LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF IRVINE BOOK SALES OF 1895 BOOK SALES OF 1895 A RECORD OF THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOKS SOLD AT AUCTION AND THE PRICES REALIZED WITH INTRODUCTION NOTES AND INDEX BY TEMPLE SCOTT LONDON: P. COCKRAM 29 PATERNOSTER ROW E.C, 1896 Agents for America : HENRY STEVENS SON & STILES 39 Great Russell Street London W,C. INTRODUCTION. THIS is a book which appeals to two classes of individuals those who deal with books for purposes of trade, and those who collect books to satisfy their tastes. The bookseller would look upon such a /compila- tion as this in the light of a record of the year's doings in that mart in which the book-collector's energies are finally concentrated and dissipated. It would also be for him a guide by which he might appreciate the varying changes of the " collecting " fashion. The book-collector (whom we may also consider as the book-lover) might find in it the fruits of a brother- collector's experience, and so obtain that knowledge which would give him the power to tread more wisely and sanely in the mazy ways of his delightful and fascinating hunting-grounds. As a rule, the book-dealer is an unsentimental being. That individual who would rather keep his books than sell them is become almost extinct. Indeed, I question if he exists at all, except it be in the glowing imagina- tion of the novelist. Occasionally I have met with a bookseller who was also a book-lover ; but then the prices he asked for his wares were in pro- portion to the depth of his affection for them. He is a charming person to chat with, but one must have a long pocket to possess oneself of the rarities he has accumulated. The poor man would find himself sorely tempted to bad ways were he to give way to the longings which such con versations invariably arouse. The rich is happy in that he may both enjoy and possess at will. Enviable man of wealth ! The book-collector is of quite another order of beings. He may be unbusiness-like ; indifferent to the cares and anxieties of daily life ; selfish, if you like ; living apart from the general affairs of the world. But then, he is a man of passion ! He is touched by an almost spirit-touch, which transfigures for him the harsh realities of existence. He is consumed by a glorious desire. He lives in a world peopled by the rarest souls, in whose companionship he finds a b VI INTRODUCTION. never-failing delight. Such an one may be even a poor man. The race to which he belongs is, thank the Fates, not yet run. He is the lover of the world of forgotten souls and his enthusiasm is one of the traits of our nature which makes for the poetry of life. The late M. Pierre Gustav Brunei, by whose death the book-collector loses the most accomplished and able of his physicians, wrote an essay which he entitled Du Prix des Livres Rares Vers la Fin du XfX e Stick. Now, M. Brunei was well able to discuss such a topic. He had had long experience, and a rare intimacy with the variations of the prices of books. He had also the privilege of the friendships of book-collectors, whose tastes were as catholic as their purses were fat. In this essay, he has carefully laid down some of the essential qualities which go to the making of a beau- ideal book-collector. " He must," he says, " be master of an independent fortune ; he must be a celibate and master of all his passions but the dominating one ; he must be armed with imperturbable coolness and with profound literary learn- ing. The exterior of a book must appeal to him as much as the contents ; he must recognize the peculiarities and specialities of the work of every celebrated binder, so that he may distinguish at a glance a binding of Derome from one of Derome le Jeune. A complete stranger to political life, he hardly notices the hero of the hour, and he treats with scornful indifference the hero of a change of ministry. Towards the close of his life he begins to concern himself in the fate of his beloved books, and in the reception which will be given to the catalogue in which will be registered all the riches which he has accumulated." It will be seen at once that M. Brunei limits his class down lo a selecl few. His requiremenls are born of ihose favouriles of fortune wilh whom he had so many and so happy relations. Of course, whalever he says is worth careful consideration ; bul I speak feelingly when I express my dis- agreement with even so learned an authority. I should imagine thai half Ihe pleasure of book-collecting would be missed, if I could go into, say, Mr. Quaritch's shop, and order all the books I wanted, giving the cheque with my order. This may be magnificent, but it is not what I call book- collecting or book-hunting. There 's no sport about this. It sounds loo much like a royal battue. Nor is it absolutely necessary to be such a connoisseur in bindings, unless, indeed, one makes bindings a speciality. INTRODUCTION. Vli The question of celibacy is rather a delicate one, and I am inclined to agree with M. Brunet. Women are pretty shrewd when they look askance on the husbands who profess to love them as well as the books they nightly and surreptitiously sneak into the house. The point about the learning is also a delicate one so few book-collectors come up to it. Perhaps it will be better to leave this matter alone, and make silence the intimation of acquiescence. I think, on the whole, that M. Brunet is wise, and jf any of my readers fail to find in what he says much hope for their own success, I would ask them to seek consolation in mastering even the " dominating passion," and buy only that which they can afford. The question then arises, what to buy ? And the answer must depend on the special motive which prompts one to become a book-collector. If you love books as bric-ti-brac, you will, indeed, require to be " master of an independent fortune." If you love books to read, you will buy what you like to read. If you love books for themselves, that is to say, for what they are and for what joy you may get out of them, both in reading and in having them about you, you must needs proceed warily and with much circum- spection. Remember always then, that whatever you buy may be sold again at some future time. It may be in your lifetime ; it may be after you have gone to where there is no book-hunting. Therefore, let every purchase you make be the best you can get. Let it be the first edition, in the best condition. Never mind if your taste is as low as the minor poets' fourpenny box these two requirements are absolutely essential. When I have said this, I think I have said all. If, however, you wish to collect books as a speculation, then it will be necessary for you to add to these two essentials a knowledge of the particular fashion in vogue, or likely to be when you are about to " sell out." For there is a fashion in books as there is in wearing apparel. Once on a time, the classics were in demand, and " best editions " of these used to bring very "high" prices. The craze for Elzevirs and Aldines is another of the past phases in book-collecting. The ponderous " art books " of the early and middle years of this century were once greatly prized, as were also the immense county histories. These, however, have all more or less waned. The book-collector as speculator must, therefore, be careful. Just now there is a large run on Napoleana, Alpine books, first editions of the French romanticists of 1830, and first editions of the limited issues of a few minor poets. Here again, I must urge the necessity Vl'5i INTRODUCTION. for great care ; because I am convinced that the fashion in these will soon be gone, if, indeed, they are not already going. Books on Napoleon may last some little time yet, possibly to the end of the century. In England, the longest lived fashion is the Dickens and Thackeray craze. It argues a remarkable hold these two writers have obtained on the public affection, and judged by this, Thackeray should prove a good subject for a collector for many years to come. I do not think that the first editions of Dickens can much longer keep up their prices. Perhaps " Pickwick " in the original parts and in good condition, will alone always be worth an investment. So long as Englishmen love sporting, the good books on that subject are " safe," and Alken, Apperley, Surtees and Izaak Walton will remain names to conjure with. In America, of course, there are local influences to take into con- sideration, and the first editions of their classical writers must, naturally, come in for a share of the book-buyer's attention. Possibly the works of Henry James, Howells, and Oliver Wendell Holmes may one day have the same care taken of them as are now being expended on the works of Emerson, Longfellow, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. But those books which are known as " Americana," that is to say, the tracts and pamphlets relating to the his- tory and literature of America, issued between the dates of the discovery of that continent and, say, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, must become rarer and rarer, and must fetch increasingly higher prices. If I were asked to name what classes of books it would be always safe to invest in, I should say : (1) Early printed books with illustrations. (2) Books printed by the "classical " printers of the fifteenth century the true incunabula. (3) The first editions of those writers who are accounted classics The Bible, Homer, Dante, Goethe, Moliere, Shakespeare, Milton, Goldsmith, Shelley, etc. (4) First editions of "classical" historians in England, Froude, Gardiner, Motley, Prescott, etc. (5) Early examples in the illustration of books by the best artists, of no matter what period. (6) Very limited editions of bookswhich maysafelybe called "literature." INTRODUCTION. IX It is somewhat rash to give such advice as this, since it is difficult to allow for the passing fashions. But these six classes of books cannot be affected, to any large extent, by any fashion. The books of the fashion generally reflect the particular "movement" of the time, and these the true book-lover will always avoid. The speculator, if he indulges himself in them, must take care to " sell out " at the right moment at the time when the craze is at its height. Large-paper editions must go the way of all flesh. They are a delusion and a snare, and the less said about them the better. Of living English novelists I can call to mind but two whose works are likely to remain long as treasures in the bibliophile's cabinet. These are Robert Louis Stevenson and Rudyard Kipling. Stevenson is having his vogue just now, but Kipling's time will come, and he will come to stay. Books printed by " private " presses are also certain to remain " good." Generally the number of copies issued are very limited, and this is an important fact to take into consideration. The works printed at the Kelmscott Press will, in time, be worth much more than they are now. A reference to the sales included in this volume will show that a great many have been sold at auction, but, as a rule, these are the " over-buyings " of the too greedy bookseller. The Vale Press of Hacon and Ricketts promises to produce volumes which should be worth the attention of the book-lover and the collector. The types with which they are printed have been specially designed by Mr. Ricketts, and are, in their way, as beautiful as Mr. Morris's. The " Daniell " press books, and the books printed at Sargent's, Chelsea Press, can only have a temporary attention. They are not printed from originally-designed types, as are the "Kelmscott" and "Vale" books. In making use of a book of this kind many allowances will have to be taken into consideration. Auction " prices " can in no sense be taken as the ruling prices of the market. A book may fetch los. one day and ^"5 another day. Moreover, the condition of a book is so large a factor in its resultant value, that a just estimate could only be arrived at by one who had personally attended the " sale." In order to give my compilation even a slight claim to obviate difficulties of this nature, I have, where possible, stated the conditions of the lots, and placed notes either at the beginning of the record of the sale, or after the separate lots. The excellent X INTRODUCTION. catalogues which Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge always issue, have been of the utmost importance. Without them, indeed, the book could not have been attempted at all. With regard to the considerations which have influenced me in the selection of " lots," I may say that I have set no limit as to prices. A long experience with books and their values has taught me that a bookseller, as well as a collector, often finds it of great assistance to know when and why a rare book brings either a very high or a very low price. That this often happens, anyone acquainted with auction sales knows full well. Therefore I have included in this record many lots which have fetched but a few shillings. The vagaries of the " rooms " are as incalculable as a woman's whims, and they are not always due to the "poor condition." Where I could fix the causes I have done so, and, I believe, in most cases correctly. My principal aim in compiling this book was to give the reader such information as would enable him to arrive at a reasonable estimation of the " lots " and their values, just as if he had been at the " sale " himself. I lay claim to no special merit for this book other than may be found in the notes and in the comprehensive Index. Here, I think, I have attempted to make plain the crooked ways of such a reference book as this. In the Index I have given the dates in a very great number of cases. This, I hope, will help to save time in referring to any particular book or edition. I am fully alive to the many defects which a searching criticism could bring to light, but as I hope to continue this record annually, I would thank my readers for any suggestions they care to make by which the work could be improved. I have only one word more of advice to offer, and it is to reiterate what I have already said, namely, never collect other than first editions > and never buy a book in bad condition. When you have satisfied these demands, lay to heart these two "pieces " of wisdom Never lend a book ; and Never ill-treat a book. With these words I take leave of you with the hope that you may find the rest of this volume as much to your taste and profit as it has been laborious for me to accomplish. I could wish you nothing greater than this. TEMPLE SCOTT. April \%th t 1896. BOOK SALES OF 1895. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON, AND HODGE opened their season of book sales on Friday, December I4th, 1894. A collection of valuable books and manuscripts, "including a portion of the library of the late James Whitchurch, Esq., and of the late T. Chapman, Esq., F.R.S., and others," was disposed of. The sale left no doubt as to which portion of the catalogue was most appre- ciated. The books sold during the first three days were without a doubt far and away the best of the five days' sale. 1. Dickens (C.). THE STRANGE GENTLEMAN, a Comic Burletta, in Two Acts. By "Boz." Original edition. Frontispiece by "Phiz." Clean copy, in original wrapper. Crown 8vo. 1837. ^35 1T With the Frontispiece, perhaps the rarest of all Dickens's works. It is often met with minus " Phiz's" plate, when it fetches from 8 to 12. Mr. Burgess's copy was sold in June, 1893, for ^38. Mr. Sabin, of Shaftesbury Avenue, was the purchaser of both copies. 2. America. A TRUE DECLARATION OF THE ESTATE OF THE COLONIE IN VIRGINIA. With a confutation of such scandalous reports as have tended to the disgrace of so worthy an enterprise. Published by advice and direction of the Councell of Virginia. Fine copy (pp. 3 and 4 very slightly cut in headlines, and a very small hole in title), brown polished levant morocco, inside gilt borders, enclosed in morocco slip case by Riviere. London, William Barret, 1610. ,48 H One of the earliest printed accounts of the first English settlement in America. 3. Biblia Sacra Latina, cum prefatione S. Hieronymi et Indice nominorum Hebrai- corum. Manuscript on Vellum (290 leaves), written in small but neat Gothic letters much abbreviated, in double columns, with painted initials, divisions of chapters, titles of the books and ornaments in blue and red, bound in modern red morocco, with gilt tooled back and borders, g. e. Sxc. xii. or xiii. 25 los. IT A MS. note at the end of this Codex ascribes the date of its production to the year 1180. 4. Celestina. TRAGI-COMEDIA DE CALISTO Y MELIBEA. Gothic letter, woodcuts, brown morocco extra, sides elegantly tooled in the Grolier style, double with red morocco, g. e., by Lortic fils, fine copy. Barcelona, 1525. i& IT Probably the only copy known. Salva only mentions this edition on the authority ' of D. Jaime Villanueva. 5. Dresser (H. E.) and R. B. Sharpe. HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF EUROPE, including all the Species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Region, 8 vols. complete in 84 parts, 650 plates, beautifully drawn and coloured. Imp. 410. 1871-81. 40 los. B 2 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 6. Alken (Henry). ILLUSTRATIONS TO POPULAR SONGS, 42 plates, containing numerous coloured subjects, half bound. Oblong. McLean. 1825. ^4 7. Apuleii Metamorphoseos Liber: ac nonnulla alia opuscula ejusdem : necnon epitoma Alcinoi in disciplinarum Platonis (librum) editio princeps, large copy, with numerous MS. notes in the margins, half bound, very rare. Romae (per C. Sweyn- heym et A. Pannartz) in domo Petri de Maximo, 1469. 12 15.?. H Without the two blank leaves in the first sheet. The Sunderland Library Catalogue described its copy as containing 181 leaves (including four blank) ; this copy con- tained 175 leaves. 8. Ballads. A COLLECTION OF 369 INTERESTING AND SCARCE SINGLE SHEET BALLADS, from 1674 to the beginning of the ipth Century, Political, Social, Satirical, and Historical, mounted in 3 vols. half russia. ^3 2 IT From the collection of John Gutch, editor of Robin Hood Ballads. 9. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, text in two vols. 4to., 1816 (inlaid in imp. atlas fol.). Illustrated by a fine series of Portraits, engraved, etched and lithographed, many fine early impressions ; and many hundred Engravings, examples of their works ; and upwards of 300 Etchings, illustrative of the styles of the most famous Etchers and Engravers, comprising in all upwards of 2, 500 illus- trations, collected by George Rutland, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Neatly mounted in 9 atlas fol. volumes, and bound in purple morocco elaborately gilt, g. e. With specially printed title-pages, the alphabetical index, arid the monograms bound separately in a 4to. vol. half morocco, with an MS. catalogue of the illustrations in 4*o. 95 10. Cromwellian Manuscript. THE INVENTORY OF THE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS IN THE HOUSE OF OLIVER CROMWELL (the Protector's Uncle), TAKEN IN JULY, 1600. ,13 IT This highly interesting manuscript gives most curious details, lists of the various articles of wearing apparel, linen, etc. ; it occupies 20 folio pages, closely written. The volume also contains other manuscripts in connection with the Protector's family, lists of sums of money paid, dated December, 1658 (shortly after Cromwell's death), to 1674. It also contains the inventory of the goods of Mr. Benjamin Rolt of Westminster, taken the I4th December, 1670, with many curious details. 11. Defoe (D.). LIFE AND STRANGE SURPRIZING ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, first edition, portrait, calf. W. Taylor, 1719. 50 12. Koratii Opera aeneis Tabulis incidit J. Pine, 2 vols., text engraved throughout and illustrated with elegant plates, POST-EST edition, fine copy, boards, uncut. 1733- 37 2 5 w- H It is not often that an uncut copy of Pine's Horace occurs for sale. 13. La Fontaine. CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS, 2 vols. Fermiers-Generaux edition, with Choffard's vignettes, tirage a part, and nearly the complete set of " Planches Refusees," old morocco, double, silk linings, by Derome, with his ticket. 1762. 5 IOJ. 14. Longus. LES AMOURS PASTORALES DE DAPHNIS ET DE CHLOE, traduites par J. Amyot, fine impressions of the beautiful engravings by Audran from designs by Philip, Duke of Orleans, Regent of France, with the printed title as well as the engraved one, fine copy, old French red morocco, g. e. , with crest of original owner on the back. s. 1. 1718. 5 IT One of the few copies issued before the plate of the " Petits Pieds " was finished. In April, 1890, Mr. Gaisford's copy sold for ,45 los. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3 15. [Milton, John.] SCHOOL-LAWES, OR Qui MIHI IN ENGLISH, by J. M., London, printed 1650 (in verse) AD GRAMMATICEN ORDINARIAM, R. White, 1648 yEsop's FABLES, translated both grammatically and also in propriety of our English phrase, most profitable for the Grammar Schoole, T. Man, 1624 DE CIVILITATE MORUM PUERILIUM PER D. ERASMUM ROTERODAMUM, etc., H. MiddletOll, 1578 PHRASEOLOGIA PUERILIS, 1638 (no title) WARD (W.). SHORT QUESTIONS UPON THE EIGHT PARTS OF SPEECH, with the Concords in English, fitted to the weake capacity of Yong Schollers, n. d. In I vol., old vejlum. 17 IT The first book is believed to be the work of John Milton. No copies of any of the above works are in the British Museum, nor in the Bodleian Library. 1 6. Moliere. LE MISANTHROPE, first edition, morocco double, dentelle borders, by Cuzin. Paris, Ribou, 1667. ,24 1F A copy was sold a short time since for ,50. 17. Moliere. LE MISANTHROPE, first edition, red morocco extra, g. e., by Lortic fils. Paris, 1667. 26 5s. 1 8. Moliere. LE MARIAGE FORCE, first edition, red morocco extra, g. e , by Lortic fils. Ib. 1668, 16 IQS. 19. Montaigne. LES ESSAIS, 2 vols., first issue of the rarissime first edition, in a splendid morocco binding, richly tooled, by Chambolle-Duru. 1580. ^23 IQJ. 20. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis secundum usum Romanum, Manuscript on vellum, every page written within an elegant border of gold, on which are delicately painted flowers, fruits, insects, and arabesques, containing twelve small miniatures in the calendar, representing the signs of the Zodiac, twenty large miniatures, and a great number of large and small initial letters, the whole richly illuminated in gold and colours, brown morocco extra, g. e. Sasc. xv. ,64 II Written for Marguerite of France, Duchess of Savoy, daughter of Francis I. A most absurd price for this Book of Hours. Its probable value may be represented by about a sixth of what it fetched. 21. Hallam (Isaac). THE COCKER : A POEM, HUMBLY INSCRIBED TO THE HONOUR- ABLE SOCLETY OF SPORTSMEN AT GRANTHAM, engraved frontispiece, brown morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere & Son. Stamford, printed by Francis Howgrave, 1742. 6 i$s. 11 A very rare work on Cock-Fighting. Not mentioned in Lowncles. 22. Gould (J.). BIRDS OF EUROPE, 5 vols., 449 beautifully coloured plates, brown morocco extra, g. e. 1837. s 23. Gould (J.). MONOGRAPH OF THE TROCHILID,*:, OR FAMILY OF HUMMING BIRDS, 5 vols., 360 beautifully coloured plates, brown morocco, uniform with the preceding. 1861. ,30 24. Gould (J.). BIRDS OF ASIA, 7 vols. in 35 parts (wants part 28), numerous beauti- fully coloured plates. 1850-83. ^40 25. Gould (J. ). BIRDS OF GREAT BRITAIN, 25 parts, forming 5 vols. 367 beautifully coloured plates. 1862-73. 36 26. Lancelot du Lac. Le premier (le second et le tiers) volume de Lancelot du Lac, nouvellement imprime a Paris, 3 vols. in I, gothic letter, large copy, boards, g. e. Paris, 1533. 6 27. Legenda Aurea de Sanctis, gothic letter, numerous curious woodcuts, brown morocco extra, g. e., by Koehler, title and last leaf in fac-simile, Lugd. M. Husz, 1487. 6 los. 4 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 28. Pennant (T.). SOME ACCOUNT OF LONDON, large paper, extensively and taste- fully illustrated with portraits (including many fine and scarce), fine interior and exterior views of churches and other buildings, many now no longer in existence ; old maps and historical subjects, the whole forming a collection of I, too engravings, bound in 7 vols. russia, g. e., the backs of some vols. broken. 1793. 28 29. Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette, a Magazine entirely appropriated to Sporting Subjects and Fancy Pursuits, complete in 13 vols., coloured plates by Alken and Cruikshank, and numerous plates by Landseer, Herring, and others, half red morocco, with symbolical tooling by Tout, g. e. 1822-28. 26 30. Dobson (W. ). KUNOPAEDIA. A Practical Essay on Breaking or Training the English Spaniel or Pointer, with Instructions for Attaining the Art of Shooting Flying, first edition, woodcut frontispiece by Bewick, olive morocco extra, with rich symbolical tooling by Tout, gilt top, uncut. 1814. 6 55. IT This copy had over 100 engravings (more than 50 of them coloured by hand), by Howitt, Alken, Cooper, and others ; there were also some old Shooting Songs, inserted. 31. Egan (Pierce). BOOK OF SPORTS, AND MIRROR OF LIFE, embracing the Turf, the Chase, the Ring, and the Stage, etc., first edition, numerous woodcuts, pigskin extra, with rich symbolical tooling by Tout, original pictorial covers preserved, gilt top, uncut. 1832. 6 12s. &d. IT Had inserted over 100 engravings (28 coloured by hand), by Alken, Howitt, Cooper, etc. 32. Cook (Colonel). OBSERVATIONS ON FOX-HUNTING AND THE MANAGEMENT OF HOUNDS IN THE KENNEL AND IN THE FIELD. First edition. Pigskin extra, with rich symbolical tooling by Tout, gilt top, uncut. 1826. 10 IT Had inserted 127 engravings (52 coloured by hand) by Alken, Turner, Barraud, Cooper, Fielding, etc. 33. Dante Alighieri. COMMEDIA COL COMMENTO DI C. LANDING. EDIZIONE PRIMA (366 leaves only, should have 369, and several leaves stained), with two of the excessively rare engravings by B. Baldini from designs by Sandro Botticelli, blue morocco gilt, g. e., by Roger Payne, large copy, from the Wodhull Library. Roy. fol. Firenze per Nichola di Lorenzo della Magna, 1481. 16 los. 34. Dante. COL COMENTO DI CHRIST. LANDING, a fine and rare edition, with 68 full-page woodcuts within borders (without the 8 preliminary leaves), vellum. Bressa, Boninus de Boninis de Raguzzi, 1487. 20 los. 35. Egan (Pierce). LIFE IN LONDON; or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and his Elegant Friend, Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. First edition, three plates of music, 36 coloured plates, and numerous woodcuts by J. R. and G. Cruikshank, tree calf extra by Tout, gilt edges, tall copy. 1821. 3 i2s. 36. RadclifTe (F. P. Delme). THE NOBLE SCIENCE, a Few General Ideas on Fox- Hunting. First edition, woodcuts and plates, original cloth, fine copy. 1839. 2 i8s. 37. Apperley (C. J.). HUNTING REMINISCENCES, by "Nimrod." First edition, plates and woodcuts, original cloth, uncut, fine copy, scarce. 1843. 5 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 5 SALE OF BOOKS FROM VARIOUS LIBRARIES. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., January \^th and i$th, 1895. IT THE prices realized at this sale were exceptionally low. My readers who are in the "trade" will see for themselves why this was so. The books were of a miscellaneous character, collected together from various sources, and the catalogue simply stated " Catalogue of Books from Various Libraries." Another point to note, is the fact that the books, of any value, were more or less in "poor condition." 38. Thackeray (W. M.). WORKS. Edition de luxe, 24 vols. Portraits, and illustra- tions by the author on India paper. Royal 8vo. 1878-79. ^"10 5.?. 39. Ackerman's Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Fashions, etc. A set, 40 vols. Coloured plates by Rowlandson and others. Bound in 27 vols., half- russia. Royal 8vo. 1809-28. 1 40. Rowlandson. FIRST AND SECOND TOURS OF DR. SYNTAX. 2 vols. Coloured plates by Rowlandson. Half-morocco and half-calf; royal 8vo. 1813-20. 2 41. Rowlandson. HISTORY OF JOHNNY Qu^ GENUS. First Edition. Coloured plates by Rowlandson. Half-calf; royal 8vo. 1822. i is. 42. Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. I. to XXIV., 24 vols. 1879-91. 4 I2S. 43. Harleian Society's Publications. Register Series. Vol. I. to XIX. (vol. XL wanting), 18 vols. Royal 8vo. 1877-93. 6 i$s. 44. Bewick. HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols. Woodcuts by T. Bewick. Royal paper, half-calf; royal 8vo. Newcastle, 1805. i I 5 J - 45. McArthur (J.) ARMY AND NAVY GENTLEMAN'S COMPANION ; or, the Theory and Practice of Fencing. Plates ; calf extra, r. e. 1784. 2 2s. 46. Eliot (Geo.). ROMOLA. 3 vols. First edition. 1863 SPANISH GYPSEY. Boston. 1869. ^"i 14*. 47. Lecky (W. E. H.). HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. 2 vols. 1869 LEADERS OF PUBLIC OPINION IN IRELAND. 1871. 2 8s. 48. Dobson (A.). BALLADE OF BEAU BROCADE. Large paper. Plates and woodcuts by H. Thomson ; on China paper. Royal 8vo. 1892. igs. 49. Hunt (Leigh). JAR OF HONEY FROM MOUNT HYBLA. First edition. Illustra- tions by R. Doyle. Original ornamental boards, g. e. 1848. 1 18.?. 50. Arabian Nights. Translated, with notes, by E. W. Lane. 3 vols. Original edition. Woodcuts by Harvey. Royal 8vo. C. Knight, 1830. 1 14^. 51. Cruikshank. COMIC ALMANACK FOR 1839, '41 to '48. Plates by G. Cruikshank, and woodcuts ; clean copies in the original wrappers. 3 QS. 52. Lecky (W. E. H.). HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. 2 vols. Half morocco, m. e. 1869. i 6s. 53. Kama Shastra Society. KAMA SUTRA OF VATSYAYANA. 1883 ANANGA- RANGA ; or, Hindu Art of Love. 1885. 2 vols. ; vellum. 2 2s. 6 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 54. Brunet (J. C. ). MANUEL DU LIBRAIRE avec le Supplement Dictionnaire de Geographic et Dictionnaire des Noms, Surnoms et Pseudonyms, par Franklin. Best edition. Bound in 9 vols. , half-russia, uncut, t. e. g. Paris. 1860-78. 55. Smith (W.). OLD YORKSHIRE, with introduction by R. Collyer. 5 vols. Large paper; numerous illustrations. 1881. i 85. 56. Caldecott (R. ) Complete collection of his Pictures and Songs, and contributions to the Graphic. 2 vols. Large paper. 1887-88. ,3 izs. 57. Slatyer (W.) PAL^E ALBION, THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAINE. Engraved title and frontispiece, W. Herbert's copy. Calf extra (broken), g. e. 1621. 1 a*. 58. Copinger (W. A. ). INCUNABULA BIBLICA ; or, First Half Century of the Latin Bible. Plates. 1892. i 12s. 59. Rabelais (F.). CEuvRES. 2 vols. in I. Old calf. Amst. D. Elzevir, 1666. i us. 60. Thackeray (W. M.). PARIS SKETCH BOOK. 2 vols. First edition. Plates by the author ; soiled copy ; sold with all faults. 1840. i 35. 61. Barrington (G.). AUSTRALIA: HISTORY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 2 vols. Coloured plates ; old calf. 1802. i us. 62. Bewick (T.). FABLES OF ^Esop and others, with designs on wood by T. Bewick. First edition. Calf extra, g. e. by Tout. Newcastle, 1818. 1 us. 63. Bewick. SELECT FABLES, with cuts by T. and J. Bewick and others, previous to the year 1784, with a Memoir and Catalogue. First edition. Calf extra, g. e. by Tout. //>. 1820. \ 5*. 64. Cotton (C.). COMPLEAT ANGLER : being Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream. Part II. First edition. Original sheep. One or two headlines just touched by binder, and a very small piece torn from bottom of title. 1676. 2 145. 65. Scott (Sir W.). ROB ROY. 3 vols. First edition. Original boards. Edinburgh, 1818 FORTUNES OF NIGEL. 3 vols. First edition. Original boards. Ib. 1822 QUENTIN DURWARD. 3 vols. First edition. Original boards. Ib. 1823 ; and others by the same author. ,2 ids. 66. Reclus (E.). NOUVELLE GEOGRAPHIE UNIVERSEI.LE : La Terre et les Hommes, 19 vols. (et Tableaux Statistiques). Numerous illustrations. Vols. I. to V., half morocco, remainder unbound. Paris, 1876-94. 5 67. Silver (Geo.). PARADOXES OF DEFENCE, wherein is proved the true Grounds of Fight to be in the short ancient weapons, and that the Short Sword hath advantage of the Long Sword or Rapier, etc. Woodcut arms of the Earle of Essex (slightly- shaved) on back of title, and woodcut at p. 28. Half calf; very scarce. Printed for E. Blount, 1599. 3 &s. 68. Lavater (J. C.). ESSAYS ON PHYSIOGNOMY. Translated by II. Hunter. 5 vols. Plates ; half calf. 410. 1810. 1 14^. 69. H. B.'s Political Caricatures. Nos. I to 917, bound in 9 vols., half morocco, g. e. ; and 2 vols. 8vo. of key, to Nos. I to 800, cloth. McLean, 1829-51. ^10 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 7 SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF J. C. HOLDING, ESQ. Messrs, Sotheby and Co., January \jth, 1895. 70. Cowper (William). POEMS. 2 vol. first edition. Calf extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, rare. 1782-5. ,4 6s. 1T This low price was no doubt owing to the fact that the copy sold wanted a half- title to Vol. I. The fault, however, was not mentioned in the catalogue. 71. Thackeray (W. M.). VANITY FAIR. First edition. Illustrations on steel and wood, by the author. Calf extra, g. e., by Tout. 1848. 2 6s. H This copy had the woodcut of the Marquis of Steyne, which was suppressed in later issues. 72. Tennyson (Charles, i.e., Charles Tennyson-Turner). SONNETS AND FUGITIVE PIECES. First edition. Boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1830. i 73. Bon Ton (New) Magazine. 6 vols. complete. Coloured caricature plates, uncut, very scarce. 1818-21. 6 1f Sold for its full value. 74. Shelley (P. B.). QUEEN MAB : A PHILOSOPHICAL POEM, with Notes, First edition, with the title and imprint, usually abstracted, fine copy, in morocco super extra g. e. , very rare. Printed by P. B. Shelley. 1813. .14 75. Shelley (P. B.). LAON AND CYTHNA : OR THE REVOLUTION OF THE GOLDEN CITY. First edition. Crimson morocco, uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere, fine copy. 1818. 7 IF Excessively rare, having been suppressed, and afterwards issued under the title of "The Revolt of Islam," several of the passages being altered. The low price realized was due to the copy being deficient in the rare half-title after the " Dedication." The fault was not catalogued. 76. Shelley (P. B.). REVOLT OF ISLAM: A POEM. First edition. Morocco extra, g. e. 1818. i 77. Shelley (P. B.) ROSALIND AND HELEN : A MODERN ECLOGUE, with other Poems. First edition. Morocco extra, g. e. 1819. i6s. 78. Shelley (P. B.). THE CENCI : A TRAGEDY. First edition. Half bound. Italy, 1819. i 79. Shelley (P. B.). PROMETHEUS UNBOUND : A LYRICAL DRAMA, with other Poems. First edition. Morocco extra, g. e. 1820. 17^. 80. Shelley (P. B.). ADONAIS : AN ELEGY ON THE DEATH OF JOHN KEATS. The excessively rare first edition. Morocco extra, g. e. Pisa, with the types of Didot, 1821. 2 los. IT Two leaves were damaged and imperfect. 81. Shelley (P. B.). EPIPSYCHIDION : VERSES ADDRESSED TO THE NOBLE AND UN- FORTUNATE LADY EMILIA V , NOW IMPRISONED IN THE CONVENT OF . First edition. Unbound, very scarce. 1821. 18 1f With the exception of lot 76, the above six lots realized prices which are in no way criterions as to their values. This was owing to the copies being " read " copies, and much cut-down in the binding. 82. Defoe (D.) LIFE AND STRANGE SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. 2 Vols. (Vol. I., third edition, frontispiece ; Vol. II., second edition, wanting map). 1719. SERIOUS REFLECTIONS, frontispiece, 1720, calf extra, g. e. by W. Pratt. (3) 3 18.. 8 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 83. Wonderful Magazine (New). Steel plate portraits, engravings, woodcuts, etc. ; 2 vols. extended to 6 vols. by the insertion of several hundred portraits of celebrated and notorious characters, scarce broadsides, views, woodcuts, etc. (many very scarce), with specially printed title-pages, mottled calf extra, g. e., uniform, n. d. 8 55. 84. Scott (Sir Walter). WAVERLEY NOVELS, " Dryburgh Edition," 25 vols., numerous illustrations. 1892. z us. 85. Byron (Lord). HOURS OF IDLENESS : a series of Poems, original and translated. First edition, crimson morocco super extra, uncut, t. e. g. Newark, 1807. 4 4^. 86. Byron (Lord). ENGLISH BARDS AND SCOTCH REVIEWERS: a Satire. First edition, fine copy in calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere & Son. J. Bawthorn, n. d. 1809. i iBs. 87. Lyon (Capt. G. F.). PRIVATE JOURNAL DURING THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY UNDER CAPT. PARRY. Map and plates. India proofs and etchings ; the cancelled leaves and the plates of " Tattooing " omitted in the copies for sale, uncut. 1824. . * 9-r- If Only a few copies issued for presents. An autograph letter of the author's inserted. 88. White (Gilbert). NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE. First edition, plates, calf. 1789. 3 los. 89. Smeeton's Reprints of Rare and Curious Tracts. 4 vols. Portraits and Engravings. Vols. III. and IV. wanted the general titles and contents; half calf; only 250 copies printed. 1810. i $s. go. Milton (J.). PARADISE LOST, a Poem in Ten Books. First Edition. Fourth title- page, morocco, super extra, g. e. 1668. ^3 *5s. 91. Vancouver (Capt. G.). VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN AND ROUND THE WORLD. 3 vols. Fine engravings by Heath, Landseer, etc. Russia gilt, m. e. and folio Atlas, in boards. 1798. $ 5*. 92. Hakluyt (R.). THE PRINCIPALL NAVIGATIONS, VOIAGES AND DISCOVERIES OF THE ENGLISH NATION MADE BY SEA OR OVER LAND. P'irst edition ; black letter, with the rare map of the world, 'and the six leaves containing the " famous Voyage of Sir Francis Drake," which were suppressed. Panelled calf, red edges, by Hayday. 1589- ;i6 SALE OF THE WATERTON LIBRARY. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., January i8t/i, 1895. 93. Digby (Kenelm). BROAD STONE OF HONOUR. Vignettes, 5 vols. , cloth. Quaritch, 1877. igs. 94. Jameson (Mrs.). SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART, second series; LEGENDS OF THE MONASTIC ORDERS AND OF THE MADONNA, first editions. Numerous illus- trations, together 3 vols., blue cloth. 1850-52. 3 7.5-. 6d. 95. Strickland (Agnes). LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND. First edition, por- traits, 12 vols., cloth, 1841-48 ; (and General Index to the 8 vol. edition), i 4.5-. 96. More (Sir Thos. ). IL MORO D' HELISEO HEIVODO (Ellis Heywood). Inglese all illustrissimo Card. Reg. Polo, morocco, gilt, g. e. Fiorenza, L. Torrentino, 1556. 1 If A very rare and interesting book, giving a picture of the household of Sir Thos. More as the writer knew it, in a series of colloquies supposed to take place at his house in Chelsea. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 9 97. Moyen Age et la Renaissance (Le) par MM. P. La Croix et Ferd. Sere. Chromos and other illustrations, 5 vols., green morocco gilt, g. e. Paris, 1848-51. 6 98. Antiphonale of the Church of Choex (Switzerland). MS. on vellum (245 leaves), with square musical notes thronghout, and printed ornamental initials (last two leaves defective) bound in old leather. Ssec. xv. 4 6s. II The following inscriptions occur on recto of first leaf, ' ' Ad Ecclesiam de Choex pertinet," and " Hoc volumen Conceditur Ecclesie de Choex." 99. Missale Romanum, cum Calendario. Lit. Goth, in red and black, with musical notes (contains folios CCCXXXII. , Commune Sanctorum folios CIIL, Register 8 pp. Calendar, etc., 9 leaves ; wanting title and Colophon), oaken boards, stamped pigskin, clasps. Lugd. Junta, 1506? ^3 3.?. 100. Shakespeare (Wm.). COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES. First folio edition (wanting Colophon and all the preliminary leaves, except " To the Memory of W. Shakespeare," by L. Digges and J. M. ;and " A Catalogue," which are mended and mounted: pp. 23-24, 41-44 in Richard II., pp. 83-90 in Henry V., pp. 205- 208 in Henry VIII., pp. 51-58 in Titus Andronicus, and 5 last leaves in MS., some leaves partly defective and mended), old calf. Jaggard and Blount, 1623. 21 IQS. IT The copy, of course, was a very poor one. Bought, no doubt, for " making-up " purposes. 101. De Imitatione Christi. A remarkable collection of 6 manuscript and 762 printed editions, ancient and modern, in various languages, of this celebrated devotional work, variously attributed to Thomas a Kempis, John Gersen, Abbot of Ver- cellenc's ; John Gerson, Chancellor of Paris University ; and St. Bernard, arranged in languages in chronological order. ^-Oi 102. De Imitatione Christi. Another collection of 437 printed editions similar to the former, but containing some different editions. ^43 H The prices, of course, were absurdly out of proportion to the actual cost. Messrs. Sotheran & Co. were the purchasers of both "Lots." I understand that the British Museum afterwards acquired one, and Mr. W. A. Copinger, the first President of the Bibliographical Society, the other. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDMUND YATES, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., January 2ist and 22nd, 1895. OWING, I presume, to the fact that the books of this library had been the property of Mr. Yates, there had evidently been placed into the hands of the " trade " high commissions. Consequently the prices realized were somewhat high. We note this in order that a due discount may be made in arriving at a fair market value for the books selected. 103. Aldine Poets. Akenside, Beattie, Burns, Butler, Chaucer, Churchill, Collins, Cowper, Dryden, Vols. I. to IV., Falconer, Goldsmith, Gray, Howard, Milton, Parnell, Pope, Prior, Shakespeare, Spenser, Swift, Thomson, Kirke White, Wyatt, Young, 52 vols. Portraits. Half calf, broken. Pickering, 1845-52. 12 104. Allibone (S. A.). CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND BRITISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS, with the Supplement. 5 vols. Royal 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871-91. 3 17^. 6d. 10 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 105. Badminton Library. Fishing, Vol. II., Boating, Driving, Coursing, Fencing, Swimming, Cycling, Athletics, Tennis, and others. 18 vols. 4 105. 106. Carroll (L.). PHANTASMAGORIA. First edition. Presentation copy, with author's inscription. 1869. i $s. 107. Carlyle (T.). COLLECTED WORKS, with Index. 34 vols. Portraits, etc. Library edition. From Charles Dickens' Library. 1869-71. 13 ioj. 108. Cruikshank. CHAMISSO. PETER SCHLEMIHL. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Soiled copy. Half calf. 1824. DICKENS (C.). MEMOIRS OF GRIMALDI. Coloured frontispiece, and plates by G. Cruikshank. 1846. HOOD (T.). EPPINO HUNT. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Half bound. 1829. i IT The " Grimaldi " with the coloured frontispiece is, of course, of the wrong date. Had it been the 1 842 edition, the lot would have fetched double the price it did. 109. Dickens (C.). WORKS. Edition de luxe. 30 vols. Illustrations by Cruikshank, Phiz, and others. On China paper, red morocco extra, full gilt backs, g. t. By Riviere. Royal 8vo. 1881-82. ^34 H" An exceptionally fine copy. no. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES BY Boz. 2 vols. First series. First edition. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Original cloth. 1836. 11 I5J. in. Dickens (C.). TALE OF Two CITIES. First edition. Plates by H. K. Browne, calf extra, m. e. Presentation copy from Chas. Dickens to Edmund Yates, with author's inscription on title. 1859. 11 los. V An exceptionally rare book in its first edition. In any case, being a presentation copy, the price realized is not too high. 112. Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by L. Stephen and S. Lee. Vols. I. toXLI., A to Nicholls. 41 vols. Royal 8vo. 1885-94. ^24 113. Eliot (Geo.). ROMOLA. 2 vols. Edition de luxe. Illustrations by Sir F. Leighton, on China paper. Maroon morocco extra, full gilt backs, g. t. by Riviere. Royal 8vo. 1880. 2 114. Autographs. Gathered Leaves from the Walks of Literature, Art, Science, and the Stage, collected by Edmund Yates, being 151 Autograph Letters : among them are those frem C. Kemble, E. Kean, Lord Brougham, Elliston, Lady Morgan, Theodore Hook, Grace Darling, Count D'Orsay, C. Dickens, G. Coleman, Sir W. Scott, Owen Meredith (Lord Lytton), G. A. Sala, Albert Smith, J. Leech, Douglas Terrold, Miss Braddon, Sims Reeves, Taglioni, etc. Neatly mounted in a volume, beautifully illuminated title-page, green morocco, inlaid with red and embossed, g. e. In a case. ^65 115. Autographs. The Autograph Album of M. Soyer, the celebrated Cook, containing many hundreds of Signatures ; also letters from eminent persons and literary men, including Albert Smith, G. Cruikshank, with a sketch ; R. Doyle, Count D'Orsay, D. O'Connell, etc. Morocco extra, g. e. In a case. 12 116. Dickens. Selection from the Letters of CHARLES DICKENS to EDMUND YATES, 1854 to 1870 : being 34 letters mounted in a volume with beautifully illuminated title-page, russia extra, g. e. In a leather case. 86 117. Dickens. KITTON (F. G.). CHARLES DICKENS, BY PEN AND PENCIL. 2 vols. Many plates and woodcuts, including the additional illustrations, light blue morocco extra, g. t. by Zaehnsdorf. 1890-91. 7 5*- 118. Dickens. THE WRITING SLOPE USED FOR MANY YEARS BY CHARLES DICKENS. A silver plate is let in the mahogany, bearing the following inscription: "This Desk, which belonged to CHARLES DICKENS, and was used by him on the day of BOOK SALES OF 1895. II his death, was one of the familiar objects of his Study, which were ordered by his Will to be distributed amongst those who loved him, and was accordingly given by his Executrix to Edmund Yates." .105 119. Jefferies (R.). THE GAME-KEEPER AT HOME, 1878; GREENE FERNE FARM, 1880. First editions. i i4->'- 120. Jesse (J. H.). LIFE AND REIGN OF GEORGE III. 3vols. Firstedit. 1867. i i2s. 121. Rossetti (D. G.). POEMS. First edition. Original cloth. 1870. 2 $s. 122. Smith (Albert). STORY OF MONT BLANC, AND A DIARY TO CHINA AND BACK, printed for private circulation by Arthur Smith. Frontispieces and woodcuts. 6 photographic plates and portraits inserted. Presentation copy. Morocco extra, g. e. 1860. i 4-f- 123. Scott (W. B.) POEMS. First edition. Etchings by the author and Alma Tadema. 1875. IO.T. 124. Thackeray (W. M.). WORKS. Edition de luxe. With R. H. Shepherd's Biblio- graphy. 27 vols. Illustrations by the author, G. Cruikshank, R. Doyle, and others. On China paper, green morocco extra, full gilt backs, g. t. By Riviere. Royal 8vo. 1878-86. .33 125. Thackeray. MR. THACKERAY, MR. YATES, AND THE GARRICK CLUB, THE CORRESPONDENCE AND FACTS. Edited by Edmund Yates. Morocco. Printed for private circulation. 1859. 6 IT Mr. Mackenzie's copy sold in these rooms for ^40, in March, 1889 ; but this copy had a long and interesting letter of Thackeray's. The fall in the price of the pamphlet is only to be explained by the fact that there are just now several copies in the market, but in any case the price is low. 126. Train (The). A first-class magazine. 5 vols. A set. Woodcuts by W. McConnell, Bennett, etc. 1856-58. 2 145. IT Contains articles by E. Yates, R. Brough, G. A. Sala, L. Carroll, F. Arnold, F. E. Smedley, J. D. Lewis, J. Hollingshead, and others. 127. Villon (F.). POEMS. Translated by J. Payne. Facsimiles. Only 157 copies printed. Vellum. Villon Soc. 1878. 3 128. Wilde (Oscar). POEMS. First edition. Author's inscription on title. Parch- ment. 1881. i 3s. 129. Walton and Cotton's Compleat Angler, with the Chronicle of the Compleat Angler, by Westwood and Satchell. The one hundredth edition. 2 vols. Large paper, edition de luxe. Only 250 copies printed. Plates. Morocco extra, g. t. Royal quarto. 1888. 4 130. Rabelais (F.). CEUVRES AVEC DKS REMARQUES PAR MOTTEUX. 2 vols. Largest and vellum paper. 70 plates. Proofs before letters. Calf extra, g. e. Presentation copy to Albert Smith from S. Cave. Paris. 1798. 3 icw. NOTE. The first editions of Sala's works realized very low prices, and, unless some sudden craze becomes the rage, the value of this writer's works must never reach anything like a "fancy" height. I On the first clay of the sale of Mr. Edmund Yates's library, Messrs. Sotheby's rooms was the scene of much competition. Prices ruled very high. The cheapest lot sold was undoubtedly the album of Dickens's letters to Mr. Yates himself. Some five or six of these refer to the "Garrick Club" affair, and it is delightfully refreshing to read in them the feeling of friendship for his friend 12 BOOK SALES OF 1895. which Dickens reveals in every one. Many of them begin with " My Dear Edmund," and all of them are full of the kindly spirit of the genial soul of the greater novelist. The bidding for the "desk slope " was very keen. It com- menced at ^50, and Mr. Bancroft, the actor, seemed to be determined to have it. His bids were firm and quick, and when finally it was knocked down to him for ico guineas, the room re-echoed with applause. The article itself is but an insignificant equivalent for the sum expended. But we have no doubt that Mr. Bancroft rejoiced exceedingly when he viewed it on the table of his own study. SALE OF THE COLLECTION MADE BY CHARLES B. FOOTE, ESQ., OF NEW YORK, U.S.A. Sold by Bangs and Co., of New York, January y>th and $ist, 1895. 131. Aleyn (Charles). THE BATTAILES OF CRESCY AND POICTIERS. Small 8vo., morocco extra (a beautiful and chaste example of binding by P. Ruban, of Paris). London, 1633. 4 IDS. IT Second edition, enlarged ; very fine copy. 132. Aleyn (Charles). HISTORIE OF HENRIE THE SEVENTH. Beautiful impression of the rare portrait by Marshall. 8vo. , morocco extra, by P. Ruban. Rare. First edition. London, 1638. 5 133. Allot (Robert). ENGLAND'S PARNASSUS ; or, The Choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall Comparisons. Small 8vo., purple Levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Francis Bedford. Imprinted at London for N. L. C. B. and T. H. 1600. 42 *I The only early edition, and excessively rare. A very large (5| by 3! in.) and perfect copy, not a headline touched. This book is made up of extracts from the poets of the day ; seventy-nine are from Shakespeare ; others are from Spenser, Marlowe, Lodge, Greene, Gascoigne, Drayton, etc. The present copy is of excep- tional interest, as it possesses two original blank leaves before the title, the first of which bears the signature " A," and also the original blank last leaf, thus proving that the book consists entirely of sheets of eight leaves each. A copy without the original blank leaves and signature " A," and described, "with some headlines cut into and a few leaves wormed," sold at Puttick & Simpson's auction rooms in June, 1893, for 20. See also No. 498. 134. Aylet (R.). DIVINE AND MORAL SPECULATIONS. 8vo., morocco extra, by P. Ruban. Fine impression of the portrait by Cross (laid down). London, 1654. 3 I2J- ^T First edition. Only one copy of this book has sold at auction in London during the past seven years. 135. Barham (R. H.). THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS; or, Mirth and Marvels. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo., with 2 portraits of the author and 17 humorous plates by George Cruikshank and John Leech. Very fine uncut copy, in red morocco, top edges gilt, by Riviere. London, 1840-42-47. 21 12s. 136. Benlowes (Edward). THEOPHILA ; OR, LOVE'S SACRIFICE: a Divine Poem. Portrait of the author by Barlow, and 12 of the rare engravings belonging to the work. Folio boards. 1652. j IT First edition. This excessively rare book (as first issued by the author), BOOK SALES OF 1895. 13 generally occurs with 5 or 6 plates only, other engravings when finished having been added to copies afterwards presented to his friends. Copies differ very materially as to the number of plates, and this one contains more than the average number. The present owner destroyed another copy of this book to secure plates which were not in this copy when purchased. 137. Braithwaite (R.). BARNARD ITINERARIUM ; or, Barnabees Journall, by Corym- boeus. Frontispiece by William Marshall. 8vo., blue morocco, by Ramage. London, n. d. (1638.) 40 IT First edition. This is by far the rarest of all of Braithwaite's numerous publica- tions, as well as being the most desirable. This is the only perfect copy, with one exception, known to the present owner, and no copy has been offered by a London bookseller during the past ten years. In a recent note to the second edition of 1716, offered by a prominent London bookseller, he states that the first edition is unobtainable. 138. Braithwaite (R.). A BOULSTER LECTURE. 8vo., morocco, by W. Pratt. First edition. London, 1640. ij IT This is a fine large copy of this scarce book, and contains a brilliant impression of the frontispiece engraved by William Marshall. 139. Brome (Alexander). SONGS AND OTHER POEMS. Brilliant impression of the Portrait of the Author by Hertochs. Small 8vo. , morocco extra, by Riviere. London, 1661. 10 IT First edition. This copy contains the extra pages, viz., the four unpaged leaves between pp. 32, 33, and the duplicate pages 127 to 142. These are not always found. 140. Brome (Alexander). THE POEMS OF HORACE. Small 8vo., old calf. London, 1666. 5 los. IT A most interesting copy. Contains the portrait of Alexander Brome by Loggan, and the frontispiece bust of Horace engraved by John Dunstall. The present copy contains the leaf of imprimatur preceding the portrait. On the back of the portrait is the following in the autograph of the poet : " The gift of Mr. Alexander Brome, who collected and published all and translated some of the poems." It also bears the autograph of S. Rogers on title. The condition of the book is most perfect, and the binding shows it was for presentation, and is in fine pre- servation. 141. Bronte. POEMS, by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell (the Bronte Sisters). 8vo., half morocco, by Riviere. London, 1846. j H First edition. Scarce. Inserted is the following autograph letter : "MANCHESTER, Sept. " GENTLEMEN, " I should be obliged by your sending me two cloth copies of Bell's poems. " As the work has received no further notice from any periodical, I presume the demand for it has not greatly increased. " I am gentlemen, " Vr's. truly, "C. BRONTE." Autograph letters of Charlotte Bronte are very rare, and command a very high price, both here and abroad. 142. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett), THE BATTLE OF MARATHON, a Poem, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 8vo., morocco extra, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1820. 66 IT A perfect and large copy (8 by $& in. of the first edition of this practically unob- 14 BOOK SALES OF 1895. tainable volume. The London " Athenceum " of Nov. 7, 1891, in a three-column article, refers to the book as follows : " The dedication of the Battle of Marathon to the poetess's father is dated 1819 ; the only clue given as to the time in that year at which the dedication was written is the date 1820 on the title-page. It is natural to suppose that the young author had completed her work not much before the close of the year 1819 ; but this is more or less a matter of conjecture ; and it is even possible, though not altogether probable, that the poem had been finished a year or two before it was dedicated and put to press. ' ' The point is of some consequence, because the interest of ' The Battle of Marathon ' is extrinsic rather than intrinsic. " If written after March 6, 1819, the author had completed her thirteenth year when she wrote it. Even so, it is a most remarkable production ; but, if there were any ground for the reckless assertions which have been made that it was com- pleted before she was eleven years old, the biographical interest of the work would be far greater still. " The scarcity of the book has not been by any means exaggerated, and it is hardly too much to say that not one of those who have set up as authorities con- cerning Mrs. Browning appears to have really seen the book." 143. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). AN ESSAY ON MIND, with other Poems. Tall I2mo., full crushed Levant morocco, uncut, by Matthews. First edition ; very rare. London, 1826. 6 45. 144. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). PROMETHEUS BOUND. Translated from the Greek of ^Eschylus, and Miscellaneous Poems. Tall I2mo. , original cloth, uncut, in morocco case. London, 1833. 15 11 First edition. Very rare. Presentation copy from Ed. M. Barrett to \V. Wordsworth, with the autograph of the latter. In June, 1889, a similar copy, in cloth, uncut, sold at auction in London for 16. This copy possesses additional interest, as it belonged to Wordsworth, the poet, and bears his autograph signature. 145. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). THE SERAPHIM, and other Poems. Tall I2mo., full crushed Levant morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. London, 1838. & II First edition. Very rare. Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription. 146. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). POEMS, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 2vols. Small 8vo., full crushed Levant morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. First edition. London, 1844. 3 147. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). THE RUNAWAY SLAVE AT PILGRIM'S POINT. 8vo. , original paper covers, as issued. In morocco case. London, 1849. ^5 TI First edition. Very rare. "This noble poem was," wrote Mr. Browning, "given by its author to the Boston ' Liberty Bell.' The separate issue bears the imprint of Moxon and the date 1849." It was unknown to Mr. Browning until a year or two before he died. 148. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). CASA GUIDI WINDOWS. Small 8vo., morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pagnant. First edition. London, 1851. 2 los. 149. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett and Robert). Two POEMS. 8vo., 15 pp., original paper covers, uncut. First edition. Rare. In morocco case. London, 1854- 2 150. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). AURORA LEIGH. 8vo., full crushed Levant morocco, uncut, by Riviere. First edition. London, 1857. 4 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1 5 151. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). LAST POEMS. Small 8vo., full crushed Levant morocco extra, uncut, by Joly. First edition. London, 1862. 2 i2s. 152. Browning (Robert). PAULINE. A Fragment of a Confession. I2mo., boards, uncut, with original paper label on back. In morocco case. London, 1833. ^42 H A very tall (7 by 5 in.) untrimmed copy of the very rare first edition of Robert Browning's first publication. No sale at auction of this first work of Robert Browning has been reported during the past eight years, or since the commence- ment of the publishing of such reports in 1886. Inserted is a slip cut from a London periodical referring to this identical copy, as follows : " Another copy of the original edition of Browning's ' Pauline ' has come to light in London, making the eighth now known. In all twenty copies got into circulation. Until the author's last departure for Italy only five were known, and two of these were in the British Museum, but the author found two copies in an old trunk, making seven, to which number the present copy adds one more. It is destined for a collector in New York." 153. Browning (Robert). PARACELSUS. Small 8vo., full crushed Levant morocco, by Stikeman. First edition. Rare. London, 1835. 3 154. Browning (Robert). STRAFFORD. 8vo., full crushed Levant morocco, uncut, by Matthews. First edition. Rare. Inserted is an autograph letter of the poet. London, 1837. ^8 155. Browning (Robert). SORDELLO. Small 8vo., full crushed Levant morocco, uncut, by Matthews. First edition. Rare. London, 1840. 2 8s. 156. Browning (Robert). BELLS AND POMEGRANATES. Large 8vo., morocco, uncut. by Matthews. First edition very rare. London, 1841-46. i U The eight parts bound in one volume, with the original paper covers bound in. Autograph letter inserted. Very cheap. 157. Browning (Robert). MEN AND WOMEN. 2 vols. Small 8vo., full crushed Levant morocco, uncut, by Riviere. First edition. London, 1855. 4 i6.f. 158. Browning (Robert). DRAMATIS PERSONS. Small 8vo. , full crushed Levant morocco extra, uncut, by Riviere. First edition. London, 1864. ^3 8^. 159. Browning (Robert). GOLD HAIR, a Legend of Pornic. I2mo., 8 leaves, uncut, in wrapper. First edition. Rare. In morocco case. London, 1864. ^3 H This poem was originally printed in an American magazine and at about the same time in this pamphlet form for private distribution only. It was afterwards reprinted in the volume of" Dramatis Personse," London, 1864. 160. Browning (Robert). BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE. 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Tout. First edition. London, 1871. ^5 IT Inserted in volume is a portion of an Autograph Letter from Robert Browning, dated Florence, Nov. 12, '56, in which he says: "You will be glad to know that my wife's cough disappeared somehow or other in the course of our journey, and has not returned spite of the cold weather of last week. Ever yours sincerely, "ROBERT BROWNING." 161. Browning (Robert). FIFINE AT THE FAIR. 8vo., morocco, by Tout. First edition. London, 1872. ^3 4.?. 11 Inserted in volume is an Autograph Letter, dated March 22nd, '72, signed, " yours obediently, Robert Browning." 1 6 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 162. Browning (Robert). PACCHIAROTTO. 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Tout. First edition. London, 1876. 4 4_r. IF The following lines in the Autograph of Robert Browning inserted : " Query : Was ever a quainter Crotchet than that of the painter Giacomo Pacchiarotto, Who took ' Reform ' for his motto. ROBERT BROWNING, London, Dec. 31, 1876." 163. Browning (Robert). LA SAISIAZ. 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Tout. First edition. London, 1878. 3 IT Inserted in volume is an Autograph Letter from the poet, written from Warwick Crescent, Apl. 30, '72, signed, "yours very faithfully, Robert Browning." 164. Burns (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Fine portrait by Bengo. Large 8vo. Very large copy, in the original half binding, and catalogued as uncut in London Auction Catalogue. Second edition, first printed in Edinburgh. Edin- burgh, 1787. 27 IF Inserted in this copy is the original manuscript of Burns' " Elegy, intended for Miss Burnet" (18 lines). The high price realized was, of course, due to the original MS. The volume itself would be worth about .5. 165. Burton (Robert). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. 8vo., morocco, by Pratt. Oxford, 1621. 15 8s. IF A fine copy of the First Edition of this very rare book, of which Dr. Johnson observed that it "was the only book that ever took him from his bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise." The last leaf of the book, "Errata," has been repaired, but very many copies lack this leaf entirely. 166. Butler (Samuel). HUDIBRAS, written in the time of the late Wars. Part I., London, R. Marriott, 1663. Part II., J. Martyn, 1664. Part III., S. Miller, 1678, with License. Part III., S. Miller, 1678, without License. First genuine editions in 8vo. 4 vols. Also Part I., R. Marriott, 1663. First genuine edition in I2mo. , two issues differently set up, both published to compete with the spurious editions. Also Part I., I2mo. , 1663, a spurious edition, two issues with varia- tions. Also Part II., I2mo., genuine edition, J. Martyn, 1664. Also Part II., 1663, I2mo., spurious edition. Together 10 vols., 8vo. and I2mo., morocco, extra gilt edges, by Riviere. ^40 IF The 10 volumes consist of all the genuine and most of the spurious First Editions (including variations) of the whole of Hudibras. This collection is probably the best ever offered for sale in one lot. 167. Carew (Thomas). POEMS. Small 8vo., morocco, by Lewis (title slightly mended). First edition. Very rare. London, 1640. ^3 8s. 168. Cartwright (William). COMEDIES, with other Poems. Brilliant impression of the portrait by Lombard. 8vo., morocco extra, by P. Ruban. First edition. London, 1651. 7 IF Fine large copy, containing duplicate leaves with the suppressed passages, so often wanting, consisting of Signatures U I. II. and III. 169. Chapman (George). THE ILIADS OF HOMER. At London, printed for Nathaniell Butler [c. 1612]. Fine large copy of the first complete edition. Folio, morocco, gilt edges, by Joly, of Paris. .18 ft Very rarely found in such perfect condition as was this copy. 170. Chapman (George). HOMER'S ODYSSES, with fine impression of engraved title. Imprinted at London, by Rich. Field, for Nathaniell Butler [c. 1614]. Folio, morocco, gilt edges, by Joly, of Paris. i& BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1 7 171. Chapman (George) and James Shirley. TRAGEDIE OF CHABOT. Small 410., morocco, by Murton. London, 1639. 6 172. Churchyard (Thomas). THE FIRSTE PART OF CHURCHYARDES CHIPPES, con- tayninge Twelve Severall Labours. 8vo., morocco, by Bedford. Imprinted at London in Flet Strete neare unto Sainct Dunstones Churche, by Thomas Marshe, 1578. Cum privilegio. ig 173. Cleveland (John). POEMS, with Additions. 8vo., morocco. London, 1651. 2 icxr. 174. Cokain (Sir Aston). SMALL POEMS. Portrait. Small 8vo., morocco, by Pratt. London, 1658. 28 IF First edition. Of extreme rarity. This copy has the title in its first state. Copies occur with a title, "A Chain of Golden Poems." The rare portrait, often wanting, is skilfully inlaid. The last copy sold at auction, containing the rare portrait, was in March, 1891, Mr. Quaritch being the purchaser at 36. No copies sold during 1892, and all copies sold in 1893 lacked the portrait and were otherwise imperfect. 175. Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). POEMS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. Small 8vo., morocco, by Riviere. London, 1796. 4 los. IF First edition. Scarce. Contains several poems by Charles Lamb, and is there- fore interesting to Lamb collectors, as well as to collectors of Coleridge. Autograph letter of Coleridge to his publisher, Mr. Cottle, inserted. 176. Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). POEMS. Also Poems by Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd. 8vo. , morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Bristol, 1797. 2 8s. IF Second edition, with ten new poems not in former edition, together with many poems by Charles Lamb never before published. 177. Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). POEMS. I2mo., calf, by Bedford, uncut. London, 1803. 2 4J. IT First edition of complete poems to this date, there being many new poems not in two previous editions. 178. Corbet (Richard, Bishop of Norwich). CERTAIN ELEGANT POEMS. Small 8vo., calf. London, 1647. 12 1F First edition. Rare. An exceedingly fine copy in contemporary binding, with the extra pages 55 to 85, which were printed later than 1647, and were added to some copies of the book. From the Heber and Halliwell-Phillips libraries. In morocco case. 179. Corbet (Richard). POETICA STROMATA ; or, a Collection of Sundry Pieces in Poetry. 8vo., morocco; s. 1., Anno 1648. 2 IF First authorized edition. Title-page mended. A rare book, apparently printed abroad, containing interesting allusions to Burbage's impersonation of Richard III. 180. Cotton (Charles). POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 8vo., morocco extra, by Riviere. London, 1689. 5 4 s - IF First edition. This volume, known as Cotton's Serious Poems, has never been reprinted. 181. Cowley (Abraham). POETICAL BLOSSOMS. Portrait by R. Vaughan, and another inserted. Small 4to., blue morocco extra, by Walker. First edition. London, 1633. .44 IF This is the rarest of all Cowley's works, as well as the first, having been written when he was but thirteen years of age. The very rare portrait of the author Aetat suae 13 Anno 1633, is a very fine impression of the engraving by Robert Vaughan. It has been skilfully remargined, but the engraved portion is in c 1 8 BOOK SALES OF 1895. no way injured. Inserted is another portrait of Cowley engraved for the second edition of 1637. This copy is the one mentioned in the Bib. Anglo-Poetica, and was formerly in the collections of Thomas Park and Thomas Hill, the original Paul Pry. A large and fine copy, measuring 7 by 5^ inches. 182. Cowley (Abraham). NAVFRAGIUM JOCULARE, Comoedia : Publice coram Aca- demicis acta. 8vo., morocco, by Lortic Freres. First edition. Londini, Impensis H. Seile, 1638. 2 izs. 183. Cowper (William). POEMS, 1782; THE TASK, 1785. 2 vols. 8vo., calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. First edition, scarce. London, 1782-1785. lO 1&S. If The "Task " has the half-title, " Poems, Vol. II." usually wanting. 184. Cowper (William). POEMS. 8vo. (7 pp.), calf extra, by Riviere. First edition. Very rare, and seldom met with. London, J. Johnson, 1798. 2 los. 185. Cowper (William). THE HISTORY OF JOHN GILPIN. Frontispiece. 8vo. (15 pp.), morocco, by Riviere. London, printed for J. Fielding. Price three- pence, n. d. (1783). j los. 186. Crashaw (Richard). STEPS TO THE TEMPLE. I2mo., original binding. Lon- don, 1646. .11 IT First edition, and an exceedingly tall copy of this excessively rare book. 187. Cruikshank (George). A FIRESIDE-BOOK ; or, a Christmas spent at Old Court. Frontispiece. Small 8vo., morocco, by Riviere. London, 1828. ^5 $s. If The original pen-and-ink sketch of the frontispiece, by George Cruikshank, inserted, which accounts for the high price it fetched. 188. Daniel (Samuel). THE TRAGEDY OF CLEOPATRA. Engraved title. 410., red morocco, extra tooled, gilt on rough edges ; a beautiful example of binding, by P. Ruban, of Paris. London, S. Waterson, 1599. 11 189. Davenant (William). GONDIBERT : an Heroick Poem. 4to., morocco, by P. Ruban, Paris. First edition. Presentation copy. In slip case. London, 1651. 7 8s. If On fly-leaf preceding title-page is the following, in the Autograph of Sir William Davenant : " MADAM, When you have read this Poeme if you like it, give the Author thankes and be assured of the constant affection of Y r most humble servant. " 190. De Foe (Daniel). LIFE AND STRANGE SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, OF YORK, MARINER ; FARTHER ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE ; SERIOUS REFLECTIONS DURING THE LIFE OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. With frontispiece, map of the world, and folding plate of Robinson Crusoe's Island. 3 vols. 8vo., red morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London, 1719-20. &i 4J. If A tall clean copy of the First Edition of this very scarce book ; one of the most difficult books in the English language to find complete ; the supplementary volume of " Reflections " being almost invariably wanting. 191. Dickens (Charles). AUTOGRAPH PORTIONS OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF THE " PICKWICK PAPERS." 33 pp., with an engraved portrait of the author, 2 holograph letters, signed, etc., and copy of Humorous Rhymes from him to Mr. Hicks, added. Full morocco, by Matthews. If The humorous lines are as follows : " Private and confidential." To Mr. Hicks. " Oh, Mr. Hick s I'm heartily sick BOOK SALES OF 1895. 19 Of this sixteenth ' Pickwick.' Which is just in the nick, For the publishing trick, And will read nice and slick, If you'll only be quick 1 I don't write on tick, That's my comfort avick ! " July 26/37. The humorous lines addressed to Mr. Hicks were no doubt in answer to a request for the MS. of the "Sixteenth" weekly part of "Pickwick." From a letter inserted in the volume it is evident that Mr. Hicks was in some way engaged in the printing of Dickens' works at that time. Opposite the humorous lines is placed one of the original green covers of the " Sixteenth " weekly part, dated, 1837. Mr. Stevens, through whom this MS. was obtained, some twelve years since, wrote as follows regarding the scarcity of Dickens' MSS. (Letter inserted in volume) : " You are of course aware that no complete work of Dickens in his handwriting, except perhaps some of the smaller works, can ever occur for sale, as they are in the South Kensington Museum, to which they were presented by John Forster, who by purchase or gift of Dickens obtained the manuscripts of all his books." 192. Donne (John). POEMS. By J. D. Small 4to., full crushed Levant morocco extra, by Ruban, of Paris. First edition. In slip case. London, 1633. 12 H This copy has the two leaves, "The Printer to the Understanders," often wanting. 193. Donne (John). POEMS. By J. D. , with Elegies on the Author's Death. Portrait by Wm. Marshall. 8vo., calf. London: John Marriott, 1639. 8 4.5-. 194. Donne (John). POEMS. By J. D., etc. Portrait by Wm. Marshall. 8vo., blue morocco, gilt edges, by Ramage. London : J. Fletcher, 1654. 2 195. Drummond (William). POEMS, by that most Famous Wit, William Drummond, of Hawthornden. With fine impression of the rare portrait by R. Gay wood. 8vo., morocco extra, by Bedford. London, 1656. ^27 If Fine large copy of this rare and desirable volume, having a fine impression in the first state of the portrait by R. Gaywood. Inserted is the title of the second issue of this volume in 1659. This book was edited by Edward Phillips, nephew of John Milton. 196. Dryden (John). LACRYM^: MUSARUM. Collected by R. B(rome). With poem by John Dryden, his first published writing. Frontispiece and a folio sheet con- taining an epitaph of Lord Hastings, by Philip Kindar. Small 8vo., morocco. London, 1650. 12 1f First edition. Of great rarity. This copy is a very interesting one ; it belonged to Lucie, Countess of Huntingdon, the mother of Lord Hastings in question, who has written an interesting MS. poem on the fly-leaf. It also bears the book-plate of Lord Hastings. Among the thirty-six contributors to this volume are Sir Aston Cokaine, Charles Cotton, Robert Herrick, Andrew Marvel, Alex. Brome, Richard Brome, Jo. Hall, and George Fairfax. 197. Dryden (John), Hoddeson (John). SIGN AND PARNASSUS ; or Epigrams on several texts of the Old and New Testament, to which are added a Poem on the Passion, etc. Small 8vo., morocco extra, by Riviere. London, 1650. 6 ics. IF First edition. Brilliant impression of the rare portrait of the author, by T. Cross. A fine copy of an important little book, containing the second published writing of John Dryden, "To his Friend, the Author, on his Divine Epigrams" 20 BOOK SALES OF 1895. (2 pp. ), a poem composed while he (Dryden) was at Trinity College, Cambridge, and published the same year (1650) as his first publication, " A Poem on the Death of Lord Hastings." 198. Dryden (John). ASTRJEA REDUX, a Poem on the Happy Restoration and Return of His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second. London : Herringman, 1660. ^8 IT First edition. Folio, half calf. This is Dryden's second published work, and is a fine copy of an important and exceedingly rare poem. No sales at auction of this book have been reported since the yearly publication of such sales was commenced in 1886. 199. Dryden (John). THE RIVAL LADIES. edition. London, 1664. 4to., half morocco, by Riviere. First 2 i2s. 200. Dryden (John). THE HIND AND THE PANTHER. In three parts. 4to., morocco, by Stikeman. First edition. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1687. 10 201. Fielding (Henry). JOSEPH ANDREWS. First edition. London, 1742. 202. Fielding (Henry). TOM JONES. 6 vols. edition. London, 1749. 2 vols. I2mo., calf, by De Coverly. 5 "-f- I2mo. , calf by De Coverly. First 88.. 203. Fielding (Henry). AMELIA. 4 vols. I2mo. , calf, by De Coverly. First edition. London, 1752. 4 i6s. IF The prices realized by these " Fieldings" fall far short of those sold last year at Sotheby's. The present prices are much nearer the market values. 204. Fletcher (Phineas). THE PURPLE ISLAND, together with Piscatorie Eclogs, etc. Small 4to. , red morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. First edition. Rare. Cambridge, 1633. 4 205. Fletcher (R.). MARTIALL, HIS EPIGRAMS, translated with Sundry Poems and Fancies, by R. Fletcher. 8vo., morocco extra. London, 1656. ^5 i6s. IF First edition, in a beautiful binding, by P. Ruban, of Paris. Large copy of this scarce book, with a brilliant impression of the portrait of Martial by Robert Vaughan. The epigrams have recently been reprinted. A large number of the miscellaneous poems contained in this volume were afterwards included among the poems of John Cleveland. 206. Fraunce (Abraham). THE LAWIER'S LOGIKE. 410., calf, by Pratt. Black letter. London, 1588. 5 1F First edition, with book-plate of Cornelius Paine. It is believed by Shakespearian critics that it was from this book that Shakespeare acquired much of his legal knowledge. 207. Gascoigna (George). THE POSIES. Black letter. 8vo., full crushed Levant morocco, by P. Ruban, of Paris. London, 1575. 22 IF This is the first genuine edition, and contains what is very unusual, both states of the title. An exceedingly rare volume. 208. Gascoigne (George). THE STEELE GLAS, etc. Portrait. Small 4to., full crushed Levant morocco, by P. Ruban. London, n. d., 1576. ^36 IT The Epistle Dedicatorie concludes as follows : "Written the fifteenth of April, 1576, by Your Honours most bounden and wel assured George Gascoigne." First edition. This very rare volume is noteworthy as being not only the original edition of one of the earliest English satires, but also for containing the only known portrait of Gascoigne. Among the commendatory verses is one by Sir Walter Raleigh, his earliest known verse. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 21 209. Gay (John). THREE HOURS AFTER MARRIAGE. 8vo., calf extra, gilt top uncut, by Riviere. London : B. Lintot, 1717. 4 H First edition. In the advertisement signed by John Gay is the following: " I must farther own the Assistance I have received in this Piece from two of my Friends ; who, tho' they will not allow me the Honour of having their Names joined with mine, cannot deprive me of the Pleasure of making this Acknowledg- ment. " The two friends were Alex. Pope and Dr. Arbuthnot. 210. Goldsmith (Oliver). MEMOIRS OF A PROTESTANT CONDEMNED TO THE GALLEYS OF FRANCE. 2 vols. I2mo., calf, gilt edges. London, 1758. ^5 i2s. If First edition. This is Goldsmith's first known publication, and is very rare, no copy having sold at auction in London since July, 1889. 211. Goldsmith (Oliver). THE CITIZEN OF THE WORLD ; or, Letters from a Chinese Philosopher residing in London to his Friends in the East. I2mo., old calf. First edition. London, 1762. ,2 212. Goldsmith (Oliver). THE TRAVELLER; or, a Prospect of Society: a Poem. 4to. , calf. Fine large copy of the first edition. London : J. Newbery, 1765- 9 IOJ-. If Very rare. The first work of Goldsmith bearing his name on the title. 213. Goldsmith (Oliver). THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. 2 vols. I2mo., full Levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. First edition. Salisbury : Printed by B. Collins for F. Newbery, 1766. 68 214. Goldsmith (Oliver). THE GOOD NATUR'D MAN: a Comedy. Small 410., calf extra, by F. Bedford. First edition. Scarce. London : W. Griffin, 1768. 8 215. Goldsmith (Oliver). THE DESERTED VILLAGE: a Poem. Title vignette by Isaac Taylor. 4to., green morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. First edition. London : W. Griffin, 1770. .20 216. Goldsmith (Oliver). SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER ; or, The Mistakes of a Night : a Comedy. Small 4to., green morocco, by F. Bedford. A fine copy of the rare first edition. London : F. Newbery, 1773. ig ios. 217. Gomersall (Robert). POEMS, THE LEVITE'S REVENGE, etc. Contains the two engraved frontispieces by Cecil. 8vo., full crushed levant morocco, inside tooled borders, gilt edges, by P. Ruban. A fine copy. London : John Marriott, 1633- 4 iQ-r. 218. Gray (Thomas). AN ELEGY, wrote in a Country Church Yard. 410., morocco, inside tooled borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : R. Dodsley, 1751. 54 If First edition. This is one of the rarest of the books produced in the eighteenth century, and in that respect ranks with "The Vicar of Wakefield, " 1766, and " Robinson Crusoe," 1719. Inserted in volume is a slip cut from the catalogue of a prominent London book- seller offering a copy, gilt edges, at 68 ios. 219. Gray (Thomas). ODES. Vignette title. 4to., calf extra, by Lewis. Two portraits of the Poet inserted. Printed at Strawberry Hill, for Dodsley, 1757. 7 II First edition, and the first book printed at the famous Strawberry Hill Press. From the library of T. Farmer Baily. 220. Habington (William). CASTARA. Two Parts. Small 410., half morocco. London : Printed by Anne Griffin for Wm. Cooke, 1634. 6 ios. If First edition. From the Heber and Gaisford collections, with book-plate of Thos. Gaisford. A note on fly-leaf states that it is believed that Heber purchased this copy at Boswell's sale, and that it formerly was in the possession of Mr. Malone, whose notes are in MS. 22 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 221. Habington (William). CASTARA. Brilliant impression of the frontispiece by W. M(arshall). Small I2mo. , blue morocco extra, by G. Smith. Very rare. London : T. Cotes, 1640. 5 los. H The first complete edition, the third part being here for the first time. 222. Hall (John, of Cambridge). POEMS. 8vo. With the scarce portrait of the author, aged 19, by W. Marshall (inlaid), inserted. First edition. Scarce. Morocco extra, gilt edges, by Murton. Cambridge : Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie, 1646. 3 los. 223. Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Exeter). VIRGIDEMIARUM. Sixe Bookes. First three Bookes of Toothlesse Satyrs, 1602; three last Bookes of Byting Satyrs, 1599; certaine worthye manuscript poems of great antiquitie reserved long in the studie of a Northfolke Gentleman. Printed by John Harison, 1597. 8vo., olive morocco, gilt edges, by Lewis. Rare. London, 1597-1602. j 224. Herbert (George). THE TEMPLE : Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. By Mr. George Herbert, late Oratour of the Universitie of Cambridge. I2mo. , morocco. Portrait by R. White inserted. In morocco case. Cambridge : Thos. Buck and Roger Daniel, n. d. ^210 IT First and most rare edition, ruled throughout with red lines, old olive morocco, gilt edges, sides covered with gold tooling. A beautiful and well-preserved specimen of seventeenth century English binding. A title with the date 1633 is inserted, but the original one bound with the volume is without date. It also contains notes in the autographs of its former owners, viz., the Rev. J. Brand, Rd. Heber, and George Daniel. The only other copy of this edition known is in the Henry Huth Library. These copies were struck off for presentation purposes. Has book-plates of J. Brand and John Delaware Lewis. This, the Daniel copy, has been lost sight of in England, and it has been claimed repeatedly that Mr. Huth's copy is unique. Inserted is a slip cut from a London bookseller's catalogue referring to a copy of the 1633 edition, which they offer for sale, as follows : "In as fine a state as possible to desire. Not a headline touched nor a page in any way meddled with (measuring 5^ x 3^ in. ). Said to be the largest and finest copy known." This copy measures 6 x 3^ in., being nearly one-half inch taller than the one described. 225. Herbert (George). HERBERT'S REMAINS; or, Sundry Pieces of that Sweet Singer of the Temple, Mr. George Herbert. I2mo., full crushed levant morocco, by Stikeman. An unusually tall copy. London, 1652. 6 IQS. IF First edition. Rare. This volume contains the second title, " A Priest to the Temple," which is not found in all copies. Bound in with this copy is " Jacula Prudentum, or Outlandish Proverbs," 1651. 226. Herbert (George). OUTLANDISH PROVERBS, selected by G. H., 1640; JACULA PRUDENTUM, 1651. 2 vols. in i. 8vo., blue morocco, inside tooled dentelle borders, gilt edges, by P. Ruban, Paris. London, 1640-51. S IT This, the first edition of George Herbert's Proverbs, is peculiarly scarce. It differs considerably from that of 1651 here bound up with it. 227. Herbert (Lord William). OCCASIONAL VERSES. 8vo., full crushed levant morocco, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1665. 12 228. Herrick (Robert). HESPERIDES ; or, the Works both Humane and Divine. Frontispiece, with brilliant impression of the portrait by Wm. Marshall (laid down). 8vo., full crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. London : John Williams, 1648. ^25 IT First edition. A very large copy, in fine condition, and of great rarity. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 23 229. Heywood (John). WOORKES. A Dialogue conteyning the number of the effectuall Proverbes in the English tonge, compact in a matter concernynge two maner of Mariages, with One hundred of Epigrammes : and three hundred of Epigrammes upo three hundred Proverbes : and a fifth hundred of Epigrams. Whereunto are now newly added a sixte hundred of Epigrams by the sayde John Heywood. Londini, 1566. Black letter. 4to.,full crushed levant morocco, by P. Ruban, Paris. In slip case. ^ 2 IT Woodcut Portrait on Verso of Sig. 21. Early editions of Heywood are very difficult to find in perfect condition. 230. Hookes (N.) AMANDA: A SACRIFICE TO AN UNKNOWN GODDESSE, etc. Small 8vo., maroon morocco, double with blue morocco elegantly tooled, gilt on rough edges, by P. Ruban. In slip case. London, 1653. .16 IT First edition, and a very tall, perfect copy. Contains the rare frontispiece (laid down) in the manner of Faithorne, and sometimes ascribed to him. While this book is undoubtedly very rare, there is a question as to its being "as rare as manuscript," as has been often stated. 231. Howard (Sir Robert). POEMS, viz., A Panegyrick to the King; Songs and Sonnets ; The Blind Lady, a Comedy ; The Fourth Book of Virgil, etc. Small 8vo., morocco extra, by P. Ruban. First edition. Rare. London, 1660. ,$ 232. Johnson (Samuel). RASSELAS, THE PRINCE OF ABISSINIA. 2 vols. 8vo., red morocco, gilt top, rough front edges, by Stikeman. First edition. Rare. London : Dodsley, 1759. 8 233. Jonson (Ben). Q. HORATIUS FLACCUS : His ART OF POETRY. With other works of the author never printed before. Good impression of the portrait by W. Marshall. I2mo., full crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. London : J. Okes for John Benson, 1640. 3 12s. IT First edition, including "Execration against Vulcan," "Masque of the Gypsies," etc. 234. Keats (John). POEMS. 8vo., original boards, uncut. In morocco case. London, 1817. First edition. Very rare, and especially so in boards, uncut. 28 235. Keats (John). ENDYMION. 8vo., original boards, uncut. In slip case. London, 1818. 12 IF First edition, and an unusually fine large copy. Size 8| by 5! in. Four lines of MS. in the autograph of the poet, as follows, inserted : " Conrad In one pernicious charge of the enemy, I for a moment whiles was prisoner ta'en And rifled, tuff! the horses hoofs have ruined it." Endorsed as follows : " MSS. of John Keats presented to Mr. Bicknell by Joseph Severn. Rome, December 2, 1862." 236. Keats (John). LAMIA, ISABELLA, etc. I2mo., original boards, uncut. In morocco case. First edition and very rare. London, 1820. 12 IQS. 237. Lamb (Charles). ORIGINAL LETTERS OF SIR JOHN FALSTAFK. i2mo., full crushed levant morocco, by Stikeman. London, 1796. 10 l os. H First edition and a presentation copy in the autograph of Lamb: "James Chaffin, Esq., with Charles Lamb's respects." 24 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 238. Lamb (Charles). A TALE OF ROSAMUND GRAY. Small 8vo., blue morocco panelled double of orange and blue morocco, with delicately tooled corner orna- ments, by P. Ruban, Paris. In slip case. London, 1798. 70 If First edition, and a very fine large uncut copy of this exceedingly scarce volume, size 6 by 4! in. A cut-down copy was recently offered by a New York bookseller at 150 dollars, and an uncut one just offered in London is priced at 60. 239. Lamb (Charles) and Charles Lloyd. BLANK VERSE. 8vo., full Levant morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1798. 10 240. Lamb (Charles). JOHN WOODVILLE : A Tragedy, to which are added FRAG- MENTS OF BURTON. Small 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. London, 1802. 5 If A perfect copy, with untrimmed edges, of the first edition of this rare book. 241. Lamb (Charles and Mary). TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE. Illustrated with beautiful plates after designs by Mulready, and engraved by William Blake. 2 vols. I2mo., full crushed Levant morocco, by Riviere. First edition and a very fine copy. London, 1807. 20 242. Lamb (Charles). TIME'S A TELL-TALE : A Comedy. By Henry Siddons, with an Epilogue by Charles Lamb. 8vo., half calf, by Riviere. First edition. London, 1807. 2 qs. 243. Lamb (Charles). SPECIMENS OF ENGLISH DRAMATIC POETS who lived about the time of Shakespeare, with notes. 8vo., half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1808. 7 244. Lamb (Charles and Mary). POETRY FOR CHILDREN. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 1 2mo., original calf binding. London, 1809. &4 If First edition. Of extreme rarity. Inserted in Vol. I. is a note from A. W. Tuer, publisher, London, dated June 18, 1891, as follows : "These are the two volumes of Lamb's ' Poetry for Children ' from which the fac-simile edition was copied. ' In 1827 Lamb wrote to Bernard Barton : "One likes to have one copy of every- thing one does. I neglected to keep one of ' Poetry for Children,' the joint production of Mary and me, and it is not to be had for love or money." In 1833 Mary Lamb writes to Mrs. Norris : "Pray accept three little books, and some of you give me a line to say you received them . I send them this afternoon by Carter's Coach. The first volume, printed here, is not to be had for love or money, so I send you an American edition of it, and the second volume, American also, to suit with it. It is much the same as the London one." It was not until 1877 that a copy of this first edition came into the possession of a collector, of which the following announcement appeared in the " London Athenseum" of June 16 of that year: "A discovery of much literary interest has been made in a region that would have seemed unlikely enough to yield such a treasure. The long-lost ' Poetry for Children,' by Charles and Mary Lamb, published in two tiny volumes at Godwin's Juvenile Library in 1809, has, at last, been found in South Australia." 245. Lamb (Charles and Mary). MRS. LEICESTER'S SCHOOL. I2mo., full crushed Levant morocco, by Stikeman. Frontispiece. First edition. Extremely rare. London, 1809. 16 246. Lamb (Charles). PRINCE DORUS ; or, Flattery Put Out of Countenance. A Poetical Version of an Ancient Tale. Illustrated with a series of elegant engravings. London : Printed for M. J. Godwin, at the Juvenile Library, No. 41, Skinner Street ; and to be had of all Booksellers and Toymen in the United BOOK SALES OF 1895. 25 Kingdom, 1811. Square 8vo., stiff board cover, uncut. Enclosed in morocco case. .48 IF The excessively rare first edition, clean and perfect. The plates are in fine condition. The title, on a stiff board cover, is enclosed in a key border, and has the illustration on the back of the " Long-Nosed King and Aged Fairy." Only a a few copies of this little volume are known. Its authenticity is established by a reference to it in Crabb Robinson's diary. 247. Lamb (Charles). THE WORKS OF. 2 vols. Svo., original boards, uncut. First edition. London, 1818. 2 izs. 248. Lamb (Charles). ELIA : Essays which have appeared under that Signature in the London Magazine, 1823. THE LAST ESSAYS OF ELIA, being a Sequel to Essays published under that name, 1833. Both series first editions. 2 vols. 8vo., in original boards, uncut. In levant morocco case. London, 1823-33. 31 249. Lamb (Charles). SATAN IN SEARCH OF A WIFE. Illustrated. Small 8vo., full crushed levant morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Ornamental paper, covers bound in. First edition. Scarce. London, 1831. 5 250. Langbaine (Gerard). AN ACCOUNT OF THE ENGLISH DRAMATICK POETS. Small 8vo., morocco extra, by Riviere. Oxford, 1691. 6 TF First edition, and a fine copy of this charming old book, which contains the foundation of all subsequent lives of dramatic authors. 251. Lluellin (W;). MEN- MIRACLES, with other Poems, by M. L. L., St. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. 8vo., full crushed levant morocco, hy Stikeman. London : Will Shears, jr., 1656. 2 252. Lovelace (Richard). LUCASTA, EPODES, ODES, SONNETS, SONGS, etc., to which is added ARAMANTHA, a Pastorall. Fine impressions of frontispiece and portrait of Lucasta, by W. Faithorne, after Sir Peter Lely. 8vo , morocco extra, by Stike- man. London : Tho. Harper, 1649. ^44 If This first edition of " Lucasta " is of extreme rarity. Sold in London at auction in 1892 for 44. 253. Lovelace (Richard). LUCASTA, POSTHUME POEMS. 8vo., blue morocco, by Riviere. London : Wm. Goodbid, 1659. 28 1F First edition. This volume of Posthume Poems is of equal rarity with the pre- ceding volume. It contains the rare portrait by Hollar (inlaid), and also the plate by Faithorne prefixed to the Elegies. Both of these plates are frequently wanting. 254. Lydgate (John). LYFE OF OUR LADY, etc. Quarto. Black letter. Woodcuts. Second edition. Elegantly bound in full crushed levant morocco extra, by Lortic .fils. Colophon as follows : " Imprynted at London in Flete Strete by me Robert Redman dwellynge in Saynt Dunstones parysshe next ye churche. In the yere of our lorde god MCCCCCXXXI. The fyrste daye of the moneth of Nouembre." In slip case. 30 IT Early editions of Lydgate are exceedingly rare. The woodcut of the Annuncia- tion on the recto of the title-page and the large one of the Presentation in the Temple on the verso of title-page, and the full-page cut on the recto of the last leaf, add greatly to the interest of the volume. The printer's device occupies the whole of the verso of the last leaf. 255. Malory (Sir Thomas). HISTORY OF THE RENOWNED PRINCE ARTHUR. In three parts, separate title to each part, with the three frontispieces. Black letter. 4to., morocco, by Bedford. London, 1634. 16 IF A large and perfect copy of this rare book. This edition, according to 26 BOOK SALES OF 1895. Lowndes, is the last of any value in the estimation of collectors. The Beckford copy, which had frontispieces to the first and third parts only, sold for ^35- 256. Massinger (Philip). THREE NEW PLAYES, viz., Bashful Lover; The Guardian; The Very Woman. Portrait. Small 8vo., maroon morocco extra, by Riviere. London : Humphrey Moseley, 1655. 15 IT First edition. Fine large copy of this excessively rare volume. The portrait of Massinger, by Cross, is the only original portrait of this well-known dramatist, and from it all subsequent portraits have been copied. From the Perkins collection. 257. Milton (John). POEMS. Both English and Latin, Composed at several Times, Printed by his true Copies. The Songs set in Musick by Mr. Henry Lawes, Gentleman of the King's Chappel, and one of His Majesties Private Musick. Small 8vo., morocco extra, double, by P. Ruban, Paris. With brilliant impression of the very fine portrait by W. Marshall. In slip case. London : Printed by Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Moseley, 1645. >?4 IF First edition, and extremely rare, especially when in fine condition, as in this case, the copy being much taller than the average. This is the first book bearing Milton's name. This copy measures 6 by 3! in. full. 258. Milton (John). PARADISE LOST. 410., morocco extra, by Alfred Matthews. In slip case. London : Peter Parker, 1667. 105 IT First edition, first title. Extremely rare. Fine large copy, measuring 7^- by 5^- in. Contains Vertue's own copy of one of his engravings of Milton, with autograph note on back, as follows : " This picture of Milton was painted in oyl and had been in the family till the death of Milton's third wife who kept it with great regard. She lived to a great age and died at Nantwich in Cheshire. This was bought by a Gent, who brought it to London and sold it to the Honbl. Arthur Onslow, Speaker, from whence I engraved it. G. V." On lower margin of print in same handwriting is the following : " This was done from the original print engraved by W. Faithorne." A copy of this first issue sold recently in London for 120. 259. Milton (John). PARADISE REGAINED. 8vo., morocco, by Stikeman. London : Printed by J. M. for John Starkey, 1671. ,15 T First edition. Has the leaf preceding title containing " Licensed July 2, 1670," as well as the leaf of " errata." 260. Milton (John). POEMS UPON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 8vo., morocco, by Riviere. London : Printed for Tho. Bring, 1673. 6 qs. IT An unusually tall and clean copy. Second edition of his poems, with additions and the last published during his lifetime. The additional sonnets contained in this volume make it desirable to collectors. The title-page has been slightly torn at the bottom, but is neatly repaired without affecting in any way the lettering of the same. 261. Milton (John). LETTERS OF STATE. I2mo. , full crushed Levant morocco, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1694. -j 8s. 262. Phillips (Edward). THEATRUM POETARUM, etc. Small I2mo., full crushed levant morocco, by Stikeman. In slip case. London, 1675. ,18 H First edition. Edward Phillips was a nephew of John Milton, and it is believed that he was aided by Milton in revising some of the lives of the Poets, notably that of Shakespeare. Inserted in pocket of slip case is the following autograph letter from Lamb, addressed to Mrs. Dyer, Clifford's Inn, Fleet Street, bearing the postmark " Edmonton Mg. De. 22, 1834," and referring to a copy of this work. "DEAR MRS. DYER: I am very uneasy about a Book which I either have lost, or left at your house on Thursday. It was the Book I went out to fetch from Miss Buffams, while the tripe BOOK SALES OF 1895. 27 was frying. It is called ' Phillips's Theatrum Poetarum,' but it is an English Book, I think I left it in the Parlour. It is Mr. Gary's book, and I would not lose it for the world. Pray, if you find it, book it at the Swan, Snow Hill, by an Edmonton Stage immediately, directed to Mr. Lamb, Church Street, Edmonton, or write to say you cannot find it. I am quite anxious about it. If it is lost, I shall never like Tripe again. With kindest love to Mr. Dyer and all. Yours Truly, CH. LAMB." 263. Pope and Swift. EPISTOL/E OBSCURORUM VIRORUM ad. Dn. M. Ortuinum Gratium. Nova et accurata Editio. I2mo. , old calf, enclosed in a levant morocco pull-off case by Zaehnsdorf. Francofurti ad Maenum, 1643. 5 *6s- IT This copy of " the great Satire of Germany " formerly belonged to the two great English Satirists, Pope and Swift, who must keenly have appreciated its wonderful, caustic, unscrupulous and often not too delicate wit. It bears on fly-leaves the following AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTIONS : "Ex Libris Tho. Monson" " Nunc Alex. Pope " " Nunc Jonath: Swift " " bought this at Dean Swift's auction. ED: LISLE." The " Epistobe Obscurorum Virorum " were first published in 1516 ; "and," as Herder justly observes, "effected for Germany incomparably more than Hudibras for England, or Gargantua for France, or the Knight of La Mancha for Spain. It gave the victory to Reuchlin over the Begging Friar, and to Luther over the Court of Rome." SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON. 264. Pope (Alexander). THE DUNCIAD. With Notes Variorum, and the Prole- gomena of Scriblerus. 410. , old calf. London : Printed for Lawton Gilliver, Ti First edition, with both the " Ass " and the " Owl " frontispieces. 265. Prior (Matthew). POEMS. Frontispiece. 8vo., full crushed levant morocco extra, by Ruban, of Paris. In slip case. London, 1709. ,"] los. IT First authorized edition. Has book-plate of Matthew Prior. 266. Ramsay (Allan). THE EVER GREEN, a Collection of Scots Poems. 2 vols. 8vo., green morocco extra, gilt over marble, by Pagnant, of Paris. Edinburgh : T. Ruddiman, 1724. 12 IT This is the first edition of this celebrated collection. It was the Author's inten- tion to continue the series, but only these two volumes were published. Inserted is a Receipt for subscription to the two volumes, with the Author's auto- graph signature, as follows : " No. 179 Edinburgh - 1724. Received from Brian Fairfax, Esq., Half-a-Crown, as the half price of Two Volumes of Scots Poems, to be printed with all possible speed, and to be delivered to -- in sheets (on paying another Half-Crown with this Receipt)." (Signed) ALLAN RAMSAY. 267. Ramsay (Allan). THE GENTLE SHEPHERD. 8vo., morocco, by Stikeman. First edition, rare. Edinburgh, 1725. ^4 268. Randolph (Thomas). POEMS, with the MUSES LOOKING-GLASSE, aodAMYNTAS, Small 410., calf. First edition, very rare. Oxford, 1638. % 28 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 269. Rump (The) ; or, A COLLECTION OF SONGS AND BALLADS, made upon those who would be a Parliament and were but the Rump of an House of Commons, five times dissolved. 8vo., choice green morocco, by Herring, elaborately tooled, with inner linings of leather, extra gilt, fine copy, from the Perkins' Collection, with book- plate. Fine impression of the curious frontispiece. London, 1660. *4 H Of extraordinary rarity, and much more so than the edition of 1662, particularly in such fine state. As is always the case, sig. G is wanting. The difficulty of ob- taining the work is very great, the songs having been issued separately and after- wards published in volume form. Mr. Perkins has written on fly-leaf of book, 32 lines in reference to this copy, in which he refers to it as the " First edition of the greatest rarity," and upon compar- ing it with two other copies of same date, finds this to be the only perfect one and believes it to be unique. 270. Sanderson (Cobden). THE DEFENCE OF GUENEVERE, and other Poems, by William Morris. I2mo. First edition. In slip case. London, 1858. ^37 IT Elegantly bound by Mr. Cobden Sanderson in smooth terra-cotta coloured morocco, the sides covered with figures of interlaced roses in gold ; inside morocco borders, delicately tooled with sprays, gauffered gilt edges, with the binder's stamp, dated 1888. 271. Shenstone (W.). POEMS UPON VARIOUS OCCASIONS, written for the entertain ment of the Author and printed for the Amusement of a few Friends, prejudiced in his Favour. 8vo., morocco, gilt edges. Oxford, 1737. 3 I2j. If First edition. Privately printed and excessively rare, as subsequently the author bought up all the copies he could recall and destroyed them. 272. Smollett (Tobias). HISTORY OF AN ATOM. 2 vols. I2mo., calf by De Coverly. First edition, rare. London, 1749. 3 273. Smollett (Tobias). PEREGRINE PICKLE. 4 vols. i2mo., calf, by De Coverly. First edition, scarce. London, 1751. 6 274. Stanley (Thomas). POEMS. 8vo., morocco, by Lewis. London, 1651. 2 IT First edition of a very rare volume. This copy is from the Jolley and Gaisford collections, and is fine and large. This is one of the privately printed issues of this volume. Copies occur dated 1652, with imprint of Humphrey Moseley. Included in the volume is the second edition of Aurora, Ismenia and the Prince, etc., by T. Stanley, 1650. 275. Stapylton (Sir Robert). Mus^us, ON THE LOVES OF HERO AND LEANDER, with Annotations upon the originall, by Sir Robert Stapylton, Knight, Gentleman of the Privie Chamber to the Prince. Engraved frontispiece by William Marshall, with the "Argument" opposite. I2mo., calf, gilt edges. London: Humphrey Moseley, 1647. >7 IOS - ^1 A very scarce little volume, with both the engraved and printed titles. Copies with the engraved title are very rare. No sales by auction of this rare book have been reported for the past ten years. 276. Sterline (William, Earle of). RECREATIONS WITH THE MUSES. Large paper, very scarce portrait and title neatly inlaid, and top margin of one page restored, else a fine sound copy in russia extra, gilt edges, folio. London : Printed by Tho. Harper, 1637. 3 IT First collected edition. J. Fuller Russell's copy, at whose sale in 1885 it brought 39. Copies on large paper are excessively rare. The portrait by Marshall is con- sidered his chef-d'auvre, and is an exceedingly brilliant impression. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 29 Very few copies contain this portrait, and it is presumed that it was only added to presentation copies. The Bibliotheca Poetica in 1815 prices a copy, with portrait, at $o, and states that it is doubtful if there are more than three or four copies with portrait in existence. 277. Sterne (Laurence). A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY, 2 vols. Small 8vo., morocco, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1768. ^3 4$. 278. Stevenson (Matthew). OCCASION'S OFFSPRING, or POEMS UPON SEVERALI. OCCASIONS. I2mo., calf extra, by Riviere. London: Henry Twyford, 1654. * TT First edition, but lacks the portrait by Gaywood, usually wanting. Closely trimmed, as is the case with all copies I have seen. 279. Suckling (Sir John). FRAGMENTA AUREA. Tall copy, and very brilliant impression of the portrait by Marshall. 8vo., morocco, by Lewis. First edition, rare. London : Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1646. 10 280. Swift (Jonathan). A TALE OF A TUB. 8vo., morocco, by Stikeman. London, 1704. 6 IQS. IT First edition of this rare volume, and an unusually large copy, almost uncut. 281. Swift (Jonathan). A POEM ON THE EVER LAMENTED Loss OF THE Two YEW TREES, in the Parish of Chilthorne, together with Mrs. Harris's Earnest Petition : and an Admirable Recipe. By the Author of " The Tale of a Tub." 8vo., calf, by Zaehnsdorf. First edition. Rare. London, 1710. 2 282. Swift (Jonathan). GULLIVER'S TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL REMOTE NATIONS OF THE WORLD. In Four Parts. 2 vols. 8vo., calf, by Riviere. London : Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726. 17 IT A very large and clean copy of the first edition of this very rare book, with separate pagination to each part. 283. Tennyson (Alfred and Charles). POEMS BY Two BROTHERS. 8vo., full levant morocco, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. Large paper. London, 1827. 34 If This, the first publication of Tennyson, is very scarce, and especially so on large paper. A small paper copy, offered recently by a New York bookseller, was priced at 8135. Inserted in this copy is an autograph letter from Tennyson to Edward Moxon, his publisher. 284. Tennyson (A., of Trinity College). TIMBUCTOO: a Poem which obtained the Chancellor's Medal at the Cambridge Commencement, MDCCCXXIX. 8vo., half morocco, uncut. First edition. Scarce. Cambridge, 1829. 7 285. Tennyson (Alfred). POEMS, chiefly Lyrical. I2mo., morocco extra, uncut, by Matthews. (A beautiful specimen of Alfred Matthews' binding.) In slip case. London, 1830. ,23 IT First edition, and of great rarity. 286. Tennyson (Alfred). POEMS. Small 8vo. , full levant morocco, uncut, by Matthews. First edition. Very rare. London, 1833. j.g 287. Tennyson (Alfred). POEMS. 2 vols. Small 8vo., full levant morocco, uncut, by Matthews. First edition. Very scarce. London, 1842. 28 288. Tennyson (Alfred). THE PRINCESS: a Medley. Small 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1847. 4 ios. 289. Tennyson (Alfred). IN MEMORIAM. Small 8vo., full morocco extra, uncut. First edition. In slip case. London, 1850. 16 30 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 290. Tennyson (Alfred). MAUD, and other Poems. Small 8vo., morocco, uncut. First edition. London, 1855. 4 291. Tennyson (Alfred). IDYLLS OF THE KING. Small 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1859. 7 292. Tennyson (Alfred). POEMS, 1830-33. Square 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Stike- man. Very rare. Privately printed, 1862. 6 29^. Tennyson (Alfred). A WELCOME. 2 leaves. First edition. Rare. London, 1863. 3 294. Tennyson (Alfred). ENOCH ARDEN, etc. Small 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. London, 1864. 7 IT First edition. Inserted is an autograph letter dated Farringford, I.W. , Dec. 1 8, '60. Signed, Yours ever Truly, A. TENNYSON. 295. Tennyson (Alfred). IDYLLS OF THE HEARTH. 8vo., morocco extra, uncut, by P. Ruban, Paris. In slip case. London, 1864. 45 IT Author's proof sheets, with corrections in his handwriting. The title of the volume was apparently cancelled, and that of " Enoch Arden" substituted. The text varies materially in many places from that of the published volume, and in " The Voyage," page 149, Verses X. and XI. appear in " Enoch Arden " (somewhat altered) as Verses XI. and X. respectively. 296. Tennyson (Alfred). THE HOLY GRAIL, and other Poems. Small 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. London, 1870. 2 Ss. 297. Tennyson (Alfred). GARETH AND LYNETTE, etc. Small 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. London, 1872. ^5 H First edition. Inserted is an autograph letter, signed, Ever yours, A. TENNYSON. 298. Tennyson (Alfred). QUEEN MARY. 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. London, 1875. 7 IT First edition. Inserted is an autograph letter from Tennyson, declining a very liberal offer, as his own publisher wants something quite new for a fresh edition he is about to publish. 299. Tennyson (Alfred). HAROLD: a Drama. 8vo., morocco, by Stikeman. London, 1877. .5 los. IT First edition. Inserted in volume is an autograph letter from Tennyson as follows : "DEAR SIR, Nov. i4th, 1876. " The title of the new work is ' Harold, a Drama.' The sheets shall be sent off as soon as possible. "Yours Truly, "A. TENNYSON." 300. Tennyson (Alfred). THE LOVER'S TALE. 8vo. , morocco, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1879. 2 qs. 301. Tennyson (Alfred). BALLADS AND OTHER POEMS. Small 8vo., morocco, by Stikeman. First edition. London, 1880. n 302. Tennyson (Alfred). THE PASSING OF ARTHUR. I2mo. Clean copy, in original wrapper. In slip case. London, 1884. 5 If The prices realized for most of these "Tennyson's " are ridiculously high. This can only be accounted for by the almost absolute mania Americans have for any- thing of Tennyson's. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 31 303. Tennyson (Alfred). THE CUP AND THE FALCON. Small 8vo., original green cloth, untrimmed edges. London, 1884. 2 8s. If First edition. Inserted is an Autograph Letter, as follows : " MY DEAR SIR, ' ' There is no chance of my staying over Monday therefore instead of eating with you I will thank you and bid you farewell. " Yours very truly, "A. TENNYSON." 304. Tennysoniana. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Small 8vo., full levant morocco, uncut, by Matthews. London, 1879. 2. If A Bibliography of Tennyson's writings, together with a list of Reviews and Criticisms ; a valuable help to collectors of Tennyson. 305. Waller (Edmund). POEMS, etc. 8vo., full levant morocco, by Stikeman. Large paper copy. London, 1645. 3 If First authorized edition. There were three distinct editions of Waller published in this year, all of which are rare, while this one, on large paper, is excessively so. Size, 6}^ x 4 T \ in. 306. Waller (Edmund) and Godolphin (S.). THE PASSION OF DIDO FOR ^ENEAS. 8vo. , blue morocco, by Stikeman. London: Humphrey Moseley, 1658. 4 If First edition. This translation is the joint work of Sidney Godolphin and Edmund Waller, and is very rarely met with. 307. Waller (Edmund). POEMS TO THE MEMORY OF THAT INCOMPARABLE POET, EDMUND WALLER. By several Hands. Small 410., half morocco, by Stikeman. London, 1688. ^38 Tf First and only edition of this very rare book. The volume contains Poems by T. Rymer, George Granville, Aphra Behn, and others. 308. Waller (Edmund). THE MAID'S TRAGEDY ALTERED. 8vo., morocco extra, by P. Ruban, the well-known French binder. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges Head in Chancery Lane, near Fleet Street, 1690. ^6 If Authorized edition. Title mended, but otherwise a large and very fine copy of this very rare volume. This book was published by the friends of the author after his death, in consequence of the unauthorized publication of a portion of the contents of the present volume as "The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems." From the preface to the volume I quote the following: "The copy from which they were printed was very imperfect ; and there being no means left to suppress them, it was thought fit to suffer them to be more correctly printed from the last and truest copies." 309. Walton (Izaak). THE COMPLEAT ANGLER. Small 8vo., morocco extra, by Lewis. London, 1668. ^28 If Fourth edition. From the Hibbert Library. The early editions of the Angler are very rare, and are constantly advancing in price, and a large, clean copy, like the present one, in a fine Lewis binding, is a desirable addition to any collection. A very large copy, measuring 5f x 3^ in. 310. Walton's Lives. Portraits. 8vo. , full crushed levant morocco, by Stikeman. Fine copy. London, 1670. .13 1f First collected edition. Scarce. With autograph inscription of Izaak Walton, as follows : " For Mrs. Oliv r . Whitby, Iz: WA: " There are also some corrections and additions, likewise in the author's handwriting. 311. Walton (Izaak). THE UNIVERSAL ANGLER, etc. With all the title-pages and engravings offish, etc. 4 vols. in one. Small thick 8vo., calf. London, 1676-82. U This volume contains the fifth edition of Walton, the first edition of Cotton, the fourth of Venables, and the first of Nobbes. 32 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 312. Weavers (Thomas). PLANTAGENET'S TRAGICAL STORY; or, The Death of King Edward IV. Brilliant impression of the scarce portrait of the author, by Marshall, beautifully inlaid, with verses underneath by Shirley. 8vo., calf, by Bedford. First edition. London, 1649. 3 313. Whiting (Nathaniel). LE HORE DI RECREATIONE; or The Pleasante Historye of Albino and Bellama to which is annexed II Insonio Insonodado, or the Vindica- tion of Poesye, by N. W. M. A. I2mo. Beautiful engraved title by Cor. Van Dalen ; dated 1637, together with letterpress title same date. London : Printed for Charles Greene, 1637. lt * *&* 314. Wordsworth (William) and Coleridge (S. T.). LYRICAL BALLADS AND OTHER POEMS. 2 vols. 8vo., original half calf. London, 1798-1800. ,40 IT First edition. With many additions and alterations in the "Rime of the Ancyent Mariner," in the handwriting of S. T. Coleridge. Autograph Letter of Wm. Wordsworth inserted. If It must be borne in mind, in arriving at a true estimate of the prices realized at this sale, that the books were in specially fine condition, and that the library was well "boomed" before the sale took place. Many collectors were anxious to obtain specimens ; and, as is the case when Americans make up their mind, no money considerations stopped them. Consequently the prices ruled very high far above the real market values. As an indication of the prices booksellers obtain for books in America, I give a few extracts from a catalogue of a large firm : Messrs. Dodd, Mead and Co.'s " Catalogues of Rare and Choice Books." They offer a set of the best editions of Audubon's "Birds and Quadrupeds" for 3,000 dols., and a copy of Bewick's " Birds," first edition, and on largest paper, is priced at 450 dols. An exceptionally tall copy of the Kilmarnock edition of Burns's "Poems" may be had for 750 dols., and a first edition of Coleridge's " Christabel," bound by Cobden-Sanderson, for 200 dols. An almost perfect copy of Brandt's " Ship of Fools," printed by Pynson, is catalogued at 500 dols., and the same price is placed opposite the first edition of Sidney's " Arcadia." They have not for sale a first edition of Walton's " Compleat Angler," but they have the rare second, and they want 250 dols. for it. They devote a page of the cover of the catalogue to a comparison of the prices which Mr. Foote paid them for some of his purchases, and the prices realized at the recent sale (see previous pages). It may interest my readers. For the first edition of Milton's " Paradise Lost," Mr. Foote gave Messrs. Dodd and Mead, about fifteen years ago, the sum of ; 1 3. It sold for ^105. Herbert's "Temple," which cost its owner 50, realized 210. Goldsmith's " Vicar of Wakefield," in its first state, was purchased for .15, and sold for ,68; while Tennyson's "Poems of Two Brothers," for which ,15 was given about ten years ago, realized ^34. Twelve years ago Mr. Foote gave 5 for a first edition, uncut, of Lamb's " Rosamund Gray ; " he made a profit of ^65 on it. Six years ago he bought Lamb's " Poetry for Children " for 42, three months ago he sold it for ^84. From all this Messrs. Dodd, Mead and Co. argue that the purchasing of rare books is a good investment, and if by rare books is meant also books in the choicest condition, I quite agree with them. There can be no greater mistake than the purchase of rare books in bad "condition," no matter at how cheap a price. Booksellers are realizing this more and more, and a bookseller worthy the name will never offer his customer a " poor copy." It pays neither the seller nor the buyer. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 33 THE LIBRARIES OF THE LATE BARON DE HOCHEPIED LARPENT, OF THE LATE JULIA, COUNTESS OF JERSEY, AND MR. BRANDLING, OF THE LATE W. H. DE MERLE, ESQ., AND OTHERS. Safe, January ^oth and $ist, and February 1st and 2nd, 1895, at Messrs. Sotheby's. 1F A most important sale. The items are all of rarity, and the prices realized are an excellent guide as to the market values. 315. Bacon (Lord). WORKS. With Life, Portrait. 10 vols. Calf. 1819. i is. 316. Beaumont and Fletcher. WORKS. With Introduction and Notes by H. Weber. Portrait. 14 vols. Calf. Edinburgh, 1812. i i2s. 317. Brydges (Sir Egerton). RESTITUTA ; Titles and Extracts of Old Books. 4 vols. Half bound. 1814. 13.5-. 318. Burke (Edmund). WORKS. New edition. 16 vols. Calf gilt. Rivington. 1801-27. 3 3j. 319. Collection de Memoires Relatifs a 1'Histoire de France. Publiee par Petitot et Monmerque. Both Series. 131 vols. First series, calf; second series, half calf. Paris, 1819-29. 8 15^. 320. Costumes. TRACES DE ITALIA. A collection of 227 coloured Plates of Italian Costumes from the earliest period, after the designs of TITIAN VECELLIO. Newly engraved. 2 vols. Red morocco, gilt, g. e. 1794. 4 4.?. 321. Dibdin (T. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON, or Ten Days Discourse upon Illuminated MSS., etc. Numerous Illustrations, some on India Paper. 3 vols. Morocco gilt, g. e. Royal 8 vo. 1817. 1155. 322. Dryden (John). WORKS. Now first collected. With Notes and Life, by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait. 18 vols. Calf. Miller. 1808. i I2s. 323. Fielding (Henry). WORKS. With Essay by A. Murphy. Portrait. 10 vols. Calf. 1821. 2 6s. 324. Gallery of Portraits. With Memoirs. 168 Fine Portraits. 7 vols. Half morocco, gilt. Imperial 8vo. C. Knight. 1833-37. i $s. 325. Hogarth. Illustrated by John Ireland. Second edition. Numerous Plates. " Before " and " After " inserted. 3 vols. Calf gilt. Royal 8vo. *793- i 5*. 326. Jesse (J. H.). MEMOIRS OF THE COURT OF ENGLAND DURING THE REIGN OF THE STUARTS. Frontispieces. 4 vols. Cloth. 1840. .3 3.5-. 327. Laborde (J. B. de). CHOIX DES CHANSONS MISES EN MUSIQUE. Original edition. Fine plates by Moreau and others. 4 vols. Old French calf, g. e. Paris, De Lormel. 1773. 37 328. Lingard (Dr. John). HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Second edition. 14 vols. Calf. 1823-31. 1 4r. 329. Lodge (Edm.). PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN. With Memoirs. 240 fine Portraits. 12 vols. in 6. Half russia, gilt. Imperial 8vo. Harding. 1823-33. 3 * 330. Napier (W. F. P.). HISTORY OFTHE WAR IN THE PENINSULA. Plans. 6 vols. Calf, gilt. 1828-40. 2 D 34 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 331. Napoleon. Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire de France sous Napoleon dictee a Gourgaud et Montholon. 7 vols. Calf, gilt. Lond., 1823. i&r. 332. Napoleon. Las Cases, Journal de la Vie Privee de PEmpereur a Ste. Helene. 8 parts in 4 vols. Calf, gilt. Lond., Colburn, 1823. i 333. Neale (J. P.). VIEWS OF THE SEATS OF NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN IN ENG- LAND, WALES, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. Both Series. 792606 plates, n vols. Calf. Royal 8vo. 1818-29. 6 5*. 334. Addison (Jos.). WORKS. Baskerville's fine edition, portrait and plates. 4 vols. Russia. Birm., 1761. iQs. 335. America. History of the British Dominions in North America, from its first Discovery to 1763. Map. Calf. 1773. MORTIMER (LIEUT. GEO.). REMARKS ON A VOYAGE TO THE NORTH-WEST COAST OF AMERICA. Plates. 1791. i 13^- 336. Blore (Edw.). MONUMENTAL REMAINS OF NOBLE AND EMINENT PERSONS. Large paper. 30 India proof plates. Half russia, gilt. Harding, 1826. igj. 337. Cook (Capt. Jas.). SECOND AND THIRD VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. Maps and plates. 5 vols. Russia. And Folio Atlas, half bound. 1777-84. 2 338. Costume and Punishments of China, illustrated by Sixty Engravings, coloured, with explanations in English and French, by G. H. Mason ; and the Punishments of China, 22 plates, coloured. In I vol. Red morocco. 1800-1. i los. 339. Costumes. Jeffrey's Costumes of All Nations. A Series of 480 Engraved Plates (no text), bound in 3 vols. Half vellum, n. d. 2 i6s. 340. Delia Bella (Stef. ). COLLECTION OF ETCHINGS, with Biographical Memoir by Thos. Dodd. 180 Etchings. Blue morocco gilt, g. e. H. R. Young, 1818. * 14^. 341. Dibdin (T. F.). TYPOGRAPHICAL ANTIQUITIES. Portraits and other illustrations. 4 vols. Blue morocco gilt, g. e. 1810-19. 6 ijs. 6d. 342. Faulkner (T.). HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF FULHAM. Large Paper. Map and plates. Calf. 1813. i6s. 343. Grose (F. R.). ANTIQUITIES of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Large paper. Numerous fine plates. 12 vols. Calf. Hooper, n. d. 1793-95. 3 12s. 6d. 344. Hawkins (Sir John). GENERAL HISTORY OF Music. Plates. 5 vols. Calf. 3 IS-?- 345. Kenilworth Illustrated; or, the History of the Castle, Priory and Church of Kenilworth. Fine India proof plates. Russia, gilt. Chiswick, 1821. 2 6s. 346. Lysons (D. and S.). MAGNA BRITANNIA. Numerous maps and plates. 6 vols. in 8. Calf. Cadell, 1806-22. 3 185. 347. Lysons. ENVIRONS OF LONDON, WITH THE MIDDLESEX PARISHES. Numerous plates. 6 vols. Half bound. 1796-1811. 2 2s. 348. Morland (Geo.). ORIGINAL SKETCHES of Animals and Rustic Figures (86), some signed and dated, 1791-2. Mounted in a vol., half morocco. 2 349. Netherlands. Het Verheerlykt Nederland of Kabinet van bedendaagsch Gezigten. 500 copper-plate views. 6 vols. Vellum. Amst. 1745-57. * 3s. 350. Nichols (John). PROGRESSES AND PUBLIC PROCESSIONS OF QUEEN ELIZABETH AND TAMES I. With Historical Notes, etc. New edition, plates, 7 vols., calf gilt. '1823-8. copies of No. I sold (10,000 printed) .... and other most interesting information relating to the publication, 1841-70. 3 5*. 464. Cruikshank. Autograph Letters from Geo. Cruikshank to Mr. W. H. Merle, with interesting particulars in regard to " The Worship of Bacchus," proposed Testimonial, Scraps and Sketches, Pop-Gun, The Mummy, Merle's Melton de Mowbray, On the "Sun" Newspaper, Difficulties with Harrison Ainsworth, Discovery concerning Ghosts, The Bottle, On Charles Dickens, On the Death of J. Sleap, the Landscape Painter, proposed titles for "The Worship of Bacchus," Ainsworth's Tower of London, Phrenological Sketches, Hop-o'-my-Thumb, Illness of Landseer, De Merle's Caricature of the " Mulready Envelope," Sketch Book, etc., and much important matter relating to family affairs ; also a few letters of his wife, Eliza Cruikshank, 1833, etc, 17 $s. IT Letters of Geo. Cruikshank relating to "work " are very scarce. 465. Cruikshank. Collection of Autograph Letters to Mr. W. H. Merle, dealing chiefly with personal, financial, and family matters, publishers, etc., 1828, etc. .10 55. 466. Cruikshank. Autograph Letters to Geo. Cruikshank and W. H. Merle, from Harrison Ainsworth, S. C. Hall, C. Stanfield, Sir John Bowring, L. Blanchard, Lady Morgan, T. C. Grattan, Guizot, C. and T. Landseer, " Father Prout," Carnot, Washington Irving, etc. 3 105. 467. Cruikshank. Two interesting Autograph Letters from Charles Dickens to Geo. Cruikshank, mentioning " Oliver Twist," Count D'Orsay, Stanfield and Maclise, 1845 Short Note of W. M. Thackeray's. 6 12s. 5d. 468. Cruikshank. ILLUSTRATIONS OF TIME. Original edition. Proofs on India paper. Half morocco, uncut oblong. 1827. 4 IF Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription on fly-leaf, "From Geo. Cruikshank to his much-esteemed friend W. H. Merle, Esq., with many thanks for his assistance in this work in a time of need." 469. Cruikshank. PHRENOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, or an Artist's view of the Cranio- logical System of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim. India proofs. Half morocco, uncut, oblong. 1826. ^3 15.?. IF Presentation copy from the Author, with autograph inscription. 470. Cruikshank. SCRAPS AND SKETCHES. India Proofs. Half morocco, uncut, oblong. 1828. 2 8s. IF Presentation copy from the Author, with autograph inscription. This was only the first part. 471. Waring (J. B.). MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART AND SCULPTURE AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. 3 vols. Coloured illustrations, morocco, g. e. 1863. i i6s. 472. Nash (J.). VIEWS OF THE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OF WINDSOR CASTLE. Coloured plates, mounted like drawings. Half morocco, g. e. McLean, 1848. 3 473. Angas (G. F. ). NE\V ZEALANDERS. Coloured plates. Half morocco, g. e. McLean, 1847. 12 los - 474. Angas (G.F.). SOUTH AUSTRALIA ILLUSTRATED. Coloured plates, half morocco, g. e. McLean, 1847. 10 los. 475. Cruikshank. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. " A Star of the First Magnitude," and "A Falling Star of the First Magnitude." Designed by W. H. Merle and Sketched by Geo. Cruikshank. 1828. 6 5s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 43 476. Cruikshank. Sketch in Water-Colour, " Soldiers playing cards in a tent." Pencil Drawing, probably for four of the characters in " Oliver Twist," and two others. 5 477. Cruikshank. India Proof Etchings to Lesage's "Gil Bias." 10 plates on 6 sheets. 1833. 1 13^. 478. Cruikshank. India Proof Etchings, before the letters, to "Sketches by 'Boz.'" 1 8 plates. 4 4^- 479. Cruikshank. India Proof Etchings to "Don Quixote." 15 plates on 9 sheets, 1833. 2 IQS. 480. Cruikshank. India Proof Woodcuts, before the letters, to "John Gilpin." 6 plates. i is. 481. Cruikshank. India Proof Etchings to Scott's "Demonology and Witchcraft." 12 plates. 1830. i i8s. 482. Cruikshank. India Proof Etchings, before the letters (with the exception of one plate) to "Jack Sheppard." 27 plates. 10 IQS. 483. Cruikshank. India Proof Etchings, before the letters, to the "Comic Almanack," including the illustration for the wrapper. 61 plates on 16 sheets. 7 ys. 484 Cruikshank. India Proof Etchings, before the letters (with the exception of one plate) to Scott's Novels. 36 plates on 21 sheets. 1837. l los - 485. Cruikshank. Invitation Card : Mr. Louis. At Home, 2ist January, 1834, 7 o'clock precisely, Congdon's Rooms. With two etchings by George Cruikshank, very scarce. 2 iqs. 486. Cruikshank. Exhibition Extraordinary in the Horticultural Room. Designed by W. H. Merle. Coloured, large margins. Photographic reproduction of the same. The Devil among the Bankers. Coloured. 1826. i IQJ-. 487. Cruikshank. Anglo-Parisian Salutations. 1822. Anglo-Gallic Salutations in London. 1822. The Gemman vot pays the Man vot drives the Sovereign, by R. Cruikshank. All coloured ; and others. i 488. Cruikshank. Mechanical Powers .... the Cock-Crane. Coloured. 1814. The New Life Boat. Uncoloured. 1827. Both designed by W. H. Merle. Paris Reproduction of the same. Coloured. Anticipated Effect of the Tailors' "Strike." Coloured. 1834. $ 489. Cruikshank. The Blue Devils!! coloured, large margins, 1823. Exhibition Extraordinary, designed by W. H. Merle, coloured. The same, first proof, un- coloured. Mechanical Powers . . . the Cock-Crane, coloured, 1814. 1 490. Cruikshank. Battle of the Painters, India proof. A very Good Man, but a Bad Sailor ! coloured, 1845. " I've Dwelt in Marble Halls," coloured ; and others. * 3*. 491. Cruikshank. Passing Events, or the Tail of the Comet of 1853. British Bee Hive, India proof, 1867. Fairy Connoisseurs inspecting Mr. F. Locker's Collection of Drawings, etc., India proof, 1869. i 35. 1[ All autograph presentation copies to W. H. Merle. 492. Cruikshank. A Family Party of the Old School, India proof before the letters, with inscription : " To my Friend, W. H. Merle, Esq. George Cruikshank, Apl. 3rd, 1828 " i 2s. 493. Eunbury (H. W.). Fac-similes of Sketches, never before published. No. I (all issued ?), 5 large plates, original wrapper. R. Ackermann. 1825. 5*. 44 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 494. Caricatures, by Rowlandson : Jockeyship, 1802, Waiting for Dinner, At Dinner, After Dinner, Preparing for Supper, 4 plates. The Students, 1793; and others by Rowlandson ; all coloured and in good condition. 2 12s. 495. Caricatures, designed by Rowlandson, and engraved by S. Alken : Botheration, 1793. Studious Gluttons, 1792 ; coloured, fine original impressions. 2 496. Worship of Bacchus, by Geo. Cruikshank. Signed Artist's proof on India paper. 2 25. 497. Aldine. Scriptores Historise Augustse, fine copy, old green morocco extra, g. e., gold tooling on sides by Roger Payne. Rare. Venet. Aldus, 1519. 2 IF A fine Roger Payne binding with Grolier gold tooling. 498. Allot (R.). ENGLAND'S PARNASSUS, or the choysest flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their poetical Comparisons, descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, Pallaces, Mountaines, Groves, Seas, Springs, Rivers, etc., two or three leaves slightly cut in headline and a few wormholes, else tall sound copy in old English red morocco, ornamental gold tooling on the sides, g. e., rebacked. 1600. .16 55. IF The Gaisford copy sold for 17 $s. , the Lakelands copy for 18 15-f. The Foote copy (see p. 12) sold for ^42. 499. Arabian Nights, translated with introduction, etc., by Sir R. Burton. lovols. Printed for subscribers only, 1885. SUPPLEMENTAL NIGHTS. 6 vols. Ib. 1886-88. 16 vols. 27 500. Bandello. CANTI XI COMPOSTI DAL BANDELLO DE LE LODI DE LA S. LUCRETIA GONZAGADI GAZZUOLO, EDELVERoAMORE,etc. Brown morocco super extra, with ornamental gilt tooled back and borders, double with yellow, with elaborate centre and corner tooled ornaments, gilt and marbled edges, by Hardy. In Guienna ne la Citta di Agen per A. Reboglia, 1545. 4 4f. IT A very fine copy of an excessively rare book, the first specimen of printing in Agen, in the South of France. A similar (or perhaps the same) copy, bound by Hardy, sold for 400 fr. in the Solar sale. 501. Beeverell (].). LES DELICES DE LA GRANDE BRETAGNE ET IRELANDE. 9 vols. in 4. 336 beautiful plates. Blue morocco super extra, g. e. by F. Bedford. Leide, 1707- 4 15^- 502. Berquin (M.). IDYLLES. 2 vols. in i. First edition. Large thick paper. Frontispiece and plates by Marillier. Proofs. Red morocco super extra, gilt edges by F. Bedford. Paris, 1775. 2 2s. 503. Bewick (T.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Land Birds in first and second state. Water Birds in first state. Numerous beautiful woodcuts. Large copy. Calf gilt, m. e. Newcastle, 1797. 1804. 2 i8s. 504. Bonaventure. SPECULUM DISCIPLINE SANCTI BONAVENTURE. Black letter. Device of Jean Petit. Fine copy. Red morocco super extra, g. e. Paris, 1515. 175. 505. Book Prices Current. Complete set. 8 vols. Half calf, uncut, t. e. g. Wrappers and advertisements bound up. Vols. VII. and VIII. in parts, sewed. 1887-94. 7 7*- 506. Breviarium Cum Calendario. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (228!!.). With 13 small illuminated miniatures within floreate scroll borders of various colours, nearly every border and initial painted and illuminated, of French workmanship, with several prayers in French at the end, bound in old calf. i6mo. Saec. xv. 7 507. Bussy (R.). HISTOIRE AMOUREUSE DES GAULES. The rare original Elzevir edition. Brown morocco extra, gilt edges. Liege, 1680. 1 45. IF Interesting copy from having on the title autographs of Eliza Rooper and Kate Rooper, who were descendants of Sir Thos. More, with dates 1682-1694. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 45 508. Butler (S.). HUDIBRAS. With annotations by Grey. 2 vols. Large paper. Proof portrait, beautiful plates, after Hogarth's designs, and vignettes by Bewick. Fine copy. Green morocco super extra, g. e. Bensley, 1801. 2 IQS. 509. Cartas. COPIA DE DIVERSAS CARTAS DE ALGUNOS PADRESY HERMANOS DE LA COMPANIA DE IESUS. Recibidas el Afio de M. D. L. V. De las grands marauillas, que Dios obra en las Indias del Key de Portugal, y en el Reyao de lapon, y en la tierra del Brasil. Con la description de las uarias leyes, y costumbres de la gente del gran Reyno de la China, y otres tierras nueuamete descubiertas. Barcelona, Claudio Bornat, 1556. 7 IT Excessively rare. No copy is in the British Museum or Bodleian Library Cata- logue, and unknown to Brunei, Carayon and Backer, who mentions only the re-issue of 1561, which was published with Alvarez' " Ethiopia." The first letter, from Melchior Nunez, relates to the death of S. Francis Xavier. The sixth and seventh letters are from missionaries in Brazil. 510. Corbet (Bp. R.). POETICA STROMATA, or a Collection of Sundry Pieces in Poetry. Fine copy. In sprinkled calf, red edges. Anno 1648. 3 6s. 1[ Privately printed for presents only. Major Gaisford's copy sold for 3 3^. , the Lakelands copy for 4 i8s. 511. Cotton (Charles). THE WONDERS OF THE PEAKE. Large paper copy of the first edition. Calf extra, g. e. (by Zaehnsdorf). 1681. i 6s H Extremely rare, on large paper. 512. Crompton (Rich.). MANSION OF MAGNANIMITIE, wherein is showed the Honour- able Acts of Sundrie Princes, Dukes, Earles, Lords and Gentlemen, interspersed with Poetry. Fine copy. Crimson morocco extra, g. e. By Hayday. Rare. Sm. 4to. W. Ponsonby. 1599. 3 1T Relates to Mary Queen of Scots, Battle of Flodden, Spanish Armada, Drake, Essex, Stanley, Sidney, and other great men of Elizabeth's time. 513. Cruikshank. LOVING BALLAD OF LORD BATEMAN. First edition. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Wants a leaf and the plate of music. Original cloth. Sold with all faults. 1839. 3 514. Defoe's Memoirs of Capt. G. Carleton. Edited by Sir Walter Scott. Large and thick paper. Blue morocco extra, g. e. Edinburgh, 1808. IQS. IT Only 50 copies printed this size. 515. Haddon (Walter) against J. Osorius, Bp. of Silvane, his Slaunderous Invectives. Black letter. First edition. Fine copy. Antique calf, rare. Small 4to. J. Daye, 1581. 13^. 516. Hazlitt (Wm.). WORKS. Round Table. 2 vols. 1817. Lectures on the English Poets. 1818. Comic Writers. 1819. Political Essays. 1819. Dra- matic Literature. 1820. Spirit of the Age. 1820. Plain Speaker. 2 vols. 1826. Literary Remains. 2 vols. Portrait. 1826. n vols., all first editions, fine copies. Brown calf extra, gilt top edges, uncut. 1817-26. 4 12s. 517. Hearne. BENEDICTUS ABBAS PETROBURGENSIS DE VITA HENRICI II. ET RICARDI I., EDENTE T. HEARNE. 2 vols. Large thick paper. Calf extra, g. t., uncut. Oxon., 1735. 1 ios. H Rare, only 50 copies printed on large paper. 518. Hill (Sir Rowland). PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL: POST OFFICE REFORM, ITS IMPORTANCE AND PRACTICABILITY. Privately printed. Half russia, title and 72 pages. 1837. 2 4J. IT The original scheme for the penny post (see page 33). This excessively rare privately printed edition was issued early in January, 1837. The plan met with 46 BOOK SALES OF 1895. such a cordial reception that an enlarged edition of the pamphlet, with a preface dated 22nd February, 1837, was shortly afterwards issued to the world at large. 519. Histoire Generale des Larrons. 2 vols. in I. Red morocco extra, g. e., scarce. Rouen, 1669. \ is. 520. Hogarth Moralized. By J. Trusler. First edition. Thick paper, numerous plates, including the suppressed one, old gilt blue morocco extra, g. e. 1768. los. 521. Horse Beatae Marise Virginis, avec Calendrier. Printed on vellum within broad woodcut borders (uncoloured), full-page woodcuts, and smaller ones in bril- liant gold and colours, like miniature paintings. Antique calf, fine copy. Paris, 1516. 3 185. 522. Hunt (John). ENDYMION: a Poetic Romance. First edition. Fine copy. Yellow morocco, super extra, the sides covered with gold ornamental tooling, double with brown morocco, and gilt border, g. e. 1818. 4 523. Kemble (John Philip). Fugitive Pieces. Original edition. York, 1780. SONGS IN THE PASTORAL CALLED PHILANDER. Written by Mrs. Kemble. Neat MS. 1785. Bright old tree calf extra. Horace Walpole's book-plate. i us. IT Excessively rare, having been most rigorously suppressed by the Author, who boasted to a gentleman (to whom in vain he offered 10 for his copy) that he had succeeded in destroying the whole of the impression but four copies. 524. Portiforium seu Breviarium ad usum Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis, Casti- gatum, Supplementum, . . . ac nunc primum ad verissimum exemplar a peritis- simis viris reclactum, pars Hyemalis. Lit. gothic, red and black, woodcuts. Some 11. transposed in last sheet. Old calf. Very rare. Paris, G. Merlin, 1550. 6 175. 6d. 525. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). POEMS. 2 vols. First collected edition. Calf extra, g. e. Moxon. 1842. i 526. Thackeray. TALES AND QUICKE ANSWERES (Shakespeare's Jest Book, edited by S. W. Singer, Chiswick, 1814) W. M. Thackeray's copy, with his library stamp on title and 9 unpublished characteristic original drawings in pen and ink and pencil by him, illustrating the tales, on the margins of six pages, original boards, uncut, in morocco case (by Zaehnsdorf). 17 los. IF The drawing on page I is a clever pencil sketch running around the margins of the book, illustrating the tale "Of hym that rode out of London." The five de- signs which nearly fill the margins of pages 10 and II are humorous drawings in pen and ink, illustrating the tales " Of the Chaplen that sayde our lady matens a r,ed," " Of him that lost his purse in London," etc. The designs at tops and bottoms of pages 13 and 15 are carefully finished pencil drawings. 527. Thackeray. MR. THACKERAY, MR. YATES, AND THE GARRICK CLUB, the Corre- spondence and Facts stated by Edmund Yates. Title-page torn, very scarce. Printed for private circulation. 1859. 4 lOs. 528. Thackeray (W. M.). ROSE AND THE RING, or the History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. First edition. Numerous illustrations. With the original pictorial covers, very clean. 1855. 2 2s. 529. Walton (Izaak). LIFE OF DR. SANDERSON. First edition, large paper. Por- trait by White. Fine copy. Brown morocco extra, g. e. by Riviere. R. Marriott. 1678. 5 7.?. Qd. 530. Wermueller (Otto). A SPIRITUALL AND MOST PRECIOUS PERLE TEACHING ALL MEN TO LOVE AND EMBRACE THE CROSSE. Morocco, g. e. Black letter. John Aide for Hugh Singleton (n. d. sed c. 1560). 5 11 Translated from the German by Coverdale, and set forth with a preface by the Protector Somerset. No copy of this rare edition is in the British Museum. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 47 531. Wilson (Sir Thomas). ARTE OF RHETORIQUE. First edition. Black letter, 1553 DEMOSTHENES ORATIONS. English by T. Wylton. Black letter. 1570. In I vol. Old brown calf, rare. Sm. 410. ,3 *6J- IT The first work was well known to Shakespeare ; it contains Anecdotes, Wittie Jesting and Tales. 532. Lang (And.). BLUE POETRY BOOK. Large paper. One of 150 copies. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo. 1891. i 8s. 533. Lang (And.) GREEN FAIRY BOOK. Large paper. One of 150 copies. Numerous illustrations. 1892. i los. 534. Lang (And.). YELLOW FAIRY BOOK. Large paper. One of 140 copies. Numerous illustrations. 1894. 2 2s. 535. Lang (And.). THE TRUE STORY BOOK. Large paper. One of 150 copies. Numerous illustrations. 1893. i 6s. 536. Badminton Library. Cricket, Racing, Golf, Riding, Big Game Shooting, Mountaineering, Swimming, Skating, Fencing, Yachting, Archery, Tennis, Athletics, Boating, Cycling, Driving. 18 vols. Large paper. Only 250 copies printed. Half morocco. 1886-94. ^3 8 537. Agostini (L.). LE GEMME ANTICHE FIGURATE. Title, portrait, and 214 engravings of gems by J. B. Galteruzzi. Old French red morocco, g. e., with arms of Count Hoym in gold on sides. Roma, 1657. Parte Seconda, 51 plates, old French red morocco, g. e. 1669. & 185, If The Beckford copy, and sold in that sale for $ 1OS - 538. Australia. Terra Australis incognita, or a new Southern Discoverie containing a fifth part of the World. Lately found out by Ferdinand de Quir, a Spanish Cap- taine, never before published, unbound. John Hodgetts, 1617. 12 i$s. H Excessively rare, and generally considered the first English book on Australia. 539. Brandt (S.). STULTIFERA NAVIS. Gothic letter. Numerous beautiful woodcuts. Fine copy. Brown morocco super extra, g. e., by Duru. Rare. Paris, 1515. 4 i8j. 540. Breviarium Ordinis Fratrum Minorum. Cum Calendario. Manuscript on vellum. i,ioopages, beautifully written in red and black, illuminated borders, that to the first page of Psalter containing portraits of saints, bound in velvet. SECC. XIII. 6 541. Breviarium seu Liber Devotionum. Manuscript on vellum. By an English scribe. 364 pages. Written in red and black. Original binding, well preserved. Sxc. XIV. 3 3*. 542. Gay (John). POLLY. An Opera, with the Music. First edition. Half morocco, g. e., by F. Bedford. For the author, 1729. i 6s. II Rare. Privately printed. The performance was forbidden by the Lord Chamberlain. 543. Juvenalis, per Angelum Poetam Laureatum. MS. on paper, beautifully written in the I4th century. Original oak boards. Ssec. XIV. 2 iSs. IT Contains some singular readings that have never been printed. 544. Juvenalis et Persii Satyrae. Baskerville's beautiful edition. Frontispiece in- serted. Fine copy. Red morocco extra, g. e., by Derome, with his ticket. Birmingham, 1761. 1 65. 545. Marprelate. Oh read over D. John Bridges, etc., or an epitome of the fyrste booke of that volume written against the Puritans. Black letter. Page 31 48 BOOK SALES OF 1895. slightly defective, otherwise very fine copy. Half calf. Printed oversea in Europe within two furlongs of a Bounsing Priest. 1588. 1 i s. 546. Marprelate. A Dialogue wherein is plainly layd open the tyranicall dealing of Lord Bishops against God's Children. Half calf. Reprinted in the time of Parliament. 1640. 6.r. 547. Scotland. Papers relative to the Regalia of Scotland, 1621 to 1818, by Sir G. Ogilvie of Barras. Printed on vellum. Plates. Half morocco, uncut. Edin- burgh, 1829. 5 TS. Gd. If Unique, the only copy printed on vellum. This copy sold in Dr. David Laing's sale for .18 55. 548. Statuta Antiquae. Old Laws of England from Edward I. to Henry VI., with Index of Contents. Manuscript on vellum, painted capitals, original oak boards, covered with leather. Circa 1450-60. 5 549. Whittington (Robert). SINTAXIS. Side notes of one leaf slightly cut into, and a few leaves mended at the top, morocco. [SOUTHWARK] Impressum per me Petrum Treveris (with his full-page woodcut device on verso of the last leaf. c. 1525)- * 14^- 550. A Large Circular Illumination on Vellum forming the Letter G. Ex- quisitely painted in gold and colours on a gold background, by Don Silvestro of Florence (circa 1360), measuring 13 in. by 12 in., and representing within floreated ornaments Our Saviour and the Virgin enthroned in heaven upon the wings of cherubim supported on the right by Apostles, Popes, etc., and on the left by Apostles and Fathers. Five Angels, with musical instruments in their hands, occupy the foreground, the whole beautifully and delicately executed in pure Italian style, mounted on cardboard, and framed in dark oak. 30 los. 551. America. HERRERA (ANT. DE). Historia General de los Hechos de los Castel- lanos en las Islas i Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano y Description de las Indias Occi- dentales, 8 vols. in 4, engraved titles and maps. Fine copy. Bright old Spanish calf gilt. Rare. Madrid, 1730. i i8s. IF Best edition. Herrera is the Prince of American Historians. 552. America. WILLARD (SAMUEL). A COMPLEAT BODY OF DIVINITY IN TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY EXPOSITORY LECTURES ON THE ASSEMBLY'S SHORTER CATECHISM. Fine portrait by G. V. De Gucht. Calf. B. Green, Boston, etc., 1726. i is. IT This volume is generally credited with the honour of being the largest book printed in New England to this date. 553. Audsley (G. A.). ORNAMENTAL ARTS OF JAPAN. 2 vols. Chromolithographic plates, text and plates guarded throughout. Black morocco, inlaid with green, red, and white, and gilt, g. e. (in boxes). 1882. 10 los. 554. Aristotelis Opera Omnia. Greece et Laline. 2 vols. Large paper. Fine copy. Red morocco extra, g. e., by Duseuil. Paris, 1619. i6s. 555. Bacon(Sir Francis). DiscouRSEToucniNG THE OFFICE OF LORD CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND. By Sir William Dugdale. Original edition. Dedication copy to Sir Francis Bacon, with fine portrait of him by Hollar, dated 1670. Old blue morocco extra, g. e. Monogram and device in gold on sides. 1691. i 15^. 556. Caricatures by Gillray, Rowlandson, George Cruikshank, Heath, Alken, etc. 280 prints, a few coloured, all in clean state. 1785-1831. 3 557. Cooke's Views of London and its Vicinity. Two sets of the beautiful plates, proofs, and etchings, both on India paper. Half morocco, gilt top edges. 1826. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 49 558. Drake (F.). EBORACUM, HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE CITY OF YORK. 2 vols. Large paper, many plates, fine copy. Old calf. Osterley Park book- plate. 1736. 5 iss. IT The Beckford copy sold for 63, 559. Gatakeri (T.). OPERA CRITICA. Portrait. Very fine copy. Old red morocco extra, gilt marbled edges by Derome, with the arms of Prince Eugene of Savoie in gold on sides, and monogram down the back. Traj. Rhenum, 1698. i 6s. 560. Gower (John). DE CONFESSIONS AMANTIS (in English verse). Black letter. Very fine large copy. Dark blue morocco extra, gold tooling on sides, g. e. Thos. Berthelet, 1554. 9 561. Shakespeare. Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Second impression. Verses opposite title mounted, wormhole in title and two first leaves, hole in leaf G, and ends on page 418. Old calf. Sold not subject to return. 1632. 11 562. Vere (Sir F.). COMMENTARIES. With a West Indian Voyage of Sir Walter Raleigh. Large copy. All the portraits and plates. Brilliant impressions. Old calf. 1657. l Is - IT Willet's copy sold for 6 ids. 563. Biblia Sacra Latina. Woodcut title and upwards of 200 engravings on copper, by Joan Andreae. Russia, g. e. Venetiis, L. A. de Giunta, 1519- 1 9*. IT Signature C (8 leaves) wanting. Its place had been supplied in MS. in a contemporary hand very minute, but beautifully executed (9 leaves). 564. Bon Gaultier. BOOK OF BALLADS, illustrated by Alfred Crowquill. Original edition, cloth, as published. 1845. l IOs - 565. Coleridge (S. T.). POEMS. Second edition, to which are now added Poems by Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd. Original boards, uncut. 1797. 1 i6s. 566. Cruikshank (G.). POINTS OF HUMOUR, illustrated by the Designs of George Cruikshank, both parts. First editions. India proofs of the plates and wood engravings. Calf gilt, g. e., by Morell. Royal 8vo. 1823-24. ^3 567. Cruikshank. SPECIMENS OF GERMAN ROMANCE, selected and translated from various Authors (by Thos. Carlyle). First edition. 3 vols. With fine etched frontispiece by George Cruikshank. Half calf, gilt. 1826. 12s. 568. Cruikshank. SUNDAY IN LONDON. First edition. Illustrated with 14 humorous engravings by George Cruikshank. Original boards, uncut. 1833. 14^. 569. Cruikshank. THE LOVING BALLAD OF LORD BATEMAN, with n fine etchings by George Cruikshank, and the engraved plate of music. Original cloth gilt. David Bogue, 1851. &s. 570. De Staal (Madame). MEMOIRS, translated from the French by C. H. Bell. 2 vols. 41 etchings by Ad. Lalauze. Half vellum, g. t., uncut. 1892. i 6^-. IT Printed on Japanese paper. Only 25 copies so issued. 571. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES BY Boz. Both series, second editions. 3 vols. With all the etchings by George Cruikshank. Original cloth. 1836-37. i 12s. IT The second series contains two etchings not published in the first edition. 572. Dickens. MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK. First edition. 3 vols. in the original 88 weekly numbers as issued. Original wrappers (a few wanting), uncut. Royal 8vo. 1840-41. I4J. 573. Dickens (Chas.). THE Pic-Nic PAPERS, by various Hands, edited by Charles Dickens. Original edition. 3 vols. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, Phiz, etc. Half calf gilt, g. e. 1841. 19*. E 50 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 574. Dickens (C.). CHRISTMAS BOOKS. A Christmas Carol Cricket on the Hearth Chimes Battle of Life Haunted Man. All first editions. 5 vols. Original cloth gilt. 1843-48. 6 5-r. II The "Carol" has green end papers and "Stave I." The set belonged to Charles Allan, whose father was a personal friend of Dickens. The "Chimes" bears the following inscription on the half-title: "John Allan, from Charles Dickens, i6th December, 1844." 575. Dickens (C.). A TALE OF Two CITIES, with etched plates by H. K. Browne. First edition. Complete in the original parts as published, with all the pictorial wrappers, in a drop case. 1859. 12 i$s. IT In unusually fine state, being almost as fresh as when issued. Very rare in this state. 576. Gardiner (Steven, Bisshoppe of Winchester). A DETECTION OF THE DEVIL'S SOPHISTRIE, wherewith he robbeth the unlearned people, of the true byleef, in the most blessed Sacrament of the Aulter. Black letter. I2mo., blue morocco extra, gilt leaves. Jhon Herforde, at the costes and charges of Robert Toye. 1546. i 6s. 577. Gaskell (Mrs.). CRANFORD. First edition, large paper. With illustrations by Hugh Thomson. One of 150 copies. Royal 8vo. 1891. i 578. Goldsmith (Oliver). POLITICAL AND DRAMATIC WORKS. Now first collected, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. First edition. 2 vols. Portrait. Calf gilt. 1780. us. 579. Gombauld (Jean Ogier de). L'ENDIMION DE GOMBAULD. First edition. Engraved title and 17 copper plates by Leonard Gaultier, Crispin de Pas, and J. Picart. French contemporary morocco, the sides and back covered with fleurs- de-lis in gold, g. e. Paris, 1624. 2 $s. II Dedicated to the Queen (Anne of Austria), and probably the presentation copy toiler, as the binding is identical with many of the books bound for her husband (Louis XIII.). 580. Hood (Thos.). WHIMS AND ODDITIES, in Prose and Verse. Both series, first editions, with 80 original designs by the Author. 2 vols. Half calf gilt. 1826-27. ijs. IT Vol. I. contains a Poem by the Author, in his handwriting, of 78 lines, "A Glass of Half-and Half, The Sub Marine." Vol. II. a Poem of 10 lines " On Mr. Peck," also in the Author's hand. Both pieces are unpublished. 581. Kipling (Rudyard). BARRACK ROOM BALLADS and other Verses. Large paper. Original cloth. 1892. I2s. 582. Lang (A.). THE GREEN FAIRY BOOK. First edition. Large paper. Illustra- tions by H. J. Ford. Imperial 8vo. 1892. i $s. ^1 Only 150 copies printed on large paper. 583. Lang (A.). ST. ANDREWS. Large paper copy. Numerous illustrations by T. Hodge. One of 107 copies. Imperial 8vo. 1893. i6s. 584. Lang (A.). THE TRUE STORY BOOK. Large paper copy. With numerous illustrations by H. T. Ford, etc. Boards, uncut. Royal 8vo. 1893. igs. IT Only 150 numbered copies on large paper were issued. 585. Lang (A.). HOMER AND THE EPIC. Large paper. First edition. Only 107 copies printed. 1893. i 3-r. 586. Leland's Itinerary through England and Wales. Third and best edition, with index. Large paper. 9 vols. in 3. Calf extra gilt tops, uncut, by Morell. Oxford, 1768-69. 3 js. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 51 587. Angelo (Michael). LIFE, by the late JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. Large paper. With finely etched portrait and 50 reproductions of the Works of the Master, the photo- etchings being printed on Japan paper as proofs before letters. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo. 1893. 5 $s. IT Only 112 copies were issued on large paper. 588. Munchausen (Baron). GULLIVER REVISED : OR THE VICE OF LYING PROPERLY EXPOSED, containing Singular Travels, Campaigns, Voyages and Adventures. 20 caricature plates. Sequel to the Adventures of Baron Mun- chausen, containing his Expedition into Africa, etc. Together. 2 vols. Portrait and 19 caricature plates. Calf gilt extra, gilt tops, uncut, bound by Morell. 1793-92. 6 I2s. 6J. H Probably the finest copy ever offered for sale, the whole of the 40 plates being quite perfect and untorn, the folding ones mounted on linen. 589. Sterne. LETTERS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN WRITTEN BY YORICK AND ELIZA. First edition. 2 vols. Original wrappers, uncut. 1779. .1 4-f. 590. Thackeray. MRS. PERKIN'S BALL. 22 plates by the author. A coloured copy. Original boards, g. e. 1847. I 2S - 591. Thackeray. THE BOOK OF SNOBS. First edition. With numerous illustrations by the author. Original pictorial wrapper, in a case. "Punch" Office, 1848. 3 x6j. 592. Thackeray. REBECCA AND ROWENA : A ROMANCE UPON ROMANCE. First edition. With Illustrations by Richard Doyle. Original picture boards, uncut. 1850. I2S. 593. Wilks (R.). THE LIFE OF THAT EMINENT COMEDIAN, ROBERT WILKS, ESQ. Vignette portrait on title. Calf gilt. E. Curll, 1733. i 2s. H With two advertisements from his widow and his brother-in-law, stating that although two other Lives have been issued, this is the only true and authentic one. Autograph of Thomas Campbell on half-title. 594. America. The Relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La- Warre, Lord Gouernour and Captaine Generall of the Colonie, planted in Virginea. Morocco extra. William Hall for William Welbie, 1611. ^40 If Excessively rare, and an unusually large copy. 595. America. M. T. CICERO'S CATO MAJOR, or, His Discourse of Old-Age. With explanatory notes. A tall clean copy, morocco gilt. Philadelphia, printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1744. 12 ios. 596. America. EVANS (LEWIS). An Analysis of the General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, and of the Country of the Confederate Indians. A description of the face of the country, etc. First edition. Large folding map, coloured, calf g. e. Philadelphia, printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755. 7 15*. 597. Caxton. LIBER FESTIVALIS : OR DIRECTIONS FOR KEEPING FEASTS ALL THE YERE (200 leaves). QUATUOR SERMONES (50 leaves). Gothic letter. 2 vols. in i. Morocco extra, gilt leaves. Finitum et completum in Westmonasterio Anno domini MCCCCLXXXXIII. (With CAXTON'S smaller device following). 4.1 11 The first work wants folios i, 6 to 16, 23, 34 to 37, 119, 157 to 159 (folio 197 is damaged). The second work wants folios 39, 47 to 49, and 41 and 50 are damaged. 598. Cruikshank. PETER SCHLEMIHL. The 8 plates printed in 4to. Artist's proofs before letters on India paper. Fine state, very rare. 1822. ^5 $s. 52 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 599. Prynne (W.) THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE STARR CHAMBER AGAINST MR. PRINN FOR WRITTING A BOOKE INTITULED HISTRIO MASTIX, 15 FEBRUARY AN CAROLI REGIS NONO. 1633, contemporary MS. 56 leaves, old gilt calf. 4 4^- 600. Rabelais. WORKS. Translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Antony Motteux, with an Introduction by Anatole de Montaiglon. 2 vols. Large Japanese paper, beautifully printed, with a series of magnificent plates by Louis Chalon, and two additional plates. Vellum gilt. 1892. ,3 12s. If Only 210 copies printed on large paper. 601. White's Club. THE HISTORY OF WHITE'S. 3 vols. in 2. Portraits from rare prints, unique drawings in the possession of the club, and other sources. Cloth, uncut. 1892. 3 I2j. IT Privately printed for the members of the club. 602. Fabian. THE CHRONICLE OF FABIAN, WHICHE HE HAD NAMETH THE CON- CORDANCE OF HISTORIES NEWLYE PERUSED, AND CONTINUED FROM THE BEGINNING OF KYNG HENRY THE SEVENTH TO THE ENDE OF QUEENE MARY. Black letter. 2 vols. in I. Calf, book-plate of the Earl of Essex. 1701. Imprinted at London, by John Kyngston, 1559. 2 2s. 603. Ciceronis Opera cum optimis exemplaribus accurate Collata. 10 vols. Old English red morocco, sides tooled, backs worn, g. e. Lugd. Bat. Elzevir. 1642. 15^. 604. Boccaccio (G.). IL DECAMERON, Si COME LO DIEDERO ALLE STAMPE GLI SSRi. Giunti 1'Anno 1527. Old red morocco extra, tooled sides, g. e. , by Roger Payne. Amsterdam (D. Elzevir) ; 1665. 4 4^- 605. Cruikshank (G.). FAIRY LIBRARY: Hop o' my Thumb, Jack and the Bean Stalk, Puss in Boots, Cinderella. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Original wrappers, n. d. t 606. Cruikshank. FAIRY LIBRARY : Jack and the Beanstalk, 4 copies ; Cinderella, 2 copies ; Puss in Boots. 2 $s. 607. Lodge (E.). PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 12 vols. in 6. Fine impressions of the 240 portraits, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1835. 5 608. Ovid. LES METAMORPHOSES D'OviDE. Et Latin et en Fra^ois, de la Traduc- tion de 1'Abbe Banier. 4 vols. Numerous fine plates and vignettes designed by Boucher, Eisen, Gravelot, etc., engraved by Le Mire and Basan. French calf gilt, g. e. 1767-70. 5 i&s. 609. Decaisne (J.). JARDIN FRUITIER DU MUSEUM. Vols. I. to IX., 9 vols. Coloured plates. Half morocco, g. t. Royal 410. Paris, 1871-75. g 610. Beauchasteau. LA LYRE DU JEUNE APOLLON. 23 fine portraits (Henrietta Maria, Cardinal Mazarin, Christina Queen of Sweden, Marie de Medicis, Duke of Orleans, etc.). In contemporary yellow morocco, covered with gold tooling. Paris, 1657. 2 1 4 S - 611. Buller (Sir W. L.). HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF NEW ZEALAND. 2 vols. Coloured plates. In parts. Imperial 4to. 1887-88. 4 612. Abbot (J.) and J. E. Smith. NATURAL HISTORY OF THE LEPIDOPTEROUS INSECTS OF GEORGIA. 2 vols. Coloured plates. Green morocco extra, g. e. 1797- 7 15*- 613. Audubon (J. J.) and Bachman (J.). VIVIPAROUS QUADRUPEDS OK NORTH AMERICA. 3 vols. 150 finely coloured plates. Half morocco. Atlas folio. New York, 1845-48. $g BOOK SALES OF 1895. 53 614. Caricatures. A Collection of over 500 Coloured Caricatures by WOODWARD, ROWLANDSON, GiLLRAY, I. CRUiKSHANK and other Caricaturists of the last century. Mounted in I vol. Half morocco. Imperial folio. ^43 SALE OF BOOKS AT MESSRS. PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, February jib, SM, and \\th, 1895. H Sale of Books comprising some rare Americana, a few extra illustrated books, and a few sixteenth century rarities. The sale was a very interesting one ; the prices being fairly good, and of value to all estimates as to the ruling of the market. It is noteworthy to mark the fall in the prices of the Aldines. A few rare Canadian books are specially interesting. 615. A'Beckett (G.). THE COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Coloured plates and wood- cuts by Leech. First edition. 2 vols. Calf gilt. 1847. 2 14^. 616. A'Beckett (G.). THE COMIC HISTORY OF ROME. Coloured plates and woodcuts by Leech. Calf, g. e., original wrappers inserted, n. d. i us. 617. America. HENNEPIN (L. ). New Discovery of a vast Country in America, extending above Four Thousand Miles between New France and New Mexico, with a Con- tinuation giving an account of the Attempts of the Sieur de la Salie, the taking of Quebec, etc. Maps and plates. First English edition. Half morocco, rough edges, top margin of title neatly repaired (reprints of the maps). 1698. z 2s. 618. America. HENNEPIN. Another copy. Half morocco (reprint maps). 1698. 2 los. 11 This copy showed some slight variations from the preceding. The imprint was differently spaced and the plates of the second part were reversed. General Wilson's copy sold for 6 los. 619. America. LE CLERC (pere Chrestien). Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie qui contient Les Mceurs et la Religion des Sauvages Gaspesiens et d'autres Peuples de 1'Amerique Septentrionale, dite le Canada. Half morocco, I2mo. Paris, 1691. 3 I2J- 620. America. LE PAGE DU PRATZ. Histoire de la Louisiane, contenant la De'couverte de ce vaste Pays, ornee de deux Cartes et de 40 Planches. 3 vols. Old calf, red edges. Paris, 1758. i is. 621. America. New Voyages to North America, with a Geographical Description of Canada and the Interest of the English and French in their Commerce, with a Dictionary of the Algonkine Language, by the Baron Lahontan, Lord Lieutenant at Placentia. Maps and cuts. First edition. 3 vols. Half morocco. 1703. 3 IO.T. 622. America. The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia. Half bound, scarce. J 733- i ij. 623. Amman (Jost). BIBLIORUM UTRIUSQUE TESTAMENTI ICONES. 200 spirited woodcuts by Jost. Amman. Morocco g. e. by Bozerian (a few of the woodcuts slightly coloured ; sold with all faults). Francof., 1571. 12s. 624. Anthologie Franoise depuis le 136 siecle, et Chansons Joyeuses. Frontispieces and music engraved by Gravclot and portrait by Cochin. 4 vols. Crimson morocco g. e. 1765. j 54 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 625. Arnold (M.)- CROMWELL: a Prize Poem. Oxford, 1843. ARNOLD (E.). The FEAST OF BELSHAZZAR. Oxford, 1852. 1 i6j. 626. Barham (T.). INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. Three series, complete. First edition. Plates by Leech and Cruikshank. Morocco extra, t. e. g. by Riviere, original covers bound up at end ; fine copy. 1840-7. iB 627. Beggars. SUPPLICATION FOR THE BEGGARS. From the Original Edition of 1524. Unique copy on vellum ; morocco g. e. by Riviere. Pickering, 1845. i $s. 628. Boccaccio (G.). IL DECAMERONE. 5 vols. Printed on Papier de Hollande, portrait, plates, and numerous culs-de-lampe after Gravelot, Cochin, Eisen and Boucher, engraved by Le Mire and others ; crimson morocco, with inner boards of gold, g. e. Londres (Paris), 1757. ,8 629. Boccace (Jean). LE DECAMERON. Plates and vignettes by Eisen, Gravelot, Boucher, etc. 5 vols. Crimson morocco gilt, by Derome. Londres (Paris), 1757. 5 17^. Gd. 630. Boccace (J. de). LE DECAMERON, traduit par A. Le Ma9on. 5 vols. Portrait and numerous plates by Eisen, Gravelot, etc.; original calf, g. e. Londres (Paris), 1757. 3 I2s. &d. H One plate missing. Sold not subject to return. 631. Boileau Despreaux (N.). CEUVRES AVEC SES REMARQUES ET DISSERTATIONS PAR M. DE SAINT-MARC. 5 vols. Best edition. Portrait after Rigaud by Daule, plates and vignettes by Eisen ; crimson morocco extra, g. e. Paris, 1747. 1 ios. 632. Byron (Lord). THE WALTZ: an Apostrophic Hymn, by Horace Hornem, Esq. Uncut. I2mo. Benbow, 1821. i 12s. 633. Csesaris Commentarii cura Aldi. With map and woodcuts. As usual two of the woodcuts are slightly cut into; the bottom margin of the title is skilfully repaired, else fine copy, calf extra, with Aldine Anchor in gold on sides, g. e. Utterson's copy, with his bookplate. Venetiis, Aldus, 1513. i ios. fl" The first Aldine edition, and very rare. Sir J. Thorold's copy sold for 21, and Dr. Luard's for the same sum in 1891. 634. Canada. A JOURNAL: OR FULL ACCOUNT OF THE LATE EXPEDITION TO CANADA. By SIR HOVENDEN WALKER. Calf. Scarce. 1720. 2 2s. 635. Canada. BOUCHER (PIERRE). HISTOIRE VERITABLE ET NATURELLE DBS MCF.URS ET PRODUCTIONS DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE, VULGAIREMENT DITE LE CANADA. Calf, gilt edges, I2mo. A Paris, 1664. 8 ios. IT Extremely rare. The Beckford copy sold for 14. 636. Canada. BRESSANI (FRANCESCO). BREVE RELATIONS D'ALCUNE MISSIONI DE P. P. DELLA COMPAGNIA DI GIESU NELLA NUOUA FRANCIA. Calf, gilt. In Macerata, 1653. 3 los - 637. Canada. ESTAT PRESENT DE L'EGLISE ET DE LA COLONIE FRANCOISE DANS LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. Par M. L'EVEQUE DE QUEBEC. Calf. Paris, 1688. *9 If Rare. The author was J. B. De Saint Valier. 638. Canada. REGLEMENT DE LA CONFRERIE DE L' ADORATION PERPETUEI.LE DU S. SACRAMENT, ET DE LE BONNE MORT. Erigee dans 1'Eglise Paroissiale de Ville-Marie, en 1'Isle de Montreal, en Canada. Boards, i6mo. Montreal, chez F. Mesplet et C. Berger, 1776. 2 4*. IT Very rare. The first book printed at Montreal. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 55 639. Canada. RELATION DE CE QUI S'EST PASSE EN LA NOUVELLE FRANCE EN L'ANNEE 1642 ; ENVOYEE AU R. P. JEAN FILLEAU, PROVINCIAL DE LA COM- PAGNIE DE JESUS. Par le R. P. B. Vimont, Superieur de la Residence de Kebec. Original limp vellum. Paris, 1643. 5 5.?. 640. Canada. RELATION, ETC., EN L'ANNEE 1642 ET 1643. Par B. VIMONT. Vellum. Paris, 1644. 5 5J. 641. Canada. RELATION DE CE QUI S'EST PASSE EN LA MISSION DBS PERES DE LA COMPAGNIE DE JESUS AUX HURONS, ES ANNEES 1648 ET 1649. By le P. PAUL RAGUENEAU. Vellum. I2mo. Paris, 1650. 4 IQJ. 642. Canada. RELATIONS DES JESUITES DANS LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 3 vols. in 6. Half morocco, t. e. g., royal 8vo. Quebec, 1858. .3 155-. 643. Canada. SAGARD (GABRIEL). HISTOIRE DU CANADA ET VOYAGES QUE LES FRERES MINEURS RECOLLECTS Y ONT FAICTS POUR LA CONVERSION DES INFI- DELLES. Red morocco, gilt leaves. By Lortic with his ticket. Paris, Chez Claude Sonnius, 1636. 2% If A very fine and complete copy of this excessively rare work, one of the three known containing the 4 pages of Indian Music. The Beckford sold for ^30 IQJ. 644. Canada. THEVET (ANDRE). LES SINGULARITEZ DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE ANTARCTIQUE, AUTREMENT NOMMEE AMERIQUE, ET DE PI.USIEURS TERRES ET ILES DECOUVERTES DE NOSTRE TEMPS. Woodcuts. Original wrapping vellum, with ties. I2mo. Anvers de rimprimerie de C. Plantin. 1558. 10 icj. If A very fine copy of this rare book, the second work relating to Canada, that of Cartier being the first. 645. Chauncey (Maurice). HISTORIAMARTYRIIANGLORUM SUBREGE HENRICO VIII. Engraved title and plates, s. 1., 1608. i If One of the rarest accounts of the sufferings of the English Catholics. Williams' copy of the 3 parts sold for .6 8s. 646. Corneille (Pierre). THEATRE AVEC DES COMMENTAIRES (par Voltaire). Illustrated with fine plates by Le Mire after Gravelot. 12 vols. Old crimson morocco extra, tooled back and sides by Padeloup. Fine copy. Geneve, 1764. ,5 647. Cruikshank. BASILE (G.). THE PENTAMERONE. Translated by J. E. Taylor. Plates by G. Cruikshank, with duplicate set of the plates, coloured, and the original covers preserved. Crimson morocco, t. e. g., by Riviere. 1848. 2 648. Cruikshank. THE GENTLEMAN IN BLACK. First edition. Plates by G. Cruikshank. 1831. 2 649. De Grammont. MEMOIRES, CONTENANT L'HISTOIRE AMOUREUSE DE LA COUR D'ANGLETERRE sous LE REGNE DE CHARLES II. Edition Originale. Fine copy in olive morocco, g. e. Cologne, chez Pierre Marteau, 1713. i i2s. 650. Dibdin (T. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN AND PICTURESQUE TOUR IN THE NORTHERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND IN SCOTLAND. 2 vols. Plates and woodcuts, some on India paper, half morocco. 1838. 2 i8s. 651. Dickens (C.). PICKWICK PAPERS. First edition. Illustrations by R. Seymour and " Phiz," with the address to Part 3 and a specimen wrapper preserved, green morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere. Chapman & Hall, 1837. 4 If With the two suppressed plates by Buss, a duplicate set of forty-one plates by Seymour and Phiz, coloured by hand, and a coloured set of thirty-two plates by Onwhyn and others. 652. Dickens (Charles). OLIVER TWIST. Plates by Geo. Cruikshank. First edition, with the cancelled " Fireside " plate. 3 vols. Cloth. Bentley, 1838. 2 los. 56 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 653. Donne (J.). POEMS, with Elegies on the Author's Death. Portrait by Marshall. Calf. I2mo. 1635. 2 gs. 654. Dorat, etc. COLLECTION D'HEROIDES : a Collection of about 70 pieces by Dorat, Marquis de Pezay, La Fontaine, and others, in 20 vols. "Grand Papier de Hol- lande." Numerous plates and charming vignettes by Eisen, Marillier, and Gravelot. 20 vols. Half calf. Paris, etc. (The lot with all faults.) 1764-84. 2 los. If Includes : Dorat, Les Baisers, La Declamation Theatrale, La Danse, Pezay, Le Pot-Pourri, Bernard, Phrosine et Melidore, etc. 655. Egan (Pierce). LIFE IN LONDON. First edition. Coloured plates and woodcuts by I. R. and G. Cruikshank. Morocco extra, t. e. g., fore and lower edges uncut (original pictorial covers bound in at end) by Riviere. Fine copy. Royal 8vo. 1821. .10 5*. 656. Fielding (H.). HISTORY OF TOM JONES. First edition. 6 vols. Calf, gilt. 1749. 3 105. 657. Fielding. AMELIA. First edition. 4 vols. Calf gilt. 1752. ,2 15*. 658. Albertus Magnus. LEGENDA. Lit. goth., with rubricated capitals and wood- cuts ; also LEGENDA METRICA (2 11. in facsimile), portrait inserted. Morocco extra, g. e. Rare. 1490. 1 its. If This copy sold in the Inglis Sale for 4 175. 659. America. DISCOURSE ON THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL WITH NAMES OF THE MISSIONARIES OF NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, CAROLINA, etc. Large paper, vellum gilt. 1723. i i$s. 660. America. Condamine (M.). VOYAGE A L'EQUATEUR. Maps and plates. 2 vols. With Supplement. Calf. 1751. j z 5*< *F Smith's copy sold for 2 5*. 661. America. Smith (William). HISTORY OF THE PROVINCE OF NEW YORK FROM THE FIRST DISCOVERY TO 1732. Half calf (binding loose). 1757. 2 45. *[ The original edition. A copy sold in 1891 for 26. 662. America. CHAMPLAIN'S VOYAGES. Maps, etc. 2 vols. Half morocco, t. e. g. Boston, 1880-2. 3 3j. ^T Only 250 copies printed. 663. Baldwin (W.). MYRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES (A) WHEREIN MAY BE SEENE BY EXAMPLE OF OTHER, WITH HOWE GREVOUS PLAGUES, VICES ARE PUNISHED, etc. Edited by W. Baldwin. Black letter, title mounted, some 11. wormed and some mended, sold with all faults. Morocco extra, g. e., by Ramage. 1563. iGs. 664. Baldwin (W.). MYRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. Black letter. First edition, containing the two parts. Olive morocco, g. e. (one leaf damaged). T. Marshe. 1563. i IBs. 665. Baldwin. MYRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. The seconde part, containing the falles of the infortunate Princes of this Lande. Black letter (woodcut title shaved) russia, g. e., blind tooled (slightly soiled). 1578. 3 js. d. 666. Baldwin. MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. Newly corrected and augmented. Edited by John Higgins. Black letter (one or two headlines shaved). Red morocco extra, g. e. H. Marsh. 1587. ^3 $s. 667. Bartolozzi. THE GARDENS. By the Abbe De Lille. Large thick paper. Plates by Bartolozzi. Red morocco, g. e. , only 25 copies printed this size. Royal 8vo. 1805. 1 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 57 668. Baskerville. VIRGILII OPERA. Fine copy. Old gilt vellum. Bookplate of Horace Walpole. Birmingham, 1757. i izr. 669. Ben Jonson. Stobaeus (J. ). DICTA POETARUM, LATINE CARMINE REDDITA AB HUGONE GROTIO. Original calf. Paris, 1623. i $s. IT From the library of the great dramatist, with his autograph and motto on title, " Sum Ben Jonsonii, Tanquam Explorator." This copy cost the late owner 1 5 guineas. 670. Bible in Irish. THE OLD TESTAMENT IN IRISH. By Dr. W. Bedel, Bishop of Velimore. Calf gilt (title mended), rare. 1685. 1 $s. IT First edition of the Bible in Irish. 671. Churchyard (T.). THE FIRSTE PART OF CHURCHYARDES CHIPPES, CONTAYN- ING TWELVE SEVERAL LABOURS. Black letter. Some 11. stained on lower margin. Blue morocco extra, g. e., by Ramage. Sm. 4to. 1578. 10 If Gardner's copy sold for ^15 in 1854. 672. Googe (B.). THE ZODIAKE OF LIFE, written by the excellent and Christian Poet, Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus. Black letter (title and last leaf mounted), cf. sm. 4to. 1588. igs. 673. Grammont (Count). MEMOIRS, by COUNT A. HAMILTON. Portraits, old red morocco. 1793. ,3 If This copy had 78 portraits, not 76 as staled on the title-page. 674. Aeneas Sylvius Papa Pie II. Epistolae. Capital letters in gold and colours, russia. Mecliolani A. Zantus. 1473. *7 S - If A very early Milan printed book. 675. Aldine. Ammonius. COMMENTARII IN HERMINIAS. Some margins wormed, vellum. Venetiis. 1503. 5J-. If The Sykes copy sold for ,3 13^. 6d. 676. Aldine. EUSTRATIUS ET ALIORUM COMMENT. IN LIBRORUM ARISTOTELIS DE MORIBUS, etc. (Grsece). Ancient MS. notes. Large paper. Old calf. 1536. $s. If The Syston Park copy sold for 4 iSs. 677. America. Herrera (A. de). Novis ORBIS SIVE DESCRIPTIO INDIAE OCCIDEN- TALIS. Front. , maps, and plates. Calf, rare. Amst., 1622. 13^. 678. Bindings. Libri (G.). MONUMENTI INEDITI. 65 large plates of old bindings, etc., with descriptions in English and French, half morocco, g. e., only 150 copies printed. 1864. 3 5^- 679. Blake. YOUNG'S NIGHT THOUGHTS. Illustrated by W. Blake, half morocco, edges uncut. 1797. 5 15^. 680. Chaucer (Geffray). WORKES, with dyvers Workes never in Print before. Black letter, title mounted and few 11. slightly defective (sold not subject to return;. Calf with clasps and bosses. Thomas Petit, n. d. 2 los, 681. Chaucer (G.). WORKES, newly Printed, with Dyvers Workes which were never in print before. Black letter, slightly wormed. Calf gilt, g. e. Wyllyam Bonham, r 542. 5 5*- 682. Digby (Sir Kenelm). TREATISES OF THE NATURE OF BODIES AND IMMOR- TALITY OF SOULS. Original edition, vellum. Paris, 1644. lor. 683. Drayton (M.). POLY-OLBION. 2vols.ini. Original edition, front., portrait of Prince Henry, and folding maps ; wanting, as usual, the printed titles. Original calf (fore margin of title neatly repaired). 1622. 2 i6s. 58 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 684. Euclid's Elements of Geometric, translated by H. Billingsley. Slightly stained, title mounted and i leaf mended. Lond., J. Daye, 1570. i los. 685. Horatii Opera, the "Pine edition," 2 vols., engraved throughout (vol. i wants pp. 99-100). Calf rebacked. 1733-7. I7J. 686. Howitt (W.). HOMES AND HAUNTS OF THE MOST EMINENT BRITISH POETS. 2 vols., numerous illustrations, half morocco. 1849. 12s. 687. Hunt (Leigh). LORD BYRON AND SOME OF HIS CONTEMPORARIES. 2 vols., portraits, half morocco. 1828. us. 688. Hunt (Leigh). A JAR OF HONEY, illustrated by R. Doyle (spotted), original picture boards. 1848. 4J. 6d. 689. Killigrew (Sir Wm.). MID-NIGHT THOUGHTS. Poems in Prose and Verse. First edition. Half calf. 1694. i 4^. T Rare. Priced in the Bib. A. P. 2 12s. 6d. 690. La Fontaine. CONTES ET NOVELLES. Plates by Romeyn de Hooghe. 2 vols. Red morocco, gilt, by Derome. Utterson's copy, with his book label. Amst., 1690. i us. 631. Lane (E. W.). ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS. 3 vols. Woodcuts by W. Harvey. Morocco extra, tooled borders, g. e. Knight. 1840-1. 2 i8s. 692. Leech. A LITTLE TOUR IN IRELAND. By an Oxonian. Coloured frontispiece and plates by Leech. Cloth, g. e. Bradbury. 1859. i 6s. 693. Mary Queen of Scots. Defence de 1'Honorable Sentence et tres-juste Execution de defuncte Marie Steward, Rayne d'Ecosse. With the 2 11. of errata at end. Calf gilt, rare. 1588. i ijs. IT Craig's copy sold for 8 guineas. 694. Mary Queen of Scots. Scoti (Reg.) Summarium Rationum, Mariam Stuartum. Small 410. Vellum, s. 1., 1588. i is. 1F One of the rarest works relating to Mary Queen of Scots. 695. Mary Queen of Scots. AYSCUE (E.) Historic of the Warres between England and Scotland. Nearly 100 pp. relate to Mary Queen of Scots, 1607 ; Rerum Anglicarum, Henrico VIII., etc., 1628, in one vol. Calf, with the arms of Sir Edward Dering in gold on sides. Small 4to. 2 696. Mary Queen of Scots. VERSTEGAN (R.) Theatrum Crudelitatum Hsereticorum. Plates, including the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. Vellum, fine copy. Small 4to. Ant., 1594. i 8s. IF Tile's copy sold for 1$. 697. Mather (Cotton). LIFE AND DEATH OF THE RENOWN'D MR. JOHN ELIOT. Second edition. Half-bound. I2mo. 1691. i 155. 698. Milton (J.). PARADISE REGAINED, AND SAMSON AGONISTES. First edition, with the rare leaf" Licensed," presentation copy from Mr. Hollis to the Speaker, July 22, 1760. Morocco. 1617. 7 IT The Gaisford copy realized 10 los. 699. Ritson (J.). WORKS, viz., Minor Poems, Robin Hood, Bibliographia, Poetica, Gammer Gurton's Garland, Collection of English Songs, Caledonian Muse, Life and Letters, Life of King Arthur, Memoirs of the Celts, Annals of the Picts, Ancient Songs and Ballads, Fairy Tales and Letters by Nicolas, together 19 vols. Calf gilt. 1795-1833. 3 12s. 6' remarkable collection of manuscripts and books of various editions, ancient and modern, of A Kempis's " De Imitatione Christi." The editions were not confined to the original Latin, but included speci- mens of the best issues in Latin- Italian, Latin-Greek, Latin-French, Latin-German, Italian, French, German, Dutch and Flemish, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Provencal, Hungarian, Swedish, Danish, Greenland, Slavonic, Finnish, Rhetian, Sardinian, Maltese, Lusatian, Catalan, Breton, Basque, Lettow, Albanian, Welsh, Irish, Gallic, Modern Greek, Greek, Romaic (in Roman and in Greek characters), Malay, Chaldaic, Armenian, Arabic, English. There were two lots sold. The first consisted of six Manuscripts and 762 Printed Editions, ranging from a facsimile of the original Manuscripts, of A.D. 1441, by Charles Rueleus, printed on vellum, and the first edition, with date (1483), down to Suttaby's English Reprint, of 1883. The second lot contained 437 Printed Editions, from the editio princeps, per Gunther Zainer (circa 1471), to the English reprint by Rivington, in 1877. Two such collections have never before occurred for sale, and we doubt whether there be in any single library, public or private, a collection in anyway rivalling in completeness this of the Waterton collection. The prices which they realized should be a warning to the collector, who col- lects either for profit or with the hope that his hobby may prove of value. THE FOOTE COLLECTION. (THIRD PART.) Sold at Messrs. Bangs and Co., New York, February 2o///, 1895. 892. Arnold (Matthew). SAINT BRANDON. Small Svo. (pp. n), original paper covers. London, 1867. 2 los. H First edition of a very limited issue. Autograph letter inserted. In slip case. 893. Arnold (Matthew). GEIST'S GRAVE. I2ino. (pp. n), original paper covers. London, 1881. 4 los. If First edition, printed for a few friends. Inserted is an autograph letter from the Poet. In slip case. 894. Birrell (Augustine). OBITER DICTA, First and Second Series. 2 vols. 410. cloth, uncut. Large paper copies. London, 1887. i iSs. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 75 895. Carroll (Lewis) (T. Dodgson). ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. Illustrations by Tenniel. 8vo., full levant morocco, by Stikeman. London, 1866. " IT First edition. Autograph letter inserted. A very rare volume and seldom offered. A copy offered by a leading New York dealer at $75 was recently sold at that price. 896. Braithwaite (R.). BARNAB^E ITINERARIUM ; or, BARNABEES JOURNALL, by Corymbceus. 8vo., old calf. London, n. d. (1638). 6 6s. IT A copy of the first edition of the rarest of all of Braithwaite's publications. This copy lacked frontispiece and small piece at bottom of title-page. Last leaf mended, but without injury to the text. A copy, with frontispiece, and otherwise perfect, sold in these rooms on January 3Oth last for 200. 897. Donne (John). POEMS, by J. D., with elegies on the Author's death. Small 410. London, 1633. & H A large copy of the first edition of this rare book. This copy had the two leaves " The Printer to the Understanders," often wanting. From the library of Cornelius Paine, with book-plate. A similar copy sold in these rooms on January 3Oth last for $60. Title-page skilfully mended without in any way interfering with text. 898. Field (Eugene). THE MODEL PRIMER. Illustrated. Square i6mo., paper. First edition. Brooklyn, 1882. 3 5^. 899. Field (Eugene). SECOND BOOK OF VERSE. 8vo., half cloth, gilt top, uncut. First edition. No. 187 of 300 copies printed, and signed by John Wilson & Son, Cambridge. Chicago, 1892. i 900. Field (Eugene). THE HOLY CROSS, and other Tales. 8vo., cloth, uncut. First edition. No. 9 of Large Paper edition of no copies. Cambridge, 1893. i$s. 901. Gale (Norman). THISTLEDOWN ESSAYS, whereof the Tale is Six, penned in the Studios of Rusticus and one who is a Friend of his. i6mo., paper, uncut. First edition. Rare. One of 22 copies on large paper. Rugby, 1890. i is. 902. Gale (Norman). CRICKET SONGS, and other Trifling Verses, penned by one of the authors of Thistledown. 161110., paper, uncut. First edition, and one of 20 copies on large paper. Very rare. Rugby, 1890. i 2s. 903. Gale (Norman). A JUNE ROMANCE. 121110., paper, uncut. First edition. Rare. No. 19 of an edition of 23 copies on large paper. Autograph verses inserted. London, 1892. i i$s. 904. Gale (Norman). A COUNTRY MUSE. New Series. 8vo., half vellum, uncut. Rare. No. 36 of 75 copies on large paper. London, 1893. > l 4 J ~- 905. Gale (Norman). A FELLOWSHIP IN SONG, by Alfred Hayes, Richard Le Gallienne and Norman Gale. l6mo., paper, uncut. First edition. Rare. One of 56 copies on large paper. Rugby, 1893. i 906. Gale (Norman). ORCHARD SONGS. 8vo., vellum, uncut. First edition. Special edition on hand-made paper ; one of 150 copies. London, 1893. i 2s. 907. Gale (Norman). MEADOWSWEET. i6mo., cloth, uncut. First edition. One of 50 copies. Rare. Rugby, n. d. i 6s. 908. Gray (Thomas). ODES. Engraved vignette. 4to., mottled calf. Printed at Strawberry-Hill, for R. and J. Dodsley in Pall Mall, 1757. 5 li" First edition and the first book printed at the famous Strawberry-Hill Press. Only one thousand copies were printed, and it has become very scarce. A copy of this work sold in these rooms on January 301!) last for $35. 76 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 909. Hamilton (Walter). FRENCH BOOK-PLATES : a Handbook for Ex-Libris Col- lectors. With numerous illustrations. Small 410., cloth, uncut. First edition, and long out of print. One of an edition of 500 copies. London, 1892. i 2s. 910. Keats (John). ENDYMION : a Poetic Romance. 8vo., crushed levant morocco, leather joints and inside borders, uncut, by Bradstreet. London, 1818. g gs. IT A clean and tall uncut copy of the first edition of this very rare book (size 8$ by 5^ inches). Inserted is a severe critical article from Blackwood's Magazine. A copy of this work with a few lines of MS. in the handwriting of Keats, sold in these rooms, January 3Oth last, for $60. 911. Kelmscott Press Publication. Blunt (Wilfrid Scawen). THE LOVE- LYRICS AND SONGS OF PROTEUS. With engraved title and initial letters from de- signs by William Morris. Text printed in red and black. Kelmscott Press, January, 1892. Small 4to., limp vellum, uncut. 2 If Rare. Quoted $27.50 in recently issued catalogue. Only three hundred printed. 912. Kelmscott Press Publication. THE BOOK OF WISDOM AND LIES, by Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani. Translated, with Notes, by Oliver Wardrop. Printed by William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press, and finished on the 2gth day of September, 1894. 8vo., vellum, uncut. Only 250 copies printed, and now scarce. 2 6s. 913. Kelmscott Press Publication. THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS. 8vo., vellum, uncut. In black and red. Published by William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press, 1894. Only 300 printed, and now out of print. 7 i$s. 914. Lamb (Charles). ELIA. Essays. Second Series, issued in Philadelphia five years before Lamb collected his last Essays of Elia for publication in London. Post 8vo., boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 los. 915. Lang (Andrew). BALLADS AND LYRICS OF OLD FRANCE. Small 8vo., cloth, uncut. First edition. Very rare. London, 1872. 8 916. Lang (A.) and S. H. Butcher. THE ODYSSEY OF HOMER. Frontispiece. 8vo., cloth, uncut. First edition. London, 1879. 2 i$s. 917. Lang (A.). THEOCRITUS, BION, AND MOSCHUS, rendered into English verse. 8vo., cloth, uncut. First edition. London, 1880. 2 los. 918. Lang (A.). XXII BALLADES IN BLUE CHINA. Small 8vo., paper, uncut. First edition. Rare. London, 1880. 4 919. Lang (A.). OXFORD : brief Historical and Descriptive Notes. 10 fine full-page etchings and 15 illustrations on wood, by Brunet-Debaines, R. Kent Thomas and H. Toussaint. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. There is also an 8vo. edition issued in 1890, but this is the genuine first edition. London, 1880. i $s. 920. Lang (A.). XXII and X = XXXII BALLADES IN BLUE CHINA. Frontispiece. Small 8vo., paper, uncut. First edition. Rare. London, 1881. 2 2s. 921. Lang (A.). HELEN OF TROY. Small 8vo., half morocco, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. First edition. Rare. Seldom offered at private sale or at auction. London, 1882. 5 los. 922. Lang (A.) and Others. THE ILIAD OF HOMER DONE INTO ENGLISH PROSE. 8vo., cloth, uncut. First edition. London, 1883. i 15*. 923. Lang (A.). RHYMES A LA MODE. 8vo., full crushed levant morocco, uncut. Frontispiece by E. A. Abbey. First edition. Scarce. Large paper. Portrait and autograph letter inserted. London, 1885. 5 lew. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 77 924. Lang (A.). LINES ON THE INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE SHELLEY SOCIETY. Portrait. 8vo. (pp. 26), uncut. Excessively rare. Only 30 copies were privately printed, and consequently it is usually wanting in collections otherwise complete. In morocco case. London, 1886. ,6 6s. 925. Lang (A.). BOOKS AND BOOKMEN. Illustrated. 121110., cloth, uncut. First edition. New York, 1886. i is. 926. Lang (A.). AUCASSIN AND NICOLETE. Frontispieces. 8vo., boards, uncut. Large paper. One of 63 copies on Japan paper. Very rare, and especially so on large paper. In morocco case. London, 1887. 16 i6s. 927. Lang (A.), and E. H. Garrett. ELIZABETHAN SONGS, "in Honour of Love and Beautie." Collected and illustrated by E. H. Garrett, with an Introduction by Andrew Lang. Illustrated. Royal 8vo., vellum, boards, uncut. One of 225 copies on Japan paper. Boston, 1891. ,3 3.?. 928. Lang (A.). THE BLUE POETRY BOOK. Illustrated by H. J. Ford and L. Speed. Large 8vo. , boards, rough edges. First edition. One of 150 copies on large paper. London, 1891. 2 los. 929. Lang (A.). THE GREEN FAIRY BOOK. Illustrated by H. J. Ford. Large 8vo., boards, uncut. First edition. One of 150 copies on large paper. London, 1892. ^285. 930. Lang (A.). THE TERCENTENARY OF IZAAK WALTON. Portrait and illustrations. 4to., vellum, uncut. The impression of this book was limited to a few copies for private circulation only. London, 1893. 6 931. Lang (A.). THE TRUE STORY BOOK. Illustrated. Large 8vo., boards, uncut. First edition. One of 150 copies on large paper. London, 1893. 2 i2s. 932. Lang (A.). PRINCE RICARDO. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. 410., boards, uncut. First edition. No. 6 of a limited large paper edition. Bristol [1893]. 2 933. Lang (A.). ST. ANDREWS. Illustrations. Large 8vo., boards, uncut. First edition. One of 107 copies on large paper. London, 1893. I *$ 934. Lang (A.). THE MOST PLEASANT AND DELECTABLE TALE OF THE MARRIAGE OK CUPID AND PSYCHE, done into English by William Adlington. With a Dis- course on the Fable by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece. 8vo., paper, uncut. One of an edition of 550 copies. London, 1887. 2 2s. 935. Lang (A.). HE, by the author of " It," " King Solomon's Wives," and "Bess." 8vo., original paper cover, uncut. Large paper. First edition. Excessively rare, and it is doubtful if there are five copies on large paper in this country (America). Of the hundreds of Lang collectors but twenty-five can own this edition on large paper, as the issue was limited to that number of copies. In morocco case. London, 1887. ,5 936. Lang (A.). BALLADES IN BLUE CHINA. 8vo., paper, uncut. Autograph letter inserted. No. 46 of a large paper edition of 50 copies. Very rare. First edition of many of the poems. In morocco case. London, 1888. ^665. 937. Lang (A.). THE YELLOW FAIRY BOOK. With numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. Large 8vo., boards, uncut. First edition. One of 140 copies on large paper. London, 1894. 2 %s. 938. Meredith (George). THE SHAVING OF SHAGPAT : an Arabian Entertainment. Crown 8vo., rough edges, half blue levant morocco, by Riviere. First edition. London, 1856. i los. 939. Morris (William). THE LIFE AND DEATH OF JASON. Small 8vo., cloth, uncut. First edition. Rare. Autograph letter inserted. London, 1867. $ 78 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 940. Morris (William) and E. Magnfcsson. THE STORY OF GRETTIR THE STRONG. Small 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Matthews. First edition. Rare. Presentation copy, Wm. Morris to T. R. Morris. Autograph letter inserted. London, 1869. ^"3 941. Morris (William). THE ^NIUS OF VIRGIL. 8vo., cloth, uncut. First edition. Scarce. London, 1876. 2 6s. 942. Morris (William). SIGURD THE VOLSUNG. 8vo., morocco, uncut, by Matthews. First edition. Rare. Autograph letter from Wm. Morris to A. C. Swinburne inserted. London, 1877. 2 2s. 943. Morris (William). THE FRIENDSHIP OF AMIS AND AMILE, done out of the Ancient French into English, by William Morris. i6mo., boards, uncut. Only 500 copies printed. A copy of this scarce book sold in these rooms January 3ist last for $14. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, 1894. 1 6s. 944. Morris (William). GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. i6mo., boards, uncut. Only 500 copies printed. A copy of this rare book sold in these rooms January 315! last for $10. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, 1893. 2 $s. 945. Morris (William). THE TALE OF KING FLORUS AND THE FAIR JEHANE. Translated from the French by W T illiam Morris. i6mo., boards, uncut. Beauti- fully printed in Gothic type, in red and black, at the Kelmscott Press. Only 350 copies printed. A copy of this work sold in these rooms on 3ist January for 7. 1893. i los. 946. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). HAND AND SOUL. Small 8vo., original paper covers. First edition. Privately printed and very rare. On cover is written in the hand- writing of W. M. Rossetti: " W. M. Rossetti from Gabriel's books, 1882." In morocco case. London, 1850. ^5 5.?. 947. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). THE EARLY ITALIAN POETS. 8vo., full crushed levant morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. First edition. Very scarce. Autograph letter inserted. London, 1861. ^5 IQJ. 948. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). POEMS. I2mo., full levant morocco, uncut, by Tout. First edition. Rare. Autograph letter inserted. London, 1870. 6 949. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). VERSES : " At the Fall of the Leaf," and "After the French Liberation of Italy." (14 pp.) 8vo., paper wrapper, uncut. Privately printed, and seldom met with. London, 1881. ^4 6s. 950. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). BALLADS AND SONNETS. 8vo., ornamental cloth, uncut. First edition. Scarce. Autograph letter inserted. London, 1881. 3 15^- 951. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). THE HOUSE OF LIFE. Being now for the first time given in its full text. Contains three borders and one hundred and fourteen rubri- cated initial letters. Small 4to. , paper, uncut. One of 50 copies on Michallet paper. The whole edition was subscribed for before the book was ready for de- livery, and is now very scarce. Boston : Copeland and Day, 1894. ^3 6.r. 952. Stevenson (Robert Louis). FATHER DAMIEN : an Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu from Robert Louis Stevenson. 8vo., sewn, as issued. Sydney, 1890. "j los. *\ Genuine first edition. On title-page is printed : " With Mr. R. L. Stevenson's compliments." This is the exceedingly rare first edition printed at Sydney, New South Wales, for presents amongst the author's friends. Very few copies were issued, and a small number only could have found their way to this country. It is unknown to the majority of collectors of Stevenson. Copies have been sold in England for .10 los., and a copy lately offered by a New York bookseller was priced 865. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 79 IT As I have already remarked, in speaking of the First Foote Sale, the prices realized must by no means be taken as the true market prices. They were alto- gether outside these. But the sale is interesting as showing to what lengths collectors will go, in an anxiety to obtain volumes of special libraries and in specially fine conditions. The Foote Collection undoubtedly realized some of the most phenomenally high prices that have ever been obtained at a modern sale. I am firmly of opinion that no bookseller could hope to obtain such prices from his customers, be his clientele ever so wealthy an one. SALE OF MODERN PUBLICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Messrs. Hodgson, February 2%th and 2<^th, March 6M, "jth, and 8//z, and March 2oth, 2\st, and 22nd. U At all these sales there were distributed many lots of "remainders," but as these are of little value for the purpose of this guide, I have omitted them, and selected only those which are worth noting. The prices realized are of good indication as to market values. 953. Andersen (H. C.). STORIES AND FAIRY TALES, with Pictures by A. J. Gaskin. Large and Hand-made paper (only 300 copies so printed), 2 vols., white cloth extra, uncut. G. Allen, 1893. igs. 954. Whymper (E.). SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69. Maps and Illustrations. Sq. 8vo., white cloth extra, in case. 1893. i 17^. 955. Du Chaillu (P. B.). THE VIKING AGE. Numerous Illustrations and Map. 2 vols. 8vo., cloth gilt, uncut. 1889. 175. 956. Foster (J.). ALUMNI OXONIENSES : The Members of the University of Oxford. Early Series, 1500-1714, 4 vols., and Later Series, 1715-1886, 4 vols. Numerous Illustrations. Together 8 vols. imp. 8vo., cloth. Oxford, 1801. ^3 15^. 957. Ruskin (J.). MODERN PAINTERS. Illustrations by the Author. Complete Edition, with General Index, Bibliography, etc. Large paper. 6 vols., cloth, uncut. 1888. j los. 958. Ruskin (J.). STONES OF VENICE. Illustrations by the Author. Fourth edition, large paper. 3 vols., cloth, uncut. 1886. $ js. 6J. 959. Shakespeare (Wm. ). WORKS, edited by Staunton, with Illustrations by Sir J. Gilbert. Edition de Luxe. 15 vols., imp. 8vo., cloth, uncut. 1881. 5 izs. d. 960. Ruskin (J.). EXAMPLES OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF VENICE. Selected and drawn to measurement from the Edifices. 15 fine plates (some tinted). India proofs (only 50 copies so printed). Atlas folio, in cloth portfolio. 1887. 2 zs. 961. Art Journal (The). Numerous steel engravings and woodcuts, from 1849 to 1874. 26 vols., with illustrated catalogues, 1853-72. 3 vols. Together 29 vols., half morocco, gilt tops, edges uncut. j 962. Doyle (J. E.). OFFICIAL BARONAGE OF ENGLAND, i, 600 illustrations. Large paper (only 120 copies so printed). 3 vols., cloth, uncut. 1885. i 963. Hazlitt (W. C.). LIVERY COMPANIES OF THE CITY OF LONDON. 2 coloured plates and numerous other illustrations. Large paper (only 100 copies so printed), cloth extra, gilt top. 1892. igs. 80 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 964. Duruy (V.). HISTORY OF GREECE, by Ripley and Mahaffy. Coloured plates, maps, and other illustrations. 5 vols., imp. 8vo. Cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1890. 1 ss. 965. Dore (Gustave). LA SAINTE BIBLE, selon La Vulgate. Full-page illustrations and woodcuts. 2 vols. Cloth. Tours, 1866. i i$s. 966. Dilettanti Society's Publications. ANTIQUITIES OF IONIA. Numerous plates. 4 vols. , imp. folio. Boards, uncut. 1840-81. 4 %s. 967. Chappell (W.). OLD ENGLISH POPULAR Music, edited by Wooldridge. 2 vols., printed on hand-made paper (only 100 copies so printed). Half vellum, gilt tops. 1893. ji us. 968. Herkomer (Hubert) and Bennett. AN IDYL. Illustrations. Limited edition, white cloth extra, uncut. Novello. 6s. 6d. 969. Malory (Sir T.). LE MORTE DARTHUR, reprinted from the original edition (1485) of Wm. Caxton. 3 vols. in 4. Edited by Sommer and Lang. Large paper (only 108 copies so printed). Boards, uncut. 1889. i us. 970. Gibb ( W. ). THE ROYAL HOUSE OF STUART. Illustrated by a series of 40 plates in colours, with Notes, etc., by Skelton and Hope. Atlas 4to. Half crushed morocco, vellum sides, gilt edges. 1890. $ 6s. 971. Hall (S. C.). ROYAL GALLERY OF ART. Numerous beautiful engravings, India proofs, largest paper. 4 vols. in 2. Atlas folio, half bound (rubbed). Colnaghi & Co. 4 +* 972. Stage (The) and its Stars Past and Present : A Gallery of Dramatic Illustra- tion, edited by Paul and Gebbie. 128 photogravures, and over 400 portraits. 2 vols. Full morocco extra. Phil. z us. 973. Lutzow (Carl Von). ART TREASURES OF ITALY, translated by S. T. Hooper and edited by C. E. Clement. 100 full-page etchings, etc., and numerous cuts. 2 vols. Half crimson morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1888. i i8s. 974. Allen (Fred. H.). MASTERPIECES OF MODERN GERMAN ART. 100 photo- gravures and etchings, with portrait and sketch of each artist. 2 vols. in 25 parts. Sewed. 12*. 975. British Museum Catalogue. GERMAN AND FLEMISH PRINTS, by Wiltshire. Plates. 2 vols. , royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. 1879-83. los. 6d. 976. Excursions in Ireland. 3 vols. Norfolk, 2 vols. ; Suffolk, 2 vols. ; Essex, 2 vols. ; Surrey, Kent, etc. India proofs (slightly foxed), large paper. 13 vols. Half bound, gilt tops. 1818-24. ^4 17^. 6if. 977. Bandello (Matteo, Bp. of Agen). NOVELS, done into English by John Payne. 6 vols. Small 4to. Vellum, gilt tops. Privately printed for the Villon Society. 1890. 5 us. 6J. 978. Stevenson (R. L. ). BALLADS. Large paper (only 100 copies so printed). White cloth, uncut. 1890. los. 6d. 979. Villon (Master Francois, of Paris). POEMS, done into English Verse by John Payne. Large paper. Vellum, gilt top. Privately printed for the Villon Society. 1892. i iu. 980. Bullen (A. H.). LOVE-POEMS OF THE RESTORATION. Limited edition. Small 4to. Half calf, gilt top. Privately printed. 1889. i$s. 981. Nichols (J.). PROGRESSES AND PROCESSIONS OF QUEEN ELIZAISETH. 3 vols. And of KING JAMES THE FIRST. 4 vols. Numerous portraits and plates, together 7 vols. Old tree calf, yellow edges (neatly re-backed). 410. 1788-1828. 2 5*. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 8 1 982. Banks (Sir T. C.). DORMANT AND EXTINCT BARONAGE. 4 vols. And BARONIA ANGLICA CONCENTRATA. 2 vols. in i. Ripon. Together 5 vols. Large paper, sprinkled calf extra. 4to. 1807-44. i is. 983. Kelmscott Press Publications. Vellum tie, uncut. SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS, edited by F. S. Ellis. 1893. i 13*. 984. MORRIS. NEWS FROM NOWHERE. 1892. iBs. 985. DREAM OF JOHN BALL and A KING'S LESSONS. 1892. ids. 986. POEMS BY THE WAY. 1891. 2 ios. 987. THE DEFENCE OF GUENEVERE. 1892, 1 5^. 988. CAXTON. GODEFREY OF BOLOYNE, corrected by H. Halliday Sparling. 410. 1893- 2 8s. 989. Barnard (F. A.). BIBLIOTHEOE REGI^; CATALOGUS, and Catalogue of Maps, Paintings, and Drawings. Portraits. Together 6 vols., royal folio. Half bound. Londini, 1820-29. i8s. 990. Borlase (W.). ANTIQUITIES OF CORNWALL. Map and plates. Oxford, 1754. 14-r. 991. Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details, prepared under the supervision of Col. S. S. Jacob. Photo-lithographed by W. Griggs & Sons. 6 parts, in imp. folio portfolios. 1890. ^3 i2s. 992. Blanc (Chas.), etc. HISTOIRE DBS PEINTRES DE TOUTES LES ECOLES. Numerous illustrations. 14 vols. Half morocco, gilt edges. Paris, F. Jules Renouard, 1865-76. 6 993. Freeman (E. A.). HISTORY OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST OF ENGLAND. With index, maps. 6 vols. Cloth. 1877-79. 4 ios. 994. Pipe Roll Society's Publications. First 16 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth. 1884- 93- 3 3-f- 995. Oxford Historical Society's Publications. Edited by Boase, Clark, Stapleton, Phillimore, Thorold Rogers, etc. Plates and pedigrees. First 27 vols. Original cloth, gilt tops. 1885-94. j 996. Grote (G.). HISTORY OF GREECE. Maps. Library edition. 12 vols. Cloth. 1851. 4 5*. 997. Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Association. Record series. Maps and plates. 16 vols. Cloth. Printed for the Society. 1885-93. 5 998. Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee (Abbadie O'Dugan). First 41 vols. Cloth. 1885-95. 2 2s. 999. Willis and Clark. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAM- BRIDGE. Illustrations. 4 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt tops. Cambridge, 1886. 3 ios. 1000. Willis and Turner, etc. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Numerous illustrations. 4 vols. Cloth, gilt tops. 1851-59. 2 its. 1001. Sacred Books of the East. Translated by various Oriental Scholars, and edited by Max Muller. 24 vols. Cloth. Oxford, 1879-85. j 1002. Bentham (J.). COMPLETE WORKS, with his Memoirs and Correspondence. Edited by Sir J. Bowring (no portrait), n vols. Calf gilt, m. 1. Edinburgh, W. Tait, 1843. g ijs. 6-- 1263. Doran's London in the Jacobite Times. 2 vols. Presentation copy, cloth. 1877. 8s. 1264. Scrope (W.). THE ART OF DEER STALKING. First edition, tinted plates (spotted), half calf. 1838. ics. 1265. Stevenson (H.). THE BIRDS OF NORFOLK. 3 vols. Coloured plates, cloth. Van Voorst, 1866-90. 1 us. 1266. Kelmscott Press. VORAGINE'S GOLDEN LEGEND. Edited by F. S. Ellis, reprint of the original edition. 3 vols. Boards, uncut, folio. W. Morris, 1802. 2 I'os. 1267. Kelmscott Press. (Caxton (W.). THE RECUYELL OF THE HISTORYES OF TROYE. 2 vols. Vellum, with ties, folio. 1892. 2 i^s. 96 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1268. Kelmscott Press. (Caxton (W.). THE HISTORY OF REYNARD THE FOXE. Printed by W. Morris at his Private Press. Vellum, with ties, folio. 1892. i 16.. 1269. Wallis (A.). EXAMPLES OF THE BOOK-BINDER'S ART OF THE XVI. AND XVII. CENTURIES. Plates (only 100 copies printed), half morocco, folio. 1890. i is. 1270. Jacob and Hendley's Jeypore Enamels. Coloured plates, cloth. 1886. 6.. 1271. Cotman's Architectural Antiquities and Specimens of Castellated and Ecclesiastical Remains in Norfolk. 2 vols. Numerous etchings, half morocco, folio. Bohn, 1838. 2 is. 1272. Caxton (W. ). CRONYCLE OF ENGLONDE. Black letter, woodcuts, wants title and several 11. (sold not subject to return), very rare, folio. Emprynted in the yere of our lorde god at Templebarre by me Julyane Notary, MCCCCC & IIII. 7 ioj. 1273. Ariosto (L.). ORLANDO FURIOSO, in English heroical Verse, by Sir J. Harington. Engraved title-page, having Harington's portrait at the bottom. Plates, last leaf stained and mounted. Original calf, folio. 1634. 17.. 1274. Guillim's Display of Heraldry. Best edition, portraits and plates, calf, folio. 1724. 3 12s. &d. 1275. Heptameron (The) of Margaret of Navarre, with an Essay by Geo. Saintsbury. Plates by Freudenberg, on Japanese paper, one of 312 copies on hand-made paper. 5 vols. Uncut. 1894. 3 1276. Sterne (L.). WORKS. Edited by G. Saintsb'ury. Frontispiece. 6 vols., large paper. Only 150 copies printed. Dent, 1894. i $s. 1277. Straparola, The Nights of. Translated by W. G. Waters. Etchings by Hughes. 2 vols., uncut. Royal 8vo. 1894. 2 2s. 1278. Timbs (John). CURIOSITIES OF LONDON. New edition, corrected and enlarged, profusely illustrated and extended to 5 thick vols. by the insertion of i, 150 portraits of remarkable and eccentric personages, etchings and engravings, some coloured, of interesting localities, the private residences of notable and extraordinary individuals, public institutions, churches, hospitals, architectural antiquities, etc., etc., many rare and curious, all neatly mounted and arranged, also a number of newspaper cuttings, advertisements, lottery bills, etc. Uncut, prepared for bind- ing. 8vo. J. C. Hotten, 1867. 6 IQS. 1279. Timbs' Curiosities of London. Another edition, extended to 4 vols. by the insertion of several hundred portraits, engravings, etchings, views, etc., etc., some coloured and many scarce and curious, all neatly mounted and arranged. Uncut, prepared for binding. 8vo. Virtue and Co., n. d. 5 1280. Lewis (S., Jun.). HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF THE PARISH OF ST. MARY, ISLINGTON, additionally illustrated by the insertion of about 300 portraits of eminent and remarkable persons, engravings, etchings and views, some coloured, and many very rare and curious, also playbills, advertisements, cuttings, etc., etc. , carefully mounted and arranged. Uncut, prepared for binding. 8vo. 1842. 2 155. 1281. Nelson (John). HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND ANTIQUITIES OF ST. MARY, ISLINGTON. First edition, additionally illustrated by the insertion of nearly 200 portraits, etchings, engravings, views, maps, etc., etc., some coloured, and many rare and curious, all neatly mounted and arranged. Uncut, prepared for binding. 8vo. 1811. 2 IS.T. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 97 1282. Nelson (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ISLINGTON. Third edition, with map and 22 plates, additionally illustrated with Pugin's set of 31 plates and 170 extra portraits, engravings, etchings, views, etc., etc., many very rare and of great interest. Uncut, prepared for binding (the corner of title-page and next leaf repaired). 8vo. 1829. 2 13*. SALE OF "VALUABLE" BOOKS. Messrs. Hodgson, April 2nd, yd, ^th, and $th, 1895. 1283. Defoe (D.). ROBINSON CRUSOE. Plates by Stothard. 2 vols. Large Paper. Stockdale. 1790. 1 1283*. Hughes. SCOURING OF THE WHITE HORSE. Illustrations by Doyle. First edition. Cloth extra. 1859. js. 1284. Rowlandson (T.). THE GRAND MASTER; or, Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindostan. By Quiz. Coloured plates. First edition. Boards, uncut. Tegg, 1816. 4 izs. (id. 1285. Mennis and Smith. MUSARUM DELICI/E. Portrait. 2 vols. Large paper, boards, uncut. Hotten's reprint. 8s. 1286. D'Urfey. PILLS TO PURGE MELANCHOLY. Portrait. 6 vols. Large paper, boards, uncut. Pearson's reprint. I 17.9. 1287. Burton (Capt. [Sir] R. F.). ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS, now entitled " The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night," 10 vols., and " Supplemen- tary Nights," 6 vols., together 16 vols. Royal Svo. Cloth. Printed for Private subscribers only. Benares, 1885, etc. ^27 1288. Browning (R.). CHRISTMAS EVE AND EASTER DAY : a Poem. First edition. Cloth, uncut. 1850. 135. 1289. Gozzi (Count). MEMOIRS. Etchings in duplicate. Limited edition. 2 vols. Royal Svo. 1890. i 1290. Uzanne. SON ALTESSE LA FEMME. Coloured illustrations, in two states. Edition speciale sur papier Japon grand format. Imp. Svo. Paris, 1885. 2 2s. 1291. Uzanne. LA RELUIRE MODERNE. Illustrations par Albert Dujardin. //>., 1887. l 2S. 1292. Hervieu (Paul). FLIRT. Illustre par Madame Madeleine Lemaire. 4(0, sewed. Il>. , 1890. i g.r. 1293. Holtzapffel. TURNING AND MECHANICAL MANIPULATION. Cuts. First 4 vols. Cloth. 1852-79 2 12.9. 1294. Symonds. LIFE OF MICHELANGELO BUONAROTTI. Illustrations. 2 vols. Cloth, gilt tops. 1893. _i 35-. 1295. Wedgwood (J.). LIFE. By Eliza Meteyard. Illustrations. 2 vols. Cloth. 1866. igs, 1296. Harleian Miscellany, a Collection of Scarce and Curious Pamphlets and Tracts. 12 vols. Half bound. 1808-11. 17*- 1297. Boswell. LIFE OF JOHNSON. The Sir Joshua Reynolds Edition. Portraits. Limited edition. 5 vols. Royal Svo. 1885. i$s, H 9N BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1298. Froude. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Library edition, 12 vols. Cloth. 1858-70. 2 17*. 1299. Jesse. MEMOIRS OF KING RICHARD THE THIRD. Coloured frontispiece and portrait. Cloth. Uncut. 1862. 45*- 1300. Wakefield. NEW ZEALAND. 2 vols. 1845. Leichardt. AUSTRALIA. Plates. 1847. (3 vols.) Cloth. gs. 6d. 1301. Malleson. HISTORY OF THE INDIAN MUTINY. Plans. 3 vols. Calf gilt., m. 1. 1878-80. 1 3*. 1302. Cassell's Picturesque Europe. Numerous illustrations on steel and wood. 5 vols. Half morocco, gilt edges. 2 6s. 1303. Sheraton (T.). CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER'S ASSISTANT. Numerous plates (a few slightly stained). Half bound. 1793. B 1304. Bentham (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ELY CATHEDRAL. With Appendix. Plates. 2vols.ini. Roy. 4to. Calf gilt (rebacked). 1771. 14$. 1305. Higgins (G.). THE CELTIC DRUIDS. Plates and cuts. Uncut. 1827. i I2s. 1306. Planche. CYCLOPAEDIA OF COSTUME, or Dictionary of Dress. Chromos, and several hundred woodcuts. 2 vols. Half bound, g. t. Chatto, 1879. ^3 ijs. 6d. 1307. Ciappori et Louandre. LES ARTS SOMPTUAIRES, HISTOIRE DU COSTUME ET DE L'AMEUBLEMENT, VE. AU XVIlE. SIECLE. Numerous coloured and illu- minated plates. 4 vols. Sewed. Paris, 1857-8. 2 I2s. &d. 1308. Ruskin. EXAMPLES OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF VENICE. 16 plates. In 3 parts. Imp. folio. 1851. 5 ios. 1309. Royal Astronomical Society's Monthly Notices. Plates. From the com- mencement, Feb. 1827 to 1894 inclusive. With Index to 29 vols. 53 vols. in 50. Half maroon morocco (the last vol. in nos.). Described in catalogue as " a fine uniform set." ig 1310. Curtis's Botanical Magazine. With Descriptions by Sir W. J. Hooker. Numerous beautifully coloured plates. Third series. Vols. 15 to 44 inclusive (being vols. 85 to 114 of the entire work). 30 vols. Complete in nos., and first 4 nos. of vol. 45. Lovell Reeve, 1859-89. ^37 1311. Curtis (J. ). BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY ; being Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects. Numerous plates, coloured by hand. 16 vols. in 8. Royal 8vo. Half russia, gilt. 1823-40. ,13 1312. Buffon (Count de). NATURAL HISTORY. By Smellie and Wood. Plates. 20 vols. Old crimson morocco, gilt edges. 1812. i i6s. 1313. Bewick (Thos.). GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. Woodcuts. Seventh edition. Largest paper. Old calf. Newcastle, 1820. 2 1314. Bewick (Thos.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Woodcuts. Large paper. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Old calf. Uniform with the preceding. //>., 1826. ^3 12^. 6d. 1315. Bewick (Thos.). FABLES OF ^Lsop AND OTHERS. Bright impressions of the woodcuts. First edition. Large paper (with Bewick's thumbmark). Half morocco, gilt top, uncut. //'., 1818. 4 2s. Gd. 1316. Bewick (Thos.). SELECT FABLES. With cuts designed and engraved by Thos. and John Bewick and others. Bright impressions. First edition. Largest paper. (With the duplicate pages 179-182). Crushed morocco, tooled sides and inner borders, gilt eeges, by Riviere. Ji>., 1820. 7 ios. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 99 1317. Bewick (Thos.). ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. A beautiful set of the animals and vignettes on India paper, brilliant impressions, mounted on finest paper. Royal 8vo. Half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Ib. [? 1824]. 2 4^. 1318. Bewick (Thos.). WORKS. Memorial edition, numerous illustrations. 5 vols. Roy. 8vo. Half mor., gilt tops, uncut. (Only 750 copies printed). 1885-7. $ 5 s - 1319. Ernst et Gerardin. PAPILLONS D'EUROPE, Feints d'Apres Nature, d'ecrits par Engramelle. 2 sets of plates (i set proofs), brilliant impressions. Large paper (6 copies only said to be printed). 6 vols. Red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome. Paris, 1779-92. 5 5-f- IT At the Hildyard sale the same copy fetched ,5 4^. 1320. Knorr (G. W.). COLLECTION DES DIFFERENTES ESPECES DE COQUILLAGES. Numerous plates, beautifully coloured by hand. 6 vols. Small 4to. Old red morocco extra. Nuremberg, 1764-73. 1 15.?. 1321. Bourgoin (Jules). LES ARTS ARABES. 92 plates, several coloured and illumi- nated. Royal folio. Half morocco, gilt top. Paris, Morel, 1873. 4 2s. 6d. 1322. Reeve (Lovell). CONCHOLOGIA SYSTEMATICA. Plates. 2 vols. Calf (rubbed). 1841-42. igs. 1323. Burnet. LANDSCAPE PAINTING. Bogue, on Light, etc. 2 vols. J. and J. Leighton, and on Colour and Composition. 2 vols. Sotheran. Plates. (5 vols. ) Small 4to. 1849-80. i8j. 1324. Audubon (J. J.). THE BIRDS OF AMERICA. From original drawings. 245 fine plates (numbered 2 to 250. minus Nos. 6, II, 83, and 234), coloured by hand. 2 vols. double elephant folio. Half morocco, gilt edges (with covers). 1827-34. And Ornithological Biography. First 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. A bright and clean copy. 1831. ^30 1325. Gray (G. R.). GENERA OF BIRDS. Numerous coloured plates by Mitchell. 3 vols. Half morocco, gilt edges. 1849. .14 los. 1326. Gould (J.). BIRDS OF EUROPE. 449 coloured plates. 5 vols., imp. folio. Morocco super extra (binding very slightly rubbed). 1837. s 1327. Gould (J. ). MONOGRAPH OF THE TROCHILID^, or Family of Humming Birds. 419 plates, coloured by hand. 5 vols. in 25 parts, and supplement, by R. Bowdler Sharpe, in 5 parts, together 30 parts, forming 6 vols. imperial folio. Boards, as issued (published at ^94 I os.). 1849-87. .30 1328. Gould (J.). MONOGRAPH OF THE RAMPHASTID^:, or Family of Toucans. 34 plates, coloured by hand. Imp. folio. Green morocco extra, gilt edges. 1834. ^5 ioj. 1329. Gould (J.). MONOGRAPH OF THE TROGONID/E, or Family of Trogons. 36 plates, coloured by hand. Imperial folio, uniformly bound with the preceding. 1838. 6 1330. Gould (J.). MONOGRAPH OF THE ODONTOPHORIN^E, or Partridges of America. 32 plates, coloured by hand. Imp. folio. Half green morocco, g. e. 1850. 4 17^. 6d POEMS AND BALLADS, 2 vols., 1880-81. 3 vols. Cloth. ios. 1346. Swinburne (A. C.). WILLIAM BLAKE : A Critical Essay. Facsimile illustra- tions. Blue cloth. Hotten, 1868. igs. 1347. King and Fitz-Roy. SURVEYING VOYAGES OF THE ADVENTURE AND BEAGLE. Plates and maps in pocket. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1839. 1 15$. 1348. Gadbury. DOCTRINE OF NATIVITIES. Frontispiece (title repaired). Royal 8vo. 1658. ijs. 1349. The Preacher's Homiletical Commentary on the Old Testament, or Pulpit Encyclopaedia. W 7 ith Index. 21 vols. New York, 1892. 2 ijs. 6d. 1350. Granville (Mary, Mrs. Delany). AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND CORRESPONDENCE, edited by Lady Llanover, plates, The Two Series. 6 vols. Cloth boards. 1861-2. ,3 105. 1351. Reclus (E.). UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY, edited by A. H. Keane, numerous maps and illustrations. 17 vols. in 34 divs. Imp. 8vo. Cloth, g. e. Virtue. 4 1352. Yarrell (W.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. W T oodcuts. 3 vols Half bound. Van Voorst. 1843. i iu. BOOK SALES OF 1895. IOI 1353. Yarrell (W. ). BRITISH FISHES, with the Two Supplements. Woodcuts. 2 vols. Half bound. 1836. i 6^. 1354. Waagen. ART TREASURES IN GREAT BRITAIN, with Supplement. 4 vols. Cloth boards. 1854-7. i 13*. 1355. Shelley (P. B.). WORKS, by Buxton Forman. Fronts. 8 vols. Cloth. Reeves and Turner, 1880. 2 $s. 1356. Landor. WORKS. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Cloth. Moxon, 1846. i$s. 1357. Scott (Sir W. ). WAVERLEY NOVELS. Fronts, and vignette titles, Library Edition. 25 vols. Cloth, uncut. Black, 1852-3. 4 i$s. 1358. Rabelais (Master Francis). FIVE BOOKS OF GARGANTUA, etc., by Urquhart and Motteux. Illustrations by Chalon. 2 vols., imp. 8vo., on vellum paper (only 210 so printed). 1892. 2 IQS. 1359. Dickens (C.). PICKWICK PAPERS. Plates by Seymour, Buss, and Phiz. The 20 original nos. with Sporting wrappers, the last 6 nos. containing Advertisements (slightly wormed). 1837. 5 7 s - ^- 1360. Dickens (C.). TALE OF Two CITIES. Plates by Phiz, the 8 original nos. with wrappers. 1859. 5 17^. &d. 1361. Mytton (J.). MEMOIRS, by Apperley (Nimrod), coloured plates by Alken and Rawlins (a few pages soiled, and slightly cut down). R. Ackermann, 1837. 1362. Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, edited by Pusey, Keble, and Marriott. 39 vols. (wanting vol. 10), cloth. 1838-57. ^5 io.y. 1363. Dickens (C.). WORKS. Edition de Luxe, illustrations on India paper by G. C., Phiz, Leech, Seymour, and others. 30 vols., imp. 8vo., cloth, uncut. 1881-2. 10 1364. Archaeologia Cantiana, or Transactions of the Kent Archjeological Society. Numerous illustrations, from the commencement in 1858 to 1887. 17 vols., original cloth, uncut. .4 12s. 6d. 1365. Sussex Archaeological Collections, illustrating the History and Antiquities of the County, from the commencement in 1848 to 1888. Numerous Illustrations. 36 vols., and Index to vols. I to 25. Original cloth, uncut. .11 15^. 1366. Coppee (H.). AMERICAN LIBRARY OF ART, LITERATURE, AND SONG. Cuts. 6 vols., sm. 410., half morocco. Phil., 1890. i $s. 1367. S. Chrysostomi (Joannis). OPERA GR^CE. 8 vols., vellum, red edges, Etonrc, Excudebat Joannes Norton, 1612. i us. SALE OF THE STOCK OF MR. J. B. SHAW, OF LEEDS. 11 With this stock was also sold another property. The books were in fair condition only. Messrs. Hodgson, April t)th, loth, and \\th, 1895. 1368. Art Journal. Numerous illustrations, from 1849 to 1870 inclusive, in 22 vols., half red morocco gilt, gilt edges, 4to. 3 I 7 S - & 1369. Lowe. FERNS, BRITISH AND EXOTIC. Numerous coloured plates. 8 vols., roy. 8vo., half calf. 1856-60. i is. IO2 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1370. Gumming. HUNTER'S LIFE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Plates. 2 vols., cloth. 1850. us. 1371. Parker's Glossary of Architecture. Plates. 3 vols., cloth. 1840-1. 14^-. 1372. Dickens. MEMOIRS OF GRIMALDI. Port, and plates by G. C. 2 vols., original cloth, uncut. 1838. 3 1373. Satirist Magazine. Caricatures (some coloured). Vols. i to 4. 1808-9. 9 6j. 1374. Lelandi. ANTIQUARII COLLECTANEA. Plates. 6 vols., old calf. 1770. iSs. 1375. Winterbotham. HISTORY OF AMERICA. Maps and plates. 4 vols., old calf. 1795- 4*- 1376. Yarrell. BRITISH FISHES. Illustrations. 2 vols., cloth. 1841. 15^. 1377. Gent. HISTORY OF THE LOYAL TOWN OF RIPPON. Folding plates and cuts. Calf. York, 1733. 13-f- 1378. Gent. HISTORY OF THE WINDOW IN ST. PETER' CATHEDRAL, YORK. Folding plates and cuts, calf. /#., 1762. js. 6d. 1379. Gent. HISTORY OF YORK. Front., 1730, and History of England and Rome. Cuts. 2 vols. 1741. i2s. 1380. Wilkinson (Tate). THE WANDERING PATENTEE. 4 vols., i6mo. York, 1795. i6s. 1381. Wilkinson (Tate). MEMOIRS OF His OWN LIFE. 4 vols. /., 1790. ijs. 1382. Oliver. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF BEVERLEY. Illustrations. Cloth. 1829. 6s. 1383. Britton. ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Numerous plates, with descriptions. 5 vols. (slightly foxed), half bound, gilt tops. 410. 1835. 2 I2S. 1384. Whitaker. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE DEANERY OF CRAVEN. Extra illustrated, roy. 410., half bound. 1805. ly. 1385. Ord. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF CLEVELAND. Plates, pedigrees, etc., cloth. 4to. 1846. i6s. 1386. Watt (R.). BIBLIOTHECA BRITANNICA, or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols., calf. 1824. 2 $s. 1387. Wood (A. A.). ATHENVE OXONIENSIS, with Additions and Continuation by Bliss. 4 vols., boards, uncut. 1813-20. 4 1388. Graves. HISTORY OF CLEVELAND. Plates, boards, uncut. 1808. js. 1389. Hogarth (W.) WORKS, from the Original Plates restored by Heath, with Descriptions by Nichols. Upwards of 150 large plates, atlas folio, half morocco gilt, g. e. (slightly injured by a nail). Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1822. 2 8s. 1390. Carraccio. STREET CRIES. 77 plates only, hf. mor. , g. e. Romje, 1646. los. 1391. Houbraken and Vertue. HEADS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS OF GREAT BRITAIN, with their Lives, etc., by Birch. Plates, half-bound. 1813. i fs. 1392. Rymer. FCEDERA CONVENTIONES, etc., inter Reges Anglire et alios. 20 vols. old calf. 1704-34. 2 us. 1393. Whitaker (T. D.), HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF THE TOWN AND PARISH OF LEEDS, and Parts adjacent, including Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis. Numerous fine plates and Genealogical Tables. 2 vols. Royal folio, cloth. 1816. i ios. BOOK SALES OF 1895. IO3 1394. Whitaker (T. D.). HISTORY OF RICHMONDSHIRE, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK. Fine plates, pedigrees, etc. 2 vols. Roy. folio, half bound, uncut. 1823. ^5 15*- 1395. Richardson. MONASTIC RUINS OF YORKSHIRE, with Descriptions by Churton. Numerous coloured illustrations, 12 parts in 7, imp. folio (all faults). 1844-56. 2 4^. 1396. Raine. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF NORTH DURHAM. Cuts and pedigrees. Royal folio, boards. 1852. i8.r. 1397. Dbllinger. FABLES RESPECTING THE POPES OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Half calf. 1871. js. 1398. Allen and Whittock. HISTORY OF YORKSHIRE. Plates on India paper. 3 vols. Calf. 1831. 15^. 1399. Biblia Sacra Latina. Lit. Goth., printed in double columns with rubricated capitals. Nurnburg, A. Coburger, 1480. 5 i$s. 1400. Lange. HISTORY OF MATERIALISM. 3 vols., 1877 ; Feuerbach. ESSENCE OF CHRISTIANITY. 1881. 15^. 1401. Gent (T.). HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF RIPPON. Plates and cuts. 1733. us. 1402. Gent (T.). HISTORY OF KINGSTON-U PON-HULL. Plates (i mounted). 1735. 1 8*. 1403. Dibdin (T. F. ). BIBLIOMANIA: or, Book Madness. Illustrations, half morocco, m. 1. 1842. i 6s. 1404. Dibdin (T. F. ). TOUR IN THE NORTHERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Plates and cuts. 2 vols. Uniform with the preceding. 1838. 2 igs. 1405. Dibdin (T. F.). TOUR IN FRANCE AND GERMANY. Portraits and cuts. Presentation copy from the author. 3 vols. Uniform with the above. 1829. 1 ij. 1406. Britton and Brayley. BEAUTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, with Introduc- tion by Brewer. Numerous engravings by Storer and Greig, and woodcuts by Bewick. 19 vols. in 26, neatly half bound. 1801-18. 2143. 1407. McCarthy. HISTORY OF OUR OWN TIMES. Library edition. 4 vols. Half calf. 1880. 14^. 1408. State Papers British and Foreign, compiled by the Librarian and Keeper of the Papers, Foreign Office, from 1812 to 1868, with General List to vols. I to 20, and Index to vols. I to 42. Together 58 vols. in 59, grained calf gilt, m. 1. 1841-73- 6 S.T. 1409. Hertslet (L. ). COMMERCIAL TREATIES, compiled from Authentic Documents, with Index of Subjects to the entire series, 12 vols. in 9, first II vols. in 8. Grained calf, m. 1. and vol. 12, cloth. 1840-70. 3 1410. Burton (R. F.). PILGRIMAGE TO EL-MEDINAH AND MECCA. Maps and tinted plates. Presentation copy from the author, with autograph, on title. 3 vols. Cloth (vol. 2 slightly stained). 1855. 2 1411. Wilson (A.). HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN, being the Life and Reign of King James I. Inlaid to royal folio size, and illustrated by the insertion of 170 fine prints, portraits and views, by Bartolozzi, Vertue, etc. Russia extra, gilt edges (binding broken). 1653. 8 2s. 6d. 104 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1412. Villa-Amil Y de la Escosura. ESPANA ARTISTICA, Y MONUMENTAL. Tinted plates, with descriptions Spanish and French. 3 vols. Half crimson morocco, gilt tops. Paris, 1842. 4 1413. Shelley (P. B.). WORKS IN VERSE AND PROSE, with Notes, etc. By H. Buxton Forman. Illustrations. 8 vols. Cloth, gilt tops. 1880. 1 igs. 1414. Harleian Society's Publications. Vols. 10, 15, 17 and 19 to 24. 9 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth. 1875-86. i 6s. 1415. Harleian Society's Registers. Vols. 3, 5, 6, and 8 to 10. 6 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth. 1878-85. 1 us. 1416. Dodsley's Annual Register, from 1758 to 1837 inclusive. 80 vols. Maroon cloth, marbled edges. 4 2s. 6 1541. Walpole (Horace). LETTERS, now first chronologically arranged, edited by P. Cunningham. 9 vols. Portraits. Green morocco extra, g. e. 1857-59. & 7*. 6cf. 1542. Boccaccio (G.). THE DECAMERON, done into English by J. Payne. 3 vols. Parchment, t. e. g. Villon Society, 1886. 4 los. 1543. Wilkinson (R.). LONDINA ILLUSTRATA. 2 vols. Numerous plates. Half red morocco, t. e. g. 410. 1819-25. 2 i2s. 1544. Cussans (J. E.). HISTORY OF HERTFORDSHIRE. 3 vols. Coloured and other illustrations. Half russia, t. e. g. Folio. 1870-79. 3 i8s. 1545. Hearne (T. ) and W. Byrne. ANTIQUITIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, illustrated in Views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, etc. Original impressions of the numerous beautiful plates. Half russia. Folio, oblong. 1786. i $s. 1546. Gamier (E.). THE SOFT PORCELAIN OF SEVRES. 50 coloured plates. 1892. ^3 1547. Shakespeare. PLATES TO BOYDELL'S EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE, after Westall, Hamilton, and others. Red mor. extra, g. e. Boydell, 1798. 3 los. 1548. Engravings and Etchings principally by Old Masters, comprising examples of the works of R. Morghen, Rembrandt, Claude, Hollar, and others ; also a few Mezzotints after Sir J. Reynolds, etc. Mounted in a folio volume, half green morocco gilt. (301 plates. ) 7 112 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1549. Engravings after Old Masters, principally by celebrated Line Engravers, including examples of the works of R. Morghen, Longhi, Garavaglia, Sir R. Strange, F. Muller ; the Doctors of the Church, by W. Sharp (proof before letters) ; St. Cecilia, by the same (open letter proof) ; Clytie, by Bartolozzi ; and other important engravings. Some proofs, in a folio volume, whole bound red morocco gilt. (66 plates.) 14 1550. A Collection of English and Foreign Portraits, including Ariosto, R. Boyle, B. Cellini, Chaucer, Erasmus, Sir T. Gresham, W. Harvey (by Houbraken), Peter the Great, and others. Some fine and scarce, uniformly inlaid to folio size, and bound in a volume, purple calf. (94 plates. ) 5 2s. 6d. 1551. Engravings and Etchings by Aldegraver, A. Diirer, L. van Leyden, W. Hollar, and others. Mounted in a small old folio volume, cloth gilt. (62 plates. ) 8 $s. 1552. Almanach Royal, annee commune, 1790. Old red morocco extra, sides richly tooled, with painted arms inserted in centre within a border of green morocco, blue silk linings. 1790. i 15*. 1553. Almanach des Spectacles de Paris, 1752 to 1756, 1758 to 1764, 1766 to 1792, 1794, 1799, 1800, and 1801, together 43 vols., the 16 first in old French marbled calf, and the last 27 in old French red morocco, g. e. Paris, 1752-1801. 2 6s. 1554. Alps. WHYMPER (E.). TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES, with the Supplementary Appendix of Natural History. Maps and plates. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. Royal 8vo. 1892. 17^. 1555. Amorum Emblemata figuris yEneis incisa studio Othonis Vaeni. 125 oval plates of emblems, with Latin, Italian, and French quatrains. Russia extra, g. e., by Kalthoeber. Oblong. Antwerpise, 1608. 15^. IT Sir Joshua Reynolds' copy, with his autograph and stamp on title. 1556. Arabic, Tales from the, by John Payne. Limited edition, printed for private circulation only, for the members of the Villon Society. 3 vols. Vellum gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Villon Society, 1884. 1 i6s. 1557. Arabian Nights, translated, with Introduction, etc., by Sir R. Burton. 10 vols. Printed for subscribers only. 1885. SUPPLEMENTAL NIGHTS. 6 vols. 1886-88. 1 6 vols. 27 1558. Australasia. WAKEFIELD (E. J.). ADVENTURE IN NEW ZEALAND. 2 vols. Half olive morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1845. 1 is. 1559. Bacon (Francis). ESSAIES, RELIGIOUS MEDITATIONS, PLACES OF PERSWASION AND DISSWASION, Scene and Allowed. Fine copy in calf, very rare. 241110. Humfrey Hooper, 1598. 30 los. H Second edition, and the first in which the Meditations were done into English. 1560. Bacon (Francis). THE WISEDOME OF THE ANCIENTS, done into English by Sir Arthur Gorges. First edition. Red morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere. I2mo. John Bill, 1619. 4 4?. 1561. Barrett (E. B. Browning). POEMS. First edition. 2 vols. Original cloth, uncut. Unusually fine copy. 1844. los. 1562. Bewick (T.). BRITISH LAND AND WATER BIRDS. First edition ; with the foreign birds. Fine impressions of the woodcuts. 2 vols. Original boards, uncut. Newcastle, 1826. 2 $s. 1563. Blake. WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY). ORIGINAL STORIES FROM REAL LIFE, with plates by W. Blake. First edition. Original calf gilt. 1791. ios. 1564. Boccaccio (G.). IL DECAMERONE. 5 vols. Plates after Gravelot. Old French red morocco extra, g. e. Londra, 1757. 7 2s. 6d. BOOK SALES OF 1895. IJ 3 1565. Boccaccio (G.). IL DECAMERONE. Plates and vignettes by Gravelot, Eisen, Cochin, etc. 5 vols. Half calf gilt. Remarkably tall copy. 1757. i los. 1566. Breviarium Romanum cum Calendario. MS. on vellum. Bound in morocco, the original gilt tooled sides inlaid. Thick small 8vo. Scec. xv. g i$s. IT Of Italian execution, beautifully written on 400 leaves, with ornamentations, a few borders and capitals in colours, heightened with gold. Prefixed was a miniature of eighteenth-century work, representing a Franciscan and a Venetian senator adoring the Madonna and Child, between them the coat of arms of the Vendramini family. 1567. Breviarium pars Estivalis Secundum Chorum Pataviensis Ecclesiae. Lit. Goth. Red and black, with numerous fine woodcuts (some leaves slightly wormed, wanted title). Oaken boards covered in stamped pigskin, with clasp. Venet., P. Liechtenstein, 1515. i gs. 1568. Bright (T.). TREATISE OF MELANCHOLIE, the Causes and Reasons thereof, etc. First edition. Vellum. I2mo. Imprinted at London, 1586. i 8.?. H Burton, it is said, founded his famous "Anatomy of Melancholy "upon this work. A copy sold last November for ^3 y. 1569. Bunyan (J.). THE WATER OF LIFE ; or a Discourse showing the Richness and Glory of the Grace and Spirit of the Gospel. First edition. Some words cut into, in the original calf binding. Nath. Ponder, 1688. i 1570. Burnet (Bp.). HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, with Records, Letters, and Original Papers. Library edition. 6 vols., frontispiece and 22 portraits of eminent persons, fine impressions, fine copy, calf extra, marbled edges. 1820. i 1571. Burns (R.). POEMS, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Portrait. The first Edin- burgh edition. Original calf, large copy. Edinburgh, printed for the Author, 1787. 1 2t. 1572. Burns (Robert). POEMS, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Portrait by Ber.go. 3 vols., original boards, uncut, fine. Edinburgh, 1798. i 6s. 1573. Butler (Samuel). HUDIBRAS. The first part, written in time of the late Wars. London, by F. G. for Richard Marriot, 1663, with Imprimatur leaf before title and errata. HUDIBRAS. The second part by the author of the first. Vignette of a Bell on title. London, T. R. for John Martyn and James Amnestey, with Imprimatur leaf before title and errata. HUDIBRAS. The third and last part, written by the author of the First and Second Part. London, for Simon Miller, 1678 (6f in. high). 3 vols., sm. 8vo. , very fine copy, hand dyed calf extra, g. e. to an old pattern. 1663-1678. 10 los. IT First genuine author's edition and extremely rare, not to be confounded with the small I2mo edition. A similar copy sold in July, 1891, for 21. 1574. Byron (Lord). HOURS OF IDLENESS. A Series of Poems, original and trrns- lated. Large paper, beautiful copy, green morocco extra, to a Roger Payne pat- tern, g. e. Extremely rare. Newark, 1807. 3 IT First edition. The setting up of the type differs considerably from the small paper copies. A very cheap copy at this price. 1575. Caldecott (Randolph). SOME OF .^SOP'S FABLES, with Modern Instances. Coloured plates by Caldecott. First edition. Choice copy in calf extra, t. e. g. with the cloth covers inserted at end, by Riviere. 1883. ^4 IGJ. ^f Coloured copies arc scarce. A copy sold last November for 3 17-r. 1576. Caldecott. IRVING (WASHINGTON), BRACEBRIDGE HALL. Illustrated by R. Caldecott. First edition. Original cloth gilt, fine copy. 1877. i$s. 114 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1577. Campbell (Lord). LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS. 7 vols., calf gilt. 1846. ,* g.r. 1578. Campbell (Lord). LIVES OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES. 3 vols., calf gilt. 1849. i " 1579. Cancionero General, que contiene muchas obras de Diversos Autores Antiguos, con algunas cosas nucvas de modernos. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Trautz- Bauzonnet, fine copy from the Solar collection. Anvers, 1583. 7 15*. 1580. Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, by W. Outram Tristram. With 214 illustrations by Hugh Thomson and Herbert Railton. Large paper, only 250 copies printed, buckram, uncut, imp. 8vo., 1893. i 4^. 1581. Collecta Magistralia per adventum Domini de Formatione Hominis Moralis, lit. Goth. Rubricated initials, oaken boards, covered with new stamped morocco, rare. Nurembergse, F. Creuszner, 1479. i 2s. 1582. Cornwall. Boase (G. C.) and W. P. Courtney. Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, a Catalogue of Writings of Cornish Men and Works relating to the County. 3 vols., imp. 8vo. 1874. IQJ. 1583. Couvray (Louvet de). UNE ANNEE DE LA VIE DU CHEVALIER DE FAUBLAS, Six Semaines de la Vie du Chevalier, et la Fin des Amours du Chevalier de Faublas. The complete work. 12 vols. in 6, calf. Londres et se trouve a Paris chez 1'Auteur, 1790. i is. 1584. Crashaw (Richard). STEPS TO THE TEMPLE, SACRED POEMS, WITH OTHER DELIGHTS OF THE MUSES. First edition. Stained, original sheep. i2mo. T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, 1646. ,8 $s. 1! A copy sold in June, 1892, for 9 151. 1585. Crashaw (Richard). STEPS TO THE TEMPLE, SACRED POEMS, WITH THE DE- LIGHTS OF THE MUSES. Second edition, wherein are added divers pieces not before extant, engraved frontispiece by T. Cross, inked on back, fine copy in the original sheep. I2mo. Humphrey Moseley, 1648. 11 55. If Very scarce ; this edition, besides containing poems not in the first issue, is the earliest with the frontispiece. 1586. Cruikshank (George). JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. Coloured copy, only a few copies so issued by the artist for presentation. First edition, original wrapper. Bogue, n. d. ,3 16.?. 1587. Cruikshank (George). THE HUMOURIST: A Collection of Entertaining Tales, Anecdotes, etc., with forty coloured illustrations by George Cruikshank. 4 vols. In the original boards, uncut, enclosed in two half morocco boxes. I2mo. J. Robins & Co., 1819-20. ^"59 II First editions, and exceedingly rare, vol. i being dated 1819. 1588. Cruikshank. THE DANDY'S ROUT. Coloured illustrations. THE DANDY'S PERAMBULATIONS. Coloured illustrations. 2 vols., original illustrated wrappers. Carvalho (1820). 3 5.?. 1589. Crymes (Thomae). PARLIAMENTUM IMPERATORUM SEU CARMINA PROGYM- NASTICA, with the excessively rare portrait of the author at the age of 14, by T. Cross, fine copy, in morocco extra, g. e. by C. Lewis. Londini, 1654. 2 15^. If From the library of the Rev. J. Fuller Russell. Sold at the Dowdeswell sale for 12, while the portrait was purchased separately at the Bindley sale for 9. 1590. Cupid's Posies, for Bracelets, Handkerchiefs, and Rings, with Scarfes, Gloves, and other things, etc., etc. Black letter. Vignette on title, morocco extra, g. e. by Riviere. I2ino. John Wright, etc., 1642. & i$s. 1[ Unique ; the earliest edition known both to Lowndes and Hazlitt is that of BOOK SALES OF 1895. ri 5 1674, which is in the British Museum, having been purchased at Mr. Utterson's sale, in 1852, for ^5. 1591. Daniel (Samuel). THE WORTHY TRACT OF PAULUS Jovius, contayning a Dis- course of Rare Inventions, both Military and Amorous called Impresse, whereunto is added a Preface contayning the art of composing them, with many other Notable Devises by Samuell Daniell, late student in Oxenforde. Portrait of Jovius inserted. Brown morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere & Son. I2mo. Simon Waterson, 1585- 10 1 First edition of Daniell's earliest publication, and exceedingly rare. -See long account in Corser's Collectanea Anglo Poetica, and Collier's Account of Rare English Books. 1592. Daniel (Samuel). A PANEGYRIKE CONGRATULATORY, with a Defence of Ryme, and Certaine Epistles. Title neatly repaired, red morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere. I2mo. Edward Blount, 1603. 5 1 This Defence was written against Thomas Campion. The present copy con- tains all the blank pp. which are generally wanting, besides the separate title- page to the " Defence of Ryme." Mr. Turner's copy sold in 1888 for 10 15^. 1593. Davenant (Sir William), etc. THE NEW ACADEMY OF COMPLEMENTS ERECTED FOR LADIES, GENTLEWOMEN, COURTIERS, ETC. With an exact Collec- tion of the newest and choicest Songs a la mode, both amorous and jovial, by L. B., Sir C. S., Sir W. D., and others. Frontispiece, calf. I2mo. Thos. Rooks, 1671. 4 y.r. 1594. Defoe (Daniel). ROBINSON CRUSOE. Plate. 1719. Farther Adventures. Map. 1719. Serious Reflections. Plate by Pine. 1720. First editions. Fine copies in morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere & Son. 3 vols. ,72 tf Very rare, the first volume only sold for ,50 last December. 1595. [Dickens (Charles).] MORE HINTS ON ETIQUETTE, FOR THE USE OF SOCIETY AT LARGE, AND YOUNG GENTLEMEN IN PARTICULAR. With cuts by George Cruikshank. First edition. Fine copy in the original cloth gilt. I2mo. Charles Tilt, 1838. i i6s. IT The original MS. of this work, partly in Dickens' handwriting, is preserved in Paris. 1506. Dickens (C.). PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVID COPPERFIELD. Plates by H. K. Browne. First edition. Cloth, uncut. 1850. i ios. 1597. Dickens (C.). A CURIOUS DANCE ROUND A CURIOUS TREE. First Edition. Original pink wrapper. (1852-60.) i 4- s ~- 1598. Dickens (C.). LITTLE DORRIT. Plates by H. K. Browne. First edition. Original cloth, uncut. 1857. 12^-. 1599. Dickens (C.) Is SHE HIS WIFE? a Comic Burletta. Polished calf extra, t. e. g. Boston, 1877. 1 IS-T. 1600. Dickens (C.). MR. NIGHTINGALE'S DIARY, a Farce. Polished calf extra, t. e.g. /., 1877. i 13*. 1601. Dickens. SIBSON'S RACY SKETCHES OF EXPEDITIONS FROM THE PICKWICK CLUB. 10 plates by T. Sibson, with letterpress, original illustrated wrapper, as fresh as when issued. Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, 1838. 18 1602. Eliot (George). NOVELS. Adam Bede, 3 vols. Mill on the Floss, 3 vols. Romola, 3 vols. Felix Holt, 3 vols. Daniel Deronda, 4 vols. Theophrastus Such Silas Marner Essays Life by J. W. Cross, 3 vols. 22 vols. All first editions. Uniform, half olive morocco, t. e. g. 1859-85. 5 11.6 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1603. Eliot (George). ADAM BEDE. First edition. 3 vols. Polished calf extra, g. e. by Riviere. 1859. 1 zs. 1604. Farewell (Cnristopher). AN EAST INDIAN COLLATION ; or a Discourse of Travels, set forth in sundry observations, briefe and delightful, collected by the author in a voyage he made unto the East Indies of almost foure yeares continuance. Very fine copy in the original vellum. I2mo. London, printed by B. and T. F. 1633. 6 65. IT Excessively rare. Jadis's copy sold many years ago was thought to be unique. 1605. Florian, CEuvres. 16 vols. Plates by Desenne in two states, etchings and India proofs, half morocco. Paris, Renouard, 1820. 1 gs. IF The etchings for Don Quixote only, sold for 140 francs in the Sieurin sale. 1606. [Froude (J. A.).] SHADOW OF THE CLOUDS BY ZETA. Original cloth, uncut. 1847. * " 1607. .ffineae Sylvii, Pii II. Pont. Max. Bulla Retractationum Omnium dudu p. eum in minoribus adhuc agentem pro Concilio Basilien, etc. Gothic letter. Old blue morocco, g. e., very rare. 4to. (Colon. U. Zell, c. 1468.) 2 los. 1608. Alken (Henr^). ILLUSTRATIONS FOR LANDSCAPE SCENERY. 24 plates, beauti- fully coloured, calf extra, by Riviere, old cover bound in at end. Oblong 4to. J. Fuller, 1821. 3 i6s. 1609. Alken (Henry). SCRAPS FROM THE SKETCH BOOK. Containing 42 plates, beauti- fully coloured, calf extra, t. e. g. , uncut, by Riviere & Son. 4to. T. M'Lean, 1821. 5 ss. 1610. Alken (Henry). NEW SCRAP BOOK. 20 plates, calf extra, by Riviere, original cover bound in. Oblong 410. /., 1824. 1 is. 161 1. America. THE HISTORIE OF THE WEST INDIES, containing the Acts and Adven- tures of the Spaniards, which have conquered and peopled those countries, with the Manners, Laws, Ceremonies, Warres, etc. , of the Indians, published in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt, and translated by M. Lok, gent. Very fine copy, morocco extra ; g. e., by Riviere & Son. Exceedingly rare. Small 410. Andrew Hebb, n. d. (1615). 5 i$s. 1612. America. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE) HISTOIRE DU PARAGUAY. 2 vols., maps, old French citron morocco extra, g. e., with arms of Madame de Pompadour in gold on sides, fine copy. 410. Paris, 1756. 4 1613. Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticon libri IV. Greece, cum Scholiis Gnecis. Editio princeps, red morocco extra, g. e. , by Chambolle-Duru. 4to. Fine- copy. Florentine, L. F. de Alopa, 1496. $ II The Didot copy sold for 304 francs. 1614. Bacchus Bountie, describing the debonaire dietie of his bountiful godhead in the royal observance of the great feast of Pentecost, by Philip Foulface, of Ale-foord. Black letter, corner of title repaired, calf extra. 4to. H. Kyrkham, 1593. i 1615. Bacon (Sir Francis). OF THE PROFICIENCE AND ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING. Original vellum. First edition. Small 4to. Henrie Tomes, 1605. zizs. 1616. Bacon (Francis, Lord). THREE SPEECHES. Concerning Post-Nati. Naturali- zation of the Scotch in England. Union of the Lawes of the Kingdomes of Eng- land and Scotland. First edition. Brown calf, paned sides, by Riviere, edges uncut. Small 410. 1641. ^4 6s. IT Very scarce in this fine state. 1617. Brandt (S.). STULTIFERA NAVIS. Numerous fine woodcuts, title slightly mended. Fine tall copy, with scarce blank leaf at end, brown morocco extra, marbled g. e. by Bruyere. Rare. 410. Lugduni, per Jacobum Zachoni de Romano, 1488 (sic pro 1498). 6 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 117 1618. Brandt. STULTIFERAE NAVES SENSUS ANIMOSQUE TRAHENTIS MORTIS 'IN EXITIUM. (Per J. Badium.) With 8 beautiful woodcuts, including the fine printers' marks of de Marnef and Kerver, margins of several leaves skilfully re- paired. Tall copy, mottled calf extra, g. e., by Riviere. 4to. Paris, 1500. 6 js. 6d. IT Very rare. The woodcuts are quite different from those in Brandt's book of 1498. 1619. Brandt. SHIP OF FOOLS. Translated by Barclay. With Notice, Catalogue, and Glossary, by Jamieson. 2 vols. Large paper. Numerous wood engravings. Very fine copy. Brown morocco extra, g. e., by F. Bedford. Edinb., 1874. 3 I2j 6d. IT Only 1 50 numbered copies were printed. The text is printed exactly as in Pynson's impression. 1620. Caxton. GREGORIUS (S.). Omelie in Deutschen. Gothic letter. 410. Half- bound. (Utrecht, J. Veldener), 1479. 5 I2j. 6d. II Printed with the type used by Caxton when he printed in the Low Countries. 1621. Churchyard (Thomas). CHURCHYARDE'S CHOISE, a Generall Rehearsall of Warres, etc., to which are joyned some Tragedies and Epitaphes, etc. Black letter. First edition. Blue morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere. Small 410. Im- printed at London by Edward White (1579). 17 IF Very scarce. Priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica at 21. Mr. Corser's copy sold in 1868 for ^18 <,$. 1622. Demosthenes. THE THREE ORATIONS, most needeful to be redde in these dangerous times. Translated by T. Wilson. Black letter. Fine copy. 4to. Calf. H. Denman, 1570. i xj. 1623. Dryden (John). THE HIND AND PANTHER, a poem, in three parts. First edition. With two other tracts on the poem. Morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere. 4to. Jacob Tonson, 1687. 7 1624. Actiones et Monimenta Martyrum, eorum qui a Wiclifto et Husso et nostram hanc retatem in Germania, Gallia, Britannia, Flandria, etc. Fine copy. Folio. Calf extra, g. e., by F. Bedford. Genevoe (J. Crispinus), 1560. i $s. 1625. Albertus Magnus de Laudibus Beatae Manx Virginis. Gothic letter. Original oak boards, covered with stamped calf, with brass bosses and clasps. Slightly wormed. Folio. Absque nota (Strasburg, Mentelin, c. 1470). ^3 3^. 1626. Alken (Henry). A SERIES OF DRIVING DISCOVERIES. In seven coloured plates. Red morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere and Son. Oblong folio. Jo. Fuller, 18x7. 5 I?*- M- 1627. Alken (Henry). MOMENTS OK FANCY. A series of humorously coloured plates. Red morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere and Son. Oblong folio. T. McLean, 1822. 6 los. 1628. Alken (Henry). SHOOTING, or One Day's Sport of Three Real Good Ones However Ignorant of Sporting Rules. Six large and beautiful coloured plates. Red morocco extra, g. e., by Riviere and Son. Oblong folio. T. McLean, 1823. 5 I2.r. 6d. 1629. Alps. COLEMAN (E. T. ). SCENES FROM THE SNOW FIELDS OF MONT BLANC. Finely coloured plates. Cloth. Rare. Folio. 1859. 3 3j. 1630. Appianus de Bellis Civilibus Romanorum, P. Candidi interpretatione. 2 vols. in I. Woodcut border to the first page of each vol. Vellum gilt. Some leaves at end stained. Rare. Folio. Venet. , 1477. 3 $s. Il8 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1631. Blomefield (F.). HISTORY OF NORFOLK, with Continuation by Rev. C. Parkin. 5 vols. Folio. Maps and plates. Good sound copy. Russia, m. e. Extremely rare. Fersfield, 1739 ; Lynn, 1769-75. 16 50. IF With the scarce list of subscribers. 1632. Chapman (George). THE WHOLE WORKS OF HOMER, Pnnce of Poets, in his Iliads and Odysses. Fine engraved title, with the rare portrait on back by Hole. Engraved memorial leaf to Henry, Prince of Wales, and the engraved title to the Odysses. Brown morocco extra, paned sides, gilt leaves, by Riviere and Son. Folio. Nathaniel Butter, n. d. (1616.) .24 iOj. ^i Perfect copies of the original edition are very scarce. 1633. Crane (W.). THE FIRST OF MAY, a Fairy Masque. Large paper. India proofs, in ornamental portfolio. (Pub. 10 los.) Imp. folio. 1881. i 2s. 1634. Crealock (Lieut. -Gen. Sir H. H.). DEER-STALKING IN THE HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND. Only 255 copies printed. Numerous illustrations by the author. Folio. Cloth. 1892. ,10 153. 1635. Cruikshank (G.). PHRENOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. A coloured copy. First edition. Original wrappers. Uncut. Ob. folio. 1826. i 1636. Cruikshank (G.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF TIME. Coloured copy. Half olive morocco. Oblong folio. 1827. \ is. 1637. Cruikshank. SCRAPS AND SKETCHES, by George Cruikshank. 24 plates of etchings. Large paper. India proofs. Original wrapper bound up. Morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1828, etc. i 12s. 1638. " Cy Sensuit la Genealogie de la Bible qui monstre Chacun Aage depuis le Commencement du Monde jusques a 1'advenement de Jesu Christ ; et contenent en brief comment les trois fils Noe peupleurent le monde apres les deluge . . . . et puis monstre par Signes comment quatre Manneres de Gens se parterent de troye . . . . et peuplerent pais et terres .... par especial Paris et Londres, Lombardie, France et Angleterre ; Les Branches e Genealogies des Empereurs de Rome, Rois de France et d'Angleterre jusques en 1'an Mil. illl c xx, ' etc. etc. An illuminated manuscript roll on vellum, nearly 60 ft. long by 2 ft. wide, on rollers, with mahogany frame for mounting, in a bag. Cent. xv. ^46 ft This remarkable Genealogical Roll commences with the Introduction abbre- viated above, and ends with the reign of Louis XI. The margins of the first 2 ft. are beautifully illuminated in dotted and leafy scrolls, with flowers and fruit, and the Roll has 64 circular drawings in colours heightened in gold representing por- traits of the kings of England and France, and scenes in their lives (one of which is cut out), and nearly 600 illuminated initials. The MS. vras evidently finished during the reign of Louis XL (1461-83), as it ends with the following words, " a Present Regne Le Roy Louis XI e de ce nom," and his Portrait in a miniature. 1639. Denon (V.). VOYAGE DANS LA BASSE ET LA HAUTE EGYPTE PENDANT LES CAMPAGNES DU GENERAL BONAPARTE. Plates. On India paper, and two 8vo. vols. of text, richly bound in red calf, inlaid with green morocco, symbolically tooled, with the initials of Antoine Bonaparte (born in 1816), son of Lucien Bonaparte, in gold on sides, green morocco backs, t. e. g., by Tessier (with his ticket). Paris, 1829. 2 8.>. 1640. Ruskin. SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. First edition. Illustrations by the author. Original cloth. Imp. 8vo. 1849. 4 1641. Tennyson (Alfred Lord, and Charles). POEMS BY TWO BROTHERS. Original edition (Signature of R. Hastings on title). Boards, uncut. Simpkin and Marshall, 1827. 15 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 119 1642. Tennyson. POEMS CHIEFLY LYRICAL. The first edition published with the author's name. 2 vols. in I, calf gilt. E. Wilson, 1830; E. Moxon, 1833. lO IOS. 1643. Froude (J. A.). SHADOWS ov THE CLOUDS. By Zeta. Clean copy in the original cloth. Very rare. 1847. >* I2f - 1644. Froude (J. A.). NEMESIS OF FAITH. First edition. Clean copy in the original cloth. 1849. I I 4 J - 1645. Tennyson (Alfred Lord). THK WINDOW, or the Loves of the Wrens. First edition. Privately printed by Sir Ivor Guest at Canford Manor. Limp morocco, with inscription on title, "John Simeon from A. Tennyson." Extremely rare. 4to. 1867. 46 1646. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir Wm.). EMPKROR CHARLES V. Both parts. Numerous illustrations. Cloth. Presentation copy from the author. Folio. Privately printed. 1867. i 15.?. 1647. Fulvius (A.). ILLUSTRIUM IMAGINES (in fine): Imperatorum et illustrium virorum ac mulierum vultus ex antiquis numismatibus express!. First edition. Brilliant impressions of the woodcuts. Fine uncut copy in orange morocco extra, gilt back and sides. By Vezzosi. Ronur, 1517. i is. 1648. Goldsmith (Oliver). THK VICAR OK WAKEFIELD. A tale supposed to be written by himself. 2 vols. First edition. Fine sound copy in the original calf. 121110. Salisbury, for F. Newbery, 1766. 56 1649. Goldsmith (O.). THK GOOD NATUR'D MAN : a Comedy. First edition. P"ine copy. Calf extra, g. e., by F. Bedford. 1768. ^3 $s. 1650. Goldsmith (O.). SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER: or the Mistakes of a Night A Comedy. First edition. Dedicated to Dr. Johnson. With Prologue by D. Garrick. Fine copy. Brown morocco extra, g. e. Very scarce. 1773. 7 ^s. 1651. Harvey (Gabriel). GRATULATIONUM VALDINENSIUM, LIBRI QUATUOR, AD ILL. AUG. PRINCIPAM ELIZABETAM REGINAM. With woodcut portrait of Queen Elizabeth, and 4 full-page woodcuts of armorial bearings, including the folding one of the Earl of Leicester. Lower margins cut, mottled calf extra, g. e. , by F. Bedford. Rare. Small 4to. Londini, H. Binneman, 1578. i 1652. Harveii (Wm., M.D.) EXERCITATIO ANATOMICA DF, MOTU CORDIS ET SAN- GUINIS CIRCUI.O. Engraved title and plates. Back (I. de). DISSERTATIO DE CORDE. 2 vols. in I. Vellum. Rotterdam, 1654. 6s. IT The second volume is particularly scarce. The auihor claims the merit of having discovered the circulation of the blood before Harvey. 1653. Haywarde (Sir John). THE SANCTUARIE OF A TROUBLED SOULE. Engraved title, containing portrait by W. Hole. First edition. Red morocco super extra, g. e. 1616. 2 i6s. IF Lowndes quotes the first edition as 1618. 1654. Helmont (F. M. B. ab). ALPHABET! VERE NATURALIS HEBRAICI BREVISSIMA DF.LINEATIO. Frontispiece, and 36 curious plates of Egyptian heads, illustrating the method by which deaf mutes may not only understand each other, but may also themselves speak. Fine copy. Dark blue morocco extra, g. e. Sulzbaci, 1057- 1 8j. If A rare and curious work relating to the deal and dumb alphabet. The date as given by Brunei is 1667, and there are some slight variations in the phraseology of the title ; so that in all probability the present copy is of the first edition, un- known to Brunei. 120 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1655. Herbert (George). HERBERT'S REMAINS. Sundry pieces of that Sweet Singer of the Temple. First edition. Original sheep, one cover loose. I2tno. T. Maxey, etc. 1652. 4 1656. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis cum Calendario. Manuscript on Vellum (177 leaves and 12 leaves for the Calendar), each page surrounded by a border of elaborate floreated scroll work in gold and colours, with seven fine illuminated miniatures, and numerous small initials (by a French artist). Old calf. Ssec. XV. 17 1657. Horae B. Mariae Virginis (avec le Calendrier en Fra^ois). Manuscript on Vellum, with 43 miniatures, illuminated in gold and colours, brown morocco extra, g. e. , by Chambolle-Duru. Ssec. XV. ,26 U Some of the miniatures are very curious and interesting. 1658. Horiae Divae Virginis Mariae Secundum Verum Usum Romanum, cum aliis multis folio sequenti notatis, una cum figuris apocalipsis post figuras bibliae recenter insertis. Printed upon vellum within woodcut borders of the Dance of Death, Life of Christ, grotesques, etc., with full page and smaller woodcuts and illuminated initials (last 3 leaves soiled), figure on reverse of title mutilated), modern calf, with clasp. Paris, T. Kerver, 1510. 4 its. 1659. Horae. HEURES A L'USAIGE DE ROMME tout au long sans riens requerir imprimees nouvellement a Paris avec 1'Office de la Concepcion de nostre dame. Lit. Goth, on paper, within woodcut borders of the Dance of Death, etc., with large and small woodcuts and initials, the curious hieroglyph on reverse of last leaf differing entirely from that given in Brunet, who does not mention this edition. Calf gilt. Paris, G. Godart (Calendar, 1521-33). 44*. 1660. Horatii Opera, asneis tabulis incidit J. Pine. 2 vols. Text engraved throughout, with beautiful vignettes, red morocco extra, g. e., by Bradel-Derome, with his ticket. Londini, 1733-7. 4 I2J. 1661. Hunt (Leigh). THE PALFREY ; a Love Story of Old Times. Vignettes. First edition. Original cloth. 1842. i 1662. Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels by T. Ingoldsby, Esq. (Rev. R. H. Barham). 3 vols. Fine impressions of the plates by George Cruikshank. J. Leech, etc. Fine copy, blue morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut, by F. Bedford. 1840-42-47. 12 los. IF First edition of each series. Mr. Stewart's copy sold for ^39. 1663. Johnson (Dr.). PRINCE OF ABISINIA, a Tale. 2 vols. Fine copy, calf extra, g. e., by F. Bedford. First edition of " Rasselas." 1759. 2 123. 1664. Kaukol (J. C.). CHRISTLICHER SEELEN-SCHATZ AUSZERLESENER GEBETTER (Treasure of Selected Prayers for Christian Souls). Every page, text and illustra- tions alike, engraved in exact facsimile of the original pen and ink designs, comprising 1 1 full-page plates and 85 vignettes and ornamental capitals, very fine copy in the original red morocco extra, g. e., blue silk linings, in a morocco case. Bonn, 1729. 2 4s. 1665. Kelmscott Press. MORRIS (W.). THE DEFENCE OF GUENEVERE. Orna- mental title and initial letters. Vellum, silk tyers, uncut. 1892. i ss. 1666. Kelmscott Press. MORRIS (W.). NEWS FROM NOWHERE. Frontispiece and initial letters. Vellum, silk tyers, uncut. 1892. i 8s. 1667. Kelmscott Press. RUSKIN (JOHN). THE NATURE OF GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE STONES OF VENICE. Initial letters. Vellum, silk tyers, uncut. 1892. i 2s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. I21 1668. Kelmscott Press. THE ORDER OF CHIVALRY. Frontispiece by Burne-Jones, and initial letters. Vellum, silk tyers, uncut. 1893. i 55. 1669. Lamb (Charles). ELIA, and LAST ESSAYS OK ELIA. Both Series, first editions, 2 vols. Boards, uncut. Taylor & Hessey, and Moxon, 1823-33. 17 ^1 Very rare in this state ; Mr. Dew's copy sold for .38. 1670. [Lamb (Charles).] SATAN IN SEARCH OF A WIFE, with the whole Process of his Courtship and Marriage, etc., by an Eye Witness. Woodcuts. First edition. Original pink wrappers, uncut. I2mo. Edward Moxon, 1831. 5 $s. 1671. [Lamb (Charles).] SATAN IN SEARCH OF A WIFE. Plates and woodcuts. First edition. Polished calf super extra, g. e. 1831. 2 2s. 1672. Lang (A.). XXII BALLADES IN BLUE CHINA. First edition. Vellum, uncut. 1880. 1 5s. 1673. Lang (A.). ESSAYS IN LITTLE. Large paper. With Portraits of R. L. Steven- son, Lang, Tennyson, etc. inserted. Only 150 copies printed. Buckram gilt, uncut. Imp. 8vo. 1891. 12s. 1674. Lang (A.). THE LIBRARY. With plates and coloured reproductions of fine bindings. Large paper. Buckram, unct. Imp. 8vo. 1892. i 2s. 1675. La Pierre (I. de). LE GRAND EMPIRE DE L'UN ET L'AUTRE MONDK, divise en trois Royaumes, le Royaume des Aveugles, des Borgnes, et des Clair-Voyants, enrichi de Curieuses Inventions et traictes d'Eloquence Fra^oises. 4 illustrations by Crispin de Passe, including portraits of Louis XI IT. and Richelieu. Morocco extra, tooled sides, g. e. by Riviere. Paris, 1625. i $s. 1676. Lecky (W. E. H.). LEADERS OF PUBLIC OPINION IN IRELAND. Best edition. Polished calf extra, rare. 1871. i 2s. 1677. Loves Garland, or Posies for Rings, Handkerciiers and Flowers, and such Pretty Tokens that Lovers send their Loves. Wood vignettes. Black letter. Morocco extra, g. e. by Riviere. 121110. Printed at London by R. C. etc., 1648. 8 105. ^ Believed to be unique. The earliest edition mentioned in Lowndes is 1674, which is in the Brit. Museum, having been purchased at Utterson's sale in 1852 for 2 i^s. 1678. Martialis Epigrammata. First Aldine Edition. Very large copy, slightly damaged with worm-hole. Old red morocco. Very scarce. Venetiis, Aldus, 1501. i8s. IF Mr. Beckford's two copies sold for 18 and 12 155. ! 1 ! 1679. May (Thomas). THE REIGNE OF KING HENRY THE SECOND. Written in Seaven Bookes (in verse). Very fine copy in the original vellum. First edition. lamo. A. M. for Benj. Fischer, 1633. 4 ijs. Gd. 1680. Milton (J.). POEMS, both Englishantl Latin (containing The Mask presented at Ludlow Castle, Latin Poems, both with separate titles, and Lycidas). First edition. Fine impression of the rare portrait by Marshall. Very fine copy, 6 in. by 3! in. Blue morocco extra, elegantly tooled sides in gold, g. e. by F. Bedford. H. Moseley, 1645. ^42 IT Extremely rare. Mr. Herman's copy, cut into, sold for ^48, Mr. Crawford's for ^57, and Sir J. Hawley's (same height as this copy) sold for ^63. The blank margin of portrait restored. 1681. Missale Romanum cum Calendario. Illuminated manuscript on vellum (101 leaves) written in Gothic characters, containing 7 illuminated miniatures, sur- rounded by borders of scrolls, flowers and fruits ; 8 pages with three-quarter illuminated borders, and numerous small initials, spaces, etc., in gold and colours, of French workmanship. Vellum, r. e. Saec. XV. 11 $s. 122 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1682. Missale cum Calendario Perpetuo. Manuscript on vellum ($00 leaves), very neatly written, with initial letters illuminated (one historiated) and borders. Stamped pigskin. Seec. XV. 5 IF In a note it is stated this volume was composed by the "Rev. Magistrum Johannem de Ground Wienne, 1439." 1683. Moliere. L'EsrouRDY ou les Contre-temps. First edition. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Lortic. Fine copy. Paris, chez C. Barbin, 1663. B 1684. Moliere. LE DEPIT AMOUREUX. First edition. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Lortic. Fine copy. Paris, chez C. Barbin, 1663. 6 6s. 1685. Moliere. LA CRITIQUE DE L'ESCOLE DES FEMMES. First edition. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Lortic. Fine copy. Paris, chez Estienne Loyson, 1663. 8 los. 1686. Moliere. LE MISANTHROPE. First edition. Frontispiece. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Lortic. Fine copy. Paris, chez J. Ribou, 1667. 11 15.?. 1687. Moliere. LE MARIAGE FORCE. First edition. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Thibaron-Joly. Fine copy. Ib. 1668. j 1688. Moliere. GEORGES DANDIN, ou le Mary Confondu. First edition. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris, 1669. 12 *5 S - 1689. Moliere. LES FEMMES SCAVANTES. First edition. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Cuzin. Fine copy. Et se vend pour 1'Autheur a Paris, 1673. j i$s. 1690. Moliere. LE SICILIEN, ou 1'amour Peintre. First edition. Red morocco extra, g. e. by Lortic. Fine copy. Paris, chez J. Ribou, 1668. 8 1691. Moreau. Complete Suite of Figures to illustrate the Works of Voltaire. (Kehl edition in 70 vols. ) no beautiful plates and portraits. Large paper. Red morocco extra, g. e. Royal 8vo. 1784, etc. 4 1692. Music. COSYN (JOHN). MUSIKE OF Six AND FIVE PARTES. Made upon the common tunes used in singing of the Psalmes. 2 parts in I. Engraved title to each part, with the music and numerous quaint woodcut initials and tail-pieces. Very fine copy with several uncut leaves. Original limp vellum with tie-strings. Oblong 8vo. London, John Wolfe, 1585. 10 IT Of extreme rarity. No bibliographer appears to have seen a copy, and nowhere is any mention made as to the whereabouts of one. Cosyn is mentioned by Wood in his " Athenae Oxonienses," but very little is known about him. He was probably father of Benjamin Cosyn, the well-known composer and musician in the time of James I. No collation of this interesting work having been given hitherto, one is herewith appended : A, 4 leaves, consisting of title, dedication, and table ; B E, in eights, including D 7, title to " Musike of Five Partes " ; 7, leaf of imprint ; and E 8, a blank leaf. 1693. Officium Beatae Marias Virginis cum Calendario. Manuscript on vellum (198 leaves), in red and black gothic letters, each leaf having borders of floreate scrolls in gold and colours, with 10 large miniatures occupying with the borders the entire page, 22 small miniatures in the calendar, and 6 smaller initial ones in the text, capitals and headings in gold and colours, of French execution, with some prayers in French (wants 2 leaves of Calendar for September). Old brown morroco elaborately tooled a petits fers, g. e. Small 8vo. Srec. XV. ig 15*. IT This MS. evidently belonged originally to Paul Petau, Counsellor of the French Parliament, and has his motto, " Non esf ntortale quod opto," back of first miniature. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 123 1694. Parini (G.). MATTINO MERIGGIO VESPRO E NOTTI, POEMETTI. Printed on vellum. Red morocco, leather joints, g. e. by Kalthoeber. 1804. 1 is. IT The only copy known on vellum. 1695. Pays Bas. Remonstrance au Roy d'Espaigne sur la Requeste naguerres presentee par la noblesse du paiis bas a la Duchesse de Parme, black letter (Bruges), 1566 Remonstrance du pays bas sur 1'Inquisition d'Espagne, s. 1., 1566 Advertisse- ment du pays bas sur Religion, ib., 1566 Remonstrance et Supplication de 1'Eglise reformee de Valencenes, il>., 1567 Traictes faicts a Cologne pour parvenir a une reconciliation des pays bas et sa Majestic Catholique, Douai. 1579 -Declara- tion des Causes qui ont esmeu la Royne d'Angleterre a donner secours au pays bas, Lond., 1585 ; and other Tracts on the Low Countries. In I vol. Vellum, v. y. 3 3'- 1696. F[letcher] P[hineas]. THE PURPLE ISLAND, or the Isle of Man ; together with Piscatorie Eclogs and other Poetical Miscellanies. First edition. With all the separate titles often wanting and the rare leaf "To my dear friend, the Spencer of this age." Fine copy, blue morocco extra, g. e. Cambridge, 1633. .5 1f Phineas Fletcher was the intimate friend of Francis Quarles, and his patron Edward Benlowes. The "Purple Island" contains the earliest reference to a Terra Australis. 1697. Flores. HISTOIRE AMOUREUSE DK FLORES ET BLANCHEFLEUR s'amye, avec la Complainte que fait un amant centre Amour, et sa Dame. Le tout mis d'Espagnol en Franois, par maitre Jaques Vincent. Large and fine copy. Dark blue morocco extra, double with red morocco, with gold border, by Chambolle- Duru. Rare. A Anvers, chez Jean Waesberghe, 1561. $ js. 6d. 1698. Gambado (G.). ACADEMY TOR GROWN HORSEMEN. Plates after Bunbury. Half bound. 1787. us. 1699. Gambado (G.). ACADEMY FOR GROWN HORSEMEN. Plates by H. Bunbury. Green morocco extra. Imp. 410. 1796. IQS. 1700. Garrick. THE SICK MONKEY, a Fable. " Thursday afternoon David Garrick, Esq. arrived at his house in Southampton Street, Covent Garden," " Public Advertiser," Apl. 27, 1765. Curious frontispiece of the Sick Monkey. Fine copy. Brown morocco extra, g. e. 1765. ^3 %s. 1T Very rare, written by Garrick and rigidly suppressed by him. No copy in the Mackenzie collection. 1701. Godeffroy de Boulion. Les Faitz et Gestes du preux Godeffroy de Boulion, et de ses chevaleureux freres Baudouin et Eustache, etc. Gothic letter. Numerous woodcuts. Red morocco extra. Double with green morocco, with broad dentelle border, g. e. by Bauzonnet. Paris, J. Bonfons, s. d. g gs. IF Very fine copy, from the library of Prince d'Essling. 1702. Hampshire. GENERAL HISTORY OF. By B. B. Woodward. Rev. T. C. Wilks and C. Lockhart. Large paper. India proof portraits and plates. 3 vols. Half russia extra, t. e. g. (pub. 16 i6s.}. Imp. 410. n. d. & 5J-. 1703. Harvey (Gabriel). PIERCE'S SUPEREROGATION, or a New Prayse of the Old Asse, a Preparative to certaine larger discourses, intituled Nashes S. Fame. First edition. Brown morocca extra, by Riviere, gilt leaves. Very rare. Small 4to. John Wolfe, 1593. 11 151. 1704. Hercules. Sensuyt les proesses et vaillances du preux et vaillant Hercules. Gothic letter. Woodcuts. Red morocco extra, g. e. with Seilliere arms on sides (rather short copy, a few of the top letters just touched by binder). Very rare. Paris, A. Lotrian, s. d. $ 124 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1705. Dionysii Halicarnassensis. Opera Omnia Gr. et Lat. edidit I. Hudson, 2 vols. Large paper. Folio. Fine copy. Red morocco extra, g. e. Oxon, 1704. i 2s. IT Sir A. Thompson's copy sold for l$ i$ s - 1706. Early Newspapers. " ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE" for 1763, 1764, 1765, 1768 and 1769. 5 vols. Folio. Very scarce. 1763-69. n 1707. Heywood (T.). HIERARCHIE OF THE BLESSED ANGELLS. Plates. Very fine copy. Folio. Purple morocco extra, g. e. 1635. j 2 4^- 1708. Hipkins (A. J.). MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Historic, rare and unique. Illustrated by 50 plates in colours, drawn by W. Gibbs. Folio. Red morocco super extra, g. e. Edinb. 1888. 3 15.?. 1709. Hoare (Sir R. C.). ANCIENT HISTORY OF WILTSHIRE. 2 vols. in 5 parts. Portraits and plates. Uncut. Folio. 1810-21. 7 i$s. 1710. Horatius. CHRISTOPHORI LANDINI FLORENTINI in Q. Horatii Opera Omnia Interpretationes. Large copy. Half red morocco, with bookplate of Le Comte de Boutourlin. Folio. Florentise, 1482. 3 los. 1F " Prem. edition d'Horace avec ce Commentaire, elle est belle et fort estimee."- Brunet. 1711. Jonson (Ben). WORKES (Plays, Entertainments, Epigrammes, Masques, etc.). Brilliant impression of the fine frontispiece in compartments, by Hole. Beautiful copy. Red mor. super extra, panelled sides, g. e., by F. Bedford. Folio. W. Stansby. 1616. ) '7*. [ First edition. " Will Shake-Speare " 's name appears amongst the principal performers. 1712. Manning (O.) and W. Bray. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF SURREY. 3 vols. Maps, plates, and pedigrees. Large paper. Light brown morocco extra, g. e. Royal folio. 1804-14. ^23 los. IT From the Gosford Library, at the sale of which it realized ^41 ior. 1713. Missale Ordinis Sancti Benedictini, cum Calendario. Finely printed in bold Gothic type, in red and black. Woodcut portrait of St. Benedict on title (wants the engraving of the Crucifixion, and slightly wormed). Fine copy. Calf gilt. Extremely rare. Spira P. Drach, 1498. & 1714. Missale Romanum, cum Calendario. Manuscript on vellum, in a bold Gothic hand, containing 24 large illuminated capitals, 6 containing miniatures, elegant borders and a large number of smaller capitals. Original binding. Ssec. XV. ^33 1715. Lipscomb (G.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM. 4 vols. Numerous maps, plates and cuts (vol. I. wants dedication to William IV. and list of illustrations), otherwise fine copy. In red morocco extra, t. e. g. 4to. 1847. >" 1716. Warner (Rev. R.). COLLECTIONS FOR THE HISTORY OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE BISHOPRIC OF WINCHESTER, with Glossary. 5 vols. in 3. Large paper (only 25 copies printed). Numerous fine plates (wants the county map). Old gilt russia, g. e., very scarce. 410. 1795. 5 15-f. 1717. Lang (And.). COCK LANE AND COMMON SENSE. Large paper. One of 60 copies. Royal 8vo. 1894. igs. 1718. Lang (And.). YELLOW FAIRY BOOK. Illustrations by H. J. Ford. Large paper, one of 140 copies. 1894. i los. 1719. Lang (And.). TRUE STORY BOOK. Illustrations by Boyle, Ford, and others. Large paper. One of 150 copies. 1893. IQJ. 1720. Lang (And. ). ANGLING SKETCHES. Etchings, etc. By W. G. Burn-Murdoch. Large paper. One of 150 copies. 1891. l BOOK SALES OF 1895. I2 5 1721. Lang (And.). LETTERS TO DEAD AUTHORS. Large papers. One of 113 copies. 1892. los. 1722. Badminton Library. Large paper. Racing, Athletics, Cycling, Boating, Cricket, Driving, Fencing, Golf, Riding, Tennis, Coursing, Swimming, Moun- taineering, Yachting, Big Game Shooting, Archery. 18 vols. Only 250 copies printed on large paper. Plates, half morocco, g. t. 1886-94. 36 1723. Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette, a Magazine entirely appropriated to Sporting Subjects and Fancy Pursuits, complete in 13 vols. Coloured plates by Alken and Cruikshank, and numerous plates by Landseer, Herring, and others. Red morocco extra with symbolical tooling by Tout, g. t., uncut, a specimen monthly wrapper bound up with each volume. 1822-28. ,47 IT This fine set included the monthly number for June, 1828, comprising pp. 351- 418 of vol. xiii. (usually missing), the two extra plates, " Hunting" and "Mare by Soreheels," and the excessively scarce wrapper No. 78. 1724. Apperley (C. J.). LIFE OF JOHN MYTTON, ESQ., with Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, and Extravagant Exploits, by " Nimrod." First edition. Coloured plates by Henry Alken, original cloth, very clean. 1835. If> IT This fine copy had inserted John Mytton's signature, franking an envelope addressed to his sister Mrs. Lethbridge, dated 16 Feb. 1820. 1725. Smith (Thomas.) EXTRACTS FROM THE DIARY OF A HUNTSMAN. First edition. Plates and woodcuts, original cloth, uncut, fine copy. 1838. i 14^-. 1726. Radcliffe (F. P. Delrr.e). THE NOBLE SCIENCE, a Few General Ideas on Fox- Hunting. First edition. Woodcuts and plates, original cloth. 1839. i is. 1727. Apperley (C. J. ). NIMROD'S HUNTING TOURS, interspersed with characteristic Anecdotes, Sayings, and Doings of Sporting Men, including Notices of the prin- cipal Crack Riders of England. First edition. Pigskin extra, leather joints, with symbolical tooling by Tout, g. t., uncut, scarce. 1835. _^io lew. IT This fine copy had inserted 33 portraits and 85 plates (over 30 of them coloured by hand) by Cooper, Herring, Corbet, Landseer, Hancock, Alken, Fielding, Woodward, Turner, Bateman, Laporte, Weeks, etc. 1728. Apperley (C. J.). HUNTING REMINISCENCES. By " Nimrod." First edition. Plates and woodcuts, original cloth, uncut, fine copy, scarce. 1843. ^4 ior. 1729. Cockfighting. COCKING AND ITS VOTARIES. By S. A. T. First edition. Green calf extra, with symbolical tooling by Tout, wrappers preserved, g. e., excessively scarce, n. d. 2 12s. 6d. 1843. Morel (C.). DEMONSTRATION DE LA VERITK DE LA RELIGION CHRETIENNE. Dedication copy to Louis XIV. Red morocco, gilt edges, with the Royal arms on the sides. Paris, 1661. 3 ic>44. Morisotus (C. B.). HENRICUS MAGNUS. Fine copy, ruled with red lines. Old French red morocco, the sides richly tooled with curious emblematic devices in the centre, from Heber's library. Genevas, 1627. 5 i$s. 1845. Ordre du St. Esprit. Creations des Chevaliers de 1'Ordre du S. Esprit, faits par Louis le Grand ; ou Armorial des Chevaliers de 1'Ordre depuis son Sacre, jusques a 1689 tres exactement designes et blassones par Jacqueline Panouse. 2 vols. Contemporary manuscript, with 182 coats beautifully emblazoned in gold, silver, and colours. Old French red morocco, gilt edges. ,3 i8.r. 1846. Perefixe (H. de). HISTOIRE DE HENRI LE GRAND. Red morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of the Comtesse de Provence, wife of Louis XVIII., on the sides. Paris, 1767. 3 1847. Pernery (Abbe). LETTRES PHILOSOPHIQUES SURLES PHYSIONOMIES. Frontis- piece. Old French red morocco, broad borders of gold, with arms of M. de Fourqueux in the centre, and book-plate. La Haye, 1746. ^3 1848. Pey (Abbe). LA VERITK DE LA RELIGION CHRETIENNE PROUVEE A UN DEISTE. Red morocco, gilt edges, witli the arms of Madame Victoire, daughter of Louis XV., on the sides, and her book-plate. Paris, 1771. 2 8s. 1849. Pindar. ODES. Translated by G. West. 3 vols. Yellow morocco extra, gilt edges. Presentation copy, from Princess Caroline, with a Sonnet in her auto- graph. 1766. 2 i$s. 1850. Pitt. EXAMEN DU MINISTERS DE MR. PITT, traduit de FAnglais par le Chevalier Champigny. Portrait. 2 vols. Old red morocco, gilt edges. La Haye, 1764. i js. 1851. Poems by a Lady of Quality. Queen Charlotte's copy. Red morocco, the sides tooled and inlaid with yellow morocco, with her book-plate. Dublin, 1764. i los. 1852. Principes Discutes pour faciliter 1'Intelligence des Livres Prophetiques, par les Capucins de Saint Honore. 4 vols. Louis XVI. 's copy. Red morocco, gilt edges, with his arms (as Dauphin) on the sides, and the dolphin and fleur-de- lis on the backs. Paris, 1755. ,4 los. 136 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1853. Psalms and Hymns, composed into four Parts, with Tunes. Enlarged by T. Ravenscroft. Rare. 1621. i 15 s. If Some of the Psalm tunes are by John Milton, father of the poet. 1854. Psalms of David in Prose and Meeter, with their whole tunes in four or more Parts, and some Psalms in Reports ; whereunto is added many Godly Prayers (Knox's Liturgy) calf, Sir Francis Freeling's copy, rare (some headlines cut into and I leaf wanting). Edinb. 1635. 2 4^- 1855. Racine. CEuvRES. Plates after De Seve. 2 vols. Red morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of the Comtesse de Provence, wife of Louis XVIII. , on the sides. Paris, 1767. ^4 4^ 1856. Richelieu (Cardinal, Due de). LETTRES. Portrait. 2 vols. Blue morocco, with the arms of the Comtesse de Verrue on the sides. Paris, 1696. 2 qs. 1857. Singlande (R. P. de). MEMOIRES FT VOYAGES. 2 vols. Red morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of the Dauphine Marie Josephe de Saxe (mother of Louis XVI.) on the sides. Paris, 1765. 5 5-r. 1858. Sophocle. TRAGEDIES, TRADUITES PAR DUPUY. 2 vols. Olive morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of Madame Victoire, daughter of Louis XV., on the sides, Paris, 1762. 1 iSj. 1859. Testamentum Novum Graecum. With 6 plates by Wierix inserted, bound in 2 vols. , olive morocco, the sides tooled in compartments, with a man's head at the corners, gilt edges, from the library of Caumartin, Bishop of Blois. Parisiis, R. Stephanus, 1548. 2 15*. 1860. Testamentum Novum. Vulgata; Editionis, bound in 3 vols., a very fine copy, dark olive morocco, double with yellow morocco, gilt and marbled edges, with the arms of Fleurian D'Armenonville, Comte de Morville, on the sides. Parisiis, e Typographia Regia, 1649. 3 5s. 1861. Testamentum Novum Grsecum cura Curcellaei. Old morocco. Amst. Elzevir, 1675. 2 los. 1862. Tome (L'Abbe). SERMONS. 3 vols. Old French morocco, with a Cardinal's arms on the sides. Paris, 1765. 2 *s. 1863. Treatise (A), shewing that Images nor Pictures whiche have ben wonte to be worshipped are not to be suffred in the churches of Christen Men, by the Preachers of Argentyne. Black letter, purple morocco extra, blind tooled, from the White Knights' collection, rare. Printed for W. Marshall, n. d. 3 los. 1864. Tyndale (W.). A SPIRITUAL PURGATION SENT UNTO AL THEM THAT LABOURS, of Luther's Errour as touching the Bodely Presens of Christe our Saviour in the Sacrament. Black letter. Fine copy, purple morocco extra, gilt edges, very rare. Hugh Syngleton, n. d. 4 los. 1865. Velleii Paterculi Historia Romana. Yellow morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of Madame Sophie, daughter of Louis XV., on the sides. Lutetise, 1672. * 1866. Vertot. HISTORY OF THE REVOLUTION IN SWEDEN, 1729. Essays on the Miserere of William I. , 1717. Fleming (R.). The Divine Right of Revolution, Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough's copy, 1706. 3 vols. Contemporary red morocco, richly tooled sides. 2 1867. Voltaire. HISTOIRE DE CHARLES XII. Red morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of the Comtesse de Provence, wife of Louis XVIII., on the sides. 1751. BOOK SALES OF 1895. J 37 1868. Walton (Izaak). LIVES OF DR. DONNE, SIR H. WOTTON, R. HOOKER, AND G. HERBERT. Portraits. First edition, in the original calf binding, presentation copy, with autograph inscription, "For my Lord Bishop of Oxford. Iz. Wa." 1670. 12 I4J- 1 869. Whole Duty of a Christian. Frontispiece by Van Houe. Contemporary red morocco, the sides covered with gold tooling, gilt edges ; a beautiful specimen of old English binding. 1705. 2 1870. Zwingly (Bisshoppe of Zuryk). RECKONING AND DECLARACION OF HIS FAITH AND BELIEF, sent to Charles V. that now is Emprowr of Rome. Black letter, purple morocco extra, blind-tooled, from the White Knights' and Heber collections, very rare. Zuryk, 1543. 6 5-f. 1871. Augustinus (St. ). DISPUTATIONES DE AUGUSTAN^; CONFESSIONIS ARTICULIS A THEOLOGIS MASPURGENSIBUS. Charles I.'s copy. Blue morocco, gilt edges, with his arms on the sides. Maspurgi Cattorum, 1630. 4 155. 1872. Bernard! (Joannis). ORATIO DE VERA ANIMI TRANQUILITATE. Queen Eliza- beth's copy. Calf, tooled sides, with the Queen's arms in the centre. Londini, 1568. 5 ioj. 1873. Bossuet. POLITIQUE TIRE DE L'ECRITURE SAINTE. Portrait by Edelinck, Louis XIV. 's copy. Red morocco, gilt edges, with his arms on the sides and crowned cipher on the back. Paris, 1709. 3 10s. 1874. Camerarii (J.). SYMBOLORUM ET EMBLEMATUM CENTURA QUATUOR. Plates. 4 vols. in I, calf, gilt edges. Lord Bacon's copy, with his autograph, " Francis Bacon's Booke," on the title. Francofurti, 1590. 6 i$s. 1875. Catherine de Sienne (St.). EPISTRES TRADUICTES EN FRANCOIS. Dedication copy to Anne D'Autriche, wife of Louis XIII. Red morocco, the sides and back covered with fleurs-de Hs, with her arms (when a widow) in the centre. Paris, 1644- 7 15*- 1876. Dannhaweri (J. C.). MEMORIA THAUMASIANDRI LUTHERI REXOVATA. Louis XIV. 's copy. Red morocco, with gold borders, and the King's arms in the centre, with Boileau's autograph on the fly-leaf. Argent, 1661. .6 1877. D'Arcq (Chevalier). HISTOIRE DES GUERRES. Vols. I and 2. Red morocco, dentelle borders, with the arms of Catherine Leczinska, wife of Louis XV. Paris, 1756. 2 12s. 1878. De Croy (F.). THE THREE CONFORMITIES, or the Harmony and Agreement of the Romish Church, with Gentilisme, Judaisme, and auncient Heresies, translated by W. Hart, 1620. Falkland (Lord) of the Infallibilitie of the Church of Rome. Oxford, 1645. 2 v ols. in I, fine copy, in contemporary calf, the sides and back covered with gold tooling, gilt edges, from Dr. Disney's and Heber's collections. 2 i8s. 1879. De La Roque. TRAIT DE LA NOBLESSE ET DE TOUTES SES DIFFERENTES ESPECES. Dedication copy to Le Marechal de Montmorency, red morocco, with borders of gold, and his arms in the centre. Rouen, 1734. 5 1880. Grotius. LE DROIT DE LA GUERRE ET DE LA PAIX, traduit en Fra^ois par Courtin. 2 vols. Dedication copy to Louis XIV. , red morocco, gilt edges, with his arms on the sides and crowned cipher on the back. Paris, 1687. 2 i$s. 1881. Guarini (B.). IL PASTOR FIDO; THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD, translated by Sir Richard Fanshaw. Portrait of Guarini, by Cross. Blue morocco, g. e., with the arms and cipher of Charles I. on the sides. 1647. 5 2 1OJ - IT This book, which is dedicated to the Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles II. , 138 BOOK SALES OF 1895. was presented by the translator, Sir Richard Fanshaw, to Charles I., and the king has written his motto on the fly-leaf, "Dum spiro spero. C. R." Under- neath is written in a contemporary hand, " This book was presented to K. Charles I. by Sir Richard Fanshaw, the Translator, and the motto above is of his Majestie's own handwriting." A portrait of Sir Richard Fanshaw, by Faithorne, is inserted. 1882. Heylyn(P.). HISTORY OF ST. GEORGE OF CAPPADOCIA. Dedication copy to Charles I., vellum, g. e., with the king's arms on the sides. 1633. 4 los. 1883. Hoyle (J.). REJOYNDER TO MASTER MALONE'S REPLY CONCERNING THE REAL PRESENCE. Dedication copy to Abp. Ussher, blue morocco, tooled sides, gilt edges. Dublin, 1641. i 13^. 1884. Hudleston (R.). SHORT AND PLAIN WAY TO THE FAITH AND CHURCH, with an account of what occurred at the death-bed of Charles II. and the Papers found in his Closet. James II. 's copy, red morocco, tooled sides, with his arms in the centre. 1688. 3 l8j. 1885. Louis XVI. SACRE ET COURONNEMENT DE Louis XVI. A RHEIMS, 1775. Plates of the Ceremonies and Costumes, with borders, by Patas. Large paper, with an Official Document, dated 1777, signed by Louis XVI. inserted. Fine copy, red morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of Louis XVI. on the sides ; from the Stowe Library. Paris, 1775. 6 15^. 1886. Modene (Le Comte de). ODE SUR LE PORTRAIT DU ROY (Louis XIII.). Manuscript on vellum, olive morocco, with the arms of Louis XIII. on the sides. 5 1887. Morley (Bp.). SERMON AT THE CORONATION OF CHARLES II. Portrait. 1661. * y- 1888. Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis. Marie de Medici's copy, olive morocco, with her cipher and arms (when a widow) on the sides. Antw., Plantin, 1609. 6 IS*- 1889. Pedrini (L'Abate). AUSTRIBORBONIDE OVVERO FASTI D'EUROPA. 2 vols. Louis XVI. s copy, French red morocco, with borders of gold, with his arms as Dauphin on the sides. Modena, 1770. 3 $s. 1890. Petity (Abbe de). ETRENNES FRANCOISES de'diees a la Ville de Paris pour 1'Annee Jubilaire du Regne de Louts le Bien-Aime. 2 plates of arms, 5 plates after Saint-Aubin, and i plate after Gravelot, olive morocco, with Louis XV. 's arms, and broad dentelle borders in which the crown and the fleur-de-lis are introduced. Silk linings, gilt edges, by Derome. Paris, 1766. j ios. 1891. Pompignan (Eveque du Puy). INSTRUCTION PASTORALE sur la pretendue Philosophic des Incredules Modernes. Red morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of the Dauphine Marie-Josephe de Saxe (mother of Louis XVI.) on the sides. Paris, 1763. 2 3*- 1892. Portraits des Rois de France, depuis Pharamond jusques Louis XIV. 112 plates, mounted in a vol. French red morocco, with borders of gold, and the Royal arms of France in the centre. Paris, s. d. t 14*. 1893. Pry nne (W.). APOLOGY FOR JUST CHRISTIAN LIBERTY to truly tender Con- sciences in not Bowing at the Name of Jesus. Dedication copy to Charles II., blue morocco, gilt edges, with his arms on the sides. 1662. ^3 los. 1894. Prynne. ADDITIONAL APPENDIX TO AURUM REGIN^E. Dedication copy to Charles II., red morocco, tooled sides, with the king's arms in the centre. 1668. 3 ioj. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 139 1895. Rochefoucauld (Due de). MAXIMES ET REFLEXIONS MORALES. Red morocco extra, silk linings, gilt edges, by Bozerian, with the Duchesse cle Berri's arms on the sides. Paris, Didot, 1796. 2 iSs. 1896. Rohault (J.). TRAITE DE PHYSIQUE. 2 vols. in i. Blue morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of Louis XIV. on the sides. Paris, 1671. 2 1897. Shakespeare. OTHELLO, LA TEMPKTE, et JULES CESAR (traduit par Le Tourneur). 2 vols. Queen Charlotte's copy, old French red morocco, gilt edges, with the Royal arms on the sides. Paris, 1776. ,2 1898. Statuts et Ordonnances de 1'Ordre du Benoist Spirit Esprit estably par le tres Chrestien Roy de France et de Pologne, Henry Troisieme de ce Nom. Yellow morocco, with the arms of Henri III. (France and Poland) on the upper cover, and above and below and on either side is the emblem of the Dove. The lower cover bears the arms of France, and the crowned monogram of the king and his queen (Louise of Lorraine) ornaments the corners, by Nicolas Eve. (Paris, 1578.) 7 los. 1899. Tenneurii (J. A.). DE SACRA AMPULLA TRACTATUS APOLOGETICUS. The dedication copy to Louis XIV., red morocco, the sides covered with rleurs-de-lis, and the king's crowned cipher with his arms in the centre. Paris, 1652. 10 1900. Teocrito, Moscho, Bione. SIMMIA GRECO-LATINI ; con la Buccolica di Virgilio Latino-Greca, volgarizatti da E. Pilenejo. 2 vols. Large paper. Dedica- tion copy to Ferdinand I., Infanta of Spain and Duke of Parma, red morocco, gilt edges, with his arms on the sides. Parma, 1780. 2 1901. Testament (New) translated in the English College of Rhemes. Calf. Rhemes, 1582. 3 1902. Thomaeus (N. L.). DE VARIA HISTORIA. Charles II. 's copy. Red morocco, g. e., with his crowned cipher on the back and sides. Basil, 1531. 4 1903. Turenne (Vicomte de). LES VERTUS CHRESTIENNES ET LES VERTUS MILI- TAIRES EN DEUIL ; Dessein de 1'Appareil Funebre dresse par Ordre du Roy dans TEglise de Nostre Dame, pour la Ceremonie des Obseques de Henri cle la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne. Paris, 1675. Flechier. ORAISON FUNEBRE DE MONSIEUR DE TURENNE. Paris, 1676. Mascaron. ORAISON FUNEBRE DE MONSIEUR DE TURENNE. Paris, 1676. 3 vols. in i. Louis XIV. 's copy. Red morocco, with borders of gold, with crowned interlaced L.'s in the corners, and the royal arms in the centre. 8 i$s. 1904. Williams (Griffith, Bishop of Ossory). SEVEN GOLDEN CANDLESTICKS, holding the Seven greatest Lights of Christian Religion. James I.'s copy. Calf, gilt edges, tooled sides, with the king's arms in the centre. 1624. 4 1905. William III. FORM OF PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING, for the Preservation of his Majesty during his late Expedition. William III.'s own copy, which he used at the service. Red morocco, the sides covered with gold tooling, with his crowned cipher in the centre and at the corners. 1693. 5 i$s. 1906. William III. MOORE (BISHOP). THANKSGIVING SERMON BEFORE THE KING, 1696. Dedication copy to William III. Blue morocco, tooled sides, with his crowned cipher in the corners. 1696. ^3 1907. Laud (Archbishop). CONFERENCE WITH MR. FISHER, THE JESUITE. Pre- sentation copy to James Stanley Strange, seventh Earl of Derby, with autograph inscription, "ex Dono Authoris W. Cant," and autograph of Earl Derby on the title. Blue morocco, gilt edges, with the earl's arms as " King of Man " on the sides. From Mr. Maskell's library. 1639. 16 I4O BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1908. Laud. CONFERENCE WITH MR. FISHER, THE JESUITE. Large paper. Por- trait by White inserted. The archbishop's own copy, with his arms on the sides. 1909. Mariette (P.J.). TRAITE DBS PIERRES GRAVEES. Plates, 2 vols. Fine copy. Old French red morocco, gilt edges, with the crowned cipher of Louis XV. on the back. Paris, 1750. 4 4s. 1910. Ordre L'Asiatique. PIECES DIVERSES concernant S.A.I, la Princesse d'Eldir et 1'Ordre Asiatique de Morale Universelle. A large Collection of Documents re- lating to the Imperial Asiatic Order, and its Foundress and Grand Mistress, H.I.H. the Princess Alina d'Eldir. Illustrated with portraits and autograph letters of members of the Order, etc. Mounted on drawing paper in a large folio volume. Half-bound morocco. 2 If The imperial Asiatic Order was founded at Paris in 1835, with the authority of Louis Philippe and the approbation of Pope Gregory XVI., by her Imperial Highness the Sultana Alina d'Eldir, Princess of the Empire of the Great Mogul, converted to the Christian faith. 1911. Richelieu (Cardinal de). TRAITTF. POUR CONVERTIR CEUX QUI SE SONT SEPAREZ DE L'EoLlSE. Portrait. Cardinal Richelieu's own copy. Red morocco, gilt edges, with his arms on the sides. Paris, 1651. i 5.?. 1912. Richelieu. LES PRINCIPAUX DE LA FOY DEFENDUS CONTRE LES MINISTRES DE CHARENTON. Louis XIV. 's copy. Red morocco, gilt edges, with borders of gold and the royal arms in the centre. Paris, 1632. 2 1913. Strada. HISTORY OF THE LOW-COUNTREY WARRES. In English. By Sir R. Stapylton. Portraits, including that of Stapylton, by Marshall. Fine copy. Contemporary blue morocco, the sides covered with gold tooling. 1650. j js. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Messrs. Hodgson, April i^th and 2$tk, 1895. 1914. Campbell. LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS. Library edition. 7 vols. Cloth. 1846. i us. 1915. Holy Bible, THE SPEAKER'S COMMENTARY ON. Edited by Canon Cook. 10 vols. inn. Cloth. 1871-1881. ^511*. 1916. Lecky. HISTORY OF ENGLAND IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 8 vols. (vol. 4 wanting). 1879-90. 2 141. 1917. Butler. HUDIBRAS. By Grey. Plates, with numerous original drawings and other illustrations inserted. 2 vols. Morocco extra. 1744. 2 los. 1918. Jowett. DIALOGUES OF PLATO. 5 vols. Cloth. Oxford, 1875. i us. 1919. Knowledge. Conducted by R. A. Proctor. Cuts. First 10 vols. Cloth, 410. 1882-7. 1 9*. 1920. Robson (G. F.). SCENERY OF THE GRAMPIAN MOUNTAINS. 41 coloured plates. Imp. folio. 1819. i is. 1921. Borlase. NATURAL HISTORY OF CORNWALL. Plates (map torn), old calf. 1758. i6j. 1922. Las Cases. LIFE, EXILE, AND CONVERSATIONS OF NAPOLEON. Plates. 4 vols. Half bound. 1835. 1 gs. BOOK SALES OF 1895. I 4 I 1923. Pardoe. COURT AND REIGN OF FRANCIS I. Portraits. 2 vols. Cloth. 1849. 2 J 9-f- 1924. Bewick (T.). GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. Numerous woodcuts. Seventh edition. Large paper. Royal 8vo., half dark green morocco, uncut. Newcastle, 1820. 16 1925. Bewick (T.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Numerous woodcuts. Large paper. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Half morocco, uncut, uniform with the preceding. Jb., 1826. 16 1926. Bewick (T.). FABLES OF /SOP AND OTHERS. Numerous woodcuts with thumb mark. Large paper. Royal 8vo. Uniform with the preceding. Ib., 1818. 16 1927. Bewick (T.). GOLDSMITH AND PARNELL. POEMS. Cuts by Bewick. Royal 8vo. 1804. i 8s. 1928. Bewick (T.). THE HERMIT OF WARKWORTH : a Northumberland Ballad. Cuts by Craig, engraved by Bewick. Royal 8vo. Alnwick, 1807. I4J. 1929. Lysons (D.). MAGNA BRITANNIA. Fine plates. 6 vols. in 8. Calf (injured by fire). 1806-22. ^3 1930. Manning and Bray. HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF SURREY. Numerous portraits, engravings, and maps, with a facsimile of Domesday. 3 vols. Folio. Large paper. 1804-14. 10 1931. Ormerod(G.). HISTORY OF THE COUNTY PALATINE AND CITY OF CHESTER. Plates and cuts of arms. 3 vols. Folio. 1819. 2 1932. Stevenson (A. and R.). SKERRYVORE AND BELL ROCK LIGHTHOUSES. Plates. 2 vols. 1824-48. los. 1933. Byzantine Historians. Labbe, PROCOPIUS. 2 vols. ; Du Cange, CHRONICON PASCHLE ; Zonari, ANNALES, 2 vols.; CANTACUZENUS, 3 vols.; Dufresne, HISTORIA (cut down), CODINUS DE OFFICIIS, etc., 29 vols. Paris, 1645-88. SALE OF WORKS RELATING TO CHARLES DICKENS, FORMED BY J. A. CLARK, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., April 2?t/i, 1895. IT The sale did not prove to be as interesting as it promised. Many of the items were of little or no value, and collected mainly and evidently for the collector's own reading and interest. The good " lots " fetched good prices ; the others ridiculously low, owing to condition, etc. 1934. A Curious Dance round a Curious Tree. Original wrapper, in a cloth case. 1860. 2 zs. IF Rare. Mr. Burgess's copy sold for $ $s. 1935. A. Curious Dance round a Curious Tree. Another copy. Original wrapper, in a cloth case. 1860. 2 1936. All the Year Round. Christmas Nos. 1861, '63 to '67, as issued. 6 pts. is. 142 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1937. All the Year Round. The first nine Christmas Nos. , with general title. Cloth. n. d. ; and Christmas Nos. some duplicates. 13 pts. 2s. 1938. American Notes for General Circulation. 2 vols. First edition. Original cloth. 1842. ss. 1939. Battle of London Life; or Boz and his Secretary. By Morna. 6 illustrations by G. Sala. Calf extra, g. t. 1849. 1 6s. 1940. Bleak House. First edition. Plates by H. K. Browne. Original cloth. 1853. 4J- 1941. Bleak House. First edition. Plates by H. K. Browne. Original parts and wrappers, loose in a cloth case. 1853. IOJ. 1942. Dickens (C.). STORY OF LITTLE DOMBEY. First edition. Illustrated green wrapper. 1858. 6s. 1943. Characters of Charles Dickens pourtrayed in a series of Original Water-Colour Sketches, by " Kyd." Royal 8vo., n. d. 8s. 1944. Charles Dickens. THE STORY OF HIS LIFE, by the author of the " Life of Thackeray." Plates; about 60 extra portraits inserted. New calf extra, g. t. Hotten, n. d. 2 2s. 1945. Christmas Carol. First edition. Stave I., with the green end papers, the first fly leaf torn out. 1843. THE CHIMES. Publisher's name on the plate. 1845. CRICKET ON THE HEARTH. 1846. HAUNTED MAN. 1848. BATTLE OF LIFE. 1846. First editions. Illustrations by Leech, Doyle, and others. (5.) 2 igs. 1946. Christmas Numbers of Household Words. (9.) Clean as issued, in a cloth case. 1850-58. i us. 1947. Christmas Numbers of All the Year Round. (9.) Very clean, in the original wrappers, in a cloth case. 1859-67. 1 us. 1948. Dombey and Son. 8 full-length portraits, designed and etched by H. K. Browne to illustrate. Original wrapper, in a cloth case. 1848. * is. 1949. Great Expectations. 3 vols. First edition. Original cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1861. ^4 4s. 1950. Great Expectations, Illustrations to, etched by F. W. Pailthorpe. I of 50 sets, coloured. Royal 8vo. 1885. i 1951. Great Expectations. Another. I of 50 sets, plain. 1885. 155. 1952. Grimaldi. MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by " Boz." 2 vols. First edition. Portrait, and plates by G. Cruikshank. ' The Last Song " without the border. Original pink cloth. 1838. i 6s. 1953. Grimaldi. MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by "Boz." 2 vols. First edition. Portrait, and plates by G. Cruikshank. " The Last Song" without the border. Half calf. 1838. gs. 1954. Hard Times. First edition. Original cloth. 1854. 7J. 1955. Home (R. H.). NEW SPIRIT OF THE AGE. 2 vols. Portraits foxed. Original cloth. 1844. i6s. 1956. Hunted Down. First edition. Original wrapper. Hotten, n. d. (1870). js. 1957. Lamplighter (The), a Farce, 1838 now first printed from a MS. in the Forster Collection. Only 250 copies print id. In a cloth case. 1879. i is. BOOK SALES OF 1895. T 43 1958. Library of Fiction, or Family Story-Teller. 2 vols. Illustrations by Seymour, Buss, etc., clean and fresh copy in the original cloth. Chapman & Hall, 1837. ..3 ioj. H Mr. J. M. Mackenzie's copy sold for 13 IO.T., but it was a specially'jnterest- ing copy. 1959. Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. First edition. Plates by G. Cruikshank, morocco extra, g. t. by Zaehnsdorf, the front portion of the original cloth cover bound up. C. Tilt, 1839. 4 1960. Manuscript. " THAT OTHER PUBLIC," printed in " Household Words," Feb. 3, 1855. The original manuscript by Charles Dickens. Eleven pages on 8vo. note paper, in a cloth case. 26 1961. Martin Chuzzlewit. First edition. Plates by Phiz. Original parts and wrappers, the front portion of wrapper to part I slightly defective, loose, in a cloth case. 1844. 2 1962. Master Humphrey's Clock. 3 vols. First edition. Illustrations by G. Catter- mole and H. Browne, extra illustrated with a set of Sibson's Plates, set of 4 plates by Browne and Young, set of plates by Finden, with frontispiece by Browne, and another set of plates by Browne and Young. Red morocco, extra, m. e. Roy. 8vo. 1840-41. 6 $s. 1963. Master Humphrey's Clock. First edition. 3 vols. Illustrations by G. Catter mole and H. Browne, in the original weekly numbers and wrappers, almost as fresh as when issued, loose in a cloth case. Roy. 8vo. 1840-41. 2 i6s. 1964. Menken (Adah I.). INFEUCIA. Portrait, and facsimile of Chas. Dickens' letter, original cloth. 1868. $s. 1965. More Hints on Etiquette, for the Use of Society at large. First edition. Original limp cloth, g. e. 1838. i is. 1966. Mudfog Papers, from " Bentley's Miscellany," including the Addresses to the first and second vol. Plates by G. Cruikshank. New calf extra, g. e. 1837. gs. 1967. Nicholas Nickleby. First edition. Plates by Phiz, and portrait, original parts and wrappers, loose in a cloth case. 1839. i nj. 1968. Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens. Second issue. 3 vols. Plates by G. Cruik- shank, including " the fireside plate." Original cloth. 1838. i $s. 1969. Oliver Twist. Illustrations to, etched by F . W. Pailthorpe. One of 50 copies on India paper. Imp. 8vo. 1886. 1 6s. 1970. Pickwick Papers. First edition. Plates by Seymour, Phiz, and Buss, with the " Address " in part 10, original parts and wrappers, unusually clean and fresh copy, but some of the advertisements wanting. Loose, in a cloth case. 1837. 6 los. 1971. Pickwick. Pictures picked from the Pickwick Papers, by Alfred Crowquill. 40 coloured plates, clean as issued, in the original illustrated wrapper, in a cloth case, n. d. 2 1972. Pickwick. Thirty-two Illustrations to Pickwick by Onwhyn and others. Clean as issued, in the illustrated wrapper, in a cloth case. n. d. i is. 1973. Pickwick. PLATES to illustrate Pickwick. Drawn by Sir J. Gilbert, engraved by Grecnaway and Wright. Parts I to 8. Original illustrated wrappers. E. Apple- yard, n. d. 14^. 1974. Pickwick. The set of 57 " Phiz " illustrations from the Household edition, care- fully and effectively coloured by F. W. Pailthorpe, and mounted, in a cloth case. l I2J. 144 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1975. Pic Nic Papers by Various Hands. Edited by Chas. Dickens. 3 vols. First edition. Plates by G. Cruikshank, Phiz, etc. Original cloth. 1841. i&s. 1976. Pictures from Italy. First edition. Original cloth. 1846. 2s. 1977. Sala (G. A.). CHARLES DICKENS. First edition. Clean copy, in the original wrapper, n. d. 2s. 1978. Schloss's English Bijou Almanac for 1842. Poetically illustrated by the Hon. Mrs. Norton. Portraits, including one of Chas. Dickens, very diminutive size, ^ by ^ inch. Gilt cover and drop case. Rare. A Schloss, 1842. i 2s. 1979. Sergeant Bell and his Raree Show. (Partly written by C. Dickens. ) Wood- cuts by G. Cruikshank and others. Original cloth. Thos. Tegg, 1839. ijs. 1980. Sketches by " Boz." Both series. First editions. Plates by G. Cruikshank. New calf extra, g. e. J. Macrome, 1836-37. ^4 1981. Sketches of Young Gentlemen. Plates by Phiz. First edition, 1831. SKETCHES OF YOUNG COUPLES. First edition. Plates by Phiz. 1840. SKETCHES OF YOUNG LADIES. Plates by Phiz. 1838. All in the original pictorial boards. (3.) $ 6s. 1982. Sunday under Three Heads. By Timothy Sparks. First edition. Illustra- tions by H. K. Browne. Original illustrated wrapper. 1836. 1 us. H With this is a letter from H. K. Browne to Morton Brune, Esq. 1983. Tr.le of Two Cities. First edition. Plates by H. K. Browne. Original parts and wrappers, uncut, in boards. 1859. ,6 js. 6d. IT Rare in this state. Mr. Burgess's copy sold for & Js. 6J. 1984. Uncommercial Traveller. First edition. Original cloth. 1861. 2 los. 1985. Village Coquettes ; a Comic Opera in Two Acts. The original edition. Un- bound, in a cloth case. 1836. i 8s. 1986. Kitton (F. G.). CHARLES DICKENS BY PEN AND PENCIL. With the Supple- ment. 2 vols. Many illustrations, including those additional to the work and supplement. 3 vols. In parts. 1890-91. ^8 5^. 1987. Village Coquettes. Love is not a Feeling to Pass Away, sung by Miss Rain- forth Autumn Leaves, sung by Mr. Bennett My Fair Home, sung by Mr. John Parry There's a Charm in Spring, sung by Mr. Braham (last page want- ing). (4)- 5 il The music is by John Hullah. In the present sheet form these songs are very rare indeed. They constituted the songs sung in the opera of the " Village Coquettes," when it was performed at the St. James's Theatre. The rarest of all forms of this work of Dickens is the Book of the Words with the music given away at the theatre. I have never seen a copy. SALE OF A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF SIR GEORGE W. DASENT. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., April 2<)th and -yith, 1895. 1988. Alison (Sir A.). HISTORY OF EUROPE from 1774 to 1852. Library edition. Portraits. 23 vols. Cloth. 1849-59. * 1 5 S - 1989. Arabian Nights Entertainments. Translated by Sir R. F. Burton. 10 vols. Cloth gilt. Royal 8vo. Benares, 1885. 21 BOOK SALES OF 1895. *45 1990. Arnold (Matthew). MEROPE, a Tragedy. First edition. Green cloth. Uncut. Longmans, 1858 ; ON TRANSLATING HOMER. Three lectures at Oxford. First edition. Green cloth, Ib., 1861. igs. 1991. Arnold (M.). NEW POEMS. First edition. Cloth. 1867. POEMS. New and complete edition. 2 vols. Cloth. 1877. POEMS. 2 vols. Cloth. 1869. POEMS. New edition. Half calf. 1853. 15.?. 1992. Bunsen (C. C. J.). EGYPT'S PLACE IN UNIVERSAL HISTORY. Translated by C. II. Cottrell. 5 vols. Cloth. Longmans, 1848-67. ^10 15.?. 1993. Chaucer (Geof.). CANTERBURY TALES, with Essay, Notes, and Glossary by T. Tyrwhitt. Portrait. 5 vols. Boards. Uncut. W. Pickering, 1822. i 14.?. 1994. Heures a Lusaige de Rome (cum Calendario). Lit. Goth. Woodcut borders and full-page woodcuts. Title entirely occupied with Pigouchet's Device. Capitals in blue and red. Inner margins of 2 11. mended. Half vellum. Rare. Paris pour S. Vostre, 1500, June 28. 2 iBs. 1995. Jesse (J. H.). MEMOIRS OF THE PRETENDERS AND THEIR ADHERENTS. First edition. Front. 2 vols. Cloth. Uncut. R. Bentley, 1815. 4 i8s. 1996. Landor (W. S.). WORKS AND LIFE, by John Forster. Portrait. 8 vols. Cloth. 1876. ^4 los. 1997. Cochrane-Patrick (R. W.). RECORDS OF THE COINAGE OF SCOTLAND, FROM THE PEARLIEST PERIOD TO THE UNION. 1 6 plates, containing numerous specimens. 2 vols. Half yellow morocco, t. e. g. Edinb. 1876. i i$s. 1998. Fraser (Wm. ). THE CHIEFS OF COLQUHOUN AND THEIR COUNTRY. Plates. 2 vols. Cloth gilt, t. e. g. Only 150 copies printed, presentation copy to Sir Geo. Webbe Dasent. Edin. 1869. 8 15.9. 1999. Fraser (Wm.). THE LENNOX. Numerous portraits and plates, facsimiles, etc. 2 vols. Only 150 copies printed. Cloth gilt. Edin., 1874. 9 5$- 2000. Fraser (Wm.). THE EARLS OF CROMARTIE. Plates. 2 vols. Only 150 copies printed. Cloth gilt, t. e. g. Edin., 1876. j i$s. 2001. Golarus and Gawane (the Knightly Tale of), and other Ancient Poems. Printed at Edinburgh by Chepeman and Myllar in 1508. Reprint, edited by 1). Laing. Boards. Uncut. Edin., 1827. i ios, "[ Only 72 copies of this reprint of the unique original, all more or less damaged, were preserved from a tire which occurred in the printer's warehouse. This copy has several edges scorched, and is slightly stained, but is better than usual. 2002. Belial. EEN RECHTELICK GHEDINGHE TUSSCHEN BELYAL DEN HELSCHEN PROCUREUR . . . ENDE JESU CRISTO HEMELSCHE GOD. Lit. Goth. Numerous curious and spirited woodcuts. Calf. Very rare. Antwerp doer die Costen van H. Eckert, 1512. 5 los. 2003. Bernardus Abbas (B.). LlBER DE DlLIGENDO DEUM ; Omeliae sive Sermones super Psalmum qui habitat ; Liber de Precepto et Dispensatione. Manuscript on vellum. 116 11. Written in large Gothic characters in double columns, with painted ornamental initials, contemporary monastic binding in oaken boards, covered in. 4 125. 2004. Biblia Islandica. Biblia pad er, 611 Heilog Ritning stogcl a Norroenu [being the various translations of various parts by O. Gottskalksson, G. Einarsson, and G. Jonsson. Revised and corrected by G. Thorlaksson, and the remainder newly translated by him.] Med. formalum M. Lutheri. Black letter. P'irst edition. With woodcuts for the most part designed and engraved by Bishop G. Thorlaksson, I. 146 BOOK SALES OF 1895. one of the translators. Oak boards, covered in leather, with perforated brass clasps. 3 vols. in I. Holum, 1584. g If Excessively rare. This copy is quite perfect, and realized ^36 in the sale of Lord Crawford's Bibles in June, 1887. 2005. Fant(E.M.). SCRIPTORES RERUM SUECICARUM Medii yvi. 2 vols. Boards. Uncut. Rare. Upsalise, 1818-28. jT\ 2s. 2.006. Leichardt (Dr. L.). JOURNAL OF AN OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO AUSTRALIA, 1844-5. Plates (map in separate vol. ) 1847. TAYLOR (Rev. R.) NEW ZEALAND AND ITS INHABITANTS. Second edition. Numerous illustrations. 1870. MEADE (H.)RiDE THROUGH NEW ZEALAND. Maps and illustrations. 1870. i 8s. 2007. Ramsay (Allan). A COLLECTION OF SCOTS PROVERBS. First edition. Red mor., gilt, g. e. Scarce. Edinb. printed for and sold by Allan Ramsay, 1737. i 6s. 2008. Ruskin (John). MODERN PAINTERS. Vols. I. -II., IV. (vol. I. third, vol. IV. first edition). Fine plates. Green cloth. Imp. 8vo. 1846-56. 2 los. 2009. Ruskin. SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. First edition. Fine plates by the author. Original cloth. Imp. 8vo. 1849. ^3 95. 2010. Ruskin. SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. Second edition. Illustrated by the author. Original cloth. 1855. 2 12s. 2011. Swinburne (A. C.). WILLIAM BLAKE, a Critical Essay. Illustrations, coloured and plain, from Blake's designs. Cloth. Hotten, 1868. i 8.?. 2012. Tennyson (Alfred). IDYLLS OF THE KING. First edition. Presentation copy to " G. W. Dasent from A. Tennyson, Aug. 8th, 1859." Cloth. E. Moxon, 1859. 2 I2s. 2013. Thorpe (Benj.). NORTHERN MYTHOLOGY ; Popular Tradivions and Superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and the Netherlands. Front. 2 vols. Original green picture boards. Uncut. Lumley, 1851. i igs. 2014. Villon (Fr. ). POEMS, now first done into English Verse, by John Payne.. Boards. Uncut. Presentation copy to Matthew Arnold, 1881. MEDWIN (Tnos.). LIFE OF P. B. SHELLEY. 2 vols. 1847. VISION AND CREED OF PIERS PLOUGHMAN. 2 vols. Half calf. W. Pickering, 1842. i 6s. 2015. Ovid. Les xxi. Epistres d'Ovide, translatees de latin en francoys, par Oct. de Sainct Gelaix. Lit. Goth. Woodcuts. Title in red and black. Calf gilt. Rare. Imp. 410. Paris. Veufue J. Trepperel et J. Jehannod, s. d. 4 js. 6a. 2016. Percy's Folio Manuscript of Ballads and Romances (with the loose and humorous songs). Large paper. Only 65 copies printed. Unbound and uncut. 1867-68. l I5-r. 2017. Roxburghe Club. NEWES FROM SCOTLAND DECLARING THE DAMNABLE LIFE OF DR. FIAN. Only 36 copies printed. Half morocco. 1816. i js. 2018. Roxburghe Club. ANCIENT ENGLISH ROMANCE OF HAVELOK THE DANE. With the French Text, Introduction, Notes and Glossary, by F. Madden (Arch- deacon Wrangham's Copy). Half bound. Uncut, 1826. EXAMINATION OF THE REMARKS ON THE GLOSSARY TO HAVELOK THE DANE, by S. W. Singer, by the Editor of Havelok, with Singer's Remarks. Half bound. 1829. 2 2019. Roxburghe Club. ANCIENT ENGLISHE ROMANCE OF WILLIAM AND THE WERWOLF, edited by Fr. Madden. Half morocco. Nichol. 1832. 1 us. 2020. Roxburghe Club. THE OLD ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THEGESTA ROMANORUM, edited from MSS. with Introduction and Notes by Sir Fr. Madden. Half bound. Uncut. Nichol, 1838, and the Introduction by Madden (separately printed), /. 2 us. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 147 2021. Sachs (Hans). SCHUSTER VON NUREMBERG. Ein Erklerung diser figur und was sie bedeut. Woodcut of St. Christopher and infant Christ beneath the above words, Nurnberg, k.j. ; Chronica uber all Romische Kayser, cut on title, ib. G. Merckel, 1554 ; Die Neunerley Heud einer bb'sen Frawen, cut on title and one in the text, ib. 1553 ; Der Ganz Hauszrat, bey dreihundert Stiicken, cut on title and one in the text, ib. ; Der ehren Spiegel der zwolf durchleuchtigen Frawen des Alien Testaments, cut on title and one at end, ib. H. Hamsing, k. j. ; Ein Gesprech mil clem faulen Lentzen, cut on title, ib. G. Merckel, 1554 ; Des Veri- agcn Frids Klagredt uber alle Stendt der Weldt, cut on title and one in text, ib. I 553 ! Die Neun Verwandlung im Ehelichen Stanclt, cut on title, ib. 1559 ; Klag- redt der Weldt, cut on title, ib. 1553 ; and 6 other Tracts by the same writer, all in Gothic letter, with woodcuts In one vol. Small 4to. 4 8s. IF An exceedingly rare collection of 15 of the original editions of the Poems of the celebrated Shoemaker of Nuremberg, in excellent condition. 2022. Sachs (Hans). EYN GESPRECH VON DEN SCHEINKVERCKEN DEN GAYSTLICHEN, cut on title (coloured) Nuremb., 1524 ; Eyn Gesprech eynes Evangelischen Christen miteinem Chorherren und Schuchmacher, cut on title, ib.', Eyn Gesprech zwischen einem Parfusser Munch und einem Loffelmacher, cut on title, k. o. u. j. ; Eyn Gesprech zwischen einem Pfaffen und einem Weber, cut on title, 1524 ; all in Gothic letter. Very rare. In one vol. Boards. Sm. 410. ,3 6s. 2023. St. Peter's, Cornhill. Book of the Fraternity and Guild of the Church of St. Peter's, Cornhill. Manuscript on vellum, 265 11., partly Latin and partly English, containing an account of the Benefactions to the Church and Guild in the Reign of Henry VI. and later, written in various hands, with an Index in English, con- temporary monastic binding. Saec. xv. ,75 IT A very interesting MS. relating to a London Religious Guild abolished in the reign of Edward VI. Many leaves are occupied with an account in English, of the Foundation and Rules of the Guild. 2024. Thwrocz (Joannes de). CHRONICON HUNGARI/E. Lit. Goth., woodcuts and ornamental initials. Modern blue morocco, g. e. Absque ulla nota (Ratdolt, 1468). ^14 sj. ^T A very rare edition. The title consists of a full page woodcut labelled at top " Hystoria Sancti Ladislai." The volume has signatures A V2 in 8's (not in- cluding the title), H having 6 11., I 10 11., P 6 11., but no numerals. Last 4 II. mended, otherwise fine copy. 2025. Vedas. RIG- VEDA SANHITA, together with the Commentary of Sayanacharya (Sanskrit), edited by Max Miiller. 6 vols. Cloth. 1849-74. 3 7*- 6d- 2026. National Manuscripts (Facsimiles of), from William the Conqueror to Queen Anne. Photo-zincographed by Sir II. James. 4 vols. Cloth. 1865-68. 2 i8s. 2027. Porath (Diederich). PAUESTRA SURCANA, eller den adelige Fachtare-Konsten, front, and 24 copperplates of fencing positions. Half bound, very rare. Stock- holm, 1693. 2 l s- 2028. Smith (Capt. John). GENERALL HISTORIE OF VIRGINIA, New England, and the Summer Isles, etc., to this present year 1626, fine engraved title by Barra, (wants all portraits and maps ; some 11. stained) for M. Sparkes, 1627 ; The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Capt. John Smith, from 1593 to 1629, with a continuation of his Generall History of Virginia, etc. (wants plate). MS. notes in margins, for T. Slater, 1630. In I vol. Old calf, with the arms of King Charles I. on the sides, broken (with all faults). 11 i$s. 148 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2029. Stirling- Maxwell (Sir W.). PROCESSION OF POPE CLEMENT VII. AND THE EMPEROR CHARLES V. AFTER THE CORONATION AT BOLOGNA, 1530, Feb. 24. Designed by N. Hogenburg. Only 250 copies printed. Ornamental cloth. Royal folio. 1875. i 2030. Stirling-Maxwell. ANTWERP DELIVERED IN 1577. Illustrated with facsimiles of designs, by M. de Vos, Franz Hogenburg, and others. Only 250 copies printed. Presented by the publisher to Sir G. W. Dasent. Ornamental cloth, uncut. Edin., D. Douglas, 1878. i is. 2031. Stuart (John). SCULPTURED STONES OF SCOTLAND. 269 plates (Autograph letter of the Author to Sir G. W. Dasent inserted). 2 vols. Half bound. Spalding Club, 1856-67. ^15 2032. Year Books of Edward III. De Termino Hillarii Anno Regni Regis Edwardi tertii. Black letter. Cut on title, R. Pynson, 1518; and other parts of the same, printed by Berthelet, 1532. Redman, n. d., and an anonymous printer, in I vol. (leaves loose, binding broken.) Statuta Anno xxi. Henrici VIII. ; curious figure of sea-serpent forming initial S to Statuta ; device by Rastell on last leaf (mended). 1530. ,21^5. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE ROBERT PINKNEY, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May ist and 2nd, 1895. 2033. A'Beckett (G. A.). COMIC HISTORY OF ROME. First edition. Coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech. Calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. Bradbury and Evans, n. d. 2 12s. 2034. A'Beckett (G. A.) COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2 vols. First edition. 10 coloured etchings, and 120 woodcuts, by J. Leech, several 11. somewhat soiled, blue calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. " Punch" Office, 1847-8. ^3 17*. 6d. 2035. Barham (R. H.). INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. Three series. 3 vols. First editions. Fine impressions of the illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank, J. Leech, and others. Green morocco, super extra, uncut, t. e. g. , by Riviere. 1840-42-47. 20 2036. Bell(T.). HISTORY OF BRITISH QUADRUPEDS. Van Voorst, 1837. HISTORY OF BRITISH REPTILES. Ib., 1839. Large paper. Fine woodcuts, uncut. 1 gs. 2037. Bewick. HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols. First printing of first edition. Royal paper, numerous beautiful woodcuts by T. Bewick, the vignette at p. 285. vol. i, slightly inked, fine and nearly uncut copy, t. e. g. , green morocco, super extra, by W. Pratt. Newcastle, 1797-1804. ,36 los. H One of 850 copies. Had the Supplement, both parts, and the " Additamenta " bound up at the end of the volumes. 2038. Bewick. HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols. Royal paper, numerous beautiful engravings on wood by T. Bewick, fine and nearly uncut copy, t. e. g., green morocco, super extra, by W. Pratt. Ib. , 1804. 11 2039. Bewick. The Proof Sheets of nearly the whole of the first volume of the History of British Birds, with numerous corrections and interesting additions in the hand- writing of T. Bewick. Many lines are cancelled and consequently omitted in subsequent impressions. Half bound. Inserted is the Memorandum of Agreement between R. Beilby, T. Bewick, and J. Johnson, in manuscript. I7S7- 30 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 149 2040. Bewick. FIGURES OF BRITISH LAND BIRDS (with the vignettes). Engraved on wood by T. Berwick, to which are added a few Foreign Birds. Vol. I (all published ?) with the curious vignette (in the first state) usually wanting. Fine uncut copy, t. e. g., green morocco, super extra, by W. Pratt. 1800. g $s. If Only 500 copies printed, but, not meeting with a ready sale at the time of pub- lication, many of them were destroyed. 2041. Bewick. FABLES OF /Esop AND OTHERS. Royal paper. Designs on wood by T. Bewick (and Johnson) with the thumb-mark Subscribers' Receipt. Fine uncut copy, t. e. g., green morocco, super extra, by W. Pratt. 1818. ig 2042. Bewick. SELECT FABLES. With cuts designed and engraved by T. and J. Bewick, and others. Royal paper, fine and nearly uncut copy, t. e. g., green morocco, super extra, by W. Pratt. 1820. 10 IQS. 2043. Bewick. BURNS (R. ). POETICAL WORKS, with Life. 2 vols. First edition, with the beautiful woodcuts by T. Bewick, from Thurston's designs. Calf extra, uncut, t. e. g. , by Riviere. Alnwick and Davison, 1808. ^3 15^. If One of Davison's finest and rarest books. 2044. Bewick. EMBLEMS OF MORALITY. First edition. Upwards of 50 cuts engraved by T. and J. Bewick. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1789. i i$s. If Blocks destroyed by fire after three editions were printed. 2045. Bewick. GAY (J. ). FABLES. Large paper. Cuts by T. Bewick, fine and nearly uncut copy, morocco extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf, rare in this state. York, 1811. i ss. 2046. Boccaccio. THE DECAMERON OF GIOVANNI BOCCACCI. Now first completely done into English prose and verse, by John Payne. 3 vols. Parchment gilt, uncut, t. e. g. 1866. ^3 12s. If Only a limited number printed privately for the members of the Villon Society. 2047. Bon Gaultier. BOOK OF BALLADS. First edition. Illustrated by Alfred Crowquill. Original cloth, g. e. Orr, 1845. I 2048. Book-Prices Current : a Record of the Prices at which books have been sold at Auction, from Dec. 1892 to Nov. 1893. Vol. vii. 1894. ^i 3.?. 2049. Bullen. ENGLAND'S HELICON. A Collection of Lyrical and Pastoral Poems, published in 1600, one of 250 copies. 1887. Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Elizabethan Age, one of 260 copies. 1889. Large paper. Edited by A. H. Bullen, half bound, uncut, t. e. g. i 2050. Burns (R.). COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS. Facsimile of the original Kilmarnock edition. 4 vols. Large paper. 50 copies of vol. i, 30 copies of the remainder printed. Tree calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere. Kilmarnock, 1869. 3 3s. 2051. Byron (Lord). HOURS OF IDLENESS: a Series of Poems, original and trans- lated. First edition. Large paper. Two portraits inserted. Fine uncut copy, t. e. g. , extremely rare. Newark, S. and J. Ridge, 1807 ; English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. First edition. Inlaid, and illustrated with 38 portraits. J. Cawthorn, n. d. Morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf in I vol. _8 los. 2052. Collier (J. Payne). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF THE RAREST BOOKS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Alphabetically arranged. 2 vols. Half bound, uncut. 1865. J & 2053. Collier (J. P.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF THE RAREST BOOKS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 2 vols. Half bound, uncut. 1865. 14*- 150 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2054. Conway (W. M.). CLIMBING AND EXPLORATION IN THE KARAKORAM- HIMALAYAS. 300 beautiful illustrations and a map. Uncut, t. e. g. 1804. * 7J- 2055. Cruikshank. AINSWORTH (W. H.). JACK SHEPPARD, A ROMANCE. 3 vols. First edition. Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehns- clorf. 1839. 6 6s. 2056. Cruikshank. AINSWORTH (W. H.). TOWER OF LONDON. First edition. Full page etchings and woodcuts by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1842. 2 i$s. 2057. Cruikshank. AINSWORTH (W. H.). THE MISER'S DAUGHTER. 3 vols. First edition. Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1840. 4 15.?. 2058. Cruikshank. AULDO (J.). JOURNAL OF A VISIT TO CONSTANTINOPLE IN 1883. Fine impression of the etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, with a duplicate set on India paper, calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1835. l los - 2059. Cruikshank. BASILF, (G.). THE PETAMERONE. Translated by J. E. Taylor. First edition. Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehns- dorf. 1848. i 3s. 2060. Cruikshank. [CHAMISSO.] PETER SCHLEMIHL. From the German. Original impressions of the etchings of Geo. Cruikshank, with a duplicate set on India paper. Russia extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1824. 3 35. 2061. Cruikshank. [CLARK (W.).] THREE COURSES AND A DESSERT. First edition. Numerous illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Mottled calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1830. i 12s. 2062. Cruikshank. COLLIER (J. P.). PUNCH AND JUDY. First edition. Illustrations on India paper, designed and engraved by Geo. Cruikshank. Fine copy, morocco extra, t. e. g. , by Zaehnsdorf. S. Prowett, 1828. ^3 $s. 2063. Cruikshank. COMIC ALMANAC, 1835 1851. Numerous full-page etchings and woodcuts by Geo. Cruikshank, original impressions. Bound in 6 vols. Tree calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1835-51. 4 i$s. 2064. Cruikshank. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S FAIRY LIBRARY : Hop-o'-my-Thumb, D. Bogue, n. d. Jack and the Bean-stalk, ib. n. d. Cinderella, ib. n. d. First editions. Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, in the original illustrated wrappers. India proof etchings to " Puss in Boots." 6 plates, a parcel. i ijs. 2065. Cruikshank. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S OMNIBUS. Edited by Laman Blanchard. First edition. 100 engravings on steel and wood by G. C. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1842. 2 2s. 2066. Cruikshank. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S TABLE-BOOK. Edited by G. A. A'Beckett. First edition. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. Presentation copy, " Thos. Beard, Esq., with the Best Regards of Geo. Cruikshank." Specimen wrapper bound up. Morocco extra, g. e. " Punch" Office, 1845. 4 2067. Cruikshank. DEFOE (D.). LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. 2 vols. Large paper. India proof front, and numerous beautiful woodcuts by Geo. Cruikshank. Panelled calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere. Major, 1831. 5 2068. Cruikshank. DRR FREISCHUTZ TRAVESTIE. 12 Etchings on India paper by Geo. Cruikshank, and a duplicate coloured by hand. Fine copy on large paper. Tree calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1824. 6 6s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 15 1 2069. Cruikshank. DIBDIN (C. ). SONGS, with a. Memoir, etc. by T. Dibdin. Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. Tree calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1841. i is. 2070. Cruikshank. DIVERTING HISTORY OF JOHN GII.PIN. 6 woodcut illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank, with a duplicate set on India paper. Red morocco, super extra, t. e. g., by Riviere. C. Tilt, 1828. 1 8.r. 2071. Cruikshank. FLIGHT (E. G.). TRUE LEGEND OF ST. DUNSTAN AND THE DEVIL. First edition. Illustrations drawn by Geo. Cruikshank, and engraved by J. Thomson. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. D. Bogue, n. d. i is. 2072. Cruikshank. FRANK FARLEIGII. 30 illustrations on steel by Geo. Cruikshank, some 11. slightly soiled. Calf extra, t. e. g. , by Zaehnsdorf. Hall, Virtue and Co. , n. d. 1 2073. Cruikshank. GRIMM (BROTHERS). GERMAN POPULAR STORIES. 2 vols. First edition. Fine impressions of the beautiful etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. Crimson morocco super extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere. 1823-26. 31 IO.T. 2074. Cruikshank. HANS OF ICELAND. First edition. Fine impression of etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g. . by Zaehnsdorf. 1825. i 2075. Cruikshank. HOOD (T.). EPPING HUNT. 6 engravings on wood after the designs of Geo. Cruikshank, with a duplicate set on India paper. Crimson morocco extra, t. e. g. , by Riviere. 1829. i 2s. 2076. Cruikshank. INGLIS (H. D.). RAMBLES IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF DON QUIXOTE. First edition. Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Fine copy in calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1837. 1 9 S - 2077. Cruikshank. ITALIAN TALES ; Tales of Humour, Gallantry, and Romance, with original impressions of 16 etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, including the cancelled plate to "The Dead Rider." On India paper, calf extra, t. e. g. , by Zaehnsdorf. 1824. i los. 2078. Cruikshank. JERROLD (DOUGLAS). CAKES AND ALE. 2 vols. First edition. Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, with a duplicate set on India paper. Calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1842. 2 12s. 2079. Cruikshank. LIFE OF MANSIE WAUCH, TAYLOR IN DAI.KEITH. 8 fine etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1839. igs. 2080. Cruikshank. LONDON CHARACTERS ; a series of 24 c< loured plates, designed and etched by Geo. and Robert Cruikshank. Dark green morocco, t. e. g. Very scarce. J. Robins, 1827. 5 2081. Cruikshank. POINTS OF HUMOUR. Both parts ; India proof impressions of the etchings and woodcuts by Geo. Cruikshank. Fine copy, in morocco extra, t. e. g. , by Zaehnsdorf. 1823-24. 4 2082. Cruikshank. REACH (A. B. ). CLEMENT LORIMER; or, the Book with the Iron Clasps. First edition. Illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g. , by Zaehnsdorf. 1849. i is. 2083. Cruikshank. [SOANE (G.).] SPECIMENS OF GERMAN ROMANCE. 3 vols. First edition. Etched frontispiece by Geo. Cruikshank. Fine copy. Tree calf gilt, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1826. i Bs. 2084. Cruikshank. SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF EDWARD LASCELLES. 2 vols. First edition. Frontispiece and vignettes by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1837. l 2s - 152 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2085. Cruikshank. THE HUMOURIST : a Collection of Entertaining Tales, etc. 4vols. Numerous coloured etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. Fine and nearly uncut copy in green morocco extra, t. e. g. 1822-19-20. ; 2 3 Io -f- 2oS6. Cruikshank. THE TOOTH-ACHE, imagined by Horace Mayhew, and realized by George Cruikshank. 43 coloured etchings in panoramic form. Illustrated boards, as issued. Fine copy. D. Bogue, n. d. 2 12s. 2087. Cruikshank. (WHITTY.) TALES OF IRISH LIFE. 2 vols. First edition. Beautiful designs by Geo. Cruikshank. Fine and nearly uncut copy, in calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. Rare. J. Robins, 1824. ^3 $s. 2088. Cruikshank. WIGHT (J.). MORNINGS AT Bow STREET. 21 illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. 1825. MORE MORNINGS AT Bow STREET. First edition. 25 illustrations by G. C., a few of which are in duplicate, on India paper. 4 plates of scarce woodcut vignettes inserted at end. 1827. Nearly uncut copies, uni- formly bound in calf extra, t. e. g. ^3 I2s. 6d. 2089. Cruikshank. WIGHT (J.). SUNDAY IN LONDON. First edition. Illustrated in 14 cuts by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1833. i 5s. 2090. Defoe (D.). LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. 2 vols. Large paper. India proof impressions of the beautiful engravings from designs by T. Stothard ; further illustrated by the insertion of a series of fine plates (inlaid). Half bound, uncut. 1820. ,8 IT With the above lot were included 114 engravings for further illustrating the work, comprising India paper impressions of the designs by Stothard, the com- plete set of Geo. Cruikshank : s woodcuts, and two proof plates before letters, etc. ; also 4 original drawings by George Cruikshank. 2091. Dibdin (T. F. ). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON ; or Ten Days' Pleasant Dis- course upon Illuminated MSS. , etc. 3 vols. Numerous beautiful illustrations. Fine copy, in the original boards, uncut. 1817. 10 2092. Dibdin (T. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, AND PICTURESQUE TOUR IN FRANCE AND GERMANY. 3 vols. Numerous fine plates and vignettes. Roxburghers' copy, original boards, uncut. 1821. 6 2093. Dibdin (T. F. ). LIBRARY COMPANION. Second edition. 2 vols. extended to 5 vols. by the insertion of nearly 500 fine portraits, many of which are India proofs, and several scarce, with specially printed titles. Brown morocco, super extra, uncut, t. e. g. , by Riviere. 1825. 18 los. 2094. Dibdin (T. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, AND PICTURESQUE TOUR IN THE NORTHERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND IN SCOTLAND. 2 vols. Fine plates and vignettes on India paper, uncut. 1838. ,4 4s. 2095. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES BY " Boz," illustrative of Every-day Life and Every- day People. 2 vols. J. Macrone, 1836. SKETCHES BY "Boz." Second series. lb., 1837. First editions. Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, with a duplicate set. Proofs before letters, on India paper. Fine and nearly uncut copies. Russia extra, t. e. g. , by Zaehnsdorf. 8 5*. 2096. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES BY " Boz." First demy 8vo. edition, with 40 illustra- tions by Geo. Cruikshank. Fine copy, in tree calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1839. ^3 6^- 2097. Dickens (C.). THE VILLAGE COQUETTES; a Comic Opera, in Two Acts, the Music by John Hullah. Original edition, in sheets folded. R. Bentley, 1836. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 153 2098. Dickens (C.). MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI, edited by "Boz." 2 vols. First edition. Portrait, and illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Half crimson morocco, g. e. 1838. ,1 8s. 2099. Dickens (C.). OLIVER TWIST. By Charles Dickens. 3 vols. Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, some leaves slightly soiled. Morocco extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1838. 1 2100. Dickens (C. ). NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. First edition. Illustrations by " Phiz," with extra series of portraits and illustrations by Kenny Meadows, Onwhyn, and " Peter Palette." Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1839. 2 i2s. 2101. Dickens (C.). MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK. 3 vols. Illustrations by Geo. Catterrnole and Hablot Browne, and the series of 70 plates designed and etched on steel by T. Sibson ; also a few by " Phiz." Calf extra, uncut, t. e. g. , by Zaehnsdorf. 1840-41. 8 5.?. 2102. Dickens (C.). CHRISTMAS CAROL. Coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech. 1843. THE CHIMES. 1845. CRICKET ON THE HEARTH. 1846. BATTLE OF LIFE (third issue). 1846. HAUNTED MAN. 1848. First editions. Illustration by Leech, Tenniel, etc. Vellum gilt, g. e. 2 12s. &/. 2103. Dickens (C.). TALE OF Two CITIES. First edition. Illustrated by H. K. Browne. Mottled calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1859. ^3 i8s. 2104. Dickens. THE PICKWICKIANS. A series of 40 coloured etchings by Alfred Crowquill. Uncut. Rare. n. d. 3 los. 2105. Dickens. Pailthorpe (F. W. ). Illustrations to the Pickwick Club. 24 etchings, coloured, in the original wrapper. 1882. _i i8s. 2106. Dobson (Austin). BALLAD OF BEAU BROCADE, and other Poems of the XVIIIth Century. 50 illustrations by H. Thomson. Large paper, uncut. 1892. jl 2S. 2107. Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes. Edited by the Duke of Beau- fort, assisted by A. E. T. Watson. 24 vols. Large paper. A complete set up to date. Numerous beautiful illustrations, some in colours. One of 250 copies. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1885-94. 71 2108. Bewick. [Figures of] BRITISH BIRDS (and 14 Foreign Land Birds). Without the letterpress. First edition. Fine impressions of the beautiful woodcuts. Light green morocco, super extra, g. e., by Riviere. Newcastle, E. Walker, 1817. 7 icxr. H Only 25 copies printed. 2109. Bewick. VIGNETTES [to Thos. Bewick's various works] without the letterpress. With pencil memorandum on title. " For home (perfect)," written by Miss Bewick, from the collection of the Rev. T. Hugo. Fine impressions of the beautiful woodcuts on thin paper, printed under Bewick's personal inspection. Light green morocco, super extra, g. e., by Riviere. Uniform with the preceding. lb., 1827. 7 i2s. QJ. 1F Only a few copies printed. 21 10. Bewick. POEMS BY GOLDSMITH AND PARNELL. First edition, with the beau- tiful large woodcuts and vignettes, chiefly from designs by R. Johnson, engraved by T. and J. Bewick. Fine uncut copy. Buhner, 1795. l 12S - 2111. Bewick. SOMERVILLE (W.). THE CHASE, a Poem. First edition. Beautiful woodcuts engraved by T. Bewick after J. Bewick's designs. Original boards, uncut. Bulmer, 1796. 2 8s. 154 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2112. Burns (R.). COMPLETE WORKS. 6 vols. Illustrations and facsimiles. Extra illustrated by the insertion of about 268 fine portraits, views, etc., chiefly India proofs, etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, (coloured) woodcuts, a series of plates, india proofs before letters. Also the following important autograph letters and poems : Poem in the handwriting of A. H. Aiken sent to Robert Burns, and dated from Liverpool, 2nd Dec., 1793 5 memorandum in the handwriting of Burns, sent to Robert Muir, of Kilmarnock, in reference to "Tarn Samson's Elegy, 1786 ; " " Phillis the Fair," original MS. written by Burns on a leaf of his excise book ; song composed on hearing a bird sing while musing on Chloris, pencil MS. in the poet's hand ; long and most interesting autograph letter from " Clarinda " to Dr. Maxwell, of Dumfries, dated from Edinburgh, 31 Oct., 1796; unpublished letter (with verses) from Mrs. M'Lehose to Robert Burns, Ellisland, Dumfries, 2nd August, 1791 ; long and important letter from George Thomson to Robert Burns, Edinburgh, 2Oth August, 1793 (the only specimen of Thomson's letters to the poet that is known to exist). Light green morocco, super extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. Imp. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877-9. 61 2113. Dickens (C.). MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by " Boz." Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. 2 vols. First edition. Beautifully inlaid to imperial 4to. size, and illustrated by the insertion of upwards of 360 rare portraits, character prints (many of which are coloured, several extremely scarce), views, sepia sketch of Grimaldi's residence, a large number of theatrical advertisements, critical re- marks, playbills (including Grimaldi's farewell benefit), MS. memoranda relating to Bologna, S. Simmons, etc., curious newspaper cuttings, songs, lottery adver- tisements, admission tickets ; autograph letters by C. Dickens, J. Grimaldi, Jas. Harmer, G. R. Davidge, J. Johnstone, R. \V. Elliston, Howard Payne, P. Egerton, Alfred Bunn, C. Kemble, Miss Kelly, T. Dibdin, L. Price, and J. P. Harley ; signatures of J. P. Kemble, J. Grimaldi, and other interesting matter relating to the famous clown. Crimson mor. extra, g. e. R. Bentley, 1838. ^24 21 14. Donne (J. ). DEATH'S DVELL, portrait of Donne taken after death, 1632 ; LETTERS TO SEVERAL PERSONS OF HONOUR, fine impression of the portrait of Lombart, with MS. notes by Malone, 1634; JUVENILIA, 1633; morocco extra, g. e., by Zaehnsdorf. In I vol. 2 12s. 2115. Donne (J.). POEMS, with Elegies on the Author's Death. First edition, with the rare portrait by Marshall (inlaid), morocco extra, g. e., by Zaehnsdorf. 1633- 2 8s. 2116. Keats (J.). ENDYMION : a Poetic Romance. First edition, the severe critique from the "Quarterly Review" bound up at end. Morocco extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1818. ^3 $s. 2117. Lan^ (Andrew). XXII BALLADES IN BLUE CHINA. First edition. Uncut. Scarce. 1880. i 6s. 2118. Lang (Andrew). GREEN FAIRY BOOK. First edition. Large Paper. Numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. Uncut. (One of 150 copies). 1892. 1 35. 2119. Lang (Andrew). TRUE STORY BOOK. First edition. Large paper. One of 150 copies. Numerous illustrations by L. Boyle, H. J. Ford, and L. Speed, etc. Uncut. 1893. i S.T. 2120. Lloyd (L.). SCANDINAVIAN ADVENTURES DURING A RESIDENCE OF UPWARDS OF 20 YEARS. 2 vols. Numerous beautiful tinted plates and woodcuts. Uncut. 1854- i 2121. Novelists' Library. Edited by E. Roscoe. 19 vols. Numerous illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1831. 13 BOOK SALES OF 1895. *55 2122. Ruskin (J.). LECTURES ON ARCHITECTURE AND PAINTING. First edition. Illustrations drawn by the author. Blue morocco, super extra, t. e. g., by Zaehns- dorf. 1854. i is. 2123. Ruskin (J.). FORS CLAVIGERA, complete with Index, 9 vols., half blue morocco, t. e. g. by Zaehnsdorf. 1871-87. 4 2124. Scott (Sir Walter). WAVERLEY NOVELS, " Abbotsford Edition," highly finished steel engravings and numerous woodcuts, 12 vols. extended to 24 vols., and most tastefully illustrated by the insertion of about 1,700 fine portraits and views, chiefly on India paper, many proofs before letters, etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, engrav- ings of ancient and celebrated edifices, a series of beautiful vignettes by Tony Johannot, old prints, etc., brown morocco, extra, uncut, t. e. g. Edinburgh, 1842, etc. 28 2125. Scott (Sir Walter). WAVERLEY NOVELS, " Border Edition," with Introductory Essays and Notes by Andrew Lang. 48 vols. One of 365 copies, printed on handsome paper, with the etchings printed as proofs before letters, uncut. Nimmo, 1802-4. 12 I 5-f- 2126. Scott (Sir Walter). POETICAL WORKS, with Notes, etc., bound in 2 vols., and illustrated with about 130 fine engravings, including several views after J. M. W. Turner, a few portraits, etc., some on India paper. Brown morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. 1848. 2 i6s. 2127. Scrope (W.). ART OF DEER-STALKING . . . WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THE NATURE AND HABITS OF RED DEER. First edition, tinted plates and woodcuts after E. and C. Landseer, and by the author, fine and nearly uncut copy, morocco extra, t. e. g. by Zaehnsdorf. 1838. ^10 los. 2128. Scrope (W.). DAYS AND NIGHTS OF SALMON FISHING IN THE TWEED. P'irst edition, tinted plates and woodcuts after Sir D. \Vilkie, E. and C. Landseer, etc., fine and nearly uncut copy, morocco extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1843. 12 I2s. 2129. Suttees (R. R.). MR. SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR. First edition, coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech. Calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1853. 2 us. 2130. Surtees (R. S.). HANDLEY CROSS. First edition, coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech, calf extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1854. ^3 2s. &d. 2131. Surtees (R. S.). " ASK MAMMA." First edition, coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech. Calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1858. 2 2s. 2132. Surtees (R. S.). "PLAIN OR RINGLETS?" First edition, coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech. Russia extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1860. 2gs. 2133. Surtees (R. S.) MR. FACEY ROMFORD'S HOUNDS. First edition, coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech and II. K. Browne. Calf extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1865. 2 155. 2134. [Tennyson (Alfred and Charles)]. POEMS BY Two BROTHERS. Light green morocco, super extra, uncut, t. e. g. , by Riviere. 1827. 12 $s. 2135. Tennyson. THE PRINCESS. First edition, blue morocco extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1847. * *OJ. 2136. Tennyson. IN MEMORIAM. First edition, blue morocco extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf, rare. 1850. 3 los. 2137. Thackeray (W. M.). WORKS. 24 vols. "Edition de Luxe." Illustrations by the author, etc., on India paper, hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g. 1878-9. ^13 15*. 156 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2138. Thackeray (W. M.). DOCTOR BIRCH AND HIS YOUNG FRIENDS. First edition, illustrations by the author coloured. Calf extra, g. e. , by Zaehnsdorf. 1849. * iu. 2139. Whymper(E.). SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS in the Years 1860-69. Maps and illustrations, uncut, t. e. g. 1893. >i i6s. 2140. Yarrell (W.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS, with First and Second Supplements. 3 vols., large paper, 520 wood engravings, uncut. Van Voorst, 1843-56. 3 $s. 2141. Herkomer (Hubert). AN IDYLL : a Pictorial Music Play, illustrated, the Lyrics by J. Bennett ; also a set of 16 beautiful etchings, artist's proofs, signed (in a portfolio) half parchment, only a limited number printed. 410 and folio (1889). 2 IQS. 2142. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.). WORKS. 6 vols. , large paper, engravings in dupli- cate and initial letters and rules in red, uncut. 1891. .3 js. 6t/. 2143. Symonds (J. A.). LIKE OK MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI. 2 vols. Etched portrait and 50 reproductions of the Works of the Master, uncut, t. e. g. Nimmo, 1893- 2 2144. Bewick (T.). GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. Fourth edition. New- castle, 1800. HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols., the curious vignette at p. 285, vol. I, slightly inked, one of 850 copies, with the Supplement, both parts, and Ad- denda. Ib., 1897-1800-21. FIGURES OF BRITISH LANDBIRDS (with the vignettes) engraved on wood by T. Bewick, to which are added a few Foreign Birds, vol. I (all published?) with the curious vignette (in the first state) at end, usually wanting. Ib. , 1800. FABLES OF ^Esor, and others, designs on wood by T.Bewick and John- son with the thumb-mark receipt. Ib. 1820. Royal paper copies, numerous beautiful woodcuts, fine and nearly uncut set, russia extra, t. e. g. uniform. ^50 SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE REV. H. LUDGATER, M.A. Messrs. Ptittick and Simpson, May 2nd, yd, and 6th, 1895. 2145. Real Life in Ireland. By a Real Paddy. Coloured plates. Boards. 1829. js. 2146. Eliot (G ). MILL ON THE FLOSS. 3 vols. First edition. Original cloth. Fine fresh copy, scarce in this state. 1863. l & s - 2147. Whymper (G.). TRAVELS AMONG THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR. Numerous illustrations. Cloth. 1892. &s. 2148. Byron (Lord). POEMS, original and translated. Frontispiece. Half calf. I2mo. Newark, 1808. i i$s. IT Very scarce, though not the first edition. 2149. Hunt (Leigh). A JAR OF HONEY FROM MOUNT HYBLA. First edition. Illus- trations by Doyle. Original fancy boards, g. e. 1848. 13^. 2150. Dickens. PICKWICKIAN ILLUSTRATIONS. 20 plates by W. Heath. Genuine first impressions. Uncut, cloth. Extremely rare. McLean, 1837. i 8s. 2151. Walton (E.). THE BERNESE OBERLAND, with descriptions by T. G. Bonney. Coloured plates. Cloth. Folio. 1874. i 13*. 2152. Hogarth (W.). WORKS, from the original plates restored by Heath. Portraits and plates. Half morocco, g. e. Folio. Baldwin & Cradock, n. d. ^3 is. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 157 2153. Burton (R. ). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Engraved title. Calf, red edges. Folio. Oxford, 1638. 13^. 2154. Fletcher (J.). THE FAITHFUL SHEPHEARDESSE. Second edition. Small 4to. 1629. 5s. 2155. Herculaneum. LE PITTURE ANTICHE D'ERCOLANO. Fine plates. 3 vols. Half crimson morocco extra. Napoli, 1757-62. i us. 2156. Stevenson (R. L.). AN INLAND VOYAGE and VIRGINIBUS PUERISQUE. 2 vols. First editions. Half calf. 1878-81. 2 2157. Congreve's Works. Portrait and plates. 3 vols. Calf. Birmingham, J. Basker- ville, 1761. js. 2158. Rossetti (D. G.). COLLECTED WORKS, edited with notes by W. Rossetti. 3 vols. Cloth. 1888. us. 2159. Jonson (Ben). WORKS, with notes by Gifford. Portrait. 9 vols. Calf gilt. 1816. i i8s. 2160. Webster (John). WORKS, edited by Dyce. Large paper. 4 vols. Cloth, uncut. Pickering, 1830. i$s. 2161. Marlowe (C.). WORKS. Large paper. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. Pickering, 1826. 2 2s. 2162. Peele (Geo.). WORKS, edited by Dyce. Large paper. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. Pickering, 1829. i is. 2163. Middleton (Thos.). WORKS, with Notes by Dyce. Portrait. 5 vols. Boards, uncut. E. Lumley, 1840. i n.f. 2164. Shakespeare's Plays, edited by Chalmers. Portrait and plates. 8 vols. Calf gilt. 1826. 155. 2165. Shirley (James). DRAMATIC WORKS AND POEMS, with Notes by Gifford and Dyce. Portraits. 6 vols. Calf gilt. Murray, 1833. 2 2166. Foote (Saml.). DRAMATIC WORKS. Frontispiece. 2 vols. Calf. n. d. i 2167. Beaumont and Fletcher. WORKS. 14 vols. Calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1812. 2 2168. Shelley (P. B.). POETICAL WORKS. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Portrait. 4 vols. Cloth. Moxon, 1839. i$s. 2169. Skelton (John). POETICAL WORKS. Edited by Dyce. Large paper. 2 vols. Cloth boards, uncut. 1843. I 7->~- 2170. Pope (A.). WORKS, with Notes. Life by Roscoe. Portrait. 10 vols. Calf extra. 1824. i 2^. 2171. Spenser (E.). WORKS. Edited by Todd. Portrait. 8 vols. Tree calf gilt. 1805. 1 3s. 2172. Spenser (Edm.) POETICAL WORKS. Portrait. 5 vols. Calf. Pickering, 1839. 14*. 2173. Coleridge (S. T.). POETICAL WORKS. Large paper. 3 vols. Calf. Pickering, 1829. IQS. 2174. Swift (Jon.) WORKS, with Notes and Life by Sir W. Scott. Portrait. 19 vols. Calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1824. 2 2 r. 2175. Heptameron (The) of Margaret of Navarre. With an Essay by Geo. Saints- bury. Plates by Freudenberg on Japanese paper. One of 312 copies on hand- made paper. 5 vols. Uncut. 1894. * 15-f- 158 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2176. Sterne (L.). WORKS. Edited by G. Saintsbury. Fronts. 6 vols. Large paper. Only 150 copies printed. Dent, 1894. i is. 2177. Suckling (A.) HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. Plates. 2 vols. Large paper. Halfrussia. 1846. 6 ijs. &d. 2178. Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire. With additions by J. Throsley. Plates. 2 vols. Calf. 1790. ^4 I2j. 2179. Scotland. THE BOOKE OF COMMON PRAYER, and other parts of Divine Service for the use of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, printed by R. Young, 1637. THE PSALTER, or Psalmes of David according to the last Translation in King James his Time. Edinburgh, 1636. Black letter. Calf. 6 IT A fine copy of " Laud's Book," with the cancelled leaf containing the catch- word " Certaine." It is in unusually clean and crisp state throughout, and has on lower margins of first title a contemporary MS. note to the effect that "this is the Booke upon which the Troubles and Tumults began in Scotland." Mr. Fountaine Walker's copy sold for 8 55. 2180. Thoresby (R.). DUCATUS LEODIENSIS, or the Topography of Leeds, with additions by T. D. Whitaker. 2 vols. Portraits and plates (some leaves spotted), calf. 1816. 2 5.r. 2181. Ligon (R. ). A TRUE AND EXACT HISTORY OF THE ISLAND OF BARBADOES. Folding map and plates, calf. 1673. 17^. 2182. Blomefield (and Parkin). AN ESSAY TOWARDS A TOPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF NORFOLK. Plates. 5 vols. Old russia, gilt. Fersfield, 1739-41. Lynn, 1769-75- i3 IT Wants List of Subscribers and Blomefield Pedigree in Vol. I. and Dedication to Vol. II. 2183. Forster (Edward). THE BRITISH GALLERY OF ENGRAVNGS. Fine plate engraved hy Heath, Schiavonetti, Raimbach, etc. Crimson morocco, gilt panelled sides. Royal folio. W. Miller, 1807. igs. 2184. Rogers (Charles). A COLLECTION OF PRINTS, in Imitation of Drawings, with Lives of their Authors. Fine plates in red and brown, engraved by Bartolozzi, etc. 2 vols. Half russia. Imp. folio. 1778. 2 6s. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF CHRISTOPHER FRAMINGHAM, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May yd, 1895. IT Important sale of Cruikshankiana, and books illustrated by Rowlandson, Leech, and Blake. There were also some important topographical works. The prices are fairly reliable as to market indications if it is taken into consideration that the copies were most of them " cut," and in half bindings. 2185. Smith (Albert) and A. B. Reach. THE MAN IN THE MOON. 5 vols. Fold- ing and other illustrations by " Phiz," Kenny Meadows, etc., half calf, fine copy, n. d. i 7>f. 2186. Howitt (W.). HOMES AND HAUNTS OF THE MOST EMINENT BRITISH POETS. 2 vols. First edition. Numerous beautiful woodcuts, in the original white illus- trated boards, g. e. 1847. l BOOK SALES OF 1895. 159 2187. Cruikshank. HANS OF ICELAND. First edition. Fine impressions of the etch- ings by Geo. Cruikshank. Original boards, uncut. 1825. i 2s. 2188. Praed (W. M.). POEMS. With a Memoir by Derwent Coleridge. 2 vols. Large and thick paper, portrait, half bound, t. e. g. Moxon, 1864. i6.r. 2189. Pardoe (Miss). COURT AND REIGN OF FRANCIS THE FIRST, KING OF FRANCE. 2 vols. First edition. Portraits, uncut. 1849. 2 I 4- r - 2190. Borrow (George). ROMANTIC BALLADS FROM THE DANISH, AND MISCEL- LANEOUS PIECES. Presentation copy to Allan Cunningham, with 6 interesting autograph letters and poems from Geo. Borrow to Cunningham, inserted. Tree calf gilt, m. e. Norwich, 1826. 6 15^. 2191. Jerrold (Douglas). MAN MADE OF MONEY. First edition. In the original 6 parts, 12 illustrations on steel by J. Leech, with the advertisements, chiefly re- lating to the publications of Dickens and Thackeray. 1849. 2 2192. Cruikshank. Ainsworth (W. H.). THE MISER'S DAUGHTER. 3 vols. First edition. Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Presentation copy from the author. Original cloth, uncut. 1842. 4 i6s. 2193. Cruikshank. Maxwell (W. H.). HISTORY OF THE IRISH REBELLION IN 1798. Portraits, and illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. 1854. 15.?. 2194. Pepys (S.). MEMOIRS, DIARY, AND CORRESPONDENCE. Edited by Lord Bray- brooke. 5 vols. Portraits, facsimiles, and engravings, uncut. 1828. i I2s. 2195. Trevelyan (G. O.). LIFE AND LETTERS OF LORD MACAULAY. 2 vols. Uncut. 1876. gs. 2196. Rouse (J.). BEAUTIES AND ANTIQUITIES OF SUSSEX. 2 vols. 149 views. Uncut. (1825.) us. 2197. Cruikshank. Ainsworth (W. H.). GUY FAWKES. 3 vols. First edition. Fine impressions of the etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. Original cloth, uncut. 1841. & 7.T. G(t. 2198. Smith (Albert). THE WASSAIL-BOWL. 2 vols. First edition. Original cloth, uncut. 1843. i igs. 2199. Combe (W.). ENGLISH DANCE OF DEATH. 2 vols. Original edition. Coloured plates designed by T. Rowlandson, with Metrical Illustrations, large and fine copy in calf gilt, m. e. Ackermann, 1815-16. 6 los. 2200. Morris (F. O.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 6 vols. Upwards of 350 beauti- fully coloured plates. 1866. 3 i2s. 2201. Gay(J.). FABLES. " Stockdale's " line edition. 2 vols. Fine impressions of the numerous beautiful plates by Blake, Stothard, Audinet, etc. Calf gilt, m. e. 1793. i 2202. Cruikshank. Brough (R. B.). LIFE OF SIR JOHN FALSTAFF. Original im- pressions of the large and beautiful etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. Half morocco, m. e, 1859. 2 gs, 2203. Bewick. FABLES OF JLsop AND OTHERS. With designs on wood by T. Bewick (and Johnson), has Bewick's "thumb-mark" receipt. Original boards, uncut. Newcastle, 1818. 2 $s. 2204. Harris (Capt. W. C.) WILD SPORTS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA. Numerous finely coloured plates. Original cloth, g. e. 1844. xyj. 2205. Rogers (S.). PCEMS. First edition. With the beautiful vignettes after Turner and Stothard, proofs, fine copy, in the original boards, uncut. 1834. 3 i$s l6o BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2206. Yarrell (W.). HISTORY OF BRITISH FISHES. 2 vols. 500 beautiful wood engravings, uncut. Van Voorst, 1841. igs. 2207. Faulkner (T. ). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF KF.NSINGTON. Plates and pedigrees. Boards, uncut. Autograph of Wm. Wilberforce on title. 1820. ijs. 2208. Caulfleld (J.). PORTRAITS, MEMOIRS, AND CHARACTERS OF REMARKABLE PERSONS. A new edition, with many additional rare portraits. Calf gilt, m. e. R. S. Kirby, 1813. 1 2209. Jameson (Mrs.). SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART. 2 vols. Numerous beautiful illustrations. Calf antique, r. e. 1857. ^i 5.?. 2210. Surtees (R. S.). MR. FACEY ROMFORD'S HOUNDS. First edition. Coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech and H. K. Browne. Original cloth, uncut. 1865. 2 8s. 2211. Cruikshank. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S OMNIBUS. Edited by Laman Blanchard. First edition. 100 illustrations on steel and wood, original cloth, uncut. 1842. 1 W- 2212. Robinson (W.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ENFIELD. 2vols. Map and plates, interleaved, a few additional illustrations inserted, the author's copy, with his bookplate, calf, gilt, m. e. 1823. 2 us. 2213. Cruikshank. WIGHT (J.). MORNINGS AT Bow STREET. 21 illustrative drawings by Geo. Cruikshank, 1824. MORE MORNINGS. 25 illustrations, by G. C., 1827. First editions. Calf and half calf. (2). i 2s. 2214. Daniel (G.). MERRIE ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME. 2 vols. in i. First edition. Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, and woodcuts. Half calf, gilt. 1842. igs. 221$. Strutt (J.). SPORTS AND PASTIMES OF THE PEOPLE OF ENGLAND. Large paper. The engravings coloured. Half calf, gilt. 1833. ifij. 2216. Home (R. H.). HISTORY OF NAPOLEON. 2 vols. Illustrated with numerous engravings on wood from designs by Raffet and Horace Vemet. Original cloth. 1841. i6s. 2217. Cruikshank. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S TABLE-BOOK. Edited by G. A. a Beckett. First edition. Illustrated by G. C. Half calf gilt. "Punch" Office, 1845. 2 2218. Combe (W.). DANCE OF LIFE, a Poem. Original edition. 26 beautifully coloured plates by T. Rowlandson. Large and fine copy in calf gilt, m. e. Ackermann, 1817. ^"4 14.?. 2219. Jackson and Chatto. TREATISE ON WOOD ENGRAVING. Upwards of 300 illustrations, including facsimiles after Albert Dtirer, Bewick, etc. Half morocco, t. e. g. 1839. i6s. 2220. /Esop's Fables. "Stockdale's" edition. 2 vols. 112 plates by Blake, Stot- hard, etc. Titles stained. Large copy. Russia, m. e. 1793. i u. 2221. Cruikshank. AINSWORTH (W. H.). TOWER OF LONDON. First edition. Full-page etchings and woodcuts by Geo. Cruikshank. Half russia gilt. 1840. i us. 2222. Meteyard (Eliza). LIFE OF JOSIAH WEDGWOOD. 2 vols. Numerous illustra- tions. Original cloth, uncut. 1865. igs. 2223. Cunningham (Peter). STORY OF NELL GWYN. First edition. Front., etc. Original cloth, uncut. 1852. i 3-f. BOOK SALES OF 1895. l6l 2224. Clayton (E. C.). QUEENS OF SONG. 2 vols. First editions. 6 portraits. 1863. J 7*- 2225. Milton (J.). POETICAL WORKS. Complete. " Baskerville's " Fine Edition. 2 vols. Tree calf extra, y. e. by Mansell. Birm., 1758. 13^. 2226. Bewick. HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols. First edition. Royal paper. Numerous beautiful woodcuts by T. Bewick, that in Vol. I., page 285, slightly inked. Calf gilt, m. e. One of 850 copies. Newcastle, 1797-1804. 37*. 2227. Carlyle (T. ). HISTORY OF FRIEDRICH II. OF PRUSSIA, called Frederick the Great. 6 vols. Portraits. Document signed by the King, inserted in Vol. I. Half morocco, m. e. 1858-65. i igs. 2228. Roby(J.). TRADITIONS OF LANCASHIRE. Both Series. 4 vols. Numerous plates, several spotted, uncut, scarce. 1829-31. gs. 2229. Napier (W. F. P.). HISTORY OF THE WAR IN THE PENINSULA, and in the South of France [1807-14]. Plans of battles. 6 vols. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1835-40. 2 6s. 2230. Cruikshank. MAYIIEW (BROS.). GREATEST PLAGUE OF LIFE. First edition. Illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank. Half calf. D. Bogue, n. d. g,r. 2231. Cruikshank. COMIC ALMANACK. Complete, 1835-1853. Numerous full-page etchings and woodcuts, by Geo. Cruikshank. Half Roxburghe. In 5 vols. i 12s. 2232. Scott (Sir Walter). WAVERLEY NOVELS. 48 vols. Frontispieces and vignettes. Original red cloth, uncut. 1829-33. 4 4-^ 2233. Thiers (M. A.). HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Translated, with Notes, by F. Shoberl. 5 vols. Portraits and plates. Half calf. 1838.^113^. 2234. Spenser (E.). WORKS. Edited by J. Payne Collier. 5 vols. Crimson morocco extra, g. e. 1862. 2 ijs. 2235. Strickland (Agnes). LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND. 8 vols. Portraits. Calf gilt, m. e. 1852. 3 5$. 2236. Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet. 10 vols. in 5. Large paper. Numerous fine views by Storer and Greig. Russia extra, g. e. 1807-11. i 12s. 2237. Kirby's Wonderful and Eccentric Museum. 6 vols. Numerous portraits of eccentric and notorious personages. Half russia. 1803-20. i $s. 2238. Dibdin (T. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. 3 vols. Fine impressions of the numerous beautiful plates, the vignettes on India paper, a portrait of the author added. Morocco extra, g. e. 1821. 6 ios. 2239. Walpole (Horace). ANECDOTES OF PAINTING IN ENGLAND. With consider- able additions by J. Dallaway. 5 vols. Numerous fine portraits and engravings by Worthington, Finden, etc. Half mor., t. e. g. J. Major, 1828. .5 I2s. 6d. 2240. A'Beckett (G. A.). COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2 vols. First edition. 10 coloured etchings, and 120 woodcuts by J. Leech. Half calf. 1847-8. i 12s. 2241. Nichols (J.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LITERARY HISTORY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 8 vols. Numerous portraits. Calf gilt, m. e. 1817-58. ^3 2242. Dibdin (T. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England, and in Scotland. 2 vols. Numerous fine plates and woodcuts. Morocco extra, g. e. , by Mackenzie. 1838. 4 ios, 2243. Jesse (J. H.). MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND REIGN OF KING GEORGE THE THIRD. 3 vols. First edition. Half morocco, t. e. g. 1867. l r 4- f - M 1 62 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2244. Yarrell (W.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 3 vols. Numerous beautiful woodcuts. Half morocco gilt, m. e. Van Voorst, 1845. 2 2S - 2245. Froissart. HUMPHREYS (H. N.). ILLUMINATED ILLUSTRATIONS OF FROISSART. Selected from the MS. in the British Museum. 2 vols. in i. Upwards of 70 fine plates in gold and colours. Half russia, m. e. W. Smith, 1845. 5 2-r. Sd. 2246. Jerrold (Douglas). SHILLING MAGAZINE. 7 vols. Fine impressions of the etchings by J. Leech. Original cloth. Uncut. 1845-8. z i8j. 2247. Hood's Own; or Laughter from Year to Year. Both series, 2 vols. Numerous illustrations by the author. Blue calf gilt, g. e. 1862-65. ifij. 2248. Book of Gems. Edited by S. C. Hall. 3 vols. Numerous exquisite vignette engravings after Turner, Eastlake, etc. A few leaves spotted. Half calf, m. e. 1836-38. ioj. 2249. Caulfield (J.). PORTRAITS, MEMOIRS, AND CHARACTERS OF REMARKABLE PERSONS. 4 vols. Upwards of 150 curious portraits. Half calf gilt, m. e. 1819. i $s. 2250. Jameson (Mrs.). MEMOIRS OF THE BEAUTIES OF THE COURT OF CHARLES THE SECOND. 2 vols. Fine portraits after Sir Peter Lely, etc. 1838. i 14*. 2251. Landscape Annual. Complete. 10 vols. Large paper. Numerous fine plates on India paper. Mor. gilt, g. e. Not uniform. R. Jennings, 1830-39. 3 los. 2252. Thackeray (W. M.). VANITY FAIR. Genuine first edition. Illustrations on steel and wood by the author, including the suppressed woodcut of the Marquis of Steyne. Calf gilt, m. e. 1848. 2 us. 2253. Thackeray. MRS. PERKINS'S BALL. Illustrations by the author. Coloured. Original fancy boards, g. e. 1847. \ 2254. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES BY " Boz," 2 vols. First edition. Illnstrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Original cloth. Uncut. Almost as clean and fresh as when first issued. J. Macrone, 1836. Second series, second edition, illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank. Original cloth. /., 1837. 11 5 s - 2255. Dickens. SKETCHES BY "Boz." First demy 8vo. edition. 40 illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Small hole in engraved title. Hf. cf. g., m. e. 1839. 1 25. 2256. Dickens. POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. First edition. 43 illustrations by R. Seymour and " Phiz," including the two plates by R. W. Buss. Specimen wrapper bound up, tree calf extra, g. e. by Mansell. 1837. i I4J-. 2257. Dickens. MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by " Boz." 3 vols. Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. First edition. Original pink cloth. Uncut. 1838. 3 2258. Dickens. AMERICAN NOTES FOR GENERAL CIRCULATION. 2 vols. First edition. Original cloth. Uncut. Presentation copy, "The Countess of Blessington from Charles Dickens, eighteenth October, 1842." 1842. 7 los. 2259. Dickens. CHRISTMAS CAROL, CHIMES, CRICKET ON THE HEARTH, BATTLE OF LIFE, and HAUNTED MAN. All first editions, with the exception of the " Battle of Life," which is of the third issue. Coloured and other illustrations by Leech, Tenniel, etc. Tree calf extra, g. e. by Mansell. 1843-48. 2 2s. 2260. Dickens. MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT. First edition. Illustrations by " Phiz." Specimen wrapper bound up, tree calf extra, g. e. by Mansell. 1844. i BOOK SALES OF 1895. 163 2261. Dickens. DAVID COPPERFIELD. First edition. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. Specimen wrapper bound up. Tree calf extra, g. e. , by Mansell. 1850. i 2s. 2262. Dickens. BLEAK HOUSE. First edition. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. Tree calf extra, g. e., by Mansell. Specimen wrapper bound up. 1853. 14?. 2263. Dickens. A TALE OF Two CITIES. First edition. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. Specimen wrapper bound up. Tree calf extra, g. e., by Mansell. 1859. *V. 2264. Dickens. OUR MUTUAL FRIEND. 2 vols. First edition. Illustrations by Marcus Stone. Specimen wrapper bound up. Tree calf extra, g. e., by Mansell. 1865. 155. 2265. Dickens. THE LIFE OF CHARLES DICKENS. By John Forster. [1812-1870]. 3 vols. Portraits and facsimiles. 1872-4. I2J. 2266. Dickens. THE LIBRARY OF FICTION, or Family Story-Teller. 2 vols. 14 illustrations by Seymour, Buss, etc. (Contains "The Tuggs at Ramsgate," and " A Little Talk about Spring and the Sweeps," by " Boz "). Half calf. Very scarce. 1837. l 2267. Scott (Sir Walter). WAVERLEY NOVELS. "Abbotsford Edition." 12 vols. 120 highly finished plates, and numerous woodcuts. Half morocco gilt, g. e. 1842 7 7-f- 2268. Hall (Mr. and Mrs. ). IRELAND: its Scenery, Character, etc. 3 vols. Original impressions of the numerous beautiful engravings on steel and wood. Half morocco gilt, m. e. How and Parsons, 1841. 1 TJ. 2269. Gay (J.). FABLES. " Stockdale's " Edition. With a Life of the author. 2 vols. 70 beautiful plates by Blake, Stothard, Audinet, etc. Fine copy in the original boards, edges totally uncut. 1793. 2 8s. 2270. Knight (C.). PICTORIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 8 vols. Original impressions of the numerous engravings. Half calf gilt, m. e. 1837-47. iSs. 2271. Lodge (E.). PORTRAITS of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. 12 vols. 240 fine portraits, India proofs, with Memoirs. Mor. extra, g. e. 1835. ^5 2s. 6d. 2272. Walton and Cotton. COMPLETE ANGLER. Edited by Sir Harris Nicolas. "Pickering's" fine edition. 2 vols. Upwards of 50 beautiful engravings from designs by Stothard and Inskipp. Green morocco extra, g. e. 1836. 7 ios. 2273. Bentley's Miscellany. Vol. I. to XXVIII. Portraits and original impressions of the etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, Samuel Lover, Hervieu, Alfred Crowquill, J. Leech, etc., illustrating the writings of Ainsworth, Dickens, Lover, and others. Half calf. 1837-50. 4 ijs. 6d. 2274. Robinson (W.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF HACKNEY. 2 vols. Plates. The author's interleaved copy, further illustrated by the insertion of numerous views of old buildings, tracts relating to almshouses, cuttings, maps, etc. Half bound. Uncut. 1842. 4 15*. 2275. Robinson (W.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF TOTTENHAM. 2 vols. Maps and plates, the author's interleaved copy, further illustrated by the insertion of numerous views, portraits, autograph letters of the compiler, pedigree of the Tyssen family. "Tottenham: a poem," engravings of churches, etc. Half- bound, uncut. 1840. 3 I2s. 6J. 2276. Robinson (W.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF STOKE NEWINGTON. Maps, portraits, and plates. The author's copy. Further illustrated by the insertion of numerous rare portraits, original drawings, and views, etc. Russia gilt, m. e. 1820. 3 12S. 1 64 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2277. R obinson (W.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE PARISH OF TOTTENHAM HIGH CROSS. First edition. Map and plates. The author's copy. Further illustrated by original drawings, numerous rare portraits and views, etchings, manuscript index (49 pp.), etc. 1818. Another volume containing 19 views, chiefly India proofs. Russia gilt. 8 2278. Barrington (Sir Jonah). HISTORIC MEMOIRS OF IRELAND. 2 vols. Fac- simile records, and numerous original portraits. 410. 1833. i i8s. 2279. Doyle. A CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND, B.C. 55 A.D. 1485. Written and illus- trated by J. E. Doyle, the designs engraved and printed in colours by E. Evans. Original cloth, g. e. 1864. i 2s. 2280. Doyle. CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND. Another copy. Crimson morocco extra, g. e. 1864. i us- 2281. Thomson (J.) SEASONS. Beautiful engravings by Bartolozzi and Tomkins, from original pictures by William Hamilton. Light green morocco extra, g. e. Bensley, 1807. 2 & s - 2282. Rogers (S. ). ITALY, a Poem. Large paper. Fine impressions of the numerous beautiful engravings, after Turner and Stothard. Morocco, g. e., by Hayday. 1838. 1 6s. 2283. Ingram and Le Keux. MEMORIALS OF OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE. 5 vols. Large paper. Numerous fine proof plates and woodcuts, half morocco, g. e. 1837-42. 2 8s. 2284. Butler (S.). HUDIBRAS : a Poem, with Notes (by Dr. T. Nash). 3 vols. Plates and vignettes in a brown tint, russia gilt, fine copy. Only 200 copies printed. 1793. i 8s. 2285. Hogarth (W.). GENUINE GRAPHIC WORKS. 160 plates, copied from the originals by T. Cook. Good impressions, russia gilt. 1808. i8s. 2286. Roberts (D.). HOLY LAND, EGYPT AND NUBIA. Complete, 6 vols. Tinted plates and vignettes, with Descriptions by Dr. Croly. Original edition. Half morocco, inclosed in two stained deal cases. F. G. Moon, 1842.46. ^3 17^. &d. 2287. Hogarth (W). WORKS. 82 plates, some mounted, good impressions, half russia. Contains the two engravings, "Before" and "After." Boydell, 1790. 3 7-f- 2288. Dulwich Gallery. SELECTION OF LANDSCAPES, chiefly after the Dutch Masters, beautifully coloured in exact imitation of the originals, and mounted on cardboards, morocco, g. e. In I vol. 5 i$s. 2289. Humphreys (H. N.). HISTORY OF THE ART OF PRINTING. 100 fine facsimile illustrations, one of 300 copies. Quaritch, 1867. * 5-f- 2290. Turner Gallery. A series of 60 Engravings from his principal Works, with a Memoir and Descriptions by R. N. Wornum. Crimson morocco super extra, g. e., by Zaehnsdorf. Virtue, n. d. 2 8s. 2291. Skelton (J.). ANTIQUITIES OF OXFORDSHIRE. Numerous beautiful plates on India paper, and vignettes, from original drawings by F. Mackenzie, half morocco gilt, m. e. 1823. 17,5-. 2292. Stafford Gallery. With Descriptions by Ottley and Tomkins. 4 vols. Original impressions of the numerous plates, half bound, uncut. 1818. i 12*. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 165 2293. Bentley (R.). DESIGNS FOR Six POEMS. By Thomas Gray. Printed on one side of the paper only. 1789. ODES. First edition. Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1757. 4to. Morocco extra, g. e. In i vol. 5 IQS. IT Most of the engravings belonging to the work are in two and three states. There were also 19 portraits of Gray, two original drawings by Bentley, several additional views, two memoranda in the handwriting of Horace Walpole, MS. notes, etc. 2294. Vernon Gallery. 167 plates. Artists' proofs, on India paper, in 3 portfolios, half morocco. 1849-54. 3 icw. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE CANON J. E. JACKSON, M.A., F.S.A. Messrs. Hodgson, May jtft, 8th, qth, and loth, 1895. 2295. Jardine (Sir W.). NATURALISTS' LIBRARY. Upwards of 1,200 coloured plates. 40 vols. Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Eclin., 1833-43. 4 IT A bright original copy, with the green end-papers. 2296. Bewick (T.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS AND QUADRUPEDS. Woodcuts. 3 vols. Calf. Newcastle, 1804-7. 2 4- r - 2297. Scott (W. H.). BRITISH FIELD SPORTS. 34 fine engravings, with woodcuts by Bewick. Morocco, g. e. A bright copy. 1820. i i6s. 2298. Strutt (J.). SPORTS AND PASTIMES, by Wm. Hone. Coloured illustrations. Large paper, uncut. W. Reeves, 1820. i 3.?. 2299. Coryate (Thos., Peregrine of Odcombe). CRUDITIES hastily gobled up in Five Months' Travells in France, Savoy, etc., newly digested in the Hungry Aire of Odcombe, Somerset. Plates. Small 410. Old calf (with the cancelled printed title-page, "Three Crude Veines," etc., but wanting engraved title, "Errata," and I plate). 1611. ^5 H The Beckford copy sold for 46, and the Sunderland Library copy for ij IQJ. 2300. Coryate (Thos., Peregrine of Odcombe). TRAVELLER FOR THE ENGLISH WITS : Greeting, from the Court of the Great Mogul at Asmere, Easterne India. Wood- cut on title. Small 410. Half bound. Original edition. Rare. W. Jaggard, etc. 1616. i4j. 2301. Street (T. G.). HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF Louis XVI., King of France. Vol. I. (all pub.). Half bound, m. 1. 1795. igj. If Very scarce, being suppressed by the author. 2302. Boswell (J.). LIFE OF DR. JOHNSON, by J. W. Croker. Portraits (with an additional one of the great Lexicographer walking in the Hebrides with his big stick). Rare. 5 vols. Calf, sprinkled edges. 1831. i 2s. 2303. Chalmers (Alex.). BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 32 vols. Half calf. 1812-17. IOJ. 2304. Lodge (E.). PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Bright impressions of the plates. 12 vols. in 6. Imp. 8vo. Calf, g. e. (slightly rubbed). Harding & Lepard, 1835. 2 *5f- 2305. Walpole (Horace, Earl of Orford). ANECDOTES OF PAINTING IN ENGLAND, with additions by Dallaway. Portraits and plates, engraved by Finden, Worthing- ton, Freeman, and others. Fine impressions. 5 vols. Royal 8vo. Half calf gilt, edges uncut (i page neatly mended). Major & Jennings, 1828. ^4 isj. 1 66 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2306. Caulfield (Jas.). PORTRAITS, MEMOIRS, AND CHARACTERS OF REMARKABLE PERSONS, from 1688 to 1760. Plates (several etched by George Cruikshank) and woodcuts. 4 vols. Old morocco extra. 1819-20. i iBs. 2307. Freer (Miss). HENRY III., KING OF FRANCE AND POLAND. Frontispieces. 3 vols. Original cloth. 1858. i is. 2308. Harleian Miscellany (The) : or, A Collection of Scarce Pamphlets and Tracts found in the Earl of Orford's Library. 12 vols. Calf, sprinkled edges. 1808-11. **t. 2309. Grammont (Count de). MEMOIRES, par Hamilton. 72 fine portraits, and a view of Somers Hall. Old red morocco, g. e. 1793. ^3 8.r. 2310. Notes and Queries, from the commencement, Nov. 1849, to Jan. 1891 inclusive, with General Indexes to the 6 series (wanting May). 1890. 80 vols. Half brown calf, neat. 6 vols., cloth, and 12 parts, sewed. ^31 2311. Archaeologia : or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Numerous plates (some coloured), from vols. 30 to 52. Part I., with Index to the first 50 vols. 12 parts, sewed, and 34 parts, cloth. 1843-90. 11 los. 2312. Ham Anastatic Drawing Society's Publications. Numerous illustrations. 1860 to 1868, 1870 to 1873, and 1876. 14 vols. Cloth. i IQS. 2313. Rowlandson-McCringer. TREATISE ON MODERN EDUCATION. 8 coloured plates ( l leaf in Preface repaired). Oblong 410. 1802. 10 2314. Noble Families of Cavendish, Holies, Vere, etc. 10 fine portraits by Vertue, and 3 plates of Tombs. Whole bound red morocco extra, gilt and marbled edges, by F. Bedford. 1752. 3 2315. Camden (W.). BRITANNIA, enlarged by Gough. Numerous maps and plates. 4 vols. Royal folio. Calf, m. 1. Stockdale, 1806. 2 6s. 2316. Blades (W.). LIFE AND TYPOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CAXTON. Facsimiles. 2 vols. Half bound. 1861-63. ^3 2s. fid. 2317. Lysons (D. and S.). MAGNA BRITANNIA, or Topographical Account of the Several Counties of Great Britain. Numerous plates, with the addition of Hearne and Byrne's " Britannia Depicta," etc. In 6 vols. Bound. 1806-22. ^3 18*. 2318. Martial Achievements of Great Britain and her Allies, from 1799 to 1815. 53 coloured plates by Heath. Imp. 410. Half bound, uncut, n. d. ^4 los. 2319. Gambado. ACADEMY FOR GROWN HORSEMEN, and ANNALS OF HORSEMAN- SHIP. Caricatures. In I vol. Royal 4to. 1808. igs. 2320. Boccaccio. NOVELS AND TALES. Portrait and title slightly stained. 1684. 15*. 2321. L'Art de Verifier les Dates des Fails Historiques Inscriptions, etc., avant 1'Ere Chretienne, 5 vols., depuis la Naissance de Notre Seigneur jusqu'a 1770, 18 vols., et depuis 1770, 12 vols. ; together 35 vols. Half calf. Paris, 1818-29. 2 6s. 2322. Yorke (J.). UNION OF HONOUR. Numerous cuts of arms and engraved title, containing portrait. Brown morocco, gilt edges. 1640. i 6s. 2323. Dugdale (Sir W.). MONASTICON ANGLICANUM. 3vols.ini. And STEVENS'S CONTINUATION. 2 vols. Numerous plates. 3 vols. Russia, g. e. 1718-23. ^ 2s. 2324. Guillim. DISPLAY OF HERALDRIE. Third edition. The cuts of arms coloured. 1638. i 6s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. l6/ 2325. Deane (J. B.). THE WORSHIP OF THE SERPENT. Plates. Cloth boards. 1833. i8y. 2326. Apuleius. THE METAMORPHOSIS : or, Golden Ass, etc. Taanslated by Thomas Taylor, with the Suppressed Passages at the end. Half bound. Bright and clean copy. 1822. i 3s. 2327. Heptameron Frangois. LES NOUVELLES DE MARGUERITE REINE DE NA- VARRE. Bright impressions of the fine plates, engraved, after Freudenburg's drawings, by De Longeuil, and the vignettes after Dunker. 3 vols. Old calf extra, gilt edges. Berne, 1792. 2 igs. 2328. Boccace (Jean). CONTES. Traduction Nouvelle. Fine impressions of the beautiful engravings, after Cochin, Gravelot, Eisen, and others. 10 vols. in 6. Old P'rench calf, gilt, m. 1. Londres (Paris), 1779. 2 js. 2329. La Fontaine (J. de). CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS. Portraits and plates by Eisen. 2 vols. Calf gilt, sprinkled edges. Paris, 1792. gs. 6d. 2330. Baisers (Les). PRECEDES DU Mois DE MAI ; Poeme. Fine impressions of the frontispiece and vignettes by Eisen. Old red morocco extra. La Haye, 1770. 25 IQJ-. 2331. Michault (P.). LA DANCE DES AVEUGLES. Curious woodcuts. Gothic letter. Sm. 410. Old green morocco, gilt edges. [Lyon, M. & B. Chaussart], n.d. 11 IF A fine copy of this Rare Book, but the 2nd title with printer's mark is wanting. 2332. Bijoux Indiscrets. Plates. 2 vols. i8mo. Old calf. Le Sopha. Plates. 32mo. Pekin, 1749. iu. 2333. Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. Plates. 4 vols. i8mo. Old calf. Cologne, 1786. ios. 6d. 2334. Moore (Thos.). ODES UPON CASH, CORN, CATHOLICS, etc., 1828, and the Fudges in England, 1835. 2 vols. Calf gilt. 2 2s. IT These volumes were Presentation copies from the author. 2335. Dryden (J.). WORKS. With Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait. 18 vols. Calf, m. 1. 1808. i 8s. 2336. Warton (T.). HISTORY OF ENGLISH POETRY. 4 vols. Calf. m. 1. 1824. 75. 2337. Shakspeare (W.). PLAYS. With Notes by Johnson and Steevens, and Harding's Fine Series cf Portraits and Views (a few plates are foxed). First 15 vols. Old crimson morocco, gilt edges. 1793. 2 i6s. 2338. Shirley (Jas.). DRAMATIC WORKS AND POEMS, with Notes by Wm. Gifford, and additional Notes, etc., by Alex. Dyce. Portrait. 6 vols. Boards. 1833. 2 los. 2339. Lyttell Geste of Robin Hood, with other Ancient and Modern Ballads, edited by Gutch. Cuts by Fairholt. 2 vols. Green cloth. 1847. los - 2340. Brown (Thos.). WORKS. Serious and Comical, with Life, etc. by Drake. Curious plates. 4 vols. Old panel calf. 1730. 14^. 2341. Swift (J.) A TALE OF A TUB, and the BATTEL OF THE BOOKS. First edition. Old calf. Printed for John Nutt, 1704. 2 I2s. 2342. Scrope and Grosvenor Roll. The Controversy between Sir Richard Scrope and Sir Robert Grosvenor in the Court of Chivalry, A.D. 1385-1390. Edited by Sir H. N. Nicolas. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo. Cloth. Uncut (limited to 150 copies). Privately printed. 1832. i 15^. 2343. Leland (J., The Antiquary). ITINERARY. Published by Thos. Hearne. 9 vols. in 5. Calf. Oxford, 1769-70. 3 i2s. 6d. 1 68 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2344. Leland (J., The Antiquary). COLLECTANEA. Plates. 6 vols. Calf (rubbed). 1770. 1 6s. 2345. Retrospective Review. 14 vols. and New Series. Edited by Southern and Nicolas. 2 vols. Together 1 6 vols. Half calf, m. 1. 1820-8. 1 8s. 2346. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. Edited by Sir C. G. Young. 8 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth. Sprinkled edges. J. B. Nichols, 1834-43. 3 3-f- 2347. Archaeologia Cambrensis : A Record of The Antiquities of Wales and Its Marches, and Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Illustrations. 4 vols. Second series, 5 vols. Third series, 15 vols., with Lordship of Gower Gesta Regum Brit. By Francisque-Michel, Baronia de Kemeys, etc. In 2 vols. Together 26 vols. Half calf gilt. 1846-69. 12 $s. 2348. Antiquarian Itinerary (The). Plates. Large paper. First 6 vols. Old crimson morocco extra. 1815-17. i$s. 2349. Knight (R. P.). ACCOUNT OF THE REMAINS OF THE WORSHIP OF PRIAPUS. Plates. Original edition. Half morocco, gilt top. T. Spilsbury, 1786. 5 2350. Clarkson (C.). HISTORY OF RICHMOND, in the County of York. Numerous plates, pedigrees, etc. Royal 4to., half bound. Printed for the author, 1821. l 12S. 2351. Scrope (G. P.). HISTORY OF THE MANOR AND BARONY OF CASTLE COOMBE, WILTS. Coloured portrait, map, etc. Cloth (presentation copy). Only 50 copies privately printed, 1852. 2 2s. 2352. Baines (E.). HISTORY OF THE COUNTY PALATINE AND DUCHY OF LANCASTER. Numerous fine portraits, plates, etc. 4 vols. Cloth, uncut. Fisher, 1836. 2 2353. Owen and Blakeway. HISTORY OF SHREWSBURY. Numerous plates, portraits, etc. 2 vols. Half bound, gilt tops, uncut. 1825. 55*- 2354. Phelps (Rev. W.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF SOMERSETSHIRE. Plates (one spotted and vol. iv. appears to want title). 4 vols. in 2. Royal 410. 1836-9. i i8s. 2355. Poynton (Rev. F. J.). HISTORY OF THE PARISH OF KELSTON IN SOMERSET. Plates, with corrections and additions in MS. 4 parts in vol. Half morocco. Privately printed. Small 4to. 1885. 2 2356. Hunter (Rev. Jos.). HALLAMSHIRE : The History and Topography of the Parish of Sheffield, Yorks. Plates and pedigrees (interleaved), with MS. notes (the cuts of arms coloured by hand). Half morocco. 1819. 1 6s. 2357. Hunter (Rev. Jos.). SOUTH YORKSHIRE: History and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster. Plates and pedigrees, with additions in MS. inserted. 2 vols. Half calf neat. 1828-31. 6 5s. 2358. Borlase (W.). NATURAL HISTORY OF CORNWALL. Maps and numerous plates. 2 vols. Russia, tooled sides, gilt edges. Oxford, 1758. 2 los. 2359. Blore (T.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF RUTLAND. Plates and pedigrees (some plates spotted). Roy. folio, half bound. 1811. TL 12s. 2360. Hutchins (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF DORSET. Numerous folding plates, maps and pedigrees. 2 vols. 1774. i js. 2361. Thoresby and Whitaker. DUCATUS LEODIENSES AND LOIDIS AND ELMETE. Portraits, plates, pedigrees, etc. 2 vols. Royal folio. Calf. 1816. 2 2362. Whitaker (T. D.). HISTORY OF THE ORIGINAL PARISH OF WHALLEY and Honor of Clitheroe. Plates and pedigrees (the large folding map slightly torn). Imp. 4to. 1818. i 12s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 169 2363. Baker (G.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. Numerous plates and pedigrees. 2 vols. Royal folio. (Vol. II. wants title, and some plates slightly stained). Bound in buckram, uncut edges. 1822-30. 4 15-f- 2364. Bridges (J.) and Whalley. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF NORTHAMPTON- SHIRE. Folding maps, plates and pedigrees. 2 vols. Panel calf gilt, m. 1. Oxford, 1791. .8 2365. Hoare (Sir R. C.). HISTORY OF MODERN WILTSHIRE, and Benson and Hatcher's Old and and New Sarum, or Salisbury. Numerous plates and pedigrees, with MS. notes on the margins. 6 vols., royal folio, cloth, uncut. 1822-43. 33 2366. Hoare (Sir R. C.). HUNGERFORDIANA, or Memoirs of the Family of Hunger- ford. Illustrated with 20 original water-colour drawings, and the arms emblazoned, also 19 portraits or plates, several being additional. 8vo., neatly laid down to 4to. size. Two singular autograph letters with pen and ink portraits and receipt for 14 from T. Thorpe inserted, dated 1844, whole bound. Green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hering, in roan cover. Only 100 copies printed. 1823. 25 "tt. IT A copy of this work has sold for ^105. 2367. Gent (T.). HISTORY OF THE FAMOUS CITY OF YORK. Folding frontispiece and plan. i8mo., old calf. 1730. 7.?. &d. 2368. Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society's Proceedings, from the commencement in 1849-50 to 1888 inclusive. Numerous illustrations. 21 vols. in IO. Half calf neat, and New Series, first 14 vols. sewed. With General Index, etc., and Report of Opening Meeting. Taunton, 1849-89. ^6155. 2369. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society's Magazine. Numerous illustrations. From the commencement in 1854 to Nov. 1888 inclusive, being the first 23 vols. in 70 nos. Devizes. 6 2370. Davies (E.). MYTHOLOGY, etc., of the British Druids. Frontispiece, cloth, 1809, and CELTIC RESEARCHES, boards, 1804. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. i is. 2371. Britton (J.). ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Numerous fine engravings. Large paper. 5 vols. Royal 410. Old calf. 1807. ,6 If The copy contained an autograph letter from the author on Lullington Church. 2372. Wilts. VISITATION OF THE COUNTY, taken circa A.D. 1565. By Wm. Harvey, Clarencieux, King of Arms, pedigrees, and drawings of Arms. 50 leaves. Folio. Old calf. 6 iss. If Sold in 1832 for 16 i6s. 2373. Collinson (Rev. J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET. Large map and fine old engravings, with additions in MS. 3 vols. Bound. Bath, 1791. 5 izs. Gd. 2374. Lipscomb (G.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF BUCKING- HAM. Numerous plates (some spotted). Original edition. 4 vols., imp. 4to., half calf neat. Robins, 1847. >1 2375. Higgins (G.). THE CELTIC DRUIDS. India proofs, large paper, roy. 4to. calf gilt. 1829. i 14^ 2376. Portraicts de Plusieurs Princes et Seigneurs, Avec une Abrege de Leurs Vies. 244 fine portraits, with table in MS. at end, old binding. 1658. 2 IQS. 2377. Guileville (G. de). LE PELERINAGE DE VIE HUMAINE. Woodcuts. Black letter (wormed), with a leaf of Caxton's printing and early tract inserted. [1499]. 3 "J. I/O BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2378. Jackson (J. E.). HISTORY OF THE PARISH OF GRITTLETON, WILTS. Map and cuts, 29 pages, "410. 1843. With a large number of old Deeds, Documents, Letters, etc., inserted. Vellum gilt, by Gravers of Bath. 5 los. 2379. Gilbert (C. S. ). HISTORICAL SURVEY, HERALDRY, AND TOPOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Ports., plates, coats of arms, etc. (some few stained). 2 vols., roy. 410., half bound. Plymouth-Dock, 1817-20. 3 js. Gd. 2380. The Badminton Library. Large paper (only 250 copies printed). The volumes as under : 62 FISHING, by H. Cholmondeley-Pennel. 2 vols. 1885 HUNTING, by the Duke of Beaufort and Mowbray-Morris. 1886 RACING, by the Earl of Suffolk and W. G. Craven, and STEEPLE- CHASING, by A. Coventry and A. E. T. Watson. 1886 SHOOTING, by Lord Walsingham and Sir R. Payne-Gallwey, Bt. 2 vols. 1886 ATHLETICS AND FOOTBALL, by Montague Shearman. 1887 CYCLING, by Viscount Bury and G. Lacy Hillier. 1887 CRICKET, by A. G. Steel, Hon. R. H. Lyttleton, and other Contributors. 1888 BOATING, by W. B. Woodgate. 1888 FENCING, by W. H. Pollock, F. C. Groves, and C. Prevost ; BOXING, by Michell ; and WREST- LING, by Armstrong. 1889 DRIVING, by the Duke of Beaufort. 1889 TENNIS, by J. M. Heathcote ; LAWN TENNIS, by C. G. Heathcote ; RACQUETS, by P. Bouverie ; and FIVES, by Ainger. 1890 GOLF, by H. G. Hutchinson. 1890 RIDING, by Capt. R. Weir, and other Contributors ; and POLO, by J. Moray Brown. 1891 COURSING, by Harding Cox ; and FAL- CONRY, by Hon. G. Lascelles. 1892 MOUNTAINEERING, by C. T. Dent and other Contributors. 1892 SKATING, by J. M. Heathcote and C. G. Tebbutt ; and FIGURE SKATING, by T. Maxwell Witham, and other Contributors. 1892 SWIMMING, by A. Sinclair and W. Henry. 1893 ARCHERY, by C. J. Longman and Col. H. Walrond, etc. 1894 YACHTING, by Sir E. Sullivan, Lord Brassey, C. E. Seth-Smith, G. L. Watson, and others. 2 vols. 1894810 GAME SHOOT- ING, by C. Phillipps-Wolley, and other contributors. 2 vols. 1894. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF J. W. COOK, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May \^th and i^th, 1895. 2381. Morris (W.). NEWS FROM NOWHERE. First issue. Large paper. One of 250 copies. 1891. $s. 2382. Fielding (H.). WORKS. Edited with Biographical Essay by L. Stephen. 10 vols. Edition de luxe. Portrait and plates on India paper. Royal 8vo. 1882. 3 2383. Retrospective Review. Consisting of Criticisms on, and Extracts from Curious, Useful, and Valuable Old Books. The three series complete. 18 vols. Calf extra, m. e. 1820-54. 6 2s. 6d. 2384. Johnson (Dr. S. ). LIFE. ByJ. Boswell, and Johnsoniana, newly collected and edited with Notes, etc. , by A. and R. Napier. 5 vols. Large paper. One of 104 copies, plates on India paper. Imp. 8vo. 1884. 2 6s. 2385. Villon (F.). POEMS IN ENGLISH VERSE, with Biographical and Critical Intro- duction by J. Payne. Gilt parchment. Villon Soc., 1892. i 2s. 2386. Arabian Nights. Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, now first com- pletely done into English from the original Arabic by J. Payne. 9 vols. Only 500 copies printed. Gilt parchment. Villon Soc., 1882-84. 6 ijs. 6d. 2387. Villon Society. Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, now first com- pletely done into English from the original Arabic by J. Payne. 9 vols. Only 500 copies printed. Gilt parchment. Ib., 1882-84. 7 2s. 6d. 2388. Arabian Nights. Book of the Thousand Nights and A Night, translated with Notes by Sir R. F. Burton, with the Supplemental Nights. 16 vols. Printed for private subscribers only. 1885-88. 2 & BOOK SALES OF 1895. I?I 2389. Marco Polo. Book of Ser Marco Polo, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East, translated by Col. H. Yule. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 1871. 3 I8J. 2390. Huth Library. Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, and engravings collected by Henry Huth, with Collations and Bibliogra- phical Descriptions. 5 vols. Portrait, Roxburghe, only 130 copies printed for sale, imp. 8vo. 1880. ^3 i6s. 2391. Kelmscott Press. MORRIS (W.) STORY OF THE GLITTERING PLAIN. Vellum. Kelmscott Press, 1891. 3 $s. 2392. Kelmscott Press. MORRIS (W.). POEMS BY THE WAY. Vellum. /., 1891. 2393. Kelmscott Press. BLUNT (W. S.). LOVE LYRICS AND SONGS OF PROTEUS. Reprinted in their full text by W. Morris. Vellum. /., 1892. i 8s. 2394. Bancroft (H. H.). NATIVE RACES OF THE PACIFIC STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. 5 vols. Maps, half calf gilt, m. e. 1875-76. 2 ids. 2395. Freeman (E. A.). HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 2 vols. Maps. 1881. i is. 2396. A'Beckett (G. A.). COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND AND COMIC HISTORY OF ROME. 3 vols. Edition de luxe. Coloured plates and woodcuts on India paper byj. Leech. Imp. 8vo. (1881.) 2 2397. Dobson (A.). AT THE SIGN OF THE LYRE. Large paper. One of 75 copies. Frontispiece. 1885. i6.f. 2398. Wordsworth (W.). POETICAL WORKS. Edited by W. Knight. 8 vols. Large paper. One of 115 copies. Plates in duplicate. Imp. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1882. i i6s. 2399. Cervantes. DON QUIXOTE. Translated by P. A. Motteux. 4 vols. Large paper. One of 200 copies. Etchings by Lalauze on India paper. Imp. 8vo. /*., 1879- i 8s. 2400. Dickens (Chas.). A CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 3 vols. First edition. Frontispieces by Topham. Original cloth. 1852, 1853, 1854. i js. 24.01. Thackeray (W. M.). THE FOUR GEORGES. First edition. Frontispiece. Original cloth. 1861. i is. 2402. Catalogue of Books in the British Museum printed previous to 1640. 3 vols. 1884. i is. 2403. Arabian Nights. ALADDIN AND THE ENCHANTED LAMP. From the recently discovered Arabic text. By J. Payne. Gilt vellum. Villon Soc., 1889. iBs. 2404. Campion (Dr. T.). WORKS. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Printed for subscribers only. 1889. I3.f. 2405. Apuleius' Metamorphosis. Translated by T. Taylor. Thick paper. With the suppressed passages. Calf. 1822. i 6s. 2406. Buckle (H. T.). HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND. 2 vols. 1858-61. i 2407. Dasent (G. W.). STORY OF BURNT NJAL. 2 vols. Maps. Edin. 1861. 1 2408. Keats (J.). WORKS. With Notes by H. B. Forman. With Supplement. Por- traits. 5 vols. 1883-90. ji us. 2409. Blake (W.). LIFE. By A. Gilchrist. 2 vols. Plates. 1863. ijs. 172 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2410. Freeman (E. A.). HISTORY OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST OF ENGLAND. 6 vols. Oxford, 1867-79. 3 5s. 2411. Arabian Nights. TALES FROM THE ARABIC, now first done into English. ByJ. Payne. 3 vols. Vellum gilt, g. t. Villon Soc. 1884. i 17*. 2412. Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence from the earliest records to 1825. 6 vols. Plates. 1825. 33*. 2413. Plato and the other Companions of Sokrates. By G. Grote. 3 vols. 1865. IQJ. 2414. Shelley (P. B.). WORKS. With Notes, etc. By H. B. Forman. 8 vols. Frontispieces. 1880. 2 los. 2415. Swift (J.). WORKS. With Notes and Life by Sir W. Scott. 19 vols. Portrait. Edinburgh, 1824. 2 2416. Daniel (G.). MERRIE ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME. 2 vols. Fine paper. One of 12 copies. Frontispieces by J. Leech. Private portrait of G. Daniel added. Original cloth. 1842. 1 14*. 2417. Taylor (Bishop Jeremy). WORKS. Edited by C. P. Eden. 10 vols. Portrait. 1861. i2s. 2418. Hogg(J.). JACOBITE RELICS OF SCOTLAND. 2 vols. Original edition. Half calf. Edinb., 1819. 17^-. 2419. Grote (G.). HISTORY OF GREECE. 12 vols. Maps and portrait. 1854-57. 4 5.?. 2420. Massey (W.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND DURING THE REIGN OF GEORGE III. 4 VOls. 1855-63. l 12S. 2421. Jesse (J. H.). GEORGE SELWYN AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. 4 vols. First edition. Portraits loose. Original cloth. 1843. 3 6s. 2422. Gardiner (S. R.). HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1642 TO 1649. 3 vols. 1886-91. 3 2s. 2423. Collier (J. P.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF THE RAREST BOOKS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 2 vols. Half bound. 1865. i 2424. Freeman (E. A.). REIGN OF WILLIAM RUFUS AND ACCESSION OF HENRY THE FIRST. 2 vols. Oxford, 1882. 17.1-. 2425. Dodsley's Select Collection of Old Plays, with Notes and Corrections by Reed, Gilchrist and J. P. Collier. 12 vols. Large paper. 1825-27. i is. 2426. Arabian Nights. THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND A NIGHT, translated, with Notes, by Sir R. F. Burton. IO vols. Printed for subscribers only, 1885. ^20 los. 2427. White (J.). ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE MAORI, HIS MYTHOLOGY AND TRA- DITIONS. 4 vols. Frontispiece. 1889. i8s. 2428. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.). DON JOHN OF AUSTRIA. 2 vols. Many illus- trations. Royal 8vo. 1883. 13-r. 2429. Jackson (W.). NEWGATE CALENDAR, or Malefactor's Universal Register. 6 vols. Plates. Calf. Alex. Hogg, n. d. i 5s. 2430. Green (J. R.). HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. 4 vols. Maps. 1877-80. 1 17*- 2431. Robinson (H. Crabb). DIARY AND REMINISCENCES, edited by T. Sadler. 3 vols. Portrait. 1869. i 3s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1/3 2432. Percy (Bp.). FOLIO MANUSCRIPT OF BALLADS AND ROMANCES, with the Loose and HUMOROUS SONGS, edited by Hales and Furnivall. 4 vols. Half bound. 1867-68. i gs. 2433. Browne (Sir T.). WORKS, with his Correspondence and Life by S. Wilkin. 4 vols. Portrait, etc. Pickering, 1836. i los. 2434. Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays, now first chronologically arranged and enlarged by W. C. Hazlitt. 15 vols. Large paper. 1874-76. 3 3*. 2435. Smith (W.). OLD YORKSHIRE. 7 vols. Portraits and plates. 1881-90. i 5s. 2436. De Vaynes (Miss). THE KENTISH GARLAND, with Notes by J. W. Ebsworth. 2 vols. Frontispiece. Printed for subscribers only. 1881-82. 13.?. 2437. Palgrave (Sir F.). HISTORY OF NORMANDY AND OF ENGLAND. 4 vols. 1851-64. 2 7s. 2438. Nichols (J.). LITERARY ANECDOTES, and Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century. Both Series. 17 vols. Portraits. Half russia. 1812-58. ^5 105. 2439. Fielding (H.) WORKS, with Life by A. Murphy. 8 vols. Portrait. Calf gilt. 1771. i is. 2440. Gesta Romanorum, or Entertaining Stories, invented by the Monks, with Intro- duction by T. Wright, i vols. Large paper. Hotten, n. d. los. 2441. Brydges (Sir E. ). CENTURA LITERARIA, containing Titles, Abstracts and Opinions of Old English Books. 10 vols. Half russia. 1805-9. i 8.r. 2442. Arber (E. W.). TRANSCRIPT OF THE REGISTERS of the Company of Stationers of London. 4 vols. Only 230 copies printed for subscribers. 1875-77. j 2443. Painter (W.). PALACE OF PLEASURE. Edited by J. Jacobs. 3 vols. One of 60 copies printed on large hand-made paper. Royal 4to. 1890. i i6s. 2444. Boccaccio's Decameron. Now first completely done into English by J. Payne. 3 vols. Large paper. One of 50 copies. Vellum gilt. Villon Soc., 1886. 2445. Bandello (M.). NOVELS. Now first done into English by J. Payne. 6 vols. Large paper. One of 50 copies. Vellum gilt. 7b, 1890. 5 2446. Arthur. LE MORTE DARTHUR. By Sir Thomas Malory, reprinted from the original edition of Caxton, 1485, with Introduction, etc., by H. O. Sommer. 4 vols. Large paper. One of 1 08 copies. Royal 4to. 1889-91. 2 3$. 2447. D'Urfey(T.). WIT AND MIRTH, or Pills to Purge Melancholy. 6 vols. Large paper. One of 100 copies. Portrait. Reprint, n. d. i i$s. 2448. Burton (J. H.). THE BOOK-HUNTER. New edition, with Memoir of the author. Large paper. Portrait. 1882. gs. 2449. Morris (W.). THE ROOTS OF THE MOUNTAINS. Large paper. One of 250 copies on Whatman paper. Small 4to. 1890. lew. 2450. Collier (J. P.). HISTORY OF ENGLISH DRAMATIC POETRY, and ANNALS OF THE STAGE. Second edition. 3 vols. Roxburgh. Small 410. 1879. 2 2s. 2451. Paston Letters. New edition, containing upwards of 400 additional letters, edited by J. Gairdner. 3 vols. Large paper. Half morocco, g. t. 1872-75. i 17^-. 2452. Jamieson (J.). ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SCOTTISH LANGUAGE, with the Supplement. Edited by Longmuir and Donaldson. 5 vols. Paisley, 1879-87. 2 los. 174 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2453. Camden (W.). BRITANNIA, a chorographical description of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Edited by R. Gough. 4 vols. Maps and plates. Half calf. l806. l IIS. 2454. Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, 1623. Facsimile of the First Folio, under the superintendence of H. Staunton. 1866. ^4 4-f- 2455. Caldecott. Complete Collection of R. Caldecott's Pictures and Songs, and Contributions to the " Graphic," with prefaces by A. Dobson and A. Locker. 2 vols. Coloured plates. Oblong folio. Half morocco. 1887-88. ^3 4^ 2456. Prescott (W. H.). CONQUEST OF MEXICO, Conquest of Peru, Reign of Ferdi- nand and Isabella. 8 vols. Portraits. 1843-47. i 8s. 2457. Hazlitt (W. C.). BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE. Collections and Notes, two series. 3 vols. 1867-82. 1 8s. 2458. Percy Society's Publications of Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages. A Set. 30 vols. Half calf, contents lettered, m. e. 1840-52. 10 105. 2159. Dryden (J.). WORKS, with Notes and Life by Sir W. Scott, edited by G. Saintsbury. 18 vols. Large paper. One of 100 copies, portrait. Imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1882-93. 2 5s. 2460. Oxford Historical Society's Publications. Vol. I. to XXIII. 23 vols. Oxford, 1885-93. ^4 i8s. 2461. Dickens (Chas.). WORKS. Edition de Luxe. 30 vols. Illustrations by Seymour, Cruikshank, Phiz, etc., on India paper. Imp. 8vo. 1881-82. 8 los. 2462. Gardiner (S. R.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE ACCESSION OF JAMES I. TO 1642. Cr. 8vo. 10 vols. 1883-84. 1 i2s. 2463. Morris (W.). EARTHLY PARADISE. 4 vols. 1870. i 2s. 2464. Campbell (Lord.). LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS. 10 vols. 1856. i 2j. 2465. D'Arblay (Mdme.). DIARY AND LETTERS. Edited by her Niece. 7 vols. Portraits. 1842. 1 13.5-. 2466. Robin Hood. LYTELL GESTE OF ROBIN HOOD, with other Ancient and Modern Ballads relating to him. Edited by M. Gutch. 2 vols. Cuts by Fairholt. 1847. 17*. 2467. Centlivre (Mrs.). DRAMATIC WORKS, with Memoir. 3 vols. Portrait. Large paper. 1872. ijs. 2468. Heywood (T.). DRAMATIC WORKS, with Notes and Memoir. 6 vols. Large paper. 1874. i QS. 2469. Chapman (G). COMEDIES AND TRAGEDIES, with Memoir. 3 vols. Large paper. 1873. 14*. 2470. Behn (Mrs.). PLAYS, HISTORIES, AND NOVELS. 6 vols. Large paper. Portrait. 1871. 2 I2s. 2471. Brome (R.). DRAMATIC WORKS. 3 vols. Large paper. Portrait. 1873. i6s. 2472. Dekker(T.). DRAMATIC WORKS, with Memoir. 4 vols. Large paper. 1873. ,* 14^. 2473. Lobeira (V.). AMADIS OF GAUL. Translated by R. Southey. 4 vols. 1803. 141. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1/5 2474. Caulfield (J.). PORTRAITS AND MEMOIRS OF REMARKABLE PERSONS, from the reign of Edward III. to the end of the reign of George II. 7 vols. Portraits, first series in boards, second half morocco, g. t. Royal 8vo. 1813-19. 2 2s. 2475. Beowulf. Translated from the Anglo-Saxon by J. M. Kemble. 2 vols. Only 100 copies printed. Pickering, 1833-37. l 2476. Green (J. R.). CONQUEST OF ENGLAND, AND MAKING OF ENGLAND. 2 vols. Portrait and maps. 1881-83. igs. 2477. De Quincey (T.). WORKS. 1 6 vols. Plates. Edinb., 1862-71. i gs. 2478. Egan (Pierce). BOXIANA, or Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism. Vols. I. to IV. 4 vols. Portraits. 1830. i 5.?. 2479. Morris (W.). LIFE AND DEATH OF JASON. First edition. Original cloth. 1867. i8s. 2480. Morris. STORY OF GRETTIR THE STRONG. Translated by E. Magniisson and W. Morris. First edition. Original cloth. 1869. 15,?. 2481. Morris. STORY OF THE VOLSUNGS AND NIBLUNGS. Translated by E. Magnusson and W. Morris. First edition. Original cloth. 1870. i6s. 2482. Morris. LOVE is ENOUGH. First edition. Original cloth. 1873. iij. 2483. Morris. THREE NORTHERN LOVE STORIES. Translated by E. Magnusson and W. Morris. First edition. Original cloth. 1875. iij. 2484. Morris. ^ENEIDS OF VIRGIL, done into English Verse. First edition. Original cloth. 1876. ioj. 2485. Morris. STORY OF SIGURD THE VOLSUNG AND THE FALL OF THE NIBLUNGS. First edition. Original cloth. 1877. I4j. 2486. Boccaccio's Decameron. Now first completely done into English by J. Payne. 3 vols. Parchment gilt, g. t. Villon Soc., 1886. ^3 15,?. 2487. Percy Anecdotes, by S. and R. Percy. 20 vols. Portraits. Half calf gilt, contents lettered, m. e. 1820-23. ^i ioj. 2488. Inchbald's British Theatre. A Collection of Plays, with Biographical and Critical Remarks. 25 vols. Plates. Half calf. 1808. i us. 2489. Library of Old Authors. Hearne's Remains ; Amadis of Gaul ; Ascham's Works ; Early Popular Poetry of England ; Webster's Dramatic Works ; Selden's Table Talk ; Herrick's Poetical Works ; Camden's Remains ; King Arthur ; Life of the Duke of Newcastle ; Drayton's Polyolbion ; Sandys' Poetical Works ; Lilly's Dramatic Works ; Lovelace's Works ; Spence's Anecdotes. 35 vols. Large paper. Portraits. J. R. Smith, 1860-76. ^3 I2.r. 2490. Fuller Worthies Library. Edited by A. B. Grosart. A set excepting Henry Vaughan's works. 35 vols. Large paper. Limited to 106 copies. Printed for subscribers only. 1868-71. 6 12s. 6d. 2491. Robin Hood, a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs and Ballads relating to him. Edited by J. Ritson. 2 vols. Pickering, 1832. us. 2492. Catalogue. English Catalogue of Books, published from 1835 to 1889. 4 vols. Half morocco. Royal 8vo. 1864-91. ^52^.6^. 2493. Evelyn (J. ). DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. Edited by W. Bray, with Life by H. B. Wheatley. 4 vols. Large paper. Portraits. Roxburghe. Imp. 8vo. 1879. i iy. 1 76 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2494. Pepys (S.). DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. Edited by Lord Braybrooke, with Additions by M. Bright. 6 vols. Large paper. Portraits. Roxburghe. Imp. 8vo. 1876. 3 2j. 6d. 2495. Chronicles. MONSTRELET'S AND FROISSART'S CHRONICLES, translated by T. Johnes. 24 vols. ; and the two 410. vols. of plates. 1808-10. i 3.?. 2496. Thackeray (W. M.). WORKS. Edition de luxe. 24 vols. Illustrations on India paper. Imp. 8vo. 1878-79. ^10 17*. 6d. 2497. Barrere (E.) and C. G. Leland. DICTIONARY OF SLANG, JARGON, AND CANT. 2 vols. Printed for subscribers only. 1889-90. l us. 2498. Skeat (W. W.). ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, with the Supplement. Oxford, 1882-84. ,* $* 2499. Spenser (E.). WORKS IN PROSE AND VERSE, with Life and Notes by A. B. Grosart. Vol. I. to IX. 9 vols. Large paper (i of 100 copies). Printed for private circulation only. 1882-84. ^3 Bs. 2500. Eliot (Sir J.). MONARCHIE OF MAN. 2 vols. Portrait, 1879. APOLOGY FOR SOCRATES. 2 .vols. 1881. DE JURE MAJESTATIS, and his LETTER BOOK. 2 vols. 1882. Edited by A. B. Grosart. Only 100 copies printed for private circulation. 6 vols. i 6s. 2501. Vaughan (H.). WORKS, in Verse and Prose, with Notes, etc., by A. B. Grosart. 4 vols. Large paper (i of 50 copies). Plates. Roxburghe. Fuller Worthies Lib. 1871. 15^. 2502. Chertsey Worthies Library, edited by A. B. Grosart, consisting of the Works of N. Breton, J. Davies of Hereford, J. Sylvester, Dr. J. Beaumont, Dr. H. More, F. Quarles, and A. Cowley. 14 vols. ; a set. Only 100 copies printed for subscribers. 1879-81. 8 2503. Ashbee (E. W.). OCCASIONAL FACSIMILE REPRINTS OF RARE AND CURIOUS TRACTS OF THE i6TH AND I7TH CENTURIES. 2 vols., containing 30 Nos. Half morocco, g. t. Only 100 copies printed for subscribers. 1868-72. i us. 2504. Collier (J. P.). REPRINTS OF RARE TRACTS. Yellow series. Miscellaneous Tracts temp. Eliz. et Jac. I. 6 parts. Good and Bad News by S. Rowlands. 1622. v. y. Daniel (S.). Complaint of Rosamond. 1592. (Magenta series.) (8.) 15^. 2505. Chronicle. HOLINSHED'S CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Edited by Sir H. Ellis and others. 6 vols. Calf. 1807-8. 2 los. 2506. Morris (W.). ODYSSEY OF HOMER done into English Verse. 2 vols. First edition (i of 50 copies on Whatman paper. Small 410. 1887. 8s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. I// SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE C. W. REYNELL, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May \$th, 1895. IT The sale included some fine MSS. of the I4th and I5th centuries; these, however, are not given here, as they would be of little or no guide, unless they were most accurately described, and the exact condition given. The printed Books of Hours are recorded here. A Roman Missal, by an English scribe, which had a reference to Margaret Paston, was sold for 8 15^. The sale was also interesting for the iyth century English works it included. 2507. Baxter (Nath. ). SIR PHILIP SYDNEY OURANIA, That is Endimion's Song and Tragedie, containing all Philosophic. First edition. Some leaves slightly cut into. Half calf. 410. 1606. 2 15^. 2508. Blades (Wm.). LIFE AND TYPOGRAPHY OF WM. CAXTON. Numerous illus- trations. 2 vols., half-bound. 410. Lilly. 1861. 2 i8s. 2509. Butler (Charles, Vicar of Wotton). THE FEMININE MONARCHIE, or a Treatise concerning Bees. First edition. Half morocco. Wants D I, 2, H 5 6, otherwise a good clean copy. 8vo. Joseph Barnes, Oxford, 1609. i is. 2510. Butler (Charles, Vicar of Wotton). Another edition, HISTORIE OF BEES, with the Bees' Madrigal set to music for four voices. Title repaired. Calf gilt, by Hering. 410. W. Turner, Oxford, 1634. i 15^. 2511. Collier (J. P.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF THE RAREST BOOKS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 2 vols. Half-bnd. J. Lilly. 1865. i is. 2512. Cleveland (J.). POEMS, with additions never before printed, with a Character of a Diurnal-Maker. Calf. Small 8vo. 1654. js. 2513. D'Avenant (Sir Wm.). THE PLATONIC LOVERS, a Tragse- Comedy. First edition. Half-bound. 4to. 1636. i is. 2514. Davenant (Sir Wm.). THE WITTS, a Comedie. Presented at the Private House in Blackefryers. First edition. Half-bound. 410. 1636. i6.r. 2515. D'Avenant (Sir Wm.). LOVE AND HONOUR, presented by His Majestie's Servants at the Black-fryers. Some footlines cut into. Half-bound. 410. 1649. us. 2516. D'Avenant (Sir Wm.). GONDIBERT, an Heroick Poem. The first 410 edition. Half calf. 410. 1651. 1 is. 2517. De Quincey (T. ). THE ENGLISH OPIUM EATER. First edition. Half calf. I2mo. 1822. i$s. 2518. Dickens (Chas.). PLAYS AND POEMS, etc. Now first collected, edited, prefaced, and annotated. By R. H. Shepherd. First edition (suppressed). Large paper. (150 copies printed). Cloth, uncut. Imp. 8vo. Allen and Co., 1882. i us. 2519. Fasciculus Temporum. Lit. Goth. Numerous woodcuts coloured, coats of arms, etc. Old stamped leather, back broken, col. ends : " By my volmaect jan veldenar woenneude tutrecht opten dam Int jaer ons herren, 1480." Folio. 6 IT Printed by Veldenar, who used in this work either the same or type very similar to that used by Caxton, whose friend he was. This Fasciculus is the first book in which coats of arms appear.^ 178 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2520. Gent (Thomas). ANCIENT AND MODERN HISTORY OF THE LOYAL TOWN OF RiPON. Old calf, I board loose. 8vo. York, 1733. I2j. 2521. Heures a lusaige de Rome, sans riens requerir. Lit. Goth. Printed on vellum. Woodcut borders to each page, 14 full-page miniatures, and numerous borders beautifully coloured and illuminated, and all the small capitals illuminated, device of Philippe Pigouchet on title, a few headlines slightly cut into. Size ^\ by 5 in. calf. Paris, Jehan Poitevin, 1498. 3 2522. Heures a lusaige de Rome tout au long sans riens requerir. Printed on vellum in " lettres rondes." 12 miniatures, and all the small capitals illuminated, one miniature rubbed. Size 6^ in. by 3^ in. morocco, gilt edges. Paris, G. Hardouyn (Almanach, 1523-37). 3 ^s. &d. IT Brunet collates this with a title ; the present copy has four verses in French instead. 2523. Heywood(J.). ENGLISH TRAVELLER. First edition. Title stained, good copy, J 633. Marlow's RICH JEW OF MALTA. First edition. Wants leaf after title, fairly good copy, 1633. Heywood's RAPE OF LUCRECE. First edition. Wants E i. 1630. Shirley's WITTIE FAIR ONE. First edition, good and perfect copy, 1633. Anon. UNFORTUNATE USURPER. Imperfect, 1633. In i vol., calf. 410. 33*- 2524. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis. Printed on vellum, woodcut borders, capitals illuminated, imperfect, old stamped calf, rebacked, from Mr. Willement's library, size 7 3- by 4 in. Paris, E. Hardouyn, s. a. i6.r. 2525. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis ad usum Parisiensem. Lit. Goth. Printed on vellum, 10 miniatures, and all the capital letters illuminated. Size 6 in. by 4^ in. imperfect at end, stamped calf. Paris, J. de Coulonges (Almanach, 1502-23). 2 2526. Hunt (Leigh). A LEGEND OF FLORENCE. First edition. In the original wrappers and uncut. A presentation copy from the author to Charles Reynell. 8vo. E. Moxon, 1840. i 8s. 2527. Hunt (Leigh). MEN, WOMEN, AND BOOKS. 2 vols. Portrait after an un- finished picture by Severn. Original yellow cloth, uncut, fine clean copy. First edition. 8vo. Smith, Elder, and Co., 1847. ,* 1OS - 2528. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis secundum usum Romanum. Lit. Goth. Printed on vellum. 16 full-page and 27 small beautifully executed miniatures ; also all the small capitals illuminated. Fine copy ; size, 8 in. by 5^ in. Morocco, g. e. Paris, E. Hardouyn (Almanach, 1526-41). 26 2529. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis. Printed on vellum. 15 miniatures, and all the small capitals illuminated. Old MS. prayers and hymns on fly-leaves. Size, 4^ in. by 3 in. Blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Behrends. Paris, J. Hardouyn (Almanach, 1546-62). 7 2530. Hunt (Leigh). CHRISTIANISM : or Belief and Unbelief Reconciled. Presenta- tion copy "to Charles Reynell with the author's affectionate regards." Only 75 copies printed, not for sale. Original cloth, uncut. 8vo. 1832. 4 H A copy sold by auction, 1 6 April, 1892, for 8 5.5-. 2531. Hunt (Leigh). SIR RALPH ESHER. First edition. 3 vols. Boards, uncut. Colburn, 1830. i "js. H The first edition is usually quoted 1832. 2532. Jherome of Brunswycke. The vertuose Boke of the distyllacyon of all maner of waters of the Herbes, etc. Black letter. Double columns. Numerous wood- cuts, one woodcut filling the lower half of title-page, with a full-page scriptural BOOK SALES OF 1895. 1 79 woodcut on the reverse of title ; imperfect at end. Calf. Folio. (Laurens Andrewe, Flete Street, 1527.) 5 5*. 2533. Joye (George). THE EXPOSYCION OF DANIEL THE PROPHETE, gathered out of Philip Melancthon and others. Black letter. Old calf. 8vo. Thomas Raynalde, 1550. 8s. 2534. Lloid (L.). PILGRIMAGE OF PRINCES. First edition. Black letter. Calf. 410. Wm. Jones (c. 1572). 3 35. 2535. Lloid (L.). THE FIRST PART OF THE DIALL OF DAIES (no second part ever appeared). Black letter. Original binding. Calf gilt. Some leaves are water- stained, otherwise a fine copy. 410. 1590. 2 ijs. Gd. 2536. Lloid (L.). THE MARROW OF HISTORY, or the Pilgrimage of Kings and Princes, Corrected and Revived by R. C. Black letter. Calf4to. 1653. i8s. 2537. Massinger (P.) and Field (N.). THE FATAL DOWRY, a Tragedy. First edition. Half calf. 410. 1632. i 2s. 2538. Modus Legendi abbreviatures in utroque jure (a work on Canonical and Civil Law). Black letter. Initials and caps rubricated. First edition. Half bound. Folio. Per Fridericu Crewsner, Opidi Nurembergensis, M.CCCC.LXXVI. 2 IQS. IT Previous to the Parisian reprint of this work, in 1498, Panzer specifies thirteen impressions. Still, any one of these earlier impressions are of great rarity. The above is the first edition. 2539. Montaigne (M. de). ESSAIS. Nouvelle Edition. 3vols. Engraved title-page with portrait to each vol. Original limp vellum. I2mo. Paris, Christ. Journel, 1659. i i$s. IT No copy of this edition has appeared in any recent sale. 2540. Montanus (J. F.). A WOORKE TOUCHYNGE THE GOOD ORDERYNGE OF A COMMON WEALE, Englished by Wm. Bavande. Black letter. Panelled calf gilt. 4to. Jhon Kingston, 1559. i ios. 2541. Psalterium. Black letter. Large type, rubricated, a few worm-holes, oak boards covered with stamped leather. Small 410. ^24 i$s. IT Has no signatures, catch-words, place of printing, or date. It is, however, pronounced to be the work of Simon Koch de Wylborch of Magdeburg, of whose printing only two other examples are known. The date is about 1486. 2542. Randolph (T.). POEMS, with the Muses Looking-Glass and Amyntas. First edition. Half bound. 410. Oxford, 1638. 4 12s. 2543. Rommant de la Rose. "Cy est le Rommant de la Rose ou tout lart damour est enclose," etc. Lit. Gothic. Woodcuts, vellum. Folio. Paris, Galliott du Pre, 1531. 4 io.r. 2544. Shirley (J. ). THE CORONATION: a Comedy. First edition. Half morocco. Small 410. 1640. i is. IT A copy of the same writer's, "The Opportunitie." First edition. 1640. Sold for 4s. Some bibliographers have ascribed " The Coronation " to J. Fletcher. 2545. Willis (H.). TIME'S WHIRLIGIG, or the Blew-new-made Gentleman Mounted. On the fly-leaf is written, " Very fine copy of a scarce poem, J. O. H "(alliwell). Half morocco. Dr. Bandinell's copy. 410. 1647. 2 2s - 180 BOOK SALES OF 1895. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Messrs. Hodgson, May i^th, i$th, i6//z, and 17 ~th, 1895. 2546. Scott's Waverley Novels. Author's Favourite edition. Fronts and vignette titles. 48 vols. Original cloth boards, uncut. Cadell and Co., 1829-33. 2 los. 2547. Scott's Poetical Works. Author's Favourite edition. Fronts, and vignette titles. 12 vols. Uniform with the preceding. 1833-4. ioj. 2548. Scott (Sir W.). PROSE WORKS, Author's Favourite edition. Fronts, and vignette titles. 28 vols. Uniform with the preceding. 1834-6. i $s. 2549. Dickens (C.). THE LIBRARY OF FICTION, or Family Story Teller, containing Mr. Tuggs at Ramsgate, etc. By Charles Dickens, illustrations by R. Seymour. 2 vols. (All pub.), half morocco gilt, m. 1. Chapman and Hall. 1836-7. ijs. IF A poor copy. The price realized is ridiculously low. 2550. Pope (A.). WORKS, with Introductions and Notes by Elwin and Courthope. Illustrations. 10 vols. Cloth. Murray, 1871-86. 2 Us. 2551. Browning (R,). CHRISTMAS EVE AND EASTER DAY : A Poem. First edition. Cloth, uncut. 1850. 13*. 2552. Macaulay (Lord). COMPLETE WORKS. Edited by Lady Trevelyan. Portrait. 8 vols. Cloth. Longmans, 1866. 2 6s. 2553. Pardoe (].). LIFE OF MARIE DE MEDICIS, 1573-1642. Portraits. 3 vols. Cloth. Bentley, 1890. i is. 2554. Pardoe (].). Louis THE FOURTEENTH. Portraits. 3 vols. Cloth. lb., 1886. i is. 2555. Green (J. R.). HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. Maps. 4 vols. Cloth. Macmillan, 1877-80. 2 2s. 2556. Freeman. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. Maps. 2 vols. Cloth. 1 88 1. i8s. 2557. Lecky (W. E. H.). RATIONALISM IN EUROPE. Third edition. 2 vols. Cloth. 1866. i js. 2558. Buckle (H. T.). CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND. 3 vols. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 1868. 12S. 2559. Jesse. LONDON ; Its Celebrated Characters, etc. Fronts. 3 vols. Half morocco, m. 1. 1871. l8s. 2560. Naumann. HISTORY OF Music. Translated by Praeger and edited by Sir F. A. Gore Ouseley. Illustrations. 2 vols. Half morocco, gilt tops. Cassell, 17*. 2561. Archaeologia Cantiana, being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society. Numerous illustrations. Vols. 6 to 20, 15 vols. Original cloth. 1866-93. 4 12*. 2562. Hissey. ON THE Box SEAT AND A HOLIDAY ON THE ROAD. Illustrations by the Author. 2 vols. Cloth. Bentley, 1886-7. 1 7 S - 2563. Morris (Rev. F. O. ). NESTS AND EGGS OF BRITISH BIRDS. 223 coloured plates. 3 vols. royal 8vo. Half calf. 1853. i 2s. 2564. Smith (Dr. W.). DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. Illustrations. 3 vols. Cloth. 1863. i 6s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. l8l 2565. Longman's New Testament. Woodcut borders and other illustrations. 4to. Cloth extra. 1883. 6s. 3d. 2566. Stanley (Dean). THE JEWISH CHURCH. Maps and plans. 3 vols. Cloth. 1865-76. i8j. 2567. Lever (C.). THE KNIGHT OF GWYNNE. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. First edition in the 20 original nos. with the wrappers (excepting the back of parts 19 and 20), list of plates has a portion torn off, and the last 3 nos. are stained. Chapman and Hall, 1847. l l ^ s - 2568. Lever (C.). LUTTRELL OF ARRAN. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. First edition. Original cloth, uncut. Ib. 1865. i 8s. 2569. Mclan (R. R.). COSTUMES OF THE CLANS OF THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS, with Descriptions by J. Logan. 72 coloured plates. 2 vols. Imp. 410. Morocco gilt and tooled sides. Gilt edges. Ackermann, 1845-7. 4 7 s - &d. 2570. Brand. HISTORY OF NEWCASTLE. Folding plates. 2 vols. Half bound. 1789- I3J- 2571. Hall (S. C.). BARONIAL HALLS. Tinted plates from Drawings by Harding, Cattermole, Prout, etc. 3 vols. Morocco, gilt edges. Chapman and Hall, 1845- i 9-r- 2572. Roberts (D.). EGYPT AND NUBIA. \VithHistoricalDescriptionsbyBrockedon, and fine coloured lithos. by Louis Haghe. 3 vols. Atlas folio. Morocco, gilt edges. London, F. G. Moon, 1846-9. 2 2573. Royal Society's Proceedings and Abstracts, from the commencement in 1800 to 1893. 53 vols. The first 6 vols., cloth and half bound, remainder in nos. (4 wanting and title, etc. to Vol. XIV.) 5 15^. 2574. Swinburne (A. C.). ATALANTA IN CALYDON : A Tragedy. Imp. 8vo. Vellum tie uncut. Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1894. i 8s. 2575. Shakespeare (W.). POEMS. Printed after the Original Copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593 ; Rape of Lucrece, 1594; Sonnets, 1609, and Lovers Complaint. Vellum tie, uncut. Ib. 1893. 1 js. 2576. Morris (W.). THE WOOD BEYOND THE WORLD. Vellum tie, uncut. 7^.1894. l 2S. 2577. The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. Demy i8mo. Boards, uncut. Ib. 1893. I3J. 2578. The Tale of the Emperor Constans and of Over the Sea. Demy i8mo. Boards, uncut. Ib. 1894. 8s. 2579. Howorth (H. H). HISTORY OF THE MONGOLS, from the ninth to the nineteenth century. Maps. 3 parts in 4 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. 1876-88. 2 i8s. 2580. Coleridge (S. T.). POETICAL WORKS. 3 vols. Cloth. Pickering, 1834. 15^. 2581. Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence. Plates. 6 vols. Half bound, m. 1. 1825. 2 \js. 6d. 2582. Knapp and Baldwin. NEWGATE CALENDAR. Cuts. 4 vols. Mottled calf, yellow edges. J. Robins, 1824. 2 2583. Butler (Rev. Alban). LIVES OF THE SAINTS. 12 vols. Half dark blue morocco, gilt edges. C. Dolman, 1854. 2 i6s. 2584. Coleridge (S. T.). LITERARY REMAINS. Collected and edited by H. N. Cole- ridge. 4 vols. Cloth boards, uncut. Pickering, 1836-9. i gs. 1 82 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2585. Green's History of the English People. Maps. 4 vols. Cloth. 1877-80. i i6s. 2585* Kemble's The Saxons in England. 2 vols. Cloth. 1876. IOJT. 2586. Willis and Clark. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAM- BRIDGE. Illustrations. 4 vols. Imp. 8vo., cloth, gilt tops. 1886. 3 6s. 2587. Turner and Parker. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Illus- trations. 4 vols. Cloth. 1851-9. 2 ijs. 2588. Scott (Sir Gilbert). MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE. Illustrations. 2 vols. Cloth. J. Murray, 1879, and PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL RECOLLECTIONS. Ports. Cloth. 1879. i 19.?. 2589. Wheatley and Cunningham. LONDON, PAST AND PRESENT. 3 vols. Royal 8vo., half roan. 1891. i 45-. 2590. Sussex Archaeological Collections, relating to the History and Antiquities of the County. Numerous illustrations. First 18 vols. Cloth. 1848-66. 6 175. 6a. 2591. Mullinger. UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. 2 vols. Cloth. 1873-84. i$s. 2592. Smith and Wace's Dictionary of Christian Biography. 4 vols. 1877-87. 3 X7J- 2593. Woodward, Wilks, and Lockhart. HISTORY OF HAMPSHIRE. Numerous plates. 3 vols. Half calf. Virtue. i 6s. 2594. Horsfield (T. W.). HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND TOPOGRAPHY OF SUSSEX. Extra illustrated. 2 vols. Royal 410., hf. bd. 1835. * 6s. 2595. Walton (B.). BIBLIA SACRA POLYGLOTTA. Port., engraved title and plates. 6 vols., 1657, and Castell's Lexicon Heptaglotton, in 2 vols: (no portrait) 1659. 8 vols. Old calf (slightly broken). 7 5s. 2596. Combefis Bibliotheca Patrum Concionatoria. 8 vols. Old calf. Parisiis, A. Bertier, 1662. i 2597. Palmer (C. J.). PERLUSTRATION OF GREAT YARMOUTH. Illustrations. 3 vols. Sin. 410., cloth. 1872-5. i i$s. 2598. Hall (J.). HISTORY OF THE TOWN AND PARISH OF NANTWICH. Illustrations, pedigrees, etc., cloth. 1883. ics. 2599. Smith (A. C.). BRITISH AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES OF NORTH WILTSHIRE. Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols. Cloth. 1884. .1 izs. 2600. Skelton (J.). ENGRAVED ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ANTIQUITIES OF OXFORD- SHIRE. Large paper. India proof plates and cuts. Atlas 4to., half bound. 1823. i8.r. 2601. Skelton (J.). OXONIA ANTIQUA RESTAURATA. Large paper. Numerous fine engravings of Public Buildings, Colleges, etc. 2 vols. Imp. 4to. 1823. i 2602. Dugdale (Sir W.). MONASTICON ANGLICANUM : A History of the Abbeys and other Monasteries, Cathedrals, etc., of England and Wales, enlarged by Caley, Ellis, and Bandinel. Numerous fine plates and woodcuts. vols. Half morocco, gilt tops. 1846. 1$ ios. 2603. Lightfoot (Bp.). THE APOSTOLIC FATHERS. Part 2, in 3 vols. 1885. i 6s. 2604. Lightfoot (Bp. ). Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. 3 vols. 1865-75. l ~s --r- ""-"~>ot (Bp.). BIBLICAL ESSAYS, 1893. SUPERNATURAL RELIGION, 1889; ^T OF ROME. 2 vols. 1869-77. l 7 s - BOOK SALES OF 1895. l8 3 2606. Meyer (H. A. W.). CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 20 vols. Cloth. Clark, 1877-81. 3 is. 2607. Hook (Dean). LIVES OF THE ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY, with Index. 12 vols, first 4 vols. Calf, remainder in cloth. 1860-76. 3 5s. 2608. Lewis (Sir G. C.). AN HISTORICAL SURVEY OF THE ASTRONOMY OF THE ANCIENTS. Cloth. 1862. i 3^. 2609. Johnston. HISTORY OF BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. Cuts. Second edition. 2 vols. Calf. 1847. l6 ^- 2610. Tyndale (W.). THE OBEDYENCE OF A CHRYSTEN MAN. Engraved title. Black letter. 241110. W. Coplande, 1561. i 2s. 2611. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Third series, from the commencement in 1831 to 1884. 292 vols. (vol. 268 missing). Half bound. 48 SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF SIR JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. Messrs. Piittick and Simpson, May 15^/2, 1895. 2612. Congreve (Wm.). WORKS. 3 vols. Calf (some 11. stained). Baskerville, 1761. i6s. 2613. Cornwall. THE CHURCH BELLS OF CORNWALL. By E. H. Dunkin. Cloth. Printed for the author, 1878. IO.T. 2614. Cornwall. A COMPLETE PAROCHIAL HISTORY OF CORNWALL. Illustrations. 4 vols. Half morocco. Royal 8vo. Truro, 1867-72. 2 5s. 2615. Cornwall. GILBERT (DAVIES). THE PAROCHIAL HISTORY OF CORNWALL, founded on the MS. Histories of Hals and Tonkin. Cuts. 4 vols. Cloth. 1838. i 8s. 2616. Cornwall. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF CORNWALL. Vols. I. to XI. Half calf. Truro, 1864-1892. 4 *s. 2617. Haines (Rev. H.). A MANUAL OF MONUMENTAL BRASSES. Woodcuts. 2 vols. Cloth. 1861. i ijs. 2618. Hallan (A. W.). REGISTERS OF ST. BOTOLPH, BISHOPSGATE. 3 vols. (All published) in the original 20 parts as issued. 1886-95. l 3 s - 2619. Harleian Society, Publications of the ; Complete from the Commencement in 1869 to 1894 (inclusive). Cloth as issued. Royal 8vo. 37 vols. 21 2620. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Edited by J. J. Howard. Cuts, etc. Vol.1. Half morocco, gilt. Vol. II., 5 parts. 1868-71. igs. 2621. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Edited by J. J. Howard. New Series. 4 vols. Half morocco, gilt. 1874-84. 2 $s. 2622. Nichols (J. G.). THE TOPOGRAPHER AND GENEALOGIST. 3 vols. Cloth. 1846-58. I2.T. 2623. Nichols (J. G.). THE HERALD AND GENEALOGIST. Vols. i to 8. Numerous illustrations. Half morocco, t. e. g. 1863-74. 2 15*. 2624. Society of Antiquaries. Proceedings. 4 vols. (including index). Ditto, Second Series. Vols. I to 13. Uniformly bound in half calf extra, gilt backs. 1849-91. i i6s. 1 84 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2625. Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Plates. Vols. 36 to 54, Part I., and Index to vols. 1-50, in 38 vols. Cloth. 1855-94. 11 los - 2626. Barry (Dr.). HISTORY OF THE ORKNEY ISLANDS. Edited by Rev. James Headrick. Map and plates, boards, uncut. 1808. js. 2627. Berkeley MSS. THE LIVES OF THE BERKELEYS AND HISTORY OF THE HUN- DRED OF BERKELEY. By John Smyth, of Nibley. Edited by Sir John Maclean. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. .1 its. 2628. Cornwall, Gilbert (C. S.). HISTORICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF CORN- WALL. Plates, rather stained. 3 vols. Hf. mor. Plymouth Dock. 1817. IQS. 2629. Cornwall. MACLEAN (SiR JOHN). PAROCHIAL AND FAMILY HISTORY OF THE DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Illustrations. 3 vols. The author's copy, inter- leaved throughout, with numerous MS. additions, views, etc., etc., inserted. Bound in 5 vols. Half morocco. 1868-79. jio los. 2630. Ireland. ANNALS OF THE KINGDOM OF IRELAND, by the Four Masters. Edited by J. O'Donovan. 7 vols. Original boards. Dublin, 1856. 4 5s. 2631. Notes and Queries. Complete from the commencement, with the 7 scarce Index Volumes. 61 vols. in half gilt, 31 in cloth, and 5 in parts, 1849-94 ; also the parts from Jan. to Mar. 16 of 1895. 2 5 2632. Whitaker (J. D. ). HISTORY OF THE DEANERY OF CRAVEN. Plates. Cloth. Thick 4to. 1878. i los. 2633. Somersetshire Wills, from the MS. Collections of the late Rev. F. Brown. Only 150 copies privately printed. 6 vols. Half vellum, uncut. 4to. 1887-90. 3 15*- 2634. Yeatman (J. P.). HISTORY OF THE HOUSE OF ARUNDEL. Frontispiece, etc. Cloth. 410. 1882. 95. 2635. Cruikshank. STERNE'S LIFE AND OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. Plates by Cruikshank. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. Roscoe's Novelist's Library, 1832. "js. 2636. Faulkner (T.). HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF FULHAM AND HAMMERSMITH. Plates. Calf gilt. 1813. gs. 2637. Badminton Library. CRICKET. Large paper. Half blue morocco extra, t. e. g., by Riviere. 1887. 1 13.?. SALE OF THE STOCK OF MATHEWS AND LANE. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May \6th and 17 'th, 1895. 2638. Thackeray (W. M.). PARIS SKETCH BOOK. 2 vols. First edition. Numerous designs by the author on copper and wood, somewhat soiled, therefore sold not subject to return. J. Macrone, 1840. 3 IBs. 2639. Landor (W. S.)- GEBIR: a Poem, in seven books. First edition. Calf extra, g. e., by Riviere and Son. Rare. 1798. i 2s. 2640. Morris (W.). LIFE AND DEATH OF JASON, a Poem. First edition. Morocco extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1867. I & s - 2641. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES OF YOUNG COUPLES. First edition. 6 illustrations by "Phiz." Original cover bound up, morocco extra, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1840. 15^. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 185 2642. Rowlandson. THE GRAND MASTER : or Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindostan. Coloured plates by Rowlandson. Clean uncut copy. 1816. 2 2s. 2643. Arnold (Matthew). THE STRAYED REVELLER, and other Poems, by A. Un- cut, very scarce. 1849. 2 is. IT Only 500 copies printed ; withdrawn from circulation before many were sold. 2644. Bandello (Matteo). NOVELS, now first done into English Prose and Verse by J. Payne. 6 vols. Parchment, uncut, t. e. g. Privately printed for the Villon Society. 1890. 4 ijs. &d. 2645. Boccaccio. THE DECAMERON OF G. BOCCACCI (!L BOCCACCIO), now first completely done into English Prose and Verse by J. Payne. 3 vols. Parchment, uncut, t. e. g. Privately printed for the Villon Society. 1886. 3 13^. 2646. Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night .... done into English by J. Payne. 3 vols. Parchment, uncut, t. e. g. 1884. 2 2647. Dobson (Austin). WILLIAM HOGARTH. Large paper (i of 150 copies). Plates on Japanese paper. Half parchment, uncut. 1891. ijs. 2648. Blake (W.). THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL, a beautifully executed facsimile of the extremely rare original of 1790. Only a few copies issued, n. d. 15^- 2649. Strang (W.). THE EARTH FIEND: a Ballad. 11 beautiful etchings. First impression of each plate, before the plates were steeled (i of 55 copies). Half bound, uncut, t. e. g. 1892. 2 6.r. 2650. Swinburne (A. C.). ATALANTA IN CALYDON, a Tragedy. First edition. Original white cloth, uncut. Rare. 410. 1865. ^3 12s. 6d. 2651. Stevenson (R. L.). AN INLAND VOYAGE. First edition. Scarce. 1878. i 15-f- 2652. Stevenson. FAMILIAR STUDIES OF MEN AND BOOKS. 1882. MEMORIES AND PORTRAITS. 1887. First editions. (2.) i 2653. Stevenson. A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES. First edition. Uncut. Very scarce. 1885. 2 gs. 2654. Bullen. MUSA PROTERVA : Love Poems of the Restoration. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Half bound. Uncut, t. e. g. Privately printed. 1889. 1 6s. 2655. Lang (Andrew). XXII BALLADES IN BLUE CHINA. First edition. Uncut. Scarce. 1880. 13^. 2656. Alken (H.). NEW SKETCH-BOOK. 40 plates, original impressions. Boards. Scarce. Oblong. 1823. i 8.r. 2657. Arnold (Matthew). FRIENDSHIP'S GARLAND. First edition. Scarce. 1870. i 2658. Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, etc., done into English by J. Payne. 3 vols. Large paper. The Villon Society. Uncut. 1884. i i$s. 2659. Heptameron (The) of the Tales of Margaret Queen of Navarre, newly translated by Geo. Saintsbury. 5 vols. Large paper. Plates on Japanese paper, by S. Freudenberg, and 150 other illustrations ; one of 312 copies printed for the Society of English Bibliophilists. Uncut. 1894. 3 2660. Arabian Nights. BOOK OF THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND ONE NIGHT, now first completely done into English Prose and Verse from the original Arabic, by J. Payne. 9 vols. Parchment. Uncut, t. e. g. 1882-84. 7 1 86 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2661. Gozzi (Count Carlo). MEMOIRS, translated by J. A. Symonds, 2 vols. Large paper. One of 210 copies. Portrait and 6 etchings by Lalauze, in two states, and II plates coloured by hand. Uncut. Nimmo, 1890. i "js. 2662. Dickens (C.). POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. First edition. In the original Nos. illustrations by R. Seymour and " Phiz," and the two plates by R. W. Buss in No. 3, Publishers' notices in Nos. 2 and 18, and Dickens's Addresses in Nos. IO and 15, with the printed covers and some of the advertise- ments. 1837. IQ los - IT On the wrappers of Nos. I and 2 is printed : ' ' With four illustrations by Seymour." 2663. Overs. THE TRUE HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND SUDDEN DEATH OF OLD JOHN OVERS, THE RICH FERRYMAN OF LONDON AND OF HIS DAUGHTER MARY. First edition. Curious woodcuts. Several leaves stained and some headlines cut into. Sold not subject to return. Very scarce. 1637. 6 6s. 2664. Blake (W.). WORKS, edited by E. J. Ellis and W. B. Yeats. 3 vols. Large paper. Numerous beautiful illustrations in facsimile of the originals. Half morocco. Uncut, t. e. g. Quaritch, 1893. 2 6s. 2665. Le Gallienne (R.). MY LADIES' SONNETS AND OTHER "VAIN AND AMATORIOUS " VERSES, WITH SOME OF A GRAVER MOOD. First edition. Large paper. One of 50 copies. Uncut. Privately printed. 1887. 2 8s. 2666. Le Gallienne (R.). Volumes in Folio. First edition. Large paper. Uncut. One of 50 copies. 1889. 2 los. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE PROF. A. T. DE LACOUPERIE. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May \%th, 1895. 2667. Howarth (H. H.). HISTORY OF THE MONGOLS FROM THE giH TO THE CENTURY. Maps. 2 parts in 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. Royal 8vo. 1876-80. i igs. 2668. Marco Polo (The Book of) concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East, newly translated and edited with notes by Col. H. Yule. Maps and other illus- trations. 2 vols. Cloth. (Presentation copy to Prof. Terrien de La Couperie.) 1875. i 17*. 6* Ils - 2687. Punch's Pocket Books, 1844 to 1881 (some wanting). Coloured frontispieces by Leech, etc., and numerous cuts. 26 vols. 2 i2s. 2688. Keats (J.). POETICAL WORKS, with Notes, etc., by H. B. Forman. 4 vols. Portraits. 1883. i is. 2689. Scott (Sir W.). LETTERS AND JOURNAL, edited by D. Douglas. 4 vols. Portraits. Edinb. , 1890-94. 17^. 2690. Kelmscott Press. LOVE LYRICS AND SONGS OF PROTEUS, by W. S. Blunt. Vellum. 1892. 1-js. 2691. Dobson (A.). PROVERBS IN PORCELAIN. Large paper. Plates on Japan paper (i of 175 copies). Royal 8vo. 1893. 8s. 2692. Lang (A.). BLUE POETRY BOOK. Large paper (i of 150 copies). Illustrations by H. J. Ford and L. Speed. Royal 8vo. 1891. 17.;. 2693. Oliphant (Mrs.). ROYAL EDINBURGH. Large paper. Illustrations by G. Reid. Royal 8vo. 1890. 13*. 1 88 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2694. Oliphant (Mrs.). JERUSALEM, ITS HISTORY AND HOPE. Large paper. Engravings by H. Aide. Royal 8vo. 1891. 14^. 2695. Landor (W. S.). IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS, with Notes by C. G. Crump. 6 vols. Large paper (l of 150 copies). Portraits on India paper. Parchment gilt. 1891. i iBs. 2696. Lang (A.). HOMER AND THE EPIC. Large paper (i of 107 copies). Royal 8vo. 1893. i is. 2697. Jefferies (R.). TOILERS OF THE FIELD. Large paper (i of 105 copies). Half vellum, g. t. Royal 8vo. 1892. los. 2698. Lang (A.). ST. ANDREW'S. Large paper (i of 107 copies). Illustrations by T. Hodge. Imp. 8vo. 1893. 145. 2699. Tristram (W. O.). COACHING DAYS AND COACHING WAYS. Large paper (i of 250 copies). Illustrations by H. Thomson and H. Railton. Royal 8vo. 1893- * 3-?- 2700. Swift (J.). GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, and Preface by H. Craik. Large paper (i of HO copies). Illustrations by C. E. Brock. Royal 8vo. 1894. 14^. 2701. Mitford (Miss). OUR VILLAGE. Large paper ( i of 470 copies). 100 illustra- tions by H. Thomson. Royal 8vo. 1893. l &*- 2702. Irving (W.). RIP VAN WINKLE AND THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW. Large paper (i of 250 copies). 53 illustrations by G. H. Boughton. Royal 8vo. 1893. iss. 2703. Anacreon, with Stanley's Translation, edited by A. H. Bullen (i of no copies printed on Japanese vellum paper). Plates by J. R. Weguelin. Parchment. Small 4to. 1893. i 15^. 2704. Hogarth (W.). WORKS from the original plates restored by J. Heath, with descriptions by J. Nichols (includes "Before and After"). Half red morocco gilt, g. e. Atlas folio. Baldwin and Cradock, n. d. ^3 6s. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE RICHARD BLANCHARD, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May igth, 1895. 2705. Hutchinson (Wm.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY PALATINE OF DURHAM. 3 vols. Half bound. Durham, 1823. i6s. 2706. Sobieski (John) and C. E. Stuart. Lays of the Deer Forest. Frontispiece. 2 vols. Tree calf gilt. 1848. los. 2707. Dasent (Sir. G. W.). STORY OF BURNT NJAL. First edition. Maps and plans. 2 vols. Green calf gilt, m. e. Edinb., 1861. i8s. 2708. Evelyn (John). MEMOIRS, comprising his Diary and Correspondence. Edited by \Vm. Bray. New edition. Portrait and plates. 5 vols. Calf. Colborn, 1827. x 2709. Harleian Miscellany (The). A collection of scarce Pamphlets and Tracts, with Notes. 12 vols. Half calf. 1808-11. i gs. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 189 2710. Thiers (A.). HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, 5 vols., and of THE CONSULATE AND EMPIRE, 20 vols. in 17. Portraits and plates. Uniformly bound in calf gilt, m. e. 1838-62. 8 io.y. 2711. Ford (R.). HANDBOOK FOR TRAVELLERS IN SPAIN. First edition. Maps. 2 vols. Cloth. 1845. 14*. 2712. Young (Arthur). TRAVELS IN FRANCE, 1787-89. Second edition. Maps. 2 vols. Calf. 4to. 1794. 2 2713. Cramer (P.). PAPILLONS EXOTIQUES DBS TROIS PARTIES DU MONDE L'ASIE, L'AFRIQUE, ET L'AMERIQUE (avec le Supplement par Stohl). 442 plates, many coloured. 5 vols. (vol. I. wanting title, and vol. II. the preliminary leaves). Half bound. 4to. Amst., 1779-91. 2 6s. 2714. Hewitson (W. C.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF NEW SPECIES OF EXOTIC BUTTERFLIES. Over 300 coloured plates. 5 vols. Half morocco, t. e. g. 4to. Van Voorst, 1851-76. 19 10*. 2715. Ortelius (Abr.). THEATRE DE L'UNIVERS, contenant les Cartes de tout le Monde. 129 maps coloured by hand. Stamped calf gilt, g. e. Imp. fol. Anvers. C. Plantin, 1587. 60 SALE OF A SELECTED PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF JOHN MONTAGU, ESQ. (Same place and date.) 2716. Dryden (John). WORKS. With Notes and Life by Sir W. Scott. Portrait. 18 vols. Calf. 1808. i us. 2717. Hamilton (Count A.). MEMOIRS OF COUNT GRAMMONT, translated, with notes and illustrations. Portraits. 3 vols. Half calf. 1809. i 3^. 2718. Shoberl (Fr.). PICTURESQUE TOUR FROM GENEVA TO MILAN BY WAY OF THE SIMPLON AND THE OBERLAND. 43 coloured views and map. 2 vols. Calf gilt. Imp. 8vo. Ackermann, 1820-3. 17-f. 2719. Shaftesbury (Earl of). CHARACTERISTICKS. Baskerville's finely printed edition. Portrait and vignettes by Gribelin. 3 vols. Old calf. Royal 8vo. Birmingham, 1773. 9^- 2720. Swift (Dean). WORKS. Arranged by T. Sheridan, with Notes. New edition by John Nichols. Portrait. Large paper. 19 vols. Russia. Royal 8vo. 1801. i 51. 2721. British Cabinet (The). Containing portraits of Illustrious personages. With Memoirs by John Adolphus. 50 fine portraits. Green morocco gilt, silk linings, joints, g. e. 410. E. Harding, 1799. 2 js. 2722. White (John). JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE TO NEW SOUTH WALES. 65 coloured plates. Calf (broken). Debrett, 1790. us. BOOK SALES OF 1895. OTHER PROPERTIES. (Same place and date.} 2723. Brunet (J. C.). MANUEL DU LIBRAIRE ET DE L'AMATEUR DE LIVRES. 6 vols. Half morocco. 1860-65. & z *- 2724. Dickens (C.). THE VILLAGE COQUETTES: a Comic Opera, in Two Acts. First edition. Unbound, in silk covers. 1836. 2 8s. 2725. Ananga Ranga, or Hindu Art of Love. Vellum. Kama ShastraSoc., 1885. i6j. 2726. Kama Shastra Society. Abode of Spring by Jami, 1887 Rose'Garden of Sadi, 1888 Manual of Classical Erotology, 1887 Perfumed Garden of the Sheik Nefzaoni, 1886 ; all privately printed. Vellum. ^5 2727. Thackeray. HISTORY OF HENRY ESMOND. 3 vols. First edition. Original cloth. 1852. 2 i2s. 2728. Cruikshank. GRIMM'S GERMAN POPULAR STORIES. Vol. I. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Half calf, soiled copy, sold with all faults. 1823. 2 8s. 2729. Collinson (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET. 3 vols. Map and plates. Bath, 1791. 6 PROPERTY OF A LADY. Same place, May 2.oth, 1895. 2730. Aubrey (J.). NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF SURREY. 5 vols. Plates. Numerous extra portraits and plates inserted. Fine copy in old russia, g. e. E. Curll, 1719-18. 13 2731. Walton and Cotton. THE COMPLEAT ANGLER. Part II. , by C. Cotton. First edition. Some leaves badly wormed. Original sheep, sold with all faults. 1676. 1 2732. Burns (R.). POEMS, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Portrait after Nasmyth. Half calf. Edinb., 1787. ' 8s. 2733. Notes and Queries, from the commencement to Nov. 1894, and Indexes to the first six series. 88 vols. Half calf, the 6 index vols. in cloth, and n parts for 1894 unbound. 1850-94. ^2510^. 2734. Spenser (Edm.). THE FAERIE QUEENE : THE SHEPHEARD'S CALENDAR, and other Works. Fine copy in original calf, with arms of Sir Kenelm Digby on sides, his autograph signature on title, and 4 lines of Latin verses on fly-leaf in his autograph. M. Lownes, 1617. n 2735. Houghton Gallery. 2 vols. Fine plates. Half morocco. 1788. g 5J. 2736. Blake (W.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BOOK OF JOB. Proofs. Original boards, uncut. 1825. 6 BOOK SALES OF 1895. Ipl SALE OF SELECTED PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE GEORGE BULLEN, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May 2oth, 1895. 2736*. Malory (Sir T.). LE MORTE D'ARTHUR. Reprinted from the original edition of William Caxton, and edited, with introduction, by Dr. O. Sommer. 2 vols. in 3, stiff covers, uncut. Presentation copy to Geo. Bullen. Imp. 8vo. D. Nutt, . l IS. 2737. Elizabethan Dramatists. MARLOWE, MIDDLETON, MARSTON, AND PEELE. Edited with introductions and notes by A. H. Bullen. Large Paper. 16 vols. Cloth, uncut. Nimmo, 1885-88. 2 8s. 2738. A Collection of Old English Plays. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 4 vols. Only 150 copies printed on Dutch hand-made paper. Boards, uncut. 1882-5. f> 15^. 2739. Nabbes (Thos.). WORKS, now first Collected. By A. H. Bullen. Only 150 copies printed on Dutch hand-made paper. 2 vols., boards, uncut. 1887. 2 145. 2740. Day (John). WORKS, now first Collected, with introduction and notes by A. H. Bullen. Thick paper, half morocco, gilt, t. e. g. Privately printed at the Chis- wick Press, 1881. 2 3^. 2741. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF ENGLISH BALLADS OF THE XVIlTH AND XVIIlTH CENTURIES. Only loo copies privately printed. Presentation copy to Geo. Bullen. Half vellum, uncut. 1890. 1 IQS. 2742. Catalogue of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Division I. POLITICAL AND PERSONAL SATIRES, 1320 to 1770. 4 vols. in 5. Cloth, uncut. Royal 8vo. Order of Trustees, 1870-83. .1 2743. Blades (Wm. ). LIFE AND TYPOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CAXTON. Compiled from original sources. Facsimiles. 2 vols., half-bound, uncut. Presentation copy to G. Bullen, with 2 autograph letters. 1861-3. 3 4^. 2744. Humphreys (H. N.). HISTORY OF THE ART OF PRINTING. Second issue. too facsimiles in photolithography. Cloth, gilt. 1868. 2 2745. British Museum. CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED MAPS, PLANS, AND CHARTS. 2 vols., cloth. By order of Trustees, 1885. i js. OTHER PROPERTIES. (Same place and date.) 2746. Heales (Maj. Alfred). CHURCHES AND ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES OF THE ISLAND OF GOTTLAND. Only 50 copies printed. 27 photographic plates and other illustrations. Half morocco (published $ 5*. ). 1888. i u. 2747. Hailstone (E.). PORTRAITS OF YORKSHIRE WORTHIES. With Biographical Notices. 2 vols. Upwards of 200 photographs. Half green morocco, uncut, t. e. g. (42 copies only issued for sale). 1869. $ 3*. 2748. Johnson (Theo.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE FELINE CARNIVORA. 25 original water-colour drawings of the lion, tiger, leopard, puma, jaguar, etc. , with letter- press descriptions. 1895. i is. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2749. Johnson. WILD ANIMALS STUDIED FROM LIFE. 25 water-colour drawings of typical mammals, with letterpress descriptions. i is. 2750. Dickens. MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by " Boz. " 2 vols. First edition. Portrait and plates by G. Cruikshank, "The Last Song " without the border. Original cloth. 1838. i 12s. 2751. Dickens (C.). TALE OF Two CITIES. First edition. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. Original red boards, uncut. 1859. i los. 2752. Dickens (C.). MEMOIRS OF GRIMALDI. First edition. Illustrations by G. Cruikshank. 2 vols., uncut. 1838. i 2s. 2753. Higgins (G.). ANACALYPSIS, or an Attempt to draw aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis. 2 vols. Plates. (Vol. I. wanting half title, and Vol. II. errata). Uncut, very scarce. 1836. 8 IQS. 2754. Hasted (Ed.). HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. Maps and numerous views. 4 vols., and 100 extra views to illustrate the county loosely inserted in a vol. ; together 5 vols. Uniform half russia gilt. Vol.11, wanting one leaf, " Notice relating to Errata," and Vol. III. map of the Hundred of Worth). Canterbury, 1778-89. ,13 SALE OF A GENTLEMAN'S LIBRARY. Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, May 22nd, 1895. IT A very important collection, consisting of many rare geographical and natural history works. The prices are of average range, and form a fair approximation to the real values of the lots sold. 2755. Alpine. FORBES (J. D.). NORWAY AND ITS GLACIERS VISITED IN 1851. Coloured plates and illustrations. Cloth. Royal 8vo. 1853. 2 2756. Alpine Journal, by Members of the Alpine Club, edited by H. B. George, Freshfield, etc. Vols. I 8, half calf, and vols. 9 and 10, sewed. Maps and plates. 1864-78. g ijs. 6d. 2757. Alpine. PEAKS, PASSES, AND GLACIERS. Both series, edited by J. Ball and E. S. Kennedy. 3 vols. First editions. Maps and plates. Cloth, uncut. Fine copy. 1859-62. 4 12s. &d. 2758. Alpine. WHYMPER (E.). SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS, 1860-9. Maps and illustrations. Cloth. 1871. 1 n*. 2759. Bates (H. W.). NATURALIST ON THE AMAZONS. 2 vols. Illustrated. Half morocco. 1863. i gs. 2760. Baxter (W.). BRITISH PH/ENOGAMOUS BOTANY. 6 vols. Numerous coloured plates. Half vellum. Oxford, 1834. 2 i6s. 2761. Belcher (Sir E.). VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD. 2 vols. Numerous illustra- tions. Half morocco. 1843. IOS - 2762. Belcher. LAST OF THE ARCTIC VOYAGES. 2 vols. Plates, some coloured. Cloth. Royal 8vo. 1855. ***- 2763. Bentham (G.). HANDBOOK OF THE BRITISH FLORA. 2 vols. Illustrated by Fitch. Cloth. 1865. 2 i6s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 193 2764. Bentham and Mueller's Flora Australiensis. 7 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1863 78- 5 5*- 2765. Botanical Register (The). Vols. i 33 and Index. Numerous fine coloured plates. Halfrussia. 1815-47. 42 2766. Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France, from 1854 to 1875. 2 4 v l s - Numerous plates. Half calf, m. e. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1854-75. 10 IO.T. 2767. Burton (R. F.). PILGRIMAGE TO EL MEUINAH AND MECCAH. 3 vols. Coloured plates. Cloth, uncut. Fine copy. 1855. 4 Qs. 2768. Darwin (C.). VARIATION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS UNDER DOMESTICATION. 2 vols. Illustrated. 1868. ijs. 2769. Flores des Serres et des Jardins de 1'Europe, par Lemaire, Schudweiler et Van Houtte. Vols. i 23. Numerous beautiful coloured plates. 18 vols. half morocco, remainder sewed. 1845-83. 11 IO.T. 2770. Gosse (P. H.). NATURALIST'S SOJOURN IN JAMAICA, and THE DEVONSHIRE COAST. 2 vols. Plates, some coloured. Cloth. 1851-53. i 2s. 2771. Harvey (W. H.). PHYCOLOGIA BRITANNICA ; or, History of British Sea-Weeds. 4 vols. Coloured plates. Cloth. Royal 8vo. 1846-51. 3 i8y. 2772. Hook (W. F.). LIVES OF THE ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY. Vols. i 3; ditto, 2nd series. 6 vols. Together 9 vols. Cloth, v. y. 3 12s. 6d. 2773. Hooker (J. D.). FLORA OF BRITISH INDIA. 2 vols. Green morocco, g. e. L. Reeve, 1875. i 19*. 2774. Hunt's Yachting Magazine. Edited by W. Knight, from the commencement 101867. Plates. 1 6 vols. Half calf. 1853-67. 2135. 2775. Macgillivray (J.). NARRATIVE OF THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. RATTLESNAKE IN 1846-50. 2 vols. Plates. 1852. 2 $s. 2776. Mallet (R.). GREAT NEAPOLITAN EARTHQUAKE OF 1857. 2 vols. Plates (some coloured). Cloth. Royal 8vo. 1862. i is. 2777. Michauz (F. A.). THE NORTH AMERICAN SYLVA. 2 vols. Coloured plates, half bound. Scarce. Philad., 1817. 4 12s. 6ft. 2778. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle. 4 vols. Plates. Half morocco. 1839. 3 51. 2779. Paxton's Magazine of Botany. 16 vols. Numerous coloured plates and wood- cuts. Half morocco. 1834-49. 4 IO *- 2780. Shelvocke (Capt. G.). VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD BY THE WAY OF THE GREAT SOUTH SEA. Second edition. Maps and plates. Calf gilt by F. Bedford. 1757- i 2781. Smith (Sir J. E.). ENGLISH BOTANY. Second edition. 12 vols. Coloured plates by Sowerby. Calf. 1832. ^14 15^. 2782. Stokes (J. L.). DISCOVERIES IN AUSTRALIA. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Cloth. 1846. 2 gs. 2783. Sweet (R.). GERANICE^E, THE NATURAL ORDER OF THE GERANIA. 5 vols. Coloured plates. Half calf (not uniform). 1820-30. 4 6s. 2784. Thackeray (W. M.). HISTORY OF HENRY ESMOND. 3 vols. First edition. Cloth. 1852. 3 2785. Wallace (A. R.). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 2 vols. M and Illustrations. Cloth. 1876. i o 194 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2786. Barla (J. B.). ICONOGRAPHIE DES ORCHIDEES. 63 coloured plates. Halfmor. t. e. g. Imp. 410. Nice, 1868. 3 6s. 2787. Beechey (Capt. T. W.). VOYAGE TO THE PACIFIC AND BEHRING'S STRAIT, 1825-8. 2 vols. Maps and plates, mounted on linen. Halfmor. 1831. 15^. 2788. Boissier (E.). VOYAGE BOTANIQUE DANS LE MIDI DE L'ESPAGNE. 2 vols. Coloured plates. Half morocco, t. e. g. Imp. 410. Paris, 1839-45. 7 15^. 2789. Brandis (D.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE FOREST FLORA OF NORTH-WEST AND CENTRAL INDIA. Plates. Half morocco. Royal 4to. 1874. 2 2790. Brayley and Walford's History of Surrey. 4 vols. Steel engravings, cloth gilt. Virtue. i iBs. 2791. Exploration Scientifique de 1'Algerie, public par Ordre du Gouvernement. 3 vols. Numerous fine coloured plates. Half mor. g. e. Imp. 410. Paris, 1846-58. 10 2792. Hooker (J. D.). FLORA NOVJE-ZELANDI.*. Coloured plates. 2 vols. Half russia, g. e. 1853. 14 5*. 2793. Hooker (J. D.). FLORA TASMANIA. 2 vols. Numerous beautiful coloured plates. Half morocco, t. e. g., by Riviere. 1860. 20 $s. 2794. Hooker (Sir W. J.). FELICEO EXOTICA, or Coloured Figures of Exotic Ferns. Coloured plates, Half morocco, t. e. g. 1859. ^3 2795. Loddiges (C.). BOTANICAL CABINET. 20 vols. Coloured plates, cf. Small 4to. 1817-33. jn 2796. Parry (W. E.). FOUR VOYAGES FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC, ETC. 4 vols. Numerous plates. Calf gilt. 1821-8. 2 los. 2797. Reichenbach. ICONES FLORAE GERMANICS ET HELVETICA simul Terrarum adjacentium ergo Mediae Europse. Iconographia et Supplementum ad Opera Willdenowii, Schkurii, Persoonii, Decandolli, Gaudini, Kochii aliorumque. A complete set from the commencement. Vols. I. -XXI. in 19 vols. Calf gilt, t. e. g., by Riviere, and Vol. XXII., 6 parts. Numerous beautiful coloured plates. 1850-38-67. ^39 2798. Royle (J. Forbes). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BOTANY OF THE HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS. 2 vols. Coloured plates. Half russia. Imp. 4to. 1839. 2 12s. 2799. Schlaginthweit (H. and B. de). SCIENTIFIC MISSION TO INDIA AND HIGH ASIA. 3 vols. (with atlas of plates). Clean, uncut. Royal 410. and elephant folio. 1 86 1. i 2s- 2800. Seeman (B.). FLORA VITIENSIS : a Description of the Plants of the Viti or Fiji Islands. 100 coloured plates by W. Fitch. Half morocco, t. e. g. Royal 410. 1865-73. 7 7s. 2801. Stedman (Capt. J. G.). EXPEDITION AGAINST THE NEGROES OF THE SURI- NAM. 2 vols. Plates by Bartolozzi, W. Blake, etc. Half calf. 1806. gs. 2802. Torrey (J.). FLORA OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 2 vols. Coloured plates. Cloth. Albany, 1843. z 2803. Wight (R.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF INDIAN BOTANY. 2 vols. Coloured plates (stained). Half morocco, t. e. g. Madras 1840-50. 3 12s. 2804. Andrews (H. C.). COLOURED ENGRAVINGS OF HEATHS, with Descriptions in Latin and English. 4 volt Numerous fine coloured plates. Half russia, uncut. 1802-9. 12 i$s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 195 2805. Angas (G. F.). NEW ZEALANDERS ILLUSTRATED, with Descriptions. 60 fine coloured plates (slightly spotted). Folio. Half morocco, uncut. 1847. 11 2806. Angas. SOUTH AUSTRALIA ILLUSTRATED, with Descriptions. 60 fine coloured plates (slightly spotted). Folio. Half morocco, uncut. 1847. 9 2807. Bateman (Jas.). MONOGRAPH OF ODONTOGLOSSUM. Coloured plates. Half morocco, by Riviere. Imp. folio. 1874. 3 2s. 6d. 2808. Blume (C. L.) et Fischer (J. B.). FLORA JAV/E necnon Insularum adjacentium. Coloured plates. 4vols. Folio. Half morocco, t. e. g. Lug. Bat. 1828-58. 1155. 2809. Blume. RUMPHIA, sive commentationes botanicse imprimis de plantis Indiae Orientalis, turn quse libris Rheedii, Rumphii, Roxburghii, Wallichii et aliorum recens. 4 vols. in 3. Coloured plates. Half morocco extra, t. e. g. Uniform with the preceding lot. 1835-48. 8 i6s. 2810. Booth (F.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE GENUS CAREX. 4 parts complete in 3 vols. Folio. Numerous plates. Half morocco, t. e. g. 1858-67. '16 15^. 2811. Curtis (W.). FLORA LONDINENSIS, containing a History of the Plants in- digenous to Great Britain. Enlarged by Graves and Hooker. 5 vols. Folio. Coloured plates. Green morocco extra, g. e. Fine copy. 1835. ^30 2812. Decandolle (A. P. de). PLANTARUM SUCCULENTARUM HISTORIA, ou hist, des plantes grasses. 163 coloured plates by Redoute (wanting titles). Boards, uncut, sold not subject to return. Folio. Paris [1797]. i 5-f. 2813. Elwes (H. J.). MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS LILIUM. Illustrated by W. Fitch. Coloured plates. 7 parts complete (only 250 copies printed). Royal folio. Privately printed. 1877-80. 6 2814. Gould (J.). BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA, with Supplement. 8 vols. 683 beautifully coloured plates. Subscriber's copy. Green morocco super extra, g. e. , by Hayday. Fine copy. Imp. folio. 1848-69. l &9 2815. Gould. BIRDS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 5 vols. Original subscriber's copy. 367 coloured plates. Half morocco, t. e. g. Imp. folio. 1873. ^45 2816. Gould. MONOGRAPH OF THE TROCHILIAD^, or Family of Humming-Birds. 5 vols. Original subscriber's copy. 360 coloured plates. Half morocco, t. e. g. Imp. folio. 1 86 1. 30 2817. Gould. CENTURY OF BIRDS FROM THE HIMALAYA MOUNTAINS. 80 coloured plates. Half russia (the Text separate). Boards, uncut. Together 2 vols. (not uniform). Imp. folio. 1832. 8 15.?. 2818. Hooker (J. D.). THE RHODODENDRONS OF SIKKIM-HIMALAYA. Coloured plates. Half calf. Royal folio. 1849. 2 55. 2819. Hooker (J. D.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF HIMALAYAN PLANTS. Coloured plates. Boards, uncut. Royal folio. 1855. 2 2s. 2820. Lambert (A. Y.). DESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS PINUS, with an Appendix by Mr. David Don. 3 vols. Numerous beautiful plates. Green morocco extra, g. e., by F. Bedford. Fine copy. Messrs. Weddell and G. White, 1828-37. 37 2821. Penley (A.). THE ENGLISH SCHOOL OF PAINTING IN WATER-COLOURS. Illustrations in facsimile of water-colour drawings. Cloth. Imp. folio. 1874. jl 12S. 2822. Roxburgh (W.). PLANTS OF THE COAST OF COROMANDEL. 3 vols. Numerous beautiful coloured plates. Half mor., g. e. Atlas folio. 1795-1819. ^1315^. 196 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2823. Serturn Botanicum, Collection de Plantes remarquables par leur utilite, leur elegance, leur eclat et leur nouveaute. 6 vols. Coloured plates. Half morocco, uncut. Atlas 4to. Brux., 1828. 5 2824. Sibthorpe (J.). FLORA GR^CA, sive Plantarum rariorum historia quas in Pro- vinciis aut Insulis Graeciae collegit, characteres omnium descriptiones et synonyma elaboravit J. E. Smith. 966 beautifully coloured plates. I o vols. Half mor., t. e. g. Fine copy. Imp. folio. Lond., R. Taylor, 1806-40. 1 IT The Gennadius copy, with only 90x3 plates, sold for 168. 2825. Yacht Designing, by Dixon Kemp. Numerous drawings of celebrated yachts. Cloth. 1376. I5-F. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF J. W. BUTTERWORTH, ESQ., F.S.A. ; ALSO OF WORKS FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. Messrs. Hodgson, May 22nd and 2yd, 1895. IT This sale will serve to show the futility of speculating largely in modern large paper editions, or in artificially "boomed" works, issued in limited editions. That Mr. Wise's "Bibliography" should fetch only gs. is a fate which its originator never, for one moment, expected it would have, but which, I confess, amounts to almost divine justice. There maybe this to be said for the low prices realized by the lots from the "other sources," that they looked suspiciously like a book- sellers' "rig." 2826. Grevillea. Edited by M. C. Cooke. Plates (some coloured). First 12 vols. in 6. Half calf gilt, and vols. 13 to 22 in Nos. 1872-94. 3 12s. 6d. 2827. Hudson (C. T.) and Gosse (P. H.). THE ROTIFERA : or Wheel-Animalcules. 2 vols. with Atlas of coloured plates, together 3 vols. Imp. 8vo. Half morocco, gilt edges. 1886. ^3 3.?. 2828. Sowerby. ENGLISH BOTANY. First edition. Upwards of 2,000 accurately coloured plates, with Descriptive Letterpress, arranged according to Smith's " Flora Britannica," in 17 solander cases, lettered. 1797. 13 2829. Man (John). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE BOROUGH OF READING, BERKS. Engravings of portraits, monuments, and views, with maps. Large paper. Imp. 410. Boards, uncut. Reading, 1816. igs. 2830. Hofland (Mrs.). ACCOUNT OF THE MANSION AND GARDENS OF WHITE- KNIGHTS, near Reading. India proofs. Atlas 4to. Half vellum, uncut (with book-plate of Sir C. Cockerell, Bart.). Privately printed, 1819. i 4s. 2831. Scott (Sir W.). WAVERLEY NOVELS. Abbotsford edition. Numerous steel engravings and woodcuts. 12 vols. Royal 8vo. Calf extra, m. 1. A spotless copy. 1842-7. 8 2832. Shakespeare (W.). PLAYS AND POEMS. By Malone. Port. 21 vols. Grained calf gilt. 1821. 3 3.?. 2833. Collier (J. P.). AN Oi MAN'S DIARY. Presentation copy from the Author. Sm. 410. Half mor., gilt top. For Strictly Private Circulation, 1871. 2 2s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. *97 2834. Nichols (J. B.). LITERARY ANECDOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF LITERARY HISTORY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Numerous portraits and other illus- trations. Both Series. 17 vols. Calf extra, m. 1. 1812-58. 6 2835. Archaeologia Cantiana, being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society. Illustrations. Vols I to II. Cloth, uncut. 1858-77. 2 gs. 2836. Surrey Archaeological Collections, relating to the History and Antiquities of the County. Illustrations. Vols. I to lo. Cloth, uncut. 1858-91. ^3 155. 2837. Brayley and Britton. TOPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF SURREY. India proof plates and cuts. 5 vols. Royal 410. Half morocco, gilt tops. G. Willis, 1850. ^3 *5^- 2838. Jowett (Prof.) and Campbell. PLATO'S REPUBLIC. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1894. 1 4^. 2839. Lytton (Lord). NOVELS. Library edition. 39 vols. Cloth. W. Black- wood and Sons, 1862-73. 2 12s. 2840. Cross (Mrs.) [GEORGE ELIOT]. MILL ON THE FLOSS. First edition. 3 vols. Cloth. Blackwood and Sons, 1860. 5^. 2841. Cross (Mrs.) [GEORGE ELIOT]. FELIX HOLT, THE RADICAL. First edition. 3 vols. Cloth. //>., 1866. 4.C. 6., 1874-9. 4s. 2844. Dickens (C.). WORKS. Library edition. Illustrations by G. C. and H. K. Browne. 30 vols. (wanting vols. 25 and 26). Half red morocco, m. 1. Chapman and Hall, 1863. 6 2845. Thackeray (W. M.). WORKS. New uniform and Standard edition. Illustra- tions by the Author. 15 vols. Original cloth. Smith, Elder, 1869. 2 $s. 2846. Fielding (H.). WORKS, MISCELLANIES, AND POEMS, with Life, by Murphy. Edited by J. P. Browne. Port., large and thick paper (only 26 so printed), n vols. Imp. 8vo. Boards, uncut. 1871-2. 2 s. 2847. Grammont (Count de). MEMOIRS. By Count Hamilton. Etchings and ports. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Vizetelly, 1889. 14^. 2848. Rabelais (F.). WORKS. Translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Anthony Motteux. Proof illustrations by Louis Chalon (one of 2IO copies, printed entirely on vellum). 2 vols. Imp. 8vo. Buckram. Lawrence and Bullen, 1892. 2 IQS, 2849. Boccaccio (Giovanni). IL DECAMERON E. Fine plates and vignettes by Gravelot and Eisen. 5 vols. Large paper. Mottled calf gilt, red edges. Londra, 1757. 2 2s. 2850. Marguerite (Reine de Navarre). LF.sNouvELLES. Fine plates and vignettes by Freudenberg, etc. 3 vols. Mottled calf, m. 1. Berne, 1792. 3 3*- 2851. Old English Plays. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Second series. 7 vols. Half morocco, gilt tops (only 150 copies privately printed on Dutch handmade paper). 1882-90. 8 ioj. 2852. Browning (E. B.). POETICAL WORKS. Ports, (only 125 printed on handmade paper). 6 vols. Uniform with the preceding. 1890. 2 45. 198 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2853. Keats (J.). WORKS. Edited by H. Buxton Forman. Ports, (only 30 copies printed on Whatman paper). 4 vols. Vellum extra, uncut. Printed for Private Distribution, 1883. 1 igs. 2854. Dramatists of the Restoration, viz., D'Avenant, 5 vols. Crowne, 4 vols. Wilson, Cokain, Marmion, Lacy, and Tatham, together, 14 vols. Large paper (only 150 so printed). Buckram. 1872-9. l 2855. Doran (Dr.). ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. Edited by R. W. Lowe. Ports, and cuts. 3 vols. Cloth. Nimmo, 1888. i 4>-. 2856. Freer (M. W.). LIFE OF MARGUERITE D'ANGOULEME. Fronts. 2 vols. (vol. 2 slightly wormed). Original cloth. 1854. 17*. 2857. Freer (M. W.). ELIZABETH DE VALOIS. Fronts. 2 vols. Original cloth. 1857. i is. 2858. Freer (M. W.). HENRY III., KING OF FRANCE His COURT AND TIMES. Fronts. 3 vols. Original cloth. 1858. i is. 2859. Freer (M. W.). HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF HENRY IV. Fronts. 2 vols. Original cloth. 1860. 17^. 2860. Cooke's British Desmids. 66 coloured plates. Half calf. 1887. i los. 2861. Cobbold's Entozoa. Coloured plates. Royal 8vo. 1864. Bs. 2862. Stirling-Maxwell. DON JOHN OF AUSTRIA. Woodcuts. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1883. gs. 2863. Liechtenstein (Princess). HOLLAND HOUSE. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. Cloth, gilt top. 1874. i6s. 2864. Lang (A.). THE LIBRARY. Illustrations. Large paper (only 300 copies so printed). Cloth, uncut. 1892. 12s. 2865. Uzanne. THE SUNSHADE, GLOVE AND MUFF, AND THE FAN. Illustrations by Avril. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. 1884. 16*. 2866. Tennyson (Lord). DEATH OF /NONE, and other Poems. 5 portraits of the Author. Large paper (only 500 copies printed). Cloth, uncut. 1892. js. 6af. 2867. Irving (W.). OLD CHRISTMAS. Illustrations by Caldecott. Large paper (only 250 copies printed). Cloth, uncut. 1892. 8y. 2868. Days with Sir Roger de Coverley, from " The Spectator." Illustrations by Thomson. Large paper. Cloth, uncut. 1892. 6s. 2869. Wilde (Oscar). THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY. Boards, uncut. Ward and Lock. i3j-. 2870. Wilde (Oscar). POEMS (only 220 copies printed). Cloth, gilt top, uncut. E. Mathews and Lane, 1892. 15..-. 2871. Wilde (Oscar). SALOME: A TRAGEDY. Plates. Only 500 copies printed. Cloth, uncut. //. 1894. 85-. 2872. Browning (R.). POETICAL WORKS. Edition de luxe, on handmade paper (only 250 copies so printed). 17 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1888-94. 4 2s. 6J. 2873. Browning (E. B.). CASA GUIDI WINDOWS. First edition. Polished morocco extra, gilt top. 1851. us. 2874. Burton (Sir R. F.). BOOK OF THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND A NIGHT. Vols. III. to VIII., and L " D LEMENTAL NIGHTS, 6 vols., together 9 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth extra. . .ivately printed by the Kama Shastra Society, 1885-8. 6 2s. Qd. BOOK SALES OF 1895, 199 2875. Bibliography of Writings in Prose and Verse. Edited by T. J. Wise. 2 vols., complete in 1 8 parts. Small 4to. Printed for Subscribers, 1889-93. 9 s - WORKS BY JOHN RUSKIN, ESQ. 2876. Prout (Samuel) and Wm. Hunt. NOTES ON, IN ILLUSTRATION OF A LOAN COLLECTION OF DRAWINGS. 20 autotypes. 410. Half morocco, gilt top. Fine Art Society, 1880. i 2877. Poetry of Architecture. With illustrations by the Author. 4to. Cloth, uncut. 1893. 12s. 2878. Modern Painters. Complete edition, with General Index, Bibliography and NOTES. Illustrations by the Author. 6 vols. Imp. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. 1888. 4 12^. 2879. Modern Painters. Illustrations by the Author. 5 vols. (Vol. I., fifth edition, Vol. II., second edition, and Vols. III. to. V., first editions). Royal 8vo. Half blue morocco gilt, gilt tops. 1848-60. 15 los. IT A bright and uniform copy, having the 2 plates in vol. iii. wrongly numbered, of which only a very few were so printed. 2880. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Illustrations by the Author. First edition (slightly soiled). Royal 8vo. Morocco, gilt edges. 1849. i 4^. 2881. Stones of Venice. Illustrations by the Author. First edition. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. Morocco, gilt edges, uniform with the preceding. 1851-3. 3 6s. IT A plate and a page were torn but neatly repaired, but the plates generally were foxed. 2882. Stones of Venice. Fourth edition. Illustrations by the Author. 3 vols. Imp. 8vo. Brown cloth, uncut. 1886. 2 14?. 2883. Stones of Venice. Another copy, on Dutch handmade paper, the illustrations on India paper. 3 vols. Imp. 8vo. Green cloth (only 220 copies so printed pub. at 8 8^.). 1886. 33*. 2884. Poems, edited with Notes, by W. G. Collingwood. Facsimiles of MSS. and illustrations by the Author. Large paper. 2 vols. Brown cloth, uncut (pub. 30^. net). 1891. los. 6d. 2885. Praeterita : Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts. Plates. Large paper. 3 vols., first 2 half blue morocco gilt, gilt tops, and vol. iii. in 4 parts. 1886-9. I 5f- 2886. The Art of England. Lectures given in Oxford. Small 4to. Half blue morocco gilt, gilt top. 1884. 8.?. 2887. The Ait of England. Examples of the Architecture of Venice. Fine plates by the Author, India proofs, in an imp. folio portfolio. 1887. 2 2888. Seebohm (H.). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE FAMILY OF CHARA- DRIID^E (Plovers, Sandpipers, etc.). Woodcuts and coloured plates (pub. 5 $s. ). Cloth. 2 4i- t 2889. Rossetti (Gabriel Dante). THE BLESSED DAMOZEL. Illustrations by Kenyon Cox. Imp. 410. Cloth elegant, in velvet lined box. New York, 1886. ijs. 2890. Hamerton (P. G.). MAN IN ART. 46 line engravings, mezzotints, etc., on vellum paper. Imp. 410. Vellum, uncut, in box. 1892. 3 5^. 2891. Caldecott (R.). COMPLETE COLLECTION OF PICTURES AND SONGS, with Preface by Austin Dobson. Illustrations (mostly coloured). Large paper. Imp. 4to. Cloth. 1887. 2 ST. 200 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2892. Caldecott (R.). CONTRIBUTIONS TO " THE GRAPHIC," with Preface by Arthur Locker. Coloured illustrations. Imp. 410. Cloth. 1888. 1 14^. 2893. Strang (W.). THE EARTH-FIEND. Illustrations on vellum (No. 86). Cloth. Mathews and Lane, 1892. i Bs. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF SIR G. DUCKETT. Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, May 24^, 1895. 2894. Burke (John). HISTORY OF THE COMMONERS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Portraits. 4 vols. Cloth. 1836-38. j.js. 2895. Burke (J. B.). A VISITATION OF SEATS AND ARMS OF THE NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN OF GREAT BRITAIN. Views and plates of Arms. 4 vols. Cloth. 1852-5. l 12S. 2896. Burke. A DICTIONARY OF THE LANDED GENTRY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 3 vols. Cloth. 1848-50. I2j. 2897. Surtees Society Publications. Vols 53 to 92. Cloth, as issued. 1869-94. 40 vols. 10 55. 2898. Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal. Vols. i to 12. Numerous illustrations. Cloth. (Vols. XI. and XII. in parts), also 2 parts of Vol. XIII. 1870, etc. 6 I2j. 2899. Rymer's Fcedera, Syllabus of the Documents contained in. 3 vols. Cloth. Royal 8vo. 1869-85. 155. 2900. Harleian Society, Publications of. Vols I to 16. Cloth. Royal 8vo. 1869-81. ; 5*. 2901. Calendar of Wills enrolled in the Court of Husting, London. Edited by Reginald Sharpe. 2 vols. Cloth. 1889. i 12*. 2902. Burke (Sir B.). THE GENERAL ARMORY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, ETC. Cloth. 1878. 1 3s. SALE OF THE LIBRARY (A PORTION) OF CAPTAIN R. C. DAUBUZ, AND OTHER PROPERTIES. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., May -2.1th and zStb, 1895. II Included some interesting and valuable natural history items. There were also some good Cruikshankiana and Rowlandsoniana. Prices ruled very well. First editions of the commoner Swinburnes fetched prices so low that I have not quoted them ; some sold for two and three shillings per lot. 2903. Campbell (Lord). LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS. 7 vols. 1848-50. * 13* 2904. Dramatists of the . restoration. Davenant, Crowne, Marmion, Tatham, Lacy, Wilson, Cokain. 14 vols. Edinb. 1872-74. i ioj. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2OI 2905. Jameson (Mrs.). BEAUTIES OF THE COURT OF CHARLES THE SECOND. 2 vols. in I. Portraits. Calf extra, g. e. Royal 8vo. 1838. i 5 s - 2906. Catlin (C.). MANNERS, CUSTOMS AND CONDITION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN- INDIANS. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Royal 8vo. 1851. i 3s. 2907. Behn (Mrs. A.). PLAYS, HISTORIES AND NOVELS, with Memoir. 6 vols. Portraits. 1871. 2 ^s. 2908. Blake (W.). LIFE. By A. Gilchrist. 2 vols. Numerous illustrations. 1863. 14^. 2909. Jackson (J.) and Chatto (W. A.). TREATISE ON WOOD ENGRAVING, with Additions by H. G. Bohn. Many woodcuts. Royal 8vo. 1861. 145. 2910. Heures a lusaige de Troyes. Lit. Goth. Printed on vellum. Full-page wood- cuts and borders to each page, small initial letters illuminated. Old stamped and gilt calf. Paris, Simon Vostre (Almanach, 1507-27). 7 12s. &d. 2911. Froude (J. A.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE FALL OF WOLSEY TO THE DEATH OF ELIZABETH. 12 vols. Cr. 8vo. 1856-70. 2 $s. 2912. Hayward (T. ). BRITISH MUSE, a Collection of Thoughts Moral, Natural and Sublime of our English Poets. 3 vols. Blue morocco extra, g. e., by Ramage. 1738. igs. 2913. Bullen (A. H.). LYRICS FROM THE ELIZABETHAN DRAMATISTS. Large paper. One of 260 copies. Half calf, g. t. 1889. los. 2914. Bullen (A. H.). LYRICAL POEMS FROM ELIZABETHAN ROMANCES AND PROSE TRACTS. Large paper. One of 260 copies. Half calf, g. t. 1890. gs. 2915. Wace's Chronicle of the Norman Conquest from the Roman de Rou, translated with Notes by E. Taylor. Large vellum paper. With the plates coloured. One of 12 copies. Red morocco extra, g. e., by Lewis. From the Gosford Library. Pickering, 1837. & 5 s - 2916. Breviarium Parisiense. 4 vols. Morocco extra, different colours, m. e. gilt. Paris, 1778. i 7J. 2917. Cruikshank. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S OMNIBUS, edited by L. Blanchard. First edition. Illustrations by G. Cruikshank. Clean copy in the original cloth. Tilt and Bogue. 1842. 3 i6s. 2918. Digby (K. H.). MORES CATHOLICI, or Ages of Faith. 11 vols. First edition. Half morocco, g. t. 1831-42. 2 i6s. 2919. Ruskin (J.). MODERN PAINTERS. 5 vols. Plates by the author, 1873. STONES OF VENICE. 3 vols. Plates by the author, 1873. Together 8 vols. Red morocco extra, g. e., uniform. Imp. 8vo. 12 i$s. 2920. Winston (C.). INQUIRY INTO ANCIENT GLASS PAINTINGS IN ENGLAND, AND HINTS ON GLASS PAINTING. 2 vols. Plates, some coloured. 1867. i 2921. Strickland (A.). LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND. 8 vols. Portraits, new calf gilt, m. e. 1882. ^3 6.r. 2922. Walpole (Horace). LETTERS, now first chronologically arranged by P. Cun- ningham. 9 vols. Portraits, new calf gilt, m. e. 1880. 3 i8s. 2923. Turner (S.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND : Anglo-Saxon, Middle Ages, Henry the Eighth. 9 vols. New calf gilt, m. e. 1852, etc. i los. 2924. Spenser (E.). POETICAL WORKS (with Life by G. Robinson). 5 vols. Portrait, new half morocco gilt, g. t. Pickering, 1825. 2 $s. 202 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2925. Hunt (Leigh). MUSICAL EVENINGS, or Selections, Vocal and Instrumental, from the best Composers, illustrated with Suitable Words and Remarks ; the Musical Part arranged by Vincent Novello. Unpublished Manuscript. Several pages in Leigh Hunt's writing, and the whole corrected by him. Half morocco, n. d. 5 2s. 6d. 2926. Coverdale (M.). CHRISTIAN EXHORT ACION UNTO CUSTOMABLE SWEARERS. Black letter. A few head- lines slightly cut into, morocco extra, g. e., by Bedford. N. Hyll, n. d. ji los. 2927. Davies (John, of Hereford). SELECT SECOND HUSBAND FOR SIR THOMAS OVER- BURIE'S WIFE, now a Matchlesse Widow (in Verse). Top of title and last leaf repaired. Vellum. 1616. 2 12s. 2928. Collection de Poesies, Romans et Chroniques publiee d'apres d'anciens manu- scrits et d'apres des editions des XV e et XVI 6 siecles. A set, 24 vols. Lit. Gothic. Half morocco. Paris, Silvestre imp. Crapelet, 1838-58. 3 2929. Archseologicse Cantiana, Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society. Vols. I. to XVIII. 18 vols. Plates. 1859-89. 5 75. Get. 2930. Evans (J.). ANCIENT STONE IMPLEMENTS AND ANCIENT BRONZE IMPLE- MENTS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 2 vols. Woodcuts. 1872-81. 2 8s. 2931. Aristotle, by G. GROTE. Edited by Bain and Robertson. 2 vols. 1872. los. 2932. Brummell (Geo. " Beau."). LIFE, by Capt. Jesse. Revised and annotated. 2 vols. Coloured portraits. 1886. i 2s. 2933. Jesse (J. H.). LONDON, its Celebrated Characters and Remarkable Places. 3 vols. Frontispieces. 1871. i6s. 2934. Pepys (S.). DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE, with Notes by Lord Braybrooke, and Additions by M. Bright. 6 vols. Portraits. 1875-79. 3 2935. Evelyn (J.). DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. Edited by W. Bray, with Life by H. B. Wheatley. 4 vols. Portraits. 1879. i ^s. 2936. Plato, and the other Companions of Sokrates. By G. Grote. 3 vols. 1875. IBs. 2937. Smith (W.). DICTIONARY OF GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY. 3 vols. 1880. i 7-r. 2938. Greville (C.). JOURNAL OF THE REIGNS OF GEORGE IV., WILLIAM IV., AND VICTORIA. 6 vols. New calf gilt, m. e. 1875. i us. 2939. Boccaccio's Decameron. Translated by J. Payne. 2 vols. Plates by L. Chalon. Imp. 8vo. 1893. 2 i6s. 2940. Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. 5 vols. Woodcuts. 1873-79. 4 6j. 2941. Cohen (H.). DESCRIPTION HISTORIQUE DES MONNAIES COMMUNEMENT APPELEES MEDAILLES IMPERIALES. 8 vols. Woodcuts. Half morocco. Paris, 1880-92. 8 ss. 2942. Numismatic C. "^nicle, and Journal of the Numismatic Society. New series, complete. 20 voi 1861-80. Third series, Vol. I. to XIV. 1881-94. Together 33 vols. Half calf (the last vol. in parts). n 15*. 2943. Arabian Nights, translated with Notes by E. W. Lane. 3 vols. First edition. Many hundred woodcuts by Harvey. Original parts and wrappers. Royal 8vo. C. Knight, 1838-41. 3 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 203 2944. Lowe (E. J.). FERNS, BRITISH AND EXOTIC. 8 vols. Coloured plates. Royal 8vo. 1856. 1 js. 2945. Bree (C. R.). HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF EUROPE. 4 vols. Coloured plates. Royal 8vo. 1859. i i6j. 2946. Couch (J.). FISHES OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 4 vols. Coloured plates. Royal 8vo. 1869. i i8s. 2947. Cruikshank. BROUGH (R. B. ). LIFE OF SIR JOHN FALSTAFF. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Very clean copy, in the original cloth. Royal 8vo. 1858. 3 15^- 2948. Hall (Mr. and Mrs. S. C.). IRELAND, ITS SCENERY, CHARACTER, etc., and Sketches of Irish Character. 4 vols. Original editions. Maps and plates. Half morocco gilt, g. e. Royal 8vo. 1841-42. i 17,5-. 2949. Robin Hood. LYTTEL GESTE OF ROBIN HODE, with other Ancient and Modern Ballads relating to him, edited by J. M. Gutch. 2 vols. Illustrations by Fairholt. 1847. l IJ - 2950. Dibdin (T. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, AND PICTURESQUE TOUR IN THE NORTHERN COUNTIES AND SCOTLAND. 2 vols. Plates, some of the latter foxed. Tree calf extra, g. e., by Riviere. Royal 8vo. 1838. 3 $s. 2951. Percy (Bp.). FOLIO MANUSCRIPT OF BALLADS AND ROMANCES, with the Loose and Humorous Songs, edited by Furnivall and Hales. 3 vols. Half morocco gilt, g. t. 1867. > z 5 s - 2952. Percy Society's Publications of Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages. A set. 30 vols. Calf extra, g. e. , by Riviere. 1840-52. 15 I5J-. 2953. Jameson (Mrs.). SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART. 2 vols. 1863. LEGENDS OF THE MONASTIC ORDERS. 1863. LEGENDS OF THE MADONNA. First edition. 1852 HISTORY OF OUR LORD. 2 vols. First edition. 1864. Together 6 vols. Plates. Dark brown morocco extra, g. e. (uniform), by Riviere. 6 17^. Qd. 2954. Dodsley's Collection of Poems, by several Hands. 6 vols. Large paper. Red morocco extra, g. e., in Roger Payne's style. 1765. i 2955. Halliwell (J. O. ). COLLECTION OF ANCIENT DOCUMENTS respecting the Office of Master of the Revels. Only 1 1 copies privately printed. Halfmor. 1870. * 8*. 2956. Shakespeare. TRAGEDY OF RICHARD THE THIRD, a composition anterior to Shakespeare's Tragedy, now first printed from a contemporary MS. Only 1 1 copies privately printed by J. O. Halliwell. Half morocco. 1870. i8y. 2957. Defoe (D.). LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. Third edition. Frontispiece. W. Taylor, 1719. FARTHER ADVF.NTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. First edition. Map. lb., 1719. SERIOUS REFLECTIONS DURING THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. First edition. Folding plate. /#., 1720. 3 vols. Calf gilt (uniform). 2 I2r. 2958. Coleridge (S. T.). WORKS, viz.: Poetical Works; Biographia Literaria ; Essays ; Notes and Lectures on Shakespeare ; Notes on English Divines ; Aids to Reflection ; The Friend ; Lay Sermons ; Table Talk ; Notes ; Confessions. 22 vols. Half morocco, m. e. Pickering, 1843-49. 5 2959. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES OF YOUNG COUPLES. First edition. Plates by Phiz. Original boards. Clean copy. 1840. 2 $s- 204 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2960. Tennyson (Charles). SONNETS AND FUGITIVE PIECES. First edition. Original cloth. Cambridge, 1830. ijs. 2961. Carroll (Lewis). THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. First edition. 50 illustra- tions by J. Tenniel. Original cloth. 1872. 15*. 2962. Swinburne (A. C.). SIENA. First edition. Paper wrapper. 1868. us. 2963. Proper Dyalogue betwene a Gentillman and a Husbandman eche com- playning to other their miserable calamitie through the Ambicion of Clergye, 1530. Reproduced in facsimile, with Introduction by Francis Fry (i of 2 copies printed on vellum). Dark brown morocco extra, elegantly tooled on sides, by Zaehnsclorf, g. e. 1863. i i6s. 2964. More (Sir T.). PITIFUL LIFE AND DEATH OF EDWARD THE FIFTH, and Tragicall Historic of Richard the Third. Portraits ; that of Richard III. inlaid. Calf extra, g. e., by Pratt. 1641. i los. 2965. Fardle of Facions conteining the aunciente rnaners, customes and Lawes of the people of Afrike and Asie. Black letter. Title soiled and last leaf repaired. Brown morocco extra, g. e. J. Kyngston, 1555. i 2966. Morris (R. B.). BRITISH GAME BIRDS AND WILDFOWL. 60 coloured plates. Half red morocco, gilt, g. t. 1864. 1 u. 2967. Hamerton (P. G.). LANDSCAPE. Original etchings and other illustrations. Half morocco gilt, g. t. Roy. 4to. 1885. i 12s. 2968. Plato's Works. Translated with notes by T. Taylor. 5 vols. 4to. Half calf gilt. 1804. i 13*- 2969. Brees (S. C.). PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF NEW ZEALAND. Plates. Imp. 4to. 1849. gs. 2970. Fielding (T. H.). PICTURESQUE TOUR OF THE ENGLISH LAKES. With De- scriptions. Coloured plates by Fielding and Walton. Half morocco gilt, m. e. Royal 410. Ackermann, 1821. i us. 2971. Daniel (G.). POEMS, 1616-57. Edited with introduction, notes, and illustra- tions by A. B. Grosart. 4 vols. Portrait. Only 100 copies privately printed. 1878. los. 2972. Skelton (J.). ANCIENT ARMOUR IN THE COLLECTION OF SIR S. R. MEYRICK. 2 vols. Plates. Half morocco, imp. 4to. 1830. 2 qs. 2973. Illustrated London Almanack, 1845 to *&79- Bound in 4 vols. Hundreds of woodcuts by Kenny Meadows, Doyle, and others. Half calf. 17^. 2974. Smith (J. T.). ANTIQUITIES OF WESTMINSTER. 2vols.ini. Original edition. Plates, with the 62 additional, etc. Half russia, uncut. Imp. 410. 1807-9. 2 2975. Chatterton. BARRETT (W.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF BRISTOL. Map and plates. Calf. Bristol, 1789. 3 $s. If The copy used by Cottle and Southey in editing their edition of Chatterton's Works. In additi v n to the notes in the text it contains 22 closely-written pages by Southey and 14 Cottle ; also a pedigree of Chatterton, with 1 1 coloured coats of arms, written by Sir Geo. Nailor for Mr. Cottle. 2976. Arthur. HISTORY OF ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN. Translated from the French by Lord Berners, with preface by E. V. Utterson. Only 200 copies printed. Duplicate set of plates, one beautifully coloured. Crimson morocco extra, g. t. by Tout. 1814. 5 2s. 6d. BOOK SALES OF 189$. 2O5 2977. Doyle (J. E.). CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND, B.C. 55 to A.D. 1485. Coloured illustrations in the text. Red morocco extra, back inlaid with green morocco, g. e. 1864. i 14-f- 2978. Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554 to 1640. Edited by E. Arber. 4 vols. Only 230 copies printed for sub- scribers. 1875-77. 6 15.;. 2979. Caxton. BLADES (W.). LIFE AND TYPOGRAPHY OF W. CAXTON. 2 vols. Plates. Half-bound. 1861. 2 17*. 2980. Haden (S.). ABOUT ETCHING. Etchings. Half morocco. 1879. 17^. 2981. Turner. PICTURESQUE VIEWS IN ENGLAND AND WALES. With descriptive and historic illustrations by H. E. Lloyd. 2 vols. Large paper. Plates by J. M. W. Turner. Red morocco super extra, g. e. Imp. 410. 1838. 8 15^. 2982. Collier (J. P.). AN OLD MAN'S DIARY FOR 1832-33. Four parts in i vol. Half morocco, g. t. Printed for private circulation, 1871. 2 14?. 2983. Corser (T.). COLLECTANEA ANGLO-POETICA, a Bibliographical and Descriptive Catalogue of Early English Poetry. Parts I to 10. Chetham Soc., 1860-80. i iQ-f- 2984. Alken (H.). NATIONAL SPORTS OF GREAT BRITAIN. With descriptions in English and French. 50 coloured plates by Alken. Fine clean copy, half bound. 1823. 25 ioj. 2985. Gwyn (Nell). PORTFOLIO, a Series of Portraits illustrating her Life. Engraved in mezzotint and stipple, in duplicate, by Roffe, Parkes, etc. Impression limited to 100 copies, in a portfolio, n. d. 2 8s. 2986. Cosway. THIRTY-SIX PLATES engraved by Mrs. Cosway from drawings by R. Cosway. Ackermann, 1800. 141. 2987. Spilsbury (F. B.). PICTURESQUE SCENERY IN THE HOLY LAND AND SYRIA DELINEATED DURING THE CAMPAIGNS OF i799-i8oo. Portrait and 19 coloured plates, with the original water-colour drawings inserted. Green morocco extra, g. e. 1803. 3 6s. 2988. Blake (W.). WORKS. Reproduced in facsimile from the original editions. Only loo copies privately printed. Half morocco, g. t. 1876. ^3 2989. Penley (A.). ENGLISH SCHOOL OF PAINTING IN WATER COLOURS. Fine chromo-lithographic plates mounted on cardboard. Imp. folio, n. d. t 5^. 2990. Bible. Old and New Testaments. 2 vols. Frontispiece by Sturt, and vignettes by Vander Gucht. Tree calf gilt, g. e. Oxford, J. Baskett, 1717. .1 4*. "I Known as the "Vinegar Bible " from the misprint in the running title to Luke, chap. xx. 2991. Fielding (T. H.). SCENERY OF THE LAKES OF CUMBERLAND, WESTMORE- LAND AND LANCASHIRE, with Historical Descriptions. Large paper. Coloured plates. Half bound, uncut. 1822. .1 ios. 2992. Bowyer's Illustrated Record of Important Events in Europe, 1812-15 ; also the CAMPAIGN OF WATERLOO. 2 vols. in i. Coloured plates. Half calf gilt. R. Bowyer, 1815-16. i 13^. 2993. Brodrick (W.). FALCONER'S FAVOURITES. 6 splendid coloured plates of Falcons Imp. folio. Van Voorst, 1865. 4 4s. 2994. Berry (W.). PEDIGREES OF THE FAMILIES OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. Half bound, uncut. 1830. 2 6s. 206 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2995. Berry (W.). PEDIGREES OF THE FAMILIES OF THE COUNTIES OF BERKSHIRE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE AND SURREY. In i vol. Blue morocco extra, g. t. 1837. 5 2996. Berry (W.). PEDIGREES OF THE FAMILIES OF THE COUNTY OF SURREY. Half morocco, g. t. 1830. 2 izs. 2997. Drummond (J.). ANCIENT SCOTTISH WEAPONS. With Introduction and Descriptions by J. Anderson. Chromo-lithographic plates. Only 500 copies printed. Half morocco. Edinb., 1881, 2 2s. 2998. Cotman (J. S.). ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES OF NORFOLK. The three Series Architectural Remains in the Counties of York, Cambridge, Suffolk, Lincoln, etc., with Architectural Descriptions by T. Rickman. 4 vols. in 2. Etchings by Cotman. Half morocco, g. t. 1838. i 45. 2999. Normandie Illustree, Monuments, Sites et Costumes, texte par Bourdeaux, Bosquet, Charma, etc. 2 vols. Fine lithographic plates by Benoist. Half red morocco gilt, g. e. Imp. folio. Nantes, 1852. i ijs. 3000. Whitaker (T. D.). HISTORY OF RICHMONDSHIRE. 2 vols. Large paper. Plates, those by Turner on India paper, pedigrees, etc. Morocco extra, g. e. Royal folio. 1823. 10 3001. Van Amstel (C. P.). COLLECTION D'IMITATIONS DE DESSINS, d'apres les principaux maitres Hollandais et Flamands. Half morocco. Atlas folio. Amst., 1821. i 6s. 3002. Stafford Gallery. Engravings of the Marquis of Stafford's Pictures, with Remarks by W. Y. Ottley and P. W. Tomkins. 4 vols. in 2. Large paper. India proof plates. Half morocco. Imp. folio. 1818. i 6s. 3003. Drayton (M.). POLY-OLBION, a Chorographical Description of Great Britain, digested into a Poem. Engraved title and maps. Calf. 1622. 7 3004. Hutchins (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF DORSET. Enlarged by Shipp and Hodson. 4 vols. Map and plates. Half green morocco gilt, g. t. 1861-70. 7 3005. Lipscomb (G.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF BUCKING- HAM. 4 vols. Large paper. Maps and Plates. Hf. mor. gilt, g. t. 1849. 11 3006. Blake. YOUNG (E.). NIGHT THOUGHTS. Designs by W. Blake. Half calf. 1797- 3 105. 3007. Scrope (Wm.). ART OF DEER-STALKING. New edition. Engravings and lithographs after the Landseers and the author (foxed). Calf gilt. Royal 8vo. 1839. i 155. 3008. Scrope (Wm.). DAYS AND NIGHTS OF SALMON FISHING IN THE TWEED. First edition. Lithographs and woodcuts after the Landseers, D. Wilkie, etc. (foxed). Green cloth, uncut. Royal 8vo. 1848. 6 3009. Walpole (Horace). CATALOGUE OF ROYAL AND NOBLE AUTHORS OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. Enlarged and continued by Thos. Park. Numerous fine portraits. 5 v ols. Blue morocco extra, g. e. J. Scott, 1806. 3 85. 3010. Walpole (H.). A /CDOTES OF PAINTING IN ENGLAND, with considerable Additions by the Rev. Jas. Dallaway. Numerous fine portraits. 5 vols. Calf gilt, m. e. Royal 8vo. Major, 1826. 4 9*- 3011. [Apperley (C. J.).] LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN, by Nimrod. 36 coloured plates by- Henry Alken. First edition. Morocco gilt, g. e. Royal 8vo. Ackermann, 1842. 8 i2s. 6J. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2O 7 3012. [Apperley (C. J.).] THE CHACE, THE TURF, AND THE ROAD, by Nimrod. Portrait and illustrations by H. Alken. Cloth gilt, uncut. 1837. 1 Ss. 3013. [Surtees (R. S.).] MR SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR and MR. FACEY ROMFORD'S HOUNDS. First editions. Coloured plates and woodcuts by John Leech. 2 vols. 1853-65. 2 4s. 3014. Mills (John). THE STAGE COACH, OR THE ROAD OF LIFE. First edition. Plates by Standfast (foxed). 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. H. Colburn, 1843. i js. 3015. Paxton's Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants. Nume- rous coloured plates. 15 vols. Morocco, g. e. Royal 8vo. 1834-49. 2 8s. 3016. Morris (Rev. F. O.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS, with the Nests and Eggs. 823 fine coloured plates. 9 vols. Half calf gilt. Royal 8vo. Groombridge 1851-57. 6 15 j. 3017. Bewick (Thos.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. First edition. 2 vols. New- castle. 1797-1804; and GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. Fifth edition. /., 1807 ; together 3 vols. Large paper. Uniform russia gilt, m. e. 4 $s. 3018. Curtis (Wm.). BOTANICAL GARDEN, or Flower-Garden Displayed. Numerous coloured plates. Vols. I.-LXVII. and General Index to vols. I.-LIII. Half bound in 47 vols. 1793-1841. 4 ids. 3019. Jardine (Sir Wm.). THE NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. 40 vols. (wanting Ichthy- olog}*) Vol. VI.). Original edition. Numerous coloured plates. 1833-43. 1 I9s- 3020. Neale (J. P.). VIEWS OF SEATS. Both series. II vols. (second series wants Vol. V.) ; and VIEWS OF CHURCHES. 2 vols. Numerous fine plates. Uniform red morocco extra, g. e. Royal 8vo. 1822-28. 1 los. 3021. Dibdin (T. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON. Numerous illustrations, some on India paper. 3 vols. Half bound. Royal 8vo. 1817. S los. 3022. Dickens (Ch.). SKETCHES BY Boz. First series. Original edition. Plates by G. Cruikshank (stained). 2 vols. Half bound, 1836 ; and Second series, in the original cloth, uncut. 1837. i $s. 3023. Scott (Sir W.). BORDER ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Numerous fine plates. 2 vols. Half bound. Longmans, 1814. i 3024. Horsfield (T. W.). HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND TOPOGRAPHY OF SUSSEX. Numerous views, woodcuts, map, etc. 2 vols. Half bound. Royal 4to. Lewes, 1835- 2 7 s. 3025. Forbes (Jas.). ORIENTAL MEMOIRS. Portrait and numerous engravings, the plates of Natural History coloured. 4 vols. Russia gilt, m. e. 1813. i 10^. 3026. Pinkerton (John). GENERAL COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Numerous plates. 17 vols. Calf gilt. 1808-14. 2 igs. 3027. Collins (David). ACCOUNT OF THE ENGLISH COLONY IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Maps and engravings (those of Natural History coloured). 2 vols. Calf gilt. Cadell, 1798-1802. 5 js. &d. 3028. Cook (Capt. Jas.). SECOND AND THIRD VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. Maps and plates. 5 vols. Calf and half calf, and folio Atlas of maps and plates. 1777-85- 1 3029. Cramer (P.). PAPILLONS EXOTIQUES DE L'AsiE, L'AFRIQUE, ET L'AMERIQUE (text in Dutch and French). 400 beautifully coloured plates. 4 vols. Half Russia gilt. Amst., 1779-82. 6 2s. 6j IQJ. IT This collection comprises Parthenius, "Aventurcs d' Amour;" Heliodorus, "Theagenes et Chariclee," 4 vols.; Longus, " Les Pastorales," "Che'reas et Callirrhoe," 2 vols. ; Xenophon, " Habrocome et Anthia ; " Lucius, " L'Ane ; " Theodorus Prodromus, " Rhodanthe et Dosicles ; " Eumathe Macrembolite, " Hysmine et Hysminias ; " et Nicetas Eugenianus, " Drosilla, et Charcles." (The last, comprising the l$th vol., is of excessive rarity, if not unique. Large paper copies of the set are most rare. ) 3204. Concilia Generalia Ecclesiae Catholicae Pauli V. Pont. Max. Auctoritate edita, Gr. et Lat. Editio Princeps. 4 vols. Old dark blue morocco gilt. J. A. De Thou's copy, with his arms and those of his second wife on sides, and mono- gram on back, gilt edges. Very fine copy, from the Seilliere sale, with ex-libris, where it sold for 10 55-. Folio. Romce ex typ. Vat., 1608-12. 6 55. 3205. Daudet (Alphonse). TARTARIN SUR LES ALPES. Profusely illustrated with coloured and plain aquarelle engravings. The edition de luxe printed entirely on Japanese paper, with portrait of Daudet and original water-colour drawings by Myrbach. Only 25 copies printed (No. 14). Wrapper, inclosed in blue morocco case, with padded silk linings. Imp. 8vo. Paris, Calmann Levy, 1885. 2 17*. 6 H This fine and complete set of David's works contains 2,449 6 ne engravings, and comprises the following works: "Antiquites d'Herculanum," " Antiquites Etrusques," " Grecques et Romaines," " Museum de Florence," " Histoire de France sur Napoleon," "Monuments inedits de 1'Antiquite," "Histoire de France " (Guyot), " Histoire d' Angleterre, " " Histoire de Russie," and " Loges de Vatican." ("Museum de Florence" and "Herculanum" want a plate in each. ) Such a set rarely occurs for sale. 3207. De Favre (M.). LES QUATRE HEURES DE LA TOILETTE DBS DAMES, Poeme Erotique, etc. Grand papier de Hollande, uncut. Vignettes and culs de lampe by Le Clerc. Crushed blue morocco, back tooled in marguerites, line sides, double with yellow morocco, covered with separate marguerites, top edge gilt, by Chambolle-Duru. Small 410. Paris, ]. F. Bastien, 1779. 7 3208. Deguignes (Joseph). HISTOIRE GENERALE DES HUNS, DES TURCS, DBS MOGOLS, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux, ouvrage tire des Livres Chinois et des MSS. Orientaux de la Bibl. du Roi. 4 vols. in 5. Blue morocco, tooled floreate back, line sides, with corner fleurons, inside tooled borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Hardy-Mennil. Fine copy, with arms of Prince d'Essling on sides. 4to. Paris, Desaint, 1756-58. 3 los. IT Accompanying the lot was an unbound and uncut copy of the same author's " Typographic Orientale et Grecque de I'lmprimerie Royale." 410. Paris, 1787. 3209. Demosthenes. ORATIONES VUJE ET SEXAGINTA ; Libanii Sophistse in eas ipsas Orationes Argumenta ; Vita Demosthenis per Libanium ; Ejusdem Vita per Plutarchum Grsece. Editio Princeps Venet. in aed. Aldi, 1504. ULPIANI COMMENTARIOLI IN OLYNTHIACAS PHILIPPICASQUE DEMOSTHENIS ORATIONES. /&., 1503. In I vol. (some leaves slightly stained and wormed). Russia gilt, by Staggemeier. 4to. 7 If This interesting volume has many emendations in the handwriting of Philip Melancthon, and belonged to Mr. S. Leigh Sotheby, who refers to it in his monograph on the autographs of Luther and Melancthon. Autograph letter of J. Ellis Hodgkin inserted. 3210. De Quincey (Quatremere). LE JUPITER OLYMPIEN, ou 1'Art de la Sculpture Antique, considere sous un noi .u point de Vue. 31 plates, some of which are coloured (one of the few copies with coloured plates). New mottled calf extra, top edge gilt. Uncut, fine copy, rare. Imp. 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1814. 2 i$s. 3211. D'Herbelot (Bart.). BIBLIOTHEQUE ORIENTALE, avec Continuation par C. Visdelon et A. Galand et Additions par H. A. Schultens. Large and fine paper. Best edition. Portrait by Houbraken. 4 vols. in 8. Old French red morocco, gilt tooled floreate back, line borders, gilt edges (Boyet). Very fine copy, from the Hildyard sale, where it sold for .12 12.?. 410. La Haye, 1777-82. 4 zs. Gd. Dilettanti Society's Publications. IONIAN ANTIQUITIES, published by order of the Society of Dilettanti. Numerous fine plates. 3 vols. New red morocco back and borders, cloth centres, top edges gilt, other edges uncut. Imp. folio. 1759-1840. 8 15.5-. H An exceptionally fine copy of this important work. Vol. I. is on large paper (in which state it is exceedingly rare), and has two different title-pages, and India proof impressions of the portraits of the members, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, an original water-colour of pi. II., ch. 3 ; and the fourth chapter (which was published separately), added ; Vol. II. was Cockerell's copy, and has a number of his original BOOK SALES OF 1895. 223 sketches and a large plan of the Amphitheatre of Laodicea in colours, as well as three of the original drawings for the work in colours ; Vol. III. is on large paper. 3213. Diodorus Siculus. HISTORIARUM LIBRI ALIQUOT QUI EXTANT, opera et studio V. Obsopoei in lucem editi, Graece, Editio Princeps. Contemporary MS. notes in margins. Old calf, medallion head in centre (rebacked). Small 4to. Basil. Oporinus, 1539. 1 is. 3214. Diogenes Laertius. VIT/E ET SENTENTI^E EORUM QUI IN PHILOSOPHIA probati fuerunt (B. Brognolus recensuit). First edition in Latin with date, capitals in red and blue, the first page artistically painted in Roman emblems, with a coat of arms below (a serpent twisted, holding a human being in its mouth, crowned). Calf (from the Sullivan sale). Small folio. Venet. N. Jenson, 1475. 7 IO.T. 3215. Dionysius Halicar. ANTIQUITATUM ROMANARUM lib. X. Greece ex Bibl. Regia, Lut. ex off Stephani, 1546, Colophon, 1547 Ejusdem de Compositione seu Orationis partium ad Rufum ; Artis Rhetorical, etc. Graece, ib., 1547; both parts in i vol. Red morocco extra, with gilt tooled ornamental back, centre cartouche, scroll corners, inside gilt borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Lortic. Very fine copy, from the Didot sale. Folio. ^4 ijs. >d. 1[ Editio Princeps, finely printed with the "Grecs du Roi," very rare in this state. Some contemporary MS. notes in margins. 3216. Dioscorides. OPERA ; ET NICANDRI THERIACA ET AI.EXIPHARMACA Graece cum Scholiis cura Aldi Manutii. Blue morocco, plain, with inside gilt borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Very fine copy, from the Yemeniz Library. Folio. Venet. ap. Aldum Manutium, 1499. 17 IT Editio Princeps, very rare, especially when containing, as this copy does, the 10 11. of Scholia, which Renouard says he had never seen. There are a few MS. notes in Greek in the margins. Syston Park copy sold for 40. 3217. Dorat (C. J.). LES BAISERS, Precedes du Mois de Mai Poe'me. Reimpression textuelle, sur 1'edition de la Haye (Paris), I77> one f 5 copies on China paper, with the plates in three separate states. Crushed purple levant morocco, full gilt tooled back and ornamental borders inside and out, gilt on marbled edges, by David. Fine copy (in cardboard case lined with chamois). Imp. 8vo. Le- monnyer, 1880. 2 i8s. 3218. Epictetus. OPERA OMNIA, GR. ET LAT. CUM COMMENT SIMPLICII, recens. Adnotationibus, indicibus, etc., illustravit Jo. Schweighaeuser. Fine paper. 5 vols. in 6. Blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by J. Clarke. Fine copy, from Sir Edward Sullivan's sale. 8vo. Lips. Libr. Weidmannia, 1799-1800. i 12^. 3219. Epictetus. ENCHIRIDION, CUM COMMENT. Simplicii Grace, editio Princeps. Red morocco, full gilt tooled back, line sides, fleuron at each corner, broad ornamental inside borders and joints, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, by C. Lewis. Fine copy (through Dr. Williams, Drury, Syston Park, and Earl of Crawford's Libraries. Small 4to. Venet. Fratres de Sabio, 1528. 7 IQJ. 3220. Etymologicon Magnum Graece. Large paper. Headings and initials in red (facsimile of the Codex added). Old English red morocco with gilt panels, gilt edges (Sunderland Lib. copy). Folio. Venet. Z. Kalbergos, 1499. 5 IT Edited by M. Musurus at the expense of Nikolaos Vlastros the Cretan ; extremely rare on large paper. Roxburghe copy sold for 18 los. 3221. Euclides. ELEMENTA CUM PROCLI COMMENT. Graece; una cum S. Grynsei Prsefatiuncula de Disciplinis Mathematicis (dedicated to Cuthbert Tuustall), editio princeps. Numerous diagrams and woodcut initials. Old calf, rare (Sir John Thorolct's copy sold for 10 1 5-f. ). Folio. Basil. Hervagius, 1533. 2 los. 224 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3222. Euripides. MEDEA, HIPPOLYTUS, AIXESTISET ANDROMACHE (curaj. Lascaris), Greece, printed in capitals, 4 leaves in clever facsimile by Harris. Modern red morocco, line tooling with fleurons, quite uncut, bound by Bedford. Fine copy (from the Lakelands Library). Small 410. Absque nota (Florent. L. de Alopa, ante 1500). 11 IT Editio princeps of the four plays, very rare ordinarily, but probably unique in this uncut state. Renouarcl, .36 15^., Woodhull ,22 lew., Crawford, 22 13*. 3223. Euripides. TRAGCEDI^E SEPTEMDECIM EX QUIBUS QU^DAM HABENT com- mentaria et sunt hac. First edition of the 17 plays (except Medea, Hippolytus, Alcestis, and Andromache). 2 vols. Brown morocco, gilt fleurons on backs and corners, anchor in gold on sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Lortic. Fine copy, from Dunn Gardner's sale. Small 8vo. Venet. Aldus, 1503. 11 3224. Euripides. ELECTRA, GR^CE, NUNC PRIMUM IN LUCEM EDITA (a P. Victorio). Wants leaf 26, last six leaves neatly mended. Red morocco double, line tooling, gilt edges, Dr. Th. Williams's crest on sides. Exceedingly rare. I2mo. Romse, Blandus, 1545. 2 \2s. IT The Electra was the only known play not included in the Aldine Editio Princeps, and this is therefore the real first edition. Sir Mark Sykes's sold for $ 12s. 6d. 3225. Eusebius. DE EVANGELICA PREPARATIONS EX GRECO IN LATINUM translata (G. Trapezuntio Interp. ). Lit. Goth, in double columns, without marks, capitals painted in red, modern red morocco, full gilt back, line sides with fleuron at each corner, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, fine copy (from the Lakelands Library). Small folio. Absque ulla noto (seel Colon. U. Zell, c. 1470). 7 15^. 1i Regarded by Hain as the first edition, but that of Jenson with the date 1470 has the best claim. 3226. Eusebius, Socrates et alii Ecclesiasticas Historise ; una cum ejusdem Eusebii Preparatione et Demonstratione Evangelicae, Graece, editiones Principes. Large paper, ruled throughout in red. 3 vols in 2. Old French red morocco, line tooled backs and sides, with neurons, gilt edges, arms in centre of a large fleur-de-lis and 4 small ones. Veiy fine copies. Folio. Lut. Par. R. Stephanus, 1544-5- * * IT Very rare on large paper, finely printed with the Greek types of Garamond. Solar's copy, of the Historia only, sold for 154 francs. 3227. Falconer (Wm.). THE SHIPWRECK. New edition, with Life by J. S. Clarke. Woodcuts, printed entirely upon tinted India- paper, probably unique. G. Daniel's copy, who has added the advertisement for Falconer's Marine Dictionary, signed by the author. Green morocco, ornamental back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Hayday (ex-libris of J. D. Lewis in cover). 8vo. W. Miller, 1811. 2 6s. 3228. Galenus. OPERA OMNIA GR/ECE, ad fidem exemplariorum ita emendata atque restituta ut nunc primum nata atque in lucem sedita (ab Hier Gemusseo), etc. 5 vols. in 3. (Large device on titles), modern mottled morocco gilt (Spanish style), gilt edges, fine copy, ruled in red lines. Folio. Basil. Bebelius, 1538. i tor. IT Some of the titles bear the autograph of Albertus Fabritius Parisiensis, and there are a few MS. annotations in margins. 3229. Gems. PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILES OF THE ANTIQUE GEMS OF PRINCE PONIATOWSKI. With a description and Poetical Illustrations of each subject, by J. Prendeville. Both series. 47 1 photographs of gems. 2 vols. Half morocco gilt. 410. 1859. 2 lot. BOOK SALES OF 189$. 22$ 3230. Gerhard (Ed.). AUSERLESENE GRIECHISCHE VASENBILDER HAUPTSACHLICH ETRUSKISCHEN FUNDORTS. 330 fine coloured plates. 4 vols. Half red morocco gilt. 4to. Berlin, Reimer, 1840-58. g 12s. 3231. Gerhard (Ed.). ETRUSKISCHE SPIEGEL. Vols. I. -IV., in 3 vols. Half red morocco, top edge gilt, other edges uncut, and Vol. V. in 10 parts (all yet pub- lished), containing 530 fine plates, royal 410. Berlin, 1843-90. 4 12s. 3232. Gironi (Robust). IL COSTUME DEI GRECI RINTRACCIATO su' MONUMENTI. 153 fine coloured plates. 3 vols. Italian green morocco, full silver back, broad silver borders of renaissance ornament, gilt edges, fine copy, rare. 4to. Milano, 1819-23. 3 iss. IT Presentation copy from the Author to II Conte Giulio di Arassoldo. 3233. Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.). STUDIES ON HOMER AND THE HOMERIC AGE. 3 vols. (With the article from the "Edinburgh Review" bound in), new half green morocco gilt, morocco corners, top edges gilt, other edges uncut, by Birdsall. 8vo. Oxf., 1858. 2 ijs. 3234. Gnomas Monostichse et Musaei Hero et Leander Graece (cura J. Lascaris), editio princeps, printed throughout in capital letters (top plain margin of first leaf neatly mended), red morocco gilt, gilt edges, absque nota (sed Florent F. de Alopa, c. 1494)- 9 15*- IT Exceedingly rare ; the Syston Park and Lakelands copy. 3235. Gospels (the Four). MANUSCRIPT ON GLAZED PAPER (411 11.). Old Armenian and Armenian-Turkish, both in Armenian characters in parallel columns, richly decorated and illuminated throughout with many fine miniatures, grotesque initials, gold letters, rubrications, floral and arabesque ornaments, etc., original binding, oaken boards, stamped leather with flap and tyers, in very line state. Thick small 410. Cent. xvii. 64 IT A splendid manuscript, containing 20 large illuminated miniatures, a Calendar of 8 pp. richly illuminated, first page of each Gospel finely decorated, 208 minia- tures and ornaments in margins, all in the later Byzantine style with chromatic Perso- Egyptian decoration. 3236. Gothofredus (Jac.). ORATIONES POLITICO III., s. 1., 1634. Librnii Antio- cheni Pro Templis Gentilium non excindendis ad Theodosium Oratio, Gr. et Lat. nunc primum edita a Jac. Gothofredo, notisq. illustrata. Jb. De Cenotaphis diatriba. Ib. In I vol. Old French red morocco gilt (from the Beckford sale). Small 410. 2 8s. IT All on large paper, probably unique in this state. The " Oration of Libanius " is termed by Dr. Harwoocl the "scarcest tract in the whole system of Greek literature." 3237. Grolier (Jean). RECHERCHES SUR JEAN GROLIER, SUR SA VIE ET SA BIBLIOTHEQUE, par le Roux-de-Lincy. Large paper (very rare). Text in imp. 8vo. Red morocco extra, top edge gilt, others uncut, and folio atlas of plates in half morocco. Paris, L. Poitier, 1866. 2 i8s t 3238. Gruel (Leon). MANUEL HISTORIQUE ET BIKLIOGRAPHIQUE DE L'AMATEUR DE RELIURES. Chromes and other illustrations, half morocco, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. 4to. Paris, Gruel, 1887. 2 us. 3239. Hamilton (Sir Wm.). COLLECTION OF ETRUSCAN, GREEK, AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. Original edition, with the first impressions of the 520 plates, the corresponding plates from the 8vo edition of 1804, and others by H. Moses inserted. 4 vols. Old French mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, very fine copy. Royal folio. Naples, 1760-7. 6 6s. Q 226 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3240. Hamilton (Sir Wm.). PEINTURES DES VASES ANTIQUES (Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Vases). Upwards of 250 beautifully coloured plates (text in Italian and French). 4 vols. Green morocco, gilt back and broad tooled borders in and out, joints, gilt edges by Christie. Earl of Clare's copy with his arms on sides, fine copy. Imperial folio. Florence, 1800-1803. 6 3241. Harmenopulus (Const.). EPITOME JURIS CIVILIS quae Legum prochiron et Hexabiblos inscribitur, jam primum in lucem aedita cura et studio Th. Adam. Suallembergi, Graece. Old red morocco, gilt edges. Small 4to. Paris, C. Wechel, 1540. 21 H Editio princeps, printed on vellum, the only other copy known being in the Bibliotheque Nationale. Presented by Andreas Wechel, the printer, to Nicolas Judicus, with inscription on reverse of title. From the Earl of Crawford's collection. 3242. Heliodorus. HISTORIC ^THIOPIC^:, libri decem (Theagenes et Chariclea), nunquam antea in lucem editi Grsece, editio princeps. Brown morocco extra, floreate ornaments on back and corners, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Hardy. Fine copy (exemplaire Didot), small 4to. Basil. Hervagius, 1534. 2 2s. 3243. Heliodorus. LES AVENTURES AMOUREUSES DE THEAGENES ET CARICLEE, sommairement descrite et represented par figures dedie au Roy. Par Pierre Valet, son Brodeur Ordinaire. Engraved title and 120 fine copperplate engravings. Marie de Medici's copy, bound in contemporary brown morocco, the sides covered with fleurs-de-lis, and ornamental gilt tooling, with the arms in the centre and crowned monogram of double M in corners, gilt edges. Very cleverly restored by Benard of Paris, 8vo. Paris, P. Valet, 1613. _^33 los. H Specimens from the Library of Marie de Medicis are of great rarity. 3244. Herculanum. LE FIXTURE ANTICHE D'ERCOLANO, e Contorni con qualche Spiegazione (da O. A. Bajardi) col Catalago degli Antichi Monument!. Many hundred fine plates of paintings, bronzes, candelabra, lamps, etc. 9 vols. Old French red morocco, full floreate back, line sides, gilt edges (Derome). Fine copy, atlas folio. Napoli, 1754-79. j 15*. 3245. Herodotus. HERODOTI LIBRI NOVEM, quibus Musarum indita sunt nomina, Graece (ex recens. Aldi Manutii). Editio princeps, and one of the finest produc- tions of the Aldine Press. Ruled throughout in red, old calf, tooled in geometrical lines (binding worn), large copy, small folio. Venet. in domo Aldi, 1502. 3 i$s. 3246. Hierocles. IN AUREOS VERSUS PYTHAGOR^E OPUSCULUM. (Latineredditum a J. Aurispa). Editio princeps of this version. Rare (the signatures, which are placed at the extreme lower corners of the page, have been cut into in this copy). Crimson morocco, full gilt tooled floreate back, line sides, inside gilt borders, bronzed fly-leaves, gilt edges (Derome). Beckford copy, Duke of Grafton's signa- ture on first leaf. Small 410. Patavii, B. de Valde Zoccho, 1474. 2 i8s. 3247. Hippocrates. OPERA OMNIA GREECE. Cura Fr. Ansulani. Editio princeps. Russia, yellow edges. Fine copy. Folio. Venet. in aedib. Aldi, 1526. 3 Bs. 3248. Hommaire de Hell (Xav.). VOYAGE EN TURQUIE ET EN PERSE. Par ordre clu Gouvernement Fran$ais, 1846-48. 4 vols. 8vo. of text (bound in 3), and imp. folio atlas of 107 fine plates, uniformly bound in half morocco gilt, morocco gilt corners, top edges gilt, other edges uncut, covers bound in Paris. Bertrand, 1853-60. ^4 6s. 3249. Homerus. ILIAS ET ODYSSEA, Batrachomyomachia Hymni cum Vita Homeri Greece. Single wormhole in some leaves. 2 vols. red morocco, large fleurons on BOOK SALES OF 1895. 22J backs and in corners, Aldine anchor on edges, inside tooled borders, gilt on marble edges, by Duru. Fine copy, small 8vo. Venet. in aed. Aldi, 2 Calend. Novem., 1504. 10 IO.T. IT The first Aldine edition ; dedicated to Jerome Aleandro. The Didot copy, which realized 235 francs. 3250. Homerus. ILIAS ET ODYSSEA CUM EUSTATHII ARCHIEP. THESSALON. Com- mentariis Grsecis. Edidit N. Mojoranus cum Indice M. Devarii. 4 vols. Etruscan calf gilt, gilt on marbled edges. (Woodhull copy.) Folio. Romae, A. Bladus (typis Aldinis, 1542-50). 2 los. If Editio Princeps. Very rare, large and fine copy. Dr. Heath's sold for 68. 3251. Homerus. ILIAS ID EST DE REBUS AD TROIAM GESTIS GR/ECE. Typis Regiis Paris, apud A. Turnebus, 1554. Batrachomyomachia et Hymni Grsece (paged 427 to 498). Ib., in i vol., new green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Small 8vo. 2 ijs. 6d. IT The fragment of the Batrachomyomachia and Hymns was probably intended by Turnebus to be placed at the end of an edition of the Odyssey which he never printed, and is excessively rare ; the Regnault-Bretel copy which sold for 451 francs. The Iliad has inserted a series of 25 fine copperplate illustrations by Crispin de Pas, and the fragment 21 figures of gods, etc. 3252. Homerus. ILIAS ET ODYSSEA. Grrece (ex Editione S. Clarkii) ; et /Eschyli Tragcediae cura R. Porsoni, Foulis's finely printed editions, with the original series of outlines by John Flaxman (some engraved by W. Blake) inserted. 5 vols. Blue morocco, gilt tooled borders inside and out, gilt edges. Fine copies. Folio. R. et A. Foulis, 1756-95. 6 15^. IT One of the most splendid specimens of Greek typography extant. 3253. Homerus. LES DIX PREMIERS LIVRES DE L'ILIADE D'HOMERE. Traduictz en vers Franois, par Hugues Salel, Abbe de S. Cheron. Fine woodcuts and orna- mental initials. Crimson morocco extra, floreate tooling on back, line sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru, with the Seilli:~e arms on sides. Very fine copy. Small folio. Paris, Jehan Loys, 1545. i& ios. H The earliest translation of Homer into French, and remarkable for the elegance of the woodcuts with which it is illustrated, attributed by Didot to Jean Cousin. Sold for ^13 at the Seilliere sale. 3254. Horus Apollo Niliacus. ORUS APOLLO DE ^EGYPTE ; de la Signification des Notes Hieroglyphiques des /Egyptiens, nouvellement traduict de Grecen Francoys. Beautiful woodcuts (attributed to Jean Cousin). Red morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bozerian Jeune. Fine copy. Rare. Small 410. Paris, J. Kerver, 1543. i 6s. H The beauty and cleverness of the woodcuts in this volume are highly praised by Dibdin in his Decameron. 3255. I socrates. ORATIONES. Graece (curante Demetrio Chalcondyla). Editio princeps. Fine tall copy (text slightly erased on last leaf but one). Red morocco, Etruscan vases on back, gilt borders in Etruscan and chain patterns, inside gilt borders, gilt edges (Duke of Sussex's ex-libris in cover). 410. Mediolani per H. Germanum et Sebast. de Pontremulo, 1493. 14 15*. ^ Dibdin describes this as one of the most beautiful and rare volumes of ancient Greek typography, and also of great intrinsic excellence. This copy sold for 13 5-r. at Phillipp's sale, and at Sir M. Sykes' for ^28 7-r. 3256. Jamblichus. DE MYSTERIIS ./EGYPTORIUM, CHALD^ORUM ASSYRIORUMQUE, acced. Varia Opuscula Procli, Porphyrii, Synessii, Pselli, etc., Latine, editio Aldina secunda. Russia, gilt back, ornamental borders, gilt edges. Fine copy. Small folio. Venet., Aldus, 1516. i is. 228 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3257. Jamblichus. DE MYSTERIIS /EGYPTORUM, CHALD^EORUM, ASSYRIORUM ; Proclus in Platonicum Alcibiadem de Anima ; Porphyrius de Divinis, etc. Purple morocco, gilt fleurons on back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Cape. Fine copy. l6mo. Lugd. Jo. Tornsesius, 1549. i is. 3258. Joannes Grammaticus. IN POSTERIORA RESOLUTORIA ARISTOTELIS COMMEN- TARIA, GR/ECE. Editio prima Aldina. Blue morocco, line tooled back and sides, inside gilt borders, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, by Bozerian Jeune. Fine copy, rare (from the Yemeniz and Lakelands libraries). Small folio. Venet., Aldus, 1504. i 8s. 3 2 59- Jones (Inigo). SOME DESIGNS OF INIGO JONES AND WM. KENT. 53 fine plates and engraved title by J. Vardy. Vellum. Horace Walpole's copy, with his ex-libris in cover. Folio. J. Vardy, 1744. ,1 l8s. 3260. Josephus. OPERA GREECE (curante Arn. Peraxylo Arlenio). Editio princeps of the Greek text, title in red and black, old red morocco, gilt edges. Fine copy, from the Woodhull library. Small folio. Basil. Froben., 1544. i 14^. 3261. Julius Pollux. ONOMASTICON, Grsece. Editio princeps. Venet., Aldus, 1502. STEPHANI BYZANTII DE URBIBUS, Gnece. Editio princeps. Ib., 1502. Fine copies, in I vol. Russia gilt, gilt edges (Woodhull copy). Small folio. t- M^. 3262. Justinus (S.). PHILOSOPH. ET MART. Opera, Grsece, ex Bibliotheca Regia. Editio princeps. Green morocco, with line tooled back and borders, ornamental scroll corners inside borders, gilt edges, by Ridge, of Grantham. Fine copy (Syston Park). Small folio. Lut., R. Stephanus, 1551. 2 2s. 3263. Knight (R. P.). ACCOUNT OF THE REMAINS OF THE WORSHIP OF PRIAPUS, lately existing at Isernia, in Naples. Original edition. Brown morocco, sides in- laid in blue and tastefully tooled, inside gilt borders, gilt edges by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Fine copy, very rare. 4to. (Privately printed), 1786. 6 6s. 3264. Koran in Arabic. Manuscript on glazed paper. 300 leaves, within illuminated borders, 3 pages fully illuminated, native ornamental morocco in brown, red, and gold, in limp morocco case. Small 8vo. ^"4 3265. Laborde (Alex.). DESCRIPTION D'UN PAVE EN MOSAIQUE, decouvert dans 1'Ancienne Villa d'ltalia, aujourd'hui le Village de Santiponce pres de Seville, with a double set of the plates, plain and coloured, calf gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. Atlas folio. Paris, Didot, 1802. &i 3266. Lafontaine (J. de). CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS. Edition des Fermiers Generaux, avec une Notice par Diderot. Portraits of Lafontaine and Eisen, and fine impressions of the beautiful plates by Eisen, [those of the " Cas de Conscience," and " Le diable de Papefiguiere " decouvertes. 2 vols. Old French red morocco, gilt, gilt edges (backs slightly repaired). Fine copy. Amst. (Paris, Barbou), 1762. 15 los. 3267. Landon (C. P.). ANNALES DU MusfiE, ET DE L'ECOLE MOUERNE DES BEAUX- ARTS. Many hundred outline illustrations. 45 vols. bound in 34. Half calf gilt, top edges gilt, by Zaehnsdorf. 8vo. Paris, 1801-13. 4 8s. H A fine and very complete copy, comprising Premiere Collection, 17 vols. ; Seconde Collection, 5 vols. (including Galerie Giustiniani) ; Precis Historique, 4 vols. ; Numismatique de Jeune Anacharsis, I vol. ; Paysages Genre, 4 vols. ; Galerie de Massias, I vol. ; Salons de 1810, 1812, 1814, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1822, and 1824, 13 vols. ; Salon 1817 wants a plate. 3268. Landon (C. P.). ANNALES DU MUSEE ET DE L'ECOLE MODERNE DES BEAUX- ARTS (avec les Paysages). Numerous outline plates. 21 vols. Green morocco, BOOK SALES OF 1895. 22Q broad line borders, gilt edges. Dedication copy to Madame Mere (de Bonaparte), with the Napoleon eagle on sides and back. Fine copy. 8vo. Paris, 1805-15. 55s. 3269. Lascaris (Const.). COMPENDIUM OCTO ORATIONES. Partium et aliorum quorundam necessariorum, liber primus, Gr. et Lat. (Editit Johannes Cestonus). Blue morocco full gilt back, tooled corners, inside borders, silk linings, gilt edges, by Bozerian Jeune. Fine copy, very rare. Sykes' copy sold for 6 ios. t and subsequently at the Buckley sale, for j $s. Small 4to. Vicenza, Leon, de Basilea, 1489. 7 I2J. 3270. Lascaris (Const.). EROTEMATA GR^CE CUM INTERPRETATIONS LATINA, etc. Brown morocco, broad gilt ornamental back and borders, gilt edges, by Mackenzie. Small 4to. Venet., Aldus Manutius, 1494-5. 2 2s - If Extremely rare. The first book with a date from the Aldine Press, large copy, with the 2 leaves of errata added from a smaller copy. Sykes' copy sold for 16 6s. ; Beckford's, ^13. 3271. Leech. A'BECKETT (G. A.). COMIC HISTORIES OF ENGLAND AND ROME. First editions. Coloured plates and woodcuts by John Leech. 3 vols. New calf extra, gilt edges, by Tout. 8vo. 1847 n. d. 4 6s. 3272. Le Hay (M.). RECUKIL DE CENT ESTAMPES REPRESENTANT DIFFERENTES NATIONS DU LEVANT. Brilliant impressions of the 103 plates (including those published subsequently, and the engraved text). Old red morocco, gilt edges (Ruette). Louis XlVth's Copy, with his arms in centre, and crowned double L on back and in corners. Imp. folio. Paris, Basan, 1714. 15 5-f- IF This copy sold at the Beckford sale for 1$. 3273. Lempertz (H.). BILDER-HEFTE ZUR GESCHICHTE DBS BUCHERHANDELS. Facsimile bindings, portraits, devices, autographs, initials, etc. Dark russia inlaid in various colours, Grolier pattern, brass bosses, 4 bronze medallion portraits of Gutenberg, Coster, Didot, and Bodoni, uncut, fine specimen of binding. Royal folio. Coin, 1853-65. 4 Ss. 3274. Libri (Guil.). MONUMENTS INEDITS, ou peu connus faisant partie du Cabinet de G. Libri. 60 fine chromo-lithographs of rich bookbindings, etc., and the rare Supplement containing 5 plates. Presentation copy from the author to W. H. Ashurst, with inscription on fly-leaf. Half morocco. Atlas folio. London, 1862-4. ^3 i8.r. 3275. Livre Moderne (Le). REVUE DU MONDE LITTERAIRE et des Bibliophiles Contemporains publiee par Octave Uzanne, exemplaire sur Papier de Chine. Only 15 copies taken, numbered XXI. to XXXV. (no. XXIV.). 4 vols. Half purple morocco, top edges gilt, with all the original illustrated covers, advertise- ments, etc. bound in by Zaehnsdorf. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1890-91. 2 12s. 3276. Longinus (Dion). LIBER DE GRANDIS, sive Sublimi Orationis Genere, Greece, nunc primum a Fr. Robortello in Lucem editus, ejusdem annotationibus Latinis in margine. Contemporary red morocco, compartments inlaid in black, the sides covered with elaborate scroll tooling with fan pattern corners (Le Gascon), with arms similar to those of the Albani's, but having a rose instead of a star in chief. Small 4to. Basil. Oporinus, 1554. 4 2s. 6d. 3277. Longus. PASTORALIUM ET DAPHNIDE ET CHLOE. Libri IV., Grsece (cum Prcefatione R. Columbanii) ex Bibliotheca Aloisii Alamannii, editio princeps. Brown morocco gilt, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by R. Leighton. George II's copy, with his book-plate, on reverse of title, afterwards Bp. More's and Mansfield Price's. Rare. Small 4to. Florent. P. Juneta, 1598. i los. 230 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3278. Longus. PASTORALIUM DE DAPHNIDE ET CHLOE. Lib. IV., Gr. et Lat. ex recensione et cum animadversionibus J. B. C. d'Annse de Villoison. Large vellum paper, with a set of the plates of the Regent Philippe d'Orleans, by Audran (avec le petit pieds). 2 vols. Old French crimson morocco, line and scroll panelling, gilt edges, silk linings, very fine copy, from Prince Talleyrand's library with inscription on fly-leaf, "Ex Bibl. Caroli Maritii Talleyrand." 410. Paris, Didot, 1778. 10 $s. 3279. Longus. HISTOIRE ET AMOURS PASTORALLES DE DAPHNIS KT DE CHLO ensemble un debat de Folie et d' Amour maintenant mise en francois par Dame L. L. L. (Louise Labe Lyonnaise) plus quelques vers Franfois, P. M. D. R. (par Mile, des Roches). Original edition. Old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges (Derome). Very rare. i6mo. Paris, J. Parent, 1578. i is. 3280. Longus. LES AMOURS PASTORALES DE DAPHNIS ET CHLOE (traduction de Jacques Amyot). Frontispiece after Coypel, and 28 plates engraved by Audran, after the designs of the Regent Philippe d'Orleans. The rare and genuine first edition (one of the copies issued before the plate the " Petit Pieds " was engraved). Bright old calf gilt, gilt on marble edges. Small 8vo. S. 1. 1718. ^13 IT Horace Walpole's copy, with his ex-libris and the following autograph note on fly-leaf, "This is the genuine edition, very scarce. The cuts were designed by the Regent of France, Philip Duke of Orleans. This copy was purchased at the sale of Vice Chamberlain Coke by Maria Skerret, afterwards second wife of my father Sir Robert Walpole, first earl of Orford. H. W." The title bears the autographs of Vice-Chamberlain Coke and_Maria Skerret. From the Beckford sale. 3281. Longus. LES AMOURS PASTORALES DE DAPHNIS ET CHLOE. Double Traduction du Grec en Francois de Amiot et d'un Anonime (Le Camus) mises en paralelle, ornees des Estampes Originales du fameux B. Audran gravees aux depens du feu Due d'Orleans, avec un front, par Coypel et autres vignettes et culs de lampe gravees par D. Fokke sur les desseins de Cochin et de Eysen. Old calf gilt, morocco back (fine specimen of Dutch binding by Dahmen of Amsterdam). Small 410. Paris, imprimees pour les Curieux, 1757. 13 13.?. IF This copy contains a double set of the Regent's designs, one surrounded with ornamental borders and coloured by hand, the other without borders as originally issued, including the " Petits Pieds." Very rare in this state. 3282. Longus. AMOURS DE DAPHNIS ET DE CHLOE traduite par J. Amyot. Large vellum paper (containing the Laurentian fragment, not found in ordinary copies). Blue morocco, floreate gilt back, broad scroll and pointille sides, inside gilt tooled borders, by Petit, fine copy. Small 8vo. Paris, Renouard, 1803. & IO.T. IT This copy contains 4 vignettes by Eisen taken separately, 3 on India paper ; 7 plates by Mariller from Berquin's Idylles, proofs before numbers ; 3 plates by the same from Me. Desshoulieres, proofs before letters, the bathing plate by Prudhon, " les Petits Pieds " by Scotin, and another plate by Borel. 3283. Lucianus. LUCIANI OPERA ; Icones Philostrati ; ejusdem Heroica et Vita; Sophistarum ; Icones Junioris Philostrati ; Descriptiones Callistrati, Omnia GHECC. First Aldine edition. Purple morocco, with gilt tooled back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, with the Seilliere arms on sides. Fine copy. Small folio. Venet. in xd. Aldi. 1503. 7 IQS. T " Les Exemplaires complets en sont rares." Brunei. 3284. Lucianus. DIALOGI GR/'ECE EDITIO PRINCEPS. French red morocco, with gilt tooled panellings, broad inside gilt borders, gilt edges, and silk linings (Bradel). Fine large copy. Folio. Florentine (s. n. imp.), 1496. 10 IQS. IT Attributed to the press of Fr. de Alopa. The Didot copy, which sold for 399 francs in 1881. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 231 3285. Malchus. DE VITA PYTHAGORJE, Grsece, nunc primum ex MSS. in lucem editus a Cunr. Rittershusio, cum ejusdem notis. Old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges, J. A. de Thou's copy, with his arms and those of his second wife on sides, and monogram on back (a well-preserved specimen. (Beckford copy which sold for f ios.). Small 8vo. Altorfii, C. Agricola, 1610. 4 7*. Gd. 3286. Mariette (P. J.). TRAITE DBS PIERRES GRAVEES. Fine impression of the numerous plates. 2 vols. Old French red morocco, gilt floreate back, line sides, gilt on red edges (Padeloup). Fine copy. Small folio. Paris, Impr. de 1'Auteur, 1750. 6 6s. 3287. Marius-Michel. LA RELIURE FRANQAISE depuis 1'invention de I'lmprimerie jusqu'a la fin du XVI lie Siecle. Japanese paper copy (only a small number printed). Etched frontispiece and numerous specimens of binding. Blue morocco double, tooled inside and out, in line frames with fleuron at each corner. Fancy silk linings, gilt edges. Royal arms of Austria in centre. Gilt edges, by Marius-Michel, a fine specimen of their art. In cardboard case, 410. Paris, Morgand, 1880. 25 ios. IT Exhibited in the Bindings Exhibition of the Burlington Fine Arts Club. 3288. Marlborough Gems. GEMMARUM'ANTIQUARUM delectus ex prsestantioribus desumptus quae in Dactyliotheca Marlburiensis Ducis conservantur, Lat. et Gallice. 100 plates by Bartolozzi, etc. Fine original impressions with duplicate plate of the nuptials of Cupid and Psyche. 2 vols. Bright red morocco, wheel ornaments on back. Etruscan borders, gilt edges. Royal arms of Austria in centre. Gilt edges (Kalthoeber), fine copy. Royal folio. 1845. 6 ios. H Only 100 copies printed for presentation. 3289. Maximilianus Imp. Aug. ad Principes Populosq. Italiae (6 leaves). Title within ornamental border, with Imperial eagle in centre. Blue morocco gilt, gilt edges. Small 4to. Ex Noricis in Ceni Ponte, 1518. 5 if A very rare Tract, not in the British Museum nor the Bologna Library. It was issued at the time when Pope Leo X. was endeavouring to form an alliance with the European Powers against the inroads of the Turks. It was sold in 1886 for 8 5s. 3290. Mayer (L. ). VIEWS IN EGYPT, PALESTINE, AND OTHER PARTS OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Portrait and 96 beautifully coloured plates. 3 vols. in i (separate title to each vol. and general title). Red morocco, the back and sides covered with gilt tooled Egyptian ornaments, gilt tooled inside borders, joints, gilt edges, by Staggemeier, with his ticket. A very choice copy. Imp. folio. Bowyer, 1801-4. 4 3291. Mayer (L.). VIEWS IN THE OTTOMAN DOMINIONS IN EUROPE AND ASIA. From the original drawings taken for Sir R. Ainslie, with descriptions. 71 finely coloured plates. Yellow morocco, the back and sides covered with gilt Egyptian ornaments. Inside borders, gilt edges (Staggemeier). Very choice copy. Imp. folio. Bowyer, 1810. 3 3292. Menard (Rene). LA VIE PRIVEE DES ANCIENS. Many hundred woodcuts after antique monuments, by Cl. Sauvageot. 3 vols. Half brown morocco, top edges gilt, other edges uncut, covers bound in, by Chapelain (autograph letter of the author inserted). Imp. 8vo. Paris, Morel, 1880-82. i i$s. 3293. Menologium Graecorum. Nunc primum Graece et Latine prodit, studio et opera Card. Albani. Numerous copperplate engravings. 3 vols. Vellum (from Cardinal Amati's library). Rare folio. Urbini, 1727. 5 232 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3294. Millingen(J. V.). PEINTURES ANTIQUES ET INEDITS DE VASES GRECS. Tirees de diverses Collections ; et de la Collection de Sir John Coghill, avec des expli- cations. 117 fine plates. 2 vols. Half green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. Imp. folio. Rome, de Romanis, 1813-17. 2 6s. 3295. Montfaucon (Bern. de). PAL^OGRAPHIA GR^CA. Large paper, plates. Bright old calf, full gilt back, line sides, inside borders, gilt edges. Count Hoym's copy, with his arms in gold on sides. Royal folio. Paris, Guerin, 1708. j i^s. IT Inserted is a drawing on vellum in gold and colours of Dionysius writing, copied from the original Greek MS., the engraving of which occurs on page 24. 3296. Montesquieu (Secondat de). LE TEMPLE DE GNIDE. Nouvelle edition. Large paper, engraved throughout by Drouet. Frontispiece and 9 beautiful plates after Eisen, by Le Mire. Engraved title and vignette. Blue morocco, full gilt back, line sides, inside ornamental borders, gilt edges by Chambolle-Duru. Very fine copy. Small 410. Paris, Le Mire, 1772. 26 los. IT A similar copy of this edition, on large paper, has sold for .60. 3297. Montesquieu. LE TEMPLE DE GNIDE. An edition of 140^ copies on papier velin. Vignette on title, with the original set of plates by Peyron for the Didot edition of 1795, 5 in black and in bistre, 4 in colours, and 5 original etchings ; and the 3 plates by Peyron for the Temple de Gnide et Cephise et 1' Amour, proofs before letters. Red morocco, full gilt back, double ornamental border, double with green, with fine tooled ornamental border, silk linings, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. Very choice copy, folio. Paris, J. Pinard, 1824 ^7 15^. 3298. Moralistes Anciens (Collection des). [Traduites du Grec, du Latin, etc., par Levesque et autres.] 18 vols. Old red morocco, gilt borders in and out, gilt edges. Fine copy, I2mo. Paris, Didot, 1782-95. i 15.?. 3299. Morea. EXPEDITION DE LA MOREE. Ordonnee par le Gouvernement Fransais ; Architecture, Sculptures, etc., dessinees par Blouet. Fine plates. 3 vols. Paris, 1833-40. EXPEDITION SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA MOREE, par Bory de S. Vincent. 4 vols., 4to., and folio atlas of plates, ib., 1836; together, 8 vols. Half red morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Cape, folio and 410. 21 IT A very fine and complete copy of this valuable work, on large papier velin, with early impressions of the plates. It is a presentation copy from King Louis Philippe to Standish Standish, Esq., and has the following inscription on the back of each volume: "Donne par S. M. Louis Philippe, Roi des Francais, a M. Standish Standish." Sold in the Standish sale for 37 los. So fine and complete a copy is probably unique. 3300. Murphy (J. C.). ARABIAN ANTIQUITIES OF SPAIN. 100 fine large line en- gravings, with the 4to. vol., entitled, " A History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain," intended as an introduction to the large volume. 2 vols. Full half new red morocco with morocco corners, the sides gilt stamped Arabian canvas, specially designed by the owner in harmony with the subject of the work, t. e. g., other edges uncut. Imp. atlas folio and 4to. 1816. .19 ^T A unique copy of this magnificent work, the author's own, with 100 of the original drawings for the work ; 22 other drawings, apparently for his other work on the Church of Batalha ; 55 extra engravings. Some proofs on China paper in various states, some in colours, several of which were suppressed, all inserted in their proper places and neatly mounted ; and MS. notes of the author. 3301. Musaeus. OPUSCULUM DE HERONE ET LEANDRO, Gr. et Lat. 2 woodcuts. Red morocco gilt, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. Fine copy, from the Lake- lands' Library ; very rare. Venet., Aldus (1494). iB los. ff Editio Princeps, and first book printed by Aldus. Sir J. Thorold's copy fetched ^30. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2 33 3302. Museum Worsleyanum, or a Collection of Antique Basso Relievos, Bustos, Statues, and Gems, with views of places in the Levant, by Sir R. Worsley. Original edition. Portrait and numerous fine plates, with letter of Cambridge University on paper. 2 vols. Green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford. Presentation copy to N. Marchant, the engraver. Imp. folio. Pri- vately printed, 1794. 4 IDJ. 3303. Nice-lay del Delfinato (Nic. de). LES QUATRE PREMIERS LIVRES DBS NAVI- GATIONS ET PERIGRINATIONS ORIENTALES. Premiere edition, with the 60 full-length figures of costume (by L. Danet), attributed to Titian (some leaves neatly repaired by Bedford). Calf gilt. Earl Granville's copy, with his ex-libris. Small folio. Lyon, G. Rouille, 1568. 2 los. 3304. Nicolay (N. de). VIER BUCHE VON DER SCHIFFART UND RAYSZ IN DIE TURCKEY UND GEGEN ORIENNT, aus der franzozischen Sprache in die Deutsche gebracht. 60 fine full-length figures. Contemporary calf stamped with heads of reformers, saints, ornaments, etc., with central figure of Christ bearing the cross, and quotations from chap. v. of S. John's gospel, with tyers. Very fine specimen of German art. Folio. Nurnb., D. Gerlatz, 1572. 6 6s. 3305. Nicolay (N. de). NAVIGATIONI ET VIAGGI FATTI NELLA TURCHIA, tradotti di Francese da Fr. Flori. 68 full-length copperplate engravings of costume by L. Danet. Vellum. Small folio. Venet., Fr. Ziletti, 1580. 2 2s. 3306. Nicolay (N. de). VIER BUCHER VON DE RAISZ UND SCHIFFART IN DIE TURCKEY (im Teutsch uebersetzt). Lit. Goth. 60 fine plates (title neatly mended). Blue morocco, full gilt back, line borders, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. Fine copy. Small 4to. Anvers, Silvius, 1577. 2 3307. Nicolay (N. de). LE NAVIGATIONI ET VIAGGI NELLA TURCHIA, novamente tradotto di Francese in volgare da Fr. Flori da Lilla. First edition of this trans- lation. 60 fine full-length figures by L. Danet, attributed to Titian (some leaves washed). Blue morocco, full gilt back, line borders, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. Fine copy. Small 410. Anvers, G. Silvio, 1587. 4 js. 6d. f\ The four preceding lots were uniformly bound. 3308. Onosander. STRATEGICUS, ET URBICII INVENTUM, Gr. et Lat., N. Rigaltius nunc primum e Vetustis Codd. Graecis publicavit, Latina interpretatione et notis illustravit. Woodcuts. 2 vols. in I. Old red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Sm. 410. Lut. Par A. Sangranius, 1598-99. 5 5^. IT King Charles II. "s copy, with crowned interlaced C within joined laurels, and C. II. R. at bottom. With inscription on title, " Rigaltius e Dominis incre- mentum dabit." 3309. Oppianus. HAHEUTICA GREECE. Editio princeps (Greek verses on the statue of Oppian, and an extract in Latin from De Venatione, by P. Melancthon, in MS., on fly-leaves). Brown morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Small 8vo. Florent., P. Junta, 1515. ^3 15.5-. 3310. Oppianus. DE PISCATU, lib. V. ; Laurentio Lippo interprete ; de Venatione lib. IV. ita conversi, ut singula verba singulis respondeant, Gr. et Lat. in eorum gratiam qui Grreca cum Latinis conjungere volunt. Very fine copy, bound in old red morocco gilt, gilt edges (Duke of Roxburghe's copy, with his arms on sides), (Roger Payne). Small 4to. Paris, G. Morelius, 1555. 2 6s. 3311. Oppianus. DE VENATIONE, lib. IV., De Piscatu, lib. V., Gr. et Lat., confectis studio et opera C. Rittershusii (ex-libris of the library of the Capuchin Convent of Borbon-Lancei). Old brown morocco, the sides covered with alternate roses 234 BOOK SALES OF 1895. and aiglons, with the Montmorency arms joined with those of Pistorius, Elector of Saxony, in the centre, gilt edges. Small 8vo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Plantin, J. Raphelengius, 1597. 4 los. If This copy sold at the Beckford sale for 6. 3312. Orationes et Oratores. ORATIONES HORUM RHETORUM, ^Eschinis, Lysias, Alcidamantis, etc. ; item ^Eschinis et Lysiae Vitas. ORATIONES INFRA SCRIPT - ORUM RHETORUM, Andocidis, Issei, etc. ISOCRATIS ORATIONES, Alcidamantis contra dicendi Magistros, etc., omnia Grsece. The 3 parts complete in 2 vols., the first vol. bound in contemporary red morocco, with gilt tooled back and ornamental panels, the second newly bound in very clever imitation of the original by Benard, of Paris. Small folio. Venet. in .^Edibus Aldi, 1513. 7 js. If A very fine copy of a work rarely found complete. On the reverse of last leaf of Vol. I. is a woodcut of the arms of a cardinal and two angels. 3313. Orpheus. ARGONAUTICA ET HYMNI ; acced. Procli Hymni omnia Grsece (some leaves cleverly washed and repaired). Crushed red morocco, line tooling, fleurons in corners and on back, gilt edges, by F. Bedford (Lakeland's copy). Small 410. Florent., Impensa P. Juntae, 1500. j los. If Editio princeps, very rare. Printed with type printed used by the Nerli Brothers for the editio princeps of Homer. Sykes, ^12 17^., Heber, 13 $s. 3314. Ottley(W. Young). THE ITALIAN SCHOOL OF DESIGN. A series of facsimiles of original Drawings. Large paper. 84 fine plates, proofs. Half morocco, uncut. Atlas folio. 1823. i igs. 3315. Ovidius. LES METAMORPHOSES D'OVIDE, gravees sur les dessins des Meilleurs Peintres Franfais, par les soins des Srs. le Mire et Basan. 142 fine plates after Eisen, Gravelot, Moreau, Boucher, etc., brilliant impressions. Red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. 410. Paris, 1767. g los. 3316. Paschalius (Car.). CORON/E, opus quod nunc primum in lucem editur distinctum, X. libris. Large copy, ruled in red first edition (dedicated to Henry IV.). Old red morocco, the back and side borders tooled in triple and double lines of fleurs-de-lis, with plain centre, gilt edges, silk tyers, perhaps the dedication copy to the king (from Prince Borghese's Library). Small 410. Paris, P. Chevalerius, 1610. ,10 151. 3317. Pausanias. GRJECI& DESCRIPTIO, Greece (ex recens., M. Musuri), editio princeps. Modern brown morocco extra, line tooling, gilt edges. Exceptionally fine and large copy. Folio. Venet., Aldus, 1516. & 5*. If Very rare ; Sir John Thorold's copy sold for ^14 $s. 3318. Pausanias. GR/'ECI/E DESCRIPTIO, Gr. et. Lat., G. Xylandro diligenter recog- nita. Old red French morocco, with borders and panels of pointille tooling, the panels and back covered with the monogram of Emmanuel, Cardinal Prince of Savoy, with his coat-of-arms in centre, gilt edges. Fine copy (from the Earl of Crawford's sale). Ex-libris of H. Beverland and his autograph on title, enclosed in new dark green morocco case. Folio. Hanov., Hoeredes, C. Marnii, 1613. 16 los. II Inscription on fly-leaf, "exdono illustrissimi Principis Sabaudite Immanuelis Cardinalis, anno 1633." Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition of Bindings. 3319. Peiijnot (Gabriel). OZUVRES DIVERSES. In twenty-five 8vo, and one I2mo. vols. Uniform new half red morocco gilt, top edges gilt, other edges uncut, contents lettered, by Zaehnsdorf ; three pamphlets unbound, and one in half cloth (4to.). Paris, 1800-85. 1 5 I0s - II A most complete collection of the valuable writings of this celebrated Biblio- BOOK SALES OF 1895. 235 grapher, most of which are out of print, and some impossible to obtain ; many dedication copies and in exceptional states. 3320. Pennethorne (John). GEOMETRY AND OPTICS OF ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE. Numerous fine plates (some coloured). Half red morocco, uncut, top edge gilt. Super imperial folio. 1878. i gs. 3321. Persian Drawings. A Collection of 43 Native Persian Drawings in gold, colours, and Indian inks, comprising hunting scenes, grotesque animals, full- length figures, etc., and 7 pp. of text within illuminated borders, in native binding, in new case. Folio. Circa Cent. XVII. 18 55-. IT A curious and valuable volume from the sale of T. Fiott Hughes, where it sold for 17 ijs. The binding cleverly restored hy Benard, of Paris. 3322. Persian Drawings. Manners and Customs of the Courts of Persia. A collection of 38 Original Drawings, by a talented Native Artist, in colours, heightened in gold and silver, surrounded by ornamental borders, and Persian text on back of each drawing, loose in native ornamental cover (from Sir John Malcolm's collec- tion). Folio. 8 15$. 3323. Persian Drawings. A Set of 24 large and finely-painted Miniatures, in gold and colours, apparently representing Fath AH, his Court and Family, on a succession of attached leaves, bound in richly lacquered covers, each having a different painting of the Shah and his Court, surrounded by borders of flowers, in a silk bag. Small folio. Circa, 1820. 28 ^f A splendid example of Persian art. 3324. Persian Manuscript. " DIVAN OF HAFIZ." A fine MS. in double columns in a good Nastalik hand, with wide margins of gold-grained paper of various tints (165 leaves), the first two pages illuminated in gold and colours. Native brown morocco, the sides stamped in elaborate gold mosaic ornaments, inside inlaid in gold and various coloured mosaics, in new case. Small folio. Circa, Cent. XVI. ^3 1 This very fine specimen was sold in the sale of T. Fiott Hughes for l$. 3325. Persian Manuscript. DIVAN OF HASAN-I-DIHLAVI, written A.H. 909 (1532), a fine manuscript on glazed paper (224 leaves), within gold borders, the first two pages and heading of one chapter beautifully illuminated in blue, red, and gold. Contemporary native red morocco, stamped in compartments of gold mosaics of emblematic subjects, insicles inlaid in blue with centres of rich gold ornamentation, in new case, a superb specimen of Oriental art. Narrow 4to. 22 T This splendid MS. was sold in the sale of the Oriental Library of T. Fiott Hughes for 12, and the binding has since been cleverly restored by Benard, of Paris. 3326. Persian Manuscript. EXTRACTS FROM THE POETS, exquisitely written, mostly by Shah Mohammed al Meshhedi, Cent. XVI., within painted and illuminated borders, of the most delicate and charming style, on different coloured grounds, illustrated with 14 miniature portraits of ancient and modern Persian heroes and princes (executed in modern India) in native bronzed gilt and painted ornamental covers, with figures of virgin and child in centre, enclosed in modern morocco case. 410. 1560-1830. 26 los. r \ A remarkable and interesting volume, exhibited at the Bindings Exhibition of Burlington Fine Arts Club. 3327. Persian Manuscript. SHAHNAMA OF FIRDAWSI. A splendid MS. on 574 leaves of glazed paper, in 4 columns, in a good Talik hand, within gold and coloured borders, the first page illuminated in gold and colours, and having 29 full-page magnificent illuminated paintings representing scenes connected with the 236 BOOK SALES OF 1895. subject of the MS. Oriental brown morocco, stamped in compartments of gold mosaics in high and low relief, the centre representing hunting scenes, the insides inlaid in gold and various coloured mosaics, since most artistically restored by Benard, of Paris, enclosed in a new wooden case, canvas covered and lined with velvet. Large folio. ; JI 5 If This remarkably fine MS., with its unique binding, was sold in T. Fiott Hughes' sale for $9. It was exhibited at the Bookbindings Exhibition of the Burlington Fine Arts Club. 3328. Petits Chefs-d'CEuvre Antiques. Comprisants : Apuleius, Amour et Psyche ; Longus, Daphnis et Chloe ; Musseus, Hero et Leandre ; Ovid, Les Amours ; Tatius, Leucippe et Clitophon ; Virgilius, Les Bucoliques ; Lucian, Dialogues des Courtesanes ; Apollonius, Jason et Medee ; Anacreon et Sappho, Odes ; Horatius, Odes et Epodes ; Theocritus, Idylles ; Lucius, L'Ane ; Propertius, Elegies ; et Catullus, Odes. Together 14 vols. Finely printed within tinted borders, with coloured and illuminated plates. Bound in full half light blue morocco, gilt tooled backs, top edges gilt, other edges uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Fine set, some of which are out of print and scarce. I2mo. Paris, Quantin, 1878-89. 8 8s. 3329. Phavorinus. MAGNUM AC PERUTILE DICTIONARIUM. Editio princeps (last leaf mounted). Bound in 2 vols., brown pigskin gilt, gilt edges, folio. Romse, Zach. Calliergus, 1523. i zs. 3330. Photius. MYRIOBIBLON, sive Bibliotheca Grsece edid. D. Hoeschelius, Latine reddidit A. Schottus, cum notis et scholiis. Large paper, ruled with red lines. Blue morocco double with yellow, full gilt back, tooled in dots and laurel leaves, broad side borders of zigzag tooling, diamond lines in centre, inside gilt borders, silk linings, vellum fly-leaves, gilt and tooled edges, by Bozerian Jeune. A very fine copy, and a splendid specimen of Bozerian's binding. Royal folio. Rotho- magi, Berthelin, 1653. 12 55. IT Very rare on large paper. Larcher's copy sold for 200 frs. This is the Beck- ford copy. 3331. Plato. OPERA OMNIA, Graece (ex recens. M. Musuri et Aldi Manutii). Editio princeps, 2 parts in I vol., modern brown morocco, antique style, inside gilt borders, gilt edges (ex-libris of P. Guy Pellion). Bound by Thomas. Fine copy, rare. Folio. Venet. in sed. Aldi, 1513. .5 3332. Plato. OPERA QU^E EXTANT OMNIA. Gr. et Lat. ex nova Johannis Serrani interpretatione, etc. 3 vols. Old English red morocco, the sides and back covered with rich gold tooling in scrolls and spangles, with centre panels in the style of Le Gascon (about 1675), gilt edges. A splendid example of English Bibliopegy (from the libraries of John, Lord Somers and Lord Hardwick, whose ex-libris are in the first vol.). Folio. Paris, H. Stephanus, 1578. g I2s.6d. 3333. Plato. OXUVRES DK PLATON. Traduites par Victor Cousin. Large vellum paper. Only 25 copies printed. 13 vols. Dark green morocco extra, full gilt back and inside borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Hardy, with initials of B. Jouvin, in gilt monogram on sides, and his ex-libris in vol. I. Fine copy. Royal 8vo. Paris, Bossange, 1823-40. 11 io.f. 3334. Plutarchus. OPERA QU.E EXTANT. Gr. et Lat. (edidit H. Stephanus). 13 vols. Old French red morocco, ornamental backs, line sides, inside borders, gilt edges, with the arms and monogram of the Abbe E. J. de Wignerot de Richelieu (nephew of the Cardinal) on sides. Very fine copy. Small 8vo. (Lut. ) excud. H. Stephanus, 1572. 5 155. If This copy sold for ,13 5.?. at the Ilildyard sale in 1889. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 237 3335 Plutarchus. OPERA QU^E EXTANT OMNIA. Gr. cum Lat. Interpretatione Cruserii et Xylandri cum notis var. studio Jo. Rualdo. Head of Plutarch on each title, equestrian portrait of Louis XIII. by Estiene, and of Brunart Sillery. 2 vols. Old French red morocco gilt, gilt on marbled edges, with arms and mono- gram of Louis Henri Comte de Lomenie. Fine copy. From the Thynne library. Folio. Lut. Par. typ. Regiis, 1624. i 6s. 3336. Plutarchus. Sapientissimi Plutarchi Parallelum Vitse Romanorum et Graecorum quadraginta novem, Grsece. Editio princeps. New calf, antique style, the old panels inlaid having the inscription on the upper cover " Exemplaire de Jean Racine Annote de Sa Main " (from the St. Hilaire library, with ex-libris). Folio. Florent. P. Jiunta, 1517. ^13 IT Jean Racine the poet's copy, having his autograph signature on title and marginal annotations by him, chiefly in the Lives of Fabius Maximus, Cato, and Pompey. Excessively rare. 3337. Plutarchus. PARALLELA, hoc est Vitte Illustrium Virorum, accuratius quam antehac unquam digests; Greece. Contemporary morocco binding with panels of elegant gilt scroll tooling, with the royal arms of England (lions and fleurs-de-lis only) within an ornamental circle on sides, gilt edges (cleverly restored). Folio. Basil. Cratander, 1533. 40 H" Henry VIII. 's copy, and a rare specimen of early gilt tooling. It was exhibited at the Bindings Exhibition of the Burlington P'ine Arts Club. 3338. Plutarchus. LES VIES DES HOMMES ILLUSTRES. Traduites du Grec par D. Ricard. Ornees de cartes et de portraits d'apres les Bustes et les Medaillons Antiques, avec les Tables de Matieres, papier velin avec trois epreuves differents des planches (contre-epreuve, epreuve avant la lettre et eaux-fortes). 15 vols., bound in 28, full half red morocco, morocco corners, gilt fleurons on back, top edges gilt, other edges quite uncut, by Chapelain. A superb copy, very rare in this state. Royal 410. Paris, Dubois, 1838-48. 13 13^-. 3339. Poetae Christiani. Prudentius, Joannes Damascenus, Ilomero-centra, Gregorius Nazianzenus, Sedulius, Nonnus et alii, Gr. et Lat. (with duplicates of the Greek text of Joannes Damascenus, Homero-centra et Gregorius Nazianzenus). 3 vols. bound in 4 vols. Red morocco, richly gilt tooled back and ornamental borders, silk linings, gilt edges. Fine copy. Small 4to. Venet., Aldus, 1501-4. 18 IT A complete copy of this rare Aldine collection, from the Syston Park Library, at the sale of the first portion of which, in 1884, it produced 20. Since resold 3340. Poetse Minores Graeci, proecipua lectionis varietate et indicibus locupletissimis instruxit Thos. Gaisford. Large and thick paper. 4 vols. in 3. Red morocco, line tooled back and sides, gilt edges (C. Lewis). Fine copy, with arms on sides. Imp. 8vo. Oxon. typ. Clar., 1814-20. 2 $s. 3341. Polybius. HISTORIARUM QU/E SUPERSUNT, Gr. et Lat. I. Casaubonus Latine vertit et comment, illustravit ; .Enese comment, et notas adjec. Large paper. Old red morocco, line back and sides, inside tooled borders, gilt edges (ex-libris of N. Vansittart in cover). Fine copy. Folio. Paris, H. Drouard, 1609. i 6s. 3342. Polybius. HISTORIARUM LIBRI QUI SUPERSUNT, Gr. et Lat. interprete Is. Casaubona, Jo. Gronovius recensuit notas var. adjecit. 5 vols. Old French blue morocco, gilt tooled backs and ornamental compartments, inside gilt borders, silk linings, quite uncut, bound by Deiome le Jeune, with his ticket. Very fine copy. 8vo. Amst., Jansson, 1670. j js. IF Renouard's copy, with his name on binding, ticket inside, and autograph on titles. Probably unique in this state. 238 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3343- Polybius. HISTORIARIUM QUIDQUID SUPERSUNT, Gr. et Lat. recens. digessit, emendatiore interpretatione, var. lect. adnot. indicibus illustravit Jo. Schweig- hseuser. Thick Dutch paper. 8 vols. in 9. Crimson morocco, full gilt tooled backs, line sides, inside ornamental borders, morocco joints, gilt edges, fine copy. Lips., 1789-95. SUPPLEMENTUM Editionis Polybii Schweighaeuserance con- tinens ^Enese Tactici Commentarium edidit J. C. Orellius. Fine paper, red morocco extra, gilt edges. Ib., 1818. POLYBII HlSTORlARUM excerpta Vaticana in Titulo de Sententiis recens. Jac. Geel, ace. A. Maii annotatio. Red morocco extra, gilt edges. Lugd. Bat., 1829 ; together II vols. 8vo. 7 IT The nine volumes of Schweighaeuser's Polybius was the Duke of Hamilton's copy, in whose sale it alone realized 12 los. The two supplementary volumes have been added since. 3344. Polybius. LES CINQ PREMIERS LIVRES DESHISTOIRESTRADUITZ EN FRANCOIS PAR LOYS MAIGRET. Brown morocco extra, back geometrically tooled, line sides, inside ornamental borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet, with arms of the Baron de Seilliere on sides. Small folio. Paris, D. Janot, 1542. ^4 1F A very fine copy of the first edition of the first French translation of Polybius. 3345. Prisse D'Avennes. L'ART ARABE, d'apres les Monuments du Kaire depuis le Vile siecle jusqu'a la fin du XVIIIe. 200 fine large plates, many chromos and numerous woodcuts in the text, text in I vol., royal 410, and plates in 3 vols., atlas folio. Bound in half red morocco, top edges gilt, other edges uncut. Paris, Morell, 1877. 16 3346. Psalterium Hebraeum, Graecum, Arabicum, et Chaldaeum cum tribus Latinis interpretationibus et glossis (per A. Justinianum). Ruled in red, contem- porary calf, with borders of interlaced lines enclosing figures of the Ermine of Brittany, the Griffin of Genoa, and a fleur-de-lis, centre frame of floreate tooling with two painted coats of arms (each different), inlaid in centre, gilt and gauffred edges (rebacked). Fine copy, very rare. Genuae, P. Porrus, 1516. ^10 IO.T. U Remarkable for the earliest account of the Life and Voyages of Columbus, in Justiniani's Commentary on the Psalm Ccelus enarrant. 3347. Psalterium Graecum, cura Justini Decadye, Greece, finely printed in red and black, 2 pages within woodcut borders, ornamental initials and headings, coat of arms painted at end of preface, old red morocco, full gilt back, centre and corner ornaments, gilt edges. Fine copy of a rare edition. Small 410. Venet., Aldus Manutius (c. 1495). 12 U The Sunderland copy, afterwards Sir E. Sullivan's at whose sale it produced i I ioj. 3348. Psalterium Greece et Latine (ex recensione Joannis Crastoni Placentini). Initials in blue and red, old blue morocco, dotted and ornamental back, line sides, with dotted corner ornaments, arms of H. N. Evans in centre gilt inside borders, gilt edges, ex-libris of Sir M. M. Sykes in cover. Fine copy. Small folio. Im- press. Mediolani anno 1481, die XX. Septembris. 21 los. T The first issue of this very rare edition. Sold for 22 at Sir M. M. Sykes' sale. 3349. Psalterium Graecum, e Codice MS. Alexandrine, typis ad similitudinem ipsius Codicis Scripture fideliter descriptum cura et labore H. H. Baber. Printed on vellum (i of 16 so printed), blue morocco, with broad gilt inside and outside borders, silk linings, gilt edges. Royal 4to. Lond., 1812. 7 los. 3350. Ptolemasus. GEOGRAPHIEDE PTOLEMEE, reproduction photo-lithographique du MS. Grec du Monastere de Vatopedi au Mont Athos, avec une introduction BOOK SALES OF 1895. 239 par Viet. Langlois. Numerous facsimiles. Boards. Folio. Paris, F. Didot, 1867. i 5J. IT Dedicated to the Emperor Alexander II. of Russia ; a limited number only printed. 3351. Quintus Calaber. DERELICTORUM AB HOMERO Libri XIV. (Tryphiodori excidium Trojse ; Coluthi Raptus Helense) Grsece. Editio princeps. Old French green morocco, line tooled, gilt edges (Bozerian). Very fine copy. Small 8vo. Venet., Aldus, s. a. (c. 1505). 2 los. H Very scarce. Renouard's copy sold for .10 los., and Sir J. Thorold's for g. This is the Beckford copy. 3352. Racinet (A.). L'ORNEMENT POLYCHROME. 100 coloured and illuminated plates, complete with letterpress, unbound, in original cloth portfolio. Imp. 4to. Paris, Didot, 1877. 2 5*. 3353. Regnaut (Anthoine). DISCOURS DU VOYAGE D'OUTRE MER AU SAINCT SEPULCHRE DE JERUSALEM, et autres lieux de la Terre Saincte, avec plusieurs traictez. 4 maps and numerous woodcuts, crushed red morocco, back tooled in dots, fleurons and lines, line sides, inside ornamental borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Gruel. Fine large copy, with some rough edges. Small 4to. Lyon aux despens de 1'Autheur, 1573. 21 IT Extremely rare ; this copy contains the Ordonnances after page 263 usually wanting, even in the Beckford copy which sold for 20. The Earl of Crawford's copy. 3354. Reipublicae Elzevirianae. A collection of 51 vols. uniformly bound in green morocco, gilt line tooling, gilt edges, with the arms of Gomez de la Cortina, Marquis de Morante on sides (one vol. loose in its binding). i6mo. Lugd. Bat. ex officina Elzeviriana, 1632-44. 5 $s. IT This fine collection of Elzevir Republics comprises the following : Introduc- tion, Africa, Greece, Persia, Roman-Germany, Russia, Belgium, Poland, Prussia, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal, Mogul, China, Venice, Scotland and Ireland, France, Spain, The Alps, Rome, Turkey, Thrace, Switzerland, Bohemia, Denmark and Norway, England, Hungary, Hanseatic, Sweden, Holland, Muscovy, Namur, etc., Leyden, Gaul, Constantinople, Batavia, Rhetia, Arabia, Japan, Savoy, Athens, A. Thysii, de Veterum Rerumpublicarum, Cluveri Introductio in Geographiam, Steidani de quatuor Summis Imperiis, Hegenitii Itinerarium Frisio-Hollandiam, Epitome Rerum Germanicarum, 1617-43, etc. 3355. Rhetores Antiqui Graeci ; scilicet ; Aphthonii Sophists Progymnasmata ; Hermogenis Ars Rhetorica, etc., cum commentariis Greece, the very rare Aldine edition, fine large copy. 2 vols. Bound in old French red morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges (Derome), (Due deValliere and Woodhull copy). Small folio. Venet. Aldus, 1508-9. 12 los. 3356. Richardson (Geo.). A collection of emblematical figures moral and instructive, chiefly compiled from the Iconology of C. Ripa. 109 fine coloured plates, repre- senting 424 emblematic figures. 2 vols. bound in 4. Boards, uncut, rare in this state. Folio. Printed for the author, 1777-9. 5 $s. 3357. Riepenhausen (F. et I.). PEINTURES DE POLYGNOTE A DELPHES, dessine'es et gravees d'apres la Description de Pausanias. 34 fine coloured plates, and 2 in outline, new half red morocco, gilt edges, very rare in this state. Imp. folio. Roma, 1829. 3 3^. 3358. Rousseau (J. F. ). PYGMALION, Scene Lyrique, mise en Vers par M. Berquin. Engraved throughout on 1 1 leaves, including title by Drouet, with 6 fine vignettes 240 BOOK SALES OF 1895. after Moreau, red morocco, fleurons on back, line sides, centre gilt floreate wreath inlaid with blue, inside gilt borders, joints, gilt edges, by Claessen. Fine copy, rare, in cardboard case. 8vo. Paris, 1775. 11 15^. IT Priced by Cohen as being worth from ^9 to^io. 3359. Saint-Non (Abbe de). RECUEIL DE GRIFFONIS, de Vues, Paysages, fragments antiques, et sujets historiques. 285 subjects etched and in aquatinta, after paintings by the old masters of the Italian and French schools. Russia gilt, gilt edges. Imp. folio. Paris, 1773. A3 3360. St. Non. VOYAGE PITTORESQUE, ou Description des Royaumes de Naples et de Sicile. Numerous maps, plans, and views, including the rare Phallus plate, and the 14 plates of medals. 4 vols. (generally bound in 5). New half blue morocco, with corners, ornamental gilt borders, top edges gilt, other edges quite uncut, fine copy. Imp. folio. Paris, 1781-86. 3 &. 3361. Salzenberg (W.). ALT-CHRISTLICHE BAUDENKMALE VON CONSTANTINOPEL. vom V. bis XII. Jahrhundert ; im Anhange des Silentiarius Paulus Beschreibung der Heiligen Sophia und des Ambon, metrisch uebersetzt von Dr. C. W. Kortiim, vellum paper. 40 fine plates (14 of which are chromos), whole bound yellow morocco, full gilt back, ornamental borders in and out, gilt on red edges, fancy paper fly-leaves, fine copy, atlas folio. Berlin, 1854. g 55. IT A limited number printed at the expense of the Prussian Government. 3362. Schrot (Martin). WAPPEXBUCH des heiligen Romishen Reichs und allgemeiner christenheit in Europa insonderheit des Teutschen Keyserthumbs. Many hundred woodcuts of arms (a few leaves wormed), old stamped calf, with motto, " Dominus Mutat Regna " on sides, tyers. Folio. Munchen, A. Berg, 1581. i 14*. 3363. Shelley (P. B.). THE REVOLT OF ISLAM, a Poem, in twelve Cantos. First edition. Autograph initials of the author on fly-leaf, and signature of Thos. Medwin on title, boards, uncut. 8vo. Oilier, 1818. 4 los. 3364. Shelley (P. B.). ROSALIND AND HELEN ; with other Poems. First edition. C. and J. Oilier, 1819. PROMETHEUS UNBOUND, a Lyrical Drama, with other Poems. First edition. lb., 1820. Fine copies, in I vol. Red morocco, full floreate back, line sides, inside borders, top edge gilt, other edges uncut, by F. Bedford. 8vo. 5 3365. Shelley (P. B.). HELLAS, a Lyrical Drama. First edition. Calf extra top edge gilt, other edges uncut, by F. Bedford (ex-libris of T. Gaisford in cover), very rare. 8vo. C. and J. Oilier, 1822. 3 3.9. 3366. Shelley. HELLAS, Buxton Forman's reprint. Printed on vellum (only 3 copies taken), boards. 8vo. (1822), 1866. 3 ios. 3367. Sherley (Sir Anthony). His relation of his travels into Persia, the Dangers and Distresses which befell him in his Passage both by Sea and Land, with the rare portrait and another by Sadeler inserted (margins of title and 5 other leaves slightly and neatly mended). Russia extra, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Very rare. Small 410. N. Butler, 1613. ji2 $s. IF Earl of Crawford's copy. The Beckford copy, with Sadeler portrait only, sold for 8 7 s. 3368. Sibthorpe (Jo.). FLORA GR^ECA ; sive Plantarum rariorum historia quas in Provinciis aut Insulis Graecise collegit, characteres omnium descriptiones et synonyma elaboravit J. E. Smith. 900 beautifully coloured plates. 10 vols. Green morocco, full gilt tooled back, broad ornamental borders, gilt edges, by C. Lewis. Imp. folio. Lond., R. Taylor, 1806-40. 168 II" A superb picked copy of the original issue of this magnificent work, of which BOOK SALES OF 1895. 241 only 25 copies were completed, coloured in a highly finished manner by James Sowerby for Thos. Platt, Esq., who was officially connected with the publication of the work. The subscription price was .239 8j., cost of binding, ^32 IO.T. This copy sold for ^100 in Mr. Platt's sale in 1883. The lot included also the Account Book, Subscribers' Names, Correspondence, Report of the Trial, Trustees of the British Museum v. Payne and Foss in the matter of the work, and interesting memoranda relating to its publication, comprised in 2 vols., and a box. 3369. Sophocles. TRAG^EDI/E (sic) SEPTEM CUM COMMENTARIIS, Grasce. Ruled with red lines. Brown morocco, plain, gilt edges, by J. Clarke. Fine large copy, ex-libris of H. Pilkington in cover. Small 8vo. Venet., in Aldus Romani Academia, 1502. 5 15^. IT Editio princeps. Second issue, names of the plays on title, and preface of Aldus to Lascaris on reverse. The Commentaries, though mentioned on title, were not published in this edition. 3370. Statue Antiche. Greche, e Romane, che nell' Antisala della Libreria di San Marco e in altri luoghi pubblici di Venezia si trovano. Portrait of King Christian VI. of Denmark, and 100 fine large engravings (open letter proofs), by Zanetti, 2 vols. Old mottled calf, with ornamental gilt tooled borders, and centre wreath inclosing the painted coat-of-arms of the Capello family, from the Beckford Library. Atlas folio. Venezia, 1740. $ 3371. Stephanus Byzantius. DE URBIBUS, Greece, editio princeps. Rare. Con- temporary calf, blind stamped in compartments of classical ornament (neatly repaired). Folio. Venet., in Aed. Aldi, 1502. 3 12s. IT A remarkable copy, having belonged to Jacques de Vintimille of Rhodes, Councillor of the Parliament at Dijon, and Translator into French of various Greek classics. He has written a note in Greek at the end of the volume, and there are numerous MS. notes in the margins by Mauritius David. The volume was exhibited at the Bindings Exhibition of the Burlington Fine Arts Club. From the Didot sale, in which it sold for 1 80 francs. 3372. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W. ). THE TURKS IN 1533. A series of Drawings made in that year at Constantinople, by P. Coeck, of /Eht, reproduced in fac- simile from the Original Blocks, with an Introduction. Green cloth ; only 100 copies printed for presents, of which this is the Hon. Mrs. Norton's copy. Oblong imp. folio. 1873. 6 6s. 3373. Strabo. DE SITU ORBIS, Grsece, editio princeps, in red and black. Modern blue morocco extra, inside gilt borders, marbled edges. Fine copy, from the Didot Collection, at the sale of which it produced 220 fr. Small folio. Venet., in asd. Aldi, 1516. 7 15*. 1f The dedicatory epistle to Prince Alberto de' Carpi contains a remarkable eulogy on the deceased Aldus the Elder. 3374. Stuart (Jas.) and N. Revett. ANTIQUITIES OF ATHENS, with the Supple- mentary Volume, and the Unedited Antiquities of Attica, published by the Society of Dilettanti. All original editions. Numerous fine plates, with an original coloured drawing in Vols. II. and III., extra portrait of Stuart, and frontispiece to the new edition in Vol. I. ; together 6 vols. Uniformly bound in russia extra, gilt tooled borders in and out, with coat-of-arms in centre, gilt edges, by Lewis. A very fine copy. Imp. folio. 1762-1817. 17 los. 3375. Symposia Platonis, Xenophontis, Plutarchi et Luciani, Grsece. Large paper, ruled in red. Red morocco, tooled in geometrical lines, gilt edges (Roger Payne). Fine copy (Beckford). Royal 8vo. Oxon., e Theat. Sheldon, 1711. 242 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3376. Syriac Manuscript. On 120 leaves of paper, written in red and black in a running hand. Native stamped red morocco, in limp morocco case, as used by the Oriental Christian Hermits. Square I2mo. Cent. XVII. (?). i 8s. IT Exhibited at the Bindings Exhibition of the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 3377. Tatham(Ch. H.). ETCHINGS OF ANCIENT-ORNAMENTAL ARCHITECTURE, drawn from the Originals at Rome. Second edition. 101 etched plates, a double set, one plain on purple paper, and the other coloured by hand, perhaps unique in this state. New half calf, line tooled calf gilt corners, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. Folio. T. Gardiner, 1803. 2 i^s. 3378. Aristotle. WORKS (with both editions of the Metaphysics), n vols. (only 50 copies printed), 1801-12. Andronicus Rhodius on the Nichomachsean Ethics of Aristotle, by W. Bridgman, 1807, translated by Thos. Taylor; together 12 vols. Calf extra, by Clarke. Fine copy. 410. Printed for the author. 11 5*. 3379. Aristotle. METAPHYSICS. Translated, with Copious Notes and Dissertation on Nullities, by Thos. Taylor. Calf gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut, by J. Larkins. Rare 4to. Ib. 1801. T.OJ. 3380. Plato. WORKS. 5 vols. Proclus on the Theology and the Timseus of Plato. 4 vols. Translated by Thos. Taylor, together 9 vols. Uniform russia extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Fine copy, scarce. 410. 1804-20. 6 15^. 3381. Proclus. PHILOSOPHICAL AND MATHEMATICAL COMMENTARIES ON THE FIRST BOOK OF EUCLID, with a History of the Restoration of Platonic Philosophy, etc. (by Thos. Taylor). Vignette on titles, and diagrams. 2 vols. in i. Old calf. 4to. Printed for the author, 1792. ,1 3382. Proclus. ON THE TIM^US AND THEOLOGY OF PLATO, translated by Thos. Taylor. 4 vols. Calf extra, by Clarke. 4to. 7^., 1816-20. 2 8s. 3383. Taylor (Thos.). ARGUMENTS OF THE EMPEROR JULIAN AGAINST THE CHRIS- TIANS, translated from the Greek, with other extracts. Calf gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. 8vo. Printed for the translator, 1809. 2 IQJ. IT A few copies only prirately printed, suppressed and very rare. 3384. Taylor (Thos.). SELECT WORKS OF PLOTINUS, and extracts from the Treatise of Synesius on Providence, etc., translated from the Greek. Calf gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. 8vo. Printed for the author, 1817. i is. 3385. Taylor (Thos.). JAMBLICHUS' LIFE OF PYTHAGORUS, or Pythagoric Life, etc., translated from the Greek. Calf gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. 8vo. Valpy, 1818. 1 2s. 3386. Taylor (Thos.). JAMBLICHUS ON THE MYSTERIES OF THE EGYPTIANS, CHAL- DEANS, AND ASSYRIANS, translated from the Greek. Calf gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. Very scarce, having been suppressed. 8vo. Chiswick, printed for the translator, 1821. 2 3387. Taylor (Thos.). THE METAMORPHOSIS, or Golden Ass, and Philosophical Works of Apuleius, translated from the Latin. Numerous MS. notes in margins. Calf gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. Very scarce. 8vo. R. Triphook, 1822. i 4r. 3388. Taylor (Thos.). DESCRIPTION OF GREECE, by Pausanias. Translated from the Greek, with Notes. New edition. Maps and views. 3 vols. Calf gilt, top edges gilt, other edges uncut. 8vo. R. Priestly, 1824. i IQS. 3389. Taylor (Thos.). MYSTICAL HYMNS OF ORPHEUS, translated from the Greek. Second edition, with additions. Calf gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. Small 8vo. Chiswick (for the translator), 1824. i8s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 243 3390. Taylor (Thos.). ARGUMENTS OF CELSUS, PORPHYRY, AND THE EMPEROR JULIAN, against the Christians, etc., with the Oration of Libanius in defence of the Temples of the Heathen. Only a few copies privately printed, suppressed and very rare. Calf gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. I2mo. T. Rodd, 1830. i 5*. 3391. Techener. HISTOIRE DE LA BIBLIOPHILE. Reliures, recherches sur les Biblio- theques des plus Celebres Amateurs, Armorial des Bibliophiles. 47 beautiful etchings of bindings by Jacquemart, and 3 plates of arms (all published). Half red morocco, top edge gilt, other edges uncut (cover bound in). Imp. folio. Paris, Techener, 1861-64. 5 3392. Terentius. L'ANDRIA ET L'EUNUCHO DI TERENTIO, tradotte in verso sdrucciolo per Messer G. Giustiniano, di Candia. Brown morocco, with line tooling and fleurons in the Venetian style, gilt edges. Fine copy, rare. Small 8% r o. Vinegia in Casa di Francesco d'Asola, 1544. i us. H The last fly-leaf bears the autograph of Sebastian Welser, 1551 (the friend of Aldus) ; and on the first is the following inscription : " Ex Donum prsestantissi. Viri nee non libri Baronis Joannis de Bolweil Sebastianus Welser me possidet anno 1551." 3393. Testamentum Novum Graecum (curante Nic. Gerbelio), (a few leaves slightly wormed). Woodcut initials and headings. Oaken boards, stamped pigskin. Rare edition. Small 410. Haganooe, J. Anshelmus, 1521. i 3-f. 3394- Testamentum Novum Graecum, cura Ceporini. Woodcut title containing the symbols of the 4 Evangelists, and device at end. Contemporary citron morocco, the sides covered with fleurs-de-lis, with the arms of the Cardinal de Bourbon in centre, gilt edges. Fine copy. Small 8vo. Basil., Jo. Bebelius, 1524. l6 IOS. 11 A very rare edition, in which Mark xi. 25, and i John v. 7> are omitted. Unknown to Wetstein, Mill, and others. The Crawford copy, at whose sale it realized 10 IQS. Exhibited at the Bindings Exhibition of the Burlington Fine Arts Club. 3395. Testamentum Novum Graecum. Large paper. Engraved title and vignettes. Old French red morocco, gilt tooled ornaments, with arms on sides and back of Hugues de Lionne, successor to Card. Mazarine. Fine copy (Hopetoun copy). Imp. folio. Paris, ex typ. Regia, 1642. 2 i6s. 3396. Testamentum Novum Graecum cum lectionibus variantibus, notis locis paral- lelis, etc., studio et labore Jo. Milii. Frontispiece and vignettes. Large and fine paper, ruled in red throughout. 2 vols. Old English red morocco, full gilt back, fine ornamental gilt tooled panels, gilt edges. Fine copy. Royal folio. Oxon. e Theat. Sheld., 1707. 2 2s. 3397. Testamentum Novum Graecum, textum ad fidem Codicum Versionum et Patrum recensuit et lect. var. adjecit J. J. Griesbach. Editio secunda. 2 vols. Red morocco, full gilt backs, sides tooled in compartments, inside gilt borders, top edge gilt, other edges uncut, by Clarke and Bedford. Fine copy. 4to. Lond. , P. Elmsly, 1796-1806. & 5*- If Large paper, of which only 50 copies were printed, for presentation, at the expense of the Duke of Grafton. Rare. 3398. Testamentum Novum, Gr. et Lat., diligenter ab Erasmo Rot. recognitum et emendatum cum annotationibus. Editio princeps. Woodcut border to dedication, ornamental initials and headings by Holbein. Blue morocco, blind tooled borders 244 BOOK SALES OF 1895. in and out, gilt edges. Fine copy, by J. Rodwell. Folio. Basil., J. Froben, 1516. ji6 IO.T. IT Very rare ; the first edition of the Greek Text of the New Testament, and the first edition edited by Erasmus. J. Nelson Darby's copy sold for 16 12s. 3399- Testamentum Novum, Grseco-Latinum, ab Erasmo Rot. recognitum, emendatum et translatum, cum notis. Fine woodcut title, borders and initials by Holbein, vellum, fine copy. Folio. Basil. Froben., 1519. 4 IT The second edition of Erasmus' version, revised and corrected by him in 330 passages. Very rare. Sir M. M. Sykes' copy sold for 10 los. 3400. Themistius, Philosophus. Opera hoc est Paraphrases et Orationes ; Alexandri Aphrod. de Anhna et de Fato. Editio princeps, old calf gilt (Woodhull copy). Small folio. Venet., Aldus, 1534. i 5s. 3401. Theocritus. ECLOG^; XXX., Genus Theocriti et de inventione bucolicorum Catonis Romans sententiae parseneticse distichi ; Sententise Septem Sapientum (et alia opuscula), omnia Grsece. Ornamental headings and initials, red morocco, full gilt leafy tooling on back and sides, inside gilt borders, silk linings, vellum fly-leaves, by P. Simier, anchor on side, fine copy from the Sykes and Syston Park libraries. Small folio. Venet., Aldus, 1495. 7 js. IT First Aldine edition, and first editions of most of the authors contained in it. 3402. Theodorus Gaza. INTRODUCTIWE GRAMMATICES, lib. IV. ; ejusdem de Mensibus ; Apollonii Grammatici de Constructione, lib. IV. ; Herodiani de Numeris. Greece, editio princeps. Rare. Contemporary Venetian dark brown morocco, blind stamped in ornamental compartments, in perfect preservation, very large and fine copy from the Didot sale, exhibited in the Bindings Exhibition of the Burlington Fine Arts Club. Extremely rare. Folio. Venet., in sed. Aldi, 1495. 10 3403. Theonis Rhetoris de Modo Declamandi Libellus, Grsece. Blue morocco, plain, gilt ornament in corners. Small 4to. Romse, A. Barbatus, 1520. 2 2s. If First edition of Theon's Progymnasmata, as to the rarity of which Mr. Heber refers in this copy. 3404. Thesaurus Cornucopise et Horti Adonidis, Grsece (digest, per Guarinum Camertem, Car. Antenoreum, Urbanum Bolzanum, Ang. Politianum et Aldum Manutium). Ruled throughout in red, capitals painted in blue and red, old green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy, from the Didot sale, in which it pro- duced 155 francs. Folio. Venet., in domo Aldi Romani, 1496. 5 U A fine and early production of the Aldine Press, fully described by Didot in his Aide Mamice. 3405. Thevenot (Jean de). VOYAGES EN EUROPE, ASIA, ET AFRIQUE, et aux Indes Orientales. Numerous plates. 5 vols. Green morocco, plain, with monogram "I. L." on sides and back, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Cape. Fine copy. Small 8vo. Amst., M. C. le Cene, 1727. 2 12s. 3406. Thomas Aquinas. IN DECEM LIBROS ETHICORUM ARISTOTELIS profundissima commentaria cum triplici textus translatione, per Paulinum de Luca recognita. Lit. Goth. Ruled in red, contemporary Venetian brown calf, with elaborate black and gilt interlaced scroll tooling in compartments, in a Grolier pattern, with the arms of a Bishop of the Croy family inlaid in red in centre, gilt and gauffred edges, a fine and perfect specimen of old Venetian binding. Small folio. Venet., L. de Giunta, 1519. ^Q ios. 3407. Thucydides. DE BELLO PELOPONNESIACO, lib. VIII., Graece, editio princeps. Very rare. Old calf, with centre gilt ornament, gilt edges, fine large copy. Small folio. Venet., in domo Aldi, 1502. ,8 ios. IT A most interesting copy, having belonged to Henri Estienne, the great Parisian BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2 45 Scholar and Printer. On the fly-leaf is the inscription, " Ex Bibliotheca Cl. Viri Henr. Stephani," and on the title is a Greek epigram, and in the margin MS. notes in Estienne's handwriting. 3408. Thucydides. DE BELLO PELOPONNESIACO, lib. VIII., a L. Valla translati. Fine woodcut title with device of printing press in centre. Paris, Ascensius, 1528. HERODOTI Mus^: L. VALLA INTERP. Bound in black calf, with gilt lines, neatly restored, woodcut title with Petit's device in centre. Ib. , in i vol. Folio. ,25 IF The Regent Murray's copy, with his arms on sides, and inscription, "Jacobus Stevard C. P. S. Salus per XPM." on each cover. Specimens from the library of James Stuart, shot by Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh in 1569, are of extreme rarity. In the Shadford Walker sale it realized ,14. 3409. Thucydides. THE HISTORY OF THE WARRE WHICHE WAS BETWEENE THE PELOPONNESIANS AND THE ATHENYANS. Translated oute of Frenche into the Englysh language by Thos. Nicholls, Citizen and Goldesmith of London. Black letter, title within woodcut border, calf, antique style, gilt edges. Fine copy of a rare book (with the Duke of Newcastle's ex-libris on reverse of title). Small folio. Lond. (no printer's name), 1550. ^5 3410. Tragcediae Selectse. ^SCHYLI, SOPHOCLIS, EURIPIDIS, Grsece, cum duplici interpretatione Latina una ad verbum altera carmine ; Ennianse interpretationes locorum aliquot Euripidis. 2 vols. Old French blue morocco, full gilt back, dotted and floreate tooling, fan corners, silk linings, gilt edges, by Bozerian Jeune. Fine copy. I2mo. s. 1. H. Stephanus, 1567. 2 8.r. f " On en trouve difficilement des exemplaires bien conserves." Brunei. 3411. Urbanus Bellunensis. INSTITUTIONES GR.MCM GRAMMATICES, editio princeps. Red morocco, full gilt back, line sides, gilt edges, anchor on sides. Small 4to. Venet., Aldus, 1497. 4 1[ The first Greek grammar explained in Latin, with the two leaves of errata, extremely rare according to Renouard. Sir M. M. Sykes's copy sold for 12. 3412. Uzanne (Octave). L'EVENTAIL. Illustrations de Paul Avril (en teintes), edition sur papier verge d'Hollande, fancy wrapper, in silk cover, inclosed in morocco case. Imperial 8vo. Paris, Quantin, 1882. 2 8s. 3413. Uzanne (Oct.). L'OMBRELLE, LE GANT, LE MANCHON. Illustrations de Paul Avril (en teintes), edition sur papier verge d'Hollande, fancy wrapper, uncut, in silk cover, inclosed in morocco case. Imperial 8vo. Ib., 1883. i is. 3414. Uzanne (O. ). SON ALTESSE LA FEMME. Edition speciale sur papier Japon. Grand format, with duplicate set of the plates in colours (i set mounted like drawings). Only 100 copies printed. No. 41, fancy covers, uncut, in silk case. 4to. Jl>., 1885. 3 3415. Uzanne (O.). LA FRANCAISE DU SIECLE. Edition speciale sur papier Japon. Grand format, with duplicate set of the illustrations, coloured and plain. Only 100 copies printed. No. 53, fancy cover, uncut, in silk case. 4to. Ib., 1886. 2 2s. 3416. Uzanne (O.). LA REI.IURE MODERNE. Artistique et fantastique. 71 fine plates and frontispiece. Fancy cover, uncut. Imperial 8vo. Paris, Rouvevre, 1887. i 2s. 3417. Uzanne (O.). LE MIROIR DU MONDE. Notes et Sensations de la Vie-Pittoresque. Illustrations en couleurs d'apres Paul Avril (No. XLL). Fancy cover, in limp leather case. 4to. Paris, Quantin, 1888. i i2s. 3418. Visconti (E. Q.). ICONOGRAPHIE GRECQUE. 57 fine large plates. 3 vols. Whole red morocco, backs tooled in bees, stars, and eagles, broad borders of 246 BOOK SALES OF 1895. ornamental tooling inside and out, silk linings, gilt edges by Bradel, with his ticket and name on backs. The dedication copy to the Emperor Napoleon I., with his large arms in centre. A superb copy. Imp. atlas folio. Paris, Didot, 1808. 12 3419. Wilson (H. H.). ARIANA ANTIQUA. A Descriptive Account of the Antiquities and Coins of Afghanistan, with a Memoir on Topes. By C. Masson. 26 plates of coins and antiquities. New half green morocco gilt, morocco corners, top edges gilt. Rare. 410. 1841. los. IT Charles Masson's own copy, with numerous MS. notes and corrections by him, many signed ; and MS. notes with two seals from Major Hay's copy ; and the list of subscribers (usually wanting), with MS. additions. 3420. Woburn Abbey Marbles. OUTLINE ENGRAVINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 48 fine engravings, drawn by H. Corbould, on India paper. Purple morocco extra, large gilt tooled ornaments on sides, broad inside tooled borders, gilt edges, by Dawson and Lewis. Fine copy. Imp. folio. 1822. 2 2s. IT Privately printed by the Duke of Bedford for presents only. Earl Granville's copy, with his ex-libris in cover. 3421. Woburn Abbey Marbles. OUTLINE ENGRAVINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 48 India proof engravings. Half morocco gilt, gilt edges. Presentation copy to Wm. Masters, with autograph letter of the Duke of Bedford inserted. Imp. folio. Privately printed, 1822. i 6s. 3422. Xenophon. OPERA QU^E EXSTANT OMNIA. Gr. et Lat. cum notis, etc. , opera Jo. Leunclavii. Large paper. 2 vols. Old French red morocco, full gilt tooled floreate back, plain sides, gilt edge (Derome). Fine copy, from the library of the Earl of Buckinghamshire, with the earl's signature on fly-leaf. Folio. Lut. Par. Typ. Reg., 1625. 2 i6s. SALE OF A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF MR. G. H. SWINDELLS. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., June ^th and 6tA, 1895. II Mr. Swindells is a well-known Manchester book collector. He collected, however, to please his own taste for reading, and the present sale amply illus- trates that, for purposes of profit, such a method is not a fruitful one. The prices realized must have totted up to a sum far below that which Mr. Swindells paid for his books. To collect for profit one must choose the craze of the day, and sell out before the craze is passed away. The books of Prince Lucien Buonaparte well illustrate this. They consisted of very rare books, but the books were of such a kind as were not in demand, and the prices they realized were too absurd for quotation. Of Mr. Swindells' books I have recorded here many examples of low prices fetched by good books. The low prices may be partly accounted for by the unseasonable time at which the sale occurred. June is not a very good time for a book sale. 3423. A'Beckett (G. A.). COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2 vols. COMIC HISTORY OF ROME, i vol. Editions de luxe. Coloured plates and woodcuts by John Leech on India paper, a set of plain plates (one missing) inserted. An unique copy. Imp. 8vo. n. d. 2 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 247 3424. Allibone (S. A.). A CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND BRITISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1872. 2 2s. 3425. Amory (Thos.). LIFE OF JOHN BUNCLE, ESQ. 3 vols. Boards, uncut. 1825. TS. 3426. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. (A. F. GRIFFITHS). A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF EARLY ENGLISH POETRY. Half morocco, gilt top. Fine copy. 1815. i6s. 3427. Book Prices Current. A Record of the Prices at which Books have been sold by Auction. Edited by J. H. Slater. A Complete Set. 8 vols., 7 vols. in buckram, g. t., uncut, I vol. in parts. 1887-94. 6 los. 3428. Bright (T.). A TREATISE ON MELANCHOLIE. First edition, with the scarce leaf of errata. Morocco, g. e. 1586. us. 3429. Bronte. POEMS. By Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. First edition. Original cloth, uncut. 1846. 15.?. 3430. Bronte. THE LIFE OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE. By Mrs. Gaskell. First edition. Portrait and plates. Original cloth, uncut. 1857. los. 3431. Browning (R.). POETICAL WORKS OF. First collected edition. 6 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1868. 14*. 3432. Browning (R.). THE RING AND THE BOOK. First edition. 4 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1868-9. l 3433. Brown (Oliver Madox). THE DVVALE BLUTH and other Literary Remains. First edition. Portraits. 2 vols. Original cloth, uncut. 1876. 2s. 3434. Burton (J. H.). THE BOOK HUNTER. Edition de luxe. Portrait and Memoir. Original binding, uncut. 1882. 8s. 3435. Cavendish (G.). LIFE OF CARDINAL WOLSEY. Edited by S. W. Singer. First edition. 2 vols. Portraits and plates. Boards, uncut. 1825. us. 3436. Chaucer (G.). ROMAUNT OF THE ROSE, TROILUS AND CRESEIDE, and the Minor Poems, with Life by Sir Harris Nicholas. 3 vols. Original cloth, uncut. Pickering. 1846. i 13*. 3437. Coleridge (S. T.). SIBYLLINE LEAVES. First edition. Original boards, uncut. Rest Fenner, 1817. $s. 3438. Coleridge (S. T.). THE WATCHMAN. The ten numbers complete. Vellum. Bristol, published by the Author, 1796. ios. 3439. Collier (J. P.). THE POETICAL DECAMERON. 2 vols. Half calf, gilt top, uncut. Fine copy. 1820. 4-f- 3440. Collier (J. P.). THE HISTORY OF ENGLISH DRAMATIC POETRY TO THE TIME OF SHAKESPERE. First edition. 3 vols. Original boards, uncut. 1831. us. 3441. Collier (J. P.). THE HISTORY OF ENGLISH DRAMATIC POETRY. Second edition. 3 vols. Roxburghe binding, uncut. 4to. 1879. 2 8s. 3442. Collier (J. P.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF THE RAREST BOOKS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 2 vols. Roxburghe binding, uncut. 1865. igs. 3443. Daniel (G.). MERRIE ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME. 2 vols. First edition. Plates by John Leech, and woodcuts, a little soiled. 1842. 8s. 3444. Cunningham (Peter). THE STORY OF NELL GWYN, AND THE SAYINGS OF CHARLES THE SECOND. Frontispiece and woodcuts. Original cloth, uncut 1852. 8s. 248 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3445. Defoe (D.). ROBINSON CRUSOE, with Life by Chalmers. First edition, with Stothard's Plates. 2 vols. Calf. Stockdale, 1790. ioj. 3446. De Morgan (A.). THE BOOK OF ALMANAC'S. 1871. ARITHMETICAL BOOKS. 1847. First edition. Cloth, uncut. Bs. 3447. D'Urfey (T.). PILLS TO PURGE MELANCHOLY. 6 vols. Portrait. Large paper. Half parchment, uncut. Reprint of 1719-20. 1153. 3448. Early English Poets. The Complete Poems of Robert Herrick, edited by Dr. Grosart. 3 vols. Large paper. Only fifty copies printed. Cloth, uncut. 1876. ioj. 3449. Fitzgerald (Edward). LETTERS AND LITERARY REMAINS. Edited by W. A. Wright. First edition, 3 vols. Portrait and frontispieces. Original cloth, uncut. 1889. 13^. 3450. Froude (J. A.). ZETA, SHADOWS OF THE CLOUDS. First and only edition. Original cloth, uncut. Fine copy. 1847. IIJ - 3451. Froude (J. A.). THE NEMESIS OF FAITH. Second edition. With the explana- tory Preface. Original cloth, uncut. 1849. 13^. 3452. Gutch (Jas.). COLLECTANEA CURIOSA. 2 vols. Boards, uncut. 1781. is. 3453. Gutch (J. M.). ANCIENT AND MODERN BALLADS RELATING TO ROBIN HOOD. Illustration by Fairholt. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1847. los - 3454. Browne (H. K., "Phiz"), LIFE AND LABOURS OF. By D. C. Thomson. Large paper. Portraits and numerous illustrations. Original cloth. 1884. i lu. IT Only 250 copies printed. 3455. Ashbee (E. W.). OCCASIONAL FAC-SIMILE REPRINTS of Rare and Curious Tracts of the :6th and I7th Centuries. 2 vols. Half morocco, uncut, the original covers bound in. 2 8s. 3456. Hunt (Leigh). LORD BYRON AND SOME OF HIS CONTEMPORARIES. First edition. Portraits, etc., original boards, uncut. 4to. 1828. i gs. 3457. Leighton (A.). SIGNS PLEA AGAINST THE PRELACIE. 2 curious plates, old red morocco, g. e. , fine copy. Printed the year and moneth wherein Rochill was lost. 1628. i i$s. IT For writing and publishing this work against the Bishops, the Author was, by Decree of the Star Chamber, twice publicly whipped and pilloried in Cheapside, one of his ears cut off, his nose slit, his cheeks branded with S.S. (Sower of Sedition), condemned to pay a fine of .10,000 and to be imprisoned for life. 3458. Dobson (A.). WILLIAM HOGARTH. Large paper. One hundred copies printed, No. 67. Illustrations on Japan vellum and India paper. 1891. 13.?. 3459. Doyle (J. E.). A CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND (B.C. 55 A. D. 1485). Illustrations printed in colours by E. Evans, ornamental cloth, g. e., fine copy. 1864. i 3460. Burton (R.). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Second edition (first edition in folio), fine copy. At Oxford, Henry Cripps, 1624. i i8j. 3461. Burton (R.). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Third edition. Corrected and augmented by the Author. Engraved title, rubbed, calf. Folio. Oxford, Henry Cripps, 1628. 13*. 3462. Burton (R.). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Fourth edition. Corrected and augmented by the Author. Engraved title, calf. Oxford, Henry Cripps, 1632. 13*. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 249 3463. Burton (R.)- THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Fifth edition. Frontispiece and the Argument torn. Wants binding. Oxford, Henry Cripps, 1638. gs. 3464. Burton (R.). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Sixth edition. Engraved title, moderate copy, half calf. Oxford, Henry Cripps, 1651. 6s. 3465. Burton (R.). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Seventh edition. Engraved title, no verses, calf rebacked, sound copy. London, Henry Cripps, 1660. 6s. 3466. Burton (R.). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Eighth edition. Engraved title, fine clean copy. London, Peter Barker. 1676. I3J. 3467. Hunt (Leigh). THE CORRESPONDENCE OF. Edited by Thornton Hunt. First edition. 2 vols. Portrait, original cloth, uncut. 1862. 8s. 3468. Hunt (Leigh) and S. Adams Lee. THE BOOK OF THE SONNET. First edition. 2 vols. Original cloth, uncut, g. t. 1867. 14^. 3469. Hunt (Leigh). STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN POETS. First edition. 2 vols. Original cloth, uncut. 1848. izs. 3470. Hunt (Leigh). MEN, WOMEN, AND BOOKS. First edition. 2 vols. Portrait, original cloth, uncut. 1847. I 4 J< 3471. Hunt (Leigh). THE TOWN. First edition. 2 vols. Woodcut illustrations, original cloth, uncut. 1848. i8s. 3472. Hunt (Leigh). THE TATLER, a Daily Journal of Literature and the Stage. 4 vols. Original cloth, uncut, a complete set, rare. Folio. 1830-2. 15.?. 3473. Hunt (Leigh). THE OLD COURT SUBURB. First edition. 2 vols. Original cloth, uncut. 1855. gs. 3474. Hunt (Leigh). A JAR OF HONEY. Original cloth, uncut (very few done in this state). 1848. I3.f. 3475. Hunt (Leigh). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contem- poraries. First edition. 3 vols. Portraits on India paper. Original cloth, uncut. 1850. i igs. 3476. Jeff cries (R.). RESTLESS HUMAN HEARTS. First edition. 3vols.ini. Cloth, uncut. 1875. i8j. 3477- Jefferies (R.). HODGE AND HIS MASTERS. 2 vols. First edition. Original cloth, uncut. 1880. ioj. 3478. Jefferies (R.). ROUND ABOUT A GREAT ESTATE. 1880. Cloth, uncut. RED DEER. 1884. Cloth, uncut. First editions. i4j. 3479. Jefferies (R.). THE DEWY MORN. 2 vols. First edition. Cloth, uncut. 1884. I3j. 3480. Jefferies (R.). GREEN FERNE FARM. 1880. Cloth, uncut. AMARYLLIS AT THE FAIR. 1887. Cloth, uncut. First editions. 14^. 3481. Landor (W. S.). IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS, with Bibliographical and Ex- planatory Notes by C. G. Crump. 6 vols. Portraits and vignettes. Large paper. Cloth, uncut (only 150 copies printed. 1891. i I2s. 3482. Lang (A.). THE BLUE POETRY BOOK. Numerous illustrations. First edition. Large paper. Original boards, uncut (only 150 printed). 1891. iij. 3483. Lang (A.) and S. A. Butcher. THE ODYSSEY OF HOMER done into English Prose. First edition. Large paper. Cloth, uncut. 1879. 14^. 3484. Lang (Andrew). AUCASSIN AND NICOLETE. Japanese paper, parchment wrapper. First edition. Uncut. 1887. 2 2s. 2$0 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3485. Lang (Andrew). BOOKS AND BOOKMEN. First edition. Original cloth, uncut. 1887. 5-f. 3486. Lang (A.). BOOKS AND BOOKMEN. Large paper. Boards, uncut (only 100 printed). 1886. 13.?. 3487. Lang (A.). LETTERS TO DEAD AUTHORS. Large paper. Boards, uncut. 1892. 8s. 3488. Motley (J. L.). THE RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC. First edition. 3 vols. Original cloth, uncut (autograph letter inserted). Fine copy, rare. John Chapman, 1855. 2 i6s. 3489. Motley (J. L.). HISTORY OF THE UNITED NETHERLANDS. First edition. 4 vols. Portrait. Original cloth, uncut. Murray, 1860-67. 3 3^- 3490. Motley (J. L.). THE LIFE AND DEATH OF JOHN OF BARNEVELD. First edition. 2 vols. Illustrations. Original cloth, uncut. Murray, 1874. 2 "js. 3491. Retrospective Review, First, Second, and Third Series. 13 vols. in boards ; 3 vols. in parts (as issued) ; 2 vols. in cloth. Rare in this state. 18 vols. 1820-54. 2 I2S. 3492. Stephen (Leslie). HISTORY OF ENGLISH THOUGHT IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. First edition. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1876. i6s. 3493. Shelley (P. B.), THE WORKS OF, in verse and prose, edited by H. B. Forman. First edition. 8 vols. Portraits and other illustrations. Original cloth, uncut. 1880. 2 3j. 3494. Shakespeare. THE CAMBRIDGE SHAKESPEARE, edited by W. A. Wright. 9 vols. Second edition. Original cloth, uncut. 1891-93. 2 is. 3495. Prynne (W. ). HISTRIO MASTIX : the Player's Scourge or Actor's Tragedie. Calf. Very fine copy. 1633. i 2s. IT For publishing this work Prynne was sentenced by the Star Chamber to lose his ears in the pillory, to be disbarred, and to pay a fine of ^"5000. 3496. Thornbury (W.). LIFE OF J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 2 vols. First edition. Portraits and illustrations. Original cloth, uncut. 1862. 13*. 3497. Notes and Queries. Complete Set from the commencement, First, Second and Third Series, in half calf ; Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Series to date in Numbers as issued. 90 vols. ; also Index to each complete Series. 7 vols. In cloth, in all 97 vols. 20 SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF A CLERGYMAN. Messrs. Hodgson, June loth, nth, 12th, and i$th, 1895. 3498. Ussher (Abp.). WHOLE WORKS. Edited by Ebrington. Portrait. 17 vols. Half morocco, m. 1. 1847-64. 2 35. 3499. Wiclif. LATIN WORKS. Edited by Buddensieg, etc. 18 vols. Cloth. 1883- 94. iBs. 3500. Biblical Archaeological Society's Transactions. Plates, maps, etc. 9 vols. 7 half calf neat, and 2 vols. in 5 parts. 1872-93. 6 i$s. 3501. Du Cange. GLOSSARIUM MEDI/E ET INFIM/E LATINITATIS. Ediclit Henschel. Plates. 7 vols. Half calf neat. 410. Paris, 1840. 4 ios. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2 $ l 3502. Mali (Angelo). SCRIPTORUM VETERUM NOVA COLLECTIO. 10 vols. Half calf neat. 4to. Romse, 1825-38. 6 ios. 3503. Maii (Angelo). NOWE PATRUM BIBLIOTHEC/E. 8 vols. Calf gilt, m. 1. (vol. 8 sewed). 4to. //;., 1752-1871. 5 5*- 3504. Neubauer. Facsimiles of Hebrew MSS. in the Bodleian. Plates in portfolio. Oxford, 1886. i 5^- 3505. Ginsburg (Dr. C. D.). THE MASSORAH. Compiled from MSS. Alphabetically and Lexically arranged. 3 vols. Royal folio. 1880-5. 7 I 5 S - 3506. Dodsley's Annual Register, from the commencement in 1758 to 1854, with General Index to 1819. 96 vols. in 98. Half bound (the last 6 vols. boards). * 15s- 3507. Henry Bradshaw. Society's Publications. Facsimiles. The complete set of 8 vols. 8vo. (vol. 4, 4to). Cloth. 1891-4. 35*- 3508. Audubon and Bachman. QUADRUPEDS OF NORTH AMERICA. 150 coloured plates. 3 vols. Imp. 8vo. Half bound (title to vol. 3 wanting, therefore sold with all faults). 1849-51. 3 ijs. 6d. 3509. Grosart (A. B.). TOWNELEY NOWELL, MSS. AND ENGLISH JACOBITE MSS. Cloth, uncut. Only 125 copies privately printed. 2 vols. Small 410. 1877. nj. 3510. Fairbairn and Butters. FAMILY CRESTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Plates. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth. Jack. n. d. i$s. 3511. Holtzapffel. TURNING AND MECHANICAL MANIPULATION. Plates. First 4 vols. 1864-83. i i8j. 3512. Croston (J.). HISTORIC SIGHTS OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. Illustrations. Small 4to. Cloth, uncut. 1883. ios. 6ct. 3513. British Plutarch (The). Edited by Wrangham. Portrait. 6 vols. Printed throughout on blue paper (only 3 copies so issued for presentation). Half morocco, gilt tops (binding rubbed). 1816. 6s. 3514. Walpole (H., Earl of Orford). ANECDOTES OF PAINTING, by Dallaway. Portraits. India proofs. Large paper. 5 vols. Original cloth, uncut. A tall and bright copy. Major, 1828. ,10 5^. 3515. Jameson (Mrs.). LEGENDS OF THE MONASTIC ORDERS. Illustrations. First edition. Square 8vo. Original cloth. 1850. i $s. 3516. Radcliffe (F. P. D.). THE NOBLE SCIENCE. Illustrations. First edition. Roy. 8vo. Cloth. 1839. i is. 3517. Westwood (J. O.). ON INSECTS. Coloured front, and cuts. 2 vols. Cloth. Uncut. 1839. i 8s. 3518. Agassiz (L.). HISTOIRE NATURELLE DBS POISSONS D'EAU DOUCE DE L'EuROPE. Coloured plates. 2 vols. in I. Oblong folio, with text. Imp. 8vo. 2 vols. Half morocco. Neuchatel, 1842. i 6s. 3519. Burton (J. H.). THE BOOK-HUNTER. Frontispiece. Large paper. Cloth, uncut. 1882. its. 3520. Hamerton (P. G.). ETCHING AND ETCHERS. Plates. Imp. 8vo. Half roan, gilt and red edges. 1868. 3 ijs 6d. 3521. Barham (Rev. R. H.). THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. Plates by Cruikshank and Leech. 3 vols. (vol. I, third edition; vol. 2, second edition; vol. 3, first edition). Cloth, uncut. Bentley, 1846-7. ^3 252 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3522. Dickens (C.). CHRISTMAS CAROL. First edition. Coloured illustrations by J. Leech. Original cloth, gilt edges. Chapman and Hall, 1843. i 12s. 3523. Landor (W. S. ). IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS. With Bibliographical and Ex- planatory Notes. By Charles G. Crump. Frontispieces. Large paper. (Only 150 copies printed for England). 6 vols. Buckram. J. M. Dent and Co., 1891. i I7J. 3524. Burton (Lady). ARABIAN NIGHTS. Translated literally from the Arabic. Pre- pared for household reading by J. H. McCarthy. Portraits. 6 vols. Cloth, gilt tops. 1886. i js. 3525. Boswell. LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, together with the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, and Johnsoniana. Notes by Alexander Napier. Portraits on India paper. (Only 104 copies printed). 4 vols. Imp. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. G. Bell and Sons, 1884. 1 js. 3526. Middleton (T.). DRAMATIC WORKS. With Notes and Life by the Rev. A. Dyce. Portrait. 5 vols. Post 8vo. Half mor., gilt tops. Lumley, 1840. 2 IQS. 3527. Peele(G.). WORKS. With Notes and Life by the Rev. A. Dyce. Facsimile. 3 vols. Half mor., gilt tops. Pickering, 1829. i ijs. 3528. Dasent (G. W.). POPULAR TALES FROM THE NORSE. Cloth, uncut. 1859. %s.6d. 3529. Dasent (G. W.). THE STORY OF BURNT NJAL. Maps and plans. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1861. igs. 3530. Dasent (G. W.). THE STORY OF GISLI THE OUTLAW. Illustrations by Sir John Mildmay. Cloth, uncut. 1866. js. 3531. Dasent (G. W.). JEST AND EARNEST. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1873. -js. 3532. Dasent (G. W.). TALES FROM THE FJELD. Frontispiece. Cloth, uncut. 1874. 3*. 3533. Ruskin (J.). MODERN PAINTERS. Complete edition, with General Index, Bibliography, and Notes. Illustrations. 6 vols. Imp. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. G. Allen, 1888. 5 3534. Ruskin (J.). SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. Second edition. Illustrations by the author. Royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. 1855. i 4.?. 3535. Ruskin (J.). STONES OF VENICE. Fourth edition. On Dutch hand-made paper, the illustrations on India paper. 3 vols. Imp. 8vo. (Only 220 copies so printed, pub. X 8s.). 1886. 3 3536. Ruskin (J.). BIBLIOTHECA PASTORUM. Vols. 1,2, and 4. 3 vols. Blue calf, gilt edges. 1876-85. 15*. 3537. Loftie (W. J.). HISTORY OF LONDON. With Supplement. Maps and plates. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1883. 15*. 3538. Delany (Mrs.). AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Fronts. The Two Series. 6 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1861-2. 3 15*. 3539- Parker. GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURE. Fourth edition. Enlarged, illustra- tions. 3 vols. Half morocco, gilt tops. 1845. ^114^. 3540. Gardiner. FALL OF THE MONARCHY OF CHARLES I., 1637-1649. 2 vols. Cloth. 1882. 1 is. 3541. Freeman (E. A.). THE NORMAN CONQUEST. Maps. 5 vols. Cloth. Oxford, 1875-7. $ 7-f- 6 3654. Cook (Capt.). VOYAGES 1769-80. Maps, charts, and plates. 8 vols. Old calf. With the 3 Folio Atlases. 1773-85. 2 3655. Vancouver. VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. Plates. 3 vols. Old russia. 1798. 3 I2s. 6d. 3656. Parkinson. VOYAGE TO THE SOUTH SEAS. Portrait and Plates. Royal 410. Calf. 1773. i 2s. 3657. Burney (C. ). GENERAL HISTORY OF Music. Portrait and frontispieces by Bartolozzi. 4 vols. Russia, gilt edges (i broken). 1789. 3 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 259 3658. Ruding (R.). ANNALS OF THE COINAGE OF GREAT BRITAIN. Plates. 3 vols. Calf gilt, m. 1. 1840. 4 l$s. 3659. Lavater (J. C.). PHYSIOGNOMY. Translated by Hunter. Numerous b eautiful illustrations. Engraved by Holloway and others. 2 $s. 3660. Willis (Browne). SURVEY OF CATHEDRALS. Folding plates. 3 vols. in 2. Sm. 4to. 1727-30. i 3661. Swift (J., Dean of St. Patrick's). WORKS. By Hawkesworth. 14 vols. Old russia, m. 1. 1755-79- ,* 3662. Hoare (Sir R. C.). GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS, Plates and coloured maps. 2 vols. Old russia. 1806. i gs. 3663. Dugdale (Sir W.). MONASTICON ANGLICANUM. Plates. 3 vols. Russia, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber. 1718-23. 4 3664. Stothard (C. A.). MONUMENTAL EFFIGIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Plates (some coloured), half morocco, gilt edges. 1817. 2 8s. 3665. Ingram and Le Keux. MEMORIALS OF OXFORD. Plates. 3 vols. Cloth. J. H. Parker. 1837. J 9 J - 3666. Eden (R. ). THE HISTORY OF TRAVAYLE IN THE WEST AND EAST INDIES, etc. Augmented and finished by R. Willes. Woodcut capitals. Black letter (small hole on margin of title). Imprinted at London by R. Jugge, 1577. u IS'- 3667. Campbell (Lord). LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS. Library edition. 7 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1846-7. i 3s. 3668. Campbell (Lord). LIVES OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES. Library edition. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1849-57. l 5 s - 3669. GerardeQ.). HERBALL. Engraved titles and many hundred woodcuts. (A fine and clean copy.) 1636. 5 12s. 5d. 3670. Dugdale (Sir W.). BARONAGE OF ENGLAND. Pedigrees. 2 vols. Russia. 1675. 2 12S. 3671. Guillim (J.). DISPLAY OF HERALDRY AND ANALOGIA HONORUM. Fine portraits and plates of arms. 2 parts in I vol. 1679-77. i 12s. 3672. Carter. ANCIENT PAINTING AND SCULPTURE IN ENGLAND, 1780, AND ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE OF ENGLAND. By Britton. Plates. 2 parts in i vol. 1837. 2 vols. Imp. folio, half bd. 2 45-. 3673. Houbraken and Vertue. HEADS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS. With Lives by Birch. 108 fine portraits. 2 vols. Imp. folio, old red morocco, gilt edges. J. and P. Knapton. 1743. 7 3674. Musee Frangais, Texte par Duchesne Aine Italian, French, and German Schools and Statues. Numerous fine old engravings. 4 vols. Atlas folio, half morocco, gilt tops. Paris, Galignani. 5 17^. &d. 3675. Jones (Owen). GRAMMAR OF ORNAMENT. 112 coloured plates. Small folio. Day and Son. i 2s. 3676. Meyrick and Smith. COSTUME OF THE INHABITANTS OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 24 coloured plates. Royal 410. Old red morocco. 1821. i is. 260 BOOK SALES OF 1895. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JAMES PRICE, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., June 24//z, 2$t/i, and 26th, 1895. IT A valuable and interesting collection, consisting of scarce books illustrated by Cruikshank, Doyle, Leech, and Blake. There were also some good collections of scarce dramatic memoirs, and first editions of modern publications. The prices realized were of average range, and fairly indicative of market values. 3677. A'Beckett (G. A.). COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND AND ROME. 3 vols. Edition de Luxe, coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech. Uncut, n. d. 3678. Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, with the Ancient Reliques. Together 12 vols. Large paper. Numerous fine views by Storer and Greig. Calf. 1807-13. l I2S. 3679. Antiquarian Itinerary. 7 vols. Large paper. Numerous highly-finished engravings by Storer and Greig. Calf. 1815-18. ijs. 3680. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Translated, with copious notes, by E. W. Lane. 3 vols. Original edition. Numerous engravings, half morocco, g. e. C. Knight, 1839. i i6s. 3681. Bacon (Francis). WORKS. Edited by Basil Montagu. 16 vols. Portraits, views, and facsimiles. Calf gilt, m. e. by Hayday. Pickering, 1825-34. ^3 i2s. 3682. Beaumont and Fletcher. WORKS. Edited, with Notes and Memoir, by Alex. Dyce. n vols. Best edition. Portraits. Tree calf gilt, m. e. by Hayday 1843-6. 4 3683. Beauties of England and Wales. By J. Britton and E. W. Brayley. 18 vols. in 25. Upwards of 700 fine plates by Storer and Greig. Numerous extra views, etc., inserted. Half russia. 1801-15. ^3 izs. 6d. 3684. Blake (W.). LIFE. By Alex. Gilchrist. New and enlarged edition. 2 vols. Illustrated from Blake's own works. Uncut. 1880. 1 55-. 3685. British Theatre, Modern Theatre, and Collection of Farces. " Inchbald's Edition." 42 vols. Character portraits. Half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1808-11. 4 8.T. 3686. Bulwer Lytton (Sir E.). NOVELS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 66 vols. Chiefly first editions. Half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1829-73. ^15 3687. Campbell (Lord). LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS AND KEEPERS OF THE GREAT SEAL OF ENGLAND. 8 vols. Tree calf extra, m. e. 1846-69. 5 3688. Campbell (Lord). LIVES OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES OF ENGLAND. 3 vols. Tree calf gilt, m. e. 1849-57. l I 4 J - 3689. Carlyle (T.). COLLECTED WORKS. "Library Edition," with general index. 31 vols. Portrait. 1870-1. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE GERMAN. 3 vols. Uniform with the preceding, 1871. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. ^14 3690. Chaffers (W.). MARKS AND MONOGRAMS ON POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Sixth edition. Upwards of 3,000 Potters' Marks and illustrations. 1876. ijs. 3691. Cuvier (Baron). ANIMAL KINGDOM. By Griffith, Pidgeon, and Gray, with Index, etc. 16 vols. Numerous engravings. Half morocco, t. e. g. 1827-35. z BOOK SALES OF 1895. 26 1 3692. Defoe (D.). NOVELS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, with Life, Prefaces, Notes, etc., by Sir Walter Scott. 20 vols. Half calf gilt, m. e. Talboys, 1840-1. 10 3693. Dickens (C.). WORKS, including his Plays and Poems. 32 vols. Edition de Luxe. Numerous illustrations on India paper, uncut. 1881-2. 11 3694. Doran (Dr.). "THEIR MAJESTIES' SERVANTS": Annals of the English Stage, from Thos. Betterton to Edmund Kean. 2 vols. First edition. Portraits, half mor., t. e. g. 1864. ijs. 3695. Doran (Dr.). ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE, from T. Betterton to Edmund Kean. Edited and revised by R. W. Lowe. 3 vols. 50 portraits and 80 wood- cuts, India proofs, half bound, uncut, t. e. g. 1888. i 3^. 3696. Duruy (Victor). HISTORY OF ROME AND THE ROMAN PEOPLE. Edited by J. P. Mahaffy. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. Maps and illustrations. 1883-6. 4 12s. 3697. Eliot (George). ADAM BEDE. 3 vols. Half mor., t. e. g. First edition. 1859- 3 3*- 3698. Eliot (George). SILAS MARNER. Half mor., t. e. g. First edition. 1861. i 3699. Eliot (George). ROMOLA. 3 vols. Half mor., t. e. g. First edition. 1863. 3 3700. Eliot (George). ROMOLA. 2 vols. Edition de Luxe. Illustrations by Sir F. Leighton, on India paper, uncut. 1880. 15^. 3701. Fergusson (J.). HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE IN ALL COUNTRIES, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES. 3 vols. Numerous illustrations, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1865-67-62. 2 i8s. 3702. Fielding (H.). WORKS, with Life, by A. Murphy. 10 vols. Best edition. Portrait, tree calf gilt, m. e. 1821. ^3 5^. 3703. Fielding (H.). WORKS. Edited, with a Biographical Essay, by Leslie Stephen. 10 vols. Edition de Luxe. Illustrations on India paper, uncut. 1882. ,3 3^. 3704. Foss (E.). JUDGES OF ENGLAND [1066-1864]. 9 vols. Tree calf gilt, m. e. 1848-64. ^4 2s. 6d. 3705. Freer (M. W.). WORKS. Marguerite d'Angouieme, Queen of Navarre. 2 vols. 1854. Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre. 2 vols. 1855. Elizabeth de Valois. 2 vols. 1857. Henry III. of France. 3 vols. 1858. Henry IV. and the League. 2 vols. 1860. Henry IV. and Marie de Medici. 2 vols. 1861. Last Decade of a Glorious Reign. 2 vols. 1863. Portraits, half morocco gilt, t. e. g., uniform. ^10 5^. 3706. Froissart and Monstrelet. CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, ETC. Trans- lated by Col. Johnes. 24 vols. and two 4to. Atlases of Engravings. Calf and half bound. 1805, etc. i js. 3707. Froude (J. A.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE FALL OF WOLSEY TO THE DEATH OF ELIZABETH. 12 vols. 8vo. Half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1856-70. ^5 i2s. 3708. Doyle (R.). THE FOREIGN TOUR OF MESSRS. BROWN, JONES, AND ROBINSON. Original edition. Illustrated. 4to. 1854. i6j. 3709. Farren. MEMOIRS OF THE PRESENT COUNTESS OF DERBY (late Miss Farren), including Anecdotes of several distinguished Persons, with a Postscript Extra- ordinary. By Petronius Arbiter. Half citron morocco, t. e. g., extremely scarce, n. d. 1797. g 3710. Hamerton (P. G.). ETCHING AND ETCHERS. Third edition. Fine etchings by and after Rembrandt, Lalauze, Turner, Whistler, etc. Half bound, uncut. 1880. 2 iBs. 262 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3711. Constable (J M R.A.). ENGLISH LANDSCAPE SCENERY. 40 mezzotints by D. Lucas. Half morocco. Fol. Quaritch, 1855. i 3712. Granville (Mary, Mrs. Delany). AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND CORRESPONDENCE. Edited by Lady Llanover, both series. 6 vols. Portraits. Half morocco gilt, t. e. g., not uniform. 1861-2. i 15^. 3713. Greville Memoirs. JOURNAL of the Reigns of King George IV. and King King William IV. 3 vols. 1874. Queen Victoria [1837-1852]. 3 vols. 1885. Queen Victoria [1852-1860]. 2 vols. 1887. First editions. Tree calf gilt, m. e., uniform. .3 17.?. &d. 3714. Grote (George). HISTORY OF GREECE. 10 vols. 8vo. Fourth edition. Portrait, maps and plans, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1872. 5 $s. 3715. Hazlitt (W.). WORKS. 20 vols. Half morocco, t. e. g. Some first editions. 1819. 4 15-r- 3716. Heptameron (The) of the Tales of Margaret, Queen of Navarre. Trans- lated and edited by George Saintsbury. 5 vols. Full-page engravings by Freudenberg and vignettes by Dunker. Uncut, printed for the Society of English Bibliophilists. 1894. 2 2s. 3717. Herodotus. A new English Version. Edited with Notes, etc. By George Rawlinson. 4 vols. Maps and illustrations, uncut. 1880. .1 14^. 3718. Herrick (R.). HESPERIDES. 2 vols. Portrait, calf extra, g. e. Pickering, 1846. 1 6s. 3719. Hook (Dean). LIVES OF THE ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY. 10 vols. Half russia, uncut, t. e. g. 1860-75. 3 55-. 3720. Kinglake (A. W.). INVASION OF THE CRIMEA. 8 vols. 8vo. Half russia, t. e.g., 1863-87. 3 8s. 3721. Jesse (J. H.). GEORGE SELWYN AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. 4 vols. First edition. Portraits, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1843-44. 2 i$s. 3722. Jesse (J. H.). MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND REIGN OF KING GEORGE THE THIRD. 3 vols. First edition. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1867. i I2s. 3723. Jesse (Capt.). LIFE OF GEORGE BRUMMELL, commonly called Beau Brummell. 2 vols. 40 portraits in colours, uncut. Nimmo, 1886. i is. 3724. Johnson (Dr. S.). WORKS, with Life by J. Boswell. Oxford classic edition. 13 vols. Calf gilt, m. e., by Hayday. 1826. 1 15^. 3725. Jonson (Ben). WORKS, with Notes and Life by W r . Gifford. 9 vols. Best edition. Portrait, calf gilt. 1816. 1 6s. 3726. Keats (J.). LIFE, LETTERS, AND LITERARY REMAINS, edited by R. M. Milnes. 2 vols. Portrait. Calf gilt, g. e. Moxon, 1848. 1 3727. Landor (W. S.). IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS OF LITERARY MEN AND STATESMEN. Both series. 5 vols. Tree calf gilt, m. e. 1826-29. i 35-. 3728. Lecky (W. E. H.). RISE AND INFLUENCE OF THE SPIRIT OF RATIONALISM IN EUROPE. 2 vols. Tree calf, m. e. 1866. 2 i$s. 3729. Lecky (W. E. H.). HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. 2 vols. Tree calf, m. e. 1869. 2 145. 3730. Lingard (J.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND, from the First Invasion by the Romans to 1688. 10 vols. 8vo. Best library edition. Portrait. Half morocco, t. e. g. 1849. * I**- BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3731. Lockhart (J. G.). LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 10 vols. Portraits and vignettes. Half calf gilt, m e. 1848. i js. 3732. Lecky (W. E. H.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 8 vols. 8vo. Tree calf gilt, m. e. 1878-90. 6 6s. 3733. Lodge (E.). PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 12 vols. in 6. Fine impressions of the portraits. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1835. 3 7*. &/. 3734. Marco Polo (Ser), Book of, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East, translated and edited, with Notes, by Col. Yule. 2 vols. Maps and other illustrations. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1871. 4 2s. 3735. Marks (Henry Stacy, R.A.). PEN AND PENCIL SKETCHES. 2 vols. First edition. Portrait and numerous facsimile illustrations. Uncut. 1894. 12s. 3736. Mathews (C.). MEMOIRS, by Mrs. Mathews. 4 vols. Portraits. Half mor., t. e. g. First edition. 1838. i8.r. 3737. Merivale (C.). HISTORY OF THE ROMANS UNDER THE EMPIRE. 7 vols. Calf gilt, m. e. 1852-62. 3 3738. Milman (H. H.). HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY, and HISTORY OF LATIN CHRISTIANITY. Together 9 vols. Half mor., uncut, t. e. g. 1840-54. 2 14$. 3739. Milton (J.). WORKS, in Verse and Prose, printed from the original editions, with Life by J. Mitford. 8 vols. Portrait. Half morocco, t. e. g. Scarce. Pickering, 1851. 5 JS. 6d. 3740. Mommsen (T.). HISTORY OF ROME, translated by Prof. Dickson. 4 vols. 8vo. Half russia, uncut, t. e. g. 1868. ,3 los. 3741. Morland (George). LIFE, with Remarks on his Works, by G. Dawe. Portrait and plates. Half morocco, m. e. Scarce. 1807. i i8.r. 3742. Nichols (J.). LITERARY ANECDOTES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 9 vols. 1812-15. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LITERARY HISTORY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 8 vols. 1817-58. Portraits and plates. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g., by Hayday. g IO.T. 3743. Parkman (F.). 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HISTORY OF ENGLAND, principally in the Seventeenth Cen- tury. 6 vols. Tree calf gilt, m. e. 1875. 2 ijs. 3751. Hamerton (P. G.). THE GRAPHIC ARTS. First edition. Numerous illustra- tions, uncut. 4to. 1882. 2 14^. 3752. Hamerton (P. G.). LANDSCAPE. First edition. Original etchings, and many illustrations from Pictures and Drawings. Half bound, uncut, folio. 1885. i i&s. 3753. Reynardson (C. T. S. Birch). " DOWN THE ROAD," or Reminiscences of a Gentleman Coachman. First edition. Coloured plates after H. Alken. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1875. i 15.?. 3754. Richardson (S.). WORKS. With Life by E. Mangin. 19 vols. Portrait. Half morocco gilt, t e.g. 1811. 5 3755. Hamerton (P. G.). MAN IN ART. First edition. 46 etchings, uncut. 4to. 1892. i 6s. 3756. History of White's, with the Betting Book from 1743 to 1878, and a List of Members from 1736 to 1892. 2 vols. Numerous portraits and illustrations, uncut. (1892.) 3 3757. Hogarth (W.). WORKS. From the original plates, restored by Jas. 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Shirley (J.). DRAMATIC WORKS AND POEMS, with Notes by W. Gifford, additional Notes and Life by Alex. Dyce. 6 vols. Half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. 1833. 3 2s. 3765. Stephens (J. L.). INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN CENTRAL AMERICA, CHIAPAS, AND YUCATAN. 4 vols. Calf, m. e. 1842-3. i 3$. 3766. Speeches. LORD ERSKINE, collected by J. Ridgway. 5 vols. Tree calf gilt, m. e. 1810-22. i i8s. 3767. Speeches. CHARLES JAMES Fox. 6 vols. Calf, scarce. 1815. i i2s. 3768. Speeches. SIR ROBERT PEEL. 4 vols. Half calf, t. e. g. 1853. 1 i8j. 3769. Speeches. RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. 5 vols. Half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1816. i ss. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 265 3770. Thackeray (W. M.). WORKS. 24 vols. Edition-de-luxe. Illustrated. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1878-9. 15 $s. 3771. Thirlwall's History of Greece. 8 vols. Calf gilt, m. e. 1845. 2 4^ 3772. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.). ANNALS OF THE ARTISTS OF SPAIN, 4 vols. CLOISTER LIFE OF THE EMPEROR CHARLES V., MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS, etc. Together 6 vols. Plates on India paper. Uncut, t. e. g. 1891. 3 i$s. 3773. Strickland (Agnes). LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND, FROM THE NORMAN CONQUEST. 8 vols. 8vo. Tree calf gilt, m. e. 1853. 4 iBs. 3774. Symonds (J. A.). LIFE OF MICHAELANGELO BUONARROTI. 2 vols. Uncut, t. e. g. Nimmo, 1893. i Bs. 3775. Swift (Dean). WORKS. With Notes and Life by Sir Walter Scott. 19 vols. Uncut. 1883. 3 3s. 3776. Taylor (Bp. Jeremy). WHOLE WORKS, with Life by Bp. Heber. Revised by C. P. Eden. 10 vols. Calf antique, r. e. 1854. 1 us. 3777. Trollope (Anthony). NOVELS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 107 vols., chiefly first editions. Half morocco, t. e. g. , nearly uniform. 1850-83. B 3778. Walpole (Horace). ANECDOTES OF PAINTING IN ENGLAND. With considerable additions by J. Dallaway. 5 vols. Large paper. Portraits and illustrations on India paper, a few slightly spotted. Morocco extra, g. e. Major, 1826-8. j i$s. 3779' Walton and Cotton. COMPLETE ANGLER. 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Proof impressions of the numerous fine portraits. Half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1806. B 3785. Walton and Cotton. COMPLEAT ANGLER. "Lea and Dove Edition." Edited and arranged by R. B. Marston. 2 vols. 54 photogravures and about IOO wood- cuts. Half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1888. i gs. 3785*. Vanity Fair Album : a Show of Sovereigns, Statesmen, etc., with Biographical and Critical Notices by Jehu Junior. Numerous full-length coloured caricature portraits. Series I. to XXVI. Scarce. 1869-74. 12 los. 266 BOOK SALES OF 1895. SALE OF BOOKS (MISCELLANEOUS). Messrs. Hodgson, June 25^, 26^, 27/7?, and 28th, 1895. 3786. Strype (J.). HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL WORKS. With Index complete. 27 vols. Boards, uncut. 1812-28. 2 ios. 3787. Chrysostomi (S. Joannis). OPERA OMNIA, Gr. et. Lat. Editio Benedictina, opera et studio Montfaucon. 13 vols. Royal 8vo. Half calf, red edges. Parisiis, 1839. 4 6s. 3788. Ellicott. OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY FOR ENGLISH READERS. 8 vols. Cloth. 1882-4. 2 is. 3789. Clinton. FASTI ROMANI : The Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Con- stantinople, with Appendix. 2 vols. Calf gilt. Oxford, 1845-50. i6s. 3790. Vetus et Novum Testamentum Graecum, ex Antiquissimo Codice Vaticano. Edidit Maius. 5 vols. Calf antique, bevelled sides, red edges, contents lettered. Romae, 1857. 2 ids. 3791. Dugdale (Sir W.). MONASTICON ANGLICANUM, with Continuation by Stevens. Fine engravings by Hollar and King. 3 vols. Old calf. 1718-23. 2 ids. 3792. Lye(E.). DICTIONARIUM SAXONICO ET GOTHICO-LATINUM. Edidit Manning. 2 vols. Old calf. 1772. 181. 3793- Cervantes. DON QUIXOTE, in English, with Notes Original and Selected, and New Life, by H. E. Watts. 5 vols. Sm. 4to. Half vellum, uncut (only 250 printed). 1888. 2 y. 3794. Caxton (W.). THE GOLDEN LEGEND DONE ANEW. Edited by F. S. Ellis. 3 vols. 4to. Boards, uncut. Kelmscott Press, 1892. ^3 5.5-. 3795. Caxton (W.). RECUYELL or THE HISTORIES OF TROY. Edited by H. Halliday Sparling. 3 Books in 2 vols. Vellum tie. uncut. lb., 1892. 3 *5S- 3796. Caxton (W.). HISTORY OF REYNARD THE FOXE. Edited by H. Halliday Sparling. 4to. Vellum tie, uncut. Ib., 1892. i is. 3797. Casanova (Jacques). MEMOIRS, written by Himself, translated into English. 12 vols. Vellum, uncut. (Limited edition. ) Privately printed, 1894. 5 IO.T. 3798. Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. Reports of the Scientific Results of, edited by Sir C. W. Thomson and John Murray. Numerous plates, viz. : Zoology, vols. 3 to 7, and vols. 9 to 14, and Botany, vol. i. 13 vols. Royal 4to. Cloth. 1881-86. ;5 10*. 3799. Cohen (H.). MEDAILLIS CONSULAIRES, Plates, 410., and MEDAILLES IMPERIALES. Plates. 6 vols. Royal 8vo. Together 7 vols. Half calf. Paris, 1857-62. 3 ios. 3800. Bewick (T.). GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. Woodcuts. Large paper. Old calf. Newcastle, 1820. i 2s. 3801. Dalyell. REMARKABLE ANIMALS OF SCOTLAND AND POWERS OF THECREATOR. Portrait and coloured plates. 5 vols. Boards, uncut. Van Voorst, 1848-58. 35*- BOOK SALES OF 1895. 267 3802. Higgins (G.). CELTIC DRUIDS. Plates. 1829. i 8*. 3803. Knorr. COLLECTION DES COQUILLAGES. Coloured plates. 6 vols. Small 410. Old morocco extra. Nuremberg, 1764-73. 2 SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF A NOBLEMAN. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., June 2"jth, 1895. 3804. Hennepin (L.). NEW DISCOVERY OF A VAST COUNTRY IN AMERICA BETWEEN NEW FRANCE AND NEW MEXICO. Maps and plates. Calf. 1698. 8 i$s. 3805. Leland (J.). ITINERARY. Edited by T. Hearne. 9 vols. Large paper. One of 50 copies. Plates. Calf gilt. Royal 8vo. Oxford, 1745. 4 8s. 3806. Collinson (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET. 3 vols. Map and plates. Calf gilt. Bath, 1791. .5 17^. &J. 3807. Cook(Capt.). KING, FOSTER, AND HAWKESWORTH'S VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. 10 vols. Maps and plates. Calf gilt. 1777-84. 3 los. 3808. Green (V.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE CITY OF WORCESTER. 2 vols. Map and plates. Calf gilt. 1796. i8s. 3809. Atkyns (Sir R.). 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Fine copy, in old red morocco extra, g. e. Oxford, 1759-86. 5 3818. Dart (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 2 vols. Calf. (1723.) i8s. 3819. Drake (F.). EBORACUM, or History and Antiquities of the City of York. Calf. 1736. 4 14*. 3820. Dugdale (W.). ANTIQUITIES OF WARWICKSHIRE. 1656. 4 15^. 3820*. Dugdale (W.). ANTIQUITIES OF WARWICKSHIRE. Second Edition, augmented and continued by W. Thomas. 2 vols. Calf. 1730. 17 3821. Dugdale (W.). HISTORY OF ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Calf. 1658. i 4?. 268 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3821*. Dugdale (W.). MONASTICON ANGLICANUM. 3 vols. Calf. 1661, '82, '73. 3 15*. 3822. Dugdale (W.). BARONAGE OF ENGLAND. 3 vols. in 2. Calf. 1675-76. 2 12S. 3823. Edmondson(J.). COMPLETE BODY OF HERALDRY. 2 vols. Calf gilt. 1780. 2 QS. 3824. Graevii (J. G.). J. GRONOVII, et A. H. de Sallengre, Thesaurus Antiquitatum Gnecorum et Romanarum. Sicilise, etc. 73 vols. Olf calf gilt. Lugd. Bat., 1693-1725. g 3825. Guillim (J.). DISPLAY OF HERALDRY. Cuts coloured. Calf. 1679. 4 6s. 3826. Hall (S. E.). BARONIAL HALLS OF ENGLAND. Large paper. Original edition. 3 vols. Morocco, g. e. 1845-47. ,3 $s. 3827. Hoare (Sir R. C.). ANCIENT HISTORY OF NORTH AND SOUTH WILTSHIRE. 2 vols. Large paper. Russia, m. e. Atlas folio. 1810-12. j ijs. 6d. 3828. Horsley (J. ). BRITANNIA ROMANA, or Roman Antiquities of Britain. Calf. 1732. 6 3829. Houghton Gallery of Pictures, formerly in the possession of Lord Orford, now in the Imperial Gallery at St. Petersburgh. 2 vols. Plates by Earlom, Heath, and others. Maroon morocco extra, g. e. Atlas folio. 1788. ;*4 IOs - 3830. Hutchins (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF DORSET. 2 vols. Map and plates. Calf. 1774. i 13*. 3831. Jones (Inigo). STONEHENGE RESTORED, Charleton's Stonehenge Restored, Webb's Vindication, etc., with Memoirs. Large paper. Calf. 1725. 2 2s. 3832. Lysons (S.). ROMAN ANTIQUITIES DISCOVERED AT WOODCHESTER. Half calf. Imp. folio. 1797. 2 nos. 3833. Manning (O.) and W. Bray. 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ANTIQUITIES OF NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Map and plates, including the rare slip of arms. Russia, m. e. 1677. 7 1QS. 3841. Wilkins (D.). CONCILIA MAGN^: BRITANNIA ET HIBERNLE. 4 vols. Calf. 1737- &7 BOOK SALES OB' 1895. 269 SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, June 27 th, T&th, and July \st, 1895. 3842. Kitton (Fred. G.)- CHARLES DICKENS. By Pen and Pencil. Numerous portraits, plates, and woodcuts, with the Supplement. Together 18 parts in 14, uncut. 1889-90. 1 15.?. 3843. Norfolk Archaeology, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Norfolk. Vols. I to II, and Index to vols. l-io. Half morocco, t. e. g. 1847-1892. 7 los. 3844. Ruskin (].). SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. First edition. Illustrated by the author (corner of half title torn off). Calf. 1849. i js. 3845. Thackeray (W. M.). THE NEWCOMES. First edition, in the original yellow wrappers. Illustrated by R. Doyle. 1855. i us. 3846. Scott (Sir W.). WAVERLEY NOVELS. "Abbotsford edition." 12 vols. Numerous illustrations, half calf. Royal 8vo. 1842-7. 3 $s. 3847. Thackeray (W. M.). THE VIRGINIANS. Complete in the original parts, with all the wrappers. Illustrated by the author. 1857. 1 % S - 3848. Poggio. FACETS, or Jocose Tales. Translated into English. 2 vols. Paris, 1879. gs. 3849. Kama Shastra Society. ANANGA-RANGA, OR THE HINDU ART OF LOVE. Cosmopoli, 1885. i 5^. 3850. Kama Shastra Society. Another copy. Id. i6s. 3851. Kama Shastra Society. Another copy. Ib. i$s. 3852. Kama Shastra Society. THE KAMA SUTRA OF VATSYAYANA. translated from the Sanscrit. Ib. i 2s. 3853. Kama Shastra Society. THE BEHARISTAN. By Jami. Benares. 1887. i2s. 3854. Kama Shastra Society. THE GULISTAN, OR ROSE GARDEN OF SADI. Ib., 1888. ,1 ios. 3855. Kama Shastra Society. PERFUMED GARDEN OF THE SHEIK MEFRYAMI COSMOPOLI. 1886. 2 4$. 3856. Romance of Chastisement. Privately printed. 1870-88. 15^. 3857. Forberg (F. C.). ROMANCE OF CLASSICAL EROTOLOGY. Privately printed. 1887. i6s. 3858. Morris (W.). THE EARTHLY PARADISE. 4 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1870. i is. 3859. Congreve (W.). WORKS. " Baskerville edition." 3 vols. Calf. Birming- ham, 1761. igs. 3860. Behn (Mrs.). PLAYS, HISTORIES, AND NOVELS. 6 vols. Portraits and plates. Calf gilt. 1724-35. 5 IO^T. 3861. Centlivre (Mrs. ). WORKS, with Life. 3 vols. Portrait, calf g. e. 1761-60. i 15^- 3862. Wits Commonwealth. Newly corrected and amended by J. Bodenham and and F. Meres. 2 vols. Text slightly cut into (with autograph signatures, Leigh Hunt, Wm. Wordsworth, and Thos. Powell), morocco, g. e. I2mo. 1634. 13.?. 2/O BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3863. Doran (Dr.). "THEIR MAJESTIES SERVANTS." Annals of the English Stage from T. Betterton to Edmund Kean. 2 vols. Illustrated with about 500 portraits, views, facsimiles, signatures, and autograph letters. Bound in 4 vols. Half mor., g. e. 1864. 3 5*. 3864. Doran (Dr.). LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND, Habits and Men, Knights and their Days, Monarchs retired from Business, History of Court Fools, New Pic- tures and Old Panels, Table Traits and Book of the Princess of Wales (wants the title). Together 10 vols. Cloth. 1856-9. .1 Bs. 3865. Biographia Dramatica ; or a Companion to the Play House. By Baker, Reed, and Jones. 4 vols. Illustrated by the insertion of 300 portraits. Half mor., g. e. 1812. i I5J. 3866. Whymper (E.). SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS, 1860-9. Maps and illustra- tions. Cloth. 1871. i Ss. 3867. Cervantes' Don Quixote. Translated by Jarvis. 2 vols. Illustrated by Tony Johannot. Cloth. Royal 8vo. 1842. 95. 3868. Jameson (Mrs.). HISTORY OF OUR LORD. 2 vols. Numerous illustrations. Half boards. 1864. I2j. 3869. Shakespeare (W.). PLAYS AND POEMS, n vols. Portrait. Cloth. Pickering, 1825. l I2S. 3870. Baring-Gould's Lives of the Saints, "January to October." 12 vols. Cloth. 1872-7. i gs. 3871. Tarot Cards. A series of 78 highly finished Drawings (each 8 by 4), illuminated in gold and colours, being an exact reproduction of the earliest known specimens of playing-cards preserved in the National Library, Paris. An unique and valuable collection. B 3872. Jones and Jones. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE NESTS AND EGGS OF THE BIRDS OF OHIO. Fine hand-coloured illustrations, only 90 copies issued. 2 vols. Morocco extra, t. e. g. by Ringer. Imp. 410. Circleville, Ohio, 1816. .15 3873. Portfolio (The). Edited by P. G. Hamerton, for 1882-3-5-8 to 93. 9 vols. Cloth. Plates. 1882-93. ^4 3874. Cook (J.). THREE VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. 8 vols. and folio atlas (wanting portrait). Maps and plates. Calf. 1779. i 12s. 3875. Book of Ser Marco Polo. Trans, with notes by Col. Yule. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. Cloth. 1871. 3 3876. Loftie (W. J.). WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Large Paper. Illustrations by H. Railton on India paper. 1890. ijs. 3877. Charing Cross to St. Pauls. With Notes by Justin McCarthy. Large paper. Plates and vignettes by Pennell. Hf. bd. 1891. 13^. 3878. Ruskin (J.). SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. New edition. Illustrated by the author. Blue calf. Imp. 8vo. 1880. igs. 3879. Morris (W.). THE EARTHLY PARADISE. 4 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1870. 1 is. 3880. Morris. THE STORY OF SIGURD THE VOLSUNG, Cloth, uncut. 1877. i2s. 3881. [Apperley, C. J.] THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN. By "Nimrod." Coloured plates by H. Alken. First edition. Original cloth. Ackermann, 1842. g BOOK SALES OF 1895. 271 3882. Dasent (G. W.). THE STORY OF BURNT NJAL. 2 vols. Cloth. 1861. i8s. 3883. Grose (F.). THE ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Plates. 8 vols. Tree calf gilt. 4to. 1783. i SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF A NOBLE LADY, AND OTHERS. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., July \st, 2nd, yd, and tfh, 1895. IT A most interesting sale. There were many letters and manuscripts of Burns and Scott ; but these I have not given here, as this work does not take such collectanea into account. The fine copy of the third folio Shakespeare, and the rare Americana, as well as the rare and early editions of English and foreign writers, are specially noteworthy. Such items do not often occur for sale. The prices ranged high, but not higher than their fine conditions and the rarity of the books warranted. 3884. Apperley (C. J.). THE CHASE, THE TURF, AND THE ROAD. By Nimrod. First edition. Half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt. 1837. 15 s. 3885. Bell(T.). HISTORY OF BRITISH QUADRUPEDS. First edition. Largest paper. nearly 200 woodcuts. Green morocco extra, uncut, the original cloth covers pre- served. Only 50 copies were printed in this size. Van Voorst, 1837. 2 los - 3886. Bell (T.). HISTORY OF BRITISH REPTILES. First edition. Largest paper. morethan4owoodcuts. Greenmorocco extra, uncut, original cloth covers preserved. Only 50 copies printed in this size. Van Voorst, 1839. i 4^. 3887. Bewick. SELECT FABLES. With cuts by T. and J. Bewick. Imperial paper. Russia extra, gilt edges. 1820. 2 J.8s. 3888. Boxiana; or Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism. 5 vols. Plates. Half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. 1829. ^5 3889. Carey (D.). LIFE IN PARIS. Coloured plates by G. Cruikshank. Half morocco, uncut. Fairburn, 1822. 7 los. 3890. Combe (W.). THIRD TOUR OF DR. SYNTAX. First edition. Coloured plates by Rowlandson. Half morocco, uncut. 1821. ,3 8s. 3891. Cowper (W.) and J. Newton. OLNEY HYMNS. First edition. Blue morocco, gilt edges. 1779. 1 4*. 3892. Cracks of the Day. Edited by Wildrake. Portraits and sporting plates. Cloth, uncut. Royal 8vo., n. d. 2 3893. Egan (P.). LIFE IN LONDON. Coloured plates by J., R. and G. Cruikshank. Calf extra, top edge gilt. 1821. 2 $s. 3894. Froude (J. A.). NEMESIS OF FAITH. First edition. Cloth, uncut. 1849. ifo. 3895. Hunt (Leigh). STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN POETS. 2 vols. First edition. Cloth, uncut. 1846. igs. 3896. Keats (J.). LAMIA, ISABELLA, THE EVE OF ST. AGNES, etc. First edition. Cloth. 1820. 1 gs. 3897. Racing Calendar, 1785 to 1878. (Wanting 1787, 1790, 1791, and 1793). Calf, with all faults. 118 vols. 6 2/2 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3898. Ruskin (J.). MODERN PAINTERS. 5 vols. in 4. Illustrations by the author. First editions of Vols. III., IV., and V. Half morocco. 1848-60. 7 3899. Seebohm (H.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. With coloured illustrations of their eggs. 4 vols. Half morocco, t. e. g. 1883-5. 5 1 5 S - 3900. Smollett (T.). EXPEDITION OF HUMPHRY CLINKER. 3 vols. First edition. Old calf. 1771. i 6s. 3901. Surtees (R. S.). " ASK MAMMA." First edition. Coloured illustrations by J. Leech. Original cloth, uncut. 1858. ,2 3902. Thackeray (W. M.). ROSE AND THE RING. First edition. Illustrations. Original boards. 1855. 2 3903. Thackeray (W. M.). ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. First edition. Illustrations. Cloth, uncut. 1863. i 3904. Milton (J.). PARADISE LOST. First edition. Old calf (rebacked). Large copy. S. Simmons, 1669. 10 15^. 3905. Shakespeare. COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES. The second impression. Portrait, etc. (i2f in. by 8^ in.). Verses and last leaf in facsimile, and title mended, old calf, sold with all faults. 1632. ^23 3906. Young (E.). NIGHT THOUGHTS. Plates by W. Blake. Half morocco (some of the plates slightly cut into). 1797. 3 3907. Cruikshank. [COLLIER (J. P.).] PUNCH AND JUDY. First edition. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Calf gilt. 1828. i 2s. 3908. Prayer. BOOKE OF CHRISTIAN PRAYERS. Collected out of the ancient writers. Black letter. Woodcut borders to each page, including a Dance of Death, also full-page portrait of Queen Elizabeth, and printer's device on last page, a few leaves slightly waterstained, otherwise a sound copy. Calf. John Daye, 1578. 17 ioj. 3909. Processionale ad usum insignis ac preclare ecclesie Sarum. Printed in red and black letter, with musical notes, original cover (one off), imperfect at end, sold with all faults. Very rare. Rothomagi, R. Valentin, 1557. $ 5$. 3910. Birch (T.). HEADS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS OF GREAT BRITAIN, with their Lives and Characters. Large paper. Fine impressions of the portraits by Houbraken and Vertue. Calf. Imp. folio. 1756. 6 3911. Halle (Edw.). CHRONICLE. The Union of the two noble and illustrious famelies of Lancastre and Yorke, etc. First edition. Black letter. Original stamped calf, slightly wormed. 1548. 4 3912. Holinshed (R.). CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, SCOTLANDE, AND IRELANDE. Black letter. First edition. 2 vols. in I. Woodcuts (few headlines cut into). Original stamped calf. 1577. & 1 % S ' 3913. Jonson (Ben). WORKES. First edition. Engraved title by Hole (mounted). Original calf. Scarce. 1616. i 6s. 3914. /Eneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pius Papa II.). LA DISCRITTIONE DE L'ASIA, et 1'Europa, et FHistoria de le cose memorabili fatte in quelle, etc. Old red morocco. Tooled sides with device and motto of Demetrius Canevaii in centres. Gilt edges (back mended). Vinegia, 1544. 10 i$s. 3915. America. LE PAGE DU PRATZ, Histoire de la Louisiane. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Original calf. Paris, 1758. i los. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 2/3 3916. Ameiica. RAGUENEAU (P.). RELATION DE CE QUI S'KST PASSE en la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus aux Hurons pays de la Nouvelle France 'es annees 1648 et 1649. Vellum. Paris, 1650. 4 los. 3917. America. WALKER (SiR H. ). JOURNAL OF THE LATE EXPEDITION TO CANADA, with an Appendix. Calf. 1710. 2 los. 3918. Bewick (Thos.). HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. First edition. Woodcuts by T. Bewick. Green morocco extra, uncut, gilt tops, by Bedford (bound from a copy in boards). 1790. ,4 3919. Bewick (Thos.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols. First edition. Imperial paper. Woodcuts by T. Bewick, that on p. 285, vol. i., not inked across as usual. Green morocco extra, uncut, gilt tops, by Bedford (bound from a copy in boards). Imp. 8vo. Newcastle, 1797-1804. ^15 15.?. 3920. Bewick (Thos.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols. Woodcuts by T. Bewick. Imperial paper. Calf, marbled edges. Imp. 8vo. Newcastle, 1805. l 12S. 3921. Bewick (Thos. ). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Royal paper. Fine impressions of the numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. Russia. Royal 8vo. Newcastle, 1805. 2 $s. 3922. Bewick (Thos.). BRITISH BIRDS. Supplements and Addenda. Imperial paper. Fine impressions of the woodcuts. Red morocco extra, g. e., by F. Bedford. Fine copy. Imp. 8vo. Newcastle, 1821. ^3 i2s. &d. 3923. Bewick (Thos.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Fifth edition, with both supplements. Royal paper. Fine impressions of numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. Calf. Royal 8vo. Newcastle, 1821. 1 i6s. 3924. Bewick (Thos.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Sixth edition. Royal paper. Fine impressions of the numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. Half morocco, top edges gilt. Royal 8vo. Newcastle, 1826. i iSs. 3925. Bewick (Thos.). FIGURES OF BRITISH LAND BIRDS, to which are added a few Foreign Birds. Fine impressions of the woodcuts, with the plate of the Pigstye in the first state. Blue morocco gilt, gilt edges. Royal 8vo. Newcastle, 1800. 2 I2s. 3926. Bewick. THOMSON (J.). THE SEASONS, with engravings on wood by Bewick from Thurston's designs. Thick paper. Blue morocco, extra, inside joints, gilt edges, by Kalthceber. Fine copy, very scarce. Printed by T. Bensley, 1805. ;5 ioj. 3927. America. PARMENIUS (S. ). DE NAVIGATIONS. Illustris et Magnanimi Equitis Aurati Humfredi Gilberti, ad deducendam in Novum Orbem Coloniam suscepta. Very fine copy, enclosed in a morocco case. Londini, apud T. Purfutium, 1582. i9 IT Presentation copy, with long autograph inscription of the author. The only other copy known to Lowndes, Hazlitt, or Sabin is that in the Grenville Library in the British Museum. Gilbert's latest biographer (Mr. C. H. Coote) did not know of its existence, as he merely mentions Hakluyt's reprint. 3928. A iosto (L.). ORLANDO FURIOSO. 4 vols. Large paper. Portrait by Figuet, and plates after Eisen, Moreau, Cipriani, etc., engraved by Bartolozzi, De Launay, Massard, and others. Old green morocco extra, borders of gold on sides, gilt edges. Fine copy. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1773. j 3929. Badminton Library. HUNTING. By the Duke of Beaufort and Mowbray Morris. Large paper. Only 50 copies printed, with numerous illustrations by Sturgess and Charlton. Half Roxburghe, uncut. 1885. ^185.^. 2/4 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3930. Bayfius (Lazarus). ANNOTATIONES in legem II. de Captivis et postlimino reversis in quibus tractatur De Re Navalis ; et de Re Vestiaria. Woodcuts, ruled in red, brown calf, with black inlaid scrolls, and name and motto of John Grolier et Amicorum on sides, gilt and gauffred edges, an excellent imitation of a Grolier binding, in a new morocco sliding case. Basil. , 1541. ,3 3931. Ariosto. ORLANDO FURIOSO. 4 vols. The plates by Monnet, Cochin, and others, are bound in a separate vol. 5 vols. Red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. Birmingham, J. Baskerville, 1773. 2 8s. 3932. Boccaccio. Ii. DECAMERONE. 5 vols. Plates and vignettes by Gravelot. Marone morocco extra, gilt edges. Londra (Parigi), 1757. ^4 4^. 3933. Dorat. GEuvRES (comprenant les Baisers, Lettres d'une Chanoinesse, Fables, Contes et Poemes, Victimes de 1'Amour, Lettres et OZuvres Melees, Fantaisies, Nouveaux Torts, Declamation Theatrale, Adelaide de Hongrie, Theatre, Sacrifices del' Amour, Malheurs de 1'Inconstance). Together 20 vols. in 9, plates and vignettes by Eisen, Marillierand others, a few slightly waterstained. Green morocco extra, gilt edges, contents lettered, sold not subject to return. La Haye, 1770-77. 2 iSs. 3934. Homere. ILIADE ET ODYSSEE traduite avec des Remarques par Mdme. Dacier. 6 vols. Plates by Picart, etc. Red morocco extra, full gilt back, gilt edges, by Padeloup. Paris, 1711-16. 2 2s. 3935. Horatii Opera, aeneis tabulis incidit J. Pine. 2 vols. Pretty vignettes. Fine copy. In old English red morocco, richly tooled, gilt edges. Royal 8vo. 1733. 4 IOJ. 3936. Jameson (Mrs.). CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN. 2 vols. First edition. Vignettes, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. 1832. i is. 3937. La Fontaine (J. de). FABLES CHOISIES MISES EN VERS. 6 vols. Plates and vignettes by Bardin, Monnet, Loutherbourg, and others. Fine copy in red morocco extra, dentelle borders of gold on sides, gilt end papers, g. e., by Derome. Paris, chez 1'auteur, 1765-75. 14 3938. Lucrezio della Natura delle Cose, tradotti da Alessandro Marchetti. 2 vols. Plates and vignettes by Cochin, Le Mire, Eisen, and others. Fine copy. Red morocco, broad dentelle borders on sides, gilt edges, by Derome. Amst., Paris, '754- 2 3939. Lucrece, traduction nouvelle avec des Notes (par Lagrange). 2 vols. Large paper. Plates by Gravelot. Old French red morocco extra, gilt edges. Fine copy. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1768. 2 2s. 3940. Marguerite de Navarre, Nouvelles (Heptameron). 3 vols. Plates and vignettes by Dunker and Freudenberg. Calf extra, gilt edges. Berne, 1792. 3 15^. 3941. Marmontel (J. F. ). CONTES MORAUX. 3 vols. Portrait and plates by Gravelot. Old French red morocco (arms on sides of the Comtesse de Provence), gilt edges. From the d'Artois Collection. Fine copy. Paris, 1765. 16 IQS. 3942. Moliere. QLUVRES AVEC DES REMARQUES, des Avertissements, et des Observa- tions par M. Bret. 6 vols. Portrait and plates by Moreau. Old French red morocco extra, gilt edges. Fine copy. Ib., 1773. 8 5.?. If This copy has the plates to " L'Avare " and " Le Misantrope," and also the duplicate leaves in Vol. I. J943- Montesquieu (C. S. de). TEMPLE DE GNIDE. Plates by Eisen and Le Mire. Calf gilt, gilt edges. Ib., 1772. 2 3s. 5944. Montpensier (Mdlle. de). MEMOIRES. 8 vols. Green morocco extra, g. e., by Wright. Maestricht, 1776. l los. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 275 3945. Racine (J.). CEuvRES, avec des Commentaires par Luneau de Boisjermain. 7 vols. Portrait and plates by Gravelot. Old French red morocco extra, g. e. Fine copy. Paris, L. Cellot, 1768. ^5 ios. 3946. Scott (Sir W.). LIFE OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE. 9 vols. Illustrated with nearly 1,200 portraits and engravings inserted, and bound in 1 8 vols. dark green morocco extra, gilt edges. Edinb., 1827. ^37 3947. Sevigne (Mdme. de). LETTRES A LA COMTESSE DE GRIGNAN. 6 vols. Por- trait. Red morocco extra, marble edges gilt (arms of Mdme. Victoire, aunt of Louis XVI., on sides). Paris, 1738. ^7 3948. Voltaire. CEuvRES COMPLETES. 70 vols. Large and fine paper. Plates by Moreau. Red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome le jeune, with his ticket. Royal 8vo. Kehl, 1785-89. ,255 IT This copy belonged to M. Clos, who has added the extra series of plates by Moreau published by Renouard ; also letters to and from Voltaire ; the original drawing by Eisen for a frontispiece to the " Henriade" (not engraved) ; a sup- pressed engraving of the " Comedie de 1'Ecossaise; " Moreau 's original drawing for the "Coronation of Voltaire," and the engraving; two unfinished etchings for a frontispiece to " Commentaires sur Corneille" (rejected by Voltaire) ; auto- graph letter from Voltaire to the Duchesse de Choiseul, on the disgrace of her husband, etc. ; and other items, rendering this a unique copy. 3949. Voltaire. LA HENRIADE. 2 vols, Plates and vignettes by Eisen. Old French red morocco extra, gilt edges. Fine copy. Paris, 1770. 3 15*. 3950. Fenelon. AVENTURES DE TELEMAQUE. Plates by Picart and others. Red morocco extra, borders of gold on sides, edges marble gilt, by Derome. Fine copy. Amst., 1734. * ios. 3951. Longus. AMOURS PASTORALES DE DAPHNIS ET DE CHLOE, Gr. et Fr. par Amiot, etc. Plates by Audran. Red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome. Fine copy. Paris, 1757. ^5 5*. 3952. Ovide. METAMORPHOSES, Latin et Francois, de la Traduction de 1'Abbe Banier. 4 vols. Plates by Eisen, Gravelot, Moreau, and others. Red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome. Fine copy. Paris, 1767-71. .28 3953. Tasso. GERUSALEMME LIBERATA STAMPATA D'ORDINE DI MONSIEUR. 2 vols. Plates by Cochin. Red morocco extra, silk linings, gilt edges, by Derome. Royal 410. Jb., 1784. z zs. 3954. Louis XV. SACRE DE Louis XV. DANS L'EGLISE DE REIMS 25 OCTOBRE, 1722. Fine plates by Audran, Cochin, and others. Red morocco, broad floreated borders, and arms on sides, gilt edges (a magnificent specimen of binding). From the Lamoignon Library. Atlas folio. Ib. , 1723. ig IQS. 3955. America. BLOME (RICHARD). DESCRIPTION OF THE ISLAND OF JAMAICA ; with the other Isles and Territories in America ; also the present state of Algiers. Portrait and maps, old calf. Post 8vo. 1678. i is. 3956. America. B[URTON], *'*> ^73- 4285. Cicero. ORATIONES A NIC. ANGELIO BUCINENSI NUPER MAXIMA DILIGENTIA RECOGNITA ET EXCUSE. (Some leaves loose. ) Contemporary ornamental gilt tooled leather binding, gilt and gauffred edges (broken). Florent., P. Junta, 1515- /! 14J- 4286. Cicero. DE PHILOSOPHIA. First Aldine edition, initials and anchors finely painted and illuminated. 2 vols. in I. Contemporary Venetian brown morocco, blind tool line compartments, with two fleurs-de-lis, and stamped inscription, " M. T. C. Phi. et Tuas Criberis in Albo " on sides, gilt edges. Venet., Aldus, I5 2 3- ;i 5.?. 4287. Cicero. DE PHILOSOPHIA. Second Aldine edition. 2 vols. (A few leaves slightly wormed and stained. ) Contemporary Venetian black morocco, tooled in blind and gilt lines, with the title on upper covers, and gilt head of Cicero in centres. Venet., P. Manutius, Aldi F., 1541. 2 8s. 4288. Colas (Jacques). GEOMANTIAE. Original unpublished French manuscript, on 225 leaves, neatly written, with astrological figures. Old calf, with three inter- laced C's, one of the marks of Diane de Poitiers, on sides. 1552. 12 4289. Collins (Arthur). PEERAGE OF ENGLAND. Greatly augmented and continued to the present time by Sir E. Brydges. 9 vols. Tree-calf, gilt. 1812. 2 4290. Colonna (Fr. ). LA HYPNEROTOMACHIA DI POLIPHILO, cioe pugna d'Amore in Sogno, etc. Numerous fine woodcuts designed by Giovanni Bellini, the Priapus unmutilated, signature of Desnoyers on title. Small folio. Venet., Aldo, 1545. 6 los. 4291. Commines (Philippe de). LES MEMOIRES. Derniere edition. Engraved title. Blue morocco, the sides and back covered in fleur-de-lis with the royal arms of France in centre, inside tooled borders, gilt edges, by Cape. Very fine copy. Leide chez les Elzeviers, 1648. 11 IT The Benzon copy sold for 1,230 francs. 4292. Corneille (Pierre). LE THEATRE, revue et corrige par 1'Autheur, Parties I. et II. Portrait and frontispiece. 2 vols in I. Old French calf gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. Old ex-libris in cover. Folio. Imprime a Rouen et se vend a Paris chez G. de Luyne, 1664. 2 12s. H The Toison d'Or was published for the first time in this edition ; in which also Corneille introduces a new system of Orthography to facilitate foreigners in the pronunciation of the French language. The Benson copy sold for 900 francs. 4293. Cromaziano (Agatopisto). ISTORIA CRITICA E FILOSOFICA DEL SUICIDIO RAGIONATO. Old Italian calf, the sides covered with gilt ornaments, the arms of a Cardinal in centre. Lucca, V. Giuntini, 1761. i Bs. 4294. Dante Le Terze Rime. First Aldine edition (some leaves stained). Illuminated initials, coat of arms on first page, vellum, gilt and gauffred edges. Very rare. Venet., Aldus, 1502. 2 6s. 4295. Dante. COL Srro, ET FORMA DELL' INFERNO TRATTA DALLA ISTESSA DESCRIP- TIONS DEL POETA. Second Aldine edition. Plates at end (slightly wormed and stained). Old calf. Venet., nelle Case d' Aldo, 1515. 2 ^s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 33 4296. Dante. LA DIVINA COMMEDIA, ridotta a miglior Lezione clagli Accademici della Crusca. Woodcut initials. Green vellum, plain, gilt edges. J. A. De Thou's copy, with his last arms on sides. Firenzi, D. Manzani, 1595. i i6s. 4297. D'Artagnan (Memoires de Mr.). Capitaine Lieutenant de la Premiere Com- pagni des Mousquetaires du Roy. 3 vols. Vellum (binding of vols. 2 and 3 damaged). Cologne, P. Marteau, 1700. ,2 43. 4298. Dedikindus (Frid.). GROBIANUS ET GROBIANA. De Morum Simplicitate lib. III. in gratiam omnium Rusticitatis amantium conscripti. Contemporary calf stamped with borders of naked boys, with half length figures of a German Emperor and a Warrior in centres. Francof., Haeredes Chr. Egenolfi, 1575. 1 los. 4299. Discours Veritable des deux dernieres Conspirations et attentats sur la Per- sonne de la Royne d'Angleterre, le tout par les moyens des Agents d'Espagne et induction des Jesuites. Crushed red morocco, plain, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Fine copy, very rare. Paris, G. Auray, 1595. l i8s. 4300. D'Orleans (Le Pere). HISTOIRE DES REVOLUTIONS D'ANGLETERRE. Maps and plates. 4 vols. Old French citron morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides, with the arms of Mme. Victoire de France in centres, and her ex-libris in vols. 2, 3, 4, gilt edges (Derome). Fine copy. Paris, Giffart, 1750. 21 los. 4301. Dugdale (Sir Wm.). MONASTICON ANGLICANUM. Abridged in English, with two additional volumes by Capt. John Stevens. Large paper. Fine impressions of the numerous plates. 3 vols. Old French red morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides, gilt edges (Derome). Fine copy. Folio. 1718-22-23. 21 4302. Epistolae Basilii Magni, Libanii, Chionis, ^Eschinis, Isocratis, Phalaridis, etc. Epistolse diversorum Philosophorum, Oratorum, Rhetorum XXVI., Omnia Greece. 2 vols. in i. Old calf gilt, with arms and " Ex Bibliotheca Bunaviana " in gold on sides. Small 410. Venet., Aldus, 1499. i is. 4303. Erasmus. COLLOQUIA, NUNC EMENDATORA. First and finest Elzevir edition. Old red morocco gilt, gilt edges (formerly Mile. Rachel's copy, with her card). Lugd., Bat. ex Off. Elzevir, 1636. i 2s. 4304. Erasmus (Des.). MORIAS ENKOMION. Stultitise Laus Declamatio cum Com- ment. G. Listrii, figuris Holbenianis adornata. Engraved title, portrait of Holbein and copperplates. Old red morocco gilt. J. B. Colbert's copy, with his arms on sides and monogram on back (autograph certification of collation by J. J. Debure). Basil., typis Genathianis, 1676. g gs. 4305. Eusebius. CHRONICON, ID EST TEMPORUM BREVIARIUM. Printed in red and black. Contemporary oaken boards covered in stamped kidskin dyed red, with clasp. Large copy. Small 410. Venetire, E. Ratdolt, 1483. 2 2s. ^l Inscription on flyleaf " Liber Johannis Camerarii de Dalburg Epi Wormaciensis, 1484." 4306. Famiglie Italiane. "CoMiNCiA DA VENUTA DELLE NOBIL FAMIGLE E CASA DI VENETIA, cioe quelle, che vanno nel Conseglio e dove le viene e dove fula sua Origine," etc. Italian Manuscript on 160 leaves, with 735 emblazoned coats of arms. Contemporary Italian red morocco, the sides covered with elaborate scroll tooling in compartments, a petis fers (in Le Gascon's style). Small folio. Cent xvii. 7 4307. Flechier (Esprit). HISTOIRE DE THEODOSE LE GRAND. Nouvelle edition. Old French olive morocco, back tooled in marguerites, line sides, arms of Mme. Sophie de France in centre, gilt edges (Derome). Paris, 1734. ;8 304 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4308. Fuchsius (Leon.). DE MEDENDI METHODO lib. IV. Hippocratis de Medica- mentis Purgantibus libellus jam recens in lucem editus. Contemporary oaken boards covered with leather stamped with heads of Emperors, and initials T. G. (back broken). Paris, C. Meobarius, 1539. t I2s. 4309. Giannotti (Donate). LA REPUBLICA DI VINEGIA. Folding woodcut, in Lione A. Gryphio, 1570. FOGLIETTA (UBERTO). BELLA REPUBLICA DI GENOVA. #'> 1575- I n one v l- Contemporary Italian vellum gilt, gilt edges (avec temoins), J. A. De Thou's copy, with his first arms on sides. 2 2s. 4310. Giovio et Symeoni. DIALOGO DELL' IMPRESSE MILITARI ET AMOROSE, con un ragionamento di L. Dolce. Numerous fine woodcuts. Limp vellum, with stamped gilt ornaments, gilt edges. Yemeniz copy. Lyone, G. Rovillio, 1574. i6s. 4311. Guigard (Jo.). ARMORIAL DE BIBLIOPHILE. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. in I. Half morocco. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1870-3. 1 4312. Herbert of Cherbury (Edward Lord). OCCASIONAL VERSES. Modern por- trait, 1795, inserted. Old calf. Scarce. T. Dring, 1665. ^5 5.?. IT Horace Walpole's copy, with his ex-libris and that of E. V. Utterson in cover. 4313. Herbert de Cherbury (Edouard Lord). MEMOIRES, traduits pour la premiere fois en Fran$ais par le Comte de Baillon. Etched portrait and vignettes. Crushed red morocco, plain, double with red, richly tooled ornamental borders, leather joints, top edge gilt, other edges uncut, by Petit. Fine copy. 410. Paris, Techener, 1863. 2 4314. Herculanum. LE FIXTURE ANTICHE D'ERCOLANO, e Contorni, con qualche Spiegazione (da O. A. Bajardi) col Catalogo degli Antichi Monumenti. Many hundred fine plates. 9 vols. Old calf gilt. Atlas folio. Neapoli, 1754-92. 2 2s. 4315. Hesiodus. OPERA OMNIA GR/Eck ET LATINE ; item Jo. Tzetzis Scholia Graeca in eadem nunc primuni edita (dedicated to Cuthbert Tonstall, Bp. of Durham). Signatures of A. Holiday, Henrie Wickam, and Edw. Plumpton on title. 2 vols. in i. Old calf, with the device of Henri Estienne, the Paris printer, stamped in gold on sides (rebacked). Basil, 1542. i 2s. 4316. Heywood (Thos. ). TUNAEIKON ; or, Nine Books of various History con- cerninge Women, inscribed by ye names of ye Nine Muses. Fine engraved title. Russia. Small folio. A. Islip, 1624. ^3 3$. 4317. Holbein. IMAGINES MORTIS, his accesserunt Epigrammata e Gallico a G. yEmylio in Latinum Translatum. 53 woodcuts of the Dance of Death after H. Holbein (some lower margins stained and frayed). Old calf. Colon., A. Birckmann, 1567. ^i 4318. Homerus. ILIAS GR^CE (Cura A. Turnebi). Title backed. Red morocco, gilt tooled borders, gilt edges (Harleian), inclosed in new morocco sliding case. Paris, A. Turnebus, 1554. ^15 i$s. H Presentation copy from Alexander Pope to Bishop Atterbury, who has recorded the gift in the following inscription on fly-leaf: " Homeri Iliadem, typis hiis nitidissimis Grsece editam, dono mihi dedit, qui eandem Carmine Anglicano, Musis gratiisque faventibus, expressam genti nostrse prius donaverat Alexander Pope. F. Roffen." 4319. Horae divi Marise Virginis secundum usum Romanum cum aliis multis in sequentibus notatis, noviter impressis. Roman letter, printed upon vellum, within woodcut borders of arabesques, mythological, and Biblical subjects. The BOOK SALES OF 1895. 35 18 full-page woodcuts, and all the historiated and other initials painted and illuminated (i rubbed). From the Duchess of Berri's sale. Paris, G. Hardouyn s. a. (Almanac, 1526-41). g ioj. 4320. Horatius. (OPERA, Cura Aldi Manutii.) First Aldine edition. Painted orna- mental capitals and sections in blue and red. Old red morocco gilt, gilt and gauffred edges. Very rare. Venet. ap. Aldum Rom., 1501. 6 6s. if The Syston Park copy sold for ^30. 4321. Horatius. THEOD. PULMANNI OPERA, ad Mureti, Lambini aliorumque editionem collatus et Scholiis illustratus. Ruled in red. Contemporary bright Lyonnese calf, stamped gilt ornamental corners and centre cartouche interspersed with semis of small stars, and having the motto " Patrise et Amicis " in centre of upper cover, and date 1568 on the under, gilt edges. A fine specimen. Antw., C. Plantin, 1566. .15 4322. Horatius. OPERA. Portrait. Green morocco extra, by Hayday, quite uncut (many leaves with the black press line in the outer margins). Very rare in this state. Geo. Daniel's copy. Paris, e. Typographia Regia, 1733. i 4;. 4323. Horatius. OPERA. Bodoni's finely printed edition ( i of 50 copies on superfine paper). Stamped vellum gilt, uncut. Imp. folio. Parma, 1791. i 5s. 4324. Horatius. POEMATA OMNIA ; centimetrum Marii Servii ; Annotationes Aldi ; Ratio Mensurum Aldi; N. Peroti libellus ejusdem argumenti. Fourth Aldine edition. Crimson morocco, full gilt back, line compartments on sides, with dotted scroll cartouche in centre, inside gilt borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Hardy. Venet., Aldus, 1527. 2 4?. 4325. Horatius. WORKS, with Life by Dean Milman. Illustrated chiefly from the remains of ancient art. Brown morocco extra, g. e. , by Clarke and Bedford. J. Murray, 1849. i 155. 4326. Houghton (Lord). MONOGRAPHS PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Portraits. Mottled morocco gilt. Presentation copy. 1873. BESANT (W.). DOROTHY FORSTER. First edition. 3 vols. Cloth. 1884. i 4327. Jamblichus. DE MYSTERIIS ^EGYPTIORUM, CHALD^ORUM, ASSYRIORUM, etc. Ruled in red. Limp vellum, the sides and back covered in gilt fleurs-de-lis, with the initials P. V. M. L. S. I. in a monogram, gilt edges. Lugd., Tornsesius, 1577- z 4328. James I. D/EMONOLOGIE, in Forme of a Dialogue, divided into three Bookes. First edition. Half bound. Rare. Small 4to. Edinb., R. Waldegrave, 1597. 11 i if. 4329. Jovius (Paulus). VITAL ILLUSTRIUM VIRORUM. Numerous fine woodcut portraits. 2 vols. (some leaves wormed). Inscription on title "ex dono Ri. Barnes, Epi. Dunelm, 1580." Old calf. Folio. Basil, P. Perna, 1578. i 4330. Kalendario Manual y Guia de Forasteros en Madrid para el ano de 1787. Portrait of K. Charles III. and map. The King's own copy, in red morocco, with leafy gilt borders, and the royal arms in centre, gilt edges. Madrid, 1787. i 8s. 4331. Lactantius. TRAITE DE LA MORT DES PERSECUTEURS DE L'EGLISE mis en Fra^ois par M. Maucroix. Old French red morocco, gilt floreate back, line sides, with the arms of Mme. Sophie de France in centre (Derome). Paris, Fr. Muguet, 1680. 6 4332. L'Alcoran des Cordeliers, tant en Latin qu'en Fran9oise. Nouvelle edition. Plates by Picart. 2 vols. Old red morocco gilt, with the arms of Mme. de Pompadour on sides (repaired). Amst., 1734. i l$s. x 306 BOOK SALES OF 1 895. 4333. Leggi e Memorie Venete sulla Prostituzione fino alia Caduta della Republica. Plates. Only 1 50 copies privately printed at the expense of the Earl of Orford (no 145). Half morocco, uncut. 4to. Venezia, 1870-72. ^3 35. 4334. Leggi e Memoria Venete. Another copy (no. 146). Half morocco, uncut. 4to. Ib,, 1870-72. 2 10s. 4335. Leicester (Robert Dudley, Earl of). DISCOURS DE LA VIE ABOMINABLE, Ruses, Trahisons, Meutres, Impostures, et autres tres-iniques Conversations desquelles a use et use journellement le my Lorde Lecestre, centre 1'honneur de Dieu, la Majeste de la Royne d'Angleterre, etc., traduit d'Angolis en Fra^ois. Crushed red morocco, plain, inside tooled borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle- Duru. Fine copy. s. 1. et nom d'impr., 1585. 2 6s. If Very rare ; a translation of " The Copie of a Letter written by a Master of Arte of Cambridge," etc., said to have been written by Robert Parsons. 4336. Leonicenus (Nicolaus). LIBELLUS DE EPIDEMIA, quam vulgo morbum Gallicum vocant. Aldine edition (with leaf of errata usually wanting), some margins shaved, vellum. Small 410. Venet., Aldus, 1497. 2 i^s. IT Extremely rare ; the first Treatise published on this Malady. Syston Park copy, wanting the leaf of Errata, sold for 6 I2s. 6d. 4337- LiviuS. HlSTORIARUM QUOD EXTAT EX RECENSIONS J. F. GRONOVII. Engraved title, crushed red morocco, full gilt ornamental back, line sides, inside gilt borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Bauzonnet-Trautz. Fine tall copy. Amst., D. Elzevir, 1678. i is. 4338. Lowndes (W. T.). BIBLIOGRAPHER'S MANUAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, by H. G. Bohn. 6 vols. Half morocco. 1864. i is. 4339. Lucanus. Second Aldine edition, inscription on title ; "Ex dono D. L'alouette humaniss. opt. Proesidus Sedani le Chevalier de Chagny." Contemporary Venetian calf, the sides elaborately tooled in line and scroll compartments in the Grolier-Ma'ioli manner, fleurs-de-lis and marguerites on back, gilt edges, an excellent specimen. Venet., in red. Aldi, 1515. j 15^. 4340. Lucanus. PHARSALIA, CUM NOTIS H. GROTII ET R. BENTLEII. Old red morocco, full gilt back, side corner ornaments, inside tooled borders, gilt edges, fine copy. 410. Strawberry Hill, 1760. 1 i^s. 4341. Magallanius (F. Petrus). TRACTATUS THEOLOGICUS DE SCIENTIA Dei ad Qusestionem XIV primse partis D. Thomse. Contemporary Italian red morocco, with some small blue inlayings, covered with ornamental gilt tooling of small stars and scrolls, with the arms of Cardinal Altieri (afterwards Pope Clement X.) in centre, gilt edges, small 410. Ulyssipone, J. a Costa, 1666. 5 i^s. 4342. Marguerite, Reine de Navarre. L'HEPTAMERON, ou Histoires des Amans fortunez, remis en son vrai ordre par Claude Gruget. Frontispieces, autograph of " Arnauld " on titles. 2 vols. Old French red morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides, gilt edges (Derome). Paris, J. Bessin, 1698. 5 ioj. 4343- Medici (Lorenzo de'). POESIE VOLGARI NUOVAMENTE STAMPATE. Sheet o, which is usually mutilated, is perfect (but a little mended) in this copy, vellum. Vinegia, Figliuoli di Aldo, 1554. i 14-f- 4344. Menagius (^gidius). POEMATA, quarta editio auctior, emendatior. Blue morocco, plain, inside gilt borders, quite uncut, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Very rare in this state. Amst., ex off. Elzeviriana, 1663. 5 5s. IT The Yemeniz copy, which sold for ,8. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 307 4345. Metastasio (Abb. P.). POESIE. Large and fine paper, frontispiece and engraved titles. 12 vols. Old French mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, with royal arms of France in centres. Parigi, Vedova Quillau, 1755-83. 3 17^. 6J. 4346. Meursius (Jo. ). ELEGANTLY LATINI SERMONIS, seu Aloisia Signsea Toletana de Arcanis Almoris et Veneris. Frontispieces. 2 vols. in i. Old French red morocco, gilt tooled back and sides, gilt edges (Derome), fine copy. Lugd., Bat. typis Elzevir, 1757. * 6s. 4347. Migliore (Ferdinando Leop. del). SENATORI FIORENTINI. Frontispiece and woodcuts of arms, dedication copy to Filippo Niccolini, Marchese di Ponsacco. Bound in Italian vellum, covered in gilt fleurs-de-lis and scroll tooling, with inlaid sections and the Niccolini arms painted in centre. Firenze, 1665. 3 IGJ. 4348. Moliere (J. P. B. de). CEuvRES, avec des remarques Grammaticales et des Observations par M. Bret. Portrait and fine plates after Moreau. 6 vols. Old French mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, fine copy. Paris, Comp. des Libr. Associes, 1788. 2 i8s. 4349. Nani (Bapt.). HISTOIRE DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VENISE. Portrait. 4 vols. Old French red morocco, full gilt backs, line sides, with the arms of the Marquis de Chanaleilles on sides, gilt edges. Cologne, P. Marteau, 1682. 3 8s. 4350. Napoleon III. DES IDKES NAPOLEONIENNES par le Prince Napoleon-Louis Bonaparte. First edition, portrait, autograph of the Emperor on fly-leaf, dark green morocco, with Napoleonic Bees stamped in corners and on back, imperial arms on sides, inside dentell borders, rough edges, by Petit. Paris, Amyot, 1860. 5 4351. Nostradamus (Mich.). LES VRAYES CENTURIES ET PROPHETIES, reveiies et corrigees suyvant les Premieres Editions, avec la Vie de 1'Autheur. Frontispiece containing a view of London in the Great Fire. Crushed red morocco, full gilt floreate back, line sides, inside tooled borders, gilt edges, by Cape, fine copy of a rare edition. Amst. , J. Jansson, 1668. 1 14^. 4352. Noyon. STATUTS ET ORDONNANCES SYNODALES DE L'EGLISE ET DIOCEZE DE NOYON. Arms of F. de Clermont, Bishop of Noyon on title. Old French red morocco, gilt tooled back, line sides, gilt edges, with the arms of Mme. de Maintenon on sides and back (Derome), and ex-libris of St. Louis a St. Cyr in cover. Rare. Noyon, L. Mauray, 1694. 14 los. 4353- Obsopceus (Vincentius). DE ARTE BIBENDI. Theses inaugurates de Virgini- bus, Bonus Mulier, sive de Mulieribus vel Uxoribus, etc. Editio secunda. Red morocco, plain, inside gilt borders, uncut, bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet, very rare in this state. Lugd. Bat., Jo. le Mair, 1754. i 4354. Office de la Semaine Sainte, Latin et Fran$ois, a 1 'usage de Rome et du Paris. Nouvelle edition. Old red moroccc, gilt tooled back, line sides, gilt edges, with arms and monogram of Marie Adelaide of Savoy, Duchess of Burgundy, on sides and back (Derome). Paris, A. Dezallier, 1701. 4 6s. 4355. Panmure (Registrum de). Record of the Families of Maule, De Valoniis, Brechin and Brechin-Barclay, etc., compiled by the Hon. Harry Maule, edited by Dr. Jas. Stuart. Portraits, views, arms, facsimiles, etc., only 150 copies printed (no. 108). Cloth gilt. 410. Edinb., 1874. 3 8s. 4356. Patissier Fransois (Le), ou est enseigne la maniere de faire route sorte de Pastisserie, tres-utile a toute sorte de personnes. Fine frontispiece, modern French blue morocco, back and sides tooled i petits fers, double with yellow tooled in line scrolls and fleurons, gilt on marbled edges, a very fine copy from 308 BOOK SALES OF 1895. the Yemeniz Library (size full 5 in. by 2| in.). Amst., Chez Louys et Daniel Elzevier, 1655. 100 IT The rarest of all the Elzevirs, and the summum bonum of Elzevir collectors. Mr. Benzon's copy sold in Paris, 1875, f r 3> 2 55 fr- *' 1 3- 4357. Persius. SATYRARUM, LIB. I. ; JUVENALIS SATYRARUM, LIB. V. ; Sulpiciae Satyra I., cum Vet. Comment, nunc primum editis ex Bibl. C. Pithoei. Old French red morocco, line sides and back, gilt edges, with arms of Charles de Castellan Abbe de Saint-Epvre de Toul, and his interlaced C on back (Derome). Fine copy. Lut., M. Patissonius, 1585. 4 4358. Petrarcha (Fr.). LE COSE VOLGARI. First Aldine edition, stained. MS. notes in margins, poor copy, with all faults. Vellum. Vinegia, Aldo, 1501. i is. 4359. Petrarcha (II). CON L'ESPOSITIONE D'ALESSANDRO VELLUTELLO, di novo ristampato. Woodcut title and figure of Petrarch and Laura. Contemporary Italian red morocco, the sides covered in elaborate gilt line and scroll tooling in compartments, with title " II Petrarcha" in one centre and blank shield in the other, gilt and gauffred edges, a fine specimen. Small 410. Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1545- 15-f- 4360. Petrarcha (II). CON L'ESPOSITIONE D'ALESS. VELLUTELLO, di novo ristam- pato. Woodcut title and initials, contemporary Venetian brown morocco, with interlaced geometrical gilt ornaments of a Grolier pattern, gilt and gauffred edges, the title of the book " Soneti Canzoni et Triomphi" in the centre of the upper cover, " di Meser Francesco Petrarcha " on the under. Small 410. Ib. , 1547. g 4361. Petronius. SATYRE DE PETRONE, par M. de Boispreaux (Du Jardin). Frontis- piece and vignette on title. 2 vols. in I. Bright old French calf gilt, red edges, with the arms of Montmorency, le Marechal de Luxembourg, and those of his first wife, Marie Colbert de Seignelay, on sides, and devices on back. La Haye, J. Neaulme,'i742. 3 5*- 4362. Philobiblon Society. MISCELLANIES, Vols. XIV., XV. Cloth, uncut. C. Whittingham, 1872-84. 2 $s. 4363. Philobiblon Society. MISCELLANIES, Vol. XIV., XV. Cloth, uncut. Ib., 1872-84. 2 3s. 4364. Philomathi Musse Juveniles. Editio novissima, prioribus auctior et emendatior. Engraved title, with library stamp of Card. Albani. Old red morocco, crowned fleurs-de-lis on back, broad gilt ornamental sides, with royal arms of France (Louis XIV.) in centre, gilt edges. Folio. Paris, e Typ. Reg., 1656. 2 ios. 4365. Pindarus. OLYMPIA, PYTHIA, NEMEA, ISTHMIA ; Callimachi Hymni ; Dionysii de Situ Orbis ; Licophronis Alexandra ; Omnia Graece (cura Aldi Manutii), editio princeps. Ruled in red, modern brown morocco, with gilt tooled line interlaced compartments and floreate scrolls, in imitation of contemporary Aldine binding, gilt and gauffred edges by C. Lewis. Fine copy (E. V. Utterson's ex-libris}. Venet. in /Edibus Aldi, 1513. i i6s. 4366. Pisanus Fraxi. INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM ; Catena Librorum Tacen- dorum ; et Centuria Librorum Absconditorum. 3 vols. Half morocco, top edges gilt. Small 410. Privately printed, 1877-85. g ios. 4367. Plinius. NATURALIS HISTORIA (CUM INDICE). First Aldine edition. 4 vols. Vellum. Venet., Aldus, 1536-35-40-38. i is. 4368. Plinius. EPISTOLARUM LIB. X., cum comment. J. M. Catanaei. Prize copy from the Jesuits' College of Catalan to P. Richelet. Bound in old red morocco, the sides covered with the monogram of Felix de Vialar, Bp. of Catalan, with the Bishop's arms in centre, gilt edges. 4to. Genevse, Chouet, 1625. i i6s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 309 4369. Politianus (Angelus). OPERA OMNIA, ET ALIA QIMEDAM LECTU DIGNA. Aldine edition, painted ornamental capitals in blue and red. Old English morocco, with tooled ornamental back and panels. Gilt edges (Harleian). Folio. Venet., Aldus, 1498. 4 IDS. 4370. Priapus. DIVERSORUM VETERUM POETARUM IN PRIAPUM lusus. P. V. M. Catalecta. Copa., Rosse., Culex, etc., Argumenta in Virgilii Libros et alia diver- sorum complura. Vellum. Venet. in sed. Alcli, 1517. 2 6s. 4371. Proclus. IN PLATONIS TIM/EON COMMENTARIORUM LIB. V. totius Veteris Philosophise Thesaurus, Grsece. Contemporary brown morocco, the sides elaborately tooled in compartments of elegant arabesque borders, the inner frame consisting of geometrical lines and scroll ornaments, with the royal arms of France in the centre, devices of St. George and Dragon, a hand holding a palm-branch, cherubic heads, a hen feeding, and on the under cover heads of Judith and Holofernes, gilt edges, the whole similar in design to the well-known woodcut titles executed by Geofroy Tory, the Printer of Bourges. Folio. Basil. Valderus, 1534. ^155 IT A most magnificent specimen of binding from the library of Francis the First, evidently designed by Geofroy Tory, and in a perfect state of preservation. The volume forms part of the edition of Plato's whole works of the same date and printer. 4372. Prudentius. PROSPER. JOANNES DAMASCENUS. COSMUS HIEROSOLYMITANUS. MARCUS EPISCOPUS TALVONTIO. THEOPHANES (cura Aldi). The rare Aldine counterfeit. Blue morocco gilt, dotted and floreate back and sides, inside gilt, silk linings, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, by P. Lefebure. Fine copy. Absque nota Lugd., c. 1503. i 2s. 4373- Psalterium Graecum, cura Justini Decayde. The rare Aldine edition, finely printed in red and black, two leaves within woodcut borders, ornamental initials and headings, ruled throughout in red. Old calf gilt, small 410. Venet., Aldus Manutius, c. 1495. 7 IT Sir E. Sullivan's copy sold for li icx?., and the Syston Park for 17. Bound in the volume are 41 leaves of contemporary MS. Latin, " Orationes additae Uni- cuique Psalmorum," neatly written. 4374. Rabelais (Fr. ). WORKS. Translated by Urquhart, explained by Motteux, re- vised by Ozell. New edition, portrait and plates. 5 vols. Old red morocco, line tooled, gilt edges (Roger Payne). J. Brindley, 1750. 10 15*. 4375. Rabelais (Fr.). OZuvRES. Augumentee cle pieces inedites, des Songes Drola- tiques de Pantagruel, etc., et d'un nouveau Commentaire par Esmangart et Eloi Johanneau. Edition Variorum, portraits and numerous plates. 9 vols. Half morocco. Paris, Dalibon, 1823. i 15.?. 4376. Recueil de Romans Historiques. (Par Lenglet du Fresnoy.) Svols. Bright old French calf, gilt floreate back, with devices of a crowned lozenge and a fish in each corner (Soubise ?), red edges. Lond. (Paris), 1746-7. 1 los. 4377. Redford (Geo.). ART SALES, 1628-1887. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. Imp. 410. Printed for subscribers only. 1888. ^3 15.?. 4378. Reliure (La). ANCIENNE ET MODERNE. Recueil de 116 Planches de Reliures Artistiques des XVI 6 au XIX e Siecle. Introduction par G. Brunet. 2 vols. Half red morocco, gilt, royal 4to. Paris, P. Daffis, 1878. 2 4$. 4379. Renouard (A. A.). ANNALES DE L'IMPRIMERIE DES ALDE. Third edition. Portrait. (MS. list of some editions inserted.) Half vellum. Paris, Renouard, 1834. 1 is. 310 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4380. Responsio ad Persecutores Anglos pro Catholicis domi forisque persecu- tionem sufferentibus ; contra falsum seditiosum et contumeliosum libellum in- scription Justicia Britannica, scriptum primum idiomate Anglicano et deinde trans- lata in Latinum (by R. Parsons ? ). Old Italian red morocco, gilt, g. e. , with the Papal arms of Sixtus V. (Felice Peretti) in centre, s. 1. a. et nom. impr. c. 1588. 3 4381. Richardson (Samuel). CLARISSA, or the History of a Young Lady. Fourth edition. 7 vols. Bright old calf gilt, y. e. Presentation copy, with inscription on fly-leaf of Vol. I., "To Sir Roger Braclshaigh, Bart., from the Author." 8vo. For S. Richardson, 1751. 17. 4382. Richardson (Sam. ). PAMELA. Sixth edition, corrected. (Vols. III. -IV. third edition.) Copperplates by Hayman and Gravelot (wanting). 4 vols. Bright old calf gilt, y. e. 1742. \ is. 4383. Richardson (Sam.). HISTORY OF SIR CHARLES GRANDISON. First edition. (Vol. VI., second edition). 6 vols. Bright old calf gilt, y. e. 1754. 2 $s. 4384. Richelieu (Card. Due de). INSTRUCTION DU CHRESTIEN. Engraved title. Old brown morocco, large fleurs-de-lis on back and sides, with device and motto (" Dieu en soit Garde") of a Parisian College in centres. Gilt edges, folio. Paris, Impr. Roy. du Louvre, 1642. 3 los. 4385. Ridolfi (Cav. Carlo), LE MARAVIGLE DELL' ARTE, Vite de Pittori Veneti. Portraits. 2 vols. Old Italian calf, gilt fan pattern corners, with coat of arms in centre. Small 4to. Venet., 1648. i $s. 4386. Rousseau (J. J.). JULIE, ou LA NOUVELLE HELOISE. (Lettres de deux Amans). First edition. Fine impressions of the plates by Gravelot. 6 vols. Old French red morocco, full gilt rloreate back, side borders of leafy tooling, with centre wreaths inclosing the motto, " Vitam impendere Vero,'' fancy paper linings, gilt edges. Very fine copy. Ex-libris of " Dutaillis." Amst., M. M. Rey, 1761. 56 IT This copy belonged to Rousseau. It was sold by Triphook to the Duke of Marlborough, at whose sale it was purchased by Mr. Heber. 4387. Sannazaro. ARCADIA. Printed upon vellum, red morocco, gilt tooled floreate back, dotted and line sides, inside gilt borders, joints, silk linings, gilt edges, by Doll (with ticket). Very rare. Venet., Aldo Romano, 1514. 10 155. IT Of copies printed upon vellum Renouard mentions four, all with ornamens peints ; so that the present is a fifth, which he had not seen. 4388. Scott (Sir Walter). THE PIRATE. The proof sheets, with many hundred corrections and emendations in the autograph of the author. 3 vols. in 2. Calf gilt, uncut. Edinb., 1822. 86 1[ It is well known that none of Sir Walter Scott's own autograph corrections of the novels were ever sent to press. They were sent to James Ballantyne, who transcribed them on a duplicate proof for the printer. Hence these proofs are in as good condition as when first used by the author, and have been carefully pre- served by Mr. Robert Cadell, one of Sir Walter's publishers. (See Lockhart's "Life, "chap. 75). 4389. Scriptores Rei Rusticae (M. P. Cato, M. T. Varro, Palladius et L. J. M. Columella) ex recens. Georgii Alexandrini, etc., studio Fr. Coluciae. 6 large painted and illuminated ornamencal initials, capitals and running titles painted in blue and red, contemporary oaken boards covered in stamped leather. Fine copy. Regii impress. Opera et Impens. Bart. Bruschii, 1482. 4 los. H One of the earliest books printed at Reggio. On the fly-leaf is the following autograph inscription of the former owner, "Liber [ohannis Kemere (sic prt BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3 11 Camerere) de Dalberg Episcopi Wuormaciensis, 1484," whose arms are embla- zoned on the first page of text. 4390. Scudery (Mr. de). CLELIE, HISTOIRE ROMAINE. Plates (some margins cut into ; with all faults). 10 vols. Old French yellow morocco, full gilt floreate back, line sides, with arms of the Due de Grammont-Choiseul, gilt edges (Derome). Paris, Courbe, 1660. Scudery (Mr. de). ALMAHIDE, ou L'ESCLAVE REINE. 8 vols. (Some vols want titles, and the set is otherwise imperfect ; with all faults), yellow mor., full gilt floreate back, line sides, with the arms of the Due de Grammont- Choiseul, gilt edges (Derome). //>., 1660. Scudery (Mr. de). ARTEMENE ou LE GRAND CYRUS. Plates (some leaves stained and margins shaved ; with all faults). 10 vols. Old French citron moi. , full gilt floreate back, line sides, with arms of the Due de Grammont-Choiseul, gilt edges (Derome). /., 1654. La Calprenede. PHARAMOND ou I'HISTOIRE DE FRANCE. Plates. 12 vols. (Vol. 4 wants title, some leaves frayed and margins cut into ; with all faults), old French citron mor., full gilt floreate backs, line sides, with arms of the Due de Grammont-Choiseul, gilt edges (Derome). Paris, A. de Sommaville, 1661. T. Jolly, 1670. La Calprenede. CLEOPATRA. 12 vols. (wanting vol. i). Plates (some margins cut into ; with all faults), old French yellow morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides, with arms of the Due de Grammont-Choiseul, gilt edges (Derome). Paris, Billaine, 1663. Gomberville (Marin le Roy de). POLEXANDRE, revue, changee et augmentee en cette derniere edition (some margins cut into ; with all faults). 5 vols. Old French red morocco, full gilt floreate back, line sides, with arms of the Due de Grammont-Choiseul, gilt edges (Derome). Paris, Courbe, 1645-38 ; together 56 vols. 12 los. 4391. Seneca. SCNECVE (sic) TRAGCEDI^J. First Aldine edition, autograph of " Tho. Randolph " (the poet) on fly-leaf, modern brown morocco, sides and back tooled in geometrical line scrolls in the Grolier manner, gilt edges, fine large copy {ex-libris of E. V. Utterson). Venet, Aldus, 1517. " $ 6s. 4392. Seneca. ET ALIORUM TRAGCEDI^ SERIO EMENDATE. Editio prioribus longe correctior. Engraved title, ruled in red lines, old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges, Kenelm Digby's copy, with his arms on sides and monogram on back (certified complete by J. J. Debure). Amst., C. J. Ccesius. 1624. 11 15^. 4393. Seneca (L. et M. Annaeus). TRAGCEDI^ CUM NOTIS TH. FARNABII. Engraved title, crimson morocco extra, by F. Bedford, fine copy, quite uncut, very rare in this state. Amstel., D. Elzevir, 1678. ^3 55. 4394. Shakespeare (W.). COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES, published accord- ing to the true originall coppies. The second impression, portrait by Droeshout, and verses by Ben Jonson opposite. In the original call binding, back broken, enclosed in an air-tight red morocco drop case. P'olio, printed by Tho. Cotes for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Black Beare, in Paul's Churchyard. 1632. 5AO H " This genuine and beautiful copy of the second folio edition of Shakespeare's Plays was bought by Mr. Thorpe, bookseller, at the sale of the library at Nevill Holt, Leicestershire, and bought of him by me this the sixteenth day of September (my Birthday !), 1848. I never saw its equal for soundness and size." George Daniell, Canonbury. The largest and probably the finest copy known, measuring 13^ inches by 9^ inches. This is the famous Daniell copy. 4395. Spirito (^eonardo). LE LIVRE DE PASSE TEMPS DE LA FORTUNE DES DEZ, ingenieusement compile par Maistre Laurens Lesperit, pour responce de vingt questions par plusiers souventtes fois faictes et desirees a scavoir . - . translate d'ytalien en Francoys par Maistre Anthitus Faure . . . nouvellement et diligem- ment corrige. Lit. Gothic. Old French red morocco, with broad borders of 312 BOOK SALES OF 1895. ornamental gilt tooling, gilt edges, from the Yemeniz library. Small 4to. s. 1. et nom. d'impr., 1528. 15 los. IT An exceedingly rare edition of a very curious book. (A to L in fours). The first 46 pages (after the title) consist of full-page woodcuts of heads of ancient kings, zodiacal signs, dicecubes, etc. The Prophecies (Adam to Daniel) in verse begin on the verso of F 4, and have a woodcut figure at the head of each. 4396. Statius. OPERA OMNIA DILIGENTER CORRECTA ET CUM ARGUMENTIS COM- MENTARIISQUE ILLUSTRATA EX BiBL. Jac. Grasseri. Old French citron morocco gilt, gilt edges, J. A. De Thou's copy, with his first arms on sides. Argent., L. Zetnerus, 1609. 2 6s. 4397. Stella (R. P. Fr. Diego de). MEDITATIONS TRES-DEVOTES DE L' AMOUR DE DIEU, mis en Franfois par Gabriel Chappuys. Ruled in red, the dedication copy to Henry III. of France, in brown morocco, elegantly tooled in geometrical circles and ornamental frames, with device of the Crucifixion in a medallion in centres, death's head, coat of the royal arms, fleurs-de-lis, and motto, " Spes Mea Deus " on back, gilt edges. Paris, G. Chaudiere, 1586. ;i45 IT A genuine and unusually well-preserved specimen of Henry III. library. This copy sold, in Mr. Payne's sale in 1878, for ^100. 4398. Straparola da Caravaggio (G. F.). LE FREDICA PIACEVOLISSIME NOTTE DIVISE IN DUE LIBRI, nuovamente di bellissime figurate adornate. Old French red morocco, gilt tooled back andjsides, gilt edges. Venet., Zanetti, 1608. ^3 12s. &d. 4399- Sulpitius Severus. OPERA OMNIA QU^E EXTANT. Engraved title, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges (Roger Payne), fine copy. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzeviriana, 1643- * 4400. Tacitus. OPERA QU^E EXSTANT, AD EXEMPLAR QUOD I. Lipsius quintum recensuit, cum Comment. Old Italian red morocco, the sides and back elabo- rately tooled in gilt leafy scrolls, with the arms of the Medici in centre, gilt and gauftred edges. Paris, G. Buon, 1599. 2 4401. Techener (J. et Leon). HISTOIRE DE LA BIBLIOPHILE. Livrs. I a 10 con- taining 47 fine plates of famous early bindings and arms, in portfolio. Paris, I86I-4. ,2 12S. 4402. Terentius. The first Aldine edition dedicated to "Jo. Glorierio" (sic pro Grolier). Blue morocco, full gilt back, line sides with corner fleurons, anchor in centre, broad gilt inside borders, vellum fly-leaves, gilt and gauffred edges, fine copy, very rare. Venet. in red. Aldi, 1517. 2 qs. 4403. Terralavorus (D. M. Corsal). METAPHYSICA UNIVERSALISSIMA, in qua turn philosophica, turn Theologica radicitus pertractantur. Engraved title and portrait of Pope Clement X. Vol. I (all published). The dedication copy to the Pope, bound in contemporary Italian red morocco, covered in ornamental gilt tooling of stars and scrolls within compartments, with the Pontiff's arms in centre, gilt edges. Small folio. Romse, 1672. 2 4404. Testament (Le Nouveau) de nostre Seigneur Jesus-Christ, nouvellement traduit en Francois selon la Vulgate, par Ch. Hure. (With Commandments in MS. neatly written.) French red morocco, inlaid in various colours on a richly dotted ground, outside border of gilt scroll tooling, the centres occupied with a large flowering Marguerite, inside gilt borders, silk linings, gilt edges, a charm- ing specimen of Le Monnier's binding, with his name printed in gold. Paris, J. de Nally, 1712. ^345 IF A similar specimen of Le Monnier's binding produced $$6 in the Beckford sale. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3 J 3 4405. Theatrum Tragicum Actorum et Casuum Tragicorum Londini publice celebratorum, etc. 8 fine portraits and plate of the execution of Charles I. Calf extra, gilt edges, by Petit. Fine copy, with Yemeniz ex-libris. Amst., J. Jansonius, 1649. l 2s ' 4406. Theodorus (Gaza). INTRODUCTIV/E GRAMMATICES, lib. IV. Ejusdem de Mensibus Opusculum ; Apollonii de Constructione ; Herodiani de Numeris, Graece. Eclitio princeps. Vellum, fine clean copy, with rough edges. Small folio. Venet. in aed. Aldi, 1495. 1 "? IT At the end of the volume are 14 MS. leaves of a contemporary Greek Treatise on Syntax. 4407. Thesaurus Cornucopiae et Horti Adonidis (per Aldum Manutium, Ang. Politianum, etc.). (Some leaves wormed). Oaken boards, half leather. Venet., Aldus, 1496. i 6s. 4408. Valerius Maximus. DICTA; ET FACT^ MEMORABILIA. First Aldine edition. Signature of " Paulli Comitis " on title. Contemporary brown Venetian morocco, device of Fortune in centre and stars in corners. Venet., Aldus, 1502. i i$s. 4409. Venice. Book of the Statutes of Venice, Italian manuscript on pure vellum, neatly written, in a flowing hand, on 60 leaves, for Jo. Andrea Sanuto, a newly appointed Councillor of the State, the first leaf richly painted and illuminated in cherubs and scrolls, with a cartouche in centre containing a shield supported by two cherubs bearing the Sanuto arms, the border of the first page of text finely painted and illuminated in floreate scrolls, specially bound for the newly made Councillor in red morocco, stamped in low relief, and elaborately ornamented in gold and coloured ^mosaics, with the device of St. Mark on one cover, and the Sanuto arms on the other, a remarkable specimen of Venetian binding in imitation of the rich Oriental style of the period. Small 4to. 1598. 51 4410. Vergilius Urbin. (POLYDORUS.) DE INVENTORIBUS RERUM, lib. VIII. et de Prodigiis, lib. III. Frontispiece. Vellum. Very large copy, quite uncut, ex- tremely rare in this state. Amst., D. Elzevir, 1671. i i8s. 4411. Verstegan (Rich.). THEATRE DER CRUAUTEZ DER HERETIQUES DE NOSTRE TEMPS, traduit du Latin en Frangois. Seconde edition augmentee. 30 fine copperplate engravings. Anvers, A. Hubert, 1607. BOENERUS (F. Jo.). DE- LINEATIO HlSTORICA FRATRUM MlNORUM PROVINCE GERMANISE inferioris a Gensiis in odium Fidei crudeliter occisorum. 20 fine engravings. lb., Moretus, 1635. I n one vol. Purple morocco gilt, gilt edges, with T. Williams' crest on sides. Small 4to. 6 2s. 6d. 4412. Virgilius. Second Aldine edition, ruled with red lines. Yellow morocco, full gilt dotted and scroll back and corners, gilt edges. Fine copy. Venet., in xd. Aldi, 1514. 5 15.?. 4413. Virgilius. OPERA, ex antiquis monumentis illustrata cura studio et sumptibus H. Justice. Large paper, fine proof plates. 5 vols. in 2. Old red morocco, floreate back, broad side borders of fan pattern ornament, gilt edges. Fine copy. 4to. Hag. Com., 1765. 2 2s. 4414. Virgilius. CARMINA OMNIA, perpetuo Commentario admodum Jo. Bond ex- plicuit Fr. Dubner. Photographs. Green morocco with fleurons and centre ornaments, inside gilt borders, gilt on marbled edges, by L. Smeers. Paris, Didot, 1858. 1 is. 4415. Vitruvius iterum et Frontinus a Jocundo revisi repurgatique quantum ex Collatione licuit. First Giunta edition. Title within woodcut border and 314 BOOK SALES OF 1895. numerous woodcuts in the text. Brown morocco with blind stamped ornaments, and gilt lines, gilt and gauffred edges, imitation antique. Fine copy. Florent. , Ph. de Giunta, 1513. 2 6s. 4416. Vitruvius. DBS ALLERNAHMAFTIGSTEN UND HOCHERFARNESTEN romischen Architecti and kunstreichen Werck, zehen Biicher. Lit. Goth. Numerous wood- cuts, vellum, black ornamental border, with initials W. S. H. and date 1595 on sides and coat-of-arms in centre (the latter worn). Basel, S. Henricpetri, 1575. ;5 4417. Voltaire. QEUVRES. 7 vols., various (fine plates after Gravelot to "The Henriade "). Calf. 410. Geneve, 1768. 2 $s. IT From Charles James Fox's library with his ex-libris in each volume. 4418. Waagen (Dr.). TREASURES OF ART IN GREAT BRITAIN (with the Supplement}. 4 vols. Half calf gilt, marbled edges. Murray, 1854-57. i los. 4419. Walpole (Horace). HIEROGLYPHIC TALES, interleaved. Old red morocco, with ornamental tooling, double with blue, paper gilt, joints, gilt edges (Roger Payne). Strawberry Hill, T. Kirgate, 1785. 37 *i Very rare. Of these Satirical Tales only "half a dozen" copies were printed for Walpole's private amusement. This copy has an autograph slip of the author pasted on title : "A Strawberry Edition to be delivered after my death to Richard Bull, Esq., of Stratton Street. H. W." 4420. Walpole (Horace). THE CASTLE OF OTRANTO, a Gothic Story. Sixth edition. Large paper. Vellum, uncut. Imperial 8vo. Parma, Bodoni, for J. Edwards, 1791. 2 8s. 4421. Walpole (Horace). LETTERS. Edited by Peter Cunningham, now first chrono- logically arranged. Portraits. 9 vols. Calf extra, marbled edges. Bohn, 1861- 66. 3 IBs. 4422. Walpole (Horace). NOTES ON THE POEMS OF ALEXANDER POPE. Con- tributed by Sir W. A. Fraser from the copy in his possession. Only 50 copies printed JNo. i). Half bound, uncut. Chiswick Press, 1871. .1 2s. 4423. Walpole (Horace). MEMORIALS OF THE STRAWBERRY HILL PRESS; Manu- script, containing an Account of the Erection and Productions of Walpole's Private Press at Strawberry Hill, by T. Kirgate. Half mor. Small 410. 6 4424. Walpole (Horace). BOSVVELL QAS.). JOURNAL OF A TOUR TO THE HEBRIDES WITH DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON. First edition. Boards, uncut. H. Baldwin, 1785- 41 H Horace Walpole's own copy, with his two ex-libris, portraits of Johnson, Bos well, and Macpherson ; rare caricatures, " Bozzy Bounce preparing for the Scotch Professors to Kiss," and "A Tomtit twittering on an Eagle's Back;" pencil drawing of Johnson and Boswell in opposition ; print of Dr. Johnson in a Highland Hut, and two other plates. Several Caustic Autograph Notes, by Walpole, occur throughout the volume, finishing with the following epigram : "When Boozy Bozzy belched out Johnson's Sayings, And half the volume filled with his own Brayings, Scotland beheld again before her pass A Brutal Bulldog coupled with an Ass." Formerly in the library of George Daniel!, of Canonbury. 4425. Walpole (Horace). CHESTERFIELD (EARL OF). MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, with Memoirs of his Life, by R. Maty. Large paper. Portraits. Walpole's ex- BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3*5 libris on titles. 2 vols. Half blue morocco gilt, top edge gilt, other edges uncut. 4to. Dilly, 1777. 15 15.?. 1T Horace Walpole's own copy, with a large number of valuable and entertaining Manuscript Notes in his handwriting throughout the volumes. He begins on the first page of the text with the remark, "These Memoirs are ill executed, being chiefly compiled from pamphlets, without good information, and have several mistakes. " The notes consist of explanations, corrections, criticisms, new anec- dotes, personal reminiscences, etc. 4426. Walpole (Dorothy F.). CATALOGUE OF PICTURES, STATUES, BUSTS, VASES, OLD CHINA, AND OTHER OBJECTS OK VERTU, etc., at Wolterton. MS., beauti- fully written in coloured inks in various styles of penmanship within painted and illuminated borders in imitation of ancient MSS. with emblazoned arms and quarterings (on 37 leaves), bound in whole green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Folio. 1847. Withdrawn. If A very clever and artistic production. The value of this MS. may be anything a collector likes to give for it. 4427. Walpole. QUERELLES LITTERAIRES, ou Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire des Revolutions de la Republique des Lettres (par 1'Abbe Raynal). 4 vols. Old calf gilt. Horace Walpole's copy, with his ex-libris in each vol., and some MS. notes in his autograph. Paris, Uurand, 1761. i 15^. 4428. Walpole. /EDES WALPOLIAN/E ; a Description of the Collection of Pictures at Houghton Hall. Second edition. Plates. Pictures priced, and explanations in MS., from a copy in the handwriting of Horace Walpole. Vellum. 4to. 1752. 1 18,. 4429. White (Thos.). INSTITUTIONUM PERIPATETICARUM AD MENTEM PHILOSOPHI KENELMI EQUITIS DIGB^I, pars Theorica authore Thoma Anglo ex Albiis East- Saxonum. Contemporary red morocco, full gilt back, centre and corner gilt ornaments, tooled blind and gilt a petits fers, gilt edges. Lugd., J. Rantonnet, 1646. 3 3-r- 4430. William III. LE VERITABLE PORTRAIT DE GUILLAUME HENRY, DE NASSAU. Old French red morocco, line tooled back and sides, inside gilt borders, g. e. (Derome). Very rare. s. a. et 1. 1 i6j. IT A violent satire upon William of Orange, afterwards King William III. of Great Britain, written by the celebrated Arnauld. 4431. Wilton Garden. Engraved throughout on 26 plates by Isaac de Caus (wants list of plates and plate u). Old calf. Horace Walpole's copy, with his ex-libris on title. Oblong 410. "Are to bee sould by Thomas Rowlett att his shopp neare Temple Barre," n. d. ig "[ Exceedingly rare. Mr. Bindley's copy, wanting list of plates, was purchased by the Marquis of Buckingham for ^56 14^. Only two or three perfect copies are known. 4432. Wood (Rob.). ESSAY ON THE ORIGINAL GENIUS AND WRITINGS OF HOMER. Plates. Green morocco, back and sides tooled in elegant scrolls and floreate ornaments, with the Walpole arms in centre, by Roger Payne. Very fine copy, specially bound for Horace Walpole by order of the widow of the author (see MS. note by P. Elmsley, one of the publishers, inserted). From the Earl of Gosford's library. 410. 1785. 10 tos. 316 BOOK SALES OF 1895. SALE OF LIBRARIES OF A. G. KURTZ, ESQ., R. W. CROSSE, ESQ., AND HENRY BOHN, ESQ., ETC. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., July i it/i, i2th, and i^th, 1895. MR. KURTZ'S BOOKS : 4433. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. New translation, with Notes by E. W. Lane. Original edition, numerous designs by Harvey. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. Royal 8vo. C. Knight. 1839-41. i ioj. 4434. Archaeologia Cantiana; being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society, vols. i.-xvi. Large paper. Cloth imp. 8vo. 1858-86. 4 its. 4435. Behn (Mrs. A.). PLAYS, HISTORIES, AND NOVELS, with Life and Memoirs. Portrait. 6 vols. Boards, uncut. J. Pearson, 1871. i iSs. 4436. Blake (Wm.). A CRITICAL ESSAY, by A. C. Swinburne. Illustrations from Blake's designs in facsimile. Blue cloth. Hotten, 1868. i is. 4437. Blake (Wm.). LIFE. With Selections from his Writings, by A. Gilchrist. New and enlarged edition. Illustrated from Blake's own works. 2 vols. Emblematic cloth gilt, uncut. Macmillan, 1880. i 4.?. 4438. Browne (Sir Thos.). WORKS. With Life and Correspondence, edited by S. Wilkin. Portrait and frontispieces. 4 vols. Calf gilt, m. e. W. Pickering, 1836. 1 6s. 4439. Browning (R.). THE RING AND THE BOOK. First edition. 4 vols. Half morocco. Smith and Co., 1868. los. 4440. Browning (R.). POETICAL WORKS. Collected edition. Portrait. 16 vols. Cloth. Post 8vo. Smith, Elder and Co., 1888-9. ^225. 4441. Doran (Dr.). ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. New edition, by R. W. Lowe. Large paper, with double set of the 50 portraits (one of 300 copies). 3 vols. Boards, uncut. Royal 8vo. Nimmo, 1888. i $s. 4442. De Quincey (Thos.). WORKS. Including all his Contributions to Periodical Literature. Portrait. 15 vols. Half calf gilt. Edinb., Black, 1863. i ijs. 4443. Guest (Lady Charlotte). THE MABINOGION. First edition. Facsimiles. 3 vols. Half morocco gilt, t. e. g., other edges uncut. Imp. 8vo. Longmans, 1849. 2 i6j. 4444. Jameson (Mrs.). SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART, and LEGENDS OF THE MONASTIC ORDERS. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. Tree calf gilt, g. e. 1850. 1 10*. 4445. Rossetti (Dante G.). POEMS. First edition. Cloth gilt, uncut, very scarce. F. S. Ellis, 1870. 2 6s. 4446. Ruskin (John). SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. First edition. Original cloth. Imp. 8vo. 1849. 3 4447. Ruskin (John). MODERN PAINTERS. First edition. 5 vols. (vol. i., sixth edition, vol. ii., fourth edition). Numerous illustrations by the author and J. M. W. Turner. Green cloth (frontispiece of vol. v. mended). Imp. 8vo. 1857-60. 6 4448. Ruskin (John). STONES OF VENICE. First edition. 3 vols. Original cloth (name on titles). Imp. 8vo. 1851-3. 7 l^s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 3 1 7 4449. Scott (Sir W.). WAVERLEY NOVELS. The Abbotsford edition. Numerous illustrations. 12 vols. Half morocco gilt, m.e. Imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1842-46. 5 KW. 4450. Swinburne (A. C.). THE QUEEN-MOTHER AND ROSAMOND, and CHASTE- LARD. Both first editions. 2 vols. Original cloth. Moxon, 1860-65. l 4451. Thackeray (W. M.). COMIC TALES AND SKETCHES. Illustrations. 2 vols. Original cloth. Cunningham, n. d. ^3 los. 4452. Yarrell (Wm.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Second edition. 3 vols. Calf extra, m. e. Van Voorst, 1845. l 1 7 S - 4453. Browne (Hablot K.). LIFE AND LABOURS. By D. C. Thomson. Numerous illustrations, some on India. Cloth, uncut. 1884. i 6s. 4454. Bruce (Rev. J. Collingwood). THE ROMAN WALL. Third edition. Map and numerous plates. Half bound, uncut. 1867. 4 l *s- 4455. Hamerton (P. G.). ETCHING AND ETCHERS. Third edition. Numerous fine etchings. Half morocco, uncut. 1880. 2 ids. 4456. Lavater (J. C.). ESSAYS ON PHYSIOGNOMY, translated by Hunter. Numerous plates. 5 vols. Blue morocco gilt, g. e. (rubbed). 1792. 2 4457. Audsley and Bowes. KERAMIC ART OF JAPAN. 7 parts complete. Folio. 1875. 3 14*. 4458. Audsley. ORNAMENTAL ARTS OF JAPAN. 4 portfolios, complete. 1882. 4 1 6.?. 4459. Rowlandson the Caricaturist, by Joseph Grego. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. Half morocco gilt. Chatto, 1880. i 75. 4460. Ruskin (John). NOTES ON SAMUEL PROUT AND W. HUNT, the Collection of Drawings exhibited 1879-80. 20 autotypes. Half morocco, uncut. 1880. ,1 2s. 4461. Shakespeare. PLAYS, from the Corrected Text of Johnson and Steevens, with fine engravings by Jas. Heath. Extra illustrated with several hundred other plates from various editions. 6 vols. Blue morocco extra, g. e., contents lettered. Stockdale, 1807. g ios. 4462. Turner (J. M. W.). PICTURESQUE VIEWS IN ENGLAND AND WALES, with descriptive and historic illustrations by H. E. Lloyd. Original edition. 96 fine views. 2 vols. Tree-marbled calf extra, t. e. g. Longmans, 1838. ^"4 14^. 4463. Hipkins (A. J.). MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS : historic and rare. Half mor., g. e. Black, 1888. ;3 14*. 4464. Herdman (W. G.). PICTORIAL RELICS OF ANCIENT LIVERPOOL. Fine litho- graphs. Morocco. Folio. 1856. 17.?. 6s. 4579. Cooke. FIFTY PLATES OF SHIPPING AND CRAFT, drawn and etched by E. W. Cooke. India proofs, a few plates spotted. Original edition. Half russia, uncut, t. e. g. 1829. i 2s. 4580. Constable (J.). ENGLISH LANDSCAPE SCENERY. 40 mezzotin to engravings by D. Lucas, with descriptions by Leslie. Green morocco extra, g. e. Bohn, 1855. 1 us. 4581. Landseer (T.). MONKEYANA, OR MEN IN MINIATURE. 25 India proof plates. 1827. us. OTHER PROPERTIES : 4582. Dickens (C.). WORKS. Edition de luxe. 30 vols. (vol. XIX. wanting). Plates by Seymour, Phiz, Cruikshank, and others, on India paper. Imp. 8vo. 1881-82. 7 17s. 6d. 4583. Tuer (A. W.). LONDON CRIES, with Six Charming Children, etc. Numerous illustrations after Rowlandson, Cruikshank, etc., the 6 children in duplicate. Proofs on satin (only 50 printed). Boards, n. d. i 2s. 4584. Thackeray. ADDISON (C. G. ). DAMASCUS AND PALMYRA. 2 vols. 10 coloured plates by W. M. Thackeray. New half calf gilt, g. e. 1838. i igs. 4585. Boccaccio's Decameron. Now first completely done into English by John Payne. 3 vols. Vellum. Villon Soc., 1886. 2 i6s. 4586. Casanova (J.). MEMOIRS, written by himself, now for the first time translated into English. 12 vols. Privately printed, 1894. 8 155-. 4587. Imbert (M.). LE JUGEMENT DE PARIS. Poeme. Large paper. Plates and vignettes byMoreau, and Choffard. Calf extra, g. e. Amst. (Paris), 1794. 2 los. 326 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4588. Desfontaine (M.). BAINS DE DIANE, ou le Triomphe de 1'amour. Large paper. Plates by Marillier. New blue morocco extra, g. e. Paris, 1770. 2 $s. 4589. Pezay (Marquis de). ZELIS AU BAIN, Poeme et Lettre de Zeila. 2 vols. in i. Large paper. Plates and vignettes by Eisen and others. Calf. Geneve, 1761. 2 los. 4590. Du Rosoi. LES SENS, Poeme. Plates by Wille and Eisen. Calf, 1766. ids. 4591. Alken. NATIONAL SPORTS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Coloured plates by H. Alken. Half morocco, g. e. Imp. 8vo. 1825. j 12s. 6d. 4.592. Apuleius. GOLDEN Ass, reprinted from the scarce edition of 1709, revised and corrected. 2 vols. Frontispiece. Half calf. 1822. 12s. 4593. Dickens' David Copperfield. In original parts and wrappers. 8vo. 1850. 2 2s. 4594. Thackeray's " Our Street." P'irst edition. Coloured plates Original boards. 1848. igs. 4595. Ainsworth(W. H.). TOWER OF LONDON. First edition. Plates and woodcuts by G. Cruikshank, in the original parts and wrappers, including the advertise- ments, two leaves and one plate in Part II. are supplied from a shorter copy, otherwise an unusually clean and perfect copy, 1840. 5 4596. Bronte. POEMS BY CURRER, ELLIS, AND ACTON BELL. First edition. Original cloth. 1846. 14^. 4597- Caldecott. IRVING (W.). BRACEBRIUGE HALL, and OLD CHRISTMAS. 2 vols. First editions. Illustrations by R. Caldecott. Original cloth. 1876-77. i 17^. 4598. Gerson (J.). OPUSCULUM TRIPARTITUM DE PRECEPTIS DECALAGIDECONFES- SIONE ET DE ARTE MORIENDI. Gothic letter. Old red morocco gilt. (Colon. U. Zell, c. 1470.) i6s. 4599. Surtees (R. S.). MR. SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR. First edition. Coloured plates by J. Leech. Original cloth. 1853. 2 los. 4600. Surtees. "ASK MAMMA." First edition. Coloured plates by J. Leech. Original cloth. 1858. 2 12s. 4601. Surtees. " PLAIN OR RINGLETS? " First edition. Coloured plates by J. Leech. Original cloth. 1860. 3 4602. Surtees. MR. FACEY ROMFORD'S HOUNDS. First edition. Coloured plates by J. Leech. Cloth, edges smoothed. 1865. 1 13*. 4603. Mills (J.). THE FLYERS OF THE HUNT. First edition. Coloured plates by J. Leech. Original cloth. 1859. i6s. 4604. Mar Prelate. Admonition to the People of England wherein are answered not onely the slanderous untruethes of Martin the Libeller, but also many other of his broode, purposely to deface and discredit the present state of the Church. Morocco, g. e. 1589. 2 IT One of the rarest of the Marprelate tracts. 4605. Palmer (A. H.). LIFE AND LETTERS OF SAML. PALMER, PAINTER AND ETCHER. Large paper, one of 130 copies. Proof plates on India paper. Morocco, g. t. 1892. 13.?. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 327 CATALOGUE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Messrs. Hodgson^ October y>th, 31 st, and November 1st, 1895. 4606. Rousseau (J. J.). CEuvRES COMPLETES. Fine impressions of the plates, by Moreau, Marillier, and others (some coloured). 38 vols. Mottled calf. Paris, 1788-93. 5 IQS. 4607. Desormeaux. HISTOIRE DE Louis DE BOURBON, PRINCE DE CONDE. Plans of Battles, etc. 4 vols. Old crimson morocco extra, with arms of Mdme. Victoire de France on sides, and her book-plate. 4 vols. Ib., 1768. 4 js. 6d. 4608. Ariosto. ORLANDO FURIOSO. Plates by Eisen, etc. Engraved by Bartolozzi and others. 4 vols. Royal 8vo. Calf. Baskerville, 1773. i 12s. 4609. Saint-Simon (Due de). MEMOIRES, par Sainte-Beuve. 20 vols. Half morocco, gilt tops. Paris, 1850-60. 4 15.?. 4610. Sevigne (Made. de). LETTRES, par Monmerque, avec Appendice, etc. 13 vols. Half crimson morocco gilt, gilt tops. /., 1862. ^3 17.5-. &d. 4611. Napoleon I. CORRESPONDANCE, publiee parordrede L'Empereur Napoleon III. 1793-1815. 28 vols. in 14. Half green morocco gilt. Ib., 1858-69. .4 4612. Dryden (J.). WORKS, by Scott. 1 8 vols. Russia. 1808. 3 4613. Motley (J. L.). RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC. Library edition. 3 vols. Cloth. 1856. 3 i 5 s. 4614. Motley (J. L.). UNITED NETHERLANDS. Library edition. Portraits. 4 vols. Cloth. 1867-8. 5 S.T. 4615. Motley (J. L.). LIFE AND DEATH OF JOHN OF BARNEYELD. Library edition. Illustrations. 2 vols. Cloth. 1874. 2 6s. 4616. Grote (G). HISTORY OF GREECE. Library edition. 12 vols. Cloth boards. 1849-56. 4 i6s. 4617. Rawlinson (G.). HISTORY OF HERODOTUS. Maps and cuts. 4 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1862. i i2s. 4618. Public Records Publications. KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES OF His MAJESTY'S EXCHEQUER, by Palgrave. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth boards. 1836. l 2S. 4619. Public Records Publications. ROTULI CURI^E REGIS, by Palgrave. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth boards. 1835. 2 i6s. 4620. Public Records Publications. ANCIENT LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF ENG- LAND, by Thorpe. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth boards. 1840. .1 15^. 4621. Pipe Roll Society's Publications. First u vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth. 1883-9. 2V- 4622. Parker (J. H.). ARCHEOLOGY OF ROME. Numerous illustrations (some coloured). Vol. I, 2 parts, and parts 4 to 12, 9 vols. Cloth. Oxford, 1874-7. 3 I2s. 6d. 4623. Turner (Hudson). DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Illus- trations. 4 vols. Cloth, gilt tops. 1851-9. 3 4624. Fergusson (J.). ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOK OF ARCHITECTURE. 2 vols. Cloth. Murray, 1855. i 328 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4625. Fergusson (J.). HISTORY OF MODERN ARCHITECTURE. Second edition. Illustrations, half roan, gilt top. /., 1873. ios. 4626. Street (G. E.). BRICK AND MARBLE ARCHITECTURE. Illustrations, cloth. lb., 1855. * 4J- 4627. Street (G. E.). GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN SPAIN. Folding plates, cloth. Ib., 1865. 2 iij. 4628. Eastlake (C. L.). MATERIALS FOR A HISTORY OF OIL PAINTING. 2 vols. Cloth, lb., 1847. 2 2s - 4629. Nicholls (Sir G.). HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH POOR LAW. 4 vols. Cloth. 1864-66. 2 2s. 4630. [Apperley (C. J., "Nimrod").] THE CHASE, THE TURF, AND THE ROAD. Portrait by Maclise and plates by Alken. Cloth, uncut. 1837. l 1 5 S - 4631. Berkeley (Hon. G. F.). REMINISCENCES OF A HUNTSMAN. Coloured frontis- piece and plates by Leech. Original cloth. 1854. 2 6s. 4632. North (T.). CHURCH BELLS OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Plates and cuts. Small 4to. Cloth, red edges. 1878. 12s. 4633. North (T.). CHURCH BELLS OF RUTLAND. Plates. Sm. 410. Cloth, red edges (only 250 printed). 1880. gs. 4634. North (T.). CHURCH BELLS OF LINCOLNSHIRE. Plates and cuts. Sm. 410. Cloth (only 2 10 copies printed). 1882. igs. 4635. Granville (Mary, Mrs. Delany). AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND CORRESPONDENCE, edited by Lady Llanover. The two series. Portraits. 6 vols. Cloth. 1861-62. 3 I2s. 6d. 4636. Surtees Society's Publications. 84 vols. Cloth. 1835-88. 2g 4637. Calendar of State Papers. Foreign Series: 1547-77, 13 vols. Domestic: 1547-1667, 57 vols. Ireland: 1252-1625, I4vols. Scotland: 1509-1603, 2 vols. Colonial: 1513-1664, 7vols. Henry VIII. : 1509-37, 17 vols. Carew : 1515- 1624, 6 vols. Treasury Papers : 1557-1728, 6vols. Home Office Papers : 1760- 72, 3 vols. Spanish: 1485-1542, n vols. Venetian: 1202-1580, 9 vols. ; and 2 others. Together 147 vols. Cloth. 1856-90. ^36 4638. Notes and Queries. The first six series, with Index volumes, and vols. I to 10 of the seventh series. 88 vols. Cloth. 1850-90. .27 4639. Grose (Francis). ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 6 vols. ; SCOTLAND, 2 vols. ; and IRELAND, 2 vols. The original large paper edition. Fine impres- sions of the numerous engravings. 10 vols. Royal 4to. Old russia gilt, yellow edges. 1773-97- 3 4640. Archaeologia : or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Numerous folding and other plates (some coloured). Plans and cuts. First 39 vols., with Index to the first, 15 vols. Liber Quotid. Contrarotulatoris Garderobse XXVIII. Edw. L, and Household Ordinances, Edw. III. to William and Mary. Together 42 vols., half purple morocco gilt. 1770-1863. 16 4641. Wilkins (D. ). CONCILIA MAGN^E BRITANNIA ET HIBERNI/E. 4 vols. Old calf. 1737. 16 4642. Aquinatis (S. Thomae). SUMMA THEOLOGICA, cum comment. Cardinalis Cajetani, et elucid. litt. P. S. Capponi. Best edition. 10 vols. Calf neat. Romse, 1773. 4 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 329 4643. Pistolesi (E.). Ii. VATICANO DEKCRITTO ED II.LUSTRATO, con disegni a con- torni diretti dal Pittore Camillo Guerra, etc. Numerous fine plates. 8 vols. Royal folio. Half vellum gilt, gilt tops. Roma, 1829-38. B 4644. Gough (R.). SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Numerous fine engravings. 2 vols. in 5. Imp. folio. Russia gilt (binding of vol. 2, part 3, slightly cracked). J. Nichols, 1786-96. .15 los. 4645. Voyage Pittoresque de la France, avec la description de toutes ses Provinces, ome d'un grand nombre de Gravures, d'apres les dessins des meilleurs Artistes de la Capital. 6 vols. Imp. folio. Russia gilt. Paris, 1781-89. 4 43. 4646. Mandeville (B. de). LA FABLE DES ABEILLES : ou, Les Fripons devenus Honnetes Gens, traduit de 1'Anglois. 4 vols. Old crimson morocco extra, by Derome le Jeune, 1740. 2 4647. Grammont (Count). MEMOIRS. By Anthony Hamilton. 64 portraits, by Scriven, etc. 2 vols. Calf. 1811. 2 is. 4648. Walpole (H., Earl of Orford). ROYAL AND NOBLE AUTHORS. Numerous fine portraits. 5 vols. Sprinkled cf. 1806. 3 i$s. 4649. Manning (Card.). SERMONS. 4 vols. Calf antique. 1847-50. 14*. 4650. Newman (Card.). PAROCHIAL SERMONS. 6 vols. Calf gilt. 1842-5. i8s. 4651. Pope (A.). WORKS. By Elwin and Courthope. Illustrations. 10 vols. Cloth, uncut. Murray, 1871-86. 3 4652. Vancouver (Capt. G.). VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. Folding maps and plates. 6 vols. Calf. 1 80 1. i 4653. Dampier. COLLECTION OF VOYAGES. Maps and plates. 4 vols. 1779. 3 4$. 4654. Holinshed. CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. 6 vols. GRAFTON. CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, 2 vols., and HALL, Ditto, i vol. Together 9 vols. Old russia gilt. 1807-9. 2 4$. 4655. Doyle (J. E.). OFFICIAL BARONAGE OF ENGLAND. Numerous illustrations. Large paper. (Only 120 copies printed.) 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1885. 1 is. 4656. Du Cange (Dom.). GLOSSARIUM MEDIAE ET INFIM^ LATINITATIS, cum Supplement. Integr. Carpenterii. 7 vols. h. mor. Paris, 1840-50. 4 i6s. 4657. Thomson (J.). THE SEASONS. Plates by Hamilton, engraved by Bartolozzi and Tomkins. Atlas folio. Old red morocco extra, g. e., by Kalthoeber. T. Bensley, 1797. ,5 $s. 4658. Kinglake (A. W.). THE INVASION OF THE CRIMEA. Plans. 8 vols. 8vo. Cloth. 1874-1887. 2 i6s. 4659. The Preacher's Homiletic Commentary on the Old Testament. With Notes, Indices, etc., by various authors, and General Index. 21 vols. Cloth. N. Y., Funk and Wagnalis, 1892. 3 2s. 6J. 4660. Gould (J.). MONOGRAPH OF THE TROCHILID^E; or Family of Humming Birds. 300 beautifully coloured plates, with the nests, flowers, etc., in which they con- gregate. 5 vols. Imp. folio. Whole bound green morocco extra, g. e. 1861. 32 4661. Bewick (T.). SELECT FABLES. Bright impressions of the cuts, designed by T. and J. Bewick and others. First edition. Largest paper (with the duplicate pages 179-182). Crushed morocco extra, by Riviere. Newcastle, 1820. 5 2s. 6rf. 330 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4662. Augustini (Sancti). OPERA OMNIA. Post Lovaniensium. Theologorum recens. OPERA ET STUDIO MONACHORUM ORDINIS S. BENEDICTI, cum Vita et In- dicibus. Portraits. II vols. in 15. Royal folio. Old calf. Parisiis, 1679- 1700. 3 3-r. 4663. Audsley and Bowes. KERAMIC ART OF JAPAN. 63 plates (45 in gold and colours), and numerous wood engravings. Produced from original Japanese works of the greatest beauty. 2 vols. Half morocco, g. e. (Pub. 21.) 1875. 7 SALE OF THE LIBRARIES OF THE LATE THOS. BODDINGTON, ESQ., AND OTHERS. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., November $th, $th, 6th, and jth, 1895. 4664. Jackson and Chatto. TREATISE ON WOOD ENGRAVING. First edition. Numerous woodcuts. Half mor., t. e. g. Imp. 8vo. C. Knight, 1839. igs. 4665. Hugo (Rev. T.). THE BEWICK COLLECTOR, with Supplement. Numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. 1866-8. izs. 4666. Defoe (D. ). LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. Fine plates by T. Stothard. Large paper. 2 vols. Old calf. Royal 8vo. Stockdale, 1790. 18*. 4667. Scott (Sir W.). WAVERLEY NOVELS. Author's edition, with Notes, fronts., and vignettes. 48 vols. Half calf. 1829-33. 4 4 s - 4668. Rogers (Sam. ). ITALY, a Poem. Illustrated by Turner and Stothard. First edition. Plate of tomb transposed. Boards, uncut. Cadell, 1830. POEMS. Illustrated by Turner and Stothard, Proofs. First edition. Boards, uncut. lb., 1834. 3 3s. 4669. Shelley (P. B.). ESSAYS, LETTERS FROM ABROAD, TRANSLATIONS, AND FRAGMENTS. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. 2 vols. Uncut. E. Moxon, 1840. 8*. 4670. Keats (John). ENDYMION, a Poetic Romance. First edition. Half morocco, t. e. g., other edges uncut. Taylor and Hessey, 1818. 4 i- 4713. Catalogue of English Books, printed before 1640, in the British Museum 3 vols. 17.5. 4714. Davison (F.). POETICAL RHAPSODY. Edited, with Introduction, by A. H. Bullen. 2 vols. Large paper. One of 250 copies. Half calf, g. t. 1890. Bs. 4715. Straparola (G. F.). THE NIGHTS. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. 2 vols. Plates by E. R. Hughes. Imp. 8vo. 1894. i ijs. 4716. Blake (W.). WORKS. Edited by E. J. Ellis and W. B. Yeats. 3 vols. Plates. Half morocco, g. t. Imp. 8vo. 1893. 2 4-f. 4717. Arthur. LE MORT D'ARTHUR, by Syr Thomas Malory. Reprinted from the edition by W. Caxton, and edited, with Notes and Glossary, by H. O. Sommer, and Essay by A. Lang. 3 vols. in 2. Half morocco. Royal 8vo. 1889-90. 1 is. 4718. Froude (J. A.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE FALL OF WOLSEY TO THE DEFEAT OF THE ARMADA. 12 vols., n. d. SHORT STUDIES ON GREAI SUBJECTS. 4 vols. 1878. i 15*. 4719. Middleton (T.). WORKS. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8 vols. Portrait. 1885. 165. 4720. Jonson (Ben.). WORKS. With Notes by W. Gifford, and additional Notes by Lieut. C. Cunningham. 9 vols. Portrait. 1875. 2 2s. 4721. Meredith (Geo.). VITTORIA. 3 vols. First edition. Half calf, gilt. 1867. 3*. 4722. Kipling (R.). SOLDIERS THREE ; STORY OF THE GLADSBYS ; IN BLACK AND WHITE ; UNDER THE DEODARS. Original wrappers. 1890. 6s. 4723. Shirley (J.). DRAMATIC WORKS AND POEMS, with Notes by Gifford and Dyce. Numerous MS. additions and corrections by R. H. S. for a new edition. 6 vols. Portrait. Half morocco gilt, m. e. 1833. 3 3*- 4724. Virgil. y^NElDEA : or, Critical, Exegetical, /Esthetical Remarks on the ^Eneis, by Jas. Henry. 4 vols. Half morocco, g. t., by Riviere. Dublin, 1873-89. 5 II This work was a life-long labour of love with the late Dr. James Henry. It was printed at the expense of the author, who died during the course of publi- cation. The last sheets were seen through the press by Professor Tyrrell. Copies rarely occur for sale since the work was not published. It is now out of print. 4725. Dekker (T.). NON-DRAMATIC WORKS, edited by A. B. Grosart. 5 vols. (only 50 copies printed for private circulation). Huth library, 1884-86. GREENE (R. ). WORKS, with Life, etc., edited by A. B. Grosart. 15 vols. (only 50 copies printed for private circulation). //;., 1881-86.- NASHE(T.). COMPLETE WORKS, edited by A. B. Grosart. 6 vols. (only 50 copies printed for private circulation). //>., 1883-84. HARVEY (GABRIEL). WORKS, edited by A. B. Grosart. 3 vols. (only 50 copies printed for private circulation). Jl>., 1884. 7 IQS. 4726. Daniel (S.). COMPLETE W T ORKS, edited by A. B. Grosart (Vols. I., II., III.). 3 vols. (only 150 copies printed for private circulation). Portrait. 1885. 7 s - 4727. Chaucer's Works, edited by R. Morris. 6 vols. Portrait. Bell, 1875. SPENSER (E.). POETICAL WORKS. 5 vols. Portrait. /., n. d. gx. 334 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4728. Brunet (J. C.). MANUEL DU LIBRAIRE ET DE L'AMATEUR DE LIVRES. 6 vols. Half calf gilt, m. e. Supplement, 2 vols. unbound. Together 8 vols. Best edition. Paris, 1860-80. g los. 4729. Dramatists of the Restoration. Davenant, Crowne, Lacy, Cokain, Tatham, Marmion, Wilson. With Introductions by Maidment and Logan. 14 vols. Large paper. 1872-74. 2 8s. 4730. Musarum Deliciae, 1656, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. Reprint, n. d. ANTIENT DROLLERIES, in facsimile. Prefaces by A. H. Bullen. Parts I., II., for private circulation. 1890. 6s. 4731. Barret (C. R. B.). ESSEX HIGHWAYS, BYWAYS, AND WATERWAYS. Etchings. 2 vols. (i of 120 copies on Whatman paper). 1892-93. i zs. 4732. Kelmscott Press. MORRIS (W.). NEWS FROM NOWHERE. Parchment. Kelmscott Press, 1892. igj. 4733. Kelmscott Press. MORRIS (W.). THE WOOD BEYOND THE WORLD. Parch- ment. Ib., 1894. i 3J-. 4734. Kelmscott Press. KEATS (J.). POEMS. Parchment. 7b., 1894. ,3 Bs. 4735. Homer's Odyssey, done into English Verse by W. Morris. 2 vols. 1887. i6j. 4736. Wine, Women, and Song. MEDIEVAL LATIN STUDENTS' SONGS, translated by J. A. Symonds. Large paper (i of 50 copies). 1884. 17.?. 4737- Quaritch (B.). GENERAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, with the Supplement, con- sisting of Examples of Binding and Romances of Chivalry. 9 vols. Large and thick paper. Portrait. Half morocco. Contents lettered. 1887-92. B 5^. 4738. Linton (W. J.). THE MASTERS OF WOOD ENGRAVING. Many illustrations. Issued to subscribers only. 1889. ^3 js. 4739. Kelmscott Press. RECUYELL OF THE HISTORYS OF TROY. Printed by W. Caxton. 2 vols. Parchment. Kelmscott Press, 1892. ^3 4740. Bree (C. R.). BIRDS OF EUROPE, not observed in the British Isles. 4 vols. Coloured plates. Royal 8vo. 1863. i 155. 4741. Ruskin (J.). ARROWS OF THE CHASE. 2 vols. Frontispiece. 1880. iu. 4742. Ainsworth (W. H.). GUY FAWKES. Plates by G. Cruikshank, with Caul- field's series of the Gunpowder Plot Conspirators inserted. 1840; JACK SHEPPARD. Plates by G. Cruikshank, and portrait ; Author's letter inserted. 1839-40. WHITEHEAD (C.)- RICHARD SAVAGE. Plates by J. Leech. 1841- 42. COCKTON (H.). STANLEY THORN. Plates by G. Cruikshank, J. Leech, and A. Crowquill. 1840-42. MAXWELL (W. H.). BRIAN O'LiNN, or Luck is Everything. Plates by J. Leech. 1846-47. SMITH (ALBERT). MARCHIONESS OF BRINVILLIERS. Plates by J. Leech. 1845. " O LD MISCELLANY DAYS," a selection of Stories from Bentley's Miscellany, by various authors. 35 plates by G. Cruikshank; portrait of him, and letter inserted. 1837-43. BARHAM(R. H.). INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. Plates by G. Cruikshank and J. Leech. Portrait, and plate by G. Cruikshank inserted. 1837-45. DICKENS (C.). OLIVER TWIST. Plates by G. Cruikshank. 1837-39. SMITH (ALBERT). MR. LEDBURY AND HIS FRIEND JACK JOHNSON. Plates by J. Leech. 1842-43. CROWQUILL. VARIOUS ARTICLES FROM BENTLEY. Illustrations by A. Crowquill, and por- trait. 1840-43. LEECH. VARIOUS ARTICLES FROM BENTLEY. Illustrations by J. Leech (portrait added). 1840-48. ^"35 4743. Lever (C.). KMGHT OF GWYNNE. First edition. Plates by " Phiz. " Some wrappers and advertisements bound up. Cloth, uncut. 1847. ROLAND BOOK SALES OF 1895. 335 CASHEL. First edition. Plates by " Phiz." Cloth, uncut. 1850. THE DALTONS. 2 vols. First edition. Plates by "Phiz." Cloth, uncut. 1852. ONE OF THEM. First edition. Plates by " Phiz." Cloth, uncut. 1861. 15 IQJ. 4744. Bewick. HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols. Royal paper. Woodcuts by T.Bewick. Half russia. Royal 8vo. Newcastle, 1805. i us. 4745. Lever (C.). OUR MESS, viz., Jack Hinton and Tom Burke. 3 vols. First edition. Plates by " Phiz. " Dublin, 1843-44. 15.5-. 4746. Lever. KNIGHT OF GWYNNE. First edition. Plates by "Phiz." Original cloth. 1847. 1 us. 4747. Lever. THE O'DONOGHUE. First edition. Plates by H. K. Browne. Original cloth. Dublin, 1845. i6j. 4748. Lever. ROLAND CASHEL. First edition. Plates by "Phiz." Original cloth. 1850. i 6s. 4749. Chifney (Samuel, of Newmarket). GENIUS GENUINE, with a full account of the Prince's Horse's Escape, running at Newmarket. First edition. Full polished calf extra, top edges gilt, sold for the author. 1804. i 3^. IT An extremely rare volume. It has been reprinted, but the original edition is worth from ^3 to $. The above was a cheap copy at 231. 4750. Thackeray (W. M.). ROSE AND THE RING. Illustrated. Original boards. 1855- 5*. 4751. Thackeray (W. M.). KICKLEBURYS ON THE RHINE. Plates. First edition. Original boards. 1850. iu. 4752. Lever (Charles). LUTTRELL OF ARRAN. Plates by " Phiz." First edition. Original cloth, uncut. 1865. ijs. 4753. Lever (Charles). ST. PATRICK'S EVE. Plates by " Phiz." First edition. Original cloth, uncut. 1845. $s. 4754. Ruskin (John). LECTURES ON ARCHITECTURE AND PAINTING. Plates. First edition. Original cloth. 1854. gs. 4755. Lever (Charles). CONFESSIONS OF HARRY LORREQUER. Plates by " Phiz." First edition. Original cloth. 1839. los. 4756. James Hatfield and the Beauty of Buttermere. Plates by R. Cruikshank. First edition. 3 vols. Boards. 1841. 12s. 4757. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES BY Boz. First series. Plates by Geo. Cruikshank. 2 vols. Original cloth. Macrone, 1837. 7 s - 4758. Smith (J. Chaloner). DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF BRITISH MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS. 4 vols. Interleaved copy, with additions and corrections opposite each article. Frontispieces. Royal 8vo. 1883. 3 14^. 4759. Alken. HUNTING, or Six Hours' Sport by Three Real Good Ones. 6 coloured plates by H. Alken. Original wrapper. T. Maclean, 1823. 6 los. 4760. Alken. MEET, BREAKING COVER, FULL CRY, THE DEATH. 4 long coloured plates by Alken. //>., 1824. 11 55-. 4761. Alken. THE STEEPLECHASE. 6 coloured plates by Alken. 4 los. 4762. Picturesque Europe. 5 vols., many illustrations. Cassell, n. d. 2 4763. Young (R.). ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE TO THE BIBLE. Half calf, m. e. Edinburgh, 1879. t 336 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4764. Westwood (J. O.). ILLUMINATED ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BIBLE, copied from old MSS. Red morocco extra, g. e. 1846. 2 4*. 4765. Maund (B.). THE BOTANIC GARDEN, Floral Register, Auctarium, Fruitist. 16 vols. Large paper. Coloured plates. Russia extra, g. e. Uniform, a fine set. 1825, etc. 12 4766. Congreve (Wm.). THE DOUBLE DEALER. First edition. 1694. THE MOURN- ING BRIDE, 1697. VANBRUGH (SiR JOHN). THE RELAPSE. First edition. 1698. GIBBER (COLLEY). LOVES LAST SHIFT. First edition. 1696. CAM- DEN (W.). BRITANNIA. Maps. Old calf. 1600. 5^. 4767. Caricatures. Eighty-seven Political and Facetious Caricatures, mostly coloured, by Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, etc. , in a vol. Half morocco. ^5 5^. 4768. Shakespeare. BOYDELL'S COLLECTIONS OF LARGE PRINTS TO ILLUSTRATE SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. 2vols.ini. Half calf. Atlas folio. 1803. 105*. 4769. Costumes. Costume of Great Britain, Austria, Turkey ; Military Costume of Turkey, Russia, China ; Punishments of China. 7 vols. Coloured plates by Pyne and others. Crimson morocco extra, g. e., uniform. 1800-4. ^5 5^. 4770. Jerrold (Douglas). PUNCH'S LETTERS TO HIS SON. First edition. 24 illustra- tions by Kenny Meadows. Half calf gilt, presentation copy from the author to Sidney Blanchard, with inscription on fly-title. W. S. Orr, 1843. us. 4771. Cruikshank's Table Book. Edited by G. A. a Beckett. Original edition, numerous illustrations by G. Cruikshank. Cloth gilt, g. e., very clean copy. Royal 8vo. " Punch " Office, 1845. l 7 s - 4772. Cruikshank. WIGHT (I.). MORNINGS AT Bow STREET. Fourth edition. 21 illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. 1838. 4^. 4773. Cruikshank. INGLIS (H. D.). RAMBLES IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF DON QUIXOTE. Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Half calf gilt. 1837. &. 4774. Northcote (Jas.). ONE HUNDRED FABLES, Original and Selected. Portrait and 280 woodcuts. Large paper. Calf gilt, g. e. Imp. 8vo. Lawford, 1828. 8s. 4775. Scott (W. Bell;. POEMS, BALLADS, STUDIES FROM NATURE, SONNETS, ETC. First edition. 17 etchings by the author and Alma Tadema. Cloth gilt, uncut. Longmans, 1875. Ss. 4776. Thiers (A). HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Translated with notes and illustrations by F. Shoberl. Portraits and plates. 5 vols. Uncut. R. Bentley, 1838. 2 i6s. 4777. Borrow (Geo.). LAVENGRO, the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest. First edition. Portrait, 3 vols. Uncut. J. Murray, 1851. i 6s. 4778. Landor (W. S.). LAST FRUIT OF AN OLD TREE. First edition. Uncut. 1853. LANDOR (R. E.). THE FOUNTAIN OF ARETHUSA. 2 vols. 1848. 6s. 4779. Bourrienne (M. de). MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE. Portraits and plates. 4 vols. Uncut. R. Bentley, 1836. 2 IQJ. 4780. Munden (J. S.). MEMOIRS, by his Son. Portrait, uncut. 1844. COOKE (W.). MEMOIRS OF SAM. FOOTE. Portrait. 3 vols. Boards, 1805. EBERS (J.). SEVEN YEARS OF THE KING'S THEATRE. Portraits, W. H. Ainsworth, 1828. i is. 4781. Strutt (J.). SPORTS AND PASTIMES. New edition. By Wm. Hone. Large paper, the woodcuts coloured, uncut. Imp. 8vo. 1845. 1 5 S - 4782. Mathews (Charles). MEMOIRS BY MRS. MATHEWS. Plates. 4 vols. Half calf gilt. R. Bentley, 1838. 14*- BOOK SALES OF 1895. 337 4783. Barham (R. H.). INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. Third series. First edition. Illus- trations by Cruikshank and Leech. Original cloth, uncut. R. Bentley, 1847. 2 i6s. 4784. Lessons on Thrift. By a Member of the Save-All Club. Coloured plates by J. and R. Cruikshank. Boards, uncut. Imp. 8vo. T. Boys, 1820. z 15.?. 4785. Rowlandson. HISTORY OF JOHNNY QU^E GENUS (by Wm. Combe). First edition. Cloth gilt, t. e. g. , uncut. Royal 8vo. Ackermann, 1822. ^3 its. Qd. 4786. Rowlandson. THE ENGLISH DANCE OF DEATH, from the designs of Thomas Rowlandson, with metrical illustrations [by Wm. Combe]. First edition. 7 2 fine coloured plates. 2 vols. Cloth gilt, t. e. g., other edges uncut. Royal 8vo. lb., 1815-16. g 155. 4787. Mitford (John). ADVENTURES OF JOHNNY NEWCOME IN THE NAVY. Coloured plates by Williams. Half calf. 1819. i iij. 4788. Hunt (Leigh). THE TOWN. First edition. 45 illustrations. 2 vols. Original cloth. 1848. MEN, WOMEN, AND BOOKS. 2 vols. First edition. 1847. i8s. 4789. Dickens (Ch.). AMERICAN NOTES. First edition. 2vols.ini. Half calf, gilt. 1842. STORY OF LITTLE DOMBEY. 1858. Christmas Nos. from " All the Year Round." 55. 4790. Walton (I.). LIVES OF DONNE, WOTTON, HOOKER, HERBERT, AND SANDERSON, etc. Large paper. India proof portraits (foxed), calf gilt. J. Major, 1825. 75. 4791. Hall (S. C.). IRELAND: its Scenery, Character, etc. Plates and woodcuts. First edition. 3 vols. Original cloth. 1841-3. i6j. 4792. America. HERRERA (A. DE). HISTORY OF AMERICA. Translated by Capt. J. Stevens. 6 vols. Map and plates, calf, map defective, sold not subject to return. 1725. ^3 75. 4793. Bewick. HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. 2 vols. First edition. Royal paper, imperfect. Newcastle, 1797-1804. i 2j. 4794. Dickens (C.). LIBRARY OF FICTION. Illustrations by Seymour and others. An unusually fine copy, with the leaves not cut open. 2 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1837. 4 65. 1F Contains the first appearance of Dickens' "Tuggs at Ramsgate," and "A little Talk about Spring and the Sweeps." 4795. Lang (Andrew). XXII. AND X. BALLADES IN BLUE CHINA. Original binding. 1882. ^s. 4796. Leech (John). FOLLIES OF THE YEAR. Coloured plates. First edition. Original half morocco gilt. Oblong 4to. 17.?. 4797. Dickens (Chas.). OLIVER TWIST. First edition. Illustrated by G. Cruik- shank (with the fireside plate). 3 vols. Brown cloth, uncut. R. Bentley, 1838. 5 x*J. &/. 4798. Dickens. AMERICAN NOTES. First edition. 2 vols. Uncut, autograph of (Sir) Robert Peel on fly-titles. Chapman, 1842. 155. 4799. Brockett (J. T.). GLOSSARY OF NORTH COUNTRY WORDS IN USE. From an Original MS. Large paper. Boards, uncut. Newcastle, Hodgson, 1824. 6s. 4800. Robin Hood. A LYTELL GESTE OF, with other Ancient and Modern Ballads and Songs. Edited by J. M. Gutch, illustrated by F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols. Uncut. 1847. I 4 J - z 338 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4801. Northcote (Jas.). FABLES, Original and Selected, both series. Numerous illus- trations. 2 vols. Half morocco, gilt. 1829-45. 13^. 4802. Thackeray (W. M.). HISTORY OF HENRY ESMOND, ESQ. First edition. 3 vols. Original cloth, uncut. 1852. ^3 i6s. 4803. Thackeray. REBECCA AND ROWENA. First edition. Illustrations by Richard Doyle. Coloured, original boards (no back). 1850. i 4804. Thackeray. THE ROSE AND THE RING. First edition. Illustrated by the author. Original boards (no back). 1855. ENGLISH HUMOURISTS. First edition. Original blue cloth. 1853. i i8s. 4805. Dibdin (Rev. T. F. ). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, AND PICTURESQUE TOUR IN THE NORTHERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. Blue morocco gilt, g. e. Royal 8vo. 1838. 4 I2J. 4806. Hone (Wm.). EVERY DAY, YEAR, AND TABLE-BOOK. Original edition. Numerous woodcuts. 4 vols. Half bound (not uniform). 1826-32. ijs. 4807. White (John.) ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE MAORI, his Mythology and Tradi- tions. Numerous plates. 6 vols. Cloth. Wellington, N. Z., 1887-90. Illus- trations prepared for White's " Ancient History of the Maori." 123 lithographs. /<*., 1891. 5 4808. Brand (John). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. Portrait, map, and numerous plates. 2 vols. Half calf gilt. 1789. i i$s. 4809. Mackenzie (E.). VIEW OF THE COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND, etc. Second edition. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. Half calf. Newcastle, 1825. i6s. 4810. Mackenzie and Ross. VIEW OF THE COUNTY PALATINE OF DURHAM. Map and plates. 2 vols. Half calf. /., 1834. l6j - 4811. Gibson (W. S. ). HISTORY OF THE MONASTERY AT TYNEMOUTH. India proof views, chromos, ornamental initials, etc. 2 vols. Half morocco, uncut. W. Pickering, 1846. 2 4812. Burton (R. ). ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Fourth edition. Engraved title, oaken boards, stamped leather. Oxford, H. Cripps, 1632. i 45. 4813. Bewick (Thos.). FABLES OF yEsop AND OTHERS. First edition. Fine impressions of the woodcuts, with the thumb-mark receipt. Boards, uncut. Newcastle, E. Walker, 1818. 2 2s. 4814. Bewick (Thos.). GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. The figures engraved on wood by T. Bewick. Fifth edition. Imperial paper, calf gilt, imp. 8vo. /#., 1807. l iss. 4815. Bewick (Thos.). HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Sixth edition. Royal paper. 2 vols. Boards, uncut. Royal 8vo. 1826. 2 6s. 4816. Badminton Library. SWIMMING. By Sinclair and Henry. Large paper. Original half morocco. 1893. ids. 4817. Badminton Library. BIG GAME SHOOTING. By Clive Phillipps Wooley. Large paper. 2 vols. Original half morocco. 1894. 4 15^. 4818. Tennyson (A.). POEMS. Illustrated by Maclise, Mulready, etc. 1859. IQJ. 4819. America. A Collection of 50 black letter Acts of Parliament relating to the American Colonies. Unbound. 1710, etc. 3 $s. IT Relating to the copper ore of the British Plantations, for encouraging trade in the sugar colonies of America, on the growth of coffee in the American planta- BOOK SALES OF 1895. 339 tions, for granting liberty to carry rice from Carolina, for exporting tea to America without duty, for encouragement of the Greenland whale fishery, for naturalizing foreign Protestants settled in America, for making indigo in the British planta- tions, for importation of furs from the British plantations, and many others on similar subjects. 4820. Vertue (Geo.). HEADS OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND proper for Rapin's History. With Plates of Monuments, etc. Large paper, ill portraits and other plates and portraits of Rapin and Tindal. Proofs. Half bound. Imp. folio. 1734. 2 12s. 4821. America. MOCQUET QEAN). VOYAGES EN AFRIQUE, ASIE, INDES ORIENTALES ET OCCIDENTALES. Plates. Calf gilt, with the arms of De Thou and his second wife, Gasparde de la Chastre. Paris, 1617. i IO.T. IT From the Beckford Library, at which sale it realized 16. 4822. Robson (Thos.). THE BRITISH HERALD, or Cabinet of Armorial Bearings. Plates of arms, etc. 3 vols. Green morocco gilt. Sunderland, 1830. 2 i2s. 4823. Jesse (J. H.). MEMOIRS OF THE PRETENDERS AND THEIR ADHERENTS. 2vols. Portraits. Half morocco, m. e. 1845. I I2 * 4824. Rowlandson. THE ENGLISH DANCE OF DEATH. From the designs of Thomas Rowlandson, with metrical illustrations [by Wm. Combe]. First edition. 72 fine coloured plates. 2 vols. Cloth gilt, t. e. g., other edges uncut. Royal 8vo. 1815-16. g 15*. 4825. Dibdin. BIBLIOMANIA. New and improved edition, numerous illustrations. Half morocco, uncut. Royal 8vo. Bohn, 1842. 2 4^-. 4826. Strauss (Dr. D. F.). LIFE OF JESUS. 3 vols. Calf antique. 1846. NEW LIFE OF JESUS. 2 vols. 1865. * 2S - 4827. Ottley (W. Y.). COLLECTION OF FAC-SIMILES OF SCARCE AND CURIOUS PRINTS BY THE EARLY MASTERS. 179 fine plates on India paper, including 12 duplicates of the Niellos finished in silver. Half morocco, uncut. Royal 4to. 1828. 2 zs. 4828. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. By Members of the Alpine Club. Edited by J. Ball. First series. Plates. 1859. 1 js. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE PHILIP GILBERT HAMERTON, ESQ. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., November 261/1, 1895. 1F The lots, as a rule, fetched ridiculously low prices. In contrast to these should be noted the high figures reached by three of the Stevensons. 4829. Burns (R.). WORKS, with Life by A. Cunningham. Portrait. Frontispieces and vignettes. 8 vols. Half mor. gilt. Cochrane, 1835. I 3 J - 4830. Scott (Sir W.). WAVERLEY NOVELS. Author's edition, with Notes, frontis- pieces, and vignettes. 48 vols. Half mor. Edin., Black, 1856. 4 js. 6d. 4831. Shelley, Wordsworth, Byron, with Life and Letters, and Montaigne's Essays. 5 vols. All royal 8vo. editions, with portraits and frontispieces, v. d. 14^. 340 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4832. Kemp (Dixon). MANUAL OF YACHT AND BOAT SAILING. New and enlarged edition. Numerous illustrations. Cloth. Imp. 8vo. Field Office, 1880. 6s. 4833. Radford (Geo.). RAMBLES BY YORKSHIRE RIVERS. Fine proof etchings. Cloth gilt. Presentation copy from the author to P. G. Hamerton. Small 410. Leeds, R. Jackson, n. d. 6s. 4834. Buckle (A.). LYRICS AND SONNETS OF NORTHERN LANDS. Etchings and mezzotints by the author (edition of 300 copies only). Cloth gilt. Presentation copy to P. G. Hamerton. Small 4to. 1889. 6s. 4835. Ireland (A.). BOOK-LOVER'S ENCHIRIDION. Third edition, with large additions. Large and thick paper. Half bound, uncut, t. e. g. Presentation copy to P. G. Hamerton. 1883. gs. 4836. Coleridge (S. T.). POEMS. Morocco. Pickering, 1844. POE (E. A.). POEMS, edited by A. Lang. 1881, etc. izs. 4837. Macculloch (Jo.). THE HIGHLANDS AND WESTERN ISLES OF SCOTLAND. 4 vols. Calf. 1824. icv. 4838. Bentham (G.). HANDBOOK OF THE BRITISH FLORA. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. Cloth. L. Reeve, 1865. ,1 ijs. 4839. Geikie (Jas.). THE GREAT ICE AGE. Second edition. Maps and illustrations. 1877. WILSON (DR. D.). PREHISTORIC MAN. Illustrations. 1863. i6j. 4840. Mackay (R. W.). THE PROGRESS OF THE INTELLECT, with MS. Notes by P. G. Hamerton. 2 vols. Cloth. J. Chapman, 1850. 13^. H " The boyish character of these (MS.) notes is very evident to me now, though 1 still adhere to the opinions expressed in them. P. G. H., Oct., 1854." MS. note on title. 4841. Scott (W. Bell). POEMS. First edition. 3 plates by the author. Cloth. Pre- sentation copy to P. G. Hamerton. Smith, Elder, and Co., 1854. 6.r. 4842. Buckle (H. T.). HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND. New edition. 3 vols. 1891. MISCELLANEOUS AND POSTHUMOUS WORKS, edited by Grant Allen. 2 vols. 1885. iyj. 4843. Liechtenstein (Princess M.). HOLLAND HOUSE. Numerous illustrations. 1875. LESLIE (R. C.). A SEA-PAINTER'S LOG AND A BRITISH PRIVATEER. Illustrated. 1886-9, etc. i6s. 4844. Shakespeare. WORKS, edited by W. G. Clark and John Glover. 8 vols. Cloth gilt, uncut. Cambridge, 1863-6. 2 4s. 4845. Thiers (A.). HISTOIRE DU CONSULAT ET DE L'EMPIRE. 20 vols. avec 1'atlas en fol. Paris, Paulin, 1845-62. igs. 4846. Lavalee (Theoph.). HISTOIRE DES FRANCAIS. Numerous steel portraits. 2 vols. Half morocco. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Ios - 4847. Dareste (C. ). HISTOIRE DE FRANCE, depuis les Origines jusqu'a nos Jours. 2 e edition. 8 vols. Half morocco gilt, g. e. //>., 1874-6. i8j. 4848. Taine (H.). HISTOIRE DE LA LITTERATURE ANGLAISE. 5 vols. Half morocco. Paris, 1866. NIZARD (D. ). HISTOIRE DE LA LITTERATURE FRANCAISE. 4 vols. Half morocco. /,, 1883. i6s. 4849. Banville (Th. de). POESIES. Portrait. 7 vols. Half morocco gilt. Paris, 1877, etc. ijs. 4850. Sand (George). ROMANS DIVERS. 24 vols. Half morocco. Paris, Levy. v. d. 1 8s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 34 J 4851. Marguerite de Navarre (La Reine). JOURNEES. Edition Jouaust. Etched frontispieces (8). Paris, 1870. RABELAIS (FR.). LES CINQ LIVRES DE. 4 vols. lb., 1885, etc. i $s. 4852. Theatre Frangais Moderne. A collection of modern French plays by George Sand, Renan, V. Hugo, Sardou, Augier, Dumas, Feuillet, and others. 32 plays in 12 vols. Half morocco. Paris, 1863, etc. 13*. 4853. Rossetti (D. G.). POEMS. Fifth edition. 1871. BALLADS AND SONNETS. Second edition. 1881. DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI, by Wm. Sharp. 1882. RECOLLECTIONS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI, by T. Hall Caine. Portrait. 1882. i is. 4854. Pater (Walter). STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF THE RENAISSANCE. First edition. 1873. The same. Second edition. 1877. APPRECIATIONS, with an Essay on Style. First edition. 1889. PLATO AND PLATONISM. First edition. 1893. 2 los. 4855. Oliphant (Mrs.). THE MAKERS OF FLORENCE. Portrait of Savonarola and illustrations. Cloth 1876. i 55-. 4856. Freeman (E. A.). HISTORICAL ESSAYS. Series I. and II. 2 vols. 1872-3. CLIFFORD (PROF. W. K.). LECTURES AND ESSAYS. Portrait. 2 vols. 1879. igj. 4857. Whymper (Edw. ). ASCENT OF THE MATTERHORN. Maps and illustrations. Cloth gilt. i TS. 4858. Darwin (Dr. Ch.). DESCENT OF MAN AND ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 2 vols. 1888. LUHBOCK (SiR JOHN). ANTS, BEES, AND WASPS ; SENSES OF ANIMALS ; BEAUTIES OF NATURE and PLEASURES OF LIFE. 4 vols. 1887-93. 1 5-c. 4859. Wilde (Oscar). SALOME, a Tragedy from the French, by Lord A. B. Douglas. Illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley. First edition. Cloth gilt. Small 410. 1894. IOS. 4860. Lecky (W. E. H.). HISTORY OF RATIONALISM IN EUROPE. 2 vols. Post 8vo. 1890. EMERSON (R. W.). VARIOUS WRITINGS. 6 vols. Macmillan. 1884. MORLEY (JOHN). DIDEROT, COMPROMISE, etc. 4 vols. lb., 1891. iSs. 4861. Symonds (J. A.). STUDIES FROM THE GREEK POETS, and Sketches in Italy and Greece. First editions. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1873-4. i Ss. 4862. Stevenson (Robert L.). AN INLAND VOYAGE. First edition. Presentation copy to P. G. Hamerton, with autograph letter of the author inserted. Cloth. Kegan Paul, 1878. 10 15*. 4863. Stevenson (R. L.). TRAVELS WITH A DONKEY IN THE CEVENNES. First edition. Front, by Walter Crane. Original cloth. ./#., 1879. 3 lor, 4864. Stevenson (R. L.). NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS. First edition. 2 vols. Presen- tation copy " from the Author." Cloth. Chatto, 1882. 8 4865. Stevenson (R. L.). UNDERWOODS. 1887. DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE. 1886. KIDNAPPED. 1886 ; and THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE. 1889. 15^. 4866. Scott (Wm. Bell). POEMS. Illustrated by 17 etchings by the author and Alma- Tadema. Autograph letter of the author to P. G. Hamerton inserted. Cloth gilt. 1875. I2s. 4867. Morris (W. M.). EARTHLY PARADISE. Vols. I. to III. Autograph of author inserted. 1870. LIFE AND DEATH OF JASON. 1869. 15*. 342 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4868. Eliot (George). THE SPANISH GIPSY. First edition. 1868. IMPRESSIONS OF THEOPHRASTUS SUCH. First edition. 1879. i2j. 4869. Journal of Hellenic Studies. Vols. I. to XIV., Part I. Plates to vols. I. to VIII. ; and Supplementary Papers, 2 parts. 1880-94. 8 i$s. 4870. Parker (J. H.). GLOSSARY OF TERMS used in Architecture. Fifth edition. Numerous plates (foxed). 3 vols. Cloth. 1850. 2 2s. 4871. Jackson and Chatto. TREATISE ON WOOD ENGRAVING. Second edition. By H. G. Bohn. Numerous illustrations. Half bound. Imp. 8vo. 1861. 115. 4872. Blake (Wm.). LIFE, with Selections from his Writings, by A. Gilchrist. First edition. Portrait and illustrations from Blake's own Works. 2 vols. Cloth gilt. 1863. l IJ. 4873. Rembrandt. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF HIS ETCHED WORK. BY C. H. Middleton. 12 plates. Half bound, t. e. g., uncut. Murray, 1878. igs. 4874. Raphael and Father Santi. By J. D. Passavant. LEONARDO DA VINCI AND HIS WORKS, and ALBRECHT DURER, by Mrs. Heaton. Numerous photos. 3 vols. Cloth gilt. Imp. 8vo. Macmillan, 1870-74. i Bs. 4875. Haden (Fr. Seymour). DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF HIS ETCHED WORK. 2 copies. Cloth, uncut. Macmillan, 1880. KM. 4876. Gilbert (Jos.). LANDSCAPE IN ART, before Claude and Salvator. 141 illustra- tions. Cloth. With autograph letter of author to P. G. Hamerton inserted. J. Murray, 1885. l6s. 4877. Rembrandt, The Etched Work of, a monograph by F. S. Haden. New edition. Plates. 2 copies (one a presentation copy to P. G. Hamerton). Cloth, uncut. 1879. i$s. 4878. Lacroix (P.). LE MOYEN AGE, Les Arts, Moeurs, Usages et Costumes, Vie Militaire et Religieuse. Chromolithographs and other illustrations. 3 vols. Sewed, uncut. Imp. 8vo. 1871-3. i 2s, 4879. Muntz (Eug.). HISTOIRE DE L'ART pendent la Renaissance, Italic, L'Age d'Or. Numerous illustrations. Sewed, uncut. Imp. 8vo. 1891. gs. 4880. Theuriet (And.). LA VIE RUSTIQUE, compositions et dessins de L. Lhermite. Sewed, uncut. Imp. 8vo. 1888. 14$. 4881. Wiltshire (W. H. ). DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF EARLY PRINTS in the British Museum. Vol. I. German and Flemish Schools. Facsimiles. Cloth, uncut. 1879. J3J. 4882. Faithorne (Wm.). ART OF GRAVEING AND ETCHING, wherein is expressed the true way of Graveing in Copper, etc. Plates (stained). Half calf. Scarce. 1662. 5-r. 4883. Portfolio (The). MONOGRAPHS ON ARTISTIC SUBJECTS. Edited by P. G. Hamerton. (12.) Numerous illustrations, wrappers, uncut. Imp. 8vo. 1894. I5J- 4884. Fergusson (Jas.). HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE. Numerous illustrations. Vols. I. -II. Half bound. Murray, 1874. i is. 4885. Kugler's Handbook of Painting. , Edited by Eastlake and Crowe. Italian, German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. Numerous illustrations. 4 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1874. 1 4886. Viollet-le-Duc (E.). ENTRETIENS SUR L'ARCHITECTURE. Numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. and 410. atlas. Sewed, uncut. Paris, Morel, 1863-79. i 6s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 343 4887. Viollet-le-Duc (E.). DICTIONNAIRE RAISONN DE L'ARCHITECTURE FRAN- CAISE du XI e and XVI e Siecle. Many hundred woodcuts. 10 vols. Sewed, uncut. Ib., 1875. .6 4888. Ruskin (John). MODERN PAINTERS. Numerous illustrations after J. M. W. Turner and by the author. 5 vols. First edition of Vols. III. IV. and V. Green Cloth. Imp. 8vo. 1851-60. 8 4889. Ruskin (John). THE STONES OF VENICE. First edition. Illustrations by the author. Vols. II. and III. Cloth. Imp. 8vo. 1853. ,4 4890. Ruskin (John). THE SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. First edition. Cloth. Imp. 8vo. 1849. 2 35. 4891. Ruskin (John). THE Two PATHS. First edition. 2 plates. 1859. MODERN PAINTERS. Vol II., re-arranged by the author. 2 vols. Allen, 1883. POLITI- CAL ECONOMY OF ART. 1857. I3J. 4892. Ruskin (John). LECTURES ON ARCHITECTURE AND PAINTING. First edition. 1854. ELEMENTS OF DRAWING. Second edition. Cuts. 1857. ELEMENTS OF PERSPECTIVE. First edition. 1859. 13.5-. 4893. Hamerton (Philip Gilbert). ETCHING AND ETCHERS. First edition. Fine etchings. Half bound, g. e. Imp. 8vo. Macmillan, 1878. 4 4J. 4894. Hamerton (P. G.). ETCHING AND ETCHERS. Another copy. Half bound, uncut. Imp. 8vo. Ib., 1878. 5 2s. 6J. 4895. Hamerton (P. G.). CHAPTERS ON ANIMALS and THE SYLVAN YEAR. 40 fine etchings. 2 vols. Cloth gilt. 1874-6. 1 4896. Hamerton (P. G.). THE ETCHER'S HANDBOOK. Three editions. Plates. 1871-81.- THOUGHTS ABOUT ART. 1873. PORTFOLIO PAPERS. Portrait. Boston, 1889. i2s. 4897. Hamerton (P. G.). OBSERVATIONS ON HERALDRY. 1831. PORTFOLIO PAPERS. Portrait. 1889. THOUGHTS ABOUT ART. 1873. ISLES OF LOCH AWE. 1859. i6j. 4898. Hamerton (P. G.). GRAPHIC ARTS, Thoughts on Art, The Sylvan Year, Unknown River, Chapters on Animals, Wenderholme, Portfolio Papers, Land- scape, and Human Intercourse (the last 2 in sheets). 8 vols. Boston (Mass.), v. d. 12s. 4899. Bartolozzi and His Works. By A. W. Tuer. Plates. 2 vols. Vellum, t. e. g. 1881. i 2s. 4900. Palmer (Samuel). LIFE AND LETTERS. Written and edited by A. H. Palmer. Large paper. Fine proof plates. Only 130 copies printed. Presentation copy. Limp morocco, uncut. 1892. 1 2s. 4901. Palmer (S). AN ENGLISH VERSION OF THE ECLOGUES OF VIRGIL. Large paper. 14 fine proof etchings. Only 135 copies printed. Presentation copy. White boards, uncut. Seeley, 1883. 1 los. 4902. Palmer (S.). THE MINOR POEMS OF JOHN MILTON. Large paper. 12 proof etchings. Only 135 copies printed. Presentation copy. White boards, uncut. //'., 1889. i gs. 4903. Haden (F. Seymour). ABOUT ETCHING, i original etching and 15 facsimiles. Half bound. 1879. 13^. 4904. Encylopaedia Britannica (The). Ninth edition. Numerous illustrations. 25 vols. Half morocco gilt, g. e. 1875-89. ^18 IQJ. 344 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4905. Rayet (O.), et Max Collignon. HISTOIRE DE LA CERAMIQUE GRECQUB. Chromos and woodcuts. Sewed, uncut. Sup. imp. 8vo. Paris, Decaux, 1888. " 4906. Tymms and Wyatt. THE ART OF ILLUMINATING. 91 chromo-lithographs. Cloth gilt (loose). 1860. 15*. 4907. Goya, sa Vie, son CEuvre, et le Catalogue de 1'CEuvre. Par Ch. Yriarte. Numerous illustrations. Sewed, uncut. Paris, Plon, 1867. ids. 4908. Sterne (L.). VOYAGE SENTIMENTAL EN FRANCE ET EN ITALIE, traduction nouvelle de E. Element. Illustrations de M. Leloir. Sewn, uncut. Ib., 1884. lor. 4909. Herkomer (H.). ETCHING AND MEZZOTINT ENGRAVING. 13 etchings. Buck- ram, uncut. 1892. i 3^. 4910. Tuer (A. W.). LONDON CRIES, AND Six CHARMING CHILDREN. Duplicates in red and brown, with 40 other illustrations, proofs. Boards, uncut, n. d. 13^. 4911. Memorial Catalogue of the French and Dutch Loan Collection; Edin- burgh International Exhibition, 1886. Fine etchings and other illustrations, 520 copies printed (No. 112). Buckram, uncut. Edinb., Douglas, 1888. los. 4912. Bibliotheque Internationale de 1'Art. Le Livre des Peintres de C. Van Mander. 2 vols. La Gravure en Italic avant Marc-Antoine par Delaborde. Les Correspondants de Michel- Ange. Tapisseries Broderies, et Dentelles, Le Style Louis XIV. Histoire de 1'Art Byzantine. Claude Lorrain. Book of Fortune, by Jean Cousin. Ghiberti et son Ecole. Les Precurseurs de la Renais- sance; et Les Delia Robbia. Together 12 vols. Numerous illustrations, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1880-90. 2 13^. 4913. Rembrandt, sa Vie, son (Euvre, et son Temps, par E. Michel. 343 repro- ductions of Rembrandt's designs. Sewed, uncut. Paris, Hachette, 1893. ijs. 4914. Yacht (Le) Journal de la Navigation de Plaisance. Numerous illustrations. 12 vols. Half morocco (and various nos. for 1891-2). Paris, 1879-92. 13^. 4915. Loubat (J. F.). MEDALLIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1776-1876. 170 etchings by Jules Jacquemart. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut, t. e. g. New York, published by the Author, 1878. 2 iqs. 4916. Wilson. COLLECTION DE JOHN W. WILSON, exposee dans la Galerie du Cercle Artistique et Litteraire de Bruxelles. 3 e edition. 68 fine etchings. Sewed, uncut. Paris, 1873. i 4917. Hero et Leandre. Poeme nouveau, traduit du Grec. 8 fine coloured plates. Sewed, uncut. Paris, Didot, 1801. i los. 4918. Constable (John). MEMOIRS OF His LIFE. By C. R. Leslie. 2 portraits and plates. Cloth, uncut. 1845. 1 4^- 4919. Artistes Celebres (Les). Biographies, Notices, Critiques, et Catalogues, publics sous la direction de E. Miintz. Numerous illustrations (25). Paris, 1885- 93- ^i u. 4920. Hamerton (P. G.). ETCHING AND ETCHERS. Third edition. Numerous fine etchings. Half roxburghe, uncut. Macmillan, 1880. 2 i6s. 4921. Hamerton ( P. G.). IMAGINATION IN LANDSCAPE PAINTING. Second edition. Fine plates, cloth gilt. Seeley, 1887. its. 4922. Spenser (Edm.). COMPLETE WORKS IN VERSE AND PROSE. Edited by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. Largest paper (only ICO copies printed). 10 vols. (wanting vol. x.). Boards, uncut. Post 410. 1882-4. 3 i&S' BOOK SALES OF 1895. 345 4923. Haden (F. Seymour). ETUDES DE L'EAU FORTE. Avec descriptions par Ph. Burty. 25 fine etchings. Japanese proofs, loose in atlas portfolio. Paris, 1866. ^30. 4924. Gravesande (Ch. de). EAUX-FORTES. 10 fine etchings, mostly proofs before letters, and four extra etchings. Presentation copy from the artist to P. G. Hamerton, with inscription on front. Loose in atlas portfolio. 2 15*. 4925. Fromentin (Eugene). ViNGT-CiNQ DESSINS. Reproduits a 1'Eau-forte par E. L. Montefiore. Texte par Ph. Burty. 25 fine etchings, loose in imperial portfolio. Paris-London, 1877. los. 4926. Hals (Frans). ETCHINGS AFTER. By Prof. Wm. Unger, with notice by C. Vossmaer. 20 fine etchings. Artist's proofs on old Dutch paper. Unbound. Imp. folio. Leiden, Sigthoff, 1873. i los. 4927. George (Ernest). ETCHINGS OK OLD LONDON. Proofs on cardboard, with mounts. Loose in imperial portfolio. F. A. S., 1884. i i8j. 4928. Boucher (Francois). LEMOYNE ET NATOIRE. Par Paul Mantz. Portrait and fine plates. Cloth, uncut. Paris, Quantin, 1880. i gs. 4929. Holbein (Hans). Par Paul Manz. Dessins et gravures sous la direction de E. Lievre. Cloth, uncut. /#., 1879. 1 4930. Habert-Dys. FANTAISIES DECORATIVES. 48 fine coloured plates. Complete in 12 parts. Paris, Rouam, 1886. i 4931. Farren (R.). THE GRANTA AND THE CAM. 36 fine etchings. Proofs on Japanese paper. Loose in half morocco portfolio. Macmillan, 1880. ijs. 4932. Van-Dyck (Ant.). EAUX-FORTES. Reproduces et publiees par Amand-Durand. Texte par G. Duplessis. 21 line etchings. Loose in portfolio. Paris, n. d. i 2s. 4933. Girtin (Thos.). LIBER NATURAE. 12 fine mezzotints, engraved by S. W. Rey- nolds in 1823-4 (but not printed before), and five additional plates. Proofs on plate paper. (Only 100 copies printed, and the plates destroyed.) In portfolio. Haddington, Neill, 1883. 2 6s. 4934. George (Ernest). ETCHINGS ON THE MOSELLE. With descriptive letterpress. 20 fine plates. Autograph letters of the artist inserted. Cloth, gilt. 1873. i 2s. 4935- George (E. ). ETCHINGS ON THE LOIRE, AND IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE. 20 fine plates. Cloth, gilt. 1875. i 2s. 4936. George (E.). ETCHINGS OF VENICE. 12 fine etchings in bistre. Japanese proofs, signed. Only 300 copies printed, and the plates destroyed. Cloth. F. A. S., 1888. i 2s. 4937. Figaro-Salon. Par Albert Wolff. 1885-91. Numerous illustrations, in 7 cloth portfolios. Paris. IO.T. 4938. Hoffbauer (F.). PARIS A TRAVERS LES AGES. Coloured lithographs and numerous other illustrations. Complete in 14 portfolios. Paris, Didot, 1875. i 2s. 4939. L'Eau-Forte, 1874 jusqu'a 1881. 240 fine etchings by various artists. Loose in 8 cloth portfolio. Paris, Cadart. ^4 4?. 4940. Portfolio (The). Edited by P. G. Hamerton. From the commencement in 1870 to 1893, in nos - Numerous etchings, etc. 1870-93. 7 15$. 4941. Hamerton (P. O.). THE GRAPHIC ARTS. Fine etchings, etc., on India paper. Parchment, uncut. Seeley, 1882. 2 IQS. 346 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4942. Hamerton (P. G. ). MAN IN ART. Large paper. 46 plates. Japanese paper proofs. Vellum, uncut. Macmillan, 1892. 3 4943. Hamerton (P. G. ). LANDSCAPE. Large paper. India proofs of the original etchings, and other illustrations. Vellum, uncut. Seeley, 1885. 2 45. 4944. Hamerton (P. G.). IMAGINATION IN LANDSCAPE PAINTING. Many illustra- tions. Large paper proofs. Only 75 copies printed. (No. 2.) Half morocco. Seeley, 1887. i 4945. L'Art. REVUE HEBDOMADAIRE ILLUSTRE. Numerous fine etchings and other illustrations. 50 vols. Half morocco (and Vols. XLI.-XLIV. in Nos. ). Paris, 1875-95. 13 SS- 4946. Cervantes. DON QUICHOTTE DE LA MANCHE. Traduction de Louis Viardot. Dessins de Gustave Dore. 2 vols. Cloth. Paris, Hachette, 1863. i 4*. 4947. Dante. L'ENFER. Traduction Franchise avec le Texte Italien. Dessins de G. Dore. Cloth. /., 1861. i 4948. Daubigny. VOYAGE EN BATEAU. Croquis a 1'eau-forte par Daubigny. 16 etchings. Cloth. Paris, 1862. 13*. 4949. Turner (J. M. W.). HARBOURS OF ENGLAND. With illustrative text by J. Ruskin. 12 fine plates. Cloth. Gambart and Co. gs. 4950. Reid (Geo.). THE RIVER TWEED AND THE RIVER CLYDE. 28 reproductions in facsimile of the originals by Amand-Durand. 2 vols. Cloth. Edin., 1884-6. iij. 4951. Reid (Geo.). THE RIVER CLYDE. 12 reproductions in facsimile of the original drawings. Vellum proofs. Half morocco. Edin., 1886. i$s. 4952. Drawings by the Italian Masters. Reproduced in autotypy from the originals. \VithCriticalNotesbyJ.ComynsCarr. 13 plates. Half morocco. Atlas fol., 1887. 14$. 4953. Hole (Wm.). QUASI CURSORES. Portraits of the high officers and professors of Edinburgh University. 50 fine etched portraits. Proofs. (One of 100 copies.) Half vellum, uncut. Edin., Constable, 1884. i is. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE PUBLISHED WORKS OF THE LATE PHILIP GILBERT HAMERTON, ESQ. 4954. French and English. A Comparison. (826 folios.) Macmillan, 1889. i los. 4955. Life of J. M. W. Turner. In French. (260 folios.) 1885. 2 4956. Landscape. (1,279 folios.) Seeley, 1885. i 15*. 4957. Human Intercourse. (680 folios.) On tracing paper. Macmillan. 1884. i. 4958. Man in Art. The original MS., the type-written copy, and a printed copy in sheets. (No plates.) Macmillan, 1892. 13*. 4959. The Intellectual Life. ^3 3-r. 4960. The Graphic Arts. (762 folios), and the original proof sheets. Seeley, 1882. i i*. 4961. The Saone Voyage. Clean part of MS. on tracing paper. 8s. 4962. The Etchings of Rembrandt. From the "Portfolio." (104 folios), and a number of impressions of Mr. Hamerton's ex-libris. 4 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 347 SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Messrs. Hodgson, December A,th, 5 th, and 6th, 1895. 4963. Parker's Glossary of Architecture. Plates and cuts. 3 vols. Cloth. 1845-6. 1 *s- 4964. Ecclesiologist (The). Published by the Cambridge Camden Society. Plates. 29 vols. in 30. Cloth boards. 1843-68. ^3 4965. GuillimQ.). DISPLAY OF HERALDRY. 6th edition. Numerous plates of arms (title mounted and slightly soiled). Calf neat. 1724. i us. 4966. Whitaker. HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF LEEDS, including Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, also Aredale, Wharfdale, Vale of Gaidar, Loidis, Elmete, etc. With Appendix, Genealogical Tables, and numerous fine engravings. 3 vols. Royal folio. Boards, uncut. Appendix. Sewed. 1816-20. i I4J. 4967. Hunter (Rev. J.). SOUTH YORKSHIRE. HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF THE DEANERY OF DONCASTER. Coloured map and fine engravings. 2 vols. (vol. i. has a few pages stained). Half bound. 1828-31. 410*. 4968. Secretan. Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Paintings by Modern and Old Masters, and of Water-colours and Drawings formed by Mr. E. Secretan, with Prices. Etchings and other illustrations. 2 vols. Paris, 1889. i I2s. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Messrs. Hodgson, December nth, nth, and i$th, 1895. 4969. Froude (R. H.). REMAINS. 4 vols. Cloth. 1838-9. 2 los. 4970. Curtis (J.). BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY. Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects in Great Britain. 770 coloured plates. 16 vols. Royal 8vo. Boards. 1829-39. 10 4971. Lang(H. C.). BUTTERFLIES OF EUROPE. 82 coloured plates. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1884. i i3j. 4972. Lives of the Saints. 51 full-page miniatures in gold and colours, and woodcut borders (front loose), purple velvet binding and gilt mounts. Hotten, 1869. ,2 17 s. 4973. Legend of St. Ursula. Illuminated miniatures and woodcut borders, purple silk binding. Hotten, 1869. 2 4974. Moore (F.). LEPIDOPTERA OF CEYLON. 215 coloured plates. 3 vols. 1880-87. 10 4975. Perry (G. ). CONCHOLOGY. 6 1 coloured plates. Boards, uncut. 1811. 15.5-. 4976. Gould (J.). BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA. Beautifully coloured plates. Supplement parts I, 2, and 3. Boards. 1851-9. 10 los. 4977. Gould (J.). MONOGRAPH OF THE TROCHILID^ OR HUMMING BIRDS. Coloured plates. Parts 9 and 10. Boards. 1855. 13^. 4978. Gould (J.). BIRDS OF ASIA. Coloured plates. Part 9. Boards. 1857. i is. 348 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 4979. Adam Bede. By George Eliot. First edition (slightly soiled). 3 vols. Calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. 1859. l 4980. Shakespeare (W.). WORKS. The Cambridge Edition. Edited by Aldis Wright. 40 vols. Imp. 8vo. On handmade paper (only 500 printed). Cloth uncut. 1893-5. 6 4981. Holy Bible. THE SPEAKER'S COMMENTARY. Edited by Canon Cook. Complete in 1 1 vols. Cloth. 1871-81. ^44^- 4982. Sowerby. ENGLISH BOTANY ; or, Coloured Figures of British Plants, with Descriptions by Sir J. E. Smith. Fine coloured plates. 3rd edition. 7 vols. Cloth. 1849. 2 4r. 4983. Malory (Syr Thos.). LE MORTE D'ARTHUR, from Caxton's Original, by Sommer. With Essay by Lang. 3 vols. in 4. Boards, uncut (only 108 copies printed). 1889-91. i 4*. SALE OF THE LIBRARY OF REV. DR. J. GRIFFITH, AND OTHER PROPERTIES. Messrs. Sotheby and Co., December 2yd and 2$th, 1895. 4984. Clutterbuck(R.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF HERTFORD. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 1815-27. j 4985. Lodge (E.). PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN, with Memoirs. 80 Nos. bound in 13 vols. Cloth. Imp. 8vo. 1829-35. ,3 IQS. 4986. Atkyns (Sir R. ). ANCIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Map and plates. Calf. 1760. ^5 2s. 6d. 4987. Dugdale (Sir W.). ANTIQUITIES OF WARWICKSHIRE, augmented and con- tinued by W. Thomas. 2 vols. Maps and plates, calf. 1730. 16 los. 4988. Etchings. COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL ETCHINGS, by Beza, Claude, Ruysdael, and others. 200 etchings, half bound. 1816. i i$s. 4989. Ruskin (J. ). MODERN PAINTERS. 6 vols. Large paper. Illustrations, uncut. Orpington, 1888. 6 4990. Scrope (W. ). ART OF DEER-STALKING. Illustrations, half calf, scarce. 1839. * !& 4991. Thousand and One Days. Persian Tales. Edited by J. H. McCarthy. 2 vols. Frontispiece. Large paper edition. Only 50 copies printed, boards. 1892. 15*. 4992. Terentius. LES COMEDIES DE TERENCE, avec le texte Latin a cote et des notes par 1'Abbe le Monnier. 3 vols. Papier de Hollande. Plates after Cochin, original calf. Paris, 1771. iQ-f- 4993. Stevenson (R. L.). VIRGINIBUS PUERISQUE, and other Papers. First edition. 1881. 2 3s. 4994. Lever (C.). FORTUNES OF GLENCORE First edition. 3 vols. 1857. 2 4*- 4995. Pater (Walter). APPRECIATIONS, with an Essay on Style. 1889. IMAGINARY PORTRAITS. 1887. Uncut. 2 vols. i6j. 4996. Hunt (L. ). THE TOWN, ITS MEMORABLE CHARACTERS AND EVENTS. First edition. 2 vols. 45 illustrations. 1848. i8j. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 349 4997. Hunt (L.). JAR OF HONEY FROM MOUNT HYBLA. First edition. Illustrations by R. Doyle. Original fancy boards, g. e. 1848. IQJ. 4998. Hunt (L.). MEN, WOMEN, AND BOOKS. 2 vols. First edition. Portrait. 1847. J 5-f- 4999. King (D.). VALE-ROYALL OF ENGLAND, or the County Palatine of Chester. Illustrated. First edition. Plates, old calf (rebacked), poor copy, sold not subject to return. 1656. i $s. 5000. Brees (S. C.). PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF NEW ZEALAND. India proofs. 1847. I 4 J - 5001. Cupid (The). A COLLECTION OF LOVE SONGS. Second edition. With an addition of near a hundred songs. 2 sets of plates. Bluemor., extra. J. Osborn, 1739. i us. 5002. Dobson (Austin). BALLAD OF BEAU BROCADE and other Poems of the XVIIIth Century. 5 illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Large paper. Japanese proofs. Buckram, uncut. Royal 8vo. Kegan Paul, 1892. 13^. 5003. Dobson. CORIDON'S SONG, and other Verses, from various sources, with intro- duction by A . Dobson. Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Large paper. Buckram, uncut. Royal 8vo. Macmillan, 1894. 8s. 5004. Gaskell (Mrs.). CRANFORD, with preface by A. Thackeray Ritchie. Illustra- tions by Hugh Thomson. Large paper. Buckram, uncut. Royal 8vo. //;., 1891. 175. 5005. Mitford (M. R.). OUR VILLAGE. Introduction by A. Thackeray Ritchie. 100 illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Large paper. Buckram, uncut. Royal 8vo. Ib., 1893. I2J-. 5006. Blew (W. C. A.). BRIGHTON AND ITS COACHES. 20 illustrations by J. and G. Temple, coloured by hand. Uncut. Royal 8vo. Nimmo, 1894. 13^. 5007. Walton and Cotton. COMPLETE ANGLER, with original Memoirs and Notes by Sir H. Nicolas. Second edition. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. Half mor., gilt, t. e. g., other edges uncut. Imp. 8vo. Nattali, 1860. 1 5008. Barker. LAND AND SEA TALES. First edition. Illustrations by George Cruik- shank. 2 vols. Original cloth. E. Wilson, 1836. 151. 5009. Barker. TOUGH YARNS. First edition. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. Original cloth. Ib., 1835. gs. 5010. Hooton (Chas.). COLIN CLINK. Illustrations by George Cruikshank and John Leech. 3 vols. Calf extra, t. e. g. , other edges uncut, original cloth, covers bound in, by Riviere. Scarce. R. Bentley, 1841. i $s. 5011. Blake (W.). WORKS, with Memoir, etc., by E. J. Ellis and W. B. Yeats. 3 vols. Plates. Half morocco, g. t. Imp. 8vo. 1893. 2 los. 5012. Emerson (R. W.). ENGLISH TRAITS. First edition. Original cloth. Boston, 1856. us. 5013. Hawthorne (Nat.). MOSSES FROM AN OLD MANSE. Both parts. First edition. Original cloth. New York, 1846. us. 5014. Bale (Bp. J.). BREFE CHRONYCI.E concerning the examination and death of the Blessed martir of Christ, Sir John Oldecastell the Lord Cobham. Black letter. Half morocco. A. Scoloker and W. Seres, n. d. 1 8s. 5015. Coleridge (S. T.). LITERARY REMAINS, collected and edited by H. N. Cole- ridge. 4 vols. uncut. Pickering, 1836-9. i 3SO BOOK SALES OF 1895. 5016. Pickering's Diamond Editions. VIRGILIUS. Morocco, g. e. 1821. HOMERUS GREECE. 2 vols. Uncut. 1831. HORATIUS. Uncut. 1826. Another copy. Morocco, g. e. 1820. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GR^ECUM. Morocco, g. e. 1828. PETRARCHA. 1822. 7 vols. i IQS. 5017. Orpheus. MYSTICAL HYMNS, translated by T. Taylor. Half morocco, t. e. g. Chiswick, 1824. us. 5018. Apuleius. METAMORPHOSIS, or Golden Ass and Philosophical Works, translated by T. Taylor. 1822. Political Fragments of Archytas, Charondas, Zaleucus, etc., translated by T. Taylor. Chiswick, 1822. Half bound. In I vol. i6j. 5019. Plotinus' Select Works. Translated by T. Taylor. Boards, uncut. 1817. Plato's Cratylus, Phsedo, Parmenides, and Timaeus, translated by T. Taylor. Half calf. 1793. 2 vols. i %s. 5020. Schliemann (H.). ILIOS. THE CITY AND COUNTRY OF THE TROJANS. About 1, 800 illustrations. 1880. i6s. 5021. Donovan (E.). NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH FISHES. 5 vols. Coloured plates. Calf. 1802-8. i6s. 5022. Wordsworth (W.) and S. T. Coleridge. LYRICAL BALLADS. First edition. 1798. 2 us. 5023. Lamb (C.). TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE. Second edition. 2 vols. Plates by W. Blake. Calf gilt. 1809. 1 $s. 5024. Dickens (Chas.). MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by "Boz." 2 vols. First edition. Portrait, and plates by G. Cruikshank. Tree calf extra, uncut, g. t. 1838. 2 us. 5025. Arabian Nights. Translated with Notes by Sir R. Burton. 10 vols. 1885. SUPPLEMENTAL NIGHTS, with Notes. 6 vols. 1886-88. 16 vols. 26 5026. Stevenson (R. L.). VIRGINIBUS PUERISQUE. First edition. Original cloth. 1881. 2 $s. 5027. Bridges (R.). POEMS. First edition. Original cloth. Pickering, 1873. 2 5028. Boccaccio (G.). THE DECAMERON. Translated by John Payne. Illustrated by Louis Chalon. 2 vols. Japanese vellum paper (only 174 copies printed), uncut. Lawrence and Bullen, 1893. 4 $s. 5029. Straparola. THE NIGHTS. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. Illustrated by E. R. Hughes. 2 vols. Japanese vellum paper (only 210 copies printed). Boards, uncut. lb., 1894. 2 i8s. 5030. Davenport (J.). CURIOSITATES EROTICA PHYSIOLOGIC ; or Tabooed Subjects freely treated. Half bound. Privately printed, 1875. ijs. 5031. Davenport (J.). APHRODISIACS AND ANTI-APHRODISIACS. Plates. Half bound. lb., 1869. 15.?. 5032. Laud (Archbp. Wm.). Speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber on Wednesday, June XIV., 1637, at the Censure of Bastwick, Burton, and Prynne. First edition, with the dedication of which it is said only 25 copies were printed. Half bound. R. Badger, 1637. >* I ^- IT Presentation copy with the author's inscription on fly-leaf, " FOR DR. STERNE," and "ex dotio Reverendissimi Anthoris " in Dr. Sterne's handwriting. Dr. Sterne was Laud's Chaplain and afterwards Archbishop of York. 5033. Daniel (W. B.). RURAL SPORTS. 3 vols. Large paper. Plates. Russia, m. e. 1805. SUPPLEMENT. Small paper. Calf, m. e. 1813. i i2s. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 351 5034. Thackeray. THE CORSAIR ; a Gazette of Literature, Art, Dramatic Criticism, Fashion and Novelty. Complete set from commencement, March 1 6, 1839, to March 7, 1840. Publishers' half calf. ,15 15^. 11 Excessively rare. Contains a number of original contributions by W. M. Thackeray. A copy, wanting the first eleven numbers, recently sold in New York for $137. SALE OF A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF W. PENNANT, ESQ., ETC. Messrs. Piittick and Simpson, December nth, \~zth, and i~$th, 1895. 5035. Lever (C. ). CHARLES O'MALLEY. 2 vols. First edition. Plates by Phiz, green cloth. Dublin, 1841. i los. 5036. Taylor (T., Platonist). SELECT WORKS OF PLOTINUS, ARISTOTLE. 2 vols. PLATO. TREATISES OF PROCLUS, etc. Together, 8 vols. v. y. 2 ioj. 5037. Peel (Sir R.). SPEECHES. 4 vols. Cf. 1853. ERSKINE'S SPEECHES. 5 vols. 1810. WINDHAM'S SPEECHES IN PARLIAMENT. 3 vols. Halfbd. 1812. i8s. 5038. Dieffenbach's Travels in New Zealand. 2 vols. 1843. 15^. 5039. Blades (W.). THE ENEMIES OF BOOKS. First edition. Plates. Presentation copy from the author. 1880. iu. 5040. Bourrienne's Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 vols. Portraits, maps, and plates, half bound. 1836. i 6s. 5041. Walton (Iz.). LIVES OF DONNE, WOTTON, HOOKER, AND HERBERT. Portrait (presentation copy, "for ye Lord Maynard," Iz. Wafjton]). Old calf. 1675. 5 5*- 5042. Sander (F. ). REICHENBACHIA : ORCHIDS, illustrated and described. The Imperial edition, of which only 100 copies were printed, the plates retouched by the Artist, and mounted on cardboard. 4 vols. (Vol. I., morocco extra, g. e., by Zaehnsdorf, remainder in 36 parts.) 1888-94. 2 3 IOS - 5043. Jones (Owen). A Collection of 50 full-sized original Drawings, by Owen Jones, highly finished in colours, being chiefly designs for Carpets, etc. In a vol. Half morocco, elephant folio. 2 12s. 5044. Vander Meulen et Bonnart. SIEGES, ETC., OF Louis XIV. Fine portrait of the King, and folding plates. Atlas folio. 2 5045. La Fontaine. LES AMOURS DE PSYCHE ET DE CUPIDON AVEC LE POEME D' ADONIS. Portrait by Rigaud, and fine plates by Moreau. Grand papier, half russia, uncut (one plate wanting, sold, w. a. f. ). Paris, 1787. i 5046. Miller (Wm.). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF BRITISH CHARACTERS, recently deceased. One of 25 copies on large paper. 2 vols. Boards, elephant folio. 1826. i2s. 5047. Mather (Cotton). MAGNALIA CHRISTI AMERICANA ; or, the Ecclesiastical History of New England. Map, calf. 1702. 6 5048. Basse (W.). POETICAL WORKS. Edited with notes by R. W. Bond. Large paper (one of 25 copies printed). 1893. 17^. 352 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 5049. Gronow (Capt.). REMINISCENCES AND RECOLLECTIONS. 2 vols. Plates in two states (limited no. printed). 1889. i 145. 5050. Doran (Dr.). " THEIR MAJESTIES SERVANTS." 2 vols. Portraits, calf. 1864. * 16*. 5051. Jameson (Mrs. ). SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART. Fourth edition. LEGENDS OF THE MONASTIC ORDERS. Third edition. And LEGENDS OF THE MADONNA. Third edition. Numerous illustrations, hf. mor., t. e. g. 1863-4. 3 I 4 J - 5052. Jameson. HISTORY OF OUR LORD. 2 vols. Illustrated, cl. 1864. 2 2 *- 5053. Crowe and Cavalcaselle's New History of Painting in Italy. 3 vols. Plates, half calf, gilt. 1864. 6. 5054. Ellis (F. S.). LEXICAL CONCORDANCE TO THE POETICAL WORKS OF P. B. SHELLEY. Half bd., imp. 8vo. 1892. ioj. 5055. Jonson (Ben). WORKS, with Memoir by Gifford, introduction and appendices by Lieut. -Col. F. Cunningham. 9 vols. Cloth. Bickers, 1875. 2 4s. 5056. Boaden's Memoirs of J. P. Kemble. 2 vols. Portrait, calf. 1825. 6s. 5057. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. Vols. i 25 (wanting vol. 24), and duplicate vols. 14, 15, 16, 19, and 22. 1869-93. 44*- 5058. Holtzapffel on Turning. 3 vols. Cloth. 1852-50 ; and 2 catalogues, diagrams, etc. i is. 5059. Liechtenstein (Princess Marie). HOLLAND HOUSE. 2 vols. Large paper. Numerous illustrations. Half mor. 1874. 1 i6s. 5060. Orleans Gallery. GALERIE LITHOGRAPHIEE DE SON ALTESSE ROYALE LE Due D'ORLEANS. Lithographs on India paper. 2 vols. Crimson mor. extra, double with white watered silk and broad inner borders of gold (a few plates slightly spotted). Paris, s. d. ^3 I2s. 6d. 5061. Gruner (Lewis). SPECIMENS OF ORNAMENTAL ART. Coloured lithographs (a few slightly spotted). Half mor. extra, g. e. ; also vol. of Explanatory Text and additional plates, by E. Braun. Atlas folio, and 410. 1850. 3 15*. 5062. Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum, by Coley, Ellis, and Bandinel. Plates. 8 vols. Half morocco, t. e. g. (a few plates rather spotted). Bohn, 1846. i5 ioj. 5063. Statutes of the Realm, from original Records and Authentic MSS. Printed by command. II vols. in 12 (including the two Indices). Half russia, uncut. 1810-28. 5 ss. 5064. Gerarde (John). THE HERBALL, or Generall Historic of Plantes. Engraved title (mounted) and woodcuts. Half calf. 1636. 2 i6s. 5065. Hall's Baronial Halls and Picturesque Edifices of England. Lithographs. 2 vols. Half morocco, n. d. i 8s. 5066. Hooker and Greville. ICONES FILICUM. Figures and Descriptions of Ferns. Coloured plates. 2 vols. Half russia (one cover loose). 1831. i 8s. 5067. Loftie (W. J.). THE INNS OF COURT AND CHANCERY. Illustrations by H. Railton (i of 100 copies on large paper). Cloth. 1893. t 5068. Hall (S. C.). THE ROYAL GALLERY OF BRITISH ART. Fine plates on India paper. 4 vols. Half morocco, g. e. n. d. i ijs. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 353 5069. Waring (J. B.). MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART AND SCULPTURE AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. Coloured plates. 3 vols. Crimson mor. extra, with borders of gold, g. e., by Hayday. Fine copy. 1863. 2 2s. 5070. Ovide. LES METAMORPHOSES, traduites en Vers avec des Remarques et des Notes par M. Desaintange. Portrait and fine plates by Eisen, Monnet, Moreau, Boucher, etc. 4 vols. Calf gilt (backs rubbed). Fine impressions of the plates. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1808. i i8s. 5071. McCarthy (Justin). HISTORY OF OUR OWN TIMES, 4 vols. Cloth. 1880. * 5072. Magazine of Art, from the commencement, 1878 to 1887 inclusive. Numerous illustrations. 10 vols. Cloth, g. e. 1878-87. 2 5073. Longstaffe (W. H.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE PARISH OF DAR- LINGTON. Pedigrees and plates. Russia. 1854. i 5074. Hutchinson (W.). HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND, with Bio- graphical Notes. Maps and plates. 2 vols. Calf. 1794. 3 15^. 5075. Allen (Thos.). HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF YORK. Fine India proof plates. 3 vols. Half calf. 1828. 1 4^. 5076. Palmer (C. J.). PERLUSTRATION OF GREAT YARMOUTH, with Gorleston and Southtown. Maps and plates. 3 vols. Cloth, uncut. 1872. i 13^. 5077. Young (Arthur). TOUR IN IRELAND, with General Observations on the Present State of that Kingdom. Plates. Half calf. 1780. i 5078. Campbell (Ld. Archibald). RECORDS OF ARGYLL. Legends, Traditions, and Recollections of Argyllshire Highlanders, Antiquities of Dress, Clans, Tartans, etc. Fine plates. 1885. i 6s. 5079. Drayton (Michael). POLY-OLBION. A Chorographical description of all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, and other parts of Great Britain. Engraved maps. Calf. 1622. g 5,?. 5080. Hutchinson (W.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. Maps and plates. 3 vols. Boards, uncut. 1823. 2 los. 5081. Chodowiecki. A Collection of 325 plates by Chodowiecki and Penzel, and a number of Miscellaneous Engravings, mounted in a volume. Half calf. ^4 8s. 5082. Vernon Gallery (The) of British Art. Plates. Lettered proofs on India paper. 5 vols. 1849-53. ' 2 5083. Vernon Gallery (The) of British Art. Proofs before letters. 5 vols. 1849-53. 3 ioj. 5084. Smith (Lt.-Col. Hamilton). ORIGINAL DRAWINGS OF LAND AND WATER BIRDS. Several hundred water-colour drawings, in II vols. Half morocco. Imp. 410. 11 us. 5085. Pennant (Thomas). SOME ACCOUNT OF LONDON. Plates. Largest paper. Half morocco. 1805. i ios. 5086. Weinmann (J. W.). TAALRYK REGISTER DER PLAAT-OFTE FIGUUR Beschry- vingen der Bloemdragende Gewassen. Portraits printed in blue, Illuminated Dedication and 1,205 beautiful hand-coloured plates of plants. 8 vols. Con- temporary calf with centre ornaments, and borders of gold. Fine copy. Amster- dam, 1739-48. 4 ioj. 5087. Caricatures by Gillray, Austin, Bunbury, etc. Half bound, oblong. .3 IO.T. A A 354 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 5088. Vanity Fair, and Vanity Fair Album, from 1869 to 1892. Numerous coloured caricature portraits. In 20 vols. Half morocco and cloth, also some duplicate vols. and a few nos. (sold not subject to return). ,1 is. 5089. Ovid. P. OVIDII NASONIS FASTORUM LIBRI. Engraved title printed in red and black, and woodcuts. Seven pages embellished with borders, elaborately painted in colours. Venitiis, 1520. EPISTOL^E HEROIDES. Engraved title and woodcuts. 1524. LIBRI DE TRISTIBUS. Woodcuts. 1511. In one volume. Calf. 2 gs. SALE OF BOOKS BELONGING TO A. YOUNG, ESQ., AND A GENTLEMAN. Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, December i6M, 17 th, and \%th, 1895. 11 An interesting sale. Many of the items consisted of early seventeenth century first editions of English poets and dramatists. At the prices at which these were sold I should think that the buyers obtained them cheap. If the sums were doubled they would more nearly represent the true values. Some rare Americana are worth noting. It is interesting also to compare the falling off in the prices of some of these latter. Large paper modern books were, as usual, at a discount ; as were also early editions of the classics. 5090. A'Beckett (G. A.). THE COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Coloured plates and woodcuts by Leech. First edition. 2 vols. Original cloth. 1847. i is. 5091. Aldine. VALERIUS FLACCUS. First Aldine edition. Calf. Venet. 1523. 6s. IT The Syston Park copy sold for 3 5*. 5092. Aldine. URBANI INSTITUTIONES GRAMMATICS IN LINGUAM GRSCUM. Old green morocco extra, gilt edges, Aldine device in gold. Venet. Aldus, 1557. i6s. H Sir M. Sykes' copy sold for 4. 145. 5093. Almanacks for 1687, 8, 90, 91, 96 ; 1702, 4, 6, 9, 10, n, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 32 to 38, 40 to 62, 66, 71, 75 to 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 92, 97, 98 ; 1814 to 1830, 1836 to 1851, by Dove, Pond, Andrews, Tanner, Woodward, Partridge, Gadbury, Strutt, Coley, Parker, Pearse, Salmon, J. Fisher, Redman, Moore, Bickerstaffe, and others, bound in 109 vols. Mostly in old morocco bindings. 3 $s. IT In the above Collection will be found The Protestant Almanack, The Ladies' Diary, English Chapman and Travellers' Almanack, News from the Stars, Poor Robin, Vox Stellarum, Telescopium Anglicanum, Apollo Anglicanus, and many others. 5094. America. AN IMPARTIAL ENQUIRY INTO THE STATE AND UTILITY OF GEORGIA, 1741 ; a State in the Province of Georgia, 1742 ; Account of the Causes that have retarded the Progress of Georgia, 1743. i 4J. 5095. America. TORRES RUBIO (DIEGO DE) ARTE DE LA LENGUA QUICHUA (some 11. wormed, but text only slightly injured). Vellum. Lima, J. Lasso, 1619. i us. 5096. America. MATHER (COTTON). THE LIFE AND DEATH OF MR. JOHN ELIOT, first preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. Half morocco. I2mo. J. Dunton, 1691. \ js. 5097. America. STEPHENS'S PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY FOR 1796, or Alphabetical Arrangement, containing the Names, Occupation, and Places of Abode of the BOOK SALES OF 1895. 355 Citizens, with names of streets, topographical description of Philadelphia, etc., sheep. Philadelphia, T. Stephens, South Second Street, 1796. i 14^. U Extremely rare and probably the earliest Post Office Directory published in Philadelphia. 5098. Aubrey (J.). NATURAL HISTORY OF SURREY. 5 vols. Plates. (One of the early copies, without the plates at pp. 125 and 152.) Old calf. 1719. j js. 5099. Brandt (S.). QUADRAGESIMALE DE FILIO PRODIGO. Gothic letter. First edition. Many large woodcuts, illustrating the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Old morocco gilt. (Wants leaf A I.) Basil, 1494. i 5100. Brantome. MEMOIRES, contenans les Vies des Dames Galantes. 2 vols. Olive morocco, g. e. I2mo. A Leyde, chea Jean Sambix, 1666. 14^. 5101. Carew (Bampfylde Moore). LIFE AND ADVENTURES, as related by himself ; his passage to the Plantations of America. First edition. Portrait added. Blue morocco. Gilt edges. Scarce. Oxon., 1745. 14^. 5102. Curtwright (W.). COMEDIES, Tragi comedies, with other Poems. Portrait. (Some headlines cut into. ) Old calf. 1651. iu. 5103. Castiglione (B.). LE PARFAIT COURTISAN. Fine copy. Calf extra. Lyon, 1580. 6s. II The Turner copy sold for ^3 35-. 5104. Cazotte (J.) LE DIABI.E AMOUREUX. Large thick paper. Portraits and plates. Red morocco extra. Paris, 1878. Qs. 5105. Chauncey (Maurice). HISTORIA MARTYRII ANGLORUM SUB REGE HENRICO VIII. Engraved title and plates. (Two parts out of three. ) Red morocco, s. 1., 1608. us. 11 One of the rarest accounts of the sufferings of the English Catholics. Williams' copy of the three parts sold for 6 8s. 5106. A Perfite Looking Glasse for all Estates. English from the Latin of H. Wolfius, by T. Forrest. Black letter. (Title and leaf mounted.) Calf. Rare. 1580. 12s. 5107. Alberti Magn> Theologicae Veritatis Compendium. Ab Alexandra de Ales editum. First edition. Gothic letter. Fine large copy in the original stamped Venetian binding (much worn), with the rare blank leaf A I. Venetiis, Christo- phorus Arnoldus, 1476. i If Probably the rarest of all the works of Alexander Hales, surnamed "the irre- fragable Doctor," unknown to Lowndes or Brunei. The Syston Park copy sold for ^5 I2s. 6d. 5108. Alexander (Wm. of Menstrie). A PARAENENSIS TO THE PRINCE. (Wanting Sig. M.). Calf gilt. 1604. 2 los. 5109. America. HISTORY OF THE BRITISH PLANTATIONS IN AMERICA. Part L, containing the History of Virginia (all published). Maps, 1738. REASONS FOR ESTABLISHING THE COLONY OF GEORGIA. Frontispiece and Map. 1733. In I vol., half calf. 5 2s. 6d. 5110. America. THE TRYAL OF JOHN PETER ZENGER OF NEW YORK, Printer, for publishing a Libel against the Government. 1738. i Zs. 5111. America. THE AFRICAN TRADE, the great Pillar and Support of the British Plantation Trade in America, 1745. THE IMPORTANCE OF SUPPORTING THE ROYAL AFRICAN COMPANY, with reference to the Colonies and Plantations in America. Maps. 1745. i izj. 356 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 5112. America. A DESCRIPTION OF THE SPANISH SETTLEMENTS ON THE COAST OF THE WEST INDIES. 32 maps and plans by T. Jeffreys, some coloured. Unbound. 1762. i 4J. 5113. America. AN ACCOUNT OF THE FIRST DISCOVERY AND NATURAL HISTORY OF FLORIDA. By W. Roberts. Maps (one wanting). Unbound. 1763. 2 5114. America. ACCOUNT OF THE EXPEDITION AGAINST THE OHIO INDIANS IN 1764. Map, coloured plans and plates, unbound. Philadelphia (London reprinted). 1766. 1 igs. 5115. Ames (J.). TYPOGRAPHICAL ANTIQUITIES, or the History of Printing in England. New edition, by T. F. Dibclin. Largest paper. 4 vols. Portraits and facsimiles. Halfrussia. Imp. 410. 1810-19. g 15.?. 5116. Augustinus (S.). DE DISCIPLINA CRISTIANA. Gothic letter. Fine copy. Boards, rare. s. 1. et. a. ios. IT Lettered on side, " Moguntioe, P. Schoeffer, circa 1468." 5117. Beaumont and Fletcher. THE SCORNFULL LADY. Calf extra (some margins cut close). 1616. 2 5118. Beaumont and Fletcher. THE SCORNFULL LADY, 1651 ; CUPID'S REVENGE. 1630. 3 3j. 5119. Behn (Aphra). THE DUTCH LOVER, a Comedy. 1673. 2 2s 5120. Behn (Aphra). THE FEIGNED CURTIZANS, or a Night's Intrigue. 1679. 1 ios. 5121. Blake (William). A SERIES OF BALLADS. 4 parts, with plates by Blake (? large paper). Original wrappers, uncut, very rare. Chichester, 1802. ios. 5122. Blundevill (Thos.). ARTE OF RYDYNGE, AND OF HORSES BITTES. Black letter. Woodcut title and woodcuts. Calf, rare. W. Seres. 1565. 2 ios. 5123. Bodoni Press. MUS.-EUS, HERO ET LEANDER, GREECE. Large paper. Fine copy. Yellow morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by Walther, with his ticket. Parma, 1793. ioj. 5124. [Centlivre (S.)]. LOVE'S CONTRIVANCE, or Le Me'decin malgre lui, 1703; B. (G.). LOVE THE LEVELLER. 1704. 14^-. 5125. America. THE LAWES OF VIRGINIA NOW IN FORCE. Collected out of the Assembly Records, Revised and confirmed by the Grand Assembly at James City. 1662. Bound up in a volume with several Trials, etc. relating to Titus Gates, Lord Danby, etc. Calf. ^25 ios, 5126. Angling. BLOME (R.). GENTLEMAN'S RECREATION, ON FISHING, FOWLING, etc. First edition. Frontispiece and many plates and woodcuts. Brown calf. Sold, as usual, not subject to return. 1686. ^4 $s. 5127. Atkyns (Sir R.). ANCIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Second edition. Large paper. Plates, calf gilt by Zaehnsdorf. 1768. 5 5128. Baker (G.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. 2 vols. Plates. Half boards. 1822. j 5129. Binding. BIBLIA SACRA. Vulgate Eclitionis. Sixti V. Pont Max. recognita atque edita. Engraved title. Old red morocco, richly tooled and gilt, with arms of a Cardinal on sides, and coroneted mitre in corners. Antverpise, ex. off. Plantiniana, 1631. i IO.T. 5130. Binding. BEDA (YEN.). HISTORL-E ECCLESIASTICS GENTIS ANGLORUM ET ANGLO-SAXONICS LEGES. De Thou's copy. Calf, gilt, with his arms on sides, and monogram. Camb., 1644. IOS - BOOK SALES OF 1895. 357 5131. Bloch (M. E.). ICHTYOLOGIE OU HlSTOIRE NATURELLE DES POISSONS. 12 parts in 6 vols. Coloured plates (binding broken). Berlin, 1875-79. ^3 15^. 5132. Bridges (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, by the Rev. P. Whalley. 2 vols. Portraits and plates (margins of some plates torn). Half bound. Oxford, 1791. s 2s - d. 5133. Britton (J.). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL. Largest paper. Proofs and etchings on India paper. Half morocco. 1829. i 4-f- 5134. Cruikshank (G.). CARICATURES illustrating the Trial of Queen Caroline and doings of Bergami, with Satirical Verses. 51 plates, oblong. These prints were rigidly suppressed. G. Humphrey, 1821. i IQS. 5135. Cotton (C.). MIRROUR OF MARTYRS. First edition. Citron morocco extra, gilt edges. 1631. 6s. 5136. Cotton (C.) THE PLANTER'S MANUAL. First edition. Front., old calf. 1675. i 4J. 5137. Cruikshank (G.). COMIC ALMANACKS for 1849 and 1851. Plates (one coloured) and cuts by G. Cruikshank. Original wrappers. 85. 5138. Cruikshank (G.). THE GREEKS AND THE PIGEONS. 2 vols. in i. Original edition. Coloured plates by G. Cruikshank. Half calf. 1817. 195-. 5139. Dickens (C.). SUNDAY UNDER THREE HEADS. Original edition (a few MS. notes in margins). 1836. 7 5140. Dickens (C.). SKETCHES BY Boz. No. i. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Original issue, Pictorial wrapper. 1837. 9 J - 5141. Elzevir. JUSTIN us. Fine copy. Red morocco extra, double with green silk. g. e., by Derome. Lugd. Bat., 1640. i is. IT System Park copy sold for $ $s. 5142. Euripidis Electra. Gr. et Lat. Vellum. Rare. s. 1. et a., 1546. 14^. IT First edition published by Bladus at Rome. Sykes's copy sold fo: $ 12s. 6d. 5143. Flatman (Thos.). POEMS AND SONGS, with MS. corrections by the author. Portrait. Calf. 1682. 1 los. 5144. Fletcher (John). THE TRAGEDY OF ROLLO, DUKE OF NORMANDY. First edition. Half calf. Oxford, 1640. i8j. 5145. Froude (J. A.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Library edition. 12 vols. Cloth. 1856-70. 3 Ss- 5146. Gent (T.). PROLOGUE TO JANE SHORE, at Clarke's Theatre at York. Woodcuts. Calf extra. York, 1761. $s. 5147. Gent (T. ). JUDAS ISCARIOT. Woodcut. Morocco extra, g. e., fine copy, rare. York, 1772. 6s. 5148. Goldsmith (O.). THE GOOD NATURED MAN, a comedy. First edition. Last leaf repaired. 1768. i i$s. 5149. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis, cum Calendario, printed on vellum, with minia- tures and capitals finely illuminated in gold and colours. Original brown morocco, Grolier gold tooling on sides, gilt edges, sold not subject to return. Paris, Hardouyn, 1515. 2 los. 5150. Horalogium Grsecum. Orologopoulon Epidiosthosei Theophula Katou Jero- mona ton Tsanphourapon. Printed in red and black. Old red morocco gilt, 358 BOOK SALES OF 1895. g. e., Very rare. Greek liturgy (not mentioned in Brunet). 641110. Venet, Jo. Antonio, 1642. i 5151. Jefferies (Richard). JACK BRASS, Emperor of England. (One of Jefferies' scarcest pamphlets. ) Wrapper. T. Pettitt, 1873. i 5152. Johnson (A.). ATCHIEVEMENTS OF THE ENGLISH NOBILITY. 2 vols. Large paper, proof plates. Fine copy. Old calf. 1724. 14^. 5153. Lang (A.). HOMER AND THE EPIC. Large paper (only 107 copies printed). Boards, uncut. Imp. 8vo. 1893. us. 5154. Lang (A.). COCK LANE AND COMMON SENSE. Large paper (only 60 copies printed). Boards, uncut. 1894. 14^. 5155. Lilly (John). SIXE COURT COMEDIES. First edition. Old calf, slightly cut into (w. a. f.) 1632. ijs. 5156. Corry (J.). HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE. 2 vols. Plates, half morocco. 4to. 1825. i4s. 5157. Cumberland (R.). MEMOIRS. 2 vols. in I. Large paper. Portraits, russia. 1806. i gs. 5158. [Curio (Julius Secundus).] PASQUINE IN A TRAUNCE. A Christian and learned dialogue, containing wonderfull and most straunge newes out of Heaven, Purgatorie and Hell, etc. Turned but lately out of the Italian into this tongue by W. P. First edition. Black letter, title slightly mended, else fine large copy, half mor., gilt edges, very rare. William Series, n. d. 1566. i6s. 5159. Daniel (Samuel). HYMEN'S TRIUMPH. 1623. TRAGEDY OF PHILOTAS. 1623. Half bound. izs. 5160. Davenant (Wm.). THE JUST ITALIAN. First edition. Half morocco. 1630. 2 5161. Davenport (Robert). THE CITY NIGHT-CAP, a Tragi-Comedy. First edition. Half calf. 1661. 2 i8s. 5162. De Bry (T.). PANNONIX HISTORIA CHRONOLOGICA. Map, fine portrait. First edition. Old calf. Francof.. 1596. i 5163. Dryden (John). AMBOYNA, a Tragedy. 1673. TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. 1679. THE INDIAN EMPEROUR. 1686. THE ASSIGNATION. 1692. All half bound. i 5164. Etherege (Sir Geo.). THE MAN OF MODE, a Comedy. 1676. SHE WOU'D IF SHE COU'D. 1671. i8s. 5165. Farquhar (Geo.) THE CONSTANT COUPLE. 1700. LEE (N.). Lucius JUNIUS BRUTUS. 1681. izs. 5166. [Farquhar.] THE STAGE-COACH, a Comedy. 1705. [JOHNSON (CHAS.).] THE GENTLEMAN CULLY. 1702. [CENTLIVRE (SUSANNA)]. THE BASSET- TABLE. 1706. ATYS. TRAGEDIE EN MUSIQUE. Paris, 1676. 12.?. 5167. Fletcher. MONSIEUR THOMAS, a Comedy. First edition. 1639. RULE A WIFE AND HAVE A WIFE. First edition. Oxford, 1640. 3 5168. Gasparini Pergamensis Epistolarum Liber. Semi Gothic type. Wants blank leaf, a I, else fine large copy, in the contemporary stamped calf. I2s. IT One of the earliest editions of this famous book, which seems to have been printed at Paris, with the beautiful type of Martin Crantz and his companions. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 359 5169. Harrington (J. ). THE GRECIAN STORY, with Poems. First edition. Emble- matical Plates. Frontispiece, containing portrait of the Author. Fine copy, calf extra, gilt edges, rare. 1684. 3 IO ^ 5170. Hollar (W.). P^DOP/EONION SIVE PUERORUM LUDENTIUM SCHEMATA VARIA. Title, portrait, and fifteen plates of children, beautifully engraved by W. Hollar, after designs by P. van Avont. Oblong. 1646. 3 12s. 6d. 5171. Martin (T.). TRAICTISE, plainly proving that the pretended Marriage of Priests is no Marriage. Black letter. Large copy, calf gilt, rare. R. Caly, 1554. i us. H Lowndes states that the book is addressed to Queen Elizabeth, but the dedica- tion in present copy is to Queen Marie. 5172. Mary Queen of Scots. AYSCUE (E. ). HISTORIE OF THE WARRES BETWEENE ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Old calf, with arms of Sir Edw. Bering in gold on sides. 1607. i8.r. 5173. Mascall (Leonard). THE BOOKE OF CATTELL, HORSES AND SHEEP, etc. Three parts complete with the separate titles. Black letter. Fine copy in the original limp vellum (some contemporary MS. additions on fly-leaf). 1591- 5 5s. 5174. Massinger (Philip). THE ROMAN ACTOR, 1629. THE PICTURE, 1630. THE RENEGADO, 1630. THE FATALL DOWRY (by Massinger and Field), 1632. A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS, 1633. THE MAID OF HONOUR (date erased from title), 1632. THE DUKE OF MILLAINE (title slightly cropped), 1638. THE BOND-MAN (some 11. cut close), 1638. In one vol., morocco, with gold tooling, g- e. 3 3-r- IT All first editions except the Duke of Millaine and The Bond-man. 5175. Early Typography. ALBERTI MAGNI IN EVANGELIUM BEATI JOHANNIS. Editio princeps, printed in large Gothic letter. Half calf, circa 1470. 1 5176. Fox (J. ). BOOK OF MARTYRS. 3 vols. Black letter. Portrait and woodcuts, cf. rebacked. 1641. 2, 15^. 5177. Fuller (T.). HISTORIE OF THE HOLY WARRE. First edition. Frontispiece by Marshall. Russia extra, by Bedford. Camb. , 1639. I2j. 5178. Fuller (T.). HOLY AND PROFANE STATE. Portraits by Marshall, including Queen Elizabeth, Sir F. Drake, Joan of Arc, etc. Best edition. Fine copy. Russia. 1652. 145. 5179. Fuller (Thos). PISGAH SIGHT OF PALESTINE. First edition. Plates by Mar- shall, Vaughan, etc. Old calf. 1650. 5J. 5180. Fuller (Thomas). HISTORY OF THE WORTHIES OF ENGLAND. Portrait. Calf, with arms in gold on sides, 1662. PLUTARCH'S LIVES. Front. Calf. 1676. 3 i<. 5181. Gage (T.). NEW SURVEY OF THE WEST INDIES, cf. 1648. 155. 5182. Hoare (Sir R. C.). ANCIENT HISTORY OF NORTH AND SOUTH WILTSHIRE. Large paper. 2 vols. Proof portraits and plates. Half russia. 1819-12. 4 17-r. 6d. 5183. Holbein (Hans). PORTRAITS OF THE COURT OF HENRY VIII., with Memoirs by Lodge, original impressions of the plates on tinted paper, mounted. Half vellum, uncut. Fine copy, extra case. 1792. 12 5184. Hume (D.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND. "Bowyer's edition," bound in 9 vols. Plates by Westall, Smirke, Opie, Stothard, etc. Green morocco, g. e. 1806. 360 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 5185. Johnson (Capt. C.). HISTORY OP' FAMOUS HIGHWAYMEN. Plates. Half calf (w. a. f.). 1742. i los. 5186. Jonson (Ben). WORKES. First edition. Engraved title by Hole, calf. 1616. 2 iSs. 5187. Lotichius (J. P.). RERUM GEMANICARUM SUB MATTHIA et Ferdinandis II et III, ab anno 1617 ad annum 1632. 2 vols., with upwards of 100 portraits and fine folding plates of old towns, battles, sieges, etc., by M. Merian. Fine copy in the original stamped binding. Francofurti, 1646-50. i8.r. IT This valuable old chronicle is veiy difficult to find perfect and in good condi- tion. Mr. Ellis's copy sold for 11 in 1885. 5188. Manuale in SS. Trinitatis S. Spiriti nominis Jesu Magnse Matris, sem- perque immaculatse Virginis Marise, in Officiis et Litanise honorem et cultum, Additis Septem Psalmis poenitentialibus cum Oratione contra Tempestatem, Conscriptum Vienna a Car. Siegreide, 1730. Manuscript on vellum, 203 pp., written in large round letters, with pen and ink drawings of initial letters and ornaments, bound in vellum. 1730. i 5189. Meredith (G.). MODERN LOVE AND POEMS OF THE ENGLISH ROADSIDE, with Poems and Ballads. First edition. Original sheets folded, scarce. 1862. i 5190. Mill (H.). NIGHT-SEARCH, discovering the Nature and Condition of Night Walkers. 2 vols., frontispiece (one title in MS.). Old calf (sold not subject to return), rare. 1646. i iij. IF Bindley's copy of this curious work sold for ^18 Js. 6d. 5191. Mirabilis liber qui Prophetias Revelationes, etc. Gothic letter. Blue morocco extra, gilt edges. Fine copy. Paris, s. d. (circa 1500). igs. IT A curious collection of Prophecies, several relating to England and the French Revolution. Smyth's copy sold for 6 6s. 5192. Prayer. PRECES PRIVATE IN STUDIOSORUM gratium collects et Regia authoritate approbate. First edition. Very rare. Printed in red and black. Morocco, g. e. i6mo. Lond., G. Seres, 1564. 3 los. 5193. Prayer. LIBER PRECUM PUBLICARUM ECCLESI^ ANGLICANS RITUS, Grsece et Latine. A very early and rare edition. Brown morocco gilt, g. e. Fine copy. Lond., R. Wolfius, 1569. 3 los. 5194. RuskinQ.). MODERN PAINTERS. 5 vols. Illustrated by the author. Vols. I. and II., 4th edition, Vols. III. and V., first edition. Some 11. stained. Half mor. 1848-60. 5 5.5-. 5195. Scotland. BARCLAY (J.). MEMORIALLS FOR THE CITY OF ABERDEENE. Its Antiquities, Charters, etc. Fine copy. Calf gilt. Rare. Aberdeen, J. Forbes, 1685. l 2S. 5196. Scot (Thos.). PHILOMYTHIE, wherein Outlandish Birds, Beasts, and Fishes are taught to speak True English. Engraved title by Elstracke, and woodcuts slightly cut into. Calf. 1622. 14^. 5197. Scott (Sir Walter). THE ANTIQUARY. First edition. 3 vols. Original boards, uncut. Edinb., 1816. 2 8s. 5198. Shaftesbury (Earl of). CHARACTERISTICS OF MEN, MANNERS, OPINIONS, TIMES. 3 vols. Portrait. Calf. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1773. io.y. 5199. Swift (John.). A TALE OF A TUB. With an Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. First edition. Calf, 1704. Ditto. Second edition. Corrected. Calf. 1704. 2 14$. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 361 5200. [Turberville.] (D.GENT.) ESSAIES POLITICKS AND MORALL. First edition. Woodcut title. Calf. M. Lownes, 1608. 2 i8s. 5201. Pamphlets. DISCOVERY OF THE LATE CONSPIRACIE AT EDENBURG IN SCOT- LAND. Portrait. 1641. COMMANDS FROM BOTH HOUSES (Printing, etc.). 1641. QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE EARL OF MONTROSE, his Plot. 1641. AN ACT DECLARING ALL EPISCOPALL GOVERNMENT IN SCOTLAND UNLAWFULL, 1641. GENERAL LESLEY'S SPEECH. Woodcut. COPPIE OFTHEBILL AGAINST THE 13 BISHOPS. Portrait of Laud. 1641. PLOT AGAINST LONDON DIS- COVERED. 1641. GOD'S LATE MERCIE TO ENGLAND. Woodcut. 1641. DOLEGULL LAMENTATION OF CHEAPSIDE CROSSE. Woodcuts. 1641. A LETTER SENT FROM SIR JOHN SUCKLING IN FRANCE. 1642. VICTORIOUS PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROTESTANTS IN IRELAND. Woodcut. 1642. HUMBLE PETITION FROM LANCASTER. 1642. And other scarce pamphlets. In 3 vols. Calf. 15 5202. Parkinson (S.). VOYAGE TO THE SOUTH SEAS. Portrait and plates. Imp. 4to. 1873. i 5203. Randolph (Thomas). THE JEALOUS LOVERS. A Comedy. Cloth. Cam- bridge, 1634. IQ.T. 5204. Shirley (James). THE YOUNG ADMIRALL. First edition. Half bound. (Rox- burghe copy). 1637. & s - 5205. Shirley. THE LADY OF PLEASURE. A comedy. First edition. Calf extra. (Some margins cut close). 1637. I 3 J> 5206. Shirley. THE LADY OF PLEASURE. A comedy. First edition. 1637. THE SCHOOL OF COMPLEMENT. 1637. * I 9 S - 5207. The Duke's Mistris. First edition. 1638. THE YOUNG ADMIRALL. First edition. 1637. 2 5208. Shirley. THE BIRD IN A CAGE. First edition. 1633. THE WEDDING. 1633. 3 I2s. 6th, 1895. H A most important sale, especially for the large number of angling books sold. The prices realized were not higher than the conditions of the lots warranted. The extra-illustrated books were especially fine. A comparison of the prices realized at this sale with those obtained at English sales is interesting, and gives an idea of the differences in value of books in England and America. 5240. Addison (Jos.). WORKS, collected by Mr. Tickell. With a complete Index. Portrait. 12s. 6al. 5241. Addison (Joseph). SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY, by The Spectator. With Notes and Illustrations by W. H. Wills. The engravings by Thompson, from designs by Fred. Tayler. 4to. Half crimson levant morocco extra, gilt top. Lond., 1850. us. 6d. H Speeches by Thackeray at end. 5242. ./Esop's Fables. With a Life of the Author, and embellished with 112 plates. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Full hand-stained, calf, gilt edges. Lond., printed for John Stockdale, 1793. 3 6s. IF Fine tall copy, with beautiful impressions of the plates. 364 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 5243. JEsop's Fables. With 56 illustrations, from designs by Henry L. Stephens. 4to. Half green morocco, gilt edges. N. Y., 1868. iu. 6d. 5244. Ainsworth ( Wm. H.). FLITCH OF BACON ; or, The Custom of Donmow. Illustrations by John Gilbert. I2mo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1854. iu. 6d. H First edition. 5245. Ainsworth (W. H.). GUY FAWKES ; or, The Gunpowder Treason. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1857. gs. 6d. 5246. Alexander (Wm.). AVRORA : Containing the First Fancies of the authors youth, William Alexander of Menstrie. Small 4to. Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., printed by Richard Field for Edward Blount, 1604. 2 6s. IT Good copy, with wide top margins, but trimmed close to catch words on bottom margins. 5247. Alison (Archibald). HISTORY OF EUROPE, from the commencement of the French Revolution of the Bourbons in 1815. A new edition, with portraits. 14 thick 8vo. vols. Cloth, uncut, and Atlas. I vol. Oblong 410. Together 15 vols. Edinburgh and Lond., 1849-50. i 2s. IT Atlas loose in binding. 5248. Alison (Sir Archibald). HISTORY OF EUROPE from the Fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852. With Index. 9 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Edinburgh and Lond., 1852-59. Ijs. 5249. Allibone (S. Austin). A CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND BRITISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo. Cloth. Phil., 1870-1871. 2 i$s. 5250. Allibone (S. Austin). POETICAL QUOTATIONS FROM CHAUCER TO TENNYSON. With copious Indexes. Royal 8vo. Half blue morocco, gilt top. Phil., Brad- street, 1874. 17^. 6d. 5251. Allibone (S. Austin). PROSE QUOTATIONS FROM SOCRATES TO MACAULAY. With Indexes. Royal 8vo. Half blue morocco, gilt top. Phil., Bradstreet, 1876. ijs. 6d. 5252. Almanacs. POLITICAL. Democrats' Almanac, 1840-41, N. V. Montgomery's Tippecanoe Almanac, 1841, Phil. The Harrison Almanac, 1841, N. Y. Harri- son Almanac, Improved, 1841, N. Y. Hard Cider and Log Cabin Almanac, 1841, Bost. Henry Clay Almanac, 1843, Phil. Clay and Frelinghuysen Almanac, 1845, N. Y. United States Constitution Almanac, 1845, N. Y. Genl. Taylor's Rough and Ready Almanac, 1847-1848, Phil. Rough and Ready Almanac, 1848, N. Y. The Victory Almanac, for 1848, N. Y. The Old Rough and Ready Almanac, 1849, Bost. With portraits and curious plates, rare. 14 pamphlets, I2mo. i&s. 6d. 5253. Almanac. POOR ROGER, 1769. AMERICAN COUNTRY ALMANACK, for the Year of Christian Account, 1769. 161110, stitched. N. Y. i8s. 6d. 5254. America Heraldica : a Compilation of Coats-of-Arms, Crests and Mottoes of Prominent American Families settled in this country before 1800. Edited by E. De V. Vermont. 410., parts as issued. N. Y. n. d. I2s. 6d. 5255. American (The Naturalist): a Popular Illustrated Magazine of Natural History. Edited by A. S. Packard, Jr., E. S. Morse, A. Hyatt, and F. W. Putnam. Hundreds of illustrations. 16 vols. 8vo. Cloth, and parts. Salem, Mass., 1868-1882. 4 los. T" Eleven vols. are bound in cloth. 5 vols. are in numbers. Vol. 16 lacks Part 12. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 365 5256. Abbot and Smith's Natural History of the Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia. English and French. 104 large and most beautifully coloured plates of the insects and the plants on which they feed. 2 vols. Folio. Crimped morocco, extra gilt edges. Loncl., Bensley, 1797. 6 12s. &d. If A most sumptuous work, the insects and plants being scientifically delineated and described. 5257. Adair (Jas.). THE HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN INDIANS; particularly those nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia. Containing an Account of their Origin, Language, Manners, etc. With a new map of the country referred to in the history. Map. 4to., boards, uncut. Lond., 1775. A4 js. 6d. 5258. Arbuthnot and Ambrister. AN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT OF THE TRIAL AND EXECUTION OF. Proceedings of the Court-Martial ordered by Maj.-Gen. Jack- son. I2mo., stitched, n. p. 1825. 4 3^. 40'. 5259. Bancroft (George). HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from the Discovery of the American Continent. India proof portraits. IO vols. Royal 8vo., cloth, uncut. Bost., Little, Brown, and Co., 1861-1875. ,10 14^. IT Large paper. No. 29 of 50 sets printed. 5260. Bancroft (H. H.). NATIVE RACES OF THE PACIFIC STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. Illustrated with maps, etc. 5 vols. Royal 8vo. , cloth, uncut. N. Y., 1875-76- i is-?- 5261. Bartram (Wm.). TRAVELS THROUGH NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA. EAST AND WEST FLORIDA, THE CHEROKEE COUNTRY, etc. Second edition in London. Portrait and plates. 8vo., boards, uncut. Scarce. Lond., 1794. IBs. 6d. 5262. Bayles (Richard M.). HISTORY OF RICHMOND COUNTY (STATEN ISLAND), NEW YORK. Numerous fine steel portraits and views. 4to. Half russia, gilt top. N. Y., 1887. i js. 5263. Bozman (John L.). THE HISTORY OF MARYLAND FROM ITS FIRST SETTLE- MENT IN 1633 TO THE RESTORATION IN 1660. With a copious Introduction and Notes, and illustrations. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., sheets folded. Bait., 1837. i6s. 5d. IT Fine clean copy. 5264. Brown (Alexander). THE GENESIS OF THE UNITED STATES. A Series of Historical Manuscripts now First Printed. Brief biographies. With loo portraits, maps, and plans. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., cloth, uncut. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., 1890. 1 i$s. &d. 5265. Burr, Aaron. REPORTS OF THE TRIALS OF COLONEL AARON BURR FOR TREASON AND FOR A MISDEMEANOR. With an Appendix containing the Argu- ments and Evidence. Taken in shorthand by David Robertson. 2 vols. 8vo., half morocco, red edges. Phil., 1808. 4 nj. fid. 5266. Catesby's Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, French and English. With upwards of 200 fine large coloured engravings of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, serpents, insects, plants, etc. 2 vols. Imp. folio, russia, gilt leaves. Lond., 1771. j i8s. 1T Last edition of this valuable work, enlarged with a Linnaean index by Edwards. Fine clean copy. Binding slightly cracked. 5267. Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. 25 large hand-coloured drawings, exhibiting the Hunting Scenes and Monuments of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America. From drawings and notes of the author. Imp. folio in a portfolio. Lond., 1844. *o 165. &d. IT The plates are beautifully coloured by hand and mounted on cardboards. In a very fine condition, with description by the author. 366 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 5268. Colden (Cadwallader D. ). THE LIFE OF ROBERT FULTON. Comprising some account of the invention, progress, and establishment of steamboats. With an appendix. Portrait. 8vo. , boards, uncut. N.Y., Kirk and Mercein, 1817. i6s.6J. T The portrait and a few leaves at back are water-stained. Very scarce. 5269. Columbian Muse (The). A SELECTION OF AMERICAN POETRY FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS OF ESTABLISHED REPUTATION, izmo., green morocco, gilt edges. N. Y., printed by J. Carey, 1794. 13-f- bd. 5270. Cozzens (Issachar, Jr.). A GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF MANHATTAN OR NEW YORK ISLAND. Together with a map of the island, and a suite of Sections, Tables, and Columns for the Study of Geology. 8vo., cloth. N. Y., W. E. Dean, 1843. 14^- 6^- IT Maps and sections coloured (slightly foxed). 5271. Davis (M. L.). MEMOIRS OF AARON BURR. With Selections from his Corre- spondence. Portraits and facsimile. 2 vols. 8vo., half morocco, red edges. N. Y., 1836. 14*. 6^. 5272. De Smet (Rev. P. J.). NEW INDIAN SKETCHES. i6mo., cloth. N. Y., 1865. los. &d. IT " Presented to Mr. T. Slevin, with my best respects, P. J. De Smet, Sr." 5273. De Smet (Rev. P. J.). WESTERN MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES: a Series of Letters. I2mo. Half morocco, gilt top. N. Y. , 1863. 143. 6d. 5274. De Tocqueville (Alexis). DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA. Translated by Henry Reeve. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1862. 14^. 6d. 5476. Browning (Robt.). THE INN ALBUM. 121110. Cloth uncut. First edition. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1875. i $s. $4.77. Bryant (Wm. C.). THE ILIAD OF HOMER. Translated into English Blank Verse. 2 vols. 410. Cloth, gilt top. Bost., 1870. i is. 5478. Bryant (Wm. C.). POEMS. I2mo. Half levant morocco, gilt top. Cambridge, 1821. 1 8s. 5479. Brydges (Sir E.). RESTITUTA; or, Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature, Revived. 4 vols. 8vo. Full mottled calf extra, canary edges (F. Bedford). Lond., T. Bensley, 1814. 2 45. IF Fine copy. BOOK SALES OF 1895. 385 5480. Buckle (Henry Thos.). EXHIBITION OF FEMALE FLAGELLANTS IN THE MODEST AND INCONTINENT WORLD. From the original editions. 7 vols. Post 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., 1777. 5 9*. 6d. 11 Very scarce. 5481. Buckle (Henry Thos.). WORKS. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND. 2 vols. 1857. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 3 vols. 1872. LIFE AND WRITINGS, by Huth. 2 vols. 1880. 2 portraits. 7 vols. 8vo. Half crushed dark levant morocco extra, gilt tops (Matthews). Lond., v. y. g gs. 6d. 1T Very fine set. Scarce. 5482. Bunsen (C. C. J., Baron). GOD IN HISTORY. Progress of Man's Faith in the Moral Order of the World. Translated by Susanna Winkworth. Preface by A. R. Stanley. 3 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1868. .1 i2s. 6d. 5483. Burke (Edmund). WORKS. Complete. Fine Library Edition, printed in large type. 1 6 vols. 8vo. Full calf, sprinkled edges (Hayday). Lond., Rivingtons, 1815. 5 los. U Fine copy. 5484. Burns (Robert). POETICAL WORKS. Complete, with Glossary, Notes, and Life by James Currie and Gilbert Burns. Also, Cromek's Reliques of Burns. Illus- trated with Stothard's plates, etc. Best Library Edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Full- crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1817-20. j us. 5485. Burns (Robert). POETICAL AND PROSE \\ T ORKS. Illustrated with portraits, fac- similes, and engravings. 6 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, W, Paterson, 1877-79. i us. 5486. Burns (Robert). Kilmarnock Editions of the Poems ; Edinburgh Poems ; Songs, and Posthumous Poems. Reprinted in facsimile of the original editions. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo. Boards, uncut. Kilmarnock, 1869. I 6j. 6d. 5487. Burton's (Lady) Edition of Her Husband's Arabian Nights. Translated literally from the Arabic. Prepared for household reading by Justin Huntly McCarthy, M.P. Woodbury prints. Portrait of Lady Burton. 6 vols. 8vo. White vellum cloth, gilt tops. Lond., 1886. 2 qs. 5488. Burton (John Hill). HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, FROM AGRICOLA'S INVASION TO THE REVOLUTION OF 1688. 7 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Edinburgh and Lond., 1867. 2 12s. 6J. H Fine clean copy. Autograph of E. H. Chapin on false title. 5489. Burton (John Hill). THE BOOK-HUNTER, etc. A new edition, with a memoir of the author. Portrait. 410. Buckram, uncut. Edinburgh and Lond. r 1882. i 6s. IT Large paper. No. 578 of 1,000 printed. 5490. Burton (Richard F.). PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF A PILGRIMAGE TO EL. MEDINAH AND MECCAH. Coloured and plain illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo. Full calf, marbled edges. Lond., 1855. 2 igs. 6d. IT Scarce. 5491. Burton (Robt.). ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY : what it is, with all the Kinds, Causes, etc. By Democritus, Junior. 3 vols. 8vo. Half morocco, gilt tops (R. W. Smith). Large paper. Only 75 copies printed for subscribers. India proof of the original. Illustrated frontispiece laid in. Cambridge, 1861. 2 iqs. 6d. 5492. Butler's Hudibras. \Vith large Annotations and Preface by Dr. Grey. Baldwyn's fine edition. Printed in large type, and illustrated with the series of c C 386 BOOK SALES OF 1895. 60 portraits by Cooper, and beautiful vignettes. 3 vols. 8vo. Half calf, marbled edges. Lond., 1819. 1 ijs. f>d. 5493. Campan (Jeanne L. H.). THE PRIVATE LIFE OF MARIE ANTOINETTE, Queen of France and Navarre. A new and revised edition, with 16 illustrations on steel. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. N. Y. (Lond.), 1883. 1 5*- 5494. Campbell (Thos.). POETICAL WORKS. Complete, with Notes. Elegantly printed and illustrated with the exquisitely beautiful engravings from designs by Turner. Square 8vo. Full crushed blue levant morocco extra, tooled sides, backs and inside borders, gilt top (Zaehnsdorf). Fine copy of the first edition, Uniformly bound with Goldsmith, Thomson, and Rogers. Lond., Moxon. 1837. 5 *6j. 6EOLOGIA Cantiana, (1866-93) 2561, (1858-77) 2835, (1859-89) 2929, (1858-86) 4434, (1858-89) 1015, (1858-87) 1364. _ ARETINO, Pietro. Capricciosi et Piacevoli Ragio- namenti, (1660) 4257. ARGENTYNE, Preachers of. Images nor Pictures are not to be suffered in the Churches, 1863. ARIOSTO, L. Orlando Furioso (Baskerville), 788, 3928, 393t,_46o8. Orlando Furioso, (1524) 4196, (1545) 4258, (1556) 4259, (1583-4) 4260, (1634) 1273. ARISTIDES. Orationes, (1517) 3161. ARISTOPHANES. Comcediae, (1525) 3162. Comoediae Undecim, (1532) 3163. ARISTOTLE. Opera Omnia, 554. Opera, (1495-8) 3164. De Moribus ad Nicomachum, (1554) 3165. Liber Magnorum Ethicorum, (MS. Saec. xv.) 3166. Opus de Moribus, (c. 1480) 3167. (Grote), 2931. Works, (Taylor) 3378. Andronicus Rhodius on Nicomachean Ethics (Taylor) 3378. Metaphysics, (Taylor) 3379. ARNOLD, M. Merope, (1858) 1231, 1990. New Poems, (1867) 1231, 1991. ' , , . Friendship's Garland, (1871) mi, 1487, 2657. On Translatin Poems, 1991, 990. , , . Celtic Literature, (1867) 4688. Essays on Criticism, (1865) 4688. Cromwell, (1843) 625. Saint Brandon, (1867) 892. Geist's Grave, (1881) 893. The Strayed Reveller, (1849) 2643. Feast of Belshazzar, (1852) 625. ARNOLD, Dr. T. History of Rome, 5436. Early and Later Commonwealth, 5436. Modern History, 5436. Sermons, 5436. Interpretation of Scripture, 5436. Christian Life, 5436. The Church, 5436. Stanley's Life of, 5436. Miscellaneous Works, 5436. ARTHUR, History of King, (1634) 758. ARTHUR of Little Britain, History of (Berners and Utterson), 2976, 4019. ARTISTES Celebres (Les), (1885-93) 4919. ART, Bibliotheque Internationale de 1' (1880-90) 4912. ART Journal (29 vols.), 961, (1849-70) 1368, (1849- 7 6 ) S437- ARUNDEL Society. Memling's Triptych at Bruges, 1097. Memling's Altar Piece at Lubeck, 1098. Interior of the Piccolomini Library at Siena, 1099. Wilton House Diptych, 1089. Pinturicchio's Frescoes, 1089, 1090. Life of Bart. Colleoni, 1089. Perugino's S. Sebastian, 1090. Hans Memling, 1090. Holbein and the Meier Madonna, 1090. Facsimiles of the Old Masters, 4235. ASHBEE, E. W. Facsimile Reprints, (1868-72) 2503, 3455- ASHBURNHAM MSS., Catalogue of the, 4262, 4263. Library, Catalogue of the, 4264, 4701. ASTLE, T. (F. GROSE AND). Antiquarian Reper- tory, 3595. ASTRONOMICI Veteres Grseci et Latini, (1499) 4265. ATHEN>US. Le Banquet des Savans par Ath^nee, 1496. Deipnosophistae, (1514) 3168. ATKINSON AND WALLER. Manners, etc., of the Russians, 789. ATKYNS, Sir R. Ancient and Present State of Glostershire, (1712) 3809, 3810, (1760) 4986, (1768) 5127. AUBREY, J. Natural History of Surrey, 2730, 5098. AUDSLEY AND BOWES. Keramic Arts of Japan, 1336, 4457, 4663- Ornamental Art of Japan, 553, 1335, 4458. AUDUBON, J. J. The Birds of America, 1324. Ornithological Biography, 5629. AUDUBON AND BACHMAN. Quadrupeds of N. America, 613, 790, 3508, 3967. AUGUSTINI, Sancti. Opera Omnia, 4662. Opera et Studio Monachorum Ordinis S. Bene- dicti, 4662. Disputationes de Augustanse Confessionis, etc., 1871. De Disciplina Christiana, 5116. AULDO, J. Journal of a Visit to Constantinople, 2058. AUSTEN, Jane. Works (Steven ton edit.), 429, 5444. Pride and Prejudice, (1818) 4242. AUSTRALIA. Terra Australis Incognita (De Quir), 538. AUTOGRAPHS, E. Yates's Collection of, 114. M. Soyer's Collection, 115. Dickens's Letters to E. Yates, 116. AYLET, R. Divine and Moral Speculations (ist edit.), 134. AYRES, J. A. Legends of Montauk, 5445. AYSCUE, E. Historic of the Warres betweene England and Scotland, (1628) 695, (1607) 5172. B., H. Political Caricatures, 69, 4142. BACCHUS Bountie, by Philip Foulface, 1614. BACHMAN, Audubon and. Quadrupeds of N. America, 613, 790, 3508, 3967. BACK, J. de. Dissertatio de Corde, 1652. BACON, Lord. Works, (10 vols.) 315. Works, (15 vols.) 5446. 406 BOOK SALES OF 1895. Works, (16 vols.) 3681. Discourse touching the office of Lord Chancellor, Advancement of Learning, (1605) 1615, 4266. Three Speeches, (1641) 1616. Essaies, etc., (1598) 1559. Wisdome of the Ancients, (1619) 1560. BADMINTON Library, 105, 536, 1722, 2107, 2380. Cricket, 2637, 4502. Hunting, 3929. Tennis, 4503, 5632. Fishing, 5352. Cycling, 5630. Golf, 5631. BAFFO, Gio. Raccolta Universale della Opere, 4267, 4700. Le Poesie, (1771) 4700. BAILLIE, Capt. W. Catalogue of Prints, 3037. BAILLON, H. Natural History of Plants, 3572. BAINES, E. History of Lancashire, 2352, 3609. BAIRD, BREWER, AND RIDGEWAY. North American Land Birds, 5633. BAKER, G. History of Northamptonshire, 2363, 5128. BAKER, REED AND JONES. Biographia Dramatica, 1435. BALDWIN, W. Mirrour for Magistrates, (1563) 663, 664, (1578) 665, (1587) 666. BALDWIN AND KNAPP. Newgate Calendar, 2582. BALE, J. The Apology of, (1550) 5447. Brefe Chronycle, 5014. BALLADS (Gutch's collection), 8. BANCROFT, G. History of United States, 4698, 5 2 59- BANCROFT, H. H. Races of Pacific States, 2394, 5260. BANDELLO. Canti xi., (1545) 500. Novels, (J. Payne) 977, 2445, 2644. BANKS, Sir T. C. Dormant and Extinct Baronage, 982. Baronia Anglica Concentrata, 982. Dormant and Extinct Peerage, 3627. BANNISTER, J. Memoirs, 1436. BANVILLE, Th. de. Poesies, 4849. BARBET, J. Booke of Architecture, (1670) 4035. BARCLAY, J. Memorialls for the City of Aber- deene, (1685) 5195. BARHAM, R. H. Ingoldsby Legends, (1840-42-47) 135, 626, 1662, 2035, 3521, (1837-45) 4742, (1847) 4783, (1855) S448.. BARING-GOULD. Lives of the Saints, 3870. BARKER. Land and Sea Tales, (1836) 5008. Tough Yarns, (1835) 5009. BARKER, T. Art of Angling, (1653) 5353. BARI.A, J. B. Iconographie des Orchidees, 2786. BARNARD, F. A. Bibliotheca Regia? Catalogus, 989. BARRERE, E., and LELAND, C. G. Dictionary of Slang, 2497. BARRET, C. R. B. Essex Highways, 4731. BARRETT, W. History of Bristol, 2975. BARRIE, J. M. A Window in Thrums, (1892) 4230. BARRINGTON, G. New South Wales, 61. BARRINGTON, Sir J. Memoirs of Ireland, 1138, 2278. BARRY, Dr. The Orkney Islands, 2626. BARTLETT, J. Explorations in Texas, etc., 5450. BARTLETT, W. H. Illustrated Works, 8 vols., 545 1 - BARTOLOMEO da li Sonetti Isolario, (c. 1478) 3170. BARTOLOZZI. The Gardens, (1805) 667. BARTSCH, A. Le Peintre Graveur, 4678. BARTRAM, W. Travels through Carolina, (1794) 5261. BASILE, G. Pentamerone, (1848) 647, 2059, 3968. BASSE, W. Poetical Works, 5048. BATEMAN, J. Odontoglossum, 2807. BATES, H. W. Naturalist on the Amazons, 2759, 5634- BATES, W. George Cruikshank, the Artist, the Humourist, etc., 4526. BAXTER, Nath. Sir Philip Sydney's Ourania, (1606) 2507. BAXTER, W. Phsenogamous Botany, 2760. BAYFIUS, Lazarus. Annotationes, (1541) 3930. BAYLES, R. M. History of Maryland, 5262. BAYLY, T. H. Weeds of Witchery, 1113. BEAUCHASTEAU. Lyre du Jeune Apollon, (1657) 610. BEAUFORT, Duke of, and MORRIS, Mowbray. Hunting, 3929. See also BADMINTON LIBRARY. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Works, 316, 2167, 3639, 3682, 5452. The Scornful Lady, (1616) 5117, (1651) 5118. Cupid's Revenge, (1630) 5118. BECKFORD, P. Thoughts on Hunting, (1781) 1226. BECKFORD, W. Vathek, 1188, (in French, 1787) 3 1 ? 1 - BEDA, Ven. Historian Ecclesiasticae, (1643) 4268, (1644) 5130. BEECHEY, Capt. W. Voyage to the Pacific, 2787. BEETON. Great Book of Poetry, 5453. BEEVERELL, J. Les Delices de la Grande Bretagne, 501. BEGGARS, Supplication for the, (1845) 627. BEHMEN, Jacob. Works, 1246. BEHN, Mrs. Aphra. Plays, Histories, and Novels, (1871) 2470, 2907, 4435, (1724-35) 3860. The Dutch Lover, (1673) 5119. The Feigned Curtizans, (1679) 5120. BELCHER, Sir E. Voyage Round the World, 2761. Last of the Arctic Voyages, 2762. BELIAL. Een Rechtelick Ghedinghe Tusschen Belyal, (Antwerp, 1512) 2002. BELL, T. History of British Quadrupeds, 1430, 2036, (1837) 3885. History of British Reptiles, 1431, 2036, (1839) 3886. History of British Stalk-Eyed Crustacea, 1432. BELL, CURRER, ELLIS, and ACTON. See BRONTE. BELLIN. Hydrographie Frangaise, 791. BELVOIR Hunt, 1497. BELZONI, G. Discoveries within the Pyramids, 5454- BEMPO, P. Gli Asonalo, (1505) 4269. BENEDICTUS, Abbas Petroburgensis. Vita Hen- rici II., etc., 517. BENLOWES, E. Theophila (ist edit.), 136. BENTHAM, G. Handbook of British Flora, 2763, (1865) 4838. BENTHAM, J. History of Ely Cathedral, 1304. Complete Works, 1002. BENTHAM, J., AND MUELLER. Flora Australiensis, (1863-78) 2764. BENTLEY'S Miscellany, (1837-50) 2273. BENTLEY, R. Designs for Gray's Poems, 2293. BEOWULF, J. M. Kemble, 2475. INDEX. 407 BRANGER, P. J. de. (Euvres Completes, 1105. BERKELEY MSS. Lives of the Berkeleys (J. | Smyth), 2626. BERKELEY, Hon. G. F. Reminiscences of a Hunts- man, (1854) 4631, 5635. BERNARD, Bayle. Life of Samuel Lover, 5455. BERNARDUS, Abbas. Sermones super Missus(MS.)> 1469. Liber de Diligendo Deum (MS.), 2003. BERNARDUS, Joannis. Gratis de Vera Animi Tranquihtate, (1568) 1872. BERNERS, Dame Juliana. Fysshynge wyth an Angle, (1827) 5354. Book of St. Albans, (1810) 792. BERQUIN, M. Idylles, 502. BERRY, W. The Families of Kent, 2994. The Families of Berkshire, 2995. The Families of Surrey, 2996. County Genealogies, 3054. BESANT, W. Eulogy of Richard Jefferies, 1117. Dorothy Forster, 4326. BETTERTON, T. Life, with the Amorous Widow, (1710) 1437. BEVERIDGE, G. Synodikon, (1672) 3172. BEWICK, Thos. Proof Sheets of ist vol. History of British Birds, 2039. General History of Quadrupeds, (1800) 444, 2144, 2296, (1820) 1313, 1924, 3800, (1807) 3017, 4814, (1790) 3918. History of British Birds, (1805) 44, 445, (1804) 503, (1797-1804) 1142, (1820) 1314, (1826) 1925, (1797-1804) 2037, (1804) 2038, (1797-1821)2144, (1797-1804) 2226, 2296, 3017, (1805) 3571, (1797- 1804) 3919, (1805) 3920, 3921, (1821) 3922, 3923, (1826) 3924, (1797-1804) 4673, (1805) 4744, (1797- 1804) 4793, (1826) 4815. Select Fables, 63, (1820) 1316, 2042, 3887, 4661, S456. _ Illustrations to History of Quadrupeds, 1317. Works, 1318. Goldsmith and Parnell. Poems, 1927, (1795) 2 no. Emblems of Mortality, (1789) 2044. Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, etc., (Alnwick, 1809) 5355- Natural History of Fishes, (n. d.) 5369. British Land and Water Birds, (1826) 1562. Figures of British Land Birds, (1800)2040, (1817) 2108, (1800) 2144, 3925. Thomson's The Seasons, (1805) 3926. Vignettes to various Works of, (1827) 2109. The Hermit of Warkworth, 1928. Fables of ./Esop, and others, 62, (1818) 1315, 1926, 2041, (1820) 2144, (1818) 2203, 4813. BIBLE. Authorized Version, (1613) 4272. The Four Gospels. Etchings by Bida, 4467. (Baskett, 1717, "Vinegar" Bible), 2990. Macklin's edition, (1800) 3044. Le Nouveau Testament, traduit par Hure, (1712) 4404. " Cy Sensuit la Genealogie de la Bible" (MS. Cent. XV.), 1638. New Testament, (Longmans, 1883) 2565. The New Testament in Latin and English, (1538) 4164 ; in English, (Rhemes, 1582) 4172. Irish, (1685) 670. Matthew's, (1537) 804. Becke, (1549) 805. (Barker, 1611)806. Principes Discute's des Livres Prophetiques, (i7S5) 1852. The Speaker's Commentary on, 1915. BIBLIA Germanico- Latina (Luther), 10 vols., (1574) 759- Grasca, (Aldus, 1518) 4270. Islandica, (1584) 1063, 2004. Pauperum, 807. Sacra Latina, (MS. XIII. Cent.) 730, 793, 794. Sacra Latina, (MS. XII. or XIII. Cent.) 3. Sacra Latina, (MS. XIV. Cent.) 795. (Mentelin's 4Q-line Bible), (1466) 796. Richel, (1475) 797. Jenson, (1476) 798. (Lathonuni, 1478), 799. Sacra Latina, (1480) 1399. (Joan Andreae), (1519) 563. Polyglotta, (B. Walton) 2595. (Giunta, 1519), 4076. Plantin, (1603) 4271, (1631) 5129. Neerduytsch, (Coin, 1477) 800. Die Guldin Bibel, (Zainer, 1476) 801. Magdeborch, (1536) 802. Slavonica, (1663) 803. BIBLICAL Archaeological Society's Transactions, 3SOO. BIDA. Etchings to the Four Gospels, 4467. BIGELOW, J. American Medical Botany, 5457. BILLINGS, R. W. Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, 3645. Architectural Illustrations of Carlisle Cathedral, 3646. BIOGRAPHIA Dramatica, (1812) 3865. BIRCH. Heads of Illustrious Persons, 879, (1756) 3910. BIRRELL, A. Obiter Dicta, 894. BLACKIE, John. Inquiry as to the Armorial Insignia of City of Glasgow, 1095. BLADES, W. Life of Caxton, 2316, 2508, 2743, 2979. Enemies of Books, (1880) 1043, 3093, 4478, 5039. BLAIR, R. The Grave, (1808) 4561, 4680. BLAKE, W., Life of (Gilchrist), 2409, 2908, 3174, 3684, 4437. Marriage of Heaven and Hell (reprint), 2648. Works (Ellis and Yeats), 2664. Book of Job, (1825) 2736, 4576. Works, (1876) 2988, 4039, 4716, 5011. Young's Night Thoughts, (1797) 3006. A Letter to the Committee for Raising the Naval Pillar (J. Flaxman), (1799) 3173. Songs of Innocence, (1789) 4036. Book of Thel, (1789) 4037. The Daughters of Albion, (1793) 4038. Catalogue of Pictures by, (1809) 4191, 4676. Swinburne's Essay on, 1346, 2011, 4436, 4559. A Series of Ballads, (1802) 5121. For the Sexes, (1793) 4675. BLANC, Chas. Histoire des Peintres de Toutes Les Ecoles, 992. BLANCHERE, H. de la. Dictionnaire General des Peches, 5356. BLEECKER, M. P. Atlas Ichthyologiquedes ludes Orientales, 5357. BLESSINGTON, Countess of. Literary Life, 1026, 5458. BLEW, W. C. A. Brighton and its Coaches, 5006. BLOCK, M. E. Ichthyologie, 5131. 408 BOOK SALES OF 1895. BLOME, R. Gentleman's Recreation, (1686) 1096, 5126. Description of Jamaica, (1678) 3955. Present State of His Majesties Isles, etc., in America, 1040. BLOMEFIELD (AND PARKIN). Topographical His- tory of Norfolk, 1631, 2182. BLORE, Edw. Noble and Eminent Persons, 336. BLORE, T. History of Rutlandshire, 2359. BLUNUEVILL, Thos. Arte of Rydynge, (1565) 5122. Foure Chiefe Offices of Horsemanship, (1597) 4011. BLUME, C. L. AND FISCHER, J. B. Flora Java, 2808. Rumphia, 2809. BLUNT, W. S. Love Lyrics and Songs of Proteus (Kelmscott), 911, 2393, 2690. BOADEN, J. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, 1025. Memoirs of J. P. Kemble, 5056. BOASE, G. C., AND COURTNEY, W. P. Bibliotheca Cornubensis, 1582. BOCCACCIO, G. II Decamerone, (1665) 604, (1757) 628, 629, 630, (1757) 1364, 1565, 2849, 3932, (1665) 4273, (1757) 4504. Novels and Tales, (1684) 2320. Contes, (1779) 2328. Decameron (Payne), 1542, 2046, 2444, 2486, 2645, 2939, 4585- Le Decameron, (1757-61) 4062, 4109. Ameto over Comedia delle Nimphe Fiorentine, (1524) 4274. Decameron, (1893) 5028. BODONI Press. Le Piu Insigni Pitture Parmensi, (1809) 3175. BOILEAU Despr^aux. QEuvres, (1747) 631. BOISSARDUS. Bibliotheca, sive Thesaurus, 1244. BOISSIERE, E. Voyage Botanique, 2788. BOLOGNESE, Blasone. Arme Gentilizie di Famiglie Bolognesi, 4203. BONAVENTURE, S. Life of S. Francis, (1635) 4065. Speculum Discipline, 504. Legenda de la Gloriosa Verzene Sancta Clara, (1513)4194. BONERUS, F. Jo. Delineatio Historica Fratrum Minorum, (1635) 4411. BON Gaultier Book of Ballads, (1845) 564, 1198, 1258, 2047. BONIFACII, Jpannis. HistoriaVirginalis de Beatae M arise Virginis etc., 1805. BON Ton Magazine, 73. BOOKE of Christian Prayers, (1578) 3908. BOOK of Gems, 2248, 4063. BOOK Prices Current, 505, 2048, 3427. BOOKS about Books, 1179. BOOK of the Dead. Facsimile of the Papyrus of Ani, 4691. BOOTH, F. Genus Carex, 2810. BORLASE, W. Antiquities of County of Cornwall, 990, 1512, 3613. Natural History of Cornwall, 1921, 2358. BORROW, G. Bible in Spain, (1843) 5459. Lavengro, (1851) 4777, 5460. Romany Rye, (1857) 5461. Wild Wales, (1862) 5462. Romano Lavo-Lil, (1874) 1038. Romantic Ballads from the Danish, 2190. BOSSUET. Elevations k Dieu sur les Mysteres de la Religion Chretienne, 1806. Histoire de la Doctrine de 1'Eglise Catholique 1807. Meditations sur 1'Evangile, 1808. Politique tiree de 1'Ecriture Sainte, 1873. BOSWELL. Life of Johnson, (Croker) 1159, 1297, 2302, 5463, 5464, (1785) 3525, 4424, (Birkbeck Hill) 5465. BOTANICAL Register, The, (1815-47) 2765. BOTANIQUE de France, Bulletin de la Societe', (1854-75), 2766. BOUCHER, Francois. Lemoyne et Natoire, 4928. BOUCHER, Pierre. Histoire Veritable du Canada, (1664) 635. BOUCHOT, H. Les Livres a Vignettes, 3176. BOURGOIN, Jules. Les Arts Arabes, 1321. BOURRIENNE, M- de. Memoirs of Napoleon Buona- parte, (1836) 4779, 5040. BOURKE, Hon. A. The History of White's, 3554, 3756, 4522. BOWES, (AUDSLEY, G. A. AND). Keramic Art of Japan, 1336, 4457, 4663. BOWRING, J. Minor Morals, 1233. BOWYER. Record of European Events, 2992. BOXIANA, 2478, 3888, 4186. BOYDELI. Gallery, 1484. Plates to Shakespeare's Plays, 1547, 4768. Collection of Prints, 354, 3043, 4236, 5466. BOYER d'Aguilles, Cabinet de, 355. BOZMAN, J. L. History of Maryland, 5263. BRADFORD, John. Examinacions of, (1561) 731. Godlie Meditations, (1562) 732. BRADSHAW. Railway Companion, 1036. BRADSHAW, Henry, Society, Publications of, 3507. BRAITHWAITE, R. Barnaba: Itinerarium, (ist edit.) 137. A Boulster Lecture, (ist edit.) 138. Barnabees Journal, (1638) 733, 896. BRAND, John. History of N< (1789) 2570, 4808. ory of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Popular Antiquities, 852. BRANDIS, D. Flora of N. W. and Central India, 2789. BRANDT, S. Stultifera Navis, (1515) 539, (1498) 1617, (1500) 1618. Shyp of Fools, (1680) 727, (1874) 1619, (1509) 4040. Quadragesimale de Filio Prodigo, (1494) 5099. BRANT&ME. Memoires, 5100. BRAY, Mrs. Life of Thos. Stpthard, R.A., 4567. BRAY (MANNING AND). History of County of Surrey, 387, 1712, 1930, 3833, 4146, 5225. BRAYLEY, W. E. History of Surrey, 1035. BRAYLEY AND WALFORD. History of Surrey, 2790. BRAYLEY AND BRITTON. History of Surrey, 2837. BRAYLEY (BRITTON AND). Beauties of England and Wales, 1406, 3683. BREES, S. C. Pictorial Illustrations of New Zealand, 2969, 5000. Birds of Europe, 2945, 4740, 5636. BRERETON, A. Henry Irving, 4542. BRESSANI, Francesco. Breve Relatione, (1653)636. BRETEZ, L. Plan de Paris, (1734) 5230. BRETON, N. Praise of Vertuous Ladies, (1606) 1172. BREVIARIUM Aberdonense, 3567. BREVIARIUM Pars Estivalis, (Ratdolt, 1488) 734. BREVIARIUM Parisiense, (1778) 2916. INDEX. 409 BREVIARIUM cum Calendario, (MS. Saec. xv.) 506. ad Usum Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis, (Paris, 1550) 524- Ordinis Fratrum Minoris, (MS. Sasc. xiii.) 540. Seu Liber Devotionum, (MS. Saec. xiv.) 541. Romanum cum Calendario, (MS. Saec. xv.) 1566. pars Estivalis, (1515) 1567. BREYDENBACH, B. de. Sanctarum Peregrina- tionum in Montem Sion, (1486) 3177. Die Heilige Reysen gein Jherhusalem. 3178. Des Saintes Peregrinations de Jerusalem, (1488) 3 I 79- Peregrination de la Tierra Sancta, (1498) 3180. Die Fart zu dem Heylige Grab, (1488) 3181. Le Grant Voyage de Hierusalem, (1522) 3182. BRIDGES, J., and WHALLEY. History of North- amptonshire, 2364, 4041, 5132. BRIDGES, R. Poems, (1873) 5027. Shorter Poems, 1228. Feast of Bacchus, 1229. Prometheus, (Daniel Press) 5467. BRIGHT, T. Treatise on Melancholic, 1568, 3428. BRINLEY Collection. Catalogue of the, 5501. BKISCOE, J. P. Old Nottinghamshire, 868. BRITISH Cabinet, The, 2721. BRITISH Gallery of Pictures of Old Masters, (Ottley and Tomkins) 3040. BRITISH Museum, Catalogue of Prints and Draw- ings in, 975, 2742. Catalogue of Maps and Charts in, 2745. Catalogue of Greek Coins, 2940. BRITISH Plutarch, The, 3513. BRITISH Theatre, Modern Theatre, etc., 3685. BRITTON. Architectural Antiquhies of Great Britain, 1383, 2371, 3606, 3643. Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain, 3607, 3 6 .44- Ancient Architecture of England, 3672. History of Gloucester Cathedral, 5134. BRITTON AND BRAYLEY. Beauties of England and Wales, 1406, 3683. BROCKETT, T. Glossary of North Country Words, 4799- BRODRICK, W. Falconer's Favourites, 2993. BROME, Alex. Songs and other Poems (First edit.), The Poems of Horace, 140. BROME, R. Dramatic Works, (1873) 2471. The Madd Couple, etc., (1653) 1170. The English Moor, etc., (fiye new plays), (1659) 1170. BRONTE. Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell, 141, 3429, 4596. Annie. Wildfell Hall, (1848) 4479. C. The Professor, (1857) 1029. BROOKSHAW, G. Pomona Britannica, 3049. BROUGH, R. B. Life of Sir John Falstaff, 1185, 2202, 2947, 5527. BROUGHAM, Lord. Statesmen of George III., 5469. Men of Letters and Science of George III., 5469. BROUGHTON, Hugh. Concent of Sculpture, (1596) BROWN, Alex. Genesis of the United States 5264. BROWN. Angler's Almanac, (1848-49) 5359. BROWN, Dr. John. Horae Subsecivae, (1882) 5470. BROWN, H. F. The Venetian Printing Press, 4523. BROWN, O. M. The Dwale Bluth, (1876) 3433. BROWN, S. G. Works of Rufus Choate, 5471. BROWN, Tom. Works, (1730) 2040. BROWNE, H. K. The Derby Day, 1152. A Run with the Staghounds, 1153. Life and Labours by Thomson, 3454, 4453, 4524, 4562. BROWNE, J. History of the Highlands, 420. BROWNE, Sir Thos. Works, (Wilkins) 2433, 4438, 5472. BROWNE, W. Britannia's Pastorals, (1625) 4064. BROWNING, E. B. Battle of Marathon (ist edit.), 142. Essay on Mind (ist edit.), 143. Prometheus Bound (ist edition), 144. The Seraphim (ist edit.), 145. Poems, 2 vols. (ist edit.), 146, 1561. The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point (ist edit.), 147. Casa Guidi Windows (ist edit.), 148, 2873. Aurora Leigh (ist edit.), 150. Last Poems (ist edit.), 151. Poetical Works, (1890) 2852, (1866) 5473. AND ROBERT. Two Poems (ist edit.), 149. BROWNING, Robert. Pauline (ist edit.), 152. Paracelsus (ist edit.), 153. Strafford, (1837) 154, 1196. Sordello (ist edit.), 155. Bells and Pomegranates (ist edit.), 156. Men and Women (ist edit.), 157. Dramatis Personae (ist edit.), 158. Gold Hair (ist edit.), 159. Balaustion's Adventure (ist edit.), 160. Fifine at the Fair (ist edit.), 161. Pacchiarotto (ist edit.), 162. La Saisiaz (ist edit ), 163. Christmas Eve and Easter Day, (1850) 1197, 1288, 2551- Works, (1888-94) 2872, 3094, (1868) 3431, 4440, 5474, (1883)5475. Ring and the Book, (1868-69) I2 56> 359, 343 2 ) 4439- The Inn Album, (1875) 5476. BRUCE, Rev. J. C. The Romon Wall, 4454. BRUIN, C. de. Reizen, in Klein Asia, 3183. BRUMMEL, Beau. Life, by Jesse, (1886) 1452, 2932, 37 2 3- BRUMOY, P. Theatre des Grecs, 3184. BRUNET, J. C. Manuel du Libraire, 51, 2723, 4275, 4728. BRY, Theod. de. Collectio Peregrinationum, (1590- 1602) 4042. Petits Voyages en Latin, (1598-1607) 4043. Pannonix Historia Chronologica, (1596) 5162. BRYAN. Dictionary of Painters, 9. BRYANT, W. C. Iliad of Homer, 5477. Poems, (1821) 5478. BRYDGES, Sir E. Restituta, 317, 5479. Centura Literaria, 2441. BUCHANAN, R. Fleshly School of Poetry, 1201. BUCHON, J. A. Collections des Chroniques, 439. BUCKLE, A. Lyrics and Sonnets of Northern Lands, 4834. BUCKLE, T. H. Civilization in England, 442, 2406, 2558, 4842, 5481. Miscellaneous Works, 4842, 5481. Life and Writings, 5481. Female Flagellants, (1777) 5480. BUFFON, Count de. Natural History, 1312. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, 5360. E E 4io BOOK SALES OF 1895. BULLEN, G. Catalogue of Books in Brit. Museum previous to 1640, 2402, 3088, 4713. BULLEN, A. H. England's Helicon. 2049. Love Poems of the Restoration, 980. Musa Proterva, 847, 2654. Collection of Old English Plays, 2738, 2851. Lyrics from Elizabethan Dramatists, 847, 2049, 2913. Ancient Drolleries, 4730. Lyrical Poems from Elizabethan Romances, 2914. BULLER, Sir W. L. History of the Birds of New Zealand, 611, 1485, 3558. BULWER. See LYTTON. BUNGLE, John. Life of, by Thos. Amory, 3425. BUNBURY, H. Plates to Shakespeare's Plays, 4248. Sketches, 493. BUNSEN, C. C. J. Egypt's Place in Universal History, 1992, 3969, 4687. God in History, 5482. BUNYAN, J. The Water of Life, (1688) 1569. BURGIUS. Hibernia Dominicana, 771. BURKE, Edmund. Works, (16 vols) 318, 5483. BURKE, John. The Commoners of Gt. Britain, 2894. Visitation of the Seats of Noblemen, 2895. The Landed Gentry, 2896. General Armoury of England, 2902. BURLINGTON Fine Arts Club. Portrait Miniatures, 457- Netherlandish Pictures, 4571. The School of Ferrara, 4571. Exhibition of Bookbindings, 4572. Albert Diirer and Lucas van Leyden, 4574_. BURNET, Bp. History of the Reformation of Church of England, 1570. BURNET. Landscape Painting, 1323. BURNEY, C. General History of Music, 3657. BURNS, R. Poems, (1787) 164, 1058, 1571, (1798) 1512, (1869) 2050, (1877-79) 2112, (1787) 2732, (1817-20) 5484, (1877-79) 5485, (Kilmarnock ed., 1869) 5486. Poetical Works and Life, (1808) 2043, (1835) 4829. The Merry Muses, 4481. BURR, Col. Aaron. Reports of the Trials of, (1808) 5265. Memoirs of, by M. L. Davis, 5271. The Trial and Acquittal of, by J. Wood, 5343. BURTON, J. H. The Book Hunter, 2448, 3434, 3519, 5489. History of Scotland, 5488. BURTON, R. The English Empire in America, (1692) 3956. See Arabian Nights. Pilgrimage to Meccah, (1855) 1410, 2767, 3970, 549- Vikram and the Vampire, 851. BURTON, Robert. Anatomy of Melancholy, (ist. edit.) 165, (1638) 2153, (1624) 3460, (1628) 3461, (1632) 3462, (1638) 3463, (1651) 3464, (1660) 3465, (1632) 4812, (1861) 5491- BUSSY, R. Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules, 507. History of Napoleon, 1018. BUTE, Earl of. Botanical Tables, 760. BUTLER, Rev. A. Lives of the Saints, 2583. BUTLER, Rev. C. The Feminine Monarchic, (1609) 2509, (1634) 2310. BUTLER, Dr. Lilly. Boyle Lectures, 1809. BUTLER, Samuel. Hudibras, (ist. edit.) 166, (1801) 508, (1663-78) 1573, (1744) 1917, (1793) 2284, (1819) 5492. BUTTERS, FAIRBAIRN AND. Family Crests, 3510. BYRD, W. History of the Dividing Line, etc., 5336. BYRON, Lord. Hours of Idleness, (1807) 85, 1574, 2051, 2678, 3185, 3191. The Waltz, (1821) 632. English Bards, (1809) 86, 2051, 3186 ; original MS. of, 3192. The Age of Bronze, (1823) 3187. The Corsair, (1814) 3188. The Giaour, (1813) 3189. The Prisoner of Chillon, (1816) 3190. Les Dames de Byron, (1836) 3193. Life of, by J. Mitford, 3194. Poems, (1808) 2148, (1839)3638. BYZANTINE Historians, (1645-88) 1933. C., R. Godlie Forme of Householde Government, (1598) 1810. C., W. Renowned History of Fragosa, King of Aragon, (1618) 4012. C^SAR, C. J. Commentarii, (1513) 633, 4276. Opera, 1811. CAINE, T. Hall. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 4853. CALCOTT, W. Principles of Free and Accepted Masons, (1769) 3971. CALDECOTT, R. "Graphic" Pictures, 56, 2892. Collection of Pictures and Songs, 2455, 2891. CALENDARS of State Papers, (1856-90) 4183, 4637. CALLIMACHUS. Hymni, (1532) 3195. CALMET, A. Commentaire sur la Bible, 1081. CALVINE, John. Short Instruction, (1549) 736. CAMDEN Society's Publications, 3624. CAMDEN, W. Britannia, 356, 2315, 2453, (1600) 4766. CAMERARII, J. Symbolorum et Emblematum, (1590) 1874. Notatio Figarum, (1572) 3196. CAMOENS. Lusiad, (1572) 761. CAMPAN, Jeanne L. H. Private Life of Marie Antoinette, 5493. CAMPBELL, Thos. Poetical Works, (1837) 5494. CAMPBELL, Lord A. Records of Argyll, 5078. The Lord Chancellors, 1164, 1577, 1914, 2464, 2903, 3667, 3687, 4251. The Chief Justices, 1165, 1578, 3668, 3688. CAMPION, Dr. T. Works, (Bullen) 2404. CAMPION, E. Report of the Disputation with, (1583) 4013. CANADA. Reglement de la Confrerie, etc., (1776) 638. Vimont's Relation, etc., (1643-44) 639, 640. Ragueneau's Relation, etc., (1650) 641. Relations des Jesuites, 642. CANALETTI, A. Vedute altre Prese da I Luoghi Ideate, 4277. CANCIONERO General. (Anvers, 1583) 1579. CAOURSIN, G. Obsidionis Rhodue UrbisDescriptio, (1496) 3197. Historia von Rhodis, (1513) 3198. CAREW, B. Moore. Life and Adventures, 5101. CAREW, Thomas. Poems (ist edit.), 167. CAREY, D. Life in Paris, 2145, 3889. CARICATURES by Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, Alken, etc., 556, 5087. INDEX. CARICATURES, Political and Facetious, 4767. CARICATURES, A Collection of, 614, 1501. CARLETON, W. Squanders of Castle Squander, (1852) 5496. Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry, 1189, (1830-34) 5497. CARLYLE, T. Sartor Resartus, 1019. Collected Works, 107, 3102, 3689, 5498. Translations from the German, 3689. Frederick the Great, 1529, 2227, 4704. CARRACCIO. Street Cries, 1390. CARROLL, L. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, (1866) 895, 1252, 1488. Through the Looking-Glass, (1872) 1252, 1489, 2961. Phantasmagoria, 106. CARTER. Ancient Painting and Sculpture, (1780) 3672. CARTWRIGHT, G. Journal of Transactions and Events, (1792) 4014. CARTWRIGHT, W. Comedies (ist edit.), 168, (1651) 5102. CARVER, J. The Culture of the Tobacco Plant, (i779) 5499- CASANOVA, Jacques. Memoirs, 3797, 4586. CASSELL. Picturesque Europe, 1302. Magazine of Art, 4227, 5072. CASTIGLIONE, Conte B. II Libro del Cortegiano, (1528) 4^278. Le Parfait Courtisan, 5103. CATESBY. Carolina, etc., (1754) 808, (1771) 5266. CATHERINE de Sienne, St. Epistres Traduictes en Frangois, 1875. CATLIN, G. North American Indians, 857, 2906. North American Indian Portfolio, 5267. CATULLUS, Tibullus, Propertius (Aldus, 1515) 1492, (1502) 4279. Cum Comment. A. Statn (1566) 4280. CAULFIELD, J. Portraits of Remarkable Persons, 2208, 2249, 2306, 2474, 4281, 5502. CAVALCASELLE (CROWE AND). New History of Painting in Italy, (1864) 5053. CAVENDISH, G. Life of Cardinal Wolsey, (1825) 3435. CAXTON. Boke of Divers Fruytful Ghoostly Matters, 762. Liber Festivalis, 597. Suatuor Sermones, 597. regorius, S. Omelie in Deutschen, (1479) 1620. Life of (Blades), 2316, 2508, 2743, 2979. Golden Legend (Kelmscott), 1418, 3794, 4128, 4206. Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye (Kelmscott), 1267, 3795, 4129, 4205, 4739. Reynard the Foxe (Kelmscott), 1268, 3796, 4130. Cronycle of Englonde, (1504) 1272. Godefrey of Boloyne (Kelmscott), 988. CAZOTTE, J. Le Diable Amoureux, 5104. CELESTINA. Calisto y Melibea, 4. CELLINI, Benvenuto. La Vie de, 5503. CELLINI, Benvenuto. Life of (Symonds), 448. CENTLIVRE, Mrs. Dramatic Works, (1872) 1502, 2467, 3861, 5504. Love s Contrivance, (1703) 5124. The Basset-Table, (1706) 5166. CENT Nouvelles Nouvelles, 2333, 4066. CERVANTES, M. de. Don Quixote (Motteux), 2399, (1842) 3867, (Jarvis, 1801) 5505, (Edin- burgh, 1879-84) 5506, (1863) 4946, (Watts, 1888) 3793, 4067. CHAFFERS, W. Marks on Pottery and Porcelain, 3690. CHALCOGRAPHIMANIA, (1814)5507. CHALCONDYLAS, D. Erotemata Synoptica, (1493) 3199- L'Histoire de la Decadence de 1'Empire Grec, (1632) 3200. CHALMERS, A. Biographical Dictionary, 2303. CHALMERS, G. Caledonia, 3600. CHAMBERS, Thomas. Bridgewater Treatises, (1833-45) 5So8. CHAMISSO. Peter Schlemihl, 108, 2060. CHAMPORT. Remarkable Events in French Revol., 372. CHAMPLAIN. Voyages, (1880-82) 662. CHAP Books and Folk Lore Tracts, (18 CHAPMAN, George. Iliads of Homer (ist comp. edit.), 169, Homer's Odysses, (c. 1614) 170. AND SHIRLEY, James. Tragedy of Chabot, 171, 5211. AND SHIRLEY, James. The Ball, (1639) 5213. The Whole Works of Homer, (1616) 1632. Comedies and Tragedies, (1877) 2469. Iliads and Odysseys of Homer, (1857) S59- CHAPPELL, W. Old English Popular Music, 967. CHARLES I. Eikon Basilike, (1684) 1812, (1649) 1813. Book of Common Prayer, (1642) 1813. CHARING Cross to St. Pauls, 3877. CHARLEVOIX, P. F. X. de. Histoire du Paraguay, (1756) 1612. CHARRON, P. De la Sagesse, 4282. CHATTERTON, THOS. Works, 5510. CHATTO, JACKSON AND. Wood Engraving, 2219, 4664, 4871. CHATTO, W. A. The Angler's Souvenir, 5347, 5368. CHAUCER, G. Works, (1561), 1513, 4044, (1542), 1249, (1875) 4727. Canterbury Tales, (1822) 1993, (Thomas Petit), 680, (Bonham, 1542) 681, (Pollard) 5511. Romaunt of the Rose, etc., (1846) 3436. CIIAUNCEY, Maurice. Historia Martyrii Anglorum, (1608) 645, 5105. CHESTERFIELD, Earl of. Letters, (1845-53) 5512. Miscellaneous Works, (1777) 4425. CHERTSEY Worthies' Library, (1879-81, Grosart,) 2502. CHERIGNARD, E. L. Costumes Historiques, 4198. CHIFNEY, Samuel. Genius Genuine, (1804) 4749. CHILD, F. J. English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 5513. CHILDREN'S Petition, (1669) 4068. CHINESE Drawings, Collection of, 357. CHIPPENDALE, T. Gentleman and Cabinet Makers' Director, 1157, 3816. CHIVALRY, Orders of (Kelmscott), 1668. CHOATE, Rufus. Works of, by S. G. Brown, 5471- CHODOWIECKI, Engravings by, 5081. CHOEX, Antiphonale of Church of, 98. CHRISTOPHE, M. Dictionnaire des Auteurs Clas- siques, G-recs et Latins, 1814. CHRONICLES and Memorials of Gt. Britain and Ireland, 4182. CHRONICLES of England, etc., 1499. CHRYSOSTOMUS, S. Joannis. Opera Gra;ce, (1612 1367. 412 BOOK SALES OF 1895. Opera Omnia, 3787 Interpretatio in Omnes Pauli Epistolas, (1529) 3201. CHURCHYARD'S Chippes, (1578) 172, 671. CHURCHYARDE'S Choise, (1579) 1621. CIAPPORI ET LOUANDRE. Les Arts Somptuaires, 1307. GIBBER, Colley. Love's Last Shift, (1696) 4766. CICERO, (Elzevir, 1642) 603. Cato Major. (Philadelphia, 1744) 595. Epistolae Familiares, (1502) 4283. Epistolae Familiares Accuratius Recognita, (1522) 4284. Orationes, (1515) 4285. De Philosophia, (1^23) 4286, (1541) 4287. CLARK, W. Three Courses and a Dessert, (1830) 1061, 2061. CLARK (WILLIS AND). Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, 999, 2586. CLARKSON, C. Hist, of Richmondshire, 2350. CLARENDON, Lord. State Papers and Life, 3817. History of the Rebellion, 5516. Life and Continuation of History, 5516. CLASSICS. Petits Chefs-d'CEuvres Antiques, (1878-89) 3328. CLAYTON, E. C. Queens of Song, 2224. CLEMENT V., Pope. Constitutiones, (1471) 809. CLEROMBAULT. Conversations, 1815. CLEVELAND, John. Poems, 173, 2512. CLIFFORD, Prof. W. K. Lectures and Essays, (1879) 4856. CLINTON. Fasti Romani, 3789. CLOUGH, A. H. Poems and Prose Remains, 1344. CLOUSTON, W. A. Popular Tales of Fiction SS 1 ?- CLUTTERBUCK, R. History of County of Hert- ford, 4984. COATES. Herd-Book, (1822-92) 4232. COBBOLD. Entozoa, 2861. COCHIN (EISEN AND). Original Drawings of 12 Illustrations to Lucretius, (1754) 4527. COCHRANE-PATRICK, R. W. Records of the Coinage of Scotland, 1997. COCKER. Decimal Arithmetic, (1685) 885. COCKTON, H. Stanley Thorn, (1840-42) 4742. COGHLAN, Mrs. Memoirs, (1794) 5518. COHEN, H. Medailles Impenales, (1880-92) 2941, 3799- Medailles Consulaires, 3797. COKAIN, Sir Aston. Small Poems, 174. COLARDEAU, C. P. Le Temple de Gnide, (1772) 3202. Lettre Amoureux d'Heloi'se a Abailard, (1766) 3202. COLAS, Jacques. Geomantiae, (1552) 4288. GOLDEN, C. D. Life of Robert Fulton, 5268. COLEMAN, E. T. The Snow Fields of Mt. Blanc, 1629. COLERIDGE, S. T. Poems on Various Subjects, 175, 176, 177, 2677. AND WORDSWORTH, W. Lyrical Ballads, (1798- 1800) 314, 709, 5022. Poetical Works, (1797) 565, (Pickering, 1834) 2580, (1829) 2173, (1844) 4836. Literary Remains, (Pickering, 1836-39) 2584, 5015. Complete Works, (Pickering, 1843-49), 2958. Sibylline Leaves, (1817) 3437. The Watchman, (1796) 3438. COLLECTA Magistralia, (1479) 1581. COLLECTION des Poesies, Romans, etc., (1838-58) 2928. des Moralistes Anciens, (1782-95) 3298. d'Heroides, (20 vols. 1764-84) 654. des Romans Grecs, (1822-41) 3203. COLLIER, J. Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, 3083. COLLIER, J. P. History of English Dramatic Po_etry, 856, 1438, 2450, 3441, 3440. Poetical Decameron, 3439. Bibliographical Account of Rarest Books, 2052, 2053, 2423, 2511, 3442. Punch and Judy, (1828) 2062, 3907. Reprints of Rare Tracts, 2504. An Old Man's Diary, 2833, 2982. ~" COLLIGNON, Max. (O. RAYET, ET). Histoire de la Ceramique Grecque, 4905. COLLINGWOOD. Life of Ruskin, 3123. COLLINS, D. Account of New South Wales, 3027, 3593- COLLINSON, J. History of County of Somerset, 1222, 2373, 2729, 3806. COLNET, Capt. J. Voyage to the Sth. Atlantic, 4015. COLONNA, Fr. La Hypnerotomachia di Poliphilo, (1545) 4290. COLUMBUS, Christopher. His Own Book of Privi- leges, 1013. COMBE, W. See ROWLANDSON. COMBEFIS Bibliotheca Patrum Concionatoria, 2596. COMIC Latin Grammar, (1840) 1147. COMMINES, P. de. Les Memoires, (1648) 4291. COMMON Prayer, Boke of, (1560) 1498. Book of, (1549) 1520. Booke of, (1637) 1519, 2179. Books of, (6 vols., 1844) 810. COMMON-WEALTH'S Man Unmasked, 1816. COMTE, A. System of Positive Polity, 1005. CONCILIA Generalia Ecclesiae Catholicae Pauli V. Pont. Max., (1608-12) 3204. CONDAMINE, M. Voyage a 1'Equateur, 2 vols., (1751) 660. CONGREVE, W. The Double Dealer, (1694) 4766. The Mourning Bride, (1697) 4766. Works, (Baskerville) 1493, 2157, 2612, 3859, 5519. CONSTABLE, John. English Landscapes, 358, 3771, 4580. Memoirs of, by C. R. Leslie, 1775, 4578, 4918. CONWAY, Wm. Climbing, etc., in Karakoram- Himalayas, 2054. CONYBEARE AND HowsoN. Life of St. Paul, 5520. COOKE, Capt. J. Voyage towards the South Pole and Round the World, 1075. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1075. Voyages, 337, 1500, 3028, 3654, 3874, 4219. King, Foster, and Hawkesworth's Voyages, (1777-84) 3807. COOK, Colonel. Observations on Fox-Hunting, 32. COOKE, E. W. Fifty Plates of Shipping and Craft, (1829)4579. COOKE, M. C. British Fresh- Water Algae, 1008. British Desmids, 1009, 2860. _ Illustrations of British Fungi, 1010. COOKK, W. Memoirs of Sam Foote, (1805)4780. COOKE. Views of London, 557. Novelist's Entertaining Library, 4505. COOPER, J. F. Novels, (1859-61) 5521. INDEX. 413 COPINGER, W. A. Incunabula Biblica, 58. COPPEE, H. American Library of Art, etc., 1366. COPPERPLATE Magazine, The, 4525. CORBET, Bp. Richard. Certain Elegant Poems, 178. Poetica Stromata, 179, 510. CORDELIER, Tales of the, Metamorphosed, 4171. CORDELIERS, L'Alcoran des, 4332. CORNEILLB, P. Le Theatre, (1764) 646, (1664) 4292. CORNELIUS, G. Piscatio Philosophica Excellentise, (1662) 5361. CORNWALL, Parochial History of, 2614. Journals of Royal Institution of, (1864-92) 2616. CORR^EA, Thorn. De Eloquentia, 1243. CORRY, J. History of Lancashire, 5156. CORSAIR, The. (1839-40) 5034. CORSER, T. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, 2983. CORYATE, Thos. Crudities, (1611) 763, 2299, 4199, Traveller for the English Wits, (1616) 2300. COSTELLO, Louisa S. Eminent Englishwomen, 5522. COSTUMES of Russia, Austria, China, etc., 3055. of China, 3603. COSWAY, R., Thirty-six Plates after, 2986. COSYN, John. Musike of Six and Five Partes, (1585) 1692. COTMAN, J. S. Architectural Antiquities of Nor- mandy, 1421. Architectural Antiquities, etc., in Norfolk, 1271, 2998. COTTON, Charles. Poems on Several Occasions, (1689) i 80. The Wonders of the Peake, 511. Mirrour of Martyrs, (1631) 5135. The Planter's Manual, (1675) 5136. Compleat Angler, (1676) 64, 1092. WALTON AND. Complete Angler, 1085, 3550, 3779, 3785, (1860) 5007. See WALTON. COUCH, J. History of British Fishes, 1472, 5362. Fishes of British Isles, 2946, 3587. COUCHE, J. Galerie du Palais Royal, 3618. COUES, E. Key to N. American Birds, 5638. COURSES de Testes et de Bague (Perrault), (1670) 445- COURTNEY, W. P. AND BOASE, G. C. Bibliotheca Cornubensis, 1582. COUVRAY, Louvet de. Une Annee de la Vie de Chev. de Faublas, 1583. COVERDALE, M. Exhortacion unto Swearers, 2926. COWLEY, A. Poetical Blossoms, 181. Naufragium Joculare, 182. COWPER, W. Poems, (1782) 70, 183, 1236. The Task, (1785) 183, 1236. John Gilpin, (1783) 184. AND J. NEWTON. Olney Hymns, (1779) 3891. Cox, David. Life of, by H. N. Solly, 4480, 4557. COZZENS, J., Jr. History of Manhattan, 5270. CRACKS of the Day, 3892. CRAIK, J. L. Romance of the Peerage, 1177. CRAMER, P. Papillons Exotiques, 2713, 3029. CRANE, W. The First of May, 1633. CRASHAW, R. Steps to the Temple, (1648) 1585, (1646) 186, 1584. CRAWHALL, J. The Compleatest Angling Booke, 5363, 5364- Border Notes, and Mixty Maxty, 5365. CREALOCK, Sir H. H. Deer-Stalking, 1634, 5639. CREASY, E. S. Decisive Battles of the World, 5523- CROMAZIANO, A. Istoria Critica del Suicidio, 4293. CROMPTON, R. Mansion of Magnanimitie, (1599) 512, 1248. CROMWELL, Thos. Excursions through Ireland, 5524- CROMWELLIAN MS., (1600-70) 10. Pamphlets, (1641-42) 5201. CROSTON, J. Historic Sights of Lancashire and Cheshire, 3512. CROWE AND CAVALCASELLE. New History of Painting in Italy, (1864) 5053. CROWQUILL, A. Various articles from Bentley, illustrated by, (1840-43) 4742. CRUIKSHANK, G. Chamisso's Peter Schlemihl, 108, (1822) 598. Dickens's Memoirs of Grimaldi, 108, 1148, 1372, 1952, 1953, 2098, 2113, 2257, 2750, 2752, 5024, 5580. Hood's Epping Hunt, 108. The Tooth-ache, 2086. Barham's Ingoldsby Legends, 135. A Fireside Book, 187. Omnibus, (1842) 453, (1833) 568, 2065, 2211, 2917, (1842) 5536, 5537. Sunday in London, 454. A Pop-gun fired off by, 457. The Artist and the Author, 458. The Bands in the Parks, 458. Fairy Library, 459, 605, 606, 2064. Bachelor's Own Book, 460. Illustrations to Popular Works, by, 462, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 486, 1141, 2068, 2070, 2072, 2074, 2077, 1187, 4482, 4483. Autograph Letters to W. H. Merle, 463, 464, 465, 466, to Dickens, 467. Illustrations of Time, 4^68, 1636. Phrenological Illustrations, 469, 1635. Scraps and Sketches, 470, 1637. Water Colour Drawings by, 475, 476. Invitation Card of, 485. General Drawings by, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492. Worship of Bacchus, 496. Lord Bateman 513, 569, 1939. Caricatures by, 556. Jack and the Beanstalk, 1586. The Humourist, 1587, 2085. The Dandy's Rout. 1588. The Dandy's Perambulations, 1588. Grimm's Popular German Stories, 1057, 2073, 2728. Life of Mansie Waugh, 2079, 3973. Universal Songster, 1434, 4484. Glasscock's Land Sharks and Sea Gulls, 4485. Comic Almanack, 51, 1143, 2063, 2231, (1849 and 1851)5137. (1835-53) 5532. The Greeks and the Pigeons, 5138. Comic Alphabet, (1837) 5528. Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of, by G. W. Reid, 5529. Essay on the Genius of, (1840) 5530. Etchings by (Miscellaneous), 4539, 5531. Greenwich Hospital, (1826) 5533. Illustrations of Time, (1827) 5534. My Sketch Book, (1834) 5535. Points of Humour, (1823) 566, 2081, 5538. 414 BOOK SALES OF 1895. Punch and Judy, (1828) 5539. Table Book, (1845) 2066, 2217, 4771, 5540, 5541. Land Sharks and Sea Gulls, (1838) 5546. George Cruikshank's Magazine, (1854) 5575- London Characters, (1827) 2080. Scenes from Life of Edward Lascelles, (1837) 2084. Three Courses and a Dessert, (1830) 1061, 2061. Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse, 1127. CRYMES, T. Parliamentum Imperatorum, 1589. CUITT, G. Etchings of Chester and Yorks, 360. CUMBERLAND, R. Memoirs, 5157. GUMMING, R. G. Hunter's Life in South Africa, 1370, 4486. CUNNINGHAM, P. Story of Nell Gwyn, (1852) 1433, 2223, 3444, 5554. CUNNINGHAM AND WHEATLEY. London, Past and Present, 2589. CUPID, The. A Collection of Love Songs, (1891) 858, (1739) 5i- CUPID'S Posies, (1642) 1590. CURIOUS Dance round a Curious Tree, A., (1860) 1597. 1934, I93S, 5567. CURIO, Julius Secundus. Pasquine in a Traunce, (1566)5158. CURTIS, J. British Entomology, 1311, 3141, 4970. CURTIS, W. Flora Londinensis, 2811, 3052. Botanical Garden, (1793-1841) 3018. Botanical Magazine, 1310. CURTIUS, Prof. E. History of Greece, 5555. CUSSANS, J. E. History of Hertfordshire, 1544. CUVIER, Baron. Animal Kingdom, 3691. CYCLOPEDIA of Painters and Paintings, 4554. D'AGINCOURT. History of Art, 877. DALYELL. Remarkable Animals of Scotland, 3801. DAMPIER. Collection of Voyages, (1779) 4653. DANCE, G. Collection of Portraits, 361. DAN I ELI., F. B. Catalogue of Rich. Cosway's Engraved Works, 4538. DANIEL, G. Merrie England, (1842) 2214, 2416, 3443, 5556. DANIEL, S. Complete Works, 2971, 4726. Tragedy of Cleopatra, 188. Paulus Jovius, (1585) 1591. A Panegyrike Congratulatorie, (1603) 1592. Hymen's Triumph, (1623) 5159. Tragedy of Philotas, (1623) 5159. DANIEL, W. Rural Sports, 2676, 3034, 4487, 5033, 54- Supplement, 5033. DANNHAWERI, J. C. Memoria Thaumasiandri Lutheri renovata, 1876. DANTE. La Divina Commedia, 33, 34, (1817-19) 4200, (1595) 4296, (1491) 4465. Le Terze Rime, (Aldus, 1502) 4294, (Aldus, 1515) 4295- L'Enfer, (1861) 4947. D'ARHLAY, Madame. Diary and Letters, 2465. D'ARCQ, Chevalier. Histoire des Guerres, 1877. DARESTE, C. Histoire de France, (1874-76) 4847. DART, J. History of Westminster Abbey, 3818. D'ARTAGNAN, M. Memoires de, 4297. DARWIN, C. Life and Letters, 5557. Descent of Man, (1888) 4858. Origin of Species, (1888) 4858. Variation of Animals and Plants, 2768. DASENT, G. W. Story of Burnt Njal, 850, 1530, 2407, 2707, 3529, 3882, 5558. Vikings of the Baltic, (1875) 4708. Three to One, (1872) 4708. Popular Tales from the Norse, 3528. Story of Gisli, 3530. Jest and Earnest, 3531. Tales from the Fjeld, 3532. DAUBIGNY. Voyage en Bateau, (1862) 4948. DAUDET, A. Tartarin sur les Alpes, (1885) 3205. DAVENANT, W. Gondibert, (1651) 189, 2516. New Academy of Complements, (1671) 1593. The Just Italian, (1630) 5160. The Platonic Lovers, (1636) 2513. DAVEN PORT.'J. Curiositates Eroticae Physiologiae, (1875) 5030. Aphrodisiacs and Anti-Aphrodisiacs, (1869) 5031. DAVENPORT, R. The City Night- Cap, (1661)5161. DAVID, F. A. CEuvres Completes, (1780-1813) 3206. DAVIES, E. Mythology of Brit. Druids, 2370. DAVIES, John. Select Second Husband for Sir Thos. Overbury's Wife, (1616) 2927. DAVIS, Jefferson. The Confederate Government, 55i4- DAVIS, M. L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr, 5271. DAVISON. Poetical Rhapsody, 846, 1074, 4714. DAWSON, Moses. The Services of Major-Genera] W. H. Harrison, 5295. DAY, John. Works, (Bullen) 2740. DAY, Thomas. Sandford and Merton, (1786-89) 3056. DEANE, J. B. The Worship of the Serpent, 2325. DE BRY. See BRY. DECAISNE, J. Jardin Fruitier de Museum, 609. DECANDOLLE, A. P. de. Plantarum Succulentarum, 2812. DE CROY, F. The Three Conformities, 1878. DEDIKINDUS, Frid. Grobianus et Grobiana, 4298. DE FAVRE, M. La Toilette des Dames, (1779) 3207. DEFOE, D. Robinson Cnisoe, (1719-20) n, 82, 190, 1283, 1594, 2957, 3445, 4666, (1820) 2090, 5559, (1831) 2067, 5542, 5543. Serious Reflections, 82. Works, (1840-41) 3692. Captain Carleton, 514. DEGUIGNES, J. Histoire Generate des Huns, (1756-58) 3208. DE HAAS, W. Early Settlement and Indian Wars of W. Virginia, 5337- DE KAY, J. E. New York Reptiles and Fishes, 5641. Zoology of New York, 5642. Natural History of New York, 5385. DEKKER, Thomas. Magnificent Entertainment to King James, (1604) 4016. Dramatic Works, (1873) 2472, 5560. Non-Dramatic Works, (1884-6) 4725. DELANY, Mrs. Autobiography, 1350, 3538, 3584, 3712, 4635. DE LA ROQUE. Traite de la Noblesse, etc., 1879. DE-LA-WARRE, Lord. Relation, etc., (1611) 594. DE LILLE, Abbe\ The Gardens (Bartolozzi), (1805) 667. DELLA BELLA, Stef. Collection of Etchings, 340. DE MORGAN, A. The Book of Almanacs, (1871) 3446- Arithmetical Books, (1847) 3446. INDEX. 415 DEMOSTHENES. Orationes duae et Sexaginta, (1504) 3209. Ulpiani Commentarioli in Olynthiacs, etc., (1503) 3209. Three Orations, (1570) 1622. DEMON, V. Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, 1639. DE QUINCEY, T. Works, 2477, 4442. The English Opium Eater, (1822) 2517, 4246. DE QUINCEY, Quatremere. Le Jupiter Olympian, 3210. DE QUIR. Terra Australis Incognita, 538. DERBY, Earl. Iliad of Homer, 5561. DE SOTO, Don F. Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, 5289. DESFONTAINE, M. Bains de Diane, 4588. DE SMET, Rev. P. J. New Indian Sketches, 5272. Western Missions and Missionaries, 5273. DESORMEAUX. Histoire de Louis de Bourbon, (1768) 4607. DE STAEL. Memoirs, 2 vols., 570. DE TOCQUEVILLE, A. Democracy in America, 5274, 5334- DEUCHAR, D. Collection of Etchings, 3583. DE VAYNE, Miss. The Kentish Garland, 2436. D'HERBELOT, Bart. Bibliotheque Orientale, 3211. DIBDIN, C. Songs, (1841) 2069. DIBDIN, T. F. Bibliomania, (1809-11) 737, (1842) 1403, 4825. Book Rarities, 738. Specimen Bibliothecae Britannicae, 738. Specimen of an English De Bure, 738. Bibliography, a Poem, 738. Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 739. Bibliographical Decameron, 321, 740, 1503, 2091, 3021. Tour in the Northern Counties of England and Scotland, 650, 741, 1404, 2094, 4805. Tour in France and Germany, 419, 1405, 2092, 2238. Typographical Antiquities, 341, 764. Reminiscences, 5564. Library Companion, 2093, 5565. jEdes Althorpiana, 1504, 1511, 5562. DICKENS, C. Memoirs of Grimaldi, (1846) 108, (1838) 1148, 1372, 1952, 1953, 2098, 2113, 2257, 2 75) 2752, 5024, 5580. Works (Edit, de luxe), 109, 1363, 2461, 3693, 4188, 4582. Works (Library edit.), 2844. Sketches by " Boz," (1836) no, 571, 1980, 2095, 2254, 3022, 4757, 5140, 5585, (1839) 2096, 2255. Tale of Two Cities, (1859) in, 575, 1360, 1983, 2103, 2263, 2751, 5571. Autograph Letters to E. Yates, 116. Kitten's Charles Dickens by Pen and Pencil, 117- Writing Slope used by, 118. Pickwick Papers, (1837) 651, 1359, 1970, 2256, 2662, 4071, 4072, 4488, 4506, 5598 ; Autograph Portions of, 191 ; Sibson's Illustrations to, 1601 ; Onwhyn's Illustrations to, 1972, 5570 ; Heath's Illustrations to, 2150; Gilbert, Green- away, and Wright's Illustrations to, 1973 ; "Phiz's" Illustrations to, 1974; Crowquill's Illustrations to, 1971, 2104 ; Pailthorpe's Illus- trations to, 5576. Hints on Etiquette for Young Gentlemen, 1595. David Copperfield, (1850) 1596, 2261, 4593, 5596. A Curious Dance round a Curious Tree, (1852-60) 1597. I 934, i935> 5567. Little Dorrit, (1857) 1598, 4489, 5578. Is She his Wife ? 1599." Mr. Nightingale's Diary, 1600. American Notes, (1842) 1938, 2258, 4789, 4798, 5568, 5569. Christmas Books, (1843-48) 574, 2259, 5573. Martin Chuzzlewit, (1844) 1961, 2260, 5595. Bleak House, (1853) 1940, 1941, 2262. Our Mutual Friend, (1865) 2264, 5582. Forster's Life of, 2265, 5594. Letters of, 5592. Library of Fiction, (1837) 1958, 2266, 2549,4794, 5577- Child's History of England, (1852-53-54) 2400, 5566. Plays and Poems (Shepherd), 2518." The Village Coquettes, (1836) 1985, 1987, 2097, 2724, 5600. Oliver Twist, (1838) 652, 1968, 2099, 4073, 4742, 4797, 558i, (1846) 1108, (1886) 1969. The Strange Gentleman, (1837) i, 4193, 5589. Nicholas Nickleby, (1839) 1967, 2100, 4508, 5593, (1840) 5583. Sunday Under Three Heads, (1836) 1982, 5139, 5590- Story of Little Dombey, (1858) 1942, 4789. Story of his Life, 1944. Cricket on the Hearth, (1846) 1945, 2102. The Chimes, (1845) 1945, 2102. Battle of Life, (1846) 1945, 2102. Haunted Man, (1848) 1169, 1945, 2102. Christmas Carol, (1843) *l6}>i '945, 2102, 3522. Master Humphrey's Clock, (1840-1) 571, 1107, 1962, 1963, 2101, 5579. Pic-Nic Papers, (1841) 573, 5597. Dombey and Son, (1848) 1948, 5574. Great Expectations, (1861) 1949, 5575, (1885 1950, 1951. Hard Times, (1854) 1954. Hunted Down, (1870) 1956. Uncommercial Traveller, (1861) 1984, 5599. Pictures from Italy, (1846) 1976. Barnaby Rudge, (1842) 5572. Sketches of Young Gentlemen, (1831) 1981, 5587. Sketches of Young Couples, (1840) 1981, 2641, 2959, 5586. Sketches of Young Ladies, (1838) 1981, 5588. The Lamplighter, (1879) 1957, 5591. The Lamplighter's Story, (1833) 559 1 - Mudfog Papers, (1837) 1966. Sergeant Bell and his Raree Show, (1839) 1979. Battle of London Life by Morna, 1939. Characters of, by " Kyd," 1943. "That Other Public " (original MS.), 1960. DICTIONARY of Nat. Biog., 112, 998. DIDEROT. Les Bijoux Indiscrets, 2332, 4110. DIEFFENBACH. Travels in New Zealand, (1843) 5038. DIGBV, Sir Kenelm. Nature of Bodies, (1644) 682. DIGBY, K. Broad Stone of Honour, (1877) 93. DIGUY, K. H. Mores Catholici, (1831-42) 2918. DILETTANTI Society. Ionian Antiquities, 966, 3212. DINELY, T. Progress of the Duke of Beaufort, 874. DIODORUS Siculus. Historiarum, (1539) 3213. 416 BOOK SALES OF 1895. DIOGENES Laertius. Vitse et Sentcntias eorum qui in Philosophia probati fuerunt, (1475) 3214. DIONYSII Halicarnassensis. Opera Omnia, 1705. Antiquitatum Romanarum, (1546) 3115. DIOSCORIDES. Opera, (1499) 3216. DISCOURS Veritable des deux derniers Conspira- tions, (1595) 4299. DIXON, Cape. G. Voyage Round the World, 4017. DIXON, W. H. New America, 5601. The Holy Land, 5601. Spiritual Wives, 5601. Free Russia, 5601. Her Majesty's Tower, 5601. William Penn, 5601. The Switzers, 5601. DOBREE, S. Book of Death, 5622. DOBSON, A. Beau Brocade, 48, 2106, 5002. At the Sign of the Lyre, 2397. Horace Walpole, 1178. Coridon's Song, (1894) 5003. Proverbs in Porcelain, 1022, (1893) 2691. William Hogarth, 2647, 3458, 4532. DOBSON, W. Kunopaedia, 30, 1735. DODDRIDGE, Rev. Dr. J. Settlement and Indian Wars of Virginia, 5275. DODSLEY. Annual Register, 1416, 3506. Collection of Old Plays (Reed, Gilchrist, and Collier) 2425 ; (W. C. Hazhtt) 2434 ; (1765) 2954. DOLLINGER. History of the Church, 3131. Fables of the Popes, 1397, 3132. DOMENECH, Abbe E. The Great Deserts of N. America, 5276. DONATA. Palais de San Donate, 5439. DONNE, J. Poems, (1633) 192, (1639) 193, (1654) i94. (1635) 653, (1633) 897, 2115, 2686. Deaths Duell, (1632) 2114. Letters to Persons of Honour, 2114. Juvenilia, (1633) 2114. DONOVAN, E. Natural History of British Fishes, 5021. British Birds, 5643. DORAN, Dr. "Their Majesties' Servants," 1439, (1864) 3694, 3863, 5050. Annals of English Stage, 2855, 3095, 3574, 3695, 4441. Lives of Queens of England, 3864. London in the Jacobite Times, 1263. DORAT. Les Baisers, Precedes du Mois de Mai, 1219, (1770) 2330, (1880) 3217, (1770) 4074. Lettre d'Alcibiade a Glicere, etc., 1220. (Euvres, (1770 77) 3933. Fables Nouvelles, (1773)4111. DORE, Gustave. La Sainte Bible, 965. D'ORLEANS, Le Pere. Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, 4300. DORM AY, C. Decora Francia; in Ludovici Regis Unctione Reflorescentia, 1817. DOUGLAS, Rev. J. Nenia Britannica, 3623. DOUGLAS, Sir R., AND J. P. WOOD. Peerage of Scotland, 3622. DOWDEN, E. Shakespere Scenes, 3581. DOYLE, J. E. Chronicle of England, 2279, 2280, 2 977, 3459- Official Baronage of England, 962, 4655. DOYLE, R. Fairyland, 1134. Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson, (1854) 3708. D'OYLY, Sir C. Tom Raw, the Griffin, (1828) 3993- DRAKE, F. Eboracum, 558, 3611, 3819, 4202, 5604. DRAMA, The British, (1804) 5603. DRAMATISTS of the Restoration, (1872-79) 2854, 2904, 4729. DRAMATISTS, English Comic, 5619. DRAWINGS by the Italian Masters, (1887) 4952. DRAWINGS. Original Scenery in Brit. Islands, 362, 363. On the Continent, 364, 363. DRAYTON, M. Poems, (1637) 5605. Poly-Olbion, (1622) 683, 3003, 5079. DRESSER AND SHARPE. Birds of Europe, 5. DRUMMOND, J. Ancient Scottish Weapons, 2997. DRUMMOND, W. Poems, (1656) 195. DRYDEN, John. Lacrymae Musarum, 196. Astrea Redux, 198. The Rival Ladies, 199. The Hind and the Panther, 200, 1623. Amboyna, (1673) 5163. Troilus and Cressida, (1679) 5163. The Indian Emperour, (1686) 5163. The Assignation, (1692) 5163. Works, 18 vols., 322, 437, 2335, 2459, 2716, 4612. AND HODDESON, John. Sion and Parnassus, 197. Du BARRY, La Comtesse. Sa Vie Amoureuse, (1878) 5606. Du BARTAS. His Divine Weekes, (1613) 5607, 5608. Du Bois, H. P. Four Private Libraries of New York, 1 1 So. DUDRIZHOFFER, M. Account of the Abipones, 5602. DUBUISSON. Armorial des principales Maisons, etc., du Royaume, 1818. Du CANGE. Glossarium Media: et Infimae Latini- tatis, 3501, 4656. Du CHAILLU, P. B. Land of the Midnight Sun, 1044. The Viking Age, 953. DUFF. Early Printed Books, 4216. DUFOUR, P. Histoire de la Prostitution, 5611. Du FRESNY (Riviere), (Euvres, 4075. DUGDALE, Sir W. Discourse on Bacon, 555. Monasticon Anglicanum, 1340, 2323, 2602, 3663, 3791, 3821*, 4301, 4466, 5062. Baronage of England, (1675-76) 3614, 3670, 3822. Antiquities of Warwickshire, (1565) 1514, 3820, (1730) 3820*, 4987. History of St. Paul's Cathedral, (1658) 3821. DULWICH Gallery, 811, 2288. Du MAURIER, G. English Society at Home, 5609. DUNDONALD, Thos., Earl of. Autobiography of a Seaman, 5610. DUNKIN, E. H. Church Bells of Cornwall, 2613. DUNLAP, W. Rise and Progress of Design in U.S., 544- DURER, A. Oratio Dominica, etc. (Stoeger), 776. D'URFEY. Pills to Purge Melancholy, 1286, 2447, 3447- Du Rosoi. Les Sens, Poeme, (1766) 4590. DURUY, V. History of Rome, 1031, 3092, 3696. History of Greece, 964. Du SOMMERARD. Les Arts du Moyen Age, 366. DWIGHT, T. Travels in New England, 3277. INDEX. 417 DVCE, Rev. A. Specimens of British Poetesses, 5612. Specimens of English Sonnets, 5613. EARI.OM AND TURNER. Portraits of Characters in British History, 3598. EARLY Poetry. The Return from Parnassus, 1050. EARWAKER, J. D. East Cheshire, 880. EASTLAKE, C. L. Materials for History of Oil Painting, 4628. EATON, Prof. D. C. Ferns of North America, 5615- EBERS, J. Seven Years of the King's Theatre, (1828) 4780. EBSWORTH, J. W. Cavalier Lyrics, 848, ECCLESIOLOGIST, The, (1843-68)4964. EDEN, R. The History of Travayle in W. and E. Indies, (1577) 3666. EDERI, D. G. Methodus Catechismi Catholici, (1579) 1819. EDGEWORTH, Maria. Tales and Novels, (1848) 5616. EDMONDSON, J. Complete Body of Heraldry, 878, 3823. EDWARD III., Year Books of, (1532) 2032. EGYPT Exploration Fund, Memoirs, 2673, 4689. Extra Memoir, (1889) 4689. Memoirs. Ben Hasan and El Bersheh, (1893-4) 4689. EGYPTE, Description de 1', (1809-22) 812. EGYPTIAN Book of the Dead, (1893-4), 4690. EGAN, P. Book of Sports, 31. Life in London, 35, 655, 1186, 1733, 3893, 5544. Bpxiana, 2478, 3888, 4186. Life of an Actor, 1187, 3974, 5614. EISEN AND COCHIN. Original Drawings of twelve Illustrations to Lucretius, (1754) 4527. ELEVATIONS du Cceur a Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, 1820. ELIOT, George. Adam Bede, (1859) 1603, 3697, 4979- Novels, (ist edits.) 1602. Silas Marner, (1861) 3698. Romola, 46, (Edition de Luxe) 113, (1863) 3699, (1880) 3700. Mill on the Floss, (1863) 2146, (1860) 2840. The Spanish Gipsy, (1868) 4868. Theophrastus Such, (1879) 2843, 4868. Felix Holt, (1866) 2841. Daniel Deronda, (1876) 2842. Legend of Jubal, (1874) 2843. ELIOT, Sir J. Monarchic of Man, (1879) 2500. Apology for Socrates, (1881) 2500. De Jure Majestatis and Letter Book, (1882) 2500. ELIZABETH'S, Queen, Prayer Book, (1590) 765. ELIZBETHAN Dramatists, (Nimmo) 2737. ELLICOTT. Old and New Testament Commentary, 3788. ELLIOTT, D. G. Monograph of the Pittidae, 5644. Monograph of the Tetraoninas, 5645. ELLIS, K. S. Lexical Concordance to the Works of Shelley, (1892) 5054. ELLISTON. Life of, (Raymond) 3057. ELTON. The Great Book Collectors, 4216. ELWES, H. J. Genus Lilium, 2813. ELZEVIR. Reipublicae Eizeverianas, (1632-44) 3354. EMERSON, R. W. English Traits, (1856) 5012. Complete Works, (1883) 5617. Various Writings, 4860. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica (gth edit.), ion, 4018, 4904, 5618. ENGLISH Catalogue of Books (1835-89) 2492 (1835- 94) 4221. ENGLISHMAN'S Hebrew Concordance, 451. ENGRAVINGS 'and Etchings, principally by Old Masters, 1548, 1549, 1551. ENGRAVINGS, Collection of, 367, 368, 369, 370 ; Galerie de Florence et du Palais Petit, 373 ; portraits, 403 ; Spanish Portraits, 405 ; por- traits, (1658) 2376. ENGRAVINGS and Woodcuts by Old Masters (Quaritch), 4213. Suite d'Estampes par Lancret, Pater, Eisen, etc. 5443. ENTRETIENS Spintuels, pour servirde Preparation a la Mort, 1821. EPICTETUS. Opera Omnia, (1799-1800) 3218. Enchiridion, (1528) 3219. EPISTOL^E Obscurorum Virorum, (1643) 263. Diversorum Philosophorum (Basilii Magni, 1499) 4302. ERASMUS, D. Colloquia, (1636) 4303. Morias Enkomion, (1676) 4304. De Civilitate Morum Puerilium, 15. ERNST et Gerardin. Papillons d'Europe, 1319. ERSKINE, Lord, 3766. ESPERNON, Due d'. Les Armes Triomphantes de Son Altesse, (1656) 4069. ESQUEMELING. Bucaniers of America, (1684) 3815, 5278, (1741) 5279. ESSAIS de Morale, 1822. ETAT Major des Places dans 1'Armee Franchise, (1763) 1823. ETCHINGS. Uiuvres de W. linger, 1150. Collection of Original Etchings, (1816) 4988 Collection of, 371. ETHEREGE, Sir G. The Man of Mode, (1676) 5164- She Wou'd if she Cou'd, (1671)5164. ETTING, F. M. Old State House of Pennsylvania, 5280. ETYMOLOGICON Magnum Grasce, (1499) 3220. EUCLID, Billingsley, (1570) 684. EUCLIDES. Elementa cum Procli Comment, (i533) 3221. EURIPIDES. Tragcediae Septemdecim, (1503) 3223. Electra, (1545)3224, (1546) 5142. EUSEBIUS. De Evangelica, (c. 1470)3225. Socrates et alii Ecclesiastical: Historiae, (1544-45) 3226. Chronicon, (1483) 4305. EUSTRATIUS, etc., (1536) 676. EVANS, J. Stone Implements, 2930. EVANS, Lewis. Analysis of General Map, etc., (Philadelphia, 1755) 596. EVELYN, J. Diary, (1827) 888, (1879) 2493, (1827) 2708, (1879) 2935, (1827) 3100. EVERETT, E. Life <>f George Washington, 5281. EXCURSIONS in Ireland, etc. 13 vols.. 976. Ex-LiBRis Society's Journal, (1891-94) 4214. EYTON, R. W. Antiquities of Shropshire, 1505. FABIAN. Chronicle, (1701) 602, (1533) 721. FAIKBAIRN AND BUTTERS. Family Crests, 3510. FAIRHOLT, F. W. Tobacco, 1760. 418 BOOK SALES OF 1895. FAITHORNE, W. Art of Graveing and Etching, (1662) 4882. FALCONER, W. The Shipwreck, (1811) 3227. FALKLAND, Lord. Of the Infallibilitie of Church of Rome, 1878. FALSTAFF, Sir John, Life of, by R. B. Brough, 1185, 2202, 2947, 5527. FAMIGLIE Italiane. Delle Nobil Famigle e Casa di Venetia. (MS., Saec. xvii.) 4306. FAN r, E. M. Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Maedii JEvl, 2005. FARDLE of Facions, (1555) 2965. FAREWELL, Christopher. An East Indian Colla- tion, 1604. FARMER, J. S. Slang and its Analogues, (1890-93) 5624. FARQUHAR, Geo. The Constant Couple, (1700) 5165- The Stage Coach, (1705) 5166. FARREN. Memoirs of Countess of Derby, (1797) 379- FARREN, R. The Granta and the Cam, 4931. FARRER, F. W. Life of St. Paul, 5625. FASHION and Folly, or the Buck's Pilgrimage, 1060. FASCICULUS Temporum, (1480) 2519. FAUBLAS, Chevalier de. La Vie du, par Louvet de Couvray, 1583. FAULKNER, T. History of Fulham, 342. Fulham and Hammersmith, 2636. History of Kensington, 2207. FELIX. On the Bat, 4249. FENELON. Aventures de Tel^maque, (1734) 3950. De 1'Existence de Dieu, etc., 1825. FENTON, R. Tour through Pembrokeshire, 2683. FERGUSSON, J. History of Architecture, 3701, 4625, 4884. Handbook of Architecture, 4624. FEUERBACH. Essence of Christianity, 1400. FIELD, Eugene. Model Primer, (1882) 898. Second Book of Verse, 899. Holy Cross, 900. FIELDING, H. Joseph Andrews, (1742) 201. Tom Jones, (1749) 202, 656, 3975. Amelia, (1752) 203, 657, 3975*. Works, 10 vols., 323, (1766) 1066, (1891-92) 1473, 2382, 2439, 2846, 3702, 3703. FIELDING, T. H. The English Lakes, 2970, 2991. FIGARO-SALON. Par Albert Wolff, (1885-91) 4937. FILASTRK, G. La Toison Dor, (1517) 4070. FINDLAY, W. The (Whiskey) Insurrection in Pennsylvania, (1796) 5282. FISCHER AND BLUME'S Floras Java, 2808. FISHMONGERS' Company. The Fishmongers' Pageant, 4201. FITZGERALD, Edw. Letters and Literary Remains, (1889) 3449. FITZROY, Capt. Voyage of "Adventure" and ' Beagle," 1347, 2778. FITZROY, A. The Discovery of the Country of Kentuckie, (1706) 5309. FLATMAN, Thomas. Poems and Songs, (1682) SMS- FLECHIER, E. Histoire de Theodose le Grand, 437 Oraisons Funebres, 1826, 1903. FLEMING, R. Divine Right of Revolution, 1866. FLETCHER, G. Christ's Victorie and Triumph in Heaven and Earth, 1079. FLETCHER (BEAUMONT AND). Works, 316, 2167, 3639, 3682. FLETCHER, J. The Faithful Shepheardesse, (1629) 2154. The Tragedy of Rollo, (1640) 5144. Monsieur Thomas, (1639) S 1 ^?. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, (1640) 5167. FLETCHER, P. The Purple Island, 204, 1076, 1696, 537.1- Martiall's Epigrams, 205. FLIGHT, E. G. St. Dunstan and the Devil, 2071. FLORES des Serres et des Jardins de 1'Europe, (1845-83) 2769. FLORES. Histoire Amoureuse de, (1561) 1697. FLORIAN. CEuvres, 1605. Galatee, 4125. FOGLIETTA, U. Delia Republica di Genova, 4309. FOLK Lore Society's Publications (32 vols.), 849. FONTENELLE. Entretiens sur la Pluralite des Mondes, 1827. FONVIELLE, Chev. de. Memoires Historiques, 4079. FOOTE, Samuel. Dramatic Works, 2166. FORBERG, F. C. Romance of Classical Erotology, 3857- FORBES, Bishop. Funerals, (1635) 701. FORBES, John. Cantus, Songs, and Fancies, (1682) 4080. Oriental Memoirs, 3025. FORBES, J. D. Norway and its Glaciers, 2755, 385. FORD, R. Handbook for Travellers in Spain, 2711. FORREST. Australia, 1014. FORSTER, Edw. The British Gallery of Engravings, 2183. Foss, E. The Judges of England, 1163, 3704. FOSTER, J. Alumni Oxoniensis (8 vols.), 956. FOSTER AND FINLASON. Nisi Prius Cases, 3133. Fox, C. J. Speeches, 3767. Fox, J. Book of Martyrs, (1641) 5176. FRANCE. Collection de Memoires a 1'Histoire de, 319- FRANCK, R. Northern Memoirs, (1694) 5372. FRANKLIN, B. Works, (1882) 3115. Life of, by J. Parton, 5323. FRASER, W. The Chiefs of Colquhoun, 1998. The Lennox, 1999. The Earls of Cromartie, 2000. FRAUNCE, A., 2o5. FREEMAN, E. A. Historical Geography, 2395, 2556. Norman Conquest, 993, 2410, 3541. William Rufus, 2424. Methods of Historical Study, 3542. Historical Essays, (1872-73)4856. FREEMASONS Calendar, (1797) 1828. FREER, M. W. Henry IV. and Marie de Medici, (1861) 3705. Last Decade of a Glorious Reign, (1863) 3705. History of the Reign of Henry IV. of France, "PS- Marguerite d'Angouleme, (1854) 2856, (1856) 3096, (1854) 375- Jeanne d'Albret, (1855) 3705. Elizabeth de Valois, (1857) 428, 2857, 3097, 3705, 4 22 3- Henry III. of France, (1858) 2307, 2858, 3098, 3705, 4222. Henry IV. and the League, (1860) 2859, 3705. Anne of Austria, 428. INDEX. 419 FRENEAU, P. Poems, (1786) 5283, (1809) 5284. FROBISHER. Voyages, (1580) 742, (1578) 766. FROISSART and Monstrelet. Chronicles (Johnes), 1450, 2495, 37 6 > 447- Chronicles of England (Humphreys), 3976. FROMENTIN, Eugene. Vingt-Cinq Dessins, 4925. FROUDE, J. A. The English in Ireland in the i8th Century, 1261, 4686. Zeta, Shadows of the Clouds, (1847) 1606, 1643. 345- History of England, 1298, 3707, 4686, 4718, 5145. The Nemesis of Faith, 1644, 3451, (1849) 3894. Short Studies, 4686, 4718. Life and Letters of Erasmus, 4686. FROUDE, R. H. Remains, (1838-39) 4969. FUCHSIUS, Leon. De Medendi Methodo, 4308. FULCHER, G. W. Life of Thomas Gainsborough, (1856) 4552. FULLER, T. Historic of the Holy Warre, (1639) 5i77- Holy and Profane State, (1652) 5178. Pisgah Sight of Palestine, (1650) 5179. The Worthies of England, (1662) 5180. Plutarch's Lives, (1676) 5180. Worthies' Library (Grosart), (1868-71) 2490. FULTON, R. Colden's Life of, 5268. FULVIUS, A. Illustrium Imagines, 1647. GADBURY. Doctrine of Nativities, 1348. GAGE, J. History of Suffolk, 1240. GAGE, T. New Survey of the West Indies, (1648) 5181. GALE, Norman. Thistledown Essays, 901. Cricket Songs, 902. June Romance, 903. Country Muse, New Series, 904. Fellowship in Song, 905. Orchard Songs, 906. Meadow Sweet, 907. GALERIE du Palais Royal, (1786-1808) 3042. GALERIE de Florence et du Palais Pitti, 3036. GALENUS. Opera Omnia, (1538) 3228. GAMBADO, G. Academy for Grown Horsemen, 1698, 1699, 2319, 3080, 4682. GARRICK, D. The Sick Monkey, 1700. Private Correspondence, (1835) 4709. GARDINER, Bishop. Rescuynge of the Romishe Fox, (1545) 743. Detection of the Devil's Sophistrie, (1546) 576. GARDINER, S. R. Civil War, 2422. History of England, 2462, 4712. Fall of Monarchy of Charles I., 3540. GARNIER, E. Soft Porcelain of Sevres, 1341, 1546. GASCOIGNE, G. The Posies, 207. The Steele Glas, 208. CASK ELL, Mrs. Cranford, 577, 1023, 5004. Life of Charlotte Bronte, (1857) 3430. GASPARINI Pergamensis Epistolarum, 5168. GATAKERI Opera Critica, (1698) 559. GAY, J. Fables, 2045, 2201, 2269, (1793) 2220, 3633, 4126, 4490. Polly, 542, 4126. Three Hours after Marriage, 209. GEIKIE, Jas. The Great Ice Age, (1877) 4839. GEMISTUS, G. Plethonis Elegans, (1552) 702. GENEALOGY. La Genealogie de la Bible (MS. roll. Cent. XV.), 1638. Noble Families of Cavendish, Holies, Vere, etc., 2314. GENEVA. The Laws and Statutes of Geneva, (i 362) 4081. GENT, T. History of York, 1379, 2367. History of Ripon, 1377, 1401, 2520. Prologue to Jane Shore, 5146. Judas Iscariot, 5147. History of Kingston-upon-Hull, 1402. History of England and Rome, 1379. History of Window in St. Peter's Cathedral, York, 1378. GEORGE, E. Etchings of Old London, 4927. Etchings on the Moselle, 4934. Etchings on the Loire, 4935. Etchings of Venice, 4936. GERARDE, J. Herball, (1636) 3669, 5064. GERARDIN, Ernst de. Papillons d'Europe, 1319. GERSON, J. Opusculum Tripartitum, etc., (1470) 4598. GERHARD, Ed. Griechische Vasenbilder, 3230. Etruskische Spiegel, 3231. GESTA Romanorum (Wright), 2440. GIANNOTTJ, D. La Republica di Venegia, 4309. GIBB, W. Royal House of Stuart, 970. GIBSON, W. S. Monastery at Tynemouth, 4811. Gn BERT, W. S. " Bab" Ballads, (1869) 1193. More " Bab " Ballads, (1869) 1193. GILBERT, C. S. History of Cornwall, 2379, 2628. GILBERT, Davies. Parochial History oi Cornwall, 2615. GILBERT, Jos. Landscape and Art, 4876. GILBERT, Thomas. Voyage from New South Wales, 4010. GILCHRIST, A. Life of Blake, 2409, 4547, 4872. GILES, H. A. Chinese-English Dictionary, 2671. GILLRAY. Caricatures by, 556. GINSBURG, Dr. C. D. The Massorah, 3505. GIOVIO e Symeoni. Dialogo dell' Impresse Militari, 43 10 - GIRAUD, J. P., Jr. Birds of Long Island, 5648. GIRDLESTONE, Rev. A. G. The High Alps, 3977. GIRONI, Robust. II Costumi dei Greci, 3232. GIRTIN, T. Liber Naturae, 4575, 4933. GLADSTONE, W. E. Studies on Homer, 425, 3233. GODEFFROY de Boulion. Les Faitz et Gestes, 1701. GODWIN, W. Political Justice, (1793) 2684. GOLARUS and Gawane (The Knightly Tale of), 2001. GOLDSMITH, O. Memoirs of a Protestant, (1758) 210. Citizen of the World, (1762) 211, 3630. The Traveller, (1765) 212. Vicar of Wakefield, (1766) 213, 1648, (1823) 3071, 399 2 - Good Natur'd Man, (1768) 214, 1649, 5148. Deserted Village. (1770) 215. She Stoops to Conquer, (1773) 216, 1650. Life of Richard Nash, (1762) 4190. Life of, by James Prior, 4509. Political and Dramatic Work?, (1780) 578. GOMBAULD. Endimion, (1624) 579. GOMBERVILLE, Marin le Roy de. Polexandre (1645-38) 4390. GONSE, L. L'Art Japonais, 1338. Les Beaux Arts et les Arts Decoratifs, 1451. GOODE, G. B. The Fishery Industries of the U. States, 5374. GOODERE, Sir John D. Memoirs of, 4006. GOOGE, Barnaby. Whole Arte and Trade of Hus- bandry, (1614) 5375. Zodiake of Life, (1588) 672. 420 BOOK SALES OF 1895. GOSPELS, the Four. MS. on glazed paper in Old Armenian (Cent. XVII.), 3235. GOSPELS, the Four. (John Foxe), (1571) 767. GOSSE, P. H. Naturalist in Jamaica, (1851) 2770. The Devonshire Coast, (1853) 2770. The Birds of Jamaica, (1849) 397^- Romance of Nat. History, 5649. Canadian Naturalist, 5649. AND HUDSON, C. T. The Rotifera, 2827. GORDON, Sir R. Genealogical History of Earldom of Sutherland, 3617. GOTHOFREDUS, Jac. Orationes Politicaa, (1634) 3236. GOULD. Birds of E'irope, 22, 1326. Trochilidae, 23, 1327, 2816, 4660, 4977. Birds of Asia, 24, 4140. Birds of Gt. Britain, 25, 2815, 4141. Birds of Australia, 2814, 4976. Century of Birds from Himalaya Mts., 813, 2817. Monograph of the Ramphastidae, 1328. Monograph of the Trogonidae, 1329. Monograph of the Odontophorinae, 1330. Asiatic Birds, 1331, 4978. Humming Birds, 5 vols., 814. Synopsis of Birds of Australia, 5650. GOUGH, R. Sepulchral Monuments, 4644. GOURGAUDET MoNTHOLON. M6moires a 1'Histoire de France sous Napoleon, 331. GOWER. Confessio Amantis, (1554) 560. GOYA, sa Vie, son CEuvre, et le Catalogue de 1'CEuvre, 4907. Gozzi, Count. Memoirs by Symonds, 1289, 2661. GR^EVIUS, J. G. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Graeco- rum et Romanarum, (1693-1725) 3824. GRAFTON. Chronicles of England, 4654. GRAHAM, J. A. The Present State of Vermont, (1797) 5285. GRAMMONT, Count. Memoirs of, 418, 447, 649, 673, 2309, 2717, 2847, 4530, 4647. GRAY, G. R. (ienera of Birds, 1325. GRAY, T. An Elegy, (1719) 218. Odes, (1757) 219, 908. GRANGER, J. Biographical History of England, 768, 4143, 4510. GRAVESANDE, Ch. de. Eaux-Fortes, 4924. GRAVES. History of Cleveland, 1388. GREENAWAY, Kate. Original Drawings for Pied Piper of Hamelin, 4528. [GREENE, J.] A Refutation of The Apology for Actors, (1616) 1764. GREEN, J. R. English People, 431, 2430, 2555, 2585- Conquest of England, 2476. Making of England, 2476. GREEN, V. History of City of Worcester, 3808. GREEN, T. J. The Texian Expedition against Mier, 5286. GREENE, R. Works, (1881-86) 4725. GREG, P. History of the United States, 5287. GREGO, J. Life of Rowlandson, 3082, 4459. GKEGORIUS, S. Omelie in Deutschen, (1479) 1620. GREGORY IX., Pope. Nova Compilatio Decre- talium, (1473) 815. GREGSON, M. Portfolio of Fragments, 374. GRF.VII.LE (HOOKER AND). Icones Filicum, (1831) 5066. GREVILLE, C. Memoirs, 443, 3713. Journal of Reigns of George IV., etc., 2938. GREVILLEA. (Ed. by Cooke, 1872-94) 2826. GRBY, Sir G. Expedition in N. W. Australia, 452- GRIFFITHS, A. F. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 3426. GRIMBLE, A. Shooting and Salmon Fishing, 710. GRIMM, Brothers. German Popular Stories, (1823- 26) 2073, (1834) 1057. GRISWOLD, R. W. The Republican Court, 5288. GROLIER, J Recherches sur sa Vie et sa Biblio- theque (Roux-de-Lincy), 3237. GRONOW, Capt. Reminiscences, 5049. GROSART, A. B. Towneley Nowell MSS., etc., 3509. GROSE, F. Antiquities of Ireland, 1137, 4639. Antiquities of England and Wales, 3564, 3577, 3597, 3651, 3883, 4639- Antiquities of Scotland, 4639. Antiquities of Brit. Isles, 343. AND T. ASTLE. Antiquarian Repertory, 3595. GROTE, G. History of Greece, 996, 1028, 1531, 2419, 3714, 4616. Plato and his Companions, 2413, 2936. Aristotle, 2931. GROTIUS. Le Droit de la Guerre, etc., 1880. GRUEL, Leon. L' Amateur de Reliures, 3238. GRUNER, Lewis. Specimens of Ornamental Art, 5061. GRUTERUS, Janus. Pericula, 1202. GUARINI, B. II Pastor Fido, 1881. GURNARD, Madame. Memoires de la Princesse de Lamballe, 1829. GUERCINO. Bartolozzi's Engravings, 4226. GUEST, Lady C. Mabinogion, 4443. GUTCH, J. M. A Lyttell Geste of Robin Hood, 2339, 2466, 2949, 3453, 3986, (1847) 4800. Collectanea Curiosa, 3452. GUIGARD, J. Armorial de Bibliophile, 4311. GUILEVILLE, G. de. Le Pelerinage de Vie Hu- maine, (1499) 2377. GUILLIM, J. Display of Heraldry, 1230, 1274, 2324, 3671, 3825, 4965. GUILLONIUS, Renatus. Gnomon, (1548) 3153. GWYN (Nell), Portfolio of Portraits of, 2985. Story of Nell Gwyn, by P. Cunningham, (1852) 1433, 2223, 3444, 5554. H., R. School of Recreation, (1696) noo. HABERT-DYS. Fantaisies Decoratives, 4930. HABINGTON, W. Castara, (1634) 220, (1640) 221. HADDON, Walter. Against J. Osorius, (1581) 515. HADEN, F. Seymour. Etudes de 1'Eau Forte, (1866) 4923. About Etching, (1879) 2980, 4903. Descriptive Catalogue of his Etched Work, 4875. The Etched Work of Rembrandt, 4877. HAILSTONE, E. Yorkshire Worthies, 2747. HAINES, Rev. H. Monumental Brasses, 2617. HAKLUYT. Collection of Early Voyages, 92, 744, 3653- Historic of the West Indies, (1615) 1611. Diners Voyages touching the Discovery of America (Hakluyt Soc.), 5291. HALKETT AND LAING. Dictionary of Anonymous Literature, 4211. HALL. Chronicles of England, 4654. HALL, J. History of Nantwich, 2598. HALL, John. Poems, 222. HALL, Joseph. Virgidemiarum, 223. INDEX. 421 HALL, S. C. Book of Gems, 2248. Baronial Halls, 2571, 5449. Royal Gallery of Art, 971. HALL, S. E. Baronial Halls of England, 3826, 5065. Royal Gallery of British Art, 5068. HALL, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ireland, (1841) 2268, 2948, 4791. HALLAM, Isaac. The Cocker, 21. HALLAN, A. W. Registers of St. Botolph, 2618. HALLE, Edw. Chronicle, (1548) 3911. HALLIWELL, J. O. Ancient Documents, 2955. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, 873- HALS (Frans), Etchings after, (1873) 4926. HAMERTON, P. G. French and English, (1889) 4954- Life of J. M. \V. Turner, (1885) 4935. Human Intercourse, (1884)4957, 4898. Intellectual Life, 4059. The Saone Voyage (MS.), 4961. The Etchings of Rembrandt, 4962. Imagination in Landscape Painting, (1887) 4944, 4921. Chapters on Animals, (1874) 4895, 4898. The Sylvan Year, (1876) 4895, 4898. The Etcher's Handbook, (1871-81)4896. Unknown River, 4898. Landscape, (1885) 2967, 3556, 3752, 4472, 4568, 4898, 4943, 4956. Etching and Etchers, (1868) 1342, 3520, 3710, 3979, (1880)4454, 4823, 4894, 4920. Graphic Arts, (1882) 3582, 3751, 4471, 4563, 4898, 4941, 4960. Isles of Loch Awe, (1859) 4897. Wenderholme, 4898. Man in Art, (1892) 2890, 3755, 4529, 4942, 4958. Thoughts about Art, (1873) 4896, 4897, 4898. Portfolio Papers, (1889) 4896, 4897, 4898. Observations on Heraldry, (1831) 4897. HAMILTON, A. Memoires de Grammont, 418, 447, 649. 673, 2309, 2717, 2847, 4530, 4647. HAMILTON (Alex.), Observations on Certain Docu- ments against, (1797) 5292. Works of, (1851) 5293. HAMILTON, Lady. Authentic Records of Court in England, (1832) 4702. HAMILTON, Sir W. Pitturi de Vasi Antichi, 375. Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Antiquities, 3239. Peintures des Vases Antiques, 3240. HAMILTON, Walter. French Book Plates, 909. HAMPSHIRE Illustrated, 376. General History of (Woodward, Wilks, and Lock- hart), 1702, 2593. HANSARD'S Parliamentary Debates, (1831-1884) 2611. HARDY. Book Plates, 4216. HARDING, J. D., AND PROUT, S. Views of Switzer- land, 404. HARDION. Nouvelle Histoire Poe'tique, 1830. HARGRAVE, F. State Trials, 377. HARLAND, J. Ballads and Songs of Lancashire, 863. HARLEIAN Society's Registers, 43, 1415. Society's Publications, (1875-86) 1414, (1869-94) 2619, (1869-81) 2900. Miscellany, 1296, 1474, 2308, 2709. HARIOT, T. The Newfoundland of Virginia (re- print), 5294. HARMENOPULUS, Const. Epitome Juris Civilis, (1540) 3241. HARRIS, S. The Coaching Age, 1211. HARRIS, Capt. W. C. Wild Sports of S. Africa, 2204, 5651. HARRINGTON, J. The Grecian Story, (1684) 5169. HARRISON, Maj.-Gen. W. H. The Services of, by M. Dawson, 5295. The Aborigines of the Valley of the Ohio, 5296. HARVEY, G. Gratalationum Valdinensium, (1578) 1651. Pierce's Supererogation, (1593) 1703. Works, (1884) 4725. HARVEY, W. De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis Cir- culo, (1654) 1652. De Generatione Animalium, (1651) 4082. Concerning the Generation of Living Creatures, (1653), 482. Phycologia Britannica, (1846-51)2771, (1871)3140. Phycologia Australica, (1858-63) 3139. HASSELL, J. Memoirs of Life of George Morland, 4569- HASTINGS, Warren. Insurrection at Banaris, 2685. HASTED, Edw. History of Kent, 378, 2754, 4144. History of Canterbury, 379. Survey of Kent, (1797-1800) 4694. HAWKESWORTH, J. Account of Voyages of Dis- covery in the Southern Hemisphere, 1075. HAWKINS, Sir J. History of Music, 344. HAWTHORNE, N. Mosses from an Old Manse, (1846) 5013. HAYES, Alfred. Fellowship in Song, 905. HAYES, W. Curious Exotic Birds, (1817) 5663. HAYLEY, W. Triumphs of Temper, 1192. HAYMONIS (Episcopi Halb) Commentarii in Apo- calipsim, 1831. HAYWARD, A. Essays, 3103. HAYWARDE, Sir J. The Sanctuarie of a Troubled Soule, (1616) 1653. HAZLITT, W. C. Bibliography of Old English Literature, 2457. Livery Companies, 963. HAZLITT, W. Works, (1817-26) 516, 3715. The Plain Speaker, (1826)4705. Table Talk, (1824) 4705. HEADLEY, J. T. Washington and his Generals, 5297. HEAI.ES, Maj. A. Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Gottland, 2746. HEARNE, T., AND W. BYRNE. Antiquities of Great Britain, 1545. HEARNE, T. Benedictus Abbas Petroburgensis de Vita Henrici II., etc., 517. HEATH (Maj.-Gen.), Memoirs of, (1798) 5298. HEATH, H. Sporting Alphabet, 5652. HEATON, Mrs. Leonardo da Vinci and his Works, 4874. Albrecht Durer, 4874. HELMONT, F. M. B. ab. Alphabeti Hebraic!, (1657) 1654. HELIODORUS. Historix ./Ethiopicae, (1534) 3242. Les Aventures Amoureuses de Theagenes et Caricle'e, (1613) 3243. HENAULT, M. New Chronological Abridgment of History of France, 4540. HENNEPIN, L. New Discovery, etc., (1698) 617, 618, 3804. HENRY BRADSHAW. Society's Publications, 3507. HENRY, Patrick, Life of, by W. W. Henry, 5299. 422 BOOK SALES OF 1895. HENRY VIII. Statuta Anno XXI., (1530) 2032. HENRY, W W. Life of Patrick Henry, 5299. HENSHALL, J. A. Book of the Black Bass, 5376. HERBERT, George. The Temple, (ist edit.) 224. Remains, (1652) 225, 1655. Outlandish Proverbs, (1640) 226. Jacula Prudentum, (1651) 227. HERBERT, H. W. Frank Forester's Horse, 5653. HERBERT, Lord William. Occasional Verses, (1665) 227, 4312. M^moires, 4313. HERCULANEUM. Antichita di Ercolano, 380, 2155, 3244, 4314. HERCULES. Les Proesses et vaillances, (Paris, Lotrian) 1704. HERDMAN, W. G. Relics of Ancient Liverpool, 4464. HERKOMER, Hubert. An Idyll, 968, 2141. Etching and Mezzotint Engraving, 4531, 4909. HERIOT, Geo. Travels through the Canadas, 2685. HERMANOS, Algunos Padresy, Copia de Diversas Cartas de, (1556) 509. HERNDON, W. H. Lincoln, the Story of his Life, 5300. HERO et Leandre, (1801) 4917. HERODOTUS. Herodoti Libri Novem, (1502) 3245, (1880) 3717. HERVIEU, Paul. Flirt, 1292. HERRERA, Ant. de. Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas di Tierra Firme, 551. Novis Orbis, (1622) 677. History of America, (1725) 4792. HERRICK, R. Hesperides, (1648) 228, 1073, (1846) 37i8. Complete Poems of, 3448. HERRING, J. F., Sen. The Mothers, 1154. HERTSLET, L. Commercial Treaties, 1409. HESIOD. Opera et Dies, (1507) 3169. Opera Omnia, (1542) 4315. HEURES a lusaige de Rome, (1513-29) 1088, (1500) 1994, (Paris, 1498) 2521, (Paris, 1523-37) 2522. De Troyes, (Paris, 1507-27) 2910. Livre d'Heures de la Reine Anne de Bretagne, . (1841)4127, 4138. A lasaige de Reims, (1515) 745. HEWITSON, W. C. Exotic Butterflies, 2714. HEYWOOD, Ellis. II Moro d', q6. HEYWOOD, John. Woorkes, (1566) 229. English Traveller, (1633) 1765, 2523. Rape of Lucrece, (1630) 2523. The Spider and the Flie, (1556) 711. HEYWOOD, T. Hierarchic of the Blessed Angells, (1635) 1707. Apology for Actors, (1616) 1764. Dramatic Works, (1874) 2468. British Muse, (1738) 2912. Tunaeikon, (1624) 4316. HEYLYN, P. History of St. George of Cappadocia, (1633) 1882. HIGDEN, R. Polychronicon, (1527) 816. HIGGINS, G. Celtic Druids, 1305, 2357, 3802. Anacalypsis, 1149, 2753. HIEROCLES. In Aureos Versus Pythagorae Opus- culum, (1474) 3246. HIERONYMUS, S. Explanation in Ysaiam Prophe- tam, Lib. XVIII., (MS. 1497) 1470. HILL, Sir Rowland. Post Office Reform, (1837) 518. HINTON, J. H. History of the U. States, 5301. HIPPOCRATES. Opeia Omnia, (1526) 3247. HISSEY, J. On the Box Seat, 2562. HISTORIADA, Vita di Sancti Padri, etc., 842. HOARE, Sir R. C. History of Modern Wiltshire, 1709, 2365, 3580, 5182. Giraldus Cambrensis, 3596, 3662. History of Ancient Wiltshire, 3628, 3827. Hungerfordiana, 2366. HOFFBAUER, F. Paris a Travers les Ages, 4938. HOFLAND, T. C. British Angler's Manual, 5377. HOFLAND, Mrs. Mansion of White-Knights, 2830. HOGARTH'S Works (Ireland), 325, 4491. Moralized (J. Trusler), 520. Graphic Works (T. Cook), 2285. Works, (1790) 2287, 2704, (1822) 1389, 1515, 2152, .3757. 448, 454i : (Trusler) 865. Life of, by Dobson, 2647. Restored (1802) 3039. HOGG, J. Jacobite Relics, 2418. HOOD, T. Epping Hunt, (1829) 108, 2075. Hood's Own, 2247. Comic Annuals, (1830-35) 5548. Whims and Oddities, (1826-27) 580. HOOK, Dean. Lives of Archbishops of Canterbury, 2607, 2772, 3719. HOOKER, J. D. Flora of Brit. India, 2773. Flora Norae-Zelandiae, 2792. Flora Tasmania, 2793. Rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya, 2818. Himalayan Plants, 2819. Himalayan Journals, 1532. HOOKER, Sir W. J. Feliceo Exoticse, 2794. HOOKER AND GREVILLE. Icones Filicum, (1831) 5066. HOOKES, N. Amanda, (1653) 230. HOOTON, Ch. Colin Clink, (1841) 5010. HOLBROOK, J. E. Ichthyology of Sth. Carolina, 5378, 5379. HOLBORN-DROLLERY, or the Beautiful Chloret, (1673) 4241. HOLBEIN, Hans. Portraits of Illustrious Person- ages, 381. Imagines Mortis, (1567) 4317. Portraits of the Court of Henry VIII., (1792) 5183. Historiarum Veteris Instrument! Icones, (1539) 769. par Paul Manz, (1879) 4929. HOLE, W. Quasi cursores, 4953. HOLINSHED. Chronicles of England, Ireland, and Scotland, (1577) 722, 3912, (1807) 1422, 3652, 2505, 4654. HOLLAR, W. Collection of Prints, 382. Paedopaegnion, (1646) 5170. HOLTZAPFFEL. Turning, 1293, 3511, 5058. HOMER. Batrachomyomachia, (1507) 3169. Ilias et Odyssea, (1504) 3249. Ilias et cum Eustathii Archiep. Thessalon, (1542- 50) 3250. Ilias id est de Rebus ad Troiam Gestis, (1554) 32S 1 - Ilias et Odyssea, (1756-95) 3252. Les Dix Premiers, Livres de 1'Iliade, (1545) 3253. Iliade et Odyssee, (1711-16) 3934. Iliade Grasce, (1554)4318. OZuvres, 1832. Iliad of (Bryant), 5477. INDEX. 423 HOMMAIRE de Hell, Xav. Voyage en Turquie et en Perse, 3248. HONE, W. Every Day, Year, and Table-Book, (1826-32) 4806. Facetiae and Miscellanies, (1827) 5547. HOR^. Beatae Mariae Virginis, (MS. saec. xv.) 20, (ssec. xv.), 1656, 1657, (MS.) 1766, 1767, 1833, 1834, (Paris, 1516) 521, (Paris, Hardouyn) 4238, (1515) 5M9, (Paris, 1510) 1658. Horae a 1'Usaige de Romme, (1521-33) 1659. Beatae Mariae Virginis, (Paris, Hardouyn) 2524, (1526-41) 2528, (1546-62) 2529, (Paris, 1502-23) 2525. Virginis Mariae Secundum, (1503) 4185, (Paris, Kerver) 4239. Divi Mariae Virginis, (1526-41) 4319. HORACE. Opera, (Pine's edit.) 12, 685, 1660, 3935. Opera Omnia, (Florentiae, 1482) 1710, (Aldus, 1501) 4320, (Plantin, 1566) 4321, (Paris, 1733) 4322, (Bodoni, 1791)4323. Satires, (1566), 712. Poemata Omnia, (Aldus, 1527) 4324. Works, (Milman) 4325. HORALOGIUM Graecum, (1642) 5150. HORNE, R. H. New Spirit of the Age, 1955. History of Napoleon, 2216. HORNK, Binding of Books, 4216. HORSFIELD, T. W. History of Sussex, 2594, 3024. HORSLEY, J. Britannia Romana, 1516, 3620,3828. HORUS Apollo Niliacus. Orus Apollo de /Egyple, (iS43) 3254- HIPKINS, A. J. Musical Instruments, 1708, 4463. HOUBRAKEN. Heads of Illustrious Persons, 383, 817, 1391, 3035, 3619, 3673. HOUGHTON Gallery, 2735, 3045, 3829. Lord. Monographs, 4326. HOUSEHOLD Words, 1946. HOWARD, Sir R. Poems, (1660) 231. HOWITT, S. British Sportsman, 3033. Oriental Field Sports, 1012, 3555, 5662. HOWITT, W. Remarkable Places, 421, 1262. Homes and Haunts, (1849) 686, 2186. HOWORTH, H. H. History of the Mongols, 2579, 2667. HOYLE, J. Rejoynder to Master Malone's Reply concerning the Real Presence, 1883. HUDLESTON, R. Short and Plain Way to the Faith and Church, 1884. HUDSON, C. T., AND GOSSE, P. H. The Rotifera, 2827. HUGO, R. T. The Bewick Collector, 4665. HUGHES, T. Scouring of the White Horse, (1859) 1283*. HUGHES, W. American Physitian, (1672) 3957. HUGO, V. Hans of Iceland, (1825) 5549. HUME, D. History of England, (Bowyer, 1806) 5184. HUMOURIST, The, 1131. HUMPHREYS, H. N. Illustrations of Froissart, 2245. History of Art of Printing, 2289, 2744. Illuminated Books of Middle Ages, 818. HUNT, John. Endymion, 522. HUNT, Leigh. Correspondence of, (1862) 3467. Stories from the Italian Poets, (1848) 3469, (1846) 3895- Men, Women, and Books, (1847) 3470, 4788, 499 8. The Town, (1848) 3471, 4788, 4996. The Taller, 3472. The Old Court Suburb, (1855) 3473. Autobiography, (1850) 3475. The Liberal, (1822-23) 4705. Christianism, (1832) 2530. Sir Ralph Esher, (1830) 2531. Musical Evenings, 2925. Jar of Honey, (1848) 49, 688, 2149, 3474, 3086, 4997- The Palfrey, 1661. A Legend of Florence, (1840) 2526. Lord Byron, etc., (1828) 687, 3456. AND S. ADAMS LEE. The Book of the Sonnet, (1867) 3468. HUNT. Yachting Magazine, (1853-67) 2774. HUNTER, Rev. Jos. Hallamshire, 2356. South Yorkshire, 2357, 4967. History of Deanery of Doncaster, 4967. HUTCHINS, J. History of Dorset, 891, 2360, 3004, 3629, 3830. HUTCHINSON, W. History of Durham, 2705, 5080. History of Cumberland, 5074. HUTH, H. Catalogue of Library of, 2390. IAMBLICHUS. De Mysteriis yEgyptorium, etc., (1516) 3256, (1549) 3257. ('577)43 2 7- Life of Pythagoras, (Taylor) 3385. On the Mysteries of the Egyptians,(Taylor)3386. IGNACE, St., Les Larmes de, 1836. ILAM Anastatic Drawing Society's Publications, (1860-76) 2312. ILLUMINATION. A Circular Illumination forming the letter G, (c. 1360) 550. ILLUSTRATED Biographies of Great Artists, 4553. IMBERT, M. Le Jugement de Paris, 4587. INCHBALD, Mrs. British Theatre, 2488. INGRAM AND LE KEUX. Memorials of Oxford and Cambridge, 2283, 3665. INGLIS, H. D. Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote, (1837) 1126, 2076, 4773. INSTRUCTIONS pour les Dimanches et Fetes de 1'Annee, 1835. INSCRIPTIONS. L'Art de Verifier les Dates des Fails Historiques, (1818-29) 2321. IRELAND, Annals of Kingdom of, (O'Donovan) 2630. IRELAND, A. Book-Lovers' Enchiridion, 4835. IRVING, W., Bracebridge Hall, (Caklecott's Illust.) 1232, 1576, (1892) 2867, ('877) 4597. Rip Van Winkle, (1893)2702. Old Christmas, (1876)4597. Life of George Washington, 5305. IRVING, Henry. By A. Brereton, 4542. ISOCRATES. Sermones duae, (c. 1508) 3169. Orationes, (1493) 3255. JACKSON, Andrew, Life of, by J. Parton, 5322. JACKSON AND CHATTO. Wood Engraving, 2219, 2909, 4664, 4871. JACKSON, J. E. History of Grittleton, 2378. JACKSON, W. Newgate Calendar, 2429. JACQUEMART, A. History of the Ceramic Art, 544 1 - JAMES, Capt. T. Strange and Dangerous Voyage, ('633)713. 424 BOOK SALES OF 1895. JAMES Hatfield and the Beauty of Buttermere, (1841) 4756. JAMES, W. D. Life of Brig.-Gen. F. Marion, 5306. JAMESON, Mrs. Sacred and Legendary Art, (1848) 94, (1863) 2953, 4672, (1848) 3980, (1850) 4444, (1857) 2209. Legends of Monastic Orders, (1850) 94, (1863) 2 953, (1850) 3980. Beauties of Court of Charles II., (1838) 2250, 2905. Legends of the Madonna, (1852) 2953, 3980, (1863-4) 55i- History of Our Lord, (1864) 2953, 3125, 3868, 3980, 5052. Characteristics of Women, (1832) 3936. JAMIESON, J. Dictionary of Scottish Language, 2452. JARDINE, Sir W. British Salmonidae, 5380. Naturalists' Library, 2295, 3019, 5654. JASON. L'Hystoire du Preux et Vaillant Cheva- lier Jason, (Paris Lotrian) 1768. JEFFERIES, R. Gamekeeper at Home, (1878) 119, (1880) 1114, (1878) 1734. Jack Brass, (1873) 5151. Hodge and his Masters, (1880) 1115, 3477. Field and Hedgerow, (1889) 1116. Green Feme Farm, (1880) 119, 1116, 3480. Life of the Fields, (1884) 1129. Toilers of the Field, (1892) 2697. The Open Air, (1885) 1129. Amateur Poacher, (1879) 1117. Nature near London, (1883) 1118. Story of My Heart, (1883) 1118, 1247. The Dewy Morn, (1884) 1119, 3479. Wood Magic, (1881) 1120. Restless Human Hearts, (1875) 3476. Round About a Great Estate, (1880) 3478. Red Deer, (1884) 3478. Amaryllis at the Fair, (1887) 3480. JEFFREY. Costumes of All Nations, 339. JEFFREYS, T. The Spanish Settlements on the Coasts of the W. Indies, (1762) 5112. JEYPORE Portfolio of Architectural Details, 991. JEHAN de Saintre, 1769. JERROLD, Douglas. Cakes and Ale, (1842) 2078. Man made of Money, (1849) 2191. Punch's Letters to his Son, (1843) 4770. Shilling Magazine, (1845-8), 2246. Men of Character, (1838) 1757. JESSE, J. H. George III., (1867) 120, 2243, 3722, 4^93; Memoirs of the Court, (1840) 326, (1843) 3108, 4240. George Sehvyn, (1843) 433, 2421, 3109, 3110, 3111, 3721- London, (1871) 2559, 2933, (1850) 3112. Beau Brummell, (1886) 1452, 2932, 3723. England under the Stuarts, (1840) 3107. Memoirs of the Pretenders, (1851) 1995, (1845) 3641. Richard III., (1862) 845, 1299. JESSE, G. R. The British Dos, 5655. JHEROME of Brunswycke. Vertuose Boke of the distyllacyon of all maner of waters of Herbes, (1527) 2532. JOANNES Grammaticus. In Posteriora Reselutoria Aristotelis Comment., (1504) 3258. JOHNSON, A. Achievements of the English No- bility, 5152. JOHNSON, C. The Gentleman Cully, (1702) 5166. JONSON, Ben. Works, (1616-40) 819, 1711, 3913, 5186, (1816) 1067, 2159, 3725, 4184, (1875) 1475, 4720, 5055. Horace's Art of Poetry, (1640) 233. His Part of King James, (1604) 4020. Seianus His Fall, (1605) 1771. Hymenasi, (1606) 1772. Volpone or the Fox, (1607) 1773. JOHNSON, Capt. C. Lives of Highwaymen, (1734) 4049, (1742) 5185. JOHNSON, Dr. S. Rasselas, (1759) 232, 1663. Life of, by Boswell, (Croker) 2302, (1785) 4424, (Napier) 2384, (1826) 3724. Irene, (1781) 4083. Vanity of Human Wishes, (1749) 1770. JOHNSON, Thos. Feline Carnivora, 2748. Wild Animals, 2749. JOHNSTON. British Zoophytes, 2609. JOINVILLE, J. Sire de. Histoire de S. Louys, 1082. JONES (BAKER, REED, AND). Biographia Dra- matica, 1435. JONES, C. C., Jr. The Southern Indians, 5307. JONES, Inigo. Designs, 3259. JONES, J. A. Traditions of N. American Indians, 5308. JONES, J. Stonehenge Restored, (1725) 3831. JONES AND JONES. Illustrations of Nests and Eggs of Birds of Ohio, 3872. JONES, O. A Collection of 50 original Drawings, 543- Grammar of Ornament, 1332, 3675. JORDAN, Mrs. Life, 1440. JOSSELYN, John. New-England Rarities Dis- covered, 3958. JOSEPHUS. Opera, (1544) 3260. JOURNAL of Hellenic Studies, (1880-94) 4869. Jovius, Paulus. Vitae Illustrium Virorum, 4329. JOWETT. Dialogues of Plato, 1918. JOWETT (Prof.) AND CAMPBELL (Prof.). Plato's Republic, 2838. JOYE, George. Daniel, (1550) 2533. JUKES, J. B. Surveying Voyage of H. M.S. "Fly," 3569- T JUNIUS. Letters, 1144. JULIUS POLLUX. Onomasticon, (1502) 5261. JUNILIUS, Episcop. De Partibus Divinae Legis, (1556) 1810. JUSSERAND, J. J. English Novel in time of Shakespeare, 1048. JUSTINUS, (Elzevir, 1640) 5141. JUSTINUS, S. Philosoph. et Mart., (1551) 3262. JUVENALIS, per Angelum Poetam Laureatum, (MS. Sac. XIV.) 543. et Persii Satyrae, 544. KAEMPFER, E. History of Japan, 384. KALENDARIO Manual y Guia de Forasteros en Madrid, 4330. KAMA SHASTRA SOCIETY. Ananga-Ranga, 2725, 3849, 3850, 4493. The Kama Sutra, 53, 3852, 4492. The Beharistan, 3853. The Gulistan, or Rose Garden of Sadi, 2726, 3854- The Perfumed Garden, 2726, 3855, 4494. Abode of Spring, 2726. Classical Erotology, 2726. INDEX. 425 KAUKOL, J. C. Christlicher Seelen-Schatz, 1664. KAYE, J. W. _ The Sepoy War, 3114. KAY. Portraits, 1453. KEAN, Edm. Life, 1441, 1442. KEATS. Endymion, (1818)235, 910, 2116, 4670. Life, Letters and Remains, 1533, 3726. Lamia, Isabella, etc., (1820) 236, 3806, 4671. Poems, (Kelmscott) 913, 4734, (1817) 234. Works, (Forman) 2408, 2688, 2853. KEEPSAKE, The, (1828-37) 1454, 4.511. KEITH, Sir W. British Plantations in America, (1638) 3594. KELMSCOTT Press. Book of Wisdom, 912. See also Morris, W., Keats, J., Caxton, W., Blunt, W. S. KEMBLE, J. The Saxons in England, 2585*. KEMBLE, J. P. Fugitive Pieces, 523. Memoir, 1443, 5056. KEMBLE, Mrs. Songs in the Pastoral, 523. KEMP, Dixon. Yacht Designing, 2823. Manual of Yacht and Boat Sailing, 4832. KEMPE, W. Education of Children in Learning, (1588)4021. KENILWORTH, Illustrated, 345. KETTLE, S. Specimens of American Poetry, 5313. KILBOUKNE, S. A. Game Fishes of the United States, 5373. KILLIGREW, Mrs. Anne. Poems, (1686) 1774, 4022. KILLIGREW, Sir W. Midnight Thoughts, (1694) 689. KING, D. Vale-Royal! of England, (1656) 4999. KING, E. Munmenta Antiqua, 3616. KING AND FiTZ-Rov. Surveying Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, 1347. KING and Queen's Entertainment at Richmond, (1636) 4023. KING, S. W. Italian Valleys, 415. KINGLAKE, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea, 1457, 3720, 4658. KIPLING, R. Soldiers Three, (1890) 4722. Story of the Gadsbys, (1890) 4722. In Black and White, (1890) 4722. Under the Deodars (1890) 4722. Barrack Room Ballads, 581. KIP. Nouveau Theatre de la Grand Bretagne, (1716) 820. KIRBY. Wonderful Museum, 2237. KITTON, F. G. Charles Dickens by Pen and Pencil, 117, 1986, 3560, 3842, 4711. KNAPP AND BALDWIN. Newgate Calendar, 2582. KNIGHT, C. Gallery of Portraits, 324, 1027. History of England, 2270. KNIGHT, R, P. Worship of Priapus, 2349, 3263. KNORR, G. W. Collection des differentes especes de Coquillages, 1320, 3803. KNOWLEDGE, (1882-87) I 9 I 9- KNOWLES, J. S. Plays, 1449. KORAN, (Arabic MS.) 3264. KUGLER. Handbook of Painting, (1874) 4885. LARORDE, Alex. Description d'un Pave en Mosaique, 3265. LABORDE, (J. B. de). Chansons, (1773) 327, 4112. LA CALPRENEDE. Pharamond, (1661) 4390. Cleopatra, (1663) 4390. LACROIX, P. Arts, Manners, etc., in the Middle Ages, 1476. Le Moyen Age, etc., (1871-73)4878. LA CROIX, P., ET SERK, F. Moyen Age, 97. LACTANTIUS. De la Mort des Persecuteurs de 1'Eglise, (1680) 4331. LAFONTAINE, J. de. Contes et Nouvelles, 13, (1690) 690, (1762) 3266, 4084, 4114, (1792) 2329, (1795) 4024, (1745) 4113. Fables Choisies, (1765-75) 3937, (1875) 4085, (1755- 59) 4207. Les Amours de Psyche, (1787) 5045. LAHONTAN, Baron. New Voyage to North America, (1703) 621. LAM B, Charles. Letters of Sir John Falstaff, (1796) 237- Rosamund Gray, (1798) 238, 2680. John Woodville, (1802) 240. Tales from Shakespeare, (1807) 241, (1809) 5023, (1816) 4088, 4550. Time's a Tell Tale, (1807) 242. Specimens of Dramatic Poets, (1808) 243. Poetry for Children, (1800) 244. Mrs. Leicester's School, (1809) 245. Prince Dorus, (1811) 246. Works of, (1818) 247. Elia. Two Series, (1823-33) 248, 1669 ; Second Series, (Philad., 1828) 914. Satan in Search of a Wife, (1831) 249, 1670, 1671. AND LLOYD, C. Blank Verse, (1798) 239, 2678. LAMBETH Palace, Illustrated Views, (1806) 4050. LAMBERT, A. Y. Genus Pinus, 2820. LANCELOT DU LAC, 26. LANDON, C. P. Annalesdu Musee, (1801-13)3267, (1805-15) 3268. LANDOR, W. S. Gebir, (1798) 2639, 2681. Imaginary Conversations, 2695, 3481, 3523, 3727- Dry Sticks Fagotted, (1858) 4707. Works and Life, 1996, 4706. Last Fruit of an Old Tree, (1853) 4778. The Fountain of Arethusa, (1848) 4778. LANDSCAPE Annual, (1830-39) 1458, 2251. LANDSEER, J. Monkeyana, 4581. LANE. Arabian Nights, 50, 691, 2943, 3160, 4433. LANGE. History of Materialism, 1400. LANG, A. Ballads and Lyrics of Old France, (1872)915. Theocritus, (1880) 917. XXII Ballades in Blue China, (1880)918, 1672, 2117, 2655, (1882)4795. Oxford Folio, (1880) 919. XXXII Ballades in Blue China, (1881)920. Helen of Troy, (1882)921. Rhymes a la Mode, (1885) 923. Lines for the Shelley Society, (1886) 924. Books and Bookmen, (1886)925, (1887) 1039, 3485, 3486. Aucassin and Nicolette, (1887) 926, 3484. Blue Poetry Book, (1891) 532, 928, 2692, 3482. Green Fairy Book, (1892) 533, 582, 929, 2118. Tercentenary of Izaak Walton, (1893)930. True Story Book, (1893) 535, 584, 931, 1719, 2119. Prince Ricardo, (1893) 932. St. Andrews, (1893) 583, 933, 2698. Cupid and Psyche, (1887) 934. He, (1887; 935. Ballades in Blue China, (1888) 936. Yellow Fairy Book, (1894) 534, 937, 1718. G G 426 BOOK SALES OF 1895. Homer and the Epic, 585, 2696, 5153. Essays in Little, 1673. The Library, 1039, 1674, 2864. Cock Lane and Common Sense, 1717, 5154. Angling Sketches, 1720, 5381. Letters to Dead Authors, (1892) 1721, 3487. Red Fairy Book, (1892) 4512. (AND S. H. BUTCHER). Homer's Odyssey, (1879) 916, 3483. (and others) Homer's Iliad, (1883) 922. (AND E. H. GARRETT). Elizabethan Songs, (1891) 927. LANG, H. C. Butterflies of Europe, 4971. LANGBAINE, G. English Dramatic Poets, 250. LA PERCHE, M. L'Exercise des Armes, (1650) 4078. LAPIDARIUM, Septentrionale, (Quaritch) 4470. LA PIERRE, I. de. Le Grand Empire de 1'Un et 1'Autre Monde, (1625) 1675. LARMES, Les, de St. Ignace, 1836. LARRONS, Histoire de, 519. L'ART. Revue Hebdomadaire Illustre, (1875-95) 4945- LAS Casas Narratio, (1598) 757. LAS Cases. Life, Exile, etc., of Napoleon, 1922, Journal of the Private Life of Napoleon, 3642. ournal de 1'Empereur, 332, (1823) 2675. LASCARIS, Const. Compendium Octo Orationes, (1489) 3269. Erotemata, (1494-5) 3 2 7- LAVATER. Physiognomy, 68, 3031, 3659,4456. LAVALEE, Theoph. Histoire des Frangais, (1845) 4846. LAVATERUS. Of Ghostes, (1596) 772. LAWRENCE, Sir Thos. Engravings, 4231, 4577. LAUD, Archbishop. Conference with Mr. Fisher, the Jesuite, 1907, 1908. Speech delivered in Starr Chamber, June 14, 1637, (1637) 5032. L'EAU-FORTE, 1874, jusqu a 1881, 4939. LE BLANC, Abbe. Lettres, 1837. LE BRUN, J. B. P. Galerie des Peintres, 385. LECKY, W. E. H. History of Rationalism in Europe, 424, 1534, 2557, 3127, 3728, 4860. History of European Morals, 47, 52, 1535, 3126, 3729- History of England in the Eighteenth Century, I9 l6 3544, 373 2 - Leaders of Public Opinion, 1676. LE CLERC. Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie, etc., (1691) 619. LEE, S. A., LEIGH HUNT AND. The Book of the Sonnet, (1867) 3468. LEE, N. Lucius Junius Brutus, (1681) 5165. Dramatick Works, 1506. LEE, S. See Diet. Nat. Biog. LEECH, J. A Little Tour in Ireland, 692, 1129. Original Pencil Sketches, 4534, 4535, 4536. Various Articles from Bentley, Illustrated by, (1840-8) 4742. Follies of the Year, 4796. LE GALLIENE, R. My Ladies' Sonnets, 2665. Volumes in Folio, 2666. Fellowship in Song, 905. LEGEND of St. Ursula, (1869) 4973. LKGENDA Aurea de Sanctis, 27. LE HAY, M. Nations du Levant, (1714) 3272. LEICESTER, Earl of. Discours de la Vie Abomina- ble, (1585) 4335 LEICHHARDT. Australia, 1014, 1300, 2006. LEIGHTON, A. Se"ens Plea against the Prelacie, (1628) 3457. LE KEUX, INGRAM AND. Memorials of Oxford, 3665. LELAND, C. G., ANDBARRIERE, E. Dictionary of Slang, 2497. LELAND, J. Itinerary, 586, 2343, 3589, 3805. Collectanea, 1374, 2344. LEMPERTZ, H. Bilder-Hefte zur Geschichte des Bucher handels, 3273. LENGLET du Fresnoy. Recueil de Romano His- toriques, 4376. LENORMANT, F. Histoire Ancienne de 1'Orient, 2670, LEONICENUS, N. Libellus de Epidemia, 4336. LE PAGE du Pratz. Histoire de la Louisiane, (1758) 620. LE SAGE, A. R. Gil Bias, (1747) 4090. LESLIE AND TAYLOR. Life of Sir J. Reynolds, 435- LESLIE, C. R. Memoirs of the Life of John Con- stable, R.A., 1775, 4578, 4918. LESLIE, R. C. A Sea Painter's Log, (1886-9) 4843- LESSONS on Thrift, (1820) 4784. LEVER, C. Knight of Gwynne, (1847) 2507, 4743, 4746. Roland Cashel, (1850) 4743, 4748. The Waltons, (1852)4743. One of Them, (1861) 4743. Our Mess, (1843-44) 4745- The O'Donoghue, (1845) 4747. Luttrell of Arran, (1865), 2568, 4752. St. Patrick's Eve, (1845) 4753. Harry Lorrequer, (1839) 4755. Fortunes of Glencore, (1857) 4994. Barrington, (1863) 4091. Charles O'Malley, 1017, (1841) 5035. LEVAILLANT, F. Des Oiseaux de Paradis, 3050. Des Oiseaux d'Afrique, 3051. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, 821. LEWIS, Sir G. C. Astronomy of the Ancients, 2608. Credibility of Early Roman History, 3565. Influence of Authority, 1253. LEWIS, S., jun. History of Parish of St. Mary, Islington, 1280. LIBER Festivalis. (Wynkvn de Worde, 1496)773. LIBRARY of Old Authors, (J. R. Smith) 2489. LIBRARY of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, 1362. LIBRI, G. Monument! Mediti, 678, 3274. LIECHTENSTEIN, Princess. Holland House, 2863, 4843, 5059. LIGHTFOOT, Bp. Apostolic Fathers, 2603. On Galatians, etc., 2604. Biblical Essays, 2605. On Supernatural Religion, 2605. S. Clement of Rome, 2605. LIGON, R. History of Island of Barbadoes, (1673) 2181. LILLY, John. Sixe Court Comedies, (1632) 5155. LINCOLN. History of the County of, 1239. LINCOLN, A. The Story of his Life, by W. H. Heindon, 5300. Life of, by Nicolay and Hay, 5515. LINDESIANA Bibliotheca. Catalogue of English Ballads, 2741. INDEX. 427 LINDSAY, Lord. History of Christian Art, 1459, (1847) 4546. Lives of the Lindsays, 4697. LINGARD. History of England, 328, 3730. LINTON, W. J. Masters of Wood Engraving, 4738. LIPSCOMDE, G. History of Buckinghamshire, 1715, 2374. 3S- LISTER, Martin. Historiae Conchyliorum et Tabul- arum Anatpmicarum, 4051. LiTANivE Omnium Sanctorum, 1838. LITCHFIELD, F. Illustrated History of Furniture, 1460. LIVES of the Saints, (1869) 4972. LIVKE d'Heures d'Anne de Bretagne, 1776. LIVRE Moderns, Le, (1890-91) 3275. Livius. Historiarum, (1678) 4337. LLOID, L. Pilgrimage of Princes, (1572?) 2534. Firste Part of Diall of Daies, (1590) 2535. Marrow of History, (1653) 2536. LLOYD, J. Y. W. History of the Princes, etc., of Powys Fadog, 1237. LLOYD, L. Field Sports of the North, (1842) 3981. Scandinavian Adventures, 2120. LLOYD, Charles. Blank Verse, (1798) 239, 2678. LLUELLIN, W. Men-Miracles, 251. LOBEIRA, V. Amadis of Gaule, (1803) 2473. LOCKE, J. An Essay concerning Human Under- standing, (1690) 881, 4145. LOCKER, F. Poems, (1868) 4092. LOCKHART, J. G. Life of Sir Walter Scott, 3731. LODDIGES, C. Botanical Cabinet, (1817-33) 2795. LODGE, E. Portraits, 329, 607, 889, 1486, 1494, 2271, 2304, 3733, 4132, 4985. LOKTIE, W. J. History of London, 3537. Westminster Abbey, 3876. Inns of Court and Chancery, 5067. LONGMAN, C. J., AND Col. H. WALROND. Archery, 35^3. LONG. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, by E. James, 5314. LONG, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian In- terpreter, (1791) 4026. LONGINUS, Dion. Liber de Grandis, (1554) 3276. LONGSTAFFE, W. H. History of Darlington, 573- LONGUS. Pastoralium et Daphnide et Chloe, (1598) 14, 3277, (1778) 3278. Amours Pastoralles de Daphnis et Chloe, (1578) 3279- Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloe, (1718) 3280, (1787) 3281, ( t 8o 3 ) 3282 (1757) 395i, (1745)4495. LOSKIEL, G. H. The Mission of the United Brethren (1794) 5315- LOTICHIUS, J. P. Rerum Germanicarum, (1646- 5) 5'87- LOUBAT, J. F. Medallic History of United States of America, 4915. Louis XV. Sacre de, dans 1'Eglise de Reims, ('723) 3954- Louis XVI. Sacre et Couronnement de, (1775) 1885. LOVE, C. Poem on the Death of Washington, 5316- LOVES Garland, (1648) 1677. LOVELACE, R. Luca^ta, (1649) 252. LOVER, Samuel. Life of, by Bernard Bayle, 5455. LOWE, R. W. Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature, 1444. LOWE, E. G. British and Exotic Ferns, 1369, 2944. LOWELL, J. R. The Biglow Papers, (1865) 5550. LOWNDES, W. T. Bibliographer's Manual, 4338. LUBBOCK, Sir J. Ants, Bees, and Wasps, 4858. Senses of Animals, 4858. Beauties of Nature, 4858. Pleasures of Life, 4858. LUCAN. In Somnium, (1509)3169. (Aldus, 1315) 4339- . Pharsalia, (1760) 4340. LUCAS, H. Histoire Naturclle des Lepidoptcres d'Europe, etc., 1461. LUCIANUS. Opera, (1503) 3283. Dialogi, (1496) 3284. LUCRECE. Traduction par Lagrange (1768) 3939. LUCRETIUS. Delia Natura delle Cose, (1754) 3938 LUTHER'S Encheiridion, (1579) 747- LUTZOW, Carl yon. Art Treasures of Italy, 973. LYE, E. Dictionarium Saxonico, etc., 3792. LYCOPHRONIS, Alexandra, (1707) 723. LVDGATE, John. Lyfe of Our Lady, (1531) 254. LYNDSAY, Sir D. Facsimile of Heraldic MS. (D. Laing, 1822) 822. LYON, Capt. G. F. Private Journal during Voyage under Capt. Parry, 87. LYRA, Nic de. Postillae super Bibliam (MS.), 1471. LYRICS, English Sacred, 5620. LYSONS, D. and S. Magna Britannia, 346, 1245, 1929, 2317, 3608. Environs of London, 347. Roman Antiquities, (1797) 3832. S. Gloucestershire Antiquities, 386. LYTTON, Lord. Novels. (1862-73) 2839, 3686. M., G. English Arcadia, (1613) 4027. MCCARTHY, J. H. Thousand and One Days, 4991. MACAULAY, Lord. Works, 2552, 3104. MACAULAY, J. B. Memoirs of the Clan "Aulay," 1166. MACCULLOCH, Jo. The Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland, 4837. MACGILLIVRAY, J. Voyage of " Rattlesnake," 2775. MACKAY, R. W. The Progress of the Intellect, 4840. MACKENZIE, E. View of County of Northumber- land, 4809. AND Ross. View of County of Durham, 4810. MACLEAN, Sir J. Deanery of Trigg Minor, 2629. MADAN, F. Books in Manuscript, 4216. MADDEN, R. R. Literary Life of Countess of Blessington, 5458. MAGALLANIUS, F. P. De Scientea Dei, (1666) 4341- MAHON, Lord. History of Engjand, 3543, 3575. MAIMBOURG, P. Louis. Histoire des Croisades, (1675) 4683. MAITLAND, W. History of London, 1167. MALCHUS. De Vita Pythagoras, (1610) 3285. MALET, Captain. Annals of the Road (1876) 1124 1205, 5656. MALLESON. History of the Indian Mutiny, 1501. MALLET, R. Neapolitan Earthquake, 2776. 428 BOOK SALES OF 1895. MALORY, SirT. Prince Arthur, (1634) 255, (Soraner) 969, 2446, 2736*. Le Mort D'Arthur, (1889-90) 4717, (1889-91) 4983- MAN, John. History of Reading, 2829. MANDEVILLE, B. de. La Fable des Abeilles, (1740) 4646. MANNING AND BRAY. History of Surrey, 387, 1712, 1930, 3833, 4146, 5225. Surrey Illustrated, 387. MANNING, Cardinal. Sermons, 4649. MANUALS in SS. Trinitatis, (MS. 1730) 5188. MANUEL. Histoire de 1'Abeille, 1839. MARSHALL, H. Arbustrum Americanum, (1785) S3 1 ?- MARCLIFFE, T. The Looking-Glass, (1805) 4545. MARCO Polo, Book of Ser, (Col. Yule) 2389, 2668, 3734> 3875- MARGUERITE de Navarre Heptameron,(i894) 1275, 2i?5, (i79 2 ) 2 327> 4iiS, (1894) 2659, 37 l6 (178- 81) 4095, (1698) 4342. Les Nouvelles, (1792) 2850, 3940, (1880) 4096. MARGUERITE de Navarre (La Reine) Journees, 4851. MARGUERITE de Valois. Memoires de la, (1628) 4093, (1658) 4094. See Freer (M. W.). MARIETTE, P. J. Trait6 des Pierres Gravees, 1909, (1750) 3286. MARION, Brig. -Gen. F. Life of, by W. D. James, 5306. MARIUS-MICHEL. La Reliure Franjaise, 3287. MARKHAM (G.) Country Contentments, (1631) 1789. Hunger's Prevention, (1655) 5657. MARKHAM, Jervis. Conceited Letters newly laid open, (1632) 1777. MARKS, Henry Stacy, R.A. Pen and Pencil Sketches, (1894) 3733. MARKWELL, Marmaduke. Advice to Sportsmen, 1732. 377- MARLBOROUGH Gems. Gemmarum Antiquarum, 3288. MARLOW, C. Rich Jew of Malta, (1633) 2 5 2 3- Works, 1069, 2161. MARMONTEL, J. F. Contes Moraux, (1765)3941. MARPRELATE. Admonition to the People of England, (1589) 4604. Oh read over D. John Bridges, 545. The Tyrannical Dealing of Lord Bishops, 546. MARRIOT, Sir James. Poems, 1840. MARTIAL, Epigrams, (Fletcher, P.), 203, (Aldus, 1501) 1678. MARTIAL Achievements of Gt. Britain, 2318. MARTIN, Thomas. Pretended Marriage of Priests, (iS54) 1778, S'7 1 - MARTINEAU, H. Society in America, 5318. MARVY. English Landscape Painters, 4237. MARY Queen of Scots. Scot's Reg. Summarium Rationum, 1588, 694. Defence de 1'Honorable Sentence, etc., 1588, 693- (Adam Blackwood) 1589, 748. MASCALL, Leonard. Booke of Cattell, (1591) 5i73- MASCARON. Oraison Funebre de Monsieur de Turenne, 1903. MASON, G- H. Costume and Punishments of China, 330. MASSEY, W. History of England, 2420. MASSINGER, P. Three New Playes, (1655) 256. The Roman Actor, (1629) 5174. The Renegado, (1630) 5174. A New Way to Pay Old Debts, (1633) 5 I 74- The Maid of Honour, (1632) 5174. The Duke of Millaine, (1638) 5174. Plays, 1068. AND DEKKER. The Virgin Martyr, (1631) 5218. AND FIELD, N. The Fatal Dowry, (1632) 2537, 5i74- MATHER, Cotton. John Eliot, (1691) 697, 5096. Magnalia Christi Americana, (1702) 5047, 5319. MATHEWS, Chas. Memoirs, (1838) 1445, 3736, 4782, (1839) 4513. MAU, Angelo. Scnptorum Veterum Nova Col- lectio, 3502. Novae Patrum Bibliotheca, 3503. MAULE, Hon. H. Registrum de Panmure, 4355. MAUND, B. The Botanic Garden, (1825) 4765. MAXIMILIANUS Imp. Aug. ad Principes Populosq., (1518) 3289. MAXWELL, W. H. History of Irish Rebellion in 1798, (1854) 2193. Brian O'Lynn, (1846-47) 4742. MAY, Thos. Henry the Second, (1633) 1679. MAYER, A. M. With Rod and Gun, 4507. MAYER, L. Views in Egypt, Palestine, etc., 3290. Views in the Ottoman Dominions, 3291. MAYHEW, Bros. Greatest Plague of Life, 2230. MAYNE, J. The Amorous Warre, (1648) 5218. MAZARIN, Cardinal. Lettres, 1841. MCARTHUR, J. Army and Navy Gentleman's Companion, 45. MCCARTHY, J. History of Our Own Times, 1407, 57i- MC!AN, R. R. Costumes of the Clans, 2569. McKENNY AND HALL. Indian Tribes of N. America, 5304. MEADE, H. Ride through New Zealand, 2006. MEADOWE, P. Narrative of Wars betwixt Sweden and Denmark, 1842. MEDAILLES sur les principaux Evenements du Regne de Louis Grand, (1723) 4052. MEDICI, Lorenzo de'. Poesie Volgari, (1554) 4343- MEDWIN, Th. Life of P. B. Shelley, 2014. MELANCTHON, P. Whether it be Mortall Sinne, (1566) 749. MEMOIRES a 1'Histoire de France, Collection de, 3 r 9- MEMORIAL Catalogue of the French and Dutch Loan Collection, Edinburgh Exhibition, (1886) 4911. MENAGIUS, M. Poemata, (1663) 4344. MENARD, Rene. La Vie Privee des Anciens, 3292. MENKEN, Adah I. Infelicia, 1964. MENNIS AND SMITH. Musarum Deliciae, 1285. MENOLOGIUM Grsecorum, (1727) 3293. MERCURI, P. Costumes Historiques, 4198. MEREDITH, G. Modern Love, (1862) 5189. Vittoria, (1867) 4721. -Shaving of Shagpat, (1856) 938. MERIVALE, C. History of Romans under the Empire, 3737. MERLE, W. H. Costanga, 456. METAMORPHOSES de Melpomene et de Thalie (1782) 4147. METASTASIO, Abb. P. Poesie, (1755-83) 4345. INDEX. 429 METEYARD, E. Life of Josiah Wedgwood, (1865) 2222, 4556. MEURSIUS, Jo. Elegantia: Latini Sermonis, 4346. MEYER, H. L. British Birds and their Eggs, 3983- MEYER, H. A. W. Commentary on New Testa- ment, 2606. MEYRICK, Sir S. R. Antient Armour, 3604, 4468. MEYRICK AND SMITH. Costume of Inhabitants of British Islands, 890, 3676. MICHAULT, P. La Danse des Aveugles, 2331. MICHAUZ, F. A. North American Sylva, 2777. MICHEL, E. Rembrandt, Sa Vie, son CEuvre, et son Temps, 4913. MIDDLETON, C. H. Descriptive Catalogue of Rembrandts Etched Work, 4873. MIDDLETON, T. Works, 2163, 3526, 3625, 4719. MIGLIORE, F. Leop. del. Senatori Florentini, (1665) 4347. MILL, H. Night-Search, (1646) 5190. MILL, J. S. Dissertations and Discussions, 3128. MILLAIS, J. G. Game Birds and Shooting Sketches, 3557- MILLER, W. Biographical Sketches of British Characters, 5046. MILLINGEN, J. V. Vases Grecs, 3294. MILLS, J. The Flyers of the Hunt, (1859) 4603. Life of a Foxhound, (1861) 5658. The Stage Coach, (1843) 3014. MILMAN, Dean. Latin Christianity, 3134, 3738. History of Christianity, 3134, 3738, 4685. History of the Jews, 3134. MILNOR, W. Memoir of the Schuylkill Fishing Co., 53.83- MILTON, J. Paradise Lost, (1667) 90, 258, 4133, (1669) 774, 1779, 1780, 3904, 4134, 4135. Paradise Regained, (1671) 259, 698. Poems, (1645) 257, 1680. Poems on Several Occasions, (1673) 260. Letters of State, (1694) 261. Poetical Works (Baskerville), 2225. Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, (1645) 4029. Schopl-Lawes, (1650) 15. Poetical and Prose Works, 3634, 3739. Samson Agonistes, (1671) 698. MINES. Fundgruben des Orients, 4695. MISCELLANEA Genealogica et Heraldica, (Howard) 2621. MISSALE Romanum, (Junta, 1506 ?) 99. (MS. Saec. xv.), 1681. Cum Calendario Perpetuo (MS. Saec. xv.), 1682. Ordinis Sancti Benedictini, (1498) 1713. Romanum (MS. Saec. xv.), 1714. Sec. Ordinem Cartusicnsium, (1561) 823. MITFORD, JOHN. Adventures of Johnny New- come in the Navy, 4787. Private Life of Byron, 3194. MITFORD, Miss. Our Village, 1024, 2701, 5005. MOCQUET, Jean. Voyages en Afrique, etc., (1617), 4821. MODENE, Le Comte de. Ode sur le Portrait du Roy (MS.) 1886. MODUS Legendi abbreviatures in utroque jure, (1476) 2538. MOLIERE, J. B. de. L'Estourdy, (1663) 1683, 4098. Le Depit Amoureux, (1663) 1684. Le Critique de 1'Escole des Femmes, (1663) 1685. Le Misanthrope, (1667) 16, 17, 1686. Le Marriage Force', (1668) 18, 1687. Georges Dandin, (1669) 1688. Les Femmes S9avantes, (1673) 1689. Le Sicilien, (1668) 1690, 4101, 4102. CEuvres, (1791-94) 775, (1773) 3942, (1788) 4348. Les Facheux, (1662) 4097. Dpit Amoureux, (1663) 4099. Le Medecin Malgr<5 Lui, (1667) 4100. Amphitryon, (1668) 4103. Le Tartuffe, (1669) 4104. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, (1671) 4105. MOMMSEN, T. History of Rome, 3740. MONSTRELET AND FROISSART. Chronicles, (Johnes) 2495. MONTAIGNE. Essais, (1580) 19, (1689) 2539. Essayes, (1603) 3834. MONTALEMBERT, Comte de. The Monks of the West, (1861-79) 3 IJ 9- MONTANUS, J. F. Good Orderynge of a Common Weale, (1559) 2540. MONTFAUCON, B. de. L'Antiquite Expliquee, 388. Palaeographia Graeca, (1708) 3295. MONTESQUIEU, Secondat de. Le Temple de Gnide, (1772) 3296, (1824) 3297, (1772) 3943, 4106. MONTPENSIER, Mile. de. Memoires, (1776) 3944. MOORE, Bp. Thanksgiving Sermon before the King, (1696) 1906. MOORE, F. Lepidoptera of Ceylon, 4794. MOORE, Thos. Odes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics, (1828) 2334. The Fudges in England, (1835) 2334. MORANT, Ph. History of Essex, 3053, 3612. MOREA. Expedition de la More'e, (1833-40) 3299. MOREAU. Complete Suite of Figures to illustrate the Works of Voltaire, (1784) 1691. MORE, Sir Thomas. See Heywood, Ellis. Life of Edward V., (1641) 2964. Utopia, (Kelmscott) 1455. Works, (1557) 824. MORE Hints on Etiquette, (1838) 1965. MOREE. Expedition de la, (8 vols.) 825. MOREL, C. Demonstration de la Verite de la Religion Chrestienne, 1841. MORGAN, Geo. Breeding Game Cocks, 1730. MORGAN, G. B. Memoirs of the Morgan Family, 4224. MORGAN, L. H. League of the Ho-De-No-Sau- Nee, 5320. MORISOTUS, C. B. Henricus Magnus, 1844. MOKLAND, G. Life of, by J. Hassell, 3741, 4569. Sketches of Animals, 348. MORLEY, Bp. Sermon at the Coronation of Charles II., 1887. MORLEY, John. Diderot, Compromise, etc., 4860. MORRIS, Rev. F. O. British Birds, 2200, 30:6, 5659- Nests and Eggs, 2563, 3016, 5659. P.ritish Butterflies, 5659. Picturesque Views of Seats of Noblemen, etc., 3650. Facsimile Autographs, 3650. MORRIS, R. B. British Game Birds, 2966. MORRIS, W. Guenevere, (1858) 270, (Kelmscott) 987, 1665. News from Nowhere, (Kelmscott) 984 1666, 4732, (1891) 2381. 430 BOOK SALES OF 1895. Story of Glittering Plain, (Kelmscott) 2391. Poems by the Way, (Kelmscott) 986, 2392. The Roots of the Mountains, (1890) 244^. Earthly Paradise, (1870) 2463, 3858, 3879, 4867. Life of Jason, (1867) 939, 2479, 2640, (1869) 4867. AND MAGNUSSON, E. Story of Grettir the Strong, (1869) 940, 2480. MAGNUSSON, E. Three Northern Love Stories, (1875)2483. Story of Volsungs and Niblungs, (1870) 2841. Love is Enough, (1873) 2482. jEneids of Virgil, (1876) 941, 2484. Story of Sigurd the Volsung, (1877) 942, 2485, 3880. Odyssey of Homer, (1887) 2506, 4735. The Wood beyond the World, (Kelmscott) 2576, Tale of King Florus, (Kelmscott) 945, 2577. The Tale of the Emperor Coustans, (Kelmscott) 2578. Dream of John Ball and A King's Lessons, (Kelmscott) 985. Amis and Amile, (Kelmscott) 943. Gothic Architecture, (Kelmscott) 944. MORTIMER, Lieut. G. A Voyage to the N.-W. Coast of America, 335. MORTON, J. Natural History of Northampton- shire, 5226. MOTLEY, J. L. Rise of Dutch Republic, (1855) 3488, (j8 5 6) 4613. History of Netherlands, (1860-67) 34 8 9> (1867-68) _46i4. Life and Death of John of Barneveld, (1874) 3490, 4615. MOULE, T. Heraldry of Fish, 5384. MUELLER AND BENTHAM. Flora Australiensis, (1863-78) 2764. MUFFETT, T. Silkewormes and their Flies, (1599) 4089. MULLINGER. History of Cambridge, 2591. MULREADV Envelope, 461. MUNCHAUSEN. Gulliver Exposed, 588. MUNDEN, J. S. Memoirs, (1844) 4780. MUNTZ, Eug. Histoire de 1'Art, etc., 4879. MURPHY, J. C. Arabian Antiquities of Spain, 3300. MUS/EUS. Hero et Leander, (1494) 3234, (1793, Bodoni) 5213. Opusculum de Herone et Leandro, (1494) 3301. MUSARUM Delicias, 4730. MUSEE Frangaise, 826, 3041, 3674. MUSEUM Florentinum, (A. F. Gorius) 389. Music. Flores Musicae, (1486) 714. MVSTERE des Actes des Apotres, (1540) 1781. MYTTON, J. Memoirs, 1361. See also ALKEN. NABBES, Thos. Works, (Bullen) 2739. NANI, Bapt. Histoire de Venise, (1682) 4349. NAPIER, W. F. P. History of the Peninsular War, 330, 1065, 2229. NAPOLEON, Correspondance de, (1858-69) 4610. Life of, by Bourienne, 4779, 5040. NAPOLEON III., Prince Louis. Des Id6es Napo- leoniennes, (1860) 4350. NASH, J. Mansions of England, 397, 1334. Windsor Castle, 472. NASH, T. Collections for History of Worcester- shire, 5227. NASHE, T. Complete Works, (1883-84) 4725. NATIONAL Manuscripts, (Facsimiles of) 2026. NATTES, J. C. Views of Versailles, etc., 827. NAUMANN. History of Music, 2560. NAUNTON, Sir R. Fragmenta Regalia, 867. NEAL. Westminster Abbey, (1818) 724. NEALE, J. P. Seats of Noblemen, 333, 3020. Views of Churches, 3020. NELSON, John. History of St. Mary, Islington, 1281. History and Antiquities of Islington, 1282. NETHERLANDS. Kabinet van Gezigten, 349. NEUBAUER. Facsimiles of Hebrew, MSS., 3504. NEWCASTLE, Duke of. General System of Horse- manship, (1743) 4148. NEWMAN, Card. Parochial Sermons, 4650. NEWSPAPERS. St. James's Chronicle,'(i763-65, 1768- 69) 1706. NEWTON, J., W. COWPER AND. Olney Hymns, (1779) 3891. NEW Zealand Institute. Transactions and Pro- ceedings, (1869-93) 5057- NICHOLAS, N. H. Siege of Carlaverock, 4137. History of Orders of Knighthood, 3811. NICOLAY AND HAY. Life of Lincoln, 5515. NICOLAY del Delfinato (Nic. de). Navigations et Peregrinations Orientates, (1568) 3303. Der Schiffart und Raysz in die Turckey, (1572) 334 ! (i577) 336- Navigationi et Viaggi fatti nella Turchia, (1580) 3305, (1587) 337- NICHOLLS, Sir G. History of Poor Law, 4629. NICHOLS, John. Progresses of Elizabeth and James, 350, 861, 862, 981. Literary History of i8th Century, 2241, 2438, 2834, 3742, 4247- Manners and Expences of Antient Times, 4136. History of County of Leicester, 1517. Illustrations of XVIII. Century, 3742. NICHOLS, J. G. Topographer and Genealogist, 2622. The Herald and Genealogist, 2623. NICHOLSON, J, Folk-Speech, etc., of East York- shire, 864. "NIMROD." See APPERLEY. NIZARD. D. Histoire de la Litterature Francaise, 4848. NOBBES, R. The Compleat Troller, (1682) 5386. NOLLEKENS and his Times, (Smith) 3136. NORFOLK Archaeology, 3843. NORMANDIE Ilhistre'e, 2999. NORTH, R. Lives ofthe Norths, 1161. NORTH, T. Church Bells of Northamptonshire, 4632. Church Bells of Rutland, 4633. Church Bells of Lincolnshire, 4634. NORTHCOTE'S Fables, 4514, 4774, 4801. NOSTRADAMUS, Mich. Les Vrayes Centuries, (1668) 4351. NOTES and Queries, (1850-90) 875, (1849-91) 2310, (1849-94) 2631, (1850-94) 2733 ; Eight Series, 3497, (1850-90) 4638. NOVELIST'S Library, (Roscoe) 434, 2121. NOYON. Statuts de 1'Eglise de, (1694) 4352 NUMISMATIC Chronicle, (1861-80-94) 2942. NUTTALL, T. Ornithology ofthe U. States, 5660, 5661. -.,, V. De Arte Bibendi, 4353. INDEX. 431 ODELL, A. J. Catalogue of the Library of, 55. OFFICE de la Semaine Sainte, (1701) 4354. OFFICIUM Beatae Marias Virginis cum Calendario, (MS. Sac. XV.) 1693. OFFICIUM Beatae Maria; Virginis, (1609) 1888. OGILBY, J. Entertainment of Charles II., (1662) 5228. OGLE. Western Australia, 1014. OLDFIELD, Mrs. Anne. Faithful Memoirs of Her Life, etc., 1446. OLD Italian Masters. Engraved by T. Cole, 1797. _ " OLD Miscellany Days." Plates by Cruikshank, (1837-43) 4742. OLIPHANT, Mrs. Royal Edinburgh, 2693. Jerusalem, 2694. Makers of Florence, 4517, 4855. Makers of Venice, 4517. OLIVER. History, etc., of Beverley, 1382. ONGANIA, F. La Basilica di San Marco, 4213. ONOSANDER. Strategicus, et Urbicii Inventum, (1598-99) 3308. OPPIAN. Halieuticksof the Nature of Fishes, (1722) 5387, 5388. Halieutica Greece, (1515) 3309. De Piscatu, (1555) 3310. De Venatione, (1597) 3311- ORATIONES et Oratores. Orationes Horum Rhe- torum, (1513) 3312. ORD. History, etc., of Cleveland, 1385. ORDRE du St. Esprit (MS.), 1845. ORDRE 1'Asiatique. Pieces Diverses concernant S.A.I, la Pnncesse d'Eldir, 1910. ORKORD, Lord. Works, (1798) 3559. ORLEANS Gallery. Galerie Lithographice de Son Altesse Royale le Due d'Orleans, 5060. ORME, E. Foreign Field Sports, 3030. ORMEROD, G. History of Cheshire, (1819) 1518, 1931, 4149, 4469, 5229. ORPHEUS. Mystical Hymns, (Taylor), (1824) 5017. Argonautica et Hymni, (1500) 3313. ORTELIUS, A. Theatre de 1'Univers, (1587) 2715. OTTLEV, W. Y. History of Engraving, 715, 1132, 4225- Collection of Fac-similes of Prints by Early Masters, 4827. Italian School of Design, 3314. OVERS, John, Life and Sudden Death of, (1637) 2663. OVID. Les XXI. Epistres d'Ovide, 2015. Metamorphoses, (Bauer's plates) 398. Les Metamorphoses, (1808) 5070. Fastorum Libri, (1520) 5089. Epistolae Heroides, (1524) 5089. Libri de Tristibus, (1511) 5089. Metamorphoses and Fasti (MS.), 828. Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, (1767) 608, 3315, (1767-71) 3952, 4138. OWEN, Hugh. Ceramic Art in Bristol, 4030. OWEN AND BLAKEWAV. History of Shrewsbury, 2353. OWEN, R. Odontography, 4220. OXFORD Almanacs, 399. OXFORD Historical Society's Publications, (1885-94) 995, (1885-93) 2460. PAILTHORPE, F. W. Illustrations to the Pickwick Club, 2105. PAINTER, W. Palace of Pleasure, 2443, 3586. PALESTINE Exploration Fund, (26 vols.) 777. PALGRAVE, Sir F. Rotuli Curias Regis, 3590. History of Normandy, 2437, 3090. PALGRAVE Family Memorials, 871. PALMER, A. H. Life and Letters of Samuel Palmer, 4605, 4900. PALMER, C. J. Perlustration of Great Yarmouth, 1241, 2597, 5076. History of Great Yarmouth, 1242. Deeds relating to Great Yarmouth, 870. PALMER AND SYMONDS. A full and true Account of their Murders and Trial, 4006. PALMER, S. Life and Letters, 4605, 4900. An English Version of the Eclogues of Virgil, 4901. The Minor Poems of John Milton, 4902. PAMPHLETS, Collection of, Cromwell Period, (1641- 42) 5201. PARDOE, Julia. Louis XIV. and the Court of France, (1886) 1004, 2554. Court and Reign of Francis I., (1887) 1005, (1849) 1070, 1923, 2189, 3105. Life of Marie de Medicis, (1890) 1006, 2553, (1852) 3106. PARINI, G. Mattino Meriggio Vespro e Notti, 1694. PARIS. Description des Festes donne'es par la Ville de Paris, (1740) 4046. PARIS. Etat actuel de la Musique du Rois et destrois Spectacles de Paris, (1767) 1824. PARKER AND TURNER. Domestic Architecture of Middle Ages, 2587. PARKER, J. H. Archaeology of Rome, 4622. Glossary of Terms used in Architecture, 4870. Glossary of Architecture, 1371, 3539, 4228, 4963. PARKIN*, BLOMEFIELD AND. Topographical His- tory of Norfolk, 2182. PARKINSON, J. Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terres- tris, (1656) 4053. PARKINSON. Voyage to the South Seas, 3656, 5202. PARKMAN, F. American Historical Works, 3743. PARLIAMENT. Speeches and Passages of the Great and Happy Parliament, (1641) 5220. PARMENIUS, S. De Navigatione, (1582) 3927. PARNASSUS, Return from, (1606) 4121. PARSONS, R. The next Succession to the Crowne of Ingland, (1594) 4107. (?) Responsio ad Persecutores pro Catholicis, (1581) 4380. PARTON, J. Life of Andrew Jackson, 5322. Life of Benjamin Franklin, 5323. PASCAL, Blaise. Thoughts, 1020. PASCHALIUS, Car. Coronas, (1610) 3316. PASSAVANT, J. D. Raphael and Father Santi, 4874. PASTON Letters, (J. Gairdner) 2451. PATER, W. Studies in History of the Renaissance, (1873) 4854, (1877) 4854. Appreciations, (1889) 4854, 4995. Plato and Platonism, (1893) 4854. Imaginary Portraits, (1887) 4995. PATISSIER, Francois, Le, (Elzevir, 1655) 435^. PAUL AND GEBBIE. The Stage and its Stars, 972. PAUSANIAS. Graecias Descriptio, (1516)3317, (1613) 3318- Description of Greece, (Taylor) 3388. 432 BOOK SALES OF 1895. PAXTON. Magazine of Botany, (1834-49) 2779, 3 J 5- PAYS Bas. French Tracts relating to, (1566-67-79- 85) 1695. PAYNE, J. Tales from the Arabic, 853, 1556. Aladdin, 854. See VILLON SOCIETY. PEACHAM, Henry. The Period of Mourning, (1613) 4031. PEAKE, R. B. An Evening's Amusement, 5674. PEAKS, Passes, and Glaciers, (Ball and Kennedy) 1168, 1259, 2757, 3744, 4828. PEARSON, Prof. J. The Schenectady Patent, 5324. PEDRINI, L'Abate. Austriborbonide ovvero Fasti d'Europa, 1889. PEEL, Sir R. Speeches, 3768, 5037. PEELE, Geo. Works, 2162, 3527, 3745. PEIGNOT, G. QEuvres Diverses, (1800-85) 33 J 9- PEINTRES, Grands. Francais et Etrangers, 4208. PELHAM, C. Chronicles of Crime, 4496. PENLEY, A. Water Colour Painting, 2821, 1989. PENN, R. Maxims and Hints for an Angler, 5389. PENNANT, T. Tour Thro" Wales, etc., 3599- Account of London, 28, 1805, 4543. PENNELL, H. C. Fishing, (Badminton Library) 5352. PENNELL, J. Pen Drawing and Pen Draughts- men, 1221. PENNETHORNE, J. Geometry and Optics of An- cient Architecture, 3320. PENTATEUCHUS Hebraicus, (1482) 829. PEPYS, S. Diary, (1825) 351, (1828) 880, 3101, 3746, (1848) nor, (1876) 1477, (1824) 2194, (1876) 2494, (1875-79) 2934, (1848) 3747, (1875) 3748, (1854) 4703. PERCHE. II Libro del Perch^, (1757)4699. PERCY Anecdotes, (1820-23) 184, 2487. PERCY Society's Publications, (1840-52) 2458, 2952. PERCY, Bp. Ballads and Romances, 859, 2432, 2951. PERCY. Folio Manuscript of Ballads and Romances, 2016. PEREFIXE, H. de. Histoire de Henri le Grand, 1846. PERGOLESI, Michael Angelo. Original Designs of Vases, etc., 4054. FERNERY, Abb<5. Lettres Philosophiques, 1847. PERRAULT, C. H. Hommes Illustres, 400. PERROT AND CHIPIEZ. Histoire de 1'Art dans 1'An- tiquite, 2669. PERRY, G. Conchology, 4975. PERSIAN Drawings, Collection of, (cent. XVII.) 3321. Drawings. Manners and Customs of the Court, 3322. Drawings. A Set of Miniature, (c. 1820) 3323. Manuscript. "Divan of Hafiz," (c. cent. XVI.) 3324- Manuscript. " Divan of Hasan-I-Dihlavi, (1532) 33 2 5- Manuscript. Extracts from the Poets, (1560- 1 83) 3326. Manuscript. Shahnama of Firdawsi, 3327. PERSIUS. Satyrarum, (1585) 4357. PETITY, Abbe de. Etrennes Francoises Dediees, 1890. PETRARCA, (1473) 1798. PETRARCH, Fr. Le Cose Volgari, (Aldus, 1501) 4358. II Petrarcha, (Vellutello, 1545) 4359, (1547)4360. PETRONIUS. Satyre de Petrone, (1742) 4361. PEY, Abbe. La Verite de la Religion Chre^ienne, 1848. PEZAY, Marquis de. Zelis Au Bain, 4589 PHAVORINUS. Magnum ac PerutileDictionarium, (1523) 3329- PHELPS, Rev. W. History of Somerset, 2354. PHILLIPS, A. Voyage to Botany Bay, 3812. PHILLIPS, Edward. Theatrum Poetarum, (1675) 262. PHILOBIBLON Society. Miscellanies, (vols. xiv., xv.) 4362, 4363. PHILOMATHI Musae Juveniles, (1656) 4364. PHOTIUS. Myriobiblon, (1653) 3330. PHRASEOLOGIA Puerilis, 15. PICART, B. Ceremonies Religieuses, 401. PICKERING. British Poets, (1839- ) 5468. Diamond Classics, 1087, 5016. Pic Nic Papers by Various Hands, (1841) 1975. PICTURESQUE Europe, 4762. PIERRE de Provence, 1782. PIKE, Albert. Prose Sketches and Poems, 5325. PINDAR. Odes, (1766) 1849. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia, (1513) 4365. PIPE Roll Society's Publications, 994, 4621. PISANUS Fraxi. Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 887, (1877-85)4366. PISTOLESI, E. II Vaticana Descntto, (1829-38) 4643- PITT. Examen du Ministere de Mr. Pitt, 1850. PLANCHE. Cyclopaedia of Costume, 1306. PLATO. Works, (Taylor) 2968, 3380. Opera Omnia, (1513) 3331. CEuvres de, (1823-40) 3333. Opera Omnia, (1578) 3332. PLAYFAIR Papers, The, (1841) 5551. PLINY. Naturalis Historia, (1497) 830, (1536-35- 40-38) 4367. Epistolarum, (1625) 4368. PLOOS van Amstel. The Dutch Masters, 402. PLOTINUS. Select Works of, (Taylor) 3384. PLUTARCH. De Virtuti et Vitio, (1509) 3169. De Fortuna, (1509) 3169. Quemadmodum oporteat Adolescentem Poemata audire, (1509) 3169. Opera, (1572) 3334, (1624) 3335. Parallelum Vitae Romanorum et Graecorum, (1517) 3336. Parallela, (1533) 3337. Les Vies des Hommes Illustres, (1838-48) 3338. Lives, 1536. PLUVINEL, A. de. L'Instruction du Roy, en 1'Exerciser de monter a cheval, (1629) 4055. POE, E. A. Poems, 4836. POEMS by a Lady of Quality, 1851. POEMS of Wit, Mirth, and Mystery, (1672) 700. POEMS relating to State Affairs, (1705) 4108. PoET^e Christian!, (Aldus, 1501-4) 3339. Minores Grseci, (1814-20) 3340. POGGIO. Facetiae, or Jocose Tales, 3848. POLE, Cardinal. Pro Ecclesiasticae Unitatis De- fensione, (1536) 831. POLITIANUS, A. Opera Omnia, (1498) 4369. POLLARD, A. W. Early Illustrated Books, 4216. POLWHELE, R. History of Devonshire, (1797- 1806) 4150. POLYBIUS. Historiarum quse supersunt, (1609) 3341, (1670) 3342, (1789-95) 3343, (1818) 3343, (1829) 3343. INDEX. 433 Les Cinq Premiers Livres des Histoires, (1542) 3344- POMPIGNAN, Eveque du Puy. Instruction Pas- torale, 1891. PONIATOWSKI, Prince, Antique Gems of, 3229. POPE, A. Jr. Upland Game Birds of the U. States, 5664. POPE, A. Dunciad, (1729) 264. Works, (Elwin and Courthope) 2550. Works, (1717) 4151, (1824) 2170, (1871-86) 4651. Iliad of Homer, (1715-20) 1799. PORATH, Diederich. Palaestra Surcana, 2027. PORTFOLIO, The, 3873, 4883, 4940. PORTRAITS. A Collection of English and Foreign, 155-. des Rois de France, 1892. Grands Hommes, Femmes Illustres, etc., 4533. of Eminent Personages, 832, 833. of Eminent French Personages, 834. of Royal Personages, 403. POULLAIN, Cabinet de, 352. POWNELL, T. Description of N. America, (1776) 5326. POYNTON, Rev. F. J. History of Kelston, 2355. PRAED, W. M. Poems, 2188. PRAYER. Preces Privatae in Studiosorum, (1564) .S^ 2 - Liber Precum Publicarum Ecclesise Anglicanse Ritus, (1569) 5193. PREACHERS Homiletical Commentary on the Old Testament, 1349, 4659. PRESCOTT, W. H. Ferdinand and Isabella, 300. Conquest of Mexico, 390, 2456. PRIAPUS. Diversorum Veterum Poetarum in Pria- pum, (1517)437- PRIMALEONE, (1548-60) 4189. PRIMEROSE, D. Treatise of the Sabbath, (1636) 4i39- PRIOR, James. Life of Goldsmith, 4509. PRIOR, M. Poems, (1709) 265. PRISSE D'Avennes. L'Art Arabe, 3345. PRITT, T. E. Yorkshire Trout Flies, 5390. PROCESSIONALE ad usum insignis ac preclare ecclesie Sarum, (1557) 3909. PROCLUS. On the Theology of Plato, (Taylor) 3.38o, 3382. Philosophical Commentaries on Euclid, (Taylor) 338i. In Platonis Timason Commentariorum, (1534) 437i- PROPER Dyalogue betwene a gentillman and a Husbandman, (1530 reptd. 1863) 2963. PROPHECIES. Mirabilis Liber qui Prophetias Revelationes, (c. 1500) 5191. PROUT, S. AND HARDING, J. D. Views of Switzer- land, 404. PRUDENTIUS. Prosper Joannes Damascenus (c. 1503) 4372. PRYNNE, W. Histrio Mastix, (1633) 3495. PRYNNE, W. Proceedings against, (1633 MS.) 599- Apology for Just Christian Liberty, etc., 1893. Additional Appendix to Aurum Reginae, 1894. PSALMS and Hymns, (1621) 1853. of King David, (1636) 1519, 2179, (1635) 1854. The, (1601) 753. PSALTHRIUM Davidis, (1472) 835. Latine, (MS. tenth century) 836. (1486?) 2541. Hebraeum, Graecum, Arabicum, et Chaldaeum, (1516) 3346. Graecum (c. 1495) 3347, (1812) 3349, (c. 1495) 4373- Graece et Latine, (1481) 3348. Davidicum, (1552) 3984. PTOLEM^EUS. Geographic de Ptoleme'e, (1867) 3350. PUBLIC Records. Rotuli Curiae Regis, (Palgrave) 4619. Kalendars and Inventories, (Palgrave) 4618. Ancient Laws and Institutes, (Thorpe) 4620. PUGIN, A. Examples of Gothic Architecture, 3647. Gothic Ornaments, 3648. PUNCH. Pocket Books, (1881-84) 2687. PUNCH ; or, The London Charivari, (1841-94) 3145. PURCHAS, S. His Pilgrimes, (1625-6) 725, 5231. PUSEY, E. B. Commentary on the Minor Prophets, !339- PYNE. Costumes of Great Britain, 3602, 4679. PYNSON, R. Liber Festivalis, 5232. The Maister of Sentence, 5232. 8UAKERS, Tracts by, (1650-94) 778. UARITCH, B. General Catalogue of Books, 4737. QUEBEC, Bishop of. Estat Present de 1'Eglise, etc., (1688) 637. QuEVEDO-ViLLEGAS, F. de. Pablo de Segovia, i52> 3561. QUINTUS Calaber. Derelictorum ab Homero, (c. 1505) 3351. RABELAIS, F. CEuvres, (1741) 1227, (1798) 130, 1076, (1823) 4375. Geant Gargantua, (1547) 1738. Works (Urquhart and Motteux) 1027, 1537, 2848, .4374, ('892) 600. Five Books of Gargantua, 1358. Les Cinq Livres de, (1885) 4851. RACINE, J. CEuvres, 1739, 1855, 3945. Esther, (1689)4119. RACING Calendar, 3897. RACINET, A. Polychromatic Ornament, 1343, 33S 2 - RADCLIFFE, F. P. D. The Noble Science, 36, 1726, 3516, 5665. RADFORD, G. Rambles by Yorkshire Rivers, 4833- RAFINESQUE, C. S. The Fluviatile Bivalves of River Ohio, 5391. Ichthyologia Ohiensis, 5392. RAGUENEAU, P. La Mission de la Compagnie de Jesus aux Hurons, 3916. RAINE. History, etc., of North Durham, 1396. RAMSAY, Allan. The Ever Green, (1724) 266. The Gentle Shepherd, (1725), 267. Collection of Scots Proverbs, (1737) 2007. RANDOLPH. T. Poems, (1638), 268, 2542. The Jealous Lovers, (1634) 5203. RANKE, L. von. The Popes of Rome, 3749. History of England, 3750. RANK IN, A. The Noted Revival in Kentucky, S3 1 1- RAPHAF.L. Loggie die Rafaele nel Vaticano, 4056. RATIONARIUM Evangelistarum, 1783. RAWLINSON, G. Seven Ancient Monarchies, 3116, .3546, 3985- Sixth Oriental Monarchy, 3117, 3545, 4218. Ancient Egypt, 3118, 3547, 3985. H H 434 BOOK SALES OF 1895. History of Phoenicia, 3985. History of Herodotus, 3985, 4617. Five Great Monarchies, 4692. RAWSTORNE, L. Gamonia, ino. RAYET, O, ET MAX COLLIGNON. Histoire de la Ceramique Grecque, 4905. RAYMOND. Life of Elliston, 3057. REACH, A. B. Clement Lorimer, (1849) 2082, 2185. RECANTATIONS by Wylliam Tedder and Anthony Tyrrell, (1588) 716. RECLUS, E. Geographic Universelle, 66, 1351. RECORD Society (Lane, and Cheshire), 42. REDFORD, Geo. Art Sales, 3702, 4377. REDGRAVE, R. and S. Painters of the English School, 4473. REED, BAKER AND JONES. Biographia Drama- tica, 1435. REEVE, Lovell. Conchologia Systematica, 1322. REGNAUT, A. Voyage d'outre Mer au Sainct Sepulchre, (1573) 3353. REICHENBACH. Icones Florae Germanicae et Hel- veticse, (1850-38-67) 2797. REID, Geo. The River Tweed, 4950. The River Clyde, 4950, 4951. REU-UBLIC-E Efzeverianae, (1632-44) 3354. RELIURE, La. Ancienne et Moderne, 4378. REMBRANDT, Sa Vie, son CEuvre, et son Temps, par E. Michel, 4913. RENOUARD, A. A. Annales de I'lmprimerie des Aide, 4379. RESTiF-de-la-Bretonne. Les Filles du Palais Royal, 4120. RETRATOS de los Espanoles, 405. RETROSPECTIVE Review, 391, 2345, 2387, 3491. REVETT, N. AND STUART, J. Antiquities of Athens, 3374. REYNARDSON, C. T. S. B. Down the Road, (1875) 1123, 1204, 1462, 3753, 5666. REYNOLDS, J. H. Life of a Sportsman, (1842) 5667. REYNOLDS, Sir J. Life of, (Leslie and Taylor) 435. Johnson and Garrick, 738. RHETORES Antiqui Graeci, (1508-9) 3355. RICHARDSON, C. J. Old English Mansions, 1333, 4477- . Monastic Ruins of Yorkshire, 1395, 1420, 1800. RICHARDSON, Geo. Emblematical Figures, (1777-9) 3357- RICHARDSON, S. Clarissa, (1751) 4381. Pamela, (1742) 4382. Sir Charles Grandison, (1754) 1250, 1251, 4383. Works, 3754. RICHARDSON. Fauna Boreali-Americana, 5668. RICHELIEU, Cardinal de. Traitte pour convertir ceux qui se sont separez de 1'Eglise, 1911. Les Principaux de la Foy defendus contre les Ministres de Charenton, 1912. Lettres, (1696) 1856. Instruction du Chrestien, 4384. RIDLEY, Rev. J. Tales of the Genii, 4001. RIDOLFI, C. C. Le Maravigle dell' Arte, 4385. RINGHIERI, Innocentio. Cento Giuochi Liberal!, RIPLEY, R. S. The War with Mexico, 5327. RITSON, J. Works, (19 vols.) 699. Robin Hood Ballads and Songs, 2491. ROBERTS, D. Holy Land, 883, 2286. Egypt and Nubia, 2572. ROBERTS, W. The First Discovery of Florida, (1763) 5113. ROBINSON, W. History of Hackney, 2274. History of Tottenham, 2275. History of Stoke Newington, 2276. History of Tottenham and High Cross, 2277. History of Enfield, 2212. ROBINSON, H. C. Diary, 2431, 3758. ROBSON, G. F. The Grampian Mountains, 1920, 3038- ROBSON, Thos. The British Herald, 4822. ROSY, J. Traditions of Lancashire, 1419, 2228. ROCHEFOUCAULD, Due de. M;iximes et Reflexions Morales, 1895. ROGERS, Chas. Collection of Prints, 406, 2184. ROGERS, S. Italy, (1830) 1103, 3142, 4551, 4668, (1838)2282. Epistle to a Friend, (1798) 4674. Poems, (1834) 1103, 2205, 4551, 4668. ROHAULT, J. Traite de Physique, 1896. ROMANCE of Chastisement, 3856. ROMANT de la Rose, (1531) 2543. des trois Pelerinaiges, 1784. ROOSEVELT, T. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman, 5669. ROSCOE. Novelist's Library, 434, 2121. ROSETUM Exyercitiorum Spiritualium, (1504) 5233. Ross AND MACKENZIE. View of the County of Durham, 4810. ROSSETTI, D. G. Hand and Soul, (1850) 945. Early Italian Poets, (1861) 946. Poems, (1870) 121, 948, 4445. Verses, (1881) 949. Ballads and Sonnets, (1881) 950, 4853. The House of Life, (Boston, 1894) 951. Poems and Ballads, (Kelmscott) 1740. The Blessed Damozel, (1886) 2889. Collected Works, Study of, by W. Sharp, 2158. ROUSE, J. Beauties, etc. of Sussex, (1825) 2196. ROUSSEAU, J. F. Pygmalion, (1775) 3358. ROUSSEAU, J. J. CEuvres Completes, (1788-93) 4606. Julie, (1761) 4386. ROWLANDSON. Combe's English Dance of Death, (1815-16) 2199, 3066, 3988, 4786, 4824. Poetical Sketches of Scarborough, (1813) 1741, 3067, 3068. Naples and the Campagna Felice (1815) 1083, 3069, 3987. Sentimental Travels in France, (1821) 3070, 399- Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield, (1813) 3071, 399 2 - Combe's Johnny Quae Genus, (1822) 41, 3072, 3991, 4785. Grandmaster, or Qui Hi (?), (1816) 1284, 2642, 373- Johnny Newcome, (1815) 3074, 3138. Combe's Dance of Life, (1817) 1121, 2218, 3075, 39?9- Poetical Magazine, (1809-11) 3076. Markwell's Advice to Sportsmen, (1809) 1732, 377- Annals of Sporting by Quizem, (1809) 3078. Chesterfield Burlesqued (1811) 3079. Sketches of the Lower Orders, 3081. Life by Grego, 3082, 4459. D'Oyly's Tom Raw, the Griffin, (1828) 3993. Caricatures by, 494, 495, 556. INDEX. 435 Tales of the Trains, 3061. Tour of Dr. Syntax, (1813) 40, (1812) 1463, 3065, (1813) 3062. Tour of Dr. Syntax. Second and Third, (1820- 21) 1030, 3062, 3890. Dr. Syntax's Three Tours, (1823) 3063, (1828) 3064, (1815-20-21) 3972. McCringer's Modern Education, 2313. ROXBURGHE Club. Ancient Eng. Romance of Havelock the Dane, 2018. Ancient Eng. Romance of William and the Wer- wolf, 2010. The Gesta Romanorum, 2020. The Damnable Life of Dr. Fian, 2017. ROXBURGH, W. Plants of Coromandel Coast, 2822. ROYAL Astronomical Society's Monthly Notices, 1309. ROYAL Gallery of Art, 1156. ROYAL Society's Proceedings, (1800-1893) 2573. ROYLE, J. F. Botany of the Himalayan Mts., 2798. RUDING, R. Annals of Coinage, 3658. RUMP, The, (1660) 269. RUSKIN, J. Elements of Drawing, 423, 3084, 4892. Seven Lamps, (1849) 1640, 1742, 2009, 2880, 3121, 3844, 4446, 4890, (1855) 1145, 1743, 2010, 3122, 3534, 3759, 4123, (1880) 1744, 3878. Gothic Architecture (Kelmscott), 1667. Elements of Perspective, (1859) 4892. Stones of Venice, (1851-53) 2881, 4122, 4250, 4448, 4889, (1853-58) 3761, (1873) 4234, (1874) 3994, (1886) 958, 1033, 1173, 1745, 2882, 2883, 3135, Modern Painters, (1846-56) 2008, (1848-60) 2879, 3898, 5194, (1848-67) 3120, (1851-60) 4888, (1856- 60) 1102, 3760, (1857-60) 447, 4124, (1856-67) 4516, (1873) 149, 2919, (1883) 4891, (1888) 957, 2878, 3533, 3576, 4989. Bibliography by T. J. Wise, 2875. Notes on Prout and Hunt's Drawings, 2876, 4460. Poetry of Architecture, (1893) 2877. Poems, (1891) 2884. Praeterita (1886-9) 2885. The Art of England, (1884) 2886, (1887) 2887. Life and Work (Collingwood), 3123. Fors Clavigera, 2123. Bibliotheca Pastorum, 3536. Arrows of the Chace, 3762, 4741. The Two Paths, (1859) 1146, 4891. Examples of the Architecture of Venice, 960, 1175, 1308. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, (1854) 1257, 2122, 4754, 4892. On the Old Road, 1785. Notes on Drawings, 1491, 3783. RYMER. Foedera Conventiones, 1392, 2879, 3836. SACHS, Hans. Eyn Gcsprech Zwischen einem Parfusser Munch und einem Loflelmacher, 2022. Gesprech Zwischen einem PfafTen und einem Weber, (1524) 2022. Schuster von Nuremberg, 2021. Chronica uber all Romische Kayser, (1554) 2021. Die Neunerley Heud einer bosea Frawen, (1553) 2021. Der Ganz Hauszrat, (1553) 2021. Der Eehren Spiegel der Frawen, 2021. Ein Gesprech mil dem faulen Lentzen, (1554) 2021. Des Veriagen Frids Klagredt, (1553) 2021. Die Neun Verwandlung, (1559) 2021. Klagredt der Weldt, (1553) 2021. Gesprech von den Sheinvercken dec Gaystlichen, (1524) 2022. Gesprech eynes Evangelischen Christen, 2022. SACRED Books of the East, 1001. SAGARD, Gabriel. Histoire du Canada, (1636) 643- SAINTE BEUVE, Memoires de Du de Saint-Simon, 4609. SAINT-NON, Abbe de. Recueil de Griffonis, (1773) 3359- Voyage Pittoresque, (1781-86) 3360. SAINT-PIERRE, B. de. Paul et Virginie, 1133. SAINT-SIMON, Due de. Memoires par Sainte Beuve, 4609. SAINTS, Lives of, (1869) 4972. SAINTSBURY, G. Specimens of English Prose Style, 1021. SALA, G. A. Twice Round the Clock, 1190. Charles Dickens, 1977. SALOP, Antiquities in, (Pearson) 394. SALZMANN, C. G. Elements of Morality, (1791) 4549- SALZENBERG, W. Alt-Christliche Baudenkmale von Constantinopel, 3361. SAND, George. Roman's Divers, 4850. SANDER, F. Reichenbachia ; Orchids, 5042. SANDERSON, J. The Signers to the Declaration of Independence, 5328. SANDFORD, F. Kings and Queens of England, 3837- SANDYS, G. Divine Poems, (1638) 5234. SAN MARCO, Basilica di, (1881-88)4152. SANNAZARO. Arcadia, (Aldus, 1514) 4387. SARUM. Manuale ad Usum insignis Ecclesie Sarum, (Rouen, 1516) 4028. SATIRIST Magazine, 1373. SAVAGE Club Papers, 1191. SAXTON, C. Atlas of England and Wales, (1579) 4057- SAY, T. American Entomology, 5670. American Conchology, 5671. SAVER, J. Collection of Portraits, 450. SCACCIATI, A. Disegni Originali, (1766) 726. SCHLAGINTHWEIT, H. and B. de. Mission to India, 2799. SCHLIEMANN, H. IlioS, 5O2O. SCHLOSS. English Bijou Almanac, (1842) 1978. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Archives of Aboriginal Knowledge, 5329. SCHROT, Martin. Wappenbuch, (1581) 3362. SCHUYLER VAN RENSSELAER, Mrs. English Cathedrals, 1786. SCLATER, P. L. The Tanegrine Genus Calliste, 5672. SCOT, Thos. Philomythie, (1622) 5196. SCOTT, W. B. Poems, (1875) 123, 4775, 4866, (1854)4841. SCOTT. Waverley Novels, (Dry burgh edit.) 84, 1746, (1829-33) 2232, 2546, (1842-47) 703, 1042, 2124, 3846, (1852-53) 1357, (1857) 1538, (1802-4) 2125, (1814-32) 3631, (1829-33) 4667, (1856)4830, (1892) 3763. 436 BOOK SALES OF 1895. Works, (Library edit.) 4233, (Abbotsford edit.) 2267, 2831, 4224, 4449. Poetical Works, (Cadell) 2547, (1848) 2126, (1806- - Prose Works, (Cadell) 2548. Letters and Journal, 2689. Border Antiquities, 3123. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, (1827) 3946. Ivanhoe, (1820) 4157. Peveril of the Peak, (1822) 4158. Quentin Durward, (1823) 65, 4158. St. Ronan's Well, (1824) 4158. Red Gauntlet, (1824) 4158. Tales of the Crusaders, (1825) 4158. Chronicles of the Canongate, (1827-28) 4158. The Pirate, (Proof Sheets, 1822) 4388. The Antiquary, (1816) 5197. Rob Roy, 65. Fortunes of Nigel, 65. SCOTT, W. H. British Field Sports, 2297. SCOTT, Sir G. Mediaeval Architecture, 2588. SCOTLAND. Papers relating to the Regalia of, 547. SCRIPTORES Rei Rusticae, (Reggio, 1482) 4389. SCROPE, G. P. History of Castle Coombe, 2351. SCROPE AND GROSVENOR. Roll, 2342. SCROPE, W. Deer-Stalking, (1838) 2127, 1264, (1839) 3007, 3143, 4990, 5673. Salmon Fishing, (1848) 2128, 3008, 5393. SCUDERY, M. de. Clelie, (1660) 4390. Almahide, (1660)4390. Artemene, (1654) 4390. SECRETAN. Catalogue of Collection of Paintings formed by, 4968. SECUNDUS Johannes. Kisses, 1507. SEEBOHM, H. The Charadriidae, 2888. History of British Birds, 3899. SEELEY, J. R. Life of Stein, 3113. SEEMAN, B. Flora Vitiensis, 2800. SELBY, P. J. Illustrations of British Ornithology, 1465. SENECA. Tragcediae, (Aldus 1517) 4391. Et Aliorum Argoediae serio emendatae, (Amst. 1624) 4392. Tragoediae, (Elzevir, 1678) 4393. SERE, F. Moyen Age, 97. SERTUM Botanicum, (1828) 2823. SETON, G. Memoir of Alex. Seton, 869. SEVIGNE, Mme. Lettres a la Comtesse de Grig- nan, (1738) 3947. Lettres, 4610. SEVRES. Porcelain, 3578. SEVER, S. History and Topography of Bristol, 1224. SEYMOUR, R. Humorous Sketches, 4515. SHADWELL, C. Five New Plays, 1509. SHADWELL, T. Dramatick Works, 1508. SHAFTESBURY, Earl of. Characteristic's, 2719, 5198. SHAKESPEARE, W. Works, (1623) 100, 1521. Works, (Malone's edit.) 392, 436, 2832, (1826) 2164, (1793) 3636. (Johnson and Stevens) 2337, 4461. Facsimile of First Folio, (Staunton) 2454. (Kelmscott) 2575. Richard III., (Halliwell) 2956. Third Folio, (1663) 4086, 4153. Fourth Folio, (1685) 4087. King John, (1622) 717, 4166. (Camb. ed., 1863-6)3494, 4210, 4844, 4980. (Second Folio. Daniel's copy) 4394, (Second Folio) 5235. (National edit.) 4476. (1632) 561, 1522, 3905. (1685) 837, 1524. (1664) 1801. (Staunton, 1881) 959. (Halliwell) 876. Plays. (Pickering's Diamond Ed.) 1084. and Poems, (1825) 3869. Poems, (Kelmscott) 983. Othello, la Tempete, et Jules Cesar, 1897. Works. (Quarto Facsimile) 718. SHARP, T. Coventry Mysteries, 872. SHARP, W. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 4853. SHAW, H. Illuminated Ornaments, etc., 3649. Dresses of the Middle Ages, 1238, 4154, 4159, 4204. SHAW, S. History of Staffordshire, 1525. SHAW, Vero. Book of the Dog, 5675. SHELLEY, G. E. Birds of Egypt, 5676. SHELLEY, P. B. Queen Mab, 74, 1234. Laon and Cythna, 75. Revolt of Islam, 76, 3363. Rosalind and Helen, 77, 3364. The Cenci, 78, 1747, 4160. Prometheus Unbound, 79, 3364. Adpnais, 80. Epipsychidion, 81. The Masque of Anarchy, 1748. Works, (Forman) 2414. Hellas, 3365. Works. 1355, 1413, 2168, 3493, 3637. Essays. Letters from Abroad, etc., 4669. SHELVOCKE, Capt. G. South Sea Voyage, 2780. SHENSTONE, W. Poems, (1737) 271. [SHEPHERD, R. H.] Tennysoniana, 304. SHERATON, T. Cabinet Maker's Assistant, 1303. SHERIDAN, R. B. Speeches, 3769. Verses to the Memory of Garrick, (1779), 4*67- SHERLEY, Sir A. His Travels into Persia, (1613) 3367- SHIRLEY, James. Works, (Gifford and Dyce) 2165, 2338, 3764, 4723. Wittie Fair One, (1633) 2523, 5209, 5217, 5218. The Coronation, (1640) 2534. Hide Parke, (1637) 4168, 5214. The Young Admirall, (1637) 5204, 5207. The Lady of Pleasure, (1637) 5205, 5206. A Pastorall Called Arcadia, (1640) 5219. The School of Complement, (1637) 5206. The Duke's Mistris, (1638) 5207. The Bird in a Cage, (1633) 5 2 o8. The Wedding, (1633) 5 2 8. Changes, or Love in a Maze, (1632) 5209. The Maides Revenge, (1639) 5210. The Traytor, (1635) 5210. The Humourous Courtier, (1640) 5211. The Example, (1637) 5212. The Gamester, (1637) 5212. The Royal Master, (1638) 5213, 5217. The Triumph of Peace, (1633) 5214. The Constant Maid, (1640) 5215, 5218. St. Patrick for Ireland, (1640) 5215, 5218. The Grateful! Servant, (1637) 5216. Contention for Honour and Riches, (1633) 5216. The Gentleman of Venice, (1655) 5217. The Politician, (1655) 5218. The Triumph of Beautie, (1646) 1171. INDEX. 437 SHIRLEY, E. P. English Deer Parks, 5677. SHIRLEY, H. The Martyr'd Souldier, (1638) 5217, 52*9- SHOBERL, F. Tour from Geneva to Milan, 2718. SIBSON, T. Racy Sketches of the Pickwick Club, (1838) 1601. SIBTHORPK, J. Flora Graeca, 2824, 3368. SIDDONS, Henry. Times a Tell-Tale, 242. SIDDONS, Mrs. Life, 1025, 1448. SILVER, G. Paradoxes of Defence, 67. SIMPSON, J. H. Journal of a Military Reconnais- sance, 5330. SINCLAIR AND HENRY. Swimming, 4816. SINGER, S. W. History of Playing Cards, 5495. SINGLANDE, R. P. de. Memoires et Voyages, 1857- SKEAT, W. W. Etymological Dictionary, 2498. SKELTON, John. Poetical Works, 2169. Antiquities of Oxfordshire, 2291, 2600. Oxonia Antiqua Restaurata, 2601. Ancient Armour, 2972. SLATYER, W. False Albion, 57. SLEZER, Capt. Theatrum Scotiae, 3570. SLICK, Sam. Letter Bag of the Great Western, (1840) 1128. SLOANE, Sir H. Natural History of Madiera, etc., 3813- SMALL, J. W. Scottish Woodwork of the i6th and i7th Centuries, 1466. SMEETON'S Reprints, 89. SMITH AND SOWERBY. English Botany, (1832-40) 3573, (1849) 4982. SMITH, A. Story of Mont Blanc, 122. The Wassail Bowl, (1843) 2198. Marchioness of Brinvilliers, (1845) 4742. Mr. Ledbury, (1842-43) 4742. AND A. B. REACH. The Man in the Moon, 2185. SMITH, A. C. Antiquities of North Wilts., 2599. SMITH, C. Roach. Collectanea Antiqua, 855. SMITH, Lieut. -Col. H. Original Drawings of Land and Water Birds, 5084. SMITH, Capt. John. The True Travels, etc., of, 2028. History of Virginia, (1624) 728, (1627) 2028. SMITH, John. Catalogue of Eminent Painters, 399 6 - Catalogue Raisonn^ of Works of Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, 1539. Catalogue of British Mezzotint Portraits, 4758. SMITH, J. The Compleat Fisher, (1725) 53134, (n. d.) 5395. SMITH, Sir J. E. English Botany, 2781. SMITH, J. T. Antiquities of Westminster, 2974. Nollekens and his Times, 3136. SMITH, MENNIS AND. Musarum Delicice, 1285. SMITH, MEYRICK AND. Costume of Inhabitants of British Islands, 3676. SMITH, R. B. Aborigines of Victoria, 3570. SMITH, Thomas. The Diary of a Huntsman, 1725. SMITH, W. Old Yorkshire, 55, 2435. SMITH, Dr. W. Dictionary of the'Bible, 2564. Christian Biography, 2592. Dictionary of Mythology, 2937. SMITH, W. History of the Province of New York, (1757) 661. SMOLLETT, T. History of an Atom, (1749) 272, 1749, 3997: Peregrine Pickle, (1751) 273. Works, 1478. Humphry Clinker, (1771) 3900. SMYTH, John. Lives of the Berkeleys, 2627. SMYTH, Nicholas. History of Herodian, etc., (1565) 719. SOANE, G. Specimens of German Romance, (1826) 2083. SOBIESKI, J., AND STUART, C. E. Lays of the Deer Forest, 2706. SOLLY, N. N. Memoir of David Cox, 4480, 4557. Memoir of W. J. Muller, 4557. SOLVYNS, B. Manners of Hindoos, 407. SOMERS, Lord. Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, 3814. SOMERSETSHIRE Archaeological Soc. Proceedings, (1849-1888) 2368. SOMERSETSHIRE Wills, (F. Brown) 2633. SOMERVILLE, W. The Chase, (1796) 2111, (1802) 5678. SONGE, Le. Der Vergier, (1500?) 4155. SOPHOCLES. Tragedies, 1858, 3369. SOTHEBY. Typography of the XVth Century, 838. Principia Typographica, 839. SOUTH Sea Bubble, 1467. SOWERBY, SMITH AND. English Botany, (1832- 4) 3573, (1849) 4982. SOWERBY, J. English Botany, (1797) 750, 2828. British Mineralogy, 751. Mineral Conchology, 752. SOYER, M. Autograph Collection of, 115. SPEAKER. Commentary to the Holy Bible, (1871- 81)4981. SPENSER, E. Works, 2234, (Grosart) 2499, (1825) 1176, 2924, (1805) 2171, (1839) 2172, (1882-84) 4922. The Faerie Queene, (1590) 1787, (1596) 1787, (1617)2734, (1611)5236. Complaints, (1591) 1788, 5221. SPILSBURY, F. B. Holy Land and Syria, 2987. SPIRITO, L. Le Livre de Passe Temps, (1528) 4395- SPITZER Collection, Catalogue of, 5237. SPORTING, Annals of, 29, 1140, 1723. SPORTING Magazine, 1139. SPORTING Scenes and Country Characters, 1206. SPORTING. Foreign Field Sports, 5046. Gamonia, (1837) 5047. SPORTSMAN'S Cabinet, (1803) 5679. SPRAGUE, J. T. The Florida War, 5331. SQUIER, E. G. Travels in Central America, 5332. AND DAVIS, E. H. Monuments of the Missis- sippi Valley, 5333. STAFFORD Gallery (Ottley and Tomkins) 1468, 2292, 3002. ST. ALBANS, Duchess of. Memoirs, 1447. STANLEY, A. P. The Jewish Church, 2566. STANLEY, Thomas. Poems, 274. STAPYLTON, Sir R. Musaeus, (1647) 275. STATIUS. Opera Omnia, (1609) 4396. STATE Trials, a Complete Collection of, (1730-81) 3838, (1776-81) 4058. STATE Papers, British and Foreign, 1408. STATUE Antiche, Greche e Romane, (1740) 3370. STATUTA Antiquas, (MS. c. 1450-60), 548. STATUTES of the Realm, (1810-28) 5063. STATUTS et Ordonnances de 1'Ordre du Benoist Saint Esprit, 1898. STEDMAN, Capt. J. G. Expedition to Surinam, 438 BOOK SALES OF 1895. STEIN. Life of, (Seeley) 3113. STELLA, R. P. Fr. Diego de. Meditations Tres- devotes de 1' Amour de Dieu, (1586) 4397. STEPHANOS Byzantius. De Urbibus, (1502) 3371. STEPHENS. Philadelphia Directory for 1796, 5097- STEPHENS, J. L. Travel in Central America, etc., 3765- STEPHEN, Leslie. English Thought in i8th Cen- tury, (1876) 3492. STEPHEN, Leslie. See Diet. Nat. Biog. STERLINE, W., Earl of. Recreation with the Muses, (1637) 276. STERLING, John. Strafford, (1843) 1041. STERNE, L. Sentimental Journey, (1768) 277, 1752- Tristram Shandy, (1760-67) 1750, 1751, 4161, (Roscoe's Nov. Lib.) 2635, (1832) 5552. Works, 1276, 1479, 2176. Voyage Sentimental en France et en Italie, 4908. Letters of Yorick and Eliza, (1779) 589. STEVENSON, A. AND R. Skerry vore and Bell Rock Lighthouses, 1932. STEVENSON, H. The Birds of Norfolk, 1295. STEVENSON, Matthew. Occasion's Offering, (1654) 278. STEVENSON, R. L. Travels with a Donkey, (1879) 1194, 4863. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, (1886) 4865. Silverado Squatters, (1883) 1254. Kidnapped, (1886) 4865. Memories and Portraits, (1887) 1255, 2652, 3091. Master of Ballantrae, (1889) 4865. An Inland Voyage, (1878) 2156, 4862. Virginibus Puerisque, (1881) 2156, 4993, 5026. New Arabian Nights, (1882) 4864. Underwoods, (1887) 4865. Inland Voyage, (1878) 2651. Familiar Studies, (1882) 26^2. Child's Garden of Verse, (1885) 2653. Father Damien, (Sydney, 1890) 952. Ballads, 978. STIRLING-MAXWELL, Sir W. Emperor Charles V., 1646, 4560. Don John of Austria, 2428, 2862. The Turks in 1533, 3372. Songs of the Holy Land, 1464, 3998. Annals of the Artists of Spain, (1848) 1104, (1891) 3772, 4560. Procession of Pope Clement VII., 2029. Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses, 4560. Antwerp Delivered in 1577, 2030. Works, 2142. ST. JOHN, C. Sport in Moray, 3995. STOB^EUS, J. Dicta Poetarum, (1623) 669. STOKES, J. L. Discoveries in Australia, 2782. STORER, J. Cathedral Churches of Gt. Britain, 4217- STORY, A. T. William Blake, 4559. STORV, G. Wars in Ireland, etc., 770. STOTHARD, T. Illustrations to Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, (1793) 4573. Life of, by Mrs. Bray, 4567. STOTHARD, A. C. Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, 3615, 3664. STOW, John. Survey of London, 408, 1526, 3621. STOWE, H. B. Uncle Tom's Cabin, (1852) 5553. ST. PETER'S, Cornhill. Book of the Fraternity and Guild of the Church of, (MS.) 2023. STRABO. De Situ Orbis, (1516) 3373. STRACHEY, W. Historic of Travaile into Virginia Britannia (Hakluyt Soc.), 5290. STRADA. History of the Low-Countrey Warres, 1913- STRAHAN, E. Art Treasures of America, 5438. STRANG, W. The Earth Fiend, 2649, 2893. STRAPAROLA, The Nights of, 1277, 4398, 4715, 5029. STRAUSS, Dr. D. F. Life of Jesus, (1846) 4826. New Life of Jesus, (1865) 4826. STREET, G. E. Brick and Marble Architecture, 4626. Gothic Architecture in Spain, 4627. STREET, T. G. Louis XVI., 2301. STRICKLAND, A. Queens of England, 95, 455, 1054, 2235, 2921, 3773, 4684. Mary Queen of Scots, 455. Queens of Scotland, 3640. STRICKLAND, H. E., AND MELVILLE, A. G. The Dodo and its Kindred, STRUTT, J. Sports and Pastimes, 395, 2215, 2298, 4781. Antiquities of England, 779. STRYPE, J. Historical and Biographical Works, 3786. STUART, C. E., AND SOBIESKI, J. Lays of the Deer Forest, 2706. STUART, Jas., AND REVETT, N. Antiquities of Athens, 3374. STUART, John. Sculptured Stones of Scotland, 2031. STUBBS, W. Constitutional History of England, i55- SUCKLING, A. History of County of Suffolk, 2177. SUCKLING, Sir John. The Discontented Colonell, (1639) 1790. Fragmenta Aurea, (1646) 279. SUE, E. Mysteries of Paris, 3999. SULPITIUS Severus. Opera Omnia, (1643) 4399. SURREY Archaeological Collections, (1858-91) 2836. SURTEES Society's Publications, (1869-94) 2897, (1835-88) 4636. SURTEES, R. History of County of Durham, 1064. SURTEES, R. S. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, (1853) 1215, 1495, 2129, 3013, 4000, 4599, (1860) 5686. Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds, (1865) 1046, 1217, 2133, 2210, 3013, 4000, 4602, 5685. Jorrocks' Jaunts, (1838) 1212, (1843) 4000. Handley Cross, (1854) 1214, 1495, 2130, 4000, 5682. "Ask Mamma," (1858) 1216, 1495, 2131, 3901, 4000, 4600, 5681. "Plain or Ringlets?" (1860) 1217, 2132, 4000, 4601, 5604. Hawbuck Grange, (1847) 1213. Hillingdon Hall, (1888)5683. SUSSEX Archaeological Collections, 1365, 3568. SUSSEX Illustrated, 409. Archaeological Collections, (1848-66) 2590. SWEET, R. Geraniceae, 2783. SWIFT, Jonathan. Tale of a Tub, (1704) 280, 2341, 5199. Poem on the Two Yew Trees, (1710) 281. Gulliver's Travels, (1726) 282, 1071, (1894) 2700. INDEX. Works, (Scott) 393, 1480, 2174, 2415, 2720, 3566, 3632, 3661, 3773. Voyages de Gulliver, (1797) 4162. SWINBURNE, A. C. Cleopatra, 1753. Atalanta in Calydon, (Kelmscott) 2574, (1865) 2650, 4169. Siena, (1868) 2962. Le Tombeau de Theophile Gautier, (1873) 4 X 7- Essay on Blake, 1346, 2011, 4436, 4559. Queen Mother and Rosamond, (1860) 1199, 4450. Chastelard, (1865) 1200, 4451. George Chapman, 1345. Poems and Ballads, 1345. SVMONDS, J. A. Life of Michelanglo Buonarotti, 587, 1294, 2143, 3774, 4555. Studies from the Greek Poets, (1873) 4861. Sketches in Italy and Greece, (1874) 4861. Life of Cellini, 448. Memoirs of Gozzi, 2661. Wine, Women, and Song, (1884) 4736. SYMPOSIA Platonis, Xenophontis, Plutarchi et Luciani, (171 1)3375. SYNTAX, Dr. The Wars of Wellington, 1791. SYR i AC Manuscript, (cent. xvii. ?) 3376. T., S. A. Cooking and its Votaries, 1729. TACITUS, Brotier, (1771) 729. TACITUS. Opera, (1599) 4400. TAINE, H. Histoire de la Litte'rature Anglaise, (1866) 4848. TALFOURD, T. N. Final Memorials of Charles Lamb, 1158. TAROT Cards, 3871. TASSO, T. Jerusalem Delivree, 1754. Gerusalemme Liberata, (1784) 3953. Di Gerusalemme Conquistata, (1595) 4192. Godfrey of Bulloigne, (1600) 4209, TATHAM, Ch. H. Ornamental Architecture, 3377. TAYLOR, J. (Water Poet). Works, (1630) 3839. TAYLOR, Jeremy. Works, (Eden) 2417, 3776. TAYLOR, Rev. R. New Zealand, 2006. TAYLOR, Thomas. Plato's Works, 2968, 3380. Aristotle's Works, 3378. Andronicus Rhodius on Nichom. Ethics, 3378. Metaphysics of Aristotle, 3379. Proclus on the Theology of Plato, 3380, 3382. Commentaries on Euclid, 3381. Arguments of Julian against the Christians, 3383- Select Works of Plotinus, 3384, s ol 9i 536. lamblichus' Life of Pythagorus, 3385. lamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, 3386. Apuleius Metamorphoses, 3387, 2326, 2405. Pausanias' Description of Greece, 3388. Plato's Cratylus, Phaedo, etc., (1793) 5019, 5036. Treatises of Proclus, etc., 5036. Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, 3389. Arguments of Celsus, Porpyry, and Julian against Christians, 3390. Histoire de la Bibliophile, 3391, TECHENER. 4401. TENNEURII, J. A. De Sacra Ampulla Tractatus Apologeticus, 1899. TENNYSON, A. Timbuctoo, (1829) 284. Poems, (1830) 285, 1642. Poems, (1833) 286, 1642, 4163. Poems, (1842) 287, 525. The Princess, (1847) 288, 2135. In Memoriam, (1850) 289, 2136. Maud, (1855) 290, (Kelmscott) 1456. Idylls of the King, (1859) 291, 2012. Poems, 1830-33, (1862) 292, (1857) 1059, (1859) 4818. A Welcome, (1863) 293. Enoch Arden, (1864) 294. Idylls of the Hearth, (1864) 295. The Holy Grail, (1870) 296. Gareth and Lynette, (1872) 297. Queen Mary, (1875) 298. Harold, (1877) 299. The Lover's Tale, (1879) 300. Ballads, (1880) 301. The Passing of Arthur, (1884) 302. The Cup and the Falcon, (1884) 303. The Window, (1867) 1645. Death of CEnone, (1892) 2866. AND CHARLES. Poems by Two Brothers, (1827) 283, 1641, 2134. TENNYSON, Lord, and his Friends, 1053. TENNYSONIANA, 304. TENNYSON, C. Sonnets and Fugitive Pieces, (1830) 71, 2960. TEOCRITO. Mosco, Bione. Simmia Greco-Latini, 1900. TERENCE. L'Andria et 1'Eunucho di Terentio, (iS44) 339 2 - Opera, (Aldus, 1517) 4402. TERENTIUS. Les Come'die's de Terence, (1771) 4992. TERRALAVORUS, D. M. Corsal, Metaphysia Universalissima, 4403. TESTAMENT, New, (1582) igoi. TESTAMENTUM Novum Graecum, (1521) 3393, (1524) 3394, (1548) 1859, (1592) 753, (1642) 339Si (1675) 1861, (1707) 3396, (1796-1806) 3397- Novum. Gr. et Lat., (Froben, 1516) 840, 3398, (1519) 3399, (1649) '860, (Elzevir) 704. Novum. Epistelen Sant Pauli, (1525) 4077. TESTIMONIE of Antiquitie, (1507) 1755. THACKERAY, W. M. Works, (Edit, de luxe) 38, 124, 1032, (1879) 438, 2496, 3770, 4187. Works, (1869) 2845. Mr. Yates and the Garrick Club, 125, 527, 11741 1758- English Humourists, (1853) 426, 4804. Singer's Tales and Quicke Answeres,(Thackeray's copy) 526. Rose and the Ring, (1855) 528, 3902, 4750, 4804. Addison, C. G. Damascus and Palmyra, 1756. Jerrpld, D. Men of Character, 1757. Vanity Fair, (1848)71, 2252. Mrs. Perkin's Ball, (1847) 590, 2253, 5222. The Four Georges, (1861) 2401. Paris Sketch Book, (1840) 60, 1112, 2638. Henry Esmond, (1852) 1130, 2727, 2784, 4802. The Newcomes, (1854-55) 3845, 4116. The Britannia, (1841-43) 4156. Dr. Birch and his Young Friends, (1849) 2138, 4165. Marvy's English Landscape Painters, 4237. Comic Tales and Sketches, (1841) 705, 4451. Our Street, (1848) 4594. Fatal Boots, (1855) 1792. Book of Snobs, (1848) 591. 440 BOOK SALES OF 1895. The Virginians, (1857) 3847. The Corsair, (1839-40) 5034. Roundabout Papers, (1863) 1203, 3903. Rebecca and Rowena, (1850) 592, 4803. Collection of Letters, (1847-55) I0 47- Kickleburys on the Rhine, (1850) 4751. CHEATRE Frangais moderne, (1863) 4852. THEATRUM Tragicum Actorum, (1640) 4405. THEMISTIUS, Philosophus. Opera, (1534) 3400. THEOCRITUS. Idyllia, (c. 1508) 3169. Eclogas, (1495) 3401. THEODORUS Gaza. Introductivae Grammatices, (i495) 342, 446. THEONIS Rhetoris de Modo Declamandi Libellus, (1520) 3403. THESAURUS Cornucopias et Horti Adonidis, (1496) 3404, 4407. THEURIET, And. La Vie Rustique, 4880. THEVENOT, Jean de. Voyages, (1727) 3405. THEVET, Andre. Les Singularitez de la Nouvelle France, etc., (1558) 644. THIERS, A. History of the French Revolution, (1838) 4776. The French Revolution, 2233, 2710. Histoire du Consulat et de 1'Empire, (1845-62) 4845. THIRLWALL. History of Greece, 3771. THOMAS, Gabriel. Account of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, (1698) 3960. THOM^EUS, N. L. De Varia Historia, 1902. THOMSON, D. C. Life and Labours of H. K. 3926, 4060, Browne, 3454, 4453, 4524, 4562. THOMSON, J. Seasons, (Bensley) 2281, 4657- THORESBY, Ralph. Ducatus Leodiensis, 449, 882, 2180, 2361. THORNBURY, W. Life of J. M. W. Turner, R.A., (1862) 3496. THORNTON, R. J, Pastorals of Virgil, 4548. THORNTON, Col. T. Sporting Tour in North England, 2682. THOROTON, R. Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, (1687) 1527, (1677) 3840. History of Nottinghamshire, (1790) 2178. THORPE, B. Northern Mythology, 2013. Ancient Laws of England, 3591. THUANI, J. A. Historia sui Temporis, 1080. THUCYDIDES. De Bello Peloponnesiaco, (1502) 3407, (1528) 3408. The Wnrre betweene the Peloponnesiansand the Athenians, (1550) 3409. THURLOE, J. Collection of State Papers, 3563, 3610, 5238. THWROCZ, Joannes de. Chronicon Hungariae, (1468) 2024. TIMBS, John. Curiosities of London, 1278, 1279. TODD, J. Long Lake, 5396. TORNE, L'Abb. Sermons, 1862. TORRES Rubio, Diego de. Arte de la Lengua Quicha, (1619) 5095. TORREY, J. Flora of New York State, 2802. TORTOREL, J., et PERISSIN, J. Premier Volume de Tableaux, (1570) 4179. TOSTADO, Las. XIII Questions, (1551) 1761. TOWNELEY MSS. English Jacobite Ballads, etc., 1417. TOWNSHEND, J. K. Sporting Excursions in Rocky Mts., 5687, TRAIN, The. A Magazine, 126. TRAGCEDIyK ScleCtSC, (1567) 3410. TREITZAURWEIN, Marc. Der WeiszKunig, (1778) 4180. TRENCH, Mrs. Remains of, 435. TRESSAN, Comte de. CEuvres, 1762. TREVELYAN, G. O. Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, 2195. TRIALS of Criminal Jurisprudence, Celebrated, 2412, 2381. TRISTRAM, W. O. Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, 1580, 2699, 4118. TRIUMPHE, Le, des Dames, (1500) 4173. TROLLOPE, Anthony. Novels and Miscellaneous Works, 3777. TROLLOPE, Mrs. Manners of the Americans, 5335. TRUSLER. J. Hogarth Moralized, 520. TRYUMPHS of Honor and Industry, (1617) 4025. TUER, A. W. Bartolozzi and his Works, 4565, 4899. London Cries, 4583, 4910. TURBERVILE, G. Noble Art of Venerie, (1611) 780. Book of Faulconrie, (1641) 781. Essaies Politicke and Morall, (1608) 5200, (1611) 5223. Epitaphs, Epigrams, etc., (1567) 5623. TURENNE, Vicomte de. Les Vertus Chrestiennes, etc., 1903. TURNER AND PARKER. Domestic Architecture of the Middle Ages, 2587. TURNER, Dawson. Sea Weeds, 782. TURNER, EARLOM AND. Portraits of Characters in British History, 3598. TURNER, J. M. W. Views in England and Wales, 4462, 4564. Liber Studiorum, 1804. Picturesque Views of Southern Coast of England, 4544, 4679- Harbours of England, 4949. Gallery, 2290. TURNER, S. History of England, 2923. TURNER, WILLIS AND. Domestic Architecture of the Middle Ages, 1000, 4623. TYMMS, W. R. Art of Illuminating, 4032, 4906. TYNDALE, W. Obedyence of a Chrysten Man, (1561) 2610. The Parable of the Wycked Mammon, 5224. A Spiritual Purgation, 1864. UDALL, N. Flowers of Eloquent Phrases, (1575) 1763. UNFORTUNATE Usurper, (1633) 2523. URBANUS Bellunensis. Institutiones Graecae Gram- matices, (1497) 3411. URBANUS. Institutiones Grammatics in Linguam Graecum, (Aldus, 1557) 5092. USSHER, Abp. Whole Works, 3498. USTONSON, Onesimus. True Art of Angling, 5397. UZANNE. O. L'Eventail, 1181, 3412. La Franchise du Siecle, 3415, 4498. L'Ombrelle, etc., 1182, 3413, 4497. Le Miroir du Monde, 3417. Son Altesse la Femme, 1183, 1290, 3414. La Femme a Paris, 1184. La Reliure Moderne, 1291, 3416. The Sunshade, etc., 2865. VALERIUS Flaccus. (Aldus, 1523) 5091. VALERIUS Maximus. Dictae et Factae Memorabilia;, (Aldus, 1502) 4408. INDEX. 441 VALLANCEY, C. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, 1136. VAN AMSTEL, C. P. Collection d'lmitations de Dessins, 3001. VANBRUGH, Sir J. Plays, 1510. The Relapse, (1698) 4766. VANCOUVER, Capt. G. Voyage to the Pacific, 91. Voyage of Discovery, 3655, 4652. VAN DER MEULEN, A. J. Vues, Marches, al'His- toire de Louis XIV., 410. ET BONNART. Sieges, etc., of Louis XIV., 5044. VAN DYCK, Ant. Eaux-Fortes, 4932. Iconographie, etc., (1759) 841. VANITY Fair Album, (1869-74) 3785*. VANITY Fair, and Album, (1869-92) 5088. VAUDOIS, Histoire Memorable, etc., (1555) 754. VAUGHAN, H. Works (Grosart), 2501. Olor Iscanus, (1679) 706. Silex Scintillans, (1655) 707. VECELLIO, Titian. Traces de Italia, 320. VEDRAS. Rig-Veda Sanhita, 2025. VELLEII Paterculi Historia Romana, 1865. VENABLES, R. The Experienced Angler, (1662) 1091. VENGEANCE, La, et Destruction de Hierusalem, VENICE. Leggi e Memorie Venete, 4333, 4334. Book of the Statutes of, (MS. in Italian, 1598) 4409. VENN. The Art of Contentment, (1675) 4261. VERB, Sir F. Commentaries, (1657) 562. VERGILI Opera. (Baskerville, 1757) 668. VERGILIUS Urbin, (Polydorus). De Inventoribus Rerum, (1671) 4410. VERNON Gallery, 2295, 5082, 5083. VERSTEGAN, R. Theatre der Cruautez der Here- tiques, (1607) 4411. Theatrum Crudelitatum Hsereticorum, (1594) 696, (1604) 783. VERTOT. History of Revolution in Sweden, 1866. Essays on the Miserere of William I., 1866. VERTU, G. Heads of the Kings of England, (1734) 4820. VERTUE, HOUBRAKEN AND. Heads of Illustrious Persons of Gt. Britain, 1391, 3619, 3673. VETUS et NovumTestamentum Graecum, 3790. VIENNA. Zeichnungen der Kaufruf in Wien, 359. VILLA-AMIL y de la Escosura. Espana Artistica y Monumental, 1412. VILLANOVA, A. de. Le Regime . . . du corps humain, 4174. Le Tresor des Pouvres, (1567) 4175. VILLON Society. Thousand and One Nights, 2387, 2660. Aladdin and Enchanted Lamp, 2403, 5435. Tales from the Arabic, 2411, 2646, 2658. Boccaccio's Decameron, (Payne) 2444, 2486, 2645, 2939- Bandello's Novels, 2445, 2644. VILLON, F. Poems, (Villon Soc.) 127, 979, 2014, 2385- VINCENT, Bory de S. Expedition Scientifique de la Moree, 3299. VINER, R. T. Novitia Venatica, (1842) 5688. VlOLLET-LE-Duc, E. Entretiens sur ['Architecture, 4886. Dictionnaire Raisonne de 1'Architecture Fran- Saise du XI and XVI Siecle, 4887. VIRGIL. ./Eneidea, (1873-89) 4724. Opera, (Aldus, 1514) 4412, (1765) 4413. Carmina Omnia, (1858) 4414. Translated by Bishop Douglas, (1553) 720. VIRGILIUS, 1086. VIRGINIA, Case of Tobacco Planters in, (1733) 622. VISCONTI, E. Q. Iconographie Grecqtie, 3418. VISION and Creed of Piers Ploughman, 2014. VITRUVIUS iterum et Frontinusa Jocundo, (Giunta, 1513)4415- Romischen Architect!, (1575) 4416. VOLTAIRE. OZuvres Completes. (Kehl, 1785-89) 3948, (Geneve, 1768) 4417, (1785)4677. La Henriade, (1770) 3949. La Pucelle, (1780) 4117. Histoire de Charles XII., 1867. Romans et Contes, (1778) 707. VORAGINE, Jac. de. The Golden Legende, (1512- or 1527)842, 4181. Golden Legend, (Kelmscott) 1266. VOYAGE of H.M.S. Challenger, 3798. VOYAGE Pittoresque, (1781-86) 3562. VOYAGE Pittoresque de la France, (1781-89) 4645. VYNER, R. T. Notitia Venatica, 1109. WAAGEN. Art Treasures in Great Britain, 1354, 3124, 4418. WAGE. Chronicle of Norman Conquest, (1837) 2915. WAFER, Lionel. The Isthmus of America, (1699) 39 6 5- WAKEFIELD, E. J. Illustrations to Adventures in New Zealand, 4710. New Zealand, 1300, 1558. WALKER, Sir H. Expedition to Canada, 634, 39*7- WALLACE, A. R. Distribution of Animals, 2785. Palm Trees of the Amazon, 4003. WALLER, Edmund. Poems, (1645) 305. Poems to the Memory of, (1688) 307. The Maid's Tragedy Altered, (1690) 308. AND GODOLPHIN, S. Dido and tineas, 306. WALLIS, A. Examples of Bookbinders' Art of i6th and I7th Centuries, 1269. WALPOLE, Horace. Works, 396. Letters, 441, 1007, 1541, 2922, 4421. Anecdotes of Painting, 1540, 2239, 2305, 3010. 35 r 4> 3588, 3778. Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, 784, 3009, 3635, 3718, 4648. The Castle of Otranto, (Bodoni, 1791) 4420. Hieroglyphic Tales, (Strawberry Hill, 1785) 4419. Notes on the Poems of Pope, 4422. Memorials of Strawberry Hill Press, 4423. Catalogue of Pictures, (MS.) 4426. Querelles Litteraires, 4427. Ades Walpolianae, 4428. WALROND, Col. H., C. J. LONGMAN AND. Archery, WALTON, E. The Bernese Oberland. 2151. WALTON, Izaak. Compleat Angler, (1653) 5398, (1655) 5399, (1661) 5400, (1668) 308, 5401, 5403, (1676) 5402, 5404, (1825, Major) 5405, (1750) 5406, (1759) 547. (1760) 54o8, 5409, (1766) 5410, (1784) 541 1, (1791) 5412, (1792) 5413, (1815) 5414, (1822) 5415, (1824) 5418, (1824, Chiswick) 5419, (1836, Pickering) 3779, 5420, 5421, (1844, Major> 5422, (1847, Bethune) 5424, (1847, Rennie) 5425, (1860) 3550, 5007, 5426, (1866, U.S.A.) 5427, 442 BOOK SALES OF 1895. (1880, U.S.A.) 5428, (1888, Marston) 3785, 5429, (1889, U.S. A.) 5430. Angler, (1888) 129, 3144, (1825) 1085, (1836, Pickering) 2272, (1676) 2731, (1836) 4004. Set of India proofs, illustrations to, (Major, 1844) 5423. Lives, (1670) 310, (Major) 430, (1678) 529, (1670) ' 1868, (1825) 4790, (1675) 5041. The Universal Angler, (1676-82) 311. Illustrations to Pickering's Edition, 4176. Life of Bp. Sanderson, (1678) 1093. Life of Hooker, (1665) 708. Life of, by Thos. Zouch, 5416, 5417, 5433, S434- ~' WARBURTON, E. Memoirs of Prince Rupert and Cavaliers, 1162. WARD, N. The Simple Cobbler of Aggawam, ("647) S33 8 - WARD, W. Short Questions upon the Parts of Speech, 15. WARING, J. B. Masterpieces of Industrial Art, 471, 5069. WARNER, Rev, R. Collections for Hampshire, 1423, 1716, 3601. WARTON, T. History of Poetry, 2336. WASHINGTON. Monuments of Patriotism, (1800) 5339- WASHINGTON, George. Life of, by E. Everett, 5281. Life of, by W. Irving, 5305. WATERS, R. E. Chester. Genealogical Memoirs of Extinct Family of Chester of Chicheley, 1049. WATT, R. Bibliotheca Britannica, 785, 1386, 3592, 4681. WATTEAU. Engravings from Drawings by, 4695. WEAVERS, Thomas. Plantagenet's Tragical Story, (1649) 312. WEBBER, Jas. Views in the South Seas, 411, 4061. WEBSTER, John. Works, 2160. WEDGWOOD, Josiah. Life of, by E. Meteyard, (1865) 1295, 2222, 4556. WEINMANN, J. W. Taalryk Register der Plaat- ofte Figuur, 5086. WEI ROTTER, F. E. CEuvres, 412. WERMUELLER, Otto. A Spirituall and most Precious Perle (trans, by Coverdale) 530. WESTMACOTT. English Spy (1825-26) 4499, 5543. WESTWOOD, J. O. On Insects, 3517. Illuminated Illustrations of the Bible, (1846) 4764. WESTWOOD AND HUMPHREY. British Moths, 3032. British Butterflies, 3032. WHEATLEY AND CUNNINGHAM. London, Past and Present, 2589. WHETSTONE, George. The English Myrror, (1586) 1794. WHITAKER, T. D. Hist, of Richmondshire, 413, 1394, 3000. Loidis and Elmete, 449. History of Whalley and Clitheroe, 1796, 2362. History of Deanery of Craven, 1384, 1795, 2632. History of Town and Parish of Leeds, 1393, 4966. WHITE, G. Nat. Hist, of Selborne, (ist edit.) 83. (1789) 1225, (Author's Original Autograph MS.) 1736, (1876) 4566. WHITE, J. History of the Maoris, 2427, 4807. Illustrations to, 4807. Voyage to New South Wales, 2722. WHITE, R. Ad Grammaticen Ordinariam, 15. WHITE, Thomas. Institutionum Peripateticarum, (1646) 4429. WHITEFIKLD, G. Three Letters, (1740) 5340. WHITEHEAD, C. Richard Savage, (1841-2)4742. WHITEHEAD, C. E. Wild Sports in the South, 5689. WHITE. History of (3 vols. in 2), 601. WHITING, Nathaniel. Le Hore di Recreatione, (1637)313. WHITTINGTON, R. Smtaxis, 549. WHITTOCK, ALLEN AND. History of Yorkshire, 1398. WHITTY. Tales of Irish Life, (1824) 2087. WHOLE Duty of a Christian, 1869. WHYMPER, E. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator, 1045, 1554, 2147. Scrambles amongst the Alps, 954, 2839, 2758, 3866. Ascent of the Matterhorn, 1260, 4857. WICLIF. Dialogues, 786, 1525. Latin Works, 3499. WIGHT, J. Mornings at Bow Street, (1825) 2088, (1824)2213, (1838)4772. More Mornings at Bow Street, (1827) 2088, 2213. Sunday in London, (1833) 2089. WIGHT, R. Indian Botany, 2803. WILDE, Oscar. Poems, (ist edit.) 128, (1892) 2870. Dorian Gray, (ist edit.) 2869. Salome, (1894) 2871, 4859. WILKINS, D. Concilia Magnae Britanniae, (1737) 3841, 4641. WILKINSON, Gen. J. Memoirs of my own Times, 534i. 5342- WILKINSON, R. Londina I)lustrata ; 1543, 4033. WILKINSON, Tate. The Wandering Patentee, 1380. Memoirs of His Own Life, 1381. WILKS, R. Life, 593, 1733. WILLARD, Samuel. A Compleat Body of Divinity, S3 2 . WILLIAM III. Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving for, 1905. Le Veritable Portrait de Guillaume Henry, de Nassau, 4430. WILLIAMS, D. History of Monmouthshire, 4243. WILLIAMS, Griffith, Bishop of Ossory. Seven Golden Candlesticks, 1904. WILLIAMS, J. L. Home and Haunts of Shake- speare, 1802. WILLIAMSON, J. Ferns of Kentucky, 5312. WILLIAMSON AND HOWETT. Oriental Field Sports, 1012, 3555. WILLIS AND CLARK. Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, 999, 2586. WILLIS AND TURNER. Domestic Architecture of the Middle Ages, 1000. WILLIS, Browne. Survey of Cathedrals, 3660, (1742-23) 4177. WILLIS, H. Time's Whirligig, (1647) 2545. WILLS, J. and F. The Irish Nation, 1135. WILLS, Calendar of, 2901. WILLSHIRE, W. H. Descriptive Catalogue of Early Prints in British Museum, (1879) 4881. INDEX. 443 WILSON, A. American Ornithology, (1808-14) 5690, (1828-29) 5691. AND BONAPARTE AND JARDINE. American Ornithology, (1832) 5692. WILSON, A. History of Great Britain, 1411. WILSON, Dr. D. Prehistoric Man, (1863) 4839. WILSON, H. H. Ariana Antiqua, 3419. WILSON, J. W. Collection de (68 etchings), 4916. WILSON, Sir Thomas. Arte of Rhetorique, 531. WILTON Garden. Engraved by Isaac de Caus, 4431. WILTSHIRE Archaeological Soc. Magazine, (1854- 88) 2369. Visitation of the County, (W. Harvey) 2372. WINDHAM. Speeches in Parliament, (1812) 5037. WINSDON, C. Ancient Glass Painting, 2920. WINTERBOTHAM. History of America, 1375. WIT. Commonwealth, (1634) 3862. WOBURN Abbey Marbles. Outline Engravings and Descriptions, 3420, 3421. WOLFIUS, H. A Perfite Looking Glasse for all Estates, (1580) 5106. WOLLEY, Clive Phillipps. Big Game Shooting, 3551, 4817. WOLLSTONECRAFT, Mary. Original Stories from Real Life, (1791) 1563, 4558. WONDERFUL Magazine, The, 83. WOOD, Ant. a. Athenae Oxonienses, 1223, 1387, 3626. WOOD, J. The Trial and Acquittal of Aaron Burr, WOOD, J. G. Illustrated Nat. History, 5693. WOOD, J. P. Peerage of Scotland, 3622. WOOD, R. Essay on Homer, (1785) 4432. WOOD, W. The Bow-man's Glory, (1682) 5694. WOODBURN. Gallery of Portraits, 844. WOOLSEY, C. W. A Fishery Imbroglio, 5431. WORDSWORTH, W. Poetical Works, (1807) 1235, (Knight) 2398. AND S. T. COLERIDGE. Lyrical Ballads, (1798) 3M, 79. 522. WORSLEY, Sir R. Museum Worsleyanum, (1794) 3302. WOTTON, Sir Henry. Reliquiae Wottoniae, 1037. WOUVERMANS, Ph. CEuvres, 414. WRIGHT, J. History of Rutland, 5239. WRIGHT, T. England under House of Hanover, 432. WYATT, TYMMS AND. The Art of Illuminating, (1860) 4906. XENOPHON. Opera Omnia, (1625) 3422. YACHT, Le. Journal de la Navigation de Plaisance, 4914. YACHTING. (Badminton Library) 3552. YARRELL, W. History of British Birds, 427, 1352, 2140, 2244, 3130, 3548, 3780, 4452, (1856) 5695. British Fishes, 1353, 1376, 2206, 3129, 3549, 3781, 4005, 5432. YATES, E. Collection of Autographs, 114. Dickens's Autograph Letters to, 116. Thackeray and the Garrick Club, 125, 527, 1174, 1758. YEAR Books of Edward III., (1518-32) 2032. YEATMAN, J. P. The House of Arundel, 2634. YORKE, J. Union of Honour, 2322. YORKSHIRE Archaeological and Topographical Association (Record Series), 997. YORKSHIRE Archaeological and Topographical Journal (Vols. I.-XII.) 2898. YOUNG, A. Travels in France, (1792) 446, 2712. Tour in Ireland, (1780) 5077. YOUNG. Night Thoughts, (Blake, 1797) 679, 3006, 3906, 4212. YOUNG, Sir C. G. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, 2346. YOUNG, John. Portraits of Emperors of Turkey, 3046. YOUNG, R. Analytical Concordance to the Bible, 4763- YULE, Col. H. Marco Polo, 417. ZIEMSSEN, Dr. H. von. Cyclopaedia of Medicine, 3087. ZWINGLY, Bisshoppe of Zuryk, Reckoning and Declaracion of his Faith and Belief, (1543) 1870. Short Pathway, (1550) 755. CHISWICK PRESS: CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND co. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. In Four Quarterly Parts. Part I. ready May 27th, 1896. Pott 4/0, printed on antique laid paper at the Chiswick Press. Price to Subscribers for the Four Parts, i2s. 6d. net. BOOK SALES OF THE YEAR 1896 CONTAINING A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOKS SOLD AT AUCTION WITH THE PRICES REALIZED WITH COMPLETE INDEXES OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS, AND GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY TEMPLE SCOTT %* In order that Subscribers shall have the opportunity of utilizing the information given in this work of reference, the volume will be issued in four quarterly parts. The first part will be published on May 27th, and will be supplied to those Subscribers only who send with order a remittance for the complete work. The success which has attended the first volume for 1895 nas been so satisfactory that we are emboldened to continue the work annually; but as the number of items in the volume for 1896 will be increased, the price has been raised to i2s. 6d. net on Subscription. Where possible the names of the purchasers of the lots will also be given. All orders with remittances received up to date of publication of Part I. will be supplied at this price. After that date, and until the end of the present year, the Subscription will be i$s. net. The volume for 1895 is nearly out of print, and Subscribers are reminded again of the fact that the issue for 1896 is as limited as was the previous volume. LONDON : P. COCKRAM, 29, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G. FRANCIS EDWARDS, ^ooft^efler, 83, HIGH STREET, MARYLEBONE, LONDON, W. 150,000 Vols. in all departments of Literature. CATALOGUES ISSUED EVERY MONTH. Americana and Books relating to the Colonies are made a speciality, and Catalogues are issued every few months. Libraries in all parts of the world supplied on the best terms, both with New and Second-hand Books. COMMISSIONS AT SALES FAITHFULLY EXECUTED. Libraries Catalogued, Valued, or arranged. ^- PARCELS CAN GENERALLY BE ENCLOSED TO THE CHIEF TOWNS IN THE U.S.A. AT LOW RATES. THOMAS BAKER, 2&D0&eto anti ^uftli^Et, i, SOHO SQUARE, i, LONDON. Religious and Ecclesiastical Literature and Theology in all its Branches. Old and Modern, English and Foreign, Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Archaeology. EXPORTER AND IMPORTER. ESTABLISHED IN 1849. Libraries and smaller lots of Books bouglit for Cash. Price Sixpence Monthly. Annual Subscription, 5.$-. post free, BOOKSELLING A JOURNAL OF INFORMATION FOR PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, WRITERS, AND READERS. SOME PRESS OPINIONS. The Globe. "To anyone requiring a compact and almost exhaustive budget of information concerning new books and forthcoming books, we can strongly recommend 'Bookselling.' It is well edited and brightly written, and its lists of current publications are well classified." Manchester Guardian. "'Bookselling/ though primarily a trade journal, is extremely readable, and contains some of the finest process productions that we have seen this season." Whitehall Review. "The Christmas Number of 'Bookselling' is a perfect example of what can be done with beautiful type, high-class blocks, and superb paper. The issue is of especial value to book buyers and the literary public." SOME SPECIAL FEATURES. Our LEADERS discuss impartially all important questions in any way connected with the trade. The BOOK TALK furnishes valuable criticism on literary matters as well as the latest information concerning forthcoming publications. Our REVIEWS OF BOOKS has been made a special feature, and is now recognized as containing some of the best criticisms furnished by the press. In the section devoted to the SECOND-HAND BOOK TRADE, the Book Sales are noted and the titles given, with the prices realized, of the most important books sold. In addition to these features, there is a most important serial on the BIBLIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, as well as PRACTICAL PAPERS FOR BOOKSELLERS, dealing with the most important branches of their trade. LONDON: ST. PAUL'S BUILDINGS, PATERNOSTER ROW. Henry Stevens, Son, and Stiles, American antJ antiquarian ^Booksellers, LIBRARY AND EXPORT AGENTS, 39, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, W.C. OPPOSITE THE BRITISH MUSEUM. OUR SPECIALITY Books Relating to America. A I/THOUGH we transact every kind of literary business, and procure and supply all /~\. classes of Books to order, we do not profess to keep a stock of miscellaneous literature ; but we have probably the largest assemblage in existence of Books, Pamphlets, and Maps relating to North America. Our collection includes many of the rarest and earliest Voyages and Travels; Provincial, State and local Histories; Writings of the New England Divines ; topographical Works ; Travels and Explorations ; Books relating to the Revolution and the War ; Rebellion literature, &c., <5^c. EXTENT OF STOCK. Our stock is so large that, although we have issued over 50 Catalogues describing more than 18,000 books in 1,150 pages, we have never had occasion to re-catalogue the unsold items, and we have still so large a bulk uncatalogued that many years must elapse before it is exhausted, besides which we are always adding fresh purchases from day to day. CATALOGUES. We shall be pleased to send our catalogues, gratis and post free, on application, and an occasional order will insure the prompt despatch of future issues. Parties desirous of receiving our Catalogues simply for reference must remit a subscription of $i per annum. All the unsold books Nos. I to 18,000 are still in stock, and we allow a discount of 10 per cent, on all orders executed from back Catalogues, the prices on the current issues being net, as heretofore. PRICES INCLUDE POSTAGE. Our Catalogue prices include postage (registered over ioj.), but we deduct the postage from the price and deliver free in London when books are ordered to be sent to agents for inclosure, or despatched otherwise than by mail. REPORTS. We shall be pleased to report on lists of desiderata, and we are also prepared to furnish Lists of Books on special subjects. BOOKS BOUGHT OR EXCHANGED. We are open to purchase or take in exchange rare books, pamphlets, maps, &c., relating to America. Reports solicited. NEW BOOK LIST. See overleaf. AMERICAN BOOK PRICES CURRENT. See overleaf. BOOK SALES OF THE YEAR. We are sole agents for America; and orders for the 1896 volume in parts, or as a bound volume, are now being received. (See special advertisement.) AGENCY BUSINESS. Every description of literary agency undertaken. Other Booksellers' Catalogues collected, on application, and forwarded free of expense (except postage), and orders executed at the Catalogue price and postage. Orders executed for London Auction Sales. Catalogues forwarded and attention called to forthcoming items on collectors' special subjects. NEW BOOK LIST (BRITISH) FOR BOOK BUYERS, LIBRARIANS, AND BOOKSELLERS. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY CEDRIC CHIVERS, AND PUBLISHED AT THE LIBRARY BUREAU, LONDON. Sole Agents for A merica. HENRY STEVENS, SON, AND STILES, 39, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, W.C. Annual Subscription (12 numbers)^ postpaid^ $i. AS A MONTHLY LIST. The object of this new monthly publication is to give a numerical list of all new British books arranged alphabetically under the authors' names, with brief collations, descriptions, and prices. A Subject and Title Index enables anyone at a glance to see what has been published on any particular subject, and a Publishers' Index shows what every publisher may have issued during the month. AS AN ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. The work is so designed that the monthly numbers, while supplying currently the information as regards the issues of every month, when bound up at the end of the year with the annual Index and Supplement (to be issued at a small additional cost), will form a permanent record or Annual Bibliography, with Subject and Title Indexes, much fuller and far ahead of anything hitherto attempted. AS AN ORDINARY MEDIUM. American Librarians, Booksellers, and Importing Agents are specially desired to observe that the New Book List furnishes the very simplest possible medium for ordering new books without the possibility of error. Every book has a number, and the numbers run consecutively through the year : hence, in sending an order to your bookseller or agent, it is only necessary to quote New Book List, 1896, the number and the first word, thus saving the necessity of copying out long titles. SPECIMEN NUMBERS. On application we shall be happy to send gratis and post free, a specimen number, together with our new leaflet telling you how to order or import New British Books in the cheapest manner, and with the least possible trouble. Henry Stevens, Son, and Stiles, 39, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, W.C. OPPOSITE THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Every kind of Literary Business transacted. Correspondence on all subjects solicited. " American Book Prices Current," Vol. I. A few copies still on hand, $8 = 32^. net. Library Use Only UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001424815 7