— » 1012 S6483 /■ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Mav. 1910 Sllustrateb Catalogue of Eare anb Jf ine iiooks! SUuminatcti Vellum iBanusicriptfi; Jfirst Cbitions Coloreb Sporting Poofes, presentation Copies anb Americana (george B. ^mitJ) 48 SKHall Street ^rto ©orfe Citp !»*1 S^^ s^ ^^ ^^^v?'^^ m i^^ \(, 1-^' rKi-rinldiii Lcuvnd. Ill'.istr.-itcd liv Sir I-'. Hiin GEORGE D. SMITH'S -2/ Illustrated Catalogue .^. ^ r. _*- No. 25. Bartolozzi-Dryden 48 W^ALL STREET -. NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE, 2642 JOHN APIETOTEAOYSnEPlZn'sN lETOPIAS rd a'. fit 03zi (PioUfetTZCi eKf o^o^om^^^ ♦ oim t / .» \ * "ft- > /-I ' (^ 'T J^"^ MOZAQDV VhV'o'idV dVOV^Kfim Office A/X^ va;i/ (t^o^i// fliw/j •{/> a;9 t^« J^ ,^ No. 3. A. Aristotle, 1495-1498 ^(3C II -r CATALOGUE OF FINE BOOKS /- 1. x\ES(3P. Fables of Aesop, with a Life of the Author, luii- belhshed with 102 copper plates curiously engraved by Grainger and others. 2 vols. 8vo, fine old tree calf gilt, with red and green labels. London, John Stockdale, 1793. 18.00 Handsome copy of this liiicly illustrated Old Edition. 2. AINSW'ORTH, W1LLL\AI HARRISON. The Tower of London. A Historical Romance. With 75 fitll-pcujc etchings and j8 zvoodciits by George Cruikshank. Large 8vo, three-quarter green levant, gilt to]), tmcut. London, 1840. 50.00 * First Edition. Cruikshank considered his illustrations to .-Mnsworth's novels THE BEST DESIG.N'S AND ETCHINGS HE HAD EVER PRODUCED. Laid in is an interesting three-page personal autograph letter from the author to Walter B. Langicy (with addressed envelope, autographed by W. H. A.) . . . "I don't think I shall resume any political articles in 'Bentley' just at present," etc. Very fine copy bound tip from the original parts with all the original pictorial wrappers bound in at end. 3. ALDINE. Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticje. Small 8vo, dark blue levant with Anchor and Dol]')liin in gold on sides, gilt edges by Riviere. \'enetiis: J/(/h.s\ 1515. 4.S-00 * This beautiful clean and tall copy is of the lirst issue, with the mistake "ducrniorem," instead of "duernonem" on the last page. Excessively rare and valuable. Beck ford's copy sold £16, Sykes's con- £28, Syston Park copy £42. Editio Princeps of Aristotle, 1495-1498. 4. ALDLXE ARISTOTLE. Aristotelis Opera. Gr?ece. \\ith numerous fine woodcut initial and interlacing chapter headings. 5 vols, in 6 folio, fine old English vellum binding with broad inlaiil borders of green morocco. \'enetiis : Aldus Manutius Romamis. 1495-1498. 300.00 * The Extremely Rare First Edition of Aristotle. A remarkably fine and perfect copy, with the 8 leaves "De Historia Animalium" which copies very seldom contain, Aldus having printed them after the book was in circulation. The Craw- ford set with the book-plate in each volume. See Illustration. 4x\. ALDINE PRESS. Syrian! antiquissimi interpretis in 11. XII. et XIII. Aristotelis libros metaphysices Commentarius. Fine copper cnijraving on the tith^ representiuij "Fame." Small 4to, full polished calf, ^eith the Ahiine anchor stamped in gold on the centre of both covers, gilt edges. In Academia Veneta, 1558. 12.00 Books from the Aldixe Press with the "'Venetian Academy" imprint are rare. Fine copy, from Sir James Stuart's Lilirary with his bookplate. 1861986 ^ Geo. D. Smith. 48 Wall St., N. Y. Rare Colored Sporting Books. 5. ALKI-:N and row LANDSON. Real Life in London ; or the Rambles and Adventures of I'.oh Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin The Lion. 'Viiu Dashall. thiMii-h \hc Metropolis; exhil»itin<;- a living picture of l'"ashionablc C'haraclers, Manners and Annisenients in High and Low Life, r.y an .\niateur. Enihellished and illustrated with a Series of Coltirid prints designed and engraved hy .liken, Dighton, Roivlandson and others. 2 vols. 8\(i. t'idl ]iiilis]ie(l calf extra, old gilt edges by RiviKKi:. London, 1821. 100.00 The rare l'"irst Edition with l>rilliaiit impressions of all the very amusing colored plates. 6. ALKEN, HENRY. Real life in Ireland or the Day and Night. Scenes, Rovings, Rambles, and S])rees, Rulls. Pditnders. Rodderation and lUarney of Rrian lloru. I^si].. and his elegant Friend Sir Shawn O'Dogh- erty. Exhibiting a real picture of Characters, Manners, etc., in High and Low Life in Dublin and various parts of Ireland. Frontispiece and numerous very humorous colored Caricatiu'cs by .liken. Heath and others. 8vo, boards uncut. London, 1821. 50.00 The extremely rare First Edition. 7. ALKEN. Ill'.Xm'. Memoirs ont Iiah' ..f tlic vohmie is devoted to the pedi- Rfees of the ii.ore famous packs, .imonu whicli are the Delamere, the Lambton, Sir Ihomas .M.jstyn's. Dukr of I'.eau fort's the W.iru ickshire, the Badsworth's, Lord ^ .irl.i.r.inKirs. ilic Tytcliley and other nokd packs. (;. AMERICAN NAVY. A Hislorv of the United States Navy, from 1775 lo i8.;8. i'.y E. S. Maci.av. A.N'I. Revised by Lt. R. C. Smith' U. S. .\. i'"incly ilhistrated with portraits. Famous Sea-Fights, etc! 3 vols. 8vo, original half morocco, gilt lops, uncut. New York. 1898. Very fine set. Catalogue of Rare Books Dnif". /-.*■'./.,■ '. ///////'// /// - ■-<%^////'/"/ /'Oy/A'y /'///>■ //f//'f/.^ {///v//if/ No. 7. Life of John Mytton Rare Revolutionary Records. 1781. 10. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Political Magazine and Par- liamentary. Naval, Military, and Literary Jonrnal for the Year 1781. Maps and Plates. 8vo, sheep. London, J. Bew, Jan. -Dec., 1781. 70.00 Among the many very interesting Articles on American Affairs are : 1. History of Jonatlian Truiiibull the present Rebel Governor of Connecticut from his Birth to the Preseiit Day, his various Occupations, Turns, New Light, Inveteracy against Churchmen and Loyalists, etc. 2. Account of Admiral Arlnithnot, Commander in Chief in America. 3. Intelligence from America with lists of the different Armies under Clinton, Leslie, Arnold and Cornwallis. 4. Circumstances respecting the Betraying Major Andre. 5. The Characters of the Writers of the Rebel, Intercepted Letters with some necessary Explanations. Copies of original Letters intercepted in a second Rebel Mail, written by Generals Sullivan and Pickering, shewing the Con- tempt in which Congress is held, etc. 6. Anecdotes of Rebel Cruelty. 7. Authentic Account of the late unfortunate Major Andre collected from several of his most intimate friends both in this Country and in Xew York. 8. Account of Major Andre hx Col. Hamilton, Aid de Camp to Washington, Major Andre's Behaviour at the Fatal Spot where he sufifered. etc. 9. Admiral Arbuthnot's Engagement with the French Fleet ofif the Chesapeake. 10. Curioits Pasquinades pasted up at New York against a Certain Admiral and a Certain General. 11. Anecdotes of Gen. Arnold, Dundas and Simcoe. 6 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. ij. Arnold's Siici."i.'?hie or "I'loody" Laws. j\. Description of New London. ^ 2J. Coniwallis's Capitulation. ' 2.5. , Stewar.t's Victory over the Kehel (ieneral Greene. 1,24. Description of Xew York and its Defences. 25. The Influence which the ahsurd Operations of .\dniirals Arliiuhnot, Rodney Graves and Gen. Sir liein-y Clinton had in determining the fate ot' Lord Cornuallis. 26. 'i'he Reliel (ieneral Greene's Account of the llaltle at l-.utaw Springs. .27. ( )pinions on the History of Connecticut. 28. Rochaniheau's .\ccount of his Reconnoitering York Island alorg with Wash ington. j(). Col. Hamilton's .\ccourt of the Storming of Cornwaliis's Redonlils. .Iiiii'iii/ the I'cry )iiaiix iui/'oi-hnit Historical Mu[^s rr!aliii(/ to the Revolution and America in ijeneral are: 1. The .XrchapelaL^o of the East heing the Siimhi MoIkccu and Pliilij-'^'inc Islands engraved hy Lodge, 1781. 2. The Dulch Isl:inds of St. Enstalia, and St. Martin. The French Island of St. r.arlholomew, the English Islands of St. Christophers, Nevis and .\nguila. .3. Gf/T rear River, with the Counties adjacent and the Towns of Brunswick and Wilmington against which Lord CornwalHs detacheil a part of his Army the 17th of Jan. last. 4. The 1 )utch Settlements of Issequiho, Demerary. I'.erbice, Surinam with the I'rench Colony of Cayeime. 5. ]*!ast and West l""lorida, Georgia and Louisiana and the Countries surrounding the Gulf of Mexico. 6. I'.nglish, h'rench. Spanish, Dutch and Danish Islands in the West Indies taken from an improved Map of the (icographer to the King of h'rance. 7. The Cape de Vcrd Islands. S. The St. Lucia antl Martini(|ue Islands. 9. .\ new large Chart of Western or Atlantic Ocean, with ])arts of Europe, .\frica and .America. 10. .Map of those parts of the liay of Chesapeak, ^'ork and James Rivers which arc at present the Scat of War. 11. Chart and Plans of the llartioiir of New York from Sandy Hook to Kings- bridge comprehending the Whole of New York and Staten Islands and Part' of Long Island and the Jersey Shore and Shewing the Defences of New York both by Land and Sea. 12. .\n Elegant Map of Barhadocs with a I'lan of P.ridgc-Town. /;; the several Accounts of the Andre Trial there is an exceptionally fine inif^ression of the ■i-ery rare Portrait of "The Unfortunate Major .Indre" in uniform. 7i'ith the (loddess of Truth in Cartouche beneath. lit the- Description i>t (niniecticiil at paj^c 596 is a "Viezv of the Guard House and Simshury Mines //ing proper instructions in tlie .\rt, with Rules to choose Fishing Rods, Lines, I looks, Moats, lUiits and to make Artificial iHies. By T. P. Lathy. With 20 l)eautifnl woodcuts. i2mo, contemporary green morocco, hlind tooled with a ( irojicr design on the sides, gold tooled Doli)hin, Trident and other angling Eml)lems on the hack, gilt edges. London, 1819. 60.00 A very handsome old English binding by Gosden, and having a pretty Angling scene painted under the gilding on the fore edge. The Frontispiece is a portrait of Gosden, the famous sportsman and binder, in Angling costume. See Illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books THE ANGLER; gl 3i)ocm, IN TEN CANTOS. COMl'Kl.SI^G PROPER INSTRUCTIONS IN THE AKV WITH RULES TO CHOOSE FISHING RODS, LINES, HOOKS, FLOATS, BAITS, AND TO MAKE ARTIFICIAL FLIES; KccEtpts tot l^afstfs, Srr. Sir. Eml/iUiiJted uilh iipnurds ofTiicntij Imiiii'iJiiI fl'mil-iiif ---t^'^y^. — Bv T. P. LATHY, Esq. 7he ^rt of ANGLING WHEREIN Are difcovered many rare Secrets. very neccflary to be knowne by all that delight in that Recreation. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. H. BURN, MAIDEN LANE. COVENT GARDEN. 1820. No. 1 6. LONDON, Printed in theYeare 1653. No. 23. Barker 17. ANGLING. The Angler's Souvenir. Illustrated by Beckwith an 1 Topham. i2mo, half green levant morocco, emblematically tooled back, gilt top. uncut. London, 1845. 12.50 The copies issued by Bohn are of the first impression, witli Mr. Bohn's name in place of Tilt's on the engraved title page. The book has woodcut borders throughout, and many neat engravings on copper. It was written by Chatto. 18. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Discourses in America. i2mo, orig- inal cloth, uncut. London, 1885. 4.50 *First Edition of the three lectures: "Numbers," "Literature and Science," "Emerson." 19. ASTRONOMICAL ATLAS, 1655. Joannis Bayeri Urano- metria omnium asteris morum continens Schemata. Very fine engraved title page and 51 double page copper plates of the planets. Folio, original vellum. Ulm, Johannes Goerlin, 1655. 20.00 *A rare and interesting series of Astronomical Engravings. Laid in is an Academical Dissertation "De Fide Uranomctrije Bayeri" by F. G. Argelander, •Astronomer of Bonn University, 1842. lo Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 20. 11. \. \ ri\ ( )r"r. (■■!•:( )l\(.l'".. r()l':.MS. .Small 8vo, original Ixianls. uncul. I'luii i1k- I nivcrsiiv I'ros. liillianl & ]\Ictcalf. Cani- hridgc. iSi^v 25.00 I'irst (.'(liliMii. Wry rare Tlu' aiitlicir was hut twenty-three years old when this vohnne was piihlisheh M'ld for S.v'^.oo. 21. 1; \.\l Ut )l' r. 1<)II.\. I Unry llic Second, King of England; with liu- Uraili ni' l\u>;inii md. a Tfagcdy, acted at llie TlR'alre Royal by their .Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half levant gilt to]). London. I'rinted for Jacob Tonson, 1693. 12.00 l-'irsl edition. The l^pilogue was written liy Dryden and liie Dedication by Will .Mountfurt. Presentation Copy. 22. I'.A.WISTl'.irS .\I i:.M( )II>:S. .Memoirs of John liannister. Comedian. Uy John Adoi.imi i s. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, half crimson morocco extra, gilt tops. London. iS^c). i.S-OO First edition. Presentation copy from tiie author to jnhn h'ield. With his portrait, engraved by Ridley, and four autograph letters from Adolphus to Field relating to the book inserted. Very Rare Angling Book. 1653. 23. I". ARKI'.K. 11 K ).M AS. The Art of Angling. Wherein are dis- covered many Rarer Secrets very necessary to be knowne by all that d.elight in that Recreation. Small 4to. full green levant, inside dentelle borders, rough gilt ei'ges, by Rivif-iKi-:. London. Printed in yeare 1653. 150.00 *PlKST KDIT10.^f. E.XCEKPI NGl^V R.\KE AND PRINTED IN THE SAME YEAI« AS THE l-IKST EDITIO.N OF W.M.TOn's "CoMPLEAT AnGLER." WaLTON PRAISES THIS LITTLE WOKK AND OWNS THAT HE TOOK HIS I)Hrders, gilt edges. London: Printed by T. Bensley, 1797. 350.00 The Editio Princcps of this magnificent work, printed on vellnm, and the only copy so published ; with brilliant impressions of the many l)eautiful Engravings most- ly by the famous Bartolozzi, printed on satin. The book is unique, and came from the Library of Prince Galitzin of Russia, and is in a splendid Old English Binding in the style of Roger Payne by his contemporaries Walsh and Staggemeier. See Illustration. No. 25. Bartolozzi-Dryden Printed on Vellum. 26. BERANGER. LA LISETTE DE BERANGER. Souvenirs Intimes par Thales Bernard. Charming frontispiece with medallion por- traits of "Lisette" and Beranger, by Staal. i2mo. full dark green crushed levant, elegantly gold-tooled back, inside borders, rough edges, gilt, by Hardy, Paris. Liljrairie de Mme. Bachelin Deflorenne, 1864. 25.00 The only copy printed on vellum, beautiful binding. From the Plenry W. Poor Collection, in 12 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 27. r.l.VDlXr, V,y LF (1\SC0N. Mamialis Ei)iti;ramata. En- (jrinrd title. 241110, ct)iili.'ini)4,v 18.00 Very line specimen. 2i). 1; L\l )1 .\"( i. Xonvean Testament, c'esl a dire, la Nonvelle Alliance de iiostre Seigneur |e>n:- Christ, linqrai'cd title. 1 2mo, ccnitem- porary i*"rench binding in ciln n morocco, the sides richly tooled an 1 gilt to a geometrical jiattern, the spaces being filled with gilt tocle 1 pointille ornaments, gilt I)ack, gilt edges. C'harenton, \()(yj. 30.00 A Vl-KV FINE Sl'KCIMF.N OK RINDING 1!V O.N'K OK Le G.\SCON's DKST I'Ul U.S. Dc'^O- ratid with his f.'onous pnintillc ornaments. 30. r.l.XDI.XC. Caii Julii Oesaris et A. Ilirtii de Rebus a Ocsare Sanuielis Clarke, h'olio, full calf, inlaid at corners with red levant medallions gilt, ami in the centre panel with black morocco blind tooled handsome scroll borders on sides, full tooled back, gilt edges. GlasguDe, 1750. 18.00 A VERY UNCOMMO.N SPKC IMK.N' OK CO.NTKM I'OKAKV ScOT( 11 111 .\ l>l NG. L.XKGK P.M'KK COPY of this rare edition, beautifully printed ])y Andrew and Roljcrl l""oulis at llieir famous Academic press. 3t. P.IXDlXr, I'A' IM-RIXC. Aristoteles. Dc Rhetorica .sen Arte l)ici'udi. 1 ,ibri lie^. ( ir.ece, I'.t cum variis Icctionibus et notis (edente W . I lolw (.11 i . 8\o. old ICnglish red morocco, gold ruled borders on .sides, the b;ick elaboraleK gold to( K'd, gilt linings and lly-leaves, gilt edges, by f. IIkkinc. with his tic ki:t. Oxon, 1759. i.S-OO Dcscril)cd hy Lowndes as "a very bemilifitl and correct edition, friiitcd leitl:- out accents." 32. i'.IXDIXti, Willi ki)N.\L .Xk.M.S. The Joys of Heaven. By A L.\^^I.\.\■. Small S\d, full ])urple morocco, with the Royal Crown of lin. Wilkin, 1826. 4.S-00 I-'irst edition of the rarest (»f Sorrow's Early Works. One of the few copies with the Xorwich imprint only. Later issues of the same \ear also bore the imprint of J<»hn Taylor of London. Extra-Illustrated Life of Dr. Johnson. 43. lU ).SWI":LL. J A.MI'.S. ddie Life of .Sanitiel Johnson including a Journal of his Tour to llie I lebrides. With iiiaiiy fine plates. 10 vols. Kuno. new full red polished calf, gilt tooled backs and sides, gilt edges, by B.wnton. London, John Alurray, 1S35. 60.00 ♦Unique and fine set. Extra-illustrati.d by the insertion of a number of portraits, views, and facsimiles. The scarce original issue. See illnsirntioii. Catalogue of Rare Books 15 No. 43. Boswell 44. BOTANY OF CAPRI. Flora dell Isola di Capri, ossia guida per la Ricerca delle piante che crescono spontanee nelT isola por Ingnazio Cerio e R. Bellini. i2mo, half crimson levant, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreets. Napoli, 1900. 5.00 Scarce. The name of each plant is given in Latin, Italian, French, German, and Engli.sh. 45. BRANTOME. Les Femmcs de Brantome. Par Henri UoucHOT. With 30 full-page portraits in tints. Agues Sorcl, Anne of Brittany, M(irh Kevolutioii, and other jioems. i2mo, original niarbleil \vra])pers. liosti u. I'riiUed for the author by E. G. House, 1 809. 40.00 Cliarily I'.i-yanl's copy, with lur autot;raph in jjcncil on the title. 51. i;UN.\.\T, W ILI.IA.M ILLLEN. The Fountain and other poems. 121110, original glazed boards. New NOiI-:, 1842. 7.50 * I'irst ethtion. Rare Early Woodcuts. 52. r.l'RGM.MER, ILAXS. Images de Saints et Saintes issus de la i'\'miille de rEiiipereur Maximilien L En une Suite de cent dix ncuf l)laiiches gravees en bois par differents graveurs d'apres les dessins de Hans iUirgmaier. Folio, old half vellum. Aienne: Chez F X Stock], TW-. 5.S-00 'I lie 119 wood engravings from whicli the collection is taken were engraved in the tirst quarter of the i6th Century. 'J'his edition of Stock! is described by BarLsch, Vol. VII., pp. 240-242. The engravers arc eight in nunil)er and their names arc recorded in the "y\vis," after the title page. A very scarce thick-paper copy. Catalogue of Rare Books 17 .-._ P^ ^v K', ■ _j I : . •< ■■■' ■ CTj 5/ ^ •■■ ■ Z oT —i ;-( i" m 1: s M-H |,, l;itin. Ivarc. 55. r.MJlM )U,\"IA. Al AKRYAT, FRANK. Mountains and Molehills, or Recollections of a Burnt Journal. With full page colored plates, illustrating early Town and Camp Life in the gold mines. 8vo, lialf morocco. London, 1855. 12.50 * First Edition. Rare. Sec Illustration. 55.\. CVLII'^ORNLA. 1856. San Francisco Vigilance Committee of '56, with some interesting sketches of events succeeding 1846. Edited by F. M. Smith. 8vo, original wrappers. San Francisco, Barry, lUiird & Co., 1883. 10.00 ♦Extremely rare. Contains startling accounts of the organization known as the "IIouiuL'!." against wliich tlic Vigilantes first directed their action. Also the "Il.vccutioiis" of several persons hy them. 56. CENTRAL AMERICAN CANAL. The Gate of the Pacific. By CoMMAXDKK Bkdioki) PiM, R. N. IVith p fine colored plates of l\inama, San J nan del Sur, The Chagres, Gorgon Bay, etc.. and J fine maps. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863. 7.50 ♦Strongly advocating the construction of a canal through Nicaragua hy the British. Fine copy. 57. CELLI.M Tin-: Gor.DSMlTll. Treatises of Benvenuto Cel- lini on Goldsmithing and Sculpture. Choice full page etchings by Le Rat of Cellini's masterpieces. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1898. 15.00 The first honk printed at the Essex House Press and heautifully illustrated with plates of Cellini's carvings and chasings. Catalogue of Rare Books 19 58. CHAUCER. The Workes of our Ancient and Learned English poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed. To that which is done in the former Impression, this much is now added, i. In the Life of Chaucer many things inserted. 2. The whole worke by old Copies reformed. 3. Sentences and proverbs noted. 4. The signification of the old and obscure words proved ; also, Caracters shewing from w hat Tongue or Dialect they be derived. 5. The Latine and French, not Englished by Chaucer, translated. 6. The Treatise called Tacke Upland, against Friers; and Chaucer's A, B, C, called La Priere de Nostre Dame, at this Impression added. Black letter, double columns. With full-length por- trait of Chaucer as described by Thomas Occleve, his scholar, and wood- cut border to title-page. Folio, old panelled calf, rebacked. London : Printed by Adam Islip, 1602. 65.00 An edition of peculiar interest, as containing the first engraved portrait of Chaucer, and a long criticism addressed to Thomas Speght, the Editor, by Francis Beaumont. Rare. With 40 Original Water-Color Drawings. 59. CLARETIE, JULES. La Canne de M. Michelet. Promenades et Souvenirs. Illustrated with 12 very sjMrited Etchings by Toussaint after Jazet. 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant, gilt top, uncut. Paris, Conquet, 1886. 90.00 * Unique copy, beautifully illustrated with 40 original water color drawings on the half-titles, chapter headings and margins by the author himself. These very spirited and highly finished drawings all depict stirring incidents in the Franco- Prussian War. See Illustration. .i;s IXSTITI.TEL'RS DE L'AISM: No. 59. Original Water Color vo Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. Superb 18th Century French Illustrations. C)0. l < )LAI\r)l'".Ar. Le 'rciu])U' (Ic (Itii'lr. l\Iis cmi Vers. Engraved title-l)age with Medallion ixn'trait of C'crneille and 7 lovely plates of Xudcs by MoNNF/r exquisitely engraved 1)\ Uaquoy, Nee and others. Svo, fulfroyal blue levant riehly tooled, duuhlnre of crimson levant with elaborate dcntellc borders, rough edges gilt, by Rousselle. Paris, Le Jay, 1773. 120.00 * I lie Rare Original Edition with brilliant proof impressions of the plates. Inserted is a set of the 9 famous designs by Eisen on Japan paper. 61. COLORED PLATES. Army and Navy Drolleries. By Cap- tain Seccombe. With Alphabetical Descriptions and llUistrations from Designs by the .Author. With 26 amusing plates printed in colors. 4to, pictorial cloth. London, n. d. 6.00 * Fine copy. 62. COLORED PLATES. HERVEY, JAMES. Meditations and Contemplations. With fine portrait of the Author, tzvo vignette title- paqes and lo beautiful engravings by Storer and A' eagle after Corbould, all exquisitely printed in colors. 2 vols. Svo, original half russia gilt, entirely uncut. London, 1796. 30.00 .\ magnificent specimen of Eigluccnlh Century color printing. Choice Set of Ireland's Views. 63. COLORED PLATES. Picturesque Views on the River Thames, from its sonrce in Gloucestershire to the Nore, with observa- tion.s on the Works of Art in the Vicinity. 2 vols. Views on the River Medway. Views on the Warwickshire Avon. A picturesque Tour through Molland, Brabant, and part of France. 2 vols. Picturesque \'ie\vs on tbe River Wye. Picturesque Views, with an Historical Ac- count of tbe lims of Court in London and Westminster. By SA^TUIi:L Iri-:l.\nd. 8 vols. Svo, full crimson crushed levant, richly gold tooled, gilt tops, uncut. ]»y Wood. London, 1792-1800. 250.00 * This rare and splendid work contains in all 213 colored plates exquisitely engraved in aquatint and comprising views of many of the most notable resi- dences and historical buildings in luigland. r,4. COLORED PLATES. The Adventures of Doctor Comicus, or, The I'rolicks of Fortune. A Comic Satirical Poem for the Squeamish and the Queer. By a Modern Syntax. 15 colored pl.\tes by Illman. Svo, full red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 181 5. 36.00 * I-'irst Edition. Very rare in uncut condition. In fine old English binding. Sec Ilhistration. Catalogue of Rare Books 21 r^. (r-g^.^fie^^ or tlu- ) 1 ' (' ' '^FUQUCS of VoVTr>'Ef^ No. 64 65. COLORED PLATES. The Tour of Doctor Prosody, in search of the Antique and picturesque through Scotland, the Hebrides, the Orkney and Shetland Isles. Illustrated zvith 20 hiiuwrous colored plates by JVilHains and others. 8vo, light polished calf extra, gilt top,' uncut, by Wood. London, 1821. 40.00 * The rare original edition. Handsome copy. 66. COLORED PLATES. The Tour of Doctor Syntax through London, or the Pleasures and Miseries of the Metropolis. A poem with ip htiuioroiis colored plates in the style of Rozvlaiidson. 8vo, full crim- son crushed levant richly gold tooled, gilt top, uncut, by Root. London. 1820. 40.00 First Edition. Very fine copy. 67. COSMO DE MEDIGIS. Vita di Cosimo de Medici, primo Gran Duca di Toscana, descritta da Aldo Mannucci. Very fine en- graved title-page with the Medicis Arms in lower margin, very elaborate wood cut Liitial Letters, copper plate map of Tuscany, etc. Folic, full red crushed levant. Tu P)ologua 1586. 25.00 A rare and beautifully printed volume. Z2 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. Very Fine Dramatic Costume Plates. r.8. COSTUME: GALERIE THEATRALE. Collection Theatralc lie 144 I'ortraits cii Pied dcs Princii)aux Actcurs et Actrices qui ont illustre la Seem- I'raiicaise dcjiuis 1552 jusqu'a nos Jours. 2 vols, in i. Thick 4to, c]<.tli uncut. Paris, Barraud 1873. 5.S-00 Of this Magnificent Costume Work, only 99 copies were printed. The series of 144 plates composes the linest collection of ]iortraits of Celebrated French .\ctors and Actresses since 1552 to 1870. The full length figures are all exquisite- ly colored, and heightened with gold and silver by hand under the direction of .\Ifred Albert, Costume-designer at the "Opera" and the "Comedie-Frangaise." In the text arc also 88 charming vignettes after Boucher, Eisen, and others. 69. COSTUME OE THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE. Illustrated by a Scries of 'jt^ choice colored plates of the Russian peasants, mer- chants, priests, Tartars, Laplanders, etc. 4to, original straight-grained bhie morocco, gilt edges. London, 1803. 16.00 I'^inc copy in handsome Old English r.inding. 70. C()SlT'Mlv. ]^ngli>li (.'o>lnnie. Painted and described b\' Dion Clayton Caltln'op. With 70 full ])age colore 1 ])lates illustrating the Costumes of England, (,'i\il, Militar\, and l\u>tic. frniii ilir times of William the Conqueror, loO^), to the Reign of ( leorge III. 1820. 8vo. cloth, gill, uncut. London, 1907. 3.50 71. ('<)T1"(JX, Charles. The I'lanler's Manual: being Instruc- tions fur the Raising, Planting, and Cultivating all sorts of Eruit-Trees, whether Stone-fruits or Pepin-fruits, with their natures and seasons. X'ery usefttl for sucli as are ciudous in ])lanting and grafting. Frontispiece eiif/razed h\ I 'an Hove. i2nio, original sheep. Loiulon. Printed for Henry I'.rome, 1675. 35-00 hirst ICdition. Xot only was Cotton an accomi)lisIu(I angler, but he was well skilled in horticulture. The taste which he showed in nlanting his ground at I'lercsford is couumndcd by Cockaine. and the above work imparts practical in- formation in a plain and easy style. He tells us that it was originally written "for tile |)rivate satisfaction of a worthy gentleman who is extremely curious in the clioicc of bis fruits and has great iudgmcnt in planting." 72. COITRTYER OE COUNT P.ALDESSAR CASTILIO, divid- ed into l'"onre P)Ooks. Very necessaryand ])rofitable for Yonge Gentil- meii and Centilwomen abiding in Court, Palaice or Place. Done into I'jiglish by Thomas Iloby. 4to. limp vellum, uncut, with ties. London, I'Jfxj. 15.00 * I'ldilion nf 200 copies only. Catalogue of Rare Books Unique Book for the Art-Collector. 23 '7Z. COUSIN, CHARLES. Racontars lUustres d'un Vieux Col- lectionneur. 2 vols, in i, 4to. full dark blue levant, the sides and back cov- ered with gold leafy tooling; doublures of brown levant inlaid with white flowers gilt, damask fly leaves, gilt tops, uncut, by Ritter. Paris. A La Librairie de I'Art. 1887. 45-00 * One of 150 sets on Imperial Japan paper. A collection of extremely enter- taining and valuable Historical Reminiscences of Books and Bindings, Paintings, Drawings, Enamels, Pottery, and Porcelains, Autographs, and other art objects sought by the collector. The numerous beautiful illustrations comprise portraits, plates, mostly colored, and etchings by and after Felix Regamey, Abot, Cattel.a.in, and DujARDiN. A most artistic work in superb French binding. Rare English Black Letter in Old Gold and Silver Tooled Bindings. 1574-1579. 74. COVERDALE, MILES. The Hope of the Faithfull. Declar- ing breefely and clearly the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ past, and of, oure true essentiall bodies to come. ****** A moste friiitcfnll, pithie, and learned treatise, how a Christian man ought to behave himselfe in the daunger of death. Black Letter, 2 vols. i6mo, full dark blue morocco extra, silver tooled borders on the sides within gold lines, gilt tooled back and inside borders, watered silk linings, gilt edges. London. Hugh Singleton (1579). 60.00 Fine and Large Copies of These Extremely Rare Books, the latter of which is said to have been written by Lady Jane Dudley, but proved to have been translated by Coverdale from the German of Otto Vermueller. Contains at the end THE FIRST PUBLICATIOX OF LaDY JaNE GrEY's FAMOUS EXHORTATION Written the night before her execution. The bindings are particularly pleasing specimens of the Old English Bookbinder's Art in the choicest Preservation. The name of Coverdale will always be revered as that of the first trans- lator OF THE complete BIBLE INTO ENGLISH. The First English Steel Engraving. 1823. 75. COXE, PETER. The Social Day : a poem in 4 cantos. Illus- trated with 32 portraits and plates after Chalon_, Cooper, Constable, WiLKiE and Ward. Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut. London. Acker- man, 1823. 20.00 * First Edition. Exceptionally fine copy. The plate at page 228 by Warren after Wilkie w^as the first illustration ever engraved on steel in England. 76. CREBILLON. La Nuit et le Moment ou les Matines de Cythere. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut. Bruxelles, 1869. 7.50 * Limited Edition de Luxe of this famous erotic novel by Crebillon the Younger. 24 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. Rare Work on Finger Rings. j-j. CKlSr. FR]':OJa>LICK A. Memorial Rings; lluirlcs the Sec- ond to William the Fourth. 4to, half vellum, top gilt, uncut. London. PrivaUly printed, 1908. 18.00 * Only 150 coimks pkintf.d. t\ volume of the highest historical interest con- taining very full descriptions of 1025 rings owned by the author and with in- teresting notes regarding the original owners and with numerous illustrations. No. 78A. Cruikshank A Rare Colored Cruikshank. 78. CRUIKSHANK. The Life of Napoleon. A Hudihrastic Poem hy Doctor Syntax. Embellished with thirty humorous colored KXf.RAViNr.s by Grorf/c Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, outgtnal boards, uncut. London. IVinted for T. Tegg, 181 5. 100.00 * First Edition of the First Book. Illustrated throughout hy George Cruik- shank. Copies in the original hoards are of extreme rarity. See Illustration, page 66. 78A. CRUIKSHANK. Peter Schlcmilil: from the German of Laniotte I-ouquc. With 8 characteri.stic full-page etchings hy George Cruikshank. i2mo, full hluc levant finely gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Root. Lcmdon. 1824. 22.50 * Fir-I Edition. Beautiful copy of this charming little hook. Sec Illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 25 '■ j^v No. 79. Pierce Egan's "Life in London" V) Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St.. N. Y. ttif e in ^nvi& ; No. 79. Life in Paris CoUPfttSIKC THE RAMBLES, SPREES, AND A^IOURS, or DICK WILDFIRE, OF CORINTHIAN CELEBRITY, And bi* Ban(;-up Compsnion*, SQUIRE JENKINS AND CAPTAIN O'SHUFFLETON WITH THE KUjimgital asbtntuiw of t\)t jieallfiut dfamdji ; Including Skctclici of a Variety of other Eccentric Characicn in the FRENCH METROPOLIS. BY DAVID CAREY. WB:^ ^^4Vj^ ^^;,S^^^Sj;f^^^:- r.ml.tllnhcJ wi[t.Tw(i.'y On.- (OI.OL' Lr.U PI. \TCS. rrprc«-ntinr "^rKNES from ItEAL I.IPK, dc»igiuiUndtPigravL-aby Mr. GEOKliE CKUIKSHANK. Karichcdalso with Twenty-Two Encrnving* on Wood, drawn by iheaomcArtir-t, and cxccuied by M r. W H ITE. LONDON VlUNTF.n FOR JOHN FAIKBURN, BROADWAY. UTDOATE-HfLL; Sold liy Sh.rKi»iiI, Nccly, and J(\n*"« ; Longmnn, Hiir«t, Rcp«, Ormr, and Itrown; nAd iljJdwin, Cuddock, nndj^v; raurnoiii-r-Row ; Simpkin and Miir*hnll, Suiio- :vccio JJaldini, said to be after the designs by Sandm I'.otticelli. Folio old English red morocco, gilt joints restored, h^irenze: Nicholo di Lorenzo della ]\Iagna, 1481. 350-00 First lulition of Dante witli Landino's Conimcntarv, ami tlic third llocik printed witli copper engravings. 8S. DAPHNIS AND CIILOE.- Eongus. Les Amotn-s Pastorales c'e Daphnis et Chloe. With the front, by Coypcl, ami fine scries of l^hites bv Philippe d'Orleans, engraved hy Andran, and 7citli vignette by Cochin. Small 8vo, full contemporary green morocco, full tooled back, gilt edges, by Dkkomk. Paris. T745. 40.OO Rank. With k.\ci:itionaij,y fine impkkssioxs of the curious plates. From tile llailsti^iic and S^nge Lihraries, with bookplates. One of the most famous of the iSlh Centurj- French Illustrated liooks. Fine Copy of This Most Fascinating First Edition. 89. DEFOE, DANIEL. Robinson Crusoe: Part i: The Life AND Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mar- iner : who lived 28 Years, all alone in an iin-inhabited Island on the Coast oi- .\.\ii:rica, near the Mouth of the Great River of Orooiioque; having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck wherein all the Men perished but himself. With an Account how he was at last as strangely deliver 'd by Pyrates. Written by Himself, li'ith frontispiece on copper of Crusoe, by Clark and Pine; Part II: The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoi:; being the Second and Last Part of his Life, and of the Strange Surprising Accmnits of his Travels round three Parts of the Globe. Written by Himself, witJi engraved folding map of the zvorld, shoiving the voyages; Part HI : Serious Reflections during the Life and Sur- prising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: with his Vision of the Angelick WoR[j). W^ritten by Himself, ivith folding plate on copper of a bird's- eye vie70 of Crusoe's Island — 3 vols. 8vo, full green crushed levant, in- side dentelle borders, rough edges, gilt, by Riviere. London. W. Taylor at the Ship in Pater-Nosler-Row. 1719-1720. 900.00 ♦All FIRST EDITIONS and unusually choice copies. The third volume is nearly always missing, and scarcely ever reprinted in Modern Editions. It is of par- ticular interest for its very interesthig frontispiece containing a hird's-eye view of Crusoe's Island. ijo. DE QUINCEY, THOMAS. Confessions of an English Opium l'2ater. i2mo, new full green crushed levant, gold tooled with a beautiful ( Irolier design with doublure of brown kvant linely tooled, green silk tly leaves, gilt edges. London, 1822. 4.S-00 'I he rare h'irst F.dition in an oxf|uisite binding. Sec Tllustratiou. Catalogue of Rare Books 29 ■■.a';.' — ^ -if : s ^ ft- .iS?:. . «tv '*'*•' ^^ ^* J:^ - . -t: ' ~ r ^1;,. ^-^ M "^' ^ t ^ , Q. - >- — — , -.■ V -T ^ x^. » '-.' "■ J No. 90. De Quincey 91. DIALOGUES DES COURTISANES. Par Lncien. Tra- duction et Notices par A. J. Pons. i6mo, new full crushed levant, emblematically tooled sides and back, inside borders, gilt top, uncut. Paris, Ouantin, 1881. 10.00 Illustrated with charming vignettes prettily colored, mostly nudes, and with delicate tinted borders to the text throughout. One of a few copies on Japan paper Beautiful edition of these famous erotic dialogues. Autographed Copy of a Very Rare Dickens Book. 92. DICKENS, CHARLES. Sunday under three Heads. As it is. As Sabbath L'ells would make it. As it might be made. By Timothy Sparks. Illustrated with characteristic woodcuts by "Phiz." i2mo, contemporary half green morocco. London. Chapman and Hall. 1836. 350.00 * First Edition of one of the earliest of Dickens's works. On the fly leaf he has written "Thomas Mitton, Esq. From the Author." The First IBooks of Dickens with presentation inscriptions are very rare. 30 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. g:?. PICKENS, CHARLES. Sketches of Young Ladles,— Sketches of \in\Uiy C.entlenien.— Sketches of Young Ctuiples. Each voluMie ilhistrated with 6 full i)age etchings hy -I'liiz;" 3 vols. I2ni(), original green pictorial hoards. London. Chapman and Hall 1837- 1838- 1 840. 90.00 * First Issues of tlio l-'irst Editions. ()4. DICKENS, CHARLES. AFcinoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. ed- ited hy "Pioz." With Portrait and 12 plates hy George Cruiksliank. 2 vols', small 8vo, half olive hrown levant, gilt top, uncut. London, r.entley, 1838. 30.00 First Edition. Scarce. First issue without tlic border fo the "Last Song" plate. All The Original Drawings by "Kyd" for Dickens's Works. 94.\. DICKENS, CHARLES. All the Original "Character" Drawings in Water-Colors hy "Kyd" to illustrate all the Novels and other \\'ritings of Charles Dickens, comprising 697 designs in 25 sets. Each set contains "Kyd's" IMS. List of the Characters and each piece hears his signature and in addition there is an extra water color Frontis- piece to each set of the designs. 425.00 * A UNIQUE AND MAGNIFICENT SET for the Dickcus Extra-Illustrator. Author's Presentation Copy. 95. DICKENS, CFIARLES. The Cricket on the Hearth. A Fairy Tale of Home. i6mo, original red cloth gilt, gilt edges. London 1846. 200.00 On the printed title page Dickens has written: "Madame De La Rue from Charles Dickens. Lo.n-do.v, Twenty-seventh Dec, 1845." 96. DICKENS, CHARLES. The Cricket on the Hearth. A Fairy Tale of Home. Small 8vit. chtli, uncut. New York. 1846. 8.50 * The I'-irst .Vinerican Echtion, finely extra-illu>traUil with a set of India proofs engraved hy Rk iiakhsox. Jmuc copy. 97. DICKENS. L11ARL1':S. The iJattle of Life. A Love Story. With ])retty illustrations by Maclise, Leech, Doyle, and others. i6mo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. London. Bradhury and Evans, 184O. 8.0G * I-'irst ICrata on last page and leaf of License preceding title. The most im- portant of Dryden's poems, written after he had become a Convert to the Romish Church, as a defense of that faith. See Tllnstralion. Printed on Vellum. 106. l)RVlJl':X, J()1L\. .Me.xander's lAast. I'riiilcd in red and hhick, 7<'ith colored froiitisf^iccc by I'^. Sai'at/c and colored initials. i2mo, velhim, tinctit. London, i(;()4. lO.OO O.NLY ONE HUNDRKD AND FORTY COPIES PRINTED, ALL ON VELI.UM. The bcaUtiful Essex House Edition of one of the great English poems. From the Library of William Morris. 107. I':.\RIA' PRLXTlXt;. ilieronymiis, .Saint. \'itx^ Sanctorum patriim. Gothic Lettkr. long lines, 40 to a ])ase, witliout signatures. Folio, original hoards, wilh jiigskin hack. Llni. Johannes ZaiiK-r, about '474- 125.00 .\ niagniricenl Tncunable fn.m the lirst press at Ulm. A specially interesting volume having belonged t(j William Mdrris, an cjr quite non folu nobis caura faUitS «tr,;t«r : w^i ct Ijidoria fafataria atqj n& to * Srina pictatis aptiffima con&erct-que virtutift ittr agcre voletite gcdo^-fbreoeacndij fiJK ampUnTimil tfamiti panoat-Gpuia a& tantaa rs^r narmtione mtnua iCona fimuB* ncc ^I'gmi vibeatur itigindii np c^rignoB ac paruos fieri mo teres ptElfarcpvtrtutSB Ijumili narrare fcrmonc. tamequonia frat?t caritas eo^tquirnmontcraniooUucticomanent- Ipta nobis fnequcnttr citpoftitivt egiptio^ monactp^ vita .virtu tElcp animi-et cultw pictatis at^ abfbncae robur q6 in as to=> ram vjt>im9 c):pli«m9-pate ipfo^z qni Ipc impant at>iuua&ii mc trciSenB aggrcOiar. no tarn ej: (Kto laufic reqrena ^ cj: nar ratione re?: cSifiationefiitura Icgcntite fpcrans-Cum g«(lojt vnufqfqp mflamat? cj:empU8 lp:refttre quiCc fcculi illccebraB* fcian vero quiets et a& pietatjs rnuitat ejrerada.'i'iDi ergo 5» vere v'iOi tFjefau^ cbrifti in I7um3rri6 abfcon^Jitu vafculis. que qj tb^'tau^ repertii notui tancj inuiouB oaultarc-fcO qfi p mul tiB muentu-pftrre m meOiu- et faare smune: rert9 cp qntopUi itB «% CO fijcrint ©itati : tanto mibi anipli9 acqmrrrct.^go crfi loojplctics fiam di alioj: fahis mmiftcrii ma fucrit qfita mern* mortio-}n pnapio ergo narracoms noftre abeflTe noB ptamur S'lad.i&fiinri iefu d^rirti-.tui? vtrtutc omnia bctpictada cjter daa-.apu& egipti monarbos Ijabent S?it>im9 ctn apuO cob multos patreo ctlcdej vita in ttrna poritos age ntts •. ct nouos quof&a fl^fstas tarn vtutiteammi^ vatiananbi offiao fufci? fa too- quite aO trftimomii mcritDji ncc fignoi: quite acp&i^ •Tioc ticrrat cfficaaa-€t mcriCo-Cur em qui ml^il ttrrem* niljil THE HIND AND THE PANTHER. POEM, In Three Parts. Aniiquam exquinte matrem. ? . Et vera, imejfu, fatuit Deo. S LONDON, rrimed for Jtuob Tonfon, ar Jujges ffeaJ in Chamerj Lane near Ncetjireer, 1687. No. 105. Dryden No. 107. Hieronymus .u Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. mantDcIaaaofe: auimmetuitlc fongc Dcrgtcr.i^ouucllcmcnf 3Imp?mie3t, Pans* wr* fr On Ie<( tKnD a |darls( en la nte neafne no- Ore S>ame a Un((tgne Dc icfta or France* No. I iJ. Romance of the Rose pn fjpioinam progredittur ad Dtum. Hm igitur eR Deonim fir: hominnm J{ uinomm fcliciumqi uuuhumjnas omnmo n.-gligcns uolupiJtcsifugiqifobus lafolum. FINIS. Marfilius Ranus Magnanirao Poto Mtdid.S. VMIJibusnoiicmbiibusinagio Ortgiounacuni Magtio LaurCTiti'o c Mi.\iKcJ«mbularcimuluif PUronijmvfJcnjuliroatrocfmrcrptnrare nnir:il«iili font inttrloqucndiicfjpienuj 111 foriiin5:ccpiqi banc acnii* innifare:

ngetut;minuspo(lhac Mix eiudiddusmecppea Plato nodet uifoitunatus. Cuius caput bactenus falutan prorCus umbra Laua foucbaf-.Nuc pedes lamfirmiffiraaPetraniiunf.Plotinusdeniqimanihus nunc tins apptehen(us/(eniorc interea Plaione pits hursietis fubfhnebictetf Duce pio ducet iluccm, MAGNIFICO SVMPTV LAVRENTII MBDICIS PATRlAfc'SERVATORIS IMPRESSIT EX y^.RCHETYPO ANTONIVS MISCOMINVS FLORENTIAE ANNO.M CCCCLXXXXIL NONIS MAIL REGISTRVM. a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i".l(,I.m.n.o.p.q.r.f.t.u.x.y.z.&.»a.bb.l(l nissia, with the Arms of .Michael Wolhull in i^old on Cover. Florence. Ant. Miscominus. 1492. 45.00 * Editio princkps of this Latin version. Printkh .\t tiii. kxpense of Lokkxzo UK MKDiris. Speaking of this very beantifn! Edition, Dihdin in his "Rihliotheca S|)enciTiana" says: "It is with perfect justice that SchelhnnK' calls this matchless volume 'a monument of the magnificence of Lorenzo dc Medici, moro ilhistrious than those of pictures, statues, and marbles. . . . This edition is truly spk-ndifl; (Ulij^diting the eye by the equal elegance of its paper and type,'" and also: "On opening it we are compelled to avow that it exhibits the chef-iVceuvre of the press of Miscominus." Exception.\llv fine .\nd clean copy with the printer's device on last leaf. This is the Wodhull copy, and has his auto- (.RAPH ON FLY LEAF. WITH THE HATE "XoV. 20TH. T/zO." MoSt of Michacl Wodhull's books were bound bv Roger Payne and on the tlv leaf Wodhull has noted the I'.i. I that the binding cost him "sixteen shillings," and also that he had collated the 1 k and found it perfect. Sec Tllnstration. Catalogue of Rare Books 35 no. EARLY PRINTING: UTINO. Sermones floridi de domi- nicis ct (|uil)us dam fcstis fratris Leonard! dc vliuo sacrc iheologie doc- toris ordinis j)rcedicatoruni quos prcedicanit floretie, anno dni Mccccxxxv felicitnr incipiunt. Rubricated initial letters. 4to, original oak boards cov- ered with leather. [Colophon :] Inipressit ant cos arte * ''' ''^ vir Magis- ter Johannes Trechsel alemanus in ciuitate Lugdunen, anno dni MCCCCXCN'i, die vero, xv. Jnlij. Lyons. 1496. 25.00 Fixe copy of an early Lyons press^ printed in Gothic type by John Trechsel, and contains his device on last page. Rare Woodcut Passion by Urs Graf. TIT. EARLY PRINTING. Der text des Passions oder Leydens Christi ausz den vier Evangelisten zusammen in ein sinn bracht mit schonen Fignren. Printed in Gothic Letter, 43 long lines to the page. Illustrated with 25 large and very bold Woodcuts by Urs Graf, all but four of them having his Monogram Y. G. Folio, contemporary stamped Lather binding. Strasshurg : Johannes Knoblouch, 1507. 60.00 * Very rare and much sought for by the collector of early woodcuts. One of the earliest and most remarkable of Graf's works depicting the life and Pas- sion of Christ. This magnificent series has been colored throughout l)y a con- temporary hand. A Rare "Romance of the Rose" With Woodcuts. 1520. 1 12. EARLY PRINTING. Sensuyt le Rommant de la Rose; aul- trement (lit le Songc A^ergier. Nouvellement imprime a Paris. Title- page in red and black with fine and large Woodcut and with several curious Woodcuts through the Text. Printed in very fine Gothic Let- ter, double columns, 41 lines to the column. Small 4to, full crimson levant, back panels tooled with Gold Roses, inside dentelle borders, mar- bled edges, gilt, by CInnnholle-Duru. Inipriuic a Paris pour Alai Lotrian a Tenseigne de lescu de France (1520). i3.S-00 * This famous book, which gave birth to the greater part (if the chivalrous literature of France, and which may be considered as the fountain head of French poetry, was commenced towards the end of the 13th Century by Guillaume de Lorris, and was finished at the beginning of the 14th Century by Jehan de Meung. Its appearance in print towards the close of the 15th Century gave rise to some disturbance in the realm of Gallantry, and the poets engaged in hot tournament in honour of the ladies, which inspired several writings which have remained famous. The most important of these was the poem entitled "Le Champion des Dames," which had a great success. Magnificent copy. See Illustration. Suetonius With Wood Cuts. 1530. 113. EARLY PRINTING. SUETONIUS. La Tres illustre et memorable vie, faictz, et gestes des douze Cesars en douze liures des- tinguee et reduvcte par tresscintifique orateur Romain Suetonne tran- 36 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. (|iiilk' comix •sec. Xouiicllciiicnt translatec de Latin en ]<>ancoys par (luillaunio Michel diet de tours. I'".t nouuellenient inipriniee^ a Paris, llhislrated with woodcuts and numerous capital letters. Gothic let- ters. 1( ,11.-4- liii<^"^- I'olio. full red eru-lied levant, j^ilt hack and sides, with cre>t, inside liorders, gilt edges, hy l.ortic. A I'aris par Jehan I'etit, I5,:;(). ' ' ^'^^-uo IvxtiViiu'lv raiT. r.MU-lit ;ii I '.an in Srillicre's sale, and lias his Crest and Monuj^rani im sides. TIk- lift of each of tlie twelve Caesars is preceded by a \voo(lcul iKUiiait. Si. .hTonie says of Suetonius, ■'iie wrote of the Emperors with the same freedom dial lluy tluinselvcs lived." Very hue copy. Sec Illustration. gucfrtrtSupc(cpar(rrffcicntifitquco:a(fiirKommair)5)ucto«nrtraHfqiiif^ ff compoftr, fiouue{(cmrn( (nxnj(atti ftrfadi) ci)ftaniaf^e pat (Quiiiaumc S^c^bicl^(oia0.l£tnouur((ementunpiimccapatia. 4[0>lff«Sfii5apfltiBpar(?ff5anPr(t(S9ar(l5iMfIi6iaitriurci>eZum'« uer/itt.Dcmouratcrjra Kurfainft jacijaa fcnfcigncbcfaficur ferit^boi. No. 11,^ Suetonius 1530. Fine English Black Letter Erasmus. 1569. 114. I"..\RLN I'kl.Xll.XC. The Praise of Folic. Moriac Encon- iinn a I'.ooke made in latyne hy that .great clerkc Ei^A.SMUS Roti-;kod.\mk. Englisshed hy .Sir Thomas Chaloner, knight, 1649. Bi.acis1.kttkk, long lines, 32 to the page. Fine woodcut horder to title. Small 4to, full hniwii nmrocco, finely hlind tooled, gilt edges. Imi^rinted at London in lM.i;'ii-;siui-:rK in -jiii': lloisi'. 01 |"iio.\i.\.s Uiiutjiklkt. 1561;. 30.00 * Very line specimen of Old l'jij;]i>h printin.n and extremely rare. Chalouer's preface is a very racy specimen of English and a notable exposition of his method of free translation. No. ii6. Pierce Egan's "Life of an Actor" 38 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 115. J':.\RLN' PRINTING. Description of the Early Printed Hooks bwne-.l Iiy ihc Grolicr Club, with a brief account of their Printers :ni; colored plates by Cruikshank of the "Boxing Match at the Fives Court." The Rare Elzevir Cicero. 1642. 117. ICLZIA IP. .M. I'uUii Ciceronis Opera. Cum optimis e.xem- plaribus accurate coUata. l:u(jravcd title ami /portrait, both. l)rilliaiit iiiif^rcssioiis. 1 [ vols. i2mo, old blue straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bozerian. Lugd. Ijatavortim. ex Officina bdzeviriaua, 1642. 65.00 *Thh r.vrk an'k i!kai"imfui. First lu)iri()N of Cickro's works from the Elzkvir Prf.ss an'i> the preferable issue, with 301 pages in Vol. l.\ (sec Willems, No. 535). I)e y^urc dwells with rai)ture on "the beauty of the paper and brilliancy of the type"; and Dilxlin speaks of it as "very beautiful and correct." In fact, all bibliograi)hers unite in eulogizing it. A \ krv fi.ve copy. Sets of this Ck fko IN 01.11 Mokoeco ARE VERY SCARCE ;ind much sought after. See Ill;:s;ration. 118. EL/.ir\IP. GF.LLIUS, *AULUS. Noctes Atfiae. En- t/rari'ii title. i2mo, fidl bltie morocco, gilt tooled borders on the sides. with the arms of Lord Charles Stuart dc Rothesay stamped in'gold on the centre of buih covers, l)ack co\ered witli minute gold tooling, gilt edges by Siiiiier. .Amstelodami. 1^)51. 1500 I'"inc copy of this pretty and scarce edition of Gellius, the fust published by the Elzevirs. See Illustration. 1 |i;. ICMICPSOX, 1\. W. .\ature, 121110, original cloth. Boston, 1836. I5-00 First Edition. Catalogue of Rare Books 39 No. 117 120. ENGLISH ROGUE. The Original English Rogue, describe'! in the Life of Meriton Latroon, a Witty Extravagant, Compreliending the most eminent Cheats practised by both Sexes in all Characters, Occupations, Professions, Trades, and Mysteries. 2 parts in i, 8vo, half brown morocco, neat. Manchester. John Radford, 1786. 7.50 * An extremely facetious and witty Old English novel but written throughout in the very coarse style of the period. With note by a former owner on fly leaf stating the work to be one of the rarest of Manchester (England) imprints. Rare Colored Plate Book. I2T. FAMILIAR ASTROLOGER: an Easy Guide to Fate, Des- tiny and Foreknowledge as well as to the Secret and Wonderful prop- erties of Nature: with a variety of the most valuable and inter- esting matter, not to be found in any work of the past or present Time. 40 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. By Raphael, With numerous woodcuts and colored plates, 8vo, old lialf hrown calf. London. 1849. 12.CO * Rare. Tlic very curious colored cngr.'u iugs include "The Witch of Eye," "The Alchemical Arcana," "Millions of Spiritual Creatures walk the Earth," "The World of Spirits," and "Thomas Perks raising a Spirit to his own Destruction." 122. F.ANSHAWi:. RICHARD. T.a Fida Pastora. Comaedia I'astoralis. Autore I'. Anglo-Ih-ilanno. Brilliant impression of the front., engraved by K. Vau[/lian, cSvo, full i)t)lished calf gilt, gilt edges, hy /'". Bedford. Limdoni, 1658. 20.OO I'irsl Edition of this Latin translation of John Elctcher's "The Faithful Shep- hcardcss," by R. Eanshawe. Very scarce. LJcautiful copy. Rare Shakespeareana. 1586. T23. FFRNE, JOHN. The Blazon of Gentrie : divided into two ])art.s. The First, named the Glorie of Gencrositie. The Second Laeyes Nobilitie. Comprehending discourses of Armes and of (lentry. Wherein is treated of the Beginning Parts, and Degrees of ( ientleness, with her Lawes: of the Bearing and Blazon of Cote-Ar- mors: of the Laws of Armes, and of Coml)ats. Compiled hy John Feme, Gentleman, for the instruction of all Gentlemen Bearers of Arms, witoin and none other this worke concernetli. // '/'//; numerous woodcuts of coats of arms, etc. 4to, original shee[). London. Printed by John \\^indet for Andrew Maunsell, 1586. 60.00 I'irst Edition. An excccdhigly Rare Lar<^e Paper copy with the Coats of of Arms emblazoned. No. 302 in Sidney Lee's Catalogue. Cited by Hunter in his "New Illustraticius of the Shakcspeares" as one of the books familiar to Shakespeare and obviously referred to in the "Merry Wives of Windsor," "Mer- chant of Venice." "Hamlet," "Othello," "As You Like It," and "A Winter's Talc." So rare that apparently no eopy has ever been sold at auction in America. 124. FIELD, EUGENE. Second Book of Verse. T2mc. original iialt' white clnih, gilt to]), uncut. Chicago 1892. 7.50 * First Edition. One of 300 large paper copies. Tom Jones With Colored Plates. 125. !• HOLDING, HENRY. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. With choice illustrations hy Stothard, finely engraved by Heath. 8vo, new fidl red morocco, inlaid on sides and 1)ack with green morocco ornaments. London, 1780. 25.00 Rare edition. Very beautifully extra-illustrated by the insertion of the very rare and curious set of plates designed by Moreau Le Jeiine for the French EJomancc of Alon- sieiir Scarron. Translated In' (jliver (loldsiiiilh. 2 vols., new ftill mot- tled ealf extra, gilt edges, by Rivikuf:. London: Printed for \\'. (irii^lin, in Catherine Street, Strand. 1775. -5-00 The Rare I'irst E(htii>ii. lUautiiiil co])y. 142. GROLIER C'l.rr.. The J'oenis of John Donne, from tlie Text of the Edition of i()33. Revised by James Russell Lowtll, witli Preface, Tntrodnction and Notes by Charles Eliot Norton. Portraits. 2 vols.* i2nio, elotli. gilt, micut and nnojiened. New "N'ork : Tlic ( Irolier Club, 1895. 10.00 ]-"irsl Ivlitioii. Only .^■'^3 copies ]irinle(l. Printed on Vellum. 143. GROLTER CLUli. Catalogue of an lvxliil)ition Tllustrati\-e of a Centenary of Artistic lithograi)hy, 1796-1896. With numerous fiuj plates. 8vo, velhnn, with l)lue silk ties, tmeut. New N'ork, i8()6. 70.00 One of three copies printed on \ellnin. In hrnwn morocco solander case. Life of a Famous Bibliophile. 144. GR0E11-:R CLL'I;. The Life of Cliarles Henry, Count II()\-m, Ambassador to l^-anee from Saxony-Pohmd, and bjiiinent I'rench l')il)lio|)hile. 1694-1736. IJy ISaron Jerome Piclion, with a Sketch of the Life of the late Paron I'icbon. Iliigraved portraits, {^lafcs of HiiutijKjs, etc. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. New York, 1899. i5-00 * Only 300 co]iies of this vcr\' handsome volume were printed. 145. IIAIG'S ETCTTIXG.S. Tm])ressions of Westminster Al)l)-'y. An Illustrated Text to accompan\- the seven b'tchings by Axia. H. II aio. lieautifully ])rinted tln-otighotit in a ver}- liandsome manner ti])on tliick Ja])ancse Paj^er, each f^cu/c surrounded i^ntli a ivoodcut border of antique desiii[ii, printed in red ink, and i^'itJi ininiatnre rc^'oductions of tlic etchings. Royal 8vo, original boards. London, 1885. J --So * This work is so rare that very few people have ever either seen or even heard of it; and many of those who jiossess the famous etchinsjs are unaware that this descri])tio!i of them exists. First Edition of "Fanshawe." 146. HAWTHORNE, NA Tl IAN I I:L. 1-anshawe. A Tale. 121U0. original boards, with cloth back, and paper label, tnieiit. Iloston: Marsh and Capen, 1828. 500.00 PirsI lldition of llim'ilionic's firsi hoolc and cxtrcinrly rare. It was written while a student at llowdoin College, pulilished ar.onymously and at his own ex- Catalogue of Rare Books 45 pense, and never acknowledged 1)\' him. But few copies were sold, and sul) sequently the author destroyed the unsold ones and all other copies that he could recover. The Edwin F. Conely copy, which was sold in Boston, 1902. Preserved in green levant case by Bradstreet. 147. HAZLITT, WILLIAM. Liber Amoris or the New Pyg- malion. Charming vignettes on title page. 121110, original boards with paper label, uncut. London: Printed for John Hunt, 1823. 25.00 First Edition in exceptionally fine original condition. 148. HEARN, LAFCADIO. Some Chinese Ghosts. i2mo, orig- inal cloth. Boston, 1887. 10.00 * First Edition of the Rarest of all Lafcadio Hearn's writings. A Fine Colored Copy. T40. HEATH. HENRY. Whims and Oddities for the Young. //'//// tJic complete scries of 9 finely colored plates by H. Heath i6nio, full crimson calf, gilt back and top, with original covers bound in, by RiviiiRE. London, 1828. i7-5o The Rare First Edition of this extremely clever little book in very handsome binding. 150. HEPTAIMERON, L'Heptameron des Nouvelles de tres haute et tres illustre Princesse Marguerite D'Angouleme, Reine de Navarre. Public sur les manuscrits par les soins & avec les notes de M. M. Le Roux de Lincy & Anatole de INIontaiglon. Illustrated with the numerous beautiful full-page plates, some very free, after the de- signs of Freudenberg and many pretty head and tail pieces. 4 vols. 8vo, half blue crushed levant gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1880. 25.00 The finest Illustrated Heptameron printed. Only a very small edition issued. Pickering's Beautiful Edition of Herbert's Works. 151. HERBERT, GEORGE. The Works of George Herbert. In Prose and Averse. 2 vols. 8vo, ftill crushed crimson levant, richly gilt backs, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. London. W. Pickering, 1853. 25.00 An exceptionally handsome copy bound in the style of Roger Payne. 152. HISTORY OF HELYAS, KNIGHT OF THE SWAN. Translate 1 by Robert Copeland from the French Version published in Paris in 1504. A Literal Reprint in the Types of JVynkin De li'onle after the unique copy printed by Jriin upon parchment in Lon- don, 1512. Many beautiful zi'oodcuts. Small quarto, decorted pig- skin, with brass clasps. New York: The Grolier Club, 1901. 25.00 One of 325 copies for members only. The most beautiful Black Letter Book with woodcuts ever produced in America. 4^; Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 153. IIDLIIEIN'S DANCl-: OF DEATH, with an JntroductoiT Note by Ai'STi.x DonsoN. With the series of 4<; famous woodcuts de- sijijiied !)>• Hans Holhkin. 8vo, new full hrown crushed levant richly hlimi anld tooled borders on sides, gilt top uncul, by the Club Bind- i:kv. London 1892. 50.00 * One (if lOJ copies on Japan paper heantifull.\ printed at the ("hiswick Press and beautilnllv bound. First Edition of Holmes's First Book. 154. TTOLArES. OLIVER WENDELL. The TTarbins;er : a May- Tiift. Svo. original clnlh. nnciit, witli ])a])er label. T^)Oston. 1833. i>■ O. W. TFilnies. F.pcs Sarsent, and Park Benjamin. Seventeen of the Poems wt-re written l)y Holmes. An unusually good copy. 155. HOMES Ob^ AMERICA. I5v Alartba J. Land). With 103 fine illustrations of Colonial and Modern .\iuerican Mansions, Courts. and FLdls. 4to. original cloth. New York.. 1879. 7.50 * Fine copy with presentation inscription from the author on flv leaf, .\mong the illustrations arc the Phili])^e .Manor Mouse, "Bevcrlcv," Livin.nston TTouse. Westover, Powhatan .Scat, Carroll Mansion, Stockton Mansion, "Old Morrisania," "Ccdarmcre," ''Tdlewild," .Armsmcar, "Alalhonc," etc. 156. HOWARD. SIR ROIIERT. Poems, viz.: A Panegyrick to the TCing: .Songs and Sonnets; The lilind Lady, a Comedy; The ]''ourth P.ook of \'irgil ; Statins his .\chilleis, wdth Annotations; and a iPancgyrick to General ATonck. Small 8vo. red morocco extra, l)road Ixirder of gold inside covers, gilt edges, by Rtd)an. London, H. I brringman, Tr)6o. 7.>oo Pieautiful copy of the first edition: from the C. V>. Footc Collection, with booki)lates. An intcrcstiufj commendatory verse by John Dryden (S pp.) is pre- fixed to this volume. Mr, Malone in his Life of Drider (p. 8), has entered into a minute disfpiisition on the orthography of the poet's name which is said to have been altered from Driden to Dryden in 1650: but this volume evinces that the early spelling was ret.ained ten years after the time Mr. Malone supposed it to have been given uj). The poet was certainly the Hrst of his family that introduced the letter "Y" in the surname, and thereby gave great ofifense to some of his relations. 157. HOWARD, SIR ROBERT. Idve New Plays, viz.: The .Surjirisal. The Committee, Comedies; and The Indian Ouecn, The \'estal-Virgin. The Duke of Lerma, Tragedies, Jl'itli hriUianf im- pression of the portrait of the author eiK/nn'ed by R. White. Sii-all folio, three-quartered crushed levant, gilt edges. London. Henry Herringman. 1692. 20.00 Catalogue of Rare Books Unique Early XVIth Century MS. 158. TLLITMINATED VELLUM MANUSCRIPT. Rccneil de Giants Royaux. Ballades, Dialogues et Oraisons en Thonnenr de la Sainte Vierge. French manuscript of the beginning of the Sixteenth Century, written- on 24 leaves of the finest vellum, containing 4 beau- tiful full-page miniatures in gold and colors, and profusely decorated zvifh illuminated initials. 8vo, full red levant morocco extra in- laid with an interlaced mosaic design of maroon levant, in the man- ner of Golier, gilt mosaic back, double with green levant morocco fully tooled and gilt to a floral design, gilt edges by Cape. XVIth Cen- tury. 1,700.00 * The four large miniatures which ornament this manuscript represent the Songs of the ".Annunciation" the "Chant de la MagdaJcine," the oration "O hone Jens," and the "Oraisona niadanie sainctc Barbel" The figures of the Virgin, of Magdalen and St. Rarbe bear a marked resemblance to each other, as also to one of the men kneelin£r before Jesus and St. Barbe, and it can be inferred that these miniatures are portraits of the personages for whom the manuscript was executed. The miniatures are not only very finely executed, but also correctly designed, and show the work of a skilful artist, probablv a pupil of Jean Foucquet ; moreover, they are in the finest condition. The different poetical pieces to the number of Ti which compose this manuscript, are almost all entirely in the honor of the Virgin, and constitute an interesting and unique book of Hours of the Immaculate Conception. The following is a list of the 11 poetic pieces and Dyalogues, ^8 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. i.s8. (Continued.) 1. Dyalogiie de rAnmiiiciatinn Nosirc I )anu' (ciitro Nature Humainc et Mario). 2. Chant Royal de la Magdaleine. .V Chant Royal de la Passion. .4. 'i'ranslation de cest Oraison "O Rone Jcsu." 5. Chant Royal de Devotion dcs cinq Festcs de Nostrc Danic La prouvant t;n Cdiux-plion pure et necte de corps et de anie. 6. Chant Royal de Devotion qui la Viergc Runuc ccliquc, prDUvc l)ellc en Con- ception par le beau Saint .\ngelique. 7. Chant l\(iyal compose sur I'Anticnne Ave Regina Celoruni. 5. Oraison tros-dcvotc a Madame Sainctc Barbe. (j. ISallade de la Vicrge Marie composee sur cestc anticnne sub tuum presidium confugimus. 10. Tx po\Tc pechcur demandant a Dicn pardon et misericordc de scs peches. 11. La Salutation .\ngelique. The Manuscript and Biiuling are both in the most beautiful state of preser- vation. It was formerly in the famous Collection of the famous French Biblio- phile E. M. Bancel. See Illustrations. Unique XVth Century "Hours" on Vellum. With Antique Ivory Carvincr Inside Cover. 159- II.LrAriNATED VELLUM MANUSCRIPT. HORAE ]!E.\'rAE iMARIAE AaRGINLS. Secundum usum Ronianum. With tlie Memoriae. The Joys of the Virgin, the Requests, Penitential Psalms and Office of the Dead. Written in Latin by a French Scril)e on 150 leaves of the finest vellum. With 20 beautiful Miniatures, 7 of which are full ]xige subjects, all surrounded by rich Arabescjuc Word- ers of Flowers, Leaves and r>irds, exquisitely colored and height- ened with burm'shed gold. The Script is further embellishel with 13 large and hundreds of small Initials in gold and colors, the 13 large ones containing full length figures of the Saints and Apostles, dcHcately painted in several colors, on solid gold grounds. 8vo, in the original oak boards covered with stamped leather' in the style of Gcoffrcv Tory and inscribed in four i)laces. "Ora Pro Nobis Sancta Maria." \M)ou"t ^460. * 2,500.00 'Mie full page Miniatures so beautifully painted bv an Eastern French ov Meinish artist represent: 1. The Presentation of the Virgin. 2. The Dedication of the Virgin in the Teniple. 3. The Visitation of Saint IClizabeth. 4. The .\mnmcialion to the Shepherds. 5- The Purification of the Virgin in the Temiile. 6. The Judgment of Solomon, and 7. The Flight into Egypt. Set in the inside of the front cover is a very rare and beautiful .\l\'tli Century Ivory Carving, representing the Death of the Virgin and containing 17 figures in high relief on a plaque measuring only ,V/<^ inches by 2'^/i inches. Ivory Carvings of this Period and in such fine condition arc of the greatest raritv and in conjunclion with the Ueaulitul llhnninated Manuscript, form a unicpie and strikingly inleresting Monument of lu-clesiaslical Art of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. See Illustrations. Catalogue of Rare Books 49 M-if^:- '-^-^^Ip-^^^---^^^ 1) > :^ 50 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. No. 161 Fifteenth Century Book of Hours on Vellum. 160. ILLUMINATED VELLUM MANUSCRIPT. Horae Bea- tae Marie Virginis. Splendid French Book of Hours written in Latin on 127 leaves of the finest white vellum with the Calendar and last Prayers in French. W'ith 1)catitifnl Arabesque Borders of Flowers and Fruit heightened with burnished gold on every page. Ornamented with 8 full-])age Miniatures exquisitely finished, each surrounded with illuminated i)orders of Flowers, Fruits, Birds and Grotesf|ue Animals all very richly gilt. Small 4to, full olive-brown levant with inlaid bor- ders of red levant, richly gold tooled, inlaid Cross of red levant in centre of each Cover. Doublure of wine-colored levant with very wide gold line borders, rough gilt edges by Stikcniaii. Soec. XIV. 1,350.00 A very riclily illuminated Vclluin Mamiscri])!, and roniarkalile for the perfect condition of all the gold ornamentation thron^jhout. The Miniatures wliieh are in the highest form of French Art of the Period, represent: 1. The Annunciation. 2. The Virgin and Saint Elizalieth. 3. The Adoration of the Magi. 4. The Presentation of Christ in tlio Temple. 5. The Purification of the Virgin. 6. King David Praying. 7. Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and St. Rlizabeth. 8. 'I'he Descent of the Holy Ghost. Catalogue of Rare Books 51 Magnificent Binding by Clovis Eve. 161. ILLUMINATED VELLl.M MANUSCRIPT. Horae Ma- riae Beatae \'irginis. Charming Fifteenth Century Manuscript of French Origin. Beautifully written in Latin on 116 leaves of very fine vellum, very richly embellished with hundreds of Large and Small Illuminated Initial Letters on burnished gold grounds ; with graceful Arabesque bor- ders of Flowers, Foliage, and bVuit and 9 magnificent full-page Minia- tures enclosed within full-page Arabesciue Borders. Small 8vo, contem- porary smooth brown morocco, the sides and back entirely covered with beautiful gold tooling "aux petits fers" by Clovis Eve. Soec. XV. 750.00 A very charming liulc 1)ook of pra\'ers in a superb Fifteenth Century Binding. On the fore cover in the centre oval arc the initials L. O. I. S. and on the under cover I. U. B. E. R. T. See IHustration. Superb MS. Bible Dated 1425. 162. ILLUMINATED VELLUM MANUSCRIPT. Biblia Sacra Latina. Manuscript on vcUum li'rittcii in bold Gothic characters, double columns, zi'ifh a large nunibcr of initials finely painted in red-and-blue, and ornamental semi-borders beautifully painted in blue and carmine, on 222 leaves. Folio, full dark brown morocco extra, the sides gilt with fleurons, gilt edges. 1425. 750.oo A superb manuscript Bible, commencing with the Proverbs and continuing to the end of the Apocalypse. At the end there is the scribe's note, in which he says that this manuscript was completed on Christmas Eve, 1425. The name of the scribe, according to the note, is Jacobus Prymkonaw. Dated and sii^iicd MS. Bibles of this period arc exceedingly rare. English Manuscript Bible of the Fourteenth Century. 163. ILLUMINATED VELLU:\I MANUSCRIPT. Biblia Sacra Latina. Manuscript beautifully written in Latin by a Fourteenth Cen- tury English Monk, of the entire Bible, on 484 leaves of the finest uterine vellum, in luinute Gothic letters, double columns, 49 lines in each. Ornamented throughout with thousands of Initial Letters painted in Azure and Carmine. ]\lany of the Larger Initials are splendidly his- toriated, and contain ^Miniatures of the Saints on solid gold grounds. Small 4to, old red morocco. Soec. XIV. 600.00 Any Manuscripts of the entire Bible are scarce, but those of English Origin are superlatively rare. The above is a most desirable Specimen in unusually tine condition. A former Owner has written on fly leaf: ''Sir Thomas Delves gave me this. Robert Davics. May 16, 1706." Geo. D. Smith, .48 Wall St., N. Y. NEHIRO-IRINIUI A I A M I H E MASSINAHIGAN, Shatshegutsh, Mitinekapitsh, IsKUAMISKUTSH, NeTSHEKATSH, Misht', Assinitsh, Shekutimitsh, EkUANATSH, AsiiUABMUSHUANITSH, PlAKUAGAMITSH, Gaie mifll milll nehlro-iriniui AftfKitfK ka tatjits, ka kiicidfku aiamihatjits ka utftii. A^ + ^'M .\Li..\i)S A.vrj Lyrical Pieces. Bait., 181 1. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Phil., 181,^. Rokeby: a Poem. Phil.. 1813. Enclosed in two crimson morocco solander cases. From the W. H. Arnold collection, with bookplate. Manuscript Bound In. 168. IRNIXG. WASHINGTON. Wolfert's Roost, and other i)a- pers, now first colhcted. Illustrations by Darley. i2mo. half lilac crushed levant ex'ra. gilt top, with advertisements and cloth covers br.und in. Nev,- Yoidv, 1855. 3.S-00 Handsome copy of the first edition. With 2^ lines of Irving's original manu- script inserted, and which commences: "Drring the time of the French Revolu- tion, hearing a member of the French Emigres singing national songs, rntil the tears streamed down their cheeks," etc. 54 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. The Beautiful Colorado Edition. 169. 1R\' 1 XG, WASHINGTON. The Adventures of Captain Bon neville, l\ S. A., in the Rocky Monntains ami the Vivr West. From his Journal and various other Sources. \Vith numerous very fine plates of Indians, etc., on Japanese paper. 2 vols, royal 8vo, full light calf gold tooled with Trappers and Indian Emhlems, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1895. 25.00 * The Rare Colorado Edition limited to 100 iiuiiibered copies only. 170. JAPANESE ART. Audsley. The Ornamental Arts of Japan. Profiisciv illustrated 7i'itli fine full-page plates in gold and eolors and numerous text illnstratiuns. 4 vols, folio, tln-ee-quarter hrown morocco, cmhlematic ttiolings on the hacks, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1882-84. 120.00 The finest work ever issued on the Ornamental Arts of Japan. Painting, l~)ra\ving. Color-Printing, Embroidery, Textile Fabrics, Lacquer, Incrustecl Work, .Metal Work, Enamelling, Bronze Carving, Stone Carving, etc. Choice coi'V. Rare First Editions of Dr. Johnson. 171. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Irene. A Tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. 8vo, new three-quarter dark blue levant gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Baynton. London, R. Dodsley, 1749. 20.00 * First edition. Rare. A part of this tragedy was composed at Greenwich but it was begun and finished at Litchfield in 1736-37. In the latter year it was declined by Fleetwood- of Drury Lane, where twelve years later it was acted after Johnson, at darrick's request, had reluctantly revised the piece. The original manuscript is ill the British Museum. 172. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale. 2 vols. i2mo, original calf. London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1759. 37-5Q First Edition. Scarce. 173. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The False Alarm. 8vo, new full polished calf gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. London. Printed for T. Cadell, 1770. 15.00 * First Edition. Occasioned by the Expulsion of John Wilkes from the House of Commons. 174. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The Life of Samuel John.son with occasional remarks on his writings, an authentic copy of his will, and a Catalogue of his works. To which are added some papers written by Dr. Johnson in behalf of a late unfortunate character, never before published. 8vo, new full mottled calf extra, gilt top, by Riviere. Lon- don. Printed for G. Kearsley, 1785. i.S-OO * Fine copy, First Edition, Very Rare. Catalogue of Rare Books 55 175. JONES, RUL!I<:R r. riic Muses Gardin for Delights, or the First Book of Ay res, onely for the Lute, the Base-vyoU and the Voyce. Edited with an Introductit^n l)y W^illiam Barclay Squire from the unique Edition of 1610. Small 4to, original boards with paper label uncut, Oxford, 1901. 6.00 A privately printcfl iMlition from llonry Daniels' Oxford Press of this very Rare Collection of Songs of the Time of Queen I<".lizaheth and James I. Contains "Love is a Pretty Frenzie," "As I the Silly l<"ish Beguile," "My Love hath her true Love hetraide," and other beautiful Lyrics not to he found in other Anthologies. Extra-Illustrated. !/(.. JORDAN, MRS. The Eife of Mrs. Jordan, inclu.ling Orig- inal Private Correspondence, and Numerous Anecdotes of her Contempo- raries. By James Boadcn. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols., 8vo, fidl sk3'-blue crushed levant, with rich corner ornaments tooled with honey- suckle sprays, vase ornaments in centres, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout London, 1 831. 125.00 * An exceedingly handsome copy of the original and best edition of the standard life of the great actress. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of 105 por- traits, many in character of Mrs. Jordan and numerous other dramatic celebrities of the period, views, facsimiles, autographs, etc. Of the inserted prints about 50 are India proofs. 177. KEBLE, JOHN. The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays an 1 Holydays throughout the year. 2 vols. i2mo, full blue levant, gold and blind tcole 1, inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. Oxford. Printed by W. Baxter, 1827. 25.00 * First Edition. "Very rare. Illustrated by Burne- Jones. 178. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Golden Legend. By Jacobus de Voragine. Translated by William Caxton. Woodcut title, bor- ders and two large ^^^oodcuts designed by Sir E. Burne- Jones. 3 vols. 4to, original boards with holland backs and paper labels. London, 1892. 65.00 Only 500 copies printed. Very much sought after on account of the beautiful Burne-Jones illustrations including that of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. See Frontispiece of Catalogue. 179. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Syr Ysambrace. Edited by F. S. Ellis. With decorative woodcut frontispiece, title-page and initials ; printed in bl?ck and red. 8vo, full brown crushed levant, elaborately gilt tooled on back and sides, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf, Lon- don, 1897. _ _ 32.50 One of 350 copies. A most charming specimen of modern binding. 180. KIPLING, RUDYARD. Letters of Marque. 8vo, original red and blue cloth. Allahabad, 1891. 30.00 First Edition. Scarce. 56 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 181. KIPLING, RUDYARD. A Fleet in Being. Notes of two trips with the Channel S(|ua(lron. I2m(), full dark blue crushed le- vant finely gold tooled, gilt edges, original i)ictorial wrappers bound in by the Cr.UB Bindery. London. 1898. 22.50 First Edition. Choice cojjv. 182. KIPLTXG, Ri;i)\AKI). The Phantom 'Rickshaw and olher Tales. 8vo, half brown levant, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Allahabad, n. d. . 20.00 The genuiiK' firsl issue wiili "Kepi-inicil in cliic-f fn>iii the 'Week's News'" on the reverse of the title, iiiid uitli liie aiKcTtisenients. Fine Colored Botanical Work. 183. KNOWLES. G. r.., and W'ESCOTT, FREDERICK. The Ploral Cabinet, and ^Magazine of hlxotic Botany. With nkari.v 140 ExglTlSITl•:l.^ ((ii,oui:i) i'Lates. 3 vols. 4to, half green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lou Ion. 1837-40. i.S-OO Fixe cuv\. I^xtkemely scakce. Extra-Illustrated Copy. 184. LA l'"().\ PAINE'S TALILS. Imitated in English VT-rse. 2 vols, umo, full brown levant, full tooled backs, inside borders, gilt tops, uiicul. London. Privately ])rinted, 1814. 30.00 The rare and very curious Thomas Moore translation of these racy old French "Contes." Inserted is a set of the 62 vignettes, some very free, by Choffard. Very fine cop}'. 185. LA. Ml'., CHARLES. Poems, by S. T. Coleridge. To which are now added Poems by Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd. i2mo, half crimson crushed levant gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Stikemax. Bristol LriiUed l)y N. Biggs for J. Cottle, 1797. 20.00 * 'llie Second lulition containing eight sonnets by Charles Laml), the hrst issue liaving only four. Rare in fine aNCUT state like the present copy. Illustrated by William Blake. 1807. 186. LAMB, CLIARLES. Tales from Shakespeare. Designed f..r the Use of Young. Persons. Ijy Charles Lamb. With 20 character- istic copper ])lates l)y WtEi.iAM Bi.ake: 2 vols. T2mo, full red crushed levant, inside borders, gilt edges by Bkadstreets. London. Printed for Thomas Flodgkins, at the Juvenile Library. 1807. 225.00 * l-'irst iMlition. Very rare. Lamb wrote part of the ])reface and six of the Tales, King Lear, Timoii. Macl)eth, Romeo, TTandet, and Othello. The others were written by Mary Lamb. Othello was considered by Lamb as the best of his own part and Pericles the best of Mary Lamb's. Catalogue of Rare Books (57 187. l.AMi;. CII.\klJ':S. 'rin- I'.iJMU, An \nnual <>{ Literature and llie Arts. Mmiy />/('// v s"/('(7 ciu/rariih/s. 121110. ori^-inal crim- son slraighl-gTain morocco, j^'ih edf^v.s. London: I 'i<:kerjn<;\ 1828. 10.00 * Contains the I'irst Apin-aranoe of Lamb's "Verses for an Allium," .md also poems hy ColeridKe and ntliers. Lanil) said afterwards: "I die of al!)oi)liol)ia. T detest to appear in an Annual, 1 hate the paper, the type, the gloss, the dandy plates . . . If I take the winjjs of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, thLTe will Albums be." Fine First Editions of Lang's Books. iSS. L.\XG, ANDREW. l".alla(L and Lyrics of ( )ld lAaiice. witli other poems. 121110, original wliile cloili ^ilt, iinctit as issued. London. Longmans, 1872. 12.00 * The very scarce Idrst F.dition uf the Author's First Rook. 189. LANG, ANDREW. XXII I'.allads in I'.lno Lliina. 121110, half dark blue crushed levant gilt, gilt to]), nncut, original \vrai)])ers preserved, by Stikeman. London. 1880. 8.50 190. LANG. ANDREW. 'That Very Mab." i6iuo, original cloth, tinctit. London. 1885. 9.00 * Scarce. Large Paper Set in Magnificent Binding. 191. L.VXG, ANDREW, and JACOBS, JOSEPH. The l"amon.> "Hibliotheque c'e Carabas" series, comprising the Folk Lore Masterpieces of all Times. It includes: The Alost Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Done into English by William Ad- lington, with a discourse on the Fable by xAiidrew Lang, 1887. Euterpe, being the second book of the famous Historv of Herodotus. Englished I)y r.. R., 1584. Edited by Andrew Lang, '1888. The Earliest Engli.sh A'ersion of the Tables of Bidpai. "The ^forall Philosophic of Doni," by Sir Thomas North, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs, 1888. The Tables of Aesop, as first i)rinted by William Caxton, in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs; 2 vols., 1889. The Aftis of Cains J\derins Catullus, translated into Englisb Verse, with Dissertations on the ]\Iyth of Attis, on the origin of Tree Wor.ship and on the Galliambie Metre, by Grant Aiken, 1892. PlutarcJi's Roniane Questions, translated A.D., 1603, by Pliil- emon Holland, now again edited b\- Frank P>. Jevons, with dissertations on Italian cults, m}-ths, taboos, etc.. 1892. 'The Secret Coinnioineealth of Elves, Tauus. and Tairies, a Study in lV)lk-Lore and Psychical Re- search ; the text by Robert Kirk and Comment by Andrew Lang, 1893. 58 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. A Pliiloloyical Essay Coiiccniuuj the Pyyinics of the Ancients, by Ed- ward Tyson, now edited with an introdnction, treating of the Pigmy Races and Fairy Tales, by i>. C. A. Windle, 1894. Barlaaiii and Josaphat; Englisli Lives of lUuldha, edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs, 1896. Each of ihe volumes illustrated with beatitiful etchings, in two proof states. Together, 10 vols. Royal 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, backs richly ornamented, gilt to])s, uncut, inside borders with original covers bound in, by the Club Bindery. London, 1887-1896. 125.00 .\ii extremely tine set of this valuaJjle and important publication. All Lakge I'ai'kk Copies — only 60 of each vveke printed. 192. LANG, ANDREW. Theocritus, Bion and Moschus, ren- dered into English ])rose w^th an introdtictory Essay by A. Lang. 8vo. original cloth, ttncut. London. 1889. 4.50 * l""irst i{(lition. (Jnly 250 copies of this Large Paper edition were printed. 193. LANG, ANDREW. The Dead Leman, and other Tales from the French. i2mo, cloth gilt. London. 1889. 3.50 194. LANG, ANDREW. The Blue Poetry Book. Numerous il- lustrations by H. J. Ford and Lancelot Speed. i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. London. 1891. 5.00 * Fine cojjy, as new. 195. LANG, ANDREW. Angling Sketches. IVith 3 etchings and numerous drawings by IV. C. Burn-Murdoch. 8vo, cloth gilt top, uncut. London. 1891. 3.50 196. LANG, ANDREW. A Monk of Fife. A Romance of the i'ays of Jeanne D'Arc. Done into English from the MS in the Scots College of Ratisbon. Frontispiece. i2mo, cloth. London and N. Y. 1895. 2.50 197. LANG, ANDREW. The Pleasures of Literature and the Solace of Books. Compiled by Jost])h Shaylor. Introduction by Andrew Lang. With Frontispiece. i'6mo, cloth gilt. London. 1898. 1.50 History of Sign-Boards. 198. LARWOOD, J. and HOTTEN. J. C. The History of Sign ■"^oards. from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. With 100 curious Tllustrations and colored Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, original half green iTiorocco, gilt top, uncut. London. Hotten. 1867. lo.oo * A SCM^CF Lakhf Paper Copy, with 72 extra nlates. of which onlv too were 'Tinted. The i1UT=*rations inrhide Historic Sirens. Sif^ns of Animals and Monsters. p.iVrts qnd_ Fo\y1q Fishes and Insects, Bililical Signs, Puns and Rehuses, Humorous and Comic Signs. Catalogue of Rare Books rJt\LlSltCB By -W" CliKRK .'llJ7» iCrSACHMLUF. STilUEI. AND WH s. ORR * C r/a£HJ«JSTKR ROW. LONDOl'. No. 199 Complete Set of Lever's First Editions. 199. LEVER, CHARLES. Complete set of the First Editions of Lever's Famous Novels with all the "Phiz" and Cruikshank plates. In all volumes the original pictorial wrappers or cloth covers are bound in. Together 55 vols., i2mo and i6mo, full light green levant, backs tooled with Shamrocks, inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Dublin and London, 1839-1879. 900.00 * The finest and most perfect ^et ever ofifered for sale. See Illustrations. Co Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. With the Plates of Indians by De Bry. 199A. LAS CASAS, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Narratio Regionvm liidicarvm i)cr llispanos Ovosdam dcnastatarnm Verissima ; prius qui- deni per E])isc()pum Bartliolomeuin Casaiini, iiatione Hispanuni His- ])aiiice conscripta, & Anno 1551. Hispali, Hispanice. Anno vero hoc, [598. Latine cxcusa. Ill iisf rated icitlt c'lr^raz'cd title and sevcitfccii fine copper plates by Idieodare de f>ry. 4to, full polished calf, gilt. Francofvrli Suniptilnis Theodori de llry, & loannis Saurii typis. Anno, 1598. ' 55.00 *./» cxicllciit ci'fy nf fliis first and best edition, and the most vatuahlc. Bishop de las Casas aeeonihuiiied Coltiiutms on tiis seeond -I'liyir^e la America in 1493. He is kiioien as t!ie ".l/^osfle of the Indians'' and -rvas tlie first person lo receive con- secration lo I'riest's Order in the Colonies. The engravings faithfully depict the unspeakable cruelties of the Spaniards towards the Indians, men, women, and children. 200. LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD; HA^'ES, ALFRED, and GALE, NORMAN. A Fellowship in Song. i2nio, fnll crimson crush- ed levant, delicately and gracefully tooled on back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, by Tout. Rug1)y and London. 1893. i5-00 First Edition. Scarce. Very Choice Colored Copy of Gil Bias. 201. LE SAGE, ALAIN RENE. The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillana. Newly translated by Martin Smart. Embellished with TOO copper plates by Tomlinson, all bcantifnlly colored by hand. 4 vols. i2mo, new full crimson levant, finely gold toe led gilt tops, tmcut, by Wool). London, 1807. 125.OO * .\ Rare and P..'autiful Set. A Rare French Life of Lincoln. 203. LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln. Sa Jeunesse et sa Vie Poli- ti(|ue. Ilisto're de IWljolition de TEsclavage aux Etats-Unis. Par .llphonse Jciian'i. Scarce Portrait engraved by Baid)ant, after Ronjat. i2mo, half l;rown morocco, gilt. Paris, 1875. 6.00 l'\'ir rarer than ihe uSS^ Edition. 204. LL\COLN. Abraham Lincoln. I ly Charles G. Leland ( "Hans Breitman" ). Woodcut ])ortrait. i2nio, cloth. London, Marcus Ward, 1879. 5.00 hirst Edition. The ".\"ew Plutarch" series. Very scarce. 205. LL\C( )LN. Liticohi's (h-ave. liy Maurice Th(iiui)S()n. Title- jjage printed in red and ])lack. i6mo, original boards uncut. Cam- bridge, 1894. 5.00 First Edition. Only 450 copies i)rinted. This fine Poem was written hy an ex-Con federate Soldier, Catalogue of Rare Books 6i Colored Miniatures. 2or,. TJ\RE D'AMOUR; on, I'..lastrcries du Vieux Temps. En- yravcd title colored by hand. i2m(i, in tlie original pictorial boards, gilt edges, with the original slip case in which it was issued, i'aris. L. Janet, s. d. (ca. 1820). ii;.oo A charming little volume containiiio- selections from Villi m. Alain Chartier, element Alarot, Froissart, Marguerite of Navarre, Martial of Paris, Pierre Ron- sard and other writers of the XIV. to XVT. century. Prettily illustrated with 6 full-page plates within Gothic architectural horders, delicatel\- colored and luiL;Iil ened with gold, like miniatures. Very rare. Author's Letter About the Book. 207. LONGFELLOW", IL W. Hy])erioii : a Roiuancc, by the autlior of Otitre-Mer. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards with paper labels, uncut. New York. Sanutel Colmati, 1839. loo.oo First Edition and the lirst of Longfellow's work written in his Cani])ridge Home, Craigie House. Laid in is an exceedingly interesting and long Autograph Letter from Longfellow to George W. Greene, giving him his own opinion of Hyperion and of its reception by the Critics. He says: "I have been rending asunder some of the Boston cobwebs of prejudice . . . by publishing a strange kind of a book which I have the audacity to call a Romance. The Boston papers are very savai^c, and abuse me slioctiiuiily : for all of which I am very glad; inasmuch as it proves to me that the book is i^ODd. ... It has had a iine run and a large edition sold in a few weeks. I haye row in Press a volume of poems, under title 'Voices of the Night," containing all I have written since my residence here — some of my earlier pieces and some translations. Hyperion is as nuich a Romance as Childe Harold or the Roman de la Rose. "T shall send you a copy of the book as soon as I can find an opportunit}-." 208. LONGFELLOW, 11. W". ZENDRINL BERNARDINO. Prime Poesie (1859-71). i2mo, I'nll blue crushed levant luorocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original cover bound in, gilt toj), uncut, by pRADSTRiiETS. Padova, 1871. 3.S-00 * LoNGFEiJ.ow's COPV. with his autograph signature on the original ]):iper coyer, and with jiresentation inscription by Zendrini on the fly leaf: "A f^oiv^fcllozv in scij,nii ct'antica e profonda a)iiinirazione ranti'rc. Palermo, 14 Mar::o, 1877." Con- tains long poem entitled "Excelsior." 209. LONG ISLx-\ND. History of Long island; containitig an Account of the Discovery and Settlement ; with other hnpcrtant and interesting Matters to the Present Time. By Benjamin F. Thomi^son. ll'itli 2 plates. 8vo, original cloth. New \"ork, 1839. i6.oo * b'ar scarcer, and containing nuich \;duable mat'.er. not included in the later two volume edition 2TO. LOULS NIV. ART. The Century of Louis XFv'. Its Arts, Its Ideas. From the French of Fmile liourgeois, by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Richly illustrated with 22 copper-plate portraits of the Kiiuj and his 62 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. Court, and about /5 ful/-pa(/c plates and test vignettes. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, 1895. 12.00 The most comprehensive work on French Art in the Seventeenth Century ever produced. Out of Print and Scarce. First Edition With Fine Original MS Poem. 2TT. LOVER, SAMl'EL. TLtndy Andy: a Tale of Irish Life. \\ ith 24 higlily humorotis illustrations by the Author. 8vo, original pictorial clotli. uncut. London, 1842. 3S-0^ * Very fine copy of the Rare l-'irst [".dilidn with a reniarkalily ciiaraclcristic antograpli poem of 50 Hnes laid in entitled "I'lic Lay of an Irish Miiistrrl," written throughout and signed in full by .Sanuiel Lover. Commences : (Air — '\\my Croker.") "When whisper came In friendship's name Across the wave careering. That Dublin's Earl And Denmark's pearl For Innisfall were steering. '&• To everj^ heart It did impart A joy as rare as thrilling, Tho' pen he weak Such joy to speak, The spirit's more than willing Oh! Old Frin! That home of hearts — Sweet Erin! A kindly deed Will fmd its meed F"orever in Old Erin ! " Elt, etc. First Edition of Lowell's First Book. 212. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. Class Poem. 8vo, original \vra])])ers. luicut. Cambridge, 1838. 4.S-00 First Edition. 'I'he author's Hrst se])arate pulilication of which only 50 copies were privately printed for distribution amongst the members of (he class. 213. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. A Year's Life. i2mo, original boards, uncut, witli the ])a]X'r lal)el. Boston, 1841. 30.00 * The author's ru^sr V(;I.c^^•; or pokms, containuig many of his early poems that have never been reprinted. Ver}' rare. 214. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. Poems. i2mo, original boards, uncut. Camljridge, 1844. 45.00 i'ir^t l'"dilion. Presen'ation cojiy from the autlior. with inscription on iialf- title, reading, "E. II. l^)artol from hers v\cv more. jany. iH4_i." hi II. liartol was the daughter of Lowell's friend, the Rev. L'yrus .\ugusus liartol. l'".nclosed in full crim'^oll crushed levant morocco solander case. Catalogue of Rare Books 63 215. LOW^ELL. JAMES RUSSELL. The Vision of Sir Launfal. i2mo, original glazed boards, nncut. Cambridge. 1848. 27.50 * First Edition. Rare in original boards. Enclosed in dark red crushed levant case, b}- Bradstreets. I "wrrj? LONDON CHAPMAN 3: HALL 193 rICCATHLLIf No. 2x6 Unique Copy With Original Drawings by "Phiz." 216. AIAYHEW, AUGUSTUS. Paved with Gobi, or the Romance and Reality of the London Streets. An unfashionable Novel. With 26 spirited Illustrations by "Phiz." 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. Chap- man and Llall, 1858. 250.00 First Edition. Willi the original drawings for tbe title-page and three other plates laid in. See IlJuslralion. 64 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 217. MAYHEW, HORACE. Model A\onicn and Children— Chaiii^v for a Sliillini;'. ^^'ill^ numerous ver}- humorous illustrations by nine. 2 vols. iSmo, half red moroeco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London. Uogue n. d. 4.50 * thirst Edition. 218. MARRIAGE RITES, Customs and Ceremonies, of the Na- tions of the Universe. By Lady Augusta IIa.mh-ton. With the two curinu,-, plates of "An Italian Mother IJargaining for the Concubinage of her Daughter" and the "Roiiiaii Pricsf at Confession." 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1822. 6.50 * Very rare, especially wiUi the two plates. Contains many reniarkahly cnrions details on the Marriage Customs of the North American Indians. 219. MEXICO L\ 1827. By II. G. W. Ward, British Chai-ge d'Affaires in that Country in 1 825-6-7. Illustrated with 2 large folding maps, 13 fine af|uatint and lithographic plates, and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, half dark calf neat. London, 1828. 12.50 * .\ masterly account of the Spanish Colonial System, the Revolutionary Events from 1808 to 1824. Iturbide's Rise and Eall, Religion, The Mining System, etc., etc. 220. MEXICO AS IT WAS and as it is. By Brantz Mayer, U. S. Secretary of Legation to that Country in 1841-2. IVith numerous fuU-j^iUjc viezvs, iUnsfrations of Arjtcc and other antiquities, IndioM relies, ete. 8vo, half l^rown morocco. New York. 1844. 6.00 *(iiici(l ciipy. Scarce. Excessively Rare Shakespeareana. 22 [. MikkOR FOR MAGISTRATES. A Mirour for Magis- trates: l)eing true Chronicle Historic of the untimely falles of such unfortiniate Princes and men of note, as have happened since the first entrance of I5rute into this Hand, untill this our latter age. Newly enlarged with a last part, called A Winter Night's Vision, being an addition of such Tragedies, especially famous, as are exempted in the formor I listorie, with a Poem ainiexed, called England's Eliza. 4to, full red levant, gilt, gilt edges by Bradstreet. London, imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1610. 125.00 E.xcessively Rare. This edition is the most complete, as it incorporates all the three earlier parts of the "Mirror for Magistrates" into one volume, and con- tains in addition ".\ Winter Night's Vision and Enoland's Eliza," written by the Editor, Richard Nicols. The work has been largely drawn upon by the Elizabethan and Seventeenth Centurv poets and dramatists. Tt enters particularly into the Shakespeare Library. He is presumed to be indebted to the piece "JIoiv Queen Cordeki in Despair Slezv Herself," in his play of "Kiuf^ Lear" ; and among the many poetical narratives included in the volume are these: "IJfc and Death of .fiilins Caesar," "The Unfortunate Life and Death of King John." "Trai^ieal Life and Death of Riehard lU" and others, All of Direct Sha\'espeareaii hiterest. Catalogue of Rare Books 65 Engravings by Cornelius Galle. 222. MISSALE ROMANUM, ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitntum, Pii V. Pont. Max. iussn edituni et Clcmentis VIIT. auctoritate recognitum. Title. 10 very fine full-page plates and 10 beautiful borders in compartments, all first impressions, engraved by Cornelius Galle, and numerous woodcut initials. Large folio, half vel- lum. Colonise Agrippin?e, 1629. 37- 50 Sumptuous Work on Early Missals. 223. MISSALS, 1480-1600. Les Missels Imprimes a Venise de 1481 a 1600. Description — Illustration — Bibliographie. I'ar Ic Due de Rivoli. Full-page plates and 250 woodcuts. The original five parts with printed wrappers bound in. Folio three-quarter light green le- vant, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreets. Paris, 1894. 40.00 * Of this beautiful work only 310 copies were printed for subscribers. An in- dispensable Reference Work for the Collector of these Beautiful Books. With Colored Plates by Cruikshank. 224. NAPOLEON. The Life of Napoleon, a Hudibrastic poem in Fifteen Cantos by Doctor Syntax. With 30 highly spirited colored Caricatures, by George Cruikshank. 8vo, new full crimson crushed levant, richly gold tooled with Napoleonic Emblems, gilt top, uncut, by Wood. London. T. Tegg. 1815. 85.00 * The rare First Edition in very handsome Binding. See Illustration. 225. NAPOLEON. Memoirs of Emanuel Augustus Dieudonne Count de Las Casas, communicated by Himself. Comprising a letter from Count de Las Casas at St. Helena to Lucien Bonaparte, giving a faithful account of the Voyage of Napoleon to St. Helena, his Resi- dence, Alanner of Living and Treatment on that Island. 8vo, boards, uncut. London. 1818. 6.50 Scarce. 226. NAPOLEON. The Book of Fate, formerly in the posses- sion of Napoleon, late Emperor of France; and now first rendered into English from an Ancient Egyptian jNIanuscript found in 1801 by M. Sonnini in one of the Royal Tombs. 8vo, new half olive calf, gilt top, uncut. London, 1824. 10.00 Rare. Contains a 34-page introduction on the ancient Oracles, the writings of Balaspis, etc. 227. NAPOLEON. .The History of Napoleon the First. By P. Lanfrey. 4 vols. 8vo, fine copy in wdiole polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, MacMillan 1871-79. 35-00 * First Edition. Very choice set of this scarce work. 66 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. No. 228 228. NAPOLEON. The Life of Napoleon, by William Hazlitt, 6 vols. ; Memoirs of Napoleon, by M. de Bourrienne, 4 vols. ; Memoirs of Madame Junot, Duchesse D'Abrantes, 6 vols.; Memoirs of Talley- rand, 5 vols. In all 21 vols. 8vo, handsomely bound in full mottled leather, red leather labels an sides containing vignette portrait of the Emperor, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London. H. S. Nichols Co., n. d. 85.00 * Fine and totally unused set of the handsome Malmaison Edition, lim- ited to 250 copies. The various works included in the series are beautifully illus- trated with full-page engraved plates, some of which are printed in colors, while others are colored b}- hand, the interior plates being on vellum paper. A valuable library, comprising the best and most entertaining Memoirs on the subject, the volumes being printed in good type, handsomely bound and finely illus- trated with a variety of appropriate historical portraits, views, scenes, etc. Very fine copy of this costly edition. Catalogue of Rare Books 67 The Rare City Laws of 1749. 229. NEW YORK. Laws, Statutes and Constitutions or- dained, made and established by the Mayor, Recorder, Alder- men and assistants of the City of New York, convened in Common Council for the Good Rule and Government of the Inhabitants and Residents of the said City. Published the 27th day of January, and the First day of February in the 22nd year of the Reign of our Sov- ereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc., Annogue Domini 1748. And in the Mayoralty of Edward Holland, Esq. To which is added an Appendix, containing Extracts of sundry Acts of the Gen- eral Assembly of the Colony of New York, immediately relating to the good Government of the said City and Corporation. Folio, un- bound. New York. Printed and sold by J. Parker at the New Printing OfiEice, in Bever Street. 1749. 325-00 * An excessively rare and valuap.le Old New York City item. There is no Record of any Copy ever having been sold at auction. Only two other Copies are Known to exist one in the New York Historical Society Library and the other in the Lenox Library. The only other Collections of New York City Laws printed during the i8th Century are those of 1707, 1719, I73i, I774. 1/86, 1793- Upper inner corner slightly damaged. ^o^ Laws of New York, 1691-1751. 230. NEW YORK. Laws of New York from the year 1691 to 175 1 inclusive. Published according to an act of the General As- sembly. Folio, original sheep. New York. Printed by James Parker, printer to the Governiueut. at the New Priiitiiig Oificc in Beaver Street, 1752. . 3000 * Rare edition compiled by William Livingston and William Smith, Jun. Somewhat time-stained and small pieces torn from several margins, but perfect copy with index. 231. NEW YORK, 18 1 2. Laws and Ordinances ordained and es- tablished by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of New York for the good rule and government of the inhabitants and residents of the said city, passed during the mayoralty of De Witt Clinton. To which are added the Health Laws of the State of New York. 8vo, original sheep. New York. 18 12. 5-00 * Scarce. Label of its former owner, "Jacob Radcliff, Esq.," on sides. Very Rare New York Book. 232. NEW YORK. The Rejected Addresses: Together with the Prize Address, presented for the Prize Medal, offered for the Best ad- dress, on the Opening of the New Park Theatre in the City of New York. Engraved view of the Interior Park Theatre. i6mo, original boards, uncut. New York. 1821. 18.00 Very scarce in original boards, uncut, and specially so with flic fine view of the interior of the Park Theatre. 68 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 233. NEW YORK. Description of the City of New York; containing its population, institutions, commerce, manufactures, public buildings, courts of justice, places of amusement, etc. With a brief ac- count of its first settlement by the Dutch in 1629 and of the most re- markable events which have occurred in its history, from that to the present time. By James Hardie, i2mo, original sheep. New York. 1827. 12.00 * Particularly interesting for its picture of the city during the Revolution, its description of the city streets and the public amusements. 234. NEW YORK. Lost Chapters Recovered from the Early History of Methodism. Hy J. !>. Wakeley. Portraits and fine vieivs of the old Methodist chureh in John Street^ Nezv Amsterdam, in 1656, the pnrehase of Manhattan Ishind, the second and third John Street chnreJies, Trinity, Duane street parsonage, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York. Printed for the author, 1858. 4.00 * r*"ull of early New York historical matter, and scarce. Fine copy. 235. NEW YORK. The Iconography of the Battery and Castle Gar- den. By William L. Andrews. Colored frontispiece, the Van Dyk folding plan and other illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, tnicut. New York, 1901. I7-.SO * Only 13s copies printed on hand made paper. A Rare Irish Genealogy. 236. O'BRIENS, THE. Historical Memoir of the O'Briens. With Notes. Appendix and a Genealogical Table of their several Branches. Compiled from tlie Irish Annalists by John O'Donoghue. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Dublin. Hodges, Smith Co., i860. 12.00 So scarce that only one copy, according to Prices Current, has ever been sold at Auction when in 1893 it brought £2.8.0. 237. PARIS LIFE. "Fleurs du Persil." Par Paul Devaux-Mousk. With 10 tinted portraits of the Celebrities of the Demi-Monde and face- tious borders in gold and colors on every page. 8vo, original printed silk covers, uncut. Paris, 1887. i.S-OO *A highly original and realisitc account of Paris high life, most charmingly illustrated. The Rare Originals of Blaise Pascal's Famous Letters. 238. PASCAL, BLAISE. Lettres escrites a un Provincial par un de ses amis sus le sujet des Disputes presentes de La Sorbonne. 4to, vellum. Paris 23 Jan., 1656-Dec. 4, 1656. 75-00 * The rare original numbers as they appeared from time to time throughout the year. They were printed secretly in Paris and perhaps also in Vendome and in many cases as many as six or seven editions were printed simultaneously or in rai)id succession, it is very difficult to ol)tain the original Editions of these famous Letters, but no good Library rich in the masteri'ieces of French Literature can Catalogue of Rare Books 69 afford to dispense with a copy, as in every succeeding Edition some changes were made o soften down the asperity of the first. In the Locker Lampson Catalogue he adds to he description of his copy the following note: "In reading Pascal Mohere. and Voltaire, it is most curious to note how unwittingly the Jesuits handed to their great pupils the weapons of Logical discrimination and dialectical agihty with which they themselves were eveiituallv to he demolished Pascai knew the Jesuits hy their writings best, hut MoLiiiRE had been educated at the Cof lege de Clermont, and Voltaire at Louis Le Grand, and so the last two had come into frequent personal contact with them. In the case of Voltaire and Moliere it was their torrent of Ridicule which shifted the Jesuits in inextinguishahlc huKditcr In that of Pascal it was his pure intellectual power and the lash of his- logical -uif "' Specially interesting copy from the Lihrarv of The Abbey of St Gernriin I'Auxerrois whose Bells had given the signal for the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 239. PATER. WALTER. Miscellaneoii.s Studies. A Series of Essays. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1895. 10.00 * First Edition. Contents: Prosper Merimee, Raphael, Pascal. Art Xotes in North Italy, Notre Dame D'Amiens, Vezelay. Apollo in Picardy. The Child in the House, Emerald Uthwart, and Diaphaneite. Contains Chronological List of Pater's writings. Extra-Illustrated. 240. PAULDING. JAMES K. Literary Life of James K. Pauld- ing, compiled by his son; William L Paulding. One volume extended to two by the insertion of 50 fine engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1867. 3.S-oo First Edition. Contains very fine portraits of the members of the Paulding Family. Irving, Halleck, Washington, Franklin, Charles Carroll, "The Capture of Andre," Bryant, and others, together with interesting views of the Hudson River. 18th Century English Engravings. 241. PENMANSHIP. The Universal Penman. Engraved by George Bickham. A superb work, containing over 200 Une copper en- graved plates of beautiful examples of penmanship, ivith numerous graceful vignettes. The text consists of various interesting selections from well-known writers and of special letters. New half sprinkled calf, yellow edges. London, 1743. 20.00 A most interesting item, valuable as giving specimens of fine penmanship in the Middle Eighteenth Century, and because of the numerous engraved plates. Very fine copy. Very Rare Pennsylvania Imprint. 242. PENNSYLVANIA, 1783-87. The Algerine Spy in Pennsyl- vania: or Letters written by a Native of Algiers on the Affairs of the U. S. in America from the close of the year 1783 to the Meeting of the Convention. i2mo, original sheep. Philadelphia. Prichard and Hall, 1787. . i.S-OO * An extremely rare and curious satire upon Pennsylvanian politics of the period. No copy in the large Pennypacker library. Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. No. 243A. Pctit-Radel The Only Copy Printed on Vellum. 243A. PETJT-RADl'LL, 1\ Dc Amoribus Pancharitis et Zoroae, Poenia Erotic-on, sen Umbratica Lucubratio dc cnltu Wmcris, Mileto olim peracto, ut Amathuntei Mysta Sacelli subdiixit et vnlgavit Athenis. With a very charming frontispiece of the Venus of Milo, Cupids and the ( iraces. 8vo, original French calf gilt. Parisiis, apud Molini, via Dicta Mignon, 1798. 4.S-00 The only copy printed on Vellum of these very rare Erotic poems. See Il- lustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 71 A Rare Engraved Book. 243. PERRAULT, CHARLES. Contes du Temps Passe. Con- tenant Les Fees, le petit Chaperon-Rouge, Barbe-Bleue, le Chat botte, la Belle au bois dormant. Ccndrillon, le Petit-Poucet, Riquet a la Houppe et Peau-d'Ane. Precede d'une notice Litteraire sur Charles Perrault. par M. E. De La Bedolierre. Illustres par M. M. Panquet, Marvy, Jeancon, Jacque et Beauce. Texte grave par M. Blanchard. 8vo, three- quarter blue levant gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris: L. Curmer, 1843. 25.00 Fine copy of the vcrj' rare first impression of the engraved edition; a portrait of Perrault has been inserted. One of the most beautiful and sought for French Books of the 19th Century. 244. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. De Remediis utriusque For- tunae. Medallion portrait of Petrarch on title. i6mo, full green crushed levant, gilt edges, n. p. : Esaias le Preux, 1616. 10.00 Rare miniature edition. 245. PHILLIPS, STEPHEN. Ulysses. A Drama in a Prologue and three Acts. i2mo, three-quarter olive green levant gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1902. 5.00 * First Edition. Choice copy. 246. PHYSIOGNOMY. Cefalogia Fisonomica divisa in dieci Deche, dove conforme a documenti d'Aristotile e d'altri Filosofi Naturali, con brevi discorsi, e diligenti asservatione si esaminano le Fisonomie. Di Cornelio Ghirardelli. With 100 curious woodcut physiognomical por- traits each within elaborate borders. Small 4to, original calf. Bologna, 1670 15.00 Curious and scarce. Contemporary autograph of Francis Drake on fly leaf. 247. PINDz^R. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia Pindari, Cae- terorum octo Lyricorum carmina, Alcaei, Sapphus, Stesichori, Ibyci, Anacreontis, Bacchylidis, Simonidis, Alcmanis, nonulla etiam aliorum (graece et latine). 24mo, full blue levant extra gilt, gilt edges. Ebroduni: ex Societatis Helvet. Cald., 1624. 7.50 Books from the Press of the "Societe Helvetiale Caldoresque" of Yverdun (Switzerland) are very rare. 248. PORTRAITS. Ritratti et Elogii di Capitani Illustri. Dedi- cati all Altezza Serenissima di Francesco d'EsxE, Duca di Modona. With 128 fine copper plate portraits engraved by Pompilio Lotti. Small 4to, old brown morocco. Rome. 1636. 16.00 * A very rare series including admirable portraits of Columbus, Barbarossa, Tamerlane, Francesco Sforza, Georgio Castriotto, Sigismondo Malatesta, Vir- GiNio Orsino, Cesar Borgia. Gaston de Foix, Ferdinand of Spain, IMaximillian, Marc Antonio Coloxxa . Francis I. of France, Charles V., Andrea Doria, Alexander Farnese, Henry of Navarre^ and many other famous Captains. 72 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. ! i 1 s I r ) I K r MANON LESCAUT No. 249 Superb Copy of Manon Lescaut. 249. PREVOST, L'ABBE. Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux. Preface de Guy de Maupassant. With 12 large and beautiful etchings by Louis Ruct and 22^ vignettes and ornamental head-pieces by Jules Huyot, after the designs of Maurice Leloir. 4to, full heliotrope crushed levant, finely gold tooled, inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. Paris: Launctte, 1885. 125.00 * One of 40 copies on Japan paper with all the beautiful etchings in FOUR PROOF states, oiic Set being on white satin ; also, with an extra set of the vignettes inserted and with a spirited water color drawing by Maurice Leloir on THE half-title. See Illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 73 Fine Works on English China. 249A. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Crisp, F. A. Armo- rial China. A Catalogue of Chinese Porcelain, with Coals of Arms. 12 very fine plates, in gold and colors. 4to, half vellum, gilt top, un- cut. London. Privately printed, 1907. 20.00 Only 150 copies printed. The plates represent some particularly l)cautiful specimens of Old English China, 'ihe appendix cmitains a very useful Index to the Mottoes and Index to the Arms. 250. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Lowestoft China Factory, and the Moulds found there in December, 1902. With 21 fine full- page plates of the Factory and its Wares. Catalogue of Lo\vi:st(jft China in the possession of Frederick A. Crisp. With 16 full-page plates in colors of Mugs, Teapots, Bottles, Birth Tablets, etc., 2 vols. 4to, half vellum gilt top, uncut. London. Privately printed at the press of F. A. Crisp. 1907. 30.00 * Only 150 sets printed. The Lowestoft China Factory was founded in 1757 and the works were closed in 1803. as the change from wood to coal for firing made it impossible for the Southern China factories to compete with those of the Midlands. Rare Folk Lore Beautifully Printed in Colors. 252. QUEEN OF THE FISHES: an adaptation in English of a Fairy Tale of Valois. By ]\Iargaret Rush. With charming colored cuts by Pissarro. i2mo. vellum. Epping: Essex, 1894. 25.00 A beautiful little volume from the Eragny Press. 253. RAMSAY, ALLAN. The Ever Green, being a Collec- tion of Scots Poems, wrote by the Ingenious before 1600. 2 vols. i2mo, full light green levant prettily gold and blind tooled with a Flower and Leaf design, gilt edges, by Toof. Edinburgh. 1724. 30.00 * The Rare First Edition of this Famous Collection in beautiful binding. 254. REACH, ANGUS. The Natural History of "Bores"— The Natural History of "Humbugs" With numerous very amusing illits- trations by Henning and Hine. 2 vols. 181110, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original pictorial covers bound in. London. Bogue 1847. +50 255. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL. Ballads and Sonnets. 8vo, ornamental cloth, uncut. London, 1881. 3.S-00 First Edition. Scarce. With an autograph letter of Rossetti, signed in initials, inserted, addressed to "My dear Knewstul)." The Charles B. Foote copy with his fine book-plate by E. D. "French. r^ Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. No. 256 Illustrated by Turner and Stothard. 256. ROGERS, SAMUEL, and CAMPBELL, THOMAS. Italy and poems by Samuel Rogers. 2 vols. — The Poetical JVorks of Thomas Caiiipbell. I vol. Each volume superbly illustrated with numerous vignettes engraved by Finden and Goodall after Turner's and Stothard's famous designs. Together 3 vols. 8vo, full green crushed levant, with gold tooled centre pieces and angle ornaments, full tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout. London, 1830-1834-1837. 85.00 First Editions of the three most exquisitely illustrated English books of the Nineteenth Century. See Illustration. The Rare Kelmscott Rossetti. 258. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL. Ballads and Narrative Poems. Printed in red and black. 8vo, pigskin with borders round sides and full lettering, in blind tooling, similar to the engraved title, quite uncut. London, The Kelmscott Press, 1893. 65.00 One of the scarcest and most desirable of the William Morris's Kelmscott issues. Colored Caricatures by Rowlandson. 259. ROWLANDSON. Poetical Sketches of Scarborough. Illus- trated by 21 colored engravings of Humorous Subjects etched by T. Rowlandson. 8vo, crimson crushed levant, richly gold tooled on sides and back, gilt top, uncut, by Root. London. Ackermann, 181 3. 42.50 * First ]'"diti()n of one of the Finest of Rowhmdson and Ackermann's Colored Books. Catalogue of Rare Books 75 260. ROWLANDSON. The Dance of Life, a Poem. By Wm. Combe. With 25 Fine colored plates by Rowlandson. 8vo, half dark green levant, gilt top, by Bayntun. London, 1817. 55-00 * The Rare First Edition. Contains the leaf of Advertisement at end. 261. ROWLANDSON. The Three Tours of Doctor Syntax, In Search of the Picturesque, In Search of a Wife and In Search of Con- solation. IVith 80 full-page colored plates by Rozvlandson. 3 vols. 8vo, new half crimson levant, gilt tops, by C. Walters. London, n. d. 30.00 * Very fine set. 262. SAPPHO. Memoir, Text and a Literal Translation by Henry T. Wharton. Portrait and plates. i2mo, half green crushed levant, gilt top, uncut. London, 1895. 10.00 * Choice copy. Very scarce. Presentation Copy from Goethe. 263. SCHILLER. William Tell. A Dramatic Poem. Translated from the German of Schiller by T. C. Banfield, i2mo, original boards, uncut. London, 1831. 50.00 First Edition. Presentation copy on hand-made paper given by Goethe to his daughter Ottilia with her autograph inscription inside cover, "Gcschcnk des Vatcrs Ottilia von Goethe." Complete Set of the Rare First Editions. .263A. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. The Waverley Novels. Complete set of the First Editions of each work. 78 vols. 8vo, new three-quarter maroon levant, gold tooled backs, gilt edges. Edinburgli, 1808-1832. 650.00 * An extremely fine set of First Editions of these famous Novels. The "Waverley" alone has sold for $800 in the original boards. 264. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Waverly; or 'Tis Sixty Years Since. 3 vols. i2mo, full crimson morocco, richly tooled backs, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1814. 100.00 The extremely rare First Edition of Scott's first and most famous historical novel. Witchcraft Book from Sir Walter Scott's Library. 265. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Demonolatria Nicolai Ramigii. Libri tres. Ex Judiciis capitalibus non-gentorum plus minus hominum, qui sortilegii crimen intra annos quindecim in Lotharingia capite luerunt. Small folio, original vellum. Lugduni, in Officina Vincentii, 1595. 65.00 * Autograph signature of Sir Walter .Scott on title-page and also that of 76 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. Charles Kirkpatrick Sliarpe, the noted Antiquarian, who, under his name, has added "I'kom Sir Wai.tkk Scott, 1824." A very interesting volume undoubtedly consulteil by Scott whilst comijosing his "Demonolooy and Witchcraft." On fly leaf is also written "Abbotsford Library." The work itself is one of the most remarkable of the many Witchcraft Books of the period. The Author's Own Copy With MS. Notes. 266. SCOTT, SIR WAT.TER. Rob Roy. With steel frontis- pieces and vignette titles. 2 vols. i2nio, full niarot)n morocco gilt, gilt edges. Edinburgh. Cadell & Co., 1830. 150.00 Unique. Sir Walter's own Copy in which, in Vol. I. he has inserted a very spirited and finely finished pencil drawing of the Hero of the Book and one of his Highlanders. The Introduction contains at various places the Author's Manu- script Notes neatly written on the Alargins showing the Corrections and Addi- tions he wished to appear in lUack's Edition of 1852. Together with a short folding note from a Correspondent of Scott's, sending him information about the Celebrated Scotch Outlaw Rob Rov. This is initialled and dated by Scott, "JV. S. 1829." See Illustration. 267. SHAKESPEARE'S KATHARINE AND PETRUCHIO. A Comedy taken by David Garrick from the Taming of the Shrew. Illus- trated with original designs by Robert Cruikshank. \^^ith Introduc- tory Remarks. i2mo, new three-quarter dark green levant. London, 1838. 9.00 * The First Cruikshank Edition. Fine Copy. Very Scarce. Eugene Field's Shakespeare. 268. SHAKESPEARE. The Complete Works of William Shake- speare. Edited by W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright. With a copious glossary and index to familiar passages, etc. Stout 121110, original cloth. New York, 1880. 40.00 With presentation inscription on title-page, "Slason Thompson from his Friend. Eugene Field, Christmas. 1884," the same being repeated on fly leaf. See Illustration. The Beautifully Printed Vale Press Editions. 260. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Works. With woodcuts, borders and decorations by Charles Ricketts. 39 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1900-3. 60.00 I'ine Set. The Rare Kelmscott Edition. 270. SHAKESPEARE. The Poems of William Shakespeare, printed after the Original Copies of Venus and Adorns, 1593^ -L^e Kape of Lucrece, 1594. Sonnets, 1609. The Lover's Complamt. 8vo, original limp vellum, with tiepieces, uncut. London. The Kelmscott Press, i893- * ^ 50.00 * Only a small Edition printed and now very rare. Catalogue of Rare Books T] v3 ^ '4 1 s>> 't ^ \ Lvvi INTRODUCTION TO V- I vfNtlie tenants, tiiking especial care to retain the ^\Oi -^ casli.* N ^^•'^. ^ S V, s:^ Other pranks arc told of Rob, whicli ai-f^ue ^ "j ^*> the same boldness and sas^aclty as the seizure ^ 3 ^ of Killcarn. The J)uke of Montrose, weary ^ '^j of liis insolence, procured a quantity of arms, 5 ^ Ci' and distributed them amonj^ his tenantry, in "V V order tliat they miirjit defend themselves ^ ^ v^ a«;ainst future violences. . But they fell into V ^ ^ different hands from those they wdre intended ■^. - for. The JNIacGrcffors made separate attacks Nv '^ on the houses of the tenants, find disarmed "^ ^ '■ . ., , . them all one after another, not, as was sup- i V \^ posed, without the consent of many of the per- ''^ ^ NJ sons so disjiriiicd. 5 i^ '^\i As a j2pi-eat ]>art of tlie Duke's rents were ^ ^ . v:^, payable in kind, there were girnels (granaries) \^ ^ r established for storino^ up the corn at Moulin, • ^i ' and elsewhere on the Buclianan estate. To ^ \\; ^ these storehouses Rob Roy used to repair wltli ■ "^ a sufficient force, and of course when he was ti least expected, and insist upon the delivery of ^ Oi O '^ .X quantities of grain, sometimes for his own use, and sometimes for the assistance of the country V • 1 Ik .' • Tlic reader -^vill iiml tu-o original letters of the Duke of ,W\^^, j\Ioritn>se, with tliut wliich I\Ir Gi-;ih:ijn of Kille.ini di>jjutch- .,v ^ ■ ed from his prison-house by tlie Oiuiaw's command, in tlie "^J ^ Ajipenilix, No. JI. ^^. "^ "■^' ', . < ■ /^■.■.•- /^-V-A-v C*/^Ut.*-.i Clt'-f.^t^ ^■^ f* Ci^\^ No. 266. Scolfs Rob Roy with MS. Notes ^/S Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. Xo. 26(S. I'lugcne Field's Shakespeare 271. SHAKESPEARE. The Tempest. A Comedy, profusely illus- trated with highly original designs by Robert Anning Bell. Tall 8vo, pictorial cloth, uncut. London, 1901. c qo * First Edition. As new. Rackham's Illustrations. 272. SHAKESPE.ARE. A Midsummer Night's Dream. By Wil- liam Shakespeare. With nninerous very beantiftd colored plates by Arthur Rackhain. 4U). vellum gilt, uncut". Lundun, 1908. 27.00 Limited Edition. Very scarce. 273. SIII*^- TuiiMy No. 280. "Lewis Anuulcl" No. 280 With Five Drawings by "Phiz." 280. SAIEDT.EY, FRANK E. Ecwis Arundel; or the Railroad of Life. \\'ith 42 tine full-page etchings by "Phiz." 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London. Virtue. 1852. • 185.00 First Edition. Very fine copy witli live of the very clever original drawings for the illustrations by "Phiz" laid in. See Illustration. With Original Drawing by "Phiz." 281. SMEDLEY, FRANK E. The Fortunes of the Colville Family; or a Cloud and its Silver Lining: a Christmas Story. Illus- trated hy 'T// /.::." I Jino, original clotli gilt, uncut. Lf^ndon 1853. 50.00 * First Edition. Laid in' is the original crayon drawing by "Phiz" for the very fine engraved title-page. See Illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 8i With Original Drawing. 282. SAIEDLEY, FRANK E. Harry Coverdale's Courtship, and all that came of it. With numerous characteristic full-page etchings by "Phi::." 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London. Virtue n. d. 65.00 First Edition. I-'iiic coi)y. Tiiscrlcd is a spirited poii and ink drawing by "Phiz," being liis original design for the plate of "The CajHure." Sec IlUistration. ■<- tHV>-:i - »■_. 1"^ No. 281. Smedley No. 282. Smedley 82 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. Fine Historical Documents Relating to the Society of the Cincinnati. 1802-1804. 283. SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATL A Collection of Nine- teen Autograph Letters, Signed Documents, Printed Addresses, etc., form- ing a complete contemporary Account of the movement originated by the New York Society of the Cincinnati, for the purpose of erecting a Statue to General Washington. The Documents are the Original Records kept by the Secretary of the Committee and constitute a most interesting and equally valuable source of Historical Information. Hand- somely bound together in a new crimson crushed levant case. New York, 1892-4. 200.00 The Collection includes the Original Minutes of the First Meeting of the Society at which the Officers were elected and contains the names of the 36 gentlemen present, including Alexander Hamilton, the President, Nicholas Fish. Col. Varick, Doctor Linn, Doctor Bard, Andrcxv JVliite, John Sanford, John Law- rence, L. Loomis, Leonard Bleecker and many other equally well known New York residents. The Autograph includes the names of Matheiv Clarkson, James Fairlic, Major Jolin Siagfi, the Secretary, a fine Autograph letter from C. W. Peale, the Artist, reconunending Mr. Eckstein, the Sculptor, for the purpose of executing the Statue. Also letters from John ]\Iurray, John Eckstein, William Rush, Col. Nicholas Fish, with Minutes of Meetings and a four-page folio Broadside con- taining the decisions of the Committee of the New York State Society of Cincin- nati to erect the Statue and their Address to the Inhabitants of New York appealing to their Patriotism to come forward as Subscribers. 284. SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. A Discourse on the Dignity and Excellence of the Human Character, illustrated in the Life of Gen. George Washington, in commemoration of the Afllictive Event of his Death. By Ends Hitchcock, Member of the Society of the Cin- cinnati. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Providence: John Carter, 1800. 6.50 * Rare. 285. SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Discourse delivered at the Request of the American Revolution Society and the State So- ciety of the Cincinnati, on the Death of Gen. Christopher Gadsden, Sept. 10, 1805. By Nathaniel Bowen, A. M., Rector of Saint Michaels and Member of the American Revolution Society. Published by the Re- (|uest of the two Societies. 8vo, sewed. Charleston, S. C. 1805. 6.50 286. SOITTH AMERICA. Juan and Ulloo. Voyages historique de I'Amerique meridionale fait par ordre du Roi d'Espagne. Ouvrage contenant une histoirc des Yncas du Perou et les observations astrono- miques et physiques pour determiner la figure et la grandeur de la terre. Numerous plates, including several fine ones of Costumes, Ceremonies, their Ships, Palaces, Temples, Tombs, Vieivs, etc., engraved by Folkema; maps and plans. 2 vols. 4to calf. Amsterdam, 1752. 15.00 * Good sound copy of these richly illustrated Old Voyages. The last chapters contain an account of the Capture of Louisbourg from the French, its Cod iMsheries. the Origin and Progress of the Colony of Boston and of the Province of Newfoundland. Catalogue of Rare Books 83 Southey's Annotated Copy for the Press. 287. SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Palmcrin of England.— The Fa- mous History of the noble and valiant Prince Palmerin of Eng- land — declaring his birth and Prince Florian Du Desart — the course of their lives — IN pursuing knightly adventures and doing incomparable deeds of chivalry — Translated out of French by A. M. Two parts, extended to three volumes. Small 4to, full olive mo- rocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1664. 200.00 * The copy used by the poet Robert Southey in makinl; his English edition, published in iso/. interleaved with 4/3 leaves of writing paper, on WHICH Southey has written his corrections and interpolations. Many correc- tions AND directions TO THE PRINTER ARE ALSO WRITTEN ON THE MARGINS OF THE text and THE EXCISIONS POINTED OUT. INSERTED IS A MS. NOTE STATING THAT THIS COPY WAS A GIFT FROM JOHN PaYNE CoLLIER. Palmerin of England was written by Don Luis de Hertado, and is ranked as one of the best of the Romances of Chivalr}' of the type of Amadis de Gaul. When Cervantes described the Cure burning" the romances of Don Quixote he expressly excepts Pahnerin of England, declaring that it shall be put among the relics of antiquity for the excellence of its composition and adventures. Many English authors have praised it, and Keats classed it among his favorite books. See Il- lustration. flifPALMIRIM ofEngUttd. cytitwBit l x y l B n a ttTtr i ttpt B t |>fn> t ijtii ' Itl it i i ^' l^Cftin^Bnot rteUiCure to «uhc tbfmanpwrftutr > bctaufc n)fifen/£'T >^U^- . f^ «^ « p/^ f « nnt fffim t a b i nocr pou , iiut mnmit pou all tb?gto tlicit Ciftre. i^J. c^Ai^i,^ lb (<...\srT /^ i^Uf U^r-^ iruf •^■^^'^ tions.to tobom pou art liEBt. ttbc'Knigbt tob»b-b«*^«ft*Wl l_'^^ a.<-wfi-\ib- cL,c InJ-tt. {^u^^ i^r^eu u-^i: (^-^-"Lrii*. B cliwon B lroimtrat^ g.noCawttt bebeln tbe otbft tiao.but b« ^a^/ y^t/i ^ *« Lif A^/ Uti &^«.^ a>' ^ 4. ^'a'-^^/, p?crcHtlphaemt^nn | tl ) f anftt ii o t a llctt F 9 rrobi- e cl:,ana t bc v^J^ ul ^c^ (*^ -^U- -^ "^"^ ■ ''^'' '^ ^^'''"^'■^ nttffr Gciitatorc.t be p bein g betb Pircfnnrn nfn iffp ii H trr o t e tb e- - ^i' , / -/ / y^h & i&cy«^ a«^tbcmcaurcDbimuottotakcbtsraiC.fo?tunc lol^wrtilP, ■)y- k, tn. 'viriim , frf^ '^ j -jj*- "• -'^^ tluDe«togii)efl)fiimaUftoU)e8T tbcit arjju^rwatningtbdn ^r^rn^aa 9 ^^ Crufajsra .f(}nOriiin CO toTillBtjjBTfbfie (Jf ntcnce, af tenuarD tbcp ta>k U.ibe nrtbeCcmrt. Sht garpa te it dwb, tefoje ann mo?e tpoings faniejt»^e Spanitt?CoiirtWffo!othtfetb?« Sntgjttg, mljofcnt W <£f^atre, taiftclate rtnr aaills to Bing Recin' ftal of tbe nio. balf lr\ant morocco gilt, gilt tops. London, 1807. 20.00 I'^irst edition. 288. SPAIN. Traile des Droits dc la RcNiic rrcs-Chrcslirnnc .svr Diver.s Estats, de la IVIonarchie d'Espagne. i6mo, original vellum. Paris 1667. S-OO * The claim set np 1)y Spain in its proceedings to take possession of, and establish its Government in the Netherlands. The very rare Elzevir Edition. Unique Extra-Illustrated Copy. 289. SF'ORT. An Academy for Grown Horsemen, containing the Completest Instrtictions in Walking, Trotting', Cantering, Galloping, Stumbling and Tumbling. IJ^ith portrait of the author, and it spirited stipple full-page phites by Dickinson, after Henry PJU^'^.^R^■, also, AN- NALS OF HORSEMANSHIP, containing Accounts of Accidental Ex- periments, :md Experimental Accidents, both successful and unsuccess- ful. Ulth \y spirited stipple full-page plates after Henry Bunbury. Folio full russia, gilt edges. London 1788-91. " 50.00 * ExTK.A ILLUSTRATED WITH .\ SERiKS OF SPORTING PL.\TES (all Original impres- sions") BY Bunbury. Unique Copy of this famous oi.n sroRTixr, volume, with specially fine impressions of all the plates. With Colored Plates by Rowlmdson. 290. SPORT. Annals of Sporting by Calep. Quizem, Esq., and his various Correspondents. With folding colored frontispiece by Row- LANDSON after Buneurv, and 26 humorous colored Caricatures. i2mo, new full crimson levant finely gold tooled, gilt top, uncut, by Root. Lon- don. Tegg. 1809. 4.S-00 * ()rij>inal Edition of this very Rare Old Ent;lish .Sporting Book in licautiful binding. 291. SPORT. Fair Diana. By "Wanderer." With 22 fine col- ored sporting plates and many humorous text Illustrations by G. I')Owers. 8vo, original pictorial cloth gilt. London. I'.radburv, Agnew & Co. 1884. ' 6.50 * Eirst Edition. Einc copy. 292. SPORT. Fox FTunting. Observations on Fox Hunting and the Management of Hounds in the Kennel and the Meld. Ad- dressed to A Young Nobleman, al)out to undertake a Hunting Es- tablishment. By Colonel Cook. 8vo, half ])olished calf extra, gilt top, uncut. London 1826. 40.00 Imkst 1u)ition of one of Tine rarest books on English fox hunting. Con- tains portrait of Meynell, the founder of the famous Pack, nanud after him, por- trait of "Jasper," lired 1)y Lord Egremont, Lists of Hounds with their Sires anrj Dams, in the Althorp, Anson, Beaufort, Berkeley, Brocklcsliy, Delamere, Grafton, and cither Packs. Catalogue of Rare Books Fine Gosden Binding. 85 293. SPORT, llai-e Hunting. The Art and the Pleasures of Hare Hunting. In six letters to a person of Quality, liy John Siiiall- man Gardiner. 8vo, contemporary straight-grained green morocco with blind tooled Ijorders on sides. Foxes' Heads at each corner; a Shooter with his Dog in centre of each cover and Clasp with Hunting Bugle on inside margin of each cover, blind tooled back, pink Hnings and fly leaves, gilt edges. London. R. Griffiths, 1750. 90.00 * An uncomnionly interesting specimen of a Gostk-n Sporting Binding. A MS. note in contemporary hand says of the book itself, "Very scarce, Picckford having industriously destroyed the copies before the appearance of his book on the subject." From the Frederic Perkins hl)rary with his l)ookplate. See Illus- tration. No. 293. Gosden Binding. 294. SPORT. Hillingdon Hall, or The Cockney Squire. A Tale of Country Life. I!y R. S. Suktkks. With 12 very clever colored plates by Wildrake, Heath and lellicoe. 8vo, original brown cloth, gilt, London. 1888. i8-00 * First Edition. An exceptionally fine copy. S6 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 295. SPORT. Slipper's A. B. C. of Fox-Hunting by E. Somcr- villc, M. F. H. Joint Author of "Some Experiences of an Irish R. M." and "A Patrick Day's Hunt." With 26 full-page humorous colored Hunting plates. Folio, pictorial cloth. London. 1903. 7.50 * Fine cop}'. Dedicated to the West Carbery Hounds. 296. SPORT. The Coaching Age. By Stanley Harris. "An Old Stager." Dedicated to the Road Club. With 16 spirited full-page plates of Coaching Incidents by John Sturgess. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1885. 8.50 * First Edition, now very scarce. Choice copy. 297. SPORT. The History and Art of Horsemanship. By Rich- ard Berenger, Gentleman of the Horse to His Majesty. With 16 large and fine copper plate engravings. 2 vols. 4to, original calf neat. Lon- don. 1771. i.S-OO * The rare First Edition. 298. SPORT. The Horses of the Sahara, and the Manners of the Desert. By Gen. E. Daumas. With Commentaries by the Emir Abd-El-Kader. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London 1863. 6.00 t The best work on the Arab Horse. Also contains very interesting chapters on Hawking, the Desert Camel and Sheen, Ostriches, the Greyhound, etc. 299. SPORT. The Hunter. A Discourse of Horsemanship ; di- recting the right way to breed, keep and train a Horse, for ordinary Hunting, and Plates. Small 8vo, full brown calf gilt, gilt edges. Ox- ford, 1685. 20.00 Rare. 300. SPORT. The Pictorial Gallery of English Race Horses; including portraits of all the Winning Plorses of the Derby, Oaks and St. Leger during the last thirteen years ; and a History of the Prin- cipal Operations of the Turf ; Sketches of some of its most dis- tinguished Members. By "IVildrakc." Illustrated by 75 fine steel por- traits of Famous Horses after paintings by Cooper, Herring, and others. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London. 1844. 25.00 * Very fine Copy of this rare English Horse Book. Written bv George Tattersall. 301. SPORT. The Sportsman's Directory or Park and Game- keeper's Companion, containing Instntctions for Breeding, Feeding and Breaking Dogs, Hunting and Cruising, Shooting, Fishing, Preserving Game, Decoys, Breeding Pheasants, Partridges, Pigeons, Rabbits, etc. With 50 valuable Recipes. By John Mayer, Gamekeeper. Fine frontis- piece. i2mo, boards, uncut. London. 1819. 3.50 Catalogue of Rare Books 87 302. SPORT. Traite do la Chasse des principaux animaux, qui habitent les Forets et les Canipa.q,ncs. Tels que le Cerf, le Daim, lo Chevreuil, le Bouquetin, le Blaireau, Ic Lievre, la Marmote. Par M. Buchola. i2mo, half dark brown morocco neat. Paris, about 1775. 6.50 * Contains a very interesting glossary of Old French Hunting terms and some marvellous recipes for the attraction of game. With the Beaufoy Library Book- plate. 303. STEVENSON, MATHEW. Occasions Ofif-sprlng, or Poems upon Severall Occasions. i2mo, full marbled calf, gilt, edges gilt on the rough, by Riviere. London for Henry Twyford, 1654. 12.00 * Very Scarce. From the Foote Hhrary with book-plate. Black Letter English Chronicle. 304. STOW, JOHN. The Abridgement of the English Chron- icle. First collected by ]\I. John Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, unto the end. of the yeare 1610. By E. H. (Edmund Howes). 8vo, full russia gilt, panels of brown and dark brown rus- sia, with blind tooled ornaments on the sides, blind tooled back, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Roger Payne. London. 161 1. 20.00 * Fine copy. 305. SURTEES, R. S. "Plain or Ringlets?" With Frontis- piece and 12 very humorous colored sporting plates and many amusing w^oodcuts by Johx Leech. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London. i860. 25.00 * First Edition. Rare. With Fine Colored Plates. 306. SWIFT, JONATHAN. A Tale of a Tub, written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To which is added an Account of a Battle between the Ancient and Modern Books in St. James' Library. \\\t\\ frontispiece and 6 very clever colored etchings by Rhodes after Thurston. 8vo, new full sprinkled calf gilt, inside bor- ders, rough edges, gilt, by Riviere. London. Tegg. 181 1. 18.00 * First Edition. 307. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. Unpublished \'erses 1866. 8vo, full blue crushed levant, inside gold scroll borders, gilt top, uncut, bv the Club Bindery. Privately printed. iS-OO * First Edition. According to Richard Heme Shepherd no more than \> copies were printed. 308. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. In the Album of Adah Menken. "Dolorida." Thin 8vo, full blue crushed levant, ni- side gold scroll borders, gilt top, uncut, by the Ci.ub Binder v. Pri- vately printed. 1883. LS-OO * First Edition. Extremely rare. 88 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. 309. 'ri':XXll-:L"S JLLL'STRATIONS. I'micirs Pocket-bo.)k l(M- 1873, containing a Calendar. Cash Account. Diary and Memoranda for every day in the \'ear. With humorous colored frontispiece and title- page and mnnerous very clever iUustrations by Joirx TiiXNii:r.. CiiAuiJis Kkkm-: AM) Li.VLKv Samboi'km-:. iSnio, limp morocco, gilt edges. London. Punch Office. 1873. 5.00 * l-'irst Edition. Unique Tennyson Autograph. 310. 'IM^XNYSON, ALFRED. 'L'he Princess. i2mo, original clutli, uncut. London, Moxon. 1847. 90.00 * Unique first edition. H.'Wing seven lines of the iikst kkait wkitikx by TiiK author. Inserted opposite the printed version. In l)ook IV, p. 68, the printed version reads: "While down the streams that buoy each separate craft To the issue, goes, like glittering bergs of ice. Throne after throne, and niohcn on the waste Becomes a cloud ; for all things serve their time Toward that great \-ear of equal mights and rights. Nor would I fight with iron laws, in the end I'ound golden ; let the past be past ; let be Their cancell'd Babels; thtj' the rough kex break The starr'd mosaic, and the wild goat hang." 'J'llK OKI(;iN.\L MANUSCRU=T READS: "While down the stream that buoys each separate craft To the issue, goes, like glittering bergs of ice Throne after throne & molten on the waste Becomes a cloud; they served their time and went; Nor would I light with iron law; let be The cancell'd Babels : tho' the roup-h kex lireak The starr'd mosaic &- the wild goat hang." See Illustration. Xo. JIG. Tennys(jii Manuscript Catalogue of Rare Books 8fj Very Fine Tennyson Letter. 311. TENNYSON, LORD. A. L. S. to Richanl n..yk-. the ar- tist, hiohly praising a painting he had received from liini. "Did I l)cg it as your letter seems to imply? It was very sliamcful and nevertheless I cannot be very repentant seeing that I have got it and that we are both so much pleased with it," and mentioning that he intended to have tlie picture engraved * * * "the next time you are here and we hope that ma}' be very soon. We have some com])inictiou in asking any one not an Aiiicricaii to come on so arduous a journey in winter." 2 pp. 8vo. Farringford 1856. 50.00 Very fine specimen. 312. TENNYSON, LORD. Harold: a Drama. Imust 1:1. n. i2mo, full crushed levant, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by the ,Club Bindery. London 1877. 12.00 313. TENNYSON. LORD. The Death of Oenone, Akbar's Dream, and other Poems. i2mo, full levant morocco extra, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, uncut, liy the Club Bindkrv. London 1892. 10.00 314. TENNYSON, LORD. The Foresters. i2mo, full levant, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by the Club Bindekv. London 1892. 10.00 315. TENNYSON, LORD. Poems ])y Two P.rothers. Small 8vo, full crushed levant, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by the Clui; Bindery. London 1893. 8.50 316. THACKERAY, W. M. \'anity Fair. A Novel without a Hero. — The History of Pendennis. — The Newcomes. — The Mrgin- ians. With numerous illustrations on steel and wood by the Author. 7 vols. 8vo, new full crimson cru.shed levant with "Cherul)" portrait of Thackeray in gold en covers and in back panels, gilt tops, uncut. London. Bradbury and Evans. 1848-58. 150.00 * First Editions of Thackeray's most famors .Vovcls in very rich Bindi;igs. See Illustration. * 317. THACKERAY, W. M. Vanity Fair. .K Novel without a Hero. With illustrations on steel and wood by the author. 8vo, full brown calf gilt, gilt edges. London, 1848. 4.S-00 First Edition, containing the suppressed woodcut of Lord Sleyne. Very line copy. See Illustration. 318. THACKERAY, ^^^ M. The Newcomes: Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family. Illustrations on steel and wood by Richard Doyle. In the 24 original parts, with all the wrappers and adver- tisements, uncut. London. Bradbury & Evans, 1853-5. 35-00 Copies in the original parts are rare. go Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. No. 316. Thackeray BRAOeuHr s EVANS, BOUVtRIE STREtT. Nos. 316, 317 319. THACKERAY, W. M. The Four Georges: Sketches of Manners, Alorals, Court, and Town Life. Full- page and text illustrations. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London. 1861. i.S-OO * First Edition. The Later issues appeared with only "The Four Georges" as tide. 320. THACKERAY, W. M. Denis Duval. A Novel. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, full levant, uncut. New York. 1864. 22.50 *']"nK KAKK Imrst Edition, Dublished throe years previous to the tirst Enghsh Edition, and containing Dickens's Fine "In Memoriam" Address on Thackeray, which did not appear in the English First Edition. 321. THACKERAY, W. M. Denis Duval, 121T10, original cloth, top edges uncut, and mainly unopened. London. 1867. 12.50 * Inrst Edition. Unusually fink copy. Scarce. 322. THACKERAY, W. M. The Orphan of Pimlico, and other Sketches, Fragments, and Drawings. W^ith some notes hy Anne Isa- hella Thackeray. 4to, original half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lon- don. Smith, Elder & Co. 1876. 5.00 * First Edition. Fine copy. Catalogue of Rare Books With Original Water-Color Drawing. 91 323. THEURIKT, ANDRE. Sons P.ois. illustrated with 78 very beauliflil woodcuts by Meaullc and others after Gfacomelli. i2mo, full light green crushed levant tooled with Leafy sprays and Rees, watercfl silk linings and fly leaves, gilt top, uncut by Stikeman. Paris. Con- qnet. 1883. SO-OO One of the most beautiful woodcut P.ooks ever produced in I'lMncc. Only 500 Copies printed and the P.locks destroyed. On the Hy leaf is a charming full-page water color drawing of a Forest scene with Figures, very delicately executed I v E. Chabod. See Illustration. No. 323. Theuriet The Babes in the Wood. 324. TRAGICAL HISTORY of the ChiMreti in the Wood. Con- tainiiig a true account of their unhappy Fate with the History of their Parents, and their unnatural Uncle. Interspersed wtth Instructive Mor- als With full-page frontispiece and 26 very quanit little woodcuts by Bewick. 241110, full brown calf extra, by W. Pratt. York, 1802. 10.00 An extremely scarce and interesting Bewick Book. Irap.A.Quantin No. 326. Uzanne Catalogue of Rare Books 93 No. U/.aiiiu The Fan and the Muff by Uzanne. 325. UZANNE, OCTAVE. L'Eventail. i;Onil)rellc. Le ^Tan- chon. Le Gant. With numerous very charniiui;- vis^nctles printed in various tints and many beautiful full-page plates in gold and colors by Paul Avril. 2 vols. 8vo, full crushed levant, with doublures inlaid with mosaic designs of Fans, Parasols and other similar lunblems, rough edges gilt, original silk bindings, preserved by Loktic. I'aris. Ouantin. 1882-1883. 175.00 * The rare First Issues of each Work in beautiful Bindings. 'I'lio Ilhistra- tions by Paul Avril rank among the finest specimens of Modern French .\rt and Taste. See Ilhistration. 326. UZANNE, OCTA\ !•:. Les I\l«urs Secretes ilu X\llle Siecle. Avec Notes, Index, etc. Finely etched Frontispiece and vi- gnette by Paul Avril. Royal Svo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1883. i7-50 * P"iKST Fdition of the r.'^rkst of Oct.wk Uz.\n.\'e's hooks. Onlj' a few copies printed on fine hanehnade paper. Contains the extremely curious "Confessions d'une Jeune Fille," "La Maison de Madame Gourdan," "La Secte .Anandryne" and other remarkable pieces on the Secret Morals of the Times. See Illustration. 94 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. ^.i-j. UZANNE, OCTAVE. Alemoires pour servir a la Vie de Al. Dc Voltaire, Ecrits par lui-meme. Publics par Un lUhliophile, with Portraits of Voltaire by Ficquet and ATme. Pompadour as "La Sultane." i2nio, full red crushetl levant, gilt back and sides in the style of Derome, with birds and butterflies, blue watered silk double and fly leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Samblancx — Weckesser. Paris, Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1886. 3.S-00 Edition of 60 copies. On China paper. A beautiful specimcii of bindiui? by Samblancx- Weckesser. 328. VIRGINIA. The History of the First Discovery and Settle- ment of \'irginia, being an Essay towards a General History of this Colony. By \ViLLrAi\T Stith, Rector of Hem-ico Parish, and one of the Governors of William and Alary College. 8vo, full sprinkled calf, richly gilt back, gilt edges. VVilliamsburc, ])rinted by William Parks, 1747. 50.00 * An unusually fine Copy of the First and Best Edition. On the fly leaf the Author has written "For Williaiii Kcir, Esq." The valuable original documents from which this History was compiled were since destroyed by Fire. The appendix contains a Collection of Charters relating to the period comorised in the Volume. Besides the Copious IMaterials of Stith the Author derived assistance from the Mauuscripts of Sir John Randolph his Uncle, and from the Records of the London Company put into his hands by Sir William Byrd, the president. Rare Set With the Moreau Plates. 329. VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS ATARIE AROUET DE. CEuvres Completes de Voltaire avec des avertissements et des Notes par Con- dorcet. imprimees aux frais de Beaumarchais par les Soins de M. Decroix. Portraits and niimcrous beautiful plates, after Moreau, by Baqiioy, Gutteuberg, Halbuu, Lei'eau, and others. 70 vols. 8vo, contemporary French calf, gilt edges. Kehl. De ITmprimerie de la Societe Litteraire Typographique, 1785-89. 125.00 * Beaumarchais established a print ing office at Kchl for the purpose of pub lishing this celebrated edition. He employed the beautiful Baskerville type, at that time a novel feature in Prance; had snecial paper manufactured; all in all he ex- pended upwards of three million francs on this elegant publication. Vol. 70 contains a Life of Voltaire, and a comolete index to the whole. 330. VOLTAIRE. The Works of Voltaire comprising General History, 7 vols. ; Philosophical Dictionary, 10 vols. ; Russian Empire, 2 vols. ; Romances, 3 vols. ; Dramas, 5 vols. ; Annals of the Empire, 2 vols ; Age of Louis XIV., 2 vols.; Charles XII., 2 vols.; The Maid of Orleans, 2 vols.; Poems, Essays, etc., etc. A Contemporary Version, with a Critique and Biography by John Morley ; Notes by Smollett, revised. New Translations by W^. F. Fleming and an Introduction by Oliver H. G. Leigh. IVith 168 fine full-page plates, of rare old engravings, steel plates, photogravures and curious facsimiles, mosti.y beautifully COLORED. Complete in 42 vols. 8vo, full morocco extra. St. Hubert Guild, 1901. 90.00 * FiXK, MMiTED Library EniTiox, handsomely bound in full crimsdu. light blue, russet, green, maroon, black and violet moroccos, back and front covers very elabo- rately decorated in gold and colors, with centrejijces, and borders. Catalogue of Rare Books 95 L _'l '^^^-frl'.."'. 'A- No. 330A. Walker Beauty in Woman. 330A. WALKER, ALEXANDER. Beauty : illustrated chiefly as an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Woman. Preceded by a Critical View of the general Hypotheses respecting Beauty, by Hume, Hogarth. Burke, Knight, Alison and others. Illustrated with a frontispiece antl 22 beautiful Nude Female Figures drawn from Life by Henrv Howakd. Royal 8vo, new three-quarter purple levant richly gold tooled, gilt top, uncut. London, 1846. 25.00 * Beautiful copy with fine India proof Impressions of the plates. See Illus- tration. 331. WALTON, IZAAK. The Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. To which are adtled autographs of those Eminent Men, now first collected; an index and illustrated notes. 8vo, full crushed olive brown levant morocco extra, panelled sides, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. London, 1825. _ 30.00 John Major's first edition. Beautiful copy with brilliant India proof impres- sions of the plates. Large paper copy. C.6 Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. ■t,^^2. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Extensively embellished witli engravings on copper and wood from original paintings and drawings by first-rate artists. 8vo, green levant beautifully inlaid on fore-cover and back, gilt edges. London, 1824. 60.00 Major's verv handsome ard scarce edition. The dcsien on the forecover repre- sents a river scene with a fisherman in a pnnt with hrilhant stmset effect in back- ground. Tn the execution of the design ten different colored levants have been einplovcd. .See TlhT^tration. 333. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; or The Contemplative Man's Recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Edited by John Major. Finely illustrated. Svo. fidl crushed brown levant morocco, gilt back, center ornament in panel, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. Boston: Little, Brown Co., 1866. 25.00 For this reprint of Major's 1S44 edition .the woodcuts have been re-engraved and are finer than those used in the English edition. The steel cngravhigs are from the original plates. There arc twelve of the one and 74 of the other. Only 100 copies printed. Presentation copy to J. Whitaker, Esq., with the kind regards of John Bartlett, .\uthor of "Familiar Quotations," who collected a fine Angling Li- brary, which he gave to Harvard University. 334. WARS OF FLANDERS. Histoire de la Guerre de Flandre, escrite en Latin par [•'amianus Strada. Alis en Francois par P. Du Rier. With many very fine copper-plate ])ortraits of Philip IL of Spain. William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, D'Avila. Governor of Antwerp, Comte d'Arcmberg, the Duke of Alba, Alexander Parnese, and others. 2 vols. Folio, old sprinkled calf neatly rel)acked. A Paris, chez Augustin Courbe, 1659-61. • i.S-oo Fine copy. Catalogue of Rare Books 97 335. WAR OF 1812. The American Mariners: or the Atlantic \''oyage. Prefixed is a Vindication of the American Character from the Aspersions of the Quarterly Revieii'ers. To which are added Naval A)inals or an i)npartial Summary of the Actions fought during the late War at Sea and on the Lakes, between the Ships of Great Britain and those of the U. S. of America. i6mo, original cloth, uncut, a littlt loose in binding. Salisbury, 1820. 7.00 * A very uncommon naval item. Fine clean copv inside. 336. WAR OF 1812. Historical Sketch of the Second War be- tween the U. S. of America and Great Britain declared by Act of Con- gress, June 18, 1812, and concluded by Peace, Feb. 15, 1815. By C. J. Ingersoll. 8vo, original cloth. I'hiladelphia, 1845. .S-OO * Contains a great number of important documents in regard to the legislation of the period in relation to the war. Scarce. Very Rare New Hampshire Item. 2)Z7- W'ASHINGTON. General Washington's Resignation and Address in a Circular Letter to the Honorable the President of the State of New Hampshire. Small 4to, 16 pp. sewed. .V. H. : Printed and to be sold at the Printing Office in Exeter, 178^. 27.50 * Extremely r.\re. Contemporary autograph of Samuel Chamberiin on title. 338. WASHINGTON. Memory of Washington, comprising a Sketch of his Life and Character and the National Testimonials of Respect. Also a collection of Eulogies and Orations. With a copious appendix. With the rare portrait of "Gen' I George Washington" en- graved by H.\MLix after E. S.wace. Small 8vo, original sheep. New- port, R. I.: Oliver Farnsworth, 1800. LS-OO * Very rare. 339. WASHINGTON. A Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington, who departed this Life at Mount \ ernon in "Virginia on the 14th of Dec, 1799, in the 68th year of his age. Delivered at the Request of Congress by Major-General Henry Lee. To which is sub- joined An Eulogy by Judge Minot. 8vo, sewed, uncut. London, 1800. 5.00 * A very rare English edition. Fine copy. 340. WASHINGTON. Eulogy on the Character of the late Gen. George Washington, delivered before the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, IMass., by Aaron Bancroft. 8vo, sewed. W^orcester, 1800. 4.00 * From the press of Isaiah Thomas, Jr., with his pretty woodcuts on title and first leaf. Nice copy. q8 b Geo. D. Smith, 48 Wall St., N. Y. No. 342. Watts Xo. 342. Watts Society of Iconophiles. 341. WASHINGTON'S RECEPTION by the Ladies of Trenton. Together with the Chorus sung as he passed under the Triumphal Arch raised on the Bridge over the Assunpink. April 21, 1789. With 4 plates, of The Trenton Arch. The Gray's Ferry Arch, Washington's Letters to the Ladies of Trenton and the Chorus set to Music. 4to, original wrap- pers, uncut. New York. Published l)y the Society of Iconophiles, 1903. 25.00 * Only 104 Copies printed. Author's Presentation Copy. 342. WATTS with other Poems. W. Finden, etc., other celebrated En red crusbed levant London, 1851. Presentation cop\- Inglis with the author ALARIC ALEXANDER. Lyrics of the Heart: 41 steel engravings by Greatbach, Miller, Wallis, after Stothard, Barret, Westall, Lawrence, and glish artists, all very brilliant impressions. 8vo, full morocco gilt, original covers bound in, gilt edges 3.S-00 from the author, with autograph inscription to "Sir Robert H. 's respectful comoliments. Alaric A. Watts." See Illustration. Catalogue of Rare Books 99 343- WHISTLER, JAMES McNElLL. Mr. Whistler's Ten O'clock. Small 4to, brown wrappers, nncnt. London, 1888. 10.00 * First cditiuii. Rare. 344. WHISTLER, JAMES McNEILL. 'Ihe Gentle Art of Mak- ing Enemies. Edited Ijv Sheridan Ford. i6mo, original gray wrappers, uncut. Paris. Delabrosse, 1890. 10.00 The very rare suppressed Paris Kditifni in fine unopened condition. 345. WHISTLER. JAMES McNEILL. Eden versus Whistler. The Baronet and the Butterfly. A Valentine with a Verdict. "Noblesse Abuse.'' Small 4to, gilt boards, with cloth back, uncut. Paris. Louis Henry May, 1899. 10.00 * Very tine copy. First Edition. 346. WHISTLICR. as I Knew Him. By Mortimer Menpes. With colored portrait of Whistler by Menpes and 125 very fine illustrations of Whistler's Works. 4to, cloth, uncut. London. A. and C. Black, 1904- 3250 * Limited Fdition de Luxe with Oriuinal Whistler Etching of 'The Menpes Children" never before printed. First issue now very rare. 347. WHISTLER, J. McNEILL. Whistler's Lithographs. The catalogue compiled by Thomas R. \\'ay. Second edition. Revised, with additional matter. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1905. 12.50 * Only 250 copies printed. 348. WILDE, OSCAR. The Ballad of Reading Gaol. By C. 3. 3. 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. London, 1899. 5.50 * "The cry of an agonized soul pent within a tortured body. It is a most extra- ordinary production, and aflfords to the keen observer some insight into the mental state of the writer. There are many feeble lines, many where fervent words clothe a trivial conceit, but there are also not a few burning thoughts expressed with a mournful dignity. The one class could never have been printed in W'ildc's fortunate days; they would have been scouted by his fastidious taste. The others needed shame and suffering as teachers before they could have been conceived." 349. WILDE, OSCAR. Salome : a Tragedy in One Act. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Londou, 1904. 8.50 * Illustrated with the Remarkable Scries of Designs by Aubrey Beardslev. Only 300 copies printed. 330. WILDE, OSC.XR. Aristo])hancs at Oxford. O. W. by Y. T. O. i2mo, printed wrappers, uncut. O.xford. n. d. 6.00 * First Edition. The authors in their preface say. "If questioned as to the motive of this production we can only rcplv that as far as we have any it is an honest dis- like for "Dorian Gray,' 'Salome.' 'The Yellow Book,' and the whole of the Erotic, Lackadaisical. Opiuni-cigarette Literature of the day. Our attack, however, is one on principles and not on persons." \ IOC , a Lvn of the Times Displayed, or 1 ^ ^p with a Form of Godliness, but deny- ing / _.^. I-- =0 University Research Libra ry I 1 a -a :ra -TZI 5 — 1 a « 1 a 1 s 1 a ~i 1 - -C }L---