B 3 Jl LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS ' ROSTER OF THE Fourth Iowa Cavalry VETERAN VOLUNTEERS 1861-1865 AN APPENDIX TO "The Story of a Cavalry Regiment By WM. FORSE SCOTT NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1902 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS . PREFACE This book was begun years ago as an appendix to a history of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry,* but was laid aside partly from want of time to complete it, and partly because it would have made that book too large. But men of the regiment have often urged the completing of the work, and one in particular, widely known and honored among the Veterans of the West for long and sub stantial labors in their interests, Charles H. Smith, Lieutenant of Company C, finally induced me to take it up again, and he, with the other officers of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry Association (a society formed by the survivors of the regiment), have given much attention to the work during its progress. To him and them the old soldiers and their friends are indebted for any grati fication they may feel on reading these records. The plan of the book is to give the whole military record of each man while a member of the regiment, excepting sick-list and hospital experiences not connected with discharge or death, and excepting individual service without casualty in campaigns, marches, or engagements. The sick-lists were ephemeral papers and could not now be found or justly collated ; lists of hospital patients would be incomplete and imperfect, even if all the records were available, as they are not ; and in view of the way in which the company records were kept it would be impossible to tell what men took part in any particular action or campaign. When the records were made no one was thinking of the future fame of individuals. It seemed enough to say that the regiment went into action or on a campaign with a given number of offi cers and men. The killed, wounded, captured, missing would finally be named, but no others. The history given is that of the original records, supplemented by papers of my own and of other officers and soldiers, all veri- * " The Story of a Cavalry Regiment," G. P Putnam's Sons, New York, 1894. 4 PREFACE fied with much care. But the great number of errors and contra dictions found and traced to explanation makes it probable that many others remain hidden. I can say only that the work is as nearly correct as it could well be made, and certainly more nearly correct than the official records. The regiment was organized by special authority of the War Department, obtained by the urgent request of Governor Kirk- wood and the personal influence of James Harlan, then United States Senator from Iowa. In the early part of .the war the War Department was willing to accept only a few regiments of cav alry, and it was felt as a kind of triumph when an order for the raising of this regiment was received. Its camp was immediately established (October 17, 1861) at Mt. Pleasant, the home of Senator Harlan and of the proposed colonel, and was named Camp Harlan. This was a series of bar racks and horse sheds at the western edge of the town, and as the equipping of the regiment was slow, the government finding it exceedingly difficult to obtain even a portion of the vast sup plies then required, the camp became winter quarters. All the original enlistments and nearly all of those of recruits were made " for three years or during the war," but a few recruits sent to the regiment in 1863 and 1864 were enlisted for one year. As given in this roster all enlistments are for three years if not otherwise stated. The original organization was, or should have been, under G. Os. 15, 25 and 36 of 1861, War Dep. A. G. O., but no definite system prevailed among the mustering officers at that time, and many of their musters were not sustained. Some officers of the regimental staff had to be discharged after a few months under a ruling of the War Department that they were not au thorized. The mustering was begun November 23 and ended December 26, 1861; and the organization was then i colonel, i lieutenant- colonel, 3 majors, i adjutant, i quartermaster, i surgeon, i assistant surgeon, i chaplain, i sergeant-major, i quarter master-sergeant, i commissary-sergeant; in the battalion staff, 3 adjutants, 3 quartermasters, 3 sergeant-majors, 3 quarter master-sergeants, 3 commissary-sergeants, 3 hospital-stewards, PREFACE 5 3 saddler-sergeants and 3 veterinary-sergeants ; and 12 com panies, containing each i captain, i first lieutenant, i second lieutenant, i first sergeant, i quartermaster-sergeant, i com missary-sergeant, 4 sergeants, 8 corporals, 2 buglers, 2 farriers and blacksmiths, i saddler, i wagoner, and about 80 privates. The companies were divided into three battalions of four com panies each, the order being A, G, D, Kin the First, C, F, I, L in the Second, and E, H, M, B in the Third, this order being always followed in regimental and battalion formation. The colors were placed on the right of the Second Battalion, and were thus in Company C. There was a brass band of i leader and 16 men, but these were enlisted men in the companies, assigned to duty as musicians. Later two men were promoted from one of the companies to the Non-commissioned Staff as the principal musicians authorized by G. O. 15, above mentioned, but they were called " Chief Buglers," and acted only as buglers. There was also an enlisted man assigned to duty as Wagon-master of the regiment, as if that were a position of the Non-commissioned Staff. Then the quartermaster and later the adjutant were mustered out as unauthorized, not being lieutenants of the line assigned to extra duty. Under an Act of Congress of July 17, 1862, and G. O. 126, War Dep., A. G. O., dated September 6, 1862, all the volunteer cav alry was reorganized. The battalion staff organization was dropped, and the men composing it (including the " Wagon- master ") were discharged. The regimental band was also dis charged. An adjutant, a quartermaster and a commissary were added to the Field and Staff, and 2 hospital-stewards, i saddler-sergeant, and i chief farrier to the Non-commissioned Staff, while the chief buglers were dropped. The company non-commissioned officers were increased i sergeant and 2 team sters, but lost the two buglers.* The act of July 17, 1862, had provided for a chief trumpeter to each regiment and a super numerary second lieutenant to each company, but the War Department did not order them mustered in. * The men who had been buglers remained, however, and went on blowing just the same, though not recognized officially for some time. 6 PREFACE Still other changes were made in the cavalry by G. O. no, War Dep., A. G. O., of April 29, 1863. Two assistant surgeons were now allowed, the chief farrier was replaced by a veterinary surgeon, and a chief trumpeter was added. In the company the 2 teamsters were dropped (leaving i wagoner) and 2 trump eters were added. This organization continued to the end of the war. A few other positions, found necessary in practice but not provided for by law, were filled by detail of men from the com panies, namely, wagonmaster, armorer, and wardmaster in the hospital. When the regiment was mustered in it had 1086 officers and men. The long service under unhealthy conditions in Arkansas, immediately followed by the exhausting toil and frequent fight ing in the Vicksburg campaign, greatly diminished its numbers, so that in June, 1863, it was not entitled to muster a colonel to fill the vacancy then existing. This difficulty was overcome by the influence of General Sherman, who had taken a special inter est in the regiment, and a new colonel was mustered in soon after Vicksburg surrendered. The diminishing in numbers continued, though not so rapidly after the fall of Vicksburg, until November, 1863. About 500 had then been lost, and the lowest point in numbers in the his tory of the regiment was reached. In December recruits began to come in, and they were added rapidly until May, 1864, when the highest point was gained, the rolls then containing 1,354 names. Under a series of general orders of the War Department in the latter part of 1863, a large portion of the soldiers who had served two years ree' misted as Veterans. In the Fourth Iowa a large majority of those who were eligible reenlisted, a proportion which entitled it to be mustered as a Veteran regiment, which was done December 25, 1863. It proved to be one of the first Veteran regiments in the army and the first of the State of Iowa. Those who did not reenlist were discharged in December, 1864, at the end of the three years for which they had been mustered in. The War Department was continually striving to get more men on the " duty " lists and also to put to service the mob of PREFACE 7 negroes who followed the camps. One of its devices in this direction was G. O. 323, of September 28, 1863, providing for the enlistment of " Under-Cooks of African Descent," two for each company. All of the companies of this regiment had been using negroes as cooks, but not all now took the trouble to formally enlist them. Many of those who were enlisted soon disappeared, on slight provocation or inducement, and no one cared to pursue them as deserters. Their names, too, were uncertain and usually limited to the single " Tom " or " Abe.'