me TRAVELERS OFFICERS SPORTSMEN WITH PHONETIC PRONUNCIATION. California Regional acility , M.A M - an tab. FOREIGN LANGUAGES MADE EASY BY USING Maryborough's Self -Taught Series Containing Travel Talk for Railway and Steamboat, Customs, Hotel, Post Office, Conversations, Classified Vo- cabularies, Trading, Commercial, Amusements, Cycling, Photography, with the English Phonetic Pronunciation ar- ranged for learning at a glance, Elementary Grammar, Tables of Money (American and English Values), Weights and Measures. French Self-Taught flexible cloth German Self-Taught flexible cloth Italian Self-Taught flexible cloth Norwegian Self-Taught flexible cloth Russian Self-Taught flexible cloth Spanish Self-Taught flexible cloth Swedish Self-Taught flexible cloth Greek (Modern) Self-Taught stiff cloth Hungarian Self-Taught stiff cloth ENGLISH SELF-TAUGHT For the French . . L' Anglais sans Maitre flexible cloth For the Germans . Der Englische Dolmetscher flexible cloth For the Italians . . L'Inglese Imparato da Se flexible cloth For the Spaniards . El Ingles para Cada Cual flexible cloth For sale by all Booksellers DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER, PHILADELPHIA i WE WANT YOU TO BUY THE Cheapest and Most Reliable VEST-POCKET DICTIONARIES PUB- LISHED IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES TWO PAHT8 Iff ONE VOLUME THUMB Cloth binding, Fabrikoid binding, gold title, 50 CtSc 60 cts. French-English and English-French German-English and English-German Spanish-English and English-Spanish Italian-English and English-Italian Latin-English and English-Latin Swedish-English and English-Swedish Dano-Norwegian-English and Eng- lish-Dano-Norwegian UNIFORM WITH ABOVE: Webster Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language ***'! HILLS |' " ; LATIN-MUSH Hill's Vest-Pocket Dictionaries are the cheapest and most complete books of handy size, convenient alike for the traveller, the student and the busi- ness man. Each volume contains a COMPLETE GUIDE TO PRONUNCIATION with rules and also a list of idioms, common expressions and short conversations. The Thumb Index makes reference exceptionally easy. Per sale by all Booksellers DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER, PHILADELPHIA MARLBOROUGH'S SELF-TAUGHT SERIES Russian Self-Taught PHONETIC PRONUNCIATION Capt. C. A. THIMM AND J. MARSHALL, M.A. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED PHILADELPHIA DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER 604-8 SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE PREFACE. D USSIA, geographically, politically and commercially, is expand- J-V ing and developing rapidly and it becomes every year of greater importance for politicians, officers of both services and civil administrators, as well as for commercial men, to be acquainted with its language. This is so well understood in Germany that the Continuation Schools there have introduced the Russian language as a eompul- ory subject, and if Great Britain wishes successfully to cope with these Powers in extending her commerce and trade, and to obtain for her capital and enterprise their full value, her own Schools should seriously take up this question, and teach Russian in a practical form. In the following pages I hava endeavoured, with the able assistance* of Mr. John Marshall, M.A., a weli-known resident in St. Petersburg for many years, to prepare a handbook of the lan- guage, with its difficult and intricate grammar, in as simple and easy a manner as possible, employing the " SBU-TAUGHT " method of PHONETIC PBONUNCIATION for every word throughout. It must be carefully noted that the phonetic columns are not in any sense a transliteration of the Russian Characters, but a consistent effort to express by English spelling the correct sound of Russian words M spoken by the educated classes of St. Petersburg. In the selection of vocabularies and phrases, those have been adopted which will prove of most practical service to the traveller, and which have been found so valuable in other volumes of the " SELF-TAUGHT " Series. An exhaustive list of Naval and Military Terms has fjeen introdnoed for the benefit of Officer! taking up Russian fot the Staff College or for Interpretership ; and business men will find many Commercial and Trading Terms and Phrases for their wants. This manual is intended to be used as a TEXT- BOOK for Schools and in preparation for examinations, as well a* for SELF-INSTRUCTION, and my hope is that those who study its pages may find much assistance, and be encouraged to master a litera- ture of much interest, and become better acquainted with a nation, kindly, cultured, and highly linguistic. 0. A. THIMM. LOKDOIT, 1901. The BaasUn text through oat, *od tbe Elementary armm*r wen "-*, by Mr. Uartball. CONTENTS. Alphabet, in Russian or Printed Characters, with English Equivalents and Phonetic Pronunciation ... ... 5 Russian Written Alphabet (Handwriting Large and Small Letters) ... ... ... ... ... 92a Vowels and Consonants ... ... ... ... 10 Preliminary Notes ... ... ... ... ... 11 VOOABULABEBB. Pages 18 to 78, and 108, 114, 115 and 126. Animals, Vegetables, &c. : Animals, Birds and Fishes ... ... ... 16 Flowers and Fruit ... ... ... ... 19 Insects and Reptiles ... ... ... _ 19 Trees and Vegetables ... ~. ... ^ 19 Colours ... ... ... ... ... 41 Commercial Terms .. ... ... 70 Countries and Nations Cycling Fishing Holidays in Russia House, The Eating Utensils .. Furniture 89 125 78 S8 27 26 27 Mankind; Relations ... ... ... ... 22 Body, The Human ... ... ... ... 21 Dress ... ... ... ... ... 28 Food and Drink ... ... ... ... ... 24 Washing List ... ... ... ... ... 114 Military Titles ... ... ... ~ . 66 Naval and Military Terms ... ... ... ... 67 Notices ... ... ... ... ... 124 Numbers (Cardinal, Collective, Ordinal) ... 41 to 44 Parts of Speech Adjectives, Adverbs, Conjunctions, Prepositions and Verbs ... ... ... ... 44 to 56 Photography ... ... ... ... ... 108 Professions and Trades ... ... ... ... 31 Ships and Shipping ... ... ... ... 32 Shooting ... ... ... ... ... 78 Time and Seasons ... ... ... ... ... 35 Town and Country ... ... ... ... ... 29 Post Office ... ... ... ... ... 122 Travelling ... ... ... ... ... 33 Trading Terms ... ... ... ... ... 70 World, The 18 Land and Water... ... ... ... ... 14 Minerals and Metals ... ... ... ...15 Writing ... ... _ ~ ... M ELBKXHTABT GRAMMAS. Pages 79 to 92a. COHVEBSATIONS. Pages 98 to 132 Breakfast ... ... ... ... ... 100 Commercial Travellers' Wants ... ... ... 131 Note for Commercial Travellers ... ... ... 132 Correspondence ... ,.. ... ... ... 107 Cycling ... _ ... 128 Dinner ~. *~ ~. ... ... 102 Evening ... ... ... ... ... 104 Expressions: ... ... ... ... ~. 93 Anger, Joy, Reproof, Sorrow, Surprise ... ... 99 Useful and Idiomatic ... ... ... -.. 93 Health ... ... ... - ... 116 Idiomatic Phrases _ ... ... 93 to 99 Inquiries ... ... ~. ... . . 100 In Town ... _ ... ... . . 105 Money Changing ... ... ... . . 130 ,, Equivalent Values; Russian, English, American 133 Order Tables 123 138 English and American reduced to Russian 133 Note on Conversation ... ... ... ... 98 Photography ... ... ... ... ... 108 Phrases, Neceisary ... ... ... _ 93 Post-Office ... ... ... ... ... 1212 Railway . ... ... ... ... 116 Shopping _ ... _ ... ~. 110 Dressmaker ... ... ... ... ... Ill Laundress ... _ ... ... ... 118 Shoemaker . ... ... ... ... 119 Tea _ *. ~. ... ~. 108 Telegrams ... ... ... ... ... 199 Time ... ... ... ... . 104 Travelling : Arrival ... *w : . M ' M 190 Changing Money ... ..._. 130 Cycling ... .;* 19i Hotel ._ 191 Notices Post-Offioe Railway Steamboat 194 192 116 119 Telegrams _ ~. .~ _ _ 1M Town, In ... ... ... ~. _ 105 Tram ... ... ... .~ ... 190 Washing Lists (Gentlemen, Ladies, Linen) ~. 114 to 118 Weights and Measures ... M _ ... 184 Metric System (Note on the) ... M . US KUSSIAN SELF-TAUGHT. The Alphabet with English Equivalents and Phonetic Pronunciation. The Russian Alphabet has 36 letters: Ruwian wn B f B. v. f . (yeti) like v in vile, except before the hard consonants and at the end of words before * and b, when it sounds like /, as, OBija (ahftsah') The sheep. W) T, r. g, k, h, (gheK) at the beginning and in the middle kh, v. of words it is pronounced as g in get, as rpyiua (groo'shah) The pear. At the end of words, and before the consonant III, it sounds as k ; as, can6r% (sapok') A boot. In some half-dozen words it is pro- nounced like h in have, as 6jiaro (blah'hah) Well. In a few words before K, k, and in German place names in -6ypri, it is pronounced like x (see letter 22) i.e. kh, as E<5rt (bokh), God ; MHPKO (myakh'ka), Softly ; IIeTep6ypr* (Peterboorkh') St. Petersburg. * beh, veh, gheh, etc., are short, like be, ve, ge, in bet, vet, get, and so on. f preceded or succeeded by palatals (29), it is pronounced like a in at, e.g. Din 5=p&t ., Fame And Phoiwtio ProtmndaUon. Character*. V"*>>> <*) [continued]. In the terminations aro, *ro, oro, ero of the Genitive case of Adjectives or Pronouns, it is sounded like v, as Moero (mah-ye-vo') Of my. W fl,, A. d, t. (<&A) like rf, except at the end of words and before the hard consonants and semi-vowels, when it is sounded like t, as ^ora^Ka (dahgaht'ka) A riddle ; paa-i, (rat) Glad. Between the conso- nants 3 and H it is NOT sounded, a n6sAHo (po'zna) Late. W E, e. ye, e. (eh) at the beginning of words and jo, o. syllables it is pronounced like ye in yet, as CAHHI (yedin') Single. In other cases it is mostly sounded like e, but softens preceding conso- nants (see letter 29). When accented, and before one or two consonants followed by a hard vowel or semi-vowel, it sounds with few exceptions as yo, as ejiica (yol'kah) The fir. After the consonants K, *, m, m,, * it has the sound of 0, as JKOJIIB (zholch) Gall. When it is to be pronounced as yo or o many writers place a diaresis (") over the e (e), and whenever it is so pronounced it will be marked in the .Russian characters. W JK, m. zh, sh. (zheK) like the French j in jow; it will be represented by zh, and pronounced as the * in measure (mea'zhure) ; before hard consonants and * and i> it sounds like sh, as My** (moo'sh) Husband Rnwlan .,-., Printed _ , tm Name and Phonetic froanndatton. Characters. BqnivalenU. < 8 > 8, . z, B. (zeti) pronounced like z,as 8aBTpa(zabi'tr) To-morrow ; but at the end of words and before hard consonants and the semi-vowels * and t it sounds as , as I, i. ee. (ee) has the same sound as the pre- ceding letter H, and is only used before vowels, with the exception of the word Mip% (meer) The world, to dis- tinguish the latter from amp* (meer) Peace. C") K, B. k, g, (kah) like k in the word key, as KOT* kh. (kot) The cat. Before the soft consonants 6, 4, , a, it sounds as g in green, as K-& Bory (gbo'hoo) To God. "When before the hard consonants K, T, n, it is pronounced as kh, as KTO (khto) Who. < u > A, j. 1, I. (el) very hard, as I in halt before hard consonants, vowels and semi-vowels. Soft, as I in leer if followed by a soft consonant or semi-vowel. To pronounce the hard sound the tip of the tongue must touch the teeth. Example: (Very hard) njiyr% (plook) A plough. Example : (soft) JIBCT* (?eest) A leaf. (For I, see letter 29.) Rwsian Printed K ,",. Name and Phonetic Pronunciation. Character* Jsqun nu - f 13 ) M, H. m. (em) as the English m. f 14 ) H, H. n. (en) like the English n, bnt pronounced with tip of tongue against teeth. ^ 6 > 0, o. o, a. like o in not, but if unaccented as ah, like a in father, as ^o6p6 (dahbro') The good. C*) n, n. p. (peh) like the English ^. < 17 > P, p. r. (*r as in error') like the English r, trilled with the tip of the tongue (arr-r-r). *> C, e. B, t. (ess) as s in the word moss; it sounds as 2 before soft consonants, as C6op (zbor) A meeting. fl*) T, T. t, d. (Uh] like t, but before soft consonant* as d, as OTAETI, (ahddahi') To give back. Between C and H it is mut, as B.iacTHbiii (vlahs'ny) Commanding. (20) y f 7t OQ, ( 00 ^ ag 00 j n ,^ ^ < 21 > 4, , f. (feh) as / in ^r*. C 22 ) X, x. kh. (AA) as kh (ch) in Scotch ZocA, but deeper, as A^-i (dookh) Ghost. (23) ij, n. t. (tsefi) as te in tfo, as nwH6BK (tsynof'ka) Mat. C 24 ) H, i. ch, sh. (cheh) as cA in church, but in ITO and before H it sounds as sh, as TTO (shto) what ; KOH^MHO (kahnesh'nah) Of course. (^ III, m. sh. (sha? as in sham) like sh in *&0r, as UIyT% (shoot) Fool, ^m, m. hch. (shcha) like AcA in fresh cheese, as m (shchee) Cabbage soup. t 27 ) t, *. (wwfe, Aarrf sign) is NOT sounded, but it hardens the consonant which precedes it, as KpoB-fc (krof ) Roof. "*> M, u. y. (-' as in wisdom) ; the sound of i in bit is the nearest to this letter, but deeper. Russian Printed Eq^fv'iienU. Name * nd phouetic Pronunciation. t> b, b. (mute, soft sign) this letter is NOT sounded, but it softens the consonant which precedes it, as east (vjahs) The swamp. 0) "B, *. ye, e, (eh) is a SOFT vowel and has the same yo. sound as the Russian (letter 6). It is usually pronounced as ye(t) at the beginning of words or syllables, or else as with palatalised consonant pre- ceding. In a few words when accented as o, as c*A-*a (syod'la) Saddles, the preceding consonant being palatalised. < n > 3, . e. (eh) like e in end, as noTi (pahef) Poet. C* 8 ) H), . yu, u. (yoo) like yu in yule at beginning of a word or syllable, as ^ati (dayu') I give; else as u in put, but palatalises preceding consonants (see letter 29). (") fl, *. ya, ye, (yah) like yar in yarrf when accented at a, e. the beginning of words and syllables, as HMa (yar'rna) Hole. Unaccented as ye, as Hfin6 (yeytso') Egg. In other cases (i.e. when not beginning a word or syllable) it is pro- nounced accented as a, unaccented as e, but the previous consonant is always palatalised, as MHTI. (myall/) To crush; na.MHTb (pah'metf) Memory. <*> 6, . f. (feetah) is only used in words derived from the Greek, and is pronounced as /, representing the English th, as AwHHbi (afee'ny) Athens. (priabryol') obtained; DFB (yuk) south; HMt (yim) to them; so: MaflKt (maya'k) lighthouse ; cieTi> (se'yet) sows ; nHTaTB (pitah^) to feed . . . Consonants before these vowels are pronounced soft: 4H)HM'B (dyu'im) inch, d as in dear; Tep&Tb (teryahf) t and r as in fearful, rear ; nflTB (pya<) five, p as in peer. The letters e (), u (i) after a consonant may be transcribed simply e, i, as all consonants except as, m, U are pronounced soft before them. N.B. Unaccented X e : naxa (petah 1 ) heel After x, in, u e==o: meji (shol) went, men (zhok) burnt; while u, i = hi : xapi (zhyr) fat. The diphthongs are all accented on the first vowel: ifi (ahi), on (6i), yd (ooi), efi (yei) H)3 (yui). Examples: aflea (4iva) quince, yuMa (ooima) heap, 6ea fbei) strike. S = e, ye. Except th'at in a few words it has the sound of yo: 3Mi>3dbi(Bt&rs): zvy6zdy,nfiioffprb^z(6btained):priabry6L ye, i, when unaccented: HiMCHb (barley): yechmen, nnmtidecnm* (50): pidesyarf. Consonants: T = (x) kh before K, T, *: JiezKd (lightly): lekhko, and in Eon (God); 6oitA. gh (as in German Tage) in #feo (God's); Bogha, Focnddb (the Lord) Haspo?. (b) v in the adjectival endings 0*0 MO eto ottr dotipazo (of the good) dobravah. K (x) kh, before K, in, *: tf/ karahl' crystal KpHctan kristahl- diamond ajMaai almahs* emerald CMaparA% smarah'kt glass CTCKJO steklo' gold 86JOTO zo'lahta granite rpanHTb graneet' gravel Kpyiraufi necoKi kroo'pny pesok iron xe^tso zhele'zah cast lyrfin choogoon' wrought idsaHHoe K&tiso ko'vannaye zhele'zalj lead CUB^Vk svinets* Vnglirt. 16 Russian. Pronnnolttioa. lime HSBCCTb ee'zves^ marble MpaMOpi mrah'inahr mercury piyib rtoof metals Meiaju metah'ly [spesko^m mortar HSBecTKa ci necKoMi eezvyos'tka opal onaun> [ateMiyn. ahpahl' [zhe'mchook pearl, KeMqyjKHua, zhemchoo'zhyna, ruby pyfiiiHi. roobeen 1 sapphire can*wp'fc sapfeer' silver cepe(5p<5 Berebro* soda 0643 so'da steel cia.ib stal stone KaaieHb kah'men tin 6-IOBO o'lahvo. 4. Animals, Birds, and Pishes. (/KlIBOTHLia, UTHUH H ptlOfcl.) Animal SHBOTHOe zhyvo'tnahye barking jafi lai bear M64Bi4fc medvef bird nriiua ptee'tsa blackbird V6pHhlfi 4U034T> eho'rny drost blackcock leTBpflM tet'eref bleating 6 ahiuahr' mackerel cxyndpiB skoo'mbreeya magpie copOKa sahro'ka mane rpiiaa gree'va mewing MflyKame myeoo'kanye 1 18 Engliih. BuiiUn. p r . nnnol%tloa . monkey ofiesbHM ahbezjar'na mouse MbllLlb mysh mullet ro-iaatt gahlahfT neighing psauie rzhah'nie nightingale CO.JOBCfl sahlahve'i owl eoBa sahvah' ox 4n Tol oysters ycrpHnu oo'stritsy parrot nonyraft pahpooga'i partridge KVp; naTKt koorapah'tk* paw jaaa lah'pa pheasant 83&BI fazahn' Pig CBIIHbJl svinyar' pigeon (dote) r<5.iy6b go'loqp pike myw shchooka quail nepene^Ka perepyo'lka rat icpbica kry'sa raven BOpOHl To'rahn salmon JOOOCb lahsos* alt-fish cojewas pu6a sahlyo'naya ry'ba scales lemyfl cheshooyar' sheep OBoa ahftsah' melt KopwmKi kor'yooshka snipe 6enaci bekahs' sole CKOBOpOAK* ekahvahro'tka sparrow Bopofiea vahrahbe'i swallow jacioiKa lah'etahchka swan aetiCAb le'be* tail IBOCTi khvahst thrush 4p034l drahst tiger THI'pl tigr trout opejb fahref turbot na.iTyc-b pah'ltoos turkey HIUHJlUKa indyoo'shka turtle lepeuaia cherepah'kha whale ran, kit whiting Mepjani merlah'n wing KptJJO krylo' agHih. Banian. Pronunoittion. wolf BOJKl vahlk woodpecker AHT6JI, dyah'tel wood-pigeon 4iiKifi rdiyfifc dee'kee go'loop wool mepcn shers/. 5. Reptiles and Insects. (IIpecMHKaiomiflCH H nactKOMLifl.) Ant MypaB<$fl moorave'i bee meji pchelah' beetle syn zhook butterfly 6a6oTCt bah'bahchka caterpillar ryceHHqi goo'senitsa flea fijoia blakhah' fly Myia moo'kha frog jaryiflKt legoosh'ka gnat KOMapi kamahr' grasshopper KySHeiHKi kooznech'eek honey M64T, myot insect nac-BKOMoe nasekom'ahye moth MOJb nol silkworm mejKOuHHHbifi vepsb shalkahveech'ny snail yjHTKa ooleet'ka [cher/ snake MM zmeeyah' spider nayn paook* sting zhah'lah toad sa(5a zhah'bah viper eXH4Ht yekheed'na wasp oca ahsah' wax BOCKl vosk worm TOPBI, cher/. 6. Fruit, Trees, Flowers, and Vegetables. (ILaoAhi, /lepesbfl, uB'tTbi H OBOUI,U.) Apple HfljOKO yar'blahkah ash flcem, yah'sen asparagus cnapata spahr'zha beans 6o6bi bahby' beech-tree 6yn book f Bngllih. 20 BniiUn. Pronunciation. beetroot CBe'K.ia Bvyok'la bilberry, red GpycHHKa broosnee'ka birch 6ep6sa beryo'za blackberry exesfoa yezhevee'ka bouquet CyKen. booket' branch MB vetv cabbage Kanycra kapoos'ta cauliflower HBfcTHaa xanf eta tsvetnah'ya celery cejbAep4A seldere'i [kapoos'ta cherry BiiiLiiin vishn'ya chestnut Kaiiirairk kashtahn' cinnamon Kopnaa kari'tsa cranberry KJWKBt klyook'va encumber orypem ahgooreta' currant CMOpOAHBa smahro'dina faggot BflSaHxa vezahn'ka fig BHHHaa aroAa vinn'aya yar'gada fir-tree eat yei flower HBSTOKl tavetok' forest ta IM gooseberry KpbliKOBHHK* kryzhov'nik ginger HHfilipk eenbeer' grapes (a bunch of) BBHorpajcb (rpoSAi veenahgrah't (groBt hazel jenuiHa [~4*) leshchee'na [-da) ivy lURiUffc plyoo'shch kernel flApO yedro' leaf JHCTl leest lemon JHMOHl leemon* lettuce jatyirfc latook' lily JHJ'IH lee'leeya lily-of-the- valley jaHAblUll lahn'dysh mace MyumaTHbifl opin mooshkaht'ny taelon AUBfl dyn'ya [ahre'kh mulberry Tyrosaa aio^t too'tahvahya myrtle MHpra meer'ta [yar'gada nettle KpauHBa krapee'va nut opizi ahrekh' oak-tree *y<5i doop nglUh. 21 Russian. Pronunciation, pear rpyma groo'sha peas ropoxi gahrokh* pepper olpeqi pe'rets pine cociia sahsnah' pine-apple aiianac* ananahs* pink rB03AHKft gvazdee'ka plum CJHBa elee'va potato KapTo*CAfc karto'feZ radishes plAIICKH redees'kea raspberry Ma.iHHa malee'ua root Kopeufc ko'ren rose posa ro'za spinach nirTiuian, sbpinaht 1 stalk (of a plant) cxeftejb ste'beZ strawberry seuufluHKa zemlyenee'k* wild dUCHckn 9* lesna'ya z. garden KJv6lIIiK& kloobnee'ka stump nenb pen tree A^pCBO de'revah tulip TKUbnaHi tyooi-pahn' Tine BHiiorpaA* veenah-graht* violet iliKa feeahl'ka walnut rpemdfl opln gre'tski ahrekh* willow HBa ee'va. 7. The Human Body. (Hejiofii'iccKoe riao.) Arm pyna rookah' back CDHHa speenah* beard 6opOAa bahrahdah' blood IPOM kro/ body TtiO tay'lah bones KOCTH ko'stee bust 6H)CTi byoost cheek mexa shchekah* chest rpyAfc grooi chin noA6op<$Aon pahdbahro'dak cough Kameab kah'sheZ ears tra oo'shee English. 22 BuiaUn. Pronunciatioa, elbow JOKOTt lo'kah^ eye r-iaai glahs eyes rjasa glahzah* face JHUO leetso* fingers ciibiuj pahZ'tsy foot Hora nahgah' forehead jofo lahp gums AeCHbl dyos'ny hair BOJOCU vo'lahsy hand pyica rookah' head rojoei gahlahvah* heart ctfpAne sa/rtse kidneys nOIKH poch'kee knee KOJ-BHO kahlay'nah leg Hora nahgah' Up. ry6bi goo'by liver neient pay'chen medicine JtKapCTBO leekahVetvah mouth pOTb rot nails Horn nokhtee neck pli shay'ah nose HOCT, DOS shoulders ILI67H play'chee skin KOXA ko'zhah stomach season zhahloo'dahk throat ropjo gor'lah thumb 6o.iBinou najem baWsho'i pah'lets toe olieqi na Hori pah'lets na nahgay tongue HSbJK-fc yezyk* tooth fffc zoop wound paua rah'na. 8. Mankind; Relations. (HeJIOBiieCTBO; pOflCTBeHHHKH.) Aunt Una tyot'kah boy MajbieKi ma hr cheek brother (Span braht child pe6Suon rebyo'uahk English. Russian. Prennneiktlom. cousin ABOibpOAHUfi (5pan>, dvahyoo*tny naa cecipa braht, neya sestrah* cripple Kajiica kahlyay'kah daughter Htm dahch dwarf KapJHKl kahr*leek family CCMbH semyar* father OTCUT. ahtayts' giant BC.KIKaiTfc yeleekahn' girl AtBowa day'vahchka hunchback ropflym gahrboon' husband jiysi> moosh man 1C.JOB-EK1 chelahvayk* r the lame IpOMOfl khrahmo'i marriage CpaKi, brak mother nan makt nephew njeMHHHHKI plemyarn'neek niece n-ieMHHHoua plemyarn'neetsah parent* pOAHTeja rahdee'telee sister cecipa sestrah' on CbJHT, syn ancle AAH dyah'dyah wife xeea zhenah* woman m^maHa zhen'shcheena. 9. Dress. (Ojeatja.) 8e Pagei 111 to lift. Bonnet lUjHQKa shlyar'pkah boots canoni sapahgee* boot-jack cjyxsa sloo'shkah braces OOATflXRH pahttyah'shkee brush meraa shchot'ka buttons nyroBaou poo'gahveetsy button hook Kpitraen kryoocho'k cap mamca shah'pka cloak uanrk plahshch clothes brush tuaTHHaa merea plahtyenah'ya coat Kyprea koort'ka [shchot'k* collar BOpOTHHn vahrahtneek' English. 24 Russian. Pronunciation. comb rpetieHKa grebyon'ka cotton 6yMara boomah'ga drawers Ka.lhCOHM ka/so'ny dress njaite plah'tye gloves nepiaiKn perchaht'kee hair pin uniH.ihKa shpeel'ka hat m.iana shlyar^pa handkerchief n-iaroK b [njanri] platok' [plashdh] mackintosh HenpoMOKaeMua neprahmahkah'emy needle erotica eegol'ka overcoat najbio pahZto' parasol 80HTBKI zon'teek petticoat 6ica yoop'ka pins 6yjaBKH boolahfkee pocket KapMam kahrmahn' purse ROiue^en kahshelyok' ring ROJbUO kahrtso' shirt pyfiatmca roobah'shka shoes 6auiMaKH bahshmahkee' shoe horn ROCTflUIKa kahstyar'shka sleeve pyKaei rookahf slippers ry*JH too'flee soap MUJO my'lah stays (corset) KOpC^T* kahrset' stockings ^y-IKH choolkee' thread HIITK3 neet'kah tie raJCTyici gahl'stook trousers 6pH)KU bryoo'kee [zon'teek umbrella 4o;KAendu SOHTHKI dahzhdevol veil syajb vooahr waistcoat XHJ6T% zheelet' watch lacti chesy'. 10. Food and Drink. (Ibnua H ninte.) Tor Conversation! Fftges 100 to 104. Bread ut6i> khlep rye vgpuufi utfi^ chor'uy khlep new CBisift ,. sve'zhy EngTItli. 21 Banian. ProaaaoUUoB. bread stale iSpCTBhlfl XJTB6l chor'stwy khlep white 6&IUH be'l-i beef roBH40Ha gahvyar'deena beef-steak 6H*I1IT^KC1 beefshteks' beer UHBO pee'vah a glass of CTaxam a stahkahn* a bottle CyTtMKa bootyl'ka brandy KOHbflKl kahnyark' breakfast saBtpaKi zah'ftrabk butter Maoio mah'slah [gahlofka calf s head TCJHIta rOJOBKi telyah'chya caviar HKpa eekrah' cheese cupi syr chocolate moKOja^i shahkahlaht* cigar CHrapa seegah'ra claret KpaCHOe BHH<5 krah'suahye veeno* coffee K0*e ko'fe cream WHBKH sleefkee dinner ofrMi ahbayt* eggs ton*. yar'eetsa flour nyK& mookah* fat mpi ahyr gin AXHHI dzhyn ham aA?HH& vetcheenah* hunger r6/04i> go'laht ice JMi lyot an ice HopdxeHoe mahro'zhenaye kidneys DOHKH poch'kee kvas KBaC'b kvas lamb flTHHTBHa yegnyar'teena lean JKl6oBHHa lyoobovee'na lemonade aHMOHMT, leemabnaht' meat MflCO myar'sah [myar'sah boiled BapBnoe Mlco vahryo'nahye roast aapKoe zharko'ye milk MOJOKO mahlahko* mustard ropiaya gahrchee'tsa mutton GapauHua babrah'ueena 26 1frgHfh, Buisiao. ]pronuncitton. mutton cutlets 6apam,H KOT.ICTU barahn'ee kahtle'ty oil (olive) npneancKoe Mac-io prahvah'nskaye omelet Hiiwiina yei'chneetsa [rnah 1 - pepper nepem pay'rets [slab pork CBUHl'ma sveenee*na pudding nyAHHn poo'deenk rice PHCT. rees roll 6JJK9. bool'ka salad cajan salaht' salt c6a> sol sausage Koafiaca kahlbasah* soda water co40Baa 1044 so'dahwaya vadah' soup cym soop sugar caiapi. sah'khar supper ysnHL oo'zhyn siphon cn*6Hi Beefo'n tea vafl chai thirst xaaua zhah'zhda tobacco TadaKi tabahk' tooth-pick sy6oqHCTRa zoobahchee'stka underdone HCAOsapeiiHufl nedahzhah'renny veal Te.iHTuiia telyar'teena vegetables OBomii o'vabshchee vinegar yKoyoi oo'ksoos water B043, vahdah' well done lopomd khahrahsho' npoxapeHHufi prazhah'renny wine BHHO veeno' hock pefiHCKOe BHHO re'inskaye veeno u. Eating Utensils. (IIpii66pki jua t.jjb'i.) Gup qainKa chah'shka decanter rpa#iiHi grafee'n dish 6^1040 blyoo'dah fork BlUKa vee'lka glass craKam stakahn' knife in nahsh napkin cau*eTKa salfet'k* Bngliah. Busaian. Pronunciation. nut crackers mnniHKH shcheep'cheekee plate Tape.ina tarel'ka saucer 6jK)4e?KO blyoo'dechkah soup ladle pa3.iHBaTe.itHas razleevah'telnaya poon jdjuca [jojKKa lo'shka [lo'shka table-cloth CKaiepTk skah'terf teapot qaumiKi chai'neek water-bottle rpaHHi grafeen'. 12. House and Furniture. (,HOMT> H oSciauoBKa.) Ante-room fIepe4Hfu pered'nyaya armchair Kpecjo kres'lah ashes soaa zahlah' basin tt tas basket KOpaiina kahrzee'na bed nocr^A pahsteT bedroom cna.ibiia spal'nya bedstead Kposan krahvahf bell 3BOHOKI zvahnok' blanket mepcTHHoe ojttLio shersteno'ye ahdeyar'lah blind midpu shto'ry box HqiiK'i, yar'shcheek brick KHpniiii keerpeech' candle CBia svechah' candlestick n04CBilHH! pahtsvech'neek carpet Kosepi kahvyor' ceiling nOTO.lOKl pahtahlok' cellar n6rpe6i po'grep chair CTy^i stool clock lacti chesy' coals RaMeHHUfi yrOA kah'menny oo'gah] counterpane ahdeyah'lah cupboard mKa*i shkaf curtain saHasicxa zanaves'ka cushion no4yuiKa padooshlta dining-room CTOJOBBfl stahlo'vaya door 4Bepi> dver MM, 28 Russian. PronuncUtlott. drawing-room rocTHHaa gahstee'naya feather-bed nepiina peree'na flame ouaMa plah'mya floor jin pahl footstool CKaueflKa skame'ika frying-pan CKOBOpOAa skah-vah-rahdah* furniture ne6e.ii. me'bei garden MX& sat house AOMl dahm iron yribn ootyook' kettle ?afmi!Ki chai'-neek key RJIOHl klyooch kitchen RyxHa koo'khnya lamp jiaaina lahm'pah lid Kpt'iiiiKa kryshlcah lock saMOKT> zahmok' looking-glass sepnajo zer'kahlah matches cninKH speech'kee mattress Maipaqi mah-trahts' pillow nojyiiiKa padoosh'ka pillow-case HaBo.ioiKa nah'vahlahchka poker xoqepra kahchergah' pot ropmoKi gahrshok' roof Kpuma kry'sha room RO*MHaia kom'nahtah seat CKaMbH skahmyar' sheets npOCTUHH prahstynee* shovel joiiaiKa lahpaht'ka sideboard 6yerk boofet' smoke AblMI dym soot Jan sah'zha spark HCKpa ee'skrah stairs jicTHHqa let*neetsah stone KaMCHi kah'men stove Mfe pech table CTOJT, stol tongs mHIIUii shcheeptay* towel DoaoTeiiqt pahlahten'tsa Engliih. 29 Buiiitn. PronondktlOB. trunk cyHAyici soondook' wall CTBHa stenah' [sve'chka wax-candle BocKOsafl caiiKa vahskahvah'ya window OKHO ahkno' wood Apona drahvah' writing-table nHCfcMCHHUft CTOJTI, pees'menny etahl. 13. Town and Country. (Topoxb H flepeBHfl.) For Conrersationi tea Page 106. Bank EaHKi bank barn capaft sarah'i bridge MOCTl mahst brook pyqeu rooche'i building nocipdilKi pahstro'ika bush KyCTfc koost cathedral cotiopi sahbor' cattle CKOTT. skot cemetery KJajOnme klahd'biehche chapel vacdsHa chesov'nya chemist's shop auTena apte'ka church qepKOBt tser'kah/ coffee-room HUi zal country AepeBHfl dere'vnya courtyard ABOpt dvahr custom-house Tanoxua tamo'zhnya ditch POBI rof edifice SAauie zdah'nie environi OKpeCTHOOTH ahkre'stnastee exchange Oiipaa beerzha farm MM3a my'za fence BsropoAfc ee'zgahrah/ field noae po'le fisherman pu6am> rybahk' footpavement tpoxyap* trahtooar' forest An lee jate Bopota vahro'ta grass tpani travah* harbour risau gah'-va* so Englich. Ruisiin. PrononclfttloB. hay CtHO se'nah herd CTaAO Btah'dah high-road fio.ibinas A0p<5ra bahl'sha'ya dahro'ga hill X0.1MT> khahlm hospital Co.ibiiiiiia bahlnee'tsa hotel rocTiiuHHua gahstee'nneetsa huntsman OXOTHHKl ahkhot'neek hut IH/KUlia khee'zhyna inn KOplMa kahrchmah* log QOJtHO paZe'na market ptJIIOK-k ry'nak meadow ,iyn look mill Me.ibunqa mefneetsa monument naMHTHHKl pah'myetneek mountain ropa gahrah' palace 4Bopem dvahrets' path TpondHKa trahpee'nka pier noja mola police-station yiacroKi oochah'stabk post-office noiiaim pahchtab'mt prison TWpbMa tyoormah* public-house TpaKTHpl trakteer' railway-station BOK3aX& vahg-zahl* river fptft rekah* road Aopdra dabro'ga chool mKOja shko'la shepherd nacryu pastookh* shop jasKa lah'fka soil noisa pu'cbva square iudma4& plo'shchat street yaima oo'leetsa telegraph-office xejerpa** telegraf theatre TCaipT. teahtr' timber CTpoeBOfl 4tCl strahyevo'-i let town ropOAi* go'raht town-hall Ayna doo'ma tower Caniaa bab'sbnya tramway KOtuca kou'ka 81 English. Banian. Pronunolat!o. tree Aepeeo de'revah university yHnBepCHTer* ooneeversee-te't valley 40.5 iina dahlee'na village AepeBHfl dere'vnya (with church) CCjW selo' waterfall BOAona4i> vahdahpah't. 14. Professions and Trades." (SanAiia H penecja.) Cycling see Page 125. Photography gee Pace 108. Commercial and Trading Term* Page* 70 to 77. Naval and Military Term* Pages 56 to 69. Baker EyjoiiiHKi boo'lahchneek bookbinder nepeiLieTiHKt pereplyo'tcheek bookseller KHuronpOAaseqi kneegahprahdah'- brewer nilBOBEpT> peevahvah'r [vets butcher MfleilUK'b mesneek' carpenter lUOTHUKl plot'neek cashier KacciipT, kaseer' clergyman CBHlueilHllKl sveshche'nneek clerk npHKas^HKi preekah'acheek consul KOHCV.IT, kon'sool cook noBapt [ne40Bi po'vahr [seepe'dahf cycle makers *aCjpHKaHT1i BCJOCU- fabree-kahnt' velah- engineer DH/KeHepi eenzhener' fencing- master yinTe.ib *eiTOBauia oochee'tel fekhtahvah'neey florist qB^TOIHEKli tsveto'chneek glazier CTCKOJbmUKl stekol'shcheek goldsmith 30.10TUXT. 4*1* zahlaht-ykh' del nacTepi mah'ster governess rvBepnauTKa goovernahn'tka hairdresser napaKMaiepi pareekmah'kher hatter IIUflHO^HUKT, shlyah'pachneek jeweller lOBeJHpl yoovelee'r lady's maid ropiiniHaa gor'neechnaya laundress npaina prah'chka mason KaMGHtqUKl kah'menshcheek merchant Kyneui, koope'ts messenger nocbubuua pahsyfny miller M^JbUHKl meTneek n English. Buiiian. Pronunciation. nurse HflHft nyar'nya officer o*Kuepi ahfeetse'r optician OIITHKT, op'teek photographer *oT6rpa*i fahto'graf physician Bpaii, vrach policeman ropoAOBda gah-rah-dah-vo^ post-master noqTMeucrepi pahcht'meister printer THnorpa*moK% teepahgrahf- professor npoeccopi prafe'sar [shcheek saddler Cme.!faHl!KT sedeZ'neek schoolmaster yquie.ib oochee'tei servant c-iyra sloogah' shoemaker candjKHHKi sapo'zhneek shopkeeper 4aB01HHK* lah'vahchneek smith Kyaneui. koozue'ts soldier coj4ari> sahl-daht' student cry4eim Btoodent' tailor [ages nOpTHOH [fl3bIKOBl pahrtno'i [yezykof teacher of langu- npeno4aBaTCJfc prepahdavah'teZ tinman XeCTflHHKTt zhestyeneek' trade peaiecjo remeslo' watchmaker qacoBiuuK* chesahf-shcheek' workman pafiotrift rabo'chee. 15. Ships and Shipping. (Cyja n CJAOXOACTBO.) Steamboat see Pag* 119. Anchor flKOpb yarTcahr boat JOAKa lot'ka bow B0d> nos cabin Kaibra kayoo'ta cable KailUTT. kanah't deck na.y6a pah'looba [soo'dnah fishing-boat puCojioBuoe cyAuo rybahlo'vnahye fishing-net citu se'tee flag jari flak helm jma rooZ keel KHJI. IBM! land CIOAHTI. & 6epen khadee^ nah' berek 33 KnglUb. Bnatiaa. Fronunciatlom. . landing-stage cpiictaHb pree'stan' light-house Mc'13KT> mayar'k mast Maira mah'chta oar BCCJO veslo' pilot-boat jouMancKifi 6dn> lo'tsmanskee bot rope BepgBisa very of ka rudder pyjb rool' Bail napyci pah'roos fchip Kopa&jb kahrah'p steersman pyjeBofl roolevo'i stern KOpMa kormah* tug (JyKcripi looksee'r wharf npHCTam, pree'stan*. 16. Travelling. (IlyTeinecTBie.) Tor Conversations Pages 116 to 123. Arrival IIpi*34T, pree'yest bill cien, shchot box flUlHKl yar'shcheek bridle y34a oozdah' cabman B3B031HK* eezvo'scheek captain KanHTam. kapeetahn' carriage lapera kare'ta [ahddele'ni* cloak-room 6araxHoe OT4ueHie bagah'zhnae coachman (driver) nyiepi koo'cher cushion [officer nojyniKa [VHHOBHBKI pahdoosh'ka custom-house TailOHjeHHblU tamo'zhenny chee- departure OTli34l ahtye'st [no'vneek engine napOBoai [K.iacca parahvo's [klah'sa first-class ticket fiujen. nepsaro beelet' per'vavah foot warmer ropi.ina (4-ia Honb) gahre'lka (dlya nok) guard KOH4yKTOpl kahndook'tar guide npOB04HHKl> prahvahdnee'k guide book nyTeB04Hreji. pootevadee'teZ hat-box ^eMojaniiiK-k 4J chemahdah'ncheek auflnu dlya shlyar'py hotel rocTHHuaqa gahstee'neetsa interpreter nepesoATOKi perevo'tcheek Kngliih. 34 R'ltsian. Ptonuncijtlon. key K.IIOTK klyooch landlady I03HHK3 khahzyah'eeka landlord IP3HIIHT. khahzyah'een luggage Garaxi bahgah'sh office KOHTOpa kahnto'ra omnibus OMHH6yCl om'neeboos payment zuaxa plah'ta pilot JOEMaHl lots' man porter HOCli.lblUHKT. naseel'shcheek railway se.ii3Haa Aopora zhelez'naya dahro'ga railway-carriage BaroHi. vago'n rail way- station BOKS&Tb vahgzah'l receipt KBHTaiiuia kveetahn'tseeya reins BO/K/SH vozh'zhee road Aopora dahro'ga saddle ClAJO sedlo' [stahn'tseei station-master Haia.ibHHKi ciaHuiH nachahrneek steamer napoxoAi. parahkhot' strap peMCHfc remye'n ticket fufn beelet' ticket-office 6n.eTHaa xacca beelet'naya kah'sa train n6^3Ai> po'yest [adeyah'loh travelling rug AOpOXHOe OAtflJO dahro'zhnahye trunk veHOAaui chemadah'n voyage nyxemecTBie pooteshe'stveeye waiter ^CJOBtKI, chelah'vyek [rahf waiting-room sajT> A** nacaxHpOBi zal dlya pasazhee'- whip KHyn knoot. 17. "Writing. (TlacBMa.) Tor ConTenation* tee Fagei 107 A 133. Address BApeCT, ah'dres [boomah'ga blotting-paper npoiiycKnaa 6ynara prapoosknah'ya book Kuara knee'ga date YHCJO chislo' envelop* KOHBCpTTk kahnvert' ink if'pnii.iu cherneera inkstand lepHHJLHEJUa chernee2'neets u Kngliih. Banian. Pronunciation. letter nncbMd pees'mo' letter-paper, writ- noiTosaa Gy&iara, pahchto'vaya boo- ing paper nHcqafl 6. mah'ga,pees'chayab. note saniicKa zapee'ska paper CyMara boomah'ga pencil KapaH4anr& karandah'sh penknife nepo^HHHbiH HO/KOKI peracheen'ny no'zhyk postage stamp noiTOBas Mapna pahchto'vaya mah'rka post-card orapuioe ni.M<5 ahtkry'tahye pee*mo' post-office [box) nOTTaMTT. pahchta'mt [pee'eem postal box (pillar- HUIHKT. 4JH nHCPMTi yah'ehcheek dlya quire Acerb [saKasubiMi dest [zakazny'm register a letter CAasaTb HHCbMO zdavat' peesmo' scissors BOKHHUbl no'zhneetsy seal neiaik pechah'i sealing-wax cypryu aoorgoo'ch sheet jnCTT, leest signature no.trreck pot'pee* steel pen nepo pero* telegram Te.ierpasiMa telegrah'ma writing OHcaHie peesah'nie. 18. Time and Seasons. (Bpena n BpeMena For Conreriatioiu ita Page 104. Afternoon Hono.iy4ini pahp ahl o o'dnee beginning eaiajo nachah'lah birthday 46Hb pO/KACHiH dew razhdye'neeyt Christmas PO/K4CCTBO Eahzhdestvo* dawn (to) paacBtian rassvetah'i day 4CHb den every day eXe4H6BHO yezhednye'vnah every other day repeal 46H& chye'res den from day to day B30 4Hfl B'b 4CHb eezah dnyar* v den in his days BI ero BpeMi v yevo' vre'mya in the days of old si crapHBy f stareenoo' 3* Bagliih. | Kuiiiwt. Pronunciation. in the day 4Hesn> dnyom in these days Ha 3THXI 4H8X1> na ee'tikh dnyakh at this time of day BT> 3TO BpeMfl 4HH v ee'tah vre'mya the whole day inUMfl ACHi tsye'l-i den [dnya day after to- nooitaaBTpa pahslezah^ftra morrow [terday the day before yes- Tpeibflro AM trye'/yevah dnya to-day, this day oermifl ACH& na sle'dooyooshche* night HOIb noch noon no-ueHb pol-den* now tenepw teper* part vea chast quarter leiBeprw chet'ver^ quarter of an hour ci chesah* 87 English. Bntlian. PronnnoUtioa. the seasons Bpoiena roja vremenah' go'da second cenyHAa sekoo'nda sunrise BOCXOAT. COJHIta vahskho't so'ntsa sunset saKan. zakah't time Bp-JMH vrye'mya twilight cysiepKH soo'merkee whole nt-ioe tse'laye week neAt.ia nede'lya this week Ha 3Toii Hexkin na ee'ti nede'le in a week lepeai. HCA'B-IIO che'res nede'lyoo next week na (5y4ymeu He4ii na boo'dooshchei week-day 6y4HH boo'dnee [nede'le weekly e*eHCAt.!i>iibi3 yezhenede'l'ny Whitsuntide 4yXOB1> 4CHb DooTchaf den year TOAT. got yesterday Biepa fcherah' morning yipoMi oo'trahm , evening BeqepoMi , ve'cherahm January HiBapb JenvahV February 4>eBpajfc FevrahV March Mapn Mart April Anpij* Aprye'/ May Mafl Mai June ttm Tu'n July iKUk YuV August ABrycn A'vgoost September CeHTfl6pb Sentyar'pr October OKTfl6pfc Aktyar'pr November Hoa6pi. Nayar'pr December jlftltjt Dekah'pr Monday none.iijbHUK'i pahnederneek Tuesday BTOplIHKT> ftor'neek AVednesday cpej& sredah' Thursday ^eiBepr* chet-verk* Friday OHTHUUa pyar'tneetsa Saturday cy666ia soobo'ta Bngliih. 38 Russian. Pronunciation. last Sunday next Sunday Spring Summer Autumn Winter BocKpecenie npouuoe BCCHa jfera <5cem 8HMa vahskrese'nie pro'shlaye vesnah* lye'tah o'sen zimah* 19. Public Holidays in Russia. (HenpHcyTCTBCHHLie AHH BI Poccin.) New Year's Day Epiphany Candlemas Shrovetide(2 days) Annunciation Passion Week (3 days) Easter Week Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas Thau- maturgus Ascension Day Trinity Sunday The Descent of the Holy Ghost St. Peter and Paul The Transfigura- tion of our Lord The Assumption of the Holy Virgin The Beheading of St. John the Baptist The Birth of the Virgin Mary HOBblfi EoroaB.ieme Cpiienie Haoiflunqa KiaroHTmjeme crpacTHaa nepeneceme Momefl CB. TBOpna Boanec^Hie 4PHb OB. TpdllHbl CouiecTBie CB. CB. anorto^OBi Fleipa H ITaBja J Toc- ycneuie Ilpeca. Boro- pOAHKU yciiKHOueiiie loaima O Borop[>aHuiH Frahn'teeeyah a Frenchman paHuysi frantsoos' a German HiMeut ne'mets Germany repMania Germah'neeya Holland galahn'deeya a Hungarian Benrepou-k venge'rets Hungary BeHrpia Ven'greeya Ireland IIpjanAia Eerlahn'deeya an Irishman np.jaHAeui, eerlahn'dets an Italian Bxa-iiiflHeqi eetalyah'neti Italy liTajifl Eetahl'eeya Japan flnonu Yapo'neeya Japanese flnOHPIIT. yapo'nets kingdom KOpO.I6BCTBO kahrahlefstva Russia Poccia Rabssee'ya a Russian pyccKifi roos'kee a Scotchman moTjaH4eui shahtlahn'dets Scotland UIoT4aH4iji Shahtlahn'deeya Spain Ilciiama Eespah'neeya a Spaniard BcnaHeirfc eespah'nets a Swede 1UB641 shvyet' Sweden niBeuLi Shvyet'seeya Inglish, 41 Bassian. Pronunciation. a Swiss raBfHuapeui shveitsah'rets Switzerland IllBefiuapia Shveitsah'reeya. 21. Colours. (IlBfexa.) Black ^epnufi chor'ny blue, dark ciiniti see'nee pale rojy66fl gahloobo'i brown KOpHHHeBUa kari'chnevy dark TeMHblfl tyom'ny green se.ienua zelyo'ny grey cipuu se'ry light CBtTJUH Bvetly orange opaHxesuH arahn'zhevy purple CarpoBbiii bagro'vy red KpaCHblH krahs'ny violet *io.!eTOBbia fiale'tavy white 6i.iuu bely yellow XgjTKlfi zholty. 22. Cardinal Numbers. (4i ICJHTeJItHIiIfl KOJIUHeCTBeHHtlfl.) For Grammatical Notes see Page 86. Busiian. Pronunciation. Russian. Pronunciatiom. 1 04iiin> aluieen' 18 eoceMHaAqanvahsemuah'tsat n dva 19 ACBaTHaAuaTb devetnah'tsal 3 Tpa tree 20 ABajqaib dvahtsa^ 4 leiijpe chety're 21 OAUIIT. r ahdeen* 5 nun pya^ 22 ABa dva 6 uiecifc ehest 23 TpH tree 7 CCMb sem 24 . qeiupe chety're 8 loceMk vo'sew 25 natb pjai 9 jeBHTb de'vet 26 iiiecib shesl 10 Aecaib do 1 set 27 ceMb -- gem 11 OAHHHa.waTb ahdee'natsa/ 28 soceMb vo'sem 4 O dvenah'tsa^ 29 AeBHTb n de've< 13 TpHHiiAUaTb treenah'tsa^ 30 TpiiAqaTk tree'tsai 14 ICTblpHUAUai i chety'rnatsa^ 40 cdpOKi so'rak 1 f\ naTu ' tiaTi. pyetnah'tsa< 50 naxbAecHTb peedesyarf 16 inecTnaAuaTi shestnah'tsa^ 60 inecTtAecaTi shesdesyarf 17 cesiiiaAuaifc semuah'tsa^ 70 ceMMecHTt eem'dese^ 42 Banian Pronunciation. 80 BoceMbjccarb vo'semdesetf 90 ACBaHocTO deveno'stah IGOCTO Bto 101 OAHHT, ,, ahdeen* 110 jecaib ,, de'set 120 ABaAqaifc dvah'taaf 130 tpuAuan ,, tree'tsai 200 ABicTH dve'stee 300 rpHcra tree'sta 400 ^eTKipecra chetee'resta 500 naibcdn, petso't 600 mectbCOTi shesiso't 1899. One thou- Tbicaia . sand eight hun dred and ninety- nne Haitian. Pronunciation 700 ceMbcorfc semso't 800 Bocejifccorivahsemso't 900 ACBflTkcdrk devetso't lOOOibicaia ty'secha 2000 4BtTiicai dve ty'sechee 3000 xpa tree 10,000 Aecan TbicaTfc de'sei ty'eech 20,000 ABajuaib TiJcair, dvah'tsat a million Mu.uioHi ineeleeo'n ty'secha vahaemso't deveuo'stah de'vef. 33. Ordinal Numbers. Englirh. Bufiian. Pronunciation. The 1st DepBufl pe'rvy - 2nd BTOpOH ftahro'i - 3rd tpeiia tre'tee 4th verse pruft chetvyo'rty 5th naibiu pyah'ty 6th meciofl shesto'i 7th CejbMOfl sedmo'i 8th BOCbHOA vahsmo'i 9th ACBaTbifl devyar*ty 10th Aecatfjfi desyar'ty llth OAHHHa4UaTbl8 adee'natsaty . 12th ABT.Hajuaiuu dvenah'tsaty 13th TpuiiaAiiaTbiH treenah'tsaty 14th qeThipifa.maTijfl chety*rnatsaty 15th . naTHajuarwii petnah'tsaty - 16th mecTHaAuaxuii shesnah'tsaty 17th ceMHMuaTufi semnah'tsaty 18th BoceMBaAQandl vahsemnaii'tsaty 49 ngllih. Buuiui. Pronunciation. the 19th ACBTniMiiaTuil devetnah'tsaty 20th ABa/waiKifl dvatsah'ty - 21st ABfuuaTb aepBhifl dvah'tsa< per'vy 30th TpiunaTbifl treetsah'ty . 40th COpOKOBOfl sahrahkavo'i 50th naiHAecaiua pyeteedesyar'ty 60th mecTiuecHTuft shesteedesyar'ty 70th ceMiuecHTtifl semeedesyar'ty 80th BocbMiuecfltbifl vasmeedesyar'ty 90th AeBHTH4ecflxufl devotee desyar'ty . 100th COTUU flo'ty 1000th TLJCaiHUft tyseshny last nocMiAHift pahslye'dni. 24. Collective Numbers, etc. ( lIIC.IHTG^lLHLJfl COOHpa.T6JILHE>IH II npo'i.j A couple Ilapa pah'ra double 4BOfiH(5i dwaino'i dozen 4H)SHHa dyoo'zhyna the first time nepBbiH pa3i> per'Ty ras a fifth naiaa iacib, OAH& pyar'taya chasf, naiad ahdnah' pyar'taya firstly Bo-nepuhiii vah-per'vykh the half no-iOBiina pahlavee'na once pa3i> ras one sort ojiiirb copn ahdeen' sort a pair napa pah'ra a score 4a 4ecflTKa dva desyar'tka secondly BO-BTOpblll vah-ftahry'kh the second time BiopoH paai ftahro'i ras simple npocTofl prahsto'i singly OTji.ibJio, no ahddye'lnah, pah 04HHO'JK* ahdeeno'chke a third ipeib tre* thirdly Bl TpeTbHXl f tre'teekh threefold TpOfiHOfl traino'i three-sevenths TPH CCABMUX* tree sediny'kh JEngliiK 44 Bunian. Pronunciation. twice two sixths two sorts ABa paaa, AB&KAU Asa copra dva rah'za,dvah'zhdy dve shesty'kh dva Ko'rta. 35. Adjectives. (HpiuiaraTejitHHa.) For Grammatical Notes see Pages 83 to 86. (Borne Nount of Quality are here given for convenient reference.) Arrogant HadMennua nadme'nny bad Aypnofl doorno'i bitter rdpiKifl go'rki blind CJtIIOH slepo'i blunt tyndft toopo'i bold cMti.ibia Bmye'ly breadth (the) muptuia Bhyreenah* brisk XHBOfl zhyvo'i broad BWpOKifl shyro'ki certain BifiHbiu, yBtpeHHuS vye'rny, oovye'renny cheap AeiiieBuA deshovy clean YHCTUfi chee'sty clear HCHblfl yar'sny clever cnoco^Hufi spahso'bny cold XOjfOAHblfl khahlo'dny content AOBOJbHUfl davo'iny courageous xpaGpuii khrah'bry cowardly TpyCjKtBKlfl trooslee'vy dark TfiMBUft tyo'mny deaf wyxofl glookho'i dear Aopordfi dahrago'i deep wyfioKia gloobo'ky dirty rpasHbia gryah'zny disagreeable nenpiflTHufl nepreeyar'tny dishonest HCieCTHblfl neche'stuy drunken DtHHblU pyar'ny dry cyxda sookho'i dumb H%MOfi nemo'i dusty niJ.if.HLja py'toy early piiiuiifi rahn'ni easy Jierxifi lyokh'ki English. 45 Eugsimn. Pronunciation. equal paBHMil [6sj(OKypbi8 rah'vny [belakoo'ry fair npeKpacHbift, prekrah'sny, faithless BtpOJOMHblfi veralom'ny false JO/KHtlfi lo'zhny fat JKlipHblfl, TfoCThlfl zhy'rny, to'hity fierce CBiipf,nbi3 sveere'py . fit ro4Hja go'dny flat OJOCKia plo'sky foolish wynufi gloo'py free CB0064HUft svabo'duy frequent qacTbia chah'sty fresh csixifl sve'zhi full no.iHufl pol'ny gay sece^Mfl vesyo'ly gentle MHFKifl myar*khky good AOtipljfl do'bry great BejHKiS velee*ky hairy KOCMatuS kasmah'ty handsome KpactiBbifl krasee'vy happy cqacT.iHBbia schastlee'vy hard TflSpAblfi tvyo'rdy heavy THX&tufl tezho'ly height (the) Bbicora vysatah* high BblOOKW vyso'ki hollow nycTda poosto'i honest *eCTHblfi che'stny hungry rojo4HuS galo'dny ill 6o.!f,noii ba/no'i impolite HeHisjfiBtia neve'zhleevy innocent HeBHHHblfl neveen'ny just CnpaB64JHBUfl epravedlee'vy lame IpOMOfl khramo'i large balsho'i late n034HU3 po'zni lean iy4oi5, nesripHMfl khoodo'i, nezhy'rny length (the) /MHua dleenah' light j6nda lyokh'ki long AJuiuuufl, 4<5-irifi dleen'ny, dol'gi 41 Engliih. Russian. Pronnnoiation. muddy rpaSHblfi gryah'zny narrow ysKifi oo'skee new HOBUft no'vy oblong npOAO.iroBaTbifl pradalgavah'ty old crapua stah'ry open OTKpIJTHfl atkry'ty polite BtJKJHBfjfl ve'zhleevy poor <5i4HLl8 be'dny pretty MB.lOBrijHblfl, meelavee'dnj, lopomeHbidfl kharo'ebenkee private Y&CTHUft chah'stny proud r<5pAuS gor'dy public o(5m6cTBeHHbi3 apshche'stvenny pure ^riCTHfl chee'sty quiet COOKOfiHblft spako'iny rich fiorarufl bagali'ty ripe crrfjufl spe'ly rough rpyfiuB groo'by round Kpyrjufl kroo'gly sacred CBamenHufl sveshche'nny sad neiajbHtifi pechah'/ny sharp OCTpblfl o'stry short KOpOTKill karo'tkee slow Me4.eHHtifl, ruxia me'dlenny, tee'khee small MfbeHbKifi, xajud mah'lenkee, mah'ly smooth rja4Kifl glah'tkee soft MHnufl myahTcbkee sound SAOpOBUft zdaro'vy sour KUC.1UU kee'sly square qeTbipSiyro.ibHufl cheteeryo*khoogo'&iy strange etpaiiHufi strah'ny strong CilbHblfl seefny stupid raynufl gloo'py sweet ciaAKid slah'tkee swift ducrpui by'stry tender HiSHtlfl ne'zhny thick TOJCTblfi to'lsty thickness (the) TO-UUMHft talshcheeuah' 47 BngUih. Russian. PronnnclktioK. thin T6HKiu to'nkee thirsty jKa/K4ymiii zhah'zhdooshchee timely CBOeBpeMCHHtlfl svayevre'menny troublesome AOKya3Hbia bezabrab'zny unfit nerojHbifl nego'dny unsettled paSCTpOCHHIjg rasstro'yennj useful nojeSHhifl pale'zny Tain TmeTHblfl tehche'tny warm Ten.iufi tyo'ply weak CJa6wa slah'by well 340pOBUfl zdaro'vy wet MOKpBlA mo'kry whole iriiufl tee'ly wide nrapoKid sbyro'kea wild AHKifi dee'kee wise My4pu* moo'dry young 11040400 malado'i. 26. Verbs. (TflarojiH.) Vor Grammatical Notes Page 87 to 91. to accept IlpHHIIMatb preeneemah'f to admire YAHBJHTbCJI oodeevlyar'tsa to affirm yTBepauaifc ootverzhdah'^ to answer OTBiiiaTI, atvechah'i to approve 04o6pan adabryar'< to arrive npHfiuBaTt preebyvahV to ascend noAWMaxbca padymah'tsa to ask cnpainHBaifc Bprah'shyvai to assure yBtpflTb ooveryarV to awake npocunaibCH prasypah'tsa to beat 6HTb bee< to begin Haqanaifc nacbeenahV to believe BtpHTb ve'reei to blame nopHqaTb pareetsah'< 48 Xngliih. Bntrian. Fronnnoiatloa. to boil napiirh vareeV to borrow samiMarb zaneemahV to breakfast saerpaKaTb zah'ftrakai to bring nplIHCKHTfc preenasee'< to build CTpOHTb stro'ee/ to buy noKynan pakoopahY to calculate BUVHCJflTb vycheeslyar'f to carry HOCHTb nasee't to chat Oo.iraTb baltah'^ to cook rOTOBHTfc gato'vee^ to compare cpaBHiiBan srah'vueeva/ to consent oor.iamaTbca saglashah'tsa to continue np040j*aTfc pradalzhah'f to cough KauuHTb kah'shlya* to cover noKpusaTfc pakryvah'< to dance raHuoeaTb tantsavah'< to deny OTpHUaTb atreetsah'f to depart OTUpaR.lHTLGH atpravlyar'tsa to descend cxoaiiTb, cnycKaitca skhadeeV, spooskah'ts* to desire xejan zhelahV to despise npeanpan prezeerah'f to dine Hffm abe'da^ to dispute cnopiiTb spo'reei to doubt coMH-BBaibca samnevah'taa to draw Tam;:Tb piiroBaifc tashcheeV reesavah'f to dream CHHTbCH snee'tsa to dress OJ-RRiTb adevahV to drink DHTb poet to eat MM jest to embrace ofiHBMan abneemah'i to esteem ysaHjaTb oovazhah'^ to estimate n^HUTb tscnee'< to exchange MtHHTb menyar'f to exclaim BOCK.lHUaTb vaskleetsah'^ to excuse BSBHHHTb eezveenyar'f to explain o6lHCHdTfc abesnyar'< 49 English. Russian. Pronunciation. to fall nJUaib pah'datf to feel lyBCFBOBaTb choo'fstvava< to find Ha\40BaTb sle'davatf to forget saiuiBaxb zabyvah'i to get up Bcxaeaxb fstavahV to give Aasaxb davah7 to go XO,uiTh, S34HTk khndeeV, ye'zdeei to go in BX04Tb fkhadee'/ to go out BbIX04tiTb vj'khadeeV to grow pacxd rastee' to hate HenaBH4tTi nenavee'de< to hear c.iuiiiaTb ely'shaf to honour noqinaib pacheetah'i to hope HaAiflTbCfl nade'yatsa to hide npaxaxb pryah'ta< to be hungry Cl.iTb rOJ04HbIMl by< galo'dneem to imagine Boofipawaxb vaabrazhah'< to imitate nojpa/Kaib padrazhah't to insult ocKopfi^fln askarblyar*< to joke myxHifc shootee^ to jump npwraTb pree'gaj to know snatb ZD&t to to laugh CMtflTbCH smeyah'tsa to lay the table- HaKpbiBaib CTOJI nakreevah't stol to learu [cloth yTHTbca oochee'tsa to lend ccywaib ssoozhah'f to lie down JOXliTbCfl lazhy'tsa to live HTb zhyt to look for HCKliTb eeskah't to lose Tepatb teryar'J to love j!Hj6l!Tb lyoobee'^ to maintain yTnepX4aTb DO;Uep/KHBaTb ootverzhdah'< padde'rzheevat to meet BCTptiaTfc fstrechah'f to mention ynoMUHatb oopameenah'f 4 BO English. Russian. Pronunciation. to be mistaken omiifiaTbCH asheebah'tsa to not to know He 3naTb ne znah't to object Bospa atari vazrazhah'/ to offend Ofill/K.TTb abeezhahY to open OTKpbJBait atkreevahV to pack up ynaxoBaTfc oopakavah'i to paint KpaCHTfc krah'see^ to pardon npo'iiark prashchah'< to pay n.ianiik platee'f to plant ca/Kan. sazhahV to play nrpaib eegrah'< to pluck cpbiBaib sreevah'< to praise XBa.iiiTb khvalee'^ to present pretstavlyar'f f AOKaSbJBaTb dakah'zeeva< to prove OKaaMBaibCi akah'zeevatsa to punish naxaauBaTb nakah'zeeva< to quarrel CCOpHTbCS sso'reetsa to be quiet <5biTb cnoKofiaum beet spako'ineem to read 1UTUTW cheetah'^ to reap in zh&t to receive nojyqan paloochah'< to reflect paSMbioLDtn razmeeshlyar'/ to refuse OTKasbieaTi atkah'zeevah'< to regret xajiTk zhaleV to rejoice pa,ionaTbCH rah'davatsa to remember nOMIIHTb pom'neei to repay OTDjaquBan atplah'cheevai to repeat nOBTOpHTfc paftaryar'f to repent pacxaHBaTbCi raskah'eevatsa to reply OTBiqatb atvechahV to rest OT4blXaTb addeekhahV eo return BOSBpamaib, -ex vazvrashchah'l, -ts to revenge MtTillb mstee< to ring the bell SBOIIliTb zvanee'< to roast xapUTb zhah'ree/ to run finm be'ga* to say roaopan gavaree'< 51 Kngliih. Bnffian. Pronunciation. to scheme cpoeKTHpoBaifc prayektee'rava^ to seal saneiaTbinaTk zapechah'teevai to see BlUTiTh vee'def to sell npoaaaaTk pradavahV to serve C.iy.KUTb sloozhceV to show noKaSbiean pakah'zeeval to sigh B3Abixan> vzdeekhahV to sign DOAtlliCMBaTb patpee'seeva^ to sit down cajiiibca sadee'tsa to sleep cnaib Bp'dt to sneeze iHxaik cheekah'< to sow CtflTb se'ya^ to speak fOBOpHTfc gavaree'i to spin npacTb pryah's* to spoil nopiHT* po'rtee^ to steal Kpacifc kras< to stitch UlHTb shee^ to study Hsyiaii eezoochahY to sup yauiuaifc oozheenah'i to swear MHCTbCfl klyars'tsa to take 6patb bral to taste npo6oBan pro'bavaf to tell paacKaauBaTfc rasskah'zeeva/ to thank 6aaro4apHTb blagadaree'f to think 4yM3Tb doo'ma^ to be thirsty XOriTb OHTk khateV pee< to throw fipocaib brasah'^ to touch Tporaib tro'gaf , to translate nepCBOjiiib perevadee'< to travel nyieuiecTBOBaTb pooteshe'stvava/ to uncover pacKpbiBaxb raskreevah'^ to unpack paciiaKOBaib raspakavah'f to wash MblTb meat to weep n.i;tKa-rb plah'kai to weigh BCIiiUIIIBaTb vzve'sheevaf to wish Ke^aTb zlielah'< to wish, will lorixb khate'f to work pafioiaifc rabo'ta* 52 Engliih. Kneiian. Pronunciation. to worship DOK-lOHflTbCfl paklanyah'tsa to wrap saBepiuBaTfc zavyo'rteevai to write DHCaib peesahY. 27. Adverbs, Conjunctions and Prepositions. (Hapiiia, coH>3H H npe^Jiorn.) For Grammatical Notes see Page 93. About Ofi K, (')K(MO ap, o'kala above Haul nat above all 66jne Bcero bo'lee fsevo* according to no, corjacHO ci pa, saglah'sna a after nocjn, sa po'sle, za afterwards ndc.n,, BnocjiiACTBii po'sle, fpasle'tstvee again onflTb, CHosa apyah<, sno*va against DpOTHBl pro'teef all (adj.) necb, pea, BC*, set ves, vsya, vsyo, vae all at once B^pyr-i vdrook almost D01TH pachtee' already ye oozhe* also &M to'zhe although XOTfl khatyah' altogether COBCiBTfc safse'm.' always Bcer^a fseghdah* among uex^y, nocpCArf me'zhdoo, pasredee* and ee anywhere FAi HH6y4fc gde neeboof as m kak as many as ) as much as j CTOJbKO CKO^bKO sto'lka sko'lk as soon as K3K-1. TOJbKO kak to'/ka at y, BT. oo, v at first cuepsa spervah' at last HaKOHeu'b nakane'ts at least DO Kpauxeii Mip* pa krah'inee me're at once cefiiaci seichah's [vre'mya at present i Hacroflotee BpeMa v nastayar'shcheye badly BJOXO plo'kha because noTouy, ITO patainoo', shta 58 Engllih. Rusiian. Pronnnciatlon. before nepPAi, 40, Bnep04;i pe'ret, dah, fperede*' behind caaaa, 3a, n6cj* zzah'dee, za, po'sle below (adv.) nasf vneezoo* below (prep.) OSffc pat besides, beyond KpOMU T0r6 kro'me tavo* better jyiine loochshe between Bleary me'shdoo but HO nali by nOCpe4CTBOMl pasrets'tvam by little and little no Majy mah'la pah mah'loo by the side of 6&M voz'le by turns nooiepe4H pao'cheredee consequently c.ii40naTejibHO ele'davateZna down BHII31, BHHSy vnees, vneezoo* during BT, npOAOj/Kenie f pradalzhe'nie early pano rah'na either or -4H HJH -lee ee'lee elsewhere BT> 4pyr6M4 MicTB v droogo'm mea't* enough AOBOJbHO davo'Zna even if Aaxe ecjH dah'zhe ye'slee every (adj.) Ka*4UH ka'zhdy everywhere noitcw4y pafsyoo'doo except (conj.) ^CylH 116 ye'slee ne except (prep.) KpOMS kro'me except that paSB'K TOJbKO rah'zve to'/ka far Aa^eK(') daleko' few words HiCKO^bKO CJOBl ne'skaZka slo'f for (prep.) A.IH, H31 3a dlya, eez za for (conj.) u6o ee'bah from on> at full of no.iHuft pol'ny hardly C4Ba yedvah 1 here 34'BCfc del how (adv.) 1 how (conj.) an kak however OAJiaKO adnah'ka how much? CKOAKO sko/'ka if feji ye'elee 54 Engliih. Kuisian. Pronuncffction. if not 4CJH H6 ye'slee ne if only eC.III TO.IbKO ye'slee to'/ka immediately HeMe4.J6HHO neme'dlenna in future Biipejb, na flyjymee fpre<, ua boodoo'- BpeMfl shcheye vre'mya in, within Bl, BHVTpH v, vnootree' indeed AtflCTBHTCJfcHO, deistvee'teZna, inside BHyTpii [npasAa vnootree' [prah'vda in spite of HC CMoipa Ha , ne smatryar' na , instead of BHicTo [BonpeKH vme'sta [vaprekee* in the midst of nocpeAii pasredee' late n63AHO po'zna less MeHte, MCHbllie me'neye, me'nshe like noAofino pado'bna little (adj.) Ma.tbifl mah'lee little (but little) wa-io, HeMHoro mah'la, nemao'ga many times MHoro pasi mno'ga ras more 66.1^0, 66.!buie bo'leye, bo'fehe more and more Bee 66jbuie & jojbme fsyo bo'Zshe ee much MH6ro mno'ga [bo' /she near 6JH3B blees nearly nO'lTH pachtee* neither nor HH HH nee nee never HiiKOr4a neekaghdah* next to pfl40MT> Cl ryar'dam a not He ne not at all Bonce ne, coBciMi He vo'fse ne, safse'm ne nothing HHTTO, HHtero neeshto' neechevo' nothing at all pOBHO HHier6 ro'vna neechevo' not yet em& He yeshcho* ne now tenepb tepe'r nowhere HHrAi neegde* of OTT>, 06% aht, ahp of course KOH61HO kaue'shna often lacro chah'sta one OAHHl ahdeen* on account of P&AH rah'dee on the contrary Hanpdiaii napro'teef 55 English. Bussian. PronuncUtlon. on the left Ha.ltBO nale'va on the opposite no TV crdpOHy pa too sto'rauoo on the right [side na npaso na prah'va on this side no aiy CTopoay pa e'too sto'rauoo only TO.IbKO to'flca opposite DpOTHBl pro'teef or H.IH ee'lee otherwise (adv.) j otherwise (conj.)j HHaie ee'nache out of H3T, ees outside (adv.) Bli izvne' over u nat perhaps Moxera Coin mo'zhet bee< presently, soon CKOpO sko'ra previously npeABapuTejbBO predvaree'teZna quickly CKOpo, fibicrpo sko'ra, bee'stra rather CKOpie, AOBOJbHO skare'ye, davo'/na round about OKCMO, BOKpy'ra o'kala. vakroo'k same (the) (adj.) TOTl XC to'd zhe scarcely 64Ba, yedvah', yele seldom ptjKO re'tka since (prep.) Cl 8 since (conj.) CT> TtX b n6pl K3KI, T3K b K3KI s tekh po'r kak, tak kak so TaK^ tak some (adj.) HeMHOFO, HiCKO.IbKO nemno'ga, ne'skaZka something K6e-TTO, HtlTO, TTO- ko'ye-shta, ne'shta. nnfiy4t shta-neeboo't sometimes BHor4a eenaghdah* so much CTOJbKO stoZ'ka so much the better TBMI jyime tern loo'chshe soon CKOpO sko'ra suddenly BHesaoBO vnezah'pna that HTO ghta that is TO ear* to' yesf that which (adj.) TO TTO to' shta then (adv.) TOF4a taghdah' then (conj.) TO, HTill to, eetah'k English. Busiian. PronunciaHoii. thence orryAa, noatoMy attoo'da, pae'tamoo thenceforth ci> mit nopi s tekh por* there T3MT), Tyn> tarn, toot therefore noaioMy pae'tamoo through iepe;n,, CKB03b che'res, skva thus TaKi, niKiiM'b tak. takeem, 66pa30Mi> o'brazam till now AO nivb nopi da seekh por 1 to n>, AO k, da together BMT.CT* vme'ste too much (UlilllKOMl MHOrO slec'shkam mno'ga towards DO HanpaB.i6niH) KI pa napravle'neeyoo k under D041> [(TO.IbKO) pat (to'Zka) unless eoiH-ue, pa3B*& ye'slee-ne, rah'zve until 40 da up Bsepxi, Hasepxi werkh, nave'rkh upon na na very OlCHb o'chen well xopomo kharasho' when KOFAa kaghdah' where? FA*? [KaKl gde? [tern kak while DOKa, MCHtAY TM1> pakah', me'zhdoo whilst BT> TO BpCMH, KUKT> f ta vre'mya, kak why? noiesiy ? 3aii,Mt? pachemoo'^zacheiuT willingly OXOTHO akho'tna with CT> 8 with, near y 00 within (adj.) BHyipn vnootree' without (prep.) BUR, 0631 vne, bes without doubt 603b COMllf.Hia bes samne'neeya vet OAHUKO, eme adnah'ka, yeshcho*. 28. Military Titles. (BoeHHue HHHIJ.) Private PHAOBOH (IHUKI redavo'i [shcheek bugler; drummer ropnucTi, 6apa6au- garnee'st, baraba'a- farrier KySHeirb koozne'ts trumpeter Tpy6a.qi trooba'ch corporal e*pefiTopi yefre'itar 57 English. HuBsian. Pronunciation. sergeant cepHtaim, serzhah'nt sergeant-major BaXMHCTpl vakhmee'str quarter-master KBaprapbepi kvarteere'r sergeant quarter-master KBapTBpMCHCTepl kvarteerme'ister warrant officer yHTepi>-o*imepi oo'nter-afeetse'r second-lieutenant noAiiopyquKTi patparoo'cheek lieutenant nopyiHKi paroo'cheek captain (infantry) KainiTairfc kapeetah'n (cavalry) pOTMHCTpl ratmee'str major Miiiop'b mayo'r lieutenant-colonel DOAUOJKOBHHKI. patpalko'vneek colonel nO.lKOBHHKt palko'vneek brigadier-general CpnraAHbiii renepln breega'dny generahl lieutenant- general reHepajiMefiieHaHTi generah'l-leitenah'nt field-marshal reHepajT>-*ejbAMap- generah'l-feZdmah'r commanding officer KOMaiiAiipT> [maun karnandee'r [shal commandant KOMeHdaHTT. kamendah'nt chief-of-the-staff Haia.itimKi uiia6a nachah'lneek ehtah'ba field-officer nrrafii-ovBqepi ghtab-afeetae'r staff-officer o*Hiiepi> reHepaA- afeetse'r generahl- naro uixafia nava shtah'ba brigade-major 6pira4Hutt KOJiaHi^pi brigah'dny kamandee'r commander-in-chief r.jaBHOKOMaH4yH)inifl glavnakamah'ndoo- doctor [(treasurer) Bpavb vrach [yooshchl paymaster HiireiuaHTi, eentendah'nt orderly BtCTOBOfl vestavo'i orderly-officer 4eajypnufl o*Hqepi, dezhoo'rny afeetse r, opAHHapeqi ardeenah'rets. 29. Naval and Military Terms. (BoeiniLie n MOpCKie Absence (leave of) accoutr tments acquittal ad&iiral advance (to) ornycKT. acTvnan o'tpoosk amuuee'taya apravdah'nia admeerah'l naatoopah't 5$ English. Buiiiao. Pronunciation. advanced guard aBanrapAi. avangahrt' party narpyjb patroo'i n post asaimocTi avaupo'st aiming drill y^enie BI npHCtpi- ooche'niee f pree- JDBaiUH stre'leevaneei alarm Tpesdra trevo'ga [poonkt ambulance nepeBH3oiHbifi nyuKTi perevyah'zachny ammunition aMymiuia amoonee'tseeya pouch naipOHTanrb patrantah'sh wagon sapa4HbiH aiMHK-fc zaryar'dny yar'- anchor flKOpb yar'kar [shcheek anchorage pefl^i reit armistice nepeMiipie peremee'rie armourer opyjKeiiHhjfl Macrepi aroozhe'iny mah'ster arms opyxie aroo'zhie army apMia ah'rmeeya army-corps apMeiicKifl Kopnyci arme'iski ko'rpoos army order DpHKa31> 00 apMlB preekah's pah arrow cxptja strelah' [ahr'miee arsenal apoeHajT, arsenah'l artillery apTH-wepia arteelle'riya attack HanaACHie napade'nie attack, false ajbuiHsaa axaKa fa/shy'vaya atah'ka flank jauroBaa flangavah'ya r front *POHTaJbHa frontaZnaya n , 1st line of nepsaa Ooesaa juuia per'vaya bayevah'ya lee'neeya 2nd line of BTOpaH ftarah'ya bayevah'ya lee'neeya attention ! CMiipno! smeer'na ! at what hour? BI> KOTOpui iac^? f kato'ry chas? axle OCb 05 back of a horse cnuna speenah* backsight opauln preetse'l badges suaKH znah'kee ball cartridge Ooeaofl narp6ui bayevo'i patro'n band opKecrpi arke'str barjack usapMa kazah'nua English. H Russian. Pronunciation, base ftn ba'za battalion <5aTa.ib0Hi batalyo'n battery (field) 6axapea batare'ya battle ftsm bee'tva bayonet UITUKT> shtyk charge aiaxa BT. IDTUKH atah'ka f shtykee* belt Kymaxi kooshah'k binoculars CllHOK.Ib beeno'k/ bit (for horse) MyHAiirryKi moondshtoo'k bivouac (to) CTOHTb Ha 6HBaKdXk stayart na bevah' blacking sanca vah'ksa [kakk bomb 6oM6a bo'mba bombard (to) 6oM6ap4HpOB3Tfc bamb ardee'ro va< booty 40(5 ijia daby'cha boot canort sapo'k breadth mepaua shyreena* breastband peMHH remnee* bribe BSflTKa vzyar'tka bridle y3Aa oozdah' brigade 0pKMI breegah'da broad mupOKifl shyro'ki bugle ropHb gorn sound curiiaji seegnah'l bullet fjl poo'lya button oyroBHqa poo'gaveetsa button-hole nerjH pe'tlya camel BepO.lKJAT, verblyoo't camel for riding BepxoBou Bep6jHJ4'i, verkhavo'i T camp jarepb lah'ger kettle KOTeXb katyo'l cannon, gun opydie aroo'die capture (to) Mm vzyah< carriage wheel KOjeco kaleso* cartridge natpoin patro'n belt nepeaaak pe'reve* (bandolier) cavalry Kauajepit kavale'ria walk man Rhak 60 English. Buisian. Pronunciation. cavalry trot pucb [jepiu ! rys [le'riee prepare for! roioBbcs A ia Kasa- gato'/sa dlya kava- cease fire! npeKpara oroHT,! prekratee* ago'n! certificate [charge CBUAiieJbCTBO sveeday'teZstva of dis- yKaai 061 OTcraeKt ookas' ab atstah'vke chain qsnt tsep change of front nepeMiua tpduxa pereme'na fro'nta ,, position no3Biuu ,, pazee'tsiet charge 1 BI arany! v atah'koo! cholera xojepa khale'ra company pora ro'ta half oojypora palooro'ta double ABOuuaa pora dvainah'ya ro'ta oloak [regiment UlUHeJi. sheene'Z colours of a SHaMa znah'mya column KO.IOHHa kalo'una of building CToafii stolp [kalon'na , close coMKHyraa KOjoHua so'mknootaya , double ABOuuaa dvainah'ya kalon'na n jhalf DO.IVKOJOHHa palookalo'nna , line of s JHHia K0.10HHT. lee'niya kalonn* n , mass of s Macca mah'ssa ,, of divisions 4UBn3iounaa KO.ioKHa deeveezion'naya kalon'na of route KOjoraa na Mapui-B kalo'nna namah'rshe ,, , quarter ICTBepTb KOJOHHU che'tver^ kalon'ny combatant CTpoesda strayevo'i non- HecipoeBofi nestrayevo'i command Haia.ibCTBO, npHKasi nachahVstva, pree- , words of KdMaiua kamah'nda [kah't commissariat HHieHjaHTCTBO eentendah'nstva compasses KOMnaci. kampah's cook Kaiuesapi kashevah'r court-martial BoeHHtiu cy4% vayen'ny soot ,, , district OKpy^HMU akroo'zhny ,, H , general Bucinifi ,, vys'shy M , proceed- QpOH3B04CTBO B'HaiO pra-eezvo'tstva ings of c'4 v'-uava a'da English. Russian. Pronunciatioai court-martial, regi- BO^BBUl IKUKOBOB vayen'ny palkavo^ men tal CT4* BOOt , summary no.iBoB t.jfk palevo'i soot court of inquiry CuTMCTBie [Man. sle'tstvie [zah'rmakh confined tobarracks Aepa ekeepah'zh crupper nO.IIBOCTHUKl patkhvo'stneek cut (wound) DOpi3T> pare's dagger KHH/KOJl keenzhah'l decision psineuie reshe'nie [saldah*t defaulter HeticnpaBHUH cojjan, ne-eesprah'vny defaulter's book mTpa*uaH Kiiiira shtr ah'fnaya knee'ga defaulter's drill yqenie uiTpa*ntiit ooche'nie shtrah'f- defence Sauiaia zashchee'ta [nykh defile AMIifa defeele'ya deployment paaeepTbiBaHie razvyo'rtyvanie depot CKJ341 sklat deserter Aeaepiupi dezertee'r detached file OTAt^bHUfl pfl4l addei'ny ryat detachment OTpflA* atryar't diarrhoea QOHOCl pano's diary, journal AHCBHHKl dnevnee'k discipline AHCUHH.IliHa deestsyplee'nA disembarkation BucajKa vy*satka dismiss (to, from yBdjHTb co ako'p equipment CHap;i;i;eHie snarezhe'nie escort KOBB6B kanv6y examination aKSaMCHi egzah'men firing 1 e ,1 pyjseuiibifi npieM-b ., , manual] roozhe'iny priyo'm expedition (mili- ' 3Kcne4imia ekspedee'taiya extend Ttary) f pactaraBaifc rastyah'geevaf fall in! CTpofica! atro'isya ! farrier Kyaneirb koozne'ts [rabo'ta fatigue 40Maumaa pa66ta damah'shnyaya party pafloiaa K04iaH4a rabo'chaya ka- mah'nda field-day BoeHiioe ynpaxHeeie vaye'nnaye ooprazh- -exercises ManeBpu mane'vry [ne'nie it -glass no43opHaa rpyOa padzo'rnaya trooba 1 fi -gun nojeBoe opy4ie palevo'ye aroo'die -hospital nojeaofl jasaperb palevo'i lazare't file pa4*b ryat file, blank H6 nojHkrifv ne pol'nym English. Russian. Pronunciation. file, connecting MaxaJibHbifi makhahVny , even pOBIIMll pflAl ro'vny ryat , leading nepeAOB6fi pju* peredavo'i ryat F t odd HCIeTHUfi ,, necho'tny , in single ryCLKOMT, goosko'm fire oroHfc ago'n fire! unl plee ! [masby'na fire-engine noxapHaa Mainiina pazhah'rnaya flag Man flak flank janri flank ,, , inner BHyrpenHia *^iaun vnoo'trenni flank , left jiBUH M le'vy flank , outer BHiinuifi N vne'shni , right DpaBblH prah'vy flanker *janKepi flankyo'r fleet *j6n> flot foot-soldier DSIOTiiHCm, pekhatee'neti forage ypaxi foorah'sh foresight (gun) \ (rifle) } uyioKa moo'sbka formation CTpofl stroi fort \ fortress / Kpinocn kre'pas^ fortify (to) yKp-Ea.iflTi, ookreplyah'< fortress wall KptnocTHaa crtna krepastnah'ya stena' forward ! Bnepe'4i>! fperyo't! [redah'mea fours (in) B34BOeHHbIMU pHjaMH vzdvo'yennymee front pOHTb front front rank nepediiiu paAi> pere'dni ryat funeral noxopOHU po'kharany furlough oinycKi o'tpoosk gaiters inTH^.ieTti shteeble'ty gallant 466.iecTHbifl do'blestny gallop ra.ioni galo'p garrison rapHii36ni garneezo'n gendarmerie xan^apMepffl zhandarmeree'yA general reHepaji generah'l geography reorpa*ia geagrah'feeya 64 Xagliih. Russian. Pronunciation. geometry reoMerpui geame'treeya girdle KymaKT. kooshah'k girth D04upyra patproo'ga glass (for drinking) ciaKam. stakah'n glove nepiarKa perchahtka government npamiTejbCTBO pravee'te/stv governor ryfiepHaTOpi goohernah'tar grave (s.) MorHja magee'la great-coat [horse) najbto paZto' groom (brush a lUCTHTb chee'steef guard, escort crpaxa strah'zha (of soldiers) Kapayj-b karaoo'l (advanced) aBaHrap4i avangahrt* (rear) appieprapA* arriergahrf gun (musket) pyxbe roozhyo* -carriage ja*ert lafe't gunner apTHJ.iej'iicrt arteeleree'st gun-powder DOpOIl po'rakh half-column no.iyKO.ioHHa palookalo'nnm company no-iypoia palooro'ta ,, section (ca- pOwiyB3B04l paloovzvo't halt! [valry) CTOH! stoi! halter HCAOy3AOKl neda-oo'zdak haversack [straw) paneut rah'nets hay (chopped cino se'na [tee*r head-quarters saunas KBapnipa glah'vnaya kvar- helmet Kacxa kah'ska history HCTOpifl eesto'riya horse jouiaAb lo'shai (a brown) FHKUK .<< ''11134!, guedah'ya lo'sha/ (a dark grey) TCMHocipaa temnase'raya M horse-brush merxa shcho'tka cloth qeupaKi cheprah'k horse's hoof KOIlblTO kapy'ta mane rpiiBa gree'va shoe no4KOBa patko'va .. tail IBOCTb khvost hospital 6ieme zaklyooche'nie independent firing oT.rfc.isnaa CTps.ii>6a adde'Znaya streZbah* infantry n-sxora pekho'ta [pekho'ta ,, , mounted t34Hmaa n-Bx6ra ye'zdyaschaya inspection parade ocMorpi. asmo'tr instructor HHCTpyKTOpl eenstroo'ktar insubordination HenoBHHOBeaie nepaveenove'nie Intelligence De- LiaBuhiu lIIraGi gla'vny shtap interval [partment npOMCHtyTOKl pramezhoo'tak intoxicated nbHHUH pyah'ny intrench (to) OKOiiaTfc [jenie ? akapah'^ [le'nie? in which direction ? BI KOTopoe HanpaB- f kato'raye naprar- in what strength? Bl KaKOB CHJt? f kako'i see'le? ironclad (JponeHoceuT. bran en o 'seta judge cy/ibfl soodyar* killed \6wtb& oobee'ty knapsack paneirb rah'neta ladder jiCTHaqa le'sneetsa lance DHKa pee'ka spear Kom>6 kapyo' lantern *OHapb fauah'r lanyard Tajpem tahl'rep lashing npHKp*njeHi. preekreple'nic latrine [arms ! OTx6/Kee Micro atkho'zheye me'sta lay down your QOJOKH opyxie! palazhy' aroo'zhiye! leave of absence dinycirfc o'tpoosk left .liBUH le'vy line aiinia lee'neeya of columns ,, K0.10HHT> ,, kalo'n ,, ,, communi- cooSmenifi ,, sa-apshche'ni ,, fire [cations Atnb tsep ,, operations onepanioHHafl x aperatsio'nnaya 1. ,. retreat j. oTcryiueHia 1. atstoople'niya sight npaq-iia preetze'la main-body r.iaBHbia K6pnyci glah'vny ko'rpoof manoeuvre Maneepi mane'vr map Kapra kah'rta English. 66 Russian. Pronunciation. march ! Ma pan! marsh ! marksman CTptJOKl strelo'k marquee tent marepi shatyo'r [meree'ya military police no.ieBad xaiuapMepiH palevah'ya zhandar- ,, service eocHHaa cjy/K(5a vaye'nnaya sloo'- mine Miina mee'na [zhba mortar [rear MoptHpa martee'ra move a little to the ocajii Haaaji! asadee' nazah't! move forward! nojaaca Bnepeai! pada'isya fperyo't! musketry najt6a pahZbah' ,, instruction yienie cxptJbOi ooche'niye streZbe' muster c6opi zbor mutiny 6ymn boont muzzle (of a gun) 4yjo doo'lo nose-bag Topfia tor'ba occupy (to) aaHHMaik zaneemah'f officer o*imepi afeetse'r officer's undress AOMainHee luaibe dainah'shneye plahVe ophthalmia BOCiia.ieHie rjasi> vaspale'nie glas order (command) npHKaST. [HUH) preekah's [zhoo'rny) orderly (on duty) opAHHapeiri. (4eayp- ardeenah'rets (de- outpost aBaHnocn avanpo'st [le'nie outworks BHiiuiiee YKpin.ienie vne'shneye ookrep- parade aapa4i parah't (to) At.iaib napaAi de'la* parah't parapet OpyciBepi broostve'r pass yuiejte ooshche'lie patrol npfa patroo'Z pay, salary xa.iOBaHie zha'lavaniye peace Hfk meer pencil KapaH4aini karandah'sh tension iMU pensiya picket fen peeke't noneer nionepi piane'r pistol DHCTOJCTl peestale't pivot moBJb shpeeZ plan (Mm plan pontoon DOHTOBl panto'n 67 EnglUh Banian. PronuncUtlom. post nocn post powder nopox* po'rakh powder-magazine nopoxoBoa o6rpe6i parakhavo'i po'grep prison [room) TwpbMa tyoormah' prisoner (in guard apecToBamiufi (Ha aresto'vanny (na rayniBaxTS) gaooptvah'khte) ,, of war n.lSHHMU ple'nny proceedings of the Cy40npOH3B04CTBO Boodapra-izvo'tstva court promotion noBtiuienie pavyshe'nie punishment HaKasaiue nakazah'nie quarters Knapnipa kvartee'ra quickly ! CKopie ! skare'ye! quinine XHHa khee'na rain 40x41* doshf ramrod UIOMUO.ll sho'mpal range (distance of ja.ibuncTb BOJeta dah'Zuas^ palyo'ta flight of pro- cnapaAa snaryar'da jectile) range finder 4a^bHOMipi> daZnahme'r rank (in army) 1HHT> cheen (line of men) PH41 ryat and file HHKHie VBHU nee'zhniye cheeny* , front nepeAHifi pa4T> pere'dni ryat , rear sa4Hiu pa4i zah'dni rations citcTHue npanicu B-ye'stny-ye pripah'sy reconnaissance pasnijKa razve'tka recruit peKpyn rekroo't redoubt pC4yTl redoo't regiment tin polk regulations yciasi oostah'f rein DOB041>, B03X& po'vat, vazhzhah' release ocBo6o;K4eHie asvabazhde'nie relief (change) CMina sme'na report panopn rapo'rt [kot resign (to) noAaib BI OTcraBKy padah'^ v atstah'f- 68 Bngliih. Roman, Pronnnclatiom. retire (to) 1 retreat (to) / OTCTynaib atstoopah'< rifling naptSKa nare'ska rifleman CTptJOK* strelo'k sack MtmOKl inesho'k saddle CB440 sedlo' r , pack BtKJllIOC Ct4J<5 vyoo'chnaye sedlo 1 r , bOW jyica lookah' saddler c34e.ibHbjfi Macrepi sede'/ny raah'ster salute cajron. salyoo't sapper canepi sapyo'r scout [ment pa3Bi41HKT> razve'tcheek second (the) regi- BTOpOH nOJKl ftaro'i polk semaphore cesia*6pT> semafo'r sentry lacoBoii chesavo'i shell rpauara granah'ta ship-of-war BOeilHUH KOpadjfc vaye'nny kara'j; shot (cannon ball) S4po yedro' sight of a gun npuutji, preetse'l signal cunia.n> signah'l [mah'nda party CHrHa.ibuaa KOMan4a signah'Zuaya ka- signaller caniajtmHKi signahVshcheek skirmish (to) paacbinaxbCH ras-sypah'tsa skirmisher sacrptjbiuBKi zastre'Zshcheek slowly! THuie! tee' she ! small shot Apo6b drop snaffle Tpeil3CJk tre'nzei soldier coi4an saldah't spur mnopa ehpo'ra spy uiiriuin shpi-o'n squadron acK34p6ffi eskadro'n square Kape kare" stable KOHWUlHa kanyoo'shnya staff (military) nrrafii shtap stall CTOLlO sto'ila stirrup crpeiifl stremyar* surrender (to) c^aTbca zdah'tsa [yakh (to) upon terms ia yoioBiaii ,, na ooslo'ri- 69 Engliih. Bullion. Pronunciation. sword inauiKa shah'shka tattoo SOpfl zaryar' telescope xejecKora telesko'p tent najaxKa palah'tka tent-peg npHKOJunn preeko'lysh theft Kpasa krah'zha to the right Ha npaso na prah'va to the left .liBO le'va to the rear BT, XbLTi ftyl torpedo-boat MHHOHOCK& meenano'ska transfer nepeBOAHXi perevadee'^ transport xpaHcnopTi trah'nspart trenches Tpamnes transhe'ya troops BOfiOKa vaiskah' (regular) pcry.inpHua BOficxa regoolyah'rny-ya T (reserve) pesepBHua rezer'vny-ya v. trot pwcb rys trumpet xpy6a troobah' tunic [dress) MynAHp* moondee'r undress (daily cwpiyKi syoortoo'k uniform *6pHa fo'rma valise veMOAan chemadah'n vedette BCAert vede't veterinary surgeon BexepHHapi vetereenah'r victory nnClia pabe'da village- chief crapmiHft starshynah' walk (a horse's) man shak war Boftna vainah' water-bottle *^ara M* B04U flyar'ga dlya vady' wheeling noBOpoxi pavaro't wing, left KpbUO, J^BOe krylo', le'vaye right npasoe prah*vaye wounded paHCHHblfi rah'nenny wound in the head pana BI rdjosy rah'na v go'lavoo. (contusion) TO 30. Commercial and Trading Terms. (KoMMepiecicie H TopioBtie TepsraHH.) English. Kussian. Pronunciation. Account. Settle- CiSn,. FasciSTi Bchot. ras-scho't ment of To close SaK.ficqrfTb cien zaklyoochee'i schot Extract H.iB.jeienie usbcieia eez-vleche'neeye eea scho'ta Charges Ciera pacxoAani schot raskho'dam Joint Ofimifi c?5nb op'-shchi schot Sales HpO,l<'i/KHHH CU'eTb pradazh'ny schot Advice. As per IIo yB-EAOM.iemio pa oovedamle'niyoo Without Ee3i4ajbHi&niaro -in bez daZnei'shava -iya further Advised YB^AOMJeHHItld oovedamlyon'ny Apprentice YqeHHKi oocheneek' Assets Ha^iiiHoe HMyiueciBO naleech'naye imoo'- shchestva Attorney. Power of HoBipenHbiff. 4 OB ^~ pave'renny. dave'- pCHHOCTt rennos< Average Asapffl avaree'-ya On an Cp64HHMT> 1BC.IOMI sred'neem chees-lom' average Balance Eajaaci balans' To CBCCTH (cwru) svestee' (schety') sheet BajancT> balans' Banking BaiiKiipCKoe 4i.!o bankeer'skaye de'la Bearer TSfWuatstA predyevee'tei , To na -H na -ya Bill, date [tion BeKce-ib. ^[ncjuJ vek'seZ. cheeslo* Accommoda- EpdaaoBbiM Bdicejt, br6nzovy vekse/ at sight B. no.ue/Kamifi yn.ia.T-B v. padlezha'shchee oo npe4iHBjeniu oopla'te pa pred- yavle'niyee after sight Cp64HUl1 B. sroch'ny v. of lading KonocaMeiiri, kanasament* Engliih. BuBBian. Pronunciation. Bond (in) B* naKrayst f pakgah'ooze warehouse n^Kraysi pakgah'ooz Bonded goods Tosapbi cjaHHtie sa tavah'ry zdahn'nye coxpaneHie BT> na sakhrane'nie nanraysi f p. Bonds with cou- 06.inrauiH ci Kynd- ableega'tsi B koopo'- pons attached H3MH namee Bonds without o. 6e3i> KynoHOBT> a. bez koopo'naf coupons Bookkeeper Byirajiepi bookhgahl'ter Brokerage KypTaarb koortahzh' Business. Whole- 41*o. OnioBoe 4, de'la. apto'vaye d. sale Retail MejoiHaa roproBja melachnah'ya tar- gov'lya f To retire BblfiTH H3l Alia vy'itee eez de'la from Cartage ILiaia 3a npoB03T> plah'ta za pravos* Charter (to) a ship 3a*paixoBaTb cyAHO zafrakhtavaf sood'na Chartering 3a*paxtOBaHie zafrakhtavah'nie Claim. To send in a Tpe6oBanie. npeAi- tre'bavanie. pred- HBUTb T. yeveef' t. To make good a 4nh-a3aTb dakazaW Clearing-house jlHiiBUAauioHHafl KOH- leekveedatsion' naya xopa kanto'ra Clerk IIpHKaaiHKi preekahs' cheek Closed weak BI KOuqi c.!a6o f kantse' slah'ba Collision CTOJKHOB6Hie stalknave'nie Company (Society) OdmecTBo op'shchestva Joint Stock AKuiOHepHoe 66m. aktsianer'naye o. Limited Lia- 0. ci> orpaHiiqeHHoa o. s agranee'chenni bility OTBtTCTBeHHOCTbH) atvet'stveunastyoo Complaint [(To) [rpaMy zhah'laba [grah'moo Confirm a telegram noATBepAHTb xeje- pattverdee^' tele- Corner craiKa stahch'ka Correspondent KoppecDOHAeiiTi karespandent' Cost, insurance and CTOHHOCTB, crpaxo- sto'eemast, strakha- freight(Cif.;c.i.f.) Banie B *pairi> vab 'e ee frakht Engllih. Russian. PronandtiOBi Credit balance KpejBTBtia (JauaHC* kredeet'nv balahnf' Custom House TaMOSKHI tamo'zhna Custom House TaMdweHHUi nom- tamo'zhenny* duties JBHU po'shleeny B charges T'Hbie n.iaTexii t. platezhy* tariff 1'nbiil rapitti t. tareef Damages (compen- BoaHarpaaueme vaznagrazhde'nie sation) To claim TpefioRaib B. tre'bavaf v. Date. At three ^ Ha rpii Mtcaua chislo'. na tree months' me'setza Under date of IloMiieiiHMfl pame'chenny Debit ^efieti de'bet and Credit 4- H Kpe.uiri, d. ee kre'dit Debtor /[OJXHliKl dalzhnee'k Deliver. To ^OCTaBHTfc dastah'vi< Delivered free CT. AOcraBKoS z dastahf ki Demurrage npOCTOHHbia JCMbPH prasto'inye den'ge% Deposit BK-iaji. fklat Director 4HpeKTopi deerek'tar Dividend War- ^HBH4eHAHOe CBHAi- deeveendend'naye rants [dues rejfcCTBO sveede'teZstva Dock and Harbour IlopTOBbia jeiibru partavy'ye den'gee yard A4MHpajT6UCTBO adm eeralte'istva Dry Cyxdu AOKI sookho'i dok Double Entry /^BofiHaa 6yxra.ixepia dvainah'ya bookh- galte'reeya Drawer [turity ICB00MfffoUi vekseledah'teZ Due, when at ma- Hacrymiji cpOKi nastoopeeV srok Duty, Additional ^ono.iHiire.ibHaH dapalnee'teZnaya nonuHHa po'shleena Liable to D04.iemamia on.fart padlezhah'shchi ap TaHoxeiiHofi ndm- lah'te tamo'zhenny JHHOg po'shleeni free fiesoonuHHHui bespo'shleenny Duties, Export BbJBOSHUJI OOIILIHHKI vy 'vazny-ye po'shliny _ Import BBOSHUH wo'zny-ye n Enclosed opiuoaeHHtifl preelo'zhenny Enclosure opuoxeBie preelajthe'nie 73 Bnglith. Russian. Pronunciation. Endorse (to) GituaTb HaABHCb na /de'la/ nah'tpees na ofiopors abaro'te Endorser HaADHCaT64b natpeeeah'tel Endorsement HaAUHCfc nah'tpees Exchange (The) Eripxa bee'rzha n Kypc* koors at par HapoBHi naravne* above par Bbiine napu vy'she pah'ry below par HHJKC nee'zhe Fall (bear) Ilajenie pade'nie Pill (to) HauojHBTb [seme napo'lnee/ [zhe'nie Financial state 4>iiHancoBoe nojo- feenan'savaye pala- Firm (unaltered) TBepAbiii tvyor'dy Floating yipCAHTb oochredee'< Forward (to) by OrnpaBHTb no xe- atprah'veef pa zhe- train .liSHOH Aopor-fi le'zni daro'ge Forwarding Oinparaa atprah'fka Agent OrnpaBHTeafc atpravee'teZ business, dKCOeABIUOHHafl expedeetsion'naya trade Topr6&ia targov'lya charges H3AepXKH no nepe- eezder'shkee pa CbUKS peresy'lke Free on board Cl 40CTaBKOH H3 8 dastah'fki na (fob., f. o. 6.) K0pa(5.ib karah*p Free of particular CBoCoAiibifl on npo- svabo'dny at prasto'i average (fpa) crdfi asapiH avari'ee Goods, Contraband Toeap-b. Koiirpar'aHja tavar*. kantraban'da (smuggled) Goods, Prohibited 3anpeuiSHHbiu Touapi zapreshchon'ny t. Gnarautee nopyna paroo'ka Guarantor nopyqHiejb paroochee'teZ Gross Weight BajiOBofi BSCfc valavo'i ves I. 0. U. niicbMCHHoe o6n- pee'sraennaye abe- 3aTe.ibcTBo yn- zah'te/stva oop- jaru cyMMbj lah'ty soo'my Import and Export BBuSb H BtJBtm wos ee vy'vas Inform (to) yB^4"MUTb [Hbim oovedamee't [nym Informed (to be) BUTb ySTBAOJUCH- by< oovedamlyon'- 74 Kngliih. KuBiian. PronuncUttoa. Information CBiAtHia sve'deniye Inquire (to) HaiecTi cnp&7 navestee' sprah'f koo Inquiry Gupaexa sprah'fka Insurance, Marine CrpaiOBanie Mopc- strakhavah'nie. Koe c. marsko'ye 8. Broker ) Underwriter} ClpaiOBIUHKl strakhafshchee'k Agent crpaxoBOH areun strakhavo'i age'nt Company Cipaiosoe ofiuiecTBO strakhavo'ye op'- shchestyo * Policy IIOJHCT. po'lees Premium IIpeMifl pre'miya [va'ni* Hates ILiaTa aa cipaioBame plah'ta za strakha- Insure (to, against) GxpaxoeaTb (npd- strakhavah'f (pro'- THBT>) teef) against all risks ,, D. BCJXT, pHCKOB'fc p. faekh ree'skaf Interest (The) IIpooeHTu pratse'nty Kate of pasMipi n-osi> razmee'r -af To pay n-taxuTb npoqeHTU platee'f -y Introduce (to) npeACTaBHTb pretstah'vee< Introduction PeKOM6H4aiU3 rekamenda'teiya Landing npHcraut pree'stan Leak Teifc tech Leakage Yi^TOa oote'chka Liabilities 06asaTejbCTBa abezah'teZstva Lighterage ELiaia aa paarpyJKy plah'ta za razgroos'- CYAOBI koo soodo'f Load (to) Fpy3HTi groozee'< Loss Doxepfl pate'rya Lots laciH chah'stee Manager ynpaB.!fliou43 oopravlya'yooshchi Market PiJHOKT) ry*nak price PbJHoinaa irtna ry'nachnaya tsena' day EasapHud 48Hb bazah'rny den dues ptiHoquhie c66pu ry*nachnye sbo'ry Monthly MiCHIHUfl OTIeTT, me'sechny atcho't a market report cocioaHiu pUHKt sastayah'nie* ry'nk* 75 Engliik. Rusaian. Pronunciation. Market. Detailed noApoflHhifl OTiera padrob'ny atcho't statement of the Negotiate(to) [able iipOAdTb [4;iTb pradah'< [pradah'i Negotiable (sale- KOTOpfalH MOJKHO npO- kato'ry mo'zhna Offer (to) npe4JaraTb predlagah'f Offers npe^oxeiiia predlazhe'neea Open steady (to) BHdiajt TBepAO vnachah'le tvyo'rda Order (to) [order aanasaib zakazah'i To place on C4"B^aTb saKasu zde'la^ zakah'zy Packing ynaKOBKa oopako'fka Partnership, To yHHqTOKHTl TOBapH- ooneeshto'zhyf dissolve a meciBo tavah'reeshcheatva Payable at sight no npe4T>aBjeniH pa predyevle'niee on ... nOA.iea\auua ynjarB. . padlezhah'shchi ooplah'te Pilot (to) B6CTH vestee' Port of entry rasaHb, rx* ecib gah'van, gde yesf BB03H3a TaMO/KHfl wo'znaya ta- mo'zhnya discharge raeaab nurpysKH gah'van vy'grooskee Postage noiTOBaa u.iaia pashto'vaya plah'ta Postage-stamp a. Hapna p. mah'rka Post- card OTKpb'lTOe nilCLMO atkry'taye pee^mo' Post-paid onjaqeHHbui aplah'chenny Post-office iiOHTOBaa KOHio'pa pashto'vaya kanto'ra Order, n-OBbii! /lene/KHua -y de'nezhny pere- Money Order nepeBOAi> vo't Precaution npeAOCTOpoatHOCTfc predastaro'zhnas^ Predecessor npvjimecTBeHHBKi pretshe'stvenneek Price, Average utna, cpeAHaa tsenah', sre'dnyeya Cost CBOH qtua svayali tsenah Fair lopoinaa n. kharo'shaya ts. Losing yOuTOHHaa q. ooby'tachnaya ta. ,, Low in 4eineBt>i3 desho'vy Rise in noBMiiienie BI> qtai pavyshe'nie f tsene' Selling npOAa/KHaa q. prada'zhuaye ts. To raise the noAHHTb q. padnyah'l ts. Quotation tfiipwesaa q. beerzhevah'y ta. 76 Kngllih. Banian. Pronunciation. Recapitulation npOBipna cieroei prave'rka scheto'f Receipt pocoiiCKa raspees'ka Reduction CKH4K3 skee'tka Refuse all respon- OTKasaibCH on BCJ- atkazah'tsa at fsya- sibility (to) Koft oTBiTCTBca- ki atve'tstven- HOCTH nastee Register (to) perHcrpOBaTfc regeestravah'f Registered letter sanaSHoe micbMO zakazno'ye pee*mo tonnage pericTepi 1611 regee'ster ton Rely on (to) ncuaraibcs Ha palagah'tsa na [foo Reply by Telegram OTBSTI no rejerpa*y atve't pa telegrah'- Representative npejcraBiiTe^b pretstavee'te/ Representation npeACTa&ieHie pretstavle'nie Rise (Bull) noBumeaie pavyshe'nie Safe arrival CiaronojyiHoe npi- bl&hapalo6ehnaye Oiiiie preeby'tie Salesman npOAasem pradave ts Satisfactory yAOB.ieTBOpHTeJBHtlfl oodavletvaree'te/ny Un- ne- ne- Sellers npoAaemJ pradaftsy' Sent for collection norjaHHiuu AJH po'slanny dlya B3biCKairia vzyskah'niya Settlement- day 4CHb HaSHaiCHHUa den naznah'cheuny JJH CBtueHis dlya svede'niya C^CTOB% scheto'f Shares, Debenture aKuhi, oO.iarauia a'ktsi-ee, ableegah'- teiya Fully paid Bnojui on.iaieHHbJH a. fpalne' aplah'chen- ny-ya a. Ordinary oOuKHOBeHHbia a. abyknave'nny-ya a. Preference npHBHjerepdBaH- preeveelegeero'van- HUH a. ny-ya a. Railway xtej%3HOAOpoxHUfl a. zheleznadaro'zhnaj a (guaranteed by (rapaHTHposaiiHija a. (garanteero'- the State) npaBBTe.lbCTBOMT.) vanny-ya pravee'- te/stvam) Ship broker cyAOBofi MaKJepi Boodavo'i mah'kler 77 Bngllih. Rusiika. Pronunciation. Ship chandler npOA'iB<5in> KOpa6e./!!>- pradave'ts karabe'/- Haro TaKejanca H nava takelah'zha Apyraxi npeAMe- ee droogee'kh TOB'b CHa6*-eniii predme'taf enab cyAna zhe'niya soo'dna Owner KopafueB.iaAiueuT. karablevlade'lets To Harpyataib nagroozhah'f Shipping norpySKa aa KopaC.ib pagroo'bka ua karah'^y [koe charges ojaia sa nai-pysr.y plah'ta za nagroo's- trade (house) CyAOIOACTBO soodakho'tstva Shipwreck Kopa(5jeKpym^Hie karablekrooshe'nie Sinking noraineuie pagashe'nie Situation, Post HtCTO ine'sta Slack cjadbiu slah'by [she'nie Slightly rising MajenLKoe noBbiuienie mah'lenkaye pavy- Solvency COCTOflT64bHOCTb sastayah'te/uas^ Speculator cneKyjfl>iTi spekoolyah'nt Spoilt HcnopqeHHufl eespor'chenny Standing no.iO;K6Hie palazhe'nie Stock ACHesHua GyMara de'nezhny-ya boo- mah'gee Stock-broker MaK-iepi. mah'kler Stock and Share (JHpateBbia HSBicria beerzhevy-ya eez Quotations ve'steeya Stock-jobber saam, zah'yets Stowage aarpySKa nagroo'ska SuccessorfAddress npeeMHHKi preye'mneek Telegraphic Tejerpa*iibi3 aApeci telegrah'fny ah'dres Tow (to) CyKCHpOBaib bookseeravah'^ Towing charges ojaxa sa CyKCiipT. plah'ta za booksee'r Unloading Bbirpysna vy'grooska Wharf npiiciaHb pree'stan [leena Wharfage DpHCTaanaH ndm.iHHa pree'stannaya po'sh- Wholesale price onrosaa q-BHa apto'vaya tsenah' Winding up [(to) jHKBHAHpOBaaie leekveedeeravah'nie Wire, Telegraph T6ierpa*iipOBan telegrafee'rava/. 78 3i. Shooting and Fishing. (Oxoia H pti6oji6BCTBO.) English. Bussian. Pronunciation. Axe Tonopi tapor' bait npH.MaHKa preemah'oka bullet nyja poo'lya caps nurroHU [HOBI peesto'ny [naf cartridge extractor H3B.ieKiiTe.ib naxpo- eezvlekah'teZ pabro*- cartridges narpoHbi patro'ny file namuoKi. napee'lak fishing-basket pbifmaa KOpaiina ry'bnaya karzee'na -hook y401HbIH KpWIeKl oo'dachny kryoo- -line auci wheel yaoiKa oo'dachka [cho'k -net ciraa se'tka -rod jtca lesah' [ryah'dy -tackle pu6ojoBHue cuapajiu rybalo'vny-ye sna- float noiuanoKb paplavo'k fly MyiiiKa moo'shka game-bag flXTami yakhtah'sh gimlet OypaBT, boorah'f grindstone TOI !JbHbJH KaMCHfc tachee'/ny kah'men gun py%be roozhyo' guu-case ywapi footlyah'r gun-powder nopoxi po'rakh [nah* gut KHiiiequaa expjHa kishe'chnaya stroo- hammer KypoKi kooro'k [roozhyo' hammerless-rifle 6e3Kypo^Hoe py*ke beskooro'chnaye knife HO!Kb nosh matches cniiiKH spee'chkee nail FBOSJb gvosf pincers UtHIIIlU shcheeptsy' pipe and tobacco xp) 6K3 ci TaCaKOMi troo'pka s tabako'm ramrod IHOMOOJI sho'mpahl saw pui peelah' screwdriver OTtigpTKa ahtvyo'rtk* sheath BOXHU nahzhny' shot 4p66b drop tools opyAia aroo'deey whetstone oce^oKi ahsyo'lak. ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR. In Russian, the parts of speech are: (1) SUBSTANTIVE, (2) ADJECTIVE, (3) NUMERAL, (4) PRONOUN, (5) VERB, (6) ADVERB, (8) CONJUNCTION, (9 (7) PREPOSITION, CONJUNCTION, (9) INTERJECTION. The Substantive. There are three GENDERS: Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. The gender for animate objects goes by sex, else by ending of nouns. MASCULINE (M.) are : (1) Names of males. (2) Nouns in -&, -8 and some in -b. FEMININE (F.): (1) Names of females. (2) Nouns in -a, -a and some in -L. NEUTER (N.): (1) Some names of living objects, when sex is not specified. (2) Nouns in -o, -e, -Mfl. There are two NUMBERS: Singular (Sing.) and Plural (Flu.) [Dual, only after numerals '2', -3', '4' and 'both'; see Numerals]. Six Cases: Nominative (Norn.), Accusative (Ace.), Genitive (Gen.), Dative (Dat.), Instrumental (Inst.) ? Prepositional (Prep.). [Vocative distinct from Nominative only in Slavonic: EojKe (God!), Focno^H (Lord!), One (Father!) . . .] There are nine DECLENSIONS, three for each gender, arranged according to ending, (1) hard and (2) soft, as follows: CASE-ENDINGS ACCORDING TO DECLENSIONS. I. Masculine. IL Feminine. (1)-* (2)41 (3)-* (l)-a (2) -a (8)4 Sing. Nom. i 1 & a a t Ace. T>, a ft, a *, a y 10 & Gen. a I a U(H) H H Dat. y H) H) B *(H) H Inst. osn> en>) em 6MI OH) (OH) ew (efl) in (no; Prep. t B (H) B (H) H Plu. Nom. bi(H) [(efi) H B U H 1 U H Ace. u H , OHT> H, OBT, H, efi u(H),Xea) H, k (fi) H, eg Gen. OBI 'eft) 6BI efl i. ( efl) I, (fi) efi Dat. asrL on HMT, 'dJA-b HMl ffMl Inst. aiiu HMU HMU BMll) nn HHU HMUlbMi: Prep, ark on axi> Xft an an so . Neuter. (l)-o (2)-e (3>(M)a (1)-0 (2) Slug. Nom. o e a Plu. Nom. a a Ace. o e a Abe. a 1 Gen. a CHH Gen. T> eft (iu) Dat. y M> 6HH Dat. am \ AMI Inst. om CHI OHCM'K Inst. a>in ' HMH Prep, t t (H) era Prep. an> axi. ena ena eaam Note. Masculine Accusative is the same as Masculine Geni- tive for living things ; otherwise, the same as Masculine Nominative. Feminine Plural Accusative coincides with Feminine Plural Genitive for living things ; else, with Feminine Plural Nominative. Neuter Nominative and Accusative are always the same. The Prepositional is only used with Prepositions (see Page 91). These remarks apply also to Adjectives. DECLENSION OF SUBSTANTIVES. J. Masculine. (1) OT6ji (table); CJOHI (elephant). (2) nonofl (rest, room); iapo,vi>fi (wizzard). (3) TB034B (nail); uapb (Tsar). Sing. Nom. CTOXB table; the, a . OOKOH rB034i> Ace. ) CT<5jn> " " " \aOKOH |FB034fc " )(cjoHa elephant) )(iap04ia) /(tiapa) Gen. CTOja of the, a table noKoa rB034 Dat crojy to noKOH) rB034 Inst. CTOJOMI by the, a table DOKoeHi Prep, (na i cioji (on) the, a table (BT>) noxos (0) DOKOH i DOKOH DOKOCBl rB034H |rB034H /(qapeu) Flo. Nom. CTOJU tables, the Ace I CTOJ " " /(OIOHOBI elephants) Gen. CTD.IOB b of the tables Dat. CTO.iaMi to Inst. cro.iaMB by Prep. (Ha) cmiaxi (on) the tables (BT>) DOKoaxi IL Feminine. (I) tMa (pit); xena (wife). (2) nyja (bullet); BflBfl (DUTM). (3) KOCTI (bone); joinajb (horse). Sing. Nom. nna nyja KOCTI Ace. HMy nyjio Kocn Gen. flMbi ayjH K6cn Dat. ion nyui KOCTH Inst. HMOI'I uyjefi KOCTUO Prep. (BI) im (o) nf n (o) KOCTM 81 Flu. Nom. jfsiu Acc. JjJJ^j jny.iB /(HSHb) Gen. aMT> ny.ib Dat. aMaMl nyjaMi. Inst. asiaMB ofjaa Prep. (BI) ajwaii (o) nyjaxT. III. Neuter. (1) cejio (village). (2) Mope (sea). Sing. Nom. cejo Mope Acc. cejo siope Gen. ce^a Mopa Dat. caijr MOpK) Inst. cejOMi> Prep, (o) ceai MOpCMl (0) MOpt Plu. Nom. ce'ja iwopa Acc. cS.ia Mopa Gen. cen> Mopeu A/ t v* CO.! 1 M"b MOpHM'b Inst. cejaMH MOpaMB Prep, (o) cejaxi> (o) Mopaii, KOCTH \KOCTH woman KOCTflMH (0) KOCTflXl (3) Bpeivis (time). BpeMn BpeMa BpeMCHB BpeMCHH BpeMCHCMT. (0) BpeMCHH BpeMcna BpesieHa BpeMeHT. BpCMCHaMH (o) BpeHeuan PHONETIC AND ORTHOGRAPHIC CHANGE. ra, m: Plu. Nom. Hora Nom. HO;KH. (1) H for u after r, K, l; at, i, ra, m: Sing. Nom. Hora (leg) Gen. iiorti Nom. IIOJKT> (knife) (2) e for o (unaccented) after x, q, 9, m, m: SINGULAR. Nom. qama (cup) Inst. qamea (bird) (3) All cases, but Sing. Nom., of some Masculines in -H, proper names in -18 have b for e: yjefl (hive); yjba | Bacium (Basil); Bacaibfl. (4) H for i after i: Poccia (Russia) Sing. Prep, (o) POCCIH. (5) e, often dropped in all cases but Siug. Nom. Acc. Sing Nom. j66i> (forehead) Sing. Nom. 46Hb (day) Gen. j6a 1 Plu. Nom. AHH. 83 (6) Many Feminine and Neuter Plural Genitives insert o, 6 between two last consonants : CT6KJO (glass) I 3eMja (earth) Flu, Gen. CTCKOJII. Flo. Gen. FORMAL VARIATIOFB. (1) Masc. diminutives in CHOKV usually have Norn. Plural in, etc.; pefieaoKT. (child), Plur. Norn, pefiara, Ace. Gen. peCan., etc. (2) Masc. in -aiuiHi, Pin. in -ane, Gen. -am>, etc: ABOpaHHHi (> noble), Plu. ABOpane, -HI etc. ; aiiiMHiaHHHi (Englishman), lane. (3) Masc. Sing. Gen. in -y denoting quantity, 'some': laiiiKa naw (a cup of tea); *ynn> rafiany (a pound of tobacco). (4) Masc. Sing. Prep, in -y with Preposition in common phrases: BI nojh-y (in the regiment); aa upaw (on the edge). (5) Nouns in -bfl, &e, -ie have Plu. Gen. in -efl, -ia: 6' ud 8f e ) cyAefi; pyatbg (gun), pyxefi; B3Bicxie (notice), (6) -xi, -11, -IIIT>, -pi, -uta and -H\a, -ia, -ma after consonant, have Flu. Gen. in -e8: na4ewb (case), KJWYb (key), poma (groveX Boxaca (rein), Benma (squirrel): na4C^eH, pomeu, etc. (7) Feminine Sing. Inst. has -ow: -ofl, -ew: -efl, -iw: -fc the shorter forms being more colloquial. (8) Some -b nouns have Plu. Inst. in -BMH for -HMB: A (door): 4BepbMii; jomadb: JOiiia^MH; jitoxu (people): JKJ4fcMH. (9) Many nouns in -i, -b have Plu. Nom. in a, a: ocTpOBi (island): ocTposa; .lenapb (leech): JCKapa. (10) Some in -i, -b, -o have Plural -ba, -b6BT>, -baMi. -b -ban: 6part (brother): 6parbfl; cy'Ki (bough): cy^ba; (brother-in-law): Sfltbfl; nepo (feather): nepba. (1 1 ) A few in -i have old Plu. Gen. = Sing. Nom. nyAl (pud) : AecflTb nyAi (ten puds); canon, (boot): napa canorb (a pair of boots), etc. So also: Miioro pasi (many times); naib qejOBiui (five men). IRREGULARLY DECLINED SUBSTANTIVES. (1) ria>b (eye); Bdjocr, (hair): Plural -a, %, aiai,, etc. (2) rocnoAiiu'b ^Mr., gentleman); 6apiiHi (Sir I master): Plural rocnOAa, -AI etc., 6ape, -pi, etc. (3) 4UTi (child): Sing. Gen. Dat. Prep. AHTHTH, Inst. AHTareMi, AflTHTCK), Plu. Nom. A^TH, Gen. Ace. A'BTGH, Dat. A'BTaM'b, Inst. AtTbMH, Prep, (o) Atiaxi. (4) AO^b (daughter), Maib (mother), form other cases from -epb: Gen. AOiepH, MaiepH, etc. 83 (5) CbiHT> (son), CB3TB (wooer), KVJTB (godfather): Plural CMH- i, Gen. -OBCU, Dat. -OBLHMI, etc. (6) Kypaqa (hen) : Plural K ypu, Kypi, KypaMi . . . (7) He6o (sky), iyAO (wonder): Plural in -eca, -6ci . . . (8) OKO (eye), yxo (ear) : Plural OIH, yiiiH ; Gen. o*e"fi, yraefl, Dat o*aMi, yuiaMT. . . . (9) njaMCHb (flame), nyib (way): Sing. Gen. Dat. Prep. H: nyia . . . (10) caaeni. (fathom): PlurahGen. camem*. (11) cyAHO (ship): Plural cyAa, -OBI, -aMi . . . (12) !03flHHT> (master) : Plural xoSHCBa, -esi, -CBaMT, . . . (13) XpncTooi (Christ): Gen. Xpacia, Dat. -iy, Voc. -T. (14) qepnoBb (church): Sing. Geii. Dat. Prep, uepnaii, PI. -eeii, The Adjective. For List of Adjectives tee Pages 44 to 4T. For the Adjective, which agrees with its Substantive in- Gender, Number and Case, there are two forms: a long and a short. Those Adjectives which (see below) use the long attributively, use the short predicatively : 4o6pBlii le-HOB-BEt (a good man); HeJIOB-EKt floSpt (the man is good) niapOKaa piKa (a wide river); ptica mnpOKa (the river is wide). Adjectives fall into four Classes: (1) QUALITATIVE denoting a quality, as: TOJICTHM (thick), xopoinifi (good), KpacHElfi (red). Endings -H# (-ifi), -OH, -ift. (2) POSSESSIVE subdivided into (a) Individual and (b) Common, both formed from names of animate objects, and denoting respectively the relation of an object to an individual and to the species: (a) HBaHOBT. (John's), from HBaiTb (John); rjapeBt (belonging to the Tsar), ijapt (Tsar); ateHHH'B (wife's), ateHa(wife); and (b) pb'l6iil (fish-), pbl6a (fish); Me^BTiJKiH (bear-), MeABl^L (bear); 6o6pOBl3 (beaver), 666pl> (beaver). Endings: (a) -OBT>, from -t, -o; -6BT>, from -b, -8, -e or after JK, q, m, m, n; -HITB from -a, -a; -mJHi> from -n;a. (b) -i** -ofiifl, -IXKIH; -HHBIH; -OBMH, -eBHH. (3) MATERIAL, denoting the substance: * 84 (gold-); SOJIOTO (gold); 4epeBaHHbifl (wooden); (wood). Endings: -big, -Hbifi, -flH(H)blfi. (4) CIRCUMSTANTIAL, formed from Adverbs of time and place: JTETHiS (summer); jiiio (summer), S^inraiii (here); a^iCL (here); TOrjanraifi (then); Tor^a (then); MapiOBCKifi (March); Mapn> (March). Endings: -nili; -CKiii (from months). There are THREE DECLENSIONS; I and III of which distinguish hard and soft endings (see Page 79). CASE ENDINGS ACCORDING TO DECLENSIONS. 1. Mas. Nen. Fern. 8ing.Nom. bia iflj.og oe, ee as, nn iu, OH Ace. =Nom.orGen. yio; K)H) II. Mas. Neu. Fern, id be M =Noni.orGen. te bio Gen. aro; aro OB; eft Dat OMy; CMy ,, Inst. biMT. (HMT>); HMT> oK>(ou);ero Prep. OMT.; ein> ou;eii [ eii) i. aro bed bCMy bHMi bero (befl BeMi beg Plu. Norn, ue (ie); ie bin (In'-, la Ace. =Nom.orGen. =Nom. or Gen. bH Norn, or Gen. Gen. bin (HXI); HXT. Dat bun> (HHI); HMT. Inst. HMD (HMH); IIMH Prep. uxi (HXI); BIT, ma uon bHMB inn III. Mas. Neu. Fern. Sing.Nom. i>; b o; e a; a Ace. =Nom.orGen. y; K> Gen. a; a ofi; efl Dat. y; B ., Inst. biHi; Bin OK)(OH ;ew Prep. OMT,; CMI oa;ea[(efi) All Genders. Plu. Nom. LI; Ace. = Nom. or Gen. Gen. uxi; HIT, Dat. biMi; 11 MI. Inst. UMii; BMB Prep. kin; an, Qualitative Adjectives follow Declensions I., and II. ; except pajn> (glad), ropaa^T. (clever), which have only hort predicative form, and 66jn>mifi (greater), 6ojIblJl6fl (great), Meubinofi (younger), MeHbiuifi (less), only long attributive. 85 Possessive Individual Adjectives have only short torm, 3 rd Declension ; and Possessive, Material and Circumstantial only long, I 8t Declension, except -in, -OBifi, -eflifl which have Singular long, Plural short, 2 nd Declension. DECLENSIONS OP ADJECTIVES. I. Mas. Neu. Fern. Sing. Nom. Ao6pbiH 4o(5poe Aotipaa Acc - Baro A66 W Mas. II. Neu. Fern. AoCparo AofipOMy Gen. Dat. Inst. Prep. (0) AofipOMT, Flu. Nom. Ao6pbie Acc. GEN. Dat. Inst. Prep. 466^0 a [(-ofl) (0) AoOpOH AOfipufl Ao6pbixi> Ao AO (o) pbi6bflro pbiObCMy " [(-cfl) puiObHM'h pbi6beio (OjpblSbCMl (o)pbl6bCfl pblfibH IpuGbH pb'l(5bHI1> pbl6bHMH (0) Mas. Neu. Bing.Nom. napeBT> -BO A juapeei Acc - juapeua in. Fern. -B3 -By All Genders. Flu. Nom. uapeBbi Acc jnapeBu " /uapeBbili Gen. uapesbixi Dat. napeBbiMi. Inst. aapeebiMH Prep, (o) qapeBbiii Gen. uapesa Dat. uapeBy Inst. uapeBUMT. Prep. (0) qapeaoMi -08 -OK) (-Ofl) -OH The Phonetic and Orthographic changes (i, , e for KI. a, o) as in Substantives (Page 81). The numerous coincidences iii form can be gathered from the Table. (2) In the short forms, o and e are inserted between two filial consonants in Mas. Sing. Nom. Acc.: Kpinoio. (strong), KpinKiu; BipeHi (true), BipHbiu; TflxeKi (heavy), THWKiS or e for b, fi: ropeKi (bitter), ropbKifi; DOKoeni (quiet), noKofinufl. (3) For use of Genitive instead of Accusative M in Pi>Utu)tives (Page 80> 80 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. The Comparative is formed by adding -ifimifi f-afimifl) or -mifl for the long, declined as in Declension I (Page 83): ifi, -ee, -aa etc. ; and -ie, -e for the short ending, indeclinable. The use of $wo forms is explained at Page 83. (1) -iihiiift. -te--iiBou (living), XHBiumiH, JKHflie; cja(5bi (weak), cjaGiuuiiii, c.iafiie. xcept: jeine'Bbifi (cheap), Kpacnsifi (red, beautiful), noSAuiu (late), TBep4biu (hard), fioraibifi (rich), Kpyrofi (steep), rycToii (dense), npocTofi (simple), TOJCTKIU (thick), lacTbiu (dense, frequent), qtfCTUH (clean), i which the long forma are regular, but the short not, viz.: jeuieeje, Kpacuie ^redder): npauie (fairer), po3%e, TBepse, Ooraie, npyie, ryiue, npome (and -rie), TO-imc, qame, iiime. (2) -r, -K, -x give --, -i-, -ni-auinifi: -e. as: cxpdrii (strict), CTpo%aHiniu, CTpoxe; Kpiniuu (strong), Kpfcniafiinifi, Beirifi (old), Beraiauuiiii, Beirae. Except: AOjriu (long), (deep), pi4Kiii (rare), c.iajKii'i (sweet), Tomdfi (thin): aojfcuie; r.iyfioqarimiu, r.tyowe etc., mnpoKifl (broad), mHpe; 4a.ieKiu (far), Aajbine. (3) -inifi as: BbicdKiii (high), BBJcuiiu, Bbiaie; crapbifl, CTapiniH, cxapuie; ly^dfi (thiu, bad), lyAiiiifi, xyxe; BC^HKifl (greatl fiojbiuiii, 66-ibuie; Ma.ibifl (small), MeHbiniu, MeHbine; lopoinifi (good> jyimifi, jyiine. The Superlative only exists as a separate form in pe.niKift: Be.iH^afiinifl; BbicoKifi, Bbicoqaginifi ; iia.iufl, Ma.itiiiuiH; HiiSKiu (low\ HH;afliuifi. In other cases (i) the Comparative is used, with or without Ban- : - 6T> Mofi jyimifi ^pyri (he is my best friend), Haa- jfiuiifl cnoco6i> yiHTbca (the best way to learn); or (2) the Positive with" caiiufi: caMbifi lopouiifi (the best). The Numeral. The Cardinals (see Page 41) are very irregular in their declensions. The most important forms are: (1) One. Sing. Nom. 0411111, OJHO, ojiia; Ace. 04HHi> (04Mor6), 04ny, 04HO; Gen. 04Hord, 04Hofl; Dat. -OMy, -6u; Inst. -HMI, -6fi; Prep. -OMT., -dfi. Plural (alone) Mas. Neut. Nom. oanii, -HTi, -HMT>, HMH, -HXT>. Fem. 04HB, -ill, etc. (2) Two. 4ea Mas. Neu. 4Ba, Pern. 48*, Common: 4By-n, -MT., -Ma, -li. So : 66a, 66* (both), Mas. Neut. ofloHXi, Fem. o6i- HXii, etc. (3) Three, rpa. xpe-n> -MI, -MH, -xi. (4) Four. HCTtipe, ieri>ipe-xi, -MI, HeiupbMa. (5) Five, natb, Gen. Dat. Prep. naTii, Inst DflTbib. Thus mecTt, ceMb, 46BflTb, 4ec/iTL, Tpii.uiaTb. But BoceMb: BOCLMB, BOceMbio. (6^ Fifty. nffnaecHra, i]HTH4ecflTH, -bio. Thus 60, 70, 80. (?) Forty, cdpoin, Gen. Dat. Inst. copoxa (Gen. Plu. -OBI in odpOKi C'OBT), 40 fortieti.). Thua: CTO, 4eBHHOCTO: -a. 87 (8) 200. ABiciH, 4Byn> COTT>, CTan. Thus TpncTa, leT (9) 500. naifccoii, DHTH c., DHTB craMi, naibw CTUMH, IIHTB craiv Thus 600, 700, 800, etc. (10) 1000. Tticgqa is regular. The Ordinals (see Page 42) are regular (Adjectives, see Page 84). The Pronoun. DECLENSION OP PHONOTJNB. Personal. (1) a (1), Mena (me, of me), MHS (to me), MHOK (by me), o MHi (about me . Mia (we), naci (us, of us), naMi (to us), HaMH (by us), o naci (about us). (2) TU (thou), xe6a (thee, of thee), Tefii (to thee), Tofioro (by thee), o ie6i (about thee). Bbi (you), eaci, uaM'b, Basin, o Baoi>. Note. TU ia used only of God, the Tsar, near relations, lenranti, peasants, animals or in contempt ; else BU. (3) OHT. (he), OHO (it), erp (him, it; his, its), eMy (to ), HMI (by ), o HeMi. (about ), OHa (she), 6e (her), ea (ot her), efl (to her), 4w (by her), o Hefi (about her). OHH (they Mas. and Neu.), out (Fern.): eii>. uMb. HMH. Rejleaivi. (4) ( cefii (him-, it-, herself, etc. ; of), ce6t (to), 006610 (by), o ccfit (about). (Singular and Plural.) Demonstrative. (5) cefl (Mas.), cie (Neu.) (this): cero, -uy, CHMI, o CCMT,; cia (Fern.), (Gen. Dat. Prep.) cefl, (Aco.) ciw, (Inst.) cew, -e~u. ciii (these), CUXT>, -MI, CHMH. TOTT> (Mas^), TO (Neu.) (that): TO-rd", -My, rtMi, o TOMI; ia (Fern.): TOH, Ty, TOW, TB (those), -11, -MT>, TOMB. 3TOTB, 3TO (this): aTOFO, -My, 3THMT>, Ofil, 3TOMT,; 3T8, tC.J JTB (these), -11, -MI, -MB. Relative, Interrogative and Indefinite: (6) KTO (Mas. and Fern.) (who, who?, some [one]): Kor<$, -My, KtMl, o KOMI. (Singular and Plural.) YTO (Neu.) (which, etc.): *ero, -My, vtttt,, o qe'Mi. (Sing, and Plu.) KOTOpufl (who, which, etc.) is regular (see Page 84). .Possessive. (7) MOU (Mas.) (my), Moe (Neu.), Moero, -My, -MOHMt, Moesii; MOfl (Ftm.): MOH), Moeu, Moero, etc. Thus TBOfl (thy), CBOfl (my, thy, his, her ;^ our, etc., reflexive, referring to Subject). (8) Hami (Mas.), name (Neu.) (our): Hamero, -My, HaiiiHMT>, HameMT>, naiua (Fem.): -y, -efi, -ew ; Plural: Haimi,THii, -BMI, -BMH. Thus too saiui, (your). The Verb. For last of Verbs -ee Page* 47 to 62. Note. The 2nd person Singular is used as in Shakespearian English, viz.: in addressing God, the Tsar, husband, wife, near relation or friend, children, dependents, peasants, animals and in bu*e. In all other cases, the 2nd person Plural 88 REMARKS cv THE FORMS AND HEARINGS OF THE VERB. Besides voice, mood, time, number and gender, the Russian verb distinguishes several kinds of actions for which there are sometimes separate forms. I. (a) Definite. The time or circumstances are ascertained: a iHTaro (Tenept), I am (now) reading; OHT. uncart aio HHCbMO (Biepa), he wrote this letter (yesterday); OHT> luerb no AOport, he is going along the road (i. e. now or at some definite time); om> n-JbiBerb KI ao4K'B, lie swims to the boat. (b) Indefinite. The action is general, habitual: puOa njaBaerb, a fish swims; a IHCTO 1041111 no Hafiep- CJKHOH, 1 often walked on the quay. K.B. Observe im&Tb, nHcarb. bare only one form; while lojim, BJTH (go) UfcBaTb, n.ihiib (swim), have two forms. II. (a) Iterative (Past) or rej eated action. Example: ci^iTb, sit; but: a CH/KHBa.n> y nerd qaca no rpe, I-would sit with him three hours together. ,(b) Single (Past or Fut.^ action. Example: cryiaTb, knock; but: OHT. CTyKHyji BI 4Bepb, he knocked (once) at the door. N.B. Form: (a) in -binarb, -EBaib. -ait . . . cOBarb: c6lbiBaTb, n.i&Katfc: n.iiKHlaib, rep^Tfc: Tap&Tfc, KHBytb: KH44ib. (b) in -Hyib ip6raifa: Tp6Hy, r.iwtib : r.iflHyib, njenraib: menByib. IIL (a) Imperfect denoting unfinished action (Infin., Present, Fast, Future and Imperative.) (b) Perfect (Infin., Past, Future, Imperat.) a finished action, or one just begun: on HHTa.n> (I m P-) KHBTV, nor4a n Bomeji Perf.) n Kostaary. Example : he was reading a book when I entered the room, fl npoinTJLn. BCW raseiy (Perf.), I have read the whole paper, fl 6yjy micatt (Inap.) qi^ufl 46Hb, I shall be writing all day Ona BHMI HanHmen (Perf.) 061 3TOMT), she icitt write you about it. OHI sarosopaji (Perf.), he began to speak. Form : The Pei lect usually differs from the Imperfect by a Preposition: jt-iaib (Imp.): CAijaTb (Perf.); micarb: HaiiiicaTb; iHTaib: npoimaTB. Some verbs distuiguish Imperf. from Perf. without Preposition : 43BaTb: Aart; 4tBaTl>: 4tTt; KOHHatb: KOHIHTB &c. Compound (Perf. ) verbs form their Imperfect from the Iterative form (II a)) : no4nacaTb (Perf.), sign; nojniicLiBarb (Imp.), aajepacaib: The Voices are: (l) Active (see above), (2) Reflexive: a Motor b, I wash myself; a Goibcfc, I am afraid. (3) 'Reciprocal: OHH o(5 HHjjaioTca, they embrace (each other). (4) Middle: KHHra jierKt HHtaexca, the book reads easily. niiCbMo nocbuaetca ^epesi BepJfiHl, the letter is sent through Berlin. Observe: (2), (3) ani (4) are expressed by adding -cfc, -ca = self. (5) Passive: OBI BCBMB yBaxaeHi, he is respected by all ; OHI 6bUT> 334epwaHi iia rpamiii*, he was arrested on the frontier. Usually replaced by Active, Note. (5) is expressed by the verb <5hiTb and the Predicative form of the Participle Imperfect or Perfect Passive (-Ml; -n, -n). 89 REMARKS ON THE COHJUGATIONB, The Verbs fall into two classes: (A) Regular: polysyllable* with Infinitive in -n preceded by a vowel; Examples: Aiuaxb, ry.iflxb, KOJOTI,, roBOpaxb, se.iixb, xoHyxb, xepexb; (B) Irregular: (a) monosyllables, (b) with Infinitive in -TB preceded by a consonant, (0) Infinitives in -ib, -TH, -mH. The Kegular verbs are divided into 3 Conjugations: (I) In- finitives -axb, -HTb, -tTb. 1st Sing. Pres. in -H) preceded by vowel. (1) -aib, -aw (see 4iuan). (2) -oBaxb or -eBan, -yw or -KHU. (3) -flxb, -aio. (4) -ixb, BIO. Examples: (1) 4iuaxb, 4 r fcjaR- (2) pncoBsxb, pHcyio; mesaxt, ILHOIO. (3) ryaaib, ryjaio. (4) HMtXb, HMBHj. (II) Infinitives in -HTb, -tn, -OXb, -an, 1st Sing, in -H) and with softened final consonants : -.IK>, -wy . . . ; thus : 6 H- B HTb X. A HTb T HTb C HXb CT HTb Infin. - Tb M BTb 1 HXb 8 S Tb K tTb X STb CK tTL o- n axb ra an axi, aib arb axb a- * m Present H) jao y ay ^y my my Examples: (1) roBOpaxb: -pro, Be.iiit: -JKJ, KO.ioib: -jw; (2) JH)6HXb: -<5jib, aoBHTb: -B^K), xepnixb: -n.b, ApeMaxb: -M.iib, tpa*HTb: -*JH>; (3)xyafuxb: -y, Kpiinaib: -y, Abimaxb: -y, -y; i4)B04HXb: -y, BH4txt: -y, Hasaxb: -xy; (5) tuaxHr BepxiTb: -wy, n.iaKait: -ny; (6) npocuxb: -my, BHcixb: naxaib: -my; (7) ^iiciHXb: -my, xpycrtTb: -my, HCKaTb: -my. (III) Infinitives in -Hyib, -epexb, 1st Person Sing, in -ay, -py. Examples: (1) THHyri,, xaay; (2) xepexb, Tpy. The other Persons of the Present are exhibited in the table below: (a) (b) (o) (d) Sing. 1. n y y 2. eiub euib nujb Hinb 3. en, exi, HTT. HTI PlO. 1. CMb 6MI HMT> HMT, 2. exe 6Te HTC HTC 3. roxi yn> an HTB (ati) (a) Conj. I and Conj. II (1) in -OTb, (2) -aTE. Ib) Conj. Ill and Conj. H (4), (5), (6), (7) in -aTb. ic) Conj. II (1) and (2) exc. -on, -axb (see (a)). (d) Conj. U (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) except those in -an, not preceded by at, ^, in, m- The Past in Conjugation (I) and (TJ) is formed by changing -n into -Jb, -ja, -ja, -JH (see 4iuaxb). In Conjugation (HI), some verbs in -HyTb and all those in -epexb are shortened; as: xanyTb: TflHyxb but coxnyn: cozi, -jua, -uo; xepexb: xepi, -pja, -pjio. The 2 nd Person Sing. Imperative ends in H, b, H or i. Example*: A&iaa, OMUIH, KOU, Jtt6u, eipb, ro-roBb, coma. 90 CONJUGATION OP A REGULAR VERB (Active). Infinitive (imperfect) Ai-iaii. Inf. (perfect) CAi-ian., to do. Present Part. AtJa-wmifl, doing. Pres. Gerund Atja-a, (in) doing. Past (c) A'wa-BUiiH, having Past (c) AtJa-BT>, -BUIH, done. having done. Indicative Present. Indicative Past- Imperfect, a AtJa-io, I do, am doing a ")Aija-.n>,I did, was doing TU AiJa-einfc, thou dost. .. TM [OHO >m.,-.iaf.,thou didst, wast,, OHT>, oiia. OHO At.ia-eii., he, she, oni,ona,J -.10 n., he,., did, was MM At.ia-e MT>, we do [it does . . HU 1 we did, were BU at-ta-eie, you do BU Mi.ia.JB, you did, were* OHH, uHt Atja-iOTi, they do OHU out J they Future Imperfect. Past Perfect. 6yAy Ai-ian., I shall do, be a CAt^-aji, -a, -o . . . I did, have doing (see verb Kurt below). done, had done ... (as inlmperf.). Future Perfect. Conjunctive and Conditional. C4i.ia-Kj ... I shall do, have a (cJAtjaj-i, -a, -o 6si . . . I should, done . . . (endings as in Pres.). would do, hare done ... (as in Past Perf.). Imperative, (c) Atja-fl! do! nycri, (c)AtJaeri, let him do. (c)*ija-ejn,, -MTC, let us do. (cjntja-ftre ! do ! nycrt (c)Ai-ia-ioTi, let them do. Note. 1. The Past, originally an adjective, has forms for the three genders. 2. The Conjunctive is formed of Past and 6u: (Imperf.) OHa nncua 6u jy^uie, ecjiu 6ti uMlia xopouiee nep6 she would write better, if she had a good pen, (Perf.) a notia.i b 6bi Ht OIOTV, ecjn (5u norOAa Cu.ia lopouia, I should have gone shooting, if the weather had been tine. To Be. Infinitive GblTi,, Present Gerund fijTAym being, Past Gerund OSIBT,, -BEBH having been. Future 6j ; Ay, -emb, -CTT>, -em, -Te, -yri, I shall be, &c. Past 6bi.iT>, -ja, -jo, -JH I was, . . . Conjunctive a 6bLn 6u . . . I should be ... Imperative 6yAb! be! CyjhTe! be! The Present: am, art ... is omitted: OHT, Ao6pi>, he is kind, or, if emphatic, expressed by 6CTf>. The Participles 6yAynUfl=Puture, 6iJBiiufl=Past: erd 6hiBmifi his former chief; na tiyAymee, for the future. There ia'=ecTb. To Have Infinitive HMiifc, Regular: OHI HMieii cofiaKV, he has a dog; more usually expressed: y Hero (sieHH, Te6)i, Hen, H3CT>, Baci, HHII.J ccifc codaKa he (I, thou, she, we, you, they) baa, have a dog. 91 CONJUGATION OF VERBS IN -HTfc. Infinitive rOBOpim, to say. Inf. (Perf.) noroBOpHTb, to speak. Present Part. roBOp-auiifi, saying. Pres. Gerund roBOp-a, saying. Past (no)rOBOp-HBiniH, Past (no) roBOp-HBi, having said. -HBIQH, having spoken. INDICATIVE PRESENT. INDICATIVE PAST-IMPERFECT. H iOBOp-k), I say, am saying a ") roBop-ii.n> m., I said... Tbi roBOjMiinb, thou sayest ... Tbi [OHO[ -H.ia f., thou saidst. . . OUT,, oiia, OHO roBOp-Hir,, he, she, OHi.jOHaJ -HJO n., he, she. it said MU roBOp-HMT, we say [it says . . . Mbi 1 we said . . . Bbi roBOp-Hie, you say OHH, OH* roBOp-flii, they say. FUTURE IMPERFECT. fl 6y4y roBOp-HTb, I shall say . . (see verb 6biTb, Page 88). FUTURE PERFECT. fl noroBOp-K) ... I shall speak . . , (as in Present). Bbi irOBOp-HJH, you said OHII, onij they said... PAST PERFECT. fl noroBOp-iLn, -ri.ja, H.IO, I spoke... (as in Imperf.). CONJUNCTIVE AND CONDITIONAL. fl (no) roBop-i'Mi, u.ia, iuo, 6u . . . I should say, should have spoken . . . IMPERATIVE, (no) roaop-n I say, speak ! nycrb (no) roBOp-HTi I let him say, speak! (no) rosop-uMi! let us say, speak! (no) rOBOp-HTC! say, speak! nycib (no) roBOp-an.! let them say, speak! CONJUGATION OF VEEBS IN -aii. Infinitive Maa-aib, to smear. Inf. Perf. CMas-aib. to smear. PresentPart-Max-ymifl, smearing. Pres. Ger. Ma/K-a, -yin, smearing. Past Part, (c) Maa-asmiS, having Past (c) MaS-aKiim, having smeared. smeared. INDICATIVE PRESENT. fl Ma/K-y, I smear Tbi Max-emb, thou smearest owb, ona, OHO Max-era, he, she, it Mbi Hax-eMi, we smear [smears Bbi sia/K-exe, you smear OHH, oat Maac-yTi, they smear. FUTURE IMPERFECT. fl 6y4y Maa-atb, I shall smear, &c. INDICATIVE PAST-IMPERFECT. fl "JMas-iUTi, I smeared... Tbi [OHO l-aja, thou smearedst. OHT>. ona,,he, smeared.. Mbi 1 we, you, they Bbi [ Mas-ajii, smeared, OHH, OHSj were smearing. PAST PERFECT. fl ciiaa-a.n., I smeared, &c. Irregular Verbs. The Irregular Verbs have for the most part the same ter- minations as the Begular, but the stem suffers changes, as: GpHib: Gpiio, Opieuib . . ., cjbirb: cxibiBy, utiTb: MOW, crjan: CT6JK), &C. 92 The Adverb. For Lilt of Adverbs see Pages 62 to M. The most common Adverb is the short form of the Neuter Singular of the Adjective, as: xopomo, well', Majio, little; MHOro, much . . . Besides these there are many Adverbs which are various cases of Substantives : Biepa, yesterday; flOMa, at home ; yTpoarB, in the morning... or with Prepositions Hayra;n>, haphazard; saoAHO, together; noioiTL, afterwards. The Comparative is the short form of the Adjective: yMH6: yitHie; cleverly, more cleverly; xopomo: jyqme, well, better. The Preposition. For List of Prepositions see Pages 62 to 68. The Prepositions require certain cases, as follow: Genitive: Besi (without), A.IH (for), 40 (to, till), HST, (out of), on (from), pa4H (on account of), y (at), H3b-3a (from behind) and nearly all Adverbs used as Prepositions: npoiUBT. (opposite), Ha uepxy (on the top of) ... Dative: Ki (to), BonpeKH (contrary to). Accusative: IIpo (about, for), CKBOSB (through), iepe3i> (across). Instrumental: Ha^i, (above), MCHJ4y (between). Prepositional: Ilpa (near, in the time of). Accusative (motion), Instrumental (rest) : 3a (behind), n04i (under), nepeAi (before). Accusative (motion), Prepositional (rest): Bi (into, in), Ha (onto, on), o6i> or o (against; about, with). Genitive, Accusative, Instrumental: C% (from, since; equal to; with). Dative, Accusative, Prepositional: IIo (on, by; on, up to; after). The Conjunction. For List of Conjunctions gee Pages 62 to 66. The most common Conjunctions are: a; 6y4 but, and; if Aa moreover; and in order that, to eoiti, eate^a if ate on the other hand H; 1160; HJH and; for; or H TiiKT. ; KaKT> TO and so; to wit JH; Kor^a ?, (question); when juo; AttWb or; only He;KejH than ae TOJiKO HOB notonly but also HH( HH) neither, (nor) OAnaxo however noTOMy HTO because raxi ^TO so that T6jbKO;iOTa(6u)only; although ITO; Trdfiia teat; in order to 92* The Interjection. Tor LUt of Expression! see Pages M to 10*. Surprise: a! (ah!), an! (alas!), TO -TO! (really IV Joy: ypa! (hurrah!), xa xa! (ha ha!). Fear: oft! (oh!), ax-re! (ah!). Aversion: a! axi>! (ugh!) ah!), n>y! (pooh!). Pain and Grief: an, ! 6xi ! (ah! oh !), rope ! (woe !), JBU ! (ala* !> Exhortation: ay! Hye! (now! now then!). Hailing: afi! red! (halloo! hey!). THE RUSSIAN ALPHABET. Printed and Written Characters. A, a E, 6 B, B I\ r & A E, e JK, K 3, 8 a 00 * 0*0 * H, H I, i K, K .1, j M, M H, H 0, o n, n u * 6 ******** ** P,p C, c T,T y,y O,* X,x U, 11 H, ffl, m III, m T>, i H, H L, t fc, t 3, a K), D vt up * " fl, fl 9, e V, v fi, fl * Barely used, never M ipiriala, USEFUL AND NECESSARY IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS AND PHRASES. H HG06XOJHMHH JUUOMaTH'ieCKifl II o6opOTBI.) NOTE. Inquiries for information may be opened by the phrase: Ey4&Te TEKT. A06pu (boot'te tak dahbry') Be 80 kind, [while raising the hat the inquirer being a man]. English. Russian. Pronunciation. If you please no/Kajyficia Pahzhah'looista Thank you E.iarcuapib Baci; Blaghahdaryoo' vaa I thank you Ejaro4apcTBVH) Blaghahdarst'vooyoo Have the goodness EyAbie rani. 40<5pu Bootf'te tak dabry' Much obliged Oient (Baan.) 6.iaro- O'chen (vam) bla- 4apem, ghahdah'ren Yes, Sir 1 Yes, Miss ill Da No, Madam Htn> Net Allow me n03BO.!LTe MHl Pahzvoi'te mne Bring me IlpHHCCHTe MHS Preenesee'te mne Do you under- noHUMaeie (.in BH)? Pahneemah'yete (lee stand? vy)? Excuse me HSBHUflTe MCHH Izveenee'te inenya' Give me ^aiixe MHt Dah'ite mne Send me IIpHtiijure MHI Preeshlee'te mne Tell me CKasHie MB Skazhee'te mne Will you tell me? He CKaHxCie JH BU Ne skah'zhete lee vy MHt? mne? Do you speak FOBOpHTC JH BU 110- Gahvaree'te lee vy English, Russian? aurjiucKU, no- pah-ahn'gliskee, pyccKH? pah-roo'skee? I do not speak fl ue roHopw nopyccKH Ya ne gahvaryoo* Russian pah-roos'kee Is there anyone HtTT. JH 34*Cfc K0r6 Net lee zdes kahvo* who speaks Eng- HHCy4I>, KTO IOBO- neeboof, khtah lish here? plJTT> nO-aBT jiUCKH ? gahvareet' pah-ahn'- gliskee? 94 Engllih. Buieian. Pronuncifttlon. Can you read YMiere JH BuVrataifc Oome'ete lee vy Russian? no-p^ccKH ? cheetaW pah- roos'kee You read very Bbi iHTacte oienb Vy cheetah'etc well xoporao o'chen kharahsho' Who taught you? Kro Bac-b HayiHjT.? Khto vas naoocheel'? How long have 46.irO-.IH BM yiHJHCfc? Dol'gah-lee vy you learned? ochee'lee*? A short time only HeAO-iro Nedol'gah I find the pronun- fl Haxoacy npOH- Ya nakhahzhoo' ciation very HOmeHie oqeiib praeeznashe'nie difficult XpyAHilMl o'chen trood'nym You have a good V eaci> xopoinifi Bti- Oo vas kharo'shi accent roBopi vy'gahvar What did you say? RTO BM CKasajH? Shto' vy skazah'lee? I have nothing to fl HH^ero He HMito Ya neechevo* ne say against it CKasaTb npoiHBi eeme'yoo skazah^ SToro pro'teef e'tahvah I beg your pardon IIpocTHTe. BnHOBan Prahstee'te. Veenahvah't [lee? What did you ask? ?TO BLI CnpOCIIJH? Shto' vy sprahsee'- Speak louder FoBopuie norposiie Gahvahree'te pah- grom'che What does it sig- ^Iio STO 3Haqiiii? Shto' e'tah znah'- nify? cheet? It is no matter Haqero ! Neechevo'! It is all the same STO 4Jfl MeHH Bee E'tah dlya menyah' to me paBHO fsyo' ravno' Never mind He 6e3DOKoiiTecb. Ne bespahko'eete*. Haiero! Neechevo' . What is the Bl 16MT, 4ijO? F chom' delah? matter? Nothing Haiero Neechevo' What is it about? 16MI H4CTL ptHK? Ah chom' eedyot' rech? What is to be done? lTd AfiJaTfc? Shto' de'lai? I have not a fl He HMiio aoHflxifl Ya ne eeme'yo* notion pahnyar'teeya 95 English. Russian. Pronunciatioa. I understand (H) nomiMaro (Ya)pahneemah'yoo I do not under- (H) H6 DOHHMaiO (Ya) ne pahnee- stand mah'yoo Carry this HCCHTC $TO Nepee'te e'tah Take this away Y6epHTe TO Ooberee'te e'tah Make haste! IIocKopie ! Pahskare'e ! Come along ILuire co ainoi Eedee'te sah mno'i Take care! EeperiiTeci, ! Beregee'tes! Look out! CMOTPHTC! Smahtree'te ! Listen ! C jy uiafrre ! Sloo'shaite ! Come in! BoflAHxe! Vahidee'te! Come here! Ilu'ire noja! Eedee'te syoodahM Go away yxoAiiie! Ookhahdee'te! This way CKua! Syoodah' ! That way TyAa! Toodah'! Too soon CJHUIKOMI pano Slee'shkam rah'nah Too late H03AHO poz'nah Sooner or later Pano A.KI 0634110 Rah'nah ee'lee poz'- Very well IlpeKpacHO Frekrah'snah [nab Not very well He dqeHb xopomd Ne o'chen kharasho* What do you ?TO saMi yroAHO? Shto' vam oogod'- want? nah? What do you RTO HU roBOpiiie? Shto' vy gah- say? varee'te? It snows Cntn HA5n Snek eedyo't It freezes MopOSHTl Maro'zeet It thaws Taexi Tah'yet It IB very dirty Oqeiib rpnSHO O'chen gryah'znah IB it slippery out CKO^LSKO Ha yjHqi? Skofzkah na of doors? oo'leetse? I nearly fell fl ivTB-^fn. He Ya choof-choof n yna.ii, oopahl' [shtah Do you think it ^yMaere BU, ITO Doo'mayete vy, will rain? 6yA6Tl 40H(Ab? boo'det dosh/? I am afraid BO fl 60H)Cb, 1TO 6y4CTTi Ya bahyoo*', shtah boo'det It is very windy OlCHb BBTpilllu O'chen ve'treuah It m very cold OWHi XOJOAHO O'chen kho'lahduah 8 Xngliih. BnttlML PronuncUHoa. We must soon MM AO.IHHU CK6po My dahlzhny' sko'- begin to have Hawaii xoniixb rah nachah^' tah- a fire nero beef pe'cbee It is dark TCMHO Temno' It is soon dark Pano xcMHierL Rah'nah temne*yet A dark night TeMnaa HOTO Tyom'naya noch It is a fine day Cerdjua xopomaa Sevod'nya kharosh'- noroja aya pahgo'dah In broad day CpeAH 6'tjaro AHS Sredee' bel'avah It is very warm OIOHB xenjo O'chen teplo' [dnya How cold it is! Kam, XOJOAIIO! Kak kho'lahdnah! Of course KOHCIHO Kahne'shnah On the contrary HanpoTHBi. Napro'teef Once for all Pa Tr. umi/*AP i o I uo o UdlH^vl ,4** Eas nafseghdah' After all HaKoiiein.. BT> KOHUS Nakahnets'. I kahn- KOHqOBl tse' kahntsof The other day Ha AHHII. HejaBiio Na dnyahkh'. Ne- dahv'nah At the end of a Bi KOHiji roAa F kahntse' go'da year Between ourselves MexAY HaMH Me'zhdoo nah'mee Everybody knows 3xo siiaeTi BcaKiu E'tah znah'yet it fsyah'kee That is of no con- 3xo HHiero HC 3na- E'tah neechevo' ne sequence TOTi znah'cheet I remember it H noMHW TO Ya po'mnyoo e'tah All at once BApyn Vdrook Nowhere Herat Neegde' No great thing He sasHO Ne vah'zhnah Ever so little qyTB-qyxi Choo<-choo<' Leave me alone Ocia ;bTe MCHS BI Ahstah/'te menyah' DOKOS f pahko'ye You are joking Bu myTHTC Vy shoo'teete You are right Bu npasu Vy prah'vy Don't be angry He cepAHtecb Ne serdee'te* That depends 3lO SaBHCHTT, E'tah zavee'seet I give it up H oTKasusaiocb Ya ahtkah'zyvayooi Bo much the more Tim> 66.1*6 Tem bo'lee Xngllib. 97 Bnuiftn. Pronanclktio*. For want of time 3a neiiMiHiem Za neime'niem BpeMCHH vre'menee With all my heart Ci> yAOBojbCTBieMi S oodahvorstviem Do your best noctapauTecB Pahstarah'ites I am going to town fl tAy BT> ropOAi. Ya ye'doo v go'raht Are you going any- Bbi HAere icy^a Vyeedyo'te koodah' where? HuGyAb ? neeboo^' Up stairs Ha Bepxy, Hasepn Na verkhoo', na- werkh* Down stairs BHH3Y. BHH3T, Vneezoo', vnees From top to bottom Caepxy BHHSI Sver'khoo vnees I am in a hurry fl Topoaubcb Ya tarahplyoo*' I dine out (in fl He o6i4aio AOMa Ya ne abe'dayoo town) do' ma Where have you OrayAa Bhi npmii.m? Atkoo'da vy pree- come from? shlee'? Don't go away He yxoAHie Ne ookhahdee'te I shall go home fl HOHAy AOMOfl Ya paidoo' dahmo'i He has come' back OKI BepHyjca On vernool'sa On horseback BepxoMi Verkhom' Neither do I Ha H Nee yar 1 Some way or an- TaKi run HHaie Tahk' eeleeee'nache other That is just like 3ro COBC-RMT. noxose E'tah sahfsem' pah- you Ha Baci kho'zhe na vahs' Give him that from nepeAafixe eny STO Peredah'ite yemoo' me OTt MCHH e'tah aht menyah' He is a friend of OHI MOH Apyra On' mahi drook' mine I do it in spite of fl A"E-aK) 3TO OpOTBBl Ya de'layoo e'tah myself CB06H BOJH pro'teef svoye'i vo'lee Don't stir He (5eanoKoflTecfc Ne bespako'ites Will you have He yroAHO 01? Ne oogo'dnah lee? some? Not long ago HeAaBHO Nedah'vnah lie owes me a OH t TO^art Ha MCH* On' tahcheet* na grudge 3y6i menyah' zoop BngUfh. Banian. PronunolaHom. Everything con- ECJH xopomeubKO Yeslee khahraahen'- sidered pascMOxpira kah rassmahtref That is too much 3ro CJHUIKOMT> amoro E'tah slee'shkahm mno'gah He will do just the OHT> wi.iaen> TO ae On zde'layet to'zhe same caiioe sah'mahye I am sure of what fl yaipeni BT> TOMI, Ya oove'ren ftom, I say 1TO rOBOpM) shtah gahvaryoo' I have come to tell fl npnmext CKaaait Yapreeshol' skasahf you an vam I don't think much fl HC naioay Huiero YP. ne nakhahzhoo' of it ocoCenHaro neechevo' ahso- ben'navah She is always well Qua BcerAa xopoiu6 Anah' fseghdah' dressed [done ojiia kharasho* ahde'ta No sooner said than CnasaHO cA^-iano Skah'zana zde'lanah I can bear it no fl 6dji>uie HC Morf Ya boTshe ne longer Sioro TepniTb magoo' et'ahvah terpe<' I like being here Mm SA^Cfc HpaBHTCfl Mne zdes nr ah'veetsa I have been told MHS roBOpiijB Mne gahvaree'lee As much as I can HacKoaMco H uory Nasko^kah ya mah- That comes to the Hijiuen> idxe canoe Vyidet to'zhe [goo' same thing sah'mahye I value it very fl BeCfcMa USHK) 3TO Ya vesmah' tsenyo much e'tah I am used to it fl npHBb'iKi, KI 6roMy Ya preevyk' k e'tahmoo I am not able to fl H6 BT> COCTOflHiH Ya ne f eastaya'neei do it cj'B.iaTB 8Toro zde'la^ e'tahvah Who is it calls KTO a TO 30Bert MCHH ? Khto' e'tah zahvyot' me? menyah' ? It is not my fault 3lO H6 HOfl BHHa E'tah ne mahyah' veenah* Do not blame me He nopHuauTe MCHH Ne paritsah'ite menya* I could not help it fl HHICBO MOrt Ya nichevo* ne CAijara mok' zdel'a^. ft Expressions of Surprise, Sorrow, Joy, Anger and ReprOOf. (Inteijectioni lee Page 93.*) (Bupasenia HsyM.aemfl,, pa^ocin, rmBa H ynpeica.) Engllih. Banian. Pronunciation. What? HTO? Shto'? IB it possible? B03MOJKHO-JH? Vahzmozh'nah-lee? Indeed ! El CaMOMl All*! F sah'mahm de'le! That is impossible 3fO H6B03U6XHO E'tah nevahzmozh'nah That cannot be 3xoro HC noser* E'tahvah ne mo'zhet ten by* You surprise me Bu siena yAHB.iaere Vy menyah' oodeev- lyah'ete Don't touch! He xporafixe! Ne tro'gaite! My fault! STO Moa BHHa! E'tah mahyah' veenah'! Oh! itfs nothing! 0! micro! ! neechevo' ! I am sorry for it MB* ;najb 3ioro line zhahr e'tahvah I am quite vexed Kaxaa Aocaja! Kakah'ya dahsah'- about it da! What a pity! KaKi xliKo! Kak zhahl'kah! It is a sad thing 3ro OHCHB rpyciHO E'tah o'chengroos'nah I am very glad (fl) oienb paji (Ya) o'chew rat It gives me great 3ro MCHfl 6ient E'tah menyah' o'chen joy paAyeri rah'dooyet How happy I KaKl fl CiaCTJUBT,! Kak ya schah'stleef! am! He ia very angry OHT> oienb paacep- On o'chen rasaer- 4EIC8 dee'lsa I am in a bad H He BT> Ayn Ya ne f doo'khe temper Hold your tongue! MOJTOW! Mahlchee'te! You are very Bu coBciui Henpasbi Vy sahfsem' ne- wrong prahvy' What a shame! Kaxdfi cpam! Kako'i srah'ml How could yon KaKi MorjH BU C4i- Kak mahglee' rj do so? jan 6xo? zde'laf e'tah? I am ashamed of MHt CTU4HO 33 BaCl Mne etyd'nah E* yon vah'i 100 Bngtlih. Bntiian. Pronunciation. For shame! Kara Hani ne Kahk vam ne styd'- CTUAHO ! nab! You are very much Bu OICHb BHHOBaTU Vy o'chen veenah- to blame vah'ty Don't answer He OTBtvafrre Ne ahtvechah'ite It answers the 3io FOAHTCH E'tah gadeet'sah. purpose i Making Inquiries. (HaBeaeHie cupaBOKt.) What do you say? l lro BU roBopiiie? Shto vy gahvaree'te? Do yon hear me? dtiniHTe JH BU Slyshee'te lee vy MCHH? menyah'? Will you kindly ? He 6y4eie JH BU Ne boo'dete lee vy TaKB 406pU ? tak dahbry ? Do you understand Bu noHHMaete MCH A ? Vy pahneemah'yete me? menyah'? What is that? ^TO STO taKde? Shto' e'tah tako'ye? What do you 1x6 BU XOTHte Shto' vy khahtee'te mean? CKasaTfc? skazaht'? Are you sure? YBtpeilU-JH BU? Oove'reny-lee vy? Don't you speak He roBOpHte JH BU Ne gahvahree'te lee Russian? no-pyccKH? vy pah-rooss'kee? Do you know Mr. He 3Haeie JH BU Ne znah'yete lee vy H.? r. F.? gaspadee'nahGr.? Where if the ? FA* (HaXOAHTCH) ? Gde (nakho'- deetsa) ? What do you call KaKi> BU naauBaere Kak vy nazyvah'- that? dro? yete e'tah? What does that ?TO 3TO 3i!aqHTl? Shto' e'tah znah'- mean? cheet? What is that good /(jfl iero arc Dlya chevo' e'tah for? rOAHTCfl? gahdee'tsa? Breakfast. (yrpeHHin laii. 3aBTpaci>.) See Vocabularies 10 * 11. Is breakfast ready ? FOTOBI JH aaBTpaKi ? Gahtof lee zahf trak? Breakfast is ready 3aHTpaKi roroBi Zahf trak gahtof IB the tea made? 3asapeHi AB nafl? Zavah'ren lee chah'i? 101 Bnfliih. j Buiilan. PronnncLttoB. Some rolls HtCKOJbKO dyjOlPKl Ne'skah/kah boo*- lahchek Do you drink tea, Ilbeie JH BHI *afl, Pyo'te lee vy chah'i, coffee or Ko*e II.IH moKO- ko'fe ee'lee shah- chocolate? jaji? kahlaht'? This cream is sour 3lH CJHBKB CKHCJHCb E'tee sleefkee skees'lees Will you take an He XOTHT6 JH aiiUO ? Ne khahtee'te lee egg? yeitso'? These eggs are STH Hima BT> Kpyryio E'tee yah'eetsa f hard krootoo'yoo Give me the salt, IIo4afiTe MH-B con, Pahdah'ite mne sof, pepper, mustard nepem>. ropiiiuy pe'rets, garchee'- tsoo [mah'slah Pass me the butter nepeAauie MH-B Mac jo Peredah'ite mne This butter is not 3ro Macjo ue csixee E'tah mah'slah ne fresh sve'zheye [cho* Bring some more IIpHHeciire enje Preenesee'te yesh- Is the coffee strong /(oCTaTOIHO JH Kpi- Dahstah'tahchnah enough ? noKi Ko*e? lee kre'pahk ko'fe? We want more cups HaMi. Hy/KHo eme Nam noo'zhnah ^aiiftKi. yeshcho' chah'shek Take some more BosbMHTe eiu6 caiapy Vahsmee'te yeshcho* sugar sah'kharoo A piece of toast KycoKij noAxapen- Koosok' pahdzhah'- naro ni6a rennavah khle'ba Cold meat Xojo4Hoe Mflco Khahlod'noye mya'- Ham Bfl4iHHa Vetcheenah* [sah Piece of ham KyciJieKi BH49HUU Kooso'chete vet- cheeny' [kamee Coffee with milk K6*e co cji'iBKajm Ko'fe sah sleef- Coffee without 'lepHUH K0e Chor'ny ko'fe milk The table cloth CKaiepTb Skah'terf You can take away MOXHO yOpati Mo'zhnah oobrahi*. the things 102 Dinner. (06t;r&.) See Vocabularies 10 A 11. Xagliih. Buisian. Pronunciation. Show me the bill- noKaxrixe MH napxy Pahkazhee'te mne of-fare kahr'too What have you ^TO y sact ecib Shto oo vas yes' ready? roxoBoe? gahto'voye? What soup will you KaKoro cyny BU Kako'vah soo'poo have? xoxiixe? vy khahtee'te? Gravy soup Mactiofl cym. Myesno'i soop Have you any roast Ecxb .in y Baci Yes' lee oo vas beef? p6cx(5Hi>? rost'beef? Fried soles Hvapeiiaa Kasitiaja Zhah'renaya kam- balah' What wines will KaKoro Biina npa- Kako'vah veenah' you have? Ka*eie? preekah'zhete? Here is the list BoxTnpeflci-Kypaim Vot' preis-koorah'nt We shall dine at Mbi 6y46Mi o6tAaxb My boo'dem ahbe'daf six o'clock BT> ineoTb iacoBT> f she's^ chesof Be punctual Ey4bxe aKypaxHbi Boofte akoorah'tny Are you hungry? Bbi ro.iOAHbi? By go'lahdny? I am hungry fl rOJOACHTi Ya go'lahden Are you thirsty? Bbi xoTiixe nrixb? Vy khahtee'te pee Chee'stee nosh* Bring me a glass of water Give me something to drink This wine tastes of npHHPCiire MH-B CTc'lKaHT. BOAij ,/JafiTe MHU iero Hii6y4b iiamiTf.cs 3lO BHHO OT3i)IBaeTk Preenesee'te mne stakah'n vady' Dah'ite mne chevo' neeboo^'napee'tea E'tah veeno' ahd- the cork It is flat A cork-screw npofiKofi OHO BbI40X.!OCb zy vah'yet prop'koy Ahno' vy'dakhlos Pro'bahshneek. Tea. (lafl.) See Vocabularies 10 4k 11. Tea is ready Pour out the tea Bring a saucer HajefiTe qaio npnuecHTe 6.!H>4uo Chah'i gahtof Nale'ite chah'yoo Preen esee'te blyoo' tsah Ring, if you please II03BOHHTe, 00- Pahzvahnee'te, pah- zhah'looeesta A little more milk Eiue ne MII or o c jii BOKI Yeshcho 1 nemno'gah sleevahk More bread Em6 uifla Yeshcho' khle'ba Some bread and butter, some X-liCi'b CT. MaC.10MT>, HiCKOJbKO fltiqi Khle'b s mah'slahm, ne'skahZkah ye'its eggs A slice of bread 46MTHKI XjiOa C* Lom'teek khle'ba s and butter MaOlOMl mah'slalun Will you take some cake? He XOXHTC jiu nnpoxuaro ? Ne khahtee'te lee peerozh'navah? 104 English. Banian. PTOnnnolation. A small piece MjueHbKifi KycoieKi Mah'lenkee kooso'- chek Make more toast IIoATKapbTe eme Pahdzhahr'te yesh- x.iiSa cho' khle'ba This is excellent 3lO HpCBOCXOAHblfi E'tah prevahskho'- tea lau dny chah'i. Evening. (Beiep-L.) It is late II634HO Poz'nah It is not late Eme ue 0634110 Yeshcho* ne poz'nab It is still early Eme pane Yeshcho' rah'nah Are you tired? Bu ycT&iH? Vy oostah'lee? Not at all BoBce Hill Vof se net Not much He oieHb Ne o'chew [sof It is only ten T6jbKOAecaTBiac6Bi ToZ'kah de'se* che- Are you sleepy? BLI xoTHie cuaib'? Vy khah'teete spahf? I am sleepy fl xoiy cnatB Ya khahchoo* spahf It is time to go to llopa joaiMTbca cnatb Parah' lahshee'tsa bed spabf Is my room ready? rOTOBaMOHKOMHaia? Gahto'va mahyah' kom'nata? [tree'te Go and see liiitre, uocMOTpiiie Idee'te, pahsmah- Good night! IIOKOUHOH HOqH! Pahko'ini no'chee! The Time. (Bp6MH.) See Vocabulary 18 Morning, evening. Yxpo, se^opi, 4CHb, Oo'trah, ve'cher, day, night HO It den, noch Midnight, noon llo.moib, nojaeiib Pol'nahch, pol'den What o'clock isit? KoTopbii'i qaci? Kahto'ry chah's? Ten minutes past /(ecflTb MHHJ'T b BOCL- De'se^ meenooV seven MOFO vahsmo'vah It has just struck T6jbKO HTO npoOujo Torkah shtahprah nine Aesatb bee'lah de've/ A quarter past one ^eTBepTB Biop6ro Chet'verf ftaro'vah Half past four IIojiOBHua iiaxaro Pahlahvee'na pyah'taval) 105 English. BnisUa. Pronunciation. Twer.ty minutes to Kea-b 4Ba4naiH Bez dvah'tsatee tfx. MiniyTb mecTb meenoo't shes^ A quarter to eight Eeai icTBepTH Bez chet'vertee BOCCMb vo'sem Exactly three POBHO TPH qaca Rov'nahtree chasah* o'clock [ing The clock is strik- l lacti 6bibn Chesy' byoot' At what time? Bi KoxopoHi iacy? F kahto'rahm chahsoo*? 9.0. a.m. 4eBHTb lacoBi. yrpa De'vef chahsof ootrah' 7.0. p.m. CeMb iacoBi| eeiepa Sew chahsof ve jher a. In Town. (B-B ropOAli.) Sea Vocabulary 13. Where shall we ' Kyaa MU noiUem? Koodah' my go? [to? paidyom'? [f ? Which is the way Kordpaa^oporaBi ? Kahto'raya dahro'gah Where does this Ky4a Be4en> ara Koodah' vedyot' road lead? 40pora? e'tah daro'ga? Straight before you ffpflMO nep64T> BaMB Pryah'mah pe'red vah'mee [vah To the right, left ; Hanpaso, Hajiso Naprah'vah, nale'- About a verst : OKCMO Bepcru O'kahlah versty' Go up the street lUiiie no atofi y-rairft Idee'te pah e'ti ooleetse Is it far from here? 4aj6KO 3TO OTCW4a? Daleko' e'tah aht- soo'da? How far is it to ? 4a.ieKO JIB 40 ? Daleko' lee dah ? Where can I get T4t MHS H3UTH K6UKy Gde* mne naitee' a tram to ? BT, ? kon'koo f ? Drive quickly ITotaiKaH cKOpie. Pahyezhzhah'i IlninejT>! ekare'ye. Pahshol' I Drive slowly FIotS/Kiifl THIE6 Pahyezhzhah'i tee'- Straight on IIpflMO Pryah'mah [sh Let us go! Ilou4eMTe 1 Paidyomte! Upon the outside HaRCpi^ Naverkhoo* Show me the way IlOKaXHTe MHl Pakazhee'te mn 40p<5ry daro'g 106 Knglish. Buitian. PronnaoIatiOB. Turn to the right nosepHHTC Hanpaso Pahvernee'te na- prah'vah Keep to the left /JepwH-recfc HajiBO Derzh e'tes nahle' va Second turning to Biop6fi noBOpori Ftaro'i pahvarot' the right Hanpaso naprah'vah Take the first to IIoBepHiiie cHaia.ia Pahvernee'te sna- the left, and the najiso, a noT6n chah'la nale'vah, second to the HanpaBO a pahtom' na- right prah'vah Cross the road HepefiAHie Aopory Pereidee'te daro'goo In what street is Ha KaKoii y. ? Znah'yete lee vy F.? gaspadee'nah F. ! I don't know any- fl ae saaio HHKor6 Ya ne znah'yoo one of that name CT> arofl *aMHjiefi neekahvo' s e'ti [mine famee'lii He is a friend of 3ro Mofl 4pyn E'tah mo'i drook' I know him very fl 3Haw erd 6ieift Ya znah'yoo yevo' well [live? xopom6 o'chen kharahsho' Where does he FAS om> xuBen? Gde' ahn zheevyot'? Close by EJHSKO Blees'kah Can you direct me He Mo/seie jai BU Ne mo'zhete lee vy to his house? y Kasari, MH-E Aopory ookazahl' mne KI ero A 40<5ptiM^ yipOMi Z do'brym oo'trahra How do you do? KaKi noxHBaere? Kak' pahzhee- vah'yete? Very well OiCHfc xoporao O'chew kharahsho' I feel very well fl ^yBCTByio ce6A Ya choo'fstvooyoo oieHb xopomd sebyah' o'chen kharascho* I must go JI AOJSCHI yfira Ya dol'zhen ooeetee' 107 English. Butilan. Pronunciation. Good-bye Farewell I wish you a good IIpomaflTe! 4 CBH * Attain! npomafiie ! 4o6paro yrpa Prahshchah'ite! Dah eveedah'neeya ! Prahshchah'ite ! Do'bravah oo'tra morning Good evening Good night IlOKcgHOB H01H Do'bry ve'cher Pahko'iny uo'chee. Correspondence. (HepenHCKa.) Bee Vocabulary 17. I must write a fl 40.i*'eHi> HanacaTb letter DHCbMO I want some paper and ink Mat nyxHO CyMaru B iepHH.I1, Have you any ? Will you give me some? ECTI, y Baci ? He 4341116 JB Bti MB*-? Lend me a sheet 4afire MHS JHCTI A quire Do you like a hard or soft pen? Bbi Am6aie TBepAua HJU Marnia nepba? I like it hard, fine, broad fl .m6jw TBSpAbia, ocrpbifl, inepoKia Is your letter for the post? Baiue niiciMo onyo- Tlilb Bl> fllUHKT,? What is the day of the month? KoTopoe cero4HH 1HCJO? To-day is the first Seal your letter 3aneiaTaure same nnctMo There is no wax Tyn H^TI cypry^y Ya dol'zhen na- peesahV peesmo' Mne noo'zhnah boo- mah'gee ee cherneel* Yesf oo vas ? Ne dadee'te lee vy mne ? Dah'ite mne leest* boomah'gee Vest Vy lyoo'beete tvyor'dyya ee'lee myakh'kiye per'ye? Ya lyooblyoo' tvor'dyye, os'tryye, sheero'keeye Vah'she peesmo' ahpoostee'l v yah'shcheek ? Kahto'rahye eevo'- dnya cheeslo'? Sevo'dnyaper'vahye Zapechah'taite vah'she peesmo' Toot net' soor- goochoo' 108 English. Basstan. Pronnnoltlom. Take this letter to CHPCtfTC 3TO DHCbMd Snesee'te e'tah peef- the post ua n6iry mo' na posh'too Fay the postage SaiMaxHie sa Mapicy Zaplatee'te za mahr'koo. Photography. (CBiTonHCB.) Backgrounds 4>OHM Fo'ny Cloth CyKOHime *OHM Sookon'nye fo'ny Backing paper 4>6HHaa (5y\iara Fon'naya boomah'ga Dark room lamp 4>OHapS MX TgMHOfl FanahV dlya KOMliaTU tyom'ny kom'naty Dark slide(double) (^BouHaa) xacceia (Dvainah'ya) kase'ta Developing OpofluMa Prahyevle*nie Dishes BftttH Vahn'ny for develop- AJ npOflBwieaifl Vahn'ny dlya prah- ing yevle'neeya 9 for fixing AM *HKCHpOBa- Vahn'ny dlya Hia feekseeravah'- neeya for toning 44fl BHpHpOBaHia Vahn'ny dlya veereeravah'neeya Draining rack CrofiKa A.I CVUIKH Sto'ika dlya HeraTHBOBi soosh'kee nega- tee'vahf Dry plates Cyxin oiacTiiHKH Sookhee'ya plasteenltee Flash lamps MandeuuH ^asinti Mah'gneeyevyya lahm'py Focussing glasses .lynu npHqlibi Loo'py preetse'ly Funnels BopOHKH Varon'kee Glass measure CxeK.iflHiiaa M6H3ypKa Steklyahn'naya menzoor'ka Iris diaphragms HpHcoBue sarBopu Ee'reesavyye zat- Lens jliboa Leen'za [vorj Plate holder Kpio^Sni cra.ii.H68 Kryoochok' ataZno'i AU OiaCTHHOKl dlya plaatee'nak S&glith, 109 BuiUn. PronuucUtion. Plate lifter KpmBKi (iianep- Kryoochok' CTOKl) AJH 004- (napyor'stahk)dlya Huuauifl neraTH- pahdneemah'neeya BOBb U3T> npOflBU- negateevahf ees teAA prahyevee'telya Platinotypes ILiaTHHOTiinu Plateenatee'py Printing He'iaranie Pechah'taneeye frame KoDHpOBajbHaa Kapeeravah'Jnaya paMKa rah'mka Scales and weights Bicij H pa3HOBici Vesy' ee raznahves' Shutter SaiBopi Zatvor' Time and Cl BbJ4ep,-KKOfl s vydershki Instantaneous- B MOMCHTaabHUS ee mahmenf ah'/ny Squeegees with rjajHJKI! (BajHKH) Gladeel'kee (vah'- solid rubber ryrranepqeBfeia leekee) goota- roller per'chevyya Speed indicator 4>oTOMeTpi (A-IH Fahto'metr (dlya onpejueHia ahpredale'neeya BpeMBHll 3KC003H- vre'menee ekspah- OiH) zee'tsiee) Tripods (Twofold) (^ByiKOjiiraaTue) (Dvookhkalen'- CTaTiiBbi chatyye) Statee'vy View-finders BH40BCKaT6JH Veedaeeskah'telee Square KBajpaTHue kvadrah'tnyye ee and Oblong npOAOjroBaiue prahdahlgavah'tyye Washing tanks EaKH 4Jfl npOMUBKH Bah'kee dlya prah- myfkee Have you a dark ECTI> M y Bacr> Yesf lee oo yas room? TeMHaa KOMHara? tyom'naya kom'- nata? I want to develop MBI uywHo npoHBUTb Mne noozh'nah a plate njacTiiHKV prahyeveef* plas- teeu'koo Must permission be HOAO jm co.iyqiiTb Nah'dab lee pahloo obtained to paap^in^Hie Trofiu cheef razreshe'uie photograph? 4ijaTi> *oiorpa*H- shtaby' dela* necKie CHHMJCH? f ahtahgraf ee' ches - keeye sneem'kee? 110 EngUih. Shopping. (IIoKynKH.) BM Vocboliei 0, 9, 10, li-, n. BaUn. Pronunciation. How much? novera? [adporo Pahchom'? [doVahgak That is too much STO (XiHmKtWb E'tah sleesh'kalim Show me some HoKa/Kiire MH Pahkazhee'te mne What is the price? IToi6MT> q-fiaa? Pahchom' tsenah'? Will you send them Bid nouuere mi Vy pahshlyo'te eekh at once? cefoaci? seichahs'? I wish to bay fl xo*y KvnHTt, Ya khahchoo* koopee^' I will take this fl BOSfcMV &TO Ya vahsmoo* e'tah Send them to Iloin-iaie HXI BT> Pahshlee'te eekhf I want some calico Met H yxno RO^eHKOpy Mne noo'zhnah kahlenko'roo I should like to fl xor&ra 6u ao- Ya khahtel' by pah- see some ribbons CMOTpiTt AQHTU sr/nahtref len'ty This colour is too STOTT. UH-BTT, C.IHUI- E**ht tsvef sleesh'- dark; too light KOM'b TeMBHt; kahm tyo'men; [narrower? cjihuKOMT, CBtreji gleesh'kahin sve'tel Have you any EcTb y saci yae? Yesf oo vas oo'zhe? Broader lllape Shee're What is this a lloqSMi 3TO apuiiiiii? Pahchom' e'tah yard? arsheen'? It is faded 3?0 BUKBtJO E'tah vyts'velah Show me some UoKaai^TC MH-E Kaxyio Pahkahzhee'te mne cotton Hu6yAb 6yMaxHyw kakoo'yoo nee- mutjim boof boomah'zh- noo'yoo ma- te'reeyoo Not so fine He raKyro roHKyio Ne takoo'yoo ton*kooyoo This will do 3io roAritca E'tah gahdee'tsa Sewing-silk Dtojn Sholk' A skein MOTOKl Mahtok' Pins EyjaBKH Boolahfkee Mixed pins; Pa.satiH 6y.iaeKHj Rah'znyya boolahf- needles HrOJKH kee; eegol'kee Ill Bngllfh. Runian. PrOBHiiciktio&. Tape T-'CbMa Tesmah' A bodkin Brjft Eeglah' Show me some [luuaxiiTe van Fahkazhee'te mne gloves [pair? nepqaiKH perchaht'kee [ra? What are they a CKO.ILKO CTOHTI napa? SkoPkah sto'eetpah'- It is too dear 3ro oiHioKOMiAoporo E'tah sleesh'kahm do'rahgah Show me some IIoKajKHTe MHt Apyrifl Pahkazhee'te mne others droogee'ya Try on these [well flOMtpHilTe 3TI1 Pahme'reite e'tee They fit you very Out eaMT> Kaxi pasi Ahne' vam kak rahs' I will take them A B03BMV BIT, 01 Ya vahjmoo* eekh s with me co(56u sahbo'i Send all this home noiIlJlITe BCS 3TO Pahshlee'; e fsyo' e'tal directly CeHiaCT, AOM6H seichahs' dahmo'i The bill Cven. Schof. The Dressmaker. (IIopTHHxa.) See Vocabulary 9. Here is the dress- Ilpiiuua nopTHHia Preeshlah' part* maker nee'kha Tell her to wait BejHie 48 noAOXA&n Velee'te ye'i pah- dahzhdah^ Show her in BseAHTe e6 Vvedee'te yeyo* Have you brought 6u npimecjii Moe Vy preeneslee' my dress? cjaite ? mahyo' plah'te? Here it is Bon, OHO Vot' ahno' Will you try it on? Bu npHMipHeie ero ? Vy preemer'yayete yevo* ? It fits you very well OHO B3MT. BI nopy Ahno' vam f po'roo The sleeves are not PyxaBa He40CTaioiHO Rookavah' nedah- wide enough mHpORH stah'tohshna sherakee* The skirt is too K)6na cjHmKom Yoop'ka sleesh'- narrow yana kahm ooskah' Add another IIpH6aRbTe emS Preebahyie y eshcho* breadth nojocy po'lahsoo 112 English. 1 Basiian. Pronnndtlon. It is too short- OHO (XIHfflKOMl Ahno' sleesh'kahin waisted KOpOTKO Bb TU.liU karabtko' f tah'lii Too long-waisted GllilDKOMT> AJHHHO BT> Sleesh'kalim dleen- Ta,ua no' f tah'lii Make all these IIepe4liaHTe see aio Perede'lite fsyo* alterations e'tah What trimming Kaicyio oiAliKy BU Kakoo'yoo ahddel'- would you put IOTHT6? koo vy khahtee'te? on? Light blue ribbon CB*wo-rojy6yio Svet'lah-gahlooboo'- jemy yoo len'too When can I have Koiua a Mory no- Kahghdah' ya mahgoo' it? jyiHib ero? pahloocheei' yevo? You shall have it Bti nojyiiixe ero BI Vy pahloo'cheete on Saturday cyfifidiy yevo' f soobo'too Without fail HenpeHiHHO Nepremen'na Don't disappoint He oOMaHHie MGHH Ne ahbmanee'te me menyah*. The Shoemaker. (CanoaiHHKTE..) See Vocabulary 9. I wish to see some shoes boots Ladies' boots slippers The soles are rather thick thin They are too tight I cannot get my foot in Here is a shoe-horn They hurt my heel They hurt my tods H xejaro canora GOTHHKH HCMHOrO TOJCTii TOHKH Oiiii CJUIQKOMI TicHbi H ee Mory HIT. Ha aory BOTI pdn> OHM DHTKy OHH xMyra MH-B Ya zhelah'yoo pah- smatref bash- mahkee' sapahgee' Dah'mskeeyabahteen'- kee tooflee Pahd osh' vy nemno' gab tahlsty' tahnkee* Ahnee* sleesh'kahm tes'ny Ya ne mahgoo' nadef eekh nah' nahgoo' Vot' aboovah'fay rok' Ahnee' dah'vet mne pyaht'koo Ahnee' zhmoot mne pahZ'tsy 118 ngltah. Haitian. Pronunciation. The instep is too OlIII CIHIDKOHl y3Kli Ahnee' sleesh'kahm tight Bl IlOAieMS ooskee* f pahdyo'me I cannot walk in H He Mory BT, HHZI Ya ne mahgoo v them XOAHTfc neekh khahdeef Besides, they are KpOM3 TOFO OHH Kro'me tahvo' too short CJHinKPMl KOpOTKH ahnee' sleesh'- kahm kahrahtkee* Take my measure CHBMMTC in> MCHS Sneemee'te B menya* Mipicy mer'koo I must have them OHH MH* HyjRHii KEKI Ahnee' mne noosh- as soon as MOXCIIO OKOpie ny' kak mozh'nah possible skaree'ye. The Laundress. See Vocabulary 9. This is too limp You don't put enough starch I miss a collar See how badly that is done You must take it back This is badly ironed You have scorched this dress "5 ou put too much blue in my linen This is not my handkerchief "V ou have torn this dress 3ro Bu cjatio Kp fl HO JOCIHTUBaiO llOpOTHHIKa IloCMOTpHTC KaKT> ILIOXO dTO C4i.l3HO B3flTb am ofipaiHO 3?o uoxo Btir ja/Keno Bu i Bu nepocHinuu MOS 6t.ibe 3ro He Moti II.IUTOKI fiu pasopsaja aw njane E'tah sleesh'kahm slah'bah nakrakh- mah'lenah Vy slah'bah krakh- mah'leete Ya ne dashchee'tyva- yoo varahtneechkah' Pahsmahtree'te kak plo'khah e'tah zde'lanah Vy dahlzhny vzyah'f e'tah ahbrah'tnah E'tah plo'khah vy*- glazhenah Vy sazhglee' e'tah plah'fe Vy pereseenee'lee mahyo* be/yo* E'tah ne mo'i platok* Vy razarvah'lee e'tah plah'ee 114 English. Kusiian. PronuneUtioB. When can I have KorAa a Mory no- Kahghdah' yamahgoo it? -jyiiiTb $TO? paloochee^' e'tah? Have you your bill? Ecu y Baci ciera? Ye's< oo vas schof? I want this linen Milt Hy SHO Bb'lCy UlHTb Mne noozh'nah vy*- washed 3TO Ct.lbS eoosheei e'tah beZyo' Please return this npuHeciire o6paTHO, Preenesee'te linen on noxajyScTa, aio abrah'tnah, pa- 6tJtS zhah'looista e'tah be/yo f I will pay you fl saiuaqy eajn, Ta zaplachoo' vam You must bring Bbl JO.!HhI DpHHeCTH Vy dahlzhny* pree- back this list 3TOTT> COHCOKl nestee' e'taht spee'. otipaTHO sak ahbrah'tnah, *Washing List. (CnHCOK-L 6tjn>A.) FOR OENTLEMBX. (MyHJCKOC.) Collars BopOTHHHKH Varahtneechkec* Cuffs Manxeru Manzhe'ty Drawers KajbcoHU KaZso'ny Dressing-gown Xa.iari> Khalah't Flannel waistcoat 4>.iaHejeBaa *yauKa Flane'levaya foofah'ika Neckties rilCTVKH Gahl'stookee Night shirts HouHbia py(3ainKH Nahchny'ye roo- [chiefs bah'shkee [kee ( Pocket handker- HocoBue njaxKB Nahsahvy'ye plat- Shirts PyfianKH Koobah'shkee [kee' Silk handkerchiefs IIIejKOBbie oiaTKd Shol'kahvyye plat- Socks HOCKH Nahskee' Stockings qyjKH Choolkee' Trousers EpiOKH Bryoo'kee Under-vest y*afiKa Foofah'ika Waistcoat JKa-ten, Zheelet'. 115 *TOE LADIXI. (/KeHCKO Kugllih. Banian. PronuncUWo*. Apron, an Bodice AM* Pere'dneek Leef Cap, a Chemise Collars Cuffs CopdiKa BopOTRHIKH Chep'cheek Saroch'ka Varahtneechkee* Rookah'fcheekee Dress, a Dressing-gown Flannel petticoat Flannel waistcoat Night caps ITjaTie IleHioapi *y*afiKa HoiHbie leiwHKH Plah'te Penyooah'r [k Flanel'evaya yoop'- foofah'ika Nahchny'ye chep'- cheekee Night gowns HoTUbis py6ainKa Nahchny*ya roo- bosh'kee Petticoats Pkt. handkerchiefs Silk stockings ntm HocoBbie n.iancB IIIeJKOBUe VyJKH Yoop'kee [kee' Nahsahvy'ye plat- Shol'kahvyye ohool* kee' Sleeves Stays Stockings PyKasa Rookavah' Karset' Choolkee. Lures. dlocrejbHoe Gs.ibe np.) Blankets Napkins Pillow cases Caj*.'TKB Shersteny'ye ahdeyah'la Salfet'kee Nah'vahlahchkee Sheets, pair of Table cloth IIpocnjBH, uapa Prastynee 1 , pah'rm Skah'tert Towels IIOJOTeHUa Pahlahten'tsa. 116 Health. English, Russian. PronuncUtio*. How are you? Rani BU nosHBaeie Kahk' vy pahzhy- vah'yete? Pretty well Hflier6 Neechevo' Very well Oienb xopomo* O'chen kharahsho' I am very well fl COBCiMl 340{iOBl Ya sahfsem' zdarof I am ill fl 66jiein> Ya ho'len I am not very well fl H6 COBCiMl 340pOBT> Ya ne sahfsem' sdarof I have a headache V MCHfl 6OJHTI Oo menyah* hahleet' rojoBa gahlahvah' I have a sore throat y MCHH Oo.iiiii ropjo Oo menyah' hahleet' gor'lah I have got a chill fl npocTVAiijcfl Ya prahstoodeel'sa I feel sick Mena ronjHrfn> Menyah' tahshneet' Send for the doctor Ilouunie sa 40K- Pahshlee'te za dok'- TOpOMT. tarahm I want to see a- MH% nyxHO BiiAtik Mne noo'zhnah 40KTOpa vee'det dok'tara She has a cough y Red xaioejK Oo ne'i kah'sheZ She is hoarse Ona oxpiin.ia Ahnah' ahkhreep'la Where is there a T4 Tyn anieKa? Gde' toot' apte'ka^ chemist's shop? How much is the CKOJbKO AOKTOpl Sko'Zka dok'tar doctor's fee for fiepensa BHSHTI? beryot' za a visit? veezeet'? To the station Here is my luggage The Railway. See Vocabulary 16. Ha B6lT> MOH Take it to the cloak-room I wish to register my luggage for- The luggage is overweight CnecHTe uxi> BI 6araxHyio H ioiy cAan, Oaraaci m* ,___ Eanun vtcscn aaa- ee Na vahgzahl* Yot inaee' ve'shchee! Suesee'te eekh v bagah'zhnooyoo Yakhahchoo'zdalU' bagahsh* v Bagah'sh ve'aeet leesh'ney* 117 XogVUh. EniiUn. PronunciAtkM. Get my luggage, no-iyiHTeMoflfiarajRi Paloochee'te mo'i here is the ticket Bora KBHTanuia bagahsh'. Vot' kveetah'ntsiye Where is the wait- Fji 3a.n 4.13 na- Gde' zah'l dlya pa- ing-room? Ca/KHpOBT>? sazhee'raf? booking-office? FA^ Kacca? Gde kah'sa? buffet? Bl ? po'yest v ? lavatory? y66pHaa ? oobor'naya? Are you going by Bbl ii4eTe CO CK6pUMT Vyye'dete sah sko'- the express? n6t340MT ? rym po'yezdahin? Show me a time- IlOKaJKHTe MHU pO- Pahkazhee'te mne table CDHcame not340Bi rahspeesah'neeye po'yezdahf When does the Kor4a yxoAHTT. Kahghdah' ookho'- train start? ndt34i? deet po'yest? Canlbookthrough Mory .IH a B3flib 6a- Mahgoo' lee ya to? J^TT. npaMoro co- vzyah'< beelet' o6meniH BI ? premo'vah sah- ahbshche'neeya v ? I want a first-class, rio3B6.>Te 6H.iera Pazvorte beelet' (second-class) nepearo (BToporo) per'vavah (ftaro'vah) ticket to K.iacca 40 klah'sa dah How much is it? CKOJbKO OHT> CT6HTL? Sko/'kah ahn sto'it? We want a sleeping Hasii nyxeHi> Nam noo'zhen carriage HMU B8rOHT> spah'luy vago'n a corridor car- H. H. BarOHT> CT, KO- N. n. vago'n kah- riage pmopoMi reedo'rahm family tickets H. H. ceMefiHbiu Kyn6 N.n. seme'inykoope* a carriage for M BaroHi4J4aMi vagon dlya ladies dahm' a non-smoking Hajii HyxHOOT4%Je- Nam noozh'nah ahd- compartment Hie 4.! a HCKy- dele'nie dlya ne- [for? pjimaxi [BI ? ko o ry ah' shche ekh Is this the train STOTB JB o6%34i> E'taht lee po'yest v-? Do I change any- ECTB JH MH% na nyTH Ye'st lee mne na where on the nepecajKa? pootee' peresah't- journey? ka? 118 English. RuiUn. PronuDcitlo. Where must I FA-B a AOJJKeiTB ne- Gde ya dol'zhen pe- change for ? pecicib na? rese'sf na ? Is this seat en- Sanaio JH a TO M-ECTO ? Zah'netah lee e'tah gaged? me'stah? There is no room SAicb Hiri Micra Zdes' net me'sta Gall the guard IIosoBiiie KOHAYKiopa Pahzahvee'te kahn- dook'tara The train is just II63Ai> cefiqaci Po'yest seychahs' going to start TpOHCTCfl tro'netsa Open the door OiBOpHTe 4nepi Ahtvaree'te dver' Open the window OiKpoflie OKHO Atkro'ite ahkno' Here is a station SABCS ciaHqia Zdes* stah'ntsiye Do we atop here? OCTaUOBHHCfl Mbl Astahno'veemsa my Miaf zdes'? Do we alight here? Cl04HMT> JH MiJ Skho'deem lee my 34iCb? ados'? Do we change S^tcb Mhi nepeca- Zdes' my peresah'- carriages here? xusaeMoa ? zheevayemsa? How long do we Aojro JH 34icb Dol'gah lee zdes' stop here? OTOHTB n6-&341>? staheet' po'yest? Five minutes Ilflib MBuyrb Pya'^ meenoot The luggage-train ToeapHbifi not3.ii, Tahvah'rny po'yest Send this by fast IloilLIHTe 3TO 60M>- Pahshleete e'tah bahl train lUOM CKOpOCTbH) sho'i ekc'rahstyoo Send this by slow IIoULIHTe 3TO ME.IOU Pahshlee'teetahmah 'li train CKOpOCTbH) sko'rastyoo My luggage is lost MOH 6araati, nponaji* Mo'i bagahsh' prahpahl* If it arrives by EC.IU npH46n> co oit- Yes'lee preedyot* next train, for- 4yioiuuMT> noss- sah sle'dooyoo- ward it on to AOMl> AOCTaBbTO shcheem, poyez'- ero BI dahm dahstahfte yevo* v Give your ticket IIo3B6.>Te eam PahzvoZ'te vash 6&in beelet* Here it U BoTi OH^l Vot' on'L 119 Steamboat. (Hapoxdjp,.) Be* Vocabularies 15 * 16. Bngliah. Buggian. Pronunciation. When do we start? Kor4a MM OTnpa- Kahghdah' my ahfc- BHMCfl ? prah'veemsa? When shall we Knrja MM nj'tue.Mi? Kahghdah' my pree- arrive? dyom'? [dyom'I Time is up! Celiiaci oiofijeMi! Seychah's ahtahi- Wait for me! II040S4HTe HCHfll Pahdahzhdee'te [gage? menyar' ! Where is your lug- FAT; Bami fiara/Ki? Gde* vashbagabsh'? Let us go down CnycTHMieci, BT Spoosteemtes' f into the cabin Kawry kayoo'too Where is my berth? Hi Moa Koflxa? Gde' mayah' ko'ika? I want a cabin Mat iiy/Kua oi4i-b- Mne noozh'na ahd- to myself naa Kaibra deZ'naya kayoo'ta Look for my things IlOHlUHTe MOH B^IUH Paheeshchee'te mahee' ve'shchee There was another Tyn, (Jtui apyrofl Toot' byl droogo'i trunk ^eMojani chemahdahn' Come to the Cus- FlpIUHie Bl TaMOJKHH) Preedee'te f tom-house tamozh'nyoo Have you your ECTB y Ban na- Yesf oo vas pah 1 - passport? cnopn? spart? Will you examine By4tTe rani 4o6pii, Boof'te tak dahbry', this trunk? OCMOTpHie 3TOTi ahsmahtree'te e'taht ieM04anT,? chemahdahn'? Here are the keys B6n> KJI01H Vot* klyoochee' Have you anything Ilsiiero AH su vt6 Ime'yete lee vy shto' to declare? HH(5y4b SaaBHTb? neeboo<* zayevee^*? I have nothing y M6HH nin nuqer6 Oo menyah' net* liable to duty ooAjewauiaro neechevo' pahd- OIUaTB UOIUJUHOfl lezhah'shchevah ahplah'te po'- shleeni The Custom-house TaMOJKHfl Tamozh'nya The Custom-house TaMoxenuiid Tamo'zhenny ehee- officer 1HHOBHHKT> no'vneek 120 English. Banian. Pronunciation What is the duty? CKO.IBKO ndnuHHbi? SkoZ'kah posh'leeny ? IB my luggage Mod 6araan> 40- Mo'i bagahsh' dah- passed? fMOTp'EHT ? smo'tren? Can I remove it? Mory JH a ero Mahgoo' lee ya YHCCTH ? yevo' oonestee'? Passengers are re- Ilpocan, nacaxHpOBi, Pro'set pasazhee'rahf quested to keep H6 CTOHTb BI UpO- ue stahyah'f f clear of the xdjari prahkho'dakh gangways No smoking K y piiis B ocnpemaeica Kooreef vas- allowed preshchah'yetsa. Arrival. (Ilpiia^t.j Call a cab IIoaoBuie HSBomtiKa Pahzahvee'te eez- [carriage vo'shcheeka Open, Closed Ko.wcKa, napeia Kahlyah'ska, karet'a Put my luggage in IIo.iOHuiTe Mofi Pahlahzhee'te mo'i the cab dara%i iia H3- bagahsh' na eez- BOfUHKa vo'shcheeka Drive me to Be3H M6HH Ha Vezee' menyah'na What is the fare H3KOUPKI, KOKafl Eezvo'shcheek, by the journey? TaKca BT> Koneqi? kakah'ya tah'ksa by the hour? Ho lacaMi? f kahnets'? Pa cabman chesahm'? Drive quicklj ! nots/Kati cKOpie I Pahyezhzhah'i skah- Iloiiieji'b ! re'ye! Pahshol". Drive slower! not3Hvafl Tiiiiie! Pahyezzhah'i tee' she! Stop! Go on! CTOU! Ilotaxafl! Sto'i! Pahyezhzhah'i 5 Wait! I10AOS4II ! Pahdahzhdee' ! I wish to get out fl ioiy BIJUTH Ya khahchoo vy'tee. The Tram. (KoHKa.) The Tramway KoHo^naa ciannia Ko 'n ahshnay a stahn'- Station tsiya Give me a ticket II03B6^bTe Mffk PahzvoZ'te mne 6HJ6TB beelet* Conductor KoH4yKTODl Kahndook'tar Inside BayTpH Vnootree' Engliih. 121 Bugiiaa. Pionuncitioa, Outside Ha HMnepia.1* Na eempereeahl' Platform Ha aioiuaAK* Na plahshchaht'ke "Full" ,,I16.IOHl" ^Po'lahn- 4 Do you go to ? Btl i4CTC Bl ? Vy ye'dete v ? Put me down at CnycuiTe neat Ha Spoostee'te menyah 1 na . The Hotel. (FocTftHEHiw.) Which is the best KanaH ufima.i Kakah'ya looch'- hotel? rocTHHHuna? shaya gahstee'- neetsa? Let us have Ho jaii re naMi oo- Pahdah'itenampah supper soon CKopie y/Kiiin> ekare'ye oo'zheen Are our rooms FOTOBbl .!H HaiUH Gahto'vy lee nah'- ready? KOMliaiH ? shee kom'naty? I want a bed-room MH-B ny/Kua cnajbiis Mne noozhnah* spah'Znya Let me see the HoKaamTe MH* Pahkashee'te nine room BOMepi no'mer What is the price CKOJBKO CTOHTB Sko/'kah sto'eet of this room? 3TOT1 HOMeplt? e'taht no'mer? That is too dear 3to cjiiuiKOMi> Aoporo E'tah sleesh'kam do'rahgah I want a cheaper Mut nyajHo Mne noo'zhnah one deshevle Have you a double- ECTB y Bac'b HOMepi Test' oo vas no'mer bedded room? Cl 4ByMft KpOBET- z dvoomyah* flMH? krahvah'temee ? Are there any Hiii JH MHt nucesii ? Net' lee mne letters for me? pee'sem? Where is the W.C.? T4t BaiephMoaen.? Gde' vaterklahze't? Can I have a warm Mory M a nojyiiiTi, Magoo' lee ya pah- bath? TenjyH) BaHHy? loochee^ tyop'- looyoo vahn'noo? Give me the key Bailie MITB K.jjbii Dah'ite mne of my room on uoefl KOUHaru klyooch' aht uoahye'i kom'naty 122 English. Russian. Pronunciation. Bring me some IIptmectiTe MITB Preenesee'te mne warm water Teiuofl BOAU tyo'pli vahdy* Take my luggage Cneciiie BHHSI MOB Snesee'te vnees* down seam mahee' ve'shchee Grive me a candle /Jafire van, noxa- Dah'ite mne, pah- please jyflcia, CBi*y zhah'looista, sve'choo Don't forget that He 3a6y ; 4i.xe ITO MM Ne zaboof'te shtah we leave early saexpa pano yipOM't my zah'ftra rah'nah to-morrow y&3ittaem oo'trahm ooyezh- zhah'yem. Bring the bill ClJHHeCHTe Clfrn Prinesee'te shchot. Post-Office & Telegrams. (Ho^TaMTL H xejierpaot.) Post-office IIOITaMTk Pahchtahmt' Letter-box HIHHKT> 4JJI niiceM-fc Yah'shcheek dlya pee'sem Custom's declara- TaMoaeiiHoe Tamo'zhennaye tion aaaB-ienie zayevle'nie Parcels Ilocbi.iKii Pahsyl'kee Number ?HC.l6 Cheeslo* Description OnacaHie Ahpeesah'nie Nature of contents CojepiKame Sahderzhah'nie Value of contents ^iHHOCTb COAOp- Tsen'nahsl sahder*- jKiiMaro zhee'mavah Weight Bici Ves' Gross BajOBofl Valahvo'i Net HCTTO Net'tah Signature of DoAaHCB ornpaBiireja Pot'pees ahtpra- sender vee'telya Despatch note HaKja4H&fl Nakladnah'ya Herewith is a par- BMtCTB Cl 3THMI Vmes'te s e'teem cel bearing the ecib nocb'uKa ci jest' pahsy'lka a address given Hiiae o6o3Ha?6H- nee'zhe ahbahz- bellow HblMT, a4peCOM1, nah'chenuym ah'dresahm Number of Gus- ^IflCJO TaMOHCeHHUI-k Gheeslo' tamo'zhen- to ma declarations aaaBjeuii nykh zayevle'ni 123 Bngliih. Busiian. Pronunciation. Postage paid 3a nepecbLHty yoia- Za peresy'lkoo 1CHO ooplo'chennah Insured value 3acTpax6uaHHaa Zastrakho'vanaya qiHHOCTb tseu'nas^ Place of destina- Micro HaanaieHia Mes'tah naznache'- tion neeya Counterfoil KBHiaHiua Kveetah'ntseeya Stamp of office of UTreMnejfc Micia Shtem'peJ mes'ta origin oinpaB-ieHia ahtpravle'neeya Name and address Ihix ii aspect OT- I'mya ee ah'dres of sender ttfutnu ahtpravee'telya Where is the tele- F4f, HaxojuTca Gde' uakho'deetsa graph, post- iejerpa*i, noTT- telegrahf , pahcht- office? tenf ahmt'? Have you any Hiri JH y aaci Net* lee oo vas letters, tele- niiccMi, xejerpaarB, pee'sem, tele- grams, news- r aaeri aa HMa T. ? grahm', gazet' nt papers, for eem'ya gaspa- Mr.? dee'na ? Parcel Post ndvxa A^fl nocuioKi Poch'ta dlya pah- sylak* Will this letter go 3lO OHCbHO YH4en> E'tah peesmo' to night? cer64na HO^LW? ooeedyot* sevod'- nya noch'yoo? What stamp will KaKyio Mapgy nyxtRO Kakoo'yoo mahr'- this letter re- aa STO riHCLRio? koo uoozh'nah na quire? e'tah peesmo'? To register a letter CUatb nucbMo aa- Zdali7 peecmo* za Ka3HMMT> kaznym* Stamps MapKH Mahr'kee Post-cards OlKphlTblfl DHCbMa Atkry'tyya pees'ma Money order ^ene/KHMH nepeBOAi De'nezhny perevot' I wish to send a fl xoiy no&iaib Ya khachoo* pah- telegram Tejerpaimy slah'f tele- grahtn'moo What is the cost of ^TO CTOHTT, 3Ta Shto' sto'eet e'ta the telegram? TCjerpaiiMa ? telegrahm'mah 124 English. Bnsiian. Pronnnoiition. What is the charge CKOJI.KO sa CJOBO? SkoZ'ka za slo'vah? per word?* When does the Kor^a yxoAHTb noTT> yez'da net* Please do not touch IIpocflTT. HC Tp6ratfc Pro'set ne tro'gat Please wipe your IIpOCHTl. BblTHpaTb Pro'set vyteerah'f feet on no'gee Private 6x641* 4Jfl QOCTOpOH- Fkhot' dlya pah- HHXI aanpemaeicfl staron'neekh za- preshchah'yetsa Public notice! 06iBjtenie ! Ahhevle'nie! Refreshments By*eTi Boofet' Ring IIOSBOUHTe Pahzvanee'te To be let Oi4aeTCH BI Ha6m Ahddayot'sa v nayom' Unfurnished KoMHaiu Gen Kom'naty bes rooms M^fie^a me'belee. 125 Cycling Vocabulary. (Cjiouapb ^M BGJiocnnejHCTOBi.) English. Bustian. Pronunciation. Axle Oci, Os' Backbone Sa.maa CTOUKI Zah'dneya sto'ika Ball bearings IIIapHKH Shah'reekee Bell 3BOHOK1> Zvahnok' Bicycle BejocHiiej* Velahseepet* Bolt BOJTI Bolt' Brake Tdpnasi Tor'maa Cement U,eMenTi Tse'ment Chain Uim, Tsep' Chainlesa Eesi ninu Bes tsep'ee [taej'e regulator Pf ry.!Hiopi> qioi Regoolyah'tar .. wheel IIIecrepHH Shestemyah* Cone KoiiycT, Ko'noos Connection CoeAiiHCHie Sahyedeene'nie Crank IHaiyin, Shatoon' Crossbar nooepeqHHa Pahpere'cheena Cyclist Bejocune4iicn Ve-lah-see-pe-dest* Cyclist, lady Be.iocuue4ticTKa Ve-lah-see-pe-deeat'- ka Cycling race BejocHne4iiaa roiina Ve-lah-see-pednaya gon'ka track HBIH TpaiOfc ny trek' Cyclometer ItHK.!0ieTpl Tseeklo'metr Dismount, to Citaatb Slezah't Electro-plate, to HllKCJHpOBaTfc Neekeleeravah^ (nickel) Enamel dnajb Emah'f Foot step noAHoauca Pahdnoah'ka Fork Bii.iKa Veel'ka Frame PaMa Hah'ma Friction Tpeiiie Tre'neeye Gear IIepe4aqa Peredah cha high Eo.ibiiiaa Ilepe4a Bah/shah'ya Pere- dah'cha low ftlaju w Mah'laya Per- dah'cha Kngliih. 126 EuiiUa. Pronnnclatiom. Gear-case UoKpuniKa uiriH Pakrysh'ka teep'ee Gearing IlepeAaia Peredah'cha Q-eared to Ilepejaia AoseAraa Peredah'cha dah- 40 vedenah' dah Handles PyiKH Rooch'kee Handle bar EooZ' Hub BryjKa FtoolTta Indiarubber Pearaa Rezee'na solution HOBblfl paCTB(Jpl nahvy rastvor 1 Knapsack Cyinca Soom'ka Lamp {nmapfc Fahnah'r [-ryah* bracket IIpHisaTKa >p4 Preekhvah'tka wick 4>UTH.!fc FeeteeT Link 3BCHO Zveno* Lubricator MacjaHKa Maslyah'nka protector rOJOBKa 4-W M'l Orahlof ka dlya m'ee Leather (chamois) 3aMoia Zah'msha Luggage-carrier HpiiiBaTKa AM 6&- Preekhvah'tka dlya raxa . bagazhah* Map Kapia Kah'rta Mount, to CajHTtca Sadee^'sa Mudguard n^HTU Shcheety' Nut Faajca Gah'ika , safety KoHTpa-rafiKa Kahutra-gah'ika Oil for burning Macjo AM ropiiti* Mah'slah dlya gare'neeya Oil for lubricating cuasu Mah'slah dlya smah'skee Oil can /KeciflHKa AM Mi&ia Zhestyah'nka dlya mah'slah Pedal Ilejajb PedaW rubber PesHna ea neja.n Rezee'na na pedahT Pump Hacoci Nasos' * tube KauiKa AAH Hac6ca Keeshkah' dlya naso'sa to HaKaiHBait Nakah'cheeyal Rags, some TpaoKH Tryah'pke* Removable CieMHtii Syom'ny 127 Eagliih. Bunian. PronancUtiom. Repairing outfit IIpHtioplAJH DOIHHKH Preebor' dlya pah- 111 HHt cheen'kee sheen Kim fan O'baht Saddle Ct&io Sedlo' tag Ae.u>Haa cfuxa de/'nya soo'mka pUlar npysHHa proozheeua Screw BHHTB Veent [tsep'ee bolt of chain Hapt3H<5fi 66jiiqinH Narezno'i bolt 1 driver OlBgpTKa Atvyort'ka to ITpHBHHIHBaTb Preeveen'cheeva< Spanner rieiHufi KJWTI> Gah'yechny klyooch Spokes Cni'mu Spee'tsy Spring DpyxHHa Proozhee'na Start, to Onmte Ahtezhzhah7 Steer, to ITpaBHTfc Prah'veet Strap PeMOHb Bemen* Take to pieces, to PaaCepan HazbeerahV Tighten up, to 3aeHH Dah'ite mne mahyoo' Mainiiny mastree'noo Fitted with all CHafixeHHaS BCtMH Snabzhon'naya accessories npnHa4Je*HOCTHMH fse'mee pree- nadlesh'nahstemee I wish to hire a Xoiy B3HTBJ na npo- Khahchoo' vzyah'< Kan na prahkah't By the hour IIo iacain Pah chesahm* By the day IToAenHO Fahdyon'nah What are your Kania sanm yxxiOBis Kakee'ya vah'shee terms? ooslo'veeya Have you a cycle Ecrt .in y saci capiu Yesf lee oo vaa shelter? 4.5 a sejocHne40Bi? sarah'i dlya ve- lahseepe'dahf? Tighten a nut II04TaHyTb rafiny Pahttenoo^gah'ikoo Loosen a nut CUaib raHKy Zda'l gah'ikoo Are the roads Xopoinii JH, n.ioiH Kharahshee' lee, good, bad? a 40p6ni? plahkhee' lee daro'gee? The chain is off Uinb cnaja Tsep' spah'la I must blow up my H 4o.!/Kenfc Hana^aib Ya dol'zhen naka- tyres BOSAyXT. chah'/ voz'dookh I have broken a fl C.IOMaJT> Ya slahmahl* Are you ready? Bbi roTOBU? Vy gahto'vy? "We will start at Mbi ornpaBUMca n My ahtprah'veems* v Ring your bell! SBOHHTC ! Zvahnee'te ! My tyre is punc- V M6HH UpOK040.iaCfc Oo menyah' prah- tured fflHHa kahlo'las shee'na Stop! Look out! CTOUTC! BeperHiecfc! Sto'ite ! Beregee'tes! Don't go so fast! THUIC! Tee'zhe! Make haste! Cxopie ! Skare'ye ! We must light up Hani HyxHO saxenb Nam noozli'uah za- *onapa zhech' fahnaree* Torn to the right Dotaxafire nanpaso Pahyezhzhah'ite D- prah'vah 129 English. Ruisian. Pronunciation. Turn to the left ITotaxaHTe Rajieo Pahyezhzhah'ite na- le'vah [pryah'mah Keep straight on 4epHTecb npsMO Derzhee'te* Have yon a road Ecib y baci> Aopos- Yesf oo vas dah- guide? naa Kapra? ro'zhnaya kah'rta? Yes, which one do 4a ecib; uaMi Ka- Da, yes/' ; vam ka- you require? K nO^IIHKy MOfl dahV f pahcheen- mended? Be^ocuneAi? koo mahi ve- lahseepe't? Can you repair this Moxexe JB BU no- Mo'zhete lee vy pah- for me? IlllIHTb MffB 3TO? cheenee'i mne e'tah? How long will it CKo.jbKo 3TO sadMSn SkoZ'kah e'tah zaim- take? Bpeiieiia? yot' vre'menee? I am a member of H i.icH'b .IoH40HCKaro Ya chlen* lon'dahns- the London Kjyfia BeaocHneA- kavah kloo'ba ve- CyclieteTouring Hbiib rypHCTOBi; lahseeped'neekh Club, here is my BOTI MOH Ouen tooree'stahf; vot' tkket mahi beelet'. ISO Changing Money. (Pa3MtHT> Engliih. Bastimn. Where can I get FAT; a Mory paaiiSHSTb Gde' ya mahgoo ra- money changed? AeiibrH ? menyah't den'gee? Where is the hank, FAS Garni, MiHajo? Gde bah'uk, men- a money- yah'lah? changer? I want change for MH* nyjHHO pa3M*- Mne noozh'nah raz- a jB5 note HflTb tiauKOBUH 6B- menyah'< balm'- J6Ti BT DHTb kahvy beelet' f ynroBi crep- pyah'i foon'tahf JIIHrOBMIT) ster'leengahvykh Will you give me 4,ai5Te mrs, nosa- Dah'ite mne, pah- Russian money? jyucra, pyccwia zhah'looeesta, ACHbrn rooss'keeya den'ge* What is the ex- Kaxofi nypci na Kako'i koors' na change on amMiiicKiaA^HtrH? ahn'gleeskeeya English money? den'gee? Will you change Pa3MtH3CTe Bbl MH Razmenyah'yete me these Sover- 3TU *)'HTtI CTCp- vy mne e'tee eigns? JBHrOBU? foon'ty ster'leen- gahvy? Will you cash this He yiuaiHTe JH BU Ne ooplo'teete lee cheque for me? no xony i^Ky? vy pah e'tahmoo che'koo? Please give me ^aflie, nosliyucia, Dah'ite, pahzhah*- gold, silver, not SOJOTO, cepeCipo, looista, zo'lahtah| paper money ne 6ynary serebro', ne boomah'goo A bill of Ex- Be'Kceai. Vek'seZ change It is payable at yruaqneaerca no Ooplah'cheevaetsa sight HpeAiflBjeaiH pah pre<2yevle'niea Give me the Satire tun pyfijaMH Dah'ite mne roobl- amount in yar'mee Roubles Have you an Hnieie JB BBI arena Eemeete lee vy Agent in ? Bl ? ah'genta v ? 131 Commercial Travellers' Wants. TOprOBHTL areHTOBt.) Engliih. Bunii Pronunciation Please give me the IToxajyScTa, Aafrre Pahzhah'looista, address of the MM* aApeci> dah'ite mne British Consul amMiiiCKaro K6n- ah'dres ahnglee'- cyjia skavah kon'soola Where do I obtain FA^ Mory AOcraTb Gde' mahgoo' dah- a Commercial CBtUSTC.IbCTBO AJH stahf sveede'teZ- Traveller's pasitSAfloro stvah dlya raz- permit? Toprosaro arema? yezdno'vah tar- go'vavah agen'tah? Must I get my Hyamo jn BHSHpoeaifc Noo ; zhnah lee vee- passport vised Mofl nacnopra y zee'rahva/ mahi by a Russian pyccKaro Koncyja? pahs'part oo rooss'- Consul? kavah kon'soola? Kindly direct me ByAbTC T3KI AOfipU Boot'te tak dahbry 1 to his office yKa.jaib MHI ero ookazahf mne Kaiiuej/jpiro yevo' kantsel- yar'eeyoo What is the CKOJBKO cjiAyen aa Sko/'kah sle'dooyei payment for the CBHAiie.ibCTBO? za sveede'teZstvah? permit? Is there any extra H-BTT. JH Ao6aBoqHaro Net' lee dahbah'- tax? c66pa no on.iai-B vahshnavah zbo'ra CBiuiiejbCTBa ? pah ahplah'te sveede'teZstvah? How many Rou- CKO.ibKO py6.iefl Sko^kah rooble'i bles in all? Bcero? fsevo' ? Does this permit /JagTb Afl Ml!t 3TO Dayot' lee mne entitle me to CBHAirejbCTBO e'tah sveede'tel- take orders npaso npHHHMilTk stvah prah'vah throughout saKasia no BCGH preeneemaht' Russia? POCCIH ? zakah'zy pah fse'i Rahssee'ee? If there any duty IIoAJexan JH o6paa- Pahdleshah't lee on camples? ou ouian no- ahbr ast ey ' ahplah'U nuiHofl? po'shleeny? 132 English. Bussian. PronnnclaWom. Please make me noxliyficra, co- Pahzhah'looista, out a list of CTam/re MHT; rnii- sahstah'vte mne the samples I COKT> ofipasqaMi spee'sahk ahbras- carry tsah'm Indicating quality Ci YKaaameMi S ookazah'niem and quantity KaiecTBa H KOJH- kah'chestva ee qecTBa kahlee'chestva I represent the H npeACTaBHTejfc Ya pretstavee'teZ firm of *ri{)MbJ feer'my May I show you IIo3Bo.ibTe iiOKaaaifc Pahzvortd pahka- my samples? BaMi> ofipasqu zaht' vam ahbrastsy*. NOTE. Commercial Travellers in Russia. (Pasitajs&e Toprdiua arentbi B'i Porciii.) Commercial travellers arriving in Russia must obtain for themselves a personal licence, at the cost of 50 roubles (5 5s. 6d), and also (unless they travel in order to purchase goods only), at a further cost of 150 roubles (15 16s. 7d.), a trading licence for the firms they represent. To these amounts provincial dues of 5 (10s. 6d.) and 45 roubles (4 14s. lO&d.) respectively and town dues of 5 (10s. 6^.) and 45 roubles (4 14s. 10d. ) respectively must be added, as well as varying local dnes which are only legally payable in towns having no municipal organisation. In order to take out a trading licence British commercial travellers must produce the necessary power of attorney or letter of authority, and must produce a "certificate of licence to trade " issued by a British Chamber of Commerce. Commercial travellers taking orders in their own name need only take out a trading licence. If certificates are taken out in the latter half of the year (July to December) only half the annual tax is leviable. Licences ore obtainable at the Customs House through which the traveller enters Russia. Samples of goods brought into Russia by commercial travellers may be re-ezported and the duty paid on them refunded within an unlimited period of time. There is no restriction on commercial travellers' samples con- veyed on Russian Railways. All passengers' luggage conveyed in the luggage van is weighed, and all has to be paid for with the exception of 1 poud (36 Ibs.), which is allowed free of cost. NOTE. The Metric System. (MeipHiecKaa cecreMa.) The Russian Ministry of Finance has decided to admit metrical measures in contracts, estimates, &c., and in different official departments where the immediate Chief may find it necessary. This is done in view of paving the way for compulsory In- troduction of metrical measures. 183 MONEY. (Iem,ra.) Russian Money with English and American Equivalents. BT. cpaBHemn CT> aHrjiificKHMH H Note: P. = pyfi.tB (Roubles), K. = KOH SB KB (kopeks). Notes. Silver. RUSSIAN. ENGLISH. AMERICAN. RUSSIAN. ENGLISH AMERICAH. P. . t. s. d. Dols. o. P. K. t. n. d. Dols O. 100 = 10 11 51/1 = 52 88 1 = 2 IV* = 53 25 m= 2 12 10/ 4 = 13 22 50 = 1 Vi =c=, 28 10 mm 1 1 l'/ 4 = 5 28 5 ma 10 63/ 4 = 2 64 Russian Silver. 3 IB, 6 4 = 1 58 25 = 6/4 = 13 1 2 l/4 = 53 20 = 5 3= 10 15 = 3 3 /4 = 7 10 = 2 1 /, SB 5 Gold. 5 = l'/4 = 2 15 10 7 50 5 1 1 11 8V, 1 l/4 15 101/4 10 6/4 = 7 = 5 = 3 ^=e 2 92 28 96 64 Bronze. 05 = 03 = 02 = >/! v 2 1 1 1 == V* = Norm. The Exchange is usually about 9 Roubles 46 Kopeks for >1 (English Sovereign). English and American Money reduced to Russian. (AHrjiiacKia H aMepnKancKia ^enbrn nepeBe^eHbi Ha pyccida.) Note These eqniralent* are subject to the fluctuations in exchange. ENGLISH. AMERICAN. RUSSIAN. ENGLISH. AMERICAN. RUSSIAN. *. I. d. Dols. c. P. K. i. s. i. Dols 0. P. K. 50 250 =473 9 = 18 -= 36 25 125 = 236 5 8V, mm 17 -= 34 8 = 40 = 75 68 7 = 14 -= 28 4 -= 20 37 84 6 = 12 *= 24 2 10 = 18 92 5 = 10 = 20 1 -* 5 -= 9 46 41/2 = 9 rs= 18 16 = 4 = 7 57 3 = 6 = 12 8 2 = 3 78 2V, = 5 = 10 4 -= 1 .___, * 89 2 = 4 = S 1 = 25 = 47 l ! /i mx; 3 = 6 10 = 20 = 40 1 == 2 i 4 91 /,=, _ 19 mm 38 O'/l =, _ 1 2 134 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. (BtCKl H MEASURES OP LENGTH. (Mipu English. Russian. 1 inch = 1 Awfiuy (dyoo'imoo) 1 foot = 1 *yry (foo'too) 1 yard = 3 #yTaMT> (foot'am) /rrt/\ j \ r(SftZllCllV&rill ) ft 4>\ T~ (220yds.)p aMl * (loot / am) J 1 mile (1760 yds.) = l/j BPpcxu (versty') 5 miles 7*/j BCpcnJ (versty'). English. i/j oz. (Letter Post) = 6.66 30- jOTHHKa (zolotneekah') t oz. = 0.56 *yffra (foo'ntah) 1 Ib. (16 ozs.) -= 1.11 *YHTa 1 qr. (28 Ibs.) = 31.08 *yffra 1 cwt. (112 Ibs.) = 3.108 nyaa (poo'dah) 1 ton (20 cwt.) = 62.16 nyAa Russian. English. AIO ii Mb (dyoo'im) == 1 inch BepinoKT, (vershok') = ! 3 / 4 in. *yxi (foot) = 1 foot apin.iHT. (arsheen')j| . 2 8 in. = 16 BepmoKi fT^ft 4 ' (vershok')]"^ caweab (sazhen 1 ) (=2 yds. = 7 *yxaMT> (foot'am)| l & BepCTa(verstah')1 = 3500 ft. =600ca,-KeHaMT>>= 1166 yds. (sazhenyarm) j 2 ft. -= J /j mile. WEIGHTS. (BtciJ.) Russian. Russian. English. 1 SOJOTHHirb (zolotneek 1 ^ = 2.4 =96 4o.!flMT> (dol'yam)! drams 1 JOTl(lot) I = 3 30.10THUKaMl[= 0.45 OZ. (zolotneekah'm)J 1 *VHTT, (foont) (_ofllb = 32 j6xaMi(lot'am)( 1 ny4T> (poot) [^(^agiiiVg. -=40 *yHTaMT(foont'-( 1 6epKOBeqi> 1= 361 Ibs. (ber'kavets) [am)U= 8 owt. -=lOny4aM^(poo'd-J 25 Ibs. LIQUIDS, &o. English. Russian. 1 pint = 0.46 KpyatKH(kroosh'kee) 1 quart (2 pts.) = 0.93 KpyXKH 1 gallon (4 qts.) = 0.37 B64pa (vedrab'> 1 pint = 0.18 rapima (gar'ntsah) 1 quart =0.35 rapnua 1 gallon =1. 4 rapnua (= 2.8 rapnqa = 0.35 leTsepnKa (chetvereekah*) [= 11.2 rapHua 1 bushel-! (>KHAKOCTH H np.) Russian. 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