not Lumber Manufacturing Accounts BY ARTHUR F. JONES CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT; ASSOCIATE OF THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD ACCOUNTING SERIES NEW YORK THE RONALD PRESS COMPANY 1914 COYPRIGHT, 1914, BY THE RONALD PRESS COMPANY j&initmtnt Applicable to all books of the Ronald Accounting Series THE manuscripts of the books forming the Ronald Accounting Series have been sub- mitted to us and have been approved by us for publication. In some cases the authors express views that are not fully in accord with those entertained by us, but in no instance are such differences of sufficient importance, in our judgment, to warrant the withholding from publication of a meritorious work. J. E. STERRETT ROBERT H. MONTGOMERY O s K en S o ttl 8 4 LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS FORMS 1 d o: 86 LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS PA LOCATION r Ak/ie* ILY REPO DATE KT OF LOGS CUT IN WOODS 191 N AN<2 o. ______ f. - . SEC IOWM p WHERE BANKED No. and /or Mark ^- i ^. 1 . ^^ *"' i ^ ***^^_ ^-^1 | Sealer Form ii. >a% Report of Logs Cut in Woods. (See page 39.) FORMS 43 fr s 3 88 LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS FORMS 8 9 111 x# II 90 LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS FORMS J 1 Sealer | 1 t. i ,c r L CO 16 J* _J i (Si a i z i 1 * 1 L ro u c 1 o 'C 8 r r: Ui u- 6 1 ^ N 3 o 1 2 u. i! 7 ? r fc | O p LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS FORMS 93 Date Received . Date Shipped. Invoice No. . Order No Ours Theirs Car Number . Initials . Capacity . Seal No. . P.O. 5. Rate ORDER SOLD TO ADDRESS AT Shipped Pncg Amount Tallyman Checked by Form 18. Order Form. (See page 47.) 94 LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS ORDER N< SHIP TO ORIGINAL TALLY V CAB ftPT IN 1 OADEO IQI DESTINAT ROUTE Vi CAR No CAPACIT lONf A INITIALS SEAL No. / TACE WEIGHT CONDITION Pieces 5i 3 e Length Description Feet ' ' 1 , 1 1 . 1 "^--^, _ "" ~~\ __^- ^^ Sralr Form 19. Tally Card. (See page 47.) FORMS 95 Date Order No. DRY SHED Pieces Description O^fp, Order No DRY SHED Pieces Description Form 20. Dry Tally Card. (See page 47.) 9 6 LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS 0*4*, DELIVER. TO PLANING MILL Order No. Pieces Description Feet Tallyman Sealer Order Dat* PLANED AMD LAID OUT Pieces Description reet Tallyman Scalar 21. Delivery Card. (See page 48.) FORMS 97 i id 1 1 Tfer looo reet Ihis mon+ti To date }ii6 month To oat* This month Tbdafe 5tumpaqe Purchased loss Woods cost Transportation and General Costs Cost of" loqs delivered to Fbnd Add Inventory at comrneoccrncnt of" rnonth or penod Deduct Fbnd Inventory at close of month Coat ot loqs cut (log scale) carried to Lumber Manufacturing} Account LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNT Account Cut Amo unt fter loo< Feet To date This month To di te TViis month To date Cost of logs (Lumber scale) from LoqgmgAcct. rbnd Expense Saw Mill Costs Planing Mill Costs Dry Kiln Costs Yard Expenses General Expenses Depreciation TOTAL EXPENSES Add Inventory af Commencement of month or perTboT Deduct Inventory at close of inonth TOTAV. MANUFACTURING Cost UATH MANUrACTUR.)NG. ACCOUNT Account Pieces Amount Per IOOO iVllS fTXKlH 1 Ibdaie Thisirx nVh To da fe This month To date Labor - Contract Labor - Company Supplies * Miscellaneous Maintenance of Equipment Add InvenVory at Commencernent of month or period Deduct Inventory at close of month TOTAV. MANUFACTURIHQ COST TRADING ACCOUNT- Account Amo unt- Per )00 Thii month ie date Thi month Todafe Lumber 5ole,6 Cost of sales Gross Profit carried to Profit and Loss Account Lath 3ales Cost of sales Gross Profit earned to Profit and Loss Account Sundries Sales Cost of sales Gross Profit carried TO Profit and Loss Account" RemarKs Form 25. Monthly Statement (right). IO2 LUMBER MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS DETAILED OPEEATllSQ REPOCT LOGGING EXPENSE YARDS Account Amount fertooo Account Amount ffer looo Superintendence Foremen & Assistants Salaries Labor Expenses Sorting from chain Foremen and ClerKs Transportation to piles Salaries Piling Expenses Shed p/aadinQ dealers Gene-raH Salaries Teaminq Expenses Maintenance of Yards Sawinq Labor Contract Labor Material Company Labor Maintenance of Equipment Supplies Labor Maintenance of Camp Buildings Material Labor Supplies Material Fire protection Maintenance of Spur tracks Insurance Labor General Expenses Material Depreciation Maintenance of Equipment Labo" Material . TOTAL VARDS Road Buildtnq DRV KILNS Fire patrol and protection General Expenses Account Amount Per looo Depreciation Power Transportation Labor rreiq'Tf- Rail road Maintenance of Buildings Raftina Labor Teams Material Teamsters Maintenance of Equipment Feed and stable help Labor ffepairs S- Blacksmith mq Material Supplies General Expenses Depreciation TOTAL WOODS EXPB.NSE TOTAL Py KILNS POND EXPENSE POWER Account Arnount Labor Supplies Oil and waste Maintenance of Dams Supplies Labor Maintenance of Buildings Material Labor Maintenance ot equipment Material Labor Maintenance of Machinery & Efquipt. Material Labor General Expenses Material Depreciation Insurance General Expenses Depreciation TOTAL POND EXFCNSE Less cost of Power sold SA\(V MILL Account i Power Vr tooo PLANING MILL Foremen and assistants Account Amount Ffer toOO General Labor Bower Supplies Foreman Maintenance of Duildinqi General Labor Labor Supplies Material Maintenance of Buildings Maintenance of Machinery SCquipt Labor Labor Material Material Maintenance of Machinery i CQuipt. Insurance Labor General Expenses Material Depreciation , Insurance General Expenses D*preci a t i on 1 TOTAL SAW MILL CxftNise "" TCTTAL PLANINQ MILL Cxr>ENse Form 26, Detailed Operating Report (left). (See Chapter VII.) FORMS 103 ro THE MONTH Of I9> UATM MILL SHIPPINQ EXPENSES Account Amount Rrr looo Account Amount Power Salaries Contract Labor Shipping clerk & assifftants Company Labor Labor Supplies Trucking to platform Maintenance of Buildings Loadinq to cars Labor Supplies Material Ca,r stakes Maintenance of Equipment Labor Labor Material Material Demurrage Insurance Miscellaneous General Expenses Depreciation TOTAL. LATH V.ILL "TOTAL SHIPPING EXPENSES SHINGLE MILL SELLING EXPENSES Account Amount fertooo Account This month LaaV Month Logs Salesmen Contract Labor Salaries Company Labor Expenses Supplies Advertising Maintenance of Buildings Commissions Labor Collections Material Miscellaneous Maintenance of Equipment Labor Material Insurance QcprcciaTloo b GENERAL EXPENSES ?; t Account This month Last mo ith Salaries of Officers Expenses of Officers Salaries of Clerks Expenses of Clerks Stationery & Printing TOTAL SHiNaue MILL Office Supplies GENERAU OPERATING EXPENSES Telephone Postage and Telegrams Account Amoun'f ^r 1000 Taxes and Licenses Paymaster Insurance Timekeepers Legal Expenses Watchmen Depreciation of Office Bld'q. Maintenance of Fire Apparatus and Equipment Labor Miscellaneous Material Stable Expenses Barn Boss & Helpers Teed Repairs Miscellaneous TOTAL GENERAL expenses Departmental Trans-fers(Red) Remarks : Taxes Insurance Injuries and Qamaqes Miscel laneous Ttn-AL GENERAL. OPERATI.NQ EXPENSE Form 26. Detailed Operating Report (right), INDEX Accounts, classification of, Construction, 26-28. Operating, 28-36. Assets, fixed, 11-17. Classification of timber, 14. Cutover lands, 16. Life of plant depreciation, 13, 14, 52. Purchase of real estate, 15. Purchase of timber, 15. Standing timber, 11-15, 54-57. Stumpage, 12, 13, 50, 56. Value of uncut lands, 17, 54, 55. B Balance sheet (monthly statement), 52. Forms, 100-103. Boarding-house, 45. Bonds, timber, 11, 17, 18. Books. (See "Records and Forms.") Car record, 49. Forms, 98, 99. Cash book, 21. Forms, 74, 75. Memorandum, 39. Charges, Construction, 26-28. Operating, 28-36. Checks, Pay-roll, 38. Voucher, 20. Classification of, Construction charges, 26-28. Operating charges, 28-36. Timber, 14. 105 io6 INDEX Closing entries, 50-53. Forms, 100-103. Commissary, 45, 46. Construction charges, 26-28. Construction ledger, 22. Forms, 76. Cost price, 12-14, 58-62. Cost, true, 61, 62. Costs, logging aiid sawmill, 37-41. Customers ledger, 22, 24. Forms, 81. Cutover lands, 16. Debatable points in lumber accounting, Interest, 56, 57. Inventories, 57-62. Taxes, 55-57. Uncut lands, 54, 55. Unearned increment, 54. Definitions of technical terms, 63-70. Delivery card, 48. Forms, 96. Depreciation, 13, 14, 52. Distribution expenses, 35, 36. Dry kiln expenses, 31, 32. Dry shed tally card, 47, 48. Forms, 95. Expenses, Construction, 26-28. Operating, 28-36. F Fixed assets, 11-17. Fixed price, 60. Forms of lumber accounting records, 72-103. Freight journal, 23, 24. Forms, 80. General expenses, 36. General ledger, 19, 20. INDEX General operating expenses, 35. General records, 19-25. Glossary of technical terms, 63-70. H Hospital, 45. Interest, 56, 57. Inventories, 51, 58-61. Journal, 20. Freight, 23, 24. Forms, 80. Sales, 22, 23. Forms, 78, 79. Voucher, 20, 21. Forms, 72, 73. Land ledger, 43, 44. Forms, 92. Lands, Cutover, 16. Timber, 11-17, 54, 55. Uncut, 16, 17, 54, 55. Lath mill expenses, 33, 34. Ledger, Construction, 22. Forms, 76. Customers, 22, 24. Forms, 81. General, 19, 20. Land, 43, 44. Forms, 92. Log, 24. Forms, 82. McKaskey, 46. Operating, 22. Forms, 77. Timber, 24, 25. Forms, 83. io8 INDEX Life of plant, 13, 14. Loading record, 49. Forms, 98, 99. Logging and sawmill costs, 37-41. Logging expenses, 28, 29. Log ledger, 24. Forms, 82. Logs, Report on, 39. Forms, 86. Scaling, 40. Forms, 88. Summary of, 39. Forms, 87. Lumber cut, record of, 40, 41. Forms, 90. Mark book, 40. Mill cut, report of, 40. Forms, 89. Monthly statement, 52. Forms, 100-103. Operating charges, 28-36. Administrative, 36. Distribution, 35, 36. Dry kilns, 31, 32. General, 35. Lath mill, 33, 34. Logging, 28, 29. Outside expenses, 44. Planing mill, 32, 33. Poles, 34, 35. Pond, 29, 30. Power, 32. Sawmill, 30. Selling expenses, 36. Shingle mill, 34. Yards, 31. Operating ledger, 22. Forms, 77. INDEX 109 Operating report, 52. Forms, 102, 103. Orders, 47. Forms, 93. Outside operations, 44. Pay-roll, 38, 39. Forms, 84, 85. Checks, 38. Tokens, 38, 39. Piece tally sheet, 48. Forms, 97. Piling ticket, 41. Forms, 91. Planing mill expenses, 32, 33. Poles, 12. Expenses, 34, 35. Pond expenses, 29, 30. Power and light, 42, 43. Charges, 32. Price, Cost, 12-14, 58-62. Fixed, 60. Selling, 59, 60. True, 61, 62. Public utilities, 42, 43. Purchases, Of real estate, 15. Of timber, 15. R Railroads, 42. Real estate, 15, 16, 43, 44. Forms, 92. Records and forms, General, 19-25. Cash book, 21. Forms, 74, 75. Construction ledger, 22. Forms, 76. Customers ledger, 22, 24. Forms, 81. no INDEX Records and forms (Continued) General (Continued) Freight journal, 23, 24. Forms, 80. General ledger, 19, 20. Journal, 20. Log ledger, 24. Forms, 82. Operating ledger, 22. Forms, 77. Orders, 47. Forms, 93. Sales journal, 22, 23. Forms, 78, 79. Timber ledger, 24, 25. Forms, 83. Voucher journal, 20, 21. Forms, 72, 73. Logging and sawmill, 37-41. Daily report of logs cut in woods, 39. Forms, 86. Daily record of lumber cut, 40, 41. Forms, 90. Daily scale of logs, 40. Forms, 88. Log summary, 39. Forms, 87. Mark book, 40. Pay-roll, 38, 39. Forms, 84. 85. Checks, 38. Tokens, 38, 39. Piling ticket, 41. Forms, 91. Report of mill cut, 40. Forms, 89. Shipping, 47-49. Car loading record, 49. Forms, 98, 99. Delivery card, 48. Forms, 96. Orders, 47. Forms, 93. INDEX In Records and forms (Continued) Piece tally sheet, 48. Forms, 97. Tally cards, 47-49. Forms, 94, 95. Reports, Daily, 71. Of logs cut in woods, 39. Forms, 86. Of mill cut, 40. Forms, 89. Operating, 52. Forms, 102, 103. Reserve account, 52. Retail yard, 71. Sale of real estate, 43, 44. Forms, 92. Sales journal, 22, 23. Forms, 78, 79. Sawmill costs, 37-41. Scaling logs, 40. Forms, 88. Selling expenses, 36. Selling price, 59, 60. Shingle mill expenses, 34. Shipping department, 47-49. Orders, 47. Forms, 93. Records, 47-49. Car loading record, 49. Forms, 98, 99. Delivery card, 48. Forms, 96. Piece tally sheet, 48. Forms, 97. Tally cards, 47-49. Forms, 94, 95. Shipping expenses, 35, 36. Sinking fund, 18. Stable charges, 45. Standing timber, 11-15, 54-57. 112 INDEX Statements, 52. Forms, 100-103. Stumpage, 12, 13, 50, 56. Summary, log, 39. Forms, 87. Surplus account, 16, 53-55. Tally cards, 47-49. Forms, 94, 95. Taxes, 56, 57. Technical terms used in lumber business, 63-70. Timber, Bonds, 17, 18. Classification of, 12, 14. Land, 11-17, 54, 55. Ledger, 24, 25. Forms, 83. Prices, 14. Purchases of, 15. Rights, 11. Standing, 11-15, 54-57. Transportation charges, 29. Trial balances, 50. True cost, 61, 62. Uncut lands, 16, 17, 54, 55. Unearned increment, disposition of, 54. Voucher journal, 20, 21. Forms, 72, 73. Vouchers, 20, 21. W Warehouse, 46. Water department, 43. Yard expenses, 31, LD 21-100m-8,'84 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY