. i>iJi y fci»PtPi Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2007 witin funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.archive.org/details/clironologicaloutOOrylaricli CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES OF ^ ENGLISH LITERATURE BY FREDERICK RYLAND, M.A LATE SCHOLAR OF ST. JOHn's COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE Sonbon MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1896 All rights reserved f^ll'it /S3 First Edition printed 1890. Reprinted with corrections, 1896. PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. 9/a CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction, vii Part I.— General Outline, i Part II.— Authors and their Works, - - - 239 hIi^722SS5 INTRODUCTION. The need of tolerably full Annals of English Literature is frequently felt by lecturers and by private students. They often require a colourless outline within which details may be placed, and which may serve to bring into prominence the chronological relations of the facts they deal with. No work hitherto published can be said to occupy, with regard to our literary history, the same position which an ordinary date book does with regard to our political history. The present volume aims at supplying this want. It is divided into two parts. Part I. brings the Annals of English Literature into connection with general European literature and with history, so that a glance enables us to see the position that a given work occupies in the line of development. We can thus obtain a conspectus of the chief literary work that was being done at any given date, and trace the growth of schools and movements. In fact it is hoped that Part I. will perform in some degree the same kind of service for the student of literary history as a map does for the student of geography. From the beginning of the sixteenth century each opening presents six columns. The first gives the dates. The second contains the names of the principal English works published in each year. While only first editions are as a rule mentioned. viii INTRODUCTION. republication 'is noticed, where a change of title or other cause is liable to lead to confusion. The names in this column embrace all such as are to be found noticed in ordinary manuals of literary history. Important works included in the same volume are mentioned separately, though in most cases some indication is given of the fact that they appeared together. The third column gives biographical dates, i.e. births and deaths, of the chief English authors. The fourth is devoted to foreign literature. Under this head American names have been with considerable reluctance included, but to have placed them with the English would have suggested a misleading conception as to the true relation of the two literatures, and would have unduly extended the scope of the work. TYv^Jifth column contains important historical dates j events not be- longing to English history are printed in itahcs. The sixth column contains annotations, and may be found useful for MS. remarks and references. Before the year 1500 there is a separate division for works usually classed as English Literature, but not written in the English language.* Some of the names in this column are more usually connected with French literature. But, as it has been well said, " We are too apt to forget that London in the latter half of the twelfth century was the capital and centre of the French-speaking world. The Angevin Empire during those years included Normandy, Brittany, Maine, Anjou, Touraine, Aquitaine, and Gascony, and the poets and literary men of that vast tract of country looked to London for recognition and reward. Nearly two-thirds of the French writers of that period are connected with the court of Eng- *This arrangement has necessitated the amalgamation of the biographi- cal and historical columns in the first part of the volume up to p. 27. INTRODUCTION. ix land." Indeed, Mr. Jacobs, from whom these sentences are quoted, goes so far as to assert that " England in the latter half of the twelfth century was the nidus of the whole Romantic movement which characterizes mediaeval literature." "* Part II. of these Outlines contains an alphabetical list of authors with their principal works. This will be specially useful in studying literature from the biographical point of view, which after all is the most usual and the most popular way of looking at it. It will be noticed that books not sufficiently important to be mentioned in Part I. are sometimes given under the author's name ; since works of small significance in the general history of literature may be of real importance in analysing the life-work of the individual. In the selection of names I have not aimed at pedantic con- sistency. After laying down various arbitrary rules for my own guidance, I was obliged to fall back on compromise and general sense of proportion in determining whom and what to include. And although it seemed advisable to bring the dates down to 1889, the selection of works given in the last fifteen or twenty years is of course in the highest degree tentative. A few names are inserted which may have small claim to be there ; while there are doubtless many omitted which should have found a place. In turning over the pages of literary reviews one is overwhelmed by the number of contemporary poets, novelists, and thinkers, who, according to the general consensus of critical opinion, have shown evidence of the possession of genius and have given earnest for the attainment of immortality. Of these it was impossible to include one-twentieth part; though in point of sheer literary merit the less known writers of the day are, * See The Fables of Aesop, edited by Joseph Jacobs. (Historical Intro- duction, p. 181.) X INTRODUCTION. no doubt, often incomparably superior to those of the i8th century. It is necessary to say a few words about dates. A short examination of a few reference books in general use will at once show that the greatest discrepancy exists in the years assigned for the publication of a very large proportion of the works mentioned. To take a few instances at random : — Baxter's Saints Rest is referred in some of the most popular manuals to 1649, 1658, and 1653 ; Mandeville's Fable of the Bees to 171 1, 17 14, 1723, and 1729; Pope's Temple of Fame to 17 11, 17 12, and 1715 ; Philip's Splendid Shilling to 1701, 1703, and 1705. Nor is this uncertainty confined to the older books; Browning's Sordello is given as 1839, 1840, and 1841 ; while for the Bon Gaultier Ballads I found the following dates, 1845, 1849, 1851, 1854, 1855, 1856. These uncertainties arise from various causes. Setting aside manifest errors originating in, say, one of Dr. Johnson's casual remarks that a poem was published " about " such or such a date, or in a misprint in the wilderness of Allibone, we have others such as these : — The date of a second edition is given as the date of a first ', the title of a book has been changed, and the two dates are variously assigned to the book under its old title and under its new one ; books published in the early months of a year before the adoption of the New Style are liable to be referred to the year before ; books published during the last two or three months of a year are liable to be assigned to the next year owing to a well-known custom of the publishing trade. When a work has taken several years to publish, the date of the first or of the last instalment may be given. Besides such cases as these, there are other instances where no exact date is obtainable. Few books before the introduction of printing INTRODUCTION. xi can be dated with any degree of accuracy. It is impossible to tell exactly when an author began to circulate his MS. or to allow copies to be made of it ; and the date of composition is usually very problematical. Many early books bear no date on the title-page. Till the middle of the 17th century there is great difficulty in fixing the date of production of plays on the stage, even when the date of printing has been ascertained. In this volume an attempt has been made towards settling the chronology of these disputable cases. This has proved more difficult than might have been expected. The most usual works of reference, Allibone and Lowndes, are extremely inaccur- ate; the former is indeed so unreliable as to be almost useless. Works are placed under the name of an author to which he has no claim, and the dates given are frequently erroneous. In de- fault of these I have consulted the General Catalogue of the British Museum, and those selections from it which have been separately published {e.g. Catalogue of Printed Books before 1640) ; the Handbook of Mr. W. C. Hazlitt; several works by Mr. Fleay; the bibliographies annexed to articles in the Dictionary of National Biography, and those by Mr. Anderson in the Great Writers Series ; the editorial introductions to in- dividual works, e.g. those of Prof. Arber and Prof. Morley; works dealing with the literary history of special subjects, e.g. the British Museum Catalogue of MS. Romances ; nearly all the ordinary Manuals of English Literature; many Encyclo- pedias, Dictionaries of Biography, etc. ; and several large library catalogues. In cases of special difficulty I have often consulted the work whose date was in dispute, in order to verify the conclusions arrived at. But in many instances the utmost that could be done was to guess which of several former guesses was the nearest to the truth. The acting dates xii INTRODUCTION. of early plays especially should be regarded as approximate rather than positive. My best thanks are due to my friend Mr. Joseph Jacobs for his many suggestions and corrections. I may add that I shall be grateful to any students who may take the trouble to indicate to me the errors they discover in the following pages. montserrat road, Putney. PART I. GENERAL OUTLINE. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES OF YEAR. ENGLISH. 600 Caedmon : Paraphrase of Genesis (670-80).^ „ Paraphrase of Exodus (or 8th century). „ Paraphrase of Daniel (or 8th century). Beowulf.2 700 Traveller's Song (Wtdsith). Battle of Finnesburg. TiirlitVi Laws of Ine. Cynewulf (born about 720) : Riddles. Vision of the Cross. Christ. Descent into Hell. Guthlac. Juliana. Elene. Andreas. Phcenix. Song of Deor. The Wanderer. The Seafarer. The Panther ; the Whale, etc. Addresses of the Soul to the Body. Other poems in Exeter and Vercelli books. 1 Nearly all authorities agree that the three Paraphrases are by different authors ; while most authorities disbeheve that the Para- phrase of Genesis which has come down to us as Caedmon's is really his. It is however possible that it is a " mangled and modernized version " of Caedmon's. 2 " The text of Beowulf took^ about the close of the 7th or begin- ning of the 8th century, substantially the shape in which it has come down to us " (Ten Brink). ENGLISH LITERATURE. LATIN AND FRENCH. FOREIGN HISTORICAL LITERATURE. EVENTS. Aldhelm (640-709) : De Virgini- Mohammed : Conversion of tate Sanctorum. Koran, 634. Edwin of Nor- „ De Laude Virginum. thumbria, 627. 5, i^nigmata. Earliest mention of lingua Ro- Theodore, Abp. 7nana (St. Mo- of Canterbury, molenus made 668. bishop on ac- count of his knowledge of it) 659. Bede (673-735) : De Natura Rerum. „ De Ratione Temporum. Arabs conquer „ De Arte Metrica. Spain, 711. „ Vitse Abbatum Wiremu- thensium, etc. „ Historia Ecclesiastica (731)- Nennius (?) : Historia Britonum.^ Battle of Ronces- valles, 778. ^ The date and authorship of this work are in the highest degree un- certain. Some writers place the date as late as the loth century. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH, 800 Annals probably kept at Canterbury and Winchester. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, revised and extended backwards to Hengist and Horsa, at Winchester, about 850-60. 900 King Alfred : Transl. of Orosius' History. „ „ Bede's History. „ „ Boethius' De Consolatione Philo- sophias. „ „ Gregory's Regula Pastoralis. Further Revision of the Annals at Winchester — carried back to 60 B.C. and on to 891. [The Corpus Christi or Parker MS.] The later Genesis.^ Fragments of poem on Descent, Resurrection, and As- cension of Christ. Satan. Salomon and Saturnus (two dialogues). Battle of Brunanburh (inserted in the Chronicle). Aethelwold (d. 984) : Transl. of the Rule of St. Benedict, about 955-60. Leech book. Menologium. BKckling Homilies, 971. ^ Only preserved so far as it was used in loth century to fill up a gap in the Genesis attributed to Caedmon. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. LATIN AND FRENCH. FOREIGN HISTORICAL LITERATURE. EVENTS. Charlemagne Alcuin died 804. crowned Em- peror 800. John Scotus Erigena (about 810- Egbert, king of Zt]) : De Divisione Naturae. Wessex, 802. Egbert over- The Heliand, lord of all about 830. England to theForth,827. Alfred, King, 871. Peace of Wendover, 879. Ottfried, 883. Asser (died 910) : Annales ^If- " Romulus " redi Magni. (Latin prose Rollo^ Duke of • Aesop). Nonnandy^ 913- Henry theFow- ler^ E^nperor^ 919. Battle of Bru- nanburh, 937. Dunstan, Abp. of Canter- bury, 960. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 900 Cont, Aelfric : Homilias Catholicae, 990-4. „ Latin Grammar. „ Glossarium. „ Colloquium. (English and Latin.) „ De Compute. „ Passiones Sanctorum, 996. „ Transl. of the Pentateuch and other Old Testa- ment books, 997-9 Battle of Maldon [Byrhtnoth's death] (inserted in the Chronicle). Aelfric : Canones, about 1000. „ Sermo ad Sacerdotes, 1015. Wulfstan : Homilies. Worcester recension of the Chronicle, 1016. Transl. of Apollonius of Tyre. Abingdon recension of the Chronicle, 1046. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. LATIN AND FRENCH. Ethelwerd : Chronicon, about 975- Aelfric : Vita Ethelwoldi. Lanfranc (d. 1089) : Liber Scin- tillarum, 1080. Gerland : Computus, 1082. Anselm (d. 1109) : Monologium. „ Proslogium. „ Cur Deus Homo ? „ De Voluntate. „ De Concordia prsescien- tiae Dei cum libero arbitrio. FOREIGN LITERATURE. Hroswitha; Latin Poems. French Chansons de Gestes. Turold : Chanson de Roland. Notker died. Avicenna died, 1038. The Verse Edda. Abelard born, 1079. HISTORICAL EVENTS. Hugh Capet, King, 987. Battle of Mal- don, 991. Canute, King of England, loi 7 Edward the Confessor, 1042. Battle of Hast- ings, 1066. William L Lanfranc, Abp. of Canter- bury, 1070. Domesday- book, 1086. First Crusade, 1095. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. Early forms of the Havelok saga. Poema Morale probably in reign of Henry I. Peterborough version of the English Chronicle begun about II2I ; carried on to 1154. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. FOREIGN HISTORICAL LATIN AND FRENCH. LITERATURE. EVENTS. Thomas of Ely : Historia Eccle- Turpin ; Chron- Henry L, sias Eliensis. icle of Charle- IIOO. Athelard of Bath : Quaestiones magne. Naturales. „ De Eodem et Diverso before 1116. „ Transl. of Euclid. Roger Infans : Computus, 1124. Norman Poems Florence of Worcester (d. 1 1 1 8) on Charle- Chronicon ex Chroni- magne. cis. Philip deThaun: Cumpoz, before 1 1 19. „ Bestiaire about 1122. Eadmer (d. 1124) : Historia no- Nibelungenlied vorumi. about 1 140. „ VitaAnselmi. Simeon of Durham (d. 11 30): Historia de Gestis Anglorum. Lamprecht : William of Malmesbury . De Alexanderlied. Gestis Regum Anglo- rum, about 1 120. William of Poi- „ De Gestis Pontificum. tiers, the first „ Historia Novella, about troubadour, 1 144. (1071-1127). „ Vita Aldelmi. The Rolandslied „ De Antiquitatibus Glas- by Konrad the toniensis Ecclesice. Priest. Ordericus Vitalis : Historia Ec- clesiastica, about 1 142. Henry of Huntingdon : Historia Anglorum, about 1 1 54. „ De Contemptu Mundi, 1 150. Geoffrey of Monmouth : Historia Regum Britanniae, T147. Gaimar : Estoire des Englois, 1 147. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES ENGLISH. 1 1 50 Early form of Proverbs of Alfred.^ Waltheof saga.^ The English Chronicle comes to an end at Peterborough, 1 1 54. Miracle plays in London (1170-1180).^ 1 Our present form is a recension of the 13th century. 2 The English saga of Waltheof is lost. 3 See Ten Brink, Bk. V., ch. ii. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. LATIN AND FRENCH. FOREIGN HISTORICAL LITERATURE. EVENTS. John of Salisbury : Polycraticus 1 1 56. Henry IL, „ Metalogicus, 11 59. Amis et Amiles. II 54. Ailred of Rievaulx (d. 1166): Robert de Bo- Speculum Charitatis. ron : Joseph „ De Spiritual! Amicitia. d'Arimathie. Constitutions of „ De Institutione Inclu- „ Merlin. Clarendon, sarum. „ Grand St. II 64. „ De Bello Standardii. Graal (?). „ Artus (.?). Murder of St. Wace : Brut d'Engleterre, 11 55. Aucassin et Ni- Thomas „ Roman de Rou, 11 70. colette. Beket, 11 70. Conquest of Benoit de St. Maure : Roman de Roman de Re- Ireland. Troie. nart. „ Roman de Normandie. Saracens take Jordan Fantosme : Chronicon Chrestien de Jerusalem^ 1175 (?)• Troyes : Erec 1 1 87. Joseph of Exeter: De Bello et Enide. Trojano, 1188. „ Percevale le Alexander Neckham : De Na- Gallois(Conte turis Rerum. del Graal). Dialogus de Scaccario. „ Chevalier au Alfred of England : Transl. of Lyon. Aesop from Arabic (?). „ Conte de la Walter Map (d. 1210) : De Nugis Charrette Curialium. (Lancelot). „ Golias. Gottfried of Stras- „ Lancelot du Lac (.^). burg : Tristrem. „ Queste de St. Graal (.?), „ Mort Artus (?). Luces de Gast : Tristram.^ Epic of Gudrun. Richard L, Helie de Boron : Tristram (2nd Moses Maimon- 1 1 89. part).i ides : Guide to Third Crusade^ „ „ Meliadus. the Perplexed, 1 189. Hugh of Rotelande : Ipomedon, 1190. about 1 185. Chanson d'Alix- „ „ Protesilaus, aundre. before 1191. Luces de Gast and Helie de Boron must be regarded as noms-de-plmne. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 1 150 Cont. 1200 Layamon : Brut, about 1 205. Orm : Ormulum, about 1215-20. The Bestiary. Story of Genesis. Story of Exodus. Lives of St. Margaret, St. Juliana, and St. Katharine. The Holy Maidenhood. The Ancren Riwle, about 1225. Wooing of our Lord (Wohunge of ure Lauerde). The Soul's Ward (Soules Warde). Visio Pauli (Eleven Pains of Hell). Thomas of Hales : Luve Rou (Love Song). 1250 Nicholas of Guildford : The Owl and the Nightingale. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 13 LATIN AND FRENCH. Nigel Wireker : Brunellus. Ranulph de Glanvil : De Legibus Angliae. Giraldus Cambrensis : Expug- natio Hiberniae. „ „ Topographia Hiberniae. „ „ Descriptio Cambrias. Geoffrey of Vinsauf: Nova Poetica, about 1 193-9. William of Newburgh : Historia Rerum Anglicarum, iiq8. Roger de Hoveden : Annales, 1201. Richard, Bp. of London : De Vita Henrici II. et Ricardi I. Gervase of Tilbury : Otia Impe- rialia, 121 1. Marie de France : Lais. „ „ Fables d'Ysopet. Alexander of Hales (d. 1245) : Summa Theologiae. Roger of Wendover : Chronica, 1235. Robert Grosseteste (d. 1253) : Chastel d' Amour. „ De Cessatione Lega- lium. FOREIGN LITERATURE. Averroes died, II 98. HISTORICAL EVENTS. John, 1 199. Maimonides died 1204. Spanish Poems of the Cid. Wolfram von Es- chenbach: Par- zival. Walther von der Vogelwei de, died 1235. ProseEdda, 1241 Snorro Sturleson died, 1 24 1. Lorris : Roman de la Rose, 1 2 50. Latin Emper- ors at Con- stantinople^ 1204-1261. Interdict in England, 1208-1213. Magna Charta^ 1215. Henry III., 1216. St. Louis King of France^ 1226. Hanseatic League^ 1241. 14 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 1250 Cont. Song of Horn. Havelok the Dane, 1270-80. Guy of Warwick. Floriz and Blanchefleur. Thomas of Ercildoune : (.'*) Sir Tristram. King Alexander. Richard Coeur de Lion. Reynard. Dame Siriz : ? before 1270. Land of Cockayne. Debate of the Carpenter's Tools. Debate of the Soul and Body. Orfeo and Heurodis. The Process of the Seven Sages. Metrical Legends of the Blessed Virgin, the Holy Child- hood, the Holy Rood, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Mar- garet, St. Katharine, St. Christopher, St. Brandan, St. Kenelm, St. Thomas of Canterbury, St. Edmund, etc., about 1280- 13 10. Proverbs of Hendyng, about 1300. Northumbrian Psalter. Robert of Gloucester : Chronicle, 1298. „ (.?) Metrical Lives of Saints, 1300. Song of the Husbandman. Short Lyrics, e.g.^ " Summer is icumen in." OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 15 LATIN AND FRENCH. FOREIGN HISTORICAL LITERATURE. EVENTS. Matthew Paris (d. 1259): His- toria Major. John of Capua : „ Historia Minor. Directorium „ Vitae Abbatum St. Al (Fables of bani. Bidpai). Bracton : De Legibus Anglias, 1256-9. Roger Bacon : Opus Majus, 1268. „ Opus Minus. „ Opus Tertium. Dante born, 1 265. Edward I., Michael Scott : Musa Philoso- St.ThomasAqui- 1272. phica. nas (died 1274): Summa Theo- logiae. Schwabenspiegel, 1275. Albertus Magnus died, 1280. Sicilian Ves- pers^ 1282. Gesta Romanorum. Guido della Co- lonna : Historia Trojana, 1270- 1287. John de Oxenedes: Chronicle, 1292. First Alliance William Rishanger : Chronicle. J. de Voragine : of France and De Bellis LegendaAurea. Scotland Lewes et Evesham. against Eng- Dante : Vita land, 1294. Nuova, about 1294. i6 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 1300 Lay of the Ash. How a Merchant did his Wife betray. Robert Manning : Handlyng Synne, 1303. „ History of England, 1338. Otinel. Amis and Amiloun. Sire Degarre. King of Tars. Horn Childe. 1325 Maiden Rimnild. WiUiam of Shoreham : Seven Sacraments. „ Joys of the Virgin, 1320-25. Cursor Mundi, 1320-5. Richard of Hampole : Prick of Conscience, about 1330- 1340. „ Boke to an Ankeresse. Cycle of Metrical Homilies, about 1330.^ Story of Gregory. Michael of Northgate : Ayenbite of Inwyt, 1340. ^ "As in the south a legend-cycle was formed, so in the north originated a cycle of homilies that comprehended the Church's year " (Ten Brink). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. FOREIGN HISTORICAL LATIN AND FRENCH. LITERATURE. EVENTS. Nicholas Trivet (d. 1328) : An- nales sex Regum Petrarch born, Angliae. 1304. Duns Scotus (d. 1308) : Distinc- tiones. „ Quaestiones quodlibe- tales. Edward 1 1., „ Logicalia. 1307. Peter Langtoft : Chronicle (in Dante: Comme- Popes at Avig- French), 1307. dia, begun 710 fi, 1 309- about 1307. 1377. Boccaccio born, 1313. Dejoinvilledied, Battle of Ban- 1317. nockburn, 1314- Dante died, 1 32 1. N. Bozon : Contes Moralises. Marco Polo died, 1324. J. de Meung (b. Edward III., 1280) : Roman 1327. de la Rose (lat- ter part). Eckhart died, 1329. Langland born, 1332. (?) Bradwardine (d. 1349) : De Causa Dei. Froissart born, Chaucer born, Richard of Bury : Philobiblion 1337- 1340. (? 1344). Battle of Cres- sy, 1346. Manuel died, William of Oc- 1347- cam died, 1347. i8 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 1325 Cont. Chester Miracle Plays (before 1350). LawrenceMinot : Songs on Battles of Edward II I. (to 1352). 350 375 Thorn : Chronicle of Canterbury. William of Palerne (William and the Werwolf), 1355. Langland : Vision of Piers Plowman, A text, 1362-3. Morte Arthur, Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, The Pearl, [-about 1360. Clannesse, Patience, Geste Historyal of the Destruction of Troy, 1360. Harrowing of Hell (Miracle play),^ Chaucer : ? A, B, C. „ Complaint to Pity. „ ? Romaunt of the Rose. „ Book of the Duchess, 1369. Barbour : The Bruce, 1375 (.?). Langland : Vision of Piers Plowman, B text, 1 378. Wiclif : Transl. of the Bible, 1380. „ Fifty Heresies of Friars. Wiclif's Wicket. ^ Ten Brink thinks these are all by one writer. 2 " Earliest English drama now extant " (Ten Brink). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 19 LATIN AND FRENCH. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORICAL EVENTS. Occam : Quodlibeta septem. „ Summa logices. „ Expositio aurea. ,, Disputatio super potes- tate ecclesiastica. Richard of Ham pole died, 1349. Boccaccio : Te- seide. Black Death 1349- Higden : Polychronicon, 1352. Robert of Avesbiiry : De Gestis Edwardi III., 1356. Boccaccio : De- cameron, 1350. Taulerdied,i36i. Gerson born, 1363- Battle of Poi- tiers, 1356. Treaty of Bre- tigny, 1360. Fordun : Scotichronicon, 1360. Gower : Speculum Meditantis. „ Vox Clamantis. Mandeville (?) : Voyage, before 1371- Petrarch died, 1374. Boccaccio died, 1375. . Wiclif: De Dominio Divino, 1376. „ De Ecclesia, 1378. RICHARD II., 1377. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 1375 Trevisa : Transl. of Higden's Polychronicon, 1387. Cont. Chaucer : Assembly of Fowles. „ Complaint of Mars. ,, Annelida and Arcite. „ Troilus and Cressida. „ House of Fame. „ Legend of Good Women. ,, Canterbury Tales Q 1373- 1393;. „ Treatise on the Astrolabe, 1391. „ Balade sent to King Richard. „ Complaint to his Purse, 1399. Langland : Vision of Piers Plowman, C text, 1393. Piers Plowman's Crede. Langland (?) : Richard the Redelesse, 1399. Complaint of the Phoenix, 1394. Gower : Confessio Amantis, about 1393. „ Tripartite Chronicle. William of Nassington : Mirror of Life, about 1400. 1400 Mandeville (?) : Voyage and Travel (transl. from French). Occleve : Letter of Cupid, about 1402. „ Address to Health, about 1406. „ Gouvernail of Princes, about 1412. Lydgate : Troy Book, about 141 5. „ Romance of Thebes, about 1420. „ (?) Complaint of the Black Knight. Towneley Mystery Plays. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. FOREIGN HISTORICAL LATIN AND FRENCH. LITERATURE. EVENTS. Poggio born, Schism of the 1380. Anti- popes, A Kempis born. 1378-1439- 1380. Wat Tyler's insurrection, 1381. Hafiz died, 1388. Wiclif died, 1384. Lobeira: Amadis Battle of Otter- of Gaul, about bourne, 1388. 1390. Langland died. Greek taught in about 1395. Florence by James 1. of Chrysoloras Scotland about 1395. born, 1395. Henry IV., 1399- Chaucer died, 1400. Johnof Bromyard : Summa Pre Vasco de Lobei- James I. of dicantium. ra died, 1403. Scotland made prison- Knighton : Chronicon. er in England, 1405. Gower died, 1408. Council of Pisa, 1409. Froissart died, HENRYV.,1413. 1410. Battle of Agin- court, 14 1 5. Council of Con- stance, 14 14- i8.' John Huss burnt, 141 5. Treaty of Troyes, 1420. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 1400 Coni. Wyntoun : Original Chronicle of Scotland, about 1420. James I. of Scotland : King's Quhair. The Paston Letters begin 1422 and are continued to 1507. 1425 Harding : Chronicle (in metre). Lydgate : Falls of Princes. „ Life of our Lady. „ Dance of Death. „ London Lickpenny. „ (.'*) Temple of Glass. Thornton Romances (copied about 1440). James L (.?) : Peeblis to the Play. „ Christ's Kirk of the Green. Geoffrey the Grammarian : Promptorium Parvulorum. Pecock : Donet, about 1440. „ Repressor of Overmuch Blaming of the Clergy, 1449- 1450 Juliana Berners (.?) : Treatise of Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing with an Angle. „ (.?) Treatise of Arms. Castle of Constancy, and other early Moralities. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 23 FOREIGN HISTORICAL LATIN AND FRENCH. LITERATURE. EVENTS. Aurispa brings to Henry VI., Walsingham : Ypodigma Neu- Italy over 400 1422. striae, about 1420. Greek MSS., James I. of „ Historia Anglicana, about 1423. Scotland, 1423. 1423. Siege of Or- Lindvvood : Provinciale. leans raised Netter : Doctrinale. Gerson died, by Joan Dare, „ Fasciculi Zizaniorum, 1429. Villon born, 1 43 1. 1429. Pulci born, 1431. Eugenhis IV., Pope, 1431. De la Salle: Cent Paris taken by Nouvelles Nou- the French, velleG. 1436. James I. of Scotland slain, 1437. Coimcil of Flo- rence, 1439. Grocyn born, 1442. Jack Cade's In- surrection, 1450. Guttenberg prints the Ma- Constantinople zarin Bible, captured, 1455- 1453. Monstrelet died, Pius\\.{Mneas 1453- Sylvius)Pope, 1458. Dunbar born, 1460. 24 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 1450 Coiit. 1475 Capgrave : Chronicle of England (to 1417). Chestre : Lay of Sir Launfal. Blind Harry : Wallace. Sir J. Fortescue : Difference between Absolute and Limited Monarchy. John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester : Trans, of Cicero de Amicitia. Benedict Burgh : Transl. of Cato's Morals. Malory : Morte d'Arthur, 1470 (printed 1485). Caxton : Recuyell of the Histories of Troy, printedi474 (?) „ Game and Play of Chess, printed 1475. (.'*) Ballads— e.g., Battle of Otterburn, Chevy Chace, etc. Lord Rivers : Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, 1477. Caxton : Transl. of Reynard the Fox, 1481. „ Translation of Aesop's Fables. „ Translation of the Golden Legend (Lives of the Saints). Henryson : Moral Fables of Aesop. ,, Testament of Cressid. ,, Robene and Makyne. „ Bluidy Serk. 1 The first book printed in England. Caxton's two translations mentioned above (the " Recuyell " and the "Chess"), were printed abroa.d. OF FNGLISII LITFRATURE. 25 FOREIGN HISTORICAL LATIN AND FRENCH. LITERATURE. EVENTS. Capgrave : Liber de lUustribus Poggiodied,i459. Skelton born. Henricis. Villon died, 1460, 1460. (?) or soon after. LoinsXl.^Ktng of France^ 1461. Edward IV., Sir J. Fortescue : De Laudibus 1461. Legum Angliae, 1463- Battle of Tow- 1470. ton, 1 46 1. Machiavelli born, Capgrave died, 1469. about 1464. Bembo born, Battles of 1470. Barnet and A Kempis : De Tewkesbury, Imitatione 1471. Christi, 1471. Gavin Douglas Valle : De Ele- born, 1474. (.?) gantiis Latinae Caxton's Press Linguae, 1471. set up in Eng- Ariosto born, land in 1477 1474. or perhaps Michael Beham 1476. died, 1474. Lorenzo de Medici rules Florence, 1 469- 1 492. Malorv died, 1475. (?) Richard III., 1483. Henry VII., 1485. Bartholomeo Pulci: Morgante Diaz rounds Maggiore,i48i. Cape of Good Ficino : Theolo- Hope, i486. giaPlatonica, Coverdale ^ 1482. born, 1488. 26 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. ENGLISH. 1475 Cont Skeltori : On the Death of Edward IV., 1483. „ On the Death of Northumberland, 1489. „ Bowge of Court (? before 1 500). „ Transl. of Cicero's Letters. „ The Tunning of Elizabeth Rummyng. A Lytel Geste of Robin Hood. Ballads — e.g., Nut-brown Maid, etc. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 27 LATIN AND FRENCH. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORICAL EVENTS. Ficino:Orfeo, 1483. Guicciardini born, 1482. Luther born, 1483. J. C. Scaliger born, 1484. Politian born, 1494. Mirandola died, 1494. Brandt : Navis Stultifera, 1494. Boiardo(d.i494): Orlando In- namorato, 1495. Von Alkmar : Reinecke Fuchs, 1498. Ficino died, 1499. Cornelius Vi- telli teaches Greek at Ox- ford, 1488. Sir David Lindsay born, 1490. Grocyn teaches Greek at Ox- ford, 1 49 1. Latimer born, 1491. Columbus dis- covers Ameri- ca, I492.- AlexanderVl., Pope, 1492. Erasmus in England, 1498. (?) Cabot discovers American Mainland, 1497. Vasco de Gamo discovers sea- route to India, 1498. Savonarola burnt, 1408. 28 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1500 I 501 Gavin Douglas : Palace of Honour (written). 1502 1503 Dunbar : Thistle and the Rose. Hawes : Example of Virtue. 1504 Fabian : Concordance of Histories (printed 1516). Skelton : Necromancer (acted). 1505 1506 Barclay : Castle of Labour. Hawes : Pastime of Pleasure (written ; published in 15 17). 1507 Dunbar : Lament for the Makers. „ Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins. Skelton : Book of Philip Sparrow (written) (.?). 1508 Dunbar : Golden Terge. 1509 Barclay : Ship of Fools. Hawes : Conversion of Swearers. „ Joyful Meditation of all England. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 29 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Erasmus: Adages Sir T. Wyatc born. Sanazzaro : Ar- cadia. John Knox bom. First stone of St. Peter's, Rojne, laid by Pope Julius The Paston Letters end (1422- 1 507). Bibbiena : Cal- andra (acted at Venice). Calvin born. Henry VIII. 30 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. I5IO I5II I512 I513 Gavin Douglas : Translation of the vEneid (written).^ W. Lyly : Latin Grammar. Sir Thomas More : History of Edward V. and Richard III. (written).'-^ 1514 Barclay : Eclogues (completed). 1515 » 1516 Fabian : Concordance of Histories (printed). OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Erasmus teaches Greek at Cam- bridge. Erasmus : En- comium Moriae. Gringoire : Jeu du Prince des Sots. St. Paul's School founded by Dean Colet. Fabian died. Pope Leo X. Battle of Flod- den. 1 Printed 1553. 2Date and authorship uncertain. It was printed in 1557. Complutensian Polyglot (vol. i.). Ascham born. Von Hutten : Epistolae Ob- scurorum Viro- rum(i5i5-i5i9). G. Rucellai: Rosamunda. Wolsey Car- dinal and Lord Chancellor. Ariosto: Orlando Furioso. 32 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1516 517 1518 WORKS PUBLISHED. Sir T. More : Utopia. Hawes : Pastime of Pleasure (see 1 506). 1519 1520 1521 Henry VIII.: Treatise on the Seven Sacraments. Major : History of Great Britain. 522 Fisher : Sermon against Luther (.?). OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 33 I BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Cancionero Gen- eral ( = General Collection of Spanish ro- mances). Erasmus : Greek Testament. iSee 1551 Hans Sachs' first play acted. Luther's'' XCV. Theses." Erasmus : Para- phrase of New Testament (Ro- mans). Zwingli at Zurich. Grocyn (" the patriarch of English learn- ing," Hallam) died. Amadis of Gaul translated into Spanish. Charles V. Emperor. Greek Professor- ship established at Oxford by Wolsey. Luther: De Cap- tivitate Baby- lonica. Charles V.visits Henry VIII. at Canterbury. Luther before the Diet of Worms. Henry VI 1 1. Defender of the Faith. Gavin Douglas -died. 34 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1523 Barclay : Translation of Sallust's Jugurtha(?). Lord Berners: Translation of Froissart (completed 1525). Skelton : Goodly Garland of Laurel. 1524 Cox : Art of Rhetoric (.?). 1525 Tyndale : Translation of the New Testament (Worms). 1526 Hector Boece : Scotorum Historiae. A Hundred Merry Tales. 1527 1528 Sir D. Lindsay : Dream (written) (?). W. Roy : Read me and be not wroth. (529 Sir D. Lindsay : Complaint to the King (written) (.?). Sir T. More : Dialogue against Tyndale. „ Supplication of Souls. 1530 Sir D. Lindsay : Testament of the King's Papingo (written) (.?). Tyndale : Translation of the Pentateuch. „ Practice of Prelates. 1531 Sir T. Elyot : The Governor. Tyndale : Answer to More's Dialogue. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 35 I BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Luther: Transla- tion of the New Testament. Linacre died. Ronsard born. Camoens bom. Battle ofPavia. Tyndale's New Testament burnt. Machiavelli died. Skelton died. Budaeus : Com- mentarii Linguae Graecae. Guevara : Libro Aureo. Fall of Wolsey. Dunbar died (?) Puttenhamborn. Confession of Augsburg. IL. Marot : Com- plaint of Louise of Savoy. Zvvingli died. 36 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1532 1533 WORKS PUBLISHED. Sir T. More : Confutation of Tyndale. John Heywood : Play of Love. „ Play between the Pardoner and the Friar,the Curate and Neighbour Pratt. „ Play between the Husband, the Wife, and the Priest. 1534 Tyndale : New Testament (Antwerp). Lord Berners : Transl. of the Golden Book of Marcus Aurelius (Guevara). 1535 Coverdale : Translation of the Bible. 536 Bellenden : History of Scotland.^ Sir D. Lindsay : Answer to the King's Flyting. Cardinal Pole : Defensio Unitatis Ecclesiae. Tyndale : New Testament (printed in England). N. Udall : Ralph Royster Doyster (written) (?). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 37 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Machiavelli: Del Principe (writ- ten 1513). Smith lectures on Greek at Cambridge. Rabelais : Gar- gantua. Montaigne died. Ariosto died. Cranmer di- vorces Henry VIII. from Catherine of Aragon. Wynkyn de Worde died. Papal Suprem- acy abolished by Convoca- tions of Can- terbury and York. Sir T. More be- headed. Act of Suprem- acy. 1 Transl. from German and Latin, printed abroad, but bound in Eng- land. Sackville born. Tyndale burnt. Leland's Anti- quarian Jour- neys (1536- 1542). Calvin : Institu- tiones (French version in 1 540). Erasmus died. Gazetta published at Venice. Suppression of the smaller monasteries. 2 This transla- tion of Boece's ScotorumHis- toria is the " earliest ex- isting speci- men of Scot- tish literary prose." 38 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1537 Coverdale's Bible (printed in England). Cranmer and others : Institution of a Christian Man. Rogers : Matthew's Bible (printed abroad). 1538 Rale : Brief Comedy of John the Baptist. Sir T. Elyot : Dictionarium.^ Sir D. Lindsay: Complaint of the King's Papingo (printed). 1539 Coverdale : Cromwell's Bible.^ Taverner's Bible. 1540 Lord Bemers : Translation of the Castle of Love. Cranmer's Bible (The Great Bible). 1541 1542 1543 English Litany. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 39 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. 1 First Latin Dictionary published in England. Suppression of the larger monasteries. Act of the Six Articles . 2 Revision by Coverdale of his own and Tyndale's ver- sions. French transla- tion of Amadis of Gaul. Guicciardinidied. Society of Jesus founded by Loyola. J. J. Scaliger born. Paracelsus died. Wyatt died. 3 Montemayor Diana. 3 See 1557. Copernicus died. His treatise : De Revolution- ibus Coelestium Orbium. 40 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1544 545 WORKS PUBLISHED. Ascham : Toxophilus. Bale : Death of Sir John Oldcastle. Sir T. Elyot : Defence of Good Women. The King^s Primer. 1546 1547 Sir D. Lindsay : Tragedy of Cardinal Beaton. „ Squire Meldrum (.^). Book of Homilies. Baldwin : Moral Philosophy. 1548 1549 Order of the Communion. Book of Common Prayer (Edward VI. 's First Book).^ Bale : Scriptorum lUustrium Britannise Catalogus.'-^ Cranmer : Catechism. Hall: Union of Lancaster and York (written about 1533). Grimald : John the Baptist. Sternhold : Certain Psalms. N. Udall : Translation of Erasmus's Paraphrase (Vol. I.). The Complaint of Scotland.^ Baldwin : Canticles of Solomon in Metre. Sir J. Cheke : Hurt of Sedition. Latimer : Sermon on the Ploughers,* „ Sermons before Edward VI.^ Sternhold, Hopkins, Norton, and others : Psalms in Eng- lish Metre. Translation of Erasmus's Paraphrase (Vol. II.). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Tasso born. Marot died. Rabelais: Panta- gruel. Cardan : Ars Magna. Council of Trent meets. Luther died. Murder of Card. Beaton. Surrey beheaded Cervantes born. Hurtado : Pal- rnerin of Eng- land. Edward VI. Battle of Pinkie. Acts against Vagrancy. ^ This came in- to use in June 1549 ; no copies printed for general cir- culation till March, 1549. 'See 1557, . , 3 First origmal work in Low- land Scotch. 1 The Pleiade. Du Bellay : De- fense de la Langue fran- gaise. First Act of Uniformity, ■* These sermons were printed 1562. 42 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1550 551 1552 1553 554 1555 556 Cranmer : Defence of the True Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament. Ralph Robinson : Translation of More's Utopia. Wilson : Rule of Reason. Book of Common Prayer (Edward VI.'s Second Book). Latimer : Sermons on the Lord's Prayer. Ascham : Report of the Affairs of Germany. Gavin Douglas : Translation of the ^neid (written 15 13). Sir D. Lindsay : The Monarchy. Wilson : Art of Rhetoric. Foxe: Commentarii Rerum in Ecclesia Gestarum. Lib. I.^ John Hey wood : Spider and the Fly (printed). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. John Florio born. Ronsard : Odes. About this time Bale's King John written. Camden born. Spenser born. Leland died. Jodelle:Cldopatre „ Eugene. Second Act of Uniformity. Hooker born. Lyly born. Rabelais died. Mary. Cavendish's Life of Wol- sey written about this time. Sidney born. Bandello: Novelle Mendoza: Lazar- illo de Tormes. Parliament re- conciled with the Pope. ^ First form of the Acts and Monuments. Published at Strasburg. Enlarged edi- tion in 1559 at Basel. English in 1563. Latimer and Ridley burnt. Andrewes born. Gesner : Mithri- dates. Malherbe born. Abdication of Charles V. Diet of Aiigs- burg. Cranmer burnt Nicholas Udall died. 44 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1557 1558 1559 WORKS PUBLISHED. Bale : Scriptorum lUustrium Britanniae Catalogus (en- larged). E. of Surrey : Translation of the ^neid, Bks. II. and IV. Sir T. North : Translation of Guevara's Dial of Princes. Tusser : Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. Tottel's Miscellany (containing poems by Surrey, Wyatt, Grimald, Vaux, and others).^ Knox : First Blast of the Trumpet. Phaer: Translation of the ^neid, Bks. I. -VI. (see 1562). Poynet : Of Politique Power. Aylmer : Harbour against the Late-blown Blast. Jasper Haywood : Translation of Seneca's Troas. Mirror for Magistrates (first edition, containing poems by Baldwin, Ferrers, and others). 1560 1561 562 Jasper Heywood : Translation of Seneca's Thyestes. Neville : Translation of Seneca's Oedipus. Whittingham and others : The Geneva Bible. The Thirty-nine Articles. Audley : Fraternity of Vagabonds. JasperHeywood: Translation ofSeneca's Hercules Furens. Sackville and Norton : Gorboduc (acted). Stowe : Summary of English Chronicles. Brooke : Romeus and Juliet. Jewel : Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanse. Phaer : Translation of the ^neid, Bks. I. -IX. Sternhold and Hopkins : Psalms in Metre.^ OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, 45 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. ^Two editions — June and July, the second con- taining 39 ad- ditional poems. Peele born (.?). Lodge born (.?). J.C.Scaligerdied. Margaret of Na- varre : Amans Fortunes (Hep- tameron). Elizabeth. Chapman born (?)■ Amyot : Transl. of Plutarch's Lives. Ribeyro: Menina e Moga. Index Expurga- torius. Act of Suprem- acy. Act of Unifor- mity. Parker, Arch- bishop of Can- terbury. Robert Greene born (.?). Bacon born. Sir J. Harington born. Daniel born. Grimald died. Lope de Vega born. 2 See 1 548, 1 549. 46 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1563 Foxe : Acts and Monuments. Goog-e : Eclogues, Epitaphs, and Sonnets. Grafton : Abridgment of the Chronicles. Second Book of Homilies. Mirror for Magistrates (second edition, containing Sack- ville's Induction and The Complaint of Buckingham). 1564 N. Udall : Ezechias (acted). 1565 R. Edwards : Damon and Pythias (acted). Gelding : Translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Bks. I. -IV. Googe : Translation of Palingenius' Zodiacs of Life. Grafton : Manual of the Chronicles of England. Sackville and Norton : Gorboduc (unauthorized edition).^ 1566 1567 R. Edwards : Palamon and Arcite (acted). Gascoigne : Jocasta (acted). „ The Supposes (acted). Paynter : Palace of Pleasure (Vol. I.). N. Udall : Ralph Royster Doyster (printed). Jewel : Defence of the Apology. Turbervile : Translation of the Epistles of Ovid. Translation of the Eclogues of Mantuan. 1568 569 Grafton : Chronicle at Large (Vol. I.). Parker's Bible (The Bishops' Bible). Grafton : Chronicle at Large (Vol. II.). Spenser : Theatre of Voluptuous Worldlings.^ OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 47 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Drayton born. Plao^ue in Lon- don. Marlowe born. Shakspere born. Galileo born. Calvin died. Giraldi Cinthio : Hecatomithi. Telesio : De Na- tura Rerum. ^ First printed tragedy. ■ 2 First printed comedy. Mary Queen of Scots abdi- cates. Coverdale died. Ascham died. Sir J. Davies born. Mercator's first chart. 3 This volume edited by Van Noodt. 48 CHRONOL O GICAL O U TUNES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1570 Ascham : Schoolmaster. Barclay : Mirror of Good Manners (second edition). North : Moral Philosophy of Doni.^ Turbervile : Epitaphs, etc. 1571 1572 G. Buchanan : Admonition to the Lords Maintainers. Foxe : Saxon Gospels. Sackville and Norton : Ferrex and Porrex (Gorboduc, authorized edition). G. Buchanan : Detectio Marias Scotorum Reginae. T. Cartwright : Admonition to Parliament. Gascoigne : Hundred Sundry Flowers. Parker : De Antiquitate Britannias Ecclesias. 1573 Tusser : Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. 1574 Higgins : First Part of the Mirror for Magistrates. Parker : Lives of the Seventy Archbishops of Canterbury. 575 Churchyard : Chips. Gascoigne : Notes of Instruction concerning the Making of Verse. „ Glass of Government. Gelding : Translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses (com- pleted). Turbervile : Book of Falconry. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 49 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. • ANNOTATIONS. Gervase Mark- ham born (.?). Middleton born (?). Dekker born (T Ortellius: Thea- trum Orbis Ter- rarum. 1 Translation of Italian version of the Fables of Bidpai. Bp. Jewel died. Battle of Le- panto. Knox died. Camoens : Lusiads. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Donne born. Grafton died (.?). Ben Jonson born. Tasso : Aminta. Earl of Leices- ter's players licensed (Bur- bage, etc.). Hall born. Marstonborn(.?) Mendoza died. so CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1576 Gascoigne : Steel Glass. „ Complaint of Philomene. Turbervile : Art of Venery. „ Ten Tragical Tales out of Sundry Italians. Paradise of Daintv Devices.^ 577 1578 Holinshed : Chronicle. Blenerhasset : Second Part of the Mirror for Magistrates.''^ Churchyard : Frobisher's Voyage. Florio : First Fruits. Whetstone : Promos and Cassandra. Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions. 1579 G. Buchanan : De Jure Regni apud Scotos. Churchyard : Welcome Home to Frobisher. „ Blessed State of England. Gosson : School of Abuse. Lodge : Defence of Stage Plays. Lyly : Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit. Munday : Mirror of Mutability. North : Translation of Plutarch's Lives. Puttenham : Partheniades. Spenser : Shepherd's Calendar. 1580 Churchyard : Translation of Ovid's Tristia (Bks. I.-III.). Lyly : Euphues and his England. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 51 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. The Theatre and The Cur- tain built. Grindal, Arch- bishop of Can- terbury. Gascoierne died. Bodin: Republic. fohn Fletcher born. Du Bartas : Semaine. La Garnier : Les Juives. ^ Subsequent editions, 1577, 1578, 1580, 1585, 1596, 1600. The most popular collection of poetry. ^ This formed part of the 5 th edition of the original Mir- ror for Magis- trates. In same year Higgins' "First Part" reached a second edi- tion. Plays on Sun- days abolished. 52 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1 580 Munday : Fountain of Fame. Cont. „ Pain of Pleasure. Spenser and Harvey : Letters touching the Earthquake and English Versifying. Stowe : Annals or General Chronicle of England. 158] Gosson : Plays confuted in Five Actions. Arthur Hall : Ten Books of Homer's Iliads.^ Newton, Studley, and others : Translation of Seneca's Tragedies.^ Savile : Translation of Tacitus's Histories. Sir P. Sidney : Apology for Poetry.^ 1582 G. Buchanan : Rerum Scoticarum Historias. Hakluyt : Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America. Munday : Discovery of Edward Campion. „ English Roman Life. Watson : Hekatompathia. Whetstone : Heptameron of Civil Discourses. 1583 Stanihurst : Translation of i^neid, Books I. -IV.* Stubbs : Anatomy of Abuses. 1584 Greene: Mirror of Modesty. „ Morando. Knox (d. 1572) : History of the Reformation in Scotland. Lodge : Alarm against Usurers. Lyly : Alexander and Campaspe. „ Sappho and Phaon. Munday : Watchword to England. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 53 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Tusser died. Garnier : Brada- mante. Montaigne : Es- sais (Bks. I. and II.) Camoens died. Earthquake in England. Jesuit Mission under Cam- pion and Par- sons. Overbury born. T. Hey wood born (.?). Tasso : Gerusa- lemme Liberata. New Penal Laws against Romanists. ^ From the French ver- sion of Salel. 2 Originally published separately. See 1559 for the first. 3 Not printed till 1595. Phineas Fletcher born. Lord Herbert of Cherbury born. Massinger born. J. J. Scaliger : De Emendatione Temporum. Whitgift, Arch- bishop of Can- terbury. ^ Printed at Leyden, 1582. Norton died. Selden born. 1 Giordano Bruno: Delia Causa Principio ed Uno. Giordano Bruno: Dell' Infinito Universo. Willia7n of Orange assas- sinated. 54 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1584 Cont. 58: WORKS PUBLISHED. Peele : Arraignment of Paris. Clement Robinson and others : H andful of Pleasant Delights. Reginald Scott : Discovery of Witchcraft. Warner : Pan his Syrinx. King; James VI. : Essays of a Prentice in the Art of Poesie. Watson : Amyntas. 1586 Barnes : Praise of Music. Camden : Britannia.^ Greene : Orlando Furioso (acted). Warner : Albion's England. Webbe : Discourse of English Poetry. Whetstone : English Mirror. 1587 Boyd : Madrigals. Churchyard : Worthiness of Wales. Greene : Euphues, his Censure to Philautus. Hakluyt : Four Voyages to Florida. Marlowe : Dr. Faustus (acted) ^ ij) 1588 Greene : Pandosto. „ Perimedes. „ Alcida. Kyd (i^) : Hieronimo (acted). Munday : Banquet of Dainty Conceits. " Martin Marprelate": The Epistle. John Udall : Diotrephes. „ Demonstration of Discipline. 1589 Bacon : Advertisement touching Controversies of the Church. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 55 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. F. Beaumont born (.?). Drummond born. Ronsard died. Guarini : Pastor Fido (acted). Raleigh plants Colony of Vir- ginia. Sidney killed at Zutphen. John Ford born. 1 Final and much en- larged edition, 1607. Foxe died. Volksbuch pub- lished at Frank- fort containing Story of Faust. Execution of Mary Queen of Scots."' 2ThisisFieay's conjecture. Probably 1 590 would be nearer. Dr. Faustus not published till 1604. Giles Fletcher born. (?) Hobbes born. Wither born. Montaigne : Es- sais (Bk. III.). Defeat of the Spanish Ar- mada. Henry I V.King of France. 56 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1589 Cont. WORKS PUBLISHED. Cooper : Admonition to the People of England. Greene : Menaphon.^ ,, James IV. (acted). Greene and Lodge : Looking Glass for London and Eng- land (acted). Hakluyt : Voyages and Discoveries Lyly : Pap with a Hatchet. " Martin Marprelate " : The Epitome. Nash : Almond for a Parrot. Peele : Farewell to Norris and Drake. „ Tale of Troy. Puttenham : Art of English Poesie. 1590 Constable : Spiritual Sonnets. Lodge : Rosahnd. Marlowe : Tamburlaine (two parts, printed).' „ Massacre of Paris (acted) (.?). Sir Ph. Sidney : Arcadia. Spenser : Faery Queen, Bks. I. -I II. Webbe : Travels. Watson : Meliboeus. „ Italian Madrigals Englished. 1591 Drayton : Harmony of the Church. G. Fletcher (elder) : Of the Russian Commonwealth. Florio : Second Fruits. Greene : Farewell to Folly. „ Notable Discovery of Cosenage. Harrington : Translation of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. Lodge : Catharos. Sir W. Raleigh : Fight about the Azores. Sir Ph. Sidney (d. 1586) : Astrophel and Stella. Spenser : Daphnaida. „ Complaints (including Ruins of Time, Tears of the Muses, Mother Hubbard's Tale, Muiopotmos,etc.). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 57 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. 1 Dyce says 1587; no earlier copy than 1 589 known. English Players in Germany. Battle of Ivry. By this time Shakspere had probably written Love's Labour's Lost. 2 Part I. had been acted about 1586 or 1587. Herrick born. English troops sent to assist Henry IV. of France (again in 1592). About this time Shakspere probably wrote the Comedy of Errors, Mid- summer Night's Dream, The Two Gentle- men of Verona, and Romeo and Juliet ; and touched up I Henry VI. 58 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1592 593 1594 WORKS PUBLISHED. Constable : Diana. Daniel : Delia. Greene : Groat's Worth of Wit. „ Repentance of Robert Greene. Harvey : Four Letters and certain Sonnets. Lyly : Galatea. „ Midas. Marlowe: Edward II. (acted).^ Nash : Summer's Last Will and Testament (acted). „ Pierce Penniless. (.'') : Arden of Faversham. Barnes : Parthenophil and Parthenope. Chettle : Kind- Heart's Dream. Drayton : Shepherd's Garland. Lodge : Phillis honoured with Pastoral Sonnets. Nash : Christ's Tears over Jerusalem. Peele : Edward I. Stubbs : Crystal Glass for Christian Women. Shakspere : Venus and Adonis.^ Watson ; Tears of Fancy. The Phoenix' Nest. Barnfield : Affectionate Shepherd. Carew : Translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. Chapman : Skianuktos, The Shadow of Night. Dickenson : Arisbas. Drayton : Idea's Mirror. Greene : Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay.^ „ Orlando Furioso.'* Greene and Lodge : Looking Glass for London and England.^ Hooker ; Ecclesiastical Polity, Bks. I.-IV. Lodge : Wounds of Civil War (Marius and Sylla). Lyly : Mother Bombie. Marlowe : Edward II. (printed). Marlowe and Nash : Dido. Peele : Battle of Alcazar. Shakspere : Lucrece. Southwell : Mary Magdalen's Funeral Tears. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 59 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Robert Greene died. Quarles born. Montaigne died. Presbyterian Religion es- tablished in Scotland. iMr. Fleay's conjectural date. See 1594. George Herbert born. Marlowe died. Henry IV. of France becomes a Catholic. 2 About this time Shak- spere also wrote, per- haps, Richard IL ; 2 and 3 Henry VL, and Richard in. Lord Strange's Company amalgamated with the Lord Chamberlain's. Satyre M^nippde. 3 Acted 1588. * Acted 1 586. 5 Acted 1589. 6o CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1595 WORKS PUBLISHED. Barnes : Century of Spiritual Sonnets. Bamfield : Cynthia. Daniel : Civil Wars of Lancaster and York. Florio : New World of Words. Lodge : Fig for Momus. Gervase Markham : Tragedy of Sir Richard Greville. Peele : Old Wives' Tale. Sir P. Sidney : Apology for Poetry (written about 1581). Spenser : Colin Clout's come home again. „ Astrophel. „ Amoretti. „ Epithalamium. Southwell : St. Peter's Complaint. 1596 Sir J. Davies : Orchestra. Drayton : Mortimeriados. Jonson : Every Man in his Humour (acted, in its first form). Lodge : Margarite of America Marlowe : Translation of Ovid's Amores. Nash : Have with you to Saffron Walden. Sir W. Raleigh : Discovery of the Empire of Guinea. Spenser : Faery Queene (Bks. IV.-VL) „ Four Hymns. „ Prothalamion. 1597 Bacon : Essays, with Colours of Good and Evil and Meditationes Sacrae.^ Daniel : Philotas. Gerard : Herbal. Joseph Hall: Virgidemiarum, Lib. L-IH. (Toothless Satires). Hooker : Ecclesiastical Polity, Bk. V.2 King James VL: Demonology. Lyly : Woman in the Moon. Middleton : Wisdom of Solomon Paraphrased. Shakspere : Romeo and Juliet (imperfect pirated copy). „ Richard II. „ Richard III. (?) : Pilgrimage to Parnassus (acted). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 61 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN DATES. LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. The Swan Tasso died. Tyrone's Re- By this time (Theatre) First Opera in bellion. Shakspere's opened. Florence Kingjohnhad Turbervile died. (Daphne). probably been written. By this time Spenser's prose dialogue on the State of Ireland had been written. Printed in 1633- Blackfriars Descartes born. By this time adopted for a Shakspere's Theatre by Merchant of Burbage. The Venice had Children of the ■ probably been Chapel Royal written. act there. 1 10 Essays in this edition. 2Bks. VI. -VII. posthumously 1618. 62 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1598 1599 1600 WORKS PUBLISHED. Barnfield : Encomium of Lady Pecunia. Bodenham : Politeuphuia or Wit's Commonwealth. Chapman : Translation of the Iliad (Bks. l.-II, VII.-XI.) „ Blind Beg-gar of Alexandria. Drayton : England's Heroical Epistles. Hakluyt : Voyages and Discoveries (Vol. I.y Joseph Hall: Virgidemiarum Lib. IV.-VI. (Biting Satires). T. Heywood : War without Blows. „ Joan as Good as my Lady. Jonson : Every Man in his Humour (acted, in revised form). Marston : Scourge of Villany. „ Metamorphosis of Pygmalion's Image. Marlowe and Chapman : Hero and Leander. Meeres : Palladis Tamia. Shakspere : Henry IV., Part I. „ Love's Labour's Lost. Stowe : Survey of London. Sylvester : Translation of Du Bartas's Divine Weeks and Works. Chapman : Humorous Day's Mirth. Daniel : Musophilus. Sir J. Davies : Nosce Teipsum. Sir J. Hayward : Life and Reign of Henry IV. King James VI. : Basilikon Doron. Jonson : Every Man out of his Humour. Middleton and Rowley : Old Law (acted). Peele : Love of David and Bethsabe.^ Shakspere : Romeo and Juliet (present form). „ (with others) : Passionate Pilgrim. William Barclay : De Regali Potestate. Breton : Melancholic Humours. Dekker : Old Fortunatus. „ Shoemakers' Holiday. Fairfax : Translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. Gilbert : De Magneto. Hakluyt : Voyages and Discoveries (last vol.). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 63 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Peele died. Jasper Heywood died. Edict of Nantes. ^ Enlarged form of the work of 1589. See 1600. Spenser died. Daniel, Poet Laureate. The Globe (Theatre) built. 1 Aleman : Guzman d'Alfarache. Mariana : De Rege et Regis Institutione. Essex sent to Ireland. 2 Acted about 1 585 probably. Hooker died. Calderon born. Giordano Bruno burnt. East India Company in- corporated by Royal Charter. Shakspere's As You Like It written by this time. 64 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR, WORKS PUBLISHED. 1600 Cont. Jonson : Cynthia's Revels. Lyly : Maid's Metamorphosis. Shakspere : Henry IV., Part II. „ Henry V. (imperfect pirated copy). „ Midsummer Night's Dream (two quartos). „ Merchant of Venice (two quartos). „ Much Ado about Nothing. „ Titus Andronicus. England's Helicon. (?) : Return from Parnassus (Part I.). 1601 Bacon : Practices and Treasons of Robert, late Earl of Essex. Jonson : Poetaster. Munday : Downfall of Robin Hood. (?) : Return from Parnassus (Part II. acted, printed 1606). 1602 T. Campion : Art of English Poetry. Davidson : Poetical Rhapsody. Dekker : Satiromastix. Lodge: Transl. of J osephus History. Marston : Antonio and Mellida. „ Antonio's Revenge. Middleton : Randall, Earl of Chester. „ Blurt, Master Constable. Shakspere : Merry Wives of Windsor (imperfect pirated copy). „ Hamlet (acted). „ Twelfth Night (acted). 1603 Bacon : Apology concerning the late Earl of Essex. Barclay : Euphormion. Chettle : England's Mourning Garment. Florio : Translation of Montaigne's Essays. T. Heywood : Woman Killed with Kindness. Jonson Jonson Knolles : History of the Turks. Shakspere : Hamlet (first form, printed). Sejanus. Entertainment at Althorpe (The Satyr). OF EMGLISH LITERATURE. 65 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. All theatres or- dered to be closed except the Fortune and the Globe. Earle born. Insurrection of Essex. First regular Poor Law. Shakspere's Twelfth Night written about this time. Bodleian Library founded. Chillingworth born. Shakspere's All's Well that Ends Well written about this time. AMES L Millenary Peti- tion. 66 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1604 Jonson, Chapman, Marston : Eastward Ho ! (acted). Marlowe : Dr. Faustus.^ Marston : Malcontent. Shakspere : Hamlet (second form, " enlarged to almost as much again," printed). „ Othello (acted) ij). 1605 Bacon : Advancement of Learning. Camden : Remains concerning Britain. Chapman : All Fools. Jonson, Chapman, and Marston : Eastward Ho ! (printed). Jonson : Volpone (acted). Marston : Dutch Courtesan. 1606 Camden : Reges et alii in Ecclesia Westmonasterii sepulti. Chapman : Monsieur d'Olive. „ Gentleman Usher. Greene (d. 1 592) : Bellora and Fidelio. Marston : Parasitaster. „ Sophonisba. Shakspere : King Lear (acted) (?). (.?) : Return from Parnassus (Part H., printed).^ [607 Alexander : Monarchic Tragedies. Barnes : Devil's Charter. Beaumont (? and Fletcher) : Woman Hater (acted) (?). Camden : Britannia (last vol.). Chapman : Bussy d'Ambois. Cowell : Interpreter. Dekker and Webster : Westward Ho ! Joseph Hall : Mundus Alter et Idem. King James : Triplici Nodo Triplex Cunaeus. Marston : What you will. Tourneur : Revenger's Tragedy (printed). OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 67 I BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Hampton Court Conference. iSee 1587. Sir T. Browne born. Dugdale born. Randolph born (?). Stowe died. Cervantes : Don Quixote, Part I. Gunpowder Plot. Waller born. Lyly died. Davenantborn. Corneille born. i* The Pilgrim- age and the first part of the Return were not printed till 1886. k Madame de Scudery born. Shakspere's Troilus and Cressida and Antony and Cleopatra pro- bably written by this time. 68 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1608 1609 [610 WORKS PUBLISHED. Beaumont (? and Fletcher) Philaster (acted) (?). Chapman : Conspiracy of Charles Duke of Byron. Dekker : Bellman of London. Joseph Hall : Characters of Virtues and Vices. T. Heywood : Rape of Lucrece. Middleton : A Mad World, my Masters. „ Trick to Catch the Old One. Shakspere : King Lear (two quartos). Andrewes : Tortura Torti. Bacon : De Sapientia Veterum. Beaumont and Fletcher : Maid's Tragedy (acted) (?). Daniel : Civil Wars of York and Lancaster (final form in 8 books ; see 1595). Dekker : Gull's Hornbook. Drayton : Lord Cromwell. Jonson : Epicene. „ The Case is Altered. Shakspere : Sonnets. „ Troilus and Cressida (two quartos). „ Pericles. Douay Translation of the Bible. Beaumont and Fletcher : Knight of the Burning Pestle (acted) (.?). Camden : Britannia (transl. by Philemon Holland). Chapman : Translation of the Iliad (Bks. L-XIL). Donne : Pseudo- Martyr. Giles Fletcher : Christ's Victory and Triumph. John Fletcher : Faithful Shepherdess. Jonson : Alchemist (acted). Niccols : Mirror for Magistrates (final edition). Selden : The Duello. Shakspere : Macbeth (acted). OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 69 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Edward Hyde born. Fuller born. Milton born. Sackville died. First perman- ent English Settlement in America by the Virginia Company. Shakspere's Coriolanus and Timon of Athens pro- bably written by this time. Suckling born. Casaubon: Poly- bius. J. J. Scaliger died. D'Urfde:Astree. Shakspere's Tempest per- haps written in this year. 70 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. [6l l6l2 Beaumont and Fletcher : King and No King (acted). Chapman : Translation of the Iliad (Bks. XIII.-XXIV.). Coryat : Crudities. „ Crambe. Dekker and Middleton : Roaring Girl. Jonson : Catiline (acted). Shakspere : Winter's Tale (acted). Donne : Anatomy of the World. Speed : History of Great Britain. Tourneur : Atheist's Tragedy (printed). Authorized Version of the Bible. Bacon : Essays (second edition). Beaumont and Fletcher : Cupid's Revenge (?). „ „ Coxcomb (?). Chapman .• Epicede on Henry, Prince of Wales. N. Field : Woman is a Weathercock. Joseph Hall : Contemplations. Webster : White Devil (printed). 1613 Beaumont : Inner Temple Masque. W. Browne : Britannia's Pastorals. Corbet : Journey to France. Daniel : Collection of the History of England. Drayton : Polyolbion (Part I.). [Meliades. Drummond of Hawthornden : Tears on the Death of Sir J. Hayward*: Norman Kings of England. Purchas : Pilgrimage. Shakspere : Henry VIII. (acted). Wither : Abuses Stript and Whipt. 1614 W. Browne : Shepherd's Pipe. Chapman : Andromeda Liberata. „ Eugenia. „ Translation of the Odyssey (Bks. I.-XII.). Gorge : Translation of Lucan's Pharsalia. Jonson : Bartholomew Fair (acted). Napier : Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio. Sir T. Overbury (d. 161 3) : A Wife now a Widow. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 71 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. James Harring- ton born. Colonization of Ulster. Beaumont and Fletcher's Scornful Lady between 1610- 161 2 probably. Butler born. Sir J. Haring- ton died. Arnauld born. Episcopacy authorized in Scotland by Scottish Par- liament. Jeremy Taylor born. Constable died. Henry More born. 72 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1614 Cont. Sir T. Overbury : Characters. Sir W. Raleigh : History of the World. Selden : Titles of Honour. 1615 Camden : Annales Rerum Anglicarum (Part I.). Chapman : Translation of the Odyssey (Bks. XXIV.). Daniel : Hymen's Triumph. Ford : Sir Thomas Overbury. Sandys : Relation of a Journey begun 1610. Selden : Analecta Anglo-Britannica. Sylvester : Tobacco Battered. Wither : Shepherds' Hunting. XHI. 1616 W. Browne : Britannia's Pastorals (Part II.). Drummond of Hawthornden : Poems. King James : Counterblast to Tobacco. Jonson : The Devil's an Ass (acted). „ The Forest.i „ Underwoods.^ Niccols : Overbury's Vision. Speed : Cloud of Witnesses. Webster : Duchess of Malfi (acted ; printed 1623). 1617 1618 Greene (d. 1592) : Alcida. Drummond of Hawthornden : Forth Feasting. T. Hey wood : Fair Maid of the West (acted ; or earlier). Joseph Hall : Quo Vadis 1 Rowley and Middleton : Fair Quarrel. John Taylor : Travels in Germany. Chapman : Translation of Hesiod's Georgics. N. Field : Amends for Ladies. Hooker: Ecclesiastical Polity (Bks. VI.-VIIL). Selden : History of Tithes. John Taylor : Penniless Pilgrimage. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, 73 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Baxter born. Denham born. Cervantes : Don Quixote (Part IL). Shakspere died. Beaumont died. Hakluyt died. 1 Cervantes died. Vanini : De Ad- mirandisNaturae Arcanis. 1 In Vol. L of the folio ed- ition of his works. r Cudworth born. Coryat died. Cornelius a La- pide: Commen- tarii(i6i7-i642). Cowley born. Lovelace born. Stanihurst died. Raleigh died. Syfiod of Dort. Beginnitig of the Thirty Years War, I 74 CHR ONOL GICA L O UTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1619 Drummond of Hawthornden : Jonson (written). Purchas : Microcosmus. Conversations with Ben [620 [62] Bacon : Novum Organum. W. Browne : Inner Temple Masque. (?) Gervase Markham : Farewell to Husbandry. Quarles : Feast for Worms. John Barclay : Argenis.^ Beaumont and Fletcher : Wild Goose Chase (acted). „ Thierry and Theodoret (printed). Burton : Anatomy of Melancholy. Heylin : Microcosmus. Montague : Diatribe upon the late History of Tithes. Quarles : Argalus and Parthenia. 1622 Bacon: History of Henry VII. „ Historia Ventorum. Drayton : Polyolbion (complete form). Fletcher (? and Massinger) : Beggar's Bush. „ „ Spanish Curate. Massinger : Virgin Martyr. Shakspere (d. 1616) : Othello (printed). Wither : Juvenilia. „ Fair Virtue the Mistress of Philarete. London Weekly Courant. 1623 Bacon : De Augmentis Scientiarum. „ Historia Vitas et Mortis. Culpeper : Tract against the High Rate of Interest. Drummond of Hawthornden : Flowers of Sion. Massinger : Duke of Milan. Middleton : Game at Chess (acted). Shakspere (d. 1616): Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies ('The First Folio'). Webster : Duchess of Malfi (printed ; acted in 1616). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 75 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Daniel died. Evelyn born. Marvell born. Villegas : Ama- torias. Englische Como- dien und Tra- godien. First Puritan emigration to America. La Fontaine born. Impeachment of Bacon and Mompesson. 1 Translation of the Latin appeared in 1625. Vaughan born. Moliere born. Camden died. Giles Fletcher died. Pascal born. Campanella : Ci- vitas Solis Marini : Adone. Massacre of Englishmen by the Dutch at Amboyna. 76 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1624 Chapman : Translation of Batrachomyomachia, etc. Fletcher : Wife for a Month. „ Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. Ld. Herbert of Cherbury : De Veritate. Massinger : Bondman (acted 1623). Quarles : Job Militant. „ Sion's Elegies. Usher : Answer to a Jesuit. 1625 Bacon : Essays (final form). ,, Apophthegms. Barclay : Argenis (English translation). Jonson : Staple of News (acted). Camden : Annales (Part II.). Purchas : Hakluytus Posthumus (Pilgrims). Quarles : Sion's Sonnets. Shirley : Love Tricks. [626 1627 [628 Flecknoe : Hierothalamium. Fletcher : Fair Maid of the Inn. Sandys : Translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Shirley : Maid's Revenge. Sir H. Spelman : Glossarium Archaiologicum. Bacon : Sylva Sylvarum. „ New Atlantis. 1 Drayton : Battle of Agincourt. „ Nymphidia. Phineas Fletcher : The Locusts. Coke : Institutes of the Laws of England. Earle : Microcosmography. Feltham : Resolves. Ford : Lover's Melancholy. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 11 I BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. John Fletcher died. Lodge died. Grotius : De Jure Belli et Pacis. Charles I. Dr. Montagu censured for his "Armin- ianism " by Parliament. Bp. Andrewes died. Bacon died. Sir J. Davies died. Purchas died. Middletondied. Bossuet born. Grotius: De Veritate. German version of first Italian opera (Daphne). * Translation appeared in 1629. Bunyan born. Malherbe died. Petition of Right. Laud, Bp. of London. 78 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1628 Conf. WORKS PUBLISHED. Harvey : Hobbes Prynne Selden : De Motu Sanguinis. Translation of Thucydides, Health's Sickness. Unloveliness of Lovelocks. Marmora Arundelliana. [629 Sir J. Beaumont : Bosworth Field. Davenant : Albovine, John Lightfoot : Erubhim. Massinger : Roman Actor (acted apparently in Shirley : The Wedding. [626). 1630 Davenant : Cruel Brother. „ Just Italian. Drayton : Muses' Elysium. Sir J. Hayward (d. 1627) : History of King Edward IV. Jonson : New Inn (acted). May: Supplementum Lucani. Massinger : Picture (acted 1629). „ Renegado (acted apparently 1624). Quarles : Divine Poems. Randolph : Conceited Pedlar (acted). „ Aristippus (acted). 1631 Andrewes : Sermons. Donne : Polydoron. Phineas Fletcher : Sicelides. Fuller : David's Heinous Sin. G. Herbert : The Temple. Shirley : The Traitor. 1632 Brome : Northern Lass. Donne : Miscellany Epigrams. Jonson : Magnetic Lady (acted). Massinger : Emperor of the East.^ „ Maid of Honour.^ „ City Madam (acted). Massinger and Field : Fatal Dowry.^ OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 79 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Wentworth, President of the Council of the North. Speed died. Charles dis- solves his third Parliament ; no fresh Par- liament till 1640. Barrow born. Tillotson born. Kepler died. ' Drayton died. Donne died. Dryden born. Locke born. Spinoza born. 1 These three plays were probably written and acted about a dozen years before. 8o CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1632 Cont. Quarles : Divine Fancies. Randolph : Jealous Lovers (acted). Rowley : Woman never Vexed. "^^ZZ Cowley : Poetical Blossoms. Phineas Fletcher : Purple Island. „ Silva Poetica. Ford : 'Tis Pity She's a Whore 1 (printed). „ Love's Sacrifice^ (printed). „ Broken Heart (printed). Fulke Greville (d. 1628) : Ccelica. T. Heywood : English Traveller. Jonson: TaleofaTub.2 Massinger : New Way to Pay Old Debts (acted about 1624). „ The Guardian. May : Reign of Henry IL Prynne : Histriomastix. Rowley : Match at Midnight.^ „ All's Lost by Lust.' Shirley : Triumph of Peace. 1634 Brome and Heywood : Lancashire Witches. Carew : Coelum Britannicum. Crashaw : Epigrammata Sacra. Ford : Perkin Warbeck (printed). Habington : Castara. Milton : Comus (acted). Shirley : The Example. A Very Woman (acted). 1635 Quarles : Emblems, Divine and Moral. Selden : Mare Clausum. Wither : Collection of Emblems. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 8i BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. George Herbert died. Munday died. Prynne in the pillory for his Histriomastix. Wentworth, Lord-Deputy of Ireland. Laud, Arch- bishop of Canterbury. 1 These two plays written about 1621-2, thinks Mr Fleay. 2 Written 1603- 4 ; altered 1633. 3 These two plays written about 1622-3. Chapman died. Marston died. Sir E. Coke died. Rist : Musa Teu- tonica. First Ship- money Writ. French Academy founded. Lope de Vega died. Scudery: Ibra- him. 82 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1636 W. Cartwright : Royal Slave (acted).i Davenant : Platonic Lovers. The Wits. Sir J. Hayward : Life and Reign of Edward VI., with the beginning of the Reign of Elizabeth. Massinger : Great Duke of Florence (acted 1627). „ Bashful Lover (acted). Sandys : Paraphrase of the Psalms. 1637 [638 1639 1640 Chillingworth : Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation. Milton : Comus (with Lawes' Music). Nabbes : Microcosmus (acted). „ Hannibal and Scipio. Prynne : News from Ipswich. Sir J. Suckling : Aglaura (acted ; printed in 1646). ,, Session of the Poets. Davenant : Unfortunate Lovers (acted). Milton : Lycidas. Ford : Fancies Chaste and Noble (printed). „ Lady's Trial (acted). T. Heywood : Wise Woman of Hogsdon. Nabbes : Spring's Glory. „ Tottenham Court. Randolph : Amyntas. „ Muses' Looking Glass. Wilkins : Discovery of a New World. Fuller : History of the Holy War. Massinger : Unnatural Combat. Jasper Mayne : City Match. Sir H. Spelman : Concilia, Decreta, etc (Vol. I.).^ Webster : Appius and Virginia (acted). Richard Brome Antipodes. Sparagus Garden. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 83 I BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Corneille: Le Cid. iProbably. It wasprinted in 1 639 or earlier. t Dekker died (?) Ben Jonson died.2 Descartes : Dis- cours de la M^thode. Hampden's Trial. 2 Jonson left The Sad Shepherd finished up to Act Ill.jScii. The Covenant in Scotland. Wotton died. Racine born. Corneille : Horace. Scottish Parlia- ment abolishes Episcopacy. The Bishops' War. 3 Vol. II. in 1643. Burton died. Ford died (.?). Corneille : Poly- eucte. The Long Par liament meets. 84 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1640 C07lt. WORKS PUBLISHED. Carew : Poems. Habington : Queen of Arragon. „ History of Edward IV. Joseph Hall : Episcopac}^ by Divine Right. Nabbes : Unfortunate Mother. Selden : De Jure Naturali juxta Disciplinam Hebraeorum. Izaak Walton : Life of Donne. Wilkins : Discourse concerning a New Planet. 1641 Bastwick : Discovery of the Prelates' Tyranny. Denham : The Sophy (acted), Joseph Hall : Humble Remonstrance to the High Court of Parliament. Hartlib : Macaria. Milton : Of Reformation in England. „ Of Prelatical Episcopacy. [Prelacy. „ Reason of Church Government urged against " Smectymnuus " : Answer to An Humble Remonstrance.* Usher : Original of Episcopacy. Wilkins : Mercury, or the Secret Messenger. Wither : Hallelujah, or Britain's Second Remembrancer. 1642 Sir T. Browne : Religio Medici.2 Sir E. Coke (d. 1634) : Institutes of the Laws of Eng- land (Part 1 1.).^ Cudworth : True Nature of the Lord's Supper. Denham : Cooper's Hill. Fuller : Holy State. Hartlib : Reformation of Schools (trans, from Komensky). Milton : Apology for Smectymnuus. H. More : Psychodia Platonica. Prynne : Pleasant Purge for a Roman Catholic. t643 Sir R. Baker : Chronicle of the Kings of England. Davenant : Unfortunate Lovers. Milton : Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. Prynne : Sovereign Power of Parliaments and Kingdoms. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 85 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Massinger died. Wycherleyborn. Shadwell born. Jansen : Augus- tinus. Sir H. Spelman died. Sir T. Suckling died (.?). Boehm : Aurora (written thirty years pre- viously). Descartes : Meditationes. Execution of Strafford. Irish Rebellion. 1 'Smectymnuus' is formed by the initial letters of the five authors : Stephen Mar- shall, Edmund Calamy,Thomas Young, Matthew Newcomen, Wil- liam Spurs tow. Newton born. Filicaja born. Galileo died. Calprenede: Cas- sandra. Outbreak of the Civil War. Battle of Edge- hill. 2 Authorized edition in 1643. 2 First part in 1628. W. Cartwight died. Acta Sanctorum begun by Bol- landus. Bristol taken by the Royalists. Louis XIV. Battle of Rocroy. 86 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1644 Milton : Areopagitica. „ Letter to Hartlib. ,. Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, (enlarged). Quarles : Loyal Convert. „ Shepherds' Oracles. [645 Sir K. Digby : Treatise on the Nature of Bodies and of Man's Soul. Fuller : Good Thoughts in Bad Times. Hartlib : Flemish Agriculture. Howell : Epistolae Ho-Elianse (last vol. 1655). Milton : Tetrachordon. ., Colasterion. „ Poems in English and Latin.^ Waller : Poems. 1646 [647 Sir T. Browne : Pseudodoxia Epidemica (Vulgar Errors). Crashaw : Steps to the Temple, with other Delights of the Muses. T. Edwards : Gangraena. Fuller : Andronicus. Selden : Uxor Hebraica. Vaughan : Poems. Cowley : The Mistress. Fanshawe : Translation of Guarini's Pastor Fido. Hobbes : De Give. May : History of the Parliament of 1640. H. More : Philosophical Poems, Sanderson : De Juramenti Obligatione. Jeremy Taylor : Liberty of Prophesying.^ „ Dissuasive from Popery. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, ^7 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Chillingworth died. Quarles died. Battle of Mar- ston Moor. Second Battle of Newbury. Grotius died. Quevedo died. Corneille: Theo- dore. The use of the Prayer Book prohibited by Parliament and rendered penal. Execution of Laud. Battle of Naseby. Montrose de- feated at Philiphaugh. ^ This is the first edition of his early poems, and contains his juvenile pieces L' Allegro and 11 Penseroso, Arcades, Co- mus (see 1637), Lycidas. Leibnitz born. Fleming : Teut- sche Poemata. Charles surren- ders to the Scots, who agree to hand him over to the Parliament for ;^40o,ooo. Filmer'sPatri- archa, though written at this time, was not published till 1680. Charles seized by the army. 2 Written earlier. 88 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1648 1649 [650 165 1 Corbet (d. 1635) : Poetica Stromata. Davenant : London, King Charles his Augusta. Sir R. Filmer : Anarchy of a Limited Monarchy. Herrick : Hesperides and Noble Numbers. Jasper Mayne : Amorous War. Cleveland : Monumentum Regale. Gauden (?) : Eikon Basilike.^ Lord Herbert of Cherbury : Life and Reign of Henry VIII. Sir R. Lovelace : Lucasta. Milton : Eikonoklastes. Ogilby : Translation of the Aeneid. Prynne : Historical Collection. Quarles : Virgin Widow. Jeremy Taylor : Great Exemplar. Baxter : Saints' Everlasting Rest. A. Cowley : The Guardian. Fuller : Pisgah Sight of Palestine. Hobbes : Human Nature. „ De Corpore Politico. Jeremy Taylor : Holy Living. Usher : Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti (Vol. L). Vaughan : Silex Scintillans. W. Cartwright : The Ordinary. Cleveland : Poems. Davenant : Gondibert. Fuller : Abel Redivivus. Hobbes : Leviathan. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 89 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN DATES. LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Herbert of Westminster Cherbury died.^ Confession of ^ His Henry Faith. VIII. pub- Fox begins to lished next preach. year, but his Peace of West- Autobiography phalia. not till 1764. Civil War of the Fronde. Drummond Salmasius : De- Execution of died. fensio Regia pro Charles. Carole Primo. Abolition of '^ Fifty editions Monarchy and in the year. House of Lords by the Parliament. Execution of adherents of Charles. Cromwell in Ireland. Crashawdied(?). Descartes died. Execution of Phineas Flet- Scudery : Grand Montrose. cher died. Cyrus. Battle of Dun- bar. Edinburgh Castle sur- renders. Fenelon born. Charles II. crowned at Scone. Otway born. Battle of Wor- cester. 90 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. I65I Cont. WORKS PUBLISHED. Milton : Defensio pro Populo Anglican©. Sancroft : Fur Praedestinatus. Jeremy Taylor : Holy Dying. Vaughan : Olor Iscanus. [Wotton). Izaa^ Walton : Reliquiae Wottonianae (with Life of [652 Ashmole : Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum. [ment. Sir R, Filmer : Observations on the Original of Govern- Fulke Greville (d. 1628) : Life of Sir Philip Sidney. G. Herbert : Country Parson. Alex. More : Regii Sanguinis Clamor.^ Alex. Ross : Arcana Microcosmi. Shirley : The Cardinal. t653 H. More : Antidote against Atheism. „ Conjectura Cabbalistica. Sir T. Urquhart: Translation of Rabelais (Bks. Land ll.).^ Izaak Walton : Complete Angler.^ 1654 Ashmole : Fasciculus Chemicus. Roger Boyle : Parthenissa. R, Brome : Cunning Lovers. Hobbes : Of Liberty and Necessity. Milton : Defensio Secunda. Usher : Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti (Vol. Vaughan : Flores Solitudinis. 11.). 1655 Charleton : Translation of Epicurus' Morals. Dugdale : Monasticon Anglicanum (Vol. L) * Fanshawe : Translation of Camoens' Lusiad. Milton : Defensio contra Morum. Prynne : Quakers Unmasked. Stanley : History of Philosophy. Jeremy Taylor : Golden Grove. Vaughan : Silex Scintillans (Part H.). Wallis : Arithmetica Arithmorum.^ OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 91 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Milton becomes blind. Quakers begin to meet as " Children of Light." 1 Really by Dumoulin. Salmasius died. Condemnation of the Five Jan- senist Proposi- tions by Pope Innocent X. Cromwell ex- pels the Rump. Cromwell, Lord High Protector. 2 Completed by Motteux, 1708. Enlarged editions in 1655, 1676. Habingtondied. Selden died.^ Vondel : Lucifer. Logau : Sinnge- dichte. ^ Table Talk published 1689. Jamaica taken. 4 Last vol. of the Monasticon 1673. s This led to a controversy with Hobbes which lasted till 1663. 92 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1656 WORKS PUBLISHED. Cowley : Works (including the DavideisandPindaricOdes). Davenant : Siege of Rhodes.^ Dugdale : Antiquities of Warwickshire. J. Harrington : Oceana. Waller : To my Lord Protector. 1657 Baxter : Call to the Unconverted. Prynne : Abridgment of the Records of the Tower. Wallis : Mathesis Universalis. Brian Walton : Polyglot Bible (completed). 1658 In one vol. Sir T. Browne : Hydriotaphia. ) „ Garden of Cyprus. \ Chamberlayn : Love's Victory. Dryden : Stanzas on the Death of Cromwell. Dugdale : History of St. Paul's Cathedral. Usher : Annals of the World.^ 1659 Cleveland : Poems. John Hales : Golden Remains. J. Harrington : Art of Law-giving. Milton : Of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes. „ Means to Remove Hirelings out of the Church. H. More : Immortahty of the Soul. Pearson : Exposition of the Apostles' Creed. Rushworth : Historical Collections (Vol. L).* (?) : The Whole Duty of Man. [660 Cowley : Ode on the Restoration. Davenant : His Majesty's Most Happy Return. Dryden : Astrasa Redux. J. Harrington : Political Discourses. Milton : Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth. Jeremy Taylor : Ductor Dubitantium, „ „ Worthy Communicant. Usher : Chronologia Sacra. Waller : To King Charles H. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 93 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. John Hales (Ever Memor- able) died. Joseph Hall died. Usher died. Pascal : Lettres Provinciales. ^ Introduction of the 'Opera' from Italy. Humble Peti- tion and Advice. 2 Date some- what uncer- tain. Lovelace died. Cleveland died. ■ Dunkirk sur- rendered to England. Death of Crom- well. 2 This had ap- peared in Latin in 1650, 1654. Moliere : Les Prdcieuses Ridi- cules. Richard Crom- well resigns. Peace of the Pyrenees. * Last vol. in 1701. Pepys begins his Diary Jan. ist, 1660. Southern born. Scudery : Alna- hide. The Restora- tion. 94 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. :66i A. Brome : Songs and Poems. Cowley : Proposition for the Advancement of Experi- mental Philosophy. „ Discourse concerning Cromwell. Davenant : Siege of Rhodes.^ Evelyn : Fumifugium. Glanvil : Vanity of Dogmatizing. Heylin : Ecclesia Restaurata. 1662 Cowley : Plantarum Libri duo.^ Fuller : Worthies of England. Petty : Of Taxes and Contributions. Stillingfleet : Origines Sacrae. Wallis : Hobbius Heautontimorumenos. [663 1664 R. Boyle : Considerations. Butler : Hudibras (Part I.). Cowley : Cutter of Coleman Street. Dryden : Wild Gallant. „ Rival Ladies. L' Estrange : Proposals for the Regulation of the Press. „ The Public Intelligencer (August)."** Pococke : History of Abulfaragius. Shakspere (d. 1616) : Third Folio. Marquis of Worcester : Century of Inventions. . Butler : Hudibras (Part II.). Dryden and Howard : Indian Queen. Etherege : Comical Revenge. Evelyn : Sylva. „ Kalendarium Hortense. Flecknoe : Love's Kingdom. Mua : England's Treasure in Foreign Trade. Kath. Philips : Poems.* Waller : Poems. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 95 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Defoe born (?). Fuller died. Mazarin died. Savoy Confer- ence. Corporation Act. Louis XIV' s personal gov- ernment begins. 1 First part revised (see 1656) and second part added. Royal Society's Charter. Bentley born. Pascal died. La Fontaine : Contes. Moliere: L'Ecole des Femmes. 2 Enlarged to six books and republished in 1678. Sanderson died. • 3 This became the London Gazette in 1666, and still exists as an official publi- cation. Kath. Philips died. Prior born. Conventicle Act. Naval War with Holland. * Unauthorized edition. The authorized edition of the Poems of the " Matchless Orinda" was published in 1667. 96 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1665 R. Boyle : Occasional Reflexions. Dryden : Indian Emperor (acted). Flecknoe : Erminia. Glanvil : Scepsis Scientifica.^ Head : English Rogue. Sir R. Howard : Four New Plays (with Preface). L'Estrange : The Oxford Gazette. Izaak Walton : Life of Hooker. [666 Bunyan : Grace Abounding. Glanvil : Considerations concerning Witches. Hooke : Micrographia. Prynne : Records. The London Gazette (Feb. 5). 1667 Roger Boyle (Earl of Orrery) : Black Prince. Dryden : Annus Mirabilis. „ Secret Love or the Maiden Queen (acted). „ Sir Martin Mar-all (acted). „ Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Dryden and Davenant : The Tempest (acted). Milton : Paradise Lost. Kath. Pnilips (d. 1664) : Poems. Sprat : History of the Royal Society. [668 Aphra Behn : Oroonoko. Sir J. Child : Brief Observations concerning Trade and Interest.^ Cowley (d. 1667) : Works.2 Dryden : Mock Astrologer (acted). Etherege : She Would if She Could (acted). Glanvil : Plus Ultra. Heylin : Cyprianus Anglicus. Sir R. Howard : Duke of Lerma (acted). Sir C. Sedley : Mulberry (harden. Wilkins : Essay towards a Philosophical Language. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 97 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Sir K. Digby La Rochefou- Great Plague. Controversy be- died. cauld: Maximes. Five Mile Act. tween Dryden Earle died. Journal des and Howard SfAVANS (first on Dramatic literary review) Poetry, 1664 at Paris weekly. and 1668. 1 Previously published as the Vanity of Dogmatizing, Shirley died. Moli^re: Le Mis- Naval Victories Fanshawe died. anthrope. over the Dutch. Great Fire of Tames Howell London. died. Cowley died. Moli^re: Tar- Cabal Ministry. Jeremy Taylor tufe. died. Racine : Andro- Swift born. maque. Wither died. Davenant died. La Fontaine : Fables. Triple Alliance. Moliere: L'Avare. 2 Afterwards Le Sage born. (1690) repub- Vico born. lished as A New Discourse of Trade. 3 Including the Essays. 98 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1669 Dryden : Tyrannic Love. Theoph. Gale : Court of the Gentiles (vol. i.). Edw^ard Howard : Bonduca. H. More : Enchiridion Ethicum, Sir W. Penn : No Cross, No Crown. 1670 Baxter : Life of Faith. A. B. : Covent Garden Drollery.* Dryden : Conquest of Grenada (acted). Milton : History of Britain. S. Parker : Discourse of Ecclesiastical PoHty. Izaak Walton : Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert.3 and 1671 Aphra Behn : Forced Marriage. Duke of Buckingham : Rehearsal. Crowne : Juliana. Milton : Paradise Regained. „ Samson Agonistes. H. More : Enchiridion Metaphysicum. Shadwell : The Humourists. Tillotson : Sermons. 1672 Ashmole : Institution of the Order of the Garter. R. Cumberland : De Legibus Naturse. Dryden : Conquest of Grenada (printed, with Preface of Heroic Plays). OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 99 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Prynne died. Pepys ends his Diary, May 31st. Denham died. Dryden, Poet Laureate.2 Pascal (d. 1662) : Pensees. Spinoza: Tracta- tus Theologico- politicus. Secret Treaty of Dover. 1 Usually attri- buted to Alex. Brome ; wrongly, according to Bullen. 2 The Laureate- ship had not been vacant since death of Dav- enant, 1668, for Dryden received the salary, though letters patent were not granted till now. 2 See 1640, 1651, 1665. Ambrose Philips born. Wilkins died. Addison born. Steele born. Puffendorf: De Jure Naturae et Gentium. Duke of York becomes an avowed Ro- man Catholic. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1672 Dryden : Marriage k la Mode. Cont. „ The Assignation. Marvell : Rehearsal Transprosed. Shad well : Epsom Wells. Sir W. Temple : Observations on the Netherlands. Wycherley : Love in a Wood.^ 1673 Bunyan : Water Baptism. Dryden : Amboyna. Dugdale : Monasticon Anglicanum (vol. iii. and last). Milton : Poems both Latin and English.^ Pordage : Herod and Mariamne (printed). Settle : Empress of Morocco. Tillotson : Sermons. Wycherley : Gentleman Dancing Master.' 1674 Dryden : State of Innocence. Evelyn : Navigation and Commerce. Milton : Paradise Lost (2nd edit., in 12 Books). 1675 Crowne : City Politiques. Dryden : Aurengzebe. Evelyn : Terra. Lee : Nero. L'Estrange ; The City Mercury.* Earl of Mulgrave : Essay on Satire. Otway : Alcibiades. „ Don Carlos. Settle : Love and Revenge. Wycherley : Country Wife. [676 R. Barclay : Apology for the Quakers.^ OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. lOI BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. War declared against Hol- land by Eng- land and France. 1 Acted 1 67 1. Rowe bom (?). Boileau: L'Art Poetique. Moliere : La Ma- lade Imaginaire. Moliere died. Test Act. Dismissal of Shaftesbury from the Chancellor- ship. 2 Republication of the poems printed in 1645, with additions. 3 Acted 1 67 1. Clarendon died. Herrick died. Milton died. Racine : I phi- genie. Malebranche : Recherche de la Vdrite. Spener : Pia Desideria. * First com- mercial paper. John Philips born. 5 Latin. The English edi- tion in 1678. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1676 Cont. Cotton : Second Part of the Complete Angler.^ D'Urfey : Fond Husband. „ Archery Revived. Etherege : Man of Mode. Lee : Gloriana. „ Sophonisba. Marvell : Mr. Smirke. Shadwell : Virtuoso. 1677 Aphra Behn : The Rover (Part I.). Crowne : Destruction of Jerusalem. Lee : Rival Queens. Marvell : Growth of Arbitrary Government. Sir C. Sedley : Antony and Cleopatra. Nahum Tate : Poems. Tillotson : Sermons. Wycherley : Plain Dealer.^ 1678 Bunyan : Pilgrim's Progress (Part I.). Butler : Hudibras (Part III.). Cowley (d. 1667) : Plantarum Libri VI. Cudworth^ : Intellectual System of the Universe. Dryden : All for Love. Lee : Mithridates- Marvell : Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government. Pordage : Siege of Babylon (printed). Rymer : Tragedies of the Last Age Considered. South : Sermons. Vaughan : Thalia Rediviva. Izaak Walton : Life of Bishop Sanderson. [679 G. Burnet : History of the Reformation (vol. i.). Dryden : Troilus and Cressida.^ Dryden and Lee : CEdipus. Dryden and others : Epistles. Hobbes : Behemoth. Translation of Ovid's Heroical OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 103 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. 1 This was pub- lished as part of the fifth edi- tion of Wal- ton's work. Barrow died. Racine : Phedre. Spinoza died. Spinoza: Ethica [in the posthu- mous works]. 2 Acted 1674. Farquhar born. Bolingbroke born. Marvell died. Titus Gates' "Popish Plot." Treaty of Nim- wegen. ^ Cudworth's chief work, his Treatise con- cerning Eternal and Immutable Morality, was not published till 1 73 1, long after his death. Hobbes died. Bossuet : Dis- cours sur I'His- toire Univer- selle. Vondel died. Abp. Sharp murdered by Covenanters. Battle of Both- well Brig. ^ Two remain- ing vols, in i68iand 1714. •^ Adaptation from Shak- spere. I04 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1679 L'Estrange : The Case Put. Cont. Oldham : Satires on the Jesuits. 1680 Bunyan : Life and Death of Mr. Badman. Sir J. Child : Observations concerning Trade and the Interests of Money. Sir R. Filmer : Patriarcha.^ Lee : Theodosius. Otway : Caius Marius. „ The Orphan, Earl of Rochester : Poems. Earl of Roscommon : Translation of Horace's Art of Poetry. Settle : Female Prelate. 168 1 Aphra Behn : The Rover (Part IL). Thomas Burnet : Telluris Theoria Sacra. Cotton : Wonders of the Peak. Dryden : Spanish Friar. „ Absalom and Achitophel. D'Urfey : Progress of Honesty. Glanvil : Sadducismus Triumphatus. Ken: Manual of Prayers for Scholars, of Winchester College. Lee : Lucius Junius Brutus. Otway : Soldier's Fortune. 1682 Aphra Behn : The Roundheads. Bunyan : Holy War. Creech : Translation of Lucretius. Dryden : Medal. „ MacFlecknoe. „ Religio Laici. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE, 105 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Act for dis- abling Papists from sitting in either House of Parliament. Samuel Butler La Rochefou- Debates on the died. cauld died. Exclusion Rochester died. Bill; it passes iThePatriarcha the Commons, had been but is thrown written about out by the Lords. 1645. Lord Stafford beheaded. Young born. Calderon died. Strasburg treacherously seized by the French in tifne of peace. Prosecution of Shaftesbury : the Bill ' ignored by the Grand Jury. Sir T. Browne Acta Eruditorum, Duke of Mon- died. 2 published at mouth makes '^ Browne's Leipzig. a progress through England. Christian Morals re- mained in MS. till 1 7 16. io6 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1682 Cont. Dryden and Tate : Absalom and Achitophel (Part II.). D'Urfey : Butler's Ghost. Grew : Anatomy of Plants. Otway : Venice Preserved (printed). Will. Penn : Brief Account of Pennsylvania Sir W. Petty : Essay concerning the Multiplication of Mankind.! „ Another Essay on Political Arithmetic.^ „ Quantulumcumque. Pordage : Azariah and Hushai. „ Medal Reversed. Ray : Methodus Plantarum Nova. Settle : Absalom Senior. Shadwell : Lancashire Witches. „ Medal of John Bayes. Southern : Persian Prince ; or, the Loyal Brother. Whitelocke (d. 1676) : Memorials of English Affairs. 1683 Barrow (d. 1677) : Theological Works (last vol. in 1687). Dryden and Lee : Duke of Guise. Otway : Friendship in Fashion. 1684 Aphra Behn : Poems. Bunyan : Pilgrim's Progress (Part IL). Dryden : Edited Miscellany Poems (Tonson's Mis- cellanies, first issue).^ Southern : The Disappointment. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 107 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. 1 The two essays pub- lished togethei in 1687, 1691, etc. Oldham died. Izaak Walton died. Algernon Sid- ney executed.2 Rye House Plot. Siege of Vienna by the Turks j relief of the city by Sobieski. 2 Sidney's posthumous Discourse concerning Government was published 1698. Corneille died. ^ This contained reprints of Absalom and Achitophel, The Medal, etc., and trans- lations by Dryden, Rochester, Roscommon, and others. io8 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1685 1686 WORKS PUBLISHED. Baxter : Paraphrase on the New Testament. Bull : Defensio Fidei Nicenas. Cotton : Translation of Montaigne's Essays. Crowne : Sir Courtly Nice. Dryden : Albion and Albanius. „ Threnodia Augustalis. „ Edited Sylvas, or the Second Part of Tonson's Miscellanies. Ray : Historia Plantarum. Ray and Willoughby : History of Fishes. 1687 Defoe : Against the Repeal of the Penal Laws.> „ The Dispensing Power. Dryden : Hind and Panther. L'Estrange : Brief History of the Times. Montague and Prior : Country Mouse and City Mouse. Sir I. Newton : Principia. Wallis : Treatise on Logic. 1688 Dryden : Britannia Rediviva. 1689 Lee : Princess of Cleve. Locke : Epistola de Tolerantia. „ Treatise of Civil Government. Sherlock : Discourse concerning Death OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. log BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Berkeley born. James II. Otway died. Insurrection of Roscommon Monmouth. died. Revocation of Gay born. the Edict of Nantes. Dugdale died. Bp. Pearson died. Waller died. Declaration of Indulgence. Attack of James on the Universities. Bunyan died. Bossuet : Varia- Trial of the tions desEghses Seven Bishops. Pope born. Protestantes. The Revolution. Dryden loses Montesquieu William and the Laureate- born. Mary. ship, which is Racine: Esther. Toleration Act. given to Shad- well. - Aphra Behn died. Richardson born. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1690 Sir J. Child: New Discourse of Trade.^ Dryden : Amphitryon. ,, Don Sebastian. D'Urfey : Walk through London and Westminster. Lee : Massacre of Paris. Locke : Essay concerning Human Understanding.^ „ Second Treatise of Civil Government. „ Second Letter concerning Toleration. The Athenian Gazette .^ [69] Lord King : Constitution of the Primitive Church. Langbaine : English Dramatic Poets. Locke : Considerations on the Lowering of Interest. J. Norris : Ideal World. Sir D, North : Discourse of Trade. Sir W. Petty : Political Anatomy of Ireland. Ray : Wisdom of God Manifested in Creation. Sherlock : Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity, P. : The Turkish Spy. Walsh : Dialogue concerning Women. Anthony a Wood : Athenae Oxonienses (vol. i.). 169: Dennis : Impartial Critick. Dryden : Eleonora. Locke : Third Letter for Toleration. Sherlock : Discourse concerning Future Judgment. Southern : Wife's Excuse. Sir W. Temple : Essays. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. Ill BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Rushworth died. Battle of the Boyne. 1 First edition in 1668, under title, " Brief Observa- tions concerning Trade and In- terest." 2 Completed in MS. in 1687. 3 The Athenian Gazette, pub- lished by Dun- ton, had for its object to reply to questions put to the editor by the readers. "There is no doubt that the quaint hu- mours it origi- nated gave the first hint to the inventors of the Tatler and the Spectator. " — (Courthope'sAd- dison). Baxter died. Racine: Athalie. Joseph Butler born. Nathaniel Lee died. Shadwell died. Tate 'l^oet- Laureate. Massacre of Glencoe. Battle of Stein- kirk. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1693 Congreve : Old Bachelor. „ Double Dealer. Charles Davenant : Essay upon Ways and Means. Dryden and others : Translation of Juvenal and Persius.' Dryden Edited Examen Poeticum (Third Part of Tonson's Miscellany).'^ Archbishop Leighton (d. 1689) • Commentary on First Epistle of St. Peter. Locke : Thoughts concerning Education. Ray : Discourse on Chaos. South : Animadversions on Dr. Sherlock's Vindication. [694 Addison : Account of the Greatest English Poets. Dryden Edited the Annual Miscellany (Fourth Part of Tonson's Miscellany).^ Dryden : Love Triumphant. George Fox : Journal (with Preface by Penn : Account of the People called Quakers). Leslie : Short and Easy Method with the Deists. Southern : Isabella, or the Fatal Marriage. Strype : Memorials of Archbishop Cranmer. William Wotton : Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning. 1695 Blackmore : Prince Arthur. Charles Boyle and others : Edition of Epistles of Phalaris. Congreve : Love for Love. Locke : Reasonableness of Christianity. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 13 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. National Debt originated. 1 Dryden did Satires i, 3, 6, 10, and 16 of the Juvenal, and all the Persius. 2 Contains Dry- den's transla- tion of Ovid's Metamorpho- ses, Bk. I.; Addison's first published hnes ("ToMr.Dry- den ") ; and verse by Con- greve, Prior, Tate, Yalden, and others. Abp. Tillotson died. Arnauld died. Voltaire born. The Dictionary of the French Academy. Bank of England established. 3 Contains Dry- den's transla- tion of Virgil's Georgics, Bk. III., and Ad- dison's trans- lation of Bk. I v., with other contributions by Addison. Vaughan died. A. Wood died. La Fontaine died. Nicole died. 114 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. [696 Aubrey : Miscellanies. Gibber : Love's Last Shift. Kennet : Antiquities of Rome. Southern : Oroonoko. Tate and Brady : New Version of the Psalms. Toland : Christianity not Mysterious. Whiston : New Theory of the Earth. 1697 [698 Bentley : Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris.^ Blackmore : King Arthur. Gibber : Woman's Wit. Gongreve : Mourning Bride. Defoe : Essay on Projects. Dryden : Alexander's Feast. „ Translation of Virgil. Evelyn : Numismata. Stillingfleet : Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity. „ Answer to Mr. Locke s Letter. Vanbrugh : The Relapse. Asgill : Argument respecting Eternal Life. Gharles Boyle (Atterbury and others) : Examination of Dr. Bentley's Dissertation. Gollier : Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the Stage. Crowne : Caligula. Farquhar : Love and a Bottle. Algernon Sidney : Discourse on Government. Vanbrugh : Provoked Wife. „ ^sop. 699 Addison : Latin Poems in Musas Anglicanae. Bentley : Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris (en- larged edition). Gibber : Xerxes. Evelyn : Acetaria. Garth : Dispensary. Pomfret : The Choice. Earl of Shaftesbury : Inquiry concerning Virtue. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 1^5 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Bayle : Diction- naire. Peace of Ry- swick. Peter the Great visits England. ^ In second edi- tion of Wot- ton's Reflec- tions. Sir R. Howard died. Warburton born. Metastasio born. SirJ. Child died. Sir W. Temple died. Racine died. ii6 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. [700 Congreve : Way of the World. Dryden : Fables. Farquhar : Constant Couple. Pomfret : Reason. Prior : Carmen Seculare. Rowe : Ambitious Stepmother. Vanbrugh : The Pilgrim. 1 701 Addison : Letter to Lord Halifax. Charles Davenant : Essay upon the Balance of Power. Defoe : True-born Englishman. Dennis : Advancement of Modern Poetry. Farquhar : Sir Harry Wildair. Norris : Ideal World. Sir R. Steele : Christian Hero. Swift : Contests between the Nobles and Commons in Athens and Rome. 1702 Defoe : Shortest Way with the Dissenters. Dennis : Essay on Taste. ^ Archbishop King : De Origine Mali. Rowe : Tamerlane. Sir R. Steele : The Funeral or Grief k la Mode. The Daily Courant.^ [703 Defoe : Hymn to the Pillory. Farquhar : The Inconstant. Rowe : Fair Penitent, Sir R. Steele : Lying Lover. 1704 Addison : The Campaign, Cibber : Careless Husband. Clarendon : History of the Great Rebellion (last vol. in 1707).' OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 117 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Dryden died. Thomson born. Fenelon : Tele- maque. Last important Statute against Papists. Sedley died. Bounties begin to be given on importation of raw materials from Colonies. Act of Settle- ment. Anne. 1 First daily paper. Pepys died. J. Wesley born. Locke died. L'Estrange died. Bossuet died. Bourdaloue died. Galland : Mille et une Nuits. Battle of Blen- heim. ^Clarendonhad died in 1674. ii8 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1704 Cont. [705 1706 1707 Defoe : The Review.^ „ Giving Alms no Charity. Matthew Henry : Exposition of the Old and New Testa- ments (last vol. in 17 10). R. Nelson : Festivals and Fasts of the Christian Church. Sir I. Newton : Optics. Psalmanazar : Description of Formosa. Rymer : Foedera (vol. i.). Swift : Battle of the Books.2 „ Tale of a Tub.^ Wycherley : Poems. Addison : Remarks on Several Parts of Italy. Clarke : Being and Attributes of God. Locke : Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul. Bernard Mandeville : The Grumbling Hive.^ John Philips : Blenheim. „ Splendid Shilling.* Rowe : The Biter. Sir R. Steele : Tender Husband. Vanbrugh : The Confederacy. Addison : Rosamond (acted). Defoe : Apparition of Mrs. Veal. Farquhar : Recruiting Officer. Kennet : Complete History of England. Locke (d. 1704) : Conduct of the Understanding. Rowe : Ulysses. Matthew Tindal : Rights of the Christian Church. Echard : History of England (vol. i.). Farquhar : Beaux' Stratagem. Prior : Poems. Rowe : Royal Convert. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 19 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Pressgang authorized by Statute. 1 Nominally 'Review of the Affairs of France' con- tinues till 17 13. 2 Both probably written by 1698. Hartley born. Ray died. 3 Afterwards, 1 7 14, enlarged and published as the Fable of the Bees. *" Now first correctly pub- lished"; it had been sur- reptitiously printed, per- haps as early as 1701. Evelyn died.^ Battle of Ramil- lies. ^Evelyn's Diary published in 1818. Farquhar died. Fielding born. Filicaja died. Buffon born. Le Sage: LeDia- ble Boiteux. I20 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1708 1709 WORKS PUBLISHED. Collier : Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain (vol. Motteux and Urquhart : Translation of Rabelais.^ Ockley : History of the Saracens (vol. i.).^ J. Philips : Cyder. Earl of Shaftesbury : Letter on Enthusiasm. Swift : Sentiments of a Church of England Man. „ Letter on the Sacramental Test. „ Argument against abolishing Christianity. „ Predictions of Isaac Bickerstaff. „ Account of Partridge's Death. i-) Berkeley : New Theory of Vision. Susannah Centlivre : The Busybody. Defoe : History of the Union. Dennis : Appius and Virginia. Manley : New Atalantis. Ambrose Philips : Pastorals.^ Pope : Pastorals.^ „ January and May.^ [Iliad.^ „ Translation of part of Bks. XIL and XVL of the Prior : Poems. Rowe : Edition of Shakspere. Earl of Shaftesbury : The Moralists. Sir R. Steele, Addison and others : The Tatler.* Strype : Annals of the Reformation (vol, i.).^ Swift : Project for the Advancement of Christianity. „ Vindication of Isaac Bickerstaff. 710 Addison, etc. : The Whig Examiner (Sept.-Oct.). Berkeley : Principles of Human Knowledge. Congreve : Poems. Prior, Swift, etc. : The Examiner. Strype : Life of Grindal. Swift : Baucis and Philemon. „ City Shower. Matthew Tindall : Jacobitism, Perjury and Popery. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. / DATES. LITERATURE. / John Philips German Theatre Battle of Ou- 1 See 1653. / died. in Vienna. denarde. 2 Last vol. in 1718. Johnson born. Battle of Mal- 3 These poems plaquet. of Philips and Charles XI L Pope con- defeated at tained in the Pultawa. Sixth Part of Tonson's Mis- cellany. 4 No. L of the Tatler was published April 1 2th ; the paper ran on till Jan. 2nd, 1711. ^ Last vol. in 1731- Leibnitz: Theo- Trial of Sache- dicee. verell. Fall of the Whigs; Har- ley and St. John in power. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 171 1 Atterbury : State of Religion. Dennis : Reflections on an Essay upon Criticism. Pope : Essay on Criticism. Earl of Shaftesbury : Characteristics. Sir R. Steele, Addison and others : The Spectator.^ Strype : Life of Parker. Swift : Windsor Prophec}'. „ Miscellanies. „ Conduct of the AUies. [712 Addison : Poems. Arbuthnot : Law is a Bottomless Pit (History of John Bull). Blackmore : Creation. Ambrose Philips : Distressed Mother (acted in 171 1). Pope : The Messiah.^ „ Rape of the Lock.^ „ Translation of Statius's Thebais, Book L^ Whiston : Primitive Christianity Revived. 1713 Addison : Cato. Arbuthnot : History of John Bull (completed). Berkeley : Three Dialogues. Sir R. Blackmore, etc. : The Lay Monk (Nov. to Feb., 1714). Anthony Collins : Discourse on Freethinkmg. Defoe : Reasons against the accession of the House of Hanover. „ What if the Pretender should come ? Dennis : Remarks on Cato. Gay : Rural Sports. Pope : Windsor Forest. „ Ode for St. Cecilia's Day. „ Frenzy of John Dennis. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 123 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Hume born. Boileau died. Occasional Con- ^The Specta- Bishop Ken formity Act. tor ran from died. Stamp duty on March ist, Newspapers. 1711, to Dec. 6th, 1712; and was resusci- tated in 1 7 14. Edward Moore J. J. Rousseau 2 In the Specta- born. born. tor, May 14th, 17 14. 3 In Lintot's " Miscellane- ous Poems and Translations." Statius was translated in 1703 when Pope was only 15. Treaty of Sprat died. Utrecht. Sterne born. 124 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. I713 Coiit Sir R. Steele : The Guardian (March-Oct.). „ The Englishman (Oct. to Feb. 1714V „ Importance of Dunkirk considered. Swift : Cadenus and Vanessa (written). „ Importance of the Guardian considered. I7I4 Gay : Shepherd's Week. Bernard Mandeville : Fable of the Bees.^ Pope: Wife of Bath. „ Rape of the Lock (final form). Sir R. Steele : The Crisis. „ The Lover (Feb.-May). „ The Reader. „ The Spectator (June-Dec). Swift : Public Spirit of the Whigs. Rowe : Jane Shore. John Walker : Sufferings of the Clergy in the Great Rebellion. I7I5 Addison : The Drummer (acted). „ The Freeholder (Dec. to June, 1716). Defoe : Appeal to Honour and Justice. Garth : Claremont. Gay: Trivia. „ The Fan. „ What d'ye call it. Pope : Temple of Fame. „ Translation of Homer's Iliad (vol. i.).^ Rowe : Lady Jane Grey. Tickell : Translation of Homer's Iliad, Book I. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 125 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. ^ No. 57 of the Englishman (the last num- ber), together with the pam- phlet called The Crisis, caused his ex- pulsion from the House of Commons. Shenstone born. Schism Act. George I. 2 Enlarged edi- tion, with prose notes, of the Grumbling Hive, see 1705. Further edi- tions in 1723, 1724, etc. Burnet died. Robert Nelson died. Wycherley died. Tate died. Rowe, Poet Laureate. F^nelon died. Helvetius born. Le Sage : Gil. Bias (Books I.- III.). Jacobite rebel- lion. Louis XV. ^ Contained Books I.-IV. ; the last vol. in 1720. 126 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 716 1717 1718 Le Neve : Fasti Ecclesias Anglicanae. Lady M. W. Montagu : Town Eclogues. Oldmixon : Memoirs of Ireland. Prideaux : Connection of the Old and New Testaments. Cibber : Non-juror. Gay, Pope, and others : Three Hours after Marriage. Hoadly : Preservative against the Principles of the Non- jurors. „ Sermon on the Nature of Christ's Kingdom. Pope : Eloisa to Abelard. „ Elegy on an Unfortunate Lady. Earl of Roscommon (and Duke of Buckingham) : Works. Susannah Centlivre : Bold Stroke for a Wife. Prior : Poems (including Alma, and Solomon). 1719 Addison : Old Whig. Defoe : Robinson Crusoe, Part I. D'Urfey : Wit and Mirth or Pills to Purge Melancholy. Motteux : Translation of Cervantes' Don Quixote. Ramsay : Scots Songs. Steele : Plebeian. L Watts : Psalms and Hymns. Young : Busiris. „ The Revenge. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 127 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Gray born. South died. Leibnitz died. Septennial Act. Parnell died. Horace Walpole born. D'Alembertborn. Convocation silenced till 1850. Rowe died. Eusden, Poet Laureate. R. Cumberland (philosopher) died. Garth died. Will. Penn died. • Addison died. . 128 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1720 I72I WORKS PUBLISHED. Croxall : Fair Circassian. Defoe : Robinson Crusoe (Parts II. and III.). „ Captain Singleton. „ Duncan Campbell. „ Memoirs of a Cavalier. Gildon : Laws of Poetry. J. Hughes : Siege of Damascus. Daniel Neal : History of New England. Pope : Translation of the Iliad (vol. vi. and last). Swift : Proposal for the Use of Irish Manufactures. I. Watts : Divine and Moral Songs. Addison : Dialogues upon Medals.^ „ Evidences of the Christian Religion. N. Bailey : Universal English Dictionary. Ramsay : Poems (including Patie and Roger). Southern : Spartan Dame. Strype : Ecclesiastical Memorials (vol. i.).^ 1722 Defoe : Colonel Jack. „ Moll Flanders. „ Journal of the Plague Year. Parnell (d. 1717) : Poems. Sir R. Steele : Conscious Lovers. 1723 Bernard Mandeville : Fable of the Bees.^ OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 129 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Vico : Jus Uni- versale. South Sea Bub- ble. Prior died. Smollett born. Collins bom. Montesquieu : Lettres Persanes. Walpole, Prime Minister (till 1742). 1 Written about 1 71 5. This and the Evidences werefirst prin- ted in Tickell's edition of Addison's col- lected works this year. 2 Last vol. in 1733. Toland died. 1 Vico: Principiidi Scienza Nuova. D'Urfey died. Settle died. Adam Smith born. 1 . Wood's Copper Coinage for Ireland. ^ An enlarged form of the Grumbling Hive ; see 1705, 1 7 14. I30 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1724 Gilbert Burnet : History of His own Time (vol. i.). Anthony Collins : Grounds of the Christian Religion. Defoe : Roxana. „ Tour through the Island of Great Britain (vol. WiUiam Law : Remarks on the Fable of the Bees. Ramsay : The Evergreen. „ Tea-Table Miscellany. Swift : D rapier Letters. Waterland . History of the Athanasian Creed. i.). 1725 Berkeley : Proposal for Converting the Savage Americans. Defoe : New Voyage round the World. „ Complete English Tradesman (to 1727). Hutcheson : Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. Pope : Edition of Shakspere. „ Translation of the Odyssey (vol. i.-iii.y Ramsay : Gentle Shepherd.^ Somerville : The Two Springs. L Watts : Logic. Young : Universal Passion.^ 1726 Bentley : On Latin Metres. Butler : Sermons. Gibber (and Vanbrugh) : Provoked Husband. Defoe : Political History of the Devil. Dyer : Grongar Hill. Swift : Gulliver's Travels. Theobald : Shakspere Restored. Thomson : Winter. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, 131 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Gildon died. Kant born. Klopstock born. Le Sage : Gil. Bias. (Bks. IV.- VI.). Voltaire : Henri- ade. : ■ Rapin died. Death of Peter the Great. ^ In this transla- tion Pope was assisted by Broome and Fenton. The publication was completed in 1726. 2 In its original form this was included in the collected Poems of 1 72 1, as Patie and Roger. 3 These satires on the Love of Fame were completed next year. Vanbrugh died. W. Wotton died. Jeremy Collier died. [32 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1727 Gay: Fables. N. Lardner : Credibility of the Gospel History.^ Pope : Memoirs of P.P. Clerk of this Parish. „ Treatise on the Bathos. Spence : Essay on Pope's Odyssey. Theobald : Double Falsehood. Thomson : Summer. 1728 Defoe : Captain Carleton. Fielding : Love in Several Masks. Gay : Beggars' Opera. Pope : Dunciad.2 Savage : The Bastard. Thomson : Spring. 1729 Gay : Polly. William Law : Serious Call. Pope : Dunciad with Notes Variorum. Savage : The Wanderer. Swift : Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from being a Burden. Thomson : Britannia. [730 Fielding : Temple Beau. „ Author's Farce. „ Coffee-house Politician. Pope (and others) : The Grub Street Journal.' OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. ^33 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Newton died. GEORGE IL 1 Last vol. in 1757. Goldsmith born. ^ Further editions with much addi- tional matter in the way of Pro- legomena, "ad- vertisements," and notes, ap- peared in 1729 and subsequent years; and in T742 a Fourth Book was added. The notes are by Swift, Warbur- ton, Cleland, Ar- buthnot, etc. Burke born. Abp. King died. Steele died. Congreve died. Clarke died. Lessing born. Moses Mendels- sohn born. Gottscher:Kriti- scher Dicht- kunst. Eusden died. Colley Gibber, Poet Laureate. The " Metho- dist Society " at Oxford. 3 The Journal was published weekly from 1730 to 1737. 134 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORXS PUBLISHED. 1730 Ramsay: Fables. Cont. Thomson : Autumn. Tindal : Christianity as Old as Creation. 1 73 1 Cudworth (d. 1688) : Eternal and Immutable Morality. Fielding : The Letter Writers. „ Tragedy of Tragedies (Tom Thumb).^ G. Lillo : George Barnwell. Pope : Epistle on Taste (Epistle IV. of the Moral Essays). Gentleman's Magazine established. 1732 Berkeley : Alciphron. Fielding : Covent Garden Tragedy. „ Modern Husband. „ Mock Doctor. Bernard Mandeville : Inquiry into the Origin of Honour. Daniel Neal : History of the Puritans (vol. i.). Pope : Essay on Man (Epistles I. and II.). London Magazine established. 733 Fielding : The Miser. Pope : Essay on Man (Epistle III.). „ Imitations of Horace.^ „ Moral Essays (Epistles I, and III.). Theobald : Edition of Shakspere. 1734 Fielding : The Intriguing Chambermaid. „ Don Quixote in England. Pope : Essay on Man (Epistle IV.). Sale : Translation of the Koran. Thomson : Liberty.^ OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 135 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY, ANNOTATIONS. Cowper born. Erasmus Dar- win born. Defoe died. Churchill born. Marivaux: Mari- anne (1731-6). 1 This burlesque was produced in a briefer form in 1730, under title of Tom Thumb. "It is certainly one of the best burlesques ever written " (Austin Dob- son). Atterbury died. R. Cumberland (dramatist), born. Gay died. Tindal died. Wieland born. Voltaire : Zaire. Walpole's Ex- cise Scheme. 2 At intervals to 1737. Lord King died. Dennis died. Stahl died. Voltaire: Lettres sur les Anglais (written in 1728). 3 See 1736. 136 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 735 Lord Bolingbroke : Dissertation on Parties. Johnson : Translation of Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia. Lyttleton : Letters from a Persian in England. Pope : Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (Prologue to the Satires). „ Donne's Satires Versified. „ Essay on the Character of Women (Epistle II. of the Moral Essays). „ Correspondence.^ Somerville : The Chase. 1736 1737 Isaac Browne : Pipe of Tobacco. Butler : Analogy of Religion. Fielding : Pasquin. Oldys : Life of Raleigh. Thomson : Liberty.^ Warburton : Alliance between Church and State. Cruden : Concordance to the Scriptures. Fielding : The Historical Register. Glover : Leonidas. Green : The Spleen. Lillo : Fatal Curiosity. Pope : Imitations from Horace (completed). „ Correspondence.^ Shenstone : Poems upon Several Occasions. „ The Schoolmistress.* Waterland : Review of the Eucharist. Whiston : Translation of Josephus' History of the Jews. 1738 Johnson : London.^ „ Life of Father Paul Sarpi. Pope : 1738 (Epilogue to the Satires). Swift : Polite Conversation. Thomson : Agamemnon. Warburton : Divine Legation of Moses (vol. L). John and Charles Wesley : Psalms and Hymns. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 137 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Arbuthnot died. Le Sage : Gil 1 Pope "printed Bias (Bks. VII.- his own corre- ""'■^ XII.). spondence, and tricked Curll into publishing the book pirati- cally" (Leslie Stephen). Gottsched : Ge- Porteous Riots 2 An incomplete dichte. in Edinburgh. edition form- ing Part I. of the whole work was published m 1734. Gibbon born. Prince of Wales 3 This edition Green died. m opposition of the Corre- Strype died. to the Govern- spondence was ment of Wal- " authorita- pole. tive." It is now known that the letters were severely "edited "by Pope. * See 1 742 for complete form. Voltaire : La ^ Johnson's Philosophic de London ap- Newton (pub. peared on the at Amsterdam). same morning Hagedorn : with Pope's, Fabeln. 1738. ^38 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1739 Fielding : The Champion.^ Hume : Treatise of Human Nature. Thomson : Edward and Leonora. 1740 Gibber : Apology for his Life. Dyer : Ruins of Rome. Garrick : Lying Valet. Roger North : Examen. Richardson : Pamela. Thomson and Mallet : Alfred, Warburton : Vindication of Pope's Essay on Man. 1 74 1 Hume : Essays Moral and Political (vol. i.).^ Middleton : Life of Cicero. Pope : Memoirs of Scriblerus. L Watts : Improvement of the Mind. 1742 William GoUins : Persian Eclogues.^ Fielding : Joseph Andrews. Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough : Account of the Con- duct of the Duchess of Marlborough. Pope : Dunciad.* Shenstone : Schoolmistress.^ Somerville : Field Sports. Young : Night Thoughts (Bks. I.-IIL). [743 Bentley: Remarks on a Late Discourse on Freethinking. Robert Blair : The Grave. Fielding : The Wedding Day.o „ Journey from This World to the Next.^ „ On the Knowledge of the Characters of Men.^ „ Jonathan Wild the Great.® Shenstone : Pastoral Ballad. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 139 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. First Methodist preaching place opened at Bristol. ^ This ran from Nov., 1739, to June, T740. Bodmer : Ueber das Wunder- bare in der Poesie. Rollin died. Wesley ap- points the first lay preachers. Disagreement between Whit- field and Wesley. 2 Published anonymously; vol. ii. next year. Bentley died. Somerville died. Massillon died. 3 Afterwards called Oriental Eclogues. * In four books. Gibber the hero in edition of 1743. See 1728, 1729. 5 See 1737. Savage died. 6 These four are included with reprints of earlier works, and with some other original matter in 3 volumes of " Miscel- lanies." 140 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1744 Akenside : Pleasures of Imagination. ^ Armstrong : Art of Preserving Health. Berkeley : Siris. Dodsley : Collection of Old Plays. Sarah Fielding : David Simple. Hanmer : Edition of Shakspere. Johnson : Life of Savage. Harleian Miscellany (last vols, in I746).2 1745 1746 Fielding : The True Patriot. Thomson : Tancred and Sigismunda. Young : The Consolation. Swift : Directions to Servants. William Collins : Odes. James Hervey : Meditations. Smollett : Advice, a Satire. „ Tears of Scotland. Joseph Warton : Odes on Several Subjects. 1747 1748 Carte : History of England (vol. i.).^ Fielding : Jacobite's Journal. Garrick : Miss in her Teens. Gray : Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College.* Johnson : Plan for a Dictionary of the English Language. Mallett : Amyntor and Theodora. Smollett : The Reproof. Biographia Britannica (last vol. in 1760). [Dodsley] : Collection of Poems.^ Hume : Inquiry concerning Human Understanding. Edward Moore : The Foundhng. Richardson : Clarissa Harlowe. Smollett : Roderick Random. Thomson : Castle of Indolence. John and Charles Wesley : Hymns for the Lord's Supper. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 141 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Pope died. Theobald died. Herder born. Vico died. ^ Subsequent enlarged edi- tions in 1757, 1772, etc. 2 Edited by Oldys. Swift died. Volta born. Jacobite Re- bellion: Battle of Preston- pans. Battle of Fontenoy. Hutcheson died. Southern died. R. Blair died. Hagedorn: Oden und Lieder. 3 Last vol. in 1755. 4 Written in 1742. Bentham born. Thomson died. BiJrger born. Klopstock: Mes- sias (Bks. I.- III.). 5 These three volumes con- tained odes by Gray (Spring, Mr. Walpole's Cat, Distant Prospect of Eton), Collins, Shenstone, Mason, Wal- pole, etc. 142 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1749 Lord Bolingbroke : Letters on Patriotism. Fielding : Tom Jones. Hartley : Observations on Man. Johnson : Vanity of Human Wishes. „ Irene. Conyers Middleton : Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers of the Church. Smollett : The Regicide. Thomson (d. 1748) : Coriolanus. J. Wesley : Plain Account of the People called Methodists. The Monthly Review established. 1750 Doddridge : Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. Johnson : The Rambler.^ Paltock : Peter Wilkins. Whitehead : Roman Father. 175 1 Byrom : Enthusiasm. Fielding : Amelia. „ Inquiry into the late increase of Robbers. Gray : Elegy in a Country Churchyard. Hume : Inquiry concerning the Principles of Morals. Smollett : Peregrine Pickle. 1752 Lord Bolingbroke : On the Study of History. Fielding : Covent Garden Journal (Jan. to Nov.). Mason : Elfrida. Hawkesworth : The Adventurer.^ Hume : Political Discourses. Charlotte Lennox : Female Quixote. Smart : Hop-garden and other Poems. 1753 Lord Bolingbroke : Letter to Sir W. Windham. Earl of Chesterfield : The World.^ Foote : Englishman in Paris. Richard Gifford : Contemplation. Hume : Essays and Treatises. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 143 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Ambrose PhiUps died. Goethe born. Alfieri born. Montesquieu : Esprit des Lois. 1 The Rambler ran from March, 1 7 50, to March, 1752. Bohngbroke died. Sheridan born. Encyclopedic — vol. i. (last vol. in 1780). Change from Old to New Style. Frances Burney (D'Arblay) born. Butler died. Chatterton born. 2 The Adven- turer ran from Nov., 1752, to March, 1754. Berkeley died. Dugald Stewart born. Hardwicke's Marriage Act. 3 The World ran from Jan., 1753, to Dec, 1756. 144 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1753 Cont. Gray : Six Poems. Edward Moore : The Gamester. Richardson : Sir Charles Grandison. Smart : Hilliad. Smollett : Ferdinand Count Fathom. Thomas Warton : Observations on the Faerie Queene. 1754 Lord Bolingbroke (d. 175 1) : Philosophical Writings (edited by Mallet). George Colman and Bonnel Thornton : The Connois- seur.^ Glover : Boadicea. Hume : History of Great Britain (vol. i.).^ Bishop Newton : Dissertation on the Prophecies. Whitehead : Poems. 1755 Fielding (d, 1754) : Voyage to Lisbon. Grainger : Solitude. Hutcheson : System of Moral Philosophy. Johnson : Dictionary of the English Language. Smollett : Translation of Don Quixote. Young : Centaur not Fabulous. 1756 Alban Butler : Lives of the Saints (completed 1759). Burke : Vindication of Natural Society. „ Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Home : Douglas. Hume : History of England (vol. ii.).^ Joseph Warton : Essay on Pope.* Literary Magazine established. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 145 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Crabbe born. Fielding died. J. C. Wolf died. 1 The Connois- seur ran from Jan., 1754, to Sept., 1756. ^ This contained the reigns of James I. and Charles I. The volumes which follow are called the History of England. Due de St. Simon died. Montesquieu died. Earthquake at Lisbon. Gifford born. Godwin born. Gilbert West died. Gessner: Idyllen. Opening of the Seven Years War. The Black Hole of Calcutta. 3 This contains the reigns of the later Stewarts. Vols. iii. and iv. appeared in 1759 (House of Tudor), and the remaining vols., dealing with earlier periods, in 1762. * The second volume of War- ton's Essay on Pope did not appear till 1782. 146 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1757 Dyer : The Fleece. Gray : Pindaric Odes, Smollett : History of England.^ „ The Reprisal. Wilkie : The Epigoniad. 758 Johnson : The Idler.^ Price : Principal Questions in Morals. Horace Walpole : Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. 1759 Burke : Annual Register (vol. i.). Goldsmith : Enquiry into the Present State of Polite Learning in Europe. „ The Bee. Johnson : Rasselas. Macklin : Love k la Mode. Mason : Caractacus. Robertson : History of Scotland. Adam Smith : Moral Sentiments. Sterne : Tristram Shandy (vols. i. and ii.). 1760 George Colman (the elder) : Polly Honeycomb. Sarah Fielding : History of Ophelia. Foote : The Minor. Goldsmith : Citizen of the World.^ Johnstone : Adventures of a Guinea. Lord Lyttleton : Dialogues of the Dead. Macpherson : Fragments of Ancient Poetry. Sterne : Sermons. 1 761 Churchill: The Rosciad. Night. George Colman (the elder) : Jealous Wife. Gibbon : Essai sur I'Etude de la Litterature. Goldsmith : Memoirs of M. de Voltaire. Smollett : Translation of Le Sage's Gil Bias. Sterne : Tristram Shandy (vols, iii.-iv.). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, 147 \ biographical DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Blake born. Gibber died. William White- head, Poet- Laureate. Voltaire : Can- dide. Battle of Plassey. 1 Completed in 1765. Allan Ramsay died. Dyer died. Bodmer: Samm- lung von Min- nesingern. 2 The Idler Essays ran from April, 1758, to April, 1760, in the weekly Universal Chronicle. Burns born. W.Collins died. Maupertuis died. Schiller born. Capture of Quebec. British Museum opened. ' Rousseau : Nou- velle Heloise. George III. '^ These letters appeared weekly in the Public Ledger dur- ing i76o-i,and were re-pub- lished in 1762. Richardson died. W. Law died. Marmontel : Contes Morales. 148 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1762 1763 764 WORKS PUBLISHED. Bickerstaffe : Love in a Village. Geo. Campbell : Dissertation on Miracles. Churchill : The Ghost. Falconer : The Shipwreck. Goldsmith : Life of Mr. Richard Nash. Hume : History of England (last vols.). Lord Karnes : Elements of Criticism. Macpherson : Poems of Ossian.^ Smollett : Sir Lancelot Greaves. Sterne : Tristram Shandy (vols, v.-vi.). Walpole : Anecdotes of Painting in England (vol. i.). Churchill : Prophecy of Famine. „ The Author. Hoole : Translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. Catherine Macaulay: History of England from James L (completed 1783). Macpherson : Temora. Mallett : Elvira. Smart : Song to David. John Wesley : Survey of the Wisdom of God in Creation. Lady M. W. Montagu (d. 1762) : Letters. Churchill : The Candidate. „ Independence. Foote : Mayor of Garratt. Goldsmith : History of England in a Series of Letters. „ The Traveller. Grainger : The Sugar- Cane. Reid : Inquiry into the Human Mind. Walpole : Castle of Otranto. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 149 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Lady M. W. Rousseau : Con- Bute becomes Montagu trat Social. Prime Minis- died. Wieland's trans- ter. Dr. Johnson lation of Shak- The " King's receives a spere (1762-6). Friends." pension. ^ This contains Fingal, and some shorter pieces, includ- ing the first form of Temora. Rogers born. Jean Paul Proceedings Johnson meets Richter born. against Wilkes Boswell. for No. 45 of Shenstone died. the North Briton. Churchill died. Rousseau : 2 Johnson, Rey- The Literary Emile. nolds, Burke, Club founded.2 Winckelmann : Goldsmith, Beauclerk, etc. Amongst other early members Ann Radcliffe Geschichte der born. Kunst des Al- terthums. were Garrick, Gibbon, Adam Smith, Sir William Scott, Sir Joseph Banks, the two Wartons, Stevens, Malone, Sir William Jones, Fox, and Boswell. so CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 765 Bickerstaffe : Maid of the Mill. Sir W. Blackstone : Commentaries on the Laws of England (vol. i.). Johnson : Edition of Shakspere. Percy : Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Sterne : Tristram Shandy (vols, vii.-viii.). Tucker : Light of Nature Pursued. 1766 Anstey : New Bath Guide. Brooke : Fool of Quality.^ Colman and Garrick : Clandestine Marriage. Goldsmith : Vicar of Wakefield. 1767 Lyttleton : History of Henry II. Sterne : Tristram Shandy (vol. ix. and last). : 768 Boswell : Account of Corsica. Foote : Devil upon Two Sticks. Chatterton 2 : Sir Charles Bawdin. „ ^lla. Goldsmith : Good-natured Man. Gray : Poems. Sterne : Sentimental Journey. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 51 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Sir J. Mackin- tosh born. Mallet died. Stamp Act for the American Colonies. Rockingham Ministry (July). To the years 1764-5 may be referred the be- ginning of the last Romantic Movement in English Litera- ture. Gray's Odes announce the new era; Walpole's Castle of Otranto and Percy's Reliques mark its begin- ing; Chatterton's Forgeries em- phasize it unmis- takably. Isaac Disraeli born. Malthus born. Turgot : Sur la Formation et la Distribution des Richesses. Lessing : Laokoon. Wieland: Ko- mische Erzahl- ungen. Grafton Minis- try (July). 1 See 1777. Maria Edge- worth born. Humboldt born. Lessing : Minna von Barnhelm. Hamburgische Dramaturgie (1767-1769). Act for taxing American imports. N. Lardner died. Sterne died. Wilkes elected for Middlesex. Royal Academy ■ founded. 2 Chatterton's Forgeries began in 1764; his collected works were not published till 1777- [52 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. [768 Walpole : Historical Doubts on Richard III. Cont. „ Mysterious Mother. 1769 Burke : Observations on the Present State of the Nation. Goldsmith : Roman History. Granger: Biographical History of England. [2ist.).^ " Junius " : First letter in the PUBLIC ADVERTISER (Jan. Robertson : History of Charles V. Smollett : Adventures of an Atom. 1770 Bannatyne : Ancient Scottish Poems.^ Beattie : Essay on Truth. Burke : Thoughts on the Present Discontents Goldsmith : Deserted Village. „ Life of Parnell. „ Life of Bolingbroke. Hume : Essays and Treatises (collected edition). Johnson : False Alarm. J. and W. Langhorne : Translation of Plutarch's Lives. 1 77 1 Beattie : Minstrel (Bk. L). Rich. Cumberland : West Indian. Goldsmith : History of England.* Mackenzie : Man of Feeling. Lord Monboddo : Origin and Progress of Language. Pennant : Tour in Scotland. Smollett : Humphrey Clinker. Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition, in 3 volumes. 1772 Rich. Cumberland : Fashionable Lover. Foote : The Nabob. Hurd : Study of the Prophecies. " Junius " : Letters (collected edition). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 153 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Spence died.^ 1 Spence's Anecdotes published in 1820. Falconer died. Klopstock : Hermanns Schlacht. 2 The last letter appeared on Jan.2ist, 1772. Akenside died. Chatterton died. Wordsworth born. Holbach: Systeme de la Nature. Lord North, Prime Minis- ter. American im- port duties re- moved except tax on tea. 3 Original title of the Banna- tyne MS.— " A most goodly, merry, and lusty Rhapsody made by several learned Scots Poets." Writ- ten about 1600. Gray died. Montgomery born. Smollett died. Scott born. Helvetius died. Klopstock : Mes- sias (Bks. IV.- XV.). * This is a dis- tinct work from the His- tory of Eng- land men- tioned under the year 1764. Coleridge born. Ricardo born. F. Schlegelborn. Lessing : Emilia Galotti. 154 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1773 Anna Barbauld : Miscellaneous Poems. Hester Chapone : Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. Goldsmith : She Stoops to Conquer. Hawkesworth : Voyages of Byron, Cook, etc. Mackenzie : Man of the World. Pennant : Tour in Wales. Smollett : Ode to Independence. 1774 Anna Barbauld : Early Lessons for Children. Beattie: Minstrel (Bk. II.). Burke : Speech on American Taxation. Earl of Chesterfield : Letters to his Son. Goldsmith : Retaliation. ^ „ Grecian History.^ „ History of Animated Nature.^ Mason : Life of Gray. Priestley : Experiments on Air. Thomas Warton : History of English Poetry (vol. i.).^ 1775 Burke : Speech on Conciliation with America. Delolme : Constitution of England. Johnson : Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. „ Taxation no Tyranny. Mickle : Translation of Camoens' Lusiad. Sheridan : The Rivals. „ St. Patrick's Day. „ Duenna. \.y 776 Bentham : Fragment on Government. Burney : History of Music (vol. i.). Gibbon : Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (vol. T. Paine : Common Sense. „ The American Crisis. Price : Civil Liberty. Adam Smith : Wealth of Nations. Encyclopedia Britannica (second edition, in 10 vols.). OF ENGLISH LITER A TUBE. IS5 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Chesterfield died. Sismondi born. Tieck born. Swedenborg died. Goethe: Gotz von Berlichingen. Burger : Lenore. Disturbances at Boston Harbour. Suppression of the Jesuits by Pope Clement XIV. Goldsmith died. Southey born. Goethe: Die Leiden des jun- gen Werthers. Ouesnay died. Herder : Aelteste Urkunde. Constitution of Massachusetts annulled. Louis XVL Turgot, chief Minister. ^ These were all published after Gold- smith's death. In [776 was published The Haunch of Venison. '-^Second volume in 1778. Jane Austen born. Lamb born. Landor born. Beaumarchais : Barbier de Seville. War of Ameri- can Inde- pendence. Battle of Lexington. Hume died. 3 Vols. ii. and iii., 1 781; vols, iv.jv.jvi., 1788. [56 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1777 Hugh Blair : Sermons. Brooke : Fool of Quality.^ Burke : Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol. Mackenzie : Julia de Roubigne. Hannah More : Percy. Clara Reeve : Old English Baron. Robertson : History of America. Sheridan : School for Scandal. „ Trip to Scarborough. 778 Frances Burney : Evelina. Foote : Trip to Calais. Lowth : Translation of Isaiah. Sir J. Reynolds : Seven Discourses. 779 1780 Rich. Cumberland : Wheel of Fortune. Hume : Natural History of Religion. Johnson : Lives of the Poets.^ Lord Monboddo : Ancient Metaphysics.^ John Newton (and Cowper) : Olney Hymns. Sheridan : The Critic. Bentham : Principles of Morals and Legislation.^ Crabbe : The Candidate. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 157 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Campbell born. Foote died. Hallam born. Burgoyne sur- renders to the Americans at Saratoga. ^ This was in five volumes. The first form of the book was published in 1766. Brougham born. Hazlitt born. Rousseau died. Voltaire died. 2 These had been pub- lished separ- ately in 1769 onwards. The complete edition of 1797 contains fifteen Discourses. Garrick died. Moore born. Warburton died. Lessing : Nathan der Weise. ^ The Edition of the Poets to whichjohnson contributed these Biogra- phical and Cri- tical Prefaces was completed in 1781. * Last vol. in 1799. Blackstone died. The Encyclope- dic completed. Condillac died. Beranger born. Wieland:Oberon. Lord George Gordon Riots. ^ Privately printed ; pub- lished in 1789. = 58 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1 78 1 Crabbe : The Library. Hayley : Triumphs of Temper. Lord Kames ; Hints on Education. Logan : Poems. Macklin : Man of the World. 1782 Frances Burney : Cecilia. Hannah Cowley : Belle's Stratagem. Cowper : Table Talk.^ „ Progress of Error.^ „ Expostulation. 1 Pennant : Journey from Chester to London. Priestley : Corruptions of Christianity. Wolcot (Peter Pindar) : Lyrical Odes. European Magazine established. 1783 Hugh Blair : Rhetoric. Blake : Poetical Sketches. Crabbe : The Village. Ferguson : History of the Roman Republic. Ritson : Collection of English Songs. 1784 Beckford : Vathek. Mitford : History of Greece (vol. i.). Wakefield : Opinions concerning the Person of Christ. 1785 Boswell : Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Cowper : The Task.2 „ Tirocinium.2 Crabbe : The Newspaper. Laurence and Fitzpatrick : Rolliad. Paley : Moral and Political Philosophy. Reid : Essays on the Intellectual Powers. The Daily Universal Reglster (Jan. 0. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 159 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Kant : Kritik der Reinen Vernunft. Lessing died. Schiller : Die Rauber. Susan Ferrier born. Musaus : Volks- marchen (to 1786). Metastasio died. Nicolini born. England ac- knowledges independence of the United States. 1 All these with other poems in one volume. D'Alembert died. Johnson died. Diderot died. Manzoni born. Beaumarchais : Mariage de Figaro. William Pitt, Prime Minis- ter. Whitehead died. Thomas Warton became Poet Laureate. Glover died. Kirke White born. J. Wilson born. 2 In one vol. 3 This became The Times in 1788. i6o CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 786 WORKS PUBLISHED. Burns : Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.^ Beckford : Vathek (in French). Pinkerton : Ancient Scottish Poems. Hester Thrale (Piozzi) : Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson. Rogers : Ode to Superstition. Home Tooke : Diversions of Purley (Part I.). Wolcot (Peter Pindar) : Birthday Ode. „ „ The Lousiad.2 787 1788 Bentham : Defence of Usury. Burns : Songs in the Scots Musical Museum^ (vol. i.). John Wesley : Sermons. Gibbon : Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (last 3 vols.). Glover : Athenaid. Raid : Essays on the Active Powers. Hester Thrale (Piozzi) : Letters from Dr. Johnson. The Times (Jan. i). 1789 790 Blake : Songs of Innocence. , „ Book of Thel. W. L. Bowles : Sonnets. Richard Cumberland : Arundel. Erasmus Darwin : Loves of the Plants."* Ann Radcliffe : Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. Gilbert White : Natural History of Selborne, Alison : Essay on Taste. Burke : Reflections on the Revolution in France. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. i6i BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HJSTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Impeachment of Warren Hastings. 1 Published at Kilmarnock. The Edin- burgh edition was published next year. 2 Last part in 1789. Whately born. Goethe : Iphige- nie. Schiller: Don Carlos. 3 Burns contri- buted 184 songs to this publication, which was completed in 1806. Byron born. Bufifon died. Kant: Kritikder praktischenVer- nunft. St. Pierre : Paul et Virginie. Goethe: Egmont. The States Gen- eral meet at Versailles and become the National Assetnbly. Storming of the Bastille. Dis- cussions on the Constitution. * Afterwards (1791) pub- lished as Part II. of the Botanic Gar- den. Goethe : Faust : ein Fragment. l62 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1790 Cont. Malone : Rise and Progress of the English Stage. „ Edition of Shakspere. Paley : Horas Paulinae. Ann Radcliffe : Sicilian Romance. Ritson : Ancient Songs. 1791 Bentham : Panopticon. Blake : Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Boswell : Life of Dr. Johnson. Burke : Thoughts on French Affairs. Cowper : Translation of Homer. Erasmus Darwin : Botanic Garden. Isaac Disraeli : Curiosities of Literature.^ Elizabeth Inchbald : Simple Story. Sir James Mackintosh : Vindiciae GaUicae. T. Paine : Rights of Man (Part I.). Ann Radcliffe : Romance of the Forest. Robertson : Disquisition on Ancient India. 1792 Anna Barbauld and John Aikin : Evenings at Home. Burke : Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs. Holcroft : Road to Ruin. T. Paine : Rights of Man (Part II.). „ Age of Reason. Rogers : Pleasures of Memory. Dugald Stewart: Philosophy of the Human Mind (vol. i.). A. Young : Travels in France. 1793 Burns : Poems (2 vols.). Godwin : Inquiry concerning Political Justice. Hannah More : Village Politics. Charlotte Smith : Old Manor House. Dugald Stewart : Outlines of Moral Philosophy. Wordsworth : An Evening Walk. „ Descriptive Sketches. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. '63 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Adam Smith Goethe : Tasso. died. Kant : Kritik der T.Wartondied. Urtheilskraft. H. J. Pye be- comes Poet Laureate. J. Wesley died. Bunsen born. Flight of Louis Schiller: Dreis- XVLfro?n sigjahrige Krieg. Paris. 1 Further series in 1793, 1823, etc. Augustus Hare Trial of Tom born. Paine and Marryat born. others. Shelley born. September Sir J. Reynolds Massacres in died. Paris. ■ W. Robertson Execution of died. Lotiis XVI. Gilbert White War declared m died. by the French Republic against Hol- land^ England, and Spain. Committee of Public Safety. Fall of the Girondists. 1 64 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1794 Coleridge and Southey : Fall of Robespierre. Erasmus Darwin : Zoonomia. Gifford : Baviad. Godwin : Caleb Williams. Paley : Evidences of Christianity. Ann Radcliffe : Mysteries of Udolpho. Ritson : Collection of Scottish Songs. Southey : Wat Tyler. Blake : Songs of Experience. ,, Urizen. 1795 Burke : Thoughts on Scarcity. „ Letter to a Noble Lord. Richard Cumberland : Henry. Gifford : Maeviad. M. G. Lewis : The Monk. Southey and Lovell : Poems by Bion and Moschus. Ritson : Robin Hood Poems. Gilbert White : Naturalist's Calendar. 1796 Burke : Letters on a Regicide Peace. Frances Burney : Camilla. Coleridge : The Watchman (10 weekly parts). „ Poems. George Colman (the Younger) : Iron Chest. Elizabeth Inchbald : Nature and Art. Ireland : Vortigem. „ Account of the Shakesperian MSS. Roscoe : Life of Lorenzo de Medici. Scott: Translation of Burger's Lenore and Wild Huntsman. Southey : Joan of Arc. Wolcot (Peter Pindar) : Bozzy and Piozzi. 1 797 Bentham : Pauper Management. Canning, Frere, and Ellis : The Rovers.^ George Colman (the Younger) : Heir at Law. Gifford, Canning, etc. : THE Anti-Jacobin. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 165 HIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Gibbon died. Sir W. Jones died. Whewell born. Grote born. Biirger died. Condorcet died. Fichte : Wissen- schaftslehre. Goethe: Rei- necke Fuchs. Fall of the Hebertists. Fall of Robes- pierre. Reaction against the Jacobins. Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act. Trials of Home Tooke, Watt, and others. Thomas Arnold born. Boswell died. Carlyle born. Julius Hare born. Keats born. Goethe: Wilhelm Meister's Lehr- jahre (Part I.). J. P. Richter : Hesperus. Schiller: Die Horen(toi797). Acts against Treasonable Practices and Seditious Meetings passed. Burns died. Macpherson died. Reid died. Goethe and Schil- ler : Xenien. Burke died. Macklin died. Walpole (Earl ofOrford)died. Thiers born. Kant ; Metaphy- sik der Sitten. Mutinies at Spithead and the Nore. ^In the Anti- Jacobin. i66 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1797 Cont. 1798 [799 1800 H. and S. Lee : Canterbury Tales (vol. i.). M. G. Lewis : Castle Spectre. Pinkerton : History of Scotland, Ann Radcliffe : The Italian. Wilberforce : Practical View of Christianity. Encyclopedia Britannica, third edition, in pleted. 8 vols, com- Joanna Baillie : Plays on the Passions. Coleridge : Fears in Solitude, France, etc. Cowper : Poems (Lines on his Mother's Picture, etc.). Lamb : Rosamund Grey. Lander : Gebir. Malthus : Principle of Population. Thompson and Sheridan : The Stranger.^ Wordsworth and Coleridge : Lyrical Ballads.^ Campbell : Pleasures of Hope. Erasmus Darwin : Phytologia. Godwin : St. Leon. M. G. Lewis : Tales of Terror. „ The East Indian. Hannah More : Modern Female Education. Scott : Translation from Goethe's Goetz von Berlichingen. Sheridan : Pizarro.^ Sharon Turner : History of the Anglo-Saxons (vol. i.).* Joanna Baillie : De Montfort (acted). Bloomfield : Farmer's Boy. Coleridge : Translation of Schiller's Wallenstein. Maria Edgeworth : Castle Rackrent. Godwin : Antonio. Moore: Translation of the Odes of Anacreon. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, [67 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Hood born. Pennant died. Leopardi born. Schiller: Wallen- steins Lager. Goethe: Benven- uto Cellini. Goethe: Her- mann und Doro- thea. Irish Rebellion. Battle of Vine- gar Hill. Battle of the Nile. ^The Stranger is an adapta- tion from Kotzebue. 2 The Lyrical Ballads con- tain The An- cient Mariner, Lines above Tintern Abbey, Expos- tulation and Reply, Goody Blake, etc. Beaumarchais died. Marmontel died. Balzac born. Schiller : Piccolomini. 3 Adapted from Kotzebue. * Last vol. in 1805. Cowper died. Macaulayborn. Joseph Warton Pusey born. Heine born. Schiller : Maria Stuart. Schiller: Ge- dichte. J. P. Richter : Titan (1800- 1803). Act of Union of Great Britain and Ireland. Penalties im- posed on com- binations to raise wages. f i68 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. i8o] WORKS PUBLISHED. Cobbett : Works of Peter Porcupine. Hogg : Scottish Pastorals. M. G. Lewis : Tales of Wonder.^ Moore : Little's Poems. Mrs. Opie : Father and Daughter. Scott : Eve of St. John. „ Glenfinlas. „ Wild Huntsman. „ Fire King. Southey : Thalaba. Strutt : Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 1802 1803 Bentham : Two Letters to Lord Pelham. Bloomfield : Rural Tales and Ballads. Cobbett : Weekly Political Register.^ George Colman (the Younger) : Poor Gentleman. Maria Edgeworth : Moral Tales. Paley : Natural Theology. Scott : Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border (vols. i. and ii.). Edinburgh Review estabhshed. Campbell : Poems. Erasmus Darwin : Temple of Nature. Maria Edgeworth : Popular Tales. Ellis : Specimen of Early English Metrical Romances. Godwin : Life of Chaucer. Heber : Palestine. Hayley : Life of Cowper. Jane Porter : Thaddeus of Warsaw. Scott : Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border (vol. iii.). Kirke White : Clifton Grove and other Poems. Rees' Cyclopedia (last vol. in 18 19). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 169 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. J. H. Newman Fichte: Bestim- Pitt proposes 1 This collection born. G. P. R. James mung des Men- schen. relief of Roman of verse and prose contained the four poems by Scott mentioned born. Chateaubriand : Catholics. Atala. Addington immediately Ministry. below with some Battle of others, his "first Copenhagen. serious attempts at verse ; " Lord William and Bruno by Southey, poems by Lewis and less known living authors, with reprints of old ballads, &c. Erasmus Dar- Victor Hugo The first 2 Continued till win died. born. Factory Act. his death, 1 83 5. Treaty of In 18 1 7 fifty Chateaubriand : Amiens thousand Genie du signed. copies were Christianisme. sold weekly. Many of his works made their first ap- pearance in the Register. Beattie died. Alfieri died. War with Ritson died. Herder died. France again. Douglas Jerrold Arndt : Gedichte. born. Tieck : Minne- Lytton born. lieder. I70 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1804 Joanna Baillie : Miscellaneous Plays. Thos. Brown : Relation of Cause and Effect. Maria Edgeworth : Popular Tales. M. G. Lewis : Bravo of Venice. Mrs. Opie : Adeline Mowbray. 1805 Gary: Translation of Dante's Inferno.^ Foster : Essays. Godwin : Fleetwood. Ireland : Authentic Account of the Shakespeare MSS. S. and H. Lee : Canterbury Tales (last vol.). Roscoe : Life of Leo X. Scott : Lay of the Last Minstrel. Southey : Madoc. Home Tooke : Diversions of Purley (Part II.). 1806 Bloomfield : Wild Flowers. W. L. Bowles : Essay on Pope.^ Maria Edgeworth : Leonora. C. and M. Lamb : Mrs. Leicester's School. Jas. Montgomery : Wanderer of Switzerland. Moore : Odes and Epistles. Opie : Simple Tales. T. Love Peacock : Palmyra. Scott : Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. 1807 Byron : Hours of Idleness. Crabbe : Parish Register. C. and M. Lamb : Tales from Shakspere. C. Lamb : Specimens from the Dramatic Poets. Malthus : Letters on the Poor Laws. Moore : Irish Melodies (Part I. ; last part in 1834). A. M. Porter : Hungarian Brothers. Tannahill : Songs and Poems. Kirke White : Remains. Wordsworth : Poems. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 17] BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. B. Disraeli born. Kant died. George Sand (Mme. Dude- vant) born. Schiller: Wil- helm Tell. Bonaparte becomes Emperor. Pitt's last Ministry. Paley died. Schiller died. H. C. Andersen born. Chateaubriand : Rene. Battle of Trafalgar. Death of Pitt. 1 See 1814. Kirke White died. J. S. Mill born. De Stael : Corinne. Battle of Jena. Berlin Decrees. Ministry of "All the Talents." 2 In edition of Pope's Works. - Arndt : Geist der Zeit. Abolition of the Slave Trade. Treaty of Tilsit. ' 172 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTI^INES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. [808 Godwin : Faulkner. L. Hunt : The Examiner. M. G. Lewis : Romantic Tales. Pinkerton : Collection of Voyages and Travels (vol. i. ; last vol. in 18 14). Scott : Marmion. „ Life and Works of Dryden. Sydney Smith : Letters on the Catholics from Peter Plymley. Southey : Translation of the Chronicles of the Cid. Quarterly Review established. [809 Byron : English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. Campbell : Gertrude of Wyoming. Coleridge : The Friend (June to March, 18 10). Edgeworth : Tales of Fashionable Life (First Series). T. Hope : Costume of the Ancients. Hannah More : Coelebs in Search of a Wife. lio Combe: Tour of Dr. Syntax. Crabbe : The Borough. Jane Porter : Scottish Chiefs. Scott : Lady of the Lake. Shelley : Zastrozzi. „ St. Irvyne. „ Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire. „ Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson. Southey : Curse of Kehama. „ History of Brazil. J. Austen : Sense and Sensibility. Bloomfield : Banks of the Wye. Hannah More : Practical Piety. Scott : Vision of Don Roderick. Shelley : Necessity of Atheism. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 173 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. John Home died. E. Barrett (Browning) born C. Darwin born. Tennyson born. Kinglake born, Percy died. Thackeray born. FOREIGN LITERATURE. Fichte: Addresses to the German Nation [Reden an die deutsche Nation]. CI. Brentano : Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Goethe : Faust (Part I.). Goethe : Die Wahlver- wandtschaften. Montalembert born. University of Berlin founded. Gautier born. Goethe : Dich- tung und Wahr- heit (last part in 1822.) HISTORY. Peninsular War begins. Battle of Corunna. Walcheren Ex- pedition. Sir F. Burdett sent to the Tower. King becomes permanently mad. Regency Bill. Luddite Riots. ANNOTATIONS. 174 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. I8I2 [813 [814 WORKS PUBLISHED. Joanna Baillie : Plavs on the Passions. Byron : Childe Harold (Cantos I. and II.). „ Curse of Minerva. W. Coombe : Second Tour of Dr. Syntax. Crabbe : Tales in Verse. I. D'Israeli : Calamities of Authors. Edg-eworth : Tales of Fashionable Life (2nd series). Heber : Poems and Translations. Landor : Count Julian. Moore : Twopenny Post-Bag. Mrs. Opie : Temper. Rogers : Columbus. J. and H. Wilson : Smith : Rejected Addresses. Isle of Palms. J. Austen : Pride and Prejudice. Byron : The Giaour. „ Bride of Abydos. Coleridge : Remorse. Gifford : Edition of Massinger. Hogg : Queen's Wake. Capel Lofft : Laura. J. Montgomery : World before the Flood Scott: Rokeby. Shelley : Queen Mab. Southey ; Life of Nelson. J. Austen : Mansfield Park. Byron : The Corsair. „ Lara. Cary : Translation of the Divina Commedia. Mme. D'Arblay (F. Burney) : The W^anderer. L D'Israeli : Quarrels of Authors. Edgeworth : Patronage. L. Hunt : Feast of the Poets. Rogers : Jacqueline.^ Scott : Waverley. „ Edition of Swift. Southey : Roderick, the Last of the Goths. D. Stewart : Philosophy of the Human Mind (vol. ii.). Wordsworth : The Excursion. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 75 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS DATES. LITERATURE. Home Tooke The Brothers War with the died. Grimm : Kin- United States. Browning born. der und Haus- Napoleon in- Dickens born. Marchen. vades Russia. Battle of Sala- manca. Act for relief of insolvent debtors. Southey be- Wieland died. Battle of comes Poet Vittoria. Laureate. Battle of Leipzig. Ch.Readeborn. Fichte died. First Peace of Paris. Congress of Vienna. 1 Published with Byron's Lara. 76 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. Byron : Hebrew Melodies. Milman : Fazio. Scott : Lord of the Isles. „ Guy Mannering. Southey : Carmen Triumphale. Wordsworth : White Doe of Rylstone. „ Poems. 1816 Jane Austen : Emma. Bentham : Chrestomathia. Byron : Childe Harold (Canto HI.). „ Siege of Corinth. „ Prisoner of Chillon. „ Parisina. Coleridge : Christabel. „ The Statesman's Manual (a Lay Sermon). L D'Israeli : Character of James L L. Hunt : Story of Rimini. Robert Owen : New View of Society. Scott : Antiquary. „ Black Dwarf. „ Old Mortality. Shelley : Alastor. Wilson : City of the Plague. [817 Byron : Manfred. „ Lament of Tasso. Coleridge : Biographia Literaria. „ A Lay Sermon on Existing Discontents. „ Sibylline Leaves.^ „ Zapolya. I. D'Israeli : Curiosities of Literature (vol. iii.). Hookham Frere : Monks and Giants. Godwin : Mandeville. Hazlitt : Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. Keats : Poems. J. Mill : History of British India (vol. i.).^ T. Moore : Lalla Rookh. Ricardo : Principles of Political Economy. Scott : Harold the Dauntless. Shelley : Laon and Cythna.^ Mary Shelley : Frankenstein. Blackwood's Magazine established. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 177 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Anthony Trol- Battle of lope born. Waterloo. Second Peace of Paris. The Holy Alliance. Charlotte Bryant : Thana- Motion for Bronte born. topsis. relief of the Ph. J. Bailey Uhland : Vater- Roman born. landische Catholics re- Sheridan died. Gedichte. jected by Sir. T. Martin Goethe : Italian- House of born. ische Reise. Lords. Jane Austen Madame de Military and 1 This contained died. Stael died. Naval Officers' " the whole of Hegel : Encyclo Oath Bill the author's padie. passed. poetical com- G. H. Lewes positions from born. 1793 to the present date." 2 Completed next year. 3 Publication suspended, and the poem published, with some chanjres, as The Revolt of Islam, next year. L78 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1818 Lucy Aikin : Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. Jane Austen (d. 1817) : Northanger Abbey.^ „ Persuasion. Byron : Childe Harold (Canto IV.). „ Beppo. Evelyn (d. 1706) : Diary (edited by Lord Bray). Susan Ferrier : Marriage. Hallam : Europe during the Middle Ages. Hazlitt : Lectures on the English Poets. Hogg : Brownie of Bodsbeck. Keats : Endymion. W. Mitford : History of Greece.^ T. Moore : Fudge Family in Paris. Opie : New Tales. Sir W. Scott : Rob Roy. „ Heart of Midlothian. Shelley : Revolt of Islam. [819 W. L. Bowles : Essay on Pope. Bentham : Radical Reform. Byron : Mazeppa. „ Don Juan (Cantos I. and II.). Campbell : Specimens of the British Poets.^ Crabbe : Tales of the Hall. Foster : Popular Ignorance. Hazlitt : Lectures on the Comic Writers. Felicia Hemans : Tales. T. Hope : Anastasius. L. Hunt: THE INDICATOR. Lingard : History of England (vols, i.-iii.). J. Montgomery : Greenland. J. H. Reynolds : Peter Bell. Rogers : Human Life. Lord J. Russell : Life of Lord William Russell. Scott : Bride of Lammermoor. „ Legend of Montrose. Shelley : Rosalind and Helen and other Poems. „ Peter Bell the Third (written).* „ The Cenci. Wordsworth : Peter Bell. „ The Waggoner. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 179 I BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Emily Bronte Grillparzer : Parliament born. Sappho. votes 1 One of the Froude born. Turgenew born. ;^ 1,000,000 to first written of M. G. Lewis build new Miss Austen's died. churches. novels. J. M. Neale born. i 2 Last vol. begun in 1784. Charles Kings - De Maistre : Du Resumption of ley born. Pape. cash pay- '^ Completed John Ruskin Schopenhauer : ments by 1848. born. Die Welt als Bank of Wille und England. Vorstellung. Manchester Kotzebue died. Reform Meet- ing (" Peter- loo"). Washington The Six Acts. Irving : Sketch Book. * Published 1824. i8o CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1820 E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Ismael. T. Brown : Philosophy of the Human Mind. Keats : Lamia, „ Isabella. „ Eve of St. Agnes. „ Hyperion. Lamb : Essays of Elia (begin).i Malthus : Principles of Political Economy. Milman : F'all of Jerusalem. B. W. Procter (Barry Cornwall) : Sicilian Story. Sir W. Scott : Ivanhoe. „ The Monastery. „ The Abbot. Shelley : (Edipus Tyrannus. „ Witch of Atlas (written)."^ „ Prometheus Unbound. Southey : Life of Wesley. Wordsworth : Sonnets on the River Duddon. Retrospective Review established. 1 82 1 Byron : Cain. „ Marino Faliero. „ Two Foscari. „ Sardanapalus. „ Don Juan (Cantos IH.-V.). De Quincey : Confessions of an Opium Eater. Gait : Annals of the Parish. Gifford : Translation of Persius. Hazlitt : Dramatic Literature of the Reign of Elizabeth. „ Table-Talk. L. E. L[andon] : Fate of Adelaide. Lockhart : Valerius. J. Mill : Elements of Political Economy. Sir W. Scott : Kenilworth. „ The Pirate. Shakspere : Variorum Edition (Boswell and Malone). Shelley : Adonais. „ Epipsychidion. Southey : Vision of Judgment. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN DATES. LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. T. Brown died. George IV. ^ In the London Marian Evans Bill of Pains Magazine ; (George Eliot) and Penalties republished in born. against the 1823 in George Mac- Queen. collected form. donald born. -Pubhshedi824 Mansel born. in the Posthu- Mrs. Oliphant mous Poems. born. Herbert Spen- cer born. Tyndall born. Keats died. J.deMaistredied. Catholic Relief Mrs. Inchbald Bryant: The Bill passed by died. Ages. the Commons F. Locker born. Cooper: The Spy. but thrown out Mrs. Piozzi Goethe: Wil- by the Lords. (Thrale) died. helm Meisters Wanderjahre (Part I.). Schleiermacher : DieChristlicher Glaube. 1 82 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1822 Byron : Werner. „ Vision of Judgment. „ Heaven and Earth. Digby : Broad Stone of Honour. Milman : Martyr of Antioch. „ Belshazzar. Rogers : Italy. Sir W. Scott : Fortunes of Nigel. „ Halidon Hill Shelley: Hellas. Wilson (Christopher North) : Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. „ „ Noctes Ambrosianae.^ Wordsworth : Ecclesiastical Sketches. „ Memorials of a Tour on the Continent. „ Description of the Scenery of the Lakes. [823 Byron : Don Juan (Cantos VL-XIV.). „ The Island. Gait : The Entail. Hazlitt : Liber Amoris. Lockhart : Spanish Ballads. T. Moore : Loves of the Angels. „ Fables from the Holy Alliance. Sir W. Scott : Peveril of the Peak. „ Quentin Durward. „ St. Ronan's Well. Mary Shelley : Valperga. Southey : History of the Peninsular War (vol. i.). Wilson (Christopher North): Trials of Margaret Lindsay. 1824 Bentham : Book of Fallacies. Byron : Deformed Transformed. Don Juan (Cantos XV.-XVI.). T. Campbell : Theodric. Carlyle : Translation of Goethe's Wilhelm Meister. R. Chambers : Traditions of Edinburgh. Cobbett : History of the Reformation (completed 1827) OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 183 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Matthew Ar- Hoffmann died. Lord J. Rus- nold born. La Globe. sell's motion Washington to consider the Shelley died. Irving : Brace- state of the Sir H. Maine bridge Hall. Representa- born. Heine: Gedichte. tion rejected. Catholic Peer- 1 Appeared in age Bill rejec- Blackwood's ted. Magazine between 1822 and 1835. Bloomfield died. Kenan born. Mrs. Radcliffe Cooper : The died. Pilot. Freeman born. Coventry Pat- more born. Ricardo died. Byron died. F. A. Wolf died. G. Macdonald Ranke : Ge- born. schichten der Romanischen und German- ischen Volker. 1 84 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1824 C07lt. 1825 :826 WORKS PUBLISHED. Susan Ferrier : Inheritance. C. Lamb : Essays of Elia (second series). Lander : Imaginary Conversations (vol. i.).^ Mary Mitford : Our Village (vol. i.).^ Sir W. Scott : Redgauntlet. Shelley : Posthumous Poems. Southey : Book of the Church. „ Colloquies on Society, Wilson (Christopher North) : The Foresters. Westminster Review established. Brougham : Education of the People. Carlyle : Life of Schiller. Coleridge : Aids to Reflection. T. C. Croker : Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland. Hazlitt : Spirit of the Age. ^^ZZ '• Queen Hynde. Hone : Everyday Book (vol. i.).^ Macaulay : Essay on Milton. T. Moore : Memoirs of Sheridan, Pepys (d. 1703) : Diary (edited by Lord Braybrooke). Sir W. Scott : Betrothed. 5, Talisman. „ Lives of the Novehsts. Southey : Tale of Paraguay, Waterton : Wanderings of a Naturalist in South America. Elizabeth Barrett (Browning) : Essay on Mind and other Poems. De Quincey : German Prose Classics. B. Disraeli : Vivian Grey. Hood : Whims and Oddities. Sir W. Scott : Woodstock. Horace Smith : Brambletye House. Southey : Vindiciae Ecclesise Anglicanse. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 185 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Leopardi: Bruta 1 Fifth vol. in Minore. 1829. The fourth and fifth form the second series. Further vols. 1846 and 1853. '^ Last vol. in 1832. Huxley born. J.P.Richterdied. Sir F. Burdett's Bishop Stubbs St. Simon died. Catholic Re- born. Cooper : Lionel lief Bill passes Lincoln. the Commons but is rejected •^ Completed in by the Lords. 1827. Gifford died. De Vigny : Cinq Penalties on Heber died. Mars. combinations Pinkerton died. Cooper : Last of of Workmen the Mohicans. abolished. Heine : Reisebil- der(i826-i83i). 1 86 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1827 E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Falkland. De Quincey : Murder as one of the Fine Arts. Hallam : Constitutional History of England. A. and J. Hare : Guesses at Truth. Heber : Hymns for the Church Service of the Year. Hood : Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, Hero and Lean- der, and other Poems. Keble : Christian Year. L. E. L[andon] : Golden Violet and other Poems. J. Montgomery : Pelican Island. Moore : The Epicurean. Pollok : Course of Time. Sir W. Scott : Tales of a Grandfather (First Series). „ Life of Napoleon. „ Surgeon's Daughter. „ Highland Widow. D. Stewart : Philosophy of the Human Mind (vol. iii.). A. and C. Tennyson : Poems by Two Brothers. Sir H. Taylor : Isaac Comnenus. Whately : Logic. 1828 E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Pelham. G. Combe : Constitution of Man. B. Disraeli : Popanilla. Hazlitt : Life of Napoleon. L. Hunt : Byron and His Contemporaries. G. P. R. James : Richelieu. Robert Montgomery : Omnipresence of the Deity. Napier : History of the Peninsular War.^ Sir W. Scott : Fair Maid of Perth. „ Tales of a Grandfather (Second Series). D. Stewart : Active and Moral Powers. Whately : Rhetoric. The Athen^um established. The Spectator established. [829 E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Devereux. Cunningham : Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects.^ OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 187 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. W.Mitforddied. Pestalozzi died. Benefit of Pollok died. Cooper : Red Clergy abol- Blake died. Rover. ished. Heine : Buch der Battle of Nav- Lieder. arino. D.Stewart died. Hugo: Cromwell. Repeal of the Bishop Light- Goethe publishes Test and Cor- foot born. his correspond- poration Acts. G. Meredith ence with Schil- Sliding Scale of born. ler. Duties on D. G. Rossetti Corn. born. 1 Last vol. of the History in 1840. H. P. Liddon F. Schlegel died. Catholic Eman- - Last of the six born. Hugo : Odes et Ballades. cipation Act. vols, in 1833. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1829 Cont. B. Disraeli : Young Duke. Hood : Dream of Eugene Aram. Jerrold : Black-eyed Susan. Landor : Imaginary Conversations (Second Series). J. Mill : Analysis of the Human Mind. Milman : History of the Jews. Marryat : Frank Mildmay, or the Naval Officer. Sir W. Scott : Anne of Geierstein. „ Tales of a Grandfather (Third Series). Isaac Taylor : Natural History of Enthusiasm. A. Tennyson : Timbuctoo. [830 1831 E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Paul Clifford. Carleton : Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry Cobbett : Rural Rides in England. [(First Series). Godwin : Cloudesley. Catherine Gore : Women as they are. Felicia Hemans : Songs of the Affections. Hood : Comic Annual.^ L. Hunt : The Tatler (till 1832). C. Lamb : Album Verses. Lingard : History of England (completed). Sir C. Lyell : Principles of Geology. Sir J. Mackintosh : Dissertation on Ethical Philosophy. Marryat : King's Own. T. Moore : Life of Byron. Robert Montgomery : Satan. Sir W. Scott : Demonology and Witchcraft. „ Tales of a Grandfather (Fourth Series). Mrs. Shelley : Perkin Warbeck. A. Tennyson : Poems chiefly Lyrical. Cobbett : Advice to Young Men. J. P. Collier : History of English Dramatic Poetry. Croker : Edition of Boswell's Johnson. De Quincey : Dr. Parr and his Contemporaries. Maria Edgeworth : Helen. Eb. Elliot : Corn-Law Rhymes.^ Susan Ferrier : Destiny. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 189 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. Sir J. F. Stephen born. Hazlitt died. Jean Ingelow born. Christina Ros- setti born. Robert Hall died. H. Mackenzie died. Roscoe died. FOREIGN LITERATURE. Sainte-Beuve : Joseph Delorme. Goethe : Wil- helm Meister's Wanderjahre (completed form). Hugo : Hernani. Comte: Cours de Philosophic Positive (last volume in 1842). HISTORY. O'Connell's agi- tation for Repeal of the Union com- mences. Hegel died. Niebuhr died. Hugo : Notre Dame. Poe: The Raven. Lord J. Rus- sell's proposal to enfranchise Leeds, Bir- mingham, and Manchester rejected. William IV. Revolution in France. " Three Days of July:' Fall of Charles X. Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. ANNOTATIONS. ^ Continued yearly till 1842. Lord J. Russell introduces Reform Bill. Defeated in Committee. Dissolution of Parliament. 2 At intervals to 1846. I90 CHRONOLOGICAL 0U7LINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1831 Sir J. Herschel : On the Study of Natural Philosophy, Cont. L. E. L[andon] : Romance and Reality. T. Love Peacock : Crotchet Castle. Sir W. Scott : Count Robert of Paris. „ Castle Dangerous. Southey and Coleridge : Devil's Walk. 1832 J. Austin : Province of Jurisprudence determined. Aytoun : Poland, Homer, and other Poems. E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Eugene Aram. Lady Blessington : Conversations with Lord Byron. B. Disraeli : Contarini Fleming, Anna Jameson : Characteristics of Shakespeare's Women. G. P. R. James : Henry Masterton. Sheridan Knowles : The Hunchback. D. Jerrold: Rent Day. Sir G. C. Lewis : Use and Abuse of Political Terms. Lover : Legends and Stories of Ireland. Harriet Martineau : Illustrations of Political Economy. Mary Mitford : Our Village (last vol.). Robert Montgomery : The Messiah. B. W. Procter (Barry Cornwall) : English Songs. Earl Stanhope : War of the Succession in Spain. S. Warren : Diary of a Late Physician. Chambers' Journal established. 1833 E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lyiton) : Godolphin. Elizabeth Barrett (Browning) : Translation of Prometheus Bound. R. Browning : Pauline. T. Carlyle : Sartor Resartus.^ Hartley Coleridge : Poems. G. Combe : Lectures on Popular Education. Cunningham : Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (vol. vi,). B. Disraeli : Alroy. A. Hayward : Translation of Goethe's Faust. Felicia Hemans : Hymns on the Works of Nature. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 191 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Whittier : Second Reform Legends of New Bill rejected England. by the Lords. Bentham died. Goethe died. Reform Bill Crabbe died. passed. Mackintosh died. Scott died. Leslie Stephen born. Hannah More Goethe : Faust Emancipation 1 In Eraser's died. (Part IL). of Slaves Act. Magazine ; Lewis Morris Heine : Die Ro- Beginningofthe completed born. mantische High Church 1834. Schule. ("Tractarian") Republished Balzac: Eugenie Movement. 1838. Grandet. Michelet : His- toire de France (1833 to 1867 at intervals). 192 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLLNES YEAR. 1833 Cont. [834 1835 WORKS PUBLISHED. C. Knight : Penny Cyclopaedia.^ Sheridan Knowles : The Wife. C. Lamb : Last Essays of Ella. Pusey, Newman, and others : Tracts for the Times. Southey : Lives of English Admirals (vol. i.). A. Tennyson : Poems. Tait's Magazine established. Ainsworth : Rookwood. Beckford : Letters from Italy. E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Pilgrims of the Rhine. „ Last Days of Pompeii. Dickens : Sketches by Boz.^ B. Disraeli : Revolutionary Epic. Godwin : Lives of the Necromancers. Hood : Tylney Hall. A. H. Hallam : Remains. G. P. R James : John Marston Hall. C. Mackay : Poems. Marryat : Peter Simple. „ Jacob Faithful. Southey : The Doctor (vol i.). Sir H. Taylor : Philip van Artevelde. R. Browning : Paracelsus. E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Rienzi. Cobbett : Legacy to Parsons. Coleridge (d. 1834): Table Talk (edited by Nelson Coleridge). Thirlwall : History of Greece (last vol. in 1847). Wordsworth : Yarrow Revisited and other Poems. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 193 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN DATES. LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. V 1 Knight was only the publisher and parteditorof this and other works which bore his name. The last volume of the Cyclopaedia was issued in 1843. First supplement 1845-6 (2 vols.); second supple- ment, 1858. 2 The last, No. xc, appeared in 1 841. S. T. Coleridge Balzac: P^re Poor Law ^These sketches died. Goriot. Amendment ran in the Old C. Lamb died. Bancroft: Colon- Act. Monthly Malthus died. ization of the Magazine, W. Morris born. United States and after- (vol. i.). wards in the Ranke : Die Ro- Evening mischen Papste Chronicle. (1834-1836). They were re- Schleiermacher printed ini 836 died. with the well- known title. Alfred Austin F. D. Strauss : Municipal born. Das Leben Jesu. Reform Act. Mrs. Hemans De Tocqueville : died. La Democratie J. Hogg died. en Amerique. Longfellow : Outre Mer. Grimm : Deutsche Mythologie. 194 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1836 E. L. Bulwer (Lytton) : Athens. Hartley Coleridge : Worthies of Yorkshire and Lanca- shire. Dickens : Sketches by Boz. „ Pickwick (completed 1837). B. Disraeli : Henrietta Temple. Edward Lane : Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. Marryat : Japhet in Search of a Father. „ Mr. Midshipman Easy. Earl Stanhope : History of England from the Peace of Utrecht (vol. i.). Sir H. Taylor : The Statesman. L Taylor : Physical Theory of Another Life. 1837 Six- Barham : Ingoldsby Legends.^ E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Ernest Maltravers. R. Browning : Strafford. T. Carlyle : French Revolution. Dickens : Oliver Twist (completed 1838). B. Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) : Venetia. Hallam : Literature of Europe in the Fifteenth, teenth, and Seventeenth Centuries. Theodore Hook : Jack Brag. Howitt : Rural Life in England. Sheridan Knowles : Love Chase. Lockhart : Life of Sir W. Scott. Harriet Martineau : Society in America. Thackeray : Yellowplush Papers. Whewell : History of the Inductive Sciences. [838 T. Arnold : History of Rome (vol. i. ; last vol. in 1843). E. Barrett (Browning) : The Seraphim and other Poems. E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Alice. „ Leila. „ Lady of Lyons. Carlyle : Sartor Resartus.^ Dickens : Nicholas Nickleby (completed 1839). Gladstone : The State in its Relation with the Church. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 195 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. annotations. Godwin died. Tames Mill died. Whittier: Voices of Freedom. Hugo ; Esmeralda, Swinburne born. Poushkin died. Leopardi died. Prescott : Ferdi- nand and Isabella. Victoria. 1 Begun in Bentleys Magazine; republished in 1842-7. Lecky born. John Morley born. Balzac : Une Filled'Eve. Rosmini : Antro- pologia. Anti-Corn Law League. Lord Durham, Governor- General of Canada. 2 Sartor Resar- tus had ap- peared in Fraser in 1833 ; it was now published separately. 196 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1838 Cont. 1839 WORKS PUBLISHED. Lady Guest : Translation of the Mabinogion. D. Jerrold : Men of Character. Lover : Handy Andy. Maurice : Kingdom of Christ. J. H. Newman : Lectures on Justification Pusey, Newman, and others : Library of the Fathers (vol.i.). Tupper : Proverbial Philosophy.^ Ainsworth : Jack Shepherd. P. J. Bailey : Festus.2 E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Richelieu. Carlyle : Chartism. B. Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) : Count Alarcos. Lever : Harry Lorrequer. Milman : Life of Gibbon. T. Moore : Alciphron. Sterling : Poems. Thackeray : Catherine. 1840 R. Browning : Sordello. E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Money. Eliza Cook : Poems. Dickens : Master Humphrey's Clock, Old Curiosity Shop (completed 1841). John Forster : Statesmen of the Commonwealth. Hookham Frere : Translation of Aristophanes.^ Gladstone : Church Principles Tested in their Results. Hood : Up the Rhine. L. Hunt : Legend of Florence. Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton) : Poetry for the People. Milman : History of Christianity. Agnes Strickland : Lives of the Queens of England (vol. i.y Thackeray : Paris Sketch Book. Whewell : Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. S. Wilberforce : Agathos. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 197 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN DATES. LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Martin : His- toire de France (1838- 1853). ^ Later series in 1842, 1 867, etc. Gait died. Ranke: Deutsche 2 Greatly added Praed died. Geschichte to in subse- (1839.1847). quenteditions. Longfellow : Hyperion. Madame D'Ar- Trendelenburg : Penny Post. blay died. LogischeUnter- Austin Dobson suchungen. born. Thomas Hardy born. ^ Privately printed at Malta in 1839. * Last volume in 1848. 198 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 184I R. Browning : Pippa Passes. E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Night and Morning. Carlyle : Hero Worship. Dickens : Barnaby Rudge. I. Disraeli : Amenities of Literature. Lever : Charles O'Malley. Macaulay : Warren Hastings. Marryat : Masterman Ready. Hugh Miller : Old Red Sandstone. J. H. Newman : Tracts for the Times, No. XC. Pugin : True Principles of Pointed Architecture. Thackeray : Great Hoggarty Diamond. Trench : Notes on the Parables. S. Warren : Ten Thousand a Year. Punch. 1842 T. Arnold : Lectures on Modern History. E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Zanoni. „ Eva. R. Browning : King Victor and King Charles. „ Dramatic Lyrics. T. Campbell : Pilgrim of Glencoe and other Poems. C. Darwin : Coral Reefs. Dickens : American Notes. Leigh Hunt : The Palfrey. Lever : Jack Hinton. Macaulay : Lays of Ancient Rome. Marryat : Percival Keene. D'Arblay (Burney) : Diary and Letters. J. H. Newman : Essay on Miracles. Sir H. Taylor : Edwin the Fair. A. Tennyson : Poems. Wilson : Recreations of Christopher North. Wordsworth : The Borderers.^ 1843 Ainsworth : Windsor Castle. R. Browning : Blot on the Scutcheon. „ Return of the Druses. E. L Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Last of the Barons. Carlyle : Past and Present. GF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 199 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. W. Black born. Cooper : Deer- Free Trade slayer. Agitation Longfellow : under Cobden. Voices of the Night. Dumas : Monte Cristo (184 1 -5). Herbart died. Dr. Arnold Georges Sand : died. Consuelo. Cunningham Longfellow : died. Poems on Hone died. Slavery. Quinet : Genie des Religions. Baur, Zeller, Schwegler, etc. (the Tubingen School): Theo- logische Jahr- bucher(toi857). ^Written 1797. Wordsworth Balzac: Honoria. Great Secession becomes Poet- Longfellow : from Scotch Laureate on Spanish Presb. Church. the death of Student. Free Church Southey. estabHshed. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1843 Dickens : Martin Chuzzlewit (completed Cont. ,, Christmas Carol. Hood : Song of the Shirt. Macaulay : Essays.^ J. S. Mill : System of Logic. Pusey : The Holy Eucharist. Ruskin : Modern Painters (vol. i.).^ Sterling: Strafford. Thackeray : Irish Sketch Book. 844). 1844 E. Barrett (Browning) : Poems. E. L. Bulwer (Lord Lytton) : Translation of Schiller's Poems and Ballads. R. Chambers : Vestiges of Creation. De Quincey : Logic of Political Economy. B. Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) : Coningsby. Dickens : The Chimes. L. Hunt : Imagination and Fancy. Jeffrey : Essays. Ebenezer Jones : Studies of Sensation and Event. Kinglake : Eothen. C. Knight : Pictorial History of England.^ Lever : Tom Burke of Ours. J. S. Mill : Some Unsettled Questions in Political Economy. Elizabeth M. Sewell : Amy Herbert. A. P. Stanley : Life of Dr. Arnold. Thackeray : Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. 1845 R. Browning : Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. Carlyle : Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. Thomas Cooper : Purgatory of Suicides. Dickens : The Cricket on the Hearth. Aytoun and Martin : Bon Gaultier Ballads. B. DisraeU (Lord Beaconsfield) : Sybil. D. Jerrold : Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. G. H. Lewes : Biographical History of Philosophy (com- pleted 1846). Sir E. B. Lytton : New Timon. [Cairo. Thackeray : Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 201 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN DATES. LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Prescott : Con- quest of Mexico. Turgenew : Panasche. 1 Republished from the Edinburgh Review. 2 Last volume in i860. Beckford died. Dumas : Trois Trial of Campbell died. Mousquetaires. O'Connell. Sterling died. Bank Charter Act. 3 See Note to year 1833. Barham (In- Hawthorne : Secession of J. goldsby) died. Mosses from an H. Newman Sydney Smith Old Manse. from Church died. of England. Hood died. 202 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 846 1847 1848 WORKS PUBLISHED. C . E. and A. Bronte : Poems. R. Browning : Luria. „ A Soul's Tragedy. Dickens: Dombey and Son (completed 1848). „ Pictures from Italy. „ Battle of Life. Marian Evans : Translation of Strauss's Life of Jesus. G. Grote : History of Greece (vol. i.).^ R. S. Hawker : Echoes from Old Cornwall. Hood (d. 1845) '• Poems. L. Hunt : Wit and Humour. D. Jerrold : Chronicles of Clovernook. Keble : Lyra Innocentium. Lander : Imaginary Conversations (last Series). Marryat : The Privateersman. J. H. Newman : Development of Christian Doctrine. Ruskin : Modern Painters (vol. ii.). Trench : Notes on the Miracles. Whewell : Systematic Morality. A. Bronte : Agnes Grey. C. Bronte : Jane Eyre. E. Bronte : Wuthering Heights, Dickens : The Haunted Man. B. Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) : Tancred. A. Helps : Friends in Council.^ Hood (d. 1845) : Poems of Wit and Humour. L. Hunt : Men, Women, and Books. „ A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. Lane : Translation of the Arabian Nights. G. H. Lewes : The Spanish Drama. „ Ranthorpe. A. Tennyson : The Princess. Thackeray : Vanity Fair (completed 1848). Anthony Trollope : Macdermotts of Ballycloran. Matthew Arnold : The Strayed Reveller and other Poems. A. H. Clough : Bothie of Tober-na-VuoHch. Forster : Life of Goldsmith. Froude : Nemesis of Faith. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, 203 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Marriage of Rosmini : Psico- Repeal of the Robert Brown- logia (1846- Corn Laws. ing and Eliza- 1850). Potato Famine beth Barrett. in Ireland. 1 Last volume in 1856. Heine : Atta Commercial Troll. Crisis. Flaubert : Tenta- tion de St. Antoine. Michelet : 2 Second series Histoire de la in 1859. Revolution (1847-1853). Longfellow : Evangeline. Emily Bronte Rosmini : Le Revolution in died. Cinque Piaghe France : abdi- Isaac Disraeli della Chiesa. cation of Louis died. Philippe. 204 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1848 Cont. WORKS PUBLISHED. Anna Jameson : Sacred and Legendary Art. Elizabeth Gaskell : Mary Barton. Sir E. B. Lytton : King Arthur. „ The Caxtons (completed 1849). Macaulay : History of England from the Accession of James II. (vols. i. and ii.).^ J. S. Mill : Principles of Political Economy. J. H. Newman : Loss and Gain. Nassau Senior : Political Economy. Thackeray : Vanity Fair (completed). „ Our Street. „ Book of Snobs. Thornton : Plea for Peasant Proprietors. 1849 1850 Aytoun : Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. C. Bronte : Shirley. R. Browning : Poems. A. H. Cloughi: Ambarvalia. Dickens : David Copperfield (completed 1850). Freeman : History of Architecture. L. Hunt : The Town. „ A Book for a Corner. D. Jerrold : Man Made of Money. C. Kingsley : Alton Locke. Sir E. B. Lytton : The Caxtons (completed). Harriet Martineau : Household Education. Ruskin : Seven Lamps of Architecture. Thackeray : Pendennis (completed 1850). „ Dr. Birch. Thomson : Outline of the Laws of Thought. P. J. Bailey : Angel World.^ T. L. Beddoes : Death's Jest Book. E. Barrett Browning : Sonnets from the Portuguese. R. Browning : Christmas Eve and Easter Day. Carlyle : Latter-Day Pamphlets. Wilkie Collins : Antonina. Dickens and others : HOUSEHOLD WORDS.^ Dobell : The Roman. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 205 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Capt. Marryat Insurrections died. in Austria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Prussia, Spain, and ^ Vols. iii. and other countries. iv. in 1855, Louis Napoleon, vol. V. in i860. Prince Presi- dent of the French Re- public. Chartist Meet- ing on Ken- sington Common. Hartley Emerson : Re- Coleridge died. presentative Maria Edge- Men. worth died. Sainte-Beuve : Causeries du Lundi begin in " Constitu- tionel." Jeffrey died. Lenau died. Roman Catholic 2 Later on in- Wordsworth Balzac died. Hierarchy in- corporated died. troduced into with Festus. Tennyson be- England: Ex- comes Poet- citement re- Laureate. garding "Papal Ag- 3 Lasted till gression." 1859. 206 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1850 Cofit. Elizabeth Gaskell : Moorland Cottage. Gladstone : Royal Supremacy. L. Hunt : Autobiography. „ Table Talk. Anna Jameson : Legends of the Monastic Orders. Harriet Martineau : History of the Thirty Years' Peace. F. Maurice : Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy (vol. i.), Merivale : History of the Romans under the Empire (vol. i.). J. M. Neale : History of the Eastern Church. F. W. Newman : Phases of Faith. D. G. Rossetti and others : The Germ. Ruskin : Pre-Raphaelitism. Thackeray : The Kickleburys on the Rhine. „ Rebecca and Rowena. Tennyson : In Memoriam Wordsworth : The Prelude.^ 1851 E. Barrett Browning : Casa Guidi Windows. Carlyle : Life of John Sterling. Hartley Coleridge : Poems. Dickens : Child's History of England. Helps : Companions of my Solitude. C. Kingsley : Yeast. C. Kingsley, Maurice and others : Christian Socialism. Sir E. B. Lytton : Not so Bad as we Seem. Mansel : Prolegomena Logica. Ruskin : Stones of Venice (vol. i.). Spencer : Social Statics. Thackeray : English Humourists.^ Trench : Study of Words. 1852 J. P. Collier : Notes and Emendations to the Plays of Shakspere. Wilkie Collins : Basil. Dickens : Bleak House (completed 1853). [Literature. Sir W. Hamilton : Discussions on Philosophy and OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 207 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISIORY. ANNOTATIONS. 1 Written by 1805. Joanna Baillie died. Lingard died. Mrs. Shelley died. Hawthorne : House of the Seven Gables. Longfellow : Golden Legend. Gioberti : Rin- novamento Civile d' Italia. Heine : Roman- cero. The First Great Exhibition. Ecclesiastical Titles Act. Cotip (V Etat in Paris. 2 Given as lectures ; printed in 1853. Moore died. Pugin died. Comte : Cate- chisme Positi- viste. Renan : Aver- rho^s. Napoleon III. proclaimed Emperor. 208 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1852 Cont. A. Hayward : Art of Dining. Anna Jameson : Legends of the Madonna. C. King-sley : Phaethon. Newman : Scope and Nature of University Education. C. Reade : Peg Woffington. Thackeray : Esmond. S. Wilberforce : Eucharistica. 1853 [854 Matthew Arnold : Empedocles on Etna. C. Bronte : Villette. Carlyle : Nigger Question. Marian Evans ^ : Translation of Feuerbach's Essence of Christianity. L. Hunt : Religion of the Heart. C. Kingsley : Hypatia. Landor : Last Fruit off an Old Tree. , , I maginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans. Sir E. B. Lytton : My Novel. Lord Macaulay : Speeches. Procter (Barry Cornwall) : Essays and Tales in Prose. C. Reade : Christie Johnstone. A. Smith : Life Drama. Thackeray ; English Humourists. Whewell : Plurality of Worlds. Wallace : Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. Charlotte Yonge : Heir of Redcliffe. Encyclopedia Britannica — 8th edition begun. Ainsworth : Flitch of Bacon. AlUngham : Day and Night Songs. Aytoun : Firmilian. Dickens : Hard Times. Dobell: Balder. Massey : Ballad of Babe Christabel. Whyte Melville : General Bounce. Miller : My Schools and Schoolmasters. Milman : History of Latin Christianity. J. H. Newman : Lectures on the History of the Turks. Patmore : Angel in the House.^ OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 2xyg BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. F. W. Robert- son died. Mrs. Opie died. Susan Ferrier died. Lockhart died. James Mont- gomery died. John Wilson died. FOREIGN LITERATURE. Ranke : Franzo- sische Ge- schichte (1852- 1857). Mommsen : Ro- mische Ge- schichte(vol.i.). Beneke died. Lamennais died. Schelling died. Roscher : System der Volkswirth- schaft, vol. i. (second vol. in i860). HISTORY. Advertisement duty abolished. ANNOTATIONS. ^ George Eliot. Crimean War. Sufferings of the English troops due to maladminis- tration. Completed in 1863. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1854 Cont. C. Reade and Tom Taylor : Masks and Faces. A. P. Stanley : Memorials of Canterbury. Thackeray : The Newcomes (begun). Trench : English Past and Present. 1855 Bailey: Philosophy of the Human Mind (completed 1863). R. Browning : Men and Women. Dickens : Little Dorrit (completed 1857). Dobell and A. Smith : Sonnets on the War. Leigh Hunt : Old Court Suburb. ., Stories in Verse. C. Kingsley : Glaucus. „ Westward Ho ! G. H. Lewes : Life of Goethe. Lord Macaulay : History of England (vols. iii. and iv. j. Pusey : Doctrine of the Real Presence. F. W. Robertson : Sermons (First Series). W. Russell : Letters from the Crimea. Spencer : Principles of Psychology.^ A. P. Stanley : Sinai and Palestine. Tom Taylor : Still Waters Run Deep. Tennyson : Maud. Thackeray : The Newcomes (completed). Anthony Trollope : The Warden. Saturday Review established. ;856 Ajrtoun : Both well. E. Barrett Browning : Aurora Leigh. Dobell : England in Time of War. Froude : History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth (vols. i. and ii.).^ C. Kingsley : The Heroes. Dinah Mulock (Mrs. Craik) : John Halifax. Adelaide Procter : Legends and Lyrics. Ruskin : Modern Painters (vols. iii. and iv.). Thackeray : Miscellanies. „ Four Georges.^ Charlotte Yonge : Daisy Chain. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. C. Bronte died. Freytag : Soil Duty on news- Julius Hare und Haben. papers finally died. Longfellow : abolished. Rogers died. Hiawatha. Fall of Miss Mitford Sebastopol. died. 1 Expanded into a two volume edition in 1870. Sir W. Hamil- Heine died. Peace of Paris. ton died. Gautier : Emaux Hugh Miller et Camees. died. De Tocqueville : L'Ancien 2 Last volume Regime. in 1869. Motley : Dutch Republic. Emerson : ^ Lectures de- English Traits. livered. They Lotze: Mikro- were pub- kosmus (1856- lished in 1864). i860. 212 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1857 WORKS PUBLISHED. C. Bronte : The Professor. Buckle : History of Civilization (vol. i. ; vol. ii. in 186] Hughes : Tom Brown's School-days. C, Kingsley : Two Years Ago. Locker : London Lyrics. Macdonald : Poems. Miller (d. 1856) : Testimony of the Rocks. C. Reade : Never too Late to Mend. Thackeray : Virginians (completed 1859). Anthony Trollope : Barchester Towers. 1858 [859 Matthew Arnold : Merope. Carlyle : History of Friedrich II. (vols. i. and ii. ; com- pleted 1865). G. EHot (Evans) : Scenes of Clerical Life. Gladstone : Studies on Homer. Helps : Oulita. Sir E. B. Lytton : What will he Do with It ? Macdonald : Phantastes. Masson : Life of Milton (vol. i.). Mansel : Limits of Religious Thought (Bampton Lectures). W. Morris : Defence of Guinevere and other Poems. Adelaide Procter : Legends and Lyrics. Ruskin : Political Economy of Art. Tennyson : Idylls of the King.^ Thorpe : Edition of Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Anthony Trollope : Doctor Thorne. Barnes : Hwomely Rhymes. Darwin : Origin of Species. Dickens : Tale of Two Cities. „ and others : All the Year Round. G. Eliot (Evans) : Adam Bede. Fitzgerald : Translation of Omar Khayyam. Sir W. Hamilton (d. 1856) : Lectures on Metaphysics. Sir T. Martin: Translation of Goethe's Poems and Ballads. Masson : British Novelists. J. S. Mill : On Liberty. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 213 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Douglas Jerrold Beranger died. Indian Mutiny. died. Comte died. Commercial De Musset died. Panic. Baudelaire : Fleurs du Mai. Flaubert : Madame B ovary. Quintana died. Robert Owen Villari : Savona- Orsini attempts died. rola. to assassinate 0. W. Holmes : Napoleon II L Autocrat of the Palmerston's Breakfast Table. Conspiracy to Longfellow : Murder Bill. Miles Standish. Feuillet : Ro- mance d'un Jeune Homme Pauvre. Bjornson : Arne. ^ Contains Enid, Vivien, Elaine, Guine- vere. John Austin De Tocqueville Battle of died. died. Solferino. Hallam died. Hugo : La Riots at St. Leigh Hunt Legende des George's in the died. Si^cles. East encour- Macaulay died. Washington aged by the De Quincey Irving : Life of Press and died. Washington. Magistrates. 214 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1859 Cont. WORKS PUBLISHED. J. M. Neale : Translation of the Rhythm of Bernard of Morlaix. Lord Russell : Life of C. J. Fox. Trench : Select Glossary of English Words. Macmillan's Magazine established. i860 E. Barrett Browning : Poems before Congress. Wilkie Collins : Woman in White. Dickens : Great Expectations (completed 1861). „ Uncommercial Traveller.^ G. Eliot (Evans) : Mill on the Floss. Forster : Arrest of the Five Members. G. H. Lewes : Physiology of Common Life. E. R. Lytton (Owen Meredith) : Lucile. Lord Macaulay (d. 1859) : History of England (vol. v.). „ Miscellaneous Writings. Sir T. Martin : Translation of Horace's Odes. Whyte Melville : Holmby House. Adelaide Procter : Legends and Lyrics (Second Series). C. Reade : Cloister and the Hearth. Ruskin : Modern Painters (vol. v.). F. Temple, Rowland Williams and others : Essays and Reviews. Tyndall : Glaciers of the Alps. CORNHiLL Magazine established. 1861 Matthew Arnold : On Translating Homer. J. Austin : Lectures on Jurisprudence. Dickens : Uncommercial Traveller. G. Eliot (Evans) : Silas Marner. Hook : Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury (vol. i.). Hughes : Tom Brown at Oxford. H. Kingsley : Ravenshoe. C. Knight : Popular History of England.^ Sir H. Maine : Ancient Law. Sir T. Martin : Translation of Catullus. Sir T. E. May : Constitutional History of England from the Reign of George III."* J. S. Mill : Representative Government. C. Reade : Cloister and the Hearth. D. G. Rossetti : Early Italian Poets. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 215 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Ranke : Eng- lische Geschichte (1859-1862). G. P. R. James Emerson : Con- Cobden's Com- died. duct of Life. mercial Treaty Mrs. Jameson 0. W. Holmes : with France. died. Professor at the 1 Reprinted Sir W. Napier Breakfast next year in died. Table. Montalembert : Moines de I'Oc- cident (vol. i.). Arndt died. Schopenhauer died. Tolstoi : War book form. and Peace. Mrs. Browning 0. W. Holmes : William /., died. Elsie Venner. Kijtg of Prus- Sir F. Palgrave Lacordaire died. sia; Bismarck ^ Last vol. in died. Savigny died. his chief adviser. Secession of the 1875. Confederate 3 Came out States. monthly ; Imprisonment completed in of ordinary 1862. debtors * Last vol. in abolished. 1871. 2l6 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1861 Cont. WORKS PUBLISHED. A. Smith : Edwin of Deira. Spencer : Education. A. P. Stanley : History of the Eastern Church. Swinburne : The Queen Mother. „ Rosamund. Thackeray : The Adventures of Pliihp. „ Lovel the Widower. Anth. Trollope : Framley Parsonage. Hymns Ancient and Modern. 1862 1863 A. Austin : Human Tragedy. E. Barrett Browning (d. 1861): Last Poems. Calverley : Verses and Translations. T. Carlyle : Life of Friedrich IL (vol. iii.). Colenso : Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Examined (Part L). Darwin : Fertilization of Orchids. Sir E. B. Lytton : A Strange Story. Macdonald : David Elginbrod. F. D. Maurice : Claims of the Bible and Science. George Meredith : Poems and Ballads. J. S. Mill : Utilitarianism.^ Pusey : Minor Prophets (vol. i.). Christina Rossetti : Goblin Market and other Poems. Ruskin : Unto this Last. Spencer : First Principles. Sir J. F. Stephen : Essays by a Barrister. Sir H. Taylor : St. Clement's Eve. Thackeray : Adventures of Philip. „ Roundabout Papers. Anthony Trollope : Orley Farm. G. Eliot (Evans) : Romola. Freeman : History of Federal Government. Gardiner : History of England from James I. (vol. i.).^ Huxley : Man's Place in Nature. Jean Ingelow : Poems. Kinglake : History of the Invasion of the Crimea (vols. i. and ii.). OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 217 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. Buckle died. Sheridan Knowles died. FOREIGN LITERATURE. Thackeray- died. Whately died. C. F. Browne : Artemus Ward ; his Book. Flaubert : Salammbo. Uhland died. Bjornson: Sigurd Slenbe. HISTORY. Death of the Prince Consort. ANNOTATIONS. Renan ; Jesus. Vie de Defeat of Lee at Gettysburg. Surrender of Vicksburg. ^ In Fraser's Magazine: separately- next year. 2 Completed 1882. But see 1886. i 2l8 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1863 Cotit. C. Kingsley : Water Babies. Sir C. Lyell : Antiquity of Man. Whyte Melville : The Gladiators. Margaret Oliphant : Chronicles of Carlingford. Patmore : Victories of Love.^ C. Reade : Hard Cash. A. P. Stanley : History of the Jewish Church (vol. i.). Tyndall : Heat as a Mode of Motion. 1864 R. Browning : Dramatis Personse. Dickens : Our Mutual Friend (completed 1865). Forster : Life of Sir John Eliot. H. Morley : English Writers (vol. i.). J. H. Newman : Apologia pro Vita Sua. Swinburne : Atalanta in Calydon. Tennyson : Enoch Arden and other Poems. Anth. TroUope : Small House at Allington. Westcott : Bible and the Church. [865 Matthew Arnold : Essays in Criticism. Carlyle : Life of Friedrich II. (vols. v. and vi.). Lewis Carroll : Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Dickens : Our Mutual Friend (completed). G. Grote : Plato and the Companions of Socrates. Lecky : History of Rationalism. Lightfoot : Epistle to the Galatians. Macdonald : Alec Forbes. Sir T. Martin : Translation of Goethe's Faust (Part I.). G. Meredith : Rhoda Fleming. J. S. Mill : Comte and Positivism. „ Examination of Sir W . Hamilton's Philosophy. Pusey : Eirenicon (Part I.). Ruskin : Ethics of the Dust. „ Sesame and Lilies. Seeley : Ecce Homo. Goldwin Smith : England and America. Swinburne : Chastelard. Fortnightly Review established. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 219 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. 1 Completing the Angel in the House ; see 1854. Adelaide Strauss : Das Procter died. Leben Jesu Landor died. (revised). Ebers : Eine Aegyptysche Konigstochter. Aytoun died. Helmholtz : Prussia and Isaac Taylor Tonempfind- Austria attack died. ungen. Denmark and Strauss : Der quarrel over Christus des the spoils. Glaubens. Assassinatio7i Whittier: Maud of President Miiller. Lincoln. Giinther died. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1866 [867 1868 Sir S. Baker : The Albert Nyanza. Wilkie Collins : Armadale. Conington : Translation of the Aeneid. G. Eliot (Evans) : Felix Holt. Froude : History of England (vols. ix. and x.). Elizabeth Gaskell : Wives and Daughters. Liddon : On the Divinity of our Lord (Bampton Lectures). Lord Lytton : Lost Tales of Miletus. Mansel : Philosophy of the Conditioned. C. Reade : Griffith Gaunt. Christina Rossetti : Prince's Progress. Ruskin : Crown of Wild Olive. Swinburne : Poems and Ballads. Augusta Webster : A Woman Sold and other Poems. Westcott : Gospel of the Resurrection. Charlotte Yonge : Dove in the Eagle's Nest. Contemporary Review established. Matthew Arnold : Study of Celtic Literature. Bagehot : English Constitution. Carlyle : Shooting Niagara — and After "i Darwin : Plants and Animals under Domestication. Hepworth Dixon : New America. Freeman : History of the Norman Conquest (vol. i.).^ Froude : Short Studies on Great Subjects (First Series). Jean Ingelow : Story of Doom. G. H. Lewes : History of Philosophy, ^ John Morley : Edmund Burke. W. Morris : Life and Death of Jason. Goldwin Smith : Three English Statesmen. A. P. Stanley : Memorials of Westminster Abbey. Swinburne : Song of Italy. „ William Blake. Thomson and Tait : Natural Philosophy (vol. i.). Anth. Trollope : Last Chronicle of Barset. Thackeray (d. 1863): Denis Duval. Matthew Arnold : Schools and Universities on the Con- tinent. Browning : Ring and the Book. Wilkie Collins : The Moonstone. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Mrs. Gaskell C. H. Weisse Gladstone's died. died. Reform Bill. J. M. Neale Marx : Kapi- The Liberal died. tal. " Cave of Whewell died. Adullam." Worsley died. Commercial Keble died. • Crisis. Battle of Kotiiggrdtz (Sadowa). North German Confederation. Sir A. Alison Leland : Hans Disraeli's died. Breitman Reform Bill Faraday died. Ballads. passed. Alex. Smith Longfellow : Trade Union died. Translation of outrages on the Divina non-unionists 1 Completed Commedia. at Sheffield 1876. Cousin died. and elsewhere. Renan : Saint ^ This was a Paul. revised and rewritten edition of a previous work ; see 1845. Brougham Holmes : died. Guardian Angel. Milman died. J 222 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. [868 Sir C. Dilke : Greater Britain. Cont. G. Eliot (Evans) : Spanish Gypsy. Kingsley : Hermits. Lightfoot : Epistle to the Philippians. Macdonald : Robert Falconer. W. Morris : Earthly Paradise (vols. i. and ii.). Max Miiller : Chips from a German Workshop. J. H. Newman : Verses on Various Occasions. 1869 Matthew Arnold : Culture and Anarchy. Blackmore : Lorna Doone. Freeman : History of the Norman Conquest (vol. iii.). „ Old English History for Children. F. Galton : Hereditary Genius. Gladstone : Juventus Mundi. Hawker : Cornish Ballads. Sir A. Helps : Realmah. Huxley : Classification of Animals. Lecky : History of European Morals. E. R. Lytton (Owen Meredith) : Orval. Maurice : Social Morality. J. S. Mill : Subjection of Women. Pusey : Eirenicon (Part II.). C. Reade : Foul Play. Ruskin : Queen of the Air. Thornton : On Labour. Anth. TroUope : Phineas Phinn. Wallace : Malay Archipelago. Academy established. '^70 Matthew Arnold : St. Paul and Protestantism. Dickens : Mystery of Edwin Drood. Church : St. Anselm. B. Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) : Lothair. J. Grote : Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy. A. Hare : Walks in Rome. Huxley : Lay Sermons. W. Morris : Earthly Paradise (vol. iv.)- J. H. Newman : Grammar of Assent. Pusey: Eirenicon (Part III.). OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 223 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN DATES. LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Samuel Lover Longfellow : died. New England Tragedies. Haeckel : Natiir- liche Schopf- ungs-geschichte. Lamartine died. Disestablish- Sainte-Beuve ment of the died. Irish Church. Hartmann : Phi- Suez Canal losophie des opejted. Unbewusstens. Vatican - Council meets. Dickens died. Bret Harte : Infallibility of Luck of Roaring the Pope Camp. declared. Dumas (the Irish Land Act. elder) died. Elementary Merimee died. Education Montalembert Act. died. War between France and Prussia. i 224 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1870 Cont. WORKS PUBLISHED. C. Reade : Put Yourself in His Place. D. G. Rossetti : Poems. Spencer : Principles of Psychology.^ Earl Stanhope : Reign of Queen Anne. Tyndall : Imagination in Science. Wallace : Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selec- tion. 1871 1872 Matthew Arnold : Friendship's Garland. Black : A Daughter of Heth. Browning : Balaustion's Adventure. „ Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. R. Buchanan : Fleshly School of Poetry. Darwin : Descent of Man. G. Eliot (Evans) : Middlemarch (completed 1872). Froude : English in Ireland (vol. i.). Jowett : Translation of Plato's Dialogues. C. Kingsley : At Last. H. Kingsley : Old Margaret. Lord Lytton : The Coming Race. Sir H. Maine : Village Communities. Masson : Life of Milton (vol. ii.). G. Meredith : Harry Richmond. J. Morley : Voltaire. Ruskin : Fors Clavigera.^ Swinburne : Songs before Sunrise. Tennyson : Last Tournament. Tylor : Primitive Culture. Besant and Rice : Ready-Money Mortiboy. Blackmore : Maid of Sker. Browning : Fifine at the Fair. Calverley : Fly Leaves. Darwin : Expression of the Emotions. Forster : Life of Dickens (vols. i. and ii.). Freeman : History of the Norman Conquest (vol. iv.). Froude : English in Ireland (vol. ii.). G. Grote : Aristotle. Hardy : Under the Greenwood Tree. A. Hare : Memorials of a Quiet Life. Liddon : Some Elements of Religion. L. Morris : Songs of Two Worlds. W. Morris : Love is Enough. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 225 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY ANNOTATIONS. The Third Republic. Rome capital of the Kingdom of Italy. 1 Second edition in 2 vols. Grote died. Mansel died. • The German Empire. Paris capitulates. Commune at Paris. Universities Tests Act. 2 Practically complete in 1878. Lever died. 0. W. Holmes : Poet at the Breakfast Table. Bjornson: Sigurd Jorsalafar. Feuillet: Julia de Trecceur. Hugo : L'Annde Terrible. Gautier died. Trendelenburg died. Ballot Act. 226 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1872 Cont. 1873 1874 Ruskin : Eagle's Nest. Spencer : Study of Sociology. Tennyson : Gareth and Lynette. Anth. TroUope : Eustace Diamonds. M. Arnold : Literature and Dogma. A. Austin : Madonna's Child. Bagehot : Lombard Street. „ Physics and Politics. Black : A Princess of Thule. Browning : Red Cotton Nightcap Country. Wilkie Collins : New Magdalen. Dobson : Vignettes in Rhyme. Jean Ingelow : Off the Skelligs. G. H. Lewes : Problems of Life and Mind (First Series). Lytton : Kenelm Chillingly. „ The Parisians. Masson : Life of Milton (vol. iii.). J. S. Mill : Autobiography. H. Morley : First Sketch of English Literature. J. Morley: Rousseau. Max Miiller : Science of Religion. Pater : Studies in the Renaissance. D. G. Rossetti : Dante and his Circle.^ Leslie Stephen : Free Thinking an^ Plain Speaking. Caimes : Some Leading Principles of Political Economy. G. Eliot (Evans) : Legend of Jubal.^ Forster : Life of Dickens (completed). Froude : English in Ireland (vol. iii.). J. R. Green : Short History of the EngHsh People. Hardy : Far from the Madding Crowd. Jevons : Principles of Science. Macdonald : Malcolm. J. S. Mill (d. 1873) '- Nature, Religion, and Theism. J. Morley : On Compromise. Ruskin : Val d'Arno. Sidgwick : Methods of Ethics. Leslie Stephen : Hours in a Library (First Series). Stubbs : Constitutional History (vol i.). Swinburne : Bothwell. Thomson : City of Dreadful Night. OF ENGLISH LITER A TUKE. 227 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN DATES. LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Lord Lytton Manzoni died. died. J. S. Mill died. S. Wilberforce died. '• An enlarged form of the Early Italian Poets pub- lished in 1 86 1. Dobell died. Guizot died. Disraeh be- B. W. Procter Hoffmann died. comes Prime died. A. Daudet -. Fro- Minister. ^Appeared in Agnes Strick- mont Jeune et PublicWorship Macmillan's land died. Risler Aind. Regulation Magazine Hugo : Quatre Act for the in 1870. Vingt Treize. suppression of Auerbach : Ritualism. Waldfried. 228 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. [875 M. Arnold : God and the Bible. Browning : Aristophanes' Apology. „ Inn Album. Carlyle : Early Kings of Norway. Darwin : Insectivorous Plants. Gladstone : Vaticanism. Sir T. Martin : Life of the Prince Consort (vol. i.), G. Meredith : Beauchamp's Career. Ruskin : Mornings in Florence (vol. i.). „ Proserpina (begun). Swinburne : George Chapman. Symonds : Renaissance in Italy (vol. i.). Tennyson : Queen Mary. 1876 Browning : Pacchiarotto. Darwin : Cross and Self-Fertilisation. G. Eliot : Daniel Deronda. Freeman; History of the Norman Conquest (vol. v.). J. Grote (d. i The Moral Ideals. L. Morris : Epic of Hades. W. Morris : Sigurd the Volsung and the „ ^neids of Virgil. H. Spencer : Principles of Sociology (vol. i.), Leslie Stephen : English Thought in the Swinburne : Erechtheus. Wallace : Geographical Distribution of Animals. [Niblungs. Fall of the [Century. Eighteenth 1877 M. Arnold : Last Essays on Church and Religion. Blackmore : Erema. Browning : Agamemnon of Aeschylus. Dobson : Proverbs in Porcelain. Hardy : Return of the Native. Mallock : New Republic. Tennyson : Harold. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 229 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Hawker died. Kingsley died. Lyelldied. Thirlwall died. Riimelin : Reden und Aufsatzen. Quinet died. Andersen died. Supreme Court of Judicature Act takes effect, and the High Court of Justice holds its first sitting. John Forster died. Henry Kings- ley died. Harriet Mar- tineau died. Georges Sand (Madame Dude- vant) died. " Bulgarian Atrocities." Bagehot died. A. Daudet : Le Nabab. Hugo : L'Art d'etre Grand- pere. Ibsen : Pillars of Society. Tolstoi : Anna Kardnina. Turgenew : Virgin Soil. Russo- Turkish War. CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1878 Bagehot (d. 1877) : Literary Studies. Besant and Rice : By Celia's Arbour. „ Monks of Thelema. Browning : La Saisiaz.^ 5, * Two Poets of Croisic.^ Lecky : History of England in the Eighteenth Century. Sir T. Martin and others : Translation of Heine's Poems and Ballads. J. Morley : Diderot and the Encyclopaedists. Seeley : Life and Times of Stein. Anth. TroUope : Is he Popenjoy? Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th Edition commenced. 1879 E.Arnold: Light of Asia. M. Arnold : Mixed Essays. Barnes : Poems in the Dorset Dialect.^ Browning : Dramatic Idyls. Butcher and Lang : Translation of the Odyssey. Clifford : Lectures and Essays. G. Eliot (Evans) : Impressions of Theophrastus Such. G. H. Lewes : Study of Psychology. Sir T. Martin : Life of the Prince Consort (last vol.). G. Meredith : The Egoist. L. Morris : Gwen. Spencer : Ceremonial Institutions. „ Data of Ethics. Tennyson : Lover's Tale and other Poems. „ The Falcon (acted). [880 Bagehot : Economic Studies. Baring-Gould : Mehalah. Black : Sunrise. Earl of Beaconsfield (Disraeli) : Endymion. Browning : Dramatic Idyls (Second Series). Lang : Ballades in Blue China. Masson : Life of Milton (vol. vi. and last). L. Morris : Ode of Life. Ruskin : Arrows of the Chace. W. R. Smith : Old Testament in the Jewish Church. Swinburne : Songs of the Spring Tides. „ Study of Shakespeare. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 231 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Earl Russell Ebers : Homo Berlin Con- died. Sum. gress. G. H. Lewes Renan: Caliban. died. H. James : The Europeans. M none volume. W. K. Clifford Bayard Taylor : Irish Land 2 This is a re- died. Deucalion. League. publication of A. Daudet : Les An ti- Rent earlier Rois en exil. Agitation. volumes, in- Ibsen : A Doll's cluding 1;he House. Hwomely Zola : L'Assom- Rhymes of moir. 1859. • H. James : Daisy Miller. Tom Taylor Flaubert died. Fall of the died. Ebers : Die Conservative George Eliot Sch western. Ministry. died. Hugo : L'Ane. Gladstone Zola : Nana. Prime Minister. 232 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. Besant : Chaplain of the Fleet. R. Buchanan : God and the Man. Carlyle : Reminiscences. Darwin : Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms. Freeman : Historical Geography of Europe. Hardy : A Laodicean. J. Morley : Life of Cobden. Christina Rossetti : A Pageant and other Poems. D. G. Rossetti : Ballads and Sonnets. Stevenson : Virginibus Puerisque. Swinburne : Mary Stuart. Tennyson : The Cup (acted). 1882 1883 M. Arnold : Irish Essays. Besant : All Sorts and Conditions of Men. Dobson : Old World Idylls. Freeman : Reign of Rufus. Froude : Thomas Carlyle.^ J. R. Green : Making of England. Seeley : Natural Religion. Spencer : Political Institutions. Stevenson : Familiar Studies. „ New Arabian Nights. Leslie Stephen : Science of Ethics. Swinburne : Tristram of Lyonesse. Browning : Jocoseria. Burton : Translation of the Thousand Nights and a Night (last vol. in 1888). Carlyle : Correspondence with Emerson. George Eliot : Essays. Freeman : English Towns and Districts. J. R. Green : Conquest of England. T. H. Green : Prolegomena to Ethics. Seeley : Expansion of England. Sidgwick : Political Economy. Sir J. F. Stephen : History of the Criminal Law. Stevenson : Treasure Island. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 233 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREIGN HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. DATES. LITERATURE. Lord Beacons- Ibsen : Ghosts. The Czar field died. Lotze died. Alexander 11. Carlyle died. assassinated. Irish Land Act. A. P. Stanley died. Ainsworthdied. Auerbach died. Darwin died. Longfellow died. Pusey died. A. Daudet : Rossetti died. Numa Roumes- James Thom- tan. son died. Emerson died. ^ Completed TroUope died. 1884. J. R. Green H. Conscience died. died. Turgenew died. 234 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1884 1885 Browning : Ferishtah's Fancies. Lang : Custom and Myth. Murray and others : New English Dictionary, Part I. Spencer : The Man versus the State. Swinburne : Midsummer Holiday and other Poems. Tennyson : Becket. A. Austin : At the Gate of the Convent and other Poems. Sir R. Burton : Thousand Nights and a Night.' Cross : Life of George Eliot. A. V, Dicey: Law of the Constitution. Dobson : At the Sign of the Lyre. Lang : Rhymes h. la Mode. Lightfoot : L^pistles of St. Ignatius. Lord Lytton (Owen Meredith) : Glenaveril. Martineau : Types of Ethical Theory. George Meredith : Diana of the Crossways. Pater : Marius. Ruskin : Practerita (begun). Spencer • Ecclesiastical Institutions. Leslie Stephen and others : Dictionary of National Biography (vols, i.-iii.). Stevenson : Prince Otto. Swinburne : Marino Faliero. Tennyson : Tiresias and other Poems. 1886 Carlyle : Early Letters. Froude : Oceana. Dowden : Life of Shelley. Gardiner ; Great Civil War (vol. i.). Maine : Popular (iovernment. Stevenson : Kidnapped. „ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stubbs : Lectures on Mcdiicval History. Swinburne : Victor Hugo. Tennyson : Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, and other Poems. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 235 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Ch. Reade died. A. Daudet : Sapho. • Victor Hugo died. Zola : Germinal. RenaniLePretre de Ndmi. Mr. Gladstone adopts Home Rule. 1 Completed 1888. Sir H. Taylor died. Abp. Trench died. Ranke died. G. Waitz died. Feuillet : La Morte. Ibsen : Romers- holm. Tolstoi : Death of Ivan llyitch. Mr. Gladstone brings in Home Rule Bill. Unionist Government in office. 236 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES YEAR. 1887 WORKS PUBLISHED. Browning : Parleyings with certain People of Importance. Carlyle (d. 1881) : Correspondence with Goethe. Darwin : Life and Letters (including Autobiography). Haggard : She. Lang : Myth, Ritual, and Religion. Morison : The Service of Man. W. Morris : Translation of the Odyssey. Ruskin : Hortus Inclusus. Stevenson : Underwoods. Swinburne : Locrine. M. Arnold : Essays in Criticism (Second Series). Swinburne : The Armada. Wordsworth (d. 1850) : The Recluse. Chambers' Encyclopaedia, New Edition begun. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th Edition completed. Browning : Asolando. Bryce : American Commonwealth. Fitzgerald : Literary Remains. Pater : Appreciations. W. R. Smith : Religion of the Semites. Stevenson : Master of Ballantrae. Swinburne : Study of Ben Jonson. Tennyson : Demeter and other Poems. Wallace : Darwinism. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 237 BIOGRAPHICAL DATES. FOREIGN LITERATURE. HISTORY. ANNOTATIONS. Renan : Peuple d'Israel (vol. i.). Matthew Arnold died. Sir H. Maine died. Daudet : L'Immortel. Local Govern- ment Act. Accession and death of Fre- derick III., Germa?t Emperor. Browning died. Bp. Lightfoot died. Wilkie Collins died. Tolstoi: Kreutzer Sonata. Parnell Com- mission. Paris Exhibi- tion. PART II. AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS. AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS. Addison, Joseph, 1672-1719. Account of the Greatest English Poets, 1694. Latin poems in the Musae Anglicanae, 1699. Letter to Lord Hahfax (written), 1701. The Campaign, 1704. Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, 1705. Rosamond (acted), 1706. The Whig Examiner, 17 10. Poems, 17 1 2. Cato (acted), 17 13. The Trial and 'Conviction of Count Tariff, 17 13. The Drummer (acted), 171 5. Contributions to the Tatler (1709-17 1 1), Spectator (1711-1714) and Guardian (17 13). The Freeholder, 171 5-17 16. The Old Whig, 17 19. Dialogues upon Medals, 1721. Evidences of the Christian Religion, 1721. Aelfric (loth and nth centuries). Homilies, about 990. Colloquium. Passiones Sanctorum (Lives of the Saints), about 996. Latin Grammar. Canones. Translation of the Pentateuch, etc. De Veteri et de Novo Testamento. Vita Ethelwoldi. Sermoad Sacerdotes, about 1015. Aikin, Anna Letitia, see Barbauld. Aikin, Lucy, 1781-1864. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, 18 18. Q 242 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Ailred of Riveaulx, 1109-1166. De Institutione Inclusarum. De Bello Standardii. De Spirituali Amicitia. Speculum Charitatis. Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805- 1882. Rookwood, 1834. Jack Sheppard, 1839. Tower of London, 1840. Old St. Paul's, 1 84 1. Windsor Castle, 1843. Flitch of Bacon, 1854. Akenside, Mark, 1721-1770. Pleasures of the Imagination, 1744. Complete edition, with Poems, 1772. Odes, 1745. Aldhelm, 640-709. De Virginitate Sanctorum. De Laude Virginum. Aenigmata. Also English poems which have been lost. Alexander, Sir William, Earl of Stirling, 1567 (.^)-i640. Monarchic Tragedies, 1603- 1607. Alfred, King, 849-901. Translations of ' Bede's Ecclesiastical History. Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy. Gregory the Great's Pastoral Care. Orosius' Universal History. Alfred of Beverley (first half of 12th century). Abridgment and Continuation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Chronicle. Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester, 1555-1626. Tortura Torti, 1609. Sermons, 1631. Manual of Private Devotions, 1648. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 243 Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109. Monologium, about 1070. Proslogium. De Incarnatione Verbi. Cur Deus Homo ? De Voluntate. De Concordia prescientiae Dei cum libero arbitrio. Anstey, Christopher, 1724- 1805. The New Bath Guide, 1766. Arbuthnot, John, 1667- 1735. History of John Bull, 1712-1713. Memoirs of Marti nus Scriblerus (with Pope and others), 1741. Armstrong, John, 1709-1779. The Art of Preserving Health, 1744. Miscellanies, 1770. Arnold, Matthew, 1822- 1888. The Strayed Reveller and other Poems, 1848. Empedocles on Etna and other Poems, 1853. Poems, 1853. Merope, 1858. On Translating Homer, 1861. Essays in Criticism, 1865, 1888. The Study of Celtic Literature, 1867. Schools and Universities on the Continent, 1868. Culture and Anarchy, 1869. St. Paul and Protestantism, 1870. Friendship's Garland, 1871. Literature and Dogma, 1873. God and the Bible, 1875. Last Essays on Church and Religion, 1877. Mixed Essays, 1879. Irish Essays, 1882. Arnold, Thomas, 1795-1842. History of Rome, 1838- 1843. Lectures on Modern History, 1842. Sermons. Ascham, Roger, 15 15-1568. Toxophilus, 1544. Report of the Affairs of Germany, 1553. The Schoolmaster, 1570. 244 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692. Theatrum Chemicum, 1652. Fasciculus Chemicus, 1654. The Way to Bliss, 1658. The Order of the Garter, 1672. Diary, 17 17. Antiquities of Berkshire, 17 19. Asser, d. about 910. De Rebus Gestis Aelfredi Magni. Athelard of Bath, (first half of 12th century). Quaestiones Naturales. De Eodem et Diverso. Translation of Euclid into Latin. Atterbury, Francis, Bishop of Rochester, 1662-1732. Examination of Dr. Bentley's Dissertations [done for Charles Boyle], 1698. Representation of the State of Religion, 171 1. Correspondence. Sermons. Aubrey, John, 1626-1697. Miscellanies, 1696. Minutes of Lives. Aungerville, Richard, of Bury, Bishop of Durham, 1281-1345. Philobiblion. Austen, Jane, 1775- 1817. Sense and Sensibility, 181 1. Pride and Prejudice, 18 13. Mansfield Park, 18 14. Emma, 18 16. Northanger Abbey, 1818. Persuasion, 18 18. Austin, Alfred, 1835. The Human Tragedy, 1862- 1876. Madonna's Child, 1873. At the Gate of the Convent, 1885. Austin, John, 1790- 1859 Province of Jurisprudence Determined, 1832. Lectures on Jurisprudence, 1861-3. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 245 Avesbury, Robert of, (middle of 14th century). De Mirabilibus Gestis Edwardi III., about 1356. Aylmer, John, Bishop of London, 1521-1594. Harbour against the Late Blown Blast, 1559. Aytoun, William Edmondstoune, 1813-1865. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, 1 849. Firmilian, 1854. Bon Gaultier Ballads (with Sir Theodore Martin), 1845. Bothwell, 1856. Bacon, Francis, Lord St. Albans, 1561-1626. Advertisement touching Controversies of the Church of Eng- land, 1589. Essays, 1597, 1612, 1625. Practices and Treasons of Robert, late Earl of Essex, 1601. Apology concerning the late Earl of Essex, 1604. Advancement of Learning, 1605. De Sapient ia Veterum, 1609. Novum Organum, 1620. History of the Reign of Henry VH., 1622. Historia Ventorum, 1622. De Augmentis Scientiarum, 1623. Historia Vitae et Mortis, 1623. Apophthegms, 1625. Sylva Sylvarum, 1627. New Atlantis, 1627 (transl. 1629). Maxims of the Law, 1630. Bacon, Roger, 1214 (?)-i294 (?). Opus Majus, about 1268. Opus Minus. Opus Tertium. Bagehot, Walter, 1826-1877. The English Constitution, 1867 Physics and Politics, 1873. Lombard Street, 1873. Literary Studies, 1878. Economic Studies, 1880. Bailey, Philip James, 1816. Festus, 1839. The Angel World, 1850. Bailey, Samuel, 1791-1870. The Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1855-1863. 246 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Baillie, Joanna, 1762-1851. Plays on the Passions, 1798-1836. De Montfort (acted), 1800. The Family Legend (acted), 18 10. Baker, Sir Richard, 1568 (?)-i645. Chronicle of the Kings of England, 1643. Baker, Sir Samuel, 1821-1893. The Albert Nyanza, 1866. Baldwin, William, (middle of i6th century). Canticles of Solomon, 1549. The Mirror for Magistrates (edited by Baldwin), 1559. Bale, John, 1495-1563. Death of Sir John Oldcastle, 1 544. King John, 1550 (?). Scriptorum Britannise Catalogus, 1548- 1557. Banim, John, 1798-1842. Tales of the O'Hara Family, 1825-6. Bannatyne, George, 1545-1608. A Goodly Rhapsody made by several Scots Poets (printed in 1770 as " Ancient Scottish Poems "). Barbauld, Anna Letitia, 1743-1825. Miscellaneous Poems, 1773. Early Lessons for Children, 1774. Evenings at Home (with Dr. Aikin), 1792- 1795. Barbour, John, 1316 (?)-i395. The Bruce. Legends of the Saints. Barclay, Alexander, 1476 (?)-i552. The Castle of Labour, 1 506. The Ship of Fools, 1509. Eclogues, 1548. Barclay, John, 1582-1621. Argenis (Latin), 162 1 ; (English), 1625. Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. Apology for the Quakers (Latin), 1676 ; (English), 1678. Treatise on Universal Love, 1677. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 247 Barham, Richard Harris, 1788-1845. Ingoldsby Legends, 1837- 1847. Barnes, Barnaby, 1569-1609. Praise of Music, 1586. Parthenophil and Parthenope, 1 593. Century of Spiritual Sonnets, 1595. Devil's Charter, 1607. Barnes, William, 1800- 1886. Hwomely Rhymes, 1859. Poems in the Dorset Dialect, 1879. Barnfield, Richard, 1574- 1627. Cynthia, 1595. Affectionate Shepherd, 1594. Encomium of Lady Pecunia, 1 598. Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677. Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy. Sermons. Both published in his theological writings collected after his death, 1683- 1687. Bastwick, John, 1593-1648 (?). Discovery of the Prelates' Tyranny, 1641. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. The Saints' Everlasting Rest, 1650. Call to the Unconverted, 1657. Beattie, James, 173S-1803. Essay on Truth, 1770. The Minstrel, 1771, 1774. Beaumont, Francis, i584(?)-i6i6. There is no certainty as to what plays Beaumont wrote with Fletcher or (if any) by himself No two critics agree. The following results are mainly from Mr. G. C. Macaulay's " Francis Beaumont." The Woman-hater, acted about 1607 (B. alone). Philaster, acted about 1608 (B. alone ; Dyce says B. and F.). The Maid's Tragedy, acted about 1609-10, printed 1619 (B. and F.). The Knight of the Burning Pestle, acted about 1610-11 (B. alone ; Dyce says B. and F.). King and No King, licensed in 161 1 (B. and F.). Cupid's Revenge (B. and F.). 248 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Beaumont, Francis— C^;//. The Scornful Lady (B. and F.). The Coxcomb, acted about 1612-13 (B. and F.). Inner Temple Masque, acted 161 3 (B. alone). Thierry and Theodoret (B. and F.). Wit at Several Weapons B. and F.). The Knight of Malta (B. and F.). Beaumont, Sir John, 1582-1627. Bos worth Field, 1629. Beckford, William, 1760-1844. Vathek, 1 784 (English " unauthorized" translation), 1 786 (French). Letters from Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, 1834. Beddoes, Thomas Lovell, 1803- 1849. The Bride's Tragedy, 1822. Bade, 673 (?)-73S. De Natura Rerum. Vitse Abbatum Wiremuthensium et Girvensium. De Ratione Temporum. De Arte Metrica. Homilies, Commentaries, etc. Historia Ecclesiastica, 731. Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689. Oroonoko, 1668. The Forced Marriage, 1671. The Rover, 1677 ; second part, 1681. The Roundheads, 1682. Poems, 1684. Bellenden, Sir John, (first half of i6th century). Chronicle of Scotland, written 1533. Benoit de St. Maure, (end of 12th century). Roman de Troie. Roman de Normandie. Bentham, Jeremy, 1748-1832, Fragment on Government, 1776. Principles of Morals and Legislation, (privately printed) 1780 ; (published), 1789. Defence of Usury, 1787. Panopticon, 1791. Chrestomathia, 18 16- 18 17. Book of Fallacies, 1824- OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 249 Bentley, Richard, 1662-1742. Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, 1697, 1699. Remarks on a Latin Discourse on Freethinking, 1743. Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloyne, 1685-1753. New Theory of Vision, 1709. Principles of Human Knowledge, 1710. Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, 1713. Proposal for Converting the Savage Americans, 1725. Alciphron, 1732. The Querist, 1735-1737. Siris,''i744. Berners, Lord, see Bourchier. Berners, Juliana, (first half of 15th century). Treatises of Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing with an Angle. Treatise of Arms. Beveridge, William, Bishop of St. Asaph, 1637-1708. Private Thoughts upon Religion, 1709. Bickerstaffe, Isaac, 1735 (?)-i8i2 (?). Love in a Village, 1762. The Maid of the Mill, 1765. • Blackmore, Sir Richard, 1658 (?)-i729. Prince Arthur, 1695. King Arthur, 1697. Creation, 17 12. Blackmore, Richard Doddridge, 1825. Lorna Doone, 1869. The Maid of Sker, 1872. Erema, 1877. Blair, Hugh, 1718-1800. Ossian, 1763. Lectures on Rhetoric, 1783. Blair, Robert, 1699-1746. The Grave, 1743. Blake, William, 1757- 1827. Poetical Sketches, 1783. Songs of Innocence, 1789. * It is very doubtful whether the whole of these four Treatises, forming the Boke of St. Albans, are by Juliana Berners. 250 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Blake, William — Cont. The Book of Thel, 1789. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 1791. Songs of Experience, 1794. Urizen, 1794. Bloomfield, Robert, 1766-1823. The Farmer's Boy, 1800. Rural Tales and Ballads, 1802. Bolingbroke, Lord (see St. John). Boswell, James, 1740-1795. Account of Corsica, 1768. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson, 1785. Life of Dr. Johnson, 1791. Bourchier, John, Lord Berners, 1467- 1533. Translation of Froissart's Chronicle, 1 523-1525. Translation of the Golden Book of Marcus Aurelius, 1534. Translation of the Castle of Love, 1 540. Bowles, William Lisle, 1762- 1850. Sonnets, 1789. Essay on Pope, 1806. Boyle, Charles, Earl of Orrery, 1676-1731. Translation of the Letters of Phalaris, 1695. Examination of Dr. Bentley's Dissertation (chiefly the work of Atterbury), 1698. Boyle, the Hon. Robert, 1627-1691. The Sceptical Chemist, 1662. Occasional Reflections on Several Subjects, 1664. Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery, 1621-1679. Parthenissa, 1654. The Black Prince (acted), 1667. Breton, Nicholas, 1545 (.?)-i626 (.?). Brome, Alexander, 1620-1666. Songs and Poems, 1661. Covent Garden Drollery, 1670. (Mr. A. H. Bullen says this is not Brome's.) OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 251 Brome, Richard, (first half of 17th century). The Northern Lass, printed 1632. Lancashire Witches (with Hey wood), printed 1634. Jovial Crew, printed 1652. Bronte, Anne, 1819-1849. Agnes Grey, 1847. Bronte, Charlotte, 1816-1855. Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell, 1846 (with her sisters). Jane Eyre, 1847. Shirley, 1849. Villette, 1853. The Professor, 1857. Bronte, Emily, 1818-1848. Wuthering Heights, 1847. Brooke, Arthur, (first half of i6th century). Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet, 1562. Brooke, Henry, 1 706-1783. The Fool of Quality, 1766 ; enlarged, 1777. Brooke, Lord (see Greville, Fulke). Brooks, Charles Shirley, 181 6-1 874. Aspen Court, 1855. The Silver Cord, 1861. Broome, William, 1 689-1 745. Translated Books II., VI., VIII., XL, XIL, XVL, XVIIL, XXI I L, in Pope's Odyssey, and wrote the Notes. Brougham, Henry, Lord, 1778- 1868. Education of the People, 1825. Natural Theology, 1835. Brown, Oliver Madox, 1 855-1 874. Gabriel Denver, 1875. Brown, Thomas, 1778-1820. The Relation of Cause and Effect, 1804. Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1820. 252 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLLNES Browne, Sir Thomas, 1 605-1 682. Religio Medici, 1642. Pseudodoxia Epidemica ; or, Enquiries into Vulgar Errors, 1646. Hydriotaphia : Urn Burial, 1658. The Garden of Cyrus, 1658. Christian Morals, 17 16. Browne, William, 1 590-1645. Britannia's Pastorals, 1613-1616. The Shepherd's Pipe, 16 14. The Inner Temple Masque, (acted), 1620 (?). Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1 809-1 861. Essay on Mind and other Poems, 1826, The Seraphim and other Poems, 1838. Poems, 1844. Sonnets from the Portuguese, 1850. Casa Guidi Windows, 1851. Aurora Leigh, 1856. Poems before Congress, i860. Last Poems, 1862. Browning, Robert, 181 2-1889. Pauline, 1833. Paracelsus, 1835. Strafford (acted), 1837. Sordello, 1840. Pippa Passes, 1841. King Victor and King Charles, 1842. Dramatic Lyrics, 1842. Return of the Druses, 1843. A Blot in the 'Scutcheon, 1843. Colombe's Birthday, 1844. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845. Luria, 1846. A Soul's Tragedy, 1846. Christmas Eve and Easter Day, 1850. Men and Women, 1855. Dramatis Personae, 1864. The Ring and the Book, 1868. Balaustion's Adventure, 1871. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, 1871. Fifineat the Fair, 1872. Red Cotton Nightcap Country, 1873. Aristophanes' Apology, 1875. The Inn Album, 1875. " OF ENGLISH LITERA TURE. 253 Browning, Robert — Cont. Pacchiarotto, 1876. The Agamemnon of ^schylus, 1877. La Saisiaz, 1878. The Two Poets of Croisic, 1878. Dramatic Idyls, 1879- 1880. Jocoseria, 1883. Ferishtah's Fancies, 1884. Parleyings with Certain People of Importance, 1887. Asolando, 1889. Brunne, Robert of, see Manning. Brunton, Mary, 1778-18 18. Self- Control, 18 10. Discipline, 1814. Buchanan, George, 1506- 1582. Franciscanus, 1538. Detectio Mariae Scotorum Reginae, 1572. De jure Regni apud Scotos, 1579. Rerum Scoticarum Historias, 1582. Buckingham, Duke of, see Villiers. Buckinghamshire, Duke of, see Sheffield. Buckle, Henry Thomas, 1821-1862. History of Civilization in Europe, 1857-1861. Bull, George, Bishop of St Davids, 1634-1710. Harmonia Apostolica, 1670. Defensio Fidei Nicenae, 1685. Bunyan, John, 1 628-1688. Sighs from Hell, 1658. Some Gospel Truths Opened, 1656. Grace Abounding, 1666. Water Baptism, 1673. The Pilgrim's Progress, 1678- 1684. Life and Death of Mr. Badman, 1680. The Holy War, 1682. Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797. Vindication of Natural Society, 1756. Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, 1756. The Annual Register (first vol. in 1759). 254 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Burke, Edmund— C^;z/. The Present State of the Nation, 1769. Thoughts on the Present Discontents, 1770. Speech on American Taxation, 1774. Speech on Conciliation with America, 1775. Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol, 1777. Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790. Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, 1792. Thoughts on Scarcity, 1795. Letter to a Noble Lord, 1795. Letters on a Regicide Peace, 1796- 1797. Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 1643-1715. History of the Reformation, 1679-1714. Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, 1699. History of His Own Time, 1724- 1734. Burnett, James, Lord Monboddo, 1714-1799. Essays on the Origin and Progress of Language, 177 1- 1773, 1792. Burney, Charles, 1726- 181 4. History of Music, 1776- 1789. Burns, Robert, 1759- 1796. Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 1786. Poems, 2 vols., 1793. Songs in the Scots Musical Museum, 1787- 1803, Songs in the Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs, 1801- 1802. Burton, Robert, 1577- 1640. The Anatomy of Melancholy, 162 1. Burton, Sir Richard, 1821-1890. The Thousand Nights and a Night, 1885-1888. Bury, Richard of, see Aungerville. Butler, Alban, 1711-1773. Lives of the Saints, 17 56- 17 59. Butler, Joseph, Bishop of Durham, 1 692-1 752. Sermons, 1726. Analogy of Religion, 1736. Butler, Samuel, 161 2-1 680. Hudibras, 1663, 1664, 1678. Posthumous Works, 171 5. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 255 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 1788-1824. Hours of Idleness, 1807. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 1809. Childe Harold, Cantos L, II., 1812 ; Canto III., 1816 ; Canto IV., t8i8. The Waltz, 1813. The Giaour, 181 3. The Bride of Abydos, 181 3. The Corsair, 18 14. Lara, 18 14. Hebrew Melodies, 181 5. The Siege of Corinth, 18 16. Parisina, 18 16. The Prisoner of Chillon, 18 16. Poems, 1 8 16. Manfred, 18 17. The Lament of Tasso, 18 17. Beppo, 1818. Mazeppa, 1819. Don Juan, Cantos I., II., 1819; Cantos III.- V., 182 1 ; Cantos VI.-XIV., 1823 ; Cantos XV.-XVI, 1824. Marino Faliero, 1821. The Two Foscari, 182! Sardanapalus, 1821. Cain, 1821. Werner, 1822. The Vision of Judgment, 1822. Heaven and Earth, 1822. The Island, 1823. The Deformed Transformed, 1824. Calverley, Charles Stuart, 1831-1884. Verses and Translations^ 1862. Fly Leaves, 1872. Camden, William, 1 551 -1623. Britannia, 1586, 6th edition in 1607. Remains concerning Britain, 1605. Reges et alii in Ecclesia B. Petri Westmonesterii sepulti, 1606. Annales Rerum Anglicarum regnante Ehsabetha, 161 5-1625. Campbell, George, 1719-1796. Dissertation on Miracles, 1762, Campbell, Thomas, 1 777-1 844. Pleasures of Hope, 1799. Poems, 1803. 2S6 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Campbell, Thomas — Cont. Gertrude of Wyoming, 1809. Specimens of the British Poets, 1819-1848. Theodric, 1824. Letters from the South, 1837. Campion, Thomas, 1 540-1 61 9. Observations on the Art of English Poesy, 1602. Capgrave, John, 1393-1464. Liber de illustribus Henricis. Chronicle of England, to 1417. Vita Humfredi Ducis Glocestriae. Carew, Thomas, 1598- 1639 (?), Coelum Britan Poems, 1640. Carleton, William, 1 794-1 869. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 1830-1832. Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Translation of Wilhelm Meister, 1824. Life of Schiller, 1825. German Romance, 1827. Sartor Resartus, 1833-1834. The French Revolution, 1837. Miscellaneous Essays, 1839. Chartism, 1839. Heroes and Hero Worship, 1841. Past and Present, 1843. Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with Elucidations, 1845. Latter-Day Pamphlets, 1850. Life of John Sterling, 1851. The Nigger Question, 1853. History of Friedrich IL, 1858-1865. Shooting Niagara : and After? 1867. The Early Kings of Norway, 1875. Reminiscences, 1881. Carte, Thomas, 1686-1754. Life of Ormonde, 1736. History of England, 1747-1755. Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. Admonition to Parliament, 1572. OF ENGLISH L IT ERA TURE. 257 Cartwright, William, 1611-1643. The Royal Slave, 1636 (acted). The Ordinary, 165 1 (printed). Poems, 1 65 1. Cary, Henry Francis, 1 772-1 844. Translation of the Divina Commedia, 1805 ; 181 4. Centlivre, Susanna, i667(?)-i723. The Busybody, 1709. A Woman keeps a Secret, 1714. A Bold Stroke for a Wife, 17 18. Chambers, Robert, 1802-1871. Vestiges of Creation, 1 844. The Book of Days, 1862- 1864. Chapman, George, 1559 (?)-i 634. Skianuktos : the Shadow of Night, 1594. The Blind Beggar of Alexandria, (acted) 1 596, (printed) 1 598. Seven Books of the Iliads of Homer, 1598. An Humorous Day's Mirth, 1599. All Fools, (acted) 1599, (printed) 1605. Eastward Ho (with Jonson and Marston), 1605. The Gentleman Usher, 1606 Monsieur d'Olive, 1606. Bussy d'Ambois, 1607. The Conspiracy and the Tragedy of Byron, 1608. Translation of the Iliad, Books, I. -XII., 1610; Books XIII.- XXIV., 161 1. The May Day, 161 1. The Widow's Tears, 16 12. An Epicede on the death of Henry, Prince of Wales, 1612. The Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois, 1613. Translation of the Odyssey, Books I. -XII., 1614; Books XIII.- XXIV., 161 5. The Divine Poem of Musaeus, 1616. Translation of Hesiod's Georgics, 161 8. Translation of the Batrachomyomachia, about 1624. Chatterton, Thomas, 1 752-1 770. Among the Poems attributed to Rowley, produced from 1764 to 1770 (published in a collected form 1777) are — The Bristowe Tragedy. The Tournament. iEUa. 258 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Chatterton, Thomas — Coni. Goddwyn. The Balade of Charitie. Among the other Poems are — CUfton. Resignation. Kensington Gardens. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 1340 (or I328)-I400. *Romaunt of the Rose. *Chaucer's Dream. *The Flower and the Leaf. A. B. C. (Prayer to our Lady). The Death of Blanche the Duchess, 1369. Complaint of Mars, about 1379. The House of Fame, about 1384. Annelida and Arcita. Complaint of the Death of Pity. The Assembly of Fowls (Parliament of Birds). Troilus and Cressida, about 1382. Legend of Good Women, about 1384. Treatise on the Astrolabe, 1391. The Canterbury Tales, between 1373 and 1393 ; e.g. Tale of Griselda (Clerk's Talej and Legend of St. Cecile (Second Nun's Tale) were probably written about 1373 ; the Knight's Tale about 1388 ; and the Parson's Tale and Monk's Tale, about 1393. Balade sent to King Richard, 1397. Complaint of Chaucer to his Purse, 1399. N.B. — The poems marked with an asterisk have been attributed to Chaucer on insufficient evidence. Nearly all the dates are highly conjectural. Chesterfield, Earl of, see Stanhope. Chettle, Henry (second half of i6th century). Kind-Heart's Dream, about 1593. England's Mourning Garment, 1603. Patient Grissel (with Dekker). The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green (with Day), acted 1600. Jane Shore (with Day). Hoffman, printed 1631. Child, Sir Josiah, 1630-1699. Brief Observations concerning Trade and Interest, 1668. A New Discourse of Trade (really the 3rd edition of the above), 1690. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 259 Chillingworth, William, 1602- 1644. The Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation, 1637. Unlawfulness of Resisting the Lawful Prince, 1642. Churchill, Charles, 1731-1764. The Rosciad, 1761. Night, 1 76 1. The Ghost, 1762. The Prophecy of Famine, 1763. The Author, 1763. The Candidate, 1764. Independence, 1764. Churchyard, Thomas, 1520 (?)-i6o4. Churchyard's Chips, 1575. Churchyard's Choice, 1579. Welcome Home to Frobisher, 1579. Translation of Ovid's Tristia (Books I. -III.), 1580. Worthiness of Wales, 1587. Cibber, Colley, 1671-1757. Love's Last Shift, 1696. Woman's Wit, 1697. The Careless Husband, 1704. The Nonjuror, 17 17. Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, 1740. Clarendon, see Hyde. Clarke, Samuel, 1675- 1729. The Being and Attributes of God, 1704-1705. The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity, 17 12. Cleveland, John, 161 3- 1658. Monumentum Regale, 1649. Poems, 165 1- 1659. Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1819-1861. The Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich, 1848. Ambarvalia, 1849. Dipsychus, 1862. Cobbett, William, 1762- 1835. The Works of Peter Porcupine, 1801. The Weekly Political Register, 1802- 183 5. An Enijlish Grammar, 18 18. 26o CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES CoBBETT, William— C^;//. Cottage Economy, 1821. A History of the Reformation in England, 1824-1827. Rural Rides in England, 1830. Advice to Young Men, 1831. A Legacy to Parsons, 1835. Coleridge, Hartley, 1796- 1849. Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire, 1836. Poems, 185 1. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1 772-1 834. The Fall of Robespierre (with Southey), 1794. The Watchman, 1796. Poems on Various Subjects, 1796. Ode on the Departing Year, 1796. The Ancient Mariner, 1798. Fears in Solitude, 1798. Translation of Schiller's Wallenstein, 1800. The Friend, 1809- 18 10. Remorse, 18 13. Christabel, 18 16. The Statesman's Manual : A Lay Sermon, 18 16. A Lay Sermon on Existing Discontents, 181 7. Biographia Literaria, 181 7. Sibylline Leaves, 18 17. Zapolya, 18 17. Aids to Reflection, 1825. Poetical and Dramatic Works, 1828. Table Talk (edited by Nelson Coleridge), 1835. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, 1840. Collier, Jeremy, 1 650-1726. Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the Stage, 1698, Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, 1708- 17 14. Collier, John Payne, 1789-1883. History of English Dramatic Poetry, 1831. Notes and Emendations to the Plays of Shakespere, 1852. Collins, Anthony, 1676- 1729. Discourse on Free Thinking, 17 13. Inquiry concerning Liberty and Necessity, 17 15. Grounds of the Christian Religion, 1724. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 26 1 Collins, William, 1721-1759. Persian Eclogues, 1742. Odes on Several Subjects, 1746. Ode on the Death of Thomson, 1748. Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the Highlands, 1788. Collins, William Wilkie, 1824- 1889. The Woman in White, i860. Armadale, 1866. The Moonstone, 1868. Colman, George, 1 732-1 794. Polly Honeycomb, 1760. The Clandestine Marriage (with Garrick), 1766. Colman, George (" The Younger,") 1 762-1 836. The Iron Chest, 1796. The Heir-at-Law, 1797. The Poor Gentleman, 1802. Combe, George, 1788-1858. The Constitution of Man, 1828. Lectures on Popular Education, 1833. Combe, William, 1741-1823. Tours of Doctor Syntax, 1 8 10- 1 821. Congreve, William, 1670- 1729. The Old Bachelor (acted), 1693. The Double Dealer, 1693. Love for Love, 1695. The Mourning Bride, 1697. The Way of the World, 1700. Poems, 1 710. Conington, John, 1 825-1 869. Translation of Virgil's Aeneid, 1866. Translation of Horace's Satires and Epistles, 1869. Constable, Henry, 1562-1613. Spiritual Sonnets, 1590. Diana, 1592. Cook, Eliza, 1818-1889. Poems, 1840. 262 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury, 1 671 -171 3. Enquiry concerning Virtue, 1699. Letter concerning Enthusiasm, 1708. The Moralists, 1709. Characteristics of Men, Manners, etc., 171 1. Cooper, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, I5i7(?)-i594. Thesaurus Linguae Romanae, 1565. Admonition to the People of England, 1589. Cooper, Thomas, 1805-1892. The Purgatory of Suicides, 1845. Corbet, Richard, Bishop of Norwich, 1582-1635. Journey to France, 1613. Iter Boreale. Certain Elegant Poems, 1647. Coryat, Thomas, 1577- 161 7. Coryat's Crudities, 161 1. Coryat's Crambe, 161 1. Letters, 16 18. Cotton, Charles, 1630- 1687. Scarronides, the First Book of Virgil Travesty, 1664. The Complete Angler, Part IL, 1676. The Wonders of the Peak, 1681. Translation of Montaigne's Essays, 1685, Coverdale, Miles, Bishop of Exeter, 1488-1568. Translation of the Bible, 1535. Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667. Poetical Blossoms, 1633. Love's Riddle, 1638. The Mistress, 1647. Poems, 1656. ^ The Davideis, 1656. \ Pindaric Odes, 1656. J Ode upon the Blessed Restoration, 1660. Cutter of Coleman Street, 1661 (acted), 1663 (printed). Discourse concerning Oliver Cromwell, 1661. Proposition for the Advancement of Experimental Philosophy, 1661. Essays in Verse and Prose, 1668. Plantarum Libri VI., 1678. OI' ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 263 Cowley, Hannah, 1743-1809. The Belle's Stratagem, 1782 (printed). Cowper, William, 1731-1800. Olney Hymns (with Newton), 1779. Table Talk, 1782. ^ Truth, 1782. I , , Expostulation, 1782. j ^^ ^^^ ^°^"^"^- The Progress of Error, 1782. J The Task, 1785. ) , 1 Tirociniu^, 1785. [ ^^ °"^ ^^^""^^' Translation of Homer, 1791. Coxe, William, 1747-1828. History of the House of Austria, 1807. Crabbe, George, 1754-1832. Inebriety, 1775. The Candidate, 1780. The Library, 1781. The Village, 1783. The Newspaper, 1785. The Parish Register, 1807. The Borough, 18 10. Tales in Verse, 18 12. Tales of the Hall, 18 19. Craik, Dinah Maria, 1 826-1 887. The Ogilvies, 1849. John Halifax, Gentleman, 1856. Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1489-1556. Preface to Bible, 1540. Preface to the Prayer Book, 1 548. Defence of the True Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament, 1550. Crashaw, Richard, 161 3 (?)-i65o (?). Epigrammata Sacra, 1634. Steps to the Temple, with other Delights of the Muses, 1646. Creech, Thomas, 1 659-1 700. Translation of Lucretius De Rerum Natura, 1682. Croker, John Wilson, 1780-1857. Sketch of Ireland, Past and Present, 1807. Edition of Bos well's Johnson, 1831. 264 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Croker, Thomas Crofton, 1798-1854. Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland, 1825-1826. Popular Songs of Ireland, 1839. Croly, John, 1780-1860. Salathiel, 1827. Crowne, John (second half of 17th century). Juliana, 1671. The City Politiques, 1675 (.? 1683). The Destruction of Jerusalem, 1677. Sir Courtly Nice, 1685. Cudworth, Ralph, 161 7-1 688. The True Intellectual System of the Universe, 1678. Treatise concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality, 1731. Cumberland, Richard, Bishop of Peterborough, 1 632-1 71 8. De Legibus Naturae Disquisitio, 1672. Cumberland, Richard, 1732-1811. The West Indian, 1771. The Wheel of Fortune, 1779. Arundel, 1789. Henry, 1795. Cunningham, Allan, 1 784-1 842. Traditional Tales of the English and Scotch Peasantry, 1822. Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 1829- 1833. Cynewulf (8th century). Riddles. Vision of the Cross (?) Christ. The Descent into Hell. Andreas. Elene. Guthlac. Juliana. The Phoenix. Daniel, Samuel, 1 562-1 61 9. Deha, 1592. Rosamund, 1592. The Civil Wars between Lancaster and York, 1595, 1599, 1609. Musophilus, 1599. Collection of the History of England, 1613-1618. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 265 D'Arblay, Frances {nee Burney), 1752- 1840. Evelina, 1778. Cecilia, 1782. Camilla, 1796. Diary and Letters, 1842, 1846. The Wanderer, 18 14. Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809-1882, Journal of Researches (Naturalist's Voyage Round the World), 1839, 1845. Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, 1842. On the Origin of Species, 1859. The Fertilisation of Orchids, 1862. Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants, 1865. The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 1867. The Descent of Man, 1871. The Expression of the Emotions, 1872. Insectivorous Plants, 1875. The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation, 1876. The Different Forms of Flowers in Plants of the same Species, 1877. The Power of Movement in Plants, 1880. The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, 1 88 1. Autobiography, 1887. Darwin, Erasmus, 1 731 -1802. The Loves of the Plants, 1789. The Botanic Garden, 1791. Zoonomia, 1794- 1796. Phytologia, 1799. The Temple of Nature, 1803. Davenant, Sir William, 1 606-1 668. Albovine, King of the Lombards, 1629. The Cruel Brother, 1630. Madagascar and other Poems, 1638. The Unfortunate Lovers, 1638 (acted). Gondibert, 165 1. The Siege of Rhodes, 1656, 1661. Davies, Sir John, 1569-1626. Epigrams, 1596. Orchestra, or a Poem of Dancing, 1596. Nosce Teipsum, 1599. Hymns of Astrsea, 1599. The Causes why Ireland has never been subdued, 1612, 266 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Davis, John, about 1550-1605. The World's Hydrographical Description, 1595. Davis, John, 15 (?)-i6o2. Brief Direction for Sailing into the East India, 16 18. Defoe, Daniel, 1661 (?)-i73i. Tract upon the Dispensing Power, 1687. Essay on Projects, 1697. The True-born Englishman, 1701. The Shortest Way with the Dissenters, 1702. Hymn to the Pillory, 1703. Giving Alms no Charity, 1704. The Review, 1704-1713, The Apparition of Mrs. Veal, 1706. History of the Union, 1709. Reasons against the Succession of the House of Hanover, 1713. Appeal to Honour and Justice, 17 15. The Family Instructor, 171 5. Robinson Crusoe, 17 19, 1720. Captain Singleton, 1720. Duncan Campbell, 1720, Memoirs of a Cavalier, 1720. Moll Flanders, 1722. Colonel Jack, 1722. Journal of the Plague Year, 1722. Roxana, 1724. Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain, 1724-1726. Complete English Tradesman, 1725 -1727. Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business, 1725. History of the Devil, 1726. (.'') Captain Carleton, 1728. Dekker, Thomas, about 1 570-1 637, or later. Canaan's Calamity, 1598. Old Fortunatus, 1600. The Shoemaker's Holiday, 1600. Satiromastix, 1602. The Wonderful Year, 1603. The Bachelor's Banquet, 1603. The Honest Whore (with Middleton), 1604, 1630. The Seven Deadly Sins of London, 1606. Westward Ho ! (with Webster), 1607. The Bellman of London, 1608. The Gull's Hornbook, 1609. The Roaring Girl (with Middleton), 161 1, OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 267 De Lolme, John Louis, 1740-1806. The Constitution of England (French), 1771 ; (English), 1775. Denham, Sir John, 161 5-1 669. The Sophy (acted), 1641. Cooper's Hill, 1642. Dennis, John, 1657-1734. Remarks on Prince Arthur, 1696. The Advancement and Reformation of Poetry, 1701. The Grounds of Criticism in Poetry, 1704. Appius and Virginia, 1709. Reflections on an Essay upon Criticism, 171 1. Remarks on Cato, 1713. (?) The Character of Mr. Pope, 17 17. De Quincey, Thomas, 1785-1859. The Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 1821 (London Magazine). German Prose Classics, 1826-7 (Blackwood's Magazine). Murder as one of the Fine Arts, 1827 (Blackwood's Magazine). The Toilette of a Hebrew Lady, 1828 (Blackwood's Magazine). Dr. Parr and his Contemporaries, 1831 (Blackwood's Magazine). Sketches of Life and Manners, 1834-1841 (Tait's Magazine). Klosterheim, 1839. The Logic of Political Economy, 1844. Works (edited by himself), 185 3-1 861. Dibdin, Charles, 1745-1814. Sea Songs. Dickens, Charles, 18 12-1870. Sketches by Boz, 1834- 1836. Sunday under Three Heads, 1836. The Village Coquettes, 1836. The Strange Gentleman, 1836. The Pickwick Papers, 1836-1837. Oliver Twist, 1837-1838. Nicholas Nickleby, 1838- 1839. Master Humphrey's Clock, including : — The Old Curiosity Shop, 1840-1841. Barnaby Rudge, 1841. American Notes, 1842. Martin Chuzzlewit, 1843- 1844. A Christmas Carol, 1843. The Chimes, 1844. The Cricket on the Hearth, 1845. 268 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Dickens, Charles— C^;z/. Pictures from Italy, 1846. The Battle of Life, 1846. Dombey and Son, 1846-1848. The Haunted Man, 1847. David Copperfield, 1849- 1850. Household Words (edited by Dickens), 1850- 18 59. The Child's History of England, 1851-1854. Bleak House, 1852-1853. Hard Times, 1854. Little Dorrit, 18 55- 1857. All the Year Round (edited by Dickens), 1859- 1870. A Tale of Two Cities, 1859. Great Expectations, 1860-1861. The Uncommercial Traveller, i860. Our Mutual Friend, 1864- 1865. The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 1870. Digby, Sir Kenelm, 1603-1665. The Nature of Bodies and of Man's Soul, 1645. Digby, Kenelm Henry, 1 800-1 880. The Broad Stone of Honour, 1822. Dillon, Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon, 1 634-1 685. Essay on Translated Verse, 1684. Translation of Horace's Ars Poetica, 1680. Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield, 1804-1881. Vivian Grey, 1826-1827. Captain Popanilla, 1828. The Young Duke, 1829. Contarini Fleming, 1832. Taleof Alroy, 1833. The Revolutionary Epic, 1834. Vindication of the English Constitution, 1835. Letters of Runnymede, 1836. Henrietta Temple, 1836. Venetia, 1837. Count Alarcos, 1839. Coningsby, 1844. Sybil, 1845. Tancred, 1847. Lord George Bentinck, 1851. Lothair, 1870. Endymion, 1880. OF ENGLISH LITER A TUKE. 269 Disraeli, Isaac, 1766- 1848. Curiosities of Literature, 1791, 1793^ 1823. Calamities of Authors, 1812. Quarrels of Authors, 18 14. Amenities of Literature, 1841. Dixon, William Hepworth, 1 821 -1879. New America, 1867. Her Majesty's Tower, 1871. Dobell, Sydney, 1 824-1 874. The Roman, 1850. Balder, 1854. Sonnets on the War (with Alex. Smith), 1855. England in Time of War, 1856. Dobson, Henry Austin, 1840. Vignettes in Rhyme, 1873. Proverbs in Porcelain, 1877. Hogarth, 1879. Old World Idylls, 1882. Fielding, 1883. At the Sign of the Lyre, 1885. Steele, 1886. Doddridge, Philip, 1702-1751. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, 1750. Donne, John, 1 573-1 631. Pseudo-Martyr, 1610. Conclave Ignatii, 161 1. Anatomy of the World, 161 1. Elegy on the Death of Prince Henry, 161 3. LXXX. Sermons, 1640. Biathanatos, 1644. Doran, John, 1807- 1878. History of Court Fools, 1858. Dorset, Earl of, see Sackville. Douglas, Gavin, Bishop of Dunkeld, 1474 (?)-i522. Palace of Honour, written about 1501. King Hart. Translation of Virgil's Aeneid, written about 1513. 270 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631. The Harmony of the Church, 1591. The Shepherd's Garland, 1593. Idea's Mirror, 1594. Mortimeriados (The Barons' Wars), 1596, 1598. England's Heroical Epistles, 1598. Polyolbion, 1613, 1622. Nymphidia or the Court of Faery, 1627. Drummond, William, 1 585-1 649. Tears on the Death of MeHades, 161 3. Poems, 1 61 6. Forth Feasting, 16 17. Conversations with Ben Jonson (written), 16 19. Flowers of Sion, 1623. Dryden, John, 1 631 -1700. Heroic Stanzas on the Death of Cromwell, 1659. Astraea Redux, 1660. Coronation Panegyric, 1661. The Wild Gallant, 1663. The Rival Ladies, 1663. The Indian Queen (with Sir Robt. Howard), 1664. The Indian Emperor, 1665. Annus Mirabilis, 1667. Secret Love or the Maiden Queen, 1667. Sir Martin Marall, 1667. Essay of Dramatic Poesy, 1667. The Mock Astrologer, 1668. Tyrannic Love or the Royal Martyr, 1669. The Conquest of Granada, 1670 ; pub. in 1672 with Preface of Heroic Plays. Marriage k la Mode, 1672. The Assignation, 1672. Amboyna, 1673. The State of Innocence, 1674. Aurengzebe, 1675. All for Love, 1678. Limberham, 1678. The Spanish Friar, 168 1. Absalom and Achitophel, 1681 ; Pt. II. (chiefly by Tate), 1682. The Medal, 1682. Mac Flecknoe, 1682. Religio Laici, 1682. The Duke of Guise (with Lee), 1683. Albion and Albanius, 1685. OF ENGLISH LITER A 7URE. 271 Dryden, John— C^;^^. Threnodia Augustalis, 1685. The Hind and the Panther, 1687. Britannia Rediviva, 1688. Don Sebastian, 1690. Amphitryon, 1690. King Arthur, 1691. Eleonora, 1692. Translation of Juvenal [Satires i, 3, 6, 10, 16,] and Persius, 1693. Love Triumphant, 1694, Translation of Virgil, 1697. Alexander's Feast, 1697. Fables, Ancient and Modern, 1700. Dugdale, Sir William, 1605-1686. Monasticon Anglicanum, 1655-1673. Antiquities of Warwickshire, 1656. The Ancient Use of Bearing Arms, 1682. Dunbar, William, 1460 (?)-i530 (?). The Thistle and the Rose, 1503. The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy, between 1 504-1 508. The Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins, 1 507. Lament for the Makers, 1507. The Golden Terge, 1508. D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653-1723. The Fond Husband, 1676. The Progress of Honesty, 1681. Butler's Ghost, 1682. New Collection of Songs and Poems, 1683. Collins' Walk through London and Westminster, 1690. Pills to Purge Melancholy, 17 19- 1720. Dyer, John, 1700 (?)-i758. Grongar Hill, 1726. The Ruins of Rome, 1740. The Fleece, 1757. Eadmer, died about 1124. Histo^ia Novorum, about 11 22. Vita Anselmi. Earle, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 1601 (?) 1665. Microcosmography, 1628. 272 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Edgeworth, Maria, 1 767-1 849. Castle Rackrent, 1800. Popular Tales, 1804. Leonora, 1806. Tales of Fashionable Life, 1809, 18 12. Ormond, 1817. Helen, 1834. Edwards, Richard, 1523 (?)-i566. Damon and Pythias (acted), 1 565, Palamon and Arcite, 1 566, Edited the Paradise of Dainty Devices, 1576. Edwards, Thomas, 1 599-1 647. Gangraena, 1646. Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans), 1819-1880. Translation of Strauss's Life of Jesus, 1846. Translation of Feuerbach's Essence of Christianity, 1853. Scenes of Clerical Life, 1858. Adam Bede, 1859. The Mill on the Floss, i860. Silas Marner, 1861. Romola, 1863. Felix Holt, 1866. The Spanish Gypsy, j 868. Middlemarch, 1 871 -1872. The Legend of Jubal, 1870, 1874. Daniel Deronda, 1876. Impressions of Theophrastus Such, 1879. Essays, 1883. Elliott, Ebenezer, 1781-1849. Corn Law Rhymes, 1 831- 1846. Elyot, Sir Thomas, about 1490-1546. The Governor, 1531. The Castle of Health, 1533. Dictionarium, 1538. Defence of Good Women, 1545. Etherege, Sir George, 1634 1 691 (?). The (-omical Revenge, or Love in a Tub, 1664. She Would if She Could, 1668. The Man of Mode, 1676. OF ENGLISH LITERA TURK. 273 Evel3rn, John, 1 620-1 706. Sylva, 1664. Pumitugium, 1661. Kalendarium Hortense, 1664, Navigation and Commerce, 1674. Terra, 1675. Numismata, 1697. Acetaria, a Discourse of Sallets, 1699. Diary [164 1- 1706] printed, 18 18. Fabian, Robert, about 1450-1513. Concordance of Histories, 1516. Fairfax, Edward, (?)-i635. Translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, 1600. Falconer, William, 1 732-1 769. The Shipwreck, 1762. The Demagogue, 1765. The Marine Dictionary, 1769. Fanshawe, Sir Richard, 1 608-1 666. Translation of Guarini's Pastor Fido, 1647. Translation of Camoens' Lusiad, 1655. Fantosme, Jordan, end of 12th century. Chronicle of War between England and Scots in 1173-1174. Farquhar, George, 1 678-1 707. Love and a Bottle, 1698. The Constant Couple, 1700. Sir Harry Wildair, 1701. Love and Business, 1702. The Inconstant, 1703. The Recruiting Officer, 1706. The Beaux' Stratagem, 1707. Fawkes, Francis, 1 720-1 777. Original Poems, 1761. Feltham, Owen, 1602- 1668 (?). Resolves, 1628, or earlier. Fenton, Elijah, 1 683-1 730. Translation of Books I., IV., XIX., XX., in Pope's Odyssey. 1723. s 274 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Ferguson, Adam, 1724-1816. History of the Roman Republic, 1783. Fergusson, Robert, 1750-1774. Poems, 1773. Ferrier, Susan Edmonston, 1 782-1 854. Marriage, 1818. The Inheritance, 1824. Destiny, 1831. Field, Nathaniel, 1587-1633. Woman is a Weathercock, 1612. Amends for Ladies, 161 8. The Fatal Dowry (with Massinger), 1632. Fielding, Henry, 1707- 1754. Love in Several Masques, 1728. The Temple Beau, 1730. The Author's Farce, 1730. The Coffee-House Politician, 1730. Tom Thumb (Tragedy of Tragedies), 1730, 1731. The Letter Writers, 1731. The Modern Husband, 1732. The Covent Garden Tragedy, 1732. The Mock Doctor, 1732. The Miser, 1733. The Intriguing Chambermaid, 1734. Don Quixote in England, 1734. Pasquin, 1736. The Historical Register, 1737. The Champion, Nov. 1739- June, 1740. The Adventures of Joseph Andrews, 1742. The Wedding Day, 1743. Miscellanies, 1743. Jonathan Wild the Great, 1743. On the Knowledge of Characters of Men, 1743. Journey from this World to the Next, 1743 The True Patriot, 1745. The Jacobite's Journal, 1747. The History of Tom Jones, 1749. Inquiry into the late Increase of Robbers, 1751. Amelia, 1751. The Covent Garden Journal, Jan. to Nov., 1752. Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, 1755. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 275 Fielding, Sarah, 17 10 -1768. David Simple, 1744. History of Ophelia, 1760. Filmer, Sir Robert, (?)-i6S3. Anarchy of a Limited and Mixed Monarchy, 1648. Original of Government, 1652. Patriarcha, or the National Power of Kings asserted, 1680. Written about 1645. Finlay, George, 1799- 1875. Greece under the Romans, 1844. History of Greece from its Conquest by the Crusaders, 1851. History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires, 1853-1854. Fitzgerald, Edward, 1 809-1883. Translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 1859. Flecknoe, Richard, (?)-i678. Hierothalamium, or the Heavenly Nuptials, 1626. Ten Years' Travels, 1654. Love's Kingdom, 1664. Erminia, 1665. , Fletcher, Giles, (?)-i6ii. Of the Russian Commonwealth, 1591. Licia, 1593 (?). Fletcher, Giles, about 1588-1623. Christ's Victory and Triumph, 16 10. Fletcher, John, 1579- 1625. For Plays written with Francis Beaumont, see page 247. The Faithful Shepherdess (acted), 1610. The Coxcomb (? with Beaumont) (acted), 161 2. The Captain (acted), 1613. Henry VII I. (probably by Shakspere and Fletcher) (acted), 1613. The Two Noble Kinsmen (?) (acted), ? 161 3. Wit without Money. Bonduca (acted), before 1619. Valentinian (acted), before 16 19. Knight of Malta (.? with Beaumont or Middleton). Queen of Corinth. The Mad Lover. The Loyal Subject. The Humorous Lieutenant. 276 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Fletcher, John— C^«/. The Woman's Prize. The Chances. Monsieur Thomas. Women Pleased. The Island Princess, 1621. The Pilgrim, 1621. The Wild Goose Chase, 1621. The Custom of the Country. The False One. The Little French Lawyer (?with Massinger), about 161 8. The Laws of Candy (.? with Massinger). The Beggar's Bush (.? with Massinger), 1622. The Prophetess (.? with Massinger), 1622. The Sea Voyage (? with Massinger), 1622. The Spanish Curate (? with Massinger), 1622. The Maid in the Mill (.? with Rowley), 1623. A Wife for a Month, 1624. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, 1624. The Bloody Brother, 1624. The Elder Brother (.? with Massinger), 1625. The Fair Maid of the Inn (? with Massinger and Rowley), 1626. Th'e Night Walker (? with Shirley), 1625. Love's Pilgrimage (.^ with Shirley), 1625. Fletcher, Phineas, 1582- 1650. The Locusts, 1627. Sicelides, 1631. The Purple Island, 1633. Silva Poetica, 1633. Florence of Worcester, d. iii8 or after. Chronicon ab initio mundi, 11 18. (This was continued from 11 18 to 1141 by John of Worcester.) Florio, John, 1550-1625. Florio his First Fruits, 1 578. Florio his Second Fruits, 1591. New World of Words, 1595. Translation of Montaigne's Essays, 1603= Foote, Samuel, 1720-1777. The Englishman in Paris, 1753. The Author, 1757. The Minor, 1760. The Mayor of Garratt, 1764 (acted 1763). OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. -i.'j^ FooTE, Samuel — Cont. The Devil upon Two Sticks, 1768. The Nabob, 1772. A Trip to Calais, 1778 (acted 1776). Ford, John, 1586- 1640 or later. Fame's 'Memorial, 1606. Honour Triumphant, 1606. An 111 Beginning has a Good End (acted), 161 3. Sir Thomas Overbury's Ghost (entered in Stationer's Register), 1615. The Line of Life, 1620. The Sun's Darhng (with Dekker) (acted), 1624. The Lover's Melancholy (acted), 1628. 'Tis Pity she's a Whore (printed), 1633. The Broken Heart (printed), 1633. Love's Sacrifice (printed), 1633. Perkin Warbeck (printed), 1634. Fancies Chaste and Noble (printed), 1638. The Lady's Trial (acted), 1638. Forster, John, 18 12-1876. Life of Goldsmith, 1848. Life of Sir John EHot, 1864. Life of Landor, 1868. Life of Dickens, 1 872- 1 874. Fortescue, Sir John, 1 5th century. De Laudibus Legum Anglise, about 1463. Difference between Absolute and Limited Monarchy. Fosbrooke, Thomas Dudley, 1 770-1 842. British Monachism, 1802. Foster, John, 1 770-1843. Essays, 1805. Essay on Popular Ignorance, 18 19. Foxe, John, 151 7-1 587. Acts and Monuments of these latter Days, 1563 (English), 1554 and 1559 (Latin). Saxon Gospels, 1571. Francis, Sir Philip, 1740-1818 Perhaps wrote the Letters of Junius, 1769- 1772. 278 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Freeman, Edward Augustus, 1823-1892. Church Restoration, 1846, The History and Conquests of the Saracens, 1856. The History and Antiquities of St. David's (with Rev. Basil Jones), i860. The History of Federal Government, 1863. The History of the Norman Conquest, 1867-1876 , Old English History for Children, 1869. The Cathedral Church of Wells, 1870. Historical Essays, 1871, 1872, 1873. Growth of the English Constitution, 1872. Historical Geography of Europe, 1881. The Reign of William Rufus, 1882. Frere, John Hookham, 1769- 1846. Monks and Giants, 18 17. Translation of Aristophanes' Comedies, 1840. Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894. The Nemesis of Faith, 1848. History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Armada, 1856-1869. Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1867, 1872, 1877. The Enghsh in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, 1 871 -1874. Julius Caesar, 1876. Thomas Carlyle, 1882, 1884. Oceana, 1886. Fuller, Thomas, 1 608-1 661. David's Heinous Sin, 1631. History of the Holy War, 1639-165 1. The Holy State, 1642. The Profane State, 1642. Good Thoughts in Bad Times, 1645. Good Thoughts in Worse Times, 1647. A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine, 1650. Abel Redivivus, 1651. The Church History of Britain, 1655. Mixt Contemplations in Better Times, 1660. The History of the Worthies of England, 1662. Gaimar, Geoffrey, 12th century. Estorie des Engles, 1147. Gale, Theophilus, 1628-1678. Court of the Gentiles, 1669-1678. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 279 Gait, John, 1779-1839. Annals of the Parish, 1821. The Entail, 1823. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, 1829. History of England from James I. [to 1642], 1863-1882. History of the Civil War, i886, 1889. Garrick, David, 1717-1779. The Lying Valet, 1740. Miss in her Teens, 1747. The Clandestine Marriage (with Colman the Elder;, 1766. Garth, Sir Samuel, 1660- 171 8. The Dispensary, 1699. Claremont, 17 15. Gascoigne, George, i525(?)-i577- The Supposes (acted), 1566. Jocasta (acted), 1566. A Hundred Sundry Flowers, 1572. The Glass of Government, 1575. Instruction concerning the Making of Verse, 1575. The Steel Glass, 1 576. j Complaint of Philomen, 1576. \ Gaskell, Elizabeth, 1810-1865. Mary Barton, 1848. Wives and Daughters, 1866. Gauden, John, Bishop of Worcester, 1 605-1 662. .^Eikon Basilike, 1649. Gay, John, 1685- 1732. Rural Sports, 17 13. The Shepherd's Week, 17 14. Trivia, 17 15. The Fan, 171 5. What d'ye Call it? (acted), 171 5. Three Hours after Marriage (with Pope and Arbuthnot), 1717. Fables, 1727. The Beggars' Opera, 1728. Polly, 1729. Geoffrey of Monmouth, 12th century. Historia Regum Britanniae, 1147. 28o CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLLNES Geoffrey of Vinsauf, 12th century. Nova Poetica, 1193-1199. Geoffrey the Grammarian, 1 5th century. Promptorium Parvulorum, 1499. Gerald de Barri (Giraldus Cambrensis), 1146 (?)-i220 (.^). Expugnatio Hibernias. Topographia Hibernias, 11 87. Itinerarium Cambriae. De Rebus a se Gestis. Gervase of Tilbury, end of 12th century. Otia Imperialia, 121 1. Gibbon, Edward, 1 737-1 794. Essai sur T^tude de la Litterature, 1761. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. i., 1776 ; Vols. ii. and iii., 1781 ; Vols, iv., v., vi., 1788. Gifford, William, 1756-1826. The Baviad, 1794. The Masviad, 1795. Edited the Anti-Jacobin, 1797. Gildas, 6th Century. De Excidio Britannias, about 560. Gildon, Charles, 1665-1724. The Complete Art of Poetry, 17 18. The Laws of Poetry, 1720. Gladstone, William Ewart, 1809. The State considered in its Relation with the Church, 1838. The Royal Supremacy, 1850. Studies on Homer, 1858. Juventus Mundi, 1869. Vaticanism, 1875. Glanvil, Joseph, 1 636-1 680. Scepsis Scientifica (Vanity of Dogmatizing), 1661, 1665. Considerations concerning Witches, 1666. Sadducismus Triumphatus, 1681. Glanvil, Ranulf de, end of 12th century. Tractatus de Legibus Regni Anglise. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 28 1 Glapthorne, Henry, first half of 17th century. Argalus and Parthenia (printed), 1639. Albertus Wallenstein (printed), 1640. Glover, Richard, 171 2-1 785. Leonidas, 1737. Boadicea, 1754. The Athenaid, 1788. Godwin, William, 1756-1836. Inquiry concerning Pohtical Justice, 1793. Caleb Williams, 1794. St. Leon, 1799. Life of Chaucer, 1803. Fleetwood on the New Man of Feeling, 1805. Mandeville 1817. Lives of the Necromancers, 1834. Golding, Arthur, (?) 1605 (?)• Translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, 1565-1575. Goldsmith, Oliver, 1728- 1774. Enquiry into the Present State of Polite Learning, 1759. The Bee, 1759. The Citizen of the World, 1 760-1 761. Memoirs of Voltaire, 1761. Life of Richard Nash, 1762. History of England in a Series of Letters, 1764. The Traveller, 1764. The Vicar of Wakefield, 1766. The Good-Natured Man, 1768. Roman History, 1769. The Deserted Village, 1770. Life of Parnell, 1770. Life of Bolingbroke, 1770. History of England, 1771. She Stoops to Conquer, 1773. Retaliation, 1774. Grecian History, 1774. History of Animated Nature, 1774. The Haunch of Venison, 1776. Googe, Barnaby, i54o(?)-i594. Eclogues, Epitaphs, and Sonnets, 1563. Gore, Catherine, 1 799-1 861. Mothers and Daughters, 1831. 282 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Gosse, Edmund, 1849. Madrigals, Songs, and Sonnets, 1870. Studies in the Literature of Northern Europe, 1879. Gosson, Stephen, 1 555-1 623. The School of Abuse, 1579. Plays confuted in Five Actions, 1581. Gower, John, about 1 330-1 408. Balades. Speculum Meditantis. Vox Clamantis, written about 1382-4. Confessio Amantis, about 1393. Tripartite Chronicle, about 1400. Grafton, Richard, (?)-i573. Abridgement of the Chronicles of England, 1 563. Manual of the Chronicles, 1 565. The Chronicle at Large, 1 568- 1 569. Grainger, James, 1721 (?)-i766. Ode to Solitude, 1755. The Sugar-Cane, 1764. Granger, James, 171 6- 1776. Biographical History of England, 1769. Gray, David, 1838-1861. The Luggie and other Poems, 1862. Gray, Thomas, 171 6-1 771. Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College, 1747. Odes to Spring, and to Mr. Walpole's Cat, 1748. Elegy in a Country Churchyard, 175 1. Six Poems by Mr. T. Gray, 1753. Pindaric Odes (The Progress of Poesy and the Bard), 1757. Poems, 1768. Green, John Richard, 1837-1883. A Short History of the English People, 1874. The Making of England, 1882. The Conquest of England, 1883. Green, Thomas Henry, 1836-1882. Prolegomena to Ethics, 1883. Green, Matthew, 1 696-1 737. The Spleen, 1737. OF ENGLISH LITER A TUKE, 283 Greene, Robert, 1 560-1592. Mamillia, 1583. Mirror, of Modesty, 1584. Morando, or Tritameron of Love, 1584. Arbasto, King of Denmark, 1585 (?). Orlando Furioso (acted), 1586. Euphues his Censure to Philautus, 1 587. Pandosto, the Triumph of Time, 1588. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, (acted) 1588, (printed) 1594. Perimedes the Blacksmith, 1588. A Looking-Glass for London and England (with Lodge) (acted), 1589. James IV. (acted), 1589. Menaphon, 1589. Farewell to Folly, 1 59 1 . Notable Discovery of Cosenage, 1591. The Repentance of Robert Greene, 1 592. Groat's Worth of Wit, 1 592. Bellora and Fidelio, 1606. Greville, Fulke, Lord Brooke, 1554-1620. Mustapha, 1609. Coelica, 1633. Life of Sir Philip Sidney, 1652. Grimald, Nicholas, 151 9-1 562. John the Baptist, 1548. Contributions to Tottel's Miscellany, 1557. Grosseteste, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, Ii75(?)-i253. Chastel d' Amour. De Cessatione Legalium. Grote, George, 1794-1871. The History of Greece, 1846-1856. Plato and the Companions of Socrates, 1S65. Aristotle, 1872. Grote, John, 181 3-1 866. Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy, 1870. The Moral Ideals, 1876. Habington, William, 1605-1654. Castara, 1634. The History of Edward IV., 1640. The Queen of Arragon, 1640. 284 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Hakluyt, Richard, 1553-1616. Voyages touching the Discovery of America, 1582. Four Voyages into Florida, 1 587. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries of the English Nation, 1589, in expanded form, 1598- 1600. Hale, Sir Matthew^, 1609-1676. History of the Pleas of the Crown, 1736. Hales, John, 1 584-1 656. Golden Remains, 1659. Halifax. See Montague. Hall, Edward, i499(?)-i547. History of the Union of Lancaster and York, 1548. Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich, 1574-1656. Virgidemiarum Libri Sex, 1 597-1 598. Mundus Alter et Idem, 1605. Characters of Virtues and Vices, 1608. Contemplations on the New Testament, 1612-1615. Humble Remonstrance to the High Court of Parliament, 1641. Sermons. Hall, Robert, 1764-1831. Apology for the Freedom of the Press, 1793. Sermons, 1832. Hallam, Henry, 1777- 1859. View of Europe during the Middle Ages, 1818. Constitutional History of England, 1827. The Literature of Europe in the 15th, i6th, and 17th Centuries, 1837. Hamilton, Sir William, 1788- 1856. ^ Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, 1852. Edition of Reid's Works, 1847. Lectures on Logic and Metaphysics, 18 59-1 861. Harding, John, 1 378-1468. Chronicle in Metre. Hare, Augustus William, 1792-1834. Guesses at Truth (with Julius Hare), 1827. Harrington, Sir John, 1561-1612. Translation of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, 1591. OF ENGLISH LITERA TURE. 285 Harrington, James, 1611-1677. Oceana, 1656. Political Discourses, 1660. Hartley, David, 1 705-1 757. Observations on Man, 1749. Harvey, Gabriel, 1545- 1630. Ciceronianus, 1577. Three Familiar Letters touching the Earthquake and our English Reformed Versifying (with Spenser), 1 580. Four Letters and Certain Sonnets touching Robert Greene and other, 1592. New Letter of Notable Contents, 1593. Harvey, William, 1 578-1 657. De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis, 1628. Hawes, Stephen, 1483 (?)-i523 (?). Example of Virtue, 1 503. The Pastime of Pleasure, 15 17 (written about 1506). The Conversion of Swearers, 1 509. A Joyful Meditation of All England, 1509. Hawker, Robert Stephen, 1805- 1875. Echoes from Old Cornwall, 1846. Cornish Ballads, 1869. Hawkesworth, John, 1715-1773. The Adventurer, 17 52- 17 54. The Voyages of Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook, 1773. Hayley, William, 1745- 1820. Triumphs of Temper, 1781. Hayward, Abraham, 1801-1884. Translation of Goethe's Faust, 1833. The Art of Dining, 1852. Essays, 1858, 1874. Hajrward, Sir John, (?)-i627. Life of King Henry IV., 1599. On the Right of Succession, 1603. Lives of the Three Norman Kings of England, 1613. History of King Edward IV,, 1630. Certain Years of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, 1636. 286 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Hazlitt, William, 1 778-1 830. Principles of Human Action, 1805. The Round Table, 1817. Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, 18 17. Lectures on the English Poets, 18 18. Lectures on the English Comic Writers, 18 19. Political Essays, 1819. Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Reign of Elizabeth, 1821. Table Talk, 1821-1822. Liber Amoris, 1823. The Spirit of the Age, 1825. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1828- 1830. Head, Richard, 1630 (?)-i686 (?). The English Rogue, 1665- 1680. Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, 1783-1826. Palestine, 1803. Hymns for the Church Service of the Year, 1827. Helps, Sir Arthur, 1813-1875. Friends in Council, 1847-1859. Realmah, 1869. Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, 1794-1835. Songs of the Affections, 1830. Henry of Blaneford, first half of 14th century. Chronicon (continuation of Trokelowe). Henry of Bracton, d. after 1267. De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, about 12 56- 12 59. Henry of Huntingdon, first half of 12th century. Historia Anglorum. De Contemptu Mundi, about 11 50. Henry the Minstrel (Blind Harry), 15th century. Acts and Deeds of Sir William Wallace, about 1460. Henryson, Robert, d. about 1500. Moral Fables of ^sop. Testament of Cressid. Robin and Makyn. The Bluidy Serk. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 287 Herbert, Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, 1583-1648. De Veritate, 1624. Life and Reign of King Henry VIII., 1649. Autobiography (printed), 1764. Herbert, George, 1 593- 1633. The Temple, 1631. The Country Parson, 1652. Herrick, Robert, 1 591 -1674. Hesperides and Noble Numbers, 1648. Herschell, Sir John, 1792-1871. Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, 1831. Hervey, James, 1714-1758. Meditations and Contemplations, 1746. Heylin, Peter, 1600- 1662. Cosmography (Microcosmus), 1621. Ecclesia Vindicata, 1657. Ecclesia Restaurata, 1661. Cyprianus Anglicus (Life of Laud), 1668. Heywood, Jasper, 1535-1598. Translation of Seneca's Troas, 1559; Thyestes, 1560; and Hercules Furens, 1561. Heywood, John, 1506 (?)-i565. Play of Love (printed), 1533. Merry Play between the Husband, the Wife, and the Priest (acted), 1532. Merry Play between the Pardoner, the Friar, the Curate, and Neighbour Pratt, 1532, The Play of the Weather, 1 533. The Spider and the Fly, 1556. The Four P's, a merry Interlude of a Palmer, a Pardoner, a Potecary, and a Pedlar. Hejrwood, Thomas, 1581 {?)-i64o(?). War without Blows, 1598. Joan as Good as my Lady, 1 598. Edward IV. (printed), 1600. A Woman killed with Kindness (acted), 1603. The Rape of Lucrece (printed), 1608. The Four Prentices of London (printed), 161 5. The Fair Maid of the West (acted), 161 7. 288 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Heywood, Thomas — Cont. Gunaikeion or History concerning Women, 1624. The English Traveller (printed), 1633. The Late Lancashire Witches (with R. Brome) (printed), 1634. The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels (printed), 1635. A Challenge for Beauty (printed), 1636. Royal King and Loyal Subject (printed), 1637. The Wise Woman of Hogsdon (printed), 1638. Higden, Ralph, d. i367(?). Polychronicon, 1352. Hoadly, Benjamin, Bishop of Winchester, 1 676-1 761. My Kingdom is not of this World, 171 7. Preservative against the Nonjurors, 17 17. Hobbes, Thomas, 1588- 1679. The Wonders of the Peak, 1636. De Give (privately printed 1646), 1647. Human Nature, 1650. De Gorpore Politico, 1650. Leviathan, the Matter, Form and Power of a Gommon wealth, 1651. Of Liberty and Necessity, 1654. Translation of the Iliad and the Odyssey, 1675. Behemoth, the History of the Givil Wars, 1679. Hogg, James, 1770-1835. The Queen's Wake, 1813. The Brownie of Bodsbeck, 18 18. Queen Hynde, 1825. Holcroft. Thomas, 1745-1809. The Road to Ruin, 1792. Holinshed, Raphael, d. 1580. Ghronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1577. Holyday, Barten, 1593-1661. Technogamia or the Marriages of the Arts, 1630. Home, John, 1722-1808. Douglas, 1756. Hone, William, 1780-1842. Ancient Mysteries Described, 1823. The Everyday Book, 1825- 1827. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 289 Hood, Thomas, 1799-1845. Whims and Oddities, 1826. Plea of the Midsummer Fairies and other Poems, 1827. Poems of Wit and Humour, 1847. Hook, Theodore Edward, 1788- 1 841. Jack Brag, 1837. Hook, Walter Farquhar, 1798-1875. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 1 861- 1875. Hooke, Nathaniel, 1690-1763. Roman History, 1 757-1 771. Hooker, Richard, 1553- 1600. Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, Books L-IV., 1594; Book V., 1597; Books VL-Vni., 1618. Hope, Thomas, 1 774-1 831. Costume of the Ancients, 1809. Anastasius, 1819. Hoole, John, 1727- 1803. Translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, 1763. Translation of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, 1773-1783. Howard, Edward, (?)-i84i. Rattlin the Reefer, 1836. Howard, Henry, see Surrey, Earl of. Howard, Sir Robert, 1626-1698. The Indian Queen (with Dryden), 1664. Four New Plays, with Preface, 1665. The Duke of Lerma, 1668. Howell, James, 1596-1666. Instructions for Foreign Travel, 1642. Dendrologia, Dodona's Grove, 1640. Epistolas Ho-Elianse, 1645, 1647, 1650, 1655. Howitt, William, 1792 -1879. Rural Life in England, 1837. T 290 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Hugh of Rotelonde, 12th century. Ipomedon, about 1185. Protesilaus, before 1191. Hughes, John, 1677-1720. The Siege of Damascus, 1720. Contributed to the Spectator, etc. Hughes, Thomas, 1823-1896. Tom Brown's School-Days, 1857. Tom Brown at Oxford, 1861. Hume, David, 1711-1776. Treatise of Human Nature, 1739. Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary, 1 741 -1742. Inquiry concerning Human Understanding, 1748. Inquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, 175 1. The History of England, vol. i. (James I. and Charles L), 1754; vol. ii. (Charles II. and James II.), 1756; vols, iii., iv. (House of Tudor), 1759 ; remaining vols, in 1762. Essays and Treatises [comprising all the above except the Treatise of Human Nature and the History], 1753-1754. The Natural History of Religion, 1779. Hunt, James Henry Leigh, 1784-1859. The Examiner, 1808. The Feast of the Poets, 181 4. The Story of Rimini, 18 16. The Indicator, 1 8 19- 1 821. The Liberal, 1822. Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries, 1828. The Tatler, 1830- 1832. A Legend of Florence, 1840. Imagination and Fancy, 1844. Wit and Humour, 1846. Men, Women, and Books, 1847. A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla, 1847. Autobiography, 1850. Table Talk, 1850. The Religion of the Heart, 1853. Hurd, Richard, Bishop of Worcester, 1720- 1808. Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies, 1772. Hutcheson, Francis, 1694- 1746. Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, 1725. System of Moral Philosophy, 1755. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 291 Huxley, Thomas, 1825- 1895. Man's Place in Nature, 1863. The Classification of Animals, 1869. Lay Sermons, 1870. American Addresses, 1877. Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, 1608- 1674. History of the Great Rebellion, 1704- 1707. History of the Civil War in Ireland, 1721. Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, 1759. Inchbald, Elizabeth, 1753- 1 821. A Simple Story, 1791. Nature and Art, 1796. Ingelow, Jean, 1830. Poems, 1863, A Stoiy of Doom and Other Poems, 1867. Off the Skelligs, 1873. Ireland, William Henry, 1777- 1835. Vortigern, 1796. Authentic Account of the Shakesperian MSS., 1805. James L of Scotland, 1394-1437. The King's Quhair. (?) Christ's Kirk on the Green. (?)Peeblis to the Play. James I. of England, 1566- 1625. Essays of a Prentice in the Art of Poesie, 1585. Demonology, 1597. Basilikon l3oron, 1599. Apology for the Oath of Allegiance, 1609. Counterblast to Tobacco, 1616. Remonstrance for the Right of Kings, (French) 161 5, (English) 1616. James, George Payne Rainsford, 1801-1860. Richelieu, 1828. Henry Masterton, 1832. John Marston Hall, 1834. Jameson, Anna, 1794- 1860. Characteristics of Shakespeare's Women, 1832. Sacred and Legendary Art, 1848. Legends of the Monastic Orders, 1850. Legends of the Madonna, 1852. 292 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Jeffrey, Francis, 1773- 1850. Edited Edinburgh Review^ 1803- 1829. Essays, 1844. Jerrold, Douglas, 1803-1857. Black-eyed Susan, 1829. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, 1845. Chronicles of Clovernook, 1846, Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 1 522-1 571. Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1 562. Defence of the Apology, 1 567. Jocelyn of Brakelonde, end of 12th century. Chronica, about 1202. John of Bromyard, early in 1 5th century. Summa Predicantium. John of Fordun, 14th century. Scotichronicon, about 1360. John of Oxenedes, end of 13th century. Chronica, about 1292. John of Salisbury, about 1 120 to about 11 80. Polycraticus de Nugis Curialium et Vestigiis Philosophorum. Metalogicus. John of Trokelowe, first half of 14th century. Annales Edwardi II., after 1330. Johnson, Samuel, 1709- 1784. Translation of Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia, 1735. Life of Father Paul Sarpi, 1738. London, 1738. Lives of Drake, Blake, etc., 1740. Parliamentary Debates, 1740- 1743. Life of Savage, 1744. Plan for a Dictionary of the English Language, 1747. The Vanity of Human Wishes, 1749. Irene, 1749. The Rambler, 1750-17 52. Dictionary of the English Language, 1755. The Idler, 17 58- 1760. Rasselas, 1759. Detection of the Cock Lane Ghost, 1763. Edition of Shakespeare's Plays, 1765. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 293 Johnson, Samuel— G?;^/. False Alarm, 1770. The Late Transactions Respecting Falkland's Islands, 1771. The Patriot, 1774. Taxation no Tyranny, 1775. Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 1775. Lives of the Poets, 1779-1781. Johnstone, Charles, (?)-i8oo. Chrysal ; or. The Adventures of a Guinea, 1760 Jones, Ebenezer, 1820- 1860. Studies of Sensation and Event, 1844. Jones, Sir William, 1746- 1794. Translation of the Hitopadesa. Translation of Sacontala, 1799. Jonson, Benjamin, 1573-1637. Every Man in His Humour (acted), 1596, 1598. Every Man out of His Humour (acted), 1599. Cynthia's Revels (acted), 1600. The Poetaster (acted), 1601. Sejanus : His Fall (acted), 1603. Eastward Ho ! (with Chapman and Marston) (acted), 1604. Volpone (acted), 1605. Translation of Horace's Ars Poetica. Epicene; or. The Silent Woman (acted), 1609. The Case is Altered, 1609. Catiline (acted), 161 1. The Alchemist (acted), 16 10. Bartholomew Fair (acted), 16 14. The Devil is an Ass (acted), 161 6. The Forest, 16 16. Underwoods, 16 16. The Staple of News (acted), 1625. The New Inn (acted), 1630. The Magnetic Lady (acted), 1632. The Tale of a Tub, (acted) 1603-4, (printed) 1633. The Sad Shepherd, 1637. Timber or Discoveries. English Grammar, 1640. Masques at Court, 1603 to 1633. Joseph of Exeter, end of 12th century. De Bello Trojano. Antiocheis. 294 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES "Junius." Letters in the "Public Advertiser," January 21st, 1769, to January 21st, 1772. Karnes, Henry Home, Lord, 1696-1782. Elements of Criticism, 1762. Hints on Education, 1781. Kaye, Sir John William, 1814-1876. History of the Sepoy War, 1864- 1876, Keats, John, 1 795-1 821. Poems, 1 8 17. Endymion, 18 18. Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St. Agnes, Hyperion, and other Poems, 1820. Keble, John, 1792-1866. The Christian Year, 1827. Lyra Innocentium, 1846. Sermons, 1847. Life of Bishop Wilson, 1863. Ken, Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1 637- 171 1. Manual of Prayers for Scholars of Winchester, 1681. Poetical Works, 1721. Killigrew, Thomas, 1612-1683. Comedies and Tragedies, 1664. King, Peter, Lord, 1669- 1734. Inquiry into the Constitution of the Primitive Church, 1691. King, William, Archbishop of Dublin, 1650- 1729. Ue Origine Mali, 1702. Kinglake, Alexander William, i8o9-'i89i. Eothen, 1844. History of the Invasion of the Crimea, 1863-1887. Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875. Village Sermons, 1849. The Saint's Tragedy, 1848. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet, 1849. Phaethon, or Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers, 1852. Yeast, 1 85 1. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 295 KiNGSLEY, Charles— C^*;//. Hypatia, 1853. Westward Ho ! 1855. Glaucus, or the Wonders of the Shore, 1855. Sermons. The Heroes, 1856 Two Years Ago, 1857. Andromeda and other Poems, 1862. The Water Babies, 1 863. Hereward, 1866. The Hermits, 1867. Madam How and Lady Why, 1869. At Last, 1 87 1. Kingsley, Henry, 1830-1876. Ravenshoe, 1861. Old Margaret, 1871. Knight, Charles, 1791-1873. Edited The Penny Magazine, 1832- 1845. „ The Penny Cyclopedia, 1833- 1846. „ The Pictorial Shakspere, 1 839-1 841. „ The Pictorial History of England, 1844. „ Old England, 1845. Knighton, Henry, end of 14th century. Chronicon de Eventibus Angliae usque ad Mortem Ricardi II., about 1400. Knolles, Richard, 1540 (?)-i6io. History of the Turks, 1603, knowles, James Sheridan, 1784- 1862. Virginius, 1820. William Tell, 1825. The Hunchback, 1832. The Wife, 1833. The Love Chase, 1837. Knox, John, 1505-1572. The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regi- ment of Women, 1558. History of the Reformation in Scotland, 1584. Kyd, Thomas, end of i6th century. Hieronymo (?by Kyd), 1588, (printed) 1605. Cornelia, 1594. The Spanish Tragedy, before 1600. 296 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Lamb, Charles, 1775- 1834. Rosamund Gray, 1798. John Woodvil, 1802. Mrs. Leicester's School (with Mary Lamb), 1806. Mr. H., 1806. Tales from Shakspere (with Mary Lamb), 1807. Specimens from the Dramatic Poets, 1807. Poetry for Children, 1809. Essays of Elia, 1820-1825. Album Verses and other Poems, 1830. Last Essays of Eha, 1833. Landon, Letitia Elizabeth, 1802-1838. The Golden Violet and other Poems, 1827. Romance and Reality, 1831. The Vow of the Peacock, 1 83 5. Lander, Walter Savage, 1775- 1864. Poems, 1795. Gebir, 1798. Count Juhan, 18 12. Imaginary Conversations, 1 824- 1828 ; 1829; 1846; 1853. The Examination of William Shakespeare, 1834. Pericles and Aspasia, 1836. Pentameron, 1837, Last Fruit off an Old Tree, 1853. Lang, Andrew, 1844. Ballades in Blue China, 1880. Custom and Myth, 1884. Rhymes a la Mode, 1885. Langbaine, Gerard, 1656- 1692. Momus Triumphans, 1688. Lives of the English Dramatic Poets, 1691. Langhorne, John, 1735- 1779. Translation of Plutarch's Lives (with his brother), 1770. Langland, William, about 1332 to about 1400. Vision of Piers Plowman, A text, 1362 ; B text, 1378; C text, 1393 (?)• Richard the Redeless (? by Langland), 1399. Langtoft, Peter, in 13th and 14th century (Ed. I. and Ed. II.). Chronicle, about 1307. Lardner, Nathaniel, 1684-1768. Credibility of the Gospel History, 1727- 1757. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 297 Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, 1491-1555. Sermon on the Ploughers, 1549. Seven Sermons before Edward VI., 1549 (printed 1562). Seven Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, 1552 (printed 1562). Sermons preached in Lincolnshire (printed), 1571. Law, William, 1 686-1 761. Remarks on the Fable of the Bees, 1 724. Serious Call to the Unconverted, 1729. Layamon, 13th century. Brut d'Angleterre, about 1205. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole, 1838. History of Rationahsm in Europe, 1865. History of European Morals, 1869. History of England in the Eighteenth Century, 1878. j Lee, Harriet, 1756-1851. I Lee, Sophia, 1750-1824. The Canterbury Tales, 1797- 1805. Lee, Nathaniel, 1653-1692. Nero, 1675. Gloriana, 1676. Sophonisba, 1676. The Rival Queens, 1677. Mithridates7 1678. Oedipus (with Dryden), 1679, Lucius Junius Brutus, 1681. The Duke of Guise (with Dryden), 1683. The Princess of Cleve, 1689. The Massacre of Paris, 1690. Leighton, Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow, 1611-1684, Commentary on the First Epistle of St. Peter, 1693. Leland, John, 1506 (?)-i552. Itinerary of England (published by Hearne), 9 vols., 1710-1712. Collectanea (published by Hearne), 171 5. Le Neve, John, 1679-1741. Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanas, 17 16. Lennox, Charlotte, 1720-1804. The Female Quixote, 1752. 298 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Leslie, Charles, 1650- 1722. A Short and Easy Method with the Deists, 1694. L'Estrange, Sir Roger, 1616-1704. The Public Intelligencer, August, 1663. The London Gazette, February, 1666. A Brief History of the Times, 1687. Lever, Charles James, 1809- 1872. Harry Lorrequer, 1839. Charles O'Malley, 1841. Jack Hinton, 1842. Tom Burke of Ours, 1844. Davenport Dunn, 1859. Lewes, George Henry, 1817-1878. A Biographical History of Philosophy, 1845. Ranthorpe, 1847. Comte's Philosophy, 1853. Rose, Blanche, and Violet, 1848. Life of Goethe, 1855. The Physiology of Common Life, i860. Problems of Life and Mind, 1873- 1879. Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 1806-1863. The Use and Abuse of Political Terms, 1832. The Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion, 1849. Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 1775-1818. The Monk, 1795. The Castle Spectre, 1797. Tales of Terror, 1 799. Tales of Wonder, 1801. The Bravo of Venice, 1804. Liddon, Henry Parry, 1829-1890. The Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ (Bampton Lectures), 1866. Some Elements of Religion, 1872. Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, Bishop of Durham, 1828-1889. St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, 1865. St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, 1868. Epistles of St. Ignatius, 1885. Essays on ' Supernatural Religion,' 1889. Lillo, George, 1693-1739. George Barnwell, 1731. Fatal Curiosity, 1737. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 299 Lindsay, Sir David, i49o(?)-i55S. Lindsay's Dream, 1528 (?). Complaint to the King, 1529 (?). The Testament of the King's Papingo, (written) 1 530, (printed) 1538. Satire of the Three Estates, 1540. Answer to the King's Flyting, 1 536. Supplication against Side Tails, 1538. Tragedy of Cardinal Beaton, 1 547. The History of Squire Meldrum. The Monarchy (Dialogue between Experience and a Courtier), 1553. Lingard, John, 1771-1851. Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 1806. History of England, 1819-1830. Lloyd, Robert, 1733- 1764. The Actor, 1760. Locke, John, 1632-1704. Letters concerning Toleration, 1689, 1690, 1692. Two Treatises on Government, 1689, 1690. Essay concerning Human Understanding, 1690. Considerations on the Lowering of Interest, 1691. Some Thoughts concerning Education, 1693. The Reasonableness of Christianity, 1695. Essay for the Understanding of St. Paul's Epistles by consult- ing St. Paul himself, 1705. On the Conduct of the Understanding, 1706. Locker, Frederick, 1821-1895. London Lyrics, 1857. Patchwork, 1879. Lockhart, John Gibson, 1794-1854. Valerius, 1821. Spanish Ballads, 1823. Life of Napoleon, 1830. Life of Sir Walter Scott, 1837- 1839. Lodge, Thomas, i558(?)-i625. Defence of Stage Plays, i579- Alarm against Usurers, 1584. Rosahnd, 1590. Catharos, 1591. Glaucus and Scilla, 1589. 300 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Lodge, Thomas— C^«/. Phillis Honoured with Pastoral Sonnets, 1593. The Wounds of Civil War (Marius and Sylla) (printed), 1594. Looking Glass for London and England (with Greene), 1 594. A Fig for Momus, 1595. A Margarite of America, 1596. Translation of Josephus' History, 1602. Translation of Seneca's Works, 1614. Logan, John, 1748- 1788. Poems, 1 781-1782. Runnimede, 1783. Long, George, 1800-1879. Decline of the Roman Republic, 1864- 1874. Lovelace, Richard, 1 618- 1658. Lucasta, 1649. Lover, Samuel, 1797- 1868. Legends and Stories of Ireland, 1832- 1834. Handy Andy, 1838. Lowth, Robert, Bishop of London, 1710-1787. Translation of Isaiah, 1778. Lydgate, John, d. about 1450. The Siege of Troy (Troy Book), about 1415. The Story of Thebes, about 1420. The Falls of Princes. Life of Our Lady. London Lickpenny. Dance of Death. Lyell, Sir Charles, 1797- 1875. Principles of Geology, 1830- 1833, 1874. Antiquity of Man, 1863. Lyly, John, 1553-1606. Euphues : the Anatomy of Wit, 1579. Euphues and his England, 1580. Alexander and Campaspe (printed), 1584. Sappho and Phaon (printed), 1584. Pap with a Hatchet, 1589. Endymion (printed), 1591. Galatea (printed), 1592. Midas (printed), 1592. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 301 Lyly, John— C<7«/. Mother Bombie (printed), 1594. The Woman in the Moon, 1597. The Maid's Metamorphosis (? Lyly's) (printed), 1600, Love's Metamorphosis (printed), 1601. Lyttleton, George, Lord, 1709- 1773. Letters from a Persian in England, 1735. Dialogues of the Dead, 1760, 1765. History of King Henry IL, 1767. Lytton, Edward G. E. L. Bulwer Lytton, Lord, 1803 -1873. Falkland, 1827. Pelham, 1828. The Disowned, 1829. Devereux, 1829. Paul Clifford, 1830. Eugene Aram, 1832. Godolphin, 1833. England and the Enghsh, 1833. Pilgrims of the Rhine, 1834. The Last Days of Pompeii, 1834, Rienzi, 1835. Ernest Maltravers, 1837. Ahce, 1838. Leila, 1838. The Lady of Lyons, 1838. Richelieu, 1839. Money, 1840. Night and Morning, 1841. Eva and other Poems, 1842, Zanoni, 1842. The Last of the Barons, 1843. Poems and Ballads of Schiller, 1844. The New Timon, 1845. Lucretia, 1847. King Arthur, 1848. The Caxtons, 1848- 1849. Harold, 1848. Not so Bad as We Seem, 185 1. My Novel, 1853. What will He do with It ? 1858. A Strange Story, 1862. Caxtoniana, 1863. The Lost Tales of Miletus, 1866. The Rightful Heir, 1868. 302 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Lytton, Edward G. E. L. Bulwer Lytton, Lord — Cont, Walpole, 1869. The Coming Race, 1871. The Parisians, 1872-1873. Kenelm Chillingly, 1873. Pausanias the Spartan, 1876. Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer L3rtton, Lord [" Owen Meredith "], 1831-1891. Clytemnestra, 1855. Lucile, i860. Orval, or the Fool of Time, 1869. Glenaveril, 1885. Macaulay, Catherine (nde Sawbridge), 1731-1791. History of England from James \. to the House of Hanover, 1 763- 1 783. Letters on Education, 1790. Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Lord, 1800-1859. Milton (Edinburgh Review), 1825. Warren Hastings (Edinburgh Review), 1841. Lays of Ancient Rome, 1842. Essays, Critical and Historical, 1843. History of England from James II., 1848, 1855, i860. Atterbury, Bunyan, Goldsmith, Johnson, Pitt (articles in Encyclopedia Britannica, 8th edition), 1853- 1859. Speeches, 1853. Macdonald, George, 1824. Within and Without, 1856. Poems, 1857. Phantastes, 1858. David Elginbrod, 1862. Alec Forbes of Howglen, 1865. Robert Falconer, 1869. Malcolm, 1874. Mackenzie, Henry, 1 745-1 831. The Man of Feeling, 1771. The Man of the World, 1773. JuUa de Roubign^, 1777. Mackintosh, Sir James, 1765- 1832. Vindiciae Galhcas, 1791. Dissertation on Ethical Philosophy (Encyclopedia Britannica, 7th edition), 1830. History of England, 1830- 1832. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 303 Macklin, Charles, i69o(?)-i797. Love a la Mode, 1759. The Man of the World, 1781. Macpherson, James, 1738-1796. Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands, 1760. Fingal, 1762. Temora, 1763. Maine, Sir Henry, 1822-1888. Ancient Law, 1861. Village Communities, 1871. Early History of Institutions, 1875. Maitland, Samuel RofTey, 1792-1866. The Dark Ages, 1844. The Reformation in England, 1849. Mallet, David, 1700- 1765. William and Margaret, 1723. Elvira, 1763. Malone, Edmund, 1741-1812. Edition of Shakspere, 1790. Malory, Sir Thomas, middle of 15th century. The Morte d' Arthur, about 1470, (printed) 1485. Malthus, Thomas Robert, 1766-1834. The Crisis, 1792. Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798. Nature and Progress of Rent, 181 5. Principles of Political Economy, 1820. Mandeville, Bernard, 1670- 1733. The Grumbling Hive, 1705 ; republished with additions and notes as the Fable of the Bees, 17 14. Mandeville, Sir John, 14th century. Voyage and Travel, French, about 1370; English, about 1400. Manley, Delariviere, 1672-1724. The Royal Mischief, 1696. The Lost Lover, 1696. The New Atalantis, 1709. Edited the Examiner, 171 1- 17 13. Character of Richard Steele, 17 13. Lucius, 1 71 7. 304 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Manning, Robert, of Brunne, about 1279- after 1338. Handlyng Synne, about 1303. Translation of Langtoft's French Chronicle, before 1338. Mansel, Henry Longueville, 1820- 1871. Prolegomena Logica, 185 1. Limits of Religious Thought (Bampton Lectures), 1858. Philosophy of the Conditioned, 1866. Map, Walter, ii43(?)-i2io(?). De Nugis Curialium. (?)Golias. Lancelot du Lac. Queste de Saint Graal. Mort Artus. Markham, Gervase, 1570-1655. Tragedie of Sir Richard Greville, 1 595. Poem of Poems, 1595^ Farewell to Husbandry, 1620. Marlowe, Christopher, 1564- 1593. Tamburlaine the Great, (acted) about 1587, (printed) 1590. Tamburlaine the Great, Part Second (printed), 1 590. Dr. Faustus (printed), 1604. The Jew of Malta (acted), about 1 588-9. Edward the Second, (acted) about 1 592, (printed) 1 594. The Massacre at Paris. Dido (completed by Nash), 1594. Translation of Ovid's Amores, 1596. Hero and Leander (completed by Chapman), 1 598. Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848. Frank Mildmay, 1829. Peter Simple, 1834. Jacob Faithful, 1834. Mr. Midshipman Easy, 1836. Japhet in search of a Father, 1836. Masterman Ready, 1841. Percival Keane, 1842. The Privateer's Man, 1844. Marston, John, i575(?)-i634. The Scourge of Villainy, 1 598. The Metamorphosis of PygmaHon's Image, 1598. Antonio and Mellida (printed), 1602. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 305 MARSTON, JOHN~Cr??//. Antonio's Revenge (printed), 1602. The Malcontent (printed), 1604. Eastward Ho ! (with Jonson and Chapman), 1605. The Dutch Courtesan, 1605. Parasitaster ; or The Fawn, 1606. Sophonisba ; or The Wonder of Women, 1606. What You Will, 1607. The Insatiate Countess, 161 3. Marston, Philip Bourke, 1850-1887. Songtide and other Poems, 1871. Martin, Sir Theodore, 1816. Bon Gaultier Ballads (with Aytoun), 1845. Translation of Goethe's Poems and Ballads, 1859. Translation of the Odes of Horace, i860. Translation of Catullus, 1861. Poems, 1863. Life of the Prince Consort, 187 5- 1879. Translation of Goethe's Faust, 1865. Martineau, Harriet, 1802- 1876. Illustrations of Political Economy, 1832. History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace, 1849- 18 50. Marvell, Andrew, 1621-1678, Last Instructions to a Painter, 1669. The Character of Holland, 1665. The Rehearsal Transprosed, 1672, Mr. Smirke or the Divine in Mode, 1676. The Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government, 1677. Mason, William, 1725-1797. Elfrida, 1752. Caractacus, 1759. Life of Gray, 1 774. Massinger, Philip, 1583- 1640. The Virgin Martyr (with Dekker) (printed), 1622. The Duke of Milan (printed), 1623. The Bondman (printed), 1624. The Roman Actor (acted), 1626 ; (printed) 1629. The Renegado (acted), 1624; (printed) 1630. The Picture (acted), 1629 ; (printed) 1630. The Emperor of the East (printed), 1632. The Fatal Dowry (with Field) (printed), 1632. u 3o6 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Massinger, VYL\\AV—Cont. The Maid of Honour, 1632. A New Way to Pay Old Debts, 1633. The Great Duke of Florence (acted 1627), 1636. The Unnatural Combat, 1639. The Spanish Viceroy, 1653. Beheve as You List, (acted), 163 1. The Guardian, (acted) 1633, (printed) 1655. A Very Woman, (acted) 1634, (printed) 1655. The Bashful Lover, (acted) 1636, (printed) 1655. The Old Law (with Middleton and Rowley), 1656. The City Madam, (acted), 1632. The Parliament of Love. Masson, David, 1822. The British Novelists, 1859. Life of John Milton, 1858-1880. Matthew, Paris, d. 1259. Historia Major. Historia Minor. Matthew ofWestminster, 13th and 14th century. Flores Historiarum, 1307. Maturin, Charles Robert, 1782-1824. Fatal Revenge, 1807. Melmoth, 1820. Maurice, John Frederick Denison, 1805- 1872. Eustace Conway, 1834. Kingdom of Christ, 1838. History of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, 18 50- 1863. Christian Socialism (with Kingsley and others), 1851. The Doctrine of Sacrifice, 1854. Claims of the Bible and Science, 1862. May, Thomas, 1595- 1650. Translation of Virgil's Georgics, 1622. Translation of Lucan's Pharsalia, 1627. Supplementum Lucani, 1640. History of the Parliament of England which began November 1640, 1647. May, Sir Thomas Erskine, 1815-1886. Treatise on the Law of Parliament, 1844. Constitutional History of England from Accession of George HL, 1861-1871. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 307 Mayne, Jasper, 1604- 1672. The City Match, 1639. The Amorous War, 1648. Meredith, George, 1828. Poems and Ballads, 1862, Rhoda Fleming, 1865. Beauchamp's Career, 1875. The Egoist, 1879. Diana of the Crossways, 1885. Meres, Francis, 1565-1647. Palladis Tamia, Wit's Treasury, 1598. Merivale, Charles, 1808-1894. History of the Romans under the Empire, 1850-1862. History of Rome, 1875. Michael of Northgate, 14th century. The Ayenbite of Inwyt, 1340. Mickle, William Julius, 1735-1788. Translation of Camoens' Lusiad, 1775. Middleton, Conyers, 1683-1750. Life of Cicero, 1741. Free Inquiry into Miraculous Powers of the Christian Church, 1749. Middleton, Thomas, 1570-1627. Wisdom of Solomon Paraphrased, 1597. The Old Law (with Rowley) (acted), 1 599. Blurt, Master Constable, 1602. The Family of Love, 1608. A Trick to Catch the Old One, 1608. A Mad World, my Masters, 1608. The Roaring Girl (with Dekker), 161 1. The Spanish Gipsy (acted), 1623. The Changeling (with Rowley) (acted), 1623 or earlier. Game of Chess, 1623, (acted) A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (printed), 1630. Women, Beware Women, 1657. The Witch. Mill, James, 1773-1836. History of British India, 1817-1818. Elements of Pohtical Economy, 1821-1822. Analysis of the Human Mind, 1829. 3o8 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873. Some Unsettled Questions in Political Economy, 1829- 1830, 1844. System of Logic, 1843. Principles of Political Economy, 1848. On Liberty, 1859. Dissertations and Discussions, 1859-1867. On Representative Government, 1861. Utilitarianism, 1862. Auguste Comte and Positivism, 1865. Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's Philosophy, 1865. The Subjection of Women, 1869. Autobiography, 1873. Nature, Theism, and other Essays, 1874. Miller, Hugh, 1802- 1856. Scenes and Legends in the North of Scotland, 1834. The Old Red Sandstone, 1841. Footprintsof the Creator, 1850. My Schools and Schoolmasters, 1854. The Testimony of the Rocks, 1857. Milman, Henry Hart, 1791-1868. Fazio, 181 5. The Fall of Jerusalem, 1820. The Martyr of Antioch, 1822. Belshazzar, 1822. The History of the Jews, 1829. History of Christianity, 1840. History of Latin Christianity, 1854- 1855. Milton, John, 1608-1674. Comus, (acted) 1634, (Lawes' edition) 1637. Lycidas (in the Justa Edovardo King), 1638. Of the Reformation in England, 1641. Of Prelatical Episcopacy, 1641. Reason of Church Government urged against Prelaty, 1641. An Apology for Smectymnuus, 1642. Tractate on Education (Letter to Hartlib), 1644. Areopagitica, 1644. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, 1643. Tetrachordon, 1645. Colasterion, 1645. Poems both Latin and English, 1645. Eikonoklastes, 1649. Defensio pro Populo Anglicano, 165 1. Defensio Secunda, 1654. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 309 Milton, John— C^;//. Pro se Defensio contra Morum, 1655. Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes, 1659. Considerations touching the Means of Removing Hirelings out of the Church, 1659. Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth, 1660. Paradise Lost, 1667, 1674. History of Britain, 1670. L^mtrA^gfnttet :677 | - °- ™Iume. De Doctrina Christiana, 1824. The following are the dates at which some of Milton's minor poems were written : — On the Death of a Fair Infant, 1625. At a Vacation Exercise, 1628. On the Morning of Christ's Nativity, 1629. Upon the Circumcision, 1630. The Passion, 1630. First Sonnet (on his being arrived at the age of 23), 1631. At a Solemn Musick, 1632. Second Sonnet (To the Nightingale), 1633. L' Allegro and II Penseroso, 1634. Arcades, 1634. Sonnet : When the Assault was intended to the City, 1642. Sonnet : To the Lord General Cromwell, 1652. Sonnet : On the Late Massacre in Piemont, 1655. Minot, Laurence, 14th century. Poems, about 1350. Mitford, Mary Russell, 1786-1855. Our Village, 1824-1832. Recollections of a Literary Life, 1851. Mitford, William, 1744- 1827. History of Greece, 1 784- 181 8. Monboddo, see Burnett. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 1689-1762. Town Eclogues, 17 16. Letters, 1763. Poetical Works, 1768. Montague, Charles, Earl of Halifax, 1 661- 17 15. The Country Mouse and City Mouse (with Prior), 1687. 3IO CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Montgomery, James, 1771-1854. The Wanderer of Switzerland, 1806. The World before the Flood, 1813. Greenland, 18 19. Pelican Island, 1827. Montgomery, Robert, 1807- 1855. Omnipresence of the Deity, 1828. Satan, 1830. The Messiah, 1832. Moore, Edward, 1712-1757. The Gamester, 1753. Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852. Odes of Anacreon, 1800. Poetical Works of Thomas Little, 1801. Odes and Epistles, 1806. Irish Melodies, 1807- 1834. The Twopenny Post-bag, 181 2. Sacred Songs, 18 16. Lalla Rookh, 1817. Fudge Family in Paris, 1818. Fables for the Holy Alliance, 1823. Loves of the Angels, 1823. Life of Sheridan, 1825. The Epicurean, 1827. Odes upon Cash, Corn, and Catholics, 1828. Life of Byron, 1830. More, Hannah, 1745-1833. Essays for Young Ladies, 1789. Village Politics, 1793. Modern System of Female Education, 1799. Ccelebs in Search of a Wife, 1809. Practical Piety, 181 1. More, Henry, 1614-1687. Pyschodia Platonica, 1642. Philosophical Poems, 1647 (enlarged edition of Psychodia Platonica). Antidote against Atheism, 1653. Conjectura Cabbalistica, 1653. Immortality of the Soul, 1659. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 3 1 1 More, Sir Thomas, 1480- 1535. Utopia, 1516; translation, 1551. Dialogue against Tyndale touching the Pestilent Sect of Luther, 1529. Supplication of Souls, 1 529. Confutation of Tyndale, 1 532. (?)History of Edward V. and Richard III., 1557. Morley, Henry, 1822-1894. Life of Palissy, 1852. English Writers, 1864- 1867, 1886 (enlarged edition begun). Journal of a London Playgoer, 1866. A First Sketch of English Literature, 1873. Edited Morley's Universal Library, 1883- 1888. „ Cassell's National Library, 1886... Morley, John, 1838. Voltaire, 1871. Rousseau, 1873. On Compromise, 1874. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists, 1878. Morris, Lewis, 1833. Songs of Two Worlds, 1872-1875. Epic of Hades, 1876, Gwen, 1879. The Ode of Life, 1880. Songs Unsung, 1883. Morris, William, 1834- 1896. The Defence of Guinevere and other Poems, 1858. The Life and Death of Jason, 1867. The Earthly Paradise, 1868- 1870. Love is Enough, 1872. Translation of the Aeneid of Virgil, 1876. Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs, 1876. Hopes and Fears for Art, 1881. Translation of the Odyssey, 1887. Miiller, Frederick Max, 1823. Lectures on the Science of Language, 1861-1864. Chips from a German Workshop, 1868- 187 5. Introduction to the Science of Religion, 1873. Origin and Growth of Religions, 1878. Mun, Thomas, 1571-1641. Trade from England to the East Indies, 162 1 England's Treasure by Foreign Trade, 1664. 312 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLLNES Munday, Anthony, 1554- 1633. The Mirror of Mutability, 1579. The Fountain of Fame, 1 580. The Pain of Pleasure, 1580. Discovery of Edward Campion, 1582. Watchword to England, 1 584. Banquet of Dainty Conceits, 1588. Downfall of Robin Hood, 1601. Nabbes, Thomas, fi.st half of 17th century. Microcosmus, 1637. Hannibal and Scipio, 1637. The Spring's Glory, 1638. Tottenham Court, 1638. The Unfortunate Mother, 1640. Napier, Sir William, 1785-1860. History of the Peninsular War, 1828- 1840. Nash, Thomas, 1567-1600 (?). (?) An Almond for a Parrot ; or, An Alms for Martin, 1589. (?) Martin's Month's Mind, 1589. Pierce Pennilesse : His Supplication to the Devil, 1592. Strange News of the Intercepting Certain Letters, 1592, Christ's Tears over Jerusalem, 1593. The Terrors of the Night, 1594. The Unfortunate Traveller, 1594. Have with you to Saffron Walden, 1596. Lenten Stuff, 1599. Summer's Last Will and Testament, (acted) 1592, (printed) 1600. Neal, Daniel, 1678- 1743. History of New England, 1720. History of the Puritans, 1732-1738. Neale, John Mason, 1818-1866. History of the Holy Eastern Church, 1850-1851. Translation of the Rhythm of Bernard of Morlaix, 1859. Hymns of the Eastern Church, 1862. Hymns, 1865. Nelson, Robert, 1656-1715. Festivals and Fasts of the Christian Church, 1704. Newman, Francis William, 1805. Phases of Faith, 1850. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 3 1 3 Newman, Cardinal, John Henry, 1 801 -1890. Arians of the Fourth Century, 1833. Lectures on Justification, 1838. Sermons, 1834, etc. Tracts for the Times, Number XC, 1841. On Ecclesiastical Miracles, 1842. The Development of Christian Doctrine, 18460 Loss and Gain, 1848. Callista, 1852. The Office and Work of Universities, 1854. Apologia pro Vita Sua, 1864. Verses on Various Occasions, 1868. Grammar of Assent, 1870. Newton, Sir Isaac, 1642-1727. Principia Philosophiae Naturalis, 1687. Optics, 1704. Newton, Thomas, Bishop of Bristol, 1704- 1782. Dissertation on the Prophecies, 1 754-1758 Niccols, Richard, i584-(?). Edited with additions last Edition of Mirror for Magistrates, with his Poem, England's EHza, 1610. Sir Thomas Overbury's Vision, 1616. Nicholas of Guildford, 13th century. The Owl and the Nightingale. N orris, John, 1657- 171 1. Theory of an Ideal World, 1691-1701. North, Sir Dudley, 1641-1691. Discourse on Trade, 1691. North, Roger, 1653-1734. Examen, 1740, North, Sir Thomas, 1535-1601. Translation of Guevara's Dial of Princes, 1557. Translation of the Moral Philosophy of Doni (the Fables of Bidpai), 1570. Translation of Plutarch's Lives (from the French of Amyot), 1 579. Norton, Thomas, 1532 1584. Ferrex and Porrex (with Sackville), 1561, Psalms (27) in Sternhold and Hopkins' Version, 1562. 314 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Occleve, Thomas, 14th and 15th Centuries. (?) Letter of Cupid, 1402 (?). Address to Health, 1406 (?). De Regimine Principum (Gouvernail of Princes), 14 12 (?). Ockley, Simon, 1678- 1720. History of the Saracens, 1708-1718. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Book of Roads, 1675. Translation of the ^neid, 1649. Translation of ^sop's Fables, 165 1. Translation of the Iliad, 1660. Translation of the Odyssey, 1665. Oldham, John, 1653- 1683. Satires upon the Jesuits, 1679. Oldmixon, John, 1673-1742. Memoirs of Ireland, 1716. Critical History of England, 1724-1726. Oldys, William, 1696- 1 761. Life of Raleigh, 1736. Edited Harleian Miscellany, 1744-1746. Oliphant, Margaret, 1828. Life of Edward Irving, 1862. Chronicles of Carlingford, 1863- 1869. A Rose in June, 1874. The Makers of Florence, 1876. Opie, Amelia, 1769- 1853. Father and Daughter, 1801. Adeline Mowbray, 1804. Simple Tales, 1806. New Tales, 18 18. Orm, end of 12th century. The Ormulum, about 1215. Ordericus Vitalis, 1075 to after 1142. Historia Ecclesiastica, about 1142. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 315 Otway, Thomas, 1651-1685. Alcibiades, 1675. Don Carlos, 1675. Caius Marius, 1680. The Orphan, 1680. The Soldier's Fortune, 1681. Venice Preserved, 1682. Friendship in Fashion, 1678. Overbury, Sir Thomas, 1581-1613. A Wife now a Widow, 1614. Characters, 161 4. Owen, Robert, 1771-1858. A New View of Society, 18 16. Paine, Thomas, 1737- 1809. Common Sense, 1776. The American Crisis, 1776. The Rights of Man, 1791-1792. The Age of Reason, 1792- 1795. Paley, William, 1743 -1805. Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, 1785. Horae Paulinas, 1790. The Evidences of Christianity, 1794. Natural Theology, 1802. Palgrave, Sir Francis, 1788-1861. History of the Anglo-Saxon Period, 1831. Paltock, Robert, 1699- 1767. The Adventures of Peter Wilkins, 1750. Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1504- 1575. De Antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesise, 1572. Lives of the Seventy Archbishops of Canterbury, 1574. Parnell, Thomas, 1679- 1718. Battle of the Frogs and Mice, 1700. The Hermit, 1721. Pater, Walter Horatio, 1839- 1894. Studies in the Renaissance, 1873. Marius the Epicurean, 1885 Appreciations, 1889. 3i6 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Patmore, Coventry, 1823. The Angel of the House, 1854- 1863. The Unknown Eros, 1877. Paynter, William, ISS4-I593. Peacock, Thomas Love, 1785- 1866. Palmyra, 1806. Crotchet Castle, 1831. Pearson, John, Bishop of Chester, 16 12- 1686. Exposition of the Apostles' Creed, 1659. Pecock, Reginald, Bishop of Chichester, 1390 (?)-i46i. Donet, about 1440. Repressor of Overmuch Blaming of the Clergy, /449 Peele, George, i558(?)-i598(?). The Arraignment of Paris (printed), 1 584, A Farewell to Norris and Drake, 1589. Tale of Troy, 1589. The Hunting of Cupid, 1591. King Edward the First, (acted) about 1588, (printed) 1593. The Battle of Alcazar, (acted) about 1587, (printed) 1594. The Old Wives' Tale, (acted) about 1589, 1595. The Love of King David and Fair Bethsabe, (acted) about 1585, (printed) 1599. Penn, William, 1644- 171 8. No Cross No Crown, 1669. Account of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1682. Account of the People called Quakers, 1694. Pennant, Thomas, 1726-1798. Tours in Scotland, 1771, 1776. Tour in Wales, 1773. Journey from Chester to London, 1782. Pepys, Samuel, 1633-1703. Diary [1660- 1669] (deciphered and published), 1825. Percy, Thomas, Bishop of Dromore, 1729 -181 1. Reliques of Ancient EngHsh Poetry, 1765. OF ENGLISH LI TERA TURE. 3 1 7 Petty, Sir William, 1623- 1687. Treatise on Taxes and Contributions, 1662. Political Arithmetic, 1682, 1687, 1691. Political Anatomy of Ireland, 1691. Phaer, Thomas, (?)i56o. Seven First Books of the ^neids of Virgil, 1558. Nine First Books of the ^neids, 1562. Philips, Ambrose, 1671-1749. Pastorals (The Sixth Part of Tonson's Poetical Miscel- lanies), 1709. Persian Tales, 1709. The Distrest Mother, 17 12. Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 1722. Poems, 1748. Philips, John, 1676- 1708. The Splendid Shilling, 1705. Blenheim, 1705. Cyder, 1708. Philips, Katharine, 1631-1664. Poems by the Matchless Orinda, 1667 (a surreptitious edition had been published in 1664 before her death). Pinkerton, John, 1758- 1826. Ancient Scottish Poems, 1786. General Collection of Voyages and Travels, 1808- 18 14. Piozzi, Hester Lynch (formerly Thrale), 1741-1821. Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson, 1786. Letters to and from Dr. Johnson, 1788. Pollok, Robert. 1799-1827. The Course of Time, 1827. Pomfret, John, 1667- 1703. The Choice, 1699. Reason, 1700. Pope, Alexander, 1688- 1744. Pastorals (in Sixth Part of Tonson's Miscellanies), 1709. January and May ( „ „ ), 1709. Essay on Criticism, 171 1. The Rape of the Lock (in Lintot's Miscellany), 1712, 1714. The Messiah ( „ „ ), 1712. 3r8 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Pope, Alexander— Cr?;z/. Translation of Statius' Thebais, Book I. (in Lintot's Miscel- lany), 1712. The Temple of Fame, 171 5. Prologue to Cato, 171 3. Windsor Forest, 1713. Ode for St, Cecilia's Day, 17 13. Narrative of Dr. Robert Norris concerning the Deplorable Frenzy of J. D., 1713. The Wife of Bath, 17 14. Translation of the Iliad, 171 5-1720. Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady, 1717. Epistle from Eloisa to Abelard, 17 17. Translation of the Odyssey (with Broome and Fenton), 1725-1726. Edition of Shakespeare, 1725. Treatise on the Bathos, 1727. Memoirs of P. P., Clerk of this Parish, 1727. The Dunciad, 1728 ; (with Notes Variorum and Prolegomena of Martinus Scriblerus), 1729; (with Bk. IV.), 1742, (with Cibber as hero), 1743. Contributions to the Grub Street Journal, 1730- 1737. Epistle on Taste, 1731. ^Essay on Man, 1732- 1734. Moral Essays, 1731-1735. Imitations of Horace, 1733-1737. Epistle to Arbuthnot, 1735. Correspondence (Curll's edition), 1735 ; (authorized edition), 1737. The Satires of Dr. Donne Versified, 1735. Epilogue to the Satires, 1738. Pordage, Samuel, latter half of 17th century. Poems, 1660. Herod and Mariamne, 1673. The Siege of Babylon, 1678. Azaria and Hushai, 1682. The Medal Reversed, 1682. Porter, Anna Maria, 1780- 1832. The Hungarian Brothers, 1807. Porter, Jane, 1776- 1850. Thaddeus of Warsaw, 1803. The Scottish Chiefs, 18 10. The Pastor's Fireside, 181 5. OF ENGLISH L ITER A TURE. 3 1 9 Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, 1802- 1839. Poems, (pirated American Edition, 1844), 1864. Price, Richard, 1 723-1 791. A Review of the Principal Questions in Morals, 1758. Civil Liberty, 1776. Prideaux, Humphrey, 1648 -1724. Connection of the Old and New Testaments, 17 16- 17 18, Priestley, Joseph, 1733- 1804. Experiments on Air, 1774-9. Disquisitions relating to Matter and Spirit, 1777. History of the Corruptions of Christianity, 1782. Prior, Matthew, 1664- 1721. The Country Mouse and City Mouse (with Montague), 1687. Carmen Seculare, 1700. Poems on Several Occasions, 1709, 17 18. Alma, 1 7 18. Solomon, 17 18. Procter, Adelaide Anne, 1825- 1864. Legends and Lyrics, 1858. Procter, Bryan Waller (Barry Cornwall), 1787-1874. A Sicilian Story, 1820. Mirandola, 1821. The Flood of Thessaly, 1823. English Songs, 1832. Essays and Tales in Prose, 1853. Prynne, William, 1600- 1669. Unloveliness of Lovelocks, 1628. Histrio-Mastix : the Player's Scourge, 1633. News from Ipswich, 1637. The Antipathy of the English Lordly Prelacy both to Regal Monarchy and Civil Unity, 1641. A Pleasant Purge for a Roman Catholic to Evacuate his Evil Humours, 1642. Canterbury's Doom, 1646. Records (Historical Demonstration of the Kings Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction), 1666- 1668. Pugin, Augustus Welby, 1811-1852. Contrasts, 1836. True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture, 1841. 320 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Purchas, Samuel, 1577- 1626. Purchas : His Pilgrimage, 1613. Microcosmus, 1619. (?)The King's Tower, 1623. Haklytus Posthumus ; or, Purchas : His Pilgrims, 1625. Pusey, Edward Bouverie, D.D., 1800- 1882. The Holy Eucharist, a Comfort to the Penitent, 1843. The Doctrine of the Real Presence, 1855. The Councils of the Church, 1857. The Minor Prophets (with Commentary), 1862- 1867. Daniel the Prophet, 1864. Eirenicon, Part I., The Church of England a Portion of Christ's One Holy Cathohc Church, 1865. Eirenicon, Parts II. and III., Letters to Dr. Newman, 1869, 1870. Un-Science, not Science, Adverse to Faith, 1878. Sermons. Puttenham, George, about 1530 - about 1600. Partheniades, 1579. Art of English Poesie, 1 589. Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. A Feast for Worms, 1620. Hadassa : or the History of Queen Esther, 1621. Argalus and Parthenia, 162 1. Job Militant, with Meditations Divine and Moral, 1624. Sion's Elegies wept by Jeremie the Prophet, 1624. Sion's Sonnets sung by Solomon the King and periphrased, 1625. Divine Poems, 1630. Divine Fancies, 1632. Emblems, Divine and Moral, 1635. Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man, 1638. Enchiridion, 1640. The Shepherd's Oracles, 1644. The Loyal Convert, 1644. The Virgin Widow, 1649. * Radcliffe, Ann, 1764- 1823. The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, 1789. A Sicihan Romance, 1790. The Romance of the Forest, 1791. The Mysteries of Udolpho, 1794. The Italian, 1797. Gaston de Blondeville, 1826. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 321 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 1 552-1618. The Fight about the Isles of the Azores, 1591. The Discovery of the Empire of Guiana, 1596. A History of the World, 1614. Poems. Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758. Scots Songs, 17 1 9. Patie and Roger, 1721. ) Poems, 1721. i The Evergreen ; Scots Poems written before 1600, 1724. Tea-Table Miscellany, 1724. The Gentle Shepherd, 1725. Fables, 1730. Randolph, Thomas, 1605 (?)-i634 (?). The Conceited Pedlar, 1630. Aristippus, 1630. The Jealous Lovers, 1632. Amyntas, 1638. The Muses' Looking- Glass, 1638. Poems, 1638. Hey for Honesty, 165 1. Ray, John, 1628- 1705. Collection of Proverbs, 1672. History of Fishes (with Willoughby), 1686. Historia Plantarum, 1686. The Wisdom of God Manifested in Creation, 1691. Physico-Theological Discourse on Chaos, etc., 1693. Reade, Charles, 18 14- 1884. Peg Woffington, 1852. Christie Johnstone, 1853. Masks and Faces (with Tom Taylor), 1854. It is Never too Late to Mend, 1857. The Cloister and the Hearth, i860. Hard Cash, 1863. Griffith Gaunt, 1866. Foul Play, 1869. Put Yourself in His Place, 1870. The Wandering Heir, 1875. A Woman Hater, 1877. Reeve, Clara, 1725-1803. The Phoenix, 1772. The Old EngHsh Baron, 1777, The Progress of Romance, 1785. 322 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Reid, Thomas, 1710-1796. Inquiry into the Human Mind, 1764. On the Intellectual Powers of Man, 1785. On the Active Powers of the Human Mind, 1788. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 1723- 1792. Discourses on Painting, 1778, 1797. Ricardo, David, 1772- 1823. The High Price of Bullion, 1809. Principles of Political Economy, 1817. Richardson, Samuel, 1 689-1 761. Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, 1 740. Clarissa Harlowe, 1748. Sir Charles Grandison, 1753. Ritson, Joseph, 1752- 1803. Collection of English Songs, 1783. Ancient Songs from the Time of Henry III., 1790. Ancient Popular Poetry, 1791. Collection of Scottish Songs, 1794. Robin Hood Poems, 1795. Fairy Tales, 1831. Robert of Avesbury, 14th century. De Mirabilibus Gestis Edwardi III., 1356. Robert of Brunne. See Manning. Robert of Gloucester, end of 13th century. (J) Metrical Legends of Saints, about 1300. Chronicle of England, about 1298- 1300. Robertson, Frederick William, 18 16- 1853. Sermons, 185 5-1 873. Robertson, William, 1721-1793. History of Scotland during the Reigns of Mary and James VI., 1759- History of the Reign of Charles V., 1769. History of America, 1777. Rochester, Earl of. See Wilmot. Roger of Hoveden, 12th century. Annales [731 A.D.-1201 a.d.], about 1201. Roger of Wendover, d. about 1237. Chronica sive Flores Historiarum [creation to 1235], about 1235. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 323 Rogers, Samuel, 1763- 1855. Ode to Superstition and other Poems, 1786. The Pleasures of Memory, 1792. Columbus, 18 12. Jacqueline, 1814. Human Life, 181 9. Italy, 1822-1828. Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, d. 1349. The Prick of Conscience, about 1340. Roscoe, William, 1753- 1831. The Life of Lorenzo the Magnificent, 1796. The Life of Leo the Tenth, 1805. Roscommon, Earl of, see Dillon. Ross, Alexander, 1590- 1654. Arcana Microcosmi, 1652. Ross, Alexander, of Lochlee, 1698- 1784. Helenore, 1778. Rossetti, Christina Georgina, 1830- 1894. Goblin Market and other Poems, 1862. The Prince's Progress and other Poems, 1866. A Pageant and other Poems, 1881. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 1828-1882. The Early Italian Poets, i86i ; republished as Dante and his Circle, 1873. Poems, 1870, 1882. Ballads and Sonnets, 1881. Rossetti, Maria Francesca, 1827-1876. Shadow of Dante, 1871. Rowe, Nicholas, 1673-1718. The Ambitious Stepmother, 1700. Tamerlane, 1702. The Fair Penitent, 1703. The Biter, 1704. Ulysses, 1707. The Royal Convert, 1707. Jane Shore, 1714. Lady Jane Grey, 171 5. 324 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Rowley, Samuel, early 17th century. When you See Me you Know Me (Henry VIII.), 1605. The Noble Spanish Soldier, 1634. Rowley, William, early 17th century. A Fair Quarrel (with Middleton) (printed), 161 7. World Tost at Tennis (with Middleton), entered 1620. A Woman never Vext (printed), 1632. A Match at Midnight (printed), 1633. All's Lost by Lust (printed), 1633. The Old Law (with Middleton) (printed), 1656. Roy, William, i6th century. Burying the Mass, or Read me and be not Wroth, 1 528. Rushworth, John, 1607- 1690. Collection of Private Passages of State, etc., 1659, 1680, 1692, 1701. Ruskin, John, 1819. Salsette and Elephanta, 1839. Modern Painters, 1843, 1846, 1856, i860. Seven Lamps of Architecture, 1849. Pre-Raphaelitism, 1850. Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds, 185 1. Stones of Venice, 185 1- 1853. Notes on the Academy, 1853. , Two Paths, 1859. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, 1854. Political Economy of Art, 1858. Unto this Last, 1862. Ethics of the Dust, 1865. Sesame and Lilies, 1865. Crown of Wild Olive, 1866. Time and Tide by Wear and Tyne, 1868. Queen of the Air, 1869. Aratra Pentelici, 1870. Fors Clavigera, begun 1871 ; practically complete, 1878. The Eagle's Nest, 1872. Ariadne Florentina, 1872. Val d'Arno, 1873. Love's Meinie, begun 1873. Mornings in Florence, 1875-1877. Proserpina, begun 1875. Frondes Agrestes, 1875. * OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, 325 RuSKiN, John — Cont. Deucalion, begun 187^. • Arrows of the Chace, 1880. Praeterita, begun 1885. Russell, John, Earl, 1792-1878. Life of Lord William Russell, 18 19. Life of Thomas Moore, 1852. Life of Charles James Fox, 1859. Russell, William Howard, 1821. Letters from the Crimea, 1855-1856. Russell, William, 1746-1794. History of Modern Europe [to 1648], 1779. Rymer, Thomas, 1639-1713. The Tragedies of the Last Age Considered, 1678. Foedera, 1704-17 13, 171 5 ; and continued by other hands, 171 7. 1726, 1 73 1, etc. Sackville, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst, 1536-1608. Gorboduc (with Norton), 1561. Induction to the Mirror for Magistrates, 1563. Complaint of Buckingham, 1 563. St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, 1678-1751. Dissertation on Parties, 1735. Letters on Patriotism, 1749. Idea of a Patriot King, 1735. Letters on the Study of History, 1752. Letter to Sir W. Windham, 1753. Philosophical Writings (edited by David Mallet), 1754. Sale, George, 1680- 1736. Translation of the Koran, 1734. Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1616-1693. Fur Praedestinatus, 165 1. Sanders, Nicholas, 1 527-1 581. De Origine Schismatis Anglicani, 1585. Sanderson, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, 1587-1663. De Juramenti Obligatione, 1647. Nine Cases of Conscience Resolved, 1678. Sandys, George, 1577- 1644. Relation of a Journey, begun A.D. 1610, 161 5. Translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, 1626. Paraphrase on the Psalms of David, 1636. 326 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Savage, Richard, 1698- 1743. The Bastard, 1728. • The Wanderer, 1729. Scott, Michael, 1789- 1835. Tom Cringle's Log, 1829- 1830. The Cruise of the Midge, 1836. Scott, Reginald, 1 545-1 599- The Discovery of Witchcraft, 1 584. Scott, Sir Walter, 1771-1832. Translation of Biirger's Ballads (Wild Huntsman, Lenore, etc.), 1796. Translation of Goethe's Goetz von Berlichingen, 1799. The Eve of St. John, The Grey Brother, etc., 1801. The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 1802- 1803. The Lay of the Last Minstrel, 1805. Ballads and Lyrical Pieces, 1806. Marmion, 1808. The Lady of the Lake, 18 10. The Vision of Don Roderick, 181 1. Rokeby, 181 3; The Bridal of Triermain, 1813. Waverley, 18 14. The Lord of the Isles, 181 5. Guy Mannering, 18 15. The Antiquary, 18 16. The Black Dwarf, 18 16, Old Mortality, 18 16 (First Series of Tales of My Landlord). Harold the Dauntless, 1817. Rob Roy, 1 8 18. The Heart of Midlothian, 1818 (Second Series of Tales of My Landlord). The Bride of Lammermoor, 18 19, A Legend of Montrose, 18 19 (Third Series of Tales of My Landlord). Ivanhoe, 1820. The Monastery, 1820. The Abbot, 1820. Kenil worth, 1821. The Pirate, 1821. The Fortunes of Nigel, 1822. Halidon Hill, 1822. Peveril of the Peak, 1823. Quentin Durward, 1823. St. Ronan's Well, 1823. Redgauntlet, 1824. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 327 Scott, Sir Walter — Cont. The Betrothed, 1825. The Talisman, 1825. Lives of the Novehsts, 1825. Woodstock, 1826. The Life of Napoleon, 1827. The Two Drovers, The Highland Widow, The Surgeon's Daughter, 1827 (First Series of Chronicles of the Canongate). Tales of a Grandfather, 1827- 1830. The Fair Maid of Perth, 1828 (Second Series of Chronicles of the Canongate). Anne of Geierstein, 1829. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, 1830. Count Robert of Paris, Castle Dangerous, 1831 (Fourth Series of Tales of My Landlord). Sedley, Sir Charles, 1639-1701. The Mulberry Garden, 1668. Antony and Cleopatra, 1677. Bellamira, 1687. Poems. Seeley, John Robert, 1834- 1895. Ecce Homo, 1865. Life and Times of Stein, 1878, Natural Religion, 1882. The Expansion of England, 1883. Selden, John, 1584-1654. The Duello, 16 10. Titles of Honour, 1614. History of Tithes, 1618. Mare Clausum, 1635. De Jure Naturali juxta Disciplinam Hebrseorum, 1640. Table Talk, 1689. Senior, Nassau William, 1790-1864. Political Economy, 1848. Essays on Fiction, 1864. Settle, Elkanah, 1648- 1723. The Empress of Morocco, 1673. Love and Revenge, 1675. The Female Prelate, 1680. Absalom Senior or Absalom and Achitophel Transposed, 1682. Triumphs for Lord Mayor's Day, 1691-1708, The City Ramble, 17 12. 328 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Sewell, Elizabeth Missing, 1812. Amy Herbert, 1844. The Earl's Daughter, 1845. Cleve Hall, 1847. Shadwell, Thomas, 1640- 1692. The Sullen Lovers, 1669. The Royal Shepherdess, 1669. The Humourists, 1671. Epsom Wells, 1672. The Virtuoso, 1676. Timon of Athens, 1678. Lancashire Witches, 1682. The Medal of John Bayes, 1682. The Scowrers, 1691. Shakspere, William, 1564-1616. Trial Table of the Order of the Plays and Poems (from Mr. Furnivall's Introduction to F. E. Bunnett's Translation of Gervinus), 1877. Supposed Earliest Date of Publi- Date. Allusion. cation. irst Period— Titus Andronicus (toucht up), (?) 1588 1594 1600. Love's Labour's Lost, 1 588-1 589 1598 1598. [Love's Labour's Won], 1598 Comedy of Errors, I 589- 1 59 1 1594 1623. Midsummer Night's Dream [? 2 dates]. I 590-1 591 1598 1600. Two Gentlemen of Verona, I 590- 1 592 1598 1623. (?) I Henry VI. (toucht up), I 590- 1 592 1623. Romeo and Juliet, I59I-I593 1595 1597. Venus and Adonis, I 592- 1 593 1593. Lucrece, 1 593-1 594 1594 1594. Richard II., (?) 1 593- 1 594 (?)i595 1597. 2 and 3 Henry VI. (recast), (?) 1 592-1 594 1623. Richard III., 1594 (?)i595 1597- "xond Period— John, 1595 1598 1623. Merchant of Venice, 1596 1598 1600. Taming of the Shrew (part). (?) 1 596- 1 597 1623. I Henry IV., 1 596- 1 597 1598 1598. 2 Henry IV., 1597-1598 1598 1600. Merry Wives of Windsor, 1 598- 1 599 1602 1602. Henry V., 1599 1599 1600. Much Ado about Nothing, 1 599- 1600 1600 1600. As You Like it, 1600 1600 1623. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 329 Shakspere, William— C Frankenstein, 1817. Valperga, 1823. Perkin Warbeck, 1830. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822. Zastrozzi, 18 10. Poetry by Victor and Cazire, 18 10. Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson, 18 10. St. Irvyne, 18 10. The Necessity of Atheism, 1811. Address to the Irish People, 181 2. The Devil's Walk, 18 12. Queen Mab, 18 13. Vindication of Natural Diet, 18 13. Alastor or the Spirit of Solitude, i8i6. Laon and Cythna (The Revolt of Islam), 18 18. Julian and Maddalo (written), 181 8. 330 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Shelley, Percy Bysshe— C^;z/. Rosalind and Helen, 1819. Lines written among the Euganean Hills, 18 19. The Cenci, 1819. Peter Bell the Third, 1824. CEdipus Tyrannus or Swellfoot the Tyrant, 1820. The Witch of Atlas, 1820. Prometheus Unbound, 1820. Epipsychidion, 1821. Adonais, 1821. Hellas, 1822. Posthumous Poems, 1824. Masque of Anarchy, 1832. Essays, Letters, etc., 1840. Shenstone, William, 1714-1763. Poems upon Several Occasions, 1737 The Schoolmistress, 1737, 1742. Pastoral Ballad, 1743. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1 751 -i 816. The Rivals, 1775. St. Patrick's Day : or. The Scheming Lieutenant, 1775. The Duenna, 1775. The School for Scandal, 1777. A Trip to Scarborough, 1777. The Critic : or, a Tragedy Rehearsed, 1779. The Stranger (revision of Benjamin Thompson's version), 1798. Pizarro, 1799. Sheridan, Frances (nee Chamberlayne), 1724- 1766. Miss Sydney Biddulph, 1761. The Discovery, 1763. The Dupe, 1765. Sherlock, William, 1641-1707. Practical Discourse concerning Death, 1689. Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity, 1691. Practical Discourse concerning Future Judgment, 1692. Shirley, James, 1596- 1666. Love Tricks [also known as the School of Compliment, and as The Changes], (licensed) 1625, (printed) 1631. Hyde Park, (acted) 1632. The Maid's Revenge, (licensed) 1626, (printed) 1639. The Wedding, 1629. The Traitor, (acted) 1631 (?), (printed) 1637. The Example, (licensed) 1634, (printed) 1637. The Cardinal, (licensed) 1641, (printed) 1652. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 331 Sidgwick, Henry, 1838. The Methods of Ethics, 1874. The Principles of Political Economy, 1883. Sidney, Algernon, 1622- 1683. Discourse concerning Government, 1698. Sidney, Sir Philip, 1554-1586. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, 1 590. Astrophel and Stella, 1591. An Apology for Poetry, 1595. Skelton, John, about 1460-1529. On the Death of King Edward IV., 1483. An Elegy on the Death of the Earl of Northumberland, 1489. The Necromancer, 1504. A Goodly Garland of Laurel, 1 523. Magnificence, probably printed 1529 or 1530. The Bowge of Court. Colin Clout. Philip Sparrow, written before 1 508. Why come ye not to Court .? Speak Parrot. Ware the Hawk. The Tunning of Elinour Rumming. The Manner of the World Nowadays. Mannerly Mistress Margery. Speculum Principis. Against a Comely Coystrowne. Smart, Christopher, 1722- 1770. SoJ^^arden, ,752 | '" ^^""^ ™'™^ The HilHad, 1753. Translation of Horace, 1756. Song to David, 1763. Smith, Adam, LL.D., 1723-1790. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 1776. Smith, Alexander, 1830-1867. A Life Drama and other Poems, 1853. Sonnets on the War (with Sidney Dobell), 1855. Edwin of Deira, 1861. 332 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Smith, Charlotte, 1749- 1806. The Old Manor House, 1793. Smith, Goldwin, 1823. Irish History and Irish Character, 1861. England and America, 1865. Three English Statesmen, 1867. Smith, Horace, 1779- 1849. Rejected Addresses (with James Smith), 181 2. Horace in London, 18 13. Brambletye House, 1826. The Tin Trumpet, 1836. Smith, Sydney, 1771-1845. Letters on the Catholics from Peter Plymley, 1808. A Letter to the Electors on the Catholic Question, 1826. Letter to Lord John Russell on the Church Bills, 1838. Essays in the Edinburgh Review, 1802- 1828. Sermons, 1800, 1809, 1846. Smollett, Tobias George, 1721-1771. The Tears of Scotland, 1746. Advice : a Satire, 1746. Reproof: a Satire, 1747. The Adventures of Roderick Random, 1748. The Regicide : a Tragedy, 1749. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, 1751. The Adventures of Ferdinand, Count Fathom, 1753. Translation of Don Quixote, 1755. The Reprisal : or, Tars of England, 1757. A Complete History of England, 1757, 1758, 1763, 1765. The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, 1762. Travels through France and Italy, 1766. The History and Adventures of an Atom, 1769. The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, 1771. Ode to Independence, 1773. Somerset, Edward, Marquis of Worcester, 1601-1677. A Century of Inventions, 1663. Somerville, William, (?)-i742. The Chase, 1735. Field Sports, 1742. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 333 South, Robert, D.D., 1633- 1716. The Laity Instructed, 1660. Sermons, 1678- 1744. Animadversions on Dr. Sherlock's Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity, 1693. Southern, Thomas, 1660- 1746. The Persian Prince : or, the Loyal Brother, 1682. The Disappointment : or, the Mother in Fashion, 1684. The Wife's Excuse, 1692. Isabella : or, the Fatal Marriage, 1694. Oroonoko, 1696. The Spartan Dame, 1721. Southey, Robert, 1774-1843. Wat Tyler, 1794. Poems by Bion and Moschus (with Lovell), 1795. Joan of Arc, 1796. Letters from Spain and Portugal, 1 797. Thalaba the Destroyer, 1801. Madoc, 1805. Chronicles of the Cid, 1808. History of Brazil, 18 10. The Curse of Kehama, 18 10. Life of Nelson, 181 3. Roderick, the Last of the Goths, 18 14. Carmen Triumphale, 181 5. Life of Wesley, 1820. Vision of Judgment, 1 82 1. History of the Peninsular War, 1823-1832. The Book of the Church, 1824. Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society, 1824. Lives of English Admirals, 1833- 1840. The Doctor, 1834- 1847. Southwell, Robert, iS6o(?)-i595. Mary Magdalen's Funeral Tears, 1594. St. Peter's Complaint with other Poems, 1595. Triumphs over Death, 1595. Speed, John, 1552-1629. Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, 1606. History of Great Britain under the Conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans, 161 1. 334 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Spelman, Sir Henry, 1 562-1 641. Glossarium Archaiologicum, 1626. Concilia, Decreta, etc., in re Ecclesiastica Orbis Britannici, 1639-1643. History of Sacrilege, 1698. Spence, Joseph, 1699-1768. Essay on Pope's Translation of the Odyssey, 1727. Polymetis, 1747. Anecdotes, 1820. Spencer, Herbert, 1820. The Proper Sphere of Government, 1842. Social Statics, 1851. Principles of Psychology, 1855, 1870. Essays : Scientific, Political, and Speculative, 18 58- 1863. Education, 1861. First Principles, 1862. Classification of the Sciences, 1864. Principles of Biology, 1864. The Study of Sociology, 1872- 1873. Principles of Sociology, (vol. i.), 1876. Ceremonial Institutions, 1879. Data of Ethics, 1879. Political Institutions, 1882. The Man versus the State, 1884. Ecclesiastical Institutions, 1885. Spenser, Edmund, 1552- 1599. Theatre of Voluptuous Worldlings, 1569. The Shepherd's Calendar, 1579. The Faery Queen, Books I.-IIL, 1590; Books IV. -VI., 1596. Complaints (containing the Ruins of Time, Tears of the Muses, Virgil's Gnat, Prosopopoia or Mother Hubbard's Tale, The Ruins of Rome, Muiopotmos, Visions of this World's Vanity, Visions of Bellay, Visions of Petrarch), 1591. Daphnaida, 1591. Colin Clout's come Home again, 1595. Astrophel, 1595. Amoretti and Epithalamion, 1595. Four Hymns, 1596. Prothalamion, 1596. A View of the Present State of Ireland, 1633. Sprat, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, 1636- 1713. History of the Royal Society, 1667. Life of Cowley, 1668. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 335 Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield, 1694- 1773. Letters to his Son, 1774. Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl, 1805- 1875. History of the War of the Succession in Spain, 1832. History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1836- 1852. History of the Reign of Queen Anne, 1870. Stanihurst, Richard, (?) d. 1618. Translation of Books I. -IV. of Virgil's ^neid, 1583. De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis, 1584. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, 1815-1881. Life of Dr. Arnold, 1 844. Memorials of Canterbury, 1854. Sinai and Palestine, 1855. History of the Eastern Church, 1861. History of the Jewish Church, 1863-1865. Essays on Church and State, 1870. Steele, Sir Richard, 1 671- 1729. The Christian Hero, 1701. The Funeral, or Griefs la Mode (acted), 1702. The Lying Lover ; or the Ladies' Friendship (acted), 1703. The Tender Husband ; or the Accomplished Fools (acted), 1705. Essays in the Tatler, 1709 ; the Spectator and the Guardian, 1711-1714. Essays in the Englishman, 1713-1714; the Lover, 1714; and the Reader, 17 14. The Importance of Dunkirk considered, 17 13. The Crisis, 17 14. The Conscious Lovers, 1722. Stephen, Sir James, 1789-1859. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography, 1849. Lectures on the History of France, 1851. Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, 1829- 1894. Essays by a Barrister, 1862. General View of the Criminal Law of England, 1863. Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, 1873. History of the Criminal Law, 1883. Stephen, Leslie, 1832. The Playground of Europe, 1871. Essays on Free Thinking and Plain Speaking, 1873, 336 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Leslie — Contd. Hours in a Library, 1874, 1879. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century, 1876. The Science of Ethics, 1882. Edited Dictionary of National Biography, 1885 seq. Sterling, John, 1806-1844. Arthur Coningsby, 1833. Poems, 1839. Strafford, 1843. Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent, 17 59- 1767. Sermons, 1760. Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, 1768. Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1845-1894. Virginibus Puerisque, 1881. Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1882. New Arabian Nights, 1882. Treasure Island, 1883. Prince Otto, 1885. A Child's Garden of Verses, 1885. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1886. Kidnapped, 1886. Underwoods, 1887. The Master of Ballantrae, 1889. Memories and Portraits, 1887. Catriona, 1893. Stewart, Dugald, 1753- 1828. Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1792- 1827. Outlines of Moral Philosophy, 1793. The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers, 1828. Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop of Worcester, 1635-1699. Origines Sacrae, 1662. Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity, 1697. Answer to Mr. Locke's Letter, 1697. Answer to Mr. Locke's Second Letter, 1697. Stowe, John, 1525 (?)-i6o5. Summary of English Chronicles, 1561. Annals or General Chronicle of England, 1580. Survey of London, 1598, 1603. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 3^7 Strickland, Agnes, 1806- 1874. Lives of the Queens of England, 1840- 1848. Strutt, Joseph, 1742- 1802. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, 1801. Strype, John, 1643-1737. Memorials of Thomas Cranmer, 1694. Annals of the Reformation, 1 709-1 731. Ecclesiastical Memorials, 1721-1733. Stubbs, Philip, (?)-d. 1592. The Anatomy of Abuses, 1 583. A Crystal Glass for Christian Women, 1591. Stubbs, William, Bishop of Oxford, 1825. Select Charters, 1870. Constitutional History of England, 1874-1878. Suckling, Sir John, 1609-1641. Session of the Poets, 1637. Aglaura (acted), 1637. Fragmenta Aurea (collected Poems), 1646. Surrey, Earl of, Howard, Henry, about 1 517- 1547. Ecclesiastes. Paraphrase of Certain Psalms (Ixxxviii., Ixxiii., Iv., viii.). Translation of Virgil's ^neid. Books II. and IV., 1553 (?), 1557. Songs and Sonnets (collected in Tottel's Miscellany), 1557. Swift, Jonathan, 1667- 1745. The Battle of the Books (written 1698), 1704. The Tale of a Tub (written 1698), 1704. The Mechanical Operation of the Spirit, 1704. Meditation upon a Broomstick, 1704. Sentiments of a Church of England Man in Respect to Religion and Government, 1708. Predictions of Isaac Bickerstaff, 1708. Account of Partridge's Death, 1708. Letter on the Sacramental Test, 1708. Argument against Abolishing Christianity, 1 708. Vindication of Isaac Bickerstaff, 1709. Letter to the October Club, 17 12. Miscellanies (including Baucis and Philemon, Description of a City Shower, etc.), 171 1. 'Edited the Examiner, 17 10-17 11, The Conduct of the Allies, 171 1. Y 33^ CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Swift, Jonathan— C^;z/. Proposal for Correcting the English Language, 17 12. Cadenus and Vanessa, (written) 171 3. The Importance of the Guardian Considered, 17 13. The Public Spirit of the Whigs, 17 14. Journal to Stella (written), 1710-1713. Proposal for the Universal Use of Irish Manufactures, 1720. Letters of M. B. Drapier, 1724, 1735. Travels of Lemuel Gulliver, 1726. The Journal of a Modern Lady, 1728. Modest Proposal for preventing the Children of Poor People from being a Burden, 1729. The History of the Four Last Years of Queen Anne, 1758. Vindication of Lord Carteret, 1730. On the Death of Dr. Swift, 1731. Examination of Certain Abuses, 1732. Polite Conversation, 1738, Directions to Servants (written before 1738), 1745. Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1837. Rosamond, 1861. The Queen Mother, 1861. Atalanta in Calydon, 1864. Chastelard, 1865. Poems and Ballads, 1866, 1878, 1889. A Song of Italy, 1867. William Blake, a Critical Essay, 1867. Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic, 1870. Songs before Sunrise, 1871. Under the Microscope, 1872. Bothwell, a Tragedy, 1874. Essays and Studies, 1875. George Chapman, an Essay, 1875. Erechtheus, a Tragedy, 1876. A Study of Shakespeare, 1880. Songs of the Spring-Tides, 1880. Mary Stuart, 1881. Tristram of Lyonesse, 1882. A Midsummer Holiday and other Poems, 1884. Marino Faliero, 1885. Victor Hugo, 1886. Locrine, 1887. Study of Ben Jonson, 1889. Sylvester, Joshua, 1563-1618. Divine Weeks and Works (translation from Du Bartas), 1598. Tobacco Battered and Pipes Shattered. 161 5. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 339 Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893. Renaissance in Italy, 1875-1886. Many Moods, 1878. Tannahill, Robert, 1774-1810. Songs and Poems, 1807. Tate, Nahum, 1652- 1715. Poems, 1677. Absalom and Achitophel, Part II. (with additions by Dryden), 1682. New Version of the Psalms (with Brady), 1696. Taylor, Sir Henry, 1805-1886. Isaac Comnenus, 1827. Philip van Artevelde, 1834. Edwin the Fair, 1842. Taylor, Isaac, 1787- 1865. Natural History of Enthusiasm, 1829, Physical Theory of Another Life, 1836. Taylor, Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor, 1613-1667. Episcopacy Asserted, 1643. Dissuasive from Popery, 1647. , The Liberty of Prophesying, 1647, /' The Great Exemplar, 1649. Holy Living, 1650. Holy Dying, 1651. Golden Grove, 1655. Ductor Dubitantium, 1660. The Worthy Communicant, 1660. Taylor, John, 1580-1654. The Penniless Pilgrimage, 161 8. Taylor, Tom, 1817-1880. Masks and Faces (with Charles Reade), 1854. Still Waters Run Deep, 1855. The Fool's Revenge, 1859. The Ticket-of-Leave Man, 1863. Lady Clancarty, 1873. Temple, Sir William, 1628- 1699. Observations on the Netherlands, 1672. Essays, 1692. Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 1809-1892. Poems by Two Brothers (with Charles Tennyson), 1827. 340 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Tennyson, Alfred, Lord— C^^z/. Timbuctoo, 1829. Poems chiefly Lyrical, 1830. Poems, 1833. Poems (includes Morte d' Arthur, Godiva, Dora, Miller's Daughter, Locksley Hall, etc.), 1842. The Princess, 1847. In Memoriam, 1850. Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, 1852. Charge of the Light Brigade, 1854. Maud, 1855. Idylls of the King, 1858-1886. Enoch Arden and other Poems, 1864. The Holy Grail and other Poems, 1869. The Last Tournament, 1871. Gareth and Lynette, 1872. Queen Mary, 1875. Harold, 1877. Lover's Tale and other Poems, 1879. The Falcon (acted), 1879. Ballads and other Poems, 1880. The Cup (acted), 1881. Becket, 1884. Tiresias and other Poems, 1885. Locksley Hall : Sixty Years After, 1886. Demeter and other Poems, 1889. Thackeray, William Makepeace, 181 1 -1863. The Yellowplush Papers, 1837. Catherine (Eraser's Magazine), 1839- 1840. The Paris Sketch Book, 1840. The Great Hoggarty Diamond (Eraser's Magazine), 1841. The Irish Sketch Book, 1843. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon (Eraser's Magazine), 1844. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, 1845. Vanity Eair, 1847- 1848. Mrs. Perkins' Ball, 1847. The Book of Snobs, 1848. Our Street, 1848. Dr. Birch and his Young Friends, 1849. The History of Pendennis, 1849- 1850. Rebecca and Rowena, 1850. The Kickleburys on the Rhine, 1850. English Humourists (lectures delivered), 185 1 ; (published), 1853. Esmond, 1852. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 341 Thackeray, William Makepeace— C<9«/. The Newcomes, 1854- 185 5. The Four Georges (lectures delivered), 1856 ; (published), i86a The Virginians, 1857-1859. Adventures of Philip, 1 86 1. Lovel the Widower, 1861. Denis Duval, 1867. Theobald, Lewis, 1688-1744. Electra, 17 14. Shakespeare Restored, 1726. The Double Falsehood, 1727. Edition of Shakespeare, 1733. Thomas of Elmham, d. about 1426. Liber Metricus de Henrico V. Thomson, James, 1700- 1748. Winter, 1726. Summer, 1727. Britannia, 1729. Spring, 1728. ' Sophonisba, 1730. Autumn, with the Hymn to Nature, 1730. Liberty, 1734- 1736. Agamemnon, 1738. Edward and Leonora, 1739. Alfred (with Mallet), 1740. Tancred and Sigismunda, 1745. The Castle of Indolence, 1748. Coriolanus, 1749. Thomson, James, 1834- 1882. The City of Dreadful Night, 1874. Thomson, William, Archbishop of York, 181 9- 1890. Outline of the Necessary Laws of Thought, 1849. The Atoning Work of Christ (Bampton Lectures), 1853. Thornbury, Walter, 1828- 1876. Life of Turner, 1862. Old Stories Retold, 1869. Thornton, William Thomas, 18 13. Plea for Peasant Proprietors, 1848. On Labour, 1869. 342 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Thorpe, Benjamin, 1782-1870. Analecta Anglo- Saxonica, 1834. Edited Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1858. Tickell, Thomas, 1686-1740. Papers on Pastoral Poetry in the Guardian, April, 171 3. Translation of Homer's Iliad, Book I., 171 5. Elegy on Addison, 1721. Tillotson, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1630-1694. Sermons, 1671, 1678, 1682, 1694. Tindal, Matthew, 1657-1733. Christianity as Old as Creation, 1730. Toland, James Junius, 1670- 1722. Christianity not Mysterious, 1696. Nazarenus, 17 18. Tooke, John Home, 1736-1812. The Diversions of Purley, 1786-1805. Tourneur, Cjrril, 17th century. The Revenger's Tragedy, 1607. The Atheist's Tragedy, 161 1. On the Death of Prince Henry, 161 3. The Nobleman. Trench, Richard Chenevix, Archbishop of Dublin, 1807-1886. Notes on the Parables, 1841. Notes on the Miracles, 1846. The Study of Words, 1851. English Past and Present, 1854. Trevisa, John, end of 14th century. Translation of Higden's Polychronicon, 1387. Trivet, Nicholas, 1258-1328 (?). Annales sex Regum Angliae, 1307. Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. The Macdermotts of Ballycloran, 1847. • La Vendee, 1850. The Warden, 1855. Barchester Towers, 1857. Doctor Thorne, 1858. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE, 343 Trollope, Anthony— C^;2/. The Bertrams, 1859. Framley Parsonage, 1861. OrleyFarm, 1862. Can You F'orgive Her? 1864. The Small House at AUington, 1864. Last Chronicle of Barset, 1867. Phineas Phinn, 1869. The Eustace Diamonds, 1872. Is he Popenjoy ? 1878. Tucker, Abraham, 1705- 1774. Light of Nature Pursued, 1 765. Zl ^ *7 ^-f- - / *? 1^^ Tapper, Martin Farquhar, 18 10- 1889. Proverbial Philosophy, 1838, 1842, 1867. Protestant Ballads, 1868, 1874. Turberviie, George, 1530 (?)-i59S (?)• Translation of the Heroical Epistles of Ovid, 1 567. Translation of the Eclogues of Mantuan, 1 567. Epitaphs, Epigrams, Songs, and Sonnets, 1570. Book of Falconry, 1575. The Noble Art of Venery, 1576. Tragical Tales out of Sundry Itahans, 1576. Turner, Sharon, 1 768-1847. History of the Anglo-Saxons, 1799- 1805. Tusser, Thomas, 1515 (?)-i58o. Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, 1557. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, 1573. Tyler, Edward Burnett, 1832. Researches into the Early History of Mankind, 1865. Primitive Culture, 1871. Tyndale, William, 1485 (?)-iS36. Translation of the New Testament, 1525, 1534, 1536. Translation of the Pentateuch, 1530. The Practice of Prelates, 1530. Answer to Sir Thomas M ore's Dialogue, 1531. Tyndall, John, 1820-1893. The Glaciers of the Alps, i860. Heat considered as a Mode of Motion, 1863. The Imagination in Science, 1870. 344 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Udall, John, i6th century. Diotrephes, 1588. The Demonstration of Discipline [Marprelate pamphlet], 1588. Udall, Nicholas, 1504 (?)-i556. Flowers for Latin Speaking, 1 533. Ralph Roister Doister, (acted) between 1534 and 1541, (printed) 1566. Translation of Erasmus' Paraphrase of the New Testament, 1 548- 1 549. Ezechias (acted), 1 564. Urquhart, Sir Thomas, 1605-1660. Epigrams Divine and Moral, 1641. Translation of Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel (first two books), 1653 ; completed by Motteux (1660-1718) in 1708. Usher, James, Archbishop of Armagh, 1580-1656. Discourse on the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British, 1631. The Original of Episcopacy, 1641. Chronologia Sacra, 1660. Vanbrugh, Sir John, i666(?)-i726. The Relapse, 1697, The Provoked Wife, 1698. ^sop, 1698. The Pilgrim, 1700. The Confederacy, 1705. Vaughan, Henry, 1622 (?)-i69S. Poems, with the Tenth Satire of Juvenal Englished, 1646. Silex Scintillans, 1650- 165 5. Olor Iscanus, 165 1. Flores Solitudinis, 1654. Thalia Rediviva, 1678. Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, 1627-1688. The Rehearsal, 1671. Wace, d. 1184. Brut d'Engleterre (Geste des Bretons), 11 55. Roman de Rou, 11 70. Walker, John, d. 1730. Sufferings of the Clergy in the Great Rebellion, 17 14. OF ENGLISH LITERA TURE. 345 Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1822. Travels on the Amazon, 1853. The Malay Archipelago, 1869. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, 1870. The Geographical Distribution of Animals, 1876. Darwinism, 1889. Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. Poems, 1645. To My Lord Protector, 1656. To the King upon His Majesty's Happy Return, 1660. Poems, 1664. Divine Love, 1685. Fear of God, 1686. Wallis, John, 1616-1703. Mathesis Universalis, 1657. Mnemonica, 1661. Hobbius Heauton-timorumenos, 1662. Treatise on Logic, 1687. Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford, 1717-1797. Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, 1758. Anecdotes of Painting in England, 1762-1771. The Castle of Otranto, 1764. Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard HL, 1768. Mysterious Mother, 1768. Letters. Walsh, William, 1663- 1708. A Dialogue concerning Women, written to Eugenia, 1691. Walsingham, Thomas, early 1 5th century. Ypodigma Neustriae, about 1420. Historia Brevis Anglicana (1272 to 1422), about 1423. Walton, Izaak, 1593-1683. Life of Dr. Donne, 1640. Life of Sir Henry Wotton (in the Reliquiae Wottonianae), 1651. The Complete Angler; or. Contemplative Man's Recreation, 1653 (Fifth Edition, with Second Part by Cotton, 1676). Life of Richard Hooker, 1665. Life of George Herbert, 1670. Life of Bishop Sanderson, 1678. 346 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Warburton, William, Bishop of Gloucester, 1698-1779. The Alliance between Church and State, 1736. The Divine Legation of Moses, 1 738-1 741. Vindication of Pope's Essay on Man, 1740. The Doctrine of Grace, 1762. Ward, Robert Plumer, 1765-1846. Tremaine, or the Man of Refinement, 1825. De Vere, or the Man of Independence, 1827. Warner, William, 1558 (?)- 1606. Pan his Syrinx, 1584. Albion's England, 1586, 1602. Warren, Samuel, 1807-1877. The Diary of a Late Physician, 1832. Ten Thousand a Year, 1841. Warton, Joseph, 1722-1800. Odes on Several Subjects, 1746. Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope, 17 56- 1782. Warton, Thomas, 1728- 1790. Observations on the Faerie Queene, 1753. History of English Poetry, 1774-1778. Waterland, Daniel, 1683- 1740. A Critical History of the Athanasian Creed, 1724. Review of the Eucharist, 1737. Waterton, Charles, 1782-1865. Wanderings of a Naturalist in South America, 1825. Watson, Thomas, about 1560-1592. Hekatompathia ; or. Passionate Century of Love, 1 582. Amyntas, 1585. MelibcEus, 1590. The First Set of Italian Madrigals Englished, 1590. Tears of Fancy, 1 593. Watts, Isaac, D.D., 1674-1748. Psalms and Hymns, 17 19. Divine and Moral Songs for Children, 1720. Logic, 1725. Webbe, William, second half of i6th century. A Discourse of English Poetry, 1 586. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. - 347 Webster, Augusta, (?) A Woman Sold and other Poems, 1866. Disguises, 1880. Webster, John, i6th and 17th centuries. Sir Thomas Wyatt (with Dekker), 1607. The White Devil (Vittoria Corrombona), 161 2, Northward Ho (with Dekker), (acted) i6o4(?), (published) 1607. Westward Ho (with Dekker), (acted) i6o4(?), (pubhshed) 1607. The Devil's Law Case, 1623. The Duchess of Malfi, (acted) 1616, (published) 1623. Appius and Virginia, (acted) 1639, (published) 1654. ('?)The Thracian Wonder (finished by Rowley), 1651. (?)Cure for a Cuckold (finished by Rowley), 1651. Wesley, John, 1 703-1 791. Collection of Psalms and Hymns (with his brother Charles), 1738. Hymns for the Lord's Supper (with Charles Wesley), 1748. Account of the People called Methodists, 1749. A Survey of the Wisdom of God in the Creation, 1763. Sermons. Journal. West, Gilbert, 1706- 1756. Observations on the Resurrection of Christ, 1747. Translation of Pindar, 1749. Westcott, Brooke Foss, Bishop of Durham, 1825. History of the Canon of the New Testament, 1855. Introduction to the Study of the Gospels, 1851. The Gospel of the Resurrection, 1866. Whately, Richard, Archbishop of Dublin, 1787- 1863. Historic Doubts respecting Buonaparte, 18 19. The Elements of Logic, 1827. Elements of Rhetoric, 1828. Enghsh Synonyms, 1852. Whetstone, George, second half of i6th century. Promos and Cassandra, 1578. An Heptameron of Civil Discourses, 1582. The English Mirror, 1586. Whewell, William, 1794- 1866. History of the Inductive Sciences, 1837. Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, 1840. 348 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Whewell, William— C^?2/. Novum Organum Renovatum. Systematic Morality, 1846. The Plurality of Worlds, 1853. Whiston, William, 1667- 1752. New Theory of the Earth, 1696. Translation of Josephus' History of the Jews, 1737. White, Gilbert, 1720- 1793. The Natural History of Selborne, 1789. The Naturalist's Calendar, 1795. White, Henry Kirke, 1785-1806. Clifton Grove and other Poems, 1803. Poems, 1804. Remains, 1807. Whitehead, William, 1715-1785. The Roman Father, 1750. Poems, 1754. Whitelocke, Bulstrode, 1605-1676. Memorials of English Affairs, 1682. Whyte- Melville, George John, 1821-1878. General Bounce, 1854. Kate Coventry, 1856. Holmby House, i860. The Gladiators, 1863. Wiclif, John, about 1324-1384. De Dominio Divino, 1376. De Ecclesia, 1378, Translation of the Bible (completed). 1380. Fifty Heresies and Errors of Friars. Wiclif's Wicket. Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop of Winchester, 1805- 1873. Agathos, 1840. Eucharistica, 1852. Sermons. Wilberforce, William, 1759- 1833. Practical View of Christianity, 1797. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 349 Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester, 1614-1672. Discovery of a New World, 1638. Discourse concerning a New Planet, 1640. Mercury or the Secret and Swift Messenger, 1641. Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language, 1668. William of Malmesbury, d. after 11 42. De Gestis Regum Anglorum (to 11 20). De Gestis Pontificum (to 1122). De Antiquitate Ecclesias Glastoniensis. Lives of Aldhelm, Dunstan, etc. Historia Novella. William of Nassington, 14th century. The Mirror of Life, 1400. William of Newburgh (or Newbury), 1 136- 1208. Historia Rerum Anglicarum, 1198. William of Occam, died 1347. Quodlibeta septem. Summa totius Logices. Expositio Aurea. Disputatio super potestate Ecclesiastica. Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester, 1647-1680. Poems, 1680. Wilson, John, 1785- 1854. The Isle of Palms, 1812. City of the Plague, 18 16. Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, 1822, Noctes Ambrosianae (in Blackwood), 1822-1833. The Trials of Margaret Lindsay, 1823. The Foresters, 1824. The Recreations of Christopher North, 1842. Wither, George, 1588- 1667. Prince Henry's Obsequies, 16 12. Abuses Stript and Whipt, or Satirical Essays, 161 3. Juvenilia, 1622. The Shepherds' Hunting, 161 5. Fair Virtue, the Mistress of Philarete, 1622. Britain's Remembrancer, 1628. Collection of Emblems, 1635. Hallelujah, or Britain's Second Remembrancer, 1641. 350 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINES Wolcot, John [Peter Pindar], 1738-18 19. Lyric Odes, 1782. Birthday Ode, 1786. The Lousiad, 1786. Bozzy and Piozzi, 1796. Wood, Anthony a, 1632- 1695. History and Antiquities of Oxford, 1674 (Latin) ; 1786- 1796 (English). Athenae Oxonienses, 1 691 -1692. Worcester, Marquis of, see Somerset. Wordsworth, Christopher, Bishop of Lincoln, 1807 -1884. Greece, Historical and Descriptive, 1839. Theophilus Anglicanus, 1843. Wordsworth, William, 1770-1850. An Evening Walk, 1793. Descriptive Sketches, 1793. Lyrical Ballads (with Coleridge), 1798 ; (enlarged form) 1800. Poems, 1807, 181 5, seq. The Excursion, 18 14. The White Doe of Rylstone, 181 5. The Waggoner (written 1805), 18 19. Peter Bell, 18 19. Sonnets on the River Duddon, 1820. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, 1822. Description of the Scenery of the Lakes, 1822. Ecclesiastical Sketches, 1822. Yarrow Revisited and other Poems, 1835. The Borderers (written 1797), 1842. The Prelude (written 1805), 1850. The Recluse, 1888. Worsley, Philip Stanhope, 1 831 -1866. Translation of Homer's Odyssey, 1861-1862. Translation of Homer's Iliad, 1865. Wotton, Sir Henry, 1568- 1639. Elements of Architecture, 1604. Reliquiae Wottonianas (edited by Izaak Walton), 165 1. Wotton, William, 1666- 1726. Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning, 1694. OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 35 1 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 1503-1542. Songs and Sonnets (in Tottel's Miscellany), 1557. Wycherley, William, 1640-1715. The Gentleman Dancing Master, (acted) 1671, (published) 1673. Love in a Wood, (acted) 1 671, (published) 1672. The Country Wife, (acted) 1673, (published) 1675. The Plain Dealer, (acted) 1674, (published) 1677. Poems, 1704. Wyntoun, Andrew, beginning of 1 5th century. The Original Chronicle of Scotland, about 1420. Yonge, Charlotte Mary, 1823. The Heir of Redclyffe, 1853. The Daisy Chain, 1856. The Dove in the Eagle's Nest, 1866. Young, Edward, 1681-1765. Busiris, 17 19. The Revenge, 17 19. The Universal Passion, 1725, 1726. The Complaint, or Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immor- tality, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745. The Consolation, 1745. The Centaur not Fabulous, 1755. Glasgow: printed at the university press by robert maclehose and go. J5 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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