LIBRARY University of California. Class €ASE PCITCIUfC ,-,"!?■ Cl)e CuHor iFacsimile Certs !?out!) Date of Earliest Known Edition {Fragment here included) ^ not earlier than 1528 \L.ambeth Palace Library\ Date of Original of this {^'' JValefs'') Edition, c. 1557 [B.M. Press-mark f C. 34, 3. 24] Date of Original of^^ Copland's " Edition (already issued), c. 1560 \^B.M. Press-mark^ C. 34, ^ 38 : also " Irisl find** bought by Quar'itch : also Bodleian^ Reproduced in Facsimile 1909 1 Do nth * '• ^"'I'etb rraoment %l)t Cutior jFacsimtle Ceytg Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER (i) Fragment of %pp» now preserved ifi Lambeth Palace Library \jtot earlier than 1528] (2) Waleys Editio7i [<;. 155 7] Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C: AND EDINBURGH MCMIX GENtiiAL |90Ut|) The present facsimiles of [i) the '■''Lambeth Palace Frag- ment'' of'-'- Touth^' and (2) the " Waley edition " of the same play, together with (3) the " Copland edition " [already issued in this series), comprise all known impressions of one of the most curious and interesting survivals of Early English Drama, It is suspected that other editions of this interlude were issued — probably there were five in all — though they are not now known to be extant. These three known editions form the subject of an exhaus- tive and valuable monograph by Professor W. Bang [of the University of Louvain) and Mr. R. B. M'-Kerrow in the twelfth volume of the series intituled " Materialien zur Kunde des alter en EngUschen Dramas'' I am indebted to this source : I have made use, in a summarised form, of material collected, of evidence sifted, of ascertained facts orderly arranged and precised, and of deductions resulting therefrom. Space (to say nothing of literary good manners) permits no more ; save, may-be to emphasise the completeness of research, the soundness of conclusion, and my indebtedness thereto. Still, I give but a summary : scholars must consult this authority in detail. Reference, I premise, has been made to my Introduction to the " Copland edition" of Youth " (" Tudor Facsimile Texts") wherein, amongst other matters, I related the circumstances attending the recovery of the " Lambeth fragment." 189307 The dates are uncertain^ both for the " Waley " and the " Copland^' editions — probably, however, c. 1557 and c, 1560 respectively are not far out. The " Lambeth fragment " is confidently ascribed " either to the press of Wynkyn de Worde, or of someone who came into possession of his type and wood- blocks after he ceased to print in 1535." On the other hand, it is certain that it was not printed earlier than 1 528. As regards the relationship of the texts, it is clearly shown in " Materialien " that one or more editions of this play have been lost ; that textually neither the " Waley " nor the " Copland^"* copies could have been printed from the " Lambeth fragment,^' either directly or by reversed descent ; that probably two editions have been lost, viz., a first edition from which the " Lambeth " and the " Lost edition No. 2 " were printed ; and, finally, that it was from the " Lost edition No. 2 " that both the " Waley " and the " Copland^^ copies were printed, the formula being somewhat as follows : — Original edition (No. i lost). Lambeth Copy (fragment) from Another edition (No. 2 lost), press of Wynkyn de Worde or successor, not earlier than 1528, though possibly a little later than 1535- Waley's edition (B.M.), Copland's edition (B.M.), c. 1557. '^' 1560. On equally good grounds Waley* s text is set down as nearer the original than Copland^ s, which, however, is more correctly printed than Waley s. Mr. y. A. Herbert of the Manuscript Department vi of the British Museum^ after comparing this facsimile of the " Waley " edition with the original^ says : — " // is excellently reproduced^ most of the slight defects to which I have called attention being probably unavoidable : none of them are of any real consequence T Mr. Fleming is to be congratulated also on the results obtained in respect to the " Lambeth fragment " of % pp. It so happens that the editors of the " Materia lien " series reproduced these pages in facsimile ; and, on comparison, a marked improvement will be observed in the present collotypes. Mr. Herbert specially criticises (Waley ed.) (i) A. ii, verso, " as rather too weak and wanting in sharpness " ; (2) A. iv, recto, last line, " no flaw in the last three words " ; (3) TB. it, recto, last line but one, " the stroke at end of line is not in original " ; (4) IB* 111, verso, and B. iv, recto, are both '■^printed a trifle too heavily,'^ " especially the flrst few lines of the latter " ; (5) C» 11, verso, " the set-ofl^ from the opposite pages comes out blacker here than in original, but that is probably unavoidable, and it only makes some letters somewhat less easy to read than in original — nothing is illegible.'" JOHN S. FARMER. Vll [i. Cije «S.ambet!) iFragment" of tlje 3}nterlttije of gouti)] C^mterlttDeofpottei^, r if^^jSt. "vV 7S '^•^ t^at {)tsf antKsS DVD fpito' -- ««-B,*W^'P«tPtt<«T9«youacfcnDe • * ^"aSEg-f g -i»^g»'- ')y,cncctt'U thmz maticgn ciiCt- mapnomattf^neDbe i^^' muf manctfitcljatitatc inftco maitct 3!amtl}cratc3itcUtlie ofl)cucutl)atiopfaUcpte Clicrc nuv tto mati ti^poer come 5taitofcl}autrl)emuftbaucrome £)z ft c map not come Ftt)F$ tuhtol;cucutl)ccpteofblpIIc Cftctfoicci)antctt)fto Djpiiftpmeafcc 3 ijuje foule it VovH ftpmmabe Z3cfojctftcfaceofgoD 3ntl)c ^.:3.C.of bobieg tftclctt 3;ti2( tt)irtm(Bcu!^cftantaiaf eft ) 3locl)aatei0 agrcattftpug^ fl)f all t)ertiicg it ig tfte fepnge TDftangoDmcrtftBjajJfterelpupnae ^ fPJF»3^^ fCiwugbtftcmpgDtof tftefteumfepnge ^ agnDaupjctte^tSatbe flisap fpngcno maffe U)itftout cftarpto- anDcljarptetotftcmtftcpDonottalie C^epmapnotreftpueftpmfDpuetftemm»« aittDaUtftijs^ajojlDeofnougi^t ^ ^ .^r tf ant ■^ ^ ^ ^p ]^ee reiis( rorall anD budl^eD t^pcbt S^V boDp piraunt a$ a ^afpu avcbe ^pne arme0 be botl^e bpgge anD (Itongc ill9p fpngcrje? be botl^e fnpze anD longe jpp c^eft bpgge a£^ a rmine :dl9P lrgge$ be full Ipgbt fojt to mmte Co ^oppe anD Daunce anD mai^e mecp Sptbe ma(re3ltecfeenotacl|ccp ID^atfoeuei;3Do 3 am tfte ft epje of all mp fattens lanDe 3inD It t$ come in to mv ftanDe 3!caeefcjnomo^c ^Tltt poufoDpfpofeD to Do (Co foloB^e bpce anD let Uxtm go Cpefp^euenCb jfojnoB) a Dapej^ fte ijsf not ret bp H)ttftoutbebebntft;pftp- Cpou baD ncDe to afbc goD mercp lUbP DpD pou fo pjiapfe poiic boDp e^WiV bnaue tt)t)at is tftat to tftc lUplte tbou let me to pzapfe mp boDp tdbP f^ulDc J not pjai^Ce it anD it be jooDlp 3liODpllnotletfoitbe CU)bat ©all it be mm tbou fljalte f iptte j=ro tbptDeltbeintotbepftte lDema&e mea fole Cljerfo^ecr^feenolenger ^ere Tlell 31 tafee pottbn^e ere 3nD mai^e p^ur beeb al(e I CS^pjit Metl) notmeto fpgl^t I jBeptfterbpDapenebpnpgtjt C^erfojeDobp mpcounfepie 31 Cape C^an to l^euen t^ou Q)$!itt l^aue ti^e SDap e.i^ ^n 31 tftF»^c PC ttjpll not fpgljt zguttotafeeamannei^puriJtnt^e npglit peBjpllnotfapenap rffoKwci^e l^olp captpucg XUere UDonte to be t^eue;8f anD fuctje rdolDebe^angcDaie?]^pe 3Bjaf a man map fe lOditl^ l^is? epe ^nfaptlj tW fame ii8? true* •fiilpao faue euirp ctpftm boDP no place fojtrit^e ri)ou ^c a)pa tjaue (Ucl^c foolejT \i fpi 3 put mc m qoDX^tg ttjpU ;cri}eaopumcrauca}rpFii ;^3p;api>ouDofo u(t msoD rDl)at Co mer pouDo. ?illp;apcttjct)oiDctljppeaia( ul^ctomcotuogooDiie^ mit loKc tl^ou go t\)v U)ape bitlj mp Dagger 3 tlje aape ptt) auD t^ou meuc mp l^me {j^aitebctDcrpoftl^pparce buanDjljaucDone ipukeDotiargoD fuffrcDfo^t^e :mc$ to be rpjicDD£ bpon a tte »gl)t Boitl) a fpcreopeueD ins^fpDe g i)ene appcrcD a U)ouiiDe Bo^Dg ;bougl)tborl)ri)canDme iDDc$ faftiODl^attje^tliatcome iDatt)crDpUet!)ourcDcme :p poutl)c to left mp lolpte fenaueanbgotbP^ap utl) mp Daggct 31 a)an t!)e aape fp? i^cre tt)ljat 3I tt)vil pou tell ^eriiUD after mpcouuftll t pe mpgl) t fpt in beueu on j^pe )goDauDl)i.sfcompanp. [2gtflffloiLtttyit£tfaDH not C£ag . . - II. 31 ttjpli go to mv biotljo: bumtUtc 1 ssnDtaUecounrcUofbPnt j l^ro it iia( beft tobcuo tbetin* CPc marr tvi 3 pjapc pou of tbat ^ctbpnferitttJwaijooDfpgbtof rour ( J BoolDe Ce vour b^lciQ^ \)vtW 9nD I'our bjiotber anO pou togt^bcr fettrcbfpnefaft prDPie^ ano 31 bab tbe bare pcC^ulbervngeB^eiaUiape fl);3ietpoulofc Cf awttjcump mapllerjs^cwrpc^oiie 3 BDpUcomeagapne anone j :$nD tell pouboiX) J banc Done ' C^nb tboiicomebvtb^^f agapnc JDbalirmbetbcbcngintbcbeupl^nartl Xtibat iiord 3 "lap ijmt niv fpacc (Co tetbcremtbije^ place j Before 3 mp8b t not acre i IWjantbat cburiccbaciteUjagbete 2gutnoiijamon5eaiitbii8?cbere j 3 voolDt 3 bab fome companpbct^ pttjpg mp bzotber i:vottt)olbebelpeme . ^ojitobetecbarite m UnbbtSbjotbccto *1 CJ^uffabuffa/tDbocaiutb after me 3amcpotfullofioipte ^ybertei;0flP8btajEftbett)rnbe :>tim^(t£t voml) bpmv far* comrrpot iiul;cDt^upu U)av dugi^rtljouDpoecaumc |aiucomcao'a)i;ere ife€copaiul;ci'c ttttj^c^drD3Ii|aueDonc. )^|i91 ttJcnDe ttjou IjaDDeft be l)miget SptijoucfcapcD lixas^toiDcme^crc EtftirolicamanoiUl)cerc |rg m rour bofomcDpo flp ifo r cU)e all nvi\)t ft trpD ip* fj^fira^ 2i t)ca).icft)e roue pate fliletelr from lit' iJogate jR am a0 r rbp to mflfee goon clj^ce ;t!)atucucrcametl)ei'e / -- . . iDjljauefpcnDrnge Illmal^ea^nKcpai^a SrcnotiflDl)at3iDo i ttjpll not ir e longc m pirtbne a|li)rllgctfo^tl)fo^j*^.- I ftaiie iccneD polpiff . ,^::: . ^j|lil(ein^pgljtip --^b^^^^'^P ooii&ttt^eeo* ■ /-^^'^^M^S^t^:-^ i0ei^rt^lbfoi|e^fc<«|#fc :^ fCSc^J «^'I^^i [2. Ct)e "m&Uv" CDitton of tlje 3JntmttDe of goutt)] i.-»- ^J^t;- R , K ,. 3^'w^ on a tree I3)ai3 Done to ticaD ^ r^^^fftotn aU perils *7e ^cu DefenDc *' iMi'jeautivencet^l^t^axicmaDe aiutiDl g ' fo} am come from €>oD aboue ^: cocccnppc^i^!auiejaitopourbel&oue 3nD aut iiameD ciiar^tpe fCl^etre mn pe no man faurt fie iDf t^ottt tljc liclpe of me ^0^ lie tl^at €J?oryt|>e t?otl) refafit iJ>f^er i?mue^ ri^ottgl^t lyie 00 bfe i fm I ' ' vm< ii'^»>mmi^tm*M^^ w r ~ I l»f ft otitti^rftye ft topi not tt E to^it 10 Wtttnin tfte (a^ttft iSXiii manctfn tf^mtattin Deo motif t €)f ^eauen tftat iapful citpe Cl^er tnapt no man t^iDer come 53ue of c^arptp fte muft iiaue fome jSDt^c map not^me tteisf ©into f)taum t^r rtrte of bl^ffe C!|crfo;te cl^rt tie to^o ^bdii bm taftt ai purefoiilefttupl fttm mate 23efo^e tl^e face of (i5oD 3ntl^e.a'.i5.Cofl)otejSjt]^eIeall « Ttt0t»;ittenDeu)5cl^anta35cft i Xo c^axvtit i» a great tl^mae j ieDfjallbertuejsJfttisit^eftpnge I i©Dan d5oD m cartl^ Koa^ Igjete livamt ^ ^f c^arptt fte founD tto»e enWnae ^ ^toa^planteDml^ijjl^art i t©ttt»omi5fttnotDeparte ] iSDutof ljp)5$artea D^dfp^p«je 1 Cfeoiijl&e m mpgi^t of tl^e Ijeauen fimse ij aCnoaUp^eaewi^atbe | 41^ape fin«e no maffe tottl^out rl^atftfe 1 3(nDc&arp to tftcm thep do not tafie i ^l^ct map no t recepue l^nn tl^at DID tlS^em mwr 3fnDaHjt^P3a;tDo?iDeofnoaabte «out9e. ere euer % come 591^ nameijBf^out^ !J teil m 3flWQ)aj5t^eWtietre tui^o map teUReneti^ bnta me 53^^ bo!»^ pl^aunt a^ a ^afel (iFcife 5app finacr«J brfiotl^f aire anD lonje f #p cftetl bigge a0 a tuirner L i59P l^5«^J3 be (uiUtgDte fojt to rumte f^ CoftoppeauDMunceauiimaftemei:? )5p tfte malTe 3 recfienot a-c^ier? i©ftatfoeucT^M , ^ ^ gi am tfte ftc^i^eoem^ fatl^ewtanbe antJftfexomemto mpi^anDt gicarefozitDmo^te -nfiw^r^ cairefotifoDifpoCeUitfftJotr dpnnv »it]&otitt)ebetnt]^^^etve rfi*wf>, i©^V ftnaue teftat in mt to t^ soutlje. ^ toptt ttioulet me to p^a^femv botj^ . tDftr ftulb^ not pjtatfeif ^ itbe^aobU \]§at ftaJitl3eia)]^ant^otit5art flrt i^atirt. i ijfoit^etDcattft into the PTt^ Cftetfb^tofttbenottobooWc >Le4t tftouto^t»infeiti»l^an tl^ptt art olte f einavtbe IvfeeneD to am ant> in age it isJ ctit notone »nD to t^eft;e<0 tfeot»ne *oftatt tiia)u fcutti^ouampUJr 3Pe6uimebinljelt»i^outenDi^ ^^ ttAtf**^^^ ^-f^ r^^g»'.'St**.*mi>5ii^^K'fiiik'fe , ■;■;■ ' \ :4.^7i ' '■■;■ ' ' ' J " tj"^ ^ f g j'f R!| 1^ f^ 35e toare leaffc tl^oti ei^pbet? jci ^ence ca^tf fe go tb^ tea? i^l VDt til m? Dagg^t: ^(: ftal tfte Caj ^cn^ Rnaue out of tht5J place £>;t 3 (ball lar tlje on tuc face ^arcft tljoutftat 5 aial go to l^el fo; cuer moie tlif re to Dtuel 3 ban leuertljouftaij ciipUfare ^ittiaritc •f 3i pet Xn t>o tp mp retie ^^ ant)aniemcrcpfoztl^FmpfbeD^ 3(inbp flDaUbeauficrptottreofblpITe i©lifrealropc auUmp.itbct$ i»!icre tbou ftai fe a glo^pujef fpgl^t 5C>faujelej«rtngpngi^fatntej5 b^Jjrt* 3i5efo.zetl^efaceofeoD f CUtl^e, f[i©l&atfp;t)5 abotce tbe flip % fta]^ Irene of a laDDer to cU'mbe fo ^fe }9utto]^at anti t^e laDncr Uvppe Cljan 9f am tjeccpued pet 3nD tf ji fal 3 catcl^e aouedie 3 map fo;tttme to bitelfte mp neAe atiD tbat fopnte ijj pU to fet c:9«nteu;£)^et remember cal to tl^pminne' . ^I^e mercp oC(0oD palTetl^ aUbpng f 0? ft i^ tDzptcn bp noble clcrfie^ Cl^emercpe ofd^oDpaffctljaUtDetficjJ Cftat tDitneOetlS^li^olp fcrppturefapnge CftUiJ- flBiferatio Domini fnprr omnia pcra eiuiSv CiierfozeDoutenotloigJc^ grace Cl)rr of tsi plentp m euejflJlacc ^out^e. ®;wmtinei!)pnfte petcdcrftpfte i\z^ \ ::rDeaSe gooD gibb^plbe ^ 'n Sir^P 20U anSfou ^aue anp 8o?ei ^opte me a (jueffpoti o;t f e caS aiif inf mo|t ]S.e&a ti^t^an ¥Our connrnge t^aUDon^ flj^ quefiion i^aue no fotac^on ^r^ anu it pleaft FDU tl^p^ mhv tJO tnm eate mattreu toftl^ f atSflje ^tV 3 p^ar^ vou ftiile mc tft^js auettf on C^ata ftaueputto -pouttjtfcrecron CCljt)8 QueafonijKbutijamtie rtlongetttnottome ^uc^e qucftion^ to affople C&it: b^ goD tl^at me Here bought giftpoiir connrngetjSWtteHo^ tioug^f ; aBnD3(butofolo\»eTOiir fcole ^one yc tDoft mafie a f ole C^fb?e craire no longerl^ete Xeaft 3 ta!iei?o»onfcfte?are aBnU malie vour beau to aBc C^iritfalUtbnotfo^metofifl^e |i5et^b?Dav tiebenfgW Cbetfo;te Do mv councaple 3 tan Cban to beuen tbou Qialt baue tbp toap fri5oCv3t3 tbpnfiepetopllnotftjbte aaut to tafec a mmntg pur? m tbc nii))t ^e^pUnotfapna? fo^fticbel^olpcattifes iiBere tjonte to be tf^mtg Sntifacb 1»olDebe bansei ajJb|6 36)5 a man ma^ le toitfep^ epe gnfattb tbis5^twi#|y^ C€?oD r^t^ciij^^ig^ ^etij^f ^ gtace cISiarftet' fout^e; tSarffC fowt^t; ^r «5«rtfe. UDeneft tt?ou l^e to|>!lftaue fircl^e foole? Co fpt on W sa^tc ftoolejj- f5arc3ltoat:rantttrtnat>e l^itmi '^ G^t^rtl ^.9i put mc f n goMcjgJ tt^^U; Urpe* "ttiljctftct: ifte topUme faiie o^fprH: 3nDnrlp;tappanDofa 3lnD trufte in goD totiat f o euer pct^a:^ ftmtbt, tl^nl^ P-i^V^ tl)c olDetftp peace 3inD tal&e tome af no gooDncj 3lnD footie loffe tftou^o t^j> u^pe' jtcfte toitl) mp Dagger J tl^nape gin fapttie ^f tftou mment^!)arte Cljou (ftaltc be toe^rpe aftftp parte sOitl^ouanDll l^auedone ^an'te, c tr^pnSe tn^at <0c^Cu8erti5 fo; tlje ©10 armeia; tabe f^^eb bpon a tree a finigftt tDi'tti tt^J'^are opencUijijf fiDe 3|n iji^ftarteappeajJE&trtDountJe topDc Ct!at bougW bbtft f ou anD mc foxit^e. f;(0otoej2ftafte tol^at in tijat to tne Cl^ou Dat»e tDptte t^ou reue mc 3 n mpfoutii to tofe mp ioplptte l^ence toaue anD 50 ti)p \»ap^ ^; tj^pt^mptjaisger'JlfttiHt^eaape cS^an'te. c €>fp? i^earr. ts^at^i pou tell, aaD be ruleb after mp counfell Cftat pe migDt iVt in beuen l)pe . "toitftd^oDanDi^jgcompanp tdiit^i €3D vtt of ^o6tt)outotItt not cea(& ^vH!S fp8ft^n mp fapth 5 tell tfte true , pf^fpgUtHteUtftetrut •' Mt^eDaigcs aft^f ipf^ . 4- r ' 9! tDf IJ 50 to wp b^oti^er j^umflf tie BoKJoe tti0 beC to i5e DOitftetpn •pemar^fiaSlP^a^^ouoftl^at ?ott«^i; flSe tl^mlfte it tsere a ijool^fijljt of ?io«r Sacfte 3 txjoiue fe rour l^ele^ l^ttfter 3nD vonx b.iotftrr ano rou toscti^er cjfcftreDfmefaft 3t»^anl>9'jai>tftefia:p b |*eCbi^-t)eft'ngetDelattia? !^;t3^^t^oulofe d^atfte; Ctffarc tneli mv ma^fteri5cuetpcI)one 3\»^lUomcaga^ieanoKe .. 3ntit«fouftoi»e3ftaue^one youtl^e^ cainlJ ti^ou come l^ti^er aga^ g. ftalUenDeti^cl&enjsmfDmel^tTame ^liat no^>l tnaf e J)auewr fpace Co ietftere mtl^^ place J3efo;te1mr8fttnotaere trtjan tt)e c^le cl&antie tta^ f^nt Obut notDc amonge al tl^VJ^^ cl^e q|tDolD3S l^aDfomefompan^ftere 3 tDi^ m^ b^oti^et mtott»olD l&elpe we fo;tCol)eatec]^antpe ^nDfti^b^otl^erto ^ Brof* 4H^uffei,Duffa\i5lio callet]^ after me 3ammiotful(oltte ^^ l^tart a0 lic^Jt ags t&c to^De annano«Eiot(0mp mifuDe ttJbcrcloeaergggo »uttDotc ve>»eatf Do I)£te tco refie pout^ mp co:npcrc i^pnc of ^sm 31 "^om 'gaue s fffii^ F (5cti l^eDe nwfter ^tttl^ b? mp faie f otifl^e* mtlcom ispotm t^ie Detrel^ ix^a^t . totJobjioustjttiheljitl^rto SPe tfi otrgfl t ri^ou liptj me call auD^atncoinenotol^ere * CQwaficromlUftercr ^^ ant) tell tDefto^a^^tieDone f out^e. ^i^g^ .| toeutie tfto U IjaDtt ben l&en jc^ 36ut i fc tbou arte etcapti> • -^ foM'ttDa^tommebcere ^ou tafteiamanoni^eeare - . Cbat W P«^ft i^ to«^ bofowe tttl^ flje f^:ir^^ aniJioinnett^gate^DpUlpc 3Bt^^» ^oittDa)33beft?et»)e^ourpavte^ gi come latelp fromiJetDgatcr jDut 3 ama0tea^vt to mafte 80015 cfjerr 2-g tie tDat newer came ttjfetes: t^n'9t ' ' anacareiwitt0liat*JDa ^ goj % looptf not Ire lonjt m p^ifon 35ut ^11 get fo?t^€foone (if 01 3 baue IcameU a polircfe ^!)at\x)rUlofemelpgbtlve - Snbfonc let mega foutU. gBloudKelltbymTcretpon I Muvvt. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^jj ^ J ^^^ conittcf on . ^bcii arte liable anb fteDfafi of mpnor ana no t c^aunga'ole a55 tbe tmiDc »ut fir J p2a?e pou at tfte leafte Cell me moze of tl>*t iefte ^ Cli4t tt^oir ioloe me rpg^t tWijifc . ^- i ^J CHemavK oflouDonfcntfozme foztlTotj^etDpttfo^tocom: : C^r ourtaDr fte D^Dpiomo tc trie roucge^ Co ma!?e tDt \ntc\}t at tfte galot»e trc 75ut f p2 l^ota DiDDct! mou Ccape Cmtxtlv^fi tlieropcbzaftc SKfOt ato fo 3 fell to tHe groimJi antitan a^ap Cafe anU CounD ®e tt^p toa^ 3 tnettotti^ a courtFerje; laD anD t^entr nobletf of golti inlif jJ purjJ l^e ^aH gS tofic t&e laDde on mt care 55eft»De ft(j5 lio;tfe 1 f dlet^ Dim tljete 3 tofic l^is^ptirieriam^i^anDe f ntJ ttoent^ no WcjJ tucrin 3 f anne )l02Det|o\TJe91 ^ajtmcrr. c:(i5oDrje0 fotc tliou DiDDctt ^noujSe tl^ere tout^r ^o; to he tnaDc fimsi^t of tiic colcre.- Ci'cfpj^ truttctox^oiiaUmpglit mvoU attftcncjcte ccffion^tobeDubbeDaftmjI^t CJSotD m bv tt^V^ IPS^t votxt^tu ^ftattDolDeJfapnefe 3nD 3! pl^gftt the f o <5o^ me faur Cbat a furcrcolcrc tfiou (bait bane anD bccaufc jolD colcrs; be fo goob cl^epe mnto tberopcr31 flraUpelie av tbe l?Auc a Uoo iBpot». anDtotocraucrncIctb:35o ^i anDtoetDill DzrnfieDiucrjJ \x>im f anD tbc coit ftal be mpne Ci^ou ©alt not pap^ne penp ttofir ipet tl^au ftalt l)aot a teenetie to ftf(fc tpftan fo euet flwit toitte fotrt^e. escarp Hvot 9, tiiaiilie t^ Ci)at tucu \3P^!t be atjtue 1 1 on me : 3'itD fojt tl)p pleafure fo be ie ; 31 tDolDtwtcftan tpflJuiDb^ mete S'ttDturneWasapne ' ^0^ r r'sljt no\»e $e toajsj i(»ftb me ant) fatb }|e tDolbe go to i[^umail:(e 3 no come to me aga^ne E?ot tEletJ^wcomeifftetDfll ^ If etpete better to bi^ttpU 3lni} i^t fv^t tl^e crolfteD langaQe ;3 i»lli fa^eJtrrmon ttjebtfage ani> tl^ae tf)ou (bait Or fone l^oiED ligbtfp ft ftall be bone 3Enb i^t tD^l not be nileb t»itb finocfbtf 5 ; tv^ toe (ball fet^im in t^ ftocfeeff - Co bealebt^Jfo^ie (binned fpntl^e* cH Aall beipe tt>e tf i can - ^ Co bipueama^etbat bang man l^ett^ iaio t tbou (bait bni^arftanle - lambepzeofmvfatber^IanD and notoe tbev be^me to mp b«nti CbatI ^bonemanmo^ ^*»/.* CoU^artemebroii »l^^* f[3 can Cpebe tbe of afctuatmteiif p.Jf ce Cbat \i)rt bo tlK goot> fevuice 3!febtmgobcreu8ftDe ^t)me meti call bim m^rin p^ jbe 3 V\xi( are bp (£»oD m (Erimrte ♦ii ^vU go fetcfccbmibiuo rije aiiiOtgateiic»*U)W aitD 6;rng^ tDitl^ tf^t tliatnfffile ttostm ap^ctpmananUtoife »e tDpl i^e glai> to-Do jool^vow (erupce Snal that cucr lie map C^elciJme to tw 500b fellotoe qrpe«r tl^e tDifteiice commeft tijott tub tftou \»Flt mp tttumwt be g ©all geue tftt gpfte ant) fee C^rrl am canttnt itoi* CoDovouaufferui* €3}atcutrg|canlK> *^ 'Ci5p « Jjelvftoi^ tl^oirrbttfte DatoeB tnoU«: €^^ou art a Ipfiel? f eiotDe Cre0 fvi 3 iwarrant ^ti^ ftvt i0otU be nilDe by me 3 ft all vou biJWje ta l^re Degte C&Diin^ftdH j bQ tenme anb 3 tD^H be nfleb bp t^e C^arpiftaUtellpoii tfonf(b;tepe ^atiegoob^piiotor %nh ^ing; pe come of noblel^inbe aboue alfmeii eiralte tl^pimnbc put botone t9e pooi« and ft notigl^t bi t^tm 36e m companptDetl^ gcntel man 3zttt bp anD botonein tbe tcape and vomcl6t^t0 lofee t!ie> be gape CSe p^tetpe Ytienc^eia topU fapt tl&an^ po;5ber goeft^agentelntm 3lnb euerp po^efelatoe tiiat goet]& ponbp «Bfli Do of ijt^f cap anbmafec poucurteiffe %nfait]^tl}imtnit j ^iv]k tijanfic ti^e bp t^e toobe TS^M. tontfft rootife; \ pcuti^e; P^tbe*: foutiif;| PlttiZi. rent§f; anl> 3 commitme mm notoe ^ JS^Ot ClLoroutl^JtolDe^ou €^ftat i^ie tcais a lua^t Celotoe toutl^e, ca^arp in 3 tftaniie ttie . ^ftatpoutDotDeb^yngeiipmiJtttontt ^;tpt)e» CS)p;tittoaecjcpeDpentetliat^cSaDatOife Co Kue i0Dit^ l^er all roare UCe J5?ot C3Bt»pfenaFnapfo?(I5odauot»e $e QiaU ^aue fIcQ)e jnoss^e «f'oz bp (E50D tl^at me Derc toaji^t iSDuer i«(ucfte of one tftinse ic5 noujjl&e Ctie DeupUapD l^e i^aD leuer bame4l IjrU Ipfc Ci^an ontiS fono tate a tDift ^ Cl)erfo:eg!fa^erogoBmefaue i^eiliiannotx)tfei)aue tc^i^on ijafte a fptter fatr anb fre 3 {{HOlQDetDjelll^PjSlemmanfbetDpnbe Cl^etto^e^tDolDelbeKDerei&ere j ^i^attpentt'glitgoanbmallesool^c^cte j attl^etDinefdmEtDl^ete I toutlje. ca p^appoui^itficr tftoubol^er Jb^pnije f oz fte (0 to mp liWnge ^1 1&;tpbe. c^P^SI^^lbompbtKgcncc Co brnw ^er to'pour pititnct :f outfje* c^P^ t^^ Hpace anD come agapn Co '^aue a ftgi^t 3 tooIDe be tame €>ftl)atlabpfre JKpot, iJL^n i» f<^ftft I tball tcXlpDu tme ^b^ i$ a ftelbeaitD fatre of bue ainb bf tpe p;^op;je oFooDpe i^cti call bet: nabp jltcDctp foutl^e, C^P^erte burnetii bp(0ob ofmpgl^t I VOUttjt. »■ / ifnttetfupetbtacuiujcuructtiica laperoia C*^;t 31 ^atie fuifTlleD pour entent |S;f &e* 3nD hmie b?ougl>t touxn ti^^ p^fent Ctiat rou ^aucf ent mc f o;te CCljotiartaTeD^m^cngere poutl^e; come l?iti)er to me mp l^crte Co Hetc re be toelcome to me aj3 tft< liertin mr 6obp C^F?3 t^ianevouanDatpourpteafure J amXecl^crf t?el)et&efamebntomc ca^^tftcrjs tapi ^e to tauettte toalft a tDo;tt)e tuTtl^ vm fte^re topH 3 talfie SFnngpuejoutlietDme rc^entlcmanH ti^anfee? oubercli anD J am allteb^e Cotoaite^ubpon trt^iiatfiaerlecfterpe te be welcome to our compan?e ^mtW tnantontoelW^efojtftame ^0 ftne Fel)o tjcp?tcremritame tDl^attf no man QnilD tiaue fino^Due % xoi^ 3 t^al ^oul)cte,tx)clltDantonl35elI f:airteUp.!et^eni?let ^t bt Uoell nife C^oD toote n fie a ivttll pittvvv^^ txcis pe goMfitngerfe « Xecl^eti Bpor*: %ttl)tvi Bpot* Cii^rt *Jfcpourfalfe epe iCDiuifeetftronine fun ^antonlp te be full tDantonitDt?; Ci^^^e3 t]^nfeei^out)f rourlaboure ^ftat pou ijaDto fectii ti)vj5 fap^eflourc CI>o I'outl) 3 totoe r^e ttl)at ^tDolDebirttSel^ertDittime ^tr 3 p^av vorxttX me notoe Jl^omDoti^cbeifi^irou %ttt)tti voutfjt. *,. >.* '! iff 0^ ©e t jj coureetgi gentpH an& Ite JLeclicvi c^r/ tfit pleafe ^01^ f Ircr tareK pnotut Sitn tl)r better ttjat ^ou topi t»rte Wtitljc* CiRiotJ feotoe be at tfte tauernefapne . JLeatfcDaritfebjsmetcantrturmtr^asapne^ ^ CftaniXJolD 35 bef o.:^6eca»fe ol tli^larpe laM 3Rjot». <[iietWgpagavnebetpie CftattoeinapeiK:attl)!e\»pne ^ sD^etjcrtl^atl^ecwne i&;pl>^. Cl^ie tlje apaicc anD gatoe tjencit * lEoetDtUetfiDJtroitttjcptnce ^ tontine. ci^otD toe toilftltSe cup anD mafic fiddlidte^ gtru(t|l^aueanobfei)cre - feerfie ftrjs f o; d^oD almf gl^tr ^ereft t&ou riot I^Uoe tliep ftgl^e Jn fapto lajc ftaltl^cm part ipftBerebe anttDtnetafeH «]^c|! Qjatf no longer togeti^ert^bartl -„ . |9otl)an"5brft;tetDemri)erte JSSQc> cfJofpzfomotegftlie jlet not tl)f feruafites; ft(^t tottl^m tlfr jfo.zitfjsacaiieftiKlpfe €uermojje to Ipue (n 8nft Ctjerefo^e y f pe %)p!l berated W mi t^fe a^etoingototi^eaie UnD fe I?ofee toe can Dp 31 trulfe to ^outliatftttetlvoil^Fr CO lefr tftatlvtreil compmipe j&itoe. ^it]^tnanT)Ottreo.ittoo CJSo^letWgoafOitgooDegfafte: ^' aSnD fe ]^o\»c merpe \»e catt m^te 3iib 1 briaft tlierc 3 be ©n*»Je nt? fa^e C/Soice let bis 50 ei)at toe \»ete ti^ere f outl^e; p CO snal^c tW lau^e fonie cl^ere emtxt\n^ix%tljan"(ittf)t ttc^tii ^:&a t f e ikijj'll bettotoe if €n me ► atnUtDl^an ft pleate^au on meto can fj^V l^^art f js voiir0bot)^pe «ni:» all I cfaireXaDpeJtftanftetbe fotifitje, 1 ic>Ht^fametrpfereaalIl^aueme ►*)!)an lb f urr ye pleafe f a^ottDetawberylotije l^ipt^r 1^ toe tcrl B^ ctti^o «<>^ tDitfta luftp fonge iSpot. ^ 3(i!fartMHttJvBbereceo;tcbozpe pjiv^e^ Co to it tbtn l)art>elp.attD let w be ajate ro«tfte» 3f bi?^e felotDe e too^De \»it]& tljc cl^arite, .tDbetl^erjofetellme Sb^De anb bere toi^at 3( (ball f ou ttU ainD be tuleb bp mp counfel CiSarehofelot»enci>etmafe l&ipb|f# .3 tvotJ}e tbp fctotscie be in IJeisogate t^ba! to teU tijc ^Ijetber t^e go j!5ap itDtjS goo^ 3 obn a pcpb u^bo leat ncD tl)e tt)ou mttlaagl^ matt tto fpealie fo to a gentplman iTbougbe bij5 c!ot!^!5 be neuer to tJjine Yet be ijswtie of noMe feinne C^ugbetbou gipue In'mfiirljt a mocfie * pet bet0 come of a no ble ttocte jSlettbeti^clWotDtte CPbat in 3o$n t^bat rape pe Kpot; ^cl^e poti be f ctret? notoe vMiI:v>> ^^mu mtto jQrig3! p^appqxi, ""^ efp/tuin^ffimisfifuethotoi $5 ^e flftall tBpufee ft alvteHfooner ' airttilet t)ei9j2J tbielDe anD CenDepou grace taamenDe €>;t ourelpifpbeai; anenDe ^foJltcUpoutretol^e Ctiat ve f puefuU toicfteDIpe: 3 p»ai?e(S^oD it amenDe; ^ aBrot> Clo fFi0 loftrtaftat'nge a^ not tm a iol? rmginge j6v mpfrouti^^J tro^e it be 91 \DiU go \DitO of cbarttic feotD Ca^t^ell tliou mai^acr tf)%xitit ©Dtl^e t^ij5gi?arepleafe t^e. thuxitt. CCiiep pleafe me toell in DeDe Cfte moiefo;toi9)e tfte moze meDe ^0; ©oD f aioe t»5Vle ^e toau majii ,/ ^/^l a;u3danp 3813111 j(ioii; jC!5 a^U3(U 3Q3ai3SeQa3ftaouo38t?JX 3^U3aU0a3qUFUid43n3 3QI061I . 3U3J3m3Jl3t}0UOja3Ct3q[33roa3gC^ uiaiUB :32ud3q3a3a :ilB0Uoj43d3fta3Sua:qo 'luui Suzoojditt 3j ad uufteii If!t!m3rn^ 1U0.1J nod ^3,^ qu e 4 uod^OiUQ xmScioi 03O^tq >^q3a3a^ MtumA :mH^ nttmttft' llOpWaUOD QC08 at Zt 3dt($ . 3«ajtoaa)i3pis(34iMK3.wndn3cuir 3uioitt 3*311001 3uia^ anod/icyp ^ 3Q»oa^ii3^wfai3fta3|}na4 0^^oj^ - , 3Q4l?ft lE^Wt 3j E 3(^0U an® Mviiei Ji3n3u am aajooi/ioiia 3Bfta 390m am a4a no^a ajiutord b 30uci9P^ 3aia3m3^3HJ5i?0j t Q«£> OQ oanod ^aaoiaiieri )ou tiacn quh^ c^l«noa3^ajjfOj£B 33^ 39Bjfp|aOUl|^Q[^ t.^00 m ntiioi )OuntaxhoQ)aihjtu60 3Q3U Aliod W 4n0d 3(il3^ QUU 3a3dj moi zq ^og> adi^m € ^i^T^ aaq 3ji(tii3Qao 3U0iiit4ai^ ji^ngt 3Ui dmioi ^ou 3Qioca 3^ iiQuaox d 3i^3UdiaB3a3(iat3ef - ag^jtoj uuet )ou tidcq (.B 3Q1JFi3i50imiW QUE aqa/d 3pj:oj 3iitim no^a 3aioSf]» ftOl^ttSlQUf OU 3ttB(1 3fta 3dBt(t £ ZQtO% QOOj^ ansaaa 3w £ QOiQl) 0) QU;]s .•afianoi apifqjt3umj||0 3aa^I> Utndm,m%zdx^^ eS 0a aai aui& u(3ga 3a\oio# ?iiQ)^^ p}OQno^a3n^oi\^inaii. '"^ x: ja«4Ba> Vi^ ._.* (laqujfib 0ttt6 noa :jt63 io$ mtit^i ainoj^ui nod a^^j^ qapiJi iq n^iai IfrQUB* * * 20^ou3iuip;ai3i>t?j E 3(?inq) agiosiJj *^moi '^^mid^tiiSdinQi mo Qiiji iQoa43(i:j ua 0q )ti5noq 3^ • ^ui3Q3io4roj0m aian«:i2^ ut tioj3f3?l^auo j3j 3(ij aiuv^ ttoaam te3i5^'a(i[3o uariB^jb 43ft3t'jr 3t|j li^® W^^o ndnaa 36aia*8BQiiaq 3tp lu aaoax *Ba\t3Ip[3djiQeac(tiO ano Qn:£ gedjiail^ 3^3^8 3U0Q QmriuBQj?; uii(\m aQUoq4an3tt0ecu lEaovomi £:juq^ ^^1111134 nod dcividlxi^]p 'ifiitiol Qno}qfifi{i(pdax3i«4i}SnoqQU£ ^^ * :3ia.iiJ3(i^3Q^iu3m3Quoq8Bmno^3miiea 3(inoi Qdt! 3ft SJltUai(^I» .j^j,^^ ^33mmaftl3lua^3XT3U3U3 '^' '****' ^tidca J aa^nb b xwdti ^noS ndav £ ^udiujo 3Stid(i3dU54iiSiicq aq QUfli^ 3m iOi5ft5llOq(H5q3ft35Cm30U40Ca^ :>^^3iidojam33droitf Uto diu 50U5ft8noq aq jsicat 3jq 0C!E3a3qai3?ejc{ ouui'toijf £(«m 3qa ie i3n3u 3uao 3^1 9SP1PW rt 35?(iCH Ut ^30S 3ft 4S(B a3Q43qa\ "TftpsTrapiw^ilpes^lcJrpsi^p*^ W» 1. 346 JnoQ ft3«ft Qoa> atJfta an^j bibui notiii a eM3> aftSnojfcaidui B^U notiMBtia aa«3iuB QU2 aSm^i^aana majQuim 4t;xacaoiQi \\m E am uanaS ai)!^ na^xiiajuttQ^ aiia.j'oii^. •aftjnoi a^a fcaapui Qj aoasr ana aijuwia^i j>. 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