LESSONS AND PRACTICAL NOTES ON STEAM, THE STEAM ENGINE, PROPELLERS, ETC., ETC., FOR YOUNG MARINE ENGINEERS, STUDENTS, AND OTHERS. BY THE LATE W. H. KING, U. S. N. REVISED BY CHIEF ENGINEER J. W. KING, II. S. N. [SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED.] NEW YORK: D. VAN NOSTRAND 192 BROADWAY, LONDON: TRUBNEK & COMPANY. 1862. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, BY J. W. KING, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. JOH\ F. TROW, PH'VrKH, FTIRKOTYPER, AND ELICTKOTf PIE, 50 Greene Street, New York. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. THE flattering reception of the first edition or my lamented brother's work has encouraged me to cause the issue of a second, with a few additions on the elements of machinery, withheld from the first edi- tion. As the elements of machinery, like physical laws, must be thoroughly understood by the young engineer, before eminence in his profession can be securely attained, and as but few young men learning engineering practically, cultivate this knowledge un- derstandingly, if at all, it has been considered proper to devote a short space to the subject, giving ex- amples and explanations, both thorough and plain. J. W. KING, * Chief Engineer, U. S. Navy. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION, PAGE 5. CHAPTER I. Steam, 7. Mechanical Effect, 9. Expansion of Steam, 12. Table of Hyperbolic Logarithms, 14. Back Pressure, 16. Gain by Expanded Steam, 18. EXPANSION VALVES. Sickel's, 19. Stevens', 22. Allen & Wells', 23. SLIDE CUT-OFFS. Explanation, 24. Gridiron Valve, 26. Wabash Valve, 29. OTHER KINDS OF VALVES. Double Poppet, 30. Single Poppet, 81. Hornblower's, 32. Box Valve, 33- Equilibrium Slide, 34. Double Slide Valve, 34. Piston Valve, 35. Long D Slide, 36. Short D_ Slide, 37. Worthington Pump Valve, 38. Pitts- burg Cam, 39. CHAPTER II. THE INDICATOR AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. The Indicator, 41. Cylinder Diagrams, 44. Air-pump Diagrams, 56. Power Required to Work the Air-pump, 60. CHAPTER III. THE HYDROMETER. The Hydrometer, 62. Loss by Blowing-off, 64. Gain by the Use of Heaters, 68. Injection Water, 71. Evaporation, 72. Steam and Vacuum Gauges, 75. 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. CAUSALTIES, ETC. Broken Eccentric, 79. Leaking Vessel, 79. Irregular Feed, 80. Foaming, 81. Ilot Condenser, 83. Getting Under Way, 85. Coming into Port, 86. Scaling Boilers, 88. On Coming to Anchor, etc., 89. Management of Fires, 90. Patching Boilers, 93. Sweeping Flues, 95. Ash Pits, 95. Smoke-pipe Stays, 96. Grate Bars, &c., 96. Broken Air-pump, 97. Bro- ken Cylinder-head, 98. Selection of Coal, 98. Safety Valve, 99. CHAPTER V. MISCELLANEOUS. Theory of the Paddle Wheel, 101. Centre of Pressure, 114. Screw Propeller, 116. Altering the Pitch, 132. Parallel Motion, 133. Strength of Mate- rials, 136. Surface Condensers, 141. Cylindrical Boilers, 145. Boiler Explosions, 148. Horse Power, 150. Vibration of Beams, 152. Marine Economy, 154. Limit to Expansion, 155. Gravity, 156. Displacement of Fluids, 158. Temperature of Condensers, 159. APPENDIX. MATERIALS. How to Test Iron, 162. Cast Iron and 'Steel, 163. Tenacity of Materials, 164. Resistance to Torsion, 165. Results of Repeated Heating Bar Iron, 166. Strength of Joints of Boiler Plates, 167. THE ELEMENTS OF MACHINERY. Motion, 169. Application of Power, 1 70. The Lever, 172. Inclined Plane, 175. Wheel and Axle, 177. The Pulley, 177. The Screw, 181. The Wedge, 182. Table of Pressure, Temperature, and Volume of Steam, 183. INTRODUCTION. WETTING a book and then apologizing for having written it, is hardly in accordance with our convic- tions ; but considering, nevertheless, the eminent tal- ent which has preceded us upon the subject we have taken up, a few remarks of explanation may not be out of place. Books heretofore appearing on the steam engine, have been of two classes, or the work itself has been divided into two parts the one for the theorist, the other for the practical man. In the one case long mathematical formulas have bsen produced, and in the other nothing but simple rules. The prac- tical man, therefore, who has not had the advantage of a mathematical education, has nothing presented to him but the bare rules, which he is compelled wholly to reject, or take entirely upon trust. Besides, these works extend over numerous volumes, the study of which involve much time, labor, and expense, and which usually disheartens the practical man before he has made much progress. Having had many of these difficulties to surmount in our earlier studies of the steam engine, we were led to the course of keeping a Steam Journal, in which we noted, from time to time, as we progressed, whatever we thought important, and was made clear to our mind ; and this course we would also recommend the young student ; for, however well 6 INTKODUCTION. it may be to study books containing other mens 1 thoughts, when we write we are led to the habit of thinking for ourselves, which is of the highest impor- tance ; and, by keeping a journal, we have also the very great advantage of having always at our com- mand, in a condensed form, those things which are the more important, and which can be referred to at any time. Much of the present work has been taken from the Author's Journal, and the remainder has been sup- plied, from time to time, as he found leisure from his hours of business. Our object has not been so much to supply want- ing information, as to direct the student into the habit of thinking and reasoning for himself on those subjects which may be presented for his consideration, and which, in order that he may become eminent in his profession, he must thoroughly understand. It is not sufficient to assert that Newton said this, or somebody else said that. The reasons why they said it, and the fundamental principles upon which they based their conclusions, are necessary to be understood, in order to have a clear understanding of the subject; and if we have succeeded in making any thing more clear, or in rendering any service to that class of persons who are eagerly seeking for information, but who re- quire some assistance to direct them in the proper channel, our only object in launching this, our little bark, on the troubled sea of authorship, is fully accom- plished, conscious all the while, however, of the many imperfections it contains. LESSONS A^D PRACTICAL NOTES. CHAPTER I. STEAM. STEAM is a thin, elastic, invisible fluid, generated by the application of heat to any liquid, usually water. That, however, which is generated while the water is in a state of ebullition, is alone generally termed steain, while that which is formed while the surface of the water is quiescent, is denominated vapor a dis- tinction, to our mind, without much difference. The mean pressure of the atmosphere at the sur- face of the ocean is equal to 14.Y pounds per square inch, or is equivalent in pressure to a column of mer- cury 29.9212 inches in height. Under this pressure, fresh water boils at a temperature of 212 Fahrenheit. The 212 is, however, not the total number of de- grees in the steam, but simply that which is indicated by the thermometer, and which is termed sensible heat ; for we all know that to raise water from the freezing to the boiling point requires a certain time, and a certain amount of fuel ; and we know further, that when the water commences to boil, it does not all evaporate at once, but that the evaporation goes on 8 STEAM. gradually, and the time, and hence the fuel required to evaporate it, is much greater than that required to raise it from the freezing to the boiling point. This extra heat must have gone off somewhere, and must be in the steam, but as it is not indicated by the ther- mometer, it is termed latent heat. When the steam is reconverted into water, the latent heat becomes again sensible, which is evidenced by the large amount of water required to condense a small amount in the shape of steam. The precise ratio the one bears to the other shows the latent, compared with the sensible heat. The subject of latent heat has been one of unusual interest, ever since the invention of the steam engine, and numerous theories have been advanced, and nu- merous experiments made some of them not very carefully in order to determine the exact law it fol- lowed ; but none, up to Regnault's time, seem to have settled the subject satisfactorily. Some maintained that the latent heat of steam was a constant quantity, some that the sum of sensible and latent heat was a constant quantity, and that quantity was 1202 Fahr- enheit. This was the most popular theory, and was the one generally adopted by engineers. Others, again, maintained that neither the sensible, latent, nor sum of the sensible and latent heats, were a constant quantity, but that they all varied. The exact ratio, however, in which they varied was not established until Regnault undertook his able series of experi- ments at the instigation of the French Government. These are the latest and most reliable experiments, and we subjoin, therefore, a table compiled from his labors, which we earnestly recommend to the attention of the reader. MECHANICAL EFFECT. 9 REGNAULT'S EXPERIMENTS. Degrees of heat contained in saturated steam, in Fahrenheit degrees of heat and English inches. Iff! Corresponding elastic if. 3 f|f| Corresponding elastic |l oS j force Ji|| ijlj force ~JJ| 1-S^ 0) 3^,0 |J if In In Atmo- !