^ So, although those who were enlisted were officially members of the regiment, any record of them would be so far from com plete or certain that it has been thought best to omit them all from this roster. When the war ended and the Confederates had quietly sur rendered, not taking to the woods as guerrillas, as was half expected on one side, nor to death in last ditches, as had been promised on the other, the War Department set about reducing the numbers of the army. One of the orders it issued for this purpose was G. O. 77, of April 28, 1865, which directed that " all volunteer soldiers patients in hospitals, except Veteran Volunteers, Veterans of the First Army Corps, and enlisted men of the Veteran Reserve Corps, who require no further medical treatment, be honorably discharged from the service, with im mediate payment." It also directed that " all officers and enlisted men who have been prisoners of war and are now on furlough or at the parade camps, and all recruits in rendezvous except those for the regular army, be likewise honorably discharged." Another of these orders was G. O. 83, of May 8, 1865, which directed that " all Volunteer soldiers of the cavalry arm whose term of service will expire before October i, 1865, be mustered out and discharged immediately." To avoid repeating the terms of these orders in all the cases to which they apply in this roster the hospital patients are reported discharged " as convalescent in [or ' from '] hospital," the prisoners of war ' ' as paroled prisoner of war on furlough," and the third class as " term of enlistment to expire before Oct. i." Some of the military departments issued their own orders, 8 PREFACE designed to carry out these orders of the War Department; in particular the Department of Kentucky issued its G. O. 27, dated May , 1865, in execution of G. O. 77, above mentioned. As the records of some men mention this G. O. 27, and not G. O. 77, they so appear in the roster. The discharge of others is, in the records, referred to certain special authority or telegraphic orders received from the War Department direct during the same period. These special orders, however, nearly all prove to be merely supplementary to G. O. 77, and they are mentioned in the roster because given in the records as reasons for discharge. When the regiment was mustered out many of its men who were in general hospital at different posts, from Iowa to Georgia, from Ohio to Arkansas, were not within the description of G. O. 77. These were entered on the final rolls and nominally mus tered out with their several companies ; and so they appear in this roster as " mustered out on Co. rolls as absent sick," etc. They are, therefore, counted in the summary as if present at final muster-out and discharge. Many men served in different ranks and in different places in the regiment. Those whose service was all within one com pany are mentioned only once, in the highest place held, and the whole record is there given, while the others are named in each company in which they served. The place-name in italics following the soldier's name is that of the town or county of his residence at the time of his enlist ment. In some cases the records do not give the residence, but only the place of enlistment, and I have so indicated. All places the names of which are not followed by the name of a State or other country are in Iowa. This is, of course, to avoid the otherwise very frequent repetition of the name of the State. It may be noticed that there is apparent confusion between the titles " wagoner " and " teamster," and " bugler " and " trumpeter." Wagoners and teamsters were in fact the same in duties, and so were buglers and trumpeters; but the several successive orders of the War Department reorganizing the cav alry used these different names, and of course the names stood as ordered until a modifying order was issued. PREFACE 9 It ought to be said that the men appearing on company rolls as " deserted " were not always deserters within the usual black meaning of the word. In a few cases in this regiment the crime must have been deliberately intended, but in the most of them the report became necessary under the regulations, which require that a soldier absent without leave be reported as deserted. He may have been originally sent away sick, or on furlough, or under lawful orders; but not returning or having his leave ex tended, he must in time be accounted for by his company com mander. Yet he may have been dead or disabled; sometimes it was found that he had simply enlisted in some other command. Many volunteers had vague or loose conceptions of their position and obligations as soldiers. The regiment was mustered out at Atlanta, Georgia, all the companies on August 8 and the Field and Staff on August 10, 1865. After a few days required for turning in its horses, arms and equipments, it was moved by rail to Davenport, where it was paid and finally discharged on August 24, 1865. A list of the engagements of the regiment, excepting minor ones, appears in the history above mentioned, but for conven ience of reference from the roster and to make some corrections, another list, reduced and revised, is printed here, immediately following the roster. This list contains only those engagements in which some of the regiment were killed, wounded or captured, the others, though some of them were important, having no necessary connection with a roster. It had been proposed to have portraits in this book, and some photographs were received; but it was feared that if an effort were made to get pictures of all who were members of the regi ment the number might be so large as to make their publication impracticable. It was finally decided to use only the pictures of the officers of the Association of the regiment, before men tioned, one being excepted, however, because it already appears in the book to which this volume is an appendix. I am indebted to many comrades of the regiment, soldiers as well as officers so many that they cannot be named here for information and aid cheerfully given me; and two gentlemen of the Adjutant-General's Office at Des Moines, John L. Hume and io PREFACE Thomas L. Stephens, have, with much patience and interest, made for me a vast number of special searches of the rolls and records of their office. And to my wife I owe nearly all the work on the index, as well as constant help in the long and tedious labor of comparing and correcting. New York, September, 1902. WM. FORSE SCOTT. ABBREVIATIONS Common abbreviations like those of State names and military titles it is not thought necessary to explain. The others are as follows : A. C. Army Corps. Enl. Enlisted. A. D. -African Descent. F. and S. Field and Staff. A. G. O. Adjutant-General's G. O. General Orders, No. Office. Hdqrs. Headquarters. App. Appointed. Inf. Infantry. Cav. Cavalry. Nat. Cem. National Cemetery. C. C. M. D. M. Cavalry Corps Non-com. Non-commissioned. of the Military Division of Prom. Promoted. the Mississippi. Qrmr. Quartermaster. Co. Company, County. Reapp. Reappointed. Com. Commissioned. Ree'nl. Vet. Reenlisted as Vet- Corn. Subs. Commissary of eran. Subsistence. Regt. Regiment. Com.-Serg. Commissary-Ser- Regtl. Regimental. geant. Sec. Section. Dep. Department. S. 0. Special Orders, No. Disch. Discharged. FIELD AND STAFF When the War Department authorized a fourth regiment of cavalry from Iowa the Governor had already chosen Asbury B. Porter for the Colonel and Mt. Pleasant for the place of rendez vous. It was to be the first camp at Mt. Pleasant, and the town and surrounding country were excited to the deepest interest. The greater part of the Field and Staff and nearly the whole of three companies (C, D, and K), as well as many in other com panies, came out of that beautiful little city and its county. The promise of the Field and Staff was excellent. It was composed of men of the highest standing in their several com munities, some of them already experienced in the war. The Colonel, one of the Majors, the Adjutant and others had fought with Lyon at Wilson's Creek; the Lieutenant-Colonel was a brilliant officer of the regular cavalry ; and the months spent in camp awaiting equipment offered an unusual opportunity for instruction and preparation. The Colonel was an expert horseman ; he supervised the pur chase of the horses of the regiment and personally examined them all. No regiment could have been better mounted. Changes in the Field and Staff were rapid and numerous after the regiment got into the field. Some were disabled by disease, others discharged because of erroneous muster, others pro moted in later regiments, and others dropped under orders re organizing the cavalry. Within a year of muster-in only i officer and 2 non-commissioned officers of the original Field and Staff remained, and its organization had been reduced by law from 44 in number to 19. The whole number in the Field and Staff during the war (in cluding battalion) was 44 officers and 45 non-commissioned officers, of whom there remained to be mustered out on the last roll ii officers and 8 non-commissioned officers. All of the non-commissioned officers reenlisted as Veterans, 12 FIELD AND STAFF and only two of the officers accepted a muster-out when their original terms of service expired. Colonel Asbury B. Porter, Mt. Pleasant. Commission dated Oct. i , 1 86 1 ; mustered in Dec. 26, 1861. Resigned for ill health; resignation accepted by order of Gen. Grant, March 19, 1863, in S. O. 78 of 1863, Dep. of the Tenn. Organized and equipped the regt. ; served with it in the field until Aug., 1862. Was Maj. of ist Iowa Inf., com. May 14, 1 86 1, and served with it in the field throughout its term. Colonel (Brevet Brigadier-General) Edward F. Winslow, Mt. Pleasant. Raised Co. F and enlisted with it Oct. 14, 1861; com. Capt. to date Nov. 23, 1861; prom. Maj. Jan. 3, 1863, vice Parkell, prom.; Col., June 20, 1863, vice Porter, resigned. Not mustered because the regt. was then below minimum in numbers; then com. Lieut. - Col. to date July 14, 1863, but muster suspended; and finally mustered Sep. 2, 1863, as Col. Remained with the regt. on Vet. reenlistment ; prom. Bvt. Brig.-Gen. Dec. 12, 1864, " for gallantry in the field." Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Wounded in action by piece of shell, left leg, May 29, 1863, Me- chanicsburg, Miss., and again, left leg, severe, Oct. 23, 1864, Big Blue, Mo. Returned to active duty in Dec., though still disabled by wound. Chief of Cavalry on staff of Maj. -Gen. Sherman and commanding Cavalry Forces of the i$th Army Corps (later of the iyth Army Corps) in Miss., Sep. 1863, to March, 1864; in command of 2d Brig., Cav. Div. i6th Army Corps, April to July, 1864; of 2d Div., Cav. Corps District of West Tenn., July to Dec., 1864; of 2d Brig., Cav. Div. Dep. of the Miss., Dec., 1864, and Jan., 1865; of ist Brig., 4th Div., Cav. Corps M. D. M., Jan. to May, 1865; of 4th Div., Cav. Corps M. D. M., hdqrs. at Atlanta, Ga., May to July, 1865; and of the cities of Selma, Ala., and Columbus, Ga., on their capture, April, 1865. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Drummond, Vinton. Com. to date Dec. 24, 1 86 1. Resigned June 3, 1862, cause not found; resignation accepted by order of Gen. Halleck, command ing Dep. Served with the regt. in the field in the first campaign, in Mo. and Ark. Was Lieut, in 5th U. S. Cav., to which he returned on leaving the 4th Iowa ; was prom, to Capt. in that regt. and killed in action April i, 1865, at Five Forks, Va. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN H. PETERS Vice- President Fourth Iowa Cavalry Association FOURTH IOWA CAVALRY 13 Lieutenant-Colonel Simeon D. Swan, Mt. Pleasant. Com. Maj. (ist) to date Oct. 14, 1861; prom. Lieut.-Col. June 4, 1862, vice Drummond, resigned. Resigned July 13, 1863, cause not found. Served with the regt. in the field until resignation, in command of it from July, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel John H. Peters, Delhi. Raised Co. B; en listed with it Sep. 15, 1861; com. Capt. to date Nov. 23, 1861; prom. Maj. June 20, 1863, but not mustered in; prom. Lieut.-Col. Sep. 2, 1863, vice Swan, resigned. Remained with the regt. on Vet. reenlistment. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Wounded in action Nov. 8, 1862, Marianna, Ark. Served with the regt. in the field throughout the war, except portion of 1863, when recruiting for the regt. in Iowa. Com manded Cav. Forces of i7th Army Corps, March and April, 1864, and often in command of the brigade to which the regt. belonged. Major Joseph E. Jewett, Des Moines. Com. Maj. (2d) to date Oct. 14, 1 86 1. Resigned Jan. 2, 1863, cause not found. Served with the regt. in the field through its first cam paign, in Mo. and Ark. Was 2d Lieut. Co. D, 2d Iowa Cav., com. Aug. 30, 1861; disch. to become Maj. as above. Major George A. Stone, Mt. Pleasant. Enl. Sep. 28, 1861, and assigned to Co. H. Com. Maj. (3d) Nov. 2, 1861. Mustered out Aug. 10, 1862, to accept com. as Col. of 25th Iowa Inf. Commanded his brigade much of the time thereafter; served in the field until the end of the war; prom. Bvt. Brig.-Gen. March 13, 1865. Was ist Lieut. Co. F, ist Iowa Inf., com. May 9, 1861, and served with it in the field throughout its term. Major Benjamin Rector, Sidney. Enl. Aug. 10, 1861, in " Sears* Rangers " for 2d Iowa Cav. (later Co. A, 4th Iowa Cav.). Com. Capt. Co. A to date Nov. 23, 1861; prom. Maj. June 4, 1862, vice Stone, prom. Died Jan. 21, 1863, Helena, Ark., of dysentery. Captured in action Oct. n, 1862, Jones's Lane, Ark.; exchanged and returned to service Oct. 29, 1862. Major Alonzo B. Parkell, Grinnell. Raised Co. E; enl. with it Sep. 14, 1861. Com. Capt. Co. E to date Nov. 23, 1861, prom. Maj. Aug. 10, 1862, vice Rector, prom. Resigned for ill health ; resignation accepted Sep. 26, 1864. Served with the regt. in the field continuously until resignation, often in command of it. 14 FIELD AND STAFF Major Cornelius F. Spearman, Mt. Pleasant. Raised Co. D; enl. with it Sep. 17, 1861. Com. Capt. Co. D, Nov. 25, 1861; prom. Maj. Jan. 22, 1863, vice Winslow, prom. Mustered out Nov. 24, 1864, term of service expired. Served with the regt. in the field continuously until mustered out, often in command of it. Major Abial R. Pierce, Lockridge. Raised Co. M, Oct., 1861. Com. Capt. to date Nov. 25, 1861; prom. Maj. Sep. 13, 1863, vice Spearman, prom. Remained with the regt. on Vet. reenlistment. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Often in command of the regt.; commanded it in the great " Price " campaign, Sep. to Dec., 1864, in which he was wounded in action, foot, severe (permanently disabled), Oct. 25, 1865, Marais des Cygnes (" Osage "), Kan. Recommended by brigade and corps commanders, May, 1865, for promotion to Lieut. -Col. by brevet, " for gallantry and unusual courage and judgment frequently displayed, especially in the ac tions at Brice's Cross-roads and the Osage." Major William Wells Woods, Burlington. Enl. Aug. 15, 1861, in Pleyel's (ist U. S.) Lancers at Burlington. Joined this regt. Nov. 19, 1861; com. 2d Lieut. Co. L, Nov. 25, 1861; prom, ist Lieut. Jan. 9, 1862; Capt. Aug. i, 1862. Remained with his Co. on Vet. reenlistment; prom. Maj. Sep. 27, 1864, vice Pierce, prom. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Served with the regt. in the field throughout the war, sometimes in com mand of it. Was A. A. Insp.-Gen. on staff of Bvt. Maj.- Gen. Upton, commanding 4th Div., C. C., M. D. M., April to July, 1865. Recommended by division and corps commanders, May, 1865, for promotion to Lieut. -Col. by brevet " for habitual good conduct and for gallantry at Selma." Major Edward W. Dee, Brooklyn. Enl. with the men of Co. E, Sep. 18, 1861; com. 2d Lieut, to date Nov. 23, 1861; prom, ist Lieut. June 24, 1862; Capt. Aug. 10, 1862. Remained with his Co. on Vet. reenlistment; prom. Maj. Nov. 25, 1864, vice Woods, prom. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Served with the regt. in the field throughout the war, sometimes in com mand of it. Adjutant George W. Waldron, Dubuque. Com. to date Dec. 19, 1861. Mustered out June 28, 1862, to date June i, 1862, MAJOR CORNRLIUS F. SPEARMAN V ice-President Fourth Iowa Cavalry Association FOURTH IOWA CAVALRY 15 under G. O. 25 of May 13, 1862, Dep. of the Miss, (place not reported), as unauthorized. The organization of cavalry before July, 1862, required the Adjutant to be a company officer, assigned to the post as extra duty, and Waldron had been commissioned directly as Adju tant. Served with the regt. in the field in the first cam paign. Was 2d Lieut. Co. I, ist Iowa Inf., com. May 9, 1861, and Adjt. ist Iowa Inf., com. May 13, 1861; was with that regt. during all its service, and was wounded in action Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo. Adjutant Edward D. Ketchum, Mt. Pleasant. Enl. Oct. 16, 1861, in C; app. ist Corp. on muster-in; prom. Serg.-Maj. of the regt. Feb. i, 1862; Adjt. Sep. 15, 1862, being the original appointment under G. O. 126 of 1862, War Dep., A. G. O., providing for reorganization of cavalry. Re signed July 29, 1863, cause not reported, and resignation accepted by S. O. 205 of 1863, Dep. of the Tenn. Served with the regt. in the field until resignation. Adjutant Ambrose Hodge, Burlington. Enl. Sep. 18, 1861, in L; prom. 2d Lieut, of L to date Jan. 9, 1862; Adjt. of the regt. July 30, 1863. (See Capt. of K). Adjutant William Forse Scott, Fair-field. Enl. Aug. 10, 1861, with " Sears' Rangers " for 2d Iowa Cav. (later Co. A, 4th Iowa Cav.); prom. Hosp.-Stwd. of regt. Nov. i, 1862, being the original appointment under G. O. 126 of 1862, War Dep., A. G. O., providing for reorganization of cav alry. Reenl. Vet. Nov. 23, 1863; reapp. Hosp.-Stwd.; prom. Serg.-Maj. of regt. Aug. i, 1864; Adjt. Jan. 25, 1865. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, At lanta, Ga. Served with the regt. in the field throughout the war. Quartermaster Simon P. Lauffer, Mt. Pleasant. Com. Nov. 19, 1861. Disch. April 21, 1862, St. Louis, Mo., by order of Maj.-Gen. Halleck, Dep. of the Miss., as unauthorized. The organization of cavalry before July, 1862, required the Quartermaster to be a company officer, assigned to the post as extra duty, and Lauffer had been com. directly as Quartermaster. Served partly through one campaign in Mo. Quartermaster J. Marshall Rust. 2d Lieut, of A, assigned to extra duty by Col.'s order as Qrmr. ist Batt., Dec. 25, 1 86 1, and as Qrmr. of regt. April 12, 1862. Prom. Capt. of A and returned to Co. June 5, 1862. 16 FIELD AND STAFF ' Quartermaster Edward W. Raymond, Winter set. Enl. Oct. 14, 1 86 1, in Pleyel's (ist U. S.) Lancers. On disbandment of that regt., Nov. 16, 1861, joined 4th Iowa Cav. in Co. I. App. 5th Serg. on muster-in; prom. Qrmr.- Serg. of regt. Jan. i, 1862; Qrmr. Feb. i, 1863, being the original appointment tinder G. O. 126 of 1862, War Dep., A. G. O., reorganizing the cavalry. Mustered out Feb. 1 6, 1865, Gravelly Springs, Ala. (also reported Dec. 4, 1864), term of service expired. Served with the regt. in the field until his muster-out. Quartermaster Christian Musser, Iowa City. Enl. Sep. 23, 1861, in E; app. 8th Corp. on muster-in; prom. 6th Corp. June , 1862; 5th Corp. Sep. i, 1862; 4th Corp. Oct. , 1862; 2d Corp. Nov. i, 1862; ist Corp. March 21, 1863. Reenl. Vet. Dec. 14, 1863; prom. Qrmr.-Serg. of regt. Jan. i, 1864; Qrmr. Feb. 17, 1865. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Served with the regt. in the field throughout the war. Commissary William T. Allen, Oxford. Enl. Sep. n, 1861, in G; prom. Com. -Serg. of regt. Jan. i, 1862; Commissary Sep. 15, 1862, being the original appointment under G. O. 126 of 1862, War Dep., A. G. O. Com. Capt. of C,. Jan. i, 1863, but declined. Prom. Capt. and Com. of Subs. U. S. Vols. to date Aug. 10, 1864. Commissary Seth Martin, Chickasaw Co. Enl. Nov. 13 (also reported Oct. 9), 1861, in H; app. 2d Bugler on muster- in; prom. Qrmr.-Serg. Oct. i, 1862. Reenl. Vet. Dec. n, 1863; prom. Commissary Jan. 31, 1865, vice Allen, prom. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Served with the regt. in the field throughout the war. Surgeon Andrew W. McClure, Mt. Pleasant. Com. Oct. 21, 1 86 1. Tendered resignation April 24, 1863, because of persistent ill health, but remained in service through the Vicksburg campaign till June 27, 1863. Resignation accepted by S. O. 114, Hdqrs. Dep. of the Tenn., dated April (? June) 24, 1863, but the order not received till June 27, 1863. Served constantly in the field until ac ceptance of resignation, part of the time as Brig. Surg. Surgeon William Robinson, Grinnell. Enl. Sep. 27, 1861, in E; prom. Hosp.-Stwd. 3d Batt. Jan. 15, 1862. Com. Ad ditional Asst. Surg. June i, 1862. Prom. Asst. Surg. Jan. 7, 1863, vice Stewart, not mustered; Surg. June 28, 1863, vice McClure, resigned. Remained with the regt. SURGEON ANDREW W. McCLURE Surgeon Fourth Iowa Cavalry Association FOURTH IOWA CAVALRY 17 on Vet. reenlistment and served with it in the field till the end of the war, much of the time also as Brig. Surg. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Assistant Surgeon Wellington Bird, Mt. Pleasant. Com. Nov. 29, 1 86 1. Resigned March 12, 1862, and resignation accepted by order Maj.-Gen. Halleck, to enable him to accept commission as Surg. i7th Iowa Inf.; but he was not mustered in that regt. Was afterward Capt. and Com. Subs. U. S. Vols. Assistant Surgeon Robert R. Taylor, Cedar Rapids. Com. March 13, 1862, vice Bird, resigned. Resigned Oct. 22, 1862, cause ill health; resignation accepted Nov. n, 1862, by order of Maj.-Gen. Curtis. Served with the regt. in the field until Sep., 1862. Reported " absent on detached service since Sep. 10, 1862," character of service not appearing. Assistant Surgeon David Stewart, Johnson Co. Was Capt. Co. E, 28th Iowa Inf., com. Oct. 10, 1862. Com. Asst. Surg. 4th Iowa Cav. Dec. 2, 1862, but not mustered. Was then com. Asst. Surg. 28th Iowa Inf., Dec. 27, 1862, and resigned May 29, 1863. Never with the 4th Cav. Assistant Surgeon William McK. Findlay, Bloom-field. Com. March 7, 1863, as ist Asst.; resigned June 2, 1863, cause not found; resignation accepted byS. O. 158 of 1863, Dep. of the Tenn. Served with the regt. at Helena, Ark. Assistant Surgeon Stephen Cummings, Hopkinton. Com. July 2, 1863, as 2d Asst. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Served with the regt. in the field until mustered out. Assistant Surgeon Charles Fitch, Van Bur en Co. Com. July 6, 1863, as ist Asst., but not mustered because the regt. was then below the minimum in numbers. Assistant Surgeon Samuel W. Taylor, Glasgow. Com. June 4, 1864, as ist Asst., and mustered, the regt. having been raised above the minimum by recruits. Mustered out with F. and S. Aug. 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga. Served with the regt. in the field till mustered out. Chaplain Andrew J. Kirkpatrick, Mt. Pleasant. Enl. Sep. 30, 1 86 1, in K; com. Chaplain Nov. 29, 1861. Mustered out Dec. 25, 1864, term of service expired. 2 18 FIELD AND STAF BATTALION STAFF FIRST BATTALION Adjutant Warren Beckwith, Mt. Pleasant. Enl. Sep. 21, 1861, in C; prom. Adjt. ist Batt. Dec. 25, 1861. (See Capt. ofC.) Quartermaster J. Marshall Rust, Hawleyville. 2d Lieut, of A, assigned to extra duty as Qrmr. ist Batt. by Col.'s order Dec. 25, 1861. (See Qrmr. of regt. and Capt. of A.) Quartermaster Jacob Hart, Mt. Pleasant, ist Lieut, of K, assigned to extra duty by Col.'s order as Qrmr. ist Batt. April 18, 1862; returned to his Co. Oct. i, 1862, on the disbanding of Battalion Staff. SECOND BATTALION Adjutant Watson B. Porter, Mt. Pleasant, ist Lieut, of C, assigned to extra duty as Adjt. 2d Batt. Dec. 25, 1861. (See Capt. of C.) Adjutant William P. Brazelton, Mt. Pleasant. Enl. Oct. 18, 1861, in C; prom. Qrmr. 2d Batt. Dec. 25, 1861; Adjt. 2d Batt. April 15, 1862. Mustered out Nov. 3 (also reported Sep. 6), 1862, under Sec. 8 of Act of Congress of July 17, 1862, and G. O. 91, of July 29, 1862, War Dep., A. G. O. Quartermaster John Guylee, Sidney, ist Lieut, of A, assigned to extra duty by Col's order as Qrmr. of 2d Batt. April 10 (or 15), 1862. Reported " returned to Co.," but date not given. (See ist Lieut, of A.) Quartermaster James H. Patterson, Mt. Pleasant. Enl. Sep. 24, 1861, in C; app. ist Serg. on muster-in; prom. Qrmr. 2d Batt., June 15, 1862. Disch. Nov. 17, 1862, under G. O. 126 of 1862, War Dep., A. G. O., providing for the reorganization of cavalry. THIRD BATTALION Adjutant Samuel F. Cooper, Grinnell. Enl. Sep. 18, 1861, in E; app. 4th Serg. on muster-in; prom. Adjt. 30^ Batt. Dec. 25, 1861. Mustered out Nov. 3, 1862, under G. O. 126 of 1862, War Dep., A. G. O., being then in Iowa on recruit ing service. Com. Lieut. -Col. 4oth Iowa Inf., Sep. 16, 1862; mustered out with that regt. Aug. 2, 1865. SERGEANT-MAJOR CHARLES F. GRAVER Vice-President Fourth Iowa Cavalry Association FOURTH IOWA CAVALRY ig Quartermaster Ira F. Phillips, Mt. Pleasant. Enl. Sep. 21, 1861, in C; prom. Qrmr. 3354 Lowest number on the rolls, November, 1863 791 INDEX A, Company, 25, 215, 216 Abbey, Villeroy, 199, 220 Abel, Thomas J., 32 Abraham, Lot, 75, 76 Acker, John A., 80 Adams, Asher, 181 Adams, James, 95 Adams, John Q., 185 Adams, William, 172 Agnew, George, 62 Akers, John W., 48, 220 Albertson, James A., 76, 138 Allen, Caleb J., 27, 217 Allen, Eli, 94 Allen, George S., 80 Allen, Hiram, 157 Allen, John M., 108 Allen, John W., 33, 215, 216 Allen, Justin W., 48 Allen, Orson R, 81, 124 Allen, William T., 16, 20, 60, 124 Allison, Charles R., 108 Ammon, Francis M., 157, 219 Anderson, Alexander, 81 Anderson, David, 66 Anderson, David M., 172, 220 Anderson, John B., 157, 217 Anderson, Robert, 199 Andrews, Asa E., 79, 216 Andrews, Dennis H., 66 Andrews, James, 107, 217 Andrews, John M., 65 Andrews, John W., 78 Anthony, Jonathan, 106, 217 Applegate, Allen, 157 Applegate, Andrew, 157 Armor, Thompson, 122 Armstrong, David, 33 Armstrong, Lewis, 140 Armstrong, Lucius D., 140 Arnold, Daniel W., 79 Arnold, Henry D., 95 Arnold, Thomas E., 123, 216 Arnott, James, 140 Arrowhood, Thomas J., 173 Ashworth, Richard, 109 15 Atkins, George W., 157 Atwood, Thomas H., 158 Atwood, William C., 173 Ayers, Estep, 66 Ayers, Jonathan, 62 Ayres, Francis H., 124 Ayres, Lycurgus E., 124 B B, Company, 42, 215, 216 Babcock, David A., 135 Bagley, Orlando, 124 Bagsley, Jeremiah J., 95 Bailey, Levi D., 154 Bailiff (or Baliff), Loran M., 140 Baker's Creek, 218 Baker, Daniel B., 32 Baker, Joseph L., 140, 221 Baker, Losson P., 60, 219 Baker, Samuel P., 168 Baldwin, Charles A.. 185 Baldwin, Cyrus A., 140 Banister, William, 185 Barker, David H., 173 Barker, James, 47 Barnes, Albert N., 109 Barnes, Benjamin B., 109 Barnes^ George F., 48 Barnes, George M., 124 Barnes, George S., 95 Barnes, Samuel, 199 Barnes, William C, 121 Barnett, Fenton, 95 Barnett, Jacob, 29 Bartlett, Charles M., 66 Bartlett, William, 106 Barton, James S., 124 Barton, John, 81 Barton, Joseph W., 81, 219 Bartruff, Carroll H., 21, 65 Batchelder, George H., 81, 218 Bates, Henry G., 198 Bates, Norman F., 92 Bavles, Richard W., 169, 217 Beach, Earl W., 135 Beall, Leonard B., 158 226 INDEX Beall, James M., 199 Bear Creek, 217 Bebb, Edward J., 81 Bebb, Evan E., 77 Bebb, John, 81 Bebb, Sylvester E., 81 Beckwith, Warren, 18, 60, 216 Bedsworth, Bartimeus, 173 Beed, James Hugh, 181 Beeks, Samuel J., 48 Beezley, Nathan, 158, 220 Behan, David, 44 Bell, John J., 154 Benge, Alfred, 157 Benson, John W., 81, 220 Bereman, Samuel O., 167 Bereman, William A., 167, 216 Berky, Charles T., 24, 140 Berry, James F., 124 Bessy, Charles, 66 Betts, Charles, 124 Big Black Bridge, 218 Big Blue, 219 Big Creek, 216 Bigger, Martin A., 140 Biggs, Moses A., 33 Biggs, William T., 29, 217 Billings, John, 81, 140 Billings, Timothy, 81, 140 Billingsly, William H., 120 Billups, John, 33, 220 Bird, Thomas M., 158, 217 Bird, Wellington, 17 Birkheimer, William E., 199 Black, Charles M., 94 Black, George W., 181 Black, Henry H., 93 Black, John, 173 Black, Samuel O., 180, 216 Blackburn, Aaron H., 48 Blackman, John, 93 Blake, Jasper M., 48, 140 Blakely, Charles W., 158 Blanchard, Walter P., 91 Blasier, Edward, 135 Blasier, Henry S., 141 Blattner, Jacob, 109 Blisard, Columbus, 173 Bobbitt, Benjamin C, 33 Bodkins, Joseph, 81 Bogue Chito, 217 Bogue, Samuel, 141, 173 Bogue, Silas, 171, 217 Boham, Edwin L., 67, 219 Bollenbaugh, George W., 93 Bond, Henry L., 173 Bond, William A., 185 Bontrager, George D., 45, 185 Bonwell, Alfred C., 33 Boswell, Francis M., 109, 220 Botkin, Isaac H., 62, 152 Bowen, Lewis R., 81 Bowen, William T., 48 Bowers, Charles L., 173 Bowers, William H., 173 Bowman, Elisha J., 81 Bowman, Josiah, 48, 220 Bowman, Thomas, 43, 219 Boyd, Edwin B., 186 Boyd, Sebastian O., 96 Bradford, Eli W., 82 Brady, Hugh, 171 Brakebill, David, 198 Bratton, Edward D., 107 Bray, Andrew J., 48, 141 Brayton, Henry, 48 Brazelton, William P., 18, 67 Bremen, Solomon, 109, 217 Bressler, William H., 157 Brewer, Benjamin F., 158 Brice's Cross-roads, 218 Brier, Harrison, 67 Bright, James H., 173 Bright, Lebbeus, 173 Brim, Boyd P., 103 Bristol, Melancthon B., 109 Brott, Philip E., 124 Brown, Cory J., 183, 221 Brown's Ford, 215 Brown, Frank L., 200 Brown, Henry, 82 Brown, James J., 117, n8 Brown, Joseph, 67 Brown, Richard T., 65 Brown, Thomas, 109 Brown, William A., 186 Brown, William B., 92 Brown, William L., 49, 124 Brown, William T., 33 Browning, Benjamin F., 64, 125,215 Browning, William D., 109 Bruce, Francis M., 158 Brumbarger, Enoch, 109 Buck, George, 109 Buck, Harvey, 21, 66 Bullard, Albert D., 125 Bullock, Meredith G., 155 Burke, Louis, 122 Burnham, George A., 103 Burnham, John H., 28 Burns, James, 33 Burris, Elias H., 172 Burris, Jacob B., 208 Burrows, William M., 171 INDEX 227 Burt, Nathaniel, 82 Busby, Elijah, 104, 217 Butcher, Charles, 64, 221 Butler, Edward O., 82, 125 Butler, James W., 109, 215 Buttercase, James, 33, 217 Butts, Henry Weaver, 182 Byers, James W., 109 Byers, John Y., 186, 198 Byrum, John R. D., 141 C, Company, 59, 215 Cafferty, George, 141 Cain, John R., 33 Cale, Arestes M., 125 Cale, William, 125 Callicotte, Francis M., 30 Campbell, Charles P., 141 Campbell, Dennis, 137 Campbell, Jacob, 33 Campbell, Matthew A., 33, 125 Campbell, Robert, 158, 217, 220, 221 Campbell, Thomas F., 173 Camp Harlan, 4 Camp McClellan, 25 Canby, William H., 96 Cantwell, Alonzo, 173, 216 Cardell, Hiram H., 90, 219 Carnahan, Harlan, 105 Carnes, John Edward, 186 Carney, John, 20, 96 Carr, William M., 186 Carson, Eli E., 93 Carson, James M., 141, 217 Carson, John, 141, 197 Carson, John G., 106, 125, 215 Carson, Joseph S., 49 Carson, William H., 200 Carter, Cornelius, 106, 217 Carter, Samuel C, 96 Carter, William, 108 Carter, William J., 200 Case, Harvey W., 139, 217 Case, James M., 186 Caskey, George W., 153, 217, 217, 218 Casler, Clinton B., 181 Cassad, Isaac, 67 Cassell, Gustaf, 62 Catlin, Harrison M., 109 Caulk, Asbury P., 67 Cavanee, David, 169, 217 Cavanee, James M., 173 Cavanee, Solomon, 173 Chadwick, Frederick B., 28 Chambers, Lafayette, 33 Chandler, Jonathan, 200 Chandler, Luther P., 137, 218 Chandler, William H., 63 Chancy, Albert W., 102, 104 Chancy, Charles H., 49 Chapell, Norman A., 136 Chapin, Cyrus K., 141 Chapin, John W., no Chapman, David H., 158 Chapman, Henry J., 34, 218 Chapman, William A., 96, 218 Chapman, William H., 34 Chappell, Andrew J., 34, 125, 217 Chariot Prairie, 219 Chester, Lemon, 200 Chester, Oliver F., 200, 220 Childs, Monroe M., 34, 220 Choate, Lewis, 141 Clancy, Daniel, 186, 221 Clapp, George W., 49, 220 Clark, Alonzo, 43 Clark, George W., 125 Clark, James, no Clark, James (2d), 208 Clark, John H., 125 Clark, Michael, 79 Clark, S. Kirkwood, 27 Cleveland, John W., 186 Clifton, Elisha P., 82 Cline, Joseph, 105, 215 Clouse, George N., 82 Clubine, Lemison, 49 Clutter, George W., 200 Clutter, William L., 186, 198 Coates, Charles A., 49 Coble, Gabriel J., 79 Codner, Aaron P., 158 Coe, Francis C., 139, 218 Coe, Franklin R., 141 Coiner, Erasmus T., 76 Cole, Henry A., no Cole, Moses, 67 Cole, Thomas J., 49, 219 Coleman, David, 200 Collar, John, 200 Collier, John W., 67 Collins, Alexander, 156 Colors, 5, 59, 133 Columbus, 220 Colvin, Oliver H., 158 Condit, Samuel J., 66 Conerly, William, no Conklin, Albert G., 49 Conner, Ancil B., 119 Conner, Andrew W., 92 Conner, Ezra C., 124 228 INDEX Conwell, Lot, no Cook, James H., 173 Cook, Harrison, 141 Cook, William A., 208 Cooper, Samuel F., 18, 92 Cooper, William W., 82 Coppock, William, 82 Corbin, John, 125, 216 Corbin, John W., 44, 216 Corey, John N., 63 Cormick, Hamilton, 141 Cornet, Harry A., 141 Cornwell, Alpheus, 80 Cosgriff, Richard H., 186 Coughlin, Lewis Long, 186 Counsel, Edward, 49, 220 Courtney, Allen G., 172 Cowles, Henry, 125 Cowles, James E., 123 Cox, David M. S., 96 Cox, William H., 174 Crabtree, Thomas B., 82, 142 Craft, Michael, 200 Cragg (or Craig), Harry P., 186 Cramer, Densmore, 22, 82 Cramer, Thomas A., 105 Crane, Hiram T., no Crane, John M., 158 Crane Smith R., 31, 219 Crane, Smith W., 61 Craver, Charles R, 19, 91 Craver, George W., 96 Craver, Henry, 96 Craver, Joseph A., 93 Craver, Theophilus, 96 Craver, Thomas H., 96 Crawford, Charles A., 24, 43 Crawford, De Witt C, 133, 134 Crawford, Moses E., 172 Crawshaw, Jonathan, 183 Creath, George W., 104 Cremer, Harrison W., no Grill, Martin V. B., 200 Crister, Rasmus N., 158 Crittenden, Myron T., 159 Croll, Henry John, 187, 219 Cronan, Timothy, 49 Crosby, William, 208 Crossley, George B., 124 Crossley, Lawrence, 125 Croy, Matthias, 200 Crum, James, 44 Cummings, Samuel R., 67 Cummings, Stephen, 17 Cunning, Michael S., 96, 219 Cunningham, Alonzo, 125 Cure, George, 78 Cure, Jasper, 82 Curran, John, 159 Currier, Russell G., 159, 217 Curtiss, Hira W., 103, 217, 219 Cutshall, Samuel L., 49 Cutter, Benjamin F., 187 Cutting, Joseph E., 159 D D, Company, 75, 215, 216 Dabney, John W., 155 Daggett, Landon H., 96 Damewood, Francis A., 30 Damewood, John H., 28 Dana, Daniel G., no Dana, Newell B., 103 Danelson, John F., 67 Daniels, Theodore, 142 Darby, Daniel H., 159 Dashman, George, 187, 217 Davenport, Richard, 184 Davidson, James H., 64, 217 Davidson, William, 96 Davis, Abner F., 187, 219 Davis, Allen, 96 Davis, Andrew J., 159 Davis, Caleb, no Davis, Charles W., 159, 219 Davis, Edwin A., 67 Davis, Francis M., 23, 117, 118, 142 Davis, George W., 172 Davis, Greene L., 34 Davis, Hiram, 79 Davis, John D., 34 Davis, John E., 83 Davis, John William, 181 Davis, Jonathan, 170 Davis, Samuel, 34 Davis, Samuel E., 83 Davis, Thomas H., 182 Davis, William H u 174 Davis, William W., 31, 216 Dawson, Elias, 67 Dawson, John A., 61 Dawson, John R., 212 Day, Charles, 83 Day, Charles W., 142 Deal, George, no Dean, Lewis, 187 Dean, William, 34, 217 . Dearduff, Edward, 159 Dearduff, Eli G., 196 Decker, Amos C., 67 Dee, Edward W., 14, 90 Degenhard, Herman, 83, 142 INDEX 229 Delancy, William F., 49 Delap, William G., 67 Demill, Arden, 174 Dennis, Daniel, 49 Dennis, Daniel P., 182 Dennison, Marion, 49, 142 Deskins, Washington, 50, 125 Detrick, Horton M., 77, 220 Dewey, Ledrew R., 142 Dillen, Edward, 50 Dillon, John, 50 Dillon, Loyd H., 20, 61, 151, 218 Ditzler, Hugh H., 90 Dodge, Henry, 142 Dodge, John, 142 Dolby, J. Walter, 91 Dorman, William H., 200 Dotson, John, 142 Dougherty, George L. (or Lemuel G.), 200 Douglas, Delarma, 121 Douglas, Joshua P. (or N.), SO Dow, Isaac N., 96 Downey, Ezekial H., 142, 200 Downing, Elbridge, 201 Downing, Jacob R., 201 Downing, Thomas, 201 Doyle, William, 137 Drake, Henry, 34, 216 Drake, James, 67 Draper, Isaac H., 171 Draper, John, 174 Draper, William L., 174 Drummond, James T., 165 Drummond, Thomas, 12 Duck, Simon P., 155 Dufo, Watson O., 50 Dull, William Weston, 182 Dumont, Thomas R., 107 Dunbar, George, 34 Duncan, John, 187 Duncan, William A., 187 Duncanson, Edward, 201 Dunlap, Charles H., 159 Dunn, Andrew, 201 Dunn, Thomas B., 62 Dunton, William A., 50 Dutton, Asa S., 168 Dutton, Horace, 48 Dutton, Philetus, 50 Dutton, Webster, 174 Dwire, John, 108, 215 E, Company, 89 Eagan (Egan, Michael [W.]) Early, William, 152 Earp, Newton J., 105 Eddy, John R., 24, 142 Egan, James, 50 Egan, Michael (W.), 50 Ehart, Philip, 126 Ela, Roger J., 97 Eldridge, Caleb, 45 Elliott, Washington, 187 Ellis, Levi, 50 Ellis, Thomas, 142 Ells, William, 142 Elrod, John W., 34 Endersby, Wyckoff W., 126 Ennis, Joseph, 22, 80 Enslow, William Henry, 187 Entler, William H., 126 Enyart, Hugh D., 108 Erbe, Andrew J., 185 Evans, James H., 50 Evans, Moses, 67 Evans, Samuel H., 50, 187 Everett, Jeremiah F., 107 Ewing, Robert E., 154 Ewing, Thomas M., 159 Ezell, Solomon, 126 F, Company, 102, 215, 216 Fairbanks, John, 142 Fairchild, John, 34, 220 Fairman, John W., 184 Fanning, Nicholas, 50 Farley, Franklin, 174 Farmer, John M., 35 Farnham, George W., 97 Fagers, Charles H., 126 Fegles, William S., 51 Ferguson, Hugh, 35, 220 Ferguson, William M., 142 Ferree, William E., 201 Ferrell, Peter, 68 Ferris, George E., no Fessenden, William H., 143 Fielding, George, 184 Fierstine, Joseph, 51 Fike's Ferry, 220 Findlay, William McK., 17 Finney, Alonzo, 159 Finney, Lorenzo, 159 Fish, Ernest C., 143 Fishburn, Houston D., 83 Fisher, Charles, 51 Fisher, Edward, 97 Fisher, Rufus R., 32, 143 230 INDEX Fisk, Orrin L., 143 Fisk, Theodore, 143 Fitch, Asa B., 134, 216 Fitch, Charles, 17 Fitch, Charles H., 51, 137 Fitch, James H., 35, 51 Fitch, John C, 143 Flanders, Nathan A., 201 Fleming, Henry, 182, 216 Fleming, Orson, 35, 143 Fletcher, Hiram M., 35 Fletcher, James G., 35, 217 Fletcher, Thomas C., 123 Flinn, John H., 35, 51, 220 Flinn, Lewis, 47 Florence, Henry S., 138 Fluke, Lyman L., 62 Foley, Dennis, 201 Forbes, F. Albert, 83 Forbes, Ira W., 68 Forney, Philip, 212 Forseman, Robert W., 156 Foshier, William M., 153 Foster, Charles, 174, 217 Foster, George, 21, 23, 80 Foster, Henry A., 174 Foster, Samuel A., 208 Foster, William, 168 Fothergill, Robert W., 35, 51 Fourteen-mile Creek, 216 Fox, Daniel K., 174 Fox, James H., 143 Frame, John M., 170, 217 Frame. Watson, 126, 215 Frank, Joseph W., 83 Frazer, Donald, 97 Frazier, James, 126 Frazier, John, 126 Frazier, Thomas B., no Frie, Jacob, 83 Fritcher, Edward L., 83, 143 Fritz, John, 68 Frost, Moses, 174 Fruin, Joseph, 126 Fry, Jacob C., 201 Fugate, Josiah, 51, 126 Fuller, Edward B., 83 Fuller, Simon K., 90 Fullerton, William, 143 Fusby, Charles A., 143 G, Company, 117, 215, 216 Gaffney, Patrick, 51 Gaffney, Thomas, 51 Gallup, John G., 35 Gamble, Joseph, 44, 220 Gans, Levi, 23, 68 Gantz, Jacob S., 197, 220 Gard, Henry, 201 Gard, Wasson (or Wassen), 126, 143, 221 Gardiner, John A., 51, 123 Gardner, Joshua, 167, 217 Garretson, Joel R., 20, 22, 143 Garrison, Lewis D., 63 Gartin, Allen, 159 Gartin, Griffith, 159 Gaskill, Asbury, 174 Gates, Andon, 68, 221 Gates, George W., 143 Gates, James O., no Gates, Willis H., 51 Gaylord, Erwin Russell, 44, 187 Gaza way, Robert J., 97 Gentry, Julius (or Jules), 68 George, Wilson Bennami, 187 Gerard, Arsene (or Orson), 68, 218 Gibbs, Charles, 108, 187 Gibbs, John F., 51 Gibson, Andrew, 143 Gibson, Daniel, 209 Giger, Benjamin F., no Gillett, Alvah A., 187 Gillett, Charles, 187 Gillham, Charles A., 51, 120 Gilmer, Robert P., 119 Gist's Plantation, 215 Glasgow, Charles A., 36 Glasgow, Joseph, 104, 217 Glasgow, William, 105 Goings, Elhanan C., 159 Good, Jacob, in Good, Samuel, 111 Good, William, in Goode, William H., 36 Costing, John T. (or F.), 51 Graham, Charles, 23, 68, 126 Graham, Chauncey M., 153 Graham, John H., 209 Graham, William, 46 Graham, William Addison, 183 Grant, Joseph, 201 Grant, Thomas W., 143 Gray, James A., 45, 216 Green, Alonzo J., 201 Green, Morrison B., 201 Green, Thomas G., 159 Greenland, Aaron, 144 Greenwood, Joseph A., 36 Gregg, James B., 174 Gregory, Horatio N., 83, 144 INDEX 231 Grenada Raid, 217 Grettenberg, Sylvester E., 144 Griffee, William, 68 Griffin, George G., 5 1 Griffin, William H., 51 lin F., 97, 221 Griffith, John A. (or W.), 97 Griffith, Benjamin Griffith, John P., ill Griswold, Albert, 97 Griswold, Edward D., 97 Groesbeck, Franklin, 126 Groesbeck, Stephen W., 135, 216 Guernsey, William D., 51, 134 Guntown, 218 Guthrie, Albert A., 52 Guthrie, Joseph M., 52 Gutsch, F'ranz, 126 Guyer, John, 52 Guylee, John, 18, 25, 27 H H, Company, 133, 215, 216 Haines, Job A., 83, 219 Haines (Haynes, Jonathan F.) Hale, Judge Scott, in, 188 Hales, Hugh B. A., 169 Halferty, Van P., 155 Hall, John S., 51, 144 Hall, William A., 160 Hallowell, John R., 167 Halsted, John J. (or I.), 52 Hamilton, Charles L., 97 Hamilton, Stephen, 32 Hamilton, William L., 68 Hammer, Sylvester, 126 Hammond, Edward L., 188 Hampson, Jesse A. P., 201 Hampton, James A., 52, 144 Hanks, Peter, HI Hanks, Thomas W., 120, 216 Hanson, Charles A., 174 Hanson, Henry W., 174 Hardy, William, 120 Harker, George M., 144 Harlan, James, 4 Harmon, Henry, 97 Harmon, Thomas, 83 Harrington, Benjamin F., 91 Harrington, Clinton O., 93 Harrington, John, 97 Harris, Adin B., 144 Harris, Henry T., 197 Harris, James, 108 Harris, Jere (or Jerry) J., 36 Harris, Matthew, 127, 201 Harris, William Edward, 179 Harrison, Lorenzo B., 188 Harrison, Richard, in, 127, 215 Harrison, William Henry, 36 Harsin, William M., 107 Hart, Andrew M., 153 Hart, George W., 156 Hart, Jacob, 18, 166 Hart, Jefferson, 170 Hart, Miles H., 154 Hartman, Alfred, 160 Hartman, Henry, 160 Hartman, John C, 68, 218 Harvey, George, 23, 188 Haskell, Edwin A., 19, 133, 134 Hastings, George H., 144 Hastings, William P., 151 Hathaway, Charles O., 83 Hathaway, Murray, 83 Havner, John D., 156 Hayden, William E., 84, 127 Hayes, John H., HI Haynes, Jonathan F., 80 Haynes, Thomas J., 127, 175 Hays, Bahnor L., 201 Hays, Daniel F., 97 Hays, William M., 92 Hazen, John S., in Hazen, William, HI Heacock, William A., 102, 103, 221 Heacock, William H., 104 Heacock (Hecock, Dunlap) Healy, Chester, 45 Heater, John, 84 Heatherington, Edward D., 175 Heaton, Alfred H., 199 Heckman, Henry L., 97 Hecock (or Heacock), Dunlap, 160 Heft, Ezra, 84 Heiler, William J. J., 68 Hemer, Leonhard, 52 Henderson, David T., 202 Henderson, William C., 196, 217 Henkle, Sylvester, 160 Hennessy, Michael, 127 Henry, George T., 144 Henry, John, 144 Henry, Thomas, 45 Henshaw, Daniel, 108 Henshaw, James G., 107, 217 Henson, Joseph, 32 Henthorn, Jefferson, 79 Hewer (Hemer, Leonhard) Hewitt, Artemus, 202 Hewitt, Darius, 127, 202 Hewitt, Thomas J., 202 232 INDEX Hewitt, William, 202 Hiatt, John W., 36 Higby, Reuben H., 68 Higgins, Levi, 66 Hilbert, Matthew W., 36 Hilgrin, Charles, 68, 218 Hill, David, 160 Hill, Radford, in Hilt, John, 127 Hilton, Jesse K., 107 Hines, Arthur, 188 Hines, Daniel, 52, 123 Hinkson, John W., 84, 215 Hinton, James N., 188 Hiskey, Lester H., 209 Hite, James N., 184 Hoakinson, John V., 69, 218 Hobson, Calvin, 127 Hobson, George, 121 Hobson, George (2d), 127 Hockett, Henry, 127 Hockett, Thomas, 127 Hodge, Ambrose, 15, 24, 144, 166, 180 Hodges, Robert A., 36, 220 Hogan, John, 202 Hogate, Jesse, 202 Hogate, Nicholas, 195 Hole, John M., 84 Hole, William, 175, 217 Holloway, Amos M., 202 Holloway, Erastus F., 84 Hoisted (Halsted, John J.) Holt, George W., 167, 218 Holt, Isaac J., 170 Holt, Philip, 97 Holtzinger, Milton S., 26 Hooper, Simon, 119 Hopkins, Leman S., 139 Hopkirk, Robert, 202, 218 Hopkirk, William H., 202 Horn, Martin L., 97 Horsey, Lewis S., 84 Horton, Jackson L., 144 Horton, Jacob W., 36 Hoss, Aaron, 127 Hotaling, Lyman, 181 Houghton, Edward R, 23, 69, 144 Householder, Matthew C, 188 Housel, Benjamin F., 22, 78 Housel, Charles C., 69 Housel, James M., 77 Houseman, John F., 84 Howard, William H., 144, 172 Howe, Samuel, 202 Howell, William W., 36, 220 Hoyt, Henry, 37, 127 Hoyt, Jacob, 92 Hubank, John, 188 Hubbard, Abram B., 160 Huddleston, James L., 144 Hudson, Joshua B., 202 Huff, Abraham H., 37 Huff, Eldred, 26, 220 Huffman, Levi H., 139 Hulse, Alanson, in Hume, James L., in Hunt, Alfred, 144 Hunt, Doran T., 37, 217, 220 Hunt, Ira J., 37 Hunt, Wilson S., 37, 127, 217 Huntington, Edwin, 127, 218, 219 Huntington, Eugene, 136 Hutchenson, Madison Letts, 188 I I, Company, 150 Independence, 219 Ingersoll, John, 120 Ingersoll, Wilson W., 128 Inns, Stephen, 160 Ireland, John, 52, 217 Irion, Silas B., 160 Irland, Thomas R., 188 Irvin (Irwin, John C.) Irwin. Eli G., 32 Irwin, Emerick, 37 Irwin, Isaac M., 28, 216 Irwin, John C. (Co. A), 37 Irwin, John C. (Co. C), 66 Irwin, John M., 37 Ives, William J., 122 Jacks, John M. D., 160, 219 Jackson, Cornelius W., 128, 215 Jackson, Dewilda C., 121, 145 Tackson, Theodore S., 128, 219 fackson, William E., 28, 218 Tames, Napoleon, 188 Tames, Samuel, 184 [ameson, Harlan, 175, 217 Jarvis, Charles, 52 Jay, Allen, 175 Jenkins, Archibald H., 84 Jenkins, Lewis R., 98 Jennings, John, 98, 221 Jennings, Theodore H., 122 Jennings, William P., 128 Jessup, Jonathan, 77 INDEX 233 Jewett, Charles M., 175, 219 ewett, John Q., 209 ewett, Joseph E., 13 ohnson, Abram, 188 ohnson, Alexander J., 123 ohnson, Daniel (Co. G), 128 ohnson, Daniel (Co. L), 183 ohnson, Edward, 155 ohnson, Garland G., 98 ohnson, Henry K., 139 ohnson, James M., 212 ohnson, James P., 175 ohnson, John, 84 ohnson, John L, 98 Johnson, John R., 84 Johnson, Lewis, 128 ohnson, Lockwood, 145 ohnson, Matthew, 69 ohnson, Thomas, 52 ohnson, Thomas H., 84 ohnson, William, 160, 217 Johnson, William A., 80 Jolliff, William, 84 Jones, Edward, 107 Jones, Eli, 188 Jones, Eugene Russell, 19, 98, 151, 220 ones, Evan, 123 ones, Gillard H., 128 ones, John W., 91 ones, Joseph Hawkins, 182, 220 ones's Lane, 215 Jones, Nathan B., HI Jones's Plantation, 217 Jones, Robert S., 98 Jones, Thompson, 122, 145, 221 Jones, Uriah C, 95 Jones, William, 212 Junkin, Joseph, 202 K, Company, 165 Kapferer, Augustus, 175 Kapferer, Robert, 175 Kays, Samuel, 52 Kazebeer, David J., 112 Keck, John Sloan, 118 Keck, Peter R., 119 Kelley (Kelly, George W.) Kellogg, Benony R, 188, 216 Kellogg, Ithamer C., 95 Kelly, George W., 175 Kelly, John (Co. B), 47 Kelly, John (Co. L), 189 Kelly, John L., 195 Kelly, John M., 31 Kelly, Martin, 209 Kelly, Robert, 203 Kelly, Samuel P., 27 Kelsey, James C., 90 Kendrick, Samuel M., 154 Kent, James K., 145 Kenworthy, Henry A., 112 Kenyon, James B., 128 Kenyon, Ralph A., 145 Kernihan, James B., 108 Ketchum, Edward D., 15, 19, 63 Kime, Jarvis M., 98 Kime, Nicholas F., 93 King, Richard E., 175 Kingsbury, Alonzo D., 69 Kinkade, David W., 112 Kinney, Henry J., 189 Kinney, John, 189 Kirkpatrick, Andrew J., 17, 175 Kirkpatrick, John A., 171, 217, 218 Kirkpatrick, Samuel H., 189, 203 Kirkwood, Gov. S. J., 4 Kirtley, William, 184 Knudson, Tollef, 160 Koplbeck, John, 69, 112, 219 Krister (Crister, Rasmus N.) Kritser (Crister, Rasmus N.) Kyle, Edwin P., 69 L, Company, 179, 216 Laidley, James M., 160 Laird, Andrew, 145, 218 Laird, David, 121 Laird, Hamlin R., 30 Laird, Hugh B., 145 Laird, John, 145 Laird, Levi, 128 Lamb, Benjamin F., 84 Lambert, Jacob R., 69 Lambert, Jesse R., 150, 151 Lancers, The, 150, 179 Lane, Benjamin H., 161 Lane, James A., 161 Lane, Louis S. (or L.), 161 Langrak, William, 112 Larrabee, Jared H., 140 Lash, Charles W., 189, 216 Lathers, James, 203, 220 Latimer, Nathaniel T., 98 Lauffer, Simon P., 15 Laughlin, John, 189 Lawrence, Harlow J., 47, 145 League, David, 37, 219 234 INDEX Lease, James W., 80 Leclerc, John B., 66 Lee, Charles H., 112 Lee, Lewis, 203 Lee, Morgan, 203 Lee, Uzell, 203 Lee, William B., 203 Lees, William, 45 Legge, Samuel M., 145 Legge, Thomas, 52, 138 Legrand, George, 37, 52, 220 Legrand, Melvin, 37, 52 Leisure, William S., 93 Leroy, John, 84 Leuellen, James, 37' Levee, Almon M., 123 Levee, George L., 119 Lewis, Samuel, 112 Lewis, William L., 69 Lick Creek, 215 Lillie, Rufus P., 52, 128 Linch (Lynch, William A.) Linn, Sylvania J., 84 Little, Levi W., 94 Little Red River, 215 Littlejohn, Leverett J., 52, 218 Littler, George L., 212 Litzenberg, Charles, 128 Livermore, A., 189 Livingston, 218 Livingston, James A., 38, 217 Lockhart, William, 129 Lockie, Charles N., 161 Logan, Levi T., 145 Logsdon, Albert W., 203 Long, Jeremiah Law, 189 Long, Samuel H., 197 Loomis, George A., 182 Loomis, William, 85, 220 Loring, George F., 145 Lorrigan, Daniel, 189, 216 Loughridge, Albert, 104 Lovejoy, Abijah E., 145 Lovejoy, Edwin P. N., 52 Lovelady, Andrew J., 38, 218 Lowery, William, 199 Lowman, Jacob, 203 Loyd, Joseph W., 85 Lozier, Franklin, 145 Lucer, Jackson, 38 Luddic, Jacob, 53, 220 Luellen (Leuellen, James) Lukinbill, Jonathan, 53 Lull, Alexis, 161, 217 Lundquist, John E., 69 Lyman, George E., 185 Lyman, Joseph, 93 Lynch, William A., 85 Lyon, John, 98 M M, Company, 194 Macintosh, James, 38 Macumber, Andrew, 161 Macy, John W., 98 Maguire, Patrick, 189 Mahler, Ernest, 98 Mahoney, John, 157 Majors, Alexander A., 203 Malone, Reson, 53, 129 Manfull, Arthur, 98 Mann, Asahel, 27, 216 Mann, John (ist), 27 Mann, John (2d), 38, 217 Mann, Samuel B., 129, 216 Mann, Thomas A., 120 Mann, William (Co. A), 22, 28 Mann, William (Co. L), 189 Manor, Samuel, 112, 129 Marais des Cygnes, 219 Marianna, 216 Maris, Jepthah C., 190 Marker, William C., 203 Marsh, George W., 21, 65 Marsh, Jason Lee, 19, 29 Marshall, John E., 122 Martin, Charles, 32 Martin, John, 32 Martin, Seth, 16, 135 Martin, William, 175 Marvin, Oscar H., 46 Mason, Andrew J., 69 Mason, Arch M., 69 Mason, George A., 38, 53 Mason, James S., 129 Mason, Samuel J., 129 Mason, William C., 121 Matthews, Alpnzo W., 161 Matthews, William, 175 Matthews, William R., 91 Mattispn, Thomas, 98 Maulding, John, 85 Maulding, Keeling F., 85 Maulding, Laban, 85 Maulding, William, 85 Maxwell, William M., 53 Maynard, Merwin, 85 McAuley, Robert Presley, 129, 216, 219 McBarnes, Stephen, 79 McBride, Benjamin F., 53 McBride, James L., 145 INDEX 235 McBroom, John G., 24, 98 McCabe, William, 112, 215 McCallister, Eli, 98 McCallum, John, 46, 218 McCarthy, Charles B., 129 McCartney, Josiah, 129 McCarty, John, 209 McClaren, Hiram, 157 McClintock, John, 38, 217 McClure, Andrew W., 16 McClure, Burgess W., 161 McClure, Simon M., 153 McCollow, Patrick, 85, 145 McConnaughey, Samuel, 203 McConnaughey, Thomas H., 196 McConnell, Archibald, 161 McConnell, William J., 152, 217 McConnellee, Andrew, 161 McConnellee (McConnell, Archi bald) McConnellee (McConnell, William McCormack (McCormick, Mar shall) McCormick, Marshall, 53 McCormick, Samuel P., 31 McCowan, William, 171 McCowen (McCowan, William) McCoy, Joseph C., 79, 220 McCrackin, David R., 203 McCrackin, W T illiam W., 203 McCullough, Elijah B., 203 McCully, James, 69 McCully, John, 69 McCully, John M., 157 McCully, Philip, 65 McCully, Robert F., 70 .VlcCumber (Macumber, Andrew) McDaniel, John F., 98 McDannell, Horace, 123 McDonald, George, 53, 129, 221 McDonald, William G., 53, 146 McElhany, Jacob A., 112 McElmeel, Peter, 45 McEvoy, John, i< 105 112 McGill, Patrick, 70 McGuire, Jan.es, 190 McHugh, Patrick, 53, 218, 220 Mclntosh, James M., 129 McKana (McKane, Patrick D.) McKane, Patrick D., 161 McKee, David E., 204 McKee, James B., 175 McKee, Miller, 53 McKinsey, Daniel, 99 J.TJL V- -L^J.J.J.1 V^V-l j -i. V-UV-J.J tJ-J McEvoy, John, 190 McFall, William ]., McGee, William T., McKnight, Thomas L, 204 McLane, Richard, 190 McLaughlin, Michael, 43 McLean, Horatio S., 175 McLean, Samuel W., 129, 176 McManus, George W., 161 McMillen, Joseph W., 65 McMurray, Thomas F., 197 McNabb, John R., 146 McNair, James M., 112, 221 McNeal, William H., 161 McNulty, Francis, 53, 216 McNulty, John, 46, 218 McNulty, Thomas, 54, 219 McRoberts, John, 204 McVey, Edward A., 99 McVey, Stephen H., 99 McWhorten, William A., 112, 215 Mechanicsburg, 216 Meigs, John, 99 Meigs, Simeon P., 99 Meigs, Sylvanus R., 99 Memphis, 219 Mendenhall, John T., 190, 220 Mercer, John A., 161, 218, 219 Mercer, Joseph H., 162 Merriam, Harvey R., 94, 218 Messer, Josephus, 85 Mickey, Christian F., Miles, Elisha, 113 Millard, Thomas, 54 Miller, Charles K., 146 Miller, Christian, 70 Miller, David B., 204 Miller, Frederick, 129 Miller, George W. (Cos. B and H), 54, 135, 216 Miller, George W. (Co. C), 65 Miller, Horace B., 70 Miller, James (Co. H), 146 Miller, James (Unass.), 209 Miller, James P., 85 Miller, John, 54 Miller, Joseph H., 38 Miller, Milton, 38 Miller, Orrin, 59 Miller, Reuben S., 38 Miller, Richard, 190 Miller, Robert K (or R.), 78 Miller, Robert P., 113 Miller, Samuel N., 180 Miller, Samuel O., 167, 221 Miller, William, 170, 217 Mills, Aaron S., 129 Mills, Samuel W., 123 Mine Creek, 219 Miner, Thomas, 162, 217 197 2 3 6 INDEX Minshall, William F., 113 Mitchell, James, 70 Mitchell, John, 99 Mitts, James M., 176 Monroe, Daniel, 85, 146 Monson, Charles A., 209 Monson, John M., 197 Montevallo, 220 Montgomery, John, 99 Montgomery, Samuel L., 153 Montgomery, Silas A., 190 Moon, James H., 209 Mooney, Irwin, 38 Moore, James D., 176, 217 Moore, John, 113 Moore, Joshua G., 204 Moore, Thomas E., 70 Moore, Webb, 209 Moore, William, 130 Moran, George T., 171 Moran, William C, 70 Morehouse, Cornelius B., 64 Moreton, Benjamin, 85 Morgan, Albert L., 99 Morgan, Benjamin F., 85, 216 Morgan, Clinton C., 113 Morga^ Henry, 209 Morgan, Richard H., 30 Morgan, Thomas R., 198 Morrett, Jacob S., 162 Morris, Alfred, 54, 216 Morris, Jonathan, 54, 218 Morris Reuben, 190 Morrison, Alexander C., 94 Morrison, Frederick P. T., 99 Morrison, Jesse P., 99 Morrison, Joseph F., 176 Morrison, William S., 99 Morse, George, 146 Morse, John, 146 Moser, J. Lewis, 154 Mosher, David, 85, 215 Mosher, Wilber, 54 Moss, James M., 130 Moulton, Charles O., 167 Mount Olive, 215 Mounted Rifles, 89 Mounts, James, 30 Miiller, Fritz (Miller, Frederick) Mundel (or Mundell), James, 198 Munger, Jacob M., 78 Murdock, Andrew J., 70, 215 Murphy, Thomas J., 212 Murphy, William R., 209 Murray, Frank, 183 Murray, William, 130 Murray, William B., 38 Murray, Zephaniah, 130 Murrell, James B., 204 Musser, Christian, 16, 20, 92 Myers, Emile, 190, 219 Myers, George M. B., 113 Myers, Samuel, 162, 221 N Nash, Cassius M., 146 Nash, David, 176 Neal, Barnett, 99 Needham, William B., 54, 130 Needles, Abram H., 156, 220 Neil (Neal, Barnett) Nelson, Andrew J., 80 Nevin, Washington R., 190, 204 Newby, Aaron J., 194, 195 Newby, William L., 204 Newell, Wickliffe, 113 Newhall, Henry M., 136 Nickelson (Nicholson, Jonathan H.) Nichols, Elias, 130 Nicholson, Jonathan H., 81 Nickell, Isaiah L, 176 Nixon, William F., 169 Noble, Francis M., 113, 218 Noble, Goodman, 172 Noble, John S., 157 Noble (or Nobles), Jacob B., 130, 146 Nolen, Peter, 204 Norman, Benjamin A., 54, 130 Norris, John D., 204 Norris, John N., 95 Nott, Henry, 85 Nutt, John M., 204 O'Brian (or O'Brien), John L., 38, 54, 220 O'Conner, John P., 113 O'Connor, Martin, 99 Odell, Jeremiah, 130 Ogden, Burzin, 86 Ogden, Hiram B., 146 Ogg, Amon L., 76, 216 Ogg, Elias F., 80, 220 Ogg, William H., 168 Okell, Ralph Kiswell, 184 Old-Town Creek, 219 Olinger, John J., 171 Ordway, Warren G., 190 Orr, John, 146 Osborn, William, 130 INDEX 237 Overmyer, John R., 150, 152 Owen, Charles H., 146 Pace, Furnam L., 162 Pace, William H., 162 Page, William H., 31 Palmer, Ephraim T., 94 Palmer, States D., 99 Pangborn, Charles B., 196 Paquin, Cyril O., 20, 39 Park, John P., 91 Parkell, Alonzo B., 13, 89 Parker, Amos. 204 Parker, Harrison, 204 Parker, Henry, 176 Parks, Henry R, 99, 216, 221 Parsons, Andrew W., 162 Parsons, George B., 19, 43, 216 Parsons, James M., 190 Parsons, John G., 39 Partlow, William, 54, 146 Patch, David A., 39 Patrick, George, 139 Patrick, George H., 146 Patterson, James H., 18, 61 Patterson, William J., 86 Paul, Francis M., 39 Paul, William R., 29 Paxton, Robert J., 176 Paxton, William, 146 Payne, Elisha M., 168, 218 Payne, Hayden S., 176 Peabody, Aaron, 190 Peabody, Albion P., 191 Peak, William W., 45 Pearson, James B., 113, 218 Pearson, James M., 162 Peck, Chauncey J., 146 Peck, Samuel E., 130 Peck z Seymour W., 147 Peckover, Edward A., 86 Pelham, Abraham, 113, 217 Pelham, Asbury, 113 Pelton, Ansel, 86, 147 Pelton, Milo S., 54, 147 Pelton, Oliver, 140 Pendlam, Charles, 100 Penfield, Charles G., 94 Pennock, Jesse D., 22, 168 Pensyl, John R., 70 Pepper, Newton S., 64, 66 Perkins, Orson N., 90 Perkins, William, 130 Perry, Darwin E., 62 Perry, Frederick, 191 Peters, John H., 13, 42, 216 Peterson, Alfred A., 70, 218 Peterson, Samuel G., 105 Pettit, Leander C, 147 Phelps, Hezekiah J., 185, 220 Phelps, Robert F., 130 Phibbs, Thomas M., 176 Philby, Enoch, 162 Philby, James J., 162 Philby, John F., 162 Phillips, Henry C., 54 Phillips, Ira F., 19, 70 Phillips, James, 162 Phipps, Henry C., 39 Pickel, Hugh M., 76 Pickel, Samuel L., 86 Pickens, Alpheus, 113 Pickering, David, 172 Pickett, John H., 54, 130 Pickup, John, 108 Pierce, Abial R., 14, 194, 219 Pierce, Joseph W., 29, 217, 219 Pierce., Laban, 54, 147 Pike, John B., 113 Pilgrim, Gerhard (or Garrett), 70, 218 Pingree, Don F., 70 Pitman, William, 130 Platt, Milton, 54, 216 Platts, Charles A., 204 Pleyel's Lancers, 150, 179 Folk's Plantation, 215 Poppino, Jesse, 147 Porter, Asbury B., n, 12 Porter, George W., 191 Porter, John, 77 Porter, Watson B., 18, 60 Posegate, Francis, 114 Powell, David M., 30 Powers, Theo, 209 Pray, Samuel M., 180 Price, Henry, 55 Price, John D., 55 Price, William H., 100 Pruyn, Charles T., 100 Pugh, William H., 114 Punteney, Parker T., 70 Purrinton, Lewis A., 162 Pursel, Absalom K., 23, 153 Pursel, William, 150, 151 Putnam, John. S., 147 )uinlin, Michael, 131 iuinn, John, 70 INDEX Rafferty, John W., 100, 219 Rakestraw, Benton, 100 Ralston, Robert, 162, 219 Ramey, Francis S., 170, 204, 217 Ramsey, Charles D., 55 Ramsey (or Rumsey), John E., 209 Ramsey, Thomas B., 86 Ray, Robert E., 32, 131, 220 Ray, William L., 86, 216 Raymond, Edward W., 16, 19, 154 Raymond, Elijah, 55, 137 Raymond, Myron A., 163 Read, Thomas, 156 Ready, Charles, 147 Reardon, William, 138 Rector, Benjamin, 13, 25, 26, 216 Redington, Daniel, 55 Reed, Evans, 155 Reed, Jesse P., 86 Reeder, James S., 46 Reel, Hiram F., 29 Reeves, Elza A., 31, 220 Reeves, Elza A., Jr., 39 Reeves, Henry W., 39 Reeves, John, 131 Refsnider, John H., 86, 147 Reichel, Frederick, 55 Reid, George W., 24, 55 Reid, Milton, 48 Rejected, The, 211 Reuther, Valentine, 191 Reynolds, John T., 102, 103 Reynolds, William G., 154 Rhodes, Harrison J., 70 Rice, Albert, 163, 218 Rice, Charles C, 191 Rice, Martin L., 77 Rich, Francis M., 209 Richards, John A., 55 Richey, Paris, 163 Richie, Albert S., 47, 191 Richie, Chester C., 205 Rickman, John W., 191 Rickman, Thomas, 191 Rickman, William H., 191 Riddle, Alexander, 122, 216 Ridenour, Benjamin D., Ji Riggles, Charles W., 39 Riggs, Charles, 39 Riggs, Franklin, 114 Riley, Jackson, 86 Riley, John Q., 94, 220 Rinard, Church B., 71, 176, 219 Rinard, Isaac W., 55 Ripley, 218 Ripley, William, 205 Ritcheson, James, 176, 219 Robb, Thomas M., 136 Roberts, George Washington, 181 Roberts, Rial Lafayette, 191 Roberts, Richard P., 86 Robins, Lorenzo Dow, 191 Robinson, Charles M., 60 Robinson, Eli F., 176 Robinson, John W., 55, 131 Robinson, William, 16, 24, 100 Rockhold, George W., 172 Rockhold, Zur, 176, 218 Rodgers, Alexander, 117, 118, 216 Rodgers, John A., 191 Rodgers, John T., 55, 131 Rogers, Francis M., 71 Rogers (Rodgers, John T.) Rogers, Thomas E., 71, 147 Rollins, Charles, 64 Rood, William W., 147 Rooney, James, 138, 219 Root, Abner, 163, 219 Rose, Enos, 114 Rose, William, 177 Ross, Matthew, 168 Ross, Sullivan S., 196 Ross, William, 86 Rother, Francis M., 184 Rowe, Gilbert E., 195 Rowe, Henry C., 39 Rowley, Amos O., 138 Rowley, George M., 86, 147 Rowley, James W., 86, 139 Rowley, Lyman C., 147 Rowley, Volney S., 86, 139 Royce, James T., 114 Ruby, Ira, 163 Ruby, John, 156 Ruby, John W., 156 Rukgaber, Charles B., 61 Rukgaber, David, 71 Rumble, James P., 78 Rumble, John A., 80 Rumsey (Ramsey, John E.) Russell, Christopher A., 86 Russell, Joseph M. W., 205 Russell, William O., 205 Russell, Worthingon, 205 Rust, Francis M. (or Martin F.), 55, 191 Rust, Franklin, Jr., 55 Rust, John B., 55, 220 Rust, J. Marshall, 15, 18, 25, 26 Ruthroff, John C, 191 Ryan, John M., 106 INDEX 239 Ryder (Valentine Reuther) Rynders, James H., 147 Sadler, Henry R., 114, 215, 217 Safely, James F., 39 Safely, John H., 39 Sage, Philo G., 163 Saint, Exum R., 90 Saint, George W., 63, 218 Sandbloom, John, 205 Sanders, William H., 100 Sang, Orr, 43, 180 Sargent, William R., 163 Saunders, Isaac, 46 Saunders, Thomas, 48 Saunders, Worthy S., 86, 219 Savage, Daniel M., 95 Save, Charles, 65 Sawyer, Christopher C, 205, 219 Saxton, Daniel, 87, 218 Scharer, Peter, 131 Schloeder, Adolph, 71, 218 Schmitz, Martin, 71 Schofield, George W., 177, 218 Schoonover, Samuel, 21, 199 Schueber (Sheber, Battenhart) Schweers, John, 163 Schweers, Reinhardt, 163 Scott, Isaac S., 39, 217 Scott, Lewis N., 114 Scott, Walter Q., 21, 205 Scott, William, 108 Scott, William Forse, 15, 19, 20, 40 Scovil, George, 131 Scovil, George S., 131 Sears' Rangers, 25 Sells, William Henry, 180 Selma, 220 Sensibaugh, Otho R., 177 Sexson, Enoch A., 78 Shaffer, Alfred, 56, 220 , Shaffer, Cornelius, 56, 220 Shaffer, Ephraim, 40, 56, 218 Shaffer, Joseph, 94 Shaffer, Thomas, 87 Shane, John T., 71 Sharp, George J., 76 Shaw, Charles H., 100 Sheafor, Martin V. B., 195 Sheber, Battenhart, 71 Sheely, Dyer, 56 Sheets, George W., 87 Sheffield, Harvey C., 205 Sheldon, Josiah, 71 Shely (Sheely, Dyer) Sheppard, George W., 192, 216 Sherman, Alexander A., 131, 147 Sherman, Eli, 163 Sherman, Patrick W., 32 Shidler, Isaac, 87 Shidler, Isaiah (or Josiah) E., 192 Shields, James R., 87 Shill, John, 184 Shimer, Allen M., 100 Shirley, John S., 40, 217, 220 Shiver, Henry, 196 Shockey, Samuel E., 148 Shoopman, Thomas H., 205 Shopbell, Henry, 87, 215 Short, William K., 92 Shotta, Amiel, 131 Shoup, Lafayette L., 177 Shrack, Lewis J., 56 Shrack, Samuel J., 56, 220 Shrack, Theodore, 56, 220 Shreck, James P., 56, 148 ' Shreck, Paul, 56, 148 Shroyer, Lewis, 100 Shuler, Joseph, 56 Shults (Stults, William W.) Shuster, Matthias, 172 Sibley, Jabez, 114, 215, 216 Sigmon, Edwin, 123 Simpson, Thomas J., 100 Simpson, Tillman T., 205 Sisson, Charles W., 136, 216 Six-mile Creek, 220 Skeers, Charles, 205 Skeers, Eli, 205 Skeers, Jesse, 205 Skiles, Robert, 121 Slavin, John, 56, 219 Sleifer, Henry, 72, 131 Smalley, James W., 156 Smeed, Fayette, 95 Smith, Andrew J., 192 Smith, Benjamin F., 205 Smith, Charles H., 3, 61, 217 Smith, Charles N., 28, 217 Smith, Cortland V., 100 Smith, George D. (Co. B), 56 Smith, George D. (Co. F), 105 Smith, George W., 62 Smith, Isaac (Smythe, Isaac) Smith, Jesse E., 56 Smith, Joel, 185 Smith, John B., 72 Smith, John R., 28 Smith, Levi, 104 Smith, Levi M., 56, 148 240 INDEX Smith, Martin (Schmitz, Martin) Smith, Nelson, 177 Smith, Noah L., 177 Smith, Simon, 106, 218, 221 Smith, William (Co. B.), 56, 220 Smith, William (Co. D), 87 Smith, William C, 205 Smith, William Farrill, 185 Smith, William H. (Co. A), 40 Smith, William H. (Co. D), 78 Smithburg, Andrew D., 198, 219 Smithburg, Gustav A., 205 Smither, William T., 44 Smythe, Isaac, 57, 131, 219 Snider, Nicholas, 131 Snook, Cassius P., 192 Snyder, Israel G., 100 Snyder, Nicholas, 114 Sohns, Fred W., 210 Soper, Charles, 100 South, Enoch, 192 South, Richard Major, 192, 216 Sowash, Daniel, 163 Sowell, Ira W., 177 Sowell, Thomas B., 131, 177 Spaid, Adam, 94 Spainhower, Lot L., 87 Sparks, Henry M., 108 Sparks, Jeremiah J., 100 Spearman, Cornelius F., 14, 75 Speers, Robert, 57, 220 Spencer, John, 114 Spencer, Romanzo D., 148 Spicer, David S., 95 Spicer, Edwin, 138 Spry, Benjamin W., 169 Stafford, Jesse, 212 Staley, James, 192 Stall, Milton W., 72, 218 Stamm, Andrew N., 134 Stansbury, Joseph M., 87 Stansbury, Thomas J., 87 Starr, James D., 94 Steadman, William, 44 Steadwell, Abram, 65 Steel, George E., 198 Steel, William, 205 Steele, John, 122, 148 Stephenson, Robert, 197 Stephenson, Thomas W., 206 Sterling, Martin, 101 Sterrett, David T., 57 Stevens, Elias, 40 Stewart, Amos, 114 Stewart, David, 17 Stewart, George M., 46 Stewart, James H., 95 Stewart, John G., 87 Stewart, Thomas, 155, 217 Stewart, William, 44 Stickel (Stickle, Emanuel) Stickle, Emanuel, 72 Stickle, George W., 63 Stocks, James H., 136, 220 Stockton, Chalmers, 192 Stockton, Erasmus D., 57 Stockton, Robert S., 177, 217 Stoddard, James M., 177 Stone, Daniel, 114 Stone, George A., 13, 148 Stoner, Cyrus, 44 Stough, Omar V., 72 Stoup, Henry, 163 Stradley, Samuel A., 139 Straw, John, 72, 218 Strickler, Samuel B., 206 Stringfield, William H., 30 Stroage, William, 57 Stubbs, Daniel, 171 Stubbs, Edward, 132 Study, Archibald, 40 Stults, William W., 177 Sullivan, Andrew J., 177 Summary, 223 Sutherland, John, 72, 218 Sutliff, Levi, 148 Swaim, William, 148 Swan, Charles A., 169, 218 Swan, Charles G., 72 Swan, Simeon D., 13, 59 Swift, Charles H., 87, 148 Swift, Edgar W, 148 Swinney, William, 163 Sylvester, Jehu, 57, 132 Syson, Timothy, 192 Taber, Daniel Job, 21, 185, 220 Tabor, Burdell, 199 Tague, Joseph, 40 Talbot's Ferry, 215 Tallman, William H., 168 Tannahill, John N., 148 Tarleton, Charles, 114 Taylor, Elliott P., 206 Taylor, James H., 206 Taylor, Miron B., 43 Taylor, Robert R., 17 Taylor, Samuel W., 17 Taylor, Silas C., 148 Taylor, William E., 206 Tedrow, Walter, 72 INDEX 241 Teeman, Frederick, 177, 219 Teeter, David, 198 Teeter, John, 206 Templin, Cyril, 65 Terrell, Solomon A., 106 Terrell (or Terrill), Solomon A., 106 Terry, Steward B., 177, 218 Thatcher, Abraham Oren, 185 Thatcher, William, 132 Thomas, Christopher, 210 Thomas, Courtland M., 115 Thomas, George W., 87 Thomas, John M., 192 Thomas, Sylvester W., 115 Thomas, Zenas, 148 Thompson, Albert E., 178 Thompson, Andrew T., 115 Thompson, David, 195 Thompson, George, 195 Thompson, George Washington, 181 Thompson, John, 115 Thornton, James, 132 Thornton, John H., 72 Thoroman, Napoleon B., 148 Tibbetts, Polk, 120, 219 Tilly, Henry, 47 Tinkham, Henry A., 24, 133, 148 Toland, James J., 101 Tomey, Cornelius D., 66 Toms, Abraham R., 136 Toothaker, Charles W., 206 Totten, Charles, 92, 219 Townsend, John R., 22, 148 Tozier, George S., 40 Tracey, Albert S., 46 Tracy, Alfred A., 57, 218 Travis, Madison C., 210 Trimble, Henry B., 72 Trower, William, 206 Troy, Samuel S., 133, 134 True, George, 57 Truin (Fruin, Joseph) Trump, William D., 87 Tucker, Jackson P., 72 Tucker, John T., 75, 76, 216 Tucker, Lewis John, 181 Tucker, Martin L.. 72 Tucker, William H., 72 Tuffs, Charles W., 4? Tufts, Eben P., 138 Tullis, Thomas C., 117, 118 Tupelo, 219 Turck, Andes, 101 Turner, Edmund, 57 Turner, James I., 206 16 Turner, Samuel B., 199 Tuttle, Guilford, 163 Tuttle, Henry, 163 Tuttle, John, 73 Tuttle, William H., 163 Tyler, Josiah S., 149 u Ullery, Benjamin, 40 Unassigned Recruits, 208 Uptagraft (or Updegraff), Jacob, 206, 221 Upton, Bvt. Maj.-Gen., 117 V Valiant, Hugh, 119 Vance, Daniel J., 195 Van Cleve, James H., 57, 164, 220 Van Cleve, John, 210 Van Cleve, William H., 164 Vanderanda, Albert, 73 Vanderpool, Gillham, 57, 132 Van Doran, Aaron L., 29 Van Doran, George W, 40, 217 Vaneman, George H,, 73 Vanolare, Thomas, 206 Vanorsdol, Francis M., 170, 219 Vanorsdol, James O., 165, 166, 217 Van Rooyen, Peter, 115 Vantress, Charles E., 63 Vaughn, Isaac N., 178, 217 Vermillion, Daniel J., 155 Vernon, John W., 168 Vesey, Joseph P., 44 Viney, C. A., 73 Vinyard, Lamech Carroll, 192 Virden, Jerome, 73 Virgin, Alexander C., 61 Virgin (or Virgen), Thomas E., 73 Virgin (or Virgen), William T,, 73 Volk, Balthus, 115 Vought, Lewis, 192 W Wade, John, 192 Wagers, Henry B., 115, 217 Waldo, Harmon, 139 Waldron, George W., 14 Walgreen, August, 206 Walker, Francis R., 115 2 4 2 INDEX Walker, George W., 41 Walker, James A., 47 Walker, Meli, 57, 220 Wallace, Harvey K., 178 Wallace, John, 101 Wallace, Warren P., 101 Wallace, Worthy S., 57 Walters, Harvey, 149 Walters, John B., 199 Walton, Nathaniel D., 107 Ward, Cassius, 73 Ward, Peter, 47 Ware, Eugene Fitch, 23, 192 Warford, Albert R., 57, 132 Warner, Hiram, 57 Warner, John Adam, 41, 58, 218 Warner, Millard F., 197 Warner, Wilson, 206 Warr, William, 41 Warren, George B., 178 Warren, George D., 87, 149 Washbiirn, Cyrus, 58, 132, 217 Washburn, Levi, 47, 220 Washburn, Lewis, 58 Washburn, Ralph T., 58, 220 Washburn, Samuel M., 88 Wasson, James W., 93 Wasson, Joseph, 101 Waters, David Oscar, 192 Watkins, Ithamar, 48 Watson, Isaac N., 206 Watson, James, 73 Watson, Newton J., 137 Watts, Sensel, 132 Weaver, Solomon, 23, 115, 132 Webb, Alfred G., 206 Webb, James, 164 Webb, Stephen M., 132, 149 Welch, George W., 123 Welch, John C, 31 Welch, Joseph, 73 Wellman, Lorenzo D., 43, 216 Wells; Charles J., 88 Wells, Frederick L., 58, 216 Westenhaver, Morello H., 207 Westfall, George, 77 Westfall, Jacob E., 88 Weston, Thomas Gilbert, 183 Weston, Washington, 41 Wheatley, Henry S., 132 Wheeler, William, 115 Whipple, Charles H., 164 White, David L., 41, 220 White, Edwin (or Edward) R., 73 White, George L., 178 White, Henry Clay, 182 White, John E., 73 White, John H., 153 White, John S., 193 White, Leverett M., 20, 207 White, Nicholas, 184 White River, 215 White, Samuel R., 207, 218 White's Station, 220 White, William H., 41 Whiting, Frederick S., 194, 195 Wilber (or Wilbur), Alfred, 115 Wilcox, Orestes, 137 Wilcox, Phineas W., 207 Wilder, James W., 213 Wilkinson, Thomas M., 164, 218, 219 Williams Edward D., 88 Williams, John W., 132, 215 Williams, Joseph Martin, 193 Williams, Oliver J. (or Josiah), 46, 220 Williams, Phineas K., 172 Williams, Ward W., 178 Williams, William H. H., 132, 207 Williamson, Levi B., 216, 217 Williamson, William C., 178 Williford, James H., 88 Williford, Samuel J., 88 Williford, Wiley W., 132 Willson, John F., 178 Wilmoth, Hamilton, 101 Wilmoth, Leonard C., 101 Wilson, Cassius M., 73 Wilson, Jeremiah M., 164 Wilson, John C., 74 Wilson, John M., 79, 216 Wilson, Joseph M., 30 Wilson, Josiah B., 41 Wilson, Thomas J. G., 115 Wilson, Thomas K., 164 Wilson, Webster A., 164 Wilson, Willis N., 74 Winemiller, Joseph, 74 Winkley, John S. F., 152 Winslow, Edward F., 12, 102, 216, 219 Winslow, Henry E., 61 Witter, David F., 58, 132 Witter, William L., 58, 132 Wittsburg, 216 Wolf (Woolf, John W.) Wolff, Abraham, 171 Wolff, Jacob L, 178 Wood Robert C, 41, 220 Woodruff, Elias B., 102, 103 Woods, Silas S., 107, 108 Woods, William Wells, 14, 179, 180 Woolf, John W., 164 INDEX 243 Work, William G., 91 Wright, Jacob, 196, 221 Wright, John, 116 Wright, Jonathan, 178 Wright, William, 157 Wurth, Jehoida, 88, 215, 220 Wurth, John C, 88 Wyborney, Charles 149 Wyborney, John, 149 Yokum, Cyrus, 79 Yokum, William T., 88 Young, Charles F., 185 Young, Jacob C. (Co. B), 58 Young, Jacob C. (Unass.), 210 Young, Jeremiah, 41, 218 Young, Robert, 196 Young, William Andrew, 116 Young, William P., 168 Young, William W., 58 Yancey, John W., 178, 217 Yaple, Emory, 101 Zollars, Thomas J./ 102 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book SHp-50m-8,'63(I>9954s4)458 N9 331990 E507.6 Scott, W.F. Uth Roster of the Fourth 332 Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, 1861-1365. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS