EXCHANGE fcARNEGIE LIBRARY OF (PITTSBURGH ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES REFERENCES TO BOOKS AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES PITTSBURGH CARNEGIE LIBRARY 1916 PINKIE IBRflRV H I of mrseuRCH I PE^ Synopsis Page Bibliography - - 5 General - 6 Books - 6 Papers and Reports 7 Non-Bituminous Materials - 17 Calcium Chlorid - 17 Other Hygroscopic Salts - - 18 Waste Sulphite Liquors - 19 Bituminous Materials - 19 General 19 Oils - - 23 Asphaltic Oils 28 Tar and Tar Products - - 29 Hygienic Aspects - . 31 American Practice - - 33 Foreign Practice 34 Trade Literature on Dust Preventives - 39 343405 Road Dust Preventives This list represents only a part of the more recent literature on this subject available in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. No at- tempt has been made to include the general literature of modern road construction or of the dust nuisance. Some references on dust re- moval and on tar products respectively will be found in two bibliog- raphies of "Air conditioning" and "By-product coking," published recently by this Library. The following abbreviations have been used: c. copyright n. s. new series diag. diagrams (graphs, etc.) no. number dr. drawings (line drawings) p. page or pages ed. edition pi. plate ill. illustrations (photographic pt. part reproductions, etc.) ser. series n. d. no date v. volume Bibliography Ballen, Dorothy, comp. Bibliography of road-making and roads in the United Kingdom. 281 p. 1914. P. S. King & Son. London. Comprehensive, well arranged bibliography, dealing on p. 189-1 95 with the "Dust problem: (a) generally; (b) oiling; (c) tarring; (d) other surface applications." Ref- erences are mainly to British journals. England Patent office. Abridgments of specifications, 1855-1908. Class 107, Roads and ways. Classified abridgments of all patents on paving, street cleaning, surface treatment, etc. Frost, Harwood. Art of roadmaking. 544 p. 1910. Engineering News. N. Y. "Bibliography of roads, streets and pavements," P-5OS-533, including books on road- making and allied subjects published from 1583 to 1910. Chapter on "Control and prevention of road dust," p.2i8-247, based largely on Judson's "Road preservation and dust prevention." Laissle, Fr. [Die staubplage der land- und stadtischer strassen.] 1912. (In Handbuch der ingenieurwissenschaften, v.i, pt.4, p.142-148, 319-358.) Literatur, p.2oi-202, 385-386. 6 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Lueger, Otto, ed. Lexikon der gesamten technik. pv. 1904-14. Deutsche Verlags- Anstalt. Stuttgart. "Sprengwagen," v.8, p. 225-226. "Strassenunterhaltung," v.8, p.3s8-36i. "Strassenbesprengung," v.g, p. 752-753. "Teermakadam," v.g, p. 758-759. "Literatur," v.8, p. 226, 361; v.g, p. 753, 759. Official good roads year book of the United States, 1912-15. Contains lists of books, magazine articles and official publications on road construc- tion and allied subjects; directories of highway officials, road associations, manufac- turers of road materials, contractors, etc. General Books Aitken, Thomas. Road making and maintenance; a practical treatise for engineers, surveyors and others. Ed. 2. 527 p. 1907. Griffin. London. Chapter 9, p.325~34i, deals with the prevention of dust. Other chapters deal with tar macadam and asphalt pavements. Baker, Ira Osborn. Treatise on roads and pavements. Ed. 2, enl. 698 p. 1913. Wiley. N. Y. "Methods of suppressing dust," p. 650-658, deals with methods for temporary relief. Subsequent pages deal with more permanent measures protective coverings formed by oiling, and by application of bituminous compounds. Blanchard, Arthur H. & Drowne, H. B. Text-book on highway engineering. 762 p. 1913. Wiley. N. Y. Has several chapters on use of various bituminous materials, and one on "Dust prevention by the use of palliatives." Blanchard, Arthur H. & Drowne, H. B. comp. Highway engineering as presented at the Second International Road Congress, Brussels, 1910. 299 p. 1911. Wiley. N. Y. "Dust prevention by the use of palliatives," chapter 9, p.93-96. Gives very brief notes on practice in various countries. Byrne, Austin T. Treatise on highway construction. Ed. 5, rev. 1,040 p. 1907. Wiley. N. Y. "Suppression of dust," p. 901-911. Deals with both temporary and permanent methods. Codrington, Thomas. Maintenance of macadamised roads. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. 186 p. 1892. Spon. London. Deals briefly with surface wear and with dust removal in street cleaning. Frost, Harwood. Art of roadmaking. 544 p. 1910. Pub. by author. Chapter n, p.2i8-247, deals with "control and prevention of road dust" and is taken largely from Judson's "Road preservation and dust prevention." Appendix 3, p. 49 1-497, deals with "Wear of roads by automobiles." ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 7 Hubbard, Prevost. Dust preventives and road binders. 416 p. 1910. Wiley. N. Y. Though dealing with a subject still in the experimental stage, this work gives a clear and comprehensive presentation of the information available at the time of pub- lication. Discusses preparation and application of both organic and inorganic substances employed for suppression of road dust. See review in "Engineering record," (sup.), v.64, p. 25-26. Judson, William Pierson. Road preservation and dust prevention. 146 p. 1908. Engineering News Pub. Co. N. Y. Contents: Road dust, its control and prevention. Moisture. Oil emulsions. Oils. Coal-tar preparations. Tar-spraying machines. Tar-macadam. Rock-asphalt mac- adam. Bitulithic pavement. Official good roads year book of the United States, 1915. "Dust preventives," p. 150-1 52. Non-technical descriptive article on methods in general. See also earlier editions of this year-book. Smith, J. Walker. Dustless roads: tar macadam; a practical treatise for engineers, surveyors and others. 225 p. 5 folding plates. 1909. Lippincott. Philadelphia. Mainly a record of British practice. Based on experiments with tar macadam, which in author's opinion offers "great possibilities for the abatement of the dust nuisance and for effecting considerable economies." Wild, Leo. Der strassenstaub und dessen bekampfung; ein beitrag zur for- derung der strassenhygiene, mit spezieller beriicksichtigung der ober- flachenteerung (system Basel) und verschiedener systeme zur erstel- lung von teermakadamstrassen. [98] p. 1911. Frehner. Basel. "Benutzte literatur," p. [98]. Wood, Francis. Modern road construction. 137 p. 1912. Lippincott. Philadelphia. Does not say much about dust, but discusses wear of roads, and methods of using tar and bitumen. Papers and Reports Adams, A. A. Road treatment in Springfield. 1910. (In Municipal journal and engineer, v.28, p. 869.) Brief abstract from an official report. Calcium chlorid, Headley's dust preventive and an oil emulsion were used. Annan, C. L. Dust laying in St. Paul. 1910. (In Municipal journal and engineer, v.28, p.870-872.) Water sprinkling and oiling. Details of organization, cost of work, calculation of assessment, etc. Beythien, A. liber die zur bekampfung der staubplage empfohlenen praparate. 1910. (In Zeitschrift fur untersuchung der nahrungs- und genussmit- tel, v.3i, (n. s. v.i9), p.i89-2O5.) Considerable attention to street dust. Review of the various preparations on the market. Many references to patent and current literature in foot-notes. 8 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Beythien, A. Ueber einige neuere staubbindemittel. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.26i-266.) Biggs, C. H. W. Mechanics of dust. 4 diag. 1909. (In Transactions of the Society of Engineers, 1909, 9-225-243.) Discusses dust in its relation to roads and vehicle travel, and indicates means of remedying the annoyance. Blackwall, John Eaton. Country roads for modern traffic. 1905. (In Minutes of proceed- ings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.i65, p. 8-85.) Author advocates use of tarmac and similar material for surfacing. Discussion and correspondence bring out valuable information on road surfacing. Blanchard, Arthur H. Dust and its prevention on city streets. 1911. (In Engineering- contracting, v.35, p.648-649.) The same. 1911. (In Canadian engineer, v.20, p. 804, 813-814.) The same. 1911. (In Municipal engineering, v.4i, p. 114-1 15.) The same, abstract. 1911. (In Municipal journal, v.3O, p.Sio.) Paper before the Second New England Conference on Street Cleaning. Discusses the sources and effects of dust, and gives methods of prevention for various types of streets. Blanchard, Arthur H. Dust prevention by the use of palliatives. 1913. (In American city, v.8, p.293-297.)- Discusses sources of street dust, dust as an enemy of public welfare, and the prob- lem of heavy traffic where palliatives must be used; gives European practice and de- scribes the most important dust palliatives. Blanchard, Arthur H. Dustless roads in Europe. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.34, p.289-29i.) The same. 1910. (In Engineering record, v.62, p. 387-390.) See also editorial, p-367. Paper at the National Good Roads Convention at St. Louis. Gives history of the campaign in Europe against dust and the methods used in the various countries. Superficial tarring has been generally used. Blinn, Ray S. Dustless waterbound macadam. 1914. (In Engineering record, v.69, p.515-) Letter to editor describing author's method in use since 1907. British dust problem statistics. 1911. (In Municipal journal, v.3i, p.ii4-) From a report of the British Roads Improvement Association, abstracted by Consul John L. Griffiths. Brown, Arthur. Present day road requirements in town and country. 1908. (In Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute, v.29, p.i55-i66.) Dust laying, p. 161-166. Water, calcium chlorid and tar-macadam. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 9 Brown, Reginald. Surface treatment of roads with reference to dust laying. 1908. (In Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute, v.29, p.452-459.) Discusses importance of dust prevention and necessity of close cooperation. Gives data on watering, tar painting, oil-tar, akonia, calcium chlorid, hahnite and pulvicide. Crosby, W. W. Prevention of dust on macadam roads. 3 ill. 1915. (In American city, v.i2, p.435-43&) General considerations; no specific remedies are mentioned. Dorr, Clemens. Die staubplage; ihre entstehung, gesundheitsschadlichkeit und ver- hiitung. 1910. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.46-5O, 83-85, 126-129, I77-I79-) Mostly German practice. [Dust laying in Boston.] 1910. (In Engineering record, v.6i, p.n, 56.) From a report of Guy C. Emerson, superintendent of streets. Oil emulsion and calcium chlorid. Dust laying in Clinton [Mass.]. 1914. (In Municipal journal, v.s6, P-304-) Three methods were used: tarvia B, no.6 asphalt road oil, and water. Dust laying in Summit, N. J. 1910. (In Municipal journal, v.28, p.876.) Dustoline was used for dust laying, and tarvia and glutrin for dust prevention. Dust laying in Washington. 1912. (In Municipal journal, v.32, p.76s.) Oil was used, also tarvia A and B and calcium chlorid to some extent. [Dust prevention at the First International Road Congress.] 1908. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8, v.35, p. 133-135.) Resume of papers and resolutions. [Dust prevention at the Second International Road Congress.] 1911. In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.9, v.2, p.29O-293, 294- 2950 Brief abstracts of the papers presented. Dust prevention on park roads [in New York city]. 1910. (In Engi- neering record, v.62, p-587.) Use of special emulsion of oil, soap and water. Dust prevention on public roads. 1910. (In Scientific American, v.H7, n. s. v.i03, p.i54, I74-) The same, abstract translation. 1910. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.59-6o.) Popular article. Gives brief history of the dust prevention movement since 1867 and discusses both temporary and permanent binders. Dust prevention work on county roads and suburban streets in the District of Columbia. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.34, p.527.) Experiments with emulsified oils, heavy oils and granulated calcium chlorid as dust layers; heavy tar and asphaltic binders were also used. Dust problem and improved roads. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.58, p.626.) Editorial discussing importance of dust elimination. Heavily traveled suburban roads will not be satisfactory when they have a permanent macadam surface cemented to a considerable depth with a bituminous mortar. Dust problem in Great Britain. 1911. (In Municipal engineering, v.4i, p. 144-145.) Abstract of a report of the Roads Improvement Association of England. io CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Emulsion for dust laying purposes. 1909. (In Engineering-contract- ing, v.32, p.94.) Brief note. An emulsion of soap and petroleum in water was used by the super- intendent of parks in Boston and Baltimore. Enquete zur abwehr der staubplage mit besonderer berucksichtigung der wiener verhaltnisse. 1911. (In Zeitschrift des Osterreichischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereines, v.63, p. 552-558.) The same, abstract. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p. 266-268.) Hygienic aspects and many kinds of dust preventives are discussed. Experiments of the State highway department of Ohio with various road binding materials. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.34, p. 7-9.) Describes experiments with glutrin, pioneer asphalt cement, standard macadam as- phalt binder, tarvia X, liquid asphalt, ugite, Fairfield asphaltic cement, asphaltoilene, Wadsworth macadam, carbo-via, petrolithic pavement, water-bound macadam, etc. Fletcher, Austin B. First International Road Congress at Paris, in October 1908; what led up to it; its deliberations; and its results. 1909. (In Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies, v.42, p. 200-227.) Surfacing, p.2o8-2i6; dust prevention, p. 219. Fulweiler, W. H. Destructive action of motor traffic on road surfaces and methods of construction to prevent it. 8 ill. 1910. (In Proceedings of the En- gineers' Club of Philadelphia, v.27, p. 104-134.) Considers use of water or hygroscopic salts as partial remedy. Solution of the problem lies in a surface composed of rather coarse stone, well graded into a fairly dense mixture, with finer particles, the whole compacted with some stable, tough and elastic binder. Gives methods for application of heavy tars and oils, their advantages and disadvantages, etc. General discussion. Fulweiler, W. H. Development of modern road surfaces. 31 ill. 1909. (In Journal of the Franklin Institute, v.i68, p. 155-183, 260-300.) The same, abstract. 1909. (In Municipal engineering, v.37, p. 236-240.) The same, brief abstract. 1910. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.i8o, p. 348.) Exhaustive paper. Traces the development of the more important dust preventives. Gregers-Nissen. Present status of dust prevention on roads. 1910. (In Horseless age, v.26, p.442-443.) From "Allgemeine automobil zeitung." Review of the work of the Second International Road Congress. Guglielminetti. Moyens de combattre la poussiere sur les routes. 2 dr. 4 ill. 1905. (In Le Genie civil, v.47, p. 121-125.) Considers water spraying, oil spraying and tarring. Discusses machinery and methods used. Guglielminetti. Proposals for dust suppression and road improvement. 1912. (In Canadian engineer, v.22, P-549-55O.) Discusses conditions in Switzerland and methods of raising the necessary funds for road upkeep. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES n Hartfree, G. Bertram. Highway dust reduction in the urban district of Alton. 3 dr. 4 ill. 1910. (In Canadian engineer, V.IQ, p.657-66o, 663-664.) Paper at the Guildford meeting of the Institution of Municipal and County Engi- neers. Relates experience with water, calcium chlorid, tarring by hand painting and spray- ing, rocmac solution, and tarviated matrix. Heim, & Neir. Dust prevention on roads. 1907. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, V.I7O, p.4O5~4o6.) Abstract from "Deutsche vierteljahrschrift fur offentliche gesundheitspflege." Reviews formation of dust, its analytical composition and its evils from a hygienic point of view. Describes the various dust preventives in use and gives test conducted at Dresden. Palliatives are also discussed and results with westrumite are given. Heller, A. Motorwagen zum besprengen von strassen. 13 dr. 3 ill. 1907- (In Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, v.5i, pt.2, p. 1423- 1426.) Details of construction of German and Italian sprinklers. Hewes, Lawrence I. Repair and maintenance of highways. 1913. (In United States Public roads office. Bulletin no.48.) "Dust prevention," p-33-35. Water and light oils. Hirst, A. R. Use of tar, oils and emulsions on macadam and earth roads. 1909. (In Engineering-contracting, v.3i, p. 297-299.) The same. 1909. (In Engineering news, v.6i, p.287-288.) Abstract of paper before the Society of Wisconsin Engineers. "Subject of dust prevention is the subject of macadam road maintenance expressed in different words. . .One of the best dust preventives is proper construction." Also takes up the use of water for sprinkling. Howard, J. W. Methods and cost of reducing dust and hardening roads by surface applications. 1907. (In Engineering-contracting, v.27, p.143-147.) The same. 1907. (In Engineering record, v.55, p-577-579-) From an address before the American Road Makers' Association, Pittsburgh. Discusses treatment with water, salt water, calcium chlorid, special crude oils and coal-tar products; gives general rules for oiling and tarring roads. Hubbard, Prevost. Dust preventives. 64 p. 1908. (In United States Public roads office. Bulletin no.34.) The same, abstract. 1909. (In Scientific American supplement, v.67, p. 1 3-14, 28^30, 262-263, 306-307.) Gives classification of dust preventives. Discusses tars and oils, their application and properties, salt solutions, selection of dust preventives, with methods of examina- tion and tentative specifications. The same, abstract. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.s8, p. 378-381.) Abstract deals with the proper selection of dust preventives. Improving roads by oiling and by calcium chloride treatment. 1906. (In Scientific American supplement, v.62, p. 25711.) 12 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Josenhaus, Eugene. [Prevention of dust raising by motor vehicles.] 1909. (In Engi- neering news, v.62, p.i6o.) Patented mechanical device. Reprinted from "Surveyor." Kausch, Oscar. Die aus der patentliteratur bekannten mittel und verfahren zur staubtilgung in raumen und auf strassen. 1910. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.50-56.) Austrian, German, French, British and American patents are reviewed. Lamson, John S. jr. Women's vital interest in the dust problem. 1912. (In American city, v.6, p.90i, 903.) Le Gavrian. Rapport d'ensemble sur les moyens employes jusqu'ici pour com- battre la poussiere des routes, presente a la Commission d'fitudes insti- tuee par M. le ministre des travaux publics. 1907. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8, v.26, p.i 18-137.) The same, abstract translation. 1907. (In Engineering record, v.56, p.i8i-i82.) Report discusses the processes employed, except sprinkling with pure water, under four classes: (i) surface tarring, either hot or cold; (2) treatment with petroleum oil or similar processes; (3) sprinkling with water to which various substances were added; (4) several processes not included in the preceding classes. Lewis, Nelson P. Report on the recent First International Road Congress. 1909. (In Engineering news, v.6i, p. 58-62.) The various phases of the dust problem were discussed by Bromwell, Crosby, Rich- ardson, Page and others, p.59-6i. Maintenance of macadam and other roads. 1908. (In Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v.6i, p.445~495.) The same, brief abstract. 1908. (In Engineering-contracting, v.3O, P-395-397-) Informal discussion by Arthur H. Blanchard, John R. Rablin, James Owen, Ira O. Baker and others. Metcalfe, A. J. Treatment and formation of road surfaces, with discussion. 1908. (In Transactions of the Society of Engineers, 1908, p.25~59.) Discusses the difficulties retarding the improvement of road surfaces and describes the recent improvements in road machinery. Discusses surface treatment under three headings: (i) treatment by spraying; (2) coating with ordinary material and using a preservative binder; (3) coating with materials previously treated with a preservative. Motor sprinkler at Cologne. 5 dr. i ill. 1905. (In Scientific Ameri- can, v.io7, n. s. v.93, p. 182.) Constructed by Zypen & Charlier of Cologne and provided with Siemens & Halske electrical equipment. Ohio experimental road. 1912. (In Municipal journal, v.32, p. 749-750.) From a report on the Nelson Ave. (Columbus, O.) experimental road. Conditions of 17 kinds of road construction after two years' service. Extent of wear. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 13 Ohio experimental road tests. 1911. (In Municipal journal, v.3O, p.21-24.) The same. 1910. (In Engineering news, v.64, p. 506-508.) Results of Columbus experimental road. Seventeen materials and methods used. Condition after a year. Condensed from Bulletin no. 12 of the Ohio state highway department. Other half of the automobile. 5 diag. i map. 1910. (In Automobile, v.22, p.741-745.) Refers to the degree of perfection of the roadbed. Considers oils and oil emul- sions, calcium chlorid, nitrate of soda, sand and soda fused, and coal tar, p.745- Owen, James. Dust nuisance. 1909. (In Municipal engineering, v.36, p.57.) Abstract of an address, "Prevention of dust on highways." A plea for greater activities in dust prevention. Owen, James. Proper methods of applying non-asphaltic dust preventives. 3 ill. 1913. (In American city, v.8, p.447, 449, 45*, 453-) Paper before the American Road Congress at Atlantic City. Tasscoil, granulated calcium chlorid and dustoline. Shows how costs should be computed. Owen, James. Two years' experience in dust suppression work on the roads of Essex county, New Jersey. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.34, P-553-554.) The same. 1910. (In Engineering record, v.62, p.668-669.) See also editorial, p. 657. The same. 1910. (In Municipal journal and engineer, v.29, p.8i7-8i8.) Paper before New Jersey Sanitary Association. Surface oiling. Experimental data, costs, etc. Page, Logan Waller. Dust preventives. 6 ill. 1908. (In United States Agriculture, De- partment of. Yearbook, v.i4, p.257-266.) Reviews some experimental work conducted by the Office of public roads. Gives results with oils, coal-tar, solutions and emulsions. Page, Logan Waller. Macadam roads and their preservation. 1910. (In Journal of the Western Society of Engineers, v.i5, p-57-79-) Briefly discusses sea water, bittern, calcium chlorid and cheap vegetable oils as road preservatives and dust preventives. Discusses at some length the use of bituminous binders and indicates methods of application. Page, Logan Waller. New successful experiments in automobile road making. 3 ill. 1911. (In Country life in America, v.i9, February, p.cclxxvi, cclxxviii, cclxxx.) Reviews of experimental work conducted by United States office of public roads. Pollock, Clarence D. Dust removal the only prevention. 1914. (In Municipal journal, v.37, P-354.) See also editorial, p. 35 5- Thorough sweeping the secret of dust prevention on city pavements. 14 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Prevention of dust on city and suburban roads. 6 ill. 1912. (In American city, v.6, p-587-593.) Discusses causes of dust formation and considers in detail dustoline, granulated calcium chlorid, and tasscoil. Progress report on the Nelson ave. experimental road of the State highway department of Ohio. 1912. (In Engineering and contracting, v.38, P-347-348.) Results of experiments with glutrin, standard asphalt binder, pioneer asphalt, tarvia X, tarvia B, liquid asphalt, ugite, Fairfield asphaltic cement, asphaltoilene, Wadsworth macadam, carbo-via, taroid and water-bound macadam. Prouty, William F. Roads and road materials of Alabama. 148 p. 1911. (In Alabama Geological survey. Bulletin no.n.) The same, abstract. 1912. (In Cassier's magazine, v.4i, p. 73-80.) Emphasizes the importance of the dust prevention movement. Discusses the use of water, hygroscopic salts and bituminous materials as dust preventives. Methods of ap- plication and extensive cost data are given. Rambousek. Fortschrittsberichte iiber staub- und rauchbekampfung: i. Strassen- bekampfung. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.42-46.) Review of methods and materials used in various countries, principally in Germany and England. Rathbone, A. Lyle. Dust laying experiments at Liverpool. 1905. (In Autocar, v.i4, p.594-595-) Paper before the Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Association. Calcium chlorid, crystallised creosote, pyneoiline, westrumite, oils, asphalt and tar. Recent dust presenting work in Massachusetts. 1910. (In Engineer- ing record, v.6i, p.648-649.) From discussion at a meeting of Massachusetts Highway Association. Recent maintenance work of the Massachusetts highway commission. 1909. (In Engineering record, v.59, p.326-328.) Calcium chlorid, oils and emulsions, asphalt oil and other standard materials. Gives conclusions. Road construction and maintenance. 1911. (In Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v.73, p.i-135.) The same, abstract. 1912. (In Municipal journal, v.32, p-75o-756.) The same, brief abstract. 1911. (In Engineering news, v.65, p.i 14-1 15.) Informal discussion. Some topics are: use of water, calcium chlorid, light oils and emulsified oils as dust palliatives; surface treatment with tars and heavy oils; use of bituminous materials by penetration method, etc. Road experiences in several states. 1912. (In Municipal journal, v.32, p. 748-749-) Briefly reviews dust alleviation work, p. 748. Road irrigation for dust prevention. 1912. (In Engineering news, v.68, p.417.) In Imperial valley, southern California. Cost of oiling would be prohibitive. Roads for motor traffic. 1906. (In Engineering, London, v.82, p.356- 357.) The same. 1906. (In Scientific American supplement, v.62, p. 25782- 25783.) From a report of the Royal Commission on Motor-cars. Mostly a review of Ger- man and French practice of dust prevention. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 15 Scheuermann, D. Ueber wirtschaftliche bauart der pferde-sprengwagen. i ill. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p. 293-294.) Proper design and operation. Scheuermann, D. Zur frage der staubbekampfung in stadtstrassen. i diag. 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v.4, p.37~4i, 53-58.) Experiments with various German spraying compounds: solutin, westrumite, epphy- grit, sprengelit, coeberit, dusterit and magnesium chlorid; also with tars. Selection of dust preventives. 1914. (In Good roads, v.48, 3d ser. v.8, p.i36.) Abstract of a section on "Dust prevention" in Bulletin no.27 of the Ohio state high- way department. Sprinkling and oiling streets, St. Paul, Minn.; organization, methods, cost and method of assessing cost. 1913. (In Engineering news, v.70, p.295-297.) Based on the annual report, 1912, of the commissioner of public works, St. Paul. Staubbekampfung in Oesterreich. 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v.3, p-94.) Brief abstract from an official report. Tar and calcium chlorid are recommended. Street cleaning and dust prevention in Boston. 1915. (In Municipal journal, v.38, p. 698.) Statistical data. Oil and water were used. Street sprinkling and oiling in St. Paul, Minn, in 1913. 1914. (In En- gineering and contracting, v.4i, p. 737-738.) Describes equipment, costs, etc., with water, oil, and calcium chlorid as dust pre- ventives. Supplementary reports on the 1907 and 1908 dust prevention and road preservation experimental work of the U. S. office of public roads. 1910. (Iri Engineering-contracting, v.34, p.97~98.) Supplementary reports on the 1907, 1908 and 1909 dust prevention and road preservation experimental work of the U. S. office of public roads. 1911. (In Engineering and contracting, v.36, p. 11-13.) Review of the work as reported in the government publications. Supplementary reports on the 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911 dust pre- vention and road preservation experimental work of the U. S. office of public roads. 1913- (In Engineering and contracting, v.4o, P-9O-95.) Reviews experimental work with various materials. Taylor, J. Henry. Solution of the dust problem. 1908. (In Engineering news, v.6o, p.6n.) Brief abstract from a report. Would construct separate motor tracks for high- speed traffic. United States Agriculture, Department of. Progress reports of experiments with dust preventives. 26 p. 1908. (In United States Public roads office. Circular no.89.) Experiments cover calcium chlorid, various tars, rock asphalt, oils and oil prepara- tions. 16 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH United States Agriculture, Department of. Progress reports of experiments in dust prevention, road preserva- tion and road construction. 23 p. 1909. (In United States Public roads office. Circular no.90.) A great variety of dust preventives were tested. United States Agriculture, Department of. Progress reports of experiments in dust prevention and road preser- vation. 32 p. 1909. (In United States Public roads office. Circular no.92.) The same, condensed. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.34, p.98- 104.) The same, abstract. 1910. (In Municipal journal and engineer, v.29, p. 1 12-113, 144-146.) The same, brief abstract. 1910. (In Horseless age, v.26, p.194-195.) Experiments were conducted at Washington, D. C., Youngstown, O., Ithaca, N. Y., Newton, Mass, and in other localities. Waste sulphite liquors, slag, slag and lime, slag and tar, tars, oil, artificial asphalt preparations, residual oil, molasses-oil-lime and oil emulsions were tested. United States Agriculture, Department of. Progress reports of experiments in dust prevention and road preser- vation, 1910. 56 p. 1911. (In United States Public roads office. Cir- cular no.94.) The same, condensed. 1911. (In Engineering and contracting, v.36, p.40-43, 70-73, 95-98.) The same, abstract. 1911. (In Horseless age, v.28, p.i93.) Experiments performed in various parts of the country with tars, oils, oil-asphalt preparations, oil-asphalt-gravel, oil-gravel-macadam, concentrated waste sulphite liquor* semi-asphaltic oil emulsions, oil-cement-concrete, slag-tar, residual oil, molasses-oil-lime and other preventives. United States Agriculture, Department of. Progress reports of experiments in dust prevention and road preser- vation, 1911. 47 p. 1912. (In United States Public roads office. Cir- cular no.98.) United States Agriculture, Department of. Progress reports of experiments in dust prevention and road preser- vation, 1912. 51 p. 1913. (In United States Public roads office. Cir- cular no.99.) The same, condensed. 1913. (In Engineering and contracting, v.4O, p.i 14-1 19.) United States Agriculture, Department of. Progress reports of experiments in dust prevention and road preser- vation, 1913. 46 p. 1914. (In United States Agriculture, Department of. Bulletin no.105.) United States Agriculture, Department of. Progress reports of experiments in dust prevention and road preser- vation, 1914. 44 p. 1915. (In United States Agriculture, Department of. Bulletin no.257.) ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 17 [Versuche zur bekampfung des strassenstaubes in Berlin.] 1910. (In Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, v.54, pt.i, ^.413.) The same. 1910. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.29.) Westrumite and magnesium chlorid. West, M. H. Dust laying and permanent surfacing. 1908. (In Municipal journal and engineer, v.25, p.39 2 ~394.) Paper before the American Association of Park Superintendents. All unprotected macadam is unsatisfactory. Gives results of recent experiments on roads in Chicago parks. Calcium and sodium chlorids, oil emulsions, asphalt, and tar were used in various ways. Williams, William F. Dust laying in New Bedford [Mass.]. 1910. (In Municipal journal and engineer, v.28, p.864.) Dustoline, heavy asphalt oil and Standard road oil were used. With macadam roads best results are obtained when streets are previously cleaned. Gives detailed cost of treatment. Yabbicom, T. H. Dust laying experiments with tar and chemicals. 1909. (In Engi- neering-contracting, V.32, p.I2-I3.) The same, abstract. 1909. (In Engineering news, v.62, p.665.) Paper before the Road Conference of the County Councils Association of Great Britain. Tar was applied by a heavy traction machine, by a portable hand-spraying machine and by hand. Methods and costs in each case are given. Deliquescent salt was also used; the latter is valuable chiefly on steep gradients. Non- Bituminous Materials Calcium Chlorid Calcium chloride as a dust layer, i ill. 1911. (In Municipal engineer- ing, v.40, p.46o-46i.) Methods, costs and results of tests in various localities. Calcium chloride in road construction. 1911. (In Municipal engineer- ing, v.4i, p.40i.) Method of the Howe Chemical Road Company of Detroit. Calcium chloride in road maintenance. 1914. (In Municipal engineer- ing, v.47, P-302-303.) Methods developed by S. G. Howe of Detroit. Cost of applying calcium chloride by the dry method. 1909. (In En- gineering-contracting, v.32, p.4O4.) Tests on English roads. Dry calcium chloride dust layer. 3 ill. 1910. (In Municipal journal and engineer, v.28, p. 581.) Results of tests conducted by the Roads Improvement Association of England, and also in the vicinity of Syracuse, N. Y. under the inspection of the New York highway department. Dust laying with calcium chloride. 1908. (In Engineering-contract- ing, V.29, p.290.) Cost on streets of St. Paul. i8 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Dust prevention by calcium chloride. 1909. (In Canadian engineer, v.i 7, p.46i-463.) Tests on English roads. Dust prevention by sprinkling with calcium chloride. 1910. (In Engi- neering news, v.63, p.457.) The same, translated. 1910. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p. 30.) English experience. Causes sticky mud in winter months. Experiment with calcium chloride as a dust preventive. 1908. (In En- gineering record, v.57, p. 679-680.) The same. 1908. (In Municipal engineering, v.35, p. 183-184.) The same, abstract. 1908. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institu- tion of Civil Engineers, v.174, p. 388.) Conducted by United States office of public roads at Washington, D. C. Method and cost of using calcium chloride as a dust preventative. 1908. (In Engineering-contracting, v.3O, p. 15.) Experiments of United States office of public roads, conducted at Washington, D. C. Rambousek, Josef. Neue beitrage zur strassenstaubbekampfung, insbesondere mit chlor- kalzium. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.277-28o.) Smith, Angus. Report on the dust problem. 1910. (In Canadian engineer, v.19, p.ioo, 104.) Abstract of report of the author, who is city engineer of Victoria, B. C. Gives re- sults with calcium chlorid used in the wet way. Reviews results of oiling roads in Pasadena, Cal., Tacoma, Wash, and elsewhere. Test of the dust laying properties of calcium chloride. 1909. (In En- gineering-contracting, v.32, p-314-315.) Test was conducted by the Roads Improvement Association of England. Both wet and dry methods were used. In the opinion of the judges the dry method is very effec- tive in dust laying and is preferable to street watering. Vogel, Otto. Kalziumchlorid als staubverhiitungsmittel. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.233-234.) Historical review. Other Hygroscopic Salts Bekampfung der staubentwicklung auf strassen und platzen. 1914- (In Rauch und staub, v.4, p.65-66.) By means of magnesium chlorid in Karlsruhe, Baden. [Bekampfung des strassenstaubs durch chlormagnesiumlauge.] 19*5- (In Rauch und staub, v.5, p. 164-165.) Bret, E. Tonneau d'arrosage automobile a vapeur de la ville de Paris. 12 dr. 5 ill. 1905. (In Le Genie civil, v.46, p.297~30i.) For water or salt solutions. Dorr, Clemens. Die beseitigung von staub und kehricht auf den strassen der stadt Berlin. 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v.3, p.222-226.) Water, and calcium and magnesium chlorids are used as dust palliatives. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 19 Dust prevention by chemicals. 1908. (In Municipal engineering, v.35, p.i75-i76.) Hygroscopic salts and patented compounds of which some hygroscopic salt is the chief ingredient. Strassenbesprengung mit chlormagnesiumlauge. 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v.3, p. 300.) Brief note. Experiments in Mannheim. Wernicke, Friedr. Bekampfung des staubes auf chaussierten strassen. 1914. (In Rauch und staub, v.5, p.n-12.) From "Der Stadtische tiefbau." Gives special attention to hygroscopic salts. Waste Sulphite Liquors Bekampfung der strassenstaubsplage in Miinchen. 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v.3, p.272.) Waste sulphite liquors. Road treatment with waste sulphite liquors. 1910. (In Engineering news, .64, p. 190.) Review of experimental work conducted by the United States office of public roads during 1909. More details are given in Circular no.92 published by the office. Rohland, P. Ueber strassenstaubbindungsmittel. 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v-3, P-253-254-) Deals with the by-products of the potash and cellulose industries. Waste sulphite liquors for dust prevention. 1910. (In Engineering record, v.62, p.25 1-252.) Wernicke, Friedr. Die bekampfung des staubes auf chaussierten strassen. 1914. (In Rauch und staub, v.4, p. 185.) From "Der Biirgermeister." Information on dusterit, a compound for spraying obtained as a by-product in the cellulose industry. Bituminous Materials General Bekampfung der staubplage (strassenstaubbekampfung), mit beson- derer beriicksichtigung der verhaltnisse in Bohmen. 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v.3, p. 282-285.) Use of oils, westrumite and other preparations; also tar to a limited extent. Bituminous surfaces. 1912. (In Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v.75, p.548-57i.) General discussion. Information regarding costs of a great number of bituminous compounds in use. 20 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Blanchard, Arthur W. Method and cost of road treatment with tar and oil in Rhode Island. 1908. (In Engineering-contracting, v.29, p.i8i-i83.) The same. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.57, p. 157-159.) Paper before the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Petroleum residuum, fuel oil, Ragland crude oil, dustoline, tarvia, terracolio and tar. Blanchard, Arthur H. Present use of bituminous materials in American roadwork. 1911. (In Engineering record, v.63, p.296-298.) The same. 1912. (In Engineering news, v.67, p. 1065-1068.) The same. 1912. (In Municipal journal, v.32, P-75O-753.) Paper before the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Connell, William H. Bituminous surface treatment and dust prevention. 1914. (In Good roads, n. s. v.i8, p. 119-126.) The same, abstract. 1914. (In Engineering news, v.7i, p.42.) The same, condensed. 1913. (In Engineering and contracting, v.4O, P753-754-) Paper before the American Road Builders' Association. Paper was extensively discussed. Experiences with various materials and costs are given. Cooper, W. R. Cause and prevention of dust from automobiles. 10 ill. 1905. (In Nature, v.72, p.485~490.) See also letters to editor, p. 507. Oiling and tarring, with special attention to westrumite and tarmac. Dean, A. W. Bituminous road surfaces. 1912. (In Engineering magazine, v.43, P-752-754-) Superficial coats of bituminous material with or without stone. Dust prevention. 1907. (In Engineering-contracting, v.28, p. 201.) Successful tests on the streets of Leipzig, Germany, with apokonin, a mixture of the heavier residual oils obtained in the distillation of coal-tar with high boiling hydro- carbons. Equipment and methods for maintaining bituminous surfaces and bituminous pavements. 1914. (In Transactions of the American So- ciety of Civil Engineers, v.77, p. 1155-1188.) General discussion, considering, among other topics, methods of re-oiling and re- tarviating. Equipment for the construction of bituminous surfaces and bituminous pavements. 1914. (In Transactions of the American Society .of Civil Engineers, v.77, p. 171-202.) General discussion. Mr Smith discusses oiling of roads, Mr W. H. Kershaw de- scribes storage plants for road oil and Mr W. H. Fulweiler presents notes on practical operation of some motor sprinkling trucks in 1912. Espitallier, G. Le sol de nos routes et de nos rues. 2 ill. 1907. (In Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale, v.iog, pt.i, p.542-559-) The same, abstract translation. 1907. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.171, p.432.) Use of tar and oily materials. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 21 Experiments with tar and oil for roads at Jackson, Tenn. 1906. (In Engineering record, v-53, p. 800-802.) The saim, brief abstract. 1906. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.i67, p.399.) Conducted by United States office of public roads in cooperation with Sam C. Lan- caster, city engineer. Grabill, L. R. Dust prevention methods on District of Columbia suburban roads. 1914. (In Engineering and contracting, v.42, p.59-6i.) Paper before the American Road Builders' Association. Asphaltic oil or light coal-tar are used. Describes apparatus and methods employed. Gray, J. B. Patents on bituminous road construction since 1900. 1914. (In En- gineering news, v.72, p.9H.) Briefly discusses the bitulithic process, warrenite, amiesite, tarmac, tarvia and other surfacing processes and compounds. How the dust nuisance can be suppressed. 1908. (In Municipal engi- neering, v.34, p.25o-25i.) Use of oils, tarvia and tar. Hubbard, Prevost. Bituminous dust preventives and road binders. 1911. (In United States Agriculture, Department of. Yearbook, v.i7, p.29/-3o6.) Discusses classification, treatment and methods of application. Asserts that at present these preventives give most satisfactory results with macadam roads. Hubbard, Prevost. Methods for the examination of bituminous road materials. 45 p. 1911. (In United States Public roads office. Bulletin 110.38.) Hubbard, Prevost. Methods for the examination of bituminous road materials. 48 p. 1915. (In United States Agriculture, Department of. Bulletin no. 314.) Icke, John F. Preventing dust on macadam streets. 1912. (In Engineering record, v.65, p.3o6.) The same. 1912. (In Municipal engineering, v.42, p.397~398.) The satne, condensed. 1912. (In American city, v.6, p.66o-66i.) Paper before Engineering Society of Wisconsin. Experience since 1908 with tarvia A, light tar applied cold, and asphaltic oil. Speci- fications and costs. Johnson, A. N. Nozzle for spraying bitumens on macadam roads, i ill. 1912. (In Engineering record, v.65, p.259.) Abstract of paper before Indiana Engineering Society. Describes apparatus which does away with unevenness in the distribution of bitumi- nous binders to macadam roads by penetration method. Used by Illinois highway com- mission. Lancaster, Samuel C. Results of tar and oil road treatment experiments made in Jack- son, Tenn. in 1905. 1908. (In Engineering-contracting, v.29, p-314.) 22 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Lawton, C. F. Dust prevention in winter and summer. 2 ill. 1914. (In American city,, p.272-275.) Briefly reviews legislation for dust prevention and indicates methods of treating road surfaces with bitumens and oils. Gives experience of New Bedford, Mass, with oils. Le Gavrian. Suppression de la poussiere des chaussees empierrees par le goud- ronnage et 1'emploi d'enduits collants. 1903. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8,, p.245-268.) Tarring and oiling. McLean, W. A. Surface treatment for dust laying and road preservation. 1911. (In Canadian engineer, v.2i, p.632-633.) The same, condensed. 1912. (In Engineering magazine, v.42, p.8i2-8i4.) Paper before Ontario Land Surveyors' Association. Mainly use of oil and tar. Oiling and tarring of improved roads. 1906. (In Engineering record, v.54, p.197-) Editorial. Page, Logan Waller. Motor car and the road. 20 ill. 1910. (In Scientific American, v.n6, n. s. v.iO2, p.46-47, 65.) Discusses destructive effect of high speed motor cars on the road and urgent necessity of dust suppression and prevention. Briefly reviews the various dust preven- tives in use; thinks that the bitumens are the most important binders. Progress in dust prevention, i ill. 1908. (In Municipal engineering, v.3S, p.i26-i28.) Use of oils and tarvia. Road tarring in France. 7 ill. 1906. (In Scientific American, v.iO9, n. s. v.95, p. 188-189.) Describes methods of oiling and tarring. Road treatment in eastern Massachusetts, i dr. 18 ill. 1910. (In Mu- nicipal journal and engineer, v.28, p. 853-860.) Work of the State highway commission, Metropolitan park commission, Boston, and neighboring cities. Road binders, dust layers, oils and tars. Methods, costs and ap- paratus. Roadways that will resist the wheels of automobiles. 1908. (In Engi- neering-contracting, v.29, p. 351-352.) Editorial. Considers oil sprinkling merely a palliative. Some sort of bituminous mastic must be mixed with the macadam. Rogers, Edwin H. Road work in Newton, Massachusetts. 3 ill. 1910. (In Municipal journal, v.28, p.872-874.) Little water used. The following dust preventives and binders were applied; asphalt oil C emulsion, Speare's road binder, Standard emulsifying road oil, tarvia B, dustoline and Headley's dust preventative no.i. Costs of various treatments are given. Ross, Charles W. Dust prevention and road preservation work at Newton, Mass. 1912. (In Engineering and contracting, v.38, p-573.) Paper before American Road Congress. Results of extensive experimentation with 65% asphaltic preparations, non-asphaltic oils, tarvia A, B and X and 90% asphalt road binders. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 23 Ross, Charles W. Modern surface treatments of roads. 1910. (In Engineering record, v.62, p.430-431.) At Newton, Mass. Author gives his experiences with dustoline, terracolio, tarvia, Speare's road binder and Gulf and Standard emulsion oils. Schinzinger, H. Staubfreie automobilstrassen und ihre entstehung. Sill. 1915. (In Prometheus, v.26, p.3io~3i2, 324-326.) TJie same, abstract. 1915. (In Rauch und staub, v.6, p.2O.) Considers tar and asphalt the most important binders. Considerable attention to American practice. Shirley, Henry G. Dust prevention work on macadam roads. 1910. (In Engineering news, v.63, p. 250.) Experiments with Standard oil, asphaltoilene and tarvia A. Smith, Jonah Walker. Improvement of highways to meet modern conditions of traffic. 2 pi. 1911. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil En- gineers, v.i86, p. 175-225.) Concerned mainly with bituminous-macadam roads. Briefly discusses bituminous binders, p. 194-198. Sohier, William B. Experience with bituminous roads and road treatments. 1912. (In Engineering record, v.66, p-7O3.) Paper before American Road Builders' Association. Traffic studies in Massachusetts. Economy of using a bituminous macadam has not yet been satisfactorily determined. Some such method would be economical where the team traffic is so heavy that a hot-oil blanket surface will not carry the traffic, but fails within the year. Soubzmaigne. Experiences entreprises pour combattre la poussiere sur la route nationale no. 21 de Paris a Barege. I dr. 2 ill. 1905. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8, v.i7, p.2Oi-2i5.) See also a note by chief engineer of the district, p. 216-217. Tests with coal-tar and westrumite. Use of dust preventives at Buffalo, N. Y. 1911. (In Engineering and contracting, v.36, p. 148.) Use of tarvia and Standard Oil Company's oil no.875. Oils Abbott, James W. Use of mineral oil in road improvement. 1903. (In United States Agriculture, Department of. Yearbook, 1902, P439-454-) The same, abstract. 1903. (In Automobile, v.9, p. 226-231.) Mostly California and Texas experience. Atkinson, A. S. Making oiled roads. 1905. (In Scientific American supplement, v.59, p.2448i.) California methods. 24 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Bennett, Charles J. Hartford's experience with non-asphaltic oils. 1913. (In American city, v.8, p.636.) Brief article on work in Connecticut. Bostonian. Dust prevention. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.s8, p.5O4.) Letter to editor on the experiences of the Metropolitan park commission of Boston. Bostonian. Dust prevention near Boston. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.s8, P-595-596.) Letter to editor detailing the work of the Metropolitan park commission. Emulsi- fied oil is used. Car for oiling streets, i dr. 2 ill. 1911. (In Electric railway journal, v.38, p.538.) The same, condensed, ign. (In Scientific American supplement, v.72, P-3I7-) Used by Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company. Chapman, Arnold G. Cost data on experimental oiling of New York state highways, to- gether with the results obtained. 1908. (In Engineering-contracting, v.29, p.265-267.) Macadam roads treated with Ragland oil. Chittenden, Hiram M. Use of oil on roads. 1903. (In Engineering news, v.49, p. 378-379.) From report of chief of engineers, U. S. A., for 1902. Cost of dust prevention. 1915. (In American city^ v.i2, p.457.) Use of dustoline at Summit, N. J. Cost of oiling roads in New York state. 1908. (In Engineering news, v.59, P-536-537.) The same, abstract. 1908. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers, v.i74, p-388.) From a report of the State highway department. Cost of oiling streets at Fort William. 1914. (In Canadian engineer, v.27, p.574-) Brief abstract of report presented to the Board of works, Fort William. Device tests adhesiveness of California road oils. I ill. 1915- (I n En- gineering record, v.7i, p.329.) Apparatus consists of a journal lubricated with the oil under test and operated by a constant pull of a given weight. Dickens, Albert. Value of oil in road improvement. (Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 142.) [ii3]-i24p. 1907. Manhattan, Kansas. Experiments not thoroughly conclusive, but tend to establish value of oil, residue being more satisfactory than crude oil. "Cost of road varied from $525 to $1300 per mile" [for oil treatment?]. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 25 Drobny, F. Uber olbesprengung von strassen. 1905. (In Zeitschrift des Oster- reichischen Ingenieur- tind Architekten-Vereines, v.57, pt.2, p.447~45o.) The same, abstract translation. 1906. (In Annales des ponts et chaus- sees, memoires, ser.8, v.2i, p.276-277.) Tests with westrumite, simplizit and zibellit in Karlsruhe. Dunn, W. H. Data on oiling park roadways at Kansas City, Mo. 1908. (In Engi- neering-contracting, v.29, p. 60.) Residuum oil of 20 to 21 gravity, from the Kansas field was used. Dust laying and road preservation in the District of Columbia. 1912. (In Engineering and contracting, v.37, p-38.) Brief article. Oils are used. Table of cost data is given. Dust laying in Boston. 1913. (In Municipal journal, v.34, p. 337.) Brief article giving results of work in 1912. Oils chiefly used were emulsion road oil, emulsifying oil, Texaco, Headley XXII, Headley VII, and non-asphaltic oils, such as dustoline and tasscoil. Dust laying in New Bedford [Mass.]. 1913. (In Municipal journal, v.34, P-337-) Brief article on tests with dustoline. [Dust prevention by use of oil.] 1911. (In Engineering record, v.64, P-3.) Editorial pointing out a number of details essential to successful road oiling. Fletcher, Austin B. Dustless roads of California. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.34, p.287-288.) The same. 1910. (In Engineering record, v.62, p.4i8 419.) Paper before the National Good Roads Convention at St. Louis. Oiled roads. Also describes petrolithic macadam and gives specifications for its oiling, spreading and tamping. Gillette, W. A. Methods and cost of sprinkling road surfaces with oil. 3 ill. 1909. (In Engineering-contracting, v.32, p.492-493.) Guglielminetti. La lutte contre la poussiere par 1'arrosage des routes a la westru- mite.- 2 ill. 1904. (In Le Genie civil, v.45, p-98-99.) Tests with westrumite in France. Hammatt, W. C. California practice in highway construction. 2 ill. 1914- (In Trans- actions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v.77, p. 1760-1772.) Paper and discussion show disagreement among engineers regarding efficiency of oiled macadam roads. Harrison, D. S. Oil on railroads and wagon roads. 1901. (In Technograph, v.15, p.44-47.) Has experience demonstrated that the oiling of roads is the most satis- factory or economical method of preventing dust and preserving the road surface? 1909. (In Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v.6s, p.462-466.) Informal discussion. 26 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Herrold, G. H. Dust prevention in St. Paul, i dr. 1913. (In Municipal journal, v.34, p.22-24.) Discusses sprinkling and oiling of streets; describes organization, procedure, method of operating, oil tanks, and costs. Hogan, W. B. Methods and cost of road maintenance in San Joaquin county, Cali- fornia. 1914. (In Engineering and contracting, v.42, p. 122-129.) Considerable attention to oiling of roads. Describes a system of oil storage and gives road oil specifications. Hot penetration road oiler. 1914. (In Municipal engineering, v.47, P-75-76.) Description of oiler manufactured by the International Motor Company, New York. Humphrey, W. M. Use of oil under pressure in treating road surfaces at Los Angeles, Cal. 1909. (In Engineering news, v.62, p.234.) Brief article explaining method and its advantages. Hye, George. Cost of dust laying with dustoline. 1914. (In Engineering and con- tracting, v.4i, p.542.) New Bedford, Mass. Iowa experiments with oil on dirt roads. 3 ill. 1915. (In Engineer- ing record, v.72, p. 15-16.) Benefits, limitations and costs with reference to rural communities. Kershaw, William H. Storing road oil. 1913. (In Municipal journal, .34, p. 333-334.) Paper before the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Discusses elimination of demurrage and other costs, and describes tank recom- mended. Krist, F. C. Staubbindende fussbodenole; ihr verwendungsgebiet, ihre zweck- massige zusammensetzung und erzeugung. 1914. (In Rauch und staub, v.4, p.i28.) Abstract from "Seifensiederztg." Lawton, C. F. Dust laying in New Bedford [Mass.]. 1910. (In Municipal journal, v.28, p.874.) Successful work with dustoline. Longden, O. W. Les routes petrolees de Californie. 1901. (In Le Genie civil, v.^8, P-3I5-3I6.) Moore, Roy R. Dustless roadways. 2 ill. 1908. (In World to-day, v.i4, p.434-436.) From bulletin issued by the Kansas City park board. Oiled roadway. Comparative costs of water and oil treatment. Mud nuisance on oiled macadam roads. 1912. (In Engineering news, v.67, p.453-454.) The same, condensed. 1912. (In Literary digest, v.44, p.636-637.) Discusses remedies. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 27 Nash, George W. How one neighborhood oiled its streets. I ill. 1913. (In Country life in America, v.24, June, p.62.) Oiling on a small scale. Oil for clay roads. 1901. (In Engineering record, v.44, p.5i9.) Experiments conducted by Major T. G. Dabney at Clarksdale, Miss. Oiled road construction in San Bernardino county, Cal. 1901. (In En- gineering record, v.43, p. 298-299.) Oiled roads in California. 1907. (In Engineering record, v.55, 9.381- 382.) Oiled roads in California. 5 ill. 1905. (In Municipal engineering, v.28, p. 20 1 -207.) The same. 1904. (In Engineering record, v.5O, p.663-666, 709-711, 752-754, 780-783.) From bulletin of the State highway department. Oiled sand road in Massachusetts. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.58, p.320.) Oiled road at Eastham, on Cape Cod, Mass., giving good service. Oiling roadbeds in Brooklyn. 1906. (In Engineering record, v.54, p.'i52.) The same, brief abstract. 1906. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.i67, p-399.) Use of low-grade crude petroleum. Oiling streets and roads. 1915. (In Engineering news, v.73, p.H39-) Editorial. Water or calcium chlorid is to be preferred to "lubricating" oil for laying dust. Osborne, Clarence B. Road oil specifications and tests. 1914. (In Canadian engineer, v.27, p.504-505-) Abstract of Bulletin for July 1914, of California highway commission. Page, Logan Waller. Use of petroleum in dust prevention and road preservation. 1914- (In Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, v.48, 9.708-715.) Considers principat types of petroleum products used in the United States for this purpose and the general methods of application. Road surface treatment with oil in 1909 by the New York state com- mission of highways. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.33, p. 386- 3870 From the annual report of the commission. Sedgwick, Herbert M. Street oiling in New Haven [Conn.]. 1913. (In Municipal journal, v.34, p.90.) Brief account. In 1911 the Standard and Texas oils were used, in 1912, only Texas. Some oiled earth roads in California. 2 ill. 1908. (In Municipal engi- neering, v.35, p.284-287.) Suppression of dust on roads by oil sprinkling. 1906. (In Engineering, London, v.82, p.5i-52.) Experiments in North Sydney, New South Wales. 28 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Travilla, James C. Strassenstaubbekampfung in Amerika. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.372-373.) From "Der Strassenbau." Mostly St. Louis practice with various oils. White, T. F. Oil in street construction. 1902. (In Engineering record, v.45, p.171-172.) Paper before the League of California Municipalities. White, T. F. Oiled road construction in San Bernardino county, Cal. 1901. (In Engineering record, v.43, p.298-299.) From an article in the Redlands "Citrograph." White, T. F. Oiled roads and their benefit. 1900. (In Engineering record, v.42, p.440-44i.) Discussion before the Good Roads Association of Southern California, on San Bernardino county roads. White, T. F. Use of oil on macadam roads and oil-asphalt streets in California. 1905. (In Engineering news, v.54, p-314.) From paper before Montreal meeting of the American Society of Municipal Im- provements. Wickes, J. L. Experience at Baltimore, Md. with emulsions as dust palliatives. 1911. (In Engineering-contracting, v.35, p.542-543.) From an informal discussion by members of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers. Discusses methods of making emulsions; gives specifications and considers the difficulties encountered. Asphaltic Oils Aztec liquid asphalt for oiling roads. 1914. (In Municipal engineer- ing, v.46, p.403-404.) Methods of applying two grades of asphalt to various roads. Bartlett, Charles H. Asphaltic oil treatment of macadam roads. 1910. (In Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies, v.44, p.125-134.) The same, abstract. 1910. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institu- tion of Civil Engineers, v.iSi, p.49i.) Quality of oil is of prime importance. Brown, C. C. Macadam streets, surfaced with California liquid asphalt, as con- structed in the city of Redlands, Cal. i ill. 1907. (In Engineering news, v.57, p.365~366.) Byxbee, J. F. jr. Use of asphaltic flux for coating macadam roads at Palo Alto, Cal. 1909. (In Engineering news, v.6i, p.5i9.) Specifications, methods and costs. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 29 Eames, W. Scott. Treatment of streets with asphaltic oils. 1913. (In American city, v.8, p.635-636.) Popular article. Discusses work at New Haven, Conn. Hooker, Percy. Strassenstaubbekampfung in den Vereinigten Staaten. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.328.) From "Zeitschrift fur transportwesen und strassenbau." Experiments in New York state with asphaltic oils. Meyer, Karl M. Staubbekampfung auf den asphaltstrassen der grossstadte. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.22-23.) Abstract from "Techn. gemeindeblatt." Recommends kiton, to be worked cold. Mineral rubber road surfacing. 4 ill. 1908. (In Municipal journal and engineer, v.25, P-569-57O.) Asphaltic material tried on Chicago boulevards and park roads. Parker, Harold. Experiences of the Massachusetts highway commission in road sur- face preservation work. 1911. (In Engineering-contracting, v.35, p.i6- 17.) Use of asphaltic oils. Gives methods, specifications, etc. Perrin. Westrumitage des routes nationales empruntees par la course elimi- natoire franchise du 20 mai 1904. 1905. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8, v.i7, p. 196-200.) Tests with westrumite. Reed, Frank. Road oiling in Pasadena, i ill. 1914. (In Municipal journal, v.37, p.66 3 -66 5 .) Use of a heavy asphaltic residual. Richardson, Clifford. So-called Topeka surface for highways. 1912. (In Engineering record, v.6s, p-7i8.) An asphalt surface mixture. Describes types of mixtures made and the applica- tions in New York city and Buffalo. Tar and Tar Products Bindewald, E. t)ber strassenteerung. 1909. (In Journal fur gasbeleuchtung und wasserversorgung, v.52, p.654-658.) Proper materials and methods. Crosby, W. W. Macadam road-surfacing in the past and for the future. 1908. (In Engineering-contracting, v.3O, p-355-356.) The same. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.58, p.73i~732.) Paper before the First International Road Congress at Paris. A good deal of attention to tar as a surface material. 30 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Dust preventives: tars, with methods of analysis and suggested speci- fications for their use. 1908. (In Engineering-contracting, v.30, p.24O- 242.) From publications of United States office of public roads. Dustless roads. 1910. (In Engineering news, v.63, p.629.) From report, 1909, of Dust and dustless roads committee of the Royal Automobile Club of England. Concerned mainly with use of tar. Earl, Frank B. Methods of road construction and the problem of dust suppression, i diag. 3 ill. 1912. (In Canadian engineer, v.23, $.424-426.) Abstract of paper before American Society of Engineering Contractors, May 1912. Deals with tarvia only, giving methods and costs. Guglielminetti. Vorschlage zur staubbekampfung und strassenverbesserung. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.i03-iO5.) Hooley, E. Purnell. Tar and its uses in modern road construction. 1909. (In Canadian engineer, v.i;, p.353-354-) Paper before the First American Congress of Road Builders, Seattle. Hubbard, Prevost. Coke-oven tars of the United States, up. 1912. (In United States Public roads office. Circular no.97.) Discusses growing importance and gives information as to properties. Krarup, Marius C. Best means for dustproofing the highway. 1910. (In Automobile, v.22, p.792-793, 844-845, 861.) Considers coal-tar only. Lewis, Nelson P. Road preservation with tarvia. I ill. 1909. (In Municipal engineer- ing, v.36, p.400-402.) Strong plea for wider use of tarvia. Making roads automobile wearproof. 2 ill. 1911. (In Horseless age, V.28, p.204.) Use of tarvia. Manning, George W. Waterproofing of road surfaces. 1910. (In Engineering news, v.63, P.633-) Brief abstract of paper before the Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers. Considers tar spraying and tar painting unsatisfactory. A bituminous binder must be introduced through the mass of macadam. Skinner, Hervey J. Tar as applied to the surface treatment of roads. 1909. (In Pro- ceedings of the American Gas Institute, v.4, p.333~352.) With discussion. The same, abstract. 1909. (In Engineering-contracting, v.32, p.332- 333-) The same, abstract. 1909. (In Scientific American supplement, v.68, P-333-334-) With special reference to macadamized roads. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 31 Tarvia, the new dust layer, i ill. 1906. (In Municipal engineering, v.3i, 9.415-416.) White, Linn. Economy of tarvia treatment of roads. 1908. (In Municipal engi- neering, v.35, 9.400-401.) Abstract of paper before Illinois Society of Engineers. Hygienic Aspects Butterfield, W. J. A. Effects of tars and other road-dust abating substances on fish life. 1912. (In Engineering news, v.67, 9.689-690.) Paper before the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, London, England, Feb. 9, 1912. Reviews the various dust abating materials and recounts experiments with coal-tar oils and similar substances. Claussen, P. Strassenteerung und pflanzenwuchs. 1913. (In Prometheus, v.24, P-83I.) The same. 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v.4, 9.31-32.) Results of extensive experiments. Eye trouble due to tarry vapor. 1911. (In Automobile, v.24, p. 1128- 1129.) From French reports. Griffon, Ed. Influence du goudronnage des routes sur la vegetation avoisinante. 1910. (In Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de I'Academie des Sciences, v.isi, p.io7o-io73.) The same, abstract translation. 1911. (In Experiment station record, v.2 4 , p.63i.) Author confirms conclusions of Mirande, but from extensive observation and labo- ratory experiments during three seasons, thinks injury in open country would be rather slight. Guglielminetti. Les avantages du goudronnage des chaussees; les effets sur la vege- tation. 1911. (In Le Genie civil, v.59, p.249-252.) The same, abstract translation. 1911. (In Scientific American supple- ment, V.72, p.228-229.) The same, abstract. 1911. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.9, v.4, p.222-223.) Discusses objections that have been urged against tarring. Guglielminetti. Recent views on road-tarring. 1911. (In Scientific American, v.H9, n. s. v.ios, p.545-547-) Author thinks that surface tarring has become standard practice, discusses economic and hygienic aspects, etc. Guglielminetti. Strassenteerung und pflanzenwuchs. 1910. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p. 102-103.) From an address before the "Oberamten Deutscher Stadte." Author thinks that tar has no injurious effect on adjacent vegetation. 32 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Guglielminetti. Surface tarring of macadamized highways. 1911. (In Engineering news, v.66, p.284-286.) Discusses economic results and effect of tar upon, vegetation. Hess. Schadliche folgen der strassenteerung. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.i35-i36.) From "Gesundheits-Ingenieur." Review of literature on the subject. Honore, Fernand. Effect of tarred roads upon trees and shrubs. 7 ill. 1910. (In Scientific American, v.n?, n. s. V.IO3, p.156.) Imperfect methods of applying the tar probably responsible for any injurious effect. See also Peirce, G. J. Mirande, Marcel. L'action du goudron sur les plantes vertes. 1911. (In Revue gene- rale des sciences pures et appliquees, v.22, p.2O3-2O7.) Mirande, Marcel. Action sur les plantes vertes de quelques substances extraites du goudron de houille et employees en agriculture. 1911. (In Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de 1'Academie des Sciences, v.152, p.2O4-2O6.) Carbolineum and similar compounds. Mirande, Marcel.. Les effets du goudronnage des routes. 1910. (In Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de 1'Academie des Sciences, v.isi, p.949- 952.) The same, abstract translation. 1911. (In Experiment station record, v.24, p.63i.) Study of conditions b.oth adjacent to and at a distance from tarred roads. Detects injury and ascribes it mainly to vapors given off in hot dry weather. See also Griffon, E. Peirce, George J. Why the tarring of roads is injurious to vegetation. 1910. (In Scientific American, v.U7, n. s. v.103, p.399.) Letter to editor discussing paper by Honore. Philibert, L. L'action des poussieres des routes goudronnees sur 1'appareil ocu- laire. 1911. (In Revue generate des sciences pures et appliquees, v.22, p.2O7-208.) Road oiling and vegetation. 1911. (In Engineering record, v.64, p.43&.) Editorial review of investigations made by French scientists on influence of dust of tarred roads on vegetation. Road tarring and vegetation. 1908. (In Municipal journal and engi- neer, v.25, p.6oo-6oi.) From "Surveyor." Effect of tar on shade trees and other vegetation. Majority of English and Amer- ican engineers have found no injury resulting from tar on road surfaces. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 33 Schlapfer, A. Einwirkung des teerstaubs auf pflanzen. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, P40Q.) From "Der Strassenbau." Stadion. Die hygienische bedeutung des strassenstaubes und die massnahmen zu seiner bekampfung. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.i57-i6o, 192- 198.) Dust laying, p. 196-1 98. Staub geteerter strassen und pfianzenwuchs. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.373-) Review of writings of Mirande and Guglielminetti. True, H. & Fleig, C. De Faction oculaire experimentale des poussieres de routes goud- ronnees. 1910. (In Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de 1' Academic des Sciences, v.isi, p-593-596.) The same, condensed. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.154-155.) Tarring when properly done is not injurious to the eyesight. American Practice Albertson, John J. Cost of applying tarvia and screenings to a road. 1908. (In Engi- neering-contracting, v.3O, p.i6.) In Camden county, New Jersey. Coming of dustless roads, i ill. 1908. (In Municipal engineering, v-34, p-378-38o.) Tarvia. Cost of road treatment with "tarvia." 1907. (In Engineering-contract- ing, v.27, p.264.) On roadways at Revere beach parkway, Massachusetts. Dust prevention in the Boston district. 1907. (In Engineering record, v.s6, p. 148.) Tarvia. Experiment in dust prevention. 1906. (In Engineering record, v.54, P-3H.) Near Troy, N. Y., with tar. Experiments with dust preventives on a road at Wayland, Mass. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.57, p. 578-580.) Conducted by United States office of public roads. Water-gas tar, coal-tar and special tar preparations were used. Extensive dust laying plans in Brooklyn [N. Y.]. 1910. (In Horse- less age, v.25, p.8o4.) Proposed use of tarvia. McNeal, John. Cost of treating a macadam road with tarvia. 1907. (In Engineer- ing-contracting, v.27, p.286.) At Easton, Pennsylvania. Method, cost and results of tarring heavily-traveled macadam streets in Chicago. 1907. (In Engineering record, v.55, p.36i~362.) 34 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Poor, H. C. Data on tarvia road treatment in New York state and tar macadam work in Canada. 1908. (In Engineering-contracting, v.2g, p. 337-340.) Data on roads of Long Island, Buffalo, Albany, N. Y., also of Ottawa, Toronto and Hamilton, Canada. Rablin, John R. Data on the cost of road treatment by the Metropolitan park com- mission of Massachusetts during 1907. 1907. (In Engineering-con- tracting, v.28, p.349-350.) The same. 1907. (In Engineering -record, .56, P-57O-572.) Paper before the Massachusetts highway commission. Experiments with tarvia. Tar bonded roads in Cincinnati. 1913. (In Scientific American, v.122, n. s. v.ioS, P.SOO.) Tarred roads in America, i dr. 2 ill. 1903. (In Automobile, v.9, p.27-29.) Mainly a report on work in Canada. Wrightman, Charles R. Methods and cost of tarring macadam and clay roads in South Haven, Mich. I ill. 1907. (In Engineering-contracting, v.27, p.2OO-2Oi.) From the first biennial report of the state highway commissioner of Michigan. Foreign Practice Aitken, Thomas. Application o'f tar to macadamized roads. 1907. (In Engineering news, v.58, p.2o6-2O7.) In the form of a fine spray in re-coating operations. British practice. Automobilstrassen. 1915. (In Rauch und staub, v.5, p. 115-116.) Recent progress in Europe. Bekampfung der staubplage in Baden. 1914. (In Rauch und staub, v.4, p. 145.) Bekampfung der staubplage in Baden. 1915. (In Rauch und staub, v.5, p-7o.) Successful experiments with kiton. Bund, J. W. Willis. Road congress. 1908. (In Country life, v.24, p.646-647.) First International Road Congress, held in Paris. French practice of maintaining tar-macadam roads. Caufourier, P. L'emploi du goudron sur les chaussees empierrees. 1908. (In Le Genie civil, v.52, p. 268-270.) The same, abstract translation. 1908. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.173, p. 341-342.) Reviews benefits derived from using tar and considers three systems of tar-maca- dam :_ the superficial coating, the laying of tarred stone, and the facing of existing roads with "tar mixed in situ with sand. Cost of laying dust. 1907. (In Scientific American,, n. s. v.96, p.195.) European practice with tar. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 35 English methods and experience in dust prevention and road preserva- tion and in the construction of tar bound roads. 1910. (In Engineer- ing-contracting, v.33, p.500-503.) Abstracted and rearranged from several issues of the "Surveyor." Numerous experiments are described with tar painting and tar spraying, tarvia, tar- macadam, slag-tar-macadam, oil-tar and tarmac. English methods of tar spraying for dust prevention and some general costs of the work. 1909. (In Engineering-contracting, v.32, p.268.) Data were collected by the Metropolitan Borough Councils of London. Espitallier, G. Le goudronnage des routes, i ill. 1904. (In Le Genie civil, v.45, p.22-25.) Discusses materials used, machinery, methods and costs. French practice. Fight against dust and wear on macadamized roads. 1909. (In Min- utes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.176, p-344- 345-) From "Annales des travaux publics de Belgique," 1908. Various methods of tarring. Forestier, G. Les moyens de combattre ou d'empecher la poussiere. 6 ill. 1904. (In Memoires et compte rendu des travaux de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France, 1904, pt.2, p.7io-736.) The same, brief abstract. 1905. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8, v.i8, p. 268-269.) History and description of various methods of tarring. Gerlach, F. Strassenverhaltung und staubverhiitung. 1910. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.29.) Brief abstract from "Technisches magazin." Reviews French and German practice of tarring. Griffiths, John L. Best road surfaces and construction. 1911. (In United States Manufactures bureau. Daily consular and trade reports, v.iO5, p. 1096- 1097.) British practice. Advocates bituminous binding. Griffiths, John L. British dust-problem statistics. 1911. (In United States Manu- factures bureau. Daily consular and trade reports, V.IO4, p.i36.) On various grades and kinds of tar and tar preparations. Guglielminetti. Strassen-oberflachenteerung. 2 ill. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.256-26i, 330-331.) French practice. Guillet, and others. Goudronnages executes en 1903-1904-1905 dans le departement de Seine-et-Marne. 1905. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8, v.2o, p.26o-279.) 36 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Guillou, D. Coal-tar as a dressing for macadamized roads. 1906. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.i64, p.444-445.) From "Revue technique," Paris. Tests at St. Nazaire. Hennig. Einiges iiber teerschotter strassen. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.3, p.84-8?.) Letter to editor discussing Scheuermann's paper in v.2 of "Rauch und staub." Heude, and otliers. Effets des goudronnages executes en 1903 dans le departement de Seine-et-Marne. 1904. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8, v.i4, Heude, and otliers. Goudronnage des chaussees dans le departement de Seine-et-Marne. 1903. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8,, p. 226- 244; v.i i, p. 246.) Howell, Frank G. Dust prevention experiments in Surrey. 1906. (In Municipal engi- neering, v.3i, p.3O7-3io.) Discusses experiments with tar-macadam in place of existing "metal," tar-macadam laid on existing "metal," painting with hot tar, and use of akonia or calcium chlorid. Die kitonimpragnierung. 1915. (In Rauch und staub, v.5, p.i63-i64.) From "Der Stadtische tiefbau." Kiton, a tar compound, was successfully used for producing dustless roads and walks for industrial plants. Laying dust on macadam roads. 1906. (In Engineering record, v.54, P40.) Brief article on work with heavy tar oil in Southall-Norwood district, England. Le Gavrian. Les goudronnages executes en 1905 dans le departement de Seine- et-Oise. 1905. (In Annales des ponts et chaussees, memoires, ser.8, V.I9, p.232-24I.) Malaxeur a tarmacadam, systeme Boltshauser. i ill. 1909. (In Le Genie civil, v.56, p-38.) The same, translated. 1909. (In Engineering news, v.62, p. 719.) The same, abstract translation. 1909. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.iSi, p.492.) Machine for coating broken stone with tar. Moreau, A. Rapport presente, au nom du Comite des Constructions et Beaux- arts, sur le systeme de goudronnage des routes, par M. J. Vinsonneau. i diag. 3 dr. i ill. 1910. (In Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale, v.H2, p.27~34.) The same, abstract translation. 1910. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.iSi, p.492.) Describes the Vinsonneau tar-spraying machine; gives methods and costs. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 37 Moreau, A. Rapport presente, au nom du Comite des Constructions et Beaux- arts, sur les appareils a goudronner, system J. Lassailly. 7 dr. 1910. (In Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale, v.i 1 2, p. 1 5-26.) The same, abstract translation. 1910. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v.iSi, p-492.) A number of tar-spraying machines of the Lassailly system are described in detail; method of application, and costs are also given. Nixon, Fred P. Dust prevention by the tarring of road with oil gas tar. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.33, p-574-575-) From a paper at the Irish Road Congress at Dublin. Considers it an excellent substitute for watering with respect to cost and comfort. Raschig, F. Teer als baumaterial fur stadtstrassen. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.3, p.82-84.) Letter to editor discussing Scheuermann's paper on the subject, published in v.2. Results of tar spraying in Bristol, England. 1908. (In Engineering record, v.57, p.552.) Satisfactory results were obtained. See also letter to editor, $.624. Road methods in Great Britain. 1911. (In Municipal journal, v.3O, P-703-705.) Road Board directions and specifications for surface tarring, tar macadam and pitch-grouted macadam. Specifications for tars from gas works and tar distillers and for pitch and tar oils. Road surface tarring in Switzerland. 1910. (In Engineering-contract- ing, v.34, p.46o.) A large number of the towns in Switzerland are using tar surface treatment, both for carriage-ways and foot-ways, as a means of counteracting dust. The city of Basle alone had about 230,000 sq. metres of tarred roadways in 1909. Schech. Der automobilverkehr und sein einfluss auf den bau, die abnutzung und den unterhalt der strassen. 1914. (In Rauch und staub, v.4, P-95-96.) Abstract from "Der Stadtische tiefbau." Tarring at Landau, Pfalz. Scheuermann, D. Teer als baumaterial fur stadtstrassen. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.351-357-) Critical review of English practice. See also Hennig, and Raschig. Schlapfer, A. Die erfolge der strassenteerungen in schweizerischen stadten. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.4o8-4O9.) From "Der Strassenbau." Some British highway problems. 1906. (In Engineering record, v.54, P-673-) Tarmac is found to be very efficient as a permanent dust preventive. 38 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Sperber. Bituminous road work in Germany. 1910. (In Engineering record, v.62, p.325-327.) Abstract of report to the Association of Technical Officers of German Cities. Origi- nal report gives much information on dust preventives, not here included. Summarizes German experience with surface tarring in 43 cities, and with tar- macadam in n cities. Gives information regarding nature of tar compounds employed, amount used, methods of application, most favorable season for work, costs, and results in service. Based on replies to letters of inquiry sent to 89 cities. See also editorial, p. 310. Spraying roads with tar. 1908. (In Scientific American, v.H2, n. s. v.98, p.326.) Editorial discussing favorable results obtained in Bristol, England. Evidently relates to practice on macadam roads. Tar spraying is much more satis- factory than hand application. Penetrates road surface, greatly reducing cost of clean- ing and repairs. Strassenteeren in der Schweiz. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p. 328.) From "Der Strassenbau." Strassenteerung im strassenbauprogramm pro 1914 der stadt Kaisers- lautern. 1914. (In Rauch und staub, v.4, p. 128-129.) Abstract from "Der Strassenbau." Strassenteerung mittels der Stephanschen maschine. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p. 14-15.) Describes experiments at Munich with the machine manufactured by Adolf Stephans Nachfolger Maschinenfabrik, Scharley, O.-S. [Tarring for the Austrian resorts.] 1913. (In Rauch und staub, v.3, p.I26.) Resolutions of Der Verband Osterreichischer Kurorte. Teerung von wiirttembergischen staatsstrassen. 1912. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, p.328-329.) Calcium and magnesium chlorids were also used. Versuche zur bekampfung des strassenstaubes. 1915. (In Rauch und staub, v.s, p.i49-i5i.) Experiments around Dresden, Germany, with tar compounds, with special attention to apokonin. Wade, William. English methods of using tar as a binder in macadam road construc- tion. 1910. (In Engineering-contracting, v.33, p.i58.) Paper at Northern District meeting of the Institution of Municipal Engineers. Three methods are used: tar painting, tar macadam and tar grouting. Wolff, G. Ergebnisse der rheinischen Strassenteerung. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.2, Discusses kind of roads suitable for tarring, methods, materials, etc. Wolff, G. Teerung der Havelchaussee. 1911. (In Rauch und staub, v.i, p.22 1-226.) Methods, costs and results. ROAD DUST PREVENTIVES 39 * a i '> ' j ' > ' j Trade Literature on Dust Preventives Barber Asphalt Paving Company, Philadelphia. Asphalt primer and colloidal catechism. 19 p. n. d.. Barrett Manufacturing Company, New York. How a tarvia macadam roadway is constructed. 36 p. n. d. Barrett Manufacturing Company, New York. Tarvia-B. i6p. n. d. Barrett Manufacturing Company, New York. Tarvia preserves roads, prevents dust. 48 p. n. d. Barrett Manufacturing Company, New York. Tarvia-X. 16 p. n. d. Lewis (F. J.) Manufacturing Co. Chicago. Lewis road tar. 12 p. n. d. Lewis (F. J.) Manufacturing Co. Chicago. Specifications for macadam paving using Lewis road tar. 3 p. n. d. Robeson Process Company, New York. Glutrin. 20 p. n. d. Robeson Process Company, New York. Glutrin bond. 8 p. CI9I3. Robeson Process Company, New York. Road materials. 23 p. ci9ii. Gives action of glutrin on various road materials. Semet-Solvay Co. Syracuse, N. Y. Solvay granulated calcium chloride "a natural dust layer." 19 p. n. d. Solvay Process Co. Syracuse, N. Y. Solvay granulated calcium chloride the modern road binder. 44 p. CI9I2. Standard Asphalt & Rubber Company, Chicago. Asphalt filler book. 20 p. CI9I4. Standard Asphalt & Rubber Company, Chicago. Sarco asphalts and their uses. 23 p. n. d. Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), Newark, N. J. Standard Mexican asphalt road oils, asphalt macadam binders, mix- ing asphalt [and] paving asphalt. [iop.] CI9I3. Wadsworth Stone and Paving Co. Pittsburgh. Kentucky rock asphalt the coming roadway. 22 p. n. d. Publications of the Library Now in Print In the following list wherever two prices are given the first is that for which the publication is sold at the Library only. All prices are strictly net except for individual publications ordered in lots of twenty or more. Remittances should be made payable to the order of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Publications marked t may be had free at the Library. Publications marked * either have not been issued separately or are out of print as separates. Copies of the Monthly Bulletin in which they appeared will be sent postpaid for 5 cents each. Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. FIRST SERIES, 1895-1902. 1907. vol. 1-3. 3,890 pp. $12.00. SECOND SERIES, 1902-1906. 1908. vol. 4-5. 2,020 pp. $5.00. THIRD SERIES, 1907-1911. 1914. vol. 6-8. 3,475pp. $8.00. Bound in buckram with gilt tops. Include full author and subject indexes. The same [in pamphlet form]. FIRST SERIES, 1895-1902. 10 parts. 1903-07. Part i. General Works. 1907. 67 pp. 10 cents, postpaid. Part 2. Philosophy and Religion. 1903. 223 pp. Out of print. Parts. Sociology and Philology. 1904. 340 pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Part 4. Natural Science and Useful Arts. 1904. 598 pp. 35 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. Part 5. Fine Arts. 1905. 351 pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Part 6. Literature. 1905. 308 pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Part 7. Fiction. 1906. 446pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 40 cents. Part8. History and Travel. 1907. 691 pp. 50 cents; postpaid, 65 cents. Part 9. Biography. 1907. 381 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents. Part 10. Indexes, Title-pages, Contents, Preface and Synopsis of Classification. 1907. 850 pp. $1.00; postpaid, $1.20. SECOND SERIES, 1902-1906. 5 parts. 1907-08. Part i. General Works, Philosophy, Religion, Sociology and Philology. 1907. 425 pp. Out of print. Part 2. Natural Science, Useful Arts and Fine Arts. 1907. 477 pp. 45 cents; postpaid, 60 cents. Part 3. Literature, English Fiction and Fiction in Foreign Languages. 1908. 342pp. 40 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. Part 4. History and Travel, Collected Biography and Individual Biography. 1908. 465 pp. 45 cents; postpaid, 60 cents. Part 5. Indexes, Title-pages, Contents, Preface and Synopsis of Classification. 1908. 460 pp. 80 cents; postpaid, 95 cents. THIRD SERIES, 1907-1911. 10 parts. 1912-14. Parti. General Works, Philosophy, Religion. 1912. 372 pp. 40 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. Part 2. Sociology, Philology. 1912. 418 pp. 45 cents; postpaid, 60 cents. Part 3. Natural Science, Useful Arts. 1913. 623 pp. 60 cents; postpaid, 75 cents. Part 4. Fine Arts. 1913. 237 pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 35 cents. Part 5. Literature. 1913. 271 pp. 30 cents; postpaid, 40 cents. Part 6. English Fiction, Fiction in Foreign Languages. 1913. 294 pp. 30 cents; postpaid, 40 cents. Part 7. History and Travel. 1914. 401 pp. 40 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. PartS. Biography. 1914. 276 pp. 30 cents; postpaid, 40 cents. Part 9. Books for the Blind. 1914. 44 pp. 5 cents; postpaid, 10 cents. Part 10. Indexes, Title-pages, Contents, Preface and Synopsis of Classification. 1914. 8i6pp. 80 cents; postpaid, $1.00. fMonthly Bulletin. 25 cents a year, postpaid. Not published in August and September. fAnnual Reports, ist-i9th. 1897-1915. Sent free upon request. Except the 3d and 6th, which are out of print. {Circular of Information Concerning the Training School for Chil- drens Librarians. Sent free upon request. {Periodicals and Other Serials Currently Received by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Seventh edition. 1915. 42 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Rules for Filing Cards in the Dictionary Catalogues of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1915. 32 pp. 5 cents. fBooks of Interest in Connection with the European War. 1914. 26 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, October 1914. Debate Index. Second edition. 1912. 84pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 20 cents. fDebate Index. Supplement to the second edition. 1913. 23 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, November 1913. {Debate Index. Second supplement. 1916. 15 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted, with additions, from the Monthly Bulletin, June 1915. fBooks in the Library of the American Philatelic Society. 1910. 20 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fLives and Letters; a Selected and Annotated List. 1910. 36pp. 10 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, March 1910. t *Letters of General Forbes; Reprint of 35 Letters Relating to the Expedition against Fort Duquesne. 63 pp. 20 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, February, March, April, May, 1909. fGift of the German Emperor [List of Books, Maps and Photo- graphs]. 1908. 1 7 PP- Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, April 1908. fOne Hundred Recent Books on Agriculture. 1910. 19 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fList of Technical Indexes and Bibliographies Appearing Serially. 1910. 17 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, June 1910. Index to Proceedings of the Engineers' Society of Western Penn- sylvania, Volumes i to 20, 1880-1904. Compiled by Harrison W. Graver. 1906. 144 pp. $1.00, postpaid. Catalogue of Books in the Childrens Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1909. 604 pp. 75 cents; postpaid, $1.00. Catalogue of Books, Annotated and Arranged, and Provided by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for the Use of the First Eight Grades in the Pittsburgh Schools. 1907. 331 pp. 35 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. Annotated Catalogue of Books Used in the Home Libraries and Reading Clubs. 1905. no pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Illustrated Editions of Children's Books. 1915. 20 pp. 5 cents. t*Gifts for Children's Book Shelves; a List for Mothers. 1908. 26 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, November 1908. fStories from the Ballads of Robin Hood; Outlines for Story-Telling- 1914. 38pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fStories from the Norse; Outlines for Story-Telling. 1914. 22pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fStory Hour Courses for Children from Greek Myths, The Iliad and The Odyssey. 1906. 32 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. {"Foreign Lands Where Wonders Are;" a Reading List for Chil- dren and Young People. 1911. 14 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, November 1911. tFavorite Books of Well-Known People When They Were Boys and Girls. 1915. 12 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, April 1915. Reference Lists These lists have been compiled to render easily accessible the material in this Library on the various subjects. f *Vocational Guidance, n pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, May 1913. fHousing. 1912. 45 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, December 1911. t *Expeditions of Colonel Bouquet to the Ohio Country, 1763 and 1764. ii pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin. December 1909. fExpedition of General Forbes against Fort Duquesne. 1908. 20 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, June 1908. t * Washington's Visits to Pittsburgh and the Ohio Country. 15 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, February 1908. t*Braddock's Expedition, n pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, November 1906. t *The Whiskey Insurrection. 9 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, July 1906. t Famous Royal Women; a Reading List for Girls. 1908. n pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, January 1908. Road Dust Preventives. 1916. 39 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Air-Brakes. 1915. 55pp. 5 cents. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, July 1915. By-Product Coking. 1915. 40 pp. 5 cents. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, May 1915. Men of Science and Industry; a Guide to the Biographies of Scien- tists, Engineers, Inventors and Physicians, in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1915. 189 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents. fAir Conditioning. 1914. 58 pp. 10 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, November 1914. tBrick Manufacture and Bricklaying. 1912. 33 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, January 1912. fSewage Disposal and Treatment. 1910. 96 pp. 15 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, November 1910. tElectric Heating and Cooking. 1910. 16 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, January 1910. f *Metal Corrosion and Protection. Second edition, revised and en- larged. 1909. 58 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, July 1909. tRefuse and Garbage Disposal. 1909. 39 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, January 1909. t *Mica. 1908. 12 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, October 1908. t*Floods and Flood Protection. 1908. 48pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, July 1908. t Floods and Flood Protection (Supplement). 1911. 19 pp. Scents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, October 1911. t *Sodium Nitrate Industry of Chile. 1908. 7 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, March 1908. Enlarged from the brief list in the Monthly Bulletin, November 1903. t *Electric Driving in Rolling-Mills and Foundries. 11 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, November 1907. t *Smoke Prevention. 18 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, May 1907. t *Steam Turbines. 21 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, November 1904. t *Water Softening. 8 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, June 1904. t Patriots; a Reading List for Boys and Girls. 1912. 17 pp. Scents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, July 1912. Pennsylvania; a Reading List for the Use of Schools, with Special Reference to Indian Warfare and the Local History of Pittsburgh. 1911. 83 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. February 17, 1916. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 -/- r UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY