, and, returning to England by the Siberian railway, journeyed along the eastern and northern frontiers of Manchuria. There is not a single product mentioned in the work which had not passed under the writer's eye. 10047 Howard (B. Douglas) Life with Trans - Siberian Savages, 12mo, cloth. 1893 2s 6d An interesting and valuable account of the Sakhalin Ainus, their condition, villages, customs, beliefs, natural theology, occupations, hunting life, their identity with the Ainus of Japan. IsBRANTs Ides' Travels through Siberia, 1692-95, ivith vieius and illustrations of Tobolsk, Samoyedes, Tungusians, &c. See p. 390. 10048 James (H. E. M.) The Long White Mountain : a Journey in Manchuria, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1888 10s Contains a valuable account of the history, geography, the people, the administration, and the religion of the country. 10049 Journey in Manchuria, map — Proc. R. Geog. Soc, Sept., 1887 (Vol. IX. pp. 531-567) 2s 10050 ■ Additional Notes of a Recent Journey in Manchuria — Jour. Manchester Geog. Soo., Dec, 1887 (pp. 205-215) 2s Mr. James was accompanied by (Japt. Younghusband. See p. 449. 10051 Keane (A. H.) Northern and Eastern Asia, maps and illustra- tions, 8vo, cloth. 1896 (Stanford's Compendium) 12s 6d Caucasia, Turkestan, Siberia, Chinese Empire, and Japan. 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Siberia and Mcmchuria 455 10053 Kennan (George) Tent-Life in Siberia, and Adventures in Kamtschatka and Northern Asia, 12mo, cloth. 1871 3s Two years' journeys (1865-66) during the attempt to build an overland telegraph line from America to Europe, vici Behring Strait and Siberia, in which period nearly six thousand miles of unbroken wilderness was explored. 10054 Siberia and the Exile System, portrait, 7 maps, and 196 illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1891 16s Mr. Kennan describes the scenery, the people, and the customs of Siberia, and gives results of a careful study of the exile system. His narrative is supplemented by groups of facts and masses of statistics, minutely analyzed, a collection of revo- lutionary documents, and a bibliography. 10055 Kotzebue (Admiral von) Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Bearing Straits, 1815-18, in the Russian Vessel "Eurik," with plates and charts, 3 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1821 £1 16s With observations on Kamchatka, the Aleutian Islands, &c., by the poet Chamisso, who accompanied the expedition as naturalist. 10056 A New Voyage Round the World in the " Predpriatie " (Enterprise), 1823-26, 2 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1830 - 12s 6d In this voyage Kamchatka. New Archangel^ the Pescadores, Bschscholtz, Bronus, Ladrones, and Philippine Islands were visited. 10057 Krasnow (Prof, von) The Island of Sakhalin — Qeog. Jour., April, 1896 (Vol. VII. pp. 422-424) Is 6d 10058 Krausse (Alexis) Russia in Asia: a Record and a Study, 1558- 1899, maps, 8vo. 1900 7s 6d A companion volume to the authors 'The Far East' and 'China in Decay,' containing an account of'Russia's progress in Asia— especially in Siberia. 10059 Kropotkin (Prince) The Great Siberian Railway — Geog. Jour., Feb., 1895 (Vol. V. pp. 146-154) 2s Krusenstern (Admiral) Accounts of Visits of Russian Expedition to Petropoloski, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands, July, 1804, June and August, 1805, and Survey of the Coast of Saghalin Island, Chapters on the Actual State of Kamchatka, its inhabitants, their trade, occupations, &c. See China, p. 392. 10060 Lansdell (Rev. Hy.) Through Siberia (1879), with illustrations and maps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1882 12s 6d 10061 Cheaper edition, 1 vol., illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1883 4s A journey of 8,000 miles from the Urals to the Pacific, on the rivers Obi, Amur, and Ussuri, and by the hire of a thousand horses. The author travelled privately on an expedition of a philanthropic and religious character to the penal establish- ments of Siberia, and describes his visits to nearly all its hospitals, prisons, and mines, giving a mass of authentic information concerning the exiles, such as has never been published before. The book treats more or less fully of all parts of the country, as to its geography, natural history, and inhabitants, both Kussian and aboriginal ; whilst 3,000 miles of the Amur and Ussuri are here described by an English author as an eye-witness for the first time. Probably the best book yet loritten on Siberia as a lohole. See also RUSSIAN Central Asia, p. 66. 10062 Ledyard (John) Memoirs of the Life and Travels of, by Jared Sparks, 12aio, half-calf extra. 1828 9s After accompanying Cook in his third voyage, Ledyard travelled in Russia and Siberia, visiting Irkutsk, Lake Baikal, and Yakutsk, where he was stopped by the severity of winter. He describes the various tribes of Tartars in Siberia. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 456 FraTwis EcUvards's Catalogue 10063 Lesseps (M. de) Journal Historique du Voyage du Kamts- chatka en France, Oct., 1787, Oct., 1788, map, 2 vols. 8vo, half- calf. Paris, 1790 5s 10064 English Translation : Travels in Kamtschatka, iiuqy, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1790 lis M. de Lesseps, having accompanied La P^rouse in his voyage round the world, left that navigator at Kamchatka, bringing despatches overland to Europe through Siberia. See also PeROUSE. 10065 Lloyd (Rev. W. B.) Notes on Russian Harbours, Manchuria, map— Jour. R. G. See, 1867 (Vol. XXXVII. pp. 212-231), cloth 3s Maack (Richard) Travels on the Amur, 1855-57. See Atkinson (above) and Ravenstein (pp. 20, 438-445) below. 10066 Marsden (Kate) On Sledge and Horseback to Outcast Siberian Lepers, 8vo. [1893] 3s With facsimile letters of Q. Victoria and the Empress of Russia. 10067 Meakin (Annette M. B.) A Ribbon of Iron, majy and illustra- tions, 8vo, cloth. 1901 3s Account of the railway journey across Siberia by two ladies in 1900. 10068 Meignan (Victor) Over Siberian Snows, from Paris to Pekin, edited by Wm. Conn, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1885 6s Narrative of a sledge journey over European Russia and Siberia, on frozen Lake Baikal by caravan through Mongolia and across the Gobi Desert to the Great Wall, thence by palanquin through China to Pekin, in 1873 74, with interesting chapters on the Steppes, the Cold, the Government, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Goldminers, Exiles, Wolves, Sables^, Furs, Ii)habitants of Eastern Siberia, &c. 10069 Melville (G. W.) In the Lena Delta : Narrative of the Search for De Long and his Companions ; Account of the Greely Relief Expedition, &c., maps and illustrations, 8vo, hf.mor. 1885 8s 6d Includes journeys up the Lena to Jamaveloch, to Belun, Verkeransk, and Yakutsk, with account of dog-sledging, deer and geese hunting, Siberian life and scenery, visits to exiles' huts, struggles with wind and snow storms, &c. 10071 Michell (R.) The Amur and Adjacent Districts, Trans-Baikal Region, &c., map— Jour. R. Geog. See, 1858 (Vol. XXVIII. pp. 376- 446), cloth 3s 6d Explorations of MM. Peschurof, Permikin, Shenurin, Vasilief, Kadde, Usoltzof, Pargachefski, &c. 10072 Michie (Alex.) The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to St. Petersburg, through the Deserts and Steppes of Mongolia, Tartary, &c., map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1864 6s Includes chapters on Kiachta, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Ochansk, and other Siberian towns, the Peasantry, Slaves and Exiles, Agriculture, Mining Engineering Enterprise, TravelHng by Sledge and Post, Native Tribes, &c. 10073 Journey, Tientsin to Mukden, Manchuria, July, 1861, and Grant (C. M.) Journey Pekin to St. Petersburg, across the Desert of Gobi, map ; also Oliphant (L.) Visit to the Island of Tsusima, Strait of Korea, map— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1863 (pp. 153-181) 3s 10074 Middendorf's Narrative of a Journey in Northern Siberia, 1843— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1844 (Vol. XIV. pp. 247-259), el. 3s 83^ High Street^ Marylebone, Lo7idon^ W. Siberia and Manchuria 457 10075 Morfill (W. R.) History of Russia, from Peter the Great to Alexander II., with 12 ma-ps, 12mo, cloth. 1902 3s Chap. XVI. (with map of Siberian railway) treats of the spread of the Russian Dominion in Asia. 10076 Miiller (G. P.) Voyages, et Decouvertes faites par les Russes le long des Cotes de la Mer Glaciale, et sur I'Ocean Oriental, tan vers le Japon que vers I'Amerique ; I'Histoire du Fleuve Amur et de Pays adjacents, traduite de TAlleraand par C. G. F. Dumas, avec carte, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1766 10s 6d 10077 English Translation : Voyages from Asia to America, maps, 4to, half-calf (Jefferys) 1764 £2 10s 10078 Murray (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, mnps, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1820 12s Vol. III. confains two chapters relating the Discovery and Conquest of Siberia, Travels of Bell, Messerschmidt, Gmelio, Pallas, Sievers, and Schangin. 10079 Niemojowski (Ludwik) Siberian Pictures, translated from the Polish of Szulczewski, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1883 6s This work contains some interesting accounts of the Tunguz and Buriat tribes, remarks on the climate, animals, &c. The author suggests that by a railway across Siberia Russia would secure the China tea trade. 10080 Nordenskiold (Adolf Erik) Arctic Voyages, 1858-79, 3 maps and 43 engravings, 8vo, cloth. 1879 4s Includes two voyages to the Yenissej and ascent of the river to Yenisseisk in 1875 and 1876, and the N.E. Passage Expedition to the Lena, 1878-79, thus opening up communication by sea with the great Siberian rivers. 10081 The Voyage of the " Vega " Round Asia and Europe, with 5 steel portraits, 10 litho-maps, and 298 wood engravings, best EDITION, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1881 12s 6d 10082 Another copy, 2 vols. 8vo, half -morocco extra 18s 10083 1 vol. edition, ivitk the same portraits, 7naps, and illustra- tions, but closer type, 8vo, cloth. 1885 6s 6d A voyage of over 22,000 miles, when for the first time the north coast of Asia was completely navigated. Japan, Hongkong, Singapore, Point de Galle, and Aden were also visited. The expedition wintered on the coast of Siberia (Sept., 1878, t > July, 1879). The physical character of that great country, its river systems, forest^, climate, inhabitants— Russians, exiles, Chukches (their history, physique, disposi- tion, and manners), and other Asiatics— are described. The work contains a number of facsimiles of rare maps illustrating the development of our knowledge of the north coast of Asia, and is preceded by an historical review of preceding voyages. 10084 Palladius (the Archimandrite) Expedition through Man- churia, 1870, map— JouB. R. Geog. Soc, 1872 (Vol. XLII. pp. 142- 179), cloth 3s 6d 10085 Parker (E. H.) Russia's Sphere of Influence; or, a Thousand Years of Manchuria— Asiatic Q., April, 1900 (pp. 287-313) 2s 6d 10086 Perouse (J. F. G. de la) Voyage Round the World, 1785-88, translated from the French, 2 vols. 4to, with folio Atlas of plates, half-calf. 1799 ^3 The expedition under La Perouse explored the coast of Manohu-Tartary, thn island of Saghalin, the Kuriles, and Kamchatka between June and Sept., 1787. The work (Vol. II. pp. 6 to 116) contains a description of these countries and of the inhabitants, and the Atlas twelve plates (46 to 57) relative thereto. See also Lesseps, p. 4.56. 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 458 Franicis Edwards^s Catalogue 10088 Price (Julius M.) From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea, across Siberia, Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, and North China (1890-91), 142 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1892 6s 6d A voyage up the Yenesei to Yeniseisk, in the heart of Siberia, thence to Krasnoiarsk and Irkutsk, with account of the inhabitants, of prison life and the exiles, goldmining, &c. 10089 Pumpelly (Prof.) Across America and Asia: Notes of a Five Years' Journey by Way of California, Honolulu, Japan, China, Mongolia, Siberia, and Russia, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1870 8s 6d Prof. Pumpelly crossed Central and Northern Asia in 1864, making observations of the tablelands,' inhabitants, the exiles, Russian penal system, gold and other mineral productions of Siberia. See also China, p. 404. 10091 Ravenstein (E. G.) The Russians on the Amur: its Dis- covery, Conquest, and Colonisation, with a Description of the Country, its Inhabitants and Productions, and Personal Accounts of Russian Travellers, 3 maps, 4 plates, and 58 wood engravings, 8vo, cloth. 1861 6s Account of Manchuria and the Amur previous to the appearance of the Russians; First News, 1636 ; Expeditions of Poyarkof, Khabarof, Stepanof, Beketof, Albazin, 1643-82 ; Russia and China, 1683-1848 ; Romish Missionaries in Manchuria, 1838-50 ; Recent History ; Geography, Natural Products, Commerce, Native Inhabitants— Tungusians, Manchus, Daurians and Chinese, Gilyaks, Ainos, &o. ; the Island of Sakhalin ; Recent Explorers to 1860. 10092 Reclus' The Universal Geography, edited by A. H. Keane and E. G. Ravenstein, illustrated with 100 coloured m^aps, 600 full-page and 300 textual engravings, 19 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. 1886-90 , (pub. £19 19s) £8 Vols. I. to V. Europe, the British Isles, and Arctic Regions. VI. Asiatic Russia : Caucasia, Russian Turkestan, Khiva, Bokhara, the Pamir and Alai, Tian-shan, Balkash Basin, Sec. ; Siberia : its discovery and conquest, physical features, flora, fauna, inhabitants, with special descriptions of the several districts and their tribes ; Manchuria, Island of Sakhalin ; Kam- CHATKA and Arctic Shores : material condition and administra- tion, agriculture, mines, manufactures, trade, statistics of these countries, their races and afiBnities. VII. East Asia : Tibet, Chinese Turkestan, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan. VIII. India and Southern Asia. IX. Western Asia. X.-XIII. Africa and African Countries. XTV. Eastern Archipelago, Australasia, Polynesia, &c. XV.-XIX. America, North and South, and West Indies. 10093 Re id (Arnot) From Peking to Petersburg, map and portrait, 8vo, cloth. 1899 5s Account of a journey in fifty days through Mongolia to Siberia, and by rail from Irkutsk to Europe. 10094 [Russian Travellers] Histoire des Decouvertes faits par divers savans Voyageurs dans plusieurs Contrees de la Russie, la Perse, Siberie, plates, 6 vols. 8vo, half-calf. Lausanne, 1784:-87 18s Narrative of travels and discoveries made by Messerschmied, Beering, Tschirikow, Gmelin, Pallas, Georgi, and of other Russian expeditions from St. Petersbui'g and Moscow to Persia and Siberia in the 18th century. 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. Siberia and Ma^ichuria 459 10095 Sarytschew (Major-Gen.) Voyage of Discovery to the N.E. of Siberia, plates, some coloured, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, half-calf. 1806-7 8s 6d A record of Capt. Billings's expedition along the N.E. coast of Siberia and Arciic aad Pacific Oceans, 1785-1793. bv an officer of the expedition. 10096 Seebohm (Henry) The Birds of Siberia : Record of a Natu- ralist's Visits to the Valleys of the Petchora and Yenesei (1875-77), map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1901 12s A new edition, in one volume, of the author's 'Siberia in Europe' (1880) and 'Siberia in Asia' (1882), works which rank with the highest of modern scientific travel. 10097 Siberia in Asia, with Description of the Natural History, Migration of Birds, &c., map and illusts., 12mo, cloth. 1882 £2 2s 10098 Visit to the Yalley of the Yenesei — Jour. R. Geog. See, 1878 (Vol. XLVm. pp. 1-16) 2s Seemann (Dr.) Visit of H.M.S. "Herald" to Behring Strait and Kamchatka (Petropaulowski), Aug. and Oct., 1848, June, 1849, and July, 1850. See * Voyage of the "Herald ' "—Hongkong, p. 415. 10099 Shoemaker (Michael Myers) The Great Siberian Railway: a Journey from St. Petersburg to Pekin, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1903 7s 10101 Simpson (Sir George) Narrative of a Journey Round the World, 1841-42, ma,p and portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1847 12s The larger part of the second volume relates to the history, climate, inhabitants, agriculture, mines, gold, trade, government, mode of travelling in Siberia. The author visited Ochotsk, Yakutsk (voyaged up the Lena), Irkutsk and Lake Baikal, Tomsk, Omsk. Tobolsk, &c. 10102 Simpson (J. Young) Side Lights on Siberia : Some Account of the Great Railroad, the Prisons, and Exile System, wap and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 8s With account of the land and the people, a chapter on Saghalin, details of the silver mines of Nerchinsk, opinions on the future, &c. 10103 Snow (Capt. H. J.) Notes on the Kuril Islands, Svo, pp. 88 and 2 maps (R.G.S.), boards. 1897 3s These islands were ceded by Russia to Japan in 1875 in exchange for Saghalin. 10104 Stadling (J.) Through Siberia, edited by Dr. F. H. H. Guille- mard, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1901 10s Account of journey in 1898 in search for traces of the Arctic balloonists Andr^e and his companions in the districts between the Lena and Yenesei, with description of the country traversed, the native tribes, &c. Steller (G. W.) Travels in Siberia and Kamchatka, 1736-40. See Grieve, p. 453 ; Hartwio, p. 454. TiLLEY (H. A.) Visit of the Russian Corvette "Rynda" to De Castries' Bay, the River Amoor, Nicholaivsk, &c., with Account of the Russian Colonies in Eastern Siberia, SagalieD,&c., Sept. and Oct., 1859. See Japan, the Amoor, and the Pacific, 1861 (pp. 203- 249). ^ 8S, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. 460 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 10105 Toll (Baron) On the New Siberian Islands, and the Circum- polar Tertiary Flora, by Prince Kropotkin — Geog. Jour., July, 1900 (Vol. XVI. pp. 95-98), and other Papers Is 6d 10106 Tronson (J. M., R.N.) A Yoyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary, &c., charts and views, 8vo, cloth. 1859 6s Narrative of coast surveys, 1855-57, with brief but extremely interesting accounts of the countries visited, their natural features, geology, inhabitants, &c. 10107 Turley (Robert T.) Through the Hun Kiang Gorges ; or, Notes of a Tour in Central and S. Manchuria, with map, and other Papers —Geog. Jour., Sept., 1899 (pp. 292-302) Is 6d 10108 Veniukof (Col.) On the Island of Saghalin, map — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1872 (Vol. XLII. pp. 373-388), cloth 3s 10109 " Vladimir." Russia on the Pacific and the Siberian RaD- way, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 7s An instructive and valuable work, containing chapters on Russia's Advance Eastward, appendix of treaties with China, &c. 10110 Whittingham (Bernard) Notes on the Late Expedition against the Russian Settlements in Eastern Siberia, 1855, 12mo, cloth. 1856 6s See also Tronson, above. 10112 Windt (Harry de) From Pekin to Calais by Land, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1889 7s Gravesend to Pekin ; Pekin ; Pekin to Kalgan ; Kalgan, or Chang-Chia-Kow ; Desert of Gobi; Ourgo toKiakhta; Kiakhta to Irkoutsk ; Irkoutsk; Irkoutsk to Tomsk ; Tomsk ; Perm to Calais. 10113 Siberia as It is; Introduction by Madame Olga Novikofi*, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1892 6s 10114 The New Siberia: Account of a Visit to Sakhalin and Political Prisons and Mines of the Trans-Baikal District, Eastern Siberia, map and 28 illusti'ations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1896 5s , 10115 Williamson (Rev. Alex.) Notes on Manchuria, with map — Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1869 (Vol. XXXIX. pp. 1-35), cloth 3s 6d Journeys through S., S.E., Central, and N. Manchuria, 1865. See China, p. 412. 10116 Wrangell ([Adm.] Ferd. von) An Expedition through Siberia to the Polar Sea, 1820-23, edited by [Sir] E. Sabine, map, 8vo, cloth. 1840 6s 6d Narrative of a journey from Yakutsk to Nishne Kolymsk, with account of the Jakuti, their dress, customs, songs, food, villages, and national characteristics ; the Wandering Tungusi ; dogs and sledges ; Von Matiuschin's journey to Ostrownoje and the Tschuktschi ; description of mammoth bones ; migration of the reindeer ; journeys to the Stony and Eastern Tundras ; four journeys on the Polar Sea ice, &c. 10117 Wylie (Rev. J. A.) Journey through Central Manchuria, Sept. and Oct., 1892— Geog. Journal (Vol. II. pp. 443-451) Is 6d YouNGHDSBAND (Capt.) Travels in Manchuria, &c. See Chinese Tartary, p. 449. 8S^ High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Francis Edwa/rds's Catalogue 461 JAPAN. Geography, History, Ethnology, Arts, &c. *;,<* For Japanese Language and Literatdbe, see pp. 488 to 490. 10118 Ackermann's World in Miniature — Japan, containing the Character, Manners, Customs, Dress, Amusements, &c., of the People, by Frederic Shoberl, 20 coloured plates, 12mo, boards. 1823 9s Adams (Will.) The English Pilot, Voyage with the Dutch to Japan an I Letters, 1598-1611. See Pdrohas, His Pilgrimes (Vol. I. Part 2, pp. 125-132), p. 18; Astley's Voyages (Vol. T.), p. 2; Harris's Voyages (Vol. I. pp. 856-872). p. 9; Cooks, p. 469; Dalton, p. 469 ; Rundall, p. 484. 10119 Adams (Staflf-Surgeon P..N., Arthur) Travels of a Naturalist in Japan and Manchuria, 8vo, cloth. 1870 8s Natural History Sketches during the voyage of H.M.S. "Actseon" to Rio Janeiro, Cape of Grood Hope, Java, China, Korea, Manchuria, and Japan, with obt^ervations of oceanic phenomena. 10120 Adams (Francis Ottiwell) The History of Japan from the Earliest Period to 1871, map and planSf 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1874-75 (scarce) £2 128 6d The narrative of Mr. Ottiwell Adams, formerly H.B.M. Charg6 d'Affaires and Secretary of Legation at Yedo, is of the fullest character, especially as regards recent history and the opening of the country to Kuropean trade and commerce. " An account of events more strangely weird, and more pregnant with startling results than anything to be met with in the history of modern times." — Athenceum. Report on Silk. See p. 485. 10122 Alcock (Sir Rutherford) The Capital of the Tycoon: Narrative of Three Years' Residence in Japan, maps coloured and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1863 18s 10123 Capital of the Tycoon, 2 vols. Svo, half-calf 21s " This book is still delightful and profitable reading. In its pages we live with the fathers of the men who rule Japan to-day Sir Kutherford's book combines the li«ht touch of the skilled diplomat and man of the world with the careful research of the genuine student."— Chamberlain, ' Things Japanese.' 10124 Art and Art Industries in Japan, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1878 9s 10125 Narrative of a Journey in Japan, Ascent of Fusiyama, &c., 1860, map— Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1861 (Vol. XXXI. pp. 321- 356), cloth 3s 6d 10126 Journey through Japan, Nagasaki to Yeddo, 1861, map — Jour. R. G. Soc, 1862 (Vol. XXXII. pp. 280-293), cloth 3s 10127 The Englishman in China during the Victorian Era as Illustrated in the Career of Sir Rutherford Alcock, Consul and Minister in China and Japan, by Alex. Michie, maps, portraits, and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1900 16s 8Sj High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 462 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue AiNOs (The). See Batchelor, Bird, Brinkley, Chamberlain, pp. 468 and 489, Finck, Forbes, Japan Society (Vol. IV.), Jephson, Krusen- stern, Landor, Langsdorff, MacRitchie, Siebold, Watson. Anderson (Capt. Lindsay) Visits to Nagasaki in the "Eamont." See * Among Typhoons,' p. 372. 10128 Anderson (Wm.) British Legation, Tokyo. The Pictorial Arts of Japan: Painting, Drawing, Woodcarving, Bronzework, &c., with 80 beautiful chromo-lithographSf photogravures, and 70 other engravings on copper and woody and descriptive letterpress, in four cloth portfolios. 1886 (pub. £8 8s) £5 A magnificent work, conceived in a critical spirit, written with competent knowledge, and beautifully illustrated, containing facsimiles of illustrations of the paintings and of the best Japanese artists and art workers. 10129 Japanese and Chinese Paintings in the British Museum : Descriptive and Historical Catalogue, illustrated ivith 31 plates, royal 8vo, cloth. 1886 (scarce) £3 15s Catalogue of over 3,000 examples of the various Japanese schools of painting— Buddhist, Yama, Tosa, Chinese, Sessihu, Kano, Ukiyo-Ye Riu, Ko-rin, Shijo, &c. ; also of Chinese and Korean Pictorial Art. 10130 Arnold (Sir Edwin) Japonica, with 53 illustrations by Robert Blum, royal 8vo, cloth gilt. 1891 9s "Bright sketches of Japanese men and manners." — Times. 10131 Seas and Lands, with 41 full-page and other illustrations in the text, best edition, 8vo, cloth. 1891 (pub. 21s.) 6s Chapters describing the author's journey through Canada and the U. States to San Francisco, across the Pacific to Japan— Japanese Cities, Temples, Shrines, Poetry and Plays, Dinners. Teas, Daily Life, Love Stories, Health Resorts, Japanese Mountains, the Army and Militant Japan, an Afternoon with the Mikado, the First Asiatic Parliament, &c. 10132 East and West, with 41 illustrations by R. T. Pritchett, 8vo, cloth. 1896 5s Chapters on Egypt, India, Japan, Buddha, &c., from the Daily Telegraph. 10133 Artistic Japan : an Illustrated Journal of Japanese Arts and Industries, with Essays by Dr. Anderson and others, edited by S. Bing, with several hundred coloured plates and numerous illus- trations in the text by Japanese artists, complete, 6 vols, in 3, imperial 4to, half-morocco, gilt tops. 1887-90 (scarce) £4: 10s A most useful work for designers and decorators. 10134 German edition: Japanischer Formenschatz, with the same illustrations, 6 vols, in 3, imp. 4to, half-morocco, gilt top. Leipzig [1888] £3 10s 10135 ■ Artistic Japan : Illustrations and Essays, selected from the preceding Journal, by S. Bing, comprising 120 coloured plates, and numerous illustrations in the text, imperial 4to, cloth. [1895] (pub. 21s) 7s 6d See also Alcock, Anderson, Audsley, Bowes, Bushell, Dresser, Hart, Hokusai, Salwey, Titsingh, Tomkinson. 88y High Street, Marylehon^e, London, W. Japan 463 10138 Asiatic Society of Japan, Transactions, Yol. X, pt. 1, Vol. XIII, pt. 2, Vol. XVI, pt. 1, 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. Ydkdimma 6s Edkins (Dr.) on a Fifteenth-Century Chinese and Japanese Vocabulary, with Notes, by [Sir] E. Satow, pp. 1-38, 1881. Dixon (J. M.) Konodai and its Spots of Interest, pp. 39-47, 1881. Satow (Sir E.) History of Printing in Japan, pp. 48-83, 1881. Blakiston (J. VV.) and. Pryer (H.) Birds of Japan, pp. 84-186, 1882. Satow (SirE.) Intercourse between Japan and Siani, 17th Cent., pp. 139-210, 1884. Eastlake (F.Warrington) The Kirin (Unicorn), pp. 211-223j 1885. Pryer (fl.) Lepidoptera Identical to Japan and Great Britain, pp. 228-235, 1885. Aston (W. G.) Early Japanese History, pp. 39-75, 1887. 10139 Vol. XYII, pt. 2. 1889 5s Conder (Josiah) Japanese Flower Arrangements (68 plates). Masujima (R.) The Japanese Legal Seal (2 plates). 10140 Vol. XIX, pt. 2. May, 1891 6s Piggott (F. T.) Music of the Japanese. Du Bois (F.) The Gekkin Musical Scale. Knott (C. G.) Japanese Musical Scales. Clement (E. W.) The Mito Civil War. Polder (Leon van de) Abridged History of Copper Coins of Japan. 10141 Vol. XX, pts. 1, 2, Supplement. 1892-93 ' 6s Knox (Dr. G. W.) A Japanese Philosopher, Kynso {plate), and other articles. Hagal (T ) Japanese Schools of Philosophy, &c. Dixon (J. M.) Chomei and Wordsworth, &c. Batchelor (Rev. John) Specimens of Ainu Folk-Lore. Grinnan (Rev. R. B.) Feudal Land Tenure in Tosa. Birkenhead (Miss) Suma Mura Fifty Years Ago. Wigmore (J. H.) Private Law in Old Japan, pt. 5. 10142 Vol. XXI. November, 1893 6s Meriwether (C.) Life of Date Masamune. Lowell (Prof.) Esoteric Shinto. Chamberlain (B. H.) Manners and Customs of the Loochooans, &c. 10143 Vol. XXII, pt. 2. September, 1894 3s Trevithick (F. H.) Railways in Japan with diagrams. Droppers (Garrett) Population of Japan, 1615-1860, &c. 10144 Vol. XXII, pt. 3. December, 1894 3s 6d Hearn (Lafcadio) Three Popular Ballads. Lloyd (Rev. A.) Japanese Buddhism, &c. 10145 Vol. XXIII. December, 1895 3s Courant (Maurice) Syst^mes d'Ecriture Cor6e. Greene (Dr. D. C.) Tenrikyo : Teaching of the Heavenly Reason. Newell (H. B.) ^Petroleum Industries at Nagahoka. MacCauley (Clay) The Japanese Landscape, &c. 10146 Vol. XXIII, Supplement, Essay in Aid of a Grammar and Dictionary of the Luchuan Language, by B. H. Chamberlain. December, 1895 6s 10147 Aston (W. G.) Nihongi, Chronicles of Japan from the earliest times to a.d. 697, translated from the original Chinese and Japanese, numerous illust., 2 vols. 8vo, swd. {Japan Society), 1896 14s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. s 2 464 Francis Edwards^ 8 Catalogue 10148 Audsley (George Ashdown) and Bowes (James L.) The Keramic Art of Japan, 63 'plates, including 35 in colours and gold, and numerous wood engravings also in colours, the whole produced with exquisite care in the highest style, with descriptive letter- press, 2 vols, imperial 4to, half red morocco extra, gilt tops. 1875 (pub. £18 18s) £7 10s The finest book on Japaness porcelain and earthenware. " The distinctive feature of this splendid book is the large series of illustrations, which were drawn with the most exquisite skill and care These transcripts are gorgeous in colours and gildings, beautifully drawn, and masterpieces in their way ; they are so fine that the greater number approach, but only approach, the pottery and porcelain which they reproduce. The greatest delicacy has been displayed in the reproduction of the forms and tints, the lustre, light, and shadow of the coloured examples. In short, these are crowning specimens of chromo-lithography, on the whole, very nearly the best of their kind It is a work which no collector should be without." — Athenceum. 10149 Keramic Art of Japan, with an Introductory Essay on Japanese Art, 32 plates, many richly coloured and gilt, specimens of Crests, Marks, and Monograms, imperial 8vo, cloth gilt. 1881 (pub. 42s) £1 4s "A work of solid value it is a sort of second edition of the magnificent publication which we reviewed at length in July last The larger subjects have been omitted, and reduced versions have been supplied of those plates which were desired for the illustration of the text The thirty-two plates have been produced by dividing some of the fifty-one plates of the former edition.'"— Athencewyi. See also Bowes, p. 466. 10150 The Ornamental Arts of Japan, one hundred magnificent PLATES, 74 of which are beautifully coloured and gilt, the remainder autotypes and photogravures of the originals, with descriptive text, the whole on thick plate paper, 2 vols, imperial 4to, in 4 port- folios. 1882-85 (pub. £15 15s) £9 10151 Third and Fourth Parts only, wanting 1 plate .£3 10s "Mr. Audsley's splendidly illustrated book On its superb plates all the resources of MM. Lemercier, of Paris, have been lavished, and the best qualiiies of the chromo-lithographic and heliogravure processes have been developed in delineating the art of the extreme East The book is divided into nine sections, and each section is preceded by an essay dealing with the characteristics and the histon' of the manufacture to which it is devoted, and describes choice instances. Mr. Audsley has supplied a vast deal of interesting historical matter, gathered from many sources, and of high interest, not merely * the names of artists who have produced the objects illustrated.' In this respect the ' Ornamental Arts ' is a great advance on the ' Keramic Art of Japan ' The first section of Mr. Audsley's book, which is devoted to drawing, painting, engraving, and printing, natiirallv enough traverses to some extent the ground which Mr. Anderson has appropriated, but the later writer does not supersede his predecessor nor exhaust the endless wealth of the subject." — From a third notice (five columns) in the Athenceum, Oct. 16, 1886. 10152 • Notes on Japanese Art, Paper read before the Archi- tectural Association, illustrated by Specimens, 15 plates, with original cover, 4to, half-calf. [Liverpool] (privately printed), 1872 21s 10153 Descriptive Catalogue of Art Works in Japanese Lacquer in possession of J. L. Bowes, Esq., Liverpool, printed for private circulation, on hand-made paper, 4to, half-morocco. 1875 14s Catalogue of over 200 Specimens. 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. JapGm 465 10155 Ayrton (A. Chaplin) Child-Life in Japan, and Japanese Child Stories, wxi\i illustrations by Japanese Artists, cheap edition, small 4to, cloth. [1888] 4s 6d 10157 Barneby (W. H.) The New Far West and the Old Far East, Notes of a Tour in N. America, Japan, China, Ceylon, &c., 3 maps and 8 illustrations ^ 8vo, cloth. 1889 4s The author visited Yokohama, Tokio, Nikko, Kobe, the Inland Sea, Kioto Nagasaki, &c., in 1888. ' 10158 Batchelor (Rev. John, C.M.S.) The Ainu and their Folk-lore, with 137 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1901 (R.T.S.) 9s A valuable store-house of ethnological facts, Ainu customs, legends, rites, and superstitions collected during a residence of a quarter of a century in the Island of Yezo. 10159 Sea-Girt Yezo, Glimpses at Missionary Work in North Japan, illustrated, small 4to, cloth. 1902 3s See also Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. XX. 10161 Bax (Capt.) Voyage of H.M.S. " Dwarf" in the Eastern Seas, to China, Japan, Formosa, and Russian Shores of Tartary (1871-74), illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1875 ' 3s 6d Beaulieu (Leroy-) The Awakening of the East. See Siberia, p. 451. 10162 Beauvoir (Marquis de) Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco, from the French by A. and H. Stephenson, 15 illustrations, 12ino, cloth. 1872 3s 6d Third and concluding volume of a Voyage Round the World in company with the Orleanist Princes, including visits to Shanghai, Tientsin, Pekin (with account of Prince Kung), the Great Wall, Yokohama, Jeddo (Tokio), Yokoska, and Mionoska, March, April, and May, 1867. Belcher (Admiral) Visit of the ** Samarang " to Nagasaki, August, 1845. See above, p. 374, and Marryat's ' Borneo ' (pp. 184-186), p. 534. Benyowsky's Account of Jedzo, Japan, 1771. See p. 451 10163 Berkeley (Commander H.) Japanese Letters, Eastern Impres- sions of Western Men and Manners, as contained in the corre- spondence of Tokiwara and Yashiri, 12mo, cloth. 1891 3s 6d 10164 Bickersteth (Miss) Japan as We Saw It, prefaced by the Bishop of Exeter, map and 38 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1893 5s Account of eight weeks' travels through Japan, visits to Tokio, Nikko, Kioto, Osaka, Fukuyama, with chapters on the Great Earthquake and its effects, Kobe, Nagasaki, and Church Missionary Stations, September, October, and November 1891. 10165 Bird (Isabella, Mrs. Bishop) Unbeaten Tracks in Japan, Travels in the Interior and Visits to the Aborigines of Yezo and the Shrines of Nikkd and Is^, map and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1880 ♦ 9s 10166 New Edition, 1 vol. 7nap and 56 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1900 (pub. 7s 6d) 5s One of the best of English books of Japanese travel, with specially valuable account of the Aino people. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 466 Francis Edwa/rds^s Catalogue 10167 Black (John R.) Young Japan, Yokohama and Yedo, Narrative of the Settlement and the City, from 1858 to 1879, with a glance at the Progress of Japan during 21 years, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Yokohama, 1880 14s A diary of the foreign settlement at Yokohama during the two most eventful decades of modern Japanese history, recording with vividness events as they unfolded themselves from day to day. 10168 Blakeney (Wm., R.N.) On the Coasts of Cathay (China), and Cipango (Japan) Forty Years Ago, mt/i 19 ma'pSf and 90 illustrations , Svo, cloth. 1902 8s A record of surveying service in the China and Yellow Seas, and Japan, Korea Strait, Coast of Formosa, &c., between 1857 and 1862. 10169 Blakiston (Capt. T.) A Journey in Yezo, map— Jojjr. R. G. Soc, 1872 (Vol. XLII. pp. 77-142), cloth. 5s 10171 Bond (Catherine) Goldfields and Chrysanthemums, Notes of Travel in Australia and Japan, with photo illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1898 4s 6d The author made a voyage to Australia, visiting Coolgard'e and Melbourne, May to August, 1896, Mogi, Kobe, Kioto, Tokio, and Yokohama in October and November, returning home by way of Hong Kong, Singapore, and Ceylon. BoNiN Islands: Peel, Coffin (Bailey), &c. See Perry, U.S. Expedition, Vols. I. and II. p. 482. 10172 Bowes (J. L.) Japanese Marks and Seals, Pottery, Illuminated MSS. and Printed Books, Lacquer, Enamels, Metal, Wood, Ivory, &c., nearly 800 examples, imp. Svo, cl. gilt. [1883] (pub. 42s) 18s 10173 Japanese Enamels, with Illustrations from the Examples in the Bowes Collection, 20 beautiful plates, some coloured, and other textual illustrations, imperial Svo, cloth. 1886 (scarce) £1 IDs Of this work only 200 copies were issued for private circulation. 10174 Notes on Shippo, with 4 photo and other plates, imperial Svo, decorated boards. 1895 (pub. 10s 6d) 2s 6d This volume treats of the industry of enamelling and of glass making, and con- tains the interesting history of the Hirati family by whom the art of " Shippo " was introduced and preserved in Japan. A r4sum4 of the author's Japanese enamels, privately published in 1884, is given in the Introduction. Keramic Art of Japan. See Audsley, 10175 Brassey (Lady) A Voyage in the "Sunbeam," loith 118 illustrations and map, Svo, half-calf extra. 1878 10s The " Sunbeam " visited Yokohama and Kobe, and steamed through the Inland Sea, January and February, 1877. 10176 Bridges (F. D.) Journal of a Lady's Travel Bound the World, map, 10 plates, and woodcuts, cloth. 1883 5s Mrs. Bridges visited Athens, the Pyramids, Caves of EUora, Delhi, Kashmir, Leh, Benares, Rangoon, Singapore, Java, Canton, Peking, Japan, San Francisco, British Columbia, Salt Lake City, and Chicago in 1878 and 1879. Five chapters are devoted to Japan and the Japanese. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Japan 467 10177 Brinkley (Capt. F.) japan, Described and Illustrated Ly Native Japanese Authorities, assisted by American and European Writers, and Edited by Oapt. F. Brinkley, of Tokyo, with an Essay on Japanese Art by Kakuso, Okakura, iUustrated with 272 exquisite photographs, 72 of which are full page and beautifully coloured, with tinted mounts, the remainder in the text, representing views of towns, streets, buildings, interiors, picturesque scenery, costumes, customs and habits of the people, flowers, &c., 10 vols, imp. 4to, Japanese coloured cloth. 1897-98 £7 17s 6d The text of the present work is from the pens of the leading statesmen, scholars, and thinkers of Japan, each article being written by a specialist in his department, and the whole translated, edited, and arranged by Capt. Brinkley (the editor and proprietor of the Japan Mail) the most infiuential. trusted, and best informed European in Japan, whose residence of thirty years and intimate relations with the people have enabled him to s-^cure the co-operation of many of the most distin- guished Japanese writers. The ilKistrrttions are all done in Japan, over 350 native artists having been employed in preparing and colouring photographs, &c. 10180 The Art of Japan, Pictorial and Applied, illustrated with 73 beautiful illustrations, 19 of ivhich are full page with tinted mounts, the remainder mounted in the text, include many coloured in imitation of the originals, and comprise landscapes, amusements, wood carving, ivory carving, lacquer work, wooden and bronze statues, swords, &c., the work of eminent native artists, 2 vols. imp. 4to, Japanese cloth. [1901] 10181 Japan and China: their History, Arts, Sciences, Manners? Customs, Laws, Religion, and Literature, with over 100 full-page reproductions in colour, and many others in black and white, com- plete in 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 1903-4 £8 8s This issue is limited to 500 copies. 10182 An EDITION" DE LUXE (limited to 35 copies) printed on Japanese vellum, with extra plates on Chinese silk £25 4s Eight volumes are devoted to Japan, and four to China. Vol. I. treats of the Japan of to-day, and the Early History of its people. Vols. 1 1, and III. of the Military Epoch. Vol. IV. of Manners and Customs, Laws, Justice, Slavery, Education and the Era of lightened Government. Vol. V. of Financial and Economic Conditions, Foreign Politics. Castes and Creeds, Superstitions, &c. Vol. VI. of Festivals, Pastimes, Commerce, &c. Vol. VII. of Pictorial and Applied Art. Vol. VIII. of Keramic Art, and Miscellaneous Wares. Vol. IX. treats or China : Keramio Art and Manufactures. Vols. X. and XI. of the Country, Government, Trade, Foreign Intercourse, Religion, Education, Secret Societies. Vol. XII. of Peking, CantoQ, the Taipings, China of To-day, &c. " The work promises to be the greatest literary enterprise in connexion with Japan that has been undertaken since the publication of the elder von Siebold famous ' Archiv ' The work will be expected to accomplish for the benefit of the twentif'th century even more than was effected by the monumental records of Kaempfer and von Siebold The first two volumes are written in an attractive and clear style, and, both in form and substance, are enormously in advance of all existing literature on the subject."— Athenceum. 83, High Street^ Marylebone^ London, W. 468 Fq'omcIs Edwa/rds^s Catalogue 10183 Broughton (Capt. W. R.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, Japan, Corea, &c., in H.M. Sloop "Providence," 1795-98, charts and coast views, small 4to, half-calf. 1804 £2 Capt. Broughton visited N. S. Wales, Tahiti, the Sandwich Islands, Nootka Sound, Kurile, Loo Choo, and Pescadore Islands, as well as the Coasts of Corea and Japan. 10184 Brownell (Clarence L.) The Heart of Japan: Glimpses of Life and Nature, 24 illiist., 12mo, cloth. 1902 3s 6d The author resided as a native among the Japanese for five years, and has thus been able to describe the natives as they are off the usual travellers' track. 10185 Bushell (S. W.) Oriental Ceramic Art illustrated by examples from the Collection of W. T. Walters, 116 plates in colours and over 400 reproductions in black and white, 1 large vol. imp. folio ; Descriptive Text, 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1897 £85 A magnificent work, produced in the highest style of chromo-lithography. 10186 Campbell (Lord George) Log Letters of H.M.S. " Challenger," 8vo, cloth. 1876 5s Includes a Peep into Japan— Visits to Yokohama, Yedo (Tokio), Nikko, Kobe. Kioto, April and May, 1875. 10187 Caron (Francis) True Description of the Mighty Kingdom of Japan (1636) ; and of Siam, by Joost Schooten, rendered into English by Capt. Roger Manley, pp. viii-152, chart and 3 plates, 18mo, original calf. 1663 (rare) £2 10s This edition of Caron contains description of the pompous reception of the Secular Monarch of Japan at Miaco, 25th October, 1626 ; Advantages of the China Trade, by Leonard Camps. 10188 Another copy, re-issue, without plates, 18mo, original calf, 1671 15s See also Collections of Thevenot (Tome I.), p. 502 ; Pinkerton (Vol. VII.), p. 16 ; Dutch Voyages (Tome III.), p. 521. 10190 Chamberlain (Basil Hall) Things Japanese, being Notes on Various Subjects, map, 8vo, cloth. 1901 10s 6d The subjects are arranged alphabetically. Important articles are : Archceolog)', Architecture, Art, Botany, Buddhism, Climate, Decorations, Demoniacal Poss^^ssion, Hress, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Education, Eoglish as she is Japped, Festivals, Flowers, Food, Fuj', Globe Trotters, History and Mythology, Japanese Pe'^p'e. Kurile Inland^, Lacquer, Language, Law, Literature, Marriage. Mis^ons, Moral Maxims, Music, Names, Newspapers, Pilgrimage^ Poet-y, Polo, Printing, Railways, Eoads, Shinto, Tattooing, Tea, Theatre, Time. Tokio (Yedo), Trade, Treaties, Woman, Writing, Yezo, Zoology. To most of these articles, which are remarkably concise, the author has appended references to best authors, and he has added a very copious Index to the whole. 10191 Two Questions of Japanese Archaeology : Sources of our Knowledge ; Divine Characters— J. R. Asiatic Soo., 1883 (Vol. XV. pp. 315-332) 2s See also Asiatic Soc. Japan p. 463 ; Murray's Handbook, p. 480 ; and Japanese Literature, pp. 488-490. 83, High Streetf Marylebone, London, W, Japan 469 10192 Charlevoix (P. Fr. de) Histoire et Description Generale du Japan de la Nature et des Productions du Pays, des Habitants, du Gouvernement, Commerce, et Religion, numerous maps and plates, 2 vols. 4to, calf. Paris, 1736 £2 10s 10193 Histoire du Ohristianisme au Japon, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. Paris, 1828 10s 10194 Cocks (Richard) English Factor in Japan, 1615-22, Diary of, edited by Sir E. Maunde Thompson (Hakluyt Soc), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1883 £1 Coleman (Charles) Religions of Japan (from Golownin and Klaproth), with plates. See Coleman's Hindu Mythology, 1832 (pp. 328-343), p. 318. 10195 Collingridge (George) Early Cartography of Japan, illustrated — Geog. Jour. (Vol. HI. pp. 403-409), May, 1894 Is 6d Referring the " Cipango " of early cartographers to Java. See KbAMP and Old- ham, p. 478. 10196 Colquhoun (Ethel) Two on their Travels, 8 coloured plates, 16 full-page and smaller sketches, by the Authoress, 8vo, cl. 1902 4s Bright and interesting chapters of experiences when, with her husband, the authoress passed through the Straits to Java, Borneo, Sulu, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, and Siberia. See pp. 363, 379, 380, 452. 10197 Cornwallis (Kinahan) Two Journeys to Japan, 1856-57, with 8 plates, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1859 6s 10198 Crasset (R. P^re Joanne, S.J.) Histoire de I'Eglise du Japon, seconde edition, 2 vols. 4to, calf. Paris, 1715 £1 5s This is the History of the Church of Japan of Francois Sober, S.J. (1627), put into better French, enlarged from several other Memoirs, and continued to the death of the Emperor Toxogunsama, in 1658, by P^re Crasset. 10199 Curzon (Lord) Problems of the Far East: Japan, Korea, China, maps and numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 7s The Far East, Evolution of Modern Japan, Treaty of Commerce with Great Britain, 1894 ; Life and Travel in Korea, Capital, Court and Government ; China, the Capital, Court, Monasticism ; the Prospect after the War, Destinies of the Far East, the r6le of Great Britain. D' Almeida (Mrs.) A Lady's Visit to Manilla and Japan, 1861-62. See Philippine Islands 497. 10200 Dalton (Wm.) Will Adams the First Englishman in Japan, 12mo, cloth. 1861 4s 10201 Davison (Dr. Chas.) Distribution of Earthquakes in Japan, 1885-92, r?iap-GEOG. Jour., Nov., 1897 (Vol. X. pp. 530-535) Is 6d 10202 The Great Japanese Earthquake of October 28, 1891, illustrated— Geog. Jour., June, 1901 (Vol. XVII. pp. 635-655) 2s 10203 Del Mar (Walter) Around the World through Japan (1899), with numerous photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1903 7s 6d The author vi^fed Ceylon, Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Macao, Canton, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Tokio, and Kioto, the Inland Sea, Satsuma, Kobe, Hakodate, Nikko, Yokohama, Hawaii, California, Chicago, and New York. . „ , -, . " The account of modern Japan and the Japanese is by far the fullest and most truthful known to U3.''—Athenceum. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 4T0 Frcmds Edwards^s Catahgue 10204 Dickson (W. G.) Japan : a Sketch of the History, Government, and OfiQcers of the Empire, coloured frontispiece, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1869 4s Chapters on the Court, Government, Japanese History, the Daimio Class. 10205 The Land of the Morning : an Account of Japan and its People, based on a Four Years' Residence, with illustrations by Bayne, third edition, 12iuo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1882 4s 10206 Gleanings from Japan, ivith 27 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1889 ' 3s 6d Sketches of Miyanoshta, Nikko, Chiusenji, Choshi, Tokio. Kobe, Kioto, Christianity in Japan (native account), Buddhism, Notes on Loochoo, &c. 10207 Diosy (Arthur) The New Far East, loith 12 illustrations, by Kubota Beisen, and Cartoon by H.M. the German Emperor, 8vo, cloth. 1898 (pub. 16s) 8s Chapters on Japan, China, Russia, France, and Germany, in the Far Eas^, Britain's Clear Course, &c. 10208 Yamato Damash-i, the Spirit of Old Japan, (Ninth Oriental Congress) — Asiatic Quarterly, July, 1893 2s See also Japan Society, London, of which the author is Secretary. 10209 Dresser (C.) Japan, its Architecture, Art, and Art Manu' factures, over 2QQ illustrations, voy.^vo, el. 1882 (pub. 31s 6d) £1 Dutch Embassy to Japan. See Montanus ; Ogilby. East India Company in Japan. See Calcutta Review, 1869 (Vol. XI. 1884, pp. 113-151), also Adams, Cocks, Rundall, Saris, &c. 10210 Eastlake (F. W.) and Yoshi-aki (Y.) Heroic Japan, a History of the War between China and Japan, 8vo, cloth. 1897 9s 6d 10211 Eden (C. H.) Japan, Historical and Descriptive, map and 7^ illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1877 2s 6d Elgin's (Lord) Mission to Japan. See Oliphant, p. 481, and China, pp. 383 and 401. 10212 Ellesmere (Lord Francis Egerton, Earl of), Essays on History, Biography, Geography, Engineering, &c., from the Quarterly Revieiv, 8vo, cloth. 1858 5s Includes two essays, 1834 and 183G, on the manners, usages, and character of the Japanese, their intercourse with Europeans the Dutch) founded chiefly on the works bv Messrs. Meijlan (1830), Fischer (1833), and the Kecollections of Mr. Doeff (1835) ; also essays on Wallenstein, Blucher, Napol^^ou, Hudson Bay Company, Boss's Antarctic Voyage, Art and Artists, Aqueducts and Canals, Borneo and Celebes, Travels among the Laps, &c. 10213 Ferrand (Claudius) Fables et Legendes du Japon, coloured and other illustrations, 8vo, stitched. Tokio, 1901 5s 10214 Finck (Henry T.) Lotos-Time in Japan, unth 16 photo- illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 4s The author presents a few realistic and unbiassed sketches from life and nature everj^day exierience in Japan. He visited Yedo, (Tokio), Hakodate, and the Ainos, Nikko, Kioto, and other places in and out of the usual track of tourists. 10215 Fischer (Adolf) Wandlungen im Kunstleben Japans, photo- graphically illustrated, imp. 8vo, sewed. Berlin, 1900 5s 83, High /Street, Maryhhone, London, W. Japan 471 10216 Fonblanque (E. B. de) Niphon and Pe-che-li, or Two Years in Japan and Northern China, coloured and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1862 8s 10217 Forbes (Commander C. S.) Exploration of Volcano Bay, Yesso, September, 1865, with Account of the Ainos — Jour. R. G. See. 1866 (pp. 173-180), cloth. 2s 6d 10218 Fortune (Robert) Yedo and Peking; with Notices of the Natural Productions, Agriculture, Horticulture, and Trade of Japan and China, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1863 4s 6d The author went to Japan in 1860, upon the reopening of the country to foreigners, after being closed for 200 years, visiting Nagasaki (Desima), Yedo, and Yokohama, noting the geology and botanical features of the surrounding country, Fusiyama, the Inland Sea, &c. He returned again in the following 3'ear, making a longer stay and observations on the climate, eoil, crops, waste lands, natural pro- ducts, especially silk and tea. 10219 Franks ([Sir] Augustus) Japanese Pottery, being a Native Report, illustrations and marlcs, 8vo, cloth (S.K.) 1880 5s 10220 Fraser (Mrs. Hugh) A Diplomatist's Wife in Japan ; Letters from Home to Home, with 220 illustrations , royal 8vo, cloth. 1899 12s Letters describing Japanese life in various aspects during three years' residence in Tokio, 1889-92, with illustrations by native artists and from photographs. 10221 Frere (Alice M. — Mrs. Godfrey Clerk) The Antipodes and Round the World, Travels in Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, China, Japan, and California, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1870 6s 6d The author visited Nagasaki, the Inland Sea, Yokohama, and Yedo (Tokio), September and October, 1866. 10222 Fukuda (Tokuzo) Die Gesellschaftliche und Wirtschaftliche Entwickelung in Japan, 8vo, sewed. Stuttgart, 1900 3s GiGLio (Prof.) Narrative of the Mission from King Victor Emanuel to Japan, July and August, 1866, including Visits to Yokohama, Yedo, &c., Account of the Government, Population, &c. See Voyage of the "Magenta," 1875 (pp. 328-534), p. 385. 10223 Golownin (Capt. Wassili) Narrative of My Captivity in Japan, 1811-13, with Observations on the Country and People; also Account of Voyages to Japan and Negotiations for the Author's Release by Capt. P. Rikord, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 1818 8s 10224 Japan and the Japanese, new and revised edition of * A Captivity in Japan,' 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1852 6s 10225 Le Japon, ou Voyage de Paul Ricord, aux lies du Japoi..., 1811-13, sur la Corvette la " Diane," pour la Deliverance du Capt. Golownin, traduit de I'Allemand par M. Breton, 10 plates, 2 vol», 18mo, half-calf. (Paris), 1822 (scarce) 12s Contains introductory account of Ricord's voyage and negociations, and observations on the origin, manners, usages, and customs of the Japanese bv Capt. Golownin, the plates are from designs in tbe collection of M. litsmgh and ditterent from those in his ' Illustrations of Japan.' See below, p. 486. 8S, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 4:72 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 10226 Gonse (Louis, Directeur de la Gazette des Beaux- Arts) JJ Art Japonais, illustrated with 64 plates in the finest style of chromo- lithography and heliography, and several hundred facsimile drawings and sketches, the text printed on vellum paper, forming 2 imperial 4to vols, bound in Japanese silk boards. Paris, 1883 £9 This work, which is produced in the best French style, treats of Japanese history ; the country ; the people ; their schools of painting ; their architecture, sculpture, and art workmanship — metal, armour, lacquer - ware ; tapestry, keramics. &c. 10227 Gowland (Wm.) The Dolmens and Burial Mounds in Japan, map, 3 plates, and 43 figures in the text, 4to, half-morocco. 1897 12s Grant (Sir Hope) Visit to Japan, December, 1860. See p. 387. 10228 Gray (Asa) Scientific Papers, chiefly Botanical, Reviews, Essays, Biographical Sketches, 1834-1887, selected by C. Sprague Sargent, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1889 (pub. 21s) 6s Including Papers on the Flora of Japan, Hongkong, India, Australia, United States, Arctic Regions, Botanical Geography and Nomenclature, Variation' and Distribution of Species, Origin of Cultivated Plants, Forest Geography and Archgeo- logy. Longevity of Trees. 10229 Griffis (Wm. Elliot, D.D., LH.D.) The Mikado's Empire, Tenth Edition with Six Supplementary Chapters, including History to Beginning of 1903, map, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1903 14s Part I. The History of Japan. II. Observations and Studies during a Residence. '"The book best calculated to give the general reader just what he requires and to give it to him in a manner less technical than Rein's."— Chamberlain. 10230 America in the East: a Glance at our History, Prospects, Problems, and Duties in the Pacific Ocean, 19 illustrations ^ 12mo, cloth. London [Boston], 1899 3s Chapters on the Philippines, Korea, Japan, China, Hawaii, &c. 10231 Gubbins (J. H.) Ascent of Fuji-Yama, Lawrence (C. W.) Journey from Kioto to Yedo ; M'Clatchie (F. R.) Trip in Mush- ashi— Proo. R. G. Soc, January, 1873 (pp. 78-85), 8vo, cloth 3s 10232 Habersham (Lt. A. W.) The North Pacific Expedition (1853-56) ; or, My Last Cruise, being an Account of Visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo Islands, the Coasts of China, Formosa, Japan, Kamtschatka and the Mouth of the Amoor, with full-page illustra- tions on steel and wood, 8vo, half-calf. (Philadelphia), 1857 10s 6d Narrative of the U.S. Expedition under Commodore Ringgold. Several months were spent in Japan. The volume contains an interesting account of the Ainos, as Well as of the Loo-Chooans. Hamilton (Oapt. Alex.) Account of Japan, &c., 1688-1723. See p. 146. 10233 Handy Guide Book to the Japanese Islands, maps amd plans, 12mo, cloth. 1888 Is 6d 88 J High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. Japan 473 10234 Hannah (I. C.) A Brief History of Eastern Asia, 12mo, cloth. 1900 5s China, India, Central Asia, Corea, Japan, Siberia, Indo-China, Borneo, from prehistoric times, with chrouological table. 10235 Hart. Stencils of Old Japan, a Book of Designs from Originals in the Collection of Ernest Hart, 50 larqe plates, oblong folio, cloth. 1895 21s Only 300 copies printed, and published by the author. 10236 Hartshorne (Miss Anna) Japan and her People, with 50 photogravures, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1903 21s Miss Hartshorne resided in Japan for many years, and describes the peasantry as well as the more intelligent and highly educated people. Hatch (Arthur) Letter on Japan, 1623, with Remarks on the Government, &c. Purohas, his Pilgrimes (Vol. II. pp. 1696-1702), p. 18. 10237 Hayashi (Tadamasa) Twelve Bronze Falcons exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 12 autotypes, with Remarks from the Japanese Press, 4to, parchment bds. Chicago, 1893 4s 6d Hearn (Lafcadio) Books on Japan, English Translations : — 10238 Out of the East, Reveries and Studies in New Japan, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1895 58 10239 Kokoro, Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1903 58 10240 Gleanings in Buddha Fields, Studies of Hand and Soul in the Far East, new edition, 12mo, cloth. 1900 os 10241 Exotics and Retrospectiyes, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1899 ^8 10242 In Ghostly Japan, 12mo cloth. 1899 ^^ 10243 Shadowings, 12mo, cloth. 1900 ^8 6d 10244 A Japanese Miscellany, 12mo, cloth. 1901 ^8 6d 10245 Stray Leaves from Strange Literature, 12mo, cloth. 1902 ^8 10246 Kotto ; being some Japanese Curios, with Sundry Cobwebs, illustrated, 13mo, cloth. 1902 " *>s 10247 Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan, new edition, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1902 158 See also Asiatic Soc, Japan above. 10248 Helms (L. Y.) Pioneering in the Far East (in Bali and Borneo), Visits to Siam, Japan, California, and the White Sea, map and illustrations, 8vo cloth. 1882 4s 6d Hiogo, Yokohama, Kioto, Yedo, &c., were visited in July, 1872. 10249 Hingston (James) The Australian Abroad (1877-8), Visits to Japan, Shanghai, Amoy, Canton, Saigon, Singapore, Java, Port Darwin, Torres Straits, Adelaide, New Zealand, &c., maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1879 6s Mr. Hingston visited Yokohama, Nagapaki, Tokio, Kioto, the Inland Sea, &c., of which he gives bright and lively descri|)tions. 10251 Hodgson (C. Pemberton) A Residence at Nagasaki and Hakodate, 1859-60, with Account of Japan generally, and a series of Letters by Mrs. Hodgson, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1861 3s 6d With accounts of several excursions into the interior, chapter on natural history, metals, flowers, birds, and a catalogue of plants by Sir Wm. Hooker. 8S\ High Street, Ma/rylehone^ London, W, 474 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 10252 Hokusai the great Japanese artist, Fugaku Hiyaku-Kei, or a Hundred Views of Fuji (Fusiyama) printed in tints from wood- blocks, with Translations of the original quaint Prefaces, Introduc- tions and Descriptions, by F. V. Dickins, 3 vols. 8vo. 1881 7s 6d 10253 Holtham (E. G.) Eight Years in Japan, 1873-81, Work, Travel, and Recreation, 3 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1883 3s 6d Yokohama and Kobe (1873), Journey up Country ; Tsuruga, Shiotsu, and Nagahama (1874) ; Akasaka, Nagoya (1875-6) ; The Great Rebellion of Satsuma(1877) ; Nikko, Nakasendo, Ise, Osaka, and Tokio (1877-8); Trip to Fujisan, 1878 ; Tokio (1879-81) ; Hakone, Nagasaki, and Kobe (1881-2). 10254 Hiibner (Baron de) A Ramble Round the World, 1871, trans- lated by Lady Herbert, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1874 6s 6d Part I. America (United States). 11. Japan. III., China. Baron de Hiibner visited Yokohama, Yoshida, Hakone, Yedo, Osaka, Kioto, the Lake of Biva, and Nagasaki, during July, August, and September, 1871, the events of the reform movement, September, 1871, to October, 1872, are summarized in an appendix. 10255 Huish (Marcus B.) Japan and its Art, with upwards of 150 illustrations, second edition, 8vo, silk. 1892 12s Treats of the religion, customs, history, geography, and folk-lore of the country, and of their influence on the art of Japan. 10256 Catalogue of the Collection of Japanese Works of Art formed by Sir Trevor Lawrence, 1869-94, with 36 autotype plates, 4to, cloth. 1895 {Privately printed) £2 15s Part I. illustrates the People, their Customs, Religion, History, Legends, Storie!«, Animals, Birds, Insects, Fruit, Flowers, &c. Part II. Pipes, Pouches, Inkstand?, and Brush Cases. Part III. Lacquer Articles. Part IV. Swords and other Objects in metal. Part V. Shrines, Pictures, Embroideries, Articles in Wood, Ivory, &c. Part VI. Ceramics. 10257 Humbert (Aime) Japan and the Japanese, Illustrated, Trans- lated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey, edited by H. W. Bates, vnth 207 illus- trations, royal 4to, cloth. 1874 15s Illustrations of the pocial life, customs, and amusements of the Japanese, with chapters on Religious Life, Education, Buddhism, and the Social Question. 10258 Ikeda (Dr. Riuichi) Die Hauserbfolge in Japan, unter Berucks- ichtigung der Allgemeinen Japanischen Kultur- und Rechtsent- wickelung, 8vo, pp. xxil-269. Berlin, 1903 3s 10259 Inagaki (Manjiro) Japan and the Pacific, and a Japanese View of the Eastern Question, 5 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1890 3s Views of a Japanese upon the Eastern Question as affecting the interests of England and Russia, in China, in Central Asia, and consequently in the east of Europe. 10261 Japan : 66 large photogpaphs, with descriptions, illustrating Life and Scenery, oblong folio, half-morocco £1 10s A very interesting series of views and groups— <^ose of costumes are coloured. 10262 Correspondence respecting Affairs in, 1868-70, Pari. Papers, folio, sewed. 1870 Is 6d 8Sf High Street, Marylehone, London, W Japan 475 10263 Japan in the Nineteenth Century, described from the "Visits of Recent Dutch Travellers, 12mo, cloth. 1852 5s Japan Described and Illustrated by the Japanese. See Brinkley, p. 467. 10265 Japanische Vogelstudien, a series of 12 plates of Birds, on large mounts, in portfolio. Vienna, 1895 5s 10266 Japan Society, London ; Transactions and Proceedings, Vol. I. 1892, wWi 150 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1893 16s Inaugural Address ; Articles on Self- Defence (4 plates) ; Uses of Bamboo (6 plates) ; Crape Printers (9 plates) ; Naturalistic Art (13 plates) ; Proceedings, Members, Catalogues of Library and of Museum. 10267 Vol. II. Parts 1, 2, 3. 1892-3 10s Japanese Proverbs and Expressions, by Consul- General Okoshi ; On Japanese Fan-s, by Mrs. Salwey (3 plates) ; Influence of Europe on the Art of Old Japan, by M. B. Huish {i plates and 13 cuts ; Family Relations in Japan, by Consul Daigoro Croh ; Family and Relationships in Ancient Japan, by W. Gr. Aston ; Wood and Japanese Design, by George Cawley {2 plates and 42 cut's), &c. 10268 . Vol. III. Parts 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5. 1894-5 12s 6d Earthquake Phenomena of Japan, by Prof. Milne ; On Lacquer, by Dr. Hart n plates) ; On Japanese Temple Roofs, On the Key Pattern {12 plates), and On the Japanese Musical Scale, by F. T. Piggott ; Aspects of Social Life, by Archdeacon Shaw ; Court and Society in Tokyo, by F, H. Balfour ; Decoration of Swords (13 plates) ; The Judicial System, by Dr. Okamura ; Evolution of a Netsuke, by M. B. Huish {10 plates) ; On luro, by M. Tomkinson {5 plates) ; The Chrysanthemum in Japanese Art, by G. C. Haite (3 plates) ; Japanese Shipping, by Dr. F. Elgar {10 plates) ; Some Difficulties of Spoken Japanese, by A. Diosy {7 plates). 10269 Vol. IV. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4. 1896-8 10s 6d Japanese Collections in the N. Art Gallery, by E. F. Strange {9 plates) : Japanese Narrative of Journey across Sagbalin among the Ainos, 1854, by F. v. Dickins (lO^/a^e.9) ; Development of the Japanese Language, by Dr. Markoff ; Fall of the Tokugawu Government, by Gonsuke Hayashi ; Notes on the Japanese Tor-i, by S. Tuke (12plates) ; Japanese Archery, by E. Gilbertson {Splates) ; Dolmens of Japan, by W. Gowland (14 plates) ; Japanese Sword Blades, by E. Gilbertson (5 plates)', Mountaineering in Japan, by Noel Buxton ; Ascent of Fuji in May, by M.Fordham ; Hokusai's Thirty-six Views of Fuji-Yama, by S. Bing (14 plates) ; Shinto and Buddhism, by Yoshitaro Yamashita ; Classical Japanese Literature, by W. G. Aston, &c. 10270 ^- Vol. V. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4. 1898-1901 10s 6d International Law during the Chino - Japanese War, by Prof. Sakuy6 Takahashi ; Japanese Railways and the Earthquake, by Chokuro Kadona {2 plates) ; The Cha-no-yu ; or, Tea Ceremony, by Harding Smith (8 plates) ; Pastimes and Amusements, by Mrs. Salwey {6 plates); The Art of Hokusai, by A. East {i plates) ; My Recent Visit to Japan, by A. Di6sy {plate); Japanese Theatres, by Osman Edwards (Splates) ; Pictorial Art in Japan, by T. Gejow ; Japanese Home Life, by A. Diosy ; The Morning Flower of Japan, by Miss Scidmore (12 plates) ; Japan's Commercial Future, by H. Satoh ; Impressionism in Japanese Art, by Mrs. Ernest Hart {Splates) ; Evolution in Japanese Art, by W. L. Behrens (3 plates) ; Fukuzawa Yuk'chi, Author and Schoolmaster (5 plates) ; Japanese Music, by Paul Bevan {2 plates), kc. 10271 Family Relations in Japan, by Daigoro Goh, pp. 48. 1893 2s 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 476 Franci^^ Edwards^ 8 Catalogue Japan and China War. See China: Allan, Chirol, Colquhoun, Hesse-Wartegg, Vladimir ; Eastlake, p. 470 ; Ransome, p. 483. 10272 Jancigny (A. D. B. de) Japon — L'Univers: Peuples, Moeurs, Coutumes, Beligions, &s., 16 plates, 8vo, morocco. 1850 5s 10273 Jeffreys (A. J.) Ascent of Fuji-Yama in the Snow, May, 1873 — Proxj. R. G. See. (Vol. XIX. 169-73), cloth. 1875 2s 6d 10274 Jephson (Mounteney) and Elmhirst (Pennell) 9th Regiment. Our Life in Japan, 1866-7, with 21 photo and other illustrations (3 coloured), 8vo, half-morocco. 1869 9s Account of Yokohama, visit to the Tycoon, Hakodate, with df'scriptions of the Japanese, the Ainos; notes and jottings on the races, wrestling, executions, prisons, fires, &c. 10275 [Jesuits, Letters of thej. epistol^ | IAPANIC^, | de mvl- TORVM genti- I Hum in varijs Insulis ad Christi \ sidem per Socie- tatis nomi \ nis lesu Theologos \ conuersione. I In quibus etiam mores, leges, | locoruraque situs, lucu- | lenter descri- | buntur. I EPisTOLJE JAPANICAE I &c. | Pars Altera | Lovanii, | ... | 1569. 2 parts in 1 thick vol. 12mo, calf {rare) £3 Title, pref. [pp.24], Xavier [pp. 34], Epistolse, pp. 1-264; Pars Altera Title, pref. Epist., pp. 1-310, errata. The first collection of the Jesuits' Letters from Japan, in two parts, with Prefaces by M. Hannardus de Gameren, including two from St. Francis Xavier (dated Cogaximae, 5 November, 1549, CochiUj 29 January, 1553), P. Baltazar Gagus (narrating death of Xavier, &c.), FF. Sylvms, Melchior Nunez, Cosmas Torres, J. Ferd. Bongo, Pet. Mascarenes (on the Molucca Islands— Ternate, Tidore, &c.), and others, on the Tartars, the Nestorians, Turks, China, St. Thomas in America. Dr. Angus's copy. 10276 [ ] DE REBVS | Iaponicis, | Indicis, et | Pervanis Epistolje I Reoentiores. I A loanne Hayo Dalgattiensi Scoto Societatis lESV | in librum vnum conceruate \ | Antverpise | ... M.DC.v. One thick vol. pp. 968, Index and Table [pp. 52], 12mo, contemporary stamped pigskin binding (rare) £2 5s With autograph of James Hough, historian of missions in India. This collection contains forty letters, dating from 1577 to 1601, preceded by a brief description of the Japan Islands ; included in the volume is an account of the life of the illustrious Emperor Taicosama, who from alow condition raised himself to the th>one his war with the Coreans, his Embassy to Kome during the Papacy of Gregory XIII. (1585), and his death ; the persecution and death by crucifixon of many Christians ; also Nicolas Pimenta's Historial Kelation of the East Indies, letters from Peru and China. 10277 [ ] Drey newe Relationes | Erste ausz Japon | .... | das Konigreich Mexico | desz Machtigen Reich Mogor, 1 vol. small 4to, pp. viii. 171. Augspurg, £1 10s I. Relation ausz Japon von anno 1606, P. Joannis Rodrigues der Soc. Jesu, {pp-1-78). II. Relation vom Missionibus oder Raisen so etliche Priester der Societet Jesu, in das Kon'g eich Mexico im Jahr 1607 (pp 79-124). III. Relation vom Ableiben desz Machtigen Konigs Mogor, pp. 125-170. This edition is apparently unknown to Wenkstern. See also Caron, p. 468 ; Charlevoix, p. 469 ; Crasskt, p. 469 ; ' Lettres Edifiantes ' ; and Lockman'B ' Jesuits,' p. 12. 83 J High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Japan 477 10278 Ksempfer (Engelbertus, M.D.) The History of Japan, giving an Account of the antient and present State and Government of that Empire; of its Temples, Palaces, Castles, and other Buildings ; its Metals, Minerals, Trees, Plants, Birds, and Fishes ; of the Emperors ; the Natives, their Religions, Customs, Manufactures, Trade and Commerce with the Dutch and Chinese ; Description of Siam ; translated from the Author's MS., by J. G. Scheuchzer, with Life, Introduction, and Journal of an English Voyage to Japan in 1673, 45 large copperplates, 2 vols, folio, calf. 1727-28 £Q 10s Kffimpfer, surgeon in the Dutch E I. Service, was the first European who described the Japaiie>-e with fulness. He arrived at Nagasaki in 1690, nnd made two journeys to the Court at Jedo, returning to Europe ii- 1694. His work did not, however, appear till 1727-J8, and then in the above English translation, from which the Latin (1728), Dutch and French (1729), were made. His own work in German, mofiernized, did not a{)pear till 1777. To the second volume is added an Appendix on Japanese Tea, Paper Manufac- ture, a Cure for Colic, the Moxaa Caustic, Ambergrease; an Enquiry as to the Japanese policy of non-intercourse with Foreigners ; a Second Appendix : Part of an Authentic Journal of an English Voyage to Japan which failed in its object to revive intercoursCj because the King of England (Charles II.) wa;s married to a daughter of the Kmg of Portugal (Catherine of Braganza)— the Japane>e having banished all Portuguese from the Empi'-e and bearing toward*^ them an implacable hatred. The 'Japan Diary ' (June 29 to July 28, 1673), received per a Danish Ship, July 18, 1674, is signed "Simon Delboe," "Hamond Gibben," and "William Ramsden." The first volume has an engraved title-page : Historia Imperii Japonici Germanice Scripta ah Engelherto Kaempfero Ex Autoris Autographo Johannes Casparm Scheuchzer Londoni m dccxxvii. 10279 Historia Imperii Japonici, the First Appendix, 76 pp., and a set of all the copperplates (except No. 37), folio, bds. 1727. £1 10280 Amoenitatum Exoticarum Politico - Physico - Medicarum Fasc. V. Varise Relationes, Observationes et Descriptiones Rerum Persicarum et Ulterioris Asise [China, Japon, &c.], numerous plates, small 4to, calf. Lemgow, 1712 £1 5s 10281 King (C. W.) and Lay (G. T.) The Claims of Japan and Malayasia upon Christendom, 2 maps, 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1839 9s I. Notes on the Voyage of the " Morrison " Canton to Japan, 1837, by C. W. King. II. Notes on the Voyage of the " Himmaleh " in the Malayan Archipelago (First American Voyage to Japan) in 1837, by G. Tradescant Lay. See also Malay Archipelago. 10282 Klaproth (J.) San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets; ou, Apergu G^n^ral des Trois Royaumes, traduit de I'Original Japonais- Chinois, avec cinq cartes, text, 8vo ; Atlas, 4to (Oriental Transla- tion Fund), 2 vols, half-calf. Paris, 1832 £1 5s This work, originally published in 1786, contains the geography, history, administration, manners and customs, antiquities of Corea, Loo-Chqo, Japan, and adjacent islands ; also Corean and Japanet-e vocabularies. Bound up with the text of this copy is a series of 'Japanese Chronological Tables/ by E. M. SfatowJ, printed for private circulation, Yedo, 1874. 10283 Knapp (A. M.) Feudal and Modern Japan, with 24 p/ioto- gravure illustrations of Japanese life, landscape, and architecture, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1898 8s 6d 83, High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W. 478 Fra/nds Edwards^s Oatatogue 10284 Knollys (Henry, Lord) Sketches of Life in Japan, with 7 photo-illustrations f 8vo, cloth. 1887 4s Conterits :—A Typhoon, Nagasaki and Kobe, a Japanese Mountain Hamlet, Yokohama, Myanostiita, the Interior, a Temple Town— Nikko, Tokio and Japanese Civilization, the Japanese Army, Old Japan — Kioto, &c. 10285 Kramp (F. G.) and Oldham (Yule) Early Cartography of Japan— Geog. Journal, Sept., 1894 (iv. pp. 270, 271 ; 276-9) Is 6d 10286 Krusenstern (Admiral) Voyage Round the World to the Pacific, Kamtschatka, Japan, and China, 1803-6, from the German by Hoppner, chart and plates, 2 vols, in 1, 4to, half-mococco. 1813 £1 10s This expedition visited Nagasaki and the Island of Jesso, and surveyed the Sea of Jai)an from October, 1804, to May, 1805. Very interesting accounts are given of the Japanese as well as of the Ainos, their characteristics, women, dress, ornaments, houses, food, government, and a refutation of the story of the Ainos being covered with hair. See also Langsdorff. Kuril Islands. See Benyowsky, p. 451 ; Broughton. p. 468 ; Barney, p. 451 ; Krusenstern, p. 478 ; P^rouse, p. 457 ; Snow p. 459 ; Chamberlain, p. 468 ; Landor, p. 478 ; Langsdorff, p. 478 ; Reed, p. 483 ; Rein, p. 483 ; Siebold, p. 485. 10287 Lagus (W.) Quelques Remarques sur la Premiere Expedition Russe au Japon (Oriental Congres), pp. 18. 1878 2s 10288 Landor (A. H. Savage) Alone with the Hairy Ainu ; or, 3,800 Miles on a Pack-saddle in Yezo, and a Cruise to the Kurile Islands, niap and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1893 7s An interesting account of these strange people, their habits, custom?, weapons, dress, habitations, physiognomy, superstitions, morals, laws, punishments, marital relations, with a glossary of words, chapter on Ainu music, poetry, and dancing. 10289 Langsdorff (G. H. von) Voyages and Travels in Various Parts of the World, 1803-6, 16 plates, 4to, half-calf. 1813 £1 2s Narrative of the first Russian circumnavigation, in which Brazil, the Marquesas and Sandwich Islands, Kamtschatka and Japan, were visited— the la^t mentioned receiving the Russian ambassador, and the squadron remaining in Japanese ports over nine months. The larger part of this volume treats of Japan and the Japanese, Jesso, the Ainos, &c. Specimens of the language and dialects of the Ainos, Jesso, Kurile Islands, and Kamtschatka are given in an appendix. 10291 Lanman (Charles) The Japanese [Embassy] in America, with Essays [on Japanese History, Life, and Work in America], by Japanese Students, 12mo, cloth. 1872 2s 6d 10292 Lawrence (C. W.) Journey Overland from Kioto to Yedo, June, 1872, map— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1873 (pp. 54-65), cloth. 3s 10293 Leech (John Henry) Butterflies from China, Japan, and Corea, map, 5 photo- and 43 coloured plates of several hundred specimens, 3 vols. 4to, half-morocco. 1892-94 £7 10s This work describes 650 species of butterflies collected in Japan. Corea, Kuril Islands, and North China in 1886, and by Messrs. Pratt and Kricheldorff, on the author's account, in Western China in 1887, 1888, and 1889. 271 species are peculiar to Chioa (48 now described for the first time), 15 species occur in Japan only, and 3 in Corea only, while 336 occur in neighbouring regions ; 174 are common to China and the Himalayas. The introduction treats of the work of his predecessors, and contains 4 photo's illustrating scenery of W. China and one above Nikko, Centi-al Japan. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, IF. Japan 479 10294 Macfarlane (Charles) Japan, an Account Historical and Geographical, with Account of the U.S. Expedition, map and 27 ilhistrations, 8vo, cloth. 1852 4s 10295 McLeod (N.) Illustrations to the Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan, including Illustrations to Guide-Book, collected and arranged by N. McLeod, oblong royal Svo. Kioto, 1877 9s Over 100 etched plates, containing several hundred sketches, views, portraits, including interiors and exteriors, aboriginal types, warriors, merchants, tradesmen, occupations, amusements, bow and single-stick exercises, &c. 10296 MacRitchie (D.) The Ainos, with 19 coloured plates and 12 other illustratio7is, royal 4to, cloth. Leyden, 1892 £1 10297 Mandelslo (John Albert de) Travels from Persia into the East Indies (1638-40), with description of Hindostan, the Mogul's Empire, Oriental Islands, Japan, China, &c., preceded by Account of the Duke of Holstein's Embassy to Muscovy, Tartary, and Persia (1633-39), written by Adam Olearius, and translated into English by John Davies, maps and engravings, folio, calf. 16Q2 £1 6s Account of Japan, the great lords and their revenue, the Emperor, his palaces, magnificence, treasures, armies ; the people, their customs, pagodas, priests, persecution of Christians, trade with China, Holland, their money, &c. (1639), pp. 168-204. 10298 Menpes (Mortimer) Japan, a Record in Colour, transcribed by Dorothy Menpes, containing 100 full-page illustrations in colours, small 4 to, cloth. [1901] £1 10299 Edition de Luxe, on hand-made paper, 4to, cloth £2 10300 Milne (Prof. John) Notes on a Journey in N.E. Yezo and across the Island, maps, Landor (A. H. S.) Journey round Yezo, in 1 vol. royal Svo, cloth, R.G.S. 1893 5s 10301 The Great Sea- Waves in Japan — Geog. Jour., August, 1896 (viii. pp. 157-160) * Is 6d 10302 Milne (Prof. John) and Burton (Prof. W. K.) The Great Earthquake in Japan, 1891, with map, 29 photo-plates byK. Ogawa, and descriptive Text, oblong imp. 8vo, cloth. Tokyo, [1892] 15s 10303 Milner (Rev. John) and Brierly (Sir Oswald) Cruise of H.M.S. " Galatea," Capt. H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, 1867-68, chromo and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1869 4s The Duke of Edinburgh visited Yedo and Peking in September and October, 1869. See also Keppel's ' Sailor's Life ' (Vol. HI.), p. 533. 10304 Mitford (Major-Gen. Reveley) Orient and Occident, a Journey from Lahore to Liverpool via Canada, iihtst., 8vo, cloth. 1888 4s 6d A journey from India to England via China, Japan, and the States : eight chapters relate to Japan. 10305 Montanus (Arnold) Die Gesantschaften an die Reiser van Japan, numerous folding and other plates, folio, calf. Amsterdam, 1670 £1 5s English translation, see Ogilby. 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. 480 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 10306 Morris (J., Thirteen Years' Resident) Advance Japan, a Nation thoroughly in Earnest, over 100 illustrations , 8vo, cloth. 1895 (pub. 12s 6d) 3s 6d " A useful summary of recent history abounding in good character-sketches, accompanied with photographs, of the leading men. '"—Times. 10307 Morrison (Arthur) The Painters of Japan, ivith illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth Ready shortly, 10308 Morse (E. S.) Japanese Homes and their Surroundings, new edition, small 4to, cloth. 1888 10s 6d " A fascinating account not only of Japanese architecture, but of every tiny detail of Japanese domestic life, even down to the water-bucket and the kitchen tongs."— Chamberlain, ' Things Japanese.' 10309 Mossman (S.) New Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun ; its Annals during the last Twenty Years (1853-73), with mapy 8vo, cloth. 1873 4s 6d 10310 Mounsey (A. H.) The Satsuma Rebellion: an Episode of Modern Japanese History, 12 mo, cloth. 1879 7s 6d 10311 Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan, by [Sir] E. M. Satow and Lieut. A. G. S. Hawes, maps and plans, 12mo, half-morocco. 1884 £1 5s 10312 Handbook for Travellers in Japan: The Japanese Empire, by B. H. Chamberlain and W. B. Mason, 15 maps, 7th edition, maps, 12mo, cloth. 1903 £1 10313 Murray (Dr. David) Japan, illustrated (Story of the Nations) 12mo, cloth. 1894 4s 10314 Naumann (Dr. Edm.) Physical Geography of Japan, with Remarks on the People— Proo. R. G. Soc, 1887 (Vol. IX. pp. 86- i02), map 2s Nicholas II. ; his Visit to Japan, &c., 1891. See Ookhtomsky. 10315 Nightless City (The); or, the History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku. By an English Student of Sociology, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. Yokohama, 1899 £2 NoRDENSKiOLD (Adm.) Visit of the '*Vega" to Yokohama and Kobe, Sept. and Oct., 1879, with Excursions to Tokio, Asamayana, Kioto, the Inland Sea, Nagasaki, &c., Account of Japanese Manners and Customs, Audience of the Mikado, &,c., illustrated. See Voyage of the " Vega," p. 457. 10316 Norman (Henry) The Real Japan : Studies of Contemporary Japanese Manners, Morals, Administrations, and Politics, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1891 10317 Peoples and Politics of the Far East : Four Years' Travels and Studies, maps and 60 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1895 6s Chapters on the Japanese, and on the British, French,' and Russians in China, Straits Settlements, Siam, Korea, the Philippines, &c. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Japan 481 10318 Ogilby's Japan. Atlas Japannensis ; containing Descriptions of the Territories, Cities, Temples, People, Natural History, &c., collected out of the writings of the Dutch Ambassadors by Arnoldus Montanus, Englished and adorn'd with upwards of 100 p,ne copperplates, by John Ogilby, folio, calf. 1670 £\ 10s 10319 Okakura (Kakasu) The Ideals of the East, with Special Reference to the Art of Japan, 12mo, cloth. 1903 3s The range of Ideals ; Primitive Art of Japan ; Confucianism, Laoism, and Taoism, Buddhism and Indian Art, the Vitta, &c. 10320 Oliphant (Laurence) Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, 1857-59, map and coloured lithographs hy Mr. Bedwell, and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1860 9s The second volume treats of the Mission to Japan. "The volumes deserve to retain a permanent place in the literary and historical annals of our time/' — Edinburgh Review. 10321 Episodes in a Life of Adventure; or, Moss from a Rolling Stone, 12mo, cloth. 1896 - Is 9d Includes chapters on Lord Elgin's Mission to Japan, 1860, with account of an attack on the Legation, and a visit to the Island Tsusima. See also Knollys ; Osborn. 10322 Oliver (Capt. S. P.) Autograph Letters from Nagasaki, Yeddo, &c. See p. 401. 10323 Ookhtomsky (Prince) Travels in the East of Nicholas IL, Emperor of Russia, when Cesarewitch, 1890-91, translated by Robert Goodlet, with 500 wood engravings and numerous helio- gravure plates, edited by Sir George Birdwood, 2 vols, imperial 4to, cloth. 1896-1900 £2 The first volume describes the travels in Egypt, and the journey through India and Burma; the second volume relates to the voyage from Ceylon to Java, Singapore, Hongkong, China, and Japan, and the return journey across Siberia. 10324 Osborn (Capt. Sherard) A Cruise in Japanese Waters, 12mo, cloth. 1859 2s 6d Account of the visit of Lord Elgin on board the " Furious," in company with the " Retribution," to Nagasaki, &c., in August, 1858, when the Treaty of Yeddo was sigued, with chapters on European intercourse with Japan, the story of Will Adams, &c. Reprinted from Blackwood's Magazine. 10325 Japanese Yvsigments, with numerous facsimiles of illustra- tions hy Native Artists (including Q coloured), imperial 16mo, cloth gilt. 1861 OS Illustrations of life in Japan, with historical incidents ; opening of the islands to European intercourse, &c. Parkes (Sir Harry) Minister to Japan. See China, p. 402. 10326 Parsons (Alfred) Notes in Japan, illustrated by the Author, 8vo, cloth. 1895 10s The abundant flora, the colour of which, of course, delighted his eye, receives Mr. Parsons's most careful attention ; and no Japanese could more lovmgly Imger about Fujisan. It is difficult to say which to admire most -his descriptive or his pictorial pencil ; but the union makes a most delightful book. 83j High Street^ Maryhhone, London, W. 482 Frcmcis Edwards^s Catalogue Pellew (Oapt.) Visit of the *' Photon" to Nagasaki, 1808. See Chinese Repository (August, 1838, p. 221) above, p. 417. 10327 Perry (Commodore Matthew Calbraith) Narrative of the United States Expedition to China and Japan, 1852-4, compiled by F. L. Hawks, D.D., ivitli 4 charts, 89 plates (some coloured), and numerous woodcuts, royal 4to, cloth. Washington, 1856 £1 This narrative contains accounts of Madeira, St. Helena, the Cape, Mauritius, Ceylon, Malacca, Singapore, Hongkong, and Macao ; full descriptions of the Lew Chew Islands (visited four times), the Bonin Islands, and of the successful opening of Japan to the United States and the World ; also particulars of the country, the people, their origin, government, religion, former relations with the Portuguese and Dutch, their natural, industrial, and artistic productions, the U.S. Mission and its reception. 10328 U.S. Japan Expedition, Vol. II., containing Eeports on the Countries and Islands visited, 23 plates (18 coloured) and 17 large charts, 4to. Washington, 1856 £1 5s Keports on Agriculture, Medical Topography, Mineral Spring, Volcano Bay, Japan Coal ; Papers on the Yak (plate), Fox {plate), Birds (6 coloured plates), Fishes (10 coloured plates), Shells (5 plates, 2 coloured), Plants, Sailing Directions, Pacific Currents, Cyclones, &c.; also Facsimile of Japanese Treaty, Correspondence. 10329 U.S. Japan Expedition, Vol. III. Observations on the Zodiacal Light, by Rev. G. Jones, with a History of previous Observations by Cassini, Mairan, Arago, Piazzi Smyth, Humboldt, and others, over 300 diagrams, 4to, cloth. Washington, 1856 10330 U.S. Japan Expedition, complete, 3 vols. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1856 £2 15s 10331 U.S. Japan Expedition, another copy, Vols. I. and II., 2 vols. 4to, half-morocco. 1856 £1 15s 10332 Narrative of Commodore Perry's Expedition to Japan, 1852-4, by Dr. Hawks, with 7 charts, numerous steel plates, and wood engravings, imperial 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856 (pub. 30s) IDs This edition contains same matter as Vol. I. (above), but the plates are different. 10333 Photographs. One hundred and eighty Photographs of Japanese Life, Trades, Street Scenes, River Life, &c., coloured, in box (6) £2 10s 10334 Forty large Photographs, mostly Architectural, in folio box (5) 18s 10335 Piggott (F. T.) The Garden of Japan: a Year's Diary of its Flowers, 2 coloured plates, 4 pictures hy Alfred East, and other illustrations, small 4to, cloth. 1896 5s Pinto (Mendez) Account of First Portuguese Visit to Japan, 1543 (?), see above, p. 368 ; also, 'Introduction* to Perry's U.S. Expedition. Pinto is supposed to have been the first European in Japan. The native history acknowledges the introduction of firearms in the same year. 10336 Pryer (H.) Rhopalocera Nihonica : a Description of the Butterflies of Japan, with 10 coloured plates, containing a great number of examples, the text in Japanese and English, royal 4to, half-morocco. Yokohama, 1886-89 (scarce) £5 5s 88 J High Street^ MaryUbone^ London W, Japan 483 10337 Pumpelly (Prof.) Across America and Asia; including "Visits to Japan, China, Siberia, Russia, itia'ps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1870 9s Prof. Pumpelly was engaged as a geologist for the Japanese Government, and proceeded to Yokohama in 1862. He made excursions to Fusiyama, to Yeddo, &c., and two journeys into Yesso. He has chapters on the geography, geology, history, and religion of Japan, and has included an illustrated essay on Japanese art, specially written for this work by his friend Mr. John la Farge. See also pp. 404 and 458. 10338 Purcell (Theobald) A Suburb of Yedo, with illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1889 2s 6d Sketches from the Japan Weekly Mail. 10339 Ransome (Stafford) Japan in Transition : a Comparative Study of the Progress, Policy, and Methods of the Japanese since their War with China, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 8s 6d Among the subjects dealt with are : Popular Misconceptions of Japan ; the Standing of the Foreigner ; the Effect of the War ; Present-Day Education ; Rela- tions with Foreign Powers ; Strategical Geography of Japan ; Modern Industrial Japan ; the Commercial Integrity of the Japanese ; Japan as a Colonizing Power ; the Position and Prospects of Christianity ; Politics in the Past and Present ; a Forecast of the Working of the New Treaties ; Japan as an Ally, &c. 10340 Reed (Sir Edward) Japan : its History, Traditions, and Religions, with the Narrative of a Visit in 1879, map and 42 illus- trations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1880 14s Inclu'ies several sketches by the author's son, Mr. Edward Tenn Reed, subse- quently artist-author of ' Prehistoric Peeps ' in Punch. The Land and its Inhabi- tants : tlie God Period ; the Shinto Religion ; Buddhism ; the Descent of the Crown ; Early History and Wars ; Later History ; Forei^n Relations with China and Korea ; Intercourse with Europeans ; War with Corea and against Formosa ; Acquisition of the Kurile and Bonin Islands; Recent Reforms; the Satsuma Rebellion (summarized from Mr. Mounsey's book) ; the Existing Government ; First Impres- sions of the Author ; a Month in Yedo (Tokio) ; Language and Literature, with Appendices by Capt. Brinkley on Japanese writing, and Mr. Hyde Clarke on rela- tions between the Japanese and West African tongues ; Drawing and Painting ; Proverbs and Phrases of the People ; the Inland Sea and Nagasaki ; City of Osaka ; Sacred City of Nara ; Kioto ; Sacred Shrines of Ise ; Nagoya, Shidzuoka, Fuji-yama and the Hnkon^ Mountains ; Appendices of Treaties, List of Emperors, Tables of Words ; Index. 10341 Rein (Prof. J. J.) Japan, Travels and Researches, undertaken at the Cost of the Prussian Government, translated from the German, 2 maps and 20 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1889 (scarce) £2 15s 10342 The Industries of Japan, together with an Account of its Agriculture, Forestry, Arts, and Commerce, 44 illustrations and 3 maps, royal 8vo, cloth. 1889 (scarce) £2 10s "No person wishing to study Japan seriously can dispense with Dr. Rein]s admirable volumes. Of the two^ that on the Industries, is the better : -Agri- culture, cattle-raising, forestry, mines, lacquer-work, metal- work, commerce -every- thing, in fact, has been studied with a German thoroughness. The other volume is occupied with the physiography of the country, its geography, fauna, flora &c., with an account of the people both historical and ethnographical, and with the topography of the various provinces."— B. H. Chamberlain. RicoRD (Paul) Voyage du Japon pour la Deliverance du Capt. Golownin. See p. 471. 83 J High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 484 Francis Bdwa/tdis Catalogue 10343 Rigakushi (Shogoro Tsuboi) Artificial Oaves near Tokyo, 1887, illustrated, Observations by W. G. Aston — Asiatic Quarterly, April, 1892, and July, 1892 4s 10344 Rundall (Thomas) Memorials of the Empire of Japon, XYIth and XVIIth Centuries, with notes, map, and facsimiles (Hakluyt Soc), 8vo, cloth. 1850 (rare) £2 5s Includes a description of Japan in the XVIth century ; the letters of William Adams, 1611-17 ; notes on the discovery, situation, population, trade, commerce, habits, customs, &c., of the people, from Kasmpfer, Siebold, and others. 10345 St. John (Oapt. Hy., R.N.) Notes and Sketches from the Wild Coast of Nipon, with Chapters on Cruising after Pirates in Chinese Waters, majos, 50 full-page and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1880 6s With appendix giving Siebold's List of Japanese Birds. 10346 Notes on the Coasts of Yezo, 1871— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1872 (Vol. XLII. pp. y43-354), cloth 3s 10347 Salwey (Mrs. 0. M.) Fans of Japan, History, Manufacture, Use, Value, and Folk-loreof, with Introduction by Dr. Wm. Anderson, and 10 chromo-litho-plates and 39 wood engravings, royal 4to, cloth. 1894 (pub. 31s 6d) lis Charming reproductions of fine specimens of this phase of Japanese art, and at the same time a standard history of the use and manufacture of fans in Japan. 10348 Sargent (0. Sprague) Notes on the Forest Flora of Japan, with 26 plates, royal 4to. Boston, 1894 19s Notes gatTlered during a journey through Hondo and Yezo in 1892, reprinted, with the illustrations, from ' Garden and Forest.' 10349 Saris (Oapt. John) Yoyage to Japan, 1613, edited from Con- temporary Records by Sir Ernest Satow, map, portraits, and fac- similes, 8vo, cloth (Hakluyt Society). 1900 £1 This work gives the history of the British E.I. Company's efforts to extend its trade to Japan, and contains Saris's original journal, with introduction on his MS. and its history ; European commercial enterprise in the Archipelago, Saris's stay in Japan, voyage home, and after history ; King James I. on Japanese potentates, privileges, &c. Saris's success was largely due to Adams's influence. After the departure of Saris for Europe, Richard Cocks remained in Firando (see his letters above, p. 469); also Hatch's letter, p. 473. See also Purchas ' His Pilgrimes ' (Vol. I. pt. 2, pp. 334 et seq ), p. 18. 10350 Satow (Sir Ernest) History of Printing in Japan, Intercourse between Japan and Siam, Transliteration of the Japanese Syllabary (Japan Asiatic Soc), 1881-84, 8vo, cloth 7s 10351 The Revival of Pure Shinto, 8vo, half-calf 4s Voyage of John Saris. See p. 484. Hand-Book for Travellers. See Murray, p. 480. Japanese Chronological Tables, 1874. See Klaproth, p. 477. Shore (H. M.) Jottings in Japan. See China, p. 406. 83, high Street, MarylehoTie, London, W. Japan 485 10352 Siebold (Dr. Ph. Fr. de) Flora Japonica sive Plantse queis in Imperio Japonico CoUegit, descripsifc digessit Dr. J. G. Zuccarini, text in French and Latin, with 150 coloured plates, 2 vols, folio, half-morocco. Leydew, 1835-70 £16 The first volume was issued in 1835; of the second, only Parts I. to X. were published. 10353 Fauna Japonica sive Descriptio Animalium, quse in Itinere per Japoniam, jussu et auspiciis superiorum, qui sumraum in India Batavia imperium tenent, suscepto, 1823-30 collegit, notis, observationibus et adumbration! bus illustravit Ph. Fr. de Siebold. Conjunctis Studiis C. J. Temminck et H. Schlegel pro Vertebratis atque W. de Haan pro Invertebratis elahorata, text in French and Latin, map and 410 plates, of loliicli 298 are splendidly coloured, 5 vols, in 4, folio, half-morocco, gilt. Leyden, 1833-50 £35 Aves, 120 plates (all coloured) ; Crustacea, 72 plates ; Mammalia, 30 plates (23 coloured) ; Reptilia, 1 map and 27 plates ; Pisces, 161 plates (155 coloured) : Coup d'Oeil. 10354 Nippon : Archiv sur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Nebeniu-und Schutzlandern': Jezo mit den SudlichenKurilen,Krafto, Koorai und den Luikiu-Inseln, nach Japanischen und Europaischen Schriften und eigenen Beobachtungen bearbeitet von Ph. Fr. von Siebold, luith more than 350 fine plates, 1 vol. 4to and 2 vols, folio. Leyden 1852 (rare) Physical Geography of the Empire of Japan ; People and State, Description of the Inhabitants, their Manners and Customs, Arms, Armour, Warfare, Political Constitution, Administration, &c., and Travels of tlie Author by Land and Sea ; Mythology, History, Archaeology, Numismata. 10354b Nippon : Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan, 2 auflage, mit seinen Neben-und Schutz-landern, herausgegeben von seinen Sohnen, maps, 100 full-page and 500 other illustrations, 2 vols, in 1, royal 8vo, half-bound. Leipzig, 1903 £1 10355 Silk Culture, Report on the Central Silk Districts of Japan, (Pari. Paper), by F. O. Adams, fol. pp. 20, and map. 1870 Is See also Jour. R. Geog. Soc, Vol. XL., 1870, pp. 339-343, with map. 10356 Silk Culture in Japan (further Pari. Paper), pp. 6. 1870 Is 10357 Keport on Deterioration of Japanese Silk, by Adams (Pari. Paper), folio, pp. 8. 1871 Is 10358 Silver (J. M. W., Lieut. Royal Marines) Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs, 28 coloured plates, reproduced in facsimile from native drawings, besides many illustrations in the text, 4to, cloth, gilt. Day & Son, 1867 25s Contains a description of the domestic life, the Court, national games, amuse- ments, festivals, crimes and punishments, superstitions, &;c., of the Japanese. 10359 Simpson (W.) Meeting the Sun, Journey through Egypt, Japan, and California, fully illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1874 5s 6d 10360 Sladen (Douglas) The Japs at Home, with numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1892 3s 6d Mr. Douglas Sladen visited Yokohama, Nagasaki, Kobe, Kioto, its palaces gardens, and temples, the rapids of Katsuragawa (in company with the Duke of Connaught's party), Nara and its great bronze image of Buddha, Tokio, &c. ?, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, 486 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 10361 Smith (George, D.D., Bp. of Victoria, Hong-Kong) Ten Weeks in Japan, map and 8 plates^ 8vo, cloth. 1861 6s The author visited Nagasaki and rural districts, Kanagawa, Yokohama, Yeddo and suburbs, and has chapt'-rs on the foreign le^^ations, Japanese government, the territorial princes, ceremonies, customs, religions, amusements, written language, and condition of the people ; also on the Loochoo Islands, visiied in 1850. 10362 Sporry (Hans) Das Stempelwesen in Japan, 2 plates and other illustrations J imperial 8vo, pp. 66. Zurich^ 1901 3s 10363 Die Verwendung des Bambus in Japan mit Botanischen Einleitung von Dr. O. Schroter, 8 plates and 100 figures, royal 8vo, pp. 212. Zurich, 1903 3s 6d 10364 Stead (Alfred) Japan, our New Ally, with preface by Marquis Ito, portraits, 12mo, cloth. 1902 3s Treats of the government, religion, charities, industries, commerce, military strength, naval power, police, &c. 10365 Steinmetz (Andrew) Japan and her People, with numerous illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1859 3s 6d Compiled from the works of Kaempfer, Siebold, Perry, Maofarlane, &c. 10366 Strange (E. F., Keeper of Prints, Yictoria and Albert Museum). Colour Prints of Japan, 4to, bound art canvas. 1904 Is 6d 10367 Takahashi (Sakuye) Cases on International Law during the Chino-Japanese War, with Preface by Prof. Holland, and Introduc- tion by Prof. Westlake, 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1899 7s 6d Ta vernier's Relation of Japan. See p. 22. 10368 Thunberg (C. P.) Travels in Europe, Asia, &c., 1770-79, with plates, 4 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1794-95 £1 Vols. I. and II., Travels in Denmark, Holland, France, &c. (1770-1), Voyage to the Cape (1772-5), Vols. III. and IV., Voyage and Travels in Japan (1775-6), to Java (1777), Ceylon (1777-8), and home (1778-9^ Chevalier Thunberg visited the Dutch Settlements at Dezima, Nagasaki, Yedo, &c.. in 1775-6. He gives account of the trade of the islands, a history of the country, its natural products, agriculture, government, laws, religion, festivals, food, weapons, &c. 10369 Tilley (H. A.) Japan, the Amoor, and the Pacific, 1858-60, 8 tinted plates, 8vo, cloth. 1861 5s The Cape, Batavia, Singapore, Manilla. Shanghai, Nagasaki, Hakodadi, Yeddo , Nicolaivsk (Amoor), San Francisco, Sandwich Islands, Tahiti, Eimeo, Strait of Magellan, BueciOS Ayres, &c.,were vibited. All the plates relate to Japan. 10370 Titsingh (M.) Illustrations of Japan, consisting of Private Memoirs and Anecdotes, and a Description of Feasts and Ceremonies, Life and Customs, from the French, by F. Shoberl, ivith 12 coloured plates hy Japanese artists, 4to, half-morocco. 1822 £2 12s 6d The plates include sketches of the volcanic eruption of Asama-ga-daki in July, 1783, residence of the Djogoun (Tycoon) at Yedo, the Dutch and Chinese factories, Japanese domestic interiors, and a double panorama of two funeral processions, containing 250 figures exhibiting male costumes of all degrees and stations. 10371 Annales des Empereurs du Japon, traduit par Titsingh, avec notes et I'Histoire Mythologique du Japon (O. T. Fund), 4to, cloth. 1834 13s 8S, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, Japan 487 10372 Tomkinson (Michael), A Japanese Collection made by, with articles by E. Gilbertson, A. H. Church, Gleeson White, W. Gow- land, Charles Holme, W. Anderson, and E. F. Strange, 147 full-page photogravures and coloured plates, 2 vols, royal 4to, half vellum (scarce). 1898 ^612 Only 175 copies were printed. 10373 Tristram (H. B., D.D.) Rambles in Japan, with 45 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. (R.T.S.), 1895 6s The interesting narrative of a tourist and naturalist, accompanied by his daughter, who spoke Jai)anese. 10374 Tronson (J. M., R.N.) Narrative of a Voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary, Coast of China, &c., in H.M.S. *' Barracouta" (1854-56), wit?i 5 charts and 10 plates {mostly tinted), 8vo, cloth. 1859 6s "An extremely interesting work We have to thank Tronson for setting forth Japan and the Japanese in such an attractive manner." — Athenceum. " Mr. Tronson is certainly among the happy class of travellers who have their eyes open, make friends with savages and with civilized people with equal facility, and wherever they go find something that is interesting, queer, or picturesque Some careful maps and extremely pretty sketches of the principal scenes described complete the interest of a most satisfactory book of tra\e\s"— Saturday Review. 10375 Troup (J.) Report of a Tour in Japan, June to July, 1870, pp. 4, and map, folio, sewed. (Pari. Paper), 1871 Is 6d 10376 Tour through Provinces of Japan, April and May, 1871, with rnap— Joxjii. R. Geog. Soo. 1872 (pp. 425-431), cloth 2s 6d Valentyn's Account of Japan, &c., 1724. See p. 23. 10377 [Varenius]. Bernhardi Vareni, M.D. Descriptio Regni Japoniae et Siam, &c. (reprinted from the Amsterdam edition, 1649), 12mo, calf. Cambridge, 1673 10s 6d Latin translation of things recorded about Japan, by Marco Polo, Linschoten, Giisbertz, Caron, and the Jesuits ; also Brevis Informatio de Diversis Gentium Beligionihud, and of Descriptio Regni Siam, by J. Schooten. See Caron above, p. 468. This work and the little vol. of Caron were issued in the time of Charles II. when an attempt was being made to reopen trade between England and Japan. See Appendix to Ksmpper, p. 477. Velasco (Don Rodrigo de Vivero y) Gov.-Gen. Philippines, wrecked on Coast of Japan and traversed the Country, 1609. See Coleman's Hindus (pp. 328, 342) above, p. 318. 10378 Vincent (Mrs. Howard) Newfoundland to Cochin China, with Commercial Reports, by Col. Howard Vincent, 12mo, cloth. 1892 2s 6d Including visits to Yokohama, Tokio, Nikko, Kioto, the Inland Sea, Nagasaki, &c 10379 Wales (Princes Albert Victor and George of) the Cruise of H.M.S. "Bacchante," 1879-82, compiled by Rev. J. N. Dalton, with nuips and illustrations, 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1886 10s 6d TenerifEe, West Indies, Bermudas, Vigo, Ferrol, St. Vincent, the Plate, Falklands, the Cape, Australia, Fiji, Japan, China, Straits Settlements, Ceylon, Egypt, Palestine, the Mediterranean. 83f High /Street, Marylehone, London, W. 488 Frcmcis Edwards^s Catalogue 10380 Watson (R. G.) Notes of a Journey in Yezo, 1873, with Account of the Ainos, &c. — Jour. R. G. Soo. (pp. 132-145), cloth. 1874 3s 10381 Watson (Gilbert) Three Rolling Stones in Japan, m^A ^Ao^o - illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1903 10s 10382 Wenckstern (Fr. von) A Bibliography of the Japanese Empire, being a Classified List of all Books, Essays, and Maps in European Languages relating to Japan, royal Svo, cloth. 1895 10s Includes a photo-litho reissue of the ' Bibliography of Jajmu ' of L§on Pag^s. 10383 Weppner (Miss Margaretha) The North Star and Southern Cross, Narrative of a Two Years' Journey Round the World, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1875 8s The authoress visited Yokohama and Yeddo in 1873. 10384 Weston (Rev. Walter) Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps, 2 ma'ps and 35 photo-illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1896 6s 6d The record of four years' holiday wanderings, with incidental remarks on earthquake?, Japanese customs, a chapter on " Possession " and " Exorcism," and appendices (1) Extracts on geolog)% minerals, archaeological remains, from a paper of Mr. Gowland ; (2) Notes on the Exorcism of Spirits in Korea by E. B. Landis, M.D., of Chemulpo. 10385 Exploration in the Japanese Alps, 1891-94, with illustra- tions and map— Geog. Jour., February, 1896 (Vol. VII. pp. 125-149) 2s Xavier (St. Francis) Introduction of Christianity to Japan. See Life of Xavier, India, p. 258 ; Jesuits, p. 476 ; Introduction to Perry's Expedition (Vol. I.) p. 482 ; Steinmetz, p. 486. 10386 Younghusband (Col. G. J.) On Short Leave to Japan, 12mo, cloth. 1894 4s 6d JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Anecdotes Japanoises, Moeurs, Usages, Coutumes, &c., 1774 — see Anecdotes Chinoises, in Supplement. 10387 Aston (W. G.) A History of Japanese Literature, edited by Edmund Gosse (Literatures of the World), 8vo, cloth. 1899 5s 10388 Brauns (David) Japanische M'archen und Sagen, Svo, boards. Leipzig, 1885 5s 10389 Brinkley (F.) Nanjio (F.) and Iwasaki (Y.) Japanese Dictionary, thick Svo, half-calf. 1896 £1 2s 6d The Chinese, Hiragana, and Koman letters are given. 10390 Brown (Rev. S. R.) Colloquial Japanese, English and Japanese, with Index serving as a Vocabulary, and an Introduction on the Grammatical Structure of the Language, Svo, half-mor. 1863 6s 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Japanese Language and Literature 489 Buddhist Texts from Japan, small 4to, sewed : — 10391 T. Vagrra^Medikd ; the Diamond-Cutter, edited by Max Miiller (Anecdota Oxon.). 1881 3s One of the most famous metaphysical treatises of the Mahdydna Buddhists. 10392 II. Sukhavati-Vyiiha : Description of Sukhdvatl, the Land of Bliss, edited by Max Miiller and Bunyiu Nanjio. 1883 6s With two appendices: (1) Text and Translation of Sawghavarman's Chinese Version of the Poetical Portions of the Sukh^vati-Vyiiha ; (2) Sanskrit Text of the Smaller Sukh^vati Vyfiha. The princeps of the Sacred Book of one of the largest and most influential sects of Buddhism, numbering more than ten millions of followers in Japan alone. 10393 III, The Ancient Palm Leaves containing the Prag'/l^-P^ramit^-HHdaya-Sutra and the Ushwtsha-Vi^aya-Dhftrawt. edited by Max Miiller and Bunyiu Nanjio, with appendix by Biihler, plates. 1884 8s 6d Contains facsimiles of the oldest Sanskrit MS. at present known. 10394 Dharma-Sawgraha, an Ancient Collection of Buddhist Technical Terms, by Kenjiu Kasawara, a Japanese Buddhist Priest, edited by Max Miiller and Wenzel. 1885 ' 68 10396 Chamberlain (B. H.) The Classical Poetry of the Japanese (Triibner's Oriental Series), 8vo, cloth. 1880 (scarce) 16s 10397 Aino Folk-Tales, with Introduction by Tylor (Folk-Lore Society, 1888), Svo, pp. viii-57. Privately printed Things Japanese, see p. 468. 10398 Chrysanthemum (The) and Phoenix : a Magazine for Japan and the Far East, Feb. and April, 1883, 4to, sewed. Yokohama 2s 10399 Dickins(F. y.)StoryofShiutenD6ji, from the Japanese, 4 double- page coloured plates (JouR. R. A. Soo.). 1885 3s 6d 10400 Chiusingura, or the Loyal League, from the Japanese, with 30 illustrations by native artists, printed on Japanese paper, royal 8vo, cloth. 1880 4s 6d 'Chiusingura' is one of the most popular romances of Japanese literature describing old-world manners and sentiments which have survived to our own time, but will very soon become obsolete. 10401 Douglas ([Sir] Robert Kennaway) Catalogue of Japanese Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the British Museum, 4to, cloth. 1898 £1 The largest and fullest catalogue of Japanese books ever printed in Europe, upwards of 5,000 in number. 10402 Edwards (Osman) Japanese Plays and Playfellows, with 12 coloured plates by Japanese Artists, 8vo, cloth. 1901 5s 10403 Gospel Picture Book, text in Japanese, small 4to, cloth. 1896 (S.P.C.K.) 2s 10404 Greey (E.) and Saito (S.) The Loyal Renins : an Historical Romance, by Tamenaga Shunsi, illustrated by a Japanese artist, small 4to, half-calf. 1884 10s G. A. Bala's copy, with translator's autograph inscription. 8Sf High Street^ MaryUhone, London, W. 490 Francis Edwa/rds's Catalogue 10405 Gubbins (J. H.) Dictionary of Chinese- Japanese Words in the Japanese Languages, 3 vols, 12mo, cloth. Tokio, 1889-91 £1 Is 10406 Another copy, 3 vols, in 1, calf extra, gilt edges £1 4s 10407 Hepburn (J. C.) Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary, 5th edition, royal 8vo, half-morocco. 1894 £1 IDs 10408 Japanese and English Dictionary, pocket edition, 12mo, cloth 9s 10409 Lan gegg (F. A. Junker) Japanische Thee-Geschichten ; Fu- So Cha-wa, 8vo, boards. Vienna, 1884 4s German translation of Japanese tales told over the tea-table. Herr Junker introduces the collection with an account of the history of tea in Japan, etiquette of tea parties, &c. 10410 Mitford (A. B.) Tales of Old Japan, with upwards of 30 illus- trations by Japanese artists, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1871 {scarce) £1 12s "Love, revenge, 'the happy despatch,' adventure by land and sea, quaint fairy tales, Buddhist sermons quainter still — in a word, the whole picturesque life of Old Japan— these are the things which Mr. Mitford gives us ; and he gives them in a style that renders them doubly attractive."— B. H. Chamberlain. 10411 Tales of Old Japan, 1 vol. 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d Reed (Sir E. J.) Chapter. on Japanese Language and Literature; also Remarks by Capt. Brinkley on Japanese Writing and by Hyde Clarke on Relation of the Japanese and West African Tongues, with Comparative Table of Words. See Reed's Japan (Vol. II. pp. 48- 79, 331-337), p. 483. 10412 Riordan (Roger) and Tozo Takayanagi. Sunrise Stories : a Glance at the Literature of Japan, 12mo, cloth. 1896 3s 6d A collection of twenty tales, myths, and legends from the writers of Japan. 10413 Rosny (Prof. Leon de) Catalogue de la Biblioth^que Japonaise de Nordenskiold (Bibliotheque Royale de Stockholm), imp. 8vo, sewed. PariSy 1883 7s 6d LOO CHOO ISLANDS. 10414 Beechey (Admiral) Narrative of a Yoyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait in H.M.S. ** Blossom," 1825-28, with chart and plates, 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to, half-calf. 1831 £1 13s Kamchatka was visited in June, 1826 and July, 1827, and Loo Choo, May, 1827, An account of excursions in these islands, and observations on the people, their laws, money, weapons, manufactures, trade, with a history of the kingdom, is contained in chap, xviii. (pp. 451-512), and illustrated by five steel plates. Benyowsky (Count) Stranding of his Vessel on One of the Lequeio Islands (Usmay Ligon), August, 1771, landing of the Ship's Com- pany, and Treaty made with the People to settle there after his return from Europe. See Benyowsky 's Memoirs (Vol. 11. pp. 1-22), Siberia, above, p. 451. 83j High Sl/reet^ MaryUhone, London^ W. Loo Ghoo Islaoids 491 Bowman (J. J. R.) Narrative of Facts attending the Wreck of th^ "Indian Oak," R. Granger, Master, on the Loochoo Islands, 14 Au- gust, 1840— Bengal Asiatic Jouk., 1840, Vol. IX. pp. 916-923. Brodghton (Capt.) Visit to Loo Choo in 1797, with an Account of the Natives. See his Voyage, and an Insu Vocabulary. Brunton's Visit to the Loo Choo Islands — Trans. Asiatic Soc. Japan, IV. 1875-76. 10415 Chamberlain (B. H.) Luchuan Grammar and Dictionary — see Asiatic See. Japan, Vol. XXIII., Supplement 6s 10416 Manners and Customs of the Loochooans — ibid. Vol. XXI. 5s 10417 Contributions to a Bibliography of Luchu — Trans. Asiatic Soc. Japan, 1896, Vol. XXIV. pp. 1-11 5s Dickson (W. G.) Notes on Liukiu, see Japan, p. 470. 10418 Furness (Dr. W. H.) Life in the Luchu Islands, illustrated, 8vo, pp. 28. Philadelphia, 1899 2s 6d Bull. Sci. and Art, Penn., Jan., 1899. Gaubil (P^re) Account of the Loo-choo Islands in 1719, from the Report of a Chinese Ambassador. See ' Lettres ;6difiantes * (Vol. XXIII.), p. 12 ; GuiLLEMARD and M'Leod, below. 10419 Guillemard (F. H. H.) Cruise of the "Marchesa"to Kam- schatka and New Guinea, with Notices of Formosa, Liu Kiu, &c., maps and engravings, 2 vols, royal 8vo, half-morocco. 1886 £2 7s 6d The work contains two interesting chapters on the Liu Kiu islands and their capital Shiuri, visited July, 1883, a privilege previously denied to foreigners ; also an appendix of notes of general interest on these islands, including their history, by Father Gaubil, from the 'Lettres Edifiantes,' Vol. XXIII. 10420 Another edition, illustrated, 1 vol. royal 8 vo, cloth. 1889 9s See Note, p. 454. GUTZLAFF and others. Visits to Loochoo— Davis, Sketches of China, 1841 (pp. 19-26), see p. 382. 10421 Hall (Capt. Basil) Account of a Voyage to the West Coast of Corea and Great Loo-Choo Island, with Vocabulary of the Loo- Choo Language, by Lieut. H. J. Clifford, with 6 cliarts and 9 steel plates coloured in imitation of the original draivings, 4to, half- morocco. 1818 14s Contains a full and interesting account of Loo-choo and its inliabitant-. Capt. Hall surveyed the island in the "Lyra" (September and October, 1816), when Lord Amherst went as English Ambassador to China. See also M'Leod, and Korea, 1». 427. 10422 Halloran (A. L.) Eight Months' Journal kept during Visits to Loochoo, Japan, and Pootoo, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1856 3.^ 6d 10423 M'Leod (John) Voyage of H.M.S. " Alceste" along the Coast of Corea to the Island of Lewchew, with Account of her Subse- quent Shipwreck, portrait and 5 coloured plates, 8vo, half-calf, gilt. 1818 5s Contains a very interepting account of the Lewchewans in 1816, and the substance of the Report upon the Islands by a Chinese Ambassador in 1719, from the 'Lettres Edifiantes.' See Koeea, p. 428. 83j High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 492 Francis Edwcvrds^s Catalogue Perry (Commodore) Visits of U.S. Japan Expedition to LewcheXv Islands, 1853-54, with Exploration of Great Lewchew, Account of the Inhabitants, their Language, Manufactures, Arts, Government, &c. See Perry's Narrative (chaps, vii. viii. ix. xi. xv. xvii. xxv.). 4to edition, wifh 2 charts, 20 plates, and 23 luood engravings ; 8vo edition, with 3 charts. See p. 482. The second volume of Perry's Japan, 4to, contains five large charts and the following Reports of Lew Chew : — Agriculture of Lew Chew, by J. Morrow, M.D. Medical Topography and Agriculture of Lew Chew, by D. S. Green, Surgeon. Botany, Ethnography, See, of Lew Chew, by Charles F. Fahs, Assist Surgeon. Geological Exploration of Lew Chew, by Rev. George Jonee, Ciiaplain. Exploration of Great Lew Chew, by Rev. George Jones. SiEBOLD (Von) Description of the Liukiu Is. See p. 485. Smith (Bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong) Loochoo and the Islanders, visited in H.M.S. " Eeynard," 1850. See Japan, p. 486. FORMOSA. 10424 Allen (H. J.) Notes of a Journey fromTamsui to Taiwanfu, 1875 ; Bullock (T. L.) Trip into the Interior of Formosa, 1873— Proc. E. G. See, 1877 (Vol. XXI., pp. 258-272). 2s 10425 Bax (Capt. B. W., R.N.) The Eastern Seas, Voyage of H.M.S. "Dwarf" in China, Japan, and Formosa (1871-4), map and illus- trations, 8vo, cloth. 1875 3s 6d Contains an account of the Japanese expedition to Formosa, a history and map of the island, a visit to the savage tribes in the interior, &c. 10426 Beazeley (M.) Notes of an Overland Journey through the Southern Part of Formosa, 1875, with an Introductory Sketch of the Island, map— Proc. R. G. See, January, 1885 (pp. 1-23) 2s 6d Benyowsky (Count) Visit to Formosa, August and September, 1771, with Account of the Island, Natives, and Plan for a European Colony there. See Benyowsky's Memoixs, with a plate (Vol. II. pp. 24-70), Siberia, p. 451. 10427 Campbell (Wm.) Presbyterian Missionary. An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, published in London in 1650, and now reprinted with copious Appendices, map and 6 illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1889 10s Th« appendices include notes of recent Mission Work, First Impressions, the Out-stations, the Sek-hoan, the Japanese trouble, visit to the Ka-le, Interruption from the French, Pioneering on the Pescadore Islands, &c. 10428 The Articles of Christian Instruction in Favorlang- Formosan, Dutch, and English, from Vertrecht's MS., 1650, &c. 1896 Contains also the Lord's Prayer in the Sekhoan dialect of to-day ; Psalmanaazar's dialogue between a Japanese and a Formosan. and Happart's Favorlang Vocabulary. 10429 Formosa under the Dutch, described from Contemporary Records, with Explanatory Notes and Bibliography, 8vo, cloth. 1903 10s 6d Candidus (George) Dutch Missionary. Account of the Island of Formosa, during 16 Years' Residence (1626-42). See Churchill's Collection Vol. I. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Formosa 493 10430 Collingwood (Dr.) A Naturalist's Kambles in the China Seas, Formosa, Borneo, &c., 1866-7, 8vo, cloth. 1868 7s 6d Contains several chap'ers on the Aboriginal and Nativn Races of Formos'i (with two vocabularies), Uutcli occupation, visits to the inferior, geology, cuttlefish, land-crnbs. leaping-fi^hes, water-buffaloes, birds, sulphur springs ; also on the Pescadores and other coast islands. 10431 Colquhoun (A. R.) Physical Geography and Trade of Formosa, map — ManchesterGeog. Jour., November, 1887, pp. 226-238 ls6d 10432 Davidson (James, U.S. Consul) The Island of Formosa, its History, People, Resources and Commercial Prospects, 2 maps, 3 coloured, and 168 photo-illustrations, 738 pp. 4to, cloth. 1903 £1 The best comprehensive work on the island being the result of eight years' observations, inquiry, and resparch, including chapters oh tea, cimphor, sugar, gold, coal, economic plants and other products, climate, birds, mammals, and vocabularies of the nine savage groups. GuiLLEMARD (F. H. H.) Cruise of the " Marchesa " to Kamschatka and New Guinea, with Notices of Formosa, Liukiu, &c. See p. 491. The " Marchesa," Capt. Kettlewell, visited the E. Coast and Kelung harbour, Formosa, in June, 1882. Dr. Guillemard has some observations and notes on the peculiarities of its avifauna, products, climate, harbours, &c. Hamilton (Capt. Alex.) Account of Formosa, &c. 1688-1723. See p. 9. 10433 Imbault-Huart (Camille) L'lle Formose : Histoire et Descrip- tion, avec Introduction Bibliographique par Henri Cordier, maps, plans, views, &c., 4to, cloth. 1893 .£1 8s This work was " crowned " by the Geographical Society of Paris. Kao, a Chinese Description of Formosa. See Harris's Voyages (Vol. XL), p. 9. 10434 Kopsch (Henry) Notes on the Eivers in Northern Formosa — Proc. R. G. Soc, 1870, Vol. XIV. pp. 79-83 Is 6d 10435 Lacouperie (Terriende) Formosa Notes on MSS., Languages, and Races, facsimiles, 8vo, sewed. Hertford, 1887 8s 10436 Mackay (G. Leslie) From Far Formosa; its People and Mis- sions, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1895 6s 10437 Man (Col. Alex.) Formosa and its Romantic History — Asiatic Quarterly, July, 1892, pp. 56-73 2s 6d Mandelslo's Account of the Island Formosa, its Inhabitants, Cus- toms, &c., 1639. See Mandelslo's Travels, 1662 (Part II. pp. 205- 214). 10438 Gospel of St. Matthew in Formosan (Sinkang Dialect), with versions in Dutch and English, edited from Gravius's edition, 1661, by Rev. Wm. Campbell, small 4to, cloth. 1888 6s NiEUHOFF (John) The Island of Formosa, the Natives, their Govern- ment, &c., 1662. See Java, p. 525. 83, High Street^ Marylebone, London, IF, 494 Francis Edivards^s Catalogue Perry (Commodore) Visit of the " Macedonian " to Kelung, For- mosa, June, 1853, with a chart. See U.S. Expedition to Japan, 1856 (4to, pp. 498-501 ; 8vo, pp. 574-578, and chart). Vol. II., 4to, contains large chart and Eeports on Coal Regions of Formosa Island, by Rev. George Jones, Chaplain, p. 482, 10439 Pickering (W. A.) Pioneering in Formosa : Adventures among Mandarins, Wreckers, and Head-Hunting Savages, with 25 photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 5s The best recent account of Formosa, including description of the physical features and history of the island, with appendix on British policy and interests in China and the Far East. Mr. Pickering was for many years in the Chinese Maritime Customs. 10440 Psalmanaazaar (George) Historical and Geographical Descrip- tion of Formosa ; Religion, Manners, and Customs of the Inhabi- tants, the Author's Travels and Conversion, first edition, 16 plates, 8vo, calf. 1704 12s 10441 Formosa, second edition, with additions, and a Vindication, map and 17 plates, 12mo, half-calf. 1705 12s This fictitious narrative, written by Ppalmanaazaar in Latin and translatfd for him into English, is said to have been partly compiled from Candidus. See p. 492. The author, whose real name is uiiknown, contributed a true account of Formosa to the ' Complete System of Geography,' published in 1747. 10442 Memoirs of ****, commonly known by the Name of George Psalmanazar, a reputed Native of Formosa, by Himself, portrait, 8vo, calf. 1765 10s ReTiAtion de la Prise de I'lsle Formosa par le Chinois, Juillet, 1661, traduite de I'Hollandois — Thevenot's Collection (Vol. I.), p. 502. Shore (H. M.) Jottingsin Formosa, &c. See China, p. 406. 10443 Stanford's Map of Formosa, transferred from the Admiralty Chart, with Additions by Consul Hosie, 24 by 27. [1895 ?] 3s 10444 Swinhoe (Consul R.) Notes on the Island of Formosa; its Phygical Features, Products, &c. (1861), wiap— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1864, Vol. XXXIV. pp. 6-18, cloth 5s 10445 Thomson (John) Notes of a Journey in Southern Formosa, 1871, map— Jour. R. Geog. Soc, 1873, Vol. XLIII. pp. 97-107, cloth 2s 6d Description of Formosa, including a Visit to the Interior, with Illustrations and Vocabularies of the Aboriginal Dialects. See Thomson's Malacca, Indo-China, China, &c. (pp. 300-344 ; Appendix, pp. 539-544), p. 513. Valentyn (Fr.) Beschry vinge van Tayoun of Formosa en van den Handel en Vaart der Niederlanders of Tsjina. See Oud-en-Oost Indes, 1726 (Vol. rv. pp. 33-94), p. 23. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London. TT. Francis Edwards's Catalogue 495 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Including THE SOOLOO GROUP. Geography, History, Aborigines, Language, Commerce, &c. Adams (Arthur) Notes on the Natural History of the Philippines. See Belcher's Voyage of the " Samarang," 1848 (Vol. IT.), p. 529. 10446 "Admiral Trowbridge," Piratical Seizure of the, by part of her Crew at the Island of Sooloo, August 21, 1807, folding plate, 12mo, half-bound 4s Amherst (Lord) Visit to Manilla, February, 1817. See references, p. 371. 10447 Argensola (Bartolome Leonardo de) Conquista de las Islas Malucas, engraved title, folio, vellum. Madrid, 1600 £2 10s A history of the Portuguese and Spaniards in the Moluccas and the Philippine Islands, from the time of their discovery by the various expeditions during the reigns of Charles V. and Philip II. 10448 Bancroft (H. H.) The New Pacific, with Chapters on the Con- quest of the Philippines, their Inhabitants, Commerce, &c., 8vo, cloth. 1900 9s Beloher (Sir E.) Visit to Manila, Mindoro, Sooloo, &c., 1843-45. See Voyage of the " Samarang," p. 529 ; Marryat's Borneo, p. 534. 10449 Bowring (Sir- John) A Visit to the Philippine Islands in 1858-59, with 7 coloured views and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1859 9s With chapters on the history, geography, population, government, manners and superstitions of the people, their languages, proverbs, native produce, animals, minerals, commerce, finance, taxes, &c. 10450 Another copy, half -morocco. 12s " Sir John Bowring's descriptions of his Kojourn at Manila, and of his various excursions through the picturesque hills and valleys of the tropic archipelago, form about the most readable volume that came from his prolific pen.''—Athenceum. 10451 Brandstetter (Dr. R.) Tagalen und Madagassen (Malayo- Polynesische Forschungen), royal 8vo, sewed. 1902 2s 6d 10452 Burney (Admiral) Chronological History of Voyages and Discoveries in the South or Pacific Ocean, 5 vols, royal 4to, calf, gilt. 1803-17 £7 10s A complete collection of voyages to the Pacific Ocean, from its discovery to the time of Anson (1744), including the voyages of Magellan, when the Philippines were discovered (1521), Lopez de Villalobos (1542), Lopez de Gaspi (1564), Swan and Dampier (1686), with chapters on the Dutch in Formosa, Accounts of the Ladrone and Pelew Islands. 10453 Campbell (Lord George) Log Letters of H.M.S. "Challenger," ivith chart, showing deep sea deposits, 8vo, cloth. 1876 5s The visits to the Philippine group are recorded on pp. 215-245. See also " Challewqer," Moseley, and Wild. 83, High Street, Marylebo7ie, Lo7idon, W. T 2 .496 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 10454 Careri (Dr. J. F. Gemelli) Yoyage round the World, trans- lated from the Italian (Churchill's Collection), folio, calf. 1707 £1 Dr. Gremelli Careri travelled through Turkey, Persia, and India, to Macao, Canton, Nanking, and Peking ; from Macao to Manila, thence to Mexico, Havana, and Cadiz. He spent five months in Manila (May to September, 1697). He describes Manila and its suburbs, the adjacent islands, their discovery, conquest, wealth, trade, climate, langua-^e, characters and customs of the people, their government, &c., beasts, birds, fishes, Splints, fruits, &c. Certain K.C. missionaries informed him of a tribe of men with tails, to be found in the island Mindoro. Carrillo (L'Amirante D. Hieronitno de Baiivelosy) Relation des lies Philipines, 1637 ; Relation et Memorial de I'Estat des Isles Philipines et des Isles Moluques ; Memoire pour le Commerce des lies Philipines, par D. Juan Grau y Montfalcon (pp. 40) ; Rela- tion des Isles Philipines, faite par un Religieux qui y a demeure 18 ans (Mexique, 1638) ; Relation de la Grande Isle de Mindanao, et de la Conqueste qu'en ont fait les Espagnols, par D. Marcello Francisco Mastrillo, 1637 (pp. 16). Traduite de I'Espagnol — Theyenot's Collection (Vol. I.), p. 502. 10455 " Challenger " Expedition— Report of the Scientific Results of the Voyage, 1873-76, under the Command of Capt. Sir George Nares and Capt. F. T. Thomson, prepared under the superinten- dance of Sir C. Wyville Thomson and Sir John Murray, complete set, with over 3,^00 chromo-litho plates, engravings, maps, and charts, 50 vols. 4to, cloth. 1880-95 (pub. ^eiOO net) £58 Narrative op the Cruise, with General Account of the Scientific Results ; also Magnetical and Meteorological Reports, 2 vols, in 3 parts. Botany. By W. B. Hemsley, 1 vol. Marine Diatomace^. By Conte Castracane, 1 vol. Report on Deep- Sea Deposits. By Drs. Murray and Renard, 1 vol. Physics, Chemistry, Petrology. By Various Writers, 2 vols. Zoology, iucludiug Whales, Turtles, Corals, Birds, Fishes, Hydrozoa, Fora- minifera, Radiolaria, Crustacea, Molluscs, Polyzoa, &c. By Numerous Writers, 42 vols. Separate volumes may be ordered. 10455b Narrative of the Cruise of H.M.S. " Challenger," 1873-76, vs^ith a Report of the Scientific Results of the Expedition, by Staff- Commander T. H. Tizard, Prof. H. N. Moseley, J. Y. Buchanan, and [Sir] John Murray, illustrated with 14 chromo-lithographs, 35 photo-plates, 44 charts, and nearly 400 woodcuts, 2 vols, in 3, royal 4to, cloth. 1885 (separately) £4 Proceeding by way of the Atlantic and Atlantic Islands the "Challenger" crossed the Southern Ocean, visiting Mari«m, Crozet, Kerguelen, and Heard Islands, a,nd the Antarctic Regions to Melbourne. Thence the vovage was continued to Sydney, Br sbane, Wt-llington, the Kermadec, Tonga, aud Fij' Islands, New Hebrides, Cape York, Arrou, Ki, Banda, and Molucca Islands. Philipi>ines, and Hong-Kong. Keturning to Manila the vessel next visited New Guinea (Humboldt Bay) and the Admiralty Islands ; thence she took her course to Japan, Sandwich Islands, Tahiti, and Coral Rnefs, Juan Fernandez, Valparaiso, and homeward through the Straits of Magellan, calling at the Falkland Islands, Monte Video, &c. The " Challenger" was at Zamboanga (Mindanao), Ho Ho (Panay), and Manila, from October 23 to Noveml)er 11, 1874; and at Zebu, Camiguin, Zamboanga (second visit), from January 18 to February 5, 1875. See also Campbell, p. 495 ; Moseley, p. 542 ; and Wild, p. 543. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Philippine IsUmds 497 10456 Colquhoun (Ethel) Two on their Travels, 8 colmired^ 16 full-page and other sketches by the Authoress, 8vo, cl. 1902 4s Contains some interesting chapters on the Sulu Archipelago, the Philippine Islands, Borneo, Japan, &o., visited in company with Mr. Archibald Colquhoun. 10457 Comyn (Thomas de) State of the Philippine Islands (1820), from the Spanish, by W. Walton, Svo, boards. 1821 10s 10458 Crampon (Consul) Le Commerce des lies Philippines, 1 Juin, 1883— Bull. Indo-Chinoise, 1890, pp. 278-93 2s 6d 10459 Crawfurd (John) Descriptive Dictionary of Indian Islands and Adjacent Countries, map, 8vo, cloth. 1856 8s 6d Batangas (Balayan), Bisaya, Bohol, Bulacan, Cagayan, Calamianes, Camarines, Cara'ga, Cavite, Cebu, Cuyo.s, Juan (San) Legaspi, Leyte, Luzon (pp. 222-31), Mactan, Magellan, Manila, Mindano, Mindoro, Palawan, Panay, Philippine Archipelago ; geography, zoology, vegetable products, climate, inhabitants, agriculture, arts, manufactures, trade, government, revenue, religion, history, &c. (pp. 336-52), Samar, &c. Sooloo Islands — ibid., pp. 406-8. 10460 Cunningham (Alfred) The Chinese Soldier-, and other Sketches, with Account of the Insurrectos at Malabon, Capture of Manila, Letter of Aguinaldo, portraits, &c., 8vo, bound cloth, Chinese style. Hong Kong [1900] 4s 6d 10461 D'A[almeida] (Anna) A Lady's Visit to Manilla and Japan, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1863 6s 6d Narrative of a voyage from Singapore to China, thence to Manilla and Japan (in continuation of her husband, W. Barrington D'Almeida's 'Java'). Written in a lively, agreeable style, and containing varied information. Dalrymple (Alex.) Account of the Pearl Fishery, and Some Natural Curiosities at Sooloo (24 pp.) — Collection of Voyages to S. Pacific Ocean Vol. I. 1770. 10462 Dampier. A Collection of Voyages by Dampier, Funnell, Wafer, Davis, Cowley, Sharp, Wood, &c., illustrated with maps and copperplate engravings, fine copy, 4 vols. Svo, calf gilt. 1729 £Q Vol. L Ddmpier's Voyage Bound the World (1679-88-90-91), describing the West India, Ladrone, Philippine, New Holland, Sumatra, Nicobar Islands, &c. Vol. II. Description of Tonquin, Achin, Malacca (1688 90), Tvs^o Voyages to Cam- peachy, Yucatan, &;c. (1675-76) ; Discourse of the Winds, Tides, Currents, and Account of Natal. Vol. III. Voyage to New Holland (1699-1700), Timor, Banda, New Guinea, New Britain, Ceram, Java ; Wafer's Voyage to the Isthmus of America (1679-87) ; Davis's Expedition to S. America Gold Mines (1702). Vol. IV. Dampier's Voyage to Chili, Peru, Mexico, Guam, New Guinea, A mboy na, &c. (1703-6), by W. Funnell; Capt. Cowley's Voyage Round the Globe. Capt. Sharp's Journey to Darien and Expedition to the South Seas ; Capt. Wood's Voyage to the Straits of Magellan. Mr. Roberts's Adventures in the Levant, Capt. Dampier visited Mindanao and other Philippine Islands between June, 1686, and Feb.. 1687, Pulo Condore, St. John, S. Coast of China, Pescadores, Bashee Islands, Celeoes, Bouton, New Holland (Jan. to March, 1688), Cocos Islands, Sumatra, Nicobar Islands (May, 1688), Achin, Malacca, Bencoolen, Cape of Good Hope, &c. Account of the Philippine Islands— Pinkerton's Voyages (Vol. XI. pp. 1-65), p 17. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 498 Framxiis Edwards^ s Catalogue 10463 De Morga (Antonio de) The Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China (1609), translated from the Spanish by Lord Stanley of Alderley for the Hakluyt Society, with portrait of Le Gaspi, Conqueror of the Philippines, 8vo, cloth. 1868 £2 Translation of ' Sucesos de las Islas Philipinas,' originally printed in Mexico, 1609, with Notes and Appendices on subsequent history, and Luis Vaez de Torres' Letter on Fernandez de Quiros' discoveries and his own Passage through Torres Straits (1606), dated Manila, July 12, 16J7, recaived Madrid, June 22, 1608. Elgin (Lord) Voyage to the Philippines, 1857, with Account of the Population and Trade of Manila. See Oliphant, p. 481. 10464 Ellis (Henry T., R.N.) Tour from Hong Kong to ManiUa, and the Lakes of Luzon, 1856, 14 illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1859 6s 10465 Faust (Karl Irving) Campaigning in the Philippines, maps and illustrations, 4to. San Francisco, 1900 12s 10466 Foreman (John) The Philippine Islands ; a Historical, Geogra- phical, Ethnographical, Social, and Commercial Sketch, map, 8vo, cloth. Hong Kong, 1890 . 10s Including descriptions of the Sulu, Lad rone, Caroline, and Pelew Groups, their history, inhabitants, &c. 10467 Second edition, revised and enlarged, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 16s 10468 Forrest (Capt. Thomas) A Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, including an Account of Magindano, Sooloo, and other Islands, in the ** Tartar" Galley, 1774-76; to which is added a Vocabulary of the Magindano Tongue, 32 cimrts and views, 4to, half-russia. 1779 18s Account of the Island Magindano (Mindanao), its people and government, and of the Island of Bunwoot, granted to the English 1775, with views and a vocabulary, trade of the Sooloo Group, &c. Alexander Dairy mple accompanied this expedition. 10469 Gentil (Le Chevalier J.-B.-J.) Voyage dans les Mers de I'lnde k, r Occasion du Passage de Venus sur le Disque de Soleil, le 6 Juin, 1761, et le 3 du meme mois, 1769, 27 folding plates and charts, 2 vols. 4to, calf {fine copy). Paris, 1779-81 £\ 5s In addition to the scientific details for which the voyage was undertaken, the first volume treats of the manners, customs, and religion or the people of the Mala- bar Coast and of the astronomy of the Brahmins. The second volume contains elaborate accounts of the Philippine Islands, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Bourbon and their inhabitants, including views and charts of the Philippines. The author gives details of the Islands, their clirnate, volcanoes, fertility, fruits, birds, animals, peoples, language, history, and description of Manila, the government, ecclesiastical and civil, commerce, &c. 10470 Nouveau Voyage au Tour du Monde par M. [La Barbi- nais] le Gentil, enrichi de plans, vues, &c„ des principal Villes et Ports du Perou, Chily, Br^sil, et de la Chine, avec une Descrip- tion de I'Empire de la Chine, 3 vols, in 2, 12mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1728 10s The Marian (or Ladrone) and Philippines (Manila) were visited April, May, and June, 1716. S3, High /Street, Marylebone, London^ W. Philippine Islands 499 10471 Gironiere (Paul de la) Twenty Years in the Philippines (1820- 40), with Statistics, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. [1854] 3s Sporting adventures with alligators, buffalo, boar, stag, and monkey shooting. 10472 Aventures d'un Gentilhomme Breton aux lies Philippines, avec un aper^u sur la Geologic et Sol, Habitants, Minerals, Vegetals, Animals, Agriculture, Industrie, et Commerce, illustrated, royal 8vo, half-bound. Paris, 1857 10s GuiGNEs (M. de) Observations on the Philippines. See China, p. 388, and Pinkerton's Voyages (Vol. XI. pp. 66-95), p. 17. 10473 Jagor (F ) Travels in the Philippines, 1859-60, translated from the Spanish, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1875 14s A standard work of great research, including chapters on Spanish Colonial policy, geography, population, dialects, voyages of the galleons, trade with China, &:c 10474 Karuth (Frank) A new Centre of Gold Production: Notes on the Philippine Islands, 8vo, pp. 25. 1894 2s KoTZEBDE (Admiral) Voyage to the South Sea, Behring'.s Strait, the Ladrone and Philippine Islands, 1815-18, with Account of the Philippines by Chamisso ; Second Visit to Manila, Nov. and Dec, 1825, with Account of grand procession on receipt of the King of Spain's portrait, 6th Dec. See Siberia, p. 455. 10475 Lala (R. R.) The Philippine Islands, maps, pwiraits, and illustrations, 4to. New York, 1899 10s Laplace (Capt.) Visit of the "Favorite" to Manila, September and October, 1830, with Description of Luzon, its Government and Inhabitants, ivith 10 plates. See La Place's Voyage (Vol. II. pp. 353-470, and Atlas), p. 508. 10476 MacMicking (Robert) Recollections of Manila and Philippines, during 1848-50, 12mo, cloth. 1851 6s 10477 Magellan's First Voyage Round the V^Torld, and Discovery of the Archipelago of St. Lazarus (Philippine Islands), Visit to Samar, Mindanao, Sebu, March and April, 1521, and Death at Matan, edited by Lord Stanley of Alderley {Hakluyt Soc), 8vo, cloth. 1874 15s This edition includes Pigafetta's account, the log of the pilot Alvo, introduc- tion and valuable notes, facsimile plates, portrait, &c. For other works on Magellan, see Daleymple's, Harris's, PrEvost's Burney's, Pinkerton's and Kerr's Collections. 10478 [Marion (Nicholas Thomas)] Nouveau Voyage a la Mer du Sud, commence sous les ordres de M. Marion du Fresne et acheve, apr^s la Mort de cet Officier, sous ceuxde M. le Chev. Duclesmeur. Cette Relation a ete redigee d'apres les Plans et Journaux de M. Crozet. Ou ft Joint a ce Voyage un Etrait de Celui de M. de Surville, 7 plates, 12mo, calf. Paris, 1783 (rare), £3 10s 10479 English Translation, Crozet's Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand, the Ladrone Islands, and the Philippines, translated by H. Ling Roth, with preface, &c., by J. R. Boose, introduction, chart and 9 plates, and 21 figures in the text, 8vo, cloth, 1891 {only 500 copies printed). 7s 6d This expedition was at Manila from Nov., 1772, to March, 1773. 8S^ High Street^ Marylebone, London, W. 500 Francis Edwards's Catalogue Meares's Passage of the "Felice," and ** Iphigenia," Capt. Wm. Douglass, through the Philippines (with coast views), January and February, 1788, with account of the Islands. See Meares's Voyages, 1790 (pp. 11-73), China, p. 397. 10480 Meyer (Dr. A. B.) [with A. Schadenherg] Album der Philippinen Typen, ivith 50 plates, containing upwards of 600 figures, 4to, boards. Dresden, 1891 £1 10s 10481 The Distribution of the Negritos in the Philippine Islands and Elsewhere, translated by Miss C. S. Fox, Svo, pp. 104 5s 10482 Ueber die Negritos der Philippinen (Natuurkundig Tijdschriffc, Batavia, 1873), Svo, pp. 12 Is 6d Navarette (Fray) Account of the Empire of China, Visits to the Philippines, Residence of Manila, Missions to Mindora, &c., 1648-57 (from Churchill's Collection, Vol. I.), folio, calf. 12s 10484 Navarrete (Don M. Fernandez de) Coleccion de los Yiages y Descubrimentos que Hicieron par Mar los Espanoles desde fines del Siglo XV., con varies Documentos, mappi, 5 vols.,8vo, half- morocco. Madrid, 1829-59 £2 10s Vols. I.-II.— Columbus, Kelations, Letters, Documents, referring to his Four Voyages, 1858-59. III.— Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci, Pascual da Andagoya, &c. 1829. IV.— Expediciones al Maluco, Viage de Magallanes, y de el Cano. 1837. v.— Viage de Garcia de Loaisa, y de Alvaro de Saavedra. 1837. Oliphant (Laurence) Visit to Manila in H.M.S. "Furious," Capt. Sherard Osborn, November and December, 1857. See Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, p. 481 10485 Pages (Capt. de) Voyages autour du Monde et vers les Deux Poles par Terre et par Mer, 1767-76, charts, 2 vols. Svo, calf. Paris, 1782 14s 10486 English Translation, maps, 2 vols., Svo, half-calf. 10s 6d Voyage to West Indies, New Orleans, Mexico, Acapulco. to the Ladrone atid Philippine Islands, Java, Surat, Persian Gulf, through Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean, Marseilles, &c., 1767-71 ; Voyage to Cape of Good Hope, Isle of France, Kerguelen Island, Madagascar, &c., 1773-4 ; Travel to Arctic Regions. 1776. Captain de Pages who spent eight months in the Philippines (June, 1768 to March, 1769), gives a very interesting account of the islands, the inhabitants, their customs, dress, products, trade, &o. Palgrave (W. Gifford) A Study of Malay Life in the Philippines. See ' Ulysses,' p. 29. P^ROUSE (La) Visit to Cavite and Manila, February and March, 1787, with Account of the Islands, Population, &c., ivithlarge views. See La P^rouse's Voyage (2 vols. 4to, 1799, Vol. I. pp. 500-22 ; Atlas, plates 41, 42, 58), p. 457. 10487 Report of the Philippine Commission to the President U.S., numerous illustrations, maps, and diagrams, 4 vols., royal Svo, cloth. Washington, 1900-1 This work contains a mass of material on the history and government of the islands, and of evidence taken by the Commission on the state of the people. To this is added valuable geographical, statistical, and scientific information, including .observations on meteorology, particularly of typhoons, translated from ' El Archipi^lago Filipino,' a work recently compiled by the Jesuit missionaries, also printed by the Washington Government. 83, High Sl/reet, Ma/rylebone, London, W. Philippine Islands 501 10489 Philippine Islands (The), 1493-1803, Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and their Peoples, their History, Records of the Catholic Missions as related in con- temporaneous books and manuscripts, translated from Spanish, French, Italian, Latin, &c.. Edited and Annotated by Miss EmmaH. Blair, and J. Alex. Robertson, with Historical Introduction and Notes by Prof. E. Gaylord Bourne, and Contributions by other scholars and bibliographers, illustrated with facsimiles of manu- scripts, maps, portraits, and views. Cleveland, Ohio *:^* To be printed in a large type in 55 Svo vols, issued monthly from January, 1904, each volume averaging 325 pages, cloth, top edges gilt, one thousand sets only for subscribers, each volume numbered and signed, price per vol. net 16s A work which should find a place in all great libraries. The history, ethnology. languages, folk-lore, religion of this important group of islands will be treated comprehensively and in detail. A bibliography and bibliographical information, recording the present location and prices of rare works, will be added, as well as an analytical index, rendering the whole of the information in the 25 vols, readily accessible. 10490 Randolph (C. F.) Law and Policy of Annexation, with Special Reference to the Philippines, Svo, cloth. 1901 8s 10491 Robinson (Albert G.) The Philippines: the War and the People : Personal Observations and Experiences, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1901 9s 10492 Sawyer (Fred. H.) The Inhabitants of the Thilip^ine^, portrait, maps, and photo-illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1900 9s The author, who resided in Luzon for fourteen years, gives an interesting account of the islands, their geography and resources, the people— treating in detail of the various tribes, as well as of the Spanish administration. 10493 Scherzer (Dr. Karl) Voyage of the "Novara," 1857-59, under- taken by Order of the Austrian Government, ivith chart and 66 illustrations, 3 vols, royal Svo, half-morocco. 1S61-63 £1 6s Chap. xiii. (Vol. II. pp. 279-35-1) contains an account of Cavite, Manila, and of excursions into Luzon, historical notes on the Philippines, accounts of the inha- bitants and their language, ecclesiastics and monasteries, tobacco trade, &c. The expedition also visited the Caroline Islands ; the appendix contains vocabularies of Puynipet Island (Carolines) and Sikayana or Stewart's Island. 10494 Sonnerat (P.) Voyage ^ la Nouvelle-Guinee : Description des Lieux, Observations Physiques et Morales, et des details relatifs k I'Histoire Naturelle, ivith 120 plates, 4to, French calf. 1776 16s This volume, though relating a voyage to the isles of France, Bourbon, Mada- gascar, Sec. (1768-73), is chiefly devoted to a description of the Philippine Islands— especially of Luzon, Mindanao, and Yolo— the author's sojourn at Manila (1771-72), Journey into Luzon, &c. He did not go to New Guinea, but to islands on the v/est coast. His descriptions are mostly of natural objects, chiefly of birds and fruits; 79 of the full-page plates represent the birds of the Eastern Archipelago and New Guinea. Des Philippines : Second Voyage aux Indes-Orientales, 1774-81 (Vol. III. pp. 367-393. See India, Supplement, 10495 Stevens (Joseph Earle) Yesterdays in the Philippines, w' residence in Prince of "Wales's Island and Java, and during missions to Bali and Celebes. The work, though issued more than eighty years ago, gtill retains its value as a work of reference. 10528 Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and Adjacent Countries, map, 8vo, cloth. 1856 8s 6d A new and revi-ed edition of the editor's * History of the Indian Archipelago,' places and subj^-cts, languages, products, &c., are arrnnged in alphabetical orl her husband in Dec. 1881, after his return from Sumatra. Her book, compiled from letters to her friends, describes her own and her husband's personal experiences at Buitenzorg and Batavia, ht Surabaya and Macassar, and in voyages to and from the Eastern Islands— Banda, Amboina, Tenimber, and Timor. 10544 Forrest (Capt. Thomas) Voyage to the Mergui Archipelago, also Account of Jan Sylan, Palo Pinang, Queda, Achin, Celebes, &c., portrait, maps, plates, and coast views, 4to, boards. 1792 £1 See also Burma, p. 275. GiGLio (Prof.) Visit of the Italian Corvette '* Magenta" to Singa- pore, May, 1866, with a Description of the Settlement and of the Eaces of the Indian Archipelago. See China, p. 385, 10545 Godinho de Eredia. Malacca, I'lnde Meridionale, et le Cathay, Manuscrit original autographe en facsimile, et traduit par Leon Janssen, avec preface de Ch. Ruelens, numerous maps, 4to, .calf. Brussels, 1882 (120 copies printed) £3 Reproduction and translation in French of a Portuguese MS. in the Royal Library, Brussels ; also facsimile of a map in the British Museum by M. Godinho de Eredia. The latter, discovered and described by R. H. Major in 1861, was at first put forth as a claim to the discovery of Australia in 1601, but afterwards characterized by Mr. Major as an imposture. The present volume was produced to show that the map is authentic, though not claiming the discovery. The work its^elf is extremely valuable as showing the knowledge which the Portuguese had of the coasts and countries of Southern and P]astern Asia— India, China, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Australia, Borneo, and other islands of the Archipelago at the beginning of the 17th century. 10546 Groeneveldt (W. P.) Notes on the Malay Archipelago and Malacca, from Chinese Sources, map, Batavia, 1876 ; with Supple- mentary Jottings, pp. 22 (1890 ?), imp. 8vo, half-calf 7s 6d. Historical notes relating to Malaya, Java, Bali, Sumatra, Banka, Malacca, Johor Kelantan, Borneo, Karimata Islands, Timor, Moluccas. See Miscell. Papers, p. 510. 10457 Guillemard (F. H. H.) Malaysia and the Pacific Archipelagoes, numerous maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1894 12s Hamilton (Capt. Alex.) Account of Malacca, Johor &c. (1703), with Observations on the Island of Singapore which the Sultan of Johor offered to present to him. See p. 147. 10548 Helms (Lndvig V.) Pioneering in the Far East (Borneo, Bali), Visits to California, Japan, and the White Sea, maps and illustror- tions, 8vo, cloth. 1882 4s 6d The author gives an account of the Settlement at Singapore visited in 1847» 1849-50, and at subsequent periods during twenty years' readence in the Archipelago. See also Borneo, Bali, Japan. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 508 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue HiPPON (Capt.) Voyage to Bantam, Siam, &c., 1611, by Peter Floris and N. Marten. See Collections of Astley, Pubohas, and Thevenot. HoLMAN (Lieut.) Visit to Penang, Malacca, and Singapore, August- September, 1830. See Holman's Travels, Vol. IV. ; China, p. 389. 10549 Hornaday (W. T.) Two Years in the Jungle : Experiences of a •^1)08 Hunter and Naturalist in India, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula, and Borneo, ma'p and illustrations, 8vo, half-morocco. 1885 lis Part III. (pp. 291-332), Malaya : Singapore, Sea Coast and Interior of Selangor. 10550 Innes (Mrs. Emily) The Chersonese, with the Gilding off, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1885 6s Interesting experiences of Innes, collector and magistrate, at Langat in the native Malay State, describing Malay manners, dress, cholera, tigers, flowers, and insects, visits to Perak, &c. 10551 Jukes (J. Beete) Naturalist Narrative of the Surveying Yoyage of H.M.S. ** Fly," Capt. Blackwood, in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, 1842-46, together with an Excursion into Eastern Java, 2 maps, 19 steel engravings, and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf, gilt. 1847 £2 10s Vol. I. chap. XV. (pp. 367-388) containing an account of Timor and its abori- gines, and physical and geological character of the country visited Sept.. 1843 ; chap. xvi. (pp. 389-423) Sandalwood Island, Sumbawa. and Lombock, and Madura vit Kampar, Lampung, Marsden (Wm.), Menaugkabau, Padang, Palem- bang, Pedir, Rejang, Siak or Siyak ; Sumatra, its Discovery, Physical Features, Products, Aborigines, History, &c. (pp. 413-20)* See Dictionary of the Indian Archipelago, p. 505. Crisp (John) Account of the Inhabitants of the Poggy Islands, South Coast of Sumatra, plate. See Asiatic Researches (Vol. VI. pp. 77-91), p. 305 ; Indo-China Papers (Vol. I.), p. 510. Dampier's Visits to Achin, Bencoolen, &c., 1688-90, with Account of Sumatra, its People, Trade, &c. See p. 497. Davis (John) Voyage in the Dutch Expedition, 1598, to Achin and Pedir, with Account of Sumatra, its Products, King, and People. See Davis Voyages {HaUuyt Soc), pp. 140-53. Voyage to Achin with Sir Edward Michelborne, 1605-6, ibid., pp. 168-72. 10630 Duyl (A. G. C. van) The Dutch in Acheen and the Acheenese — Asiatic Quarterly, January and April, 1895, pp. 183-90 and pp. 434-43 4s Forbes (H. O.) Journeys in Sumatra: with Account of its Flora and Entomology ; of the Lampongers, their Language, Customs, &c. ; the Palembang Residency, its Natural History, Inhabitants, Volcanoes, &c. See Forbes, * Naturalist's Wanderings,' p. 507. Forrest (Capt. Thomas) Present State of Achin (1792). See p. 507. 10631 Heyne (Benj.) Tracts. Historical and Statistical, on India, loith maps and plates; also An Account of Sumatra in 1812, 4to, half-calf. 1814 10s Dr. Heyne visited Bencoolen and Fort Marlborough in February and March, 1812. He lias described the settlement, the establishment, the aborigines and the Malays, and the appearance of the country and its products, in a series of twelve letters, Lancaster's (Sir James) and other Voyages to East Indies, Visits to Achin, May to October, 1602, and April, 1613, 8vo, cloth (Hakluyt Society). See p. 11. 10632 Maass (Alfred) Bei LiebenswUrdigen V^ilden: ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mentawai-Insulaner, &c., map and plates, 8vo, sewed. Berlin, 1902 4s On the aborigines of islands off the S. Coast of Sumatra. Macdonald (John) On the Camphor, the Coral, and the Copper of Sumatra. See Asiatic Researches (Vol. IV. pp. 1-20), p. 305; Indo-China Papers (Vol. I.) p. 510, 83f High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 518 Francis Edwards s Catalogue 10633 Marsden (Wm., D.C.L.) Brief Memoir of his Life and Writings, by Himself, with Notes from his Correspondence, 4to, half-morocco (/or private circulation onlij) 10s 6d To the ' Memoir,' edited by his widow, is added ' Maon and Moriat,' an Irish tragedy, written by Marsden in Sumatra in 1776-7. " Sir John Barrow, with the Editor's best compliments." 10634 History of Sumatra, containing an Account of the Government, Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Native Inhabi- tants, Natural Productions, and a Relation of the Ancient Political State of the Island, map, 4to, calf. 1783 7s With particular account of the cannibal Battas and the journey made into their country by Messrs. Giles HolJoway and'Charles Miller, L772 ; history and kingdom of Achin ; Sultan and Empire of Menangcabow. 10635 History of Sumatra, second edition, map, 4to, half -calf. 1784 ' 8s 6d Similar to first edition, but with longer list of ' Errata.' 10636 History of Sumatra, Third Edition, with corrections, additions, large new map, 4to ; and Atlas of 27 plates, folio, half- calf. 1811 £1 12s In this edition the natural history section is much improved, and the Atlas (issued with this edition only) contains several engraved specimens of plants, animals, &c. The remainder oi the plates consist of views of Padang River, Padang Hill, A Village House, Sumatran Weapons, A Native of Bencoolen, &c. 10638 Miscellaneous Works, 4to, half-calf. 1834 10s 10639 Modigliani (Dr. E.) on the Island of Engano, Sumatra, by Dr. Guillemard — Geog. Journal, August, 1894 (Vol. IV. pp. 153- 158) Is 6d Moor (J. H.) Sumatra, North Coast: History of Palembang, the Malays, Acheen, Races of the Pedir Coast, Sailing Directions, the Battas, the Padries, &c. See Moor, Indian Archipelago (Part I. 1837, pp. 97-135 ; Appendix), p. 510. Newbold (Lieut. T. G.) Genealogy of the Kings of Achin. See Madras Journal (II. 54-7; III. 117-20); Language of the Battas of Sumatra (III. 139-45) ; Sketch of the Malayan Peninsula, Geo- graphy, Geology, Population, Trade, Zoology, Botany, Malayan MSS. (VI. pp. 52-88). NiEUHOFF (John) Account of Sumatra (1662), its Kingdoms— of Achin, Palembang (with large view), its Capture by the Dutch, its Climate, Soil, Inhabitants, and their Language. See Java, p. 525. 10640 Parker (E. H.) The Island of Sumatra, its History, Place- Names, &c.— Asiatic Quarterly, Jan., 1900 (IX. 127-44) 2s 6d 10641 Pedersen (Hugo Y.) Durch den Indischen Archipel: Eine Kiinstlerfahrt, illustrated with 8 beautiful reproductions of water- colour sketches by the author, and 150 photo and other sketches in the text, royal 4to, cloth, gilt. 1902 £1 Treats chiefly of Sumatra, the Bataks, Java, the Javanese, Malays and Chinese, with remarks on Volcanoes, Destruction of Krakatoa, Physical Features of the Archipelago, &c. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Sumatra 519 Eaffles (Sir Stamford) Administration of Bencoolen and its Dependencies (1817-24) ; Account of Battas (civilized cannibals), their Language, Customs, &c. See Raffles's * Memoir,' p. 525. 10642 Schirach (G. B. von) Beschryving van het Eiland Sumatra, Tnap; Eschels-Kroon (Adolph) Beschriving der Eilanden Borneo, Banda, Amboina en Ceylon, 8vo, calf. Haarlem^ 1783 5s 10643 Van der Tuuk (H. N.) Lampongs, Les Manuscrits en ' possession de M. le Baron Sloet van der Beele, avec transcriptions et traductions, 4to, swd. Leyden, 1868 6s 6d Varthema (Ludovico) Chapters on Sumatra, Pedir , and the Inhabi- tants, Natural Products, &c. (1506?) See Varthema's Travels, p. 513. 10644 Veth (Prof. P. J.) The Dutch Expedition to Central Sumatra; also Notes on the Cocos or Keeling Islands, by Henry O. Forbes, map — Proc. R. Geog. Soo., Dec, 1879 2s Wallace (A. R.) Visit to Palembang, 1861-62, with account of Sumatra, its People and Natural History, maps and illustrations. See *The Malay Archipelago' (Vol. I. pp. 121-149; Vol. II. pp. 270-321), p. 514. White (Lieut. U.S.N.) Mintow and the Island of Banka, its Com- merce, Visit to Palambang (1819), the War with the Dutch, &c. See Indo-China, p. 370. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 520 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue JAVA AND NETHERLANDS INDIA. Geography, History, Government, &c. 10646 Addison (G. A.) Original Familiar Correspondence in India and Java, 1811-14, 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1846 5s Mr. Addison was private secretary to Sir Stamford Kaffles, and died in Java 1815. 10647 Almanak and Naamregister voor het Jaar 1845, with gilt engraved title-page, 8vo, bds. (540 pp.). Batavia, 1845 (rare) 9s An OflBcial, Commercial, and Geographical Guide to all the Dutch Settlements in the Archipelago, with Chronology of Events, Dutch Governors and Kesidents, Marriages, Deaths, Government Orders, Land and other Kegulations, complete Directory, &c. AucHMUTY (Lleut.-Gen. Sir Samuel) Expedition against Java, Occupation of Batavia, &c., 1811-12. Thorn's ' Conquest of Java '; Stubbs's 'Bengal Artillery' (Vol. I. pp. 329-348); Wilson's * Madras Army ' (Vol. III. pp. 323-332). Barrow (Sir John) Visit to Batavia, March and April, 1793, with Account of the Strait of Sunda, the Island of Java, its Inhabitants and Natural Productions (Fiction of the Upas Tree), the Dutch Settlement, &c., with 4 coloured plates. See * Cochinchina' (1806, pp. 158-242), p. 361. Batuta (Ibn) Visit to Java, Sumatra, &c. (c. a.d. 1330). See Oriental Trans. Fund, Vol. I. ; Yule, ' Cathay,' Vol. II. Biokmore (Prof. A. S.) Visit to Batavia, Samarang, Surabaya, 1865. See Sumatra and Molucxjas. 10648 [Blakiston (Lieut. John)] Twelve Years' Military Adventure in Three Quarters of the Globe, 1802-14, including Campaigns of the Duke of Wellington in India and in the Peninsula, 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 1829 14s The author accompanied the expedition to Java, 1811, Penang, Malacca, &c. 10649 Breitenstein (Dr. H.) 21 Jahre in Indien aus dem Tagebuche eines Militarztes. (3 vols.) Leipzig. I. Borneo, 9 illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 1899 68 II. Java 30 illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 1900 10s III. Sumatra, 26 illustrations, 8vo, cloth, 1901 7s Bridges (Mrs.) Visit to Batavia and Buitenzorg, and Drive through Java to Bandong, the Boro-Bodor, &c., Dec, 1879, and Jan., 1880. See * A Lady's Travels ' (pp. 232-257), Japan, p. 466. 10650 Buckle (Oapt. E.) Memoir of the Services of the Bengal Artillery (1750-1850), edited by [Sir] J. W. Kaye, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1852 3s The Bengal Artillery took part in the capture of Batavia (Aug. 8, 1811), the storming of Fort Cornells (Aug. 26), the taking of Jattoo, near Samarang (Sept. 16), as well as in other expeditions vs^hile the British Government held possession of Java, and in an expedition against Samarang in June, 1822 (pp. 296-301). Capellen (Baron van der) Speech on Resigning the Government of Netherlands India (from Singapore Chronicle, March, 1826). See Moor, ' Indian Archipelago ' (Part I. 1837, pp. 138-144), p. 510. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Java and Netherlands India 521 10652 Crawfurd (John) Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands, &c., map, 8vo, cloth. 1856 8s Aojier, Bantam, Banumas, Bangumaugi, Batavia, Besukie, Boro-Budor, Java, its history, geography, geology, climate, botaay, fauna, inhabitants, agriculture, arts, manufactures, metals, Hindu civilization, music, languages, government, revenue, European and Asiatic intercourse, trade, &c. (pp. 165-192). Koen (J. P.) Madura Island, Samarang, Sunda, Surabaya, &c. On the Ruins of Boro Budor in Java. See Trans. Bombay Lit. Soc. (Vol. II. 154-166, and 7 'plaU%), p. 310. 10653 D'Almeida (Wm. Barrington) Life in Java : with Sketches of the Javanese, 2 coloured plates, 2 vols. 12aio, half-calf. 1864 12s The author made excursions from Bat ivia to Jacatra, Sama ang, Sourabaya, Passeroewan, Tosari, Bromok, Batoe, Kedirie, Madioen, Goreng-Gareng, Soerakarta, Moentillan. He visited temples, tombs, ruins, witnessed buffalo and tiger fights, and records many curious customs of the Javanese. One of the best books on Java. Dampier's Visit to Batavia, Oct., 1705, by Funnell. See Dampier's Voyages (Vol. IV. pp. 193-198), p. 497. Del Mar (Walter) Visit to Batavia, Buitenzorg, Lake Bagendit, Crater of the Papandajan, &c. See Japan, p. 469. 10654 Du Bois (J. P. I.) Yies des Gouverneurs Gen^raux, avec I'Abr^g^ de I'Histoire des Btablissemens Hollandois aux Indies Orientales, portraits, plans, cartes, 4to, calf. 1763 £1 Is Account of the Dutch conquests and commerce in Java, Macassar, the Moluccas, ( eylon, and Formosa, with views and plans of Batavia, Amboin-i, Malacca, Point de Galle, &c. ; portraits of Both, Coen, Carpenter, Van Diemen, Van der Lyn, Maat- zuiker, Abraham van Riebeek, and of Baron Imhoff, with his * Considerations on the State of the Dutch h.l. Company,' (48 pp). 10655 [Dutch Voyages] Recueil des Yoyages qui ont servi a r^tablissement et aux Progres de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, formee dans les Provinces Unies desPais-bas, folding plates, pp. 42, 688, 12mo, calf (scarce). Amsterdam, 1702 £1 This collection contains narratives of three voyages to the North-East for dis- covery of a Passige to China ; full relations of the F'irst and Second Voyages of the Hollanders to Java and the Moluccas, 1595 and 1598, with accounts of those islands, also of Madagascar and Mauritius ; relation of the Voyage of fFive Rotterdam Vessels (under Sebald de Weert) to the Straits of Magellan, preceded by an 'Adver- tisement,' or brief relation, of the Dutch proceedings in the East Indies to the arrival of Van Diemen in 1631. 10656 English translation : Collection of Yoyages of the Dutch East India Company, maps, 8vo, calf (scarce). 1703 £1 5s 10657 Recueil des Yoyages .... de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, formee dans les Provinces-Unies des Pais-Bas, nonvelle Edition, revue numerous maps and charts, 10 vols. 12mo, calf. Rouen, 1725 £2 Historical account of the voyages of the Hollanders to the N.E. of Europe to Nova Zerabla and Spitzbergen ; of the Houtmans, Van Caerden, Van Noort, Van Neck, Van der Hagen, Spilhergen, Matelief, Verhoven, Van den Broeck, Le Maire, Bontekoe. the Nassau Fleet, Hagenaar, and other expeditions by way of the Cape of Good Hope and round Cape Horn, to the Mauritius, Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Ambo\ na, Banda, and other of the Molucca Islands, at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries. 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 522 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue Earl (G. Windsor) Tour of Java, Aug. to Dec, 1832, with Account of Sourabaya, Batavia, and S. Coast. See * The Eastern Seas/ p. 506. Forbes (H. O.) Natural History Observations in Java. See p. 507. GiGLiOLi (Prof.) Visit of the Italian Corvette "Magenta" to Batavia, April and May, 1866, and March, 1867, with Account of the Dutch Government, Native Population, and Natural History of the Island. See China, p. 385. Hamilton (Gen. Douglas) Visit to Java— Soerabaya, Tengger Mts. and Volcanoes of Bromo and Smeroe, Boer Buddha Temple, 1849, with account of deer and boar hunting. See * Records of Sport in Southern India,' Supplement. 10658 Kingston (James) The Australian Abroad : Branches from the Main Routes Round the World, i/ltistrated,8vo, cloth. 1879 6s Eight chapters are devoted to Java — Batavia, Buitenzorg and the Hills, Solo and Jockio, the Upas Tree, the Boer Buddha Temple, Samarang and Soerabaya {visited in 1877), and the government of Netherlands India. 10659 Holle (K. F.) Het Schrijven von Soendaasch ; also De Boeddhistische Triemoerti op Java in den Tempel te Mendoet door F. C. Wilson, plates, 8vo (Tijdschrift[ ], XX. pp. 91-194). 1871 3s 6d 10660 Horsfield (Thomas) Zoological Researches in Java and the Neighbouring Islands, 65 coloured plates, those of Mammalia by Wm. Daniell, the Birds by Auguste Pelletier and John Curtis, royal 4to, calf. 1824 £3 10s 10661 • Plantse Javanicse Rariores, descriptse iconibusque illustratae quas in Insula Java, 1802-18 elaboravit J. J. Bennett, Observa- tiones adjecit Robertus Brown, map and 50 coloured plates by J. and C. Curtis, imp. 4to, cloth. 1838-52 (pub. £8 lis) ^63 10s 10662 Hough (Major Wm.) Political and Military Events in British India, 1756-1849, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1853 7s 6d Includes a narrative of the expedition to Java, 1811-1-1 ; capture of Amboyna, Occupation of Java, &o., with reference also to Sir E. Pellew's expedition in 1807. Houtman's First Dutch Voyages to Java, 1595, 1598. See Dutch Voyages, p. 521 ; Harleian Collection, p. 541. 10663 Java Annual Directory and Almanac, 1816 [English and Dutch], 8vo [pp. 276] (original stitched issue). Batavia (scarce) 16s The last issue under British auspices, with list of subscribers' names, contain- ing cus oms, postal and other official information, shipping; Literary, Bible, Harmony, and ' Goede Hoop ' Societies. Jukes (J. Beete) Account of a Visit to Surabaya and of an Excur- sion into Eastern Java (Nov. and Dec, 1844), with Account of the Customs of the Javanese, Aspects of the Country, Notes on the Dutch Government and Policy, &c. See Voyage of H.M.S. " Fly " (Vol. II.), p. 508. 10665 Junghuhn (F.) and De Vry (J. E.) Cultivation of the Quina Tree in Java, translated from Bonplandin, 1860. 8vo, pp. 75. 1861 2s 6d 8Sj High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. Java and Netherlands India 523 10666 Keyser (Arthur) From Jungle to Java : the Trivial Impressions of a Short Excursion to Netherlands India, 8vo, cl. [1897] Is 6d 10667 Krakatoa, the Eruption of August 26-27, 1883, and Sub- sequent Phenomena : Report of the Committee, Royal Society, edited by G. J. Symons, witli 43 plates {some coloured), charts, and diagrams, royal 4to, cloth. 1888 16s Collection of Keports founded upon observations near the island and in different parts of the world on the effects of the eruption. (1) On Volcanic Phenomena and Distribution of the Ejected Materials, by Prof. Judd ; (2) Air Waves and Sounds, by Sir R. Strachev ; (3) Sea AVave?, by Admiral Wharton ; (4) Optical Phenomena, 1883-86, including Twilight Effects, Coronal Effects, Sky Haze, &o., by Hon. RoUo Russell and Mr. Douglas Archibald ; (5) Magnetic and Electrical Phenomena, by Mr. G. M. Whipple. 10668 The Yolcanic Eruption of KLrakatau, map — Proc. R. Geoo. Soc, March, 1884, pp. 142-152. 2s 10669 Laerne (0. F. van Delden) Brazil and Java: Report on Coffee Culture in America, Asia, and Africa, plates, maps, and diagrams, 8vo, cloth. 1885 6s The Report on Coffee- Planting in Netherlands India shows results obtained from 1833 to 1883 in Java, Sumatra, Celebes, &c.— quantities, cost, selling prices, rents of plantations. Lancaster's (Sir James) and other Voyages to East Indies: Visit to Achin, May to Oct., 1602; to Bantam, Dec, 1602; Achin, April, 1613. See p. 11. La Place (Capt.) Visit of the "Favorite " to Sombaya, April and May, 1831, with Description of Java and its Inhabitants, and Con- siderations on Dutch Policy and Commerce, 6 plates. See ' Voyage of the ** Favorite " ' (Vol. III. pp. 1-132, and Atlas), p. 508. Le Brun (Cornelius) Voyages to Muscovy, Persia, and East Indies, 1701-8, including a Residence of Six Months in Java, Feb. to August, 1706, with views and other illustr'ations. See p. 12. 10670 Leemans (C.) Boro-Boudour dans I'lle de Java: Texte Explicatif et Descriptif r^dige d'apres les M^moires de F. C. Wilson, J. F. G. Brumund, &c., 17 plates, royal 8vo, accompanied by Atlas of 393 plates, folio. 1874 £10 A magnificent monograph on the great Hindoo Buddhist temple in Java. Macartney (Lord) Visit to Batavia, March, 1793, with Accounts of Java and the Dutch Government. See .^neas Anderson, * Embassy to China' (1795, pp. 29-44), p. 372; Staunton, 'Embassy to China' (1797, 4to, Vol. I. pp. 228-308), p. 408; Barrow, 'Voyage to Cochin China ' (1806, pp. 158-242), p. 361. Mandelslo's Account of Java, its Kings, People, Towns. Tr;Kl-. Products, &c., 1639. See Mandelslo's 'Travels,' 1662 (Part II. pp. 139-153), p. 479. 10671 Max Havelaar ; or, the Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company, by Multatuli, 2 maps, 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1868 5s Written by Edward Douwes Dekker, for seventeen years a functionary of the Dutch Government in Java. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 524 FraTicis Edwards* s Catalogue 10672 Mededeelingen. . . .Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap Xjaar., plates, 12mo, boards. Rotterdam, 1866 3s 6d Miscellany of interesting tracts relating to the Dutch East Indies — Java. Amboina, Minahassa (Celebes), &c.— in Dutch and Malay. 10673 Meyer (Dr. A. B.) Die Kalangs auf Java, 3 plates, roy. 4to. Dresden, 1877 5s MiNTO (Lord) The Expedition to Java, 1811. See ' India ' (1880, pp. 249-317), p. 197; Stubbs's * Bengal Artillery,' p. 235; Wilson's 'Madras Army,' in Supplement; also Addison, Blakiston, Buckle, Hough, Eaffles, Thorn, Worsfold. 10674 Moniteur (Le) des Indes Orientales et Occidentales ; Recueil de M^moires et de Notices Scientiflques et Industriels, public par Ph. Fr. de Siebold et P. Melvill de Carnbee, with portraits, vieivs, maps, and diagrams, complete in 3 vols. 4to, half-calf. Hague, 1846-48 (scarce) £2 10s This publication contains information on the whole of the Archipelago, especially the islands forming Netherlands India ; lives of the Governors-Q-eneral from Pieter Both (1609) to Van Diemen (1645) ; descriptions of Java, Borneo, Celebes, Sumatra, Bali, Lombok, Amboyna, and the Moluccas ; New Guinea, Singa- pore, &c., accompanied by large charts ; history of the Dutch in Brazil, at Surinam, in Guiana, Cura^oa ; biographical notices of recent Dutch Governors ; geographical and astronomical observations ; geology, botany, ethnography, archasology ; government and adminiistration ; slavery, piracy ; agriculture, industry, commerce and navigation, voyages, news, &c. 10675 Money (J. W. B.) Java ; or, How to Manage a Colony, showing a Practical Solution of the Questions now affecting British India, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1861 (scarce) £1 3s Chapters on the History of Java, the Culture System, Dutch Officials, Revenue, Trade, Justice, Army and ^avy, Treatment of Europeans and Natives, &c. "To all those who wish to understand how the Dutch now govern Java I recommend the study of Mr. Money's excellent and interesting work."— Wallace, Malaya,' Vol. I. p. 94. Moor (J. H.) The Insurrection in Java, July to Sept., 1825. See ' The Indian Archipelago ' (Part I., 1837, pp. 147-184), p. 510. Java Currency and Finance ; the Dutch Treaty and its operation ; Baron van der Capellen's Speech ; Dutch Land Decree ; Batavian Affairs. 10676 Mueller (Dr. J.) Ueber Alterthuemer des Ostindischen Archipels insbesondere die Hindu- Alterthuemer und Tempelruinen auf Java, Madura, und Bali, 21 plates, royal 8vo, half-mor. Berlin, 1859 18s 10677 Nederlandsche Rcizen, Ydi. Xlll., with Q plates, Svo, hali- morocco. Amsterdam, 1787 7s Shipwreck of the " Arion," on Voyage Japan to Batavia, 1714 {2 plates). Voyage of the " Barneveld " to the Cape of Good Hope, 1719. Jacob Bucquoy's Voyages in the East Indies, 1719-35. * Koggewin's Voyage to the Pacific Ternate and Java, 1721-27 {chart andS plates'. Shipwreck of the " Blydorp," 1733. Unlucky Voyage of the " Rustenwerk," 1749o2. Voyage of the " Geregtigheid," Batavia to Zealand, 1754. Adrian Mallaga's Travels in the Mediterranean, 1759-61. Voyage of the " Nyenburg," 1763. 8S, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Java and Netherlands India 525 » 10678 Nieuhoff(Kev. John) Yoyages and Travels to Brasil and the East Indies, ma'ps and plateSf folio, calf. (Churchill) 1707 £1 Mr. Nieuhoff was in Brasil 1640-49. He sailed to the East Indies in 1653, visit- ing the Cape and China, a voyage described in his narrative of the Dutch Embassy {see above p. 400), returning to Holland in 1668. In a second voyage to the East Indies (1659-70) he went on from Batavia to Amboyna, Bouro, Formosa, Malacca, Sumatra, Point de Galle, Goa, Persian Gulf, Malabar Coast, returning to Batavia, where he resided three }^ears. His account of Java, its cities, kingdoms, and people, their religion, occupations, eustoms, the trade and government of the Dutch, occupies the larger part of the volume and is illustrated by 38 large plates, including plans and views of Batavia, the Javanese, animals, birds, fishes, &c. The author made a third voyage to the East Indies in 1672, to Mozambique and Madagascar, where, going ashore, he is supposed to have been massacred with several of his company. None of them were heard of again. [Noble (C. F.)] An Account of Java ; the Straits of Sunda, City of Bantam, City of Batavia (with plan), Malay Vocabulary ; Dethrone- ment of the King of Madura (1747), Straits of Banca, April, May, June, 1747. See Voyage, 1746-47 (pp. 45-115), China, p. 400. 10679 Osbeck (Rev. Peter) Voyage to China and the East Indies, together with a Voyage to Suratte and China, by Olof Toreen (1750- 1752), translated by J. R. Forster, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 1771 12s Contains Mr. Osbeck's botanical and other natural history observations during two visits to Batavia and on the coast of Java, July, 1751, and Jan., 1762. 10681 Raffles (Sir Thomas Stamford) Memoir of his Life and Public Services, with Details of the Commerce of the Eastern Archipelago and Selections from his Correspondence, by his Widow, yortraitj 4 maps, and 6 plates, 4to, calf (fine copy) 14s 10682 Another copy, 4to, half-calf. 1830 lis Sir Stamford Raffles was Secretary to the Government of Penang, 1805-11 Secretary and Governor of Java, 1811-16 ; Governor of Bencoolen and its depen- dancies (Sumatra), 1817-24, during which period his scheme for a convenient com- mercial settlement resulted in the foundation of Singapore. He returned to England in 1824 and died in 1826. The night after leaving Bencoolen the " Fame," in which he sailed, was burnt, all lives were saved, but Raffles lost all his papers, including Histories of Sumatra, Borneo, and every isle of note in those seas, an account of the establishment of Singapore, histoij of his administration, grammars, vocabularies, a grand map of Sumatra, 2,000 drawings, and a Noah's ark of animals. Among the Appendices to the ' Memoir ' are Dr. Horsfield's Account of Sir Stam- ford's efforts to promote the objects of science in Java, with a catalogue of zoolo- gical specimens (pp. 602-697). prospectus of the London Zoological Society (promoted by Raffles) ; Report of the Administration of the Eastern Islands in 1819 1 Minutes on the Establishment of a Malay College, local laws and regulations, &o., at Singa- pore (pp. 88). The volume contains valuable information upon various parts of the Straits Settlements and the Archipelago, and has a very good index. 10683 Memoir of Sir Stamford Raffles, new edition^ with portrait, facsimile letter, 2 maps, and plate, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1835 8s 6d This edition is without the appendices, the index, and some of the documents, which were thought necessary to be printed in the first edition in justice to Raffles's public character. Sir Stamford's addresses to the Batavian Society are printed at the end of Vol. II. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 526 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 10685 Raffles (Sir T. S.) Substance of a Minute, 11th Feb., 1814, on the Introduction of an Improved System of Internal Management and the Establishment of a Land Rental on the Island of Java, with Documents, 4to, calf. 1814 9s Of the measures introduced, the Court of Directors, E. I. Co., admitted that all with the exception of the Sale Lands which was " questionable," were " well adapted to their object." Governor-General Minto pronounced this to have been "an able expedient m a moment of great emergency." 10686 The History of Java, with map, numerous sted vignettes in the text, and 65 folding and full-page plates {those of costumes coloured) f by Wm. Daniell and others, 2 vols. 4to, half-calf, gilt. 1817 £2 18s 10687 History of Java, map and plates (those of costumes coloured)^ LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. royal 4to, full morocco extra, gilt edges {fine copy). 1817 £4 18s This work, " replete with valuable information, and a lasting monument of the author's ability and industry " (vide Crawfurd's 'Desc.Dict.'), contains chapters on the geography, climate, mineral and vegetable products, animals, and races of Java ; the foreign settlers, Chinese, Bugis, Malays, Arabs, &c., agriculture, manufactures, fisheries, commerce, government, administration, court ceremonies, the Kalangs and other tribes ; languages, literature, science, arts, architecture, sculpture, antiquities, religions. Temples of Bambanan, Boro-bodo, Gunung-Prahu, &c. ; History of Java before and after the establishment pf Mahometanism ; list of sovereigns ; chronology of events ; Proclamations, the Japan trade, accounts of Celebes and Bali, with comparative vocabularies, &c. 10689 History of Java, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1830 12s To this edition Lady Baffles added a few short notes, prepared by Sir Stamford, and she omitted, according to his intention, the larger part of the comparative vocabularies, retaining only a hundred words in each language. The plates of the first edition were published with a number of additional ones in separate quarto volume :— 10690 Antiquarian, Architectural, and Landscape Illustrations of the History of Java, 92 plates, vnth large map, royal 4to, calf extra (Sheepshanks copy). 1844 £2 5s The plates include portraits of Javanese princes, plans and views of ruined Hindu temples, specimens of writings, signs of the zodiac, casts in metal, weapons, imple- ments, and tools, subjects in stone, and ten of costumes, men and women {coloured), by Wm. Daniell and other artists. 10691 History of Java, second edition, another copy, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth ; with Atlas, containing map and 92 plates, 4to, cloth. 1830- 1844 £2 15s 10692 The Life of Sir Stamford Baffles, by D. C. Boulger, portrait, maps, and illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1899 6s With chapters on Prince of Wales Island, Sumatra, Malacca, Founding of Singapore, the Conquest and Administration of Java, &c. Saris (Capt. John) Occurences at Bantam, 1605-9. See Purohas, his Pilgrims (Vol.^L), p. 18 ; Astley's Voyages (Vol. I.), p. 2. Scot (Edmund) Account of Java and the First English Settlement at Bantam, 1602-5. Purohas, his Pilgrims, Vol. I. p. 18 ; Astley's Voyages (Vol. I.), p. 2. 10693 Schwarzen (G. B.) Reise in Ost-Indien, 1740, ISmo, boards. Heilhronn, 1751 5s Voyage to Dutch East Indies, and account of the massacre of the Chinese at Batavia. 83, High Street, Ma/rylehons, London, W. Java and Netherlands India 527 10694 Scidmore (Eliza Ruhamah) Java, the Garden of the East: Narrative of a Visit, by an American, 12mo, cloth. 1898 5s 10695 "Siboga" Expedition. Resultats des Explorations Zoologiques, Botaniques, Oceanographiqnes, et Geologiques: Enterprises aux Indes-Neerlandaises Orientales en 1899-1900 en H.M. "Siboga," sous le Commandement de G. F. Tydeman, publics par Max Weber, Chef de I'Expedition. Leyden, 1901, &c. This work will contain about 65 separate Monographs in French, or German, or Dutch (including a General Introduction and Account of the Expedition by Max Weber), in imperial 4to. accompanied by plates, many of them fully coloured. The price of each Monograph is different. When complete, the work will be issued in volumes, with title-pages and indices, at £20 to £25. An allowance to subscribers for the whole work. Twelve parts are now ready (June, 1903). Prospectuses on application. Spaan (A. J.) and Lith (P. A. van der) Bncyclopaedie van Neder- landsch-Indie, 4 or 5 vols, royal 8vo. In progress^ 10696 Spencer (Herbert) Illustrations of the Principles of Sociology, Types of Lowest Races, Negritto Races, and Malayan-Polynesian Races : Groups of Sociological Facts compiled by Prof. David Duncan, folio, boards. 1864 18s Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual Facts of the Fuegians, Andamans, Veddahs, Australians, Tasmauians, New Caledonians, New Guinea People, Fijians, Hawaiians, Tahitians, Tongans, Samoans, Maoris, Dyaks, Javans, Smnatrans, and Malagasy. 10697 Stavorinus (Rear- Admiral Splinter) Voyages to the East Indies (1768-78), with Account of the Dutch Possessions in the East and at the Cape of Good Hope, translated, with Notes and Additions, by S. H. Wilcocke, 3 vols. 8vo, calf. 1798 £1 10s Admiral Stavorinus made several voyages to Batavia, Macassar ; he gives accounts of the Dutch factories, their trade and regulations. Account of Java and Batavia. See Pinkerton's Voyages (Vol. XI.), p. 17. 10698 Stockdale (J. J.) Sketches, Civil and Military, of the Island of Java and its Dependencies, comprising details of Batavia and of the Upas Poison Tree, second edition, with additions, 3 plans, 8vb, boards. 1811 6s 6d A compilation from the works of Stavorinus, Valentyn, Staunton's ' Embassy,^ Tombe, including a chapter on the Upas and vegetable poisons by C. H. from the London Magazine. 10699 Stuers (Major de) Memoires sur la Guerre de I'lle de Java, 1825-30, plates and 2 large-scale maps ; with Atlas, 4to, half-calf, Leyden, 1833 15s 10701 Thorn (Major Wm.) Memoir on the Conquest of Java, with Subsequent Operations of the British Forces in the Oriental Archi- pelago, with a Statistical and Historical Sketch of Java, plans, cTiarts, viciws,. &c., 4to, half-calf. 1815 £2 IDs The campaign, hostilities with the Sultan of Mataram, statistical account of Java itinerary ; Islands of Madura, Timor, Kotto, Lombock, Baly, Borneo, Celebes' Moluccas, Amboyna, Banda, &o., Dutch trade with Japan. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, u 2 528 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 10702 Tombe (Oh. F.) Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 1802-6, contenant la Description du Cap de Bonne -Esp6rance, des lies de France (Mauritius), Bonaparte (Bourbon), Java, Banca, et de la Ville de Batavia, les Mceurs de les Habitans ; la Oampagne du Amiral de Linois ; 1' Attaque et la Defense de Colombo dans I'lle de Ceylan, et un Vocabulaire des Langues Fran^aise et Malaise, avec Notes par M. Sonnini, 2 vols, in 1, Svo, cloth, and Atlas of 18 'p\ale%y cartes, costumes, and views, 4to. Paris, 1811 £1 The atlas contains 4 plans and views of Batavia, the Citadel, Dutch Church, Strait of Madura, maps of Java, Sumatra, view of Coupang in Timor, &c. 10703 Van de Velde (Lieut. 0. W. M.) Gezigten uit Neerlands Indie (1838-41), tuith 50 plates, roy. folio, half-bd. Amsterdam, 1854 £1 15s Views in Java (23), Timor (2), the Moluccas (10), Celebes (7), Borneo (3), Bintang (f), and Sumatra (3). Varthema (Ludovico) Chapters concerning the Island of Giava, its People, their Faith, Customs, Products, &c. (1506?). See p. 513. Wallace (A. E.) Observations of Java, its People and Natural His- tory (July to Oct., 1861), with maps and illustrations. See *The Malay Archipelago' (Vol. I. pp. 94-121, 138-149: Vol. n. 270-321), p. 514. 10705 De "Wit (Miss Augusta) Facts and Fancies about Java : Impres- sions of Life, Manners, and Nature, reprinted from the Straits Times, 12mo, sewed. Singapore, 1898 3s 6d 10706 Worsfold (W. Basil) A Visit to Java, with Account of the Founding of Singapore, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1893 (pub. 14s) 7s 6d Including chapters on the history, literaturej government, the culture system, animals and plants, account of Batavia, the botanical gardens, social life, the Hindu temples, &c. The best English account of Java published in recent years. 10707 Yule (Gen. Sir H.) Sketches of Java : a Lecture at Calcutta, Feb. 13, 1862, royal 8vo, pp. 44. 1862 3s BORNEO. 10710 Baden-Powell ([General] B. F..S.) In Savage Isles and Set- tled Lands : Personal Experiences in Europe, Egypt, Ceylon, India, Australia, New Zealand, Java, New Guinea, Borneo, Tonga, Samoa, the Sandwich Islands, and the United States, 1888-91, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth 7s 6d Barton (Lieut. James) Surveys of Balambangan — Indo- China Papers (Vol. I.). See p. 510. 10712 Belcher (Sir E.) Surveying Voyage of the "Samarang" in the Eastern Archipelago, 1843-46, maps, plates, &c., 2 vols, royal Svo, cloth. 1848 18s Account of surveys of Sarawak Eiver, East Coast of Borneo, Sooloo Sea, Bashee and Meia-co-Shimah Islands, with chapters on the natural history of Borneo, Sooloo, Philippine, and Molucca Archipelagos, by Dr. Arthur Adams, assistant surgeon of the expedition, remarks on Rajah Brooke and his mild government, the Malays and the Dyaks. See also p. 503, and Marrtat, p. 534. 83, High Street, Marylebone, LoTidon, W, Borneo 529 10713 Beeckman (Oapt. Daniel) Voyage to Borneo, with a Description of the Island, its Inhabitants, Products, &c. ; also of Java, Madura, Bally, &c., illustrated, 12mo, calf. 1718 15s See also Pinkerton (Vol. XI. pp. 96-158), p. 17. 10714 Bock (Carl) The Head-Hunters of Borneo: a Narrative of Travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito (1879-80) ; also Journeyings in Sumatra, mitli map, 32 coloured plates, and other illustrations, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1881 £1 3s 10715 Another copy, half -morocco, gilt .£1 5s With appendices on the D3'^ak arrow poison, new species of shells, lists of birds and of butterflies. " A really delightful book. It is sumptuously got up, admirably illustrated with coloured lithographs, and full of interest and adventure from beginning to end." Pall Mall Gazette. Borneo : the Country, Rivers, Soils, Timber, Minerals, Diamond and Gold Mines ; the Dayaks, Chinese, Malays, Products, Trade, &c. See MooB, Indian Archipelago (Part I., 1837, pp. 1-14), p. 510. Notices of Borneo and its Inhabitants made during the Voyage of the " Himmaleh," 1837. See Chinese Repository, July and Aug., 1838 (pp. 121-136; 177-193), p. 417. Mythology of the Dayaks of Banjermasing, by a German Missionary. Chinese and Japanese Repository (March 3, 1864, pp. 379-391),* p. 417, and Logan's Journal (Vol. III.), p. 509. 10718 Boyle (Frederick) Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1865 6s Sarawak and its inhabitants, Chinese, Malays, «kc., the Dyaks, their habits, cus- toms, amusements, head-hunting, outbreak and suppression of the Seribas Dyaks &c. 10719 Camp Notes: Stories of Sport and Adventure in Asia, Africa, and America, 12mo, cloth. 1874 3s Includes an adventure with "A Savage Beauty" in Borneo ; career and charac- ter of Rajah Brooke ; Savages I have known in Borneo, &c., After the Geographical Meeting, a story of adventure among the Dyaks. 10720 The Savage Life: a Second Series of 'Camp Notes,' 8vo, cloth. 1876 3s Includes ' A Haunted Jungle,' the Rajah of Matan's Diamond, Incidents from the Sarawak Gazette, Changhi, a Story of Johore, Stories of South Africa, Central America, the Gold Coast, &c. 10721 The Orchid Seekers : a Story of Adventure in Borneo, by Ashmore Russan and Fredk. Boyle, illust., 12mo, cl. 1893 2s 6d 10722 Brassey (Lady) The Last Voyage to India and Australia in the "Sunbeam," 1887, with chart, 20 full-page and numerous other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1889 7s 6d Kuching, Sarawak, Labuan, Kudat, Eleopura, the Madai Caves, &c., April, 1887. 10723 Breitenstein (Dr. H.) 21 Jahre in Indien : aus dem Tagebuch eines Militararztes, with illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1899- 1900 23s Th. 1. Borneo, 68 ; Th. II., Jaya, lOs ; Th. III., Sumatra, 7s. Experiences and observations of an army surgeon in Netherlands India. 83, High SPreet, Marylebone, London, W. 530 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 10724 Brereton (Rev. C. D.) Address, with Proposal for Foundation of a Church and School at Sarawak, pp. 36 and 2 maps. 1846 2s 10725 Brooke, The Raja of Sarawak: an Account of Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., &c., given chieJBly through Letters and Journals, by Gertrude L. Jacob, 'portrait and ma'ps, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1876 10s The chief authorities for this work are the ' Letters,' 3 vols. 1854 ; the ' Journal,' 1839 to 1846, printed in part by Admiral Keppel in the * Expedition to Borneo,' and in part by Admiral Mundy in ' Borneo and Celebes,' the Blue-book, 1855, and the Keport of the Inquiry, from the Singapore Free Press. 10726 The Private Letters of Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Rajah of Sarawak, narrating the Events of his Life from 1838, edited by John C. Templer, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1853 7s 6d Some of the letters were accompanied by enclosures which have been printed. Appendices (1) Explanation and Exposure of charges against Brooke, with reference to capture and execution of Criminals in Sarawak ; (2) Proceedings at Dinner to Brooke, London T;i vern, April 30, 1852. 10727 The Life of Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, by Sir Spenser St. John, wa'p and portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1899 4s Proposed Exploring Expedition to the Asiatic Archipelago — See Jour. R. Geog. Soo., 1838 (Vol. Vm. pp. 443-448, 1846 ; also Keppel's Exped. to Borneo, 1846 (Vol. II. Appendix, pp. i-xv). 10728 Letter from Borneo, with Notices of the Country and its Inhabitants, 8vo, pp. 40. 1842 5s Memorandum on the Piracy of the Malayan Archipelago and the Extension of British Commerce, 1845. See Kkppel's Expedition to Borneo, 1846, Vol. II. 10729 Adventures of Sir James Brooke — Devastation under iPre- tence of Checking Piracy, by 6. Foggo, 8vo, pp* 46. 1853 3s 6d 10730 Letter to Lord Malmesbury relative to the Proceedings of Sir James Brooke in Borneo, by Joseph Hume, M.P., 8vo, pp. 28 and map 3s 6d See also Borneo, Keppel, Marryat, Mundy, St. John. 10732 Brooke ([Sir] Charles) Ten Years in Sarawak, with Introduction by Rajah Brooke, illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1866 12s Sir Charles Brooke succeeded his uncle, Eajah Brooke, in the government of Sarawak, and successfully trampled out the last effort of the piratical Malayan chiefs and their supporters among the Dyak tribes. 10733 Burbidge (F. W.) The Gardens of the Sun : a Naturalist's Journal on the Mountains and in the Forests and Swamps of Borneo and the Sulu Archipelago, 26 illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1880 7s 10734 Another copy, 12mo, half -morocco 9s With chapters on Singapore and Johor, Labuan, the Malays, wild life in Borneo, Brunei the city of lake dwellings, a roval; pig-hunt with the Sultan of Snlu, orchid and pitcher-plant collecting, tropical fruits, useful hints on tropical travel, and appendices ; ferns collected in Borneo and in the Sulu Archipelago, birds of Sulu and from N.W. Borneo. 83, High Street, Maryhhone, London, W. Borneo 531 Capellen (Baron T. van) History of the Kingdom of Banjermassin, Borneo — lie Moniteub, 1846. See p. 524. 10735 Clutterbuck (W. J.) About Ceylon and Borneo, ma^s and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1891 5s The author visited Sandakan, Kudat, Gaya, Brunei, and Labuan, and has some chapters on Bornean natives and elephants. Coleman (Charles) On Eeligion of the Daya of Borneo (from Asiatic Journal)— Hindu Mythology, 4to, 1832 (pp. 346-348), p. 318. 10736 Collingwood (Dr.) A Naturalist's Rambles in the China Seas : Formosa, Hongkong, Borneo, the Philippines, 1866-67, &c., illus- trated, 8vo, cloth. 1868 7s 6d Contains chapters on Labuan, its coal-mines, petroleum, and other products, pigs, monkeys alligators, birds, lizards, pythons, scorpions, centipedes, insects, molluscs, land shells ; remarks on piracy, description of Sarawak settlement and the Sarawak River; a visit to Manila; Eajah Brooke, diamond- washing, gold, the Dyaks, &c. 10737 Crawfurd (John) Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and Adjacent Countries, map, 8vo, cloth. 1856 8s Balambangan, Banjermasin, Baram, Borneo (description, vegetable products, minerals, animals, native inhabitants, foreign settlers, history, pp. 57-66), Brunai, Dyak, Labuan, Rajang, Sarawak, &;c. Essay on the Geography of Borneo, its Products, Inhabitants, &c.— JouB. R. Geog. Soo., 1853 (Vol. XXIII. pp. 69-86). Opinions on Proposed British Settlement of Labuan, N.W. Coast of Borneo— Keppel, Expedition to Borneo, 1846 (Vol. II. pp. 209-223). 10738 Crespigny (Lieut. C. A. C. de) Ascent of the R. Limbong, Visit to Maluda Bay, 1857— Proo. R. G. Soo., 1858 (Vol. II. pp. 342- 350). cloth 3s 10739 On Northern Borneo, with Vocabularies — Proc. R. Geog, Soo., 1872 (Vol. XVI. pp. 171-183), cloth 3s 10740 Crocker (Wm. M.) Sarawak and Northern Borneo : Notes of Sixteen Years* Residence, map — Proo. R. G. Soo., April, 1881 (pp. 193-208) 2s Dalton (J ) Papers on Borneo, its History, Government; Voyage to R. Coti (with map). Essay on the Dayaks, Massacre of Major Mullen and Party, of Capt. Gravesstone and his Crew, Remarks on Semerindam, Piracy, &c. See Moor, Indian Archi- pelago (Part I., 1837, pp. 15-71), p. 510. 10742 Daly (Sir D. D.) Explorations in British North Borneo, 1883- 1887, wa2>— Proo. R. Geog. Soo., Jan., 1888, cloth 3s Earl (G. Windsor) Visit to Sinkawan, Serawak, and East Coast of Borneo (1834), with Account of the Dutch Colonies, the Malays, and Chinese; the Dyaks, their Customs, Religion, Weapons, and Head Hunting; Gold, Diamond, and Antimony Mines, &c. See Earl's Eastern Seas, p. 506. SS, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 532 Francis Edwar supplemented Keppel's work, and added the history of the exciting events of two later years. He also inserted the full Journal of the visit to Celebes, describing that island, its coasts and scenery (explored 1840), the Bugis people and their civilization, the wild tribes of the mountains, &o. To Brooke's Journal Sir Rodney added his own, recording the operations against the rebel Dyaks and pirates, the account of Brooke's visit and reception in England in 1847, and a chapter on the geology of Sarawak. 10774 North Borneo Co. Sketch of the Territory of Sabah, with 2 large maps ; Sketch of Borneo by J. Hunt, 1812 ; Physical and Political Geography from Sir Spenser St. John's * Life in the Forests of the Far East ' ; The Character of the Chinese from Sir Walter Medhurst's ' Foreigner in Far Cathay ' ; Statement and Application to Lord Salisbury ; Report of Meeting, Westminster Palace Hotel, March 26, 1879 ; Charter of the Company, 5 pamphlets, 4to. 1878-82 9s 10775 Perelaer (M. T. H.) Ran Away from the Dutch ; or, Borneo from North to South, translated byBlok and Mendes, with 10 illus- trations, Svo, cloth. 1887 4s 6d With a vocabulary of Dayak words. 10776 Posewitz (Dr. Theodor) Borneo, its Geology and Mineral Resources, from the German by Hatch, maps and illustrations, Svo, cloth. 1892 98 This work includes an elaborate historical and critical sketch, accompanied by a catalogue of over 260 works relating to Borneo, especially Dutch literature. 10778 Fryer (W. B.) Notes on North-Eastern Borneo and the Sulu Islands— PBGC. R. G. S., Feb., 1883, pp. 90-96 2s 10779 Fryer (Mrs. W. B.) A Decade in Borneo, with Introduction by Joseph Hatton, 12mo, cloth. 1894 ^3 10780 Roth (H. Ling) The Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo, based chiefly on the MSS. of Hugh Brooke Low, with Preface by Andrew Lang, map and over 550 illustrations, 2 vols, royal Svo, cloth. 1896 £1 5s Vol. I. On Geographical Distribution and the Dyaks, their Physical Character, Customs, Religion, Festivals, Medicine Men, Legends, Daily Life, Food, Agriculture and Domestic Animals, Hunting and Fishing. Vol. II. Habitations, Dress and Fashion, Torturing, War, Head Hunting, Blow Pipe, Human Sacrifices, Cannibalism, Natural Productions, Boating, Swimming, Biding, Archaeology, Music, Language, Names, including Vocabularies of several Dialects, bv H. B. Low, Lieut, de Crespigny, Rev. C. Hup6, Ch. Hose, Sir Spenser St. John, Revs. W. Chalmers and W. Gomez, Mr. Brereton, &c., Ethnographical Notes from the works of Dr. Schwaner (100 pp.), Mrs. Pryer and Prof. Kiikenthal, and a Bibliography. 10781 St. John (J. A.) Views in the Eastern Archipelago : 24 tinted plates of Scenes in Borneo, Sarawak, and Labuan, from drawings by Admirals Bethune, Heath, and others, with letterpress descriptions by J. A. St. John, imp. 4to, half-morocco. 1847 £1 5s Illustrating Rajah Brooke, Rodney >»undy, and other works. 8S, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W 536 Francis Edwards^s Gatalogue 10782 St. John ([Sir] Spenser) Life in the Forests of the Far East; or, Travels in Northern Borneo, 3 ma-ps and 16 plates {some coloured), 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1862 10s The author had at his disposal the journals kept by Mr. Hugh Low in their joint expeditions as well as those relating to districts he had not himself visited. The work, which is indebted to valuable notes of other gentlemen, has chapters on the Sea and the Land Dayaks, and their social life, on the Kayans of Baram, the Samaraham Eiver, and Caves of Sirih ; Two Ascents of Kina Balu {with plates) ; Journal of Expedition to Limbang ; Two Visits to the Sulu Islands ; the Kmgdom of Borneo Proper ; Sarawak and its Dependencies ; the Chinese in Borneo ; the Chinese Insurrection ; Koman Catholic and Protestant Missions. 10783 Second edition, revised, 3 maps amd 16 'plates (some coloured)^ 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1863 14s This edition contains two additional chapters : * The Pirates,' and ' Some of the Living Creatures found in Borneo.' 10784 Observations on the N.W. Coast of Borneo, 1858, with map— JouK. R. Geog. Soc, 1862 (Vol. XXXII. pp. 217-34), cloth 3s 10785 Rajah Brooke : the Englishman as Ruler of an Eastern State, portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1899 4s ScHWANER (Dr. C. A. L. M.) Ethnographical Notes, translated from his Work on * Borneo.' See Roth (H. Ling). 10786 Scraps and Scrawls from Sarawak : Six Stories Told while ''Waiting for the Tide," edited by W. M. Crocker, luith 18 comie illustrations {etched at Singapore), 4to, boards. Kucliing, 1875 9s The authors of the Six Stories are W. Fraser, A. Perry, T. Skipwith, O. C. Vane, H. Roscoe, and W. H. Don. 10787 Stapf (0., Ph.D.) On the Flora of Mt. Kinabulu, North Borneo — Trans. Linnean Soc, Dec. 1894, Botany, pp. 69-263 5s Trobriant (Lieut.) Expedition to Borneo, 1775 — Sonnerat's Voyage (Vol. III. ch. v. pp. 79-133). See India, Supplement. Ventimiglia (Father Antony) Account of Borneo and the Mission there, 1688-89 — Careri, Voyage Round the World (Churchill, Vol. IV. pp. 260-267), p. 496. 10789 Wakefield (0. C.) Future Trade in the Far East, maps amd illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1896 6s 10790 Wallace (A. R.) Notes of a Journey up the Sadong River, N.W. Borneo ; Proposed Exploration of Borneo by Lieut. De Crespigny— Proo. R. Geog. Soo., Vol. I. pp. 193-208 2s 6d See Ceespiqny, p. 531. Explorations in Sarawak and ia the Interior of Borneo,. 1854-56, with Observations of the Dyaks, the Orang-Utan, &c., maps and illustrations. See ' Malay Archipelago ' (Vol. I. pp. 34-94, 138-149; Vol. U. pp. 270-320), p. 514. 10791 Wardrop (A. Tucker) All about North Borneo, the New Ceylon, nuip and illust, — Manchester Geog. Jour., Vol. XIII. pp. 165-180. 1897 2s 6d 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W Borneo 537 10792 Whitehead (John) Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo, with Descriptions of the various Species of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Insects, &c., collected in Borneo, Palawan, Sulus, and Eastern Java, illustrated bi/ 10 beautiful hand-coloured plates ^ 22 full page, and nuTnerov^ other engravings in the texty imperial 4to, cloth. 1893 (pub. £3 3s) £1 Is Mount Kina Balu is a peak of over 13,000 ft. in altitude, and Mr. Whitehead spent nearly four years collectiDg in the neighbourhood. The results of his travels are very considerable. " This handsome volume will be studied and appreciated by all interested in the natural history of the Eastern Archipelago. It is carefully and beautifully printed, and profusely illustrated by the author himself.''— Athenceum. CELEBES. BiOKMORE (Prof.) Visits to Macassar (June) and Minahassa (Dec, 1865), with Descriptions of the Scenery and Physical Features of Celebes, Account of the Bugis and the Head'Hunters, &c. See p. 516. 10793 Boulenger (G. A.) Reptiles atid Batrachians of Celebes (pp. 45), 10 plates (4 coloured) j and other Papers— Zool. Soo. Proo., June, 1897 6s Brooke (Rajah) Journal of a Visit to Celebes, 1840, with History and Description of the Island, the Bugis States and People, Account of the Wild Tribes of the Mountains, with illustrations and 2 charts — Mundy's Borneo and Celebes, Vol. I. (chap, iii.-xii. pp. 30-169), p. 535. Coleman (Charles) Religion of the Bugis and Macassars (from Raffles's Address)— Hindu Mythology, 1832, (pp. 343-345), p. 318. Crawfurd (John) Bugis, Celebes, Kaili, Macassar, Minahasa, Tuwaju or Waju. See Dictionary of the Indian Archipelago, p. 505. Dalton (J.) Celebes : Mandhaar, Makassar, on making it a Free Port>-MooR, Indian Archipelago (Part I. 1837, pp. 72-78), p. 510. The Macassar War from Singapore Chronicle, Nov., 1824, ibid. (pp. 145-146), p. 510. Forrest (Capt. Thomas) Account of Celebes, 1792. See p. 540. 10794 [Gervaise (Nicol)] An Historical Description of the Kingdom of Macasar in the East Indies, 12mo, calf. 1701 (rare) 10s 6d Account of the county (Southern Celebes), inhabitants, religion, and Dutch exclusive trade, translated from the French. GuiLLEMARD (Dr.) Account of the Dutch Settlements at Macassar and Minahasa, Customs, Dress of their Inhabitants, and Languages ; Zoological Features of the Celebes, Forest Scenery, beautifully illustrated. See Cruise of the ** Marchesa," p. 532. 10795 Hickson (Sydney J.) A Naturalist in North Celebes : Narrative of Travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut Islands, with Notices of the Fauna, Flora, and Ethnology of the Districts Visited, 2 maps and 35 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1889 9s Includes general observations on the aspect of the coast and inland scenery ; the islands and coral reefs of theTalisse Sea, visited in H. M.S. "Flying Fish »; Talisse Island— its land and marine fauna ; stone implements, legends, customg, Bongs and animal stories, riddles and proverbs of the Minahassars, useful plants and woods, European settlements, Portuguese and Dutch. 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. 538 Francis Edwcurda^s Catalogue KJEPPEL (Sir H.) Visit to Turatte Bay and Excursions in Celebes, Dec, 1839, and Jan., 1840, with Account of tlie Bugis. See Exped. to Borneo, p. 533. Navarette (Fray) Voyage to Macasar (Celebes) and Stay there, 1657-58. See his Account of China (pp. 257-264), p. 399. 10796 Rinne (Prof. Fritz and Else) Kasana, Kamari : eine Celebes- fahrt, numerous illustrations, royal 8vo, sewed. Hanover, 1900 4s 6d Narrative of a voyage to Netherlands India in 1898, with account of Minahassain Celebes, and visits to Java, and the Molucca Islands. Stavorinus' Account of Celebes, Amboyna, &c. See p. 527, and Pinkerton's Voyages (Vol. XI.), p. 17. Wallace (A. R.) Visits to Macassar and Menada, 1856, 1857, 1859> Celebes, Sula Islands, andBouton ; their Physical Features, Natural History, Inhabitants, and their Languages, maps and illustrations. See Malay Archipelago (Vol. I. pp. 211-284 ; Vol. II. pp. 270-321), p. 514. Weber (Max) Ethnographische Notizen uber Celebes, &c. See p. 543. 10797 Woodard (Capt. David) and Four Seamen, Narrative of their Sufferings and Captivity among the Malays of Celebes (1793-95) and Account of the Natives of the Country, to which are added other Narratives of Escape from Shipwreck, &c., by Wm. Vaughan, portrait and 3 plateSf 8vo, calf. 1804 10s Among the additional narratives is that of the escape of Carter, Shaw, and Haskett, from natives of Tate's Island, Torres Straits, in 1793. THE MOLUCCAS, BANDA, BALI, TIMOR, &c. Ternate, Tidore, Gilolo, Ceram, Amboyna, Banda, Bouro, Bali, Lombockf Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba or Sandalwood, Ombay, Timor, Timor-laut, Serwatti, Ke, Aru, and Lesser Islands of the Flores, Banda, and Arafura Seas. 10798 Arago (Jacques-Etienne- Victor) Narrative of a Voyage Round the World in the Corvettes " TUranie " and " la Physicienne," com- manded by Capt. [Louis C. Desaulses de] Freycinet, 1817-20, in a Series of Letters, with 26 plates, 4to, half-calf. 1823 £1 This expedition, after surveying part of the west coast of Australia, sailed through the Indian Archipelago and homewerd across the Pacific and round Cape Horn. M, Arago dates seventeen letters from Timor, Amboyna, Ombay, and other eastern islands, which, with their inhabitants, are described and illustrated with nine plates. Abgensola.'s Conquest of the Moluccas — See Philippines, p. 495. British Expeditions against the Moluccas, Capture of Amboyna, Banda-Neira, and Ternate, 1810— Wilson, History of the Madras Army (Vol. HI. pp. 313-321 ; 407-408). See Supplement. Bali, Account of the Island, its People, Government, Revenue, Trade, Religion, Hinduism, Literature, Language, Products, Natural History, &c. See Le Moniteur, p. 524 ; Moor's * Indian Archipelago (part I. pp. 85-96), p. 510. 83, High Street, Marylebon^, London, W. Moluccas, Banda, Timor, 10s I. New Guinea, Borneo. II. Celebes, Amboina, Banda, Timor, Rotti, &;c., with charts, plates, and vocabularies. NiEUHOFF (John) Description of the Islands Amboyna, Bouro, the Climate, Clove Tree, the Amboynese, with a large view, 1659. See Java, p. 525. 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. Moluccas, Banda, Timor, d^c. 543 Raffles (Sir (T. S.) Account of Bali : its Population, Government, Religion, Castes, &c. See his Memoir (4to, pp. 164-174 ; 8vo, Appendix to Vol. II.), p. 525, Stanley (Capt. Owen) Notes of a Cruise in the Eastern Archipelago, Visits to Timor-laut, &c., 1841-42— Jour. R. G. Soc, 1842. Stokes (Admiral Lort) Narrative of the Visits of H.M.S. ** Brito- mart," Commander Owen Stanley, R.N., to the Islands of the Arafura Sea (1839). See Stokes's Discoveries in Australia. ToMBE (Ch. F-.) View of Coupang, Timor, 1804. See p. 528. Varthema: Account of the Islands of Nutmegs and Cloves, anda, &c., visited about 1506. See Varthema's Travels, p. 513. Wallace (A. R.) Visits to the Moluccan Group (1857-61) : Bouru, Ceram, Batchian, Gilolo, Morty, Ternate, Tidor, Makian, Kaida, Amboyna, Banda, Goram, Matabello, and Ke Islands, their Natural History, Inhabitants and their Languages, maps and illustrations — Malay Archipelago (Vol. I. pp. 285-312 ; Vol.11, pp. 1-115, 270-321). See p. 514. The Timor Group : Timor, Flores, Sumbawa, Bali, Lombock, &c., their Physical Features, Natural History, Inhabitants, and the Language (1856-61), maps and illustrations — Wallace, Malay Archipelago (Vol. I. pp. 150-211 ; Vol. II. pp. 270-321). See p. 514. 10822 Weber (Prof. Max) Ethnographische Notizen Uber Flores und Celebes, witlfh 8 coloured 'plates mid other illustrations, 4to. Leyden, 1890 15s Supplement : Internl. Archiv. f. Ethnographie. 10823 Webster (H. Cayley-) Through New Guinea and the Cannibal Islands, portrait and photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 5s Includes visits to Java, Bali, Lombok, Amboyna, Ke and Arru Islands, Solo- mon Group, New Ireland, &c. 10824 White (Major W. L.) The Dutch Expedition to the Island of Lombok, 1894, with sketch map— Frog. R. Artillery Inst, and other Papers, Dec, 1896 3s 6d 10825 Wild (Dr. J. J.) At Anchor. Sketches from Many Shores : a Narrative of Experiences Afloat and Ashore, during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger," 1872-76, ivith 13 chromo plates and 180 etchings in the text, imperial 4to, cloth gilt. 1878 (pub. £3 13s 6d) 16s The chromo plates picture scenery in Kerguelen Island, among the Icebergs, in the Fiji and Philippine and Spice Islands. New Gruinea and the Admiralty Islands, Tahiti, &c. The Aru, Ke, Banda, Amboyna, and Ternate were visited Sept. and Oct., 1874. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 544 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue ADDITIONS. THE ASIATIC CONTINENT: Geography, History, Antiquities. {Continued from pp. 1-23.) 10826 Beazley (C. Eaymond) The Dawn of Modern Geography. Part II. History of Exploration and Geographical Science, a. d. 900 to 1260, with facsimile maps, 8vo, cloth. 1901 14s The Northmen to Iceland, Greenland, and America ; the Crusades ; Pilgrimages to Palestine, Mt. Sinai, &c. ; Benjamin of Tudela ; Missions to the Tartars, Armenia, and the East ; Commercial Travels— the Venetians, Black Sea Trade ; Geographical Theory and Description; Maps of the Period — Beatus Group, the "Jerome," St. Sever, Arglo-Saxon, Imago Mundi, Ebsdorf, Hereford, Salter, and others (with examples). 10827 The Texts and Versions of John de Piano Carpini and William de Rubruquis, and some shorter pieces from Hakluyt's Voyages, 1598, with Commentary, Notes, and Index, 8vo, sewed. (Hakluyt 3oc.) 1903 ' 15s 10828 Benjamin of Tudela, Travels from Navarre to China (1160- 1173?), translated from the Hebrew by Gerrans, 12mo, half-calf. 1784 10s 6d Rabbi Benjamin travelled by the South Coasts of Europe to Constantinople, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Samarcand — he tells what was known about Eastern couutries — and returned by way of Egypt and Sicily. He gives the number of Jews to be found in difEerent places. 10829 Bergeron (Pierre) Voyages faits principalement en Asie, XII-XV^ Si^cl6s, preced^z d'une Introduction concernant les Voyages et les Nouvelles D^couvertes, maps, large paper, Ito, calf, 1735 (fine copy) £2 10s This edition contains additional travels to the edition of 1634 (see p. 441) : Benjamin of Tudela, Carpini, Ascelin, Rubruquis, Marco Polo, Hayton, Maundevile, Contarini ; also Bergeron's Treatise on the Tartars, and his History of the Saracens and Mohammedans; Friar Bacon's Observations on the Northern Parts of the World, and the Relations touching the Tartars out of Roger of Wendover and Matthew Paris. 10830 Les Voyages Fameux du Sieur Vincent le Blanc, Mar- seillois aux Indes Orien tales et Occidentales, en Perse et Pegu, et en Fez, Maroc, et Guin^e, et dans toute I'Afrique Interieure, depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance Jusques en Alexandrie, par les terres de Monomotapa, duPreste Jean et de I'figypt, &c., 4to, calf. Paris, 1649 12s For English translation, see p. 12. 10831 Dennis (Rev. J. S., D.D.) Christian Missions and Social Progress : a Sociological Study, portraits and numerous illustra- tions, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897-99 12s A treatise of great importance, founded on a series of Lectures on Missions at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1896. with extracts and bibliographies covering the whole field of Sociology and Christian Missions in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Australasia. A third volume to follow. Asia in General 545 10831b Daniell (T. and W.) Picturesque Voyage to India by way of the Cape and China, a series of 50 beautiful engravings coloured in imitation of the original draivingSf 4to, calf gilt. 1810 £4 10s For list of views see pp. 108 or 381. 10832 Dapper (Dr. Olfert) Asia; Beschryving van het Rijk defc Grooten Mogols— Indien, Kandahar, Kabul; Persie, Georgia, Mengrelie, &c, 32 large copper plates and charts^ folio, half- morocco. Amsterdam, 1672 £i 6s For English translation see Ogilby, p. 16. 10833 Diez (H. F. von) DenkwUrdigkeiten von Asien in Kunsten und Wissenschaften, Sitten, Gebrauchen, und Alterthiimern, Religion und Regierungsverfassung, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. Berlin, 1811-15 lis Fkederic (Cesar) Voyages and Travels into the East Indies and Beyond (1563-81), from the Italian by Thomas Hickocke (1598)— Asiatic Miscellany, Vol. I. 1785, pp. 156-178 ; 278-285 ; 420-432. See p. 306. Cesar Frederic visited Babylon, Ormus, Goa, Cochin, the Pearl Fishery, Ceylon, Negapatam, Sumatra, Malacca, Siam, Orissa. 10834 Grasset S. Sauveur (J.) EncyclopMie des Voyages, contenant I'Abreg^ Historique des Moeurs, Usages, Habitudes Domestiques, Religions, Fetes, &c., de tons les Peuples ; et la Collection com- plette de leurs Habillemens. Asie, avec 100 coloured plates, small 4to, calf. Paris, 1796 £1 5s The costumes pictured are of China (10), Persia (4), Armenia (4), Arabia (6), India (14), Circassia and Russian Asia (5), Java, Philippines, &c. (10). 10835 Hakluyt's Voyages. The Principal Navigations, Voyages? Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, New Edition, with portraits, illustrations, rare maps in facsimile, and index, 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. 1903-4 £7 10s For other editions and summary of general contents, see pp. 8-9. 10836 Haukal (Ebn) Arabian Traveller, Tenth Century, Oriental Geography of, translated by Sir W. Ouseley, map, 4to, half-calf. 1800 9s 10837 Hewitt (J. F.) The Ruling Races of Prehistoric Times, in India, South Western Asia, and Southern Europe, diagrams and maps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1894-95 21s 10838 Kropotkin (Prince) The Orography of Asia, with 3 maps, and other Papers— Geographical Jour., Feb. and March, 1904 3s 10839 Le Bruyn (Oorneille) Voyages au Levant, I'Asie Mineure, lies de Chio, Rhodes, Chypre, Villes d'Egypte, Syrie et Terre Salute ; Aussi h la Moscovie, en Perse et aux Indes Orientales ; Relation du Voyage de M. Isbrants Ides k la Chine, illustrated throughout with numerous plates, 5 vols. 4to, calf extra. The Hague, 1732 £1 15s See also p. 12 ; Palestine, p. 560 ; Persia, p. 575. 83^ High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 546 Francis Edwards^s CaicHogue 10840 Morden (Robert) Geography Rectified ; or, a Description of the World Kingdoms, Provinces, Countries, Islands; their Inhabitants, Commodities, &c., illustrated with 78 maps, small 4to, calf. 1693 £1 12s Contains map of the World, 26 maps of European, 19 of Asiatic, 15 of African, and 17 of American countries and colonies. 10841 Mumford (J. K.) Oriental Rugs, with 16 coloured plates from selected Rugs and 16 engravings, royal 8vo, cloth. 1901 42s 10842 Munsterberg (Dr. Oscar) Bayern und Asien im XYI., XVII., und XVIII. Jahrhundert, 2 plates and 28 illustrations in the text, 4to, pp. 30. Leipzig, 1895 3s 10843 Petermann (Dr. A.) Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geo- graphischer Anstalt iiber Wichtige Neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographic, tuit/i numerous maps^ 1855 to 1882; Erganzungsheft, Nos. 1 to 63 ; bound in 32 vols, royal 4to, half- morocco. Gotha, 1856-82 £7 A valuable publication containing original and translated papers of travel in all parts of the world, especially of German and Eussian explorers, including, amoDg hundreds of others, those of Schlagintweit, Prince Waldemar, Eichthofen. V^mh6ry, Prejevalsky, and Eegel in Central Asia, Eein's and Woekof's Japan, Earth's Asia Minor, Bastian's Indo-China, Veth's Sumatra, the French expeditions in Indo-China, Meyer's Indian Archipelago, Van de Velde's Palestine (1861-62), the whole being accompanied by coloured maps of Stieler and other leading German cartographers. 10843b Pococke (Richard) LL.D. A Description of the East : Observa- tions in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, and Candia, the Archipelago, Asia Minor, Thrace, Greece, Italy, &c., 103 large plates, maps, and plans, 2 vols, folio, calf. 1743-45 £1 5s Included among the plates are views of Thebes, Alexandria, })lans of Ephesus and the Temple of Diana, Tyre, Jerusalem, and tbe Holy Sepulchre, Temple of Baalbeck (10 views and plans), Mosque of Damascus, Phoenician Inscriptions, &c. 10844 Purchas's Voyages. Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purcbas his Pilgrimes, containing A History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells. New Edition of the Original Collection, including the ' Pilgrimage ' (or Relations of Religions), tvith fac- similes of original title-page and nmps, to be completed in 20 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1904 £12 10s This edition is a reprint of the edition of 1625, now rare, witli facsimiles of the original engraved title-page, all ihe maps and illustialions, and a new and complete Index. For copy of original edition and a few details of its contents, see p. 18. 10845 Robinson (Vincent J.) Eastern Carpets: Twelve Examples, cJiromolithograplied from the ivater-colour drawings of Miss Julia Robinson, with descriptions ; also Second Series : Twelve ad- ditional Examples in chromo ; together 2 vols. imp. folio, vellum cloth. 1882-93 £'j lOs c Tv^ PJ?*^^ represent carpets from Central as well as Western Asia— from barakhs, bhiraz, Baghdad, JVJashad, Kurdistan, Gherous, Afghanistan, India, Mongolia, Persia, and Arabia. In a Preface to the First Series Sir George Birdwood gives a general history of Oriental cari^et manufacture. 10846 Second Series, separately, folio, cloth. 1893 £1 10s The 12 plates in this volume illustrate classification and design in Oriental carpets, and include examples of Italian. Mooltan, Silk, Mcorish, Afghan or Old l^ahore, Sicilian, Shastra , Goanese, and Laristan work, chiefly 16th and 17th century. 83, High /Street, Marylehone, London, W. Asia in General 547 State Papers (Calendars of), Preserved in H.M. Public Kecord Office, &c. Colonial Series, imperial 8vo, cloth. 10847 East I^D1EP, China, and Japan, 1513-1616. 1862. Out of print 10848 DiiTO, 1617-21. 1870. Out of print 10849 Ditto, 1622-24. 1878 15s 10850 Ditto, 1625-29. 1884 , 15s 10851 Ditto, 1630-34. 1892 15s These volumes (each averaging 750 pages) contain abstracts of numerous letters and correspondence relating to trade and other affairs in Persia, India, and the Eastern Seas, reports of arrangements with native princes, hostilities with the Portuguese and Dutch, shipwrecks and disasters at sea, &c. 10852 [Stevens (Capt. John)] New Collection of Yoyages and Travels small 4to, old calf. Knapton, London, 1710 24s Teixeira (Peter) Travels from India to Europe by Land, and from India to Spain by way of the Philippines and Mexico. Cauche (Francih) Voyage to Madagascar, adjacent Islands, and African Coast, 1638-44, with Account of the People, Animals, Plants, &c. Tellez (B.) Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia, Arabia, &c., map. 10853 Tavernier(J. B.) The Six Voyages of, through Turkey into Persia and the East Indies (1630-70) with Relation of the Grand Seignor's Seraglio, made English by John Phillips, plates of views, coins, precious stones, &c., folio, calf. 1678 £1 7s Seealsopp. 21,22, 238. 10854 Teixeira (Pedro) Journey from India to Italy by Land, 1604-5, with his Chronicle of the Kings of Orrauz, &c., translated and edited by W. F. Sinclair, with Additional Notes by D. F. Ferguson (Hakluyt Soc), 8vo, cloth. 1902 15s With an Introductory Sketch of Teixeira's Life and previous Voyage to India, Persia, the Indian Archipelago, Mexico, aud Return to Europe, 1587-1603. See also Persia. 10855 Thevenot (M. de) Voyages en Europe, Asie, et Afrique, with numerous plates, 5 vols. 12mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1727 15s The author travelled to Constantinople, the Holy Land, Egypt and the Pyramids, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Persia, and India. 10856 [Trade and Exchange] Copia Algumas Observagoens feitas sobre o Commercio da China, evetoda a India, em 1781 principiado, MANUSCRIPT, 90 pages, folio, boards £1 5s A valuable and interesting record written in Portuguese of the merchandize, moneys, and rates of exchange at the different ports to which the Portuguese traded in the third quarter of the eighteenth century. The writer treats of articles of commerce and current money of Madeira, Mozambique, Damaon, Surat, Bombay, Goa, Mangalore, Coromandel, Bengal, Macao, Canton, and other intermediate ports, with ueef ul advice respecting commercial negotiations. 10856b Viaggi fatti da Yinetia alia Tana, in Persia, in India, et in Constaiitinopoli,* 12mo, vellum. Aldus, Vinegia, 1545 (rare) £2 10s Containing the two journeys of Josafa Barbaro to Tana and Persia, 1436-38, 1471-87; Ambrosio Contarini to Persia, 1473-77; Alvigi di Giovanni Voyages to Persia and Calicut, 1529 and 1532 ; Voyage to Turkey ; Voyage of the Turks under Solyman Bassa against the Portuguese in India, 1537-40. For English translations of the Persian voyages (Hakluyt Soc.) see Italian Travels in Persia, p. 46. The Beckford copy sold for £5 58. 83, High Street, Marylehone, Zondon,W. X 2 548 Francis Edwards's Catalogue CYPRUS. 10857 Baker (Sir Samuel) Cyprus as I Saw It, 8vo, cloth. 1879 5s Observations of the geography and capabilities of the island, with meteorological data during nine months' residence. Sir Samuel visited Larnaca, Nicosia, the Messana, the Carpas, Cape St. Andrea, Kvrenia, Baffo, Limasol, and the Monastery of Trooditissa. 10858 Biddulph (Lieut.-Gen. Sir R.) Cyprus, map — Proc. R. Geog. Soc, Dec, 1889, pp. 705-19 Is 6d 10859 Brassey (Lady) Sunshine and Storm in the East ; or, Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople in the "Sunbeam," with maps and upwards of 100 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1880 5s Lady Brassey and party visited Limasol, Larnaka, Nikosia, Famagusta, Kyrenia, Karavastasia, &c., in Cyprus, and the Island of Rhodes, in November, 1878. 10860 Cesnola (Gen. Louis Palma di) Cyprus; its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples : Researches and Excavations, 1865-75, maps and 200 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1877 20s With Appendices, (1) On the Rings and Gems in the Treasure of Curium, by C W. King ; (2) on the Pottery of Cyprus, by A. S. Murray ; (3) Greek ; (4) Cypriote, and (5) Phoenician Inscriptions. 10861 Cesnola (Major Alex. Palma di) Salaminia, Cyprus ; its History, Treasures, and Antiquities, with Introduction by Dr. Birch, map and 700 illustrations, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1882 9s Major di Cesnola assisted his brother in his archaeological excavations, 1865-75, and subsequently continued them on his own account during 1876 to 1879. dis- covering the 14,000 objects comprised in the " Lawrence-Cesnola Collection," and described in his 'Album' published in 1881, containing about 1,000 illustrations, of which the present work forms a second and cheaper edition. IQ862 Cyprus Antiquities ; Album of 48 large and fine photo- graplis, containing many hundred illustrations of pottery, glass, terra cotta, metal work, statuary, &c., from specimens excavated in the Island, with Sketch of its History, &c., oblong folio, half-morocco. 1881 £3 38 See also Newton (C. T.) Essays, p. 556. 10862b Dixon (Hepworth) British Cyprus, joZa^e, 8vo, cl. 1879 6s The Island and its People, Village Republics, Pasha and Primate, Nicosia, the New Rule. Harem Life, the Crescent, Church and Mosque, Famagosta, Cerinia, Papho, Limasol, &c. 10863 Ellis (Tristram) Twelve Etchings of the Principal Views and Places of Interest in Cyprus, with Descriptions, proofs before letters, oblong folio, cloth. 1879 12s Includes views of Larnaca, Nicosia, Famagusta, Troados, Paphos Harbour, Ploughing, &c. FURRELL (James W.) Cyprus before the Time of Amasis — Calcutta. Review (Oct., 1878), Reprint, 1895, pp. 360-379. 10864 Fyler (Col. A. G.) The Development of Cyprus and Rambles in the Island, maps, plans, and coloured illust^-ations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 7s Cd Haggard (H. Rider) Travels through Cyprus in 1900, with Views in Famagusta, &c. See Palestine, p. 560. ^ 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Cyprus 549 10865 Hogarth (David G.) Devia Cypria: Notes of an Archaeological Journey, map and illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1889 10s 6d 10866 A Wandering Scholar in the Levant [Asia Minor, Cyprus, Egypt], with illustrations from photographs, including Hittite Inscriptions, 12mo, cloth. 1896 3s 6d 10867 Hutchinson (Sir J. T.) and Cobham (C. Delaval) A Hand- book of Cyprus, with 2 maps and a plate, 12mo, bds. 1904: 2s 6d 10868 Kitchener ([Lord]) Trigonometrical Survey of Cyprus, twelve large sections, folio, half-morocco. 1882 (pub. 63s) 25s 10869 Lang (R. Hamilton) Cyprus ; its History, Resources, and Present Prospects, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1878 6s With chapters on the art and archaeology of the island ; its history, agriculture, administration, &c. 10869b Loher (Franz von) Cyprus, Historical and Descriptive, with additions by Mrs. Batson-Joyner, 2 maps, 12mo, cloth. 1878 3s 6d y0870 Mallock (W. H.) In an Enchanted Island; or," a Winter's 9 Retreat in Cyprus (1879), 12mo, cloth. 1892 4s 6d Observations on Eastern travel, a forgotten capital, a city of the Crusaders — Nicosia ; a glimpse of Cyprian history ; the Eternal Comedy ; the Eternal Tragedy ; th« Abbey of Happy Peace ; the Glories of Famagusta, &c. 10871 Murray (A. S.), Smith (A. H.), and Walters (W. H.) Excavations in Cyprus, plates, folio, cloth. 1900 40s 10872 Parrot (G.) and Chipiez (C.) History of Ancient Art m Phoenicia and its Dependencies [Cyprus, &c.], translated and edited by W. Armstrong, 10 steel and coloured plates, also 644 wood engravings, 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1885 (pub. 42s) 17s The Phoenician Civilization ; the General Principles and Characteristics of Phoenician Architecture ; Sepulchral, Civil, and Sacred Architecture ; the Temples of Gozo, Malta, and Cyprus ; Phcjenician Sculpture ; Cyprus and Cypriot Sculpture ; Gems ; Painting ; the Industrial Arts : Glass, Jewellery, Furniture, We, pp. 42. 1773 2s 6d 11511 The Right, Interest, and Duty of the State in E.I. Affairs, by Thomas Pownall, M.P., 8vo, pp.48. 1773 3s 11512 The Rights of the E.L Co., May, 1773, Svo, pp. 20 2s 6d 11513 An Account of the Proceedings at the India-House relative to Shipping, &c.. Impartially Stated by One of the Committee, 8vo, pp. 48. 1774 3s 11514 Observations on E.I. Shipping, being a Comparative View between the Freights of 1773 and Seven preceding Years, &c., 8vo, pp. 92, 1774 3s 6d 11515 Etat Civil, Politique, et Commer^ant du Bengale, ou Histoire des Conquetes et de I'Administration de la Corapagnie Angloise dans ce Pays, map and 2 plates, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, calf. Maestricht, 1775 lOs 11516 The Present State of the E.I. Co.'s Affairs, with Estimates and Accounts, &c., 4to. [1775] 3s 6d 11517 An Essay on the Rights of the E.I. Co. to the Perpetuity of their Trade by Author of an Essay on the E.I. TVade, Svo, pp. 60. 1776 3s 6d 11518 A Short History of English Transactions in the East Indies from 1756-63, 12mo, calf. Cambridge, 1776 58 An indictment of the Company's policy in Bengal. 11519 Letter to Directors of the E.I. Co., by Keane Fitzgerald, Svo, pp. 36. 1777 3s 11521 Every Merchant not his own Shipbuilder, addressed to the Proprietors of India Stock, Svo, pp. 80. 1778 , 2s 6d 11522 Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled 'Considerations on E.I. Co.'s Building and Navigating their Own Ships [by John Clarkson], 8vo, pp. 38. [177SJ 3s 11523 List of the Company's Covenant Servants and others in the East Indies and St. Helena, 32mo, calf. 1770 Ss 11524 The Same, 32mo, calf. 1778 58 11525 The Same, 32mo, calf. 1780 • 58 11526 A Letter to Sir George Colebrooke, Bart., on the Subjects of Supervision and Dividend, by an Old Proprietor, Svo, pp. 60. 1782 38 6d 11527 The Origin and Cause of Disorders in our East India Affairs, &c., Svo, pp. 32. 1782 2s 6d 11528 A Hint upon the Present Debates on Indian Affairs, with the Resolutions of the E.I. Co., April 15, 1782, Svo, pp. 66. 1782 3s 6d 11529 Letters to the Directors and Proprietors of E.I. Stock and to the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, by an Independent Proprietor, Svo, pp. 70. 1782 3s 6d 11531 Report from Select Committee H.C. on Petitions from British Subjects in Bengal ; also from Hastings, Francis, Wheler, and E.I. Company ; also Eleven Reports from the Committee of Secrecy on the Causes of tne War in the Carnatic, and on the Condition of the British Possessions in those Parts, with numerous Appendices, 10 vols. Svo, calf. 1782-85 £3 See also Hastings (Warren), p. 150. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. hidia 605 East India Company {continued) — 11532 Authentic Account of Debates in the House of Lords on Fox's E.I. Co. Bill, Dec. 9, 15, 17, 1783, 8vo, pp. 156 4s 11533 Popular Topics ; or, the Grand Question Discussed : the King's Prerogative ; Reform of E.I. Co., &c., 8vo, pp. 36. 1784 2s 6d 11534 Letter to the Directors E.l. Co. from R. J. Sulivan, with Extracts from Letters of Hastings, Nov. 15, 1784, 8vo, pp. 114 3s 6d 11535 We have been all in the Wrong : Thoughts on Parliament and upon Mr. Fox's E.L Bill, 8vo, pp. 74. 1785 3s 6d 11536 Narrative of Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament on E.I. Affairs and Mr. Pitt's Bill, with Copy of the Bill, 8vo, pp. 581 " 6s 11537 Considerations on the Two East India Bills of Mr. Fox (1783) and Mr. Pitt (1784). with Observations on Mr. Sheridan's Statement, 8vo, pp. 249. 1788 5s 11538 First, Second, and Third Reports of E.L Co. Select Committee, with Appen- dices ; Papers (X.) respecting NegociaUons for Renewal of the Co.'s Charter ; Short History of the Company and their Trade, with Abridgment of the New Act, by F. R. [i.e., Francis Russell], 1 vol.4to, calf. 1793 (John Bruce's copy) 15s See also pp. 121, 223. 11639 A Collection of Statutes relating to the E.L Co., with Acts and parts of Acts relating to Shipping, Duties, and a copious Index, pp. 1,200, 4to, cgilf . 1810 14s 11540 Copy of the Fifth Report from the Select Committee H.C., on the Affairs of the East India Co., 28th July, 1812, 8vo, calf 128 6d " The famous ' Fifth Report ' is still a standard authority." Sir Courtenay Ilbert. For the folio edition, complete with all the Evidence and Appendices, pp. 1002. See p. 122. 11541 Eden (Hon. Emily) Up the Country; Letters from the Upper Provinces of India, 1837-40, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1866 7s 6d 11542 Letters from India, edited by her Niece, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1872 7s 6d A second series of Letters, supplementing * Up the Country,' with an account of the outward voyage, (tec. Miss Eden was a daughter of Lord Auckland, Governor- General. 11543 Education in India ; Report by Sir A. Grant and Note of Mr. A. Monteath (Pari. Paper), 4 May, 1868 3s 1 1 544 A Sketch of Native Education in India, with Remarks on the Character and Condition of the Hindus, by James Bryce, D.D., Bengal, Chaplain, 8vo, cloth. 1839 2s 6d See also p. 125. 11545 Fawcett (Henry) Indian Finance : Three Essays v^ith Intro- duction and Appendix, 8vo, cloth. 1880 2s 6d 11546 Speeches on Indian Finance, and some Current Political Questions, 8vo, cloth. 1873 4s 11547 Fen wick (Capt.) Journey from the Dharee Falls in the Hirnphal, Nerbudda River—- Jour. Asiatic Soc, August, 1848, pp. 210-221 11549 Fitch (Ralph) England's Pioneer to India, with Notes on his Contemporaries, and his own Narrative of his Travels, edited by J. Horton-Ryley, with 19 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 3s 6d See note p. 133. 11550 Flotte (M. de la) Essais Historiques sur I'lnde ; Journal de Voyages (1757-60) et Description G^ographique de la C6te de Coro- mandel, plates, Paris, 1769 6s 83, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W, 606 ' Francis Edwards's Catalogue 11551 Forbes (James) Oriental Memoirs, extracted from Letters written during 17 Years' Residence in India, including Occurrences in Four Voyages, -portrait and 95 plates (those of natural history coloured), with a series of additional views (Daniell's), 4 vols, royal 4to, full morocco gilt. 1813 £7 7s See also p. 134. 11552 Forbes (Alex. Kinloch) Ras MMa ; or, Hindoo Annals of the Province of Goozerat in Western India, new edition, with Introduc- tion by Major J. W. Watson, and Memoir of the Author by A. K. Nairne, map, 1 vol. 12mo, cloth. 1878 6s 11553 Best edition, with map and 12 coloured architectural plates, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1856 ^ £3 3s 11554 Forrest (G. W.) The Indian Mutiny, 1857-58. Selections from State Papers in the Military Department, with Introduction, Appendix, and Index {maps and plans), 3 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1893-1902 £1 10s Vol. I. Barrackpore, Berhampore, Meerut, Delhi. II. and III. Lucknow and Cawupore. 11555 Cities of India, with map and QO photo-iUustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1903 (pub. 10s 6d) 6s The cities described in this volume are Bombay, Surat, Ahmedabad, Mount Abu and Ajmer, Jeypore, Delhi, Agra, Fattehpur-Sikri, Lucknow, Cawnpore, Benares, Calcutta, Madras, Pondicherry, and Cuddalore. 11556 Francis ([Sir] Phillip) Original Minutes of the Governor- General and Council on the Revenues of Bengal, with a plan of Settlement, 4to, pp. x-206, half-calf. 1782 £1 11557 Fraser (J. Baillie) Views in the Himala Mountains, 20 Jine coloured plates, each 26 in. by 18 in., imperial folio, cl. 1820 ^£'5 A magnificent work, illustrating the ' Journal of the Tour ' through Nepal, &c. Among the scenes represented are Seran Kaja's Palace, Fort of Jytock, Eaeen- gurh. Town of Rampore, Bheem Ke Udar, the Holy Shrine of Mahadeo, Assemblnges of Hill Men, Ghoorkas, Village and Castle of Bumpta, Temple of Magnee, Villages of Shai and of Jushul, Valley and Sources of the Jumna, and other grand views of River and Mountain Scenery. 11558 Journal of a Tour through part of the Snowy Range of the Himala Mountains and to the sources of the Jumna and Ganges, mxip, 4to, half-calf. 1820 14s Text to accompany the * Views,' with a History of Nepdl and the War. French E.I. Company. See Dupleix, p. 601 ; Flotte, p. 605 ; GuYON, p. 145 ; Malleson, p. 188 ; Morellet, pp. 198 and 616. 1 1559 Frere ([Sir] Bartle) Letter to Col. Durand on the Reorganisation of the Indian Army, 8vo, cloth, pp. 160. [Bombay, 1859] 6s 6d 11560 Freshfield (Douglas W.) Round Kangchenjunga, maps and nearly 40 photo-illustrations, by S. Vittorio Sella, royal 8vo, cloth. 1903 18s Account of a tour in Sikkim and Eastern Nepal, with description of the scenery and physical character of this Alpine region. 88^ High Street, Marylebone, London, W, % India 607 11561 Fryer (John), M.D. A New Account of East India and Persia, being Nine Years* Travels, 1672-81, maps, copper-plates, and wood- cuts, folio, calf. 1698 £2 Dr. Fryer, who visited Surat, Bombay, and Madras in 1674-75, records his observations of the people, their government, religion, laws, customs, housing, clothing, manufactures ; also of the soil of the country, climate, health, diseases, natural history, coins, weights, measures, &c. 11562 FuUarton (Col. Wm.) View of English Interests in India, and Account of the Military Operations in Mysore, 1782-84, with plan, 8vo, half-calf. 1787 6s 11563 Galloway (Lieut. -Col.) Observations on the Government of India ; its Landed Tenures, Financial Resources, Administration of Justice, &c., 8 vo, half-calf . 1832 (scarce) 8s 6d For other Avorks on Indian Land Tenure and Revenue, see pp. 172-3. 11564 Gehring (Hans) Siid-Indien : Land und Yolk der Tamulen, map and illustrations, 8vo. Giitersloh, 1899 5s 11565 Gerard (Capt. Alex.) Account of Koonawur and of. that Part inhabited by Tartars ; Lapcha, Ladak, Yarkund, their Trade, &c., large map, 8vo, half-calf. 1841 4s 11566 Another copy, half -morocco, gilt top 4s 6d See also pp. UO, 632 ; Lloyd, pp. 178, 614. 11567 Gerard (Gen. Su' Montagu) Leaves from the Diaries of a Soldier and Sportsman, during Twenty Years' Service in India, Afghanistan, Egypt, and other Countries, 1865-1885, with illustra- tions, 8vo, cloth. 1903 9s A record from journals kept at the time of service chiefly in the horn of Centi-al wise enjoyed unusual facilities for sport, principally with pig and tiger, of which alter there was to his credit upwards of 200, •' shot or shared in." 11568 Ghose (Shishir Kumar) Indian Sketches, with Introduction by W. S. Caine, 12mo, cloth. Calcutta, 1898 3s 6d Articles reprinted from an Indian newspaper on a variety of subjects, such as Indian Patriotism, Suttee, the Perpetual Slavery of India, Mr. liipling, Deterioration of the Indians, &c. 11569 Goddard (Col.) A Journal of the March of the Bombay Detach- ment across the Mahratta Country in 1778 ; with Proceedings of the Bombay Army under Col. Egerton, towards Poonah, unth a sketch of Col. Goddard's Route in a large folding sheet, 4to, half- morocco. [1780] (rare) 18s 11571 Gough (Richard) F.S. A. A Comparative View of the Ancient Monuments of India, particularly those in the Island of Salset, near Bombay, as described by different writers, plates, 4to, half- calf. 1785 6s 11572 Grant (Charles), The Life of, by Henry Morris, portraits and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1904 12s Mr. Grant was for some time Member of Parliament for Inverness-shire and a Director of the East India Company. 8S, High Street, Ma/rylehone, London, W. 608 Francis EdvMrds^s Catalogue 11573 [Grant (James)] An Inquiry into the Nature of Zemindary Tenures in the Landed Property of Bengal, second edition, with Prefatory Remarks on a ' Dissertation ' on the same subject, 4to, pp. xx-101, half-calf. 1791 10s 6d A valuable work, still referred to as an authority. See the " famous " Fifth Report of Select Committee H.C, p. 122, 11574 Grant (Sir John Peter), Lieut.-Gov. of Bengal and Gov. of Jamaica, Memoir of Services, by W. S. Seton-Karr, 'portrait, small 4to, cloth. 1868 4s 6d 11575 Gribble (J.), D.D. History of the T)eccai.n, portraits, maps, and illustrations, vol. 1 (all published), royal 8vo, cloth. 1896 6s This volume contains the history of the Deccan from the time of the Mabomedan invasion in the fourteenth century to 1686, and accounts of the kingdoms of Berar, Vijayanagar, Golconda, and Bijapur. The illustrations are from sketches by Herrman Linde, and from photographs. 11576 Grose (John Henry) A Voyage to the East Indies, with Obser- vations there (1750-56), 8vo, calf. 1757 7s 6d With account of Johanna (Comoros), Bomba)^ and adjacent Islands ; the Mahrattas ; Angria the Pirate ; Surat and the Mogul Government ; the Roman Catholics, Mahometans, Gentoos, Parsees, &c. 11577 Voyage to the East Indies, second edition, with Observa- tions continued to 1764, including Authentic Accounts of the Governments of the Deckan and Bengal, Trade of the European Settlements, illustrated with views of Surat, Bombay, , & f . , 11801 Wilson (John) History of the Suppression of Infanticide in Western India, with Notices of the Tribes in which the Practice has Prevailed, 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1855 6s 11802 Wilson (Lieut.-Col. W. J.) History of the Madras Army, with Atlas of maps, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1882-89 £1 15s 11803 Wolseley (Viscount) The Story of a Soldier's Life, with por- trait and plans, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1903 14g the I?aht^w?ifJ "^^^ ?^ ^n'^^ ^^'^y'"'^ ^^ *^^ «®^«"d Burmese War, 1852-53 ; with AluillShfnTswJ^ n^ ^""^^^ '5 1854-55; during the Indian Mutiny-at the Ch^a W«r ?«fin fi? «^^Ca^^Pore and reconquest of Oude, 1857-59 ; in the Second Red RivL'S^itinn ?«?n"^ Rebellion 1861 ; Canada, 1861-66; commanded the irmv reform and to ?^^ ^"'^ '° the A shan tee War, 1873-74 ; lived to assist in noMe actions he h«? wifn." ^T"'^^^'-" S^^^^' J^ *^««« ^«l^°^e« ^^ ^^8 recorded CrepSSs forWaT' ''''^' ^°^^ ^^' ^^'^ "^^^^'^ ^^ entitled ' Our Habitual $S, High StreeS^ Morylebone^ London, W, Prrnids Edwards^ 8 Catalogue 627 CEYLON. [Continued from pp, 259-66, 11805 Album of 96 Photographs by Lawton, on 76 large mounts, in 1 vol. oblong folio, half-morocco (22 in. by 16| in.). [? 1870] £3 3s Consists of views of ruined temples, shrines, &c., at Isurumuniya, Wahalpada, Tisawewa, Mayurapaya, Maha, Bodin Wahanse (Bo Tree enclosure), Lowa Maha Paya, Dajobas at Ruwanweli, Abhayaginya, Thuparamaya, Jetawanarumaya, Lankaramaya, Edurihare, Ambustella, Dambulla, Kiri, Rankot, Colossal Buddhas at Gral Vihara, Jala Wana Rama, Larger and Smaller Kuttam Pokunas, Dambulla and Abhayagiria Viharas, Tisawewa and Nuwarawewa Tanks, Ceremony of Burning a High Priest, &c. 11806 Bussche (Capt. L. de) Letters on Ceylon, particularly relative to the Kingdom of Kandy, niap, 8vo, calf, 1817 6s 11807 Cave (H. W.) Picturesque Ceylon and its Ruined Cities, new edition, 1 vol. 4to, leather gilt £5 5s I. Colombo and the Kelani Valley, 10 full-page plates, and 12 illustrations in text. II. Kandy and Perad^eniya, S3 full-page plates. III. Nuwara Eliya and Adam's Peak, 34 full-page plates. IV. The ruined Cities of Ceylon, i7 full-page plates, and 16 illustrations in text. 11808 Cordiner (Rev. James) A Description of Ceylon: its In- habitants, Natural Productions, &c., a Tour round the Island in 1800, the Campaign in Kandy in 1803, and Journey to Ramisseram in 1804, with 25 engravings, 2 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. 1807 10s Del Mar (Walter), Visit to Colombo, Galle, Kandy, Anuradhapura, &c., 1899, illustrated. See Japan, p. 469. 11809 [Fellowes (Robert, D.D.)] The History of Ceylon to 1815, Religion, Laws, and Manners of the People, their Maxims, &c., by by Philalethes, A.M.Oxon. ; also Knox's Historical Relation of the Island, map and plates, 4to, half-calf. 1817 £1 10s Sometimes ascribed to Rey. Mr. Bisset (see above, i). 262) ; but copy '". the British Museum, where Dr. Fellowes was engaged, bears his name, and the initial letters H. W. B. above the date of preface. Nov. 13, 1816, refer to Holly Wood, Blackheath, his residence. See Skeen, ' Adam's Peak,' 1870, pp. 391-395. 11811 Ferguson (John) Ceylon from 1896 to 1903— Journal R. Col. Inst. Feb., 1904 Is 11812 Knighton (Dr. Wm.) Forest Life in Ceylon, 2 vols. 12mo, half- calf gilt. 1854 10s 6d With chapters on the Parsees and Buddhism, Caste in India, the Cave Temples of Danbool, Anuradhapoora, and Sporting Adventures. See also p. 263. 11813 Knox (Capt. Robert) Captivity in Ceylon, with Sketch of the History to 1815, 18mo, calf. 1818 4s 6d 11814 Vocabulary of Singhalese Words, preserved by Dr. Hooke, MS. now in the British Museum, by D. W. Ferguson, and other Papers (Journal Ceylon Asiatic Soc, 1896, Vol. XIV.) 5s 83j High /Street, Marylebone, London, W. 628 Francis ^dwards^s Catalogue 11815 Maitland (Sir Thomas) by Walter Frewen Lord, portrait j 12mo, cloth ('* Builders of Greater Britain " Series) 48 Sir Thomas Maitland was Governor of Ceylon, 1805-10. 11816 Skeen (Wm.) Adam's Peak, Legendary, Traditional, and Historic Notices of the Samanala and Sri-pdda, with a Descriptive Account of the Pilgrims' Route from Colombo to the Sacred Foot- print, map and illustrations, small 4to, cloth. 1870 9s MALDIVE ISLANDS. [Continued from pp. 267-^68, Agassiz (Prof.) Expedition to the Maldives — Geog. Jouk., April, 1902 (XIX. pp. 480-483) Is 6d Summary from Ceylon Observer. 11817 Bell (H. 0. P.) The Maldive Islands: An Account of their Physical Features, Climate, History, Inhabitants, Produce, &c., maps and diagrams, folio, cloth. Colombo, 1882 7s 6d Blanoard (Capt.) Relation du Naufrag© sur les lies Maldives, le 12 Avril, 1777, du vaisseau "Le Duras "— Sonnerat, Voyage, 1774-81 (Vol. III. pp. 334-353). See India, p. 623. Christopher (Capt. Willmott) Description of the Maldives — Trans. Bombay Geog. Soc, Vol. I. pp. 54-108. 11818 Gardiner (J. Stanley) The Formation of the Maldives, with clmrts and illustrations— Qeog. Jour., March, 1902 (XIX. pp. 277- 301) 2s ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS. [Continued from pp, 268-271, Barbe (Rev. P.) Notice of the Nicobar Islands — Bengal Asiatic Jour., No. 173, 1846, pp. 344-367. Blyth (B.) Notes on the Fauna of the Nicobar Islands — Bengal Asiatic Jour., No. 173, 1846, pp. 367-379. Cheyalibr (M.) Governor of Chandernagor, Report on the Anda- man Islands, 1765— Sonnerat 's Voyage (Vol. HI. pp. 133-153). See India, p 623. Grant (Capt. Bartle) Orchids of the Andaman Islands. See p. 631. 11819 Kloss (C. Boden) In the Andamans and Nicobars : Narrative :. of a Cruise in the American Schooner "Terrapin" (1900-1), with Notices of the Islands, their Fauna, Ethnology, 66 full-page and other illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1903 12s 6d The best account of these islands and their inhabitants, with notes on their products, photographs of the islanders, Dampier's narratire of his sojourn in Great J-49, each 11 in. by 15^ in. 12104 Madras Infantry : Officers of the Ritles and Light Infantry £1 12105 Madras Horse Artillery : Officer fall dress, D troop £1 12108 Nizam's Army : Camel Gunner ia full dress (3rd Cavalry) £1 12110 Madras : Governor's Body Guard £1 12111 Bengal Infantry (65th Regt.) : Marching Order £1 12112 Bombay Lancers: Officer £1 12113 Madras Infantry : Band Master and Musician £1 12116 Bengal Infantry (28th) : Havildar, Native Officer, Band £1 12117 Bombay Native Infantry : Havildar, European Officer, Private £1 12124 Bengal Infantry : Ilight Company (65th Regt.), full dress 148 12125 Madras Infantry (32nd Regt.) 143 12126 Punjab Cavalry : Hindoostanee Trooper, Sikh N.C. Officer, Affghan N. Officer, drawn by W. Fane, engraved by J. Harrip, 15 in. by 12 in. 1856 £1 12127 Army — Bengal Irregular Cavalry (17th): original oil-colour sketch, 10 in. by 12^ in. [1850 ?] £1 12128 Madras Cavalry, Water-Colour Sketch, Jamidar of the Governor's Body Guard (scarlet and blue), 8 in. by 10 in. 4s 12129 Seinde Irregular Horse, Water-Colour Sketch of European Officer, Undress Uniform (green, white edging, &c.), 10^ in. by 9 in. 4s 12130 Narrative cf the Grievances of British Officers, Bengal E«jtabliahment, Account of the Imprisonment of the Author, his Voyage to England, Capture by the French and Recapture, by- Major John Leathart, 8vo (pp. 189), boards. 1810 78 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W. 2 A 2 tiflc ; Products of the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, Arts and Manufactures, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1885 (pub. £5 5s) £1 5s An invaluable work, especially on natural and industrial products :— Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, Bamboo, Beder Ware, Betel, Boats and Ships, Bombay Work, Borax, Brass, Caoutchouc, Cardamoms, Carpets, Carving, Cinchona, Coal, Colfee, Colours, Commerce, Cotton. Coral, Diamonds, Dyes. Emeralds, Enamel, Fibrous Materials, Fisheries, Flora, Forests, Gold, Gums and Resins, Horses, Indigo, Inlaying, Irrigation, Ivory, Jewellery, Jute, Lace, Oils, Opium, Paper, Porcelain, Pepper, Precious Stones. Rice, Salt, Saltpetre, Sculpture, Shawls, Silk, Spices, Sugar, Tanning, Tea. Timber, Tin, Tobacco, Weaving, Wool, &c. Besides these articles, there are others innumerable on miscellaneous and literary subjects, on architecture, armour, biography and histories of different countries, Adatic armies, battles, on chronology, writing, literature, weights and measurei!, on races, languages, castes, marriage customs, religions, serpent worship temples, suttee, witchcraft, on gypsies, thugs, on botany, geology, zoology, &c The whole comprehends m the form of a Cyclopaedia and a learned man's commonplace book a vast amount of information scattered through libraries and museums— probably unobtainable in any one great library, and collected during a lifetime. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London^ W, India 653 12142 Barr (Lt. Wm.), Bengal Horse Artillery. Journal of a March from Delhi to Peshavmr, thence to C^bul with Lt.-Ool. Wade's Mission, Views in Kyber Pass, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1844 4s Includes travels in the Punjab, a Visit to Lahore, and narrative of operations in the Kyber Pass. 12143 Barth (A.) The Religions of India, translated from the German by Rev. J. Wood (Trubner's Orietnal Ser.), 8vo, cloth. 1881 8s Vedantism, Brahmanism, Buddhism, Jaiuism, Hinduism. 12144 Batuta (Ibn) Travels of, translated with Notes, by Dr. Samuel Lee, 4to, half-calf (O.T.F.). 1829 £1 16s Ibn Batuta travelled from Tangier in Morocco to Egypt, Mecca, India, Bengal, Maldive Islands, Ceylon, the Indian Archipelago, and in (^hina, in the fourteenth century between the years 1325 and 1355. He visited Delhi in 1341 and gives account of Indian affairs under the Afghans. 12145 Beal (Samuel) Travels of Fah-hian aud Sung-yun^ Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India (400 a.d. and 518 a.d.), from the Chinese, ma'p^ 12mo, cloth. 1869 9s 12146 Buddhist Records of the Western World, including the Travels of Fah-hian and Sung-yun to India, &c., map, 2 vols. 8vo» cloth. (Trubner), 1884 £2 2s 12147 Beekeeping in India : Collection of Papers, folio, boards. Calcutta, 1883 . 4s 12148 Bell (Major Evans) The Annexation of the Punjaub, and the Maharajah Duleep Singh, 8vo, cloth. 1882 2s 6d 12149 Bengal Medical Service Retiring Fund, Letter to Members (pp. 12) ; Deed and Regulations of the Society (pp. 36) ; Compara- tive Statement of the Medical Services of H.M. Indian and English Armies, by Surgeon Partridge (pp. 10). Calcuttaf 1858-1859 3s 12150 Bernier (Mons. F.) The History of the late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogol : together with the most considerable Passages for 5 years following in that Empire A Letter to the Lord Colbert touching the Extent of Indostan Principal Cause of the Decay of the States of Asia. English'd out of French. Tom. I., II., with map. London, 1671. A Continuation of the Memoires of Monsieur Bernier, Tomes III. and IV Description of Dehli and Agra the Court and Genius of the Mogojs and Indians the Emperour's Voyage to Kachemire,lfi64 ; a Letter from Persia to M. Chapelle on the Doctrine of Atoms and Nature of the Mind of Man. London, 1672. 4 vols, in 2, 12mo, calf. 1671-72 £1 28 12151 Second English edition of Vols. I. and II., London, 1676; with first edition of Vols. III. and IV., London^ 1672, 4 vols, in 1, map, calf 18s The first and second volumes of this edition are printed in sranller type than the first issue, 1671. There was no second edition of Vols. III. and IV, 12152 Travels in the Mogul Empire, 1656-68, revised transla- tion by Constable, with bibliography, 3 maps and 12 illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1891 2s 9d Bernier was in India more than ten years (1658-1670), eight years as physician to Aurungzeb. His visit with the emperor to Kashmir in 1664 is the earliest European account we have of that country. See also pp. 81 and 695. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 354 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 12153 Beames (John) A Comparative Grammar of the Modern Lan- cuaees of India: Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, and Bengali, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1872-79 (pub. 48s) 12s 6d An indispensable work for those who desire even a superficial idea of the languages of India to-day. It supplements, and, in a sense, completes the grammars and vocabularies, and stands in relation to the languages of Northern India as the work of Caldwell does to the Dravidian languages of the South. Of this Grammar, which Dr. Cust pronounces '• excellent, Dr. Grierson says : " It is difficult to decide which to admire most-the learnmg displayed or the clearness with which the results of that learning are put forth. Solid erudition, combined with sobriety of argument, adorns every page. Personally, the debt which 1 owe to these volumes is great, and I am glad to have this opportunity of acknowledging it." 12154 Bhurtpoor. Observations on the Attack of Mud Forts: Occurrences at the Sieges of Bhurtpoor, Deeg, &c., 1804-5, by an Officer of the Bengal Army, with 3 plans, royal 8vo, leather. Cal- cutta, 1813 7s 6d See also Combermere, p. 99 ; MacRitchie, p. 681 ; Seaton, p. 226 ; Thorn, p. 243 ; Wellesley and Wellington (Monson), p. 252 ; the histories of Thornton, Mill, Marsh- man, Keene, and others. 12155 Blacker (Lieut.-Col.) Memoir of the British Operations during the Mahratta War of 1817-19, with 46 maps and plans and 2 pano- ramic views, by Daniell, 2 vols. 4to, boards (uncut). 1821 18s Narrative of the last Mahratta war, crushing of Holkar and the Pindarees, and annexation of the dominions of the Peishwa. • 12156 Blechynden (Kathleen) Calcutta, Past and Present, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1905 7s Compiled from personal history and records. 12157 Bolts (Wm.) Considerations on Indian Affairs, State of Bengal and its Dependencies [Part I.J, with Appendices, map, 4to, half- calf. 1772 14s The author, a Dutch merchant in the E.I.Co.'s service, wrote this work to show the defects of their policy and administration. It was replied to by Governor Verelst (see above, p. 249), and Mr. Bolts supplemented it by two more volumes. Of the first part two French translations were made — La Haye et Paris, 1775 ; Maestricht, 1775. This was reprinted, with notes and additions, by M. Luzasche, Paris, 1858. 12158 [ ] Etat Civil, Politique et Commer^ant du Bengale, ou Histoire de Conquetes et de rAdministration de la Compagnie Anglaise dans ce Pays, map and 2 plates, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, calf. Maestricht, 1775 12s J Translation of part first only (without appendices) by J. Nicholas Demunier. 12159 Considerations on Indian Affairs, .... second edition. Parts I. and II. containing the author's Vindication from the Charges of Mr. Verelst, with Appendices— Treaties, Memorials, Petitions, Correspondence, and various Cases tried in the Courts, Keports of Select Committees, &c., map, 3 vols. 4to, half-calf. 1772-75 £2 10s 12160 Considerations : another copy, map, 3 vols, in 2, 4to, half- morocco. 1772-75 (wormed) £1 10s See further note, p. 595. 8&, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 655 12161 Bombay Courier (The) Vol. VII. No. 323, December 1, 1798, to Vol. XI., No. 489, Feb. 6, 1802, with Supplements and " Extras " in 3 vols, folio, half-leather £4: Full of local information, proclamations, advertisements, European, American, military, and local intelligence. Parliamentary Proceedings, State Papers, Peace Negotiations ; War with Tippoo Sultaun, Capture of Seringapatam, Napoleon Bonaparte as Consul, Battle of Aboukir, Landing in Holland, Capture of Trinidad, CamperdowD. Copenhagen, Alexandria, Capture of Danish Islands in W. Indies, French Evacuation of Egypt, Cape of Good Hope News, Death of Washington, President Adams's Messages, &;c. 12162 Bombay. Life in Bombay, and the Neighbouring Out- Stations, tvith illustrations f royal 8vo, cloth. 1852 6s A work describing society in Bom])ay and vicinity, with a selection of tinted views : Bombay from Malabar Hill, " Vaucluse," and from Belmont, Malabar Point, Sewree and the Neat's Tongue, Temple of Mahalnuxmee, Elephant Hill and the Duke's Nose, Khandalla, Cave of Karli, Temple of Parhuttee, Dumree Musjid and the Sisters' Tomb, Ahmednuggur. 12163 Bombay Gazetteer, edited by Sir J. M. Campbell, 25 vols. 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1877-96 £7 16s 6d Gujarat, Konkan, Dakhan, and S. Mahratta Country, Surat and Broach, Kaira and Panch Mahals, Ahmedabad, Cutch. Palanpur, and Mahi Kantha, Rewa Kantha, Nurakot, Cambay and Surat States, Baroda, Kathiawar, Gujarat, Ratnagiri and Savantvadi, Kolaba and Janjira, Kbandesh, Thana, Kanara, Nasik, Ahmadnagar, Poona, Satara, Sholapur, Belgaum, Dharwar, Bijapur, Kolhapur, and Botany of the Presidency. Sold separately. 12164 Vol. I. Part 1. History of Gujarat. 1896 58 12165 Part 2. The Konkan, Dakhan, and S. Mahratta Country. 1896 6s 6d 12166 II. Surat and Broach. 1877 58 6d 12167 III. Kaira and Panch Mahals. 1879 , 28 6d 12168 IV. Ahmedabad. 1879 3s 12169 V. Cutch, Palanpur, and Mahi Kantha. 1880 4s 12170 VI. Rewa Kantha, Nurakot, Cambay, and Surat States. 1880 8s 12171 VII. Baroda. 1883 Ss 12172 VIII. Kathiawar. 1884 68 6d 12173 IX. Gujarat Population ^(2 parts). 1899,1901 lOs 12174 X. Ratnagari and Savantvadi 1880 5s 12175 XI. Kolaba and Janjira. 1883 5s 12176 XII. Khandesh. 1880 6s 12177 XIII. Thana (2 parts). 1883 8s 12178 XIV. Thana : places of interest. 1882 5s 12179 XV. Kanara (2 parts). 1883 7s 6d 12180 XVI. Nasik. 1883 68 6d 12181 XVII. Ahmadnagar. 1884 78 12182 XVIII. Poona (3 parts). 1885 158 6^ 12183 XIX. Satara. 1885 68 6d 12184 XX. Sholapur. 1884 Ss 12185 XXI. Belgaum. 1884 6a 12186 XXII. Dharwar. 1884 78 6d 12187 XXIII. Bijapur. 1884 68 6d 12188 XXIV. Kolhapur. 1886 58 12189 XXV. Botany of the Presidency. 1886 48 6d 83j High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 656 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 12190 Bowrey (Thomas) Geographical Account of the Countries round the Bay of Bengal, edited by Sir R. C. Temple, facsimile map and illustrations ^ 8vo, cloth. (Hakluyt Soc), 1905 15s 12191 Bradley-Birt (F. B.) Chota Nagpore: a Little Known Province of the Empire, with Introduction by Lord Northbrook, 43 illustrations and m^p, 8vo, cloth. 1903 7s 6d Chota Nagpore is one of the least known outlying provinces of Bengal, Mr. Bradley-Birt gives a most interesting account of its scenes and peoples, described from observations made during a residence of nearly three years. 12192 The Story of an Indian Upland : Account of the Santal Parganahs and People, with Introduction by Hon. H. H. Risley, map and 20 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 12s 6d 12193 Broome (Ralph) Comparative Review of the Administration of Mr. Hastings and Mr. Dundas in War and Peace, 8vo (pp. 44). 1791 2s 6d 12194 Browne (Rev. John Cave-) The Punjab and Delhi in 1857 : Narrative of the Measures by which the Punjab was Saved and Delhi Recovered, plan and 2 plates, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1861 9s A work frequently referred to by Kaye and Malleson. Mr. Cave-Browne was chaplain to the Punjab Column in 1857, Chaplain to Calcutta Cathedral, and Vicar of Detling, Kent, from 1875 to his death. 12195 Browne (General Sir James, R.E.) " Buster Brow^e," Life and Times of, by Gen. J. J. McLeod Innes, 29 portraits and illustra- tions, 8vo, cloth. 1905 9s Includes services in the Wuzeeree Campaign (1860), TJmbeyla Campaign (1863), on the Punjab Frontier (1876), in Cutcheeand on Beloochistan Frontier (1876-78), the Afghan War (1878-79), Egyptian War (1882). the Hurnai Railway (1883-87), the Penjdeh Incident, Quartermaster-General (1889-92), Agent at Khelat and Belooch- istan (1888-94), Durbars at Quetta (1893-94), Afghanistan (1888-96). 12196 Buck (Capt. C. H.) Canal Irrigation in the Punjab, map— Geog. Joub., Jan., 1906 (xxvii. 60-67) Is 6d 12197 Buckland (C. E.) Dictionary of Indian Biography, from 1750 to the Present Day, 8vo, cloth. 1906 7s 6d ^ Brief lives of two thousand eminent persons, European and Native, connected with India. 12198 Bengal under the Lieutenant-Governors: Narrative of the Principal Events and Public Measures, 1854-98, with 14 por- traits, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1901 12s P^o^r*^'*^ of Bengal during the administration of Sir Frederick Halliday, Sir John t!J^^i? V?*' KL^^^'i?^^^^^^ ?i^ Wm. Grey, Sir George Campbell, Sir Kichard sfr^^h!;ioi''A iriv^.i^'^^^' I''' f^S'^stus Rivers Thompson, Sir S. Colvin Bayley, fhP MnHnL^;« Ji'"""' S°^. Sir Alexander _ MacKenzie. Sir F. Halliday's Minute on the Mutinies as they afEected Bengal is printed on pp. 65-159, Vol. I. 12199 ^Buhler (Prof. Georg) In Memoriam : a Series of Articles on his Life and Work by Messrs. Winternitz, Max MiiUer, C. H. Tawney, Cecil Kendall, A. A. Macdonell. R. C. Temple, and Q^^^^^s* PQ^g The Indian Antiqua rij, Part 346, Dec. (pt. 2). 1898 Is 33) High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 657 12200 Buist (Dr. George) Notes on a Journey through Part of Kattiawar and Goozerat, January, 1855, including a Visit to Surat and its old Burial Grounds, 8vo (pp. 11-125 and 4 'plates)^ cloth 6s 12201 Burt (Major T. Seymour) . Miscellaneous Papers on Scientific Subjects, written chiefly in India, 1837; Vol. II., 1858; Vol. III. Part 3, 1868 (pp. 201-486, folding plates)^ 3 vols. 12mo, cloth 10s Physical, mathematical, and miscellaneous papers, on magnetism, light, tempera- ture, mesmerism, the Pyramids, engineering, irrigation, Hindustani, Account of Allahabad, Account of Addiscombe Military College, Ancient Inscriptions in India, kc. 12202 Burton (Major Reginald G.) History of the Hyderabad Contingent, 8vo, cloth. CalctittUf 1905 Developed from the Nizam's army the "Hyderabad Contingent" served in the Mysore, Mahratta, and Pindaree Wars, in the suppression of banditti, and later on assisted in keeping peace in Southern India during the Mutiny ; in Burma, Afghanistan, Tirah, and in China. 12203 Bushby (Hy. Jeffreys) Widow Burning: a Narrative (R.P. from The Quarterly Review), 8vo (pp. 62), cloth. 1855 28 6d 12204 Calvert (John) Kulu: its Beauties, Antiquities, and Silver Mines; and Vazeeri-Rupi, including a Trip over the Lower Himalayah Range and Glaciers, map and 35 plates (28 coloured mews), 8vo, cloth. 1873 4s 12205 Cambridge (R. Owen) Account of the "War in India on the Coast of Coromandel, 1750-60 ; Events on the Malabar Coast, the Expeditions to Golconda, and Surat, 18 maps and plans, 4to, calf. 1761 15s 12206 Another copy, large paper, royal 4to, calf. 1761 £1 This work contains several original narratives— by Col. Stringer Lawrence, Calls Journal of the Siege of Fort St. George, and Col. Forde's Expedition to Golconda — and is supplemented by a narrative of the operations of Clive and Coote and of the French Commanders. The work begun prior to that of Orme was discon- tinued by its author in favour of his rival, but is not superseded by that or any later work. 12207 Campbell (Lawrence Dundas) Reply to Edinburgh Review on Marquis Wellesley's Administration and Examination of the Trans- actions in the Carnatic, with Lord Hobart's Minute, 24 Oct., 1795, 8vD (pp. 301). 1807 5s 12208 Campbell (Rev. W.) British India: the Decline of Hindooism and the Progress of Christianity, Remarks on the Manners, Cus- toms, and Literature of the People, engravings and coloured frontis- piece by Baxter, 8vo, cloth. 1839 3s 12209 Campbell ([Col.J Walter) The Old Forest Puinger ; or, Wild Sports of India on the Neilgherry Hills, in the Jungles, and on the Plains [First Edition], 8 plates, royal 8voi half-calf. 1842 £2 2s 12210 The Old Forest Ranger: Wild Sports of India in the Neilgherry Hills, the Jungles, &c. (1830-36), plates and illustrations, second edition, 8vo, cloth. 1845 £1 2s Hu:;ting experiences during five years' residence in India, 1830-36. For other editions see p. 93. 8^1 Bigh Street^ Marylehone, London^ W, g58 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 12211 Campbell (fSirl George) The North-West Frontier of India, map-JoDR. R.U.S.lNST., 1869 (XIII., pp. 217-240), Svo, boards 5s 12212 Cassels (Walter R.) Cotton : an Account of its Culture in the Bombay Presidency (pp. 360), maT[> and diagrams, imp. Svo. Bomhaij, 1862 6s 12213 Caulfield (Lt.-Col. James) Observations on Indian Adminis- tration, Civil and Military, 8vo (pp. viii-118). 1832 4s 12214 Chakrabarti (Jadab Chandra) Judge, Behar. The Native States of India, map, 12iiio, cloth. Calcutta, 1895 3s 6d Situation, area,, population, revenue, history, &c., of each Native State. 12215 Clarke (Geoffrey R.) The Outcasts, being a Brief Account of the Maghaya Doms, 12mo, boards. Calcutta, 1903 2s Notices of one of the criminal tribes of Upper India, their manners, customs, language, and management. 12216 Cole (Lt. H. H.) Illustrations . of Ancient Buildings in Kashmir, 58 ' permanent 'photo and other plates, with descriptive text, imp. 4to, half-morocco. 1869 (pub. £3 10s) £1 10s The illustrations include photos of the Temples on Takt-i-Sulijtnan Hill, at Rajdainbal and Nagbal, Marttand, Bhaniyar, Pathan, Pandrethan, Pillars and Ruins at Srinagar, Avantipore, &c. 12217 Illustrations of Buildings near Muttra and Agra, showing the mixed Hindu-Mahomedan Style of Upper India, photo-, graphs and plates, imp. 4to. half-mor. 1873 (pub. £3 10s) £1 5s Descriptions, plans, and details of Hindu Temples at Bindrabund and Goverdhun, Rajah of Bhurtpore's Palace at Deeg, and Palaces at Futtehpore Sikree. 12218 Connor (James) Ensign 17th Batt. Seapoys. Three original Views. 1781 £4 View of Fort St. George, 10th Sept., 1781 (water colour), 17 in. by 8 in. View of Berhampore (water colour), 19 in. by 10 in. Col. Baillie delivering his Sword and surrendering himself to Hyder Ally after the Defeat at Perambaukum, August, 1781, with the Country in J'lames (Indian ink sketch), 17 in. by 11 in. 12219 Cotton Supply Reporter (The), Nos. 1 to 80, August, 1858, to December, 1861, 2 vols. 4to, cloth. Manchester 10s Contains numerous articles, reports, and letters, on cotton cultivatiofl in India. See also Lees, Royle, Strettell, Wheeler, and p. 295. 12220 Court (M. H.) Observations on Civil, Criminal, and Police Administration in Bengal (pp. 56). 1859 2s 6d .12221 Cunningham (Gen. Alex.) Ladak (Physical, Statistical, Historical) and Surrounding Countries, map and 31 plates {mostly coloured) and view^, by Col. Bates, royal 8vo, cloth. 1854 £1 15s The result of two visits in 1846 and 1847, with chapters on Tibetan Buddhism, the Lamas, Religious Buildings, Language, and various Alpine Dialects. 12222 The Ancient Geography of India, Buddhist Period, inclading Campaigns of Alexander and Travels of Hwen-Thsang, 13 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1871 £1 See also Arch^ological Su rvey op India, pp. 71, 72 ; pp. 104 and 600. 6S, High Street^ Marylehone^ London^ W, India 65§ 12223 Currie (Gen. Fendall) Below the Surface, 12mo, cloth. 1900 2s 6d Papers on 'A Day's Work' (India Officialism), 'Lucknow' (Lord Lawrence's and the Prince of Wales's visits), 'The Lokil «luff Microbe' (Representation), 'Famine,' 'Thuggee,' ' Female Infauticide,' 'A Criminal Tribe* (Barwars), &c. 12224 Cust (R. Needham) Pictures of Indian Life Sketched with the Pen, 1852-81, maps, 12mo, cloth. 1881 3s 6d Including Chapters on the Indian hero Rama, Alexander the Great, the Reformer Baba Nanak, the Apostle Paul, King Asoka, John Lawrence, the Great Indian Nation, Religions of India, Caste, the Indian Women, Indian Festivals, &c. For Dr. Gust's Collected Writings : Linguistic and other Essays, see p. 319. 12224b [Dacoity] Selections from the Confessions of Dacoit Approvers before the Commissioner (1 vol.), roy. 8vo, cloth, Oaictttta, 1857 9s 12225 Dalhousie (Marquis of) Life of the, by Sir Wm. Lee- Warner, portraits and maps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1904 25s 12226 Daniell (T. and W.) Views in Calcutta, Madras, &c., being Part II. of 'Oriental Scenery,' containing 24 engraved plates of Architecture, Antiquities, Landscapes, &c., with descriptions. Reduced Edition, oblong royal 4to, boards. 1812 10s 12227 Daniell (Clarmont J.) The Industrial Competition of Asia: an Inquiry into the Influence of Currency on the Commerce of the Empire in the East, 8vo, cloth. 1890 4s 6d 12228 Darrah (Henry Zouch) Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir, 2 maps and 52 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 7s 6d Narrative of an eight months' trip in Baltistan and Ladak, together with hints for the guidance of sportsmen. 1 2229 Day (Rev. LAI Behari) Govinda SAmanta ; or, the History of a Bengal Rdiyat, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1874 6s Illustrating the every-day life of the Bengali people from their birth to the grave — their occupations, amusements, customs, &c. 12230 Dean (John) Narrative of the Aflfair relating to the Desertion of the ** Sussex " by the Officers and her Wreck upon the Bassas de India [Maldives], 8vo (pp. 24), half-calf. 1740 6s 12231 Delhi Gazette Overland Summary, October, 1842, to March, 1857, 3 vols, folio, boards £i 10s An invaluable collection of Letter-newspapers issued for dispatch by each homeward mail from India— monthly, 1842-46, fortnightly, 1847-57, covering the whole period of the administration of Lords Ellenborough, Hardinge, Dalhousie, and Canning, forming an uninterrupted chronicle of military affairs, regimental, civil, mercantile, shipping, and miscellaneous intelligence ; births, marriages, and deaths, but more especially of the affairs of the N.W. Provinces, Scinde, Punjab, and border countries, from the Afghan disasters of 1842 to the beginning of the Sepoy Mutiny, the principal events being Sale's victory, return of the prisoners, and general results of the first Afghan war ; the progress of the two Sikh wars, including capture of Gwalior, battles of Moodkee, Feroseshahar, Sobraon, Chillianwallah, and Guzerat, under Gough, Sir Charles Napier, Sir Harry Smith, tbe Lawrencei, Edwardes, Colin Campbell, and other generals— details are given of the various operations, forces engaged, losses in killed and wounded, &c. After these events came the Second Burmese and Persian Wars, the annexation of Oude, and other incidents which led to the Mutiny and evidently stopped the publication. A few numbers are missing- July and August, 1843 ; Dec. 22, 1851 ; Sept., 1852 ; May 30, 1853 ; August 17, Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1855 ; Jan. 22 and Nov. 23, 1856 ; a paragraph has been cut from the issue Sept. 8, 1851. 8Sj High Street, Marylebone, London, W, 660 Prancis ^dvjards^s Catahgm 12232 Delia Valle (Pietro) il Pellegrino, Viaggidi. La Turchia, la Persia e 1' India, coUa Vita e ritratto dell' autore [par P. Bellori], 'portrait, 2 vols. 12mo, halt-calf. Brighton \Turin\ 1843 9s 12233 Original edition, 3 vols, small 4to, calf. Rome, 1650, '58, '63 ibl- XUS 12234 French translation: Les Fameux Voyages de Pietro Delia Valle [traduit par Etienne Carneau et Francois Le Comte], 3 vols, small 4to, calf. Paris, 1670-84 £1 10s 12235 English translation, by G. Havers, Travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle into East India and Arabia Deserta, in which the Several Countries, together with the Customs, Manners, TrafBque and Eites,'both Keligious and Civil, are faithfully Described. To which is added A Eelation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyage, Ttrnp, folio, calf. London f 1665 (some leaves stained) 15s See also p. 248. 12236 The same translation, edited, with Life of the Author, Introduction, Notes, and Bibliography, by Edward Grey, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Hakluyt Soc), 1892 £1 Is "Pietro della Valle, that rare phenomenon among travellers, and, indeed, among writers of any kind, who is always long— as long as Richardson's novels— but never wearisome."— Gen. Yule. 12237 Del Mar (Walter) India of To-day : Travels in the Great Dependency 1904-5, with 52 photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 6s '•Notes of what may be seen in India in a ten weeks' tour including some places off the beaten track. With this book in his hand the winter visitor should find no difficulty in mapping out his tour, or seeing the cream of the sights of each place excellent practical hints on travelling, clothes, servants, and such matters." Tiiiies. 12238 Dessalles (Comte) Pourquoi nous n'avons pas Recouvre I'lnde en 1782, d'apres un manuscrit inedit de la Bibliotheque de Nancy par Prof. E. G6nin, 1883— Bull. Soc. Acad. Indo-Chinoise, 1890, pp. 57-90 4s 12239 Donaldson (Mrs. P.) Lepcha Land ; or, Six Weeks in the Sikkim Himalayas, map and 106 illustrations ^ 8vo, cloth. 1900 7s 6d . 12240 [D'Oyly (Sir Charles)] Tom Raw, the Griffin: a Burlesque " Poem, in Twelve Cantos, illustrated by 25 coloured engravings, Descriptive of the Adventures of a Cadet in the E.I. Company's Service, by a Civilian and an Officer on the Bengal Establishment, royal 8vo, original cloth. (Ackermann), 1828 (rare) £5 12241 Amateur Lithographic Scrap Book and Indian Sports, 40 plates, oblong 4to, half-calf. Behar, 1828-29 £2 12241b Fifty-four plates — Views, Sporting Scenes, portraits, &c., twelve plates, having coloured pictures of birds drawn on them by ' C. W. Smith, oblong 4to, half-calf. Behar, 1828-29 £2 See also p. 113. 12242 Drake (John) Grammar of the Ktirku Language, 12mo, cloth. 1903 3g v«JK^p^*"^*Hf l^® ^ ^^,^^^ *^'^® ^° *^e Satpura Hills of the Central Provmces and J^orth Part of Behar. They are a b ranch of the Kolarian stock. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 661 -^ 12243 Duff (Capt. James) History of the Mahrattas, fourth edition, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Bombay f 1878 10s 12244 Duff ([Sir] M. E. Grant) Notes of an Indian Journey in 1875, mapf 8vo, cloth. 1876 7s The Journal describes Bombay, Ahraedabad, Baroda, Surat, Allahabad, Lucknow, Cawnpore, Agra, the Taj, Futtehpore, Umballa, Pattiala, the Sdl Forest, and Deyrah tea plantations, Umritsur, Lahore, Peshawur, Rawul Pindi, Jummoo, Delhi, Jeypore, Benares, Patna, Calcutta, Madras, Tanjore. Trichinoxwly, Ootacamund, Poena, Satara (with account of the author's father, his administration, and Hutory of the Mahrattas), Cave of Karli. To the Journal is added a political and social chapter on India. 12245 Notes of a Diary, when Governor of Madras, 1881-86, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1899 7s 6cl "Sir Mounts! uart Grant Duff records the good things that have come within his ken with an enjoyment that sharpens the points of them Superabundance of entertainment." — Standard. 12246 [Duguid (J.)] Letters from India and Kashmir, written 1870, illustrated by H. R. Robertson, and annotated, small 4to, cloth. 1873 7s An interesting narrative of a journey from Bombay to the Neilgherries, Beypoor, thence to Colombo, Kandy and Point de Galle, Madras, Calcutta, up the Ganges Valley to Agra, Delhi, Simla, Srinuggur, &;c. 12247 Dunlop (John) Assist. -Surgeon 32nd Regiment. Twenty-one Tinted Engravings from Sketches taken during and after the Siege, with Descriptive Account, imperial 4to, cloth. 1849 14s Besides several views of Mooltan, there are portraits of Moolraj and his Brothers, sketches representing the Operations of the Infantry and Cavalry, Camel Drivers, Camp Followers, Scenes in the Trenches, Storming of the Great Mound and the Breaches, Explosion of the Powder Magazine, the Funeral of Vans Agnew and Anderson. 12248 Durand (Gen. Sir Henry) Life of, by his Son, with portrait, plans of battles, &c., 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1883 (pub. 32s) 6s These* volumes contain accounts of the first Afghan, second Sikh, and Burmese Wars, and Indian Mutiny ; Papers on Central India under British Supremacy, Col. Campbell Gardiner, Judson of Burmah, The East India Company, Indian Treaties ; on Irrigation Works and Railways, on Employment of Native Troops out of India, the Civil Service, Affairs in Central Asia, Barrack Expenditure, Hill Sanataria, &c. 12249 Durand (Col. Alg.) The Making of a Frontier : Five Years in Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar, Chitral, and the Eastern Hindu-Kush, portrait, mapf and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1899 48 EAST INDIA COMPANY:— [Continued from pp. 116-124; 602-605, %* Pamphlets are indicated by the pagination. All are octavo iij fcize, unless, otherwise stated. 12250 Illustrations of the Records and Relics of the East India Co., 32 coloured and other plates, &c., with Text by Sir George BiRDWooD, imp. 4to, wrappers {Jour, Indian Art). 1890 5s The illustrations include facsimile charters and grants, the Company's arms, views of old offices in Leadenhall Street, London, and the New Inaia Ufbces, WhitehaU. 83, High Street, Marylebone, LoiidoUy W, 662 Francis J^dwards^s Catalogue East India Company — continued. 12251 Annals of the E.I.Co. from the Establishment in IGOO to 1707-8, by John Bruce, 3 vols. 4to, half-calf. 1810 (scarce) £3 15s 12252 Keport of the Negociation respecting the Renewal of the Co.'s Exclusive Privileges of Trade for Twenty Years, from March, 1791, 4to, half-calf. 1811 48 12253 The Administration of the East India Company: a History of Indian Progress, by Sir J. W. Kaye, 8vo, cloth. 1853 5s India under the Moguls, Establishment of the Company, the Revenues, Settle- ment of Bengal, Madras, N.W. Provinces, Famines and Public Works, Judicial Systems and Agencies, Thuggee, Dakoitee, Non-Regulation Provinces (Sindh and the Punjaub), Savage Tribes, Human Sacrifice, Suttee, Infanticide, Native Education, Christianity, &c. 12254 An Impartial Vindication of the English E.I.Co. from the Unjust and Slanderous Imputations cast upon Them in a Treatise intituled A Justification of the Directors of the Netherlands E.I.Co., 12mo, calf. 1688 18s , The "Vindication" (pp. vi, 223) and the "Justification" (pp. ii, 82, 34) are both printed in this volume. They relate to differences between the two Companies' servants at Bantam, the Malabar Coast, and Persian Gulf trading ports. 12255 Reflections on the Government of Indostan, with Short History of Bengal, &c., 1738-58, by Luke Scrafton, (1763), (pp. 121). 1770 4s 12256 An Analysis of the Political History of India ; the Present Situation of the East, &c.. 4to (pp. iv, 128). 1779 6s Bound up with this is an excerpt from Rennell's 'Memoir' on Hindostan, 1785, pp. 105-132, with two maps. 12257 A Candid Examination of the Reasons for Depriving the E.I. Co. of its Charter contained in the History and Management of the E.I. Co., 4to (pp.34). 1779 3s 12258 Observations respecting the Circar of Mazulipatam : Letter to Directors E.I. Co., by John Sulivan, 4to (pp. 47). 1780 ' 48 12259 Observations on the East India Bills of Fox and Pitt (pp. 45). 1784 28 6d 12260 Observations on Mr. Burke's Speech on Mr. Fox's India Bill, in an Address to that Gentleman, 8vo (pp. iv-44). 1784 2s 6d 12261 Thoughts on the E.I. Bill, August, 1784, with a Copy of It (pp. 52, 23)* 3s 6d 12262 Proceedings of Meeting at Calcutta, 25th July, 1785, on E.I.Co.'s Affairs, with Speeches of Dallas and Purlmg (pp. 46) 28 6d 12263 Debate on the E.I Relief Bill, 26 June, 1786. including the History of the Diamond delivered to Lord Sydney by Major Scott (pp. 32) 2s 6d 12264 A Hasty Sketch of the Conduct of the Commissioners with a Concise (pp.%f 1788 ^^^ Regiments [by Sir Francis Baring], See also pp. 106 (Dalrymple) and 1 21. ^ 12265 A° Enquiry into the Situation of the E.I.Co., 1887, by George Craufurd, 4^.o ZZ^%^^^i^:^'^,'' ^— -d Expenditure, Annual Charge^^, 12266 Observations on Mr. Dimdas's India Budget (pp. 48) 1790 '>s 6d '"^ ''rOKTH^^Jia^STirizI' "^^ ^--'- '» Tierney's Observation^. X2TO Letter^^^;;--Bundas on^the Statement of George Anderson, by Geoeoe ■ ^s bd 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, IF. India 663 East India Company — continued.^ 12272 Strictures and Occasional Observations upon British Commerce with the E, Indies Sugar Trade, &c., by Author of ' A Short Review of the Trade of the EJ.Co.' (pp. 210). 1792 6s 12273 A Short History of the East India Co., with their Revenues, Rights, Policy, &c., by,F. R. [Francis Russell], second edition, 4to (pp. viii-96). 1793 68 12274 Proceedings of the Directors E.I.Co. on the Subiect of Recruiting the Co.'s European Army in India, 4to (pp. iv-30 ; Appendix, pp. 65). [1798] 5s 12275 Further Papers respecting Illicit Trade, June, 1799, 4to (pp. (29)— (55); Appendix (*169)-r339) 4s •12276 Letter from Rt. Hon. H. Dundas [afterwards Lord Melville] to Directors E.I.Co. on the Indian Debt (pp. 82 and folding tables). 1801 28 6d 12277 Observations on Mr. Dundas's Letter (pp. 32). 1801 28 12278 Papers ordered to be printed, 7th May, 1806 (pp. viii-132), 4to. 38 6d '12279 Review of the Affairs of India, 1798-1806 : a Summary Account of the Prin- cipal Transactions, 8vo (pp. 140). 1807 38 12281 Memorial of Richard Ahmuty, Collector at Allahabad, to Directors E.I. Co., 4to(pp. 44). 1807 - 48 Mr. Ahmuty was dismissed for issuing from Allahabad what was alleged to be debased coin, but was fully eciual in intrinsic value to the Lucknow siccji rupee. 12282 A Narrative and Statement of Facts addressed to Directors E.I.Co. (1788) by John Sullivan, 8vo (pp. viii-32, 18). 1807 38 On the author's interest in a French ship, the " Elizabeth," which after the outbreak of the French war in India, was forced into criminal and " illicit " trade. 12283 Demonstnition of the Necessity of a Free Trade to the East Indies and of a Termination of the E.I.Co.'b Monopoly [by Robert Renny], (pp. x-167). 1807 28 6d 12284 Monopoly no Nuisance : a Complete Defence of the Hon. E.I.Co. in Two Letters to Robert Renny, by a Proprietor (pp. 1-26), imperfect. 1808 28 12285 Substance of Speech of Randle Jackson at a General Court of Pro- prietors E.I. Stock, May 5, 1812, on Prolongation of the Co.'s Charter (pp.62). 1812 38 12286 Third Report of the Special Committee E.I.Co. (pp. 119). [1802] 28 6d On private trade, shipping, shipbuilding, trading companies and monopolies. 12287 A Letter to the Proprietors of E.I. Stock respecting the present Situation in Answer to Statements in the Special Committee's Third Report respecting private Trade, with Extracts from Mr. Dundas's Speech, 12 June, 1801 (pp. viii-113). 1802 38 6d 12288 Papers respecting the Trade between India and Europe, printed for the Proprietors E.I.Co. (pp. iv-141). April, 1802 3s 6d 12289 Further Papers respecting the Trade between India and Europe, 4to (pp. 40, 190). April, 1802 38 6d 12290 Substance of Lord Castlereagh's Speech, 19 Jiily, 1804, on the Finances of the E.I.Co. (pp. 31 and folding tables). 1804 28 12291 Memorial of Charles Fred. Mandevillb, late Lt.-Col. of Artillerj^, Madras, to Directors, 4to (pp. 14-Ivi). •1804 58 Against wrongful dismissal for having sold a quantity of saltpetre and misappropriated the proceeds. 12292 Memorial of Capt. Joseph Greenway to Directors E.I.Co., 4to (pp. 31). Exeter, 1804 48 Claiming compensation £3,200 for heavy losses, services rendered, the use of his ship, &c., for which he had never received payment nor gratuity. 12293 Memorial of Lambert Moloney to Directors of E.I.Co. (pp. 86). 1806 (stained) 3s Mr. Moloney was dismissed for trading in catching elephants and alleged bribery and corruption. The Memorial bears his autograph signature (p. 33). • 83^ High Street^ Marylebone, London^ W, 664 Francis Edwards^a Catalogue East India Company — continued, 12294 Correspondence and Proceedings in the Negooiation for Renewal of the EJ.Co.'s Charter (pp. vii-92). 1812 2s 6d 12295 Preliminary Debate at the E.I. House, on the Negociations for Kenewal of the Charter, with Documents (pp. iv-65). 1813 28 6d 12296 Letters from Rt. Hon. H. Dundas [Lord Melville] to E.I.Co. upon an Open Trade with India (1800), Reprint 1813 (pp. iv-48) 2s 6d J2297 Opinions of the late Lord Melville and Marquis Wellesley upon an Open Trade to India (1800), pp. 20. 1813 2s See also under 1832. 12298 Substance of the Speech of Joseph Hume, India House, 19th Jan., 1813, on the Renewal of the Co.'s Charter, with Evidence and Statements (pp. viii-126). 1813 3s 6d 12299 A Short Conversation on the Present Crisis of the Trade with the East Indies (pp.32). 1818 38 Speakers : a magistrate, an adventurer, a mei chant, a country gentle- man, a moderate man, a shopkeeper, and a cotton manufacturer. 12301 Renewal of E.I.Co.'s Charter : Correspondence of the Chairman with the Earl of Buckinghamshire, folio (pp. 12). 1813 28 6d 12302 Letter to the Earl of Buckinghamshire on Open Trade with India (bv "Fabius"),pp.91. 1813 38 12303 East India Question. Debate at a General Court, 24 March, 1813, on Lord Castlereagh's Propositions, with Appendix (pp. iv-172) 38 12304 Abstract of Evidence H.C. Committee, March-April, 1813 (pp. 138) 2s 6d 12305 -— - Short Abstract of the Argument in support of the E.I.Co.'s Petition for Renewal of their Charter (pp. 16). 1813 Is 6d 12306 Resolutions of the Proprietors of E.I. Stock relative to Application for Renewal of Exclusive Privileges (pp. 20). 1813 28 6d 12307 Hints on the Present State of the Question relative to the Renewal of the E.LCo.'s Charter (pp. ii-24). 1813 28 12308 Considerations on the Danger and Impolicy of Laying Open the Trade with ment (pp iv.237V ^ffg""'"^*^*^^ ^^ Objections against the E.I.Co.'s Manage- oono T> ^<^"nded on letters to Morning Chronicle, 1812, signed » Cossim." 12309 Remarks o Propositions for Renewal of the E.LCo.'s Charter, by an ^o^m ^^""Pf *^^! Observer, Two Parts (pp. 24 ;-32). 1813 ' Ss tid 12310 Considerations on Colonial Policy and the Renewal of the E.LCo.'s 19^11 T. ^ ^' ^ I^^Partial Observer (pp. 11-92). 1813 3s 6d i^isii Jfree Irade with India : an Inquiry by Common Sense (pp. 23). 1813 Is 6d 19Q10 T ,, ^^",^* ^^^^^^ ' "the Company does not possess a monopoly." 12312 ^«p*^XSfn^h/''^T]?''^"^^°.^^^ T^^^^ ^^'^'^^ Serious Attention of 19qi« WW TV. ^'^ Question (pp. 16). 1813 28 12313 Hints Regarding the E.I. Monopoly, by David Laurie (pp. 56). Glasgow 12314 Th«p^e«m of^lJG on the E.I. Question, from the Mor^iing^ost ^"" "^^^^^^i"^^^^!^^ Of Marquis Welleslg 12316 Sub8t«nnrnf s"'''"?''^^/^'^ *^^ government of India by a Trading Company. 2""&{i's^;SU'eSr"fsf/S^^^^^^^^^^ H.C. Cc^Ueee on J^ '^'« «Sln1 ^xt S'^;K,!^T^i"^ - '"^ «~-t ot India ^^ "^ — -_ . 33 SS, High Street^ Mar^kbo^i^^^Zondoi^^ ~^ India 665 East India Company— continued. 12319 Cui Bono ? or the Prospects of a Free Trade in Tea, Dialogue between an Anti- Monopolist and a Proprietor of E.I. Stock (pp. 40). 1833 28 12320 The Tea Trade : Keport of Proceedings at E.I. House, relative to Tea Duties, &c. (pp. 44). [1834] 28 12321 Letter to Author of Bemarks in the Gourier on the Tea Duties, by John Travers (pp. 42). 1834 ' 2s 6d 12322 The Company and the Crown, by the Hon. T. J. Hovell-Thurlow, 8vo, cloth. 1866 2s 6d Chapters on the Government of India ; the Minor Presidencies ; the Lieutenant-Governments of Bengal, of the N.W. Provinces, and of the Punjab ; the Non-Regulation Provinces of Oude, Mysore, and Nagpore ; the Political Department ; Provinces beyond the Sea ; the Military Depart- ment, Finance and Public Works, Foreign Settlements; Native Institu- tions, &c. 12324 Eden (Hon. Emily) Letters from India, edited by the Author's Niece, 2 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1872 10s These letters, bv a daughter of Lord Auckland, describe the life at the Vice- Regal Court, 183542. Education : — \Continv£d from pp. 1^5 and 60S, 12326 Hints Relative to Native Schools, their Extension, and Management [by Carey, Marshman, and Ward], 8vo (pp. 40). 1817 2s 12327 First Report on the Native Schools, by the Same, 8vo (pp. 68). 1818 28 12328 Reports on Vernacular Education in Bengal and Behar, 1835, 1836, 1838, by W. Adam, with a Brief View of its Past and Present Condition, by Rev. J. Long, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1868 48 12329 Letters on Educating the Native Population of India, by Capt. Wm. Hunter (from the Englishman, 1840), 8vo (pp. 24). Bath 28 12330 Report on Indigenous Education and Vernacular Schools, N.W. Provinces, by Heney Stewart Reid, royal 8vo (pp. 220). Agra, 1852 3s 6d See also pp. 1 25 and 605. 12331 Edwardes (Sir Herbert) Memoirs of his Life, and Letters, by His Wife, portraits and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1886 12s 12332 A Year on the Punjaub Frontier, 1848-9, map and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, half-morocco. 1851 14s Major-General Edwardes was in India twenty -four years, and served in the Pun- jaub, in Afghanistan, and through the Mutiny. 12333 Egerton (Hon. Wilbraham) Illustrated Hand Book of Indian Arms, with Sketch of Indian Military History, map and 15 plates {two coloured), imp. 8vo (pp. viii-162). 1880 4s 6d 12334 Elgin (Earl of) by George M. Wrong, 12mo, cloth. 1905 7s 6d 12335 Elliot (Sir Henry) History and Folk-lore of the Races of the N.W. Provinces of India, edited and revised by John Beames, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1869 * 9s 12336 History of India — the Muhammadan Period, edited and continued by Dowson, 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1866-77 £2 18s See also p. 128. -■ '< 83, High Street, Marvlebone^ London. IF, 666 • Francis Edwards's Catalogue 12337 Fanshawe (H. C.) Delhi, Past and Present, with 10 maps and plans and 50 photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1902 7s 6d An interesting handbook, containing historical and archaeological information, Account of the Mutiny of 1857, with Sir Henry Norman's 'Narrative of the Siege and Assault of Delhi.' 12338 Fergusson (James) History of Indian and Eastern Archi- tecture, with 2 maps and 394 illustrations, Svo, half bound. 1876 £1 See note p. 132. 12339 Illustrations of Architecture and Natural History in Western India, 100 stereo-photographs by Major Robert Gill, Descriptions by James Fergusson, 8vo, gilt edges. 1864 £1 Photographs of Temples, Tombs, Caves, and Ruins of A junta, Ellora, and Aurungabad, 62 being views of the Caves, 24 of structural architecture. To these are added 14 of Tiger Hunting and other scenes of the chase. Sixty-two (single) photographs of the Cave studies in Major Gill's volume and 12 additional are included in Feegusson's ' Rock-Cut Temples,' 1864. See p. 132. 12340 Testing (Miss Gabrielle) From the Land of Princes, Preface by Sir George Birdwood, 12mo, cloth. 1904 2s Stories of Mewar and Marwar, of Amber (Jaipur), Haras, and of JeFsulmer, serving as an introduction to the mind of the ruling caste of India, illustrating the tragic history of Rajputana, with instructive historical preface by Birdwood. 12341 Finances of India (India Reform Soc.) (pp. 31). 1853 2s 12342 How we Tax India, by W. E. Forster. Leeds, 1858 ^(title-page missing), (pp. 40) 2s 6d See also references, p. 133. 12343 Fitzclarence (Lt.-Col.) Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt to Eogland, 1817-18, maps, coloured plates, plans of actions and of the Pyramids, 4to, cloth. 1819 133 A Personal Narrative of the War in the Deccan, 1817- 18, with map and interesting plates, a "Gorkah Soldier," "Rocket Corps and Dromedary Corps," "Rohilla Horse and Skinner's Horse," " Sepoys," plans of the battles of Jubbulpoor and Nagpoor, Poonah, views m Egypt, &c. 12344 Another copy, 4to, half-calf 15s 12345 Fleet (J. F.) Inscriptions of the Early Gupta Kings (Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum), 4to, cloth. 1889 £1 13s 6d 12346 Floyer (A. M.) The Evolution of Ancient Hinduism, 12mo, cloth. 1888 Ig 12347 Forbes (James) Oriental Memoirs, Observations in India during 17 Years* Residence, and Occurrences in Four Voyages, portrait and 95 coloured plates, 4 vols, royal 4to, boards (uncut), or half-calf. 1813 £3 iqs See also pp. 134, 606. 12348 Forest Flora of N.W. and Central India, by Dr. Lindsay Stewart and Dr. D. Brandis, 8vo; with Atlas of 70 illustrations, 4to, 2 vols, half-morocco. 1874 £1 6s See also pp. 296, 297. 12349 Forrest (G. W.) History of the Indian Mutiny Reviewed and Hi^h Street^ Marylehgne, London^ W, Indict 667 12350 Framji Karaka (Dosabbai) History of tbe Parsis, including their Manners, Customs, Religion, and Present Position, with, coloured and other illustrations ^ 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1884 16s History of the Zoroastrians in Persia and in India, their Manners, Customs, Internal Government and Laws, Education ; Distinguished Parsis— the Kastams, Nanabhais, tjorabji, Arde-hir, Dhanjisha, Bhadnagri, Readymoney, Kama, Wadia, Jarashedji, and otber Families ; Zoroaster and the Parsi Faith, &c. 12351 Francis (Sir Philip) Memoirs, Correspondence, and Journals, by Joseph Parkes and Herman Merivale, 2 portraits and facsimiles^ 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1867 8s 6d With minute account of Francis's proceedings as Member of Council in India, 1774-81, his duel with Hastings, his subsequent parliamentary career in England, impeachment of Hastings— his identity with " Junius," &c. 12352 Speeches on the War against the Mahrattas (pp. 94). 1805 ^s 1 2353 Letter to Viscount Howick on the State of the E.I.Cc, 8vo (pp. 21). 1807 2s ' See also pp. 136, 606. 12354 Francklin (Col. Wm.) History of the Reign of Sbab-Aulum, [Second] Mogul Emperor (1759-1806), and Transactions of the Court of Delhi, &c., map and 4 portraitSj 4to, half-calf. 1798 14s A history of the decline of the Mogul Empire, with account of the rise of the Mahrattas, the Rohillas, Sindiah, the Begum Sumroo, description of Delhi, from a journal of observations during 1793-91, 12355 Researches on tbe Tenets and Doctrines of the Jeynes and Boodhists, Brachmanes of Ancient India, with a Discussion on Serpent Worship, 6 plateSf 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges. 1827 £1 5s For other works by Col. Francklin, see p. 136. 12356 Fraser (J. Baillie) Twenty-four Views in Calcutta and Vicinity, engraved by R. Havell, T. Fielding, &c., 17 tinted plates^ 6 coloured platesy and 1 artist's original drawing of *' Calcutta" (each 20 in. by 14 in.), large folio, half-morocco. 1824-26 £6 12357 Another similar Collection, 16 tinted views, half-morocco The following plates to he had separately :— 12358 Calcutta from Fort William 12359 Esplanade Row from Reservoir of Chan pal Ghat 12360 Esplanade Row from the Chouringee Road 12361 Government House from the Eastward 12362 Tank Stiuare from the West 12363 Sulkea Side from the Respondentia Walk 12361 Botanic Garden, House, and Reach 12365 Barrackpore House 12366 St. Andrew's Church from Mission Row 12367 The Chanpal Ghat 12.368 The Scotch Church (St. Andrew's) 12369 The Town Hall 12370 Writers' Buildings from the Monument 12371 Serampore from Barrackpore 83^ High Street, Marylebone, London, W, large folio, £2 10s Plain 48 Coloured 38 108 38 — 3s — 3s — 58 — 3s — 58 — ■ 38 98 3s 10s — 9s 4s — 38 108 38 78 6d 668 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 12373 Frazer (R. W.) Silent Gods and Sun-Steeped Lands, 5 iUustra- tiona by McCormick, second edition, 12mo, cloth. 1896 3s The Tailless Tiger, The Pearl of the Temple, The Cry from the Kiver, The Wail of the Woman, The Last Human Sacrifice and the Abb6 Leroux, The Dream of Life, The Cloud Messenger, adapted from the Sanskrit of Kalidasa. 12375 Freshfield (Douglas) Round Kanchenjunga : a Tour in Sikkim and Eastern Nepal, ma'ps, and 40 illustrations from photo- graphs by S. Vittorio Sella, royal 8vo, cloth. 1903 12s 12376 Fryer (John) A New Account of East India and Persia: Nine Years' Travels, 1672-81, maps and figures, folio, calf. 1698 £1 12s Fryer, surgeon in the E.LCo.'s service, describes the life and trade at Surat as well as at Bombay and Madras, and gives an account of the coronation of Sivaji, the Mahratta Kiiig, which he witnessed. Dr. Fryer is one of the most interesting of the early travellers in India. 12377 Fuller (Andrew) Statement of the Committee Baptist Mis- sionary Society. Signed Andrew Fuller, 8vo (pp. 25). SJiachle- well, 1807 2s 12378 An Apology for Christian Missions to India, by Andrew Fuller, Sec. Baptist Miss. Soc, 8vo (pp. 94-xxvi.). Part II. (pp. 132), Part III. (pp. xii.-38). 1808 6s Written in answer to the Pamnhlets of Mr. Twining, Major Scott- Waring, A Bengal Officer, (Prof. Stewart's 'Vindication of the Hindoos'), Dr. Barrow and others. See Missions. 12380 Gilchrist (W.) The Elephant: its History, Anatomy, Diseases and their Treatment, fplio. Calcutta, 1841 6s 12381 The Camel : its Anatomy, Diseases and their Treatment, a Practical Memoir, folio (pp. 54 and plates). Calcutta, 1843 6s 12382 Geological Survey of India (Records of the), including Papers on the Geology of adjoining Countries, vnth numerous plans, maps, sections, and diagrams {many coloured). Vols. I. to XXII. (in 14 vols.), royal 8vo, half-morocco. Calcutta, 1870 89 £3 10s C9ntain8 papers on mining and Pmelting minerals, precious stones, meteorites, materials for pottery, palasontology, river deposits, cave remains, reports on the progress of the General Survey, &c. 12383 Manual of the Geology of India, Peninsular and Extra- Peninsular Areas, by H. B. Medlicott and W. T. Blanford, 2 vols, royal 8vo, ivith large map, mounted and folded same size, cloth. Calcutta, 1877-79 £i 2b 12385 Gladwin (Prof.) Narrative of Transactions during the Soobah- daries of Azeem us Shan, Jaffer Khan, Shuja Khan, &c. [18th century I, from a Persian MS., 8vo, half-calf. 1788 7s 12386 Godwin -Austen (Col. H. H.) Notes on Pangong Lake District, 1863— Bengal Asiatic Soc, 1866, pp. 66 2s 6d 12387 Geological Features Western Bhootan— t6icZ., 1867, pp. 7 and map 2s 12388 Geology, &c., of the Jaintia Hills— iM., 1868, pp. 6 Is 12389 Notes on the Earthquake, N. Cachar— i6z(£., 1869 (pp. 12) 28 See also p. 141. 83, High Street i Marylehone, London^ W, India 669 12390 Gough (Hugh, Viscount) Field Marshal Life and Campaigns of, by Robert S. Bait, portraits, maps, and plans, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1904 £1 " The book is one to be read by all, and closely studied by all military students." Athenceum. 12391 Graham (Maria) Journal of a Residence in India, 1809-11, tuith 15 illustrations from the Author's sketches, etched by Storer, and coloured plate * A Malay Moonshee,' from a native drawing, 4to, half-calf. 1812 Ts 6d The following are the etchings : Temple to Mahadfo, Bombay ; Banian Tree ; Figures in Cave, Elephanta ; Carli Cave (two views) ; Temporary Bridge at Bar- bareen ; Great Cave at Canary ; Government House, Calcutta ; Fort William ; Tapass of Arioon ; Teer of Arjoon ; Five Radums ; Indian Cairns ; Castle and Parade, Cape Town ; James Town. St. Helena. 12392 Journal of a Residence in India, smother coipy, with two additional original highly-finished sketches (in all 18 plates), calf .(Kalthoeber) £1 12393 Journal, second edition, corrected, with Glossary of a number of Native Words, 16 plates, 4to, half-calf. 1813 9s 12394 Letters on India, map and nine etchings [of Architecture, Hindu Deities, &c., by J. D. Glennie], 8vo, half-calf. 1814 63 Chapters on the languages, literature, theology, morals, laws, caste, geography and science, chronology, history, mythology. &c., from the writings of Jones, Cole- brooke, Wilford, Wilks, Orme, Dow, Malcolm, Buchanan, and others. Mrs. Graham (a daughter of Admiral George Dundas) was subsequently wife of the painter Sir Augustus Callcott, and author of "A Scripture Herbal" and "Little Arthur's" Histories. 12395 Greene (Capt. D. Sarsfield), Royal Artillery. Views in India, from Drawings taken during the Seapoy Mutiny, 20 tinted plates and illustrated title-page, imperial folio, half-morocco. 1859 £3 3s, 1. Calcutta from Chouringee Road. 2. The River Hoogley from the Calcutta Course. 3. View from the Domree Bungalow. 4. The Rajmahag Hills. 5. Benares from the Fort, the Army Crossing. 6. View near Benares. 7. Wheeler's Entrenchment, Cawnpore. 8. The Slaughter House, Cawnpore. 9. The Slaughter House (Interior). 10. Broken Bridge over the Burkutah. 11. From the Fort Allahabad, looking up the Jumna. 12. The Soane in the Dry Season. 13. Hindoo Temple near Sasseram. 14. The River Moghur, near Shergotty. 15. Windham's Entrenchment, Cawnpore. 16. Advance of Windham's Division. 17. Windham's Attack on the Gwalior Contingent (Battle of Pandoo Nuddee). 18. Trying Position of the Naval Guns and Greene's Battery, Nov. 27, 1857. 19. Arrival at Cawnpore of the Relieved Garrison of Lucknow, Nov. 28. 20. Pursuit of the Gwalior Army by Sir Colin Campbell. 12396 Griffin (Capt. J. G. B.) Late Allahabad Slanders Exposed: Letters to the OfiBcers 3rd Madras European Regt. (pp. 24; Appendix, pp. 58, Post Scriptum pp. 22). Allahahad, \^^^ 58 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W» g76 Prancis Pdwards^s datatoguS 12397 Griffiths (John) The Buddhist Cave Temples of Ajanta, Khan- desh, India, with 159 large plates of paintings and decorative details^ mostlij coloured, and many illustrations in the text, 2 vols, imp. folio, cloth {privately printed). 1896-97 £9 See also Journal of Indian A rt, p. 676. 12398 Grim wood (Ethel St. Clair) My Tliree Years in Manipur and Escape from the Recent Mutiny, portrait and illustrations, 8vo, half-calf. 1892 6s 12399 [Groom (Lieut. Wm. Tate) 1st Madras Royal Fusiliers'] With Havelockfrom Allahabad to Lucknow, 1857, 12mo, cl. 1894 2s 6d Extracts from the letters of Lieut. Groom to his wife describing the journey to Lucknow, where he waa wounded. He died in the Kesidency hospital before the arrival of the army of relief under Colin Campbell (Lord Clyde). 12400 Griinwedel (Prof. A.) Buddhist Art in India, translated by A. C. Gibson, revised and enlarged by Burgess, iviih 154 illustra- tions, royal 8vo, cloth. 1901 12s 6d 12401 Gubbins (Martin R.) An Account of the Mutinies in Oudh and of the Siege of the Lucknow Residency, Causes of the Mutiny in Bengal Army, map and plates, 8vo, cloth. 1858 7s 6d 12402 The Mutinies in Oudh, new edition, with Eyre's Account of the Arrah Campaign, plates, 8vo, half-calf. 1858 ISs 12403 Gujerat, Political and Statistical History of, translated from the Persian by J. Bird, 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). 1835 £1 5s 12404 [Guyon (Abbe)] A New History of the East-Indies, Ancient and Modern, containing the Chorography, Natural History, Reli- gion, Government, Manners and Customs, Revolutions, &c., of these Countries, and An Essay on the History of the Commerce of European Nations to the East Indies, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 1757 18s 12405 Haidar (Mirza Muhammad) A History of the Moghuls of Central Asia, translated by Denison-Ross, edited by Ney Elias, map, 8vo, cloth. 1895 (pub. 30s) 5s 6d With events of the writer's own life, including his career as ruler of Kashmir in the sixteenth century. 12406 Haig (Major-General M. R.) The Indus Delta Country; its Ancient Geography, History and Topography, with 3 maps, royal 8vo, wrappers. 1887 Is On the supposed physical geography of this part of the country in the time of Alexander the Great, with critical remarks on Arrian and Nearchus. 12407 Hamilton (Capt. Alex.) A New Account of the East Indies: Observations and Remarks on the Countries and Islands, Commerce and Navigation between the Cape of Good Hope and Japan, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1727 £2 12408 Harding (J. D.) Recollections of India: a Series of 26 Views of British India, the Punjab, and Kashmir, from the original draw- ings of the Hon. Charles Stewart Hardinge, with descriptive text, imperial folio, half-morocco. 1847 14s Faded cover and one plate damaged. For list of the views, see p. 148. 12409 LARGE PAPER copy, Colombier folio, half-morocco .£1 10s 8S, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, Indies 671 12411 Harkness (Capt. Hy.) Description of a Singular Aboriginal Race inhabiting the Summit of the Neilgherry Hills, 4 plateSf including one of * A Tuda Family,' royal 8vo, boards. 1832 5s 12412 Hastings (Warren) Memoirs of his Life, Compiled from Original Papers by Rev. G. R. Gleig, with 2 portraits — Mr. and Mrs. Hasting:s — 3 vols. Svo, half-morocco. 1841 15s 12413 Portrait of Warren Hastings from a Miniature by Ozias Humphry, engraved by Greatbatch (separately) la|^ 12414 The Letters of Warren Hastings to his Wife, edited by Sydney C. Grier, portraits, Svo, cloth. 1905 10s " The letters themselves extend over the period of Hastings's soioiirn in India, and they show their author in a light which has almost been wholly ignored by the historians a volume which no person interested in the history of India can afford to neglect.'"— English Revie\o. 12415 Where Warren Hastings Rests, by Sir Charles Lawson, with photo-views of his birth place at Churchill, Daylesford House and Church, portraits, facsimiles of documents, &c. {Jour, Indian Art), imp. 4to, wrappers. 1892 Is 6d 12416 Petition of'the United Co. of Merchants (E.I.Co.) to Parliament; Letter from Directors to Lord Weymouth, 4to (pp. 31). 1777 28 12417 Letters from Committee of British Subjects in Bengal (pp. W, 8). 1779 28 12418 Letter from Governor-General and Council on Supreme Court of Judicature, 4to (pp. 31), Jan. 25, 17S0 38 6d 12419 Extract of Proceedings Bengal Council Revenue Department (pp. 8, and two Accounts— Kevenue, and Cost of the Supreme Court to 3rd March, 1780), 4to 28 6d 12420 Petition of Messrs. Hastings, Francis, and Wheler to House of Commons, 1780, 4to (pp. 8) 2s 12421 Observations upon the Administration of Justice in Bengal occasioned by Proceedings at Daccji (pp. 52 ; Appendix, pp. 68), 4to. 1781 4s 12422 Narrative of Proceedings in the Patna Cause (pp. 88; Appendices, pp. 80, and facsimile documents said to be forged), 4to. 1781 5s 12423 Petitions of British Inhabitants of Bengal, of Governor-General, and Directors E.I.Co. to Parliament (pp. 8), 4to. 1781 2s 12424 Short Account of the Resignation of "Warren Hastings, Esq., Gov.-Gen. of Bengal 1775, with Remarks, 4to (pp. 26). 1781 48 12(25 An Answer to the Anonymous Remarks on a Letter from Warren Hastings to the Directors E.I.Co., 8vo (pp. 40;. 1786 2s 6d 12426 Memoirs relating to the State of India, by Warren Hastings, new edition, with Additions and Portrait, Svo (pp. viii-196) 1786 78 6d 12427 Sheridan (R. B.) Si>eech on Fourth Charge against Warren Hastings relative to the Begmns of Oude, 7th Feb., 1787, tecond edition, 8vO'(pp. iv-76). 1787 58 12428 Debates of the House of Lords on the Evidence delivered in the Trial of Warren Hastings; Proceedings of the E.I.Co. in conseciuence of his Ac(iuittal, and Testimonials of the British and Native Inhabitants of India to his Character and Conduct whilst Governor- General, portrait of Lord Thurlow (pp. 842), 4to, calf. 1797 ■ 10s 12429 Hawken (J. D.) Upa-Sastra : Comments, Linguistic and Doctrinal on Sacred and Mythic Literature, 12mo, cloth. Madras, 1877 4s S^j High Street^ Ma,ryUhQne^ J^oifidori^ W , 672 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogtie 12430 Hazin ; Life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin by himself (1741). edited from Persian MSS. by F. O. Belfour, 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). 1831 10s 12430b English Translation, with Notes explanatory of the History, Poetry, Geography, &c., by Belfour, Svo, cloth (O.T.P.). 1830 6s Hearseys (The). See Pearse. 12431 Herford (Capt. I. S. A.) Stirring Times under Canvas, with frontispiecef 12mo, cloth. 1862 6s Wreck of the " Transit" (on the way to China) in the Straits of Banca, visit to Singapore, ordered to India, Calcutta, and Chinsumh, March to Allahabad and • Cawnpore, Oude, the "Relief," Camp under Outram, Capture of Lucknow, the " Dour," in Cantonments, Nawabgunge, the new " Raj "—Queen Victoria ; on the Gogra, Jehangerabad, Seetapore, and " Homeward." 12432 Hervey (Mrs. Julie Emily) Adventures of a Lady in Kashmir,. Tartary, and Thibet, with Account of a Journey from the Punjab to Bombay, the Caves of Ajunta and Ellora, the Mahableshwur and Neilgherry Mountains, portrait of Goolab Singh, 2 maps and 7 views in Laddkh and Little Thibet, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1853 6s 12433 Hill (S. C.) List of Europeans and others in the English Factories in Bengal, at the time of the Siege of- Calcutta, 1756, with Lists of European Sufferers, 4to, swd. Calcutta, 1902 3s 12433b Three Frenchmen in Bengal ; or, the Commercial Kuin of the French Settlements in 1757, 4 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1903 7s 6d The three Frenchmen were M. Renault of Chaudernagore, M. Law of Cossim- bazar, and Mr. Courtin of Dacca. 12434 Bengal in 1756-57 : a Selection of Public and Private Papers dealing with the Affairs of the British in Bengal during the Reign of Sirajuddaula, with Notes and Introduction, maps, plans, and illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1905 £1 16s 12435 Hill Tribes of Assam : Collection of rare Reports, 1 vol. Svo, half-calf, v.d. £i ^^'"'O^'^S^'ocP^^A ^"J I°?^,^ll^^i^ ^^ *^^ ^^^^ow Hills (from Asiatic Res., Vol. III., pp. 28, 20, and plate), 1788-89. Sibsagor, Assun, lSi6. Sisson (T.) On the State of the Garrow Country, 1815, pp. 37. ^*^^^hi si^'^M^^?""®"* ^L^^^ Garrows and other Rude Tribes, 1818, with Reports by Scott Mackenzie, 1818, and W. B. Bailey, 1819 (pp. 43, 11). Sihsagor, 1848. Jenkms (Major Fr.) The Angami Nagas (pp. 25). Sihsagor, 1851. Hannay (Major S.F.) Sketch of the Singphos or Kakhyens of Burmah, and the Trade with Yunan (pp. 77). CalciUta, I8i7. Continuation of Notes on the Shans of Assam (pp. 17). Calcutta, 1848. ~Vorv%^arYirppT' iiaiT84?' ^^^^^ ^^"" <^^"^- ^^^*- ''^'' ^°^" ''''^^r^;^.^^^^ii.t^^^ Bengal, 1821 (Trans. Geol. Soc, *"" P^^TisblicVocf B^^^^^^^^^ '^'^ ^-^- ^ *he Hookoong Valley, map 7^. '^'iS f '^'' ^^"^ ^^^^''^ ^^°8«' PP- 8 {ibid., 1870). Dalton (Col E T.) The '' Kols " of Chola-Nagpore, pp. 46 (Asiatic Sac. Bengal), 1866. referSs% l'53^'°'^'' ^^^''''' ^^^'y^ '^^ople of India' (WatSOn^nd Kaye) and 83, mgh Street, MaryUhmie, London, IT, India 673 Hindi and Hindustani : — 12436 Baital Pachfsi (The) ; or, Twenty-five Tales of a Demon, Hindi Text, Hindu- stani Character, and English interlinear and free translation by W. Burck- hardt Barker, edited by Prof. Eastwick, royal 8vo, calf. Hertford^ 1855 lOs 12437 English Kendering : Vikram and the Vampire, by Capt. Sir K. Bm-ton, illustrated by Griset, 8vo, cloth. 1893 4s 12438 Garcin de Tassy, Hir et Ranjhan : Legend du Penjab, royal 8vo, pp. 113-148. Sept., 1857 2s 12439 La Doctrine de I'Amour, ou * Taj-Ulmuluk et Bakawali,' par Nihal Chand de Delhi, royal 8vo, pp. 123. Paris, 1858 3s 12440 Les Aventures de Kamrup, from the Hindustani of Tahcin-Uddin, royal 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). PaW«, 1834 6s 12441 Histoire de la Litterature Hindoui et Hindoustani ; Biographic et Bibliographic, 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). 1839 88 See also pp. 324, 325, 632. 12442 Hockley (W. B.), Author of ' Pandurang Hari.' ' Tales of the Zenana ; or, a Nuwab's Leisure Hours,' with Introduction by Lord Stanley of Alderley, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1874 8s The ' Tales of a Zenana ' are far superior to ' Pandurang Hari ' in wit and live- liness ; the book contains a number of tales equal to many in the ' Arabian Nights.' Lord Stanley of Alderley. 12443 Hodges (Wm.) Travels in India, 1780-83, map and 14 fine copperplateSf 4to, half-calf 9s These plates illustrating the artist's journey through India, and engraved from the aquatints of his larger work (now very scarce), consist of Hindu Woman proceeding to Funeral Pile. View of Bidjegur. Palace of the Nabob at Lucknow. View of Agra from the South-West. Hindostanee Woman, and Musselman Priest. View of Gwalior Fort. The Pagoda at Tanjore. View of Calcutta from the Fort. The Pass of Sicri Gully, Bahar. Interior of a Zananah, from an Indian Painting. Banyan Tree. Mahommedan Women at a Tomb. A Peasant Woman and a Sepoy. Column from Vishna Temple, Benares. 12444 Hodson (Major) Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life in India, edited by Rev. G. H. Hodson, 12mo, half-calf. 1859 78 Includes narratives of the Scinde and Punjab Campaigns, 1845-49 ; a Tour in Kashmir, 1851 ; later Frontier Warfare and the Delhi Campaign, 1857-58. 12445 Hodgson (Col, John Studholme) Opinions on the Indian Army, originally published at Meerut in 1850, under the title of * Musings on Military Matters,' 12mo, cloth. 1857 3s 6d 12446 Holdich (Col. Sir T. Hungerford) The Indian Borderland, 1880-1900, map and 22 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1901 10s Exhibits the progress of British surveys and British Arms on the N.W. Frontier, results of the Afghan War, 1879-80, of Waziristan, the I'akht-i-Suliman, the Russo- Afghan Boundary Commission, Developments in Baluchistan, and on the Persian Gulf ; of Kafiristan, the Pamirs, the Perso-Baluch Boundary, Tirah, &c. 12446b India (Regions of the World Series), 114 maps and diagrams, 8vo, cloth. 1904 6s 12447 Geography of the North-West Frontier of India — Geog. Journal, May, 1901 (XVII. 461-477) Is 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W,. g74 Francis Edwdrds^s Catalogm 1*>448 Holwell (J. Z.) and others. India Tracts, with frontispiece, ♦Monument to Sufferers of the Black Hole,' second edition, 4 to, calf. 1764 ^^ ^^ ■ 1. Address on the Necessity for the Revolution in Bengal, 1760. 2. Refutation of Letter from Bengal Council to Secret Committee. 3. Important Facts regarding E.I.Co.'s Affairs in Bengal, 17o2-60. 4. Narrative of the Affair of the Black Hole, 1756. 5. Defence of Mr. Vansittart's Conduct. 12449 Interesting Historical Events Relative to the Provinces of Bengal and the Empire of Indostan, from Aurungzebe to 1750, Part I, 8vo, original wrapper. 1765 6s 12450 Part I., second edition, with Supplement, 4 maps, 8vo, half-calf. 1766 7s 6d 12451 Part III., Dissertation on the Metempsychosis of the Gentoos (Hindoos), &c., 8vo, original wrappers. 1771 9s 12452 Hooker (Sir J. D.) Flora of British India, 7 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1875-97 (pub. £12) £9 Brief descriptions, ordinal, 'generic, and specific, of the flowering plants and ferns found within the territories of British India, with those of Kashmir and Western Tibet. 12453 Himalayan Journals: Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, &c. (1848 51), BEST EDITION, with 2 maps, 12 coloured plateSf and 80 wood engravings, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1854 £1 With appendices : Mineral Waters, by Dr. R. D. Thomson ; Rev. M. J. Berkeley on Himalayan Algas ; Soils of Sikkim; Auroral Appearances, Physical Geography of the Districts, Climate, Humidity of Air at various Elevations, Temperature of Soil, Elevations, Altitudes, &;c. The plates include coloured views of Kinchinjunga and other Himalayan peaks, valleys, aijd lakes. 12454 Hiigel (Baron Charles) Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab, containing Accounts of the Sikhs, Ranjit Singh, &c., with Notes by Major T. B. Jervis, portrait, mapf and illustrationSf royal 8vo, half-calf. 1845 8s 6d 12455 Humayun. The Tezkereh-al-Yakiat : Private Memoirs of the Mogul Emperor Humayun, translated from the Persian by Major C. Stewart (Oriental Trans. Fund), 4to, cloth. 1832 10s 12456 Hyde (Henry Barry) Parochial Annals of Bengal : being a History of the Bengal Ecclesiastical Establishment of the Honour- able East India Company in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Cen- turies, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1901 5s 12457 [Impey] A Review of the Principles and Conduct of the Judges of the Supreme Court in Bengal : an Inquiry into the Causes which have obstructed or defeated the Salutary Ends pro- posed by the Legislature in Establishing His Court (pp. xii-158). 1782 7a On Impey and his Conduct. 12458 Articles of Charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanors against Sir Elijah Impey, H.C., Dec, 1787, 8vo (pp. 144) lOs 6d roMAS"" ^?5r/Sil^if ^^'''^•T ^"^ ^^^^h ^^^ PP- ^^2, 611, references under NUN- COMAR, pp. 206, 21 8, Beveridge, p. 82, and Stephen, p. 695. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. India 675 12459 India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, British North Borneo, Hong-Kong, 2 maps, 8vo, cloth. 1899 3s T i^ volume of the British Empire Series, containing articles hy J. A. Baines, Lord Wenlock, Lord Harris, A. F. Baillie, Eomesh Dutt, Sir J. B. Lyall, Sir Charles trrant, Sir Wm. Lee- Warner, and others. 12460 Indian Engineering, Professional Papers, Second Series, Vols. I. to X., plates, royal Svo, half bound. 1872-81 £3 Professional papers accompanied by plates, drawings, and diagrams, Civil, Mechanical, Hydmulic. and Telegraphic Engineering, railways and Ijramways, &o., architecture, building, lighthouses, masonry, brick and tile work, cements, &c. 12461 Indigo, with coloured illustrations of the Plant of a Factory and its Component Parts, imp. Svo, half bd. Calcutta, 1832 4s 6d 12462 Pamphlet by [Sir] George Watt, M.D., royal Svo (pp. 8S). [Calcutta, 1900?] 3s 6d See also p. 299. 12463 Irvine (W.) The Army of the Indian Moghuls, its Organisa- tion, &c., Svo, cloth.. 1904 Ss 6d 12464 Jacob (Brig.-Gen. John) Tracts (5) on the Native Army of India, reprinted, Svo (pp. 126). 1S5S 4s Remarks on a Bombay Officer's Pamphlet, 1850 ; Eemarks on Bengal Army and Furlough, 1851 ; Remarks on Native Troops, 1854 : Causes of Defects in our Army, 1855 ; Scheme for Reorganization of the Indian Army, 1857. 12465 Jacquemont (Victor) Letters from India, with map and portrait, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1834 9s 12466 Second edition, 4: plates, 2 vols. 12mo, boards. 1835 6s 6d Describing a journey through British India, Tibet, Lahore, and Cashmeer, 1828- 1831, undertaken by order of the French Government. See also p. 165. 12467 Jain Itihas Series. A Lecture on Jainism by Lala Benarsi Dass, Gwalior, 9,9 Dec, 1901, roy. Svo, cloth. Agra^ 1902 Is See "Barth, p. 653 ; Francklin, p. 667 ; Kalpa Sutra, p. 692. 12468 James (Capt. A.), 67th Regt. Indian Army. Analytical View of the Manual and Platoon Exercises in a Series of Copperplates of European and Native Troops, 4to, calf. Calcutta, 1811 15s 12469 Jehanguir. Memoirs of the Emperor Jahangueir, translated by Major David Price, 4to, cloth (O.T.F.). 1829 15s 12470 Jerdon (Surgeon -Major T. 0.) The Birds of India: a Manual of Ornithology, 3 vols, royal Svo, cloth. Calcutta, 1862-64 £2 10s 12471 The Mammals of India, roy. Svo, cl. London, 1874 6s 12472 Notes on Jerdon's Mammals of India, by an Indian Sports- man and Lover of Natural History [A. 0. McMaster], Svo, cloth. Madras, 1870 4s 12473 Johns (Wm.) Facts and Opinions Relative to the Burning of Widows, &c., in India (pp. viii-112). Birmingham, 1816 3s 12474 Jourdain (John) Journal of, 1608-17, describing his Experiences in Arabia, India, and the Malay Archipelago, edited by Wm. Foster, maps, Svo, cloth (Ilakluyt Soc). 1905 15s Includes accounts of visits to Seychelles, to Aden with a Journey through the Yaman to Sana and Mocha ; in India from burat to Agra ; Bantam and Amboyna. 8S, High Street^ Marylehone^ London, W. Q76 Francis Edwards's Catalogite 12475 Journal of Indian Art, Vols. I. to IX., folio, half-calf (No. 78 missing). 1886-1904 £14 12475b Nos. 20 to 64 in parts as issued. 1888-99 .£3 10s The following Monographs are offered separately : — 1247oc Baden-Powell (B. H.) The Silver Workers of Cutch, 13 large plates exhibiting many choice specimens of Cutch silver metal work. 1894 Is 12475d Bankrjei (N. N.) Dyes and Dyeing in Bengal, .5 coloured illustrations. — Thurston (Edgar) The Cotton Fabric Industry of the Madras Presidency, 8 full-page illustrations. 1897 28 12475e BiDiE (G. Deputy Surgeon-General) The Art Industries of Madras, 12 full- page illustrations (some richly coloured) of pottery, rare musical instruments, jewellery, and precious stones, &c. 1890 2s 12475/ Bird WOOD (Sir G.) The Collections of Indian Art in Marlborough House and at Sandringham Hall, 39 plates {chiefly of arms), many illuminated in gold and colours, including portraits of the Kins: and Queen, pedigrees, and coloured views of Marlborough House and Sandringham House, 2 parts, 1891 2s 6d 12475p The East India Company, over 30 full-page places, chiefly coloured^ ■ including charters, grants, views, facsimile letters, the fine interior decora- tions and carvings, &c. 1890 4s 6d Contains two very fine reproductions in colour of Malton's famous views of the E.I. House in Leadenhall Street in 1726 and 1796. 12475A Burgess (Dr. James) Indian Architectural Details ("Jeypore Portfolio") 5 full-page and 10 double-page illustrations of pillars, inlaid ivory doors, panels, brackets, balustrades, &c. 1890 Is 6d 12475i The Gandhara Sculptures, 25 full-size plates of sculptures, 2 parts. 1898 . 38 6d 12476J Crooke (W.) The Art Industries of Mirzapur, 4 plates.— B^ea, (A.) Dravidian Architectural Details, 6 js/a^es.— Abstract from Dr. Fuhrer's article on Indo- Sythic Architecture and Sculpture of the Mathura School, 3 coloured plates of tiles. 1893 Is 3d 12475A; Dan vers (F. C.) on Letter from King James I. of England to the Shah Abbas of Persia, coloured illustration.— A. Tradition of Raphael in Persia, by C. Purdon Clarke, 4 coloured illmtrations and portraits. 1896 2*8 12475Z DOBBS (H. R. C.) The Pottery and Glass Industries of the N.W. Provinces and Oudh, 13 full-page illustrations, some coloured. 1897 28 12475W Gait (E. A.) The Manufacture of Brass and Copper Wares and Pottery in Assam, 8 full-page illustrations. 1896 2s 12475W GiMLETTE (G. H.) The Art Industries of Nepal.- Cousens (H.) Ancient ?ii^'"'^y^^ ^^^^^ Carvings, in one part, with 15 fidl-page illustrations. 1889 . Ig 124750 Griffiths (John) The Brass and Copper Wares of the Bombay Presidency, 18 full- page illustrations. 1896 2s 12475p The Ajanta Cave-Paintings, 44 text blocks. 1898 2s 12475^ -- Detail Drawings of Rani Sipri's Mosque, Tomb, &c., Ahmedabad, 13 single full-page illustrations of sketches and measurements of the buildings. ^^^* ls3d 12476r Growse (F. S ) The Art of » Tar-Kashi," or Wire Inlay of Manipur and Chmcot, U full-page illustrations. Is 3d 12475* Hallifax (C. J.) Pottery and Glass Industries of the Punjab, 23 plates, iDcludmgllco?o?tredi>7a«esof designs on tiles, 2 parts. 1893 2s 12475< Havell (E B ) The Industries of Madras, 14 coloured and other illustratio7is of prmted cotton, woven silk, carved cabinets, ivory work, &c. 1889 Is 3d 6Sj High Street^ Mar^/iebonej London, W, India 677 Journal of Indian Art — continued, 12476w Havell (E. B.) The Art Industries of the Madras Presidency, 17 plates of jewellery, including silver and gold armlets, necklets, toe rings, ear orna- ments and nose rings, finger rings, belts, &c. 1892 Is 12475V The Art Industries of the Madras Presidency [Travancore] and "West Coast D'x&tnct^ 9, full-page illustratioim oi gold jewellery— also II full-page illustrations of the metal work of Nepal. 1896 Is 3d 12475m> Hbndley (T. H.) Decorative Art in Rajputana [Jeypore], 10 full-page illustrations in gold, silver, and colour of glass mosaics, panels, doors, &c. 1888 28 12475a; The Arts and Manufactures of Ajmere-Merwarra, 32 coloured and other plates of jewellery, charms, lac bracelets, stamped cloths, &c., 2 parts. 1889 38 6d 124752/ Industrial [Lacquer] Art in Bikanir, 18 j9^a-i'^^^^ ^°P^ ^*^ ^ ^^°S autograph letter from the authoress, dated May 15, 1840, fehikapore Agency, and addressed to Capt. W. J. Eastwick. 12629 Postans (Capt. T.) Personal Observations of Sindh: Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants, its Natural Products, Sketch of its History and of Recent Events, map and coloured plate, 8vo, cloth. 1843 4g 6d 12631 Poston (Hon. Charles D.) The Parsees: a Lecture, royal Svo, cloth. (For Private Circulation) [1875 ?] 3s With Stray Letters from Asia-Japan, China, India, Sept., 1868, to Feb., 1869. ! See also pp. 340-342, 634. 12632 Pottery and Glass Industries of the Punjab, 1890-91, by C. J. Halhfax, folio, pp. 36 and 5 plates. Lahore, 1892 4s See p. 301. 12633 Prema-Sagara (The) ; or, the Ocean of Love, being a History of Krishn, translated from the ' Bhagavat ' into Hindi by Lalluji Lai, new Literal Translation from the Hindi into English by Eastwick, annotated and explained by Pincott, Svo, cl. 1897 (pub. 12s) 3s one hundrpnTnifllff ""V ^°^J^dies the teaching and objects of worship of nearly the fnrmp. iTr, X ' ""^ our fellow-subjects in India-that is, of Kama aid Krishna, the tormer bemg the exemplar of heroism and fidelity, the latter of supreme love. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, TT. Indict, 691 12634 [Punjabi] The Adi Granth; or, the Holy Scriptures of the Sikhs, translated from the Gurmukhi, with Introductory Essays by Dr. Ernest Trumpp, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1877 £1 See also p. 342. 12635 Ranchodji Amarji, Tarikh-i-Sorath : a History of Sorath and Halar in Eathiawad, from the Persian, 12mo, cl. Bombay, 1882 4s 12636 Rees (L. E. E,.) Personal Narrative of the Siege of Lucknow, portrait of Sir H. Lawrence, and plan of Lucknow and the Residency, 12mo, cloth. 1858 2s 6d 12637 Rennell (Major) Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan . . . . and of Countries between the Indus and Caspian Sea, Account of the ' Ganges and Burrampooter Rivers ; with an Introduction on the Geography and Present Division of the Country, 4 maps, 4to, half- calf. 1788 12s See pp. 219, 620. 12638 Riebeck (Emil) The Chittagong Hill Tribes : Results of a Journey in 1882, translated by A. H. Keane, mapa, 21 plates {some coloured) and other illustrationB, royal folio, half-mor. 1885 £3 Including Ethnological, Anthropological, Zoological, and Meteorological studies and observations. 12639 Risley (H. H.) Census of India, 1901, Ethnographic Appen- dices, being the Data upon which the Caste chapter of the Report is based, folio, cloth. 1903 5s From the Introduction : The volume contains the principal data upon which the caste chapter is based, and consists of summaries of measurements and diagram- matic seriations of the individual data which serve to establish the types. The Social grouping comes next, followed by a general map locating the main physical types, and 38 ethnographic maps, illustrating the distribution of the more important tribes and castes. Next follow Typical Tribes and Castes, occupying the greater part of the volume, comprising a number of accounts derived from various sources of some typical Tribes and Castes of the various ethnic regions. Last of all are quoted the theories of Caste by Mr. Nesfield, Sir Denzil Ibbetson, and M. Senart. 12640 Rivett-Carnac (Col. S.) 11th Hussars. The Presidential Armies of India, with a Continuation and General Remarks on India [By Col. W. P. B. Laurie], 8vo, cloth. 1890 4s 6d Sketch of the author's career, chapters on Anglo-Indian History, the Three Presidencies, Progress of British Arms, Chandernagore, Plassey, Clive, Lally, Bussy, Conquest of Mysore, Ava, Operations in Burma, Lord Napier or Magdala, the Native Armies, &c. 12641 Roberts (Field-Marshal Lord) Forty-one Years in India, library edition, portraits and maps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1897 £1 See also p. 221. 12642 Roberts (Emma) Scenes and Characteristics of Hindostan, with Sketches of Anglo-Indian Society, 3 vols. 12mo, cl. 1835 7s 6d "A series of sketches, animated and graphic, describing manners and people with spirit, and scenery with a tone of poetical feeling which alone can do justice to the magnificence of the Eastern World."— Calcutta Literary Gazette. 12643 The East India Voyager: Advice to the Outward Bound, Cadets, the Civil Service, Ladies, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1839 2s See also p. 220 and 620. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 692 Frcmcis Edwards's Catalogue 12644 Royle (J. Forbes, M.D.) Illustrations of the Botany and other Branches of the Natural History of the Himalayan Mountains and of the Flora of Cashmere, Vol. I. Text, Vol. H. Atlas of 97 coloured plates, 2 vols. imp. 4to, half-morocco. 1839 £3 10s Physical Geography, Geological Features, Meteorology and Climate of India ; Distribution of Plants and Animals ; Botany, illustrated by coloured plates of 197 subjects ot Agricultural and Commercial importance— tea, cotton, tobacco, hemp, flax, and cordage plants ; chinchonas, ipecacuanha, sarsaparilla, senna, rhubarb, &c. ; gums, resins, caoutchouc, astringents, dyes, oils ; corn, arrowroot, grasses. Ento- mology is treated by Eev. F. W. Hope, Mammals by W. Ogilby, and Birds by the Author. 12645 Culture and Commerce of Cotton in India and Elsewhere, plateSf 8vo, cloth. 1851 7s 12646 The Fibrous Plants of India fitted for Cordage, Clothing, and Paper, with Account of the Cultivation and Preparation of Flax, Hemp, and their Substitutes, 8vo, cloth. 1855 6s 12647 Review of Measures adopted in India for the Improved Culture of Cotton, 8vo (pp. iv-104). 1857 33 6d See also pp. 295, 302. 12648 Ryder (Corporal John, 32nd Foot) Four Years' Service in India, by a Private Soldier, 12mo, cloth, Leicester, 1853 4s Calcutta to Meerut in 1844, Delhi, Kurnaul, Ferozeshah, Mooltan— the siege and retreat, the capture ; battle of Goojerat, &c. Sanskrit Texts and Translations :— [^Continued from pp. S4S-355. 12649 Harivansa; ou, Histoire de la Famille de Hari: Ouvrage formant un Appendice du Mahabharata, traduit sur I'Original Sanskrit, par A. Langlois, 2 vols. 4to, cloth (O.T.F.). 1834-36 18s 12650 Kalidasa. Eaghuvansa Carmen, Sanscrit and Latin, edited by A. F. Stenzler, 4to, cloth. (O.T.F.) 1832 16s 12651 Kumara Sambhava, Sanscrit and Latin, edited by Stenzler, 4to, cloth. (O.T.F.) 1838 ' 16s 12652 The Kalpa Sutra and Nava Tatva: Two Works Illustrative of the Jain Eeligion and Philosophy, from the Magadhi, with Kemarks on the Language, by Dr. Stevenson (O.T.F.), 8vo, cloth. 1848 3g ed 12653 Kapila. The Sankhya Karika of Iswara Krishna, from the Sanscrit by Colebrooke ; also the Bhashya, or Commentary of i^aurapada, translated, with Comments, by Prof. WUson (O.T.F.), royal 4to, cloth. Oa;/ord, 1837 15s 12654 Rig Yeda Sanhita: Liber Primus, Sanscrit and Latin, by Rosen, 4to, cloth. (O.T.F.) 1838 7s ^^^^^/'^T^i^T''''''^^**''''' ""^ *^^ Sanhita of the Sama Veda, by Stevenson (O.T.F.), royal 8vo, cloth. 1842 6s 12655b ---- The Cosmology of the Rig Veda; an Essay by H. W. WaUis, 8vo, clotti. 1887 & > 3s 8S, High Street Ma/ryhhom^ London, W. India 693 Sanscrit Series (Bombay), 8vo, wrappers as issued : — 12656 Atharva-Veda : The Mahanarayana Upanishad, with the Dipika of Narayana, edited by Col. Jacob. 1888 Is 6d 12657 Atharvana Upanishads (eleven) with Dipikas, edited by Jacob. 1891 28 6d 12658 Bana, Kadambari, edited with Introduction and. Notes by Prof. Peterson, 2 parts, 8vo, sewed. 1900-1899 5s For English translation, see 0. T. Fund (1896), p. 338. 12659 Hemachandra, The Desinamamala, Part I., with Notes, &c., by Prof. Pischel and Dr. Buhler. 1880 2s 6d 12660 Kalhana, The Rajatarangini, 3 vols. 1892-96 78 6d For English translation, see p. 678. 12661 Kalidasa, The Raghuvamsa, 3 vols. 1897, '72, '74 46 12662 Ndgojibhatla, The Paribhashendusekhara, with Translation and Notes by Kielhorn, 4 Parts. 1868-74 78 12663 Nyaykosa; or. Dictionary of the Technical Terms of Nyaya Philosophy. 1893 98 12664 Parasara-Dharma-Samhita ; or, Parsara Smriti, in Devanagri character, with Commentary by Madhava, Notes, &c., Vol. 1., 2 Parts. 1893 68 12666 Patanjalasiitrdni, with the Scholium of Vyasa and the Commentary of Vacha- spati. 1892 38 12666' Sarngadbara, The Paddhati : a Sanskrit Anthology (Text), edited by Prof. Peterson. 1888 48 12667 Vakpati, The Gaudavaho : a Historical Poem in Prakrit. 1887 8s 6d 12668 Vallabhadeva, The Subhashitavali. 1886 38 6d 12669 Vasishtha School ; Aphorisms on the Sacred Law of the Aryas, edited by Dr. Fiihrer. 1883 Is 6d 12670 Sanskrit MSS. Catalogue of Palm Leaf and selected Paper MSS. belonging to the Durbar Library, Nepal, by M. H. P. Sastri, with Historical Introduction by Prof. Cecil Bendall, royal 8vo, sewed. Calcuttaj 1905 4s 12671 • Notices of Sanskrit MSS. belonging to the Bengal Asiatic Society, by Rajendralala Mitra, Nos. 1 to 21, with facsimile plates of rare specimenSf 8 vols. Svo, cloth. Calcuttat 1871-86 £2 158 Included in these eight volumes are the names, dates, extent, and subiects of nearly three thousand little-known MSS., accompanied by alphabetical and classified lists, and place where each MS. is deposited or in whose possession it is. Odd numbers, each 38. 12672 Scheibler (Felice) Setti Anni di Caccia Grossa e Note di Viaggio in America, Asia, Africa, Europa, unth 250 photo-illustra- tions, imp. Svo, half-morocco, gilt top. Milan, 1900 lOs Hunting adventures and experiences in North America — on the Prairies, Rockr Mountains, Yellowstone Park, British Columbia; in India— the Sunderabuod, Purnea, Cooch Behar, Gya ; in Ceylon and in Africa— Somaliland and Equatorial regions. 12673 Schmidt (Emil) Reise nach Siidindien, unth 39 illuMrationSy royal Svo, sewed. Leipzig, 1894 5s Travels among the tribes of the Madras Presidency, including visits to Madura, Travancore, Tinnevelly, Trevandrum, Cochin, Coimbatore, Anamali Hills, the Neilgherrys, Calicut, ice. 12674 Scott (Jonathan) Memoirs of Eradut Khan, Hindostanee Noble- man, containing Anecdotes of the Emperor Aulumgeer Aurung- zebe, Shaw Aulum, &c., 4to (pp. xii-96). 1786 lOs 83 f High Street^ Marylebone, London^ TT, 694 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 12675 Scott (Major John) [afterwards Scott-Waring] Observations upon Mr. Sheridan's Pamphlet—*' Comparative Statement of the Two Bills for the Better Government of the British Possessions in India " ; Letter from Major Scott to Sir Kichard Hill, third edition (pp. xxiv, viii-78), 4to. 1789 5s 12676 Speech, H.C., May 21, 1790, on complaint of General Burgoyne for a Breach of Privilege (in the Hastings Impeachment) (pp. 40) 28 6d See also pp. 226, 621, and Missions, pp. 683-84. 12677 Sellon (Edward) Annotations on the Sacred Writings of the Hindus, Illustrating their Priapic Rites and Phallic Principles, Svo (pp. 59). 1902 5s Only 150 copies issued for private circulation. 12678 Sherring (Rev. M. A.) History of Protestant Missions in India, 1706-1871, map, 8vo, half-calf, gilt. 1875 78 A complete view of the operations of all sects of Christians, their methods, plans, projects, and successes in spreading Christianity over the entire countr;y. See also pp. 228, 355. 12679 Simpson (Wm.) The Buddhist Praying-Wheel : Symbolism of Circular Movements in Custom and Ritual, 48 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 4s The Wheel among the Lamas ; in Indian Buddhism ; in the Brahmanic System ; its Solar Origin ; the Swastika ; in the Zoroastrian System ; in Japan, Egypt ; Mohammedan, Jewish, Greek, Christian, Celt, Gaul, and Teuton; the Wheel of Fortune, the Wheel as an Amulet, &c. 12680 Simson (Frank B.) Letters on Sport in Eastern Bengal, with 10 plates, by Lionel Inglis, &c., royal 8vo, cloth. 1886 15s Includes tiger shooting (with anecdotes), leopard, buffalo, hog, deer, and jackal hunting ; jungle fowl, snipe, partridge, teal, quail and other game bird shooting. 12681 Sindhi, Vocabulary of the Scindee Language by Capt. E. B. Eastwick, 8vo (pp. 22). Calcutta (Jour. Asiatic Soc), 1843 2s 12682 [Sleeman (General Sii-) W. H.] Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official, 1810-40 (including the Author's Journey from the Banks of the Nerbudda to the Himalayas, 1835-36), with 32 coloured -plates, 2 vols, royal 8vo, half-calf, gilt. 1844 £2 This work contains a considerable store of knowledge concerning the history, manners, and modes of thought of the complex population of India, of interest alike to the ethnologist, antiquary, missionary, soldier, and general reader. 12683 Rambles and Recollections, new edition, edited by Vincent Arthur Smith, with Memoir, Notes, Index, and a Bibliography, portrott and map, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1893 (pub. 128.) 4s This edition does not contain the coloured plates nor the account of the Mogul Revolution (from Bernier) which occupies chapters xxxvii. to xlvi. of the first volume of the larger edition. 12684 Smith (Capt. Thomas) Narrative of a Residence at Nepaul, 1841-45, 2 vols, in 1, half-calf, gilt. 1852 Os fi,o Stln^Fw"^ of the country, its Climate, productions, animals, inhabitants, and Ochte^Sa '"' ^^P^^^^se Mission to England, and a Memoir of Sir David 88, High Street, Marylehone, London, TT. India 695 12685 Smith (Vincent A.) Early History of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan Conquest, inclading the Invasion of Alexander the Great, 8vo, cloth. 190i 14s 12686 Smith (A. Mervyn) Sport and Adventure in Indian Jungle, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1904 5s 6d 12687 [Stamp Act.] Appeal to England against the New Indian Stamp Act. Observations on the Condition of British Subjects in Calcutta (pp. xvi-141). 1828 4s 12688 Steel (Flora A.) and Temple (Sir R. C.) Wide- Awake Stories, Tales of the Pan jab and Kashmir, with Analyses and Notes, Survey of Indian Folk Tales, &c., 12mo, cloth. Bombay, 1884 4s 6d For Mrs. Steel's ' Stories,' see p. 233, and ' Legends of the Punjab,' p. 358. See also Mbnpes, p. 68.S. 12689 Steinbach (Lieut.-Col.) The Punjaub ; Account of .the Sikhs and their Country and Kunjeet Singh; second edition, with Narra- tive of the Sntlege Campaign, ma'p, 12mo, cloth. 1846 28 6d 12690 Stephen (Sir J. Fitzjames) The Story of Nuncomar and the Impeacbment of Sir Elijah Impey, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1885 4s 6d " Sir Fitzjames Stephen has added an instructive and still more convincing book to those admirable works on national jurispi*udence which we owe to his labours."— Times. 12691 Stevens (G. W.) In India, map, 12mo, cloth. 1899 2s 6d Observations on the leading cities, Amritsar, Agra and the Taj, Bombaj', Calcutta, Jodhpur, Madras, Tanjore— the Government, civil and military, the Natives, the Khyber, the Jats, currencj", railways, salt tax, &c. 12692 Stewart (Sir Donald): an Account of his Life, mainly in his own Words, edited by G. R. Elsmie, 'portraits and illustrations f 8vo, cloth. 1903 6s See note p. 623. 12693 Sugar. Bengal Sugar: Method and Expense of Cultivation, &c., by a Planter and Distiller, Purnea, 5th March, 1793, 8vo (pp. iv-162). 1794 4s 12694 • Another copy, bound up with Remarks on the same Pamphlet and on the E.I. Co. 's Foreign Shipping, by Gilbert Francklyn (pp. viii-109), 8vo, half-calf. 1895 7s 12695 Sullivan (John) Tracts upon India Written in 1779, 1780, and 1788, with Subsequent Observations, 8vo, half-calf. 1794 6s 12696 Sutlej Campaign. Sketch of the Scene of the Operations under Sir Hugh Gough against the Sikhs, 1845-46, with Plans of the Battles of Moodkee, Ferozshuhur, Aliwal, and Sobraon, and of Lahore and its Environs by Col. W. Garden, one sheet, 38 in. by 26 in., coloured, mounted, folded, 8vo, cloth. 1848 4s See also p. 2.36 ; Gough, p. 669 ; Smith (Sir Harry), p. 232 ; Steinbach, p. 695. 12697 Swamy (SirM. C.) Sutta Nipata ; or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha, translated from the Pdli, with Introduction and Notes, 12mo, cloth. 1874 3s 6d See also pp. 312-316 ; 338-340. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London^ W. 696 Francis Edwoflrds^s Catalogue 12698 [Tamil.] Extracts from the Tamul Book of Fate by Koberts ; The Vedala Cadai, Ancient Tamul Tales by Babington ; Indian Cookery by Sandford Arnot, &c. (O.T.P.), 8vo, cloth. 1831 6s 12699 ' An Indian Tale or Two,' from the Tamil, with Chapter on the Language, by R. B. Swinton, 12mo, cl. Blackheafh [1899] 3s See also pp. 356, 357, 635. 12699b Adventures of the Gooroo Paramartan, translated with Notes, &c., by Babington, 4to, boards. 1822 7s Tanjore : — 12700 Letters from Lord Pigot to Directors E.I.Co. and to Sir Edward Hughes, with enclosures, 4to (pp. 22). 1776 3s 12701 An Enquiry into the Policy of Making Conquests for the Mahometans in India by the British Arms : in Answer to ' Considerations on the Conquest of Tanjore,' 4to (pp. 135). 1779 58 12703 History and Management of the E.I. Company's AflFairs of the Carnatic, Rights of the Nabob, Injustice of the Company Proved, &c., second edition, map, 4to (pp. x-274). 1782 78 6d See also pp. 287, 238, 624 ; Abcot and East India Co. 12703 Tavernier (J. B.) Travels in India, translated from the edition of 1676, with biographical Sketch, notes, bibliography, &c., fac- simile portraits^ title^ map, and plates, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1889 8s 6d The author, a French jeweller, travelled, partly in the company of Bernieb (see p. 653), to the Court of Aurungzeb at Delhi, thence to Allahabad, Benares, Patna, and Dacca, where he visited the Nawab of Bengal, in 1665-66. In addition to descriptions of the routes followed, the work contains chapters on the Currency, Weights, and Measures of India ; Mode of Travelling ; History of Father Ephraim, Capuchin, and how he was cast into the Inquisition at Goa ; Historical and Political Description of the Mogul Empire, with details of the Court, &c. ; Productions and Merchandise ; Methods for establishing a Commercial Company in the East Indies ; Description of the Diamond Mines, Pearl Fisheries, and Gold Mines ; On Precious Stones, Coral, Amber, Musk, Bezoar and other Medicinal Stones ; Concerning the Muhanamadans ; Voyage to Surat and Batavia, and from Batavia to St. Helena and Holland. Among the illustrations are figures of the Koh-i-noor, the Pitt, and other diamonds and gems. 12704 Taylor (General Keynell), C.B., O.S.I. A Biography by E. Gambiep Parry, portrait and map, 8vo, cloth. 1888 5s Service in India and at Gwalior, 1840-44 ; the First Sikh War, 1845-46 ; Cashmere, Peshawur, the Kohat Pass, 1847 ; Bunnoo, 1848 ; Mooltan, Siege of Lukkee, 1848-49 ; rfl^o^KQ^*^^?' ^?''\^° ?"?L°®0' 1^*9-^2 ; Return Home, Dhurmsala during the Mutiny, Tf^t i' v i?r ^'^o^o*!?o ®^P®^^*^®°' *^6 Derajat Mission, 1859-62; Peshawur, the Y^rs ^Re^t^SrVlfe ' ^"'^^"^ Division, 1864-70 ; Umritsur, 1870-77 ; .Closing 12705 Thomas (George) Military Memoirs of, General in the Service of the Native Powers of the N.W. of India, by Capt. Wm. Francklyn, portrait, 8vo, boards. 1805 8s 6d See also Franklin, p. 136 ; Compton, p. 99 ; Pearse, p. 689 ; Skinner, p. 230. 12706 Thomas (H. Sullivan) The Hod in India: Hints How to Obtain Sport, Remarks on the Natural History of Fish, their .^^^^^^ ^^^''^^^^^^^ P^^i^^isome coloured) and 5 u^oodcuti., second and enlarged edition, royal 8vo, cloth. 1881 lOs for sea'fiVe^rifs!?hVtam^^^^^^^ ""*^^^' «^ ^'^^^ l«^^li«es, plea for river and 83, Sigh Street, Marylebone, Zondon, W. India 697 12707 Timber. A Manual of Indian Timbers, their Structure, Growth, Distribution, and Qualities, by J. S. Gamble, royal 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1881 6s 12708 Indian Timbers, illustrated, Svo, cloth. 1902 18s See also Forestry, pp. 296, 297. 12709 Tippoo Sultaun. Copies and Translations of Documents Eelative to Negotiations carried on by Tippoo Sultaim with the French Nation and Foreign States for purposes hostile to the British Nation, 4to [pp. 112]. [Madras], 1799 {scarce) 10s See also p. 244. 12710 Travancore. Day Dawn in Travancore : Account of the Manners and Customs of the People, by A. H., ma'p and illustrations, 12mo, C. M. Press. Cottatam, 1860 2s 6d See also p. 245. 12711 Vaughan (Gen. Sir J. Luther) My Service in the Indian Army and After, portrait and maps, 8vo, cloth. 1904 9s A record of services in India, the Punjab, Crimea, the Indian Mutiny, the Umbeyla Campaign, Persia, Afghanistan, and South Africa, 1841-81. Vellobe Mutiny (1806). See Madras ; Missions. Views in India : — 12712 Citadel of Dowlutabad (Hill Fortress) on stone bv Frankland, litho., 14 in. by 10 in. (Hullmandel) ' 28 12713 Jehangeera Pagoda on the Ganges, G. Frankland del., litho., 12^ in. by 10^ in. 28 12714 Tomb of Shaw Ahmed, Founder of Ahmednugger, G. G. del., litho., 10 in. by 7i in. (Day) Is 6d 12715 Village of Russoolpoor, Candeish, G. G. del., litho., 10 in. by 7iin. 2s Coloured Sketches by an Indian Officer, 10 in. by 8 in. each 2s 12716 Hill Fort of Veshallgheen. 12717 View of Wassortah, Hill Fort, Friedel, on stone by A. Picken. 12718 The Ghdts, from Ryghur, on stone by J. Lynch. 12719 Photographs in Calcutta, &c. (mounted on cardboard), 10 in. by 7 in. [1870?] each Is Hindoo Temple, Banks of the Hooghly. Kidderpore Bridge. Hindoo Temple, Calcutta. Scenery near Calcutta. Botanical Grarden. Building for Burning the Dead. Dwelling of a Mogul Merchant, Chin- surah. Bishop's College. Pottery, near Calcutta. Sudder Dewany. Great Banian Tree, Botanical Garden, (ISin. by 7in.) Bauleau, on the Hooghly. Ghaut, near Barrackpore. Garden Pavilion, on the Hooghly. 12720 "Waddell (Major L. A.) Among the Himalayas, with map of Sikhim and over 100 illustrations by A. D. M'Cormick, royal Svo, cloth. 1899 6s During fourteen years the author traversed portions of this region nearly every year, sketching, shooting, collecting, and especially exploring the customs of the Sikkim people on the frontiers of Tibet and of Nepal. To his own narrative he has added a summary of descriptions by other explorers, and geological notes by Mr. Blanford, mostly from reports inaccessible to the general reader. See also references to Sikkim, p. 229. 83j High Spreet, Ma/rylehone, London, W, 698 Francis Edwards^s Catahgue 12721 Wakefield (Wm. M.D.) Our Life and Travels in India, 8vo, . cloth. 1878 7s 6d 12722 The Happy Valley: Sketches of Kashmir and the Kash- miris, map and 8 coloured views, 8vo, cloth, 1879 Ss 6d 12723 Walker (James, C.E.) Report on Kurrachee Harbour, map (pp.24). 1856 28 12724 Wardle (Sir Thomas) Kashmir, its New Silk Industry: Account of its Natural History, Geology, Sport, &c., 45 illustra- tionsy also Notes of a Visit to the Bengal Silk-Producing Districts, 1885-86, 8vo, cloth. Leek, 1904 6s 12725 Wild Silks of India, principally Tusser, folio, pp. 36 and 3 plates. 1880 28 6d See p. 302. 12726 Watt (Sir George) and Mann (Harold H.) The Tea Plant; its Pests and Blights, imp. 8vo (pp. 446), 24 plates and 44 figures, cloth. Calcutta, 1903 5s See also p. 303. 12727 Webber (T. W.) The Forests of Upper India and their Inhabitants, maps, 8vo, cloth. 1902 8s 6d The beauty and variety of the forest, the wild creatures that inhabit it, the mamifold aspects of nature presented between the jungleg^f the Terai and the uppermost forests of the Himalayas, are the subject of Mr. Webber's vivid and stirring pictures.— Westminster Gckette. See also pp. 296, 297. 12728 Wellesley (Marquis) Intercepted Correspondence from India (Dispatches from Marquis Wellesley) : together with French Reports on the State of our India Possessions, sent to Gen. Decaen, Mauritius (pp. iv-100) ; also Private Letters (pp. 22), 8vo. 1805 48 12729 A Letter to Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox on the Subject of his Conduct upon the Charges made by Mr. Paul against Marquis Wellesley, 8vo (pp. viii-107). 1806 3s 12730 A Vindication of the Justice and Policy of the late Wars carried on in Hindostan and the Deckan, by Marquis Wellesley and the Peishwah against Scindiah, Holkar, &c., 4to (pp. iv-111), with 5 coloured plans of battles of Allyghur, Assye, and Lasswary. 1806 10s 12731 Reply to the Edinburgh Review on His Grace's Indian Foreign Policy and the Transactions in the Carnatic, by Lawrence Dundas Campbell (pp. 301). Also, Refutation of the Charge brought against the Marquis on Account of his Conduct to the Nabob of Oude, by J. Brand (pp. xl-228) ; Appendix ; Four Letters upon the wdf 1807^* *^® ^"^^^ Advertiser (pp. 32), 1 vol. 8vo, half- 12732 [Wellington (Duke of)] Substance of Sir Arthur Wellesley's 97^Q ^^ *^® IndiaBudget, July 10, 1806, 8vo (pp. 56). 2s 6d 12733 A Selection from the Despatches, Memoranda, and other ^!lSf ^ '^ /°^ ^ ^°^'^' ^^^*^^ ^y Sidney J. Owen, with Essay, maps, and plans, 8vo, cloth. 1880 8s 6d patam^^?hl Mi^'rat/f'w/r' w?i^ to Tippoo's Mvsore War, and Capture of Seringa- patam , the JMahratta War, batt les of Assaye and Argaum, &c., 1799-180+. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. hidia 699 12734 Welsh (Col. James) Military Reminiscences: Extracted from a Journal of nearly Forty Years' Active Service in the East Indies from 1790, 91 'plates and maps j third edition, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 1830 10s 6d Recollections of the Poligar (Mysore), and Mahratta Wars, the Rebel Chiefs of Coorg, Madras, Bangalore, Travancore, Bejapore, Bhurtpore, &c. 12735 Wheeler (J. Talboys) Madras in the Olden Time: a History of the Presidency to the French Occupation (1639-1748), 3 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1861-62 £1 2s Vol. I. From the First Foundation to the Governorship of Thomas Pitt, grand- father of the Earl of Chatham, 1639-1702. Vol. II. Governorship of Pitt (continued), G. Addison, Montague, Fraser, Harrison, Collet, Francis Hastings, Elwick, and Macrae, 1702-27. Vol. 111. Governorship of Macrae (continued), Morton- Pitt, Benyon, Morse, and the French Occupation, 1727-48. 12736 History of India from the Earliest Ages, 5 vols. Svo, cloth. 1867-81 £3 10s The Mahd Bharata and the Vedic Period ; the Ramayana and the Brahmanic Period ; Hindu, Buddhist, and Brahmanic Revival ; Mussulman Rule ; Moghul Empire— Aurangzeb. 12737 Summary of Affairs of the Mahratta States, 1627-1856, royal Svo, cloth. Calcuttay 1878 4s The Mahrattas, 1627-1748 ; Empire of the Peishwa, 1748-82 ; Mahadji Sindia, 1782-94 ; the Mahrattas and the Nizam, 1794-98 ; the Mysore War, 1798-1802 ; Treaty of Bassein and its Results, 1802-3 ; Holkar, Comwallis and Barlow, 1805-8 ; the Pindarries, the Peishwa, 1808-17 ; Sindia, Holkar, and Amir Khan, Nagpore Affairs, 1817-18 ; Paramount Power, 1818-58 12738 Early Records of British India: a History of the English Settlements, 8vo, cloth. 1878 68 Extracts from old travellers— Mandelslo, Fryer, Tavernier, Capt. Hamilton, HOLWKLL (whose narrative of the Black Hole Tragedy is quoted entire), Fullarton (sole survivor of the I'atna massacre). Letters of Clive and Governor Verelst {q.v). 12739 Short History of India and of the Frontier States of Afghanistan, Nipal, and Burma, mapsy 12mo, cloth. 1880 4s 6d 12740 Hand-Book to Cotton Cultivation in the Madras Presi- dency, 8vo, cloth. Madras f 1862 4s See also pp. 253-254, 295. 12742 Whitney (C.) Jungle Trails and Jungle People: Travel, Adventure, and Observation in the Far East, India, Sumatra, Siam, &c., illustratedf Svo, cloth. 1905 9s 12743 Wilkin s (W. J.) Daily Life and Work in India, 59 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1888 3s 6d Sketches of Calcutta and district, the homes, schools, manners and customs of the people, their religious faiths and practices, temples and holy places. 12744 Wilks (Colonel Mark) Historical Sketches of the South of India, tracing the History of Mysoor from the Origin of the Hindoo Government of that State to 1799, with coloured maps, 3 vols. 4to, boards. 1810-17 £2 15s One of the principal authorities on the War in Mysore, as it includes a full narrative of the English wars with Hyder Ali and Tippoo Sultaun, down to the capture of Seringapatam. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W 700 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 12745 Williams (Sir Monier) Indian "Wisdom : Examples of Hindu Doctrine, with History of Sanskrit Literature, 8vo, cl. 1875 10s 6d 12746 A Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, for English Students, fourth edition, Svo. Oxford^ 1877 5s 6d See also pp. 355 and 359. 12747 Williamson (Capt. Thomas) Oriental Field Sports : a Complete Description of the Natural History and Wild Sports of the East, best edition, with 40 large draicings hy Samuel Howett, engraved by the best artists, and beautifully coloured by hand, oblong imperial folio, half-morocco extra. Orme, 1807 £15 Including illustrations and descriptions of the elephant, rhinoceros, tiger, leopard, bear, deer, buffalo, wolf, hog, jackal, wild dog, civet, as well as domesticated animals, various species of feathered game, fishes, and serpents. *♦ * A few odd plates of this folio issue may be had separately. 12748 Oriental Field Sports, another edition, with 40 tinted etchings and frontispieces (reduced size), 2 vols. 4to, calf. 1808 {fine copy) £3 12s 6d 12749 The same edition, with the 40 etchings^ coloured, 2 vols. 4to, half-morocco, gilt edges. 1808 ' £7 IDs 12750 Wilson (Rev. John) Lecture on the Vendidad Sade of the Pa'rsi's, 8vo (pp. 48). Bombay, 1833 2s 6d 12751 An Exposure of the Hindu Religion, Svo (pp. 160), boards. Bombay, 1832 ~ 38 6d A ''^Ply *o Mora Batta Dandekara's Tract on the Verification - of the Hindu Ueligion, a translation of which is prefixed to Mr. Wilson's argument. on Missions in India, see p. 684. 12752 The Parsi Religion as contained in the Zandavasta, ^^?w°J.i;^*;'Hi^^1-P^yi^^^. character of the group ; volcanoes and earthquakes ; Tt , tnn ^o Pt""^'? \^^^ inhabitants. Life in Manilla, Journeys into the interior finn rf Rncra^^^'*%^^' ' ^^^^^^rs and customs of the Bisayan Indians, Culliva- l«^?anH X U^^P'?' Tobacco, &c.; the Chinese- observations during the years 1859 and 186U, and information collected sin ce from Colonial and other archives. 83 J High Street, Marylebone, Londcm, W. Indian Archipelago 709 12842 Keppel (Admiral Sir Henry) Expedition of the "Dido" to Borneo for the Suppression of Piracy (1843-44), with Extracts from Rajah Brooke's Journal (1839-45), 6 mays and 11 plates, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1846 5s 12843 Expedition to Borneo (1843-44), Second Edition, Revised, with Additions and Extracts from Mr. Williamson on Inland Dyak Tribes, ma'ps and 'plates, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1846 7s 6d 12843b Kersjes (B.) and Hamer (C. Den) De Tjandi Mendoet voor de Restauratie, 22 platest royal 4to, wrapper. Batavia, 1903 7s 6d Plans and photographs of the ruins of another remarkable Buddhist temple in Java. See Groneman, p. 708, and Leemans, p. 523. 12844 Low (Sir Hugh) Sarawak; its Inhabitants and Productions: Notes during a Residence with Rajah Brooke, 8vo, cloth 2s This work is still full of charm and instruction for every lover of natural history Men and minerals, fauna and flora alike engage its author's attention. — Pbof. Hebdman. 12845 McDougall (Mrs. H.) Letters from Sarawak: an Account of the Inhabitants of Borneo and Missionary Life, vnih illustrations , 16mo, cloth. Norvnch, 1854 2s 6d 12846 New Edition, iUiistrated, royal 16mo, cloth. London, 1854 3s 6d 12847 Mackinnon (Charles), Chief Surgeon to the Settlement, Prince of Wales Island, Appeal to Directors E.I. Company against the Governor and Council for Wrongful Dismissal, 4to (pp. 67). [1810] 5s 12848 Martin (Prof. K.) Reisen in den Molukken, in Ambon, den Uliassern, Seran (Coram), und Burn: eine Schilderung von Land und Leuten, wit}i 50 plates, map, and 18 text illustrations, imp. 8vo, half-morocco, gilt top. Leyden, 1894 £2 2s Narrative of vipit to Amboyna, Ceram, and Bouro in 1890-91, with descriptions of the islands, their inhabitants and products, illustrated with photographs and lithographs (some coloured) showing scenery, groups of natives, their habitations, dress, ornaments, weapons, musical instruments, &c. 12849 Marsden (Wm.) Memoirs of a Malayan Family, written by Themselves, English translation, 8vo, cloth. (O.T.F.), 1830 8s 12850 Modigliani (Elio) Un Yiaggio a Nlas, with 4 maps, 26 plates {some coloured), and 195 textual illustrations, imp. 8vo, half-morocco, gilt. Milan, 1890 £1 A comprehensive work on the geographv, natural history, and native tribes of the island of Nias, neighbouring islands, and coasts of Sumatra. 12851 Viaggio fra i Batacchi indipendenti, with map, 23 plates, folding views and figures in the text, roy. 8vo, swd. Rome, 1892 7s Account of a native tribe in the interior of Sumatra. 12852 Philippine Islands. Chart of China Sea and the Philippines, 31 in. by 23 in. [1750?] 5s 12853 Draught of the Great Bay of Manilla and Harbour of Cavita, with Islands, Shoals, Rivers, &c., by Wm. Nicholson, and plan of Manilla, 2 sheets, 43 in. by 21 in. 1762 £1 83, High Street, MaryUhone, London, W, 710 Frmids Edwards's Catalogue 12854 Philippine Commission (The) Fourth Annual Report, 1903, plates, 3 vols. (3,060 pp.), royal 8vo, cl. . Washington, 1904 12s 6d Containing reports of the civil, provincial, and municipal government; on forestry, health, mining, laboratories, lands, agriculture, weather, ethnological survey, public health, commerce, telegraphs, troops, police and constabulary, posts, survey, finance, justice, pubUc instruction, immigration, Chinese exclusion, &c. 12855 Popham (Sir Home) Description of Prince of Wales Island as a Marine Establishment: its Advantages recommending It, 8vo (pp. 72). 1805 4s 12856 Prince of Wales Island, fine coloured aquatint, 22 in. by 15 in. [1816?] £1 10s 12857 Raffles (Sir T. Stamford) The History of Java, with map, numerous steel vignettes in the text, and 65 folding and full-page plates (those of costumes coloured), by Wm. Daniell and others, 2 vols. 4to, cloth. 1817 £3 12858 History of Java, map and plates {those of costumes coloured), LARGE PA.PER, 2 vols. royal 4to, full morocco. 1817 £4 18s Presentation copy to Sir Hugh Inglis. This work treats of the geography, climate, mineral and vegetable products, animals, and races of Java; the foreign settlers (Chinese, Bugis, Malays, Arabs), agriculture, manufactures, fisheries, commerce, government, administration, court ceremonies ; the Kalangs and other tribes ; languages, literature, science, arts, archi- tecture, sculpture, antiquities, religions, Temples of Bambanan, Boro-bodo, Gunung- Prahu, and contains comparative vocabularies, &c. 12859 History of Java, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo, cl. 1830 16s To this edition Lady Raffles added a few short notes, prepared by Sir Stamford, and she omitted, according to his intention, the larger part of the comparative vocabularies, retaining only a hundred words in each language. 12860 History of Java, second edition, another copy, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth ; with Atlas of 92 plates, 4to, cloth. 1830-44 £2 2s 12861 Memoir of Sir Stamford Raffles, new edition, with portrait, facsimile letter, 2 maps, and plate, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, 1835 68 12862 Roth (H. Ling) The Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo, based chiefly on the MSS. of Sir Hugh Brooke Low, with Preface by Andrew Lang, map and over 550 illustrations, 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 1896 £1 5s Vol. I. The Dvaks, their physical character, customs, religion, festivals, medicine men, legends, daily life, food, agriculture and domestic animals, hunting and fishing. Vol. II. Habitations, dress and fashion, torturing, war, head-hunting, blow-pipe, human sacrifices, cannibalism, natural productions, boating, swimming, riding, archaeology, music, language, names, and vocabularies. 12864 St. John ([Sir] Spenser) Life in the Forests of the Far East; or, Travels in Northern Borneo, 3 maps and 16 plates (som^ coloured, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1862 8s 6d The work has chapters on the Dayaks, and their social life, on the Kayans of Barana, the Samaraham River and Caves of Sirih ; Two Ascents of Kina Balu (ivith plaies) ; JonmaX ot Expedition to I^imbang ; Two Visits to the Sulu Islands; Borneo Proper ; bar^wak ; the Chinese ; Catholic and Protestant Missions, &c. 12865 Second Edition, revised, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1863 12s Ti^T^pl^l*^^'^®i*°^*i°.* two additional chapters: ' The Pirates,' and 'Some of the Jjivipg Creatures found in Borneo. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London^ W, Indian Archipelago 711 12866 Sawyer (Fred. H.) The Inhabitants of the Philippines, jt?orfmi«, maps, and photo-illustrations , 8vo, cloth. 1900 7s 6d An interesting account of the islands, their geography and resources, the people — treating in detail of the various tribes as well as of the Spanish administration. 12867 Schouten (Gautier) Yoiage aux Indies Orientales, 1658-65, plates^ 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam 1707 12s Batavia, Amboina, the Moluccas (Ternate), Bouro, Ceram, Macassar (Celebes) ; Aracan, Colombo (Ceylon) and Trading Ports of India, Persian Grulf, .&c., with Accounts of all the Oriental kingdoms and peoples. 12867b Semon (Richard) In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the Coral Sea ; being the Experiences and Observations of a Naturalist in Australia, New Guinea, and the Moluccas, with 4 maps and 86 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1899 (pub 21s) 7s 6d Dr. Semon spent several months in Amboyna and Java, visiting also Celebes and other islands of the Archipelago, the fauna, as well as the inhabitants of which he describes. In Java he spent some time at Buitenzorg, and also -visited the Boro-Bodor and remains of other Hindu temples, illustrations of which are given. 12867c Skeat (Walter Wm.) Malay Magic : an Introduction to the Folk-lore and Popular Religion of the Malay Peninsula, Preface by C. Otto Blagden, 35 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1900 12s A comprehensive study of the Malay ideas and beliefs on the Creation, Natural Phenomena, Man and the Soul, and his relations with a Supernatural World ; Gods, Spirits, Demons and Ghosts ; Magic Rites, Ceremonies, War and Weapons, «fec. 12868 Stevens (Joseph Earle) Yesterdays in the Philippines, map and 32 illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1898 3s Recollections of life in the Philippine Islands before the War. 12869 [Sunda Straits]. Carte de la Coste Occidentale de I'lsle Sumatra, Detroit de la Sonde, &c., 18 in. by 24 in. [1760 ?] 3s 6d 12870 Straits of Sunda, Parts of Java, Sumatra, Banca, Billiton, &c., 30 in. by 20 in. [1760 ?] '3s 6d 12871 Wallace (Alfred Russel) The Malay Archipelago ; the Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise: a Narrative of Travel (1854-62), with Studies of Man and Nature, unthdmaps and 51 illus- trations, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1869 15s Wallace's book, 'The Malay Archipelago' appears to me the most beautiful and interesting work of travel ever written. I even go so far as to set it above Darwin's splendid * Journal of a Naturalist,' because it treats of a smaller region with a minuteness and devotion such as alone are apt to awaken the deeper interest of a reader who is no professional naturalist. The red thread pervading the whole, with all its abundance of detail, of descriptions, and observations, is the question of the present state of that island-world as' to its geological structure, its animal, vegetable, and human life, and what has been its historical development. This gives the whole work a concentrated interest unknown to me in anv other book of travel.— Dr. R. Semon, ' In the Australian Bush,' 1899, p. 411. 12872 Island Life : Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, Geological Climates, &c., maps, 8vo, cloth. 1880 lis Including chapters on Borneo and Java, Japan and Formosa, Celebes, the Azores, the Galapagos, Madagascar, New Zealand, and other groups. 1 2873 Zuniga (Martinez de) Historical View of the Philippine Islands : their Discovery, Population, Language, Government, Manners, Customs, Productions, and Commerce, translated by Maver, m/ip, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 1814 18s 83, High Street, Mari/leboTie, London^ W, 712 Francis ^(hoards' s Catalogue JAPAN: Geography, History, Ethnology, Art, Literature, &c. .*#* For China and Russo-Japanese Waks, see next Section. 12875 Asaka (K., Ph.D.) The Eusso - Japanese Conflict ; its Causes and Issues, map and 10 illustrations ^ l2mo, cloth. 1904 4s 6d " This valuable book deserves to be purchased, read with attention, and kept at hand for reference by all those who take an intelligent interest in the origin and issues of the great campaign in the Far East Indefatigable research, lucidity of expression, and breadth of view."— T^imes. 12876 Asiatic Society of Japan : Transactions, Yol. I. to XXVII. (1872-1900), 14 vols. 8vo,half-bd. YofcoHama and Tofct/o, 1874-1900 £15 A number of odd parts for sale separately. See p. 463. 12877 Audsley (George Ashdown) and Bowes (James L.) The Keramic Art of Japan, 63 plates ^ including 35 in colours and goldy and numerous wood engravings also in colours y with descriptive letterpress, 2 vols. imp. 4to, morocco. 1875 (pub. £18 18s) £7 10s " In composition, in printing, and in illustration it is worthy of the exquisite productions of which it treats."— Tmes. "It is a work which no collector should be without."— Athenceum. 12878 The Keramic Art of Japan, with an Essay on Japanese Art, 32 plateSf many richly coloured and giltf specimens of Crests, Marks, and Monograms, imp. 8vo, cloth gilt. 1881 (pub. 42s) £1 8s "A work of solid value it is a sort of second edition of the magnificent publication which we reviewed at length in July last The larger subjects have been omitted, and reduced versions have been supplied of those plates which were desired for the illustration of the text The thirty-two plates have been produced by dividing some of the fifty-one plates of the former edition." — Athenceum. 12878b The Ornamental Arts of Japan, one hundred magnificent PLATES, 74 0/ which are beautifully coloured and gilt, the remainder autotypes and photogravures of the originals, with descriptive text, 2 vols, imperial 4to, in 4 portfolios. 1882-85 (pub. £15 15s) £9 See note, p. 464. 12879 Bowes (J. L.) Japanese Marks and Seals, Pottery, Illuminated MSS. and Printed Books, Lacquer, Enamels, Metal, Wood, Ivory, &c., nearly 800 examples, imp. 8vo, cl. gilt. [1883] (pub. 42s) 18s " A book of great and lasting authority."— ^cadew^/. " To the collector it is absolutely necessary."— ^a^wrc^ay Eevievj. 12880^ Japanese Enamels, with Illustrations from the Examples in the Bowes Collection, 20 beautiful plates, some coloured, and other textual illustrations, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1886 (scarce) £1 14s " The volumes, 'Keramic Art of Japan,' ' Japanese Marks and Seals,' and ' Japanese i^.namels are all evidence of genuine admiration for the subjects treated, and have not been surpassed in the history of amateurism. Apart from the subjects, these volumes would be valuable m the eyes of a collector through the excellence of the typography and the beauty of the illustrations. Mr. Bowes has had to work out his thdr^A^""' """"l A^^^°^^^ have yet to produce a comprehensive description of 83, High Street, Ma/ryUhom, London, TT. Japan 1\t 12881 Bowes (J. L.) Japanese Pottery, with Notes describing the Thoughts and Subjects employed in its Decoration and Illustrations, wiap, 16 coloured plateSj and 577 illustrations in the text, imp. Svo, cloth. 1890 £2 "Mr. Bowes's new volume 'Japanese Pottery' is thus the outcome of a larger acquaintance with the subject, and of additional opportunities for debating about styles with native connoisseurs. As such it is unique primarily a guide for the collector, and the best of its kind, there is much in it from which the student of art will derive invaluable lessona.'''— Architect. 12882 A Vindication of the Decorated Pottery of Japan, with 4 plates and other illustrations, imp. Svo, vellum. 1891. (Printed for private circulation) 123 A reply to Prof. Morse, being a discussion on the undecorated, the decorated, and the export wares. 12883 Notes on Shippo, with 4 photo and other plates, imperial Svo, decorated boards. 1895 (pub. 10s 6d) 2s 6d Treats of enamelling and of glass making, and contains the history of the Hirati family, by whom the art of " Shippo " was introduced and preserved. See also pp. 464, 466, 646. 12884 Brockhaus (F. A.) Netsuke: Versuch Einer Geschichte der Japanischen Schnitzkunst, illustrated with 53 coloured plates and 272 black and white illustrations , 4to, cloth. Leipzig, 1905 £2 A history of the Japanese art of carving by the well-known Leipzig publisher who possesses nearly twelve hundred specimens of the art, some of them of priceless value. The edition is limited, and already nearly exhausted. 12885 Broughton (Capt. W. R.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, Japan, Corea, &c., in H.M. Sloop ** Providence," 1795-98, charts and coast views, small 4to, half-calf. 1804 {scarce) £3 10s Capt. Broughton visited N.S. Wales, Tahiti, Sandwich Islands, Nootka Sound, Kurile, Loo Ohoo, Pescadore Islands, the coasts of Corea and Japan. 12886 Charlevoix (P^re) Histoire et Description Generale du Japan ; de la Nature et des Productions da Pays, des Habitants, du Gouvemement, Commerce, et Religion, maps and plates, 2 vols. 4to, full morocco (bound by Walther). Paris, 1736 (fine copy) £3 10s 12887 Clement (E. W.) A Hand-Book of Modern Japan, Tnaps and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1904 6s 12888 Dammert (Dr. F.) Nach dem Fernen Osten : Reiseskizzen, Svo, pp. 82, and 15 full-page views in China and Japan. Berlin, 1903 28 6d 12889 Farrer (R. J.) The Garden of Asia: Impressions from Japan, crown Svo, cloth. 1904 ' 2s 6d 12890 Fedele (Adelfredo) II Giappone nella sua Evoluzione, 7napf coloured and other illustrations, 4to, wrappers. Milan, 1906 IQs An Italian study of the Japanese and their civilization, government, military organization : observations by an officer of the " Vettore Pisani" during the years 1903-4. 83f High Street, Ma/ryUhone, London, W> 2c ijjjf^ Frmwis Ed^mMs Catalogue olQS^i^Pi'Scher (Adolf)' Wandluii^^nmnK^fefetlfelien Japans, photo and. ,2aQiif^id^¥^MmimtMx)%s^t6y^\%^h^i'p^\W^^ 1900 5s Ai'i^nVcl^iWmfrf^^^^ Social and , Psychic. 8vo. cloth. . .1905 ., , , , '^ 7s 6d ^MSS^'i-^^i^i^ "pie White Pei^l^iiin^^ of the Ethical t!^^XMmmm^ mmWM%^^m'm^'^^^ war, i2mo cloth. 1905 .v>.-\\iVnL-'.''.ii-.,<-,i mMhi, ^sOd i\li^9^,,HftarjO -j()[.afca|di9),.J^Qlcf>iro:.,pijp^t!^,,^^d,; i;?^^ of Japanese h9ini'l<#0Wi^ife^ft9jf,,9d\^^,,f^^^^ b 3s 6d «ll896 Hitchcock (Romyn) Shinto; or, tMFa^Hi'n^W7«| 189<1'^ ■' 4s 12897 The Ancient Pit-Dwellers of Yezo, 7 plates ; also The iHiio.jdiAittdd^ ^ii^, "^87 ^ pifet^flL ^nd^^ntti^te^c(in^^'CiWA/'8Vo, half-morocco. I)d 82 (MTftWitt^iw^, 1891 g(?8I .ylrr^.ocf hoc)x>'i. 6s 'fi^8;f^g,,:^i^cfeiit Burial M 8vo, half- morocco. ' Washing ton , ^ 1 892 ;;/,,(,,;. i ,.„ .,p ' ' 5s •ilP899,(.J^p^n, ,:^^^rj,flt^)3^ Ej;i9P^,5rf,,<:!omR^e4f^>[rranslated for bwD 8ji|^ lfl!ip^M4 jJApwai^se Commission, Chlcagp, map and iZinstrafions 03. (s)9^e cpjoi^^^)', ^ pp., roy. 8vo, Japanese bds. Tokyo, 1893 7s 6d •ti4J9Q'&wlapail : Society, London: Tra,nsactions and Proceedings. ''■''^""Vtiia'." l^'tW' v. ;i)iates (tnd other iUHsiratio)is. Sto. 1893-1902 InParts -i''— ;--i^^ ■ • - , ..,,.. ..ui: ,i)>ju.... .? nwi^^, ^^ j^^ ,oo£i9l>iyoi«J '• qooihbr.MHlfen«Qf%ife8e*H*dRaie^«tiy5j.47&;9-:>0 »« e*4^ (srwi.jvor. TI., Part I. 5s Davidson (James W^.) Formosa under Japanese Rule, \0 plcUes. iJh &^iT"?U, fParence L ,5uddliist Prptestentism^in Jaian 's »^c«. " .eio /\VallaceK^IieAti«'A.^R})*«igfialJ;ii*4&*«i>H«n\\ n-a^itW. Js^rtT ^896' ''' ^ ^""^^^ 8i^(9%p.-%d3, 4«^, «^^Itttes and ^nerl ^d^i,i« ,^,5.?^^^^ inythV)1b£v, 'folC^Wi^e 'S^tTy' V^^lization, ^i^entertes ^'^^^''^'^'^^'^*^^''^''^'^^^''^^^ J a/pan 715 12906 Kaempfer (Engelbertus, M.D.) The History of Japan, giving an Account of the antient and present State and Government of that Empire ; of its Temples, Palaces, Castles, and other Buildings ; its Metals, Minerals, Trees, Plants, Birds, and Fishes; of the Emperors ; the Natives, their Religions, Customs, Manufactures, Trade and Commerce with the Dutch and Chinese ; Description of Siam ; translated from the Author's MS., by J. 6. Scheuchzer, with Life, Introduction, and Journal of an English Voyage to Japan in 1673, 45 lar^e copperplates, 2 vols, folio, calf. 1727-28 £5 10s 12907 Another Copy, Large Paper, 2 vols, royal folio, calf. 1727-28 £^l^ See note, p. 477. - c»iiJ AeQiuli -luo'i 12908 New Edition, a Reprint, ;i^^A,a.'^A^lS#*^^^ J facsimiley^ vols. 8vo, cl. Glasgbvjy^ r'r,w,VJ12 oS: i,it,;i nqiMit L' .anun-^f) £15s eOI t-^ See note, p. 574. t pj.| i^9'10- Kia|>roth^ Sdw v^okf Tsou Raaai TG:Seit^;/PW^ Ap?r9ii,Gei^^raI "'^ -" 'd^^TVo^s R6j9^tlthfes, t*kltiSlatfed f^Omtlif^ original Japianes^ royal 8vo, cloth, with plates and maps, royal 4tOi"©lDth (OjT.P.)!. 12911 —.:— Annales des Empereurs du Japon, traaiiix par xitsmgh, "''^'^^^^*^ jpi-^eed^ Notes d'un A.par'^^ a^lPHIsioii^ J$IytWte^u(i(2.fKfa;o3B>f^O(. fWv)l ImpprialJi;JdpaRj^:ntll'' Qm^^vyumA^^^- ^;^^H ,ajiuib^ia'jWofoj;rapbd;-8irov*lotba>r;i9(^/5 rioitfw oi /lomi'ioJ ./T 7s M 129113 ^WcGl^ttliife' (TitSfA^syS^^t^ Wl^^»^i6ad^l6mim ilhis- ^"^ ''■' trations by Japanese Artists, 8vo, feMit^-'4680OY8 ,OBimRty,l 3s 12^14 M'erip e fe - (IMortJimei)'- Japa^ : > OtiQ M\\xi4x$^Lf»ihf^8^ S^^^^^^^ ;r iiIi^usTitATiaNs, :v«ithiT/e«itiby;iD^ ol. " 1904 14s - • i*'^t'}M^tip6i^fmd^'^re9.m&h^i^^ facsimile, and t]iey iwm ^dgfet'rteV 'ft' ''sexier '^f'&MfeUWiJhp^esal-ftiiS'-of 'Jiioaa ^vrhicfcliUdyu ifajtrfe l)fl„fiSk\^e,4 12$f5"k(Iun^terberg (Oskar) Bjweri^ and Asien inXVL, XVII , und ^:'^':;^^5b?!llt ' JalifWiind^^t ,■ ' 2 piaies" l^n(J ^ 2^^ keo^tlimoumHi^t'iSni^Libi, '^ *' ftip". 32)'.^^ Leipzig, 1895. ^^<^^ -ri-^olo ,oil^ fljjjuB 3s 12916 Japanische Kunst und Japanisches la^d^'f^^pMe^qmi^ ».Jir/h9S b*HeriiWii«*rafion«4iaAweid. ^l8Q&a\Hii\l\ (.]/) d^cti^JiT 0^ l^(|7iti'jj|ft)'b» <(©#^'Iiiazoy BnRhido, tli'e- Scniliofi^g^p^Bii K9«»/i^^osition ii'ituo^f ^i^imsd'^rifi^ht, with Introductaon ibyuWj. Mi Gtrif^kl Tenth k8I f3Tevised and enlarged edition,' 12aJo,4l!6tiift •>8l9fi5ii)\. yJ H*iha<[ 58 ti'dW l^aWt^&l) THe Japanese Sjiritf>^(9i^.'*^s include sketches of the volcanic eruption of Asama-ga-r^aki in Julv 1/83, residence of the D:jogoun (Tycoon) at Yedo,>the Dutch and Chinese fa^tS Jai.ane8e domestic interiors and a double panorama of two funerS processTons' conta-.ning 250 figures exhibiting male costumes of all degrees and stations Annales des Empereurs du Japon. See Klaproth, p. 715. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, Japan 717 12930 Vaugondy (R.'i Carte de I'Empire du Japon, coloured, 22 in. by 19| in. Parish 1750 6s 12931 Watson (Gilbert) Three Rolling Stones in Japan, with numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1903 6s Mr. Watson gives a picture of Japan and its people which fills one with a great longing. Posser^siug an artist's appreciation of the beautiful as well as a keen sense of humour, he sketches his scenery and characters with a light and sympathetic touch. At the same time the adventures of these 'Rolling Stones' are not only interesting, but are described with quite exceptional. skill. 12932 \Vebster (Robert Grant) Japan : From the Old to the New, 12mo, cloth. 1905 4s 6d Studies of the political and social conditions of Japan, with sketches of its history. 12933 Weston (Rev. Walter) Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps, 2 maps and 35 pJioto-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1896 5s 6d 12934 Exploration in the Japanese Alps, 1891-94, with illustra- tions and map— Geog, Jour., Feb., 1896 (VII. pp. 125-149) Is 6d 12935 Travel and Exploration in the Southern Japanese Alps, map and 9 illusts.—GEOG. Jour., Jan., 1906 (XXVII. 18-35) Is 6d 12936 Wood Engravings (Japanese): their History, Technique, and Characteristics, by Wm. Anderson, with 6 coloured plates, and 37 textual illustrations, imp. 8vo, cloth. 1895 23 6d 12937 Japanese Wood - Cutting and Wood - Cut Printing, 10 plates and woodcuts, 8vo, half-mor. Washington, 1893 5s 88^ High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 718 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue EASTERN AND NORTHERN ASIA: Siam, Cochin-China, Cambodia, Annam, Tong-King, Shan- States, China, Corea, Manchuria, Mongolia, and Siberia. [Continuedfrompp.S6l-4.6O; 686-645. 12938 Allen (C. F. Romilly) The Book of Chinese Poetry, being the Collection of Ballads, Sagas, Hymns, &c., known as The Shih Cbing or Classic of Poetry, metrically Translated, 8vo, cloth. 1891 (pub. 16s) 5s This is the onlj complete metrical version of the ' Shih King.' The volume contains an interesting preface giving a history of the book. Every poem is accom- panied by comments and valuable foot-notes. It is offered to the reader as a ' Supplement ' to Dr. Legge's Standard Edition, but it is more than that— it not only helps to a knowledge of the thoughts and pure motives of the ancient Chinese, but serves as a useful handbook to Chinese classical literature. 12940 Amherst's (Lord) Embassy to China, 1816-17. Journal of Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China, by [Sir] Henry Ellis, witU portraitof Lord Amherst, maps, and 7 engraved plates , coloured from drawings by Hon. Charles Abbot, 4to, calf. 1817 13s With narrative of the Voyage to and from China, including visits to Madeira, Rio .Janeiro, Cape of Good Hope, Java, Hongkong, the Peiho, Pekin, and journey overland to Canton, Voyage to Manilla, Shipwreck of the " Alceste," boat voyage io Batavia, homeward voyage by way of the Cape and St. Helena. 12941 Narrative of a Journey in China, by Clarke Abel, map, charts, coloured and other plates, 4to, half-cloth. 1818 10s Mr. Abel describes the physical features, scenery, and peoples of the places visited — China, Corea, Loochoo, Philippines, Java, Hongkong, Cape, Brazil, St. Helena, Madeira, &c. 12942 Voyage of H.M.S. " Alceste " along the Coast of Corea and to the Island of Lewchew ; with Account of her subsequent Ship- wreck, by Surgeon McLeod, portrait of Capt. Maxwell and 5 coloured plates by Lieut. Dwarris, 8vo, half-calf. 1818 48 6d This volume contains long and interesting accounts of the Lewchew Islands and their inhabitants. See also Abel, p. 371 ; Ellis, p. 384 ; Hall, p. 427. 12943 [Amiot, &c.] Art Militaire des Chinois, ou Recueil d'Anciens Traitea sur la Guerre; Instruction sur TExercice Militaire, Traduit par Amiot, revu et publie par M. De Guignes, 21 coloured plates, 4to, calf. Paris, 1772 £i 5s 12944 [ ] Me moires concernant I'Histoire, les Sciences, les Arts, les Moeurs, les Usages, &c., des Chinois. Par les Missionaires de Pekin, avec la Vie de Confucius, numerous plates, 12 vols 4to calf. Paris, 1776-86 ^l Compiled by PP. Amiot, Bourgeois, Cibot, Ko, and published by Abb6 Ch. Batteux et L. G. Oudart Feudnx de Breguigny. ^ ^ y^ • «^iifl;y.,^«r«^,, j^l^,i^|5,j»jj^j^^ n[, Eastern dnd Northern Asia 719 12945 Anderson (John, M.D.), English Intercourse with Siam in 17th century, rm'p, 8vo, cloth. (Trubner), 1890 4s 6d Accounts of the visits of the E.I.Co.'s vessels to Patani, Bangkok, Ayuthia, Ligor, &c. ; History of Phaulcon the Adventurer, sometime Minister to the King ; Proceedings of Richard Burneby, George and Samuel White ; Elihu Yale, Governor of Madras, and the War with Siam, 1687 ; Attack on the Freoch at Mergui ; Journeys of Leal and others in Siam, 1825-7 ; Notes on Yale, supplementing those in Hedges's ' Diary,' Vols. II. and III. (see India, p. 152) ; Italian and Portuguese visitors. 12946 — — Chinese Mohammedans — Jour. Anthrop. Inst. (Vol. I. pp. 147-162), Svo, boards. 1871 3s Expeditions to Yunnan, 1868 and 1875. See ' Mandalay to Momien,* p. 272 ; Sladen, p. 281 ; Anderson, p. 284. 12947 Andrade (Jose Ignacio de) Cartas Escriptas da India e da China, 1815-35, 3 'portraits, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. Lisbon, 1847 9s The author visited Calcutta, Malacca, Singapore, Macao, and Canton,- and de- scribes (in 100 letters) the people, government, agriculture, commerce, education, of India, and of China especially. 12948 Asakawa (K. Ph.D) The Russo-Japanese Conflict; its Causes and Issues, map and 10 illustrations , 12mo, cloth. 1904 7s 6d 12949 Asiatic Society (Royal) North China Branch, Journal, No. II., May, 1859. Shanghai, 1859 (scarce) 10s Swinhoe's Visit to Formosa and Notes on Birds (1858) ; Wells Williams's Lecture on Japan ; Musical Notation of the Chinese ; Character and Writings of Meh-tsi, &c. 12950 No. III., December, 1859 (scarce) 10s Bridgman's Sketches of the Miau-tsze ; Macgowan on the Banishment of Criminals in China ; Robertson on Cotton ; Edkins on Tauist Mythology ; Williams's American Embassy to China, 1844, &c. 12951 — — New Series, No. II., December, 1865 (scarce) 10s Geology of the Great Plain, &c. ; Birds and Beasts of Formosa ; Japanese Annals of the Western Ocean {maps), 1708-13, from a MS. account of the arrival in Japan of Father John Battista Sidotti ; Collins on Sorgo, or Sugar Cane ; Edkins on the Agricultural Mongols ; Jamieson on Hieroglyphical Character of Chinese Written Language ; Bastion on Remains of Ancient Cambodia ; Events in China and Japan, 1865. 12952 New Series, No. IV., December, 1867 10s Bickmore's Journey through Kwangtung, Kwangsi, and Hunan, 1866 ; William- son's Notes on North China, and on the Productions of Shan-tung ; Pryer's Ento- mology of Shanghai ; Ney Elias on the Yellow River ; Wylie on Eclipses recorded in Chinese Works ; Chinese Chronology, &c. 12953 Vol XXIV., 1889-90. Shanghai, 1890 6s Mollendorff (P. G. von) Essay on Manchu Literature. Morse (H. B.) Currency and Measures in China. Faber (Dr. Ernst) Prehistoric China. Edkins (Dr. J.) Chinese Architecture. Parker (E. H.) The Nestorians in China, &c. 12954 Vol. XXX., 1895-96. Shanghai, 1899 6s Le Voyage de I'Ambassade Hollandaise de 1656 ^ travers la Province de Canton, par C. Imbault Huart. Parker (E. H.) The Financial Capacity of China ; Chinese Revenue. Bushell (S. W.) The Hsi Hsia Dynasty of Tangut, their Money and Script. Fraser (M. F. A.) A Manchu Ukase. 8Si High Street^ MarylebonCf London^ W, 720 Francis Edwards's Catalogue Asiatic Soo. North China Branch— continued. 12955 — — Vol. XXXI. No. 1, 1896-97. Shanghai, 1899 3s 6d Parker (E. H.) on the Inscriptions de I'Orkhon. Forke (A.) Wang Chung and Plato on Death and Immortality. Kingsmili (T. W.) The Chinese System of Family Eelationship and its Aryan Affinities. Taylor (F. E.) Scarcity of Copper Cash. MollendorfE (P. Gr. von) Limitations of Comparative Philology. Carles (W. K.) The Grand Canal of China. 12956 Vol. XXXIII. No. 1. Shanghai, 1899-1900 3s 6d Bourne (F. S. A.) Possible and Impossible Reforms. Williams (Mrs. E. T.) Popular Religious Literature of the Chinese. Bushell (S. W.) Additional Coins of the Present Dynasty (d^ figures). Edkins (Dr.) Siun King, the Philosopher. 12957 Baring (Maurice) With the Russians in Manchuria, 12mo, cloth. 1905 7s 6d 12958 Beveridge (Senator Albert J.) The Russian Advance, with 2 marps, Svo, cloth. New York^ 1903 6s Narrative of a Journey through Manchuria and the Far East of Siberia, witb chapters on Russian policy and the Russian people, descriptions of Siberia, treaties^ between China, Japan, and European Powers. 12959 Billings (Commodore Joseph) Account of a Geographical andi Astronomical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia [Siberia] ^ Coast of the Tshutski, to Ea,st Cape and Islands stretching to the^ American Coast, 1785-94, by Martin Saner, 14 plateSf 4to, half-calf- 1802 £1 Commodore Billings travelled by way of Irkutsk, Yakutsk, and Okotsk, to Kamchatka, whence he made two expeditions to N.W. Coast of America— Aleutian Islands (Oonalaska and Kadiak). All these places and their inhabitants are de- scribed and vocabularies added of the Yakut and Tungoos, Kamchatka, Aleutian, and Kadiak languages. 12960 Blakiston (Capt. T. W.) Five Months on the Yang-Tsze, and Exploration of its Upper Waters, Notices of the Rebellion, &c., illustrated by Dr. Alfred Barton, Svo, calf. 1862 9a 12961 Borri (Father Chr., S.J.) Account of Cochin-China (1620), its People, the Introduction of Christianity, &c., portrait of Confucius f folio, half-calf (Churchill). 1707 Bs 12962 Breton (M.) China: Costumes, Arts, Manufactures, &c., 80 copperplate engravings, principally from the originals in the Cabinet} of M. Bertin, with Observations from the French, 4 vols. Svoi boards, 1812 loS These engravings exhibit the Chinese in every grade of Hfe, their arts, implei ments, weapons of war and of torture. | 12963 Brooke (Lord) An Eye- Witness in Manchuria. 8vo, clothj 1905 '48 6^ Lord Brooke was Reuter's correspondent in Manchuria. " Model of what the work of .a war correspondent should her— Times. 12964 Burleigh (Bennet) The Empire of the East ; or, Japan and Russia at War, 1904-5, l2mo, cloth. 1905 4s 6d 8S, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Eastern and Northern Asm 721 12965 Campbell (J. G. D.) Siam in the Twentieth Century, map and 16 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1902 5s Impressions of a British official on the country, the people, the Government, commerce, the Chinese in Siam, and other ioternational questions. 12966 Carl (Miss Katherine) With the Empress Dowager of China, 8vo, cloth. 1903 10s 6d The story of the dail}^ life of the Chinese Court, with its thousands of dependents, its gay parties, its jealousies, and its tragedies. The Dowatjer Empress is fully described, and after reading Miss Carl's book one realizes for the first time the secret of the power of this ruler of three hundred millions of people. Miss Carl, an American artist, painted four portraits of the Empress. 12967 China Review (The) ; or, Notes and Queries on the Far East, Vol. XXI., Parts 1, 2, 3, royal 8vo, sewed. [1894] 5s These numbers contain articles on Sir John Davis's administration of Hong Kong, Chinese Relations, Burmese History ; Chinese Proverbs, History of Amoy, the Turko-Scythian Tribes ; Chinese Emigrants, the Ghilyak Language, Macao's Deeds of Arms, the Triad Society, Northern Chinese Dialects, &c. 12968 Church (Percy W.) Chinese Turkestan with Caravan and Rifle, ma'p and 25 illustrations , 8vo, cloth. 1901 4s Account of a sporting expedition from Srinagar to Leh and Yarkand, thence to Aksu and the Tekkes after ibex and wapiti ; across the Tian Shan to Kuldja, &c. 12969 Cornaby (W. Arthur) A String of Chinese Peach-Stones, illustrated^ 8vo, cloth. 1895 2s 6d A series of character-sketches of village life in Central China gathered during line years' residence, including incidents of the Taiping Rebellion. 12970 China under the Search Light: Chapters on Chinese Problems, 12mo, cloth. 1901 2s 6d L2971 Co wen (Thomas) The Russo- Japanese War from its Outbreak to the Battle of Liaoyang, with 10 maps and plans, and 46 photo- illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1904 7s 6d .2972 Crawfurd (John) Journal of an Embassy to Siam and Cochin- China (1821-22): a View of the actual State of those Kingdoms, plates, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 1830 10s Illustrated with maps (including 'plan of Singapore), views, portraits, and (Toodcuts. See also p. 363. 2973 Crosby (Oscar T.) Turkestan and a Corner of Tibet (the Salar Pass) illustrated— Geoq. Jour., June, 1904 (XXIII. 705-722) Is 6d 2974 Cunynghame ([Sir] Arthur) An Aide-de-Camp's Recollections of Service in China ; a Residence in Hong-Kong, and Visits to othe* Islands in the Chinese Seas, 9 plates^ 2 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1844 8s 6d 2975 D'Anville, Carte d'Asie: Three Parts. 12s . ]. Turquie, Arabic, Perse, Inde, Tartaric, 32 in. by 30 in. 1751 2. Chine Tartaric, Siam, &c., Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Moluques, &c., 28 in. by 39 in. 1752 3 Sib6rie et Tartarie, 42 in. by 21 in. 1753 ^^, Ili^h /Street^ Marylehgne, London^ W, 722 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 12975b D'Aguilar (Major-Gen.) and Capt. McDougall, R.N. Opera- tions in the Canton River, April, 1847, 11 iiilly coloured plates from drawings by Lieut. Martin, 42nd Madras Infantry, in portfolio, with one leaf of letterpress. [1858] £2 IQa 1. Port Victoria, Hong Kong, and Cantonment (title-page). 2. The Canton Kiver from the Bocca Tigris. 3. Passing the Batteries of the Canton River. 4. Landing of Troops and of Sir John Davis. 5. Passing up the Canton River above Whampoa. 6. Troops advancing upon Forts. 7. Taking " French Folly " Fort near Canton. 8. Troops Landing at the British and Foreign Factories. 9. Blowing up of " French Folly " Fort. 10. Troops drawn up to receive Commissioners. 11. The Return of Troop Vessels to Hong Kong. 12976 D'Auteroche (M. le Abbe Chappe) Voyage en Siberie, 1761 ; les Moeurs, Usages des Habitans, Geographie, I'Histoire Naturelle, et la Description du Kamtchatka par M. Kracheninnikow, &c., numerous fine plates, large-paper copy, 3 vols, royal 4to, calf; ■with ATLAS of 30 plates, containing profile of routes from Brest to St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Tobolsk, also 3 maps of Kamtchatka and Kurile Is., folio, calf. Paris, 1768 £2 15s 12977 Davis (Sir J. F.) The Chinese: a General Description of the Empire and its Inhabitants, 12mo, half-calf. 1840 3s 6d 12978 The Chinese, new edition, with Sketches during a Journey between Peking, Nanking, and Canton, 4 vols. 18mo, cl. 1845 2s 12979 China, the Empire and its People, with a History of Foreign Intercourse to 1857, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1857 5s 12980 China, another copy, 2 vols. 12mo, calf. 1857 6s 12981 HanKoong Tsew; or, the Sorrows of Han, a Chinese Tragedy, translated, with notes and specimen of the original Text, 4to, cloth (O.T.F.). 1829 9s 12982 The Fortunate Union : a Romance from the Chinese, with f/^*??!??^ illustrations ; and a Chinese Tragedy, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (U. i.i^.). 1829 10s 12983 Demidoff (Prince) A Shooting Expedition to Kamchatka, mup and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1904 10s 6d ■^^^^^iPn!?^ (^'^''*- ^' ^-^ ^^^ World's Navies in the Boxer Rebellion, 1900, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1905 7s 6d Reminiscences of the fighting at Tien-tsin and Peking. 12985 Donovan (E.) Natural History of the Insects of China, 12986 Downing (Charles T.) TheFan-Qui; or, Foreigner in China; thlphinici q ^''t?' ^^^^^ Religion, Commerce, and Politics of the Chmese, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1840 6s 8^, Sigh Street, Marylehone, London, If. Eastern and Northern Asia 7^3 12987 Duhalde (Pere J. B.) Description of the Empire of China, Chinese Tartary, Korea, and Tibet, from the French, with Notes, 7)iaTps and plans, 2 vols, folio, calf. (Edward Cave), 1738-41 £1 10s 12988 Another edition (English), 4 vols. 8vo, calf. 1741 16s A General View of the Empire ; Provinces, Annals, PoHc}^ Nobility, Agri- culture, Industry, Genius and Character of the People, Architecture and Public Works, Trade, Manufactures, Language, Grammar, Books, Education, Eeligion, and Sects; Sciences, Literature, with Stories, Novels, &c. ; Life of Confucius ; Geography of Tartary, with Observations of Father Gerbillon ; Abridged History of Corea ; Behring's Travels into Siberia ; Geography and History of Tibet— territories of the Grand Lama, &c. 12990 Dutch Embassy to China, 1794-95. Voyage de I'Ambassade de la Compagnie des Indies Orientales Hollandaises vers TEmpereur de la Chine, 1794-95 : Journal d' Andre Everakd VAN Braam Hodckgeest, maps and engravingst 2 vols, 4to, half-calf. Philadelphia, 1797 " £1 12991 English Translation; Authentic Account of the Embassy of the Dutch E.I. Co. to China, 1794-95, map, 2 vols. 8vo, half- calf. (Phillips), 1798 9s 12992 Voyages^ Peking, Manille et I'lle de France, by M. de GuiGNEs, 1784-1801, Text, 3 vols. 8vo, calf, Atlas, de 97 planches et cartes, folio, half-calf. Paris, 1808 £1 M. de Guignes was interpreter in the Dutch Embassy (1794-95), and travelled from Canton to Peking and back, visiting Nanking on the return journey. 12994 East India Company. China Question: The Edinburgh Reviewer Refuted, Svo (pp. iv, 58), 1831 3s 12995 Elgin (Lord) Mission to China and Japan, 1857-59, Narrative by Laurence Oliphant, m^p, coloured plates, and other illustrations, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1860 9s 12996 What is Lord Elgin to do ? the Canton Dispute and Our Relations, by Joseph Beaumont (pp. 53). 1857 2s 12998 Erman (Adolph) Travels in Siberia in the Yalley of the Obi and towards the Chinese Frontier, translated by Cooley, map, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1848 9s A scientific traveller, M. Erman gives much information on the trade, tribes, fisheries, mineral riches, fossil ivory, and vegetable life of Siberia. 12999 Fox (John) Following the Sun-Flag [of Japan] : a Vain Pursuit through Manchuria, 12mo, cloth, 1905 2s 6d "After a long still-hunt in Tokio, and a long pursuit through Manchuria, I gave up the chace at Liaoyang After seven months my spoils of war were post mortem battlefields, wounded convalescents in hospitals, deserted trenches, a few graves, and one Russian prisoner in a red shirt."— The Author. 13000 Forbin (Count de) Memoirs, Narrating his Voyages to the East Indies, and Sea Fights during 44 Years' Service; Secret History of the Chevalier St. George's Expedition from Dunkirk to Scotland, 1708, &c., translated from the French, third edition, 2 vols. 12mo, half-calf. 1740 12s 6d Commodore de Forbin accompanied the French Mission to Siam in 1685, and remained there as a hostage—" Generalissimo of the King of Siam's troops and Governor of the Tower of Bancock." He returned to France in 1687. See also p. 364. 83j High Street, Marylehone, London, W, 724 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 13001 French Mission to Siam, &c. Relatione delle Missioni dd Vescovi Vicarii Apostolici alii Regni di Slam, Cocincina, Camboia, e Tunkino, small 4to, half-calf. Rome, 1677 15s 13002 Histoire Civile et Naturelle du Royaume de Siam, et des Revolutions, 1770, par M. Turpin, 2 vols. 12mo, calf. Paris, 1771 9s Compiled from MSS. of the French Missionaries. See also p. 364. 13003 Giehrl (Lieut. Rudolf) China- Fahrt: Erlebnisse undEindrlicke von der Expedition, 1900-1, 7 maps, 92 photo and 12 other illustra- tions (200 pp.), 8vo. Munich, 1903 3s 13004 Giffard (Pierre) Les Soirees de Moukden; Scenes de la Vie Russo-Chinoise, 12mo, cloth. 1905 3s 13005 Giles (Prof. Herbert A.) An Introduction to the History of Chinese Pictorial Art, 15 illustrations, royal 8vo, wrappers. Shanghai, 1905 16s 13006 Gill (Capt. W. J.) The River of Golden Sand : Narrative of a Journey through China and E. Tibet to Burmah, 1876-77, with Introduction by Yule, 10 maps and numerous illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1880 15s 13007 Another edition, Condensed by Colborne Baber, with a Memoir by Yule, portraits, maps, and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1883 » I' » 3s 6d 13008 Gordon-Cumming (Miss C. F.) The Inventor of the Numeral- Type for China, 12mo, cloth. 1898 Is An invention of the Rev. W. H. Murray, by which illitemte Chinese, both blind and sighted, can very quickly be taught to read and write fluently. 13010 Gray (J. H., LL.D.) China: Laws, Manners, and Customs of the People, edited by Gregor, ivith 150 illustrations by a Chinese Artist, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1878 £1 8s 13011 Another copy, 2 vols. Svo, calf <£1 15s 13012 Grosier (Abbe) Description of China, Tartary, and other tributary Countries, their Provinces, Natural History, Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, Cities, Population, Government, Religion, Manners, Customs, Arts and Sciences, translated from the French, map and copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 1788 9s fv,o £^^^^1®1A^^®d^ ^^'^^ *^^ writings of the Jesuit missionaries, with criticism of the work of MM. Paw and Sonnerat. 13013 Gutzlaff (Rev. Charles) A Sketch of Chinese History, with Retrospect of Foreign Intercourse and Trade, map, 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. 1834 9s Includes chapters on the Nestorians, Catholics, Protestants, and Mohammedans. 1 30 UH alien (Holt S.) A Thousand Miles on an Elephant in the Shan btates, 8 maps and other illustrations, 8vo, cl. Edinburgh, 1890 7s tionfofThrmn^nnl7®^i''' ^P^'oposcd railway from Burma to China, ^vith descrip- tions of the manners and customs of the people, their ethnology and history. 13015 Hamilton (Sir Ian) A Staff-Officer's Scrap Book during the Kusso-Japanese War, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cl. 1905 148 t^eneral Sir Ian Hamilton was British Att ach^ with the Japanese army. 83, High Street, Maryhbone, London, W. Eastern and Northern Asia 725 13016 Haidar. A History of the Moghuls of Central Asia, being the Tarikh-i Rashidi of Mirza Muhammad Haidar, Dughlat, translated by DenisoQ-Ross, with Commentary, Notes, by N. Ellas maj). 8vo, cloth. 1895 (pub. £1 lOs) 5s 6d The first part treats of the author and his book ; the Line of Chnghata ; the Land of the Moghuls; the People — Moghul, Turk, and Uighur; the Eastern Khanate or Uighuristdn ; the Tarikh-i-Ra!?hidi, and after. The second part gives a minute and interesting relation of the events of the author's own life, including his career as ruler of Kashmir in the sixteenth century ; a history of the Moghuls of Central Asia, the Conqueror Ghengis Khan, and of Timur or Tamerlane and his successors in the Khanate. *' Its pictured pages are f idl of minute details of the utmost importance in many senses— of stirring events faithfully and graphically described - and of traditional information regarding many persons, events, and places which, but for it, would be practically unknown." — Asiatic Quarterly Revieiv, October, 1895. 13017 Hamilton (Major A. B.) Notes of a Land Journey from Fu- chau to Kiu-Kiang (1902), map and illustrations — Geog. Joui^, July, 1905 (XXVI. 69-74) Is 6d 13018 Hardy (Rev. E. J.) John Chinaman at Home: Sketches of Men, Manners, and Things in China, illust.j 8vo, cloth. 1905 6s 13019 Hawes (Chas. H.) In the Uttermost East, loith 3 maps and 70 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1903 6s An account of investigations among the natives and Russian convicts of th® Island of Sakhalin, with notes of travel in Korea, Siberia, and Manchuria. Th*^ author is the first English traveller to explore the Northern interior. 13020 Hedley (Rev. John) A Trip into the Chi-li Province, North China, 1904, map and 6 illustrations— Geog. Joub.-, May, 1905 (XXV. 513-525) Is 6d 13021 Henderson (Dr. George) and Hume (Allan) Lahore to Yark- and : Incidents of the Route, and Natural History of the Countries Traversed by Forsyth's Expedition, 1870, m7?i°- [1895] ' each 10s MMX .v.fl^^t^y. Paper, China, No. 3). 1904 •' - *= 6d ■^&K'ti^^°l^^.%^^I&^^^^,f^:'^^l «-' '"^-« centre of ^'^^'^^^ Repository (The) Vol. V, No. 4, April, 1898 2s 6d ^^ 'fm^^^rr'^'J'^^.''' *« «^-«^« Crisis, Incidents of ..or rv^ '**^^*^*ei«iRising, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1900 2s dv^tains a nar^^ive of the European relati U-i-A-\u'V }() See also p. 391. -43d4i4>.v4*«4i^ China iZ7..«f.;;:^.:rVo..r"?,-!.r ^^^^sappearing ±impn^^ ^'SyMigh Street, MaryUbone, London, W, Easi&Pii^ Shi^N'wtMn '''J^iu'^'^ iff^^ 13046 Lacouperie (TePi^ieU'. ae) )©^gm^i%^40 WtftG^gegfill^nlt^^I and Eastern Asia; oli;;^^»«d«ll^^5d£)6il»^-^r^i^^itf'^lid^i^btipts, 8vo, cloth. 1894 «<><■, //.otvi jatH [bijuiooJ j .■^iitiiOM^ iJiH '^d gs 13047 _- TheOWest BfcdK 5f '^^'crfM,*^^ Hs Authors— History and Method, Svo, cloth. 1892 ' ^'?. 13048 Lamprey (J.), Surge(3ii^67tli Res:*. Tlie'Ec6tiomV'Qi^the Chin'M' ' Army, with 29 jigures^Smk: R.U.Si liml] l-SSZU^^lirpW.- 404-33), 8vo, boards ^^' ' -^^^'^ ''^'^s 6d 13049 Lay (G. T.) The Chiiie^^ afe T.h^^A¥b>5)'thi^« fcqmiv ,[IOrtI ,f^^.\^ 4s 13051 Le Comte (Louis) Memoirs and Qbservations, Topogrkpnical, Natural, Civil, EcclesiastIbkl,;«^c*.V'iiiade''^fjt)3|^{^'"'^^^ lina, second edition, ma>g arjid plates, 8y6J„^ff,ni ilw^Mii in f<.) Ml^ft;! China, second edition, ma>g arjid plates, Svo^h^J^vm ilR^Vrui in f<.) MW^;! Contains observations on pottery and varnisliing, silk manufactures, pearl fishing, plants and animals; the pe({)ple; their cities it^idiputjlioiwcifks, langfial^iEi^ 1 commerce ; their government, the philp^9^^^ o^,fioQ|uci,)j^,,^9fi,yil i\ ^iii inb 13052 Legge (Dr.) The Chines* (Di^i(»^ Tt^.rtP.V Otfefti^ik^ ^hH^ects, the Great Learning, and tft^^ BbtefeS^ oT^m^malkf B^A^ Svo. boards. Hong Kong, 1861 [<(i,':I -.iirh. irrnoooA fMii(-8 . a.^l^.r 13053 The She-King ; or, tljbe iBotoil-bf-Aiicieiltiieodtiryl^lbDEilglish Verse, with Essays and Notesyd2aio,'«loth. y'l896>i ,biT/;lD'iT no 5s 13054 Lin.Le [i.e. Lindley (A. F.)]'^i':^I%'T'i^l^^^yii'P^lf?^£yry of the Ti-Ping Rebellion, i/;it?iiimw»6rcm8il 2>*«l*e«ii(inid% colouf^tdff\ 2 vols, in 1, royal Svo, half-mopqiH¥>4>'ii86Cbo og ,9BonifI0 odt 12s 13055 Little (Archibald) The m^^^^i^T^^^ m&Hmmfkions (Regionsof the World Series), ^ro^<2>loth^,,Ml905) blolinfiM T^)H[ Treats of the whole of the Chinese 5m»Jfi^')frQtf)i(Jutke6taBoanflvit^ ^.^ the people, commerce. &c. ' ' 13056 The Crux of the Upper Yikdkik-itiiisMi^^^S¥j8M^;^ Nov., 1901 (xviii. 498-508) 'i"^ S S^^^'f ^eaiBinrroM a^^^^^ls 6d 13057 Little (Mrs. Archibald) Round about My^ Peking '^r'to with over 90 illustrations, Svo, cloth. iM (■ ' ' -f) ^^-^J^b^M I T^gl Walks and excursions in and around the (^feine^^''6a^Y^l— ^it'^af^Wn^Garden ; Among Peking Palaces ; How the Court came tj^.P/ekp^; ;^ai^,;^]pLin^Sj$|^mp^^^; [ 13058 Intimate China: the ChinQs^oai Jlii^fQ.See* "ElOMfal, majo and numerous illustrations, royal 8vo^ olQth, 1899 y] l^^i^j Account of Chinese domestic life and customs^* jchapters oi^Arts ai) Affairs of State ; Magnificence of the Emperor and*Empress ; Begiuiiings of Reform ; The Coup d'Etat; Chinese Morals and Superstitions; Our Missidtidries ; Buddlilst Monasteries ; The Sacred Mountain of Omi ; A Tyi|^ ytp ^ji^j),es^ jTlbotj^v. ;.. (JG I 13059 Lockman (John) Travels of the Je^^i*sc>liliti^>.Vai:^?ou^iBwrts of the World : with Accounts of the MaBtrierSriOo^erniafehti- Religion, Including rcl/.tions of Missionary travels in Abyssinia,, India. , Tonkin, Cm W discovery of Jews there), Caroline, Ladrone, and mfeW I'difi^B. ■ ^"^n^"'"'' 5, Eigh Street, Marylehone, £b'kWbft, #1 728 Francis Edwards's Catalogue 13061 Macartney's (Lord) Account of an Embassy to China, 1792- 1794, from the Papers of Lord Macartney and Sir Erasmus Gower, by Sm George [Leonard] Staunton, 'portraits and 27 engravings, 2 vols, royal 4to, calf ; with Atlas of 44 plates and charts^ imperial folio, half-calf. 1797 £1 15s 13062 Narrative of the British Embassy to China, with Account of the Chinese, their Towns, Cities, &c., by ^neas Anderson, 4to, calf. 1795 "^s 13063 Voyage to Cochihchina, 1792-93, by [Sir] John Barrow, and a Journey into Bechuanaland [by Messrs. Truter and Somer- ville, 1801], maps and 20 coloured plates, 4to, boards (uncut). 1806 148 Narrative of Lord Macartney's visit to Turon Bay, with a general sketch and five coloured plates, illustrating the Cochinchinese, and a chapter suggesting English commercial intercourse with the country. 13064 Travels in China (1793), Descriptions and Observations during a Residence at the Imperial Palace, and on the Journey from Pekin to Canton, by [Sir] John Barrow, with 5 coloured plates by Alexander, and other illustrations , 4to, half-calf. 1804 10s 13065 Some Account of the Public Life of Earl Macartney and a Selection from his Unpublished Writings — on the Russian Empire, on Ireland, and his * Journal ' of the Embassy to China, edited by [Sir] John Barrow, portrait, 2 vols, royal 4to, calf. 1807 lis 13066 Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Chinese, 53 coloured engravings, by Wm. Alexander, with Descriptions, royal 8vo, half- morocco, gilt. 1814 168 13067 Manifold (Lt. Col. C.C.) The Problem of the Upper Yang-tze Provinces, and their Communications, map and 8 illustrations — Geog. Jour., June, 1905 (XXV. 589-620) Is 6d 13069 Merzbacher (Dr. G.) An Expedition into the Central Tian- Shan Mountains, 1902 3, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 (R.G.S.) 128 13071 Medhurst (W. H.) Chinese and English Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. Batavia, 1842-3 14s 13072 Miles (Col. S. B.) Across the Green Mountains of Oman— Geog. Jour., Nov., 1901 (XVIII. 465-498) Is 6d 13073 Milne (Rev. Wm.) Life and Opinions of— Illustrated by Annals of Asiatic Missions, by Rev. Robert Philip, frontispiece, 12mo, cloth. 1840 ^ ' ^^ 13074 Mudie (Robert) China and Its Resources and Peculiarities, with a View .of the Opium Question and a Notice of Assam, with 2 maps, 12mo, cloth. [1840] 28 6d 13075 Neale (Fred. A.) Narrative of a Residence at the Capital of the Kingdom of Siam [Bankok], with description of the Manners and Customs of the Siamese, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1852 2s Including sketch of Siamese bistory ^^ongs, music, and language. 8S^ Hi^h Street, Marykbone, London, W. Eastern and Northern Asia 729 13076 Navarette (Fray D. Fernandez) Account of the Empire of China and the Author's Voyages [to Mexico, the Philippines, Macassar, Macao, Malacca, Madras, Madagascar], with Additions and Notes on Martinez's Tartar Conquest of China (from 'Churchill's Collection, Vol. I. pp. 1-424), folio, calf. (1704) 128 Father Nayarette (Dominican) spent eleven years in the Philippines studj'ing the Chinese language and philosophy, and then proceeded to China (1659), but owing to the persecutions and controversy between the Jesuits, Franciscans, and Dominicans, he embarked for Europe, going to Rome, and not succeeding in settling the differences, retired to Spain, where he produced his great work. He afterwards became Bishop of St. Domingo in the West Indies. 13077 Neumann (Charles F.) History of the Pirates of the China Sea, 1807-10 ; Shaman Catechism : Laws and Regulations of Chinese Buddhist Priests, and other translations, 8vo, cloth. (O.T.F.), 1831 7s 13079 Ouchterlony (Lieut. John) The Chinese V^ar; Account of all the Operations of the British Forces to the Treaty of Nanking, witli 53 ilhistrationa by the Author, 8vo, half- calf. 1844 7s 13080 Palafox (Bishop of Osma and Viceroy of Mexico) History of the Conquest of China by the Tartars, with Account of the Religion, Manners, and Customs of both Nations, English translation, 12mo, calf. 1671 15s 13081 Palmer (Frederick) With Kuroki in Manchuria, with 20 photo- illustrations, 8vo, cloth. [1905] 5s Accounts of the operations on the Yalu, Hamatan, Attacks on Motien Pass, Battles of Tiensuiten, Liaoyang, and the retreat of Kuropatkin. 13082 Parker (Rev. Peter) Medical Missionary. Letter and State- ments respecting Hospitals in China, 8vo (pp. 32). Glasgow, 1842 3s 13083 Peel (Helen) Polar Gleams: an Account of a Voyage on the Yaoht "Blencathra," portraits, majps, and illustrations, Syo, cloth. 1894 3s Contains chapters on the Kara Sea, the Samoyedes, Siberian Convicts, and on the Siberian Railway, with preface by the Marquess of Dufferin, and contributions by Capt. Joseph Wiggins (a Journey up the Yenesei) and by Fredk. Gr. Jackson. 13084 Peking Gazette (The) for 1876; Translation of Abstracts from, 8vo, cloth. Shanghai, 1877 3s 13085 Abstracts from, 1895, 8vo, cloth. 1896 3s Abstracts relating to the Court, Administration, Instruction, Worship, External Relations, Manufactures, Crimes, Sedition, Gambling, Opium, Revenue, Grain tribute, Charity, &c. 13086 Polo (Marco) Travels to the Eastern Parts of the World in the 13th Century, translated, with notes, by Wm. Marsden, map, royal 4to, boards, uncut. 1818 £1 Marco Polo was absent in Central Asia twenty-four years (1272-1295), seventeen of which were spent at the Court of Kublai Khan and in visiting different parts of China. Marsden's edition of Marco is still valuable for his introduction and voluminous notes illustrative of the historical geography of Asia. See also p. 14, and Yule, p, 413. B3^ High Street, Marylehonepj^ondon^ TF, 730 Francis Edioards's Catalogue 13088 Ralph (Julian) Alone in China, and other Stories, illustrated, by C. D. Weldon, 12mo, cloth. 1897 2s 6d 13089 Ready (Oliver G.) Life and Sport in China, with 13 photo- illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1903 6s The author resided for twelve years in various parts of the country. His obser- vations are given in chapters entitled Anglo-Chinete Life, Servants and Tradesmen, Shooting, Riding, Sailing, Jamborees (bachelor entertainments) ; Around Peking, Here and There, The Marriage Tie ; People, Language, Missionaries, Chances, &c. 13091 Rondot (Natalis) Etude Pratique du Commerce d'Exportation de la Chine, royal 8vo, half-calf. Paris, 1848 8s 13092 Notice du Yert de Chine et de la Teinture en Yert chez les Chinois, &c., royal 8vo, half-calf. Paris, 1858 8s 13093 Royal Asiatic Society— China Branch Jour.,Yo1. XXXIII., No. 3. 1899-1900 3s Articles on Mencius and other Reformers of China; the Ancient City of Shaohing ; Mythology of Buddhism in Tibet and Mongolia. 13094 Russell (Claud) A Journey from Peking to Tsitsihar (Mongolia) in company with Mr. Hicks-Beach, wiap— Geog. Joub., May, 1904 (XXIII. 613-623) Is 6d 13095 Russian Embassy to Pekin, 1692-95 ; Three Years' Travels from Moscow Overland to China, through Great Tartary to Peking (1692-95), by Everard Isbrand Ides, with Description of China by a Chinese Author (Dionysius Kao), translated from the ^ Dutch of Witzen, with Ms interesting map of the Muscovy Empire and numerous plates, small 4to, calf. 1706 £1 5s 13096 Another copy, without map, small 4to, calf. 1706 10s 13097 Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5 ; The War in the Far East, by the Military Correspondent of The Times, with 10 photo-portraits and 38 wops, royal 8vo, cloth. 1905 16s 13098 A Study of the Russo-Japanese War, by "Chasseur," 12mo, cloth. 1905 6s net Ten chapters, reprinted from Blachwood's Magazine. 13099 The Great Siege ; the Investment and Fall of Port Arthur, by B. W. NoRREGAARD, 8vo, cloth. 1905 6s 13100 Simpson (Wm.) Meeting the Sun : a Journey All Round the World through Egypt, China, Japan, and California, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. 1874 6s *!- ^ii^ ^° account of the marriage ceremonies of the Emperor of China, which the author witnessed. He also visited the Great Wall. 13101 Simpson (James Young) Side Lights on Siberia, with Accounts of the Railroad, the Prisons, Exiles, the Island of Saghalin, Silver Mines, &c., map and Ulustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1898 4s 6d 13102 Smith (W. Richmond) The Siege and Fall of Port Arthur, with Preface by Sir Wm. G. Nicholson, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 12s 6d T?n„?!^'^ ^f 11^ was Keuter's correspondent, and General Nicholson represented Jingland at the Japanese headquarters. 83^ High Street^ Marylebone, London, W, Eastern and Northern Asia 731 13103 Stadling (J.) Through Siberia, edited by Dr. F. H. H. Guille- mard, tna'ps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1901 6s Account of journey in 1898 in search for traces of the Arctic balloonists Andr6e and his companions in the districts between the Lena and Yenesei, with description of the country traversed, the native tribes, &c. 13104 Staunton (Sir George Thomas) Miscellaneous Notices relating to China, reissue, with New Introduction (pp. 50) and Appendix (pp. 385-432), 8vo, boards. Havant, 1822-50 {scarce) 8s 6d The Emperor Yong-tching's Book of Sacred Instructions (translated), Notices of Chinese Language, Poetry, Books, Contents of a Chinese and Manchu-Tartar i Dictionary, Ceremony of the Ko-tou, Considerations upon the China Trade, 1813 (pp. 126-188), On the British Factory in Canton (pp. 189-260), Suspension of E.LCo.'s Trading at Canton, 1807 and 1814, &c. Staunton (Sir George Leonard) Embassy to China, 1792-94, See Macartney (Lord), p. 728. 13105 Stein (M. Aurel) Sand-Buried Kuins of Khotan : Personal Narrative of a Journey of Archaeological and Geographical Explora- tion in Chinese Turkestan (1900-1), map and 135 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1904 4s 6d Recovery from the sands of Central Asia (near Khotan) of remains of a lost civilization — Buddhistic in its origin — manuscripts, dated documents, inscriptions, statues, paintings, carvings, &cc. 13106 Story (Douglas) The Campaign with Kuropatkin, with 52 photo- illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1904 5s The author describes his experiences in Newchwang, Mukden, the Leaders in the war, the culminating battle, Liaoyang, and adds a chapter on the " long feud " and Russia's desire for India. 13107 Swayne (Major H. G. C.) Through the Highlands of Siberia, Account of a Sporting Trip Jane, July, and August, 1903, 8vo, cloth. 1904 7s 6d 13108 Swinhoe (R.) Ten Papers on Hainan ; its Aborigines, Natural History, &c., 3 coloured plates ; also Sketch of Hainan, by Wm. Fred. Mayers, 1 vol. 8vo, half-calf. 1869-72 9s 13109 Tcheng.Ki-Tong (Col.), Attache Militaire, Les Chinois Feints par Eux — Memes, portrait, 12mo, cloth. 1884 3s 6d 13110 English Translation: The Chinese Painted by Themselves, 12mo, cloth. [1885] 3s 6d 13111 [Trade.] The Foreign Trade of China divested of Monopoly, Restriction, and Hazard (pp. 110). 1832 3s 13112 British Relations with the Chinese Empire in 1832: English and American Trade with India and Canton [By Robert Montgomery Martin] (pp. 148). 1832 3s Written in defence of the E.I.Co.'s monopoly. 13113 Turley (Robert T.) Some Notes on the River System of the Upper Liao, Manchuria, map — Geog. Joub., March, 1905 (XXV. 297-300) Is 6d 13114 Some Further Notes concerning the Liao Ho, by Lieut.-Col. A. W. S. Wingate, map and 7 illustrations — Geog. Jour., Oct., 1905 (XXVI. 421-429) Is 6d 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. 732 Francis Fdwards^s Catalogue 13115 Turner (John A.) Kwang Tung; or, Five Years in South China, map and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1894 2s 6d History, religion, and manners of the Chinese as seen in the province of Canton, with an account of Hong Kong and Macao. 13116 Turner (S.) Siberia: a Record of Travel, Climbing, and Exploration, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 14s 13117 Ullrich (Lieut. R.) Die Mandschurei ; ''Material zur Geo- graphic Asiens," map, Svo (pp. 51). Berlin, 1904 Is 6d 13118 Valera (Luis), Marques de Yillavsinda, Sombras Chinescas : Recuerdos de un Viaje al Celeste Imperio, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Madrid, 1902 5s A series of letters describing a voj^age to China and visits to Shanghai, Tientsin, •and Pekin— its temples and palaces, August, 1900, to May, 1901. 13119 Vaugondy (R.) Carte de I'Empire de la Chine, coloured, 22 in. byl9iin. Paris, 1751 6s 13120 Weale (B. L. Putnam) Manchu and Muscovite, Tnap, Svo (pp. xx-552), cloth. 1904 6s A brief sketch of the history of Manchuria, with degcription of the country and towns, comments on Russian misrule, &c. 13121 The Re-Shaping of the Far East, map and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1905 £1 5s "In these volumes of over eleven hundred images we have the 'whole story of the past decade' in the Far East told with considerable vigour and no little dogmatism Among the many interesting chapters on the war, on the mistakes of the war, on the Chinese Court and its influence, on the foreign legations in Japan, on the Chinaman himself, on the foreign services in China, on Kiaochau, blockade • running, .Japan in time of war, on China arming, on the missionary question, &c.— perhaps the most attractive, and to many readers the most novel, will be that on the peculiar attitude of the United States Despite some loose history, exaggerated statements, and rather wild speculations, the work is the best account of twentieth- century China in existence ; the illustrations are numerous and extremely well chosen ; there is an appendix containing a number of documents of great service to the student of Far Eastern matters, and also a capital map prepared upon a most generous scale."— ^^^e?iajttm. 13122 Wegener (Georg) Zur Kriegszeit durch China, 1900-1, map and numerous illustrations, royal 8vo, wrappers. 1902 5s 13123 Wells (S. Wells) Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language, with the Pronunciation as heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai, 4to, half-morocco. SJianghai, 1874 £2 2s ; 13124 Williamson (Mrs. Isabelle) Old Highways in China, map and illustrations from Chinese engravings, 12mo, cloth. 1884 2s 6d 13125 Wood (Lieut.-Col. 0. E.), U.S. Artillery. From the Yalu to Port Arthur: an Epitome of the First Period of the Russo- Japanese War. 1905 7s 6d 13126 Wright (Seppings) With Togo on his Flag-Ship : a Record of Seven Months' Active Service under the great Admiral, numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 7s 6d 13127 Yates (Dr. M. T.) on Ancestral Worship, Svo (pp. 48). Shanghai, 1878 2s 55, High Street, Marylehone, London, W, M astern and Northern Asia 7S3 13128 Younghusband (Sir F. E.) The Heart of a Continent: a Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884-94, 4 ma'ps and 18 photo-illustrations y royal 8vo, cloth, 1896 (pub. 21s) 10s Account of the author's journey with Mr. James to the " Long White Mountain " in 1886 (see p. 726), a journey by land from Pekin to India^l 887-88), through Mongolia, the great desert, and Chinese Turkestan to Yarkand and the Himalayas; subsequent visits to the Pamirs and Kashgar, to Chitral and Hunza ; chapters on Missionaries in China and Impressions of Travel. 13129 Among the Celestials: Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, and through the Himalayas to India; abridged from 'The Heart of a Continent,' with additions, map and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1898 6s 13130 Zichy (Graf Eugen) Dritte Asiatische Forchungsreise im Osten zur Aufhellung des Ursprunges der Magyaren, Heraus- gegeben von der Teilnehmern der Expedition (Text in Hungarian and German), toith 60 or 70 plates {some coloured) and over 2,000 textual illustrations f 6 vols, royal 4to, cloth. Buda-Pest and Leipzig. Vol. I. Ethnographischer TheIl (in two parts)— Herkunft der Magyarischen Fis-cherei, von Dr. Johann Janko (708 pp.), 17 plates and 544 textual illustrations. 1904 £1 178 6d II. ZooLOOGTSCHE Ergebnisse, redigiert, von G. Horvath, 22 plates, (5 chroma) and 22 text illustrations. 1904 £1 5s III., IV. Archaeologische Stndien auf Russischem Boden, von B^la Posta, Parts i. and ii., rUuHrated (pp. 600)! 1905 £2 lOs V. Sammlung Ostjakischer Volksdichtungen, Heldengesange Mytholo- gis-chen Inhalts, Gotterbeschworungsformeln und Barenlieder auf Grund des Regulyschen Nachlasses und eigener Sammlungen, von J. Papay, jjortraits and facsimiles (pp. lxxxii-282). 1905 £1 VI. Geschichtliche Uebergicht und meine Wahrnehmungen, Erfahrungen mit besonderer Beriichsichtigung der Ergebnissee meiuer Expedi- tionem, maps and illustrations (304 pp.). 1905 £1 TIBET. [Continued from pp. 4^^0-4.39 ; 642. 13131 Candler (Edmund) The Unveiling of Lhasa, with map and illus- trations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 68 A narrative of Col. Younghusband's expedition in 1904, written on the spot, including Mr. Henry Newman's account of the bombardment and relief of Gyantse. 13132 Crosby (Lieut. Oscar Terry, U.S.A.) Tibet and Turkestan : a Journey through Old Lands and a Study of New Conditions, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1905 10s 6d 13133 Cunningham (Gen. Sir Alex.) Laddk, and Surrounding Countries, map and 31 plates {mostly coloured) and views, by Col. Bates, royal 8vo, cloth. 1854 £1 15s Containing physical, statistical, and historical information, with chapters on Tibetan Buddhism, the Lamas, Religious Buildings, Language, and various Alpine Dialects, the result of two visits in 1846 and 1847. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, 734 Prmicis Edwards's Catalogue 13134 Das (Sarat Chandra) A Tibetan - English Dictionary, with Sanskrit Synonyms, revised and edited by Rev, Graham Sandberg and Wm. Heyde, Moravian Missionary (pp. 1400), 4to, cloth. Calcutta, 1902 £1 6s 13135 Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, edited by the Hon. W. W. Rockill, tnaps and illustrations, includinq copies of native representations of Lhasa and Temple of the Grand Lama, 8vo, cloth. 1904 6s Narrative of two journeys through Sikkim and Tibet, 1879 and 1882, and residences at Tashilhunpo and Lha&a, with descriptions of the country visited, account of the Government, society, custom?, festivals, &c. 13136 Deasy (Capt. H. H. P.) In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan, Three Years* Exploration, map, port., and illusts., 8vo, cloth. 1901 10s 6d 13137 Freshfield (Douglas W.) The Roads to Tibet— Geog. Jour. Jan., 1904 (xxiii. 79-91) ; also Journey to Lhasa by G. G. Tsybikoff, with 4 illustrations, Ibid, (xxiii. 92-97) Is 6d 13138 Grenard (F.) Tibet: the Country and its Inhabitants, trans- lated by A. Teixeira de Mattos, map, 8vo, cloth. 1905 6s 13139 Hedin. Adventures in Tibet, by Sven Hedin, with illicstrations, Svo, cloth. 1904 10s 6d A popular edition of Dr. Hedin's larger work in two volumes, describing his journeys in Tibet, the Tarim Basin, and the Desert of Gobi. For best edition see p. 642. 13141 Hosie (Consul Alex.) Report on a Journey from Chengtu to the Eastern Frontier of Tibet (Pari. Paper), folio, pp. 88 and map, 1905 Is 3d 13142 Landon (Percival) Lhasa : an Account of the Country and People of Central Tibet, and of the Progress of the English Mission, 1903-4, maps and illustrations, 2 vols, royal Svo, cloth. 1905 V £1 Is Mr. Landon was Times correspondent with Gen. Younghusband's Mission— the only correspondent present at the first battle on the Karo La. His book abounds with descriptions of Tibetan scenery and picturesque details of the inhabitants. 13143 Millington (Powell) To Lhassa at Last, 12mo, cloth. 1905 2s 13144 Pratt (A. E.) To the Siiows of Tibet through China (1889-90), map and illustrations, royal Svo, cloth. 1892 4s *u "^^wu^^ experiences during a voyage up the Yangtse to Ichang, with excursions through the province of Se-chuen, through the Gorges of the Yangtse to Washan, iii^i.A^ journevs to Ta-tsien-lu, in Eastern Tibet, with account of the inhabitants. nntL^ofJ? anV'*"?^' ^"^^"^ tea; ascent of Mt. Omei, priests and temples there, mmmSn« i?!f f J-*T^: execution of Tibetans, and photo-views of the snowy mountains, lists of birds, insects, reptiles, &c. 13145 Ralston (W. R. S.) Tibetan Tales, translated from the Tibetan of theKah-Gyur by Von Sehiefner, Englished by Ralston (Trubner's Oriental Series), Svo, cloth. 1882 8s C8oma'"K^^rkwLi;;*^?'^f*/i?° ^o^^^i^^ a.b"ef narrative of the life and work of th^?ffinmp?nV^f.T*-''^-*^l'^^'^^''/^"°SS of Tibet, their Sanskrit origin, and the aamties of the stories in the present collection with European folk-tales. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. Tibet 735 13146 Rawling (Capt. C. G.) The Great Plateau: an Account of Exploration in Central Tibet, 1903, and of the Gartok Expedition, 1904-5, lyia'ps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 15s Capt. Rawling's second journey was through an absolutely unknown country. At Shigatse, the largest town in Tibet, the highest officials and ecclesiastics were visited and the monasteries and forts explored. The Brahmapootra was traced to its source, and both the holy Manasarowar Lake and the Kailas Peak were visited. The party returned to Simla through Gartok and the Indus and Sutlej valleys. 13147 Exploration of Western Tibet >^ and Rudok in 1903, map and 10 inwstmtions—GEOG. Joub., April, 1905 (Vol. XXV. pp. 414- 429) UM 13148 Ryder (Major C. H.) Exploration and Survey with the Tibet Frontier Commission, and from Gyangtse to Simla via Gartok, Tplan of Lhasa, map, and 12 illustrations— Geog. Joub., Oct , 1905 (XXVI. 369 95). Is 6d 13149 Sandberg (Rev. S. L. Graham) The Exploration of Tibet : its History and Particulars, 1623-1904, map and plan, 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1904 5s 13151 Schlagintweit (Dr. Emil) Buddhism in Tibet, Illustrated by Literary Documents and Objects of Eeligious Worship, witt Account of the Buddhist Systems preceding it in India, 20 plates, royal 8vo, cloth ; Atlas of 20 plates, folio, cloth. 1863 £2 15s The text includes a Sketch of the Life of Sakyamuni (Buddha), a History and Development of Buddhism, Sacred Literature, Laws, System, Organization, Monas- teries, Temples, Calendars, Chronology, Astrology, of the present Lamaic Institu- tions, and a Bibliography of Buddhism and Glossary of Tibetan Terms. 13152 ' Buddhism in Tibet, another copy of the Text, with plates (but without the Atlas), royal 8vo, cloth. 1863 . 18s 13153 Le Bouddhisme au Tibet, traduit de 1' Anglais Milloue (Annales de Mus^e Guimet, Tome III.)) plates, 4to, sewed. Paris, 1881 14s 13154 (H. A. und R. von) Reisen in Indien und Hochasien : der Landschaft, der Cultur und Sitten der Bewohner, in Verbindung mit ][^limatischen und Geologischen Verbal tnissen, 1854-58, maps and plates, 3 vols, royal 8vo, half-morocco. Jena, 1869-72 £1 5s Travels in Western, Southern, Central, N.W. India and Bengal, to Kashmir, Tibet, the Karakorums, Yarkand, and Kashgar. Vol. I. India, with 2 maps and 9 illustrations. Vol. II. The Himalayas of Bhotan and Kashmir, with 10 illustrations.^ Vol. III. Tibetan Himalayas, Karakorums, &c., map and 8 illustrations. 13155 Waddell (Col. L. A.) Lhasa and its Mysteries, maps, coloured and other illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1905 14s With accounts of the institutions, political and religious, of Tibet. 13156 Younghusband,(Sir Frank) The Geographical Results of the Tibet Mission (1904), map and 8 illustrations— Geog. Jour., May, 1905 (XXV. 481-98) Is 6d 83 J High Street, Ma/rylebone, London, W, 7^36 Francis Edwards's Catalogue WESTERN AND RUSSIAN CENTRAL ASIA: Asia Minor, Cyprus, Armenia, Kurdistan, Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Arabia, Persia, Khiva, Bokhara, Oxus and Pamir Regions, Afghanistan and Baluchistan. [^Continued from pp. 1 to 64; 545-591. 13160 Adler (Cyrus) Two Persepolitan Casts in the U.S. National Museum, 2 plates, royal 8vo. Washington, 1895 2s Kept. U.S. Mus., 1893, pp. 749-753. 13161 [Afghanistan, &c.] The Dangers of British India from French Invasion and Missionary Establishments, with Account of the Countries between the Caspian and the Ganges, by a late Resident at Bhagulpore, 8vo (pp. iv-153). 1808 os 13162 On the Practicability of an Invasion of British India, by [Sir] De Lacy Evans, 8vo (pp. 8-lviii-147), and map. 1829 4s Means of transport, military routes, &c., with resources of the Indian Empire. See also Hanna, p. 744 ; Bruce, p. 597 ; Durand, p. 116 ; Fisher, p. 588 ; Thorburn, p. 750; and other references, p. 164. 13163 Afghan War (First), 1838-42. Narrative of the Campaign in Sind and Kaubool, 1838-9, by D. R. Hartley Kennedy, 8 vietvs of Ghuzni, Khelaut, &c., 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1840 5s 13164 Narrative of the War under Lord Keane 1838-9, by [Sir] Henry Havelook, maps, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1840 Qs 13165 Narrative of Major W. Hough, map, views of Candahar, Ghuznee, and Cabul, 8vo, cloth. 1841 6s With orders, descriptions of the country, and a history of the Daoranee Empire. 13166 Journal of the Disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-42, by Lady Sale, map and plans, 12mo, cloth. 1843 2s 6d 13167 The Military Operations at Cabul, 1842, Retreat and Destruction of the British Army, with Journal of the Imprisoned Officers, by [Sir] Vincent Eyre, 12mo, cloth. 1843 2s 6d 13168 Eyre's Military Operations and Journal, another (fourth) edition, with 32 portraits and views, 12mo, half-mor. 1843 7s 6d 13169 Portraits of the Cabul Prisoners, 32 coloured plates, with names added in ink, mounted in neat portfolio. [1843] (rare) £1 5s Portraits of Shah Shoojah, Mahomed Akharkhan. Prince Futty Jung, Sir Wm. Macnaghton. Sir Alex. Burnes, Lady Sale, Majors Eldred Pottinger and Charles Griffiths, Capts. Lawrence, Colin Mackenzie, Troup, Boyd, Johnson, J. B, Conolly, Anderson, James Skinner, Airey, Bygrave, Lieuts. H. B. Melville, Haughtoo, V. Eyre and Mrs. Eyre, Waller and Mrs. Waller, and Lieut. Mein, the Fort where Gen. Elphinstone died, Prison at Shewukkee, Prison Scene, Bameean Caves and Carved Colossal Figures, Alexander's Column. ^S^ Hi^h Street, Mofl-ylehomi London^ W, \ W'ester7i and Hussimi Central Asia 737 First Afghan War— continued. 13170 History of the War in Affghanistan, from the Journal and Letters of an Officer high in Rank, edited by Charles Nash, map and portrait of Sir Robert Sale, 12mo, cloth. 1843 5s 13171 Diary of a March through Sinde and Affghanistan, with Major Nott's Troops, by Rev. I. N. Allen, with panoramic vieiu of Kabul, and other sketclieSf 12mo, cloth. 1843 2s 6d 13172 Narrative of the Campaign in Afghanistan, under Gen. Pollock, by Lieut. Greenwood, map and 5 vieivs of Cabul, Jumrood, &c., 12mo, cloth. 1844 4s 13173 Journal of March from Delhi to Peshawar and Cabul, with Lieut.-Col. Wade's Mission, and Narrative of Operations in the Khyber Pass, 1839, by Lieut. Wm. Bare, 5 plates, 12mo, cloth. 1844 4s 13174 History of the Wai* in Afghanistan, from the Letters and Journals of Political and Military Officers, by [Sir] J. W. Kaye, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1851 8s 13175 The Afghan War, 1838-42, from the Journal and Corre- spondence of General Augustus Abbott, Bengal Artillery, by C. R. Low, plan, 8vo, cloth. 1879 5s 13176 The First Afghan War and its Causes, by General Sir H. Marion Ddrand, 8vo, cloth. 1879 7s 6d 13177 The Kabul Insurrection, 1841-42, Svo, cloth. 1879 4s Corrected from Lt. Eyre's MS. by Gen. Sir Vincent Eyre, and edited by Gen. Mallesou. 13178 Afghan War (The Second), 1878-80. Official Account, Abridged . Published for the Government of India. In the press. See also Argyll (p. 58), Ashe (p. 586), Bruce (p. 597), Colquboun (p. 59), Eastwick (p. 59), Gregson (p. 743), Hanna (p. 744), Henj^man (p. 688), Lytton (p. 181), Mitford (p. 62), Eobertson (,C. G., p. 590), Shadbolt (p. 63), Roberts (pp. 221), Le Messurier (p. 679). Afghan Frontier and Frontier Wars, see Adye Holdich Paget Slessor Argyll Hutchinson Punjab Thorburn Boulger Jacob Rawlinson Vambery Bruce Lumsden Roberts Warburton Curzon Lytton Robertson White Durand McFall Sandeman Yate Edwardes McGregor Shadwell Younghusband Hanna Marvin Showers "Buster" Brown. 13179 Arabian Nights (The), translated by Rev. Edward Forster, with 24 engravi7igs from paintings by Robert Smirke, extra large- paper ISSUE, 5 vols. 4to, full morocco extra. 1802 £7 13179b Same edition, 24 engravings by Smirke, 5 vols. 8vo, half- calf gilt. 1802 £2 5s For other editions, see pp. 36, 37 ; 568. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 738 Francis Sdwdrdss Catalogue 13180 Atkinson (James) Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia, their Domestic Superstitions, &c., 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). 1832 ^* 13181 Translation of the Shah Nameh of Firdausi, 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). 1832 lis 13132 Translation of Laili and Majnun from the Persian of Nazami, 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). 1836 2s 6d 13183 Sketches in Afghanistan, 26 joZaies, with Descriptions, imp. folio, half-morocco. 1842 Contains views on the Sutlej, in the Bolan and Koojah Tasaes, Candahar, Cabul, Kwettah, Ghuznee, and other fortresses and citadels, Maidan Valley ; sketches of Afghans, Belooches, tomb of Baber, portraits and costumes. 13184 and Hart (Capt. Lockyer Willis) Character and Costume of Afghanistan, being a Second Series of Sketches, 26 'plates and map, with descriptions, imp. folio, half-mor, 1843 Including views of the Khyber Pass, Gates of Somnauth, Bolan and Kohistan Rangers, portraits of Dost Mahomed, Shah Shoojah, Gilgee chiefs, streets and bazaars in Cabul, Jellalabad, Kurrachee, Dadur, Khelat, &c. 13185 Fifty-five Original Artists' Sketches, in Water- Colours and Ink, comprising panoramic Views and Portraits of British Officers and Ladies, Afghan Chiefs and Native Soldiers, and other Draw- ings mounted in an Album, together with a Set of ilie 26 published plates f engraved by Louis Haghe in 1842, the whole bound in 1 vol. oblong folio, half-morocco £6 Many of the original portraits and sketches in this collection served as studies for the lithographer, and most of them are highly finished artistic drawings. The following may be specially mentioned : Crossing the Indus ; The Bolan Pass ; Belooches in the Bolan Pass ; Three Captured Belooches ; Caubul from the Bala Hissar, Aug. 15, 1839 (panorama) ; Palace of Shah Shoojah ; Surrender of Dost Mahomed (Nov. 3, 1810; to Sir Wm. Macnaghten ; the Governor's Place of Refuge during the Capture of the Fortress ; Jeelum ; Children at Play ; Portraits of Sir R. Sale, Begum Jan, Khanum Jan, Shunder Deen Khan, Alum Sherreo, Hadjee Khan Yanker, the renowned Nasir-oo-Doulah, the Cossid Dulla Mahomed, Walee Mahomed, Khan Sheeren, Naib Mahomed Shureef Khan, Chev. Gen. Avilabile, and many other chiefs ; also sketch from the Salt Agents House, Tamlook, March, 1818 (two views) ; Burial Ground, Tamlook, Feb., 1818 ; On the Hooghly, August, 1820 ; Chinsurah, August, 1820 ; House in Garden Reach, 1822 ; Sir H. Compton's- House, Aug., 1820 ; The Grove, Sept., 1820 ; Panoramic View of Island of Ascension, April 11, 1826 ; Ascending Vesuvius, May, 1830 (two water colours). 13186 Badger (Dr. G. P.) English - Arabic Lexicon, in which the Equivalents for English Words and Sentences are rendered into literary and colloquial Arabic, imperial 4to, cloth. 1881 (pub. £9 9s) £2 2s 13187 Benjamin (S. G. W.), U.S. Minister. Persia and the Persians, with 57 illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth. 1887 15s ' Journey from the Black Sea to Teheran, Physical Aspects of the Country, City of Teheran, Races of Persia, the Court ana Royal Family, Mountaineering, ArtL Religious Sects, Resources, Trade, Laws, &c. »» r 13188 Biblical Archaeology— Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archseology, witji facsimiles, folding plates of inscriptions, &c., 9 vols. 1872-93 ; also the Proceedings, 1878-1902, 24 vols, in 18 vols. : __ in all 2/ vols, half morocco, gilt tops ^212 12s 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W» Western and Hussian Central Asia 739 13189 Blanford (W. T.) Zoology and Geology of Eastern Persia, including adjacent Countries, with Zoological map, and 28 'plates (18 o/ mammals and birds coloured) ; also Physical Geography by Major Oliver B. St. John, Narrative of Journey in Baluchistan by Major Beresford Lovett, and Missions by Major Euan Smith, 1870- 1872, with Introduction by Sir Frederic Goldsmith, maps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1876 12s Narratives of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, and the ftrst attempt to give anything like a complete account of the animals occupying the districts mentioned.*^ Many of the foi-ms are characterigtic of the fauna of India, Central and Western Asia. 13189b Bliss (Dr. F. J.) Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-97, plans and illustrations by A. C. Dickie, 8vo, cloth. 1898 10s Discoveries of Church at the Pool of Siloam, in the Mt. of Olives, Tyropoeon Valley, Walls of Jewish Cemetery, &o. 13190 Blochmann (Prof.) Contributions to Persian Lexicography, 8vo, pp. 72. 1868 28 6d 13191 Bonvalot (Gabriel) Through the Heart of Asia over the Pamir to India, translated from the French, ivith map and 250 illustrations, 2 vols, imperial 8vo, cloth. 1889 10s 6d Journey across the Pamir plateau from Kussian Turkestan through Wakhan, over the Hindu Kush, and through Kashmir to India. See also Tibet, p. 430. 13192 [Bordone] Libro di Benedetto Bordone nel qual si ragiona de tutti risole del Mondo con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, fauole, & modi del loro uinere, & in qual parte, del mare stanno, & in qual parallel© & clima giaciono. Con il Breve di Papa Leone. M.D.xxviii. folio, vellum ^„)^ Impresse in Vinegia per Nicolo d'Aristotile, detto Zopj^i^pj^.j^lgjle^Y^s and preliminary leaves, including plans of Europe and Asia Minbf! ^ ^-i . riw. Well-preserved copy of first,. edition' of 'this' esteenie^ .^6?^/' W double page plan of yenice (two le3.v^8), which has been torn ont. In" three hooksl' The first coutaihs Ine preliminary wood block plans of Kurope und Asia Minor and' smaller maps in the text of Iceland, Ireland, England, Ptolemy's British Isles, BilitariDy,,'the Azores arid S-pain, Noi«^ttyj Laibrador, Git:fi of . Tiemistitan (Mej:a!?o^)J Japfaica, Hispani9,ljg,,;find ;t!ti§- Jlilf^lnianid; ■Efi&paniojai, iJai^ipfi., ; .Cuba». rCaBibbees, Guadalupe, Martinique, Porto Santo, Madeira, (^anaries' arid W." Africa, ' Cape de Verdes, Atlantic Islands (Brasil,&c.) and Cadiz— some of the earliest maps of the new wx>i\l?-';.BOoUt\l^iSC.O}B, Isole di Satyri, &c., Ma^Sgtlscai^tod Zanfcibhr,;atid!Tapi?obuna (-Stimdtlia). lS^19t^[Bcir(i6nb]*Isolari')£4 •-'"A''ri6W feditid^'iif th^ preC'^dJn^'\vOYk/With 10'i)i4liAitfrt'i^y^''!'4ttye^,>te t! }d^f?{fM iiX^ljn.),'the'plaii of Mexico occunving the fifistff^iCgdibfi/ftilio X., d that ^*^inio*-th<^iimierpag<^P (if folios XXIX. and XXX. . uxtri o/lJ Jo 8Sl ffi^^S^'ei^\M^yidh(m'yyJ^^ PT^ 740 Francis Edwards^s Catalogue 13194 [Breydenbach (Bernhardt von)] Dis buch ist innhaltend die heilige reysen gain Jherusalem zu dem heiligen grab vnd furbasz zu der hocbgelobten jungfrorven vond merceryn sant Katheryn. [figure — Church of the Holy Sepulchre], folio, 122 leaves, vellum. [Mayentz ? I486]. (Wants View of * Jerusalem.') £3 The first edition in German, illustrated with 16 wood engravings including 2 large views of Parens and Corfuo, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (on title-page and on folio 22), 6 groups of Turks, Greeks, Saracens, &c., and 6 specimens of alphabets, Hebrew, Greek, Armenian, &c. All the initial letters are separately engraved and pasted on. Title page mounted. 13196 Bruce (Richard I.) The Forward Policy and its Results; or, Thirty-five Years' Work amongst the Tribes on N. W. Frontier of India, map fS portraits, and other illustrations, SYO,cloth» 1900 8s Chapters on the Condition of Frontier and Tribes, 1862-88 ; Working of the Policy, 1868-76 ; Sandeman's Mission to Khelat, 1876-77 ; Occupation of Quetta, 1877 ; Afghan War, 1878-81 ; Tribal Disturbances, Settlement of Harris, Bugtis, and Kakars, Zhob Expedition, &c., 1881-85 ; VVaziri and Sherani Affairs, 1887-91 ; Kabul Intrigues, Opening of the Tochi, 1895-96 ; Conclusions and Recommendations. 13197 Budge (Dr. Wallis) The Histories of Rabban Hormizd the Persian and Babban Bar-'idta ; also the Metrical Life of Rabban Hormizd by Rabban Sergius, translated from the Syriac, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1902 15s Luzac's Semitic Series, Vols. X. and XI. 13199 Burckhardt (J. L.) Travels in Syria and the Holy Land (1810-16), portrait, maps, and plans, 4to, half-calf. 1822 lis Journeys from Damascus to Lebanon, the Haouran, Arabia Petrsea, and Mt. Sinai, with account of the Ryhanlu Turkmans and the Hadj route to Mekka. 13200 Travels in Arabia, comprehending the Sacred Territories, map and plates, 4to, half-calf. 1829 £1 4s " The credit due to Burckhardt is not for seeing many things in much of Arabia, but for seeing much in a little of it Few travellers have left so little for the man who may come after them. His descriptions of Jidda and Mecca are truly encyclopaedic."— Hogarth. 13201 Arabic Proverbs, Translated and Explained by J. L. Burckhardt, edited by Ouseley, 4to, half-calf. 1830 14s See also p. 565. 13202 Burton (Sir Richard) Life of, by Thomas Wright, tuith U plates, 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 1906 £1 4s An exhaustive and trustworthy biography of this great traveller and Oriental scholar. List of Burton's works on application. 13203 Burton (Isabel, Lady) The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land, 1 vol. 12(no, cloth. 1884 3s 6d 13204 Chardin (Sir John) Travels into Persia (1671-73), portrait, map, and 11 plates, folio, CB.\t 1686 15s Contains a description of Persia and its people, their government, manners, customs, arts, industries, with illustrations of the ruins of Persepolis. See also p. 572. 13205 Chodzko (A.) .Specimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures and Improvisations of Kurroglou, the Bandit Minstrel of Northern Persia; and in Songs of the People of the Shores of the Caspian Sea, 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). 1842 9s 8S, High Street, MaryUhoTie, London, W. Western and Russian Central Asia 741 13206 Conolly ([Oapt.] Arthur) Narrative of an Overland Journey to India, in 1830, ma'pand illustrations, 2 vola. 8vo, boards. 1834 6s 13207 Revised edition, with new map, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1838 9s Capt. Conolly travelled from St. Petersburg and Moscow over the Caucasus to Tiflis, Teheran, and into the Turkoman country ; thence to Meshed, Herat, Kandahar, Pishin, Quetta. He describes the Afghan tribes, and has an article on the possible Kussian invasion of India. He was afterwards, with Colonel Stoddart, murdered at Bokhara. See Wolff, p. 751. 13208 C ory at 's Crudities, hastily gobbled up in France, Savoy, Italy, &c., reprinted from the rare edition of 1611, with his Letters from India, Oration, Character, Death, &c., facsimile illustrations, portraits, engraved on copper, 3 vols. 8vo, calf. 1776 {scarce) £4 See note, p. 101. 13209 Coryat's Crudities^ Reprint of the Original Edition of 1611, with facsimile title-page, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Glasgow, 1905 £158 This edition does not contain "Tom's" last letters from Ajmere and the few fragments given by Purchas in ' His Pilgrimes.' 13210 Curzon (Hon. Robert) Visits to Monasteries in the Levant, new edition, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1881 3s 6d Egypt, the Natron Lakes, Convent of the Pulley, Euined Monastery at Thebes,' the Island of Philas ; Jerusalem and Monastery of St. Sabba, Monasteries of Meteora, of Mt. Athos, and their Libraries. 13211 Cyprus. Through Cyprus with the Camera in the Autumn of 1878, by John Thomson, unth 60 photographs, 2 vols. 4to, cloth. 1879 £1 6s 13212 Collection of 27 Parliamentary Papers and Reports on Cyprus and Malta, in 1 vol. folio, half-calf. 1881-6 £1 13213 From Cyprus to Zanzibar, by the Egyptian Delta: Adventures of a Journalist in the Isle of Love, the Home of Miracles, &c., by Edwakd Vizetelly, with photo-illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1901 3s 6d 13214 Cyprus; its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples: Researches and Excavations, 1865-75, by General Louis Palma Di Cesnola, maps and 200 illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1877 20s With Appendices, (1) On the Rings and Gems in the Treasure of Curium, by G. W. King; (2) on the Pottery of Cyprus, by A. S. Murray; (3) Greek; (4) Cypriote, and (5) Phoenician Inscriptions. 13215 Descriptive Atlas of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 450 large plates, chiefly coloured, 15 parts, folio, as issued. 1886-1903 £15 Exhibiting several thousand specimens of Pottery, and objects in gold, in precious stones, in silver, bronze, and iron, in rock crystal and glass, in Egyptian pottery, in Phoenician and Greek alabaster, in native stone of basaltic texture or voicmic origin, in ivory and bone, and in lead, together with engraved cylinders on inscribed stones, Phoenician, Cypriote, and Greek, &c. The descriptive text is designed to note all the features and characteristics of the objects, not only those which are obvious from an examination of the plates, but al«o those which are visible in the objects themselves by the aid of a powerful glass under variations of light and shade. 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W, 742 Frcmds Edwards's Catalogue 13216 Cyprus. Salaminia: its History, Treasures, and Anti- quities, by Major Alex. Palma di Cesnola, with Introduction by Dr. Birch, ma'p and 700 illustrations , imp. 8vo, cloth. 1882 9s Major di Cesnola assisted his brother in his archaeological excavations, 1865-75, and subsequently continued them on its own account during 1876 to 1879, discover- ing the 14,000 objects comprised in the "Lawrence- Cesnola Collection," and described in his 'Album' published in 1881, containing about 1,000 illustrations, of which the present work forms a second and cheaper edition. 13217 Cyprus Antiquities; Album of 60 large photographs^ containing many hundred illustrations of pottery j glass, terra cotta, metal workf statuary, &c., from specimens excavated in the Island, with Sketch of its History, &c., oblong folio, half-morocco. 1881 £1 15s 13218 A Handbook of Cyprus, by Sir J. T. Hutchinson and C. Delaval Cobham, map and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1905 28 6d See also pp. 548-549. 13219 D'Anville, Nouvelle Carte de la Mer Caspienne, 10| in. by 20 in. 1754 3s 6d 13220 Dapper (Dr. 0.) Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel i dfeif Middelantsche Zee, numerous plates, io\iOy:vB]\n.m^[i Amsterdam, 1688 . lo lii'i/iio'3 .'5t»lijJ no'ii«>l 8fli ,3(1^(33 128 Cyprus, Rhodes, Candia,- Saniio4^oTP^eieHe,^.|^^ VMm^^^N^F- V rQ laloiin. 1723 (>Y<.t3s6d ia22-3H3^lp|hijqetO©ei {Mov^i MQimii^mrt)- Ac?ouft^i^eti^)Kingdonii<:fit ri. Caubul (inijltD^eg .t1j(9j^«fiJwWi qWP!ri^Jngjfl5flfi«?i>ltjM^, Afghan ^Ifeogra^y , ctiniaite, and ' natural histdry ' of M^rii&kn, ^^Mi&^J ?i^guage, i^M^h. pdeti-y, aL^Wcnlttri-^, knd govei'Tii^ent'of the'inhabitant8i'wfm^dfesfeription of^ri^hbouring tribes and countries (Caufiristan, &;c.), Mr. Iwfe's-diOTdtive of hi|4fW/M[^ exj^jjt fr^,iji^j^i^ut. Macartney's Memoir, ^jad a^^p^Wo^ vo^abula^|io^> ^ AKJA'i .." ; ' rr- " /See 'al'so pp. p9, 129^ and 58d. - > ' r' ^^ \ .,., _ ^,,5^ 1(^23 [Evers ( )] A Journal ke\pt on a Journey from ',B;i^^ra to Y(j ,mi3ftgdaa, m^r ,the.j;^e^^rJi,t9! A^l^PPOr I^hodes, Cyprus, Zante,;Pg(^fa, (i) :;l«ndiQtjrantoiiH/.Itftly/in(J77ai;(3yo, half-calf. Horsham, 178^1. .7/ Stfl) 13224 Evliya E f en di. Travels in Europe, ' Asia, and Africa in ^iie '♦^•"'"iSeVetiteehtli'^!(b^^tdify"C1^^0-70^, itraniilafted frOW^thy Turkistl ^yl Oct .:rfy"^]^Ifiti6nelf,/^VblS.-'4t(^(0.'fVltj)i.r ni dfM-Hu)MifiA 15s ^'^\%f^, oa^-HfiStie %Sost extensV'i'^'bf^ilra4^^VWa^l'^Wa'6he8>^b^ih8W^^^^^ etnloassies and visited Vienna, the Netherlands, and Sweden, returning by way of tb*t .Hrjjpae^^i He 8UbF«quently traveled through Anatolia apd Syria 10. EvKerum, Tabui^.ftad 1 Persia, v^g|it^d,, Bagdad. Mecca, Egypt. The accounts pf the ,coiua,tri0^. vieiteaiape, faithfuliand fuU-respecially his excursions in apd.arp^ad, C|on§tantinQpJ§,| 1^2l^-'!^^riei*"(;r: ^^t:) '<:^^rayan Joumeys in' Per^if^,; 'Afgjiaiiigt^^; ^o j..jiffi*f?l^^*<^f^» £^i?4 Belpochistan, with Notices of t^e Countries between ,89ir.l(iB»S8i*and!iia4ia, wap and illiLairations, 8yo, cloth, _, 1$50 , , 3^§4t li'^Mr', 'FeBftil«h,lia^ Kandahar, over the Helmund, among the Beloooh iind Afghan tribesi iiw 184Suii >'>.»!l^ 83\ M^h'^^etyMa^^/hho^iBf'i/irtJ^iih) JFV, Western and Russian Central Asia 743 13226 Forbes (Duncan) The Adventures of Hatim Tai ; a Romance from the Persian, 4to, cloth (O.T.F.). 1830 10s 13227 Fosbery (Major), V.C, The Umbeyla Campaign, 1863, with plan— J.R.U.S. Inst., 1867 (XL pp. 548-68), 8vo, boards 3s Over the Indus, within the border of Afghanistan. 13228 Fraser (J. Baillie) Travels in Koordistan, &c., with Sketches of the Koords and Arabs, 2 vols. 8vo, half-calf. 1840 6s Descriptions of Tabreez, Ooroomia, Suleimaniah, Baghdad, Teheran, accounts of the Nestorians ; capture of Ispahan by Sir H. B. Lindsay ; ruins of Babylon, &c. See also p. 26. 13228b Travels in the Caspian Provinces of Persia, with Notices of the Geology and Commerce, 4to, calf. 1826 7s 13229 Glen (J.) Genealogical Catalogue of the Kings of Armenia, and other Translations from the Persian, &c., 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.). 1834 6s Miscellaneous Trans. O.T.F., Vol. II. 13230 Goldsmid (Sir F. J.) Telegraph and Travel, Narrative of Journeys through Asiatic Turkey, Persia, and Baluchistan (1861- 1872), ma'ps and numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1874 48 6d An interesting record of the Indo-European telegraph — from its inception to its completion, with notices of the countries traversed by the lines. Eastern Persia. See Blanford, p. 739. 13231 Gordon (Col. T. E.) The Roof of the World : Narrative of a Journey over the High Plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier and the Oxus Sources on Pamir, map and 66 drawings done on the spot, royal 8vo, cloth. 1876 £1 Col. Gordon was attached to Sir Douglas Forsyth's Mission to Kashgar in 1873-4. 13232 Gregson (Rev. J. Gelson) Through the Khyber Pass to Sherpore Camp, Cabul, portraits and views, 12mo, cl. 1883 2s 6d An account of the march of the Cabul Field Force, 1879-80, and of Temperance Work among the Soldiers. 13233 Groves (Anthony), Missionary/. Journal of a Residence at Bagdad, 1830-31, 12mo, half-calf. 1832 3s 13234 Hadji Khan and Sparroy (W.) With the Pilgrims to Mecca, A.H. 1319 (A.D. 1902), Introduction by Prof. Vamb^ry, 8vo, cloth. 1905 12s 6d "An account of the Haj written by a devout Mohammedan and shrewd observer who had free access to every place : though a Musulman he had a thorougn English education."— G^eo^. Journal. 13235 Hafiz. The 'Awarlfu-l-Ma-arif, Thirteenth Century, written by Shaikh Shahabu-d-Dm 'Umar bin Muhammad-i-Sahrwardi, trans- lated from the Persian into English by Col. Wilberforce Clarke, 4to, white cloth. 1891 Us Companion to Sufi-ism to the Divau-i-Khwaja Hafiz. 13236 Poems of Hafiz of Shiraz, done into English Verse, with Biographical and Critical Introduction by John Payne, 3 vols. 8vo, vellum. (Villon Society), 1901 £3 See also pp. 52 and 579. 83, High Street, Marylehone, London, W. 744 Francis Edwards^ s Catalogue 13237 Hakluyt Society Publications, comprising Keprints of rare Early Voyages and Travels in Asia, Africa, and America, edited by eminent Travellers and Scholars, mapsy charts, with fac- similes, &e., First Series, complete, 1847-99, 100 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1848-98 ^'95 *** A number of the volumes are unobtainable separately, being out of print and scarce. A few only are obtainable at advanced prices. The Set includes the undermentioned relating to the Eastern Part of the world. Lists of those relating to Africa, Europe, America, can be had on application. Memorials of Japan, with Will. Adams's Yule> Cathay and the Way Thither. Letters. Mendoza's Kingdom of China. Drake's World Encompassed. Tartar Conquest of China. Middleton's Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco?. India in the Fifteenth Century. Gonzalez de Clavijo's Embassy to Samar- cand, 1403-6. Galvano's Discoveries of the World. Friar Jordanus's Wonders of the East. Vartema's Travels to Syria, Persia, India, &c., 1503-8. Barbosa's E. Africa and Malabar. De Morga's Philippine Islands. Voyages of Vasco da Gama. History of Oman (Arabia). Italian Travels to Persia, 15th and 16th Century. Magellan's Voyage. D'Alboquerque's Conquests. Lancaster's Vo) age to East Indies. Cocks's Diary in Japan, 1615-22. Linschoten's Voyage to India. Jenkinson's Tmvels to Persia. Pyrard of Laval, East India Voyage. Hedges's Diary in India. Pietro de la Valle's Travels, &c. 13240 Hanna (CoL H. B.) India Problems, (1) Can Russia Invade India ? 12mo, cloth. 1895 28 6d Natural Defences, the Passes, Supply and Transport, &c. 13241 (2) India's Scientific Frontier, Where is It? What is It? with map showing Frontiers of 1876 and 1895, 12mo, cloth. 1895 28 6d 13242 (3) Backwards or Forwards? map, 12mo, cloth. [1896] 3s Fortifications, Railways, Cost of the Forward Policy, Russia in Central Asia, &c. 13243 The Second Afghan War, 1878-80: its Causes, its Conduct, and its Consequences, maps, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1899-1904 16s " From first to last the book will well repay study by every one who cares to understand how wars can be made— and avoided."— Tmes. 13244 Herbert (Sir Thoma^) Some Years' Travels into Divers Parts of Africa and Asia the Great ; describing more particularly the Empires of Persia and Industan ; also, other Rich and Famous Kingdoms in Oriental India and Isles adjacent, fourth editio , with additions, engraved title and plates, folio, calf. 1677 I 10s Contains description of the Canary Islands, Teneriff, Angola, Cape c Good Hope, Ethiopia, Madagascar, India, Persia, Armenia, Babylonia, Ceylon, Sumatra, Siam, Java, Japan, China, JSt. Helena, and America. Herbert accompmied Sir Robert Shirley, m 1627, from Gombroon to Bunder Abbas, Susiana, Shiraz,' pahan, in the time of Shah Abbas. He describes the Court, government, and pec le, their customs and language, ruins of Persepolis, &c. 13245 Henry (J. D.) Baku: an Eventful History, with Introductory Note by Sir Boverton Redwood, numerous illustrations and map of the Oil Fields, 8vo, cloth. 1905 12s 6d^ 13246 Hogarth (D. G.) The Penetration of Arabia: a Record of thef Development of Western Knowledge concerning the Arabian Peninsula, maps and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1904 6a 88f High Street, Marylebom, London, W, Western and Russian Central Asia 745 13247 Ives (Edward) Yoyage to India, 1754, and Narrative of Opera- tioDs under Admiral "Watson and Col. Clive. 1755-7. Also Journey from Persia to England, 1758-9, by the Euphrates Valley, Syria, Italy, and Germany, charts mapSf and plates, 4to, cloth. 1773 15a Mr. Ives was surgeon to Admiral Watson. Returning through the Euphrates valley, he visited Baghdad, and made an excursion to the ruin of the supposed Tower of "Babel, of which a representation is given. The appendix contains a full description of Indian trees, shrubs, plants, and medicines. 13248 Jalal-addin al Siuti, History of the Temple of Jerusalem, translated from the Arabic by Rev. James Reynolds, Svo, cloth. (O.T.F.), 1836 9s 13249 Jami. The Nafahtdal-ons min Hadardt al-Qods ; or, the Lives of the Soofis, by Jami, with Biographical Sketch Of the Author by W. Nassau Lees, royal 8vo, balf-russia. Calcuttay 1859 9s See also pp. 52 and 580. * ' 13251 Johnson (Col.) Journey from India to England, through Persia, Georgia, Russia, Poland, and Prussia, fine ooloured and other plates, 4to, calf. 1818 16s 13252 Khallikan (Ibn) Biographical Dictionary, translated from the Arabic by B. MacGuckin de Slane (Oriental Translation Fund), 4 vols. 4to, cloth. 1842-71 £4 13253 Kelman (Rev. John) The Holy Land, with 92 illustratioiis mostly in colour, palnt,ed by J. Falleylove, 8vo, cloth. 1902 £1 "To those who have bt^en in Palestine Mr. Kelman's book will recall much and suggest many new ideas. To those who have not, it will give, perhaps, a more accu- rate impression cf the land and the people than any other work on Palestine." Westminster Gazette. 13254 Koran (The), Sale's Translation, with Preliminary Discourse on the History of Mohammed and Mohammedanism, new edition, with Additional Notes, Index, &c., by Rev. E. M. Wherry, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1896 (pub. £2 8s) £1 A very useful and handy edition in readable type of the one and only book of two hundred millions of men, of which fifty or sixty millions are within the sphere of our (tovernment and influence. 13255 A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran, with copious grammatical references and explanations of the text, carefully revised, and a clue to the intricate passages of the Koran given by John Penrice, 4to, cloth. 1873 (pub. 21s) 12s 6d \* See also pp. 330-332 ; 36-43 ; 568-570. 13'' 7 Kropotkin (Prince) The Orography of Asia, loith 3 maps, and other Papers — Geog. Jour., Feb. and March, 1904 3s 13258 The Desiccation of Eur- Asia, maps and illustrations — Geog. Jour., June, 1904 (XXIII. 722-741) Is 6d 13259 Lane (E. W.) Arabic-English Lexicon, derived from the best and most copious Eastern Sources, 8 vols, royal 4to, cloth. 1863- 1889 (pub. £10) £4 10s 13260 Le Strange (Guy) The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate: Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia, from the Moslem Conquest to the Time of Timur, maps^ 8vo, cloth. CamhridgCf 1905 12s 8S, High Street^ Marylebone, London W. 2 P 746 Francis Edwa/tda^s Catalogue 13261 Libbey (W.) and Hoskins (Dr. F. E.) The Jordan Yalley and Petra, map and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New Yorkf 1905 ^1 13262 Loyson (Madame Hyacirthe) To Jerusalem through the Lands of Islam, among Jews, Christians, and Moslemg, 8vo, cloth. 1906 10s 6d 13263 Macarius (Patriarch of Antioch) Travels in Anatolia, Romelia, Moldavia, Wallachia, Cossack Country, Muscovy, &c. (1653-63), written by Paul of Aleppo in Arabic, translated by F. C. Belfour (9 parts), 2 vols. 4to, cloth. (O.T.F.), 1829-36 £1 13264 Macgregor (John) The "Rob Roy" Canoe on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth, maps and illustrations j 12mo, cloth. 1870 48 13265 Macgregor (Gen. Sir C. M.) Wanderings in Balochistan, 1877, map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth. 1882 5s 6d Major-General Macgregor was accompanied by Capt. Lockwood of the 3rd Punjab Cavalry, who died from the effects of the journey. 13266 Malcolm (Sir John) History of Persia: its Inhabitants, their Government, Religion, Usages, and Character, m£ip and 21 plates, 2 vols, royal 4to, calf (fine copy). 1815 £2 10s 13267 ' Another copy, 2 vols, royal 4to, boards (uncut) £2 See also pp 47, 575. 13268 Malcolm (Rev. Napier) Five Years in a Persian Town (Yezd), map and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. 1905 10s 6d 13269 Malec's (Ebn) Alfiyya; ou, la Quintessence de la Grammaire Arabe, Arabic and French by Baron Silvestre de Sacy, 8vo, cloth. (O.T.F.), 1833 7s 13271 Marvin (Charles) An Eye- Witness's Account of the Disastrous Russian Campaign against the Akhal Tekke Turcomans, maps and plans, 8vo, half-morocco. 1880 7s For other works on Kussian Central Asia, see pp. 581-585. 13272 Masson (Charles) Narrative of Various Journeys and Residence in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Paujab, 1826 38 ; also of a Journey to Kaiat, Account of the Insurrection there in 1840, with Memoir on the Geography, Tribes, Government, Antiquities, Dialects, Manners, Customs, and Natural History of Eastern Balochistan, map and illustrations, 4vols. 8vo, cloth. 1842-43 lis 13273 Another copy, 4 vols. 8vo, half-calf 16s 13274 Massy (Col. P. H. H.) Exploration in Asiatic Turkey, 1896- 1903, 10 illMsts.— Geog. Jour., Sept., 1905 (XXVI. 272-307) Is 6d Travels in the Taurus, Northern Syria, to the Source of the Euphrates, through Kurdistan, to Lake Van, Mt. Ararat, Erzerum, Kars, &c. 13275 Masudi (El) Historical Encyclopedia, entitled * Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems,' from the Arabic by Dr. Aloys Sprenger, Vol. I. (all published), 8vo, cloth (O.T.F.), 1841 Us ^5, Ei^h Street^ MarylehonBy London, W, Wester7i and Russian Central Asia 747 13276 Maundrell (Rev. Henry) A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697, fifth edition, with the Author's Journey to the Euphrates and Mesopotamia, plates, 8vo, calf. Oxford, 1732 3s 13277 Maunsell (Major F. R.) Central Kurdistan, map aoid illus- trations, Geog. Jour., August, 1901 (XVIII. 121-144) Is 6d 13278 Miles (Col. S. B.) Across the Green Mountains of Oman — Geog. Jour., Nov., 1901 (XVIII. 465-498) 13279 Minchin (Capt. C.) Memorandum on the Beloch Tribes, pp. 80. (Punjab Records), 1869 2 s 13280 Mirkhond, The Rauzat-us-Safa. Early Kings of Persia to the Conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great, by D. Shea, 8vo, cloth. (O.T.F.), 1832 68 See also p. 569. 13281 Mohammed. The Rise of Islam, by Prof. D. S. Margouliouth illustrated, 12aio, cloth. (Heroes of the Nations Series), 1905 4. 13282 History of Muhammedanism, containing Life and Cha- racter of the Arabian Prophet, Accounts of the Empires founded by the Arabs, the Codes of the Muselmans, Literature and Sciences of the Saracens and Turks, &c. [by Charles Mills], 8vo, calf. 1817 6s 13283 Akhlak-i-Jalaly. Practical Muhammadan Philosophy, from the Persian by W. F. Thompson, 8vo, cl. (O.T.F.), 1839 lis 13284 The Tohfut-ul-Mujahideen : a History of the First Settle- ment of the Mohammedans in Malabar, and of their subsequent Struggles with the Portuguese, translated from the Arabic by Lieut. M. Rowlandson, 8vo, cloth. (O.T.F.), 1833 68 *,♦ See also Koran, p. 745, and pp. 36-43 ; 330-332, and 568-570. 13285 Mohammed Ben Musa's Algebra in Arabic, with Trans- lation by Rosen, 8vo, cloth. (O.T.F.), 1831 lis 13286 Napier (Col. Elers) Wild Sports in Europe, Asia, and Africa, vntU 7 plates, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1844 7s 6d Account of voyage from India— vt