THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES No. 1. CHARLEMAGNE, though unable to write his own name, pro- moted schools, arts, civilization, and was the most powerful and enter- prising monarch of his day. No. 2. JAMES BOSWELL, the celebrated biographer of Dr. Samuel Johnson. He resembled Johnson as a fly does an elephant, while his self- assurance and impudence have rarely been equalled. No. 3. CINGHALESE, a gentleman from the mountains of Ceylon. No. 4. JOHN LOCKE, a distinguished philosopher. No. 5. TASMANIAN, an aboriginee of Tasmania. His head does not, while his face does, manifest his cruel and cannibal habits. No. 6. LOUD BYRON, a poet of marvellous genius. No. 7. CASSIOS, a famous Roman general, described in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." No. 8. REV. ROWLAND HILL, an English clergyman. No. 9. LAVATER, an eloquent Swiss preacher, poet, and physiognomist. No. 10. PAUL I., Emperor of Russia, as his feeble face indicates, he was one of the weakest rulers in Europe. PHYSIOGNOMY ILLUSTRATED; OK, NATURE'S /,;,, fj . (| REVELATIONS OF CHARACTER. tis-o A DESCRIPTION OF THE MENTAL, MORAL, AND VOLITIVE DISPOSITIONS OF MANKIND, AS MANIFESTED IN THE HUMAN FORM AND COUNTENANCE. BY JOSEPH SIMMS, M.D. THIS WOBK IS THE FRUIT OF NEABLY TWENTY YEABS* DILIGENT OBSEBVATION OF NATUBE, AND PBESENTS A HEW AND COMPLETE ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE POWEBS OF THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY, TOGETHEB WITH THE PHYSIOGNOMICAL SIGNS BY WHICH EVEBY FACULTY IS DISCLOSED. Complete in One Uolumc AND ILLUSTRATED BY UPWARDS OF THREE HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS. ' In Mystic Characters, our Features bear the Motto of our Souls." SIB THOMAS BROWNE. TENTH EDITION. NEW YORK : MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, 129 EAST 28xn STREET. 1891. Entered according to act of Congress In the year 1872 by J. Slmms, M.D., In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, U. 8. A. Entered according to act of Parliament In the year 1872 by J. Simms, M.D., In Stationers' Hall, London, England. COPYRIGHT, 1SS7, BY J. SIMMS. M.D. TWOWS PBINTINO NO BOOKBINDING COMPANY, W~ I r>" PREFACE. THE work here given to the public in the fruit of nearly twenty years' observation and study, in the course of which the discoveries have been made which are herein revealed and formed into a new system of Physiognomy, strictly in accordance with the anatomical structure of the human body. While I am convinced cf the vast importance of the study of Physiognomy, I am further persuaded that if these principles were fully understood and practised, the consequence would be, not only a regene- ration of the human beings now living in the world, but the generation of others far superior to those who now inhabit the earth, and many of whom have come upon it as unwelcome guests. Vice, easily detected, would hide its head, and gradually disappear; while the human race would become refined and ennobled, mentally, morally, and physically, by a true understanding of that which improves it on the one hand, and deteriorates it on the other. The love which I bear towards my species, my intense desire to see the human race what it ought to be, and is capable of becoming, has prompted me to give this publicity to these discoveries in Physiognomy. They 723851 vi PREFACE. include the mental, moral, and volitive dispositions of mankind, as manifested in the human form and counten- ance, together with the signs and principles of each faculty; and they are illustrated by two hundred and fifty Engravings. It has been necessary to coin a number of new words to designate newly discovered faculties, seeing that the English language contained no single terms to express them. To Americans it is necessary also to explain that the work having been printed and stereotyped in Britain, the old style of spelling used in that country has necessarily been employed. PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION. THE large sale of the present work, which has been before the public since 1874, has encouraged me to issue a new edition to meet the demand. It need scarcely be told that the physiogmonical system of Lavater, taking cognizance only of the facial developments and the head, is quite exploded ; and that phrenology, founded on the structure of the cranium according to Lavater' s ideas has proved fallacious. It is my undoubted claim that the system which I have elaborated is the only one now extant that finds any favor among scientific men; proceeding as it does, on the principle that the soul, pervading the human frame throughout, manifests itself in the face, hands, neck, cars, hair, voice, all parts and every habitual movement. These I have been observing and comparing during thirty years of travel in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Great Britain, and Australasia, where I have successfully laboured as a lecturer and examiner of character. Many of the results are em- bodied in the present work ; but I have in preparation another to contain sev- eral new discoveries, which, however, cannot be ready for publication for two or more years. I am also preparing a resume of some recent discoveries respect- ing the human skull and its connection with the brain and the mental powers, the design being to correct the fallacies which have been taught by men ignorant of anatomy and guided by partial observations to some lucky guesses amid numerous mistakes. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. The term Physiognomy Earliest Conditions of the Science Its Progress- Greek Philosophers Roman Authors Middle Ages Authors of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries La vater Act against Physiognomists in George the Second's Reign Surnames taken from Physiognomical Peculiarities Interest Attaching to the Science Every Variation of Bodily Form or Colour corresponds to some Mental Characteristic The Variety contributes to Unity Causes of Physiological Phenomena Development in an Infant Effects of Various Tempers on Feature Physiognomy, a sure and cheap Science, slightly understood by all, thoroughly to few Its Benefits Importance to the Merchant -The Clever Shopman instinctively a Physiognomist how it leads him to act towards various customers Hairdressers Anecdote of a Clever Shopman Universal Application of the Science Evil Results from Ignoring it The Pleasure it Affords The Moral Results of its Culti- vation, . . 3-38 FORMS OF THE HUMAN BODY. Question of Human Responsibility Ancient Classification Author's Clas- sification and Nomenclature: Abdominal Form; Thoracic; Muscular and Fibrous ; Osseous or Bony; Brain and Nerve Possibility of Change from one to the other, 39-44 THE ABDOMINAL FORM. The Facts of Nature Obvious, but the Reasons Obscure Earliest Geolo- gical Animals Abdominal so were the Earliest Men Characteristics of the Abdominal Form Its Disadvantages Anecdote Food Indisposes to Mental Activity How to Cultivate the Abdominal Tendency, or Repress it, . 45-53 THE THORACIC FORM. The Thorax, What Signs of the Thoracic -Mountainous Regions Favour- able to it, and why Its Advantages and Disadvantages, . 54-59 THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. Not Dependent on Size All Art is an Imitation of Nature Two Sets of Muscles Exercise th# Great Developer Dr. Windship Pure Air VI 11 CONTENTS. Needful -Eminent Men who were Muscular Legitimate Rest Need- ful Examples of Life begun in Poverty Modern Aversion to Labour Old English Runners Gymnastics among the Ancitmts Causes of Muscular Degeneracy Signs of Muscular Force, . . . 60-74 THE OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM. Bony Structure gives Firmness Causes; Food, Exercise Honesty allied to the Bony, Examples Signs of this Build Same holds good in Animals Structure Hereditary Early Culture of Bone Men of Genius who combined the Bony and Brain Forms, 75-82 THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. Its Relation to the Others Signs Dr. Spraker Changed Appearance of a Boy through Study Brain Form Exhausting Is Restored by Sleep and Physical Labour Injured by Stimulants or Accidents Astley Cooper's Anecdote Brain Injured by Overfeeding Authors of the 18th Century Abstemious from Poverty Overworking the Brain Hugh Miller Children Overtasked by Teachers, . . . 83-95 LOCALIZING FACULTIES. Demolitiousness and Concealativeness in Nature Not Localized Tendency to Ascribe Locality to Faculties Ancient Modern So with Deity Meaning of the term Faculty Human Faculties are not Localized, but their Signs are, 96-102 THE NUMBER OF FACULTIES IN THE HUMAN MIND. ' Matter and Mind Distinct Mind gives Greatness to Matter No Certain Number of Mental Faculties - Higher Faculties are Products of Cultiva- tion Prayer Christianity Music Language Faculties Propagate Are not alike in All Newton, Columbus, Davy, Stepheuson New Faculties may be Discovered in Future Times, . . . 103-109 THE HUMAN FACULTIES, AND THE PRINICIPLES ON WHICH THEY ARE FOUNDED. A Faculty, What? Variety in Strength rather than Number Every Faculty Two-fold Five Classes Dependent on Bodily Structure : The Selfish Will ; the Active and Courageous ; the Opposing ; the Stedfast ; the Opinionative Mental Faculties derive Support from Corresponding Bodily Materials Appetite Imitation A Man can Perform Nothing but from Elements in Himself Square, Round, Coloured, &c. Limit to the Cultivation of Faculties, . . . . . . 110-122 CLASS I. THE SUPPLY A NT POWERS. ABDOMINAL FORM PREDOMINANT. ACQUIESCIVENESS. Underlying Principles Indications of A cqnieaciveness Causes, . 123-125 CONTENTS. IX ANIMALIMITATIONALITY. Mouth the Principal Seat, 12fl AQUASORBITIVENESS, OR LOVE 01 WATER. Its Use Cause and Operation Signs, ...... 127 PHYSIOELPIDICITY, OB HOPE RELATING TO BODILY WANTS. Signs How Produced, . 128 GRASPATIVENESS, OR LOVE OF GAIN. Signs Cause, 129 ASSOCIATIVENESS, OR DESIRE OF COMPANY. Signs Necessary Bodily Conditions, 130 APPETITIVENESS, OR PROPENSITY TO EAT. Signs Reason 131 RETALIATIVENESS, OR DISPOSITION TO RETURN LIKE FOR LIKE. Signs Examples It Returns Good as well as Evil Requires the Muscular as well as Abdominal Nature of Fluids to be Reflective, . 132, 133 CLASS II. THE PROTECTIVE ABILITIES. THORACIC ASCENDANCY. PACK. SENTINELITIVENESS, OB DISPOSITION TO WATCH. Signs How Developed 134 MORIVALOROSITY, OR MORAL COURAGE. Signs Developed from the Thorax, and manifested in the Nose, . 135 ELEVATIVENESS, OR UPWARD TENDENCY. Signs Origin Twofold Growth Upward and Outward, . . 136 OLFACTIVENKSS, OR SENSE OF SMELLING. Signs Reaching Powers of the Nose, how increased Telescope, . 137 RESISTATIVENESS, OB DISPOSITION TO WITHSTAND. Signs Combative Animals 138 ASSAULTATIVENESS, OR DISPOSITION TO ATTACK. Sign A Bow-shaped Nose, 139 WATCHFULNESS. Signs, 139 SUSPICIOUSNESS. Signs Crow a good Example Owl the contrary- How the Mental Watch- fulness Works the Outward Sign, 140 X CONTENTS. LOCOMOTIVTTY. THK DESIRE AND POWER OF RAPID MOVEMENT, blgns Greyhound, Pike, Sloth Long-shaped Animals Swift, and vie* versa, . 141 INQUISITIVENESS. Skjns Wedge-shaped Pace and Protruding Nose indicative of a Prying Disposition, 142 AMBITIOUSNESS, OR DESIRE OP PRE-EMINENCE. Coarse, Strong, Well-defined Features Napoleon the Great, . 142 AUTOHEGEMONY, OR SELF-ESTEEM. Disposition to Draw the Head Backwards and Upwards Beau Brummel Immanuel Kant, 143-143 CLASS III. THE PROPAGATIVE INCLINATION'S. MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS ASCENDANCY. TEMPORINATURALITIVENESS, OR THE POWER OF APPRECIATING THE LAPSE OF TIME. The Heavenly Bodies Circular in their Forms and Motions - Good Judges of Time round-faced, . . . . . . . . 146 PHYSIOVALOROSITY, OR BODILY COURAGE. Signs Lion Giraffe and Rabbit An English Pugilist A Professor of Belles Lettres, 147, 148 SOPHISTICALNESS, INCLINATION TO FALSE REASONING. Signs, 149 PLAYFULNESS. Signs How Developed, 150 INTERMUTATIVENESS, OR CAPACITY OF SUBSTITUTING ONE THING FOR ANOTHER. How Manifested, 151 PHILOMONOTOPICALNESS, OR THE AFFECTION FOR ONE PLACE. Signs Locative Habits, how produced, 151 TONIRECEPTIONALITY, THE ABILITY FOR APPRECIATING SOUNDS. Round, Outstanding Ear Roundness of Musical Sounds, . 152, 153 CONCEALATIVENESS, OR THE INCLINATION TO HlDE. Signs Flexor or Closing Muscles, 164 ECONOMOSITY, OR MANAGING FACULTY. Signs Franklin, , > . , . 155 C'URVATIVENESS, OR THE CAPACITY FOR APPRECIATING CURVES. Signs The Curved Principle Inherent, 156 ACCUMULATIVENESS, OR DISPOSITION TO GATHER. Signs Earthy Construction, 157 MONOEROTICITY, THE DISPOSITION TO LOVE ONE ONLY. Signs -How Res ol ting, ........ 158 CONTENTS. XI VOLUNTATIVENESS, OR STRENGTH OF WlLL. Signs George IIL How Developed, 159 MERRINESS. Signs And the Principles of its Manifestation, .... 160 PROVIDENTNESS. Signs How Originating and Demonstrated, .... 161 CoNTRATIVENESS, OR DISPOSITION TO ASSUME THE OPPOSITE. Signs Hog Hottentot Napoleon I. Distinguished from Voluntative- ness, 162 POLYEROTICITY, THE DISPOSITION TO LOVE MANY. Signs Belongs to a Low Nature, 163 MNEMONICONOMINALITY, THE POWER OF REMEMBERING NAMES. Signs, 164 CHROMATICALNESS, THE ABILITY TO JUDGE COLOURS. Signs Colour-blind People Eeason, 164, 165 DEMOLITIOUSNESS, THE PROPENSITY TO DESTROY. Signs Strength Necessary Carnivorous Animals Broad Make, 166, 167 PHILONEPIONALITY, LOVE OF THE YOUNG. Signs Produced by Frequent Exercise -- Abundance of the Vital Fluids, . 168 LlNGUISTIVENESS, OR POWER OF SPEECH. Signs Dependent on the Size, &c., of the Organs, . . 169, 170 PHYSIODELECTATIOUSNESS, DELIGHT IN PLEASURES OF SENSE. Signs How Produced, 171 CURATIVENESS, THE ABILITY TO MINISTER HEALTH. Signs -A Transference of Vital Energy, 172 SOLICITIREPUTATIVENESS, OK Lo^E OF PRAISE. Signs Sensitive to External Influences, 173 INEXORABLENESS, OR UNRELENTING DISPOSITION. Signs How Developed, 173 CONSECUTIVENESS, THE CAPABILITY OF CLOSE AND CONNECTED THINKING. Appears in Permanent Wrinkles, where, 174, 175 SONIDIFFUSITIVENESS, THE FACULTY OF VOCAL MUSIC. . Signs Chiefly in the Mouth, 176 I>ECORATIVENESS, THE DISPOSITION TO ORNAMENT. Signs In the Eyes and Eyebrows, 177, 178 HUNTATIVENESS, THE DISPOSITION TO PURSUE. Signs In ths Eye, Forehead, and Carriage of the Head, . 179 SAGACITIVENESS, OR SHREWDNESS. Signs -In the Neck -Napoleon 1 180,181 Xll CONTENTS. TRADATIVENESS, OR THE DISPOSITION TO BARTER. Signs In the Jaw and General Configuration, .... l'<2, 183 ADAPTATIVENESS, OR THE FACULTY OP PERCEIVING FITNESS. Signs In the Chin, 184 CLASS IV. THE COGNIZANT CAPACITIES. BONY FORM PREDOMINANT. DlSCRIMINATIVENESS, OR THE JUDGING FACULTY. Signs In the Eye and Nose-Tip, 185 STRUCTURODEXTERITY, THE MECHANICAL ABILITY. Shewn in Squareness of Face - Complexion Suited for Iron- Working, 186 ORDINIPHYSICALITY, THE DESIRE TO ARRANGE. General Signs, 187 ANGULARITIVENESS, THE ABILITY OF APPRECIATING AI-ios"-i-ty .. .. .. .. .. 147 Sophisticalness, so-fis'-ti-kal-ne'd .. .. .. .. .. .. 149 P.ayfulness, pla'-lul-nes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 Intermutativeness, in-te'r-mu'-ta-tTv-ne's .. .. .. ,, ,. 151 Philomonotopicalness, fi'-lo-mon' o-top-i-kal-nSs .. .. .. .. 151 Tonireceptionality, toV-f-re-sep'-shun-ai'-i-ty .. .. .. .. 152 Concealativeness, koa-see'-la-tiv-na .. .. .. .. .. 154 Eionomosity, e-kon'-6-mos"-slty .. .. .. .. .. .. 155 Curativeness, ku'ra-liv-ne's .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 156 Actumulativeness, ak'-ku-nm-la"-tiv-nes .. .. .. .. .. 157 Monoeroticity, m8n'-6-Sr'-6-tis"-i-ty .. .. .. .. ..158 Voluntativeness, v6'-liin-ta"-tiA r -ne3 . . . . . . . . . . 169 Merriness, meV-i nSs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 160 Providentness, pro'v'-i-de'nt-ne's .. .. .. .. .. .. 161 Contrativeness, kSn'-tra-tiv-n^s .. .. .. .. .. ,. 162 Polyeroticity, pol'-i-Sr-6-ti8"-i-ty .. .. .. .. .. .. 163 Mnemoniconominality, ne-m8n'-i-k8n-8m-i-n^l"-i-ly ,. ,. ,, 164 Chromaticalness, kro-mat'-T-kal-ngs .. .. .. ,, .. .. 164 Demolitiousness, de-mo-lish'-iis-ne's .. .. .. .. .. 166 Philonepionality, fi'-lo-ne'-pe-o-nal"-Y-ty .. .. .. . .. 168 Linguist! ven ess, llng-gwist'-iv-nes Physiodelectatiousness, fiz'-i-6-de-le'k-ta"-shu8-ne's Curativeness, ku'-ra-tlv-nea . . . . . . . . Solicitireputativeness, so-lis'-T-ti-re'p-n-ta"- tiv-ns Inexorableness, in-e'gz'-o-rab-e'l-ne'a .. ., Conaecutiveuesa kfin-sSk'-u-tiv-nes .. .. .. Sonidiffusitiveness, ao-ni-dlf-fu'-ai-tfv-ne's .. .. 169 .. 171 .. 172 .. 173 .. 173 .. 174 .. 176 Decorativeness, dek-6-ra'-tiv-na .. .. . . .. .. .. 177 ii NAME, PUONUNCIATION, ETC., OF KA^H PA.CTJLTT. PA81 HuntativeneB!", hunf-B-tiv-nSs .. ., ; 179 Sagacitiveness, sa-gas-i-tlv-ng* .. .. .. ,. ,, .. 180 Tradativeness, trad'-a-tiv-ne'a .. .. ,. ., ., ,. 182 Adaptativenesa, a-dap'-tS-tiv-nes .. .. ,. . .. .. 183 Discriminativeness, uIs'kiiiu-T-na"-tiv-ne's .. .. . .. .. 185 Structurodt'iterity, 8truk / -tu-r6-dx-ter"-I-ty 186 Ordiniphysicality, 8r'-din-ii-tiz-i-kal"-I-ty .. .. . ., .. 187 Angularitiveness, ang-gu-lar'-i-tiv-n& .. .. 188 Beneficentness, be-nef-i-sSat-nSs .. ., ,. .. .. .. 189 Decisiveness, de- ai'-siv-nes .. .. .. ., .. ., .. 190 Observativeness, 6b-zer'-va-tiv-n8 .. .. .. .. .. .. 191 Peraistenacity, per-zis-ten-a'-ai-ty .. .. .. .. .. . . 192 Rectituditiveneas, rek-ti-tu'-di-tiv-ne's 194 Computationumericality, k&m-pu-ta'-ab.o-nu-me'i-f-kal-Y-ty . . *. 196 Solidativeneas, sfil-l-da'-tiv-nes .. .. .. ,. ., .. 197 Suggeativeneaa, auj-jeV-tiv-nea .. .. ., ., ., .*. 197 Chttracterioscopicity, kar-ak-tSr'-i-6-skd-pia3"-I-ty . . .. . . 198 Amicitiveneas, am-i-si'-tiv-n^a .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 Originativeness, o-rij-m-a'-tiv-nSa .. .. . . .. .. . . 201 Mensurativeness, mn-su-ra'-tiv-nea . . . . . . . . .. 203 Pertinaciousness, pcr-ti-na'-shus-nes .. .. . . t . 20 1 Temporimfchanicality, tem'-po-ri-m^-kan-i-kal'-I-ty .. . .. 205 Practicalitiveness, prak-tl-kal'-i-tiv-n^s .. . . . . .. 206 Reverentialness, rev'-gr-gn"-ahal-nes .. . ,, . .. 207 Ordinimentality, 8r'-dia-i-men-tal"-l-ty .. . .. . .. 209 Presrience, pre'-thens .. .. .. . . . . . . . . ..210 Susceptibleneas, sus-s^p'-tible-nes .. .. .. .. .. ..211 Mentimitaliveness, ment-im-i-ta-tiv-nSs .. .. .. .. ..212 Affdblenesa, af-able-na 21? Salitiveness, sal'-i-tiv-n^s .. 214 Sublimitasity, siib llm-K-tas'-i-ty ..215 Futuritiveness, fu-ture'-i-tiv-nes .. .. .. . . . . .. 216 j&atheticalneas, ace-thet'-i-kal-ngs 217 Carefulness, kair'-fttl-ngs 218 Spementality, ape-m^n-tal'-i-ty 21f Puritativeness, pu-ri-ta'-tiv-ngj .. .. .. .. .. .. 221 Intuitiveneas, In-tu'-Tt-Tv-nes .. .. .. .. .. .. 22? Literativeness, Ift'-tgr-a-tiT-ngs 223 Cleanness, kleen'-nea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 224 Pitifulness, plf-I-ful-c^s 225 Imaginativeness, Im-maj'-in- a- tiv-ns .. .. .. .. ,. 22P Faclimemoriativenes^, fak'-ti-ni^in-6"-ri-S-tiv-n28.. .. .. .. 228 Prudentiality, prii dgn-ahe-al'-ll-ty 234 Credulousness, kr&T-u-lus-ne'a .. . . .. .. .. .. 23i Courteousness, kort'-yiis-nes .. .. .. . . .. ., .. 236 Attentivenesa, at-t^n'-tlv-ne's . . .. .. .. .. .. 237 Sympatheticalness, slm-pa-the't'-T-kal-iie'a .. .. .. .. 238 Gracefulness, graisa'-f til- He's .. .. 240 PrOiperativeness, prSs-speY-a-tlv-ne's .. .. .. .. 242 Phyaioharmonitiveness, liz-i-o-har-mon'-i-ttv nSs.. ,. ,. 248 Proportionativen^ss, pro por'-ahiia-ate-Iv-nes .. t .. 214 Deduct! veneaa, de-duk'-tiv-nea . . .. 2i6 Nor*. Prone unce a as a in fate ; a an in fat; a as in father. e as e in me; in mt. w i as i in fine ; t as in fin. obaoinno; o as in i5t. a as u in pure ; u as in >ut ; (i aa u in rxile. INTRODUCTION. FOR the science upon which we propose to treat, a science so comprehensive in its grasp, and embracing, as it does, those mysterious principles of nature itself, which are so apparent in their manifestations, and yet, in the eternal conditions of their origin, so impervious hitherto to the most indefatigable and unwearied researches of master minds, we have no more fitting a term than that of "Physiognomy;" a designation all too inadequate in the poverty and con- tractedness of its literal significance, to draw together, and fully to shadow forth in one word, the infinity of meaning which has its abode within the range of the subject. Adopted at an epoch when little more than the merest outline of facial peculiarity was wanted to be expressed, when comparatively little importance was attached to these peculiarities, and when, it need scarcely be said, the subse- quent importance to which this department of Nature's mystic operations was destined to attain, was never so much as thought or dreamed of, the term " Physiognomy " performed its indicative functions passably well. As, how- ever, through the slow course of centuries, the importance of the science became better appreciated, and its ultimate com- prehensiveness began to be faintly shadowed forth, the poverty of the term fell further and further short of the widened signification which it was called upra to do duty 4 INTRODUCTION. for; and but for this slow and almost imperceptible ripening into maturity to which we have alluded, the term would have been left far astern and become disused, as all too insufficient for its purpose. Had the science, for instance^ through some intellect far in advance of its times during the middle ages, advanced with giant strides into broad day, and made as much progress in ten years as hardly ten long centuries have sufficed to achieve, then would the term " Physiognomy " have been doomed ; but, until very recently, no such sudden advance has been made, and the word has been retained with a gradually increasing significance to keep pace with the duties which it has to perform, until now it may be said truly the widening of its meaning has been co-eval and co-extensive with the evolution of the science itself. That science has now attained to such vast proportions in its intimate connection with everything human, and has become so universally recognized and established, that it can. well afford to disregard any little shortcoming on the part of a word, which has to perform no more vital function than that of its signboard. We are o content, therefore, to leave it in undisturbed possession of the place of honour to which it has been elevated in virtue of length of servitude; and this much may at all events be said in its praise, that it is readily understood by the meanest capacity, and offers no bar of high sounding nomen- clature, to the neophyte who is preparing to tread the paths of initiation into the absorbing interest which its pursuit unfolds, and to participate in the incalculable benefits which the science never fails to shower upon its conscientious and painstaking votaries. Physiognomy, as a science, has now taken up so assured a position in the foreground of social and scientific progress, and has become so thoroughly recognized in the important bearing which it takes up in relation to all phases of society, alike the most elevated and the most homely, that it has no INTRODUCTION. 5 need to fall back upon its pedigree for any adventitious aids to its advancement and prosperity ; but however little it may require any bolstering up of this kind, it cannot fail to be deeply interesting to the student, to take a retrospective glance at its earliest conditions and surroundings. That it has, in all time, in a greater or less degree, been active in its operation and universal in its application, long before the crude and unformed intellect of the early progenitors of mankind whatever they may have been was capable of making even the faintest attempt to formulate its properties, is a proposition we think that cannot be doubted for a moment. That the universality and eternity of its scope must always have been, needs little reflection to convince any thinking man; and for ages before the dawn of history Physiognomy must have wielded, we may be sure, a power, mighty in its proportions, although little heeded it may be, by the beings on which it exerted its force. Nor do we require to predicate for such a state of things the existence of so highly organized beings as we are ourselves. A much lower type of organization would not preclude the living action of the all-pervading department of nature's functions of which we are treating, and wherever organisms existed, so far advanced as to be endowed with powers of vision, there must Physiognomy have been actively and perceptibly at worki in the relations which subsisted between the different varieties of organisms. There would we find the destructive form at work in destroying and devouring other forms of a less aggressive character, and the whole operation of nature, going slowly but surely on in its onward march to a perfection, the advanced stages of which, if not its acme, we can now contemplate in the conditions with which we are surrounded. Be it understood, however, that in alluding to the advent of visual organs, we do not mean to mark or limit the commencement of the operations of Physiognomy, except in so far as they then became visible to, and notion INTRODUCTION. . able by, the organisms themselves. Long anterior to this, nature must have been elaborating and perfecting this law of hers, which, through the lapse of ages, has attained such stupendous magnitude; but the mind of man reels back, stunned and dizzied, from the hopeless attempt to peer back to the remote recesses of the laboratory of that mysterious agency, which, for want of a better term, and it may be, in our ignorance, we call Nature. While, therefore, in the nature of things we are excluded from all actual knowledge of the development of Physiognomy during primeval and prehistoric times ; and while we recognize how fruitless and unsatisfactory mere speculation invariably proves to be, when affecting a subject of such importance as is our present one, we may at all events indulge in a legitimate, not to say laudable, curiosity and interest, respecting the dawning and primary conditions of the science, if indeed we may dignify by such a term, a thing that was only, as* yet, recognized half unwittingly and unconsciously. In glancing briefly at the early aspect and dawning conditions of the science, be it well understood, that we are in no wise to be considered as endorsing all or any of the opinions of the various writers whose names we may have to mention. In no department of abstract thought, perhaps, has opinion so much differed, or has error and misplaced deduction been so long entertained as recognized truth as in this science of which we are now treating; and it has been left to very- recent times to our own day, in fact, and that within the past very few years so to elaborate the science, as to place it on a basis of the very firmest foundation ; this basis being, an epitomizing of all previous experience, an avoidance of all previous error, and an experimentalizing on the very broadest principles, the whole forming, along with the con- clusive and illustrative results with which it is flanked, a broad scientific formulary, too elaborate and complete in its details, to afford a vulnerable point of attack to the deadliest INTRODUCTION. 7 of its enemies. A resume, therefore, of the early conditions of the science is in no way indispensable to the purpose of the present work, but is thrown in solely in the interest of the curious student of Physiognomy, who may possibly derive from it a pardonable satisfaction and amusement, akin to the sympathetic interest which the modern soldier of an antiquarian turn of mind feels in the contemplation of the rude flint battle-axes and arrow-heads used in the remote warfare of prehistoric times. That in the very earliest ages, and before the advent of written history, or at all events before the advent of any history which has weathered the stormy period of the middle ages, so fruitful in literary shipwreck, as we very well know, the principles of Physiognomy were entertained, recognized, and admitted, is a proposition that admits of very conclusive proof, even were there any now disposed to deny the assertion. With- out trenching upon the resources of the Hebraic Philosophy, which was of a more emotional and less practical character than that of the Greek Philosophers, we have only to refer to the golden productions of the latter, which have been miraculously preserved to us, after surviving the crash of nations which accompanied, and the Cimmerian darkness which followed, the collapse of the Roman Empire, to find ample proof that Physiognomy was, even at the time of the very earliest of the Greek writers, a recognized department of science, however far it may have fallen short at that time of correctness or accuracy in its deductions or formulae. Even in those remote times, it must have been regarded aa ha\ing already attained to a comparatively venerable age, for we do not find it alluded to as anything which had then just burst upon the perception of the Greeks in all the crude immaturity of a new and wholly untried and untested discovery. Crude, immature, and in a high degree un- reliable and unsatisfactory, it must then have been, is an assertion that will hardly be called in question ; but at the 8 INTRODUCTION. same time it seems equally undeniable that it had become, comparatively speaking, aged in its error; and while there is everything in the writings of the Greek Philosophers in favour of the hypothesis of old age, and absolutely nothing favouring the view of recent birth, their animadversions point rather to a dissatisfaction with its existing conditions, and the dawning of a vigorous effort on the part of Greek subtlety of intellect not to discard it as useless and per- nicious quackery but to separate the gold from the dross, and to purify it from the abuses with which it had become incrusted. Aristotle, Polemon, Theophrastus, Plato, and at a later period Galen of Pergamos, were Greek writers who, with perhaps a dim intuition of the vast interests which were yet to be evolved from the womb of the science, all wrote on the subject, and endeavoured to add their quota of suggestion and speculation to the mass of mingled truth and error which had already been piled around it. Zopyrus, another Greek of a more practical and adventurous turn of mind, seems actually to have formulated the science, and to have come to the front as a practical Physiognomist. He drew up from Physiognomy alone, it is said, an estimate of the character of Socrates, not by any means complimentary to that gentleman, but with apparently a considerable dash of truth in its composition, since it appears to have been candidly recognized by the party most concerned, to be in all essential details, truthful, accurate and precise. Some lesser Greek names might be quoted representing authors who have written on this all-important subject, but we may not suffer ourselves to be so diffuse as we might be in this introductory part of the work. Several Roman authors, such as Cicero, Pliny, and others, contributed somewhat to the advancement of the science; but in the gloom and barbarism which followed the dis- INTRODUCTION. 9 ruption of the overgrown and unwieldy Roman edifice, and in the almost total eclipse of fine arts and literature which that stupendous and ruinous collapse of nations, peoples, and society entailed, the infant science of Physiog- nomy was, in common with other kindred departments of advancement and culture, almost totally extinguished. For some centuries during the continuance of this gloomy period of darkness and barbarism, we hear absolutely nothing of its existence, and nothing but its inherent vitality could have sufficed to buoy it onward to more congenial generations. This inherent vitality it possesses, however, in such a degree, that nothing short of the extinction of the human race and the hurling back of mother earth to its original conditions could have sufficed entirely to crush out the germs of life with which it is endowed ; and accordingly, no sooner do we find the mists of ignorance and superstition beginning to clear off and to admit anew the light of intelligence, than we again find Physiognomy slowly but surely taking its place as a science; with many a false step it may be, but continually correcting itself and again pushing forward in the direction of its goal. Early in the 14th century, so far had the science attracted attention in the dawning of modern civilization and in- tellect, that we find Petrus de Abbano, in the year 1335, making it the subject of lectures before the students of the University of Paris: and although the information, it must be confessed, is meagre, yet the bare fact itself is significant. Michael Scott, who flourished in the loth century, devoted no inconsiderable portion of his time and space to the elucidation of the science, in so far as his lights on the subject enabled him. The latter half of the 15th, and the whole of the 16th centuries, comprised a period when Physiognomical speculation and research seem to have been carried on with a degree of diligence and perseverance never attained before that time. In the latter 10 INTRODUCTION. part of the 16tli, and the first portion of the 17th centuries, J. Baptista Porta, an enterprising and energetic Italian of Padua, wrote and published on this subject, a vigorous and painstaking work, which was illustrated and beautified by numerous cuts of faces of men and animals. In the year 1548, Michael Angelo Blondies issued a work on Physiognomy, having for its aim the elucidation of its principles, and the fixing of its powers and limits. In the same year a French writer, Anselm Pierre Douxciel, produced at Langres his "Speculum Physionomica," in which he endeavoured to lay down fundamental principles of the science. In the year 1588, Georgio Rizzacasa, of Carmagnola, seems to have been occupying himself to some purpose with the subject, as we since learn that he was then dedicating a volume on "Fisionomia" to Queen Elizabeth; and in the following year we discover Johannes Padovanus of Verona affirming broadly, " that every con- ceivable variety of character was shadowed out, and might be detected under the different conformations of the several members of the body" a proof that advanced and en- lightened views on the subject had already begun to take root amongst eminent thinkers of his age. In the year 1621 Dr. Rodolphus Gocelenius wrote a work on Physiog- nomy while he held the post of Professor of that science in the Academia Marpurgensi; and four years afterwards we find Edmund Gallimard dedicating a "Traite Physiog- nomique au tres illustre Monseigneur Theophile Howard, compte de Sulfactz." Besides the names we have quoted, we may mention that of John de Judgagnie, who wrote on the science at an early but uncertain date, of which last-mentioned effort we had a translation in the year 1666 from the pen cf Fabian Withers, shewing the author to have been remarkably clear and concise in the principles he has laid dow/i, however incorrect he may have been io some of the deductions he has drawn; and it should INTRODUCTION. 11 not be forgottet. in his case, that he probably wrote at a very early period, when as yet he could borrow but little light from other sources. The other names which we have not thought proper otherwise to particularize we may give here without comment, in order to afford the curious student an opportunity of looking, if he should wish to do so, at the notions more or less crude, which have in times gone by, been promulgated with respect to this science. With- out pretending to give an exhaustive list, we may mention the names of Adamantius, Albertus Magnus, Avicenna, Averroes, Cassidorus, Hippocrates, Melampus, Meletes, Eemi- gerius, Seneca, and Quinctillian ; and in reference to this additional list we may add, that in the year 1780 Franzius of Leipsic furnished a learnedly edited translation of the works of Adamantius and Melampus. Lavater, who was Pastor of St. Peter s Church at Zurich, became a martyr to liberty and truth in 1801. He wrote several works on Physiognomy, which were translated into various languages, yet they were so deficient in system and principles, that they are of little practical value to the world. All sciences, and indeed all advanced departments of culture, have had to endure persecution at the hands of misplaced and superstitious blockheads in power, or at the hands of brutal and ignorance-steeped mobs; and we do not find that Physiognomy has had any particular im- munity extended to it in this respect. In a semi-civilized age, any art that pretended to delineate the character and propensities of the individual, solely by means of the salient points and colours of the exterior, had too close a resem- blance, in the jaundiced eye of ignorance and superstition, to the occult arts of sorcery and witchcraft, altogether to escape some troublesome and unsolicited attentions. These kind attentions usually originated with that class of busy bodies which has flourished in every age, and the members of which have always been animated with a burning desire 1 2 INTRODUCTION to keep their fellow-men in the paths of that code of virtue which is their own, and which they know to be the right one. Even in these enlightened days, when we are rapidly approaching the commencement of the 20th century, and when many flatter themselves that we have for ever done with those pests of former ages, a very moderate degree of discernment would suffice to discover the modern pro- totype of the sorcery and witchcraft hunter, in those watchful individuals who are les enfans terribles of their own church courts, who have had themselves dubbed " Heresy Hunters" by an indignant public, and who only lack the power and the opportunity to hunt, slay, and burn like their progenitors of three centuries ago, and with an equal zeal for the furtherance of the Glory of God. It will astonish some people to know, that by the 17 George II. c. 5, " All Persons pretending to have skill in Physiog- nomy are included amongst those offenders who are deemed Rogues and Vagabonds. As such they are liable to be publicly whipped or sent to the House of Correction, until the next Sessions, or any less time, and after whipping or commitment, they may be passed to their last legal settle- ment or birth-place; and moreover, the Justice may sentence them to hard labour for not more than six months." This delicate attention on the part of the British legislature, at a time when liberality of opinion and breadth of ideas were supposed to have made some considerable progress, is peculiarly touching; and in the year 1817 it seems to have induced Dr. John Cross no doubt with the view of reaping the full benefit of the enactment to publish, from the University Press of Glasgow, a work which had for its object the establishment of Physiognomy on scientific principles. This work comprised the reproduction of a series of lectures which he had delivered, and in which he had indulged in the most sanguine anticipations respecting the ultimate triumph of the principles of his INTRODUCTION. 13 favourite study. It does not appear that the legislature ever took any steps to enforce the provisions of this very considerate Act, and we are left to infer that Dr. Cross was permitted to seek his last legal settlement or birth- place entirely at his own charges. Were we asked to furnish proof of the amount of atten- tion which has been paid in all times and in all ages to the Physiognomical peculiarities which mark the infinite varie- ties of the human form and countenance, we have an irrefragable one ready to our hand, in the endless varieties of personal nomenclature, all having their origin in remote times it may be in the facial and corporeal peculiarities of our progenitors. A few examples will show at a glance the justice of this observation. x From Colour we have the names of Brown, Gray, Green, Black, White, Blue, and so on over the entire gamut of the artist's paint-box. From Stature we have Long, Shirt, Small, Bigg, Little, and many others. From Complexion we have Fair, Dark, Pale, &c. From bodily Strength we have Strong, Force, Wight or Weight, &c. ; and in reference to distinctive peculiarities, we may cite Strongarm or Armstrong, Greathead, Great- heart, Longear, Longshanks, Cruikshanks^ Longman, and a host of others, some of which will be readily suggested to the reader, and some of which also are capable of bearing very ludicrous constructions. lu such historical names also, as Malcolm Ceanmohr (Bighead), William Rufus (William the Red), Philip the Fair, and such like, we have clearly illustrated the distinctive amount of attention which has always been accorded to Physical oddity or peculiarity; and were we to search for further examples in other languages than our own, a mine of illustration would be opened up to us which might be worked successfully ad infinitum. But we refrain from swelling our remarks on a feature ol the subject which all .will readily admit, even although some may have been struck with it now for the first time. 1 4 INTRODUCTION. Having thus taken a cursory view of the literary history of the science, and brought it down to a comparatively recent date, we shall, in view of the hopelessness of the attempt to sketch the proportion and scope of the volum- inous writings on this subject with which the literature of our day has been flooded, proceed to outline, from a pre- fatory point of view, the intentions and aim of this the latest, and we hope to convince our readers, not the least meritorious of those works which have for their object the elucidating and elaborating of the noble and comprehensive science of Physiognomy. A vast amount of time, trouble, and money is expended in the search for new fields of natural Phenomena, &c., wherein to exercise that capacity for wonder and amaze- ment, with which the Divine Head of nature has seen fit to endow us. To gratify this propensity of ours, nothing seems too arduous to be undertaken and no problem too profound to be investigated. For this Central African voyages of discovery are embarked in, the crossing of the Australian Continent is attempted, the Matterhorn is scaled, and the interior of the earth is ransacked. For this Arctic Expeditions are^ organized, Rosse's Telescopes are invented, and Chemical analysis is undertaken. To minister to this craving men cross the Atlantic in a shallop and attempt to swim over stormy arms of the sea. For this numberless lives are lost in the watery wastes of the sea, and in the howling wildernesses of the land; and for this, from first to last, millions of money have been dissipated and oceans of blood have been shed. And yet how blind is all this wasteful expenditure of force and energy! Neglected sub- jects of wonderment are continually to our hand, before which, in the deeper and more legitimate sense of wonder, Matterhorns, Polar Seas, Earth's crust, and Ocean's bed dwindle into mediocrity and insignificance. To cite one subject which more immediately concerns the matter w INTRODUCTION. 12 have now in hand, we have but to look around us in the pursuit of our ordinary avocations at the amazing variety of form and feature which the human face exhibits. Whence comes this infinite variety, and what is the intention and aim of the all-powerful intelligence in diversifying so infinitely the results of that operation of its workings which we have accustomed ourselves, somewhat vaguely, to call Nature? The members of the human family are brought into exist- ence all possessed of the same general characteristics, the same organs of locomotion, of sight, smell, hearing, breath- ing, and touch, or, to speak in language more to the point, all have heads, eyes, noses, ears, hair, mouths, chins, breasts, arms, hands, fingers, stomachs, vertebi'ae, abdomen, genera- tive organs, legs, feet, and toes. If it be objected that absolutely all are not thus endowed at birth, and that abnormal specimens are not unknown, we answer, that this circumstance is in no wise either antagonistic or favourable to our premises, except in so far as that the rare exception contributes only the more firmly to establish the rule. For a general proposition we may assume, then, that all are en- dowed at birth with the same general characteristics, and in view of this, how calculated to excite our wonder is the fact that notwithstanding this general similarity, nature yet so diversifies her operations, that not one single human being is produced exactly like another. And not so only when applied to contemporary beings, but were it possible to reproduce the human race in its entirety, since the advent of man, no two individuals taken from these countless millions would be found to be alike. In view of this astounding diversity of lineament, so vast as almost to take away one's breath at the contemplation, it would be mere imbecility in our vain endeavours to find a solution, to throw ourselves into the arms of "Chance." Modern research has now left "Chance" not a leg to stand upon; there appears to be no such thing as accident in nature, and 1 6 INTRODUCTION. , every effect, however seemingly insignificant or fortuitous, it the result of the operation of that inscrutable intelligence, which, working within well defined and unchangeable laws, wields the destinies of this universe of ours. There is not the very slightest variation of the human form and coun- tenance, which is not the result of well defined causes of pro- duction ; and we have only to formulate as is done in the science of Physiognomy these results, to acquire the power of deciphering nature's own hieroglyphics with unerring accuracy. As no two outward forms are exactly alike, so, and in just precisely the same degree, do no two inward forms or characters bear perfect resemblance. We may endeavour to divine the design of the Author of creation in enacting from all time a law so unchangeable and so preg- nant with weal or woe in its right or wrong comprehension and application to the human race, but as a matter of absolute certainty we are unable in the order of things to grasp at the motives of Omnipotence. There is, however, little doubt that the Universe, and the various organisms with which it is peopled, have been designed for the creation, occupation, and abode of that ethereal essence, the highest, infinitely the highest, organism of which we can have any conception, the SOUL. As, however, we have to do more with the material aspect of the subject in question, we shall not take up time and space at present in metaphysical deductions. Notwithstanding this broad and almost illimitable diver- sity, as exemplified in the individual, we find society as a whole riveted together in the closest bonds; and that element of individual diversity, which at first sight we might suppose to be calculated to have a disintegrating effect, is on a closer inspection found to be the very strongest welding ingredient which goes to form society. The mind, as it were, utterly defeated in the effort to take in the idea of the human race individually, seeks refuge ID INTRODUCTION. 1? the contemplation of it as a great whole, and tho same principle tends throughout to weld the mass together in the closest bonds of union. And it is not presuming too far to say that in these features we plainly discern the design on the part of the Divine agency to preserve distinctly together the two elements of individuality and union, the two separated by a well defined line of demarcation, and yet at the same time bound together and dovetailed on the most intimate footing of fitness and expediency. A har- monious union alongside of a distinctive identity we find maintained with the most beautiful precision, and all this accomplished notwithstanding the infinite multiplicity of names, and the antagonistic action of thousands of other causes, which would at first sight seem overwhelmingly destructive, but which become harmless when brought into close contact with nature's decrees. We have seen that the varying effects of this action on the part of nature's law are illimitable in number, and likewise we find that the causes which produce those effects are also countless in their character. Every con- ceivable variation of condition, however minute and however seemingly unimportant, exercises its influence on the interior and exterior, and goes to produce Physiog- nomies of innumerable types and forms. Ante-natal influences, such as the mixture of the blood of different races and nationalities ; the immediate conditions surrounding the parents, and thousands of influences acting upon them pre- vious to conception; the various causes which tend to pro- duce mother's marks; fashions wielding strong though often unsuspected influences upon nations and individual members before birth and throughout life; climatic agencies moulding and shaping the form and destinies of millions; altitude, with the hand of a master artist, colouring and laying on her tints and hues according to her strength and capacity. Heat and cold asserting their rights and B 18 INTRODUCTION. stamping their effects. Food in its various quantities and unnumbered qualities affording varieties of expression and difference of strength to the varied forms of organization ; customs, habits, and fashions, with their elevative or depres- sive tendencies. The very air which fans the brow of man tones up or down his spirits; the west wind bringing enterprise and progress ; the northern blasts lending staid- ness, stability, and determination of purpose; the changeable and ever varying breezes from the mellow, sunny south, making us petulant, changeable, and faultfinding; and the dire east wind inducing a gloomy, morose, and foreboding state of mind in those who are subjected to its baneful influences, and warping them out of calmness and placidity into irritability and mental tempest. Sickness slowly but surely cutting her seams upon the visage; Avarice drying up and shrivelling the entire organization; Study and mental labour furrowing the expressive brow; Love warm- ing and tinting the face; Hate blackening arid hardening the visage; Hope lending a cheerful halo to adorn the countenance ; Aspiration elevating the features and inspiring the soul; and thus it is with every sentiment and emotion which has its abode in the human form. We have hitherto looked at Physiognomical phenomena from an independent stand-point, and watched, as it were, its manifestations from a distance; but we now proceed to a closer inspection, and endeavour to point out and particu- larize, in a prefatory way, the conditions of those manifesta- tions as displayed on the exterior of the human form. We have only to watch the first dawnings of intelligence on the face of an infant to find this principle of nature, viz., the relation of mind and character to external form asserting its unmistakable existence. How eagerly the little face scans the lineaments of a stranger, and how quickly the pleased smile or the frightened wail follows apon the verdict for or against which nature teaches it INTRODUCTION. 19 instinctively to bring! The maternal yearning of the mother clothes her face in lineaments of the deepest tenderness, and attracts in unquestioning reliance, the confidence and assurance of safety in the child; and as its Physiognomical studies are extended, it quickly learns to crow and laugh in the face of the benevolent stranger, or to bury its affrighted head in its mother's la-p at the approach of malevolence. Were it not for this inborn principle, infancy could have no impressions of love or terror whatever, because, at that period the reasoning faculty is latent, and does not arise in its strength until long after the truth or error of the first impressions have been tested, and tested we may add almost invariably, with the result of endorsing in the fullest degree the fidelity of nature to its law. The mind of man is alternately a prey to every conceivable variety of emotion and feeling, and by turns it is possessed by joy, desire, dislike, hatred, grief, love, courage, despair, confidence, contempt, admiration, cowardice, cruelty, pride, modesty, scorn, compassion, spleen; or by the intellectual capacities, reason, attention, discrimination, observation, retention, comparison, wit, taste, imagination, intuition, &c., &c. Each of these feelings and emotions has itself reproduced and photographed in some lineaments of the exterior; and each of these pictures has its distinctive characteristic, as accurately defined and distinct, as its prototype of the interior. In proportion as any particular emotion, or set of emotions, holds sway in the human breast, so in proportion does its photograph, picture or Physiog- nomical equivalent, become more conspicuous and less evanescent; and it is the promise of the Science of Physiognomy so to formulate this unerring reproduction of the pencil of nature herself, as to enable its student to read the messages from the interior with unfaltering accuracy. The. mind long given up to bursts of uncon- trollable passion, like a tempest- tossed rudderless ship, 20 INTRODUCTION.' draws a picture of the strife within with a brush of no uncertain tint, and we can see the gusts of mental fury indexed on the swollen visage, and sweeping across like a storm-cloud during the hurricane's rage, leaving at last traces that become indelible, and that chart out in livid bands the predominant passions of the victim, as well during lucid intervals of fitful quietness, as in the heat and fury of the wasting mental strife itself. On the other hand, the countenance of the habitually philanthropical, faithful to the inner emotions of which it is the index, presents the calm unimpassioned but still yearning solicitude for the welfare of others, which is so easily read by all, whether old or young, and which attracts so powerfully the con- fidence and reliance of the broken and oppressed. The constant sway of ennobling sentiments within wreaths the face into the loveliest proportions, and invites the gaze to dwell there as it might wish to dwell, on the peaceful landscape, smiling under the weight of a bountiful harvest In either case and in all degrees that lie between the two, of whatever hue or texture, the picture becomes engraved deeper and deeper, and it can be read at last, as easily during sleep as in waking hours, with the predominant passions active and at work. The lineaments of the exterior perform the same functions and indicate intelli- gence from the interior with the same accuracy as the index of the telegraph, with this important difference, that while the language of the latter is momentary and evanescent, that of the former partakes more of the character of a paititing, fixed, indelible, and fading only with life itself. The Physiognomical operator can take messages with as much fidelity as his more humble brother of the telegraph needle; he pays nothing for his in- formation, but the trouble of observing; and if he has the talent, he may turn it to account, to an extent which is absolutely unbounded and illimitable. This law INTRODUCTION. 21 of nature which ordains that all the emotions of the mind must of necessity be figured on the exterior, is one fraught with the very deepest interest to mankind. It holds out a book to be read in broad day, a book of the most surpass- ing interest, and one whereon the educated appetite never palls; a book in winch all read to some extent, although it may be, and indeed most frequently is the case, that such reading is engaged in unwittingly and unconsciously. The merest tyro in Physiognomical education can draw treasures from this storehouse; and no one, however mean his capacity, can possibly pass through life without making some progress, however unwittingly and unknowingly. It is, however, to the diligent and purposeful student that Physiognomy unlocks her richest stores and unfolds trea- sures of untold wealth, incomprehensible in their magnitude to the uninitiated. Were this law of nature fitful and capricious in its enforcement, and open to be thwarted and negatived by the action of foreign and disturbing forces, then indeed half its value would be gone; but this fixity and unchangeableness is the chief ingredient in its composi- tion, and thanks to this, we are enabled, after having graduated in Physiognomical Science, to draw deductions and conclusions with the most absolute precision and certainty. This doctrine may give an unpleasant shock to some who have been flattering themselves for years in the fancied success which has seemed to attend their efforts at dis- guising the outward manifestation of their inward emotions, and it may be astounding also to others who may not have thought or speculated much on the subject. We are willing to admit that all efforts to disguise the countenance are not quite barren of results in the direction desired and designed by the disguiser ; but let us see in what consists the small clement of success which we are willing to accord. It is certainly not produced by the unaided talent of the disguiser, whose art can really go but a very slight way 22 INTRODUCTION. ' in the direction in which he aims, and before the accom- plished Physiognomist the flimsy veil which he lays the flattering unction to his soul is a screen of the most impenetrable opacity, is seen through like a clear glass, and torn to shreds as soon as it is set up. It is painful to us to seem so cruel in thus mercilessly exposing the worthlessness of the defences here erected, but we hope to convince that we are cruel only to be kind in the balsam, which, before we have done, we propose to offer for the cure of the bleeding and defenceless ones. The Science of Physiognomy in the advanced stages to which it has recently attained, is comparatively so little understood generally, that we are aware our dicta on its comprehensiveness, and the undeviating course of its laws, will not at first be universally, or even very generally, accepted, but it can afford to wait with time on its side. We accorded some measure of success to those who fancy their ability to disguise their features has hitherto been crowned with complete success, and this modicum of success we opine to be the deception which is effected upon simple and unthinking people. The effort to disguise is superficial and on the surface, and it succeeds only with people who are themselves superficial, and whose mental investigations never go below the surface. This may be poor comfort, but it is all we can truthfully afford in the circumstances. The attempt is an outrage on the laws of nature, and nature with a just retribution revenges herself. The degree of intelligence within is faithfully portrayed on the lineaments, and in highly endowed beings we have the reproduction without of the fertile soil within in a picture of the most sparkling brilliancy. The light of intelligence and genius ripples and dances over the visage, making a picture fit as a resting place for the eye; while, on the other hand, at the extremity of the opposite scale, where vacuity and barrenness of thought placidly reign, INTRODUCTION. 23 we bars the vacant expression of idiocy and mental eclipse mirrored in a visage equally devoid of expression. There is absolutely nothing within, and in accordance with the inflexible laws of nature, there is and can be nothing expressed without. We have the needle of the disused telegraphic machine, but the galvanic battery does not exist, and the one is equally inexpressive without the other. We have in the face here a faithful signboard of the empty warehouse within; there reigns barren emptiness, and the face is negatively intelligent and truthful when it honestly announces the fact in such a way that all who interpret rightly may understand. In the former case we have what has been tersely but graphically and eloquently expressed as a speak- ing countenance ; and in the other we have in equally terse, graphic, and eloquent phraseology vacancy. The benefits which accrue to the diligent, indefatigable, and painstaking student of the Science of Physiognomy are simply incalculable in number. In no other depart- ment of acquired information or education can it be asserted with more force of truth, and with less deviation from plain matter of fact, that true Physiognomical know- ledge is a gem of intrinsic value, esteemed highly when properly comprehended. The ability to read with unfailing accuracy the characters of his neighbours, to put his finger on their foibles, and in fact to lay bare their weaknesses, if the knowledge of the science is accompanied with talent, puts into his hands a lever of the most powerful character. That this power is dangerous in the hands of the un- scrupulous can hardly be denied ; but the element of danger can be eliminated by the general spread of Physiognomical education, so that, without contracting the actual power of discernment of the talented unscrupulous, which it clearly could not pretend to do, educational progress would make the science so general, that they in' their turn would have their character read, their wiles exposed, 24 INTRODUCTION. . and their influence avoided. What, therefore, at first sight might bo deemed a dangerous, not to say mis- chievous, power, placed in the hands of a few, would, by the operation of the perfecting law of nature, and the general adoption of Physiognomy as a branch of the ordinary scholastic curriculum, finally result in greater openness of character, since attempts at disguise* would be fruitless; more sincerity of conduct, since hypocrisy would gradually find itself devoid of a rag to cover its naked deformity; more benevolence of disposition, since male- volence would find itself everywhere exposed and every- where scouted; and in fact it would gradually be found that the purer sentiments alone would pay, and that the indulgence of vicious habits inevitably led to exposure, ignomy, and disgrace. We are not so sanguine as to hope for a very early realization of this prospective state of tilings, but of this we are assured that come it will, following swiftly on the footsteps of the onward march of Physiognomy, as a science of universal application and utility, when the formulae become household words, and when it will be as rare to find a man ignorant of the first principles of Physiognomy, as it is now to find one who does not know his letters. In a commercial point of view, too great stress cannot be laid on the importance attached to the study of Phy- siognomy, and in this connection a curious and interesting feature strikes the observer. The whole fabric of our commercial prosperity rests upon the degree of reliance on faith and honour, which one man can place in another. When the proper balance of credit is maintained in a community, the members of that community are carried on with the steady stream of comfort and prosperity; a healthy social condition obtains, and a feeling of mutual trust and confidence is induced, which becomes stronger and stronger, and more and more conduces to the happi- INTRODUCTION. 2 3 ness of its members, in proportion as this principle is held inviolate. When a system of reckless and blindfold trust in all and sundry is engaged in ; when dishonest and unscrupulous men find it as easy to obtain credit as their upright and fair-dealing brethren, then follow bankruptcy and ruin, bringing in their train untold misery and woe on the heads of the innocent and helpless. In order, then, to conduct business to a successful issue, and to steer clear of the shoals of insolvency and bankruptcy, the merchant must have at his disposal means of some kind or another by which he may be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, the honest from the dishonest. If his path would not be one of blind and aimless direction, in which he would have an infinitely greater chance of ruin than of fortune, he must found the principles of his transactions upon some assured basis, and one would think that the scope and conditions of this basis would require to be laid down with the utmost precision, and defined within the narrowest limits of rule and compass, so as to ensure the realization of the end which he aims at, and at the same time to act as a guide-post to warn him, at the numberless turnings of his commercial career, of the dangerous paths which can only be trodden at the hazard of commercial existence. Yet we find the prudent, cautious, and successful, in numberless counting-houses, jogging steadily and assuredly on in the path to pro- sperity and fortune, without any well defined rule of action so far, at least, as the superficial observer can dis- cover. He appears capriciously and at random to give unbounded credit in one quarter, and in another to refuse trust to the extent of a sixpence. He throws himself warmly into one enterprise, while to another of an ap- parently equal promise he promptly and unhesitatingly shews the '_tH -shoulder. For one man he becomes security to the exteV /* thousands without enquiry, while to an- 26 INTRODUCTION. other he insists upon the strictest scrutiny into the state of his reputation at the bank, demands from him refer- ences of the most unimpeachable character, and finally, perhaps, notwithstanding the favourable appearance of the man, and the highly satisfactory result of the inquiries respecting him, he closes the negotiation with an emphatic shake of the head. Notwithstanding, however, all the incomprehensibleness of this system, or rather want of system, as it would appear to some, no reflective mind can doubt for a moment the existence on the part of the merchant of rules of the most undeviating character, which he never loses sight of. And what then is the secret? Simply that the successful man of business, how- ever much he may ignore the fact, is invariably a Physiog- nomist of a very high order. He is a successful merchant, in fact, in the same degree as he is a successful Physiog- nomist. The terms are synonymous in his case. There may be successful Physiognomists who are not successful merchants, perhaps, indeed, not merchants at all; but on the other hand, there is not and never has been a success- ful man of business who is not at the same time, although, we repeat, perhaps unknowingly to himself, an accom- plished Physiognomist. This quality enables him to select servants of the stamp suited for his business, and to avoid and discountenance those who could co-operate with him only to his disadvantage. It is this faculty of his which explains the seeming caprice of his conduct in dealing with business correspondents; and it is by this knowledge of his that he is enabled to separate the wheat from the chaff, the commercially dishonest and the rotten specu- lation, from the safe man and the good investment. It would very much puzzle such a merchant, as the one instanced, in taking a retrospective glance at his career, to discover how he had unwittingly become engaged in the study of Physiognomy; when his education bad been INTRODUCTION. 27 commenced, and most of all, he would be astounded at the fact that he should have graduated in the science with honours, and obtained by means of it social dignity and position, rank and fortune, without ever having suspected that there existed such a faculty as that of reading the inward character of a man by his outward lineaments, far less divining that in himself this faculty was developed to so high an extent, as to exert the most paramount influence upon his character, his prospects and his happiness. While we thus see the immense import- ance of the science to men of business, we must not forget that considerations more or less directly springing from it, enter into every conceivable phase of society; and we do not hesitate to affirm broadly, that nineteen out of twenty of all the lucky hits, and the same proportion of false steps, are traceable to a due observance on the one hand, or to neglect or ignorance on the other, of the laws which nature has enacted in reference to the portraiture on the exterior of the prevailing feelings and passions of the interior. "We meet the principle actively at work every hour of the day: in our homes, in the street, in the market, in railway trains, in steam boats, in the church, in the law courts, and in fact, everywhere, where man comes in contact with his brother man. It is simply this faculty, powerfully developed, of reading the face of man like a book which goes to form the character, and which constitutes the success in life of the clever shop salesman. He is a fair practical Physiognomist of a high grade, it may be, without knowing the fact. His oppor- tunities of study are vast and continuous, and when this coalesces with natural talents of perception, he becomes what is known as the clever salesman, whose services are valued by the silk mercer and other tradesmen at the very highest figure, worthy in fact to be employed at any price. In a large retail silk mercery establish- 28 INTRODUCTION 1 . ment, such a man is a source of very considerable revenue to his emplo} r ers, by reason of his success as a salesman. This success, as we have said, consists in his Physiognomical knowledge, as applied to the features of the shopping portion of the community. When a new customer enters the shop, our clever Physiognomist has his character dissected in a trice, by means of the salient points of the exterior. He takes in during the first few minutes' survey his customer's predominant characteristics, and decides at once as to his foibles and his weaknesses. To one he is cringing almost abject in his servility, laying on the unction of what we may call passive flatter}^ with an unsparing tongue. To another he is calmly dignified, and to a third he is almost defiant. He knows in a second what kind of attitude to assume to each customer, so as to please and conciliate the various tastes. He divines at once where the ordinary servility of the shop- man would be distasteful, and where a demeanour of respectful and courteous equality would best please. To the foolish and the vain he is profuse of bows and salu- tations, all evincing the deepest reverence and the most respectful admiration. To the suspicious customer on guard against being cajoled into buying more than the one article to procure which he has entered, he is careless and indif- ferent, but manages nevertheless to take captive the atten- tion on one article after another, all of which he parts with, with a half-regretful air, as if he were throwing them away, and would as soon have kept them as not. He fixes the greedy and avaricious customer at a glance, and manages after a while to allow himself to admit inadvertently that certain lots of goods have been marked at a ruinous reduction of price. He would rather not dispose of them at those ridiculous prices, until he has had an opportunity of consulting his employers. He is certain these goods have been so marked in error, but INTRODUCTION. 29 having aroused the greedy demon within his customer, he allows himself to be cajoled into producing the articles in question, and finally he is even foolish enough to part with some of them at twenty-five per cent, over their shop value, though all the while prophesying a reprimand or even dismissal on the part of his employer. Thus to each and every of the various orders of customers has he ready an appropriate bill of fare, and all with the result of conveying money from the strangers' pockets to his master's till. The adroit salesman, from long practice and his natural gift of perception, divines, with unerring accuracy, the exact line of conduct to adopt, and follows it accordingly, never wearying or disgusting his patrons or the public by an inappropriate course of action, and never tiring until he sees the pockets empty, or at all events, his customer taken to the utmost limits of his purchasing inclination or ability. Any one who has done even a very moderate amount of shopping must be acquainted with the awkward and bungling specimen of shopmen whose ill-judged pertinacity displeases at once, and meta- phorically speaking, has the effect of buttoning up instead of opening the pockets of the customer, who in future avoids not only the man but the shop itself, to the detriment of the interests of the proprietor, and to the ultimate undoing of his servant's success. The latter is very probably a more honest, and a better man by far, than the gifted individual whom we have just portrayed, but he is not a Physiognomist, and in this lies the secret of his unsuccess. We have often wondered how it comes that hairdressers or barbers, as a class, are so devoid of this all important knowledge of Physiognomy: and so generally do they disregard its principles, that we have been sometimes well nigh staggered in our belief. Few men like to be reminded that a gray hair, here and there, is beginning to usurp the place of the whilom glossy lock* 30 INTRODUCTION. , of their early manhood. Few men are so constituted as to be highly delighted when the announcement is made to them, "Your hair is getting a little thin on the crown, sir." And yet despite this fact, the genus hairdresser seems utterly to ignore the circumstances, and, as a rule, he loses no opportunity of mercilessly reminding his customer of the interesting change which is taking place. No sooner is a head put into his hands, than a severe scrutiny is institii^ed for the gray monitors of the fleeting character of human existence. If happily the hint is unsuccessful, an eager search for incipient baldness is entered into, and if baffled in this direction, he of course falls back on, "a great deal of scurf in your hair, sir; sure sign of an approaching falling off, sir. I rather think, sir, you have neglected to try our ' Eureka Restorer,' never-failing remedy for scurf, sir, eighteenpence a bottle, sir." Now, how abominably distasteful is all this to the average frequenters of the fashionable perruquier's shop, for to the credit of the humbler order of establishments, be it said, that in it this kind of persecution is almost unknown. With some simple people, this in terrorem warning is occasionally productive of "Eureka" sales, no doubt; but why not apply the principle of Physiognomy, and learn to read the customer's strength or weakness before running the risk of losing patrons, by announcing what may be truth partly, but at the same time truth which had much better remain unspoken. It is in our own experience, that it is almost impossible to find an establishment of this kind where such persecution is tabooed; and we have been forced to account for the fact, in a way not very flattering to the intelligence of perruquiers as a body. Shop after shop has been tried in the vain endeavour to find a peaceful asylum where one might sit down under one's comb and brush in peace. Failure has only succeeded failure, until we have been INTRODUCTION. 31 forced to submit silently in the sullen endurance of despair. The bright aspirations and dreams of our youth have faded one by one, and we now look for no alleviation until the Science of Physiognomy has so diffused itself through- out the world at large, as to have its principles at last made plain to the meanest capacity, even to the capacity of the hairdresser's assistant. Until this mil- lennium arrives, we submit to be solemnly warned once a month, that unless we come round to a full conviction of the efficacy of the "Eureka" and invest in an eighteen- pence bottle, we must speedily wear a crown of unhonoured gray hairs. But joking aside, the loss which uninitiated shopkeepers in general, and hairdressers in particular, inflict on themselves by reason of a neglect of the simple elements of Physiognomy is incalculable ; and in this connection we do not think we are too sanguine in prognosticating the speedy adoption of the science, as a common and everyday auxiliary to the conduct of the shopkeeping business a step "which will be conducive to the profit of the shop- keepers themselves and to the comfort and convenience of their patrons. As a ludicrous instance of the application of Physiog- nomical acumen to the furtherance of business, we may give the following before finally passing on to other phases, and for the accuracy of the narration we can bring a voucher in the form of the merchant who employed the astute clerk to whom reference is made. In one of the most thriving manufacturing towns of Scotland, in which our in- formant was, and indeed is still, at the head of a large soft goods warehouse, one of these born Physiognomical geniuses, who could drive profitable sales in the teeth almost of impossibility itself, was employed. Unfortunately, his capacity for usefulness was very much impaired by habits of dissipation which he had contracted, and for days, and sometimes for weeks together, he would absent 32 INTRODUCTION. , himself from business. Admonition and advice on the part of his employers having been ultimately found totally unavailing, he was at length allowed to drift unmolested into the exercise of his own option of corning and going at his own sweet will, his services being much too valuable, however intermittent and fitful, to admit of the idea being entertained of dismissal. His presence in the warehouse was always marked by the uncomplaining and even grateful acquiescence of his employers, since it was invariably attended by a very appreciable increase in their revenue. My informant was, on one occasion, engaged in inspecting, in a back part of the premises, a parcel of goods which he had received from the steamer very much damaged by sea water, and a special sale of which had been announced by advertisement and placard. While superintending the arrangement and marking off the goods, he was approached by his Physiognomical assistant, who happened then to be in a humour for working a state of mind probably super- induced by a tightness in the money market. He had just tackled as my informant learned afterwards in the front shop, one of those customers (a lady) who belonged to that class who are insatiably greedy of bargains, and especially sweet on damaged goods, and having discovered her character in half a minute by Physiognomical inspection, he had gone to work. The lady wanted a considerable quantity of a particular article, and she was at once assured that the damaged bale contained precisely the thing she wanted, very little the worse for the sea- water, and at the same time marked at a ruinous reduction in price. "Mr. A , does that damaged bale include any ? I want some now." " No, it does not," Mr. A replied. " Then we must damage some ourselves," the salesman coolly re- joined; and without further remark he drew from one ol the shelves a sound web of the article required, threw it on the floor, and dashed a basinful of dirty water over it Such INTRODUCTION. 33 was the unquestioning reliance placed on the sagacity of this salesman, that my friend. did not think of interfering by a word of remonstrance, though he admits that for a moment he felt assured that this jewel of a salesman of his had at last drunk himself into a softening of the brain. Having damaged the web to his satisfaction, the latter shouldered it, and proceeded to rejoin his expectant customer, whom he speedily managed to make the happy possessor of the damaged goods in question, at a mere trifle over the figure for which she could have purchased them in a sound state. We need hardly say that we do not hold this touching incident up for the commendation or imita- tion of our readers, but simply as an illustration thoroughly well authenticated, of the influence for good or evil wielded by the clever Physiognomist. The more we consider the Science of Physiognomy, the more are we struck by the universality of its application in all circumstances of life. If we want to ask a favour of any one, a knowledge of Physiognomy will teach' us so to vary our modes of procedure, with varying character, as to reduce our chances of failure to a minimum. By it we are made aware of the predominant characteristics of the party whose good offices we seek to propitiate; and over and above all this we can, by means of Physiognomy, decide as to the particular kind of humour he is in at the time the favour is requested of him, and thus avoid a refusal by judiciously suiting ourselves to his state of mind, or by postponing the matter to a more convenient season. How often is the bungler, to his unbounded astonishment, met with a curt refusal to his request, in a quarter where he thought he was assured of success, while he has only himself to thank for his failure in neglecting the warnings of the Physiognomical, index, or in being unable properly to shape and time his petition to the particular idiosyncratic quality of hia customer or fellow-man ; and thus it is in every conceivable c 34 INTRODUCTION. . condition in which man and man are placed in relation to each other. During the tedium of a long journey by rail or by water, the value of this power of reading character can hardly be over-estimated. If we feel inclined to enter into conversation, we have the means to our hand of picking out those who are socially inclined, and of avoiding the repellant and hedge-hog kind of traveller; and it enables us not only to do this, but after selecting the individual to be operated upon, we can by it arrive approximately at a sound conclusion as to the particular kind of topic which is likely to prove the most acceptable and the least distasteful ; and thus we may accomplish at one and the same time the improve- ment of our own time in a pleasant and profitable way, and the furtherance also of the profit, improvement, and pleasure of others. We could multiply indefinitely instances wherein a knowledge of Physiognomy would be invaluable, but the limits of our space compel us to adhere only to the more conspicuous of those. Success in life hinges entirely upon the adoption, in youth or early manhood, of that particular calling, trade, or profession which is the best suited to the capacity and bent of the individual ; but it is well known, that in the majority of cases the choice of any particular profession is the result of fortuitous circumstances; and it will not be denied that this hap-hazard system results most frequently in the round pin being fitted to the square hole, and vice versa. We have shewn that no two human beings are similarly endowed, and as an evident corollary of this, each individual must be better fitted for some one occupa- tion than for any other. To neglect the means, then, of discovering the proper sphere in time is to be guilty of the most mischievous folly, and yet it is rare to find parents going systematically to work in a matter of so much im- portance, and, as we have said, the decision is left very much to accident or predilection on the part of the parents. Circumspection in this direction is of paramount importance* INTRODUCTION. 35 but, alas, how often does the prevailing method result in the dissipation of the energies of a lifetime, unillumiued by the faintest realization of the hopes whicli seemed to beckon it on at the commencement. The youth who, as an Engineer or Inventor, would have made a glorious name for himself, passes through life as a Doctor or a Lawyer, struggling and unsuccessful. Young men who would infallibly have taken rank amongst our merchant princes, if initiated at the proper time into the mysteries of commerce, frequently waste a lifetime in seeking distinction in some sphere for which they are utterly unsuited. Young women fret themselves to death in the uncongenial calling of millinery or dressmaking, when they might have been profitably and pleasantly employed in the kitchen or behind the shop-counter; and so of all the various occupations of life. Physical and mental disqualifications for particular walks of usefulness are unheeded at the time of choice, and the result is, that work which should be pleasant and healthful for mind and body, is conducive only to brittleness of temper and general unhappiness. A judicious choice, on the other hand, gives an impetus at the start, which carries them on pleasantly and profitably to that measure of dis- tinction for which they are suited. Above all, to both man and woman, the choice of a partner for life is an act fraught with the weightiest consequences, and in this, perhaps, as much as in any other turning point of life, the paramount importance of a correct understanding of the Principles of Physiognomy shines forth with the -clearest brilliancy. Not only our own happiness, but the happiness of our children, and our children's children, is bound up with a judicious or a foolish selection, and it well behoves us to give the matter the very deepest consideration, at so momentous an epoch of aur existence. Apart from a utilitarian point of view, the mere pleasure to be derived from the science is an element which, of itself 36 INTRODUCTION, alone might have sufficed to make it universal in its adoption. When disinclined for more active pursuits, what a vast fund of amusing instruction may be gathered in the contemplation, from a window overlooking a densely thronged thoroughfare, of the various types of countenances which pass and repass in an ever ceaseless flow. The same may be said of a journey by railway or steamboat; and aa pleasure is healthiest when combined with profit and instruction, we cannot do better than give this species of it our hearty recommendation and approval We have tried it for years, and find it an occupation which never palls ; and we are convinced that these studies for leisure hours will be more and more entered into as the Science of Physiognomy becomes better known and more widely understood. The moral element which is bound up with the Science of Physiognomy is one deserving of the deepest and most profound consideration and attention: and we predict, that in the promotion of that science, the philanthropist and social reformer will find ere long their most powerful and most efficient levers for the regeneration of mankind. The swollen basilar visages of the habitually vicious are the direct and inevitable consequences of a life-long indulgence in the worst passions which can take possession of the human breast, and they may well act as a beacon and a warning to the rising generation, of the untold evils which follow in the train of unbridled indulgence, lust, and passion. These are the beacons .which tell of the danger-fraught rocks and shoals which lie below, and on which have perished so many goodly barks in life's tempestuous voyage. Once let the moral Physiognomical survey be made, and the moral Physiognomical chart be drawn and laid down, and the voyage of life will be robbed of one-half of its perils, and travellers relieved of one-half their terrors. Once let it be generally understood and admitted that an inward refor- INTRODUCTION. 37 matiou is the sure forerunner of a beautifying reformation in the outward and visible marks of the countenance, and vice will be robbed of one-half of her powers of seduction, while virtue will be reinforced to the same extent. Our prisons and our Courts of Justice would become colleges and museums for the student of Physiognomy, where he would see depicted, in endless variety of revolting delinea- tion, the degraded pictures of the votaries of vice. In fact, the extent to which this lever for the destruction and anni- hilation of vice could be used is unbounded, and the benefits which would accrue would have an application as wide and universal as the habitable globe. The enormous sums of money which are required in every country, for the efficient maintenance of the machinery for the control and punish- ment of the criminal population, would be replaced by modest figures, and the energies and talents of our public judicial servants would be turned into other useful channels of work The general adoption of the principle would have the effect of making so apparent the scoundrel, the thief, and the habitu&l criminal of whatever cast, that it would speedily be discovered that vice was an article no longer marketable, and that upngLt and honest dealing were the only passports to a livelihood. It is in this merciless exposure of vice, when the vicious could no longer walk the streets without, in his face, carrying a signboard denoting the rottenness within, that is to be found the most powerful element for the elimination of vice in the future. These unfortunates would be literally starved into a different course of action, and would be compelled, nolens volens, to retrace their erring steps to the paths of virtue. It is impossible to calculate the influence which this feature will exercise when the Principles of Physiognomy have reached their acme of development. When Physiognomy is taught in our schools, and when chairs of Physiognomy are insti- tuted in our Universities, then may we mark the dawn of 33 INTRODUCTION. the better time, the approach of the millennium of thefutuie, and a giant stride on the part of the human race in ita inarch to perfection a perfection which the Omnipotent has enacted from all time to be the fit resting-place for that ethereal essence, the Soul. L6ON M. GAMBETTA, an eminent French statesman and founder of the French Republic. When he died from a pistol wound, in 1882, at 44 years of age, his brain was found to weigh 40-,^ ounces, whereas boys of 7 to 14 years of age average a fraction less than 46 ounces. Dr. Flint, in his " Physiology," gives the average male brain in New York at a little over 50 ounces. Here we find one of the most powerful of the statesmen of his time with a receding forehead and exceedingly small brain. THE FORMS OF THE HUMAN BODY. " We are all the slaves of our organism." Emerson. THE question of human responsibility, involved as it is in the metaphysical subtleties, yet pregnant with the weighti- est practical interest, has ever been the vexed inquiry of speculative theology. But although I am somewhat attracted to this perplexing field, by the subject I am about to discuss, I shall not here attempt its exploration. I shall leave the metaphysicians to solve the question whether mind is the result of physical organization, or physical organization the result of mind ; or to what extent they both act and react upon each other. In this work, strictly devoted as it is to Physiognomical Science, it will be sufficient for me to point out those mental and moral characteristics which, in common experience, are always found in connection with distinctive physical types. A scientific definition of the types of the human body, as regards the relations and proportions between its various parts, has been attempted even by the earliest writers. Galen and Hippocrates contended that all men could be classed under four erases or temperaments, viz., the san- guineous, bilious, melancholic, and phlegmatic. The bilious temperament, according to Hippocrates, is the result of an 40 THE FORMS OF THE HUMAN BODY. excess of yellow bile secreted by the liver; the melancholic, of a surplus of black bile produced by the spleen; the sanguineous, of an overplus of blood originated by the heart, and the phlegmatic, of a superabundance of phlegm a watery fluid consequent upon the action of the brain. The progress of physiological science has shewn us that the brain does not, as the Greek pb} 7 sician supposed, originate a watery fluid, and that black bile is not produced by the spleen, nor blood by the heart. Yet, notwith- standing these errors in the details of Hippocrates' system, his classification, as such, has been handed down through succeeding ages, and is more or less in favour to-day. Now I maintain that this ancient system, and all the modern schemes which have been founded upon it, are essentially false, because they are not based upon nature, and because their terminology is obscure to any but the scientific student. I prefer, in the consideration of this subject, to discard the word temperament altogether, as liable to grave misunder- standing, and to designate the different classes of men by their different- physical forma. These forms, which are five in number, I shall consider in the following order. The Abdominal Form; the Thoracic Form; the Muscular and Fibrous Form; the Osseous or Bony Form, and the Brain and Nerve Form. In this order I follow nature in the manner in which she unfolds the respective powers of mankind. I ascend from that which developes first to that which is latest in maturing, from the lower part of the face and physique to the superior portions, and the same order is maintained throughout the entire classification of this book. The number of the classes of the signs of the faculties correspond with the number of forms which the signs and their even combinations represent. Every person, of course, possesses all of these forms, but in the vast majority of instances they are unequally developed, in THE FORMS OF THE HUMAN BODY. 41 which case, the predominating form or forms, by marking the leading characteristic, indicates the class to which the subject belongs. The abdomen is that part of the body which lies between the thorax and the pelvis, and includes the larger part of the digestive apparatus, and the intestines. The form to which the abdomen gives its name may be morbidly in- creased by entire freedom from care and study, and excessive indulgence in eating, drinking, and sleep. Those in whom it is highly developed have full cheeks, a double chin, one or more wrinkles running round the neck, short and irregular wrinkles on the forehead, almond-shaped and sleepy eyes, a round, pug nose, and general fulness in the abdominal region. They are epicurean in their tastes, prudent, indolent, good-natured, social, and fond of making and of spending money. They are rnclined to adipose accumulation, and succeed better in the social circle than in high deliberative or executive functions. The activity of their excernent system gives them the plump and aqueous appearance which is consequent upon an abun- dance of the vital fluids. Daniel Lambert may be cited in illustration of the abdominal form. The Thoracic form is highly developed, when the thorax is relatively large. The heart and the organs of respiration are contained within the thoracic cavity, hence mountain air, and mountain climbing; striking the chest rapidly after a full inhalation; running; swimming, and other exercises increase the Thoracic form, by developing the lungs, and stimulating the circulatory action of the heart. Those in whom this form predominates, are fond of amusements, pure air and exercise. They are cheerful and imaginative, but dislike confinement, and are usually averse to study. Their muscles are of a fine and rather firm texture, and they have generally a large nose, with expanded nostrils, prominent and wide cheek bones, protuberant veins, and 42 THE FORMS OF THE HUMAN BODY. moderate or small brain and abdomen. They are peculiarly liable to acute diseases, and especially to inflammatory com- plaints. Cicero was a good example of this form. As large bones are not always accompanied by powerful muscles, it is necessary to discriminate between the Muscular and Fibrous, and the Osseous forms. Dr. Windship of Boston, although able to lift 2,600 Ibs., is a man of small frame-work The Muscular form is developed by all kinds of energetic and healthful muscular exercise. Those who are distinguished by it are sensitive and energetic. They possess . abundant physical courage, and although compar- atively slow to anger, are desperate when exasperated. In the purely intellectual powers they are seldom gifted, but when urged to practical exertion by love, ambition, rage, or fear, there are few obstacles which they cannot surmount. They are elastic and amorous, and when irritated become destructive. Dr. Windship, who is a conspicuous instance of this form, told me that light-haired people were the most susceptible of physical development. He is light-haired, and of a sandy complexion. Romulus, Hercules, Achilles, Hector, Ajax, Alexander the Great, William Wallace, and Robert Bruce, all possessed the muscular fornj. The Spartan legislators paid particular attention to the development of the physique, and to that end ordained that women as well as men should practise running, wrestling, boxing, jumping, swimming, quoit-pitching, and throwing the javelin. To insure a muscular race, they also ordered that all weakly and deformed children should be destroyed immediately after birth. Plutarch informs us that, the better to tone the fibres, the athletic exercises of the Greeks were performed by both men and women in a nude condition. The physical signs of the muscular form are, general breadth of the body, well defined tendons and muscles, heavy shoulders, a nose broad at the base, and a large short neck. The muscles may be developed by THE FORMS OF THE HUMAN BODY. 43 vigorous exercise in the shade, but the growth of the bones is dependent on the influence of sunlight. Those persons strongly characterized by the Osseous form, have a sallow or dark complexion, long limbs and fingers, square shoulders, a prominent nose, hollow cheeks and temples, and straight hair. They are ungraceful in their movements, slow in motion and judgment, but very reliable ; awkward in bestowing or receiving a favour, careless in details, and more fond of comfort than display. When this form is supported by a large brain, and general healthiness of organization, it is highly favourable to talent and greatness. Plato, Plutarch, Alfred the Great, La Fayette, Washington, and Lincoln possessed the Osseous, in marked but harmonious combination with the Brain and Nerve form. The Brain or Nerve form is s^own by various external signs, such as an uneven or angular surface of skull, sharp features, thin lips and nostrils, wasted physique, an anxious and discontented expression, a relatively small chest and neck, and a relatively large head. Persons of this form are quick in their motions, keenly sensitive to every species of suffering or enjoyment, and peculiarly susceptible of the influence of alcoholic liquors, opium, tobacco, and tea. They are apt to be dyspeptic, irritable, fidgety, and super- attentive to details. They carry too much sail, and they need a great deal of sleep and healthful food to repair the waste of nature incident to the excitement of their intense lives. The most important lesson which can be derived from the science of physiognomical forms is, that an appropriate and protracted system of education and living may so modify their relative development as to bring them all into that harmonious proportion which is the condition of the highest mental and physical health. A child, for instance, in whom the brain and nerve form is unduly ascendant, may 44 THE FORKS OF THE HUMAN BODY. acquire the Osseous form by drinking calcareous water, and by plain diet, pure air, and light manual labour in the sun- light. All the other forms may be similarly transmuted by appropriate training. The Creator has given perfection of physique to very few of His creatures; but he has arranged the animal economy with such ineffable wisdom and good- ness, that all have it in their power to decrease their natural defects, and approximate, at least, to a perfectly harmonious organization. As childhood is the period when human beings are most susceptible of all kinds of educational influences, it is evident that parents and guardians are deeply responsible for the healthy combination of forms in the children whose rearing is committed to their care. FREDERICK THE GREAT, author of 23 volumes, possessed the retro- gressive and homoeopathic forehead, crouched top head, yet, in liberality, significant genius, remarkable intellectual power, enterprise, and heroism, he has rarely, if ever, had an equal among monarchs. THE ABDOMINAL FORM. ONE of the most important lessons which an observant, thinking man can learn is, that there are certain boundaries to human knowledge beyond which he cannot step, without involving himself in the fogs of superstition. The How of a natural law we may define and explain, but the Why sometimes evades our efforts. We cannot tell why platinum is eighteen times heavier than water. Why chloride of sodium (common salt) always crystallizes in the form of a cube, no matter how often it is dissolved in water. We perceive that the com- bustion of a tallow candle is caused by the oxygen of the atmosphere uniting with the carbon or tallow of which it is formed, by what we term chemical action, producing carbonic acid gas. But Why this takes place has never been answered. Why the sun is so much larger than the planets, or why they revolve around him within certain limits, are matters entirely beyond the reach of our reasoning powers. We observe only the facts, and from those facts deduce what we call natural law. The same rule pertains to our knowledge of humanity. We cannot tell why men and animals with large build in the abdomen are more fond of eating and ease than those of less prominence in this region, and yet from practical 46 THE ABDOMINAL FORM. observation we discover such to be the truth. To the attentive eye the world appears filled with principles and 1. S 2. 1. The Abdominal Form Large. The Claimant for the Tichborne Estate. 2. The Abdominal Form Small. Wallace, of Kelly. Copied by permis- sion from "The Characters of Glasgow," published by Mr. John Tweed, 1 1 St. Enoch Square, Glasgow. curious facts, yet none can fathom the reason why of their existence. THE ABDOMINAL FORM. 47 Geology reveals to us the fact that the first living organisms were destitute of bone or frame-work. Every portion of the body was constructed to minister to eating and digestion, which was the great aim of their existence. Tue stomach occupied the centre, protected on all sides from injury, and the digestive power was strong and active. The Polypi were round bodied, destitute of bone or shell, and from the commencement to the end of their existence, did nothing but eat and digest their food. As we come down later in the scale of animated life, we discover the Dermal skeleton, or that where the bony structure or shell is on the outside, as in the Mollusca and other shell-fish, together with the tribes of insect life. Still later we have the Neural skeleton, where the bones are inside, as in the horse, dog, sheep, and animals of the highest type, as well as Man. The law of growth in the world seems to be from the lowest to highest forms of being. As the efforts of the boy are, excelled by those of the man, in beauty, perfection, and usefulness; so nature, or the earth, appears to progress in each later age in her productions of animal life. Races of men make their appearance, reach their utmost capacity, then go to decay, and become extinct. As one of the first acts of life is to eat, so the first nations of men lived mainly to eat. Then came the muscular age of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where war and labour were the chief occupations, and now still later we enter upon the age of thought and reason. So rarely is it we meet a man of large abdomen, that when we do, we regard him as a specimen of the past age. Recollect the Abdominal form takes into consideration all that part of the body between the diaphragm (which separates the stomach and intestines from the lungs and heart) and the inner surface of the pelvis. It contains the. stomach, liver, and other viscera, and is the fat or oline* 48 TIIE ABDOMINAL FORM. producing region the nutritive and assimilative part of the body. The vital forces are active in this form. What is eaten digests well, and the organs of assimilation store up their material in the form of fat; this cushions up the bones, rounds out the muscles, and gives a plump appearance to the whole frame. Attendant upon a large abdomen are broad mouth, round- ness of chin, cheeks, &c., a softness of flesh (from the presence of fatty matter) to the touch. The eyes are usually sleepy looking; face destitute of expression; pulse slow; movements lazy ; in fact, neither quick in action nor thought. To them it is a matter of indifference whether butter is ten or fifty cents a pound, provided they get enough of it. Personal cares hang loosely on their minds, and slip off as easily as their clothing; they never borrow trouble, but are ever willing to lend it; and are always averse to physical labour, or incapable by illness. They may be fitly repre- sented as a bag of food, or a storehouse of fat. An ordinary tumble does little injury to a man so \ell padded and protected. Dinners are of more consequence to him than ideas. Such men are never close students, what- ever may be their pretensions. Their dreams have never chiselled down their faces by day or night, and their joys are as rarely intense as their sorrows. The glands are all active, and do their work thoroughly; sleep is easy, and tends to assist digestion, while it increases the fatty secre- tions. Children who sleep much, and assimilate their food readily, are almost invariably fat. Persons ' Ihe Abdominal shape should be especially careful not to overload the stomach with food, as they are liable to diseases of an apoplectic or paralytic character. Man is endowed with reason that he may overlook and control his appetites and passions, and thus keep in a healthy condition the whole animal economy. The principle involved is like that of a threshing THE ABDOMINAL FORM. 49 machine, too much grain chokes up the apparatus, and the whole force is lost ; so the vital organs become clogged, and disease and death ensue. Men who are large in the Abdomen are unexcitable, their ideas are as undefined as their bodies are destitute of angles and points. Daniel Lambert, in England, was a remarkable specimen of the Abdominal shape, and Dixon H. Lewis, long time senator in Congress, from the Southern States, was another, in America. They are subject to such diseases as inflammatory rheumatism, dropsy, and similar complaints. Mentally they are indolent, sensual, cowardly, unambitious, and deficient in enterprise. Those characteristics naturally invite the insolence and oppression of others. The inhabitants of Central Asia are principally of the Abdominal shape, and they are wanting in dignity, energy, and enterprise. The English partake in some degree of this build, blended with the bone and muscular attributes, and this combination gives them self-possession and a consciousness of indepen- dence. The highest compliment which an Englishman ever pays a foreigner is to tell him that he really took him for an Englishman. Where the Abdominal characteristics predominate in a nation the character of the people will be social in secular affairs, and slow and easy in domestic life. Women become indifferent to tidiness in housekeeping, as exer- tion is unpleasant to mind and body, and men of this build make poor and lazy mechanics. Their mental efforts are apt to become confused, the labour of thinking being equally disagreeable with that of physical exertion. Sydney Smith, the celebrated wit, once sat opposite to a man of this organization at the dinner table, and for a time was profoundly impressed with his solemn, por- tentous-looking face. After watching and waiting a while, to catch the drops of wisdom he expected to fall from D 50 THE ABDOMINAL FQRM. the fat stranger's lips, a huge dish of apple dumplings was placed on the table, when in a moment the half-closed eyes opened widely, stared with delight at the dumplings, and the supposed philosopher exclaimed; " Them 's the jockeys for me." Sydney Smith then learned a lesson in Physiognomy which he never afterwards forgot. In the walks of science and art the fat man takes little delight; to him the thorny path which leads to greatness is an insuperable difficulty, and he is better pleased to reap the harvest which the industry of others has pro- duced, than to work himself in the vineyard. When boys shew a pre-disposition to this form, they are apt to be untruthful; they enjoy fun, but are physi- cally and mentally too lazy to make it; but when it is joined to the Bony and Muscular form, it gives a keen appreciation of wit and humour. They are sluggish, like the stagnant waters of a morass, and inclined to be impure in thou'ght. Not from such, but among the slim and active, must we look for the regenerators of the world. Food, when introduced into the stomach, allays the passions, and by calling the, vital energies to the work of digestion, produces an indifference to mental action: hence the importance of setting apart proper hours for thought and study. Whatever power is used in digestion lessens that necessary for the brain. Thousands of lawyers, clergymen, and merchants, invite their friends to their own funerals, by rushing into mental labour on a full stomach. A clear brain and a clean stomach are so nearly synonymous, that a sermon on health might be preached without any other text. Napoleon attributed the loss of a great battle to the fact of his having eaten something which did not agree with him. Charles VI., Emperor of West Austria, ate a dish of mushrooms that caused dyspepsia, and his death. The destiny of kingdoms sometimes hangs in the balance, THE ABDOMINAL FORM. 51 which a full or empty stomach may turn in one or the other direction. To eat reasonably is to eat moderately the food best fitted for mental and physical activity, as the fatty or carbonaceous substances taken into the system only serve to maintain warmth, and fulfil no other purpose than the coal does in our stoves. We should, therefore, abstain from that class of diet, especially in the summer season, when warmth is not an object. Too many people cram and stuff their own stomachs, and those of their children, just the same in summer as in winter, and by that means induce the presence of those fevers which seem to be permanently located in our midst. When the body is healthy, we can often move among diseased persons with impunity; but when it is gorged with improper food, or too great a quantity, a field is offered for disease to work upon, and death is frequently the penalty paid for such neglect. An enormous appetite almost invariably attends insanity and idiotcy. Where it becomes necessary to cultivate the Abdominal form, care should be observed in the selection of food. It should be plain, easy of digestion, and taken several times in a day; mastication should be slow and perfect; rest after every meal; sleep indulged in if desired; good temper should be encouraged, and nothing should be allowed to interfere with the mind or body during the process of digestion. The drink, milk and water only, and very soon the viscera will be strengthened, and the abdominal powers will become enlarged and improved. To repress this condition, the eyes and ears should be kept open, and the mouth shut. We should eat less, and try to work and think more. By associating with persons whose brains are active, and whose nervous organizations are full of life, the sleepy fat man will gradually acquire habits of thoughtful ness; contact, by the law of sympathy, will induce greater 52 THE ABDOMINAL FO&HL activity in the torpid brain, and each succeeding effort will prove easier than the former; until at last, in the place of a human being devoted like a hog to the solidi- fication of carbon, in the shape of lard, we have a man fulfilling the nobler destiny of solving the great problems of life and motion with which the world is overflowing. The use of alcoholic drinks, in all cases, tends to a degeneracy of the body, producing the Abdominal form. The hydrogen, which is the basis of alcohol, produces temporary warmth at the expense of the destruction of the tissues of the body, and inclines the stomach and liver to fatty secretions; this is the reason we see so many bloated faces around our too numerous saloons; and when disease once takes hold of such a subject, he is almost sure to be hurried off to that bar, where, it is said, men give an account of wasted or well-spent lives. Personal salvation must begin by controlling the appetite; pure souls are not to be found in impure bodies, and before we can be born again, a fitting temple, swept and garnished, must be prepared for the regenerated spirit. Associate, then, with persons who are intelligent, observe and copy their habits and manners, and in time the burden of fat will fall from you, and additional weight of brain will take its place. This large Abdominal condition has many times been cast aside, and exchanged for muscle and brain. Sleep little, eat seldom, study much, bathe daily in cold water, climb the mountains, and there, while respiring the pure air, let your soul drink in the great and holy sermon which is preached through nature's beautiful handiwork. As your thoughts tower away among the hill tops, or recline among the flowery vales, nerve again your whole frame, for one grand effort,- to send your spirit, imagina- tively, throughout the vast labyrinths and mazes of worlds, rounded and painted with flowers, gladdened with the THE ABDOMINAL FORM. f>3 songs of birds, and decorated with rainbows, blue sky, and glorious landscapes, until you are swinging on airy pinions, 'mid the beautiful Paradise of the Poets. When your natural condition returns, and you wonder- ingly scrutinize, and try to divine whether it was a vision, a dream, or noble thought, almost doubting your own identity, then remember one step has been taken to bring your spiritual nature over your gross animal appetites and deadening passions. A hundred such lessons, with daily care and diet, will give you spiritual conceptions, and a thousand similar upliftings, and you will have a spiritual birth. Thus, and thus only, can we develop the mind and spirit, and curb the " Old Adam" within us. Dn. J. F. BLTJMENBACH, a celebrated German anatomist, physiolo- gist, and anthropologist, filled the chairs of anatomy and medicine at Got- tingen more than half a century. He first divided the human species into five races. This is a superlatively scientific and pure face. THE THORACIC FORM. THE thorax or chest is the highest of the two great divisions of the trunk in the human body, being situated between the neck and the abdomen, from which it is separated by the large muscular partition called the diaphragm. The chest is protected from external injury by the back and breast bones, and the ribs, which permit the necessary amount of expansion, but prevent so much as would be injurious. It incloses the heart and lungs, with the various arteries, veins, ducts, tubes, which are immediately connected with them, and necessary for their functions. This is not only the great centre of the circulation of the blood, but the laboratory in which is carried on the all-important work of purifying it, so as to render it fit to fulfill its office in the system. Impure or venous blood impure because charged with carbon venous because flowing through the veins enters the right auricle of the heart, thence proceeds to the right ventricle, and is driven from that into the lungs, to be exposed to the influence of the air which has been inhaled through the trachea or wind-pipe. The precious, life-giving oxygen of the air seizes upon, and as it were, burns the carbon of the blood, which now pure, warm, and life-giving, is conveyed to the left side of the heart ; while the impure air, called carbonic acid gas, is expelled from the lungs and breathed out through the trachea or wind-pipe. The pure THE THORACIC FORM. 55 arterial blood is pumped from the heart through the arteries, and circulated in the body by capillary tubes, where it again contracts carbon, and returns through the veins to undergo the same process. As soon as the lungs have sent away the purified blood for circulation, the heart pours into them a new stream of the impure to meet the next breath, and so the process goes on, with silent but mighty and withal harmonious activity, through our sleeping as well as waking hours, from the first hour of life on till the last; for the commencement of these operations means life begun; the cessa- tion of them is life ended in death. The quantity of air taken into the lungs is reck- oned as about 502 cubic inchesperminute for a grown person at rest during the day, and 400 during the night. But this quan- Tlie Thoracic Form Large William IIL tity is largely increased by exertion. If the respiratory and circulatory apparatus of any indi- vidual is in a good condition for accomplishing its work, sufficiently large, and having room for full play, it will appear outwardly in a broad capacious chest, and with this will be associated large nostrils, and prominent malar or cheek-bones. This conformation is found much more in mountainous regions than in low plains. In Switzerland, THE THORACIC FO"RM. Scotland, the high lands of California, and in parts of New England we find what we may call the Thoracic shape pre- vailing; and all the points that go , to compose it are conspicuous in the North American Indians. So also the Inka Indians, living on the mountains of South America, have very large and long lungs; they live to a great age, and never suffer from pulmonary disease. Some are said to have prolonged their lives to two hundred years. The inhabitants of the city of Mexico, which is seven thousand feet above the ocean level, are never pulmonic or consumptive, while in the low grounds of that country, such dis- ease is very prevalent. Similar facts are observed in Nevada, The Thoracic Form Small Oregon, and Washington Territory, as well as in the mountains of California. All consumptive patients experience relief, if they visit these heights in good time, before the disease has progressed too far. As elevated regions are favourable to persons liable to pulmonary affec- tions, those near the sea are quite the reverse ; therefore the climate of London, Glasgow, San Francisco, New York, and other localities situated but little above sea level, should be avoided by persons of contracted chests. We are informed by Audubon, Wilson, and other Orni- thologists, that birds which habitually fly high have larger air-vessels than those which remain in lower air. The wild pigeon, which is capable of such a rapid and extended flight, reaching in some instances as much as three hundred miles an hour, has both lungs and heart large in comparison with any other birds not migratory. TIIE THORACIC FORM. 57 Likewise the bears of mountainous countries have lung- power very superior to that of the same class of animals living in the valleys. Even fish in mountain streams and lakes are found to have larger air-vessels than those swimming in the sluggish waters of the lowlands. These facts may be thus explained. In low flat countries the atmosphere is denser, and a given amount of air con- tains more oxygen than it does on the hills; therefore there is not the same necessity for filling the lungs in order to obtain what is necessary to support life. But when- we ascend to higher regions, the atmosphere becomes rarer, and we are compelled to inspire more in 'volume, in order to get the same in weight and efficiency. Another cause affecting the action both of lungs and heart, is, that higher altitudes are (cet. par.