ISHI THE ACRE-OCRACY OF ENGLAND OWNERS OF 3000 ACRES CULLED FROM DOMESDAY BOOK UC-NRLF, V' $B a-^ii ^^"^^ ^v t_ * *i^ n/^ BASIL MONTAGU PICKERING 196 Piccadilly 1876 REESE LIBRARY \ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. L%:cc:iv,U J UN 14 1893 . ,So . Iccessions No. -^ ^ '7 '^ ■^ Cla%s No. THE ACRE-OCRACY OF ENGLAND. <^em©^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation THE ACRE-OCRACY OF ENGLAND A LIST OF ALL OWNERS OF THREE THOUSAND ACRES AND UPWARDS WITH THEIR POSSESSIONS AND INCOMES ARRANGED UNDER THEIR VARIOUS COUNTIES ALSO THEIR COLLEGES AND CLUBS CULLED FROM BY JOHN BATEMAN .t^lM?^ OF TNi UNIVEBSITT ALDI ANOLVS LONDON BASIL MONTAGU PICKERING 196 Piccadilly 1876 6»>« ^^,1? sy^cz^ 7 PREFACE. •«3a^5a^^sS' HAT the affairs of one's neighbours are of no little interest to men of every class of life has perhaps never been more strongly proved than by the production of and great demand for "The Modern Domesday Book." Not only have Mr. Frederick Purdey and others analyzed it, Mr. Lyulph Stanley abused it, Mr. John Bright moved its digestion in the House, and the " Spectator" and other London journals scathingly criticised it, but the immense herd of country newspapers have actually reproduced it, as far as their own neighbourhoods are concerned, in their columns, much, probably, to the satisfaction of the bulk of readers, to whom twenty-six shillings (the price of the work as a whole) is prohibitory. As an example of this, I may mention, that having a small party in my house during one of those dubious weeks which come in 'twixt the close of the hunting and the beginning of the London season, I was saved all Marthean cares as to the amusement of my guests simply by leaving about on the table the two huge volumes of " The Modern Domesday," over which I found bowed with the utmost constancy two or more heads. vi Preface. I heard from one of my guests that the copy of the work at the "Carlton" was reduced to rags and tatters within a fortnight of its arrival — a lesson which was not wasted on the library committee of my own club, who caused the book to be so bound as to defy anything short of a twelve- year-old school-boy. Mr. Lyulph Stanley finds great fault with the carelessness of some of the entries in " Domesday," — faults which, it must be admitted, are most perplexing to the compiler — faults in spelling, faults in description of residence, gross faults as to the initialling of names, not infrequent double entries of the same man, first as John, then as J., and in the same fashion through the alphabet ; and not least, the almost invariable mixing up of a parson's glebe land, or possession in his public capacity of parish priest, with his private acreage, as what Sydney Smith dubbed a "squarson." One huge stumbling-block in the way of the work's perfection is the large number of double- barrelled (if I may use the term) names in England, such as Hart-Dyke, Leveson-Gower, and Vernon-Harcourt, to say naught of such perfect " mitrailleuses" as Rouse- Boughton-Knight and Butler- Clarke-Southwell- Wandes- forde. This necessitates a search for acres under every one of the bracketed family names. In Wales the difficulty lies in a very different direction, i.e. in the almost desperate simplicity of names ; in fact, it may be taken for granted that two-thirds of Wales is owned by the families of Jones, Davies, Evans, and Williams. Would that for the wretched compiler's sake there had been a few more " Sir Watkins" in existence ! That deservedly popular " King of Wales" will, I liope (not Preface. vii being the inquisitive stranger myself), pardon me if I men- tion a story told me by another Welshman. Scene. — First Class Carriage on Central Wales Railway, Dramatis Persons. — Sir W. W. Wynn {nmch disposed to snooze), INQUISITIVE Snob. Snob. Can you tell me, sir, whose is that nice little house in the wood there ? Sir W. W. W. {civilly). Oh yes, that's mine. Snob {after pause of teft minutes). Who owns that grouse mountain, sir } Sir W. W. W. {sleepily). Eh ?— er— I— do. Snob {after a7tother pause). Can you tell me, sir, whose woods those are over to the right } Sir W. W. W. {roused from doze and with irritation). Mine! At the next stopping-place the snob jumped out, sought the station-master, and told him that (happily half asleep, and therefore not dangerous,) in the same carriage with him ' was a maniac who swore that the whole country belonged to him. In a compilation of the sort I have attempted mistakes must occur, but I have tried to minimize them by noting the most glaring and oft-recurring errors in the return, in order to be on guard against them. I may class these errors as follows. I. Mixture of Vowels. — Vowels I find in the return mean next to nothing. For instance, Sir H. S. Ibbetson is returned as himself properly spelt, and in the same county as " Sir H. Ebbetson ;" in the far north, the name of Lindow is spelt with the most perfect impartiality " Lindow," " Lin- viii Preface, don," and " London ;" in a Midland county, my good friend John Levett and his kinsfolk are put in as " Levitt," ** Lovett," and " Lovatt," and unless a man knew or found out by internal evidence that no Lovett was ever squire of Wichnor and guardian of the hereditary flitch, he would grievously fail in judging the Levett acreage aright. In Derbyshire, again, the considerable family of Turbutt is robbed of its entire patrimony (except a beggarly four acres), which is given to the mythical house of " Tinbutt." I might multiply these cases a hundred-fold. II. Variation of Consonants. — Even consonants are muddled in a most arbitrary fashion ; one main object of the rural authority who furnished the materials for Domesday being to spell his local landowners phoneti- cally, the family possessions of the house of "Fazakerley" are distributed among the " Fazackerleys," " Fizackleas," " Phizackarleys," and " Phizackleas." Mr. Pochin would probably hardly care to own an estate were the ownership coupled with the condition that he should change his name to " Poctim," yet so " Domesday " has it. III. Titles. — Titles are a great trial. Englishmen are said to " love a lord," but that is hardly an excuse for giving two steps in the peerage, as is done in Lord Stafford's case, and some others, or for making the widows of knights into Lady Janes, Lady Bettys, and Lady Marys. I may mention that a Viscount seems to be a hopeless grievance to the compilers, who get out of the difficulty by sometimes using the simple letter V, and in other cases Vincent; Lord Valentia, for instance, being entered as "Vincent Preface. ix Valentia." Titles, however, are no obstacle when, as seems to have been the case in some counties north of the Humber, the parochial authorities were of the Quaker persuasion, for there I find a man's title sometimes denied him in toto. Had the Prince been a landowner they would have possibly entered him as *' Albert E. Guelph." IV. Addresses. — The general orders of Government were that the rate collectors should give the addresses of the landowner, and not the name of, say the farm or farms he owned or the name of the parish in which they lay. This has been done fairly well in some counties, notably the South-eastern, where, if they do not know an owner's address, they either leave it blank, with the name of the place in which the acreage is situate, or simply insert the address of the firm of lawyers who collect the rents, as No. Lincoln's Inn. . But in other parts of England the confusion is horrible ; for instance, an owner, say Mr. J. T. P. Smith-Green, of Granby Hall, will be described as J. Smith, Little Pedling- ton — perhaps he only owns an outlying farm there ; as J. T. Smith, of Granby Hall, his real abode ; as John Thomas Plantagenet Smith-Green, of i, Portland Place, W.; as J.T. P. Green-Smith, of the Fogies' Club, S.W.— the only error in this case being the putting the Green in front of the Smith, and giving his address at his club on the all- sufficient ground that he once dated a letter enclosing a cheque for rates from it; as J. G. Smith, of Aix-les-Bains, for same reason ; or as J. T. P. Smythe-Green, of Boulevard, Paris — Boulevard, Paris, being all the locus standi given to one owner whose popularity is undoubted and whose acres are very broad. I have, therefore, had no scruple, where X Preface. internal evidence is forthcoming in any case, in crediting a man with acres, whether his address be parochial, real country seat, London house, club, such-and-such a regiment, Lincoln's Inn, or any foreign watering-place where he may be making a temporary sojourn for economy, health, or any other cause. V. Initials. — These are not always to be trusted. F and T being particular sinners, many a F. Smith is given the land of his kinsman, whose name is, for instance, Thomas. A mistake among the Smiths might be pardoned, but 'tis really difficult to see why the compiler should have made the following entries : — White, F. G. G., Wethersfield . . 1,561 . 2,491 White, T. G. G., Wethersfield . . 3,576 . 4,303 The facts of the case being simply these : — That Mr. White owns estates in two parishes or more. That in each case his address was correctly given. That one returning authority could not have written a very plain T., but that he gave T. as the initial not a soul who knows Essex would for a moment doubt. These entries, I may say, occur, not side by side as I have put them, but on different sheets. The initial of a father's name is frequently given, while he may have been dead and his acres in the son's possession, say ten years. In arranging these pages I have drawn the line at three thousand acres — the line must be drawn somewhere — and though 'tis hard for some old-established families, such as Bodenham, of Rotherwas, to be excluded because, as in his case, he lacks but a quarter of an acre, while Mrs. s, of Goatshire, in Wales, is entered because she owns three Preface, xi thousand and one acres of rocky desert, worth two hundred a year ; yet so it must be, and I can only assure Mr. Bodenham that if he can show me the additional quarter acre under some mis-spelling, he shall be duly entered in the next edition. I have also to mention that I hav given, in every case but that of Mr. T. Truesdale Clarke, and Mr. Clarke-Thornhill, and three others, the son's acres to the father ; the Dowager's property, in every case where it will probably go back to the main estate, to the eldest son, and the wife's property to the husband ; for instance, his Grace of Devonshire has added to his acreage some five thousand, which in the return are under Lord Hartington's name. I have taken no notice of parts of an acre, or of shillings and pence ; in every case, therefore, where a man owns in divers counties his acres and income will be slightly greater. Some families here entered do not enjoy the credit of anything like their real income and area, for two reasons : first, that that area may be in Lancashire, 1^ West Yorkshire, or Staffordshire, where the return sins grievously in giving incomes without area ; or that it may be in the Metropolitan District which is not entered at all. The rent-roll pertaining to the houses of Bedford, West- minster, Portland, Maryon-Wilson, Cadogan, and Selby- Lowndes, to mention only a few, would look fatter by far were London included in the return. As it is interesting to know a man's religion and politics, and at the same time unusual to say what they are, I have added, where I can arrive at them, each landowner's college and club. From his college may be inferred the religion of his forebears, if not his own ; from his club, his politics and pursuits ; for instance, in " Brooks's" one does not expect to xii Preface. find a radical of the most prononc^ type ; in " White's " a noiiveau riche ; in the "Athenaeum" a sporting man ; in the "Stafford" or "St. George's" a hot Orangeman; in the "National" a strong supporter of Cardinal Manning; in the " Raleigh" one of the straitest sect of the Pharisees ; in the "Turf" a great light of science; or, I may add, in the "Travellers'" a Livingstone, a Speke, or a Baker. In conclusion, let me say that this compilation was undertaken by me simply as a labour of love, when no one else seemed disposed to attempt it ; it is, no doubt, full of errors, but such errors would be tenfold were the process repeated by any one who, unlike myself, had a fair know- ledge of who's who ; also let me, on my knees, and with the utmost contrition, apologize to grammar and gram- marians for the crime of coining "Acre-ocracy," indefensible in every way; but all I can say is that "Acre-cracy" would be cacophonous as well as ungrammatical. John Bateman. Great Bromley Lodge, Colchester. July^ 1876. NOTE. Where the letter S occurs after a name it denotes that the person to whom it is attached is noticed in Mr. Shirley's "Noble and Gentle Men of England" as being either head of, or head of a junior branch of, a family who held land in the same county since the time of Henry VII. in unbroken male line. THE ACRE-OCRACY OF ENGLAND. ABDY, Sir T. Neville, Bart., of Albyns, Essex. acres. value. Essex . . . . 3,189 . 3,834 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Norfolk . . 506 . 610 CliJ), Brooks's, Athenaeum. Surrey . . . 150 • 156 Herts . . . 12 . 19 3,857 ABERDARE, Lord, Duffryn, Glamorganshire Coll. Club. Athenaeum. ABERGAVENNY, Marquis of, Bridge Castle, Kent. Warwick . . . 2,683 Coll. Monmouth Hereford . Club. Carlton, Conservative. ^ ' Sussex . Worcester Norfolk . 2,639 319 5,854 1 5,364 1,664 11 ABINGDON, Earl of, Wytham Abbey, Oxon. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Brooks's, White's, St. James's. Oxfordshire . Berks , Bucks . B 8,173 7,738 66 4,629 Glamorganshire 3,950 . 12,113 2,765 2,660 300 9,867 12,752 1,859 32 28,514 . 30,235 1 2,944 10,261 159 15,977 . 23,464 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, ACLAND, Sir Thomas Dyke, Bart., Broadclyst, Devonshire, &c. 5>- acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Somerset. . . 16,319 . 12,611 Club. Athenaeum. Devonshire . . 15,018 . 19,225 Cornwall . . . 5,249 . 5,648 36,586 . 37,484 ACTON, Lord, Aldenham Hall, Salop. Sb- Coll. St. Mary's, Oscott. Salop . . . . 6,321 . 7,575 Club. Brook's, Athenaeum. Middlesex . . 15. 23 6,336 . 7,598 ADDERLEY, Rt. Hon. Sir C. B., K.C.M.G., Hams Hall, Warwicksh. Warwick . . 2,814 . 7,125 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Stafford . . 1,352 . 7, 550 Club. Carlton. Rutland . . 322 . 1,072 Worcester . . 39 • 87 4,527 . 15,834 ADEANE, Henry, of Babraham, Cambs. A minor, Cambs. . . 3,157 4,564 b. 1863. Suffolk ... 291 . 439 3,448 . 5,003 AILESBURY, Marquis of, Savernake Castle, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Wilts . . . 37,993 • 40.334 aM6. Carlton, Athenaeum, Yorks.,N.&W.R. 15,502 . 17,897 Travellers'. Berkshire . . 1,556 . 1,485 55,051 . 59,716 ALBEMARLE, Earl of, Quiddenham Hall. Coll. Club. Athenaeum, Brooks's. Norfolk . . . 7,340 7,292 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. ALDAM, William, of Frickley Hall, Yorkshire, W. R. Coll. Trin. Cam. acres. value. Club. Oxf. and Cam. Yorks., W.R. . 3,103 . 5,055 ALDRIDGE, Major John, of St. Leonard's Forest. Coll. Club. United Service. Sussex . . . 5,739 . 3,164 ALINGTON, Lord, Crichill, Dorsetshire. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Devon . 1,063 • ^,131 Club. Arlington, Carlton, White's, Trav. Dorset . . . 14,211 . 18,078 15,274 . 19,209 ALLCROFT, John Derby, of Stokesay Castle, Salop, &c. Coll. Middlesex . . 52 . 265 Club. Conservative. Salop . , . 5,020 . 6,464 5,072 . 6,729 ALLEN, Henry Seymour, of Cresselly House, Pembroke. Pembroke . . 2,86o . 2,667 Coll. Carmarthen . 833 . 663 Club. Glamorgan . . o . 404 3.693 • 3.734 ALLGOOD, Lancelot John Hunter, of Nunwick. Coll. Ctub. A. & Navy, Arthur's, Northumberland. 15,773 • 8,584 AMCOTTS, CoL. We^on CRACROFT, of Hackthorne Hall, Lin- colnshire. N. Hants Coll. Notts . . Club. Brook's, Uni. Ser., Jun. Huntingdon Uni. Service. Lincoln . 10,908 . 14,826 1,211 . 1,455 r2,753 . 3,642 97 . 99 6,847 • 9*630 The Acre-ocracy of England, AMHERST, Earl, Montreal, Kerit. acres. value. Kent . . . Sussex . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon; Essex . . . 19,649 . 970 741 25,931 979 957 Cluh. Carlton. Warwick . 1,789 . 1,861 Stafford . 874 . 1,034 24,023 . 30,762 AMHURST, William Amhurst TYSSEN-, of Didlington Hall, Nor- folk. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks., E. R. Club. Carlton, Travellers', Norfolk . Athenaeum. Kent 240 9>488 47 292 6,592 92 9,775 • 6,976 AMORY, Sir J. H., Bart., Knightshaye's Court, Devonshire. Coll. Univer., London. Club. Reform. Devonshire. . 5,202 11,057 ANDERSON, Sir Charles Henry John, Bart., Lea Hall, Lincolns. Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Club, Athenaeum. Lincoln . Yorks., E. R. Nottingham 2,153 2,527 293 3,218 3,308 368 4,973 ANDERSON, George, of Little Harle Tower. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Northumberland 4,544 ANGERSTEIN, William, of Weeting Hall, Norfolk. Norfolk . . . 7,235 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Lincoln . 11,669 Club. Travellers'. Suffolk ... 827 6,894 5,158 3,342 13,815 355 19,731 . 17,512 ANGLESEY, Marquis, of Beaudesert Park, Staffs., &;c. Stafford . . . 14,344 88,719 Coll. Derby . . . 1,559 8,696 Club. Dorset . . . 1,117 814 Anglesea 8,485 9,132 25,505 • 107,361 57/. acres. value. Coll Trin. Hall, Cam. Club. Norfolk . . . 3,148 . 4,181 BERWICK, Lord, Attingham. Coll. Club. Carlton, Uni. Ser. Salop .... 5>553 • 10,461 BEST, Rev. Thos., of Red Rice. Coll. Jesus, Cam. Club. Carlton. Hants . . . . 6,184 • 6,165 BETHELL, William Frogatt, of Rise Park, &c. Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Club. Yorkshire, E. R. 13,395 . 17,234 BEVAN, Robert Cooper Lee, of Fosbury House, Wilts, &c. Wilts .... 2,227 . 1,679 Herts .... 34 . 86 Coll. Trin. Oxon. Middlesex 284 480 Club. Berks .... 956 . 807 3,501 . 3,052 BEWES, Rev. Thomas Archer, of Beaumont House, Devon. Cornwall . . . 3,700 . 2,772 Coll. Exeter, Oxon. Devon . . . . 1,011 2,670 Club. 4,7 1 1 . 5,442 BEWICKE, Calverley, of Close House, Northumberland. Northumberland 2,735 . 3,071 Coll. Trin. Cam. Durham . . . 1,577 • 5,973 Club. 4,312 . 9,044 BIDDULPH, Richard MYDDELTON-, of Chirk Castle, Denbigh, &c. Denbigh . . . 5,781 . 8,653 Coll. Hereford . . . 1,372 . 2,585 Club. Merioneth . . 1,170 . 474 Salop .... 15 • 30 8,338 . 11,742 1 8 The Acre-ocracy of England. BIRCH, Wyrley, of Wretham Hall, Norfolk. acres. value. Norfolk . . . 7,292 . 5,252 Coll. Warwick ... 521 . 1,401 Club. Army and Navy, Staffordshire . o . 164 Raleigh. '- 7,813 . 6,817 BIRCHALL, M.K., of Slaidburn. Coll, Club. Yorks., W.R. . 3,368 . 1,795 BLACKBURNE, John Ireland, of Hale Hall. Coll. Club. Carlton. Lancashire . . 3,148 . 8,490 BLACKETT, Sir Edward, Bart., of Matfen Hall, Northumberland. Northumberland 15,354 . 13,832 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks., N. R. . 1,569 i,493 dvh. Carlton, Boodle's. Durham . . . 553 858 17,476 . 16,183 BLAGRAVE, John Henry, of Calcot Park, Berks, &c. Berks . . . 2,041 . 4,385 Coll. Somerset . . 1,812 . 3,692 Club. Windham. 3,853 . 8,077 BLAND, Thomas DAVISON-, of Kippax Park. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Yorks., W. R. . 4,320 . 10,126 BLATHWAYT, George William, of Dyrham Park, Gloucestershire. Gloucester . . 4,571 . 6,217 Coll. Somerset . . 3,453 • 3,692 Club. 8,024 . 9,909 BLIGH, Oliver Morgan, of Cilmery Park. Coll, Club. Brecon . . . 3,069 . 1,588 BLOIS, Sir John Ralph, Bart., of Cockfield Hall, &c. g)- Coll. Royal Naval. Club. Conservative, Union. Suffolk . . . 5,809 . 7,187 The Acre-ocracy of England, 1 9 BLOUNT, Sir Edward, Bart., of Sodington, Worcestershire. acres. value. Worcestershire 2,592 . 2,523 Coll. S. Edmonds, Ware. Salop. . . . 2,748 . 2,416 auh. . 5,340 . 4,939 BLUNDELL, Thomas WELD-, of Ince Blundell. Coll. Stonyhurst. Cluh. Stafford. Lancashire . . 8,672 . 36,937 BLUNT, Sir Charles William, of Heathfield Park, Sussex, &c. Sussex . . . 2,701 . 1,839 Coll. Trin. Cam. Durham. . . 695 . 3,217 Cluh. United University. 3,396 5,056 BLUNT, Wilfrid Scawen, of Crabbet. Coll. S. Mary's, Oscott. Cluh. Sussex . . . 3,116 . 3,295 BOILEAU, Sir Francis George Manningham, Bart., of Kettering- ham Park, Norfolk, &c. Norfolk . . . 3,626 . 5,101 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Suffolk ... 26 . 45 Cluh. Brooks's, Marlborough, — Travellers'. 3,652 . 5,146 BOLINGBROKE, Viscount, Lydiard Park. Coll. Cluh. Wilts . . . 3,382 . 5,556 BOLITHO, Thomas Robins, of Penalverne, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Cornwall . . 4,542 . 7,32; BOLLAND, Mrs., of Kirby, Fleetham. Yorks., W.R. . 3,340 . 2,169 BOLTON, Lord, Hackwood Park, Hants, «&c. Hants . . . 13,808 . 13,728 Coll. Yorks., N.R. . 15,413 . 13,824 Cluh. Carlton, Boodle's. 29,221 . 27,552 20 The Acre-ocracy of England, BOND, Rev. Nathaniel, of Creech Grange, Dorsetshire. ^. acres. value. Dorset ., . . 4,846 . 4,227 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Hants ... 817. 811 Club. Cardigan 156 . 134 5,819 . 5,172 BONSALL, John George Willum, of Fronfraith, Cardiganshire. Cardigan . . 1,658 . 818 Coll. Montgomery . 2,382* 963 Club. 4,040 1,781 BOROUGH, John Charles Burton, of Chetwynd Park, Salop, &c. 5>- Salop . . . 3,545 . 5,866 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Derby . . . 1,287 1,480 Club. Carlton. Yorks., W.R. . 217 318 6,049 7,664 BOSTON, Lord, Llanidan, Anglesea, &c. Coll. Club. Carlton. Anglesea 9,507 7,520 Lincoln . 1,200 2,119 Warwick 1,103 2,256 Bucks 562 1,683 Carnarvon . 98 1,323 Berks . . 4 1 12,472 14,902 BOSVILLE, Alexander Westworth Macdonald, of Thorpe Hall, E.R. A Minor, b. 1865. Yorks., E.W. & 8,949 . 8,993 N.R. BOTFIELD, Rev. Willlvm Bishton GARNETT-, of Decker Hill, Salop. Salop . . . 7,270 . 7,587 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Chester . . 353 . 651 Club. Union. Montgomery . 78 123 7,701 8,361 The Acre-ocracy of England. i\ BOUCHERETT, Henry Robert, of Willingham Hall, Lincolnshire. acres. value. Coll Club. Carlton. Lincoln . . . 5,832 . 7,812 BOUGHEY, Sir Thomas Fletcher FENTON-, Bart., of Aqualate Hall, Staffordshire. Staffordshire . 10,505 . 15,849 Derby . . . 270 . 328 Coll Ch. Ch. Oxon. Salop ... 153 • 538 Club. Cheshire . . 47 • o 10,975 . 16,755 BOUGHTON, Sir Charles Henry ROUSE-, Bart., of Downton Hall, Salop. 3. Salop . . . 4,891 . 5j942 Coll Worcester . . 2,325 . 3^170 Club. Junior United Service. Hereford . . H • 58 7,230 . 9,170 BOUGHTON-LEIGH, Edward Allesley Boughton ROUSE-, of Brownsover Hall, Warwick, &c. Warwick . . 2,939 • 6,647 Coll Northampton . 1,181 . 2,226 Club. 4,120 . 8,873 BOULTON, Matthew Piers Watts, of Great Tew House, Oxfordshire, &c. Oxon . . . 7,945 • 13^101 Coll. Warwick ... o . 211 Club. 7,945 . 13,312 BOUVERIE, Right Hon. Edward PLEYDELL-, of East Lavington Manor. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Brooks's, Reform. Wilts . . . 3,349 . 4,811 BOUVERIE, John Augustus Shiel, of Delapre Abbey. Coll Club, Northampton . 3,188 . 8,676 22 The Acre-ocracy of England. BOUVERIE, Philip PLEYDELL-, of Brymore, Somersetshire. acres. value. Somerset . . 3,370 • 3,464 Coll. Trin. Cam. Leicester . . 612 . 727 Club. 3,982 . 4,191 BOWEN, James Bevan, of Llywngvvair, Pembrokeshire. Pembroke . . 3,8 16 . 2,522 Coll. King's, Lon. Worcester, Carmarthen . 2,760 . 1,839 Oxon. Cardigan . . 3,469 . 1,918 Club. Uni. University. 10,045 . 6,279 BOWES, John, of Streatlam Castle, Durham. Durham . . 8,313 . 15,788 Coll. Yorks., N.R. . 34,887 . 5,283 Club. Reform, Travellers'. 43,200 . 21,071 BOWYER, Sir George, Bart., of Radley House. Coll. (Hon. D.C.L. Oxon.) Club. Oriental, Stafford. Berks . . . 4,451 . 9,412 BOYCOTT, John Hall MORSE- (the late), of Sennow Lodge, Norfolk, &c. Norfolk . . 4,189 6,611 Coll. Herts ... 11 . 233 Club. 4,200 6,844 BOYNE, Viscount, Brancepeth Castle, Durham, &c. Salop . . . 8,424 8,014 Durham . . 15,312 . 74,776 Coll. Yorks., N.R. . 439 . 235 Club. Carlton. Radnor . . 580 . 258 24,755 • 83,283 BOYNTON, Sir Henry Somerville, Bart., of Burton Agnes Hall. S. Coll. Club. Yorks., E.R. . 6,233 • 8,971 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 23 BRADFORD, Earl of, Westcn Park, Salop, &c. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Carlton. acres. value. Radnor . . 530 . 2,233 Salop . 10,515 . 15,686 Staffordshire . 6,689 . 10,795 Warwick 1,860 . 5,276 Lancaster . . 9,893 Westmoreland 61 . 133 Worcester . 13 . 23 Montgomery 34 • 52 19,702 Coll. Cluh Coll. Club. BRAND, Hon. Henry Bouverie William, of Glynde. Coll. Club. Brooks's. BRASSEY, Albert, of Heythrop House. Coll. University, Oxon. Club. Naval & Military, Oxon. . . Ox. & Cam., Jun. Univ. BRASSEY, Henry Arthur, of Preston Hall. Coll. University, Oxon. Club. Oxford & Cambridge. Kent . . . BRASSEY, Thomas, of Normanhurst, Sussex. Coll. University, Oxon. Sussex . . Club. Reform, United Univ. Cheshire . 42,081 BRADSHAW, Henry, of Lifton Park. ■ Devon . . . 6,642 . 7,840 BRAMSTON, Lieut. -Col. Thomas Harvey, of Skreens. Essex ... 6,318 . 7,473 Sussex . . . 7,926 . 7,521 3,422 . 3,550 3,113 . 8,380 3,255 . 3,366 73 • 736 3,328 . 4,102 24 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. BRAYBROOKE, Lord, Audley End, Essex. acres. value. Essex . . . 9,969 . 14,028 Coll. Magdalen, Cam. Berks . . . 3,590 . 4,955 Club. Travellers'. 13,274 . 18,983 BRETHERTON, Hon. Mrs. STAPLETON-, of Rainhill Hall, Lan- cashire, &c. Pembroke . . 173 • 154 Lancashire . . 1,7/0 . 6,888 Yorks., N. R. . 2,189 . 485 Wilts. ... 577 . 1,655 4,709 . 9,182 BRIDGER, Harry, of Buckingham House. Coll. Club. Sussex ... 3^753 • 3,689 BRIDPORT, Viscount, Cricket Lodge, Somerset. Somerset . . 2,839 . 4,732 Coll. Dorset . . . 1,019 . 1,102 Club. Carlton. Devon ... 53 • 66 3,911 . 5,900 BRISCO, Sir Robert, Bart., of Crofton Hall. £. CoU. Club. Cumberland . 3,335 • 5,229 BRISCO, Wastell, of Bohemia House. Coll. Club. Sussex . . . 4,390 . 6,608 BRISTOL, Marquis of, Ickworth Park, Suffolk, &c. S. Suffolk . . . 16,953 . 19,929 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln. . . 13,732 • 19,3^2 Club. ■- Essex . . . 1,131 . 1,557 Sussex ... 157 • 273 31,793 . 41,141 The Acre-ocracy of England. 2 5 BROADLEY, William Henry HARRISON-, of Welton. acres. value. Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Club. United Univ., Carlton. Yorks., E. R. . 14,207 . 22,524 BROAD WOOD, Henry Fowler, of Lyne, Surrey, &c. Coll. Trin. Cam. Surrey . . . 2,636 . 2,079 Club. Oxford & Cam. Sussex . . . 2,061 . 1,039 4,697 . 3,118 BROCKHOLES, William FITZ-HERBERT-, of Claughton Hall. Coll. Club. Jun. Carlton. Lancashire . . 4,600 . 6,033 BROCKLEHURST, Philip Lancaster, of Swythamley Park, Staffs. Coll. Staffordshire . 3,361 . 2,728 Club. Cheshire . . 773 • i»930 4,134 . 4,658 BROCKMAN, Frederick, of Beachborough. Coll. ■ Club. Kent .... 3,864 . 4,882 BROMLEY-DAVENPORT, William, of Capesthorne Hall, Cheshire. ^. Cheshire . . 9,488 . 17,372 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Warwick . . 3,072 . 4,671 Club. White's, Carlton. Staffordshire . 163 . 1,815 12,723 . 23,858 BROOKE, Mrs. LANGFORD-, of Mere. Cheshire . . 4,692 . 9,707 BROOKE, Sir Richard, Bart., of Norton Priory, Cheshire. 5>- Cheshire . . 4,788 . 10,433 Coll. Flint .... 99 • 20 Club. White's, Travellers'. Lancashire. . 1,418 . 2,691 6,305 . 13,144 26 T^he Acre-ocracy of England, BROOKE, Sir William DE CAPELL, Bart., of Oakley Hall, Northamptonshire, &c. acres. value. Northampton . 2,966 . 4,281 Colt. Brasenose, Oxon. Rutland . . . 533 . 889 Club. Uni. University. Leicester . . 61 . 486 3,560 . 5,656 BROOKSBANK, Rev. Edward Hawke, of Helaugh Hall. Coll. Queen's, Cam. Club. Yorks., W. R. . 3,885 . 5,565 BROUGHTON, Sir Henry Delves, Bart., of Doddington Park, Cheshire, &c. ^. Cheshire . . 13,832 . 19,723 Coll. Staffordshire . 1,320 . 2,049 Club. Salop ... 2 . 2 15,154 . 21,774 BROWN, Rev. Dixon, of Unthank Hall. Coll. Exeter, Oxon. Club. Northumberland 3,490 . 1,642 BROWN, George GILPIN-, of Sedbury Park, Yorkshire. Coll. Magdalen, Oxon. Yorks., N. R. . 6,886 . 8,042 Club. Junior Carlton, Ox. & Durham . . 72 . 227 Cam. 6,958 . 8,269 BROWN, James, of Rossington. Coll. Trin. Cam. aw6. Brooks's, Boodle's, Yorks., W. R. . 8,562 . 11,388 Travellers' BROWNLOW, Earl of, Ashridge Park, Herts, &c. Coll. Club. Carlton, Guards. Lincoln . 11,652 . 20,457 Salop . . 20,233 29,717 Bucks 11,785 . 15,540 Herts . . . 8,551 12,760 Beds . . 2,968 3,009 Yorks., N. R. . 1,689 2,479 Durham . . 920 1,204 Flint . . . 1 10 57,799 . 84,176 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 27 BRUCE-PRYCE, Allan Cameron, of Duffryn. Coll. Exeter, Oxon. Club. Athenaeum, New Uni- Glamorganshire versity. acres. 3,398 value. 3,544 BRUNE, Charles PRIDEAUX-, of Prideaux Place, Cornwall. Cornwall . . 5,746 . 6,038 Dorset . . 1,097 • 1,360 Hants Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. 1,739 3,209 8,582 10,607 BRYDGES, Sir Harford James JONES-, Bart., of Boultibrooke, Radnor. Radnor . . . 1,476 . 2,074 Hereford . . 1,612 . 1,575 Surrey . . . • 71. 450 Coll. Merton, Oxon. Club. Athenaeum. 3,159 BRYMER, WiLLL\M Ernest, of Ilsington House, Dorset. Coll. Trin. Cam. Dorset . . . 4,831 Club. Oxf and Camb., Somerset . . 415 4,099 5,152 1,039 X^Ul ll.V/11. 5,426 . 6,191 BUCCLEUCH, Duke of, Dalkeith Palace, &c ., Edinburgh. Northampton 17,966 . 26,531 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Warwick . 6,881 . 12,567 Club. Carlton, United Ser Hunts . . 1,065 . 1,312 vice. Bucks 894 . 2,767 Surrey . 7 . 708 26,813 . 43,885 BUCKINGHAM, Duke of, Stowe, Bucks. S. Bucks Cornwall Somerset Middlesex . Oxford . . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Athenaeum. • 9,511 . 15,789 498 . 1,298 5 . 8 232 . 634 236 . 351 10,482 18,080 28 The Acre-ocracy of England. BUCKLEY, Sir Edmund, Bart., of Plas Dinas Mowddy, Merioneth- shire, &c. Coll. Merioneth . Montgomery Cluh. Carlton, Conservative. , V- * ' ' Lancashire Chester acres. value. . 8,737 3,924 2,170 548 287 329 91 10,144 1 9 11,286 . 14,954 BUCKWORTH, Edward Theophilus, of Cockley Cley Hall, Norfolk. A minor, b. 1866. Norfolk . Lincoln . Middlesex . • 3,614 2,701 1 1,728 5,246 162 6,316 . 7,136 BULKELEY, Sir Richard Mostyn Lewis WILLIAMS-, Bart., of Baron Hill, Anglesea. Carnarvon . . 13,362 . 3,141 Coll. Anglesea . . 16,516 . 17,997 Club. 29,878 . 21,138 BULLER, Redvers Henry, C.B., of Downes, Devon. Coll. Club. Devon . . . 2,942 . 7,001 Cornwall . . 2,157 . 7,126 5,099 . 14,127 BULLER, John Francis, of Morval, Cornwall. Cornwall . . 3,6i7 • 3,756 Coll. Magdalen, Oxon. Devon . . . Club. 977 . 1,258 4,594 BULLOCK, George, of North Coker, Somerset. Coll. Club. Boodle's. 5,014 Somerset . . 800 . 1,926 Dorset . . . 2,486 . 2,152 3,286 . 4,078 The Acre-ocracy of England, 29 BULLOCK, Rev. Walter Trevelyan, of Faulkhourn Hall. Essex Coll. Caius, Cam. Club. • acres. 3,230 value. 5,161 BULWER, William Earle Lytton, of Heydon Hall. Coll. Club. Brooks's, Union, Uni, University Norfolk . 8,943 . 10,885 BUNBURY, Sir Charles James Fox, Bart., of Barton Hall. Sb- Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Athenaeum. Suffolk . . . 9,531 . 11,924 BURDETT, Sir Robert, Bart., of Foremark Hall, Derbyshire, &c. S. Coll. Club. Uni. Ser., Travellers', Junior Uni. Ser. Derby . 5,932 . 12,065 Berks 6,541 6,243 Wilts . . . 3,958 4,514 Leicester 2,258 2,880 Warwick . 1,885 2,994 Staffordshire 419 . 689 20,993 • 29,385 BURDON, Mrs., of Castle Eden. Durham . 4,565 7,994 BURNELL, Edward Valentine PEGGE-, of Beauchieff Abbey, Yorkshire. Notts ... 3,188 . 3,903 Coll. Magd., Oxon. Yorks., W. R. . 332 . 307 Club. Carlton, Ox. & Cam. Derby . . 1,541 * 1,936 Lincoln . . . 818 . 1,153 5,879 BURR, Daniel Higford Davall, of Aldermaston, Berks. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Berks ... 2,778 Club. Carlton. Hants ... 51 Hereford . . 276 7,299 3,054 37 571 3,105 3,662 30 The Acre-ocracy of England. BURRELL, Sir Percy, Bart., of Knepp Castle, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton. Sussex . . . 9,922 . 9,971 BURROUGHES, Rev. Henry Randall, of Burlingsham Hall. A minor, b. 1863. Norfolk . . . 8,903 . 14,754 BUTE, Marquis of, Cardiff Castle, Glamorganshire. Glamorgan. . 21,402 . 180,286 Coll. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Durham . . 1,953 5,424 Club. Carlton, White's. Beds .... 72 256 Brecon ... 59 • 170 Monmouth . . 12 . 19 23,498 . 186,155 BUXTON, Sir Robert Jacob, Bart., of Shadwell Lodge, Norfolk. Norfolk . . . 9,309 . 5,373 CoVi. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Wilts .... 801 . 1,727 Club. Carlton, St. James's, Suffolk ... 80 . 160 Boodle's, St. Stephen's. 10,190 7,260 BUXTON, Sir Thomas Fowlll, Bart., of Warlies, Essex, &c. Norfolk . . . 2,152 . 2,809 Coll. Trin. Cam. Essex .... 1,008 . 1,960 Club. 3,160 4,769 BYNG, Capt. Henry, R.N., of Quendon Hall, Essex. Essex .... 2,081 Coll. Cumberland . . 1,670 Club. United Service. 3,751 2,935 669 3,604 T!he Acre-ocracy of England, 31 CALCRAFT, John Hales, of Rempstone Hall, Dorset. Coll. Dorset Cluh. Carlton, Athenaeum. Kent . CALLEY, Henry, of Burderop Park. Coll. Cluh. United Service. Wilts CALTHORPE, Lord, Elvetham Hall. Coll. Cluh. Brooks's, White's, Travellers'. acres. 4,569 285 4,854 • • 3,444 CAMDEN, Marquis of, Wilderness Park, Kent, &c. Kent. . . . 7,214 A minor, Brecon . . . 6,430 b. 1872. Sussex . . . 3,755 CAMMELL, Charles, of Norton Hall, Derbyshire. Derby . . . 2,046 Coll. Hants . . . 1,288 Club. Junior Carlton. Yorks., W. R. . 15 value. 4,503 1,907 6,410 4,970 Warwick 2,073 ■113,707 Norfolk . . . 2,559 • 3,306 Hants . . . 1,390 . 4,404 Suffolk . . . 235 310 Staffordshire . 197 857 Worcester . . 16 44 6,470 . 122,628 CAMBRIDGE, Henry PICKARD-, of Bloxworth House. Coll. Cluh. Dorset . . . 3,765 . 1,931 9,836 3,470 3,073 17,399 • 16,379 2,545 843 32 3,349 3,420 * This is one of the cases specially mentioned in the Return. Real income far less. 32 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. CAMOYS, Lord, Stonar, Oxon. 5. acres. value. Oxon . . . 3,510 4,582 Coll. Bucks . . . 959 . 701 Club. Brooks's, Reform. Lancaster . . 29 . 68 4,498 . 5,351 CAMPBELL, Robert, of Buscot Park. Coll. Club. Reform, City. Berks ... 4,183 . 8,398 CAMPION, William Henry, of Danny Park, Suseex. Sussex . . . 3,343 . 3,901 Coll. Essex . . 1,106 . 1,307 Club. Kent . . . 1,730 1,777 6,079 • 6,98s CANTERBURY, Viscount, Brook House. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Norfolk . . . 3,336 5,282 CAPRON, Rev. George Halliley, of Southwick Hall, &c. Coll. St. John's, Cam. CltJj. Northampton. 3,88 1 7,003 CARDIGAN, Countess of, Deane Park, Northants. 5)- Northampton . 7,2 10 9,5^1 Leicester . . 2,931 . 5,238 Yorks., W. R. . 5,583 . 20,558 15,724 • 35,357 CARDWELL, Lord, Ellcrbeck House, Lancashire. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Lincolnshire . 2,523 3,574 Club. Athenaeum. Lancashire . . 1,317 • 3,799 3,840 . 7,373 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 2Z CAREW, Edmund George WARRINGTON-, of Crowcombe Court, Somerset. A minor, b. i860. Somerset Salop Pembroke acres. 3,457 1,181 1,285 value. 4,024 1,477 1,570 5,923 7,071 CAREW, Sir Henry, Bart., of Haccombe. 5- Coll. Club. Devon 10,889 15,148 CAREW, William Henry POLE-, of Antony. Cornwall Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon Club. Carlton. 3,698 6,401 CARINGTON, Lord, Wycombe Abbey, Buckinghamshire, &c. Bucks Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln Club. White's, Boodle's, Turf. 16,118 9,656 26,805 15,418 25,774 CARLISLE, Earl of, Naworth Castle, Cumberland, &c. Coll. Club. Cumberland . 47,730 Yorks., N. R. . 13,030 Northumberland 17,780 42,223 16,850 14,509 18,249 78,540 ■ 49,608 CARNARVON, Earl of, Highclere Castle, Wilts, &c. Devon . . 68 36 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Derby . . 112 1 12 Club. Carlton, St. Stephen's, Wilts . . 2,330 . 5,087 Travellers', Athenaeum. Notts . . 4,106 . 6,561 Hants . . . 9,294 6,931 Somerset . . 12,731 8,119 28,641 26,846 34 ^^^ Acre-ocracy of England, CARPENTER, Hon. Walter Cecil, of Kilpin Park. acres. value. Coll. C/«6. Carlton, Uni. Service. Yorks., N. R. . 4,186 6,785 CARTER, John BONHAM-, of Adhurst, Hants. Hants . . . 5,621 Coll. Trin. Cam. Sussex ... 1 . Cluh. Brooks's, Athenaeum. 6,258 2 5,622 . 6,260 CARTWRIGHT, Richard Aubrey, of Edgcote, Northamptonshire. Northampton . 2,587 , 4,544 Coll. Oxford ... 415 . 891 Club. Arthur's, Travellers*. 3,002 . 5,435 CARTWRIGHT, William Cornwallis, of Aynhoe, Northampton. Northants . . 4,396 . 9,15 3 Coll. Oxford . . . 1,140 . 2,413 Club. Brooks's, Athenaeum. 5,536 . 11,566 CARYSFORT, Earl of, Glenart Castle, Wicklow, &c. Hunts . . . 3,654 . 6,219 Coll. Trin. Cam. Northampton . 1,425 . 2,876 Club. Kildare St. Dub. 5,079 . 9,085 CASTEJA, Madame de, Scarisbrick Hall. Lancashire . . 14,764 27,284 CATHCART, E.\rl, Cathcart House, Scotland, &c. Yorks., N.&W.R. 4,114 6,491 Coll Staffordshire . 1,352 . 1,571 Chub. Carlton, United Serv. Berks ... 2 . 122 5^68 . 8,184 The Acre-ocracy of England. 35 CATOR, Albemarle, of Woodbastwick Hall, Norfolk. Coll. Trin. Hall, Cam. Club. acres. value. Norfolk . . . 2,463 • 2,680 Kent .... 1,085 . 28,016 Yorks., W.R. . 197 . 173 3,745 . 30,869 CAVE, Rt. Hon. Stephen, of Sidbury Manor, Devon. Devon . . . 3,824 . 4,986 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Gloucester . . 1,363 . 2,594 Club. Carlton, Athenaeum, Somerset . . 808 . 1,447 Ox. & Cam. 5,995 CAVENDISH, Hon. Rich.\rd, of Thornton Hall, Bucks. Coll. Club. Athenaeum. Bucks Staffordshire 3,379 2,204 5,583 CAWDOR, Earl of, Cawdor Castle, Nairnshire, &c. Pembroke . . 17,735 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Carmarthen . 33,782 Club. White's, Travellers', Cardigan . . 21 Carlton. CAYLEY, Sir Digby, Bart, of High Hall, Yorkshire, N. R. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Yorks., N.&E.R. 8,459 . 9,027 6,066 4,630 10,696 14,207 20,780 SS 51,538 . 35,042 9,126 CHAFY, Rev. William Kyle Westwood CHAFY-, of Rouse Lench, Worcestershire. Cambridge . . 1,658 . 2,544 Norfolk ... 881 . 869 Huntingdon . 133 • 220 Somerset . . 93 * 166 Suffolk . . . 456 . 447 Worcester . . 532 . 778 Yorks., W.R. . 264 . 380 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Jun. Carlton. ^^LIBI^m. 4,017 . 5,404 Of THE UNIVEBSITT J6 The Acre-ocracy of England. CHALONER, Rear Admiral, of Longhull Hall. acres. Yorks., N.R. . 3,557 Coll. Clvh. value. 5,949 CHAMBERLAYNE, Thomas, of Cranbury Park, &c., Hants. Coll. Magd. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Boodle's, Arthur's. Hants Leicester 8,535 1,329 10,546 2,199 9,864 12,745 CHAPLIN, Henry, of Blankney Hall. Lincolnshire Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton. 23,370 30,3 1 7 CHARLTON, St. John Chiverton, of Apley Castle. Salop Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon Club. 3,911 8,368 CHARLTON, William Henry, of Hesleyside, Northumberland. Coll. Ushaw and Ed. Un. Club. Stafford. Northumberland 19,730 4,610 Cumberland 2,573 1,053 22,303 5,663 CHESHAM, Lord, Latimer, Bucks. Herts . . . 775 1,014 Lancashire . 2,365 3,654 Huntingdon 3,787 3,643 Coll. Brooks's. Lincoln . . 1,688 3,093 Club. Travellers'. Bucks 2,868 . 4,200 Northants 3 6 Sussex 1 12 11,487 15,622 CHESTER, LiEUT.-CoL. Charles Montagu, of Chicheley Hall. Colt. Sandhurst. Club. United Service. Bucks 3,129 . 4,573 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 37 CHESTERFIELD, Earl of, Bretby Park, Derby, &c.* acres. value. Notts . . . 8,444 14,500 Coll. Derby . . . 5,209 10,717 Club. Staffordshire . 8 . 43 13,661 . 25,260 CHETWODE, Sir George, Bart., of Oakley Hall, Staffordshire, &c. 5). Staffordshire . 1,154 • 1,7 30 Cheshire . . 1,578 . 3,361 Coll. Salop . . . 924 . 1,325 Club. Army and Navy. Bucks ... 341 • 635 3,997 • 7,051 CHETWODE, Mrs. (no house), residence Chilton, Oxfordshire. Glamorganshire 5,399 • 4,820 CHETWYND, Sir George, Bart., of Grendon Hall, Warwickshire, g). Warwick . . 4,139 . 8,699 Monmouth . . 1,066 . 1,063 Coll. Staffordshire . 833 . 1,509 Club. Leicester . . 479 . 987 Cheshire . . 109 . 187 6,626 . 12,445 CHICHESTER, Sir Alexander Palmer Bruce, Bart., Arlington Court, Devon. Devon ... 5,317 • 4,737 Coll. Montgomery . 597 . 553 Club. Cardigan . . 100 . 53 6,014 . 5,343 CHICHESTER, Sir Arthur, Bart., of Youlston. S. Coll. Club. Arthur's, Junior Uni. Serv. Devon . . . 7,022 . 6,051' Including the Countess Dowager. 3 8 The Acre-ocracy of England. CHICHESTER, Earl of, Stanmer Park. Coll. acres. value. Club. Sussex . . . 16,232 . 13,650 CHICHESTER, Robert, of Hall, Devon. Devon . . . 3,906 . 4,153 Coll. Worcester, Oxon. Cornwall . . 1,248 . 413 Club. 5,154 . 4,566 CHILDE, William Lacon, of Kinlet Hall, Worcester, &c. S- Salop . . . 8,430 . 7,642 Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Worcester . . 3,609 . 3,329 Club. Hereford . . 2,146 1,955 14,185 . 12,926 CHILDERS, John Walbanke, of Cantley Hall, Yorkshire* Yorks., W. R. . 5,709 . 5,711 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cambridge. . 7,402 . 12,587 Club. Reform. 13,111 . 18,298 CHOLMELEY, Sir Hugh Arthur Henry, Bart., of Easton Hall. Coll. Club. Brooks's, Boodle's, Guards'. Lincolnshire . 11,542 . 15,723 CHOLMONDELEY, Marquis of, Cholmondeley Castle, Chesh. S>. Cheshire . . 16,842 26,991 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Norfolk . . . 16,995 12,976 Club. Devon ... 1 . 75 33,838 . 40,042 CHOLMONDELEY, Reginald, of Condover Hall. Coll. Club. Salop . . . 5,525 . 8,599 'The Acre-ocracy of England. 39 CHRISTIE, William Langham, of Glyndebourne, Sussex. acres. value. Sussex . . . 4)114 • 4)490 Coll. Trin. Cam. Devon . . . 2,279 . 2,493 Club. Carlton, Ox. & Cam. Gloucester . . 5,527 . 6,126 11,920 . 13,109 CHURCHILL, Lord, Cornbury Park, Oxon. Oxon . . . 5,352 . 6,239 Coll. Wilts ... 3,760 . 5,304 C/w6. Travellers', White's. Bucks ... 678 . 881 9,790 . 12,424 CHURSTON, Lord, Lupton, Devon. Devon . . . 5,326 . 6,277 Coll. Cornwall . . 4,786 . 4,225 Club. Guards'. Staffordshire . 791 • 962 10,903 . 11,464 CHUTE, William Lyde WIGGETT-, of The Vyne. Coll. University, Oxon. Club. Athenaeum. Hants . . . 3,416 . 4,010 CLARK, Rev. William ATKINSON-, of Belford Hall, &c. Coll. University, Oxon. Club. Northumberland 3,273 . 5,536 CLARKE, Rev. Sir Charles, Bart., of Worlingham Hall, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 3,046 . 3,680 Coll. Trin. Cam. Northants . . 37 • 7© Club. 3,083 . 3,750 40 The Acre-ocracy of England, CLARKE, Thomas Truesdale, of Swakeleys, Middlesex. acres. value. Essex . . . 405 . 552 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Middlesex . . 980 2,235 Club. Oxford & Cambridge. Norfolk . . . 3,087 3,968 4,472 . 6,755 CLAVERING, Edward John, of Callaly Castle. £. Coll. Ushaw. Club. Northumberland 3,847 3,651 CLAVERING, Sir Henry Augustus, Bart., of Axwell Park, Durham. Durham . . 5,179 . 6,797 Cr)U. Royal Naval. Northumberland 8,334 • 3,551 Club. Army and Navy, Yorks., N.R. . 173 • ^53 United Service. 13,686 . 10,501 CLAYTON, John, of Newcastle -on -Tyne. Northumberland 9,579 . 11,167 Coll. Cumberland . 45 • 26 Club. 9,624 . 11,193 CLAYTON, Sir William Robert, Bart., of Harleyford, Bucks, &c. Norfolk Coll. Clare, Cam. Bucks . . Club. Carlton, Junior Carlton, Carmarthen Windham, St. Ste- Surrey . phen's, New Univer- Berks sity. Sussex . 1,039 . 1,568 2,067 • 3*292 1,502 . 1433 . 6,505 . 5,637 32 . 180 20 . 16 11,165 12,126 CLENNET, Percival F., of Harbottle Castle. Coll Club, Northumberland 8,537 . 4,543 I'he Acre-ocracy of England, 41 CLEVELAND, Duke of, Raby Castle, Durham, &c. acres. CLEVLAND, Mrs., of Tapeley Park. Devon 3»io5 value. Durham . . 55,037 • 29,219 Salop 25,604 32,605 Northants . . 3,482 5,190 Somerset • 4,784 8,062 Kent . . . . 2,449 2,002 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Wilts . . . • 2,397 ■ 3,165 Club. Athenaeum, Travellers'. Sussex . 6,025 6,491 Cornwall 2,520 . 5,001 » Devon . , . 3,541 • 4,771 Staffordshire . 3,970 Gloucester . . 1 1 9 106,650 . 100,485 827 CLIFDEN, Viscount, Gowran Castle, Kilkenny, &c. A minor, b. 1863. 11,430 . 14,594 CLIFFORD, Henry MORGAN-, of Llantilio, Monmouthshire. Monmouth . . 3,585 . 3,979 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Gloucester . . 1,934 • 3,862 Club. Brooks's. Somerset 2,537 1,197 Northampton . 4,774 7,087 Bucks 2,976 4,076 Oxfordshire 1,107 1,379 Middlesex . 36 . 855 5,519 7,841 CLIFFORD OF CHUDLEIGH, Lord, Ugbrooke Park, Devon, Coll. Club. Reform. Devon . Warvi^ick Bucks . Somerset Cornwall 4,416 1,962 858 896 128 5,259 2,400 1,930 1,979 550 8,260 12,1 18 42 T^he Acre-ocracy of England. CLIFTON, Henry Robert, of Clifton Hall. *. Coll Club, Notts acres. 4,288 value. 8,682 CLIFTON, John Talbot, of Clifton Hall. g). Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. White's, Carlton. Lancashire . . CLINTON, Lord, Heanton Satchville, Devon. Devon . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cornwall . , Club. Carlton, Travellers*. Kent . . . , CLITHEROW, Lieut.' Col. Edward John STRACEY-, House, Middlesex, &c. Huntingdon Norfolk . . Middlesex . Coll. Yorks., E. R. Club. Guards*. Bucks Sussex . Surrey . . 15,802 . 41,965 . 14,431 . 11,685 • 3,690 . i»,355 37 . 451 18,158 . 23,491 TRACEY-, < )f Boston 546 . 586 606 . 961 546 2,287 • 2,445 3,269 669 918 248 474 5 S 5,065 CLIVE, Rev. Archer, of Whitefield, Herefordshire. Hereford . . 5,799 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Warwick . . 137 Club. Athenaeum. 8,500 6,520 235 5,936 CODRINGTON, Sir Gerald Willl^m Henry, Bart., of Gloucestershire. Gloucester . 4,218 Coll. Wilts . . . 77 Club. White's. • 6,755 Dodington, 6,101 126 4,295 COFFIN, John Richard PINE-, of Portledge House. Coll. Club. Devon . , . 3,854 6,227 2,971 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 43 COHAM, William Holland Bickford, of Dunsland, &c. , Devon. acres. value. Devon . Coll. St. John's, Cam. Cornwall . Club. • • 3,744 221 1,541 209 3,965 1,750 COLBY, Mrs., of Fynone, Pembrokeshire. Pembroke . Carmarthen Cardigan . • « • 6,663 2,557 32 • 3,402 . 1,707 38 9,252 . 5,147 COLLINGWOOD, Rkv. Robert Gordon, of Dissington Hall, North- umberland. Northumberland 5,551 . 5,706 Coll. Cumberland . 153 • 142 Clvb. 5,704 . 5,848 COLLINS, DiGBY, of Truthan. Coll. Trin. Hall, Cam. Club. Raleigh. Cornwall . . 4,850 . 4,546 COLSTON, Charles Edward Hungerford Athole, of Roundway Park, Wilts. Somerset . . 2,409 . 4,258 Coll. Wilts . . . 955 . 2,226 3,364 . 6,484 COLYER, Mrs., of Wombwell Hall. Kent . . . 3,933 . 7,724 COMBERMERE, Viscount, Combermere Abbey, Salop. s. Lancashire . 1,818 Coll. Cheshire . . 8,414 Club. Carlton, Uni, Serv. Salop . . . 2,447 6,055 . 12,804 • 3,724 12,679 . 22,583 44 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. COMPTON, Henry, of Minstead Manor, Hants. acres. value. Hants . . . 1,864 • 2,704 Coll. Dorset . . . 3,012 . 3,707 Cluh. Carlton. 4,876 . 6,411 CONANT, Edward Nathaniel, of Lyndon Hall, Rutland. Rutland . . 1,472 . 2,446 Coll. St. John's, Oxon. Lincoln . . 3,591 . 7,083 Cluh. Junior Carlton. 5,063 . 9,529 CONROY, Sir John, Bart., of Llanbrynmair, Montgomery. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Montgomery . 3,353 • 1,040 Cluh. Junior Carlton, New Berkshire . . 9 . 69 University. 3,362 . 1,109 CONSETT, William P. W., of Northallerton. Coll. Cluh. Yorks.,N.&W.R. 4,569 . 6,999 CONSTABLE, Sir Frederick Augustus Talbot CLIFFORD-, Bart., of Burton Constable, Yorkshire. Yorks.,E.&N. R. 18,666 . 23,650 Durham ... 25 . 36 Coll. Middlesex . . 15 • 608 Cluh. Staffordshire . 8 . 87 18,714 . 24,381 CONSTABLE, Henry STRICKLAND-, of Wassand Hall, E. R. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Yorks.,E. &W.R. 4,576 . 6,804 CONYERS, Lord, (Residence) Wellesbourne, Warwick. Coll. C/m6. Carlton, Jun. United Yorks.,N. & W.R. 3,460 . 8,538 Service. CONYNGHAM, Marquis of, K.P., Slane Castle, Meath, kc. Cott. Cluh. White's, Uni. Serv. Kent. . . . 9,737 . 17,432 T!he Acre-ocracy of England, 45 COODE, Edward, ot Polapit Tamar, Devon. acres. value. Devon . . . 2,108 . 1,547 Coll. Trin. Cam. Cornwall . . 3.632 . 7,192 Club. New University. 5,740 . 8,739 COOKE, Philip Bryan DAVIES-, of Owston, Yorkshire. Yorks., W. R. . 3,379 . 4,646 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Flint .... 3,397 . 7,756 Club. Travellers'. Denbigh. . . 89 . 338 6,865 . 12,740 COOKE, Sir William Ridley Charles, Bart., of Wheatley Hall. Coll. Club. Yorks., W. R. . 3,638 6,228 COOKSON, John, of Meldon Park. Coll. Club. Northumberland 4,192 . 4,256 COOTE, Eyre, of West Park, Hants. Hants . . . 1,811 . 2,838 A minor, b. Wilts . . . 6,840 . 5,604 1857. 8,651 . 8,442 COPE, Rev. Sir William Hr nry, Bart., of Bramshill, Hants. ^. Berks Hants Coll. Trin. Dub. and Magd. Warwick Hall, Oxon. Oxford Club. Northants 5,442 . 6,797 COPLEY, Sir Joseph Willlam, Bart., of Sprotborough, Yorkshire. Yorks., W. R. . 3,783 . 5,228 Coll. Cornwall . . 2,159 . 2,392 Club. Travellers'. ^ 5,942 . 7,620 74 . 72 • 3,833 • -3,616 184 . 230 1,120 2,399 231 . 480 46 'The Acre-ocracy of England, CORBET, Athelstan John Soden Robert, of Ynys-y-maen-gwyn. acres, value. Coll. . Club. Merionethshire 9,347 . 8,241 CORBET, John Dryden PIGOTT-, of Sundorne Castle, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Salop ... 8,118 . 11,808 CORBET, Richard, of Adderley Hall, &c., Salop. Salop . . . 7,480 . 13,239 Coll. Cheshire . . 127 . 166 Club. Staffordshire . 89 . 176 7,696 . 13,581 CORBET, Sir Vincent Rowland, Bart., of Acton Reynald Hall. Sb- Coll. Club. Army and Navy. Salop . . . 9,489 1 2,098 CORBETT, LiEUT.-CoL. Edward, of Longnor Hall, Salop. Salop . . . 3,618 . 3,976 Coll. Montgomery . 3,590 . 1,860 Club. Staffordshire . 727 . 1,752 7,935 . 7,588 CORK AND ORRERY, Earl of, Marston House. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Brooks's, White's. Somerset . . 3,398 . 5,094 CORNEWALL, Rev. Sir George Henry, Bart., of Moccas Court. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Hereford . . 5,066 . 7,595 CORYTON, Augustus, of Pentillie Castle, Cornwall. Devon . . . 800 . 1,170 Coll. Cornwall . . 8,826 . 8,783 Club. United Service. 9,626 . 9,953 The Acre-ocracy of England, 47 ^ — — ' — — ' ' ■■—- - ■■. ■ ■■ .11 ....——-. -■ — — ■ ■ ■ I — ,.. „ -II.. .. . „ . — ^ — „. — . — ,,__ COTES, Charles Cecil, of Woodcote, Staffordshire. 5>. acres. value, Staffordshire . 2,991 . 4,255 Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Salop . . . 3,116 . 4,264 Club. Brooks's, St. James's. Montgomery . 443 . 341 6,550 . 8,860 COTTENHAM, Earl of, Tandridge Court, Surrey. Surrey . . . 3,439 . 4,172 Coll. Trin. Cam. Cheshire . . 1,117 • l,502 Club. Arthur's, Brooks's. 4,556 . 5,674 COTTERELL, Sir Geers Henry, Bart., of Garnons. Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. White's, Brooks's, Herefordshire . 5,066 . 7,595 Boodle's. COULSON, Edward Foster, of Bellaport Hall, Salop, &c. Salop . . . 1,242 . 1,894 Coll. Merioneth . . 4,578 . 1,184 Club. Union, Windham. 5,820 . 3,078 COURTHOPE, George Campion, of Whileigh, Sussex. S. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Sussex . . . 3,026 . 2,956 COVENTRY, Earl of, Croome Court, Worcester. Worcester . . 13,021 . 22,367 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Gloucester . . 1,398 . 2,511 Club. Carlton, White's. Durham. . . 719 . 653 15,138 . 25,531 COWLEY, Earl, K.G., Draycot Lodge, Wilts. Wilts . . . 3,791 . 7,176 Coll. Essex . . . 2,218 . 5,247 Club. Athenaeum, Travellers'. Berks ... 1 . 53 6,010 . 12,476 48 The Acre-ocracy of England. COWPER, Earl, K.G., Panshanger, Hertford, &c. acres. value. Suffolk ... A\ ' 70 Wilts . . , 2,536 . 2,794 Leicester . . 913 . 802 Essex 3,227 . 4,543 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Kent . . 2,076 . 3,484 Club. Brooks's, White's, Yorks., N. & W. R. 6,416 . 10,198 Travellers', St.James's. Derby . . 2,787 . 6,669 Beds . . . 9,105 . 13,394 Northants . 1,067 . 3,989 Herts . . 10,122 . 13,540 Notts . . 5,294 . 8,242 43,587 . 67,725 COWPER-TEMPLE, Rt. Hon. William Francis, of Broadlands, Hants, &c. Coll. Cluh„ Reform, TravellerB*, Brooks', Athena?um. Hants Yorks., W. R. Herts 6,135 643 23 6,801 7,609 1,099 1 1 8,719 CRADOCK, Christopher, of Hartforth, Yorks. Yorks., N. R. Durham Coll. Cluh. 3,983 430 4,413 4,634 597 5,231 CRAVEN, Charles G00DW1N-C0LQUITT-, of Brockhampton Park, Gloucester. Coll. Cluh. Carlton. Gloucester . 1,617 1,852 Cheshire 656 1,011 Wilts . . . 505 479 Flint . . . 519 825 Denbigh 632 . 917 3,929 5,084 The Acre-ocracy of England. 49 CRAVEN, Earl of, Ashdown Park, Berks, &c. Coll. Cluh. White's, Guards. Coll. Trin. Cam. Clvh. acres. value. Warwick 8,447 13,173 Yorks., W.R. 1,825 . 399 Berks . 19,225 21,767 Wilts . . 419 328 Salop . . 803 ■ 1,827 Hants 70 99 30,789 • 37,593 I Hall, Lancash ire, &c. Lancashire . 1,931 . 31,763 Carmarthen 1,670 863 Westmoreland 24 129 3,625 32,755 CRAWLEY, John Sambrook, of Stockwood. Beds . . . Coll. Cluh. 8,305 10,528 CRESSWELL, Addison John BAKER-, of Cresswell, Northumber- land. Northumberland 15,251 . 16,263 Yorks., N.R. . 684 . 871 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. 15,935 . 17,134 CREWE, Lord, Crewe Hall, Cheshire. Coll. Cluh. Travellers'. Cheshire . . 10,148 . 18,809 Northumberland 2,467 . 4,975 Staffordshire . 5,927 . 8,036 Wilts. . . . 907 . 2,171 19,449 33,991 CREWE, Sir John HARPUR-, Bart., of Calke Abbey, Derby- shire, &c. ^. Coll. Cluh. Derby . Staffordshire Leicester 12,923 14,256 877 24,204 10,384 1,778 28,056 . 36,366 E 50 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, CREWE-READ, Offley Malcolm, of Llandinam Hall, Mont- gomeryshire. acres. value. Coll. Montgomery . 3,5 1 8 . 2,619 Club. Uni. Service, Brooks*s. Flint .... 424 . 608 3,942 . 3,227 CREYKE, Ralph, of Rawcliffe, W. R. Coll. C^tt6. Brooks's, St. James's, Yorks.,E.&W. R. 5,106 . 9,0 16 Devonshire. CRIPPS, Rush Marten, of Novington, Sussex. Sussex . . . 1,954 . 1,764 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Suffolk . . . 1,179 • 1,527 Club. Oxford & Cam. 3,133 . 3,291 CROSSLEY, Sir Saville Brinton, Bart., Somerleyton Hall, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 3,050 . 5,288 A minor, Norfolk ... 131 211 b. 1857. 3,181 . 5,499 CRUTCHLEY, Percy Henry, of SunninghiU Park, Berks. Berks . . . 2,437 . 3,984 Coll. Northants . . 1,265 . 1.787 Club. Surrey ... 15 • 32 3,717 . 5,803 CUBITT, George, of Denbies. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Surrey . . . 3,989 . 5,509 CURE, Capel, of Blake Hall, Essex. Essex . . . 3,449 . 4,190 Coll Ch. Ch. Oxon. Gloucester . . 12 . 30 Club. Athenaeum. 3,461 . 4,220 The Acre-ocracy of England. 5 1 CURTEIS, Major Edward Barrett, of Leasam, Sussex. acres. value. Sussex . . . 1,609 ■ 3,74« Lincoln . . . 1,482 • 1,937 Kent . . . . 1 ColL Club. Jun. Uni. Serv. 3,092 . 5,685 CURWEN, Henry FraseRo of Workington Hall, Cumberland. Cumberland . . 6,011 . 9,351 Coll. Lancashire . . 1,079 • 5^9 Club. Westmoreland . 38 . 134 7,128 . 10,054 CURZON, Nathaniel Charles, of Breedon on the Hill, Leicester, &c. Leicester . . . 4,753 • 9,663 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Derby .... 544 . 1,461 Club. Arthur's. Staffordshire . . 365 . 649 5,662 . 11,773 CUST, Ernest Richard Charles, of Arthingworth, Northants, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Northants . , Notts . . . Lincoln . Rutland . . 226 • • 1,993 . . 14,868 , . 2 626 . 2,341 . 22,546 3 17,089 . 25,516 DACRE, Lord, The Hoo, Herts, &c. Herts . . . Cambridge Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Essex . . . Club. Boodle's. Suffolk . . . . 7,100 . 1,942 . . 2,876 . 979 • . 9,527 2,328 • 3,559 1,223 12,897 . 16,637 DALISON, Maximilian Hammond DIGGES-, of Hamptons, Kent. Kent . . . . 1,652 . 5,634 Coll. Merton, Oxon. Lincoln .... 3,292 . 2,976 Club. 4,944 . 8,610 52 The Acre-ocracy of England, DALTON, John, of Fillingham Castle, Lincoln, &c. Coll Clvb. Guards. acres. Lincoln . . . 4,984 Yorks.,N.&W.R. 811 5,795 DANIEL, Thomas Carew, of Stoodleigh Court. Devon Coll. Club 5,751 DARLEY, Henry Brewster, of Aldby Park, E. R. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Arthur's. Yorks., E. & N. R. 4,787 DARNLEY, Earl of, Cobham Hall, Kent. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. CliA. Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Kent . . DARTMOUTH, Earl of, Patshull Hall, Staffordshire, 8cc. 22,533 value. 6,624 1,413 8,037 4,249 6,134 9,934 • 24,916 Sussex . 454 • 475 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Bucks 2,190 . 3,948 Club. Carlton, Travellers'. Yorks., W.R. . 14,723 26,539 Staffordshire 4,609 . 13,126 Salop 557 1,006 44,094 DASHWOOD, Charles Edmund, of Wherstead Park, &c. A minor, b. 1857. Suffolk . . . 3,218 . 4,050 DASHWOOD, Sir Henry William, Bart., of Kirtlington Park, Oxon. Coll. Club. Travellers'. Oxon . Lancashire . 7,659 . 12,234 115. 246 7,774 . 12,480 DASHWOOD. Lady, of West Wycombe. Bucks 4,888 6,866 "The Acre-ocracy of England, c^^ D'AUMALE, Due, Versailles, France. acres. value. Worcestershire . 4,604 . 7,407 Middlesex ... 46 . 2,826 4,650 . 10,233 DAVENPORT, Rev. George Horatio, of Foxley, Herefordshire. Hereford . . . 4,413 . 5,911 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Staffordshire . . 343 . 822 Club. 4,756 . 6,733 DAVENPORT, Henry, of Maer Hall, Staffordshire. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Windham, Jun. Carltn. Staffordshire . . 4,077 . 6,954 DAVIDSON, Mrs., of Ridley. Northumberland . 4,680 . 3,085 DAVIE, Sir Henry Robert FERGUSON-, Bart., of Greedy Park, Devon. Devon .... 6,813 . 9,269 Coll. Somerset . . . 2,100 . 1,583 Club. Brooks's, Uni. Serv. 8,913 . 10,852 DAVIES, Arthur Picton Saunders, of Pentre, Cardigan, &c. Cardigan . . . 2,930 . 1,760 A minor, Carmarthen . . 4,175 . 3,407 b. 1862. Pembroke ... 83 . 57 7,188 . 5,224 DAVIES, John Maurice, of Penponpren, Cardiganshire. Cardigan . . . 5,065 . 1.020 Coll. Carmarthen . . 484 . 236 Club. 5,549 . 1,256 DAVIES, Rev. Lewis C. of Coll. Club. Cardigan . . . 3,153 . 898 54 ^^'^^ Acre-ocracy of England, DAVIES, Matthew Lewis Vaughan. Coll. acres. value. Club. Cardiganshire . . 3,674 . 974 DAVIES, Rev. William Trevelyan KEVILL-, of Croft Castle. Coll Club. Herefordshire . . 5,395 •. 8,068 DAVY, Capt. John, R.N., of Ingoldisthorpe, Norfolk. Norfolk .... 4,294 . 3,280 Coll. Suffolk .... 93 • 102 Club. 4,387 . 3,382 DAVY, Col., of Edwinsford. Coll. Club. Carmarthen . . 3,523 . 2,808 DAVY, George, of Colston Basset. Coll. Club. Notts .... 3,359 . 3,798 DAVYS, William Davys HARRIES-CAMPBELL-, of Cilycwm, Carmarthenshire. Carmarthen . 4,008 . 1,992 Coll. Trin. Oxon. Brecon .... 1,948 . 879 Club. 5,956 . 2,871 DAWNAY, Hon. Payan, of Beningborough Hall, Yorkshire. S- Yorks., N. &W.R. 8,116 . 10,755 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Berks .... 94 • 200 Club. Ox. & Cam. 8,210 . 10,955 DAWSON, Edward Finch, of Launde Abbey. Coll. Club. Army & Navy. Leicestershire . . 3,140 . 4,902 DEAKIN, Henry James, of Warrington Park, Devon, &c. Lancashire ... o . 3,174 Devon .... 1,078 . 1,118 Coll. Cornwall . . . 1,988 . 3,543 Club. Cheshire . . . 159 • 1,102 3,225 . 8,937 The Acre-ocracy of England. 55 DECIES, Lord, Bolam House, Northumberland. acres. value. Northumberland 6,394 • 6,767 Westmoreland . 20 . 177 Colt. Club. Guards, Carlton, Jun. Uni. Serv. DEEDES, William, of Sandling Park. Coll. Club. Carlton. Kent . 6,414 6,944 4,904 5,539 DE HOGHTON, Sir Henry, Bart., of Hoghton Tower. S)- Coll. St. John's, Cam. Club. Travellers'. Lancashire . DELAMERE, Lord, Vale Royal. Coll. Club. Carlton. Cheshire . . DELAP, Rev. Robert, of Monellan, Donegal. Bucks Coll. Trin. Dublin. Beds .... Club. Carlton, Kildare St. Northants . . 4,122 5,611 2,241 1,807 329 10,144 15,046 3,516 2,938 508 4,377 6,962 DE LA WARR, Earl, Buckhurst Park, Sussex, &c. S- Sussex . , . 14,045 1 2,806 Oxford . . . 2,941 4,325 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Kent . . . 1,501 . 3,076 Club- Carlton. Cambridge . . 3,240 6,454 Gloucester . . 2,342 . 3,626 24,069 . 30,287 DE L'ISLE, Ambrose Lisle PHILLIPPS-, of Garendon Park, &c. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Leicestershire . 7,189 . 14,571 DE LISLE, Lord, Penshurst, Kent, &c. Coll. Yorks., N. R. . Club. Carlton, White's, Kent . . . . Boodle's. 4,896 4,356 4,482 5,758 9,252 10,240 ^6 The Acre-ocracy of England. DELME, Henry Peter, of Cams Park. acres. value. Coll. Club. Hants . . . 6,258 6,986 ^ DE MAULEY, Lord, Down Ampney House, Somerset. Coll. Somerset . . 2,457 . 7,433 Club. Travellers', Brooks's, Oxon . ... 1,255 . 1,901 White's, Athenaeum. 3,712 . 9,334 DENBIGH, Earl of, Newnham Paddox, Leicestershire, &c. S- Leicester . . 5,175 • 9,403 Coll. Trin. Cam. Flint .... 2,938 . 6,560 Club. Stafford, Carlton, Essex . . . 635 . 1,136 Travellers'. Warwick . . 35 • 41 8,783 . 17,140 DENT, John Coucher, of Sudeley Castle. Coll. Magdalen, Oxon. Club. Conservative. Gloucestershire 3,1 11 . 4,332 DENT, John Dent, of Ribston Hall, Yorkshire, kc. Lincoln . . . 2,473 . 3,6o8 Coll. Trin. Cam. Yorks.,E.&W.R. 6,068 . 10,962 Club. 8,541 . 14,570 DENT, Wilkinson, of Crosby, Ravensworth. Westmoreland 2,6o2 . 1,721 Coll. Cumberland. 479 . 1,335 Club. 3,081 . 3,056 DERBY, Earl of, Knowsley, Lancashire. Lancashire . . 47,269 . 156,735 Cheshire . . 9,202 . 6,460 Coll. Trin. Cam. Flint .... 92 . 78 Club. Carlton, Travellers'. Kent .... 35 • 53 56,598 . 163,326 T'he Acre-ocracy of England. 57 BERING, Sir Edward Cholmeley, Bart., of Surrender! Dering. S- acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Carlton, Travellers', Kent .... Ox. & Cam. 7,280 9,795 DE TABLE Y, Lord, Tabley House. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Travellers', St. James's. Cheshire 6,195 . 14,647 DE TRAFFORD, Sir Humphrey, Bart., Trafford Park, Lan- cashire. 5'« Lancashire . . 6,454 . 22,158 Coll. Oscott. Cheshire . . 1,990 3,36 1 Cluh. Carlton. 8,444 DEVON, Earl of, Powderham Castle. S. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Carlton, Athenaeum. Devon . . DEVONSHIRE, Duke of, Chatsworth, &c., Derby. S. DE WINTON, Walter, of Maesllwych Castle, Radnor. . 4,955 . 2,485 . 2,458 2 Coll. Radnor Brecon Cluh. Carlton, Jun. Carlton, Glamorgan Army & Navy. Hereford 25,519 20,588 . 30,997 Cumberland 983 1,925 Derby . 89,462 . 89,557 Sussex . 11,062 . 14,081 Lincoln . 1,392 2,657 Coll. Trin. Cam. Middlesex . 524 . 3,079 Cluh. Athenaeum, Ox. & Cam. Somerset 3,014 4,918 Staffordshire 26 40 Lancashire . 12,681 12,494 Yorks., W. R. • 19,332 . 16,958 Notts . . . 125 . 130 Cheshire . . 28 . 21 148,629 . 145,860 6,193 3,115 6,333 1 9,900 15,642 5 8 'The Acre-ocracy of England. D'EYNECOURT, Admiral Edwin Clayton TENNYSON-, of Usselby Hall, &c., Lincolnshire. acres. value. Lincoln . . . 3,436 . 5,004 Coll. Royal Naval. Middlesex . . 16 . 231 Club. United Service. 3,452 . 5,235 DICCONSON, Thomas, of Wrightington Hall. Coll. Club. Lancashire . . 4,380 . 9,983 DICKINSON, Francis Henry, of Kingweston. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Athenaeum, Uni. Univ. Somerset . . 4,279 . 5,843 DIGBY, George Digby WINGFIELD-, of Sherborne Castle, Dorset. Dorset . . . 21,451 . 32,342 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Somerset . . 5,710 . 8,886 K^lUU. 27,161 . 41,228 DIGBY, Rev. John, of Coleshill, Warwickshire. Warwick 8,904 . 15,080 Coll. Exeter, Oxon. W^orcester . . rf„h . 182 , 369 9,086 . 15,449 DILLON, Viscount, Dytchley Park. Coll. Club. Travellers'. Oxfordshire . . 5,444 . 6,989 DIXIE, Sir Alexander Beaumont Churchill, Bart., of Bosworth Park, Leicestershire. Leicester . . 5,379 • 10,404 Coll. Derby ... 31 • 44 Club. Raleigh. Notts. ... 523 • 666 5,933 • ii,iH DOBEDE, Henry Frederick, of Exning Hall, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 2,648 . 5,033 Coll. Cambridge. . 2,700 . 4,917 Club. 5.348 . 9,950 The Acre-ocracy of England, 59 DODSON, Rt. Hon. John George, of Conyboro, Sussex. acres. value. Sussex . . . 2,916 . 3,167 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks., W. R. . 181 . 300 Club. Reform, Brooks's, Uni. University. 3,097 • 8,467 DORMER, Clement COTTRELL-, of Rousham Hall, Oxfordshire. Oxon . . * 2,232 . 4,188 Coll. Yorks., E.R. . 1,351 . 2,058 Club. 3,583 . 6,246 DORMER, Lord, Grove Park, Warwick. Warwick . . 2,258 . 4,529 Coll. Oscott. Bucks . . . 1,305 . 1,607 Club. Travellers'. 3»563 . 6,136 DOUGLAS, James Douglas STODDART-, of Chilstone Park. Coll. Club. Jun. Uni. Serv. Kent .... 3,753 . 4,937 DOWDESWELL, William, of Pull Court. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Athenaeum. Worcestershire 3,960 . 7,529 DOWNE, Viscount, Worton Conyers, Yorks., W. R., &c. S- Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, White's. Yorks.,N.E.&W.R. 37,672 . 45,050 DOWNSHIRE, Marquis of, Hillsborough Castle, Downshire. Berks . . . 5,287 . 4,853 A minor, Suffolk ... 281 . 316 b. 1871. 5,568 . 5,169 DRAKE, Sir Francis George Augustus FULLER-ELIOTT-, Bart., of Nutwell Court, &c. Coll. Club. Devon . . . 7,573 . 8,844 6o The Acre-ocracy of England. DRAKE, Thomas TYRWHITT-, of Shardeloes, Bucks. Coll. Club. Bucks Cheshire Lincoln . Oxon acres. 5,767 3,834 8,502 360 value. 7,483 5,516 11,205 482 18,463 . 24,686 DRAX, John Samukl Wanley SAWBRIDGE-ERLE-,* of Charl- borough Park, Dorset, &c. Dorset Kent . Lincolnshire Wilts . . Surrey Somerset Yorks., N. R. Coll. Club. Carlton, Windham. . 15,069 . 12,631 3,173 . 3,295 1,610 . 2,449 1,902 . 2,093 327 ■ 1,332 883 . 1,344 623 . 1,034 23,587 . 24,178 DREWE, Edward Simcoe, of Honiton Grange. 5>. Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Club. Brooks's. Devonshire . . 3,684 . 4,756 DRUMMOND, Edgar Atheling, of Cadlands. Coll. Club. Hants ... 5,155 • 5,756 DRUMMOND, Sir James Hamlyn WILLIAMS-, Bart., of Haw- thornden, Midlothian. A minor, b. 1857. Carmarthenshire 9,281 6,357 DUBERLY, William, of Gaynes Hall, Huntingdon. Hunts . 3,224 Coll. Beds .... 345 Club. Guards, Brooks's, Jun. Cambridge . . 647 4,596 366 983 Naval & Military. 4,216 5,945 * Including unmarried daughters. ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 6 1 DU CANE, Sir Charles, K.M.G., of Braxted Park. acres. value. Coll. Exeter, Oxon. Club. Carlton, Cons., Travel- Essex . . . 5,409 . 7,044 lers', Arthur's, Boodle's. DUCIE, Earl of, Tortworth Court, Gloucestershire, &c. Gloucester . . 5,193 . 8,419 Coll. Oxford . . . 8,798 . 13,430 Club. Athenaeum, Brooks's, Lancaster . . 1 . 122 Travellers'. 13,992 . 21,971 DUCKWORTH, William, of Orchard Leigh, Somerset. Somerset . . 2,174 • 4,086 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lancashire . . 1,032 . 1,485 Club. Athenaeum. Surrey ... 5 . 60 3,211 . 5,631 DUDLEY, Earl of, Witley Court, Worcestershire. Worcester . Staffordshire Coll. Ch. Ch. & Trin. Oxon. Merioneth . Club. Carlton, White's. Salop 24,408 . 120,442 DUGDALE, William Stratford, of Merevale Hall, Warwick. Coll. Balliol, Oxon, Club. 14,698 . 48,545 4,730 . 68,460 4,412 . 3,114 568 . 323 Warwick 5,689 . 10,418 Leicester 809 . 1,783 Worcester . 136 . 209 Staffordshire . 5 6,634 . 12,415 DUKE, Sir James, Bart., of Laughton Lodge. A minor, b. 1873. Sussex . . . 4,275 . 4,172 The Acre-ocracy of Eyigland. DUNCOMBE, Hon. Arthur, of Sutton Hall, York, &c. acres. value. Coll. Club. Uni. Service, Carlton, Yorks., N. & E. R. 8,302 . 1 2,653 Conservative. DUNCOMBE, Col. Hon. Octavius, of Waresley Park, Hunts, &c. Huntingdon . 3,407 . 3,777 Coll. Cambridge 2,416 . 3,278 Club. Carlton, White's, Uni. Yorks., N.R. . 2,145 . 2,018 Service. Beds .... 1 . 2 7,969 . 9,075 DUNCOMBE, Sir Philip Duncombk Pauncefort, Bart., of Brick- hill Manor, Bucks. Bucks . . . 3,361 . 6,068 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Staffordshire . 1,034 • ^^^95 Club. Carlton, Conservative. Lincoln . 1,640 2,802 6,035 • 10,165 DUNDAS, Sir David, Bart., of Dunira, Fifeshire, &c. Radnor . 3,646 711 Coll. Surrey ... 2 . 300 Club. Carlton. 3,648 1,011 DUNRAVEN, Earl of, Adare Manor, Limerick, &c. Glamorgan. . 23,751 . 23,974 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Gloucester . . 537 . 471 Club. Guards, White's. 24,288 . 24445 DU PRE, Caledon George, of Wilton Park, Bucks. Coll. St. Mary Hall, Oxon. Club. Carlton, Conservative, Bucks . . . 5,447 . 8,896 Boodle's, Travellers'. The Acre -ocracy of England. 63 DURHAM, Earl of, Lambton Castle, Durham. acres. value. Durham . . . 14,644 . 63,929 Coll. Northumberland 15,807 . 7,742 Cluh, Travellers\ 30,471 . 71,671 DUTTON, Hon. John, of Hinton House. Coll Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Hants . . . 4,293 . 4,584 DUTTON, Hon. Ralph Heneage, of Timsbury Manor, Hants. Coll. Trin. Cam. Hants . . . 3,085 . 3,587 Cluh. Athenaeum. Somerset . . 1,278 . 1,418 4,363 . 5,005 DYKE, Sir Percyvall Hart, Bart., of LulHngstone Castle, Kent. Sussex . . 688 . 647 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Kent. . . . 7,951 . 10,175 Cluh. Carlton. Herts . . . 223 . 648 Surrey ... 3 . 4 8,865 . 11,474 DYKES, Lamplugh Frecsheville BALLANTINE-, of Dovenby j Hall. S). Cumberland . 4,762 . 5,566 DYMOKE, Henry Lionel, Champion of England, Scrivelsby Court. Coll. Cluh. Jun. Uni. Ser. Lincolnshire . 3,605 . 4,955 DYNEVOR, Lord, Dynevor Castle, Carmarthenshire. Glamorgan Carmarthen Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Oxford . . Cluh. Wilts . . . Gloucester . Worcester . 11,004 19,423 3,299 . 11,298 7,208 . 7,253 247 . 349 164 . 292 50 . 188 36 . 43 64 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. DYSART, Earl of, Buckminster Park, Lincolnshire. ColL Club. acres. value. Leicester 8,420 . 11,631 Lincoln . . 18,025 . 29,077 Surrey . 723 . 3,768 Rutland . 22 . 24 27,190 . 44,500 EARDLEY, Sir Eardley Gideon Culling, Bart, (no house). Northants . . 2,729 . 4,840 Coll. Trin. Cam. Kent .... 103 . 592 Club. Lincoln ... 251 . 472 3,083 . 5,904 EAST, Sir Gilbert Augustus CLAYTON-, Bart., of Hall Place, Berks. Berks ... 3,172 . 5,869 Coll. Bucks ... 95 . 120 Club. Union. 3,267 . 5,989 EATON , of Stetchworth Park. Cambridgeshire 3,329 . 4,338 EBURY, Lord, Moor Park, Herts. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Herts . . . 2,619 5,634 Club. Reform, Brooks's, Middlesex . . 104 . 169 Travellers'. 2,723 . 5,803 EDEN, John, of Beamish Park. Coll. Durham . . 4,278 6,885 Club. Carlton. EDEN, Sir William, Bart., of Windlestone Hall, Durham. Coll. Durham . . 6,096 10,191 Club. Union, Uni. Service. Yorks., W. R. . 1,832 3,036 7,928 . 13,227 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. ^5 EDWARDS, Charles, of Dolseran Hall. acres. value. Coll. Club. Merionethshire 3,8x8 . 1,384 EDWARDS, Richard Lloyd, of Nanhoron, Carnarvonshire. Anglesey . . 1,339 • 1,017 Carnarvon . . 6,769 . 4,674 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Denbigh . . 855 . 719 Club. Bedford ... 46 . 56 9,009 . 6,466 EFFINGHAM, Earl of, Tusmore House, Oxon, &c. Yorks., W. R. . 1,445 . 3,013 Coll. • Oxford ... 3,376 . 3,856 Clid). Travellers' Northampton . 910 . 1,073 5,731 . 7,942 EGERTON, Lord, Tatton Park, Cheshire. S. Cheshire . . 8,876 . 18,636 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Lancashire . . 1,870 . 11,995 Club. Carlton, Travellers'. Derbyshire . . 424 . 1,529 Durham . . . 389 . 330 11,559 . 32,490 EGERTON, Sir Philip de Malpas GREY-, Bart., of Oulton Park. S. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Athenaeum, Carlton. Cheshire . . 8,840 . 14,676 EGGINTON, Mrs., of Bere Regis. Dorset . . . 5,301 . 4,766 EGMONT, Earl of, Nork House, Surrey, &c. S- Surrey . . . 3,297 . Coll. Sussex . . . 14,021 Club. Carlton, White's, Bucks . . . 540 . Arlington. 3,827 11,021 787 17,858 . 15,615 F 66 The Acre-ocracy of England, EGREMONT, Lady, Orchard Wyndham, Somerset, &c. acres. value. Somerset . . Devon . . . 8,365 . 6,740 . 14,057 9,794 15,105 . 23,851 ELDON, Earl of, Shirley House, Dorset, &c. Durham . . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Dorset . . . Club, Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Gloucester . . Surrey . . . 11,841 6,869 . 6,664 . 387 . 12,897 8,192 6,034 1,334 25,761 . 28,457 ELLESMERE, Earl of, Worsley Hall, Lancash ire. 5). Lancashire Coll. Trin. Cam. Cheshire . . Club. 3,379 • 7 • 9,870 12 3,386 . 9,882 ELLISON, Ralph CARR., of Hedgeley, Northumberland. Northumberland 8,176 3,091 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Durham . . 1,959 • 42,995 Club. 10,135 . 46,086 ELTON, Sir Edward MARWOOD-, Bart., of Wid worthy Court, Devon. Devon . . . 3,740 4,207 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Somerset . 405 . 711 Club. Brooks's, Reform. ■ 4,145 . 4,918 ELWES, John Henry, of Colesbourne, Gloucester. Gloucester . 3,874 . 2,905 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Essex . . . 675 1,161 Club. Travellers', Ox. k Cam. 4,549 . 4,066 ELWES, Robert Hervey Monro, of Stoke College, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 2,578 2,894 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Essex . . . 863 . 1,332 aub. 3,441 . 4,226 The Acre-ocracy of England, 67 EL WES, Robert, of Congham House. acres. value. Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Norfolk . . 3»3i3 • 3,o74 ELWES, Valentine Dudley Henry CARY-, of Billing Hall, Northamptonshire . Coll. Northants . , 1*027 . 2,462 Club. Junior Carlton, Army Lincoln. . . 9,171 . 14,621 and Navy. 10,198 . 17,083 EMPSON, Robert Cornelius, of Ousefleet Grange, &c. Coll. Club. Yorks., W. R. . 4,049 . 8,264 ENYS, Francis Gilbert, of Enys. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Cornwall . . 3,429 . 7,173 ERRINGTON, John, of High Warden. Coll. Club. Reform. Northumberland 3,323 . 2,518 ESDAILE, Edward Jeffries, of Cothelstone House. Coll. Club. Somerset . . 3,228 . 4,683 ESSEX, Earl of, Cashiobury Park, Herts. Herts ... 6,157 . 8,688 Coll. Essex ... 3,155 . 3,555 Club. Travellers'. Warwick . . 667 . 837 9,979 . 13,080 ESTCOURT, Rt. Hon. Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron, of Estcourt, Gloucestershire, &c. ^. Yorks., E. & W.R. 5,757 • 8,164 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Gloucestershire 1,743 . 2,732 Club. Carlton, United Uni- Wilts . . . 3,629 . 6,557 versity, ^- o ▼ n\ U 1^. P P ^NV^« 68 The Acre-ocracy of England. EVANS, Herbert DAVIES-, of High Mead, Carmarthen. acres. Coll. Cardigan . . 2, 808 Clttb. Carmarthen . 1,966 Pembroke . . 20 . 4,794 EVANS, Owen, of Broom Hall, Carnarvonshire. Coll. Club. Carnarvonshire 4,637 EVANS, Thomas William, of Allestree Hall, Derby. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Reform, Brooks's, Athenaeum. Derby Staffordshire 6,799 1,144 EVELYN, Francis, of Corton, Radnor. Hereford Coll. Radnor . Club. EVELYN, William John, of Wotton, Surrey. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Club. Oxford & Cambridge, Surrey . Athenaeum. EVERED, Robert Guy, of Barford House, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Somerset 7,943 4,237 489 4,726 3,609 3,142 EVERSFIELD, Charles Gilbert, of Denne Park. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Sussex . . 3,124 EXETER, Marquis of, Burghley House, Rutland. Northampton Coll. St. John's, Cam. Rutland . . Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton, Lincoln . United Service. Hants Leicester value. 1,863 1,170 10 3,043 3,457 10,757 1,549 12,306 5,257 709 5,966 2,836 3,916 4,756 • 13,545 . 21,015 . 10,712 . 16,388 • 3,427 10,808 10 215 SS3 ■ 861 28,247 . 49,287 T!he Acre- OCT acy of England, 69 EYRE, Charles, of Welford Park, Berks. acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Berks . . . Cluh. Athenaeum. Herts . . . 5,737 . 409 . 7,121 592 6,146 . 7,713 EYTON, Thomas Campbell, of Eyton, &c., Salop. Sb- Salop .... 3,749 . 6,427 ColL St. John's, Cam. Yorks., N. R. . 295 . 377 Club. — 4,044 . 6,804 FALKLAND, Viscount, Scutterskelfe. S- Coll. Club. Yorks., N. R. . 3,011 . 4,464 FALMOUTH, Viscount, Mereworth Castle, Kent, &c. S>' Cornwall . . 25,910 . 35,953 Coll. Kent .... 4,696 . 6,951 Club. White's, Arthur's, Turf. 30,606 . 42,904 FANE, Col. John William, of Wormsley, Oxon. Sb- Oxon. . . . 1,622 . 1,662 Coll. Essex . . . 3,692 . 3,970 Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Bucks . . . 540 . 480 Dorset ... 450 . 649 6,304 . 6,761 FANE, Edmond Douglas Veitch, of Boyton House. Coll, Merton, Oxon. Club. Carlton. Wilts . . . 3,864 . 3,004 FANE, Neville Henry Batson, of Clovelly Court, Devon. Devon . . . 4,643 . 2,747 A minor, Lincoln . . . 407 . 663 b. 1858. Dorset ... 1 . 1 5,051 . 3,4" 2,148 . 1,963 2,i6o . 3,123 . 3,673 . 1,171 687 . 905 827 . 1,115 70 The Acre-ocracy of England. FARMER, William Robert Gamul, of Nonsuch Park, Surrey. acres. value. Surrey . Coll. Suffolk . . Club. Carlton, Guards'. Montgomery Hunts Cambridge . 9,495 . 8,277 FARQUHARSON, James John, of Langton House, Dorset. Dorset 6,126 . 6,111 Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Somerset . . 697 . 1,305 Cluh. ^ — 6,823 . 7,416 FARQUHARSON, Rev. Robert, of Long Langton Rectory. Coll. Club. Dorset . . . 5,476 3,680 FARRER, James, of Ingleboro'. Coll. New, Oxon. C/«6. Carlton. Yorks., W. R. . 11,087 • 7,769 FAULKNER, William, of Kempsford, Gloucestershire. Coll. Club. Gloucestershire 3,071 . 4,465 FAWKES, Ayscough, of Farnley Hall. Coll. Club. Yorks., W.R. . 11,204 15,414 FELLOWES, Edward, of Ramsey Abbey, Hunts, &c. Huntingdon 15,629 . 22,128 Coll. Norfolk . . . 4,083 . 3,609 Club. Carlton. Cambridge . . 309 . 466 20,021 . 26,203 FELLOWES, Robert, of Shottesham Hall. Coll. Trin. Cam. att6. Carlton. Norfolk. . . 7,758 . 11,078 *The Acre-ocracy of England, 7 1 FENWICK, Edward Matthew, of Burrow Hall, Lancashire. acres. value. Coll. Lancashire . . 3,165 . 4,380 Cluh. Reform. Yorks., W. R. . 807 , 332 Northumberland 1,140 . 795 5,112 . 5,507 FERRAND, William Busfield, of St. Ives. Coll. Cluh. Carlton. Yorks., W. R. . 3,906 . 7,698 FERRERS, Earl, Chartley Castle, Staffordshire, &c. g). Staffordshire . 6,862 10,011 Coll. Trin. Cam. Leicester . . 1,801 . 2,693 Cluh. Derby ... 2 . 3 8,665 . 12,707 FETHERSTONEHAUGH, Lady, of Up Park. Sussex . . . 5,983 . 5,558 FEVERSHAM, Earl of, Duncombe Park. Coll. St John's, Oxon. Cluh. Junior Carlton, Travellers'. Yorks., N. R. . 39,312 . 34,328 FFOLKES, Sir William Hovell, Bart., of Hillington Hall. Coll. Cluh. Norfolk ... 8,111 . 10,139 FIELDEN, John, of Grimston Park, Yorkshire. Yorks., W. R. . 2,848 . 4,855 Coll. Lancashire . . 405 . 2,728 Cluh. 3,253 . 7,583 FIELDEN, Joshua, of Beachamwell, Norfolk, &c. Norfolk . . . 4,341 2,523 Coll. Surrey . . . 328 . 1,266 Cluh. Conservative, Lancashire . . 460 . 1,436 St. Stephen's. Yorks., W. R. . 95 . 483 5,224 . 5,708 72 The Acre-ocracy of England, FILMER, Sir Edmund, Bart., of East Sutton Place, Kent. £. acres. value. Kent. . . . 6,598 9,221 Coil. Berks ... 5 . 150 Cluh. Carlton, Army & Essex ... 7 . 24 Navy. 6,610 . 9,395 FINCH, George Henry, of Burley on the Hill, Rutland. Rutland ... 9,183 . 15,098 Coll. New, Oxon. Bucks . . . 3,657 . 5,565 Cluh. Carlton. Essex . . . 4,318 7,650 17,158 . 28,313 FISHER, Thomas, of Buckland Filliegh. Coll. Devon . . . 3,129 1,834 Club. FITZCLARENCE, Lady Frederick, of Etal Manor, Northumberlnd. Northumberland 4,015 . 5,331 Essex ... 42 . 36 4,057 . 5,367 FITZGERALD, Sir Gerald Richard DALTON-, Bart., of Castlfe Ishen, CO. Cork. Lancashire . 3,159 6,356 Coll. Essex . . . 1,414 . 1,584 Cluh. Junior Carlton, Army & Navy. 4,573 . 7,940 FITZHARDINGE, Lord, Berkeley Castle, Gloucester. Gloucester . . 18,264 . 31,836 Cull. Dorset . . . 1,471 1,483 Cluh. Turf. Middlesex . . 539 . 398 20,274 . 33,717 FITZHERBERT, Basil Thomas, of Swynnerton Park, Staffordsh. &c. Coll. Staffordshire . 5,567 . 6,919 duh. Derby . . . 847 1,681 6,414 . 8,600 ne Acre-ocracy of England, 73 FITZHERBERT, Sir William, Bart., of Tissington Hall, Derby- shire. S* Coll. Club. Derby . . . Notts . . . Kent . . . . Staffordshire . acres. 2,914 . 5,846 . 418 . 7 . value. 5,488 7,244 1,458 9 9,185 . 14,199 FITZHUGH, Thomas Lloyd, of Plas Power, Denbighshire. Denbigh . . 3,336 . 5,486 Coll. Salop . . . 363 . 344 Club. Travellers*, Guards'. Flint ... 26 . 87 3,725 5,917 FITZWALTER, Lord (in abeyance), otherwise. Sir Brook George BRIDGES, Bart., of Goodnestone Park, Kent. Kent . . . 4,246 . 6,836 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Essex . . . 1,545 . 1,749 Club. 5,791 8,585 FITZWILLIAM, Earl, Wentworth House, Yorkshire. Sb- Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Travellers'. Yorks.,N.&W. Northampton Cambridge Derby . . Hunts . . R. 22,140 881 522 308 75 • . 87,214 1,664 1,004 667 170 Lincoln . . 17 . 28 Yorks., E. R. 52 192 23,995 90,939 FITZWILLIAM, Hon. Charles William Wentworth, of Alwalton, Huntingdonshire. ^. Huntingdon 5,50l Coll. Trin. Cam. Notts . . . 1,060 . Club. Brooks's, Travellers*, Northampton . 2 . Garrick. 7,272 1,440 139 6,563 8,851 74 ^h^ Acre-ocracy of England, FITZWILLIAM, George Charles, of Milton Park, Northants. S>- acres. value. A minor, Northants . . i8,il6 32,492 b. 1866. Huntingdon 299 217 18,415 • 32,709 FLEMING, John Edward Arthur WILLIS-, of Stoneham Park. A minor, b. 1871. Hants . . . 10,355 . 12,644 FLETCHER, Phillips Lloyd, of Nerquis Hall, Flint. Flint . . . 1,744 . 2,012 Coll. Merioneth . . 2,133 1,196 Club. 3,877 . 3,208 FOLEY, Henry John Wentworth HODGETTS-, of Prestwood, Worcestershire. Staffordshire . 4,182 6,550 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Worcester . . 50 . 140 Club. Travellers'. 4,232 . 6,690 FOLEY, Lady Emily, of Stoke Edith, Herefordshire. Hereford . . 5,661 . 8,207 Worcester . . 1,529 4,818 Staffordshire . 753 • i.m 7,943 • 14,136 FOLJAMBE, Francis John Savile, of Osberton Hall, Notts. Notts ... 9,914 . 12,902 Co//. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks.,W. & N. R. 5,373 • 12,418 Club. Brooks's, Boodle's. Lincoln ... 3 . 59 15,290 . 25,379 FORESTER, Lord, Willey Park, Salop, &c. S- Salop . . . 14,891 . 21,046 Coll. Staffordshire . 724 ■ i»535 Club. Carlton. ■ 15,615 . 28,581 acres. value. 3,923 . 5,949 20, 1 7 1 . 5,116 . 1,071 . 17,245 5,874 2,099 The j^cre-ocracy of England, 75 FORTEATH, Mrs., of Bunny Park. Notts . . FORTESCUE, Earl, Castle Hill, Devon, g. Devon . Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln . . Club. Athenaeum, Brooks's, Gloucester . Travellers*. 26,358 . 25,218 FORTESCUE, Hon. George Matthew, of Boconnoc, Cornwall. S- Cornwall . . 17,230 . 19,351 Coll. Edinburgh. Bucks . . . 2,509 . 2,770 Club. Travellers'. 19,739 . 22,121 FOSTER, Augustus, of Warmwell, Dorset. Dorset ... 2,712 . 2,386 Coll. Berks . . . 333 . 900 Club. , 3,045 . 3,286 FOSTER, John, of Hornby Castle. Coll. Club. Lancashire . • 3,684 . 5,792 FOSTER, John William, of Lawkland Hall. Coll. Club. Yorks., W. R. . 3,642 . 2,001 FOSTER, Richard, of Llanwithan. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Cornwall . . 3,005 . 1,926 FOSTER, William Orme, of Apley Park, Salop. Salop . . . 8,547 • 17,850 Coll. Staffordshire . 874 . 1,624 Club, Athenaeum, Brooks*s. Worcester . . 1,917 4,266 11,338 . 23,740 76 'The Acre-ocracy of England, FOUNTAINE, Miss, of Narford Hall. acres. value. Norfolk ... 6,318 . 6,859 FOX, George LANE-, of Bramham Park. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Yorkshire, W. R. 15,017 21,896 FOX, John Wilson, of Statham Lodge, Cheshire. Cheshire . . 2,052 . 6,060 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Lincoln . . . 1,556 . 2,018 Club. Oxford & Cambridge. Lancashire. 51 • 271 3,659 . 8,349 FOX, William Henry, of Bradwell Grove. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. New Univ., Garrick. Oxon .... 4,554 • 5,^45 FRAMPTON, Henry, of Moreton House, g). Coll. St. John's, Cam. Club. Travellers*. Dorset ... 5,194 . 5,797 FRANK, Frederick Bacon, of Campsall Hall, Yorkshire. Yorks., W.R. . 2,232 2,931 Coll. Trin. Cam. Norfolk . . 1,777 • 2,830 Club. Travellers*. * 4,009 • 5,761 FREDERICK, Sir Charles Edward, Bart., of Burwood House, Surrey. Lincoln . . . 2,328 . 2,877 Colt. Surrey ... 686 . 954 Club. 3,014 . 3,831 FREEMAN, William Peere WILLIAMS-, of Pylewell Park, Northants. Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Northampton . 1,876 . 2,097 aub. Oxford & Cambridge. Hants . . . 1,425 • 1,999 3,301 . 4,096 The Acre-ocracy of England. 11 FRERE, George Edward, of Roydon Hall, Norfolk. acres. Colt. Edinburgh. Club. Athenaeum. Norfolk . . . Suffolk . Essex Northumberland Kent .... 1,070 2,574 841 27 105 value. 1,501 3,638 958 35 355 FREWEN, Edward, of Brickwall House, Sussex Sussex . Leicester Coll. St. John's, Cam. Kent . Club. Conservative. Rutland . Yorks.,N.R FULLER-MAITLAND, William, of Stansted, Mountfitchet, Essex Coll. Trin. Cam. Brecon . . Club. Oxford & Cambridge. 4,617 6,487 3,529 • 2,906 29 6 3,894 4,199 56 6 3 6 6,473 8,161 [ountfitche t, Essex. 3,003 3,841 • 3,972 • 1,587 FULLERTON, Thomas Gray, of Thrybergh Park. Coll. Club. Yorks., W. R. . GAGE, Lady ROKEWODE-, of Hengrave Hall. Suffolk . GAGE, Viscount, Firle Place, Sussex. S- Coll. Club. Athenaeum, Union. Sussex . . . 13,739 GAINSBOROUGH, Earl or, Exton Park, Rutland. 6,844 3,381 6,210 5,559 13,000 7,569 12,944 Rutland . . 15, 076 23,716 Coll. Trin. Cam. Gloucester . 3. 170 4,851 Club. Stafford, St. James's, Leicester 159 168 University, Warwick 68 150 Travellers'. Lincoln . 89 99 Northampton 6 7 18,568 . 28,991 7 8 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, GALWAY, Viscount, Serlby Hall, Notts. acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks., E. & W.R. 2,880 . 4,503 Club. Notts. . . . 4,081 5,969 6,961 10,472 GAPE, James John, of St. Michael's Manor, Herts. Coll. Club. Herts . . 1,258 . 1,329 Cambridge . 1,750 . 1,629 Hunts 14 . 13 Lincoln . 1,301 . 2,245 4,323 • 5,216 GARDNER, John Dunn, of Chatteris House. Coll. Club. Carlton. Cambridgeshire 3,199 ^,177 GARLAND, Edgar Walter, of Michaelstow, Essex. Essex . . . 2,792 . 3,901 Coll. New, Oxon. Lincoln . 2,139 2,500 Club. Surrey ... 35 . 372 4,966 . 6,778 GARNETT, Henry, of Wyreside. Coll. Club. Lancashire . . 3,51 1 . 3,178 GARNETT, William, of Bleasdale Tower, &c. Lancashire . 4,703 5,47^ GARNIER, John CARPENTER-,of Rooksbury Park, Hants, &c. Hants . . . 2,251 , 2,862 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Devonshire . 2,250 2,695 CltU). Carlton, St. James's. 4,501 . 5,557 *Ihe Acre-ocracy of England. 79 GASCOIGNE, Frederick Charles TRENCH-, Parlington Park, Coll. acres. value. Club. Yorks., W.R. . 5,685 . 9,611 GAUSSEN, Robert William, of Brookmans Park. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Carlton. Herts . . . 3,566 . 4,246 GELL, Henry CHANDOS-POLE-, of Hopton Hall. Coll. Club. Derbyshire . . 3,744 . 4,467 GERARD, Lord, of Garswood, Lancashire. S- Coll. Oscott. Lancashire . . 6,192 . 42,487 Club. Lincolnshire . 915 . 1,184 7,107 . 43,671 GERVIS, Sir George Eliott Meyrick TAPPS-, Bart., of Hinton Admiral, Hants. Colt. Club. Conservative. Hants . . . 4,286 . 3,358 GIBSON, George Carew CAREW-, of Pulborough, Sussex. Sussex ... 3,772 . 2,648 Coll. Pembroke, Oxon. Surrey ... 794 . 436 Club. Worcester . . 2 . 5 4,568 . 3,089 GIFFARD, Walter Peter, of Chillington Hall, Staffordshire. 5). Salop ... 34 . 68 Coll. Staffordshire . 7,070 . 10,959 Club. Flint .... 28 . 14 7,132 . 11,041 GILBERT, Carew Davies, of Trelissick, Cornwall. Cornwall. . . 2,895 . 3,556 Coll. Sussex . . . 3,526 . 5,734 Club. 6,421 . 9,290 . 2,1»0 3,273 . 1,009 2,242 720 1,205 106 165 5 8 80 The Acre-ocracy of England, GILSTRAP, William, of Fornham Park. Coll. acres. value. Club. Oriental, Clergy & Suffolk .... 4,224 4,557 Laity. GIST, Samuel G., of Wormington Grange, Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire Oxford . Coll. Warwickshire . Club. Northampton . Worcestershire 4,014 . 6,893 GLADSTONE, Rt. Hon. William Ewart, of Hawarden Castle, Flint. Flint .... 6,908 . 17,565 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Staffordshire . . 59 . 630 Club. Brooks's, Reform, Uni. Lancashire. . . 10 . 608 Univ. " 6,977 . 18,803 QLEGG, John BASKERVYLE-, of Withington Hall. S- Coll. Club. Cheshire . . . 3,702 . 7,293 GLYN, Sir Richard George, Bart., of Gaunts House, Dorset. Dorset .... 8,848 . 12,403 Coll. Merton, Oxon. Wilts .... 105 . 183 Club. Boodle's, Brooks's, Somerset ... 10 . 13 Army & Navy. 8,963 . 12,599 GODDARD, Ambrose Lethbridge, of The Lavk^n. Coll. St. John's, Cam. a«6. Carlton, Boodle's. Wilts .... 3,821 . 8,162 GODMAN, Joseph, of Park Hatch, Surrey, &c. Surrey .... 1,900 . 1,949 Coll. Emman. Cam. Sussex . . . • 2,169 . 3,502 Club. 4,069 . 5,451 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 8i GOLDSMID, Sir Francis Henry, Bart., of Rendcomb Park, Gloucester. Coll, Cluh. Athenaeum. acres. value. Gloucester . . 4,159 . 4,122 Hants . . . 1,607 . 1,295 Kent . . . 546 . 964 Sussex . 193 . 24,163 Cheshire 13 . 5 GOLDSMID, Julian, of Somerhill, Kent. Kent . Coll. Uni. London. Devon . Cluh. Reform, Athenaeum, St. James's. • • 6,518 . 30,549 4,872 . 6,009 281 . 806 5,153 6,815 GOOCH, Sir Francis Robert Sherlock Lambert, Bart., of Benacre Hall. Coll. Cluh. Suffolk 7,186 7,490 GORDON, Sir Henry Percy, Bart., of North Court, Isle of Wight. Coll. Peterhouse, Cam. Cluh. Uni. Univ. Hants , . , 3,045 . 3,419 GORDON, Miss, of Kemble House, Wilts. Wilts. . . Gloucester . 2,912 3,710 6,622 GORING, Sir Charles, Bart., of Highden, Sussex. S« Sussex . . . 3,956 Coll. Yorks., W. R. . 466 Cluh. Army & Navy. 4,422 GORING, Rev. John, of Wiston Manor. 5). Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Carlton. Sussex a « • 14,139 4,001 3,837 7,838 3,835 954 4,789 13,705 8 2 The Acre-ocracy of England. GOSLING, Robert, of Hassobury, Essex. acres. value. Essex . . . 4,521 . 5,428 Coll. Herts ... 185 . 238 Club. Jun. Carlton. 4,706 . 5,666 GOUGH, Richard Douglas, of Yniscedwin, Glamorganshire. Glamorgan . . 2,234 . 1,813 Coll. Exeter, Oxon. Brecon . . . 1,111 . 1,223 Club. Uni. Univ. Montgomery . 283 . 326 3,628 . 3,362 GRAFTON, Duke of, Euston Hall, Suffolk, &c. Northampton . 8,458 . 14,193 Cdl. Suffolk . . . 13,642 . 8,672 Club. Travellers*. Bucks . . . 7,316 . 11,181 29,416 . 34,046 GRAHAM, Sir Frederick Ulrick, Bart., of Netherby, Cumberland. Cumberland . 25,270 . 26,696 Coll. Yorks., W. R. . 105 . 85 Club Travellers'. 25,375 . 26,781 GRAHAM, Thos. Henry, of Edmond Castle^ Cumberland. Cumberland . 3,984 . 2,246 Coll. Trin. Cam. Northumberland 3,270 . 3,832 Club. Uni. Univ. 7,254 . 6,078 GRANTLEY, Lord, Wonersh Park, Surrey, &c, Westmoreland. 1,146 . 352 Coll. Surrey ... 2,199 . 3,55^ Club. Yorks., W.R, . 6,263 • 7,38o 9,608 . 11,288 The Acre-ocracy of England, 83 GREAME, Rev. Yarburgh LLOYD-, of Sewerby House. acres. value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Yorks., E. R. . Ai^99 • 7>o8i Club. „ N.R. . 639 . 675 5,538 . 7,756 GREGOR, Francis Glanville, of Trewarthenick. Coll. Club. Cornwall . . 4,206 . ,4,626 GREGORY, Sir William WELBY-, Bart., of Denton Hall, Lincoln- shire. Lincoln . . . 11,979 • 19,9^6 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Leicester . 1,953 • 2,460 Club. Carlton, White's. Notts . 965 . 980 14,897 . 21,356 GREGORY, Mrs. SHERWIN-, of Harlaxton Manor, Lincolnshire. Lincoln . . . 3,609 . 6,270 Notts . . . 2,782 . 9,356 6,391 • 15,626 GRENFELL, Henry Riversdale, of Taplow, Bucks. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Bucks . . . 690 . 2,449 Club. Brooks's, Travellers', Berks . . . 2,5o5 . 4,775 Garrick. 3,195 . 7,224 GRENVILLE, Ralph NEVILLE-, of Batleigh Court. Coll. Magdalen, Cam. Club. Carlton. Somerset . . 3,434 » 5,77^ GRESLEY, Sir Robert, of Netherseale Hall, Leicester, &c. S- Leicester . . 506 . 568 A minor, Derby . . . 3,241 . 7,943 b. 1866. 3,747 . 8,511 84 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, GREY, Earl, K.G., Howick Castle. ^. acres. value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Athenaeum, Travellers'. Northumberland 17,599 . 23,724 GRIFFITH, Miss CONWAY-, of Berw. Anglesea . . 3,764 . 3,273 GRIFFITH, Hugh Davies, of Caerhun, Carnarvonshire. Coll. Club. Montgomery . 1,461 . 1,527 Flint .... 1,066 . 1,479 Carnarvon . . 1,572 . 2,116 Denbigh . 243 • 191 4,342 . 5,313 GRIFFITH (the late), John Griffith WYNN-, of Llanfair Hall, Carnarvonshire. Coll. Carnarvonshire 3,338 . 2,716 Club. Merioneth . . 823 . 303 4,161 . 3,019 GRIMSTON, Marmadujke Jerard, of Grimston Garth, &c. S- Coll. Trin. Hall, Cam. Club. Yorks., E. R. . 3,232 . 5,108 GROSVENOR, Lord Richard de Aquila, of Stalbridge Park. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. White's, Brooks's, Dorsetshire . 4,710 . 9,944 Travellers'. GROVE, Miss, of Zeals House, Wilts. Wilts. . . . 2,229 • 3,349 Dorset ... 1,119 . 1,79^ 3,348 . 5,145 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 85 GRYLLS, Lt.-Col. Shadwell Morley, of Lewarne, Cornwall. acres, value. Coll. Woolwich. Cornwall . . . 4,732 . 3,879 Club. Army & Navy, Kent .... 57 • 252 St. Stephen's. ' — 4,789 . 4,131 GUEST, Sir Ivor Bertie, Bart., of Canford Manor, Dorset. Dorset .... 12,930 . 17,543 Glamorgan . . 5,640 . 27,979 Coll. Trin. Cam. Brecon .... 310 . 145 Club. Brooks's, St. James's. Hants .... 9 . 9 18,889 . 45,676 GUILDFORD, Earl of, Waldershare Park, Kent, &c. Kent .... 8,065 . 9,912 Coll. Suffolk .... 2,864 . 3,704 Club. Guards'. 10,929 . 13,616 GULSTON, Alan James, of Derwydd. Coll. Club. British Service. Carmarthenshire . 6,744 • io,976 GUNNING, Rev. Sir Henry John, Bart., of Horton House, Northants. Northampton . . 3,653 . 5,499 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Bucks .... 159 . 252 Cltdb. Lancashire ... 97 • 255 GURDON, Brampton, of Letton, Norfolk. Norfolk . . . Coll. Emman. Cam. Suffolk . Club. Brooks's, Boodle's. Northumberland GURNEY, John Henry, of Keswick Hall, Norfolk. S Norfolk . . Coll. Essex . Club. Windham. Herts . . 3,909 . 6,006 . 4,777 . 6,952 . 1,211 . 1,776 . 4,971 543 10,959 • 9,271 Ik. S- . 7,746 . 9,606 204 827 1 2 7,951 • 10,435 86 'The Acre-ocracy of England, GWYN, HowEL, of Duffryn House, Glamorganshire. Carmarthen Coll. Trin. Oxon. Brecon . Club. Carlton, Ox. & Cam. Glamorgan . acres. value. 1,496 , 833 2,016 . 1,580 4,609 . 7,285 8,121 . 9,698 GWYNNE, Alban, of Monachty, Cardigan. Coll. Club. Cardigan . . 4,644 . 3,989 HADDINGTON, Earl of, Ardeme Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton. Cheshire . . 6,183 . 12,597 HAGGERSTONE, Sir John De Marie, Bart.,of Ellingham. S)- Coll. Club. Northumberland 14,285 . 8,623 HAIGH, George Henry, of Grainsby Hall. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Union. Lincolnshire 3,673 . 5,424 HALE, Charles Cholmeley, of King's Walden Park, Herts. Coll. Herts . . . 6,558 . 8,589 Club. Boodle^s, Carlton, Beds .... 1,097 . 1,393 Army & Navy. 7,655 . 9,982 HALE, Robert BLAGDEN-, of Alderley. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Boodle's, Ox. &. Cam., Gloucestershire 3,706 5,44^ Carlton. HALFORD, Sir Henry St. John, Bart., of Wistow Hall. Coll. Merton, Oxon. Club. Carlton. Leicester . . 3,ooi . 3,425 HALIFAX, Viscount, Hickleton Hall, Yorks. Coll. Oriel, Oxon. C7«6. Athenaeum, Brooks's, Yorks., E.&W.R. 10,228 . 12,323 Travellers'. The Acre-ocracy of England, 87 HALL, Major, of Weston Colville, Cambridgeshire. C632 4,457 98 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. HIPPISLEY, Henry, of Lambourne Place, Berks, &c. acres. value. Coll. Berks . . . 2,013 . ,1,959 Club. Oxon. . . . 2,065 . 3,404 4,078 . 5,363 HIPPISLEY, John, of Ston-Easton Park, Somerset. Somerset . . 4,216 . 7,845 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Wilts. . . . 1,101 . 1,379 Club. Athenaeum. 5,317 . 9,224 HIPPISLEY, John Henry, of Shobrooke Park. Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Club. Athenaeum. Devonshire . . 5,900 . 7,837 HOARE, Henry, of Staplehurst, Kent. Coll. St. John's, Cam. Club. Pall Mall. Kent .... 3,287 . 5,772 HOARE, Sir Henry Ainslie, Bart., of Stourhead, Wilts. Dorset . . 2,681 . 3,452 Coll. Trin. Cam. Somerset . . 5,310 . 6,577 Club. Travellers'. Wilts. . . . 5,996 . 6,059 »,7i5 . 2,206 1,317 . 2,362 216 . 381 10 . 15 13,987 . 16,088 HOARE, Henry Hugh Arthur, of Wavendon Hall, Bucks. Devon A minor, Bucks b. 1865. Beds.. . . Essex 3,258 . 4,964 HOARE, Peter Richard, of Luscombe, Devon, &c. Devon . . . 1,524 . 2,991 Coll. Lancashire . . 1,550 . 1,852 Club. Kent .... 201 . 2,301 3,275 . 7,144 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 9 9 HOLDEN, Rev. Atkinson Alexander, of Nuttall Temple. acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Notts . . . 3,641 . 7,204 HOLFORD, Robert Stayner, of Weston Birt, Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire 9,332 . 12,531 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Wilts. . . . 2,929 . 3,842 Club. Carlton, Athenaeum, Kent .... 2,355 . 3,772 Fine Arts. 14,616 . 20,145 HOLLAND, Lady, St. Anne's Hill, Surrey. Wilts. . . . 5,514 . 6,695 Surrey ... 277 . 762 5,791 . 7,457 HOLLOND, Rev. Edmund, of Benhall Lodge, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 2,349 • 4,146 Coll. Queen's, Cam. Dorset ... 856 . 606 Club. Norfolk . . . 1,038 . 1,319 4,243 . 6,071 HONYWOOD, Sir Courtenay John, Bart., of Evington Place. <§. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Garrick. Kent .... 5,601 . 5,875 HONYWOOD, Wyndham, of Mark's Hall. S. A minor, b. 1858. Essex . . . 6,436 . 8,275 HOOD, Sir Alexander Bateman Periam FULLERTON-ACLAND-, Bart., of St. Audries, Somerset. Somerset . . 9,014 . 13,346 Coll. Devon ... 87 . 101 Club. Carlton. Dorset ... 74 . 88 9,175 . 13,535 HOOD, (late) John, of Nettleham Hall. Lincolnshire . 3,88o . 5,917 I CO ^he Acre-ocracy of England, HOPE, Mrs., of Deepdene, Surrey, &c. acres. value. Surrey . . . 3,931 . 4,799 Gloucester . . 4,893 . 5,338 8,824 • 10,137 HOPTON, John, of Canon Frome Court, Herefordshire, &c. Hereford . . 4,200 . 5,947 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Gloucester . . 849 . 1,597 Club. Worcester . . 95 • 217 5,144 . 7,761 HORNBY, Edmund Geoffry Stanley, of Dalton Hall, Lancashire. Lancashire . . 3,736 . 4,380 Coll. Westmoreland . 206 . 252 Club. 3,942 . 4,632 HORNBY, Edward Owen, of The Hook. Coll. St. John's, Cam. Club. Uni. Univ., Union, Hants . . . 3,109 3,217 Ox. & Cam. HORNBY, Rear Admiral Geoffry Thomas Phipps, of Little Green. Coll. Club. At. & Navy, Uni. Ser. Sussex . . . 4,479 • 2,776 HORNER, John Francis Fortescue, of Mells Park. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. C/«6. Arthur's, Uni. Univ. Somerset . . 6,786 . 10,184 HORTON, Sir Robert Edward WILMOT-, Bart., of Osmaston Hall, Derby, &c. Derby Staffordshire Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Northampton Club. Travellers'. Cheshire Leicester 6,160 . 13,532 . 3,712 . 8,951 872 1,764 731 1,291 621 1,114 224 412 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, loi HOTHAM, Lord, Dalton Hall, Yorkshire, g). acres, value. Yorks.N.&E.R. 20,352 . 26,126 Coll. Surrey . . . 505 . 2,965 Cluh. 20,857 . 29,091 HOUBLON, John Archer, of Hallingbury, &c., Essex. Essex . . . 7,127 . 9,035 Coll. Herts . . . 1,449 • 1,647 Cluh. Fine Arts, Carlton. Lincoln . . . 6,939 • 8,805 15,515 . 19,487 HOUGHTON, Lord, Bawtry Hall, Yorkshire. Yorks., W. R. Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln . . Cluh. Athen. Boodle's, Ox. & Notts . . Cam. Travellers'. Staffordshire 5,429 . . 8,542 1,357 . 2,024 780 . 1,169 3 . 8 9,569 . 11,743 4,044 . 4,402 8,866 . 4,649 2,531 . 4,006 2,710 . 3,085 HOWARD, Hon. Mrs. Greville, of Castle Rising, Norfolk, &c. Norfolk . . Westmoreland Staffordshire Surrey . 18,151 . 16,142 HOWARD, Henry Charles, of Greystoke Castle, Cumberland, &c. Cumberland . 13,008 . 6,778 Coll. Gloucester . . 1,091 . 2,212 Cluh. Westmoreland. . 443 . 296 14,542 . 9,286 HOWARD OF GLOSSOP, Lord, Glossop Hall, Derby. Derby ... 9,108 . 12,293 Coll. Trinity, Cam. Chester ... 610 . 1,274 Cluh. Brooks's, Travellers'. Lancashire . . 1 26 . 230 9,844 . 13,797 I02 ^he Acre-Qcracy of England. HOWARD, Philip Henry, of Corby Castle, Cumberland, &c. Cumberland Salop . . Coll. Stonyhurst. Durham . . . Cluh. Brooks's, Athenaeum. Warwick . Gloucester . acres. value. 1,056 . 2,175 . 3,917 . 2,806 1,437 . 1,728 725 . 1,157 162 . 297 7,297 HOWARD, Robert, of Broughton Hall, Flint. Coll. St. John's, Cam. Cluh. 4,203 HOWE, Earl, Gopsal Hall, Leicester, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Carlton. Coll. Cluh. Conservative. 8,163 Derby . . . 2,344 . 3,213 Flint . . . 1,170 . 2,132 Cheshire 688 . 3,741 Denbigh 1 . 4 9,090 Leicester . . 9,755 . 18,024 Notts . . 1 1 ,600 3,975 Bucks . . 4,956 5,526 Suffolk . . 4,695 6,076 Essex . . . 1,492 . 2,067 Warwick 643 603 Derby 264 399 Cheshire . . 182 173 Worcester . 47 12 Kent . . . 22 37 Flint . . . 13 40 33,716 . 36,944 HUDDART, George Augustus, of Brynkir, Carnarvon. Carnarvonshire 7,555 . 3,674 Merionethshire 237 . 173 7,792 . 3,847 HUGESSEN, Rt. Hon. Edward Hugessen KNATCHBULL-, of Smeeth Paddock. Coll. Magdalen, Oxon. Cluh. Brooks's, Uni. Univ. Kent .... 4,173 . 5,646 The Jcre-ocracy of England. 103 HUGHES, Hugh Robert, of Kinmel Park, Denbighshire. acres. value. Denbigh. . . 12,182 . 16,199 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Carnarvon . . 875 . 739 Club. Carlton, White's. Flint .... 2,205 • 2,695 15,262 . 19,633 HUGHES, John Williams Morgan Gwynne, of Tregib. Coll. Club. — Carmarthenshire 6,797 • 3j990 HUGHES, William Bulkeley, of Plas Coch. Coll. Club. Union. Anglesea . . 4.873 . 4,007 HULSE, Sir Edward, Bart,, of Breamore, Hants. Hants ... 4,518 . 7,424 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Essex . . . 1,499 • 4»707 Club. Carlton, Ox. &; Cam. Dorset ... 270 . 222 Wilts. ... 12 . 17 6,299 . 12,370 HUNGERFORD, Henry Vane Forecter HOLDICH-, of Dingley Park, Northants. Northants . . 5,286 . 8,850 Coll. Leicester . . 97 • 192 Club. Boodle's, Pratt's. 5,383 . 9,042 HUNLOKE, Hon. Frederick Charles George FITZCLARENCE-, of Wingervvorth Hall. Coll. Club. Travellers', Boodle's, Derbyshire . . 5,877 . 8,427 White's, Garrick. HUNT, Rowland, of Boreatton Park, Salop. Salop . . . 3,569 . 6,102 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Leicester . . 350 944 Club. United Univ. ■ — 3,919 . 7,046 HUNTLY, Marquis of, Aboyne Castle, Aberdeenshire, &c. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. White's. Huntingdon . 5,711 . 8,645 I04 ^^^ Acre-ocracy of England. HURT, Albert Frederick, of Alderwasley, Derby . acres. value. Coll Club. Jun. Carlton, Ar. & Na. Derby ... 5,211 . 8,033 HUSSEY-FREKE, Ambrose Denis, of Hannington Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Wilts . . . 3,911 . 5,925 HUSSEY, Edward, of Scotney Castle, Kent, &c. Kent .... 3,042 . 4, 1 05 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Sussex . . . 2,047 • 2,558 Club. Travellers'. 5,089 . 6,663 HUSSEY, Richard HUSSEY-, of Upwood. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Ox. & Cam. Hunts . . . 3,135 • 4,042 HUTCHINSON, Thomas, of Eggleston Hall. Coll. Club. Durham . . . 4,297 . 3,695 HUTTON, John Timothy D'Arcy, of Aldborough Hall, &c. Coll. Club. Yorks., N. R. . 1 2,048 . 8,683 HUTTON, William, of Gate Burton Hall. Coll. Magdalen, Oxon. Club. Lincolnshire . 3,199 . 4,5^1 HYLTON, Lord, Ammerdown Park, Somerset, 8ic. Somerset . . 4,293 . 8,204 Coll. Surrey . . . 4,445 . 5,155 Club. Carlton, Boodle's. Hants . . . 1,320 . 3,713 10,038 . 17,072 ILCHESTER, Earl of, Melbury House, Dorset, &c. Dorset . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Somerset Club. Wilts . . Devonshire. 15,981 . 18,515 13,169 • 19,992 2,133 . 2,521 1,566 . 2,424 32,849 . 42,452 Northumberland Cambridge . . acres. 4,602 . 155 . value^ 3,384 323 The Acre-ocracy of England, 105 ILDERTON, Rev. Thomas, of Ilderton, Northumberland. Coll. Peterhouse, Cam. Cluh. 4,757 . 3,707 INGILBY, Sir Henry Day, Bart., of Ripley Castle, Yorkshire, &c. Yorks., W. R. . 10,670 . 11,349 Coll. Magdalen, Oxon. Lincoln . . . 1,271 . 2,389 Club. Boodle's, Ox. & Cam. 11,941 • 13,738 INGRAM, Hon. Mrs. MEYNELL-, of Hoarcross Hall, Staffordshire, &c. g)- Staffordshire . 6,800 . 8,604 Yorks., N.&W.R. 12,176 . 32,561 Lincoln . . . 4,204 . 4,292 Salop ... 25 . 35 23,205 . 45,492 IREMONGER, William Henry, of Wherwell Priory. Coll. Club. Hants ... 5,103 • 4, 156 ISHAM, Sir Charles Edmund, Bart., of Lamport Hall, North- ampton. Sb' Northants . . 3,112 . 5,,699 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Leicester . . 1,118 . 1,674 Club. 4,230 . 7,373 JACOB, Rev. Levi Rees, of Machynlleth. Coll. Club. Montgomery . 3,013 . 1,277 JAMES, Sir Walter Charles, Bart., of Betteshanger Park, Kent. Kent .... 2,319 . 4,725 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Northumberland 3,968 . 2,224 Club. Carlton, Travellers', Durham . . 330 . 25,242 6,717 . 32,191 io6 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, JAR VIS, George Eden, of Doddington Hall. acres. value. Lincoln . • 2,353 . 2,380 Notts . . 568 . 716 Kent . . . 167 . 108 Warwick 482 . 652 Coll Club. Boodle's, Carlton. 3,570 . 3,856 JEFFERSON, Rev. Joseph DUNNINGTON-, of Thicket Priory. Coll. St. John's, Cam. Yorks.,E.&W.R. 7,811 . 12,003 Club. JENKINS, John BLANDY-, of Kingston Bagpuize, Berks. Berkshire . . 1,142 . 2,203 Coll. Glamorgan . . 6,102 . 3,030 Club. Conservative. 7,244 . 5,233 JENKINSON, Sir George Samuel, Bart., of Eastwood Park, &c., Gloucester. Gloucester . . 3,047 . 4,300 Coll. Wilts. ... 577 . 1,217 Club. Carlton, Army & Navy. 3,624 . 5,517 JENNER, Robert Francis Lascelles, of Wenvoe. Coll. Clvh. Glamorgan . 5,381 . 4,570 JERSEY, Earl of, Middleton Park, Oxon, &c. S- Glamorgan . 7,110 . 36,926 Kent . . . 1,713 . 1,812 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Middlesex . . 1,982 . . 7,587 Club. Junior Carlton. Oxford . . . 7,042 , . 7,477 Warwick . . 1,090 . 1,966 18,947 . 55,768 "The Acre- ocracy of England, 107 JERVIS, Hon. Edward Swynfen PARKER-, of Little Aston Hall, Staffordshire. acres. value. Coll. Staffordshire . 7,841 . 14,759 Club. Warwick . . 44 • 173 7,885 . 14,932 JERVOISE, Francis Jervoise ELLIS-, of Herriard Park, Hants, &c. Hants ... 6,183 . 5) 140 Coll. Merton, Oxon. Wilts . . . 3,663 . 4,917 Club. Conservative. 9,846 . 10,057 JERVOISE, Sir Jervoise Clarke, Bart., of Idsworth Park, Hants. Hants . . . 7,877 . 4,798 Coll. Sussex . . . 1,055 • 615 Club. Brooks's, Boodle's. 8,932 . 5,413 JODRELL, The Rev. Sir Edward Repps, Bart., of Sail Park, Norfolk. Norfolk . . . 2,040 . 3,275 Coll. Queen's, Oxon. Oxford . . . 1,198 . 1,589 Club. Derby . . . 400 . 684 3,638 . 5,548 JODRELL, Edward, of Bayfield Hall. Coll. Norfolk . . . 3,535 . 4,268 Club. — — JODRELL, Thomas Jodrell Phillips, of Yeardsley Hall, Cheshire, &c. Cheshire . . 3,078 . 2,733 Coll. Trin. Cam, Derby . . . 560 . 606 Club. Athenaeum. 3,638 . 3,339 JOHNES, John, of Dolaucothy, Carmarthenshire. Carmarthen . 3,172 . 1,615 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Cardigan . . 529 . 35 Club. Ox. & Cam. 3,701 . 1,650 io8 The Acre-ocracy of England, JOHNSON, John George, of Winkleigh Court. acres. value. Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Devon . . . 8,251 . 5,183 Club. Carlton, Arthur's. JOHNSON, Sir John Henry, Kt., of St. Osyth Priory, Essex. Coll. Essex . . . 3,568 . 4,234 Club. JOHNSTONE, Sir Harcourt VAN DEN BEMPDE-, Bart., of Hackness, Yorkshire. Yorks., N. R. . 7,238 . 8,985 ColL Hereford . . 929 . 1,768 Club. 8,167 • 10,753 JOICEY, John, of Newton Hall, Durham, &c. Durham. . . 5,8 16 . 5,508 Coll. Northumberland 2,038 . 2,055 Club. 7,854 . 7,563 JOLIFFE, (the late) Charles, of Pelton, Durham. Durham . . 641 1,818 Cumberland . 2,383 . 3,206 3,024 . 5,024 JONES, Alfred Campbell Hallyburton, of Pantglas, &c. Coll. Club. Jun. Carlton. Carmarthen . 7,909 . 4,684 JONES, John, of Worcester. Coll. Worcester . . 22 . 830 Club. Brecon . . . 3,695 . 617 3,717 . 1,447 JONES, Joseph, of Abberley Hall, Worcestershire. Coll. Club. Worcester . . 3,519 • 4,86o 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 109 JONES, Miss, of Llansantffraid Glan, Conway. acres. value. Denbigh. . . 3,239 . 2,892 JONES, Morgan, of Llanmilo, Carmarthenshire, &c. Carmarthen . 11,031 . 5,867 Coll. University, Oxon. Cardigan . . 418 . 419 Cluh. Uni. Univ., Union. Pembroke . . 622 . 326 12,071 . 6,612 JONES, William, of Glandenys, Cardigan. Cardigan . . 2,744 • l>424 Coll. Wadham, Oxon. Carmarthen . 472 . 250 Cluh. 3,216 . 1,674 JONES, Sir Willoughby, Bart., of Cranmer Hall, Norfolk. Norfolk . . . ^3,627 . 5,353 Coll. Trin. Cam. Salop ... 45 • 103 Cluh. Athenaeum. 3»672 . 5,456 KAYE, John Cunliffe LISTER-, of Farfield Hall, &c. Coll, Cluh. Yorks.N.E.&W.R. 3,899 . 4,605 KECK, Harry Leycester POWYS-, of Stoughton Grange. Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Cluh. National. Leicestershire . 6,529 . 12,156 KEENE, Rev. Charles Edmund RUCK-, of Swyncombe House, Oxon, Oxon. ... 2,152 . 2,111 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cambridge . . 1,906 , 2,307 Cluh. United Univ. Essex ... 130 . 170 Suffolk . . . 1,315 . 1,488 5,503 • 6,076 acres. value. Devon . . 2,131 . 2,592 Cornwall 2,603 . 3,350 Somerset 690 . 1,141 1 1 o The Acre-ocracy of England. KEKEWICH, Trehawke, of Peamore, Devon. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. United Univ. 5,424 . 7,083 KENNAWAY, Sir John Henry, Bart., of Estcot. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Cluh. Carlton, Ox. & Cam. Devonshire . . 4,045 , 5,538 KENSINGTON, Lord, 69, Grosvenor Street. Pembroke . . 6,537 • 4,974 Coll. Radnor . . . 394 . 162 Cluh. Brooks's, Guards', Cardigan . . 203 . 140 Travellers'. Carmarthen . 337 . 103 7,471 . 5,379 2,907 . 126 . 4,367 120 4,217 . 237 • 6,074 1,769 KENYON, Lord, Gredington Hall, Flint. Denbigh A minor, b. Salop 1864. Flint . . . Lancashire . 7,487 . 12,330 KEPPEL, Rev. William Arnold Walpole, of Lexham Hall, Norfolk. Norfolk . . . 2,920 . 3,802 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lancashire . . 409 2,326 Cluh. 3,329 • 6,128 KERRISON,SiR Edward Clarence, Bart., of Oakley Park,Sufrolk,&c. Suffolk . . . 9,955 . 16,691 CqIX^ Norfolk . . . 1,906 . 1,917 Cluh. Carlton, Travellers'. 11,861 . 18,608 KESTEVEN, Lord, Casewick House, Lincolnshire. Lincoln . . . 5,209 . 7,771 Coll. Magd. Cam. Northampton . 2,082 . 3,085 Cluh. 7,291 . 10,856 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. 1 1 1 KETTON, Robert William, of Felbrigg Park. acres. value. A minor, b. 1856. Norfolk . . . 4,442 . 4,209 KILMOREY, Earl of, Morne Park, Co. Down. Chester . . . 5,453 . 8,632 Coll. — Salop . . . 2,921 . 3,595 Club. Middlesex ... 43 • 840 Flint .... 32 . 44 8,449 • I3iill KIMBERLEY, Earl of, Kimberley Hall, Norfolk. Norfolk. . . 10,805 . 15,195 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cornwall . , 342 . 9,805 Cluh. Brooks's, Reform, Travellers'. ll,H7 • 24,900 KING, Mrs., of Ashby de la Launde. Lincolnshire . 5,128 . 7,485 KING, John Henry Wyndham, of Preston-Candover, Hants. Hants . . . 2,543 • 2,308 Coll. Surrey . . . 1,047 . 725 Cluh. 3,590 . 3,033 KING, Hon. Peter John Locke, of Brooklands, Surrey. Surrey . . . 3,520 . 5,882 Coll. Trin. Cam. Sussex . . . 523 . 223 Cluh. Athenaeum. 4,043 . 6,105 KINGSCOTE, CoL. Robert Nigel Fitz-Hardinge, C.B., of Kings- cote Park. 5. Coll. Cluh. Brooks^s, White's. Gloucestershire. 3,956 . 4,529 KINGSMILL, William Howley, of Sydmonton Court, Hants. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Hants . . . 5,361 4,630 Cluh. Conservative. 112 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, KIRBY, Mrs., of Towyn, Merionethshire. acres. value. Merioneth . Flint . . . . Carnarvon . . Denbigh 13,409 . 129 . 10 . 2,474 . 3,944 128 8 908 16,022 . 4,288 KNATCHBULL, Rev. Wadham, of West Cholderton Lodge, Hants. Hants . . . 802 . 488 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Somerset . . 2,513 . 3,719 Cluh. United University, Arthur's. 3,315 . 4,207 KNATCHBULL, Sir Wyndham, Bart., of Merstham Hatch. £. Coll. Cluh. Kent 4,638 . 7,224 KNIGHT, Andrew Johnes ROUSE-BOUGHTON-, of Downton Castle, Herefordshire. Hereford . . 10,081 . 11,058 Coll. Trin. Cam. Salop ... 170 . 256 Cluh. United University. 10,251 . 11,314 KNIGHT, Edward, of Godmersham Park, Kent, &c. Kent. ... 5,114 . 4,396 Coll. Hants . . . 5,044 . 4,291 Cluh. United University. • 10,158 . 8,687 KNIGHT, Frederick Winn, of Simonsbath, Devon, &c. Devon . . . 16,903 . 5,240 Coll. Somerset . . 76. 38 Cluh. Carlton. Worcester . . 195 1,169 17,174 . 6,447 KNIGHTLEY, Sir Rainald, Bart., of Fawsley Park. ^. Coll. Cluh. Carlton, White's, Northamptonshire 8,041 13,182 Boodle's, Turf. The Acre-ocracy of England, 113 KYNASTON, Rev. W. C. E., of Hardwick, Salop. 5). acres. value. Salop ... 3,518 . 5,429 Coll. Montgomery . 1,200 . 1,505 Club. 4,718 . 6,934 KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Clement SNEYD-, of Loxley Park, Staffordshire. Staffordshire . 2,320 . 3,785 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Salop . . . 638 . 1,090 Club. Derby . . . 230 . 369 Worcester . . 82 . 329 3,270 . 5,573 KYRLE, Col. John Ernle MONEY-, of Homme House, Hereford- shire. Hereford . . 2,701 . 4,107 Coll. Wilts. . . . 1,383 . 1,833 Club. Northants . . 104 . 236 4,188 . 6,176 LAMBARDE, Multon, of Beechmont. Coll. Club. Union. Kent .... 3,137 • 3,748 LANDOR, Arnold Savage, of Llanthony Abbey, Monmouth, «&c. Monmouth . . 2,829 . 2,355 Coll. Warwick . . 687 . 1,286 Club. 3,516 . 3,641 LANGDALE, Charles, of Celbridge Abbey, Co. Meath. Coll. Club. St. George's. Yorks., E. R. . 3,891 . 3,892 I 114 ^^^ Acre-Qcracy of England. LANGHAM, Sir James Hay, Bart., of Cottesbrooke Park, Northants. acres. value, Northampton . 9,1 18 . 14,362 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Oxfordshire . 532 . 505 Club. Huntingdon . 19 . 16 9,669 . 14,883 LANGTON, William Stephen GORE-, of Newton Park, &c., Somerset. Somerset . . 8,819 . 15,460 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Gloucester. . 1,432 . 1,755 Cluh. Junior Carhon. 10,251 . 17,215 LANSDOWNE, Marquis of, Bowood Park, Wihs. Wilts . . . 11,145 . 20,824 ColL Balliol, Oxon. Hants ... 4 . 48 Cluh. Reform, Turf. 11,149 . 20,872 LASLETT, William, of Abberton Hall, Worcestershire. Worcestershire 2,521 . 3,288 Coll. Gloucestershire 2,898 . 3,920 Cluh. Hereford . . 2,598 . 2,671 8,017 . 9,879 LAWSON, Rev. Edward, of Longhirst. Coll. Trin. Cam. C/u6. Ox. & Cam. Northumberland 3,319 . 5,122 LAWSON, Sir Wilfrid, Bart., of Brayton, Cumberland. Cumberland . 7,388 . 8,349 Coll. Durham. . . 1,190 . 10,128 Cluh. Reform. Northumberland 94 . 337 8,672 . 18,814 LAYCOCK, Robert, of Low Gosforth, &c., Northumberland. Northumberland 4,227 . 4,374 Coll. Trin. Cam. Nottingham . 1,316 . 2,049 Cluh. Durham . . 3^7 • 444 5,910 . 6,867 The Acre-ocracy of England, "5 LEATHER, John Towlerton, of Middleton Hall, Northumberland, &c. acres. value. Northumberland 6,668 Yorks., W.R. . 321 . Coll. Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton, Dorset . Conservative. Hants 4 9 7,243 1,143 37 153 7,002 LECHE, John Hurleston, of Carden Park. S- Coll. Coblentz. Club. Cheshire . . 3,840 8,576 6,023 LECHMERE, Sir Edmund Anthony Harley, Bart., of The Rhydd, Worcest hire. ^. Worcestershire 2,425 . 8,005 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks., N.R. . 1,902 . 3,605 Club. Carlton. Gloucester . . 85 . 147 4,412 LECONFIELD, Lord, Petworth House, Sussex. Yorks.,N.E.& Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. W. R. . . 24,733 Club. Carlton, Whitens. Sussex. . . 30,221 Cumberland . Iiji47 11,757 31,019 29,608 6,742 66,101 67,369 LEE, Vaughan Hanning VAUGHAN-, of Dillington House, Somer- set, &c. Somerset . . 2,338 . 5,573 Coll. Hants . . . 1,976 . 1,811 Club. Jun. Carlton. Glamorgan . 7,670 . 7,903 Brecknock . . 2,770 . 891 14,754 LEEDS, Duke of, Godolphin Park, Cornwall, &c. Yorks., N.& W.R. 16,074 Club. Club. Bucks Cornwall Sussex . Cambridge Derby . 3,117 5,911 638 436 9 16,178 27,661 6,689 9,631 1,083 523 60 26,185 . 45,647 1 1 6 The Acre-ocracy of England, > LEE-WARNER, Henry James, of Walsingham Abbey. acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Athenaeum. Norfolk ... 5,193 • 9,704 LEE-WARNER, Robert Henry, of Tibberton Court. Coll. Club. Hereford . . 3,485 4,671 LE FLEMING, General, of Rydal Hall, Westmoreland. Westmoreland 3,6 11 . 1,956 Coll. Cumberland . 1,169 • 793 Club. Lancashire . . 640 . 479 5,420 . 3,228 LEGARD, Sir Charles, Bart., of Ganton Hall. Coll. C/m6. Jun. Carlton. Yorks.,N. & E.R. 6,407 . 7,751 LEGGE, Rev. Henry, of Bramdean House, Hants, &c. Hants . . . 3,356 . 3,769 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Sussex . . . 667 . 513 Club. Surrey ... 12 . 108 4,035 . 4,390 LEGH, Charles Richard Banastre, of Adlington Hall. Coll. Club. Cheshire . . 5,829 . 11,324 LEGH, George Cornewall, of High Lcgh, Cheshire. Sb- Cheshire . . 3,510 . 7,079 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Lancashire . . 191 . 1,467 Club. Carlton, St. James's, Travellers'. 3*701 . 8,546 LEGH, William John, of Lyme, Cheshire, &c. Cheshire . . 6,742 . 11,032 Coll. Lancashire . . 4,997 . 16,615 Club. Carlton, Army and < Navy. 11,739 . 27,647 The Acre-ocracy of England, 117 LEICESTER, Earl of, Holkham. Coll. Club. Norfolk acres. 42,024 LEIGH, Egerton, of Joddrell Hall, Cheshire, &c. S.* Cheshire , . 3,946 Coll. Notts ... 492 Club. Army and Navy. Gloucester . . 486 value. 49,009 8,391 998 860 4,924 10,249 LEIGH, Edward Allesley Boughton WARD-BOUGHTON-, of Brownsover Hall, Warwick, &c. S- Warwick . . 2,939 . 6,647 Coll. Northampton . 1,181 . 2,196 Club. 4,120 LEIGH, John Gerard (the late), of Luton Hoo, Beds. Beds. . . . 4,265 Cheshire . . 715 Lancashire . 704 Herts . . . 823 8,843 6,035 1,052 4,707 1,141 6,507 .. 12,935 LEIGH, Lord, of Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwickshire, &c. S* Warwickshire . 14,«91 23,043 Staffordshire . 2,350 2,820 Coll. Trin. Cam. Gloucestershire 2,232 . 3,218 Club. Brooks's, Travellers'. Cheshire . . 1,198 . 2,381 Leicestershire . 294 551 Monmouth . . 87 . 84 21,054 . 32,097 LEIGH, Roger, of Barham Court, Kent, &c. Kent . Coll. Trin. Cam. Lancashire . Club. 2,270 . 907 . 5,703 8,395 3,177 14,098 * Died while these sheets were in the press. 1 1 8 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, LEIGHTON, Sir Baldwyn, Bart., of Loton Park. g). acres, value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, St. James's. Salop . . . 4,085 . 5,406 LENNARD, Col. John Farnaby, of Wickham Court, Kent. Kent .... 2,777 . 4,253 Coll. Roy. Mil. Woolwich. Surrey . . . 1,096 . 789 Club. Carlton, Uni. Serv. Lincoln ... 771 . 966 4,644 . 6,008 LENNARD, Sir Thomas Barrett, Bart., of Belhus Park, Essex. Essex . . . 3,691 . 5,529 Coll. Peterhouse, Cam. Norfolk . . . 2,124 . 1,474 Club. Uni. University. Suffolk ... 570 . 741 6,385 . 9,744 LESLIE, Charles Stephen, of Balquhain, Aberdeenshire. Sussex . . . 4,350 . 3,707 Coll. Derbyshire . . 4,878 . 6,909 Club. Gloucester . . 822 . 818 10,050 . 11,434 LE STRANGE, Hamon, of Hunstanton Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. St. James's, Ox. & Norfolk . . . 7,803 . 13,429 Cam. LETHBRIDGE, Ambrose Goddard, of Eastbrooke House. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Somerset . . 9,102 . 6,675 LETHBRIDGE, Sir Wroth Acland, Bart., of Sandhill Park, Somerset. Somerset . . 3,420 . 6,515 Coll. Dorset . . . 249 . 261 Club. Devon ... 84 . 83 Cambridge . . 54 • H^ 3,807 . 7,007 The Acre-ocracy of England, 119 LEVESON-GOWER, Granville William Gresham, of Titsey Place, Surrey. S- acres. value. Surrey . . . 6,368 . 6,412 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Kent .... 183 . 266 Club. Brooks's, Travellers', Ox. & Cam. 6,551 . 6,678 LEVETT, Theophilus John, of Wichnor Park, Staffordshire. Staffordshire . 5,438 . 11,767 Coll Warwick . . 785 • 1,267 Club. Carlton. ■ 6,223 . 13,034 LEWES, William Price, of Llysnewydd, Carmarthenshire. Carmarthen . 1,923 . 1,501 Coll Cardigan . . 1,201 . 668 Club. 3,124 . 2,169 LEWIS, Mrs. ASHBY-, of Lanaeron. Cardiganshire . 4,397 • 2,591 LEWIS, Charles Edward, of St. Pierre. Coll Club. Monmouth . . 4,504 • 6,059 LEWIS, Charles William Mansell, of Stradey. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Club. Carlton, Uni. Univ. Carmarthenshire 3,139 . 4,265 LEWIS, John Delaware, of Membland Hall, Devonshire, &c. Devon . . . 1,923 • 2,216 Coll Trin. Cam. Hants . . . 2,649 . 1,711 Club. Reform, Union, Garrick. 4,572 . 3,927 LEWIS, Rev. Sir Gilbert Frankland, Bart., of Harpton Court, Radnor. Radnorshire . 7,032 • 5,886 Coll Magdalen, Cam. Hereford . . 6 . 2 Club. v^cc I IrS^I'^38 . 5,888 L XJNIVEESITIJ 1 20 The Acre-ocracy of England, LEWIS (daughter of late William Wyndham), of Newhouse. acres. value. Glamorganshire 3,429 . 5)4^9 LEY, John Henry Francis, of Trehill. Coll. St. John's, Oxon. Club. Jun. Carlton. Devon . . . 3,259 . 4,629 LEYCESTER, Rafe Oswald, of Toft Hall, Cheshire. S>- Cheshire . . 3,756 . 6,808 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Carnarvon . . 138 . 207 Club. Jun. Carlton, 3,894 . 7,015 LEYLAND, Thomas, of Haggerston Castle, Northumberland. Northumberland 17,644 . 16,198 Coll. Lancashire . . 3,426 . 36,781 Club. 21,070 . 52,979 LICHFIELD, Earl of, Shugborough Park, Staffordshire. Staffordshire . 21,433 • 4i»i6o Coll Suffolk ... 97 . 482 Club. Brooks's, Travellers*, White's. 21,530 . 42,042 LILFORD, Lord, Lilford Hall, Northants, &c. Northampton . 7,998 . 11,618 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Lancashire . . 7,552 . 14,776 Club. Carlton, Travellers', Hunts ... 4 . 4 St. James's. 15,554 . 26,398 LINDOW, Jonas Lindow BURNS-, of Park House. CoU. Club. Cumberland . 5,934 . 6,790 LINDOW, John, of Eben Hall, &c. Coll. Club. Cumberland . 4,032 . 4,280 LINDSEY, Earl of, Uflfington House. Coll. Club. Lincolnshire . 4,728 . 8,336 The Acre-ocracy of England, 121 LINGEN, Rev. Charles Nelson, of Penlanole, Radnorshire. acres, value. Radnor . . . 3,147 . 772 Coll. Pembroke, Cam. Brecon ... 138 • 56 Qluh. Cardigan . . 140 . 24 Hereford . . l . 9 3,426 . 861 LINTON, Col., of Stirtloe, Huntingdonshire. Huntingdon . 217 . 483 Coll^ Lincoln . . . l,6oi . 2,553 Cluh. Cambridge . . 1,190 . 2,150 3,008 . 5,186 LIPPINCOTT, Robert CANN-, of Over Court. Coll. Cluh. Gloucestershire 3?554 • 6,877 LISBURNE, Earl of, Crosswood, Cardigan. Cardigan . . 42,666 . 10,579 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Carmarthen . 40 . 40 Cluh. Carlton, Conservative. Middlesex . . 1 . ?o 42,707 . 10,639 LISLE, Hugh, of Acton House. Coll. Cluh. Northumberland 9,975 . 3,484 LITTLE, Joseph, of Ely, Cambridgeshire. Cambridge. . 2,237 . 3,071 Coll. Suffolk ... 641 . 654 Cluh. , Norfolk ... 366 . 346 3,244 . 4,07 1 LIVESEY, Joseph Montague, of Stourton Hall. Coll. Cluh. Lincolnshire . 5,346 . 8,109 12 2 l^he Acre-Qcracy of England, LLANOVER, Lady, of Abercarn, Monmouth, &c. acres. value. Monmouth . . 6,312 . 6,652 Glamorgan. . 221 . 1,484 6,533 . 8,136 LLEWELLYN, R. L. P., of Letterstone. Coll. Club. Pembroke . . 3,742 . 1,613 LLEWELYN, John DILLWYN-, of Penllergare, Glamorganshire. Brecon . . . 3,587 . 1,848 Coll. Carmarthen . 2,483 . 1,354 Club. Athenaeum. Glamorgan . . 8,797 • 6,735 14,867 . 9,937 LLOYD, Charles pencer, of Leaton Knolls, Salop. Salop ... 3»6i7 • 4,811 Coll. Montgomery . 1,157 • ^4^0 Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton, Flint .... l • 2 Union. 4,775 . 6,223 LLOYD, Charles, of Brunant. Coll. aub. Carmarthen . 4,053 . 1,767 LLOYD, Capt. Harris, of Glansevin. Coll. Club. Carmarthen . 3,194 . 2,329 LLOYD, John DAVIES-, of Blaen Dyffryn, Carmarthenshire. Carmarthen . 1,459 . 802 Coll. Cardigan . . 5,4^2 . 2,429 Club. 6,871 . 3,231 LLOYD, Llewellyn Lloyd, of Glangwilly. Coll. Club. Union. Carmarthen . 3,840 . 2,249 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 123 LLOYD, Richard Thomas, of Aston Hall, Salop, &c. acres. value. Salop . . . 3,434 . 5,658 Coll. Essex . . . 544 . 1,114 Club. Carlton, White's, Guards'. 3,91^ • 6,772 LLOYD, Robert LEWIS-, of Nantgwillt, Radnorshire. Brecon . . . 2,084 . 378 Coll Magdalen, Cam. Radnor . . . 1,892 . 796 Club. Uni. University. Cardigan . . 3,521 . 1,393 Pembroke . . 399 . 478 7,896 . 3,045 LLOYD, Sir Thomas Davies, Bart., of Bronwydd, Cardigan. Pembroke . . 4,028 . 2,737 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon, Cardigan . . 1,974 • 1,287 Club. Uni. University, Jun. Carmarthen . 1,911 • 1,337 Uni. Service. 7,913 . 5,361 LLOYD, T. Price (the late), of Trawsfynydd. Merioneth . . 16,974 . 3,956 LLOYD, Thomas Edward, of Coedmore, Cardigan. Cardigan . . 1,519 . 1,046 Coll. Carmarthen . 1,710 . 677 Club. Garrick, Carlton. Pembroke . . 1,835 . 924 5,064 . 2,647 LLOYD, Mrs., of Rhagatt, Merionethshire. Denbigh . . 3,083 . 2,725 Merioneth . . 1,280 . 792 4,363 . 3,517 LLOYD, Miss, of Hengwrt. Merioneth . . 3,162 . 1,556 LLOYD, Mrs., of Lingcroft. Yorks., N. R. . 5,467 • 1,305 1 24 The Acre-ocracy of England. LOMBE, Rev. Henry, of Bylaugh Park. acres. value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Norfolk . . . 13,832 . 17,789 LONDESBOROUGH, Lord, Londesborough Lodge. S- Coll. Yorks., N. E. Club. Brooks's, Turf. & W. R. . 52,655 . 67,876 LONDONDERRY, Marquis of, Seaham Hall, Durham, &c. Durham. . . 12,823 • 56,825 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Merioneth . 2,685 • 1?752 Club. Carlton, Travellers', Montgomery . 7,399 • 4»330 White's, Windham, Uni. Service. 22,897 . 62,907 LONG, Walter Hume, of Rood Ashton, Wilts. Wilts . . . 13,829 . 22,024 Coll. Somerset . . 841 . 1,018 Club. National. Merioneth . . 688 . 95 Montgomery . 46 . 66 1 5,404 . 23,208 LONG, Fortescue Walter Kellett, of Dunston Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Norfolk . . . 3,518 . 4,487 LONG, Walter Jervis, of Preshaw House, &c., Hants. Hants . . . 3,225 . 2,531 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Somerset . . 1,573 • 4>454 Club. 4,801 . 6,985 LONG, William, of Hurts Hall, Suffolk. Suffolk . . , 2,850 . 3,778 Coll. Cambridge . . 784 . 1,012 Club. Boodle's. 3»634 . 4,790 The Acre-ocracy of England, 125 LONGCROFT, Charles Richard, of Llanina, Cardigan^ acres. value. Cardigan . . 2,709 . 1,158 Coll. Carmarthen . 634 , 223 Cluh. Radnor ... 142 . 120 3,785 . 1,501 LONSDALE, Earl of, Lovvther Castle, &c., Cumberland. S- Cumberland . 28,228 . 42,818 Coll. Trin. Cam. Westmoreland 39,229 . 27,141 Cluh. Carlton, Boodle's. Rutland . . . 493 . 1,251 67,950 . 71,210 LOPES, Sir Massey, Bart., of Maristow, Devon, &c. Devon . . . 11,977 . Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Wilts. ... 126 . Cluh. Carlton, Conservative, Hants ... 149 • St. Stephen's. 9,328 1,348 193 12,252 . 10,869 LOTHIAN, Marchioness of, Blickling Hall. Norfolk . . . 8,073 • 9,107 LOUDOUN, Earl of, Rowallan Castle, Ayrshire, &c. Leicester . . 10,174 . 17,722 Coll. Derbyshire . . 2,750 . 5,212 Cluh. 12,924 . 22,934 LOVELACE, Earl of, Ockham Park, Surrey, &c. Surrey . Leicester Coll. Trin. Cam. Somerset Cluh. Athenaeum. Warwick Devon . 16,994 . 22,815 LOWE, William Drury, of Locko Park. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Derbyshire . . 4,287 . 10,887 • 9,957 . 12,384 . 4,568 . 7,838 . 1,778 . 1,561 663 . 1,028 28 . 4 1 26 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. LOWNDES, Edward William SELBY-, of Whaddon Hall. Coll. acres. value. Club. Conservative. Bucks . . . 7,555 • 1^993 LOWNDES, George Alan, of Harrington Hall. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Carlton. Essex . . . 3,580 . 4,297 LOWTHER, Sir Charles Hugh, of Swillington House, Yorks. g). Coll. Club. Yorks.,N.&W.R. 6,085 . 18,572 LOXDALE, James, of Castle Hill, Cardigan. Cardigan . . 4,915 . 2,458 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Staffordshire . o . 146 Club. Uni. Univ. Salop ... 64 . 738 4»979 . 3,342 LOYD-LINDSAY, Col., of Lockinge Hall. Berks . . . 20,528 . 26,492 Coll. Oxon ... 8 . 20 Club. Carlton, Guards', Uni. Ser., Travellers', Farmers'. 20,536 26,512 LUCAS, Richard, of Edithweston Hall, Rutlandshire, &c. Rutland. . . 1,631 , 2,689 Coll. Lincoln . . . 982 1j703 Club. Yorks., W. R. . 504 1,301 3,117 . 5,793 LUCAS, Samuel Lucas LANCASTER-, of Wateringbury Place, Kent. Kent. . . . 1,819 • 6,163 Coll. Devon . . . 2,926 1,119 Club. 4,745 • 7,282 LUCY, Henry Spencer, of Charlecote Park. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Arthur's. Warwickshire. 5,765 11,927 The Acre-ocracy of England, 127 LUTLEY, John Habington BARNEBY-, of Brockhampton. 5j. acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Hereford . . 3,061 . 5,104 LUTTON, J. H. M., of Newark. Coll. Club. Nottinghamshire 5,463 . 11,498 LUTTRELL, George FOWNES-, of Dunster Castle, Somerset, &c. Somerset . . 12,732 . 20,036 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Devon . . . 1,859 • 2,520 Club. Ox. & Cam., Boodle's. Dorset ... 73 . 83 14,664 . 22,639 LUXMOORE, Rev. John, of Kerslake, Devonshire. Devon . . . 3,526 . 1,258 Coll. Pembroke, Cam. Montgomery . 24 . 51 Club. Salop ... 14 • 65 3,564 . 1,374 LYSTER, Lady Charlotte Barbara, of Rowton Castle. Salop . . . 6,297 . 5,642 LYTTELTON, Lord, Hagley Hall, Worcester, g,. Worcester . . 5,907 . 9,170 Coll. Trin. Cam. Hereford . . 1,032 . 1,093 Club. 6,939 . 10,263 LYTTON, Lord, Knebworth Park. Coll. Bonn, Prussia. Club. Herts . . . 4,863 . 5,366 LYVEDEN, Lord, Farming Woods. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Athenaeum, Travellers', Northamptonshire 4,138 . 5,529 Reform, Brooks's. 128 'The Acre-ocracy of England, MACCLESFIELD, Earl of, Shirburn Castle, Oxon. S. acres. value. Oxon Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Staffordshire Club, Carlton. Devon . . 5,491 . . 5,482 . 2,660 . 8,149 8,599 1,796 McCREAGH, Lady. 13,633 . 1 8,544 Hampshire . . 3,600 . 2,906 MACE, John Ellis, of Tenterden. Coll. Club. Kent. . . . 3,653 . 478* MACKENZIE, Edward, of Fawley Court, Oxon, &c. Oxfordshire Coll. Suffolk . . , Club. Norfolk . . Bucks . . Berks . . . 2,676 . 8,818 . 3,737 . 1,867 . 90 . 4,583 1,650 1,833 2,298 264 17,188 . 10,628 MACKINNON, William Alexander, of Acryse Park, Kent. Kent .... 4,098 . 3,444 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Essex . . . 248 . 314 Club. Union, Ox. & Cam. 4,346 . 3,758 MACKWORTH, Sir Arthur Willl^m, Bart., of Glen Uske, Mon- mouth. Monmouth . . 1,861 . 2,570 Coll. Glamorgan . 1,342 . i,o79 Club. 3,203 . 3»649 MACNAMARA, Arthur, of Caddington Hall, Herts, &c. . . 1,443 . 1,769 Coll. Club. White's. Herts Beds. 3,149 3,675 4,592 5,444 * This is palpably an error in the return, as land in the neighbourhood of Tenterden would probably average a rental of 25^. per acre. T!he Acre-ocracy of England, 129 MAINWARING, Salusbury Kynaston, of Oteley Park, Salop. S- Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Boodle's. acres. value. Chester . 1,553 . 2,565 Salop . 3,664 . 5,346 Denbigh 74 • 200 Flint . . . 204 . 367 Coll. Club. 5,495 8,478 MAINWARING, Townshend, of Galltfaenan. Denbigh. . . 10,685 • 4,3^7 V^ 1 il JI iX V f Vk KJt.tklli3L\~tX\Ji Essex . . . 3,178 . 4,151 Coll. Trin. Cam. Brecon . 3,841 • 1,547 Club. Ox. & Cam. Berks . . . 211 . 440 Middlesex . . 1 . 184 7,231 MALMESBURY, Earl of, Heron Court, Hants, &c. Hants Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Wilts Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Dorset . • • • • • • 4,155 1,079 212 5,446 MANCHESTER, Duke of, Kimbolton Castle, Hunts, &c. Huntingdon . 13,835 Coll. Sandhurst. Cambridge Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Bedford . 1,124 53 6,322 4,727 1,479 98 6,304 20,589 1,849 80 15,014 . 22,518 MANSEL-PLEYDELL, John Clavell, of Whatcombe House, &c. Coll. St. John's, Cam. Club. Boodle's, Athenaeum. Dorset . . . 8,699 • 7,435 K I30 "The Acre-ocracy of England, MANVERS, Earl, Thoresby Park, Notts, &c. Coll Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton. acres. value. Notts . . , 26,460 . 32,962 Lincoln . 4,969 . . 6,529 Derby . . . 3,636 . 8,124 Wilts . . . 1,477 1,263 Yorks., W. R. . 1,043 . 1,283 37,581 . 50,161 MARKER, Richard, of Gittisham Combe, Devon. Devon . . . 6,527 . 6,833 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Dorset . . . 804 . 644 Club. 7,331 7,477 MARLBOROUGH, Duke of, K. G., Blenheim Palace, Oxon, &c. Oxon . . . 21,994 . 34,541 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Bucks . . . 2,755 . 5,131 Club. Athenaeum. Wilts . . . 1,534 • 2,106 Berks ... 33 . no 26,266 . 41,888 MARRIOTT, Sir William Henry SMITH-, Bart., of Blandford Down House. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Club. Windham. Dorset . . . 3,893 . 3,985 MARSHALL, John William, of Patterdale Hall, Westmoreland. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Westmoreland Cumberland 719 4,010 4,729 1,002 2,547 3,549 MARSHALL, Mrs., of Broadwater, Surrey. Surrey . Kent . . . 3,012 1,092 5,634 920 4,104 6,554 The Acre-ocracy of England, 131 MARSHALL, Reginald Dykes, of Derwentwater. acres. value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Ox. & Cam. Cumberland . 3,462 . 1,983 MARSHALL, William, of Treworgy. Coll. Cluh. Cornwall . . 3,085 . 2,639 MARTIN, George B. H., of Carnforth. Coll. Club. Lancashire . . 3,706 . 5,500 MASKELYNE, Anthony Mervyn Reeve STORY-, of Glanusk, Brecon, &c. Brecon . . . 3,658 . 1,014 Coll. Wadham, Oxon. Wilts. . . . 1,489 . 3,172 Cluh. Gloucester . . 279 . 1,631 5,426 . 5,817 MASON, Miss, of Necton Hall. Norfolk . . . 3,915 . 5,618 MASTER, Thomas William Chester, of Knole Park, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton. Gloucester. . 7,226 . 11,124 MATHER, Charles Thomas Naters, of Longridge House, &c. Coll. Cluh. Raleigh. Northumberland 3,572 . 9,086 MATHIAS, Lewis, of Lamphey Court. Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Club. Pembroke . . 4,562 . 4,113 MAYNARD, Viscount (infant grand-daughter of the late), Easton Lodge, Essex. Essex ... 8,617 . 10,482 Leicester b. 1861. Northampton Middlesex . Cambridge . 4,411 802 6 8 7,931 1,559 18 11 13,844 . 20,001 132 T^he Acre-ocracy of England, MEDLYCOTT, Sir William Coles, Bart., of Ven House, Somerset. acres. value. Somerset Coll. Trin. Oxon. Dorset . . . Cluh. Wilts. . . . METCALFE, Rev. John, of Hawes. Coll. Cluh. Yorks., N. R. METHUEN, Lord, Corsham House. ColU Cluh. Uni. Ser., Brooks's. Wilts 3,736 . 7»022 269 . 276 5 . 7 4,010 . 7,305 4,620 . 3,640 5,542 . 10,208 MEUX, Sir Henry, Bart., of Theobald's, Herts, &c. Wilts . . . 11,895 Herts . . . 2,339 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Middlesex . . 501 Cluh. Beds .... 11 Kent .... 1 MEXBOROUGH, Earl of, Methley Park, Yorks. g,. 6,969 1,769 527 269 Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Carlton, Travellers*. Yorks., W. R. . Herts Notts Kent .... 16,194 4,228 1,005 16 275 14,747 . 21,718 31,309 1,854 1,157 245 9,534 • 34,565 MEYRICK, Owen John Augustus FULLER-, of Bodorgan, Angle- sey, &c. Sussex . . . 6,660 . 4,226 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Anglesey . . 16,918 . 13,283 Cluh. Travellers'. 23,578 17,509 MEYRICK, Thomas CHARLTON-, of Bush. Coll. — dvh. Boodle's, Windham. Pembroke . 4;562 21,737 l^he Acre-ocracy of England, 133 MICKLETHWAIT, Rev. John Nathaniel, of Taverham Hall, Norfolk. acres. value. Norfolk . . . 5,356 . 5,931 Coll. Magd. Cam. Suffolk ... i,43i • i»575 Club. Arthur's. 6,787 . 7,506 MIDDLETON, Sir George Nathaniel BROKE-, Bart., of Shrub- lands Park, Suffolk, &c. Suffolk . . . 10,399 . 17,493 Coll. Norfolk ... 687 . 779 K^CrUO. Vyariion, uiii. ociv. 11,860 18,272 MIDDLETON, Lord, Wollaton Hall, Notts, &c. Yorks., N.&E.R. 13,048 . 15,106 Notts. . . . 14,135 . 20,326 Warwick . . 3,585 5,619 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln . 4,686 . 6,291 Club. Carlton, Boodle's. Surrey . . . 1,971 . 2,429 Gloucester . , 93 . 146 Staffordshire . 47 . 23 Derby . . . 9 . 21 37,574 • 50,289 MIDDLETON, William, of Stockeld Park, &c. Coll. Stonyhurst. Club. Yorkshire . MIERS, Henry, of Ynispenllwch. Coll. 4,338 5,817 Club. Glamorganshire 4,96 1 3,723 MILBANK, Frederick Acclom, of Thorpe, Perrow, Yorkshire. Durham. . . 3,734 . 17,279 Coll. Yorks., N.R. . 1,696 . 1,815 Club, Brooks's, Boodle's, Turf. 5,430 . 19,094 MILBANK, Mark, of Barningham Park, Yorkshire. Yorks., N.R. . 9,026 . 8,985 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Durham. , . 1,1 77 • 856 Club. 10,203 9,841 134 ^^^ Acre-ocracy of England. MILDMAY, Sir Henry Bouverik Paulet St. John, Bart., of Dogmersfield Park, Hants. acres. value. Hants . . . 6,762 . 8,956 Coll. Essex . . . 3,321 . 6,075 Club. White's, Travellers'. 10,083 . 15,031 MILDMAY, Hervey George St. John, of Hazelgrove House. Coll. Club. Army & Navy. Somerset . . 3,294 . 5,238 MILES, Martha F., of Elston House. Wilts. . . . 3,847 . 3,130 MILES, Philip William Skinner, of Kings-Weston House. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Gloucestershire 3,207 . 9,092 MILES, Sir William, Bart., of Leigh Court. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Arthur's, Boodle's. Somerset . 4,929 • 6,422 MILL, Lady BARKER-, of Mottisfont Abbey. Hants . . . 5,040 . 5,751 MILLER, Sir Charles John Hubert, Bart., of Froyle. A minor, b. 1858. Hants . . . 4,008 . 4,667 MILLER, Thomas P., of Singleton. Coll. Club. Lancashire . . 3,223 . 5,856 MILLS, John, of Bisterne. Hants . . . 4,144 . 4,512 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Warwick . . 172 . 355 Club. 4,316 . 4,867 acres. value. 3,671 . 5,658 1,891 . 2,919 1,421 . 3,249 1,481 . 2,425 7,292 . 7,000 The Acre-ocracy of England. 135 MILLS, John Remington, of Tolmers, Herts, &c. Herts Huntingdon Coll. Kent . . Cluh. Reform. Leicester Norfolk . . 15,756 . 21,261 MILNER, Sir William Mordaunt, Bart., of Nun Appleton Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Yorks., W. R. . 5,558 . 8,427 MILWARD, Richard, of Thurgarton Priory. Coll. Cluh. Carlton. Notts . . . 3,8 16 . 6,911 MIREHOUSE, R. W. B., of Angle Hall. Coll. . Cluh, Pembrokeshire 3,546 . 3,401 MITFORD, John Philip OSBALDESTON-, of Mitford Hall, North- umberland, &c. 5* Northumberland 4,620 . 4,330 Coll. Yorks., E. R. . 7,952 . 10,407 Cluh. kxTcv^ and Navy. 12,572 . 14,737 MOLESWORTH, Lady, of Pencarrow, Cornwall, &c. S- Cornwall . . 8,064 . 6,474 Devon . . . 8,967 . 4,240 I Huntingdon . 3 . 10 17,034 . 10,724 MONCK, Sir Arthur Edward, Bart., of Belsay Castle. %: Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh, Brooks's. Northumberland 9,079 . 9,712 MONCKTON, Edward Henry Cradock, of Fineshade Abbey, Northants. Northampton . 928 . 1,275 Col. Haileybury. Rutland . . . 2,183 . 4,060 Cluh. 3,111 . 5,335 Ij6 The Acre-ocracy of England. MONCKTON, Francis, of Somerford Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Jun. Carlton. Staffordshire MONSON, Lord, Burton Park, Lincoln, &c. Lincoln . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Surrey . . Club. Brooks's, Raleigh. s- acres. 6,208 6,854 1,533 MONTAGU, Andrew, of Melton Park, Yorkshire, W. R. Coll. Club. MOORE, George John, of Appleby Hall, Leicestershire. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. MORANT, John, of Brokenhurst Park. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Boodle's. Hants . . 5,596 value. 12,099 10,779 2,829 8,387 . 13,608 Yorks., W.R. . 17,591 • 28,384 Nottingham 3,254 • 3,796 Cornwall 2,657 • 2,844 Devon 6 . 5 Northumberland 648 . 1,855 24,156 . 36,884 Leicester 2,468 . 4431 Derby . 1,310 2,731 Warwickshire 272 493 Lincolnshire . . 1,223 . 1,272 Northants . 723 1,497 5,996 . 10,424 8,266 MORDAUNT, Sir Charles, Bart., of Walton Hall, Warwickshire. S*. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Arthur's. Warwickshire Northampton Somerset Bucks 3,325 3,270 4,123 157 4,735 4,429 8,057 150 10,875 . 17,371 The Acre-ocracy of England. 137 MORE, Robert Jasper, of Linley Hall, Salop. acres. value. Salop . . . 4,366 . 3,831 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Montgomery . 298 . 220 Club' Ox. & Cam., Brooks's. Suffolk . . . 480 . 761 5,144 . 4,812 MOREWOOD, Charles Rowland PALMER-, of Alfreton Park, Warwickshire, &c. Derby . . . 2,354 . 7,009 Coll. Warwick . . 1,685 . 3,033 Club. Windham, Jun. Carlton. 4,039 . 10,042 MORGAN, Howell, of Hengwrtucha, Merionethshire. Merioneth . . 1,135 . 236 Coll. Montgomery . 1,595 • 7 30 Club. Brecon . . . 323 . 132 3,053 • 1,098 MORLEY, Earl of, Saltram House. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Club. Brooks's, White's. Devon . . . 4,238 . 8,209 MORLEY, Francis, of Marrick Park. Coll. Club. Jun. Uni. Serv. Yorks., N. R. . . 3,502 . 1,875 MORRELL, George Herbert, of Headington Hill Hall, Oxon. Oxon .... 2,795 . 9,370 Coll. Exeter, Oxon. Berks .... 228 . 625 Club. 3,023 . 9,995 MORRIS, Edward, of Berth Lloyd, Montgomery. Coll. Montgomery . 3,832 . 2,401 Club. Salop . . . 300 . 879 4,132 . 3,280 138 The Acre-ocracy of England. MORRIS, Mrs., of Capel Dewi, Carmarthenshire. acres. value. Cardigan . . 3,993 . 246 Carmarthen . 368 . 109 4,361 . 355 MORRISON, Alfred, of Fonthill, Wilts. Wilts. ... 5,535 . 6,428 Coll. Edin. & Trin. Cam. Dorset . . . 537 . 579 Club. 6,072 . 7,007 MORRISON, Charles, of Basildon Park, Berks. Berks . . . 6,987 . l2,2o6 Coll. Bucks . . . 3,070 . 5,308 Club. Oxon ... 531 . 724 10,588 . 18,238 MORRISON, Walter, of Malham Tarn. Coll Balliol, Oxon. C/«6. Brooks's, Reform, Uni. Yorks., W. R. . 14,117 . 4,371 University. MORRITT, Willlam John Sawrey, of Rokeby Park, Yorkshire, N. R. Yorks.,N.&W.R. 6,198 . 8,199 Coll. Durham ... 1 . 3 Club. Carlton. 6,199 . 8,202 MORTON, Henry T., of Biddick Hall, Durham. Northumberland 7,205 . 4,054 Coll Durham ... 3 . 328 Club. 7,208 . 4,382 MOSLEY, Sir Tonman, Bart., of Rolleston Hall, Staffordshire, &c. Staffordshire . 3,669 . 8,627 Coll Magd. Cam. Derby ... 272 . 457 Club. Lancashire . . i . 357 3,942 . 9,441 The Acre-ocracy of England. 139 MOSTYN, Sir Pyers, Bart., of Talacre, Flint. acres. value. Flint .... 4,186 . 10,575 Coll. Carnarvon . . 2,025 . 4,053 C/w6. Brooks's, Reform. Denbigh. . . 292 . 225 6,503 . 14,853 MOTT, John Thomas, of Barningham Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Norfolk . . . 5,331 . 5,863 MOUNSEY, Robert Heysham, of Castletown. Coll. Cluh. Cumberland . 3,145 • 4483 MOUNT, William George, of Wasing Place. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Cluh. Berks . . . 4,191 . 5,153 MOUNT-EDGCUMBE, Earl of, Mount Edgcumbe, Cornwall. S- Cornwall . . 13,288 . 17,680 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Devon . . . 4,935 . 6,501 Cluh. Carlton, Travellers'. 18,233 . 24,181 MOWBRAY, George Thomas, of Grangewood, Leicestershire. Leicester . . 1,075 • l>726 Coll. Trin. Cam. Northumberland 1,913 • 424 Cluh. University. Derbyshire . . 22 . 16 3,010 . 2,166 MUNCASTER, Lord, Muncaster Castle, Cumberland, &c. S>- Cumberland . 5,531 . 2,524 Coll. Yorks.,E. R. . 7,994 . 7,544 Cluh. Carlton, Boodle's, Lancaster . . 261 . 95 Army & Navy. Westmoreland. 19 • lO 13,805 . 10,173 MUNDY, Charles John Henry MASSINGBERD-, of South Ormsby Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Carlton. Lincolnshire . 3,353 . 4,775 140 The Acre-ocracy of England, MURRAY, Lady James Charles Plantagenet, of Otterburn Hall. acres. value. Northumberland 4,882 . 1,980 MUSGRAVE, Sir Richard Courtenay, Bart., of Eden Hall, Cum- berland. ^. Westmoreland . 3,097 . 2,172 Coll. Cumberland . 7,515 . 7,537 Club. Durham . . . 1,062 . 4,448 11,674 . 14,157 MUSGRAVE, Rev. Sir William Augustus, Bart., of Barnsley Park, Gloucester. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Gloucester . 4,399 • 4,729 Durham . 1,464 . 1,818 Cumberland 196 . 380 Oxfordshire . . 176 . 134 6,235 . 7,061 MUSTERS, John Chaworth, of Annesley Park, &c., Notts. Notts. . . . 7,826 . 13,787 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Derby ... 5 . 7 Club. 7,831 . 13,794 MYNORS, Robert Baskerville, of Evancoyd, Radnorshire, &c. Radnorshire . 5,676 . 4,333 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Herefordshire . 1,041 . 1,430 Club. 6,717 . 5,763 MYTTON, Miss, of Cleobury, North Salop. Salop . . . 1,055 • 849 Montgomery . 3,611 . 1,534 4,666 . 2,383 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. 141 NANNEY, Hugh JONES-ELLIS-, of Gwynfryn, Carnarvon, &c. acres. value, Carnarvon . . 7,587 . 4,575 Coll. Merionethshire 4,150 . 1,142 Clvb. Montgomery . 105 . 37 11,842 . 5,754 NAYLOR, John, of Leighton Hall, Montgomery. Montgomery . 9,275 . 12,594 Coll. Trin. Cam. Salop . . . 467 . 135 Club. 9,742 . 12,729 NAYLOR, Richard Christopher, of Hooton Hall, Cheshire, &c. Cheshire . . 2,744 . 5,960 Lancashire Coll. Leicester Club. Carlton, Arthur^s. Northants Denbigh 266 . 1,218 2,802 . 5,373 2,394 . 3,655 3,413 • 3,690 ^ 11,619 . 19,896 NEAVE, Sir Arundell, Bart., of Dagnam Park, Essex, &c. Anglesey . . 5,739 . 3,804 Coll. Essex . . . 3,446 . 4,608 Club. Army and Navy, Somerset . . 215 . 270 Travellers'. Surrey ... 9 . 19 9,409 . 8,691 NEELD, Sir John, Bart., of Grittleton, Wilts. Wilts . . . 13,112 . 18,658 Coll. Trin. Cam. Middlesex . . 668 . 2,056 Club. Carlton, Boodle's. Herts ... 27 . 38 Gloucestershire 9 . 19 13,816 . 20,771 NELSON, Earl, Trafalgar, Wilts. Wilts . . . 9,861 . 8,639 Coll. Trin. Cam. Hants ... 180 . 75 Club. Carlton. Dorset . . . 409 . 573 10,450 . 9,287 142 The Acre-ocracy of England. NEVILE, George, of Stubton, Lincolnshire. acres. value, Lincolnshire . 2,574 • 3»949 Coll. Notts . . . 1,012 . 1,628 Cluh. ' Yorks., W. R. . 15 . 9 3,601 . 5,586 NEVILE, Ralph Henry Christopher, of Wellingore, Lincoln, &c. Lincolnshire . 6,486 . 9,625 Coll. Northampton . 44 . 83 Cluh. Notts ... 1 . 9 6,531 . 9,717 NEWALL, John Lightfoot, of Forest Hall. Coll. Cluh. Reform. Essex . . • 3,723 . 4,587 NEWBOROUGH, Lord, Glynllivon Park, Carnarvonshire. Carnarvon . . 22,063 • 16,234 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Denbigh . . 3,822 . 2,448 Cluh. Athenaeum. Anglesey . . 1,745 . 1,141 Merionethshire 1,170 . 2,903 28,800 . 22,726 NEWCASTLE, Duke of. Clumber Park, Notts, &c. S- Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Arthur's, White's, Arlington, Turf. Notts . . . 34,467 . Yorks., W.R. . 237 . Derby . . . 827 . Lincoln ... 16 . 73,098 307 1,124 18 35,547 . 74,547 NEWCOME, Mrs., of Feltwell Hall. Norfolk ... 4,017 . 3,600 NEWCOMEN, Arthur Henry Turner, of Kirkleatham Hall. Coll. Cluh. Yorks., N.R. . 4,545 . 5,431 "The Acre-ocracy of England, 143 NEWDEGATE, Charles Newdigate, of Arbury, Warwickshire. acre&, value. Coll. King's, Lon. & Ch. Warwick . . 5,318 . 8,318 Ch. Oxon. Middlesex . . 1,491 . 2,524 Club. Carlton, Boodle's, — — White's, National, 6,809 . 10,842 Arthur's, Travellers'. NEWDIGATE, Col. Francis William, of Byrkley Lodge, Stafford- shire, &c. Derby . . . 2,062 . 5,385 Coll. Sandhurst. Warwick . . 1,262 . 1,719 Club. Uni. Serv., Carlton. Staffordshire . 856 . 1,143 4,180 . 8,247 NEWMAN, Sir Lydston, Bart., of Mamhead Park. Coll. Club. Devon . . . 5,290 . 6,587 NEWTON, George Onslow, of Croxton Park, Cambridge. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cambridge. . 2,794 • 3,371 Club. Brooks's, Boodle's, Hunts . . . 3,209 . 3,711 Arthur's. 6,003 • 7,082 NEWTON, John George, of Bridestowe. Coll. Club. Devon . . . 6,490 . 4,143 NICHOLL, John Cole, of Merthyr Mawr. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Jun. Uni. Ser. Glamorganshire 4,894 . 6,565 NICHOLSON, William, of Basing Park. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Union. Hants . . . 3,014 . 2,323 NIGHTINGALE, Mrs., of Lea Hurst, Derby, &c. Derby . . . 2,521 . 4,072 Hants . . . 3,063 . 2,238 5,584 . 6,310 144 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. NORCLIFFE, Mrs., of Langton House. acres. Yorks., E. R. . 3,472 NORFOLK, Duke of, Arundel Castle, Sussex, §. Sussex . . . 19,217 Yorks., W.R. . 15,270* Surrey . . . 4,849 Coll. Norfolk . . 4,460 Club. Stafford. Derby ... 768 Suffolk ... 47 Staffordshire . 25 Notts ... 2 NORMANBY, Marquis of, Mulgrave Castle. Coll. Club. Travellers', Brooks's. Yorks., N. R. . 6,834 NORMANTON, Earl of, Somerley, Hants, &;c Lincoln . Coll. Trin. Cam. Hants Club. Marlboro', WTiite's, Wilts Travellers'. Northants Dorset . NORTH, CoL., of Wroxton Abbey, Oxon, &c. Warwickshire Coll. Sandhurst. Northampton Club. Carlton, Travellers', Oxon . White's, Uni. Serv. Cambridge . Essex NORTH, North, of Thurland Castle. Coll. Club. Jun. Uni. Service. Lancashire 10,139 value. 4,262 29,760 231,354 2,887 5,095 295 194 74 39 44,638 . 269,698 7,037 . 6,981 1 4, 1 2 1 . 9,236 7,838 . 9,811 9,402 935 1,302 556 406 27,519 33,069 697 1,453 2,246 . 4576 3,620 . 6,940 . 3,130 . 4,243 446 909 18,121 3,471 3,045 * This is one of the cases referred to in the return, where the ground land- lord is credited with the whole rental. The Acre-ocracy of England, 145 NORTHAMPTON, Marquis of, Castle Ashby, Northants, &c. S- acres. value. Northampton . 9,649 . 13,114 — Warwickshire . 4,985 . 8,288 — Bucks ... 3 . 3 Coll Club. 14,637 9,236 21,405 10,974 60 NORTHBROOK, Lord, Stratton, Hants. Hants Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Kent Club. Brooks's, Travellers'. 9,291 . 11,034 NORTHCOTE, Rt. Hon. Sir Stafford Henry, Bart., of Pynes. *• Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Club. Carlton, Athenaeum. Devon . . . 5,290 . 6,587 NORTHUMBERLAND, Duke of, Alnwick Castle, Northumberld, &c. Yorks., N. R. . 5,083 . 6,511 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Club. Uni. Ser., Travellers'. Northumberld Surrey . Middlesex . Durham 181,616 3,765 882 134 161,874 6,695 7,226 251 191,480 . 182,557 NORTHWICK, Lord, Northwick Park, &c. Worcestershire 4,215 . 6,317 Salop 2,095 . 3,166 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Rutland . . . 1,885 . 3,233 Club. Carlton, Athenaeum, Middlesex . 1,260 . 2,713 Ox. & Cam., United Gloucestershire 346 . 490 Service. Wilts . . . . 88 ■ 1,789 Hereford . . 6 17 NORTON, Daniel, of City Road, E. C. Coll. Club. Kent 9,895 5,141 17,725 4,355 NUGENT, Sir George Edmund, Bart., of West Harling Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon Club. Travellers'. Norfolk . . . 4,350 . 2,342 L 1 46 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, OAKELEY, William Edward, of Tanybwylch. acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Arthur's, Boodle's, Merionethshire 7? 169 . 15,603 Marlborough. OGLANDER, Lady, of Parnham, Dorset, &c. S- Hants . . . 3,867 . 3,322 Dorset . . . 3,059 . 4,153 Somerset . . 953 . 2,010 7,879 . 9,485 OGLE, John Savile, of Kirkley Hall. Coll. Club. Northumberland 7,518 . 7,895 OKEOVER, Haughton Charles, of Okeover Hall, Staffordshire. S- Staffordshire . 2,649 . 4,212 Coll. Derby ... 620 . 1,079 Club. Warwick . . 438 . 453 3,707 . 5,744 ONSLOW, Earl of, Clandon Park, &c., Surrey. Sb- Surrey . . . 6,562 . 7,371 Coll. Exeter, Oxon. Essex . . . 974 . 1,21! Club. 7,536 . 8,582 ONSLOW, Richard Foley, of Oxenhall, Gloucestershire. Gloucester . . 3,862 . 5»447 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Hereford . . 31 . 27 Club. • 3,893 . 5,474 ONSLOW, Sir Matthew Richard, Bart., of Hengar House, Corn- wall, &c. Cornwall . . 5,134 • 3,94^ Coll. Wilts . . . 1,638 . 1,037 Club. 6,771 • 4,973 I'he Acre-ocracy of England, 147 ORD, Mrs. BLACKETT-, of Whitfield Hall. acres, value, Northumberland 15,655 . 12,347 ORDE, William, of Nunnykirk, Northumberland. Northumberland 13,666 . 7,903 Coll. University, Oxon. Gloucester . . 2 . 3 Cluh. 13,668 . 7,906 ORFORD, Earl of, Wolterton Park, &c. S- Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Stafford, Turf, Carlton, Norfolk . . . 12,341 . 15,3 13 White's, Travellers'. ORMATHWAITE, Lord, Newcastle Court, Radnor. Radnorshire . 12,428 . 8,126 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cumberland . 2,014 • 1,1 H Cluh. Carlton, White's, Con- Berks ... 627 . 990 servative. Boodle's, Hereford . . 3 . 15 Uni. Univ., Travellers'. 15,072 . 10,245 ORMROD, Mrs., of Halliwell Hall. Lancashire . . 5,290 . 7,125 ORMSTON, Robert. Northumberland 2,461 . 934 Coll. Durham . . 978 . 737 Cluh. 3,439 . 1,671 OSBORNE, Sir George Robert, Bart., of Chicksands Priory, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Travellers'. Bedfordshire . 3,049 . 4*69 5 OSSINGTON, Viscountess, Ossington Hall, Nottinghamshire. Notts. . . . 3,594 . 5,670 Lincoln . . . 2,630 . 3,698 6,224 . 9,368 148 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, OVERSTONE, Lord, Overstone Park, Northants, &c. acres. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Uni. Univ., Brooks's, Athenaeum, Reform. value. Middlesex . 24 . 201 Beds . . . . 50 . 83 Carmarthen 23 • 16 Northampton . 15,035 • 30,679 Cambridge . . 2,402 4,135 Berks 284 474 Oxon . . 501 . 997 Leicester 1,276 2,064 Bucks 5,072 . 8,849 Huntingdon 1,712 . 2,946 Warwick . . . 4.460 7,654 30,839 . 58,098 OWEN, Anne W., of Glansevern. Montgomeryshire 4,482 4,368 OWEN, Morris Williams Lloyd, of Cwmgloyne, Pembroke. Pembroke . . 3,516 . 1,989 Coll. St. John's, Oxon. Cardigan . . 600 . 398 Club. 4,116 2,387 OXENDEN, Sir Henry Chudleigu, Bart., of Broome Park. ^, Call. St. John's, Cam. Club. Uni. University. Kent .... 5,266 . 5,370 PACKE, HussLY, of Pr^wold Hall, Leicestershire, &c. Leicester . 2,855 . 6,403 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln ... 4,109 . 6,515 Club. Arthur's, Brooks's. 6,964 . 12,918 PAGET, Richard Horner, of Cranmore Hall, &c., Somerset. Somerset . . 3,443 . 5,577 Coll. Sandhurst. Staffordshire o 805 Club. Army and Navy, Carlton. 3^443 • 6,382 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 149 PAGET, Thomas Tertius, of Humberstone, Leicestershire. acres. value. Leicestershire . 3,950 . 8,948 Coll. Northants . . 832 . 1,936 Club. Reform, Brooks's. 4,782 . 10,884 PALK, Sir Lawrence, Bart., of Haldon House, &c. Coll. Club. Carlton, Jun. Uni. Ser. Devon . . . 10,109 .109,275* PALMER, Miss, of Holme Park, &c. Berks . . . 3,8 1 8 . 6,159 PALMER, Sir Geoffry, Bart., of Carlton Park, Leicestershire. S- Leicester . . 1,692 . 2,970 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Northampton . 2,428 . 4,559 Club. Travellers', Uni. Univ. Ox. & Cam. 4,120 . 7,529 PAPILLON, Thomas, of Crowhurst, Sussex, &c. Sussex . . . 3,740 . 2,915 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Essex . . . 1,197 • 3»i2l Club, 4,937 • 6,036 PARES, Thomas Henry, of Hopwell Hall, Derbyshire, &c. Derby . . . 1,803 . 3,721 Coll. Leicester . . 1,485 . 2,584 Club. 3,288 . 6,305 PARKER, Robert Townley, of Cuerden Hall, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. . Lancashire . . 7,336 . 10,839 PARKER, Sir William, Bart., of Melton Hall, Suffolk. Coll. Club. Jun. Uni. Ser. Suffolk , . . 3,482 . 4,720 * This is one of the cases referred to in the return where the real value is considerably less. 150 The Acre-ocracy of England. PARKINSON, Robert John Hinman, of Ravendale. acres. value. Coll. Magd. Oxon. Club. Lincolnshire . 3,371 . 4,892 PARRY, George Williams, of Llydiarde. Coll. Club. Cardigan . . 3,561 . 1,947 PARRY, Mrs. JONES-, of Tregayan, Anglesea, &c. Anglesea . . 1,548 . 1,163 Carnarvon . . 3,195 • 1,463 4,743 . 2,626 PARRY, Richard, of Bedgellert. Coll. Club. Carnarvonshire 3,971 359 PARRY, Thomas Love Duncombe JONES-, of Madryn. Coll. Univ. Oxon. Club. Reform, Jun. Uni. Ser. Carnarvonshire 8,1 21 5,7 18 PARSONS, Cecil, of Presteign, Radnor. Hereford . . 482 . 409 Coll. Radnor . . . 1,454 • 771 Club. Brecon . . . 1,108 . 587 3,044 . 1,767 PAWSON, William John, of Shawdon Hall, &c. Coll. ■ . Club. Northumberland 10,9-19 . 5,795 PEACH, Rev. Charles Pierrepoint, of Tockington, Gloucestershire. Yorks., N. R. . 1,792 . 2,225 Coll. Magd. Cam. Gloucestershire 1,229 • 2,239 Club. 3,021 . 4,464 'The Acre-ocracy of England. 151 PEEL, Edmund, of Bryn-y-pys, Flints., &c. acres. value. Norfolk . 2,689 . 4,083 Flints. . . . 2,897 . 5,574 Coll. Denbigh . 1,555 . 3,171 Cluh. Salop . . . 2 . 75 Montgomery 1,325 l,AA'^ 8,468 ' 15,345 PEEL, Right Hon. Sir Robert, Bart., of Drayton Manor, Stafford- shire. Staffordshire 6,453 . 17,044 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Warwick . . 3,075 ■ 6,871 Cluh. Brooks's, Boodle's, Lancashire . . 395 . 617 Turf. 9,921 24,532 PEEL, William, of Taliaris Park. Coll. Cluh. Carmarthen . 3,035 . 3,813 PEIRSE, Sir Henry Monson de la Poer BERESFORD-, Bart., of Bedale Hall, Yorkshire. Coll. Club. Yorks., N. R. . 6,199 • 10,181 PELHAM, Rev. Henry THURSBY, of Cound Hall, Salop. Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Club. Salop . . . Carmarthen Pembroke . 5,753 . 10 . 450 . 5,685 S 443 6,213 . 6,133 PEMBERTON, Charles Orlando CHILDE-, of Millichope Park, Salop. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Ox. & Cam. Salop .... 3,364 . 4,696 PEMBERTON, Edward Leigh, of Torry Hill, Kent. Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Club. Kent . . . 6,280 . 6,708 152 T^he Acre-ocracy of England. PEMBERTON, Richard Laurence, of the Barnes. acres. Coll. Pemb., Oxon. Club. Carlton, Athenaeum. Durham . . 4,220 . value. 7,366 PEMBROKE, Earl of, Wilton Castle, Wilts. Wilts . . . 39,600 . Coll. Salop . . . 847 Club. Carlton. Westmoreland 31 . 43,161 620 57 40,478 . 43,838 PENDARVES, Mrs., of Pendarves. Cornwall . . 3,065 , 4,223 PENNYMAN, James Stovin, of Ormesby Hall, Yorkshire. Yorks.,N. R. . 2,223 • Coll. Durham. Durham . . 940 . 2,915 886 lylUO. 3,163 . 3,801 PENRHYN, Lord, Penrhyn Castle, Carnarvonshire, &c. Carnarvon . . 41,348 . Coll. Denbigh . . 2,625 • Club. Arthur's, Travellers', Northampton . 2,107 . Carlton, Boodle's, Kent. ... 121 , White's. Bucks ... 77 • 62,622 750 2,980 67 170 46,278 . 66,589 PENRICE, Thomas, of Kilvrough. Coll. Club. Glamorganshire 5,411 • 5,022 PENRUDDOCKE, Charles, of Compton Park, Wilts. Wilts . . . 3,201 . 4,308 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Somerset . . 580 . 867 Club. 3,781 . 5,175 PEPLOE, Daniel Peploe, of Garnstone Castle. Herefordshire . 4,928 . 5,862 Coll. Trin. Cam. Yorks., E. R. . 648 . 2,046 Club. Carlton, Army & Navy. 5,576 . 7,908 The Acre-ocracy of England, 153 PERCY, Algernon Charles HEBER-, of Hodnet Hall, Salop, &c. acres. value. Salop . . . 2,791 . 5,576 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Lincolnshire . 673 . 1,431 Club. Yorks.,E. N. & 3,983 . 7,527 W. R. 7,447 . 14,534 PETRE, Henry, of Dunkenhalgh. Coll. Stonyhurst. Club. White's, Travellers', Lancashire . . 5,754 • 10,995 Marlborough, Turf. PETRE, Lord, Thorndon Hall, Essex. Coll. Club. Travellers', Athenaeum, Essex . . . 19,805 22,595 Stafford. PEYTON, Sir Thomas, Bart., of Doddington, Cambs. &c. Oxon Coll. Addiscombe. Cambs . Club. Civil & Military. Hunts . . Bucks , . 3,909 . 7,189 PKILIPPS, Rev. James Henry Alexander, of Picton Castle, Pem- broke. Pembroke . . 18,729 . 21,151 Coll. Trin. Cam. Carmarthen . 2,643 • 2,424 Club. 21,372 . 23,575 PHILLIPPS, James Orchard, of Middle Hill, Worcestershire. Gloucester . . 3,502 . 5,359 Coll. Worcester . . 1,308 . 2,054 Club. 4,810 . 7,413 PHILIPPS, John Philipps Allen LLOYD-, of Dale Castle, Pem- broke, &c. Pembroke . . 6,536 . 5,7 16 Coll. Cardigan . . 2,682 . 1,561 Club. Carmarthen . 1,849 . 977 11,067 . 8,254 1,977 . 2,626 1,284 . 3,252 606 . 901 42 •. 410 154 The Acre-ocracy of England, PHILIPS, George Henry, of Abbey Cwm Hir, Radnor. acres. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Radnor . . . 6,235 value. 1,599 PHILIPS, Sir George Richard, Bart., of Weston House, Warwick. Warwickshire . 5,396 . 8,902 Coll. Worcestershire . 649 . 96 1 Club. Reform, Athenaeum. Gloucestershire 600 . 708 Oxfordshire . . 48 . 84 6,693 . 10,655 PHILIPS, Robert Needham, of Snitterfield, Warwick. Warwickshire . 3,048 . 5,360 Coll. Lancashire . . 176 . 752 Club. Brooks's, Reform, Kent. ... 152 . 255 Athenaeum. 3,376 6,367 PILKINGTON, Sir Lionel Milborne-Swinnerton, Bart., of Chevet Park, •Yorkshire. Coll. Club. Carlton. Yorks.,W.R. . 4,808 . 5,639 Staffordshire . 2,195 . 6,079 Monmouth . . 1,457 . 1,382 Sussex . . 722 . 610 Hereford 202 . 254 Kent . . 135 . 309 9,519 14,273 PLOWDEN, William Francis, of Plowden Hall, Salop. S- Shropshire. Coll. Stonyhurst. Northants . . Club. 4,574 • 4,247 755 . 1,774 5,329 . 6,021 POCHIN, William Ann, of Edmonthorpe Hall, Leicester. Leicestershire . 5,817 . 10,044 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincolnshire . 1,479 • 2,589 Club. Oxford & Cambridge. Rutland ... 392 . 690 7,688 . 13,323 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 155 POLE, Reginald Walkelyne CHANDOS-, of Radbourne Hall. S). acres. value. Derbyshire . 3,691 . 7,850 Coll. Staffordshire . 225 . 281 Club. Guards'. Yorks, W. R. . 12. 15 3,928 . 8,146 POLE, Sir William Edmund, Bart., of Shute. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. C/w6. Ox. & Cam. Devonshire. . 5,846 . 7,416 POLLEN, Sir Richard Hungerford, Bart. (inc. Dow. Lady Pollen's Hants property), of Rodbourne, Wilts. Wilts . . . 1,466 . 2,125 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Hants . . . 3,036 . 3,3^9 Club. Carlton. 4,502 . 5,444 POLTIMORE, Lord, Court Hall, &c., Devon. S. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Devon . . . 17,047 . 16,084 Club. Brooks's, Boodle's, Dorset ... 2 . 50 Marlborough. 17,049 . 16,134 POPHAM, Edward LEYBORNE, of Littlecote Hall, Wilts. S- Wilts . . . 5,574 • 6,452 Coll. Somerset . . 1,517 . 2,089 Club. Berks ... 238 . 448 7,329 . 8,989 POPHAM, Francis LEYBORNE-, of Wootton, Hants. S- Somerset . . 4,103 . 7,979 Coll. Univ. Oxon. Wilts . . . 2,296 . 2,898 Club, Hants . . . 1,196 . 2,562 Surrey . . . 246 . 1,774 7,841 . 15,213 PORTAL, Melville, of Laverstoke House. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton. Hants . . . 10,566 . 10,922 156 The Acre-ocracy of England » PORTLAND, Duke of, Welbeck Abbey, &c., Notts. acres. value. Colt. Club. Brooks's, Boodle's, Notts . . . 35.209 . Northumberland 10,822 . Derby . . . 7,740 . Norfolk ... 591 . Lincoln . . . 894 Bucks ... 5 , 8,462 9,917 986 1,253 18 55,259 . 71,171 PORTMAN, Viscount, Bryanston, Dorset, &c. Somerset . . 24,170 . 35,257 Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Dorset . . . 7,798 . 9,478 Club. United University. Devon . . . 1,754 • 937 33,722 . 45,672 PORTSMOUTH, Earl of, Hurstborne Park, Hants. 5). Hants . . . 16,401 . 14,731 Coll. Trin. Cam. Devon . . . 16,414 . 1 1,399 Club. Brooks's. Somerset . . 646 321 32,815 . 26,130 POULETT, Earl, Hinton St. George, Somerset. Sb- Somerset . . 10,117 . 18,885 Colt. Sandhurst. Hants ... 6 . 113 Club. Army & Navy, Turf, Arthur's. 10,123 . 18,998 POWELL, Col., of Nanteos, Cardigan. Brecon . . . 11,704 . SS^ Coll. Cardigan . . 21,933 . 9,024 Club. United Service. Montgomery . 37 • 17 33,674 . 9,597 POWELL, Thomas Harcourt, of Drinkstone Park, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 1,105 . 1,611 Coll. Pembroke . . 3,083 . 3,393 Club. Guards'. Essex ... 403 • 610 4,591 • 5,614 The Acre-ocracy of England. 157 POWELL, Walter Rice Howell, of Maesgwynne. acres. value. Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Coll. Carmarthen . 3,468 ■ 2,709 ;, Montgomery Montgomery • 33,545 ■ 30,251 Salop . . 26,986 32,443 Glamorgan • 3,059 . 10,628 Suffolk . 477 612 Radnor . . 19 . 22 Denbigh 9 2 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Club. Carlton, Travellers', Ox. & Cam., White's. 64,095 . 73,948 POWIS, Hon. Henry Wentworth Feilding, of Berwick House. Coll. Club. Salop 6,241 7,536 POYNDER, Thomas Henry Allen (the late), of Hillmarton Manor, Wilts, &c. Wilts . . . 5,893 . 11,576 Kent. ... 41 . ij495 5,934 13,071 PRATT, Edward Roger Murray, of Ryston Hall. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. St. James's, Brooks's. Cambridge . . 3,232 5,819 PRESCOTT, Sir George Rendlesham, Bart., of Theobalds, Herts, &c. Coll. Club. Sussex . 2,121 . 1,729 Kent . . 1,115 . i,86o Herts . . 475 . 2,013 Flints . . 511 . 812 Bucks . . 105 . 220 Oxon 83 . 109 Middlesex . 33 80 4,443 6,823 158 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, PRESTON, Sir Jacob Henry, Bart., of Beeston Hall. acres. value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Ox. & Cam. Norfolk. . . 3,155 . 4,597 PRESTON, Mary, of Chulmleigh. Devon . . . 11,28b . 6,243 PRESTON, Thomas Henry, of Moreby Hall, E.R. Coll. Club. Carlton. Yorks.,E.&W.R. 5,348 . 7,325 PRICE, Sir Richard GREEN-, Bart., of Norton Manor. Coll. Club. Union. Radnor ... 8,774 . 7,^38 PRICE, Richard John Lloyd, of Rhiwlas, Merionethshire. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Merioneth. . . 17,717 . 9,386 Club. Carlton, Boodle's, Denbigh . . 164 . 177 Jun. Carlton, Raleigh, Cocoa Tree. 17,881 . 9,563 PRICE, Walter Owen, of Castell Piggin, Carmarthen. Cardigan . . 1,062 366 Coll. Pembroke . . 1,708 . 1,358 Club. Carmarthen . 1,134 . 819 3,904 . 2,543 PRICKARD, Mrs., of Dderw. Radnorshire . 3,580 . 1,763 PRIESTLEY, John, of Hirdrefaig, Anglesey, &:c. Coll. Trin. Oxon. Club. Carnarvon . . 4,890 . 940 PRITCHARD, Henry, of Trescawen, Anglesey. Anglesey . . 2,741 . 2,263 Coll. Jesus, Oxon. Cambridge. . 1,126 . 2,414 Club. 3,867 . 4,677 PRITCHARD, John, of Stanmore. Coll. Salop. . . . 3,254 . 5,123 T^he Acre-ocracy of England, 1^9 PROCTER, John, of Kirkby Malham. acres. value. Coll. Club. Yorks., W. R. . 3,351 . 1,908 PROSSER, Francis Richard WEGG-, of Belmont. Herefordshire . 3,734 . 8,510 Coll. Balllol, Oxon. Yorkshire, N. R. 225 . 196 Club, Carlton, Stafford. 3,959 . 8,706 PRYOR, Arthur, of Hylands. Coll. Club. Carlton. Essex . . . 3,255 . 4,975 PRYSE, Sir Pryse, Bart., of Gogerddan, Cardiganshire. Coll. Cardigan . . 28,684 . 10,634 Club. Jun. Uni. Serv., Montgomery . 3,351 . 473 Arm. & Navy, Pembroke . . 322 . 217 Brooks's. . 32,357 • 11,324 PUGH, David, of Manoravon, Carmarthen. Carmarthen . 6,198 . 3,569 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Cardigan . . 864 . 315 Club. Ox. & Cam. 7,062 . 3,884 PUGH, Lewis Pugh, of Abermaide. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. New Univ., Oriental. Cardigan . . 6,894 • 2,369 PULLEINE, James, of Clifton Castle, Yorkshire. Yorks., N.&E.R. 2,818 . 3,881 Coll. Trin. Cam. Northumberland. 753 . 524 Club. Ox. & Cam. Durham . . . 470 . 319 4,041 . 4,724 PULLER, Arthur Giles GILES-, of Youngsbury, Herts. Herts .... 2,888 . 4,480 Coll. Trin. Cam. Essex .... 1,077 • 1?575 Club. Athenaeum, Arthur's. 3,965 . 6,055 1 6o T^he Acre -OCT acy of England, PUSEY, Sidney Edward BOUVERIE-, of Pusey, Berks. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. acres. value. Club. Berks . . . 5,022 . 7,082 PUXLEY, Henry Lavallin, of Dunboy Castle, Co. Cork, &c. Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Club. Carmarthen . 6,522 . 4,969 PYE, Henry John, of Clifton Hall, Staffordshire, &c. Staffordshire Coll. Magd. Cam. Middlesex Club. Uni. Univ., Ox. & Cam. PYM, Francis, of The Hasells, Beds, &c. Beds . Huntingdon Coll. Herts . . Club. Cambridge • • 3,310 . 5,556 10 . 57 3.320 . 5,613 1,286 . 2,127 1,492 . 1,538 631 . 888 2 . 7 3,411 . 4,560 QUICKE, John, of Newton House, Devon. Devon ... 3,627 . 5,467 Coll. Trin. Cam. Cornwall . . 154 • 149 Club. Arthur's. 3,781 . 5,616 RADCLIFFE, Frederick Peter DELME-, of Hitchin Priory, Herts. Herts . . . 2,834 • 4,510 Coll. Beds .... 926 . 1,290 Club. Boodle's. ■ 3,760 . 5,800 RADCLIFFE, Sir Joskph Percival Pickford, Bart, of Rudding Park, Yorkshire. Yorks., W. R. . 2,872 . 7,271 Coll. Catherine Hall, Cam. Lancashire . . 457 , 1,291 Club. St. George's. Monmouths. . 92 . 92 Staffordshire . 22 . 127 3,443 . 8,781 'The Acre-ocracy of England. 1 6 1 acres. value. Wilts. . . . 17,173 . 21,499 Berks , . 4,394 . 7,114 Kent . . . . 3,151 . 3,728 Gloucester . 202 . 708 RADNOR, Earl of, Longford Castle, Wilts, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Boodle's. 24,920 . 33,049 RAMSDEN, Sir John William, Bart., of Byrom, &c., Yorkshire. Yorks., W.R. . 8,589 . 167,601 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln . . . 800 . 1,080 Club. Brooks's, Athenaeum, Travellers'. 9,389 . 168,681 RANELAGH, Viscount, Victoria Street, S.W. Coll. Club. Carlton. Norfolk . . . 3,043 . 5,691 RASHLEIGH, Jonathan, of Menabilly, Cornwall, &c. S)« Cornwall . . 10,156 . 8,738 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Devon ... 31 • 139 Club. 10,187 . 8,877 RAVENSWORTH, Earl of, Eslington Park, Northumberland, &c. Northumberland 7,458 . 11,924 Coll. Durham. . . 6,393 • 27,240 Club. Carlton. 13,851 . 39,164 RAWLINSON, William Millers, of Graythwaite, Lancashire. Lancashire . . 2,094 • 1,487 A minor, b. Cumberland . 1,483 . 834 1863. 3,577 . 2,321 RAWSON, Miss, of Nidd Hall. Yorks., W.R. . 5,769 • 6,060 Hereford . . 1,307 • 1,091 ■ ■ " ■ ■■!■» <■■■■ m il ■ 7,076 . 7,151 M l62 'The Acre-ocracy of England, RAWSTORNE, Lawrence, of Penwortham Priory. Coll Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Jun. Carlton. Lancashire RAYER, William Carew, of Holcombe Court, Devon. Devon . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Glamorgan . Club. Somerset acres. value. 3,445 . 6,951 )evon. 2,445 . 3,624 1,512 . 2,231 50 . 45 4,007 5,900 RAYLEIGH, Lord, Terling Place. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. New University. Essex 8,536 REBOW, Hector John GURDON-, of Wyvenhoe Park, Essex . . . 2,620 Coll. Trin. Cam. Suffolk . . . 1,079 Club. Brooks's, Raleigh. Surrey . . . 607 . 12,653 Essex. • 3,977 . 1,551 454 4,306 REDESDALE, Lord, Birdhope Craig, Northumberland, Northumberland 17,204 . 4,368 2,184 • 2,133 282 327 5,982 &c. Coll. New, Oxon. Club. Carlton, White's, Boodle's. Gloucester Warwick Oxon Worcester Wilts . 3,381 5,743 2,877 2,664 485 315 26,498 . 15,465 REEVE, General, of Leadenham House. Coll. Club. Uni. Ser., Carlton, Lincolnshire Guards'. 5,216 9,207 RENDLESHAM, Lord, Rendlesham Hall, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 19,869 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Herts 3,969 Club. Carlton. 19,275 5,500 23,838 . 24,775 7he Acre-ocracy of England, 1 63 REVELEY, John Hugh, of Bryn-y-gwyn, Merionethshire. acres. value. Merioneth . . 3,144 . 1,255 Coll. Wadham, Oxon. Carnarvon . . 48 . 36 Club. 3,192 . 1,291 REWES, Joseph, of Prittlewell. Coll. Club. Essex . , . 3,482 . 6,172 REYNARDSON, Charles Samuel Thomas BIRCH-, of Holywell. Coll. Club. Carlton, Boodle's. Lincoln . . . 6,665 • 8,949 RIBBLESDALE, Lord, Gisburn Park, Yorkshire. S. Yorks., W. R. . 4,667 . 6,859 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Lancashire , . 52 . 121 Club. 4,719 . 6,970 RICHARDS, Mrs., of Caerynwch, Merionethshire. Merioneth . . 5,701 . 1,557 Denbigh . . 771 • 1,331 6,472 . 2,888 RICHMOND, Duke of, K.G., Goodwood, Sussex. Sussex . . . 17,111 . 19,283 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks., E. R. . 2 . 12 Club. Carlton, White's. 17,113 . 19,295 RICKETTS (or Chetwode), of Dorton House, Buckinghamshire. Bucks . . . 6,241 . 8,416 Oxon ... 131 • 118 6,372 . 8,534 RIDDELL, Francis, of Cheeseburn Grange, Northumberland, &c. Northumberland 2,570 . 2,899 Coll. Ushaw. Yorks., N.R. . 595 • 791 Club. Brooks's. 3,165 . 3^690 1 64 The Acre-ocracy of England, RIDDELL, John Giffard, of Felton Park, &c. acres, value. Coll. Oscott. Club. Northumberland 12,911 . 11,119 RIDDELL, Sir Walter Buchanan, Bart., of Hepple. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Northumberland 4,482 . 1,576 RIDLEY, Sir Matthew White, Bart., of Blagdon. g). Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Boodle's, Carlton. Northumberland 9,696 31,394 RIDLEY, Thomas, of Park End. Coll. Club. Northumberland 10,367 . 4,117 RIPON, Marquis of, K.G., Studley Royal, Yorkshire, &c. Yorks.,N.&W.R. 16,150 . 23,173 Coll. Lincoln . . . 6,958 . 9,487 Club. Brooks's, Reform, Leicester . . 16 . 39 Travellers', Uni. Ser., Bedford ... 3 . 5 Athenaeum. Suffolk ... 1 . 2 23,128 . 32,706 RIVERS, Lord, Rushmore, Dorset. C0.7. Sandhurst. Dorset . . . 24,942 . 33,682 Club. Carlton, Turf, Marl- Wilts. . . . 2,762 . 1,714 boro'. 27,704 . 35,396 RIVIS, Thomas Willum, of Newstead House. Coll. Club. Yorks.,E.&N.R. 6,778 . 8,417 ROBARTES, Lord, Lanhydrock. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Athenaeum. Cornwall . . 22,234 . 30,730 ROBERTSON, George Coke, of Widmerpool Hall, Notts, &c. Coll. Notts. ... 2,215 . 2,528 n«6. Army & Navy, Naval Lincoln . . . 1,288 . 1,849 & Military, 3,503 . 4,377 T!he Acre-ocracy of England. 165 ROBINSON, Christopher William, of Dullingham Hall, Cam- bridge, &c. acres. value. Cambridge. . 2,396. . 3,170 Coll. Suffolk . . . 1,670 . 2,068 Club. 4,066 . 5,238 ROBINSON, Mrs., of Vowchurch. Herefordshire . 3,282 . 3,717 ROCH, William Francis, of Butter Hill. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Pembroke . , 5,665 • 5,103 ROCHE, Francis William Alexander, of Rochemount, co. Cork, &fc. Carnarvonshire 2,764 . 1,673 Coll. Brecon ... 327 . 226 Club. 2,091 . 1,899 RODD, Francis, of Trebartha. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Cornwall . , 7,912 . 6,823 RODD AM, RoDDAM John, of Roddam Hall. Coll. Club. Northumberland 5,256 . 3,043 RODNEY, Lord, Berrington, Herefordshire. Herefordshire . 4,444 • 5,943 A minor, b. Sussex . . . 1,744 . 1,361 1857. Hants ... 81 . 236 6,269 . 7,540 ROGERS, Rev. John, of Stanage Park, Radnor, &c. Salop . . . 1,721 . 1,402 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Radnor ... 3,127 . 2,749 Club. Uni. University. Hereford . . 136 . 87 4,984 . 4,238 1 66 'The Acre-ocracy of England, ROGERS, John Edwardes, of Abermeirig Talsarn. acres. value. Coll. Wadham, Oxon. Club. Cardiganshire . 3,263 . 896 ROGERS, John Jope, of Penrose. Coll. Trin. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Athenaeum. Cornwall . . 6,214 . 13,093 ROGERS, Richard Rogers COXWELL-, of Dowdeswell Court, &c. Coll, Trin. Dub. Pern. Oxon. Club. Gloucestershire 4,171 . 5)364 ROKEBY, Lord, Hazelwood, Herts, &c. Herts . . . 348 Northumberland 1,622 Coll. Yorks.,N.R. . 2,835 Club. United Service. Cambridge . . SS Kent .... 3 911 4,137 4,021 102 9 4,863 . 9,180 ROLLE, Hon. Mark George Kerr, of Stevenstone, Devon. Coll. Club. Devon . . . 45,729 . 71,312 Somerset 151 • 138 Cornwall 1,505 . 691 Dorset . . 320 . 395 47,705 . 72,536 ROLLS, John Allan, of The Hendre. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Arthur's. Monmouthshire 3,504 . 3,074 ROLT, John, of Ozleworth Park. Coll. University, Oxon. Club. Gloucestershire 3,095 . 3,406 ROMNEY, Earl of. The Mote. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton. Kent. . . . 4,^53 • 12,540 The Acre-ocracy of England, 167 ROTHSCHILD, Baron Lionel Nathan de, of Tring Park, Herts, &c. Northampton Coll. Herts . . Club. Brooks's, Reform. Middlesex . Bucks • • acres. value. 1,772 . 2,817 2,939 • 5,413 620 . 3,356 9,959 • 17,216 15,290 . 28,802 ROTHSCHILD, Baroness Meyer de, of Mentmore, Bucks. Bucks ... 4,016 . 6,885 Herts . . . 495 • 979 4,511 . 7,864 ROUND, James, of Birch HalL Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Carlton, Uni. Univ., Essex . . . 4,198 . 5>875 Farmers'. ROUNDELL, William, of Gledstone. S- Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Carlton. Yorks., W. R. . 7,541 • 8,695 ROWLEY, Sir George Robert, Bart., of Tendring Hall, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 7,324 . 9,907 Coll. Essex . . . 1,292 . 1,701 Clvb, Travellers'. 8,616 . 11,608 ROWLEY, George Willlvm, of Priory Hill, Hunts. Hunts . . . 1,629 . 3,905 Lincoln . . . 1,406 . 3,378 Coll. Rutland. . . 362 . 720 Cluh. Conservative. Cambridge . . 18 . 23 3,415 . 8,026 RUSHOUT, Sir Charles Fitzgerald, Bart., of Seizincote. Coll. Cluh. Guards'. Gloucestershire 3,681 . 4,658 t i68 l^he Acre-ocracy of England, RUSSELL, Jesse David WATTS-, of Biggin Grange. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Ox. & Cam. Northampton . 6,280 . value. 9,571 RUTLAND, Duke of, K.G., Belvoir Castle, Leicester, &c. S. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Carlton. Leicester Derby . Cambridge Lincoln . Suffolk i . Notts Rutland . RUTSON, John, of Newby Wiske. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Uni. Univ. Yorks., N. R. . RUTZEN, Baron de, Slebech Park. Pembrokeshire Coll. Magd. Cam. Club. RYLAND, Miss, of Barford, Warwickshire. Warwick . Worcester . 30,109 26,993 6,554 2,864 1,658 1,110 761 42,307 28,691 9,266 4,684 1,976 1,479 1,512 70,039 . 89,945 4,857 . 8,380 5,573 . 4,216 2,963 . 6,667 356 . 1,040 3,319 . 7,707 SACKVILLE, Mrs. STOPFORD-, of Drayton House. Northampton . 4,667 ST. ALBAN'S, Duke of, Bestwood Lodge, Notts, &;c. Lincoln . . . 5,255 Coll. Trin. Cam. Notts . . . 3,743 Club. Brooks's. 8,998 8,723 6,466 4,489 10,955 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 169 ST. AUBYN, Sir John, Bart., of St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall. acres. value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cornwall . . 5,134 . 3,946 Cluh. Brooks's, Boodle's, Devon . . . 1,421 . *9 1,263 Travellers', Ox. & Cam. 6,555 . 95,209 ST. AUBYN, Rev. St. Aubyn Render MOLESWORTH-, of Clowance. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Cornwall . . 6,299 • 8,796 ST. GERMAN'S, Earl of. Port Eliot, Cornwall. Cornwall . . 5,961 . 8,098 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Wilts . . . 2,948 . 5,409 Cluh, Travellers'. Gloucester . . 2,750 . 3,743 11,659 . 17,250 ST. JOHN, Lord, Melchbourne, Bedfordshire. S>- Beds . . . Coll. " Hunts . . Cluh. Carlton. ST. LEONARD'S, Lord, Boyle Farm, Surrey Kent . • • Coll. Hunts . . . Cluh. Berks . . . Sussex . Surrey . . , 7,806 . 11,476 530 . 757 8,336 . 13,233 1,304 . 821 1,067 . 1,252 1,273 . 1,083 774 . 1,159 67 . 20 84 . 803 4,569 . 5,138 ST. QUINTIN, Matthew Chitty Downes, of Scampston Hall, Yorks., &c. Coll. Cluh. United Service. Yorks., E. R. . 7,033 . 10,244 * This is one of the cases where the nominal rental exceeds the real income considerably. lyo ^he Acre-ocracy of England, ST. VINCENT, Viscount. ColL Club. Carlton, Arlington. Lincoln . Yorks, E. R. Staffordshire acres. 2,444 2,041 1 value. 2,265 3,760 3 4,486 6,028 SALISBURY, Marquis of, Hatfield House, Herts, &c. ColL Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Herts . . . 13,389 . 18,372 Dorset . . . 3,188 . 2,922 Lancashire . . 1,796 . 7,999 Essex . . . 758 . 2,632 Middlesex . 960 . 1,219 Norfolk . . 80 123 Beds . . . 89 134 W^ilts . . 12 12 20,272 . 33,413 SALVIN, Marmaduke Charles, of Burn Hall, Durham, &c. S* Durham . . 2,340 . 15,224 Coll. Ushaw. Hereford - . #1,726 . 2,103 Club. — 4,066 . 17,327 SALWEY, Alfred, of Haye Park, Hereford, &c. Hereford . . 1,912 . 1,496 Coll. Salop . . . 1,278 . 2,796 Club. Conservative. 3,190 . 4,292 SANDBACH, Henry Robertson, of Hafodunos, Denbigh. Denbigh . . 4,316 . 3,184 Coll. Glasgow. Carnarvon . . 324 Club. Athenaeum. 100 4,640 3,284 SANDWICH, Earl of, Hinchingbrook House, Huntingdon. Dorset . . . 5,286 . 5,693 Coll. Trin. Cam. Hunts ... 3,219 • 7,522 Club. Carlton, Uni. Service, Cornwall . . 23 . 126 Travellers'. 8,528 13,341 T!he Acre-ocracy of England, 171 SANFORD, William Ayshford, of Nynehead Court. acres, value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Somerset . . 5,057 . 8,170 SAURIN, Mark Anthony, of Orielton, Pembroke. Pembroke . . 5,752 . 5,851 Carmarthen . 140 . 73 5,892 . 5,924 SAVILE, Henry, of Rufford Abbey, Notts, &c. Notts . . . 17,820 . 17,213 Coll. Yorks., W. R. . 9,006 . 23,402 Cluh. White's, Boodle's. 26,826 . 40,615 SAWLE, Sir Charles Brune GRAVES-, Bart., of Penrice, Corn- wall. Cornwall . . 3,050 . 11,417 Coll. Clare, Cam. Devon ... 341 • i,502 Cluh. Reform. 3,391 . 12,919 SAWYER, Charles, of Heywood Lodge, Berks. Oxon ... 2,515 . 3,794 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Berks . . . 747 . 1,289 Cluh. 3,262 . 5,083 SAYE AND SELE, Lord, Broughton Castle, Oxfordshire, &c. Oxon . . . 1,623 • 3,870 Coll. New, Oxon. Hunts . . . 2,461 . 3,164 Cluh. Brooks's. Lincoln . . . 2,743 . 5,456 Worcester . . 28 . 31 6,855 • 12,521 SCARBROUGH, Earl of, Sandbeck Park, Yorks., &c. S. Yorks., W.R. . 8,640 . 10,335 Coll. Lincoln . . . 11,270 . 15,258 Cluh. White's, Boodle's. Durham. , . 1,788 . 6,014 21,698 . 31,607 172 The Acre-ocracy of England, SCARISBRICK, Charles, of Palace Gate, W. acres. value. Coll. Club, Lancashire . . 3,505 . 34,8 1 1 SCARISBRICK, William, of Frankfort, Prussia. Coll. Club. Lancashire . . 3,133 • 33,9^0 SCARSDALE, Lord, of Kedleston, Derbyshire. 5). Derbyshire . . 9,166 . 15,327 Coll. Merton, Oxon. Leicestershire. 319 . 487 Club. Carlton, Arthur's. Staffordshire . 479 . 569 9,964 . 16,383 SCHREIBER, Mrs., of Henhurst. Kent. . . . 3,234 . 3,072 SCHROETER, Frederick A., of Mottingham, Kent. Essex . . . 1,252 . 1,803 Coll. Sussex . . . 2,559 • 2,186 Club. Kent .... 232 . 194 4,043 . 4,183 SCOTT, Lord Henry John MONTAGU-DOUGLAS-, of Beaulieu. Coll. Club. Carlton, St. Stephen's. Hants . . . 12,070 . 10,066 SCOTT, Mrs., of Betton L'Estrange, Salop, &c. Salop . . . 1,304 . 4,831 Merioneth . . 2,140 . 1,132 3,444 • 5,963 SCOTT-CHAD, Joseph Stonehewer, of Colney Hall. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Norfolk ... 5,414 • 8,198 The Acre-ocracy of England. 173 SCOURFIELD, Sir Owen Henry Philip, Bart, of Williamston, Pembroke, acres. value, Pembroke . . 11,243 • 8,722 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Carmarthen . 2,196 . 1,365 Cluh. 13,439 . 10,087 SCRATTON, Daniel Robert, of West Ogwell House, Devon, &c. Devon . . . 2,639 . 3,808 Coll. ' Essex . . . 2,117 • 1,286 Club. 4.756 . 5,094 SCROPE, Simon Thomas, o£Danby Park, Yorkshire, &c. S). Lincoln . . . 2,000 . 2,957 Coll. Stonyhurst. Yorks., N. R. . 1,462 . 1,625 Cluh. 3,462 . 4,582 SCUDAMORE, Col. (the late), of Kentchurch, Hereford, &c. gi. Hereford . . 5,706 . 5,496 Monmouth . . 804 . 993 6,510 . 6,489 SCUTT, Rev. T. L. (the late), of Bognor. Sussex ... 3,914 . 3,110 SEBRIGHT, Sir John Gage Saunders, Bart., of Besford Court, Worcester, &c. S)- Herts . . . 3,886 . 6,155 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Worcester . . 2,727 . 6,032 Club. St. James's. Surrey ... 1 . 736 Beds. . . . 394 . 388 7»oo8 . 13,311 SEELY, Charles, of Brook House, Hants. Hants . . . 4,086 . 5,106 Coll. Derby ... 286 . 2,741 Club. Reform. Lincoln ... 20 . 33 ;i$€JLiB^fe^- 7,880 // T^ or THt k>\ i^Ai ivi^oia\lk> 174 The Acre-ocracy of England, SEFTON, Earl of, Croxteth Hall, Lancashire. 5>- acres. value. Coll. Club. Travellers', Brooks's, Lancashire . . 18,769 . 42,997 White's, Uni. Service, Boodle's. SELBY, Walter Charles, of Biddlestone. S- A minor, b. 1858. Northumberland 25,327 . 8,807 SERGISON, Warden, of Cuckfield Park. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Jun. Uni. Serv. Sussex . . . 4,388 . 4,536 SEVERN, John CHEESMENT-, of Penybont Hall, Radnor. Radnor . . . 8,207 • 2,985 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Montgomery . 65 . SS Club. 8,272 . 3,040 SEVERNE, John Edmund, of Wallop Hall, Salop, &c. Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Club. Carlton, Army and Navy. 5,359 . 6,958 SEYMOUR, Alfred, of Knoyle House, Wilts, &c. S- Wilts . . . 4,761 . 4,560 ColL Ch. Ch. Oxon, Northants . . 2,211 . 4,713 Club. Dorset ... 4 . 10 Salop . . . 2,767 . 2,659 Salop . . . 3,542 . 3,754 Northampton . 1,103 . 2,544 Montgomery . 515 . 339 Leicester . . 199 . 321 SEYMOUR, Henry Danby, Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Reform, Travellers', Athenaeum. of Knoyle, Wilts. Wilts . . . Somerset Dorset . 9,743 . . 2,434 . 2,087 . 839 . 11,942 1,913 4,339 1,887 5,360 . 8,139 The Acre-ocracy of England, 175 SHADWELL, William LUCAS-, of Fairlight Hall, Sussex. acres. value. Sussex . . . 3,689 . 4,230 Coll. Carmarthen . 160 . 101 Club. 3,849 . 4,331 SHAFTESBURY, Earl of, St. Gileses, Dorsetshire, 8cc. Dorset . . . 15,579 • 12,536 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Hants . . . 3,057 . 2,080 Club. Athenaeum. Wilts. . . . 937 . 1,467 19,573 . 16,083 SHAFTO, Robert Duncombe, of Whitnorth Park, Durham. Coll. Club. Brooks's. Durham. . . 5,154 • 10,457 SHAKERLEY, Sir Charles Watkin, Bart., of Somerford Park. Coll. Club. Boodle's. Cheshire . . 5,978 . 11,109 SHEEPSHANKS, Rev. Thomas, of Arthington Hall. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. National. Yorks., W. R. . 6,602 . 8,952 SHEFFIELD, Earl of, Sh( ffield Park, Sussex. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Sussex . . . 4,537 . 3,585 Club. Carlton, Travellers', Yorks., W. R. . 731 . 947 Uni. Univ. 5,268 . 4,532 SHEFFIELD, Sir Robert, Bart., of Normanby Park. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, Boodle's. Lincolnshire . 9,370 . 13,480 SHELLEY, Edward, of Avington House. ^. Hants . . . 4,996 . 4,505 Coll. Sussex . . . 285 . 366 Club. 5,281 . 4,871 176 The Acre-ocracy of England. SHELLEY, Lady, of Maresfield Park. S. Sussex . Lancashire . 3,865 1,187 3,685 2,338 5,052 SHEPHERD, Mrs., of Kirkby Moorside. Yorks., N. R. . 3,791 SHEPPARD, John George, of Campsey Ashe. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Carlton, National. Suffolk . . . 7,041 6,023 4,421 7,949 SHERBORNE, Lord, Sherborne Park, Gloucestershire, &c. Coll. Club. White's. Gloucester . . 15,773 . 21,545 SHERBROOKE, Henry, of Oxton. CoU. Trin. Cam. Club. Boodle's. Notts. 4,120 5,025 SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley, of Frampton Court. Coll. C/«6. White's, Brooks's, Dorset . . . 11,468 12,765 Travellers'. SHIFFNER, Rev. Sir George Croxton, Bart., of Combe Place. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Jun. Carlton. Sussex . . . 3,804 . 3,645 SHREWSBURY, Earl of, Ingestre Hall, Staffordshire, &c Staffordshire Cheshire Worcester Coll. Merton, Oxon. Salop Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton, Derby . Conservative, White's. Glamorgan Northants Berks Oxford . 34,869 . 61,974 rdshire, &c • s. 18,954 . 29,898 8,640 16,375 3,608 . 9,311 2,186 4,140 1,359 • 1,935 81 124 20 166 19 19 2 6 'The Acre-ocracy of England, 177 SHUCKBURGH, Sir Francis, Bart., of Shuckburgh Park, War- wick. S- acres. value. Warwick . . 3,368 . 6,103 Coll. Northants . . 134 . 187 Clvb. Union. 3,502 . 6,290 SHUTTLEWORTH, Sir James Phillips KAY-, Bart., of Gawthorpe Hall, Lancashire, &c. Lancashire . . 3,148 • 4?913 Coll, Westmoreland . 983 . 423 Club. Athenaeum. 4,131 . 5,336 SIBTHORP, CoNiNGSBY Charles, of Canwick Hall, Lincoln, &c. Lincoln . . . 6,539 . 10,205 Coll. Magd. Oxon. Oxon . . . 1,361 . 2,893 Club. Herts . . . 1,818 . 2,331 Northumberland 40 . 362 9,758 . 15,791 SILVERTOP, Henry Charles, of Minster-acres, Northumberland. Northumberland 3,766 . 2,855 Coll. Durham . . . 628 . 631 Club. Brooks's, Stafford, Windham. 4,394 • 3,486 SIMEON, Sir John Stephen Barrington, Bart., of Swainston. Coll. Club. Hants ... 8,724 . 8,056 SIMPSON, Henry BRIDGMAN- (the late), of Babworth, Notts, &c. Notts • . . 5,755 . 7,836 Warwick . . 811. 1 ,400 Yorks.,W.R. . 467 . 835 7,033 • 10,071 SINGH, H. H. The Maharajah DHULEEP-, of Elvedon Hall. Coll. Club. Oriental, Marlboro'. Suffolk . . . 14,615 . 4,755 N 178 The Acre-ocracy of England, SITWELL, Francis Honorius Lisson, of Barmoor Castle. acres. value. A minor, b. 1861. Northumberland 3,766 . 2,855 SITWELL, Sir George Reresby, Bart., of Renishaw, Derbyshire. Derby . . . 3,506 . 10,136 A minor, b. i860. Yorks., W. R., , 1,544 . 2,471 Warwick . . 532 . 719 5,582 . 13,326 SITWELL, Robert Sacheverell Wilmot, of Stainsby House, Derbyshire. Derby . . . 3,669 . 5,674 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Warwick . . 1,061 . 2,001 Club. Salop ... 67 . 66 4,797 • 7,741 SITWELL, WiLLOUGHBY HURT-, of Ferney Hall, Salop. Salop . . . 3,402 3,011 Coll. Hereford . . 67 . 66 Club. Arthur's. 3,469 . 3,077 SKELMERSDALE, Lord, of Lathom House, Lancashire. ^. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton, White's, Lancashire . 7,213 • 21,869 Marlboro'. SKIPWORTH, George Borman, of Moortown House. Coll. Club. Lincolnshire . 5,542 6,629 SLINGSBY, Thomas, of Scriven Park. Coll. -^ a«6. White's, Carlton. Yorks.,N.&;W.R. 5,408 . 9,624 SMIJTH, Sir William BOWYER-, Bart., of Hill Hall, Essex. Essex . . . 2,556 . 3,232 Coll. Trin. Cam. Norfolk . . . 4,418 . 5,503 Club. 6,974 . 8,735 "The Acre-ocracy of England, 179 SMITH, Abel, of Woodhall Park. acres, value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Travellers', Carlton. Herts . . . io,2i2 , 14,617 SMITH, George, of Paddockhurst. Coll. Cluh. Sussex . . . 3,172 . 1,744 SMITH, George William DUFF-ASSHETON-, of Vaenol, Car- narvon, &c. Anglesea . . 730 . 767 Coll. Carnarvon . . 35,678 . 42,437 Cluh. 36,408 . 43,204 SMITH, Henry, of Horbling. Coll. Cluh. Lincolnshire . 3,639 . 7,253 SMYTH, Rev. Christopher, of East Haddon. Coll. Jesus, Cam. Cluh. Northampton . 3,110 . 6,660 SMYTH, Sir John Henry Greville, Bart., of Ashton Court, Somerset. Somerset . . 13,542 . 27,087 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Gloucester . . 4,684 . 8,378 Cluh. Windham. 10,226 . 35,465 SMYTH, William Henry, of Elkington Hall. Coll. Cluh. Lincolnshire . 4,146 . 5*566 SMYTHE, Sir Charles Frederick, Bart., of Acton Burnell, Salop, &c. Salop ... 5,313 . 5,499 Coll. St. Gregory's. Warwick . . 3,501 . 5,054 Cluh. Durham . . 70 . 47 8,884 . 10,600 i8o The Acre-ocracy of England. SNEYD, John William, of Basford Hall, &c. Coil. Club. Staffordshire acres. 3,707 SNEYD, Rev. Walter, of Keele Hall. S, Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Travellers'. Staffordshire SOMERS, Earl or, Eastnor Castle, Hereford, &c. Worcester . . 6,265 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Hereford . . 6,668 Club. Travellers', Garrick. Gloucester . . 121 Kent .... 13 13,067 SOMERSET, Duke of, Stover, Devon, &c. S. SONDES, Lord, of Elmham Hall, Norfolk. Kent . Coll. Norfolk . C/w6. Carlton, Travellers'. 25,204 14,446 4,939 SOUTHAMPTON, Lord. Coll. Club. Northants Bucks 4,687 2,154 6,841 value. 4,760 5,628 . 18,329 9,311 7,338 197 3 16,847 Devon . . . 8,138 . 14,465 Somerset • 6,553 7,858 Wilts . . . 5,824 7,859 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Lincoln . . . 2,685 4,476 Club. Athenaeum, Travellers'. Bucks . 1,640 2,284 Cambridge . 289 516 Norfolk . . 32 60 Dorset . 43 59 37,577 20,460 5,805 19,385 . 26,265 6,413 2,445 8,858 The Acre-ocracy of England. i8i SOUTHWELL, Miss TRAFFORD-, of Honington Hall, Lincoln. acres. value. Lincoln . . . 2,984 . 4,493 Cambridge . . 135 • 293 Norfolk ... 48 . 85 3,167 . 4,871 SOWERBY, George, of Putteridge Park, Bedfordshire, &c. Beds. . . . 1,809 • i»829 Coll. Cumberland . 1,289 . 1,611 Cluh. Yorks., N. R. . 99 • 229 Herts . . . 2,878 . 4,129 6,075 SPARKE, Edward Bowyer, of Gunthorpe Hall, Norfolk, Norfolk . . . 7,021 Coll. Trin. Cam. Cambridge . . 2,151 Cluh. Uni. University. Leicester . . 914 Suffolk . . . 400 10,486 . SPARROW, William Mander, of Penn Hall, Staffordshire. Salop . . . 2,226 . Coll. Club. Worcester . Staffordshire Hereford Monmouth . 499 210 483 849 7,798 9,776 3,208 1,297 530 14,811 2,424 650 4,858 586 643 4,267 . 9,161 SPENCER, Earl, K.G., of Althorp, Northamptonshire. 5). Northants . . 17,030 30,533 Norfolk . . . 2,526 . 2,632 Herts . . 2,878 ■ 4,129 Coll. Trin. Cam. Leicester 671 . 1,327 Club. Reform, Brooks's. Flint . 390 . 1,963 Staffordshire 2 1,196 Dorset . . 1 2 Bucks . . 759 1,653 24,257 • 43,417 1 82 T^he Acre-ocracy of England, SPENCER, Hon. E. R. Coll. acres. value. Club. Warwickshire . 3,555 . 6,224 SPITTY, Major, of Billericay. Coll. Peterhouse, Cam. Club. Essex . . . 3,029 . 3,656 SPRY, Richard (the late), of Cuddra, &c. Cornwall . . 3,988 . 3,943 STAFFORD, Lord, Cossey Park, Norfolk, &c. S. Salop . . . 5,345 . 13,840 Coll. Staffordshire . 1,710 . 4,682 Club. Athenaeum. Norfolk . , . 2,995 . 3,766 10,050 . 22,288 STANDISH, Charles Henry Lionel Widrington, of Standish Hall. a>- Coll. Club. Lancashire . . 3,080 . 6,962 STANDISH, Rowland Edmond Walter Perry, of Scaleby Castle, Cumberland. Cumberland . 3,422 . 3,611 Coll. Essex ... 127 . 255 Club. 3,549 . 3,866 STANDISH, William Standish Carr, of Duxbury Park, Lanca- shire, &c. Lancashire . . 5,744 • 7,078 Coll. Durham . . 1,879 . 4,357 Club. Army & Navy. 7,623 . 11,435 STANHOPE, James Banks, of Revesby Abbey. Coll. Club. Carlton, Boodle's, Lincolnshire . 7,628 . 12,337 Arthur's, Travellers'. The Acre-ocracy of England » 183 STANHOPE, Earl of, Chevening, Kent. S- Coll. Club. acres. value. Kent . . . 3,724 . 4,048 Devon • 5,193 . 2,728 Derby . 2,482 . 5,790 Bucks . 1,457 . 2,334 12,856 . 14,900 STANHOPE, Sir Henry Edwyn SCUDAMORE-, Bart., of Holme Lacy, Hereford. ^. Hereford . . 5,039 . 6,224 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Herts ... 152 . 256 Club. Travellers', Brooks's, Reform. * 5,191 . 6,480 STANHOPE, Walter Thomas William SPENCER-, of Cannon Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. C/w6. Carlton, Travellers', Yorks., W.R. . 11,357 • 11,070 St. Stephen's. STANLEY OF ALDERLEY, Lord, of Alderley, Cheshire, &c. ^. Cheshire . . 5,oi 1 . 12,082 Coll. Trin. Cam. Anglesea . . 5,960 . 4,238 Club. Travellers'. 10,971 . 16,320 STANLEY, Francis SLOANE-, of Tedworth Park, Wilts. Hants . . . 3,360 . 2,512 Coll. Wilts. . . . 220 . 154 Club. 3,580 . 2,666 STANLEY, William Hans SLOANE-, of Paultons. Coll. Club. Jun. Carlton. Hants ... 5,150 . 3,604 STANLEY, Hon. William Owen, of Penrhos. S- Coll. Club. Travellers'. Anglesea . . 4,697 . 5,086 STANLEY of Martock Lodge. Somerset . . 4,651 • 5,091 184 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, STAPYLTON, Henry Miles, of Myton Hall. acres. value. Coll. Sandhurst. Club. Uni. Ser., Army & Yorks., N. R. . 5,119 . 8,280 Navy, Reform. STARKIE, Le Gendre Nicholas, of Huntroyde, Lancashire. 5b» Lancashire . . 7,091 . 14,594 Coll. Trin. Cam. Yorks., W. R. . 223 . 140 Club. Carlton, Boodle's, Ox. & Cam. 7,314 . 14,734 STEERE, Lee, of Jayes, Surrey. Surrey . . . 3,771 . 3,215 Coll. Trin. Oxon. Sussex . . . 1,296 626 Club. Carlton. 5,067 . 3,841 STEPHENS, Mrs. LYNE-, of Lynford Hall. Norfolk . . . 6,878 . 2,736 STEPNEY, Sir John Stepney COWELL-, Bart., of Llanelly. Coll. Club. Brooks's, Senior Uni. Carmarthen . 9,841 . 7,047 Service. STEVENS, John Curzon MOORE-, of Winscott. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Carlton. Devon ... 4,186 . 2,556 STOURTON, Henry Joseph, of Holme Hall. S). Coll. Stonyhurst, C. C. Oxon. Club. Yorks., E.R. . 3,151 . 3,777 STOURTON, Lord, of Stourton. S- Coll. Club. Yorks., W. R. . 5,097 9,347 STRACEY, Sir Henry, of Rackheath Hall, Norfolk, &c. Coll. Club. Carlton, Arthur's. Norfolk . . . 4,842 . 5,503 STRADBROKE, Earl of, Henham Hall. Sb- Coll, Club. White's, Boodle's. Suffolk . . . 12,200 . 17,665 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 185 STRAFFORD, Earl of, Wrotham Park, Middlesex, &c. Coll. Sandhurst. Club. Boodle's, Brooks's, acres. value. Middlesex . . 4,993 . 9,676 Herts . . . 1,634 . 2,751 Kent . . . . 707 , 1,161 Beds. . . . 13 . 23 White's, Travellers'. Beds. 7,347 . 13,611 STRAKER, Joseph, of Benwell House. Coll. ■ Club. Northumberland 3,495 . 6,962 STREATFIELD, Henry Dorrien, of Chiddingstone. Coll. Club. White's, Carlton. Kent. . ... 4,314 . 5,098 STRICKLAND, Sir Charles Willlvm, Bart., of Hildenley, York- shire, N. R., &c. Yorks.,N.E.&W.R. 26,444 . 33,757 Coll. Trin. Cam. Hants .... 4 . 29 STRODE, Mrs., of Newnham Park, Devon. S. 26,448 , 33,786 Devon . . . Cornwall 1,957 . 1,297 2,431 1,058 3,254 3,489 STUART, Col. Willlvm, of Tempsford Hall, Beds., &c. Beds. . . . Leicester . . Coll. St. John's, Cam. Herts . . . Club. Carlton, Uni. Serv. Hunts . . . 2,466 1,449 209 114 . . 3,408 ■ 2,527 929 76 Somerset . 740 . 1,267 4,978 . 8,207 STUCLEY, Sir George Stucley, Bart., of Hartland Abbey, Devon, &c. Cornwall . . 3,574 . 2,054 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Devon . . . 15,144 . 10,657 Club. Brooks's. Middlesex . . 78 . 33 1 18,796 . 13,042 1 86 T!he Acre-ocracy of England. SUDELEY, Lord, Gregynog, Montgomeryshire, &c. acres. value. Montgomery . 17,158 . 13,539 Coll. Gloucester . . 6,620 . 9,590 Club. Reform, Uni. Serv., Salop ... 175 • 211 St. James's. 23,953 • 23,340 SUFFIELD, Lord, Gunton Park, Norfolk. Coll. Club. Brooks's, White's, Boodle's. Norfolk . . . 11,828 . 15,071 SUFFOLK, Earl of, Charlton Park, Wilts, g)- Coll. Club. Turf. Wilts . . . 11,098 14,209 SURTEES, Henry Edward, of Redworth Hall, Durham, &c. Durham. . . 4,374 4,142 Coll. Northumberland 313 . 457 Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton, Herts . . . 1,706 . 2,283 Army 8c Navy, Turf. 6,393 • 6,882 SUTHERLAND, Duke of, K.G., Trentham Hall, Staffordshire, &c. S- Staffordshire . 12,744 • 29,987 Coll. Salop . . . 17,495 40,418 Club. Yorks., N. R. . 1,853 2,323 Bucks ... 1 . 12 32,093 . 72,740 SUTTON, Sir Richard, Bart., of Norwood Park, Notts, &c. Sb- Notts ... 3,167 . 4,695 Coll. Lincoln . . . 4,383 . 7,226 Club. Montgomery . 3 . 5 7,553 • 11,926 SUTTON, Robert Nassau, of Scawby Hall. Coll. Club. Lincoln , . . 5,965 . 7,642 'The Acre-Qcracy of England, 187 SWINBURNE, Sir John, Bart., of Capheaton, Northumberland, &c. S- acres. value. Coll. Club. Travellers', Brooks's, Northumberland 28,057 • 16,826 Uni. Serv., Ar. & Na. SYDNEY, Earl, Frognal, Kent. Kent. . . . 2,165 • 4»30i Coll. Gloucester . . 947 . 2,314 Club. 3,112 . 6,617 SYKES, Christopher, of Brantingham, Thorpe. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Yorks., E.R. . 3,032 . 4,541 SYKES, Sir Tatton, Bart., of Sledmere. Coll. Club. Carlton. Yorks., E.R. . 34,010 . 35,870 SYMONS, Mrs., of Mynde Park. Herefordshire . 6,056 . 5,087 TALBOT, Christopher Rice Mansel, of Mar gam Abbey. Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Club. Travellers*. Glamorgan . . 33,920 . 44,057 TALBOT, Hervey Arthur, of Aston Hall. Sb- Coll. Club. Cheshire . . 4,752 . 10,139 TALBOT, Miss, of Temple Guiting. Sb- Gloucestershire 3,052 . 2,937 TANKERVILLE, Earl of, Chillingham Castle, Northumberland. Northumberland 28,930 . 31,416 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Salop . . . 2,493 • 2,234 Club. Carlton, White's. 31,423 • 33,650 1 88 T^he Acre-ocracy of England, TAYLEUR, John, of Buntingsdale Hall, Salop. acres. value Salop . . . 5,466 . 8,865 Coll. Staffordshire . 545 . 834 Club. 6,011 . 9,699 TAYLEUR, W. H., of Greenhill. Leicester . . 1,807 . 2,125 Devon . . . 1,654 • 2,369 3,461 . 4,494 TAYLOR, Hugh, of Chipchase Castle, &c., Northumberland. Northumberland 10,884 . 9,582 Coll. Durham . . 404 . 3,731 Club. 11,288 . 13,313 TAYLOR, James Arthur, of Strensham Court, Worcester, &c. Worcester . . 2,586 . 5,782 Coll. Trin. Cam. Gloucester . . 330 . 438 Club. Warwick . . 739 • 879 3,655 . 7,099 TAYLOR, Thomas Edward, of Dodworth Hall, Yorkshire. Yorks.,W.R. . 2,427 . 6,429 Notts . . . 1,352 . 1,905 3,779 . 8,334 TEMPEST, Sir Charles Henry, Bart., of Broughton Hall, Yorkshire, &c. Yorks., W. R. . 3,016 . 4,449 Coll. Stonyhurst. Lincolnshire . 2,828 4,43^ Club. Arthur's. Lancashire . . 2,095 . 4,55 » 7,939 • 13,436 TENNANT, John Robert, of Kildwick. Coll. Club. Yorks., W.R. . 3,590 . 1,947 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 189 TENNANT, Robert, of Scarcroft Lodge. acres. value. Coll Cluh, Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Yorks.,N.&.W.R. 3,840 . 4,279 THARP, Mrs., of Chippenham Park. Cambridge . . 5,882 . 6,503 Suffolk ... 4 . 128 5,886 . 6,631 THELLUSSON, Charles Sabine Augustus, of Brodsworth Hall, Yorkshire. Yorks.,W. &N.R. 7,875 . 11,038 Coll. Northampton . 287 . 383 Cluh. Army & Navy. Herts ... 57 . 113 8,219 . 11,534 THISLETHWAYTE, Thomas, of Southwick Park, Hants. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Hants . . . 8,084 • 10,929 THOMAS, Mrs., of Llwynmadoc, Brecon, &c. Brecon . . . 8,910 . 2,731 Glamorgan. . 1,502 . 754 Radnor . . . 3,920 . 1,793 14,332 . 5,278 THOMAS, David, of Llanfair, Cardigan. Cardigan . . 2,560 . 1,204 Coll. Carmarthen . 511 . 264 Cluh. 3,071 . 1,468 THOMAS, Edward David, of Welfield, Brecon. Brecon . . . 4,635 . 1,706 Coll. Wadham, Oxon. Glamorgan . 527 . 224 Cluh, 5,162 . 1,930 I ^o T^he Acre-ocracy of England, THOMPSON, Sir Henry MEYSEY-, Bart., of Kirby Hill, &c. acres. value. Coll. Trin. Cam. aM6. Boodle's. Yorks., N. &W. R. 5,615 . 10,493 THOMPSON, Mrs., of Stobars. Westmoreland . 4,543 • 4,569 THORNHILL, George, of Diddington, Hunts. Huntingdon . 2,372 . 3,7 18 Coll. Cambridge. . 2,060 . 2,213 Club. 4,432 . 5,931 THORNHILL, Thomas, of Riddlesworth Hall, Norfolk, &c. Norfolk . . . 2,545 • 1,911 Coll. Trin. Cam. Suffolk ... 3,718 . 4,336 Club. 6,263 • 6,247 THORNHILL, William Capel CLARKE-, of Rushton Hall, Northants, &c. Northampton . 3,316 . 5,044 Club. Yorks.,N.&W.R. 2,724 . 9,241 Club. Boodle's, Ar. & Nav. Middlesex . . 350 . 687 6,390 . I4i972 THORNHILL, Willlim Pole, of Stanton in Peak, Derby. 5). Derbyshire . . 5,564 . 6,779 Coll. Corpus, Oxon. Kent .... 847 . 1,228 Club. Brooks's, Boodle's, Arthur's, Uni. Univ. 6,411 . 8,007 THORNTON, Rev. Thomas Cooke, of Brockhall. Coll. Clare, Cam. Club. Uni. Univ. Northamptonshire 3,099 . 5,243 THOROLD, SiR John Henry, Bart., of Syston Park. Sb- Coll. Club. Carlton. Lincoln . . . 12,533 17,652 The Acre-ocracy of England, 191 THROCKMORTON, Sir Nicholas William, Bart., of Coughton Court, Warwickshire. ^. I acres. value. Coll. Club. Brooks's, St. James's. 22,395 THYNNE, Rev. Lord John, of Haynes Park. £. Warwick . 7,618 . 9,918 Devon . . • 6,589 . 4,706 Worcester . . 3,628 . 6,032 Berks 3,008 . 4,539 Bucks . 1,552 . 2,826 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Club. Athenaeum. Beds . Cornwall 4,717 10,244 28,021 5,997 7,451 14,961 13,448 TICHBORNE, Sir Henry Alfred Joseph DOUGHTY-, Bart., of Tichborne Park, Hants. 5)- Hants . . . 7,270 . 5,289 A minor, b. Lincoln . . . 1,984 . 2,200 May 28, 1866. Surrey ... 7 . 240 9,261 . TODD, William Henry WILSON-, of Halnaby Park, &c. Yorks.,E.&N.R. 3,333 . 7,720 Coll. Club TOKE, John Leslie, of Godinton, Kent. S- Kent . . . . Coll. Essex Club. 3,171 684 3,206 4,392 840 3,855 . 5,232 TOLLEMACHE, Lord, of Peckforton Castle, Cheshire, &c. Coll. Club. Carlton, Arthur's. Chester . . . 25,380 . 27,602 Suffolk . 7,010 . 9,832 Denbigh 35 . 77 Flint . . . 30 . 86 32,455 37,597 192 The Acre-ocracy of England. TOLLEMACHE, Wilbraham Spencer, of Dorfold. Coll. Club. Cheshire acres. 3,348 value. 5,959 TOMLINE, George (Col.), of Orwell Park, Suffolk, &c. Colt. Suffolk Lincoln 18,473 8,439 2 Club. Carlton, Boodle's, Travellers*, Uni. Serv., Westmoreland Athenaeum, Jun. Athenaeum. 26,914 24,005 11,534 3 35,542 TOTTENHAM, Col., of Woodstock, co. Wicklow, &c. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Club. Carlton. Merioneth . Denbigh 2,095 1,728 3,823 TOWNELEY, Col., of Towneley, Lancashire, g). 41,105 1,243 1,215 2,458 Yorks., W.R. . 23,153 . 7,731 Coll. St. Mary's, Oscott. Lancashire . . 14,086 . 14,012 Club. Brooks's, White's, Durham . . 2,826 . 5,236 Travellers', Athen. Leicester . . 810 . 1,268 Warwick . . 230 . 240 28,487 TOWNLEY, Charles Watson, of Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire, &c. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Norfolk . Cambridge Huntingdon 2,866 797 1 3,664 4,403 1,112 3 5,518 TOWNSEND, Frederick, of Honington Hall, Warwick. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Warwick Worcester . 2,329 1,387 3,716 2,610 1,831 4,441 I'he Acre-ocracy of England, 193 TOWNSHEND, Marquis, Rainham Hall, Norfolk, &c. S. acres. value. Norfolk . . . 18,129 . 19,814 Coll. Herts . . . 1,548 . 2,560 Club. United Service, Warwick . . 2 . 198 Brooks's, Pall Mall. 19,679 . 22,572 TRAFFORD, Edward William, of Wroxham Hall, Norfolk. Norfolk ... 5,319 . 11,052 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln . . . 1,331 . 1,915 Club. Cambridge. . 155 • 477 6,805 . 13,444 TRAHERNE, John Popkin, of Coytrehen. Coll. Sandhurst. Club. Jun. Uni. Service. Glamorgan . . 3,620 . 6,622 TREDEGAR, Lord, of Tredegar Park, Monmouthshire, &c. Monmouth . . 25,229 . 88,475 Coll. Brecknock . . 7,362 . 6,280 Club. Carlton, Army and Glamorgan. . 6,157 • 29,843 Navy. 38,748 . 124,598 TRELAWNY, Sir John S. SALUSBURY-, Bart., of Trelawne, Cornwall. <§. Cornwall . . 5,813 . 5,861 Coll. Trin. Cam. Flint .... 550 . 754 Club. Reform. 6,363 . 6,615 TREMAYNE, Col. Arthur, of Carclew. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Boodle's, Army & Cornwall . . 8,823 16,776 Navy. TREMAYNE, John, of Heligan, Cornwall. S. Cornwall . . 5,316 . 9,137 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Devon . . . 5,951 • 4,860 Club. Carlton, Arthur's. 11,267 . 13,997 1^4 ^^^ Acre-ocracy of England, TREVELYAN, Sir Walter Calverley, Bart., of Nettlecomb, Somerset. ^. acres. value. Somerset . . 6,361 . 7,309 Coll. University, Oxon. Northumberland 21,342 . 14,204 Club. Athenaeum. Devon . . . 565 . 1,551 Cornwall . . 126 . 155 28,394 . 23,219 TREVOR, Lord Arthur Edwin HILL-, of Brynkinalt, Denbigh- shire. Salop. . . . 1,743 • 1,669 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Flint .... 964 . 1,253 Club. Carlton. Denbigh. . . 396 . 1,486 3,103 . 4,408 TROYTE, Charles Arthur Williams, of Huntsham Court. Coll. Trin. Hall, Cam. Club. Ox. & Cam., Carlton. Devonshire . . 6,627 • 7)4o8 TRYON, Col., of Balwick Park. Coll. Club. Army & Navy. Northampton . 4,625 . 8,529 TUFNELL, John Jolliffe, of Langleys, Essex. Essex . . . 6,582 . 9,057 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Yorks., W. R. . 998 . 1,312 Club. Arthur's. Suffolk ... 4 . 8 7,584 . 10,377 TUFTON, Sir Henry Jacques, Bart., of Hothfield, Kent, &c. Kent. . . . 13,639 . 15,990 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks., W.R. . 12,202 . 16,200 Club. Westmoreland. 16,094 • 11>773 Cumberland . 61 . 71 41,996 . 44,034 TURBERVILL, Major, Ewenny Priory. Coll. Woolwich. Club. Jun. Uni. Service. Glamorgan. . 3,274 . 4,811 The Acre-ocracy of England, ^9S TURBUTT, William Gladwin, of Ogston Hall, Derby. Coll Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. acres. value. Derby . . . 2,794 . 3,905 Kent .... 240 . 126 3,034 . 4,031 TURNER, (the late) Sir Edward Henry PAGE-, Bart., of Battlesden Park, Beds, &c. Beds .... 4,879 . 6,830 Oxford ... 2,717 . 3,409 Middlesex . . 102 . 145 7,698 . 10,384 TURNOR, Christopher, of Stoke Rochford. Lincolnshire Coll. Trin. Cam Cluh. Carlton. 20,664 . 27,513 TURTON, Edmund Henry, of Upsall Castle. Coll. Club. Reform, Army & Navy. Yorks., N. R. . 5,326 . 5,449 TYNTE, Col. KEMEYS-, of Halswell House, Somersetshire, &c. Coll. Cluh. Uni. Ser., Boodle's, Somerset . 4,707 . 7,516 Glamorgan . . 9,716 . 22,949 Brecon . . 88 . 18 Hereford 716 455 Leicester 699 1,757 Monmouth . . 4,753 . 4,871 20,679 . 37,566 TYRELL, Charles, of Plashwood, Suffolk. Coll. Emmanuel, Cam. Cluh. Suffolk ... 3,610 . 4,534 TYRELL, Sir John Tyssen, Bart., of Boreham House, Essex. $^. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Essex . . . 3,078 . 4,840 ig6 The Acre-ocracy of England, TYRINGHAM, Roger William Giffard, of Tyringham, Bucks, &c . acres. value. Bucks . , . 4,161 . 8,394 Coll. Cornwall . . 3,509 . 6,459 Club. Beds .... 87 . 88 7,757 . 14,941 TYRWHITT, Sir Henry Thomas, Bart., of Stanley Hall, Shrop- shire. ^. Salop. . . . 4,949 • 6,903 Coll. Montgomery . 702 . 1,196 Club. Junior Carlton. Norfolk . . . 238 . 346 5,889 . 8,445 UPTON, Miss, of Ingmire Hall, Westmoreland. Westmoreland. 2,956 . 1,862 Yorks., W.R. . 907 . i,459 3,863 . 3,321 UTHWATT, Rev. William Andrewes, of Maids Morton House, Bucks, &.C. Bucks . . . 2,486 . 5,263 Coll. St. John's, Cam, Lancashire. . 1,171 1,1 59 Club. 3,657 . 6,422 VALENTIA, Viscount, Bletchington Park, Oxon. S* Oxon . . . 3,207 . 5,238 Coll. Somerset . . 9 . 25 Club. 3,216 . 5,263 VANE, Sir Hi nry Ralph Fletcher, Bart., of Hutton Hall, Cum- berland. Coll. Club. Cumberland 7,174 • 5,o82 The Acre-ocracy of England, 1 97 VAUGHAN, Henry GWYNNE-. acres. value. Brecon . . . 2,252 . 890 Coll. Carmarthen . 1,851 . 624 Cluh. r— 4,103 . 1,514 VAUGHAN, Herbert, of Brynog, &c., Cardigan. Coll. Cluh. Army & Navy. Cardigan . . 3,561 . 1,927 VAVASOUR, Sir Edward, Bart., of Hazlewood Castle, Yorkshire. Yorks., W. R. . 3,471 . 4,269 Coll. Yorks., E.R. . 1,195 . 1,165 Cluh. Staffordshire . 3,814 . 4,846 8,480 . 10,280 VERNEY, Sir Harry, Bart., of Claydon House, Bucks. Bucks . . . 6,688 . 10,101 Coll. Trin. Cam. Anglesey . . 5,078 . 3,516 Cluh. Travellers', Uni. Ser. 11,766 . 13,617 VERNON, Granville HARCOURT-, of Grove Hall. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. Notts. . . . 4,632 . 5,875 VERNON, Henry Charles, of Hilton Park. Coll. Cluh. United Service. StaflTordshire . 3,549 • 9,394 VERNON, Harry Foley, of Hanbury Hall. Coll. Magd. Oxon. C^m6. Ox. & Cam., Brooks's. Worcestershire 7,447 . 12,828 VERNON, Lord, Sudbury Park, Derbyshire, &c. g. Derby . . . 6,154 • 10,919 Coll. Chester ... ,2,578 . 10,983 Cluh. Travellers', White's. Staffordshire . 1,069 . 2,511 9,801 . 24,413 198 T^he Acre-Qcracy of England, VERULAM, Earl of, of Gorhambury, Herts. acres. value. Herts . . . 8,625 . 11,919 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Essex . . . 1,492 . 2,182 Club. Carlton. 10,117 . 14,101 VICKERS, Valentine, ofOffley Grove, Salop. Salop . . . 1,105 • 1»127 Coll. Montgomery . 2,513 . 2,680 Club. Stafford . . . 325 . 500 3,943 . 4,307 VIVIAN, Lord, of Glynn, Cornwall, &c. Cornwall . . 3,686 . 3,790 Coll. Anglesea . . 3,721 . 3,167 Club. Brooks's, Boodle's, Flint. . . . 695 . 1,737 United Service. Denbigh . . 167 . 25 8,269 . 8,719 VYNER, Henry Frederick Clare, of Newby Hall, Yorkshire, &c. Coll. Club. Lincoln . 14,512 . 16,541 Yorks., N. E. & W.R. . . . 8,884 • 13,715 Cheshire 3,223 . 5,292 16,619 . 35,548 VYSE, George Charles Ernest Adolphus Richard HOWARD-, of Manor Cottage, Berks. Coll. Club. Northampton . 1,464 . 3,027 Suffolk . . . 1,171 . 1,401 Bucks . . . 244 . 866 Cheshire 267 . 416 Berks . . . 48 . 243 Stafford . . 52 . 143 3,246 . 5,096 m^'^^^^m The Acre-ocracy of England, 199 VYVYAN, Sir Richard Rawlinson, Bart., of Trelowarren, Corn- wall, s. acres. value. Colt. Club. Athenaeum, Travellers^ Cornwall . . 9,705 . 18,109 Carlton. WADDINGHAM, John, of Hafod House, Cardigan, &c. Cardigan . . 10,963 . 1,638 Coll. Gloucester . . 1,969 . 2,410 Club. 12,932 . 4,048 WAINMAN, William Bradley, (the late), of Carr Head, York. Yorks.,N. &W. R. 4,010 . 4,531 Lancashire . . 81 . 134 4,091 . 4,665 WAKE, Sir Herewald, Bart., of Courteen Hall, Northants. S- Northants . . 1,629 . 2,797 Coll. Essex . . . 1,512 . 3,013 Club. 3,141 . 5,810 WAKEFIELD, Willlam Henry, of Sedge wick House, Westmore- land, &c. Westmoreland . 7,155 • 10,020 Colt. Lancashire . . 1,691 . 837 Club. Yorks., W. R. . 175 • 300 Cumberland . 615 . 423 9,636 . 11,580 WAKEMAN, Sir Offley, Bart., of Perdiswell Hall, Worcester, &c. Worcester . . 1,081 . 3,173 Colt. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Salop . . . 2,446 . 3,241 Club. Montgomery . 10 . 11 3,537 . 6,425 200 The Acre-ocracy of England, WALDEGRAVE, Countess, (Lady Carlingford), Dudbrooke House, Essex, &c. acres. value. Essex . . . 5,108 6,009 Somerset . 5,321 . 9,380 Yorks., E. R. . 416 . 640 Kent . . . . 138 140 Middlesex . 85 1,602 11,068 . 17,771 WALES, H. R. H. The Prince of, Sandringham Hall, Norfolk. Norfolk . . . 6,724 . 7,726 Wilts , . . . 3,479 . 9,381 Colt. Trin. Cam., Ch. Ch. Dorset . 646 . 1,007 Oxon. Berks . . 473 . 826 Club. Marlborough. Herts . . 13 • 5 11,365 . * 13,945 WALKER, Edmund, of Kirkby Fleetham. Coll. Club. Yorks., N. R. . 4,048 . 5>202 WALKER, Sir James, Bart., of Sand Hutton, Yorkshire. Colt. Trinity, Oxon. Club. University. Yorks., N. &E.R. 5,829 . 8,910 Lancaster . . 241 . 677 Berks . . . 735 . 1,151 6,805 . 10,738 WALKER, Thomas, of Berkswell Hall, Warwick. Coll. Club. Warwick . . 6,117 . 9,755 Salop . . . 1,477 • 1,904 Stafford ... o . igg 7,594 • 11,858 * The Duchy of Cornwall, which produces an immense income and extends through many counties, is not included in this list. The Acre-ocracy of England, 201 WALLACE, George John Frederick HOPE-, of Featherstone Castle. acres. value. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Northumberland 5,691 . 2,605 WALLACE, Sir Richard, Bart., of Sudbourn Hall, Suffolk, &c. Suffolk . . . 11,224 . 11,253 Coll. Cambridge . . 25 . 295 Club. Carlton, Marlborough, St. Stephen's. 1 lj249 . 11,548 WALLER, Harry Edmund, of Farmington. Coll. Club. Gloucester . . 4,104 . 4,472 WALROND, Mrs., of Topsham New Court. S. Devon . . . 3,406 . 2,975 WALSINGHAM, Lord, Merton Hall, Norfolk. s. Norfolk . . . 11,982 . 9,695 Suffolk . . . 1,447 . 1,315 Coll. Trin. Cam. Yorks., W. R. . 1,009 • 756 Club. Carlton. Yorks., N. R. . 2,283 . 2,899 Huntingdon 365 . 400 17,086 . 15,065 WALTER, John, of Bearwood. Coll. Exeter, Oxon. Club. Reform. Berks . . . 5,678 . 9,178 WALTON, James, of Dolforgan. Coll. Club. Montgomery . 4,250 . 2,685 WANDESFORDE, Henry BUTLER- CLARKE-SOUTHWELL-, of Ulcombe Place, Kent, &c. Yorks., N.&W.R. 5,223 . 4,773 Coll. Derby . . . 1,307 . 2,414 Club. Kent. . . . 850 . 1,026 7,380 . 8,213 202 7 he Acre-ocracy of England. WARBURTON, Rowland Eyles EGERTON-, of Arley Hall. acres. value' Coll. Corpus Christi, Oxon. Club. Carlton. Che§J|jpe . . 7,029 14,834 WARD, William George, o^^eston Manor, &c., Hants. Hants . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Herts . . . Club. Surrey . . 3,655 . 8,295 WARNER, Edward, of Quorndon Hall, Leicester, &c. Nottingham . 837 . 1,384 Coll. Leicester '. . 1,020 . 4,461 Club. Yorks., N. R. . 1,206 . 1,700 3,359 . 7,900 285 . 376 11 . 19 3,063 . 7,545 WARRY, George, of Shapwick House. Coll. Trin. Oxon. Club. Somerset . . 3,817 . 3,542 WARWICK, Earl of, of Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, g)- Warwick . . 8,262 . 15,623 Coll. St. John's, Oxon. Somerset . . 1,840 . 2,713 Club. Carlton, Travellers*. 10,100 . 18,336 WATERFORD, Marchioness or. Ford Castle, Northumberland, &c. Northumberland 6,537 . 10,089 Hants . . . 296 . 776 6,833 . 10,865 WATKINS, Major Rice, of Llandovery, Carmarthen, &c. Carmarthen . 1,795 • 2,002 Coll. Brecon . . . 5,320 . 2,895 Club. 7,115 . 4,897 The Acre-ocracy of England. 203 WATSON, George Lewis, of Rockingham Castle, Northants. acres. value. Northants . . 2,222 . 3,847 Colt. Leicester . . 2,229 . 4,090 Club. Rutland ... 95 • 227 4,546 . 8,164 WATSON, John, of Gelt Hall. Coll. ■ Club. Cumberland . 4,038 . 4,216 WATSON, Richard Luther, of Calgarth Park, Westmoreland. Westmoreland. 2,915 . 2,504 Coll. Lancashire . . 400 . 26 Club. Jun. Uni. Ser. 3,315 . 2,530 WATSON, Robert, of North Seaton Hall. Coll. Pemb. Oxon. Club. Reform. Northumberland 4,164 . 6,970 WATT, James Watt GIBSON-, of Doldowlod, Radnor. Hereford Coll. Magd. Cam. Radnor . . . Club. Carlton. Brecon . . Staffordshire . 12,731 . 10,277 WATT, William (the late), of Bishops Burton. Yorks., E. R. . 4,798 . 9,231 WATTS, Edward Hanslope, of Hanslope Park. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Bucks . . . 3,705 . 5,692 WAVENEY, Lord, Flixton Hall, Suffolk, &c. Coll. Suffolk . . . 10,930 . 14,168 Club. Brooks's, Travellers', Norfolk . . . 1,776 . 2,417 United Service. 12,706 . 16,585 3,923 . 4,730 6,045 . 3,889 2,761 . 1,440 2 . 218 204 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, WEALLEANS, John Dodd, of Flottorton. Coll. Club, acres. Northumberland 5,761 value. 2,729 WEBB, William Frederick, of Newstead Abbey, Notts, &c. Coll. Notts . . . 5,859 . 3,677 Club. Brooks's, Boodle's, Yorks., N. R. . 7,599 . 8,093 Army & Navy. 13,458 . 11,770 WELD, Edward Joseph, of Lulworth Castle, Dorset. 5* Coll. Dorset . . . 15,478 . 13,704 Club. St. George's. Hants 47 150 15,525 . 13,854 WELLINGTON, Duke of, Strathfieldsaye House, Hampshire. Hants . . . 15,847 . 16,873 Herts . . . 2,246 . 3,922 Coll. Trin, Cam. Somerset Club. United Service, White's, Essex . Carlton. Cornwall Berks 529 . 617 317 . 818 200 . 3,898 494 • 750 19,633 • 26,878 WELLS, William, of Holmewood. Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Club. White's, Travellers'. Hunts 5,792 WEMYSS, Earl of, Neidpath Castle, Peebles, &c. Gloucester . . 4,789 Worcester . . 500 Coll, Clvh. Carlton. 5,289 WENLOCK, Lord, Escrick Park, Yorkshire, &c. S>. Yorks., E. R. . 19,453 7,222 6,143 598 Coll. Club. Brooks's, White's, Travellers'. Yorks., W. R. Salop Staffordshire Warwick . 1,400 5,227 2,762 168 6,741 19,508 2,489 5,593 4,070 389 29,010 . 32,049 The Acre-ocracy of England, 205 WENTWORTH, Frederick William Thomas VERNON-, of Went- worth Castle, Yorkshire. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cluh. acres. value. Yorks., W. R. . 5,111 . 15,240 Suffolk . . . 3,117 . 2,824 Northampton . 408 . 858 Bucks . , , 49 . 65 8,685 . 18,987 WENTWORTH, Godfrey Hawksworth, of Wooley Park. Coll. Cluh. Yorks., W.R. . 5,180 . WEST, James ROBERTS-, of Alscot Park, Warwick. Warwick . , 2,749 Coll. Caius, Cam. Gloucester . . 3,791 Cluh. Ox. & Cam., Arthur's. Worcester . . 2,241 13,002 3,877 6,896 2,552 8,781 WEST, William Cornwallis, of Ruthin Castle, Denbigh. Denbigh . Coll. Hants . . . Cluh. Travellers', Devonshire. Montgomery . Salop . . . 13,325 5,457 . 9,562 2,210 . 2,829 160 . 732 34 . 81 7,861 . 13,244 WESTERN, Sir Thomas Sutton, Bart., of Felix Hall, Essex, &c. Essex . . . 7,875 . 10,838 Coll. Trin. Cam. Suffolk . . . 2,134 • 2,697 Cluh. Brooks's, Uni. Univ. 10,009 • WESTMINSTER, Duke of, Eaton Hall, Cheshire, &c. S. Cheshire Flint . Denbigh Bucks 13,535 Coll. Balliol, Oxon. Cluh. Brooks's, Travellers', Reform, White's. Dorset Wilts. 15,001 . 29,249 3,335 . 4,924 855 . 1,837 246 • 1,136 8,794 . 21,465 372 630 28,603 59,241 2o6 'The Acre-ocracy of England, WESTMIKSTER, Dowager Marchioness of, Motcombe House, Dorset. acres. value. Wilts . . . 3,740 . 5,063 WESTMORELAND, Earl OF,ApethorpeHall, Northamptonshire, g). Coll. Northants . . 5,973 • 9?447 Club. Guards', Army & Navy. Yorks., W. R. . 1,401 . 1,695 7,374 . 11,142 WEYLAND, John, of Woodrising Hall, Norfolk. Norfolk . . . 4,098 . 4,878 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Oxon . . . 850 . 1,491 Club. Suffolk ... 72 . 123 5,020 . 6,492 WHARNCLIFFE, Earl, Wortley Hall, Yorkshire, &c. Yorks, N.R. . 9,178 . 15,775 Coll Yorks., W. R. . 3,5 1 7 . 3,699 Club, White's, Travellers', Cornwall . . 2,020 . 1,715 Carlton, Marlborough. 14,715 . 21,189 WHARTON, John Thomas, of Skelton Castle. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Ox. & Cam. Yorks., N. R. . 8,647 • 7,659 WHEELER, Edward Vincent, of Kyrewood House, Worcester- shire, &c. Worcester . . 3,235 . 5,268 Coll. Trin. Cam Salop ... 139 . 206 Club. Hereford . . H • 28 3,488 . 5,502 WHELER, Rev. Charles, of Ledston Hall, Yorks., W. R. Yorks., W. R. . 3,384 . 2,798 Coll. Corpus Christi, Oxon. Kent. . . . 1,647 • 1,553 dub. 5,031 . 4,351 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 207 WHICHCOTE, Sir Thomas, Bart., of Aswarby Hall, Lincolnshire. acres, value, Lincoln . . . 11,213 • 16,918 Coll. Rutland ... 34 . 63 Cluh. Carlton. Notts ... 1 . 2 11,248 . 16,983 WHITBREAD, Samuel Charles, of Southill, Beds, &c. Beds .... 13,257 . 20,399 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Essex ... 572 . 1,391 Cluh. Brooks's. 13,829 . 21,790 WHITE, Sir Thomas Woollaston, Bart., of Wallingwells, Notts. Yorks., W. R. . 2,207 • 2,571 Coll. Notts . . . 1,592 . 1,852 Cluh. Warwick . . 278 . 950 4,077 . 5,373 WHITE, Thomas George Graham, of Wethersfield Manor House, &c. Coll. Cluh. Essex ... 5,137 . 6,794 WHITMORE, Rev. Francis Henry WOOLRYCHE-, of Dudmaston, Salop. S* Salop . . . 3,831 . 4,664 Coll. Wadham, Oxon. Worcester . . 81 . 139 Cluh. United Univ. 3,912 . 4,803 WHITTAKER, Henry, of Newcastle Court. Coll. Cluh. Radnor . . . 3,073 . 1,643 WICKSTED, George Edmund, of Betley Hall, Staffordshire. Staffordshire . 1,552 . 3,298 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cheshire . . 1,502 . 2,648 Cluh. Worcester . . 1,223 • 1,676 Salop . . . 740 . 805 5,017 . 8,427 2o8 The Acre-ocracy of England, WIGSELL, Atwood Dalton, of Sanderstead Court. acres. value. Colt. C7m6. ■ Army & Navy. Surrey . . . 4,196 . 3,532 WILBERFORCE, Reginald Garton, of Lavington House, Sussex. Sussex . . . 3,554 • 3,ooo Coll. Berks ... 82 . 100 Club. Jun. Uni. Ser. 3,636 . 3,100 WILBRAHAM, George Fortescue, of Delamere House. S- Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Reform. Cheshire . . 4,321 . 8,426 WILDER, George, of Stanstead Park. Sussex . . . 3,679 . 3j364 Coll. Hants ... 4 . 2 Club. 3,683 . 3,366 WILKES, Rev. Robert, of Wendon Lofts Hall, Essex. Essex . . . 4,690 . 6,096 Coll. St. John's, Cam. Suffolk ... 104 . 150 Club. 4,794 . 6,246 WILKINSON, Anthony, of Hulam, Durham. Durham . . 7,083 . 7,473 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Northumberland 3,049 . 710 Club. Arthur's, Brooks's. Yorks., W. R. . 2 . 181 10,134 . 8,364 WILLLVMS (Sir ?), Erasmus, of Coll. Club. Carmarthen . 3,627 . 2,655 WILLIAMS, Francis Edward, of Malvern Hall, Warwickshire, &c. Worcester . . 2,931 . 6,546 Coll. Warwick . . 1,027 . 2,308 Club. Hereford . . 552 . 714 4'5io . 9,568 The Acre-ocracy of England, 209 WILLIAMS, John Michael, of Caerhays Castle, Cornwall. Coll. Club, Coll. — Club, — Devon . . . Cornwall . . acres. 1,123 . 7,002 . value. 1,309 12,083 i 8,125 . 13,392 of Aberpergwm, Glamorgan, Glamorgan . . Brecon . . « 3,058 . 859 . 2,817 873 3,917 3,690 WILLIAMS, Owen Lewis Cope, of Temple House, Buckingham- shire, Sec. Carnarvon Anglesey Coll. Bucks Club. Berks Middlesex Flint . . . 2,854 . 3,523 . . 3,780 . 3,559 . . 1,910 . 6,098 438 . 1,386 . . 200 . 295 275 . 782 WILLIAMS, Penry, of Penpont, Brecon. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Brecon . Hereford • • • • 9,457 7,042 1,094 15,643 4,370 544 8,136 4,914 WILLIAMS, Robert, of Bridehead, Dorset. Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Club. Ox. & Cam. Dorset . • • 3,733 5,600 WILLIAMS, Sir Watkin Elias GRIFFIES-, Bart., of Llwyny- wormwood, Carmarthen. Carmarthen . 3,627 . 2,655 Coll. Carnarvon . , 2 . 4 Club. Uni. Ser. 3,629 2,659 2IO T^he Acre-ocracy of England, WILLIAMS, Sir William Grenville, Bart., of Bodelwyddan, Flint- shire. acres. value. Coll. Denbigh . . 5»36o . 3,023 Club. Flint. . . . 4,011 . 5,848 9,371 . 8,871 WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE, Lord, of Compton Verney, Warwick- shire. Warwick . 12,621 . 16,510 Lincoln . . . 2,930 . 3,558 Northants . 929 • 1,421 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Somerset . 588 . 1,070 Club. Carlton. Staffordshire sss . 783 Anglesea . . 396 . 440 Leicester . . 126 . 133 18,145 . 23,915 WILLOUGHBY D'ERESBY, Lady, of Grimsthorpe, Lincolnshire, &c. Lincoln . . . 24,696 . 36,530 Carnarvon . . . 30,391 • 7,966 Anglesea . . 1,527 . 436 Staffordshire 1,946 . 2,996 Leicester . 987 • 1,711 Denbigh 296 . sss Bucks . . , 69 . 285 59,912 . 50,479 WILLSON, MiLDMAY, of Rauceby Hall. Coll. Club. Lincolnshire . 3,367 4,780 WILLY AMS, Edward Willlam Brydges, of Nanskeval. Coll. Merton, Oxon. Club. Arthur's, Brooks's. Cornwall . . 3,138 • 4,055 WILSHERE, Charles Willes, of The Frythe, Herts. Herts . . . Coll. Trin. Cam. Beds . . . Club. Ox. & Cam. Cambridge . . Suffolk . • • 2,417 . 4,793 925 . 1,546 7 • 9 2 . 2 3,351 6,350 27z(? Acre-ocracy of England, 211 WILSON, Arthur Maitland, of Stowlangtoft Hall. acres. value. A minor, b. 1857. Suffolk . . . 4,425 . 6,322 WILSON, George Edward, of Dallam Tower, Westmoreland. Westmoreland. 7,631 . 8,645 Coll. Trin. Cam. Lancashire . 1,118 . 790 Club. Yorks, W. R. . 57 . 150 8,806 . 9,585 WILSON, George Holt, of Redgrave Hall, Suffolk. Suffolk . . . 5,466 . 6,949 Coll. Norfolk . . . 783 . 1,048 Club. 6,249 • 7,997 WILSON, John Gerald, of Cliffe Hall. Coll. Club. Yorks., N. R. . 3,059 . 4,653 WILSON, Sir Matthew, Bart., of Eshton Hall, York. Yorks., W. R. , 7,452 .. 12,423 Coll. Brasenose, Oxon. Lincoln ... 851 . 888 Clvb. Athenaeum. Lancashire . . 213 . 265 8,516 . 13,576 WILSON, Sir Spencer Maryon, Bart., of Charlton House, Kent, &c. Sussex . . . 1,511 . 1,594* Coll. Essex . . . 1,529 . 1,824 .» Club. 3,040 . 3,418 WILSON, Thomas, of Shotley Hall, Northumberland. Northumberland 2,824 . 3,117 Coll. Cumberland . 198 . 119 Club. Durham . . 4 . 15 3,026 . 3,241 * The bulk of Sir S. Wilson's property lies within the metropolitan area. 212 "The Acre-ocracy of England. WILSON, William, of Rigmaden. Coll. Haileybury. Cluh. acres, Westmoreland . 8,690 WILTON, Earl of, Heaton Hall, Lancashire, &c. Lancaster . Staffs . Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Yorks., W. R. Clvb. Carlton, White's, Turf. Somerset . Leicester Salop • • 8,013 853 775 196 33 1 value. 7,988 27,338 1,173 2,040 316 366 9,871 31,234 WINCHESTER, Marquis of, Amport Park, Hampshire. Coll. Cluh. Carlton, Travellers'. Hants . . . 4,785 4,592 WINCHILSEA, Earl of, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire, &c. S- Northants . 5,114 . 8,708 Kent . . . . 6,581 . 6,527 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Leicester 355 . 574 Club. Carlton, Turf. Rutland . 754 • 2,323 Lincoln . 78 . 94 12,882 . 18,226 WINDER, Mrs. CORBETT-, of Vaynor Park, Montgomery, &c. Montgomery . 3,158 . 4,415 Cheshire . . 1,456 . 2,740 4,614 7»155 WINDHAM, William George, of Wawne. Yorks, E. R. Coll. Downing, Cam. Cluh. Carlton. 3,595 WINDHAM-WALKER, Mrs., of Hanworth Hall. Norfolk . . 6,483 6,567 8,736 ^he Acre-ocracy of England, 213 WINDSOR, Lord, Oakly Park, Shropshire, &c. A minor, b. 1857. acres. value. Salop . . . 1 0,846 . 13,481 Glamorgan . 12,016 . 28,068 Worcester . . 8,519 . 13,080 Flint . . 308 . 373 Hereford . 46 . 27 Warwick . . 2 . 6 31,731 WINGFIELD, Charles George, of Onslow Hall, Salop. Salop . . . 3,027 Montgomery . 811 Merioneth . . 24 ColL Club. Carlton. WINGFIELD, Edward Rhys, of Barrington Park, Oxon. Coll. Gloucester Oxon Club. Jun. Carlton, Naval & Military. Glamorgan 4,333 1,766 6,463 55,035 5,846 1,171 24 3,862 . 7,041 5,445 2,124 19,428 12,562 . 26,997 WINGFIELD, John Harry Lee, of Tickencote Hall, &c., Rutland. 5). Coll, Club. Rutland . 2,905 . 4,494 Cambridge . 245 413 Leicester . 144 242 Northants . 83 123 Lincoln . . 23 42 Huntingdon 1 5 3,401 WINMARLEIGH, Lord, of Winmarleigh, Lancashire. Coll. Magdalen, Oxon. Club. Carlton, Uni. Ser., Travellers\ Lancaster Chester Staffs . p 2 3,711 856 282 4,849 5,319 7,111 1,252 479 8,852 214 The Acre-ocracy of England, WINN, Rowland, of Nostell Priory, Yorkshire, &c. acres. value. Coll. Trin. Cam. Lincoln . . . 5,522 . 14,029 Club. Carlton. York .... 2,461 . 4,558 7,983 . 18,587 WINNINGTON, Sir Francis, Bart., of Stanford, Worcestershire. S)- Coll. Worcester . . 4,196 . 5,977 Club. Hereford . . 426 . 441 4,622 . 5,418 WINTERTON, Earl of, Shillinglee Park, Sussex. Sussex . . . 3,322 . 2,042 Coll. Norfolk . , . 2,066 . 2,370 Club. Surrey . . . 372 . 471 5,760 . 4,883 WISE, Henry Christopher, of Woodcote, Warwickshire. Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Warwick . . 1,794 • 5»203 Club. Carlton. Northants . . 1,467 . 2,141 3,261 . 7,344 WITHAM, Rev. Father, of Lartington Hall, York, W. R. York, N. R., . 7,510 . 3,848 Coll. Stonyhurst. Durham . . 2 . 2 Club. Northumberland 6 . 17 7,518 . 3,867 WOMBWELL, Sir George Orby, Bart., of Newburgh Park, York- shire. ^. Coll. au6. Carlton, White's, Turf Yorks., N. R. . 11,911 . 13,^44 WOOD, Basil Thomas, of Elmstead, Kent. Yorks., N.&W.R. 3,087 . 2,380 Coll. Kent. ... 134 • 87 Club. '—— ■ — — — 3,221 . 2,467 The Acre-ocracy of England. 215 WOOD, Col. Edward Robert, of Stouthall, Glamorgan. acres. value. Carmarthen ' 3,859 . 2,710 Glamorgan . • 1,321 7,903 Brecon . . 285 , 259 Cardigan . , 98 . 28 Pembroke . , 221 . 178 5,784 . 11,078 3,092 Boodle's, Turf. Coll. Club. Brooks's, Reform. Lancashire . . 2,926 Coll. Club. Army and Navy. WOOD, John Gathorne, of Thedden Grange. Coll. Oxon. Club. Naval & Military. Hants . , . WOOD, Thomas, of Littleton, Middlesex, &c. Middlesex . Brecon . Yorks., N. R. Surrey . . Coll. — Oxon . . Club. Guards'. Sussex . . Cardigan . Carmarthen Radnor . . 10,101 . 12,723 WOOD, Gen. William Mark, of Bishops Hall, Essex. Essex . . . 2,246 . 3,209 Coll. Glamorgan. . 1,230 . 3,305 Club. Guards', Arthur's, Monmouth . . 1,427 . 1,933 • 1,571 . 3,463 . 3,221 . > 4,054 1,884 2,500 • 1,314 ■ 1,370 302 , 460 13 . 3 597 . 282 1,166 . 551 33 . 40 4,903 . 8,447 WOODS, Henry, of Warnford Park, Hants, &c. Hants . . . 3,649 . 3,471 49 . 3,397 3,698 . 6,868 WOODWARD, Robert, of Arley Castle, Staffordshire. Stafford . . . 2,877 . 4,573 Coll. Worcester . . 780 . 2,215 Club. 3,657 . 6.788 21 6 The Acre-ocracy of England. WOODWARD, Thomas, of Hopton Court, Salop. acres. value. Salop . . . 3,683 . 3,230 Coll. Brecon . . . 322 . 218 Club. 4,005 . 3,448 WOOLLCOMBE, Archdeacon, of Ashbury, Devon. Devon . . . 5,867 . 3,061 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Cornwall . . 983 . 726 Club. 6,850 . 3,787 WREY, Sir Bourchier Palk, Bart., of Trebitch, Cornwall, &c. S- Coll. Devon . . . 7,393 • 7,382 Club. Cornwall . . 372 . 329 7,765 . 7,711 WRIGHT, Charles Booth Elmsall, of Bolton Hall. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Yorks.,N.&W.R. 6,568 . 5,521 WRIGHT, Edward Carrington, of Kelvedon Hall, Essex. Salop . . . 2,774 . 2,328 Coll. Essex ... 882 . 1,251 Club. 3,656 . 3,579 WRIGHT, James Frederick D'Arley, of Mottram Hall, Cheshire. Cheshire . . 2,003 • 3,657 Coll. Woolwich. Lancashire . . 1,320 . 1,743 Club, Jun. Uni. Serv. 3,223 . 5,400 WRIGHT, John, of Osmaston Manor, Derby, &c. Nottingham . 3,6 15 • 6,207 Coll. Derby . . . 2,978 . 5,844 Club. Leicester . . 1 . i 6,594 . 12,052 7 he Acre-ocracy of England. ii^j WRIGHTSON, William Battie, of Cusworth Park, Yorks., W. R. acres, value. Yorks., W.R. . 3,681 . 5,410 Coll. Trin. Cam. Northumberland 1,158 . 1,636 Cluh, Brooks's, Boodle's, Durham . . 486 . 1,203 Oriental. 8 8,249 WROTTESLEY, Lord, Wrottesley, Staffordshire, g. Staffordshire . 5,785 . 11,021 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Salop ... 1 . 15 Club. Athenaeum, Brooks's, Travellers'. 5,786 . 11,036 WROUGHTON, Philip, of Woolley Park, Berks. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Berks . . . 8,692 . 9,357 Club. Junior Carlton, Bucks ... 261 . 530 Boodle's. 8,953 • 9,887 WYKEHAM, Philip Thomas Herbert, of Thame Park, &c., Oxon. ui. Oxon . . . 4,571 • 6,778 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Bucks . . . 1,675 . 2,769 Club. Conservative. Kent. . . . 791 . 1,117 7,037 . 10,664 WYNDHAM, Hon. Percy Scawen, of East Lodge, Sussex. Hereford . . 3,111 . 4,084 Coll. Northumberland 384 . 175 Club. White's, Carlton. Sussex . . . 800 , 586 4,295 . 4,845 WYNDHAM, Richard King, of Corhampton, Hants, &c. Hants ... 2,780 . 2,439 Coll. Wilts. . . . 2,535 . 3,248 Club. Devon ... 31 . 35 I 5,346 • 5,722 ai8 l^he Acre-ocracy of England. WYNDHAM, William, of Dinton, Wilts. 5>. Coll. Trin. Cam. Cluh. Somerset Wilts • < • acres. 2,866 5,734 value 6,958 6,606 WYNFORD, Lord, Wynford Eagle, Dorset, Dorset , . Essex . . Kent . , . Coll. Club. Carlton, 8,600 . 13,564 2,816 . 3,347 403 . 392 240 . 440 3,459 4,179 WYNN, Hon. Charles Henry, of Rug. Coll. Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton. Merioneth . . 10,504 . 8,905 WYNN, Sir Watkin WILLIAMS-, Bart., of Wynnstay, Denbigh, &c. Denbigh • 34,009 , 25,757 Montgomery • 32,963 10,341 Merioneth . . 20,295 6,800 Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Carnarvon . 364 12 Club. Carlton, Jun. Carlton, Flint . . . 299 . 378 Boodle's, White's, Derby . . 30 . 40 Garrick. Salop . . 3,066 4,106 Cheshire . 6 7 91,032 . 47,441 WYNNE, Brownlow Wynne, of Garthewin, Denbigh. Denbigh . . 6,495 . 4,644 Carnarvon . . 20 . 16 Coll. Club. 6,515 . 4,660 WYNNE, John Lloyd, of Coed Goch, Denbigh. Denbigh . . 10,197 . 9,279 Flint ... 236 . 157 Coll. Club. Carlton. 10,433 . 9,436 ne Acre-ocracy of England, 219 WYNNE, William Watkin Edward, of Peniarth, Merionethshire. acres. value. Merioneth . . 3,8 ii . 2,793 Flint .... 614 . 539 Coll. Carnarvon . . 30 . 58 Cluh. Carlton, Uni., Univ. Leicester . . 650 . 775 5,105 . 4,165 WYTHES, George, of Copt Hall, Essex, &c. Colt Club. Suffolk . . 603 . 1,002 Surrey , . 449 • 695 Essex . 4,113 . 6,359 Kent . . 692 . 12,042 5,857 . 20,096 WYVILL, Marmaduke, of Constable Burton, N. R., &c. S» Coll. Trin. Cam. a«6. Ox. & Cam. Yorks., N. &W.R. 6,737 . 9,141 YARBOROUGH, Earl of, Brocklesbury Park, Lincolnshire, &c. Lincoln . . . 55,272 . 76,266 A minor, Berks ... 98 . 649 b. 1859. 55,370 . 76,915 YARBURGH (Daughter of the late George John), of Heslington Hall, E. R. Yorks., E.&W.R. 9,364 . 10,010 YEO, William Arundell, of Fremington, Devon, &c. Devon . . . 6,470 . 6,140 Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Cornwall . . 486 . 498 Club. Somerset . . 276 . 408 7,232 . 7,046 YORKE, John, of Bewerley Hall. Coll. Club. Yorks., W.R.. 10,561 . 7,993 220 ^he Acre-ocracy of England. YORKE, Peirce Wynne, of Dyffryn Aled. Coll. Club. acres. Denbigh. . . 3,690 value. 2,605 ZETLAND, Earl of, Aske, Yorkshire, &c. Coll. Trin. Cam. Club. Brooks's, Boodle's. Yorks., N. R. . 9,623 ZOUCHE, Lord DE LA, Parham Park, Sussex, &c. Coll. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Club. Sussex . Staffs . • • • ^ or WE J^ C4LIF0HN% 6,654 239 6,893 » 3,392 5,681 542 6,223 CHISWICK PRESS :— PRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. UNIA^RSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may bo renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. OCT 1/ 2eApTiW-0i REC-2 1/ /\PP ld UBP NR>r iJAftadi96e89 20m-ll,'20 re 26670 / hh I ,^