/SGJ UC-NRLF $B 25 7fi7 GIFT or iigrat of lElpflton ICams of 1908 tDOMPILED BV N. G. ROBERTSON SEZCREZTARV o/" State Board Qf Elections Democrat Print, Lebanon, Tenn. ^^tv / c- cr 00 -o Ci trt o o 3 C OO > ^C n Q w 'So- o O 'CO ^ o o - c o 5 «< <<; ^ ^ (n vj (D (T) (t> (^ P O p p p p ■-» p cj' cr cr S S S xh ih xfi CL d, ci. p p p « p p ^ ^ hr^ h!^ ^ ^ 'tJ - 5 :? OT p ^ :^ m o & < P 05 >>>>>>>> >>: ciciciCSSciS C C • K on? crq crq CfQ c;q M CfQ CfP CIQ • i=:i=:i=:c:s=:c2;= ci C • inminuixfixjiwin M 03 • ^ *^ ^ 2 M p 3 p' K p W ^V3 ^V- ^^ "^ H ^. H ^. H -.- H ;= ti c; ti c: C2 ?: (t ^ 05 ^ (C ^ 05 P ^ P ^ P <; P p 3 p 3 p 3 p= ?; cr ^ cr ;5 cr P? 05 0> (D fD fD 05 (D ►^ -. H^ -: -s ". -i o • o • o (D(D050)0/fBO05 mxsixsi 05 0) 05 n. n. (-. -2 t-J ..> ..•>- ..V ..-. .;• ..- 1158 1154 1154 CO Ul O! O) a H m 3 z m ::d n > r ^♦^ o m 13 r jy m 2 H 3 z -^ (/) 257188 2 ELECTIONS. REGISTRATION, In all the counties of 50,000 inhabitants or over and in all civil districts of 2,500 inhabitants or over, *also in all wards or civil districts in which there is a town of 750 inhabitants or over in counties containing 15,000 inhabitants and upwards, registra- tion is a prerequisite to voting ; Provided, that the last published census shall control in every case.— ^ic. Ses. 1890, Ch. 25; Acts 1891, Ch. 224 ; Ex. Ses. 1891, Ch. 12. Only one general registration shall be held every two years in order to entitle voters to vote, except upon a change of resi- dence. In civil districts of under 5,000 inhabitants, situated in counties not wholly subject to the registration laws, such general registration shall occur every four years.— Ex. Ses. 1895, Ch. 3. The Commissioners of Registration shall appoint for each ward or civil district two registrars of voters, who shall be resi- dents of the wards or civil districts for wnich they are appointed, not more than one of whom shall be of the .-^ame political party.— Code, Sec. 1192. Before entering upon their duties the registrars shall take and subscribe to the following oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and impartially keep the register of voters in my district (or ward) ; that I will not knowingly register or allow to be registered any person not a legally quali- fied voter, and that I will not knowingly prevent any person from registering who is a legally qualified voter, so help me God."— Code, Sec. 1214. The registrars shall open books for the registration of voters in their respective wards and districts on the second Monday in August, 1895, and every two years thereafter. Said books shall remain open from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. for ten days, Sundays excluded. They shall issue certificates to all qualified voters applying therefor within said ten days.— Coc^e, Sees. 1195-1197. The registration books shall be open for three successive days at least twenty days prior to every election for the purpose of registering those who have not previously registered or who shall have changed their residence since the last general registration.— Acts Ex. Ses. 1895, Ch. 3. *Note.— Ch. 147, Acts 1901, declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court. ELECTIONS. 3 If the registrars disagree as to the right of an applicant to be registered as a voter, they shall register his name, and after issuing the certificate of registration shall write across the face of the same the words, "The registrars disagree," whereupon the applicant may take such certificate to the Commissioners of Registration, who shall determine the question of disagree- ment and endorse on the certificate the words, "Approved" or "Disapproved," and the holder of such certificate shall not be entitled to vote unless the word "Approved" is endorsed on the certificate and signed by the majority of the Board of Commis- sioners.— Code, Sec. 1212. At the close of each day's registration the registrars shall draw a heavy black line in ink immediately under the last name registered on that day, entirely across the page of the registration book, to indicate the completion of that day's registration.— Code, Sec. 1209. AVhen the books of registration are completed they shall be turned over by the registrars to the Commissioners of Registra/- tion for their county for safe keeping, and said commissioners shall thereafter be held responsible for the soine.— Code, Sec. 1207. SPECIAL ELECTIONS. Special elections are held (1) to fill vacancies in the ofiice of Senator or Representative in the General Assembly or of Repre- sentative in Congress, or (2) where a vacancy in any office is required to be filled by election at a time other than the time fixed for the general election, or (3) in such other cases as are or may be provided by law.— CocZe, Sec. 1160. (a) The Governor shall give notice by proclamation of vacan- cies in the offices of Representative in Congress, members of Assembly, judges, district attorneys general, and also shall issue writs of election to the officers charged by law to hold the election in the county where the vacancy is to be filled. Upon receipt of which writ or notice of proclamation such officer shall give notice of the time, place, and object of such election by publication in some newspaper in the eounty.— Code, Sees. 1162-1165. (6) All other special elections shall be opened and held up«tt notice by the Commissioners of Registration. 4 ELECTIONS. (Note.— Special elections for judges, district attorneys gen- eral, clerks, registers, and tax assessors, shall occur only at the general biennial August oieoXicm..— Constitution, Art. 2, Sees. 2-5; Code, Sees. 1157, 763; Note to Code, Sec. 558.) (c) Va.' ■ •- * f* M . T 1^ ♦ •♦^^ • t 9 f 257188