(,20 I r ^ ^B 12M fl7D CM C3 m ill*- K.h ', SE :hicago public schools MANUAL SCOTT, fORESMAN AND COMPANT CHICAGO - - - NEW YORK Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/artcoursechicagoOOchicrich ART COURSE CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS MANUAL ^ BOOKS FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT PREPARED BY EMMA MARCH AND LUCY S. SILKE ' Department of Art, Chicago Elementary Schools SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY CHICAGO NEW YORK I)CU20 cf CONTENTS PAGE I. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE --------3 II. GENERAL PLAN OF THE BOOKS - - _ _ _ 5 IIL MATERIALS AND MEDIUMS -------9 IV. METHODS- -------------14 V. DESCRIPTION OF PAGES --------21 Copyright 1914 by SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY ART COURSE CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS I PURPOSE OF THE COURSE THIS course was prepared in response to a need for reference material, in a form coiivenient for pu- pils ' use, which should illustrate the Course of Study in Art in the Elementary Schools of Chicago, and aid in establishing a more definite Art standard within the schools. There are five books in the series, Four to Eight, inclusive. They contain reproductions of paint- ings, photographs, and drawings prepared especially for the course, illustrating the Art principles to be taught in each grade; and in addition to these, fine examples of the same principles and technique illus- trated in the work of masters. These illustrations are for the inspiration and guid- ance of pupils, to stimulate their imaginations through the language of Art, to awaken and strengthen percep- tions of beauty, in line, form, and color, to explain proc- esses, suggest suitable subjects and treatment of mate- rials and furnish incentives to a practical use of the Art knowledge acquired through study and practice. TjLe_jmportanc e ^ -