} colder than lower ones; and as we require more warmth, we must burn more fuel, that is carbon, to maintain the heat of the blood. Consequently, we must not only eat more fat and other carbon-producing matters, but must take in a larger quantity of oxygen to burn it; and then the heart has to send the vital fluid thrilling to the surface and extremities of the body. It appears to be a universal law of nature that use increases capacity; and herein we see the philosophy of sending weak-lunged people to the hills. Not only is the tempera- ture more equable, but the increased action of the lungs steadily enlarges them; the heart as a necessary conse- quence begins to beat Stronger; the appetite improves, because the carbon must be found ; good health and spirits are the natural result. Nature responds to activity and use, by giving increase of power, and strength, or profit thus verifying that old parable of the Talents, where those who used them won others, and were rewarded with increase, while he who buried his for safe-keeping with- out using it, lost that which he had. Nature destroys that which is not used, and because it is not used. 58 THE THORACIC FORM. When, howevei, the Thoracic form largely preponderates over the abdominal, the activity of the heart arid lungs may be too great in proportion to other functions; and the very intensity of the fires may destroy the life which the} 7 were intended to preserve. Though the broad-chested, large-nosed, wide-cheek-boned mountaineer is no subject for Phthisis Pulmonalis, he may be subject to diseases of a characteristic type. Among us, persons who have too great a proportion of Thoracic development are liable to haemorrhage and inflammatory fevers; when exposed to great muscular exertion and fatigue, they may be afflicted with pleuro-pneumonia and rheumatism. When supported by corresponding abdominal powers, and large bone, muscle, and brain, the well-developed thorax produces true leaders in war. But where it predominates, as in the mountaineers we have referred to, and others among ourselves who are not mountaineers, *t marks a type of character easily recognized. The distinct, well-marked features, the im- petuous glance of the eye, the animated hopeful expres- sion of countenance, the well-rounded limbs, and fine compact muscles, free alike from angularity and flabbiness, prepare us to find less mental than physical power. SucK persons are more disposed for a stirring, active life, than one of study and close application. Their impressions come and go; so do their opinions and religious beliefs, fickle as the wind; yet with a strong and courageous will, they act upon each while it lasts. Again and again have great revolutions been occasioned, \id effete civilizations overturned by hordes of such impetuous mountaineers sweeping over the more settled lowlands, and carrying all before them, only to be themselves* in turn displaced, when, through ages of luxury, they have lost their thoracic character. So did the earliest bands of the Caucasian race pour down from the Asiatic highlands to settle in Europe, and develop the civilizations of Greece and Rome. But THE THORACIC FORM. 89 when they became deteriorated, hordes of Goths and Huns, usually called barbarians, descended from the mountains of northern Europe, and took possession in their stead, to become civilized in turn. Still later, the Norsemen came down on old England, and gave a mighty stir to its population. So did the Tartars of high Asia make themselves masters of India, and become the terror of Eastern Europe, dispossessing its less hardy occupants. The traditions of Mexico, in like manner, point to a time when people came from the Andes and Cordilleras to settle in the lower lands and elaborate a new civilization. Popu- lations of rude, elastic, stirring character are bred in mountain lands, to transfuse fresh life every now and then into the more sedentary inhabitants of the plains. As certainly as Cuvier could describe the general charac- teristics of an animal from a single tooth presented to him, and Owen, still later, undertook to make drawings of animals never seen by living men, but which lived on our earth hundreds of thousands of years ago; so surely by observing the law of harmony in nature's works, the constant correspondence between mind and body, man and his surroundings, we are able to predicate that which we see not from that which we do see. And whenever we meet a man in whom the Thoracic form is strongly predominant, we expect to find him active and elastic, rather than plodding; disposed to be prodigal in his expenditure ; a playful, humorous, caressing, and obliging companion; easily elated by prosperity, and hopeful in adversity; of lively deport- ment, and springy step ; fond of variety, ever astir, never long at one stay. Such a one seldom attains pre-eminence in his sphere, but he may do much to keep his neighbours alive, and prevent social intercourse from stagnating. Let us add, he should never marry one of the *same type ; he needs a careful, steady, even-going wife, to counter-balance his disposition to profusion and restlessness. THE MUSCULAE AND FIBROUS FORM. No portion of the human frame-work is so difficult to describe, as that upon which muscular activity and strength depends. We discover one man weak, another strong, one overflowing with physical vigour, another all feebleness, yet size has apparently very little to do with the matter. The prize-fighter, by training, is reduced in bulk pre- paratory to his trial of strength and skill. The race-horse loses weight of one kind, which is replaced by activity and endurance, ere he can win the prize ahead of his com- petitors. To determine from whence this quality is derived, will be the subject matter for consideration in this chapter. It is not sufficient to know that one specimen of life is full of physical force, and another comparatively helpless; but the causes or principles which underlie those conditions must be studied, and to this task we invite our readers. It is from Nature we learn all that we know or can possibly accomplish. The Poet says " Nature hath nothing made so base, but can Bead some instruction to the wisest man." The artist sometimes endeavours to teach others to paint a landscape, but you only learn to imitate from him ; he, or THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. 61 his tutor, learned the lessons from Nature. The true land- scape was painted by her long before man studied her art. The portrait painter but copies the face which nature has so richly tinted; and the photographic artist uses the sun- light to accomplish those well rounded lines of beauty and grace, which no human hand can excel and but few imi- tate to perfection. The Electrician pumps small doses of lightning from that great reservoir the earth, but nature furnishes immensely larger ones from the same source. The rocks have been printed indelibly by nature's type, so that the geologist reads her stories, as readily as from a book, and modern civilization but poorly imitates her action, in that art we term the "Mighty Press. The Muscular Form Large S. Judas Thadeus. Navigation is a copy from the Nautilus, which trimmed its tiny sails on summer seas long ages ere man made his 62 THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. appearance on this globe. Our best efforts in this direction often vainly try to work out safety and deliverance from danger, while this little creature is capable of providing against the ocean storm, and always gains a haven of safety. Houses were made by the beaver, musk-rat, and other animals, long before the first-born son of Adam built the City of Enoch, and their habitations serve their purposes, as well or better, than many of those erected by man. The first dwellers in tents but imitated the closing foliage of the arched forest overhead. The walls of the ancient Egyptian temples, leaning inward, are only imitations of that primitive tent, with the pointed top replaced by a flat covering or roof. Thus architecture may be traced, step by step, from savage woodland life. The tribe of Muras, occupying the forests of the valley of the Amazon, build their houses in the tops of trees, in exact imi- tation of certain animals which live in countries subject to inundation. Thus we see that nature is the source from whence we draw all our designs, and obtain all our patterns; even the front and back doors of our modern palatial mansions were invented by the chattering English Magpie a bird whose ingenuity and taste are only exceeded by its everlasting round of trickery and talk; perhaps in this latter respect poor The Muscular Form Small Princess Anne. THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. 63 humanity has also some semblance to this denizen of the air. Thus we might enumerate every trade, art, or profession which man proudly claims as his own invention, and shew they are but plagiarisms on Nature. All we know we learn either directly or indirectly from this great Mother of Life. She is our teacher, and obedience to her lessons implies strength, security, and success. Anatomy and Physiology are partial studies of the form and laws which govern our being, and Physiognomy requires the utmost accuracy in the ob. enr :ion of nature, to obtain success. The Muscular system is divided into two sets, known as the organs of strength and motion: the first are known as the voluntary muscles, which respond to the option of the mind ; and the other acts independently, as in the motion of the heart, lungs, alimentary canal, arteries, bladder, skin, &c. Those two sets of muscles are inherited previous to birth ; consequently we have only to do with their develop- ment and cultivation. In looking at nature, as exhibited in the vegetable world, we discover that of all the woody fibres, that species is toughest and strongest which, during its growth, exhibits the greatest activity or motion. The Elm is an instance of this fact. Its slim branches are constantly swinging gracefully in the air; no limbs bend more readily, and none are harder to break. This law, which unites activity with strength, pervades all the vegetable world; indeed, rules all animate life, and plainly teaches the great lesson, that motion and life, rest and death, are but synonyms of each other. At the birth of a child, it is unable to stand, or even crawl alone; but as it puts forth effort, strength begins to be developed, and continued activity soon converts a helpless being into one physically or musculurly strong; 64 THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. vigour takes the place of atony, and langour gives place to lustiness. Exercise, then, is the great developer of animal muscle as well as vegetable fibre. As illustrations of the fact that active exercise promotes this muscular strength, may be mentioned the cases of the Kanakas, who have been known to swim thirty miles, remaining in the water six hours. The naked castes of Hindostan, the Tasmanians, and Fuegians, who go unclothed in very cold weather, by constant exercise are able to endure cold and fatigue, astonishing to less active races. An Eton boy can climb a tree as readily as an ordinary lad could go up a ladder, and a savage will mount a smooth pole, using his feet like a second pair of hands, and jump from tree to tree, with great agility. In our own country we have the case of Dr. G. B. Wind- ship of Boston, who, by a thorough training in lifting, pulling, swinging, and the other various manoeuvres attending a gymnastic course, has become a perfect specimen of health and strength, lifting 2,600 Ibs., or a dumb-bell of 200 Ibs. at arm's length. His plan seems to have proved a perfect success. Inheriting, from eight generations of studious men, a disposition to inactivity of the Muscular system, and weighing but one hundred and twenty pounds, he sought to remedy the defect by a course of active exertion, so as to increase his size and strength. To-day he weighs one hundred and forty-four pounds. The deltoid muscles on his shoulders are very broad, the biceps in his arms are immensely developed, and his whole body is a miracle of manly strength. He now teaches a gymnastic system of physical cultivation in Boston. Compare the life of this man with that of some exquisite fop, whose highest ambition is to dress in the latest style, talk flabby nonsense to some coquette, and puff tobacco eruoke in the pure air, or squirt the juice upon the pave- THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. 65 ments of our cities Windship is a bundle of living nerves and muscles, full of life and energy, while the other drawls, fritters, and " cusses " a noble opportunity away. In addition to this constant exercise, pure air is an absolute necessity for the preservation of perfect health and strength. Our houses are, generally, poorly ventilated; and when mankind learns the influence of sunlight on the human body, we shall have stronger and better men than at present. This activity in man and the vegetable world works out all unnecessary material from the body, and leaves only the strongest and best behind. The lungs take in at least one-third more air during exercise ; consequently, the supply of oxygen for vitalizing the blood and manu- facturing muscle is increased ; much of our indisposition to move about arises from the presence of this useless, cumber- some matter in the body; and there was a profound philosophy in that ancient system of punishment which sought to cure the lazy scamp by whipping his hide through the streets of a town. As physicians, we have to be very careful in setting a broken bone, when the individual has been confined to his bed for some months, because there is unusual liability of fracturing the tender bone in another place. Thus we find that inaction causes even the bones to weaken, and become tender, as well as the muscles. How delicate and fragile are the bodies of those stationary mollusks, or shell -fish, when compared to the agile trout or well-muscled eel. Herbert, the sweet singer of a hundred and fifty years ago, was inspired with the thought of an active, muscular, and healthy man, when he sang "Man is all symmetry, Full of proportions, one limb to another, And to all the woi'd besides : For head with foot hath private amity ; - Each may call the farthest, brother, And both, with moons and tide*." K 66 TH^ MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. When men with excellent Muscular development ara well educated, what useful members of society they become. This was undoubtedly what Pope meant when he penned the lines " And praise the easy vigour of a line, Where Denham's strength and Waller's sweetness join." Men who are authors, and at the same time strong in muscular proportions, will give evidence of boldness of con- ception in natural science, mechanism, or the fine arts, such as only comes from physically strong persons. Dr. Johnson was an exceedingly strong man. Robert Burns, when a plough-boy, could handle any two boys of his age. Shake- speare carried the brick and mortar with which to build the tabernacle in which he afterwards performed his plays before Queen Elizabeth. The shady halls of colleges damped and dwarfed not his great mind. Benjamin Franklin could carry a form of type in each hand up two flights of stairs, while it required an ordinary boy to use both hands to carry one of such weight. In our present time we have had such men as Professor Wilson of Edinburgh ( " Christopher North "), Charles Kingsley, Hugh Miller, Lord Palmerston, Lord Brougham, and a host of others, remarkable for muscular strength and activity, as well as profound learning and authorship. Many of these mounted the ladder of fame from humble life, entirely through activity of character. Some were poor; and here let us say, that one of the greatest blessings to the young is that of poverty, because the very necessities it involves become an incentive to action, which forms the basis of future greatness. Elihu Burritt, the greatest living linguist, laid the foundation of his greatness, in bone and muscle, while labouring as a blacksmith. At the forge, while blowing the bellows with one hand, he held a Greek, Hebrew, or Latin Lexicon in the other ; and in the interval, while the iron was heating, he mastered from two to six THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. 67 words of those difficult languages; and while hammering the red hot metal with his hammer, he was busily engaged forging out ideas on the anvil of his mind. This was the price he paid for greatness; and his example is but the key to that law which is universal. While men frequently work just about enough for good health, women often overwork themselves, especially those who are mothers, and have the care of a house and family. Legitimate rest is as necessary for health and strength as exercise. The pernicious custom of turning night into day, by woman working long after dark, causes her to feel as if Jael were driving the nail which killed Sisera into her temples, or a tightness as though Luke's iron crown encom- passed her brow. Many cases of constipation and headache can be traced to want of sleep from this cause. Then let mothers rest more, and make their idle sons and daughters work. To give my readers an idea of the advantages of poverty, and how men who have risen, started in the world's great race, I quote the following concerning the origin of noted men : Columbus was the son of a weaver, and a weaver himself. Claude Lorraine was bred a pastry cook. Cervan- tes was a common soldier. Homer was the son of a small farmer. Moliere was the son of a tapestry maker. Demos- thenes was the son of a cutler. Terence was a slave. Oliver Cromwell was the son of a London brewer. Franklin was a journeyman printer, and son of a tallow chandler and soap boiler. Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Worcester, was the son of t\ linen draper. Daniel Defoe was a hostler, and the son of a butcher. Whitfield was the son of an innkeeper at Gloucester. Sir Cloudely Shovel, Rear- Admiral of England, was an apprentice to a shoemaker, and afterwards a cabin boy. Bishop Prideaux worked in the kitchen -at Exeter College, Oxford. Cardinal Wolsey was the son of a poor butcher. Ferguson was a shepherd. Dean Tucker was the 68 THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. son of a small farmer in Cardiganshire, and performed hia journey to Oxford on foot. Edmund Hailey was the son of a soap-boiler at Shore-ditch. Joseph Hall, Bishop of Norwich, was the son of a farmer. Virgil was the son of a porter. Horace was the son of a shopkeeper. Shakespeare was the son of a wool-stapler. Milton was the son of a money- scrivener. Robert Burns was a ploughman in Ayrshire. Confucius was a carpenter. Mahornmed, called the prophet, was a driver of asses. Mohamet Ali was a barber. Madam Bernadotte was a washerwoman of Paris. Napoleon, a descendent of an obscure family of Corsica, was a Major when he married Josephine, the daughter of a tobacconist Creole of Martinique. General Escartero was a vestry-clerk. Bolivar was a druggist. Vasco de Gama was a sailor. John Jacob Astor once sold apples OQ the streets of New York Catherine, Empress of Russia, was a camp grisette. Cincin- natus was ploughing his vineyard when the Dictatorship of Rome was offered to him. I also make another selection, to show how many of the wealthy men in the city of New York began the great battle of life in poverty. There are sixty-seven who pay an income-tax of $100,000 and over. The man who leads the list, A. T. Stewart, everybody knows, is an Irish emigrant, who commenced life with a capital of less than twenty-five cents. Jay Gould drove a herd of cattle from Delhi, Delaware County, when a lad, for fifty cents a day, in order to get money enough to reach the Hudson River. David Groesbeck, over thirty years ago, used to mend old shoes for his brother, who was a respectable shoemaker in Albany. Henry Keep, boasts that he graduated from the poor-house of Jagerson County. Jnmes Gordon Bennett and Robert Bonner, both poor boys, full of talent and industry. Rufus Hatch, when a youngster, had an ambition to hold the reins of a pedlar's waggon E. D. Morgan commenced life with a quarter measure of THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. 69 molasses. Henry Clews was an errand boy in one of the banking houses down town. The Brothers Seligman started out in life with a pedlar's pack. David Dows retailed pork by the half-pound, and molasses by the gill; and H. T. Hembold was first cabin boy on the sloop " Mary Jane," that navigated the Delaware. Such men as these were the architects of their own fortunes, and active muscles and brains did the work of their elevation. We all perceive the growing aversion which exists in the minds of Americans to manual labour, and this is the reason why an essay of unusual length upon its advantages and importance can hardly be amiss, while considering the Mus- cular build or form. Scarcely a month passes in which several young men have not applied to me for a situation to travel. When asked what they wish to do, they answer, " They would like a situation where there was not much to do, and without hard labour, yet good wages, and all expenses paid, together with a good chance to see the world." Oh ! horrible, lamentable fact! How many such silly idlers the world possesses, anii I am sorry for them. I pity them, be- cause their lack of training has doomed them, with all their golden dreams, to disappointment. My answer to them is, I have no such situation, not even for myself. Such young men will refuse positions as farm labourers at high wages, or the opportunity to learn some useful trade. All over the land complaints go up against high prices, which this growing hatred of work causes, while on the street corners of every city may be found specimens of humanity telling such tales as these THE LOAFER'S SONG. " Now I lay me down to sleep, Musquitoes at your distance keep ; And if I snore before I wake, Tis owing to the buckwheat cake. " Let me dream of other days, On whisky punch, oh, let me 70 THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. On sherry cobblers sucked through straw% Before they make Maine liquor lawa. " Sing me the songs I used to hear, When every store sold lager beer, And every loafer told his joke, In clouds of poor tobacco smoke. *' Wake me up ' when daylight's o'er,' I can 't go out with clothes so poor ; For every fellow whom we meet Thinks I look too mean to treat. " So I lay me down to sleep, I wish my thoughts away would keep ; Oh ! could he sleep till he were dead, Rest would come So the loafer's head." A certain amount of bodily labour is a prime necessity as a promoter of good health and solid happiness ; and until young men, and young women also, cast aside the fallacious iio f ion that labour is degrading, we shall find poverty and puling sickness stalking into every house in the land. Dis- content, and divorces in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred derive their origin from the idleness of one or both parties. Bear in Blind, that honourable labour promotes womanhood and manhood, health, wealth, and that great boon for which thousands are vainly seeking happiness. When we look over the United States of America, and see the Northern States blooming like a garden; their stately edifices, private and public; their free schools, thriving machine shops, and manufactories; and then contrast the view with the woody, uncultivated south, with its ox-teams and log-houses, its scarcity of schools, and other means of enlightenment, we are forced to the conclusion that the people of the North have toiled and laboured, and time has repaid their well-directed efforts. Whereas the South has compelled its disinterested negroes to do its work, while the white race has grown up inactive and useless, leading aim- less lives; and an unthrifty country is nature's reward THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. 71 There is a law of compensation in nature, and by this law labour, if well directed, is always richly repaid. Thank fortune that, since the war, the Southern people have become more industrious, and consequently prosperous. The poorer classes of England and America have been cultivated physically by the labour to which poverty com- pelled them. There was a time when France and England had no postal system, as at present, and fast couriers were emploj^ed to carry letters from city to city. That class of servants or foot-runners were well cultivated, and conse- quently vigorous and healthy. In France this service waa performed by the inhabitants of the Basque provinces, who were very swift of foot. The English runners were very supple and robust, and took pains to keep themselves strong and active by dieting and other means. As a method of physical development, the Carthaginians engaged in swim- ming. About three hundred and ninety years after the founding of the great Roman Empire, and even at the time when the tyrant Caracal! a ruled Rome, the practice of rope- dancing was one of the popular games, and it developed the Muscular system in a remarkable degree. In the days of Socrates, leaning was a common amusement. Alexander had many expert runners whose muscles were finely developed; and Glaucus excelled in many kinds of gymnastic feats. Not only did the ancients practise fighting, running, wrestling, &c., for health and strength, but they most assidu- ously cared for their bodies, by currying, washing, and rubbing, &c. Their gymnasiums were amply provided with bathing appliances; and Lucian informs us that the com- batants in the arena freely cleaned each other after each combat, if not quite disabled. Thus we learn what care was taken in ages past to increase and preserve muscular strength, and the millions of dollars and years of labour were not bestowed in vain. We know, by the remains they have left behind them, that the Romans 72 THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. excelled in works of art and grand design, and that their bodies were models of physical and mental beauty. In imitation of this ancient curriculum, the colleges of Harvard and Yale are beginning to see the importance of physical training as a part of education, and are erecting gymnasiums within the walls hitherto sacred to mental labour. When this change begins to be felt, we shall see our college graduates taking rank equally with the sons of mechanics and labourers in scientific and literary pursuits. Among statesmen and men of letters, we rarely find the sons filling high stations, or making their mark as men of superior worth, for the very reason that the possession of wealth enables them to fritter away their time in idleness; while the mechanic often tries to make a tradesman of his child, whose talents fit him for philosophy, science, or art. The physical cultivation of the mechanic is transmitted to his children, and this natural birthright gives them greater force of character in both body and mind. One great cause of physical decline in children is the use of tobacco and stimulating beverages, such as whisky, brandy, rum, gin, wine, tea, and coffee. Living in impure air, tight lacing, concentrated and mixed diet, spices and I tickles, hot saleratus bread, and late hours, are all dele- terious to health and strength. There are secret sins among the young which are more prostrating to the Muscular and Nervous systems than any of the above mentioned. Then, to be strong in muscle, and of iron heart, that we may insure health and success to ourselves and to our offspring who shall represent us in life's great drama, let us be " temperate in all things," and above all, be virtwous. " Count life by virtues these will last, When life's lone-footed race is o'er; And these, when earthly joys are past, Shall cheer us on a brighter shore." THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FORM. T3 The Muscular form, being compressed, rigid, and com- pact, gives such individuals a quick firm step, and generally rapid motions. They usually lack the gentle and tender emotions which we find in the Brain or Thoracic form. They have vigour and intensity in everything; this class is impressive, and capable of lasting attachment. They are noble in ambition, and fearless in enterprise, when possessed of a cultivated intellect. They resemble the muscular animals: the lion, grizzly bear, tiger, panther, lynx, gorilla, &c., all of which are full of physical courage. Such men dare to do for themselves, and usually are quite considerate. They are proud. Being irritable and high tempered, men of this form are vehement, intense, emo- tional, and strong. Their irritability and emotions affect the liver, which is largely under the influence of the mind, and this causes them to become bilious, or to have derange- ments of the portal and hepatic systems. They have a very changeable and contradictory temper. In religion they are apt to be remarkably inquisitive, penetrating in scientific investigations, and prying and expert in domestic affairs. Good in all serious affairs, except in prayer; sumptuous in living, and imperious as superiors. Thus we have given in detail some of the characteristics which attend this build. The type of these men, like the animals they resemble, is broad rather than tall, round, wide head, broad short ear, small eyes, nose wide in its lower part where it joins the face, short broad foot, and a remarkable closing of the mouth when in the act of eating, as if more in earnest in that affair, and at that time, than in any foregone act of life. They should guard well against liquor, for where their animal passions are aroused by its stimulating effects, they are apt to become turbulent, and at times have been known to murder, as they are naturally destructive. A good moral education, and strict temperance, will enable them to rightly direct 74 THE MUSCULAR AND FIBB.OUS FORM. their surplus force, and save them as ornaments to the world, and from an unnatural and disgraceful death. As action is the great cultivator and cause of physical strength, so in turn it acts again on the animal and man, and demands almost constant exercise. Hence, if such persons are not engaged in some laudable employment, their very nature spurs them on to do something, either right or wrong. Tbej' " put an enemy within their mouths to steal away their brains," and allow the system to become unbalanced by the use of alcoholic liquors, or mental derangement ensues, to which this form of individual is quite liable. This unguided physical force is like a powerful steamer without a pilot, rushing onward, mayhap, to swift destruc- tion. But action is their nature, and act they will, for weal or woe ; hence the great importance of teaching those strong boys the true aim of life self-government and strict sobriety. E. DiCinNSON, an American authoress, orator, and actress, whose vigor of intellect, force, and independence of character are photo- graphed on every feature. THE OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM. GEOLOGISTS, in speaking of the mountain ranges of North America, refer to the Rocky Mountains as the backbone of the continent, and the lesser ranges as the ribs and sup- ports, branch off from this central system; and we find they bear a striking similarity to the human body, in the apparent support they give to other portions of the earth's surface. As the rocks represent the* stable and reliable portion of the globe, so the Bony structure of man and other animals, gives firmness and tangibiKty of character, which cannot otherwise be obtained. There are two great causes which go to produce and develop large bones in man and animals. The first comes from nature, in the shape of soil, or food, and water. For instance, the States of Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee, are famous for tall men, fine horses, and large mules, among other things that might be named. The foundations of those States are laid in the lime rock, which everywhere prevails under the surface, and the water supply to man and animals is largely impregnated with lime, the material of which bones are made. Its secondary influence is found in the fact that the cereals are largely built up from this source. The wheat, corn, straw, and Hay of those States contain a larger per 76 THE OSSEOJS OR BOXY FORM. nentage of bone-producing food than is found in many other States. The second cause is exercise, which grows naturally out of a healthy and rapid bone development. The inhabitants of Tennessee and Virginia, who ride much on horseback, are usually large, lank, and powerfully-framed men. That species of exercise does not call for the use of the muscles so much as other labour, and } 7 et is sufficient to make the bones grow. Prominent men in our own and other countries, are striking examples of the inti- mate relation between exercise and large Bony structure. Washington, six feet three in height, rode a great deal on horseback. Lincoln, whose early life was one of much exercise, towered body and mind above his fellows. Lafayette, the great Philanthro- pist and Franco-American de- fender of liberty, was one of the tallest officers in our revolution- ary army. The exercise of his school days at Chavagnac, his birth-place, developed the boy into the tall and bony man, whose honesty became a pro- verb. Cyrus the Elder, Caesar, Brutus, Mahomet, Crom- well, and a host of others might be named who were all tall and bony men, and the ones, of all others, on whom the nations relied for support. The Osseous Form Large. Lowrie Coulter. Copied from "TLe Characters of Glasgow." Published by Mr. John Tweed, 11 St. Enoch Square, Glasgow. TI1E OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM. Strength of bone structure is allied to honesty and reliability of mind. As Owen, one of the greatest Anato- mists of the present centur}^ has observed, "The only difference between a wise man and a fool is a few grains of phosphorus more or less in the brain." So with regard to firmness and honesty of character, a few pounds more or less of bone makes all the difference between an honest man and a villain. Shakespeare was right when he made Julius Caesar, while he plotted for supreme power in Rome, exclaim " Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' night ; Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look He thinks too much; such men are dangerous! " He knew that he could bribe and purchase the silence of the plump jolly fellows, but the angular long men were too honest to be bought. General Sherman is six and a-half feet high, and no more upright and honest man ever faced bullets on American soil. Ewing, who raised Sherman, said he was the most reliable boy to do an errand he ever knew, and by far too honest for the political field. When you see a man moving like a tall pine among oaks, rest assured that in con- nection with his fine bony structure will be found probity of character. Care, how- f^ 9 Osseous ever, must be had in arriving at conclusions Form very Small. ,,. , . , . , , , . .,' Mr. G. W. M. on this subject, as height alone is not the .. Nutt. " Commo- sole criterion. dore Nutt." Some men are not so tall, who have larger bones, in pro- portion to other portions of their body. The general appearance of the bones of the face, the squareness of the shoulders, &c., are signs which indicate 78 THE OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM. the prevailing bone build. Prominent wrists, knuckles, nose, cheeks, and forehead stand out plainly, as if to sayj here I am, you can depend upon me in case of emergency. You will observe that in all the portraits of Lincoln, the bones jutt out all over his face; and his honesty (not- withstanding his villifiers) has marked the pages of history, as it did his features, with indestructible glory. A_idrew Jackson was another President who knew no bribery or guile; and the rough bony face of the man would be the best monument to his memory, as integrity and virtue last longer than marble, and are more truly ornaments of human character. Wellington was made of more bone than any other material ; and as his fame reverberates from valley to hill- top, again and for ever, no dismantling has left one gem less in the great crown of honour which ever encircles his name. The highest tj r pe of animals, and those most useful as servants to man, are the horse and ox. They have large bones, the presence of which is manifest in the arch of the eye, at the hips, in the legs, shoulders, and other observable places. On the other hand, the most worthless and deceptive animals, such as the skunk, fox, porcupine, American panther, and animals of the cat tribe, are small-boned and full-muscled, and of little or no service to man, and quite dishonest and untrustworthy. The camel again is an animal of large bones, and see how much service he nffords in carrying human beings across the pathless deserts of Asia and Africa. The camel takes his exercise in sunshine, while the skunk, fox, coon, cat, and other small-boned animals prowl about at night, retiring to the darkest shades at break of day, while the panther buries himself in the underwood or gloom of the forest. Large bones are as much an evidence of trustworthiness THE OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM. 79 in men as in animals ; and the influence of sunlight and exercise tends towards developing the Bony structure, while the reverse action deteriorates it. The backers of London, at the present moment, are puzzled to devise some plan by which their clerks may be kept honest. We say, the only way is to procure from the country districts boys who, by the exercise necessary to farm life, have finely-developed bone forms, for with this class of organization will be found stable honesty of charac- ter. Perhaps some finely-dressed city fop may wink, and wince, and say, a country lad could not do the business, he would be " so green." We reply, that George Peabody was a country boy, who had an excellent physical constitution, the foundation of which was laid in country life. Nearly all the London and New York bankers were raised in the country, and do not seem to be so green as the city fops, who never mount the ladder of fame, or wander abroad except after gaslight. As a general rule, persons unused to reading character scientifically, measure the characters of persons by them- selves. A mean man is well assured that 'others are as mean as himself. A miser supposes the love of money the ruling motive of action in bargain or trade. The thief says, " I would like to see the fellow that wouldn't steal if he could;" and in this way ignorance "measures another's corn in its own bushel." Small-boned men, whose souls are of the same diminutive build, can divine no motive but selfishness in the most generous ' actions, or in the lives of the world's greatest philanthropists. Large men, whose bones bear a full proportion to the other parts of their bodies, will be found to be decided, firm, persevering, honest, honourable, hopeful, slow, and sure; enduring, constant in affection, poor politicians, progressive in science, good providers in a family, peace-loving, yet full of moral courage THE OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM. Variations among members of the same family may fre- quently be observed. The father may have very large bones, and the mother very small ones, and the children might inherit the individual qualities of either parent exclusively, or a commingling of both. Bone culture is an inheritance not confined to one generation, but permeates through a long series of ancestors, and, like liberty, or any other of the great blessings of humanity, its price is "eternal vigilance." While marriages are contracted without due regard to fitness of organization, the children born under such circum- stances will not only vary, but are likely to deteriorate ; consequently every child should have especial education and training to preserve and bring out the best type of man. The poorer the structure, the greater care is required to develop better conditions. It is the poor farm that needs the husbandman's nursing hand. What a stupid mistake those parents make, when they train up their delicate, puny children to be tailors, shoemakers, &c., thus dooming them to a life of disease and early death. They should have been sent out into the sunlight and pure air, to gambol and play the livelong day, or to swing the axe, to climb trees, or take any exercise that would in some measure remedy their poor fortunes. It is time we should learn the fact, that labour out of doors in fresh air is physical salvation, to be followed, not preceded, by mental safety and beauty. We refer our readers, who desire to learn more fully the effects of Bone culture, to the chapter on " Rectitude " in this work, or the succeeding book. When the Bony form becomes allied to Brain form, we have men of great genius. Cicero, Locke, Tasso, Petrarch, Shakespeare, King Alfred, Tyndall, Wickliffe, Liebig, Morse, and thousands of others were specimens of this combination of bodily and mental THE OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM. 81 strength. This form gives decided features and well- marked physiognomies, which indicate energy of character and honesty of purpose. Bone-brain men are slow of motion, strong of mind and body, possessed of untiring energy and powerful passions, which make them disregard the grovelling law of common life, by which the bulk of mankind are governed. They devise gigantic schemes of adventure, and great and perilous undertakings in the pursuit of science, power, or renown ; linked to their purposes by the bony bands of a strong manhood, they pursue profoundly and accurately, without extravagance, the great business of their lives. This com- bination produces the grave and thoughtful, prudent and doubtful, orderly and mathematical, mechanical and inven- tive genius men who are usually dignified and safe in every enterprise. They are firm in step, cautious in their vocations, and penetrating in science. The following verse pictures men of the Brain-bone make: " Big was he made, and tall, his port was fierce, Erect his co'-'Utenauce ; manly majesty Sat in his front, and darted from his eyes, Commanding all he viewed." (EDIPUS. Or, as Shakespeare has remarked of large men " Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus ; and we petty men Walk under his huge legs, and peep about, To find ourselves dishonourable graves." Most of the Bone-brain form can labour and think with apparently little exhaustion, and to be great requires that capability in an unusual degree. " 'Tis hardship, toil, 'Tis sleepless nights, and never resting days, 'Tis pain, 'tis danger, 'tis affronted Death, 'Tis equal fate for all, and changing torture, That rear the mind to glory, that inspire The noblest virtues and the gentlest manners." THOMPSON, 82 THE OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM. With these facts before us, how important becomes the physical development in this direction, what nobler work for parents and educators than building up a good solid basis upon which to rear the future fabric of civilization? Men of strong arms, broad shoulders, and prominent fore- heads are to be the coming pioneers in all great deeds. Yet remember, that while every male child born in the United States is eligible, by law, to the highest office in the gift of the people, but few ever become qualified to fill the position of President. So with our children, the possibili- ties of their training are infinite, but the actual facts of it will depend upon the earliest attention being given to exercise that shall increase the growth of Bone and Brain, CHARLES SKINNER, a congenital idiot, being neither epileptic, rickety, nor hydrocephalic, yet he has the boldest, widest, and highest forehead the author ever saw on a human being, his head immediately above the eyebrows and the tops of the ears has the enormous horizontal circum- ference of 2GJ inches. This idiot possesses more than Goldsmith's " gar- nish of brains," if we judge by the size of his head, as do the phrenologists. THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. AMONG all the forms of the human system, the Brain and Nerve form is the most important. To the rest it sustains the relation of master, for to it all others are subservient. Or if we compare the human system to a family, the brain may be said to be the husband, the digestive organs the wife, the bones the oldest and sturdiest son, the muscles the youngest and most mischievous son, and the heart and lungs the only daughter. The Brain and Nerve form being thus at the head, requires and ought to have more- attention paid to it than \ is given to the other I forms, as the health and The Brain Form Large. John Price, a , . f ,i learned critic of England, working power of the head of a family the bread-winner should be looked to though not exclusively, yet, with a preponderance of care; and where this is done, it will be found that the upper part of the forehead predominates in width over the facial organ- THE BRAIN AND NERVE 'FORM. ism or cheeks. Of this the likeness which we give of President Spraker, who was for a number of years President of Wittenberg College at Springfield, Ohio, is an excellent illustration. For years he was a great student, lectured, taught, and preached, and thus strength- ened and developed his mind by hard toil until it became, as the reader may notice, proportion- ably larger than any other part of his organism. Persons in whom this form predominates may always be set down as thinkers, with inclination to hard work; so that, generally speaking, it is impossible for them to become fleshy. The truth of this proposition may be verified any day in any of our high class educational institutions. The round cheeked, full-faced boy, who has hitherto lived for the deve- lopment of his abdominal form, enters one of our colleges with a determination to work hard; and he is not long there until he begins to exhaust more than his average vitals are The Brain Form Small. George III. a bJ e fully to recuperate; so that he very soon becomes, gradually and perceptibly, thin of face and spare in framework, convexities and concavities make their appearance in his face ; and j ust THE BRAIN AND KERVE FORM. 35 as old ocean is deepest where its waves and billows are most stupendous, so these Physiognomical signs constitute unmis- takable evidence of a clear thinker. Deep lines and strongly marked protuberances bespeak originality of thought and profundity of mind; still, on the other hand, as the smooth and placid lake must of necessity be shallow compared with the heaving ocean, a smooth unwrinkled face declares a feeble mind, quite unfitted for anything save the surface of things only. Thus human forms change; the Abdominal, as in the above case, retires, so to speak, allowing the Brain and Nerve form to become regnant; and in whomso- ever this takes place, there will be found inclination to study, to behold, to write, to teach, to lecture, to superin- tend or plan; in short, there will be found the thinking mind. A large brain and a fleshy body do not seem to be able to draw together; and hence, when the Brain and Nerve form predomi- nates in a man, the flesh seems to pass imperceptibly away, leaving leanness and spareness behind it; at least, it is in harmony with observation, that the man of large, thoughtful, clear inind-power is as to his make-up lank and lean. And so Shakespeare says "Yon lean and hungry Cassius, he thinks deeply and reads men well." "He cannot sleep well o' nights; oh! that he had more of that rounder, sleeker, fatter head, and could sleep better o' nights." The Brain and Nerve form is of all the other forms in the The Brain Form Large. Rev. S. H. Tyng. 86 THE BRAIN AND NERVE TORM. human system the most exhausting ; and this being the case, with what solicitude and care it should be watched and trained; and in order to this, how anxious we ought to be to understand its working, its tendencies; the food best suited for its healthy and vigorous action; the recreation most suitable for it after hard work, and all its other diversified necessities, which, to be ignorant of, is almost certain to shorten life. Sleep restrains and refreshes this form, as does also physical labour, when not of an over-exhausting character. The other forms of the body are in a sense as important as this; but this being the age of intel- lectuality, it is thought well in this essay to explain it The Brain Form Small. Thomas Cribb, pretty fully in plain and Champion of England in IS 11. , ir MI ,1 intelligible terms, so that, having a knowledge of its nature, requirements, and the influence it exerts over the whole system, our readers may be in a position, humanly speaking, to ward oft disease which, where ignorance prevails, is ever found planting its heavy foot upon the mechanism of the brain. The brain, being the seat of sensation, is related to all parts of the body \)y & beautifully designed system of nerves, so that, whatever organ may be damaged, the brain suffers with it. The brain may be said to be the guiding form ; but this is true only in a relative sense, for without the soul or "the Divinity that stirs within us," the brain would be blind, or at least would be incapable of rational action. The body, according to the Scriptures, is the temple of the living God, and ought to be the repository of the THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. 87 highest and most noble thoughts. How important, then, to sustain it in good order; to ward off disturbing elements from its various functions, so that it may pursue its in- tended course without let or hindrance! And how can this be done, save by means of that food which nature has provided for it, and that work for which it is so evidently adapted? We have said that the Brain form requires the greatest care; and, considering its relation to all the other forms, how important its healthy and pro- per training. Everybody knows how detrimental it is to have frequent sudden rushes of blood to the brain, but how few there are, comparatively speaking, who have learned' to avoid such an evil by avoiding the cause or causes. Hence the frequency of what is sometimes called nervous exhaustion, which would be more properly termed paralysis of the brain tissues. Whatever tends to derange the nervous system, deranges the brain, and much of the domestic unhappiness of which we hear is attri- butable to no other cause save this, that the habits of society are against a healthy nervous system, and con- sequently against a healthy Brain form. Husband and wife take into their systems enormous quantities of strong tea, spirituous liquors, &c., all which irritate the brain, and what ensues? Constant dissatisfaction, fault-finding, disrespect- ful retorts, squabbling over the merest trifles, so that the domestic hearth, which should ever be the home of peace, becomes turbulent with unhappiness. An English gentle- man once went to his minister, and told him that his house, from being one of the happiest homes in the world, had come to be a little hell. His wife and he, he said, could not sit five minutes together without indulging in the most irritating language, and as this was known to the children, indeed observed daily by them, he felt things to be almost intolerable, and wished the minister's counsel. "You are a heavy smoker, 1 think," said the minister. "I am," replied 88 THE BRAIN AND NERVE, FORM. the gentleman. "And your wife, if I mistake not, indulges largely in tobacco, though that is not generally known?" "She does," answered the gentleman. "You are both in the habit also of indulging in spirituous liquors, especially at night?" "We are," confessed the gentleman. "And you drink very strong tea?" "Yes," replied the gentleman. "Then,"' said the minister, "I am not astonished at your domestic unhappiness. Indeed, it is a mystery to me, knowing what I have known all along of your habits, that you are not both in a lunatic asylum. Go home and give your wife money, and send her to one hydro- pathic establishment, and go you to another, remain there three months, and during that time give up the noxious things I 'have mentioned, and at the end of that time come back and tell me how you feel." The minister's advice was taken ; the old habits were given up, and at the end of three months a new life dawned upon that. house, peace and happiness reigned supreme; and why? Because, -by care- fully avoiding food and drinks having a tendency to derange the nervous system, the Brain form was kept in a healthy condition, and thus all tendency to irritability was subdued. When we say that the brain is the seat of sensation, we are but repeating what physiologists of all classes know to be a fact. Once let the nerves proceeding from the brain be destroyed, and the mind ceases to act; the person sinks into a more or less insensible condition, and sometimes becomes unconscious altogether, either of pain or pleasure. Sir Astley Cooper, a celebrated British surgeon, gives an instance of this, which excited much attention at the time at which it happened. A man (see Preshaw's Elements of Human Anatomy and Physiology] who, during the days of Lord Nelson, had been pressed on board an English ship, received, when sailing in the Mediterranean, a fall from the yu-d-arm, and when picked up was found to be insensible. THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. 89 The vessel soon after making Gibraltar, he was placed in an hospital there, where he remained for some months, still insensible; and some time after he was brought from Gibraltar, on board an English frigate, to a depot for sailors at Deptford. While he was at Deptford, the surgeon under whose care he was placed being visited by Mr. Davy, then an apprentice in a London Hospital, said to him, "I have a case which I think you would like to see. It is a man who has been insensible for many months; he lies on his back with very few signs of life; he breathes, indeed, has a pulse, and some motion in his fingers, but in all other respects, he is apparently deprived of all powers of mind, volition, or sensa- tion." Mr. Davy went to see the patient, and on examining him, found that there was a slight depression on one part of the head. Being informed of the accident which had occasioned this depression, he recommended the man to be sent to St. Thomas's Hospital in London. When admitted into that Hospital to undergo an operation, it was thirteen months and a few days after the accident. The depressed portion of the bone was elevated from the skull. While he was lying on the table, the motion of his fingers went on during the operation, but no sooner was the portion of the bone raised than it ceased. The operation was performed at one o'clock in the afternoon, and at four, when Sir Astley was walking through the wards, he went up to the man's bed-side, and was surprised to see him sitting up in his bed. He had raised himself on his pillow; and when Sir Astley asked him if he felt any pain, he immediately put his hand to his head, which showed that volition and sensation were returning. In four days the man was able to get out of bed, and began to converse; and in a few days more he was able to tell where he came from. He recollected the circumstance of being pressed and carried to the vessel; but from the moment of the accident, up to the time when the operation was performed, his mind remained 90 THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. in a state of perfect oblivion. For thirteen months he had been dead so far as his mental powers were concerned, but by removing a small portion of bone from his brain, he was at once restored to all the functions of his mind, and almost all the powers of his body a most remarkable proof of the statement we have just made, that the brain is the seat of sensation, without which neither pain nor pleasure could be felt; and an illustration of the care with which the Brain and Nerve form should be attended to, and everything tending to its derangement excluded from the system. Not only by such an accident as we have described, and by an over indulgence in stimulants, is the brain deranged. He who overloads his stomach with the most harmless food, or most innocent drinks, must of necessity do injury to his nervous system, and through the nervous system so delicately connected with the brain, cannot avoid doing mischief to that form. Hearty suppers immediately before retiring to bed, engender unpleasant dreams, and unpleasant dreams it must be admitted by all, have a tendency to weaken the organization. That, in so many cases, fatal disease, called congestion of the brain, is not unfrequently occasioned by the very things of which we are speaking. After a succession of horrible dreams, brought on by indulgence in late suppers, the brain becomes what is commonly called "flattened," or "softened ; the person still sometimes thinkins," but cannot think consecutively ; by-and-by the memory ceases to retain : its shelves are suddenly emptied of all its stored-up know- ledge, so that the sufferer is unable to conduct intelligent conversation, even of the simplest kind; the faculty of comparison seems to go into oblivion; then judgment vacates her throne, and the individual dies. We di not describe an imaginary case. That doctor's practice cannot be very extensive who does not know that such cases are common, and in an untold number of instances, the disease THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. 91 has been brought on, as asserted, by over-loading the stomach prior to sleep. Wise men are not gormandizers. They eat moderately, drink moderately, sleep well, and thus avoid that nervous irritation so detrimental to the thinking powers. For the most part, the authors of the eighteenth century and before that era, both British and Continental, were poor, and probably to their poverty, as much as to their genius, we are indebted for those works, whether of history, science, poetry, music, or descriptions of society which now enrich and adorn our libraries. Those men were saved from gormandizing for want of means, they lived on extremely simple fare, because they were compelled to do so, and who dare say that, if the reverse had been the case, the works which have made them immortal would ever have been written. From garret rooms, shabbily furnished, sometimes containing only a bed, a small table, and a rickety chair, and which seldom saw a richer diet than the plainest bread and butter, and often not very much of that, came forth those thoughts before which Kings and Cabinets have humbly bowed, and which have done so much to advance the civilization of the world. These men lived not for the stomach, but for the brain. They were compelled to keep the body under, and bring it into subjection, because they had no means of doing other- wise, and to this compulsion the world owes a vast debt of gratitude for her brilliant thinkers and towering genius. But even men who live sparingly, and never indulge in anything save the simplest food, are apt to bring disease upon the brain. They are hard students, live a secluded life, are seldom seen in society, think and compose often when other people are asleep. Their increasing study goes on for years, it may be, without any apparent evil conse- quences. But the time comes when the strings of the brain, so to speak, like the over-screwed strings of a violin, snap, leaving their possessor a mental vreck. Hugh Miller was 92 THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. a great student. His works are voluminous, and he indulged in no superfluous writing. But who can think of his sad end without feeling that it would have been better for him had he contented himself with the half of the literary labour to which he was devoted. " What brought you here ? " said a gentleman one day to a brilliant preacher and popular author whom he found in a lunatic asylum. " That which will never bring you here," was the sharp reply. " And what is that ?" asked the gentleman. " An over- wrought brain," replied the lunatic sternly. To keep their thinking powers in a healthy condition, our literateurs require to work according to a system. Four or five hours per diem. at most is quite sufficient for the most active mind to work, and these should be in the early part of the day. Then in the afternoon let them do a little gardening, or let them ply the axe, hold the plough, or play at golf or cricket, or any other harmless game; they will thus encourage digestion, strengthen both bone and muscle, and, in short, do their duty to that temple in which the living God deigns to dwell. The man who acts thus returns to his mind work with a keen zest; thoughts of the noblest kind crowd upon him; difficulties vanish; his pen moves surely and rapidly over the paper; his thinking powers never become sluggish; and after accomplishing more work than those who, by over-tension of the mind, gradually commit suicide, he falls asleep in a ripe old age, supported with the idea that he has left his footprints on the sands of time, and that his example is worthy of being followed. Compare a case like this with that of Hugh Miller, who, after years of incessant mind toil, in which it was evident that he was gradually committing suicide, deliberately loaded a pistol, and in a fit of mental derangement, shot himself. Let young men take warning. Be thankful if nature has blessed you with a superior Brain form, but see that that form receives from you the treatment it requires. It is at once the most THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. 93 important and most tender form in your constitution. Certain of your bones may be broken, and still you may live a useful and happy life. You may, like Dr. Kitto, lose your hearing and ultimately your speech, and yet do some- thing for which posterity will feel grateful. Nay, you may be deprived of the organ of vision, like the Puritan John Milton, and notwithstanding this, leave behind you that which will make your name immortal ; but indulge in any- thing, whether too much eating, too much drinking, or an over close application of your mental powers, by which your nervous system is thrown out of order, and your Brain form stultified, and the time may come when, instead of feeling life a blessing, you will feel it to be a curse, and will go down to an early grave, if not a direct, at least an indirect suicide. This is the age of thinking. The world has passed through the Abdominal epoch, the Muscular epoch, &c., and now we have reached the mind or intellectual age. Think of the time when scarcely any one could read, save the priests, who depended for much of their power on the ignorance of the people, and compare that age with the present, and behold the contrast. That was the age of chivalry, when men lived in their lower natures ; this is the age of thought, in which men fight, not with sword, and spear, and lance, but for the most part with their intellects. And who can contemplate the result of our haste toward increase of knowledge, and thirst for literary fame, without being impressed with the words of Henry Ward Beecher, when he says, " the literary field is like unto a battle-field, a grand slaughter-house." Now, if any of our readers are conscious of having gone astray in this matter; if they feel that they have failed to do justice to their Brain form, and are in consequence subjects of pain and suffering ; let them seek deliverance from their condition now. Let them cease to do evil, and learn to do well Appliances of all kinds may be tried, 94 THE BRAIN AND NERVE but so long as the cause is at work the disease can never be removed. The sun is capable of drying a piece of wet cloth when brought under its influence, but in order to this you must cease pouring water on it. Let this be done that is to say, let the cause be removed, and the sun will speedily dry it. And so it is with a deranged brain that is, a brain out of order, whether by over-eating, over-drinking, or over- working. If you find that the food you use does not agree with you, give it up, and try something else. If you find that tobacco or spirituous liquors impair your Brain power, why certainly, then, forego them. Or if you find that your eating and drinking are simple enough ; but that you are bringing disease upon your brain by over-working it, then in the name of common sense, do take warning and refrain from the use of your mind, and whatever taxes largely your sensations. Unless you are very far gone, nature can restore you to former health, and all your powers to their wonted activity, but only upon condition that you avoid those things which have caused the disorder. Mind power is like Muscular power; it grows in strength and vigour, by means of a reasonable and moderate amount of work. But just as a pugilist, however powerful his bones and muscles, will fall exhausted after a prolonged battle, and remain exhausted for months to come; so an over- taxed mind, that needs noxious stimulants in order to make it work, becomes at last exhausted, and exhaustion indulged in brings on congestion, and if that is not removed, death is the result. Sluggish digestion, want of fresh air, sudden excitement, whether of a sad or joyful character, with a thousand other things that could be mentioned, destroy the nervous system, affect the arind, make people ill-tempered, and anything but pleasant companions. Nothing can please a man who lives undei the power of these things. The day is either too hot or it is too cold. The dinner bell is rung too early or too late. In ehort, he is not at peace with himself, and consequently THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM. 95 cannot look upon life with a pleasant eye. He wears green glasses, which make everything green outside. To such a man life is a living death. Now, ignorance lies at the bottom of all this ignoring of the laws by which nature governs the body in its different forms. How foolish is this ignorance ! And how terrible its results ! In early life the evil begins. Children go to school, and their powers being over-taxed they grow weakly. The question which parents and teachers ask is not " how much may the child learn, and yet preserve that physical equilibrium which nature desires ? " but this, " how much can the child learn at all hazards?" Teachers are not always the wisest of men. Indeed, perhaps, there is no class of men anywhere who need more drilling in regard to the subject of which we have been treating than teachers. For a number of years children should be taught chiefly through the physical senses. Their memories should not be worked as they are at present in a certain class of schools. In short, parents and teachers, who between them have the training of the future generation, should see to it that the children first of all make body ; for it is a fact that the strongest, healthiest, most active, and most successful men are those who, when they were young, studied little and played much ; while our weak, irritable, bilious people, are those who had long hours at school when they were young, hard mental tasks, and almost no running about. " All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," is a proverb the truth of which is verified by experience. But dullness is not the worst evil. The darker consequences may be witnessed in every lunatic asylum and every grave-yard. LOCALIZING FACULTIES. THERE is a tendency in nature to destroy. We have illus- trations of this everywhere, and in all ages. As it has been, so is it now. Crops are blighted, fences are laid low, trees are torn up by the roots, houses are razed to their founda- tions, ships are sunk, and men and animals are suddenly deprived of life. This apparently suicidal tendency is called demolitiousness. On the other hand, nature possesses a preservative power. In her bosom lie those treasures of gold, silver, coal, iron, &c., which, when laid hold of by man, minister so much to human comfort and prosperity. This power, common both to man and surrounding nature, we call concealativeness. To this nomenclature none can object; but with its modus operandi of application among a certain class of teachers it is impossible for us to agree. When you speak of nature as being destructive, concealative, &c., you say what is undeniable truth; but when you presume to descend to particulars, and attribute to one part of nature demoli- tiousness, to another concealativeness, and to another resist- ativeness, we are compelled, by the sheer force of evidence, to dissent. You cannot localize these faculties, yet their signs are local and general. You cannot speak of them collectively or individually as being here and not there, as LOCALIZING FACULTIES. 97 being in the mountain, but not in the ocean, or as being above you, but not beneath you. The spirit that moves in nature is ubiquitous. Its centre is everywhere and its circumference no where; -and as this spirit is the onsia, as the ancients called it, in which all the faculties of nature inhere, we must, by a process of reasoning, trace the different tendencies to that spirit, as we trace the different manifestations of power in the human body to the un- seen man within it; and just as we speak of a man doing this or that, and not of his hand doing it, or his eye doing it, or his feet doing it, so is it absurd to localize the above faculties in nature and speak of them as being present here, but absent there. Wherever the spirit of universal nature is, there are the faculties. And as the spirit is everywhere in man's form and in all nature, so must the faculties be. He is a fool, therefore, who would lay his hand upon one mountain and say, here we have demolitiousness ; and on another, and say, here we have concealativeness ; and on a third and fourth, and say, here we have truth and love; the truth being, that the whole of the faculties inhere in that existence which, for popular purposes, has been denominated nature : only in some places they are manifested in an observ- able manner, and in others not. Matter we may locate ; mind or God we cannot. To localize faculties is no new thing in the world. The tendency toward it is hoary with age. The literature of ancient Greece and Rome is full of it, and the religion of the Egyptians was founded upon it. Socrates, and Aristotle after him, with all their philosophical acuteness, were unable to perceive that universal nature was permeated with one indivisible spirit, the cause of all existences, animate and inanimate. They clothed certain material things with attri- butes considered to be divine, and in these material things they believed powers or gods to reside, exclusive of all other places, and in consequence of this they worshipped them 98 LOCALIZING FACULTIES. But not only in heathendom do we find this tendency Even the Jews, with their oracles, patristic traditions, and living prophets, were unable to extricate themselves from its seductive influence. Hence they saw the Great Spirit of the Universe only in certain of His works, and not in others; in those which moved and alarmed, not in those which came daily and steadily; in the tempest which blighted the crops, not in the heat and moisture which made them to spring up, and grow and ripen; in the disease which wasted and ravaged, not in the health which sustained and gladdened the frame for years; in the lightning which smote, but not in the light which smiled; in the eclipse with its lurid darkness, but not in the pleasant sunshine which daily played .upon the earth ; in the meteor which burst out so ominously, but not in the stars which looked down upon them so purely and benignly; in sudden and unexpected prosperity, but not in the common blessings which were showered upon them from day to day; in the storm which sunk the vessel, but not in the favourable breezes which bad borne it along for such a length of time ; in the preservation of the individual in a shipwreck, but not in that assiduous care which to so many had prevented shipwreck altogether. Such was the state of things among the Jews; and in modern Christendom, what do we find but the same spirit? Men are unable to worship the unseen. They must not only have God embodied, they must have Him individualized and separate. He dwells in the Pope, it is said: and when men meet his holiness, they prostrate themselves before him, intentionally or unintentionally, believing that the great moving spirit of the universe is hid within the old man's bones and muscles, to the exclu- sion of surrounding nature. And so, too, among religious reformers. Places are set aside and consecrated, such as churches, &c. ; and in these places, we are told, God vouch^ safes His presence, as if that Being who shines in the sun, LOCALIZING FACULTIES. 99 and glows in the moon, did not live thioughout all space, and could be walled in by brick and mortar! What is this, we ask, but the localization of the faculties of that un- bounded spirit which is everywhere and indivisible! Against this tendency, then, we most earnestly protest. In God we live, and move, and have our being; and in that God there is an infinity of faculties or powers, all working to one glorious end; but these are not separate and limited, and confined to certain defined parts of space, but are diffused throughout all nature. The word faculty denotes ability to act or perform, whether that ability be inborn, or developed and cultivated. When Fuller says that the Pope granted him a faculty to set him free from his promise, he means that ability had been granted to him to avoid the fulfilment of his promise; and when Quincey says that the vital faculty is that by which life is preserved, he simply predicates of living exist- ences the ability to preserve life. On this principle, when we speak of the faculties of nature, we refer to the powers or abilities which nature possesses to accomplish ends by appropriate means, whether these powers or abilities operate or otherwise. To act is one thing, the power, faculty, or ability which underlies the act is another and very different thing. Acts performed sustain to the faculty which acts, the relation of production to producer; or, in other words, the faculty is the cause, the act accomplished is the effect: and while effects may be limited, and indeed must be, both by time and space, it is impossible to localize the primary cause. What we contend for is beautifully portrayed in man, felicitously called a microcosm, a little world in himself. Professor Frazer, of the Edinburgh University, speaks of man as being a bundle of attributes, which is just a repro- duction of the oft-quoted idea of England's greatest poet and dramatist, "What a piece of workmanship is man! how 100 LOCALIZING FACULTIES. noble in reason! how infinite in faculties!" Innumerable as the sands upon the sea-shore, and full as old ocean are the powers of this noble and wonderful microcosm man. Here, as well as in the broad expanse above, and in the green earth beneath, are evident tokens of design. As ships are built, and so built as to plough the ocean with as little difficulty as possible, so men have been constructed for a purpose. One man is born a mechanic. He has within him the faculty of appreciating physical proportions, that he may be able to form materials square, round, &c., as the case may be; and as that faculty is developed, we see it controlling the materials on which it acts. Another man is born with endurance. He has within him the faculty of bearing up in extreme difficulties and hardships. Waves that would overwhelm others have no effect on him. His constitution, like the blacksmith's arm, gathers strength by exercise. So it is with the man of scientific tendencies. He is constructed to be scientific. His faculty of penetration, his faculty of generalization and abstraction seem to predo- minate. He has been born to chain the winds that they may do his behests, to direct the lightning for conversa- tional purposes, to traverse the starry-paved firmament, and find out the positions of the planets, and to delve into the dark recesses of the earth, and tell the history of the world by means of fossilized substances. Another man has been constructed for musical purposes. His varied powers coalesce, so to speak, and develop into a beautiful harmony. This man deals with sounds and controls them, and can detect in an instant the slightest discord, even though the performers could be numbered by thousands. But who can lay his hand upon a man and say, here, at this particular part of his complex organism, is the mechanical faculty, or here, at another part, is the faculty of endurance, or at another, the penetrative or scientific faculty, or at another, the musical? The man who acts thus meroly assumes or LOCALIZING FACULTIES. 101 imitates. He does not reason, and if he systematizes his notions into a whole, he systematizes what is and must be false, for his notions have no foundation in principle. Why does he fasten on a certain part of the human organism and say, here we have the mechanical faculty or the musical faculty? He cannot tell, or will answer, that " observation has determined that a fulness at such a point indicates certain idiosyncracies of character;" the observation may be true of the sign, but not of the faculty or principle that is general in nature. He can give no reason for it. He merely assumes and asserts, and takes the sign for the faculty. And as assertions without reasons are unreason- able, and that which is unreasonable, false, it follows that his notions, whether detailed or gathered up into a system, are wholly unworthy of belief. The faculties of man, like the powers inherent in nature, cannot be located. The man who has the mechanical faculty is a mechanic from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. The man who has the faculty of endurance is an enduring man through and through, not in one bono merely, but in all. He who has the scientific faculty, m scientific, or constructed for scientific purposes all throughout his organism; and the musical man is not musical in part, but from the centre to the circumference of his being is permeated with the faculty of music. There is no location; there is no dividing of the integral parts of a man, one part contain- ing one faculty, and another another faculty; whatever faculties a man has are diffused throughout his whole body, soul, and spirit, as God is diffused throughout universal space. There are signs of faculties, and these grouped into one whole we denominate Physiognomy; but the signs must be distinguished from the faculties themselves. The signs are local, the faculties are not, and it is because these two things have been confounded, instead of being distinguished, that the localizing theory 102 LOCALIZING FACULTIES. which we have been condemning has found a footing among men. Here it may be remarked, that man has failed as yet to master even the alphabet of his own nature, and the cosmical system with which he is surrounded that, indeed, as Sir Isaac Newton once said, we are just like children gathering shells upon the sea-shore, while tho great ocean of truth lies before us unexplored. THE MAKQUIS DE LAFAYETTE, a distinguished French statesman, patriot, and philanthropist. His low and greatly receding forehead did not prevent the manifestation of sound reason, good judgment, and superior intellectual ability. THE NUMBER OF FACULTIES IN THE HUMAN MIND. IT is implied in the heading of this essay that there is in man a something called Mind, as distinct from that which we denominate matter physical substance or body. What mind is in its essence, we know not, any more than we know what matter is in its essence. "What is mind?" asked an inquirer once of a philosopher. " No matter," was the reply. "And what is matter?" continued the inquirer. " Never mind," was the laconic answer. These we con- sider to be the best answers which could possibly, in our present condition, be given to the questions. We know the attributes of matter, at least some of them, but that is all we know; and we know the qualities of mind, at least some of them, and there our knowledge ceases. When we come into contact with a substance which has length, and breadth, and height, and depth, hardness, or softness, or colour, we immediately conclude that that substance is physical, that it is matter or body ; and when, by the exercise of our inner consciousness, we find in ourselves the qualities of thought, feeling, and volition, we infer from these qualities that there is some kind of substance or existence in which they inhere, and that substance we call Mind. The qualities of mind cannot be predicated of 104 THE NUMBER OF FACULTIES IN Tllri HUMAN MIND. matter, nor can the attributes of matter be predicated of mind. The two reside together, and in a mysterious manner influence each other, but they are not to be con- founded. Materialism, therefore, pure and simple, is, as a system, false. There must be something greater than matter, which produces it, controls it, and gives it endur- ance; that something we call Mind. It has been said, " there is nothing great on earth but man, and there is nothing in man great but mind." Sir W. Hamilton was so convinced of the truth of this state- ment, that he used it as the motto of those immortal lectures now published, which, as Professor of Logic, he delivered in the Edinburgh University; and certainly, taking the term great in its loftiest sense, the great metaphysician was right; for body without mind as a moving principle would sink into nothingness. The question as to the number of faculties possessed by fcho human mind has perplexed scientific and philosophic inquirers in all ages. Some dogmatists have professed to master the question, and have been forward enough to put their answer on paper and give it to the world. Others, more penetrating in intellect and less bold, have named a few, leaving future searchers for truth to discover more; but few have been able to see that what we call mental faculties spring up as the ages roll on, and are brought to light by the surrounding circumstances which demand them. Nature creates nothing in vain. She gives only as man requires. Just as a wise man, when travelling through foreign coun- tries, will not cumber his pockets with money, but take with him a bill of exchange by which he can supply him- self on his way just as he requires it, so Nature acts naturally and reasonably, bestowing powers only where and when they are needed. The ancients, who were able to do without clothing, and without roofs to their houses, as the lower animals do still, did not possess the architec- TIIE NUMBER OF FACULTIES IN THE HUMAN MIND. 105 tural faculty which has done such great things in the present day; and Nature did not impart it to them, because in their case it was not required. Architecture, like ever} 7 other art, is a thing of growth. From the rude, unpolished upright stones of barbarous times, to the beautiful fluted pillars of the Athenians, there was a gradual growth, just as there has been since the time that the then gorgeous Areopagus was built. At first the faculty was given in a rude form, gradually it became brighter and brighter, and is becoming more and more polished still; and who dare say that man possesses it in perfection, even in this the 19th century. May we not say, that notwithstanding the past glories .of architecture, there are glories yet to be revealed, in the presence of which the architecture of the present will appear as rude as was the work of the first architects, as compared with that of architects now? And so it is with other mental faculties. They are growths. The demand creates the supply. Reason was given when it was needed, and because it was needed; and this may be said of every power which man at present possesses. The lower and more animal faculties are, as well as the special senses, common to all mankind; the higher, and more refined, and spiritual, are the products of cultivation and growth. Worship is a matter of education. Prayer is a matter of education. Like monkeys, men are imitative, and take on much from example. The child, under the tuition of a praying mother, will most probably become a praying man; but without such tuition, it is most likely that in this respect he would fail. Prayer is based upon education, like telegraphy. Could any school-boy become an accomplished telegraphist at once, without the necessary drill? The thing is impossible. And so it is with prayer. Printers learn to be printers. They are not printers by intuition. A man who never saw a printing press, and knew nothing of types and their settings, could never make 106 iHE NUMBER OF FACULTIES IN THE HUMAN MIND. an intelligent impression on paper. It is mind under drill and cultivation which telegraphs and prints. Those powers peculiar to Christianity were once but conceptions in the inind of Jesus of Nazareth; but through the instrumentality of those whom he educated, those conceptions have spread through the civilized world, and have produced in men's minds those faculties for worship which we find in the Christian Church. Christianity brought new faculties to men, but these it distributed gradually ; and who dare say that that system called Christianity has been exhausted, and that all the powers it can impart have been imparted? Step by step are men being led; and only step by step can they be led, until they reach that noble manhood which consists in an innumerable array of received faculties work- ing harmoniously together. The faculty of music, too, is a thing imparted. Many a girl has been set down as incapable of becoming a pianist, who, nevertheless, after careful training, has manifested a power in the art quite uncommon. Without the training, her ear would have remained dull, her voice timber-tuned, and she would have been as unsusceptible of sweetness of sound as a blind man is to colour. The faculty of language is also imparted. No man is a linguist by birth or intuition. Language is learned, and learned by imitation. The Eastern Prince, confined from infancy to mature years, deprived of the privilege of listening to articulate sounds, was wholly unable to articulate. People who are absolutely deaf can- not speak simply because the want of hearing hinders them from imitating the sounds of the more fortunate. Let, however, their ears be opened, and place them under training, and the faculty of speech will gradually come. A hard-working mind, by severe study and prolonged application, develops new faculties in itself, and these again, brought to bear upon mankind, propagate themselves in a remarkable manner. He who has the musical faculty THE NUMBER OP FACULTIES IN THE HUMAN MIND. 107 strong and highly cultivated, will produce that faculty in others. The mathematician who has cultivated in himself the faculty for the right adjustment of figures, will produce the mathematical faculty in others. The philanthropist makes philanthropists; the man of science produces the scientific faculty in his fellows ; and by the influence of the philosopher, races of men possessed of the philosophical faculty spring up. Men are not all gifted alike. Inventors and discoverers have faculties which other men have not. Every man is not a Sir Isaac Newton or a Columbus. For ages men had seen apples fall from trees; but it was left to the self-developed discovering faculty of Newton to infer from the fall of the apple that there was a law in nature which might properly be called the law of gravitation. Thousands of men in earlier times had put the question, " Has the whole world become known?" But it was left to the observant Columbus, blest with the faculty of fresh discovery, to find out the Western Hemisphere. Wise men wrought hard, and developed in themselves faculties which others did not possess; and those again, working back upon mankind, produced their like, and quickened discovery in men. The necessity for the Davy Lamp was felt for ages among miners; but never until Sir Humphrey developed in himself the faculty of invention was that lamp, so useful to those who work underground, brought to perfection. Who can read the lives and study the works of such men as these and others, such as George Stephenson, and yet believe that there are as many faculties in one man's mind as there are in another? The system of reading mental faculties by physical signs in the human body is undoubt- edly the only system by which the end can be rightly reached ; but Gall was perfectly right when he somewhat humorously said that the would-be seers had christened the babe before it was born, when they called it " Craniology," thus confining observation exclusively to the head. He 108 THE NUMBER OF FACULTIES IN THE HUMAN MINI). took a wider view of things. Ke saw that mind wrought through every part of the body, and that, in order to study the faculties inherent or developed by cultivation in the mind of man, every part of the body must be taken into account; and this system he called Physiognomy, a name which we have adopted, as covering the whole field of that investigation of which we speak. Standing, then, on this platform, we are able to discover what the dogmatic mind has never yet seen. Faculties are, yearly being noted, and their signs observed, that hereto- fore have been unindicated. Still, we dare not say, even from the stand-point of the Physiognomist, that all the faculties in the human mind have been discovered. Lying between the zoophite and the man of cultivation, there is a strange gradation of faculties; but we cannot say that all. that is possible within the sphere of mental activity and development has been brought to pass, .even in the most thoroughly educated and cultivated of minds. We can tell what we have discovered, but can say nothing of that which has been unexplored. We know that Physiognomy reveals many new faculties, and calls attention to their signs, but we dare not say that Physiognomy has as yet revealed all. There are depths yet unsounded. Progress is the law of nature and the law of the human mind. As men continue going forward, so will their mental faculties increase. Already in some, as many as a hundred and even two hundred have been discovered; but who can tell what Physiognomy will bring to light, when the science has been brought to perfection? Who can say what number of faculties will be possessed by the human mind when the present sustains the relation to the future that the past sustains to the present? As the petals of the flower are unfolded by the light of the sun, so are men's minda wrought upon by minds greater than themselves. Truth begets truth, science begets science, faculties beget faculties: THE NUMBER OF FACULTIES IN THE MUM AS MIND. 109 so that the time may come when it will be seen that the powers of the human mind are as innumerable as the sands d ? the sea shore. "Curb, then, tkming dogmatists, your piou. wrath .t Canute-like, ye may sit upon the shore Opposing angry foam with angry froth; But with encroaching wave and growing roar It comes, your sand -placed thrones must topple o'er, Whelmed in the wave that but recedes to gain A higher leap and wider than before. Scold not the waves, they but obey the plain Resistless destiny, that rulee Mind, like the main." GEORGE CANNING, a famous British statesman, poet, wit, brilliant debater, sapient intellect, and powerful leader of his party, notwithstand- ing his squat and undersized forehead. This profile denotes untiring per- severence, sterling energy, thorough education, and a judicious and honest thinker. THE HUMAN FACULTIES, AND THE PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUNDED. THE word "Faculty," as is clearly shewn by its derivation, simply denotes the possession of ease or facility, in a greater or less degree, in performing actions, or in carrying out to their ultimate results a given class of propensities or proclivities. It is derived from the Latin "facultas," a substantive closely allied to the adjective "facilis," easy, and from which we have direct our English words, facile, facility, facilitate, facilitation, &c., &c. A faculty, therefore, whether regarded from a physical er mental point of view, is, as the etymology of the word plainly demonstrates, the amount of ease or facility which attends the performance of actions or thoughts, and irrespective of whether the particular faculty which may happen to be under consi- deration be of an inborn origin, or superinduced in whole, or in part, by cultivation. The degree of endowment between one individual and another is, as might be expected, exceedingly varied, and may almost be said to be co-extensive with the expanse of the human race itself. This variety is not, of course, confined to the element of number, though even in this limited sense the remark as to the great diversity of endowment would still hold good ; and it is in the degree of strength or intensity of faculty, aa PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THE FACULTIES ARE FOUNDED. Ill developed in different individuals, that we may probably expect to find the most prominent exhibition of variation. In some individuals we find present in a greater or less degree of development, an astonishing number of different faculties. In such a case, we have the "Jack of all trades and master of none," when the great variety of faculties with which the individual is endowed or cursed is but feebly backed up in point of degree of strength or intensity; when great variety of faculties and a high degree of strength or intensity combine in harmonious action, as they very rarely do, we have as the result an "Admirable Crichton," who does everything and everything well. Every faculty appertaining to the human family is of a two-fold character the physical and the spiritual and these double charac- teristics are closely interwoven, and intertwine with each other, acting harmoniously and in unison, but without obliterating the line of demarcation which exists between them. The vast variety in the degree of endowment, and the phenomena of the spiritual existing in excess of the physical, and vice versa, are clearly traceable to, and the results are directly deducible from, the preponderance of one set of elements over another set in the human bodily structure. As an easily understood illustration of this, we have only to examine the salient points of the human edifice, to be furnished with the following indisputable data: The Abdomen, when, relatively to the other members of the body, of large development, indicates will of self or selfish- ness; the Thorax, of a largeness of size m disproportion to the other members, is an indication of the excess of will of action or courage; the undue development of the Muscle* is an unfailing index of the presence of the will of con- trariety; the Bones, large relatively, indicates the preponder- ance of the will of inertia or obstinacy; while the Brain, large out of proportion to the other members, shews the presence of will of opinion, or the capacity of overpowering- 112 THE HUMAN FACULTIES AND THE antagonists in intellectual warfare. The number of distinct faculties existing in the different individuals of the human race is really much larger than we would be disposed to imagine, after a cursory and superficial glance at the subject. Many of them are particularized in the Physiognomical books which we have already given to the public; but these publications have by no means exhausted the list. Amongst numerous others not commented upon in the works referred to, we may here mention the human facul- ties of walking, swimming, skating, horsemanship, labour, clothing, marriage, morality, metaphysics, common sense, consciousness, mediumship, intelligence, instinct, conception, judgment, archness, intention, psychology, idealism, clair- voyance, comprehension, intellection, apprehension, and intelligensitiveness. The list might still be extended very considerably, but those given will suffice to give the reader some conception of the comprehensiveness of the subject. The physiological explanation of the causes and effects which we have attempted to illustrate, in reference to the relative preponderance of the five varieties of faculties which advance themselves most prominently, is not very far to seek. The Abdomen, when relatively large, denotes the presence of a selfish will, in virtue of the grasping and craving nature of that part of the body, and of the juicea which are engendered and secreted there. These urgently demand primary attention, and they will countenance no consideration for the wants of any of their brother functionaries, until their own demands have been conceded to the uttermost. This granted, they acquiesce actively, as well as passively, in the conveyance to its various destinations of the support which is necessary for the existence of the other members of the human functional body. This is the very essence of selfishness. The selfish individual is not averse to the contemplation of content- ment and enjoyment in others, and he will even contribute PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUNDED. 113 to bring about this result; but with the inevitable proviso that he must first be served, or serve himself to repletion. When relatively large, the Thorax, which is mainly made up of the heart and lungs, is indicative of the will of action or courage largely developed, because these parts of the human frame exhibit, during every second of the existence of life, an unceasing and incessant activity. Here we find the grand principle of action displayed to its fullest extent; and not a moment of our life but the heart beats and the lungs dilate with dauntless, unwearied, and un- ceasing regularity and fidelity. The less sensitive and less active of the human functions may sink to rest their wearied faculties, secure in the assurance that the heart and lungs will courageously and unweariedly carry on the needful action, and maintain the heat necessary for the welfare of the body corporate. When, therefore, the pro- portions of the Thorax are large, we may be sure the mental part of the individual is richly endowed with motion, activity, or courage. The uninitiated may not be aware to how large an extent the principle of contrariety pervades the functionary arrangement of the muscles. It would seem as if it were the very nature of the muscles of the human frame to act contrary or in opposition to other muscles forming part of the same bodily structure. If we examine the Muscular arrangement of one of our hands, we find that its action is the reverse of the arrangement on the other hand, to which it acts in direct contrariety thereby demonstrating the existence of a two-fold power of action. When a volume of air is received into the lungs, it instantly enlarges the thoracic part of the bouy; but immediately the principle of contrariety, which we are now noticing, displays itself in the elasticity of the pulmo- nary cells and abdominal muscles, which, by a contrary motion, at once expel the air that has just been admitted. When the heart receives blood, it is extended and dilated; i!4 THE HUMAN FACULTIES, AND. THE but instantly the various layers of muscles which form its walls, acting with what we may be pardoned for calling instinctive contrariety, put themselves in action, and drive out the blood which has been received. This principle of contrariety pervades the entire Muscular arrangement of the human frame; and where we find in the individual a Muscular development in excess of the other -bodily functions, we may be sure of the presence oi the will of contrariety, or, in other words, the presence oi an easiness, facility, or faculty of going and doing contrary, and of working to cross purposes. This is the pig character, and the human variety will be found built broad and low like his porcine brother. When Bones predominate in the individual human structure, the ruling principle of the individual will be found to be obstinacy. The quality oi obstinacy, when dissected and examined, will be found to be simply a disinclination to move; a predispositioD to inertia, such as the ass, which may be regarded as obstinacy itself on four legs, and endowed with life, displays with so frequent a recurrence. The ass has a large Bone develop- ment, and it is mainly due to this peculiarity that it has acquired so unenviable a notoriety for obstinacy. The component parts of bone are largely made up of lirne, phosphates, and other rocky material. Now, this rocky substance, which enters so largely into the composition of bone, is inert matter, which is moved with difficulty, and never in consequence of any action from within. When this tendency to inertia or obstinacy is individualized by a predominance of bone, the individual has, as the most pro- minent feature of his character, a distaste to motion, an inertia, obstinacy, in fact. The last spiritual manifestation deducible from an excess of development in the five salient features of the human frame is what we have termed " will of opinion," traceable back to predominance of brain, and which may, in other words, be described as a " positive or PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THEY APE FOUNDED. 115 vivid power of sensation." When the idea of a material form is conveyed to the brain, through the medium of the material eye ; or when an abstract or immaterial entity is looked at and examined by the eye of the mind, an impres- sion is made upon the nervous system; these impressions become mentally solidified into convictions, and the indi- vidual forms positive conclusions respecting the object, whether material or abstract. The conclusions arrived at in this way are, in common parlance, his opinions, and his capacity for forming and retaining opinions will be in pro- portion to the real strength of his mind. Man's endow- ment in this respect leaves even the most advanced of the rest of the animal world far behind ; and this fact is directly dedncible from the nearer proportion of his parts. This will of opinion, where inordinately developed, has led to the sacrifice of millions of human lives, for causes spiritual, intellectual, commercial, political, and polemical. We hope we have made it plain to our readers to how great an extent the two phases of each of the five particularized faculties depend on, and are regulated by, each other. All the other faculties maintain a parallel attitude, and hinge equally with those we have detailed on the predominance of one part of the human edifice over another; and it is in a proper under- standing of this comparative structure that the key is to be found to the phenomena and mystery of the human character. As we have, we hope, shewn that, in special and pro- minent cases, the faculties appertaining to humanity are dependent for their existence on their various material prototypes resident in the bodily structure, so may the rule be accepted as universally applicable in general and less prominent cases. All faculties, however subtle and com- plex their composition, are dependent for their existence and support on particular elements, forming constituent parts of the material structure of the bodily frame. The 116 THE HUMAN FACULTIES, AND THE faculties have no patent of self-existence; and continued and adequate support is absolutely necessary to their living and healthful action. If this support be vitiated at its springs, or totally withdrawn, the faculty becomes unhealthy in its action, and finally ceases to exist. According to the character of the faculty, support is sought from the various members of the material body, the spiritual character of the faculty bearing a close resemblance to the character- istics of the region from which it draws its supplies. As an illustrative example, the faculty of appetite, or appe- titiveness, has for the object of its existence the furnishing and regulation of the supplies of food necessary for the keeping alive of the bo\ly ; and accordingly, as the Abdomen first assimilates and then regulates in the interior the distribution of the requisite aliment demanded by the other organs, so is it the prototype or sign of the supplyant faculties, of which that of appetentiveness is one. A parallel case is that of aquasorbitiveness, or that faculty which regulates the reception of liquids into the human system. The admission of a stipulated supply of liquids is equalty necessary with the supply of solids for the due nourishment and support of the frame; and therefore, as the Abdomen or stomach is the internal assimilator and distributor of nourishment, the faculty of aquasorbitive- ness looks to the Abdomen or stomach for its guidance, and for the degree of vigour and judgment which may be necessary for the proper performance of its functions. When the Abdomen is distended with easy repletion, a calm contentedness and acquiesciveness supervenes ; this placidity is immediately communicated to the faculties of appetitiveness and aquasorbitiveness, and for the time being a peaceful harmony reigns supreme throughout the entire range of the supplyant powers. Animalimitation- ality is the faculty which enables one individual of the animal creation to copy or imitate the actions and motions PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUNDED. 117 of another. In the human variety the very first exhibition which we have of animalimitationality is in the lately born infant teaching itself, or being taught by example, the motions and actions necessary for the admission of nourishment ; and therefore animalimitationality will come under the natural law in belonging to that part wherein the faculty is first brought into use, which, in the instance on which we are now engaged, is in and around the mouth, and in immediate combination and connection with the supplyant powers. The mouth and its immediate surroundings, in virtue of the great mobility or power of motion which is seated there, is eminently adapted for producing imitations of animal actions, and the facial power of expression seems here to reach its acme, culmin- ating in a wonderful range of power in the direction of animalimitationality. The conditions reigning in and around the mouth also are faithfully indicative of the con- ditions which subsist in and around its prototype of the interior, the Abdomen; and it is closely allied to, and conscientiously illustrative of, the whole of the signs connected with the supplyant powers. The mouth is, moreover, the commencement of the alimentary canal, with the entire course of which it must correspond, rela- tively, in point of size and conditions. It is not, therefore, difficult to see to what a large extent the mouth and its concomitants form an index of the size of the abdomen, or how its width corresponds to the strength of the faculty of animalimitationality and its fulness, or the extent to which it reaches forward to its activity. This law of necessity and convenience, as illustrated in the harmonious regulations of the supplyant powers, as well as in those of the other classes, offers a tempting opportunity for an incisive examination and elucidation of the springs of action whence those beautiful arrangements have their origin; but as this is not an essay on the principles of the signs 118 THE HUMAN FACULTIES, AND THE of the faculties and powers of man, we must leave that phase to be dealt with by the student of natural law. A curious law operating in connection with the human faculties is, that it is not within the power of any indi- vidual to do or perform anything which does not already exist and reside within his organization. When a man finds himself unsuited for any particular calling or occupa- tion, his incapacity proceeds purely from the non-existence of the thing within him; and there is therefore a very considerable amount of truth and aptness in the expression, rashly set down by many as slangy and indecorous, "it is not in him to do it." The simple fact is, that we cannot do, or judge of, outside of ourselves, what we do not already possess within our systems. A man need not attempt to become a carpenter or architect, or to build a house, if he is not himself constructed on the mechanical principle. If he does not possess the faculty of structurodexterity, that is to say, if he is not himself built upon the mechanical principle, with square form, and provided with large bones, he will be quite unable to distinguish himself in dealing with square objects, or things with angles and straight lines, and he would fail utterly in any attempt to expend his energy in an architectural or mechanical direction. To afford a prospect of success in this quarter, the beginner must already possess the elements of the art within him, and be constructed on the principles we have mentioned. If so endowed and possessed of the requisite Muscular strength, he will find no difficulty in acquiring, by the necessary amount of practice, an easiness, a facility, or faculty of performing and judging of mechanical work. Again, to enable a man to do and judge of round work, it is necessary that he should be himself built on the round plan of human architecture. It would be futile, for instance, to set an individual to learn the art of watch and clock making, if he were wanting or deficient in the corporeal PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUNDED. 119 elements of motion, roundness, stability, and mechanism. The result would inevitably be a signal failure, arising from having disregarded the fitness of things, and the universal law of the relations subsisting between the functions or faculties, as such, and those portions of the human structure on which they are severally dependent for existence and support. One man is abundantly endowed in the matter of colour, and he becomes, or would become, if circumstances led him to make the attempt, a great painter. Another mau has only one colour in his form, and thousands of pounds might be spent in vain in trying to teach him to paint. The thing itself does not exist within him ; and it were as reasonable to attempt the manufacture of some- thing out of nothing, as to endeavour to supply, by artificial means, that wealth of colour which nature has denied him. The same principle applies with equal force throughout the entire scope of the subject, and in every case deals equally powerfully with all the human faculties, whether in their spiritual or physical phases. A man cannot regard money from the miser's point of view, unless there is within him a preponderance of the material over the spiritual. A would- be painter cannot picture on the canvas what he is unable to originate and conceive within his own mind. It would be worse than idle or unreasonable to expect a song from a man who had no music in his soul. You might as well hope to get five hundred dollars from one who did not possess a cent. to get a dove to carry the load of an ox, or a spider to spin a web of sufficient strength to arrest the rapid motion of a train of cars! These latter expectations everyone will readily admit to be in the highest degree absurd; and yet they are not one whit more absurd than to hope to attain to usefulness not to speak of eminence in any particular walk of life, if the candidate does not exhibit in his bodily conformation that particular fitness and aptitude which, by the eternal law of nature, governs the oarticuiar faculty which is in questic n. 120 THE HUMAN FACULTIES, AND' THE The faculty of deraolitiousness is the presence of a prone- ness, a facility, or faculty for destruction. To have the power to bring about wreck and destruction, strength is absolutely necessary, and this strength is only obtainable in a large development of the Muscular system. Large muscular development, perforce entails width of body, and wherever we find exhibited an unusual width or breadth of bodily structure, we may accept that as excellent prima facie evidence of the existence in the individual of a power- ful development of the faculty or principle of physical destructiveness. And as a corollary of this, wherever we tind the head narrow, and long from front to back, that is to say, in its anterior and posterior diameter, accompanied by wide shoulders, and a prominent and rather thin nose, we may take it for granted that we have before us an example of the embodiment of spiritual destructiveness, by which we mean, a facility or faculty for the demolition of erroneous and mischievous ideas. This is the description of great reformers of thoughts and morals. When we find an unusually large development of the flexor muscles, we may be assured that we have discovered a safe repository for secrets; this development of the flexor muscles denoting the power of retaining possession of secrets without the least pain or exercise of self-denial. The very genius of the entire system of such a specimen is secrecy, and it delights in nothing so much as in the possession and retention of exclusive information and intelligence. We have admitted the possibility, under certain condi- tions and within somewhat narrow limits, of the cultivation and partial development of faculties; but let it be borne dis- tinctly in mind that this is possible only to the extent and no farther that it is practicable to modify by cultivation, use and wont, the bodily proportions. This action is very limited and circumscribed ; and the influence exerted by the bodily PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUNDED. 121 proportions upon the faculties themselves is in exact ratio with the changes which they have first undergone. It will, however, sometimes appear as if the entire mental action were reversed, and this is explained by taking the material example of the steam-engine. A very slight exertion of power on the part of the engineer acting upon the lever or valve-handle will gradually slacken the speed of the machine, until it comes to a stand; and a further movement will cause the power of the steam to be exerted in such a way on the machinery as to engender a contrary motion, and the engine, which was before proceeding east- ward, now proceeds westwards, impelled by the same power acting on the same machinery which formerly pro- pelled the machine in an easterly direction. The organiza- tion of man is infinitely finer and more complex than that of a steam-engine, and the forces which act upon it are vastly more numerous than those of heated water and air, and it is therefore capable of an infinitely greater variety of action and motion. To strengthen the spiritual power of man, we have no other means than that of purifying his material proportions, and enlarging the sensorium or Brain and Nerve form. Gradually, and in exact proportion as his system becomes purified and etherealized, the spiritual phase of his faculties becomes improved and enriched. Let the body undergo deterioration by physical drudgeries, unwholesome food, filth, or excessive indulgence in ardent spirits, and the human engine is immediately reversed, and runs in the direction of the animal, instead of the spiritual. The operation necessary, therefore, to awaken a latent faculty, or to change the direction and aim of an existing active one, is simply that of effecting a change of the conditions of the bodily proportions. To secure the healthy and useful action of the faculties, it is necessary to have each individual faculty existing in harmony with the 122 THE HUMAN FACULTIES AND TIII'.IR- PRTNCTPT.ES. and where this harmony is exhibited in its fullest extent, there do we find specimens of humanity constructed on the suret-t principles for the furtherance of their own happiness, and the amelioration of the conditions of the world at large. DR. E. B. FOOTE, the distinguished author and physician, of New York, known by his writings throughout the civilized world. (Portrait copied from frontispiece of his " Plain Home Talk," a popular work upon topics relating to health, marriage, heredity, etc., etc.) THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. OILJ.A.SS I. THE STJPPLYANT POWERS. WHERE THE POWERS OF THIS CLASS ARE LARGE, THE ABDO- MINAL FORM PREDOMINATES IN THAT ORGANIZATION. ACQTJIESCIYENESS. CONTENTMENT. THE DISPOSITION TO BE SATISFIED IN A QUIET MANNER. Full cheeks and placidity of countenance indicate acquies- civeness or contentment generally, especially if the aspect is cheerful. PRINCIPLES THAT UNDERLIE THE FACULTIES AND THEIR SIGNS. EVERYTHING that exists within the range of nature, and, whether embodying material or abstract ideas, has as a fundamental accompaniment, an underlying principle that ranks before, and in precedence of, the fact, idea, or faculty itself. In observing the fall of an apple to the ground, from the particular branch or twig whereon it has grown, the most superficial observer may recognize the fact that the apple has fallen; but under and preceding the simple fact of the apple having changed its place and position, there is the infinitely more interesting consideration of the cause or principle whence the change of place has sprung, and this underlying cause or principle we call the " natural 124 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. law of gravity." But for the operation of this law of gravity, that attracts every atom of natural matter in the direction of the centre of the earth, the apple might have remained for ever in its elevation of a few feet above the surface of the earth, or it might have been left to be operated upon by other forces in any other direction. From Acqniesciveness Large Welsh Woman. Acquiesciveness Small Mrs. Bachus, of California. this illustration, we perceive by a train of logical reasoning which all may comprehend, that facts, occurrences, or by whatever name we may choose to call them, are invariably preceded by natural originating principles these facts being the natural outcome of the forces exerted by those prin- ciples, and not independent occurrences constituting cause and effect in themselves. Simply to observe facts is one thing; but to trace back from effect to cause to sift and elucidate the underlying principles, and to unfold and explain the time and mode of action, is quite another thing, requiring a much higher order of logical reasoning power. In this article we propose, briefly and simply, to open up this feature of the question, by indicating the principles acting in precedence of each faculty or power, in the parti- THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 125 cular order in which the faculties have been arranged The underlying principles will be placed as the last verse under each faculty, in their respective order, as in the following paragraph Acquiesciveness makes its presence manifest in a full development of the muscles and tissues of the cheeks, temples, &c., conclusive evidence of an abundant supply of animal juices, and consequently of the possession on the part of the individual of excellent digestive powers, and of an ample and well-working assimilative apparatus. As there is no time when what we may call bodily content- ment, or the absence of any kind of craving or uneasiness is more conspicuous than immediately after a wholesome and well regulated meal, so is there no time when mental tranquillity or contentment is more fully displayed than immediately after the bodily wants have been attended to, and when the juices are actively engaged in the assimilation of the nutritious ingredients that have just been submitted to their action, for the purpose of being worked up and elaborated into invigorating life. We thus at once perceive the intimate relationship subsisting between a fulness in the cheeks, temples, &c., and the faculty of contentment or acquiesciveness the cause being the excellence of the digestive organs, and the consequent abundant presence of the animal juices, the effect being the development of the faculty of acquiesciveness. Good digestion communi- cates its signs to the Physiognomy, and spreads itself throughout the entire character which the face represents. 126 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. ANIMALIMITATIONALITY. ANIMAL IMITA- TION. THE POWER OF IMITATING THE MOTIONS, POSTURES, AND ACTIONS OF ANIMAL FORMS. A wide mouth, in a narrow face, may safely be defined as indicative of Animal Imitation. Animalimitationality Large A Fort Rupert Indian. Animalimitationality Small Horace Greeley. The most mobile and expressive part of the face by far is the mouth itself, and here we find the seat of powers of imitation of a character almost illimitable. In particular individuals we find occasionally an amazing capacity for imitating the sounds of man and animals, and in no speci- mens is this power not developed in a certain degree. These powers of imitation are seated in and around the mouth, and accordingly to this part of the Physiognomy we assign as a natural consequence the outward sign or manifestation of animalimitationality ; for, if we are not to look for the sign of a particular faculty in that part where it is most manifested, how can we hope to discover it elsewhere? We measure the swallow of the whale by the dimensions of the animal's throat, and by the same proce* IHE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 127 of reasoning we measure the capacity of an individual for producing imitations of the sounds given forth by his brother man and by the inferior animals, by the form and degree of mobility of that part of the face wherein resides the highest powers in this direction. The degree of development, therefore, of the faculty of animalimitation- ality is determined by the size of the mouth. AQUASOEBITIVENESS. RELISH FOR WATER APPRECIATION AND LOVE OF WATER DRINKING, WATER SCENERY, BATHING, ETC. A rounding or puffy fulness of the cheeks, from one-half to three-fourths of an inch outwards, backwards, and slightly upivards from, the mouth is that part of the face where the love of liquid first inanifests itself. Aquasorbitiveness Large George Aquasorbitiveness Small Morland, a talented painter. Nicholas Copernicus. This faculty directs the quality, quantity, and frequency of the supplies of liquid that are necessary for the healthy working of the body corporate. It receives its inspiration from the condition of the juices of the stomach, and we may 128 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. predicate with absolute certainty its intimate relations to these juices. Of a soft character, they would naturally operate upon the soft parts of the face, and accordingly we find the outward sign of the faculty located in the soft parts of the cheeks, and just before the masseter muscle. The faculty may become unduly developed or vitiated by immoderate drinking, as in the case of George Morland, and other intemperate people, and in proportion as this phase 01 disease develops itself, we find the growth and enlargement of the outward sign itself more fully manifested in the swelling out of that part of the cheeks in which it is situated. This is a development of the law of use and wont, in this case operating, and naturally so, upon that part of the face set in motion by drinking. The sign of the faculty of aquasorbitiveness is accordingly situated in the cheeks, just before the masseter muscle. PHYSIOELPIDICITY. PHYSICAL HOPE. THE FACULTY OF HOPE RELATING TO THE PHYSICAL WORLD AND MATERIAL THINGS. Full, moist eyes, plump cheeks, large neck, and an elastic springy step, can be safely relied upon as signs of physical hope. The sunken, dull eye, hollow cheek, and drooping corners of the mouth are physiognomical indications of a gloomy nature. As this description of hope relates only to the animal or material department of wants, and is confined to the natural bodily craving for the sustenance which is necessary to the existence of life, it is natural that we should look for its bigns in that part of the body which first touches and receives the bodily aliment on its way to the interior, viz., ir and around the mouth and the lower part of the face. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 129 As the amount of animal hope depends entirely upon the amount of life force which is present, so would we naturally look for the outward sign or manifestation of this faculty rn that part which indicates the presence of a reserve of vitality, and we accordingly find that results bear out this chain of reasoning. GRASP ATIYENESS. RAPACITY. THE PROPENSITY TO GAIN BY EXTORTION, OR ADDICTION TO GAIN BY PLUNDER OR OPPRESSION. Heavy jaws, large neck, and heavy chest, are signs of large rapacity. The conformation of the mouth generally, but more especially of the jaws, which are the means that Nat:ire Graspativeness Large. Robert Gregson, a notorious English pugilist. Graspativeness Small. Nana Narian, an East Indiaman. .ias provided to man and to the lower animal kingdom for grasping and retaining possession of their food, denotes in I 130 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. proportion to its relative development and prominence of size and position, the degree of the predatory proclivities of the individual. This graspativeness is not confined to the matter of food alone, but comprises everything within the range of human experience, on which the grasping faculty can be expended. The outward sign, therefore, resides iu the mouth and jawa. ASSOCIATIVENESS. SOCIALITY. THE DESIRE TO CONVERSE WITH OTHERS AND BE IN THEIB COMPANY. Open, protruding, red lips, full cheeks, and large abdomen, are signs of sociality. This is a genial interchange of sympathetic thought and feeling; a magnetism and a vital force which spring up in Associativeness Large. Samuel R. Ward, a Negro remarkable for bis social disposition. A.ssociativeness Small. David Don* can, a Hermit of Michigan. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 131 human intercourse, and warm up into full action before the extracting influence of appropriate and loveable companion- ship. To be capable of a full display of this genial effer- vescence, the individual must be well and fully endowed in the matter of vital force. His living action must be in the enjoyment of the fullest and the freest play; his animal juices must be abundant, and the whole ^machine must be throbbing in the exuberance of overflowing life and action. In such a subject we find the lips full and protruding, the cheeks plump, eyes sparkling, and a warm and healthy glow overspreading the entire Physiognomy. These are infallible indications of sociativeness, being the natural outcome of the superabundance of life and energy, which is the unfailing accompaniment of a high degree of sociality. APPETITIVENESS. DESIKE OF FOOD. THE FACULTY OR QUALITY OF APPETITE. Width and general fulness of the cheeks opposite the molar teeth, and a large mouth are never-failing testimonials of good sustentative propensities. Appetitiveness Large. David Hume, a celebrated historUn. Appetitiveness Small Gustavut III., King of Sweden. 132 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. This faculty shews its presence in a fulness of the cheeks opposite to the maseter muscles, and the reason of this is at once plain and evident. The maseter muscles being those used in the mastication of food, they are seldom idle for any length of time ; and, by the natural law of development by use, the result is arrived at of a fulness in the face over the place where those useful and industrious workers are silently and efficiently performing their duties. EETALIATIVENESS. RETALIATION THE DISPOSITION OF RETURNING LIKE FOB LIKE. "TIT FOR TAT." This disposition being stronger in the dark races and animals than in the light, we conclude that persons are retalialive relatively in proportion to the depth of their colour. Another sign of revenge is a hollow in the centre of the forehead. The elephant is an example of a revengeful character; and the hippopotamus and rhinoceros are exceedingly retaliative. Horses with this deep indent in the forehead should never be trusted. By the term Retaliativeness we are generally understood to signify the returning of evil for evil; but this meaning is by far too restricted in its comprehensiveness. It is in fact the reflection back, or reaction of any set of feelings from one individual to another; and it is quite as much to be regarded as the returning of good for good, as any less worthy motive or action. This capability of reaction or reflection is only highly developed in those who are endowed with a superabundance of the Fibrous and Muscular THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 133 form, accompanied with a predominance of the Abdominal Now the Abdominal form being largely made up of the soft or semi-fluid portions of the body, its natural tendency is to reflect back as with a shadow the impressions that come in contact with it. It is the nature of water, as well as of all other kinds of fluid, to reflect back blows or shadows, or whatever may be received on their surfaces; and this reflection or reaction becomes, when accompanied by an impelling force, the faculty of Retaliativeness: and it is thus that we account for the fact, that a man with a large development of fat is given to retaliative propensities; and when we add a large abdomen and sufficient depth of colour, we have combined in one individual all the elements that are necessary for the vigorous throwing back of all impressions, whether these impressions be good or bad, that come in contact with this form. The faculty has its sign, therefore, in a full development of the Muscular, the Fleshy, and a superabundance of the Abdominal form. FRANCOIS P. G. GUIZOT, a celebrated French historian, with vast retentative, speculative, and practical powers co-ordinated becomingly with inflexible resistance to what he considered wrong. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. O L .A.SS II. THE PROTECTIVE ABILITIES. IN PERSONS WHERE THIS CLASS OF ABILITIES IS RELATIVELY LARGE, THERE IS AN ASCENDANCY OF THE THORACIC FORM. SENTINELITIYENESS. DESIRE TO BE SENTI- NELLED. THE PRECAUTIOUS DISPOSITION THAT SETS ONE OR MORE ON THE WATCH, TO KEEP A SHARP LOOK-OUT, AND GIVE WARNING OF APPROACHING DANGER, Great fulness of the forehead, immediately above, and close to the junction of a long nose with the forehead, evinces a desire to be guarded and sentinelled against danger. THE outward signs of this faculty are to be found in the expansion of the forehead, immediately above its junction with a nose of more than the ordinary length. This indi- cates the degree of strength which resides in that part of the facial conformant* set apart Tor watching over, or setting sentinels upon the safety and general welfare of the whole. It shows the amount of assistance afforded, and the degree of power accorded to the eyes, in the fulfilment of their duties of watching for, and recognizing the approach of danger. To augment the ocular power, an enlargement THE FACULTIES, TIIEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 135 of the surrounding forces rnust take place, and this neces- sitates an enlargement of the bones, muscles, and brain, which are the main constituents of the surrounding and aiding forces, and it is thus we are enabled to estimate the amount of watching power or Sentinelitiveness present in the individual MORIVALOROSITY. MORAL COURAGE. THE ENDOWMENT THAT PROMPTS ITS POSSESSOR TO BE COURAGEOUS WHEN THOUGHTS REQUIRE MORAL SUPPORT. A long prominent nose, which rises high from the face in its upper part, is the very best evidence of large moral courage. Morivalorosity Large Thomas Becon, formerly Professor of Divinity at Oxford. Morivalorosity Small Thomas Molineaux, a brutal English pugilist. This may be described as the higher phase of mere animal courage, and it exhibits itself morally in a dauntless reach- ing forward for what is good and pure, and a capacity for 136 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND FRINCIPLES. overcoming the obstacles which may bar the way on its onward progress. Courage of the common sort is positive activity, and moral courage is the same thing, only with the addition of a high moral sense. Positive activity, as we have already demonstrated in another part of the work, resides in the thorax, of which the lungs or breathing apparatus comprise a considerable part. The thorax being the sign of positive activity, and positive activity being a high moral courage or Morivalorosity, it is clear we must look for the outward sign of the latter in the degree of expansion of the facial breathing accessories, and accord- ingly we find that it has its seat in the nostrils, or breathing avenues. The breathing capacity is estimated by the widening out of the nostrils, and the amount of breathing capacity indicates the degree of development of positive activity, which in its turn is the indice of the amount of moral courage or Morivalorosity. The very essence of morality is a reaching forward for what is good; and when we find the nose expansive, and reaching forward, we may conclude that the aspirations and aims of the individual are in the direction of the moral and the good. ELEVATIVENESS. ASPIRATION. THAT QUALITY OF MIND THAT TENDS TO ELEVATE CHARACTER AS WELL AS BODY. The nose that stands well out, and up at the point, accom- panies the elevative disposition in men and animals. The desire and capacity for that species of energetic and overcoming action that carries an individual up an acclivity has a twofold origin, and the forces which act may be THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 13? terra ed shortly, the force of strength, and the force of direction. The working of the former has already been explained under the head of Morivalorosity, and the other is the guiding or steering element, which regulates the direction that the force of strength or activity is to take. Elevativeness Large Lavater. Elevativeness Small Chinese woman. The direction of the character of the individual, whethei that be aspiring or grovelling, is measured by the direction, which is taken by the features in rising out of the plane of the face; and when the growth is outward and upward, we may assume that the proclivities are towards Elevative- ness in both mind and body. OLFACTIVENESS. OLFACTORY. OLFACTIVENESS IS THE SENSE OR FACULTY BY WHICH WE PERCEIVE THE QUALITIES OF SUBSTANCES BY THEIR EFFLUVIA OR EMANATIONS. Long sharp noses invariably accompany great smelling or olfactory abilities. We may recognize a high degree of Olfactiveness when v*e see a long, sharp, straight nose; and the reason of 138 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. this is not difficult to discover or far to seek. This kind of nose indicates a great surface for the operation of the olfactory nerves; and in the increase of strength with length, it bears a striking resemblance to the tele- scope, the reaching powers of which are increased in the ratio of the increase of the length of the inner barrel surface. The longer and larger is the instrument grant- ing, of course, that it is otherwise constructed on the requisite scientific principles the greater the power of reach : and in like manner with the nose the longer and wider the nostril the greater is the olfactory surface, and the more fully developed is the faculty of Olfactiveness. EESISTATIVENESS. RESISTANCE, THE QUALITY AND INCLINATION TO RESIST THE IMPULSE, PRESSURE, AND ENCROACHMENTS OF OTHERS. The elevated nose, short neck, and scowling brow are sure indications of the faculty of resistativeness. The lion, the tiger, the dog, and in fact the whole of the combative species, when in the act of springing upon any object that is placed in antagonism to them, whether for purpose of necessary food, or from more questionable motives, may be observed to draw back the head as into a sheath, and expand the chest with a full inspiration of air, with the instinctive object of contributing greater force to the impending blow. These acts unquestionably add greater power to the aggressive force which is about to be exercised; but that which would augment the power of aggression would equally lend force for resistance; and THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 139 we therefore recognize in the short neck and scowling brow, displaying to the utmost the muscular action of that part of the body, the indication of a high degree of Resistativeness, and we might safely predicate a uniform muscular condition reigning throughout the entire body. ASSAULTATIVENESS. ASSAULT. THE DISPOSITION TO ATTACK THE EIGHTS OB PERSON OP ANOTHER. The nose that stands out far from the face, in the region of the bridge or its centre, can safely be regarded as a certain sign of an AGGRESSIVE NATURE. The vicious, biting, and kicking horse is almost invariably found to possess a nose of the bow shape, and with no very remote resemblance to that build of the human variety that we designate the commanding nose. This peculiar conformation of the nasal organ is the natural result of the conformation within, which is the cause of the animal being cursed with a vicious or assaultative disposition. The same rule holds good in the human family; and it will invariably be found that, a man's Assaultative- ness can be measured by the degree of tendency which his nose evinces towards the form we have indicated. WATCHFULNESS. THE STATE OR QUALITY OF BEING WAKEFUL. Anxious expression, uneasy manner, with full eyes and a rather long nose, strongly indicate this idiosyncrasy. 140 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND 'PRINCIPLES. Earnest and sustained watching quickly produces an anxious and careworn expression of countenance, this being the direct, inevitable, and natural result of the action of a watchful and vigilant mind upon the outward lineaments of the entire bodily structure, and we may take it for granted that most of the bodily signs are the outcome of the working of the mind inside. SUSPICIOUSNESS. THE DISPOSITION TO IMAGINE AND SUSPECT THE EXISTENCE OF SOMETHING WITHOUT PROOF. The visible evidence of suspicion is the length from the face, directly forward, to the point of the nose. The crow is one of the best examples of suspicion. Snspiciousness Small Owl. Suspiciousness Large Crow. The altitude or protuberance that any individual or animal assumes for the head and the forepart of the body, when they are apprehensive of the approach of any kind of danger, is a throwing forward in an advancing direction of the centre of the face, as if to carry that part of the body in which reside the active and watchful faculties that is, those lying in and around the eyes and nose as THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 141 near as possible to the place from which the suspected danger is expected to proceed. This instinctive action is born of the desire for the greatest possible facility for surveying, recognizing, and guarding against the dreaded hostility. LOCOMOTIVITY. THE DESIRE FOR ACTION, AND ABILITY OF CHANGING PLACE, WHILE PRESERVING IDENTITY. The faculty of locomotion manifests itself physiognomi- cally by a long and thin nose. The greyhound and stag- hound are fine eocamples of locomotive construction; while the sloth's nose indicates the opposite extreme, and the fact is verified by its motion being only a few feet each day. The long slim form of animals is accompanied invariably with great speed of motion, and vice versa in the case of the short thick form. Take the ravenous pike, for instance the fresh water shark, as he is called, and not without justice. His great length enables him to dart through the aqueous element with inconceivable speed. There is not, indeed, any animal whatever, constructed on the long form, that is not also endowed with swiftness; and by the same rule, all those built on the short and thick plan are slow of foot and sluggish in motion. The great length of the long animal gives a great extent for the action of the mus- cular power, and a proportionally long distance for the nerve fluid to act, and the result, as a natural consequence, is excess of activity. This lengthy distribution of the motary nerves enables the animal to exert its will suddenly and at once on a great expanse of surface, and to give birth at will to great efforts of locomotion. 142 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. INQUISITIVENESS. THE ABILITY TO FIND OR OBTAIN INFORMATION THE QUALITY OF A DETECTIVE. A long prominent nose and thin cheeks are evidences of an inquiring disposition. When the face assumes a wedged appearance, sharpening out into a long protruding nose, we may with safety con- clude that the delight of the possessor is to pry into, and minutely investigate matters that, to others of a different form, would appear trivial and childish, and that especially the individual with the round face, or possessing the round form, would pass by without arousing or wasting a thought. This is the natural consequence of the unalterable law of outward manifestation; and it would be idle to look for traits of character in antagonism to the natural constructive bent of the individual. The thin-faced, long-nosed man revels in close inquiry, while his short-nosed and round- faced brother rolls contentedly through life, uncaring for what does not concern himself. AMBITIOUSNESS. THE DESIRE OF DISTINCTION OR PRE-EMINENCE. Thoroughly defined and well-marked features are nature's recorded evidences of a keen aim in life, and wide, grasp* ing, and far-reaching AMBITION. All the individual members of the human family seek assiduously after that for which, by reason of the particu- THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 143 larity of their structure, they have the most proclivitiea Those who are ambitious of the possession and exercise of power are so in virtue of being built upon the plan of power. Such a man as Napoleon the Great, for instance, was eminently furnished with those peculiarities of internal structure, that have for their outcome an unquenchable thirst for dominion and sway over their brethren of man- kind. The evidence of a powerful ambitious mind is to be found in features of the coarse, strong, and well-defined character, joined with heavy jaws, large neck and chest. Features of this description are the natural indications of the presence of a large development of Ambitiousness, or the love of power, because they denote outwardly the inward power of the man, and power, like everything else in nature, has a tendency to assert itself and leave its mark. AUTOHEGEMONY. SELF - ESTIMATION. THE FACULTY WHICH GIVES A HIGH ESTIMATE OF ONE'S OWN ACTIONS OR CAPACITIES. Carrying the head well back, and relatively great length from the point of the nose to the lower part of the chin, are indications ivhich belong only to those who fully appreciate their own merits, and in many instances overrate them- selves. Beau Brummel, the fop in the reign of George IV. of England, was intensely egotistical. Hence we have given his likeness as an illustration of large or exaggerated self' appreciation. Immanuel Kant, the eminent German philo- eopfter, was very deficient in self-appreciation. A high appreciation of one's-self is exhibited in the action of the mind upon the body in such a way as to draw back 144 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. within itself, like a hedgehog, the whole of the Muscular system. The natural tendency of the mental part of man is to influence the body in the direction of the thing or series of things upon which the most of the love of the Autobegemony Large Beau Brummel, Autohegemony Small -Immanuel a noted fop and courtier of Geo. IV. Kant, a German Metaphysician and Philosopher. individual is lavished; and in this case, as the most dearly cherished being is the individual himself, the natural bent of the whole structure of the body is inwards and towards himself. A specimen highly endowed in this direction would display the trapezius muscle in the back of the neck, situated as if dragging the head backwards and upwards. This action would have the effect of lifting up the chin ; and as the direction of the force exercised by the depressor muscles is of a downward character, there would naturally result a lengthening out of the face from the nose to the point of the chin. The actual momentary force exerted by the muscle is certainly slight, and might be eet aside by unreflective investigators as comparatively unimportant; but when it is remembered that this force THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 145 is being constantly exerted during the slow elapse of the years of a lifetime, we are compelled to concede to it an importance of no ordinary kind ; and we must admit that no inconsiderable change would be wrought upon the Physiognomy by the silent but unceasing working that has been indicated. BISHOP MATTHEW SIMPSON, an eloquent preacher, master of the Latin, Greek, Hebrew, German, and English languages, and one of the most profound thinkers of this century. A countenance indicative of veracity, industry, oratory, and chastity. His facile capacity for spoken language is manifested by his protruding and flexible lips, large moutb and jaws, but not by his eyes. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES, III. THE PROPAGAT1VE INCLINATIONS. THIS CLASS OF INCLINATIONS WILL BE FOUND LARGE WHEN THE MUSCULAR AND FIBROUS FOEM PREDOMINATES. TEMPORINATURALITIVENESS. APPRECIATION OF NATURAL MOTION. THE POWER OF JUDGING OR COMPREHENDING THE TIME OF THE YEAR, THE SEASONS, OR THE REVOLUTIONS OF THE PLANETS. The round form of the face and physique bespeak for the individual the ability to comprehend and produce natural time. Temporinaturalitiventss Large Bach. Temporinaturalitiveness Small- A 11 Indian of Callam Bay. THOSE mysterious orbs of heaven, that keep their unceasing journey around their respective systems of suns in a multi- THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 14T plicity of universes, dazzling and bewildering to sublunary contemplation, afford us an apt and conclusive illustration in the elucidation of our science. Those planets comprising the members of our own system, and with which we have a more intimate acquaintance, such as the Moon, Saturn, Neptune, Pallas, and the rest, are all constructed on the round form, and all their motions are in circles more or less precise. They are essentially round in their confor- mations, and in the actions which they perform there is the unvarying principle of time which, if we may be allowed the expression, seems to be the paramount consideration, and one to which all others are secondary and subservient. This principle of the exact measurement of time, conjoined to rotundity of form and motion, give us the key to the fact, that humanity built on the round form is more adapted to the judging of anything in which time is an element, than are individuals of the other types. There is a beauti- ful harmony of design reigning throughout the entire domain of nature, and this is only one of the innumerable illustrations which present themselves to the intelligent observer. PHYSIOVALOKOSITY, PHYSICAL COUBAGK MATERIAL AND CORPOREAL COURAGE; RESISTANCE TO EVERY SPECIES OF PHYSICAL FORCK The wide nostril, short neck, large thorax, and eyes set directly in front, instead of outside of the head, are indubi- table indications of physical courage; while timidity is physiognomically recognizable by a long slim neck; large eyes set on the sides of the head rather than in front; and narrow long ears. The rabbit and giraffe are fine examples of timidity 148 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. Physiovalorosity Large John Broughton, Physiovalorosity Small Joseph a base pugilist of England. Justus Scalliger, who tilled the Chair of Belles Lettres in the University of Leyden. Physiovaloroeity Large A Lion. Physiovalorosity Small A Giraffe, taken from life in the Zoological Gardens of London. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 149 As physical courage is the direct result of large lung development, giving rise to a superabundance of the active forces of life, and as this form is invariably accompanied outwardly by nostrils expanding at their base, we find that the presence of physical strength, which is the natural result of these conjunctions, denotes also width of head, nose, jaws, and neck, along with depth of chest, the immediate causes of the widening out of the nostrils, which we have referred to. In the above cuts of Physiovalorosity large, there may be found an excellent illustration of the operation of this law. SOPHISTICALNESS. THE INCLINATION TO BE FALLACIOUSLY SUBTLE AND UNSOUND. Sophistry shadows itself forth on the facial lineaments by giving them a smooth and round expression. Sophistry that consists of a false and misleading, though fair, promising, and specious style of reasoning is the natural outcome of a round, smooth, oily organization, adapted for rounding corners, wheeling and turning, and generally endeavouring to avoid coming to the point. The man of the straight or rough form is perforce compelled to perform all his actions in a straightforward manner, and to him falsity and deceit are foreign and uncongenial. These two kinds take as naturally to their respective modes of action as the young duckling, on breaking from the shell, takes to the water. The inborn nature asserts itself: and " what is bred in the bone cannot come out of the flesh," as the old proverb hath it. 150 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. PLAYFULNESS. THE ABILITY THAT GIVES, APPRECIATES, AND ENJOYS LIVELY RECREATIONS AND EXERCISES FOR THE SAKE OF AMUSEMENT. Fulness in the centre of the forehead, face, and every bone of the whole frame, indicates a playful nature. A small Osseous construction, combined with a large Muscular development, give this peculiarity to the bones, that they are most attenuated towards their extremities and attain their greatest fulness half way between those points. The natural tendency of the muscles is one of action, which action, when it is super- abundant and over- flowing, becomes playfulness, and consequently, in ac- cordance with the above peculiarity, when we find the frontal bone, or indeed any other bone in the body, attaining its greatest fulness in its centre, we predicate the predominance of muscular activity, which predominance is the index of proclivities of a sportive or playful character. Playfulness Large A Squirrel. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 151 INTERMUTATIVENESS. SUBSTITUTION. THE CAPACITY OF CHANGING OR PLACING ONE THING IN LIEU OF ANOTHER. INTERMUTATIVENESS, which is the ability to put one thing or person in the place of another, may be discovered by a general fulness in the centre of the face, from the hair to the centre of the chin inclusive. This faculty is manifested in a general fulness extending perpendicularly along the entire length of the face. This fulness denotes activity on the part of the muscular forces, and these forces subjected to the will are the conditions requisite for producing the tendency to Interrnutativeness. Fulness along the centre line of the face is always indica- tive of activity, while width of face or body shews the presence of mere strength rather than great activity. PHLLOMONOTOPICALNESS. LOCATIVE HABITS. THE AFFECTION FOR ONE PLACE, OR, HABIT OF BECOMING ATTACHED TO ONE SITUATION OR LOCALITY. Vertical wrinkles in the forehead above the nose, and no oblique curved wrinkles starting near the top of the nose, or in the above wrinkles and curving outwards and up- wards over each eye, with full round cheeks indicate that you may feel assured that such individuals are inclined to have a home, with the desire to remain in it, if possible. Locative habits have their origin in the protracted con- 152 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. tinuance of a settled and uneventful life, combined with the action of two faculties. Consecutiveness large renders the possessor averse to change of any kind, and this form is always marked by vertical wrinkles above the nose, and the other conducive faculty, Acquiesciveness, superadds a mental condition of perfect contentment. The former espe- cially bars the way to any desire for change of place ; the latter gives tranquil contentment with the existing state of things, while continued habit ultimately welds the whole into settled and unalterable disposition and inclination. TONIRECEPTIONALITY. RECEPTION OF TONE. THE ABILITY OF RECEIVING AND APPRECIATING TONE, OR SOUND. The round ear which stands well forward and outward from the head is well adapted to catch the fine or coarse sounds, and convey the wave motions to the tympanum of the ear, and especially musical sounds. An ear lying Jlat on the side of the head, or angular or pointed in form* is not adapted to receive and judge musical tones. Tonireceptionality Smaii- J H. Newman, D.D. Tonireceptionality Large - Tauiberlik. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 153 The only medium through which musical tones can pos- sibly reach the interior and lend their soothing, cheerful, or hilarious effects to the nerves of the brain, is that of the ear, and it is natural that the contour of this member should afford some unmistakable outward indications of the capacity of the individual for the appreciation and enjoyment of music. This faculty of appreciation and Tonirecepttonality Small The unmusical ear. Tonireceptionality Large The ear of Adelina PattL enjoyment consists in its power of collecting and conveying to the auditory nerve by the drum, the sonorous atmos- pheric vibrations of which music is made up, and in accordance with the degree of resemblance subsisting between the form of the ear and the round curving form of music, the individual is endowed with, or deficient in, this power of appreciation. The sound of music is essentially round and rolling. There can be no doubt of this. Othc'r 154 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. kinds of noises are square, angular, rough, uneven, or of no describable form at all ; but musical tones are certainly round or wavy, and ears constructed on the round and wavy form are certainly better adapted for the reception and appreciation of music than those of the square or irre- gular type. CONCEALATIVENESS. SECRECY. THE INCLINATION TO HIDE OR WITHHOLD THE KNOWLEDGE OF THINGS OR THOUGHTS; THE INSTINCT NOT TO TELL THE MOUSE THAT THE CAT IS WATCHING UNTIL THE MOUSE IS CAUGHT. Secretiveness may be known by thin closely compressed lips, hollowed and flexed hands, arched or cat-shaped foot, closing of the eyes, &c. The principle of this faculty is to hold on, its action affects all the flexor muscles of the organization. It may be seen largely developed in the feline species with the round face, and small in the goose or ox-foot. Flat feet are indicative of small secretiveness. Other signs of this faculty there are such as archness of look, and a peculiar shy and side-long glance of the eyes. To conceal is to hide and put away for the purpose of retaining it, any object or thought, and individuals with strong proclivities in this direction, will be found to possess great action in the flexor or closing muscles of the organiza- tion. When these muscles have an excess of development the entire system will be formed on the plan of conceal- ment ; and in this, as in all other cases, the actions of the individual are simply in accordance with the nature of hia bodily structure. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES, 155 Concealativeness Small Mr. E. F. Simms, Father of the Author of this book. S. Concealativeness Large Miss Stuart, of Portland, Oregon. ECONOMOSITY. ECONOMY; THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT. The broad, square, full face, like Franklin's, is the physiognomical premonstration of economy. The inclination to frugal and economical management of affairs is found to be associated with a broad or square face, and is the result of the presence of a broad and sound judgment reflecting itself in the conformation of the face, as well as in a careful and judicious behaviour; the ever recurring feature of the spirit acting through, and leaving its impress upon, the Physiognomy. 156 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. CURVATIVENESS. JUDGMENT OF CURVES. THE CAPACITY OF BEING ABLE TO APPRECIATE AND JUDGE OF THE BEAUTIES AND QUALITIES OF CURVES. Relative width between the eyes, rounding face, limbs, ears, nose, and head, are indications of the faculty of curvature. Curvativeness Large Miss Harriet C. Curvativeness Small Jim, a Hosmer, the famous Sculptress. Piute Indian of Utah Ter. When an individual is formed upon the curved or circular plan, it will always be found that he is possessed of great aptitude for remembering and noting the curves and turns of rivers, roads, &c., as well as a capability of judging of them accurately, and with precision. The curved principle being inherent in his framework, he can do and judge outside of himself the same kind of work which goes to make up the structure within. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 157 ACCUMULATIVENESS. DESIRE OF POSSESSION. THE INTUITIVE TENDENCY OR DISPOSITION TO ACQUIRR Whenever the face is rather broad in the centre, and rather long, with a prominent nose, the individual will have the capacity, if well used, to accumulate. Accumulativeness Large- Commodore Vanderbilt. Accumulativeness Small- A squanderer. The natural law which manifests itself in the attraction that one kind of mineral has for an atom of another kind is every whit as active within the human organization as it is anywhere throughout the range of the universe. The individual into whose construction there enters a large proportion of earthy or mineral matter, is, as a matter of course, an amasser of riches; and where the proportion is abnormal to a large degree, we have the miser, who hoards up his gold, not for the love of anything that gold may purchase, but for the undisguised purpose of gloating over 158 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. it, and feasting his eyes with it. On the other hand, the man of spiritual tendencies, being naturally deficient in earthy ingredients, has no undue fondness for acquiring riches, and remains poor without discontentment or grumbling. The signs of those abounding in material desires are given above under the head of Accumulativeness. MONOEROTICITY. MONOGAMY THE DISPOSITION TO LOVE ONE ONLY. The dove or round shape of the eye openings is the most unexceptionable evidence of large mating love. Monoeroticity Large Mrs. Margaret Fuller Osoli, who preferred to drown rather than to leave her husband. Monoeroticity Small Brigham Young, the noted polygamist. The attention is riveted upon the being on whom we have lavished our love and affection, to the exclusion, for the time-being, of any other object that may be within the range of vision, and we find that a tendency to unity THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGXS AND PRINCIPLES. 159 of affection is very generally allied to the possession of the round form of eye which, unlike the form which is long from side to side, and adapted for surveying a broad sur- face, is circumscribed in its range, and not likely to see many objects instead of one. We conclude from this that a tendency to unity of love is the result, not only of oneness of vision, but also of unity of structure, of which round eyes, limbs, form, &c., &c., are only the outward indications. VOLUNTATIYENESS. WILL. HAVING STRENGTH OP WILL AND POWER TO EXECUTE IT. Tlie ability of exercising the will, or of forming a pur- pose, may be known by the fulness of the posterior part of the neck, near the point of junction with the head. The neck of George III. of England indicated the strength of wilt, for which he became notorious, and was the primary cause of the freedom of North America. Voluntativeness Small A Chinese woman without optative power. Voluntativeness Larg George ILL 160 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. This is embodied in an over-development of the Muscular department, in comparison with the sizes of the other com- ponent parts of the body. Now, as contrary action is an inherent principle in the movement of the muscles, the one with the other, an excess of muscular power is the infallible indication of an inclination to work at cross purposes to thwart and obstruct at every corner and turning of life, with his own will. The individual is constructed through- out his entire system upon the contrary; and will, or Muscular principle, and his pig-headed disposition is only the natural outcome of the peculiarity of the structure within. MERRINESS. THE QUALITY OF BEING GAY AND LAUGHING. Wrinkles obliquely outwards and downwards from the eyes, open lips, and a round large forehead are evidences of large merriness. Mirth also gives an expression of half -smile and funny look, and an arch and knowing expression of countenance. An excess of indulgence in the merry inclinations will result in wrinkles stretching obliquely outwards and down- wards from the eyes, and these wrinkles will ultimately assume a fixity of form, and indicate a stratum of past hilarity, as well as give a foretaste of explosions in the future. By the same rule, the mouth of an inveterate laugher will ultimately assume the open form, as if to be prepared for an abrupt emergency, or a sudden outburst- of mirth, and to be ready on all occasions for the performance of its favourite duties. Much laughter also causes a rush of blood to the brain, and thereby gives an inclination to the round, large form of the forehead. The half-formet 1 smile THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 161 and amused look lingering on the visage of the laugher, are the vestiges of previous outbursts of merriment. Merriness Large Thos. C. Halihurton, "Sam Slick." Humorous writer of Nova Scotia. Merriness Small Charles I., who never laughed after he became, kin g. PROVIDENTNESS. THE DISPOSITION TO FORESEE WANTS AND MAKE PROVISION TO SUPPLY THEM. Wide hips and full muscles are the distinctive signs of a provident person. When this characteristic is excessively large, it is accompanied with protrusion of the lower part of the face. Providentness has its origin in strength, guided and regu- lated by a coot and cautious judgment, capable of restraining and purifying passion and unbridled energy. The con- junction of wide hips with largely developed muscles demonstrate the allied presence of strength and judgment 162 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. strength reposing in the muscles, and width of form bespeak- ing breadth of mind, as body and mind bear due proportion to each other. CONTRATIVENESS. CONTRARINESS. THIS QUALITY, OR FACULTY, IN HUMAN BEINGS, IS THAT WHICH GIVES THE DISPOSITION TO ASSUME THE OPPOSITE, AND IN ANIMALS, TO ACT CONTRARY TO THE WISHES OF INDIVIDUALS, EITHER MEN OR ANIMAL. The capacity of Contrativeness exhibits its indices by width through the face, at the angle of the jaws. It i* large in the hog and the Hottentot. Contrativeness very Large Najxdeon I. Copied from a cast taken from his head after death. Contrativeness occupies the same platform with that of Voluntativeness, with this difference, that th* former is THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES- 163 more moderate in action, and more considerate than is evinced in the exercise of pure will POLYEROTICITY. POLYGAMY. THE DISPOSITION TO LOVE MANY. The amount of love for the opposite sex may be known by the fulness of the eyes, and its quality by the shape of the commissures, or opening between the lids of the eyes. When the opening is quite almond-shaped, promiscuous love prevails in that form ; if the commissure has great vertical measurement, the love is connubial. Polyeroticity Small The eye of Mrs. Margaret F. Osoli. Polyeroticity Large The eye of Brigham Young. tolyeroticity Large The head of a Hog (GemuSiu.} Polyeroticity Small the head of a Turtle-dove (Turtur Auritus). 164 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. In the range of Physiognomy everything partakes of a lower nature when built upon the wide and low form, and as eyes that are wide or almond-shaped in their openings have a less vertical measurement than in cases where the round form predominates, we find the mind putting itself forward by broad channels, as it were, in search of objects of love, and totally regardless of worth in the unfastidious breadth of its grasp. This exhibition of love is more bestial in its nature, and has little in common with Monoeroticity, which is pure and angelic in its tone. MNEMONICONOMINALITY. MEMORY OF NAMES. THE MNEMONIC POWER OF RECOLLECTING NAMES. Memory of names manifests itself by a forehead full in the centre, from the nose to the hair, and a pair of lips full ind flexible. A fulness of the lips bespeaks the power of catching up 3nd reproducing sounds of names, &c., which the individual has heard uttered. A sharpness of the centre of the fore- head indicates the presence of acute sensations, and that there, whatever sensations are received are also faithfully retained. Those two combined (if the throat and the other vocal organs be well formed), endow the possessor with the faculty of faithfully retaining and reproducing the utter- ances which are given forth in his presence. CHKOMATICALNESS. PERCEPTION OF COLOR. THE INNATE QUALITY THAT CLEARLY PERCEIVES AND JUDGES TINTS, HUES, AND COLOURS. A pale or miUc colour of eyes, and a livid, white hue to THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 165 the skin, indicate a poor judge of colours. When we find all the boncz of the nose and lower part of the forehead very prominent relatively, as compared with the other portions of the face, the person with such features can readily judge colour. But, should the centre of the eyebrows be narrow and sunken backwards, the person will be partially, if not entirely colour-blind. Chromato-pseudopts are quite com- mon; as the late Dr. George Wilson, of Edinburgh, while investigating the subject, discovered. Out of 11 54 persons, whom he examined, he found that there were over five per cent, who were idiopts, or colour-blind. Chromaticalness Small Win. Ross, who is a chromo-pseudop, or colour-blind. Chromaticalness Large Antonio Allegri, or Corregio, a dis- tinguished Italian painter. The general law or principle upon which the human faculties are founded is well illustrated ia the matter of colour, and the power of judging and appreciating shades and hues of colour. The cadaverous, colourless individual ia entirely devoid of taste or judgment in the matter of colour, and he is so simply because, by the infallible law of nature, 166 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND 'PRINCIPLES. no man can judge, outside of himself, that which does not enter into his own composition. DEMOLITIOUSNESS INCLINATION TO DESTROY THE PROPENSITY TO MAR, DEFACE, OR DESTROY The loiv, flat nose, which is particularly wide where the wings of the nostrils join the face; the wide, short ear, broad foot, deep chest, large neck, heavy jaw, and low fore- head, are the signs uhich point out large destructiveness as unerringly as the shadow on the dial indicates the direction of the sun. Demolitiousness Small B. Gosse, Esq., of London, who gave indiscriminately to every object regardless of worthi- ness, and disliked to destroy any- thing. Demolitiousness Large John H. Webster, a murderer ainl natural thief, confined for Ufa in the Penitentiary at Jackson, idichigyf,, since 1854. TIIE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 16T Demolitiousness Small Demolitiousness Large The head of a Hnre. The head of a Tiger. To produce the capacity of destroying, the chief element required is strength, and where there is an absence of strength, there can be no power of destruction. Now, to endow an organization with strength, it is absolutely necessary that that organization should be constructed on the wide plan, and therefore the wide form in all depart- ments of animal life shews the presence of strength and the faculty of demolitiousness. To contribute additional strength to a board of wood, the width would naturally be extended, while an extension of the length would only contribute to its weakness. Nature certainly conducts her operations with vastly more intelligence than man, and accordingly we find her producing strength by widening also, and not lengthening. The caraivora, or the animals that subsist on the flesh they have killed, require sufficient strength to overpower and kill their prey, and they are therefore built on the wide and strong plan throughout. This width is an indication of an excess of muscular power, and being an excess, it is unbalanced and unguided by a relative share of the other forms, and necessarily demands the slaughter to which it is addicted, on which to expend its superabun- dant Demolitiousness. Each form, in proportion to its degree of development, contributes its share to the proper and government of the whole, and iroui this 168 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. general rule we may draw the conclusion, that the man is nicely balanced in his desires who has an equal growth of each form; and that the man who is powerfully developed in all is the most happily and usefully constructed. PHILONEPIONALITY. LOVE OF YOUNG. THE CHARACTERISTIC OF FEELING PLEASURE IN THE YOUNG. Watery or moist eyes, and lips thick in the centre, an Indicative of the love of children. Philonepionality Large A loving Italian m Costume dtlla Duitua di Marieniidla, THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 169 The governing inclinations of any individual may be discovered by watching the individual while a certain pro- pensity is greatly exerted. The mother, bursting with tenderness for her child, passionately presses her lips to its tiny form. It would therefore be highly analogical to con- clude that love of offspring manifested itself in the lips by kisses, or pathognomy, as well as by physiognomical strength. To sift the laws of nature to their first origin, and demonstrate why she has placed the sign of Philone- pionality in a fulness of the lips, would be a divergence from our subject proper, and a raid upon the domain of metaphysics. Nature causes the production of fruit only when there is abundance of juice in the plant, and in like manner children can only be brought to life when there is an abundance of the vital fluids of life, and in conferring the power of producing young, she also gives the love of offspring, which is necessary for its preservation during the helpless years of infancy and youth. Nature makes provi- sion for the preservation of all her vast family during those early stages, when they can do nothing for their own maintenance in life, and this preserving care we see in the full lips, caused by the abundant juices, the moist eyes, and flowing saliva of the mother. LINGUITIVENESS. SPOKEN LANGUAGE. THE ABILITY TO UTTER ARTICULATE SOUNDS SUCCESSIVELY, IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO CONVEY INTELLIGENCE. Protruding and flexible lips, capacious mouth and jaws, a full throat, are determining evidences of large spoken language. 170 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND' PRINCIPLEa Lmgtutiveness Large -John B. Gough, the eminent temperance lecturer. Linguitiveness Small A beau- tiful and intelligent deaf and dumb girl of Illinois. Speech is produced by the united efforts of mouth, throat, lips, teeth, tongue, and palate, and the relative sizes and flexibility of these parts may be taken as evidences of the power of uttering articulate sounds; because that which pro- duces should, and by a law of nature does, bear due relation to that produced in size, shape, texture, quality, power, elasti- city, &c. Lin guitiveness Large A Parrot. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 171 PH rSIODELECTATIOUSNESS PHYSIC AL PLEASURE. VHF DISPOSITION AND INCLINATION FOR SENSUAL DELIGHTS. 1 \ose who prize most highly sexual pleasures, and devote most time to their enjoyment, will have a thick under eyelid, which croiuds up upon the eyes, except in those given to indulge in intoxicating beverages, whose lower eyelids in age will fall away from the eyeball, as if tired oj their situation, or weary in assisting the eyes to such low desires; they turn away in disgust from screening the drunken stare of their degraded owner. Physiodelectatiousness Small Marchioness of Hertford. Physiodelectatiousness Large Henry VIII. Excessive indulgence in sexual or other physical pleasure causes the crowding upward upon the eyeball of the under eyelid, and the reason is obvious. During the performance of pleasureable acts, the under eyelids are drawn upwards so as almost, if not quite, to close the eye; and much indulgence of this kind has the tendency to cause the eyelid to remain permanently in the position into which it is forced, at a time when the whole system is wrought up into an intense 172 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. state of nervous excitement Yet much nervous excite- ment will cause the under lids to fall away from tlia eyeballs in old age, as a result of muscular exhaustion, arising from over-excitement of the nerves of sensation. Oft repeated acts of the body have a tendency to cause the parts acted upon to assume permanently the positions into which they are so often forced. The habits of the individual become indelibly stamped in readable characters upon his exterior; and reflective people may well look to these as warnings or guides, as the case may be. CURATIVENESS. CURATIVE POWER. CURATIVENESS IS THE FACULTY THAT ENABLES ONE TO ADOPT THE MEANS AND APPLIANCES NECESSARY FOR THE RESTORATION OF HEALTH OF BODY OR SOUNDNESS OF CONSTITUTION. The physiognomical evidences of this faculty are, strength of form and healthy vigour of constitution. To contribute to the health of others we must first be in possession of health ourselves, in accordance with the unfailing law of nature, that we cannot impart that which we do not possess already. When strong and weak come together, there is an imperceptible transference of vital energy or magnetism from the strong to the weak; and though the former may not be conscious of that loss that is soon repaired by the resources of a vigorous constitution, yet none the less does the latter derive benefits wherewith to assist in rebuilding the breaches that have been made in the constitutional wall. The signs of Curative-ness that we have given above are the signs of health and strength the panacea that the enfeebled most desire. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 173 SOLICITIKEPUTATIVENESS. DESIKE OF APPROVAL. AN INNATE WISH FOR THE FAVOEABLE OPINION AND EXPRESSION OF OTHERS. Thin-skinned or red-lipped people are always sensitive to the opinion of others about them. The head turned a little to one side, the voice low and insinuating, courteous and obliging manners, are stable signs of a strong desire of approbation. When we find a brain large, joined to a thinness of skin, we may predicate with safety that the possessor is very sensitive to the influence of external circumstances; and if to these be added a fulness of muscular development, we have before us the organization most liable to feel the action of both things material and things immaterial, such as adverse opinions, &c. The man who is sensitive in one department of his structure is, by the operation of a natural law, sensitive in all ; and we consequently conclude that thin-skinned people as indicated by a redness of the lips are sensitive, not only to material touch, but to anything else having a tendency to disturb the mental equilibrium. INEXORABLENESS. THE QUALITY OF BEING INEXORABLE, UNRELENTING, IRRECONCILABLE IN ENMITY. A cross, inexorable look, an aversion to laugh, and a protruding under-lip beyond the upper, are unmistakable indications of an implacable disposition. This tendency limns out on the exterior of the Physiog- 174 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. nomy, a striking picture of what is going on within, and the labour that is being performed by each and every of the faculties. A predominance of feelings of this kind Inexorableness Small Mary Inexorableness Large An Irish woman F. Scott Siddons. of Edinburgh. A gabbler. gives a cross-grained disagreeable appearance to the fea- tures; a studied avoidance of laughter, which has no sympathy whatever with anything of this kind. CONSECUTIVENESS. THE CAPABILITY OF APPRECIATING AND PRODUCING PROPOSITIONS IN CONSECUTIVE ORDER. Perpendicular wrinkles in the forehead, immediately above the nose, and horizontal wrinkles, or a wrinkle, across the nose, near its junction with the forehead, are unfailing signs of large CONSECUTION. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. Consecutiveness Large Cyrus W. Field, a projector of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable. When the mind is riveted for a continuance of time upon one subject, or one set of subjects, the brow at the top of the nose is naturally drawn together by the contraction of the corrugator supercilii muscles ; and if this action be indefinitely prolonged, the final result will be, that the brows remain fixed in the positions so often assumed, with a wrinkle or two of a vertical kind dividing the series. This is the natural result of a oneness of action, in- dulged in without stint, and, like most of the characteristic Uonsecutiveness Large A selfish Cat, taken from life. 176 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. signs, it is simply the superabundance of longj and oft indulged habit SONIDIFFUSITIVENESS. CAPACITY TO SING. THE CAPACITY OF PRODUCING OR MAKING A SOUND OR MUSICAL TONE WITH THE MOUTH VOCIFERATIVENESS. A full throat, large thorax, open nostrils, and protruding lips, with good length from the point of the nose to the point of the chin, and full cheeks, are faithful signs of the poiuer to give forth tone, if the ear be round and promi- nent, so that it can first receive the tone. Sonidiffusitiveness Small An Irish Sonidiffusitiveness Large Parepa peasant, who could not sound a Rosa, a celebrated singer, note correctly. The mouth being the only point of egress throughout the system from which it is possible to give forth sounds of a musical character, it naturally follows that in the mouth and its concomitants only have we any hope of being able to judge, from external appearances at all events, of the capacity of any individual for music. It is utterly THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 177 useless to go elsewhere to look for the outward musical signs; and if desired to estimate the capacity of a water- pipe for the delivery of a certain quantity of water, we might as reasonably, for that purpose, measure minutely the size and dimensions of the nearest fence post, as to Sonidiffusitiveness Small A Duck. Sonidiffnsitiveness Large A Canary. The flat bill of the duck gives a The round beak of the canary flat unmusical sound. gives a round musical sound. investigate any other part of the body than the mouth for an idea of the musical capacity lodged therein. It is, therefore, by the mouth only and its surroundings, such as the throat, palate, teeth, tongue, &c., that we can judge of the extent of the development of the musical power. DECORATIVENESS. THE TENDENCY TO ORNAMENT IN A BECOMING OB UNBECOMING MANNER. A full eye, accompanied by arching, thin, long eyebrows, are emblematic of decorativeness. Decorativeness is the faculty that delights in an arrange- ment of things S3 as to constitute an adornment that has if 178 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. a pleasing and satisfactory effect upon the eye; and it is, therefore, from the conformation of the eye that we must gather materials for estimating the decorative capacity of Decorativeness Large A Digger, an Indian, of California, adorned for the war dance. the individual, or his power of appreciation in regard to the beauties of decoration. That kind of eye that is adapted for taking in at a glance, and comprehending a large range of beautiful scenery, will be found invariably to stand out from its sockets, and by reason of this con- formation it can turn conveniently within a great visual range to take in as much as possible of the thing in which it takes the greatest delight. Thin long eyebrows, again, denote a fineness of organization capable of judging of, and delighting in, fine objects. We have already shewn that fullness of the under part of the forehead indicates the possession of strength of sight, and a conjunction of all of the above varieties allied to comprehension mark the able and artistic decorator. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 179 HUNTATIVENESS. SEARCHING INCLINATION. THE DISPOSITION TO SEARCH FOR, OR FOLLOW AFTER, ANY PERSON OR OBJECT. Some of the physiognomical records of this endowment are, fulness in the forehead, immediately above the top oj the nose, good muscular and bony systems, with the head carried well forward from the body. Unlike the dog, or, at all events, most of the canine species, we do not hunt after any object by the sense of smell, but invariably call in the assistance of the eye; and by one of her unchangeable laws, when nature invests any particular member with unusual strength, she strengthens the surrounding parts, as if to lend the greatest amount of countenance and assistance to the central figure. For example, a powerful knee is accompanied by a strong leg, and strength of arm is allied to breadth of shoulders and chest. So also, when an individual is gifted with i /. . , i Huntativeness Large a great and piercing range of vision, the _ The Chetah> s or eyes are found strongly reinforced by a hunting Leupard of fulness in the immediately overlying por- India and Africa< tion of the forehead, and as this conformation of eye and accompanying frontal development are the necessary attri- butes of a successful hunter, we may conclude that a fulness in the lower forehead, immediately above its junction with the top of the nose, is at least one sign of such an individual. Another requisite for a successful hunter is unwavering attention, and the exercise of close attention on the object in pursuit, having the immediate effect of carrying the head in a forward direction, as if to place it as near as possible to the desired goal. We may discern in this projecting carriage of the head an infallible sign of Huntativeness. 180 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS ANi) PRINCIPLES. SAGACITIVFNESS. SAGACITY. SOUNDNESS OF JUDGMENT AND SHREWDNESS ARE CONCOMI- TANTS OF THE FACULTY OF SAGACITIVENESS. The short, round neck is one of the natural accompani- ments of Sagacitiveness. Napoleon I. had an extremely short neck, his head apparently resting upon his shoulders; and all Europe learned, by sad experience, his overwhelming sagacity. Sagacitiveness Large Thomas Parr, who lived to the rare old age of 152 years. At the age of 120 years, he married a second wife, by whom he had issue. The closer we approach the brain, or seat of sensation, to the heart and lungs, from which the blood is derived for the maintenance of that sensation; and the more capacious the neck and its arteries for conducting the supply of blood to the brain, the more vivid will be the sensations, and the sounder and more critical will be the prompt decisions of the judgment judgment being the coalition of strength THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINJIPLES. 181 Sagacitiveness Large A Chimpanzee, taken from life, in the Zoological Gardens of London. Sagacitiveness Small An Ostrich. 8aiiat'.it"'n" Large An Asiatic Elephant. 182 THE FACULTIES. THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. with acuteness of sensation, the one giving the strength and the other the precision for arriving at sound, prompt, and judicious conclusions. A large brain gives rapid and strong sensations ; large heart and lungs give strength; and accordingly, when brain and thorax are near each other, and connected by capacious and smoothly-working canala, we have the conjoint result of shrewdness TKADATIVENESS. PHONBNESS TO TRADE. THE TENDENCY TO TRADE AND BARTER. A wide rounding jaw, plump, short, elastic, and springy person, always very active, are symbols of a trading tendency. 1 radativeness Large Jacob Strawn, the great fanner and cattlt dealer of Illinois. THE FACULTIES, TTIEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 183 Those who are formed on the muscular plan, with moderately sized bones that will admit of an easy change Tradativeness Large Mr. T. Glover, a dry goods merchant of Quebec. of place are adapted for the acquirement of money and other kinds of property, and are consequently the very people to succeed as merchants or tradesmen. A wide jaw indicates the presence of predacious energy, and this is an important element in the composition of a successful trader. ADAPTATIVENESS. APPROPRIATIVENESS. THE FACULTY WHICH PERCEIVES AND DETERMINES THE FITNESS OF PERSONS OR THINGS FOR EACH OTHKR. A long narrow chin that reaches well forward is the sign of appropriateness; and the individual possessing largely this disposition t will be a good judge of the adapta- tion of one thing or person to another. 184 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND .PRINCIPLES. Adaptativeness Large Thomas Cook and Wife, who were well adapted to live together, for one was as avaricious as the other was miserly. When the chin stretches well forward, it will be found that in accordance with the law of correspondence the whole of the perpendicular range of the face will also have a projecting tendency, and as these parts of the face are indicative of sensation, on. account of the greater number of sensations being situated relatively in the centre of the face, as 'those of taste, smell, and sight; this portion, when full, would denote great sensational quickness which is requisite for determining the fitness of persons 01 obiecte for each other. ALVAN CLARK, an American mechanician who formerly worked as a portrait-painter, but is chiefly distinguished as the telescope manufacturer, has a studious, thoughtful, and industrious face which is far more mechan- ical than artistic. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES, .A. S S IV. THE COGNIZANT CAPACITIES. THE FOURTH CLASS OF CAPACITIES BEING LARGE, THE OSSEOUS OR BONY FORM WILL BE FOUND PREDOMI- NANT IN THAT PERSON. DISCKIMINATIVENESS. DISCRIMINATING CAPACITY. THE FACULTY WHICH DISCERNS AND JUDGES THE DIFFER- ENCE OR RESEMBLANCE OF OBJECTS OR IDEAS. The nose that seems divided at the point into a right and left part, and has a firm appearance, and a fulness of the lower brow, should not be passed by when looking for signs of discrimination. Discriiniiiativeness Large I/nnaeus, a celebrated Swedish Naturalist. Discriminativeness Small- A Chinese woman. THE first element of discrimination is the proper survey of the object by means of the eye, and it is in and around the 186 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. eye, therefore, that we must look for the signs of discern- ment or discrimination of objects. Fulness over and around the eye denotes strength of comprehension A division at the tip of the nose indicates a double or very powerful organization in the direction of strength of mind, and the stronger the mind, the greater power does it possess of analysis and discrimination. STKUCTURODEXTERITY. MECHANICAL TALENT. THE ABILITY OF FORMING AND CONSTRUCTING, READILY AND DEXTEROUSLY, MATERIALS OR MENTAL PRODUCTS. Square faces with the bony form slightly in the ascend- ancy are the requisite physical indications of a good mechanic. Strncturodexterity Large - James Watt, the celebmtecl Inventor and MecAmuai*. Structurodexterity Small P. T. Barnum, who said he never could whittle a barrel tap round. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 187 The main characteristics of mechanical labour are the manipulation of solid material into angles and straight lines, and it is therefore not surprising to find that those who are constructed on the straight or angled form, and into whose construction there enters a predominance of the hard or bony material, should prove t.he best adapted for work of this kind. As a general rule, the light-haired man does not succeed as a worker in iron, and this arises simply from the deficiency of iron ingredients in the composition of his frame; while, on the other hand, the dark-haired, swarthy man, in virtue of the nature of the construction of his body, is eminently adapted for such work, the iron which he receives into his frame from his daily occupation agreeing with him, and failing to produce the bad conse- quences which would accrue to his brother of the light- haired form, after a protracted continuance in work for which he is constitutionally unsuited. ORDINIPHYSICALITY. PHYSICAL ARRANGE- MENT. THE DESIRE TO ARRANGE PHYSICAL SUBSTANCES OR ATTRIBUTES. Compressed lips of medium thickness, regular and rather thin 'well-defined features, accompanied with a systematic and regular pendulation of the hands, as well as precision and regularity of step, are unmistakable signs of material order. The language of physical order is an impulse to arrange articles so that they may bear due and systematic relation to each other. Whenever it appears that nature has arranged in lines and orderly method the different parts of the body, so as 188 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. to produce regular and systematic action throughout, the individual will be endowed with a large manifestation of Ordiniphysicality Large Edwin Booth, Ordiniphysicality Small A who is remarkable for the arrange- disorderly Flat-head Indian, rnent of material objects. Ordiniphysicality, in accordance with the law of nature which ordains that man must act in unison with the general character of his structure. ANGULARITIVENESS. PERCEPTION OF AN- GLES AND LINES. THE ABILITY OF APPRECIATING THE QUALITIES AND BEAUTIES OF ANGLES AND STRAIGHT LINES. Angular form of ear, nose, malar or cheek-bones, brows, knuckles, knees, and every part of the human structure cannot be mistaken by a natural Physiognomist as the hieroglyphics of Angularity. Large bones of an angular conformation naturally endow the possessor with a jubt understanding of angles and THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 189 straight lines, whether manifested in fellow beings or in material objects; this law being in strict accordance with Angular! tiveness Small Edward V. of England, born 1470, smothered with his brother in the Tower of London in 1483. Angularitiveness Large An old Cardinal, who was quite eccen- tric and angular. the elements of correspondence and fitness, the principles on which the capacity rests. BENEFICENTNESS. BENEFICENCE. THE INCLINATION TO DO GOOD. The long face joined to a receding forehead and a prominent nose, are nature's intimation of a naturally beneficent individual. Peter Cooper has the above form of features, and he annually educates several hundred children free of cost in the city of New York. 190 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AMD PRINCIPLES. \ Beneticentness Large Peter Cooper, the Founder of Cooper Institute. Jieneticentness Small An Austra* lian man. Before it is possible for an individual to do good, it ia absolutely necessary that he should possess the qualification of goodness himself; and an indispensable condition of the possession of this quality of goodness, is, that the nobler aspirations should predominate over selfish and animal desires. On the law, therefore, that elevation of mind bears with it elevation of features, we rest the principle of Beneficentness. See the signs of Beneficentness above. DECISIVENESS. THE FACULTY OF PUTTING AN END TO CONTROVERSIES OR DOUBTS, BY AN ASSERTION, AN IRREFRAGABLE FACT, OB ARGUMENT. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 191 -4 Prominent and well defined features, in connection with a large active Brain form, are nature's records in favour of decision of character. Decisiveness Large Montesquieu, a French philosopher and publicist; possessed of great decision and integrity of character. Decisiveness Small Louis W. Jackson, an ignorant hireling, who murdered a man in Illinois for five hundred dollars. The reason why prominent features, accompanied with a large active brain, are the index of the possession of decisiveness of character, is because, while the latter is adapted for receiving vivid impressions, and founding strong opinions thereon, the former denotes the element of strength and executive force, without which the formation of strong opinions is not possible. OBSERYATIVENESS. OBSERVATION. THE QUALITY OR DISPOSITION TO LOOK CLOSELY AND WITH RIGID CARE AT EVERY OBJECT. Full long arching eyebrows, which are lowered down dose to the eyes, are the visible physiognomical expression 192 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. of a desire and capacity for observation, excellent example of large observation. Darwin is an Observativeness Large Mr. Charles Darwin, the Author of "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection," and several other valuable works. In looking intently at any object of curiosity or inquiry, the eyebrows are drawn down and crowd around the eyes, in order to shut out more than the exact amount of light that is necessary. Long practice in action of this kind will ultimately have the effect of inducing the muscles called so frequently into action permanently to assume their eagerly observant position, and to be permanently ready for the performance of the duties to which they have been accus- tomed so frequently to recur. PERSISTENACITY. PERSEVERANCE. THE DISPOSITION OF HOLDING ON, THE PROPENSITY TO PURSUE A COURSE OF DESIGNS OR CONDUCT. The body or ramus of the lower jaw, when long, may THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 193 safely be considered the certain evidence of remarkable PERSEVERANCE. This faculty is large in the bull-dog, and small m the fox and wolf. Persistenacity very Large In confirmation of an examina- tion of this gentleman by the Author, he said, " I have lost thousands of dollars by my excessive Persistenacity." Persistenacity very Small- Johnny, who could not persevere in any under- taking sufficiently to succeed. The long under jaw indicates tenacity of purpose, inas- much as the formation shews the presence of great strength Persistenacity Small A prairie Wolf, Persistenacity Large A Bull-dog or Coyote. to hold on with the jaws when once they seize an object, ;94 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. and nature inclines the possessor to exercise whatever strength may be possessed. Whenever the jaws indicate that the disposition to hold on is good, that character will permeate every fibre of the entire being, as the faculty is general in that form. With this strength to hold on, there is also perseverance or persistency, sticking like a leech to any project until success has crowned the effort. A Kentucky negro once gave me a very good definition of this capacity of leech-like tenacity perseverance: his idea being that it was to "seize right hold and neber let go no more." EECTITUDITIVENESS. RECTITUDE. THE FACULTY THAT INCITES HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS OF CONDUCT. Square bones, a bony chin, prominent cheek-bones, and eyes which are at right angles to the mesial line of the face, or which cut straight across the face, are signs of HONESTY OF PURPOSE. Rectituditiveness Small John Tetzel, the dishonest face. Rectituditiveness Large Andrew Jackson, tbe honest face. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLE. 195 Square find prominent bones conjoined to eyes that cut directly across the vertical line of the face, ai distinctive marks of Rectituditiveness ; and this is the case in virtue of the character of the structure; because, wherevev the square-boned form predominates, the individual is llectituditiveness Small Lizzie Smith, a notorious pickpocket of the city of New York. llectituditiveness Large William Tyndale, a translator of the Bible, and martyr for the same. pelled, by a natural law, to act in accordance with his structure, and go straight and clear at his object. He cannot arrive at anything by devious or crooked ways, that being a mode of action entirely foreign to his nature, and his bones being on the straight-angled plan, he must act in accordance. Rectitude is derived from the Latin, reel us, straight, and rectitude is therefore the capacity of going straight, and according to the recognized and open methods in common usage in whatever state of society the individual may be placed. 196 TUB FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. COMPUTATIONUMERICALITY. NUMERICAL COMPUTATION. SKILL IN COUNTING AND RECKONING. Whenever we observe the outward extremities of the eye- brows running towards tlie top of the ears, or horizontally backwards, it is a sure sign of a quick, ready CALCULATOR; but when the external terminus of the brows curve down- wards to, or towards the malar bone, as in Lord Lyttleton, it is a trustworthy indication that the person thus facially marked sadly lacks the ability to perform accurate numeri- cal calculations. Computationumericality Small Lord Computationumericality Large Geo. Lyttleton, an eminent historian of England, who was unable to master the Multiplication Table, or any of the common rules of Arith- metic. Thos. Allen, a scholar in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the first Mathematician of his day. The instinctive drawing together and downwards of the interior portion of the eyebrows, as it is the facial position assumed when one is in close numerical thought, shews an inclination to a precision or exactness of thought which THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 197 is indispensable to the study of Mathematics and the exact sciences; and when we find that long-continued habit has resulted in fixity of position, we may predicate of the individual that he possesses the capacity for this kind of 3xact thought in a high degree. SOLIDATIVENESS. JUDGMENT OF DENSITY. THE POWER THAT JUDGES OF SOLIDITY OR COMPACTNESS. When density is large, it reveals itself by a firm, quick step, and a well balanced gait; and in the face it betrays itself by a quiet, steady, thoughtful expression of the eyes. The man who is built on the solid or compact plan, is naturally well adapted for judging of anything into which the elements of solidity and compactness enter; because, having a high development of these qualities within him- self, he can judge outside of himself that which he possesses inside, and the signs above given are only the expressions of a dense organization. SUGGESTIVENESS. THE POWER OF FURNISHING PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE OB DIRECTION. The annexed engraving of Mr. Holcraft, of California, in which the septum of the nose is long at the place to which the index finger points, indicates an unusual amount oj SUGGESTIVE FERTILITY OF MIND. 198 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. When the nose is longer in the septum, or its central portion, than in the aleque nasi, or wings of the nostrils, we have the evidence of the presence of a desire of doing good, and here suggestion is only offering practical aid in thought and words. The forms that partake of the long, slim-like grass, or pine and fir tree, have for the aim of their existence the fur- therance of the good of others, rather than their own; whereas those of a short, squat, and thick build, live first and fore- most for self, although, in the days of their old age and repentance, they may take to charities, alms-giving, carl- tas, beneficentia, benevolen- tia, &c., for the still selfish purpose of squaring their accounts with Heaven. When the central range of the face is full, in a vertical line with the nose, the possessor will delight in succouring others; but when the sides of the face are full, so as to produce a general roundness, self is the sole passion of the individual. Suggestiveness Large Mr. Holcraft, of California. CHABACTERIOSCOPICITY. PERCEPTION OF CHARACTER THE ENDOWMENT WHICH GIVES THE POWER OF PENETRATING AND UNDERSTANDING THE CHARACTER OF OTHERS. Prominence of the frontal bone immediately over the inner corner of the eye, together with a prominent and THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 199 nose, are unfailing evidences of keen perception oj character. Characterioscopicity Large J. B. Porta, a learned mathematician and Neapolitan writer, author of works on Physiognomy, Natural History, Optics, Hydraulics, and Agriculture. He was the inven- tor of the Camera Obscura. Born at Naples in 1540, where he died in 1615. Characterioscopicity Large Rev. J. G. Lavater, a Swiss Poet, and author of several works on Physi- ognomy. He was a talented Divine, and became pastor of the Church of St. Peter, at Zurich. His works have been translated into several European languages. Born at Zurich in 1741, where he died in 1801. In order to possess the qualification in a high degree for detecting strength and weakness of character, it is necessary to inherit or acquire habits of close observation, and this endowment is indicated by a fulness of the frontal bone, immediately over the inner corner of the eye. The close observer must also have all his senses fully on the alert, and possess the essential element of caution, to avoid drawing erroneous conclusions, and this latter indispensable qualifi- cation is indicated by length of nose. A high development of the frontal bone, accompanied by sufficient length of nose, is therefore the index to power of reading and analys- ing character. 200 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES* A MICITIVENESS. FRIENDLINESS. THE FRATERNAL DISPOSITION AND GREGARIOUS INCLINATION. A broad forehead and open eye are evidential of true friendship. Amicitiveness Large Mrs Lydia H. Amicitiveness Small Catharine Sigonrney, a talented authoress II., who possessed great intellec- and faithful friend to woman, tual powers, gross passions, and was void of amity. The forehead expansive and indicative of largeness of brain, is strong evidence of acuteness of sensation, whether that sensation be produced by friends or by other causes, and a man thus endowed is more capable of receiving strong sensations of friendship, and of recollecting friends for a longer time than in forms of a di.ierent nature. An open, fearless eye bespeaks an open communicative person, ever responsive to the genial influence of companionship, while concealment and reserve are to amicitiveness what sterility and drought are to vegetation, shrinking, withering, and shrivelling up the germs of life and vivacity. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 201 OEIGIN^ TIYENESS. ORIGIN ALITY. THE POWER OF PRODUCING SOMETHING NEW, UNLIKE ANY- THING PREVIOUSLY EXISTING. Coarse, large features, such as a large nose, well raised from the plane of the face, ample mouth, wide clieek- bones, and a strong look, rather than a fine and effeminate face, are indications of originality of mind. Professor Morse, th# inventor of the Electric Telegraph, was a good example of originality. Originativeness Large -Professor S. F. B. Morse, the inventor of the Electric Telegraph. To discover new modes of thought, and to strike out upon fresh felds and pastures new, require great strength. 202 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. and the physiognomical indications which we have given above are only marks of this strength of mind which is necessary. To follow a beaten thoroughfare requires little Originativeness Small Geo. IV., a servile follower of fashions, and the practices of the demireps of his time. jffort and strength in comparison to the exertion necessary to break through hedges or forests, and establish a new route. This same requisition for strength is ever presenting ner demands upon him who ignores the old ruts, scales walls, and dashes across streams impassable to the weak, in quest of new fancies and original thoughts. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 203 MENSURATIVENESS. DISCERNMENT OF MAG- NITUDE. THE PERCEPTION OR FACULTY WHICH PERCEIVES AND JUDGES OF MEASUREMENTS. A general fulness across the lower forehead, long eye- brows, with a bony and square face, are excellent assur- ances of capability in recognizing and judging of magnitude or distance. Mensurativenesa Large Mr. J. Q. A. Ward, Sculptor. To measure and estimate anything by observation re- quires great strength of observance, and it is in that part of the head near the eyes, and in the eyes, that this strength resides, and it is by the degree of this crowding around the eye that we are enabled to judge of the powers and accuracy of observation on the part of any individual. A preponder- ance of bony material in the face, conjoined to the frontal peculiarities which we have just mentioned, shew the 204 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGXS AND .PRINCIPLES. capacity of accurate measurement by a glance, because the ingredients are already within the system, and strength ol eye is ready to assist the judgment. PERTINACIOUSNESS. THE QUALITY OF BEING PERVERSE OF PURPOSE, AND PERTINACIOUS OF OPINION. The power of OBSTINACY manifests itself by relative length in the limb of the jaw. Pertinaciousness Large Charles XII. of -'weden, the most stubborn ruler of Europe, called " the madman of the North." Pertinaciousness Small Ristori, a talented actress in the Italian language. The bone element being one of absence of movement or inertia, where largely developed, and under excitement, we have obstinacy, stiffness, or inertia of character. Now, length in the limb of the jaw being an unfailing accompani- ment of this form, we may take it as the true index of the amount of Pertinaciousness present THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 205 Pertinaciousness Small The head of a hunting Horse. Pertiuaciousness Large The head of an Ass. TEMPOKIMECnANICALITY. JUDGMENT OF MECHANICAL MOTION. THE ABILITY TO JUDGE OF TIME MADE BY INSTRUMENTS, MECHANICAL APPLIANCES, OB DIRECT MOTIONS. Mechanical time is known to a physiognomist by <* squareness of the face, joined with a large numerical capacity (See signs of Computationumericality). Tempurimechanicality Small A Chinese girL Temporimechanicality Large The Duke of Wellington. Taken from a bust in the Gallery of Art in Edinburgh. 206 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. Mechanical time is the result of the blending of two faculties, which produce a new faculty. A slight predo- minance of bony structure gives the mechanical element, and the round or circular form gives the quality of time. The conjunction of the two is termed Temporimechanicality a faculty of the highest usefulness to the possessor. PEACTICALITIVENESS. PEACTICALITY. THE QUALITY OF BEING PRACTICAL, MAKING A GOOD USE OF EVERYTHING. Receding foreheads are never found except on persons of great PRACTICAL INCLINATIONS. Dr. John Hunter, whose genius, cultivated taste, and profound research have placed him among the most eminent philosophers and scholars of his time, had a low, receding forehead. He remarked that his first consideration of a subject was in regard to its practical usefulness, and that, if considered impractical, he abandoned it for ever. Practicalitiveness Small Thomas D'Urfey, a facetious and imprac- tical English poet. Practicalitiveness Large C. M. Wieland, an elegant and learned writer and poet of Germany. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 207 The brain being that part of the frame which denotes the capacity for sensation, it follows that that part nearest the visual organs would shew the strength of the sensa- tions most nearly connected with the departments of sight or practical life; and thus, by the fulness of the forehead over the eyes, we estimate the degree of approach to the practical form. KEVEKENTIALNESS. KEVEBENCE. THE STATE OF AWE, HIGH REGARD, SUBMISSION, AND FELT RESPECT EXHIBITED FOR GOD AND MANKIND. A low coronal region, and a high superior front head, and eyes which naturally lurn upwards on meeting another's gaze, indicate large respect; but when they stare boldly into the eyes of fellow kind, and care not to turn their glance, and when it seems to require effort to do so, it indicates small reverence and no respect. No part of the human structure acts so obedient and submissive a part as the bony element. It has no wilful motion of its own to prefer to that which it receives and obeys from the other parts of the body. It is set in motion only in obedience to the high behests of muscle, brain, thorax, or abdomen, and while life exists it never refuses to act upon the impulses which are received from these centres of action. Submission and respectful obedience to the will of God or laws of man being the sum and substance of Reverentialness, arid the bones being that part of the bodily structure which most strictly embodies that action, we conclude by analogy that a predominance of bone is an indication of the presence of diffidence, dependence, and respectful submission, which cause the eyes to turn upward 208 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND , PRINCIPLES. or away from the rude stare of another. We have power* ful auxiliaries to this reasoning in the facts that there are no animals so submissive to man as the large-boned ones, such as the horse, ass, ox, camel, &c. ; while, on the other hand, none are more aggressive and less submissive than those of the largely developed Muscular form, such as the lion, tiger, leopard, panther, puma, lynx, rhinoceros, hippo- potamus, all of which have muscles in abundance, rounding off every bone in contradistinction to the horse kind, which exhibit the hip and other bones standing out in salient points, and which are generally submissive and obedient to their owners. The feline, with the pachydermatous species already mentioned, display no weak reverence for man, but will savagely stare him in the face, with an impudence and a ferocity which is as much removed from the respectful attitude of the other species, as night is removed from day. We have thus conclusive evidence that the bony form is essentially the form of Revereutialness and respectful submission. HUMBERT L , King of Italy, may be classed among the few rulers who are popular with their poor subjects. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES, S S V. THE ELEVAT1VE ENDOWMENTS. THE ENDOWMENTS OF THIS CLASS ARE LARGE WHEN THE BRAIN AND NERVE FORM PREDOMINATES. ORDINIMENTALITY. MENTAL SYSTEM. THE QUALITY OR ENDOWMENT THAT INCLINES ONE TO ARRANGE AND SYSTEMATIZE THOUGHTS OR IDEAS. Mental order gives its indication in Physiognomy by a square head and forehead, with a, prominent, straight nose. Oiiliiiiutentality Large Ambrose Pare, the most celebrated of the old French surgeons. Ordinimentality Small Prince of Madagascar, To be capable of arranging and classifying our thoughts and impressions according to system and method, it is 210 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND' PRINCIPLES. absolutely necessary that harmony of arrangement should first exist in our bodily structure; because the mind and body through which those thoughts and impressions require to be elaborated and perfected must stand in harmonious relationship the one with the other, the one being the instrument of the other. A man having an auger wherewith to bore a hole in a piece of wood cannot, by any possibility, accomplish the boring of a hole larger than the diameter of the auger he is using; and in like manner he cannot accomplish anything which his instru- ment, the body, is incompetent to perform, however much he may yearn and long after greater results. If the struc- ture of the body is arranged witli harmony and system, the mind is capable of harmonious and efficient action, in proportion to the extent to which these qualities are developed in his body, and no further. If the bodily structure is deficient in these desiderata, it is idle to strive after anything not in accordance with thU deficiene/ of structure. PRESCIENCE. THE FACULTY THAT ANTICIPATES AND GIVES KNOWLEDGE OF EVENTS BEFORE THEY TAKE PLACE. Prescience is most readily discovered by its producing a dreamy eye, and bending the entire body /awards, imme- diately at the armpits. Prescience is the faculty of arriving at accurate con- clusions regarding the events looming in the future. The dreamy eye indicates the disposition to gaze inquiringly into the future, and as in those cases the waking dreams are generally about as shadowy and evanescent as the visions THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 211 superinduced by sleep, a protracted waking indulgence in reverie ultimately gives a permanent dreamy expression to the eye. Another indication of a propensity for peering into the future, is the form bent forward from the armpits upwards, as if to advance that part of the body in the direction to which the thoughts are continually tending; and this position is assumed quite as naturally as that assumed by trees, in obedience to the breezes with which they are fanned. The mind being the master and con- troller of the body, the latter may be warped by the former into any position by continuance and recurrence of action in one direction. Men who attain a weight of years in the incessant contemplation of things to come invariably assume this posture of anticipation in advance. STJSCEPTIBLENESS. SUSCEPTIBILITY OF BEING INFLUENCED BY SURROUNDINGS. Large eyes, sharp features, quick step, with sudden move- ments of the head t indicate an excitable nature. Susceptibleness Small Charles Susceptibleness Large John Elwep, JamesFox, a distinguished Eng- a miser of London, who died worth lieh statesman and orator. half a million sterling. 212 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AVD PRINCIPLES. A large Brain and highly developed Nerve form are indis- pensable to a high degree of susceptibility, because these are the seats of the higher powers of sensation, without which it is impossible to be to any great extent suscep- tible to external influences, and it is necessary also to have the Bone form large and angular in shape, so as to produce a framework angular and easily excited. MENTIMITATIVENESS. MENTAL IMITATION. THE POWER THAT COPIES MENTAL EFFORTS. Superior width across the top of the forehead, when com- pared with the rest of the face, can safely be considered an indication that tJiat person desires to copy, and is capable of IMITATING the INTELLECTUAL and worthy efforts of others. Mentimitativeness Large Mentimitativeness Small Elizabeth Canning. Mary Squires, the gipsy. To estimate the capacity of power of sensation, we take the width and size of the brain in its upper part as com- pared to the remaining facial development of the individual, und as it is impossible to imitate a thought unless we have THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 213 the powers of receiving a vivid impression of it, those who have a large development of the form indicated above, alone have the power in any great degree of imitating thought. AFFABLENESS. COMPLACENCY OF DISPOSITION WITH THE NATURAL CONSE- QUENCES, INVITING MANNERS, WITH EASE AND ELEGANCE IN CONVERSATION. A long thin neck in mankind will ever testify as indi- cative of AFFABILITY; while a short-necked person v4tt care little for grace or affability of manners. AfTableness Small Rulof, \iung at Binghamton for mirder in 1871. Affableness Large Mrs. Josephine A. Prosch, a talented elocutionist of the city of New York. Affability is a desire to be pleasing to others, with the view of producing in them a like state of feeling, a/id so 214 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS ANT PRINCIPLES. contributing to the enjoyment of the first by the reflex action of his own affability. Self-sufficient and indepen- dent people have short necks as the outward sign of their deficiency in affability, and by reason of this they are not prone to bowing or rendering themselves agreeable by demonstration of this kind; while on the other, those of an opposite disposition are furnished with longer necks, which naturally adapt them for obeisance and submission in the prtjsence of others. SALTTIVENESS. WIT. THE POWER OF SEIZING ON THOUGHTS AND OCCURRENCES AND PRESENTING THEM IN A LAUGHABLE MANNER, CHIEFLY DEPENDING ON QUICKNESS OF FANCY. " True wit is nature to advantage dressed; What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed." A face very wide in the upper portion, and tapering dowmvards like an inverted pear or pyriform, always denotes the very witty person, provided the health is good and no bad habits exhaust the vitality. The face of expansive width in its upper, and narrowing proportions in its lower hemisphere, shews the predomin- ance of vivid sensations, which are forced by natural pressure, and with increasing vivacity downward to find an outlet at the mouth, or still farther downwards through the arm and hand to the pen. Those condensed currents comprise the thing we call wit, and the happy and joyous surprises which its exercise affords in others is only the reflection of the vivid reality having its origin within ourselves. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 215 Salitiveness Small Ute Indian, of Salitiveness Large Mark Twain, Salt Lake, aa witless as a dry ai'thor of " Innocents Abroad," and stump. several other amusing works. SUBLIMITASITY. ADMIEATION OF THE SUBLIME. THE EXPANSIVE SWELLING OF THE SOUL THAT APPRECIATES THE ELEVATED GRANDEUR OF NATURE AS WELL AS THE ELEVATING, LOFTY EXPRESSION OF THOUGHT AND FEEL- ING. "ALL THAT EXPANDS THE SPIRIT YET APPALS." This quality or faculty of the mind largely abounds in a fine organization in 'which the upper portion of the face is larger and wider than the lower. Also the towering form, if well cultivated mentally, indicates nobleness of character. Alone of all the animal kingdom man maintains a posture erect and towering to heaven; and he alone is capaHo of lofty aspirations and of ennobling contemplation. Argiv -g a priori, we naturally conclude that the form 216 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND .PRINCIPLES. which is large in the upper portion and relatively small below, is the most capable of dwelling upon the more exalted themes, and of rearing his soul upwards free from the grossness of material existence ; and by the same reasoning we find, that where a man is formed upon the opposite plan with his richest development in the grosser portion of his body, his character is upon a par with the structure of his body. Like the hog, which he resembles in form, his mind never soars far above the gratification of his selfish desires. The grossness of his body seems to crush out and annihilate anything better that would else take root, and by continued and close association with the mere interests of vulgar matter, the body ulti- mately becomes the envelope of a grovelling mind, alike dead to decency and worthy ambition. FUTURITIVENESS. DESIRE FOR FUTURE LIFE. THE DESIRE OF A FUTURE LIFE. The stooping form, thin chest, wide and high top head and upper face, narrow superior and inferior maxillaries or jaws, thin and well-defined nose, and a thin ear, are palpable indications of a desire for future life. As many are floating down the dimstreamof the future before us, with vague and fear-laden notions of the here- after to come, when we have shot the cataract of death, the thoughts of many of us arj irresistibly riveted on the shadowy confines of "that bourne whence no travellers return," but to which we all are hastening. A constant turning of our thoughts in advance of time, quite naturally has the effect on the upper part of the body of making it incline permanently to an advance of position, and as THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 217 it stoops forward and the thoughts ascend, the top ol the head and the upper part of the face widen out, while the lower part becomes narrowed down; and it would appear that purity of thought has the effect of purifying and thinning the features as if by the extrusion of the grosser ingredients. ^STHETICALNESS. APPRECIATION OF THE BEAUTIFUL. THE APPRECIATION OF THE BEAUTIFUL IN NATURE AND ART, AS THE RESULT OF THE POSSESSION OF THE ESTHETIC FACULTY. A high or prominent nose is nature's evidence of a love and appreciation of the beautiful. .Estheticalness Small Kettle, a selfish and cunning Indian Chief, of Wash- ington Ter. uEst heticalness Large Charl e- magne, a great warrior, and zealous promoter of thesciencea and the arts. 218 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. Love of the beautiful is a rising of the mind above ihe region of common-place and common-looking or vulgar things, and soaring into a contemplation of the beau- tiful, whether to be found in material objects or in the brighter emanations of the higher conceptions of the individual. The capacity for rising above the common order of things is evidenced outwardly by a somewhat high development of the nasal organ rising well out from the general plane of the face, and this being the evidence of the possession of strong power of sensation, we have the fundamental reason of large ^Estheticalness CAREFULNESS. 