|fej In In Atmo- I^JI 1*6* Inches. spheres. ir Ill's Inches. spheres. ll b Fah. 32 0.1811 0.006 1123.70 248 517116 1.962 1189.58 50 0.3606 0.012 1129.10 266 79.9321 2.671 1194.98 68 0.6846 0.023 1134.68 284 106.9930 3.576 1200.56 86 1.2421 0.042 1140.16 302 140.9930 4.712 1205.96 104 2.1618 0.072 1145.66 320 183.1342 6.120 1211.54 122 3.6212 0.121 1151.06 338 234.7105 7.844 1216.94 140 5.8578 0.196 1156.64 356 297.1013 9.929 1222.52 158 9.1767 0.306 1162.04 374 371.7590 12.425 1227.92 176 13.9621 0.466 1167.62 392 460.1943 15.380 1233.50 194 20.6869 0.691 1173.02 410 560.9673 18.848 1238.90 212 29.9212 1.000 1178.60 428 684.6584 22.882 1244.48 230 42.3374 1.415 1184.00 446 823.8723 27.535 1249.88 FIG. 1. FIG. 2. MECHANICAL EFFECT. We will now take into consideration the mechani- cal effect of steam, and a common-place demonstration will serve our purpose. Suppose a cylinder, A, Fig. 1, to be one square inch in area of cross section, and fitted with a steam tight piston, at- tached by means of a flexible cord to the weight , which is of sufficient size to balance the weight of the piston, and all the parts to work without friction. Now suppose a quan- tity of water, equal to one O A cubic inch, to be placed in the bottom of this cylinder, 10 MECHANICAL EFFECT. and a fire to be lighted under it. The temperature of the water will gradually rise until it attains 212, when it will commence to boil, and the piston will soon begin, and continue to rise if the cylinder be long enough until it obtains a height of 1700 inches from the base. This IT 00 is the volume of steam at atmospheric pressure, the water being 1, from which it is generated. If, now, we suppose to be added to the weight, 3, another weight equal to the pressure of the atmosphere or a fraction less, so that motion may en- sue and the steam under the piston to be condensed, the piston will return to the bottom of the cylinder by the pressure of the atmosphere, through a space of 1700 inches, and will have raised the extra weight of 14.7 Ibs. appended to 0, up that distance. Hence this cubic inch of water, by its evaporation, produced a mechanical effect of raising 14.7 pounds through a space of 1700 inches = (14.7 X 1700).= 24,990 pounds through one inch. Let us now take another cylinder, B, Fig. 2, similar in every respect to A, excepting that the piston has a weight laid upon it equal to the pressure of the atmo- sphere, viz., 14.7 pounds, and suppose a fire to be lighted under this cylinder. The water, as in the other case, will be heated up to the boiling point, which, in this case, will be 250, corresponding to the pressure of two atmospheres when it will commence to evaporate, and the piston will rise until it obtains a height of 900 inches from the base, this being the volume of steam under the pressure of two atmo- spheres, water being 1. If, now, we suppose this pis- ton to be fixed where it is, the weight removed from the top of it and applied to ^ 1 ja so o "3 ,0 t* S I s 3 J >> | |3 1 r a H a a H 1.05 .049 3.05 1.115 5.05 1.619 7.05 1.953 9.05 2.203 1.1 .095 3.1 1.131 6.1 1.629 7.1 1.960 9.1 2.208 1.15 .140 3.15 1.147 5.15 1.639 7.15 1.967 9.15 2.214 1.2 .182 3.2 1.163 6.2 1.649 7.2 1.974 9.2 2.219 1.25 .223 3.25 1.179 5.25 1.658 7.25 1.981 9.25 2.225 1.3 .262 3.3 1.194 5.3 1.668 7.3 1.988 9.3 2.230 1.35 .300 3.35 1.209 5.35 1.677 7.35 1.995 9.35 2.235 1.4 .336 3.4 1.224 5.4 1.686 7.4 2.001 9.4 2.241 1.45 .372 3.45 1.238 5.45 1.696 7.45 2.008 9.45 2.246 1.5 .405 3.5 1.253 6.5 1.705 7.5 2.015 9.5 2.251 1.55 .438 3.55 1.267 6.55 1.714 7.55 2.022 9.55 2.257 1.6 .470 3.6 1.281 5.6 1.723 7.6 2.028 9.6 2.262 1.65 .500 3.65 1.295 6.65 1.732 7.65 2.035 9.65 2.267 1.7 .531 3.7 1.308 5.7 1.740 7.7 2.041 9.7 2.272 1.75 .560 3.75 1.322 6.75 1.749 7.75 2.048 9.75 2.277 1.8 .588 3.8 1.335 5.8 1.758 7.8 2.054 9.8 2.282 1.85 .615 3.85 1.348 6.85 1.766 7.85 2.061 9.85 2.287 1.9 .642 3.9 1.361 6.9 1.775 7.9 2.067 9.9 2.293 1.95 .668 3.95 1.374 5.95 1.783 7.95 2.073 9.95 2298 2. .693 4. 1.386 6. 1-792 8. 2.079 10. 2.303 2.05 .718 4.05 1.399 6.05 1.800 8.05 2.086 15. 2.708 2.1 .742 4.1 1.411 6.1 1.808 8.1 2.092 20. 2.996 2.15 .765 4.15 1.423 6.15 1.816 8.15 2.098 25. 3.219 2.2 .788 4.2 1.435 6.2 1.824 8.2 2.104 30. 3.401 2.25 .811 4.25 1.447 6.25 1.833 8.25 2.110 35. 3.555 2.3 .833 4.3 1.459 6.3 1.841 8.3 2.116 40. 3.689 2.35 .854 4.35 1.470 6.35 1.848 8.35 2.122 45. 3.807 2.4 .875 4.4 1.482 6.4 1.856 8.4 2.128 50. 3.912 2.45 .896 4.45 1.493 6.45 1.864 8.45 2.134 55. 4.007 2.6 .916 4.5 1.504 6.5 1.872 8.5 2.140 60. 4.094 2.55 .936 4.55 1.515 6.55 1.879 8.55 2.146 65. 4.174 2.6 .956 4.6 1.526 6.6 1.887 8.6 2.152 70. 4.248 2.65 .975 4.65 1.537 6.65 1.895 8.65 2.158 75. 4.317 2.7 .993 4.7 1.548 6.7 1.902 8.7 2.163 80. 4.382 2.75 1.012 4.75 1.558 6.75 1.910 8.75 2.169 85. 4.443 2.8 1.032 4.8 1.569 6.8 1.917 8.8 2.175 ' 90. 4.500 2.85 1.047 4.85 1.579 6.85 1.924 8.85 2.180 95. 4.554 2.9 1.065 4.9 1.589 6.9 1.931 i 8 2.186 100. 4.605 2.95 1.082 4.95 1.599 6.95 1.939 ! 8.!)"> 2.192 1000. 6.908 3. 1.099 6. 1.609 , 7. 1.94'i !) 2.197 10000. 9.210 EXPANSION OF STEAM. 15 The hyperbolic logarithm of any number can be found by multiplying the common logarithm by 2,30258509. From the nature of hyperbolic logarithms they are tli us very useful in working steam expansively. Let the Line A, B, Fig. 5, represent Fl0 - 5 - the pressure of steam which we will as- sume to be unity at the time the cut-off valve closes ; C, D, half the length of A, B, and the line A, C, a hyperbolic curve, .69+ from the table gives the mean length A of all the ordinates, 1, 2, 3, 4, , attached to the center d. Should there be too much water in the dash-pot, the valve will not seat quickly, but " hang," as it is technically termed. At a there is a cock for the pur- pose of supplying it with water. Attached to the dash-pot, there is usually another cock or valve for the purpose of letting out any superfluous water. In- sufficient water is evidenced by the slamming of the valve. This cut-off was formerly made without the wiper F, there being used instead a sliding cam, shaped something like this <] . As the valve rose up, the clutch struck thebevel on this cam, which forced the clutch out of its position, and allowed the valve to fall. With this arrangement, however, it will be seen that the valve must trip while it is rising, and as it is at its highest position when the piston is about half stroke, it cannot be possible to cut off by this mode longer than half stroke ; but with the arrangement of the wiper, it will be seen, inasmuch as it vibrates back and forth, that the valve can be just as well tripped on its descent as when rising, and this is the reason why it was sub- stituted for the cam. " Stevens"'' The next cut-off that we shall take 22 EXPANSION VALVES. FIG. 2. into consideration is Stevens's, a diagram of which is shown in figure 2. A A are the steam toes ; B B, the steam-lifting toes ; D, rock-shaft arms ; C C, the valves ; #, pin in rock-shaft arm for eccentric hook. The manner in which this is made an adjustable cut-off, is by raising or lowering the toes A A, thereby giving them more or less lost mo- tion. In the position in which they are shown in the diagram, it will be seen that they will have to travel a considerable distance before touching the toes B, B, and as the piston is in motion during this time; and the steam valve closed, the steam will be acting expan- sively. If the end of the toes A A be dropped lower down, the steam will be cut off shorter ; if raised higher up, longer. By dropping the toes down, however, we diminish the lift of the valve, and also alter the lead. To retain the one, we raise the pin a in the rock-shaft arm, and the other we turn the eccentric a little ahead. To alter the point of cut-off, therefore, while the engine is in motion, so as to cut off shorter, we have first to drop the toes A A, then raise the pin , and set the ec- centric ahead. To cut off longer, reverse the operation. The number of things required to be altered in changing the point of cutting-off is a very great objec- tion to this arrangement. In practice it has seldom been accomplished without stopping the engine. EXPANSION VALVES. 23 Allen and Wells. This cut-off is represented by sketch, figure 3. A, A, are the exhaust toes ; B B. steam toes ; C C lifting toes ; D D, the valves ; E E', FIG. 3. 2) palls fitted to the end of the toes B, B' ; F, rock-shaft arm, which is operated from the eccentric in the usual 24 SLIDE CUT-OFFS. way ; G G, a cross arm secured to the end of the rock- shaft arm ; a a, rollers on the end of the cross-arm G, ' G' ; II H, two arms fitted loosely on the rock-shaft. These arms receive their motion from any part of the engine having motion nearly coincident with that of the piston ; b &', rollers on these arms. This cut-off operates thus : The rock-shaft is put in motion by the eccentric. The pall E resting upon the roller , is raised, and with it the toe B, and lifter toe C ; but after the pall E is raised up so as to clear the roller I, the pall E slides in on top of Z>, which, having a down- ward motion, lowers the valve, while the rock-shaft arm continues to rise. The rollers b Z>', being attached to the arms H H, which having motion nearly coinci- dent with that of the piston, start to go down at nearly the same time the rock-shaft arm starts to. rise. Now then by turning around the right and left-hand screw c c, the rollers b &', will be set further apart, or closer together, and will therefore alter the time they will clear the end of the pall E, and hence the point of cut- ting off. To follow farther separate the rollers b //, to cut off shorter, screw them closer together. In altering the point of cutting off we have nothing to do but to turn around the screw c c. This cut-off is like " Sickel's," momentarily adjust- able, but it cannot, however, be made to cut off quite so short as " Sickel's." SLIDE CUT-OFFS. In the use of the ordinary three-ported slide-valve, or other slide-valves combining, both the steam and exhaust, the expansive principle can be carried only to a very small extent, owing to the derangement of SLIDE CUT-OFFS. 25 the exhaust passages. Suppose, for instance, that suffi- cient lap be given to the steam side of the valve to cause the steam to be shut off at half-stroke, and sup- pose the same amount of lap be given also to the ex- haust side, it is manifest, that when the steam is shut off, the exhaust will be shut off also, and the pent up steam, therefore, having no escape, and increasing in pressure as the piston approaches the end of the stroke, will act as a serious retarding force. This arrange- ment, therefore, cannot operate. Now, then, suppose that we put lap on the steam side, as before, but none on the exhaust, in which event another difficulty equally great presents itself. It is this : Supposing the valve, Fig. 4, to have neither lap nor lead, when the end a arrives at a', steam will just begin to be admitted into the cylinder, but the point Fio. 4. 7;, at the same time, will have arrived at the point Z>', and steam just begin also to exhaust ; now, then, let half an inch be added to each end of the valve at a and , when the valve begins to open to steam in this case, a, instead of being at ', will be half an inch past it ; and, as there has been no lap added to the exhaust side, I will be half an inch past V, so that the exhaust 26 SLIDE CUT-OFFS. must have opened considerably before the piston ar- rived at the end of the stroke ; hence, in this case, we exhaust too soon. All we can do, therefore, in practice, is to strike a mean between these evils ; that is to say, when we add lap to the steam side, add lap also to the exhaust side, but not so much so that we open the exhaust before the piston arrives at the end, and close it again before it reaches the other end. The shortest this kind of valve can be made to cut-off to advantage in practice, is considered about J- from commencement of stroke ; but even this we consider most too short for beneficial working of large engines. Owing to these confined limits, the beneficial re- sults obtainable from the expansive principle by this arrangement is very small, which has led to the adop- tion of an independent slide cut-off valve, situated on a separate face, back of the steam valve, as shown in FIG. 5. Fig. 5, in which a' is the steam, and b b the cut-off valve. The valve a having only sufficient lap to cover the ports a! a' fairly, when it is in the middle of the stroke, operates as in other cases, but the lap on b b can be made to any required extent, so that SLIDE CUT-OFFS. 27 during a large part of the stroke the ports V I' are closed, preventing further access of steam to the cylinder, notwithstanding the steam valve itself is open. The valve b b is operated by an independent eccentric, through the valve stem E. In the position shown in the figure the steam is cut off about half stroke: d' shows another opening covered with the valve d, having a stem c sliding loosely through the valve b b / the other end of the stem passing through the chest, has a handle attached to it for the purpose of moving the valve d, in order to open the port , is an arrangement of cut-off valve as con- structed by Messrs. Merrick & Son, of Philadelphia, in 1855, for the U. S. Steam Frigate " Wabash." In consequence of the satisfactory manner in which it worked on board that vessel; its simplicity, and easy adjustment for cutting off at any portion of the 30 OTHER KIND OF VALVES. stroke likely to be required, it lias been applied to nearly all the U. S. Screw ships recently constructed, as also to a number of other engines. C is the steam valve ; D D are the cut-off valves, attached to the valve stem E by right and left hand screws working in nuts let into the valves ; F F, rings in the steam chest cover, fitting close down on the back of the main steam valve, enclosing the space Gr, which is connected to the con- denser by the pipe H, for the purpose of balancing the valve. This cut-off can be worked by a separate eccentric, or from any part of the engine having a motion coin- cident with that of the piston. To alter the point of cutting-off, a wheel is on the end of the valve stem E, which, if turned in one direc- tion, will draw the valves closer together, and the openings will not be closed so soon, consequently the steam will follow the piston farther, i. e. cut off longer. To cut off shorter, the operation is reversed. OTHER KIND OF VALVES. Having explained the principles of the leading cut- offs, we will now take a glance at some of the most prominent steam and exhaust valves now in use ; but, inasmuch as the student is supposed to understand the leading features of most of these, we will not devote much time to this part of our study. Figure Y is a diagram of a double poppet valve, in which the rectangular space, abed is the open- ing to the cylinder ; A B, the steam valves, and C D, the exhaust valves. The object of this arrangement is to make the valve a balance valve. Thus the steam acting on the top of A and bottom of B, if they were OTHER KIND OF VALVES. 31 of equal size, an equilibrium would be established, but the valve B is made just small enough to slip througli Fio. 7. FIG. 8. the upper seat, so that the difference in area serves to keep the valves fairly in their seats.* On the exhaust side the reverse is the case. The steam acts under C, and on top of D, the lower valve D is usually made the larger. In order to get D into its place, the upper seat is either made removable by being secured in its place by tap-bolts, or a hand-hole is cut in the side of the steam-chest, or, in some cases, it is passed in through the cylinder nozzle. Figure 8 is a diagram of the single poppet valve, in which A is the steam valve, and B, the exhaust. With these kinds of valves we see that we require considerable power to operate them by hand, as we have the full pressure of steam on the back of A, and also the exhaust on B; but when the engine is hooked on the pressure is in part balanced. On the steam valve this is occasioned at the time the valve is opened, by the exhaust valve * In some cases, tha area* of the valves are equal, and they are seated by their own weight. 32 OTHER KIND OF VALVES. being closed before the piston arrives at the end of the stroke, producing the pressure called cushion. And on the exhaust valve the pressure is reduced (at the time the valve is opened) by expansion. In some cases this pressure is but little above that in the con- denser. It is therefore obvious that these valves can be made to work with but little power from the engine. They also have the advantage of being easily made tight and occupying but little room. The disadvantage of working by hand, however, led to the adoption of the double poppet valve, the single poppet being the earlier invention. The double poppet valve is the one now almost universally used in American low-pressure river, or marine paddle-wheel engines. Figure 9 is a representation of what is termed " Hornblower's " valve, in which a a b b are the valve FIG. 9. seats ; A A, the valve ; B, one of a number of cross- bars secured to the top of the valve, to which the OTIIER KIND OF VALVES. valve stem is attached. From the figure it will be seen that the only surface the steam has to act upon to keep the valve in its seat, is the upper edge, c <", of the valve ; it is therefore an equilibrium valve. Figure 10 is what is termed a box valve; a <( are the parts communicating with the cylinder; &, Fio. 10. steam-pipe ; sharp, as shown in the figures, they can be turned off, and, to retain the same dimensions on the cam, an equal amount added to the arc a c. Thus, taking figure 25, suppose we cut off the point of the cam to cc y, and increase the lower extremity to H I, this will not alter the point of cutting off, but it re- duces the travel of the valve, and has the effect of keeping the valve stationary when wide open, while the cam travels through the arc cc y. CHAPTER II. THE INDICATOR AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. THE steam engine indicator is an instrument used tor the purpose of exhibiting the performance of the steam engine. By its application to the steam cylinder we can ascertain the following particulars: Whether the valves are properly constructed and set ; steam and exhaust passages of the right size ; whether the piston or valves leak; the amount of vacuum or back pres- sure, and pressure of steam -upon the piston ; the power of the engine ; power required to overcome its friction, and also to work any machinery attached to the same, in the vacuum line. If the piston of the indicator become much scratched, similar effects will be produced. Great care should, therefore, be taken in its use, to see that neither the piston works too tightly nor too loose- ly ; for on the one hand it will stick, and thereby pro- duce an imperfect outline, and on the other hand will produce the same effect by exhibiting false vacuum and expansion lines. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 47 Should figure 29, instead of being as shown in full lines, have the lower right hand corner cut off as shown in dots at c d, the defect would have been that the ex- haust valve closed too soon at c instead of e occa- sioning excessive cushioning. With some engines, however, a large amount of cushioning is necessary to prevent them from thumping on the centres. Had the upper right-hand corner been rounding, as shown by the dotted line f g, the defect would have been that the steam valve opened too late. Had the exhaust corner been cut off, as shown by the dotted lines li i, the exhaust valve would have opened too soon ; but had it been in the form shown by the dot- ted line & , it would have opened too late, and after it did commence to open, would move with too slow a velocity, preventing the free escape of steam, or the exhaust passages would have been too small, which would produce a similar effect to the valve opening too slowly. Had the steam line, instead of being parallel to the atmospheric line, fallen down in the direction in, n, it would have shown that the throttle was par- tially closed, or the steam passages too small, prevent- ing the full flow of steam into the cylinder. Should there be excessive lead given to the steam valve, the line d m, instead of being at right angles to the atmospheric line, will have the top inclined to the right as from L to M. In taking a diagram for the purpose of estimating the power of the engine only, the atmospheric line is not necessary ; but in order to ascertain the vacuum it cannot be dispensed with, unless the indicator piston be forced down to the perfect vacuum and held there until that line be described. Tn a diagram taken from a non-condensing engine, 4 48 INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. the atmospheric line will of course be entirely below it, owing to the back pressure occasioned from the passage of the exhaust steam through the openings and pipes. Had figure 29 been taken from a non-con- densing engine, A B would have been the atmospheric line. Figure 30 we have copied from Main and Brown's Treatise on the Indicator and Dynamometer. It was Fio. 30. taken from an engine fitted with the long D slide. There are two defects exhibited in this diagram ; the steam communication is opened too late and the ex- haust too soon. At C the exhaust closes, causing the steam to be compressed to O, when the piston having arrived at the end of the' stroke starts on its return, and the pressure falls to O' ; at O' steam is admitted, causing the line O' A to be traced ; at B the exhaust opens long before the piston arrives at the end of the stroke, allowing the steam to escape too soon. The hook, as shown at O, would only be made in very aggravated cases, where the steam is very much be- hind time. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 49 Fig. 31 is obtained from the same source as figure 30. In this case the engine was working as a non- Fio. 81. B FIG. 32. condensing engine with a very low pressure of steam. The exhaust closes at A, causing the pent-up steam to be compressed to B, where the steam valve opens, and the pressure in the cylinder being greater than that in the boiler, immediately falls to C. The hook at C is occasioned by the momentum of the indicator piston. At D the cut-off closes, causing the steam to be expanded to E, below the atmosphere. At E the exhaust valve opens and the pressure rises up equal to the back pressure, causing the loop on that corner of the diagram. Figure 32 is a diagram drawn from memory, from one of a non-condensing engine that was once shown the author, with the request that he point out the defect in the engine from which such a diagram was taken. At first we did not see any reason why the pressure should rise from b to ;> Fig. 36 is a diagram taken from the U. S. Steamer " San Jacinto," fitted with Allen & Wells' cut-off. FIG. 30. Steam in boilers ll^lbs. November 7th, 1855, 11J A. M. Revolutions 18 After Engine, inboard end. Vacuum 25 Coal 18 tons in 24 hours. Hot well 104 Throttle 4 holes open. Scale = Vio. From inspection of the expansion curve of this dia- gram, it appears that this cut-off does not close so quickly as Sickel's, occasioning the corner a to be more rounding. J Steam in boilers ...... 9 Ibs. Revolutions ............ 5 Hot well ................ 100 Throttle.... 4 FIG. 37. "Powhatan," Feb. 13th, 1854. stb. cylinder bottom, working by hand. Figure 37 is a diagram showing the operation of AIR-PUMP DIAGRAMS. the valves while working by hand. This valve ex- hibits large cushioning arid steam lead, the exhaust valve closing at , and the steam valve opening at , so that the engine actually passed the centre against a pressure of 6 Ibs. above the atmosphere. Steam 16.5 Ibs. Revolutions 0.25 Hot well 106 Vacuum gauge out of order. " Powhatan " stb. air-pump, 10.50 A. M. January 18th, 1854. _ o Calculated for Vs full of water. Number 1 is a diagram taken from the " Powhat- an's " starboard air-pump. The Powhatan's air-pumps are of the lifting kind, and the .piston fitted with one large brass conical valve. We will explain the dia- gram. At $, the piston being at the bottom of the stroke, starts to rise, compressing the air and vapor above it, until it arrives at #, at which place a sudden discharge of air and vapor seems to have taken place, and the pressure fell to , from which point the pres- sure again gradually rose until it arrived at <;/, where the water began to be delivered and continued to the end of the stroke. AIR-PUMP DIAGRAMS. .7 Attached to the top of the air-pumps is a pipe, run- ning down into the bilge, for the purpose of pumping off the bilge water. Where this pipe is attached to the pump is fitted a valve, operating like an ordinary check valve, a handle being made to screw down on the top of it to keep it firmly in its seat, when there is no water in the bilge. Steam lolbs. "Powhatan." stb. air-pump, 10.55 A. M. Revolutions. 10 January 18th, 1854. ' Hot well, 106 Vacuum gauge out of order. Resistance of vapor and water in Air-pump = (6.6-j- 312 x .0969=) .6697 lb. per square inch of steam piston. Calculated for ' 3 full of water. There being no water in the bilge at the time ~No. 1 was taken, No. 2 was taken five minutes after, for the purpose of ascertaining what effect the opening of this valve and admitting air would produce. It shows that no extra power, from the admission of this air, was required to work the pump, the average pressure being about the same as in No. 1, and that the vacuum in the pumps at no time was more than 4^ Ibs. There was no alteration in the vacuum, as shown by the gauge, however attached to the condenser, and the engines continued to work in the same manner as be- 58 AIll-PUMP DIAGRAMS. fore the bilge valve attached to the air-pump was opened. Steam 15lbs. " Powhatan " port air-pump, 11.6A.M. Revolutions 10 January 18th, 1854. Hot well 108 Vacuum gauge out of order. Resistance of vapor and water in Air-pump = (0.46 -f. 223 x .0969 =) .6476 Ib. per square inch of steam piston Calculated for '/T full of water. Nos. 3 and 4 were taken in the same manner from the port air-pump a few minutes after 1 and 2 were taken from the starboard pump. In these diagrams the pressure at the termination of the up stroke, it will be seen, is about 2^ Ibs. per square inch above the atmosphere, which is due to the height of the level of the water surrounding the ship above the top of the air-pump. The pressure increased to between 7 and 8 Ibs. per square inch, as shown in other parts of the diagram, is occasioned by the fric- tion of the water and vapor through the delivery pipes and valves. The slanting off in the diagram, 'No. 1, from x to y, we think partly owing to two causes : First, the decreased velocity of the piston as it ap- AIK-PUMP DIAGEAMS. &V preaches the end of its stroke does not expel the water with such force, and hence there is not so much fric- Steam 15lbs. " Powhatan " port air-pump, 11.15A.M. Revolutions 10 January 8th, 1854. Hot well 108 Vacuum gauge out of order. Resistance of vapor and water in air-pump = (8.16 -(-'223 x .0969=) .8123 Ibs. per square inch of steam piston. Calculated for J / 7 full of water. tion ; but this would not occasion the slanting off from h to z on the return stroke ; and secondly, there- fore, we are inclined to think that the string slipped or stretched a little from a? to y, and recoiled again to its original place from li to z. We will npw proceed to ascertain the Power required to work the Air-puny). Ascertain the capacities of the steam cylinder and air-pump, by multiplying the areas of their cross-sections by the lengths of their strokes, and divide the latter by the former, which will give the r atio of the cylinder capacity to that of the air-pump. But the air-pump makes but one delivery stroke to every two strokes of the steam piston, consequently divide this ratio by two, which Avill give the coefficient for our present 60 POWER REQUIRED TO WORK THE AIR-PUMP. calculation, and this coefficient multiplied by the mean pressure per square inch of air-pump piston which can be ascertained from an indicator diagram will give the mean pressure per square inch required to expel the air and vapor. This of course must be augmented by the weight of the water raised. The indicator diagram will show very nearly at what part of the stroke the pump begins to deliver the water, and therefore what fraction of the pump is filled, from which can be easily ascertained the number of cubic feet of water lifted ; and this number multi- plied by 64.3 or 62.5, as the vessel may be running in salt or fresh water, will give the number of pounds. And the number of pounds of water lifted, divided by the area of the air-pump piston, and multiplied by the coefficient before obtained, will give the pressure per square inch of steam piston required f o expel the water from the pump. The sum of these results will give the pressure per square inch of steam piston required to work the air- pump independent of friction, an amount that is usually estimated. Example: The capacity of the "Powhatan's" cyl- inder, i. ., the space displaced by the steam piston per stroke, is 267.25 cubic feet: ditto in air-pump, 51.8 cubic feet ; proportion of steam piston displacement to that of half of air-pump piston displacement, 1.000 to .0969; area of air-pump piston, 2134 square inches. The pump was filled \ full of water, as shown by dia- gram No. 1, and the mean pressure throughout the stroke was 6.5 Ibs. per square inch ; hence, 6.5 X .0969 = .6298 Ib. per square inch of steam piston resistance from vapor in air-pump, and .312 x .0969 .0302 Ib. POWER REQUIRED TO WORK THE AIR-PUMP. 61 per square inch of steam piston resistance from the weight of water lifted ; total = (.6298 -f .0302 =) .66 pounds per square inch of steam piston, required to work the air-pump, independent of friction. Now, supposing the mean unbalanced pressure on the steam piston per square inch to have been 20 Ibs., we have 20 : .66 : : 100 : 3.3 per cent, of the total power of the engine required to work the air-pump. CHAPTER III. FIG. 42 THE HYDROMETER. THE Hydrometer is an instrument used for the purpose of determining the specific gravi- ties of liquids. When applied to the water of marine boilers, it indicates the amount of saline matter the water con- tains. Figure 42 shows the. kind of hy- drometer usually used on board Ameri- can steamers. The lower globe is filled with shot, or other weighty substance, for the purpose of keeping the instru- ment upright. When the hydrometer is placed in fresh water, the point O stands even with the surface of the water ; when placed in water containing one pound of saline matter in thirty-two pounds of water, it stands at % 2 ; when the water contains two pounds of saline matter in thirty two pounds of water it stands at % 2 , and so on. So that by placing this instrument in a small quantity of water, drawn from the boilers at intervals, it will show the exact density, by which we know how to regulate the bio wing-off. In the boilers of sea-going vessels the water is usually carried from 1% to "2 per hydrometer, i. c, equal A C, figure 122 THE SCREW PEOPELLER. 6, and also the smaller circle, equal the circumference of the hub of the propeller ; divide the larger circle 1 into four equal parts, and, from the centres thus obtained lay off a d, h i, bf, e c, each equal to a e, fig- ure 6, and draw lines from each of these points to the centre, terminating in the hub ; such will be the projection of a four-bladed, true screw propeller, viewed from the stern, from which the longitudinal elevation can be drawn. The dimen- sions of the sections of the blade depend upon the diameter of the propeller, the material of which it is constructed, and the pressure it has to sustain. Centre of Pressure. All solid bodies moving through a fluid have a cer- tain point called the centre of pressure, which is the point where the outer and inner pressures just exactly balance. In a screw propeller, the radius of the cir- cle, which is equal to half the area of the whole circle, described by the periphery of the blades, is the centre of pressure from centre of motion. Thus, if a propeller be 16 feet diameter, the area of the circle described by the extremity of the blades = 201.06 square feet, and the radius of the circle, having an area equal to half this, is 5 feet T| inches, consequently the centre of pressure in this propeller is 5 feet Y^ inches from the centre of shaft. The centre of pressure can also be ascertained in the following manner : 1 +4 + 9+16+25+36+49+64 204 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 = = 5 feet 8 1 +2 + 3+ 4+5 + 6 + 7 + 8 inches, nearly as before. THE SCEEW PROPELLEE. 123 The line per sketch represents the radius of the propeller, and is divided into divisions of 1 foot each ; the more numerous, of course, the divisions are made, the nearer correct will be the result. In these calculations, the area of the hub is neglected. The above rule holds good so long as there is no variation in the pitch from hub to periphery ; but should the pitch vary in this direction, the velocity of the column of water driven aft from different parts of the blade will also vary, effecting the centre of pres- sure correspondingly. Slip. The slip of a screw propeller is the differ- ence between the velocity of the propeller and the velocity of the ship. EXAMPLE. A propeller having 20 feet pitch makes 70 revolutions per minute, which propels the vessel at the rate of 12 knots an hour, required the slip, the sea knot containing 6082| feet? ANSWEE. 20 X 70 X 60=84000= speed of propeller in ft. per hour. 6082|xl2=72992= " vessel " " 11008= slip in feet. 84000 : 11008 : : 100 : 13.1 =slip in per cent, of the speed of the propeller. Thrust. A propeller being put in revolution throws a column of water off from the blades in line with the axis of the propeller, which, as explained above, is the slip; the resistance of this water acting upon the pro- peller blades, tends to force the shaft inboard, which 124 THE SCEEW PEOPELLEE. resistance has to be sustained by heavy bearings called thrust bearings, and the amount of this resisting pres- sure is called the thrust. In order, in practice, to as- certain the extent of the thrust, an instrument called the dynamometer is attached to some part of the shaft. This instrument consists of a combination of levers or weighing beams, to the final end of which is attached a spring balance, or scale, which indicates the pressure in pounds ; and this pressure being augmented by the number of times the levers are multiplied, gives the total pressure, or thrust on the shaft. And the total thrust being multiplied into the distance moved over in a unit of time by the vessel, shows the actual power absorbed in propelling the vessel. In the application of the dynamometer, care must be taken that it receives the entire thrust of the shaft before the indication of the scale is noted. Did the propeller and steam piston travel through the same distance in any given time, and were all the power applied to the piston transmitted to the water through the propeller, the total pressure upon the steam piston and the thrust of the propeller would be identical, but since such is never the case, we ascertain the theoretical thrust, thus : Total effective pressure on piston in Ibs. x 2 length of stroke in ft. x Xo. of revols. per inin. Pitch of propeller in feet x number of revolutions per minute. = Theoretical thrust in Ibs. The difference between this and the actual thrust, shows the amount lost in friction of engines, propeller, and load, overcoming resistance to edge of propeller blades, working pumps, etc. The loss from slip is independent of this. THE SCREW PROPELLER. 125 Strain upon a Screw Propeller-blade. We can best illustrate this by an example. Given, circumference of centre of pressure of a 3 bladed propeller, 30.9 feet ; distance from hub to cen- tre pressure 41 inches ; pitch 22.5 feet ; thrust 12700 pounds : required, the strain upon each blade at the hub. FIG SOLUTION. Let F G H be the development of the he- lix on a plane, draw B D at right angles to F H, and A E at right angles to Gr H. Trigonometri cally, we ascertain the c angles at A and D to be each = 3*7 9', and at C and B to be each = 52 5', and the lengths of the lines A E, B D, to be relatively as 1.000 to 1.237. Now, inasmuch as the whole thrust can be supposed to be concentrated in the centre of pressure of the blade, and as the 12700 Ibs. is in a line with the axis, it follows that, if the line A E represents the direction and amount of this thrust, the line B D, at right angles to the pro- peller blade at the centre of pressure, according to the resolution of forces, will represent the resultant of the pressures on the blade, or the total pressure tending to break it. But inasmuch as there are three blades, the pressure will be divided equally among them all ; therefore, each has to sustain but a third of this pres- sure; hence 12700 X 1.237 (proportion B D bears to A E) __ Ibs. pressure on each blade at the centre of pressure. 1:20 THE SCREW PROPELLER. The pressure at the hub on each blade equals 5236 Ibs. X 41 ins. = 21467G Ibs. acting with the leverage of one inch. EXAMPLE 2o. Suppose, in example 1, the breadth of the blades at the hub to be 32 inches, and the pro- peller to be made of composition, capable of sustaining a pressure per square inch of cross-section of 520 Ibs., acting through the leverage of 1 inch ; required, the mean thickness of the blade at the hub ? SOLUTION. The strength of beams is directly as their breadths and the squares of their depths, and in- versely as their lengths. In the example before us, the propeller resolves itself into a simple beam ; we 2146Y6X1 100 . , -,, nave, then, - - = 12.9 inches = square 01 the 32 X 520 thickness, and \/12.9 = 3.59 inches in thickness. Helicoidal Area. As has already been shown, the development of the helix on a plane is the hypothe- nuse of a right-angled triangle, having the pitch of the screw for the height; and the circumference, corre- sponding to the radii of the helix, for the base. Now, as the propeller can be supposed to have an infinite number of helices, each one becoming longer and longer as we approach the periphery, which alter the lengths at the same time, of the hypothenuse and base of the triangle, we will suppose the propeller to be divided into a number of concentric rings, taking the centre line of each, for the helix or hypothenuse of the trian- gle ; the circumference corresponding to radii of said helix for the base, and the pitch for the height, from which we have all the elements required for the cal- culation. THE SCEEW PROPELLER. 127 To make this the more clear, take the triangle B A C ; the lines B 1, B 2, B 3, B C, represent the helices having the corresponding circumferences of A 1, A 2, A 3, and A C. Now, then, if these helices he the lengths of the rings, or elements for one entire convolution of the thread, all we have to do is to mul- tiply it by the breadth of the element, which will give the area for one convolution ; but as only a fraction of a convolution is used in practice, we multiply by this fraction, whatever it may be, and the product gives the area for the part used. This mode of calcu- lation is, of course, only an approximation ; but when- ever the blade is divided into a considerable number of elements, say 6 inches in breadth each, the result obtains sufficiently near the truth for all practical pur- poses. The following is a calculation on the screw of the U. S. Steam Frigate "Wabash," and which agrees, within a very small fraction, of the area as projected upon a plane: 9 128 THE SCEEW PKOPELLER. Diameter of screw, 17 feet 4 inches ; diameter of hub, 2 feet 4 inches. 01 ?I "c f S > , =! . o"o . ^ K =13 o si H "a rrj 03 03 *S .2 ^ O on rt . O 03 d 2 Pitch. N *3 0*0! 5*^5 ft 55"* .si Sa i Radii o: ^* o |J<9 w gs ^ i M S I s 01 K o A B C D E F G H ft. ft. 2.B x 3.1416 ft. VA 2 -j-C 2 ft. DxE ft. ft. FxG sqr. feet. 23 1.5 9.42 24.89 ! /T 7.11 .5 3.555 2. 12.56 26.20 " 7.48 3.74 2.5 15.70 27.85 It 7.96 3.98 3. 18.84 29.73 U 8.49 4.245 3.5 21.99 31.82 u 9.09 4.545 4. 25.13 34.07 II 9.73 4.865 4.5 28.27 36.44 (1 10.41 5.205 5. 31.41 38.93 (I 11.12 5.56 5.5 34.55 41.50 it 11.86 5.93 6. 37.69 44.15 14; /61 12.12 6.06 6.5 40.84 46.87 II 12.86 6.43 7. 43.98 49.63 3/ /ll 13.54 6.77 7.5 . 47.12 52.43 4 / 15 13.78 6.89 8. 50.27 55.27 V* 13.82 6.91 8.5 53.40 58.14 Vs 11.63 5.815 * HeliCoidal area of one side of both blades = 80.5 square feet. Practical Remarks on the Screw Propeller. In the application of power to the propulsion of the hulls of vessels through water, a portion of the effect is lost by the instrument through which it is transmitted. In the common radial wheel this loss of effect is compounded of two losses, slip, plus oblique action ; in the feathering wheel, slip, plus drag, and in the screw propeller, slip, plus friction of the propeller blades on the water. That instrument, therefore, which, possessing no more practical disadvantages than other * For the calculations of the friction of a screw surface on the water, see Isherwood's calculation on the " San Jacinto," (Journal of the Franklin Insti- tute, Third Series, Vol. XXL, p. 349,) or on the " Arrogant," (Appleton's Me- chanics' Magazine, Vol. I., p. 156,) from which the form for the above table is taken. THE SCREW PROPELLER. 129 instruments, and which has the sum of its losses the least, must be the most economical propelling instru- ment. The feathering wheel, from what we have seen, would present itself very conspicuously to our eye as being the best instrument within our knowledge ; but, unfortunately, the practical difficulties are such as to preclude its universal adoption. The loss from ob- lique action in the common radial wheel, particularly where the diameter is comparatively small and the dip of the paddles considerable, amounts to an important percentage of the total power of the engines; and since this loss in the screw propeller does not exist, but is replaced by one of much smaller magnitude, viz., friction of the blades, it follows, that were the slip of the two instruments alike, the screw propeller would be the more economical. In practice, however, with the screw propeller, when contending against head winds, or other increased resistance, the slip is increased to a very serious extent. In fact, in some cases it has occurred, when the engines were going ahead at nearly full speed, the vessel stood nearly still. On the other hand, however, when the sails are set to a fair wind, the slip of the propeller is materially reduced, while the thrust remains unaltered. The increased slip when contending with head winds is also experienced with paddle wheels, but they are not affected to the same extent as the propeller, the increasing or decreas- ing the resistance with the latter instrument, not making a vast difference in the revolutions of the en- gines (as is the case with the paddle wheel) so long as the pressure on the piston remains unaltered. In the application of the sere w propeller, it is well to sink it as low as possible in the water, in order that the hydrostatic pressure above may be sufficient to 130 THE SCREW PIIOPELLEE. cause the water to flow in solid, even to the centre of the propeller, which, therefore, having the proper resisting medium, is less liable to excessive slip. This will also prevent the centrifugal action the throwing of the water off radially from the centre which exists to a small extent in some very aggravated cases. Increasing the helicoidal surface of the screw be- yond what is barely sufficient to transmit the power given to it, has no other effect than to occasion an increased loss by friction, by the increased surface, in- terposed. The friction of solids on fluids, unlike solids on solids, depending upon the extent of rubbing sur- face as one of the elements. The object, therefore, to be sought after in practice, is to make the sum of the loss by slip, plus friction, as little as possible, and this sum, manifestly, must depend, to a considerable extent, on the amount of helicoidal surface ; but, nevertheless, there appears to be no general rules yet devised, from theory or practice, which can be used as a reliable guide ; different engineers making considerable differ- ence in the areas of propellers applied to the propulsion of the same sized and modeled steamers. Negative Slip. It would certainly appear a very strange anomaly, were one on board a vessel, which he should discover from the indications of the log was mov- ing actually faster through the water than the screw, there being no other propelling instrument ; yet such has been apparently the case, and there are, perhaps, to this day, persons though we hope they are very few who think that a screw propeller may drive a vessel faster than it is moving itself. There have been cases, it is true, where the log has shown that the ves- sel was apparently moving faster than the screw, which THE SCEEW PROPELLER. 131 alone was the propelling instrument, but that such a thing could be true is absolutely absurd, and hence attention was turned to discovering the anomaly. It is accounted for in two ways. When a body having a blunt stern is drawn through water at a high velocity, the water, not being able to flow in from the sides of the body sufficiently rapid to fill the vacuity occasioned by its passage, flows in from all other directions, and a column of water, therefore, necessarily, follows in the wake of such a body. This is the case with screw propeller vessels having blunt runs, and, by consequence, the propeller, instead of acting upon water at rest, acts upon water in motion, having the same direction as the vessel. Now, then, supposing a propeller, acting upon water at rest, to have a slip of 10 per cent., if a column of water follow the ship with the velocity of 11 per cent, of the speed of the propeller, which still retains its ten per cent, slip, the log, as it takes no cognizance of the velocity of this water, would show a negative slip of 1 per cent., i. ., it would show the vessel to be actually moving 1 per cent, faster than the propeller, when in reality the latter would be moving 10 per cent, the faster. To produce such a result as this, of course, possesses no mechanical or other advantage; for power must have been originally taken from the engines to pro- duce the current, which cannot be returned to its full extent. It is, therefore, a very important element in the design of a screw vessel to make the run very sharp the lines fine in order that the water may flow in solid at once, to fill the vacuity occasioned by the vessel's progress, or the propeller's revolutions. The other theory in regard to negative slip is this : All known bodies yield to pressure, it being only 132 ALTJKIMNOJ- THE PITCH. necessary in order to cause the amount of yield to be measurable to make the pressure sufficiently great. It is hence conceived, that when a screw propeller is in motion, the pressure of the water on the blades causes them to spring, thereby increasing the pitch ; conse- quently, in calculating its speed through the water, if we use the true pitch, instead of the pitch assumed, while it is in motion, the velocity given to it will be too small, and may be less than the velocity of the vessel. We would, however, remark, that negative slip in a screw propeller, unassisted by sails, is more imaginary than real, and could only exist under very aggravated circumstances, for a screw propeller usually has about 20 per cent, slip, at least, and to reduce this to nothing, even under the conditions set forth above, would be rather a perversion of circumstances. Altering the Pitch. Propellers are sometimes constructed in such a manner that the pitch can be altered, from time to time, by altering the angle of the blades, which are made adjustable in a large spherical hub. Thus, if it be desired to increase the pitch, increase the angles by turning round the blades ; or if it be desired to de- crease the pitch, reverse the operation. Such an ar- rangement, however, in practice, must be confined within very narrow limits, for, inasmuch as the surface of a screw propeller blade, being that of a helicoid, every point in the blade must have a different angle, which increases as the hub is approached, and if the propeller be constructed so that all the angles be adapted to one particular pitch, it is not very likely PARALLEL MOTION. 133 that they will, after being distorted, be adapted to any other pitch ; that is to say, if the propeller be a true screw, for instance, and have a certain angle at the periphery, if we move the blade so as to increase the angle at that point 10, the angle at every other point in the blade will also be increased 10, which should not be the case, but should be correspondingly less as the hub is approached; thus, by this arrangement, we give a greater pitch at the hub than there is at the periphery ; and if the operation be reversed, and we decrease the angle at the periphery, the angle at the hub, and every other point in the blade, is decreased to precisely the same extent, thus giving less pitch at the hub than there is at the periphery, or any other point in the blade. "We therefore arrive at this con- clusion : That having three conditions presented to us, viz., true screw, expanding screw, from periphery to hub, and expanding from hub to periphery the latter two not in regular ratio it is more than probable that one or the other of these must be found practically to be the superior, and whichever it may be, and that one adopted, the advantage to be derived from alter- ing it, after it is once adopted, does not appear very plain, the arguments to the contrary notwithstanding. Parallel Motion. Parallel motion is a combination of bars and rods, having for its object the guiding of the piston-rod of a steam-engine in a constant straight line, or as near a straight line as can be practically attained. It is ap- plicable, in different forms, to any type of engine, but 134 PARALLEL MOTION. its adaptation to the side-lever engine is the more general. We have constructed figure 10 with the view of FIG. 10. illustrating its application to this type of engine, and to clear it, if possible, of the mystery that usually hangs over it in the shape of formulas. A B is half the length of the side lever, vibrating on the centre B ; A C, the side rod attached to the cross-head at C ; Gr F, the parallel motion side rod ; D F, the parallel bar, and E F, the radius bar vibrating on the centre E. The object to be attained is to make the point C travel vertically in a straight line, or as near so as pos- sible ; and from the construction of the figure, it will be seen that, when the point Gr moves to the right the point F moves to the left, and vice versa ; hence it is manifest, that there must be some point II, in the rod F Cr, which will describe very nearly a straight line, and if the lengths Gr B and E F were equal, that point would be in the centre of F G ; but, since they are of unequal lengths, H must be in such a position that PAEALLEL MOTION. 135 Now, then, having secured the point H, draw the line B C through H, which will determine C, the cen- tre of the cross-head ; and the triangles B H G, B C A, being similar, and joined together in such manner that, no matter how much the angles of the one may alter, the angles of the other must alter 'to precisely the same extent ; and hence, these triangles always remain- ing similar, it follows that if the apex (H) of the one moves in a straight line, the apex (C) of the other must move in a straight line also. It matters not where the points D F G may be situated, so long as D does not coincide with C, and the figure A D F G is a parallelogram ; nor does it matter about the respective lengths of the sides of the parallelogram, so long asEFxFH = BGxGH. In practice, it happens sometimes that the parallel motion gets out of adjustment, the piston rod perhaps rubbing hard on one side of the stuffing-box at the top of the stroke, and hard on the opposite side on the bottom of the stroke ; or it may rub hard on the stuff- ing-box at one end of the stroke, and be quite free at the other. Such a result can be brought about in three ways only : either the sides of the parallelogram A D F G have got out of parallelism, the radius bar E F, of incorrect length from the wear of the brasses, a Assume a point (a), at any distance (say 2 feet) from either of the extreme weights, and multiply each weight separately by its distance from this point ; the sum of these products, divided by the sum of the weights, will be the distance of the centre of gravity from the assumed point. Thus : 30 X 2 = 60 10 X 22 = 220 i> x 32 = 64 5 x 40 = 200 47 ) 544 (11.57 ft. = centre of gravity from the point #, or 9.57 feet from the boilers towards the shaft. Displacement of Fluids. Solid bodies immersed in fluids will displace an amount of the fluid equal to their own weight. If the specific gravity of the body be greater than that of the fluid, it will sink ; otherwise it will float. EXAMPLE. Required the distance a cube of cherry, one foot high, will sink in fresh water ? TEMPERATURE OF CONDENSER. 159 The specific gravities of fresh water and cherry are relatively as 1.00 to .606 ; the cherry will therefore sink .606 feet. Temperature of Condenser. EXAMPLE. Water in the boilers, carried at a den- sity of If per saline hydrometer; temperature of the condenser, and water entering the boilers, 105 Fahr. ; vacuum in condenser, 27.82 inches. Compare the eco- nomic performance of the engine, under these circum- stances, with the same engine, carrying the water in the boilers at the same density, but the water in the condenser at 120 Fahr. ; the mean pressure of steam in both cases on the piston being 20 pounds per square inch? SOLUTION. Neglecting the difference of power in the two cases required to work the air-pump, taking the boiler pressure at 20 Ibs., and 2 inches of mercury to be equal to 1 Ib. pressure, we proceed thus : 1184-105 X .75+228.5-105 : 228.5-105 : : 100 : 13.23 per cent, loss by blowing off, in the first case. 1184-120X.75+228.5-120 : 228.5-120 : : 100 : 11.96 per cent, loss by blowing off, in the second case. 20x2 : 2.18 (back pressure) : : 100 : 5.45 per cent, of the effect of the engine lost by back pressure, in the first case. 20 X 2 : 3.33 (back pressure) : : 100 : 8.325 per cent, of the effect of the engine lost by back pressure, in the second case. 11 160 TEMPERATURE OF CONDENSER. Now, then, letting the fuel represent the power, we observe, in the first case, that only (10013.23=) 86.77 per cent, reaches the engine, of which 5.45 per cent, is lost in back pressure, and 5.45 per cent, of 86.77 per cent.=4.73 per cent, of the total effect lost by back pressure, leaving (86.774.73=) 82.04 per cent, to be applied to operating the engine. In the second case, (10011.96=) 88.04 per cent, of the power reaches the engine, of which 8.325 per cent, is lost in back pressure, and 8.325 per cent, of 88.04 per cent. =7.33 per cent, of the total effect lost by back pressure; leaving (88.047.33=) 80.71 per cent, to be applied to operating the engine. Therefore, under the conditions of the example, the engine, in the first case, performs the same amount of work with (82.0480.71=) 1.33 per cent, less fuel. This calculation can be made accurate by taking dia- grams from the cylinder and air-pump, under the con- ditions of the example, and estimating the power in each case ; then, the power to work the air-pump is considered. APPENDIX. MATEEIALS. IF Engineers possessed the proper knowledge of the materials used in the construction of machinery, and gave the attention and care to the subject which it deserves, we should have fewer break-downs in our sea-going steamers ; and might, with safety and great advantage, reduce the weights of those parts made of wrought and cast iron. It can scarcely be expected, however, that, with the onerous duties of constructing many kinds of ma- chinery, they can be well versed in the manufac- ture of every variety of iron ; but every engineer hav- ing the superintendence of construction or repairs, should make himself familiar with the materials used, so as to be able to distinguish good from bad ; to know the difference between superior and inferior brands of pig iron, and the reasons thereof. The difference be- tween superior charcoal boiler plate and that made directly from the bloomery or puddling furnace. Also, the peculiarities of open sand moulding, green sand castings, dry sand castings, and loam moulding. The manner of providing for expansion and contraction in castings and forgings, as well as the necessity of avoid- 162 HOW TO TEST IKOX. ing the process of cold-hammered forgings. We throw out these few hints simply with a view of calling the attention of engineers to this important branch of the profession, in which practice alone can make them proficient. * To Test tlie Quality of Bar Iron. Cut a notch on one side with a cold chisel, then bend the bar over the edge of an anvil at sharp angles. If the fracture exhibits long silky fibres, of a leaden gray color, co- hering together, and twisting or pulling apart before breaking, it denotes tough, soft iron, easy to work and hard to break. In general, a short, blackish fibre, in- dicates iron badly refined. A very fine close grain denotes a hard steely iron, which is apt to be cold short, but working easily when heated, and making a good weld. Numerous cracks on the edges of the bar generally indicate a hot short iron, which cracks or breaks when punched or worked at a red heat, and will not weld. Blisters, flaws, and cinder holes are caused by imperfect welding at a low heat, or by iron not being properly worked, and do not always indicate inferior quality. To Test Iron when Hot. Draw a piece out, bend and twist it, split it and turn back the two parts, to see if the split extends up ; finally, weld it, and observe if cracks or flaws weld easily. Good iron is frequently injured by being unskilfully worked : defects caused by this may be in part remedied. If, for example, it has been injured by cold hammering, moderate anneal- ing heat will restore it. * Ordnance Manual, 1858. CAST IRON AND STEEL. 163 Cast Iron. There are many varieties of cast iron, differing from each other according to the kind of fuel, of ore, and the temperature of the blast from which the pigs are made the pig iron being known as char- coal cold blast, charcoal hot blast, anthracite cold blast, and anthracite hot blast. The former is much the superior, and the latter the inferior varieties. Be- sides these general divisions, the manufacturers distin- guish more particularly the different varieties of pig metal by numbers, according to their relative hard- ness : for instance, No. 1 is the softest iron, has a dark gray appearance ; No. 2 is harder, close grained, and stronger than No. 1 ; it has a gray color also, and con- siderable lustre. No. 3 is still harder than Ijb. 2 ; its color is gray, but inclining to white ; it is principally used for mixing with other irons. No. 4 is a bright iron, also used to mix with other irons. When a piece of iron is broken, and the fracture presents grains very large, or very small, and a dull earthy aspect, loose texture, dissimilar crystals mixed together, it indicates an inferior quality. All cast iron expands forcibly at the moment of be- coming solid, and again contracts in cooling. The color and texture of the castings depend greatly on the size of the casting, and the rapidity of cooling. Care should always be taken to cool them slowly. Steel. To test steel, break a few bars, taken at random, make tools of them, and try them in the severest manner. 164 TENACITY OF MATERIALS. Tenacity of Materials. Cast Steel ...134,000 Ibs. 'Swedish 72,000 "1 Experiments by Frank- Salisbury, Conn 66,000 I lin Institute, on bars Bar-iron - Bellefonte, Pa 58,500 [ whose cross section English 56,000 J was about one-fifth Pittsfield, Mass 57,0001 of a square inch. Tig metal 15,000 r . Good common castings 20,000 Experiments of Maj. W. " S p^ S fro^n bead, j-jjjj Sftpa^nt Cast Steel 128,000 on pieces whose cross . , ( 30,000 section was nearly 1 Bronze-gun metal j 42 | 000 & ^^ ^ Copper, cast, (Lake Superior) 24,138 , Brass 18,000 S Wrought 34,000 C PP er \ Cast..?. 19,000 Tin, cast 4,800 Zinc 3,500 Platinum 56,000 Silver. 40,000 Gold , 80,000 Lead 1,800 WOODS. Ash 15,800 Mahogany 11,500 Oak 11,600 White Pine 11,800 Walnut 7,700 In general, the tenacity of metals is increased by hammering and wiredrawing. The strength of Pitts- field bar iron, given in the above table, is the mean of four trials, with cylinders 1 inch long and 0.9 inch di- ameter. They were extended in length, before frac- ture, to 1.4 in., and they were reduced in diameter to 0.6 in. in the middle. A bar of wrought iron is extended about one-hun- dredth part of its length for every ton of strain on a square inch. Transverse Strength. S = the weight in pounds required to break a beam 1 in. square and 1 in. long, fixed at one end and loaded at the other ; I the breadth, d the depth, and I the RESISTANCE TO TORSION. 165 length, in inches, of any other beam of the same mate- rial, and W the weight which will cause it to break, neglecting the weight of the beam itself. 1. If the beam is supported at one end, and loaded at the other : M* W = S -y- 2. If the beam is supported at one end, and the load distributed over its whole length : b

. The power and weight will be re- spectively as the lengths of the lines DC or DB and AD. rig. 16 Eig-,17. From which it will be seen that the greater the angle CDB the longer will be the line DC or DB, and hence the greater the power. So that the weight of the line itself will be sufficient to prevent any power whatever from drawing it mathematically straight. QUESTION. In figure 18, two blocks of granite, joined together as shown, are laid upon a horizontal plane ; required their relative sizes in order that they may commence at the same time to move, and con- tinue to move with equal velocity ? ANS. 2 to 1, because the larger block is supported by two -parts of the cord, and has in consequence, double the force exerted upon it of the smaller block. THE SCREW. 181 P rj nff. 19 Screw. In the screw, like all other simple ma- chines the power x space moved through = weight X space moved through. Ex. Length of lever 20 ins., pitch of screw inch, weight 500 Ibs., re. quired the power P at the end of the lever ? ANS. Px 20x2x3.1416 = 500 X T 125.664P = 250 P = 1.989 Ibs. 20 Tig. 20 The screw is simply a revolving inclined plane, the power being applied parallel to the base of the plane, which is repre- sented by the circumfer- ence described by P, and the height of the plane by the pitch of the screw. Fig. 20 is a compound screw. The upper screw AA is fitted to the thread in the nut B which re- mains fixed. The cylin- der AA being hollow has another screw C, of a finer thread, fitting into it. The nut D is fixed, al- lowing C to slide up and down within it, without 182 THE WEDGE. turning. By this arrangement it will be seen, that when the screw A A is turned once round, the distance ascended by the weight will not be equal to the pitch of AA, but the difference between the pitch of AA and C. EXAMPLE. Pitch of AA inch, of C T V inch, weight 16000 Ibs.,' required the power P, applied 20 inches from the centre ? ANS. P x 20 X 2 X 3.1416 = 16000 X T V - TT 125.664P - 1000 P = 7.957 Ibs. In order to multiply the power the same number of times with a single screw, the pitch would have to be T ] g- inch, which would render the thread too weak to withstand a heavy pressure. Wedge. LetWW, * 2 * fig. 21, be two weights of 1000 Ibs. each, rest- ing upon a horizontal plane, required the power to be applied at P, to the wedge, having the dimensions shown in the figure to "^ to separate them ? P X 20 = 1000 X 2 20P = 2000 P = 100 Ibs. Because, when the power P has descended to the point A, the weights have been separated 2 inches while the power has travelled 20 inches, the length of the wedge. w Tig". 21. FOECE, TEMPERATURE, AND VOLUME OF STEAM. 183 Table of the Elastic Force, Temperature, and Volume of Steam, from a Temperature of 80 to 387.3, and from a Pressure of one to 410 Inches of Mercury. Elastic force In Tempera- ture. Volume. Elastic force in Tempera- ture. Volume. inches of mercury. >ounds per sq. inch. inches of mercury. pounds per sq. inch. 1 .49 80 41031 53.04 26 243.3 1007 1.17 .573 85 35393 55.08 27 245.5 973 1.36 .666 90 30425 57.12 28 247.6 941 1.58 .774 95 26686 59.16 29 249.6 911 1.86 .911 100 22873 61.2 30 251.6 883 2.04 1 103 20958 63.24 31 253.6 857 2.18 1.068 105 19693 65.28 32 255.5 833 2.53 1.24 110 16667 67.32 33 257.3 810 2.92 1.431 115 14942 69.36 34 259.1 788 3.33 1.632 120 13215 71.4 35 260.9 767 3.79 1.857 125 11723 73.44 36 262.6 748 4.34 2.129 130 10328 75.48 37 264.3 729 5 2.45 135 9036 77.52 38 265.9 712 5.74 2.813 140 7938 79.56 39 267.5 695 6.53 3.1 145 7040 81.6 40 269.1 679 7.42 3.636 150 6243 83.64 41 270.6 664 8.4 4.116 155 5559 85.68 42 272.1 649 9.46 4.635 160 4976 87.72 43 273.6 635 10.68 5.23 165 4443 89.76 44 275 622 12.13 5.94 170 3943 91.8 45 276.4 610 13.62 6.67 175 3838 93.84 46 277.8 598 15.15 7.42 180 3208 95.88 47 279.2 586 17 8.33 185 2879 97.92 48 280.5 573 19 9.31 190 2595 99.96 49 281.9 564 21.22 10.4 195 2342 102 50 283.2 554 23.64 11.58 200 2118 104.04 51 284.4 544 26.13 12.7 205 1932 106.08 62 285.7 534 28.84 14.13 210 1763 108.12 53 286.9 525 29.41 14.41 211 1730 110.16 54 288.1 516 30 14.7 212 1700 112.02 55 289.3 508 30.6 15 212.8 1669 114.24 56 290.5 500 31.62 15.5 214.5 1618 116.28 57 291.7 492 32.64 16 216.3 1573 118.32 58 292.9 484 33.66 16.5 218 1530 120.36 59 294.2 477 34.68 17 219.6 1488 122.4 60 295.6 470 35.7 17.5 221.2 1440 124.44 61 296.9 463 36.72 18 222.7 1411 126.48 62 298.1 456 37.74 18.5 224.2 1377 128.52 63 299.2 449 38.76 19 225.6 1343 130.56 64 300.3 443 33.78 19.5 227.1 1312 132.62 65 301.3 437 40.80 20 228.5 1281 134.64 66 302.4 431 41.82 20.5 229.9 1253 136.68 67 303.4 425 42.84 21 231.2 1225 138.72 68 304.4 419 43.86 21.5 232.5 1199 140.76 69 305.4 414 44.88 22 233.8 1174 142.8 70 306.4 408 45.90 22.5 235.1 1150 144.84 71 307.4 403 46.92 23 236.3 1127 i 146.88 72 308.4 398 46.94 23.5 237.5 11 05 148.92 73 309.3 393 48.96 24 23S.7 1084 150.96 74 310.3 388 49.98 -24.5 239.0 I'HH 15?,. 02 75 311.2 383 51. 25 241 1044 . 15.-..06 76 312.2 379 184 FORCE, TEMPERATURE, AND VOLUME OF STEAM. Elastic force in Tempera- ture. Volume. Elastic force in Tempera- ture. Volume. inches of mercury. pounds per sq. inch. inches of mercury. pounds per sq. in. 157.1 77 813.1 374 254.99 125 349.1 240 159.H 78 314 370 265.19 130 352.1 233 161.18 79 314.9 366 275.39 135 355 224 163.22 80 315.8 362 285.59 140 357.9 218 165.26 81 316.7 358 295.79 145 360.6 210 167.3 82 317.6 354 306 150 363.4 205 169.34 83 318.4 350 316.19 155 366 198 171.38 84 319.3 346 826.39 160 368.7 193 173.42 85 320.1 342 336.59 165 371.1 187 183.62 90 324.3 325 346.79 170 373.6 183 193.82 95 328.2 310 357 175 376 178 203.99 100 332 295 367.2 180 378.4 174 214.19 105 335.8 282 377.1 185 380.6 169 224.39 110 339.2 271 387.6 190 382.9 166 234.59 115 342.7 259 397.8 195 384.1 161 244.79 120 345.8 251 408 200 387.3 158 V 731 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482 SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 628 338 6