80LICITOUSNESS, GUARDEDNESS, WARINESS, AND CIRCUM- SPECTION IN ALL THE TRANSACTIONS OF LIFE. The palpable manifestation of caution is a long nose. TJie elephant is the best example of this, as his nose extends to the extreme end of his trunk. The immediate function of the nose being to protect the mouth, lungs, stomach, &c., from foulness, rancidity, or other elements of danger arising from gases or putridity; and being constantly in the exercise of the greatest of care and watchfulness for arriving at the requisite con- clusions, we may predicate from the length of the nose, which will also give the extent of surface on which the olfactory nerve has to act, and the degree of efficiency which accompanies the performance of its functions, the extent of the development in the individual of the faculty of Carefulness. THE FACULTIES. THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES, 219 Q/ Carefulness Large Flavins Josephus, Carefulness Small Thomas Hnd- an eminent and illustrious Jewish son, a very careless man, wh Historian, who was an exceedingly was ever blundering into mis- careful and correct author. fortune!. SPEMENTALITY. SPIRITUAL HOPE. THE FACULTY THAT DESIRES SOME MENTAL OR SPIRITUAL GOOD. Spiritual hope may be known as large when we see a large open eye and high forehead, with great comparative measurement from the point of the nose to the ftair of the forehead. If the relative measurement of the face announces the undue development of any part of it, we may accept the 220 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. fact as evidence of the undue growth and power of a par- ticular desire, according to the particular part shewn by Spementality Small James Fisk, Jr., of Erie Railroad notoriety. Spementality Large John Milton, en illustrious English poet. measurement to be unduly proportioned. Spementality or mental hope being simply the sensation of desire after a future life, and the high spiritual welfare of humanity, and the power of sensation being always in full accord with the size of the brain and nerves, whose exclusive offices are to receive sensations, it follows tliat a high forehead, being the index of large development of brain, must indi- cate the amount of spiritual hope, or in other words, the amount of desire after mental and elevating sensation. Large comparative measurement from the point of the nose to the beginning of the growth of the hair on the upper part of the forehead is another indication of the faculty under treatment, because, ra addition to the brain, it includes great length of nose, having for its office the special sense of smell. A large eye is always indicative of the presence of the faculty, because it denotes largeness THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 221 of the optic nerve, in which there resides great capability of sensation, and they are all usually in harmony with desires of a sensational nature. PUKITATIVENESS. PUEITY. THE VIRTUE OF CHASTITY AND INNOCENCE UNDEFILED. A clear, bright eye, a broad, high forehead, evenly devel- oped lips, with a refined and intelligent countenance, are wme of the signs of purity of mind. Puritativeness Small A Patagouian. Puritativeness Large Lucretia Mott, a Quakeress preacher. Like all other variations of character, purity of mind is faithfully imaged on the exterior of the body, and that with no less exactitude than is a material object reflected upon the surface of a good glass. The mirror cannot pos- sibly reflect any object which does not occupy the requisite fronting relationship to it; and equally impossible is it for 222 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND 'PRINCIPLES. the facial mirror to reflect faculties which have not their abode within. The faculties permeate through every par- ticle and fibre of the body, and wherever purity of mind exists, it must perforce make patent its existence by means of its allotted facial peculiarity; and as purity of mind consists in those things which have a tendency to enlighten and ennoble, the outward effect will be an expan- sion of the forehead, and the overspreading of a " spirituelle" expression throughout the entire countenance. TNTUITIVENESS. INTUITION. CONSCIOUS KNOWLEDGE PRI03 TO EXPERIENCE. The signs of the FACULTY OF INTUITION are a high /ore- head, with large, open eyes. Intuitiveness Small Simon Eraser Lovat, a Scottish chieftain aud rebel, who was beheaded. Intuitiveness Large Giuseppe Mu/./mi, a talented Italian patriot. The faculty of arriving at a seemingly instantaneous recognition of truth without ratiocination, or, at all events, THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 223 without a degree of ratiocination large enough to bo capable of appreciation, must have its abode in the sensa- tional parts (Brain and Nerves of sensation) of our nature, as these alone are equal to approximately instantaneous acts, and it is therefore in the forehead that we must look for the development of high sensational susceptibilities or powers. A large and open eye is indicative of largeness of the optic nerve, which in its turn demonstrates a high devel- opment of the Nerves of sensation upon which this faculty depends, and with which it is immediately associated. UTERATIVENESS. WKITTEN LANGUAGE. THE SKILL OF PRODUCING WRITTEN LANGUAGE. A full broad high forehead, with a pyriform face, are signs of excellence in written language. Literativencss Small Mr. Thomas Hogerson, a very poor writer. Literati veness Large John Buskin, a brilliant author and art critic. 224 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND .PRINCIPLES. A full high forehead, with a pyriform face, shew love of, and ability for, literary writing, when these are accom- panied with education. Vivid and strong sensations are necessary to the success of a writer, and these are indicated by the broad high forehead which denote intellectual imitation. The presence of these qualities are also indicated by width in the front top of the head (see signs of Men- timitativeness). These structural provisos being granted, Education and experience are alone required to produce an able and accomplished literary writer. CLEANNESS. THE DESIRE TO BE FREE FROM FOULNESS AND IMPURITIES. Fine hair, as in the rabbit, is a, sure sign of NEATNESS; while coarse hair, as in the hog, may be known as nature's testimonial of a dirty animal. Cleanness Large The Duchess of Kent, the mother of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, The Noble Queen, Cleanness Small Nathaniel Bently, the dirtiest man in England. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 226 Cleanness. Dirt has been well expressed as " very ordi- nary matter in the wrong place," and such it is when it is allowed to accumulate on the person or on the clothing. Where there exists a high organization, the individual be he man or animal is endowed with a greater or less elevation of nature, and in virtue of this he recoils from the useless contact with inorganic matter, or organic matter of a very low type. This feeling springs from the natural law which attracts like to like. On the other hand, where the organization of the individual is of a low type, as evinced by coarse hair, skin, &c., there is no great revulsion against close association with dirt, because there is a large proportion of the grosser materials in the com- position of his frame, in comparison with the amount of soul he is able to boast of. The hog being essentially coarse in his structure with little of the spiritual essence in his composition, lives uncaring and contented surrounded by filth and dirt. The dainty rabbit, on the other hand, having fine downy hair and a highly nervous form, is miserable unless allowed to perform regular ablutions and keep itself thoroughly free from the hateful dirt PITIFULNESS. TENDERNESS AND COMPASSION FOR SUFFERING MANKIND, THE LOWER ANIMALS, AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE. An eye that looks upon an object with lingering softness, is an evidence of large PITY. When this quality is strong it bows the head forwards, and softens the manners. The essence of the action of pity is a softening of the higher feelings, and a melting of the virility of the individual upon whose soul the angel-like influence is at 226 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND . PRINCIPLES. work The eyes, quickly responsive to the mysterious pj'eading that wells up from its compassionate depths, become eloquent in nature's language, and advocates the Pitifulness very Small Nero, one of the most cruel Emperors of Rome. Copied from the bust iu the British Museum. Pitifulness very Large Miss Gontta, of London, England, th jes* compassionate lady of tb.e present age- cause which is thrilling throughout the inmost recesses of the frame. This is only the operation of the great natural law which ordains that mind must control matter, and in this case an outlet of manifestation is found in the eyes, which are ever the most active in the cause of pain and suffering. IMAGINATIVENESS. THE PLASTIC POWER OR FACULTY OF CREATING IMAGES l2t THE MIND, THE HOME OF FANCY. Remarkable intelligence evinced by facial expression denotes vivid imagination THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS" AND PRINCIPLES. 227 Tliis faculty is born of largeness of Brain form, as compared with the ether proportions, and it indicates the capacity for Tiaperior sensations. Imagination is simply this power Imaginativeness Large Lamartine. Imaginativeness Small A babbler, a celebrated French poet and aii ignorant Irish woman of Edin- historian. burgh, of sensation developed in an extraordinary degree, and this subtle power acts directly from an elevating cast of Brain upon every part of the face, in expressions of intelligence nnd refinement, which are the outcome 01 a hignly sensa- tional organization. 228 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS ANP PRINCIPLES. FACTIMEMORIATIVENESS. MEMORY OF FACTS, THE FACULTY OF RETAINING PREVIOUSLY ATTAINED KNOWLEDGE. Memory of incidents and general affairs manifests itself by general fulness of tlie forehead. Factimemoriativeiiess Large -Frederick H. A. Baron vou Humboldt. a dis- tinguished German philosopher and traveller Factimemoriativeness Small Miss Catherine Dunn, whose weight is 425 pounds. The reception of facts is accompanied by sensation of a more or less intense character, according to the amount of interest for the hearer, which each particular fact bears with it: und as f he more intense sensations are those which grave the deepest mark upon the mind, and are most enduring in consequence, and most readily recalled , it is clear that to determine the capacity of any individual for receiving and storing UD impressions and facts, we must examine the front portion of the br>n as that i<* the region THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 229 assigned tc the sensations, while the back part contains the Nerves which regulate the motary powers. It is there- fore in the front part of the forehead that we must expect to find the material for estimating the comparative activity of this faculty. Under this faculty we introduce numerous accounts of remarkable facilities of recollection, interspersed with advice regarding the care, cultivation, and improvement of the memory. After retiring to rest every night, think over all the transactions and incidents of the preceding day; read the works of Cuvier, Leibnitz, Goethe, Humboldt, Lyell, Agassiz, Liebig, Sir Walter Scott, Prescott, Alison, Maeaulay, as well as other scientific and historical writers, and at least once every day repeat all the events of import- ance which have tianspired during the last twenty- four hours, and business negociations, as well as every ordinary incident of life. Commit condensed portions of history to memory ; impress all leading incidents firmly on the mind, by giving intense and concentrated attention to them when they come to your notice; associate much with those of superior memories. Employ the memory, and it will give you retentive power. The Greeks continually exercised their memories by treasuring in their minds the works of their poets, the instructions of their philosophers, and the problems of their mathematicians; and such practice gave them vast power of retention. Pliny informs us of a Greek called Charmidas, who could repeat from memory the contents of a large library. One should write out every speech or whatever it is desired to retain. This practice is recommended by Cicero and Quintilian. Memory is facilitated by regular order and distributive arrangement of facts, and by conversing on the subjects you wish to remember. Themistocles, Csesar, Cicero, and Seneca were possessed of very great memories. Themistocles mastered the Persian language in one year, and could call by their 230 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. names all the citizens of Athens, when its population was 20 ; 000. Cyrus knew the name, of every soldier in his army. Julius Caesar was able to dictate to three secre- taries at the same time, and on perfectly distinct subjects. Portius Latro, as Seneca informs us, remembered every- thing that he committed to writing, and wrote very rapidly. Hortentius attended a public sale, which occupied the whole day, and gave a full and particular account in the evening, from memory, of every article that was sold, as well as the name of each article, with the name of the purchaser, and when compared with the notes of a clerk, it was found perfectly correct. Themistocles possessed such powers of retention, that when one offered to teach him the art of memory he rejected the proposal, and remarked that he had " much rather he would teach him the art to forget." Justus Lipsius was able to repeat every line of Tacitus' Works memoriter. Josephus Scaliger committed Homer's Iliad and his Odyssey entirely in twenty-one days, each being about the same length, the Iliad containing 31,670 verses. Seneca could repeat 2,000 names in the order in which he heard them, and rehearse 200 verses on different subjects after once hearing them read. Mithridates, the celebrated King of Pontus, ruled twenty-two countries, and was enabled by his faithful memory to converse with the various ambassadors in the proper language of the countries which they respectively represented. St. Austin's Works are sufficient to fill a large library, and yet Dr. Reynolds mastered them all, being able to repeat any portion of them from memory. Dr. Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, could repeat anything he had written by once reading it, and never forgot a line of what he read ; but his astonishing memory he attributed to '.ndustrious cultivation of that faculty. Jerome, of Prague, who was martyred for the Protestant FHE FACITLTiES, IREIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 231 religion by a sentence of the Council of Constance, was famous for An excellent memory, of which Poggius, in his Epistle to Le AND AGREEABLENESS OF MANNERS. THE GRACEFUL Mv>VE- MENT IS PERFORMED IN LONG CURVES AND THE GRACEFUL MANNER IS SEEN IN THE SWEEPING CURVE OF THE GESTURE AND BOW. The apparent structural form which accompanies graceful movements and manners is the slim and pliable structure that bends with apparent ease. Gracefulness Large A Swan. THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. 241 The harmonious combination of several of the elements entering into the construction of the animal frame, has the direct result of producing an ease of motion, and an absence of constraint in the Muscular action, which comes under the comprehensive term of Gracefulness. More than the proportionate quantity of bone, results in awkwardness and ungainliness ; while a preponderance of the nervous form runs to the opposite extreme, and gives rise to angularity of motion, fidgetiness, and feverish and ungraceful haste in action, and so on with disproportion in every other Gracefulness Small A male Hippopotamus, taken from life, in the Zoological Gardens in London. form, which in all cases is fatal to that nameless beauty of comportment and behaviour which we call grace. The conditions necessary for the production of a high degree of grace, are, a fair share of Muscular force with an equal endowment of the Abdominal powers, while the other three Balient forms must be balanced, the one with the other, with the utmost nicety, without any of them possessing more than half the degree of development which has been allotted to the Muscular and Abdominal powers. Harmony of structure gives well-balanced and harmonious curves of 242 THE FACULTIES, THEIR SIGNS AND PRINCIPLES. motion displayed in every movement of limb and muscle, and this motion is the foundation of all Gracefulness. PKOSPEKATIVENESS. PKOSPEROUSNESS. THE POWER OF ATTAINING THE DESIRED OBJECT. The curved line running round the corners of the mouth, while those corners are depressed or indented, is natures stamp or trademark on the visage of a person who has succeeded, or can do so in some department of life. Prosperativeness Large Julius Caesar, Frosperativeness Small AKyast the Dictator, who, as a Commander, Banian man, of Surat, in was eminently successful. India. To insure ultimate prosperity, there must not be any very weak or vulnerable points in the make-up of the bo saying common among us, is just an illustration of the law we are seeking to enforce, although in many cases the words are uttered heedlessly, in ignorance of those principles on which the proverb rests. If you place a kid under the nursing of a sheep, you will find that when the kid becomes a full grown goat, it will have lost much of the goat's natural propensities for climbing, will be more gentle and quiet than other goats, and its hair will be of a finer tissue. And so, again, if a lamb be nursed by a goat, it will be found, when it becomes a matured sheep, that it will mani- fest less of the quiet gentleness of other sheep, and its hair will be of a more wiry nature than it would have been had it been nursed by a mother ewe. Giraldus Cambrensis speaks of a sow fed on the milk of a hound, which, when it grew to maturity, hunted deer equally well with an ordi- nary hound. And what is true of the lower animals is equally true of man. Like creates like. Dion tells us that, when Caligula was a babe, his nurse put blood on her breasts that he might suck it, which accounts for the blood- thirsty, inhuman nature of the man when he held the destinies of Rome in his hand. His parents, it is said, were well-disposed and loving, but that blood which he sucked in his childhood counteracted the antenatal influences, robbed him of true human feeling, and converted him into one of the greatest and most detested tyrants the world ever produced. It must be added that he was sensual and gluttonous in his mature years ; and the immense income he derived from the Roman Provinces was largely expended on the pleasures of the table. "We are told that he dissolved in vinegar some of the largest and most costly pearls he could procure, and that he drank the solution with apparent relish. Pliny, to whose work on "Natural History" (1. 9, p. 257) we are indebted for this fact, records a similar one concerning the famous Cleopatra, who, after a sumptuous 306 THE INFLUENCE OF FOOD ON CHARACTER. repast, drank a solution in vinegar of two of the most valu able pearls then known, valued at 100,000 sesterces, equal to 800 or $4,000. "We mean not to say that these draughts had any moral influence on the constitution, or that they were anything else but wanton displays of wealth in persons abandoned to sensuality. Napoleon I. was extremely fond of roast pig ; and per- haps his preference for the most selfish and quarrelsome of all our food -animals may have nurtured the pugnacious disposition of the unprincipled Corsican. Animal food doubtless supplies more physical force than a purely vegetable diet ; and men who work hard as labor- ers in the open air may thrive well on plentiful supplies of animal as well as vegetable food, especially in cold climates. But flesh meat stimulates the passions ; and all persons of in-door employment, especially those engaged in mental labor, will find a purely vegetable diet more conducive both to bodily health and intellectual vigor. Undoubtedly the most valuable thoughts, those most truthful and scien- tific, those which are most nearly allied to purity of heart, and valuable for aiding the souls of men to rise above all that is low and base, are the thoughts generated in a frame nourished by vegetable productions, as cereals, fruits, and nuts, which seem to be the very highest type of soul food. Accordingly, some of the most distinguished men have been vegetarians during the most active years of their intel- lectual labors. Benjamin Franklin was for many years strictly a vege- tarian ; yet he possessed uncommon physical strength as well as philosophic and inventive genius. Crates, an eminent cynic philosopher of Thebes, and a disciple of Diogenes, was asked what use philosophy was to him. lie replied, "To teach me to be contented with a vegetable diet, and to live exempt from care and trouble." Swedenborg lived on bread, milk, and vegetables. THE INFLUENCE OF FOOD ON CHARACTER. 307 cartes, the celebrated French philosopher ; Shelley, the Eng- lish poet, and Junius Brutus Booth, actor, were all vege- tarians. We have read somewhere a similar account of Sir Isaac Newton, that during most of the years of his intel- lectual labors he lived principally on fruit and vegetables. G. Rondelet, a talented French naturalist and also a learned physician, the author of several medical works, abandoned the use of wine and flesh at twenty-five years of age, and took to fruit and pastry. In Thomas Crowell's edition of Lord Byron's "Works (New York, p. 14) there is a description of the poet's meals, and we find it includes no kind of butcher's meat ; he ap- pears to have used only vegetable products, even to tea and tobacco. Anthony Benezet, a philanthropic Quaker, born in France, was distinguished for his beneficence to the needy and suf- fering, wherever he found them. lie relinquished the use of animal food, prompted by the motive of abhorrence to the pain inflicted by the butcher on the innocent victims of his craft. (See Appleton's " Cyclopaedia of Biography.") Henry David Thoreau, an American naturalist and an oriental scholar and author, ate no flesh, drank no wine, used no tobacco. (See Atlantic Monthly, vol. ii., p. 81.) William C. Bryant, an American poet, ate sparingly of flesh and fish, partaking generally of cereals, oatmeal por- ridge or hominy, milk, and fruit, but using neither tea, coffee, tobacco, nor wine. (Scribner's Magazine, vol. xvi., p. 495.) The Duke of Wellington used rusks and bread with his tea, but never meat or eggs. (" Bric-a-brac," C. Knight, p. 211.) Francis Newman, an eminent Latin scholar and teacher in London, is a vegetarian ; and Isaac Pitman, with whom the writer is personally acquainted, has not touched fish, flesh, or fowl for upward of fifty years. He was born in 1813, and when the writer last saw him (1889), in his pub- 308 THE INFLUENCE OF FOOD ON CHARACTER. lishing office at Bath, England, he was as active as a boy. He is one of the most constant workers of his years, and is well known in England as the inventor of the best system of short-hand writing, as well as a less used system of phonotype. Joseph Ritson, an English antiquary and extensive au- thor, had a horror of animal food. (" Bric-a-brac," Constable, p. 141.) Hundreds of other lesser lights could be referred to in order to prove that the highest type of intellect can be sus- tained on vegetable food ; and we are of opinion that a variety of fruits, nuts, cereals, and other vegetable sub- stances are more favorable to original and inventive thought than carnivorous diet ; while no one that has studied the subject will attempt to gainsay that animal food feeds and inflames the lower passions of human nature. We have never heard of a strict vegetarian committing murder, theft, or other crimes requiring violence. So, like- wise, the lower animals that subsist on the flesh of other animals are far more liable to kill than vegetable-eating creatures. Dr. Veitch, on this point, says : " I am per- suaded that it will invariably be found true that those who are living on animal food are more impetuous in temper than those who live on vegetable aliment;" and Phillips adopts the satne opinion. (See " History of Cultivated Vege- tables," 1822, vol. i., p. 5.) A certain quantity of half-cooked beef is used by pugilists when training to batter each other into insensibility, this diet, no doubt, tending to nourish the bull-dog disposition needed for the encounter, just as swine's flesh will give the soldier better courage for the battle-field than plum-pud- ding, rice, or apple-dumplings. Those savages who subsist chiefly on animal flesh, and occasionally take a meal from the remains of a human being, are certainly more blood- thirsty than those who consume only vegetable matter. Mr. THE INFLUENCE OF FOOD ON CHARACTER. 309 Lawrence holds, and on tenable grounds, that as men rise in the scale of civilization they consume more vegetable and less animal substance. He also denies that the bodily strength is deteriorated by this upward progress. (See " Lect- ures on Man," 1844, pp. 144-147.) It may here be re- marked that the animals most useful to man, and those of the greatest endurance in bearing or drawing heavy loads, are vegetarian, as the reindeer, the camel, llama, horse, mule, ox, elephant, etc. ; whereas the useless quadrupeds, as the lion, tiger, lynx, hyena, and all that ilk, are wholly carnivorous, and they are not only unserviceable to man but are vicious and treacherous. Then as to bodily strength. Is not the horse or the ox strong enough for any eight or ten men? And as for the elephant, which never takes a mouthful of aught but vegetable food and water, does he not keep strength enough for half a regiment ? Charles Darwin says that in Central Chili he saw men working in a mine four hundred and fifty feet deep, and carrying two hundred pounds of ore by rough ladders to the surface. They lived entirely on boiled beans and bread. (See " Naturalist's Voyage Eound the World," New Ed., New York, 1871, p. 266.) He also states that these men worked from break of day till dark, with only a few minutes for a mid-day meal. Could meat eaters do more at any labor re- quiring physical strength ? On page 60 of the same book we find Darwin thus speaking of the general working popula- tion of Central Chili : " The laboring men work very hard. They have little time allowed for their meals, and during summer as well as winter they begin when it is light, and leave off at dark. They are paid one pound sterling ($5) a month, and their food given them. This, for breakfast, con- sists of sixteen figs and two small loaves of bread; for din- ner, boiled beans ; for supper, broken roasted wheat grain. They scarcely ever taste meat, as with the 12 per annum they have to clothe themselves and support their families." THE LAWS THAT CONTROL THE LINES OF THE HUMAN FACE. As the letters of the alphabet are the elements of written language, and when we understand their combinations, we have a key to unlock the treasures of knowledge contained in books, so the various lines, the convexities, the con- cavities of the human face are as so many letters by which those who understand them can read at a glance the intel- lectual and moral character of those in whom they appear. But this facial expression is a language not quickly mastered ; it is a study to last a life-time; for ever and anon there are, and will be new marks to discover and interpret. There are, however, several distinct varieties of general structure, which produce corresponding characteristics and facial expressions in all. For instance, the bony structure produces the rough and homely, not to say ugly face. But to me these plain countenances appear like countries whose mountains and ravines reveal nature in features of sublimity and grandeur. Level or slightly undulating landscapes are called pretty, so are smooth faces. But the mountainous country is that which conceals treasures of gold, silver, precious stones, and useful metals; so the rough faces indicate solid character and sterling worth powers which, like the mines and quarries of mountain ranges, are worth woi king, and will yield a rich return. Witness Michael Angelo, Galileo, Julius Caesar, Christopher THE LAWS THAT CONTROL THE LINES OF THE HUMAN FACE. 311 Columbus, Andrew Jackson, Sir Robert Peel, and Abiaham Lincoln, all specimens of the bony type. The rounder lines of the muscular structure are the result of physical exercise, and stand as a register in nature's account book to the credit of the individual or race whose industry traced them there. I shall now describe particularly the lines that belong to each of the five kinds of structure. 1. The Abdominal. This make appears conspicuously in aquatic animals. In the human subject, it gives short horizontal lines on the forehead, as here indicated. These Aulus Vitellius, a licentious and cruel Roman Emperor. lines or wrinkles are straight in some persons, while in others they _are irregular and broken, in mature years, however, they are always short. This structure also pro- duces wrinkles running round the neck and ears. It gives 312 THE LAWS THAT CONTROL a certain roundness and smoothness to the whole body, with a few well-rounded lines, usually including a curved one about the mouth. It gives, especially in childhood, circular creases more or less deep about the wrists, elbows, knees, knuckle-joints, and across the chest. The lines of the face are less marked, owing to the adipose tissue which fills it up, and produces dimples rather than wrinkles. What lines you discover are not sharp at their inward or bone direction, but are round in their deepest part. These are pretty sure signs of eating, sleeping, and enjoy- ing animal life. Those who exhibit them usually possess excellent organs of assimilation, and their secretions are carried on quite freely. When the abdominal structure is greatly predominant, we have an individual more animal than intellectual; fond of the pleasures of the table, and a trifle selfish. 2. The Thoracic structure evinced by a broad chest, large nostrils, wide cheek-bones, full and capacious throat. It abounds in electricity, and produces fewer lines than any other; for it is the fresh, youthful make of active, impulsive natures, not steady enough at any one pursuit to acquire the wrinkles which, as we shall see, are the product of continued application. 3. The Muscular and Fibrous structure abounding, as its name imports in muscle, and evincing itself by physical force. Here will be found perpendicular wrinkles in the lower forehead just over the nose, and running nearly parallel with the facial muscles. (See cut of S. Judas Thadeus on page 61.) In that cut, observe a well-marked example of muscular wrinkles on the face. They run up and down the cheeks, neck and arms, in correspondence with the facial muscles; but it is to be noted that the orbicular muscles are not thus marked, being light and thin they are not apt to form wrinkles unless they are formed transversely to the direction of the muscles. These THE LINES OF THE HUMAN FACE. 313 muscular lines are deeper than any other, and are con- spicuous when the individual is strongly under the influence of grief or joy. They generally indicate pacific and good- natured people; for a man who is unusually strong is generally peaceably disposed. Such are likewise labour- loving people; for whenever any natural form or make is strongly predominant, there is aji instinctive desire to exercise and increase it. 4. The Osseous or Bony structure remarkable for forma- tive power. It has curved lines, but not so deep as those of the muscular, and their general tendency is to be longer and more angular. People having this class of wrinkles will love to ride better than walk, as they thus exercise the bones rather than the muscles. 5. The Brain and Nerve structure is indicated by long lines about the forehead, long also from the eyes down- wards. People of this make are not generally desirous of money, or anxious to accumulate property, but they intensely love study; they want to read and think. Nor only so they have thought closely and deeply before those long lines could be fully developed. You cannot find them in the youthful face; they are the tokens of long application, close study, and great mental power. No disposition or exercise, whether of body or mind, produces such long wrinkles as this thoughtfuluess. You cannot find a man who has for years been a deep and close thinker, but he shews long and continuous wrinkles across the forehead; also lengthened and well-marked lines pro- ceeding outwards from the eyes. There will usually be well-marked eye-lids, and a tendency to form wrinkles parallel with the attachment of the lower eye-lid to the face. So, whenever you see a man with a great head, large eye, long nose, and shrivelled appearance of the skin about the upper part of the face, be assured that his has not been a life of ease or sloth; for these tokens bespeak 314 THE LAWS THAT CONTROL intense, consecutive thought and mature understanding. Long wrinkles indicate what is meant by a " long head" a far-seeing mind, made so by nature at first, but developed and matured by years of thoughtfulness. It is important distinctly to understand the wrinkles peculiar to each form or structure ; but sometimes you find several of these blende^ or mixed in one individual; and the study thus becomes more difficult. When the Brain and Nerve form is combined with the bony, it will produce more wrinkles than any other structure, or combination of structures; but the wrinkles will be less perfect, and there- fore less easily recognizable than in the pure Brain and Nerve type. If we find the whole five types pretty evenly balanced in one person, the lines can scarcely be found unless the constitution has been abused. This harmony, this equi- poise seems to efface the lines belonging to each peculiar type. An observation or two on the general lines of the face may suffice in conclusion. Facial lines or wrinkles are the roads over which time has wrought his experiences, and those who possess them have always been hard workers, either for good or evil. The smooth face denotes ease, indolence, and pleasure. The possessors of such are seldom thoroughly honest, and are not often found arriving at eminence. The men and women who have made their mark on other minds, wher- ever they have been, have been ploughing their own faces with lines never to be erased; but such lines are not found in the children of ease and idleness. The lines produced by the workings of scorn, grief, joy, mirth, happiness, pain, disappointment, mark the counten- ance only for a time, except where the condition is long- continued. If a person has been in bad health for years, the entire face will display wrinkles, but not of the regular characters we have described above. THE LINES OF THE HUMAN FACE. 315 If a person is of gloomy disposition, the lines will run downwards like the feelings within; while the opposite will be the case with an individual full of hope and healthy life. In joyous subjects the lines run upward ; but if out- ward and downward, there has been much sorrow. The downward curves of a gloomy countenance are seen in the imprisoned convict; the upward ones in the blooming, thoughtless youth, with whom life is in its freshest con- dition. The lines which run straight across the forehead are indifferent evidences of moral worth ; while those that dip in the middle are good signs, found only on persons of estimable character. The lines, the curves, the angles, are so many marks in nature's record of our conduct. The lines produced by crime are downward; those traced by good actions run upwards; like the soul within, looking up for help and support, our good actions make their marks to indicate the upward tendency of our lives. Now, the reader may think these matters very difficult all but impossible to master. What if you should live to see the day when a school for teaching them should be successfully conducted and gladly supported? EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. THIS is a subject of such vital and paramount importance, that we intend to enter into it so fully, that every one of ordinary intelligence may be able to appreciate the facts and reasons, so as personally to apply them, and become the intelligent instructors and guides of all who come within the sphere of their influence. Let us then first consider the qualities and influence of the atmosphere. All the continental waters come to us from the ocean. If they are fresh and sweet, it is because they have passed through the great laboratory of nature, by the simple process of distillation, which is the first fact to be specially pointed out. The Sun, the great awakener of life, shoots his burning rays every day athwart the face of the waters; he causes the invisible vapours to rise, which, lighter than the air itself, unceasingly tend to soar into the atmosphere. In their ascending movement, they encounter the colder layers of the higher regions, which have a cooling influence. They are condensed in vesicles, which become visible under the form of clouds and fogs. Then borne along by the winds, whether invisible still, or in the state of clouds, they spread themselves over the continents, and fall in abundant rains upon the grounds which they fertilize. All the portion of the atmospheric waters not expended for the benefit of the plants and the animals, or carried off anew into the atrno* EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. 317 sphere by evaporation, returns by the springs and rivers to the ocean whence it came. Thus the waters of the ocean, by this ever- renewed rotation, spread themselves over the lands; the two ele- ments combine and become a source of life, far richer and much superior to what either could have produced by its own forces alone. But we see the earth and the water, tne continents and the oceans, touch each other only at their margins. A more intimate action upon each other is only possible by means of the most mobile of the elements, the atmosphere, which performs in nature the part of a mediator. The winds are the agents in this important work, the carriers of the water which unceasingly reno- vates the face of the lands, and sustains its beauty. The inhabitants of the arid desert can alone tell us how to value this treasure of revivifying moisture. Still let it be care- fully remembered, that the more elevated regions receive the more purified air, with its burden of more purified vapour. Hence the mental and bodily vigour attained in elevated regions, within certain limits, is proportionally of a more elevated order than can be attained in a more impure and heavier region in depressed situations. Now, let us look at the terrestrial distribution of our race, with special reference to the elevation and climatic condi- tions of its habitat. Man, among the inhabitants of the earth, forms a striking exception to the general law of distribution and develop- ment. He is not found in his most perfect type in the tropical regions. The tropical man, far from exhibiting that harmonious outline, that noble and elevated form, and all those perfections which the chisel of a Phidias or of a Praxiteles has combined in a single individual, displays that figure which approaches near to the lower animal, and betrays the instinct of the brute. If, then, the distribution of the human races on the surface of the globe does not 318 EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. follow the law of the rest of nature, what is the law, let us try to point out, which regulates it? This is one of the most important problems in nature. I do not intend to enter into the discussion of this question here, but merely to state and verify the fact that, while all the types of plants and of animals gradually decrease in perfection from the equatorial to the polar regions, in proportion to the temperature, man presents to us his purest and most per- fect type at the very centre of the temperate regions of the great land-hemisphere, almost in the middle of the great north-eastern continent, in the regions of Iran, of Armenia, and of the Caucasus; and departing from this geographical centre in the three grand directions of the lands, the types gradually lose the beauty of their forms in proportion to their distance. At the extreme points of the southern continents we find the most deformed and degenerate races, the lowest in the scale of humanity. Now, let us take a type from the central region of Western Asia the Caucasian. In this we are at once struck with the regularity of the features, the flowing, easy grace of the lines, and the perfect harmony of the whole figure. The head is oval; no part is obtrusively prominent; nothing salient or angular disturbs the softness of the lines which surround it. The face is divided into three equal parts by the line of the eyes and that of the mouth. The eyes are large, well cut, neither too near nor too far from the nose; their axis is placed on a single straight line at right angles with the line of the nose. The stature is tall, lithe, and well-proportioned. The length of the extended arms is equal to the whole height of the body; in a word, the pro- portions reveal that perfect harmony which is the essence of beauty. Such is the type of the white race the Cau- casian, as it has been called the most pure and perfect type of humanity. Their average elevation above sea level is 2,000 feet, hence pure and invigorating, but not too rare, is their lung-food. EFFECT OF ALTITUDE CN THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. 319 In proportion as we depart and descend from this geogra- phical centre of the races of man, the regularity diminishes, and the harmony of the proportions disappears. Follow the dispersing races, first, in the direction of Europe and Africa. Although the European may be considered as belonging to the central race, his features have less symmetry, but more animation, more mobility and expression. In him beauty is less physical, but more moral and intellectual, which may be accounted for by the superior freedom with intellectual and spiritual culture. Passing into Africa, we find the Arab, who, whether in his own country or in Algeria, shews degeneracy in both his cranial and facial features. The degeneracy gradually increases as we proceed southward, and may be traced through the Qalla of Abyssinia, whose hair begins to crisp; the Kaffir, with woolly hair, and lips like the negro; and the Hottentot, who long was considered the most degraded specimen of humanity. Then look to the other coast of Africa, still farther from Asia, and you find the degeneracy of form still more rapid. The Berbers of the Atlas evi- dently belong to the Caucasian race; but, nevertheless, in the prolongation of the head, the pouting of the mouth, their spare meagre forms, and their deeper colour, they indicate a marked degeneration. The Fellatahs of Soudan, and still more the inhabitants of Senegal, bring us to the type of the Congo Negro. In him the retreating forehead, the prominent mouth, thick lips, flat nose, woolly head, strongly-developed occiput, announce the overwhelming preponderance of the sensual and physical appetites and propensities over the nobler faculties. And then, at the extremity of Africa, the miserable Bushman is still lower than the Hottentot. Now we turn to Eastern Asia to point out the marked decadence of the human species in their descent from the * pure and elevated cradle of the race. Towards the level 320 EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. i of the sea, the great receptacle of terrestrial impurities, as the race descends, the more debased has it ever become. But more on this point when we come to enumerate some of the centres of immorality and decay that may be visited on our great rivers by the sea. From the Caucasian region, as far as the extremity of Australia, the decreasing beauty of the human form is not less perceptible or less gradual than towards the extremity of Africa. Here we see the Mongolian with his prominent cheek-bones, eyes compressed and wide apart and elevated at the outer corners, and the whole figure wanting in harmony throughout. Then the Malays, who seem to have sprung from a mixture of the Mongolian and white race. The Papuan of New Guinea, with still some lingering advantages of form. But the South Australian with his gaunt body, his lean members, bending knees, hump back, projecting jaws, presents the most melancholy aspect that is found in human form. In our rapid suggestive general survey, we now come to America. Here the same law shews itself. The face of an Indian chief has some advantages, but the prominence of the cheek-bones, a slight elevation of the outer angle of the eyes, and the size of the jaw, clearly betray a degener- ate nature. In the South American Indian all these defects are still more exaggerated, and give to the races of the south, compared with those of the north, a very marked character of inferiority. Finally, at the extreme point of the continent, and in the wretched Island of Tierra del Fuego live the Pesherais, the most misshapen, the most mentally degraded, and the most wretched of all the inha- bitants of the New World. The same law holds good in advancing towards the poles. Passing the Finns, we arrive among the Laplanders; through the Mongolians we reach the Tungusians, the Samoiedes of Siberia, and the Esquimaux of North America EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. 321 Thus, in all directions as we remove from the pure elevated seat of the most perfect and beautiful human type, the degeneracy becomes more strongly marked. Let us now draw a few deductions from these re- markable facts observable in the distribution of the human race. 1. The continents of the north, which constitute the central mass of the lands, are inhabited by the finest races and present the most perfect types; while the continents of the south, forming the extreme and far sundered points of the lands, as it were long wedges driven into the ocean are occupied exclusively by the inferior races and most imperfect representatives of human nature. This contrast is more decided in the Old World than in the New; nevertheless, in the latter, notwithstanding the general inferiority of the copper-coloured race, we have seen that the man of the north the Missouri Indian has a marked superiority over the Indian of the south, over the Botocudos, the Guaranis, and the Pesherais of South America. 2. The degree of culture of nations bears a proportion to the nobleness of their race. The races of the northern con- tinents of the Old World are alone civilized, while those of the southern continents have remained savage. In America the civilized Aztecs of Mexico came thither from the north. The ancient civilization of the Incas (or Quichuas) on the table-lands of Peru scarcely seems indigenous to South America. But, it must not be forgotten that the land itself, by its elevation, belongs to the temperate zone, averaging more than 4,000 feet above sea level. Now, these differences between the north and the south are not of to-day nor yesterday. If we glance at the memorials of these tribes, without written history, meagre as they are, it might seem that it has been the same from a time before all our traditions or histories if the Bible is excepted. No indication brings to light in these tropical x 322 EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. continents the existence, at another epoch, of a purer type, of a more perfect race of men, than the degenerate and inferior form we there meet with at the present day. The annals or traditions of the tribes, in no part of these continents, record either the birth or the progress of a civilization which has contributed to the development and progress of our race. Man has there remained always at the bottom of the scale of civilization; while, from the earliest days of the world, history marks out the temperate and more elevated continents as the seats of the cultivated communities. As there is a temperate hemisphere and a tropical hemisphere, so is there a corresponding civilized hemisphere and a savage hemisphere. Without pursuing the subject, I may just hint here that the distribution of man on the globe, and that of the other organized beings, are not founded on the same principle. In all organized beings, except the human, the approach to perfection of the types is proportional to the intensity of heat and of the other agents which stimulate the display of physical life. But in man the approach to perfection of the types is in proportion to the degree of intellectual and moral improvement. This is a law of moral order, just as the former is a law of physical order. Now, since this subject is not only absorbing but intensely interesting, let me direct your attention, as briefly as possible, to. the fact that the continents of the north are the theatres of history and every kind of development. They are Asia, Europe, and North America. The result of the comparison which we have made between the northern and southern continents, in their most general characteristics, seems to be that, what dis- tinguishes the former is, not the wealth of nature and the abundance of physical life, but the aptitude which their structure, their situation, and their climate give them to minister to the development of man, and to become EFFECT OP ALTITUDE ON THE HITMAN MIND AND BODY. 323 thus the seat of a life much superior to that of nature. The three continents of the north, with their civilized peoples, have appeared as the historical continents, which form a marked contrast to those of the south, with their savage tribes. We know that the condition of an active, complete development, is the multiplicity of the contrasts, the dif- ferences, the springs of action and reaction, of mutual exchanges which excite and manifest life under a thousand diverse forms. To this principle corresponds, in the organi- zation of the animal, the greater number of its special organs; in .the organization of the continents, the variety of the forms of the land, the strongly characterized districts, the nature of which stamps upon the people inhabiting them a special seal, and makes them so many distinct individual bodies. Hence we expect to find the great fact of the life of the nations connected essentially with those differences of soil and climate, and with the contrasts which nature herself presents in the interior of the continents; and that the influence of these differences on the social developments of man, although variable according to the times, is evident in the periods of his history. The true theatre of history is the great north-eastern continent, comprising Asia and Europe. We direct atten- tion to the unity and physical plan exhibited in this grand triangular mass, which, in a natural point of view, forms a single continent. The subdivisions bear the imprint of mere secondary differences. The most remarkable trait of its structure is the great dorsal ridge, composed of systems of lofty mountains traversing it from one end to the other, lengthwise, which may be regarded as the axis of the continent. It is in fact that on the two sides of the long chain of more than 5,000 miles on the north and south of the Himalaya, of the Caucasus, of the Balkan, the 324 EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. Alps, and the Pyrenees, the high lands of the interior of the continent extend. It splits the continent into two portions, unequal in size, and differing from each other in their configuration and climate. On the south the areas are less vast, the lands are more indented, more detached, and, on the whole, perhaps more elevated; it is the maritime zone of the peninsulas. On the nor*,h, the great plains prevail; the peninsulas are rare or of slight importance, and the ground less varied. But that which chiefly distinguishes one of the two parts from the other, and imparts to each a peculiar nature, is the climate. Those lofty barriers which have been just named, almost everywhere separate the climates as well as the areas. The gradual elevation of the terraces, from the north towards the south, up to the ridge of the con- tinent, by prolonging in the southern direction the frosts of the north, augments still further in Eastern Asia and in Europe the difference of temperature between their sides, and renders it more sensible. Thus two opposite regions are confronted, one on the north, in the cool temperate zone, with its vast steppes and desert table-lands, its rigorous and generally dry climate ; the other on the south, in the warm temperate zone, with its beautiful peninsulas, fertile plains, blue heavens, soft climate, delicate fruits, trees evergreen, and lovely smiling nature everywhere. The contrast of these two natures must have a great influence on the people of the two regions. It is repeated from the history of the very earliest ages in the most remarkable manner. In the north, the arid table-lands, the steppes and the forests, lead men to the life of shepherds and hunters; the people are nomadic and imperfectly culti- vated. In the south, the fruitful plains and a more facile nature invite the people to agriculture; they form fixed establishments and become civilized. Thus, in the very EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. 325 interior of the historical continent, we find, placed side by side, a civilized and a barbarous world. 4s far as the memorials of history ascend, they shew us, on the table-land of Iran, one of the earliest civilized nations, the ancient people of Zend. The Zendavesta, the sacred book of their legislator, displays everywhere deep traces of the conflict of Iran the good and civilized with Turan the evil, dark, and barbarous inhabitants of the low regions around. Thus, clearly shewing that the purer elements of nature contributed in remotest antiquity to develop and elevate the human being enjoying their advantages. In China and India we have parallel examples of the effects of elevation on the lofty table-lands of these vast countries. There were developed the two great cultivated nations of Eastern Asia, whose perfected languages, rich literature, and wonderful skill in art and science remain as amazing monuments of their intellectual and physical development. Let us observe, in passing, that Eastern Asia is pre- eminently a country of contrasts, of isolated and strongly characterized regions. In perfect responsive accordance with these natural features of the earth, we find the char- acteristics of the man who occupies the soil the Mongolian race. In this people the melancholic disposition seerns to prevail; the intellect, moderate in range, exercises itself upon details, but never rises to the general views or the high speculations in science and philosophy. His ideas are wholly turned to things of earth, but the world of ideas, the spiritual world, seems closed against him. His whole philosophy arid religion are reduced to a code of social morals for the regulation of human conduct, such only as merely renders society possible. The Chinese again, being by nature closed in, have carefully adhered to the patri- archal form of society, but the white race of India, sprung from the west, have developed a civilization wholly different, the qualities of which are explained at once by the influences 326 EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. of the soil and the climate. The Hindoo is endowed with higher intelligence, with a power of generalization, with deep spiritual feeling, whereas the Chinese neither knows nor cares for a spiritual life. The pure air, the vast mountains and rivers of Upper India have so operated on the race, that it would seem that the material world disappears from their eyes. In their literature, so rich in works of high philosophy, of poetry, and religion, we seek in vain for the annals of their history, or any treatise on science, or any collection of practical observations, so numerous among the Chinese. One thing ought not to be forgotten in con- sidering these eastern civilizations. At a very remote era they had attained to their utmost in their several civiliza- tions, but then they progressed no further. The great ob- struction seems to be the isolation of each great community, arising from the impassable barriers that the land forms have placed between them. The wonderful contrast to this natural conformation will be very striking when we notice the amazing facilities afforded by the New World. Now, glance for a moment at the conformation of true Western Asia the Asia of history. It consists of a plateau, on the south of the great central ridge, and enjoys a fine climate, while it is flanked by two plains. If Egypt be added to it, this region will comprise all the great coun- tries of ancient civilization of the centre of this continent. Here is the original country of the white race, the most perfect in body and mind. Their original habitat was in the very centre of this vast salubrious plateau, around the pellucid head streams of the great rivers, along whose banks descended the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians, keeping respectively along the Euphrates and Tigris, on which they built Nineveh and Babylon, whose history is too well-known to be more than simply mentioned here, for the sake of observing that their fate, in becoming great sinks and centres of moral pollution and degradation, has EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. 327 been ever since the history of cities founded on large streams in low situations where natural impurities accum- ulate, and so affect body and mind, to sap the pure and healthy action of each. National decadence is first seen in city luxury and sensuality. Let us now glance at Europe, which has a character quite special. The giant impassable natural barriers to inter- course which abound in Eastern Asia are almost wanting here. The whole continent is accessible, and better formed and fashioned for the development of the human being. This has been the continent most favoured, considered in respect to the education of man. More than any other in the old world, it calls into play his latent forces. No other continent is more fitted, by the numerous physical regions it presents, to bring into being so many distinct and different nations and peoples, as well as to increase their reciprocal influence and stimulate them to mutual intercourse. Now, we glance at North America, the third continent of the north. Its aspect differs entirely from the other two. The New World's two continents are not grouped in one mass, or placed side by side, but touch only at their exterior angles, standing in line rather than grouped. Be- sides, they are rendered still more distinct from each other by being situated in two opposite hemispheres. North America's characteristic is that of great simplicity of struc- ture. Add to this its vast areas, fruitful plains, numberless rivers, prodigious facility of communication, nowhere im- peded by serious obstacles, with its oceanic position, and we can perceive that it is made, not so much to give birth and growth to a new civilization, as to receive one already formed, and to furnish for man, whose education the Old World has well begun, the most magnificent theatre, the scene most worthy of his activity. It is here that all the peoples of Europe may meet together, with room enough 328 EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. to move in, may commingle their efforts and their gifts, and carry out upon a scale of grandeur hitherto unknown, the life-giving principle of modern times the principle of free association. Now, having rapidly pointed out the great leading physical causes that contribute to the formation and devel- opment of the human body and mind, as it regards nations and communities, let us look at a few of the more local and minute causes affecting the mind and its wonderful index, the face and form. In all attempts to cultivate body and mind, we should never lose sight of the indispensable and absolutely neces- sary elementary sustainers of healthy action in both. First, then, we mention pure air as the element of primary importance, as not a moment can pass in life in which we can dispense with this sustaining fluid. As the atmosphere is a fluid of great compressibility and expansibility, and readily combines with other gases, holding them in solu- tion, it is most important that we should inhale the air that may be as free from deleterious matter as possible. In all liquids holding in solution impurities, those heavier than the liquid will be precipitated, while those that are lighter will either escape at the surface, or become apparent as floating impurities. As a general rule, the atmosphere becomes purer the higher we rise in it, when it is uncon- fined. Poisonous gases and effluvia that are deleterious to human life have such specific gravity, that they descend and become the breath or food of plants. Those of large lung-power in health can breathe comfortably at a mean elevation of 6,000 feet above sea-level ; but the best average height for vigorous respiration is considered to be between 3,000 and 4,000 feet. The next great essential of life is pure water. It is ol immense importance that this element should be pure; and much care is necessary in selecting and analyzing water; EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN I.ITND AND BODY. 32 S for it holds in solution many most dangerous ingredients both organic and inorganic. Before using water from either a well, or spring, or stream, we should carefully ascertain its purity by carefully testing it. As a general rule, the further from and above the sea we find a spring, ifc is the purer, especially when it wells from the limestone or iron- stone rock. But care in the selection of pure water, as well as pure air is much enhanced when it is considered that purity of mind as well as body depends essentially upon due use of these great sustainers of life. People living on low, flat, or depressed lands are well- known to be subject to fevers, jaundice, derangement of the portal system, Asiatic cholera, &c., while those who dwell among the mountains scarcely ever are assailed by these deadly enemies of human life. Cholera almost always originates at the mouth of the Ganges, where this immense river pours its waters into the sea, and deposits over its extensive delta the fearful amount of rotting vegetable debris and putrifying human remains which the supersti- tious dwellers along its 4,000 miles of banks are ever and anon committing to its impetuous torrent. Look now to New Orleans and the country forming the long line of flats between that pestilential city and the Gulf of Mexico. This is a hot-bed of yellow fever. The reason of the deadly nature of this district is not far to seek. All the central part of the North American continent is drained of its impurities by the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers, with their tributaries, and carried down into the hot and impure air of these vast swamps, where it soon breeds that terrible scourge. Carbonic acid gas, when cool, always subsides and seeks depressed or neap ground as a resting- place, where it contaminates the vitals of those who are sufficiently unfortunate to inhale this deadly poison. Fresh water will receive its own weight of carbonic acid gas, which it carries by river to the salt water, only to be thrown 33Q EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. out upon the air, to vitiate and debase it, and empoison the blood of those who inhale it. Thus we perceive how it aiises that all the dwellers upon low lands are more sub- ject to fevers (especially fever-ague) than the inhabitants of elevated lands. The people who live in low countries are more or less depressed in their higher natures by the impurities which they breathe, as well as by the depressing monotony of the scenery. It is a law, that whatever affects the body affects also the mind. The debilitating effect of impure air and water conduce to stimulate the animal and depress the moral nature of man. This same law operates in causing the inhabitants of uplands to be more thoughtful and less animal than those who dwell on the marshy and paludal soil. This same thought-principle would raise and define the nose, chasten the lips, and mark clearly the eyes' form, as well as its expression. A striking example of this may be seen in the African face, which, in its flatness, reflects the character of the country whence he sprang. The people dwelling along the Amazon of South America are warm in their animal natures, but crude in their mentality. The degenerate Spaniard of Mexico is vigorous of body, ardent in love, stolid in intellectual improvements, while he is debased, and, as a rule, animal. The physiognomy of the deer, elk, and antelope, are well- defined and expressive, when contrasted with that of the crocodile, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, as well as other animals of low river-countries, in which feculent air abounds. This same principle would prove that the people who live in hilly, temperate climates are further advanced in social arts and accomplishments than those whose abodes are in level and depressed countries. The classic hills, groves, and elevated picturesque cities of Italy are the localities whence the instructors of the fine arts press their claims for deserving merit England, with her level fields EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. 331 of grain, pasture, and woodland scenery, is queen of the seas, and possesses a physical power which the nations of the world care not to dispute. Scotland, with her rugged mountains, deep ravines, and bounding rills, is the birth- place of industry, and sterling peaceful worth. These attri- butes also depend largely upon the granite in her soil, and the early oatmeal brain-nourishing fare of her sturdy sons, who labour in their youth in the open air, and study as a pastime until they enter college. Let it be observed also, that all their universities are by the sea, or on elevated situations. More eminent men have come from the granite shire of Aberdeen, in proportion to its population, than from any other county in Scotland. The granite character is in their very nature. Ireland, with shamrock ever green, inspires her people with a love of song and liberty. Her natives strongly bear out the observations we have made on the influence of the physical surroundings. The hilly counties and highlands of Connemara produce tall, hand- some, keen, active, persevering, intelligent men and beauti- ful women ; while the ungainly baboon-faced, pot-bellied rapparees are the natural offspring of the great central plain and interminable bog-land that occupies such a vast pro- portion of the country. North America, with her snow-clad peaks and thundering cataracts, in her grand simplicity of natural construction for facilitating every species of mental and material progress, bids away the traveller's monotony, and beckons his thoughts transcendently above the inglo- rious herd to the mazes and labyrinths of worlds whose splendour and stupendous grandeur fill the sky. Nearly all great reforms of a moral nature were first started on some mountain or in a mountainous country. The Decalogue was given to Moses on the grand, rugged mountain of Horeb. The Messiah, whose teaching rolled on the chariot wheels of civilization, had His birth in the hilly district near Jerusalem, and most )f His teachings were 332 EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. on the top or declivity of a mountain. In 'ancient times, when a people desired some great good, they were com- manded to go up to the mountain tops and pray. They, too, knew the ennobling effect of elevation and pure air of mountain freshness upon the mind and morals of men. There are more Thoracic forms among the inhabitants of mountainous regions than in lowland countries, because the purity of high air necessitates greater respiration in volume, which enlarges the organs of respiration, and the thorax which contains them. In flat sections, the air seems to encourage the nutritive power, and the people become full of adipose material, and are round, plump, and somewhat inactive. This is the case pre-eminently in Holland, where the inhabitants are often on a lower level than the sea, which is kept from inundating their towns by their famous dykes. On the other hand, mountain-air thickens and cools the blood, arches the upper eyelid, expands the forehead and chest, sharpens every feature, and gives vivacity and action to both body and mind. In Alaska the Indians are fairer, more thin-lipped, and have higher and narrower noses than the Indians of Cali- fornia, Nevada, Utah, or Colorado. The Stichians and Sticks who inhabit Alaska are quite intelligent, and never use salt. Nor do any of the Alaskians use salt shewing that salt is an article not positively necessary to the sustenance of man. The reasoning powers of those who live in pure air are more clear and accurate than of those who dwell in low malarious districts. The atmosphere of low realms excites the animal nature in men, and causes them to talk and think more of the voluptuous and amorous pleasures than those who live in high altitudes with pure air. Where countries are undulating and the waters clear, and brisk breezes fan away incentives to vice, there the soul towers EFFECT OF ALTITTTW, ON THE HUMAN MIND AND BODY. 333 away in the majesty and gloriousness of the noblest nature; whereas the marshes and frog-ponds of mortiferous regions make full cheeks, large necks, dull dark eyes and skin, flat noses, hollowing and narrow foreheads, all of which evince want of intellect, and that the individual is doltish and asinine. Upon the mountain tops of moderate elevation, the air being fine and subtle, one respires with pleasurable freedom ; the body is more elastic, the mind more serene; pleasures become less ardent and the passions more controllable. The grandeur of the scenery inspires sublimity in the mind's meditations. Thus elevated above all animal life, it seems as if one had left every low terrestrial sentiment and had approached the celestial realms of light. The soul feels drinking in full draughts of eternal purity, and one be- comes thoughtful without being melancholy, peaceful but not indolent, inspired yet resigned; the passions are more readily subdued, while gentle emotions fill the mind. Hence the passions, which in the lower world are man's most powerful enemy, in a higher sphere contribute to his advancement and happiness. " Above me are the Alps. The palaces of Nature, whose vast walls Have pinnacled in clouds their snowy scalps, And throned eternity in icy halls Of cold sublimity, where forms and falls The avalanche the thunderbolt of snow I All that expands the spirit, yet appals, Gather around these summits, as to show How earth may pierce to heaven, yet leave vain man below. " BYRON. CHARACTERIZED FROM BIRTH. WHY were none of us born among savage tribes in Africa? Why was not our lot the dingy complexion and oblique eyes of the Chinese, or the copper hue of the former inha- bitants of America? God only knows. We readily admit that there are some conditions of our existence over which we have no control, and for which, therefore, we have no accountability. If a man was born blind, no one blames him for not seeing; if deaf, no one expects him to hear; if idiotic, his want of reason renders him the object of our pity, not of our condemnation. But in a modified degree some are born with interior intellectual powers, some with perverted moral tendencies, and there is seldom any allow- ance made for them; while others inherit superior talents or a high moral character, and though they may have bestowed little culture on either, they are praised by others, and valued by themselves. We cannot always account either for the gifts of nature or its obliquities and defi- ciences. One boy is born with a natural genius for music, another has a passion for poetry, a third delights in mechanics. It may be assumed, as a general rule, that those faculties which the parents cultivate, rather than those which they idly possess, are those most likely to be transmitted to their children. While, therefore, no one is accountable for what he has not received, every one is responsible, not only on his own account, but on that ol CHARACTERIZED FROM BIRTH. 335 his offspring, for what cultivation he bestows on his natural endowments, and what check he places on his inherited vices. There is. no doubt that if a child is led to follow the bent of his natural abilities, whether these are intel- lectual or physical, if they are moral and good, he will succeed better and rise higher than he could by labouring in an avocation for which he has no natural fitness. It often happens that certain expressions of countenance in the child bear a striking resemblance to those of the father or mother. This is a sure indication that the child is much like the parent in those traits of character that are mani- fested in those features; and for this characteristic the parent, perhaps the progenitors for several generations past, have inevitably set the die which has moulded that child. How much education and careful training may do to eradi- cate hereditary evils, no man can tell with certainty, nor how much may be done by a man's pains-taking with himself when he comes to years of discretion; but all concur in the opinion that though education in youth and self-discipline in manhood, may mould and influence, yet it will never wholly eradicate the evil arising from pre-natal causes, so that it shall not be ever ready as a root of bitterness to spring up and give trouble. Dr. A was understood to be an illegitimate son of George IV He was taught the business of a printer, but coming under church influences in his early manhood, and exhibiting considerable gifts of speech, as well as knowledge, he wa, Humboldt, Irving, Agussiz, Livingstone, Darwin, and hun- dreds of others, who have visited all parts of the world, with men who have staid at home and kept their minds within a narrow range of thought. Whatever applies in one department of animal life, as a general principle, appliea THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 3G5 equally to all portions of aniraality. We find the dog ranging over mountains and valleys in rapid succession; consider how favourably he compares, in the excellence of his mental capacity, with the sloth, whose range of activity includes only a few yards per diem. The fundamental principle, in judging of the human walk, is, that it is simply the result of character the mind is the motive power, and the walk is the result. Let it be admitted as a principle, that whatever is produced bears the indelible stamp of the producer; and then we can easily account for the fact that every likeness painted by a Ger- man artist from imagination resembles the German face and character. So also is this the case with the Italian, the Frenchman, and the Englishman; each gives his work of imagination the national likeness peculiar to his own country. Philosophically, the legs may be considered as animal imitators of the mind of their master. And as we conclude that every freeman is, or ought to be, master of his own legs, then we can easily see how they, in their motions, bespeak the character of the individual to whom they belong, provided they are in a normal condition. Hence, we see the quick step produced by the active mind; the slow, dragging step by the stupid and inactive mind; and the bounding, springing step by the sprightly elastic mind. Another principle in nature is, that no one can produce naturally that for which he has not an organization. We fail to judge accurately of a faculty or quality in which we are ourselves deficient. Thus, the natural walk must be in accordance with the organic structure. Hence, men who are tall, generally take long slow steps, and have slow, far- ranging minds. As examples of this, we may mention Washington, Lafayette, Lincoln, in America; Walpole, New- castle, and Castlereagh, of England; Havelock and Lord Sligo of India, &c., who were all tall, dignified forms, and 3G6 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHAR VOTER. were remarkable for their slow, measured, and dignified walk. Short men, true to the principle, have a short step, and generally employ their minds on small insignificant matters. From this rule should be excepted men with long bodies and short legs. Professor Morse, the inventor of the electric telegraph, was a very tall, dignified man, with a deliberate, long step, slow and dignified, which shadowed forth the result of his far-reaching, inventive mind. He launched into seas of undiscovered knowledge, and fields of more than golden value were discovered by him. In the common acceptation of the term, a short person cannot be dignified ; for dignity includes stateliness of manner in connection with height. Nothing that is short, dumpy, or stunted can be looked upon as dignified. The short step and mincing walk bespeak the small mind, as a general rule. The energetic step bespeaks energy of character. The man who is not formed on the mechanical plan has no skill in judging of mechanism. He who has no colour in his eye, skin, &c., will generally be found to be an inferior judge of colour. Hence, the universal law of nature, that like appreciates and best judges like, applies equally to all traits of human character. One in whom centres many colours, having bright blue or brown eyes and rosy cheeks, will judge of colours better than one in whom no distinct tints or varied hues appear. This law explains the reason why men confined in dark cells for a succession of years cannot discern and judge of colour. Any plant germinating in the dark is colourless, because it has been shut out from the sun-lisjht. It is well known that the finest art colorists o lived and studied in a climate refulgent with sunlight and colour, such as Italy and Spain; while in Scotland, England, and Ireland, where fogs and murky atmosphere prevail more than half the year, obscuring the sun's direct rays, we find more pseudopts than in any other well-tested civilized country. THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 367 The law of nature is, that we can always judge best of any faculty of which we possess most. The man who takes the longest step has generally the most comprehensive mental range. The plain, easy walk is indicative of an unassuming mind; the plunging or stamping step, an unvarnished mentality. The unsteady gait results from unreliability of character; while the light, tripping step bespeaks a playful and hopeful disposition. The mechanic's tread is measured and regular; the speculator's walk is irregular, because he is organized to do things out of the regular routine, and, by fits and starts, seizes the oppor- tunity to make a speculation whenever the chance occurs. As an interesting instance of indications of the true character in the walk, all of which are palpably apparent to the scientific Physiognomist, it may be stated here, merely as a fact, that when the author was some years since delivering a course of lectures at 'Clinton (Iowa), a young man, walking across the lecture-room to test the lecturer's powers to judge, and the science of Physiognomy to point out his character and capacity, elicited from the author the decided opinion, that " he might become success- ful in literary pursuits." The gentleman's name is Mr. Bernard Wayde, who adopted the directing opinion of the lecturer, by commencing, within a few weeks after, to write for the press. So successful has Mr. Wayde been as a literary man, that he is now (1872), residing in Edinburgh as correspondent and novel-writer for some of the most influential journals of New York and other American cities, after having edited four papers, as well as written numerous plays and novels; several of his plays having been dramatized with remarkable success. Thus does the walk unerringly indicate character. WALK OR GAIT. fNDICATIONS OP CHARACTER AS MANIFESTED BY THE PEDES. TRIAN, AMBULATORY, AND PERIPATETIC MOVEMENTS AND ATTITUDES OF THE HUMAN BODY IN THE STATE OF LOCO- MOTION. To the most casual observer it must have occurred that there are perhaps no two human beings that walk in precisely the same manner; the gait of every one is as peculiarly his own as his handwriting. Though there are many who have something similar in their movements and attitudes during locomotion, and appear to the cursory observer to walk alike; yet to the practised eye there are esseii- tiul points of difference in their peripatetic characteristics. Educa- tion and training, assisted by the mimic inclination of our nature, do much to produce styles of walking; but the close observer can detect at a glance each person's idiosyncrasy, and thus can tell, almost certainly, the physical, mental, and moral \ Toddler Foolish Mary.* qualities and tendencies of the individual. In this article, we intend to classify all varieties of human pedestrian, ambulatory, and peripatetic locomotion under * This cut, and the others illustrating this chapter, were copied by per- mission from "The Characters of Glasgow," a valuable octavo volume published by Mr. John Tweed, 11 St. Enoch Square, Glasgow. THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 369 the two general heads of Natural and Artificial Peripatetic Manifestations of Character I. NATURAL GAIT. By the natural gait, we mean that mode of walking peculiar to each individual. Let us enumerate a few of the most usual and well-marked salient characteristics of these, while we specify them under epithets sufficiently expressive of the pedestrian idiosyncrasy. 1. The Toddling Gait. This manner of locomotion is essentially childish, and unmistakably tells you that every attribute of a petty, trifling, finikin character may fairly and unhesitatingly be predicated of the human form that todcjles. If an acquanitance meets it, every expression of childish pleasure is manifested by the toddler. It cannot rest or stand at ease for a moment, but keeps moving up and down, round and round, and gets so excited that it stops short in the middle of a sentence and toddles off abruptly. Then, when you have smiled the natural bene- ficent and compassionate smile of half-pity, half-contempt, and total forgiveness, while turning away, in a moment you hear pitty-patty, toddle, toddle, up behind you, calling out that it had just forgot to mention that its dear Persian tabby had that morning had three beauties of kittens; but, poor little darlings, they were not yet able to frisk so jolly as their mother, the beauty, did when it first received her from Lady Mary Frisk. The features almost invariably developed in the toddler are of the small, chubby, childish mould, round, soft, and cheerful; and it may b*e remarked that, in its right-hand pocket, there is generally a store of comfits or small sweets, one of which is popped into its mouth by way of self-gratulation or reward after encounter- ing and so delightfully enchanting an acquaintance, as it SA 570 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. did on the occasion just mentioned. When toddler is of the masculine gender, it may be remarked that the toes of his shoes are much further out of repair than the heels; that there are seldom all the buttons on the garments, and that, both a glove and an umbrella have just been lost, occasion- ing the necessity for trying to recollect every place Mr. Toddler has been, and thereupon revisiting it. This generally terminates its day, but without ever recovering the lost articles. In childish grief, and from sheer exhaustion, toddler, with a vexed heart retires to rest, but rises the next morning to go through a similar fruitless round of duty. Mrs. or Miss Toddler acts in a similar manner, but always displaying in her routine of duty all the coquettish, little, childish graces that so admir- ably become her sex. It would be cruel to expose or ridicule this darling, charming, natural, little creature. We have all seen her and many of her kindred often enough to be suffi- ciently well acquainted with her gyrations and winning ways. 2. The Striding Gait. Who has not seen the man with the long striding pace? Always in earnest t pursuit of socne definite object or project, he strides along with pur- pose-like tread until he obtains it, or definitely ascertains the reason for disappointment. Every feature of his face bespeaks its earnest sympathy with his progressive measured gait. Though this style of pedestrian locomotion The Striding Gait - Bob Dreghorn. THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 371 is generally seen in persons above the middle height, yet it is frequently met with in those of diminutive stature There is, however, mostly this difference, the long-paced, tall individual carries the trunk of the body much more erect than the undersized person, and pendulates the arms more freely and better in keeping with the whole figure; while the diminutive strider generally manifests uneasiness and difficulty in managing the arms; sometimes they are controlled by hooking the thumbs in the vest pockets or cleeking them in the arm-holes; but no matter how they are carried, they seem to be either in the way, or hard to manage. It som times happens, however, that the under- sized strider has abnormally short arms, and then they appear like the short wings of the auk, or the forelegs of the kangaroo, and serve the purpose well in being used as strong levers in raising the body in gymnastic exercises, ascending the shrouds on board ships, or in burglaries. It is well-known that this is the prevailing feature in the notorious burglars of large cities. But, in the other features of the persons peculiar for the striding gait, we may remark that there is the long, slow, measured, quiet pace in some, while others have a quick, impetuous movement, displaying that push and determination of character that does or is prepared to bear down all opposition to any project that has been undertaken. It may be remarked that an accom- panying cephalic feature in this character is a broad massive head, thick, square nose, wide nostrils, and square, massive, prominent chin, compressed medium lips, and eyes either prominent and severe, or sunken with a falcon expression. The late Dr. Chalmers was of the full-eyed, strong- featured type; and of the latter, was the famous Dr. Henry Cooke, the champion of trinitarianism in Ulster. But the reformer, John Knox, of Scotland, was perhaps the best example of this character. Then we must remark that the striding, slow, deliberate pace is accompanied by round, soft facial 372 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF. CHARACTER. features, rather loose and flabby, the underlip generally keeping time with the step, as it is seen to hang loose, the mouth being almost always slightly open. Though this character is generally successful in the course of a long steady career in one line of life, yet it is seldom found that any mighty effort is attempted. The impetuous striders are too ready as well as eagerly willing to surpass what they call the slow, jogging stagers. The impetuous rapid strider has his purpose and goes right ahead to accomplish it, bearing down all obstacles; while the quiet, slow, cautious strider has also his object before him, but patiently fore- sees the difficulties, and determines to watch and stride cautiously and zig-zag to the end, no matter what dis- couragement may be thrown across his path. The rapid strider leaps over or kicks minor hindrances out of his course ; the slow strider steps over them quietly, and leaves them there for the next comer. Daniel Webster belonged to the class of the strong and gigantic intellects, and his gait gave token of the great mind within his vigorous form. 3. The Lurching Gait. Sometimes this manner of walk- ing is denominated rolling. It is seen to perfection in people who are half-seas over, just before the real staggering attempt at progressive motion is commenced. In persons 3f sober habits, however, the rolling and lurching gait is characteristic of innate overweening conceit, if displayed in an impetuous character; while it betokens diffidence and awkwardness in a timid, retiring individual.' The rapid roller is marked by strength of purpose and self-reliance, and becomes dictatorial and overbearing among his asso- ciates; as a commercial traveller he is almost always successful, and no. matter how often foiled in his efforts, he returns to the charge, and mostly succeeds in carrying his point Tall, heavy rollers often become bullies, and are found as patrons of the ring, the race-course, and the THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 373 gambling hell They are always ready with the word of defiance, the fist, the shillelah, the revolver, the bowie- knife, or the stilletto, according to the nation to which they belong. Look the rolling and lurching bully in the face, and you catch his wicked defiant look or stare; see his squat snout, compressed, puckered lips, broad underface, square, broad chin, bull-neck, and short, broad hands, which he never extends open with the palm upward. When he stands, he naturally poises himself in an attitude of defiance, with his feet well apart, but not awkwardly, as much as to say, " I'm ready, come on." This type of character is commonest in the midland counties and borderland of England and Scotland, the counties of Mayo, Gal way, and Tipperary, in Ireland, and the' Kaffirs of Africa. The Normans and Norsemen were the most distinguished foi this phase of character during the middle ages. But let us look for a moment at the timid lurching character. He is slow in his movements, and the uncertain straight-toed alternate motion of his feet, with a half-kneeling expression of his legs, while he sways timidly from side to side, like a ship with rigging too heavy and without ballast. His look is generally shy, his eye having a distrustful, half- averted expression. This character is so seldom good for anything but the lowest drudgery, he is mostly found among the basest and most degraded in the back slums of large towns and cities, through which he may be often met prowling about, intent upon some favourite vicious gratification, or nefarious project. 4. The Sweeping or Mowing Gait. This well-marked and pronounced mode of peripatetic progression is much more easily observed in women than in men. This simply arises from the flowing nature of the female costume, which receives the vibratory motion from the body, and gives marked and palpable indication of it in its sweeping pendulation in a room or on the street. But 374 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. it is nevertheless equally observable in the opposite sex when watched carefully. In the male animal, the right-to- left and left-to-right sweep at every step, is almost always in conjunction with a peculiar wriggle perpendi- cular of the whole body from head to foot. The effect of this double vibration and contortion of the whole body instantly impresses the ob- server with the true cause of the outward manifestations an intense self-conceit and overweening persuasion of su- perior knowledge and ability. The immense variety of coun- tenance accompanying this corporeal expression of char- acter would occupy too much space in describing; but the most prominent visual pecu- liarities may be stated, as a narrow head, low forehead, eyes in close proximity, irregular nose tending to a thin upper half, long upper lip, pouting mouth, curling lip, and flabby cheeks, conveying, on the whole, an utter want of sympathy, which is generally well borne out by the almost invariable sa'usage ringers of the hand that never gives a kindly grasp. Morally, this character is a hypocrite, and generally may be found among those accused of false pretences. This gait radically indicates vacillation, untrustworthiness. 5. The Fiiwi Gait. This is found only in strong charac- ters, whether physical, moral, ot religious. It at once The Sweeping gait. Blind Alick. THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 375 indicates strength, and bespeaks the confidence, dread, or veneration of the beholder, in accordance with the accom- panying characteristics of the countenance. The whole structure of the person whose walk is firm, manifests com- pactness, solidity, and stability. He is staunch in every sense, and in all his intercourse there is a reliable and unshaken steadiness and resolute constancy upon which the sheerest stranger seems to place implicit reliance. Then, the strong, firm tread and gait of one who inspires dread is associated with a stern countenance, lack of sym- pathy with others, and devotion to self-indulgence. This character may be easily known by his sturdy tread, often light, but as certain as a bull's-eye shot; his low forehead, snub-nose, hanging jaws, pig's throat, broad chest, well- developed lumbar regions, full, beautifully-proportioned lower limbs, and well-arched foot, which all bespeak the character to awe the timid beholder. This is the physical, without either moral or spiritual restraint. Now, look at the historical examples of this. The most remarkable, well- authenticated instance we have in ancient times, is that of Agamemnon, " king of men," " whose tread was firm, but like music; whose heart was stern as Charon, the ferryman of Hades, and whose word was law to all the besiegers of Troy." In recent modern times, we shall only mention the Emperor Napoleon the Great, whose step and build are so well-known that they require only to be mentioned to recall their peculiar characteristics. His whole frame was so firm and well knit together, that it moved in perfect harmony; but the secrecy and feline trait of his nature so much affected all his movements, that his step was as sure and silent as the tiger's, and hence his spring and onset was as sudden and terrible. He is the best example of human physical firmness of gait, bespeaking stern firmness of command. All his features and build indicate these qualities in a pre-eminent degree. Below the middle height, 376 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. but massive in all parts of his body, he shewed strength at all points. His head was large, broad, and square; the deep, vertical furrows in the forehead, between the brows, indi- cating intense concentration; the deep eyes, aquiline nose, compressed lips, and prominent chin, all, in harmony with the other firm features of the frame, manifested in an extra- ordinary degree the pre-eminently stern, inexorably firm character. These two great generals, with whom we might include Wellington, the conqueror of the latter, are suffi- ciently well-marked and amply authenticated characters to fix the truth of our observations on mere physical firmness. As examples of moral and religious firmness, we mention only a few remarkable names whose gait and concomitant features have been so well authenticated, that their names will recall their distinctive characteristics, especially if assisted by good likenesses or statues. Julius Caesar, Brutus, Gregory VII. (Pope), Luther, Knox (of Scot- land), Elizabeth of England, and Cecil her Minister, the pre- sent Emperor of Germany and his Minister, Prince Bismarck; all these went steadily and directly to the point. 6. The, Shuffling and Shambling Gait. This mode of peripatetic locomotion is indicative of everything that is degraded, low, and vile in character, as well as imperfect and infirm in physical conformation. To some it is natural from birth, as the offspring of those whose physical defects and infirmities are perpetuated in their persons. Watch the shuffler physical, as he trawls his broad, flat, nether extremities along the street or floor. Every movement is a slovenly effort to progress; but the trail in the mud, or dust, or sand, shews the slovenly snail-like attempt at progress. All his habits, dress, and features are in keeping with these attempts at pedestrianism. His habits are slovenly universally; hair untrimmed and unkempt; ft.ce smeared, and eyes bleared and blinking; all his garments frnrn the throat downward bespattered with the particles THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER, 377 of whatever he has attempted to put into his mouth for months past, perhaps, or sprinkled with snuff or tobacco- nized saliva. Then look at the shoes or foot-coffins in which his flat substitutes for feet are rolling and lurching about. They are off at one side, ripped in the soles, full of side chinks, and ever ready to admit the slush of the street to cool the neglected bunions that sorely torment the toes, though the pain, however acute, scarcely ever rouses the forlorn shuffler to attempt a cure, no matter how simple. Then glance for a moment at the cut of the outer garments. The coat is always too wide, too long, and has the cuffs nearly to the tips of the filthy fingers, which have perhaps never made the acquaintance of a glove. The vest wants a button or two, and is seldom with the proper button in the opposite hole. Now look at the trousers or pantaloons, always at least two inches too long, and ever moist about the ankles, thus beautifully in harmony and keeping with the shoes. Is it now necessary to pollute our eyes by looking into the facial points that so logically accompany all these? Yes, look but for a moment and mark the striking consistency. The brows are elevated and unthoughtful, the eyes bleared and sleepy, . the cheeks puffed with gross fat, the nose misshapen and moist, the lips without expression, and mostly as far apart as may be without effort. The expression of the whole is disgusting in the extreme, and bespeaks no more in the uneducated than the first remove from the brute. But it must not be forgotten that there are shufflers who have much cunning, and often manage to amass wealth. One of these died, not long since, in London, leaving 4,000,000 to his heirs, after cunningly shuffling and cheating for sixty years. 7. The Parallelopedic or Intoed Gait. This characteristic of pedal progression almost invariably indicates closeness and meanness as well as penurious stinginess of character, 378 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. It is often accompanied with a lurching, hobbling, painful carriage of the body, indicative of being ill at ease, with a pinched, miserable expression of countenance. It also indicates stealthiness and low cunning. The feline species of every kind put down the foot in this manner; but the Indians of North America not only walk with the feet parallel, but put down the one foot straight before the other, in line; and they are notorious for their cunning and treachery in every sense. The features that mostly accom- pany this gait are sharp and unattractive. In all dealings or transactions with those whose locomotive pedestrian habit is intoed, every one should be warily on his guard. It was observed that when two solicitors, equally deformed in this manner, happened to be engaged on opposite sides in a chancery suit in London, the game of finesse was so well kept up by the raising of new points, of nice difficulties, that the estate, though large, was completely exhausted before the suit was half completed. 8. Splay-footed Gait. Though this is a completely or dia- metrically opposite abnormity to No. 7. yet it indicates many similar traits of character. This mostly arises from the fact that intoed deformity generally originates in the legs being caliper-shaped, while the- splay-footed is caused by the knees being too affectionate towards each other. Still there are several traits of character peculiar to the latter gait. In the splay-footed, it is almost universally found that the character of the shambling shuffler prevails, with an ill-disguised dash of the feline cunning. Indeed, most of the characteristics of the knock-kneed and splay- footed may be found in the description once given of four such characters, who resided in Dublin, by a waggish friend of theirs, that "they were sagacious, silly fools." Anomalous characters. 9. The Plunging Gait This is not an infrequent mode of progressing. The distinctive feature of the plunger is THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 379 a looseness of the knee-joint, which gives the walk the appearance of a succession of curtsies, but with the painful appearance of being at every step almost precipitated on the head. The form of those so affected is quite in accord- ance with the up and down or undulatory appearance of the walk. Alternately you will find them in high spirits, full of hope and jubilant; again in deep depression, soon to rise into the opposite extreme. Hence the life of the plunger is one of fear and dread, hope and joy. His countenance most truthfully indicates this. Amid deep' lines of sorrow and foreboding, may easily be perceived the laughing wrinkles round the eyes, and the traces of the cheerful smile that often plays around the mouth, and sets the chin so cheerily in harmony with the mobile lips. Almost in every instance the plunger will be found possessed of warm affection, but subject to deep depression on any want of affectionate reciprocation of the loving emotions. 10. The Fatuous Gait. This kind of walk is so apparent to the most careless observer that it only requires to be pointed out or mentioned to be recognized and understood. The gait of the imbecile may be observed in any large community, from the partially weak-minded to the drivel- ling idiot. In proportion to the stage of weakness of intellect, the walk is unsteady and paralyzed, until it becomes as nearly as possible like the balancing gait of a drunkard, but retaining impetuosity of motion. Minor varieties of natural peripatetic locomotion might be easily enumerated, but enough has been said to stimu- late the intelligent observer to analyze the peculiar pedes- trian characteristics of almost any human biped that may cross his path, or strut before him. 380 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER II. ARTIFICIAL GAIT. By artificial gait we mean that mode of walking inci- dental to every profession, trade, or calling, as well as that taught by posture and calisthenic masters and mistresses, as preparations for the drawing and ball-room. As the artificial walk, saunter, and strut are so varied, and, in almost every in- stance, acquired with the intention of concealing the natural mode of pedestrian locomotion, we shall not attempt more here than the pointing out of a few of the more prominent artificial styles of walking. Take, then, the professional styles first. 1. The Military Gait. On close observation, one may, without much diffi- culty, perceive that, from the field-marshal in every rank of the arrny, down to the raw recruit, there is a style peculiar to each. The best mode of getting an accurate idea of the differ- ence between a recruit and a trained veteran is to watch the drill, or the march past, on a review day. Then The Military Gait. Captain Paton, of Glasgow. mark in the one the irre- gular dubious step, while in the other, every man seems to be so completely trained THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 331 that he simply might be looked upon as a nicely-adjusted part of a very smoothly working machine. This perfect drill and training gets at length BO much into the nature, that the old soldier, when walking alone, steps with as much precision and accuracy, as he would on the parade-ground or on the march. Habit has become so thoroughly a second nature that, except from the scarcely now natural features, and the forms and powers, one could scarcely tell the real character. Next, we have in the sergeant, sergeant-major, lieutenant, captain, adjutant, major, and so on, still rising in rank, the indubitable char- acteristics of office naturally stamped upon the man by the exigencies of his office. But, in all, the military strut and tread betrays the soldier and the rank. To the officers, both subordinate and general, the same remarks apply, but these have their peculiar and distinctive airs and struts of importance, until we come up to the colonel, the general, the marshal, and the commander-in-chief. To see these higher ranks to perfection, they must be observed in the promenade and the ball-room. The general rule to observe, in judging of them here, is that the more strutting, and lofty-looking, and supercilious bearing they manifest among civilians, the less noble and elevated is their char- acter in all the nobler attributes of mankind. 2. The Clerical Gait. This style (or want of style) is so varied by denominationality and conventionality that we must merely point out the leading characteristics of a few of the principal churches as manifested in the gait of the clergy. The English established churchman, of every grade, carries himself with a degree of importance and superiority on all occasions of intercourse with the clergy of other denominations. In general he may be at once known by his attire, and the self-important air anc j tone of dictation he assumes, though we must do him the 382 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. justice to say that, in sleek, soft, bland insinuation, and sanctimoniousness he is far surpassed by many of the clergy of the dissenting denominations. In their disguises at the theatres, racecourses, and fox-hunts, is the best time to observe their peculiar attitudes and gait. The lower limbs are generally, in comparison, weak; and in walking, run parallel from the knees to the- heels, keeping the feet almost parallel. This habit is contracted in the constant genuflections necessarily gone through in the reading of the church service, and during the visiting of the sick, in their probationary curacies. Also, it should be noted that, from habit, when they wax earnest in con- versation they involuntarily use their pulpit attitudes, and at the end of an animated sentence, settle their gown and imaginary bands, clasping their hands in the attitude of prayer. The Scotch churchman is equally important, in his own way, as the English; but his modes of worship give him a much more free and easy manner, though he wishes it to be known and felt that he is a superior being, ever since the hands of the presbytery were put upon his head. In his gait he slightly resembles the Episcopalian, but the legs and knees are not so nearly in the supplicatory attitude. This arises from the fact that the Scot is in the habit of standing and praying extempore. Among dis.-senters, we may take under the same head the Methodist and the Baptist preacher. These are so much alike in gait that it takes a keen eye and much experience to discriminate the one from the other. They both have the sleek, solicitous, bland how-is-your-soul and where-is-your- money look. Still there is in the Methodist parson rather more of an independent look and manner. The Roman Catholic may be known, all the world over, as soon as he walks and pendulates his arms, especially if he has been much on duty. I!he expression of the genuflecting THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 383 nether limbs, and the wave of the hand in the gesture of consecrating the elements, are never got rid of by the Roman ecclesiastic. 3. The Legal Gait. Like the clerical, this is so much dependent upon the branch of the legal profession to which the individual belongs, that we must confine ourselves to the general characteristics of the walk. The face and attitudes of the hands far more plainly indicate the profes- sional physiognomical traits than the walk. In every branch of the profession, however, the sly, cautious, stealthy, hesitating, parallel-footed gait prevails, and need never be mistaken after a few careful observations. In all countries the man of law who has devoted his life to it, has these distinctive traits. 4. The Medical Gait The medical man, who has been some time in practice, becomes cautious and quiet in his movements, so that he seems almost always to feel as if he were entering the sick room, where silence and reticence are necessary for the safety of his patient Hence he learns to tread lightly, and contracts the habit of putting down his feet nearly parallel and stealthily like a cat. Almost invariably when he stands his feet are almost close together and parallel, his head slightly bent forward, and his hands in his pockets When suddenly roused he invariably pulls out his watch. This is sheer habit. 5. The Mechanical Gait. Almost every mechanical occupation impresses its character upon the operative. The sawyer, smith, cobbler, and all those employed in mechanical operations of a regular, measured, motive nature, will walk with a steady, measured step, and pendulate their arms in the same manner ; so impressed has his nature become with the regularity of the mechanical motion with which he has been associated. This character is generally able to rise at any hour he wishes, so accurate has he "become in time, which is only another name for 384 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. motion. Ask him the hour, and at any time he will answer you at once, and seldom make a mistake of more than five or ten minutes. The famous self-made engineer, George Stephen son, of Killingworth, was always so sure of the time that he would boldly assert that such and such a clock or watch was wrong when it differed from him. And not infrequently was hfc put to the test by his fellow- workmen. In after life, when he became a great engineer i*nd very prosperous, he was asked by a brother work- man, who had also risen in life, why he wore a gold watch, and he replied, I 'in regulating it. Tailors are easily known by their gait. The knee, in their case, becomes braced from their peculiar manner of sitting, and the bent form of the leg from the knee to the ankle gives, with the fixity or stiffness of the knee, a short, light, out-toe step, so charac- teristic that it can never be mistaken. Should any doubt on this point arise, the fact will at once be settled by look- ing at the hands. Every finger The Mechanical Gait- David Dale, ] ia s taken its Set expression from the peculiarity of the manner in which it is constantly used. The left hand should also be observed, as its expression is quite different from that of the right, especially in the lower, or nail joint of the thumb, which is bent in the manner it is accustomed to hold the seam while the rk'ht hand stitches. It is THE WALK AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 383 needless to pursue this further than to direct attention tc the expression given to the under lip by the pulling down of part of it by the thread, while the tailor bites the end with his teeth. Equally easy is the selecting of the cobbler from the crowd. Observe his mode of working. His knees close together, with feet slightly apart, and resting on the inner side his head habitually bent downwards his arms muscular and well-developed the thumb of the right hand in the act of holding the awl and piercing, so different from the left, which has acquired the habit of keeping the thumb closely applied to the forefinger in the act of inserting and extracting the bristle at the extremity of the " end." But we have double confirmation of these mechanical habits, if we are allowed to witness both the tailor and the cobbler in animated conversation. The tailor performs all his gesticulation with the right arm, and that in a most charac- teristic manner, by drawing out that limb at the end of an impassioned sentence, just as he would give a long sharp pull to his newly threaded needle when he has forgot to put a knot on his new thread. But this is not all: the left hand is all the while performing its peculiar function, by damping its forefinger on the tongue and under lip, and quietly rolling an imaginary thread between the thumb and finger. In the case of the cobbler, both arms come into play in a state of animated speaking ; but watch well the peroration period, and then you see the gesture in perfec- tion, when the hands are stretched out, closely touching each other, with the palms upward, and then as the period is completed, the arms are swept backwards with energy, just as in the act of drawing the " ends" through the seam, ending in the backward sweep with the palms downward, but with fists energetically clenched. The blacksmith, in animated conversation, becomes equally characteristic. In his case the right arm is sure to assume the motions of the sledge-hammer, while the left is as sure to take the 2B 386 THE WALK AS INDICATIVE 0? CHARACTER. vibratory motion of turning the red-hot bar on the imaginary anvil. Close observation will soon enable any one who has the taste, and possesses the talent to tell, almost at a glance, the peculiar occupation of almost any one. This kind of know- ledge is often very useful, and saves one from the uneasy feeling, often experienced, of being compelled to say, " Well, there's something odd about that man's manner, I wonder what it is." The best school for this study is 'found in attending tradesmen's meetings, and the preaching and hortatory services conducted by local- preach ing or peri- patetic tradesmen orators. 6. The Tradesman Gait. This contains or comprehends the peculiarity of walk necessarily arising from the habits of locomotion acquired or necessarily resulting from every kind of shopkeeping or trading. There is scarcely any mere peculiarity of walk that can be spoken of as distinc- tive marks of these trades. But in the ever restlessness of body and constant change of position, even when there is no object in such movements, we can at once detect the trader of some kind. If allowed, however, to take into account the movements of the hands, we can in numerous instances detect the nature of the trade. For instance, those engaged in retail occupations, such as employs them in tying up small parcels, are almost invariably, in unguarded moments, working with their fingors as in the act of putting up the parcel and tying the cord. Others again, in the soft goods or cloth trade acquire the habit of spreading out, and measuring, and folding up goods. Apothecaries can scarcely ever become animated in conversation without coming to the inward circular motion of the pestle-in-mortar. Book- sellers invariably put down any dry article just as they present a book on their counter, placing it on the open edges with the back up. Without pursuing this matter further, we may just remark THE WAT.K AS INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER. 387 that we have not attempted to exhaust the subject of the language of pedestrian and peripatetic locomotion; but merely pointed out enough to arouse the attention of the reader to interest himself in this most useful protective science. JEPTHA R. SIMMS, uncle of the author of this book, wrote several large volumes, but the crowning work of his historical efforts was ' ' The Frontiersmen," in two volumes of 700 pages each, published in 1883 ; he expired in the ensuing autumn in his 76th year. His widow, with whom he lived upwards of 50 years, witnessed after his death, that he nevo* gave her an unkind word. SALUTATION. No idiosyncrasy of character is more important than the manner of salutation. As is the salutation, so is the total of the character. In nothing do we lay ourselves so open as in our manner of meeting and saluting. In the various modes of salutation, every attitude of the body, as well as the wonderful variety of ocular and facial expression play most important parts. Let us consider some of the numerous modes of salutation that have become common in various countries of long standing and cultivated manners. Of al\ the different modes of salutation in various coun- tries, there is none more graceful than that which prevails in Syria. Here the hand is raised with a quick but gentle motion to the heart, to the lips, and to the forehead, to intimate that the person saluting is willing to serve you, to think for you, to speak for you, and to act for you. In New Guinea, the fashion is certainly picturesque; for they place upon their hands the leaves of trees as symbols of peace and friendship. An Ethopian takes the robe of another and ties it about his own waist, leaving his friend partially naked. In a cold climate this would not be very agreeable, not to speak of the loss of time it implies. Sometimes it is usual for persons to adopt the unseemly practice of presenting themselves naked before those whom tiiey salute, as a sign of humility. This custom was put SALUTATION. 389 in practice before Sir Joseph Banks, when he received the visit of two Otaheitan females. The inhabitants of the Philippine Islands take the hand or foot of the person they salute, and gently rub their faces with it, which is, at all events, more agreeable than the salute of the Laplanders, who have a habit of rubbing noses, applying their own proboscis with some degree of force to that of the person they desire to salute. This custom had its origin, no doubt, in the feeling of comfort that the Laplander feels in the friction of the nose as a restorative of the warmth neces- sary to prevent the nasal organ from freezing. In Arabia, and all Mohammedan countries, inferiors in rank always kiss, or attempt to kiss the hand of a superior; equals embrace each other by putting cheek to cheek, as their thoroughbred horses do. In addressing their fellow-mus- sulmans, they use the common Eastern salutation, " Es- sald'm" " Aleikum," which simply means, " God save you," or, "Peace from Allah!" Hence the Mohammedans dislike to use this salutation to Christians ; and the Christians dislike it, as being a recognition of the faith of Mahomet. In formal visits among them, a good deal of etiquette is observed all over the Islam countries. Subjects are not allowed to sit in the presence of the Imam or Sultan. The higher classes sit cross-legged, like our tailors, while receiving company, and the inferiors sit upon their heels during an audience. In Christian countries the ordinary modes of salutation are bowing, curtsying, raising the hat, kissing the hand, and shaking hands. The passing salute of gentlemen on the continent of Europe, is the raising of the hat; of gentlemen meeting ladies of their acquaintance, to bow and then raise the hat; but if inti- mate, and stopping to speak with the lady, the bow, the raising of the hat, and then the shaking hands, or defer- entially stooping and kissing the hand of the lady in an easy, gentle, graceful manner, scarcely touching it with the 390 SALUTATION lips. The graceful bend of the gentleman's body is the chief thing to be studied. In England and her dependen- cies, the hand-kissing is not adopted except on very important ceremonial occasions, such as presentations to Her Majesty on levee and drawing-room days, and giving audiences, or making important crown appointments to office. The universal salute, however, adopted in all the most highly civilized Christian countries, is the shake hands. On this universal mode of salutation and adieu, we purpose here to make some observations, especially respecting its almost unmistakable test of character. Almost every shade of friendly feeling is expressed by the shaking of hands. Let it be carefully kept in mind, however, that the shake-hands, on meeting a friend or an acquaintance, is the truer test of permanent character than the good-by shake. It is quite natural that the adieu- grasp of the hand should be affected by the conversation or words of greeting, and will vary in warmth and hearti- ness with the elevation or deoression of the feelings during the interview. This friendly custom must have commenced at a very early period of our history, but we have no hint in Scripture that this mode of salutation was practised in patriarchal or Christian times in the east. The earliest notices of such practice are found about the time of the second Crusade (A.D. 1144-). The customs of salutation in patriarchal times were, bowing low, prostration, and kissing. The introduction of coats-of-mail armour rendered these primi- tive modes of salutation impossible. Hence the martial men adopted the plan of touching hands as a token of good will; and thus the touching or shaking hands became general; for the manners of military men have ever been considered models. The performance of this act of courtesy and good- will ought to engage the special attention of every one who wishes to please, as well SALUTATION. 391 as to comprehend the characters of those with whom ho comes in contact. It ought to be always kept in mind that while in the act of shaking hands one should look into the face of the person whose hand is grasped, were it but for a moment There is much delicacy of feeling expressed in the manner of grasping the hand. The thumb should be gently but firmly pressed upon the back of the hand you grasp for a moment only, if the meeting is casual; but after long absence, and in proportion to the former feeling and inti- macy, the hand may be held for a proportionate length of time, and relinquished after a second delicate and meaning pressure. The varieties of shaking hands, the peculiarities of clasp ing the hands; the expression of the eyes; the motion or toss of the head ; the inclination of the body, all tell a tale of character on the one hand, and respect for others on the other side of the clasped hands. One man gives you a warm, cordial, hearty grasp, looks you straight in the face, with a pleasant, open smile, and shakes your hand up and down, withdrawing his after a second earnest gentle pressure. With scarcely an excep- tion you will find such a man an honest, earnest, and true friend. On the contrary, the man who gives the wagging, horizontal, millhopper shake, and lets slip your hand as if it were soapy or oily, will almost certainly be found selfish, cunning, and deceitful, ready to sell you the moment he can realize a dollar by the transaction. He will certainly prove an idle, selfish, and shiftless person. Be warned to have no dealings or intercourse with persons of this stamp. Sooner or later you will repent, should you fall into the snare. Now you encounter the speculator, or man of various occupations, sometimes requiring sudden and irre- gular attention. His shake-hands is hurried, indicating mergy, haste, hurry, and the necessity for rapid decision 392 SALUTATION. in pursuit of his selfish aims. The speculator-shake may be further characterized by the perpendicular or the wag- ging shake, which will of course modify your estimate of the trust to be reposed in him. A quick shake or wag and sudden letting go the hand indicate a high temper and cold heart. Then, again, there are those who give the unmeaning touch, in a very lack-a-daisical manner, and never look you in the face. This is generally the charac- teristic shake of the fair-weather acquaintances, the casual friend loose fish, as the Cockney calls them. As long as you sport a diamond or ruby ring, gold watch and chain, or have your shell made by the court tailor, and can shew a good balance at your banker's they will associate with you in a snobbish, friendly manner; but let reverses come, and then you test the swells of the unmeaning, namby- pamby touch and horizontal wag. Want of self-confidence is mostly the cause of the timid, diffident hand salutation of the youthful maiden. Let your similar salute to such be courteous, frank, and kindly impressive, with that degree of freedom that will inspire trust and respect, but not so off-hand as to excite fear or mistrust. Such persons, in the middle and lower classes of society, rather like -and admire an easy, jolly, outspoken man, provided always, that in all his free and easy salute and address there is the transparent expression of respect and esteem for the diffident maiden. Reserve and shyness is at a discount before their counter. It is, as they feel already, the article with which they are overstocked. A prudish shake evinces affectation in a repulsive degree. All persons of honest intentions and noble good-will thoroughly detest affectation, and never, by any chance, attempt it. It is a gratuitous intimation that those who assume the affected manner are willing to be liable to be taken for what they really are worthless, transparent hypocrites. When thrown 'in to their society, one should oast off all restraint. 8AIDTATION. 393 and assume a free and easy manner, and not deign to notice .their affectation, but by every means plainly shew that you are incapable of catching the infection from them. Remember that affectation is the lowest recommendation you could carry into good society. You may just as well take plated dollars to the Treasury. Both are spurious coin, and alike suspicious as a circulating medium. Neither of them has the ring of the genuine character. No doubt, you have often heard of the luckless servant girl who was asked about her character, and naively answered, that she always carried it in her pocket. Another and vary common kind of person you may often meet, who, seeing you hold out your hand, also, by way of imitation holds out his, but with no other intention than that you should, if you choose, lay hold of the four loose fingers and either squeeze or let them drop, as you please. Just as there is no meaning or expression in his digital salute, neither is there character in the man. If you do, by way of experiment, give his limb a shake while you hold on by the four meaningless daddies, you have about the same sympathetic pleasure that may be experienced in shaking a dish cloth. Instinctively 3*011 conclude, even before the operation is over, no matter how brief, that he or she has no distinctive character. By way of refreshing contrast, let us think how delightfully inspiriting it is to experience the warm, hearty, cordial grasp of a true friend whose whole soul is, for the moment, in his hand and eye; he is sure, in his hearty and honest earnestness, to retain your hand for a second squeeze and additional wag. This class of shake is found to accompany true friendship as fully divested of selfishness as it is possible to expect. When you meet such natures, court their friendship and render yourself worthy of their confidence. When men grasp your hand and look away from you, their regard for you is so trifling that you had better leave 394 SALUTATION. a blank leaf in your diary than write all you know or might learn of their true character. Could you only see their hearts you might perceive that significant little motto self indelibly stamped all over that vital organ. Those who keep the arm or elbow close to the side while shaking hands, may be found to add deference to the expres- sion of friendly regard, while reserve characterizes every feeling, and freezes the stream that otherwise might gush from their timid, uncertain, cautious souls. Low bowing, while in the act of shaking hands, or while approaching to do so, if done naturally, indicates respect- ful deference. But observe that the hand is not worth grasping, when the tips of the fingers only are offered in salutation. In shaking hands, until recently, when thin, tight, kid gloves became the thing in common wear by gentlemen, as well as ladies, it was the fashion to pull off the glove, even in the street, before shaking hands, or to apologize for retaining it on the hand. This having become so awkward on suddenly meeting a friend, it has become now almost obsolete. The giving one finger in shaking hands is not to be tolerated in well-bred society, unless the hand is deformed or has been wounded, so that pressure might prove injurious. Should such rudeness be offered you, the best and quietest manner of reproving it is to present your own corresponding finger, but without touching the proffered unidigit. Finally, let the whole hand, cordially extended, with the thumb upwards, give a firm, whole-souled, cheering, and friendly, expressive token of your inner feelings of love, gratitude, and sympathy towards a noble and generous being who has been formed in the image of the Creator. But avoid affectation as a greater enemy to the countenance than small-pox. This, with strained allusions and disgust- ing finery, are easily attained by those who are mean SALUTATION. 395 enough to wear them; they are but too frequently the badges of ignorance or of stupidity, whenever it would endeavour to please. Everybody knows that vanity and affectation are mother and daughter. Vanity is the sin, and affectation the punishment. Vanity is only fully developed when it blows into affectation, and then it is complete. Locke, the philosopher, says: "Affectation in any part of our carriage is lighting up a candle to our defects, and never fails to be taken notice of, either as wanting sense or wanting sincerity." " In man or woman, bat far most in man, And most of all in man that ministers And serves the altar, in my soul I loathe All affectation ; 'tis my perfect scorn ; Object of my implacable disgust." COWPEH. " All affectation is vain and ridiculous ; it is the attempt of poverty to appear rich. " LAVATBK. SARAH J. LIPPIKCOTT, or " Grace Greenwood," a truly able and pop- nlar American writer, who has done much to develop the friendly and social qualities of the young readers of her works. THE EXPRESSION OF LAUGHTER " Nothing is more significant of men's character than what they find laughable. " GOETHE. LAUGHTER, like weeping, is a sign of emotion which is confined to the human species. The old proverbs, " Laugh and mend," and " Sorrow and die," intimate a true physiological principle, for few things are more injurious to the body than grief, or more healthful than laughter. Prolonged and hearty laughing has a tendency to promote the secretions and open the pores. It stimulates the whole glandular system, starts the per- spiration, and increases the peristaltic motion of the bowels, so that those who indulg3 in frequent cachinnations are rarely troubled either with constipation or indigestion. There are people who, from some mistaken idea of gentility, never condescend to laugh, yet Count D'Orsay, who in matters of taste was certainly an authority, said that " to laugh well is the sign of a cultivated gentleman." But even without his testimony, or that of any other man of social rank, we might rest assured that laughter cannot be intrinsically unrefined, since it has the mother mark of nature, and has, moreover, this to its fortune, that it contributes to good health. If a gentleman is never to laugh at all, because some clown laughs coarsely at coarse : oker, then he ought never to eat at all, since there are alwuvi vulganans who gluttonize. Who that hns heard THE EXPRESSION OF LAUGHTER. 397 the joyous, liugtng laughter of childhood, or the rich, sweet ? vwriment that ripples from the throat of a culti- vated Mroman, could wish this sign of amusement to be relegated to the kitchen or the bear garden ? If people laugh coarsely and disgustingly, it is because they are coarse and disgusting, but as their minds and manners improve, their sense of humour will be corres- pondingly refined, and their laugh, like their voice, ex- pression, and gesture, will assume a sweetness and nobility unknown before. There are exceptional cases in which the smile is so ready, expressive, and varied, that laughter could add nothing to the humorous charm of the manner, however much it might contribute to the bodily health. This was the case with Henry Clay, who seldom laughed, but whose rich smile left little or nothing to be desired. Persons who neither smile nor laugh are usually fit for "treason, stratagem, and spoils." Blackhawk, who was never known to laugh, was one of the most blood-thirsty villains that ever led a tribe of savages to deeds of violence. The closing of the eyes, or squinting during laughter, is con- sidered very ugly and underbred, but it is a sure sign of a jolly and whole-souled nature. For convenience, I will consider the laugh as guttural, nasal, love-smitten, cheering, and hypocondriac. The former, which for some inexplicable reason is often described as the horse laugh, evidences strength of the passions as well as of the constitution. It indicates excellent lung power, and coming as it does forcefully from the chest, seems to be peculiarly beneficial to the physique. As a rule, the less subtile!} 7 intellectual the kind of wit or humour which is the occasion of a laugh, the more it agitates, and by conse- quence, stimulates the budily organs. The coarse guttural j'augh, based as it is upon coarse humour, is the ordinary laugh of the negroes, who usually onjoy good digestion, 398 THE EXPRESSION OF LAUGHTER. with strong assimilating powers. Massachusetts and Con- necticut people seldom have this laugh, and dyspepsia ia as common among them as is fever and ague among the Hoosiers. The nasal or te-he laugh indicates feeble passions and light intellectual calibre. It is a kind of cachinnation so weak, so drivelling, and so unmeaning, as to be an offence to every cultivated ear. People who have been disappointed in love's young dream, begin to laugh with some degree of spirit, but break off suddenly as though they had just remembered the awful nature of their visitation. Love disappointments depress the health as well as the heart, and whatever influences the health must affect the whole system, and with it the character of the laugh. The ho-ho, or cheerful laugh, commonly evinces hopeful- ness and health, and hence it usually characterizes persons of the Thoracic form, who have ruddy cheeks and sparkling eyes. Such laughers are averse to a sedentary life; joyous and sunny, they see the rose-tint in every cloud, and although they may be crushed for a moment by disappoint- ment, they are readily consoled and re-inspirited. All hypocondriacs have a harsh and despondent laugh, which is sometimes more disheartening than a good honest groan. They usually commence their lugubrious- merriment on a high key, and then descend, step by step, until they conclude with a deep, grave-yard grunt, which it is truly afflicting to hear. Those who have this manner of laughing, always see mountains, or quicksands, or savage beasts in their pathway to the city of fortune. They disparage every enterprise, and esteem no one but themselves true sons of the prophets. Unrestrained and wholly meaningless laughter 'is on o* the most obvious and repulsive indications of imbecility. The English, who are noted for their good living and THE EXPRESSION OF LAUGHTER. 399 stio&g digestive powers, are also hearty and frequent laughers. When a joke is thrown out before an English audience, they roar and roar again, until the whole assembly is convulsed with mirth ; but the man who has the hardi- hood to perpetrate a jest for the applause of the Scotch or New-Englanders, will see it sink like a stone into the water below the Niagara Suspension Bridge it will fall "ker chug," and that will be the end of it. TOM HARRIS, an indiscreet and imitative man, half Indian and half Negro. This face presents, in its phenomenally wide mouth, the very best example of large animal imitation, a quality of mind described on page 126 in this book. Tom Harris was employed in a music hall in London, England, twenty-five years to imitate musical instruments with his mouth. HAIR AMONG the many evidences of character, whether physical or mental, few are more certain than those derived fiom the hair. This natural covering is a modification of the epidermis cuticle, or scarf-skin, which contains neither vessels nor nerves, but forms a horny layer over the cutis, or true skin. It is thus accounted for that hair may be found more or less on every part of the human body, except the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet; the horny matter on those parts is all employed in constituting the epidermis, which is thicker there than on any other part of the body, because of the greater exposure to pressure and friction. Every ordinary hair consists of two principal parts; the shaft, which projects beyond the surface, and the bulb, which is rooted in the true skin. When examined under a microscope, the bulb is found to contain minute cells, some of which are loaded with pigment or colouring matter, but all of which are abruptly condensated into hard fibres on rising into the shaft. This shaft is of true cylindrical form in hair which lies straight, but a trarsverse section of a wavy or curly hair appears somewhat oval. The colour of the hair seems to depend on a peculiar oil, which can be seen coursing through the central hollow, and serving, as it comes to the surface, to lubricate and soften the outer por- tion of the hair and skin. The wavy, transverse lines that appear on the outside are due to the single outermost layer HAIR. 401 of cells, which overlap each other. The bulbous root of the human hair, very nearly resembles that of some plants; and doubtless the nourishment which affords material for the constant growth of the hair, is derived from the body much in the same way as plants are nourished by the soil. The peculiar characteristic in hair, that first and chiefly {strikes the eye, is its colour; but we have also tor consider whether it is straight or curly, coarse or fine, long or short, abundant or scanty. Certain races of men have no variety of hair colouring; it is, and appears to have been for ages, the same; and this is generally black. No other is to be found among the American Indians or the pure Africans; and very rarely are lighter hues to be seen in those Asiatic races usually called Mongols and Malays. Variety of colour belongs pre- eminently to the Caucasian, or as some call it, the Japetic that is, the white variety of the human species. One parent may have black hair and the other flaxen; while their children have brown. Such variety is sure evidence of civilization, as also is difference of complexion; it is the non-progressive races that transmit the same colour both of skin and hair from generation to generation. It is natural to expect that the colour of the hair should correspond with the complexion of the skin ; because its roots, being planted in the cutis, derive their nourishment and colouring matter from the same substance which there contributes to form the complexion. Also, the same climatic influences that act upon the skin, operate on the hair, causing it to be light or dark. The lighter shades are met with chiefly in mountainous regions; the darker in warm, low-tying countries. There are more fair-haired children in the mountains of California than in any other part of the world that we have visited. Light hair is common, also, in the Highlands of Scotland, and the mountains of Sweden. Even among the Negroes there are 2c 402 HAIR. specimens of lighter hair in the more elevated districts, while the low lands of Guinea present only black. Red is common in the elevated region of the Alps; while black is the predominant colour at the foot of those mountains. The intermarriage of various races in temperate climates goes to produce varieties of colour in the hair. Black absorbs all the rays of light and heat; but white conveys them without loss to the interior. The hare, the ermine, and some other animals turn white in winter; and if this is caused by the cold, it is likewise a certain protection against it, besides rendering these animals more secure from their enemies, by the assimilation of their fur to the sur- rounding snow. Among ourselves, red hair has usually been considered an evidence of quick temper; and doubtless this holds good as a general rule ; yet many cases might be cited in which red-haired persons have been very amiable, and throughout a life-time have not been known to exhibit angry passions. This colour, however, may be taken as sure evidence of an active form ; if curliness is added, it indicates an intense organization, and a disposition to ardent love. Very coarse red hair is a sign of propensities much too animal. Auburn is indicative of a kindly and sympathetic nature, with much capacity for Platonic love. Fine brown hair is found only on persons of excellent minds, and generally intellectual tendencies ; so, beautiful golden hair is rarely observed in individuals of gross and sensual natures. Such are fond of children; they love the fine arts, and generally have exqufsite sensibilities, so that one need never fear a person with pleasant golden or auburn locks, regularly disposed and curled; for they bespeak a high standard of intelligence and kindliness. We know not whethei it was from an appreciation of these symptomatic qualities, or from mere taste or caprice, that golden hair came to be all HATH 403 the rage in France a short time ago ; so that many ladies who could not bring their own hair to this colour, procured artificial locks at any expense. Glossy black hair, inclined to be wavy or curly, evinces keen perceptions, and usually a cautious, secretive nature. As a general rule, straight hair accompanies persons who go straight in walking, and whose bodies exhibit straight lines and angles, rather than curves and round turns. The mental character will be found to correspond; the curly- headed people are the more sinuous people, and hence the expression, " a straight-haired boy," meaning that he is honest and reliable, moving straight in his conduct, so that you know where to find him. Straight black hair evinces more or less stolidity, with a wiry constitution; and the same colour, if very coarse and curly, denotes much irrita- bility, not without stupidity. Curly black hair, however, accompanied with blue eyes and fair skin, may be taken as indicating an excellent mind and good moral tendencies. Such were Dr. Lyman Beecher's characteristics. His black hair seemed to stand up bristling and curling on his fore- head, to bespeak his great intensity of mind and clearness of thought; while the blue eye and white skin forbade one to associate with him those characteristics that are apt to attend such hair with black eyes and coarse dark skin. The black hair of the Asiatic Mongolians, and the various tribes of Polynesians and American Indians, is generally Filament of WooL Negro Hair. straight and lank; that of the Negroes, Hottentots, and other African families is usually crisp and woolly. The 404 HAIR. African head has been considered as being covered with a species of wool rather than true hair. But Dr. Pritchard having carefully examined a number of hairs from the Negro as well as other races, in comparison with the wool of a Southdown sheep, reports that a filament of wool has a serrated or jagged surface, whereas the Negro hair appears only imbricated. It is for this reason that though hair will entangle to a certain extent, it will not felt into a compact mass like good wool. The black, . which is the predominating colour of human hair, is found by chemical analysis to depend on the pre- sence of iron; while the lighter colours exhibit more sulphur. It is found that black-haired men can work in iron with- out injurious consequences, whereas the blood of light-haired persons has so little affinity for this metal, that handling it too much produces disease, from the infinitesimal par- ticles insinuating themselves into their systems. The grayness of hair in old age, arising from a deficient secretion of pigment, appears natural enough, when all the corporeal powers are weakened. But no one has satisfac- torily explained how it is that hair has turned gray or even quite white in a single night under the influence of fear or distress. It has been suggested that some fluid, perhaps an acid, is in such cases secreted at the bulb, and perco- lating the hair, has destroyed the colouring matter. But how mental excitement should produce such fluid, appears still a secret. We have had occasion to allude to the texture of hair in connection with some shades of colour. It may be further observed that coarse hair indicates strength of constitution and a courageous temper, while tine bespeaks weakness of physique, with sympathetic susceptibilities, unusual care, timidity, and withal, vivacity. The wild boar, which has been known to turn upon a dozen hunters, and the lion, which will attack a whole herd of elephants HAIR. 405 or buffaloes, are good examples of strong coarse hair in connection with physical strength and courage. On the other hand, animals weaving fine soft hair are timid and active, fleeing at the first appearance of danger. The deer and the rabbit may be cited as well-known examples. Even the finest hair is strong and elastic, hence it is used to make fishing tackle, also to stuff beds, seats, &c. When dry, it is easily rendered electrical; but it attracts moisture readily from the atmosphere, and doubtless from the body also. When it was the fashion in this country for females to curl their hair artificially, twisting it in paper over night was usually sufficient, but a damp morning would oblige them to use hot irons before making their appearance in the eveniu^. Among different races there are great differences as to the quantity of hair that grows on the body. The northern Asiatics, and the American Indians are noted for thin hair and scanty beards; while in the Kurilian race there are individuals with hair growing down the back, and covering almost the whole body. Some years ago a hairy lady understood to be from Mexico, was exhibited in London, and her body was embalmed after death as a curiosity. The whole of the face, except the eyes, was covered with hair of different lengths. That on the head was straight, black, bristly, and very thick. The ears and the back of the neck were hairy, and the hairs on the shoulders and legs were a abundant as they are sometimes seen on very powerful men. A heavy head of hair is considered a great ornament to a woman. Whatever the reason, the hair of Irish females, especially those of humble class, seems to grow much more luxuriantly than that of either the English or Scotch. Besides its undeniable beauty, abundance of hair is a pretty sure sign of a good constitution, and full or large animal propensities. Wendell Phillips and Horace 406 HAIR. Greely are more intellectual than animal; they have very little hair. At the International Exhibition of 1862, there was a beautiful specimen of hair, understood to be British, jet black, and measuring seventy-four inches in length. We are not informed of what length that lady's hair was, of whom a Persian poet of the tenth century has sung: "At dead of night, The bridegroom, with his locks of light, Came in the flush of love and pride, And scaled the terrace of his bride, When as she saw him rashly spring, And midway up in danger cling, She flung him down her long black hair, Exclaiming breathless, 'There, love, there!'" But we are glad to learn that he fixed his crook in a projecting beam, instead of accepting her self-sacrificing offer. When the hair grows low down on the forehead, it is evidence of a good constitution and long-lived ancestry. A peak coming down on the centre of the forehead is con- nected with honesty of purpose, excellent observing powers, and, it must be added, fractious tempers. Andrew Jackson had this peak well marked. His high regard for his honour has rarely been equalled; and his temper was as waspish as that of a fractious horse, in which the same shaped peak of hair is observable. Nature supplies whatever is necessary for the preserva- tion of life in the circumstances in which she places either races of men, or species of animals. She invests most cf the quadrupeds with a thicker coat of hair in the autumn and causes them to shed it in spring, when it is no longer required. Furs obtained in northern climates are, it is well known, much thicker than those of the temperate and torrid zones. The beaver, removed to warm latitudes, exchanges its fur, and the sheep its wool for coarse hair. HAIR. 407 suitable to the altered circumstances. On the other hand, the bear exhibits coarse black hair in moderate climates, but is clad with the finest white fur in the arctic regions. This increase of hair is produced by the effect of cold in obstructing the perspiration; for the matter which would otherwise have been emitted through the pores of the skin, is formed into hair. A warm climate, by relaxing the system and opening the pores, allows this matter to escape before it can be concreted into the substance of hair. Persons who produce but scanty hair and whiskers are best adapted to live in warm climates. They manufacture less animal heat than those whose systems afford a profuse growth of hairy matter. Certain specific diseases occasion the hair to fall off, and no external washes will reproduce it in such case ; nothing will do but the purification of the blood. Such disease has been very prevalent in America since the war; and in France, since the thirteen years of almost ceaseless warfare that preceded the banishment of the first Napoleon to the island of St. Helena. Some families, or portions of families, inherit a weakness of cutaneous blood circulation, which causes them to lose their hair at a comparatively early period of life. The effect of typhoid fever in causing the hair to fall, is familiar to every one; but it is not so gener- ally known that a hard hat may operate in the same manner, though in a less degree, by its pressure on the veins which return the blood from the scalp, thus causing a feverish action in the integument of the head. In the theatres of New York, London, Paris, Berlin, and other cities, one sees hundreds of young men who wear dress silk hats, and are more or less bald. Smoking tobacco is undoubtedly another cause of baldness, the nerves of the skin being paralyzed by the fumes curling round the head day after day continually. O tobacco! where are thy charms? Broken constitutions, nervous shadows of man- 408 HA.TR. hood, hypochondriacal dyspeptics echo " Where?" and it seems almost an impertinence to mention bald heads in the same category with the graver evils resulting from this baneful practice. Dear youth of our land, be per- suaded never to use it no, never! While you read these lines vow to yourself never to begin its use; but if you have already commenced, resolve to be its slave no longer no, nor its companion. Say " good bye tobacco, thou and I part here for ever." Fifty or sixty years ago. Kowland's Macassar Oil was the thing for promoting the growth of the hair; scarce any other was known; and so firm was its hold on the public, that though the article itself has fallen into disuse, the coverings which are to save our easy-chairs from grease are called anti-macassars. Now the nostrums for saving the hair, patented and unpatented, may be numbered by hun- dreds, if not thousands. Among them all, however, there is none to be preferred to a good stiff brush, which, diligently applied, stimulates the scalp to healthy action, and to pour out the oil which nature itself has wisely furnished. "JENNIE JUNE," a highly interesting, varied, terse, and voluminous writer for the popular press of America. DIMPLES. BEHOLD that beautiful child with its dimpled chin, cheeks, and round nose, and what could one imagine more lov- able. Pure Platonic love is there personified in truth. Dimpled chins are ever found to be concomi- tant with warmth of soul feelings, love of society, and happy natures. All things in nature correspond and harmonize, and when the chin is dimpled the entire flesh of the body and face in- clines to partake of the dimpled nature. The but- tock of a child often will have dimples, as well as its legs, arms, breast, and neck, all evincing the merry and loving soul. When one dimple is seen, we at once draw the inference that the tendency of that whole system is to partake of the same character. Superabundance of adipose tissue, with small bones and weuk muscles, will so round out the form as to give it the Love, Faith, Intuition, and Innocence. 410 DIMPLES. dimply nature. These dimples will be found to shew them- selves in the places where fat is least laid on, and by the filling up in the more natural places of deposit will leave dimples. Such persons as those of a dimpled nature will be naturally lovable, good-natured, fond of being petted, and extremely musical in soul. Rarely do we see dark-complexioned people much dimpled. This agreeable peculiarity is more apt to accompany blue eyes, florid or blond complexion, and well rounded forms. You might as well look for lightning in winter, in temperate climates, or for grapes on the oak, as for dimples on some forms. Those lank, tall, and spare people, who are naturally so, and have always been thin, and ever will remain so, do not afford evidences of dimpled natures. Neither Abraham Lincoln nor the Duke of Wellington partook of this char- acter. Lincoln shewed no particular devotion to music; and the Duke once remarked that no music was so sweet as a hundred cannons in full play (when you were in safe distance). They were built more on the angular shape, and neither shewed a fondness for being petted ; but more freely bestowed than invited it from others. Principle, with them, seemed to surmount all other traits of character. Large-boned persons rarely or never have the same warm, social nature as those who are more fleshy, with less frame- work. They are not so readily thrilled in every fibre of their beings with music, as people who have small bones, good muscles, and a large supply of blood and vital life. A pebble cast into a lake, makes its further shore feel a ripple for that pebble; while, if it were thrown upon a solid rock, its influence ceases with its fall. Thus we see how persons who have much liquid and less solid parts of body are more easily affected and influenced by musical air-waves and social heart-beatings than the bony or, so to speak, rocky person. Such people as have large bones are more able to withstand the influences of peoples or com- DIMPLES. 4] I umnities than those having more of fibre and cellular tissue, and less of the osseous structure. There is no douht that the small man or woman who so readily bends, in something like the French style of affability about you, is more controllable by the mind of another, and is more the creature of circumstances than the tall, raw-boned indi- vidual who uses no blandishments." Washington, who stood six feet and three inches high, could handle two common men, and possessed strength and agility sufficient to jump twenty-two feet at a single leap, proved himself not the man to be controlled, even by his powerful British relations. Lincoln, who was six feet and several inches high, and was possessed of well-strengthened muscles and bones by early physical labour, when all the North were clamouring for the issue of the Emancipation Proclamation, stood like a rock, uninfluenced, waiting the- appropriate time dictated by his cool spirit, and sanctioned by his judgment. Men who stand pre-eminent in the world's history as great and self-reliant heroes, statesmen, and noted personages, have all had solid and heavy bones, where they have not been of more than average stature. That self-willed and ambitious man, by some known as the Great Napoleon, had a rough, bony face, much unlike the popular prints we often see in shop-windows, which, for the most part, are the flattering and insipid efforts of pandering artists, result- ing in smooth-faced oil burlesques on the wilful character and face of the erst would-be king-maker and dictator of Europe. A gentleman, who was once an English soldier, and stood guard over Napoleon on the Island of St. Helena, has assured us, that " all the pictures and paintings of Napol&m are too smooth-faced, as he had the largest jaw I ever saw; large nose, massive head, with very little hair on it, and his beard was so thick, that when recently shaven it gave the skin a blue cast. His eyes were light-blue, 412 DIMPLES. and when roused, they spoke of a master-spirit. His general facial expression was very bony and masculine." No dimples ever graced his person. His spirit loved war, and powerful commotion, and terrible struggles, better than the social influence of children, wife (whom he so cruelly divorced to gain power), music, or home. What an indomi- table spirit he possessed; and how little influence friends and the world had upon him, history and those who knew him best can attest. His pulse gave only about forty beats per minute, shewing how little action the soft parts of the body had, and his character gives evidence of wonderful power and recuperative nature arising from short, thick, and heavy bones. Julius Csesar and Alexander were each bony and angular men, and how little they were influenced by, and how much they moved the world of mankind. Hannibal and Scipio, whose legions and force of character moved the masses, were powerful in bone structure. Leoni- das, whose braves drove the hordes, a hundred to one, before them, was inspired by the master-spirit, who was full of muscle and well set in bone. A great law of nature is, that things are moved most which have material most easily acted upon, and as soft tissues and blood material are more easily acted upon than bones, so it naturally follows that men, partaking of the character of their bodies, are more solid in mind, and unin- fluenced, if the bony structure predominates in their systems; whereas the dimply form (being only signs of a superabundance of fatty tissues) gives evidences of char- acter easily influenced by all nature's forces. They are pleasant creatures of circumstances, loved by every positive and bony person as they naturally smooth and brighten the rough pathway of life. The following verses, and especially the last one, gives a very good idea where lasting dimples appear: DIMPLES. 413 "WHERE SHALL THE BABY'S DIMPLE BEJ ' Over the cradle a mother hung, Softly crooning a slumber song; And these were the simple words she sung All the evening long : " Cheek or chin, or knuckle or knee, Where shall the baby's dimple bet Where shall the angel's n'nger rest When he comes down to the baby's nest? Where shall the angel's touch remain When he awakens my babe again? * Still as she bent and sang so low, A murmur into her music broke And she paused to hear, for slie could but kno^ The baby's angel spoke : " Cheek or chin, or knuckle or knee, Where shall the baby's dimple be? Where shall my n'nger fall and rest When T come down to the baby's nestV Where shall my finger's touch remain When I awaken your child again? * Silent the mother sat, and dwelt Long in the sweetest delay of choice ; And then by her baby's side she knelt, And sang with pleasant voice : Not on the limb. angel dear ! For the charm with its youth will disappeat i Not on the cheek shall the dimple be, For the harbouring smile will fade and flee ; But touch thou the chin with an impress deey And my baby the angel's seal shall keep." MISERLY MARKS. IN modern times we use the word miser and miserly, only to stigmatize the self-inflicted poverty of the man who denies himself the good things of this life which he can well afford to purchase, but will not, because he prefers keeping his wealth in store. But the Latin word miser simply means poor or afflicted, and the other derivatives from it misery, miserable, &c., we still use in the larger sense, as once in our own language a miser meant any poor or afflicted person. We are to point out some of the physical developments, or rather non-developments of the man, who, as Bishop Herne describes him, "forthe sake of gathering what he will never use, and adding to his beloved heaps, will forego the comforts, the conveniences, and almost the necessaries of existence, and voluntarily submit, all his days, to the penances and austerities of a mendicant." Commence, then, by observing the general configuration of the man. Let him stand up, and look at him attentively. Examine the length and general largeness of the body. In early and middle life, a person of these tendencies may be of at least middle size, staight and agile. But in declin- ing years, the limbs, especially the lower ones, become con- tracted and the figure dwarfish. We know not whether the miser's figure in Nicholas Nickleby is a portrait, but a gentleman in London, whom we shall call Mi. Berno Pudici, might have sat for it. or MISERLY MARKS. 415 rather stood; for it is a full-length figure, arid the resem- blance is most striking in the thin, crooked legs and con- tracted knees, though also apparent in the contour of the head and face. This Mr. Berno Pudici counted his wealth by hundreds of thousands ; there was no appearance of stint about his handsome dwelling; he gave away many hundreds of pounds every year, and had the reputation of being one of the most munificent Christians in England. Did one judge him a man of naturally niggardly disposition only because, in old age, he became personally so like Martin Chuzzlewit? No; though the most casual observer, uninstructed in Physiognomy, would instinctively have so judged him from his appearance, even if he had but seen him on a platform announcing a subscription of five hundred pounds. But a friend of ours happened to know a few facts about this profuse contributor to religious institutions. His house betrayed no meanness, because in early life he had married an open-handed lady, who kept him up to an expen- diture suited to his position. He gave largely, because he had in early life made it a rule to consecrate a certain portion of his gains, probably the tenth, to religious and charitable purposes. But this was as much a calculation of profit and loss as any other of his transactions. He believed most firmly that the Divine blessing had rested, and would rest on his affairs through his doing thus; and as matter of mere self-interest he would not have withheld the stipulated proportion. But he took care to get his money's worth in public praise. All his givings were in the shape of subscriptions to societies; and rather large sums to a few extensive ones, than a scattered bounty to many. If there was a private case of poverty or distress, it was no use applying to him. In matters which were not to appear prominently in print, he was often heard to grumble that he had to pay ; for, in truth, people seemed to delight in bleeding him. More than once, when it was 416 MISERLY MARKS. announced that Mr. Pudici had promised to bear such and such expenses, the old gentleman might be seen fretting and fuming as if he were going to be ruined, and saying to those around him that he had promised no such thing. He was a singular, well-marked example of a man, at heart a miser, and carrying the tokens of it on his person, yet so controlled by circumstances that he obtained and delighted in the reputation of unusual liberality. Nature always contracts herself when she would avoid an excess of liberality. For example, when it rains bountifully, all the vegetable world enlarges and increases, so that the harvest is abundant. A dry summer is stingy. Vegetation shrinks and contracts for lack of rain, and nature econo- mizes the scanty fluids as best she can in bringing the grain and fruit to maturity. A similar process is observed in mankind. There are men full of sap, their bodies well supplied with the juices of life in all departments : like a rainy season, the life-giving waters largely preponderate in their constitutions. On the other hand, the opposite class exhibit all the attributes of a dry season. Parched and meagre, they look like beings whose juices have dried up within them. Thin, dry old maids, are always parsimoni- ous and covetous, mean and stingy. Beware of trusting them; they live in single unblessedness, probably because they have cheated some poor young man of his heart, and now they will cheat you of your money if they can. Miss Margaret Clephene seventy-six years of age, lives with several cats up four or five pair of stairs, in one of the old streets of Edinburgh. She is said to be rich, but she lives on charity, receiving ten pounds a-year from Trinity Hospital. The accompanying cut is from a drawing we got made while we conversed with her. Her poor old hands were dirty, because she could not afford soap to wash them. Her dress was miserably poor, but she has bettei for Sundays the cast-off garments of a relative. Margaret MISERLY MARKS. 417 C. is not, in one respect at least, like the old maid we have described in this article. Margaret C.'s lover jilted her for a girl with more money. Such is often the more imme- diate cause of covetousness in elderly unmarried females. Miss Margaret Clephne. It is impossible for a man possessing plenty of nature's substance in his body, to be stingy and niggardly in his mental character. You cannot find one it is contrary to nature. A figure merely deformed or dwarfed, indicates self- 2D 418 MISERLY MARKS. conceit; but it is the stiff, contracted, drawn-together expression of limb that betokens the miser. However observe the face especially. It has a mean, pinched-up appearance, the mouth generally, but not always, small, and the lips thin. Still more particularly examine the eyes. Abdominal eyes indicate a desire to live high, or rather, an anxiety to obtain something good to eat. The man addicted to gluttony will have a sleepy, heavy expres- sion, precisely similar to the eye of an anaconda, whose nature is to stuff to repletion, and then sleep off the effects for weeks at a time. Gormandizing stultifies and stupe- fies the brain and nerves; this dulls and deadens the intellect, and the process is betrayed through the medium of the eyes. In the eye of the miser, on the other hand, there is a dry appearance around it, and a fulness beneath, with a peculiar wrinkle of round form. In complexion and colour the same saving disposition may be observed. Niggardly persons generally have little colour in their faces. They are like pale, dried peaches, they either never had any bloom, or it has departed, yet they may never have been visited by sickness. Illness often extracts the colour from lips and cheeks, as leeches suck the life-blood; or as long drought absorbs the moisture of the earth, causing the ground to crack and grow parched and pale, the bright herbage to lose its green tints and fade into the sere brown. So the droughty, stingy, mer- cenary, niggardly spirit in man or woman steals away the bloom of the cheeks, pallors the countenance, blanches the lips, and dries the eye. Soul and body are cramped alike; the geniality of social life is stolen away, and all the traces of open-hearted generosity have disappeared from the features. In this cut, representing the celebrated miser, John Elwes, M.P. for Berkshire, you remark the features above described. He inherited the mansion and estate of Stoke, MISERLY MARKS. 419 in Suffolkshire, from a miserly uncle, whose favour he won by always changing his ordinary dress for a meaner one be- fore reaching the house when he went to visit him. The young man learned to be even a greater niggard than his uncle. His public position as a Member of Par- liament required some appearance of re- spectability, and it seems he kept a pack of hounds; but one man-servant daily milked the cows, prepared breakfast, saddled the horses, unkennelled the John Elwea. hounds, conducted them to the chase, rubbed down the horses on their return, laid the cloth, waited the dinner-table, milked the cows again, and littered the horses for the night; yet Mr. Elwes stigmatized this man as an idle dog,, who wanted wages for doing no work. To save fuel in winter, he would walk in an old greenhouse, or sit in the kitchen; would collect stray chips and straw, or endanger his limbs by climbing for a crow's nest to make a fire. When he had to travel, he rode on horseback, avoiding all turnpikes and public-houses; feed- ing himself on hard boiled eggs and dry crusts which he carried with him, and allowing his horse only the grass that grew by the wayside. Yet he sometimes advanced large sums to assist his friends; sometimes also tried his luck at gambling, and honourably paid if he lost There was, as his appearance betokens, somewhat of gentlemanly feeling and self-respect about this niggard. He never married; but had two illegitimate sons, to whom he be- queathed 500,000. Another, and a much more degraded character, was Daniel Dancer, Esq., who died near London, in 1794, five years after Elwes. It is recorded that, during his last illness, Lady Tempest accidentally called upon him, and found him lying up to the neck in an old s:i :k, without even a shirt 420 MISERLY MARKS. On her remonstrating, he said that, having come into the world without a shirt, he was determined to go out of it in the same manner. When she begged he would have a pillow to raise his head, he ordered his servant to bring a truss of hay for the purpose. He be- queathed his house, with land worth 500 a-year to this lady; and when her brother took possession of it for her,he found, from time to time, large bowls filled with guineas and half-guineas, besides parcels of bank-notes stuffed under the corners of old chairs. The house had not been repaired for half a century, and was in a wretched condition. Mr. Dancer generally wore a girdle of hay to keep his tattered garments together; and his stockings had been so darned and patched that scarcely any of the original could be seen; but in cold weather they were covered with ropes of hay, which served for boots. Nevertheless, Mr. Dancer was rigidly upright in all his transactions, and would give temporary assistance to those of whom he had a good opinion ; always, however, expecting interest as well as repayment. His faithful and only servant fared much better than his master, having whatever he chose to eat and drink, and a good bed to sleep on. Mr. Dancer had a sister of temper similar to his own; and a brother, who survived him, was said to be, if possible, more penurious. You may remark that all over the face the wrinkles are Daniel Dancer, a miser and hermit MISERLY MARKS. 421 short, save a peculiar and well-marked one situated under the eye. It has a striking fullness and clearness of develop- ment found only in such subjects, forming a complete semi- circle, yet totally different from the fulness which marks those persons that have a great flow of language. This round and very distinct furrow is not inappropriately designated the miser's wrinkle, for it is always well- marked in such subjects. All niggards are not dishonest, as we have seen, above, but men who are mean in their dealings, and prone to rascality in trade, are usually thus marked. The characters of these two gentlemen are the more remarkable, because this excess of covetousness is not so often found in country squires, as in those engaged in trade and commerce. And it is worth while to take along with this remark, the fact that both of them were char- acterized by the integrity which in those days was expected from men in their position ; also that their only deviations from the general miserly rule, as occasional gambling and hunting, were unlike what would have been recorded of men whose money was made by buying and selling. It would be impossible to define and describe all the wrinkles to be found in miserly faces, for these vary accord- ing to the form, or combination of forms found in each individual case. But the grand distinctive mark of mean, miserly characters, is to be found in the strong rounding wrinkle under the eye. This will ever signalize the face of a niggard, as the union jack does the colours of a British man- of-war. All the other wrinkles will appear to be of an un- defined character, not well marked, seeming to have neither beginning nor ending, but dying out gradually at either extremity, and thus continuing all over the face. I can liken them only to those on the skin of an old potatoe, from which the watery juices have been evaporated. You know how the rind appears in undefined wrinkles, by 422 MISERLY MARKS. ' which I mean having no regularity, yet extending all over the hull or skin. Just so are the raisers; no regu- larity; some here, some there, some deeper, some shallower; yet marking and furrowing the entire face in a very peculiar fashion, not to be mistaken when once seen, and never to be forgotten. The miser, therefore, is a husky, dry, shrivelled, and wrinkled being, precisely like a dried up plant, whose sap and juices have been exhausted by a burning sun or scorching wind. Like causes produce like effects. The face may be healthy, but if there are those short irregular marks all about it, you may suspect the subject of being capable of mean tricks as well as a petty economy. Such a man's character cannot be found out by feeling his head, for he may have been liberal once, and this state is per- petuated in the contour of the skull, which continues to indicate such trait of character. But the face changes with the habits, and there you may read the marks intelligently and without mistake. Sometimes, but not often, the miserly signs appear in early life; more frequently the love of money comes in to fill the place of some other disappointed love, or to furnish a never-failing source of pleasure to the man who has exhausted other streams. John Foster mentions, as a remarkable instance of resolute will, a young man of spendthrift habits, who wasted a large estate in dissolute pleasures, and then sat down to gaze on the lands he had lost, and determine to possess them all again. Be- ginning to earn a few pence by whatever work he could find, regardless of its meanness, and to save every possible farthing, he succeeded in re-purchasing his estate, and died an inveterate miser. Like a plant, shrivelled and wrinkled for lack of moisture, would that once full and open face become pinched, and parched, and wrinkled, as his years advanced and his stores increased. For nature's rules are ever true, and may be depended upon. She shrinks and MISERLY MARKS. 423 shrivels the skin of the face, when the mind and disposition of the individual has become close and contracted. Again, some persons may be born of a very careful and saving, if not mean and sordid disposition, which by early care and education may, to a great extent, be overcome. But as a general rule, this is an inveterate mental disease; and especially when it sets in towards life's decline, and as the result of disappointment in something else, it grows and increases to the end. " Mammon's close-linked bonds have bound him Self-imposed, and seldom burst; Though heaven's waters gushed around him, He would pine with earth's poor thirst." MRS. S. J. HALE. None of the lower animals possess the above distinctive marks of miserly propensities, except perhaps some dogs which have wrinkled faces and perhaps this is rather stretching the point. It is true that some creatures exhibit a hungry wrinkled appearance, but this is owing to the illiberal treatment they have received at the hand of man. Natural history makes us acquainted with the habits of several provident little creatures, that lay up stores for future use, but we do not read of any that deny themselves what is needful for present sustenance, or that accumulate except for a certainly approaching time of need. HARMONY OF THE HUMAN FACE. ALL nature tends to harmony, and the absence of harmony is simply produced by certain unequal conditions of nature. When the atmosphere is set in terrible motion by heat or cold, or the electric currents being out of balance, there is a want of evenness or repose in the effect, generating in some degree or other storm, confusion, and discord. So when the parents are thin-faced, large-brained, lank and tall, their children are generally fretful, short-lived, and have large heads. They are disjointed in mind, so to speak, because their parents from their very resemblance in approximate qualities did not, though outwardly alike, harmonize in reality, one with the other. To illustrate the meaning of this more forcibly. All the angles or prominent points of disposition and character in the one, stood out constantly opposed or in contact with their exact duplicate angles and prominences in the other, and to use an apt, though technical expression, never could be got to dovetail properly together. Suppose twenty singers all join in singing " Home, sweet Home," or " Auld Langsyne," and one voice puts all awry by being a half tone above or below its part, there -is at once an absence of sweetness, because harmony is wanting. A beautiful and well-balanced child is only the effect of loving parents, and the happy ante-natal surroundings of the mother. HARMONY OF THE HUMAN FACE. 425 One parent being of a round, full, and vital build, and the other being of a tall, slim, and nervous make, their offspring in all probability are, or will be, well-organized and loving children, because the combination of the parent- age, just described, conspires to produce love between them- selves, and loving, healthy, and well-organized children. When fierce, consuming lightnings dart and flash across the weeping heavens, at each volley of the Omnipotent's artillery, causing the dreaded tones to reverberate from mountain tops to vales, there is clearly indicated a want of balance in the electrical forces of the atmosphere. When the little child totters along over the carpet, a straw may trip the little " toddler," and he or she may be thrown out of balance. A slight offence causes a whole family to quarrel, and inharmony, to use no stronger word, is the consequence. Where the forces are strong, and a pure and soul-deep affinity exists between man and wife, powerful incentives to quarrel may arise, but peace will prevail and still reign in the ascendant; but where two of the same hot temper and nervous build are united in wedlock, there will be disagreement, and unbalanced families are the ultimate result. To produce or retain balance or harmony in families or offspring, only such persons should marry as can see a difference in shape of features, body, and general physiognomy. Slight things and conditions produce balance, and other feeble and wrong variations produce inharmony. All faces long from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin and very narrow, are certain evidences of unbalanced minds. This face of David Duncan is entirely out of harmony, and he would find few of mankind with whom he would wish to become familiar, or enter freely into sympathy with. Were his face more full on the sides, it would enable him the more completely to be a "man of the 426 HARMONY OF THE HUMAN FACE. world," by entering into universal brotherhood of feeling more easily than a long slim face is able to do. The face of David Duncan denoted him cold, unsocial, distant, and of feeble constitution, whereas Washington Irving was one of those approachable and social men who loved and was beloved by those who knew him. History says he never David Duncan, Hermit of Michigan. Washington Irving. had an enemy. His face is just wide enough for its length, so to speak, that is, of " good proportions." When we see a house four stories high, and twenty-two or twenty-four feet wide, like the one on Fifth Avenue in New York, opposite Central Park, we are forced to exclaim, how much out of proportion seems the fearful structure, and how dangerous it looks. The important feature of this otherwise well-finished and costly mansion is ihharmoni- ousness. Often in observing men, we see four-story faces which are three times higher than wide, and they serve to jar on our understandings while we view them. Their predelections are to abstruse thinking, and in some things HARMONY OF THE HUMAN PACK. 427 they may be very sound and vigorous, while in the majority they are very weak. To be in harmony should be our constant aim, not only within ourselves, but with all the world. This condition of body and mind is a great promoter of longevity. When the head and brain are well balanced, that is, the head not too large for the bodily support, and the body not too strong in its vital powers for the size of brain it supports, then there is harmony between the brain or mental power, and the body or physical, and old age is more likely to be attained by such organisms than in unequal systems. A machine which runs true, each wheel smoothly performing its part, will last a long time and be productive of much good. If one wheel jars or is out of proportion to the rest, the machine will accomplish very little useful work and soon wear out. So it is with an individual. If each organ is in harmony and proportion to the entire faculties of mind and body, the result is usefulness and long life. We should be surprised to look at a very old man and find a want of harmony in his body. If such cases do exist, they are exceptional, and only prove the general law the more true. The great object of life should be to develop harmonious offspring, and this same condition within all mankind. To know how to produce this pleasant state within ourselves is a knowledge, if well used, which possesses the key to all true happiness. When we speak kindly to others, we not merely please them, but give ourselves a conscious feeling that we have done right, which kindles the fire of human love in our bosoms, with which we burn up the stubble of our last crop of hate. If we speak to another harshly, irritation is produced, Which not only throws us out of peace with the person spoken to, but with ourselves also. We should never harm a worm or bird, and should never ueedlessly hurt s-ny ot the living things of earth. 428 HARMONY OF THE HUMAN FACB. " The coward wretch, whose hand and heart Can bear to torture aught below, Is ever first to quail and start At slightest pain or equal foe." The shooting of robins, larks, sparrows, and thrushes, or any of the hundreds of harmless birds, which so sweetly trill their musical notes in the air of mountain or valley, and break up earth's monotony by their lively presence, is not only a pitiful sight, but is destroying the very instru- ments intended for the promotion and encouragement of melody and harmony within ourselves. Their mellifluous voices are attuned by nature to be in unison with the soul of our higher manhood. Then why deal the deathblow to that we need to fraternize with our natural instincts? Should we meet with loss of friends or property, we should not for a moment permit our tranquillity to forsake us. All individuals who live to an advanced age are pacific in their natures. Nations are like persons. If they are in turmoil and contentions, their days are shortened thereby. Polemics and logomachy should be most studiously avoided to promote tranquillity of mind and amicable nationalities. Let nothing ruffle your temper. Cultivate patience, as it will promote your highest happiness here as well as here- after. Harmony in music is succession of sounds pleasing to the ear, so combined that one sound fully agrees with all others made at the same time. Where the properties, relations, and dependencies combine in a pleasing manner to the ear, it is called harmony. The music of the spheres was the harmony which the ancients imagined to be produced by the accordant movements of the celestial orbs. Melody in music differs from harmony in this manner. Harmony is pleasing sounds agreeing with each other like the several parts of a tune, and melody denotes the pleasing alternation and variety of musical and measured sounds as HARMONY OF THE HUMAN FACE. 429 they succeed each other in a single verse or strain. Melody consists in a succession of single tones, and harmony is a succession of chords. Music rarely fails to produce a sooth- ing effect on the mind of man " Lulled with sounds of sweetest melody." SHAKESPEARE. Harmony is the just adaptation of parts to each other in any system or combination of things, or in things intended to form a connected whole, as the harmony of the universe. A man, to be a good citizen, should be in harmony with his family and the whole list of his acquaintances, and particularly his neighbour. Be consistent and agreeing in your nature, and discord will fade away like friends when adversity drops her mantle upon you. Nothing, in our belief, can produce such a fine feeling and so completely harmon.ze a family as vocal music. " The harmony of things An well as sounds from discord spings." DENHAM. The harmonious face is a study like a smooth, running river or placid lake, pleasing to behold, not a ripple or wavelet to be seen. Discordant faces stand in relation to harmonious faces as the braying of an ass does to the sweet tones of a flute. The face which would present to us such pleasure, that we would feel in the vicinity of happiness and cherish good- will towards others, must contain a decided expression of harmony. The calm and repose which accom- pany such is like a quiet summer day genial and com- placent the atmosphere fragrant, full of everything inviting, and impregnated Tith contentment. The being possessing harmony is never an envious person. There is nothing on earth more precious than harmony. It never kills, pilfers, or falsifies, and is full of hope and cheer- ful contentment. It commands respect, gives one the power to perform the duties of life well, and draws around ine possessor sentiments that may cheer the heait of 430 HARMONY OF THE HUMAN FACE. millions. It sheds a halo of fondest recollections on tho weary pathway of life. To be attractive and beloved by the world is one of the best proofs and testimonials of a well-balanced condition of mind, and nothing gives so much power to a speaker as harmony. Good feeling is like a summer day. Oh how delightful! It is pleasing to everyone. So it is with the man or woman who bears a large amount of harmony. " What a nice speaker: I like him; he is splendid," are the expressions used in regard to such. Any man who lives much in the mind of the world, and who gives to the world pleasant recollections, must be possessed of large concord and harmony, and, to be an attractive person, one requires harmony. To be a good musician, requires that the whole qualities of your mind and body be in perfect agreement. A good speaker needs it. To succeed in the enjoyment of this life it is necessary; and an entire book could be written on the beauties of harmony. Heaven is harmony, and hell is discord, and the Devil is the irritator. There is nothing like contentment to produce, and discontentment to decrease harmony. The best construction of harmony is where all the elements of one's constitution are fully blended into one grand whole. What gives the ocean its billows and sound? The com- motion is caused by the irritating effects of the wind. What produces the uneven surface of the earth? The boiling and seething tires below. The signs of harmony in the face are that one part is not too prominent or too much sunken for good proportion with the other parts. Well-defined and even features are marks by which the mind's balance can be determined. Every- thing must be well proportioned and well rounded to give natural harmony. It is an easy matter to read the harmonious person. There is so much in his bearing to tell HARMONY OF THE HUMAN FACE. 431 its power. Where we find a face all hollows and wrinkles, or too fat and smooth, it savour? of inharmony. Ta have full grain requires a good season, pleasant weather, rains, and sunshine. So it is with man possessing fulness, for harmony implies an equal fulness in every depart- ment. Now, to produce good full grain, also requires good soil on which to grow and good seed to grow from, with plea- sant surroundings to bring it to maturity. So an harmonious person requires the same conditions. To produce fulness requires healthy parents, and proper and pleasant surround- ings to develop the germ, and to maintain this condition it requires peace, joy, and hope; they being the necessary accompaniments. We have thus very much the means in our own hands to produce harmony or discord. We would now make a few remarks on music. As music is simply the result of harmony of organization, so it can be consistently treated under this head. Harmony of all the forces in man is the producer of melody, and music is nothing but successive melodious sounds in harmony with others made at the same time. -Jenny Lind. Cannisaa, Parepa Rosa, and Lucca have harmonious faces in a high degree, and they are the greatest singers of the age. Having harmony in themselves, they can give it out. Where it is entirely absent, a person can, in no wise, give it forth. Those who have no harmony in their structure cannot give out the article to others. Harmonious faces succeed in capturing the hearts of thousands by their sweetness. No woman ever travelled in America who had so many admirers as Jenny Lind. A person possessing the constituent parts of the body in balance, by the proper adjustment of all the parts, is capable of the highest and most captivating music. Lowell Mason, of Boston, is a splendid type of this ; whilst Chiokering, the inventor of the Chickering piano, is also of musical make. 432 HARMONY OF THE HTJMA^ FACE. The Germans are noted for their musical abilities, Beethoven, Mozart, Handel, Bach, and Hayden. were all full and well balanced. Hence the origin of their soul- fltirring music. There are three kinds or parts of music, the soul, the science, and the performance. Jenny Lind seems to have had the whole three parts in a high degree. It is the soul of music, so to speak, which captures and entrances more than all the others. Ole Bull has a face of perfect harmony, and he has said that when playing one of his most heart- touching pieces, he has felt it more than his hearers. Paganini had a thin face, yet it was well proportioned, and his perfection of nature drew itself out on his skilful bow. What on earth can so fully touch the sympathies of man as some plaintive song, sung with heartfelt pathos. Even the beast has been moved by its charming power. Our churches, knowing well its talismanic influence, use it with full effect. Public meetings and private family circles alike claim its aid. Theatres and all places of amusement pay high to secure its effect, and every house is lonely without the power of this grand^equalizer. When the low, melifluous, pliant notes waft across some quiet river at evening's mellow hour, what mortal so poorly organized that his heart beats not wilder in his breast at the sounds, as each air wavelet assures him over and over again, that his soul feeds on the perfection evolved by another. At no time has our soul risen higher in ambitious aims, than when the tones of sweetest music thrilled each fibre of our body. Often in such moments have our aspirations for great good bounded higher than meridian sun, and carried judgment with them, and then! oh, then! we have felt as if melody had lifted our soul away from earth to all the bliss of heaven. ?ope has aptly unfolded music's charms in the following HARMONY OF THE HUMAN FACE. beautiful lines, which, we think, we cannot do better close our present subject with: " By nvuic, minds an equal temper know, Nor swell too high, nor ever sink too low; If in the breast tumultuous joys arise, Music her soft assuasive voice applies; Or, when the soul is pressed with cares, Exalts her in enlivening airs. Warriors she fires with animated sounds, Pours balm into the bleeding lover's wound* Melancholy lifts her head, Morpheus rouses from his bed, Sloth unfolds her arms and wakes, List'ning envy drops her snakes ; Intestine war no more our passions wage, And giddy factious bear away their rago I n 43? LUDWIG VON BEETHOVEN, a distinguished Prussian musical com- poser, in whose face is expressed the harmony of sound in the superlative degree ; as he was never married his whole soul seemed devoted to the development of the science and practice of mellifluous concord. 2B THERE is a sex of the soul as well as of the body. Every living creature is masculine or feminine in its inward nature as well as in its outward form ; and not seldom is it found that a masculine spirit dwells in a woman, a feminine one in a man, and in every case the configuration, especially of the facial features, will surely indicate the fact to the attentive mind. A large mouth, a beard, a strong nose, powerful chin, broad forehead, and prominent bones are characteristic signs of the masculine. A small, straight nose, well cut mouth, rounded chin, moderately wide and receding forehead, smooth skin, the adipose tissue filling in over the bones, and well rounding all, are forms recognized as feminine, and if observed in a man, will indi- cate his gentle, soft, and yielding nature. So of other parts of the body. A man with narrow shoulders and large hips has to a certain extent the female form, and his character will correspond. The Deader will notice the facial expressions of men who resemble John Summer-field, or Milton the poet John Summerfield was called the beardless boy by a sexton of Boston, when he first appeared as a preacher in America: the fine feminine expression of his loving face unmistak- MASCULINE AND FEMININE FACE& 435 ably indicated the soul within. But observe a woman wtio, besides the features we have described as masculine, exhibits very broad shoul- ders, and you will find she partakes largely of her father's character,' or that of her grandfather on her father's side of the house, and consequently has mas- culine traits of character. Such a woman often says to herself perhaps she dares to speak it aloud " 1 wish I were a man." She feels, if she does not utter that great principle within, which looks out unmistakably from face, " I feel my superior strength, and wish that the customs of society would permit me to assume my natural sphere in life; to be occu- pied as men are, in heavier, coarser, and more rigorous employment; to undertake duties, cares, and responsibilities that would fully call out and satisfy my pent-up soul. Although I am a woman, I have the ardour, judgment, and reason of a well-sexed man." Such has been the thought of many a woman, whose strong features and masculine build betray her dispositions whether she expresses them or not. Can we find any cause for the contrariety which some- times occurs between the sex of the body and that of the soul ? What gave to one woman a large nose, strong mouth, broad forehead, masculine chin, and rough-lined features ; while her sister, who has been reared in the same family circle, with the same surrounding influences, has a The Feminine Face Kev. Johu Summer-field. 436 MASCULINE AND FEMININE FACES. fine rounded, feminine-looking face, her head and body delicately moulded, her skin smooth, all her features be- speaking in their own soft, quiet language, that here are womanly sympathies, keen perceptions, quick sensitiveness, love, faith, imagination, all the attributes of true woman- hood. The first is her father's girl. She loves to drive team, if rural life be her portion. Often she will be seen with the dog, chasing the cows at night; or she is away in the early morning climbing the mountain- top to halloo to a friend on another summit ; romping through fields and forests at her own wild will; and impatient of nothing so much as of inactivity. To sit still and sew is to her a dreary ' imprisonment ; the duties of housework are drudgery; her true great man- hood loves no restraint, dictation, or parental care. These two girls have been distinguished by this difference, both of feature and character, from their earliest years. The feminine attributes were not given to the one, or taken from the other by any process of education or influence since firs! they. drew the breath of life; and so we are shut up to the conclusion that some controlling influences in their mother's pregnancy have set the mark on their char- acter, and stamped their whole being, the one for one course of life, the other for the opposite. Doubtless, while a child is in utero, the mother may exert an all-powerful influence over its character, and thus muulj The Masculine Face Miss Eos* Bonheur, the noted artist of France. MASCULINE AND FEMININE FACES. 437 its Physiognomy. Many mothers in our land, understand- ing this principle, procure the portrait of some noble-minded man, hang it in their room, look at it often, and call to mind the deeds of him whom it represents, thus marking their child more or less with the like spirit and features. Thousands could do the same, if they recognized the prin- ciple, and possessed the faith and patience requisite for working it out. Suppose a mother, when three months pregnant, or after the sex of her child was established, should place before her view the likeness of a boy, and fixing her mind steadily on the picture, with an earnest and believing desire that the child she then carried should be similar to that boy; then, if it proved a female, there would probably be considerable resemblance to the other sex, and as the girl developed into womanhood, her Physi- ognomy would appear masculine, and her whole nature possessed of much of that vigour that belongs to manhood. This is the manner in which many children are charac- terized for life; and mothers cannot too earnestly consider these principles, or too carefully apply them for the benefit of unborn generations. Pleasant surroundings for an expectant mother are of immense value to her offspring; whereas, if disagreeable people crowd about her, or any deformity is daily obtruded on her notice, a misshapen child may be produced in the latter case; and in the former, a sourness of temper that no future influences can counteract Some children have something both of the look and manner of old people, in consequence of the mother's having been much in the society of some aged person who made a strong impression on her. And as the features and manners, so the tastes of the future man or woman may be greatly influenced, if not entirely formed by impressions made on the mind of the mother previous to the birth. A 438 MASCULINE AMD FEMININE 'FACES. single impression, indeed, will not often avail much in the formation either of feature or character, unless it be sudden and vivid, as in the case of fright; to prove powerful and lasting, they must be frequent or continuous for montha A happy home, an agreeable partner, cheerful company, fine paintings, music, and well-read books, will conduce to give the child harmony both of mind and bodily feature, it will prevent idiotcy, and ennobie the nature of the unborn homo. There are people who have features partly male and partly female. Such persons exhibit phases of character seemingly contradictory. There are few that they can love, but those few they love devotedly. They will generally be found sensitive, ambitious, and passionately fond of music. But where sex of soul as well as body is strongly marked, we perceive the attraction and repulsion that characterizes other forces of nature. Individuals strongly marked as masculine are repelled by masculinity in others of the opposite sex, but are attracted to the soft and gentle natures. A large, coarse woman will be attracted to a man whose features bespeak a feminine soul; and vice versa. So a thoroughly manly man seldom fancies an amazon; but a soft fellow adores a woman of masculine character. One seems to contain the positive, the other the negative; and according to the well-known law, two positives or two negatives repel each other; whereas a negative attracts and is attracted by a positive. This attraction between the positive and negative may be observed any day in large families. Where there are many to choose among, the two brothers, tr two sisters, or brother and sister, that draw together in the closest love and confidential friendship, are never characters of like strength or similar temper, but always contrasts. The strong natures are apt to quarrel with e&.sh other, and so are the weak ones; but a rough MASCULINE ANP FEMININE FACES. 439 nature and a gentle one draw close together. This law of nature ought to be well understood, and respectfully obe} 7 ed by persons contracting marriage. Considerations of interest or convenience will prove a poor substitute for the suitability that is found in nature. Egl>ert Kiog of tho West Sairom, first monarch of all England, SIGNS OF PHYSICAL STRENGTH. THIS, of all subjects, is the one which demands at our hands the closest and most scrutinizing investigation. In order to fathom its depths by logical sequence, we must turn our attention to natural phenomena, First, the question has been asked immemorially, " What are the constituent signs of phj'sical strength?" And need we state here that the answers in almost every instance have been more obscure than accurate. In tracing this important question on scientific grounds to its base, we cull our experience from close observation and years of unremitting labour. Not the labour of books in its entirety, but that of personal inspection, passed amid the mineral, animal, and vegetable kingdoms. Indeed, if we would study nature's laws, we must drink from nature's cup, otherwise our knowledge in a great measure will be merely superficial, and wanting in accuracy. For all that we learn of character, science, or art through O books, mother Nature is our only re-modeller, in point of fact our true teacher, and to her we must fly if we would attain that true wisdom which the marks of time can neither mar nor obliterate. Having, then, got thus far with our introductory, it SIGNS OF PHYSICAL STRENGTH. 441 remains for us now to prove that our sequence is not only logical, but based firmly on that surest of all foundations Truth. Now, in order to deduce proofs of what we have endea- voured to advance, we take up the first point of our assertion, and one of the most useful of all mineral productions, viz., granite. This rock has been apparently designed by nature to enjoy a high and lasting reputation among minerals. In texture it is harder than soap-stone or slate, and consequently more durable, if not more flexible in its construction. The physiognomical differences of granite, too, compared with shale, slate, sand, chalk, lime, coal, or any ui the softer materials of rock, are in nature the most striking. It possesses an extremely rough surface indeed, and so unlike the minerals to which we have alluded, that the contrast is great and wonderful. Without entering further into the appearances and endur- ance of granite, we next take up the diamond, the most valuable of all mineral substances, and the hardest and strongest of all rocky materials. This latter, until it is cut into ornamental shape, possesses, like its predecessors, a rough and uncouth exterior. Also is it thus with quartz- crystal and spar. These last productions of the mineral kingdom bear a glass-like propensity of texture, and are equally hard, though consisting of sharp projections which, with their smooth planes, give them more of a rough and broken appearance. Therefore, laying aside the constituent parts of the mineral kingdom for the present, having first adduced enough of facts therefrom to explain and work out our deductions, we may now enter upon the vegetable world, and unfold other evidences as the truer signs of Physical Strength. The monarch of vegetable life, then, is well understood to be the oak, and a right regal tree indeed is this gnarled and vigorous member of the woody family, 442 SIGNS OF PHYSICAL STRENGTH. shooting high and wide of its compeers in brake as in wood- land. Note its rough and wonderful massiveness compared with the beech, or the pine, or the ash; contrast its hard- ness with the smooth poplar or the graceful willow, and yuu are compelled at once to acknowledge that it is by far the most useful, if not the strongest and hardest of all vege- table productions. Thus step by step we proceed with our logical sequences until we advance a trifle nearer the human family. Let us now observe the animal kingdom as a further proof of the foregoing allusions relative to Physical Strength. The next link in the chain of evidence is the lion, Anglicised from the Latin (Leo Barbarus). This animal is considered to be, and justly, too, we imagine, the strongest beast of its size in the world. Compare it then with the ox (Bovidas genus}, selecting, of course, one of the same size and weight, and you will perceive the rough hairy appearance of the former in wonderful contrast with the comparatively smooth surface of the latter. The difference in this respect is not only strange, but striking to the common run of humanity, and furnishes the intelligent food for well digested reflection. The subject, to the general reader, is also comprehensive and important. Now, by these fundamental deductions, you will observe that a rough exterior among animals, rocks, and vegetation is, at least, one indicative sign of Physical Strength. But we proceed to prove a far better analogy yet. and, indeed, one which will bear tracing through all the various grades of organic and inorganic life. In proof of what we assert, we will once more dwell upon the mineral creation and add another link to the yet severed chain of our connection?. For instance, take the diamond, the richest jewel of all the mineral species. Compare it with the slate. The one is a broad form of stone of extraordinary hardness and brilliancy, while the other is flaky and will readily divide into long SIGNS OF PHYSICAL STRENGTH. 443 tbin stripes which are as easily broken with but slight pro* vocation. This is the case with almost everything of a very weak texture, unless it possesses great powers of elasticity, or is kept in constant action by other forces, through which means it sometimes becomes firmly imbedded together. Action, we assert, is the great condenser of nature's mineral arteries; therefore we perceive that granite, on the other hand, unlike its far-removed relation slate, is a broad and vigorous stone, if we may use the expression, and will not so readily yield to the cleaver's iron and maul as will its softer and less condensed kindred. The slate being more sectional than solid, is hence liable to be sundered with less effort. Diamonds being the hardest, if not densest, of minerals, are in consequence broad in proportion to their length. Again, the oak tree is broad and short compared to the pine or poplar, and, as our deductions go to prove, far stronger than either of the foregoing. Also is the manseneta of California very low, broad, and extremely hard. The strength of its fibre is known to be remarkable, and its durability wonderful. Again we have the weird and knotted elm, with many of the qualites of the oak, being like it broad and low, and in comparison with poplar, pine, sequoya, or fir, apparently ten times ae strong and tough in its texture. Having thus far worked out our assertions relative to the most striking signs ot .Physical Strength evidenced in the physiognomical relations of the mineral and vegetable kingdoms, we once more revert to the animal creation. To retain the thread of our reasoning and make our analogy plainer to the general reader, we assert that the lion's strength and courage is based on the plan upon which he is built, and that is the low and broad principle. First, his face is wide and short, while his foot is as equal in ite breadth as in its length. The wide, deep quality which 444 SIGNS OF PHYSICAL STRENGTH. gives strength is the peculiarity which pervades his nose, head, and entire frame. Compare a lion with the antlered deer, or the timid rabbit with the ferocious bear, or even the gentle giraffe with the treacherous and merciless tiger, and you will immediately perceive that breadth of neck, head, face, feet, body, and entire make produces strength. The grizzly bear, the fiercest and most destructive animal on the American Continent, built also on the broad and massive principle, has been known repeatedly to cany off an ox or mule, weighing several hundred weight, over rocky and broken land; and indeed in numerous instances has this animal been observed to walk along a dangerous log extended across a precipitous chasm with a full-grown horse in his mouth. But the tiger is another example of^this tremendous muscular power and fierce energy; and when compared to the round and puny build of a sheep, the contrast is no less astonishing than striking. The tiger, of all animals, is perhaps the most active. His strength is proverbial. Indeed, he has been often known to prostrate and kill an ox, a zebra, or even pallah with a single stroke of his foot. Now for the last, but not least of our proofs, on the subject of Physical Strength. The main link of the great creation is man. The link that binds our philosophical, but as yet severed connections in this article, is also man, the most glorious, the most perfect work of the Creator. Men, then, who are notedly strong among their fellows, are constructed on the wide plan. An illustra- tion of this, which, by the way, comes accidentally across our memory while we write, is Dr. Windship, of Boston, a man of most extraordinary physical powers, broad and deep through the chest, having hands and feet in unison with the make of his body. In this gentleman the broad and massive is in every way predominant. In the tfladiutonai bouts of Rome's most glorious days, when SIGNS OF PHYSICAL STRENGTH. 445 her ooAineib swayed half the then known world, n? athletes were distinguished by those infallible markfl of strength, breadth of neck, face, head, shoulders, hands, feet, limbs, and entire structure. Then having so far illustrated our subject and drawn upon facts which cannot be controverted, we must hence infer in the sequence that the wide form of construction is the true indicator of Physical Strength. Roughness of face is also an index of the same in men and animals. The laws of nature are general and uncontrovertible, and as surely apply to the universe of forms, whether we comprehend them or not. ALEXANDEK III. , Emperor of Russia, is tall and powerfully built, pos- sessing herculean physical strength ; with his fingers he can roll a silver rouble like a scroll. PHYSICAL LABOUR. HAVING long observed that some races of men, as well as many classes of people, are naturally and constitutionally averse to physical labour, I have been led to observe closely the facial and bodily signs that indicate a love of corporeal exertion. The anti-industrial central point of the world is Arabia; for, on every side, branching out to the east and west, we find industry making progress, while, in Arabia, centuries pass away without any improvement, save what has been introduced, almost by compulsion, by foreigners. The trade carried on by exports of coffee, dates, figs, spices, and drugs, though still considerable, is said to be only a shadow of the old commerce which existed before the circumnavigation of Africa, or when Aden was in its prime, and the Red Sea was the great commercial route. Arabia has few manu- factures, but carries on a transit trade in foreign fabrics, besides importing these, to some extent, for its own necessities. Few nations have approached so near as the Arabs to the condition of standing still in a moral, social, and industrial point of view. Considering how little pro- gress has been made, it is remarkable that a greater degeneracy has not taken place. The southern slave owners of North America were very much addicted to indulge in listless idleness and give wa.y PHYSICAL LABOUR. 447 to their love of repose. They disliked toil to such an extent that they used every available means to avoid it if possible. The North American Indians are naturally averse to drudgery, and evince energy only in their predaceous pursuits. This is indicated by their wide cheekbones, which are connected with the respiratory air passages, and evince, by their largeness, that the lungs also are large, and give vigour for the development of predaceous energy. In Scotland especially, as well as in the north of England, and Ulster in Ireland, in Prussia, in the State of Ohio in America, as well as among northerners generally, we find a love of physical labour and active performance of duty energetically. The ostensible signs of these tendencies and qualities are manifest in the prominent bones and well defined and developed muscles over the entire corporeal frame. When we find large hands without an abundance of adipose tissue, and a bony face with a muscular expres- sion, we may feel assured that labour is a pleasure to those who are so constituted. The slave owners of America had small hands and small or narrow cheek or malar bones and well-rounded faces, from the bones being small and well-rounded with fat. In their bodies, the muscles were not, as a general fact, so well developed and sinewy as those of the labouring, energetic, industrious men of the north. The climate, in connection with the system of slavery, superinduced among the masters in the south the love of ease, and predisposed them to repose. This indolence and listlessness became heightened by the manners and customs that gradually crept in among them, and developed their sensual propensities to an unhealthy extent, working their moral as well as their physical deterioration. Two of the most easily observed features of the human face that mark the industriously and laboriously inclined, *re a prominent protruding chin in connection with oro- 448 PHYSICAL LABOUR! minent cbeek-bones. Observe, also, that labour expands the shoulders and widens the palms of the hands, and thus evinces the practice of physical effort, and this naturally begets a propensity to take pleasure in laborious occupa- tions. Milnes essentially sympathized with this progressive nature when he wrote: " Let us go forth and resolutely dare With sweat of brow to toil our little day, And if a tear fall on the task of care In memory of those spring hours passed away, Brush it not by ! Our hearts to God ! to brother men, And labour, blessing, prayer, and then to these a sign!" Kingsley's advice beautifully expresses the sentiment of the earnest worker: " Do what thou dost as if the earth were heaven, And that thy last day were the judgment day." It is a general law in our nature that when any faculty has by cultivation enlarged to a strong degree, it invariably demands scope for exercise in a similar manner to that by which the development was produced. Having struck one blow, we can more readily strike another; and the more we become accustomed to striking, the more natural we feel it to exercise our feracious powers. Thus, in the course of time, it becomes a pleasure instead of a drudgery. What labouring people consider a pleasure, the idle and indolent call slavery. Physical labour enlarges and develops various portions of the body. Stooping labour widens the cheek-bones (mala ossia), lengthens the under jaw, shortens and enlarges the occipital process, protrudes the lower part of the fore- head, and widens the hands, feet, and shoulders. Hence, in accordance with the principles before mentioned, these enlargements are Nature's recorded evidences of the ability PHYSICAL LABOUK, 449 and inclination to physical exertion. Examples by thou- sands may be found among gymnasts, athletes, pugilists, oarsmen, and every class of physical labourers. Those who never labour, never desire to do so; and their narrow faces, thin hands and feet, and contracted shoulders are manifesta- tions of their leisure-loving natures. How the hands and feet will diminish may plainly be seen in all young men who are reared to hard work on a farm, but upon entering a shop, store, or lawyer's office to earn a livelihood, half a score of years will suffice to narrow their structure, and not only make them consider physical toil displeasing, but render their framework as sure a tell-tale of the deterioration as untongued Nature can become in revealing any of her great principles. Unfortunately for the future of the race, there is a grow- ing aversion to physical labour among the young of both sexes in the present age. This is plainly evinced by the shoulders being much narrower and the forms slimmer than were those of the young of the last century. Look for a moment at the fine physical development of the Germans. Every man of them must learn one of the industrial trades, no matter how high his rank. It is well known that the present Emperor of Germany regularly learned the trade of a carpenter. Then their physique is still further developed by the compulsory army drill that must be undergone by every young man of sound constitution. On the other hand, the girls engage in domestic and outdoor work until their forms take the national characteristic mould of broad shoulders and ample womanly chests. The lassitude and yawning listlessness incident to idle- ness can be dispelled by earnest and well-directed exertion in manual dexterity. Whenever you see a young woman faint in a church, one of two epithets may safely be app- lied to her lazy or diseased. Parents that are too tender do more to promote sickness and disease than aU 2r 450 PHYSICAL LABOUR. the world besides. The fond, indulgent mother may be heard saying: "There now, daughter, you sit down and I will do the work." Thus the mother goes on, day after day, toiling and striving with the whole burden of domestic cares, while the idle and selfish daughter, were she properly trained, might relieve her of half her labour, and besides render her own life much more happy by the double plea- sure of helping her parent and preparing herself for her own future domestic duties. This is not all; for the daughter acting thus would feel life a pleasure, and ward off the inevitable consequences of sloth and listlessness, disease and a premature grave, over which the epitaph might be written: "Here lies the victim of idleness, who died of inanition." How wasted looking she became; how narrow and slim her form in every feature. Young man, accept and lay to heart the advice of experi- ence, and never let your affections settle upon any one until you can find and fane}' a good, strong, broad-bodied, well- developed maid, with a countenance full of buxom health and cheerfulness, who can heartily reciprocate your affec- tion. This form of person is by nature and cultivation more happy than a narrow, sharp-faced individual. The very law of industry leads us on to contentment, while its duties give the broad build to the young; and when that form is once attained, it becomes a real pleasure to exert oneself, because it is in true harmony with one's nature. Nothing is distasteful that is in true harmony with one's interior being. How much happier is the agriculturist and manufacturer than the man of leisure who lends money and is constantly fretting his hours away from fear of loss. The servant is more happy than his master, since he labours harder and has less care and anxiety. The laws of our being inexorably demand labour; and, when the normal requirements of nature are heeded, she is no niggard in her awards of happiness; but when they are ignored, pain and PHYSICAL LABOUR. 451 misery attend us. The servant can cheerfully toil while his master demurely and listlessly counts the tedious hours as his life of misery ebbs away. Then, since labour is a necessity to the well-being of every one, we easily see its importance, and learn that its signs are the effects of effort. Hence the process is easy of tracing up through the effects to the causes, and compre- hending why those signs portray the natural disposition. Whatever we have most of, we enjoy its use best. This is the same principle that causes the miser, whose wealth is extensive, to wish for more. La Rochefoucauld truthfully expresses the power of labour to promote happiness: " Bodily labour alleviates the pains of the inind; and hence arises the happiness of the poor." Now we glance at some of the ancient peoples who rose to power and eminence by their physical training as well as by their mental capacity, which mainly resulted from the former. The education of the ancient GREEKS was more of a physical than of a mental kind. The gymnasium was that of the athlete, not that of the didas'kaloa or preceptor. Young children were, until about their sixth year, trained at home under females, but were then sent to the schools under the charge of private tutors or pcedagogi. The duty of the pedagogue was rather to keep his wards from out- ward injury and bad companions, than to teach them the accomplishments of grammar, music, and gymnastics, the favourite studies in those days. The Greeks bestowed more time and attention on the gymnastic training of their youth than on all the other departments put together. There was no such thing as a Greek city of any size or importance which did not boast at least one gymnasium. Athens had three great public gymnasia the Academia, Lyceum, and Cynosarges, besides numerous private ones on a smaller scale. Solon considered these institutions o/ 452 PHYSICAL LABOUR.. so much importance as to draw up a special code of law for their management. Their administration was entrusted to a gymnasiarch, whose duties were to watch and control the youth, place them under proper teachers, conduct the periodical games and festivals, and pay the athletes whom he trained for them. In Athens the number of gymnasiarchs appears to have been ten. Besides these, there were the officers called Aliptce, or anointers, whose duty it was to prepare the youth for the day's exercise, by anointing them with oil and then sprinkling them with dust. The exercises taught were pretty much the same over the whole of Greece, though they seem to have been carried out with somewhat different views. The Spartans looked upon them as a sort of initiation into the sterner realities of warfare; while the Athenians not only made them subserve this end, but also used them as a means for imparting grace to the action and movement to the limbs. The chief games of the gymnasium were foot-races, jumping, leaping, quoits, wrest- ling, boxing, dancing, &c., while the younger pupils practised also with balls, tops, and a variety of other games similar to those in vogue among the youth of modern times. It would occupy too much space to describe with any- thing like minuteness the Grecian games, which were among them from time immemorial; but we may just state the general facts, that they were very numerous, and are traceable by tradition back to the earliest periods of Grecian civilization. Indeed, much of the obscurity that rests on their origin is in consequence, and a sign of their high and even mythic antiquity. But we may just mention, that the most celebrated of them were the Olympic, the Pythian, the Nemean, and the Isthmian games, which were distin- guished by the appellation of sacred. The gymnastic exercises were prescribed in a well- planned systematic series, beginning with the easier, and proceeding to the more difficult. Some of these were spe- FHYSICAL LABOUR. 453 cially fitted to give strength, others agility ; some educated the hands, others the feet. Among the lighter exercises were reckoned running, leaping, quoiting, and hurling the javelin. When skill had been attained in these, and the consequent strength, then followed a severer course of discipline. The simple course was wrestling and boxing; the compound course consisted of (1,) The Pentathlon (or "five contests"), made up of the union of running, leaping, quoiting, wrestling, and hurling the spear; and, (2,) the Pankration (or "general trial of strength"), which consisted of wrestling and boxing. These games, taken in connection with the early and long training by which they were preceded, and of which they were both the natural result and reward, were a grand educational system, bearing primarily, indeed, in favour of the physical development, but also tending directly and powerfully to advance the intellectual and moral culture. The exercises through which the child, the youth, and the man were, stage by stage, conducted, each in succession becoming difficult and more complex, as the bodily powers came into play and acquired vigour, were admirably adapted to give that union of strength and beauty in which physical perfection consists, and in which the Greeks probably sur- passed every other known people. Solon's high estimate of the paramount importance of these games has been already alluded to; but here we would further state that this estimate is still more strongly per- ceived in the designation and functions of two other officers appointed under Solon's laws, in the conduct of the gymnasia. The first was the Kosmetes, whose name comes from a word (KOCA*C) signifying " order and beauty," and whose office consisted in the special superintendence of everything fitted to further these high qualities; the other officer was termed Sophronistes, and his business was still more intimately conducive to informing the mind, since, aa 454 PHYSICAL LABOUR. his designation (from o-w^pwv) proves, he was required to ' guide the pupils to awtypoavvn (sophrozyne), a term for which there is no English equivalent, but which may approximately be rendered by " sound-mindedness." The fullest and best information on this interesting and vitally important subject is to be found in Krause's Die Gymnastik und Agonistik der Hellenen; and in his Die Pythien, Nemeen, und Isthmien: Leipzig, 1841. Among the Romans, the amusements of the circus did not materially differ from the Greek agones or contests celebrated at Olympia, Delphi, and elsewhere, and were certainly of a nobler kind than the frightful gladiatorial fights of the amphitheatres. The Romans, however, became much more brutal in their tastes and public amusements than the Greeks, and at last became almost wholly addicted to gladiatorial and wild-beast combats. Let it be carefully and earnestly pondered, as one of the most important facts educed from a comparative history of all nations, ancient and modern, that all those peoples who have cultivated the active industrial arts, tending to develop their physical forms and faculties, have risen highest in the scale of civilization, and been freest from poverty, disease, and insanity. It is only a matter of yes- terday that Physical Education has been thought of among the English-speaking nations. Having bethought them- selves, they have been pondering the wholesome example and practices of some of the celebrated ancient nations, especially the Greeks, and in modern times the Germans. We need only point to the immense superiority of these nationalities over the rest of the world, in social and physi- cal development, to feel assured of carrying conviction to every candid mind as to the enormous advantages accruing from the training of the human frame to active and vigorous industrial habits. Hitherto, Physical Education has been left far too much to nature and chance; and we owe it PHYSICAL LABOTJR. 455 mainly to the improved condition of medical science that public attention has been called to the deficiency. It in- cludes, first of all, the essential conditions of health, such as cleanliness, fresh air, exercise, diet, alternate periods ot labour and recreation; secondly, the strengthening and proper development of the bodily powers by means of drilling, marching, and gymnastic exercises; thirdly, the formation of certain useful habits, which, after a time, become almost instinctive. Hand-writing is a fine example of a habit of this kind, which can be impressed once and forever on the nervous system ; the power of rapid perform- ance on musical instruments is another faculty dependent on the same kind of physical training. Easy and graceful deportment, again, is a trained habit; so also is clear and correct verbal articulation. In fact, wherever physical action is required of such a nature that it may be trans- ferred by habit from a voluntary act to a reflex one, there the use of physical education becomes evident; for every good habit which is thus formed and fixed by early train- ing, whether it be a useful accomplishment, or a graceful deportment, or a facility of correct expression, or any kind of musical dexterity, is just so much power actually treas- ured up in the nervous system, which can be brought forth and applied at any moment, as if it were a kind of animated machinery, and that, too, without any trouble or any sense of fatigue to the possessor. Addison's observation is worth repeating here. He says: " Manufactures, trade, and agri- culture, naturally employ more than nineteen parts of the species in twenty; and as for those who are not obliged to labour, by the condition in which they are born, they are more miserable than the rest of mankind, unless they indulge themselves in that voluntary labour which goes by the name of exercise." THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRY ON THE HUMAN FACE. UNASPIRING and nebulous faces are often met with in society, and more especially among the wealthy. Their expressionless smoothness has never been broken by torna- does of thought or intense application. Many of the young may be seen who are called beautiful, and those individuals present faces only of the smooth and undefined form, which is the image of their minds. Inaction and idleness of the physical and mental forces bring on roundness of features which are ever unmistakable signs of nonentity. They may be compared to a bombshell with burning fuse, round and pretty to behold, but not good company. It requires long hours, yea, years, of patient and earnest labour, to acquire facial marks expressive of gigantic think- ing power. Nearly all mankind are naturally fond of leisure and enjoyment, and as ease is most generally found amongst the wealthy, so expressionless faces are most commonly seen in that sphere of society. Labour chisels the features into clearness and cheerfulness of expression, whereas idleness will turn the most expressive and beauti- ful features into listless, sad and undefined, clam-like smoothness. Many boys, when grown, carry faces with expressions of emptiness and inertia of mind. They go THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRY ON THE HUMAN FACE. 457 abroad to earn a living for themselves, and after twenty, or even ten years, return to their friends with faces furrowed by the plough of experience. The deep wrinkles have been cut across the brow the nose has grown higher on the bridge the nostrils have opened largely the chin has become more broad and far-reach ing; the lips having learned to keep their own secrets, are firmly compressed ; lines like diverging rays of light surround the eyes; the round, full cheek of childhood nestles no longer there, and all is changed from boy to manhood. His face tells no falsehood, as it is Diogenes, a cynic philosopher, whose mental industry has rarely, if ever, been equalled. God's truth, and he, overflowing with strength and nature's nobility, walks forth the highest type of man, self-made. Others remain boys in mind until forty, or even through a life-time, undeveloped because they shunned the means of accomplishing their highest maturing. Children's faces are often seen on men and women of thirty and forty years of 45 O THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRY ON THE HUMAN FACE. age Their lives have been as smooth as glass. The great trials of the world, which are immense furnaces to try the metal of men, have not purified and turned them to steel. The more lead is melted and cooled, the more free from dross it becomes; the more men have touched the antipodes of sorrowing sympathy, or repellant hatred, the less worth- less material they contain. Fleshy, round, smooth faces, are significant of ease-loving and inactive minds. An old adage among the ancients was, that a lean and wrinkled face evinced great wisdom. It is true to a great ex- tent, that all original men of great mental labour have carried faces rather spare and well lined. To think gives an action, to storm with thought requires great action; the great emotion swings the facial muscles one against another, pro- ducing deep wrinkles; and years of wonderful application and mental j effort leave deep indent- ations and well-defined marks on the Physiog- nomy of man; as active waters of former years have left their deep gullies on the Physiognomy of earth. Physiognomists call these wrinkles on mankind beautiful, as they are recorded evidences of a life of industry and virtue. In looking over six hundred photographs of noted rogue Lucius Annseus Seneca, a celebrated Ro- man philosopher, with well-defined lines* indicative of years of consecutive mental industry. THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRY ON THE HUMAN FACE. 459 in the "rogue's gallery" in San Francisco, I observed that they were nearly all wrinkleless, and of round, full, expres- sionless faces. This peculiarity of features would scientifi- cally testify to an utter, or nearly an entire absence of character. As it takes much character to make a man thoroughly honest, so they have too little to give lines of honesty. People who live industrious lives are usually most moral, and out of a knowledge of this fact sprang the truthful saying, that " idleness is Satan's workshop." When visiting the penitentiaries of various States, that fact has been made apparent by the records of those several places of punishment, that many of those criminals were formerly loafers, without even a trade by which to earn an honourable living. A Scotchman, of Edinburgh, a remarkable example of physical industry, industry may be compared to the running brook, which 4 GO THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRY ON THE HUMAN FACE. is ever pure, or purifying itself; whereas idleness is the stagnant pool retaining all filth, and ever ready to receive more. There are many men and women who are well-born and amply educated, but who, not being compelled to labour, settle down into characterless nothings, and become cess- pools to catch the vices of those who surround them. Earnest, ardent, and interesting labour will develop char- acter, and that character will produce wrinkles. Hence, those who would lead lives of honour and usefulness, shun- ning vice and crime, let your aim ever be to cast off the scum of idleness which only gathers on still water*, never shading the purity of the dashing stream. PATH, GTTSTAVE DORE, a French designer and engraver, whose face shows strength rather than delicacy ; a power and wealth of imagination more than impassionable sentimentality. PHYSIOGNOMICAL SIGNS OF PHYSICAL ENDURANCE. FROM the Latin word durus, hard, we have formed the English terms durable, durability, endure, endurance, because it has been remarked with respect to all substances in nature animal, vegetable, and mineral that the more hard they are, that is, the more compactly put together their particles, the more wear and tear they are capable of sustaining. The hardest, and, therefore, most imperishable of all known substances is the diamond; and scientific men reckon nine lesser degrees of hardness among minerals down to talc, which is the softest. Any of these, however, are harder than vegetable substances; among which the oak, ash, elm, chestnut, walnut, beech, birch, &c., called hard woods, have been proved to bear much more wear and tear than those denominated soft woods. Among animals, we find those to be the most hardy that have the least soft material, and the most hard in their composition fat being the softest, the muscle much harder, and the bones hardest of all. Fat (adipose) is a reservoir of nourishment in case of long fasting or sickness, And is conspicuous in the hump of the camel ; but it gives no power of enduring labour and fatigue. Horses are not considered n't for the race-course if they are at all in an adipose condition ; and those of Sahara, never much troubled with this quality, are still further reduced before joining an ostrich hunt ; which is the severest ordeal to which they are subject. So it is the 462 PHYSIOGNOMICAL SIGNS OF PHYSICAL ENDURANCE. . lean hound, and not the fat dog, that is chosen to pursue the game, not merely on the ground of his swiftness, but his power of continued exertion. In the human race, we find that very fat persons are naturally puffed and out of breath after the least unusual exertion ; also that they never attain to old age, and are very liable to apoplexy; whereas those that endure well the toils of an industrious life, and become examples of extreme longevity, are persons of what is called a moderate habit of body. Bones being the hardest of all the materials entering into the constitution of the human body, we naturally expect, and find it so in fact, that the larger these are, the greater the power of physical endurance. A man may nob be tall, yet have broad, heavy bones; or he may be tall, and have large bones in proportion to the size of muscle. Such a one will be capable of greater exertion and will endure more fatigue than one whose bones and muscles are mure equally developed; because the bones, being harder than the muscles, are the more enduring substance. People thus constituted may not live so long as those of the rounder, life-giving form; but they will more easily sustain a hard day's march, fatiguing labour, prolonged fasting, or mental grief, than those of any other build. Such men exhibit well-marked outlines in their features; the face somewhat hard and angular; the nose always prominent; the eye-bones sharp and jutting out like the over-hanging cliff's of a waterfall. The camel (C. Bactrianus) is capable of more endurance than any other of the quadrupeds employed by man. How his bones stand out! how large are his joints! What an uncouth looking animal altogether! He can traverse the burning sands of the desert day after day without tasting food or refreshing himself with drink ; and this with a burden of perhaps a thousand pounds weight; performing a journey of hundreds of miles at the rate of two and one- half miles an hour. PHYSIOGNOMICAL SIGNS OF PHYSICAL ENDURANCE. 463 Less unsightly than the camel, but more bony and homely- looking than the horse (E. Caballus}, is the ass (E. Asinw}, and much more patient of continued fatigue. So we find homely, bony faces in mankind to be evidences of great power of endurance, both as to body and mind Abraham Lincoln was a remarkable example of this con- figuration. He is said to have gone through the severest agricultural labour in early life, and to have gained the soubriquet of the railsplitter, by performing the feat of splitting 3000 rails in one day. In his after career, he was pre-eminently distinguished for fortitude in suffering, as well as activity and perseverance in doing whatever fell to his lot. The persistent exertion which Weston, the pedestrian, requires to use in order to walk a hundred and twelve miles in twenty-four hours, is rarely if ever equalled. His walk of four hundred miles in five days, which he accomplished, as he did the other of a hundred and twelve in twenty-tout hours, is sufficient proof of his powers of endurance. His face and figure is at once skin and bony. The slightnes? affords him activity, the osteogeny insures the power of continuance. Andrew Jackson was another man formed te endure hardship, as was evinced in the osteous structure of his frame. When but thirteen years of age he fought under Sumter, and continued in the army until the end of the war of independence. At a later period, when the Creek Indians broke out in hostilities, he raised a volunteer force of two or three thousand men to defeat them, and, when provisions failed, set his men an example of endurance by feeding on hickory nuts, whence the soubriquet of Old Hickory. His political life was marked by a steady and powerful resistance of all opposition, and his presidency by singular firmness in carrying out whatever his judgment approved. Wellington is known to have rode the little horse Copenhagen for seventeen consecutive hours on the 464 PHYSIOGNOMICAL SIGNS OF PHYSICAL ENDURANCE. field of Waterloo, and to have declared he was as spirited and fresh as the animal, which kicked up on his dismount- ing. This celebrated general was rather of small stature, but bony, well-muscled, and so hardy that he received the soubriquet of " the Iron Duke." He, therefore, that would live long, and be capable of doing much while he lives, should avoid all that self- indulgence which brings on the heavy, spft, adipose con- formation. He may not be able to render his bones large and prominent; but he may generally avoid overloading himself with fat, and losing his manly energies in habits of luxurious ease and self-indulgence. WILLIAM CULLEN BKYANT, one of the most celebrated of American poets, an exceedingly close observer of all the phenomena throughout nature, yet a vast current of philosophy ran through his verse and prose, which embody multitudes of details interwoven with epigrammatic felicity into the purest and most beautiful English. MARKS OF LONGEVITY. AT the forty-third annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Edinburgh during the month of August, 1871, the subject of Longevity *as touched upon, though very sparingly discussed. The speakers according to a not uncommon practice among our modern so-called scientific teachers confined them- selves chiefly to facts for the most part such as could be culled from the daily newspapers, avoiding, as if with intent, the trouble of ascertaining the principles or reasons on which the inducted facts were based. They were loud as to results, but the " why" of the results the only thing one would imagine with which men of science, as such, have to do does not seem to have occupied even a moiety of their attention. They made certain statements relative to effects which had come directly or indirectly under their own notice, but left the causes on which the effects de- pended for their existence nearly or completely untouched. It is as if they had gravely stated that a stone thrown up into the air was sure to come down again, without making reference to that law by which the earth attracts to its centre bodies within a certain radius which are lighter than itself; or as if they had solemnly averred that the hardy lichen was the only plant which could thrive at 2o 466 MARKS OF LONGEVITY. the height of 18,225 feet above the level of the ocean, without referring to those peculiarities in the lichen which account for its growth in a region where other plants ^ould wither and die. It is not enough for scientific purposes, or for practical purposes, to tell us that certain men lived to an extremely old age; for such a statement, unsupported by the results of philosophical research, is only calculated to make those whose friends do not reach a long term of years, dissatisfied with their circum- stances and ungrateful to nature. What kind of build had these long-lived men? What was the nature of the food they took into their systems ? What were their general and particular habits? How were they treated when they were young? And may other men, by using the same food, and accustoming themselves to the same habits, avoid a middle age or early death and live to the same age? These, and other questions lying on the same plane of things, we would expect to have answered when the subject is broached by scientific pro- fessors, and not the bald statement, which must be as evident to any newspaper- reading schoolboy as to the most philosophic among philosophers, that certain men have reached an uncommonly great age before giving up the ghost. It was stated by Mr. , in a paper which he read before the above Association, that he had observed " a sort of silvery expression, with apparently great toughness of the skin, which he deemed an essential peculiarity in persons over ninety," and these marks were given as Physiognomical signs of Longevity. So far so good. But what is it that produces this "silvery expression," and wnat is the cause of the " toughness of skin " observed in people over ninety years of age? These are the pro- blems which Mr. ought to have solved, but which he coony ignored. It is true he mentioned that the MARKS OF LONGEVITY. 467 old people referred to did not use tobacco; but did he attri- bute the Physiognomical signs of which he had spoken to this fact? Nay, he did not so much as think it worthy of being suggested that tobacco was injurious to the human system, and must, as a necessary consequence, do much in the way of shortening life. Nor did he make the slightest allusion to the nature of the food on which the o individuals to whom he referred had subsisted, neither did he consider it within his province to refer to the tough-skinned people's general habits. Thus we see men rlimbing the wall of science, or at least pretending to do so, while they are living in t,he grossest ignorance of the material of which that wall is constructed, and the kind of foundation on which it is based. To sustain life to an old age requires in man or animal strong vital powers, in order that the system in all its parts may be furnished with a sufficient quantity of healthy blood; for without a sufficiency of healthy blood there can be no harmonious, healthy action of the faculties, and where this healthy action of the faculties does not take place, that physical strength which is necessary for long endur- ance cannot possibly exist. When a lamp goes out, it is because it lacks combustible substance, viz, oil; and so it is with the lamp of life. When a man dies a natural death, the proximate cause of his death is a want of healthy blood which constitutes the substratum of human life. So long as the body is supplied with good blood, so long does "the lamp hold on to burn;" but once this ceases, life dies out, "the lamp" has lost its combustible substance, and can "burn" no longer. Now, this being settled, the question naturally comes up, " Where do we get good blood, and of what is it made?" We answer, good blood is made of good food, such as nature has provided for us, heartily eaten, and properly digested. He who has a capacious stomach, healthy digestive organs, and a goo-j 468 BURKS OF LONGEVITY. appetite, possesses most unquestionably the fundamental essentials of a long life. Experiments have often been made, both on men and animals, and in every instance it has been found that long-lived persons have large stomachs. But, then, this organ can be damaged. Indeed there are few diseases whose beginnings cannot be traced to a deranged stomach. Tobacco, strong tea, strong coffee, spirituous liquors, unwholesome confectionaries, and luxuries of almost every description, invariably derange the stomach and weaken digestion; and whatever does this must inevitably shorten life. Roundness of body and largeness of mouth are always signs of a roomy stomach, and are thus, according to the principles laid down, physiognomical signs of longevity. So is it in plant life. The small lichen which can grow and vegetate on a higher altitude than any other plant, is round in form and vigorous, having large absorbing as well as cir- culatory powers. It has strong life-producing organs, and on account of its inherent vitality, can endure the cold and sustain itself in places where plants not so round in form would wither and perish in a few hours. The same thing is true of animals. Elephants are of a round construction, with large mouths, large stomachs, and are noble eaters; and it is admitted by all naturalists who know anything of history, that these animals have been known to live as long as 240 years. The round carp, or gold-fish, according to the testimony of Buffon, lives to an enormous age. He mentions two which he himself had seen, one of which was 150 and the other 200 years of age, and pike have been known to live even longer than that; while the tortoise, remarkable for its round- ness, with excellent digestive organs, sometimes sustains life during four full centuries. Birds, too, are very round and able to digest well even pebbles, nails, and glass being no obstruction; and we are assured by naturalists MARKS OF LONGEVITY. 469 that there have been instances of swans living over 300 years. Now, when we loot at those animals which are slim or flat in form, we find the very opposite to be true. Their stomachs are not capacious, thus rendering digestion less enduring, so that, comparatively speaking, they die at an early age. The common rabbit is long, thin, and flat, and rarely lives beyond ten years. The giraffe is peculiarly tall and slim of build, and seldom reaches the age of twenty. The ox and the horse rarely manage to live thirty years, especially those which are domesticated. Their natural habits are changed, and by a forced manner of feeding, their digestive organs become extremely weak, so that they are not unfrequently considered old at twenty. Prolonged life is dependent upon natural law, and where natural law is violated, premature death cannot but ensue. We have met with several men who were over 100 years of age; these were in various parts of the world, and in every instance they were of medium height, had large mouths, were round in form, with good healthy digestive organs, attributable to plain living when they were young. The persons of whom we speak were also very temperate in their habits. They neither smoked nor chewed tobacco; they were thus saved from throwing off their saliva and weakening their stomachs. Only one of them used coffee, and he only once per day. They all partook of tea, but it was of the weakest kind. Confectionaries they avoided, and when they were younger had lived much in the open air. They wore comfortable, strong clothing, and in quan- tities sufficient to protect them from cold, while they took in enough of pure oxygen. They were not fleshy, though of round build, and their bones had been strengthened by industry, and the character of their food. In none of them was there the slightest appearance of that species of tumor 470 MARKS OF LONGEVITY. containing pap or plaster -like matter. They were not atheromatous: such symptoms being found only where the digestive organs are not good, and in consequence the blood is much impaired. Their hearts were free from fat, their lungs strong and healthy, and their external senses were good, with the exception of two persons who were a little deaf, and all these ever-to-be-envied bodily conditions were the natural effects of a powerful nutritious system. One coloured man who lived in Ohio, and was 113 years of age, had all the special senses in perfect order, and his well-balanced judgment we have scarcely seen equalled among men of forty. Nor was there one of all the centenarians, which it has been our good fortune to see, who manifested the slightest degree of dissatisfaction relative either to their age or circumstances. Indeed, a halo of commendable resignation seemed to surround every one of them, and to this resignation, or rather intelligent contentment, they were much indebted for their long life, as nothing is more conducive to healthy digestion, regu- larity of bodily secretions, and good blood, than this very rare mental quality. Owing to their temperate and in- dustrious habits, the nervous system was never deranged; and this being the case, the brain and nerve form was preserved intact the importance of which it is impossible to over-estimate. We may also add that they were all married, or had been, which contributed not a little to their "length of days;" for while matrimony improper leads to ill-health and premature death, matrimony, as nature would have it, ever tends to longevity. Thomas Parr, who died at the advanced age of 152 years, was examined by Harvey, to whom the world is indebted for at least one important Physiological discovery, and according to Harvey's account, Parr's bodily organs -were in such excellent order that, but for tho fact that he was MARKS OF LONGEVITY. 471 taken to London to visit Charles I. and his Court, and was prevailed upon to indulge largely in cake, wine, and other luxuries, he might have lived fifty years longer. These things, however, being wholly unsuitable for his system, deranged so materially and rapidly his digestive organs, that he died before he had time to return home. Of this remarkable man Taylor wrote the following brief description : " His limbs their strength have left, His teeth all gone (but one) his sight bereft, His sinews shrunk, his blood most chill and cold Small solace ; imperfections manifold Yet still his sp'rits possess his mortal trunk; Nor are his senses in his ruins shrunk, But that his hearing's quick, his stomach good, He '11 feed well, sleep well, well digest his food. He will speak heartily, laugh, and be merry; Drink ale, and now and then a cup of cherry, Loves company, and understanding talk, And on both sides, held up, will sometimes walk; And though old age his face with wrinkles fill, He hath been handsome, and is comely still; Well-faced, and though his beard not oft corrected, Yet neat it grows, not like a beard neglected." The portrait of Parr which is given on page 180, and which we feel assured our readers will be interested to see, is from a likeness by Reubens. It was painted when Parr was 140 years of age, twelve years before he died. The conclusion to which we have come, then, not only from personal observation, but from the testimony of others who have made experiments, is, that roundness of form and largeness of stomach, indicated by a corresponding capacious- ness of mouth, are unmistakable Physiognomical signs of long life; because where these are we find as a natural consequence healthy digestion and strong assimilative powers, all of which keep the human system in good repair, 472 MARKS OF LONGEVITY. and are absolutely necessary to longevity. And here we may give without comment a rule to determine longevity, which has been popular among German doctors for more than two hundred years. An imaginary or real line can be run from the lower portion of the superciliary ridge to the occipital point or protuberance; if this line runs high above the opening of the ear the life force is strong, if running near or over the opening of the ear the life force is weak or very weak. It may be objected by half-informed religionists that a desire for long life is in direct opposition to that plain statement in the sacred Scriptures, which speaks of seventy years as the term of human life; but to this we have to reply that we have never been able to accept that statement as unconditional. The foolishness of man was no doubt apparent to the author of the statement, and, so far as we can judge, he merely meant to say that the habits of men, chiefly evil, stood in the way of long life, and that so long as these habits were unchanged, generally speaking, seventy years would end their sublunary days ; but let the habits of men be changed ; let their bodies be attended to from childhood upwards as they ought to be attended to ; let all narcotics, whether of a solid or liquid nature, be strenuously kept out of the system; thus let the digestive organs get, what we call in common parlance, "fair play," and what is there in the words of Israel's poet to hinder any man from living twice seventy years ? Men should fall into the arms of death as they fall into the arms of sleep; but the evil is that men die before they are ripe for it. They go down to the grave before their time. There are two ways of committing suicide suddenly and gradually and we have no hesitation in saying that thousands of our fellow-men, unconsciously and unintentionally, of course, practise the latter daily and thus, instead of hanging, so to speak, on the tree of life until such time as they are ripe, and could drop off decently, like luscious pears from their branches, they, by a horrible system of unintended self- murder, gradually kv iiuon themselves unholy bands, and die not decently, but* ;n very rrv?vm. HENRY BERGH, founder of the " American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals," whose long narrow face tells of his philanthropic mind ; the well lined and clearly denned features evidence thorough edu- cation, combined with noble and lofty aspirations. ONE-SIDED THE subject of one-sided people affords a wide field for thought and expression ; for comparison, conception, and reform ; and we hardly know how to preface a subject so prolific with the excesses of natural and forced deformity. But we can conceive of no enterprise so grand, no means so noble, no undertaking so philanthropic, as that which has for its end the elevation of common humanity. It is too true that the idiosyncracies of our natures sometimes seem to preclude the entire possibility of. our exercising the charity we should toward the shortcomings of our fellow-men. We forget we too are weak and dependent upon others for our own success and progress in the arts and sciences, and every scale of educational refinement ; and in reasoning by the analogies we would present, we find we are deficient in the ncble charities of thought and sentiment toward our one-sided neighbours, consequently we may not be judged by our own criticisms. We are much inclined to forget that we too are mortal. And as we raise our standard, which would make our fellow- men perfect men and women, we too often forget, that upoir our faces and upon our physical and physiological develop- ONE-SIDED PEOPLE. 475 ments and mental acquirements, are stamped the characters we represent, and we are as a walking monument; the whole man stands out as an open book, and he who runs may read. Could we know ourselves, and see ourselves as we are seen, methinks that a spirit of reform would be going on in every nature, and we would strive to cast the beam from our own eye, that we might the more easily discern the mote in our neighbour's eye. Nature has done much tc deform us, and we are suffering 7 O from the sins of our fathers from the generations past; while neglect does not make us any better does not apply the healing art does not come with an imperative demand upon us that we exercise all our own moral agency, that we might make use of all within our powers, and be careful to avoid many of the excesses of life, that we might present ourselves less faulty before our fellow-men. Which of us shall say, I am without spot or blemish devoid of all deformities, assuming the title of nobility belonging only to the perfect man? While ignorant mothers And careless nurses dandle children in such excruciating attitudes, is it any wonder that they are deformed in person (scarce half made up), crooked in all the traits of manhood, one-sided in actions and dealings with fellow-men, and all the result of ignorant nursery treatment. We will notice some of the imperfections, their causes and tendencies. Not one person in a thousand is in perfect form, from some cause, direct or indirect, moulding us to honour or dishonour stamping the signet upon our mental, moral, and physical natures. Our cruel nurses commence to torment us by holding us too long on one arm, and keep us lying too much on one side; this has a tendency to deform us. Holding our heads too low, too much blood comes to the brain; the bones and skull are soft at this tender period, they are easily put out of shape. The brain 476 ONE-SIDED PEOPLE. settles on one side of the head, the form is twisted to one side, and the features are drawn out of shape. As the result of ill-treatment, we trace imperfections and deformities in our fellow-men. Some we see with one lung better developed than the other, one shoulder higher than the other, one corner of the mouth higher than the other and drawn aside, one eye-brow arched higher than the other; the eyes are nob horizontal and one is partly closed, the nose is not in a straight line with the face. We also notice the beard to grow heavier on one side of the face than the other, as the result of lying too much on one side while sleeping; it hinders the circulation of the blood, thus diminishing the activity and energy of that side, making many subjects for paralysis, heart disease, and very many ailments to which flesh is heir. This should not be prac- tised, everybody should change sides every night; we used to change our old-fashioned round-toed shoes every morning to make them wear longer ; so people will wear longer who change sides in sleeping. Those husbands who insist upon having their wives sleep on the back side of the bed, and are never willing to take it themselves and let their wives come to the front, are making both their wives and them- selves one-sided, when turn about each night would equalize the affair, and be a sure correction of the evil which too often prevails. A well-balanced body and brain are indispensably neces- sary to a well-balanced mind, and a violation of any law of nature criminates us; we stand as culprits at the great tribunal of our conscience, to answer for the mental, moral, and physical sufferings. It is well known that any violation of the laws of nature makes one-sided people, and one-sidedness tends to insanity, so the majority of persons with whom we mingle from day to day are partially insane. It is related of Dr. Wigham, who attended the grave of Queen Charlotte, that he said he had seen her buried before; ONE-SIDED PECPLB. 477 he never had, for she was buried only once. One side of his brain was larger than the other, he took two impressions of the burial, the larger half of his organization taking the im- pression first, and the lesser instantly after, which is double consciousness. One form of insanity after another comes up before us, asking our forbearance, imploring our aid. These questions, like deep-seated tumours, require the delicate and artistic touch of a skilful surgery, or else their life is surely imperilled. There is no place for quackery here, "the diagnosis", is beyond the ken of pretentious charlatanism. We have to deal with mind and character; minds as varying as the changing colours of the chameleon, and characters which need the polish of true society, and all its educational refinements which their capacity will hold; yet in spite of our endeavours to educate and refine, the cloven foot will present itself. The dignity of man and his superior qualities, his nobi- lity, and his sovereignty, has been from time immemorial the orator's theme and the poet's song, and yet his overbearing nature and one-sided propensities have been touched upon very lightly. He loves money, and grinds the faces and pulls out the very heart-strings of the operative and employee. Oh! with what conscience can such a man enjoy the wealth wrung from the finger-ends of the seamstress, as in the gloomy attic, by the midnight candle, she wastes her life, strains her eyes and heartstrings to earn a miserable pittance that just suffices to keep the life-pulse beating; and yet these parvenues claim respectability. With peacock pride they spread their ostentatious plum- mage, flaunt their snobbery, and parade their ginger-bread aristocracy in the faces of honest men. Ah! and "with devout visage and pious act" pharisaically take the name of the Sav iour upon their lips. And what a miserably one- sided man is the miser! 478 ONE-SIDED PEOPLE. " Proud fame's a stranger to his blinded eyeo, He ne'er has seen her gilded dome arise ; Oh no ! poor man, loth to release his hold, Sees nothing, knows no God but gold. " While to his base desire he serves as slave ; Ambition's summit is to him to crave A glittering dust, and with outstretched hand Grasps in the shining particles of sand. * He weeps, he starts, he fancies footsteps near, And grasping with both hands his treasures dear; He hears them coming, hears them whisper low 1 His fancies wild tell him ' They'll rob me now.' " One foot advanced one hand above his head. He invokes the pious blessings of the dead ; Calls on his God but surely knows not why- He knows no God but gold he fears to die. ** Repulsive, cold, he'd friendship's rights disclaim. And Charity he spurns from him, ' poor dame; ' Refusing aught, whoe'er the stranger be, Lest Heaven should smile and bless his charity." How grand are the works of creation! what a vast field for thought and speculation to the thinking mind. The Great Mind has created all things for us, and given us minds to appreciate them, and souls to love them; it has adorned the heavens with stars, and carpeted the earth with flowers; it has strewn all along our pathway ten thousand blessings and evidences of our immortality. Who has not felt the force of the fable, that when man asked Jove to give him evidence of his immortality, Jove gave him " Music." And who can doubt? Who that delights in song, and has stood with wonder-stricken awe, in the spacious corridor of the Cathedral of St. Isaac at St. Peters- burg, St. Peter's at Rome, or St. Paul's in London, how have we listened to the organ's plaintive strains rising higher and higher, until music sweet filled each vaulted niche, then to the ear again; then higher, still higher rise ONE-SIDED PEOPLE. 479 the pealing tones of thunder, giving expression to the symphony, then bursting forth in all tne strains of har- mony, loud, long, exultingly. Our minds thus reach up to Jehovah, and we are touched by the breath of inspiration, \Vhoshall then deny our immortality, or limit our progres- sion in this world or the world to come? If our minds are not poisoned with " one-sided theology" we can admit that the laws of progress were not formed for this world alone, that the mind of a, Newton, and the mind of a child shall not remain the same for ever, but the end shall be as the beginning was God and progress. Say not that the soul perishes at the portal of the tomb, but reason with your one-sided minds until you say we shall with angel architects and artists arrange and re-arrange castle after castle, where science, skill, and mind, and art are required to draw the lines of beauty and make almost tangible all the fairy castles made in our faith for future occupancy. The. last, and the very meanest thint* in all the one-sided category, is the "Politician," the aspirant for fame; he is ushered into the political arena, they laud and fondle him at the nominating caucus; he has money (it does not matter how he got it), he responds nobly, (says, he can't make much of a speech), but here, "take these greenbacks, and do the best you can for me." Thank you. They are " Eloquent in song, and to nature true." He has more of the " dust which fools adore and call a God" than brains, so of course he is elected to the high and honourable position of legislator or senator. He boasts that his seat cost him over fifty thousand dollars, and he carries the votes of about four members in his pantaloons pocket. If he has talents, he can spread himself like a green bay tree for a season ; but he is likely to be nipped by the first frotst of the coming autumn; h* 480 ONE-SIDED PEOPLE. can boast if he chooses of the Honourable title he bears> that his aspirations are gratified, his presumption more than realized; but his fame is not lasting, it is not worth the price he paid for it; he was elected by his " one-sided" constituents, and they still continue to be one-sided towards him (on the side he carries his money), and he, to carry on the joke in retaliation, having succeeded in attaining his high position of honour, has no more use for his con- stituents, and of course takes the other side of the street, and they call him one-sided for trying to avoid the crowd. Men generally would rather aspire to honour, and make money, than cultivate their minds. Mammon is the one- sided god of this world, and the world will love its own. The rich man is to be pitied rather than envied, if he has nothing but his money. Homer, it is true, was a beggar, and Milton sold his Paradise Lost for five 'pounds sterling, and yet what Croesus has such immortal honours as they? Let us cultivate our minds, try and get the warp all out of them. Let us learn to think for ourselves, act and reason for ourselves. Let us feed the inner life with heavenly manna, and bask in the sunlight of our wt-Ll- cultured intelligence. " Knowledge is power," and is never lost; every idea we gain here, every talent we improve, will set us ahead in the spiritual life, where angels will be our teachers. It is an indispensable doctrine of the Scriptures, that the allotment of the ransomed shall be in proportion to their attainments here. We are candidates for a prize, wrestlers for a diadem. Life is a compound of the material and spiritual, by virtue of necessity. To most men it is largely material, but little spiritual. The spiritual is not sufficiently cultivated. The life to come will be a spiritual life, and if we culti- vate the mind, the spiritual here, and in proportion as we cultivate it, we shall be prepared for the great here- ONE-SIDED PEOPLE. *481 after. Let us avoid being one-sided at all times; let u learn to be philosophers, and " Do good, let those who will be clever Do noble things, not dream them all day long, And make life, death, and the vast for ever One grand sweet song." M Grey friar's Bobby." A remarkable dog, that guarded his master'* grave with unswerving fidelitj for upwards of thirteen in Edinburgh, Scotland. PROGRESS IN ANIMAL AND VEGETM'uE LiFFs ANIMALS which produce young of precisely the same form and colour as the parents, will be found to continue or the same plane of life as their progenitors; while animal? which produce young differing in colour from the parents, are capable, by the laws of nature, of improving in body and intelligence. Those animals which had their origin in Circassia are progressive, and their varied colour in the same species is evidence that they can change; and pro- gression requires, as it implies change. The common apple has ever been found where the white race live, and each flourishes equally in temperate climates, having had their origin in the same atmosphere where the soil, and heat, and cold have the same influence ; so, having sprung from the same causes, their effects cannot vary. Hence what effects one favourably, must of necessity generously improve the other. Of all fruits none is so commonly cultivated by the white race as the apple. It has amongst fruits the earliest, widest, and most interesting history. According to all accounts, either sacred or profane, this hardy fruit appeared about the same time as the white or varied race, and has been carried with them in their migrations to the remotest latitudes of the globe. Theophrastus classed it amongst the more civilized fruits (urbaniores) ; Tacitus described it as the favourite fruit of the ancient Germans. A PROGRESS IN ANIMA1 AND VEGETABLE LIFE. 483 shrivelled apple was obtained from one of the lake dwellings of Switzerland. Ulysses and Solomon praise its juices; Tantalus grasps anxiously for it in Hades; Iduna keeps in a box apples which the gods, when they feel old age approaching, have only to taste to become young again. The legends of all ages, since the white race began, have recorded evidence of the existing apple. The mythology of the temperate climates often refer to this fruit. Thus, from what can be gathered from history, we may conclude that this fruit has been transplanted to, and flourished in, all the localities and climates where the white race has made a pleasant home. This fruit rarely produces from the seeds the same colour, taste, flavour, and shape as the parent stock. In this principle the apple is precisely like the ox, horse, dog, goat, cat and other domestic animals, all of which originated in the same climate, and about the same time where and when man's origin is dated. The dog has been largely improved under the intelligent management of man. The horse never could shew more fine points of make, or trot a mile in less time than during the past year. The high rate of speed attained by this animal is attributed by horsemen to the improving effects of breeding. The ox has risen to a high state of domestic usefulness under the influences of man's observation and guidance. So we could say of all the animals living with the Caucasian race in a domestic state. But the signs of improvement are what we are seeking. These can be based on the great principle inherent in the white race of man- kind Wherever the children or offspring follow undevia- tingly the colour of their parentage, we may rest assured that nature has made only one channel or groove in which that species is to run ; and what nature designed to be, no man can long thwart. Nature has fixed her moults on all her wonderful works, and they can properly bt understood only by the student of nature. 484 PROGRESS IN ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE LIFE. Where nature has allowed a departure, and even provided for a variety in colour, which is only the significant banner of the inherent laws which govern and regulate animal life; there man can, by studying the governing principles, so apply them that more variety and an improved condition cm be produced, which will be vastly superior to the fore- gone generations of that species. This law applies with equal force to apples, peaches, pears, and all fruits where the seedling varies in colour, flavour, and size from the parent stock; for any law in nature is just as true to her banner or outward signs in the vegetables in the animal kingdom. JOHN HENRY B. IHVING, an English actor of great celebrity, whose face shows remarkable self-control, critical interest in the engrossing topics of the day, a vice-like memory which never relaxes its grip on whatever it seizes. ACTIVITY. As nature never made a face for physiognomical purposes alone, so also she has not formed a body of special shape to indicate simply its peculiar adaptations. The primary intention of nature would seem to be necessity. None would be so stupid as to claim that it was necessary an animal should be of long, slim form, simply that man might be able to tell what its capacities were. Necessity is a higher law in the designs of nature than pleasure. It is true it might afford to many a pleasure to be able to discern all the peculiarities of an animal by its outward form. But nature, in her great beneficence, is true to her own needs first, and thus begins with charity at home. If we were to make an engine roll over a railroad track at the speed of sixty miles per hour, we would construct it on the light, slim principle. The driving wheels should be large in circumference, piston-rods having a long stroke, and light and slim rather than thick. If we wished an engine to run twenty miles per hour, and pull a long freight train of immense weight, we would form it on an entirely different plan from the swift-running but weaker engine. The plan for strength is breadth and heft. The wheels should be low. The piston-stroke short, and thickness and heft should enter into its design very largely, 436 ACTIVITY. Now, nature acts with, more wisdom than man never less ; therefore, when she wishes an animal for great action and less strength, she builds the legs long and slim, the body is long and narrow, the tail, alike with the bead, is long and thin also, and when all parts are thus formed, the muscles, having great length of body in which to contract, give quick pulling upon the tendons, they acting quickly upon the slim, light bones, move them rapidly, and agility is the result. Thus can we discover that the great law oi proportion in animals is true as in mechanics; that propor- tionately as motion is increased action is diminished. Hence, by no difficult process of reasoning, we arrive at the conclusion, that animals constructed on the broad plan, like the lion, tiger, gorilla, crocodile, and elephant are strong; while we as effectually learn that animals of the long, narrow build, are agile. Man, being subject to these same natural laws as animals are, when constructed on the same plan, will possess the identical qualities and powers; there- fore WQ at once and for all decide that a man of tall, slim, or short, slim build, is naturally brisk and sprightly of motion. We just as soundly decide that a man who is five feet high, and weighs two hundred and fifty pounds will generally move slowly. As an example, take Weston, the rapid walker of America, who walked one hundred and twelve miles in less than twenty-four consecutive hours, and four hundred miles in five succeeding days. He is a slim, tall man. General Washington was built on the tall, slim plan, and history records it as a fact that he was an excellent runner, and could jump twenty-two feet at a single bound. General Sherman is tall and slim, and no more indus- trious and quick-motioned man entered the American army during the late rebellion. The proofs of this truth in Physiognomy are in nearly every household in America. Take that lubberly, round, ACTIVITY. 487 stout, and short boy, and see his slow movements, and how he loves his ease, while that tiny, light, slim, little girl is all vivacity and sprightliness. The most active animal of the domestic circle is the grey- hound, and how slim his legs, long his tail, gaunt his body, outstretched his neck, and pointed and far-reaching his nose. The best Physiognomical sign of quickness is a long and pointed nose. Animals and men with long, thin-pointed noses are formed on the active, slim plan in every depart- ment of their natures and bodily build. There is less action in animals that 'hybernate than is found among most others. The black bear is a hybernating animal, and is characterized for strength and the destructive qualities attending the broad build more than for nimble- ness. The marmot (Arctomys Marmotta} enters into the lethargic hybernating state about the middle of September, and does not emerge from it until sometime about the beginning of April. The marmot is of thick and clumsy form, very strong and not very active. The urson has a short nose and moves slowly. The kaolo, or Australian bear (Phascolarctos cinereus), uses great deliberation in climbing a tree. The toes and feet of the animal are well adapted for the slow, but sure mode in which he progresses among the branches of a tree, and are less useful when making his slow terrestrial pro- gress. His nose is exceedingly short. The animal most known among African hunters, as possessed of marvellous speed, is the gazelle (Gazella Dorcas') and the Gazella Ariel. Their whole make-up is remarkably slim, thin, and in a manner adapted to rapid change of position. In contrast to the last-mentioned animal, we would call attention to the sloth (Bradypus tridaetylus), a tardigrade edentate mammal of the genus Bradypus. The name 488 ACTIVITY. indicates the peculiar characterizing trait of the animal, as sluggishness and laziness are its natural birthright, for no living animal is equally inert and torpid. The whole form is short, broad, strong, and consequently of a lumpish and exanimate disposition. The existing species of sloth is arboreal; but many of the extinct kinds were huge terrestrial animals. The wombat (Phascolomya ursinus) has a very heavy body and short legs, and in its gait has a rolling waddle much resembling the lurching of a sailing vessel when in a storm. The muzzle is quite broad and thick. It is an apathetic animal. ' The coati, or Coati Alondi (Narua Ruia}, has a nose and head much resembling that of the Persian greyhound, and no animal can ascend or descend a tree in less than twice the time it requires to do so. It being a nocturnal animal, its agility and rapidity of movement is only seen as the shades of evening descend or at the dawn of morning. The chaeropus (Ghaeropus constanotis) has also a very long and pointed nose, and is remarkably active. The weasel (Nustela vulgaris) is rarely equalled by any animal in nimbleness, and the sparkling eye and slim form bespeak the active faculty. The long, active stoat, or ermine (Mustela erminea), with its agile limbs and sharp teeth, can kill a hare with ease, and is a terror to rats and mice; and chickens and ducks suffer considerably from its inroads. Its size is not much more than that of a common rat; but its superiority is in its pertinacious skill in pursuing all its game, its eagerness, and agility. We should think those proofs from the animal world must be sufficient to satisfy observing and reasoning minds that form not only evinces character, but as truthfully manifests the strength or action with which the man or animal is endowed. ACTIVITY. 489 The importance of action, and rightly directed alacrity, cannot be too strongly impressed upon the minds of the youth of every clime. " Act well your part ; there all the honour lies." POPE. A German poet has nobly sung " Act! for in action are wisdom and glory; Fame, immortality these are its crown; Would'st thou illumine the tablets of story? Build on achievements thy doom of renown." And Hannah More inculcates the same precept when she says: "The keen spirit Seizes the prompt occasion ; makes the thoughts Start into instant action, and at once I'laiis and performs, resolves and executes ! " Innumerable instances of the same grand lesson have been sounded in the ears of lethargic humanity by all the philosophers and sages, as well as by those "gentlest, sweetest teachers of mankind," the poets. Would that all might take the teaching to heart, and emulate in their lives and conduct what none have more forcibly urged than Longfellow, in his well-known Psalm of Life: " Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate Still achieving, still pursuing, Leari. to labour and to wait I* RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF WIDTH TO HEIGHT IN MANKIND. THE laws of magnitude, that is to say, the length and breadth, height and width of all growing bodies, are not so generally comprehended by mankind as they should be; and, indeed, notwithstanding that length is one indicator, and width another, of certain qualities in both animal and vegetable productions, the masses seem utterly to ignore the fact that they imply one thing more than another. That they are, however, is quite evident; for as the form or proportion of a thing is, so will be its character. There- fore do we assert that to obtain that knowledge upon which is based the fundamental principles of the creation, both height and width require to be observed in their relative proportions. The length of animals that are full and round in the abdominal region, is not observed to be the same in proportion to their width, such as the ox, hog, elephant, and grizzly bear. These have a well-de- veloped roundness throughout their entire structure, and a peculiarity of nature far different from the elongated giraffe, or the slim grey-hound, or the active and nervous weasel. What a vast difference in disposition and appear- ance have these two diverse sets of animals, as unlike in natural inclinations and instincts as in body. Indeed, everything in nature corresponds in the same ratio with RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF WIIVTE TO HEIGHT IN MANKIND. 491 another. For instance, if the features be round, every peculiarity of the whole structure will be in accordance with it; if, on the other hand, the features are long, the whole animal will correspond in length and spareness of form. So also will its disposition be marked with either more or less of a certain sharpness or intuitive keenness unknown, or seldom perceived, in the more roundly-built animals. And also do those Physiognomical signs apply with equal force to mankind ; because man, on scientific principles, is an animal like the rest, and only distinguished from the brute creation by a higher order of formation, and the balancing powers of a superior reason. When we find persons blending the relative proportions of width and length together in an equivalent degree, we perceive that beauty of form and symmetry are their combinative results. The extremes being blended, correct each other, softening all the harsh outlines which would attend either one solitarily; and the result of this is that harmony is produced, and consequently beauty. Great height in any animal is a certain index of poor digestion, weakness, and shortness of life. Animals, on the other hand, of comparatively good width and massiveness are of excellent digestion, and live to attain a great age. Thus is the elephant a long-lived animal, while the grey- hound reaches the terminus of his life in, at most, a few years. The same law is equally applicable to the members of the vegetable kingdom ; hence the oak, and the more ponderous trees of California, attain an incalculable age, while the poplar, fir, and other attenuated trees are of delicate constitution, and decay in comparatively brief periods. Whilst travelling through Oregon, we observed that thousands of fir trees were broken away above or below their middles, indicating that brittleness in their slimness of form, which eventually shattered and sapped the founda- 492 RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF WIDTH TO HEIGHT IN MANKIND. tions of their existence. Also does the law of averaged width and equable length hold good in mankind; for the well-proportioned man, equally removed from obesity and slim ness, is invariably healthy, vigorous, and enduring Napoleon remarked during one of his wonderful campaigns that it was not the tallest soldier who could endure the most hardship, but the one whose build was equally removed from all extremes. Men having equable length and breadth possess, moreover, good digestive powers, and the prognosis is that they will live longest. Tall and slim animals, on the contrary, die at an early age, for being of delicate organizations, they are subject to malarious, miasmatic, and other deleterious influences which most inevitably surround them. Besides this, they are also coarser in texture than the more equally proportioned, and hence liable to be affected by climatic influences, such as strong winds and oppressive heat or excessive cold. It is notable that the tall poplar sways with every blast that whistles through its trembling branches, while the oak, in its vast and massive proportions, faces the hurricane with defiant air, and withstands the blasts of centuries. This law of length and breadth, therefore, is universal, and governs everything in nature: whether it be in man- kind, animals, or vegetables, it is equally applicable. Again, the lion is modelled on the round principle, and consequently possesses that extraordinary texture of physique and force of vitality which makes him so fine and compact in his organization. On the other hand, the tall giraffe or camel-leopard is formed on the slim structure, and so weak, indeed, is he, that the lion can kill him. with a single stroke of his powerful paw; being also oil the long and slim build, his life is of much shorter duration than that of his nobler and more magnanimous enemy. Notwithstanding, however, the foregoing instances of strength and weakness to which we have thus far alluded, RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF WIDTH TO HEIGHT IN MANKIND. 493 there are cases into which we must penetrate more closely to obtain a true diagnosis of facts relative to slimness in the human form. For instance, some very short people are slim by reason of being stunted in early age through divers causes, but if their height is fully proportionate to their width, they may to a certain extent enjoy the same powers of longevity. All animals built on this plan possess the same qualities and characteristics as mentioned heretofore in this article. Animals on the slim and elongated principle are best known, as the giraffe, the race-horse, the deer, and certain varieties of dogs and birds. Corresponding specimens can also be found among men. Characteristics of great action, with less endurance and strength, are invariably found in the taller specimens of both the higher and lower grades of the animal creation. Indeed, the same principle is recog- nized in all motive power, whether animal or mechanical. For instance, the tall, large-wheeled passenger locomotive bounds the track with lightning-like velocity, yet it would be unable to draw the train which is trundled slowly along by the low, diminutive wheels of the freight engine. The lion or grizzly bear can carry an ox for hours through forest or jungle, and, indeed, over the rockiest prominences of their native wilds, with the same ease that a cat could bear a mouse; yet, in a fair race, the greyhound could outrun and leave them miles behind him in a few hours. Who has not read of the little, active, and slim David, slaying, with a pebble from his sling, the huge and rounded giant, Goliath; and yet could Goliath, with his Herculean strength, have reduced a company of Davids into instant annihilation. Then again, Sampson, with his massive arms and immense shoulders, exerted a strength, in the tearing down of the Philistines' temple, that immolated himself and thousands of his enemies, and yet any school-boy could, doubtlesp, outrun him. As an example of tremendous 494 RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF WIDTH TO HEIGHT IN MANKIND. physical strength, Dr. Windship of Boston can lift 2,600 Ibs with straps over his shoulders. Now, let us note the manner of his build : he is short and broad, with muscles on his shoulders as hard and prominent as those of a draft- horse; while, on the other hand, the famous American pedestrian, Weston, is of spare build, and could probably walk more in one day than the formidable Windship could in two or three. Strength, as an invariable rule, is found in broad bodies, while its opposite action may be traced to men of little or no ponderosity. Hence, Windship, with his wonderful development of physique, has a compact, fine, hard, and strong muscular organization; while Weston, with his almost incredible powers of activity, is less hard than springy, lighter, more porous, and consequently flabbier in general construction. The blending of these adverse conditions is commor enough, but the manner of their amalgamation with its full comprehension is where the difficulty lies, and which to attain by accurate solution requires study, observation, and extensive research. As a general rule, the mouth and chin are excellent indicators of the slim or even round varieties of the animal species. Indeed, where we find a wide mouth and wide chin, the other surrounding features are likewise large; hence the massiveness of the Physiognomy invariably indicates the massiveness of the body, and governs the whole texture, be it in man or animal, with equal solicitude. The abdominal form of such an individual also predominates. However, if you should discover that the mouth is diminutive and the chin narrow, then the long and slim order is in the ascendant. PENETRATION OF MIND. THIS faculty shews an extraordinary development in some people, and so keen and discriminative are those who pos- sess it in an inordinate degree, that they are enabled to peer into our very souls, and to penetrate with equal facility every passion and energy of the human mind. Now, the word penetrate is, as every intelligent reader knows, a transitive verb, signifying, to enter; and in the present instance, we might define it with equal accuracy by iterat- ing, as it relates so directly to passing thought, that it is an expression used to divine the inmost workings of one's mind, or to enter with intuitive power into the occult capacities and passions of the understanding. When in nature or mechanism we wish to discover pene- trative qualities, we select objects of decided sharpness; for dull implements, like dull people, are over-thick in their bluntness, and not at all adapted to the nice distinctions of penetration or perception of character. Hence, having the objects of this brief article partly explained, we reiterate ,that persons possessing the qualities of great insight, acute- ness, and sagacity of character are discovered invariably to have sharp features. The features and the mind, there- fore, in this respect, have synonymous significations. The one creates the other, and the etfeot must of necessity bear 496 PENETRATION OF MIND. a similarity to the cause which is plainly evidenced both in nature and philosophy. As the mind becomes sharp, penetrating, and discerning, so will the features assume a like sharpness. Therefore we assert that animals with sharp features are always keen, discerning, acute, sagacious, and Argus-eyed ; illustrations of which can be found in the fox, eagle, crow, and greyhound, all noted for a cast of features of sharpened prominence. Note how keen they are in every action, and how readily they comprehend and avoid danger. The hunter will tell you of the difficulty and nice perception which attend a fox-hunt before they can trap the animal. His insight into men and things is of a penetrative character, hence the difficult task of cap- turing him. Also is the eagle a keen, sagacious bird, and when his liberty, or perhaps life, is jeopardized by the sportsman, he makes good his safety by flight. The crow, diminutive, black, and grim-looking, is ever on the alert for danger, and penetrates the designs of man so well, that a trap is rendered nearly useless to catch it. Then comes the greyhound, an animal very agile of body, and no less quick of mind, whose discernment of the motives and likes of man seems strangely intuitive, from his remarkable rapidity of understanding them. We must therefore acknowledge, from the foregoing chain of natural sequences, that sharp noses, sharp eye-bones, sharp chins, and the whole expression denoting sharpness of form, indicates shrewdness, discernment, aptness, also astuteness, acumen, archness, and subtlety. FACIAL SIGNS OF DISEASE. ONE of the saddest subjects of history not even the ravages of war excepted is that of disease. When the world was young, and each individual in it had sufficient space in which to breathe with freedom the pure air of heaven, disease may be said to have been a comparative stranger. But when men began to multiply upon the earth, and live in closer proximity to each other, gaunt sickness made its appearance, and, irrespective of age, wealth, or rank, laid its withering hand upon the springs of human life, and gradually shut up its thousands in premature graves. What is true of the world as a whole is equally true, in a parti- cular sense, with respect to individual nations. When a country is young, and bears on its soil the tread of a limited number of settlers, the physician's office is, in a large measure, but a sinecure. But as years roll on, and tha population increases, both from within and from without, the causes of disease seem to multiply, until grave-digging and funeral-undertaking become not only regular, but lucrative trades. War, like Saul the son of Kish, has slain its thousands; but of disease it may be said, as was sung of Israel's greatest king, that it has slain its tens of thousands. Nor could the world last long were it otherwise. Nature does not seem to be able to provide for an unbroken stream of population, and, therefore, all over the earth she sends disease, to this city and to that, to this village and to that, to this hamlet and to that, removing with a merciful hand 2i 498 PATHOGNOMONIC SIGNS. the few for the sake of the many. We say with a merciful band, for what could be more unmerciful than to allow the population of the world to outgrow the material provisions of nature? Thus civilization, under the guidance of a kind Providence, both builds up and pulls down. The vessel which carries within her the seeds of intelligence and culture to be scattered over some benighted transoceanic country, bears with her also the elements of disease of which the new country knows nothing; but for which its heart is grateful in after years, when able to look at things with a common sense, philosophic eye. That which is superfluous, nature tries to get rid of, not only in things inanimate, but among men as well, so that during a campaign, as if dissatisfied with the number shot on the field, she scatters disease among the unwounded, until the slain in battle are as nothing compa-red to those who gradually succumb to consumption, fever, &c. Thus do we see working around us a beautiful balancing machinery, which, while lopping off individuals, makes arrangements for the prosperity and happiness of the whole. Nor is there anything arbitrary in this. It all happens according to natural law. There is no stern, inexorable being over us, pushing disease into our bodies. If we put our fingers into a fire, our fingers will be burned ; so by the same law, when certain conditions are fulfilled among men, and they are surrounded with certain circumstances, disease springs up naturally, and they are seized and die. And if men will violate the laws of nature, as they seem to be determined to do to the end of the chapter, it is in harmony at once with justice and mercy that they should suffer the conse- quences. Suffering, however, is not an end ; it is but the means to an end. And so we see the Great Parent or us all, taking advantage of human folly and human violations of law, in order to work out the world's happiness. Having made these preliminary remarks, we shall now PATHOGNOMONIC SIGNS. 499 turn our attention to the subject-proper of this essay viz., Pathognomonic signs or diseases, and how to discern liabi- lities or tendencies to them in the human system. Persons with large heads and small delicately-constructed bodies, will be found very liable to have consumption or dyspepsia; because the head, taking to itself an unpro- portionate amount of nourishment required for thought- producing purposes, deprives the lungs and stomach of that which is necessary to their strength and full development, and these organs, gradually becoming weak, are, as a natural consequence, laid open to disease. The primary cause of consumption, it is said, is a lack of fresh air. In a body not sufficiently oxygenized, there is produced a cheesy kind of matter called tubercle, which moves about in the blood, and lodges itself in the first deranged organ. When cold is caught the lungs get deranged, and losing the power of passing on unnecessary blood, they receive the tubercle, and immediately consumption begins. Now, a \\ r eak body made weaker by the suction of a disproportionate head, cannot very easily inhale a sufficient quantity of oxygen, for not only are the lungs weak, but there is a correspond- ing weakness in the skin, the pores of which have been called the surface lungs : of such, therefore, a -predisposi- tion to consumption may safely be predicted. Indivi- duals, again, whose lungs are large in comparison to other parts of the body, are very liable to scrofulous diseases; while it may be affirmed, without the slightest hesitation, of corpulent people, that they have a predis- position to inflammatory rheumatism, apoplexy, gout, fevers, and diseases lying on the same line of causes. People with a bony frame-work, indicating a dry, juiceless con- stitution, not at all favourable to bodily secretions, have sure signs of a tendency to liver disease and chronic rheumatism. People with such a constitution will also be found to hr ve a dry, inactive skin. Whcu the face is of a 500 PATHOONOMONIC SIGNS. waxy or tallowy complexion, with a hollow on each side over the inferior maxillary bone, an inch and a-half from the point of the chin, we may safely conclude that the individual is subject to weakness or disease in the kidneys; and when the inner corners of the eyes are hollow, and of a bluish tinge, there can be no doubt that pharyngeal catarrh is making sad havoc in the head. Again, hollow cheeks indicate a weak stomach; and narrow nostrils, accompanied with a hectic flush on each cheek, back from the junction of the nose with the face, give evidence of weak lungs, and a liability to pulmonary disease. When the skin across the forehead and in front of the ears is of a yellow or sallow hue, tinted with brown spots, this indicates weakness and general inaction of the liver. In severe cases of sickness, brought on by disappointment in love, the clear lustre of the eyes, directed toward the lost and precious object, retires, the eyelids droop, and a vivid florid colour settles upon the lips, while, in cases of extreme passional desire, the eyes seem to roll up, the lids to close more nearly, the mouth to open slightly, the tongue to be laid carelessly on the edge of the teeth, and the lips to take on an increase of colour. It was in this manner that Hogarth, of the world's most original artists, painted Danae a victim of passional love. Here we give, from memory, an instance in which the great physician Erasis- tratus discovered this love passion lurking in a patient and sapping his very life. Antiochus, the Crown Prince and son of King Seleucus, fell passionately in love with the young Queen Stratonice, his stepmother, who had given birth to a son by Seleucus, his father. The prince, being overpowered by his passion, fell sick and refused all manner of nourishment, being determined to put an end to his miserable life. Erasistratus, with his keen anl practised eyes, observing the change of his countenance, and also of his pulse, whenever the queen entered the PATHOGNOMONIO! SIGNS. 501 room, was very soon convinced that the prince was dying for his mother-in-law; and knowing something of the old king's tenderness for his son, he, one morning when the king enquired about his health, told him that the sickness of the prince was caused by love, and that it being impossible for him to possess the object loved, his disease was incur- able. "On what ground," demanded the king, "is the passion of my son incurable ?" " Because/' answered Eras- istratus, " he is in love with the person to whom I am married." Thereupon the king begged him by all his past favours to save his son and successor. " Sire," said Erasistratus, "would your majesty but imagine yourself in my place you would see the unreasonableness of your wish." " Heaven is my witness," said Seleucus, " that I could resign even my Stratonice to save my Antiochus!" At this point the tears ran down the king's cheeks, which Erasistratus observing, he took him by the hand and said, "Sire, if these are your real sentiments, the prinoe's life is safe; it is Stratonice for whom he pines." On hearing this, Seleucus immediately gave orders to solemnize the marriage of his son to the queen, which was attended to, Stratonice generously exchanging the father for the son. Passionate, silent, unrequited love is the worm which eats the heart until not only the blossom and the leaves, but the whole green, once hopeful life entirely disappears. Study well the indications given above, and you will have no difficulty in detecting it. A lank or sunken cheek opposite the molar or double teeth invariably indicates a weak stomach; and hollow temples are indications of a weak liver. Private diseases affect more or less the generative organs, and consequently the eyes, because they are connected, as explained on page 299. Be watchful, and you will find that men who are slaves to that horrible practice by which the systems of young people are so often drained cannot 502 PATHOGNOMONIC SIGNS. look you steadily in the face. Their eyelids droop, all manly stamina is gone, they are subjects of remorse, and are easily detected. Leucorrhea, when settled, is indicated by what may be called a " livid hue" about the mouth, and discolora- tion round the under eyelids, and in cases of gonorrhea, the eye becomes dull and watery, while in constitutional syphilis the iris of the eye will often change to a green hue. An unusual redness of the entire face too often signifies moral sickness, while blotches settling surely, though slowly on the countenance, proclaim the open or secret inebriate. Well may we say, in the language of Shakespeare, " O thou invisible spirit of wine ; if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee Devil." We have thus given a synopsis of Pathognomonic signs, with- out going into the causes of disease. These, no doubt, are many and varied, some having their origin around us, others springing up within us; but is it not a fact that medicine vendors help, if not to originate disease, at least to .prolong it? However this may be, the Scotch sexton, who was rebuked by the parish doctor for an insignifi- cant mistake he had made connected with the ringing of the church bell, spoke more truth than medical men in general, and village doctou in particular, would perhaps be prepared to admit, when he gently replied, " I think, Dr., you might look over a small mistake like that, for it's well known that I have covered up many of your faults." We have just hinted that medical men are slow in taking blame to themselves when patients succumb under their treatment, and this happens, as the following illustration will shew, even when it incurs loss to themselves. A gentleman, whose wife was sick, being strong in the busi- ness faculty and apt at a bargain, said to the doctor when that functionary called, " Before you go to work, doctor, I wish to make a bargain with you, and this will save all ill -feeling when your account is sent in. Whether you kil] PATHOGNOMONIC SIGNS. 503 my wife or cure her, I promise to give you twenty pounds. Does this satisfy you ?" " Quite," replied the doctor, and went to his work. The wife having died in his hands, ho called shortly after the funeral and presented his bill. " Did you cure my wife?" asked the widower. "No," answered the doctor. "Did you kill her?" continued the widower. "I certainly did not," replied the doctor. "Then," added the widower, " I have nothing for you ; the bargain being, as you must remember, twenty pounds whether you killed or cured her." The astonished doctor seeing his mistake, but not feeling free to confess whatever might be his private opinion that he had, by negligence or ignorance, helped to send the deceased to her grave, was obliged in consequence, to leave the house without his much-desired fee. There are, however, instances of honesty, even among the disciples of Esculapius. A witness being examined in a court was asked the following questions to which he gave these memorable answers "Did you ever tell a falsehood? 1 ' " Sir, I am not a lawyer." " Did you ever poison anybody ?" " Sir, I am not a druggist." " Come now tell me honestly did you ever assist anybody into the other world?" " I must confess (very solemnly) that I am a doctor." We may laugh at the above exhibitions, and no doubt we do; at the same time we cannot shut our eyes to the fact that, with the increase of doctors, comes an increase of disease. Of course this statement might be reversed, and perhaps with plausibility, but while we readily admit that a goodly number of the Faculty practise self-denial, and live day and night for the good of society, it cannot be successfully denied that the medical profession can boast of more ignorant, stupid, selfish, money-seeking members (the clergy excepted) than any other profession in the world. As an illustration of what we mean, take the fol- lowing. An aged doctor had a very wealthy patient whose hand was injured, and the case being an interesting one, 504 PATHOGNOMONIC SIGNS. the doctor made his visits as frequent as possible. Several prescriptions were recommended, but instead of improving, the hand daily grew worse. One day the old doctor, not being able to attend the patient himself, sent his son, who had just begun to practice, and who was not very deeply skilled in the secrets of the profession. When the son returned home, the father asked how the old gentleman's hand was to-day?" "All right," was the young man's reply, "I found a thorn in it and extracted it, and now all's well" "You are a born fool," replied the father, "why, you have gone and spoiled the job." Now, what can be said of such men as this old doctor, but that they are heartless, and could look on and see their patients suffering the most excruciating pain, and even increase it, if ouly by that means they could make themselves rich. We confess that we have a great admiration for the manner in which Old Nicholas of Russia treated his medical advisers. Once, when in the company of a German prince, who was often prostrated by sickness, he asked him how he dealt with his doctors. "I suppose I do just as other people do," replied the prince, " I pay them for attending me when I am ill." " Why, then," replied Nicholas, " you have but to adopt my system, and as sure as you are a prince, your good health will return." "And what is your system?" asked the prince. "It is this," answered the Czar, " I pay my doctors so much per day when I am well, but the moment they allow me to become sick their pay is stopped, and that I believe accounts for my good health." The prince being stmck with this plan, adopted it, and it is said that he was so very seldom ill afterwards, that he never ceased to be grateful to his imperial counsellor. Let the wealthy reader go and do likewise. FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. IT is unquestionable that of all the objects which we usually call works of nature, none is so beautiful as a perfect human form. Fine specimens are found in the region between the Mediterranean, the Black, and the Caspian Seas that region in which, according to history, the Caucasian race first came forth as the highest type of mankind. In proportion to his removal from the place of his origin, and intermixture by marriage, or otherwise with other races of people, he is found superior in intellec- tual capacity to the unmixed races who inhabit the three southern continents, where the most deformed, as well as degenerate races are located. It is not given to us to trace out the steps of this degeneration either in nature or history. But we are to direct attention to some of the capricious methods by which men have artificially disfigured them- selves in obedience to some law of fashion that has acquired ascendancy over good taste and common sense, and coun- teracted the efforts of nature to produce beautiful forms of human kind. Almost every nation, during every age, has had some peculiar fashion of this sort. Some races have compressed the head into unnatural shapes, others the feet, and others^ again, the waist; some have added unnatural colours to the body, others have removed part of the hair that was 506 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY .ARTIFICIAL MEANS. given for its covering; and so on in endless variety. It is impossible to assign a cause, or trace the origin of each of these fashions. But one need only open his eyes in any church, hall, or other place of public resort, even in these Christian lands, to assure himself that fashion has prescribed many things both inconvenient and deleterious and has found willing and obedient subjects ready to sacrifice themselves to her pleasure. Houses are desolated, hearts are broken, properties are squandered, thousands are thrust into untimely graves, and the regions of the lost in the unseen world are filled, as the result of this slavish obedience. Aches, pains, misery, and even death itself are willingly endured by the votaries of fashion. It breeds discontentment, vice, and crime; woman is robbed of her virtue, and man of his honour, in order to satisfy her unconscionable demands. The love of praise may safely be considered as the sup- porter and feeder, if not the instigator of fashion; but it is difficult to discover how men came to praise what is ugly or injurious, so as to induce its cultivation. Perhaps a key might be found in the circumstance of some distinguished personage having been the subject of a natural or accidental deformity. It is matter of history that in the reign of Henry VIII., gentlemen about the English court used to stuff their waistcoats in order to produce an imitation of the king's corpulence. More recently, English ladies affected what was called the Alexandra limp, pretending to be partially lame, because the beloved princess was so. Whatever the reason in other cases, the fact is, that no part of the human body has been exempt from tampering influences and artificial changes, produced by some nation or other as matter of mere fashion. Beginning with the ancients, we find Hippocrates record- ing that the human head had been tampered with and artificially moulded even before his day. Senertus also FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 507 thought of this as among the causes of ill formed heads, that the tender skulls of infants were bandaged by mid- wives and nurses, and moulded with the hand, according to their irregular and varying fancies. The earliest people whose practices in this way are particularly recorded were the Macrones of Pontus, who compressed the head into a tall shape, whence the name, Macrocephalic, or great heads, as in fig. 1. Those having the highest heads were deemed the most perfect gentlemen. As soon as the child was born, the head was carefully compressed to secure the desired height; nor were the efforts relaxed until the skull had become sufficiently hard to secure the continuance of the form throughout life. Hippocrates informs us that the Scythians, who inhabited Phasis, chose a head formed like a sugar-loaf, as a token of nobility, to distinguish the high-born from the vulgar. In process of time, all the children v~re born with conical heads, and the arts of the midwife were dispensed with; where- upon nature, left to her liberty, turned by little and little to recover her natural configura- tion. The Silesian, Atticke, Argive, and Phoxi were noted in ancient times as having turbinated heads. Also the people in Peru, two hundred years ago, had wonderful coronal accuminations. Strabo mentions Indians who had piked and wedge-shaped heads. And to this day, there are American Indians along the banks of the Columbia River, Fig. 1. A Macrone. FASHION; OR. MAN DKI<-OKMED BY. ARTIFICIAL MEANS. and on the island of Victoria, whose heads are wedge- shaped and conical. The following cut of a Quatsino Indian is a fair representation of the sugar-loaf head as found among the Indians on the north-western portion of Vancouver Island. Fig. 2. A Quatsino Indian Girl. Fig. 3. A Cumana Woman. These heads often measure from fifteen to twenty inches between the eyes and the top of the head, exclusive of hair, and are formed by binding the heads when soft with strips of bark. We are told of a pine-apple form of head as characteristic of the Genuensiants in former times; and Licosthenes says that in Ploa, a town of Voitland, tall headed infants were occasionally born as late as the year 1545, these being relics of the effects once produced by artificial means. Scaliger records that children are born with compressed temples as a result of the efforts of former generations. The women of Cumana cultivate the long face and high head by compres- sion, as in fig. 3. Perhaps it is from some hereditary tradition in favour of high heads, that, until very recent FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 50t> times, the women of Wales wore tall, conical hats. I have seen them attending markets, fairs, and places of public ^amusement, as in fig. 4. Fi. 4. A Welsh Woman. Fig. 5. An Egyptian Man. On the other hand, the people of Sigiunus, a city of Egypt, take pains to secure a low and flat form of head, as in fig. 5. The low Dutch, the French, and the Portuguese incline to low and elongated heads, more or less flat on the top. This las f , peculiarity is observable in the people of Brazil also. Broad heads are the fashion with the Muscovites, as in fig. 6. Their heads and faces are flattened artificially during childhood, to secure what is considered a genteel form. The Apichiquit Pichunsti, Sava, and some other Indian tribes, cultivate the broad head by laying a board or stone on the infant forehead, and another on the neck, and bind- ing these together until the form is fully established by age, and the bones so hardened that they retain their unnatural shape throughout life. A flat-headed Indian of North-Western America is here introduced, to shew how 510 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY. ARTIFICIAL MEAN3. they fashionably deform what the Creator has so beautifully designed (see fig. 7). Fig. 6. A Muscovite Man. Fia;. 7. A Flat-head Indian. Two hundred years ago, there were men in Old Port, in the West Indies, who cultivated a square form of head by artificial means. When the child was young, they used Fig. 8. A West Indiaman. ' Fig. 9. A Greek Man. boards on the sides, and even wooden boxes to inclose the skull, until nature not only retained the shape in the FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 511 individual so treated, but transmitted it to future genera- tions by the production of children born with these square heads. The Ancient Greeks were otherwise minded. They were celebrated for admiring a globular shape of head. (Fig. 9.) Pericles the Athenian, who, as Plutarch informs us, had a long head, in shape like a mallet, became an object of ridicule to the comedians of his day on this account; and the Attic poets nicknamed him Cynocephalum that is, dog's head. Albertus Magnus commended round heads, adding, that this form was promoted by the cares of the nurses in mould- ing the infant skull. To this day the Grecians and Turks rejoice in the posses- sion of heads bearing considerable resemblance to globes; and the peculiarity is said to be still cultivated by com- pression in childhood. Megasthenes, Pliny, and Gellius, whose tastes were doubtless formed on the globular type, proclaimed that in Scythia there were people with dogs' beads, as in fig. 10. Other able and truthful authors assure us that the dog-face is common in Tartary. Marcus Paulus, a Venetian, mentions an island called Daganian, of which the inhabitants "have heads like unto dogs;" and Pausanias records that Euphemus, by descent a Carian, saw such people in the islands of the ocean, when he was driven on their shores by adverse winds, as he was sailing towards Italy. Fig. 10. A Scythian Man. 612 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. Several ancient writers have spoken of Acephali, or men without heads. Hela says that the Belinii are headless, and have all the usual features of the face in their breasts, as in fig. 11. Solinus gives the same account; so does Gellius. Pliny affirms the same strange fact; and St. Augustine expresses himself thus: "I was Bishop of Hipo, and, with certain ser- vants of Christ, I travelled to Ethiopia to preach the Gospel of Christ unto them; and we saw there many men and women having no heads, but large eyes fixed in their breasts, their other members like unto ours." Fulgosu.s repeats in substance the tes- timony of Augustine. Sir Walter Raleigh says that the Ewaipanomi are a strange, headless race, and mentions a people on the River Caora whose heads appear not above their shoulders. This is probably the true explanation of the Acephali wherever found. The head has been thrust down, and the shoulders raised, until no throat was visible, and the facial features appeared to be in the breast. Another set of fashions operates on the noses of human beings. The islanders of Zanzibar used to have their noses turned upwards; and the size of nostril in the females, which to a stranger must have appeared a great deformity, was reckoned the height of fashion. (Fig. 1 2.) On the other hand, the Huns used to flatten down the noses of their boys, that these protuberances should not hinder them iii donning their helmets one of the few vagaries that even pretend to have a reason for their exist- Pig. 11. -A Belinii Man. FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 513 eiice. In Caffraria, Lower Ethiopia, and Mozambique, flat noses are iii request: it is preferred that they should be so by nature, otherwise artificial methods are employed. The inhabitants of Tartary used to cut and pare down the nose, especially the upper part between the eyes, covering Fig. 12. A Woman of Zanzibar. Fig. 13. A Woman of Scatia. it with black ointment. Friar William, Dr. Bubraquis, a Frenchman, reports that when he visited the court of Fig. 14. A Peruvian 'Jan. Fig. 15. A Persian Man. 514 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. Scatia, he observed that the queen had her nose quite pared down on the upper part, so that the space between the eyes was flat. It requires little stretch of imagination to fancy what would be the effect on a nation of such a fashion set by the queen (see fig. 13). In Peruviana, hundreds of years ago, a large nose was considered desirable, as in fig. 14 The people took great pains accordingly to pull the nose out of its natural dimen- sions. The Persians of old held high noses in admiration, Cyrus having had such a one; and they would allow none but aquiline-nosed persons to rule over them. The women of East India bore the wings of the nostril, and wear in it rings and other ornaments, as in fig. 16. Fig. 16. A Kyast Banian Woman, of Surat, in Western India. Fig. 17. A Flat-head Indian. Some of the North American Indian tribes bore their noses through the septum, and insert sticks, quills, or pieces of ivory, holding thia style to be a mark of beauty. For, However horrid a fash if >n mav be, or destructive of FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 515 real beauty, it will be adopted throughout any nation, if only it be used by the nobility or other leaders of society. The black people of Cornori formerly had horribly large ears, from which hung numerous rings set with stones; and, as a general rule, the nobler the woman's lineage, the larger were her ears (see fig. 18). In the city of Cochi the women used to put large pieces of lead in the lobules of the ears, and draw them down to an enormous length, as in fig. 19. Fig. 18. A (Jornori Woman. Vis:. 19. A Ccchi Woman. The men of Cochi also became enamoured of this, to us, repulsive fashion, and extended their ears in the samo manner as the women. The ladies of our own country are fond of hanging jewels by hcles bored in the ears, but it is merely for ornament, not for distorting or enlarg- ing the organ ; small ears never lose their claim to admir- ation among us; but earrings, which wetit quite out of fashion about forty years ago, and were under ban for at least twenty, are now all the rage again. In Turkey, those women who had the largest mouths 616 FASHION; OR. MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. were at one time accounted the most beautiful; and as art is always called in to metamorphose nature in obedience to the demands of fashion, however absurd and tyrannical, Turkish women succeeded in displaying mouths to remind us of an annual lease, which is from (y) ear to (y) ear (see fig. 20). There is an account given of a people in Ethiopia who made a practice of drawing down the under lip, until many times it was found to measure eighteen inches in length. Salt was used to prevent the putrefaction to which the soft inner skin would have been liable from such exposure to the action of the sua and air. Fig. 20. A Woman of Turkey. Fig. 21. An Ethiopian. Those cannibals called Paries formerly had a custom of boring three large 'holes in their faces, one in the under and two in the upper lip, as in fig. 22. Into these holes they inserted green stones. Some of the tribes about Sierra Leone have been observed with teeth filed to points, so as to resemble saw-teeth ; and to this day the practice is continued among many of the tribes in Ethiopia and Mozambique. Fig. 23 exhibits the FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 517 fashion of sharply-filed teeth that once prevailed among the Macus. Fig. 22. A Pane Man. Fig. 23. A Macu Man. In the island of Tanibali there once lived a set of people with artificially-cloven tongues (fig. 24). It is said they used divers kinds of language, and imi- tated not only different voices of men, but the singing of several birds. The slit which formed the division was in the middle of the tongue, and parallel with its greatest measurement; the organ was, therefore, in no wise seriously injured, or its ordinary func- Fig. 24. A Tanihalian. tions interfered with. Galen, the celebrated physician of Greece, demonstrated to the ancients that the tongue was by nature double, each side being supplied with a separate set of vessels, nerves, &c., so that each side was supported 518 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. independently of the other, and could perform its functions alone. Modern anatomical dissection has confirmed this view, and demonstrated the duality of the tongue and brain, as well as of the eyes, ears, heart, lungs, kidneys, and other bodily organs which are more )bviously double. Small hands and feet in the female sex are, among European nations, generally esteemed as indicative of genteel birth and refinement. The ladies of Portugal, especially those among the nobility, used to cultivate this elegance by artificial means in the olden time. The hands of female children were bound with cloth to retard their Fig. 25. A Portuguese Woman. Fk'. 26. A Chinese Man. growth, and promote a soft and delicate appearance. Of course, this must have been practised with moderation and care, or the shape of the hand would have been greatly disfigured (fig. 25). Marchus informs us that the people living along the banks of the river Thomeras used to have hard, sharp, and very long nails, with which they killed fish, and cut soft wood, as they had not learned the use FAS1IION; OR, MAN DEFOUMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 519 of iron. Even now there are people in China who wear their nails so long that they can use them instead of forks, or rather chopsticks. It is said that the nail ii sometimes as long as the finger on which it grows. There must, of course, be unusual strength in such nails, 01 they would break off with use long before they attained such a size (fig. 26). We have heard of coloured ladies in Demerara who cultivated long tapering nails, to shew that, through the indulgence of their temporary husbands, they were utterly exempt from every kind of work. There is reason, such as it is, in this fashion, which is more than can be said for most of those we are describing. To come nearer home. Our own countrywomen yes, and some of the men have in various ages believed that Fig. "1. Miss Tight-laced. Yonng Fig. 28. Natuial waist. Her man, there is a life-time of misery reside health, joy, and love, tied up in this waspish form. 520 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY .ARTIFICIAL MEANS. a wasp-like smallness of waist was a great beauty. Any one above two score years of age can recollect that before he was in his teens, and for some time after, the ladies generally, and those among the men who were called dandies, used, especially on high occasions, to strive with might and main to lace their too tight stays as close as possible; the effect of which was not only an appearance obviously artificial, and very ridiculous (see fig. 27), but a condition of present pain and future danger. Thousands were sent to an early grave by this pernicious custom ; the vital parts not having sufficient room to play, and becoming diseased. The fashion went out, however, per- haps because so many fearful examples of its fatal con- sequences had appeared ; and after it, disappeared the custom of displaying the waist out of doors. Of late years, however, the shrouding of the figure has been cast off; none but grandmothers remember the miseries that obliged tight-lacing to disappear, and it is shewing itself again among our vain, silly, and characterless females. Tight-lacing finds a counterpart, with far less injurious results, in the Chinese custom of bandaging the limbs and confining the feet. Moreover, only the nobility can afford to be thus crippled for life; and the practice, though cruel and to us repulsive, is quite circumscribed. Here is a repre- sentation of a Chinese woman with artificially compressed feet. Sometimes the part touching the ground is not more than two inches long (fig. 29). It is difficult to believe that the subjects of the Celestial Empire really consider these malformations beautiful; more probably it is matter of pride, the disabled feet being indicative of the fact, that the lady was born in a rank of life to exempt her from using her nether limbs, and entitle her to be carried whithersoever she may please optate. As the reverse of this, there is a people in India that rejoice in feet which measure eighteen inches; and they FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 521 labour as assiduously to elongate these members as the Chinese do to shorten theirs (fig. 30). It must be admitted that the long feet are much more serviceable than those which are too short to admit of walking. In India beyond the Ganges, there once lived, as we are told, a race called Fig. 29. A Chinese Woman. Fig. 30. A Sciopede Man. Sciopedes, with feet of monstrous size; and at the present day, the inhabitants of Guinea are distinguished for long legs, broad feet, and enormously long toes. There are, however, no records by which we can trace the origin of these peculiarities to capricious artifices. In America and England, the people have not always been wholly guiltless of tampering with their feet in obedi- ence to the laws of fashion. To say nothing of the custom of wearing boots or shoes which are much too tight, for the sake of appearing to have a small foot, it is to be noted that during several centuries our own fashionables wore such 522 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. long, narrow, pointed shoes, as must have been most incon- venient. We read of them so early as the reign of Henry I., when they drew forth the severe rebukes of the clergy. They were named pigacice, and are represented as having had points like a scorpion's tail. Sometimes they were stuffed so that they might be twisted like a ram's horn. It was said that these peaked shoes were invented by a gentleman who had a deformed foot ; certain it was, though remarkable, that the ladies never patronized such extrava- gance of shape as the men did. In a work called Eulogium of Richard II.'s time, it is said: "Their shoes and pattens are snouted and piked, more than a finger long, crooking upwards, resembling devils' claws, and fastened to the knees with chains of gold and silver." In the reign of Henry VI., the points were no longer turned up, but they shot out to a most amazing length, ending with a point like a needle; and how the gallants contrived to walk in them is admitted to be one of the mysteries of history. What troubled the clergy more, perhaps, was the difficulty their people had in kneeling, " For," says one in Charles I.'.s reign, " one's boots and shoes are so long-snouted that we can hardly kneel in God's house." Another fashion, at once inconvenient and dangerous, prevailed in England during the first half of the present century The Prince Regent, afterwards George IV, had unsightly scars about the glands of his throat, and adopted a mode of dress fitted to conceal them. Stiff black stocks from four to six inches deep were worn by the fashionable men* while stiff shirt collars came out above them, reaching half- way up the cheeks, and often scrubbing the ears severely. Beau Brummel's dress was a fair specimen. See cut of Beau Brummel on page 144 in this book. Perhaps no part of the human body has been so generally dealt with in an arbitrary manner as the hair, which haa been given for its protection. In the Indies, there foimerly FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 523 was a tribe cf Cumanans, who plucked off all the hair of their eyebrows, and took the greatest pride in this unnatural depillation. In like manner, the Brazilian females used to eradicate their eyebrows, and could give no other reason than that it was a long-established custom ; and who ever knew any practice so absurd or injurious that the majority of women, with many rare and noble exceptions, would not conform to it if it had become fashionable? The most obvious use of the eyebrow hair is to arrest the perspiration, which otherwise might flow down into the eyes and injure them. Possibly, therefore, the practice of eradicating this hair might originally have been the desire of shewing that the lady was above such labour as would produce perspiration. The practice of plucking out the beard and whiskers pre- vails among the various tribes of Indians I have visited in America. The white man shaves his face, the Chinaman his head (fig. 31). Both practices are contrary to nature, and are rebuked by the consequences which ensue. The tri-facial, or fifth pair of nerves, with their three branches, are distri- buted about the face aad eyes; the branch whict. runs to the upper lip, and that which goes to the eye, being connected at the csesarian ganglion, and then by the body of the fifth nerve with the brain. Hence whatever irritates or exposes the upper lip, as shaving of necessity does, must irritate and weaken the eyes, if not impair the harmonious condition of the entire nervous system, as all are closely connected; whereas wear Fig. 31. A Chinaman, with his head shaven. 524 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. ing all the hair that nature has provided for the face strengthens the eyes, as well as protects the throat from cold, better than any artificial muffling. Fig. 32 is the likeness of a man who has constantly abjured shaving, and never had a day's sickness in his life. He resides in San Francisco, California his name, Captain Staddon. Mark the healthy expression of every feature. Fi^. 32. Captain Staddon, of San Francisco, California, who was never sick. As a contrast, Henry Ward Beecher is an example of a shaved and popular man an example as conspicuous and popular as could be mentioned (fig. 33). He professes to be a follower of Christ, but fails to follow Him in this respect; for the Saviour never shaved, if we may judge from history, and traditional pictures. Nor does Beecher follow the Bible in this matter, for it reads thus: "They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shavi off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in theii FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 525 flesh," Leviticus xxi. 5. Also "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard," Leviticus xix. 27 ; and no man can shave with- out marring his beard, and, at least, part of its corners. Beecher may be more properly characterized as a follower of fashion than of Christ or the Scriptures, as he professes to be. Yet he is no more so than thou- sands of other professors of the Christian faith. "A. close shaven priest" has long been proverbial. But if, as we have shewn, the nervous system is injured by shaving, and if, as every one knows, the true balance of the mind de- pends more or less on the, state of the nerves, the mind is likely to suffer by Fig. 33. Rev. Henry W. Beecher. this artifice of fashion ; and as the mind is closely related to the soul, this, of course, suffers also, and who can tell whether according to theology the interests of the soul may not be sacrificed to fashion through shaving; and Beecher, by his example, may be damning souls instead of saving them? We shall forbear to pass judgment, and, in this respect at least, be out of fashion. But let us urge upon Beecher to set .an example of living in accordance with God's great natural laws, by wearing his beard; also to follow the example of Christ, and no longer thwart the benevolent designs of his Creator. Doubtless, God never made anything no, not a single hair in vain, or as a use- less appendage and it is presumption in any person to say the beard is useless, or worse than useless, and who will 526 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. utterly remove it as such ? Beecher, " take warning," as the Methodists would say, " lest it be everlastingly too late to repent and be saved;" for are you not "a sinner by nature, and far more by practice?" Our English cousins' fashions with respect to the hair, whether of the head or face, have been extremely change- able, but, on the whole, the shaved face and long hair has been most in the ascendant. So early as the reign of Henry I., we read of the long hair and flowing robes that gave the men a ridiculously effeminate appearance. It is said, that when the king was in Normandy, a bishop preached so eloquently against the sin and wickedness of wearing long hair, that the monarch and his attendants actually wept; and the prelate, resolved to follow up his advantage, took from the folds of his sleeve a large pair of shears, and cropped the whole congregation. Strutt tells us that, in the reign of Henry VII., the hair was parted back from the forehead, and fell in long flowing ringlets on the shoulders; which made the warriors of that day look very effeminate, particularly as the face was divested of beard, whiskers, and moustaches. The despotic Henry VIII. condemned the hair of gentlemen to be cut short, we are told, " to the no small disgust of the gallants of that day, who, however, were a little consoled by the gracious permission of their sovereign to wear a fierce beard and long curling moustaches. This style flourished in the reign of Queen Bess and James I. But Charles set the fashion of wearing a love-lock, which was a curl on the left side, considerably longer than the rest. It became quite the rage, though nothing in the annals of hair, wigs, or periwigs ever caused such commotion among quiet people, and a quarto volume was written against it, in which it is related that a nobleman had his cut off on his death-bed, as a " cord of vanity, by which he had given the devil a hold to lead him at his pleasure." In the reign of the second FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 527 Charles, the high curled peruke, or the hair parted in front, and falling upon the shoulders and back in heavy masses of corkscrew curls, marks the climax of this fashion in men. Up to the end of last century, gentlemen who did not keep valets, were dressed every morning by the barber. The face was shaved very clean, and the hair of the head loaded with powder and pomatum, before being arranged according to the mode, and tied in a pigtail behind. When the hair came to be worn short and unpowdered, gentlemen learned to shave themselves, and dispense with the barber. For many years past, the unshaved face has been more and more prevalent, though at first that is about thirty years ago it was, like the short unpowdered hair at the com- mencement of the century, regarded as indicative of political principles subversive of the existing order. As for the estimation of the beard in other lands, we are told that many of the religious ceremonies among the Tartars consist in its proper management; and the Chinese devote much attention to the few straggling hairs they can coax to grow on their chins. The Russians used to wear enormous beards; the Czar Peter ordered shaving, bub could obtain no obedience, until he appointed officers to cut off the beards of his refractory subjects by force. Perhaps his motive was the same with that of Alexander the Great, who ordered his Macedonians to be shaved, lest their beards should afford a handle to their enemies. The Romans grew their beards to mark any great sorrow; the Greeks, on the contrary, shaved theirs in times of affliction only, until the time of Alexander. Since the introduction of Christianity to Europe, the Greek and Romish Churches have waged bitter war on this point; the former enforcing the long beard, the latter enjoining close shaving. Among the Mahommedans it is considered a sin to cut off the beard, when once it has been allowed to grow, as they say. 528 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS, " the angels dwell in them." The young men of Persia, Mr Morier says, sigh for a beard, and grease their chins to hasten its growth, because, until they have a respectable covering there, they are supposed unfit for any place of trust. The general sense of mankind has been that, if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, the abundance of this ornament tending much to soften the features. But here again fashion is arbitrary and tyrannical. Until about the commencement of the present century, ladies wore their hair powdered, and dressed high on the crown with cushions. The powder imparted considerable softness to the counten- ance. Next, the mode de rigueur was a profusion of curls hanging round the face doubtless a most becoming fashion. But when Queen Victoria ascended the throne whether it was owing to her good sense and worthy taste or whether it was simply to economize time she introduced the fashion of braid- ing plainly in front, and gather- ing into small compass behind T the head, shewing, in fact, as ^^ ) little hair as possible, and that dressed in the simplest manner. But the Empress Eugene had a face of such contour as to require no braids ; she drew her hair Fig. 34. Fashionable head-dress back to display it ; and ever of America in 1860. i_ i_ j i i since we have had a bare-faced age of women; the hair which, hanging over the temples, would have softened the features, and concealed any irre- gularity of contour, is gathered to the back, and with the addition of much that is artificial, and a great deal of trumpery besides, it is formed. into as large a mass as it is Dossible to produce (fig. 34). FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 529 Among savage nations, little skilled in the arts of dress, there prevails more or less the custom of tattooing or painting the body, either in part or over the whole surface. Herodian describes the Picts of North Britain as people who painted their entire bodies, and from this circumstance obtained their appellation from their more civilized neigh- bours. The North American Indians are accustomed to paint their bodies after all manner of devices. Here is a likeness of one mark- ed with white stripes round the body and across .the face, as I had his photograph taken in California when he was in full trim on the occasion of his annual war- dance (fig. 35). Here is an example of a North American Indian, as his body is painted for the chase; shewing how fashion may lead a tribe or people to low animal imitation (fig. 36). We are told that the ancient Samians were accustomed to burn letters into their foreheads, whence Aristophanes calls them populum literatum (fig. 37). A curiously deforming custom prevails among the Digger Indians of California. A widow covers half of her face with the ashes of her deceased husband's body, mixed with pitch, and continues to carry this disfigurement until Fig. 36. A Digger Indian attired for an annual war-dance. 530 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS through time it naturally wears of The appearance ia Fig. 36. An Indian of Arizona. Fig. 37. A Saraian Man. well indicated in fig. 38 of a female Indian of California. Doubtless the idea whence this fashion originated was, that a widow ought not to form a new connexion until the lapse of a decent length of time; and this was best secured by rendering her unattractive, at the same time indicating pretty distinctly how soon advances might be made. The widow's caps, which are now made in a becoming Queen Mary shape, and may be doffed at any time, are . nothing to the pitch and ashes composition for keeping men at un marriageable distance. Patching the face over with small pieces of black silk, of various shape, came into fashion in England about the middle of the seventeenth ceatury, imported, it is tho jght, from Arabia. FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEAi/4 531 Fig. 38. A Digger Indian of California. The maiden of sixteen and the gray-haired covered their faces with these patches, shaped lio sius, moons, stars, hearts, crosses, and lozenges. A writer in Queen Anne's reign says, he observed one set of ladies having their faces spotted on the right side, while those in the opposite boxes had their patches on the left; and in the middle boxes were ladies patched on both sides. On inquiry, he learned that the first set were Whigs, the second Tories, and the third were neutral in politics. It is said that the influence of Addison's writings chiefly were successful in banishing patches from England. Enough has been said to shew that every portion of the human frame has been deformed by the caprices of fashion at some time and by some people. We might remark on some arts which are used, not to mar the natural beauty, but to supply it where deficient. A fine white skin, with roses blooming on the cheeks, is undeniably beautiful; and consequently, in most of the large cities of Europe, there are females whose occupation it is to prepare ladies for appearing in full dress by enamelling and rouging the skin of the face, neck, and arms. But such appliances are very deleterious, corroding the tissues, and preventing the natural flow of perspiration through the pores. Tho same may be said, though in a mitigated degree, of the u.-e of what is called face powder, by the manufacture of which a perfumer in London has made a large fortune. Freckles are so derogatory' to female beauty, that a lady may be forgiven for seeking their removal ; and we FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. append a recipe that will take them away if they are remov* able, R. Oxalic acid, x. grs. Essence roses, x. minima. Aqua pura, xii. 5. Mix and moisten the freckled parts of the skin twice a day with a sponge or cloth saturated with the mixture. If the freckles are not removed in four weeks, cease to use the wash. Pimples on the face are likewise ugly, and even more displeasing to the eye. The practice of washing the face more frequently than the rest of the surface will produce them, by drawing the blood to .that part, to leave its impurities there. Some years ago, a young minister descended from the pulpit extremely warm, and in his impatience splashed his face abundantly with cold water; the result was a crop of pimples, which were not easily removed. Whoever, therefore, is subject to this disfigura- tion should freely wash all the rest of his skin, and the face more sparingly. Let us now note some 01 those fashionable customs that operate indirectly on the human frame to its injury. Such are the use of alcoholic liquors, of tobacco in its various forms, of opium, and even tea and coffee, all which, by their operation on the nervous system, tend to de- bilitate the individual, and mar the beauty of the race. Indulgence in strong drink causes the under eyelids to Fig. 39. Hon. Daniel Webster, puff out, and eventually to FASHION; OR, MAN DEl'ORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 533 fall outwards and downwards away from the eyeballs, as the result of nervous and muscular exhaustion. See cut (fig. 39) of Daniel Webster, who drank to excess. This engrav- ing was made from an ambrotype taken from life. The weak and congested under surfaces are thus exposed an unsightly appearance which ought to act as a warning to those who may yet be saved from exhibiting it in their own persons. Fig. 40. An Irish Peasant. Tobacco is another nerve stimulus, used in this country chiefly in the way of smoking and snuffing, but in America, largely by chewing and dipping also. Some readers may not even know what is meant by dipping. Some ladies of tlie Southern portion of the United States carry a box of snuff with a stick terminating in a kind of brush. This they moisten and dip into the snuff, then rub on their teeth, and suck into the mouth. It is simply a lady's approach to chewing "the fragrant weed." This tobacco 534 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY .ARTIFICIAL MEANS. chewing, besides being a filthy practice, which none o( the lower animals debase themselves with, is highly in- jurious to health. It excites the salivary glands, which are situated in and around the mouth, and are six in number two parotid, two sub-maxillary, and two sub- lingual. These when excited, as by dipping, chewing, or smoking tobacco, will pour their saliva into the mouth. This saliva, being largely mixed with tobacco, is unfit to be swallowed, and is therefore ejected in spurts upon the carpet, into the fire, or anywhere that happens. But nature requires this saliva to turn that which is starchy food in the mouth into grape sugar, and fit the edibles for the gastric juice of the stomach. The waste of it by spitting, therefore, causes the alimentary canal to do its work feebly and poorly; thus the blood comes to be in- sufficiently replenished, which leaves every part of the organization in an enfeebled condition, and more susceptible of disease and death. If this does not mar the beauty of the individual who indulges in it, it causes the offspring to be smaller and weaker than would otherwise be the case. American and European girls chew a sort of gum, com- pounded of several substances, no way pleasant to the taste. The custom can be accounted for only on the sup- position that, through the tobacco-chewing habits of their fathers, these girls have inherited a tendency to keep their jaws working. But gum-chewing has in a lower degree the same baneful effects as tobacco, through the undue excitement and waste of saliva. Snuffing excites the olfactory nerve, which is distributed to the nose, and gives rise to the special sense of smell; and this excitement being reflected over the entire nervous system, becomes an occasion of weakness to the mental faculties; for the mind bears the same relation to the bodily organs, that a river sustains to its tributaries: its FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. 535 size and force are just in proportion to the strength of ita feeders. Tobacco has always thus enfeebled the mental and physical powers of those who used it, and is going on to weaken the generations that are to follow; and that must enter those great battles of life in which feeble- ness is left behind, and strength wins the jewel of success. American ladies complain, not without reason, of the filth bestrewed in their rooms through tobacco chewinor. O O Scarcely less dirty is their own practice of trailing long dresses in the streets, and carrying to their homes what- ever they wipe up. This prevailed in England several years ago ; and I know a gentleman who, in the hurry of business, trod on such a skirt and tore it from the corsage; but quickly appeased the rising of the fair one's wrath, by acknowledging that he knew he had broken the law by stepping on a train in motion. Long trains, though still fashionable in the drawing-room, are quite exploded for out-of-door walking in civilized Europe; insomuch that in my extensive travelling through England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Prussia, &c., I have seen but one lady wearing a trailing dress, and she, I was informed, was probably a questionable character. Tea-drinking is another means of producing nervous excitement, and has been so largely indulged in \>y parents, that their children have been born with a hereditary tend- ency to desire some nerve stimulus; and thus are thousands marked as drunkards, or smokers, or chewers, through practices which their parents little dreamed would have such an effect. Tea contains a poison called theine, which gradually collects on the nerves and brain, and tends to render the whole sensory system unfit for its proper func- tions. Hence God is thwarted in His designs by a cup of tea. But those who use it shelter themselves, like- the dram-drinker, with the plea that " it makes me feel better." Coffee contains a large quantity of caffeine, which is a 6 30 FASHION; OR, MAN DEFORMED BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS. poison, and acts in the way of thickening the blood, thereby retarding mental action, and causing general stupor, with a tendency to apoplexy. Coffee proves most injurious to fleshy people, and tea to those who are thin and have large brains. Whatever is untrue to nature, and injurious to any part or function of the body, rest assured that the Creator never intended it for your use, and that it will mar the work of His hands in yourself and in your offspring. Fashionable it may be ; but at the beginning of a fashionable life is sin., in the middle of it a weak mind, and at the end the grave* yard. MADAME DE STAEL, a French authoress with brilliant genius, the only woman of whom Napoleon L was afraid. Her facial lineaments prognosticate the vast flexibility of intellect, grand comprehension, varied attainments, and philosophical acumen displayed in all her writings. SIGNS OF INTELLIGENCE IN MEN AND ANIMALS. THE surfaces of everything we see possessed of growing powers, bear great and unquestionable marks of the intel- lectual. Trees, rocks, grasses, fish, reptiles, birds, vegetation, and, indeed, all things animate or inanimate, are stamped with the indelible proofs of intellectuality. Nor can such evidences very well bo passed over by the observer, more especially if his perceptions be keen, or his love of natural phenomena sufficiently ample to warrant an investigation of this assertion. For instance, different degrees of intelli- gence exist in various forms. Hence, in some departments of life, we perceive great powers of sagacity, while in others, of the more cold-blooded species, we observe doltishness, and, might we not add, with a plainer if not more terse mean- ing, utter stupidity. Now, the faculty of discerning at a glance what animals and men are intelligent, or, on the other hand, to select from the masses those that are weak-minded, is a know- ledge of the utmost importance to every enlightened reader and, indeed, a subject well worthy the consideration of the philosopher, the study of the oracle, and, add to this, if you will, the wisdom of a Solomon. The main features by which we may distinguish the intellectual powers of men or animals, we here definitely describe, and illustrate according to the following rules: Prominent and well-arched eye-bones, with quite a deep 538 SIGNS OF INTELLIGENCE IN MEN AND ANIMALS. indentation beneath the brow, that is, across the top of the nose and eyes, slight depression crossing the forehead (three-fourths or a full inch above the eyebrows), also a perpendicular depression commencing at the top of the nose, and extending to the centre, or nearly so, of the forehead. Such characteristic signs, for the guidance of the observer, are never seen upon men, unless they be to distinguish them as possessing the most intelligent and comprehensive intellectual qualities, which in inferior animals are not exhibited so largely. Yet, there are some of the latter that may bear a worthier and more direct comparison. Foi instance, take a very intelligent pointer, or even poodle- dog, and you will observe the markings as foregoingly described, strikingly distinct and strangely analogous to the more intellectual man. Then, again, another proof of the correctness of our theory between the intellectual and the unintellectual, is the bear. This latter animal, though endowed with great strength, and, indeed, we may sa}^, almost unexampled ferocity, is the reverse of intelligent or even tractable. For the most accurate index to his physiognomy, observe his eye, which is on a level parallel with his forehead. You perceive no deviating marks there, no protuberances that we find in the more intelligent order of animals ; but the contrary a perfect plane of forehead and nose, as they form, or nearly so, a straight and undeviating line from one feature to the other. Take the eye again, in contrast with the most intelligent of the lower animals, and it has the appearance, if we might use the expression, of being set in a plane board. The hog, opossum, rhinoceros, and snake also shew a level between the eye and the forehead, which shew them the most unintellectual, ferocious, and stupid of the animal creation. The ox, on the contrary, is an animal with greater capa- SIGNS OF INTELLIGENCE IN MEN AND ANIMALS. 539 city, and, of course, more nobility and docility than any of those we have last mentioned. Mark the physiognomical difference of this animal. Jt displays a depression across the head, just above the eyes, and exhibits rather prominent eyebones. These marks, so emblematic of the intelligence of the ox, are invariably to be found in the more intellectual of mankind, which, once placed and established there, can never be wholly eradicated. Hence, we draw a line of demarcation betwixt the lower and higher grade of the animal creation, by the assistance of watch the intelligent reader may easily draw correct inferences for himself, and, indeed, solve mighty problems which were before to him buried in darkness and oblivion. Another word ere we close the subject of the present article. When you observe in either man or woman the eyes jutting out, or otherwise marked very prominently in their sockets, the nose forming a complete bridge in alignment with the lower part of the forehead, with no deviation or protuberance between the two, rest assured of perceiving in that person a preponderance of strong animal passions, with feeble susceptibilities of improve- ment. Such people may for the time be weaned from their grosser animalism by the more vigorous intellect, and propelled into courses ol' research and study; but they will eventually revert to 'the baser gratifications of their truer instincts, which, alas! are too sternly depicted in them, ever to warrant a permanency of reform. Intellectual excellence is not to be cultivated in a week or a month: it requires years of unswerving stimulus, during the growing period of childhood, to form the true intellectualist. Neither can the work of a few courses at seminary, academy, or college unfold and form the riper judgment of vigorous manhood. It is ofily by continuous application that we attain solidity, and gain a more en- larged compass of thought for ourselves. ORIGINALITY OF MIND. As in a great mountain chain a few lofty summits arrest the eye, towering far above the average height of the range, so here and there in the generations of men we mark those whose superior genius has placed them on high, and made them predominant among their fellows. It is the lot of a few, and only a few, to be the first producers of thoughts calculated to give them extensive influence over the many who have no originating power, and can only receive and follow the ideas of others. Why are the names of Galileo, Descartes, and Newton so con- spicuous in the annals of science? Because they were the first that dared to discard the commonly received theories, and seeking to deduce principles from facts, made such discoveries of the great laws of nature as no one had thought of before. Why are the plays of Shakespeare, though now near 300 years old, still regarded as master- pieces throughout Europe? Because, departing from the beaten track of dramatic composition, he became so true and subtle an interpreter of the human soul as has never written before or since, originating hosts of characters and pictures of life from his own inexhaustible imagination. We might as well ask why all the cattle in a herd fellow on*, or why hundreds of wild geese follow a single leader, as enquire why some men think for the milJion, tnd the ORIGINALITY 01 MIND. 541 million adopt their thinkings. It is a law of nature that the strong lead the weak, and the weak follow the strong. To be the orginator of a thought is the exception, to receive the thoughts of others is the rule. If one large tree among smaller ones in a forest goes crashing to the ground, it is likely to overthrow many of the weaker ones in its fall. When a massive boulder goes thundering down the mountain side, many lesser rocks and stones go rattling after it; but it is the larger, heavier, and more powerful mass that leads the way, and by its superior force detaches and brings jingling down the quiet rocklets that other- wise would have kept their places. Whole communities of men will remain stationary and unprogressive, pursuing the even jog-trot course that their fathers and grandfathers did for ages, until some thundering voice rings out a terribly new and daring plan of action. When Leonidas led on his brave band of warriors, it was from the strong and fearless leader that they caught the first inspirations of battle and aspirations to victory. Napoleon the first would never have made himself master of Europe but for his personal influence over his soldiers, inspiring them with confidence in his leadership and enthusiasm in hia cause. Let us consider what are the outward marks and tokens whereby this strength of character, this capacity for in- fluencing others, may be discovered. In all great discoverers in science, all inventors in art, all leaders in politics and war, we observe large features; and hence draw the con- clusion that such features are true indications of strength of character and originality of thought. In no picture of Shakespeare handed down to us is there a single feature small or feeble looking. The rugged features of Dr. John Hunter, one of the most independent thinkers of any age, would convey without fail to a Physiognomist that he was born to influence, and not to be influenced. Professor 542 ORIGINALITY OF MItfD. Morse, the inventor of the Electric Telegraph, possessed very large features; his mouth was capacious; his nose towering, and remarkably prominent; the more deliberately one studies his face, the more one disco vers strength in every feature of it. Few artists have excelled in originality of composition the rugged-looking Michael Angelo, whose cartoons became models for all Europe, and created a new era in art. A similar example is presented in Christopher Columbus, whose discovery of the western world has led so many thousands of Europeans to make it their home. Peter Cooper has an enormous nose; other features strong; and manners so peculiar, that no one would take him for anything but a singular genius. He laid the foundation of one of the most originally planned schools in America, and was the prime mover in getting it established. On the other hand, small features generally bespeak small minds, and characterize those dependent beings whose voca- tion it is to follow not to lead. Children usually have small features. Almost all their acts are imitative; and their thoughts and feelings are for the most part easily moulded by those elder persons among whom their lot is cast. Among animals, apes and monkeys are recognized as the most imitative; that is, they do, of set purpose, mimic the actions that they witness; but for an example of servile following, with apparently no independence or power of self-direction, there is perhaps no animal like the sheep. And here we have a face small in proportion to the body, moveover, with very little distinctness or prominence in its various parts. We are told that a shepherd knows each individual sheep among hundreds or thousands. If so, it is only the shepherd. No one else can easily learn to dis- tinguish one sheep from another. There is no such close resemblance among horses, cuws, deer, dogs, cats, even pigs, or any other animals that man lias domesticated; and there ORIGINALITY OF MIND. 543 is no animal that follows its leader so implicitly, and with such appearance of stupidity, as though the creature durst not think for itself. The leader is usually one of the coarsest and most vigorous of the flock; if he breaks over a fence or parapet that separates the road from a precipice or the bridge from a river, the whole flock will follow to their utter destruction. We are told, too, that if a sheep gets astray, it has no sense to find its own way back to the fold; but goes on in one direction until found and turned by the intelligent shepherd or dog. Thus is society influenced in all its departments by minds capable of governing and controlling the majority of man- kind, like sheep following their leaders, without question or scruple. Yet there are many gradations in this servility. Students of science embrace the leading principles of the schools to which they belong, but many of them investigate for themselves, and seek to add new truths to the store already accumulated. Mechanicians are ready to worship the great inventors to whom they are indebted for the primary movement in a particular direction, but countless are the improvements and varieties of application originated by men of no great mark. It is in matters of religion and politics chiefly in which many take more or less interest, but to which few devote themselves wholly that this servile imitation is most conspicuous. Millions are following the ideas taught by Confucius when he walked the earth 2,400 years ago. The Presbyterians dread any deviation from the views of Knox and Calvin ; the Methodists follow and quote Wesley as an indisputable authority; and the Quakers stick to the principles of Fox and Penn in the same imitative manner that Phrenologists follow in the wake of Gall and Spurzheim; and Homoaopathists in that of Hahnemann. But every spiritual pastor has his flock; people that accept everything he says, try to do everything he prescribes, and never dream of thinking for themselves 544 ORIGINALITY OF MtND. in matters either of faith or duty. Too truly lid Pollock say, 44 Vanity to be Renowned for creed eccentrical, devoured Its thousands ; but a lazy, corpulent, And over-credulous faith, that leaned on all It met, nor asked if 'twas a reed or oak ; Stepped on, but never earnestly inquired Whether to heaven or hell the journey led, Devoured its tens of thousands." So in politics. We wonder not that the Americans appre- ciate the genius of Franklin and Washington; but thousands of fairly intelligent citizens cast in their annual or quadren- nial votes for those who are to govern them, without a thought as to their respective merits, simply following where the way is pointed by the New York Tribune. Multitudes of voters more are moulded for each election by the New York Herald, and have not a political opinion but what is derived from it ; while the Democrats in the United States stick to Jackson, and, it is said, that in eastern Ten- nessee, some people vote for him still. So do the millions follow, not examining whether the road is right or wrong; and so, like sheep, they may be led either into green pastures, or to the slaughter-house. Having been a public lecturer for several years, I have had a fine opportunity of observing this disposition to lead and be led, even in the matter of whether the lecture shall be patronized or not. Many a man have I seen come to the door of the hall, and inquire " if any one is in yet." When he sees a dozen come in with an eager rush, the poor sheepy rushes too, and looks as eager and in earnest to hear as any of them. I have seen among the hills of California a team of fourteen mules drawing one waggon. Perceiving the front mule wearing a bell, I asked the teamster what was the use of it, and he said it made them start at one moment and ORIGINALITY OF MIND. 545 continue pulling together; otherwise they could not in- stantly know when to stop or when to go on. So do the majority of mankind walk as tne leading bell tinkles. All civilized nations abjure despotic governments, and the more enlightened any people become, the more independent in thought and indisposed to servile following. The people of America have adopted Independence as their watchword, and an instance of the free and independent spirit was displayed by the youths of Boston in the times of the revolution. Some English soldiers had knocked down the snow houses that the boys had carefully erected, and had broken the ice in their skating ponds. The boys com- plained to the captain , but he only laughed at them. The undaunted little fellows, however, knew the difference between fair fighting and capricious tyranny; they went to the commander and related their grievances with such boldness and manly freedom, that the general, far from resenting the audacity of the appeal, was heard to say that freedom was in the very air of the country, breathed even by its boys. Would that the minds of all the English, Scotch, Irish, and American people of the present day were freed from the bigotry and superstition that makes mere imitative sheep of so many. What advancement and glorious happiness might all enjoy ! MENTAL LABOUR. " Deep on his front engraven Deliberation sat, and public care." MILTON. ALL totally uncivilized nations are characterized by a deep- seated aversion to arduous and persevering labour, whether mental or physical. A savage people displays scarcely more inclination for the steady pursuit of agriculture, or of the simple manufactures of which it is capable, than for inven- tion and study ; but, as the national mind develops, a taste for the physical, and subsequently for the intellectual industries begins to display itself, and a dawning civilization glimmers upon the race. The further progress of this civilization is marked by a growing distaste for purely manual toil, which expresses itself in the invention of labour-saving machines, by means of which one man does the work of ten, or a hundred unaided hands. It is the fashion for a certain class of philanthropists to decry machinery as prejudicial to the working man; yet it is obvious that if, with its assistance, a people, considered as a whole, can produce as much by working one hour per diem, as they formerly did by working ten, the machinery has given them nine leisure hours a-day; and if these leisure hours are still employed in other equally productive industries, the total produce of the nation will be increased tenfold; in other words, there will be just ten times as much for it to eat, and drink, and waste, as there was before the machinery was introduced. It may be said, MENTAL LABOUR. 547 however that, in point of fact, the labourer is not ten times as well supplied as before, the increased national production being consumed by the capitalist in luxurious living and pro- digal waste. This assertion is not entirely without founda- tion. Capitalists, it is not to be denied, do sometimes make excessive profits upon the money they have invested in the support of labour; yet it is equally true, first, that the worst-conditioned labourers are comfortably housed, and clothed, and fed, compared with machineless, i.e., savage people; and, second, that the principal misfortunes of the labouring class arise from their fixed indisposition to that mental labour, by means of which it is that capitalists have chiefly contrived to accumulate wealth, and thus to better their condition. Even in a country where labour is as ill paid as in Britain, it is in the power of workmen who exercise thrift and foresight, to save enough in ten years from their earnings, to engage in some co-operative industry These co-operative industries are evidently the salvatior of the working man, since, by means of them, he can not only enjoy the ordinary profits of the capitalist, but can increase those profits by that enthusiasm in production which he never experiences except when he is working for himself. These and similar considerations have been frequently presented to the working class, but they prefer to pay enormous dues to the internationals, and to spend their lives in hardships and in inflammatory complaints against their so-called oppressors, to that mental labour, and forbearance in the use of accumulated savings which is a necessity with the capitalist. It is a very common error with manual labourers tc stigmatize those who live by their minds as idlers, unpro- ductive consumers, &c.; the fact is, however, that without somebody to think, no one would know how to act. Every thought, moreover, is the result of some physical force expended in its production, and an act of recollection or 548 MENTAL LABOUR. . conception is often attended by a greater physical waste, than the swinging of a scythe or the raising of a mallet. The close dependence of the mind upon the physical health shews us the necessity of guarding the latter, if we would enjoy intellectual power. Many children, at the very time that they are accounted slow and stupid, are developing a strength of physical constitution, by the support of which they may afterwards attain to eminence. They are like those large green apples which, in the early fall, are hard, sour, and uninviting, but which, after they have been fully mellowed by time, are the most sought and appreciated. Natures like these develop slowly by a law of their being, which no amount of corporeal punishment or artificial stimulations can safely reverse. Like the budding flower, */ O they may be bruised and mutilated by improper treatment, but they will not unfold their perfect proportions until the voice of nature calls from without, and responds from within. In spite of this fact, children are constantly urged to an unnatural exercise of their nascent powers, which is a positive and sometimes fatal injuiy to both mind and body. Every one is ready to admit that a calf cannot be made an ox by feeding or goading, but must wait the slow, maturation of time ; yet the principle which underlies this fact is constantly overlooked in the education of children. When the precious gold is first brought from the mine, it is often less sparkling than mere iron pyrites; but after it has been duly refined, polished, and shaped, it will make a valuable coin or a magnificent ornament. Education is to the young mind a similar polishing process, but much of it is to be gained outside the schoolhouse in the play-ground, and the broad fields, and in the close obser- vation of nature. The greatest and most successful geniuses in natural science have been those who were the irost diligent observers of natural phenomena. The constrained positions which scholars are forced to MENTAL LABOUR. 549 take, and the impure air which they generally breathe, often convert the school-houses into veritable slaughter- O pens, where countless innocents are murdered every year. As a rule, country life is most favourable to the mental as well as physical well-being of children; for a certain amount of solitude and communion witli nature seems to be as healthful to the mind as are fresh air and food to the body. The life of the crowded town may, by its innumerable stimulations, sharpen the mind in certain directions, but it also militates against its breadth and originality by the accumulated weight of public opinion and example. On the other hand, the broad prairies, flowing rivers, and majestic or beautiful scenes of the country expand the "holy germ," and prepare it for a long, noble, and healthful life. The white race, being the most advanced in civilization, is peculiarly marked by a taste for mental labour. In Europe or America, the most ordinary house with its furniture is replete with indications of taste and invention, as well as of mental toil. The pyramids, on the contrary, though their massive structure has preserved them for ages, exhibit, in their almost total lack of convenience and ornament, a strong preponderance of the physical over the intellectual energies in the people who reared them. It is a mooted question, which has attracted peculiar interest, whether the finest type of physical organization may not be the result of uniting the more intellectual and nervous races with those comparatively deficient in mental power, but with rich physical endowments. Agassiz fails to perceive any injurious effects from such a com- bination, but certainly the Caucasian and African mis- cegenation, which has been practised in America, has not resulted in the production of an ideal race. The Mulatto is acknowledged to have less physical endurance and genei-ative power than either the Negro or the Caucasian, 550 MENTAL LABOUR. and although more clever than the black, is less intel- ligent than the white man. The signs of an inclination for mental labour are a high brain, particularly when joined with small bones and feeble muscles; a glistening and animated eye; great length of the head in front of the ears; and well-defined nasal bones. No man with a low African nose is naturally inclined to mental effort. The habit of intellectual exertion readily develops an inclination for this kind of labour, especially when the mind is exercised upon congenial subjects. Aristotle's rule, that physics should be studied first, and metaphysics afterwards, is a correct guide to the student, because it follows the natural development of the taste. Common schools are undoubtedly the glory of any land; and yet, like all great institutions, however beneficent, they cannot be operated with perfect adaptation to every individual. That feature of the public education which forces all the children to acquire exactly the same amount of science, history, and philosophy, while it develops in many minds an inclination for study, discourages a taste for it in others, by keeping them chiefly employed on uncongenial tasks. We are told by the poet that " Self-love is not so vile a sin As self- neglecting. " Let us, then, give to these minds of ours a thorough and judicious training, knowing that "A soul without reflection, like a pile Without inhabitant, to ruin runs." THE LOVE OF MENTAL PLEASURES. " My mind to me a kingdom is, Full of rich thoughts." ACH of our faculties has its own peculiar enjoyment; thus curiosity, which, though sometimes pragmatic and trifling, is often useful and sagacious, delights to search out some new thing; deductiveness finds happiness in the exercises of logic and the excitements of debate; physiovalorosity hastens to combat and exults in victoiy; factimemoriative- ness is pleased by retaining the knowledge of past ideas and events; appetitiveness is pleased with rich and savory viands ; amicitiveness is gratified by acts of personal kind- ness and the society of those whom the heart holds dear; festheticalness is enraptured with impressions of beauty; ordinimentality finds its Eden in the systematic arrange- ment of thoughts; huntativeness takes delight in the chase; and demolitiousness enjoys an Elysium in acts of subver- sion, demolition, and slaughter. The pleasure which we take in those of our powers which are distinguished as mental, in opposition to the emotional or physical propensities, is not merely a pleasure, it is of inestimable use in stimulating intellectual exertion, and it is also the most trustworthy guide in the choice of a profession. There are very few cases in which it is not the 552 THE LOVE OF MENTAL PLEASURES. wisest course to follow those occupations which afford us the greatest enjoyment, for a mental taste is almost invari- ably accompanied by a corresponding talent. It is often said that physical enjoyments bring speedy satiety, while the pleasures of the mind are " free from cloying." The fact is, however, that a kind nature ha& affixed enduring satisfactions to the moderate use of the physical, as well as the mental powers, and that in the one case, as in the other, abnormal and intemperate gratifica- tion will occasion impotence and disgust. " Much study," said that wise old king, who had exhausted the learning of his day, " much study is a weariness of the flesh . . . and he who increaseth know- ledge, increaseth sorrow." Solomon, like the ennuied philosopher who is the hero of Gcethe's most thrilling drama, had pushed his investigations to that point that his wearied mind grew disgusted with further searching. But disgust is not all; softening of the brain, insanity, failures of special faculties, like attentiveness and facti- memoriativeness, and a great variety of nervous affections, are often the result of an undue indulgence in mental pleasures. The abuse of any power, physical, emotional, or intellectual, is a sin, and, as such, brings its own punish- ment. Those who take good care to keep out of that hell in this world, which is the retribution of all kinds of intemperance, need have no fear of a future perdition. But while the excessive use of our mental faculties is a frightful evil, their legitimate exercise is the source of some of our most elevated enjoyments. The "ample page of knowledge, rich with the stores of time," affords exhaustless satisfactions to the temperate, yet devoted student. Neither love nor ambition ever won a more enthusiastic and heart- felt tribute than that which the poet pays to the pleasures of Uie mind " My inheritance how wide and fair Time is my estate to time I 'in heir." WE LOVE OF MENTAL PLEASURES. 553 As the spirit transcends the body, so are the ineffable transports of the intellect superior to mere physical plea- sures. Imagination lends enchantment to the solitude of the ocean strand, and memory crowds the most tranquil scenes and the most idle hours with busy recollections of the past. It is worthy of consideration that intellectual enjoyments are cheap, as well as elevated. " The gods sell all things at a fair price" nay, there are many things which they offer us gratuitously. All that is needed is the mental activity to appropriate the food for reflection which they present to us on every side. That pyriform contour of the face which is given to it by its being large at the top and small at the bottom, indicates in the possessor a love of intellectual pleasures. When the face is about equally broad above and below, the person may, by a careful system of education, develop a consider- able degree of enjoyment in mental exercises. The man who is self- cultivated may be known by his keen and sparkling eye, his clear forehead, his closed and rather com- pressed lips, and his regular and graceful carriage. "Mental pleasures," said Colton, "never cloy; unlike those of the body, they are increased by repetition, approved of by reflection, and strengthened by enjoyment." Those who participate in these supreme satisfactions have the rare appetite " which grows with what it feeds on," and theirs is the supersensuous music of those " sweet airs which give delight and hurt not." FORCE OF CHARACTER. " He doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walk under his huge legs." SHAKESPEARB. IN the practical concerns of life, success is oftener the result of force of character than of great learning, polished man- ners, or moral purity. " I have not learned," said Themis- tocles, "to tune the harp or handle the lyre, but I know how to make a small and inglorious city both powerful and illustrious." There are some men who are the natural masters of their race, who, by reason of their quick insight, rapid decision, fixed purpose, and energetic will "Get the start of the majestic world, And hear the palm alone." Since such as these are born to govern, it is well foi the happiness of mankind that the much larger class, who are born to be governed, usually take pleasure in their subor- dination. Those who are not gifted with force of character find the occupations and responsibilities of the ruler an insupportable burden, while service and discipleship give them a pleasurable field of activity. The inequalities in worldly distinction, which are so often complained of as the mere freaks of fortune, are really the result of inequali- ties in those characteristics which secure distinction. As Cassius has it, " The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings. " FORCE OF CHARACTER. 555 And yet, since the noblest qualities of mind and heart aro not always those which achieve success, it may well be questioned whether what is called prosperity is not some- times purchased at too dear a price. It were better to enjoy the respect and esteem of a very small circle, than to be the corrupt and corrupting master of half the world. Yet, although force of character may be so perverted in its using, as to be the agent of dishonour and crime, it is, when properly directed, a superior excellence. Those persons wno have tine aim symmetrical features, though they may possess good sense and amiable feelings, are never the foremost men of their time. They may be clever, industrious, and friendly, but they are not as the foremost men always are formidable opponents; they do not make those whom they displease fear to shew their displeasure. Those persons who have large chins, prominent noses, and capacious foreheads, together with sound health, and a good brain and nerve form, are the truly forceful characters who always succeed in cutting their way to fortune. The large chin denotes a strong constitution; a prominent nose svinces energy; while the expansive brow indicates great sensational and cognizant capacities, which can so direct the energy as to make it commanding. Those who have stirred the world by their burning eloquence, or filled the page of history with the recital of their daring deeds, or noble acts of humanity, have possessed the chin, nose, and forehead above described. Napoleon and Wellington both distinguished as the leaders of great armies were strongly characterized by these features, and none have occupied a larger or more distinguished place in modern history. Such men are impressive, and act with a confidence of power which gives a mastering fascination to all that they say or do. The physiognomical signs of force of character do not vary, whether it is displayed in political leadership, 556 FORCE OF CHARACTER. in commerce, by the successful management of vast estab- lishments and the acquisition of enormous wealth, in public speaking, literature, or, in short, in any department of human life, where individual power can make itself felt. The want of impressive force has robbed many an orator of the meed of praise, when his discourse was not without reason, imagination, and learning. On the other hand, the possession of this force gave charm and weight to every word which fell from the lips of Chalmers, Brougham, and Webster. The writings of Samuel Johnson and John Locke are peculiarly distinguished by their vigorous diction; and both these men possessed the three signs of force of character, which have been given in this chapter. JOHN HOWARD PAYNE, the American dramatist, poet, and author of that heart-thrilling song entitled " Home Sweet Home." DECISION OF CHARACTER. HE who has mastered the make-up, or construction }*' t& human system, in its adaptations, proportions, and the laws by which its various faculties are governed, is pos- sessed of the means by which unerring conclusions may be formed with reference to the character of any man he may chance to meet in the varied walks of life. He knows how very intimately body and mind are related, and how much the healthy action of the latter depends upon the form, construction and development of the former; and as the meteorologist discerns the face of the sky, and by an induction of observed facts predicts storms, &c. so he having mastered human Physiognomy, will rarely fail in his conclusions as to the moral idiosyncrasies of the members of the human family with whom he comes into contact. That this power of character-reading would be of immense moment to society, who can doubt? Its necessity is illustrated every day in the columns of our newspapers. Young men gain the confidence of employers, are put into situations of trust, keep their eyes about them, and the first opportunity they have of lining their pockets with money they have never wrought for, they yield to their peculiar desire, possess themselves of the money and abscond; and all that the astonished master can say is. that he has been deceived. ISow, had ihat master studied 558 DECISION OF CHARACTER. Physiognomy, had he beeu able to read the signs of the human system, he would in that case have been careful to see that, so far as lay in his power, no temptation to dishonesty came in the young man's way. We do not mean to say that young men with tendencies to clepto- mania should not be employed, but certainly, not only for the benefit of their employers, but for their own good, they should be employed in such a way as that their besetting temptation shall have no outlet. Indeed, con- sidering the increasing number of cases of theft committed on the premises of masters by those under them, we make bold to say that much good would be gained to society if large employers, unacquainted with the signs by which human character is known, would pay a Physiognomist to examine every new servant employed, and report as to the peculiarities of the said servant's character. In this essay we have to deal with that important element in character called "decision," and the Physiog- nomic signs by which it makes itself known. From the want of this trait of character springs a great deal of human misery. Without it, not very much of a lasting character can be accomplished. A wavering man is not to be depended upon. Stirred by mere impulse he may act well for a time, but discouragement and disappoint- ment master him. Wavering is weakness; decision is strength. A man bereft of this element of character can scarcely look a strong decisive man in the face. Rousseau was a genius, and did much by flashes; but though he had rare intellectual abilities, when he came into the presence of the Scotch philosopher, David Hume, and that strong healthy boned searcher for truth calmly and steadily looked him in the face, the Frenchman trembled. It was the meeting of strength and weakness, a coming togethei of decision of character and moral hesitation; and Rousseau, who tells the story himself, says that he was so much DECISION OF CHARACTER. 559 impressed by the immovable Scotchman, and felt so acutely the unsteady nature of his own character, that he burst out and wept. Any man who has travelled much in Great Britain must have noticed, so far as decision of character is con- cerned, the great disparity between the Scotch and the English. The former are cool and ' calculating, strong of will and full of purpose; the latter are politic, emotional and can be consistently denominated sagacious. Had an undecided man been at the head of the British Govern- ment in the latter part of 1872, his impulsive nature could not have out-lasted the stormy outside agitation for a republican form of government, which was causing so much disturbance in Britain; but the Scotch Gladstone, with the blood of the enduring mountain warrior in his veins, able to look through and through the agitation, calmly held the reigns of rule, unaffected by the desperate cavillings of prejudiced and selfish men. His mind was made up. He had purposed to carry the country through this agitation, as the wise and steady mariner guides his vessel through the storm ; and those who are acquainted with his moral courage and decision of character, know that it is nearly or quite impossible for him to fail. An undecisive person says, "perhaps I may," and fails; the decided individual says, "I will," and succeeds. Some years ago a young man, belonging to the Scotch border, being out of employment, found his way to London. For some time after reaching the city he served a coal agent for half-a-crown a-day. During that time he was in the habit of going out at night and talking with the policemen on the streets. "How long have you been on the force?" he used to say to them, "Eight, ten, or twelve 3'ears," they would reply, just as the case might be. "And are you never to be promoted?" he would ask. "Perhaps we may and perhaps we may'nt," was the invariable reply 560 DECISION OP CHARACTER. The young man was struck with this oft recurring answer, and walking home to his lodgings one night, he made up his mind to join the police force, "and," said he, "once that is done, if I am not something more than a common police officer at the end of twelve months, I shall be dis- appointed." Accordingly he joined the force. Gradually his strong, staid, steady, decisive character became known, and he was promoted from one office to another, until now he stands at the head of his profession, has a princely salary, and travels often with the Queen. Ask him how he, a mere rustic, managed to push himself up, and he will tell you that it was by avoiding the " perhaps," and sticking firmly by the " I will" of decision. Decision of character has three great principles under- lying it. There is first an end to be accomplished ; secondly, the obligation to accomplish it; and thirdly, will force to carry it out. Demosthenes, having noticed the influence of eloquence over his fellow-citizens, determined to be an orator, and that determination was developed into action. He was a stammerer, and resolved to master this defect, and did it. He went to a running brook, and placing a small pebble in his mouth, he delivered speeches to the uncon- scious banks, modulating his voice to the cadence of the rushing stream, and became the first orator of his time. Had he endeavoured to do those things without first having placed before himself an end, which he felt obligated to reach, and which he was conscious he had force enough in his will to reach, he would most certainly have failed, as many had done before him, and as many have done since his day. Csesar determined to become the ruler of the Roman Empire, because of a conviction firmly rooted in his mind to the effect that there was no other Roman citizen so well fitted for it, and he succeeded. He first regaled the ears of the Romans with well thought out, cleverly arranged speeches, by means of which he became a state-officer; then, DECISION OP CHARACTER. 501 adapting himself to surrounding circumstances, he rose step by step until, from being commander of the Roman army, he grasped the Roman crown. Could a man of a wavering disposition have done this? Nay. Not only had Caesar an end in view, but, considering the tyrannical rule of those in authority, he felt in his heart under obligation to pursue that end, conscious that there was will force within him before which obstacles must give way, and which would ultimately place him where it did. Napoleon I. was an ambitious man, and strong in his passions, but he had little steadiness or decision of character. Here he was weak; and not only was this apparent to others, he was conscious of it himself ;-and consequently, though elevated by his successes, when circumstances of an untoward nature pressed heavily upon him, he abdicated his throne and died in exile. In the absence of the element of steady, overcoming decision, nations totter and fall, society becomes inconstant, families are unnecessarily oppressed, and individuals become footballs to their fellows. Without it no man can be trusted. To it Benjamin Franklin owed his greatness. By it, backed by his generals and private soldiers, old Abraham Lincoln, of precious memory, gave freedom to the slaves of the South. It was this element that conquered at Waterloo and made the Duke of Wellington immortal. The king who has it not becomes a tool to those beneath him, as witness the Georges of England; the subject who has it not may be called a swatheling or a proteus, for he is mastered by circumstances, and never sails but with the current. Analyze the French nation and ask why it was that they so signally failed in the late war against Prussia, and the only true answer you can get is, that from the throne downwards the people were living in their basilar natures, were weak of purpose, and had no decision of character Difficulties frightened them, disappointment brought dis- couragement, and the iron-willed Germans, with well- 2K 562 DECISION OF CHARACTER. balanced minds, full of moral force and strong decision, shook them as a Newfoundland dog might be expected to shake a noisy little terrier. We have spoken in a general manner of physiognomic signs of human character; now, let us ask particularly, what is that sign in the human body indicating the capacity of strong mental decision within? And here we may remark, that to judge the inner man by the outer, is a very natural process. There is nothing arbitrary in it. It is wholty reasonable. Indeed, there is no other way in which we can get to the mind save through the body. Phreno- logists have seen this; but many of them blunder in their conclusions, because they confine their observations mainly to one part of man's organism, viz., the head, assuming, very erroneously, that the mind dwells there, and there alone. Now, we may as well sit down beside an Alpine mountain and expect to gather a perfect knowledge of the God of nature from its rocks, avalanches, and ice-covered peaks, as expect to read human character through the head alone. As the mind is diffused throughout the whole body, just as God lives in universal nature, so we must judge of the character of the mind, not by one particular part of the body only, but by all. As in nature, so in man, there is what may be called the law of correspondence. A flabby mind will have a flabby body, and, conversely, a flabby body will have a flabby mind. A well-constructed, firmly built, strong, enduring body may be expected to lodge a well-constructed, firmly built, strong, enduring mind. The inner acts upon the outer, and the outer upon the inner; and though we cannot tell how it is that mind acts upon body and body upon mind, nevertheless it is certain that just as one substance makes an impression upon another, so the mind acting through the body impresses the body, leaving marks, so to speak, by which an observant mind may not only recognize the fact of its acting, but DECISION OF CHARACTER. 563 coine to conclusions regarding the character of its acts. Starting, then, with this principle, we ask, what is it in the body, known to us, which indicates decision of character within? And at this point we may notice more particularly titan we have done, that decision of character is not simply determination, but that power by which determination is developed into action, carried out. In other words, decision is moral endurance. Now, there cannot be the slightest doubt that the capacity of endurance in a body depends upon the strength and compactness of its bones; not of one bone only, but of all. This need not be argued. So ap- parent is it to all, that we have merely to state the fact to have it admitted. Find us a man strong and vigorous of bone, and we shall shew you a man capable of endurance. During the time that the English railways were being made, it was remarked by all the contractors that the Scotch navvies were so much superior to the English, that two of the former could do as much work in the same time as any three of the latter, and generally they received higher wages. Now, why was this? The reason is not far to seek. The English workman who, by food peculiar to himself, makes more flesh than bone, has nothing like the enduring power of his northern brother, who lives in a land of cakes, and is more particular about making bone than flesh. The Eng- lishman believes in bulk, but Sandy believes in compact- ness. Now, according to the law of correspondence to which we have referred, capacity of endurance in the body is a sign of capacity of endurance in the mind or soul ; and as the body's capacity of endurance is dependent upon the strength, vigour, and compactness of its bones, so we are bound to come to the conclusion that well-formed, enduring bones in a man are signs to us that he has the capacity, not only of determination to act in a particular cause, but also that he carries within him the power of carrying out his determinations that is to say, he possesses decision of 564 DECISION OF CHARACTER. character. (Foi farther explanation in regard to the Signs of Decisiveness, the reader is referred to pige 141 m my New Physiognomical Chart of Character.} A man of stable bone is generally a man of stable character. He who makes bone early, lays the foundation of an honest, manly life. He who neglects this, will, generally speaking, become vacillating, and perchance may, in a snailish or imper- ceptible manner, merge into a harlequin. This is no mere theory without foundation in fact. He has read history backward who is not convinced of it, and cannot be called an observant man. Wellington, of whom we have already spoken, was not so large as many men, but his bones were of a large and more firm and enduring character, in propor- tion to his general bulk, than were those of Napoleon I., and, in consequence of this, he was more stable and reliable in his character than the ambitious, versatile Frenchman. Strong-boned people, though they may sometimes move slowly, always move surely, decide quickly, but are tardy in revealing their decisions, and even when " perhaps" slips from their tongues, the mind is saying, "I will," or "I won't." General Andrew Jackson had, perhaps, one of the most angular faces in America, and no man was ever firmer or more decided than he was. His solid parts preponderated over the softer; hence that solid, reliable, decided, and honest character for which he was so widely known and noted. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but generally you will find that the bones of a thief are of a very unenduring character. He excels in softness of con- struction; hence, when tempted, he is easily led astray. We once had an opportunity of studying the character of a thief. In the heart of this man there were desires for reformation, but as often as he resolved to be honest, so often did he violate his resolutions and fall. He seemed to have lost all power over himself, if ever he had any, so that theft had become his master. The smallness of his bones DECISION OF CHARACTER. 565 in proportion to the general size of his body, was as plainly marked as it possibly could be ; and well do we remember feeling that, if that young man had been taught in his earlier years to look after solidity of body and brain form, instead of robbing society, he might, \>y a staid, solid mind, resolute, honest purpose, and searching, intellectual power, have made society his debtor, instead of being a weak, unstable, wavering wave of the great human sea, tossed about by every wind that blew around him. Wherever, then, you find men of weak, undeveloped, uncompacted bones, do not be astonished if they are inconsistent in affec- tion, fickle in business transactions, changeable in their purposes, without moral stamina, and freakish and unwise in their judgments. The foundation they have laid, or which has been laid for them.does not possess endurance and capacity for holding out. What, then, must the structure be ? What is it that gives stability and physical purpose and endur- ance to the mountain, but the hard, solid rock within; and from what, in man, may we infer decision of character, and power to hold out in honesty, straightforwardness, and manliness of life, if not from a preponderance of hard, solid, earthy, osseous matter in his organization. It must not be inferred from what we have said that big men are necessarily honest, and small men necessarily thieves. Men of large bulk are often very small boned, and small men are often the reverse. But what we assert is this, that, generally speaking, so general, indeed, as almost to amount to a law, it will be found that men, whatever be their general bulk, who have in their systems a preponder- ance of good, solid, osseous matter, are men who are large in the capacity of moral endurance, men to be trusted; men who, if other qualifications are present, are fitted for high, responsible situations ; while, on the other hand, men who are wanting in osseous matter, in whose systems soft, flabby substance preponderates, are men without moral 566 DECISION OF CHAR4CTER. stamina, quite unstable, and altogether deficient in decision of character. That which would tempt the latter, and cause a fire in their lower nature, has little or no effect upon the former. It does not always thunder when it lightens; nor does it always rain when dark portentous clouds fill the sky. It is the soft elements in nature that deceive ; and so is it among men. The hard, bony hand of the well matured mechanic rarely pilfers. Like others of a softer make, he may be tempted, but before him is a high aim in life, to pursue which he feels under obligation, and for the accom- plishment of which he is conscious of possessing sufficient will-power; and bringing that power to bear upon the temptation, he decides against it at once, his whole moral nature thundering " No." And in every victory he gains fresh strength. It is the soft, small boned street- loafer out of which cut-pursers, foot-pads, pickpockets, housebreakers, shoplifters, and all the rest of the light- fingered gentry are made. Healthy work they have never enjoyed and idleness is the mother of vice. The man who does not work, especially when young, cannot be expected to be very strong-boned, and in consequence cannot be expected to be very particular in his morals. He may have a certain amount of polish in him, but like the soft-faced, sleek, polite Dr. Pritchard, of Glasgow, he would deprive a very near relation of life, if money sould be made out of such sacrifice of a friend. What a lesson we have here for parents! How often they neglect the bodies of their children, setting them to mental work before their minds have room to act. " Make body, my son, make body " was the advice given by Dr. Lyman Beechcr, to his son, Henry Ward. The son took the father's advice. He spent much of the time during his early years in gardening, &c., and where will you find a stronger boned, more plucky, determined man in the wide, wide world, than the minister of Plymouth Church? Industry DECISION OF CHARACTER. 567 is the father of honesty, honour, and incorruptibility of character, because it develops and matures that part of the human system which is intended for hard, enduring action, firm, solid, well-compacted bone. John Locke once said, that to have a sound mind in a sound body was the highest state of happiness conceivable. The old philosopher was right. But how is the sound mind to be got without the sound body? We do not mean to say that a man with a weak, unhealthy body is necessarily a bad man; but so far as we know, very few people would care about electing such to high offices, whether of Church or State. As a general rule, they have no con- fidence in themselves, and dare not take upon them heavy responsibilities. They are lacking in enduring bone, and consequently are lacking in moral decision and purpose, Demosthenes being asked what was the chief part of an orator, replied, "Action;" and what next? "Action;" and next? " Action." If you ask us how to make bone in your body, we give the Athenian's reply, " Action, action, action;" and if you ask how to secure decision of character, we have the same answer to give, Work, work, work; and in doing so you are laying for yourself the groundwork of a noble character. Whereas if you are idle, you are losing in bone- power and firm endurance, which, transmitted inwards to the mind, results in indecision, moral delinquency, incon- stancy of form, and an utter unfitness for any of those callings which require men with noble enduring purpose of soul. In the language of Shakespeare " Do not for one repulse forego the purpose That you resolved to effect; Be stirring as the time; be fire with fire; Threaten the threatener, and outface the brow Of bragging horror; so shall inferior eyes That b'row their behaviours from the great Grow great by your example, and put on The dauntless spirit of resolution." HUMILITY. " Yoi have that in your countenance -which I would fain call master." SHAKESPEARE. HUMILITY may be exercised toward God and toward man. In the former case it is a wise recognition of the true relations between the Creator and his creatures; but in the latter, it indicates a want of that true dignity which is based upon the brotherhood of the race. On this world's stage, where " all the men and women are merely players," acting in that character to which they have been appointed by the Great Manager of all, social humility is as out of place as social pride. Every true actor on the stage of life, like every genuine artist on the dramatic boards, plays well his role, whether it be that of a king or peasant, knowing this, that the peasant may be as necessary to the plot as the king, and that it is the acting which elevates or degrades the part. It would appear at first sight that humility involving, as it does, meekness, submission, and self-abasement would be a state of mind from which all men would recoil, and to which they would only be reduced by the force of the most depressing griefs or the most imperious authority. In partial accordance with this view, we find that there are comparatively few people who are willing to be do- HUMILITY. 5G9 ruinated in every domestic and public relation, who do not shrink, in other words, from a universal humility; but, on the other hand, the vast majority of mankind exhibit a marked inclination for humbling themselves on particular occasions, taking as much pleasure in the worship of their chosen heroes, as do the heroes themselves in tho reception of their homage. Like the Earl of Kent, whom I have quoted in my motto, they are always finding some one whom they " would fain call master." At the present stage of general enlightenment, and a fortiori in the past, the populace have needed, as well as demanded, great leaders, political, religious, and philo- sophic, to plan and direct their movements. As they were unwilling and unable to think for themselves, it was necessary that some one should think for them, else there could be no recognized law, no concert of action, and by consequence, no progress in civilization. The people, how- ever active and industrious, are, as a rule, without plans for the future, and they therefore always surrender to the original thought that devises for them, and the master- ing will that would rule them. To them the one thing needful is ease; and as they find it easier to be governed by others than to govern themselves, they readily resign their intellectual and political independence. Even in a professedly republican country, popular autonomy is almost unknown; the people not being governed by their own representatives, but by the representatives of half-a-dozen political leaders, assembled in a virtually private caucus. We may hope, however, that as the advance and diffusion of education awaken and discipline the popular thought, they may grow out of their present disposition to be gulled and subordinated by every species of demagogue, and may assume and enjoy the proud right of governing themselves. As an erect and even backward carriage of the head is 570 HUMILITY. the Physiognomical sign of pride, we might assume, a priori^ what is confirmed by observation, that humility, which is the opposite of pride, would be indicated by a drooping of the head toward the breast. The ox, which carries his head forward and low, expresses his humility in his willing submission to the yoke, and the faithful industry with which he performs the bidding of his master. The horse, on the contrary, in common with all proud animals, bears himself loftily. The English, who are naturally a proud people, carry the head high. When humility is not exaggerated into servility and meanness, it often gives to the address an engaging modesty, which expresses itself in unobtrusive and attrac- tively deferential manners. Persons who have this modest estimate of themselves, together with a high regard for others, will naturally incline the head forward, as in the act of bowing. That the forward inclination of the body, whether expressed in the bow, genuflection, or prostration, is the natural sign of humility, is indicated by the customs of all nations. The Turks and Persians make their salaam by way of ceremony or respect; the Hindoos prostrate themselves before their idols and their social superiors; and among Christian nations, those who are meekly sub- missive to the Divine will, incline the head in the reve- rential act of prayer, or of returning thanks. The strutting carriage is an evidence of pride; but those who stoop low in bowing, shaking hands, or speaking, are sober-minded and condescending. We naturally stretch the head toward the object of thought, and hence it is that pride carries the head from others towards self, be- cause self is uppermost in the mind ; while humility inclines the head toward others since they are pro tempore the predominant interest. When we wish to catch the strains of fine music, we naturally incline the ear with which we bear best in the direction of the sound, and so also we HUMILITY. 571 turn the eyes, and often the whole body, toward any object which we are eager to see. The student bending over his book is another instance of the natural tendency to incline the head toward the object of consideration. In social life the affectation of humility " the crooking the pregnant hinges of the knee, that thrift may follow fawning" is one of the most odious and contemptible of all characteristics, while in religion it constitutes the sin of hypocrisy, which is justly punished in the Mahommedan region by the tortures of the lowest hell " The devil may grin, for his favourite sin Is pride, that apes humility." SIB EDWIN LAXPSKKTC, the leading genius among modern painters of animals. The curly and curved lines predominate in this face and hair, which is evidential that he had the inherent power to see, judge, imitate, and produce curved lines of beauty or elegance. (See pages 357 3G3.; THE ORIGIN OF PHYSICAL, MENTAL, AND SOUL LIFE; OR, THE ORIGIN OF MIND AND BODY. NATURE is a vast field of physical life. Earth, air, water, and even animals and plants are full of living creatures, millions of whom, in the form of animalcule, infusoria, and others of like character, are found floating in fresh and salt water. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the ink with which we write, has each its separate world of living beings, apparently formed for enjoyment, and as well provided for as any of the tribes of larger animals, or even man. It is being demonstrated by H. Carlton, Bastian, and other eminent physicists of Europe and America, that liquids, under certain favourable conditions, will develop organic life. In the experiments of these gentlemen, the liquids used for the purpose had been heated from two to three hundred degrees Fahrenheit, which is sufficient to destroy all previous life existing in them. They were placed in sealed, air-tight cans, yet after the space of twelve days, millions of living creatures appeared in the water, full of life and activity. This is tolerable evidence that life may be spontaneously generated under favourable circumstances. Now, if this is the fact in minute cases, why may not the vast oceans of our globe produce, under favourable conditions, the life called man? There seems to be no other method by which we can account for his existence on a scientific basis. The fabulous stones of antiquity, upon which modern superstitions of THE ORIGIN OF MIND AND BODY. 573 faith are based, need the scientific pruning which they are getting in this age of reason. According to this principle of creation, " God formed man out of the dust of the earth." The life-principle existing in nature, throughout ocean, air, and solid matter, was put into action, and particles of matter coarsely gathered together, and formed man. That first man was larger, coarser, stronger, and less mental than any race with which we are acquainted at the present day. The earth was in just the right temperature, age, moisture, electrical force, and magnetic spirit to produce the species called man. As qur earth became cooler, whiter races came forth, the result of the same great laws of life which are now active, but producing only small animals out of liquids, when heat, electricity, and light are favourable to such creations. We are candid in our opinion that the Negro race was the earliest created; then the dusky races at later periods, and last of all the white race. We are also firmly of opinion that the earth has not lost all her generative power, and that she will yet, under new conditions, form a still whiter race of men than ourselves, and far superior to all preceding races. The objection may be raised, that we cannot per- ceive the principles of spontaneous generation of life ; neither can we understand the generation of the sexes, and many other facts in nature are equally unexplainable; though we do not understand them, still the facts remain. We cannot comprehend why silicic acid forms those beauti- ful crystals known as quartz; yet our ignorance detracts not one iota from the fact that they do so form. We see no hand guiding their sides or particles, neither could we have seen the hand of God, or anybody else guiding the material to form man. When the forces of nature, acting on liquids aud solids, and impressed by light, electricity, moisture, &c., were set in motion, it needed none of man's imaginary assistance or superstitions to make man. When 574 THE ORIGIN OF MIND AND BODY. this globe was in a less pure and perfect state, long prior to the appearance of any human beings upon it, by certain hidden and mysterious laws, various multitudes of animals were produced, which were existing upon its surface when man first made his appearance. The creative laws are not, and may never be understood by us; but as certain unknown conditions will now spontaneously produce life, why may not the same causes have engendered it long ages ago, as well as now? As the mind is still finer and less tangible, it will be harder, by logic, to prove its origin. On man's first appearance, he had very little, if any mind; but as all nature tends to rise from the coarsest towards the finest, from matter towards mind, so she continued to unfold mind in man until he has now considerable powers in that direction; yet his present mental force is not nearly so great as it will be in the coming centuries. .By taking a retro- spective view of history, we find that all races were originally barbarians. The ancient Britons were savages; yet what brilliant talent and intellect now shines over all the hills and valleys of that " mother country." Mind is a creation from animal life, and just as much regulated by the same great natural laws as that which guided the creation of body life. Matter creates body, and body creates mind, and mind creates soul; and thus the great progressive scheme of nature goes on, step by step, rising higher and higher, becoming finer and more complex as it develops, until the eyes fail to perceive, or the thought to comprehend its creations or existence. Undoubtedly the soul will produce still higher forms of soul life, as time rolls onward to eternity. What in the future the offspring of soul will be, we cannot determine. The physical -body is the organ of the mind, and the mind is the organ of the soul. Coarse bodies sometimes contain beautiful caskets and interior jewels, glittering and precious ; so it is with the physical body Disappointments, vexations, and sorrows THE ORIGIN OF MIND AND BODY. 575 prod ace or develop the beautiful interior mind, and the soul will naturally be still finer, and more beautiful and pure. Now, the encasement of mind is the physical body, and our soul works through our mental natures, conse- quently, it must live within its portals, the same as the mind dwells within the physical, and works through the same. The butterfly affords us an excellent example of three species of existence after the egg, through which state of life man passes, the same as all other transmitted life. First, we see a coarse, rough-looking worm, or caterpillar; then comes the chrysalis, significant of death in man; and last of all the beautiful butterfly. One inhabits the ground, after which it attempts to climb into mid-air on a tree, and last of all, it metamorphoses into a beautiful winged creature, and soars into the heavens as its residence. The first, lowest animal, or worm, represents the physical man, who attempts to rise into the air; but only when the bodily casket is cast off does the soul soar into space, and occupy the beautiful dream-land beyond. Feeble man, while clogged and loaded down with the gross material of earth, cannot comprehend those various conditions, or recognize the developments of nature, or the manner in which his conditions are susceptible of different phases, in a few moments of time. The soul of a child is evolved from the parental soul, as much as the body is an outgrowth from the parental body. There are some who have small souls as well as small bodies by inheritance, and it will require longer time in the future to develop them. Some inferior souls in children are caused by vexations, disappointments, sickness, and animal excesses of the parents, and those same inferior souls are improved by troubles, dieting the body, and silent grief and meditations. In order that all may become more gifted in bodily heritage, as well as in mind and soul, we would recommend a higher and better propa- gation of our species. There should, and eventuolly thevw 576 THE ORIGIN OF MIND AND BODY. will be, Luman exhibitions similar to the cattle and stock fairs of the present day, having for their object the advance- ment of humanity. As stock exhibitions are for the improvement of the domestic animals, so humanity shows should be for the improvement of ourselves. The physiog- nomical signs of a large soul by inheritance are large eyes; yet an individual may inherit a large soul, and it may be like rough ore, which is not useful until it has been heated and mixed, ground and powdered, and then transformed into useful metal. The man who has had many sad expe- riences, generally possesses a fine interior soul, which is large, because thus developed. When men have large bones and muscles, with small eyes, and can divest them- selves of selfishness by close cultivation, they will eventually become the possessors of large souls. Selfishness cramps the soul to a pitiful degree. Future life can in no wise need selfishness, hence it would be to the soul like sand in a balloon; when they are cast out, both will rise. When generosity that asks no reward , veneration that bows with respect and commands respect, pure and undefiled love, conception of the beautiful, pity that soothes sorrowing anguish, and draws pity from those who are selfish, and the harmony that influences the quarrelsome to be ashamed of their degradation, and our higher nature thus predom- inates in all affairs, then the soul will grow into beautiful proportions, as these are the foundation of all the attributes of the soul. By the eyes we see the germ of a future existence ; they are as a camera, or negative, which gives the expression of the future body or mind which encase.s the soul. We see by the various shapes and expressions in the eyes, the results in the mind and- soul, and by tracing back those looks, we learn of the soul and its powers. The eyes are the organs through which most spiritual impres- sions are received. The other senses obtain it by contact, while the eyes are the principal media that give impressions THE ORIGIN OF MIND AND BODY. 577 to the mind of the external relation and soul of ihiti to ^ because thoy are connected with the whole universe of soul. The various faculties and powers of man wi?l Svelop in the future s.Vit/3, being seen only in a diminuliv*. ondition here; yet various degrees or iiiind and soul \u-a,y '-je recog- nized in their greater or less development in the persona who possess them. REV. WILLIAM MORLEY PUNSHON, an eloquent author and preacher, who refused all kinds of fruit, but had a strong appetite for flesh diet, which is indicated by his broad nose and wide face. This large mouth with protrusive lips denotes commanding powers of speech. (For more complete description of the indications of this faculty of spoken language, see pages 169, 170.) PERFECTION OF CHARACTER. COULD we rear children in such manner as to elevate th standard of mankind, would it not be a thought and work worthy even of saints? If drunken husbands beget imbecile children (which is now an acceded fact), then sober husbands, with cool blood, are surely the most likely to produce offspring compos mentis, and having all their faculties developed in a highei degree of perfection than the offspring of the former class. Then if, as it appears to us to be no less an undoubted fact, the state of the parent is transmitted to the child, influencing and controlling his or her actions for a lifetime, why not observe those laws of sobriety and morality, and live by them to the good of unborn generations? What would not many give to have a handsome face? A beautiful face is a good recommendation to most persons; yet there is a beauty which far exceeds all merely placid, smooth faces, and it is the peculiar and still more fascinat- ing beauty of soul, which impresses itself upon the visage in all the most pleasant variations of thoughtful expression conjoined with moral worth and purity. That the children of some parents are a better type of mankini than either parent, is often seen in every day life. Cei tain combinations in father and mother will result in PERFECTION OF CHARACTER. 579 foolish offspring and those mentally depleted. Certain other conditions iu marriage will eventuate in talented children. When brother and sister bring forth children as a result of marriage or incest, their children are almost certain to be ibols. One case of incest occurred in Iowa not many years since, arid the child was without brain or spinal cord, and an absolute idiot. This case came under the author's own observation, and the specimen was sent by him to Dr. Willard Parker, surgeon and lecturer to the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, where the author formerly attended medical lectures. Then, again, a same- ness of blood or temperament is not conducive to a high type of offspring; but a German woman, belonging to a race noted for their good natures and strong constitutions, would make an excellent union with a nervous or excitable Yankee or Frenchman, at least so far as results go in pro- ducing more perfect samples of mankind than if both parents possessed the sam$ nationalities and characteristics. There is no study more important than this: how to make mankind more perfect. Then let no man or woman slight a single item conducing to this great work. If a tall, raw-boned man were to marry a pocket Venus, as well moulded as Hebe, or pure as Lucrece, their children would, in all likelihood, be of medium height, and capable of accomplishing and enduring more than either parent. Simple beauty of face does not indicate the highest organization. The most excellent organization is where all the bodily and mental parts act in harmony; where there is no diseased vital or weak mental organ ; where excess is an entire stranger to the whole form; whose ruling power is the moral and intellectual instead of the animal. Such people are found not to have horrid or hideous faces, though they may not all possess the physical qualities of an Adonis or a Venus. Men study, observe, and write books, and experiment, to 580 PERFECTION OF CHARACTER. teach and learn how to mix the various forms of horse-kind to obtain the most perfect animals. Cattle are yearly imported by dozens from Europe to mix with ours. They are varied in shape and blood, in order to improve the stock. Sheep-breeders are taking pains in every land to commingle various bloods, and also to perpetuate pure- blooded stock in its native state, that they may produce the greatest amount of wool or mutton as is most desired. The dog species are studied and fostered with great care, that they may be more perfect in every manner. When men, as we see, study and apply their judgment to raising speed, meat, wool, and usefulness in animal life, why not apply equally the judgment and mind to learn how to rear useful human beings, as well as improve the race? There can surely be no nobler aim than to go back to the first causes and try to adjust them, that nobler races and nations of men may follow us on a higher and purer sphere of action. We, for our own part, firmly hold the belief that a nobler and purer race will yet spring from the present to fill our places when our children's children lie in dust beneath the clods of the valley. Creation of races is as much a fact at this period of our earth's history as it has been in any former age, only it is not by the ordinary observer notice- able, it works so slowly, but not the less surely. When the laws of unity of the sexes are fully understood and applied by all mankind, then marriage will be so con- ducted and arranged by judgment, that happiness and well organized children will be a fixed certainty, and not the result of blind impulse, as too commonly is the case at the present day. As man stands pre-eminently above all the brute creation, so becomes the more important this study of the laws leading to perfection in man. Thousands of dollars and FL AFFECTION CHARACTER. 581 hundreds of books are annually used in trying to make more perfect the animal kingdom, while only two books, at least of any consequence, have ever been written directly on the subject of marriage, with a view to human improve- ment. We refer to Walker's work, entitled Intermarriage, and The Science of a Neiv Life, by Dr. Cowen, printed at Hartford, in Connecticut, which are the only works worth a fig ever written on the subject of improving the character of the genus homo previous to birth. Walker's book was printed in England, and can be obtained at many of our American book stores; and we heartily recommend its perusal to every lover of humanity, as well as the work by Dr. Cowen. The questions naturally ari.-,e, " When can this great work of human improvement be best commenced?" and "How inaugurate this great reformation?" To the first query the reply should simply be " Nov:, now and at once." If a work of reform is worth notice, it can never be too soon begun. Every hour lost gives to the world more than 3,600 more imperfect human beings to grope and crawl on towards the grave, hardly able to sustain or help them- selves, let alone the helping of their fellows. The answer to the last of the two questions should be given thus, the manner of reform should be that none but right marriages should ever 'be made. We would even go the length of saying that a law should be passed whereby those who are in any important degree unfit for the married state should not be allowed to enter into it. The law could specify how a committee could be appointed or elected, whose duty it would be to examine all parties purposing marriage, and to determine whether they were fit for the duties of matrimony. A male committee to examine men, for instance, and a female committee for women. Horses and other animals are examined to determine their probable capabilities of producing good offspring; then wby 582 PERFECTIOr OF CHARACTER. not examine men and wome , with this greater and more important object in view the elevation and improvement of our race. This plan of marriage should be based on somewhat the same principle as that on which men are admitted to the army or certain secret societies. They should be examined, and this examination regulated by law. We have no doubt that this would, on a fair trial, be found quite practicable, and would be of enormous value to all humanity. The perfection of unity is harmony, and harmonious forms are the better calculated to bring forth offspring of that nature. They will give to the world children that can support themselves, and propagate in turn their own species. Another very important matter arising out of what has been said, would be to rear men and women to have beautiful Physiognomies; but how shall we accomplish this very desirable result? There are faces that were they blended in their offspring, the children would be handsome though the parents might not be so in themselves; but the condition would most likely be such that the children would be moulded in a combination of their parents' features which would give them beauty. What faces are those? You take this woman with a "pug" and that man with a Roman nose, and the child's nose is straight. A person with a Roman nose would very well .do to marry a straight nosed individual, at least so far as noses are concerned. All fair-haired people are, like light-coloured horses, tender in constitution and liable to consumption ; and to avoid that they should mate with one of such a tempera- ment that they will produce children who will have an organization of a different type; or such that the con- sumptive type will not be seen or exist in the children. A fnir-haired person should, as a general rule, marry a PERFECTION OF CHARACTER. 583 clack-haired person, or one with very dark hair; then their children would not be so apt to shew consumptive tendencies. Where fair-haired people marry, their children are usually of weak constitution. Red and black-haired people make a good combination to produce healthy progeny. People with the same colour of hair may have opposite forms, so do not judge that when the colour of hair is the same it must follow that the forms are alike, for who has not seen many a man of the Brain and Nerve form with brown hair? who but has also seen such hair accompanying each of the other forms? The build of the body is a better index to the forms than colour of hair or eyes. If marriages were conducted wholly on the scientific plan advocated, there would be less cause for places of protection, such as asylums, prisons, and schools of cor- rection; as human beings would be produced of a higher standard, who could control themselves, and possess the finest Physiognomies as an evidence of self-control and perfection of character. Many marriages are happily made so as to produce perfect natures; but by wrong living and eating the systems of the parents are so impaired and thrown out of balance, that harmony in the nature of their offspring is entirely wanting. If one parent has one point in the face, small or weak, the other parent should have that point full or large, then the child would be neither deficient nor excesssive in this respect; so all the points in Physiognomy which are exces- sively strong in one parent should be less strong in the other, so as to be counterbalanced. If the man has a very large mouth the wife should have a moderate or small mouth. Where the man has large eyes, ears, nose, hands, or feet, the wife should have them small or moderate in size to give good-sized and more 584 PERFECTION OF CHARACTER. perfect children in all their faculties than either individ- ually possesses. Before we can make ourselves perfect by improvement after birth, and even in manhood, we must observe several distinct conditions. We cannot efface a single faculty: but that is not necessary if it were possible. The beautiful parrot, with his green plumage, may rub his feathers off and off again, and yet nature repeats her- self in causing them to grow green again and for ever. The tiger may wish to have red stripes or green instead of yellow and black, and by rubbing (were it possible) erase the old spots; yet nature, ever true to herself, reproduces the same spots, not a tinge darker or lighter than before. The lovely lily may wish to be black instead of white or yellow tinted, and so swings its pendulous head against some rugged rock and darken its lovely face, but nature, with her inate principle of self-cure, sets to work to repair the damage, and in a few days the sombre shades have vanished, and again its natural sunny coun- tenance beautifies the florist's paradise in all its natural- ness and purity. So with the powers, abilities, inclinations, capacities, endowments, and qualities of man ; we cannot efface a single faculty; we may smother and restrain, but cannot destroy a single instinct belonging to our natures. We can control one faculty by another, and all of them by the^ will, yet we have no power to rub out a single letter of the mind's alphabet. Self-improvement consists not in destroying, but wholly in the proper use and restraint of our faculties. The great intention of man's nature is that we should use all the gifts with which we are endowed, giving them a right aim and object, and avoiding the wrongful use :>r abuse of any of them, It is impossible to change man's nature entirely, but some can be transformed so that it would be impossible PERFECTION OP CHARACTER. 585 to recognize them. We see the principle in many young men from rural life, who abide in the city for a few years under its grinding and polishing influence, and when they return to their country Iriends are narcuy recognized. All exclaim, "How improved he is." How to make this happy change for self-improvement is the great query for the world to understand. Patience is the grand panacea and the cardinal virtue. Yet all require to be taught as children are, little by little, and the surrounding conditions are such that it is impossible (or nearly so, while in those circumstances) for some to reform; but still there is hope, for if they will only try, the trying will work wonders. First of all must be learned the great lesson, what to eat and drink, and a greater lesson, to know what to avoid. Secondly, learn how to think, and towards what subjects to direct the mind, and from which to carefully guard the thoughts; or which thoughts to keep out of the mind. We cannot prevent bad thoughts entering the mind, any more than we can prevent birds alighting on our heads; but we can refuse to harbour the evil thoughts as we can prevent their building their nests there. Thirdly, and most important of all is self-restraint and improvement, in learning how to govern our animal natures. It takes years for some people to learn to govern their temper! There are those who never know the advantage of well- directed and cherished love! The terrible self-abuse which is prevalent in single as well as in married life, will have to be regulated by higher judgment, and then mankind will be able to rise in manhood. The way to make people think and act in this age is to advocate these ideas, and others will think of the arguments, others will adopt them, and others will refuse them; but it will grow. Some shower of thought will refresh them, and the wind will 586 PFBFECTION OF CHARACTER. waft their fragrance through the earth, and the seeds will find lodging place in the ravines and valleys, and thousands will be improved by these ideas, and the world will be transformed into great gardens of perfection and harmony. DR JOSEPH SIMMS, the author of this book. jESTHETICALNESS; OR LOVE OF THE BEAUTIFUL. * A thing of beauty is a joy forever ; . . . Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing A flowery band to bind us to the earth." KEATS. THE ^Esthetic faculty is that power of the mind by which we discriminate and enjoy the beautiful; whether it be exhibited in the world of sense or in the transcendent regions of the imagination. Everything which contributes to the pleasures of taste may be referred to the beauti- ful either in nature, in sentiment, or in art. When thoughtfully analyzed, beauty is found to depend upon certain primary laws of symmetrical combination; in other words, it is discovered to have its basis in harmony, a truth which was long since caught by the classic writer who defined it as "multitude in unity." The dispropor- tionate in nature may be terrific, grand, or grotesque, but it is never beautiful. The same is true in art, which in its highest aspiration, seeks only to give more definite and intelligible expression to the hidden sentiment in nature, so that they who run may read her divine handwriting. The beautiful in sentiment is also governed by this law of harmony, for no feeling that is extravagant or impassioned ever gives the impression of beauty to the mind. Even love, the most beautiful of all sentiments, becomes in its intenser forms no longer lovely. It is eager, heroic, im- passioned ; it leaps into the flames of ecstacy, and, thrilling with pleasure, it touches the confines of anguish; but in these, its more ardent phases, it is never harmoniously 588 -ESTHETICALNESSj OR, LOVE OF THti BEAUTIFUL. beautiful. When Othello explains to the assembled Senate " She loved me for the dangers I had passed ; And I loved her, that she did pity them." We are touched by the beauty of the sentiment, but darker feelings stir us when, as an avenging demon, he rains kisses upon the sleeping wife he is about to murder. " One more, one more, Be thus, when thou art dead, and I will kill thee And love thee after: One more, and this the last; So sweet, was ne'er so fatal, I must weep, But they are cruel tears." This is not beautiful, for the soft harmony of tender feel- ing is disordered by passion. The expressions, a beautiful argument, a beautiful piece of machinery, are literally de- scriptive of the kind of charm which superior reasoning or mechanism often possesses, for the exquisite adaptedness of their various parts to the. ends for which they are purposed, conveys to the mind the impression of harmony, and with it, of course, the delightful sense of the beautiful A great theologian has said, that nothing so impressed him with the goodness of God as the spontaneous gaiety of little children ; but to most minds the same lesson comes home more deeply in that prodigality of beauty with which the Great Artist has embellished the heavens and adorned the turf. It has been truly said that a circle is the most beautiful of all figures, and that the curving line is the line of grace. Hence the superior physical beauty of women : soft, pliant, and exquisitely rounded, it is her privilege by nature to exercise a " silent cheat," and "inspire a delightful prejudice." Man, on the contrary, is formed for strength rather than grace. His rough beard, like the lion's, clothes him with majesty, while firmness and daring breathe in his rugged and powerful frame. In his celebrated essay on The Sub- lime and the Beautiful, Edmund Burke carries out this ^STHETICALNESS; OR, LOVE OF THE BEAUTIFUL. 589 idea of the beauty of roundness to its extreme limit " Sweetness," he says, " is the beautiful in taste," and adds, with no little extravagance, " that this is owing to the fact, that the salt which is found in all saccharine substances is of a perfectly globular figure, and that these infinitesimal spheres, when rolled upon the tongue, communicate the same agreeable impression to the taste that marbles and other perfectly smooth and round bodies convey to the touch when softly revolved in the hand." It is a noticeable fact, that while the males of all animals are inferior to the females in that beauty which is born of the curving line, they are often their superiors in loveliness of colouring. Of this fact, the peacock, the common barn-yard cock, and the canary bird are familiar illustrations. Beauty is given to woman that she may please and attract the stronger sex; but mere physical charms, while they may captivate the sense, are powerless to engage the devotion of the soul. " What is beaoty ? Not the show Of shapely limbs and features. No ! These are but flowers That have their dated hours To breathe their momentary sweets, then go. 'Tig the stainless soul within That outshines the fairest skin." Beauty has been quaintly said to "live with kindness:" devoid of intelligence and virtue, it is but an odourless flower which fails to retain the admiration it has won. The love of the beautiful is scarcely less than a universal instinct, though it differs widely in different nations and individuals, in the strength as well as the correctness of its development. Its nobler forms of expression demand some of the keenest and finest mental perceptions, and are in consequence wholly unknown to those who are vulgar or stupid. The Indian displays the incipience of esthetic taste in his personal adornments in his necklace of shells, his 590 ^ESTHETICALNESS; OR, LOVE OF THE BEAUTIFUL. feather coronet, and his embroidered belt; but no chaste and classical volumes instruct and delight him ; no works of art give beauty and dignity to his duelling and fresh inspiration to his mind. The only real elegance about his home is the curling smoke that in matchless, though unnoticed grace, wreathes itself heavenward from his uncouth wigwam. The esthetic faculty is indicated by the most prominent lineament of the face. When the nose is low, flat, and wide at the bottom part, as in the negro race, the love of the beautiful will be undeveloped, and the instincts sensual ; but the reverse will be the case when this feature is thin and strongly directed outward, especially if it be a trifle raised at the point. The Chinese have broad and flat noses ; and the poverty of their artistic conception, as compared with the skill of their workmanship, is the wonder of the world. In their ivory carvings they display faultless dexterity, cut- ting ball within ball, and garnishing each alike, but they are strangei'S to the sublime, acute, and poetic thought which the Hellenic mind personified in marble, and pictured on canvas. In the Circassian family the nose is particularly thin and elevated, and the esthetic faculty correspondingly developed. In music, architecture, and poetry ; in sculpture, painting, and landscape gardening; and in the endless number of graceful designs which now adorn the simplest articles, and the most humble dwellings, the white race has strikingly exhibited its intense and cultivated love of the beautiful. This faculty is always connected with a lively imagination, which, when combined with creative power, results in artistic and poetic genius. If the conceptions which the imagination presents to the mind are chaste, original, and striking, and are successfully expressed in works of art, these artistic creations will be as much more beautiful than ordinary nature as the ideal transcends the real. In describing the evanescence of beauty, Bacon compared it to "summer fruita jESTHETICALNESS; OR. LOVE 01 THE BEAUTIFUL. 591 which are easy to corrupt, and which cannot last." Socratea also portrayed it as "a short-lived tyranny;" yet in spite of its fleeting and fortuitous character, it has been always highly esteemed. Ovid considered it a favour bestowed by the gods; Plato called it a privilege of nature; and Aristotle maintained that it was superior to all letters of recommendation. The love of the beautiful, like every other taste, is suscep- tible of cultivation. The perusal of that class of books which appeals to the esthetic faculty, the study of art, and the contemplation of nature, all conduce to its development. Even the arrangement of ordinary furniture, with a view to its agreeable effect to the eye, will quicken and improve the esthetic sense. The tourist is frequently disappointed by his first impression of the most noted scenes, and the first study of the works of art often rebukes the expectations of the critic; yet these natural and artistic beauties afterwards grow upon the feeling, and become, as it were, a part of the interior life. Studiously contemplated, they silently educate the sluggish taste, and by slow degrees inspire appreciation. It is only by thoughtful attention to the culture of this noble faculty that we can escape the earthward tendencies of our utilitarian age. Therefore, let us be studious to give it proper encouragement; so shall it lend elegance to our homes, and to our manners a more attractive grace. ATTENTIVENESS. "Friends? Bomans! countrymen? lend me your ears!" SHAKESPEARB. THE linft which I have quoted above, and which, as every school-boy knows, forms the introduction to mark Antony's oft-quoted speech in defence of Caesar, is an acknowledgment of the fact that the orator harangues in vain, unless he secures the attention of his audience. Attention is, indeed, a pre-requisite of all thought, but it may be consciously or unconsciously exercised. When it is awakened unconsciously, thought comes, as it were, unbidden, and is received and often utilized without the slightest sense of mental application. The majority of the intellectual impressions of our everyday life are instances of unconscious attention. Such also are the frequently sagacious views, the profound or poetic suggestions which men of genius so often receive b}^ a kind of intellectual absorption. Nevertheless, as a rule, it holds good that the most efficient attention is that which is the result of a determined and therefore conscious effort of application. This effort to apply the mind is one of the most strengthening, as well as the most useful of intellectual exercises. Every time the atten- tion is determinately fixed upon a subject, the mind becomes more capable of concentrated thought ; and, to that extent, more perfectly master of all its resources. The father of Sir Robert Peel, who received the political cognomen of Orange Peel, early designed his son for public life, and to that end accustomed him from childhood to make a verbal report of every kind of address, political, religious, or literary which he heard. To this training Sir Robert was indebted for the wonderful ability which he displayed in his Parliamentary career, of remembering almost verbatim the speeches of his ATTENTTVENESS. 593 opponents, so that he could take up their arguments, point after point, and reply to each in its original order. Absent-mindedness is often regarded as the reverse of attention, but it is sometimes an extreme absorption of the mind, though in other interests than those which are directly and obviously presented to its consideration. In the case of deep thinkers, a degree of absence of mind is desirable as well as inevitable; for the world can ill afford to have men of this type diverted from their profound and useful reflections, to the comparatively petty interests of everyday life ; yet for the vast majority of mankind, no advice can be better than that which Lord Chesterfield gave to his son to pay undi- vided attention to that which he was about, whether he were listening, talking, studying, or observing. The advice was good, for the reason that there are few things so barren that they have not some outcome to the mind that is eager to perceive and to grasp it. This outcome ordinary people lose by inattention to 'their surroundings, while they have not sufficient concentration of thought to fix their minds effectively upon any subject which is foreign to the sugges- tions of their immediate circumstances. The habit of attention to whatever is going on is abso- lutely essential to social success. Civility demands of us a ready response to the wishes and needs of others, but to know how and when to respond, we must be watchfully observant. For want of this watchfulness, many worthy and kind people fail to make themselves generally accept- able; while fops, profligates, and shallow-pated girls, who have cultivated a quick eye for the opportunities of social courtesy, are sought and admired for their charming and amiable manners. Nothing is more common in society than a wandering or indifferent eye under the infliction of conversation which is not desired, and this notwithstanding that nothing is more certain to be resented. He who 2P 594 ATTENTIVENESS. listens to others, as though their conversation were delight- ful, flatters them far more than if he were to exert himself to talk delightfully to them. The recognized sign of attention is a bending forward of the neck toward the object which engrosses the thought. Humility bends the head downwards by curving the neck, but in the act of attention the neck is directed forward in a comparatively straight line. All great minds have a remarkable power of exclusive and earnest application. " Art," says the poet, " is long and time is fleeting," and hence, without persevering attention to some particular object or art, the finest natural talents will fail to accomplish great results. I once heard a lecture from Professor Parker upon the subject, "Monads, Mice, Monkeys, and Men," in which he said, as nearly as I can remember, that at first glance a dragon fly, spreading its splendid wings, appears a higher order of creation than a beetle, burrowing in the earth ; but the repetition of abdominal rings, which the former presents, degrades its rank in the animal king- dom shewing that airy flights will not compensate for the lack of concentration. The fable of the tortoise that, by its persevering industry, outstripped the swift but unpersistent hare, is a correct parable of human life. When Bayle, the labo- rious contributor to the Dictionnaire Historique et Critique was asked to explain his extraordinary productive power, he said, " Amusements, pleasure-parties, games, collations, trips to the country, visiting, and other recreations necessary according to what they say to many literary men have no place in my manner of life; I lose no time in them, neither do I spend any on domestic cares, or in interfering with any- thing, soliciting anything, or meddling at all with business. In this way, a writer may accomplish much." And in this way, I will add, any person may accomplish much. It ia only by persistent attention to our chosen vocation that we may reasonably hope to achieve success. PROOFS OF A FUTURE LIFE FOUNDED ON .NATURE. No amount of evidence under the canopy of heaven will convince a large class of individuals, if they are not in a condition to receive the truth. But, when affliction comes, the mind becomes subdued to calm reflection, and we receive those truths which in the bustle of life we rejected. The world thinks much about death and its results, but very little about life. Yet life is the most important of all things to man, for, as we live here, so we fit ourselves to enter into that second life beyond the grave, which we deem immortality. This life is only the nursery of the next world a workshop in which souls are made and fitted for eternity. How important, then, is this life, and all which concerns it. If our ideas are founded on the appetites, fashions, or education of people, we shall, and can only, give to the world something that is not founded in or true to nature. For instance, that the Chinese live on excitants, and do a hard day's work, and seem to fatten upon it, does not prove that their way of living is the true one, or in accordance with Physiological laws. Or, if the Indian starves, and then feasts for days to- gether, it does not follow that his method or habit of life is a correct one. 696 PROOFS OF A FUTURE LIFE FOUNDED ON NATURE. i So we shall find that a majority of our actions, our manner of living, style of dress, and even our creed or belief are based upon education and fashion. Because our neighbours do thus, and therefore we ought to follow their example, is too commonly assigned as a reason for human action. This policy is wrong, and the way to amend it is for every one to accept nothing, and teach nothing, which cannot be proved from nature. The fact of a future life can be proved from nature, as well as it can by revelation, and the way to prove it by nature is in this manner. All organized things in creation possess life, and, under favourable circumstances, they will reproduce themselves, and the fact of their reproduction is proof positive that the seed has life, which we were unable to discover. Why may not man possess an unseen life, a living principle, which is to exist during all coming time ? Some have said if they could see a spirit they would b* convinced of a spiritual life beyond the grave ; but our eyee may deceive us when reason will not. If we look into a vessel of water, it appears clear and pure, but the microscope reveals to us the fact that it ia filled with numbers of animalculae, which ordinary eyesight failed to perceive. Place a straight stick in water, and, to the eye, it will appear bent at the point where the air and water meet, but our reason tells us it is not so, and that things are not always what they appear to the eye. We learn by reason that the rays of light which strike the surface of water become intercepted, or caught up, as it were, in their passage through a denser medium, according and in proportion to the angle made by the rays of light and the surface of the material penetrated by those rays, which causes the object to appear crooked, so that the eye, which sees and follows the rays of light, perceives a bent ptiek which has no existence. PROOF OF A FUTURE LIFE FOUNDED ON NATURE. 597 A man mining for gold in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California, broke open a rock, and finding some clear liquid looking like water, because it was pure and limpid, drank it. In a few hours the man was dead, and, upon examination, it was found his body was turning to stone. The clear liquid was silicic acid in solution, which, when crystallized, forms quartz. Thus, we see, that our eyes are liable to deceive us ; but reason, when rightly developed, is a much safer guide to a true belief than sight, hearing, taste, smell, or feeling, 01 any of our animal senses. If the sense of sight misleads us in common things, how much more probable to do so in the case of the immortality of the soul ? Much that is unseen is full of life and activity. The .winds blow, but it is impossible for us to see the cause 01 power that put them in motion. We are brought into existence in this world by a power that is unseen. A universal maxim in nature is, " that nothing is destroyed." Now we possess something, yet we are unable to see it ourselves, to govern it ourselves, and it seerns to be active without our assistance, and lives for a time, and then goes away. Some may say that because, on entering this state of existence, we did not know anytbirg, therefore, on going out of this world we shall cease to live and know, and therefore there is no future for us. This style of reasoning may be good enough for some, but it only amounts to supposition, founded upon the hypothe- sis that we do not know anything when our body is laid in the cold ground. If we take a boy, or even a man, into a printing office, and tell him to go to work and print a first-class news- paper. Can it be accomplished? Certainly not! So it is with an infant on entering this world, it has to learn like the boy in the printing establishment. How was it discovered that man is to live in the future ? 598 PROOFS OF A FUTURE LIFE FOUNDED ON NATURE. For almost every person possesses an innate feeling that such is the case. Nothing is made in vain, neither can anything be destroyed. When we attempt to destroy anything in nature, we only succeed in changing its conditions, and the conclusive reasoning is, that when man is said to die, he merely changes the form of his existence under other sur- roundings. Continual change is the law of the universe, and nothing returns to what it was before. This may be denied by some, who would bring forth the illustration of water converted into steam, and then re-converted into, water again, as evidence to the contrary. But this is on the same principle as when iron is heated and melted, it resumes its solid condition when cooled. Steam is rarified water, and the chemical condition of water has not been altered, and the iron is iron still, and the water, water. But, if you burn a piece of wood, you change its state, or transform it into another substance entirely, and it is impossible, by chemical knowledge, to bring wood again from the residue. So the body changes its condition to other conditions. We possess a something you may call by what name you please. As Shakespeare says " A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." " What's in a name ?" But give it mind or soul, and that mind or soul has a condition, and that condition demonstrates that it has various facul- ties, many of which are known by all people, and do not require proving. We all have a sense of colour, time, decision, persever- ance, love, and hatred, as all, whether savage or civilized, will admit. Now, these different faculties belong to one person, and that individual has an identity in this world, and as nothing can be transformed into another substance except by the process of nature, so it is equally impossible to change man except by natural law; and by the great PROOFS OJ A FUTURE LIFE FOUNDED ON NATURE. 599 controlling laws of his being, he is in time changed into another state of existence. There are yet many other evidences which go to prove a life beyond the grave. All thinsrs are governed by some power, unseen by us, and tbat atone is foundation enough from whi^.h to argue a future. If Ho has power to bring us here, then He has the ability to produce as good a place as this for us, when we shake off this soul-depressing materiality. One of the strongest evidences of immortality is, that man possesses a longing for a future life, as Cato, in his soliloquy exclaims " Plato, thou reasonest well, it must be so, Else why this fond desire, this longing after immortality." The innate feeling in every human being is, that he craves for a life in the future; and we find that all our wants are supplied with appropriate food in this world, except this one. Our faculties and desires find something in this life to answer to their several needs; for instance, we hope for a farm, and in a few years we possess it ; but the desiro for a future life is never gratified in this world. It would be strange if God had made a mistake, and created an organ or impulse in man which can never be satisfied, it is conceded by all that everything is created for <* certain purpose, although we may not be able to discover what it is ; and if we know that there is a faculty in man which desires a futurity, then follows the conclusion that such a faculty must have an object, or life, in another state of existence. Another view of the subieet is emoraced in the question, ** Why were we createa at m-st?" This query may seem absurd, but it is one that may be asked with propriety. Why are we brought to this earth? The answer is, because the results of nature were fulfilled in our produc- HOC PROCVrt OP A. P-UTUBJS LIFT? FOUNHED ON NATUKJfl. tion ; or, in other words, nature required us to lili up a certain place in her repository or building of the universe. Each one of us is nothing more than a brick in this temple of nature, and it requires all kinds to build it ; so they are to be manufactured accordingly, some to one con- dition, some to another. So it is, when you are needed, some others will be also, and you will have to go and cannot help it, whenever the Great Builder requires you, to fill your position in the great life to come. This comparison or deduction may seem strange, but it is simple, and can be understood, if we think a moment. . The power that controls seems to be so distant, when we are in full health and strength, that we rarely give a thought to the subject. The philosophy of a future life .is very easily understood, if we only look at it in this light ; but if you view it in any other, there is danger of being misled. 44 Shall I be left, forgotten in the dust, When fate relenting, lets the flower revive ; Shall nature's voice, to man alone unjust, Bid him, though doomed to perish, hope to live? Is it for this fair virtue oft must strive With disappointment, penury, and pain? No ! heaven's immortal spring shall yet arrive, And man's majestic beauty bloom again, Bright thro' the eternal years of love's triumphant THV Nature's HctJriatians of Character? OR, Physiognomy Illustrated. BY J. SIMMS, M.D., THE UifBiVALED PHYSIOGNOMIST. A large, handsomely finished octavo of 624 pages, adorned with 300 Engravings by Edinburgh artists. An exhaustive exposition of the Principles and Signs of a complete system of Physiognomy, enabling the reader to interpret character by outward physical manifestations, and the forms by which char- acter is disclosed. British Press Notices. There is so much ability, so much that is estimable and worthy of note, the book is certain to provoke discussion and arouse an extensive interest (Brighton Daily News.) To all who wish to study and understand the human nature which passes before them daily we can, with all confidence, recommend Dr. Simm'a volume. (North British Daily Mail, Glasgow.) Originality characterizes this voluminous book, while every page is replete with scientific observations that at once make it one of the most interesting and valuable publications produced in modern times. (The Northern and Eastern Examiner, London.) This is one of the most important contributions to the science of physiog- nomy which has appeared for many years. It records many hundred useful observations, illustrated by a large number of wood cuts. It is popular and simple in style, and well worth its cost (The City Press, London.) The author is a great observer and a great traveler, well versed in science in its various departments, and is known as one of the most interesting lectur- ers we have. There is nothing in this book which offends against good taste. It is a harmless as well as a valuable contribution to literature, and one which should be in the library of every student of human nature, every phrenologist and physiognomist. (Human Nature, London.) Has devoted twenty years of Ids life to the study of physiognomy, &ad for this purpose has traveled over all parts of the United States and Europe. He has produced a book embodying the result of a vast number of observations hi that universally useful science, physiognomy. The result is a pleasant book, which will amuse, instruct, and enlighten the mind, and purify the affections. . (The Rock, London a religious paper.) Observant men of all ages have noticed a certain correspondence betweev the configuration of living beings and traits of character or disposition pos- sessed by them; and that this correspondence should receive its highest expression in humanity is only what might be expected. Yet it cannot be denied that the subject is of importance This work contains evidence of hrewd observation on the part of its author, with anecdotes and copious illus- trations of the subject-matter, by the portraiture of individuals more or less well known. (The Lancet.) We all receive impressions, favorable or unfavorable, from the faces we meet, and yet, with this general belief in the indication of character by the face, there are few who take the trouble to become acquainted with the princi- ples which underlie the science of physiognomy. We are glad, therefore, to see a work on the subject by Dr. Simms, in which, while treating the subject in a scientific spirit, he seeks to make it sufficiently popular to interest the general reader. The style is good, the composition simpl-j, and the meaning clear. (The Hamilton Advertiser, Scotland.) This work, whilst a treatise on physiognomy, is something far more: it embodies the result of nearly twenty years of study and observation by the author. This we may say, the student of anatomy would learn much from Dr. Simms. With an industry, which it is to be hoped the sale of this book will amply repay and reward, the doctor has taken his subjects for illustration from every quarter of the globe, and not only from man, but also from members of the brute creation. (The Temperance Star, London.) We have now before us a work treating not only of noses and other fea- tures of the face, but of the whole human frame. He regards the bodily frame so correlated to the mentil and moral constitution of man that, if properly con- sidered, it may always be found to afford sure indications of what that mental and moral constitution is. It would unquestionably be of great importance for any man to possess this power of thus estimating the characters of all around him, and might be the means of securing safety in business transactions. We have had much pleasure in reading Dr. Simms' book, and in looking at the many engravings with which it is illustrated. There is in the book unquestionably much of original and curious observation. (The Edinburgh Courant.) His design has nothing abserd in itself. He has no special craze that we can discover, and he can even talk of his undertaking in a manner not incon- sistent with his knowing how to set about it He states in effect that every feature of a human being has a history and meaning of its own if we could only find them out which is quite true ; that certain rough inferences, founded on this belief, are already acted upon to some extent by mankind in their deal- ings with one another, which is also quite true ; that a special aptitude for making such inferences, in other words, the gift of reading character, is of great use to those who possess it, which is also true ; and that knowledge of this kind is capable of being made scientific, which we think is also true. We can see no reason why physiognomy should not some day become a definite and useful branch of the science of human nature. (The Saturday Review, London.) 9 This work comprises a system of character-reading, founded on scientific principles, which will be found more free from the traditional folly and warped bj-gones than anything of the kind that has hitherto been presented to the public. The book, in fact, is the first that has left the beaten track of arbitrary and misleading deduction, and followed the footsteps of Nature alone in its out- ward manifestations of inward character. It is unquestionably a work of tran- scendent ability. No public library or private house should be without a copy ; and we are persuaded a general adoption of its precepts would result in the pro- motion of virtue, the suppression of vice, and an ultimate heightening of the status of maukini. We are convinced the day is at hand when physiognomy will, like other kindred sciences, be taught hi our schools ; and Dr. Sirams will pardon us if we hint the desirability of a condensed work from his hands, adapted specially for the use of our schools and colleges. (The Freo West, London.) The book is much more than a mere treatise on physiognomy. It recog- nizes the truth too long ignored by the quacks who have dealt with the subject that the whole of the parts of a compound organism such as man are in direct intercommunication, are mutually dependent, and are each indicative in measure only of the temperament and character of the individual. Hence physiognomy is dealt with by Dr. Simms in close connection with animal physiology, and there is no attempt made to sever what was naturally bound together. Not only is the basis from which the writer starts the true one, he deals throughout wisely with his subject. His aim has evidently been to extract what experience has shown to be valuable from the researches of his predecessors in this field of investigation, to base his arguments as far as possible on admitted facts, and to introduce his own views when needful for the formation of ascertained truths into a clear and connected system. The manner in which he has performed his task is worthy of warm approbation. His work is a mass of information, his arguments are subtle and ingenious, and he presents a series of conclusions, the vast majority of which cannot be called in question. The book is a thoroughly good one. It calls attention to a science as yet in its infancy, but the operation of which is universal as society itself. The ordinary reader will persuse it with sustained interest, and the scientific student can hardly fail to receive from it a stimulus to engage in a research at once practically useful and thoroughly enter- taining. (The Edinburgh Evening News.) Books are not new in the fullest sense unless, as is the case with the work in hand, they set forth new discoveries and give expression to hitherto unwrit- ten thoughts. Dr. Simms, besides effecting consummate arrangement of mate- rials, clothes his new thoughts and remarkable discoveries in clear, manly, and lofrical language. Successfully avoiding egotism and intolerance, the work is characterized by devotion to charity, honesty, and truth throughout, bespeaking the author's possession of a mind of a thoroughly independent cast, and com- pletely emancipated from previous authority. Most of the volume is taken up with terse and graphically written sketches of those forms, faces, attitudes, and movements of men and animals by which character is revealed, the whole being systematized in accordance with the human structure. The qualities and assimi- lation of food occupy one chapter, which demonstrates how the very nature of the animal or vegetable substances consumed is engrafted on the mind and body of the consumer ; and how, by a judicious choice of aliment, vicious tendencies may be suppressed or controlled An article on the rearing of youth, which is appropriately illustrated with engravings of adults and juveniles, is pregnant with information for the parents of young families, while that on the localizing of faculties in the author's usual logical and incisive style shows how entirely his ideas are under command. In short, the physiological acumen of the work, its high tone, its display of mental vigor, and its imposing array of facts, argu- ments, and deductions, forming a substantial system of intellectual science and practical physiognomy, cannot fail to ensure for its author enduring distinction and well-merited renown, while, at the same time, conferring upon all classes of society benefits of inestiraa >le value. (Ixion, London.) 3 This book is the result of many years' study and observation, in which Dr. Simms has given to the world a well-digested system of physiognomy, replete with interesting facts, and illustrated with nearly three hundred portraits. He affirms and demonstrates that eveiy variation of the human form and counte- nance is the result of one or more well-defined causes, and that we have oniy to understand these results with their principles, and we shall be able to decipher the hieroglyphics of nature with unerring certainty. We find no difficulty in admitting,' for instance, that if a man gives himself up to blasts of uncontrolled passion, and the inward storm appears from time to time in a wrathful counte- nance, the traces thus marked will, through time, become permanent and indel- ible. On the other band, that the countenance of a man habitually kind and gentle will present a calm and unimpassioned aspect. It would not be unreason- able to conclude that the same natural law would be general and applicable to every emotion, passion, or human faculty of mind, and make themselves appar- ent in the face as well as anger, kindness, etc. Our physiognomist only carries out in a broader outline and more minute detail what a few, if not all, instinct- ively perceive in a general and superficial manner. He holds that every emotion of the mind, as love, hatred, joy, grief, courage, cowardice, also every intellect- ual exercise reproduces and photographs itself in some part of the body ; and in proportion as any set of emotions, or mental exercises, occupies the inner man, so will its external sign become more conspicuous and permant. He, therefore, formulates these unerring productions of nature's pencil, that every one may read them with unfaltering certainty. To the vicious this must appear a somewhat unpleasant discovery ; but to society in general in must seem highly desirable that characters should be more easily read at sight than they generally are. The whole fabric of our commercial prosperity, for instance, rests on the degree of reliance whiah each man can place in the integrity of those with whom he has to do, and it must be of incalculable advantage to the merchant to be able unerringly to select those to serve him who are of the stamp suited for his business, and those to deal with who are worthy of confi- dence. The traveler who wishes to beguile a tedious journey with conversation would be glad to discover at a glance which is the sociall inclinedy individual, and what kind of topic will be agreeable to him. It must be important to parents in choosing a trade or profession for a son, to know certainly what he is most likely to succeed in ; and invaluable to those who are selectin : partners for life, to be assured witli respect to the suitability of their choice, though it must be admitted that in these cases physio nomy, however valuable, is not the only guide, as it is when we meet those with whom we must transact business or interchange social converse without time for lengthened acquaintance. A general knowledge of this science would make the impostor and thief so appar- ent that wickedness would be no longer marketable, and there would be little chance of a livelihood except for the honest and upright. Merciless exposure of vice, as Dr. Simms intimates, would take place, if the vicious man carried on his face a signboard read by every one, and that would be such a check that these unfortunates would be compelled to seek the paths of virtue. This is certain to be when she principles of physiognomy are put into daily practice, when they are taught in our schools and seated in the professorial chairs of our colleges. This work gives evidence of great originality and comprehensive observations that the practical mind will not attempt to controvert. There ia also a vigor of style, joined with sound judgment, displayed in the book and system thus given to the world, and they cannot fail to gain for the author i many warm friends and pernmnent fame. It is one of the best works we know on the subject popular, thou htful, and advanced, without being rash and speculative. Were it properly appreciated and read, an improvement in our race, both physical, mental, and moral, would be' the gratifying result We cannot coo strongly recommend it. (The Monetary and Mining Gazelte, London.) The cultivated eye of n "student of human nature" can read the meaning of human faces and features moie easily than Champolion could interpret the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians. An ordinary observer can tell at a glance whether one is in an amiable or an angry mood, while ex- perts at this sort of "translation of signs " can penetrate the secret arcana of the mind and divine the very thoughts and intents of the heart. We have just closed a remarkable volume of some 600 pages, with 270 illustra- tions, on "Nature's Revelations of Character," by Dr. J. Simms, which gives a new interest to the occult science of physiognomy. Dr. Simms has devoted many years to this great work, into which he has condensed whole libraries of facts and arguments, linked together with the inexorable logic of natural philosophy. The one great primal law of cause and effect is everywhere reverently recognized and illustrated. We do not propose to write a review or attempt an exposition of the book before us, only to call attention to it, and especially commend it to the study of our cosmopolitan readers. It is simply a " book of nature," a conscientious effort on the part of the author to interpret the " revelations " of nature. And all such works are welcomed warmly by those who simply seek to gather facts and learn the truth, and get hold of the endless thread of creation the ever- lasting chain of the loeric of life and death. From a mere practical con- sideration there is no knowledge half so important as what is popularly called the "knowledge of human nature," the art of reading the character in the face. Dr. Simms in his "Revelations " givs us the key to interpret human faces and expressions, so that " he who runs may read " and make no mistakes. What infinite miseries would hav been spared to mankind, and especially womankind, if they had always been in possession of this key to character. (The Cosmopolitan, London, Paris, and New York. London, England, June 24, 1875.) The sciences of phj'siognomy and phrenology are daily growing in pop- ularity and rapidly developing into maturity. The older science of the two, and the one which is based solely upon nature, is physiognomy, but for some years after the death of Lavater, it seemed to languish lor want of exponents, and made very slow advances. In 1874, however, Dr. Joseph Simms, a well-known scholar and scientist, who, for twenty years previous, had been devoting himself exclusively to the study of the laws of human nature, gave to the world a book entitled, " Nature's Revelations of Character," a comprehensive, scientific treatise on the organs of the mind and body, with rules for their government and improvement. In this work, which is highly spoken of by the leading European and American journals, the author claims, and justly, we think, to hav founded a supe- rior system of physiognomy. In any event Dr. Simms is himself a man of ripe culture and varied experience, who reads with correctness the char- acters of all with whom he comes in contact, and his book is so fruitful of practical information and worldly wisdom that, considered apart from its scientific excellencies, it cannot fail to amuse and instruct its readers. (Daily British Colonist, Victoria, British Columbia, Oct. 25, 1879.) Australasian Press Notices. We have received a copy of Dr. Simms's large book on physiognomy, entitled, " Nature's Revelations of Character." It is an interesting as well as an instructive volume, containing not only information regarding the science to which the author has particularly devoted himself, but also a number of useful hints on health, etc. (The Evening Post, Wellington, New Zealand, April 19, 1881). Dr. Simms's latest work on .physiognomy combines solid sense with elegant expression, showing that the author has been a very extensive and keen observer of men and animals, and can present a vast array of facts 5 and reasons very cogently. The subject being one of general interest, the book is highly recommended to the public, no abler work on physiognomy being in print. {The Observer, Auckland, New Zealand, March 26, 1881). The ideal of a perfect life is as multifarious as the number aspiring to enjoy that yet unrealized dream. How often are human struggles in this direction vain and extravagant ! Is there no remedy ? We think there is in a better knowledge of human character. Young people should obtain a just estimate of themselvs, so that they may at least make a beginning in the direction for which their natural capacities fit them. The new science of physiognomy, originated by Dr. J. Simms, now in our city, is establishing itself as an infallible means of acquiring this necessary esti- mate, till signs of character are illustrated and explained so minutely that readers can easily become efficient physiognomists. The book also con- tains a large number of essays on kindred subjects, written in a very fas- cinating manner, and constituting a library in itself of useful knowledge. This system of character reading introduces its students to a new and practical science, interesting in itself, and useful in the intercourse of our daily life, both socially and commercially. (The Auckland Evening Star, New Zealand, March 21, 1881). "NATTJKE'S REVELATIONS OF CHABACTEB." This is the title of a work by Dr. Joseph Simms, whose lectures in this city are now attracting atten- tion. Those who have heard Dr. Simm's lectures will expect to find mat- ter of much interest in this book, nor will they be disappointed. The work displays considerable ability, and proves that the author has deeply studied the subject of which he treats. The matter is introduced in so quaint and taking a style as to be well nigh irresistible, and we can con- fidently recommend the work to our readers. The book, which is copi- ously illustrated, is published by New York, and is, no doubt, procurable by order, through any bookseller. (The Daily Telegraph, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, July 26, 1881). "Nature's Revelations of Character ; or, Physiognomy Illustrated," is one of the late additions to works on popular science, and it is, we think, destined to be one of the most popular books on physiognomy eztant. Its originality, reasonableness, and elegance of style will place it in the front rank of first-class publications. The author is the celebrated lecturer, traveler, and writer, Dr. J. Simms, of New York, who will deliver another course of lectures in Sydney in a few months. (The Sydney Daily Tele- graph, New South Wales, Australia, Oct. 5, 1881). (Dr. Simms had just closed a very successful course of twenty-two lectures in Sydney when this notice was given). " Greatness, like truth, often lurks in the byways." In our search for truth and aspirations for greatness we are prone to look in directions al- ready mapped out, and follow the well-worn ruts of predecessors; but great men and great truths are continually springing from obscure and unexpected places. All great discoveries have been pronounced impossi- ble previous to their demonstration the motion of the earth, steam navi- gation, telegraphy, etc., and we presume there are men living to-day who deny the possibility of determining accurately and completely the char- acter of men and women from the form of face and physique. All of this tendency should examine Dr. Simms's new system of physiognomy. It is the most remarkable production of modern times. The art of char- acter-reading is elevated to the rank of a practical science. By its study the doubts of skeptics will be- removed, and all interested in human ad- vancement will find much valuable instruction in the physiognomical sci- ence. (The Telegraph, Christchurch, New Zealand, May 11, 1881.) Dr. Simms delivered his twenty-second and last lecture at the Tem- perance Hall, Pitt street, last evening, to a crowded audience of ladies 6 and gentlemen. No lecturer who has visited Sydney has been able to draw such large audiences for so long a time. Great interest has been taken in his lectures on physiognomy, and they have aroused great inter- est in the study of human character. Notwithstanding several evenings having been rainy, the lectures have been very largely attended. They afforded much valuable instruction and amusement interblended in an agreeable form. Dr. Simms thanked the press and the people of Sydney, at the close of the lecture last evening, for their liberality and courtesy toward him during his long stay here. (The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, Sept. 23, 1881.) DB. SIMMS'S LECTTTBES. This popular scientific lecturer has met with great success during his stay in Sydney, for not only has each of his vari- ous lectures on the human face been attended by large and intelligent audiences, but a very large number of persons have consulted him daily. Dr. Simms is a physiognomist, and has devoted a lifetime to that study, and he has a very pleasing and attractive style of lecturing, being always perfectly clear and plain in his descriptions of the different parts of fea- tures, and practical in iiis observations. (The Freeman's Journal, Syd- ney, New South Wales, Australia, Sept. 3, 1881.) Dr. Simms, a gentleman who has made physiognomy the study of his life, delivered a series of lectures on his favorite science, in the Temper- ance Hall. The hall was inconveniently crowded. Hanging on the walls of the room were some hundreds of pictures of men and women who have been distinguished in some way or other, either for their virtues, their talents, or their vices. The lecturer exhibited some scores of ad- ditional pictures, illustrative of different styles of face as indicating dif- ferent styles of character. Dr. Simms is a humorist, and his remarks oc- casionally excite roars of laughter. He is eloquent, and speaks extem- poraneously, and, moreover, possesses considerable histrionic talent. He presents his favorite science bristling with wit and humor, and fringed all round with laughter to those who hfear him. At the close of the lecture he invited a number of ladies and gentlemen to ascend the platform for the purpose of testing his skill, and two ladies and four gentlemen hav- ing accepted the challenge, he gave a most minute analysis of the charac- ter of each, and which each acknowledged to be correct. He even told them the diseases they were subject to, displaying in this respect very re- markable powers of observation and insight. (The Evening News, Syd- ney, New South Wales, Australia, August 17, 1881.) We have received a copy of a work by Dr. Simms, entitled "Nature's Revelations of Character; or, Physiognomy Illustrated. A description of the mental, moral, and volitive dispositions of mankind, as manifested in the human form and countenance." The work is really a text-book on the subject on which Dr. Simms has been lecturing in Auckland, and we have no doubt that many who have listened to his discourses, and have become interested in the subject, will desire to become possessed of this book, to which reference may be made on every point. There has always been a disposition in the mind to associate mental qualities with certain appearances in the physical structure, and recent experiments and discov- eries in science have tended strongly to confirm this tendency, and to give it a scientific basis. Quick, acute, and truthful judgments of char- acter can probably only be made by those who, like Dr. Simms, have de- voted much time to the practice as well as the theory, but all can learn much from the letter-press and portraits of this book. To distinguish character is, however, the least important result of a study of the appear- ance of the human frame. The knowledge attained is of importance in the guidance of life, in the choice of husband or wife, in the selection of mends, in the forming of se'f-regulative habits, in the treatment of com- 7 panions and servants, in the training of children. -(The New Zealand Herald, Auckland, March 25, 1881.) "Nature's Revelations of Character," a book of 624 pages, 8vo, 300 engravings OH physiognomy, published by New York. This book deals with a new subject, in a new and very interesting and scientific manner. Dr. Simms has struck a mine in phys- iognomy, rich in truth. The public will be pleasantly instructed by read- ing " Nature's Revelations of Character," with illustrations. This new work on physiognomy is eminently readable, and decidedly independent; the style is brilliant, yet plain; the mode of reading character is entirely original; it deserves, and we believe will command, universal attention. (The Melbourne, Australia, Bulletin, Jan. 5, 1883). "Nature's Revelations of Character; or, Physiognomy Illustrated," by J. Simms, M.*D., published by New York. The title of this remarkable book hardly indicates the full extent of its range, or the breadth and completeness of treatment which the subject has received at the hands of its author. It is a complete and exhaustive exposition of nature's principles, and original discoveries of signs of fac- ulties formulated scientifically into a system of physiognomy, and its ap- pearance will be hailed with satisfaction by all. Dr. Simms has unques- tionably produced an extraordinary work, distinguished in thoroughness and originality of treatment, remarkable in the unflagging interest which will be assured to readers of all classes, and no less admirable from a lit- erary and scientific point of view, in which respects it will compare favor- ably with any writings that have appeared on kindred subjects in Britain. The interest awakened at the very commencement is sustained throughout the six hundred and odd pages of which the volume consists. Illustrative engravings of a very high order, and numbering about 270 in all, are inter- spersed throughout the volume. In the production of these engravings of faces of men, women, and animals, much research and skill has evi- dently been expended. The author tells us that this work is the fruit of half a lifetime of cautious observation and experiments, carried on in all climes, in most nationalities of men, and under circumstances the most diversified. The work throughout bristles with incisive argument, orig- inality of thought, and accuracy of deduction. The order of treatment is arranged with consummate skill; and while the book is characterized bv sturdy and uncompromising good sense which will delight all classes of readers, there is an entire and unusual absence of egotism or false pre- tences. The engrossing interest which the subject possesses for all mem- bers of the human family in the possession of that quality which leaves the most entertaining novel far behind, and which Dr. Simms has secured by his masterly arrangement and flowing diction; and last, though not least, the purity of style which is manifested throughout, will make this work a favorite family book, which all may beneficially peruse from time to time, and over and over again, with an appetite that will never pall. The aim of the author has been to set forth new discoveries and theories, systematically arranged in an entirely new system of physiognomy so clearly as to enable any reader, after a diligent and careful perusal of the book, to interpret character, disposition, natural capabilities, and habits, by the external conformation (corporeal as well as facial) of the human frame. The author has, beyond question, succeeded in his object, and we think everyone will find it to his or her advantage to solve all doubts as to the truth of physiognomy for themselves by a careful study of this work. It is undoubtedly the ablest and best work ever printed on the no- ble and interesting subject of physiognomy. (The Evening Post, Balla- rat, Australia, Nov. 27, 1882). Of Dr. Simms's book entitled, " Nature's Revelations of Character," we may say that it treats of a theme more comprehensive, stupendous^ and sublime than any other known to humanity. Its theme on man and character as shown in face and figure is treated in an unprejudiced and generous manner; showing that the author has drunk deeply, though not blindly, at the fountain. These are noble and valuable themes; they ad- dress themselves to our reason and intellect, to our own interests, to our daily lives, and to those we meet; they plainly show the causes of human defects, thereby arousing a broad charity for them. A spirit of geniality pervades each page of this humanitarian and scientific work. His analy- sis of character is thorough, acute, and the work of a master in the line of thought it develops. No one can read this book without gaining vast knowledge of the qualities of mankind and how to discern them in face and features, while being improved and elevated. It is worth more than all the novels ever written, and is of vast original benefit to all who study it with mind sufficient to understand and apply its great discoveries. Notice of third edition. (The Hobart Herald, Tasmania, March 1, 1882.) American Press Notiees. The ablest book we know on physiognomy is that by Dr. Simms, the greatest living reader of faces. His work is scholarly, logical, in- cisive, and profound, and should be read by every one. (The Evening Telegraph, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 26, 1880.) Dr. Simms has been known for more than twenty-five years past as the most profound physiognomist, instructive lecturer on faces, and un- equaled in Europe and America as an author on physiognomy. At present his large work is in the third edition and selling rapidly. It is esteemed for its purity of style and its wisdom, presented in logical and original form. (The Daily Critic, Washington, D. C., Aug. 24, 1880.) Dr. Simms, the great traveler and leading physiognomist, has pub- lished a large book on physiognomy. It is a faithful and able exposition of a system of physiognomy, which is the first published, yet the book is in the third edition, which proves that it has a ready sale. This is a most valuable science to the world, and Dr. Simms, who has devoted his life to it, being its ablest exponent, has produced a work of intrinsic and we think of lasting merit. (The Examiner and Chronicle, a religious paper, New York, Sept. 2, 1880.) "Physiognomy Illustrated," is a valuable and enchanting work on physiognomy by the learned, extensive traveler and popular lecturer, Dr. J Simms, of New York. It seems to be the first time this ill- understood subject has been treated in a systematic and scientific manner by a scholar. Here we find the cause fully explained why one man is firm, another courageous, the third selfish, the fourth musical, the fifth irrita- ble, and others moral, logical, beneficent, careful, friendly, agreeable, etc. The signs of character, as they reveal themselves in face and form, are here given so plainly that no one can fail to understand them. The work is the outgrowth of a mind naturally adapted to the study, and not only raises the subject to the level of a science, but must lead to great and lasting benefit to the public. (The Evangel, a religious paper, San Francisco, Cal., May 27, 1880.) The great traveler and special scientist, Dr. Simms, has written the first book giving a complete and reasonable system of physiognomy to the world. The work shows how the mind of man is influenced by prepond- erating bones, regnant muscles, excess of brain, strong aerating organs, and powerful nutritive apparatus, and wherein lies the key with which to unlock all characters. The reasonable and clear manner in which the doctor has treated his subject is worthy of high commendation. The 9 book is the production of a mind having a taste foivtLe study of nature, and like Descartes and Newton, he takes a vast stride forward and formu- lates a new science, involving acute observation, wide experience in travel- ing, and vast research for truth in all departments of life. The book pre- sents hundreds of signs of character, and cannot fail to give undying fame to the writer, and great practical and moral benefits to society. . (The Methodist, a religious paper, New York, Sept. 4, 1880.) The present book by Dr. Simms, on physiognomy, illustrated, we thint, while propounding a system of character-reading altogether new, is the fruit of a mind highly moral, keenly perceptive, logical, and well ripened with extensive travel and wide experience in dealing with the public for more than a quarter of a century. There have been but few authors on this subject. Aristotle, Porta, Lavater, and Dr. Simms are about all the original writers worthy of mention, and as Dr. Simms is the only one of this number who has devoted a life-time to this study alone, he therefore offers to the world the first system of physiognomy, elabo- rated and illustrated in his large book, "Nature's Revelations of Charac- ter." The book is interesting reading, clear, thoughtful, and evincing great observation and study of all departments of life and forms in which it domiciled. It is masterly in its treatment and should be in the hands of those who would know their friends and their natural enemies. (Chicago Evening Journal, Sept. 14, 1880.) In " Natures's Eevelations of Character," a late and useful work which we have before us, the learned author, Dr. Joseph Simms, appears to have taken a step in advance of his contemporaries, and founded a new and superior system in the science of physiognomy. The book is copiously illustrated with the portraits of noted men and women, and contains up- wards of six hundred pages. Its contents comprise reliable information of the character and constitution of all the varied grades and races of humanity. The mode of reading the minds of men by the color of the eyes and hair, the style of the walk, and the size and shape of the features, the formation of the body, etc., is made known to the reader, who with a knowledge of the principles of the science and a little practice may soon become quite an expert in his perception and judgment of the hidden motives of mankind. The book is assuredly one of rare originality and deep research, and its aim, the mental, moral, and physical improvement of the human race, is a noble and lofty one, well worthy of the unhesita- ting indorsement and aid of all good and philanthropic people. (Pacific Christian Advocate, Portland, Oregon, Jan. 29, 1880.) I have just been reading "Nature's Revelations of Character; or, Phys- iognomy Illustrated," by Joseph Simms, M.D., and find it one of the most interesting works I have ever read. It cannot fail to please everybody who peruses it. Its 270 engravings are a volume on physiognomy them- selves. Such large contrasts of visages and forms have never before been so well brought together. It is a real physiological work as well, and singularly suited to readers of our paper. Scattered all through with gems of thought, items of information, statistics and scraps of poetry, one hardly knows when to pause and lay it down. We shall take pride and pleasure in publishing portions of it from time to time in the Physi- ologist. The book is a perfect mine of facts of all sorts upon the subjects treated. Dr. Simms, its author, is a powerful and pleasant reason er, a thinker, and a philosopher. His countenance as shown in the frontis- piece is strongly marked, and shows intensity and vigor of thought. (The Physiologist, New York, February, 1881.) " Nature's Revelations of Character; or, Physiognomy Illustrated," is truly a very valuable work. Though I have read many books upon phys- iognomy, this is truly worth them ail. It goes farther, says more, and 10 says it better, than all others of the kind put together 1 . It is indeed a book all should read and study, so that they may build themselves up anew, mentally, morally, and physically, and, as a consequence, physiog- nomieally. Its 270 engravings are strikingly illustrative of the science it elucidates. No one can take up the book without a desire to look it through ere laying it down. It is so interesting to note the different countenances, forms, and characteristics portrayed in the various physiognomies. There are strong faces, weak faces, intelligent faces, and idiotic faces; benevo- lent faces and cruel faces, long men and short men, round men and square men, long heads and flat heads, and oh ! all sorts, sizes, kinds, and varie- ties of heads, forms, and faces, and animal and bird heads illustrating every nation, characteristic, and quality. There is a strain of pure phi- losophy running all through the book. It is natural, poetical, profound, and deep; logical, earnest, and sincere. It touches upon thousands of points of interest in the animal world, and concerning the human race, its nature and development. Every page, from preface to finis f teems with facts which show the writer to be a scholar and a thinker a careful student who collected, arranged, and classified his discoveries in a way to make them available to all. I do not think I exaggerate when I say that to the general reader this book contains a greater amount of new and valu- able information than any other one ever published. It is a book for all. Old and young, Infidel and Christian, novelist and historian each one can find something new, good, and interesting in its pages. It is no dull, dry collection of mere statistics, but a real, live work, teeming with gems of thought, incidents of real, life, strange facts, ab- normal developments, and all manner of curious things, as well as good and useful suggestions. It is so full of pictures, full of thought, and full of truths; six hundred pages of large, clear print, and all in all a book one may feel proud of as an ornament to the library or the center-table. (The Truth Seeker, New York, March 1, 1879). The celebrated scientist and author, Dr. J. Simms, has devoted his life to the study and promulgation of physiognomy, he being the only per- son who has ever made this valuable science a life work. Dr. Simms has traveled and lectured extensively in all the principal towns in the United States and Europe, and enjoys an exceptionally high reputation as an honest and moral man, as well as a reader of human nature and a popular teacher of the fascinating science, by the use of which, one looking into the face is enabled to divine the secrets of the soul. Everywhere that the lectui-er has appeared he has been uniformly successful in winning the warmest encomiums from the press and public, for his matchless skill, his ripe experience, and his laudable ambition to enlighten the intellect and elevate the morals of his fellow-men. One manifest advantage which the doctor possesses over most of his competitors is his thorough knowl- edge of the sciences of physiology and physiognomy. He is thus enabled to comprehend and make, in all instances, a practical application of the peculiar relations existing between the mind and the body, thereby arriv- ing at a complete understanding of each individual character. Dr. Simms, after twenty-five years trayeling in all quarters of the globe, has produced a large book on physiognomy oi sterling worth. It is an honest interpre- tation of nature, lucid, vigorous, moral, and tends to purify the affeetions and expand the intellect. (The Baptist Weekly a religious paper New York, Sept. 2, 1880). SOMETHING NEW. Science is ever seeking new worlds to conquer, meeting sometimes with partial success and more often failure, but to the physiognomical world a great victory has been won by the celebrated lecturer, author, and traveler, Dr. J. Simms. Where heretofore science has been without form, a very complete system has been established, and placed within the reach of all in a book entitled, " Nature's Revelations of Character; or, Physiognomy Illustrated." This work contains a vast amount of inform'ation on the valuable and interesting subject of human character, written in a very pleasant manner. The signs of ability and disposition are all of the common sense order, and are such as can be easily understood, accepted, and used. This eminent scientist has devoted a lifetime to the subject of physiognomy; all readers will be satisfied that his labors have been successful. The public is giving a warm reception to this key to character, which it most assuredly deserves. (The Salt Lake Times, Utah, Oct. 7, 1880). CHARACTER READING BY THE FACE. "Nature's Revelation of Character," an original and interesting work on physiognomy, by Dr. J. Simms, author of "Scientific Lectures," "A New Physiognomical Chart," "Health and Character," etc., is all and more than its name implies. The book contains some 600 pages, is neatly printed and illustrated, and apart from its scientific and literary character, is a valuable historical record of the lives of celebrated men and events. It tells the reader how to inter- pret the signs stamped by Nature upon the faces and forms of her chil- dren, and thus possess herself of all their mental and moral traits of per- son. Also the- physiognomical significance of the walk, the laugh, etc. So pleasingly and lucidly are the cardinal principles of the science of na- ture illustrated and explained, that the student is very soon able to judge who of his friends have the musical ear, the eye for love, the eloquent lips, the peaceful eyebrows, the intellectual chin, and to determine who is to be trusted and who is to be suspected. The knowledge of a science such as physiognomy, which deals directly with nature and human na- ture, is sxire to prove of incalculable benefit to him who has mastered it in any or all the walks of life. It bears also as equally an important re- lation to the body as it does to the mind, and prescribes the best-known natural rules for the preservation of the mental powers and the physical health. The best evidence, perhaps, of the intrinsic worth of " Nature's Revelations of Character " is the large sale it has met with and the un- qualified indorsement given it by the critics and scientists of Europe and America. The deservedly high reputation of its author, Dr. J. Simms, who is well and favorably known all the world over as a scientific lecturer and writer, has also added to the popularity of the book. Everyone should secure a copy, for "knowledge is power," and ours is an age of progression. (The Salt Lake Tribune, Utah, Sept. 29, 1880.) This is without exception the most unique, original, and entertaining book of its class ever issued from the press. In it every character may find his prototype, mentally, morally, and physically. Dr. Simms has made physiognomy a life long study, and has reduced it to a definite, easily under- stood science. At rare intervals in human history have arisen men of genius who have enlightened their species by their discoveries; as Eratosthenes in Geography ; Copernicus in Astronomy ; John Ray in Zoology and Botany ; Sir Isaac Newton in Natural Philosophy ; Haller in Physiology ; Blumen- bach in Anthropology ; and in 1874 Dr. Joseph Simms raised Physiognomy to the rank of a science when he published his system, original and practi- cal, embracing the entire man, proving that every feature, motion, and atti- tude proclaim the affections, disposition, cast of talents, and understanding. Dr. Simms has devoted his whole life to this study ; and, by travel in almost every country in the world, has extended his observations so as to embrace every possible phase of his universally attractive science. He has most suc- cessfully elicited and unfolded intrinsic truth with precision, exactitude, and chasteness, truly wonderful to those seeking incontrovertible insight into the minds of others as well as a knowledge of their own. Nothing can surpass the perspicuity of this work and the intense interest it arouses in the thoughtful student of human nature. Every form and feature of the face is portrayed in the most matter of fact and philosophic manner in this wonderful work. No living human being should be without this unrivalled guide to the morals, predispositions, and intellectualities of mankind. (Health Monthly, New York.) 12 OMBONO DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON, Congenital Idiot, 'Lecher, Keasoner, Moralist, Philanthropist, Murderer. Intellectual Giant. The above portraits respectively represent Dr. Samuel Johnson, the distinguished philosopher and lexicographer, and Ombono, a congenital idiot, who committed rape and then murdered his victim in Australia, was tried, convicted and sentenced to death, but whose sentence was afterward commuted to imprisonment for life, in consideration of his natural mental deficiency. They are submitted herewith to show the remarkable contrast which existed in certain features, especially in the foreheads of the two men who were diametrically different intellectually and morally. The Book of the Age is, by Universal Consent, That Wonderful Work, "PHYSIOGNOMY ILLUSTRATED," or "Nature's Revelations of Character," Which embodies the only scientific physiognomy published. It contains 624 octavo pages, 300 illustrations, and is now in the tenth edition. It is the only manual of unfailing character reading, constructed on the truest lines of science, yet ready for application in practice by any ordinary or non-scientific mind of average intelligence. By the lines of the face and its various features; by bodily form; by gait, manner of laughter and mode of salutation, and by many other individual manifestations, easy of identifi- cation on even a cursory observation, the possessor of this book can at once sum up the charac- ter of any stranger at the first meeting. In originality, lucidity of treatment, thorough adhesion to nature, and unwavering strength, it excels all other attempts at character delineation. This book, published in 1374, was the first that described the form and peculiarities of musical and unmusical ears. It also describes the capacity for speech and oratory which is manifested in the mouth; the signs of the tendency to destroy; polygamic or monogamic disposition as shown in the eyes; also sociability, reason, proportion, sympathy, courtesy, faith, cleanliness, prescience, practicality, mental and physical order, suggestiveness, rectitude, and altogether upwards of one hundred faculties of the mind, and how they all show in the face. This work unfolds the discoveries made during more than twenty years' observation and experience by the author among divers faces and men throughout all climates and races of the world. Publishers: The Murray Hill Publishing Company, 129 East Twenty-eighth Street, New York. Post free to any address within North America for two dollars per copy. PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL AND PRESS OPINIONS REGARDING THE BOOKS, THE PRIVATE, PUBLIC AND PROFKSSIONAL I IFE OF DR. J. SIMMS, EXTENDING OVER A PERIOD OF 43 YEARS, FROM 1854 TO 1896, IN- CLUSIVE. "We. the undersigned, do hereby certify that we have been acquainted with Joseph Simms for several years, and know him to be of fair, unblemished character, and, as such, would cheerfully recommend him to the public." Spooner's Corners, Plainfield, Otsego County, New York, October 30, 1854. Signed. Charles Spooner, Postmaster. Alexander Dewey, Supervisor of Plainfield. Francis B. Smith, Farmer. "To all to whom these presents may come: We do hereby certify that we are personally acquainted with Joseph Simms, and we take pleasure in recommending him as a young man of good moral character." West Win- field, Herkimer County, New York, August 17, 1855. Signed, Zenas Eldred, Jr., Farmer. Russell Huntley, Merchant. L. G. Thomas, Merchant. The following-named phrenological profes- sors, five of whom Professors O. S. and L. X. Fowler, Cook, Capen and Sizer have been employed in Fowler & Wells' office, in New York, and Professor McDonald, a graduate of the same institution, all well known as ex- pert readers of character, testify as follows to Dr. J. Simms' honesty, moral character and intellectuality: "To all whom it may concern: This is to certify that Joseph Simms has taken, a course of instruction in Phrenology of me, and has made himself familiar with the loca- tion and definition of the organs, and, with practice, bids fair to excel as an examiner, lie has conducted himself with propriety while in my office and class, and I take pleasure in introducing him as an honest, moral, worthy young man, interested in the pursuit of knowl- edge." L. N. Fowler, 308 Broadway, New York, December 1, 1854. "Mr. Joseph Simms has taken a thorough course of instruction on Phrenology of me, and is qualified to give charts of developments, together with advice and instruction as to course of life to pursue, business qualifica- tions, etc. He is an intelligent, honest, worthy young man, and deserves to be encouraged." L. X. Fowler, 308 Broadway, New York, November 8, 1855. Phrenological Delineation of the Character of Mr. Joseph Simms: "Your head is large (23 inches); your hair is extremely fine, and your temperament is strong and favorable for independence and originality of thought, and much of it. Your phrenological developments are of a high order, and tend to make you intellectual, moral, honest, practical, reasonable, char- itable, agreeable and kind. Your adhesive- ness is large, which, united with very large firmness and conscientiousness, render your a'ttachments the most pure, sincere and last- ing. * * Your intellectual faculties are nearly all large or very large, which, united with high self-esteem and large moral facul- ties and strong propelling powers, enable you to take very accurate and comprehensive views of subjects, and mark out your own noble course in life. You are a critical and original observer and profound thinker, guided by circumspection and precedence, and these, joined with large benevolence, veneration, human nature, causality and comparison, and very large conscientiousness, together with moderate or small secretiveness and acquisi- tiveness, cause you to hate trickery, deception and all manner of dishonesty, and give you a just and upright mind and a lofty aim during all times, and a broad charity for your fellow- men. You are a natural inventor, and origi- nality will characterize all your works; you never pattern after others. Your natural modesty you inherit from your mother, as you do your social and moral nature; but your in- tellectual tendencies are more like your father's mind. * * If you fail to lead an in- dustrious, honest, temperate, intellectual, good life, then there is no truth in phrenology. You should go to Troy and study civil en- gineering and follow it through life, as you are naturally best adapted to that vocation." Prof. O. S. Fowler, Phrenologist, Albany, N. Y., October, 1855. "Honest, truthful and feels the force of moral obligations." L. X. Fowler, Phrenolo- gist, London, England, October 16, 1873. ' 'Your uncompromising and strict honesty, great kindness, morality, respect and vast ob- serving and reasoning powers, with capacity to please, entertain and instruct others, are leading features of your mind, according to phrenology.' My intimate personal acquaint- ance with Dr. J. Simms for more than twenty years convinces me that the above extract from my phrenological description given of him by me in 1863 at Ingersoll, Canada, was then correct, is fully true to-day, and will so remain throughout his natural life." A. Hagarty. Practical Phrenologist, London, England, 1875. "Are honest at heart, with a high degree of natural rectitude of purpose; are extremely honest in motive, and grateful to those who do you a kindness; are not apt to consult ex- pediency or knowingly do wrong." A. Hag- arty, Phrenologist, London, England, 1875. "Honest, faithful, upright at heart, moral in feeling, grateful, penitent, means well, con- sults duty before expediency, loves and means to speak the truth, cannot tolerate wrong." John L. Capen, Phrenologist, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 8, 1876. "Size of head, 23 inches. * * Strict justice and truthfulness." James Shepherd, Practi- cal Phrenologist, Melbourne, Australia, Octo- ber, 1882. "You are disposed to be strictly honest and upright in all your dealings; hate whatever is unjust or contrary to your ideas of right. * * You always seek to know what is right, and then pursue it with singleness of heart." Xelson Sizer, Phrenologist, New York, N. Y., May 4, 1886. "You are honest, faithful, upright, moral in feeling, penitent mean well." Prof. J. H. Cook, Phrenologist, New York, N. Y., Octo- ber, 1886. "Joseph Simms, M. D.: * * You came from a good ancestry. Nature has endowed you with a superior intellect and a healthy body. You possess originality, and have a resistless inclination for philosophical and metaphysical investigation; would excel as an author, orator, physician, teacher, or naturalist. Spirituality, veneration, consci- entiousness, friendship, benevolence, human nature, love of children and animals, are strong and active traits in your character. These faculties hold the propensities and pas- sions in subjugation to that extent that if there were no statutes to punish crime you would be a good citizen through inherent ten- dencies. Conscientiousness is so well devel- oped that I infer your parents possessed it in a high degree and transmitted it to you. Doubtless your early training led you along paths of rectitude, and there is every indica- tion that you never deviated from them. * * You despise dishonesty, trickery and treachery in every form, and strictly ad- here to truth and justice in word and deed. * * Your conscience is an inherent part of your being, a vigilant and powerful factor, ruling and regulating every act of your life. * * You have pity for the unfortunate and charity for all mankind. * * Are progres- sive and reformatory, and a true philanthro- pist." Prof. D. F. McDonald, Phrenologist, Berkeley, California, April 23, 1894. The above was gratuitously written by Prof. McDonald, a graduate of the Fowler & Wells Phrenological Institute, in New York, regarding Dr. Joseph Simms, after an inti- mate personal acquaintance for nearly thirty years. After all these leading phrenologists, as well as other honest men who were personally ac- quainted with him from childhood, have de- scribed Dr. J. Simms as moral, honest, intelli- gent and worthy from 1854 to 1894 inclusive, it must be so accepted or phrenology is not true when applied in practice by its ablest and most celebrated advocates. "I have had several charts, but the most reliable and thorough delineation of my char- acter was that by Dr. Simms." Governor Thomas E. Bramlette, of Kentucky, 1859. "Mr J. Simms: Allow me to say that you are far the ablest, most entertaining, purest and best lecturer on Character I ever met. Your descriptions of mental qualities from human faces are correct and astonishing." Gov. John L. Helm, Elizabethtown, Kentucky, 1859. "I have been edifled and instructed by your lectures, and believe they tend to promote moral and intellectual development." Rev. Robert W. Landis, Philadelphia, 1859. Rev. Mr. Landis was the author of "The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body Asserted and Defended." published in Philadelphia, Pa., 184(3, of 379 pages (12 mo.). He also wrote a book on "The Immortality of the Soul," of 379 pages (12 mo.), published in New York in 1859. He was an exceptionally talented preacher and author. The following vouchers show that Dr. Simms was regularly admitted as a student to University Medical College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York; that he was admitted to practice to New York Hos- pital, and his diploma as a graduate of medi- cine was issued in New York in 1871: "New York Hospital, November 9, 1866. We recommend J. Simms as a proper person to receive a ticket to follow the practice of the New York Hospital. W. H. Draper, physician and surgeon in attendance; superintendent of the New York Hospital." "Mr. Joseph Simms nets paid the full fee. The professors will please give him their tickets. University Medical College, Febru- ary 28, 1867. W. Henry Draper." "College of Physicians and Surgeons, Corner Twenty-third street and Fourth avenue, New York, November 18, 1868. I beg to state that Mr. Joseph Simms is a student of this college, and is the bearer of checks on the Fourth National Bank of this city. Willard Parker, Professor of Surgery." "I presented the ambrotype of one of our noted Boston thieves to Dr. J. Simms, while he was lecturing in this city, and he read it as correctly as any one could with years' ac- quaintance." Mr. C. M. Huggins, 34 Trum- bull street, Boston, Mass., April 6, 1871. Dr. Simms' discovery of the form of musical ears was acknowledged in its accuracy of ap- plication by the famous Professor Huxley. "You are quite accurate. You are perfectly correct." The above remarks were made by Prof. Thomas Henry Huxley, the celebrated English scientist, in 1875, after Dr. J. Simms had been introduced to him, and, at his request, had described his musical and other qualities from the formation of his ears. "The pure moral tone which pervades all your lectures and writings gives you a just claim to the esteem of the public." Sue Harry Clagett, Keokuk, Iowa. Miss Clagett is a talented American author- ess, and daughter of the late Judge Clagett of Keokuk, Iowa. Her brother has been a mem- ber of Congress from the Northwest for several years. "We have known Dr. Simms many years, and can agree with Senator Stanford, who said: 'Dr. Simms is the best reader of char- acter I ever saw.' Certainly Dr. Simms has been the most able and the most successful lecturer on human character the world ever produced. * * He is the author of several original and strong books on physiognomy and health. * * Dr. Simms is monarch in the physiognomical kingdom, from his keen power of observation and philosophic methods of original thinking. There are few abler writ- ers in America than Dr. Simms who are en- gaged in scientific pursuits." "The Ele- vator," San Francisco. California, February 18, 1893. "During the winter of 1869 and 1870 I first met Dr. Joseph Simms while he was lecturing in San Jose, California. At the request of friends I walked across the platform in order to elicit an opinion from Dr. Simms as to my character and ability as exhibited by my walk. He observed me closely and immedi- ately exclaimed: 'There is a natural-born lawyer. Young woman, you should take up 'he study of law at once. You have a great future before you. You will succeed, because nature fitted you admirably for the profes- sion of the law.' At first I was shocked at the statement of the learned man. I had no knowledge of the possession of the mental power, nor of the physical endurance, neces- sary to insure success in a profession wherein women had as yet taken no rank. But, en- couraged by the eloquent words of Dr. Simms, I took up the study of law, and, though still a young girl, I soon realized my mental ten- dencies to solve abstruse questions. My suc- cess as a lawyer is largely due to the advice given me by Dr. Simms, for without it I might, and doubtless would, have drifted into other and less profitable vocations, or prosed my life away, as many more capable women have done." Ever faithfully yours, and gratefully. Clara Shortridge Foltz, San Fran- cisco, California, Mills Building, Nov. 23, 1894. Since the above was written Mrs. Foltz has moved to the city of New York, where she is an able practicing attorney and counsellor at law. After a few years' personal acquaintance with Dr. Simms, and having studied carefully his large work entitled, "Physiognomy Illus- trated," Professor Cook, a phrenologist, who was employed many years ago in Fowler & Wells' Phrenological Office, in New York, as an examiner and writer of character, re- marks: "I look upon Dr. Simms as being * * the ablest physiognomist. * * I have verified the truth of most of his facial signs by observation." Prof. J. H. Cook, Phrenologist, in the "Health Monthly," New York, July, 1895, page 5. To all whom it may concern: I have had business relations with Dr. Joseph Simms during many years, and have always found him to be exact and honorable in all his dealings. W. M. Hinton. Registrar of Voters, New City Hall, San Francisco, Cal., October 26, 1896." "Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Office of U. S. Surveyor General for the District of California, San Francisco, October 27, 1896. Dr. J. Simms, San Francisco, Cal.: Dear Sir Some years ago I had an examination of character by O. S. Fowler, and. while the sketch was true in most par- ticulars and seemed satisfactory at the time, a short time after, when you came to Colusa, you made many nice distinctions that Fowler failed to bring out. This was especially so in regard to order, mental and physical. You had known nothing of me, but described the character as well as one who had known me for a lifetime. Respectfully, W. S. Green, U. S. Surveyor General for California." "Dr. Simms * * has made a large reputa- tion as a physiognomist. He has given us a very accurate and satisfactory reading of our chaiacter: besides he has delineated the char- acter and peculiarities of two of our best- known and most worthy brethren from their photographs." Rev. R. P. Wilson, D. D., in "Pacific Methodist Advocate," San Francisco, California, October 29, 1896. What the Newspapers Say of this Eminent Physiognomist. AMERICAN PRESS TESTIMONIALS. "Master of his subject." "The Republi- can," Omaha, Nebraska, 1868. "Interesting and instructive in the highest degree." "Republican," Chicago, 111., 1876. "The ablest work extant on Physiognomy." "The Evening Star," Washington, D. C., 1880. "L)r. Simms, the greatest living physiog- nomist." "The Times," Kansas City, Mis- souri, 1868 "Amusing and instructive, together with a high moral tone." "State Journal," Madison, Wisconsin, 1867. "A masterly effort and lively throughout." "Daily Monitor," Elizabeth, New Jersey, December 1, 1875. "One who sincerely seeks the promotion of truth and all human good." "The Standard" (religious paper), Chicago, Illinois, 1868. "Dr. Simms' lectures have drawn crowded audiences and afforded much instruction." "Daily Advertiser," Boston, Mass., 1871. "Dr. Simms, the greatest and most correct living delineator of character." "The Call," San Francisco, California, March 1, 1878. "His large book proves him to be the ablest living author on physiognomy." "The Even- ing News," Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 25, 1880. "Thoroughly instructive. * * Quick per- ception and thorough knowledge of the sci- ence." "Daily Journal," Newark, New Jer- sey, 1875. "Dr. J. Simms, one of the most renowned scientists and naturalists of the present cen- tury." "Daily News," Hot Springs, Arkan- sas, June 5, 1885. "Dr. J. Simms is unquestionably the most eminent of living physiognomists." "The Pa- cific Christian Advocate,." Portland, Oregon, January 29, 1880. "His theory is entirely his own, and is of the character that makes it instructive as well as interesting." "The Gazette," Kala- mazoo, Michigan, 1865. "Has given an impetus to physiognomical investigation that cannot fail of lasting good. * * Scientific, practical." "Daily Journal," Indianapolis, Indiana, 1867. "His lectures were entertaining and called full houses each night. He examined one- half of our citizens while in our town." "Bardstown Gazette," Ky., 1858. "Information of great value, and * * being fortified by high morals, * * very popular among our best citizens." "Daily State Register," Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 1878. "Describes with clearness, and in a spirit of careful conscientiousness, the various traits of the mental and moral nature of man." "Daily Evening Telegram," Portland, Oregon, 1880. "Dr. J. Simms, distinguished physiognomist, * * * who to-day has no living equal as a practical and scientific physiognomist. " "Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper," New York, September 14, 1878. "The great traveler and special scientist, Dr. Simms, has written the first book giving a complete and reasonable system of Physi- ognomy to the world." "The Methodist" (re- ligious paper), New York, September 4, 1880. "Well skilled in the almost divine art of reading human character. He never once condescended to use language that would give offense to any one. * * Both interest- ing and instructive." "Democrat," Nicholas- ville, Kentucky, 1859. "The Doctor has traveled extensively in almost every country of the world, has been a close observer of men and things, and is possessed of unbounded information concern- ing the subjects of which he treats." "Daily Argus," Akron, Ohio, 1876. "The ablest book we know on Physiognomy is that by Dr. Simms, the greatest living reader of faces. His work is scholarly, logical, incisive and profound, and should be read by every one," "The Evening Telegram," Phila- delphia, Pa., August 25, 1S80. "The most eminent physiognomist is Dr. J. Simms, who is an entertaining speaker, world-wide traveler, remarkable reader of human faces, and the author of the ablest work extant on physiognomy." "The Even- ing Star," Washington, D. C., August 24, 1880. "This is a most valuable science to the world, and Dr. Simms, who has devoted his life to it, being its ablest exponent, has pro- duced a work of intrinsic, and, we think, of lasting, merit." "The Examiner and Chron- icle" (religious paper), New York, September 2, 1S80. "Dr. J. Simms * * journeying to Alaska. He has lectured here many times, and is known the world over as an unrivaled genius, with critical accuracy and sterling integrity as a lecturer, delineator of character and au- thor." "Morning Oregonian," Portland, Ore- gon, May 12, 1896. "Dr. J. Simms, the eloquent and amusing lecturer, is drawing an immense audience to hear his lectures at Platt's Hall. The inter- est continues to increase each evening as the course progresses. His examinations of some of our well-known citizens bring forth rounds of applause." "The Call," San Francisco, California, 1869. "Dr. Simms has delivered many courses of lectures here, and has been known in this place and throughout the State and all the Pa- cific States for twenty-five years as an honest man of great ability. As a lecturer and de- lineator of human character he stands without a peer." "Evening News," San Jose, Cali- fornia, April 10, 1894. "Dr. J. Simms * * enjoys an exception- ally high reputation as an honest and moral man. * * Has produced a large book on physiognomy of sterling worth. It is an honest interpretation of nature, lucid, vigor- ous, moral, and tends to purify the affections and expand the intellect." "The Baptist" (re- ligious paper), New York, September 2, 1880. "The Congregational Church was crowded with a fine audience that gave undivided at- tention to one of the best and most entertain- ing lectures of the season by Dr. Simms. * * Last night hundreds crowded the spacious chuich, and hundreds more were unable to find even standing room." "Daily Record- Union," Sacramento, California, Jan. 31, 1879. "The wisest genius in physiognomic science is Dr. Simms. His lectures and books have been well received in Great Britain and America. He is an eloquent and attractive speaker, and, though a 'rolling stone,' has acquired a handsome fortune. His large book proves him to be the ablest living author on physiognomy." "The Evening News," Phila- delphia. Pennsylvania, August 25, 1880. "Dr. J. Simms. who is we,ll known as an exceedingly able lecturer and author on physi- ognomy, is recreating in Sacramento. After having tested O. S. Fowler and Dr. Simms we must admit that the latter describes character the more correctly. Dr. Simms has aban- doned the lecture field and devotes his entire energies to literary and scientific work." "The Bee," Sacramento, Cal., April 24, 1894. "He reads individuals by their faces as ordi- nary persons read a book. Neither Zopyrus, Alcibiades, Aristotle, Porta or Lavater equaled the genius of Dr. J. Simms in deciphering nature's facial print, and in his reasonable, lucid, pleasant and instructive style, hence his brilliant success everywhere. His large book is the best book we know on physiog- nomy." "Salt Lake Times," Utah, October 7, 1880. "Dr. J. Simms, the most famous physiog- nomist of the nineteenth century, will de- liver two illustrated lectures on Physiog- nomy, in Colonel Wood's Museum on to- morrow afternoon, at 2:30 P. M., and evening at 8 P. M. Admission 50 cents. This will be the great event of the season, and a rare op- portunity to learn how to read the human f ace "_"The Inter-Ocean," Chicago, Illinois, May 27, 1876. "Dr. J. Simms has been far the ablest and most successful lecturer and author on human character. His original genius, rich discover- ies, untarnished probity and good natured geniality have won for him vast wealth and universal fame while enlightening and up- lifting mankind in both hemispheres of the globe. He has lectured here many times with great success." "Post-Intelligencer," Seattle, Washiagton, May 30, 1896. "No man, we think, ever stood on a plat- form in Portland who could read character so well as Dr. Simms. Large audiences at- tend his lectures each evening at Lancaster Hall. To-night he lectures on Physiog- nomy, and how to read character. Go to the hall during the day and obtain a chart and learn how to make your life most useful to others, as well as yourself." "Daily Eastern Argus," Portland, Maine, 1871. "Dr. Simms * * drew another full house, and the audience was well entertained for about two hours. The Doctor's descriptions of character of the ladies and gentlemen who went upon the stage in response to his invita- tion were very amusing, and, so far as the audience was capable of judging, remarkably correct. Mr. D. A. Stern and ex-Chief Harris were done to a *t.' " -"Evening Express," Los Angeles, California, March 1, 1879. "Dr. Simms, who has been lecturing for a week past in the city, to crowded houses, on the subject of Physiognomy, has just closed his course. He has been requested by a large number of medical and business men of the city to repeat the course, and has signified his intention of doing so at some future time. The lectures have been well patronized by the public, and will be sure to be when the Doctor visits us again." "The Times," Chicago, Illinois, January, 1868. "The valuable volume entitled 'Physiognomy Illustrated,' by Dr. J. Simms, has placed phy- siognomy for the first and only time on a per- manent scientific basis through his original and correct discoveries sustained by logical reasonings and thoroughly honest intentions, which are guided by unrivaled genius, as well as chaste, moral, agreeable and lucid style. In truthfulness and wisdom it far outstrips all other works on human character." "The Review," Ogden, Utah, September 19, 1895. "Dr. J. Simms, the celebrated physiogno- mist and author, was in Juneau this week. He is well remembered throughout the English speaking domains as the king of lec- turers on human character. His decided hon- esty, kindness of heart, sound reason, en- chanting fancy, vast observing powers accom- panied with chaste and expressive language have won for him great success. In correctly describing character Dr. Simms is peerless." "The Alaska News," Juneau City, Alaska, July 2, 1896. "The Protestant Methodist Church in Attor- ney street was filled last evening by a most respectable audience, drawn thither to listen to a lecture on the Nervous System by Dr. J. Simms. The doctor was aided in the deliv- ery of his discourse by numerous diagrams, showing the action of the nerves in various portions of the body. He dwelt for some time on the composition and conformation of the human brain. * * His lecture was highly instructive throughout." "The Times," New York, February 18, 1869. "Plait's Hall. A very large assemblage of ladies and gentlemen attended Dr. Simms' lecture on the Nervous System last night. It was certainly both interesting and instructive. The Doctor will lecture to-night on Physiog- nomy, etc. All those who have not already done so should by all means attend these lec- tures. They tend to elevate the mind and improve the understanding. Dr. S. is an edu- cated, scientific man, and knows how to han- dle his subjects." "Daily Examiner," San Francisco, California, 1869. "Physiognomy. Dr. Simms lectured on the above subject at Recreation Hall last even- ing to a fine audience. The Doctor is a very entertaining speaker and understands thor- oughly the principles of physiognomy. He reads character thoroughly, and his amusing comparisons are very enjoyable. Several ladies and gentlemen went on the stage by invitation, and the lecturer correctly read their characters, to the infinite amusement of the audience." "Daily Leader," Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, November 8, 1878. "Scientific Lectures on Physiognomy. Dur- ing the past two weeks the citizens of Boston have had the pleasure of attending a course of Dr. Simms' lectures on Physiognomy. The system is new, and, being presented in an earnest and amusing manner, it takes like 'hot cakes.' The law of life and the true road of progress which the Doctor's lectures noint out are peculiarly his own. We wish him all success elsewhere, as he has had In this city, and wish his speedy return to the 'Hub.' ""Daily Evening Traveler," Boston, Mass., 1871. "Scientific Lectures. Dr. J. Simms of New York has been lecturing to the medical stu- dents of the Old Medical School in this city. Last evening four hundred students and sev- eral professors were present at his lecture, nnd all speak very complimentary of his ef- forts. The late discoveries in anatomy and physiology which the Doctor presents are charmingly well supported by sound logic and stern facts. The Doctor has been invited by a large delegation of citizens to extend his lec- tures in this city." "Daily Gazette," Nash- ville. Tenn.. 1S59. "The original work entitled. 'Physiognomy Illustrated,' by Dr. J. Simms, contains 624 octavo pages and 300 engravings embodying a complete system of physiognomy, true to nature, while it is the result of vast observa- tion, profound reflection, and conscientious motives, guided by broad charity. It is far the ablest and best work extant on character reading, and is in its tenth edition. The au- thor has delivered many lectures here and is the most successful genius who has ever written or lectured on human character any- where." "The Denver Republican," Colo- rado. August 23, 1895. "Dr. Simms has been lecturing all this week in Brewster Hall, on the exhaustless subject of man. No lecturer has ever visited New Haven who has given so many original ideas as Dr. Simms. He works for the good of mankind, and his fearless and independent manner has won him perfect success in this city. The attendance each evening (several evenings have been rainy), has been very large, and his audience gave the closest at- tention to every word and gesture. Hundreds have obtained charts and delineations of char- acter. The Doctor will leave with the best wishes of the citizens of New Haven for his success in the great and good work in which he so nobly labors." "Daily Register," New Haven, Conn., 1871. "Dr. J. Simms, the famous traveler and scientist, has been tarrying in Salt Lake City during the past three weeks, in the inter- est of the New York press. About fifteen to twenty years ago this savant lectured here, on physiognomy and physiology, many times, with more marked success than Fowler, McDonald, O'Leary, and a host of other lesser lights. Dr. Simms is highly instructive and entertaining in his public lectures, and as a character reader he has no superior. True friendship, disinterested honesty, unlimited gratitude, taste, refined by extensive travel- ing, respectful manner, chaste language and far reaching charity, characterize Dr. Simms' public and private life. His large work en- titled 'Physiognomy Illustrated,' is in our public libraries, and now selling in its tenth edition, is the best and safest work on that universally valuable subject." - "Deseret Evening News," Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 3, 1895. " 'Physiognomy Illustrated' is a remarkable book, treating of the face, eye, nose, mouth, chin, ear. forehead, hands and bodily forms, gait, laughter and salutation, by Dr. J. Simms, the unrivaled physiognomist. It eclipses all other works on character-reading by its marked originality, brilliant clearness, honesty of purpose and staunch strength. It contains 624 octavo pages, 300 characteristic engravings, is in its tenth edition, and is far the ablest and best work on this important and interesting subject. Its ethical, philo- sophical, scientific and practical phases out- strip all competitors. It embodies a complete system of mental and physical powers, new in every particular, yet its manner of unrav- eling the mysteries of mind is as simple as it is surprising. This subject becomes, by the extraordinary genius and skill of this cele- brated savant, a science broad, comprehensive and profound." "The Occident" (religious paper), San Francisco, October 1, 1896. "In 1874 Dr. J. Simms published his large work entitled 'Physiognomy Illustrated.' This is the most thorough, comprehensive, original and reliable authority on the subject ever printed. Its publication raised physiognomy, for the first time in the history of its literary treatment, to a science. In doing this Dr. Simms proved himself to be the greatest dis- coverer in this field of scientific research of any age. Many illiterate corsairs designating themselves phrenologists have been quick to discern the value of his work. With uncon- scionable avidity these charlatans, ever eager to obtain money through the genius and labor of others, have seized upon Dr. Simms' 'Physiognomy' and publish in their journals and books many of his valuable discoveries as original conceptions. But in doing so they discredited and retarded the progress of scien- tific physiognomy, because they filtered these discoveries through their own stupidity, dis- honesty, illiteracy and impossible anatomy." "San Francisco Chronicle," California, Jan- uary 21, 189, r >. "Dr. J. Simms is decidedly celebrated in North America, Groat Britain and Australia, as the learned and judicious author of 'Physi- ogonomy Illustrated/ the wisest, best, most comprehensive, concise and conscientiously written book, of any scientific value on the important subject of human characteristics. Dr. Simrns copies no other author, yet he is a ripe and well-read scholar, with wide and cultured views, and the just and unrivaled student of the human race, quite frank and sincere, temperate, upright, an extensive traveler, and has no superior, nor even an equal, as an instructive and correct lecturer, examiner, and author on mental, moral and social qualities, as well as health. He is wholly original and thoroughly logical and charitable in his daily life and publications, and the most advanced and reasonable writer on mind and its expression in the visage and physique of mankind. He treats mind as a progressive power, resting not simply on a change of basis, but implicating and depend- ing upon the entire bodily structure. 'Physi- ognomy Illustrated,' with 624 pages and 300 illustrations, is published and for sale by The Murray Hill Publishing Company. Price, $2.00, 129 East Twenty-eighth Street, New York." "The Western Journal of. Educa- tion," San Francisco, October, 1896. "Dr. J. Simms is an accomplished scientist whose genius has discovered a new physiog- nomy and formulated it into a valuable prac- tical science. His works on physiognomy have a place in all the leading libraries of the world, and their great value was recognized by Darwin, Huxley, Sir Charles Lyell, Prof. Owen, Dr. Carpenter and other leading Europ- ean scientists. This physiognomy does not, like the mind, rely upon neural or nerve and brain changes, but upon the entire physical structure. Sight has been demonstrated by Harvard professors to be several hundred times more accurate than the sense of touch. Physiognomy relies entirely on sight, and is, therefore, several hundred times more accu- rate in its analysis of human character and disposition than phrenology, which depends in practice on the sense of touch by the fin- gers exclusively. "The practice of Dr. Simms' physiognomy is cleanly and safe, because it is demonstrated entirely through the agency of sight. It is not liable, therefore, in practice, to spread contagious and loathsome diseases, such as leprosy, smallpox, itch, etc. Phrenologists may, however, do this, as their fingers, in- fected hy the examination of the dirty and dis- eased head of one person, may communicate the disease to the head of the next person ex- amined. "Dr. Simms excels all other character de- scribeis and writers in the matter of observa- tion, reason, veracity, integrity, originality, accuracy, thoroughness, modesty and purity. He is a Knight Templar and a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason. Besides, he has the distinction of being an honorary mem- ber of many literary and scientific societies in various parts of the world. "No honest person ever questioned Dr. Simms' probity or the sincerity of his motives and the candor of his opinions. He has the quiet and cultivated manners of a high- minded gentleman of thorough scientific edu- cation, extensive travel and reading, remark- able application, and has enjoyed the associa- tion of cultured minds of all parts of the world for nearly half a century. He has delivered more than thirty public lectures in this city with greater success than any other speaker on human character, and he is un- rivaled in delineating mind and diseases from the external man, because his own character is one of great sterling worth, and his native genius will always command an honorable influence in cultivated and moral society." "The Illustrated World," San Francisco, Cali- fornia, October 24, 1896. BRITISH PRESS NOTICES. "The really scientific treatment of physiog- nomy." "Saturday Review," London. Eng- land. "He is the best character reader I ever saw." "Morning Herald," Dunedin, New Zealand, 1881. "Dr. Simms is known as a most skilled practical physiognomist." "Pictorial World," London, 1874. "He is the most famous, correct and tal- ented physiognomist in the world." "The Times," London, England. "He certainly reads character with great facility. His is no guesswork." "Anthropolo- gia," London, England, 1875. "The ablest known reader of diseases and characters from the external man." "People's Tribune," Melbourne, Australia, March 8,1884. "A shrewd, skillful judge of human charac- ter. * * * Exposition of a new science." "Morning Herald," Sydney, Australia, May 23, 1882. "Dr. Simms' system of physiognomy: it is the most remarkable production of modern times." "The Telegraph," Christchurch, New Zealand, 1884. "This gentleman's able expositions of physi- ognomy are the most scientific and practical ever given." "Bulletin," Melbourne, Austra- lia, October 13, 1883. "These lectures are fraught with fun and instruction, presented in a didactic and agree- able manner." "The World," Melbourne, Australia, May 8, 1883. "Dr. Simms is a skilled and practical physi- ognomist, and teaches how to read the human face and its indications of character." "Daily Telegraph," Melbourne, Australia, June 9, 1883. "Science does find warm acceptance with the people in Austral ; a when a man Tke Dr. Simms knows how to make it popular and attractive." "Herald," Melbourne, Austra- lia. May 26, 1883. "Dr. Simms has a very pleasing and attract- ive style of lecturing. * * * His character leading is simply marvelous." "Freeman's Journal" (religious paper), Sydney, Australia, September 3 and August 27, 1881. "We have the popularity of Dr. Simms' entertainment to show how philosophical subjects can be made to draw by being handled in a popular manner." "The Age," Melbourne, Australia, June 9, 1883. "There are few platform speakers whose success has been so pronounced in almost every part of the world. * * * The enter- tainment being, as usual, provocative of great amusement." "Evening News," Sydney, Australia, December 12, 1883. "Dr. Simms does not practice any of the charlatanism usually adopted by phrenolo- gists or mesmerists; his lectures are elegant and amusing, devoid of low Jokes or puns, and can be listened to with interest." "The New Zealand Herald," Auckland, New Zealand, March 17, 1881. "The hall was crowded in every part, and hundreds were unable to gain admittance. Dr. Simms has a very telling way of impress- ing a truth, with a witticism or a joke, hence an evening passes quickly and pleasantly at his lecture." "The Age," Melbourne, Aus- tralia, October 3, 1882. "His lecture was highly amusing, as well as instructive. It was didactic in style, and evinced considerable histrionic knowledge. The course of lectures will be acceptable to all who wish to have a better understanding of the mysteries of this practical and valuable science." "The Echo," Sydney, Australia, September 7, 1881. "Dr. Simms is a favorable exception to some others who have treated of the science of man. His apparatus enables him to make his illustrations additionally interesting. We have no reason to doubt that his career in Canada will continue to be, as it has been, a success." " Canadian Illustrated News," Hamilton, Canada, 1864. The same paper printed a portrait of Dr. Simms, and gave a biographical sketch of his life. "Last evening Dr. Simms closed Ivs sixth and last series of lectures in Sydney, with the sixty-seventh lecture. The closing discourse was an able and entertaining one to a crowded audience. The lectures have, throughout, been attended by large and interested audi- ences." "The Daily Morning Herald," Syd- ney, Australia, December 15, 1883. "Dr. J. Simms, of New York, delivered the closing lecture of a series of nine lectures in the City Hall, on physiognomy and physi- ology on Saturday night last. The lectures have been very successful. The closing re- mark that the Doctor intended to visit Glas- gow at some future time elicited repeated ap- plause." "The Evening Star," Glasgow, Scot- land, June 23, 1873. "On Friday evening. Dr. J. Simms, the most able and profound living physiognomist, de- livered his fifty-second and closing lecture of a very successful series in London, on physi- ognomy and physiology, to an audience that occupied every portion of the large gallery and the body of the spacious room in South Place Chapel." "Daybreak," London, Eng- land, March 26, 1875. "Dr. Simms, the eminent physiognomist, has hit the popular taste with his enterta'ning and instructive lectures at the Athenfeum. He not only tells his visitors simply by the facial lineaments their past, present and future, but describes the diseases from which they suffer, or will suffer, owing to hereditary taint, or otherwise." "The Bulletin," Mel- bourne, Australia, May 11, 1883. "Dr. Simms, the author and scientific lec- turer, is attracting immense audiences to hear h ; s original discourses on faces and the signs of character. He is the most famous, correct and talented physiognomist in the world. He readily reads the diseases, weaknesses and characteristics of persons who are strangers to him, as though they were open books. "- "The Times," London, England. "We are convinced that there have been a few natural physiognomists who could read character correctly from the facial linea- ments; Zopyrus, Lavater, and Dr. J. Simms, belong to this limited and favored class. Dr. Simms has been lecturing more than a quar- ter of a century to crowded houses." "Even- ing Star," Auckland, New Zealand, March 18, 1881. "Dr. Simms' lecture drew another good audi- ence at the Athenaeum last night. It was original and well sustained with facts and reason, while being spiced with humor suffi- cient to render it popular and entertaining. Several well-known citizens went on the plat- form at the close of the lecture, and were ac- curately described." "The Evening Post," Wellington, New Zealand. April 21, 1881. "At the Athenaeum, last evening, Dr. Simms delivered his sixty-first and closing lecture in Melbourne, to a large and well-entertained audience. He took the opportunity of thank- ing the people and press of Melbourne for their kind treatment of him, and said he re- gretted leaving Australia, for he had become much attached to it, and still more to its peo- ple." "The Argus," Melbourne, Australia, March 21, 1884. "Dr. Simms made his farewell bow to a large and respectable audience at the Athe- naeum last evening, on the occasion of his original and very entertaining lecture. It was his sixty-first and closing lecture. His lec- tures have, throughout, drawn large and de- lighted audiences, and he has proved over and again that he is the unrivaled peer in reading character and diseases from human faces. "- "The Herald," Melbourne, Australia, March 21. 1884. "Last night Dr. J. Simms, the well-known, eloquent and amusing lecturer of New York, delivered an address in the Masonic Hall. George street, on physiognomy, or nature, mind and beauty. The hall was crowded to t xeess. The main object of the lecture was to show that a close connection might be traced between physiognomy and character. His ad- dress was amusing, and was well received by the audience." "The Scotsman," Edinburgh, Scotland, July, 1873. "Dr. J. Simms gave his sixty-seventh and (losing lecture to a crowded audience of at- tentive ladies and gentlemen. It was the most scientific, ablest and best lecture ever given on those subjects in Sydney. Xo other lec- turer has been able to draw such large audi- ences to scientific pay lectures for so long a time, with continued interest. He has proved himself a most masterly practical physiogno- mist." "Daily Telegraph," Sydney, Austra- lia, December 15, 1SS3. "Physiognomy. Last night Dr. Simms. the American physiognomist, delivered the last of a course of nine lectures, on the above sub- ject, in the Free Masons' Hall. George street. During his visit to Edinburgh he has been attended by considerable numbers of people who desired to have the opinion of an expert as to their capabilities and disposition. The lecture last evening was delivered to a crowded audience." "The Daily Review," Edinburgh, Scotland. July 12, 1873. "Dr. Simms, whose lectures have drawn large audiences in Melbourne for sixty-one nights, closed his series with a lecture on Physiognomy and Physiology, the ablest and most amusing ever given on those subjects in this city. In reading mind and diseases from the face, he has shown himself an adept. The whole intellectual entertainment provided by Dr. Simms has been a remarkable success in this city and throughout the Australian Col- onies." "The World," Melbourne, Australia, March 21, 1884. "Dr. Simms. This talented lecturer on the Science of Physiology and Physiognomy has, during the past week, delivered a very satis- factory course of lectures on these sciences to large audiences each evening. The Doctor's descriptive powers are of the most brilliant kind, and his delineations of character strik- ingly marked and accurate. Never in this town has there been so great an interest taken in a continued course of lectures as on this occasion, and has increased as they have drawn to a close." "Woodstock Sentinel," Canada, 1863. "Phrenology is almost played out, and physiognomy takes its place, * * and Dr. Simms steps to the front. * * I went to hear the Doctor, and was much amused and instructed. * * His worship, the Mayor, and .Mr. H. Hudson, were on the platform under- going ihe Doctor's inspection: and if the plan proposed by Momus of placing windows in men's breasts had been carried out in this instance, a more precise analysis of the gen- tlemen's characters than that given by the Doctor could scarcely have been obtained. "- "Public Opinion," Dunedin, New Zealand, June 4, 1881. "Dr. Simms has devoted many years to this great work, into which he has condensed whole libraries of facts and arguments, linked together with the inexorable logic of natural philosophy. The one great primal law of cause and effect is everywhere reverently recognized and illustrated. * * It is simply a 'book of nature,' a conscientious effort on the part of the author to interpret the 'reve- lations' of nature." * * "Dr. Simms, in his 'Revelations,' gives us the key to interpret human faces and expres- sions, so that 'he who runs may read,' and make no mistakes." "The Cosmopolitan," London, England, June 24, 1875. "The hall on Monday and last evening was filled to its utmost capacity, a great num- ber being compelled to stand. Dr. Simms' lectures are clear and interesting, and all his positions are well sustained by abundant proof, deduced from the principles of sci- ence. With a correct knowledge of his sub- ject, he combines a pleasing faculty of im- parting that knowledge to others, and throws around physiognomy a dignity that ignorant empirics have done much to detract from. His delineations of character convince the most skeptical that physiognomy may be utilized, and is not an idle study. His public examina- tions were loudly applauded and acknowl- edged correct." "Inquirer," Ingersoll, Can- ada. May 3, 1865. "Dr. J. Simms. the celebrated traveler and author, visited Victoria on Saturday. He is the ablest, and therefore the most successful, lecturer on human character who ever dis- coursed in the cities of America, Europe and Australia. As a correct delineator of charac- ter from the external man, he has no compet- itor. His remarkable perseverance, honest intentions, unparalleled observation and originality characterize his writings and pub- lic life. During 1870 and 1879 he delivered long courses of attractive lectures on natural science and men, in this city, before large audiences. Dr. Simms employed the most extensive and valuable collection of portraits in oil ever exhibited. He is also the author of several standard works on physiognomy and health, which have had an extensive sale and passed into the tenth edition." "Daily Times," Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, July 13, 1896. "Physiognomy. Dr. J. Simms. the learned author of 'Nature's Revelations of Character,' a work that has excited great inquiry into this much neglected science, is now delivering a course of lectures on his favorite subject in London. We have attended these lectures, and have been much interested. Dr. Simms has studied the indications of character, as shown in the lineaments of the face, for a life- time, and has studied them well. He is the most able and the most popular exponent of physiognomy among living men. His lectures are instructive, and abound with fine sallies of rich American humour. The interest ex- cited in the subject is very great, for, not- withstanding the inclemency of the weather, the lecturer draws full audiences. If our friends have an hour to spare after seven in the evenings, they may spend it pleasantly and profitably with this distinguished physi- ognomist; and if they wish to know their real character, and the secret of their personal power, Dr. Simms will aid them." "The Monetary and Mining Gazette," London, Jan- uary 23, 1875. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF JOSEPH SIMMS M.D From The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography VOLUME VII JAMES T. WHITE & COMPANY Publishers Hew 1897 m SIMMS, Joseph, physician, physiognomist, and author, was horn :il Plainticld Centre, Otsego co., N. Y , Sept. 3, 1833, .second son of Ephraim Fiteli and Florinda Johnson (Norton) Simms. Epliraiin Fitch Simms (180:}-8<>), only brotlier of Jeptha Hoot Simms, like his father, was at lirsi engaged in hat manufacturing, but ultimately gave his attention to farming. He was a man of imposing presence, a great student, a profound thinker, possessed of a remarkable memory, and ho made some mark as a practical geologist. In 1824 lie removed, with his parents, from Canterbury, Conn., to Plainfield Centre, X. Y., where, in 1830, he was married to Florinda J. Norton (1809-58), by whom he had two sons and one daughter. Miss Norton was of Eng- lish descent, a woman of superior intellectual endowments, and a teacher in her youth. The son began his education at the district school of his native town, and later, attended the academy at West Winfield, N. Y. After leaving school he became himself a highly successful teacher, his tield of labor embracing parts of four states in the Union. But the great tendency of his mind lay more in the direc- tion of scientific investigation. From early childhood he had been unconsciously drawn to the practice of noting facial and corporeal peculiarities, systemati- cally comparing them with known mental characteristics, and educing certain assured rules and formuhe, thus making many phy- siognomical discoveries, which have been confirmed by his later world- wide experi- ences and continued habit of accurate obser- vation. He was likewise strongly attracted to mathematics and the natural sciences, and even his school compositions showed promise of great ability, and elicited wide attention. In 1854 he essayed public lecturing on phy- siology and physiognomy, but quickly recog- nizing the necessity of a thorough training in anatomy and the cognate sciences, he began a course of systematic study under Dr. John AV. Draper (q v.), of New York, subsequently (1866-07) attending the medical departmentof the University of New York. He then became the pupil of the celebrated surgeon, Dr. Willard Parker, and in 1868- 69 he further pursued his studies at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. He was graduated M.I)., in 1871, at the Eclectic Medical College of New York. During three winters he had worked as a practical operator in the dissecting-rooms of the medical colleges of New York, thereby perfecting his knowledge of the human struc- ture, and for some time subsequent to graduation, lie practiced surgery with great skill and success. Within a comparatively brief period, however, he resolved to devote himself exclusively to the investigation and advancement of physiognomical science, to which, during many years, his discoveries and tabulated knowledge had been steadily con- tributing. He engaged systematically in lecturing tours in the large cities of the United Stales and Canada, and quickly became pre- eminent. His advanced and typical methods of thought, ingrained with evident integrity of purpose, soon made him a man of mark as a scientist and lecturer. So indefatigable were his efforts and devotion, that lie often held himself at work from fifteen to eighteen hours daily, while his original and comprehensive mind, fine faculty for humor, lucid illustration, and enchanting command of language, drew audi- ences which increased nightly wherever he gave a series of lectures. His matchless perception of mental qualities and corporeal diseases, through rapidly viewing the faces of strangers, was a principal cause of his remarkable prosperity. In 1872 he visited England, and was heartily welcomed by Sir Charles Lyell, Charles Darwin, Prof. Hux- ley, Richard Owen, Herbert Spencer, Dr. Carpenter the physiologist, and other illustrious intellectual lights. He lectured in London, Edin- burgh, Glasgow, and other leading British towns, with unvarying success. In London alone he lectured on fifty-two different occasions, several of them before scientific societies. In 1875 he returned to New York, and continued lecturing in the principal American cities for six years. During 1881-84 he traversed Australasia, lecturing in most of the chief corporate towns. He delivered sixty seven lectures on physiognomy, and kindred topics, in Sidney, and sixty-one in Mel- bourne, in both places drawing immense audiences. On his return to the United States, in 1884, he finally retired from the lecture-field after thirty years of distinguished labor, during which he had twice traveled over Europe, visited Africa and Asia, each on five different occasions, and made the complete circle of the globe, culling physiological and physiognomical data in all climates and from every race. In addition to the satisfaction of having contributed signally to the permanent progress of the human race, he had laid by a comfortable fortune, of which he has given liberally to the unfortunate and toward worthy objects of charity. Dr. Simmshas written considerably on his favorite studies. His first work was ' ' A Physiological and Physiognomical Chart of Character" (Glasgow, 1873) ; and was followed by his " Na- ture's Revelations of Character " (London, 1874) ; which proved an epoch-making book in the history of physiognomy, endowing it for the first time with clearly-sketched formulae, while creating a system of entirely original research, fortified by proved facts and established principles. It was favorably received by the press, and is now (1896) in its tenth edition. His other published works are, "Scientific Lec- tures on Education, Physiognomy and Natural History" (London, 1875); "Health and Character " (San Francisco. 1879) ; "Practical and Scientific Physiognomy " (1884) ; and "Past, Present and Future of Woman " (Sail Francisco, 1889). In addition, he has contributed largely to the popular and scientific press on the suggestions of foreign travel, the betterment of mankind, and the latest achievements of science. He is now engaged upon some advanced discoveries in physiology, physiognomy and morphology, with a view to publication. Dr. Simms is an active member of various literary and scientific societies, and has been for many years, a Free Mason of advanced standing, a Knight Templar, and of the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite. Physically, he is a man of mark, being six feet high, of splendid proportions, and fittingly endowed by nature for the arduous physical and intellectual labors of his well-spent life. Natural and kindly in his demeanor, he is essentially a companionable man, in every action exhibiting the genius and sympathy necessary for the for- mulation of a science, which, through his unwearied labors, has been so created and developed as to be worthy of a place among the greatest achievements of human ingenuity. THE NEW MURRAY HILL SERIES 1 AN AMUSING STORY, IN WHICH DR. FOOTE, Author of PLAIN HOME TALK, ETC., TEACHES ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE, A series for tfie young, the middle-aged, the old, and everybody ! Five Volumes, containing in all over 1,200 pages and 400 Comic and Scientific Illustrations!! This series bears the name of "SCIENCE IN STORY; OB, Sammy Tubbs the Boy-Doctor, and Sponsie the Troublesome Monkey." CHILDREN ABE CARRIED AWAY WITH IT, AND THE OLDER ONES ARE SPLITTING THEIR SIDES While reading it, and learning more than they ever before thought of respecting the curious mechanism of their own bodies ! ! Buy it for yourselves ; obtain it for your children ; for, while being amnsed and enter- tained with the progress of Sammy and the laughable tricks of Sponsie, you will be acquiring the most valuable information ever presented about the construction and mar- vellous workings of the wonderful organs which enable you to live and move upon the earth as an animate and human being. The work is mainly told by agents, but it may be had directly of the Publishers it no agents are selling it in your neighborhood. RETAIL PRICES. Extra cloth, inked back and sides, ... $0.50 per vpL Tinted paper, red lined, extra English cloth, bevel boards, gold side and back, red edges, just the thing for Holiday and Birthday Presents, - 1.00 " The five vols. in one, on light paper, neatly bound, ONLY, - $2.00 AGENTS WANTED for the sale of the MURRAY HILL SERIES. Teachers, and espe- cially lady teachers, have unusual facilities for selling this work with benefit to their pupils and profit to themselves. Call on or address MUREAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, 127 East 28th Street, N~. T. PUBLISHERS' ADVERTISEMENT. "SCIENCE IN STORY;" Or, " Sammy Tubbs the Boy-Doctor, and Sponsi the Troublesome Monkey," WTilch is advertised on the preceding page, is one of the most attractive, original ana novel publications which has originated from the pen of Dr. FOOTE. Stop a moment and give a hasty glance to the subjects of each volume. VOLUME I. Gives a history of Sammy's beginnings ; of Sponsie's arrival in this country, and of hif Invaluable services as a companion of the Boy-Doctor. It also imparts a clear knowledge of how the frame of the human body is put together and held together by Cartilages, Tendons, and Muscles. VOLUME II. IB humorous with April-fool jokes, fantastics, monkey-tricks, etc., and instructive in mat- ter relating to the Arteries, Veins, Capillaries, Lymphatics, Lacteal Radicles, VUli, and all that appertains to circulation and absorption. VOLUME III. 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EACH VOLUME Contains 256 pages, although the folios in some of them do not rum so high in consequence 01:' fall-page pictures, which are not counted in the numbering. Each one is handsomely Illustrated with comic pictures from the experienced hand of H. L. STEPHENS, Esq. Th Illustrations are copied on plates from original pen-and-ink designs, making the series a novelty in art as well as in matter. The reader is IN8TBUCTED AS WELL AS AMUSED, And interested in the perusal of this remarkable series. Everybody likes it, and every- body Is buying it. ISP^A full contents table will be sent free to all interested parties who prefer to examine the summary of contents before ordering the series. Copies sent, postage prepaid, on ra. oeipt of the price. Plain binding, per volume, $1.00. Gold embossed, red line, red edgo, tinted paper, splendid for making presents, $1.50 per volume. AGENTS WANTED for this series and for Dr. Foote's other publications. 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