UC-NRLF 173 HERE, r .^-^*^^ r~ REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. S No'. WHERE TO EDUCATE Educator and First President of Antioch College, Ohio. WHERE TO EDUCATE 1898-1899 A GUIDE TO THE BEST PRIVATE SCHOOLS, HIGHER INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING, ETC. IN THE UNITED STATES EDITED BY GRACE POWERS THOMAS BOSTON BROWN AND COMPANY 378 BOYLSTON STREET REESE Copyright, 1898, by BROWN AND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS Colonial Electrotyped and Printed by C. H. Simonds & Co. Boston, U.S.A. CONTENTS. PAGE EDITOR'S NOTE .... ix THE PRIVATE SCHOOL . xi BY ARTHUR OILMAN, Principal of the Cambridge School, Cam- bridge, Mass. ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL . . xv BY FREDERIC LAWRENCE KNOWLES, author of "Practical Hints to Young Writers" etc. SKETCHES OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS, HIGHER INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING . i INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS . . . . . .381 ADVERTISEMENTS . ...... 383 99759 TO THE READER. OUR title-page partially states our mission. So far as we know the private schools of the United States support no distinctive publication, and if this book opens the way towards a legitimate periodical it will have accomplished another part of our mission. That there is a field for " Where to Educate," has been proved by the many letters of commendation which have reached us from all parts of the country since its proposal. Money, time, and patience may be lavishly used in the prepara- tion of a work of this character, but it is nearly, if not quite, impossible to make the first edition complete and accurate. We offer, therefore, no apology for errors and omissions. We have earnestly endeavored to reach by mail every educational institu- tion of private or semi-private character in the country, and as far as possible, from all available information, we have treated each impartially, according to its reported standing. The schools and colleges will be found ready and willing to supply catalogue's to those who need more detailed information than is herein given. To the private schools primarily we direct the service of this work, hoping that the favor with which it is received will place it upon a permanent footing, and justify periodical editions. By request the first revision will be published in the spring of 1899. We invite criticism, especially corrections and additions, for in no other way can "Where to Educate" be made to attain that point of perfection which we wish it to reach. To those who have so promptly and generously given us the aid necessary to the success of our publication we extend our thanks. EDITOR. December, 1898. THE PRIVATE SCHOOL. AMONG the interesting phenomena presented by American civilization none is more marked than the generosity, not to say the eagerness, with which large sums of money are lavished for the education of the young. After the State has founded its public schools, and has housed them in 'buildings that may properly be called palatial, the people are not satisfied, but they continue to pour out their funds for the purpose of complement- ing these institutions, with still greater elegance and splendor, in private establishments. In the beginning most of the public school systems possessed the traits that are now usually found only in the private school.- In those days the communities were homogeneous, the numbers small, and parents were satisfied with the public establishments for the instruction of their children. Even then, however, as in Boston, private provision was sometimes first made for the education of the girls and boys. When, however, numbers increased in the public institutions, and when the homogeneity of the community was lost, when youth, born under different nationalities and holding different views of life, thronged into the schoolhouse, many parents felt a disposition to place their children in smaller groups, and to give them more particular attention. Thus the private school grew up, and became a prominent feature in the educational world. The importance of the private school interest is hardly appreci- ated by the public. When it is contemplated in its entirety, one is involuntarily led to inquire more minutely into the reasons for its existence. Why, when the acknowledged progress of the public school towards perfection in system and performance is so great and so persistent, should the private school also be increas- ing in numbers, in adaptation to the demands laid upon it, and in elaboration in organization ? The public schools have their periodicals by the score, all of them aiming to aid the teachers and the committees that have them in charge. The private schools have no organ, and seldom is it possible for any but the special investigator to appreciate their great extent and elevated character. It has been said that private schools are the experiment stations, THE PRIVATE SCHOOL. where the good methods that are to be followed in public institu- tions are put to the test, and that, from the nature of the case, they are always in advance of public opinion expressed by committees who manage the free schools provided for from the tax levy. Institutions established by vote of majorities can hardly be expected to mark the highest progress, they rather show the average aspirations of a community. The position of the public schools of America is an indication of the high intellectual level of the people, while the lavishness with which provision is made for private education shows that there are many in the community who seek something better. Why, otherwise, should we see Jacob Abbott giving his days and nights to the celebrated boys' school in New York with which his name will always be associated ? Why should his brother Gorham do the same thing for girls in the Spingler Institute ? Why should the historian Bancroft found and carry on the famous Round Hill School at Northampton ? Why should a Charlier build up his great school for boys, or a Brearley, fresh from his educational experience in England, return to New York to found the school for girls which bears his name and remains his monument ? In Boston we find the seer, Alcott, elaborating his ideas of pedagogy in the school which, in the pages of his " Story of a School," will always be an inspira- tion and an example. Over the river, in Cambridge, that great teacher of teachers, Agassiz, founded and took personal charge of a school for girls, which will probably never be excelled in the brilliancy of its body of instructors nor in the loyalty of its pupils. In California there is a Reid, once the president of her univer- sity, now at the head of the Belmont School, which he founded, and to which he is giving the ripe experience of his fruitful life. The name Porter is no more famous and no more respected because it stands for the head of Yale University than it is because the sister of that reverend president has for years con- trolled the fortunes of a school for girls that has its grateful graduates in all quarters of the land. The fact that a Shattuck founded and nourished St. Paul's School in New Hampshire, and St. Mary's School in Minnesota, is one to be taken into account when we write up the story of American education. Time would fail to tell of the Groton School, the Lawrenceville School, of Monticello Seminary in Illinois, of Bradford Academy in Massachusetts, of Asheville College in North Carolina, of the Emma Willard School in Troy, and yet these are but a very small number among hundreds of institutions that might be mentioned which represent intense devotion to the higher interests of the young, and of lives that are beacon-lights in the history of American education. They are facts that must be encountered and accounted for. THE PRIVATE SCHOOL When the editor of Harpers Magazine was writing on the subject of the " Multiplication of Private Schools of High Order," he remarked that "this movement is not accounted for by an undemocratic reluctance to submit well-bred children to the associations of the popular schools, but by the failure of those methods to give the sort of intellectual and moral training desired, that is, the sort of training that raises the ideal of life." He then goes on to say that what is wanted is " an institution under individual management," not for mere experiments, but for de- velopment founded upon experience, and suited to the capacities and dispositions of the pupils. Can this be had in the public school? Of course, the "individual management" is not to be had in a school directed by a committee and a superintendent, with a head-master and sub-masters in various gradations below. Neither can the individual capacities be provided for and the needs of the great variety of pupils be met in an institution in which each teacher has under his care large numbers of pupils. That the public schools earnestly endeavor to meet such require- ments is not denied, but to meet them demands a greater expendi- ture of money than the tax-gatherer can collect, without rousing a fatal antagonism to the public school. If there are from thirty to sixty pupils under a single teacher, there cannot possibly be that adaptation of means to ends that is easy in a school where the numbers are small. The difference is between a cost per pupil of twenty or even fifty dollars in the public school, and the charges of private schools of from one hundred to three hundred or even five hundred dollars each. These are but a very few out of the many reasons why private schools exist in every community. A public school superintendent, writing in the Atlantic for November, 1898, involuntarily gives others. Taste and principle both unite to lead one parent to seek for his children advantages that may be but faintly appreci- ated by another. One private school differs from another in scope and processes, but every one has for its object, even if it be a mere money-making establishment, the supply of a demand for specially desirable instruction and nurture which it is supposed that the public institutions do not provide. The man who from necessity, wears a ready-made coat goes to the tailor and is measured for one specially adapted to his form as soon as his means permit him to do so. ARTHUR OILMAN. Cambridge, December, 1898. Xlll ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. ONE principle underlies all teaching methods however diverse. If the pupil is to do good work, his interest in his task must be won and held. In other words, a student's education in any worthy sense is derived only from what he loves. Starting from this proposition, I offer, in compliance with the request of the editor, a few suggestions on the subject, " How English May be Taught in the Secondary School." I am en- couraged to do so since recent examination of catalogues from all parts of the country reveals the fact that English work has been given within a few years so large a degree of promi- nence in secondary schools that it may almost be called their most distinctive feature. If I succeed at all, I shall be able to suggest broader bearings of the subject than are indicated in Eng- lish work only. If principles of teaching succeed in one depart- ment of school work, they may be, with necessary adaptation, applied to any other. The study of English is sharply divided into two divisions : The history and criticism of English literature, and the study and practice of English composition. These divisions, while closely related, are as individual as the history of painting and the actual practice of the painter's art. The question, " How to Teach English Literature," is not es- sentially different from the question, how to teach anything. Teaching is less a matter of information than of inspiration. But while a good teacher is born, he is also made. The question I have raised regards the making the art, not the genius of instruction. But how to teach English literature. How not to teach English literature would be an easier question. Perhaps by agreeing on certain wrong ways of attempting the task, we can more readily get at something positive. There are two methods of teaching the subject which are equally bad : That of insisting upon mechanical memorizing, and that of sentimentalism. The. first is that of the pedant ; the second is that of the dilettante. Whether the first method may successfully be applied to some other subjects or not, I am not prepared definitely to deny, though I doubt it ; but it certainly cannot be applied to literature. The xv ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. laborious cramming of unrelated facts with the purpose of dis gorging them at stated intervals oh, the pity of it ! There is no surer way of gaining a student's hatred for a study than by making of his mind a treadmill where he will constantly step forward without advancing. What use can there be in compelling a boy or girl to remember the titles and dates of Cowley's poems, or of Congreve's plays, or of Trollope's novels ? If a student have the memory of a Macaulay and the industry of a Gladstone, he never can, in any real sense, be educated by such periodical indigestion of facts. He may recite with an accuracy and fullness that would warm the heart of a German commentator, but the question remains, What is the use ? " Is the boy interested ? " you ask the teacher. The pedagogue is puzzled. Why, pray, should the boy be interested ? He's a first honor man. Isn't that enough ? But you turn to the boy himself. Are you fond of Cowley's poems ? (He has never seen any.) Do you like Con- greve's plays? (The lad hasn't read a line of them.) Which is your favorite among Trollope's stories ? (The poor chap is innocent of every one.) And just here allow me to say that, of all fruitless subjects in this world, English literature, if taught in this fashion, seems to me to be the most so. Even history, taught in however uninspired a manner, must leave a slight residuum of profit. History has its course, and to catch the march of facts, to watch the tides of event from Egypt to Oklahoma, from Moses to McKinley, to do this is just a bit better to appreciate the place of one's own time in the great scheme of things. Only let us see the panorama pass, and we can dispense with the showman. A horde of barbarians from the North swept like an evil avalanche over fair Italian villages. The ground opened and a tropical city was swallowed up like a tiny bird in the jaws of a snake ; men called it .an earthquake. There is something to touch the imagination in that. But in a certain year Mr. Edmund Waller was born, in another he published his first poem, in another he died. Who cares? Certainly not the teacher who sulks wearily over the rim of his book with his whole soul concentrated on the single thought of forcing the student's brain to reproduce the contents of the page ; certainly not the pupil who yawns meekly behind his hand, and watches a robin out of the window. ' The second bad method is that of sentimentalism, the unin- telligent gurgle of approval. It should be understood once for all that gush is not scholarship, and that superlatives are not appre- ciation. The trouble with the first method is that it is not sympathetic enough, with the second that it is not intelligent enough. One is purely intellectual ; the other purely emotional. The real method is somewhere between the two bad methods. xvi ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. To define it would take rather more confidence than I possess, but I can do nothing less than try. First of all, let me restate the introductory principle. The true method, whatever it />, must win the interest of the pupil. It is next to impossible for trained minds to concentrate attention on that which is distasteful or wearisome ; for undisciplined minds to do so is absolutely impossible. Many pupils dislike some subject and pass for sluggards, when the teacher himself is almost wholly to blame. The very best teacher cannot force pupils to study against their will. His business it is to create an atmosphere in which work will become a pleasure and a necessity. Let us look at it from another point of view. Why is it that boys who are considered lazy over their books will train to the utmost limit of strength in preparation for an athletic meet, will lame them- selves jumping, or running, or throwing, or riding? They are doing violent, constant work, these lazy lads, but they have called the hard work play, and have learned to enjoy labor under the name of fun. Is it not so in study? If a pupil comes to class every day, dull-eyed, dispirited, and constantly observant of his watch, he might better be absent. The course does nothing for him. The teacher has said nothing to him. Until the stupidest face in the class-room brightens, and the sleepiest eye catches fire, you have not succeeded in teaching that class. Teachers are not paid salaries because they have facts in their brains. Those facts are already in the text-book. They are paid because they have personality and the book has not, because they can rouse interest in the untrained mind, and the white page covered with black symbols cannot. If, at the close of your course in literature, every pupil has committed the facts verbatim and repeated them to the last tittle and jot, you may feel that a feat has been accomplished intellectual if not educational. But if your pupils send for copies of the book recommended but not prescribed, if^they read further than the day's assignment, and more of an author than the text- book suggests, you may then feel, and not until then, that the course is wholly successful. But while interest is the underlying principle, there are several related ones, hardly less important. If a good teaching method must first of all gain the pupil's interest, in the second place, it must gain his respect. The teacher must create the sense of confidence, must give the impression of reserve of knowledge behind the day's lesson, beneath the hour's lecture, back of the text-book narrative. A teacher who knows only the text-book, who is satisfied with keeping barely ahead of his class, playing a game of intel- lectual "tag,"- a teacher satisfied with this aim, ought never to impose himself on innocent school classes. He is in the teaching business on borrowed or pretended capital. ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. But teaching should be not only interesting and intelligent, it should be exacting. If the text-book is not inspired, it at least contains a useful body of truths ; if it should never be mechani- cally memorized, its substance should be learned. The teacher should do his own work, but he should not do the pupil's work, too. The lecture method is admirable in university work ; in school work it should be used in combination with the text-book. The work of English classes may be equally divided : the first half is the work of the teacher, the second is the business of the pupil. The teacher's task is that of being interesting ; for, after all, intelligence and thoroughness merely contribute to that ; the pupil's task is that of being interested. If the teacher is interest- ing, he will stimulate the class to work ; if the class is interested, they cannot help working. The question now becomes more detailed. How can the teacher make the subject interesting? He should first of all talk to the class. We assume that the teacher has much wider familiarity with his subject than the pupils have. Let him generously share his knowledge. His talk should be animated, without being nervous or excited. It is best, indeed, usually to give these talks in a colloquial, almost off-hand way, the method of conversation, though always of good conversation. This holds attention better than set written articles can do, and thus stimulates interest. In these talks biographical incidents should have a prominent place, and the lives of the old worthies like Chaucer and Spencer should be removed from the halo of distance and vitally realized, made actually contemporary. But if biography should play a leading part, criticism ought by no means to be neglected. The criticism should, however, be con- densed and summarized so that the student may easily make notes of the tabulated headings. Pupils prefer to have their criticism focused. Their ideas are confused if not diffused, and they like to have them brought to a point. In a university course, one would give a body of general criticism and leave the individual student to draw conclusions. If there is one thing more than another that the higher education would resent, it is the patronage of having authors tagged or labelled for its advantage, the good, better, and best sort of thing, on a sliding scale. But preparatory school students have no such suspicions, and consider no such information an affront. They are frankly ignorant of the relative importance of authors, and wish to be told. They are bewildered by an army of names and dates, and to be given a list of the ten greatest English poets, or of forty indispensable dates to remember in English literary history, is to have a bit of order evolved from their mental chaos. Criticism by the method of contrast is most easily retained in the mind. If told that in politics Shakespeare ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. was royalist and Milton republican ; that in the terms of poetry Shakespeare was dramatic and Milton epic ; that in temper Shakes- peare was (in the better sense) worldly and Milton other-worldly : that in theme Shakespeare discussed actual life and Milton ideal life, a bright pupil who has read more or less of the two poets is gratified and profited. If the interest of the class flags as the result of one way of teaching, let the teacher try another. To-day gossip with the class over Doctor Johnson's oddities, and pass around a portrait of that amiable " leviathan of literature ; " to- morrow give a five-minute analysis of Johnson's style; the day following, read extracts from " Rasselas " and " The Rambler." But what, pray, is the class to do ? Interest, of course, must first be roused ; but the mere mood of interest, however alert at the time, does little, unless it begets the impulse to consecutive thought. It is the atmosphere in which thought can grow; but it is only the atmosphere. First, looking at the matter from the point of view of the pupil, to study literature is intelligently to read literature itself. The criti- cal text-book is simply a marginal commentary ; it is not the scrip- ture. It is better to know " Hamlet " or the " De Coverley Papers," or Chaucer, or Burke, or Webster, than to read a thousand critical essays about them. Criticism is valuable only as a guide. A class in general literature should read entire, at least Chaucer's " Pro- logue," one of Shakespeare's plays, and one of Bacon's or Macau- lay's essays. In addition, there should be a liberal allowance of classic extracts, and at any rate one book of required collateral reading. It is necessary, moreover, that the pupil have an outline knowledge of English history, and that he thoroughly understand the general spirit of all leading periods like the Elizabethan, the Victorian. Still further, it is indispensable both that a knowledge of separate authors' biographies be had, suffi- cient to give an intelligent idea of their writings, and that the student gain a perspective of the whole literary field by learning the substance of a brief manual, like Brooke's " Primer." Good critical essays, also, are valuable after (never before) the student has read the work criticised itself. The pupil should be taught to respect the opinion of men who have given years to the mastery of literature, while remembering that the main point, after all, is what pleases himself, not what some one else thinks ought to please him. Finally, the pupil should commit to memory more or less classic English literature, at least a few passages from Shake- speare, or a few lyrics from Palgrave's " Golden Treasury." It will be seen that not a little has been left to the pupil. But I would leave him still more. The most fruitful part of my work was that of daily note-writing. For example, suppose that to-morrow we were to finish reading ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. ' k The Merchant of Venice." I should ask the class to bring in a very short essay giving personal impressions of Shylock, or giving an outline of the plot by acts, or contrasting the characters of Jessica and Portia, or discussing the place the Fifth Act has in the development of the drama. After studying Milton's life, I should ask, perhaps, for a frank answer to the question : " Would you rather have lived in the same house with Shakespeare or with Milton ? Give your reasons in full." Or if we had finished " The Rape of the Lock," I might ask for an analysis of the plot by cantos, or for a collection of the most wise or witty passages. Or, if the day's assignment for collateral reading had been a dozen lyrics in the " Golden Treasury," I might ask for a critical charac- terization of each one of the twelve, in a single descriptive epithet. These daily notes were candid, personal estimates, and the result of the system was more than satisfying. The work in hardly any instance gave evidence of flippant conceit in amateurish judgment. On the Contrary, it overcame the scared temper of mind in which nothing can be done, and cured the paralysis of opinion which pupils often bring to literary study. More than this : I insisted particularly that these notes, whatever they were, must not be echoes, whether of established critics or of the teacher. As a result, an independent and unconventional style of writing was developed which often surprised by its astuteness and truth. Finally, I sought from first to last to impress upon my class the value of practical culture. I tried to show that literature is not an ornament on the outside of life that poetry itself has as real utility as factories. Any course of study that separates pupils into a cult, that makes them impractical or dreamy, unsympathetic or snobbish, is a failure. Life is better than any commentary on life, and reading is only the means to an end. I turn from the subject of literature to that of composition. It is a heresy to think that literature can, except in an accommo- dated sense, be learned; it can only be imbibed. But rhetoric and composition differ; they are arts, and may be acquired. For that reason they present in some respects an easier field for the teacher. He imparts the appreciation and understanding of literature less through his knowledge than through his personality. Successful teaching of the rules of composition, on the other hand, calls for little except exact information, plus the faculty for clear and patient explanation. But if, from the teacher's point of view, easier to communicate than literature, because demanding slighter personal equipment, the arts of rhetoric and composition are also, from the pupil's point of view, duller than literature, because more mechanical. Let a teacher read to the class Tennyson's " Crossing the Bar/' or relate the circumstances of the Laureate's ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. peaceful death with Shakespeare open in his hand and he wins all eyes and ears. But let him call on the pupil to reproduce from memory the rules of phraseology, and he finds him too often dis- pirited and listless. Rules like the following, copied verbatim from the rhetoric used in my classes, possess intrinsically no human interest, while poetry and stories of real life do possess such interest. " Be wise in using coordinate form for restrictive office." " Prepare for an important alternative by correlating connec- tives." I am not objecting to these formulae or making sport of them. They are valuable. I am only illustrating the fact that, while the rhetoric teacher has a less difficult task than the literature teacher in that less is demanded of his personal equipment, he has a harder task in that he does not so easily win the interest and sympathy of the student. We have before us, then, the first practical problem in teaching composition: Is it possible to make it interesting ? Is it possi- ble to overcome the inertia of the indolent or careless pupil who hates semicolons and silent letters as he hates study-hours or com- pulsory chapel ? Is it possible to overcome the discouragement or despair of the pupil who is not indolent or careless, but who is overwhelmed by a hundred rules about the placing of the adverb and the agreement of pronoun and antecedent ? In attempting an answer I would first offer this suggestion : Lists of mistakes in the choice or position of words are valuable in teaching composition, but they should never come first. Teachers often paralyze all the natural faculties of an untrained pupil by giving him appalling lists of grammatical errors which he is told he must avoid, as if composition could have no natural stride, but were a walk on a tight rope with all thought concentrated on the danger of falling. 1 The only way to learn to write, is to write, just as the only way to learn to ride a bicycle is to get on and ride. The maxim, it is true, needs qualification, but it contains far more truth than this propo- sition : The only way to learn to write is by studying lists of errors in the use of English. One might follow the latter advice for years and never be able to write readable prose. For under- neath all the foregoing questions is the fundamental one, What is. the purpose of composition ? Is it not that of communicating ideas of talking to a wider audience than we can address by word of mouth ? We do not walk for the sake of avoiding an awkward gait, but for the purpose of getting somewhere. In 1 In the following discussion the writer has taken the liberty of quoting freely from his " Practical Hints for Young Writers." (L. C. Page, 1897.) ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. order, then, to reach our destination more easily and gracefully, we " take thought unto our steps." If we talked or wrote for the purpose of eschewing mistakes in expression, we would all be intolerable prigs. The practical problem in writing, as regards one's audience, is how to make oneself interesting. The fault with amateur com- position seldom seems to be that it is high-flown or sophomoric ; the fault is that it is dull. Why is this so ? It is apt to be unnatural or insincere. When a young writer sends a letter home, it is truthful ; it makes no attempt to dis- guise his real self ; but the moment he gets essay paper before him, and the thought of a theme in his mind, every atom of in- dividuality leaves him. He becomes bookish and stilted, and uses the safe general epithet, rather than the one he would use in conversation. He tries to be literary, never dreaming that his letter home has real literary quality, while his essay has none. Literature is simply an expression of life, the only way to be literary is to be lifelike. It is often vague and unreal There is nothing clear-cut, there are no sharp outlines about it. It is impossible to describe what we do not see, and the reason we fail to make things real to others is that we have never actually observed them ourselves. It is necessary first to see the thing exactly, and then to describe it with specific words. // is not concise. Strike out half the words in the average stu- dent essay, and you more than double the force. Few will take the trouble to wade through leagues of verbiage in order to get at two or three ideas. The untrained reader may know little about rhetoric, but he knows when he is bored. We have noted a few causes of dullness in school essays. Can we suggest any methods of making such writing interesting ? I will venture a few suggestions for the pupils, grouping them under two general heads: ist, What to write about. 2d, How to write it. Or the selection of a theme and the treatment of a theme. WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT, OR THE SELECTION OF A THEME. 1. Describe what you know most about, then your work stands more chance of being real. Describe what you are most interested in, then- you will be more likely to interest others. 2. Carry a note-book and make short, descriptive sketches of things you see. 3. Never hunt for subjects. Take the subject nearest you. 4. Study commonplace subjects till they reveal a new side to you. To describe this new side is to be original. 5. Do not, at any rate, search for romantic or unusual subjects. ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. Select for practice uninteresting themes, and look at them so long and attentively that they become interesting. How TO WRITE IT, OR THE TREATMENT OF A THEME. Having chosen what to write about, the first thing to do is rigidly to narrow the subject down. A common fault with school essays is that their subjects are too broad. They include so much that it is impossible to treat them in an eight-page essay ; indeed, they would require for adequate treatment, a whole book. It is small wonder that pupils are disheartened, and their essays are dull, when an injudicious or ignorant teacher assigns as composi- tion subjects, such themes as " Electricity," " Vacation," and " Friendship," and expects them to take as the subject of each paragraph what is a proper subject only for an extended essay, or for an entire chapter in a book. Restricting a theme to sensible limits is a real source of encouragement to the student. The next thing to do is to outline a paragraph scheme. Only by doing this, unless you are a trained writer, does your composi- tion stand much chance of having unity and progressiveness. After getting thus clearly in mind the subject you are to treat, deciding definitely on a title, and forming a paragraph outline, all of which may be summed up under the general head of previ- sion (to borrow Mr. Barrett Wendell's apt phrase), comes com- position itself, and after composition, revision. Composition, unlike prevision and revision, should be spontane- ous and swift. Banish self-consciousness and all fear of breaking rules, and then compose rapidly, with your thought and emotion at white heat. This is the only way to write a forceful style. Self- consciousness, as we have seen, paralyzes natural expression, and ruins composition. After writing thus hastily, andy/^/ as you feef, the critical, judi- cial faculty comes into play. Now is the time painstakingly to revise your work. You cannot now be too much on the alert for grammatical and rhetorical faults. This lengthy discussion of What to write about, and how to write it, may seem to be irrelevant or at least a digression. But that is not at all the fact. I have discussed the subject, much as if before my class, with the single purpose of answering the ques- tion which we saw to be fundamental, How can the practice of writing be made interesting ? It can never be made thoroughly interesting to all. To some minds, words are hateful things, just as figures are hateful to others. " To become a good writer, it is necessary," says Mr. Horace Scudder, " to be born of the right parents." But exceptions aside, all students may acquire more or less interest in composition if they are encouraged to write about ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. common subjects, sufficiently limited in scope for easy treatment in a short paper, and if further encouraged to write of these famil- iar themes in language, not of books, but of good conversation. One question remains : Does the theory of composition just outlined yield satisfactory results in practice ? So far as my limited observation has gone, it does. Not that all the student essays I received met my expectations, but that hardly one student failed more or less to improve in his work. Subjects of themes became sensibly limited and correctly phrased, the paragraphing grew more intelligent, and the actual composition more fluent and free from self-consciousness. The better quality of essay writing was largely due to the prac- tice given in the composition of daily themes similar to those written in the English courses of Harvard. The junior course in daily themes lasted one month, and the sophomore course, two weeks. The theme, which was even shorter than the daily note in literature, and in purpose wholly unlike it, was handed in by each student on every day of the week, except Saturday. In character it was descriptive of some scene or inci- dent observed during the day on which it was dated. As to the length, the daily theme never exceeded one page, and more often was shorter. It aimed at cultivating precise observation, and easy, though concise, expression. I can best illustrate the sort of work done in this course by quoting some representative themes. " I met a little dirty faced girl to-night, coming from the store with a yeast cake in her hand. Her red-checked dress was faded and her apron streaked with mud. Three buttons were gone from the top of her old shoe, and the toe was a dull red. She looked at me in a curious way and gripped the change knotted in the corner of her handkerchief. A moment later I turned to look after her, and all I saw was the last flutter of the red ribbon that should have been neatly tied in a bow on her yellow braid of hair ; and she was around the corner and out of sight." " A boy in a faded red sweater and patched trousers has been digging dandelions a short distance from my window this morning. He carried a market basket on his left arm and grasped a broken "knife with his grimy right hand. I watched him diving first here then there in the wet grass like a bee, until the basket was full. Then he climbed over the fence and ran down the hill to a house hidden behind the trees. He appeared again soon, with an empty basket, and went whistling loudly down the street." " This has been a dreary day for the latter part of April. As I walked down street to-night, the wind either hurled clouds of dust and dead leaves to meet me, or, blowing against my back, carried me along almost as helplessly as the shrivelled brown leaf that kept ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. pace with me. The half grown leaves on a bush beside the walk looked out of season, and a last year's bird's nest swung dismally on its twig." During the interval of daily theme practice, the classes were excused from the stated essays, based on college readings. After the shorter descriptive sketches had been dropped and the class had returned to the more formal essays, the quality of work showed decided improvement. The themes were criticised in detail in red ink on the papers, orally before the class, and privately as I could arrange to meet the writers themselves. More than any other single thing, this daily theme method contributed to the success of the English de- partment in the school. Deep down under the question, " Where to Educate," lie the fun- damental questions, " Why to Educate," and " How to Educate." Of these we must leave the first to the philosopher. The second has never yet been fully answered, and perhaps, until the educational millennium, never can be. Normal and training school journals and all the dreary, useful literature of pedagogy, are consecrated to the solution of the query ; the result is a confusion of tongues. But the perplexed teacher may always be reassured if he recalls the simple fact that, while methods must vary with circumstances, with the requirements of the individual class, with the tempera- ment of the instructor, the one thing needful is the winning and holding, by whatever legitimate method he will, of the pupil's interest in his task. The way to learn to work is first to learn to love to work ; and until this is done little has been accomplished. EREDERIC LAWRENCE KNOWLES. WHERE TO EDUCATE. EXPLANATORY NOTE. The arrangement of the following sketches is alphabetical by States, under the States by cities, and under the cities by schools. ALABAMA. ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, A. and M. col- lege, Auburn, Wm. LeRoy Broun, President. The Institute makes prominent science and its applications, and in all the lower classes instruction in manual training is given. Five degree courses of study are offered as follows : Chemistry and agriculture, civil engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering, pharmacy, and a general course including Latin, French, and German. There are ten well-equipped laboratories in different depart- ments of science, in which students work daily. Tuition is free to residents of Alabama, and the price of board ranges from $9.50 to $15.00 per month. AUBURN FEflALE INSTITUTE, Auburn, G. W. Duncan, Principal, offers two courses, the classical and the English. Graduates are prepared to enter the junior class of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The expenses are moderate. BAILEY SPRINGS UNIVERSITY, for young ladies, Bailey Springs, Lauderdale County, Henry Altamont Moody, M.D., Chan- cellor. The college includes twelve schools : Mathematics, Latin, English, Greek, literature, modern languages, mental and moral philosophy, history, art, natural sciences, elocution, and music. The degrees conferred are those of B. L., A. B., and A. M. The music school is under the direction of Mr. J. de Zielinski, the Polish composer, teacher, and writer. The matron, Mrs. Ella Brock Ellis, devotes her entire time to the training and strengthen- ing of the young women committed to her charge. A unique feature of the University is a modified military drill in which every pupil is required to take part unless excused by the chancellor on Birmingham. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ala. account of physical disability. The expense for board and tuition is $90 in the collegiate department for a term of five months, and $80 in the preparatory department. THE ZELOSOPHIAN ACADEMY (co-educational), Birming- ham, the Rev. J. H. B. Hall, President, was established by the present head in September, 1892. It is under Cumberland Pres- byterian influence and is pronouncedly Christian. The enrol- ment has never fallen below one hundred and nineteen, the attendance for the first year. The course of study comprises a primary, a preparatory, a collegiate, a music, and an art depart- ment. Commercial studies may also be pursued, and throughout the course special attention is given to English. The history of Alabama is regularly taught to all students. Certificates are granted upon the satisfactory completion of the studies in any department. The tuition charges vary from $1.00 to $5.00 per month, and board is obtainable in private families. THE CARROLLTON ACADEflY, a school for boys and girls, Carrollton, L. V. Rosser, A. B., Principal. The courses of study have been recently enlarged, and competent assistance has been procured. The school has been made an auxiliary of the Univer- sity of Alabama, thus affording boys wishing to enter that institu- tion special advantages. Teachers wishing to obtain higher certificates will be favored with special rates and opportunities. There are three departments, primary, elementary, and academic, and the school is designed to give training in the elements of a practical English education, to prepare boys and girls for college, and to prepare for examination for certificates to teach. HOWARD COLLEGE, East Lake, Frank M. Roof, A. M., President and Treasurer, is the property of the Alabama Baptist State Convention, and was chartered in 1841. Its first location was in Marion, but in 1887 it was removed to East Lake, a suburb of Birmingham. The college is composed of seven academic departments, as follows : School of the Latin language and literature ; of the Greek language and literature ; of Eng- lish and elocution ; of modern languages ; of mathematics ; of natural sciences ; and of mental and moral sciences. In every department correct English in grammar and spelling is a require- ment, and the student is graded according to his knowledge of English syntax, orthography, punctuation, and pronunciation. There are four regular undergraduate courses : classical, literary, scientific, and civil engineering, leading to the corresponding Bachelor's de- grees, and a professional course in pedagogy leading to the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy. The post-graduate degrees conferred by the college are the Master's in arts, science, literature, and civil en- Ala. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Marion. gineering. The expense for board, tuition, and required fees in the collegiate department is $175 per session or year, and $165 in the sub-collegiate department. HOWARD COLLEGE ACADEMY, or the sub-collegiate department, prepares for the college and offers a one year's business course. ALABAflA STATE NORflAL COLLEGE and model training school, Florence, M. C. Wilson, President. The object of the col- lege is to train teachers for the public schools of the State, and the course of study is professional, with this end in view. Those who do not propose to teach are admitted as academic tuition students. There are two courses of study : the advanced, four years, and the professional, one year. These courses recognize the necessity for a broad culture in the teacher, and extend the work over as large a field of mathematics, science, literature, and art as time and thor- oughness of work will allow. The curriculum also includes Latin, Greek, and instrumental music. JUDSON INSTITUTE, for young ladies, Marion, Robert G. Patrick, D. D., President, was founded in 1839. The buildings were thoroughly renovated and repaired in 1889, and furnished with all modern equipments. They will accommodate two hun- dred boarders. The Institute offers instruction in literary studies, music, art, and elocution. MARION niLITARY INSTITUTE, Marion, James T. Mur- fee, LL. D. (Virginia Military Institute, 1853), Superintendent. After an experience of more than thirty years as professor or pres- ident in colleges and universities, South and North, and after an extensive business experience, Col. James T. Murfee founded, in 1887, the Marion Military Institute, as a military boarding school for young men of good morals. The school is now conducted with a view to attracting those who wish to place themselves in the best company, and to receive the benefits of the best methods of dis- cipline and instruction. A constant effort is put forth to make the school a pleasant and profitable place, and to give such train- ing as will make happy and prosperous lives. The curriculum is sufficiently broad to impart both scientific and classical knowledge ; the class work teaches how to get knowledge from books and nature, and how to express and apply the knowledge ; and the method of military discipline builds character, stimulates industry, and gives high and noble ambitions. A cadet may enter at any time and be assigned to suitable classes, parents or guardians select- ing such studies as are desired, not omitting English. A unique and commendable feature of the school is its extension of hospi- tality and good-will to new pupils by means of a student commit- tee elected to receive and make pleasant the entrance of new stu- dents. The charges for tuition and board are $175 for the year. Mobile. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ala. MISS HUNTER'S 5ELECT GRADED SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 559 Government Street, Mobile, Miss S. E. Hunter, Principal. This school, one of the most favorably known in the city of Mobile, is located on the principal residence street. The grounds are large and well shaded by live-oak trees ; the buildings are spacious and attractive ; the surroundings pleasant and health- ful. The school was opened at the present site in 1887, and has had the patronage of the best families of Alabama. The principal is a graduate of The National School of Methods, New York State. She is well assisted and gives to her pupils modern and progressive instruction in all departments. THE flEDICAL COLLEGE OF ALABAHA, the medical department of the University of Alabama, is situated at Mobile. The Dean is George A. Ketchum, M. D. It is fully equipped, has excellent laboratories and a fine reference library. The City Dispensary is in the college building, and its patients furnish daily clinics for the use of the professors and lecturers. The City Hospital is under the control and management of the faculty dur- ing the sessions of the college. The fees amount to $100 for each session, and a fee of $25 for examinations and diploma. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY of the University of Alabama is also situated at Mobile and conducted in the building of the Medical College, under the supervision of the dean and faculty of that institution. The charge for each course of six calendar months is $50, with a diploma fee of $10. STILLMAN INSTITUTE, Tuscaloosa, was founded in 1876 by the Presbyterian Church (South) " for the training of colored men for the ministry." It has given instruction to one hundred and eighty-two negro ministers, most of whom have done good service ; two of them are missionaries on the Congo in Africa, and one of these latter is an F. R. G. S. The Institute has an academic and a theological department. The faculty consists of two professors, the Rev. O. B. Wilson and Prof. E. E. Gordon. TUSCALOOSA FEflALE COLLEGE, Tuscaloosa, Wightman F. Melton, A. M., Ph. D., President. The city of Tuscaloosa is located in the picturesque foot-hills of Alabama, on the bank of the Black Warrior River. It is a beautiful town, known as the " Druid City." Its location largely exempts it from malarial dis- eases and epidemics. Its winters are mild and genial, while the heat of summer is tempered by the shade of the giant oaks, which abound on every street. The Tuscaloosa Female College has this year (1898) entered upon its thirty-ninth session. It has eighteen officers and teachers, good buildings, electric lights, water works, and all conveniences and accommodations for boarders. The day Ala. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Tuskegee. patronage is also large, and the rates are reasonable. The depart- ments are : Literary, vocal and instrumental music, elocution, art, stenography, gymnastics, and dressmaking. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA (co-educational), Tuscaloosa, James K. Powers, LL. D., President, has two general departments of instruction, an academic and a department of professional edu- cation. The academic department as at present organized has thirteen schools, as follows : The School of Latin language and literature ; Greek language and literature ; English language and literature ; German ; Romance languages ; chemistry and metal- lurgy ; mineralogy and geology ; physics and astronomy ; mathe- matics ; history and philosophy; engineering; biology; and military science and tactics. The two undergraduate courses of study are the classical and the scientific, each leading to the Bach- elor's degree and each requiring four years for completion. In each school there is provided a course of instruction for graduate students applying for University degrees. The courses offered at present lead to the Master's degree in arts and in science. For professional education there is the department of engineering ; of law ; of medicine, situated at Mobile ; and of pharmacy, also situated at Mobile. The discipline of the academic department for all but seniors and sub-seniors over twenty-one years of age is military. The University has a fine site, modern buildings, and is well equipped for good work. ALABAHA fllLITARY INSTITUTE, "Fonville School," Tus- kegee, Col. William D. Fonville, Superintendent, was founded in 1857 by Prof. James F. Park, LL. D. It was known as the Park High School till 1883, when Doctor Park retired, selling the school to Colonel Fonville. In February, 1891, it was incorporated by the State as the Alabama Military Institute and given the power to confer the literary degrees usual in colleges and universities. It is an undenominational military boarding school, aiming to prepare young men for life work, or for entrance at college or university, the United States Military Academy or the United States Naval Academy. The courses of instruction are full and each student works independently, graduating as soon as he finishes his course even in mid-session. The location of the school makes it desir- able as a winter, school for young men and boys disposed to throat and lung troubles. The charge for board, tuition? fuel, and furnished room is $160 per session, in advance. TUSKEGEE NORflAL AND INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE, Tuskegee, Booker T. Washington, Principal, was founded in 1881. It represents probably the most important educational work being carried on among the negro race. During the year ending May 5 Walnut Grove. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ala- 31, 1898, 1,047 students were enrolled, 712 boys, 335 girls. These students came from twenty-four States and Territories, and from two foreign countries. In all departments of the school, eighty-eight officers and teachers were employed. Together with academic and religious education, training is given in twenty-six different industries. Of the students who have received diplomas and certificates from Tuskegee, many are exerting the highest influence among their race throughout the South, and are occupy- ing positions as tradesmen, farmers, teachers, and clergymen. The educational plant includes an agricultural building, recently erected, and a new chapel. In all, there are forty-two buildings ; the institution also owns 2,267 acres of land. The total valuation of the property is about $300,000. Board per month, including furnished room and washing, is $8, and the entrance fee is $i. WALNUT GROVE BAPTIST COLLEGE, Walnut Grove, W. Y. Adams, A. M., President, C. L. Murphree, Secretary, was established in 1889, as a State chartered institution, under the supervision of Professor^ Adams, an experienced educator. In 1898 the college building was bought by the Baptists, who retained Professor Adams as President. The curriculum is comprehen- sive, being commensurate with the best colleges of the country. Degrees are conferred in the regular courses. Special attention is given to vocal and band music. The entire expenses for the col- legiate year vary from $80 to $120. ARIZONA. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, Tucson, Howard Billman, A. M., President, is non-sectarian and co-educational. It was created by the Territorial Act of 1885, which provided for a board of regents, of which the governor and State superintendent of instruction are members ex ojficio. The University was opened to students in 1891, though work was begun on the first building in 1887. It has an elevated situation near the mountains, and the grounds cover over forty acres. Admission is both by exam- ination and certificate. The following degrees are conferred : B. S., A. M., M. S., C. E., M. E., E. E., and Irrg. E. Military drill is compulsory for male students during the first year. The School of Music is one of the most thoroughly equipped depart- ments. An agricultural station established at the University has several laboratories and a valuable museum. Tuition is free, and general expenses average less than $200 for the college year. Ark. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Fayetteville. ARKANSAS. HENDRIX COLLEGE, Conway, Rev. A. C. Millar, A. M., President, is owned by the Arkansas, Little Rock, and White River Annual Conferences of the M. E. Church, South, and is controlled through trustees appointed by them. This institution was formerly the Central Collegiate Institute, located at Altus ; but in 1889 the present name was adopted, and the following year the college was removed to Conway. The location, south of the Ozark Mountains, yet practically free from malaria, is attrac- tive to those who wish to escape the rigor of winter. The work of the college is divided among the following departments : Edu- cation, English, French, German, Greek, history, Latin, mathe- matics, natural science, philosophy, physical science, political economy, and political science. The A. B., S. B., Ph. B., and Lit. B. degrees are conferred. About one-third of the work for each degree is elective. The bachelor's degrees are accepted by lead- ing universities as prerequisites for master's degrees. While the college is organized for men, women are received on equal terms, but no dormitory is provided for them. Library and labora- tory facilities are excellent. The Y. M. C. A. is strong and active. ARKANSAS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY (co-educational), Fayetteville, John Lee Buchanan, LL. D., President, is at the head of the public educational system of the State, and was founded in ac- cordance with the act of Congress donating public lands for purposes of education. It is situated with the exception of its medical, law, and normal schools, the first two of which are at Little Rock and the third at Pine Bluff at Fayetteville, Washington County, in the heart of the Ozark Mountains. There are seven main buildings grouped about the campus, besides numerous accessory buildings and shops. The laboratories are equipped with modern appli- ances, and include four chemical, and a physical, biological, geo- logical, mechanical engineering, electrical, civil engineering, and cement laboratory. Admission is by examination and on certifi- cate from accredited schools. There is an agricultural experiment station under the direction of Robert Love Bennett, B. S., and a military department under an. officer of the U. S. Army. The following degrees are given : B. A., B. S., B. C. E., B. M. E., B. E. E., B. S. A., M. A., M. S., Ph. D. Graduates in engineering may also receive the advanced degrees of C. E., M. E., or E. E. Tuition per year to non-beneficiary students, $30. THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, W. A. Crawford, Principal, is in- tended, first, to prepare students for any of the courses of study taught in the University ; second, to furnish to those who cannot take a more extended course as good a general education as the 7 Fordyce. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ark. limited time will permit ; third, to prepare teachers for the public grammar schools of the State. To secure these ends, three courses of study are offered : Arts, engineering, and science. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR YOUTH, Fordyce, J. D. Clary, Principal, was established in 1889. It is the oldest high-grade preparatory school in the State, and is modelled after the best schools in the East. The course leads to the freshman class in the universities, or to the junior class of most colleges in Arkan- sas. The expense for the school year is $165. LAW DEPARTflENT, Arkansas Industrial University, Little Rock, J. H. Carmichael, LL. B., Dean of the Faculty. THE flEDICAL SCHOOL, Arkansas Industrial University, Little Rock, James A. Dibrell, M. D., President of the Faculty ; E. R. Dibrell, M. D., Secretary of the Faculty. BRANCH NORflAL COLLEGE, Pine Bluff, J. C. Corbin, A. M. (Ohio Univ.), President, is a department of the Arkansas Industrial University, established pursuant to an act of the Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Arkansas, approved April 25, 1873, and has been in operation since April 27, 1875. ^ ts primary object is the training of teachers for efficient service in the col- ored public schools of the State. Its property is as follows : Cam- pus, twenty acres ; brick college, seven rooms ; brick dormitory, twenty rooms ; mechanical department building, ten rooms ; stor- age building, two rooms; library, 3,500 volumes; machinery, valued at $10,000; apparatus, $1,500; typewriters and sewing machines, $500; musical instruments, $1,000. Its courses are: preparatory, normal, collegiate, mechanic art, and manual training, Fourteen classes have graduated from the normal course. CALIFORNIA. UNIVERSITY ACADEHY, a select boarding school for boys, Alameda, W. W. Anderson, Principal. In connection with, this school should be noted the salubrious climate of Alameda ; excel- lent accommodations ; superior home life and surroundings, and superior preparation for college. The boys live with and are under the daily influence and care of the principal and his wife. The school is unsectarian, and aims to develop a self-controlled, manly character. Its work is accredited by the California State Univer- sity and by the Leland Stanford Junior University. The expenses are $250 per term for boarding, and $50 for day pupils. BELMONT SCHOOL for boys, Belmont, W. T. Reid, A. M. (Harvard), Head Master. This institution was founded in 1885 by Mr. W. T. Reid, ex-president of the University of California. In Cal. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Berkeley. May, 1893, Hopkins Academy was merged into the Belmont School, under the head mastership of Mr. Reid. Belmont is a village on the Southern Pacific Railroad, twenty-five miles south of San Francisco. The climate and surroundings of the school are unsurpassed. The grounds cover thirty-five acres, and unusual opportunities for out-of-door exercise and athletic sports are offered by campus and gymnasium. There are six school build- ings proper, besides power-house, dairy, etc. Each house is a separate community in charge of a teacher and his wife. The school is unsectarian but thoroughly Christian. A reference to BELMONT SCHOOL. its catalogue shows that it successfully fits boys for those colleges and technical schools whose requirements for admission are most severe. Board and tuition for the year are $600 ; tuition is $250. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (co-educational), Berkeley, Martin Kellogg, LL. D., President, was founded in 1868, at Oakland, and opened to students the following year. In 1873 the institution was transferred to Berkeley. By a new constitution in 1879, its existing organization was made perpetual. The College of California, established a number of years before the University, transferred its students and property to the latter in 1869. Only undergraduate college work was at first attempted, the profes- sional schools being added subsequently. The first president was Henry Durant, 1870-72 ; the second, Daniel C. Oilman, 1872-75. 9 Eureka. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Cal. Under the hand of President Oilman the institution strengthened its classical courses and laid the foundation for its work in tech- nical science. The most notable single gifts that have been made to the University are the Lick Observatory, 1888 ; the Mark Hop- kins Institute of Art, valued at $600,000, 1893 ; the Phebe Hearst and Levi Strauss scholarships, 1891 and 1897 ; and the Cora Jane Flood property (estimated value $1,000,000 or more), for the fur- therance of instruction in the College of Commerce. The Lick telescope, with its thirty-six-inch refractor, until 1894 the largest in existence, has brought to light many remarkable scientific facts, among them being that of Jupiter's fifth moon. The University includes the following departments : College of Let- ters, College of Social Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, College of Agriculture, College of Mechanics, College of Mining, College of Civil Engineering, College of Chemistry, College of Commerce, College of the Fine Arts, Lick Astronomical Depart- ment, Hastings College of Law, Medical Department, Post-graduate Medical Department, College of Dentistry, and California College of Pharmacy. The various curricula lead to the degrees of B. A., B. L., B. S., A. M., C. E., LL. B., M. L., M. S., M. K, D. D. S., D. V. S., M. D., Met. E., Min. E., Ph. G., Ph. B., and Ph. D. Extensive laboratories, a botanical garden, a conservatory, mu- seums, a gymnasium, and a library of over sixty thousand volumes are included in the University's equipment. The general manage- ment of the institution is in the hands of the State Regents ; the government and instruction of the students is entrusted to the faculties of the several colleges. There are about three thou- sand living alumni. Tuition in the colleges is free ; there are only incidental charges at the special schools, and numerous scholarships and fellowships are available for worthy students. ST. JOSEPH'S INSTITUTE, academy and day school, Eureka, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, is situated in the centre of the city, and is surrounded by beautiful grounds. The school build- ings are new, with all modern improvements. Young ladies receive here a solid, practical, and finished education. . ST. MARY'S ACADEHY, Grass Valley, Nevada County, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, is legally incorporated and empowered to confer academic honors. It is now a third of a century old, and has graduated nearly three hundred young women. Affiliated with the academy are girls' and boys' orphan homes, in which, together with the day school, 250 children are taught. There are three general departments : Primary, inter- mediate, and academic. In addition to the usual courses, music, plain sewing, fancy work, painting, and drawing are taught. The cost of board and tuition is $150 for one school year. 10 CaL . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Los Angeles. LAKEPORT ACADEMY (co-educational), Lakeport, Lake County, John Overholser, Principal and President of the Board of Trustees. Twelve years ago this academy was started by the present principal, to supplement the work of the public schools. The patronage increased till the leading citizens of Lakeport became interested, formed a corporation and erected suitable school buildings. There are four courses of instruction : English, scientific, college preparatory, and normal. Tuition and board average about $225 per year. THE LONGLEY SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITER IN- STITUTE, Room 306, Henne Building, Los Angeles, Elias Longley, Principal, who is a professional phonographer of nearly fifty years' experience, and the author of the " American Manual of Phonography," recently adopted by the Los Angeles school board for use in the public high school. This has been a popular text-book for over forty years. The seven other books in Long- ley's Phonographic Series are equally well known. Professor Longley gives individual lessons and prepares both practical stenographers and teachers of the subject. ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE, Los Angeles, the Very Rev. J. A. Linn, C. M., President, was founded in 1865 by the priests of the congregation of the Mission. The present commodious building was erected in 1887. The course of instruction is four-fold : Col- legiate, scientific, commercial, and preparatory. The collegiate course leads to the B. A. degree ; the scientific to the degree of S. B. Expense per session of five months is $125. THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (co-edu- cational), Los Angeles, the Rev. George W. White, D. D., Presi- dent, has the following departments : College of Liberal Arts, College of Theology, University Academy, School of Art, College of Medicine, College of Music, College of Dentistry, School of Elocution and Oratory, and the Chaffey Preparatory School, the last named located at Ontario. The University is under the control of the Southern California Conference of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, and is distinctively and aggressively a Christian school, but is in no sense sectarian. The Direc- tors hold for these various schools, lands, town properties, and funds, which, with judicious management, will give them, in time, a fair working endowment. They are as yet only partially productive, but the income from them is increasing each year, and there is but little incumbrance. They are now held by the Board of Directors in the interests of the several schools, except in the case of Chaffey Preparatory School, which remains under the control of its local Board. The present policy is one of concentration of resources and schools in Los Angeles. In pur- n Los Angeles. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Cal. suance of this policy, the Maclay College of Theology has been removed from San Fernando and reopened with the other schools in Los Angeles. The policy of concentration renders possible a consolidation of libraries, appliances, and teaching force, and adds much to the efficiency of the work. Admission to the College of Liberal Arts is by certificate from accredited schools, and on examination in all branches set for admission that are not covered by such certificate. The degrees conferred are A. B., Ph. B., B. L., B. S., and A. M. Tuition in the college is $60 per year, and in the School of Theology tuition is free. WOODBURY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 226 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, N. G. Felker, President, was established in 1884; is chartered by the State; and aims to give a practical business education. Tuition is $10 per month in the regular business courses and $6 in the English course. THE THACHER SCHOOL, at Casa de Piedra Ranch, in the Ojai Valley, in Southern California, Sherman D. Thacher, A. B., LL. B., and William L. Thacher, A. B., associate Head Masters, address Nordhoff, Ventura County, Cal. This school occupies a unique position among the first-class' preparatory schools of the country, by reason of the peculiar combination of healthful climate and mode of life with unusual opportunities for study and cultiva- tion. Nearly every boy has a horse of his own and takes full care of it. About half of the boys are from the East. Boys of bad character and invalids are carefully excluded, but moral and physical development is a part of the peculiar value of the school. The number admitted is limited and the teachers are four, Yale or Harvard graduates. Preparation is given for college or scientific school. The terms are $700 per year. CALIFORNIA COLLEGE (co-educational), Oakland, T. G. Brownson, President, offers a classical and a scientific course, each of four years, leading to the corresponding Bachelor's degree. The college is now in its twelfth year at its present location. Con- nected with it is a preparatory academy. The expenses are about $260 a year. PACIFIC THEOLOGICAL SEHINARY, Oakland, the Rev. John Knox McLean, D. D., President. This Congregational school was opened in 1869, and at present has a faculty of six professors. It has a good working library, also access to several large public libraries. Its classical course, covering three years, embraces both Hebrew and Greek and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Besides this it offers a four years' course, including Greek but not Hebrew, and a three years' English course. The annual term begins the first Tuesday of September 12 Col. , WHERE TO EDUCATE. Palo Alto. and closes the last week of April. Credentials for admission must include recommendations as to character, certificate of church membership, a college diploma, or, lacking a diploma, evidence of preparation sufficient for the seminary work. Young women are received into all the courses upon equal terms with young men. Necessary expenses do not exceed $150 a year, which may be par- tially met by scholarship aid in a limited number of cases. Pacific Seminary is magnificently located, at the business centre of the Pacific Coast empire, in one of the healthiest cities of the country, on an eminence commanding an unobstructed view of San Fran- cisco Bay and the Golden Gate, the doorway towards the awakening oriental nations. Within twenty minutes' ride is the University of California, whose apparatus and instruction are free to all. THE CHAFFEY PREPARATORY SCHOOL of the Univer- sity of Southern California, Ontario (See Univ. of S. Cal.). The annual charge for board and tuition is $220. CASTILLEJA HALL, a boarding and day school for girls, Palo Alto, Miss Zaidee M. Brown and Mrs. Lucy Fletcher Brown, Principals. The school is situated about a mile from the Leland Stanford Junior University. The town of Palo Alto combines healthfulness of climate with beauty of surroundings. The school prepares for all colleges that admit women, and especially for Stan- ford University. The teachers are specialists recommended by the authorities of that university. Much attention is paid to health, and daily work in the gymnasium is required of all pupils. The number of boarders is limited to twelve. The charges are $400 per year for boarding and $100 for day pupils. THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY (coedu- cational), Palo Alto, David Starr Jordan, Ph. D., LL. D., President. This University was founded by the Hon. Leland Stanford and Jane Lathrop Stanford in memory of their son. The corner-stone of the first building was laid May 14, 1887, the nineteenth anni- versary of the birth of Leland Stanford, Jr., and the University was formally opened October i, 1891. Its charter states that its object is " to qualify students for personal success and direct usefulness in life." It is located on the Palo Alto estate, thirty miles south- east of San Francisco. The estate consists of 8,400 acres, and on the grounds are the residence of the founders and an extensive arboretum. In addition to the Palo Alto estate the landed endowment of the University consists of the Vina estate in Tehama County, of fifty-nine thousand acres, and the Gridley estate in Butte County, of twenty-two thousand acres. The Stanford residence in San Francisco has also been deeded to the University and the balance of the endowment is in 13 Palo Alto. WHERE TO EDUCATE. , CaL interest-bearing securities. The arrangement and plan of the buildings and grounds has been made to conform to the peculiar climatic conditions of the section. A series of quadrangles sur- rounded by various detached buildings is in general the idea of arrangement, and the plan of the buildings is that of the old Spanish Missions. For so young an institution the growth has been remarkable. The faculty numbers about ninety and the students over twelve hundred (766 men and 458 women). The equipment includes laboratories and scientific collections, and a library of over forty thousand volumes. The work of the Univer- sity is grouped under the following departmental heads : Greek, Latin, classical philology, Germanic languages, Romanic languages, English language and literature, psychology, ethics, bionomics, education, history, economics and social science, law, mathematics, physics, chemistry, botany, entomology, physiology, drawing and painting, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering. The Hopkins Laboratory of Natural History at Pacific Grove is a branch of the biological work of the Univer- sity. For meeting the entrance requirements candidates are offered a choice of twenty-two subjects. The subjects are all reduced to the unit of a high school year, making twenty-eight credits, and placed on an exact equality, except that English com- position is required of all applicants. Twelve credits are necessary for admission to full standing, and these may be made up of English composition (one credit) and such other subjects (aggre- gating eleven credits) as may be selected by the candidates. The University does not agree, in advance, to exempt the graduates of any school from all entrance examinations. Recommendations from the principal of any reputable preparatory school will be considered and examinations waived in all entrance subjects fairly covered in the candidate's course of study, subject to certain conditions and exceptions duly set forth in the annual register. Tuition in all departments is free. The registration fee is $10 per semester for undergraduate and $15 for special students. MANZANITA HALL, preparatory school for boys, Palo Alto, Frank Cramer, A. M., Principal, is located in an ideal community, in the shadow of a great university, on the outskirts of a town from which saloons are excluded by a strong public sentiment, by a town ordinance, and by a prohibitory clause in the title deeds. It gives special attention to the preparation of students for Stanford Uni- versity. The teachers are all trained specialists in their depart- ments, are continually in touch with the university, and understand the requirements for admission. Its graduates are admitted to the university without examination, on recommendation of the princi- pal. Its students are admitted on recommendation without examina- H GW. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pasadena. tion to other colleges and universities, and thorough preparation is given to students who expect to enter colleges or universities that require examination. Board and tuition is $400 per year. CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 59 South Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, Stephen Cutter Clark, A. B. (Harvard), Principal. The aim of this school is to fit boys for the best colleges. The time of completing the course is suited to the individual capacity and work of each pupil. Boys are received as early as six years of age. Gym- nastic drill is held in the open air, under the care of a special in- structor. A limited number of boarding pupils will be received in the home of the principal. Tuition for boys twelve years of age and over is $150 per annum ; for boys under twelve it is $100. ENQLISH=CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Pasadena, Miss Anna B. Orton, Principal. Miss Orton, who is a daughter of the late Prof. James Orton of Vassar College, established this school in the fall of 1890. It provides a thorough preparation for all col- leges to which women are admitted, and offers a course of study to students who are .not intending to enter college. The college preparatory course includes Latin, mathematics, English language and literature, history, science, Greek, French, or German. The modern language course covers the amount of work required, for the college preparatory course, with the exception that a modern language may be substituted for Latin. Certificates from the school are accepted by the leading colleges, whereby students are enabled to enter without further examination. For boarding pupils $500 is charged for the school year. THROOP POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE and Manual Training School, Pasadena, Walter A. Edwards, President, was founded by the Hon. Amos G. Throop in 1891. Articles of incorporation were filed September 23d ; the first Board of Trustees organized October 2d ; and the doors of the Institute were opened to students November 2d. It was established as an institution of learning that should fur- nish to students of both sexes and of all religious opinions a liberal and practical education, which, while thoroughly Christian, should be absolutely non-sectarian in character. In 1892 it was determined to make manual and industrial education the characteristic feature of the school, and the building now known as Polytechnic Hall was erected. In the following year East Hall was built and fur- nished at a cost of nearly forty thousand dollars. The Institute comprises four departments, the Sloyd Grammar School, the Man- ual Training Academy, the Normal Department, and the College, the work in the last named being entirely elective. Through the generosity of citizens of Pasadena a number of free scholarships have been founded for the benefit of worthy and needy students. 15 Sacramento. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Col. The Institute is included in the list of schools accredited by the State University. The Leland Stanford Junior University also ac- cepts its certificates, and similar privileges are accorded to its grad- uates in other institutions. A tuition fee of $35 per term admits to membership in any or all classes for which the pupil is prepared, except the Sloyd Grammar School, in which the fee is $30. ATKINSON'S SACRAflENTO BUSINESS COLLEGE, Sac ramento, E. C. Atkinson, A. M., President, has been in successful operation for more than twenty-five years without change of man- agement. Its patronage has been drawn from every State and territory of the Pacific coast, and many of its graduates occupy prominent positions. The aim of the school is eminently practical. ACADEflY OF THE SACRED HEART, 925 Franklin Street, San Francisco, is conducted by the Ladies of the Sacred Heart. The course embraces the whole range of subjects in- cluded in the usual academic curriculum, as well as those of the preparatory departments. Exceptional facilities are offered for the study of foreign languages. THE HAMLIN SCHOOL, formerly Van Ness Seminary, is a school for girls and young women, under the joint principalship of Miss Sarah D. Hamlin and Mrs. Edna Snell Poulson. The house is situated in the most beautiful residence portion of San Francisco, and from its elevated site commands a view of the city and its beautiful bay, of the Berkeley Hills and Mounts Tamalpias and Diablo. The aim of the management is twofold, namely, to pre- pare girls for any school or college open to women, and to provide thorough, well-ordered instruction for girls who, for any reason, do not contemplate a college course. The educational departments in- clude the various grades from primary to college preparatory, besides a two years' post-graduate course undere special direction of Miss Hamlin, who has been markedly successful in fitting students for entrance into the Eastern universities, and in directing advanced studies in English work and the classics. The school has a large and very complete library, and a well-equipped gymnasium which is under the direction of a qualified instructor. The resident pupils have also formed a rowing club which exercises weekly on Stow Lake, in Golden Gate Park. They are also taken, daily, for long walks, of which this interesting city, with its beautiful environment, affords a great number. The principals have the aid of a large faculty of trained instructors, and especial attention is paid to individual work with pupils. IRVING INSTITUTE, northeast corner of California and Bu- chanan Streets, San Francisco, the Rev. Edward B. Church, A. M., Principal, Mrs. Frances A. Church, Vice-Principal. This school 16 Cal. WHERE TO EDUCATE. San Jos t. aims at the symmetrical and harmonious development of the mental, moral, and physical powers of its pupils. It prepares for the University of California and for the Leland Stanford Junior University, to which graduates are admitted without examination on the recommendation of the principal, and also gives thorough preparation for any Eastern college admitting women. In addition to the primary, grammar, and academic departments, to the first of which boys are admitted, there is a four years' course in music, based upon Sir Charles Halle's Practical Pianoforte School. The school accommodates about thirty boarders. Terms for board, laundry, and tuition in English branches and Latin, $125 per quarter of ten weeks. COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME, San Jose, is an institution for young ladies, founded in 1851, and incorporated by the State Legislature in 1835. The grounds, ten acres in extent, are exceptionally beautiful, and the college buildings are large, well ventilated, and furnished with every modern convenience. Fresh vegetables and fruit are supplied from the college farm and orchard ; deep artesian wells supply the purest water. The college has well-appointed laboratories, museum, and studios. Careful attention is paid to manners, morals, and physical culture. Unusual opportunities are afforded for the study of music in its various branches. The aim of the institution is to unite in its plan of instruction every advantage which can contribute to an education of heart and mind, at once solid and refined. Com- munications should be addressed to the Sister Superior. The post-office address is College Notre Dame, San Jose, Cal. Board, tuition, and laundry per quarter amount to $75. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, San Jose, A. H. Randall, President, is one of the best known normal schools in the West. Between the years 1887 and 1897, inclusive, it graduated 1,386 students, over ninety-three per cent, of whom have since engaged in teaching. The equipment and apparatus necessary for modern scientific instruction are quite complete. The professional work of the school has been strengthening of late from year to year, and the enrolment is large. Among the numerous courses manual training and kindergarten hold a place, and there is a short course especially adapted to high school graduates. THE WASHBURN SCHOOL, a university preparatory school for boys and girls, San Jose, Arthur Washburn, A. B., and Jessica T. Washburn, A. B., Principals. The opening of the Leland Stanford Junior University led to a demand, in the vicinity of San Jose, for a high-grade preparatory school. In response to that demand the Washburn School was established in September, 17 San Mateo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Cal. 1894, with a course of study based on the requirements of that university. Recommended graduates are admitted to the Leland Stanford Junior University without examination. In addition to the regular college preparatory course there is a sub-preparatory class and a primary department. A limited number of girls can be accommodated with board. ST. MARGARET'S SCHOOL, a boarding and day school for girls, San Mateo, the Rev. George Wallace, A. M., B. D., Rector and Principal. St. Margaret's has completed six years of successful work, and has established an excellent reputation. It aims to prepare its pupils to adorn the family and social circle with intellectual culture, graceful manners, and refined tastes. The scheme of instruction provides for thorough work in primary, intermediate, and academic departments. SELBORNE SCHOOL, San Rafael, the Rev. Charles Hitch- cock, B. A. (Trinity College, Cambridge, England), Principal, was founded in 1882, and the present property occupied in 1892. San Rafael is renowned for its ideal climate, and the school is located in its most attractive part, about one mile from the station of the North Pacific Railway. The construction of the buildings is the result of long and detailed study of other boys' schools. Boys of all ages are admitted, but the number of pupils is restricted. There are so many teachers in comparison to the number of students that the closest personal attention can be given to the intellectual and moral needs of each pupil. There is a well-furnished gymnasium, with a competent physical director. A course is given in Sloyd, and the importance of manual training as a factor in education is recognized throughout the course of study. The annual charge for tuition and residence is $500. SANTA BARBARA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Santa Barbara, E. B. Hoover, Principal, C. D. Hoover, Secretary, aims to give a thorough and practical knowledge of business. The course con- sists of an English or preparatory department, a regular business and a shorthand course. STOCKTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Stockton, W. C. Ramsey, Principal, is a boarding and day school twenty-five years established. Including the business course there are seven regular departments, and during the past year one hundred have been graduated from the normal course. The average attendance is seven hundred students annually, representing the Western States, the Sandwich Islands, Japan, and Mexico. WATSON VI LLE HOflE SCHOOL, 24 Kearney Street, Wat sonville. This school was organized in 1889, and its object is to fit pupils for teachers' examinations, and to give individual instruc- 18 Colo. W.HERE TO EDUCATE. Boulder. tion to pupils not able to attend public schools. It is pleasantly located in one of California's beautiful valleys, and is conducted by Mrs. S. J. Kidder and two daughters. HOLY ROSARY ACADEMY, Woodland, conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross, maintains a high standard of scholar- ship, and aims to combine with it the atmosphere and influence of a Christian home. Music and art receive special attention. COLORADO. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO (co-educational), Boulder, Jas. H. Baker, LL. D., President. This University was incorporated by an act of the Territorial Legislature of 1861, and its location fixed at Boulder. In 1876, the Constitution of Colorado provided that r upon its adoption, the University should become an institution of the State, and further provided for its management and control. The University was opened in September, 1877, with two instructors and forty-four students. The support of the University is derived from a tax levy on the assessed valuation of the property of the State, and from large State appropriations and private bequests. The location of the University is in the finest scenery of the Rocky Mountain region, about an hour's ride from Denver. The buildings number twelve, all modern, thoroughly equipped, and each erected for a special department. All departments are sup- plied with modern apparatus, and the cabinets, art collection, and library are well selected and extensive. The University Faculty numbers seventy-five, and the departments of instruction are as follows : COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS : Classical Course, leading to the degree of B. A. ; Philosophical Course, leading to the degree of B. Ph. ; Scientific Course, leading to the degree of B. S. GRADUATE COURSES, leading to the degrees M. A., M. S., and Ph.D. COLORADO SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE: Civil Engineering, leading to the degree B. S. (C. E.) ; Electrical Engineering, lead- ing to the degree B. S. (E. E.) COLORADO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. COLORADO SCHOOL OF LAW. Affiliated with the University, though separately organized, is the COLORADO STATE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, which offers free tuition to residents of the State. One point is worthy of emphasis : Many students now success- fully carrying on full work in this University were compelled to leave college in the East or elsewhere on account of ill health, but find that in the pure air of Colorado they are enabled both to complete their education and to regain strength. 19 Colorado Springs. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Colo. COLORADO COLLEGE, Colorado Springs. Founded in 1874. Though unsectarian in character, it affords the opportunity for advanced study under positive Christian influences. Courses lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Science. Candidates for the Master's degree are received. Connected with the college are departments of art and of music. The Colorado College Scientific Society issues an annual publication with articles containing original research. The college edifices comprise, besides a large building for lecture- rooms, laboratories, and museum, a library building, an astro- nomical observatory, a gymnasium, one large residence hall for young men, and two halls for young women. A music and art building is in process of erection. There is a large college campus and a good athletic field. The world-renowned climate of Colorado Springs affords exceptional opportunity for out-door exercise. Students unable to work in other climates may here continue their studies, and at the same time make a perma- nent gain in health. Tuition, $35 per annum. Table board in clubs, $2.50 ; in Ticknor Hall, $4 per week. Rooms (warmed, lighted, and furnished), $i to $2 per week. CUTLER ACADEflY, Colorado Springs. It is named after a generous donor, Henry Cutler, of Massachusetts. Though primarily a fitting school for Colorado College, it provides a thorough preparation for any college in the United States. The courses of study extend over four years, and embrace both classi- cal and scientific branches. Tuition, $35 per annum. THE DENVER HOflEOPATHIC COLLEGE, S. S. Smythe, M. D., Dean ; David A. Strickler, M. D., Registrar. The faculty consists of twenty-nine professors and instructors. The college is new and modern in every particular; situated high and dry in the most beautiful residence portion of the city, while it is sur- rounded by public parks. The hospital is connected with the college, giving especial clinical facilities. The three features which it aims to make distinctive are : First, teaching, so far as possible, by assigned lessons and recitations ; second, monthly examinations ; third, clinical instruction. The school draws its students largely from Rocky Mountain districts, but has an appre- ciable number from all over the country, many of whom, because of our mild, short, and pleasant winters, find it practical to attend here when their health would not permit them to go elsewhere. Men and women are admitted on equal terms. Tuition, $100 per annum. Scholarship, $300. 20 Colo.. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Denver. THE DENVER NORflAL AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, 1543-45 Glenarm Street, Denver, Fred Dick, Principal. In Sep- tember, 1893, this school opened with but two departments. These were subsequently increased to eight, as follows : Normal, for the training of public school teachers ; kindergarten, in charge of Mrs. Margaret Grabill, for the training of teachers in kindergarten methods ; college preparatory, for fitting pupils for entrance to the leading universities and colleges ; grade, in which instruction is given in any of the eight grammar grades ; modern language, giv- ing instruction in French, German, and Spanish ; commercial, tak- ing up all commercial studies ; sloyd department, and department of reading, physical culture, drawing, and music. On the second and fourth Thursdays of every month the regular exercises are supplemented by a lecture by some person prominent in educational, political, or social circle, in Colorado. In October, 1898, a Mothers 1 Class was organized for the systematic study of child life. Several free scholarships are conditionally offered to Colorado high school graduates. The tuition is moderate. LORETTO HEIGHTS ACADEMY, Loretto Heights, Den- ver, conducted by the Sisters of Loretto. This academy stands on the highest point between Denver and the mountain range that forms a background for the city. The new building, erected in 1890-91, at a cost of about a quarter of a million dollars, is considered one of the finest in the West. Those in charge of the institution have had long educational experience, and the courses of study, as well as the laboratories and all other appliances for work, are in every respect modern and complete. UNIVERSITY OF DENVER and Colorado Seminary (co- educational), Denver, William Fraser McDowell, S. T. D., Ph. D., Chancellor. This University, incorporated in 1880, while unsec- tarian, is under the control of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The departments are as follows : College of Liberal Arts, School of Medicine, Iliff School of Theology, School of Law, School of Dentistry, School of Pharmacy, Graduate School, School of Music and Fine Arts, and Preparatory School. The Schools of Medi- cine, Law, Music, Dentistry, and Pharmacy are situated in the heart of Denver ; the College of Liberal Arts, Iliff School of The- ology, and the Preparatory School are located at University Park, which, though in the limits of the city, is forty minutes' ride from its centre. The University confers the following degrees : Bach- elor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Literature, Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Sacred Theology, Bachelor of Laws r Bachelor, of Music, Doctor of Dental Surgery, and Graduate in Pharmacy. Also the following graduate degrees on examination : Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Literature, Master 21 Denver. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Colo. of Laws, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Civil Law, and Doc- tor of Sacred Theology. There are excellent working laboratories and the foundation of a good library, with the splendid city libraries at the disposal of the students. This institution inaugurated the University Extension movement in Colorado, and is prepared to give numerous lecture courses annually. There were enrolled last year, in the various departments of the University, 598 students. There were conferred at the annual commencement fifty-eight degrees, all of them in cursu. Colorado Seminary was incorpor- ated March 5, 1864, and was the first of the institutions for higher learning to open in Colorado. The president of the Board of Trustees is Bishop Henry W. Warren, D. D., LL. D., the founder of the institution having been the late John Evans, M. D., second Governor of Colorado. The college and Medical School course is four years ; the School of Theology, School of Law, and School of Dentistry, three years. There were stu- dents last year from thirty-three different States and ten foreign countries. Dr. J. M. Buckley, editor of the Christian Advocate, New York, after a visit to the University, wrote : " I never saw such a view from any other University in Europe or America, nor one to be compared with it in grandeur. Hundreds of young men and women in the East who cannot pursue a course of study with- out loss of health, here thrive in that pure air. I found among the students many from the East who were carrying on their studies with success and with improved health." THE MISS WOLCOTT SCHOOL, a home and day school for girls, corner Marion Street and Fourteenth Avenue, Denver, Miss Wolcott, Principal, is intended primarily as a day school, but the principal receives a limited number of girls into her home. Boys are admitted to the younger grades of the day school only. The teachers are specialists in their chosen lines of work, and desirous of helping in every way the pupils committed to their care. There are kindergarten, primary, intermediate, and academic departments. The academic department prepares thoroughly for any woman's col- lege. Tuition and board for the year is $500. Tuition alone is $100 per year in the academic, $80 in the intermediate, $80 in the primary, and $48 in the kindergarten departments. Art and music are extra. WOLFE HALL, Denver, Mrs. Lucia Olcott Streeter, Principal. As a preparatory school for the large Eastern colleges for women, Wolfe Hall stands alone among the schools of the State. Recently much attention has been paid to special courses, and the music, art, and literary departments have been especially developed. The kindergarten department is another strong feature. The school building contains 350 'rooms. The cost of board and tuition by the year is $300, and the tuition for day-pupils is from $40 to $60. Colo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Greeley. THE STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Fort Collins, was founded in 1879, under the act of Congress providing for the establishment of such institutions, and it has had a steady and re- markable growth. In 1880 the total number of students was twenty-five, and in 1898 there was an enrolment of 344. The principal courses of instruction are in agricultural subjects, with especial attention paid to hydraulics and engineering as applied to irrigation. A liberal schedule of studies is also pursued, includ- ing all the English branches, the sciences, and modern languages. Among the buildings are the chemical laboratory, horticultural and agricultural halls, mechanical engineering buildings, etc., the entire group being valued at over $250,000. STATE SCHOOL OF MINES, Golden, Regis Chauvenet, A. M., B. S., President, was established in 1874. The organization resembles that of the best technical schools, and probably no local- ity in the United States could be found richer in geological illus- STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, GREELEY, COLO, tration of the formations of various ages, affording abundant opportunities for practical instruction as well as exercise. For admission, candidates must be at least seventeen years of age, and must sustain examinations in English, geography, arithmetic, ele- ments of algebra, geometry, and zoology or biology. There are two full courses of study, viz. : Mining and metallurgical engineer- ing. Each covers a period of four years. The studies, however, are identical during the first year of all courses, beginning to diverge at the opening of the second year. The degrees given are : Engineer of Mines and Metallurgy (E. M.), Electrical Engi- neer (E. E.). Tuition is free to residents of Colorado. THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Greeley, Z. X. Snyder, Ph. D., President, is on the line of the Union Pacific Railway, fifty- two miles north of Denver. The city has prohibition laws, and is a place of churches and homes. The school was established by 2 3 Montdair. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Colo. an act of the Legislature of Colorado in 1889. The handsome building is situated in the midst of a campus of forty acres over- looking the city. A high standard of scholarship and professional training is maintained, and a diploma is equivalent to a life cer- tificate to teach in the schools of the State. Especial features are the model school and child study department and the kinder- garten department. Tuition is free, and other expenses are ex- tremely moderate. THE JARVIS HALL MILITARY ACADEMY, Montclair, the Rev. H. Kay Coleman, A. M., Rector, was founded in 1869. It is located at Montclair, a charming suburb of Denver. The present building, one of the most handsome and imposing in the West, was begun in 1888, and enlarged in 1890. It accommodates about one hundred students, and is supplied with every modern convenience. The grounds, which embrace over thirty acres, and contain baseball and football fields, tennis courts and golf links, provide opportunities for physical development, and the refined home life of the school contributes to social culture. Both the intellectual and military discipline are of the best. Tuition and board for the school year cost but $350. CONNECTICUT. THE COURTLAND SCHOOL, a day school for girls, 107 Golden Hill, Bridgeport, Miss Frances A. Marble and Miss Mary J. Miner, Principals, was founded in 1891, and incorporated, under a special act of the State Legislature, in 1893. Its rapid growth has necessitated its removal to a larger building, and its equipment will soon be equal to all the demands of a modern academy. The school aims to give thorough and systematic instruction to girls and young women. Only the ablest and most experienced teach- ers are secured, and great pains are taken with beginners and all exceptional or backward cases. Students are prepared for any college open to women, and children at eight or nine years of age may enter the lower departments. Tuition varies, according to the class, from $80 to $150. PARK AVENUE INSTITUTE, for young men and boys, Bridgeport, Seth B. Jones, A. M., Principal. This school is situated in a quiet part of Bridgeport, on Long Island Sound, fifty-nine miles from New York, and eighteen miles from New Haven. Seaside Park, but five minutes' walk from the school, furnishes hard and smooth roads for bicycling, and plenty of room for football, baseball, and other manly sports that tend to keep the development of the body in pace with that of the mind. The 24 Conn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Brookfield Center. buildings were erected especially for school purposes, and are fully equipped with modern conveniences. Special pains are taken with pupils who are backward either from lack of oppor- tunity or because they have lost interest in study and become discouraged. Boys of any age are received, and their morals are carefully guarded. The curriculum includes classical, scientific, and commercial branches. Board, furnished room, and instruction in the primary and intermediate departments is $450; in the junior and senior departments, $500. UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, Bridgeport, Fred Enos, Principal. The institution justly claims to be a school of system, discipline, and results. A practical business education may be acquired in bookkeeping, shorthand, and typewriting, and business men may be supplied with competent assistants. THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, Bridgeport, Vincent C. Peck, Head Master, occupies three or four separate buildings in the best residential part of the city. The small classes give opportunity for individual attention to the needs of the students, and resident pupils are under the personal care and guidance of the head master or his assistant. The institution is divided into a Lower and an Upper School. Kindergarten and primary departments for boys and girls have recently been organized. The upper classes are for boys and young men only. Cultivation of common sense, self-reliance, and self-mastery are aimed at, and an all- round development, physical, mental, and moral, is the general object of the school. Terms per annum for resident pupils amount to $600. Tuition ranges from $32 to $150. THE CURTIS SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Brookfield Center, Frederick S. Curtis, Principal, is an undenominational private boarding school for twenty boys, in a quiet village in the western part of the State. Experience, a love for the boys and the work, a deep sense of the grave responsibility of the calling, and an untiring devotion to the needs of the pupils, have combined to make this school a successful development from the smallest begin- nings, and given it a unique character which is expressed in every- thing connected with it. Mr. Curtis, a Yale graduate, writes a little book about his work, which he will gladly send on applica- tion ; he takes entire charge of a boy, even to buying for his needs, and knows personally every phase of his school and home life. Boys are admitted, on first entrance, only under fourteen. The tuition for the year is $500. Preparation is given a boy for other preparatory schools, but not the immediate preparation for college. This work, dealing with the foundations of a boy's habits and methods, is very important. 25 Cheshire. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Conn. THE CHESHIRE ACADEMY (The Episcopal Academy of Connecticut), Cheshire, Eri Davidson Woodbury, Principal. A boys' military boarding school, now in its io4th year, and one of the few schools in our country having a long history. It is located two and a half hours from New York, half an hour from New Haven, and has good telephone and telegraph connections. It gives preparation for college, scientific school, or business. The policy of discipline is to hold in restraint the evil in a boy while the nobler qualities are cultivated until they become dominant traits of character. GREENWICH ACADEMY, with home school for ten boys, Greenwich, J. H. Root, Principal, was incorporated seventy years ago. Twenty-eight miles from New York City, Greenwich occu- pies, according to the United States survey, the highest ground on the coast between Maine and Florida. In 1880 a home depart- ment was added to the academy. Ten boys are received into Mr. Root's family. The pupils being so few in number, and. so care- fully selected, each boy receives the individual training which his character and habits make necessary. The work of the educational course is comprehensive, extending from the primary department to the most thorough preparation for our best colleges or for busi- ness. The charge for the school year for boys under fifteen is $500 ; for boys over fifteen, $600. TRINITY COLLEGE, Hartford, the Rev. George Williamson Smith, D. D., LL. D., President. Washington College, of which Trinity is an outgrowth, was chartered by the Connecticut General Assembly in 1823, and its name was changed to the present one on the petition of the alumni and corporation in 1845. ^ n 1872 the cellege campus was sold to the city as a site for the State capitol. This resulted in the purchase of another tract containing about eighty acres. In 1875 work was begun on new buildings, which were occupied in 1878. Five years later the central build- ing, Northern Towers, was completed, forming the west side of a quadrangle more than six hundred feet in length. On or near the campus stand also the colossal statue of Bishop Brownell, built 1867; the St. John Observatory, 1883; the president's house, 1885; the gymnasium and Alumni Hall, 1887 ; -and the Jarvis Hall of Science, 1888. The college library has a valuable collec- tion of about forty thousand volumes. In Jarvis Hall, besides well- provided chemical and physical laboratories, there are in the department of physics a number of rooms devoted to special work in light and electricity, together with a work-shop, dynamo, and engine-room. Candidates for entrance, who must have completed their fifteenth year, are admitted either by examination or on cer- tificate from certain approved schools. The college offers four 26 Conn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Lakeville. courses : Arts, letters and science, science, letters. Each of these is a four years' course except the course in science, which is completed in three years. Graduates of the course in arts receive the B. A. degree ; of the course in letters and science or of that in science, B. S ; and of the course in letters, B. L. Under specified conditions the degree of M. A. is conferred upon Bachelors of Art of three years' standing. Special students are admitted. Trinity, while under Protestant Episcopal auspices, welcomes students of any faith or form of worship. Tuition is $100 per year. WOODSIDE SEHINARY, Hartford, Miss Sara J. Smith and Miss E. L. Smith, Principals. The location of this school is one of the most charming of Hartford. The accessibility of Hartford from all parts of the country commends it to parents seeking a desirable school and home for their daughters. The number of WOODSIDE SEMINARY. pupils is limited to twenty-five. The buildings are spacious and attractive, having sanitary plumbing, modern heating, and electric lighting. The ample grounds and well-equipped gymnasium give excellent opportunities for exercise. The design of the school is to prepare, by systematic practical training, for the positions the girls may be called to fill in the future, and to fit them, if desired, for a college course. The terms for board and tuition, including school text-books and limited plain laundry, are $700 per annum. THE HOTCHKISS SCHOOL, Lakeville (town of Salisbury), Edward G. Coy, M. A., Head Master. An endowed school for boys, founded in 1891, and opened for instruction October 19, 1892. It is devoted exclusively to preparation for college or scientific school, according to the best standards. There are nine instructors, including the physical director, who has immediate supervision of the health and all the athletics of the school. The courses of study, both classical and scientific, cover four years. The government and discipline are intended to be wholly in the 27 Lakeville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Conn. interest of trustworthy boys, and are conducted on the theory that a boy's sense of honor should be respected and encouraged to the utmost degree. Every boy must room alone. The annual charge covering tuition, board, rent, and care of furnished room, heat, and electric light is $600. A limited number of students, however, are regularly assisted in greatly reducing their expenses, and no ambitious boy need hesitate to apply for admis- sion to the school for lack of funds. No precise age is prescribed for admission ; but boys of fourteen usually have sufficient matu- rity for school life and the studies of the lowest class. The attendance not counting day scholars is limited at present to one hundred students. THE TACONIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Lakeville, Miss Eliza Hersey Lord, Principal ; Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler and Dr. Frank M. McMurry, of Columbia University, New York, advisers to the faculty. The school is especially adapted to young girls who must leave home at an early age. The methods employed are scientific, and adapted to the special needs of the individual pupil. College preparation is given, and the school certificate admits to Smith. Nature study and art expression are made specialties. The location in the Taconic Hills of the Berkshire region is unsurpassed for healthfulness. Physical culture, includ- ing golf, rowing, skating, and coasting, is under the direction of a trained gymnast. A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG BOYS, Lyme, Miss A. N. Griffin, Principal, was opened in 1893 by Mrs. Edward D. Griffin and her daughters, and is designed for a limited number of boys, too young for the pressure and routine of ordinary boarding-school life, and who need motherly care and watchful attention. The elementary studies are taught thoroughly, and Latin and French are begun, while care is taken that the physical development of the boys shall keep pace with the mental and moral improvement. By special arrangement boys can remain during vacations, or, if desired, entire charge will be taken of orphans or other children who need a permanent home while pursuing their studies. The terms are $400 per school year. THE MIDDLETOWN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Middletown, A. J. Harding, Principal, offers courses in bookkeeping, banking, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, and phonograph. Arithmetic, spelling, penmanship, grammar, commercial law, and correspond- ence are also included with the foregoing courses. There are no vacations, day sessions continuing during the entire year. Diplo- mas are awarded to those who pass the required examinations. 28 Conn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New Haven. WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, Middletown, Bradford Paul Ray- mond, LL. D., President. Wesleyan, founded in 1831, is the oldest college established under the auspices of the M. E. Church. While in the liberal sense denominational, it is unsectarian. Its situation, half way between New York and Boston on the shortest railway route, is almost ideal, and the position of the buildings on extensive grounds in the highest part of the city further demonstrates the wisdom shown in choice of location. Wesleyan's reputation for scholarly work is well established. The college is constantly willing to sacrifice numbers to quality, and the terms of admission are severe. There are three courses of study leading to degrees : Classical, Latin-scientific, and scientific. The range of elective studies after the freshman year is very wide. In natural science the work of the college is especially strong. Some of the investi- gations carried on in the Wesleyan laboratories, notably the inves- tigations in the chemistry of food under Prof. W. O. Atwater, and those in bacteriology especially with regard to the bacilli of butter under Prof. H. W. Conn, have won reputation not only in this country but abroad. Wesleyan was a pioneer in post-graduate in- struction. Not fewer than thirteen out of the sixteen regular depart- ments offer courses for graduate students. Training of the body keeps pace with intellectual culture. The Fayerweather Gymna- sium is one of the best equipped in New England, and the new athletic field is among the finest of its class. The college build- ings are valued at about half a million dollars. The endowment amounts to nearly $1,300,000, and a large number of scholarships are devoted to the benefit of needy and deserving students. An- nual expenses, not including board, average $147. Women are admitted to all the courses. MYSTIC VALLEY ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL INSTI- TUTE, boarding and day school for both sexes, Mystic, J. K. Bucklyn, A. M., LL. D., Principal. This Institute was founded in 1863 and chartered in 1880. Three courses are offered, college, normal, and business. The leading colleges admit, without exam- ination, graduates of this school. The instruction is individual, so that bright students are not retarded and slow students are helped in their work. The rates are low ; opportunities are given for a few students to work out a part of the expense, so that young persons of energy may graduate here with limited means. MRS. CADY'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, a family and day school, Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, was opened in 1870. The school is finely situated, and has large grounds shaded by old elms. It is well equipped for work in history,, science, and the languages, possessing a good library of reference books, with maps, charts, and every possible aid to study. The staff of in- 29 New Haven. WHERE TO EDUCATE. - Conn. structors includes a native French teacher of ability and a thorough German teacher. Instruction in the classics is given by graduates of Smith and Vassar. Mrs. Cady, assisted by Miss Cady, devotes her entire time to the supervision of every depart- ment of the school. Superior advantages are offered for the study of art and art history. The galleries of Yale University, together with its frequent courses of art lectures, are valuable adjuncts to the daily instruction given by Miss Cady, who is a careful student of the foreign galleries. The scientific lectures and orchestral concerts at Yale are also open to the pupils of this school. A suitable introduction to the principal is expected from any one applying for admission. Students completing the college preparatory course are admitted to the women's colleges, without exception, by certificate. HOPKINS GRAMMAR SCHOOL, New Haven, George L. Fox, Rector, was founded in 1660, and has prepared more boys for Yale than any other school, except Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. It is a "grammar school " in the English sense, as prepar ing boys for the universities, and not in the American sense, as a public school, which sends its graduates to the high school. Its special aim is to give thorough preparation to boys for college and scientific schools, and, judged by the record of its graduates in the entrance examinations for Yale, it stands in the front rank of successful preparatory schools. This gratifying result has been obtained through the fact that all the classes are small, and are in the hands of expert teachers of large experience. It espe- cially encourages earnest boys to make rapid progress in their work in the belief that boys should enter college as soon after eighteen as possible. MISS WHEDON'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND BOYS, 33 Wall Street, New Haven, is fortunate in its situation on a cen- tral yet quiet street, and in its large and attractive schoolrooms. Its aim is to furnish the best advantages for girls and boys from the age of five to their entrance to college. Thorough prepara- tion for college is given. The individual pupil is carefully con- sidered. Constant effort is made, not only to give the best teach- ing in the regular class work, but at the same time to open the eyes and minds of the scholars to all that is best in the world around them. YALE UNIVERSITY, New Haven, the Rev. Timothy Dwight, LL. D., President, was founded in 1701 by a number of clergymen resident in Connecticut. The charter obtained from the colony Legislature provided for a collegiate school with a rector, tutors, and ushers who might grant "degrees or licences;" its affairs 30 Conn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New Haven. were to be managed by trustees, all of whom must be clergymen. An annual grant equivalent to about 60 was voted by the colony. The school was established at Saybrook, and provision was made for a three years' course leading to the baccalaureate degree, and a further one of equal length leading to the master's degree. For the next decade or two the fortunes of the institution met with many reverses. The war from 1710 to 1713 hindered its growth, and an unfortunate altercation arose among the trustees regarding the site. Although in 1717 the first college hall was built at New Haven, which city had made a liberal offer of money and land, the students not only continued their courses at Say- brook as well as at New Haven, but also (under private tutors) at Wethersfield, Hartford, and East Guilford. In 1717 commence- ments were held and degrees granted both at Wethersfield and New Haven. This division of opinion was ended by Elihu Yale, of London, formerly Governor of Madras, who, in compliance with Cotton Mather's plea for aid accompanied by the promise to be- stow the former's name upon the school, sent substantial gifts to the struggling institution. A vote of thanks given to the donor by both houses of the Legislature induced him to further benefactions ; thenceforth the name and location of the college were assured. The change of faith in 1722 of several tutors from the Congregational to the Episcopal Church led to their enforced withdrawal, and several years followed when the college was without adequate instruction. A thoroughly revised charter, granted by the Assem- bly in 1745, organized the governing body into a corporate so- ciety to be called the President and Fellows of Yale College in New Haven. Stormy years followed; bloody riots between town and* gown occasionally resulted in deaths ; and actual pitched battles between student organizations were not infrequent. Meanwhile the academical department was strengthening each year, though the regular professional schools were not added, unless we except the affiliated medical institution out of which the Medical School grew, until as late as the presidency of Jeremiah Day, which began in 1817. The Divinity and Law Schools were followed by the Graduate School (1847), and the Sheffield Scientific School (1859). It was not until 1887 that Yale College was formally raised to the rank and title of Yale University. There are four general depart- ments in the University, each under its own faculty of instruction : The Department of Philosophy and the Arts, the Department of Theology ; the Department of Medicine, the Department of Law. The first-named department includes four separately organized sub- departments, the Academical Department, the Sheffield Scientific School, the Scho.ol of the Fine Arts, and the Department of Music ; it also embraces the Graduate School under the combined faculty of the department. The University library, the observa- New London. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Conn. tory, and the Peabody Museum of Natural History are organized independently of the special departments, and are related to the interests of the whole University. The degrees awarded by Yale in- clude A. B., B. S., M. A., M. LL., B. C. L., B. D., B. LL., B. Ph., C. E., M. E., LL. D., M. D., Ph. D. Admission to the academical depart- ments is by examination only. The library of the University con- tains about 240,000 volumes, not including special libraries in the several departments. The buildings number nearly thirty, and include, perhaps, the best-equipped gymnasium in the world. More than $30,000 is annually offered by the corporation for the relief of needy students. Tuition in the college and Sheffield Scientific School is $155 per year; in the Law School, $110, if paid in advance, otherwise more; in the Medical School, $140 for each of the first three years, $50 together with diploma fee of $30 for the senior year; in the Graduate School (average), $100. WILLIAMS MEMORIAL INSTITUTE, a school for girls, New London, Colin S. Buell, M. A., Principal, was chartered in 1881 in accordance with the will of Mrs. Harriet Peck Williams, of Norwich, Conn., which provided for its foundation as a memo- rial to her son, Mr. Thomas W. Williams, 2d, an eminent citizen and successful whaling merchant of New London. The curriculum of the school has been developed with a view to giving its gradu- ates a broad and sound mental training. The elective principle has been introduced with good results. Monthly reports are sent to the parents for signature. No formal examinations are held, and no prizes are offered. No tuition fee is charged to any student, only an incidental fee of $5 per term. INGLESIDE, a school for girls, New Milford, Litchfield County, was founded in June, 1892, by Mrs. William D. Black, the present patroness. It has a fine equipment and comfortable appointments. The musical and physical departments are especially strong and the studio advantages are unusual. A thorough course of study with graduation prepares for college if desired, but the school is intended to be a finishing rather than a preparatory school. The limit to the number of pupils is about sixty. The corps of instruc- tors and chaperons numbers twenty. MISS WELLS' KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL, New Milford, was established in January, 1878. It is a day school for girls and boys, and has always been conducted by Miss M. C. Wells, ably assisted by her sister, Miss L. E. Wells. The number is limited to thirty pupils during one session. Many families from distant States and cities have resided in the town, for a time, to procure the advantages of this preparatory school for their children. The tuition is according to the attendance and age of the pupil. 32 Conn. ' WHERE TO EDUCATE. Newtown. UPSON SEMINARY, a home school for boys and young men, New Preston, the Rev. Henry Upson, Principal. The school began in 1869 with very few pupils, their number being increased to fifteen in 1878. Its purpose is to secure the best health, the best scholarship and the best character. Thorough preparation | REV. HENRY UPSON. is given for college and scientific schools. Recreation and amuse- ments are encouraged, especially out-door sports, and both the gymnasium and athletic field are large and well appointed. The ordinary expense for tuition, board, fuel, light, etc., is $450. THE NEWTOWN ACADEMY, Newtown, Fairfield County, H. B. MacFarland, B. Sc., Principal, is located in a picturesque and healthful town. It is for day pupils and offers courses preparatory for college, scientific school, and the classified civil service. The 33 Norfolk. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Conn. principal will obtain board and room for any one so desiring, in private families, at $4.50 per week. Tuition is $36 per year. THE ROBBINS SCHOOL, Norfolk, Howard W. Carter, M. A., Principal, was founded in 1884 by two grandchildren of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins. Norfolk is peculiarly adapted by its beauty and healthfulness to be the seat of an educational institu- tion. The leading purpose of the school is to give to those desir- ing it a thorough preparation for any American college or scien- tific school, and in addition there is offered to such as may wish to finish their school life here, a liberal course of study. The annual charge for tuition in all subjects, except drawing and music, is $60. The principal will receive into his family a limited number of boys. MISS BAIRD'S INSTITUTE, a home school for girls and young ladies, Norwalk, Miss Cornelia F. Baird, Principal, has been established over twenty years, and has won reputation for its thorough instruction and its homelike and cultured atmosphere. The school buildings consist of four large houses and a gymnasium. The number of boarding-pupils is limited, thus securing to each the personal attention of the principal. The course of instruction includes primary, preparatory, academic, and college preparatory departments. Board and tuition in English and Latin courses, French or German, class singing, and physical training, is $500 a year. For day-pupils the tuition is $75 to $100. MRS. MEAD'S SCHOOL, Hillside," Norwalk, Mrs. Melville Emory Mead, Principal. This well-known school for girls was founded in Darien, Conn., in 1883, and was removed to its present location in 1889. Its aim is that of fostering a well-proportioned womanhood, and its influences are those of a cultured Christian home. Noteworthy features are the unity of teachers and pupils, the loyalty of the townspeople, and the sincerity and unpretentious- ness of the educational work. There are ten instructors. Grad- uates in the college preparatory course are admited to Wellesley, Vassar, and other colleges without examination. The general expenses, including board, are $550 per annum. THE NORWALK PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Norwalk. Carl A. Harstrom, A. M., Principal, is a boarding and day school for boys, giving thorough preparation for college. THE NORWALK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, a boarding and day school for boys, Norwalk, W. G. Chase, A. B., Head Master. The school was founded in 1855, by the Rev. C. M. Selleck, and was for many years famous as the Selleck School. In 1897 it was entirely reorganized under the present name. The aim of the school is to develop the individuality of the boy, and to prepare him carefully physically, mentally and morally - for college or 34 Conn. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Southport. business life. In the lower form boys are received after the com- pletion of the regular kindergarten course. Upon entering the upper form, four courses are open to them, two college preparatory and two finishing. A well-equipped gymnasium, under a trained director, bowling alley, and extensive athletic grounds afford every advantage for the physical development of the boy. The school is strictly a private one, in which individual attention is exercised in all instruction. The faculty consists of young experienced instructors with thoroughly modern ideas. Four qualifications are deemed necessary in the instructors. These are : Perfect morals, high scholarship in a first class college or university, devotion to the profession of teaching, and personal magnetism. The terms per annum for boarding pupils in the lower form are $425 ; in the upper, $450. NORWICH FREE ACADEMY (co-educational), Norwich, Robert P. Keep, Principal. This school, incorporated in 1854, was opened in 1856 with eighty pupils. It is liberally endowed, and supplies the place of a high school for Norwich. The work of the academy is carried on in three buildings : The Academy Building, the Slater Memorial Building, which includes a library of 12,000 books and a museum of fine arts embracing valuable collections of casts and photographs, and the Manual Training Building, which includes a forge shop, wood-working shop, and machine shop. The academy gives preparation for college, professional school, and business, and has three courses corresponding with this aim, the classical, scientific, and general. Connected with the aca- demic department is an art school, having three instructors and eighty students. In the academic department there is a nominal charge to non-resident pupils for tuition and to resident pupils for incidentals. Fees in the art classes are moderate but vary widely with the course taken. BOXWOOD SCHOOL, Old Lyme, Mrs. Richard Sill Griswold, Principal, is situated two miles from Long Island Sound and one mile from the Connecticut River, about midway between New York and Boston. The buildings are commodious, and are sup- plied with all modern conveniences. The extensive grounds, covering twenty acres, and the ample gymnasium afford opportu- nity for physical exercise. Two courses are offered, the college preparatory and the elective. The school is non-sectarian. Board and tuition, not including extras is $550 per year. SEASIDE SEMINARY, Southport, Miss Augusta Smith, Principal, is a school for young women and children, with courses preparatory for college. Individual training is given backward children, and special care is taken to encourage a desire for knowl- edge. The terms vary from $300 to $500 a year. 35 Stamford. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Conn. BETTS ACADEMY, Stamford, William James Betts, M. A., Principal, was founded by James Betts at North Stamford, Conn., in 1838. In 1840 Mr. Betts removed it to Wilton, Conn., and in 1844 it was permanently located in North Stamford. In 1870 William James Betts, son of the founder, was graduated from Yale and became associated in the management of the academy with his father. Upon the death of the latter, in 1885, tne son became principal. The main building was erected in 1844, an d has been enlarged and renewed from time to time, in 1894 being practically rebuilt. The academy prepares for the best colleges and scientific schools, and gives a practical training to those who go directly from the academy into business life. It offers three courses, classical, scientific, and business, and advantages for students to save time in preparation. The most marked features are the home life and individual attention. The charge for board and tuition during the academic year is $500. THE CATHARINE AIKEN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Stamford, Mrs. Harriet Beecher Scoville Devan, Principal, has a foundation of forty-three years' success upon which to base its reputation for satisfactory work. Situated in the residence portion of Stamford, it is equipped with adequate building accommodations and with attractive lawns, walks, and drives. Special care is given to the home life in the school, and nothing is neglected that goes to make up well developed womanhood. After the kindergarten and primary classes, the school offers three courses of study : College preparatory, academic, and special. In order that pupils may have individual attention the membership of classes is limited. Terms per year for day pupils range from $50 in the kindergarten to $150 in the senior year. Board and tuition amounts to $550 for pupils under twelve years, and $650 for pupils over twelve years. MISS LOW'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Stamford, is one of the best known schools in Connecti- cut. It is conducted by the Misses Low and Heywood, and is the largest private school for girls in the city. It was established over thirty years ago by Mrs. C. E. Richardson, and has been conducted by the present principals since 1883. The number of pupils is limited in the boarding department, and all the classes are small, so as to render the instruction practically individual. Thirteen instructors have the various departments in charge, and correct habits of study are inculcated. Pupils are prepared for college, or may take the regular school course, which carries them beyond the requirements necessary for admission to college. Lec- tures are provided on literary and scientific subjects, and the young ladies have the privilege of visiting the art galleries and 36 Conn.. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Washington. also of attending, if desired, suitable entertainments in New York City. The principals endeavor to combine thorough scholarship with general culture, and rather to encourage an habitual self- control than to enforce a formal obedience. MR. KING'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Bedford Street, Stamford, Hiram U. King, Principal. The schoolhouse is thoroughly lighted, heated, and ventilated. The educational aim is to afford a thorough preparation for college or for business. Boys are received as soon as they can read, and are classed according to advancement, in six forms. The tuition in the first, second, and third forms is $100 ; in the fourth, $125 ; and in the fifth and sixth, $150. Ten pupils are received as boarders for $600 per year, including all extras. CONNECTICUT LITERARY INSTITUTION, a boarding academy for boys, Suffield, Andrew J. Sloper, President, H. L. Thompson, Principal. The school maintains the highest ideals of scholarship and moral character. The principal's certificate admits to the various colleges. The buildings have modern furnishings, and the rates vary according to rooms. THE GUNNERY, a family school for boys, Washington, Litch- field County, John C. Brinsmade, Principal. The Gunnery was founded about 1850 by Mr. F. W. Gunn. The school became well known ; writers made it the subject of newspaper and maga- zine articles, and under the name, " Birds' Nest," Dr. J. G. Holland introduced it into his novel, "Arthur Bonnicastle." In 1874 Mr. John C. Brinsmade, a graduate of Harvard, and a nephew of Mrs. Gunn, became an assistant in the school. In 1876 he married Mr. Gunn's daughter, and on the death of Mr. Gunn, in 1 88 1, he became principal of the school, Mrs. Brinsmade sharing with her husband the duties of the management. Washington, well known as a health resort, is at an elevation of about nine hundred feet above the sea level. The Gunnery grounds com- prise about fifty acres of open, land and woods, hill and vale. The buildings are on the southern slope of the village hill, and all the boys' rooms have a sunny exposure. An abundance of pure running water is supplied from springs on an eastern hillside. There are accommodations for about thirty boys, and, in general, the only requirement for admission is good character. Pupils are prepared for any college or scientific school. For admission to Harvard, examination is held at the school. THE RIDGE SCHOOL for ten boys, established by Mr. W. G. Brinsmade in 1894, is allied with the Gunnery for purposes of mutual advantage. The annual charge is $500. 37 38 Conn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Winsted. ST. MARGARET'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Waterbury, the Rev. Francis T. Russell, D. D., Rector, Miss Mary R. Hillard, Principal, has a charming location upon a hillside in the resident part of the city, with attractive lawn of sufficient size to ensure an abundance of air and sunshine. The building is steam-heated, and furnished with modern conveniences. It is the desire of those in charge to make the atmosphere essentially homelike. A thorough preparation for college is given. There are excellent music and art departments, a kindergarten department in charge of specialists, and instruction in Swedish gymnastics. Charges for the year, including board and tuition, $500. WATERBURY BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, formerly Marring ton's Business College, Waterbury, C. B. Post, President. Three courses of study are offered : Commercial, shorthand and type- writing, and practical English. The average time required for completing either one of these courses is about one school year. STATE NORMAL TRAINING SCHOOL, Willimantic, George P. Phenix, Principal. The object of this school is to fit young men and women to teach in the common schools of Connecticut, and applicants must sign a declaration of such intention. Four courses of study are offered. The general course prepares teach- ers for secondary school work ; the kindergarten course for kin- dergarten work ; the third course affords advanced professional training in pedagogy ; and the fourth, preparation for the teaching of art in the common schools. Tuition and text-books are free. HAYDEN HALL, Windsor, Miss J. S. Williams, Principal, is a family school for young women. It prepares thoroughly for college, and graduates are received without further examination at Wellesley, Smith, Wells, and Mt. Holyoke. A limited number of pupils are received into the family of the principal, and special instruction and care is given motherless or backward children. Great regard is paid to manners and health. Since the founding of the school in 1867 no case of serious illness has occurred among the pupils. The expenses average $450 per year. THE GILBERT SCHOOL, Winsted, J. E. Clarke, Ph. D., Principal, was founded by William L. Gilbert, of Winchester, Conn., who died in June, 1890, leaving over half a million dollars for the establishment of a school " to afford such assistance and means of educating the young as will help them to become good citizens." The Gilbert School was opened for the reception of pupils in September, 1895, and was incorporated by act of the General Assembly of Connecticut in January, 1895. The build- ings and grounds are adapted to school purposes, and during the past year an athletic field has been secured. The courses offered 39 Woodbury. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Conn. are the general, scientific, and college, covering four years each. Pupils who are fitting for higher institutions are recommended to remain in the school five years. The tuition is free to pupils residing in the town of Winchester ; others must pay $40 per year. PARKER ACADEMY, Woodbury, Edward S. Boyd, M. A. (Amherst), Principal, offers a four years' course preparatory to college. The locality is healthful. The rates are low. WOODSTOCK ACADEMY, Woodstock, E. R. Hall, A. B. (Yale), Principal, was founded in 1801, although its first building was not opened for school purposes until February, 1802. The present building was erected and the fund largely increased in 1873, since which year the growth of the institution has been marked. The academy is co-educational, and gives preparation for college and scientific school. Through the generosity of patrons the tuition is nominal. DELAWARE. DELAWARE COLLEGE, Newark, George A. Harter, M. A., Ph. D., President, is the only college in the State. It was char- tered in 1833, and was opened to students in May, 1834. It took an important part in the educational work of the vicinity until 1859, when by a series of misfortunes the work was forced to a close. In 1870 the college doors were again opened, having been designated by act of the State Legislature as a beneficiary under the Act of Congress, known as the " Merrill Bill." In 1887 the college was benefited by the " Hatch Bill," and again in 1890 by the " New Morrill Bill." Stimulated by the increased income provided by this last act, Delaware College has, within the past eight years, enlarged her corps of instructors and greatly increased her equipment of apparatus and appliances, so that now she is well able to perform her' appointed duty. By the terms of her benefits this duty is " without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the me- chanic arts," and to give instruction in " the English language and the various branches of mathematical, physical, natural, and economic sciences, with special reference to their applications in the industries of life." It offers seven courses, each leading to a degree : Classical, Latin scientific, agricultural, general science, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engi- neering. Tuition is free to all residents of Delaware, but to others it is $60 per year. 40 D. C. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Washington. FRIENDS' SCHOOL, West Street, Wilmington, Enos L. Doan, A. B., Principal, the oldest school in Delaware, was founded in 1748. A part of the walls of the school building of that time are now included in the present structure. In 1786 the classics and higher mathematics were introduced under the principalship of John Webster. Among his pupils were James A. Bayard, Louis McLane, and Caesar A. Rodney, who became United States Sena- tors. The school continued to be a conservative institution, fitting for college on the old-fashioned curriculum until 1881, when Isaac T. Johnson became principal. Under his management new build- ings were erected, and the number of pupils more than doubled. Physical and chemical laboratories were equipped, physical culture was introduced, and the school became modern in all respects. THE MISSES HEBB'S SCHOOL, Franklin Street, Wilming- ton. This is probably the best known boarding and day school for girls in the State. It offers college, preparatory, and elective courses. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON. ACADEMY OF THE VISITATION, Connecticut Avenue. This academy for young ladies, established in 1850, is conducted by the Sisters of the Visitation, and, while a Catholic school, re- ceives pupils of all religious denominations. A limited number of boarders are admitted, and particular attention is given to their health and social culture. Board and tuition in English and French is $150 per session of twenty weeks. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA, the Rt. Rev. Mgr. Thomas J. Conaty, D. D., J. C. D., Rector, Daniel W. Shea, Ph. D., General Secretary. The University was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia in 1885. It is located on extensive grounds about three miles from the Capitol. The divisions of the University are as follows : THE FACULTY OF DIVINITY The School of the Sacred Sciences : Departments of the Biblical sciences, dogmatic science, moral science, and historical science. THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY The School of Philosophy: Department of philosophy proper ; the School of Letters : Depart- ments of Sanskrit language and literature and comparative philogy, Semitic and Egyptian language and literature, Latin language and literature, Greek language and literature, Celtic language and literature, English language and literature ; the School of the Physical Sciences : Departments of astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and mechanics ; the School of Washington. WHERE TO EDUCATE. D. C. the Biological Sciences : Department of botany ; the School of the Social Sciences : Departments of sociology, politics, and economics. THE FACULTY OF LAW The Professional School of Law and the University School of Law. THE BOARD OF INSTRUCTION OF TECHNOLOGY The School of the Technological Sciences : Departments of applied mathe- matics, civil engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. Expense for board and lodging need not exceed $25 a month. Tuition is $75 per year for matriculated students. Special students pay fees proportionate to the work taken. CHENOWETH INSTITUTE, a boarding and day school for young ladies and girls, 1342 and 1344 Vermont Avenue, Miss Mary C. Davenport Chenoweth, A. M., Principal. The course of instruction embraces all studies included in a thorough education, French, German, and Spanish being taught by eminent teachers. Especial advantages are offered to students of music and art also in the way of concerts and lectures. Besides the ordinary branches, bookkeeping, stenography and typewriting, are elective. The terms for board and tuition for the year are $500. FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL, Thomas W. Sidwell and Frances Haldeman-Sidwell, Principals. The school was started under its present management fifteen years ago, and its growth has been rapid. It is co-educational, and prepares for the best colleges and technical schools. The equipment includes a chemi- cal and physical laboratory, and a new gymnasjum which contains a complete set of Sargent apparatus. There are three depart- ments, primary, intermediate, and high school. The annual expense, including text-books, varies from $90 in the primary department to $135 in the high school. GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, the Rev. John D. Whitney, S. J., President. The University consists of the College, the School of Medicine, and the School of Law. The College comprises four distinct departments : the graduate school, the collegiate or under- graHuate department, the preparatory department, and the astro- nomical observatory. Georgetown College was founded in the year 1789, by the Rev. John Carroll, afterward the first Archbishop of Baltimore. In 1805 it was transferred to the Fathers of the Society of Jesus, under whose control and direction the University still remains. In 1815 it was authorized by Congress to confer degrees, and similar authority to grant degrees in philosophy and theology was obtained from the Holy See in 1833. The college is situated on Georgetown Heights, overlooking the city of Washing- ton and the Potomac River. The site is singularly healthful, and 42 D. C. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Washington. the climate exceptionally mild. The buildings are seven in num- ber, surrounded by beautiful grounds, seventy-eight acres in extent. The baseball and football field is 525 feet in length and 425 feet in width, and is enclosed by a running track, fifteen feet wide and over a quarter of a mile long. A large and elegant grand stand has recently been erected. Athletic sports in competition with other leading colleges are encouraged and directed by a com- mittee, under the supervision of a member of the faculty. The course of studies in the preparatory department is on a grade with that of the best high schools. It embraces three years of twenty- six hours a week, ten and one-half of which are devoted to Latin, the rest to Greek, English, mathematics, and French or German. Boys of this department have their dormitories, study hall, play- ground, etc., separated from the older students. The college course is of four years for the A. B. degree ; three years are given to the classics, English, mathematics, modern languages, and chem- istry, whilst during senior year the lectures are on mental and moral philosophy, and the natural sciences. The course is pre- scribed, and occupies twenty-six hours weekly. No student receives the Bachelor's degree without having passed examinations in Latin, Greek, English literature, composition in prose and verse, rhetoric, history, mathematics (including the calculus), chemistry, both gen- eral and analytical, physics, mechanics, geology, mental and moral 43 Washington. WHERE TO EDUCATE. D. C. philosophy. The laboratories are large and well equipped. In the graduate school a second year of philosophy is studied, with electives in modern languages and literatures, history, natural sciences, art, and mathematics for -the Master's degree ; also a third year for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Information concerning the law and the medical schools will be furnished on application. The number of instructors last year in all branches was 117, the number of students was 684. Students of the pre- paratory and college departments, whose homes are at a distance, are expected to board in the college, where an excellent table is provided, and every care taken for the comfort of the boys. Those of the college classes may occupy private rooms. No distinction is made in the reception of students on the ground of religious belief, but all boarders are required to be present at the public exercises of religion. The expenses, including tuition, board, lodging, washing, and medical aid for the scholastic year are $337 ; for private room, with heat, light, and attendance, $80 extra. Music, stenography, Spanish, German, and Italian, drawing or painting, form extra charges. GONZAGA COLLEGE, the Rev. John F. Galligan, S. J., President. This college, under the direction of the Fathers of the Society of Jesus, was chartered by Congress and empowered to grant degrees in 1858. It is intended for day students only, and admits non-Catholic pupils. The system of education in the classical course accords with the principles of the ratio studio rum which has been followed by every Jesuit college for more than two hundred years, and which for over one hundred years was the only system of Christian education in Europe. The two courses are the classical and the non-classical. Great attention is paid to religious culture, though Protestants are not required to attend any dis- tinctively Catholic service. Every opportunity is provided for physical development, and besides the use of the gymnasium, regu- lar military drill, under the direction of a military officer, is a fea- ture of the institution. The tuition is $10 per scholastic quarter. HOWARD UNIVERSITY, the Rev. Jeremiah Eames Rankin, D. D., LL. D., President, was established by the United States government, chiefly through the instrumentality of Gen. O. O. Howard. Excepting the medical department, in which alone tuition fees are charged, the institution is under immediate gov- ernment support. All nationalities are welcomed, and the Commis- sioner of Education has pronounced the University the leader in the higher education of the Afro-American race. The elevated and beautiful site for the college buildings is at the northern edge of the city on a twenty-acre campus and fronting a park of ten acres. The buildings include the University, Law, and Medical 44 D. C* WHERE TO EDUCATE. Washington. buildings ; Spaulding Industrial Hall ; Clark Hall, set apart for young men, and Miner Hall, devoted to young women students. The departments of the University comprise the theological, supported by benevolent contributions, especially by the Stone Fund, medi- cal, law, college, preparatory, normal, agricultural, industrial, and Musical, and the Nurses' Training School. The total number of students in all department is 865. MOUNT VERNON SEMINARY, a boarding and day school for young ladies and little girls, corner of M and Eleventh Streets, N. W., Mrs. Elizabeth J. Somers, Principal ; Mrs. Adelia Gates Hensley, Associate Principal. The Seminary endeavors to meet a demand for a school more systematic, thorough, and modern than -the typical boarding-school, yet less severe and arduous than our women's colleges. Its two preparatory courses give pupils the choice of fitting for college, or for the collegiate course of the Seminary. The system of chaperonage is cautious, without being un-American and affected. The relation between teachers and pupils is close, frank and cordial. A resident physician is employed to look after the health of the pupils. The expenses for boarding pupils, including tuition in English branches, French, Latin, and German, are $900 for the school year. 5T. JOHN'S COLLEGE is a day college conducted by the Brothers of the Christian Schools. It was founded in 1866, and incorporated under the general laws of the District of Columbia, with power to confer degrees. The situation on Vermont Avenue, near Thomas Circle, is central and beautiful, and the building is large and well lighted, heated, and ventilated. Collegiate, aca- demic, and primary departments are included in the institution. The aim of the college is to train under the most approved modern methods, and in an environment which recognizes the safeguards of religion. While it strives to meet all the demands of modern education, no department is given an exclusive prominence in its course of studies. The yearly fees in the collegiate department amount to $80 ; in the academic, $60 ; and in the preparatory, $50. There are extras aggregating about $12. THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 1310 Eighteenth Street, N. W., Robert L. Preston (University of Virginia, Univer- sity of Berlin, University of Leipsic), Principal, prepares a pupil especially for the particular college he may desire to attend, directing his course continually with that in view. There are no large classes and the total number is limited to thirty. Boys back- ward in any subject are given special instruction. The school building has been constructed with great care and with every attention to its details. ' The situation is central and it is accessi- 45 Washington. WHERE TO EDUCATE. D. C. ble to the cars. This school was founded in 1891, and its seven years of history have been marked by steady growth and influence. WASHINGTON COLLEGE Third and T Streets, N. E., F. Menefee, A. M., President, is intended to provide a thorough education for young women. In connection with the college is a preparatory school. On the completion of the college course the degree of A. B. is conferred. Courses in music, oratory, physical culture, and art are offered. The terms for boarding-pupils for the school year are from $425 to $500, according to the room. WASHINGTON SEHINARY FOR YOUNG WOflEN, 1523 New Hampshire Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Smallwood. The Principals of Washington Seminary have been engaged in educa- tional work for eighteen years. Mrs. Smallwood was for eight years connected with the schools of Boston, Mass., and ten years ago she conceived the idea that a school conducted on the princi- ples of the Boston schools would receive patronage in the South, as the climate is less rigorous and more adapted for young women coming from various parts of the country. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smallwood keep in touch with the latest methods, that their school may retain the high standard it has gained in the estimation of its patrons, and be, each year, more fully equipped for the moral, mental, and physical welfare of the pupils entrusted to their care. The school is located on New Hampshire Avenue, near Dupont Circle, the most beautiful and healthful portion of Washington City. The most elegant and costly residences of the city are in this immediate neighborhood, many of them within two hundred yards of the school building. A description of the school and its surroundings, and an accurate statement of its advantages, may be had by applying for illustrated catalogue. FLORIDA. THE DAYTONA KINDERGARTEN, Daytona, M. W. Glenn, Principal, at present a purely private enterprise, has been in ex- istence only two years. Its aim is that held by every up-to-date progressive kindergarten and primary school. A specialty is made of teaching the children of tourists, whether they come for a day or a month. Daytona is a popular east coast town and is thronged in winter with visitors from the North. The health of the place, especially among the children, is well-nigh perfect. It is expected that there will be a normal class for pupils and mothers this winter, and, if encouragement is given, a boarding department for young children will be added in the future. 46 Fla. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. . Key West. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, De Funiak Springs, Cleburne L. Hayes, A. B., Principal, was founded by legislative enactment in 1887, owns a school building, erected in 1889 and enlarged in 1895 ; and two dormitories, one for women and one for men. It is under the control of the State Board of Education. The spirit of the school is unpretentious ; its single aim is that of training practical and efficient teachers. FROEBEL KINDERGARTEN AND NORMAL INSTITUTE, De Land, Mrs. Helen E. Gaulden, Principal, combines kinder- garten classes with a training school for students of kindergarten methods. Mrs. Gaulden, who has studied under some of the best instructors in the country, delivers three lectures a week to teach- ers on the use and philosophy of the twenty gifts and occupations of Froebel's kindergarten, and kindred subjects. JOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY (co-educational), De Land, John F. Forbes, Ph. D., President. This college, though chartered by the Florida Legislature as recently as 1887, has now, besides a campus of twenty-two acres, about half a dozen buildings, cost- ing $200,000, nearly thirty instructors, and 241 students, coming from eighteen States and two foreign countries. The endow- ment funds amount to about $200,000. The chemical, physical, biological, and bacteriological laboratories have a complete mod- ern outfit, and the library, supported by the interest from a legacy left the University by the late Mr. C. T. Sampson, of Washington, already numbers eight thousand well selected books. The depart- ments of the institution include the College, which offers two courses leading respectively to the degrees of B. A. and B. S. ; the Academy ; the Normal and Practice School ; School of Music, and School of Art. Much attention is paid to rational physical culture. Military drill is provided for the young men and light gymnastics for the young women. Tuition, board, etc., are $184 per year in Academy, and $208 in College. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, Jacksonville, conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph, was established in 1869. Students of all religious denominations are received. The course of study is divided into preparatory, intermediate, junior, academic, and grad- uating departments. There is a course in instrumental music extending through five years, and a post-graduate course. The terms per year, including board, room, and laundry, are $135. CONVENT OF MARY IflflACULATE, Key West, is under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, and was chartered in February, 1883. The course of study embraces all the useful branches of an English education, includ- 47 4 8 &a. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Saint Leo. ing, besides languages, etc., needlework, elocution, and all forms of art and music. Board and tuition per year are $200. FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (since 1893 co-edu- cational), Lake City, W. F. Yocum, D. D., President, was established in pursuance of an act of Congress of 1862, donating to each State and Territory public lands in proportion to its representation in Congress. Florida availed herself of the benefit of this act in 1872, and received ninety thousand acres of land. This land was sold and the proceeds invested in bonds, from which the college re- ceives an annual income of about $9,000. It was benefited by the " Morrill Bill" in 1890; the State has appropriated for build- ing about $28,300, and for general purposes about $20,000 ; the citizens of Columbia County have contributed about $15,000, together with one hundred acres of land for a college farm ; and under the "Hatch Bill" of 1887 the college receives $15,000 a year for the support of an agricultural experiment station. It is, as indicated in the law under which it was established, " a college where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scien- tific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the Legislature of the State may prescribe, in order to promote a liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life." Tuition is free to residents of Florida, to others it is $20 per year. THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL under the care of M. C. Marion, B. L., prepares youths for college. THE ORANGE PARK NORflAL AND flANUAL TRAIN- ING SCHOOL, Orange Park, is under the care of the American Missionary Association of the Congregational Churches of the United States. It was opened in 1891. While it admits students of all races, the majority of those who have attended have been colored. In addition to the regular English normal course, instruc- tion is given to boys in woodworking and carpentry, and to girls in sewing and dressmaking. Expenses are only $7 a month. FLORIDA INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF AND BLIND, St. Augustine, the Rev. Frederick Pasco, A. M., Superintendent, was opened in 1885, though an act of the State Legislature pro- viding for its founding and support was passed in 1883. The management is in the hands of the State Board of Education. ST. LEO MILITARY COLLEGE, Saint Leo, Pasco County, the Rt. Rev. F. Charles, O. St. B., President. This is the first and only Catholic institution of its kind in the State. This part of Florida is much sought as a health resort, and this school is especi- ally recommended for Northern boys of delicate constitutions. 49 Tallahassee. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Fla. Parents placing their boys in this school may rest assured that the reverend faculty will leave nothing untried that will tend to develop both the mind and body. There are three courses of instruction, preparatory, commercial, classical. Board and tuition are about $200 per year. STATE SEHINARY, WEST OF THE SUWANNEE, Talla- hassee, A. A. Murphree, A. B., President, was chartered in 1851, and organized in 1857. It has the secondary title of the Florida State Classical and Literary College, and combines preparatory and collegiate work. The aim of the school is not so much the making of specialists as the imparting of broad education and liberal culture. The college department offers three four years' courses leading respectively to the degrees B. A., B. L., and B. S. The institution is unsectarian and co-educational. Tuition, to all Florida students, is free ; to others it is $20 per term. TAflPA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tampa, is one of the oldest business schools in the State, established in 1890, just before Tampa's great boom. It was a prosperous and successful institu- tion, with a good reputation, when, in 1897, the present proprietor and manager, L. M. Hatton, M. Accts., took charge of it. Under his management the college has widened its scope of work as well as territory. It now offers courses of study in business, short- hand and typewriting, penmanship, telegraphy, English, and Spanish. It has a full and competent corps of instructors. ROLLINS COLLEGE (co-educational), Winter Park, the Rev. George Morgan Ward, A. M., President, was founded in 1885, under a special charter from the State. Winter Park, the seat of the college, is in the " high pine " country, and is surrounded by numerous lakes. The campus is in the southern part of the town, and has twenty acres of sloping land. On it have been erected six college buildings, including separate dormitories for men and women. Physical exercise and gymnasium practice is under the direction of a medical expert. Six departments of study are in operation : College, musical, art, normal, commercial, and prepara- tory. Board, room, and tuition in college, per term, $66 ; in the preparatory school, $60. GEORGIA. THE LUCY COBB INSTITUTE, Athens, Mary A. Lipscomb, Principal. In 1857, Gen. T. R. R. Cobb, a leading lawyer of Athens, succeeded in raising a sufficient amount of money to pur- chase land and to erect a building for the higher education of young women. Just as the school w^as about to be opened, Lucy, a 50 Ga. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Athens. daughter of General Cobb, died, and the trustees decided to name the school the Lucy Cobb Institute, in honor of the daughter of the founder. In 1858 the school was opened, and continued with undiminished popularity even during the trying period of the Civil War. In 1880 Miss M. Rutherford and Mrs. M. A. Lipscomb, nieces of Gen. T. R. R. Cobb, undertook the management of the Institute. There are three departments of study, the primary, the preparatory, and the collegiate. A two years' course is necessary for graduation. The expenses for the school year are $290. FRANKLIN COLLEGE, Athens, is the literary department of the University of Georgia, L. H. Charbonnier, Ph. D., Dean of the Faculty. GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Athens, is the scientific department of the University of Geor- gia, H. C. White, Ph. D., President. GEORGIA STATE NORHAL SCHOOL, Athens, S. D. Brad- well, President, is a branch of the University of Georgia. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Athens, William Ellison Boggs, D. D., LL. D., Chancellor, was chartered by the General Assembly of the State, January 27, 1785, and opened to students in 1801. It was organized simply as a college, and its strictly literary course of study led to the single degree of A. B. The addition in com- paratively recent years of the State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, the Law School, the Medical College, the School of Technology, the Georgia Normal and Industrial School, the State Normal School, and four branch colleges for elementary and preparatory training, has made of an old-time classical school a fully equipped modern university. The grounds are located in the heart of the city of Athens, and cover an area of thirty-seven acres. About two miles from the campus is the farm, recently purchased, comprising one hundred and thirteen acres, under the immediate charge of the professor of agriculture. The University organization consists of several distinct but coordinate departments, each under the direction of its own faculty, and subject to its own regulations, but all under the general oversight of the Board of Trustees. The degrees conferred in these departments, any one of which constitutes the recipient a graduate of the University of Georgia, are as follows : University degrees : Master of Arts, Master of Science ; Classical degree : Bachelor of Arts (four years' course) ; Scientific degrees in the State College of Agriculture : Bachelor of Science (four years' course), Bachelor of Agriculture (three years' course), Bachelor of Engineering (four years' course), Civil Engineer (graduate course), Civil and Mining Engineer (graduate course) ; Degrees awarded by the Professional Schools : Atlanta, WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ga. Bachelor of Law (one year's course), Doctor of Medicine (three years' course), Mechanical Engineer (four years' course). The admission to the college is by examination. No students are received who are under fifteen years of age. Under the act of the Legislature no tuition fee is charged in the collegiate and agricultural departments. Tuition in the Law School is $75 per year. A lecture-course ticket in the medical department is $100. ATLANTA UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, the Rev. Horace Bum- stead, D. D., President. This institution was opened in 1869. It is especially devoted to the promotion of advanced education among the colored people. There are also excellent industrial and musical facilities, and classes in elocution and printing. The departments are the college, the normal, and the college prepara- tory. Expenses per year, not including text-books, are $96 in the college and $92 in the normal department. GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY, a department of the University of Georgia, Atlanta, Lyman S. Hall, President, was opened in the fall of 1888. A brick academic building contains ample accommodations and equipment. There are also several large workshops and a number of dormitories. The time and attention of students is duly proportioned between scholastic and mechanical pursuits, but the school's main object, of course, is that of teaching the principles of science which relate to the mechanic and industrial arts. The following degrees are con- ferred : Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering ; Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering ; Bachelor of Science in civil engineering. Board is $10 per month. THE SPELMAN SEMINARY, Atlanta, Miss Harriet E. Giles, President. The distinguishing feature of this school for young women and girls is its aggressively Christian spirit. It is unsec- tarian, but under the control of the Baptist Church. Among other religious organizations it has eight societies of Christian Endeavor, and its motto is, "Our whole school for Christ." Started in 1881 with eleven pupils, in the basement of a church, it was subse- quently incorporated, and now owns eighteen acres of land, five large brick buildings, four frame dormitories, and a frame hospital, and the students number about 450. The departments are nine: College, missionary training, normal, college preparatory, academic, English preparatory, nurse training, industrial, and musical. The charges, without extras, are $8 per month. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE of the University of Georgia, Augusta, Eugene Foster, M. D., Dean of the faculty. 52 Ga. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mclntosh. THE SAflUEL BENEDICT MEMORIAL SCHOOL, Cedar- town, the Rev. Geo. E. Benedict, A. B., President and Rector, Ernest M. Benedict, Principal. This is an Episcopalian boarding school for boys and a day school for boys and girls, founded in memory of the Rev. Samuel Benedict, D. D., who for nearly twenty years was a pastor and missionary in Georgia. The school was opened for its first session in 1895. It is a corporate institu- tion, and owns valuable land and buildings. Healthfully located in the elevated limestone region of Northwest Georgia, two and a half miles from Cedartown, Polk County, it is free from the dis- tractions and temptations of city life. The course of study begins with the primary grade and extends through ten years. NORTH GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Dahlo- nega, Joseph S. Stewart, President, is a branch of the University of Georgia. Connected with it are two sub-freshman classes, which prepare students for the four college classes at Dahlonega or for the university. GEORGIA FEflALE SEMINARY AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Gainesville, A. W. Van Hoose and H. J. Pearce, Principals and Proprietors. This school is twenty years old, and has had a rapid growth. The several buildings include an audi- torium, which the editor of the Atlanta Constitution recently pronounced " probably the most complete building of its kind to be found in any similar institution in the South." This edifice contains an assembly hall, with a seating capacity of one thou- sand, constructed upon the most approved opera house plans, and magnificently furnished. The music department is under the supervision of a thoroughly equipped instructor, who has had the best training to be found in Germany. WEST GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, Hamilton, Harris County, T. Lewis, President, is a branch of the University of Georgia. Tuition is free ; matricula- tion fee is $5. TALMAGE INSTITUTE, Irwington, Wilkinson County, J. C. V. Worthy, A. M., Principal, has three departments : Primary, intermediate, and high school and collegiate. The school makes no claim to being a college proper, but prepares students for the junior year of the State University and other colleges. Superior courses in music are offered, and preparation for practical busi- ness. The institute is co-educational, undenominational, and economical. DORCHESTER ACADEMY, Mclntosh, Liberty County, Fred W. Foster, Principal. This school is supported by the American Missionary Association. It has four departments : Primary, inter- 53 Milledgeville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ga. mediate, grammar, and normal. The total monthly expenses to boarding students are $7 to those below normal grades, and $7.35 to those in the normal department, and one hour's work each day for the institution. GEORGIA NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE for women, Milledgeville, J. Harris Chappell, President, is a branch of the University of Georgia. fllDDLE GEORGIA fllLITARY AND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Milledgeville, Baldwin County, William E. Reynolds, President, is a branch of the University of Georgia. Tuition is free, but an incidental fee of $5 per term is required. EMORY COLLEGE, Oxford, C. E. Dowman, D. D., President. This institution is the joint property of the North and South Georgia and Florida Annual Conferences, M. E. Church, South. Oxford is forty miles east of Atlanta, and one mile from the Georgia Railroad, to which horse-cars run from the town. The purpose of the institution is to develop body, mind, and soul. But, while a gymnasium is provided, under the charge of a com- petent director, inter-collegiate athletics are strictly forbidden. Good literary and scientific courses are offered, and the student is surrounded with religious influences. Though Methodist in organization, the institution is not sectarian. Founded in 1837, Emory College appeals with confidence to its roll of alumni, in proof of the good work that it has done for church and state. The necessary expenses for one year need not exceed $200. CLARK UNIVERSITY, South Atlanta, the Rev. Charles Manly Melden, Ph.D., President, was founded in 1870 by the Freed- man's Aid and Southern Education Society of the M. E. Church. Students are admitted and classified solely by examination. The degrees in courses are A. B. and B. S., and the graduate degrees are A. M. and M. S., conferred on the completion of prescribed post-graduate courses of study. The departments include college, preparatory, trade school, normal, domestic economy, music, and grade school. Expenses are low, averaging for the year less than $90, including board. GAMMON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, South Atlanta, the Rev. Wilbur P. Thirkield, D. D., President, is under the general control of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society of the M. E. Church. It has about eighty students in attendance, representing sixteen States and two foreign countries, more than a score of institutions of learning, and six denominations. The library has eleven thousand well-chosen books, and is housed in one of the most beautiful buildings of its kind in the South. 54 55 Thomasville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ga. There is an elementary theological course, and a degree and diploma course, covering three years. SOUTH GEORGIA fllLITARY AND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Thomasville, Thomas County, E. H. Merrill, Presi- dent, is a branch of the University of Georgia. Tuition is free, but a matriculation fee of $10 per term is required. Board, washing, and lights, per month, from $10 to $16. Music, art, and modern languages extra. HUTCH ESON INSTITUTE, Whitesburg, Frank G. Webb, A. M., Principal. In 1893 this institution was organized as the joint property of the Carrollton and LaGrange districts of North Georgia Conference, M. E. Church, South. It is the aim of the school to give Christian educational advantages to boys and girls of limited means. It is possible for a pupil to attend one year for $50. The curriculum is arranged to prepare for the best colleges and universities of the South, or as a finishing school for those desiring a limited course. YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE, Young Harris, Town's County, the Rev. W. F. Robison, President, has primary, academic, nor- mal, and collegiate departments, with a total enrolment of about four hundred. Founded and chartered in 1887-88, it is located in an attractive town. While under Methodist auspices, the school is not sectarian. Students who complete satisfactorily the full course of prescribed study are entitled to a diploma. Tuition is $5 per term. IDAHO. STATE NORflAL SCHOOL, Albion, J. C. Black, President. Applicants who are residents of Idaho must sign a declaration of intention to teach within the State. The course of study is divided into departments of pedagogy, science, English, Latin, mathematics, history, and art. Normal certificates are issued to graduates. Students who are non-residents are charged a tuition fee of $5. COLLEGE OF IDAHO, Caldwell, the Rev. W. J. Boone, Presi- dent. The academic department provides a four years' course in subjects usually offered in the best academies and high schools, the study of the Bible being included in the curriculum. The course serves to give good college preparation. Instruction is also furnished in music, art, and business. Tuition in the academic department is $24 a year, when paid in advance. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO (co-educational), Moscow, Joseph P. Blanton, A. M., LL. D., President, is a part of the State educa- tional system, aiming to complete the work that is begun in the 56 ///. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Bloomington. public schools, by furnishing facilities for liberal education in literature, science, and the arts, and for technical training in engineering, mining, and agriculture. Through the aid that has been received from the United States and the State, it is enabled to offer its privileges to all persons of either sex, who are qualified for admission. The University comprises, in accordance with the provisions of its charter, the colleges or departments of arts, letters, agriculture and mechanic arts, mining, applied sciences, engineering, music, freehand and industrial art, and graduate study. Six collegiate courses are offered : The classical, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; the philosophical, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy ; the scientific, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science ; the civil engineering, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering ; the mining engineer- ing, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Mining Engineering ; the agricultural, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture. The proper Master's degrees will be conferred upon the fulfilment of certain conditions. The University, not having facilities for graduate work beyond the degree of Master, will not entertain applications for the Doctorate degrees. Two hundred and fifty dollars will cover the expenses for a year. THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL is sustained to fit students for the college courses. ILLINOIS. BROWN'S BLOOHINGTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, 505- 507 East North Street, Bloomington, I. N. Wright, Principal. (See Brown's Business Colleges). ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY (coeducational), Bloomington, William H. Wilder, D. D., President, is controlled by the M. E. Church. Growing out of an educational movement dating from 1849, it was chartered in 1853. Its history is one of heroic struggle and sacrifice crowned with success. The present preparatory building was erected in 1854; the main hall of the University, a four-story brick structure, costing $100,000, was dedicated in June, 1871. The laboratories, museum, gymnasium, and the Behr observatory are all furnished with full lines of appar- atus; the library is a growing collection of useful books. In 1895 the total endowment of the institution amounted to $187,999. ^ n 1874 both the College of Law and the non-resident and graduate department were organized. These have been notably successful, and have enrolled a large number of students. The aim of the University is to give a thorough preparation for professional, business, or home life, under the highest Christian influences. 57 Bourbonnais. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. ST. VIATEUR'S COLLEGE, Bourbonnais, Kankakee County, the Rev. M. J. Marsile, C. S. V., President. The educational movement out of which grew St. Viateur's College had its rise in 1865, when the Very Reverend P. Beaudoin, R. D., took charge of the parish of Bourbonnais. But the commercial academy which was opened under his direction soon outgrew its original propor- tions. In 1869 the principal part of the present building was erected, and in 1874 the institution received its university charter from the State Legislature, and the college was empowered to grant degrees in Arts, Sciences, and Letters. The faculty numbers over thirty, and there are seven courses of study : The preparatory, the commercial, the classical, the philosophical, the theological, the scientific, and the course in letters. A strong department of mili- tary training is under the direction of experts. Annual expenses in the regular course amount to about $200. BUNKER HILL fllLITARY ACADEMY, Bunker Hill, S. L. Stiver, A. M., B. D., Superintendent. The school was founded in 1857. The present head of the institution assumed charge in 1882. Under his direction the academy, always excellent, leaped to the front rank, and has more than held that position. It is located in a thriving town, thirty-five miles from St. Louis. The carefully laid out grounds are healthfully situated on a high eleva- tion. The handsome buildings include a gymnasium and a work- shop. This is preeminently a home school, and, while unsectarian, is surrounded by the highest Christian influences. It prepares for any college, university, or technical school, and for West Point and Annapolis. The charge for the school year is $350. WESTERN NORHAL COLLEGE, Bushnell, W, W. Earnest, President, has been well known for ten years past. It has trained a large part of the public school teachers of Western and Central Illinois, and has given thorough instruction to thousands in col- legiate, commercial, art, telegraphy, music, penmanship, and sten- ography courses, in addition to its main work of training teachers. The high standard of manhood and womanhood, which the students of this school set for themselves and maintain, and the thorough- ness of the class work are its chief characteristics. Regular tui- tion and good board cost $29 to $32 per term of ten weeks. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS STATE NORflAL UNIVERSITY (co-educational), Carbondale, Daniel Baldwin Parkinson, M. A., Ph. D., President. An act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, approved April 20, 1869, gave birth to this nor- mal school. The school prospered till the year 1883, when a dis- astrous fire occurred. The library, most of the furniture, and the philosophical and chemical apparatus were saved, and the recita- 58 ///.- WHERE TO EDUCATE. Chicago. tions went on with a loss of only two days. In 1887 the pres- ent well equipped building was erected at a cost of $152,065. There are three departments : The normal, giving thorough instruc- tion in the theory and practice of teaching ; the preparatory, cov- ering about one year's work, and intended for those who have completed eight grades in the common or model school, but who are not sufficiently mature to enter the higher classes ; and the model or practice department in charge of training teachers. The institution possesses an excellent library, containing over fourteen thousand volumes, well equipped gymnasium, biological, chemical, and physical laboratories. BROWN'S CENTRALIA BUSINESS COLLEGE, 108-110 Broadway, Centralia, D. C. Brown, Principal. (See Brown's Business Colleges). AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Chicago, J. J. Hattstaedt, Director. The course of study is divided into five departments, the preparatory, academic, collegiate, post-graduate, and normal. These courses embrace well graded instruction in singing, the piano, violin, organ, violoncello, harmony, composition, etc. The normal school course includes a study of public school work and musical theory. Elocution, oratory, and the languages are also taught. Tuition varies. "ARflOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, F. W. Gunsaulus, President, Thomas C. Roney, Dean of the Faculty, was founded in 1802 by Mr. Philip D. Armour, of Chicago. The work of instruc- tion was begun in September i, 1893." Behind this brief quotation from the Institute year book is a story of the personal consecration and brotherly affection of two men, which powerfully contradicts the hasty assumption so often advanced, that commercial ideals to-day are hostile to the higher motives and gentler emotions of life. Mr. Joseph Armour left, in 1881, a bequest of $100,000 to be used in promoting the moral and intellectual development of children and youths. This bequest was given into the charge of his brother, Mr. Philip D. Armour, who has not only been a faith- ful executor of his brother's benefaction, but has added to it gifts aggregating two millions of dollars. Following the spirit of the bequest entrusted to him, Mr. Armour erected the building at Armour Avenue and 33d Street, now known as Armour Mission, in which he established what was then known as the Plymouth Mission Sunday School, an organization supported in that neigh- borhood since 1874 by members of the Plymouth Congregational Church. The effect of this mission was most marked in the neighborhood and led Mr. Armour to erect the group of buildings known as the Armour Flats. These consist of two hundred and 59 Chicago. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. thirteen separate suites of apartments, forming an attractive neighborhood and a congenial environment for the. great engineer- ing school which now stands in their midst. The development of this institution from the antecedent conditions enumerated was due to the conviction of Mr. Armour and his co-workers that their benevolent enterprise would fail of its highest aim, unless practi- cal education were added to the moral and religious forces already at work to produce good and efficient members of society. Accordingly a school was planned to include only academic and industrial training ; but through the wise forethought of Mr. Ar- mour's pastor, Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus, who was its first president, and who from the first realized the possibilities of the enterprise, its scope was widened so as to make room for higher technical train- ing along various engineering lines, the limits of which were not at first precisely defined. The importance to the community of this kind of education was also strenuously urged by engineers and educators, and their views were reinforced by the many applica- tions for extended courses in engineering that were received as soon as this purpose of the Institute became known. In March, 1893, President Gunsaulus committed to Prof. Thos. C. Roney, dean of the new faculty, the work of coordinating these varied elements and developing a plan by which the departments already established or to be established might be united in a logical and harmonious educational scheme. The result was the plan of organization under which the Institute now exists and which is given below : Armour Institute of Technology comprises (i) Armour In- stitute of Technology proper, including (a) the Technical College which embraces the courses in mechanical engineering, elec- trical engineering, architecture, mathematics and physics, and (fr) the Scientific Academy ; (2) the Associated Departments. These departments, which were included in the original plan of the Institute, are still under its direction or are affiliated with it, having justified their existence by the work they have accomplished. They are : the department of domestic arts, the kindergarten normal department, the department of music, the department of shorthand and typewriting. Early in 1893 a union was effected with the Art Institute of Chicago, for the purpose of developing the course in architecture which that institution had successfully maintained since 1889. The result was the establishment of the Chicago School of Architecture, which also constitutes the department of architecture of Armour Institute of Technology. The spirit and aim of the Institute are well expressed in the following extract from its first public announcement : " This institution is founded for the purpose of giving to young men and women an opportunity to secure a liberal 60 ///. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Chicago. education. It is hoped that its benefits may reach all classes. It is not intended for the poor or the rich, as sections of society, but for any and all who are earnestly seeking practical education. Its aim is broadly philanthropic. Profoundly realizing the impor- tance of self-reliance as a factor in the development of character, the founder has conditioned his benefactions in such a way as to emphasize both their value and the student's self-respect. The Institute is not a free school ; but its charges for instruction are in harmony with the spirit which animates alike the founder, the trustees, and the faculty, namely, the desire to help those who wish to help themselves." It remains to note in brief the work of the Institute as it is conducted along scholastic, technical, and industrial lines. THE SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY. No part of this work is more im- portant than that which is justly regarded as the core of its educa- tional system, namely, its preparatory school. The Scientific Academy admits to its classes boys and girls who have completed the studies in the grammar grades of the public schools. It pro- vides courses of four years, which prepare students to enter the Technical College of Armour Institute of Technology or the lead- ing universities and colleges East and West. The instruction is under the immediate supervision of the dean of the faculty, and many of the classes are personally conducted by members of the college faculty. The spirit and, to some extent, the methods of college work have been introduced with favorable results. THE TECHNICAL COLLEGE. The engineering courses also are four years in length. Two general considerations have governed their arrangement. On the one hand, by making the requirements of admission in some studies more inclusive than is usual, larger opportunities are offered for the prosecution of distinctively techni- cal work. On the other hand, the fact has been recognized that there are many students in technical schools who, from lack of means, have been unable to obtain that general culture which is indispen- sable to a broad technical education, and which it is the province of the ordinary college course to furnish. This deficiency is sup- plied as far as possible by the addition of courses in literature, history, and philosophy. THE ASSOCIATED DEPARTMENTS. The students in these depart- ments share in the general advantages of the Institute. They have free access to the Institute library, in which are works chosen with special reference to their needs ; to the gymnasium, where an instructor is in regular attendance ; to the literary, musi- cal, and social gatherings, which are held at intervals throughout the year. 77/6' Department of Domestic Arts affords instruction in the following subjects : Cookery, household economy, home nursing 61 Chicago. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. and emergencies, plain sewing, dressmaking, and millinery. Most of these subjects are pursued in a technical and a special course, the former being intended for those who desire professional train- ing, while the latter is for general culture and development. The Kindergarten Normal Department The Chicago Free Kindergarten Association began its work sixteen years ago ; its subsequent growth and development have been steady, marked, and satisfactory in an unusual degree. The Association was in- corporated one year later, April 19, 1882. In 1893 it became affiliated with Armour Institute of Technology. The work of the Association is two-fold, viz., a Kindergarten Normal School and a system of free kindergartens in the city of Chicago. In the Department of Music instruction is offered in piano, organ, voice culture, violin, violoncello, cornet, flute, mandolin, harmony, counterpoint, and musical composition. There are concerts, recitals, and lectures throughout the school year. Students may be enrolled at any time. The instruction embraces all grades, including children's classes and classes for advanced students. Lessons are given privately as well as in classes. In the Department of Shorthand and Typewriting, instruction is given in shorthand, typewriting, English, spelling, business and legal forms, correspondence, letter filing, copying, mimeographing, manifolding, and office practice. Students are given an opportu- nity, when far enough advanced, to do practical work, whereby they are fitted to enter business life with a keener appreciation of what is expected of them. The instruction is arranged in two courses, the Amanuensis Course and the Teachers' Course. As this department is in session throughout the year, students are admitted at any time. By THOMAS C. RONEY, Dean. THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, Chicago, W. M. R. French, Director, descended from the school of the old Academy of Design, opened in 1867, and was incorporated in 1879. The Art School is permanently located in the magnificent Museum building on Michigan Avenue, thus affording access to the rare and extensive collection of pictures, works of sculpture, and an- tiquities. Architecture is taught in cooperation with Armour Institute of Technology. The Art Institute is able to offer exhaustive courses in any department of academic, decorative, or practical artistic work. It has in all an enrolment of 1,250 stu- dents. Full tuition for one term (twelve weeks) is $25. CHICAGO BUSINESS COLLEGE, Wabash Avenue and Randolph Street, Chicago, A. C. Gondring and F. B. Virden, Principals, has its home in a fire-proof steel building in the business centre of the city. It aims at rapidity and thoroughness in its 62 ///. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Chicago. methods of instruction, and has business, shorthand, and prepara- tory courses. There are evening and day classes. THE CHICAGO CONSERVATORY (incorporated), Audito- rium Building, Chicago, Bernhard Ulrich, Manager, was organ- ized to promote thorough training in musical and dramatic art. With this purpose in view, teachers of wide and, in some instances, of international reputation are employed. The faculty includes Leopold Godowsky, director of the piano department ; Arthur Marescalchi, director of the vocal department ; Frederic Grant Gleason, director of the theoretical department; Clarence Eddy, organ instructor ; and a corps of competent assistants in all de- partments. A stage training and professional dramatic depart- ment has won distinction by graduating many capable men and women into excellent positions on the stage. The tuition varies. CHICAGO FREE KINDERGARTEN ASSOCIATION, Chi- cago, H. N. Higinbotham, President. (See Armour Institute of Technology.) THE CHICAGO MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, corner of Michigan Avenue and Twelfth Street, Chicago, the oldest in- dependent school of its class in the United States, was founded by the Commercial Club of Chicago in 1882, and continued the property of the club till July 9, 1897, when the school was pre- sented to the University of Chicago. It is of high school grade, and offers two courses, one of three years, and one of four years. The school fits for business and mechanical pursuits, for tech- nological schools and for classical and scientific colleges. Its curriculum includes freehand and mechanical drawing, throughout the entire course ; woodwork, one or two years ; foundry and forge work, one year ; and machine shop work, one year. The school is designed for boys only, and its teachers are men special- ists. Tuition averages $90 a year for the four years' course; $100 a year for the three years' course. CHICAGO POLICLINIC, Chicago, Truman W. Miller, M. D., President, is a clinical school for practitioners of medicine, com- bining a complete and model hospital, dispensary, and school. It is amply equipped in all departments and occupies a six story double building, near the heart of the city, and in the immediate neighborhood of several large hospitals. The general ticket, not including the matriculation fee of $5, admitting to all courses and clinics, is for four weeks, $60 ; six weeks, $75 ; two months, $90 ; three months, $110. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Chicago, the Rev. F. W. Fisk, LL. D., President, was organized in 1854 by delegates from Congregational churches in several Western States. In 1892 63 Chicago. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. a professorship of Christian sociology was added to the curriculum, and in 1893 a professorship of Assyriology and comparative relig- ion was founded in order that the Seminary might keep abreast of modern research. Special courses of instruction are offered for German and Scandinavian students. The necessary expenses for the year do not exceed $175. THE COOK COUNTY NORflAL SCHOOL, Chicago, was founded in 1867. Upon the decease of Prof. D. S. Wentworth, its first principal, in 1882, Francis W. Parker was selected to succeed, and. in 1883 he took charge of the school and has been its principal ever since. Feb. i, 1896, the school was transferred by the county of Cook to the city of Chicago, and is now called the Chicago Normal School. Its work is the training of teachers for the city and county. At present it has five hundred students in the professional training class and five hundred and fifty pupils in the practice school. It has a corps of thirty-three teachers. Its graduates number nearly four hundred each year. GIRLS' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, 479 and 481 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, Miss Rebecca S. Rice, A. M., and Miss Mary E. Beedy, A. M., Principals. The school is now in its twenty- third year. The standard of the advanced department is the preparatory examination for Chicago University, and this ensures admission to any college in the United States. Careful attention is devoted not only to the mental advancement of the pupils, but also to their physical and moral advancement. It seeks to fit young women for home and society. The number of house pupils is limited to sixteen. Four general courses are offered : Kinder- garten, primary, secondary, and advanced. Terms for day pupils vary from $60 in the kindergarten to $200 in the senior year of the advanced course. For house pupils, the expense for board and regular tuition is $500 to $600. THE HAHNEMANN flEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPI TAL OF CHICAGO, C. H. Vilas, M. D., Dean, is in its thirty- ninth year. It has a comprehensive curriculum, and the professors in charge of each department, with their associates, are physicians of experience and of recognized position. The faculty numbers forty-three. The laboratories and dissecting rooms are each sufficiently large to accommodate one hundred students. Access is given students to the Cook County Hospital. The course of study consists of four collegiate years of six months each. A scholarship ticket, good for four years, costs $200. THE HARVARD SCHOOL, affiliated with the University of Chicago, 4670 Lake Avenue, cor. 47th Street, Chicago, John J. Schobinger, John C. Grant, LL. D., Principals. This is the oldest 64 WHERE TO EDUCATE. Chicago. college preparatory school in Chicago. It was founded in 1867, and has been under its present management for the last twenty- three years. All the courses required for preparation for the University of Chicago, as well as the Eastern colleges, are offered. The physical and chemical laboratories are adapted to the modern methods of science teaching. The school consists of a primary and a higher department. The latter has a four years' course and a six years' course, both preparatory for college or scientific school. In the primary department pupils of the youngest school age are received and prepared for the work of the higher department. Manual training is begun in the primary department and carried on throughout the course. Physical culture is a part of the regular work of the school, and is conducted by a special teacher, in a well equipped gymnasium, and on large athletic grounds, which form part of the school premises. KENT COLLEGE OF LAW, Chicago, Marshall D. Ewell, LL. D., Dean, W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary, was incorporated under the laws of Illinois by the name of the Kent Law School of Chicago, July 18, 1892. It opened its doors to students in the fall of the same year. On December 31, 1894, its corporate name was changed to Kent College of Law. The institution is situated in the immediate vicinity of the courts and in the midst of the law offices. By the courtesy of the Chicago Law Institute students are given access to its library in the Courthouse, one of the largest law libraries in the country. With the aim of graduating practical lawyers, the school of practice was established, and has proved a very successful department. The college confers the degree Bachelor of Laws on completion of a three years' course. Expenses for one year average $250. LORING SCHOOL, boarding and day, 2535 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Mrs. Stella Dyer Loring, Principal, was founded in 1867 by Miss Sarah Latimer, and has been in charge of the present principal since 1879. The work of the school ranges from kindergarten to college preparation for young women. THE LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Chicago, the Rev. R. F. Weidner, D. D., LL. D., President, was founded in 1891. Each subject taught is completed in one year. Twenty- one distinct courses are offered, and the whole Seminary course for regular graduation without the degree of B. D. covers three years ; with that degree, four years. Post-graduate courses are given for non-resident pastors. As a rule, none but college graduates are admitted as students. The only fee is $15. THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, 151 Throop Street, Chi- cago. The home of the University is a large four story build- ing, of stone and pressed brick front, admirably arranged and fitted 65 Chicago. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. for its work. While the usual local work is done here, the Univer- sity is best known abroad by its university extension and non- resident work, carried on by systematic courses by mail, by which its influence is widely extended and its scope of work greatly enlarged. This admirable feature resembles the London Univer- sity, after which the National University was modelled. The National University is one of the leading representatives of the New Educational Idea. It embraces a large number of depart- ments, and has several affiliated colleges, each with its own special charter such are the Institute of Technology, the Chicago Polytechnic Institute, the Chicago Trade Schools, etc. A law department is maintained. A medical department is also main- tained, but no medical degrees are granted. All examinations are conducted by mail, but are protected by a thorough system of local examiners, who must be either physicians, clergymen, law- yers, or teachers, and who must certify to the character of the examination. 5T. IGNATIUS COLLEGE, Chicago, the Rev. James F. X. Hoeffer, S. J., President, is conducted by Fathers of the Society of Jesus. It was chartered in 1870, with power to grant the usual de- grees in the various faculties of a university. The academic year has only one session, beginning in September and ending in the "last week of June. There are four departments : Collegiate, aca- demic, commercial, and preparatory. In order to enter the lowest department, boys must be ten years of age. Tuition, per session of ten months for all classes, is $40. CHICAGO COLLEGE OF PHARflACY, of the University of Illinois, F. M. Goodman, Ph. G., Dean of the Faculty. This col- lege was united with the University in 1896. For the first two years the tuition fee is $75 ; for the third year, $100. SOPER SCHOOL OF ORATORY, Steinway Hall, 17 Van Buren Street, Chicago, Henry M. Soper, President. The special objects of this school as stated in its latest catalogue are : " To qualify pupils for effective public reading and efficient teaching of elocution and oratory ; to offer a normal course which will enable teachers to lead pupils into a simple style of natural read- ing ; to give clergymen training in pulpit oratory, Bible and hymn reading, that will not only make them more efficient ambassadors of God, but often save them from ruined voices and diseased throats ; to train lawyers in the most effective, concise styles of speech before judge and jury ; to prepare ladies and gentlemen for lectur- ing and general public speaking ; to furnish a course of aesthetic physical training that will secure grace and ease in society or business, as well as ensure added health and vigor ; to cultivate 66 WHERE TO EDUCATE. Chicago. the speaking voice in purity, flexibility, and power, so that it may remain unimpaired in advanced age ; and to fit pupils, both old and young, to make the home more attractive by a natural style of read- ing in newspaper, magazine, or book." The course of study is com- prehensive, and for graduation covers two years. Diplomas are granted, and the degrees of Bachelor and Master of Oratory are conferred. The school has a special depart- ment of journalism conducted by a practical journalist. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago, William R. Harper, Ph. D., LL. D., President. The first Uni- versity of Chicago, founded in 1857, closed its doors for lack of funds in HENRY M. SOFER. 1886. Shortly afterward, Mr. John D. Rockefeller conceived the plan of founding a new institution of learning in Chicago, and in 1888 he consulted with. Pro- fessor Harper and with Secretary F. T. Gates, of the American Baptist Education Society, regarding the subject. Mr. Gates brought the matter before the Board of the Society, which approved the project. At the anniversary of the Society, held in Boston, 1889, a formal resolution was passed, "To take immediate steps toward the founding of a well equipped college in the city of Chicago." With such encouragement Mr. Rocke- feller at once subscribed $600,000 to a provisional endowment fund of one million dollars, conditioned on the pledging of $400- ooo before June i, 1890. The requisite amount was raised, and a site of twenty-four acres between Washington and Jackson Parks was purchased for the erection of buildings. The institution was incorporated in 1890, and opened to students in 1892. In Sep- tember, 1890, Prof. W. R. Harper, of Yale University, was elected president, and he entered on his new duties July i, 1891. Mean- while Mr. Rockefeller had added one million dollars to his former subscription. He has since made several donations of equal size. The assets of the University are now about $9,000,000. Work was begun on the first buildings in the autumn of 1891 ; since that time many have been added, including the Kent Chemical Laboratory, costing, with equipment, $235,000 ; the Ryerson Physi- cal Laboratory, $235,000 ; the Hull Biological Laboratories, $340,- ooo ; the Walker Museum, $115,000, and the Haskell Oriental Museum, $100,000. A contribution of $300,000. was made by 67 Chicago. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. Mr. Charles T. Yerkes in 1892 for the erection and equipment of an observatory to contain the largest telescope in the world. The observatory was completed in 1896, and the telescope, with its object glass of forty inches aperture, is in most respects superior to the great thirty-six inch Lick telescope of California. The University includes five divisions : the University Proper ; the University Extension; the University Libraries, Laboratories and Museums ; the University Press ; the University Affiliations. The University Proper comprises: The College of Arts, Literature, and Science ; the Graduate School of Arts and Literature ; the Ogden (Graduate) School of Science ; the Divinity School ; the Academy at Morgan Park. Of the Colleges of Arts, Literature, and Science, each is divided into the Junior College and the Senior College, the former including the first half of the curricu- lum, usually known as the freshman and sophomore classes, and the latter, the second half (junior and senior). The faculties in- clude : The faculty of Morgan Park Academy, of the Junior Col- leges, of the Senior Colleges, of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature, of the Ogden (Graduate) School of Science, of the University Extension, of the Divinity School. Admission is by examination. Degrees granted by the University include Bache- lor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Divinity, Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy. Under certain conditions, non-resident work in the Graduate School may count toward a degree, but the final examination must be passed at the Uni- versity. There are more than two hundred and fifty existing scholarships and fellowships. Tuition is $40 a quarter ; the ma- triculation fee, $5 ; the diploma fee, $10; in chemistry and biology there are additional laboratory fees. THE WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEHINARY, Chicago, the Rev. Wm. J. Gold, S. T. D., Warden, is a corporation existing under the statutes of Illinois. The Seminary was opened and its present buildings were erected in 1885. Its aim is, in the words of the charter, " the education of fit persons in the Catholic faith, in its purity and integrity, as taught in the Holy Scriptures, held by the primitive Church, summed up in the creeds, and affirmed by the undisputed General Councils." Students not preparing for the ministry as well as candidates for Holy Orders will under certain conditions be admitted. Two hundred dollars covers all expenses for the year. CREAL SPRINGS COLLEGE, Creal Springs, Howard Cyrus Tilton, A. M., President, was founded in 1884 as a seminary, under private management, and was bought in 1894 by a board of trus- tees representing the Baptists of Southern Illinois, and a college 68 ///, WHERE TO EDUCATE. Evanston and Chicago. charter was secured from the State. The college department offers two courses, classical and scientific, which lead respectively to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Philosophy. The other departments are preparatory, teachers', business, and music. BROWN'S DECATUR BUSINESS COLLEGE, Library Building, Decatur, H. M. Owen, Principal. (See Brown's Busi- ness Colleges.) ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF PHOTOGRAHY, Effingham, L. H. Bissell, President, was the first of its kind in this country, and was founded for the purpose of preparing men and women to become artistic photographers. Each department is under the charge of a competent instructor, and a general insight is given into the entire business of all branches required in a first class studio. The departments comprise business methods of photography, chem- istry, laboratory work, process work, carbon, bas-relief, etc. ; lighting, posing, and artistic retouching; artistic printing and dark room work ; and printing and process work. The approximate cost of a course in the school, including board, room, tuition, etc., is from $100 to $140. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, Evanston and Chicago, Henry Wade Rogers, LL. D., President, is non-sectarian but under the general control of the M. E. Church. It was chartered by the Illi- nois General Assembly in 1851, and the first president was chosen two years later. The College of Liberal Arts, the first department to be organized, was opened in 1855, the Medical School was estab- lished in connection with the University in 1869, the Law School in 1873, the School of Pharmacy in 1887, the Dental School in 1888, the Woman's Medical School in 1892, and the School of Music in 1895. The Garrett Biblical Institute has been in opera- tion since 1856, and is open to young men from any evangelical church who are suitable persons to prepare for the Christian min- istry. Affiliated with it are the Norwegian-Danish Theological School and the Swedish Theological Seminary. The Theological Schools, College of Liberal Arts, Academy, and School of Music are at Evanston, twelve miles from the centre of the city ; the other departments of the University are located in Chicago. Officers of instruction and government number over 230 ; students, over two thousand. Admission is by examination and by certificate from accredited schools. There is a gymnasium under the supervision of a competent director, numerous well equipped laboratories, a library of nearly forty thousand volumes, several museums with extensive collections, and an astronomical observatory containing one of the finest refracting telescopes in the country. The degrees in course are : Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor 69 Evanston. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. of Science, and Bachelor of Letters. In the other departments of the University the following degrees are given : Doctor of Medi- cine, Bachelor of Laws, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Graduate in Pharmacy, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Bachelor of Divinity, and Doctor of Philosophy. THE WINCHELL ACADEflY, a home and day school for both sexes, 1202 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, S. R. Winchell, Prin- cipal, was established in the beautiful and classic Evanston, twelve miles from Chicago, on the shore of Lake Michigan, in 1894, and was incorporated by the State in 1896. The buildings are two in number, equipped for school work, and with home accommodations for not more than twelve children. There are three departments, primary, grammar, and academic ; and three courses, college pre- paratory, business, and music; the work of which employs six teachers. BROWN'S QALESBURQ BUSINESS COLLEGE, Commer cial Block, Galesburg, W. F. Cadwell, Principal. (See Brown's Business Colleges.) KNOX COLLEGE (co-educational), Galesburg, John H. Finley, Ph. D., LL. D., President, was chartered on February 15, 1837, as " The Knox Manual Labor College," the object as set forth in the charter being to " qualify young men in the best manner for the various professional and business occupations of society, by carrying into effect a thorough system of mental, moral, and physi- cal education, and so reduce the expenses of such education, by manual labor and other means, as shall bring it within the reach of every young man of industry and promise." In February, 1857, the present corporate name of " Knox College " was adopted. It has a full staff of professors and instructors, is well equipped, and offers three courses, each requiring four years of study. The classical course has a foundation of ancient languages and leads to the B. A. degree ; the scientific, of science, to the B. S. degree ; and the literary, of modern language, leads to the B. L. degree. The Master's degrees in arts and science are conferred by the trustees upon recommendation of the faculty. The expense is moderate. Connected with the college are Knox Academy, in charge of George Churchill, A. M., Ph. D., offering college preparation and a fine English course, valuable to those intending to become teachers ; Knox Conservatory of Music, directed by William F. Bentley, and offering a thorough course in music ; and the Knox School of Art, directed by Marion Crandall. LOMBARD UNIVERSITY, Galesburg, Charles Ellwood Nash, A. M., D. D., President, is a Universalist institution embracing four departments : College of Liberal Arts, Preparatory School, 70 ///. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Greenville. Ryder Divinity School, and the School of Music and Art. The Illinois Liberal Institute, opened in 1852, was invested with college powers in 1853, and took its present name, Lombard University, in 1855. It was a pioneer in the policy of co-educa- tion. The location of the college is accessible and healthful, and the campus, containing thirteen acres, affords ample grounds for all athletic sports. There is an excellent gymnasium, a thoroughly equipped chemical laboratory, and a library of about seven thou- sand books. Admission to the College of Liberal Arts is by examination, by certificate, or by promotion from the Preparatory School. The degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Letters are conferred in course. An effort is made to study the individual needs of each student. The choice of electives is very wide, but the courses elected are subject to the approval in every case of the student's official adviser, who is some member of the faculty appointed especially to oversee his work. A small tuition fee is paid for each subject pursued. fiONTICELLO SEniNARY, Godfrey, Harriet N. Haskell, Prin- cipal. This institution for the higher and Christian education of women and girls claims justly to be the oldest in the West, with prescribed curriculum for graduation ; independent instructors of each department ; buildings especially prepared and equipped for educational work. The Seminary was founded by Benjamin God- frey, February, 1835 '> was opened to students, and regular classes were organized, April n, 1838. Buildings and lands were com- mitted (by deed of trust from founder) to a self perpetuating Board of Trustees, February, 1840. The institution was incorpo- rated, by the authority of the State of Illinois, February, 1841, and the same year the first class was graduated. The present Principal was appointed March 22, 1867. The location is attrac- tive and healthful. The campus proper comprises fifty acres. Board and tuition in all English, Latin, Greek, French, German, and scientific studies, in course, are for the year $300. Music and art are the only extras. Daughters of clergymen can receive finan- cial aid from the students' fund or scholarships. GREENVILLE COLLEGE, Greenville, the Rev. Wilson Thomas Hogg, Ph. B., President, is located at the county seat of Bond County, in the centre of a thriving agricultural district. It was established in 1855 as a school for young ladies only, and in 1857 was incorporated as Almira College. In 1892 the property was purchased by the Central Illinois Conference of the Free Methodist Church. Under its new management it became co-educational, and was legally incorporated under the name of Greenville College, with the power of granting the usual degrees. It includes the following departments : College of liberal arts, Jacksonville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. school of theology, preparatory school, and normal school. In addition there is a business college, school of music, and school of art. Tuition in the college department is $24 per semester of twenty weeks. ACADEMY FOR YOUNG WOMEN, Jacksonville, E. F. Bullard, A. M., President. Jacksonville, a beautiful city in cen- tral Illinois, long known for its schools, churches, charitable institutions, and literary societies, is in itself an educational centre and an ideal educational home. The school was organized in 1830, the first of its kind in the West. Preparatory, classical, scientific, and college preparatory courses of study are offered. THE ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY OF Music AND SCHOOL OF .FINE ARTS are under the same management, affording advantages in these departments equal to the best found in the leading musical and art centres of the West. The terms for boarding pupils are $275 for the school year. BROWN'S BUSINESS COLLEGES, of which there are seven in number, are incorporated institutions, the officers being G. W. Brown, President, Jacksonville ; W. H. H. Garver, Vice-President, Peoria ; M. H. Owen, Secretary, Decatur. The schools all have their local principals, but President Brown has general charge, and supervises the courses of study and the methods and work of the teachers. During the year he gives an extended course of practical drills and lectures on the main features of the course, as the study of Accounting, Business and Office Practice, Writing, Expert Accounting, What is Required of Stenographers, and the Elements of Success in Business. Brown's Business Colleges hold the only diploma awarded by the World's Columbian Exposition for methods of business training. JACKSONVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE, corner Morgan and Kos- ciusko Streets, Jacksonville, G. E. Nettleton, Principal. (See Brown's Business Colleges.) ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY, Joliet, conducted by Sisters of St. Francis, is a chartered institution for young women. The religious direction of the school is under the Franciscan Fathers. The proximity to Chicago, thirty-seven miles distant, and acces- sible by several leading lines, is a distinct advantage, and the location, in the most elevated part of the city, is unsurpassed for healthfulness. The building, constructed of stone, has every modern accommodation, and the grounds are extensive. Moral training is the leading object, but its intellectual discipline is- thorough. There are three departments : Primary, intermediate or grammar, and academic. Courses are offered in art and music. Non- Catholic pupils need not attend religious instruction in class, but 72 WHERE TO EDUCATE. Knoxville. the common exercises, as morning and evening prayers and divine service, are compulsory for all students. Expenses are $75 per session of five months. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, Knoxville, the Rev. Charles W. Lef- fingwell, D. D., Rector, Emma Pease Howard, Principal, is an incorporated institution under the patronage of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It was opened in 1868 by the present rector, and the new building, which has since been twice enlarged, was completed in 1883. Every modern requirement in the way of appointments and appliances is met, the present plan of the building being the result of thirty years' experience in school ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY. management. Provision is made not only for mental discipline, but also for physical culture. Careful attention is paid and direction given to gymnastic training, athletic sports, and general health. A competent physician, with the aid of experienced matrons, has charge of the household. The fact that the school is still administered by those who founded it thirty years ago is worth noting. Preparatory, collegiate, music, art, and elocution courses are offered, and the distinctive aim is thoroughness and adaptability to the requirements of young women preparing for life. The faculty and officers number about twenty. Annual expenses for board and tuition in the full course or any part of it are $400. For daughters of the clergy, $300. 73 Lake Forest. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. FERRY HALL SEMINARY, Lake Forest. In 1856 business men of Chicago, through the solicitation of the Presbyterians of that city, organized a loan company to buy grounds for the site and the endowment of an institution of higher education. This company bought thirteen hundred acres, now covered by Lake Forest, and set off. one-half of the land for the use of this institu- tion. Lake Forest University was organized in 1857. In 1868 the trustees received from the Rev. William M. Ferry, of Grand Haven, Mich., certain bequests, on condition that a seminary should be opened for young ladies, and that the building should be erected on the park set aside for such a purpose. Additional funds were secured, and a substantial brick building was erected. In September of 1869 Ferry Hall Seminary opened, with an enrolment of sixty-six students. The school is steadily growing. The building has been enlarged to twice its original size. A beautiful Gothic chapel has been added, and the grounds have been beautified. The dominant thought in all plans for Ferry Hall, from its inception to the present, has been intellectual development for the sake of increased Christian usefulness. During this first quarter of a century of its life, more than two thousand young women have been enrolled as students, represent- ing thirty-one States and Territories. Its area of influence has not been limited by the boundaries of our own country. In the early days the republic of Honduras sent students here. Mis- sionaries have carried its teachings to China and Persia. The past record has been one of earnest purpose, steady growth, and increased power, and the future gives promise of equal progress. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY (co-educational), Lincoln, A. E. Tur- ner, A. M., President, was founded in 1865, and is controlled by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The value of its property and endowment is $115,000. The courses offered embrace a classical, scientific, and an English course. Connected with the University is a preparatory school and a college of music. The total expenses for a year are $175. flENDOTA COLLEGE, Mendota, Prof. M. L. Gordon, Acting President, was founded in 1893, and is incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois. The aim of the institution is to furnish education in the liberal arts, sciences, languages, and theology at the lowest possible cost. The college is situated at Mendota, a thriving city eighty-three miles west of Chicago, and at the junction of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and Illinois Central Railroads. The college contains the following depart- ments : Preparatory and collegiate, commercial, shorthand and typewriting, theological, and musical. Tuition in the college courses is $40. 74 ///. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Naperville. flORQAN PARK ACADEMY, Morgan Park, Charles H. Thurber, A. M., Dean, is the preparatory department of Chicago University, and is situated about thirteen miles south from the centre of Chicago, and eight southwest from the University site. The school is divided into a lower and a higher academy, covering, respectively, the work of the first and of the second two years of the course. The total expenses average $320 a year. THE FRANCES SHIMER ACADEflY, of the University of Chicago, formerly Mt. Carroll Seminary, Mt. Carroll, the Rev. William P. McKee, Dean. This is the largest high grade academy for girls west of Chicago. It employs only college trained teachers in the scholastic department, and the examinations are given by the University of Chicago. Pupils enter there and at other American colleges without reexamination. The principals in music and art were trained in Europe. The locality is one of the most healthful in the country, high rolling ground, free from malaria. No sickness has ever originated in the school. A limited number of pupils are allowed to help with the housework, and thus to diminish expense. The charges are from $210 per year up. flOUNT MORRIS COLLEGE, Mount Morris, J. G. Royce, A. M., President, is under the direction of the Brethren or Dunkers, and aims to give practical mental culture under Christian auspices. There are seminary, academic, business, art, and music depart- ments. In all of these, work may be taken by correspondence. A year's expenses, including board, are a little over $100. NORTH=WESTERN COLLEGE AND UNION BIBLICAL INSTITUTE, Naperville, Du Page County, the Rev. H. J. Kiek- hoefer, Ph. D., President. The institution began under the name of Plainfield College, and opened a preparatory department in 1 86 1. In 1864 the name was changed to the present one, and in 1865 a college charter was obtained from the Legislature. In 1870 the college was removed from Plainfield, its first location, to Naperville, twenty-eight miles from Chicago. It has been, from its organization, under the control of the Evangelical Association. Admission to the college is on examination, and, in specified cases, on certificate from accredited schools. There are seven departments : Collegiate, preparatory, academic, Ger- man, commercial, music, and art. The following collegiate degrees are conferred in course : Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Literature. Tuition in the preparatory department is $4 per term ; in the college, $6. 75 Normal. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY, Normal, John W. Cook, LL. D., President, was established in 1857. The insti- tution contains two departments, the normal and the practice, the latter a school of twelve grades. The former offers three courses : The regular English course of three years, a classical course of four years a two years' course for graduates of accredited high schools. BROWN'S OTTAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE, corner Colum- bus and Madison Streets, Ottawa, G. W. Brown, Jr., Principal. (See Brown's Business Colleges.) RICE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Paxton, G. A. Elliott, A. B., Principal, was founded in 1877, under the name of Paxton Collegiate Institute. Its name was subsequently changed in honor of Edwin Rice, Esq., a friend of the institution. The two- fold object of the school comprises preparing for college, and fitting for the duties of practical life. The entire annual expenses need not exceed $135. BROWN'S PEORIA BUSINESS COLLEGE, corner South Jefferson Avenue and Harrison Street, W. H. H. Garver, Princi- pal. (See Brown's Business Colleges.) PRINCEVILLE ACADEMY, Princeville, R. B. Gushing, A. B., Principal, Edward Auten, Secretary, has been supported since 1887 by citizens of Princeville, who wished to furnish for the young men and women of their community a high grade prepara- tory school at home, and to make for the village a school atmos- phere. Graduates of the Academy are admitted on certificate to Williams, Wellesley, Oberlin, and Knox Colleges. The classical course comprises four years of Latin, three of Greek and one of French or German, and the Latin-English and scientific courses are of a correspondingly high standard. The teachers are college graduates, chosen for their scholarship and personal character. Military drill, physical culture, class singing, and rhetorical work are taught as school exercises. Tuition in the academy is $10 per term of twelve weeks. Board is found in private families. ROCKFORD COLLEGE, Rockford, Phebe T. Sutliff, A.M., President. The college was chartered in 1847, f r tne purpose of providing for the collegiate education of young women. The con- ditions for living are comfortable and hygienic, and the teachers are specialists representing the highest institutions at home and abroad. Thorough courses in music and art are offered in addi- tion to the regular college curriculum. The expenses for tuition, board, room, and washing are $300 per year. 76 ///. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Warren. AUGUSTANA COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMI- NARY, Rock Island, the Rev. O. Olsson, D. D., Ph. D., President, was founded under the auspices of the Swedish-American Luther- ans, who seceded from the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Northern Illinois in the year 1860, and resolved to organize a synod, and to establish a theological seminary of their own. The institution was temporarily located at Chicago, but removed to Paxton in 1863, and thence to its present seat in 1875. It was first a theological and preparatory school only, but was incorporated as a college in 1863, and chartered in 1865. In 1887 a conservatory of music was added, and, in the following year, a business college. In 1891 a normal department was established. Total expenses for the year range from $135 to $175. TOULON ACADEMY, Toulon, Lewis A. Morrow, M. A., Prin- cipal, is an incorporated institution which prepares for college. Four regular courses are offered : Classical, Latin-science, English or business, and music. Several colleges, including Oberlin, re- ceive graduates on certificate. Tuition is $10 per term. WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY (Wyman Institute), Up- per Alton, Albert Matthews Jackson, A. M., Principal. Founded in 1878 by Edward Wyman, LL.D., as Wyman Institute, this school was incorporated under the present name in 1892. It is located on an area of fifty acres, including lawn, lake, grove, and meadow. St. Louis is twenty miles distant, and easily accessible. The six academy buildings are of modern construction, are lighted by elec- tricity and gas, heated by hot water and hot air, and provided with an ideal system of drainage. Thorough preparation is given for any college or scientific school in the United States ; in addi- tion, sufficient military training is offered to fit graduates to become officers of the militia, and, in the event of war, to organize and drill volunteers. By statutory provision the academy is a Post in the Illinois National Guard. An army officer is detailed by the United States government as professor of military science and tactics, and the national government provides also necessary arms and equipments. There are two educational departments, the grammar school and the academic. Annual expenses, $450. WARREN ACADEMY, Warren, has an enrolment of between one and two hundred students, and is co-educational. Its gradu- ates are admitted to any college without examination, and the best record made at the University of Chicago, in the spring of 1895, was made by a graduate of Warren Academy. It has excel- lent facilities by way of libraries, museums, and laboratories. The faculty numbers nine. Preparation for leading universities is a specialty, with broadly planned courses of study. 77 Wheaton. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///. WHEATON COLLEGE, Wheaton, Chas. A. Blanchard, A. M., D. D., President, is situated twenty-five miles west from Chicago, on the Chicago and North- Western Railway. It was chartered in 1860, by the State Legislature of Illinois, for the purpose of higher education. It is under the control of Congregationalists, and has five departments : The college, the preparatory school, the art school, the conservatory of music, and the business college. The courses in college are all four years in length ; in the prepara- tory school, three years. The length of time required for gradua- tion from the other departments depends upon the advancement of the pupil at the time of beginning work. There are now sixteen professors and instructors, and were in 1897 and 1898 over three hundred pupils. The expenses are about $200 per year. The school is founded upon the Bible, and makes the teaching of the English Bible a leading feature throughout. TODD SEMINARY FOR BOYS, Woodstock, Noble Hill, Prin- cipal. The oldest boys' school in the Northwest, founded in 1848, by the Rev. R. K. Todd, A. M. The location is ideal, being situated in the most elevated town in the State of Illinois, almost one thou- sand feet above sea level, surrounded by a rolling country of wonderful beauty and fer- tility, and unsurpassed for healthfulness. There has never been a serious case of sick- ness or a death in the school during the entire half century of its existence. It is near enough to Chicago to be easy of access from all parts of the country. The equipments of NOBLE HILL. the school are ample for all purposes, and include a fine gymnasium. The general ap- pearance of the buildings and grounds is homelike in the extreme, and all lighted by electricity. The school is designed especially to meet the needs of boys of the public school age. The number is limited to thirty. No day pupils are admitted, and boys of vicious habits are carefully excluded. The course of instruction begins with the earliest school age, and covers that critical period in a boy's edu- cation which demands constant personal supervision, such as few parents have the time or inclination to bestow upon it. This work cannot be successfully undertaken by a large preparatory school, and not many schools are giving special attention to it. hid.. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Culver. INDIANA. FRIENDS* BLOOMINGDALE ACADEMY, Bloomingdale, Parke County, Irving King, A. B., Principal, has a preparatory, an academic, and a teachers' normal course. On completing the first of these, the student can enter the sophomore class of most Western colleges. Eighty per cent, of the graduates of the Academy have continued their work in college. THE INDIANA UNIVERSITY (co-educational), Bloomington, Joseph Swain, LL. D., President, is centrally located about sixty miles southwest of Indianapolis. It was founded in 1820, and is the head of the public school system of the State. It is sup- ported by funds derived from the original land grants of the United States government, and from the funds of the State, partly by a permanent endowment, partly by direct legisla- tive appropriations, and partly by a specific tax. The faculty and officers number over eighty, and the student body about one thousand, of whom one-third are women. Admission is by examination and by certificate from commissioned high schools. Certificates of license as teachers will be received in place of an examination in the common branches. The following degrees are conferred : Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Letters, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Laws, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy. THE CULVER MILITARY ACADEMY, Lake Maxinkuckee, Culver, was founded, endowed, and presented to the State of Indiana by the late Mr. H. H. Culver, of St. Louis, Mo., and his family. The school is situated on the shore of the beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee, in a park of eighty acres, the place being famed throughout the State for its beauty and picturesqueness. The buildings are handsome, and absolutely fire-proof, and a new barracks to meet present demands is to be erected, this being the second largest military school of its kind in the United States. The academy owns the famous " Black Horse Troop," of Cleve- land, O., which escorted William McKinley at his inauguration, and has the finest riding hall in America for cavalry purposes. It is one of the few preparatory schools in the country which, on examination, was affiliated with the University of Chicago, and offered a scholarship by that institution to one of its graduates who held highest rank in his class. Colonel A. F. Fleet, A. M., LL. D., formerly professor of Greek in the University of Missouri, and ex-superintendent of the Missouri Military Academy, is at the head of the institution. 79 Crawfordsville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ind. WABASH COLLEGE, Crawfordsville, a non-sectarian college for young men only, George S. Burroughs, LL.D., President, was founded in 1832, receiving its charter from the State of Indiana in 1834. It devotes to college training in the liberal arts and pure science invested funds and a thoroughly appointed plant together amounting to a million dollars. Its campus has forty acres ; its buildings are seven in number, exclusive of dormitories. The Yandes Library contains thirty-five thousand volumes. The con- tents of the Hovey Museum of Natural History are valued at over $50,000. Ten scientific laboratories are thoroughly equipped with modern appliances. It is the policy of the trustees of the college to limit the number of its students to three hundred, in order to bring about the best development of personality through intimate contact with teachers. It is offering an education of the highest standard, at the same time its expenses are exceedingly low. Honor scholarships and loan funds place an education within the reach of all who desire it. Special endowed scholarships are offered to those who design to make teaching a profession. ST. AUGUSTINE'S ACADEMY, Fort Wayne, is conducted by the Sisters of Providence. It is a boarding school for girls, and especial care is taken of the health of its pupils. The terms for tuition, board, and laundry per session of five months are $75. For music and art extra charges are made. GIRLS' CLASSICAL SCHOOL, 824 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Mrs. May Wright Sewall (Northwestern University), A.M., Principal. The Girls' Classical School was founded in 1882 by Theo- dore Lovett Sewall (Harvard), A. B., A. M., LL. D., and was designed to give girls a thorough preparation for all colleges that admit women and to provide higher courses for the benefit of girls unable to attend college but still desirous of extended study. In Septem- ber, 1886, a school residence was opened and almost immediately filled. The resi- Girls' Classical School Residence. -i i'j_-i 11 i T 635 N. Pennsylvania Street. dence is a little more than one block dis- tant from the school building proper ; both the school building and the residence are large, commodious, and elegant ; in both, the most careful attention is paid to lighting, ven- tilation, and plumbing ; the hygienic conditions are as perfect as possible. In 1897 a kindergarten was added, in which both boys and girls of three or four years are received and prepared for the lower primary department. Boys are retained through the lower and the upper primary departments. Beyond the upper primary depart- So Ind. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Hanwer. ment, which children finish at the age of eleven or twelve, the school receives only girls. The intermediate department (in which the course of study includes one year of Latin and one year of algebra) prepares girls for the advanced department. French is taught through the entire thirteen years of the school course, the Berlitz method being used from the lower primary department. All colleges that admit women on certificate accept the certificate of this school ; the school sends an unusual percentage of its stu- dents to the best colleges. The faculty includes nineteen teachers ; only professionally trained teachers are employed, and in the ad- vanced department no teacher is engaged who has not a degree from some one of the best institutions in the country ; many of the teachers have done post-graduate university work, and have enjoyed the advantages of foreign travel and study. The classes are small and the pupils are therefore enabled to receive a relatively large amount of individual attention from the corps of accomplished and experienced teachers. English literature is made prominent through the entire course, which is flexible, and can be altered if found expedient. The director of the gymnasium is a graduate with honors of the normal course in Baron Nils Posse's Gymnasium, Boston, Mass., and all pupils receive a lesson from the director of from twenty to forty minutes daily. One at- Girichcai School tractive feature Of the School is a Course 82 N - Pennsylvania Street. of Friday lectures by eminent writers and educators. The charges for pupils in the residence, home and tuition, are $500 per year. FRANKLIN COLLEGE, Franklin, the Rev. W. T. Stott, D.D., President, is the only institution of higher learning under the con- trol of the Baptists of Indiana. It was begun in 1834 as a Manual Labor Institute, was chartered in 1844. It offers courses for the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., and B. S. There are eleven members of the faculty, and twelve thousand volumes in the libraries. Neces- sary college expenses for a year vary from $150 to $250. HANOVER COLLEGE, (co-educational), Hanover, D. W. Fisher, LL. D., President, has grown out of a Presbyterian school, Hanover Academy, incorporated in 1829. The academy was incorporated in 1833 as Hanover College. In 1880 it was opened to women. The undergraduate degrees are B. A. and B. S. There are several higher degrees conferred upon specified conditions. Since the college is almost entirely supported by an endowment fund, there is no charge for tuition, and the entire annual expenditures of a student average about $150. 81 Indianapolis. WHERE TO EDUCATE. fnd. INDIANA DENTAL COLLEGE, corner Ohio and Delaware Streets, Indianapolis. (See University of Indianapolis). BUTLER COLLEGE, the Department of the Liberal Arts, University of Indianapolis, Irvington. UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS, Department of Arts, " Butler College," Irvington, Indianapolis, Scot Butler, President. Butler College is well prepared to meet all demands made upon it. It has a competent faculty of instructors ; it is conducted on modern methods ; it is provided with thoroughly equipped laboratories, a well-selected library, a commodious reading-room, a gymnasium fur- nished with requisite apparatus. Its buildings, five in number, are modern in construction and well suited to the purposes for which they were designed. They are lighted by electricity and heated by steam, and occupy a campus ample in extent. Thorough courses are offered in various lines of study adapted to the special needs of students preparing for professional, literary, or scientific pursuits. The institution is co-educational, and the interests of women students are carefully considered. Irvington, the seat of the college, is a healthful and pleasant residence suburb of Indianapolis, connected with the city by electric street car line. The Department of Medi- cine of the University is the Medical College of Indiana, at Indian- apolis, Jos. W. Marsee, M. D., Dean ; the Department of Law is the Indiana Law School, at Indianapolis, W. P. Fishback, Dean , and the Department of Dental Surgery is the Indiana Dental Col- lege, corner Ohio and Delaware Streets, Indianapolis, John N. Hurty, M. D., Ph. D., President, Harry S. Hicks, D. D. S., Secretary and Treasurer. The last named is a member of the National Asso- ciation of Dental Faculties, and is recognized by the National Association of Dental Examiners. The fees are $105 per year for the three years of the course, with a diploma fee of $10. Board may be obtained at prices ranging from $2.50 to $4 a week. JASPER COLLEGE, Jasper. (See St. Meinrad's College.) HOWE COLLEGE, Lima, the Rev. John Heyward McKenzie, Ph. D., Rector, William Wallace Hammond, Head Master, was opened in September, 1884. It received its name in memory of the late Hon. John B. Howe, of Lima, who had died the previous year, leaving a liberal bequest to be devoted to the cause of educa- tion. It is the aim of the school to prepare boys and young men for the best colleges and scientific schools, and for business. To this end a fine intellectual training is offered, supplemented by military, gymnastic, and athletic training, and by careful moral and religious instruction. There is a lower, middle, and upper school, and a commercial course. The institution is organized 82 2nd. WHERE TO EDUCATE. St. Mary's. on a military system, the rules and regulations being based upon those in vogue at West Point. The charge for tuition, board, use of arms and equipments is $360 per annum. ST. flARY'S ACADEMY, Notre Dame, under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, was chartered February 28, 1855. The buildings, located on an eminence overlooking the St. Joseph River, are of cream-colored brick with stone trimmings. They are spacious and comfortable, and especially adapted to school pur- poses. The students are assigned, according to age, to the senior, junior, or minim department. Girls under twelve are placed in the minim department ; between the ages of twelve and fifteen, in the junior department, and each department has its own study- hall, playgrounds, and sleeping apartments. Although a Catholic institution, St. Mary's welcomes to its advantages and respects the religious beliefs of pupils of every denomination. The course of study provides for a liberal education, beginning with elementary work, and passing by degrees to the higher studies of the advanced course, which course offers the ordinary college degrees. Music, elocution, drawing and painting, stenography, and domestic economy are taught, under the direction of able teachers. For catalogue giving full information, address, Directress of the Academy, St. Mary's Academy, Notre Dame P. O., Indiana. OAKLAND CITY COLLEGE, Oakland City, W. P. Dear- ing, A. B., Dean, is incorporated under the laws of Indiana, and confers the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Letters, and Bachelor of Science. It has, in addition to collegiate courses, a teachers' course, a school of music, and a department of theology. Tuition is $30 per year. EARLHAM COLLEGE, Richmond, Joseph J. Mills, LL.D., President, opened nearly fifty years ago under the name of " Friends' Boarding School," was a pioneer in the work of co-education in America. While conducted under the auspices of the Orthodox Friends, it is un sectarian. Four departments make up the col- lege : The college proper, a Biblical, preparatory, and a summer school. The following degrees are conferred : Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Literature, Bachelor of Music. Under certain specified conditions the Master's degree will be awarded on examination. The department of music is exceptionally strong, and offers a course of five years. The total expense to boarding students for one year is $215. ST. MARY'S ACADEMIC INSTITUTE, St. Mary's, Vigo County. Four miles west of Terre Haute stands one of the pio- neer educational institutions of the State, St. Mary's of the Woods. This institution was founded in 1840 by Sisters of St. Meinrad. WHERE TO EDUCATE. ///,/. Providence from Ruille-sur-Loir, province of Brittany, France, and was incorporated by an act of the State Legislature in 1846. As an educational establishment, it ranks among the first in the country, its curriculum embracing every branch of a refined and thorough education. The grounds and buildings are in keeping with the high standard of its educational facilities, the beauties of these seem to be the material expression of the mental culture within. But the best praise that can be given such an institution is in the devoted attachment of its pupils, and this St. Mary's enjoys in a remarkable degree, as may be seen by a visit to the study hall where many of the present students occupy the very desks which once accommodated older members of their families. In the United States, St. Mary's of the Woods is the principal house of the Sisters of Providence, whose schools now extend through Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska, and Massachusetts. ST. MEINRAD COLLEGE AND SEMINARY, St. Meinrad, the Rt. Rev. Athanasius Schmitt, O. S. B., Rector, was opened for the education of young men, January i, 1857, and has developed since its establishment into an institution with three distinct departments and faculties : St. Meinrad Seminary, St. Meinrad College, and Jasper College. These three departments are con- ducted by the Fathers of the Benedictine Order. The first two, for ecclesiastical students, are at St. Meinrad ; the last named, for secular students, is at Jasper. All three departments were incor- porated in 1890, under the title of St. Meinrad Abbey, and were empowered to confer collegiate degrees. Only Catholic students are admitted, except to the institution at Jasper. Terms per year, including board and tuition, are $150. SPICELAND ACADEflY, Spiceland, Henry County, M. S. Wildman, Superintendent, is the oldest secondary school in charge of Friends in Indiana. It was chartered as an academy in 1870, but its history as a Friends' school dates back more than sixty years. It is not sectarian, but its foundation rests upon Christian culture. Special attention is given to preparing students for col- lege, and graduates are admitted to any of the leading colleges of Indiana without examination. Special arrangements have been made ' to give those students desiring to teach, the opportunity of normal instruction. Classes of this character are maintained throughout the year in the legal branches. ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Terre Haute, Carl Leo Mees, Ph.D., President, was founded in 1874 by the late Chauncey Rose, of Terre Haute, and was opened March 7, 1883. It is devoted to the higher education of young men in engineering, provision being made for five parallel courses of study, as follows : 84 /. T: WHERE TO EDUCATE. Chelsea. Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, architecture, and chemistry. Each course occupies four years, of three terms each. The degrees conferred are the Bachelor's and Master's in Science, in mechanical, electrical, civil, architectural, and chemical course, and the degree of mechanical, electrical, or civil engineer. Tuition is free to residents of Vigo County, Indi- ana. All others pay $75 per year. Board is obtainable in private families. INDIANA STATE NORflAL SCHOOL, Terre Haute, Wil- liam W. Parsons, President, was opened on January 6, 1870. The professional training of teachers was an experiment in the State, and the school began its work with less than thirty pupils. So steady has been the growth in attendance, however, that, during the year ending June 30, 1898, 1,393 different students were enrolled. The school offers four courses of study : A four years' course, a three years' course for graduates of commissioned high schools, a three years' course for persons holding a three years' county license, and a one year's course for college graduates. Per- sons holding a life State license to teach in Indiana are credited with two years on the course, and are thus able to graduate in two years. VINCENNES UNIVERSITY (co-educational), Vincennes, Albert H. Yoder, President, was the second land grant college estab- lished by the United States government. Its history dates from 1806, and William Henry Harrison was the president of the first Board of Trustees. During the past year there were in attend- ance 265 students from twenty-three counties of Indiana, and five different States. The faculty numbers sixteen. Work is offered in the following courses : Classical, scientific, modern language, pedagogical, medical, preparatory, military, vocal and instrumental music. The library contains over seven thousand volumes, and is especially rich in historical works. A cadetship has been estab- lished for each county of the State. During the Spanish-American war, eighty-five of the University cadets volunteered, and formed Company L, i59th Indiana Volunteers. Tuition fees are from $25 to $35 a year; other expenses, $120. INDIAN TERRITORY. CHELSEA ACADEflY, Chelsea, Thomas L. Bates, Principal, is controlled by the Cherokee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, but is wholly unsectarian in spirit and policy. The work of the school is comprised in three depart- ments : Literary, music, and elocution. There are seven grades in the literary department, beginning with the primary. Tuition ranges from $1.25 to $2 per month. 85 Vinita. WHERE TO EDUCATE. /. T. WILLIE HALSELL COLLEGE (co-educational), Vinita, B. R. Morrison, M. A., President, is located within the limits of the Cherokee reserve. It is under the auspices of the M. E. Church, South. The main building, a four story structure of brick and stone, stands near the centre of the college grounds, which contain 160 acres of beautiful prairie. There are primary, intermediate, and preparatory departments, and in the college proper four-year courses in both arts and science. Instruction is also given in painting and music. Tuition varies from $1.25 per month in the lowest primary grades to $4 in the junior and senior years of the college. IOWA. IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND flE=* CHANICAL ARTS, Ames, W. M. Beardshear, President, had its birth in the Morrill Endowment Act of Congress, July 2, 1862, donating public lands to the several States and Territories which might provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts. It was benefited by the " Morrill Bill " of 1890, and by the "Hatch Bill" of 1887, the funds from the latter source going to the support of an experiment station. The college buildings are modern and the equipment is good. The discipline is military. Tuition is free to residents of Iowa. COE COLLEGE (co-educational), Cedar Rapids, the Rev. S. B. McCormick, D. D., President, was founded in 1851, and chartered under the laws of the State of Iowa in 1881. It is under the care of the Presbyterian Synod of Iowa, and provides three courses, classical, philosophical, and scientific, each leading to the Bache- lor's degree and each extending through four years. Young women are admitted to the same privileges of all the departments as young men, and are subject to the same entrance examinations. Their home is at Williston Hall, which is presided over by the lady principal. COE ACADEMY is the preparatory department for the College, and students as young as twelve years may enter. The musical department offers an unusually thorough course, and is under the direction of Prof. E. M. C. Ezerman, formerly a student of the best European teachers. The expenses in all departments are moder- ate, and opportunities are offered for self-help. CRESCO NORHAL AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, Cresco, M. O. Perry, Principal, has completed its fourth year with a large enrolment of students. There is a two years' normal, a common school, a college preparatory, a business, a shorthand and type- 86 Iowa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Epivorth. writing, and a painting course. Tuition in the common school, college preparatory, and normal courses is $30 per year ; in the commercial department, for the full six months' course, is $25. Board and room are $2 to $2.50 per week. LUTHER COLLEGE, Decorah, the Rev. Laur Larsen, President. The Norwegian Luther College was opened hear La Crosse, Wis., in September, 1861, with two teachers, one being President Larsen. The following year it was removed to Decorah, where thirty acres of ground had been purchased for its location. October 14, 1865, the new building was dedicated. In 1889 it was destroyed by fire, but the following year another building was erected on the same foundation as the first. The college had originally six classes, and its main purpose was preparation for the theological seminary. In 1 88 1 a seventh class was added, and the school was divided into a preparatory department of three, and a college proper of four classes. The B. A. degree has been conferred on 325 of its students. Its faculty numbers nine regular professors. EPWORTH SEMINARY. EPWORTH SEfllNARY, Epworth, the Rev. Frank G. Barnes, A. B., Principal. This school was founded in 1857 and is under the control of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It is charmingly located in a region of country which affords an excellent oppor- tunity for botanical and geological research. It has seven courses of study, each occupying four years : Classical, Latin scientific, German scientific, scientific, English, normal, and literary. The study of the Bible is made prominent in all the literary courses, and Bible classes are formed every term under the auspices of the Christian Associations. The school is fully accredited with a num- ber of the leading colleges and universities of the country. The expenses for the school year, including board, room, tuition, text- books, library and incidental fees, range from $90 to $140. 87 GrinnelL WHERE TO EDUCATE. Iowa. IOWA COLLEGE (co-educational), Grinnell, the Rev. George A. Gates, D. D., LL. D., President, began work in Davenport in 1848, with one professor and two students. During the next ten years ten were graduated, and in 1859 the college was removed to Grinnell. Its work was much interrupted by the Civil War, but after 1865 its growth was constant and gratifying. The college Buildings number five, and others are to be erected. The museum, laboratories, and gymnasium are well equipped. Iowa College is unsectarian in spirit though Congregational in origin and influence. The departments are : The College, the Academy, and the School of Music. Two baccalaureate degrees are conferred, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Philosophy, and the Master's degree is awarded for special work upon examination. The number of students in 1898 was over five hundred. Tuition in the College is $50 a year ; in the Academy, $36 ; and in the School of Music, according to work. SlflPSON COLLEGE, Indianola, Warren County, the Rev. Fletcher Brown, President, was organized in 1867 by the Des Moines Conference of the M. E. Church. It has an available en- dowment of $65,000, several buildings, and ample grounds. The college consists of the following schools : College of Liberal Arts, embracing classical, philosophical, and scientific courses, four years each ; Simpson College Academy, offering courses of three years each fitting for the three courses in the College of Liberal Arts ; normal course, a four years' course for teachers ; School of Busi- ness, School of Shorthand and Typewriting, Conservatory of Music offering a four years' course, and School of Oratory and Physical culture. The college confers the usual Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Annual tuition, $38. STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, Iowa City, Amos N. Currier, Acting President, was organized February 25, 1847, an d opened to students in 1855. The University was subsequently reorganized, and reopened on September 19, 1860. The Univer- sity comprises the following departments : Collegiate, law, medical, homoeopathic medical, dental, and pharmacy. In the collegiate de- partment four general courses of study are embraced, one classical, two philosophical, and one general scientific. Besides these there are two technical courses, civil engineering and electrical engineering. Students are admitted by examination or by presenting acceptable certificates. High schools by meeting certain specified conditions may, at the option of the collegiate faculty, be placed on the list of accredited schools. The material equipment includes valuable laboratories, an astronomical observatory, and a growing museum of natural history. Notwithstanding the loss of twenty-five thousand volumes by fire June 19, 1897, the present library numbers over Iowa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New Providence. seventeen thousand books, and is receiving constant accessions. Beginning with the summer of 1899 the University will hold a summer session in the interests of teachers and others. In all departments of the University there are 1,313 different students. There are no dormitories or commons connected with the institu- tion. Tuition in the collegiate department is $25 per annum; in the dental, $75 ; homoeopathic medical, $65 ; law, $20 (per term of twelve weeks); medical, $65 per annum ; pharmacy, $75. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Keokuk, D. B. Hillis, M. D., President, was chartered in 1849. Tne work required of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine covers four graded courses of six months each. The material plant in- cludes one of the finest college buildings in the West. It was built and is used exclusively for medical teaching, and occupies a cen- tral position in the city. Mercy Hospital, now in charge of the Order of Sisters of Mercy, is entirely controlled by the faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. The general lecture ticket for each of the three first years costs $20; for the senior year (including final examination fee), $22. CORNELL COLLEGE, Mount Vernon, William F. King, LL. D., President. This institution, which is under the control of the M. E. Church, is the largest denominational college in the United States west of Chicago. It has been chartered forty-one years, and has had a total enrolment of 18,508 students. The loca- tion is beautiful and healthful, and the attractive campus is crowned by five well equipped buildings. The laboratories and apparatus are adequate to modern demands, the library has 16,536 volumes, and the well appointed gymnasium is supplemented by athletic grounds of more than twenty acres. There are over thirty mem- bers of the faculty. The departments include academic, collegi- ate, normal, music, art, military, and commercial. Tuition, including incidental fees, $10 to $15 per term. Necessary expenses, includ- ing everything but clothing, $40 to $80 per term. In 1897-98 there were 571 students in attendance, of whom 312 were members of the regular college classes. In the college year of 1898-99 the trustees are engaged in raising a fund of $350,000 to further strengthen the endowment and other resourses of the college, and towards this amount they have already raised $135,000. NEW PROVIDENCE ACADEMY, New Providence, Albert F. Styles, A. M., Principal. This school, which has completed its sixteenth year, aims to maintain a high standard of work at small expense. Besides its regular academic it has a normal training department. Graduates are admitted without examination to the State University. A year's tuition is $25.50, and good board may be had for $2.50 a week. 89 Nora Springs. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Iowa. THE NORA SPRINGS SEfllNARY AND BUSINESS COL= LEGE, Nora Springs, H. A. Dwelle, Principal. The classical and scientific courses prepare for the freshman year in all colleges. The normal course prepares for all classes of teachers' certificates. The commercial and stenographers' courses prepare for business. Music, art, and elocution courses furnish general culture. The Seminary is provided with a beautiful campus, commodious build- ings, and complete apparatus. It is a non-sectarian school, but it is thoroughly Christian, and watches carefully the habits and char- acter of its students. All expenses for the entire year of thirty- eight weeks, $200. CENTRAL COLLEGE, Pella, Marion County, the Rev. Arthur B. Chaffee, D. D., President, is under the control of the Baptist denomination. The college, established in 1853, was chartered by its founder as a literary and theological institution of high grade. To this purpose it has aimed to be true. The collegiate department offers a four years' course leading to the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., B. S., and Th. B. Central Academy offers courses of four years each in preparatory studies. Other courses are teachers', commercial, music, art, and oratory and physical culture. Tuition per term is $8 in the collegiate, and $7 in the academic department. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE, Shenandoah, J. M. Hussey, M. S., President. A first-class college in a city which never had a saloon. Established in 1882, its building was destroyed by fire in 1891, but the present edifice is one of the finest in the State. It contains more than forty-five rooms, is conveniently arranged, and is furnished with electric lights throughout and with both steam and hot water heat. Students may enter at any time and receive personal instruction from an able and enthusiastic corps of teachers. There are twelve courses and twenty-three departments. A few of the leading courses are the normal, scientific, classic, didactic, etc. The leading special courses are business, shorthand, phar- macy, etc. Degrees are awarded on the completion of certain courses, and diplomas are given in all. The school is co-educa- tional and non-sectarian. Tuition, one term of ten weeks, is $11 ; furnished room, $5 ; board, $16.50 to $22.50. TABOR COLLEGE (co-educational), Tabor, the Rev. Richard C. Hughes, President. Founded in 1866, the college has had during its history over 3,000 students. It has five buildings, well supplied laboratories and museum, and a library of 8,000 books. Strong emphasis is placed on religious instruction. While the college is unsectarian, it is under the general control of the Con- gregational Church. Affiliated with the college proper are the 00 Atchison. WHERE TO EDUCATE. A'ans. academy, which prepares for any college in the country, and the conservatory of music. Besides the usual branches of instruction in college, instruction is given in art, oratory, and gymnastics. There are two competent instructors in physical training, and the new gymnasium is adapted to both sexes. Tuition and inciden- tals per term are $13. KANSAS. fllDLAND COLLEGE (co-educational), Atchison, was founded in 1887 by the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and is conducted under their auspices. In the collegiate department three courses of study are offered, the classical, the Latin-scientific, and the literary course, leading respectively to the A. B., the B. S. and the B. L. degrees. The limited elective system prevails. The preparatory department prepares for the freshman class in the college, and offers a good English course about equivalent to the best high school courses. The expenses are moderate. NAZARETH AC A DEITY, Concordia, is a Moravian school under the direction of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. The course of study is divided into primary, intermediate, grammar, and academic grades. The academic course embraces Christian teachings, history, civics, natural sciences, and languages. The elective studies are vocal and instrumental music, painting, and drawing. * SOULE COLLEGE, of the Methodist Episcopal Church (co- educational), Dodge City, the Rev. E. H. Vaughn, Ph. D., D. D., President. The buildings of this college were erected by the Hon. A. T. Soule, of Rochester, N. Y., and donated by his heirs to the M. E. Church in 1893. They are commodious and well furnished, while the campus of forty acres is laid out in walks and drives and is adorned with trees and shrubbery. Dodge City has an elevation of 2,500 feet above the sea level, a mean temperature of fifty-five degrees, and is well known as a health resort. The college courses are a preparatory, extending through three years and designed to furnish preparation for the college freshman class ; a normal, fitting for State certificates to teach ; the regular college course of a high standard, and a business course. The degrees conferred are the Bachelor's in arts, philosophy, science, literature, music, and the Doctor's in philosophy. The college is not endowed, but pays all expenses. The State has erected for it and donated to it an irrigation station, and a few young men pay their tuition by irrigating and cultivating the trees and ground and raising fruit and vegetables, which are used in the boarding-hall. One hundred and twenty-five dollars will pay for board, room, fuel, tuition, and incidental expenses for a school year of nine months. 92 Kans. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Lccompton. THE KANSAS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Emporia, A. R. Taylor, President. To show the popularity of this school it is necessary only to quote a few figures from the latest circular. The total enrolment for last year was 1,957, representing ninety- three counties in Kansas and nineteen different States and Terri- tories. More than seven hundred students held teachers' certifi- cates on entering, and more than two hundred were graduates of high schools, academies, or colleges. The school building is one of the largest of its class in the country, and the equipment is extensive and modern. The library has over thirteen thousand volumes ; the laboratories have abundant apparatus ; the art rooms have complete collections of casts and designs, and the model room has its full set of devices known to present-day pedagogy. The courses of study embrace the elementary, English, Latin, and academic. Tuition is free. The total expense for a term of twenty weeks, including books, board, fuel, and laundry, ranges from $35 to $75. THE KANSAS NORMAL COLLEGE, Fort Scott, E. J. Hoenshel, A. M., President, is an independent, non-sectarian, but decidedly Christian school, founded in 1877. It is the oldest independent school in the State. It comprises a normal college, a business college, and a conservatory of music. Board and room in private family can be had at $2 a week. HESPER ACADEMY, Hesper, Henry H. Townsend, Princi- pal, is an incorporated school established in 1884. It prepares students for any college or university in the West ; gives an excel- lent preparation for teaching in the common schools ; provides a Biblical course of study ; gives a practical business course, and instructs in vocal music and drawing. Total expenses for one year need not exceed $115. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS (co-educational), Law- rence, Francis Huntington Snow, Ph. D., LL. D., President, is at the head of the public school system of the State. It now com- prises the School of Arts, the School of Law, the School of Fine Arts, the School of Pharmacy, the School of Engineering, and the Graduate School. The usual degrees are conferred by the Uni- versity in its various departments. Tuition is free. There are no dormitories, but students find accommodations in the boarding- houses and homes of Lawrence at reasonable rates. LANE UNIVERSITY (co-educational), Lecompton, the Rev. Charles Morgan Brooke, D. D., President, was founded in 1864 by the United Brethren, and was named in honor of Gen. James H. Lane, the first United States Senator from Kansas. It is an accredited college under Kansas laws, and belongs to the State 93 Lincoln. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Kans. Association of Colleges. It offers all the regular courses of study common to a college of arts, and also has a music, normal, commercial, and a divinity school, the last conducted by Bishop J. S. Mills, D. D., LL. D. The Bachelor's degree is conferred in arts, science, and letters, also the corresponding Master's degree. The entire expense for one year varies from $75 to $125. KANSAS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE (co-educational), Lincoln, O. B. Whitaker, A. M., President, offers an elective course at very moderate rates. THE KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Man hattan, Thomas E. Will, President, is nearly forty years old. Its location is central and accessible. Its nine large stone buildings are valued at $237,000, and the college owns three hundred and thirty acres. The campus of sixty-five acres is one of the finest in the West. Over eight hundred students ; a faculty, including assistants, of about sixty ; a graduate list of nearly seven hundred names, these figures stand plainly for success and popularity. The institution is supported by the federal and State governments. With assured financial backing, it is enabled to offer practical and thorough courses of study. Of these, besides the apprentice courses, there are six : Agricultural, engineering, household eco- nomics, architectural, general, and dairy. A military department is also conducted by the college. Tuition is free. BETHEL COLLEGE (co-educational), Newton, was founded and is supported by the Bethel College Corporation of the Men- nonites of North America. The following departments are main- tained : The collegiate, as yet but partially realized ; the academic, with both English and German courses ; the school of music ; the department of elocution and physical culture ; the school of fine art; The Bible institute; and the commercial department. The boarding department is under the control of the school authorities, as are also the dormitories for students on the college grounds. Board and lodging may also be obtained with private families within convenient distance from the school. The school is open to all persons of good moral character. Expenses, including tuition, board, lodging, light, and fuel, vary from $100 to $150 per year of thirty-six weeks. NORTHBRANCH ACADEMY, Northbranch, A. H. Symons, B. S., Principal, opened in 1889, and was chartered under the laws of Kansas in 1890. It is under the supervision of the Society of Friends, but cooperates with all Christian bodies. The courses of study are classical, scientific, English-scientific, and normal, together with a partial business course. The school aims to sup- plement the common schools, to prepare for college, and to fit 94 A>. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Berea. teachers for their profession. Tuition for term of twelve weeks is $6 and $7. TONGANOXIE ACADEMY, Tonganoxie, W. A. George, Busi- ness Manager, was founded in 1884. It is incorporated, and is controlled by a company of stockholders. There are two courses of study, preparatory and academic. Diplomas from this school admit the holders, without examination, to Kansas University and to other colleges. WASHBURN COLLEGE, Topeka, George Marsh Herrick, Lit. D., President, was founded in 1865 under the auspices of the General Association of Congregational churches of Kansas. The site includes over 160 acres, and the college buildings number six. There is a Hall of Science which has a museum and several labora- tories, a library of over 7,500 volumes, and a thoroughly equipped gymnasium. Throughout its history the college has maintained a high standard in its requirements for admission and in its courses of study. The departments are college, academy, art, and music. Tuition is $40 per year. KENTUCKY. BELLEWOOD SEMINARY, Anchorage, W. G. Lord, Princi- pal. This school for young women was founded in 1861 and incor- porated in 1882. Home life and a spirit of mutual helpfulness are emphasized. Out-of-door exercise, Delsarte drills, simple and wholesome food, and daily visits of a physician are some of the provisions for maintaining health. A collegiate course leads to the degree of A. B. ; there is also a thorough course in college preparation. Music, art, stenography, typewriting, and elocution are among the branches taught. The regular charge for boarding pupils for one-half the school year is $90. ASHLAND COLLEGE, Ashland, Arthur H. Harrop, A.M., President, was founded in 1887. The college is under Methodist auspices, but is non-sectarian in its teachings. The preparatory and collegiate are the two general departments into which the college is divided, and the classical, scientific, and teachers' courses are offered. These lead respectively to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, of Science, and of Pedagogy. Tuition in the preparatory department is $8 per term and in the collegiate, $10. Other expenses are low. BEREA COLLEGE, Berea, on the Kentucky Central R. R., 130 miles south of Cincinnati, in the edge of the Cumberland Mountains, was founded before the Civil War as a rallying point for free speech and Union sentiment, and assisted in holding 95 Bowling Green. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ky. Kentucky in the Union. The school is under strong religious influences, but is by its charter prohibited from sectarian control. Buildings and grounds are worth $140,000, and a movement for endowment is now in progress. It has about thirty instructors, and offers a four years' academic and a four years' collegiate course. The largest departments are normal and industrial. The location is specially favorable to health and inexpensive living. Berea draws many students from the North. A prominent feature of this institution is its remarkable work for the vigorous but belated population of the mountain region of the central South. OGDEN COLLEGE, Bowling Green, W. A. Obenchain, A. M., President, was organized in 1877 under a special charter from the Legislature of Kentucky, conferring full collegiate powers and privileges. Preparatory and collegiate departments, the latter offering three courses, classical, philosophical, and scientific, constitute the College. Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, and Bachelor of Science are the degrees conferred by the institu- tion. The fees for tuition for the entire academic year of forty weeks are as follows: Preparatory department, $25; collegiate department, $40. CALDWELL COLLEGE, for young ladies, Danville, the Rev. J. C. Ely, D. D., President, one of the oldest institutions of its kind in Kentucky, was founded in 1858. It offers three courses of study with two degrees, and a seminary course was organized in September, 1898. Diplomas are awarded in music and elocu- tion. Telegraphy, typewriting, stenography, and bookkeeping may be studied at moderate rates. The college location is healthful and the social advantages of the town are excellent. Two hun- dred and ten dollars will pay the expenses of board and tuition for a year. HARDIN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Elizabethtown, Rice Miller, B. A., President, was founded six years ago by the Central University of Kentucky to do the work of a university preparatory school. Its aim is two-fold : It prepares for higher college classes ; it fits the student for practical business life. The Institute claims that its diplomas for graduation ensure equipment for the junior year of the best American colleges. There are primary, interme- diate, high school, and teachers' normal courses. Instruction is given in military science and in physical culture. Tuition in the primary course is $15 per term; intermediate, $20; high school and teachers' normal, $25. LIBERTY COLLEGE, Glasgow, H. J. Greenwell, A.M., Presi- dent, is a co-educational Baptist school, located in the Bluegrass country, and now in its twenty-fourth year. The curriculum pre- 96 Ky. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Loretto. sents the following courses : Primary, intermediate, academic, collegiate scientific, collegiate classical, normal, business, elocu- tion and physical culture, music, and art. Board and literary tuition amount to $170 per year. BEAUMONT COLLEGE, Harrodsburg, Th. Smith, A. M., President (Alumnus of Univ. of Va.). This college, one of the most widely known of the girls' schools of the South, is located in the suburbs of Harrodsburg, one of the most picturesque towns in Kentucky. It is a school for girls only, and was known from 1856 to 1893 as Daughters' College. The grounds, situated in the immediate vicinity of the famous Greenville Mineral Springs, are very beautiful. The curriculum is perhaps the most extended to be found in any Southern women's college, some of the courses being commensurate with those of the best American men's colleges. It has drawn its students from twenty-six States. Four literary and five musical diplomas are offered, and all courses are extensive and thorough. The Beaumont Conservatory of Music is under the direction of John H. Norman, Mus. Doct. (Oxford, Eng.), and Professor Meiler, the specialist in string music, is a graduate of the Royal College of Music, at Munich, Bavaria. The expenses for the year, including board, light, servants' attendance, and literary tuition in the collegiate department, are $225. HINDMAN SCHOOL, Hindman, George Clarke, Principal, was organized in 1887, and has a present enrolment of nearly three hundred. The departments are primary, teacher's, commercial, collegiate, and music. There is no boarding department. Tuition varies from $i to $3 per month. STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY, Lexington, J. K. Patter- son, LL. D., F. S. A., President, was established as one of the colleges of Kentucky University ; this connection was broken in 1878, and it has since been conducted as an independent institu- tion. A beneficiary under the Land Grant Act of 1862, the college makes its main object that of education in agriculture and the mechanic arts, but a normal school has been added to these de- partments by the State, and an experimental station by the national government. The curriculum is divided into sixteen thoroughly organized departments. Eleven degrees are conferred. There is no tuition fee for "county appointees." For others it is $15 annually, and the total expenses about $200. YOUNG LADIES' ACADEHY, Loretto, under the charge of the Sisters of Loretto, was founded in 1812 by the Rev. Charles Nerinckx, missionary priest of Belgium. It was incorporated in 1829, and has enjoyed a long and honorable history. The build- ings, which are situated on a tract of fifteen hundred acres, include 97 Louisville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ky. the academy, church, convent, visitors' house, chaplain's residence, novitiate, steam laundry, workmen's dwelling, and the historic episcopal residence built by Kentucky's pioneer priest, now re- served for gentlemen guests. The school is centrally located, two and one-half hours' ride from Louisville. It has every modern equipment for the best education, and offers both a preparatory and an academic course. Exceptional opportunities are given to students of music, arts, stenography, typewriting, and telegraphy. While a strongly Catholic school, the institution in nowise inter- feres with th religious opinions of Protestant pupils. Board and tuition for each of the two twenty-week sessions is $75 in the preparatory course and $80 in the academic. ALLMOND'S UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, 1071 Third Avenue, Louisville, Marcus Blakey Allmond, A. M., LL. D., Head Master, was founded by the present head master in 1885. It is located on the most fashionable resident street and the most popular boulevard in Louisville. The building is a three story brick, with every modern convenience. The school is limited in number so that the individual attention of the experienced head master may be given to each pupil. His is, however, ably assisted by experi- enced teachers. The standard of the school is high, and its grad- uates pass without condition into Harvard, Yale, Princeton, University of Virginia, and other universities. In competitive examinations for high positions the students have always shown notable prowess. The head master, himself a writer of note, has awakened and quickened many of his students to be the leading writers of Kentucky. flR. FLEXNER'S SCHOOL, 2 10 W.Ormsby Avenue, Louisville, Abraham Flexner, A. B. (Johns Hopkins, 1886), Principal. The attendance is limited to ten primary and fifteen secondary pupils, each of whom is separately taught. In its eight years of existence it has been remarkably successful in stimulating to study boys and girls who have been previous failures at school. HAflPTON COLLEGE, Louisville, Mrs. L. D. Hampton-Cow- ling, President, a school for girls and young women, is located on Garvin Place, Louisville, in the large and handsome building formerly used by the Louisville Athletic Club. Besides its numer- ous, well lighted, and large schoolrooms, it contains a gymnasium seventy-five by fifty feet and surrounded by a gallery. This is used for the gymnastics which are an indispensable part of the school course, for entertainments and meetings of Hampton Club. The spacious grounds contain bowling alleys, clay tennis courts, with facilities for basket-ball and other out-door games. The building is heated by steam and lighted by electricity. Situated in the 98 A'v. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Russellville. finest residence quarter of Louisville, it is free from noise and dis- tractions. Hampton College has been established twenty years. By act of the Legislature it was incorporated in 1881, and confers all degrees and diplomas within the province of any college in the State. The course consists of three departments : The college proper, which prepares girls for women's colleges or universities, or for a womanly life outside a professional career ; the preparatory department, which furnishes instruction to both boys and girls in the work of grammar schools ; the primary department, including the kindergarten. Graduate students may pursue advanced work. The teachers are specialists trained in the best American univer- sities. Modern languages, vocal music, painting, and elocution are taught as extras. A few boarding pupils are admitted to the home of the president. KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE, Lyndon, Col. C. W. Fowler, M. A., C. E., Superintendent, was founded in 1845 ^Y Col. R. T. P. Allen, a graduate of West Point, and two years later it was chartered by the State Legislature. For fifty-one years it was located at the old Franklin springs, near Frankfort, but the present superintendent moved it to a country location nine miles east of Louisville ; the post-office is Lyndon, a mile and a half dis- tant. Individual instruction and an all-round training, mental, moral, physical, and social, are the foundation stones of its suc- cess ; the country location was chosen with a view to freeing a boy from the ordinary temptations to be found in cities and small towns. The usual degrees are granted upon a rigid written ex- amination, and its graduates are commissioned by the Governor, the only school in the State whose graduates are so honored. The expense for board, washing, etc., tuition, two uniforms, and the necessary books is but $350 per year. PRINCETON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Princeton, the Rev. John M. Richmond, D. D., President, was established in 1860 and suspended work during the Civil War. It came under the control of the Presbyterian Church in 1881. The trustees are appointed by the Presbytery of Louisville, under a liberal State charter. The school aims both to fit thoroughly for college, and to prepare those who cannot attend college for life work. It has a faculty of ten, is co-educational, and is divided into three general depart- ments : Primary, preparatory, and collegiate. Special advantages are given for the study of art, music, and elocution. The cost of board and tuition is $200 a year. BETHEL COLLEGE, Russellville, the Rev. Edward Sinclair Alderman, D. D., President, occupies a beautiful campus on the outskirts of Russellville. A wise and benevolent forethought 99 Shelbyville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ay. led the venerable fathers of Bethel Association to encourage the education of young ministers. The result was Bethel High School, which, with increasing means and expanding views, speedily be- came Bethel College. The trustees have no other purpose than to furnish young men with the best facilities, the most approved methods, the most varied and thorough courses, and the most competent instructors their resources and judgment can afford. The funds for this purpose were accumulated through what was known as the Green River Baptist Education Society, and after- wards through other agencies. The terms are moderate, and a limited number receive free scholarships. SCIENCE HILL, an English and classical school for girls, Shel- byville, Mrs. W. T. Poynter, Principal. Science Hill was opened March 25, 1825, by the Rev. John Tevis and his wife, Julia A. Tevis, in the building it now occupies. Mr. Tevis died in 1861, and the school continued under the management of Mrs. Tevis until 1879, when it was purchased by Dr. W. T. Poynter. For seventeen years he devoted himself to its maintenance and growth. Upon his death in 1896 Mrs. Poynter assumed the management. The teachers are graduates of the best Eastern colleges. The school prepares for Wellesley and Vassar Colleges, and her pupils are admitted upon certificate. The musical department is excep- tionally strong. The total expense, including instruction in music, is $308, or $258 without music. RIVERSIDE SEfllNARY, Vanceburg, Lawrence Rolfe, A. B., Principal, is healthfully situated and easy of access. The Semi- nary embraces three courses of study, leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Philosophy ; also preparatory and primary departments. It is co-educational. The charges for board and tuition are $125 per year. WILLIAflSBURG ACADEflY, Williamsburg, Charles M. Stevens, Principal, is under the auspices of the American Mis- sionary Association of New York. The school was founded in 1882 and has been steadily growing. Expenses are low and instruction thorough. Two courses are open to students, an academic and a normal. LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY AND AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, Baton Rouge, Thomas D. Boyd, LL. D., President, united two former State institutions under its present name and legal title in October, 1877. The site of the University is historic, its extensive grounds having been occupied 100 La. , WHERE TO EDUCATE. New Orleans. successively by the armed battalions of France, England, Spain, and the divided America of our Civil War. The campus, one of the finest in the South, overlooks the Mississippi River. Among the buildings are the barracks, chemical laboratory, agricultural Hall, mechanical workshop, armories, hospital, veterinary in- firmary, gymnasium, and library, the latter holding over 20,000 books. Six courses of study are offered: Agricultural, sugar, mechanical and civil engineering, general science, Latin-science, and literary. Those successfully completing any one of the first four courses receive the degree B. S. ; those successfully complet- ing either of the last two receive the degree A. B. Graduate courses are given leading to the degrees M. S., C. E., and M. A. ACADIA COLLEGE (co-educational), Crowley, J. T. Barrett, President, offers a broad curriculum with courses entirely elective. Entrance may be at any time without examination. The entire expense for ten months need not exceed $155. HISS BEACH'S SCHOOL, Crowley, Ellen P. Beach, Prin- cipal, was established two years ago. It is a day school, the attendance now numbering about thirty. ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, Grand Coteau, was founded in 1821 and incorporated in 1852. It combines with Christian instruction every advantage for the acquisition of a refined and solid education. HARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, Marksville, V. L. Roy, B. S., Principal. This school is owned and directed by a board com- posed of some of the leading citizens of the parish. The comple- tion of the course ensures admission to the sophomore classes of the two universities in Louisiana. The buildings are commodious and attractive. The location is one of the most healthful in the State, and the equipment of the institution is full in all depart- ments. The faculty consists of eight able men and women, grad- uates of the leading schools of Louisiana. The institution is co-educational. HAUGHN INSTITUTE, 1953 Octavia Street, near St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Mrs. M. M. Haughn, Principal, was estab- lished in October, 1892, and already enjoys a reputation for thoroughness. It contains primary, intermediate, and academic departments for boys and girls, and furnishes, in addition, special instruction in languages, vocal and instrumental music, elocution, art, and dancing. The building is constructed with special refer- ence to sanitary regulations and scholastic conveniences. The grounds are ample, and the library is composed of carefully selected volumes. 101 New Orleans. WHERE TO EDUCATE. La. JOHN UEBER'S SCHOOL, 2718 North Rampart Street, New Orleans, was originally started by the Rev. C. Sans, a Ger- man pastor, who came over from Texas in May, 1840. After a short acquaintance with the Ueber family, he proposed to open an English and German school of which he would be the principal. and the brothers, Jacob and John Ueber, his assistants. In accordance with this proposition the school was begun August 7, 1840, with about fifty pupils. The attendance increased steadily, no public schools being in existence then. Some disagreement having broken out between the pastor and his congregation, he left for the North, and the Ueber brothers remained in charge of the school, which was held in the church building. In 1850 they erected an unpretentious schoolhouse, where the school bell has rung regularly every morning and noon for the last forty-eight years, with scarcely a single interruption. August 7, 1890, wit- nessed the celebration of the " Golden Jubilee " of the school. Shortly after this celebration Jacob Ueber retired, leaving John alone in the management of the school. Mr. Ueber says : " I can safely say that this school, though only elementary in its character, has been a great educational factor in this city, not only hundreds, but thousands, of our citizens having received the rudiments of their education here. One of our former governors, Louis A. Wiltz, Samuel Blum, of the Produce Exchange, and many others occupying high positions of honor and respectability, were our pupils. This school can lay claim to being unique, in so far as it has run an uninterrupted course of fifty-eight years, and that I, the remaining partner, have taught longer, perhaps, than any other man in the South, if not in the entire country, having never been ill, except in 1841 for about a month, and am still in the full possession of health and vigor, ready to continue the work entrusted to my feeble hands by my Divine Master." F. D. BLAKE AND flRS. L. POLK CHAPMAN'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for Girls, 2231 to 2241 Pry tania Street, New Orleans, was established in 1884. It offers a liberal course of study for girls preparing for college or for those who do not intend entering college. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEflY, New Orleans and Baton Rouge, are conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph. The New Orleans school was founded in 1859, tne branch house at Baton Rouge in 1868. Non-Catholic girls are received, and no undue influence is exercised over their religious opinions. There are preparatory, junior, intermediate, senior, and graduating departments, and a department of music. Scrupulous attention is paid to the health of the pupils. Terms for board and tuition, per month, are $17. 102 La. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New Orleans. SOULE COLLEGE, New Orleans, Col. George Soule, Presi- dent, is a practical business college, with an annual enrolment of from 350 to 400 students. The institution is non-sectarian and co-educational, and embraces six schools : An intermediate, a higher English, an academic, a shorthand, a language, a practical commer- cial. STRAIGHT UNIVERSITY, New Orleans, Oscar Atwood, A. M., President, was founded twenty-nine years ago by the American Missionary Association, upon which it is still dependent. It is a school for the education of the negro race, and received its name from the late Hon. Seymour Straight, of Hudson, Ohio, a prominent benefactor. There are over 500 students distributed through the following departments : College, college preparatory, normal, grammar, Hand Preparatory School, theological, industrial, night school, department of music. The fees are very low. Board and tuition, per month, is $12. TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA, New Orleans, William Preston Johnston, LL. D., President, was established in 1884 as a result of the benevolence of Mr. Paul Tulane, a wealthy resident of New Orleans, and the existing University of Louisiana was transferred to the new institution and merged in it. The older university at the time of the transfer embraced a medical department established in 1834, a law department founded in 1847, and a more recently organized academic department. Tulane University now contains, in addition to the historic law and medical schools, a university department of philosophy and science with thirteen chairs, a university department for teachers, a college of arts and sciences, a college of technology, and the H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for young women. The grounds of the University are extensive and admirably located. About eighteen acres have been set apart as a campus, and on this a group of handsome buildings have lately been erected. Immediately in the rear of the campus are the athletic grounds, covering about six acres. The library has approximately 15,000 volumes. Admission to the College of Arts and Sciences is on examination, and by certificate from accredited schools. Students completing the classical, literary, or Latin-scientific course will receive the degree B. A. ; those completing the scientific course, the degree B. S. ; those completing the courses of the Col- lege of Technology, the degree B. E. In the University depart- ment, besides the Master's and Doctor's degrees, the degrees of Civil Engineer and Mechanical Engineer are given. Graduate work done elsewhere may count towards an advanced degree at Tulane, but the year immediately preceding the attainment of an advanced degree must be spent in residence at the University. 103 Spearsville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. La. The tuition fee for all students in the college departments, who are admitted for the first time and who do not hold scholarships, is $105. In the law department the annual charge is $80; in the medical department the fees for the first two years amount to $150 each, for the third year to $165. Candidates for the degree Ph. D. are exempt from tuition. EVERETT INSTITUTE, Spearsville, Charles A. Matthews, Ph. B., Principal, is a Baptist school, founded in 1892, and doing college preparatory work. There are three departments : Primary, intermediate, and preparatory. Tuition varies from $1.50 per month in the lowest primary grades to $3 in the last year of the preparatory course. MAINE. UNIVERSITY OF HAINE SCHOOL OF LAW, Bangor, George E. Gardner, Dean. This department of the Maine State University was opened to students October 5, 1898. Since there is no other law school in New England north of Boston, the constituency to which this institution will appeal is a wide one. The course of study covers two years, conforming to the requirements for admission to the bar in the State of Maine, and a very high standard of work will be maintained. The school is located in the Exchange Building, Bangor, the University itself having its seat at Orono, nine miles distant. While the text-book and lecture methods of study will not be ignored, the systematic study of cases will form the basis of the work. At the completion of the two years' course the degree of Bachelor of Laws will be conferred. Tuition is $60 a year. GOULD ACADEMY, Bethel, Frank Edward Hanscom, Prin- cipal, grew out of a school which was incorporated in 1836, under the name of Bethel Academy. It was at that time quite without funds, and depended wholly upon public patronage for support ; but in 1842 the Rev. Daniel Gould, of Rumford, made a bequest, since known as the Gould Fund, on condition that the name be changed to Gould Academy. The present commodious building was erected in 1881. There are two courses: The classical, which fits for college, and the academic, which offers a good general education. Tuition per term is $6 in common English, and $7 in higher English and in languages. BOWDOIN COLLEGE, Brunswick, the Rev. William De Witt Hyde, LL. D., President, was incorporated by the General Court of Massachusetts in 1794. Admission is by examination. The work of the freshman year and one-third of the sophomore year is required ; that of the remaining two-thirds of the sophomore year 104 Me. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Charleston. and the whole of the junior and senior years is elective. There are three courses of study, leading respectively to the degrees of B. A., B. S., and B. L. The college is under Congregational aus- pices, though non-sectarian in spirit. In all matters pertaining to the good order of the college, and the relations of the students to one another, the students govern themselves through a jury, consisting of undergraduates. The college buildings, eleven in number, are grouped upon a campus of forty acres. The college library contains over fifty-six thousand volumes. Affiliated with Bowdoin College is the Medical School of Maine, which is under the superintendence of the same boards of trustees and overseers. Among Bowdoin's distinguished alumni are H. W. Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and ex-President Pierce. Annual tuition fee in the college is $75. EAST riAINE CONFERENCE SEMINARY, Bucksport, the Rev. J. F. Haley, A. M., President, was founded in 1848 by the East Maine Conference of the M. E. Church. Its original charter was obtained in 1850. Courses offered are as follows: Latin- scientific, English - scientific, ancient-classical, modern-classical, academic, normal, commercial, pianoforte, and voice culture. The primary aim of the school is that of college preparation. Board is $2.25 per week ; room rent, $5 to $6.50 per term ; tuition in common English (as basis), $5 per term, in each study in higher English or languages (extra), $1.50. THE EASTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Castine, A. F. Richardson, A. M., Principal, has been in operation thirty years, and has had nearly four thousand different pupils since its organization. The school building is of brick, and accommo- dates 175 pupils. There are two courses of study, the regular course of two years, and an advance course of one year, open to graduates only. Training schools connected . with the Normal School include kindergarten, primary, intermediate, and grammar grades. Tuition is free to those only who pledge themselves to teach in the public schools of the State for so long a time as they are connected with the school, and who pursue the prescribed courses of study. Others pay $10 a term, besides the incidental fee of $1.50. HIGGINS CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, Charleston, H. Warren Foss, A. B., Principal. Established as Charleston Academy in 1837, tne school was incorporated under its present name in 1891, and became a regular fitting school for Colby University. Three courses, covering four years each, are offered : College preparatory, Latin-scientific, and English. The first year of the English course is designed as a preparatory year for the other courses. Tuition 105 Cumberland Center. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Me. for common English is $4 per term ; for higher English and lan- guages, $5. Tuition for 'telegraphy, typewriting, painting, and instrumental music is extra. GREELY INSTITUTE, Cumberland Center, Percy F. Wil- liams, A. B., Principal. This academy, founded through the liberality of Hon. Eliphalet Greeley, is located ten miles from Portland, on the Maine Central Railroad. There are two general departments, preparatory and high school. In the latter three courses are offered, the scientific, the scientific and classical, and the college preparatory. Tuition to students not residing in town in common English is $4 per term ; in high English, $5 ; in lan- guages, $6. WESTBROOK SEHINARY, Deering, the Rev. H. S. Whitman, A. M., President, was chartered in 1831, and opened for students in 1834. Its location is healthful and beautiful, and the school is easy of access to Portland. The buildings are Goddord Hall for the young gentlemen, Hersey Hall for the young ladies, a dining- hall connecting the two, Alumni Hall, and a gymnasium. Six courses are offered : Preparatory, English, college preparatory, ladies' classical, scientific, and modern language. Of these the first occupies one year, the second three years, and the others four years each. Degrees are conferred by State authority upon ladies who complete either the scientific or ladies' classical course. Music, art, oratory, and physical culture are taught by specially trained instructors. ABBOTT FAMILY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, "Little Blue," Farmington, A. H. Abbott, A. M., Principal. Situated just outside the village of Farmington, Little Blue, the former home of Mr. Jacob Abbott, where the " Rollo Books " and other books for young people were written, was in 1844 made the seat of the above named school by his brother, the Rev. Samuel Phillips Abbott, under whose management it continued until his death, when it passed into the hands of the present proprietor and prin- cipal. There are two courses of study, an English and a classical. There are two sessions a year. The first begins on the fifteenth of September, and the second on the twelfth of January. The terms for board, tuition, washing, and mending for the school year, for pupils of fourteen years and under, are $250 ; and for those over fourteen, $300. There are no extras except for (optional) lessons in music and typewriting. FOXCROFT ACADEflY, Foxcroft, Lyman K. Lee, A. B., Principal, was founded in 1823, by Joseph E. Foxcroft, and has ever since remained the educational centre of Piscataquis County. The courses of study prepare for colleges, technical and normal 1 06 Me. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Lewiston. schools, as well as for practical business. Graduates of the pre- paratory course are admitted on certificate to Colby, Bates, Mt. Holyoke, the University of Vermont, and similar institutions. Tuition in the English course is $5 ; in the college preparatory and Latin scientific courses, each $7. RICKER CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, Houlton, Arthur M. Thomas, A. M., Principal, was incorporated in 1847, an d was opened the following year. It was a village academy until 1877, when, having been substantially endowed by Colby University, its property was transferred to that college, and it became one of Colby's preparatory schools. There are four courses of study : A college preparatory, an English and scientific, and an academic course, of four years each ; and a normal course of three years. Tuition in all courses is $22 per year. MAINE WESLEY AN SEfllNARY AND FEHALE COL- LEGE, Kent's Hill, the Rev. A. F. Chase, Ph. D., President, is a widely known Methodist institution, founded in 1820, and char- tered as a college in 1860. It is empowered to confer the degrees of A. B. and A. M. upon graduates, but it lays more emphasis upon strict college preparation. The courses of study are : Classical, scientific, English, seminary, literary and musical, normal, and col- lege. There are also a Conservatory of Music, a School of Art, and a Business College. One feature of the last-named department is the counting-house, embracing a bank, wholesale and retail mer- cantile emporiums, and an exchange. Instruction in military tactics is given according to the latest infantry regulations of the United States army. Necessary expenses for the school year average $160. BATES COLLEGE, Lewiston, George C. Chase, LL. D., Presi- dent. In 1864 Maine State Seminary, chartered in 1855, became Bates College. This name was chosen in acknowledgment of generous benefactions from Mr. Benjamin E. Bates, of Boston, Mass. The college is unsectarian, though aggressively Christian, and it has been from its organization co-educational, having begun on the Atlantic seaboard the movement for the higher education of women. Admission is by written and oral examination and by certificates from approved schools. Degrees conferred are Bach- elor of Arts and Master of Arts. The college has five buildings, including a gymnasium. The library has about fourteen thousand volumes. There are about 260 students and fifteen instructors. The yearly charge for tuition is $50. COBB DIVINITY SCHOOL (co-educational), a department of Bates College, Lewiston, was founded in 1840. Its building, faculty, classes, and discipline are totally distinct from those of Lewiston. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Me. the college. Its faculty consists of seven men. It offers three courses of study : The full divinity course for men of college, or equivalent, training ; an elective course, open to students of ma- turity in classes of Bates College, who pursue full divinity studies, but in college and divinity school save one year of time ; and the Biblical training course, an English course of two years' duration. A new building, healthful and pleasant site, congenial associations, and an accessible location make this an admirable school of theological learning. While a Free Baptist institution, it receives men and women from any denomination. LATIN SCHOOL, Lewiston, I. F. Frisbee, A. M., Ph. D., Prin- cipal, is owned by Bates College, and is managed by a special board of nine directors appointed by the corporation of the college. The special object of the school is to prepare young men for Bates College, but applicants need not contemplate a college course. A thorough knowledge of the common English branches is requisite for admission. The course is three years. The necessary expenses of students who room in the building range from $125 to $160. This includes tuition, room, board, fuel, and washing. LINCOLN ACADEMY, Newcastle, George Howard Larrabee, A.M., Principal. Chartered in 1801, opened to pupils in 1805, its building completed in the latter year, burned in 1828, and rebuilt in 1829, this excellent school has had an uncommonly long and eventful history. Its location is high and healthful, and its present building and equipment are adequate and modern. The classical course fits for college. Graduates are admitted on certi- ficate to Bowdoin, Wellesley, Smith, and other colleges of the best grade. The academic course offers a good general education to those not looking forward to college. The English and business course prepares for practical life. Total expense for the year is about $150. BRIDGTON ACADEMY, North Bridgton, C. C. Spratt, A. B., Principal, was established in 1808, and opened in 1811. Its loca- tion in northern Cumberland County, at the head of Long Lake, is one of remarkable natural beauty. The courses of study are the classical and the academic. Ample grounds and an excellent gymnasium give opportunity for varied exercise. The institution aims to offer especial advantages to mature students of limited means. The expenses in pleasant and comfortable surroundings need not exceed $175 a year. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, Orono, Abram W. Harris, Sc. D., President, was one of the schools of agriculture and the mechanic arts founded in consequence of the "Land-grant Act "of 1862. Within a few years it has greatly widened its scope, and in 1897 1 08 Me. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Vassalboro. its name was changed by the Legislature to the present one, which indicates its broader purpose for the future. The University build- ings number twenty. Facilities for work in science are excellent. The library contains over thirteen thousand volumes. Military instruction is given under the charge of a United States army officer. The faculty numbers forty, the student body over three huncrred. All courses of the University are open to women. These are the school of law, the classical course, the Latin scientific course, the scientific course, the chemical course, the agricultural course, the pharmacy course (four years), the short pharmacy course (two years), the preparatory medical course, the civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering courses. Tuition is $30 a year. PARIS HILL ACADEHY, J. O. Wellman, A. B., Principal, is situated in the village of Paris. While the school offers three distinct courses of study, its primary object is to prepare young men and women for college. The academy has a constantly growing library of several hundred volumes, and adequate equip- ment for laboratory work in the sciences. All text-books are furnished free. Tuition, $2, $3, and $4 per term. There are no extras. Good board may be obtained in private families at a low rate. MAINE CENTRAL INSTITUTE, Pittsfield, O. H. Drake, A. M., Principal, is centrally located, being twenty miles east of Waterville, and thirty-four west of Bangor, on the Maine Central Railroad. The school building is a substantial brick structure, and the grounds are extensive. There are five courses of study : College preparatory, classical, scientific, normal, and English. Tuition per term, in common English, $7 ; in higher English, $7.50; in languages, $8. THORNTON ACADEMY, Saco, Edwin P. Sampson, A. M., Principal. Saco Academy was chartered February 16, 1811, and was opened January 4, 1813. Early in 1822, in recognition of a gift from Thomas G. Thornton, United States marshal, the name was changed to Thornton Academy. The school building was burned July 29, 1848, and was rebuilt in 1888. The new build- ing is attractive, sanitary, and well equipped with modern appara- tus. Three courses of study are offered : English, classical, and scientific. Tuition is $30 a year, and board may be obtained in the city at from $3 to $6 a week. OAK GROVE SEHINARY, Vassalboro, F. H. Sanborn, Princi- pal, was begun as a " Select School " about 1850, to give a guarded religious education to the children of Friends. The school now belongs to the New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, and is managed by the committee appointed by that body. The four 109 Waterville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Me. years' classical course is preparatory for college. The literary and scientific course, also four years, is planned more especially for those intending to teach. The time of completion of the commer- cial course depends on the ability of the pupil. Tuition for the regular course is $18 per year, for the commercial course, $10. COBURN CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, Waterville, Franklin W. Johnson, A. M., Principal, was established in 1829. It is a well endowed school for both sexes, equipped with modern buildings and appliances for work. It is situated in a beautiful and health- ful town at the junction of the two principal branches of the Maine Central Railroad. The school is best known as a prepara- tory school, and each year prepares more students for college than any other school in Maine. Four courses are offered, each thor- ough and complete. The musical department affords facilities for instruction in both vocal and instrumental music. The expenses, including tuition, board, and books, vary from $150 to $225 per year. COLBY UNIVERSITY, Waterville, Rev. Nathaniel Butler, D. D., President. This institution was chartered in 1813 by peti- tion to the General Court of Massachusetts. Rev. Sylvanus Boardman was the first president under the corporation. In 1864 Mr. Gardner Colby gave $50,000 to the college, and in 1866 it took his name. The classical course leads to the degree of A. B., the course without Greek, to the degree of Ph. B. The charge for tuition, room, and incidental expenses connected with the library, gymnasium, etc., is approximately $100 per year. WILTON ACADEHY, Wilton, Drew T. Harthorn, A. M., Prin- cipal, was incorporated in 1866, and the first term began the following year. Four courses of study are given : College prepara- tory, Latin-scientific, and English, each of four years, and the commercial course of two years. Tuition per term is $7 in lan- guages, and $6 in English. The commercial course is $6 for the first year, and $9 for the second. NORTH YARMOUTH ACADEMY, Yarmouth, the Rev. B. P. Snow, A. M., Principal,was incorporated by act of the General Court of Massachusetts, February 4, 1814, and in 1824 the State of Maine confirmed this act. The academy has done a remarkable work as an institution of advanced grade, and points with pride to the record it has made, for the ability of its teachers, and the attain- ments of its students. In harmony with its original aims, and in full accord with its best traditions, the trustees of the academy are making a forward movement, looking to enlarged courses, improved methods, increased apparatus and appliances. The school is thus I 10 Md. , WHERE TO EDUCATE. Baltimore. in touch with the best educational methods of the time, so enabling it to realize more fully than ever the purpose that has controlled its entire history. There are three courses : College preparatory, academic, and English. With each of these, sciences, in due measure, are combined. The college preparatory course fits for Bowdoin, Harvard, and other leading colleges, including Wellesley, Smith, and Mt. Holyoke. The English course is designed to give ample preparation for business pursuits. Students will be pre- pared for the regular courses of the University of Maine at Orono, or for any of the schools of technology. The school offers special facilities to young women desiring reliable preparation for colleges, or advanced courses in the academy itself. Yarmouth, on the Grand Trunk and the Maine Central Railroads, is adjacent to the beautiful Casco Bay, distant from Portland less than a half hour's ride, and at about the same distance from Brunswick and Bowdoin College. For convenience and attractiveness of location, for ex- ceptionally favorable sanitary conditions, for excellent social and moral surroundings, and as a point upon which the best educa- tional influences center, it is believed that North Yarmouth Acad- emy may advance the highest claims to favorable consideration. Board and tuition is $150 a year. MARYLAND. 5T. JOHN'S COLLEGE, Annapolis, Thomas Fell, A. M., Ph. D., LL. D., President. In 1696, King William's School was estab- lished, and was opened in 1701. In 1784 it was merged into St. John's College, which is thus one of the oldest colleges in the country. The collegiate department embraces four groups of studies for undergraduates, each occupying four years : The classi- cal and the Latin scientific, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and the scientific and mechanical engineering, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science. Post-graduate courses are arranged for those graduates who wish to become candidates for the Mas- ter's degree. In connection with the college, and under the super- vision of President Fell, is St. John's Preparatory school. A special feature of this school is the careful preparation of candi- dates for the United States Naval Academy. There is also a school of military science and tactics, under the command of a United States army officer, detailed by the War Department. The college expenses are about $300 per annum, including board, tuition, and incidental expenses. BALTIMORE flEDICAL COLLEGE, Baltimore, David Street, A. M., M. D., Dean. The course of instruction leading to the degree of M. D. embraces four years of study, including lectures, laboratory and hospital work. The laboratories are thoroughly Baltimore. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Md. equipped, and the hospitals and dispensary furnish ample facilities for practical instruction in clinics, surgery, and special branches. The regular winter course is preceded by a preliminary course in September, which all students are urged to attend. Pursuit of the supplementary spring course in April and May is optional. Tuition and matriculation fees for the winter course are $95. For worthy young men of limited means, these fees are reduced to $75. For the spring course the fees are $15, which will be deducted from the fees required for the ensuing winter course. For the fall course no fees are required. Scholarships, fellowships, and prizes are awarded to meritorious students. THE BALTIflORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, 9 W. Franklin Street, Baltimore, M. W. Foster, M. D., D. D. S., Dean, is the oldest, and for many years was the only dental college in the world. It enters on the fifty-ninth year of its career with its prospects for usefulness higher than ever before. It has added to its faculty and clinical corps strong and active men, and is better equipped than at any period of its existence. The college course is three sessions of six months each. Tuition is $100 per session. THE GIRLS' LATIN SCHOOL, Baltimore, William H. Shelley, A. M., Principal, was founded in 1890 with especial reference to preparing girls for the Woman's College of Baltimore. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course, a certificate will be conferred which will be accepted as a substitute for entrance examinations to the Woman's College. The school possesses two buildings, one purely for instruction, the other wholly for residence. The former is a granite structure thoroughly lighted, ventilated, and heated ; the latter is a brick building, containing apartments for sixty-five students. The course of study covers four years. Art and music are elective. The annual charge for students who do not reside in the Home, is $100; for resident students, $350. Liberal deductions made to the daughters of clergymen. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, Baltimore, Daniel C. Oilman, LL. D., President, was incorporated in 1867, though the instruction of students did not begin until October, 1876, the intervening years having been occupied with the details of organization. The University was founded by the munificence of a citizen of Balti- more, Mr. Johns Hopkins, who bequeathed the most of his large estate for the establishment of a university and a hospital. The foundation of the institution is a capital in land and stocks, esti- mated in value at more than $3,000,000 ; the capital of the hospi- tal is not less in amount. There are two faculties : The faculty of philosophy ; the faculty of medicine. The former was organized in 1876 for the instruction of young men in languages, literature, and science. Collegiate courses are offered leading to the degree I 12 Md. . WHERE TO EDUCATE. Baltimore. of A. B., and advanced courses leading to the degree of Ph. D. The faculty of medicine was gradually brought together, and in the autumn of 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School was fully organized and opened for the instruction of young men and young women who desire to proceed to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND, corner Charles Street and Homeland Avenue, Baltimore, School Sisters of Notre Dame, is a college for young ladies, and a preparatory school for girls, chartered in 1864. It includes a college department, which confers the degrees of B. A., B. L., and B. S., and a preparatory department, a music department, and an art school. The location is noted for its beauty and healthfulness, and the buildings are excellently equipped. Pupils of all denominations are received. The terms per annum in both the college and preparatory depart- ments, including board and regular tuition, are $256. SOUTHERN HOnE SCHOOL, 915 and 917 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Mrs. W. M. Gary and Miss Gary, Principals, was opened in 1842, and, after several removals, was established in its present handsome quarters in 1865. Boarding pupils are regarded as members of the family, and no effort is spared to secure their happiness and well-being. French is spoken during stated hours of the day. There are primary, junior, and senior departments, and there is also a post-graduate course. The school is recommended by President Gilman, of Johns Hopkins University. Terms for boarding pupils, $500 per year. WILFORD HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 909 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Mrs. Waller R Bullock, Principal. September 27, 1898, began the twenty-first year of this school. Being located in the city of Baltimore, the school offers many opportunities for culture outside of the regular course. It has five departments : Infant, primary (to which boys are admitted), grammar, college preparatory, and academic. Pupils completing the regular col- lege preparatory course will be admitted without examination to Wellesley College, to the Woman's College, Baltimore? and to other leading colleges. No pupil from Wilford School has ever been sent to college conditioned. Pupils are admitted at any time during the year, but the number of boarding pupils is limited. The school has become known in Baltimore for its successful work in preparing girls for college. Students are constantly sent by the colleges to Wilford School to receive coaching in branches necessary to admission. In this way every year much individual work is arranged for, and the most careful attention given in such cases. Music is part of the school work and may be substituted for Latin. Boaid and tuition in English, French, and German, $500 per annum. This does not include laundry, use of piano, etc. Baltimore. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Md. TRAINING SCHOOL OF THE BALTIMORE KINDER- GARTEN ASSOCIATION, 33 North Avenue, West, Baltimore, Miss Caroline M. C. Hart, Principal ; Dr. Edward H. Griffin, President of the Association, who is also Dean of Johns Hopkins University. The association was organized February 10, 1893, for the purpose of spreading a knowledge of Froebel's principles in the community, of encouraging the training of kindergartners, and of promoting the establishment of kindergartens. Twelve kindergartens for practice are in direct connection with the work. The courses of study are : The junior, the senior, the graduate, the alumnae, and the course for directors of normal classes. The tuition for the junior and senior course (two years) is $150; for the senior course, $100 ; for the graduate course, $100. The alumnae fee is $10 yearly, and any member is eligible for the course for director of normal classes, which is free. In the Outlook for April 3, 1897, Miss Susan E. Blow says of this work: "The fact that all these classes are conducted by Miss Hart gives to the work a unity and power which it would be hard to overvalue." THE WOflAN'S COLLEGE OF BALTlflORE, the Rev. John F. Goucher, A.M., D. D., President, was founded in 1888. Its equipment consists of nine buildings, of which four are for residence only. It aims to provide young women opportunities for intellectual training in the midst of surroundings that are equally favorable to their physical and moral well-being. The requirements for admission are essentially those of the Eastern colleges of first rank. Graduates of good high schools, in which Latin and at least one other language are taught, should be able to enter, and the certificates of such schools are accepted for entrance. The curriculum is made up of an admixture of required with elective work, the tendency being to require classes of subjects, out of which particular studies may be chosen. Upon the completion of an amount of work represented by fifteen hours of class work a week for four years, the student is graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The work offered includes the ancient and the modern languages, higher mathematics, rhetoric, composition, English literature, the sciences usually described as natural, economics, sociology, history, art, philosophy, and the English Bible from a literary and historical point of view. In most of these subjects it is possible to take successive courses of such extent as to lay a broad foundation for subsequent specializa- tion. Facilities are provided for courses in music and in art for students who wish to add those subjects to their academic work, but no students are accepted for art and music only. Exclusive of these last subjects, the charge for resident students is $375 a year. 114 Md. WHERE TO EDUCATE. College Park. CHARLOTTE HALL SCHOOL, Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's County, G. M. Thomas, A. M., Principal, is the only school of high grade for boys in Southern Maryland, and was first opened January i, 1797, since which date its work has been continuous. The landed estate of the school embraces 325 acres, one-third of which is cleared. The campus itself consists of twelve acres, affording ample ground for military drill and athletic sports, and the building equipment leaves little to be desired. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions. Tuition per session is $10 in the preparatory department, and $15 in the academic. Several free scholarships are available under specified conditions. BROOKEVILLE ACADEMY, a day and boarding school for boys, Brookeville, H. S. Houskeeper, M. A., Principal, finely located twenty miles north of Washington, D. C., offers a thorough academic, a college preparatory, and a teacher's course. The special features are the healthful location, the thorough instruc- tion, and the low rates. Board, room, lights, tuition, etc., are $200 per annum. THE CHEVY CHASE FRENCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Mile. Lea M. Bouligny, Principal, Miss C. Petti- grew, Assistant Principal, is situated in the attractive suburb of Chevy Chase, half an hour from Washington by electric cars. It offers the advantages of large grounds, pure air, an altitude five hundred feet above Washington, and artesian well water. A separate room is provided for each pupil. French is positively the language of the house. Pupils are prepared for college, and are allowed to elect their own studies. Music and art are under the charge of specialists. This school aims at making its pupils' education universal, and avails itself of all the advantages of Washington. Summer address, City Post-office, Washington, D. C. Winter address, Chevy Chase Post-office, Maryland. MARYLAND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, College Park, R. S. Silvester, President, was incorporated in 1856, and opened to students in the fall of 1859. At first a private institution, it became subsequently a beneficiary of the " Land Grant Act," and thus a State college. The buildings occupy the crest of a hill covered with forest trees, and in front of them stretches a broad campus, the drill ground and athletic field of the students. The college farm contains about three hundred acres. All of the numerous buildings are equipped for technical and scientific study. A military department is in charge of an army officer. Among the courses of study are included classical, agricultural, mechanical engineering, and general science. Total expenses per year for regular students amount to $165 ; for scholarship students, $85 ; for day students, $35. Colora. WHERE TO EDUCATE. , Md. WEST NOTTINGHAM ACADEMY, Colora, Cecil County. John G. Conner, A. M., Principal, was founded by the Rev. .Samuel Finley in 1741. The academy is located in a grove of iorest trees on grounds adjoining the historic West Nottingham Presbyterian church. Three courses of study lead to graduation in the academy : The classical, the scientific, and the English. Preparation is given for the best colleges and scientific schools. ^Expenses for tuition, board, and washing are $50 per quarter. ANDREW SMALL ACADEMY, Darnestown, Montgomery County, William Nelson (University of Virginia), Principal. This institution, built and endowed by the gentleman for whom it is named, is located three miles from the Potomac River on the south, and twenty-one miles from Washington by the Metropolitan Branch of the B. & O. Railroad. The academy grounds contain six or seven acres filled with shade trees, and offer ample room for out-door exercise. The school is intended for both sexes, and is provided with two large schoolrooms and smaller class-rooms. A limited number of boarders can be accommodated in the build- ing, and others may find board in private families. Pupils are graded into four classes: Preparatory, junior, intermediate, and senior. flOUNT ST. flARY'S COLLEGE, Emmitsburg, the Very Rev. "W. L. O'Hara, President, was founded in 1808 by a young mis- sionary priest who had fled from the fury of the French Revolu- tion. The first buildings were a row of log houses, and the original intention of the school was that of preparing candidates for the priesthood. The college was not chartered until 1830, and then followed a period of extensive building and of growth in .all departments. The present buildings are granite structures, occupying an elevated and beautiful location surrounded by hills, -whose slopes are covered with gardens, streams, and vineyards. A large and loyal body of alumni testify to the thoroughness nd Bachelor of Science. The courses in arts and philosophy give the student a wide range of choice of studies under a plan that unites with the liberality of the elective system a measure of that control so desirable for the undergraduate student. The degree of Bachelor of Science is offered for the satisfactory completion of four- year courses in general science, chemistry, biology, medical pre- paratory studies, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering. Fourteen departments offer major courses of study in the College of Letters, exclusive of the technical courses. They are : English, English literature, German, French, Latin, Greek, philosophy, his- tory, political science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, civil and mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. In addition to these major departments are oratory, Italian, geology, astronomy, drawing, music (history and theory), and physical train- ing, in each of which one or more subjects is offered. The depart- ments are in charge of competent specialists, some of them men of national and international reputation. The tuition fee charged by the college is $100 annually, except in the engineering courses, in which it is $120 annually. There is a charge of $10 for physical culture, $i for the reading-room, and some minor charges formate rial used by students working in the laboratories. Half room rent, including heat, ranges from $16 to $85. Students furnish their own rooms. WHITTIER HOHE SCHOOL, Merrimac, Mrs. Annie Brackett Russell, Principal, is now in its fifth year. It takes its name from the Quaker poet, whose birthplace is only two miles in one direc- tion, while the home of his old age is about the same distance in another. The village is attractive both on account of its health- fulness and natural beauty. The school is strictly a home school where rules are made only for the individual need, and aims to give a thorough course of preparation to young women intending to 159 Monson. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mass. enter college. It also offers elective courses to those who wish to terminate their school life at such a school as this. Board and instruction in all departments, excepting music and art, is $300 per annum. The number of boarding pupils is limited to twenty. MONSON ACADEHY, Monson, Arthur Newell Burke, A. B., Principal, was incorporated in 1804 and opened in 1806, and hence is one of the few old New England academies which have survived the rise of the modern high school. It is located in the beautiful village of Monson, Mass., which combines many comforts of a city with the natural beauty and healthfulness of a country vil- lage. The instructors, nine in number, are nearly all college grad- uates. The academy offers three courses of study, each extending over four years, and named respectively the classical, the Latin- scientific, and the academic. The principal's certificate, granted to graduates, admits without examination to those colleges that accept certificates. The Flynt and Packard library is well endowed and is one of the best school libraries in the State. The academy, though undenominational, is distinctly a Christian institution. The total annual expenses, exclusive of clothing and travelling, are estimated to be less than $200. The trustees have authority to remit in whole or in part, and on such condition as they deem advisable, the tuition of such indigent pupils as they consider worthy. A limited number of pupils obtain employment about the academy buildings. MOUNT HERMON 5CHOOL, Mount Hermon, Franklin County, Henry F. Cutler, B. A., Principal, was established at the suggestion of Mr. Dwight L. Moody, by several gentlemen interested in the practical Christian education of boys and young men. It was opened in May, 1881, and incorporated in 1882. Mr. Hiram Camp, the late president of the board of trustees, gave $25,000, and several thousands were received from Great Britain. The school is situated on the west side of the Connecticut River, opposite the town of Northfield. The amount of land owned by the school is more than seven hundred acres. The important buildings are twelve in number. The school is designed to meet the need of young men to whom the early opportunities of study have been denied. Applicants for admission must be at least six- teen years of age, must have good health, mental ability, and moral character. Such are received on probation without regard to their scholarship attainments. Each student is required to work two hours daily upon the school farm, or to discharge some assigned duty about the buildings. Opportunity is given for self-help in the payment of expenses. The certificate of the principal admits to many leading colleges. The necessary expenses are about $118 per year. 1 60 Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Neivburyport. THE NEW BEDFORD BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, New Bedford, occupies a spacious building in the business centre of New Bedford. The management of the school rests with the Prin- cipal, Miss Mary A. Chace, and an Advisory Board of fifteen of the leading business men of the city. While its distinctive aim is prac- tical education, and its departments of bookkeeping, banking, and shorthand are especially strong, its four years' college preparatory course, covering the classics, sciences, and modern languages, is sur- passed by few schools, while its instruction in music, oratory, and physical culture is also excellent. Tuition in the college prepara- tory and business courses is $150 ; in the others somewhat less. THE SWAIN FREE SCHOOL, New Bedford, Andrew Ingra- ham (Dartmouth), Master, was founded by the will of William W. Swain, who died September 21, 1858. The school was incor- porated in 1881, and was opened in 1882. It was founded for the benefit of " those whose parents cannot afford to send them to our most expensive schools." There are at present the academic, the art, and the science departments. There are twelve courses, namely : Greek, Latin, mathematics, history, logic, English, art, German, French, Italian, harmony, chemistry. In Greek there are two sub- courses, in mathematics two, in English two, in art five, in German four, in French five, in Italian two, in harmony two, in chemistry three. The courses of study have been prepared to meet various wants ; the graduates of our higher schools, the men and women of the several professions, those in any condition of life who can command leisure for study, will find here ample opportunities for study. Suggestions of desirable courses will be carefully consid- ered. Fuller information may be had by consulting, either in person or by letter, the master of the school. PUTNAM FREE SCHOOL (co-educational), Newburyport, Charles D. Seelye, Principal, was founded by the munificence of Oliver Putnam, Esq., a native of Newbury. By the provision of his will a bequest for establishing a school was to remain on interest till it should reach the sum of $50,000. This institution was to be " a Free English School " for the instruction of youth, wherever they may belong. The school was opened in 1848. The course includes all the English branches, particular attention being paid to bookkeeping, trigonometry, navigation, and surveying. The nat- ural sciences are illustrated by lectures and experiments,* and the use of the compass and theodolite is taught in field practice. The regular course of study embraces four years, and a diploma is given to each graduate. The institution is open to pupils from any por- tion of the globe. No charge is made for tuition. The pupils furnish their own books and stationery. 161 Newton. WHERE TO EDUCATE. flR. CUTLER'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL at Newton, for young men and young women, was opened in the fall of 1887 by Edward H. Cutler, A. M., formerly principal of the Providence High School and head master of the Newton High School. The number of its pupils is limited, it being the intention that the num- ber in attendance at one time shall not exceed forty. All of the pupils are under the direct supervision of Mr. Cutler. At the be- ginning of each year classes are formed to meet the needs of the individuals. Candidates for Harvard may select their advanced subjects from French, German, and mathematics, if for any reason these are preferred to Latin and Greek. Mr. Cutler's certificate of preparation is accepted at colleges admitting candidates on certi- ficate. Special pupils desiring to join a class in one study only are admitted at one-half the full rate. Suitable board is recommended when requested. Tuition is $150 a year. Further particulars may be had of Mr. Edward H. Cutler, Linden Terrace, Newton, Mass., or at the school rooms, 429 Centre Street, Newton, opposite the public library. THE NEWTON THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION, Newton Centre, Alvah Hovey, President, was founded by representatives of the Baptist churches of New England, in order to provide stu- dents for the ministry with the advantages of a first-class school at nominal cost. It maintains three departments, the regular, de- signed for graduates from the classical course in college, and the instruction is adapted to their needs ; the English, intended for students who are unable to pursue the study of Hebrew and Greek ; and the French, with instruction adapted to the needs of missionaries to the French people. The regular course occupies three years. The studies are in part prescribed and in part elect- ive. The only charge made is for board. By vote of the trustees, young women looking forward to foreign missionary service, and recommended by the Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society, are admitted to class-room work in the Institution. THE HALE STUDIO, Masonic Temple, Newtonville, is con- ducted after the conviction that a sound and broad education in music is a general need, of more, rather than less, consequence than accomplishment in singing and playing. Special class and private instruction is supplemented, therefore, by lectures on the theory and interpretation of music, readings from the masterpieces, biographical and historical studies. The methods employed are constantly corrected to the ripest thought of the New Education. Among the courses are included the Fletcher Music Kindergarten and normal training for teachers. The faculty is composed of spe- cialists of long experience in private and in conservatory teaching. 162 Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Norton. BLISS BUSINESS COLLEGE, North Adams, E. J. Shaw y Principal, was established by the present principal in January, 1895. The curriculum embraces those subjects necessary for a practical business training. SMITH COLLEGE, Northampton, the Rev. L. Clarke Seelye ? D. D., L'L. D., President, was founded by Miss Sophia Smith, of Hatfield, Mass. The object of the institution, as stated by the founder, is " the establishment and maintenance of an institution for the higher education of young women, with the design to fur- nish them means and facilities for education equal to those which are afforded in our colleges for young men." There are three courses of study, each extending through four years. The clas- sical leads to the degree of B. A., the scientific to that of B. S., and the literary to that of B. L. Students who wish to devote more time to art or music, or to take more elective work in the academic department, may extend any of these courses through five years, Electives in art and music may be taken in any year, and time devoted to these electives is counted in the same way as work in the laboratories. The prescribed studies of each course are such as are necessary to give it a distinctive character. The design is to require of the student a sufficient amount of prescribed work to ensure a high grade of scholarship, and also to leave room for the exercise of individual tastes by the introduction of elective studies, increasing in number as the course advances. The price of tui- tion for all students is $150 a year. The charge for board, plain washing, and furnished room in the college houses is $300 a year, WHEATON SEMINARY, Norton, the Rev. Samuel V. Cole, D. D., President, was founded in 1834, as a memorial for the only daughter of Judge Laban Wheaton, of Norton. The Seminary is situated in the center of the village. Its grounds cover about forty-seven acres. Seminary Hall contains the library, recitation and lecture rooms, cabinets, laboratories, studio, and gymnasium, all arranged for securing the best light and ventilation. The Home, occupied by students and teachers, is a capacious building, separate from the Hall. Both buildings are heated by steam, and lighted by electricity. No expense has been spared to secure perfect drainage, and the water is pure and abundant. The in- struction is intended to meet the needs of three classes of persons : (i) Those who wish to prepare for college; (2) Those who wish for an advanced academic course ; and (3) Those who wish to- take special studies only. The charge for tuition in any or all of the studies of the regular course, including drawing, elocution, and local music in class, is $100 for the year. The charge for board, including room, heat, light, laundry (twelve plain pieces each week), and a sitting in church, is $250 for the year. 163 ' 1 6 4 Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Quincy. BERKSHIRE SCHOOL, Pittsfield, Arthur J. Clough, A. M., Principal. The college preparatory course of this school is de- signed to fit fojr entrance to the best colleges. The scientific course is much like the college preparatory, but substitutes a modern language for Greek, and gives special attention to scientific and English studies. The English course aims to give a broad educa- tion in common and higher English studies, such as rhetoric, com- position, and English literature. The primary and grammar department receives pupils at six years of age, and prepares them for any of the regular courses. A two years' course in bookkeep- ing and connected subjects is also offered. The charge for board, washing, and tuition, in all branches, except music and drawing, is $400 per school year of thirty-seven weeks. THE SALISBURY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Pittsfield, Mira H. Hall, Principal. The course of study is divided into preparatory, classical, and academic departments. The preparatory depart- ment is for girls from six years of age to thirteen. The college preparatory course is planned to meet college requirements. The academic course offers to those not intending to go to college a thorough training in an elective list of subjects. The fees for home and tuition are $500 per year. The charge for tuition alone varies from $40 to $90, according to the age of the pupil. Courses are also offered in music, drawing, and painting. ADAHS ACADEflY, Quincy, William Everett, LL. D., Mas- ter, was founded in 1823 by gift of President John Adams, and first opened for pupils in 1872. Its primary object is to fit boys for the best American colleges. Most of its pupils have gone to Harvard, but many have entered with credit at Yale, Williams, Amherst, Bowdoin, and colleges outside of New England, as well as at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Boys who are not intended for any college are received as pupils, but they are expected to pursue the regular course of the school. It is equipped with apparatus for instruction in physics by the experi- mental method. The authorities of the school do not at present (1898) provide accommodations for boarding or lodging pupils, but the master will be glad to assist parents in securing such accommo- dation in respectable families in Quincy, where pupils will receive adequate care and supervision under proper regulations. The tuition fee is $100 a year. The school offers numerous valuable prizes for excellence in work, the most notable being the Adams gold medal for excellence in declamation, and the Dimmock Memorial Scholarship, in memory of the first master of the school. QUINCY flANSION SCHOOL, Wollaston Park, Quincy, Nor- folk County, Horace Mann Willard, A. M., Principal, has an excellent corps of experienced resident teachers, and courses of 165 Quincy. WHERE TO EDUCATE. study, adapted to modern and tried methods of education. These courses include English, mental and moral science, logic, history, mathematics, science, ancient and modern languages, music, art, domestic science, and gymnastics. The teachers are all graduates of colleges, scientific schools, or schools of special instruction. The principal, by experience as superintendent of the public schools of Gloucester and of Newton, Mass., and while at the head of incorporated endowed schools, has been made familiar with the various departments of educational work. In the courses of study required for graduation, certain important studies, such as English, history, and mathematics, are required, but great variety is allowed in electives to meet the wishes of parents and pupils. The regular courses of study are de- signed to meet the wants of girls not intending to enter college, and special stress is laid upon English, history, and lauguage. The college preparatory course is for those who are going to college, and to those who are prepared a certificate will be given, entitling them to enter Wellesley or Smith College, or any of the co-educational colleges of New England. Students who have been graduated from secondary schools, and others whose age and attainments qualify them for advanced work, can select such special studies as will meet their requirements. A course is arranged for younger pupils, covering the ordinary ele- mentary studies, with which can be taken the elements of natural science, language, or history. The study of English is especially emphasized in every course. The music and art departments are strong. Tuition and board are $500 for the school year. WOODWARD INSTITUTE, Quincy, Miss Carrie E. Small, Principal, educates girls for a useful life in home and society, and also prepares them for college. Although it has been estab- lished less than three years, it has students in its courses preparing for Radcliffe, Bryn Mawr, Smith, and Wellesley. Household sci- ence is a feature of the curriculum. The girls are placed upon their honor, and are taught to be self-governing. SALEM COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND (incorporated), 126 Washington Street, Salem, George P. Lord, Principal and Business Manager; F. Arthur Spence, Secretary. The growth and success of this school may be chronologically told as follows: March, 1890, classes were formed at the home of the principal; September, 1890, two rooms were taken in the Kinsman Block ; October, 1891, one room was added ; March, 1892, the school was moved to two rooms in the Peabody Building; September, 1892, the shorthand department was intro- duced three rooms; September, 1893, one more room was added ; December, 1893, Gregg's shorthand system was adopted 1 66 Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Southioroiigh. six rooms; September, 1894, the corporation was formed ten rooms; May, 1895, actual business from the start was introduced; September, 1895, the school was remodelled forty-five hundred square feet; January, 1897, five thousand square feet; Sep- tember, 1897, touch typewriting was introduced; July, 1898, the Spence and Peaslee College was purchased; August, 1898, all available room in the Peabody Building was taken eight thou- sand square feet; and September, 1898, a model office for short- hand was opened. (See advertisement.) STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Salem, W. P. Beckwith, Ph. D., Principal, was established in 1854, with the purpose of preparing women for the work of teaching in the public schools. In Sep- tember, 1898, it was opened to men also. Like the other normal schools of the State, admission is on examination, chiefly written. The regular course of study occupies two years. In the Model Department is included a kindergarten, and schools of the first, second, and third grades. The handsome new building, com- pleted in 1896, includes a spacious gymnasium, under the supervi- sion of an experienced director. Students who enter the school declaring their intention to teach in the public schools of Massa- chusetts, wherever they may have resided previously, are under no charge for tuition. Those who intend to teach in other States, or in private schools, are admitted on payment of $15 for each half year. Text-books and supplies are free, as in the public schools. FAY SCHOOL, Southborough, Waldo B. Fay, Head Master. The object of the school is to fit boys for admission to St. Mark's, Groton, St. Paul's, and other college preparatory schools. Boys are received from seven to twelve years of age, and a careful over- sight of them is kept at all times. Its religious instruction is according to the teachings of the Episcopal Church. The course of study covers four years. The charges for tuition and residence are $630. ST. MARK'S SCHOOL, Southborough, the Rev. Wm. G. Thayer, A. M., Head Master. This college preparatory school is managed in conformity with the principles and spirit of the Epis- copal Church, and is one of the largest boarding schools for boys in Eastern Massachusetts. Applicants for admission should be at least twelve years of age. The course of study embraces six years. No boy will be received into the school who is unwilling to follow the prescribed course of study. Diplomas are awarded on completion of this prescribed course. Several prizes are awarded to pupils reaching a certain rank in studies and conduct, and for excellence in special departments. The charge for tuition, board, and washing is $636 a year. 167 South Byfield. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mass. DUMMER ACADEMY, South Byfield, P. L. Home, A. M., Master, was founded in 1762 by Hon. William Dummer, Lieuten- ant-Governor of Massachusetts Bay from 1716 to 1730. The academy was formally opened in 1763, and is the oldest institution of its kind in the United States. Many eminent men are num- bered among its graduates. The special work of the academy is to prepare boys for college and for technical schools, particularly Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Harvard and Yale Scientific Schools. The course of study covers four years. The full fees, including tuition, board, and laundry, are $500. The fee for day scholars is $75. flOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE, South Hadley, Mrs. Elizabeth Storrs Mead, A. M., President, grew out of Mount Holyoke Semi- nary, founded by Mary Lyon. A charter was granted this institu- tion in 1836 and it was opened in 1837. The name was changed and a charter granted to Mount Holyoke Seminary and college in 1888, and to Mount Holyoke College in 1893. It has a full col- lege curriculum, with power to grant the usual degrees. The price of tuition for all students, regular and special, is $100 for the year, including all branches except music. Board and tuition are $250 per year. BAY PATH INSTITUTE, Springfield, M. F. Palmer, Principal. This school of business training offers courses suited for the equip- ment of its students for business life. A preparatory course seeks to remedy deficiencies of backward students. Individual instruc- tion is the method employed in all departments. In addition to the regular courses in bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, and kindred subjects, opportunities are offered for advanced special work and preparation for Civil Service examinations. Elocution and the languages are also taught. For the regular course of instruction the cost is $12.50 per month. BIBLE NORflAL COLLEGE, Springfield, Joseph L. Dixon, President, was incorporated January 28, 1885, under the name "The School for Christian Workers." It was enlarged in 1892, and again in 1897, when it was given its present name. The col- lege is interdenominational, co-educational, and seeks to fill the same place in the training of religious teachers that the high class professional school holds in the training of secular teachers. The large and increasing demand from city churches for salaried Bible school and primary superintendents ; from the International Sun- day School Association for field, normal, and primary superinten- dents; and from missionary organizations, at home and abroad, for thoroughly trained teachers, is conclusive evidence that a new profession is rapidly developing within the Church, which will 1 68 Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE: Springfield. remodel religious work along the lines of education, and will center the efforts of the Church more largely in the child. The scope of work is suggested in the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Trustees, March 25, 1898 : i, " That the department of Bible-study be kept strong and progressive. 2, That special emphasis be laid upon studies relating to the child. 3, That stu- dents be trained in the best methods of Sunday school organiza- tion and equipment. 4, That pedagogy and sociology have an important place in the instruction of the school. 5, That all these subjects be made to apply strongly to the ignorant and neglected classes in mission-fields, both at home and abroad. 6, That the institution be carefully differentiated from other schools of Bible- study on the one hand, and from the theological seminary, on the other." The work therefore involves three central ideas: (i) The Bible ; (2) The child ; and (3) The teacher. It contemplates an accu- rate, teaching knowledge of the Bible and cognate subjects ; an understanding of the nature of the child, meaning the child proper and also adult man as a creature to be reached essentially through formative agencies, and the laws and conditions of its development and retrogression ; and the training of the teacher in the essentials of scientific pedagogy. The diploma course is for college gradu- ates or persons having an equivalent training, covers two years, and is intended to prepare for professional service. Except on the side of specific methods, the same course is pursued by all the students. In addition to the regular course, the college offers extension courses to meet the needs of those who desire to be better furnished for volunteer work in their own churches, but are unable to take the regular course. These courses are open to any one having the indorsement of pastor or Bible-school superinten- dent. Applicants must have such personal qualities as will ensure efficient leadership in the work for which the college stands. That is to say, in addition to moral and religious earnestness and devotion, they must have initiative, tact, energy, and administrative ability. A teacher's diploma will be granted to students who meet the following conditions: (i) A residence at the college for at least two years ; (2) the satisfactory completion of the prescribed course ; and (3 ) approved personal fitness. The buildings of the college cost, with land and furniture, about $90,000. The main building contains rooms for seventy-five students, recitation-rooms, offices for the instructors, library, a large gymnasium, etc. The Ladies' Hall has rooms for thirty-five students, and also provides accommodations for the boarding club. There is a well selected reference library of twenty-seven hundred volumes, besides many pamphlets and reports, which are of especial value in studying methods of Christian work. It is rich in Biblical, Church, Bible school, and missionary literature, and has a good working list of 169 Springfield. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mass. psychological, pedagogical, and sociological books. The expenses for the year are about $195. "THE ELMS," family and day school for girls, 141 High Street, Springfield, Miss Porter, Principal. The course of study comprises four years of primary, four years of intermediate, and either four years of college preparatory or five years of English work. With the exception of English composition, the studies of the fourth and the fifth year of the English course are elective, the choice being always subject to the approval of the principal. The study of music is made as truly a part of the regular work as any other elective. HINMAN'S COLLEGE OF ACTUAL BUSINESS, Springfield and Worcester, A. H. Hinmari, President, gives instruction less by the text-book method than by business practice. The school is equipped with banking and wholesale offices, and with all the apparatus of actual business. Extensive transactions are conducted with "merchandise cards" and "college money." There are numerous courses with individual instruction. DR. AND MRS. JOHN MacDUFFIE'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Springfield, John MacDuffie, Ph. D., Principal. The Mac- Duffie School is an unsectarian family school for the liberal educa- tion of girls. It is especially intended to prepare girls for college, and is recommended for that purpose by Radcliffe, Smith, Vassar, and Wellesley. There are, however, complete courses for girls not going to college but wishing to complete their studies in the school. The house used for the school was the mansion of the late Samuel Bowles, editor of the Springfield Republican, and is large and old-fashioned, with airy rooms and modern improvements. The school building is a model one, built this year. It is equipped with adjustable desks, and other modern school conveniences. The school grounds are large and beautiful. The course is divided into the preparatory school, receiving girls from seven to twelve years old, and the upper school, with girls from twelve to twenty. Excellent courses in music and art are offered. The fees per annum for home and regular tuition are $650. HILLSIDE HOME, Stockbridge, Miss Adele Brewer, Principal. This is a small family school for girls, and was established in 1875. TAUNTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Bristol County Bank Building, Taunton, George W. Livsey, Proprietor, has been in successful operation for four years. It gives practice in actual business from start to finish. There are both night and day ses- sions. Rates in commercial and shorthand departments, three months, $35, six months, $60. These charges include all books and stationery. 170 Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Wellesley. THE WABAN SCHOOL, Waban, C. E. Fish, A. M., Principal, is located in a charming suburb of Boston, to which city there are fifty trains daily. The school offers instruction in all studies re- quired for admission to leading colleges and scientific schools. In addition to advanced courses, instruction is given to very young boys. Ten boys are received into the principal's family. Oppor- tunities for athletics and out-of-door exercise are unusually good. The annual charge, including all expenses, is $500 to $750. The tuition for day pupils is $150. WALTHAfl NEW=CHURCH SCHOOL, Waltham, Benjamin Worcester, Principal, begins with the kindergarten and reaches to thorough college preparation. It has sent students to Harvard, Yale, Brown, Smith, and other colleges. It also prepares for sci- entific schools and for business. Pupils are received at any age and at any stage of advancement. Separate homes for boys and girls are conducted as much like private families as possible. In- struction is given in physical culture, in sloyd, in art, and in music. There are three terms in a school year. The annual charge for board, washing, tuition, etc., is $400. DANA HALL SCHOOL, Wellesley, Miss Julia A. Eastman, Miss Sarah P. Eastman, Associate Principals, was opened in 1881, upon the discontinuance of the preparatory department of Welles- ley College. Only such classes will be formed as are required to fit the pupil for the freshman class at Wellesley or other colleges. Ordinarily, only those candidates who anticipate a college course will be received. Pupils receiving the school certificate are ad- mitted without further examination at Wellesley, Smith, Vassar, Cornell, and Mount Holyoke Colleges. Diplomas are awarded to graduates. The classes in Latin, Greek, and mathematics are under the charge of teachers educated at Wellesley College. The French and German languages are taught by foreign instructors. Board and tuition, including heat and lights, is $500. Tuition without board is $125. WELLESLEY COLLEGE is situated in the town of Wellesley, fifteen miles west of Boston, on the Boston and Albany Railroad. The college grounds border upon a lake, and include three hun- dred acres. The situation is such as to combine the healthfulness and charm of country life with the advantages which pertain to the neighborhood of a large city. The main building, College Hall, is in the form of a double Latin cross, and is four hundred and seventy-five feet long and one hundred and fifty feet wide in its greatest dimensions. It contains the offices of administration, recitation and lecture rooms, chapel, library, gymnasium, and lodging for about three hundred people. A large hall and seven cottages complete the dormitory equipment. There are also sepa- 171 172 Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE. West Newton. rate buildings for music, art, and chemistry. A new chapel, to be known as the Houghton Memorial Chapel, is in building. The library contains about forty-eight thousand volumes. The college provides courses leading to the degrees of B. A. and M. A. The requirements for admission to the freshman class include mathe- matics, Latin, and two other languages, or one other language and a science. Of the courses leading to the B. A. degree only about one-fifth are required ; the remainder are elective. The teaching force numbers seventy-two. The expense for the academic year is $400, of which $175 is for tuition. Julia J. Irvine, M. A. Litt. D., is President, Margaret E. Stratton, M. A., Dean, Ellen F. Pendleton, M. A., Secretary. WELLESLEY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Wellesley, Edward Augustine Benner, Principal, is located in pleasant country sur- roundings, fifteen miles from Boston. A careful study is made of the individual pupil. Especial attention is paid to physical health, and wisely directed sports are encouraged. The courses of study are arranged to prepare students for colleges or scientific schools. The junior division is adapted to the needs of boys from ten to fourteen years of age ; the senior division, which offers a four years' course, to boys of fourteen years and upward. The charge for boarding pupils is $500 a year. HOWARD SEMINARY, for girls and young ladies, West Bridgewater, Miss Sarah E. Laughton, Principal, offers the fol- lowing courses : Academic, college preparatory, and special, the last giving a wide range of elective studies. WESTFORD ACADEflY, Westford, W. E. Frost, A. M., Preceptor, was founded in 1792, and w r as incorporated in 1793. For more than one hundred years this institution has been open for the instruction of the youth of both sexes, in the higher branches of study. Among its former pupils it numbers many men of note and many college graduates. The new academy build- ing, erected in 1897, is of ample size, and has all modern con- veniences for the comfort and health of students. In accordance with an agreement entered into by the town and the trustees, the town pays the tuition of students residing in Westford. Classical, Latin-scientific, and English courses are offered. The tuition of non-resident students is $10 per term. Board, including room and washing, varies from $4 to $5 per week. SCHOOL OF BIOLOGY, 447 Crafts Street, West Newton, C. J. Maynard, Principal. Pupils of all grades are given a normal course in biology, but especial attention is paid to fitting teachers for special position's in schools and colleges, or as supervisors of biology or zoology in city and town schools. 173 WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mass. WEST NEWTON ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, West Newton. The following details of the history of the school are taken from a lengthy sketch of the school in 1872 by the Rev. James T. Thurston : " Its origin carries us back to our great pioneer in educational reform, one of the noblest and most hon- ored citizens of the Commonwealth, whose services to the State and to the world have given us the statue in the State House yard bearing the name and form of Horace Mann. As an institution, it has long held a prominent place in the public regard, and is warmly cherished in the memories of a great number of both sexes who have been its pupils, scattered over our country and foreign lands, as well as of others who, during the whole period of its history, have been its patrons and friends. It was in April, 1848, soon after the location of the State Normal School at West New- ton, under the auspices of the State Secretary and Board of Educa- tion, and under the superintendence of that admirable teacher, Father Peirce, that a union was formed between the State Normal School and the school district of West Newton, then including Auburndale. The object of the union was the formation of a ' Model School,' where all the most approved methods of instruc- tion should be adopted, and the best talent employed to develop the young, and show by example what a true school should be. Mr. Nathaniel T. Allen, then entering the profession of teacher, with all the fresh enthusiasm that had been encouraged by the newly awakened public interest in education, was appointed prin- cipal of this model school. This was the first yearly public school that had ever been taught in Newton. The pupils were in r part the children of the district, and in part those who came from other districts, towns, and States. Mr. Allen's assistants were the young ladies of the normal school, who spent, each in turn, three weeks in observing and teaching under Mr. Allen's eye in the model school. The popularity of the school was such as to attract a large number of visitors continually, from Boston and other places. On the removal of the normal school to Framingham, the model school was given up, Mr. Allen declining to leave with it as was desired. Mr. Mann and other friends of education now urged Mr. Allen to open a private school. This was immediately done in connection with ' Father Peirce,' and was continued till his death. The schoolhouse and grounds hitherto occupied by the normal school were purchased. A circular issued, proposing to open a first-class un sectarian school, where both sexes could be safely sent and thoroughly well taught in all branches embraced in a broad and generous culture. The result was that a large num- ber of pupils soon offered themselves, and the school from the first has been generously sustained. The patrons have been parents and guardians of the highest social position in the country, as may Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Williamstrnvn. be seen by reference to the catalogues of the institution. In 1855 an act of incorporation was passed by the Legislature, securing such privileges as the policy of the State has seen fit to grant to educational institutions, from Harvard College to the simplest public and private school. That this policy is a wise one, even in a pecuniary point of view, is seen in a statement made to the selectmen in 1870. The school building was erected in 1832 by means of a bequest of Judge Abraham Fuller for establishing an academy, and therein Master Perkins and Master Seth Davis taught two years' each, when it was purchased by Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., and given to Horace Mann for the use of the normal school, the property to revert to Horace Mann, he selling it to Nathaniel T. Allen in 1853, and an act of incorporation being obtained in 1855. The exterior and interior of the building remain much the same as it was originally. The first gymnastic apparatus was erected in the school yard May 17, 1854." WESLEYAN ACADEMY, Wilbraham, the Rev. W. R. New- hall, D. D., Principal, is a Methodist Episcopal school, founded in 1817 at Newmarket, N. H., and removed to Wilbraham in 1824. Over six thousand different students have attended the academy, and about eight hundred of these have entered college. At least one-third of the students have been young women. The grounds, including farm lands, comprise 226 acres. There are six principal school buildings, including a gymnasium just completed at a cost of $45,000. Courses of study include : Academy (for those not preparing for college), classical, Latin scientific, and industrial science. There are also commercial, fine arts, music, elocution, and physical culture departments. Annual expense for board, laundry, room rent, heat, general tuition, etc., $250. WILLIAHS COLLEGE, Williamstown, Franklin Carter, LL.D., President, is the outgrowth of a " Free School," chartered in 1785, in accordance with the terms of the bequest of Colonel Ephraim Williams. As they found it difficult to collect the neces- sary funds for erecting a building, the trustees sent a petition, August 19, 1788, to the Legislature "for the grant of a lottery to raise the sum of twelve hundred pounds." Accordingly an act was passed February n, 1789, making such a grant. In 1793 the Legislature passed " an act to establish a college in the county of Berkshire, within this Commonwealth, by the name of Williams College." The property of the Free School was transferred to the new institution. Admission to Williams is on examination, or under specified conditions by certificate. The only undergraduate degree conferred is Bachelor of Arts. Master of Arts will be con- ferred on graduates who have studied one year in residence at the college, pursuing two approved courses of study in different depart- 175 Worcester. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mass. ments, the total work being equal to that of a college year, and who have passed satisfactory examinations on both subjects and have prepared a satisfactory thesis. Under specified conditions the Master's degree may be also taken by non-resident graduates. A limited number of special students and partial course students are received. The income from scholarship funds, aggregating $150,000, is distributed at the discretion of the trustees to students needing aid. There are also a number of honor, class, and prize scholarships available. The principal college buildings number about twenty, and their total cost is estimated at $568,300. The college library contains 40,750 volumes, exclusive of duplicates, and over fifteen thousand pamphlets. Tuition is $105 a year Board, $3.25 to $6 per week. BECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 492 Main Street, Worces ter, E. C. A. Becker, Principal, has been established ten years. Stu- dents may enter at any time, the term being reckoned from the day the pupil begins work. Students from out of the city may obtain reduced railway fares on the various roads by applying to the principal. CHILDS'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 112 Front Street, Worces ter, E. E. Childs, Principal, has two general courses, business shorthand and typewriting. The school teaches typewriting by touch, a system of its own. Tuition : Business course, per term of twelve weeks, $35. Shorthand and typewriting course, per term of twelve weeks, $35. Rates for school year in advance, either course, $100. CLARK UNIVERSITY, Worcester, G. Stanley Hall, Ph. D., LL. D., President, now consists of a group of five closely related departments, in which all its work and that of instructors, fellows, and scholars is grouped. These departments are as follows : Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and psychology. In addition to these education is now a sub-department of psychology. Graduate students only are admitted, or those of equivalent attain- ments, except in rare and special cases. At present no entrance examinations are required, but by testimonials, diplomas, personal interviews, or written specimens of work, the authorities must be satisfied that the applicant has scholarship enough to work to advantage, and zeal and ability enough to devote himself to his chosen field. The charge for tuition, giving all the privileges of the University, but not covering the laboratory fees, is $200 per annum. Intending students will be given information, so far as possible, upon any of these or other points, in advance of official announcement, upon addressing the clerk of the University, Mr. Louis N. Wilson, Worcester, Mass. 176 Mass. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Worcester. COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS, Worcester, the Rev. John F. Lehy, S. J., President, is the oldest Catholic college in New England, having been founded in 1843. It was chartered in 1865, and given the power "to confer such degrees as are conferred by any college in this Commonweath, except medical degrees." The course of studies makes up two departments, the collegiate and the preparatory, embracing in its whole extent a period of seven years, of which three are given to the preparatory, and the remain- ing four to the collegiate department. Board and tuition are $225 per year. THE DALZELL SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Worcester, George A. Stearns, Jr., A.B., Principal. The object of this school is to prepare boys for college or a scientific course. It is abreast of the times in curriculum and methods, and has a comparatively large corps of teachers for a small number of pupils. It offers a home for a few boys in the principal's family. There are two schools, the lower and the upper, the former preparing very young boys for the latter. The expenses for the lower school, for boarding pupils, are $400 to $600 per annum ; for the upper school, $500 to $700 per annum. FROEBEL SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN NORflAL CLASS, 80 West Street, Worcester, Miss Annie Coolidge Rust, Principal, is in its sixth year. The kindergarten receives chil- dren from three to six years years of age ; the connecting class, children from five to six ; the primary department, from six to eight. Tuition per year is as follows : Kindergarten, $60, includ- ing material; connecting class, $60, books extra; primary, $75, books extra. Applicants for the normal class must present a normal or high school certificate, or testimonials of an equivalent preparation. Tuition in this course is $100 per year. niSS KlflBALL'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Worcester, Ellen A. Kimball, Principal, occupies a desirable position in the residen- tial portion of the city. It prepares thoroughly for college, and offers the following courses of study : Intermediate, college pre- paratory, academic, and literary. The latter two courses are intended especially for students not preparing to enter college. French and German are taught by native teachers and spoken in the family. The expenses for the school year are $400 for board- ing pupils. Day pupils pay $75 for intermediate work, $90 for academic, and $120 for college preparatory. STATE NORflAL SCHOOL, Worcester, E. Harlow Russell, Principal, was opened in 1874. The general course of study for two years shall comprise the following subjects : Psychology, his- tory of education, principles of education, methods of instruction and discipline, school organization, school laws of Massachusetts. 177 Worcester. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Tuition, and also the use of all text books and necessary school stationery (except drawing materials), are free to such as intend to teach in the public schools of Massachusetts, whether residents of this State or not. Those whose purpose is to teach in other States or in private schools are required to pay in advance $15 a term ($30 a year) for tuition. WORCESTER ACADEflY, Worcester, D. W. Abercrombie, A. M., Principal, is a school for boys, incorporated in the year 1834. The income from an endowment fund is applied to the main- tenance of an efficient faculty. The academy offers two courses of instruction, a classical and a scientific. The aim of the first is to give a maximum preparation for college. The scientific course is designed to prepare boys for the higher scientific schools. The principal's certificate admits without examination to Amherst, Brown, Colby, Colgate, Cornell, Dartmouth, Williams, and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The rates of charge in the academy vary from $187.50 to $600 a year. These charges include room rent, tuition, board, heat and light, furniture, and care of room. The academy possesses a scholarship fund, amounting at present to $20,000. WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Worcester, T. C. Mendenhall, Ph. D., LL. D., President, was founded by John Boynton, Esq., of Templeton, Mass., in 1865, and was opened for students in 1868. Applicants for admission must be at least six- teen years of age. Five courses of study are offered, each four years in length, as follows : Mechanical engineering, civil engi- neering, chemistry, general scientific, and electrical engineering. All courses are identical during the first half of the freshman year, so that election of studies is not necessary until the begin- ning of the second half. Certain subjects are common to all courses, which are planned so as to supply in as large a measure as possible the benefits of a liberal education. These courses are mathematics, modern languages and English, political science, physics and elementary mechanics, chemistry, and drawing. The fee for tuition, including laboratory charges, is $160 per year. A number of scholarships are available for worthy students. The entire expenses for tuition, board, and incidentals need not exceed $45- MICHIGAN. RAISIN VALLEY SEMINARY, Adrian, L. Adelbert Bailey, A.M., Principal. This seminary was founded in 1850 by the Friends, and is the only Friends' school in Michigan. It was a pioneer school in the State, and, though under the management of the Friends, its doors stand open to any who seek an education, irrespective of denomination or religious views. Four courses of 178 Mich. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Battle Creek. study of four years each are arranged to meet the various wishes of students : Latin, scientific, Latin-scientific, and normal, and very recently a business course has been provided for. Well selected library, convenient laboratories, and six-inch telescope afford excellent facilities for the pursuit of science and literature. The expenses are made as low as possible to meet the needs of students who must economize in order to secure an education. ALflA COLLEGE, located in Alma, a village of two thousand inhabitants, is twelve years of age. It has a faculty of nineteen professors and teachers, and a student body of 250 young men and women. It has an endowment of two hundred thousand dollars, a campus of thirty acres, five buildings of brick and stone, a library of thirty thousand volumes and pamphlets, a museum rich in mineralogy, archaeology, paleontology, zoology, and botany, has laboratories in physics, chemistry, and biology. Because of its endowment the expenses of students are very low. UNIVERSITY OF HICHIGAN (co-educational), Ann Arbor, James B. Angell, LL. D., President, is a part of the public educa- tional system of the State. The governing body of the institution is a board of regents, elected by popular vote for terms of eight years, as provided in the constitution of the State. The Univer- sity is open to all persons of both sexes who are qualified for ad- mission. It comprises the Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts (including the Graduate School and the Summer School), the Departments of Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, and Law, the School of Pharmacy, the Homoeopathic Medical College, and the College of Dental Surgery. Each department, school, and college has its special faculty. In the Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts, different lines of study lead to the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., S. B., B. L., the corresponding Masters' degrees, and the degrees of Ph. D. and S. D. All the professional schools confer appropriate degrees. Tuition is free; incidental fees for citizens of Michigan approximate $50, and for students from out- side the State $75. There are no dormitories or commons connected with the University. THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MU5IC, Ann Arbor, Thomas C. Colburn, Secretary. This school was established in 1892 and is conducted by the University Musical Society of the University of Michigan. Membership is restricted to officers, graduates, and students of the University. The work is organized in three distinct departments, an introductory course of general musical instruction, a high school course, and a diploma course. THE BATTLE CREEK COLLEGE, a training school for Christian workers, Battle Creek, E. A. Sutherland, President. The site of the college is on a fine eminence in the western part 179 Benton Harbor. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mich. of the city about one-half mile from the business centre. Stu- dents can obtain a thorough course in any line of study as presented in any college, with the difference that all studies here are presented from a Bible standpoint. Manual training is made a great feature. Director of University School of Music, Ann Arbor. BENTON HARBOR COLLEGE AND NORHAL, Benton Harbor, C. J. Edgecumbe, Ph. D., Principal. Founded in 1886, this school's enrolment had grown by the academic year 1892- 93 from forty-five to 443. Beginning with the latter year the institution has been conducted under a college charter. The location in view of Lake Michigan, the excellent railway and steamship connections, and the handsome college building with adjacent dormitories, are worthy of note. The departments include normal, collegiate, musical, business, kindergarten, elocution, fine arts, and preparatory. The faculty numbers about twenty. The year is divided into four terms of nine weeks each, in addition to the summer term of six weeks. Tuition in the academic courses is $8 per term, and in shorthand, typewriting, and business de- partments, $10. 1 80 Mich. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Holland. THE DETROIT SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 36 to 40 Putnam Avenue, Detroit, Mrs. Mary Ekin Whitton and Frederick Whitton, Principals. This school, now in its ninth year, aims not at accom- plishments, but at organic growth in all-round manhood. The academic courses are severe and comprehensive, but physical and moral development is considered as important as intellectual. Athletic sports are given sanction and prominence, and bodily training is carried on under the best medical supervision. The courses are primary, middle, and upper. A complete preparation for college is offered. There are two terms in the year ; expenses for each, without extras, are at the following rates : Day students (primary), $62.50; day students (middle and upper), $75 ; home students, $300. THE DETROIT SEMINARY, 643 and 645 Jefferson. Avenue, Detroit, Eliza F. Hammond and Laura C. Browning, Principals. This school endeavors to meet the demand for a school more thorough than the usual boarding school, yet less severe than a woman's college. The course of study runs through six grades : Kindergarten, primary, intermediate, grammar, preparatory, and collegiate. Students completing the college preparatory course are admitted upon certificate to Smith and Wellesley. Boys are admitted to the kindergarten and lower departments in the school. The terms for board and tuition are $600 per year. HILL5DALE COLLEGE (co-educational), Hillsdale, George F. Mosher, LL. D., President, is pleasantly situated in the south- ern part of the State on the Lake Shore Railroad. It has been in existence forty-three years. It has a well equipped Preparatory School, a School of Music, of Drawing and Painting, of Elocution and Oratory, and a School of Theology, besides the College proper, which offers a four years' classical, scientific, literary, and normal course. Graduates from the normal course receive a certificate from the State Board of Education entitling the holder to teach in the public schools of the State without examination. The yearly fees, including tuition and all incidentals, are only $20.50. HOPE COLLEGE, Holland, Gerrit J. Kollen, A.M., LL. D., President. The college was organized in 1866. It offers four courses the classical, philosophical, scientific, and normal all leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The management is under the auspices of the Reformed Church in America. It has a faculty of thirteen experienced, competent men, and it offers young people a liberal education at a moderate expense. Annual expenses from $150 to $200. Two hundred students now in attendance. 181 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Olivet. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mich. OLIVET COLLEGE, (co-educational), Olivet, Albert L. Lee, Secretary, was founded by a colony which removed from Oberlin, Ohio, to Michigan, led by the Rev. John J. Shipherd, founder of Oberlin College. The object of the college and the purpose of its founders may be seen by a single extract from its first annual catalogue in 1846: "We wish to have it distinctly understood that the whole object of this institution is, has been, and we hope ever will be, the education of young men and women especially such as are not rich in this world's goods, but heirs of the King- dom of God for the glory of God and the salvation of a dying world. . . . We have no partisan or sectarian interests to sub- serve, and desire to have none. We wish simply to do good to our students by placing in their hands the means of intellectual, moral, and spiritual improvement and to teach them the divine art of doing good to others." The school opened in December, 1844, with nine students. The first catalogue enrolled seventy-two, and thenceforward the numbers increased more rapidly than facilities and means could be furnished. Failing in repeated attempts to secure from the State a college charter, the founders wrought for fifteen years under the name of Olivet Institute. Finally, in 1859, a charter was granted and the Institute transformed into the Col- lege. Its equipment and material resources are now extended to keep pace with the demands of the higher education of to-day. OLIVET CONSERVATORY is directed by Mrs. Lizzie E. Bintliff, and offers a thorough musical education. OLIVET PREPARATORY SCHOOL is in charge of Tom F. Kane. MICHIGAN MILITARY ACADEMY, Orchard Lake, Col. J. Sumner Rogers, Superintendent. This institution was organized in 1877 without endowment, and has become the leading military academy in the country outside of West Point. The buildings and equipment are modern and complete, and the sanitary arrange- ments are as nearly perfect as modern science can make them. The purpose of the school is to give boys a thorough preparation for college, to give them the best known physical training, and to develop manhood. Two courses of study are offered, classical and scientific. For boys not qualified to enter either course a preparatory year is provided. The charge for instruction, board, washing, use of arms and equipments, is $450 per annum. Horse- manship, optional, per term of half year, $40. STATE NORMAL 5CHOOL, Ypsilanti, Richard G. Boone, A. M., Ph. D., President, was founded in 1849 an d opened in 1853. The sole purpose of the institution is the preparation of teachers for the public schools of Michigan. All who enter the school must sign a declaration of their intention to teach. The work done is professional in the best sense, and is a scholarly 182 Minn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Collegeville. preparation for a high grade teacher. For graduates of approved high schools it requires, for the five years' certificate, about three semesters ; life certificate, two years ; degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy, the full college course of four years. For graduates of colleges of high rank it requires one year's residence for the degree in pedagogy. The annual expenses of a student are about $175- niNNESOTA. ALBERT LEA COLLEGE, for young women, Albert Lea, Virginia, Southgate, Principal, was founded in 1885 by the Synod of Minnesota, to meet the growing demand for the higher Chris- tian education of young women in the Northwest. The advantages for health are : The clear bracing climate of Minnesota ; the mineral waters of the artesian springs of Albert Lea ; and the lake making a college gymnasium for boating in summer and skating in winter. The advantages for education are : It is the only woman's college in the Northwest; it furnishes complete college courses, leading to a degree as in Eastern colleges, also musical, art, elocution, physical culture, and preparatory courses ; it is a home where a girl's happiness and health are consulted ; and the expense is moderate, $200 covers tuition, board, furnished room, light, and laundry for one year. LUTHER ACADEMY, Albert Lea, the Rev. E. I. Strom, Prin- cipal, was established in 1888. It is owned by members of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and is controlled by a board of trustees elected by the corporation. The primary aim is to educate the Lutheran youth, and to them it offers special induce- ments. Members of other church societies are, however, always welcome to avail themselves of the advantages of the academy. Religious instruction is given a prominent place among the branches ordinarily taught for mental discipline. Six courses of study are offered : The academic, the college preparatory, the Eng- lish normal, the commercial business, the commercial shorthand, and the musical. The expenses are moderate, as the school is not conducted for money-making, but for educational purposes only. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, Collegeville, is conducted by Bene- dictine Fathers. Students, according to their abilities and inclina- tions, may pursue the preparatory, the commercial, the classical, the scientific, the philosophical, or the theological course. The instruction in each of these courses is a thorough one. The insti- tution enjoys an extremely romantic location on the shore of a beautiful lake. It is eighty-five miles west of St. Paul on the Great Northern Railway. The location is also very healthful. Shady and romantic walks through the forest, ample play- 183 Duluth. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Minn. grounds, the lake, with its facilities for boating and fishing in summer, and skating in winter, afford an amount of innocent sport the most fastidious will not reasonably despise. The ex- penses for the collegiate year, including board, bedding, washing, and mending of linens, are $200. THE flAYNARD SCHOOL, Duluth, Laura A. Jones, M. A., Principal, affiliated with the University of Chicago. It is the aim of the school to fit girls for life, and, to accomplish this, the train- ing must be along physical, mental, and moral lines. The course of study is always made secondary to health, as an education with- out health would be of little use ; and also, because the required work can be more easily and profitably pursued when health has been established. Two courses of study are offered, college pre- paratory and academic, and graduates are admitted to the Uni- versity of Chicago and Eastern colleges on certificate. There are also kindergarten, primary, and intermediate departments, to which boys are admitted. Rare advantages are offered to those desiring to study art or music. The school is a home, rather than an institution. Number limited. Board and tuition, not including laundry, $500 per annum. ST. MARY'S HALL, Faribault, is a boarding school for girls under the auspices of the Protestant Episcopal Church, the Rt. Rev. H. B. Whipple, D. D., LL. D., President of the Board of Trustees and Rector. St. Mary's Hall was first opened as a board- ing school in 1866 by Bishop Whipple in his own house, with Mrs. Whipple as House-mother, and Miss Sarah P. Darlington, Prin- cipal. The number of teachers was three and the number of pupils the first year about thirty. Since then the number of pupils enrolled in a single year has been one hundred, and the present number of teachers is thirteen. The terms are $350 per annum, French and German included, while music, art, elocution, and dancing are extras. At first St. Mary's was a private enterprise, the Bishop carrying the entire burden of the venture. In 1872 the school was incorporated with a board of trustees, of which the Bishop is ex-officio president. In 1883 it was removed to a new and beautiful building on the brow of the bluff overlooking the valley of the Straight and the Cannon Rivers and the city of Fari- bault. The building was to contain rooms and dormitories for one hundred pupils. Since then the school has adopted the plan of rooms for the students. From the first the course of study and the instruction have been thorough. A certificate of graduation admits to the University of Minnesota and to Wellesley College, and our graduates are prepared for any college or university. Faribault is a beautiful city, centrally located in Southern Minne- sota, about fifty miles south of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and is 184 Minn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Faribault. easy of access from Chicago and St. Louis. It was selected as the centre of the educational work of the Episcopal Church as early as 1857. Since then the wisdom of the choice has com- mended itself to the State, and three of our leading public institu- tions are now located here. The school has a spacious gymnasium, a carefully selected library and reading-room containing the best periodical literature of the day, a neat chapel for daily service and an observatory with a telescope, all accessible without exposure. St. Mary's has its own plant for steam heating and a dynamo for electric lighting. The rooms are well ventilated and lighted, and the school contains all modern improvements. Rev. E. Steele Peake, B. D., is chaplain ; Miss Catherine Wright Eells, A. A., Principal. SEABURY DIVINITY SCHOOL, Faribault, the Rt. Rev. Henry Benjamin Whipple, LL. D., President, Rev. Alford A. Butler, M. A., Warden. This institution was founded in 1858 as an outgrowth of the missionary zeal of the Rev. James Lloyd Breck, who came to Minnesota in 1850. The school is larger and stronger to-day than at any time since its organization. The stone buildings are situated on handsome grounds covering twenty-five acres of grove and lawn. High scholarly standards are main- tained. A candidate for the degree of Bachelor in Divinity must obtain a high per cent, in his work, and must be a college gradu- ate or have an equivalent education. Tuition is free. The annual expense for board, heat, light, and washing is $200 for each student living in the hall. SHATTUCK SCHOOL, Faribault, the Rev. James Dobbin, D. D., Rector, is under the management of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, having grown out of the mission school established by the Rev. Dr. J. Lloyd Breck in 1858. Its object is the Chris- tian education and training of boys, and their preparation either for college or to enter at once upon an active business life. It began without means or th'e aid of any moneyed patron, and from the first relied upon patronage for its maintenance. It has become one of the largest schools of its kind, and its beautiful group of stone buildings and admirable equipment and location make it one of the finest educational plants in the West. The laboratories are better equipped than in many colleges. It relies largely on a most efficient military department for physical training. One of its greatest attractions is the climate. With the moderate elevation of one thousand feet, an unusual freedom from severe storms, the tonic effect of a dry, exhilarating atmosphere and no malaria, few schools offer so favorable conditions for the development of a sound constitution. It is specially beneficial to many boys from the seacoast States and the South. Considering the character of its 185 Fronfenac. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Minn. accommodations and the quality of the instruction and care, the charges, $400 a year, are very moderate. There has been no change in the head of the school from its organization, now nearly thirty-two years. VILLA nARIA, Frontenac, conducted by the Ursuline Nuns, is a school for girls. Although founded as recently as 1891, the school has won for itself a reputation for thorough academic train- ing. Besides the regular branches included in the curriculum, instruction is given in drawing, vocal and instrumental music, dressmaking, Delsarte, and dancing. The school is patronized by all denominations. Board and tuition per month (not including music), $12. r SHATTUCK SCHOOL. NAZARETH BOARDING SCHOOL FOR LITTLE BOYS, Lake City, conducted by the Ursuline Nuns, receives boys between the ages of two and twelve, and offers the advantages of home comforts, motherly care, spacious playgrounds, and firm but gentle discipline. In addition to the usual English branches, music and the languages are taught at an extra charge. Protestants are not allowed to take part in any Catholic exercise. Board and tuition per month, $12. NORMAL SCHOOL OF THE UNITED NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AflERICA, Madison, O. Lokens- gard, Principal, has normal, preparatory, and musical departments. Much account is made of religious instruction. 1 86 Minn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Minneapolis. AUGSBURG SEMINARY, Minneapolis, corner Seventh Street and Twenty-first Avenue, S., was organized in 1869 and began its work at Marshall, Dane County, Wisconsin. In 1872 the school was removed to its present location. Prof. A. Weenaas was the first president. He was succeeded in June, 1876, by Prof. G. Sverdrup, who has served continuously since. The faculty, as at present constituted (1898), consists of Prof. S. Oftedal, elected in 1873; Prof. G. Sverdrup, elected in 1874; Prof. J. H. Blegen and Prof. Theo. S. Reimestad, elected in 1885 ; Prof. W. M. Petter- sen, elected in 1886; Prof. A. M. Hove, elected in 1887, and Prof. J. L. Nydahl, elected in 1891. The aim of Augsburg Sem- inary is the education of ministers, qualified for the work in a free Lutheran church. The course covers nine years, the first six years being preparatory, and the last three giving a strictly theo- logical course. The annual expenses for board and tuition are about $120. STANLEY HALL, 2118-2122 Pleasant Avenue, Minneapolis, Olive Adele Evers, Principal, is a school for girls, opened as a day school in 1890, and as a boarding and day school in 1891. In the new building accommodations are provided for about thirty pupils and ten teachers. There are primary, preparatory, academic, and collegiate departments. Annual charges for boarding pupils, $450. Annual tuition for day pupils, $100 to $175. THE UNIVERSITY OF HINNESOTA, Minneapolis, C. W. Hall, Dean, began its legal existence February 25, 1851, on which date Gov. Alexander Ramsey approved an act of incorporation establishing the University of the Territory of Minnesota. For many years its history was one of bitter struggle. The institution started with a preparatory department. The act of 1860, providing for the government and regulation of the University, directed that there should be attached a collegiate department in which regular college classes should be formed. The reorganization act of February 18, 1868, now regarded as the charter of the University, further provided for the establishment of five or more colleges or departments : First, a Department of Elementary Instruction ; second, a College of Science, Literature, and the Arts ; third, a College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, including Military Tactics ; fourth, a College or Department of Law, and fifth, a College or Department of Medicine. The recent growth of the University has been remarkable. Some hint of its prosperity may be derived from the following statements : There are over twenty principal buildings ; the general library contains more than forty thousand volumes ; twenty-four professional and academic degrees are awarded ; the medical building is affirmed to be the most perfect and complete for the uses to which it is devoted to be 187 Moorhead. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Minn. found in the United States ; with perhaps one exception there has never been such a rapid development of a law school in Europe or America as in this University ; there is a teachers' course, a mili- tary department, an agricultural experiment station, and all the usual professional departments of a university. MINNESOTA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT MOOR= HEAD, Moorhead, Livingston C. Lord, President, offers to students of both sexes five elementary and advanced normal courses, in addition to practice courses in the training schools connected with the institution. The privileges of the school are free to all entering the normal department and declaring their intention to teach two years in the public schools of the State. Persons not wishing to pledge themselves to teach will pay tuition at the rate of $30 per year. CARLETON COLLEGE, Northfield, James W. Strong, D. D., President. This Christian, co-educational school has witnessed rapid growth during its short history. The preparatory depart- ment was opened in 1867, and three years afterwards the college department was organized, and a president elected. In 1871, in recognition of generous gifts, the name of Mr. William Carleton, of Massachusetts, was given to the institution. The educational plant, including grounds, buildings, library, museum* and appara- tus, has been obtained at a cost of $280,000, and the endowment funds amount to as much more. The new telescope in the astronomical observatory is the sixth in size, and fifth in power, in the United States. The college has had about three thousand students, and enrolls more than three hundred each year; the faculty numbers over twenty. The principal departments are school of music, acadeirfy, and college. Expenses, including board, about $170 a year. ST. OLAF COLLEGE, Northfield, the Rev. Thorbjorn N. Mohn, President. While the special purpose of the school is that of meeting the wants of Scandinavian students, English is the language of the institution. This institution was opened in 1875, but a college department was not added until 1886, and the present corporate name was not adopted until 1889. The school is under the patronage of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Two courses of study are offered English and classical. Young women are admitted to all departments. The total expenses for one year are $119. Tuition for the year is $30. RED WING SEfllNARY, Red Wing, the Rev. M. G. Hanson, Principal. In the autumn of 1879 Red Wing Seminary, organized under the patronage of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, opened both academic and theological courses to students. The aim of 1 88 Minn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. St. faui. the school is two-fold : To furnish a general Christian culture ; to prepare young men to be Christian teachers, or to be ministers in Norwegian Lutheran churches. The theological department offers a three years' course. Instruction in Norwegian is a feature of the preparatory course. Tuition is $25 a year. I STATE NORflAL SCHOOL, St. Cloud, George R. Kleeberger, President, was established in 1869. ^ nas we ^ equipped labora- tories and gymnasiums, and a well selected library of several thousand volumes. The practice department includes grades in a model school and in the public schools of St. Cloud. The courses are : Advanced English of five years ; advanced Latin of five years ; elementary English of three years ; a graduate course for high school and college graduates ; an advanced course of two years ; and an elementary course of one year ; also a kindergarten training course of two years. Tuition is free in all excepting the kindergarten course. GERflAN LUTHER THEOLOGICAL SEHINARY, St. Paul, the Rev. H. Ernst, President, is controlled by the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and adjacent States, and was origi- 189 VHnona. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Minn. nally a part of the seminary at Columbus, Ohio. In 1885 it was transferred to Afton, Minnesota, and in 1892, on account of its rapid growth, to its present commodious quarters in St. Paul. The whole course (proseminary and seminary) extends over a period of from five to six years. The theological lectures are delivered in the German tongue, but instruction is also given in English. While the main object is to prepare young men for the ministry, the school also aims to lay foundation for a thorough collegiate course. Tuition in proseminary is $30 per year. STATE NORflAL SCHOOL, Winona, Irwin Shepard, Ph.D., President, was opened in 1860. Fifteen hundred graduates and more than seven thousand undergraduates have received instruc- tion in its courses, the most of whom have become teachers in the State. There are two departments : The normal proper, and the training or model school. Of these the former comprises five courses : Elementary, advanced, elementary graduate, advanced graduate, and kindergarten training course. The school year is divided into quarters, forming continuous sessions. Tuition is free to all residents of the State who sign a declaration of inten- tion to teach for two years in the State. To non-residents of the State a tuition of ten dollars per quarter in advance will be charged. WINONA SEfllNARY, Winona, is a boarding and day school for girls, conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis, under the direc- tion of the Rt. Rev. Joseph B. Cotter, D. D., Bishop of Winona. It has a three story brick building, lighted throughout by elec- tricity, and heated by hot water. The outlook commands the Mississippi River, the picturesque bluffs of Wisconsin and Minne- sota, and Lake Winona. Three regular courses of study are offered : Literary, commercial, and musical. In addition there are special courses in elocution, art, and physical culture. There is a large and experienced faculty. Correspondence may be addressed to the Sister Directress. Board per year, including laundry (except starched goods), is $160. Boarding pupils are admitted to the literary department without charge for tuition. Tuition in this department to all others varies from $9 per year, in the primary grades, to $18 in the preparatory. In the music department tuition is $10 per term of twenty lessons in all courses except voice; in this, $15. Tuition for the complete commercial course is $40, for the course in shorthand is $25. The aim of the school is " the training up of sound, moral, intellectual, and Christian women, to be the makers and preservers of Christian homes, the exponents of the highest and noblest living wherever Providence may place them." 190 Miss. 'WHERE TO EDUCATE. Westside. MISSISSIPPI. CHALYBEATE SPRINGS INSTITUTE, Chalybeate, Tippah County, L. H. Jobe, B. S., Principal, is a non-sectarian school, situated among the highest hills of North Mississippi. It offers primary, intermediate, preparatory, teachers', scientific, literary, and business courses, and has departments of art, music, and elocution. Tuition per month, $1.25 to $3.50. Board per month, $6 to $8. McCOnB CITY FEMALE INSTITUTE, McComb City, Chas. H. Otken, LL. D., and G. P. McFarland, Co-principals. The location of this school is in the pine belt, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 105 miles north of New Orleans, and seventy-eight miles south of Jackson, Miss. Topographically, the city is 395 feet above tide water. Water is free stone. No local causes for diseases exist. The institute property occupies a square of ground in the southern portion of the town. It provides three courses of studies : Primary, preparatory, and collegiate. The degrees of M. E. L. and A. B. are conferred on students taking the studies that pertain to these degrees. The terms for tuition, board, and laundry range from $165 to $200 per annum. EAST niSSISSIPPI FEnALE COLLEGE, Meridian, J. B. Beeson, A.M., President, was founded in 1869. The location is on a high hill in the central part of a city of twenty thousand inhabitants. Religious influences are very strongly emphasized. Among the numerous courses are the classical, leading to the B. A. degree, scientific (B. S.), literary (B. L.), philosophic (B. Ph.,) and music (B. M.). MISSISSIPPI AGRICULTURAL AND flECHANICAL COL= LEGE, Starkville, Gen. S. D. Lee, LL. D., President, owes its origin to the Land Grant Act of Congress, 1862. The State Legislature (1878) divided Mississippi's appropriation under this act equally between Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College and this college, each receiving $113,575. This sum, together with subsequent appropriations, places the school on a firm basis. The property includes a thirty-acre campus and numerous build- ings. There are preparatory and collegiate departments. Two courses, one in agriculture, the other in the mechanic arts, lead to the degree Bachelor of Science. The Military Department is under the direction of a United States Army officer. A matriculation fee of $5 entitles a student to the privileges of a five years' course. ALCORN A. AND n. COLLEGE, Westside, the Rev. E. H. Triplett, President, is an institution for the higher education of colored youth. The grounds and buildings of Oakland College, 191 Albany. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mo. founded by Southern Presbyterians in 1828, were bought in 1871 by the State of Mississippi, and dedicated, under the name of Al- corn University, to the purpose of negro education. In 1878 the Legislature reorganized the school with the name of Alcorn Agri- cultural and Mechanical College, the better to comply with the Act of Congress of 1862, under which the institution is a beneficiary. The courses include, among others, college, normal, and industrial. Tuition is free to all Mississippi students ; to others it is $5 per term in advance. MISSOURI. NORTHWEST fUSSOURI COLLEGE, Albany, William H. Pritchett, A. M., President, is a college, music and art conservatory, and business institute for both sexes, owned by the Gallatin Dis- trict of the Missouri Conference, M. E. Church, South, and char- tered (1891) with collegiate privileges. There are preparatory, collegiate, normal, music, art, and business courses. The following degrees are conferred : Ph. B., A. B., A. M., Pe. B. A student's annual expenses need not exceed $150. KEMPER SCHOOL, Boonville, T. A. Johnston, Superintend- ent, is a military academy. First Lieutenant George D. Moore, U. S. A., detailed by the War Department, is commandant of cadets, and Capt. E. H. Marsteller, of the Virginia Military Insti- tute, is the assistant commandant. The school was founded in 1844, and is hence the oldest boys' academy in Missouri. The grounds comprise thirty acres, and contain a lake of two acres, well stocked with fish. The buildings have been erected with special reference to the needs of the school. The cadets are treated as members of the principal's family, and share all the advantages of home life. Preparation is given for college or for business life. School bill, including board, tuition in all branches, light, fuel, physician's fees, and washing, per school year, $300. MEQQUIER SEMINARY, Boonville, a school for girls, opened in September, 1892, by Misses Annie and Julia Megquier. Miss Julia Megquier, Principal, Miss Annie Megquier, at the head of the home department. The principal has taught in Missouri, Nevada, and California, and is fitted by nature and experience to take charge of girls. Teachers selected with care, experienced and capable. Well equipped laboratory and gymnasium. Music department is under the direction of Miss Edith C. Perry and Miss N. H. Hop- kins, sister and sister-in-law, as well as pupils of the concert-pian- ist, Edw. Baxter Perry, of Boston. Art department under the direction of Mrs. N. A. Lyman, a teacher of thirty years' ex- perience, and an artist of note, whose pictures won favorable 192 Mo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Columbia. notice at the World's Fair in Chicago. The seminary opened its sixth year in September, 1898, with good enrolment. BROOKFIELD COLLEGE, Brookfield, H. C. Myers, A.M., President, is under the control of the Presbytery of Palmyra, and includes academic, normal, and musical departments. It is affili- ated with the University of the State of Missouri and with the University of Wooster, Ohio, its students being received on certifi- cate and without examination at these institutions. This ensures to graduates from the academic department ready admission and advanced standing wherever they may wish to complete their col- lege education. Board at the college dining hall, $2 per week. Tuition, $7 to $10 per quarter. CAHDEN POINT MILITARY INSTITUTE, Camden Point, W. N. Stagner, President, has for its aim the preparation of young men either for college or for the common vocations of life. Cam- den Point is situated in the famous Platte Purchase, and has one of the most healthful locations in the Mississippi basin. Its railroad facilities are good. Each cadet pays in advance $15.75 per term of four and a half months. CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, Canton, Clinton Lockhart, Ph. D., President, was chartered in 1853. It was a notable feature of this charter that it granted to w r omen a coequal and coordinate educa- tion with men ; and it has the honor of being the first charter in the United States to embody this advanced provision. The institution occupies a healthful and elevated site on the west bank of the Mississippi River. A campus of eighteen acres surrounds the main building, a commodious structure which cost $60,000. The Uni- versity is composed of six colleges : College of Arts and Sciences ; College of the Bible ; Commercial College ; Conservatory of Music ; School of Fine Arts ; School of Expression. The degrees are : B. A., B. S., B. L., M. A., and M. S. Annual tuition in College of Arts and Sciences, $42 ; Bible, $23; Music, $47 ; Art, $38. CLARKSBURG COLLEGE, Clarksburg, Moniteau County, Warren I. Moore, B. A., President, was established in 1876, and is under the control and general management of the Baptists. There are collegiate and normal courses leading to the degrees of B. A., B. Sc., and B. P. ; an academy course ; a commercial department ; a department of music ; elocution and Delsarte course ; and a primary department. Tuition for a term of five months, $10 to $20. ST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF flUSIC, Columbia, Sam Frank Taylor, D. D., President, is an in- stitution for young women under the control of the Missouri Bap- tist General Association. It has a fine site and campus, and new 193 Columbia. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mo. buildings heated by steam and lighted by electricity. Preparatory, English (B. L.), scientific (B. S.), classical (B. A.), and post-graduate (M. A.) courses, and schools of music, art, elocution, and business are included. Expenses for the half year, including board, fur- nished room, light, fuel, servants' attention, laundry, and all liter- ary tuition, $105. UNIVERSITY OF THE 5TATE OF illSSOURI, Columbia, Richard H. Jesse, LL. D., President, was located at Columbia, Boone County, June 24, 1839. The corner-stone of the main build- ing was laid July 4, 1840, and this is generally accepted as the date of the foundation of the University. Courses of instruction in aca- demic work were begun on April 14, 1841. A normal department was established in 1867. The College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and the School of Mines and Metallurgy were made depart- ments of the University in 1870, the School of Mines and Metal- lurgy being located at Rolla, where it was formally opened November 23, 1871. The law department was opened in 1872, the medical department in 1873, and the engineering department in 1877. The experiment station was established, under act of Congress, in 1888. The Missouri State Military School was created a depart- ment of the University in 1890. In 1868 the State gave aid for the first time to the University, a sum of $10,000. The Univer- sity comprises the following departments : Graduate, academic, normal, law, medicine, military science and tactics, College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts, embracing School of Agriculture, experiment station, School of Mechanic Arts, School of Engineer- ing, and the School of Mines and Metallurgy. The academic department offers five courses, one leading to the degree A. B., one to B. L., and three to B. S. Admission is by examination and on certificate from approved schools. Academic students and those in the School of Agriculture pay an entrance fee of $10, and library and incidental fees amounting to $10. Law students (regular or special) pay $50 a year. HARVIN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Fredericktown, Nelson Bellinger Henry, President, is under the patronage of the M. E. Church, South, and includes preparatory, collegiate, music, and teachers' courses. Tuition per year, $20 to $40. IBERIA ACADEMY, Iberia, G. Byron Smith, A. M., Princi- pal, is a non-sectarian, Christian school that fits for college and offers classical, scientific, English, and musical courses. The library has fifteen hundred books. The academy is co-educational and has an enrolment of about one hundred. Annual tuition, $21. Board can be obtained in private families at $1.50 to $2.50. 194 Mo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Kirkwood. CARLISLE TRAINING SCHOOL, Jackson, the Rev. Willis Carlisle, Principal, is a preparatory school for boys and girls between the ages of eleven and eighteen years. Special attention is given to moral training. Music and art are included in the course of study. The board and tuition expenses are $150 per year. ST. LOUIS SEMINARY, Jennings, B. T. Blewett, LL.D., Principal. This is a private select school for young women, situ- ated at Woodland, near Jennings Station, on a height of land overlooking the city of St. Louis. The location is beautiful and healthful, and, while secluded enough to be free from disturbing influences, it is near enough to St. Louis to afford its students the educational advantages of the city. The building is completely equipped and stands in the midst of a shady lawn of six acres, the entire grounds comprising twenty-six acres. But twenty boarding pupils can be accommodated at one time. The principal, Doctor Blewett, founder and ex-president of Bethel College, Russellville r Ky., has devoted his life to the education of the young and his able work is supplemented by that of his carefully chosen assist- ants. The curriculum is so arranged that it embraces whatever may be required in the thorough education of a young lady. The discipline is parental, and every effort is made to make the school life a happy one. The Seminary is regularly chartered and author- ized to confer the usual literary degrees, and diplomas are granted to those who satisfactorily complete the full course of study, including music. THE CONRAD AND SfllTH BUSINESS COLLEGES, include Kansas City Business College, Lawrence Business College, Atchi- son Business College, and St. Joseph Business College, and are incorporated with a capital stock of twenty-five thousand dollars. These colleges are under one management, offer the same courses of study, use the same text-books, and charge the same rates of tuition. C. T. Smith is the President. Tuition in the business course, thirty-six weeks, day sessions, $50. In the shorthand and typewriting course, the same. In the combined business and shorthand course, $75. KIRKWOOD fllLITARY ACADEflY AND GLENDALE INSTITUTE, Kirkwood, Edward A. Haight, A. M., Superintend- ent, was founded in 1882. It is thirteen miles from St. Louis by rail. The grounds embrace five acres of beautiful lawn, and the building is a large brick structure of three stories. It has pre- pared for Harvard, Vanderbilt, De Pauw, and other colleges. Individual attention and study are devoted to each pupil. The cadets are drilled each day in military tactics. The superintend- Lexington. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mo.' ent with his family occupies the same building with the boys, and all take their meals together at the same table. Board, tuition, washing, light, and fuel, $350 per school year. Boys are received at eight years of age. WENTWORTH HILITARY ACADEMY, Lexington, Major Sandford Sellers, M. A., Superintendent. Major Sellers has had charge of this institution about twenty years or from its very begin- ing, it having started as a small day school. It is now the oldest and most prosperous military school in the central West. It is healthfully located forty-two miles east of Kansas City. The recently erected buildings of brick and stone are in the midst of a blue-grass campus of twelve acres beautiful with shade trees. The school is under government supervision and is supplied by the government with ordnance and ordnance stores. The military department is in charge of a United States army officer, a graduate of West Point. It is incorporated, is under a board of trustees, and has no debt, thus the expenses are small and the advantages proportionately large. In 1897 the school was attended by 115 boys, representing fourteen different States and old Mexico. Dur- ing the summer of 1898 the capacity was considerably increased by extensive additions, and at the opening session of 1898-99 every room was occupied. WILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGE, Liberty, was founded in 1849, and is the best endowed and most largely attended college for young men in Missouri. It is situated at Liberty, Clay County, Missouri, a growing town of about thirty-five hundred inhabitants. It has an academic department, a collegiate department, and a theological department. There are ten college buildings, includ- ing lecture halls, laboratories, dormitories, students' boarding club, dining hall, etc. The college has no boarding department, but each student makes his own arrangements for board and lodging. Necessary expenses range from $175 to $256 per college year. Ministerial students and sons of Baptist ministers receive tuition free. HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF flUSIC, Mexico, J. W. Million, A. M., President, is an institution for young women, founded and endowed by Governor Hardinin 1873. The faculty includes alumni of Johns Hopkins, Chicago, Michigan, Berlin, Bryn Mawr and Vassar. A. B., B. L., and A. M. are the degrees conferred in the collegiate department. Other depart- ments are : Academic, elocution, art, commercial, primary, cooking, and music. The last named department is perhaps the most notable of the institution. It is chartered by the State, with power to grant degrees, and is presided over by Xaver Scharwenka, 196 Mo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Park-uille. the founder of the Conservatory at Berlin, and court pianist to the Emperor of Austria. Herr Scharwenka is present in person during May. Board, fuel, light, laundry, furnished room, and full collegiate course, per year, $225. COOPER COLLEGE, Moundville, C. H. Miles, President, is located in a village of Vernon County, which has excellent railway connections, and is noted for its immunity from vice. The school was organized at the M. E. church in Moundville in 1892, and opened its first session in a new building the year following. There are four courses offered : Preparatory, business, normal, and scientific. JEWELL HALL. ODESSA COLLEGE, Odessa, J. R. McChesney, A. M., Presi- dent. The curriculum makes up four departments : Preparatory, collegiate, music, and commercial. The collegiate department is divided into a two years' teachers' course, a four years' scientific course, and a four years' classic course. Degrees are conferred on completion of the various courses. The tuition is about $35 per year. PARK COLLEGE, Parkville, L. M. McAfee, President, is nine miles from Kansas City, on the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroad. Organized in 1875, tne scno l has grown from an enrolment of seventeen students to that of more than 197 Portland. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mo. four hundred. Park College has a productive endowment of $200,000, over eleven hundred acres of land, and more than a score of buildings. It has a preparatory department and a col- lege department leading to the degree of A. B. The library has seven thousand books'. The feature that distinguishes Park from other institutions is the opportunity afforded students to help themselves by work. This opportunity is afforded by Park Col- lege Family. Park Hall provides board, furnished rooms, light, and heat at $3 per week. Tuition in college classes, $10 per term; third and fourth years, academy, $7.50 per term; first and second years, academy, $5 per term. ST. MARK'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Portland, Callaway County, James H. Gill, Principal, is a boarding school for boys, and is intended for those between the age of seven and sixteen years. The school is situated on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River, near the village of Portland. It is conducted after the manner of the English private school, and the boys are treated as members of the family. Board and tuition, $20 per month. This includes fuel, lights, and laundry. Music and special vocal lessons are the only extra charges. ST. CHARLES COLLEGE, St. Charles, C. L. Wolcott, A. M., President, was founded in 1834, and claims to be the oldest chartered college west of the Mississippi. There are two brick buildings, one used for a boarding hall and residence, the other for recitation rooms. The courses of study include business, teachers', scientific, classic, and elective. The scientific leads to the degree B. S. ; the classic to the degree B. A. Instruction is given in music, art, and elocu- tion. Total cost of residence and tuition is $165 per year. BARNES'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 418^ Olive Street, St. Louis, Arthur J. Barnes, President, J. R. Anderson, Principal, is a complete and practical business college. The direct control is in the hands of Professor Anderson, who, from a long experience, understands the practical side of business life. In 1868 Mr. Barnes left Rochester, N. Y., and established himself in St. Louis as a court reporter. Being continually called upon to give instruc- tion to others, in 1881 he established Barnes's Shorthand School. About 1888 he published " Barnes's Shorthand Lessons," a text- book of the Benn Pitman phonography. This book attracted the attention of educators, and was afterwards revised, and is now known as " Barnes's Shorthand Manual." It is used in the Busi- ness High School of Washington, D. C., Young Women's Chris- tian Association, Boston, Mass., and other business colleges throughout the United States. This book was followed by " Barnes's Complete Typewriting Instructor," used in New York, 198 Mo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. St. Louis. Brooklyn, Boston, Indianapolis, Chicago, San Francisco, and other cities. The demand for instruction increased, until, in 1896, Professor Barnes organized a full commercial school, known as Barnes's Business College. The instructors are carefully chosen specialists, and the courses are kept abreast of the times. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, St. Joseph, conducted by the Brothers of the Christian Schools, is a Catholic school, but students of other denominations are received and their religious opinions respected. The departments are three : Primary, preparatory, and commercial. Annual expense for board, tuition, washing, bed, and bedding, $200. Annual tuition for day pupils, $20 to $50. FOREST PARK UNIVERSITY, St. Louis, Mrs. Anna Sneed Cairns, President, is the only college exclusively for women in the West where the full college course is offered. The requirements for graduation, with the degrees B. A. or B. S., are similar to those of Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, Smith, and Vassar. Besides strictly college courses, there are seminary, grammar school, and primary courses, and departments of music, art, and elocution. Professor Kroeger, director of the College of Music, was president of the National Music Teachers' Association in 1895-96. The insti- tution was founded in 1861, and has had a remarkable growth. The faculty number twenty-six. Tuition in seminary or college courses is $80 for the school year. Terms in boarding department, $260 to $275. BISHOP ROBERTSON HALL, St. Louis, is under the care of the Sisterhood of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal), and was estab- lished in 1874. Lectures on church history are given monthly by the bishop of the diocese. The courses are : Introductory, pri- mary, junior, intermediate, middle, and senior. All studies are included which are taught in high grade secondary schools. The annual charge for board and tuition, not including extras, is $375. Terms for day pupils (thirty-seven weeks), $30 to $130. One- third less is allowed the daughters of clergymen. HANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, WASHINGTON UNIVER= SITY, St. Louis, was' organized in 1879. It is a secondary or preparatory school between the district or grammar school on the one hand, and the high grade engineering school on the other. It was organized to effect several ends : To furnish a broader and more appropriate foundation for higher technical education ; to serve as a developing school where pupils could discover their inborn capacities and aptitudes, whether in the direction of litera- ture, science, engineering, or the practical arts ; to furnish to those who looked forward to industrial life opportunity to become 199 St. Louis. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mo. familiar with tools, materials, drafting, and the methods of con- struction, as well as with mathematics, elementary science, and ordinary English branches. The course of instruction covers three full years. It is the aim to have every class during its three years in the school cover the standard college requirements in English. All the sciences are taught by the laboratory method. The chief purpose of the school is general training. Experience has shown that a combination of mental and manual exercises is stimulating and wholesome. The constant demand for graduates of the school by business managers is the best possible proof of the practical value of manual training. Calvin M. Woodward, A. B. (Harvard), Ph. D. (Washington University), Director. MARY INSTITUTE, St. Louis, Ermund H. Sears, A. M., Prin- cipal, is an organized department of Washington University, and was founded under the provisions of the University charter in 1859. It soon outgrew its original quarters, and the present building was erected in 1878 at a cost of $70,000. The faculty numbers thirty, and the school, with this large corps of teachers and with its well equipped library and laboratories, gives a thor- ough preparation for college. Graduates can enter without exam- ination Wellesley, Smith, and Vassar, as well as all women's col- leges which admit on certificate. While a limited number of special students are received, the Institute is a thoroughly graded school, extending from the lowest primary to the highest academic departments. Pupils receive much individual attention, a teacher being provided for every fifteen students. A thorough course in cooking is given to all members of the senior class that desire it. There is no boarding department. Tuition, per term of eighteen weeks, $35 to $80. ST. 'LOUIS UNIVERSITY, St. Louis, the Rev. Joseph Grim- melsman, S. J., President, was founded in 1829 by members of the Society of Jesus. It was incorporated by Act of the State Legislature of Missouri in 1832, and empowered to confer degrees. The degree conferred by the institution is that of Bachelor of Arts, which is attained by giving satisfaction in the examinations held at the end of the curriculum. The degree of Master of Arts may be obtained subsequently, by devoting a second year to the continued study of philosophy in the institu- tion, or by two years of application to the pursuit of a learned profession. There are classical, academic, and commercial depart- ments. Non-Catholic students are admitted to the University. An officer of the United States Army is detailed by the President of the United States as professor of military science and tactics. Military drill is obligatory upon the students of the collegiate department and upon the students of the first and second commer- Mo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. St. Louis. cial classes. The University offers an extensive post-graduate course. Tuition, per session of ten months, for all classes, $60. ST. LOUIS SCHOOL AND MUSEUfl OF FINE ARTS (Art Department of Washington University), St. Louis, Halsey C. Ives, Director. For nearly twenty-five years art instruction has been embodied in the course of study of Washington Univer- sity. In 1875 special students were admitted to the drawing department, and class and public lectures were given on art history. The same year an evening school was opened. On May 22, 1879, the directors of the University adopted an ordi- nance, a part of which read as follows : " A Department of Art is hereby established as a special department of Washington Uni- versity, to be known as the St. Louis School of Fine Arts. The object of said department shall be : Instruction in the fine arts ; the collection and exhibition of pictures, statuary, and other works of art, and of whatever else may be of artistic interest and appro- priate for a public gallery or art museum ; and, in general, the promotion by all proper means of aesthetic or artistic education." The school occupies a newly erected fire-proof building of three stories. The reception-room is situated on the first floor near the main entrance. A class lecture room, also on the first floor, is arranged in amphitheatre style, and will seat 116 students. A large hall on the second floor will accommodate six hundred per- sons. The reading-room is supplied with all the current maga- zines and the leading art journals of the world. The museum in its various collections affords rare opportunities for study. The teachers connected with the school have received their training in Europe. Individual instruction is given in drawing, modelling, painting, artistic anatomy, perspective, composition, architectural and mechanical drawing. The tuition fee is $25 per term, or $75 per year. TOENSFELDT INSTITUTE, St. Louis, J. Toensfeldt, Princi- pal, was founded in 1879 under the name of " Educational Insti- tute." In 1886 a manual training department was added. The course of study is divided into primary, grammar, and academic departments. The academic is the usual four-year high school course, in which English and German hold an important place. Bookkeeping is also taught. The charges for board and tuition are $400 per year. WALTHER COLLEGE OF ST. LOUIS, St. Louis, Prof. A. C. Burgdorf, President, was opened in 1889, under the auspices of the Lutheran denomination. It is situated in the heart of the city, occupying an elevated and healthful site. There are three buildings of modern construction. Religious instruction is given 201 202 Mont. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Helena. in all classes. Provision is made for four parallel courses of study : Classical, scientific, English, and commercial. The school is co- educational. Tuition in the two lower classes is $50 per annum ; in the two upper, $75. Non-resident male students are accommo- dated in the boarding hall connected with the institution. The cost of board and lodging, including bath, fuel, and light, is $150 per annum. In Ladies' Hall the female students receive the same accommodations, including tuition, for $240 per annum. These fees do not include the laundering of students' linen. NORTH fllSSOURI ACADEMY, Salisbury, G. C. Briggs, Principal. This is the name given to the combined schools, Salisbury Academy and North Missouri Institute. It is located in the city of Salisbury, 167 miles from St. Louis. The school is for boys and girls, and has a literary and scientific department, a normal department, a business and shorthand department, depart- ments of music, art, and elocution, and a military department. AVALON COLLEGE, Trenton, Grundy County. The college building is a fine brick structure of twenty-nine rooms. The collegiate courses are standard. The normal department furnishes first-class advantages to persons preparing to teach. Musical, elocutionary, commercial, and art departments. Two literary societies. Attendance largely increased over last year. Expenses, including boarding, room, and tuition, $150 to $175 per year. C. J. Kephart, President. W. C. Ryan, Principal of normal depart- ment BUCHANON COLLEGE, Troy, W. F. Roberts, A. M., Presi- dent, is a co-educational, non-sectarian college, situated in a village with the best railroad facilities and without a liquor saloon. The following departments are included : Academic, business, music, art, and elocution. The academic department embraces prepara- tory, classical, scientific, and teachers' courses. The rate of tuition is $40 for the year. MONTANA. ST. VINCENT'S ACADEflY, Helena, conducted by the Sisters of Charity, was established in 1869. The new building occupies one of the most eligible sites in Helena. No undue influence is exerted over the religious opinions of non-Cath- olic students. Pupils are allowed to visit their homes at the Christmas holidays only. The course of instruction includes all the subjects usually taught. Expense for residence and regular tuition is $100 per session of five months. The scholastic year is divided into two five-month sessions. Pupils are received at any time in the year and charged from date of entrance. 203 Mtssoula. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Mont. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA, Missoula, Oscar J. Craig, Ph. D., President, was created by an Act of the Montana State Leg- islature, approved February 17, 1893. The University grounds comprise forty acres, commanding a magnificent outlook, and the commodious University Hall and Science Hall, recently erected, are fine buildings planned with especial reference to the present needs and future demands of the University. There are collegiate, preparatory, and music departments, and provision is also made for special students. The collegiate courses of study are : A classical course leading to the degree of A. B.; a philosophical course leading to the degree of B. Ph.; a science course leading to the degree of B. S.; a course in mechanical engineering leading to the degree of B. M. E. The college year is divided into two equal semesters. The matriculation fee for the preparatory or for any college course is $10 per year. The University has no dormitories. NEBRASKA. BELLEVUE COLLEGE, Bellevue, David R. Kerr, Ph.D., D. D., President, is the college department of the University of Omaha. Connected with the college is a preparatory department, which prepares for the best colleges. The college has gained and maintains, not merely the reputation, but the character of high scholarship and culture. President Kerr and Mrs. Kerr have large experience and wisdom in guiding and inspiring young men and women. The plan is parental, and the college is made also a home. The teachers, who are the best of educated men and women, take personal interest in the students, and give them the full benefits of their culture. The boys and girls have separate halls, with attractive rooms, and all modern city accommodations and conveniences. These buildings are heated with steam or hot water. They are so located as to give one of the most beautiful and extensive landscape views. The air and water are the purest. The site is at Bellevue, Neb., ten miles south of the centre of Omaha. The college curriculum, in its required and elective studies, gives breadth and thoroughness equal to the best colleges of the East. The expense is $150 per year. The best of musical advantages at extra expense. CHADRON ACADEMY, Chadron, Winfred Chesney Rhoades, Principal, was established in 1888 by the Northwestern Associa- tion of Congregational Churches in Nebraska. It is the only institution of learning, except the public schools, in a region of twenty-one counties, having an area of twenty-eight thousand square miles. It offers four regular courses : Classical, scientific, normal, and commercial, besides preparatory work for those who 204 Neb. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Lincoln. need it. The classical and scientific -are the regular college preparatory courses. In addition to these there is the Chadron Academy School of Music, which offers instruction in piano, violin, voice building, chorus singing, and organ. Situated in the midst of a vast grazing country, Chadron Academy has sent forth its graduates to do work of importance, and often to take positions of some prominence in a new and needy section. The academy is not sectarian, but it is distinctly and positively Christian in its principles, its ideals, and its teaching. QUEEN CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, Hastings, H. S. Miller, M. C. S. This school is located in one of the finest cities in the West. The city is known as the Queen City of the Plains, and is in every way a beautiful health resort. Ladies and gentlemen are admitted to the school, and have equal advantages. The rooms are spacious and attractive, and fitted up with all modern improve- ments. Five complete courses. The expenses are about $150 per year, including tuition, room, board, and stationery. We have excellent facilities for assisting those who properly qualify them- selves. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, George E. MacLean, LL. D., Chancellor, is a part of the public school system of the State, and was founded by an Act of the State Legislature, which took effect February 15, 1869. The University owns an extensive property. Among the buildings .on the campus are: University Hall, Chemical Laboratory, Nebraska Hall, Library, Observatory, College of Mechanic Arts, and Grant Memorial Hall, containing the armory and gymnasium. The libraries of the University contain thirty-five thousand books. The. University of Nebraska comprises the following named colleges and schools : The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, the Industrial College, the Graduate School, the College of Law, the School of Agriculture, the School of Mechanic Arts, the Sugar School, the School of Domestic Science, special professional courses, the summer session. The regents of the University have also en- trusted to their charge the United States Experiment Station. They offer courses in university extension, including farmers' institutes. There is also affiliated with the University a school of music and one of art, in which, pending the opening of the College of Fine Arts, instruction is given in every grade of instrumental and vocal music, and in drawing, painting, wood carving, model- ling, etching, and the history of art. Admission to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts is by examination, or on certifi- cate from accredited schools. The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts provides for undergraduate work leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The Industrial College leads simi- 205 Neligh. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Neb. larly to the degree of Bachelor of Science. Other degrees offered by the University are : Bachelor of Laws, Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical Engineer, and Master of Arts. Military drill is required by the statutes of the State of all male students in the college courses who belong to the classes known as first year of residence, second year of residence, and third year of residence, including those special students who have two studies therein. The gym- nasium is thoroughly equipped with light and heavy apparatus, and gives an unobstructed floor space of over fifty-two hundred square feet. An employment bureau is maintained at the Uni- versity. The University promises nothing in advance, but pays out, as the labor may be needed, about a thousand dollars a year for student labor, at twelve and one-half cents to twenty cents an hour. There are a few fellowships and scholarships for graduate students, and some positions for laboratory assistants and readers. The average cost of a year at the University ought not to exceed $175. Many spend much less than this sum. The students board and lodge among the families of the city. GATES COLLEGE, Neligh, the Rev. Oscar Franklyn Davis, President. This Congregational College of Northern Nebraska, incorporated in 1881, was named in honor of the Rev. Hiram N. Gates, for many years Superintendent of Home Missions in the State. Opened for students in 1882, its college department was not organized until four years later. Its subsequent growth has been rapid, and the present enrolment is over two hundred. Neligh, 150 miles northwest from Omaha, is easily accessible by rail from all points in the State. The four fine buildings of the college include one of the best gymnasiums in Nebraska. The equipment of the college laboratories is excellent ; the museum has the foundation for valuable collections, and the library num- bers about five thousand volumes. The departments are : College, academy, normal, music, elocution, and business. The average annual expense is estimated at $136. By strict economy this may be reduced to $100. THE CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY, Omaha, the Rev. John Pahls, S. J., President, was founded in 1878, and incorporated as a university under act of the Legislature of Nebraska in the year following. It embraces two colleges : The Creighton College, with collegiate, academic, and elocution departments, and the John A. Creighton Medical College. The college confers the degrees Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Philos- ophy, and Doctor of Philosophy, and the medical school confers the degree Doctor of Medicine. This is a Roman Catholic institution, and religious instruction is made prominent in the curriculum. Among secular studies the ancient classics hold 206 Neb. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Peru. the first place as the most efficient instrument of mental discipline. The academic year consists of one session, beginning on the first Monday of September, and ending in the last week of June. Tuition is entirely free. NEBRASKA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, Omaha, Henry E. Dawes, M. A., Superintendent. This is a State institution, the only one of its kind in Nebraska, and for more than a score of years it has followed its mission of care and instruction to those children of the Commonwealth who are debarred by reason of deafness from attending the common schools. Such are received when residing in the State without charge, and others may be received and furnished with the same advantages by application personally or by letter to the superintendent, who is always glad to correspond with those interested in matters pertaining to the school. The situation is highly attractive, the location being on pleasantly wooded meadow land sufficiently elevated to command an expansive view of the Missouri Valley, and having the city of Omaha readily accessible by electro-motor. The physical require- ments of the pupils are abundantly supplied ; the food is ample and of the best quality, and the water, from deep wells on the premises, is unexcelled. The corps of last season, of seventeen teachers, has been augmented by several trained specialists, with full equipment for the work and heartiest interest in its successful accomplishment. The spring roster of 161 pupils is now sur- passed by two, and many more new pupils are arranging to come. The course of study extends from the technical work of the kindergarten, so much enjoyed by the little folk, through the usual primary, intermediate, and high school branches, to a graduation that finds our young men and women ready for meet- ing and dealing with the problems of life. The social and literary features of the school receive constant and skilled attention from members of the staff especially qualified for those phases of the work, and a religious influence of non-sectarian character pervades the school. A Christian Endeavor Society has been organized, and is doing splendid work. The method of instruction employed is the one known as the Combined System ; the arts of articula- tion and of lip-reading are given full attention, and each pupil is brought into correspondence with the hearing and speaking world to the fullest possible extent. Guests are always welcome to the institution, and are afforded every opportunity for examining the methods of teaching. NEBRASKA STATE NORMAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL, Peru, Nemaha County, J. A. Beattie, LL. D., President. Courses are offered which prepare for kindergarten work in the public schools, as well as for the primary, intermediate, and higher 207 Wayne. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Neb. grades. Courses are also given leading to the State and life diplomas, courses adapted to graduates of high schools, and special courses of study for normal school and college graduates. There is a model school, and all facilities for practical work in child study. The school's equipment includes well supplied laboratories and a library of over thirteen thousand volumes. In addition to regular branches, instruction is given in painting, drawing, vocal and instrumental music. There is a summer term. Registration fee is $5 ; tuition, except for private work in painting, elocution, and music, is free. NEBRASKA NORflAL COLLEGE, Wayne, J. M. Pile, A. M , President. Wayne, county seat of Wayne County, is on the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad, forty-five miles from Sioux City and 115 from Omaha. The land is rolling; in healthfulness it is unexcelled. The handsome main building is located on a campus of five acres. Courses of study include literary, teachers', professional, scientific, classical, mathematical, and special science. Students may complete any course without remaining consecutive terms or years. There are no vacations. Graduates in good standing are certain of positions, as the school is not able to furnish half the number of teachers requested. Tuition, board, and furnished room for one year (fifty weeks) is $125; for a term (ten weeks) is $31.50. Elocution and vocal music are free. WEEPING WATER ACADEHY, Weeping Water, Frank C. Taylor, A. B., Principal. This school aims to provide the best advantages and surroundings for earnest students to do thorough, broad educational work. We prepare fully for college. The school is in a very picturesque little city of thirteen hundred to fifteen hundred people, has the endorsement of the Congregational churches of the State, has been at work thirteen years, and was never in better condition than now. The school expenses for a school year, thirty-nine weeks, need not exceed $115. The faculty are all college graduates. Standard business, normal, and general culture courses are carried. A strong conservatory of music offers the best of music work. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Concord, Elizabeth M. Montague-Gainforth, Principal, affords the advantages both of a. refined Christian home and of a complete preparation for the best women's colleges. In addition to the school course of four years, there is a post-graduate course of two years, and several elective courses. The number in the household is limited. This is a 208 N. H. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Hanover. Protestant Episcopal school, and sacred studies, including Church catechism, are embraced in the curriculum. The charge for resi- dence and regular tuition is $400 ; for day pupils, the charge is #75- THE NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND THE flECHANIC ARTS, Durham, C. S. Murkland, Ph. D., President, was established on the basis of the Congressional land grant by the New Hampshire State. Legislature in 1866. It was founded at Hanover in connection with Dartmouth College, but at the session of the State Legislature in 1891 acts were passed severing the connection with Dartmouth and removing the institu- tion to Durham. Large appropriations have recently been made, and handsome buildings erected. Besides the preparatory course, courses are offered in agriculture, mechanical and electrical engi- neering, technical chemistry, and a general collegiate scientific course. The college is co-educational ; it confers the degree Bachelor of Science on those who complete a four years' course. Tuition is $60 a year. THE PHILLIPS EXETER ACADEMY, Exeter, Harlan Page Amen, A. M., Principal. This academy was incorporated April 3, 1781, and was opened May i, 1783. The first and chief bene- factor of the academy was Dr. John Phillips, whose donations in all amounted to about $60,000. The building erected in 1794, and enlarged in 1821, was destroyed by fire December 17, 1870, and the new building was completed in 1872, since which time seven new buildings have been added. The object of the academy is to furnish the elements of a solid education, and it offers in- struction in all the studies required for admission to the leading colleges and scientific schools. The alumni number about six thousand. The tuition is $100 a year, and the entire expenses for resident students vary from $233 to $408 per year, including tuition. DARTflOUTH COLLEGE, Hanover, the Rev. W. J. Tucker, D. D., President, is the outgrowth of a school which the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock opened in his home at Lebanon, Conn., Decem- ber 1 8, 1754, for the Christian education of Indian youth. The school was known as Moor's Indian Charity School. In 1764, thirty pupils were in attendance, of whom about one-half were English students, preparing to serve as missionaries to the Indians. The sum of ten thousand pounds was soon afterward raised, and committed to the charge of a board of trustees with the Earl of Dartmouth at its head. As the result of this endowment it was determined by Doctor Wheelock to enlarge the purpose of the school, especially to reach " a greater proportion of English youth," 209 Kingston. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. H. and to change its location. After careful investigation, the site chosen was the township of Hanover, in the province of New Hampshire, which was the natural center of " more than two hun- dred towns, chartered, settled, or about to be settled." Removal to the province of New Hampshire gave the assurance of a charter, which had thus far been difficult to obtain. This was given by Gov. John Wentworth in the name of King George III. and bears the date of December 13, 1769. The college received the name of Lord Dartmouth, its most active patron in Great Britain. The first board of trustees consisted of the governor, with three of his council, the speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representa- tives, one member of the Connecticut colonial government, and six Connecticut clergymen selected by Doctor Wheelock. Doctor Wheelock was elected president. The first class of four students was graduated in 1771, the commencement being attended by the governor of the province of New Hampshire and a company of gentlemen from Portsmouth, who made their way in part through almost trackless forests. Other institutions have from time to time been associated with, or incorporated into, the college : Dartmouth Medical College, 1788, the Chandler School of Science and the Arts, 1851 ; the New Hampshire School of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, 1866 (subsequently removed to Durham and placed on an independent foundation) ; and the Thayer School of Civil Engineering, 1867. The Chandler Scientific School confers the degree of B. S. after a four years' course. The college proper confers the usual collegiate degrees and admits students on exam- ination and from the certificates of approved schools. SANBORN SEfllNARY, Kingston, Frederic T. Farnsworth, Principal. Fifty miles from Boston. For boys and girls. Col- lege preparatory and general courses. Colleges admit on princi- pal's certificate. Experienced teachers, well equipped laboratories, good library, gymnasium. Large per cent of the work elective. All pupils not required to do same amount of work. Location quiet and healthful. Tuition per term of twelve weeks, $5. Board in private families from $3 to $4 per week. Year begins second Monday in September. NEW IPSWICH APPLETON ACADEMY, New Ipswich, William A. Preston, Principal, was incorporated in 1789, and is thus the second oldest school of its grade in the State. Its name was originally New Ipswich Academy, the present title of the institution having been adopted in 1853 in honor of Hon. Samuel Appleton, from whom the school received $30,000. The academy is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful villages of southern New Hampshire, and is only three miles from Greenville, 210 N.J. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Blairstown. the terminus of the Peterboro and Shirley branch of the Fitchburg Railroad. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Plymouth, A. H. Campbell, Ph. D., Principal, was authorized by Act of Legis- lature in 1870, and was opened the year following. In 1890-91 new buildings were erected. During its history 574 students have been graduated. The school's main purpose is strictly profes- sional, the training of teachers for organizing, governing, and teaching the public schools of the State. In connection with the institution are the training schools graded through a course of twelve years. Young men must be seventeen years of age at entrance ; young women, sixteen. There is a good pedagogical library. Tuition is free to those preparing to teach in New Hamp- shire ; to others it is $15 per term. The scholastic year contains, two terms. NEW HAflPSHIRE CONFERENCE SEMINARY, Tilton, George L. Plimpton, A. M ., President. The town in which this school is located is in the central part of New Hampshire, on the direct line of the Boston and Maine Railroad. The region is well known on account of the beauty of its mountain scenery and the healthfulness of the climate. The school, which is now in its fifty-fourth year, was first organized as a ladies' college, and was among the first institutions in the country to grant degrees to women. At the present time it is a preparatory school for both gentlemen and ladies. Besides the work of the college preparatory department, courses are offered in music, art, and elocution. The buildings are large and commodious. They are heated by steam, and lighted by electricity. The twelve teachers who live in the building have personal oversight of the students, and a resident nurse attends to matters of health. The yearly expense, including board, laundry, and tuition in regular studies, is $200. NEW JERSEY. BLAIR PRESBYTERIAL ACADEMY, Blairstown, the Rev. John C. Sharpe, D. D., Principal. The academy was founded in 1848, its principal benefactor being Mr. John I. Blair, who placed it upon a solid financial basis, his donations amounting to about $600,000. The design of the school is to give pupils of both sexes superior advantages in preparing for college or for business at rates so low that persons of moderate means may enjoy the bene- fits of the school. Two courses of study are offered, classical and scientific. The charge for tuition and board is $225 per year. The school is located in a picturesque and most beautiful part of the country, being within sight of the Blue Mountains and the 211 Bloomficld. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. J. famous Delaware Water Gap. Recent improvements have com- pleted a most thorough equipment in both the residence and school departments. THE GERHAN THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL OF NEWARK, Charles E. Knox, D. D., President, Bloomfield. This institution was opened in 1869 for the education of young Germans for the ministry among their own countrymen in America. It has an academic and a theological department. The academic depart- ment has a four years' course, and leads to the theological course of three years. The seven years give a compacted instruction of the academy, the college, and the theological seminary. The instruction is in German and in English. The graduate is ex- pected to use the German or to be bi-lingual in German and Eng- lish. The institution is Reformed or Presbyterian in character. THE BORDENTOWN fllLITARY INSTITUTE, Bordentown, the Rev. T. H. Landon, A. M., Principal. The Institute grounds, on Park Street, comprise five acres, a part of which is a charming forest. The buildings are large and completely equipped, having been remodelled and enlarged in 1890. Especial attention is given to physical care and culture. All students participate in the regular drill, which is according to the Infantry Drill Regula- tions, United States army. Three courses of study are offered : Academic, scientific, and classical. Boys may be thoroughly pre- pared for the highest colleges and scientific schools, but those who desire to complete their education in the school are permitted by the system of electives to make their own choice of studies. The expenses for board and tuition in any course are $400 per annum. THE PRISCILLA BRAISLIN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Bor- dentown, Alice G. Braislin and Mary R. Braislin, Principals, was opened in 1889, and offers primary, secondary, intermediate, academic, and college preparatory courses. The location is one hour and thirty-five minutes from New York via Trenton, and fifty-five minutes from Philadelphia. The aim of the school is that of three-fold education, physical, mental, and spiritual, and the atmosphere of the home is that of "a cultured Christian family. The charge for boarding pupils for the year is $400. This includes board and tuition in all studies and physical culture. Rates for day pupils vary from $20 to $30. IVY HALL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Bridgeton, Mrs. J. Allen Maxwell, is an English and classical boarding and day school, and was founded in 1861. Statistics prove that Bridgeton is the fore- most town in New Jersey in point of healthfullness. It is thirty- seven miles south of Philadelphia, and has the same latitude as Baltimore. The house is large and well arranged, and supplied 212 N.J. WHERE TO EDUCATE: Elizabeth. with modern improvements. Thorough preparation is given for either professional or domestic life. Board and regular tuition, $400. Charges for day pupils, $30 to $50. WEST JERSEY ACADEflY, Bridgeton, Phoebus W. Lyon, A. M., Principal, was founded in 1852 by the West Jersey Pres- bytery. It has both a boarding and a day school department, and occupies a fine stone building. The grounds are fourteen acres in extent, and there is a fully equipped gymnasium. Complete prepa- ration is given for college. Board and tuition, $370. Tuition alone, $60 a year. THE PINQRY SCHOOL, Elizabeth, Frank H. Robson, A. M. y Head Master. This school was founded by the Rev. John F. Pingry, Ph.D., in 1861, and continued with large success under his personal direction until 1892. The school was in that year incorporated, a new building was erected, and the school facilities much increased. The building has a frontage of eighty-seven feet and a depth of one hundred and twenty-seven feet, and contains laboratories, drawing-room, library, gymnasium, assembly-room, and has most approved lighting and ventilation. The Pingry School owns about four acres of land. An athletic field, with six lap running tracks, tennis courts, and golf links, furnishes ample opportunities for all forms of physical exercise. The school takes boys at six years of age, gives a complete elementary course and three academic courses : Classical, which prepares for any college ; scientific, which prepares for any scientific school ; general, which prepares for efficient business life. A corps of twelve teachers is employed. Provision will be made in 1899 for boarding pupils. Elizabeth is twelve miles from New York ; the school is well located, and the surroundings attractive and healthful. Tuition 213 Elizabeth. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. J. rates vary between $60 and $150 per year. Boarding pupils, $600 per year. THE VAIL-DEANE SCHOOL, Elizabeth, Miss Laura A. Vail, Principal. This school is pleasantly situated on North Broad Street, Elizabeth, and furnishes special advantages because of its nearness to New York. The schoolrooms are well adapted for their purpose, and the best instructors are employed. Young ladies are fitted for college or for the home life. A limited number of students are received in the family, where no effort is spared to develop an earnest Christian womanhood. pWIGHT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Englewood, Miss E. S. 'Creighton and Miss E. W. Farrar, Principals, is attractively situated on the western banks of the Hudson River, fourteen miles from New York City. The departments are kindergarten, primary, preparatory, and academic. Smith, Wellesley, and Wells accept the certificate of the Dwight School, and its graduates pass with credit the examinations for Bryn Mawr. Native French and German teachers have charge of the French and German. The faculty numbers eighteen. Board and tuition in English, Latin, French, and German, $600 to $700. Tuition for day pupils ranges from $40 in the kindergarten to $100 in the academic. THE ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Englewood, James B. Parsons, A. M., Principal. Englewood is a place of beautiful and cultivated homes, located fifteen miles from New York City. The school occupies a building which, in beauty and fitness for its object, is without superior in the State of New Jer- sey. The site is particularly attractive, healthy, and convenient. The work of the school is based upon a carefully chosen course of study, covering seven years, and fully meets the requirements of the foremost colleges and scientific schools. Tuition and home, including all necessary furnishings, $500 to $600. There are no extras. PEDDIE INSTITUTE, Hightstown, R. W. Swetland, A. B., Principal. .The school was incorporated in 1866, under the name of The New Jersey Classical and Scientific Institute, which was subsequently changed to Peddie Institute, in recognition of Mr. Thomas B. Peddie's gift at one time of $25,000. Its main object is to furnish to young men and young women academic education, \vhich will prepare for college or for future life. Three regular courses are offered : The classical preparatory, scientific prepar- atory, and English. Besides these, special courses are provided : A business course, and graded courses in music and. art. The Longstreet Library occupies the first story of a separate building, and the museum is another valuable and unique feature. A beau- 214 N.J. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Montclair. tiful din ing-hall, erected at a cost of $30,000, is provided with all the latest and most approved means for preparing and serving food. A fine athletic field, with ample room for baseball, foot- ball, track and field sports, and tennis, adds greatly to the attract- iveness of the school. The Institute sustains a voluntary cadet corps armed by the State. The charge per year, including tuition in solid branches, is $250. HASBROUCK INSTITUTE, Jersey City, C. C. Stimets, A. M., Principal, is a classical, English, and commercial school, with kindergarten, art school, and school of music. It was founded in 1856. Williams, Cornell, Amherst, Smith, and Dartmouth accept the Hasbrouck diploma in place of an entrance examination. The new building is of Romanesque architecture, and constructed of red brick with brownstone trimmings. There are separate boys' and girls' departments under able management. The faculty numbers twenty-four specialists. Tuition per quarter, $10 to $30. MONTCLAIR MILITARY ACADEMY, Montclair, J. G. Mac- Vicar, M. A., Principal. Montclair, one of New York's finest suburbs, is situated on the slope of the Orange Mountains, at an altitude of from three to six hundred feet. In 1887 Mr. J. G. MacVicar was engaged by a few men as tutor for ten boys. The first winter the number increased to twenty-six, and a little school- house on Clinton Street, Montclair, was purchased. In 1888 a completely equipped building was erected, and in 1890 a gym- nasium was added. The grounds and buildings were further extended in 1894, leaving nothing undone that would add to the convenience and completeness of the school. The design of the institution is to give to boys and young men a critical preparation for the best colleges and scientific schools. The 215 Moorestown. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N.J. departments of instruction are military, physical, and scholastic, the first two being the means of attaining a high standard in the last. Each cadet receives two physical examinations a year, and the carefully recorded results are submitted to parents for inspec- tion. The academy is essentially military in discipline, regular instruction in military tactics being given by a commissioned United States army officer, and absolute military precision and punctuality being required of all cadets. For resident cadets the charge for instruction, room, board, simple mending, fuel, lights, use of arms and equipments, is $600 a year. FRIENDS' ACADEflY, Moorestown, William F. Overman, A. B., Principal, aims to give preparation for college, and for practical life under the highest Christian influences. The school building has the best sanitary arrangements, and the most ap- proved systems of heating and ventilating. The work of the academy is divided into four departments : Kindergarten, primary, intermediate, and academic. The classes are so arranged that the average number of pupils under instruction in recitation is less than fifteen. The school year is divided into two terms. Board, tuition, and washing average from $130 to $150 a term. FRIENDS' HIGH SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, Moores- town, Charles S. Moore, B. L., Principal, is arranged in four departments : High school, grammar school, primary, and kinder- garten. The school gives a good fit for any college or university. There is no division of the scholastic year into terms or sessions, all entrances in the autumn being for the entire year. Tuition ranges from $25 per year in the kindergarten to $60 in the graduating year of the high school. MORRIS ACADEflY, Morristown, was organized in 1791, and was opened in November of the following year with thirty-three students. The first principal was Caleb Russell, clerk of the county, and a Princeton graduate, under whom the school took a very high rank. From its opening until April, 1795, there were in all 269 students in attendance. Mr. Russell was succeeded in August, 1797, by the Rev. Samuel Whelpley, who continued in charge until 1805. For more than sixty years the academy remained the great institution of the town, attracting pupils from far and near. Since 1878 the academy has occupied rooms in the Library and Lyceum Building, erected on the site of the old academy. Prof. Andrew F. West was the principal, 1881-83, and Mr. Charles D. Platt has been the principal since that time. For the past eighteen years the academy has been a college preparatory school for boys. 216 N.J. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New Brunswick. nORRISTOWN SCHOOL, Morristown, T. Q. Brown, Jr., A. P. Butler, and F. C. Woodman, Associate Principals, has a high and healthful location. Its buildings are new and well planned, and the grounds include twenty acres. The curriculum is arranged to fit boys for college or technical school, or for the actual business of life. The course extends from the preparatory year, for young boys, up to the sixth form. The aim of the school is that of developing the physical, mental, and moral nature of the student symmetrically. Its atmosphere is that of a cultured Christian home. The rate is $650 a year, not including lessons in dancing, music, or drawing. Laundry is $10 a term additional. NEWARK ACADEflY, Newark, S. A. Farrand, Ph. D., and Wilson Farrand, A. M., Head Masters. This institution was organized in 1792, incorporated in 1795, and rechartered in 1855. It is a stock company, with the provision in its charter that all profits shall be applied to the improvement of the school. It affords a complete and thorough course of study, fitting for any college or scientific school, or for business life. There are three courses, the classical, the scientific, and the Latin scientific, each extending through five years. Pupils finishing satisfactorily either of these courses are entitled to the diploma of the academy. NEWARK TECHNICAL SCHOOL, 367 High Street, Newark, C. A. Colton, E. M., Director, was organized in 1885, and has for its object the advancement of the manufacturing interests of the city and State in the line of technical and industrial education. It is open to both sexes. For the full course of study there is no charge for tuition to residents of Newark. RUTGERS COLLEGE, New Brunswick, Austin Scott, Ph. D., President, was chartered as Queen's College in 1766, and has two departments, the Classical School, and the Scientific School. In the former a college course is offered occupying four years, and lead- ing to the degree B. A. Five distinct courses are included in the Scientific School : Agriculture, civil engineering and mechanics, chemistry, electricity, and biology. To all graduates of the Scien- tific School, in full standing, the trustees grant the degree of B. S. Graduate degrees conferred by the college are M. A., M. S., Ph. D., D. Sc., and C. E. The College Library contains 35,500 volumes; the faculty numbers thirty-two. A feature of the institution is its system of student self-government. A university extension de~ partment is in successful operation, and the Rutgers College Pre- paratory School of New Brunswick is an affiliated institution, under the direction of the college board of trustees. There are nine principal buildings, including an unusually fine gymnasium, the gift of Robert F. Ballantine, Esq., of Newark, N. J. Annual tuition in both Classical and Scientific School is $75. 217 Newton. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N.J. NEWTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Newton, is situated more than eight hundred feet above sea level, among the hills of northern New Jersey. The location is unusually healthful, and there is absolutely no malaria. The fifteen-acre campus and large gymnasium afford ample opportunity for physical develop- ment. The teaching, which is addressed to the individual pupil, is extremely thorough. The school prepares for college, scientific school, and business. In modern languages only native teachers are employed. The art department is under the supervision of the principal, Julian C. Pla, who received his training in the best CLOVERSIDE. Paris art schools, and the music is in charge of a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Stuttgart. The total expense for one year is $300. "CLOVERSIDE," a home school for girls, Nutley, Miss Eliza- beth Timlow, Principal. The school building, an attractive, com- fortable place, stands on Nutley Heights, only forty-five minutes' ride from New York City, so that on Saturdays the girls are often taken to some one of the many places of interest in or about that city. Cloverside attempts to justify its title of " Home School," and great care is taken to make the home life bright and happy. 218 N.J. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Princeton. The regular school course embraces all the studies necessary for thorough college preparation, but for the girls who do not wish to go to college advanced work is arranged in every line. No pupil is held to a fixed grade. Especial attention is paid to English, much of this work being given in the form of lectures, of which written abstracts are required. Original individual work is also required. The expense of board, room, and tuition in Latin, English, and French is $550 per annum ; use of the piano, $10; seat in church, $5 ; laundry, $25 ; German, $40 ; and instruction in music, art, and dancing is given at the master's charges. PASSAIC COLLEGIATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND CHILDREN, 124 Lafayette Avenue, Passaic, N. Louise Buck- land, Principal, was opened on September 25, 1895. It has grown steadily, and now enrolls more than fifty pupils. The school begins with kindergarten and fits girls for the best colleges for women. Board and tuition, $550. Tuition, from $60 to $200 per year. Boys are received in the younger classes. THE HENRY C. DE MILLE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Pompton, Mrs. H. C. de Mille, Principal, is healthfully located among the Ramapo Hills at an elevation of five hundred feet above sea level. The grounds cover seventy-six acres ; the school buildings are new, well ventilated, heated with hot water, and lighted by gas. Military discipline and practical instruction in all details of housekeeping are among the features of the school. Students and teachers form really one large family. There are primary and intermediate grades, and junior and senior depart- ments. A strong point is the individual attention given to each girl. Terms for the school year, including board and regular tuition, are $400 for pupils in the primary grade, and $500 for older students. THE PRINCETON PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Princeton, John B. Fine, Head Master, has been in existence for twenty-three years, and was incorporated under a Board of Directors in July, 1895. It is situated about one mile from Princeton, and its prin- cipal aim is that of preparing a limited number of boys for entrance to any department of the university. No boys under fourteen are received, and only those are admitted who intend to take a college course. The school grounds comprise about ten acres, and the master's house, where all resident pupils live, is steam heated, electric lighted, and fitted up with all modern appliances. The full annual charge is $500. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, Princeton, the Rev. Francis Landry Patton, LL. D., President. The first charter of Princeton was granted in 1746. The plan of its godly founders was to estab- 219 Princeton. WHERE TO "EDUCATE. N. /. lish an institution " in which ample provision should be made for the intellectual and religious culture of youth desirous to obtain a liberal education, and more especially for the thorough training of such as were candidates for the holy ministry." A second charter, more liberal in its provisions than the first, was granted in 1748, and was confirmed and renewed by the New Jersey Legislature after the War of the Revolution. The corporation, therein styled " the Trustees of the College of New Jersey," were given power to hold and administer the college property, to make laws for the government of the institution, to choose the president and faculty, and to confer degrees. The college was opened at Elizabethtown, thence was removed to Newark, and soon afterward (1753) to Princeton. Nassau Hall, still standing, was built during the next two years. Among the early presidents, one notes the dis- tinguished name of Jonathan Edwards. Princeton Theological Seminary was founded in 1812 ; in 1875 tne J onn C. Green School of Science was established ; in 1875 the Department of Civil Engi- neering, and in 1889 the Department of Electrical Engineering. During the presidency of Dr. James Me Cosh, which began in 1868, Princeton increased its endowment and the number of instructors, erected new buildings, and in general entered on. its modern period of expansion, yet it was not until 1896, the i5oth anniversary of the signing of its first charter, that the name of the institution was changed from College of New Jersey to Princeton University. The departments are : Academic ; School of Science, including besides general scientific courses the sub-departments of civil and elec- trical engineering; the graduate department; and the affiliated theological school. All candidates for admission must take examinations, which are for the most part written. The follow- ing degrees are conferred by the University : A. B., B. S., C. E., E. E., A. M., M. S., Ph. D., and D. Sc. As to material equipment, Princeton is behind few of our leading universities. Of its 225 acres of land, 140 are reserved for the campus. Its buildings number over thirty, many of which are magnificent. The nine fully equipped laboratories conducted by the different departments include the Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, founded in the academic year 1893-94, and furnished with the costliest modern apparatus. The library of the University has over 182,000 books, not including pamphlets and duplicates. The faculty con- tains nearly one hundred names, the alumni list over eight thousand, and the roll of undergraduates about eleven hundred. Undergraduate life centers to a large extent about the two venera- ble societies, Clio and Whig, which were founded during the early days of the college in the last century. They own libraries of ten thousand books each, and occupy beautiful white- marble buildings of a purely Grecian type of architecture, with monolith columns. 220 N.J. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Summit. No one except members is permitted to enter their doors. Many of the most eminent statesmen of America have received their first training in debate within the walls of these historic fraternities. Class as well as society spirit used in the old days to reach dan- gerous heights, but if no less intense to-day it is less demonstra- tive. Princeton undergraduates deserve great credit for having inaugurated several years ago the now widely adopted " Honor system " in examinations, and athletic enthusiasts have not for- gotten that it was a Princeton man who revised the Rugby rules and adapted the game of foot-ball for American colleges. Prince- ton is liberally provided as regards fellowships, prizes, scholarships, and aid funds. Annual expenses average considerably under $500. Tuition in the academic department is $150; in the scientific department it is $160, with additional laboratory fees and inci- dental charges. THE CALHOUN- CHAMBERLAIN SCHOOL, a boarding school for girls, 200 and 202 Maple Avenue, Red Bank, Miss J. E. Calhoun and Miss H. P. Chamberlain, Principals. Red Bank is rich in its beautiful walks and drives, and the locality is gener- ally healthful. The school building is sanitary, modern, and thoroughly equipped. The gymnasium is large, light, and airy, and well supplied with apparatus. Especial attention is given to language, music, and art, together with a complete college prepara- tory course. Pupils in art receive careful instruction in drawing, oil and china painting. Only a limited number of pupils are admitted. The charge for home pupils for the year is $450. KENT PLACE SCHOOL, Summit, Mrs. Sarah Woodman Paul, A. B., Principal, is a boarding and day school for girls, founded in 1894. It is under the direction of the Summit School Company, of which Mr. Hamilton Wright Mabie is president, and its purpose is that of thoroughly preparing young women for college or for the duties of home and society. There are four departments : Primary, intermediate, academic, and college preparatory. The charge for boarding pupils, including board, tuition, and plain washing, is $600. Rates for day pupils vary from $80 to $175. SUMMIT ACADEMY, Summit, James Heard, A. M., Principal. The school is located on the Orange mountains about twenty miles from New York City, having an elevation of more than four hun- dred feet above the level of the sea. The school building is modern in all its appointments, having sanitary plumbing, sewer, an absolutely pure water supply, hot water system of heating, and electric lights. The course of instruction is arranged to prepare boys for college, the government schools, and mercantile life. Its graduates have always taken high rank in college or 221 Woodstown. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. J. become successful business men. Some of its pupils have dis- tinguished themselves in the recent war with Spain. A limited number of resident pupils are received who are considered mem- bers of the family and are cared for individually in all that pertains to their moral, physical, and mental welfare. The duties and courtesies of every-day life are carefully observed, and, while the pupil enjoys the comforts and refinements of home, he is under a strict system of discipline that is maintained firmly yet kindly. The charges for day pupils are from $100 to $150 a year; for resident pupils, $500. BACON ACADEHY AND KINDERGARTEN, Woodstown, Belle W. Hannum, Principal, is a day school for both sexes under the care of a committee of Pilesgrove Monthly Meeting of Friends. Woodstown station, on the West Jersey and Seashore Railroad, is within five minutes' walk of the school, and special rates may be obtained for students coming on trains. Pupils holding diplomas of Bacon Academy are admitted without examination to the freshman class at Swarthmore College. Tuition per quarter (ten weeks) ranges from $3 in the first year of the kindergarten to $9 in the high school. NEW MEXICO. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HEXICO, Albuquerque, C. L. Herrick, President, was incorporated by an act of the Territorial Legislature of 1889, and the location fixed at Albuquerque. The regents secured the necessary amount of land required by the enacted law and began the erection of a suitable building as soon as their funds would permit. In May, 1892, the building was com- pleted and accepted by the board of regents. On June 15, 1892, the normal department of the University was opened, and on Sep- tember 21, 1892, the preparatory department was opened and the normal department continued. The University has been in successful operation for six years, having conferred, during this time, twenty diplomas of graduation and many certificates of satisfactory work in more limited courses of study. The standard of work has steadily risen, and the facilities for the study of the liberal arts and sciences are being continually increased to meet the growing demands of the community. Material development has kept pace with internal growth, and the University, with its commodious buildings and growing apparatus and library, can now offer better facilities for study and scientific research than ever before, embracing a wide variety of subjects taught by spe- cialists in every branch. During the year just completed rapid progress has been made. The teaching force has been almost doubled, and the college courses have been placed on a par with 222 N. V. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Annandale. those of Eastern colleges. The departments of research have been opened and a good beginning made in the organization of an economic survey of the Territory. It rests with the people of the Territory to realize the promise of the rising institution. NEW YORK. ALBANY FEMALE ACADEflY, 155 Washington Street, Albany, Lucy A. Plympton, M. L. A., Principal. This is a board- ing and day school. It entered upon its eighty-fifth year May i, 1897, and claims to be the oldest institution in the world founded expressly for the higher education of women. It is designed to afford a complete and thorough education from the youngest school age upward. Board and tuition for the year. are $425. ST. AGNES SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Albany, the Rt. Rev. W. C. Doahe, D. D., LL. D., President, Ellen W. Boyd, Principal. A careful supervision is given the home life and studies of the girls. There are four regular courses of study, besides special branches. Graduates of the school are now in Cornell, Radcliffe, Bryn Mawr, Smith, and Vassar Colleges. The terms are $500 per year. ALFRED UNIVERSITY, Alfred, Boothe Colwell Davis, Ph. D., President, had its origin in a select school established in 1836 and incorporated as the "Alfred Academy" in 1843. The University under its present name was incorporated by the State in 1857. The academy is retained as a preparatory school. The college and theological departments were instituted, and since then three other departments have been added : Music, fine arts, and industrial mechanics. All of these are open to both sexes. The endowment and property are rapidly growing. There are now about $250,000 of invested funds, and the total value of the property is nearly half a million dollars. Eight buildings are distributed over a pictur- esque campus of twelve acres. They include laboratories, the University observatory, and a library of more than twelve thousand volumes. Separate gymnasiums are provided for young men and young women. Three four-year courses of study in the College of Liberal Arts lead to Baccalaureate degrees : The classical, the phil- osophical, and the scientific. Alfred, while not sectarian in spirit, is preeminently a Christian college. The estimated annual expense varies from $144 to $240. ST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE, Annandale, the Rev. George B. Hopson, D. D., Acting Warden. The course of study of this Prot- estant Episcopal school is that of any literary college. No theology 223 Aurora. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. is taught, although the studies are arranged more especially for young men intending to enter the ministry. Greek, Latin, history, English, mathematics, philosophy, and the sciences form most of the four-year curriculum. The degrees conferred are A. B. and A. M. The expenses per annum, including board, washing, room, and fuel, are $225. There is no charge for tuition. WELLS COLLEGE, Cayuga Lake, Aurora, William Everett Waters, Ph.D., President. The existence of "Wells College" dates from March 29, 1870, though its charter as "Wells Seminary for the Higher Education of Young Women " was granted March 28, 1868. Mr. Henry Wells, originator of the Wells Fargo Express Company, gave the main building and land, and the college was endowed by the Hon. Edwin B. Morgan, of Aurora, whose wife in 1879 erected Morgan Hall. In 1888 the main building, with its contents, including the college library, was destroyed by fire, but through the generosity of its friends a new and superior main building was erected in 1890. The Rev. Edward S. Frisbee, D. D., was president of the college from 1875 unt ^ l8 94, when Doctor Waters, a graduate of Yale, was elected his successor. In November, 1894, all the preparatory work in the college was abolished, and since that time all instruction given by the faculty has been of strictly collegiate grade. The degrees of B. S. and B. L. have been discontinued, and one course, beginning with purely required work and gradually allowing an increasing election, is offered to all who expect to graduate. This course leads to the degree of B. A. The college is strictly undenominational. The charge for tuition, board, heat, light, furnished rooms, and washing is $400 per year. 224 M Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Brooklyn. THE NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, Batavia, Gardner Fuller, A. M., Superintendent, was established by the State of New York for the education of boys and girls whose sight is so defective as to debar them from the privileges afforded by the common schools of the State. The literary course of study is the same as that pursued in the high schools of the State, the pupils taking the examinations prescribed by the regents of the University for all secondary schools. The music department offers its pupils the advantages of a thorough course of training in music, both vocal and instrumental. In the industrial department, the boys are trained in piano and organ tuning, broom making, chair caning, mattress making, etc. ; the girls in sewing, with the use and care of sewing-machine, knitting, crocheting, and all kinds of house- work. The grounds are extensive and beautiful, affording ample room for recreation and physical exercise. A fine gymnasium forty-two by eighty-four feet is now in process of construction. This will be fully equipped with the best and most approved apparatus for the physical training which is so essential to the blind. The school is free to those of school age resident in the State. STATE NORflAL SCHOOL, Brockport, David Eugene Smith, Ph. D., Principal, situated on the N. Y. C. R. R., seventeen miles from Rochester. Large campus, with abundant facilities for lawn and field sports, fine stone buildings, large library and reading- room. Tuition and text-books free to normal students. Gymnasium. Attendance in the normal department is five hundred. ADELPHI COLLEGE AND ADELPHI ACADEMY, Lafay- ette Avenue, St. James Place, and Clifton Place, Brooklyn Borough, New York City, C. H. Levermore, Ph. D., President, has both col- legiate and preparatory departments. The college, a natural out- growth of the older academy, was incorporated by the unanimous vote of the regents of the University of the State of New York in 1896. The degrees issued by Adelphi bear the seals of both the University and the college. Students who complete the required amount of work in the classical or literary course to the satisfaction of the faculty will receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; in the scientific course they will, under similar conditions, receive the de- gree of Bachelor of Science. All courses in Adelphi College are open to women. There are seven divisions of the academy : The kindergarten and primary department, the grammar department, the sub-collegiate department, the collegiate department, the kin- dergarten training-class, the art department, and the department of physical culture. The collegiate course of the academy is distinct from the college, and comprises two years of study, which is, as a rule, identical with the work of the freshman and sophomore years in the college curriculum. Adelphi in all departments has over 225 Brooklyn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. one thousand students. Rates of tuition (per quarter, in advance), primary and grammar, $12.50 to $32.50; sub-collegiate and col- legiate, $37.50 to $40 ; college, $40 to $45 ; teachers' courses, direction course, per semester, $10; residence course, per course, fe5- BEDFORD ACADEflY, 57-67 New York Avenue, Brooklyn Borough, New York City, Dr. George Rodemann, Principal, offers a preparatory school for boys, together with a primary department for boys and girls, and a kindergarten. A boy may receive his whole training here from nursery to business life or college. Girls are fitted for Packer Institute. Among the advantages are small classes, with 'resulting close individual attention to pupils, daily ADEI.PHI COLLEGE. physical training in indoor and outdoor gymnasiums, military drill, large, light schoolrooms, well aired and well heated, and sanitary plumbing throughout the building. There are four terms, including a summer term. Tuition per term, $10 in kinder- garten to $45 in last year of academic. BERKELEY INSTITUTE, 183-185 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn Borough, New York City, Julian W. Abernethy, Ph.D. (Yale), Principal, was incorporated in 1886, and belongs to the system of federated colleges and schools constituting the University of the State of New York. It is situated in the highest part of the city, two blocks from the main entrance to Prospect Park. The material equipment and building accommodations leave little to be desired, and the fact that the building stands quite detached from any other, with a broad, open space on each side, deserves note. Berkeley Institute comprises five departments : Kindergarten, primary, pre- paratory, junior, and senior. There are also two special depart- 226. AT. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Brooklyn. merits, the art department and the department of physical culture. The entire work of these departments covers fourteen years. The faculty of twenty members are specialists in their respective departments, and maintain a standard of scholarly ex- cellence that few preparatory schools can equal. Graduates of Berkeley are admitted to the best colleges on certificate. The charge for tuition per quarter varies from $12 in the kindergarten department to $40 in the final year of the senior department. THE BROOKLYN COLLEGE OF PHARflACY, Brooklyn Borough, New York City, was organized under a charter granted by the Legislature of the State of New York, in 1886, to the Kings County Pharmaceutical Society. The college was opened in the fall of 1891, for the instruction of young men and young women in the art and practice of pharmacy. The course extends over two years, leading to the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy (Ph. G.). A post-graduate course of an additional year is open to all graduates in pharmacy, and leads to the degree of Doctor in Pharmacy (Phar. D.). This school requires four years practical experience in a pharmacy as a requisite for the diploma. There are four de- partments, viz. : Organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, theory and practice of pharmacy, and materia medica, botany, and pharmacog- nosy. The faculty contains nine instructors and four assistants. The attendance last year was 109 students, seven of whom were women. The year 1898-99 begins September 26, 1898, and closes April 20, 1899. Tuition, $65. E. H. Bartley, M. D., Dean. THE PACKER COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Joralemon Street, Brooklyn Borough, New York City, Truman J. Backus, LL. D., President. The Institute was founded by Mrs. Harriet L. Packer in 1854, and stands upon the site previously occupied by the Brooklyn Female Academy. It offers unusual advantages for systematic training in primary, academic, and collegiate instruc- tion. The building is adapted to the needs of a thoroughly graded school, and is spacious, healthful, and perfectly equipped. The corps of instructors is large, and its members are all thor- oughly competent. The tuition for the complete collegiate course is $175; for the academic course, $140; for the preparatory course $120 ; and for the primary course, $80. No extra charges are made. PRATT INSTITUTE, Brooklyn, Frederic B. Pratt, Chairman of the Faculty, was founded in 1887 by Charles Pratt, Esq., of Brooklyn. Beginning with twelve pupils, its enrolment grew to 2,561 in less than ten years. From an institution organized dis- tinctly for instruction in the trades, it has developed into its pres- ent organization by natural growth of ideas, and the force of 227 Buffalo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. experience and circumstances. The first department organized was known as the art department. In 1888 were added the women's department, later designated as the department of domestic science ; the department of mechanic arts, now known as that of science and technology ; the regular course, since de- veloped into the high school ; and the courses in phonography and typewriting, afterward the department of commerce. In 1888, also, the library was opened. In 1889 the department of music was organized; in 1891 the department of kindergartens ; and in 1893 the department of museums, which has organized and super- vised the various collections of the Institute. The result has been the consolidation of some departments, the differentiation of others, and the exclusion of still others. The present and approved organ- ization includes seven : High school, department of fine arts, of domestic art, of domestic science, of science and technology, of kin- dergartens, and of libraries. A special feature of the Institute is the practical training of teachers. The school, indeed, has four distinct aims in view : Educational, normal, technical, supplementary, and special. Not less noticeable than the development of the courses of instruction have been the enlargement of the buildings, and the ex- tension of the equipment. The Institute is provided with a liberal endowment, and is able to secure the best talent and facilities for the maintenance of its work. In the high school department students are not only prepared for intelligent citizenship, but are also fitted for any college they may elect. Valuable courses in manual train- ing are given for both sexes. The library of Pratt Institute con- tains nearly sixty-five thousand volumes, and extends the privilege of drawing-books to any citizen of Brooklyn, or to any visitor in the city who can furnish a suitable guarantor. The school year is divided into three terms for day classes, and two terms for even- ing classes. Tuition for a term of three months in the high school is $15 for day classes; for evening classes, free. In the various normal courses it is $25 per term. In other departments of work it varies widely. CANISIUS COLLEGE, Buffalo, conducted by the Jesuit Fathers, was opened in 1870, and incorporated in 1883 by the regents of the University of the State of New York, with full power to confer degrees. There are two departments : academic and collegiate. The object of the former is that of affording to pupils who have completed the parochial or public school a four years' classical course preparatory to college. The law student certificate of the regents of the University of the State of New York may be obtained after the third year of the academic course ; the medical student certificate is granted after the fourth year of the academic department. The object of the 228 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Canandaigua. collegiate department is a liberal education equal to that of any college, and leading to the Bachelor's degree. Much attention is given to oratory and philosophy, and, among other branches of instruction, " the German language, on account of its great practi- cal importance, its valuable literature, and its intimate connection with the English language, is obligatory." The obligatory subjects are arranged in such a manner as to give during each academic year a well balanced development of the various faculties of the mind. While elective studies are limited in number, instruction is given to those wishing jt in French, Hebrew, music, drawing, modelling, and shorthand. For boarders, board and tuition per quarter is $60 ; for day pupils, tuition per quarter is $10. MR. HAW LEY'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG HEN, Buffalo, Lucius E. Hawley, A. M., Principal. The aim of the school is to prepare young men for college. The number of pupils is limited to twelve. The instruction is largely in the nature of private tutoring, and, with the exception of French and German, is given wholly by the principal. The charge for tui- tion is $200 per year. For boarding pupils the annual charge is $400, which includes room, board, washing, and tuition. BUFFALO ACADEMY OF SACRED HEART, 749 Wash- ington Street, Buffalo, is the outgrowth of a small school founded in 1874 by the Sisters of St. Francis. The academy has recently been incorporated under its present name, with the power to con- fer diplomas. The curriculum is thorough, and includes an ad- vanced course, similar to a high school course, providing for a complete classical, scientific, and business education, and a pre- paratory course divided into juvenile and elementary departments. Every facility is given students who wish to try the regents' examination of the State. ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Buffalo, is under the direction of the Christian Brothers, whose aim is to give to the students confided to their care a Christian and liberal training which will fit them for the practical duties of life. Three courses are provided : The classical, the scientific, and the commer- cial, each three years in length. A preparatory department for pupils of seven years of age and upwards fits them for the regular courses. (In the classical course, special attention is given to Latin and English.) The tuition fee is $50 per year. The cost of tuition and luncheon at the Institute is $100 per year. GRANGER PLACE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Canandaigua, Samuel Cole Fairley, Principal. A high grade college preparatory and finishing school in the beautiful lake region of the Empire State. Buildings are equipped with the latest sanitary devices, 229 Cazenovia. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. and are elegantly furnished throughout. Single beds with hair mattresses. Table appointments far above the average. The instructors are college bred and sure of their ground. Certificate is accepted by leading colleges. Exceptionally strong music de- partment. Outdoor life encouraged. Golf, tennis, two basket- ball teams. CAZENOVIA SEHINARY, Cazenovia, the Rev. Carlton C. Wilbor, D. D., Ph. D., President. The village is a health and summer resort, easily accessible by railroad from all parts of the State. The group of substantial school buildings includes a new gymnasium. There are few secondary schools that have better laboratory equipment, or a larger library. The Seminary possesses every facility for giving a thorough college preparation. Co-education has proved successful in Cazenovia. The govern- ment of the school is mild, but firm and preeminently Christian. Among the well-known alumni of the Seminary may be named Gov. Leland Stanford, Senator Joseph R. Hawley, Charles Dudley Warner, and Bishop John P. Newman. Expense for board and tuition for academic year of forty weeks, $196. CHAPPAQUA MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE, a boarding school for boys and girls, Chappaqua, Albert R. Lawton, A. M., Princi- pal. The school building was completed in 1886, and is thoroughly modern and convenient. The courses of study offered are a result of much careful consideration, and are arranged according to the generally accepted idea favoring the pursuit of but three leading studies at one time. Special attention is given to physical culture, systematic exercise being compulsory excepting in case of physi- cal disability. Separate gymnasia are provided for boys and girls, and attention is given to the individual needs of all pupils. The charges, including board, washing, and tuition in any of the regular courses, are $300 per annum. HA/IILTON COLLEGE, Clinton, has an honorable history of eighty-seven years. The school from which it grew into a col- lege in 1812 was founded 1793 by the Rev. Samuel Kirkland, revolutionary chaplain at Fort Stanwix. The site of the college is lofty and beautiful. The buildings, eleven in number, are ample in accommodation. The faculty numbers eighteen men. The library has forty thousand volumes. The gymnasium and athletic field are complete. The five laboratories are exceptionally good. The discipline in rhetoric and oratory has always been of marked excellence. The courses are two, with Greek and without, and are symmetrically planned with abundant electives. The college is Christian, but under no denominational control. The standards of expense are moderate. A man's purse is not made the criterion 230 Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Corn-wall-on-the-Hudson. of welcome or regard. One can be comfortable upon $400 a year. The alumni of Hamilton are a body of aggressive and successful men. The President is M. Woolsey Stryker. HOUGHTON SEMINARY, Clinton, A. G. Benedict, A.M., Principal. This school for girls, established as Houghton Semi- nary in 1861 and chartered in 1881, is thorough and comprehen- sive in its course of study, and reaches far into the domain of the college. Its location is beautiful and healthful, and it is the representation of the school home. It offers a college preparatory course, advanced courses, and remarkably thorough courses in modern languages, vocal and instrumental music, elocution, physi- cal culture, and English. The annual expenses for board, limited plain laundry, tuition in English, French, German, Greek, and Latin, are $450. CORNWALL HEIGHTS SCHOOL, Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, the Rev. Carlos H. Stone, Ph. D., Principal, was established by the Rev. Dr. Loius P. Ledoux in 1867. This school for boys is fifty- three miles from New York and has excellent railway and steamboat connections. It is eight hundred feet above sea level, and com- mands a magnificent view. The building is three stories in height and has been supplied with every modern convenience. A helpful home life is the aim of the institution, and to the end that each pupil may have personal oversight the number of students is limited. Government is less by threats and punishments than by appeals to manliness and personal honor. The scientific course prepares for the best technical schools, and the classical course 231 Cornwall-on-the-Hudson. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. not only meets but exceeds the requirements for admission to colleges of the highest grade. This school is cordially recom- mended by Dr. Lyman Abbott, Mrs. Amelia E. Barr, and many others. Annual charges, $650. THE NEW YORK HILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall on-the Hudson, Sebastian C. Jones, C. E., Superintendent ; Benjamin Lee Wilson, B. A., Head Master. The academy was established to provide a place where young men can pursue their studies under the immediate supervision of their teachers, with whom they must reside. The location is beautiful, and the buildings handsome, ample, and well constructed. The discipline is dis- tinctively military. In connection with the academy is a prepara- tory department known as Bard Hall, established in 1888. The expenses for the school year are $420 for the preparatory and $500 for the academic department. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL, Dobbs Ferry, W. L. Gushing, A. M., Head Master, was founded in 1888. It is on the line of the New York Central Railroad, and is reached from New York in forty minutes. The school buildings are situated on the east bank of the Hudson, overlooking the Palisades. No expense has been spared in the use of material and appliances to conform to the latest demands of sanitary science. The instruction and the training of the school are designed to prepare boys for college. An uninterrupted six years' course secures the soundest equip- ment. Therefore pupils are received preferably at the age of eleven or twelve. The charge for tuition and the general living expenses amounts to $700 a year. For two boys occupying the same room the charge is $600 each. The cost of tuition for day pupils is $200. ST. MARY'S fllDDLE ACADEMIC, Dunkirk, Rev. F. Stephen, C. P., was granted a charter under the University of the State of New York in 1894. The school is under the direction of the Passionist Fathers. The academic course covers four years, including work in first, second, and third year English, algebra, plane geometry, physics, physical geography, physiology, United States history, New York history, English history, civics, book- keeping, and drawing, with two years in Latin, French, or German. Elective work in other academic studies furnishes enough to secure the forty-eight counts necessary for a regent's diploma, the same being required for graduation. nUNRO COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Elbridge, Milo D. Her ron, Principal, was founded and endowed by Nathan Munro in 1834. It has been one of the foremost college preparatory schools of the Empire State. The academy building is a massive brick and 232 yV. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Fort Plain. stone structure, well lighted, heated, ventilated, and well arranged for the necessities of school work. Every apartment is carefully cared for. It is equipped with all the accessories necessary to the best instruction. The courses are under the control and supervision of the University of the State of New York, and are as thorough as it is possible to make them. Certificates from the principal admit the holders to various colleges without examina- tion. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, Fordham, the Rev. T. J. Campbell, S. J., President, is situated in the extreme northern section of the metropolis. It was opened in 1841. The administration was in the hands of secular priests until 1846, when the college was pur- chased by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus. In the same year the act of incorporation was passed by the New York Legislature, raising the college to the rank of a university, with the power to grant all degrees usually granted by any other university. The college estate embraces seventy-five acres, and the principal build- ings number seven, all built of stone, steam heated, and lighted by electricity. There are three departments : The college proper, the academic department, the grammar department. Admission to the college is by examination or approved certificate. The degree of A. B. is conferred at the end of the college course. Master of Arts is conferred on graduates after satisfactory exam- ination upon the completion of a year of post-graduate study. An officer of the United States army is professor of military science and tactics. All students are required to engage in military drill. Tuition and board per annum, $300. FORT EDWARD COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Fort Edward, Joseph E. King, D. D., President, was chartered by the regents and opened for students December 7, 1856. During its co-educa- tional period, which extended to 1889, it registered over thirteen thousand students. Of these about one hundred and forty entered different colleges, but to the great majority the Institute was a finishing school. Since 1889 it has been devoted exclusively to the education of young women and girls. The school is thor- oughly Christian, though not denominational. It gives a com- plete college preparation, and has representatives at present in Wellesley. Smith, and Vassar. There are departments of music, art, elocution, and business. The rates are exceptionally mod- erate. CLINTON LIBERAL INSTITUTE and Military Academy, Fort Plain, William C. Joslin, A. M., Principal. The distinc- tive features of the Institute are home life and military disci- pline. Military discipline is considered an invaluable part of the curriculum, cultivating habits of punctuality, neatness, and 233 Geneva. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. obedience as well as of healthful and recreative exercise. Aca- demic preparatory, college preparatory, scientific and technical, English and literary, each four years in length, are among the principal courses offered. The business courses are one and two years in length, and lead directly to practical life. Courses in music and elocution are also offered. The expenses per year for board, tuition in the regular courses, heat, light, and washing are $300 for cadets, $275 for girls. For day pupils the tuition ranges from $30 to $40 per year. HOBART COLLEGE, Geneva, the Rev. Robert Ellis Jones, D. D., President, was chartered in 1825 under the title, "Geneva College," but the educational movement of which it is an out- growth dates from many years earlier. The college was named for Bishop John Henry Hobart, as a result of whose labors the Episcopal Theological School at Fairfield was removed to Geneva in 1821 to form the nucleus of a college for liberal culture. In- struction was begun in 1822, and "the class graduated in 1826 was the first .class graduated from any Episcopal college estab- lished since the American Revolution." The institution was scantily endowed, and its early years represent heroic struggle on the part of president and faculty. The present success and in- fluence of the college, however, justify the devotion of the founders. The grounds cover over fifteen acres ; there are about ten fine buildings ; the library has forty thousand volumes, and the physical and chemical laboratories, observatory, gymnasium, cabinets, and Museum of Natural History meet all . the require- ments of modern college life. The location, which overlooks on the east Seneca Lake, and on the west the "Ridge," with its lawns and villas, is one of unexampled beauty. Three four years' courses of study are offered : The classical, the course in letters and science, and the course in letters with Latin. COLGATE ACADEMY, Hamilton, Frank Lucius Shepardson, A.M., Principal. The history of the institution begins in 1853, when a grammar school was opened under the supervision of Col- gate University to give preparation for collegiate work. The academy proper was established in 1873, being erected and endowed by James B. Colgate, as a memorial to his parents. The school has the exclusive use of five buildings. It offers three distinct courses of four years each, preparing young men either for college or the scientific school. Tuition is $45 a year. Board and room may be obtained from $3.50 to $6 a week. COLGATE UNIVERSITY, Hamilton. This institution was founded in 1818, and was known from that time until 1846 as the Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution, and from 1846 to 234 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Hamilton. 1890 as Madison University. In 1890 a change of name was made to Colgate University. The school was originally founded for the purpose of preparing young men for the Christian minis- try, it being the first school established by Baptists in America distinctively for ministerial education. The original school has developed into three departments : Colgate Academy, the Col- lege, and the Hamilton Theological Seminary. All of these are under one president and board of trustees, though each has its own faculty and administrative head. The purpose of the found- ers to train young men for the Christian ministry has never been neglected by their successors, but the students in the academy and college have in view a variety of callings, and its alumni are found in all walks of life. The property of the University is worth about half a million dollars, and it has an endowment of about a million and a half. Each of its separate schools is equipped in the most thorough manner for its special work. Standards of scholarship are high, and expenses extremely mod- erate. HAMILTON THEOLOGICAL SEHINARY OF COLGATE UNIVERSITY, Hamilton,. Sylvester Burnham, Dean of the Faculty. On the twenty-fourth of September, 1817, the Baptist Education Society of the State of New York was organized near the village of Hamilton " for the purpose of educating pious young men to the gospel ministry." On March 5, 1819, the society was granted a State charter, and a school known as the Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution was formally opened in May, 1820. Twice, in 1840 and again in 1843, the society applied to the State Legis- lature for a collegiate charter, but without success. In 1846 the application was made by a few friends of the institution, acting in the interest of the society, and a charter with full university privileges was granted to a corporate body named Madison University. This new body took charge of the entire preparatory and collegiate part of the work, and assumed the expenses for instruction in the theological seminary, leaving its management, however, to the Education Society. The completion of Eaton Hall, in 1886, provided the seminary with a building devoted exclusively to its use, and enabled it to enter upon a stronger and more independent life than was before possible. In 1890 the name of the University was changed from Madison to Colgate, in grateful recognition of the liberal gifts of the Colgate family to the institution. In June, 1893, the theological seminary was mads a department of Colgate University. Its administration was given to the University board, but it still remains under the inspection and care of the Education Society. Though primarily for the training of young men for the Baptist ministry, the semi- 235 Ithaca. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. nary welcomes students of all denominations, and admits those who, not having the ministry in view, desire to pursue a course of theological study in order to fit themselves more fully for the service of Christ. The courses of study are three, designated respectively as the full course, the Greek course, and the English course. The full course leads, conditionally, to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. There is no charge for tuition. The rooms in Eaton Hall are supplied with furniture, and are free of rent. All students are charged $5 per term for incidentals, and the price of board in clubs or families is from $2 to $3.50 a week. Students for the ministry, of suitable character and talents, may receive aid from the Baptist Education Society of the State of New York. Information regarding the amount and conditions of help should be addressed to the corresponding secretary of the Education Society, Rev. H. S. Loyd, Hamilton, N. Y. CASCADILLA SCHOOL, Ithaca, Charles V. Parsell, A. M., Principal, was established in 1876 " as a school of special instruc- tion for Cornell University students and for those preparing for the University." An increasing demand for a strictly college preparatory school of high standard led to its entire reorganization in 1890. In that year its special University instruction was abandoned, and it has since devoted itself with marked success to the work of fitting for Cornell and other leading colleges. In point of healthfulness the elevated location is unsurpassed. The buildings have all been erected since 1890, and are exceptionally complete in their appointments. The attendance is limited to sixty-five in order that personal attention may be given each pupil ; day students are not accepted. The athletic grounds of thirteen acres, new boathouse (for the use of all the athletic teams), and 236 WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ithaca. gymnasium provide ample opportunities for bodily training. As to the character of the intellectual discipline, the testimony of Presi- dent Schurman, of Cornell, is : "I believe the Cascadilla School to be one of the best preparatory institutions in the country." One year of elementary work and three of advanced are included in the course of study. Annual charge for home and tuition, $650. CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Ithaca, Jacob Gould Schurman, A. M. (London), D. Sc. (Edinburgh), LL. D. (Columbia), Presi- dent. Cornell was incorporated by the New York State Legislature in 1865, and opened to students in 1868. By the Land Grant Act of 1862 the State of New York obtained 990,000 acres, the pro- ceeds of which were to go to the endowment and maintenance of at least one college, the purpose of which should be, while not excluding other studies, to give instruction in such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts. It was by the union of the money realized for this land and the munificent donation of Ezra Cornell that the University was founded. Mr. Cornell's high ideal, " I would found an institu- tion where any person can find instruction in any study," was easily reconciled with the aim of the government, and another great university took its place beside Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and Princeton. Its total property is now $9,378,499.19, and the income for 1897-98 was $643,050.73. Mr. Cornell's first gift amounted to over half a million dollars, and it was increased by later gifts to about $750,000. Hon. Henry W. Sage gave the University $1,125,000, approximately. Hiram Sibley, John Mc- Graw, Andrew D. White, Daniel Fayerweather, Hiram W. Sibley, Dean Sage, and William H. Sage have given, all together, a little over $1,000,000. But most (about $4,125,000) has come from an investment in Western lands made by Ezra Cornell, and carried to success by Henry W. Sage. From the outset the institution was co-educational and emphatically non-sectarian. The situation of the University is unique, the campus occupying a high plateau 23? Keuka College P. O. WHERE TO EDUCATE. AT. Y. between two deep canyons, and overlooking Cayuga Lake. There are over twenty handsome buildings, including Sage Chapel and Sage College, the gifts of the Hon. Henry W. Sage, Barnes Hall, the gift of the late Alfred S. Barnes, Esq., and the University Library, given also by Mr. Sage. The library now embraces 213,000 books and 35,000 pamphlets. It has an endowment of $300,000 given by Mr. Sage, and grows at about twelve thousand volumes a year. The library of the College of Law in Boardman Hall contains over twenty-five thousand volumes. Cornell is administered by a board of thirty-nine trustees. The University comprehends the following departments and colleges : Graduate Department, Academic Department (or Department of Arts and Sciences), College of Law, College of Civil Engineering, Sibley College of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanic Arts, College of Agriculture, College of Architecture, New York State Veter- inary College, New York State College of Forestry, and the Medical College. The faculties of Cornell University are the University faculty, the faculty of arts and sciences, of law, of civil engineering, of mechanical engineering, of architecture, of agriculture, of veterinary medicine, of forestry, and of medicine. The Graduate Department is under the charge of the University faculty. Admission to the University is on regents' diploma, on certificate of graduation from a high school of approved standing (under specified conditions), by examination, or as a special stu- dent. The degrees conferred include Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of the Science of Agriculture, Bachelor of Archi- tecture, Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Bachelor of the Science of Forestry, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy. In addition to the regular academic year, there is a summer term for the especial benefit of teachers and advanced students. In 1897-98 the whole number of students at Cornell was 2,131, of whom 166 were graduates, 203 were in the summer schools, and 93 in the winter school in agriculture. The instructing staff numbered 225. Of the students, 624 were in the academic department. Free tuition is annually given to 5 1 2 State students, and thirty-six hold- ers of University undergraduate scholarships receive $200 each. There are twenty-three fellowships in value from $500 to $2,000 each, and eighteen graduate scholarships worth $300 each. The tuition fee in the College of Law and in the academic department is $100 ; in all other courses, except the medical course and for special students, it is $125, and for medical students, $150. KEUKA COLLEGE, Keuka College P. O., was opened in 1890. It is located on a beautiful slope on the west side of Lake Keuka in the township of Jerusalem, Yates County, N. Y. Its 238 AT. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Long Island. grounds include one hundred and sixty acres of land, on which is a growing college settlement, a district school, an academy, sum- mer assembly grounds, a college, stores, money-order post-office, electric railroad, and electric lights. The main college building is of brick, trimmed with stone, two hundred by sixty-five feet in size, and five stories high, the most beautiful building in the county. Jerusalem is free from saloons. The aim of the com- bined schools is to take students from the primary class to full college graduation, giving a thorough and inexpensive course from first to last. Over fifty families now compose the college settle- ment, enjoying special school advantages, free from the diversions and perversions of city life. The total cost per student for tuition, board, room, heat, and incidentals, is only $150 a year. The faculty now consists of twelve professors and teachers, and the endowment amounts to $100,000. Inquiries should be addressed to Dean Edward C. Hayes, Keuka College, N. Y. Geo. H. Ball, D. D., President ; Z. F. Griffin, B. D., Secretary and Treasurer. GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY, Lima, the Rev. B. W. Hutchinson, President, was founded in 1830, and from the day of its founding* has been one of the leading institutions of its kind in the Empire State. The location in Lima leaves almost nothing to be desired, being eighteen miles south of Rochester on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, in one of the most charming localities of western New York. The school has a splendid campus, with three well equipped buildings, and the faculty numbers twelve instruc- tors, specialists in their respective departments. Young men and young women are admitted to all departments on equal terms. It is preeminently a home boarding school, the provision for the home life and instruction of the young women being superior. The management aims to have a Christian institution free from sectarianism. This seminary was a pioneer in the introduction of " social training," giving particular attention to the aesthetic in manners and life, and the reputation acquired in this respect has drawn many students during the past fifteen years. In addition to college preparatory courses, there is a teachers' training class, and instruction is given in music, art, elocution, and business. Expenses less than $200 per year. KYLE MILITARY INSTITUTE, German-American boarding school for boys, Flushing, L. I., is probably one of the most inter- esting schools in greater New York. The number of pupils is limited to forty-five, and although it gives no summer vacation, the boys find plenty of enjoyment. In order to keep the young minds occupied the most important lessons are gone over morn- ings. Afternoons, the boys " fall in " and march to the Institute's bathhouse on Flushing Bay. There are seven teachers ; one of 239 Long Island, WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. K these instructors is continually with the boys from rising to retir- ing. During the fall, winter, and spring months the school exer- cises are strictly carried out. German is taught colloquially and grammatically, and boys, who enter the school ignorant of the language, are able, as a rule, to speak it fluently in less than a year. Great attention is paid to military drill and gymnastic exercises. The progress of each pupil is marked every day, and at the end of the month a report is sent to his parents. The expenses are $350 per year (twelve months) for tuition and board, including text-books, copy books, stationery, ordinary mending of clothes, and laundry. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEflY, Flushing, L. L, is under the direc- tion of the Sisters of St. Joseph, and under the immediate patron- age of the Rt. Rev. C. E. McDonnell, D. D., Bishop of Brooklyn. The course of study is thorough and extensive, embracing all the branches of a solid and ornamental education. The classes are divided into senior, preparatory, and junior departments, hav- ing separate recitation rooms and dormitories. As the academy is affiliated with the University of the State of New York, those who successfully complete the requisite course of study receive diplomas. While a Catholic school, the academy welcomes girls from Protestant homes, and employs no undue influence over their religious opinions. Board and tuition, with English and French, $260 per year. Music and art courses extra. CATHEDRAL SCHOOL OF ST. MARY, Garden City, L. L, Miss Elizabeth L. Kones, Principal. This Episcopal school was founded by the late Mrs. Cornelia M. Stewart, widow of Mr. Alex- ander T. Stewart. The school is liberally endowed, and awards two scholarships and three prizes. The course of study is divided into primary, intermediate, and academic departments, the two latter comprising four years each. In the academic department instruction is given in college preparatory studies. The terms for day pupils in the intermediate department are $120, and in the academic, $175. For boarding pupils the charge is $600. Instruc- tion in music, drawing, painting, and dancing is also provided, for which extra charges are made. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL, Garden City, L. I., Frederick L. Gam- age, A. M., Head Master. St. Paul's School for boys was founded and endowed by Mrs. Cornelia M. Stewart, as a memorial to her husband, Alexander T. Stewart. The object of the school is the thorough preparation of young men for college and the scientific schools, and the development of Christian character. The course of instruction, though not confined to those subjects required for entrance to college, is designed to cover six years. Applicants 240 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Manlius. for admission should be at least eleven years of age, and have a fair knowledge of arithmetic, grammar, reading, and spelling. The charge for tuition, board, and laundry is $600. The tuition for day pupils is $200. FRIENDS' ACADEMY, Locust Valley, L. I., R. Grant Bennett, A. M., Principal, was founded by the late Gideon Frost, in 1876, and is under the regents of the State of New York. It is situated in a farming community, half a mile from Locust Valley, a station on the Oyster Bay Branch of the Long Island Railroad, thirty miles east of New York. Ample grounds and a newly erected brick building, furnished with every modern equipment, constitute a valuable plant. There are two departments, primary and aca- demic, the latter including a classical and a scientific course. The school admits both day pupils and boarders ; it prepares for col- lege, and offers a good general education for those who cannot take a collegiate course. Board and tuition in the English branches for school year, $150. LOWVILLE ACADEMY, Lowville, Lewis County, William H. Perry, Ph.D., Principal, has been in session since 1808, the year of its charter, without the omission of a term. Four regular courses of study are given : Classical and college preparatory, Latin scientific, academic, English. The first three are four years' courses, the English a three years' course. Music and oratory are taught by specialists, and there is a thorough teachers' training class. According to Secretary Dewey's report, the Low- ville students earned more credentials in the regents' examina- tions of 1897 than those of any other academy in the State. Home and tuition per year come to $150. ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL, Manlius, Col. William Verbeck, Super- intendent, was founded in 1869 by the Right Rev. Frederic D. Huntington, Bishop of Central New York, and has ever since been successful. Its location is ten miles from Syracuse, on the line of the Chenango Branch of the West Shore Railroad. It is also connected with Syracuse by a convenient electric line, with a ter- minus at the school. The situation of the school buildings is on high ground, with excellent natural drainage. Although within easy access of all parts of the country, cadets, by its location, are removed from the evil influences that surround larger towns. The appointments of the school edifice are complete. It was built with express reference to educational uses, and is provided with special securities against accident and ill health. It has all the modern improvements, is heated by steam, and lighted with elec- tricity. The school has a primary, a grammar, and an academic department, the last named offering five courses, as follows : Civil 241 Mohegan Lake. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. engineering, classical, special, practical business, and a brief busi- ness course. A post-graduate course gives opportunity for ad- vanced work in mathematics, science, language, and history. The school is under the direct patronage of the War Department. The Secretary of War has detailed an officer of the army, under full pay, to take charge of the military department, and also has furnished the school with a complete outfit of artillery, small arms, and equipment. The names of such students as have shown special diligence in their work are sent by the adjutant-general of the army to the adjutants-general of the different States. Then names of the three most distinguished students are inserted on the United States Army Register, and published in general orders at Washington. The expenses for the school year are $500. MISS BILLINGE'S SCHOOL, Mohegan Lake, Miss Louise Billinge, Principal. This preparatory boarding school for young ladies and children, is designed to furnish the attractions of home, in addition to the routine school work. English receives special attention. Besides the elementary studies, the course of instruc- tion includes literature, history, astronomy, philosophy, and the languages. Music and needlework are also taught. The terms for board, including instruction in the English branches, German, and French, are $500 per annum. THE HISSES LOCKWOOD'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Mount Vernon. Two regular courses of study are pro- vided. The collegiate course includes all work prescribed by the colleges as necessary for entrance. The English classical course meets the needs of those desiring a thorough education, but not intending to go to college. Special courses are arranged for those who desire them. The college preparatory department is preceded by primary and intermediate departments. The terms for resident pupils, including tuition, board, and laundry, are $600 per year. The charges for lessons in music, art, and dancing are extra. STATE NORnAL SCHOOL, New Paltz, F. S. Capen, Ph. D., Principal, is divided into four departments : Normal, academic, intermediate, and primary. In the normal department are three courses of study : The English course, occupying three years ; the scientific, three and a half years; and the classical, four years. In the academic department there are three courses of study. The intermediate department comprises five grades, and the primary department four. Tuition and text-books are free to pupils who reside in the State. Non-residents pay in advance a fee of $20 per term of twenty weeks. Tuition in the academic department is $5 per quarter of ten weeks in the common English branches, and $6 per quarter in the advanced subjects. 242 W. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New York. THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF THE DRAHATIC ARTS, the Lyceum School of Acting and Empire Theatre Dramatic School, New York City, Franklin H. Sargent, President, aims to do for the American student what the French Conservatoire and Theatre Frangais has done for the French, and furnish practical means of theatrical training. The academy makes provision for special students in the arts of speaking, reading or reciting, teach- ing, and in all social and theatrical accomplishments. It is gov- erned by rules which are enforced in all well regulated theatres, and its further organization follows the example of the leading colleges of the day. Besides the regular course of instruction there is a preparatory, an elocution, a literary, a stage manage- ment, and an evening department. Admission is by examination, the-fee for which is $10. The tuition fee for the first year's work is $400 ; for the second, $300. THE AflERICAN VETERINARY COLLEGE, 141 West S4th Street, New York City, Alexander F. Liantard, M. D., V. M., Dean, was incorporated and organized in 1875 under the General Laws of the State of New York; reincorporated and reorganized in 1888 by r special act of Legislature of the State of New York. This offers seven general courses of study : Descriptive and sur- gical anatomy, physiology, chemistry, theory and practice, materia medica and therapeutics, surgery, obstetrics. All graduates are eligible to membership in the U. S. Veterinary Medical Association. Fees for the collegiate year amount to $370. THE BARNARD SCHOOL, 117-119 West 1251)1 Street, New York City, William Livingstone Hazen, A. B., LL. B., Head Master. This school was founded in June, 1886, and first opened for stu- dents in September of the same year. New buildings were erected on the original site in 1887 and 1893, and still more recently an additional building fronting on 12 6th Street has been procured and adapted to the necessities of modern class-rooms. The latest and most approved methods of heating, lighting, and sanitation have been applied to all the school buildings, and no pains or expense have been spared to make this an ideal home for boys, A large gymnasium is fitted up with the best apparatus, the school has regular military drill, and there is ample provision for out-of- door sports. The library contains over five thousand volumes, and the general scholarly reputation of the school is very high. From the newly organized kindergarten department to the graduate year in the high school department, the instruction imparted is as thorough as it is popular. The sum of $600 covers the whole yearly expense, tuition, board, laundry, etc. 243 New York. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, head office, Madison Square, New York City, M. D. Berlitz, N. A. Joly, and Paul Rogez, Directors and Proprietors. The first of these insti- tutions was established in May, 1878, and its success led to the opening of branches in many American and European cities. Modern languages are taught by native teachers, by a method peculiar to the Berlitz School, and productive of the most satis- factory results in the shortest time. The tuition for any one language, in regular classes of from three to eight members, one lesson a week, is $38 for the school year of forty weeks ; for five lessons a week, $70. THE BREARLEY SCHOOL of New York City, was founded in 1884 by Samuel Brearley, A. B., of Harvard, and of Belloit Col- lege, Oxford. It was intended to represent, in the education of girls, a part of the general contemporary effort toward a higher standard of performance in secondary school work. A new school seemed specially called for at that time by a lively movement in New York toward obtaining for girls the advantage of a college education. At his death in 1886 the school was taken up by the patrons and became a corporation school. It has been developed and carried on chiefly by these concerned in establishing the Har- vard examinations for women in New York, and in the founding of Barnard College. The school sends yearly a quota to college, the best pupils having respectively taken the Harvard entrance scholarship for women (now existing no longer), and other similar scholarships. No other private school in New York has interested itself so much in this work, or shown any such record of perform- ance by its pupils. The president of the corporation at present is Charles C. Beaman, Esq. The master is James G. Croswell, A. B. (Harvard). The home of the school is in a building erected for it by the corporation on West Forty-fourth Street. The number of pupils in attendance is two hundred, and the numbers of -teachers employed is thirty-five, exclusive of extra tutors and " coaches." CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 2034 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Mrs. Helen M. Scoville, and Miss Edith L. Cooper, Principals. The school, entering upon its sixteenth year, Septem- ber 28, 1898, is pleasantly situated near Mt. Morris Park. It has five departments of instruction : Primary, junior, preparatory for college, advanced, and graduate. Pupils of the college preparatory course are admitted on certificate to Wellesley, Smith, Vassar, and Mt. Holyoke Colleges. The history of art is carefully coordinated with history, literature, and music. Frequent visits to galleries and a series of illustrated lectures supplement this course, the object being to ensure first impressions and the power of independent judgment. The work of the department of music, 244 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New York. under the direction of Albert Mildenberg (a pupil of Rafael Joseffy), has won the entire approval of the music-loving friends of the school. During the coming winter a series of receptions, recitals, and musicales will be given, at which the young ladies will meet friends of the school, eminent in the world of literature and art. Board and tuition per year, $800. The only extras are laundry work, seat in church, and instruction in music. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 115-117-119 West Sixty-eighth Street, New York City, Charles F. Chandler, Ph. D., LL. D., President, comprises chemi- cal and pharmaceutical departments, and departments of botany, physiology, pharmacognosy, and materia medica. On completing the full two years' course of study the student is entitled to receive the diploma of Graduate in Pharmacy, or the degree of Ph. G. "With separate laboratories for each department, fitted with the most modern and approved apparatus, and with the classes divided into small sections, the students receive the greatest amount of individual instruction," says the college announcement, " given by any college of pharmacy in the world." The fees (not including fees for extra and special courses) are $100 per year. COLLEGE OF ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, 39 West Fifteenth Street, New York City, the Rev. Thomas E. Murphy, S. J., Presi- dent. This school for day scholars only was founded in 1847, and is conducted by the Jesuit Fathers. It was endowed by the regents of the University of the State of New York with full col- legiate powers and privileges in 1861. The regular four years' college course differs from that of other colleges only in that no studies are elective, and that in the senior year much attention is given to philosophy. Graduates receive the degree of A. B. The academic department is a three years' preparatory course for the collegiate department. The grammar department admits boys from nine to fifteen years of age, and fits them for the academic course. The tuition and library fees are $15.50 per quarter. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, 241-243 West Seventy - seventh Street, New 'York City, L. C. Mygatt, L. H. D., Head Master, is a private school for boys, founded by Adam Roelantsen in 1633, an d therefore the oldest institution of learning in America, antedating Harvard by three years. The present principal is the eighteenth successive schoolmaster, and the record of pupils is complete from 1792 to date. A complete preparation for any college or scientific school is supplemented by a special course for those wishing mer- cantile training only. Physical training is a part of the regular routine in all classes. The building, designed especially for the school, is adequate and modern. Tuition per annum, $100 in primary to $300 in last two years of senior division. No extras. 245 New York. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. COLUMBIA GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 34 and 36 East Fifty first Street, New York City, B. H. Campbell, A. M., Head Master, was founded in 1764, and had its origin as a preparatory department of Columbia College, and such it continued to be for many years. The trustees of the college subsequently transferred the school to the late Dr. Charles Anthon, and under this great scholar's direction it reached the first rank in thorough classical and English instruction, a position it has ever since maintained. The purpose of the school is two-fold : First, to prepare boys for entrance to the leading universities of the country, their depart- ments of law, medicine, and science ; and, second, to give such training to those not wishing to enter college as shall fit them for business life. The number of boys in each class is kept small, in order to secure the proper amount of individual attention. The school building and grounds leave little to be desired. Terms for the school year: $150 in first form to $350 in the sixth. A deduction of seven per cent, to two or more brothers ; of twenty- five per cent, to sons of clergymen. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York City, Seth Low, LL. D., President. Though founded more than a century later than Harvard, and over half a century later than Yale, Columbia is still, as things are reckoned in America, a very old institution. It was established under the name of King's College in 1754 on the " King's Farm," a tract of land overlooking the Hudson River. Its royal charter provided that the governing board should include ministers not only of the Church of England, but also of several non-conformist religious bodies, and these governors were ex- pressly forbidden " to exclude any person of any religious denomi- nation whatever from equal liberty and advantages, or from any of the degrees, liberties, privileges, benefits, or immunities of the said college, on account of his particular tenets in matters of religion." The first class, graduated in 1760, had eight students, and they received instruction until the new building was ready in the vestry-room of the schoolhouse connected with Trinity Church. Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and other eminent patriots were educated in the young college. It v^as suspended for a time during the Revolution, since the president, a royalist, was compelled to flee to England ; meanwhile the college build- ings served the purpose of a military hospital. The institution was revived in 1784 under the name of Columbia College. The first student to enter under the new regime was De Witt Clinton. The subsequent history of Columbia College has been one of constant growth and additions. Buildings were multiplied and departments created as necessity or interest demanded. A medical faculty had been formed as early as 1767, but it was permitted to 246 JV. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New York. resign in 1814 to form the faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. The latter institution became in 1860 an affiliated, and in 1891 an integral, part of Columbia University. As early as 1798 James Kent held a professorship of law in Columbia, and it was here that Kent first delivered his lectures, since famous as the Commentaries on American Law. It was, however, as late as 1858 before the Columbia Law School was formally organized. In 1864 a School of Mines, now the School of Applied Science, was founded, and in 1880 the School of Political Science, the first of its kind in any English-speaking country, was established. It has had more than one thousand students, and maintains a high reputation at home and abroad. Barnard College for women was incorporated in 1889, the School of Philosophy dates from 1890, and the School of Pure Science from 1892. The Teachers' College, founded in 1889, has just been added to the University, forming its School of Pedagogy. The officers of instruction in the University number three hundred, the students over twenty- five hundred, the alumni over fifteen thousand. With few excep- tions admission to the college is upon written examination. All candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts are required to have an elementary knowledge of both French and German. In the case of students offering Greek at entrance, one modern language is necessary for admission, and a course in the second modern language is required during the first year. The degrees conferred by the University include : Bachelor of Art, of Laws, of Science, of Philosophy, Doctor of Medicine, of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Engineer of Mines, Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Metallurgical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer. Honorary degrees are : Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Sacred Theology, Doctor of Letters. The institution, properly speaking, consists both of a college and of a university. The former is still known as Columbia College ; the latter embraces the professional and technical schools. Each school is governed by its own faculty, which is in turn responsible to the University Council, made up of the president, the deans of the several faculties, and one elected member of each faculty. This in turn is under the primary jurisdiction of the self-perpetuating board of twenty-four trustees, who hold office for life. The University is made up of the following faculties : Law, philosophy, medicine, political science, pure science, peda- gogy, and applied science. The faculty of applied science con- ducts the schools of mines, chemistry, engineering, and architec- ture. All the schools, except the medical, bear the name of their faculty. The latter is known as the College of Physicians and Surgeons. The recent erection of new buildings on Morningside Heights, grouped about the superb library, with its more than a quarter of a million books, presents Columbia with new responsi- 247 New York. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. bilities and advantages. Her scope has been enlarging from year to year, and with it her increased need of funds to meet the new opportunities. Fortunately, while not over-rich for the work she has in hand, Columbia possesses a larger property, endowment, and income than any American university, unless one or two. And she is generous with her wealth. Twenty-four " University Fellowships," amounting to $500 each, thirty "University," besides many other scholarships, and numerous prizes are among the provisions for aiding and encouraging worthy students. Tuition is from $150 to $200, with additional fees in the different schools. A certain percentage of deserving students receive free or reduced tuition. THE COflSTOCK SCHOOL, 32 West Fortieth Street, New York City, Miss Lydia Day and Miss A. M. Reed, Principals. The school was first opened in 1862 by Miss M. L. Comstock, who retired in 1885. The work was then continued by Miss Lydia Day. The location of the school is one of the most accessible in the city, and at the same time quiet and healthful. The rooms are high, sunny, and well ventilated. The number of pupils is limited, and the instruction is entirely under the personal direction of the principals. Every effort is made to teach the pupils how to study, how to think for themselves, and how to express thoughts clearly. To young ladies desiring a special course in languages, literature, history, music, or art, every advan- tage will be afforded, and arrangements made for attending lec- tures, concerts, operas, and art exhibitions. The terms for board and tuition in all branches are $900 per year. THE CURTIS SCHOOL, Sherman Square, New York City, O. M. Curtis, A. M., Master, prepares boys for the best technical and scientific schools, for college, and for business or professional pursuits. Four boarding pupils will be accommodated in the home. Tuition: Primary section, $125; intermediate, $200; junior, $250; senior, $400. THE CUTLER SCHOOL, 20 East Fiftieth Street, New York City, Arthur H. Cutler, Ph. D., Principal, is designed to prepare boys for college or school of science. Since 1876 245 pupils have graduated, and most have entered Harvard, Yale, Columbia, or Princeton. There are three departments : Primary, junior, and senior. Most undergraduates are from eight to nineteen years old. There are about one hundred pupils in the senior depart- ment, and as many in the junior, with twenty-three teachers connected with both. Ample facilities for athletic and gymnastic training both within doors and without. 248 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Xew York. THE DAHEin PREPARATORY INSTITUTE, 342 Lexing- ton Avenue, New York City, was founded in 1891 as a preparatory school for boys and girls. The Principals, Hermann Siegel and Amalie von Kori-Siegel, are native Germans, who have made the study of this language a main feature of the school. It is begun in the kindergarten, and is carried on through all other grades as a special subject. It is a school exclusively for American children, and is well known for its excellent and thorough fundamental education in all English branches. Its location on Murray Hill makes it accessible to the best elements of New York's population. FRIENDS' SEMINARY, 226 East Sixteenth Street, New York City, Edward B. Rawson, B. S., Principal. The Seminary, for both boys and girls, is under the care of the New York Monthly Meeting of Friends. Although a denominational school, it is, in accordance with true Quaker principles, entirely non- sectarian. Its location, opposite Stuyvesant Square, its large playgrounds, its spacious rooms and detached position, give it unique advantages in a crowded city. The course of study ranges from the kindergarten to preparation for college, and includes the languages, science, and manual training. The classes are small, and the pupils are treated as individuals. The price of tuition, depending upon grade, ranges from $48 to $200 a year. The school is for day scholars only. HEBREW TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, 34 and 36 Stuyvesant Street, New York City, Edgar S. Barney, A. M., Principal, has for its object the education of Jewish boys of limited means in such studies as will best fit them for success in mechanical trades. It was founded in November, 1883, by the cooperation of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, the United Hebrew Charities, and the Hebrew Free School Association, and was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature, January 10, 1884. The instruction is carried on in a thoroughly fire-proof, perfectly lighted, and well ventilated modern school building. Tuition, books, and tools are furnished free. THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR EDUCA= TIONAL TRAVEL IN EUROPE AND THE EAST. This institution, under the direction of S. J. Christen, offers unpar- alleled opportunities to boys and young men for learning the modern languages in a very pleasant and practical way, and for finishing their education. Students will be admitted from the age of fifteen upwards. Each group of nine will be put in the care of a master or director fully competent to instruct as well as to guide them aright, a person of the highest reputation and whose charac- ter is a model for his pupils. They will also have local masters, 249 250 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New York. specialists, who will lecture to them upon scientific subjects, arts, etc., without in any way interfering with the attendance at public lectures. The complete course comprises three years : One year's residence in France, one in England, and one in Germany. During the winter of each year two months will be spent in Italy, with occasional trips to Spain, so that the students who go through the three years' course will have learned enough of the four prin- cipal languages of Europe to be able to make a practical use of them. The charges are from 250 pounds sterling upwards. This sum includes all expenses for board, tuition, and travelling, but not those of outfit and pocket money. The representative for the United States, from whom all information may be gained, is Miss H. N. Hannay, Presbyterian Building, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City. ANNEX OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION. Under the care of the General Director there will also be opened an Annex in Switzerland, where a general and linguistic education will be given. Here we can admit boys from twelve years of age, and only a limited number, in order that they may enjoy the privileges of family life. Their board and tuition will be 160 pounds a year, but this will entitle them, after a three years' course of study, to a tour through Europe without any extra charges, except those of the teacher who would accompany them. IRVING SCHOOL, 54 West 84th Street (near Columbus Ave- nue), New York City, Louis Dwight Ray, Head Master. This school offers to its patrons the following advantages : Sound prac- tical instruction, influence of good associates, professional teachers only, a physical and chemical laboratory, manual training, indoor and outdoor gymnasium, full and exact reports, location accessible from every part of the city, a building used for school purposes only, modern books of reference in actual use. The school is divided into a primary department, the lower division and the upper division, and the school prepares for any college or scientific school in the United States. Terms are as follows : Primary department, $125 to $150; lower division, $150 to $225; upper division, $225 to $350. No extras. LA SALLE ACADEMY, 44-50 Second Street, New York City, is under the direction of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and holds a charter from the regents of the University of New York. There are four departments : Primary, interme- diate, commercial, and academic. In the academic department, the classical and scientific courses meet all the preliminary educa- tion requirements of the, regents of the University of the State of New York for admission to college. 251 New York. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. J. H. MORSE'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 423 Madison Avenue, New York City, J. H. Morse, A. M., Principal, aims to supply a broad, sound education leading to the best universities. The courses of study, running through primary, intermediate, and academic departments, are continuous, so that boys entering at the age of eight waste no time, but are often prepared for college at sixteen, and, if of average ability, rarely later than eighteen. The school year lasts from the first of October to the second week in June. At the close of the spring term, the members of the graduating classes, intending to take college examinations, accom- pany the principal to his summer home on Cape Cod, where the work of the last two weeks of preparation is varied by boating, swimming, and an outdoor life on the seashore. Tuition, $150 to $300, according to the age and advancement of the pupil. THE NEW YORK COLLEGE OF flUSIC, 128 and 130 East 58th Street, New York City, Alexander Lambert, Director, was incorporated by the State of New York in 1878. Its course of study includes eight grades, grouped under four general divisions : Elementary, preparatory, intermediate, and advanced. The plan of instruction is by private or individual teaching. Terms of tuition vary widely with the subject taught. NEW YORK INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND, 412 Ninth Avenue, New York City, William C. Schermerhorn, President. The school recognizes that blind children must grow up and live under the same social conditions which surround other people, and that the objects sought for in their education cannot differ materially from the objects which require the education of other children. The selected subjects will all be found among the sub- jects pursued in the ordinary schools, but preference is given to those which are adapted to the conditions of blind students. Those subjects which can be presented orally and by tangible symbols take first place, while those requiring graphic illustration are less important. The kindergarten, primary school, high school, professional school are all represented. The school is supported by State and invested funds. NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL, Cooper Union Building, New York City, George Chase, LL. B., Dean, was incorporated in 1891. It follows the famous " Dwight method " of instruction so success- fully carried out for over thirty years at Columbia. In 1894 an evening department was opened for the convenience of students who are so occupied with business that they cannot attend day sessions. Students are taught to view the law as a system of principles, and not as a mere aggregation or collection of cases decided by the courts. The course of study leading to the degree 252 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New York. of LL. B. comprises two scholastic years. A third year's course of advanced study has also been established in connection with the day school, leading to the degree of LL. M. Moot Courts are held each week. The students of the day school are allowed access to the law library in the Equitable Building, containing over four- teen thousand volumes. Annual tuition for a full regular course of instruction is $100, payable in advance. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, University Heights, New York City, Henry M. MacCracken, D. D., LL. D., Chancellor. The University was founded in 1831. In addition to the undergraduate department, embracing four years, called the University College, are graduate departments of pedagogy, engineering, law. The college proper confers the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., and B. S. The tuition fee is $100 per year. The School of Pedagogy seeks to furnish thorough and complete professional training for teachers. The work is of distinctly university grade and the plan of the institution places it upon the same basis as that of the best schools of law, medicine, and theology. It confers the degree of Master or Doctor of Pedagogy. The School of Engineering was estab- lished separately in 1862. Civil engineering in all its branches is thoroughly taught, and the degree of C. E. conferred on gradu- ates. The University Law School provides a two years' course for day students, and a three years' evening course. The department was established in 1835. The evening division of the department is the Metropolis Law School, which was merged in the University in 1895. The undergraduate law course leads to the degree of LL. B., the graduate course to that of LL. M. The graduate school embraces all courses leading to the degree of A. M., Ph. M., M. S., Ph. D., and S. D. The Bellevue Hospital Medical College was united with New York University in 1897, and graduates now receive the M. D. of the University. After 1899 the required course of work will cover four years instead of three. THE PEEBLES AND THOflPSON SCHOOL, 30, 32, and 34 East Fifty-seventh Street, New York City. An English, French, and German boarding and day school for girls, conducted by D. E. Merrill, B. S., L. A. Bushee, B. A., and S. S. Van Laer, B. A., suc- cessors to V. A. Peebles and A. K. Thompson. The buildings are commodious, and are situated in a healthful neighborhood, near Central Park. The rooms are large and thoroughly ventilated, and the construction of the houses allows sunlight in every room. The school consists of academic, college preparatory, preparatory, pri- mary, and kindergarten departments, both boys and girls being admitted to the latter. The expense of board and tuition in Eng- lish, French, German, Latin, and Greek is $900 per year. 253 New York. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. PRIVATE CLASSES FOR GIRLS, 46 West 55 th Street, New York City, Miss M. L. Grouard, Principal. These classes are intended to supply a thorough education to girls, giving them the advantages of private instruction with companionship. The number of pupils in each class is limited. The primary and the preparatory classes for boys and girls lead from the kindergarten to the advanced classes. The advanced course includes English, history, literature, art, mathematics, science, and language. Courses preparatory for any college will be given to those desiring them. Terms range from $100 for the first primary class to $350 for the advanced classes. THE RUEL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 26 East s6th Street, New York City, Miss Eleanor Boese, Principal. The location of this school is one of the most desirable in New York. The course of study is designed to secure the natural and symmetrical development of the child. The school consists of four depart- ments : Primary, preparatory, junior, and senior. Special em- phasis is laid upon thorough work in English. A limited number of resident pupils will be received. Terms : Resident pupils, board and tuition, $1,000 per annum. ST. AGATHA, New York City. St. Agatha was incorporated in 1806, and was founded by the New York Protestant Episcopal Public School Society. The design of the school is to offer young girls, especially those of the Church, a secular education of the highest efficiency, combined with sound religious training. The school is planned to include all grades from the kindergarten through the high school, but all are not yet established. The four- year high school course will offer both general and college prepara- tory courses. The tuition fees range from $40 per year for the kindergarten to $200 for the advanced grades of the high school course. SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 509 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Francis B. Allen, A. B. One of the chief aims of this school is to teach boys to study intelligently. There are three departments : Senior, junior, and primary. The course of study for the junior and senior sections includes all branches necessary to prepare boys for the colleges, scientific schools, and business. The system of government is planned with a view to develop in the boy a feeling of responsibility for his acts. The terms are : Primary, $150; junior, $250; senior, $350. STANHOPE-WHEATCROFT DRAMATIC SCHOOL, 1440 Broadway, New York City, Adeline Stanhope- Wheatcroft, Direct- ress, furnishes practical instruction in the art of the stage. Pupils 254 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. New York. are thoroughly prepared for stage work in a single term of six and a half months. Three or four public performances are given each year. By special arrangement with Mr. Charles Frohman these student matinees with their attendant rehearsals are given at Madison Square Theatre. TRINITY SCHOOL, 139-147 West 9 ist Street, New York City, the Rev. August Ulmann, S. T. D., Rector, was founded in 1709 under the auspices of the Venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, of London, England. It was con- ducted in connection with Trinity Parish until A. D. 1806, and has received the largest part of its endowments either from the Cor- poration of Trinity Church, or from individuals connected with the parish. In 1806 the school was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, and has had an independent existence ever since. In 1827 its charter was amended, and the scope of its usefulness greatly enlarged. Boys are received at six years of age. In the higher grades complete preparation is given for college. Tuition, $50 to $200. This includes stationery and all necessary books, which are furnished by the school. There is no charge for extras. UNION THEOLOGICAL SEfllNARY, 700 Park Avenue, New York City, the Rev. Charles C. Hall, D. D., President. The Seminary was founded in 1836. Its directors and professors give their assent, as officers of this institution, to the standards of the Presbyterian Church. Its charter requires that " equal privileges of admission and instruction, with all the advantages of the institu- tion, shall be allowed to students of every denomination of Chris- tians." The courses of theological study are the regular course, the honor course, and the special courses. The regular course leads to the diploma of the Seminary at the end of three years. The honor course leads to the degree of B. D., and is open only to those who obtain high rank in the college course. The special courses consist of electives leading to appropriate certificates. Each student is charged $10 a year for the general expenses of the Seminary, $5 for the care of his room, $10 for heat, and $10 for gas. No other charge is made for rooms, use of library, or instruction. VAN NORMAN INSTITUTE, 280 West 7ist Street, New York City, Mme. Van Norman, Principal. This school was founded in 1857 by the Rev. D. C. Van Norman, LL. D. The aim of the Institute is to provide a home and day school for young ladies and children. Thoroughness, moral and social culture, and practical education are its ideals. The primary course embraces three years ; the academic and the collegiate each four years. 255 New York. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. Music, art, and elocution are specials. The rates of tuition for day pupils vary from $80 in the primary department to $250 in the collegiate. For home pupils the board and tuition are $800 per year. MRS. LEOPOLD WEIL'S SCHOOL, New York City, Mrs. Leopold Weil, Principal. The school is divided into four depart- ments : Kindergarten, primary, junior, and senior. The kinder- garten is intended for children between the ages of four and seven. The primary, junior, and senior departments are each divided into three classes. A course in bookkeeping is optional in the senior department. Special students may be admitted at any time. Post- graduate courses in English, French, German, and art are provided. The Delsarte system of physical culture is employed. The fee for resident pupils is $700. MISS WHITON'S AND MISS BANGS'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, academic, preparatory, and primary classes, 43 West 47 th Street, New York City. The method of individual training is employed in all the grades. An English or a Classical Certificate of graduation is granted to each student, who completes a corresponding course. Special courses are offered to advanced students. The certificate of the school admits pupils to Smith, Vassar, and Wellesley Colleges. Appreciating to the full the educative value of life in New York, the principals arrange frequent visits to art galleries, museums, and libraries ; the resident pupils attend such lectures and concerts as do not interfere with school duties ; and excursions to points of general and historic interest in and near the city are arranged for both resident and day pupils. THE WOnAN'S nEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE NEW YORK INFIRMARY for women and children, 321 East Fifteenth Street, New York City, Emily Blackwell, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. The infirmary was incorporated in 1854, and was designed for the clinical instruction of women medical students. The college was added in 1865, and adopted a three years' course earlier than any other medical college excepting the Harvard school. The distinctive character of its instruction is the full provision made for laboratory work and for clinical instruction, these being the departments in which it is still the most difficult for women to obtain satisfactory opportunities in other schools. The institution has four departments : College, dispensary, out- practice, and infirmary. The course was lengthened to four years in 1893. The necessary expenses for graduation in medicine, for the four years' course, are $535, exclusive of board and text-books. 256 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Plattsburg. THE WRIQHT=HUMASON SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, 42 West Seventy-sixth Street, New York City, under the direc- tion of Thomas Arthur Humason, Ph. D., and John Button Wright, A. M. A select private boarding and day school for children whose hearing is in any degree defective. Established for the purpose of providing the best possible education for the deaf or semi-deaf by supplying the combined advantages of school and private instruction. Large faculty of skilled teachers and limited number of pupils. Curriculum parallel to that of the best schools for normal children. Appointments the best possible. Splendidly located in the finest residence portion of the city. Natural speech is the only means of communication used in the school. Children received at five years of age, taught to speak, educated, and pre- pared for any university. The only school of its class in the world. NIAGARA UNIVERSITY, Niagara Falls, the Rev. P. McHale, C. M., President. Niagara University, conducted by priests of the Congregation of the Mission, was founded in 1856. It was incor- porated under the name of the " Seminary of our Lady of Angels " in 1863, an d erected into a university under its present title in 1883 by the regents of the University of the State of New York, with the full powers and authority of a university. The Seminary of our Lady of Angels, both in name and individuality, will be preserved, and will be associated with other departments of the University as the Department of Arts and Theology. The pre- paratory department, by a four years' course, fits applicants for the college course. The collegiate department embraces four years of work. The department of theology devotes itself wholly to the preparation of students for the priesthood. This also covers four years. For both the collegiate and theological departments the expenses for board, tuition, and washing are $100 per year. GARY COLLEGIATE SEHINARY, Oakfield, the Rev. C. C. Gove, M. A., Principal. This institution for boys, one of the oldest of its kind in Western New York, was founded by Col. Alfred Gary, and opened in 1844, with Warren Reynolds, A. M., principal. In recent years the primary and intermediate depart- ments have been suspended, and work is now confined to the academic grade. Special prominence is given to instruction in the English language, drawing, and German. Latin, Greek, mathe- matics, and science receive much attention. 5TATE NORflAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL, Plattsburg, George K. Hawkins, A. M., Principal. The design of this school is to furnish trained teachers for the public schools of the State, but non-residents, who comply with the requirements for admis- 257 Potsdam. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. sion, will be received on payment of a tuition of $20 for term of twenty weeks. The school has a faculty of sixteen members, and is equipped with every modern educational appliance. Four courses of study are provided for students, viz : An English course of three years, a classical course and a scientific course of four years each, and a kindergarten and primary course of three years. Students completing satisfactorily any one of the foregoing courses will receive corresponding diplomas, which serve as licenses to teach in the public schools of the State. Board can be obtained in private families at rates varying from $3 to $4 per week. CLARKSON SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY, The Thomas S. Clarkson, Memorial (co-educational), Potsdam, Barton Cruik- shank, M. E., Director. This school was founded as a memo- rial to the late Thomas S. Clarkson, of Potsdam, New York, the entire equipment, building, and endowment being the gift of his sisters, the Misses Clarkson. Although a professional school in which training is given to mechanical, civil, and electrical engineers, additional courses are offered which are a part of the work of the engineering school, if the term technical be considered in its broad sense. During the past summer a further equipment of ten thousand dollars in testing machines, steam and electrical measuring apparatus, and specialties has been added to the engineering laboratories. There are mechanic arts courses in carpentry and joinery, pattern making and foundry practice, machine work and smithing ; a normal course in domestic science, giving thorough instruction in theory and methods with practice in teaching ; and special classes for housekeepers, maids, and school- girls. Candidates for admission must be at least sixteen years of age, must have certificates of good moral character, and, if from other colleges or universities, must furnish from those institutions certifi- cates of honorable dismissal. The entrance examinations are held twice a year at Potsdam, in June, at the end of the spring term, and in September, at the beginning of the fall term. Special students are admitted by special arrangement. The regular course of study leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science, certified by a diploma bearing the seals and officiat signatures of both this institution and the University of the State of New York. The tuition is $80 per year. There are now no dormitories, but board may be ob- tained in private families at reasonable rates. In Potsdam board and tuition together cost no more than board alone in Ithaca or Boston. RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, a Classical, English, and Military Boarding and Day School, Poughkeepsie, Joseph Bartlett Bisbee, A. M., Principal and Proprietor. This school was established in 25.8 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Rochester. 1836 on College Hill, Poughkeepsie, and was known as the Pough- keepsie Collegiate School until 1867, when, on its change of loca- tion to Riverview, it became Riverview Military Academy. The academy buildings are beautifully situated on an eminence near the Hudson River. The buildings are commodious, modern, and convenient. There are two departments, the preparatory and the academic, the latter fitting boys to enter the best colleges and scientific schools or business life, and offering four courses : Classi- cal, scientific, general, and business. The military course is both theoretical and practical, and is in charge of an army officer. The charge for room, board, washing, and tuition is $600 per annum. CHAMBERLAIN INSTITUTE, Randolph, the Rev. E. A, Bishop, D.D., President, was founded under the name of the Ran- dolph Academy in 1850. About fourteen thousand students have been in attendance during its history, and the school is represented in nearly every State in this country as well as in foreign lands. The grounds and buildings are beautiful and ample for the accom- modation of the school. Nine courses of study are offered, leading to a thorough preparation for college, for business, or home life. It has a normal department under the supervision of the State. Music and art are specialties. The intellectual and moral well- being of the students are thoroughly looked after. Nobility of character is the aim of the school. Owing to a good endowment the school is able to take students at $200 per year. NAZARETH ACADEflY, Rochester, a boarding and day school for yoting ladies, was founded by the Rt. Rev. B. J. McQuaid, D. D., and is in charge of the Sisters of St. Joseph, an order devoted to education. The best French and German methods are combined with the most approved American standards in the system of in- struction employed. The school is incorporated under the regents of the University of the State of New York, and stands second among the chartered high schools of the State. The State aca- demic diploma is one requirement for graduation. The courses of study embrace the Latin scientific, German scientific, classical and college preparatory, each of four years ; while a commercial course of two years fits the student for active business avocations. The various branches throughout are taught by specialists, and modern languages by native teachers. The departments of music and painting are thoroughly equipped and progressive. Special atten- tion is given to physical health and training in deportment, in the belief that both have a direct bearing on the formation of charac- ter. Preparatory departments for young girls are efficiently cared for. Connected with the institute, but under a separate corp of teachers, is Nazareth Hall, a day school for boys. For particulars 259 260 N. Y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Schenectady. address Sister Directress of Nazareth Academy, 50 Jay Street, Rochester, New York. ROCHESTER THEOLOGICAL SEfllNARY, Rochester, the Rev. H. Augustus Strong, D. D., LL. D., President. This Seminary is a school of the Baptist denomination, though students of other denominations are freely admitted. It admits to its regular course of three years only graduates of colleges and those whose prepara- tion in Greek and in other branches qualifies them to pursue studies with graduates. The institution was founded in 1851. Since that time 1,335 persons have been connected with it as students, the present number being 138. It has twelve professors and one instructor. There is a German department which educates young men for the German Baptist ministry. Aid to approved students is given by the New York Baptist Union for Ministerial Education. WAGNER MEMORIAL LUTHERAN COLLEGE, Roches- ter, the Rev. J. Nicum, D. D., Director, grew out of a school opened in 1883, primarily for the purpose of preparing young men for the theological seminary, who could minister to the German- American Lutheran churches in both the English and German languages. The model after which the course of study was origi- nally arranged was that of the German " gymnasium." While the six years' course has been retained, the institution is assum- ing more and more the character of an American college. Much stress is laid upon the study of languages, both ancient and modern. For board, $2.50 per week is charged; for tuition, $40 per annum (to sons of Lutheran clergymen and parochial school teachers, $20); for fire, light, rooms, etc., the charges are $15 per annum. WASHINGTON ACADEMY, Salem, Ezra W. Benedict, A. B., Principal. The academy was founded in 1780 and chartered in 1791, being one of the four oldest academies in the State. In 1876 the academy and the public schools of Salem were consolidated into a graded high school. The primary and intermediate depart- ments embrace eight years' work. The academic department offers an English academic course, a Latin-English course, a college preparatory course, each four years in length, and a three years' scientific course, planned especially for those unable to spend four years in the academy. Tuition in the academic course is about $15 per annum. UNION UNIVERSITY, Schenectady, Andrew V. V. Raymond, LL. D., President. Union College, out of which the present Uni- versity grew, was incorporated in 1795, and obtained its name from the fact that it was founded by several religious denominations in common. It was indeed the first strictly undenominational college 261 Sing-Sing-on-the-Hudson. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. in the United States, and has always stood for the idea of Chris- tian unity. The incorporation of the University dates from 1873, but not until the charter granted in 1895 did the college acquire full university powers. Union University includes Union College, Schenectady ; Albany Medical College ; Albany Law School ; Albany College of Pharmacy ; Dudley Observatory, Albany. The capital is only a few miles from Schenectady, and the location of the professional schools there is fortunate. Medical students have access for chemical purposes to the leading hospitals, and the law students, besides the opportunity of visiting legislative sessions, have the privilege of using the most extensive and carefully chosen State library in the United States. The general oversight of the institution is entrusted to the President of Union College and Chancellor of the University, but each school has its resident dean. The list of faculty and officers numbers over one hundred names. In the college, which has two departments, college proper and school of civil engineering, the following courses are offered : Classical course, leading to the degree of A. B. ; philosophical course, leading to the degree of Ph. B. ; scientific course, leading to B. S. ; general engineering course, leading to B. E. ; sanitary course, leading to B. E. ; electrical course, leading to B. E. ; graduate course in. engineering, leading to C. E. The property and equipment of Union compare favorably with those of similar institutions. There are well furnished laboratories, biological and geological museums with valuable collections, and an excellent library. Numerous scholarships are available for needy students. The total expense of tuition, room, text-books, board, lights, washing, etc., for one year in the college is about $280. College graduates applying for admission to the law school must have devoted one year to the study of law ; all others must have devoted two years and must also be holders of certificates of regents' examinations or their equivalents. The course is one year of two semesters. Tuition, $100, or $50 for each semester. Admission to the medical school is by examination ; the course occupies four years. Tuition for each lecture course, $100, with further fees for matriculation, laboratories, dissections, and graduation. Good board may be had in Albany at low rates. THE OSSINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Sing-Sing-on-the Hudson, Miss C. C. Fuller, Principal. The school was founded in 1869, and accommodates thirty boarding pupils. Its situation is remarkable for its natural beauty, and the school building, a modern commodious structure, is surrounded by several acres of highly cultivated land. It offers four courses : Academic, music, art, and a special classical course for students wishing to enter college. 262 N. y. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Syracuse. CHRISTIAN BIBLICAL INSTITUTE, Stanfordville, the Rev. J. B. Weston, D. D., President. This Institute was established and is carried on under the action of the American Christian Con- vention, taken at its session in Marshall, Michigan, in 1866. The primary design of the denomination which founded it was to aid in preparation for its own ministry, but it is open to all Christians who desire to prepare for the ministry. The course of study covers a term of four years, the first of which is preparatory. High moral character is requisite for admission. For tuition and the use of well furnished rooms no charge is made. All school expenses need not exceed $85 or $100 per year. STATEN ISLAND ACADEMY, New Brighton, S. I., F. E. Part- ington, A. M., Principal, was opened in 1884 and chartered by the regents of the University of the State of New York in 1885. The new building, in the Tudor style of architecture, is of stone and brick; it is lighted, warmed, ventilated, and furnished after the most approved modern methods. The reference libraries number several thousand carefully chosen books. The academy is exclu- sively for day pupils of both sexes, and offers a systematic course of study graded by school years and covering all the work of ele- mentary and secondary school classes. The course is nominally eleven years in length, seven of which (three primary and four grammar) are allotted to the elementary studies, and four to the high school for secondary studies. A pupil who enters the lowest class at the age of six should, therefore, be graduated, normally, at seventeen ; but every opportunity is afforded to scholars of merit to shorten that period and to complete the course as rapidly as their abilities warrant. Expenses per quarter vary from $12.50 in the first primary year to $37.50 in the senior year of the upper school. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, James R. Day, S.T. D., LL. D., Chancellor. The University has four colleges organized and in full operation : Liberal arts, fine arts, medicine, and law. It seeks to follow out the American idea of a cluster of coordinate colleges in which may be pursued the great fundamental courses of the highest and broadest education. While under the control of a Christian church, it is not sectarian. The college of liberal arts is especially strong. The elective privileges are liberal, but are of such a character as to guide the student into logical courses of study. In the college of fine arts, the courses of study in- clude systematic instruction in the theory, history, and practice of music, painting, architecture, and belles lettres. The medical course is four years, and the law course, three years in length. Degrees are conferred by the University on graduates of the various departments. Tuition varies with the department. 263 Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. V. IRVING INSTITUTE, Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson, John M. Fur- man, A. M., Principal. Tarrytown is twenty-five miles by rail or steamboat from New York City. The school and recitation-rooms are commodious, cheerful, healthful, and comfortable. The new gymnasium is well equipped, and is under the direction of a com- petent instructor. The junior course of study is designed for younger boys not prepared to take full work in the academic de- partment. In the academic department are three courses of study : Classical, scientific, and English. Facilities are afforded for private instruction in drawing and instrumental music. The grounds are well adapted for all outdoor sports. The terms for board and tuition for the school year are $500. MISSC. E. flASON'S SCHOOL, "The Castle," Tarrytown-on- the-Hudson, was established in the city of New York by Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Irving, the former a nephew of Washington Irving, and was removed to Tarrytown because of the beauty of the loca- tion and its peculiar fitness as a place of residence for students. The school is a church school under the pastoral oversight of the rector in whose parish it is situated. In 1895 Miss C. E. Mason, LL. M., after a successful experience in charge of Brook Hall, Pa., the famous school founded by Bishop Potter, assumed control of " The Castle," and the growth of the school under her management has been phenomenal. The buildings are " The Castle," a baro- nial graystone structure, " Irving Cottage," and " The Annex," large, modern residences, bright and attractive. They are situated on a healthful elevation and in the midst of a tract of nine acres of grove and lawn, overlooking the Hudson for thirty miles. Much attention is given to- outdoor sports and athletics, and a resident teacher of golf, tennis, basket-ball, boating, etc., is employed, also a teacher for the riding class, for which a number of well trained horses are kept. The school prepares for college and also offers special and advanced courses. Diplomas are given for the Latin, the mathematical, the intermediate, the classical, the business, and the college preparatory courses, and certificates are awarded to those who, without graduating, complete a special course in music, art, elocution, literature, or languages. The terms for boarding pupils are $750 for the year, including furnished room, gas and fuel, and instruction in English and two languages. Music, art, elocution, etc., are extras. . THE EMMA WILLARD SCHOOL, Troy, Mary Alice Knox, A. B. Principal. This institution, originally the Troy Female Semi- nary, was organized in Middlebury, Vt, in 1814, by Mrs. Emma Willard, and was established in Troy in 1821. Its purpose is to give a full preparation for all colleges open to women ; to furnish a thorough and satisfactory education for pupils not desiring a 264 265 Troy. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. Y. college course; and to offer advanced work in departments most in demand among graduate and special students. Four years of academic work, comprising sixteen appointments a week, are re- quired for the diploma of the school. Special students will be admitted, but the programmes of boarding pupils must include, at least, twelve appointments a week. In the control of the boarding department, it is the aim to obtain as wise a combination as is possible of careful and interested oversight, with freedom for the pupil. Applicants for the boarding department must be at least fourteen years of age, and must present testimonials of good character, health, and scholarship. Ample provision is made for physical training and out-of-door exercise. Dancing and sew- ing lessons are free to boarding pupils. All inquiries should be addressed to the principal. The expense for boarding pupils is $700 a year. THE RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Troy, John H. Peck, A. M., President, Palmer C. Ricketts, C. E., Direc- tor. The Institute, founded in 1824, aims to maintain the most thorough course of engineering in the country. Its methods of instruction are the result of an experience unequalled by that of any similar school in the world. The course of study pursued, while not beyond the capacity of young men of average ability, is constantly adjusted to the progress of the engineering profession. Its purpose is to equip students to enter upon a general engineer- ing practice and to specialize later as opportunities open before them. That the plan has been attended with unqualified success is shown by the register issued annually, containing the business address of each living graduate. Among them will be found men eminent in every branch of engineering. The only engineering degree- conferred by the Institute is that of civil engineer. Civil engineering here is understood to include instruction in road and railroad construction and operation, structural designs, hydraulic, steam, electrical, and mining engineering, and assaying. The studies of the course are designed as a professional preparation, at once thorough and practical, for the following specialties of engineering practice : The location, construction, and superinten- dence of public works, as railways, canals, water-works, etc. ; the design, construction, and management of mills, iron works, steel works, chemical works, and pneumatic works ; the design and construction of roofs, arch bridges, girder bridges, and suspension bridges ; the survey and superintendence of mines ; the design, construction, and use of wind motors, hydraulic motors, air engines, and the various kinds of steam engines ; the design, construction, and use of machines in general, and the determination of their efficiency ; the survey of rivers, lakes, and harbors, and the direc- 266 267 Utica. WHERE TO EDUCATE. M Y. tion of their improvements ; the determination of latitude, longi- tude, time, and the meridian in geographical explorations, or for other purposes, together with the projection of maps ; the selection and test of materials used in construction ; the construction of the various kinds of geometrical and topographical drawings. A course of study is also offered embracing advanced instruction in natural history, chemistry, and geology, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science. The first two years are identical with the course in civil engineering. The expenses of the course are $100 at the opening of the two annual sessions for tuition. Other ex- penses are largely within the control of the individual student. UTICA CONSERVATORY OF flUSIC, Utica, George S. Beech wood, Director. The course of study in this institution is especially adapted to individual needs. Free classes in harmony, theory, his- tory of music, sight reading, pedagogics, and ensemble are held each week, to give all pupils equal opportunities to study these important subjects. Elocution, language, literature, history, paint- ing, and gymnastics are taught, in addition to the courses in music. The cost of a room, board, and the use of a piano need not exceed $4 per week. Tuition varies with the instructor and the sub- ject taught. The private lessons are thirty minutes, and the class lessons one hour in length. UTICA CATHOLIC ACADEHY, Utica, the Rev. J. S. M. Lynch, D. D., Principal. The boys' senior department is in charge of the Brothers of, the Christian Schools. The girls' department and the boys' primary department is in charge of the Sisters of Charity. The regular academic course of four years is designed to meet the requirements for admission to any training school for teachers in the State of New York. The three years' commercial course is planned for young men who intend to follow business pursuits. Elocution is taught throughout both courses. THE HALSTED SCHOOL, Yonkers-on-Hudson, Mary Sicard, Jenkins, Principal, was incorporated in 1896. It aims to pre- pare thoroughly for any college or scientific school in the country. The boarding department, recently added, is officially recognized by Vassar College. The school has a graded course, including kindergarten, primary, intermediate, and senior depart- ments. Besides the college preparatory course, a practical Eng- lish course is offered by the senior department, designed to aid students who, not wishing to attend college, prefer to substitute work in science and literature for classical studies. The homelike atmosphere, the careful attention paid to physical training, and the wise and kind discipline are features of this school. The 268 A 7 . C. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Bowie's Creek. annual expense is $600 for resident pupils ; for others, it varies from $60 for the kindergarten to $200 for the last two years of the senior department. NORTH CAROLINA. THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, Asheville, N. C.," says the United States Government's Bureau of Education in Washington, " stands preeminent among Southern schools for boys, and ranks with the best in the Union. It is the oldest and most successful male boarding school for boys in the South." The school was founded in 1793 by the grandfather of the present superintendent, and it is the only school in the Union which has been transmitted with constantly increasing reputation through three generations of teach- ers for more than one hundred years. The course of study is pre- paratory for college or for life, and includes English, mathematics, Latin, Greek, French, German, physics, chemistry, bookkeeping, and military science and tactics as taught by a detailed United States army officer. Asheville, for the last seven years the site of the school, is the most famous all-the-year-round health resort in America. The area of patronage for the present year already includes sixteen States of the Union, and Japan, and during the last twenty years has extended to forty-one localities, thirty-three in the United States and eight in foreign countries. The pupils from this school take rank with the best in the various colleges and universities in the country, and in the United States military and naval academies. The buildings and sanitary arrangements are strongly endorsed by the Government and its officials, by the executive, judicial, and military departments of the North Caro- lina State Government, by distinguished physicians, and by many other prominent men. Address Col. R. Bingham,- Asheville, N. C. ST. flARY'S COLLEGE, Belmont, under the direction of the Benedictine Fathers. The Right Rev. Leo Haid, D. D., O. S. B., President. Established in 1878. A staff of fourteen professors, whose lifelong occupation is the rearing and education of youth. The college is situated in the charming Piedmont Valley of North Carolina. Fine mountain air, cool summers, delightful winters. Three distinct courses, classical, commercial, and scientific. Moral training our chief aim. Spacious, attractive, and comfortable buildings, beautiful church, large and extensive playgrounds, bowl- ing and hand ball alleys, etc. Terms for board and tuition, $200 per collegiate year. BOWIE'S CREEK ACADEflY AND COflflERCIAL SCHOOL, Bowie's Creek, H.arnett County, the Rev. J. A. Campbell, Principal, is a school that started in i'887 with two teachers and six- 269 Chapel Hill. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. C. teen students, but that claims to-day to have an enrolment second to that of only one academy of its grade in the South. The insti- tution is not sectarian, but its spirit is aggressively Christian. Economy in living expenses is a strong feature. The entire cost of a year's tuition, board, lodging, lights, fuel, and washing need not exceed $70. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hill, was chartered in 1789 in obedience to the mandate of the State constitution of 1776. The doors were opened to students in 1895. Until 1804 there was a chairman of the faculty, called the " Presiding Professor," the first being Rev. David Ker, D. D., educated at Trinity College, Dublin, afterwards a district judge of the Territory of Mississippi. The first president was the Rev. Joseph Caldwell, D. D., of New Jersey, an alumnus and tutor of Princeton University. In 1812 he gave way to the Rev. Robert Chapman, D. D., then of Virginia, in order to devote himself to the study and teaching of mathematics. In 1816, Doctor Chap- man resigning, Doctor Caldwell was recalled, and held the presi- dency with ever increasing reputation until his death in January, 1835. In 1820 he visited Europe, at the request of the trustees, for the purchase of books and scientific apparatus. He was author of a work on geometry and many pamphlets, including sermons and arguments for public education and internal improve- ments. The latter made him so popular in North Carolina that a county was named in his honor. Doctor Caldwell was succeeded in 1835 by Hon. David Lowrey Swain, who had been a judge and governor of the State. He was an able executive officer, and under his administration the institution increased in numbers so that at the beginning of the Civil War it had nearly five hundred undergraduates, -nearly two hundred of whom were from other States. He kept the exercises in operation all during the war until Kilpatrick's cavalry, under Gen. S. D. Atkins, of Illinois, rode into Chapel Hill. In a few months the doors were opened again, although the endowment was lost by the war, and about a hundred students annually attended until July, 1868, when the seats of himself and his professors were declared vacant by the " Reconstruction " movement. The next president was Rev. Solomon Pool, D. D., appointed by the new board of trustees, who had been under the constitution of 1868 elected by the board of education. Exercises were resumed in January, 1869, but few students attending, and in 1870 the doors were closed. In 1874, empowered by a constitutional amendment, the General Assembly elected a new board of trustees, who induced the Legislature to pay to the institution $7,500 yearly, interest on the Land Grant Fund, most of which was invested in repudiated bonds, which were 270 A r . C. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Chapel Hill. granted to it in 1866, and resumed exercises in 1875 under Rev. Charles Phillips, D. D., as chairman of the faculty. The next year Kemp P. Battle, LL. D., late State treasurer, was elected president, and held the office until 1891, when he resigned in order to accept the Alumni Chair of History. During his administration the General Assembly was induced to grant an annuity of $20,- ooo a year, at the same time taking away the interest of the Land Grant Fund in order to establish the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh. In 1877 a "Summer Normal School " was begun in connection with the University, and in its buildings. A corps of able teachers and lecturers, versed in the best methods of graded school education, instructed the teachers of the State for eight successive years. The General Assembly then concluded to have the normal schools at four other widely separated points. In reorganizing the University it was deemed best to abolish the old curriculum and introduce more scientific studies, with courses leading to different degrees, the A. B. (Bachelor of Arts), includ- ing Latin and Greek, the Ph. B. (Bachelor of Philosophy), with Latin or Greek omitted, and the B. S. (Bachelor of Science), omitting both Latin and Greek. Special diplomas are granted for advanced work in each department. la 1885 the department of law, which had been only nominally connected with the Univer- sity, was incorporated with it, and in 1887 a department of medi- cine was added, though not granting diplomas. When Doctor Battle resigned in 1891, George T. Winston, LL. D., who had been since 1875 professor of Latin in the University, was made its president, and continued in the office until 1896, when he accepted the presidency of the University of Texas. Under his able and active management the number of students rapidly in- creased so as to reach 333. He also inaugurated a summer school for teachers, which, under the able management of Dr. E. A. Alderman, was very successful, numbering on an average about one hundred and fifty pupil-teachers. He was succeeded by Edwin Anderson Alderman, D. C. L., professor of pedagogy in the University, who, before his election as professor, in 1896, had acquired large reputation as superintendent of graded schools, and as a chaste and elegant orator, and as a scholar of wide culture. Since his election the department of pharmacy has been added, and the departments of law and medicine both enlarged by an additional professor to each. Co-education has to some extent been adopted, women being allowed in the higher classes, after graduating at other institutions. The numbers of students have increased, now amounting to 570. The University of North Carolina has been a potent factor in. the education of the South- ern States. " Among its alumni, before 1860, are found a President (Polk), a Vice-President (King), ten Cabinet officers, 271 Concord. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. C. twelve foreign ministers and charges d'affaires, fourteen United States Senators, thirty-five members of Congress, fifteen governors of States, fifty-five judges, three presidents and twelve professors of colleges outside of North Carolina." The above list is short of the truth. The alumni since 1860 are keeping up this honor- able record. SCOTIA SEMINARY, Concord, the Rev. D. J. Satterfield, D. D., President, was founded to bring within the reach of colored girls the advantages of a Christian education, and to aid in building up the Presbyterian Church among the negroes of the South. In its first year the Seminary enrolled forty-five, twelve of whom were boarders. The first class graduated in 1876, a class of nine, in what was then the teachers' course, now the grammar school. The total enrolment to date is 1,950. The number having completed the grammar school course is 347, while sixty-six have taken a higher course. The aim is to educate the hand, the head, and the heart together. The departments are preparatory, grammar school, normal, literary, scientific, industrial, and music. No charge is made for tuition, except for music. The regular expenses of each student for the term of eight months for board, room rent, fuel, light, etc. (not including books), are $45. GASTON COLLEGE, Dallas, S. A. Wolff, A. M., Principal, was founded in 1879 as a scno l for both sexes. Gaston College, the result and outgrowth of the high school, was organized in 1887, and, after several years of co-education, has been limited to women students only. There are classical, scientific, English, or normal, and music courses. Special attention is given to calisthenics. The school is an individual enterprise and is non-sectarian, though 272 A T . C. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Hickory. distinctly Christian in its influence. Annual expenses (forty weeks), including board, furnished room, fuel, lights, servant's attendance, laundry, and general tuition, $125. TRINITY COLLEGE, Durham, John C. Kilgo, D. D., Presi- dent, is under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and was chartered as a regular college in 1859, though it is the outgrowth of an academy dating from 1838. The college grounds consist of sixty-three acres, laid out in drives and walks. There are four principal buildings, besides the faculty homes. Ad- mission is by examination and on certificate. Three equivalent courses are offered, all leading to the degree A. B. Special stu- dents are admitted. Athletic sports are encouraged and thoroughly organized. All necessary college expenses, including board, can be met with $175 to $200. ELON COLLEGE, Elon College, the Rev. W. W. Staley, D. D., President, is a co-educational college, established by the Christian Church, South, in 1889. It offers three degree courses, viz. : Ph. B., A. B., and A. M. Music, art, elocution, commercial, and prepara- tory departments are included. The school is on the Southern R. R., sixty-five miles west of Raleigh. Expenses per year, $110 to $160. STANHOPE HIGH SCHOOL, Finch, Nash County, J. M. Holding, A. B., Principal, has a history of more than forty years. The academic course requires from one to four years for its com- pletion, and prepares students for the freshman and sophomore classes of the colleges of the State. The commercial course is practical and requires one year. Excellent advantages are offered in vocal and instrumental music. The total expense need not exceed $140 per year. GREENSBORO FEflALE COLLEGE, Greensboro, Dred Pea- cock, President, is a Methodist institution, chartered by the State Legislature in 1838, and opened to students in 1847. The college building is of brick, is heated by steam and lighted by electricity, and stands on the top of a lofty hill in the centre of a grove of about forty acres. The institution offers the advantages of literary, music, art, and business courses. The department of physical cul- ture is under the direction of a competent director, and the health record of the college is unsurpassed. No pains or expense are spared to make the institution a cultured Christian home. Ex- penses for literary courses per session, or half year, $100. CLAREflONT COLLEGE, Hickory, Stuart P. Hatton, A. M., President. This institution for girls and young women, founded in 1880, is situated in Hickory, a well-known health resort, which is at the junction of the Western North Carolina division of the 273 Hickory. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. C. Southern Railway and the Carolina and Northwestern Railway. The building, a three-story brick structure newly furnished throughout, is located in the centre of a twenty-acre campus. The college embodies ten schools : Classical, scientific, literary, nor- mal, art, music, elocution, stenography and typewriting, business, and preparatory. The departments are so organized that students may enter at any time. By a special act of the Legislature, the college has power to confer any Bachelor's or Master's degree. ST. PAUL'S ENGLISH PRACTICAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Hickory, the Rev. H. K. G. Doermann, President, is under the general supervision of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio and other States, and under the special control of a board of directors appointed by the Synod. The object of the Seminary is to prepare young men of piety and talent for the min- istry. The object of the Proseminary is mainly to prepare stu- dents for the Seminary. In addition, it affords instruction in high school branches, and aims to lay a good foundation for a college course. KIRKWOOD SCHOOL, Lenoir, Caldwell County. This school was established by the Rev. Jesse Rankin in 1869, and is now taught by his daughters; Misses Sarah and Emma Rankin. It was designed to be strictly a family school, and limited to fifteen pupils. The ordinary branches of a solid, substantial education are taught, with art and music. Lenoir is twelve miles from the foot of Blue Ridge, and twenty from the well-known summer resort, Blowing Rock. The climate is all that can be desired for health and comfort. Since 1895 it has been only a day school. flARS HILL COLLEGE, Mars Hill, R. L. Moore, A. B., Prin- cipal. Healthfully located in the heart of the mountains of Madison County, Mars Hill College was founded in 1855, and, except for the Civil War period, has been conducted without inter- ruption until the present. To the south lies Asheville, eighteen miles distant. Marshall, ten miles to the west, is the nearest rail- road station. Country air, country board, and low living expenses are among the advantages of the school. There are preparatory, collegiate, and normal courses. The institution has modest preten- sions, but aims at thoroughness. Excellent board, $5.50 to $7 per month. THE BINGHAfi SCHOOL, Orange County, located near Mebane, Preston Lewis Gray, B. L., Principal, claims to have been established in 1793. The course of study is designed to fit boys for college or for business life. The school expenses for each quarter session of ten weeks are $49.63, covering board, room rent, laundry, tuition, and instruction in gymnastics. 274 N. C. WHERE TO EDUCATE: MONT AMOENA FEMALE SEMINARY, Mount Pleasant, the Rev. H. N. Miller, A. M., Ph. D., President, was established in 1868 by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, and has ever since been under its control. The course embraces four years, English and classical diplomas being awarded. A post- graduate course leads to the usual academic degrees. All the ornamental branches are taught. Although under Lutheran con- trol, students of other denominations are admitted. The design of the institution is to furnish a liberal " education at cost " to girls of moderate means. One hundred dollars pay the expense of a year in the literary department, including board, laundry, fuel, and lights. NORWOOD ACADEflY, Norwood, A. P. Harris, A. B., Prin- cipal, aims to fit for college, and for the active duties of life. The courses are : Primary, mathematics, English, modern, and ancient languages, science, bookkeeping, music, art. Tuition costs $1.15 to $2.65 per month; music, including the use of piano, $3 per month; art, $2.50 per month. Board, including furnished room, fuel, and lights, $7 to $10 per month. PEACE INSTITUTE, Raleigh, James Dinwiddie, M. A., Prin- cipal. This institution was named after William Peace, Esq., of Raleigh, a prominent benefactor. Its location in a large grove of native oaks just outside the corporate limits of the city com- bines the advantages of city and country life. It is a home school for young women and girls, and is limited to seventy-five boarders. While unsectarian, the school is under the patronage of the Pres- byterian Church, and the moral and religious influences are very high. The buildings are admirably arranged, well ventilated, and supplied with all modern conveniences. There are three general courses : Primary, preparatory and sub-collegiate, and collegiate. The last named department is divided into eleven schools, includ- ing a commercial school and a school of elocution and physical culture. Board, English tuition, and Latin for half year amount to $100. Tuition for day pupils for half year varies from $10 in primary to $25 in collegiate department. SHAW UNIVERSITY, Raleigh, Chas. F. Meserve, A. M., President. This is the largest institution in the State for the education of colored young men and women. It is under the auspices of the Baptist denomination, and yet is not sectarian, for students of all denominations are enrolled in the various departments. It is the highest grade institution for the education of the colored people found in the South. Schools of theology, medicine, law, and pharmacy are popular and integral parts of the University, as well as music, normal, collegiate, scientific, industrial^ 275 Rocky Mount. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. C. and missionary training departments. The buildings are large and spacious, commanding in appearance, and occupy a campus of fourteen acres, all situated within a few minutes' walk of the capi- tol, post-office, court-house, and Union Station. Located as it is in the capital of North Carolina, it presents unusual advantages to the . student, because of access to the State Library, United States Court, etc., as well as from the remarkable healthfulness of the locality. Shaw University was originally Shaw Institute. Es- tablished December i, 1865, by the late Rev. H. M. Tupper, D. D., a native of Monson, Mass. Doctor Tupper was in the Union army during the late Civil War, and near the close of the war saw the pitiable condition of the colored people just emerging from slavery, with the ballot in their hands. He recognized that intel- ligence was the foundation of true citizenship, and that, therefore, the colored people must be educated. He interested people in the North in his enterprise, prominent among whom was Hon. Elijah Shaw, a woollen manufacturer of Wales, Mass., and from whom the University takes its name. Doctor Tupper literally gave his life for the institution, which is his fitting monument. Tuition, etc., $7 per month. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, Rocky Mount, William V. Boyle, A. B., Principal, was organized in 1894, by Mr. William Holmes Davis. In 1898 it passed under the present management. In its short history it has grown to be one of the largest private schools in North Carolina, having enrolled during 1897-98 181 students. The school is modern in equipments, and is constantly being improved. It is co-educational, and prepares thoroughly for col- lege and university. It also offers a first class music course. SALEfl ACADEflY AND COLLEGE, Salem, the Rev. J. H. Ciewell, Principal, was founded in 1802, opened in 1804, and incorporated in 1866. This institution for girls and young women is under the control of the American Moravian Church. There are preparatory, college, and graduate departments, and the follow- ing special schools : Music, art, commercial, industrial, elocution, and languages. The grounds cover thirty acres, and the buildings number ten. The students are divided into small families of ten or twelve members each, thus obtaining the advantages of home life. The fixed charge for board and general tuition for the full school year is $250. Tuition for day pupils, $20 to $40. SALUDA SEniNARY, Saluda, Miss Fidelia Sheldon, Prin- cipal, is located in a mountain village midway between Asheville, N. C., and Spartanburg, S. C., on the Southern Railway. It was established by the American Missionary Association in 1889, as an industrial school for girls. There are primary, intermediate, 276 N. C. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Yadkinville. and normal departments. Board, tuition, room, bedding, fuel, and lights, per month, $5 ; tuition for day pupils, per month, 50 cents. SUNSHINE INSTITUTE, Sunshine, D. M. Stallings, Principal, was founded at Sunshine, Rutherford County, 1894, by D. M. Stallings, and was chartered 1895 by the Legislature of the State. The aim of the institution is to prepare students thoroughly for colleges and universities of high standing, for business, teaching, and practical duties of life, at the least possible expense. Its economical feature has largely contributed to the success of the institution from the very day of its opening. The Rutherford Democrat probably never uttered a greater truth when it said : " Sunshine Institute is not only the best school in this county, but one among the best in this section of the State." WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, P. O. Wake Forest, Charles E. Taylor, D. D., LL. B., President, is located in a beautiful rolling country, sixteen miles north of Raleigh. The climate, especially during the winter, is mild and salubrious. Students from colder parts of the country have experienced improvement in health during their residence at this place. There are four large buildings in a beautiful campus of twenty-four acres. The college was founded in 1833. The sixty-fourth session will begin Sep- tember i, 1899. Many thousands of students (males only) from many States have been educated here. The course of study is extended and thorough. Much stress is laid on laboratory work in chemistry and biology. The college is organized into twelve independent " schools," including the languages, sciences, mathe- matics, philosophy, the Bible, and law. There is also a special " course preliminary to the study of medicine." Degrees given are M. A., B. A., and B. L. The invested funds of the college exceed $200,000. Most notable of the contributors to this fund was the late J. A. Bostwick, of New York. Tuition fee of $30 per term of five months ; board, $6 to $12 per month. All other expenses are far below the average cost in American colleges. YADKINVILLE NORHAL SCHOOL, Yadkinville, Yadkin County, Zeno H. Dixon, Principal, was founded in 1891. It is located near the center of one of the finest farming counties of the State. The courses are primary, common school, high school, normal, music, and commercial. Rates of tuition range from $i to $3 per month. 277 Fargo. WHERE TO EDUCATE. N. D. NORTH DAKOTA. NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Fargo, J. H. Worst, President, offers three full courses of four years, each one leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science. Military in- struction is given the boys, while the young women are taught everything pertaining to good housekeeping, from management in the kitchen to entertainment in the drawing-room. A summer school is held during August, for the training of teachers. A two years' course in agriculture has been arranged to accommodate young men who are unable to pursue a complete college course. The total expenses for a term are about $50 ; for a year, $150. OHIO. BUCHTEL COLLEGE, Akron, the Rev. Ira A. Priest, D. D., President, was founded in 1870 under the auspices of the Univer- salist Convention of Ohio, and took its name from its most generous benefactor, Hon. John R. Buchtel. The main college building is two hundred and forty feet long, fifty-four feet wide, and five stories high. Its style of architecture combines the Doric, Gothic, and Norman. The building is heated by steam, lighted by gas, and furnished with modern and most approved conveniences. The large Grouse Gymnasium affords the best advantages for physical culture. Buchtel College embraces : The college proper, a preparatory school, an art school, a music school. In the college proper the curriculum offers three courses of four years each : Classical course, leading to the degree of A. B.; philosophical course, leading to the degree of Ph. D.; scientific course, leading to the degree of B. S. The classical course is followed by those who appreciate the old standard A. B. course, and, as a specialty, offers Greek and Latin for the entire four years. The institution is co-educational. BALDWIN UNIVERSITY, Berea, M. F. Warner, D. D.. Presi- dent, belongs to the North Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is open to both men and women. The College of Liberal Arts offers classical, philosophical, scientific, and literary courses, leading to the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., S. B., and B. L. at the end of four years. Other departments are the college preparatory, business, art, music, and law. Masters' degrees are conferred on meeting certain conditions. The cost of tuition, room, and board is about $130 for men, and $150 for women.* CANTON ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Canton. The course of instruction embraces the subjects of bookkeeping, arithmetic, commercial law, spelling, shorthand, and typewriting. 278 Ohio. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Cincinnati. The school has both day and evening sessions, and the theory of business is reduced to rigid practice, thus teaching business by action instead of by theory. The theory is taught fully, but only as it is applied to actual business. For the business department and the shorthand and typewriting department the cost of tuition for the complete course is $40 in each. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE, Cedarville, the Rev. D. McKin- ney, President, is located twelve miles south of Springfield in the beautiful Miami Valley. It has four departments: The college, four years' course leading to the degrees A. B. and Ph. B.; the academical, preparatory to college ; the elocution, and musical. Graduates of the college can enter at advanced standing abroad. The building is new and commodious. Total expenses to resident students for a year, $135. Purpose, a thorough Christian educa- tion for practical life to both sexes. W. R. McChesney, secretary to faculty. ACADEMY OF THE URSULINES, Oak and May Streets, Cincinnati. The special aim of the Ursuline Order is to work toward the individual development of the pupil along both intellectual and religious lines. The course of study embraces a primary, an intermediate, and an academic department. Children of six years of age are admitted to the primary department, which covers a period of four years. The intermediate course requires four years, and the academic three. Besides the usual subjects, courses are offered in music, bookkeeping, shorthand, and type- writing. Tuition fees vary from $50 to $90, according to the department. BARTHOLOHEW ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, Cincinnati, G. K. Bartholomew, A. M., Ph. D., Principal. The college preparatory course extends through a period of five years, and ensures a thorough preparation in all the requirements for admission to the University of Cincinnati, Bryn Mawr, Wellesley, Smith, Vassar, and Radcliffe Colleges. This course is identical with the general course as far as the beginning of the fourth year. The primary and preparatory departments for boys and girls are the intermediate steps between the kindergarten and the advanced work of the school. Instruction is offered in music, drawing, and painting. The price of tuition for the advanced courses of the collegiate department is $160 per year. CINCINNATI COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, G. S. Junkerman, M. D., D. D. S., Dean. This school is, as its name implies, purely a dental school in the strictest sense. The dental infirmary and dental laboratory are centrally located, and the clinical resources are more than sufficient to supply all students 279 Cincinnati. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ohio. that the college can accommodate with material for surgical and manipulative operations. The course of study covers three years, graduates receiving the degree of D. D. S. The tuition fee is $100 per year. CINCINNATI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY, Cincinnati, W. E. Kiely, M. D., Dean. The school offers a four years' graded course of methodical and systematic instruction. The first and second years are devoted to the elementary depart- ments exclusively. The third and fourth years are given to the practical, especially clinical, for which there are unsurpassed facilities at the Cincinnati and other hospitals with which mem- bers of the faculty are connected. The methods employed are laboratory, recitative, clinical, and didactic. CINCINNATI COLLEGE OF PHARHACY, Cincinnati, Chas. A. Apmeyer, President. It is the aim of this college to place within the reach of any student of good common school education and moderate means a technical pharmaceutical training without losing sight of the importance of a well grounded education. The school offers practical work in the dispensing department under the charge of a licensed pharmacist. Arrangement can be made whereby student can continue outside work, thus earning while studying, the four degrees of Phar. G., Phar. C., Phar. M., and Phar. D. depending on the extent to which the studies have been carried. The price of tuition per term of seventeen weeks is $44- THE CLIFTON SCHOOL, under the direction of Miss E. A. Ely, A. M., Evanswood, Clifton, Cincinnati. Situated at Evans- wood, one of the old family estates of Cincinnati's most beautiful suburb, and easily reached by three street railroad lines, this school offers the advantages to be gained from close proximity to the city, combined with the fresh air, light, and freedom of the country. The special aim of the school is to provide a sensible, thorough and well ordered training for girls. The school has the right of admission on its certificates to several of the leading colleges. A limited number of pupils are offered residence in the school. Terms. for such are $600 per annum. COLLEGE OF MUSIC OF CINCINNATI, Cincinnati, Frank Van Der Stucken, Dean, is in its twenty-first year, and is incor- porated under the laws of the State of Ohio. There are two departments : The general music school and the academic depart- ment. The former serves as a preparatory department ; the latter constitutes the College of Music proper. College dormitories immediately adjoin the college, and are under the charge of a com- petent person. A number of free scholarships are available for 280 Ohio. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Cleveland. deserving students of limited means. Charges for the entire academic year in any one branch, $120. THE FRANKLIN SCHOOL, Cincinnati, Joseph E. White and Gerrit S. Sykes, Principals, has primary, intermediate, and collegi- ate departments. It prepares for colleges and schools of science or technology. In the eighteen years of its existence the school has sent thirty-seven of its graduates to Harvard, forty-seven to Yale, twenty to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and sixty-one others to various colleges, among them Princeton, Columbia, Williams, Dartmouth, Amherst, and Johns Hopkins. Special English courses are formed for those who do not intend to go to college. There is an excellent gymnasium, and a large, liberally equipped laboratory. The school year is divided into two terms. The tuition fees are : Primary department, per term, $50; intermediate department, per term, $75; collegiate depart- ment, per term, $100. LANE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Walnut Hills, Cincin- nati, the Rev. Edward D. Morris, D. D., LL. D., President. The aim of the course of study is to include within three years the essentials of a complete theological education, having special reference to the requirements for entrance into the ministry of the Presbyterian Church. Students from other evangelical com- munions than the Presbyterian are welcomed. Tuition and room rent are free. The expense of the seminary fee, board, text-books, and laundry is about $135. THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF OHIO, Cincinnati, W. W. Seely, M. D., Dean, was chartered by the Legislature of Ohio in 1819. This institution is, therefore, much the senior of any medical college west of the Alleghenies. Annual courses of lectures have been delivered by the faculty with unvarying regu- larity during the seventy-nine years of the existence of the school. With the beginning of the session of 1895-96, attendance upon four annual courses of lectures was required ; the entire system was carefully graded, and more detailed, direct, and vigilant supervision was brought to bear upon the individual student. In 1896 its board of trustees transferred its charter to the board of directors of the University of Cincinnati, thus constituting it the medical department of that institution, though still retaining its original title. CLEVELAND COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SUR= GEONS, of Ohio Wesleyan University, Cleveland, C. B. Parker, M. D., M. R. C. S., Eng., Dean. 281 Cleveland. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ohio. THE CLEVELAND HOHEOPATHIC HEDICAL COLLEGE, Cleveland, W. A. Phillips, M. D., Dean, has resulted from the union of the Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery and the Cleveland Medical College. There are excellent facilities in the line of clinics, laboratory work, and hospital practice, and the four years' course leading to the degree of M. D. is practical and exhaustive. Annual tuition for complete course of lectures, $100. THE HATHAWAY=BROWN DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 768 and 770 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Miss Mary E. Spencer, Principal, consists of four departments : Kindergarten, primary, preparatory, and academic. The number of pupils in each de- partment is limited. Boys are admitted to the kindergarten. The school prepares for any college admitting women, and offers to those who do not desire a collegiate education a symmetrical and suggestive plan of study. Laboratory methods are used in all scientific studies. Tuition per annum, $60 to $175. THE SPENCERIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Cleveland, was the first organized of the Bryant & Stratton Colleges, of which there were afterwards more than forty in the leading cities of the United States and Canada. Since the institution was founded over 33,700 students have received instruction within its walls. The departments include college of business, school of penman- ship, English training school, and school of shorthand. Tuition for six months (day school) is $55 in the business or in the shorthand department ; in the English and penmanship depart- ments, $40. A scholarship not limited in time costs $75. WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, Cleveland, the Rev. Charles F. Thwing, D. D., LL. D., President, grew out of an academy established at Burton in 1805, the first institution of the kind in Northern Ohio. The University embraces six depart- ments : ADELBERT COLLEGE, formerly the Western Reserve College at Hudson, founded in 1826, removed to Cleveland in 1882. THE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, announced in the spring of 1888, and opened in September of the same year; in 1892 provided with buildings adapted to its work. THE DEPARTMENT OF GRADUATE INSTRUCTION, established in 1892 by the faculty of Adelbert College and the College for Women, designed to offer to college graduates courses leading to the degrees of A. M. and Ph. D. THE MEDICAL COLLEGE, formerly known as the Cleveland Medical College, founded in 1844, and offering a course of four years. THE FRANKLIN T. BACKUS LAW SCHOOL, opened in 1892, 282 Ohio. WHERE TO EDUCATE. designed through a course of study covering three years .to give an adequate training for the practice of the law. THE DENTAL DEPARTMENT, opened in 1892, designed to teach the art of dentistry as a department of medicine. Popular and educational lectures are included in the plans of the University. CAPITAL UNIVERSITY, Columbus, the Rev. M. Loy, D. D., Dean. This institution was founded in 1850, and was then, as it is now, under the control of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as represented by the Joint Synod of Ohio. While it has an independent organization, it is affiliated with an older school, namely, "The German Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of the Joint Synod of Ohio." The University grounds are .distant from the centre of the city about three miles, and the group of hand- some buildings and professors' homes forms a" pleasant suburb, having all the advantages of a quiet rural life. There is a. pre- paratory as well as a college department. The degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred upon. a satisfactory completion of 'the collegiate course. Tuition in the preparatory department is $25 per year; in the collegiate department is $40 per year. Board is furnished at $1.75 per week. GERflAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SEHINARY, Co- lumbus, the Rev. M. Loy, D. D., President, is affiliated with Capital University, though it regulates its own affairs. It has, with a few brief intermissions, been in successful operation since 1830. A very large proportion of the ministers representing the Lutheran Church in Ohio were prepared for the ministry through its instrumentality. It is under the general supervision of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio and adjacent States, and under the special control of a board of directors. Both the German and English languages are used as vehicles of instruction. The regular course requires three years' attendance. There are about six thousand books in the library. No charge is made for tuition. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Columbus, James H. Canfield, M. A., LL. D., President. The University aims to furnish ample facilities for education in the liberal arts, the industrial arts, engineering, law, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine. Each of these six divisions or colleges is under the direction of its own fac.ulty, which has power to act in all matters pertaining to the work of students in that particular college. The University seeks thus to give to the young men and women of Ohio the largest pos- sible opportunity for both general and special training. The Col- lege of Arts, Philosophy, and Science consists of those departments represented in the courses leading to the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., 283 Dayton. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ohio. and S. B. Degrees are conferred on graduates of all departments of the University. Through aid received from the United States, and from the State of Ohio, the University is enabled to offer its privileges, with a slight charge for additional expenses, to all per- sons of either sex who are qualified for admission. The annual expenses of a student, including incidental fees, books, room, and board, need not exceed $150. THE JACOBS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, Dayton, was founded in the year 1897 by H. L. Jacobs, who was official sten- ographer of the Senate of Pennsylvania, and afterwards occupied a similar position in the House of Representatives. The school has enjoyed a liberal patronage, and is endorsed by the press, as well as the mercantile and professional men of the city. ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE, Dayton, the Rev. Charles Eichner, President. This institute was founded in 1850 by the Brothers of Mary. In 1878 it was incorporated, and in 1882 was empowered to confer degrees. The academic organization provides elemen- tary and advanced instruction, and is divided into three distinct de- partments, the preparatory, the commercial and scientific, and the classical. The commercial and scientific department covers five years, and is planned for those who cannot carry their education farther. The classical course occupies five years, and includes the usual subjects of collegiate instruction. Graduates of this course receive the degree of A. B. Tuition, board, and washing cost $200. SHAUCK'S 5CHOOL, 17 Third Street, East, Dayton, A. B. Shauck, Principal, prepares for college or business, and also for civil service examinations. A summer vacation training school for teachers is one of its features. UNION BIBLICAL SEMINARY, Dayton, G. A. Funkhouser, D. D., Chairman of the Faculty. This institution is under the control of the General Conference of the United Brethren Church. It was opened in 1871. Applicants for admission must be mem- bers in good standing of some evangelical church, and furnish testimonials of character. The regular course covers three years. Students who have not taken the preparatory studies required at admission must take the English course providing for these defi- ciencies. Classical graduates who complete the regular three years' course will receive the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. There is no charge for tuition or room rent. The total expense necessary for the seminary year need not exceed $150. DEFIANCE COLLEGE, Defiance, the Rev. John R.H. Latchaw, A. M., D. D., President, is a non-sectarian college, chartered by the Ohio Legislature, and containing, besides a preparatory and col- legiate department, the following schools : The Teachers' College, 284 Ohio. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ewington. the School of Commerce, the School of Shorthand, the School of Music, the School of Oratory, the School of Art. The college offers the Bachelor's degree in arts, philosophy, science, and literature. Graduates of the Teachers' College receive the degree Bachelor of Pedagogy. Those completing the course in oratory are given the degree Bachelor of Oratory, and those completing a course in the School of Commerce, and who have studied one year or more under the auspices of the college, may receive, upon recommenda- tion, the degree of Commercial Science. Expense per annum is $100 to $150. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY (co-educational), Delaware, the Rev. J. W. Bashford, Ph. D., President, was opened in 1844 with twenty-nine students, all from Ohio. The University, including the medical department, now numbers 1,401 students, from thirty- seven States and fifteen foreign countries. Of the twenty-six hundred students who have completed the college courses, and received the bachelors' degrees, forty-six are editors, ninety mis- sionaries, 120 physicians, 180 college presidents and professors, 300 lawyers, and 450 ministers. In addition to those who have completed the college courses at Delaware, 900 have completed the medical course of the Cleveland College of Physicians and Sur- geons. The graduates and students of the University have rendered the world over 25,000 years of service as teachers. Since 1889 the University in all its departments has increased forty-five per cent, in students, doubled its teachers and gained $500,000 in buildings, appliances, and endowment. The departments are : Preparatory, Department of Art, Conservatory of Music, School of Business, School of Oratory, College of Liberal Arts, and Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons. The faculty numbers ninety-eight. To the age, experience, and tried ability of the older members of the faculty, the new members have brought the enthusiasm of youth, the most recent advances in learning, and the latest methods in instruction. The lecture, the laboratory, and the library supple- ment the text-book. The tuition and incidental fees for all prepara- tory and college studies range from $10 to $15 per term. Some students by boarding themselves bring their entire expenses down to from $90 to $120 for the college year. A large number earn, money during vacations or teach a year or two before completing the college course. The Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church loans to students who have attended one term, and are recommended by the faculty, small sums to aid them in securing an education. EWINGTON ACADEMY, Ewington, F. F. Vale, B. S., M. A., Ph. D., Principal. This school was founded in 1857. It is run on the normal plan, prepares and trains teachers, prepares Ohio. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Granville. students for any college, and gives a very practical education to those not intending to take a college course. It is co-educational and non-sectarian. Expenses are very low, and the surroundings are conducive to good study. There is no saloon or other prolific source of immorality in the town. FINDLAY COLLEGE, Findlay, the Rev. Charles Manchester, A. M., D. D., Acting President. This college is young, vigorous, Christian, and economic. It offers collegiate courses leading to A. B., B. S., and Ph. B. It has a normal and preparatory de- partment. It teaches art, music, and elocution, with special teachers. It has a magnificent building with modern conveniences. It is unsectarian, but under the support and control of the Church of God. Tuition in the literary courses is $32 per year of forty weeks. Board ranges from $2 to $4 per week. KENYON COLLEGE, Gambier, Theodore Sterling, M. D., LL. D., President. This institution was established in 1824 by Bishop Chase, of the diocese of Ohio, under the name of " The Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of Ohio." In 1828 the college was removed from Worth- ington to Gambier. Although starting as a theological school, Kenyon has broadened so that a regular collegiate course is, included, and confers the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., and B. S. on graduates of its college courses. The religious influences are churchly, but although chapel services are conducted according to the forms of the Episcopal Church, the primary end of the college is to cultivate a truly religious spirit, and questions of dogma are entirely subordinated. The college is open to students of all religious beliefs. DENISON UNIVERSITY, Granville, D. B. Purinton, LL. D., President, was founded in 1831, under the patronage of the Bap- tist denomination in Ohio. Aims to furnish a thorough, liberal education, under Christian influences, but not to propagate sec- tarian doctrines. Its early presidents, and many of its other teachers, were graduates of Brown University, and gave it from the start a record for thoroughness in class-room work, which it has always been its endeavor to maintain and improve. Its gradu- ates have taken high rank as graduate, students of the large uni- versities, both in this country and abroad. Courses are offered leading to the Bachelor's degree in Arts, Science, Philosophy, and Letters. Invested funds available for general purposes amount to nearly $400,000. Value of grounds, buildings, libraries, and other equipment, about $300,000. Questions from any one interested in the school are gladly answered. 287 Granville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ohio. DOANE ACADEMY, Granville, L. E. Akins, Principal. This school was organized in 1831 as a preparatory department of the Granville Literary and Theological Institution. In 1887 it was made a separate school and named Granville Academy, again changing its name to Doane Academy in 1894. It is the special aim of the school to fit its students for college. An academic course is offered to those not intending to go to college. There are three regular courses : The classical, the philosophical, and the scientific, each embracing three years of work. HIRAM COLLEGE, Hiram, was founded in 1850 under the name of the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute. The aims of the school were defined as follows : (i) To furnish a foundation for a sound literary and scientific education. (2) To temper and sweeten such education with moral and spiritual knowledge. Among the early students was James A. Garfield, who secured the opportunity of paying his expenses by work as janitor. In 1857 Mr. Hayden, the first principal, resigned and was succeeded by James A. Garfield, who had in the meantime completed the course of studies of the Institute, and had been graduated from Williams College. Under his leadership the Institute reached a high degree of prosperity, and its principal won a wide popularity as a preacher, teacher, and lecturer. In 1861 Mr. Garfield en- tered public life, and from that on his history is too well known to be told. In 1867 the institution was reorganized as a college under its present name. Hiram College has mainly a rural pat- ronage and has never succeeded in gaining a satisfactory financial basis, but it is noted for honest, thorough training. Garfield said in a public speech delivered in Hiram after his nomination to the presidency, " Hiram College does the most work with the least money of any institution with which I am acquainted." WESTERN RESERVE ACADEflY, Hudson, Clay Herrick, A.M., Charles T. Hickok, Ph.D., Principals. In 1826, Western Reserve College was established as a pioneer in the then new State of Ohio, A preparatory department was opened the follow- ing year, which still bears the name " Western Reserve," and which has an enviable reputation among first-class academies. It has a beautiful campus of nearly forty acres, on which stand three dormitories, a chapel for public meetings, a recitation and board- ing hall. The school is located twenty-six miles from Cleveland in the village of Hudson, a town unsurpassed in culture, beauty, and healthfulness. The purpose of the school is threefold : First, to provide thorough preparation for the best colleges, schools of science, or the academies at West Point and Annapolis. Second, to provide a general academic education for those not looking for- ward to further study, but who wish better to equip themselves 288 Ohio. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Oberlin. for the duties of life, or for teaching in the common schools. Third, to provide a healthful business course on a broader basis than that of the business schools. The expenses for academic year, including tuition, furnished room, and board, are covered by $200. LinA COLLEGE, Lima, founded 1893. Under the control of the " Lima Lutheran Educational Association." Six depart- ments. The collegiate department offers three courses of four years each : The classical, scientific, and literary, leading to cor- responding degrees. A three-years' preparatory course leads to these. The normal course covers three years of academic and professional work. The music department offers courses in piano, MIDDLE COLLEGE, WESTERN RESERVE ACADEMY. organ, voice, harmony, theory, etc. The commercial and elocution departments, the work usually offered in such courses. New and commodious building, large campus. Faculty of ten. Enrolment 1897-98, 291. College expenses moderate. Rev. S. P. Long, President ; Rev. Carl Ackermann, Dean. OBERLIN COLLEGE, Oberlin, was established in 1833 by the Rev. John J. Shipherd and Mr. Philo P. Stewart. Both of the founders had been greatly impressed by an account of the life of the German pastor and philanthropist, Johann Friedrich Oberlin, who died in 1826, and the new enterprise was named after him. The school was chartered as the " Oberlin Collegiate Institute," and was known by this name until 1850, when, by an act of the Leg- islature of Ohio, it was called Oberlin College. The preparatory de- partment was first opened, but within less than two years afterward the college proper and the theological seminary were in operation. 289 Oberlin. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ohio. In more recent years a conservatory of music, a department of drawing and painting, and a normal course in physical training for women have been added to the orginal departments. The loca- tion is .thirty-four miles west of Cleveland, and about ten miles south of Lake Erie. Electric and steam railways render the place OXFORD COLLEGE. easily accessible. There are fourteen buildings, including special dormitories for young ladies. The college library has over fifty thousand books together with more than thirty-two thousand pamph- lets. Ample opportunities for scientific experiment are offered by the chemical, biological, and physical laboratories, and bodily training is provided for in the separate gymnasia for men and women. Religious influences are dominant, but Oberlin is avowedly non-sectarian. Attendance on church and chapel is compulsory. No student is considered fully a member of the institution until he has passed a probation of six months satisfactory to the faculty, during which time they may privately dismiss him, if, for any reason, they deem his connection with the college undesirable. Admission to the college courses is by examination and upon certificates from accredited schools. The college proper offers three courses : Classical, leading to the degree A. B. ; philosophi- cal, leading to the degree Ph. B. ; and scientific, leading to the degree S. B. Each of these courses covers four years and requires the same time in preparation. In each course all the studies of the freshman year are required. After the freshman year some- what less than one-fourth of the work is required, the student selecting the remainder from the various electives offered. The degrees which are open to graduate students are those of A. M. and S. M. The theological seminary is under the auspices of 290 Ohio. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Rio Grande. the Congregational Church, and awards the degree of B. D. The academy is under the same general supervision as the college, but has its separate corps of instructors. In the college the term bills are $25 each for three terms. In the academy the term bills are less. OXFORD COLLEGE, Oxford, the Rev. Faye Walker, D. D., President. This college for young women grew out of the union of Oxford Female College, established in 1849, and Oxford Female In- stitute, founded in 1855. There are three courses of study, each extending through four years. The classical course leads to the degree of B. A., the Latin-scientific to that of B. S., and the Eng- lish to that of B. L. In special cases students who wish to devote MRS. MATHEWS'S SCHOOL. more time to art or music may extend any one of these through five years. For juniors and seniors, a liberal choice of electives is allowed. There are collegiate departments of music, art, and oratory. The charge to all resident students, including tuition, board, room, and washing, is $280 per year. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Painesville, Mrs. Samuel Mathews, Principal. The design of the school is to combine thorough instruction with moral and religious culture, and to supply with all the comforts of a private home. The expenses for furnished room, board, and tuition are $300 per year. Additional charges are made for instruction in music, French, and German. RIO GRANDE COLLEGE, Rio Grande, the Rev. John M. Davis, Ph. D., D. D., President, was opened in 1876. The aim of the college in the educational field is that of an intermediate be- 291 St. Martins. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ohio. tween high and preparatory schools, and the professional schools of a university. It recognizes the necessity of a preparatory de- partment to bring students up to that degree of efficiency requisite for college work. The two years' preparatory leads directly to the collegiate course. The collegiate work is divided into a classical and a scientific course, each four years in length. The degrees of A. B. and S. B. are conferred on completing them. The degrees of A. M. and S. M., are given to graduates of three years' standing who do literary or scientific work. An English and normal course is offered. Music is also taught. The college is under the con- trol of the Free Baptist denomination. Tuition to candidates for the ministry of any denomination is free. To others it ranges from $24 to $28. URSULINE ACADEMY FOR YOUNG LADIES, St. Martins, Brown County, was founded in 1845. It is conducted by the Ursuline Order. Pupils of every religious denomination are received into the academy, but for the maintaining of order and discipline all are expected to conform outwardly to the Catholic ceremonial. After the usual primary classes, the course of study is divided into preparatory and academic, each covering four years. In all school work particular attention is given to the correct use of the English language in speaking and writing. The terms for board arid tuition in English, French, and Latin are $200 per year. SAVANNAH ACADEMY, Savannah, G. M. Johnston, A. B., Principal, was organized in 1859 by a joint stock company which gave the control to a board of fifteen trustees. A classical, a philo- sophical, and a scientific course is offered, each four years in length. The classical and the scientific courses are identical for 292 Ohio, WHERE TO EDUCATE. Tiffin. the first two years. The philosophical course substitutes two years of German for the Greek of the classical course. The classical course is college preparatory. Tuition is low, and the total expenses, including board, room, and tuition, need not exceed $100 per year. 5CIO COLLEGE (co-educational), Scio, John Wier, A. M., D. D., President, was organized as Rural Seminary, at Harlem Springs, Ohio, in 1857. It was subsequently removed to the town of Newmarket, now Scio, and was incorporated as Newmarket Col- lege. In 1875 the name was changed to " The One Study Uni- versity " on account of the adoption of a unique feature that had been attempted by no other school in the country. This plan was for a student to pursue but one study at a time, complete it, take up another, and so on through the course. This plan, though suc- cessful in some respects, was found to be inexpedient; a return was made to the ordinary plan of study, and in June, 1877, the college was organized under its present name, and passed under the control of the M. E. Church. The collegiate department presents three courses, the classical, the philosophical, and the scientific, each leading to its appropriate degree, and each requir- ing four years for 'completion. There are also the following special departments : Preparatory, pedagogy, pharmacy, commercial, music, oratory and physical culture, and art. In addition to the regular college year there is a summer term of six weeks. The present yearly enrolment, about five hundred. The total expense for the year averages $120. NEW LYflE INSTITUTE, South New Lyme, S. W. Mauck, A.M., President, was opened in 1879. * ts object is three-fold: To furnish a liberal academic education to those farmers' sons and daughters who do not plan to pursue a college course. To prepare thoroughly for entrance to colleges and universities. To give teach- ers of the common schools a rapid and complete review of the com- mon branches and supplement this with more comprehensive study in the fields of pedagogy and mental science. There are three reg- ular courses : Academic, college preparatory, and normal. In addition there are departments of business, music, elocution, and physical culture. Tuition, per term of thirteen weeks, $6 to $8, in advance. HEIDELBERG THEOLOGICAL SEfllNARY, Tiffin, the Rev. David Van Home, D. D., President, was founded by the Ohio Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States in 1850. The seminary is open to students of all denominations. It regards as its main work that of imparting instruction according to a fixed curriculum in the fundamental theological branches. The various libraries number about eleven thousand volumes. Tuition is free. Tiffin. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ohio. URSULINE COLLEGE, Tiffin. This institution, founded in 1863, is conducted by the Sisters of the Ursuline Order. Differ- ence in religion is no obstacle to the admission of pupils, and no influence is in any way exerted over the conscientious opinion of non-Catholics. A kindergarten system leads to the primary de- partment. The entire course of study is divided into three classes : Primary, preparatory, and senior. In the lower course time cannot be specified, as that rests with the ability of the pupil. The senior division comprises a course of three years, the last being the graduating class. The degree of A. B. is conferred upon the grad- uates of the classical course in the department of science and arts. Elocution, phonography, music, embroidery, and painting are also taught. The charge for board, washing, furnished room, and tuition is $150. DAVIS BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toledo, Mr. M. H. Davis, Proprietor, offers business, English, and shorthand courses, and makes a specialty of actual business practice. There are day and night classes. As there are no vacations, students may enter at any time. WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY, Wilberforce, S. T. Mitchell, President, was incorporated in 1856 through the united efforts of the Methodist Episcopal and the African Methodist Episcopal Conferences of Ohio. The broad principle was adopted that in all that pertains to the University no distinction should be made on account of race or color. The Civil War closed the school, but in 1870 it was opened once more. In 1887 a "combined normal and industrial department," supported entirely by the State, was established. In 1891 Payne Theological Seminary was founded, and is supported by the A. M. E. Church. The University confers the A. B. degree on graduates of the classical course, and the S. B. on those of the scientific course. Graduates who have spent five years in literary pursuits may receive the degree of A. M. or M.S. TEACHERS' SEfllNARY, Woodville, the Rev. Theodore Mees, President, is one of the educational institutions under the control of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and other States. Its primary object is to educate professional teachers for parochial schools, but it also offers a regular academic course. The two general departments are the preparatory department and the seminary department. The course of studies in the seminary is designed to extend over a period of five years, three of which are embraced in the preparatory department, and two in the semi- nary proper. Music is taught throughout the five years. Advanced students are required to teach from four to six weeks in graded 294 Ore. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Albany. schools, taking full charge of classes in all branches. Board per week is $2. The annual charge for tuition, room rent, and inci- dentals is $40, payable in advance. All those preparing for the teaching profession within the synod pay no tuition and room rent. ANTIOCH COLLEGE, Yellow Springs, Daniel Albright Long, D. D., LL. D., President, is situated at Yellow Springs, Green County, Ohio, a spot widely known for the beauty of its scenery and the healthfulness of its climate. The college edifices consist of one main building and two large dormitories. Three courses are offered : The classical, leading to the degree of B. A. ; the philosophical, leading to the degree of Ph. B. ; and the scientific, leading to the degree of B. Sc. The Master's degrees are conferred only after a systematic course of study of at least one year, and an examination upon the same. The average total expenses for the school year, including tuition, board, washing, books, and incidentals, are estimated to be less than $150. OKLAHOMA. OKLAHOMA AGRICULTURAL AND flECHANICAL COL- LEGE, and Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, G. E. Morrow, President, is supported by the United States and the territorial governments. The experiment station has an annual endowment of $15,000. The courses offered are general science, engineering, and special, while English, mathematics, and science and its applications to industry are the chief features of the courses. The degree of B. S. is conferred on graduates. Students of either sex are admitted. Tuition is free. OREGON. ACADEflY OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, Al- bany, opened in January, 1887, and solemnly dedicated by the Most Rev. W. H. Gross, Archbishop of Oregon. It is a boarding and day school for young ladies, and is incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon, empowering it to confer academic honors. Boys under twelve years are admitted in the elementary and preparatory departments. The academy is conducted by the Benedictine Sisters, whose constant aim is to train the youthful heart to virtue, whilst imparting instruction in all the useful and refined branches. The academic year consists of four terms, of ten weeks each, the first commencing the first Monday in September. 295 Albany. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ore. ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany, Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President, was founded by Walter and Thomas Monteith, who moved from Albany, N. Y., to Oregon, taking the present site of the city of Albany as a donation land claim. In laying out a town site, they reserved seven acres of land, and presented it to the Gen- eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church for school purposes. The first building was erected in 1866 ; the college was opened in 1867, with the R.ev. William J. Monteith as president, and the first class was graduated in 1873. Intimately associated with the three Monteith brothers in the establishment of the college was the Rev. Edward R. Geary, D. D., brother of Gen. John W. Geary, formerly Territorial Governor of Kansas, and later Governor of Pennsylvania. Doctor Geary labored incessantly for the college, visiting the East in its behalf, and becoming its third president. Albany College is co-educational, and is vitally related to the Presbyterian Church, being under the care of the Synod of Oregon, to which the president makes an annual report. The four years' classical course leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; the Latin scientific course to that of Bachelor of Science ; the normal course to that of Bachelor of Scientific Didactics ; the post-graduate course in music to that of Bachelor of Music ; and the commercial teacher's course to that of Bachelor of Accounts. Tuition is about $40 a year, and board and lodging ranges from $2.50 a week upwards. SOUTHERN OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Ashland, W. T. Van Scoy, A. M., President, was established by act of the Legislature in 1882. There are four principal courses of study: Academic, business, normal, and advanced. The degree B. S. D., Bachelor of Scientific Didactics, is conferred upon those complet- ing the four-year normal course, and M. S. D., Master of Scientific Didactics, upon those finishing also the advanced course. Only the best and most faithful work will enable the student to reach the average required for a State normal school diploma. In con- nection with the institution are training and model school depart- ments, and courses in art and music. Tuition per term of ten weeks in normal, business, or academic courses, each $6.25. THE EUGENE DIVINITY SCHOOL, Eugene, Eugene C. Sanderson, Dean. This growing institution, adjacent to the cam- pus of the University of Oregon, offers two distinct ministerial courses, and so arranges its work that a part of the studies may be taken in the University. The school was opened in 1895, and its subsequent growth has been .rapid. It grants the degree of Bachelor of Divinity on the completion of its four years' course. There are no charges for tuition except a contingent fee of $3 296 Ore. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Philomath. per term. The institution is under the control of the Christian denomination. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY (co-educational), Forest Grove, the Rev. Thomas McClelland, D. D., President. The University, with its associated preparatory school, Tualatin Academy, is one of the oldest chartered schools on the Pacific coast, and after half a century of growth it now stands as a type of the best grade of American colleges. The institution owns six buildings and its equipment includes a library of more than nine thousand volumes. In July, 1898, President McClelland completed the raising of one hundred thousand dollars, thus meeting the conditions of a fifty thousand dollar endowment offered to the University in March. 1895, by Dr. D. K. Pearsons, of Chicago. With this sum added to the previous endowment of one hundred thousand dollars the possibilities of usefulness are greatly enlarged. The college offers three general courses : The classical, scientific, and literary, and special advantages for the study of music. Tualatin Academy provides thorough preparation for college and at the same time gives an English education that is an essential foundation for busi- ness or teaching. Tuition and other expenses in both the college and academy are moderate. McMINNVILLE COLLEGE, McMinnville, H. L. Boardman, A. M., President, is the oldest Baptist college in the far West, and was incorporated in 1858. It is co-educational and offers five courses : Preparatory, classical, scientific, literary, and normal, leading (with exception of the first) to the degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Letters, and Bachelor of Didactics. There are also business, music, and art departments. Annual expenses average $141 to $180. JTT. ANGEL ACADEMY (young women), Mt. Angel, Oregon conducted by the Benedictine Sisters, is situated in a healthful and picturesque part of Oregon, and the academy building is sur- rounded by extensive playgrounds,, groves, and orchards. Pupils are admitted from the age of five years upward. There are primary, preparatory, scientific, literary, music, and commercial courses. The original charter has been extended, raising Mt. Angel Academy to the rank of a college; it is, therefore, em- powered to confer scientific, literary, and commercial degrees. PHILOriATH COLLEGE, Philomath, J. M. C. Miller, M. S., President, is located in the foot-hills of the far-famed Willamette Valley, sixty miles from the Pacific coast. The college was founded in 1865 by the Oregon Annual Conference of the United Brethren in Christ. It is thoroughly Christian but not sectarian, the constant endeavor being to give advantages for a liberal fun- 297 Portland. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ore. damental education under the safest and happiest Christian influences at a minimum of expense. Besides the training department and the preparatory there are four courses : Classical, four years ; scientific, four years ; normal, three years, and commercial. The expenses for the year are $100, including board, tuition, books, and incidentals. PORTLAND ACADEMY, Portland, S. R. Johnston and J. R. Wilson, Principals. The academy, opened for instruction in 1889, was incorporated in 1892 for the purpose, as set forth in its con- stitution, " of teaching the principles of a scientific, classical, and literary education under Christian influence." The brick build- ing is complete in all its appointments, and , the laboratory and apparatus are modern and adequate. The corps of teachers is drawn mainly from graduates of Eastern colleges, and consists of teachers experienced in the work of their several departments. The school is organized in two departments, the academy proper and a preparatory school. The latter admits boys and girls at an early age and fits them for the academy ; the academy prepares them for college. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland, A. P. Arm strong, LL. B., Principal, was established in 1866 and incorporated in 1889. It continues in session throughout the year, and offers courses in business, shorthand, English, and penmanship. A 298 Ore. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Salem. specialty is made of business practice, and this department of the school is complete in every respect. Its offices comprise a large bank, a wholesale department, and a general agency company. ST. HELEN'S HALL, Portland, Miss Eleanor E. Tebbetts, Ph. D., Principal. This school was established by the Rt. Rev. B. Wistar Morris, D. D., and was first opened on the sixth day of September, 1869, with Miss Mary B. Rodney as principal. Through the liberality of Mr. John D. Wolfe and his daughter, Miss Catha- rine Wolfe, of New York City, a site was purchased on Fourth Street, and the buildings then erected were occupied by the school till 1890. A new site was then secured upon a commanding height near the City Park and a new building was erected. After Miss Rodney's death in April, 1896, the school was continued to the close of the term by her sisters and assistants, Miss Lydia Rodney and Miss Clementina Rodney, and the following year Miss Tebbetts was called to the principalship. The school aims to give girls and young women thorough and well ordered instruction, fitting them for college when desired. The teachers are carefully chosen for scholarship and professional training. The four depart- ments are : Kindergarten, primary, intermediate, and academic. The equipment is unusually fine, and in addition to two small general libraries the school is the possessor of " The Mary B. Rodney Memorial Art Library," presented by the alumnae in 1897 in mem- ory of the first principal and joint founder of St. Helen's Hall. The school year comprises two terms and the charge for boarding pupils for the term is $160. THE CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem, W. I. Staley, Principal. This school was established in September, 1889, and has seen eight years of steady growth. During these years the methods employed have been the latest practical methods known to business college work. The business course is arranged to meet the demands of modern principles and practice and is divided into three departments : Practical, business practice, and office practice. The shorthand course employs the Dement Pit- manic system. An English course is designed for those who do not wish to take bookkeeping in any of its various forms, and in- dividual or class instruction is given in spelling, business corre- spondence, business writing, commercial law, grammar, and arithmetic. WILLAflETTE UNIVERSITY, Salem, Willis Chatman Haw- ley, A. M., President, was founded by early pioneers and mission- aries in 1844. It is the center of the famous Willamette Valley, a region of unsurpassed fertility of. soil and beauty of scenery. The University owns twenty acres of land in the heart of the city, 299 Sodaville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ore. has excellent college buildings, gymnasium, and athletic grounds. A stream of living water flows through the campus. The school is under the supervision of the Oregon Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, and is well endowed. It offers graduate courses, the standard college classical and scientific courses, and has a pre- paratory school or academy in connection with its work on the campus. The University is co-educational, and has a famous alumni and alumnae roll. The University includes a College of Liberal Arts, College of Medicine, College of Law, College of Music, College of Oratory, and College of Art. Expenses of a student in the literary department vary from $125 to $350 per year, this including all expenditures. The history of Willamette University is an important part of the history of the Territory and State of Oregon. niNERAL SPRINGS COLLEGE, Sodaville, J. R. Geddes, A. M., President. This institution, which is under the auspices of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Oregon and Washing- ton, was incorporated under its present name in 1895, though it is the outgrowth of an educational movement in the denomination which dates back to 1858. The college owns four buildings, five acres of land, and numerous building lots, and is being rapidly placed on a sound financial basis. There are classical, scientific, literary, normal, business, music, theological, and college prepara- tory departments. Tuition in the business department is $6 per term ; in all other courses, $5 per term. PENNSYLVANIA. THE WESTERN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Allegheny, W. J. Holland, D. D., LL. D., Chancellor, is the oldest institution of learning incorporated by law on the continent, west of the Allegheny Mountains, north of Tennessee. It has educated, in whole or in part, more than six thousand of the young men of the country. It includes the collegiate department, Engineering School, Western Pennsylvania School of Mines, Allegheny Obser- vatory, Western Pennsylvania Medical College, Pittsburg Law School, Pittsburg College of Pharmacy, Pittsburg College of Den- tal Surgery, the Emma Kaufman Clinic, and the Reineman Maternity Hospital. There are over seven hundred students and one hundred and twenty professors and instructors. Among some of the eminent men who were long connected with its faculty may be mentioned Prof. S. P. Langley, now the secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, who for twenty years was the professor of astronomy ; Prof. J. E. Keeler, who has just become the director of the Lick Observatory, and who served for seven years as 300 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Bethlehem. Professor Langley's successor; Prof. W. H. Barker, for many years professor of chemistry at Yale, and who is now at the University of Pennsylvania. Many others whose labors have shed lustre upon the institution might be named. At present the faculty contains a number of men of national and international rep- utation. Owing to its location in the city of Pittsburg, one of the greatest manufacturing and railway centers on the continent, it affords peculiar advantages to the student of engineering. The medical department of the University is one of the strongest in the country. ALLENTOWN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Allentown, the Rev. J. W. Knappenberger, A. M., President, was established in 1867 under the auspices of the Reformed Church. It is vested with full collegiate powers, and received its present name by a new charter in 1893. It has a beautiful campus, and commodious buildings furnished with all modern appointments. The gymna- sium is one of the finest in Pennsylvania. While sectarianism is avoided, a religious tone pervades the institution, and devotional services are held in the chapel daily. There are three regular de- partments : Primary, academic, and collegiate. Besides these there are art and music departments. Both boarding and day students are admitted. All students who complete satisfactorily the studies in the collegiate course receive the degree of Bachelor of Letters. The annual expenses for boarding students in the academic department, including furnished room, board, light, heat, and tuition, are $220; in the collegiate department are $230. BEAVER COLLEGE AND MUSICAL INSTITUTE, Beaver, the Rev. A. Staples, A. M., President. The college has four courses leading to degrees. The degree of Bachelor of Arts will be conferred on those who complete the classical course, Bachelor of Science for the scientific course or Latin-scientific course, and Bachelor of Letters for the modern language course. The degree of Bachelor of Music will be conferred on those who complete the course in music, and for special courses a certificate will be given for the work covered. The year is divided into three terms. Tuition, per term, $20; tuition preparatory department, per term, $15 ; board, including furnished room, heat, light, washing, class lessons in physical culture and elocution, use of gymnasium, library and reading room, lectures, etc., etc., per term, $70. MORAVIAN COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Bethlehem, the Rev. Augustus Schultze, D. D., President, is under the auspices of the American branch of the Moravian Church. It was opened in 1807 at Nazareth, Pa. ; was removed to Bethle- hem in 1838, continuing there until 1851 ; was then transferred 301 Bethlehem. WHERE TO EDUCATE. p a . to Nazareth for a period of seven years, and finally removed to Bethlehem again in 1858. The course of study is arranged for six years. The regular charge for board and tuition is $250 per year. nORAVIAN SEMINARY AND COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Bethlehem, J. Max Hark, D. U., Principal. Bethlehem has, per- haps, the most beautiful location in the entire Lehigh Valley. Pure mountain air and water guarantee its healthfulness. The Moravian Seminary for Young Ladies was founded in 1749. Its system is so ordered as to conduce to the health of the pupils, their social and spiritual welfare, and their intellectual training. There are two departments, the preparatory and the academic, the latter offering the choice of either a literary or a scientific course. In the college are three departments : The school of liberal arts, the school of fine arts, and the school of music. LEHIGH PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Bethlehem, H. A. Foering, B. S., Principal, was founded in 1878 by William Ulrich, Ph. D., a graduate of the University of Berlin, who gave to the school methods far more thorough than those of the ordinary American preparatory school. While its course is intended as a preparation for the classical course in any of the best colleges, it has especial reference to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. There are three prizes of $100 each to the students passing the best examination tcrthe classical department of these three universities. The lower school receives a limited number of pupils between six and fourteen years old. The upper school has a technical course under the charge of the principal, and a classical course in charge of George A. Merkley, M. A., Ph. D., a graduate of Oxford. Tui- tion, lower school, $250 to $275 ; upper school, $300 to $350. THE MISSES SHIPLEY'S SCHOOL, PREPARATORY TO BRYN flAWR COLLEGE, Bryn Mawr, Miss Shipley, Miss Elizabeth Anthony Shipley, and Miss Katharine Morris Shipley, Principals. This school is primarily preparatory to Bryn Mawr College, but preparation is also given for other colleges, and an advanced course is offered for those not intending to enter college. All departments are under specialists, a number of whom are connected with Bryn Mawr College. In English an effort is made throughout the course to cultivate a taste for classics and a habit of reading good literature. Miss Aiken's method of mind training is employed with satisfactory results. The number of pupils is limited so that the students in residence do not lose the advan- tage of being members of a family. The rooms are not only attractive, but heating, light, and ventilation have been carefully considered. Outdoor exercise consists of basket-ball and tennis 302 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Collegeville. in the grounds, excellent bicycling and skating in season, while the gymnasium affords opportunity for indoor exercise. METZGER COLLEGE, Carlisle, the Rev. William A. West, President. This school for young ladies was founded in 1882, and was at first known as Metzger Institute. It is located in the heart of the beautiful Cumberland Valley, the "garden spot of Pennsyl- vania." Its buildings and grounds are ample ; its rooms large, well furnished, and heated by steam ; its courses of study, classical, modern language and English, thorough. It is a home school, where teachers and taught come in close personal contact. Not more than thirty-five boarding students will be received. Expenses for the college year, including tuition, except for music and art, board, room, light, heat, and fifteen pieces of laundry per week, $250. THE CHAMBERSBURQ ACADEMY, Chambersburg, M. R. Alexander, A. M., Principal, was chartered by the State of Penn- sylvania in 1797. About the year 1825 the original building was replaced by another much larger. During the Civil War the structure was used as a hospital, and in 1864 was burned, to be rebuilt in 1868, with the addition of a second building in 1871. The classical and Latin-scientific courses cover the requirements necessary to enter the freshman class of any college. Expenses for board, tuition, washing and mending, heat and light for a year, $3- WILSON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Chambersburg, the Rev. S. A. Martin, D. D., President, is pleasantly located in a suburb of Chambersburg in the Cumberland Valley. The build- ings are roomy and well furnished, are steam heated, and lighted by electricity. The social and domestic life of the students is in charge of the lady principal. College courses leading to the de- grees of A. B. and B. S., a preparatory department, and schools of art and music are included in the college. The property now held is valued at $150,000, but the institution has no endowment. While the school is unsectarian in spirit, it is under the patronage of the Presbyterian denomination. The faculty numbers twenty- seven, not including special lecturers. Expenses for the year, $250. Tuition in all college studies, $60. PENNSYLVANIA BIBLE INSTITUTE, Coatesville, includes a training school, a department for Bible class circuits, and a de- partment for the conduct of an Evangelistic Bureau. The full course covers two years. The work is wholly supported by vol- untary offerings, and there is no charge for either board or tuition. URSINUS COLLEGE, Collegeville, Henry T. Spangler, D. D., President, is the youngest college, but one, in Pennsylvania. This institution is particularly favored in many respects. It is situated 303 Dryrun. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. in a beautiful and healthful village near Philadelphia, and easily accessible. It offers young men and women most thorough in- struction and ample educational equipment. There are five courses leading to the A. B. degree. The pervading spirit is modern and progressive. All professors are university-trained. Laboratory methods are employed in science and psychology. The academy of Ursinus College offers, in addition to a strong curriculum and a faculty of college-trained teachers, the mental stimulus and varied intellectual opportunities of a college commu- nity. Thorough preparation is given for any college. The dor- mitories are furnished, heated by steam, and thoroughly comfort- able and healthful. Expenses, $190 to $240 per year. PATH VALLEY ACADEflY, Dryrun, Franklin County, Wil- liam McElwee, Principal, was founded in 1875, by the Rev. S. C. Alexander, with a view to bringing classical culture into the beau- tiful but somewhat sequestered valley. Because of its position, it offers academic training at the unusually low rate of $115 per year. Many of the most brilliant professional men in the country received their early education here ; but the refinement of the valley is its best recommendation. EASTON ACADEnY, 114 North Third Street, Easton, S. R. Park, A. M., Principal, is a day and boarding preparatory school for young men and young ladies. The school was founded in 1861. It has preparatory, academic, classical, normal, and com- mercial courses. Of the students during the last ten years, about eighty have represented the academy in different colleges, chiefly Lafayette, and more than fifty have become successful teachers. The number of boarders is limited to fifteen. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, Easton, Ethelbert D. Warfield, A. M., LL. D., President. Chartered in 1826 ; opened in 1832, under the presidency of the Rev. George Junkin, D. D., LL. D. The col- lege is beautifully situated on a high plateau, overlooking the Delaware River. It has twenty-six members in its faculty, thirty buildings, and property of more than $1,000,000 in value. The courses of instruction consist of the classical, Latin scientific, general scientific, civil engineering, mining, electrical, and chemical courses. The beauty and healthfulness of its situation, the great ability of its instructors, among whom Prof. Francis A. March, LL. D., L. H. D., Litt. D., D. C. L., is especially distinguished, - and the strong emphasis put upon the importance of sound morals, has given the college a large and growing reputation. LERCH'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL, 13 South Fourth Street, Easton, Charles H. Lerch, Principal, has been in existence for fourteen years. The instruction and discipline of the school aim 34 /'a. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Harrisburg. at the acquisition of alertness, clearness of thought, exact expres- sion, and the development of sound principles. By careful individ- ual attention, pupils are directed on lines of broad culture, and are led to take an interest in their work. The school prepares for any college or for general business. KEYSTONE ACADEflY, Factoryville, the Rev. Elkanah Hul- ley, A. M., Principal, was opened under the auspices of the Bap- tist denomination in 1869. The main purpose of the school is that of preparing students for college. In all, about twenty- five hundred different persons have attended the academy, and graduates have entered unconditioned at Harvard, Yale, Brown, Wesleyan, Cornell, Lehigh, and Vassar. The greater part have entered Bucknell. THE THEOLOGICAL SEfllNARY OF THE GENERAL SYNOD, Gettysburg, the Rev. Milton Valentine, LL. D., Presi- dent, was established by the General Synod of the Lutheran Church in 1826, being the first theological institution established by any Lutheran Synod in this country. It has always been noted for its inflexible orthodoxy, and for its high scholarly standard. From the first it required a regular academy course for admission and adopted an extensive three years' course of study. Almost all its alumni are college graduates. The seminary has sent forth eight hundred ministers. Tuition and room rent are free. GREENSBURG SEHINARY, Greensburg, J. Charles Hoch, Ph. D., Principal, was incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania, in 1888, by the Educational Society of Westmoreland County. The buildings and grounds are owned and controlled by the Lu- theran Church, but the school is non-sectarian in its teaching. Four courses of study are conducted : Classical, commercial, nor- mal, music. EICHELBERG ACADEHY, Hanover, J. E. Bahn, Ph.D., Principal, is a co-educational school affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church, though non-sectarian in its teachings. The curriculum, planned to extend through seven years, is in conform- ity with the recommendations of the Report of the Committee of Ten on Secondary Schools, and corresponds to that of the best New England schools of like grade. A tuition fee of $9 will be charged for each term. Private board can be obtained in the town at from $2.50 per week upwards. HARRISBURG BUSINESS COLLEGE, 322 and 324 Market Street, Harrisburg, enjoys a large and growing popularity, and has sent many bright and promising young men to recruit the ranks of business men. The institution was organized in 1873, by Prof. John N. Curry, as a night school, and in 1880 day sessions were 305 Haverford. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. added. In 1885 Professor Garner, then one of the popular teach- ers of the school, assumed entire control. He reorganized and systematized the course of instruction. The same is eminently practical, and is under the direct personal charge of the principal, who is assisted by a large corps of able instructors. Special departments are open to young men and ladies who wish to better fit themselves for a thorough course of collegiate or commercial studies. School is in session during the entire year, except July and August, and as each student receives instructions independ- ently of the others, a start may be made at any time, and advance- ment will be as rapid as is consistent with thoroughness. HAVERFORD COLLEGE, Haverford, Isaac Sharpless, LL. D., President, is the outgrowth of an academy, Haverford School, opened under the auspices of the Society of Friends in 1833. In 1856 the school was changed to a college, and was authorized by the Legislature to grant degrees ; but previous to this time the course had been as extended as in many colleges. It was still hampered with a preparatory department, which was not abolished till 1 86 1. Beginning with 1863 a series of handsome college buildings have been erected, including Alumni Hall (1863), Barclay Hall (1876-77), Observatory (1883), and the Mechanical Laboratory (1890). Various bequests and donations were re- ceived during these years, and in 1897 was paid to the college the Jacob J. Jones endowment of about a million dollars. During this time, also, Haverford had developed into a fully organized college. The standard of admission was raised, and students of any denomination were admitted, though Friends still retained the general control. The number of teachers increased fivefold, and the endowment fund was much enlarged. The number of bound volumes in the library is (according to the catalogue of 1897-98) 33,401. About $1,800 yearly are expended for the purchase of books and periodicals. There are three courses : Course in arts, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; course in science, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science ; course in mechanical engineering, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science. Students must continue for two years the languages presented on admission. The degree of Bachelor of Arts will be given only to a student who takes either Latin or Greek. Students not candidates for a degree may, at the discretion of the faculty, be permitted to pursue special courses. The usual charge for tuition, board, and room rent in Barclay Hall is $500 a year. The charge for tuition is $150 a year. HICKORY ACADEflY, Hickory, Washington County, A. M. Reed, Principal ; Miss Mary Kithcart, Assistant Principal. This academy is located in one of the most beautiful and fertile farm- 306 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Lancaster, ing regions of Western Pennsylvania. The town is noted for the high moral tone of its citizens, its excellent society, and healthful- ness. There are two courses, classical and English. The object of the academy is to give young men and women a practical business education and a preparation for college or seminary. Students holding diplomas from this institution can be admitted to our first class colleges without examination. flARTIN ACADEMY, Kennett Square, Edgar Stinson, M. Sc., Principal, was founded by the late Samuel Martin for the purpose of affording the children of Friends and others a thorough and guarded education at small cost. It is a day school for both sexes, and comprises primary, intermediate, and academic depart- ments. It fits for college or for business. Tuition for the year in the academic and intermediate department, $34 ; in the primary, $25. FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL ACADEHY, Lancaster, Thaddeus G. Helm and Edwin M. Hartman, Principals. The academy is beautifully located near Franklin and Marshall Col- lege. The students' rooms are large and cheerful, completely furnished, and fitted with steam heat and electric light. Students have the advantages of gymnasium, military drill, and use of athletic field. The academy prepares boys for entrance to any college in the country, sending Out this year about forty students to the different colleges. There is a healthful and stimulating school atmosphere. Sincere and constant effort is made to incul- cate the virtues which make for manhood, and to inspire the spirit which is essential to advantageous work hi college and to future usefulness and success in the various walks of life. Terms, including tuition and boarding, $200 per year. FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGE, Lancaster, John S. Stake, Ph. D., D. D., President. Franklin College, established at Lancaster in 1787, named after Dr. Benjamin Franklin, who laid the corner-stone and contributed to its en- dowment ; Marshall College, established at Mercersburg, Pa., 1836, by the Reformed Church in the United States. These two institutions consolidated at Lancaster in 1852. The campus- comprises twenty-two acres. The location is unsurpassed. It has a fine new DePeyske Library, a gymnasium, and an athletic field ; military science and tactics by an officer of the United States army. Discipline excellent. Full classical course covering four years with degree of B. A. Tuition is free. College ex- penses, including room, board, and contingent fees, $175 per year. 307 Lancaster. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa THE YEATES INSTITUTE, Lancaster, the Rev. W. ' F. Shero, M. A., Head Master, was incorporated in 1857. It was liberally endowed by its founder, Miss Catharine Yeates, in memory of her father, Judge Yeates. The object of the school is the preparation of young men for admission to the universities, colleges, and scientific schools of the country. It is a school of the Episcopal Church, and its order and management are in conformity with the principles and spirit of the church. The school year is divided into three terms, Christmas, Easter, and Trinity. The tuition fees are payable in advance, at the begin- ning of each term: First form, $15; second, $15; third, $20; fourth, $20 ; and fifth, $25. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, Lincoln, Chester County, the Rev. Isaac N. Rendall, D. D., President, was founded in 1854, to bring the benefits of a liberal Christian education within the reach of worthy colored young men. The theological department is con- trolled by the Presbyterian Church. From the collegiate depart- ment 582 young men have been graduated. Two hundred and fifty-two of the Lincoln students, have received ordination as ministers in evangelical Protestant denominations. Thirteen have gone as missionaries to Africa. The full college bill for the year is $121.50. LINDEN HALL SEMINARY, Lititz, Lancaster County, which was founded in 1794, is a school for young women. Lititz is on the Reading and Columbia Railroad, and is the terminus of an electric railroad from Lancaster. The buildings, beautifully situated, are heated by steam and lighted by electricity. There are ample recreation grounds. The seminary, while not sectarian, is controlled by the Moravian Church, and much emphasis is placed on religious teaching and influence. Besides thorough instruction in the usual branches, lessons are given in plain sewing and embroidery, and instruction on the guitar, mandolin, and violin. The expense for the school year is $250. The Rev. Charles L. Moench is president of the board of trustees and the Rev. Charles D. Kreider is principal. EDGEHILL INSTITUTE, Littlestown, the Rev. W. E. Krebs, A. M., Principal, is a family school, founded in 1885, that gives a good academical education and prepares for college. It has accommodations for eight boarders and about a dozen day pupils. There are three sessions of thirteen weeks each. Tuition, board, furnished room, heat, and light, $65 per session, or $195 per year. Tuition for day pupils, $10 per session. flEADVILLE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL, Meadville, was incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania in 1846. The institution is open to applicants from any -denomination, although 308 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Myersto-wn. its patrons are to be found chiefly in the Unitarian body. Men and women are received on equal terms. Bachelors of art, science, letters, or philosophy are admitted to the junior class without examination. The library numbers twenty-eight thousand bound volumes and thirteen thousand pamphlets. Tuition is free. Necessary expenses for school year estimated at $150. MERCERSBURG ACADEMY, Mercersburg, W. M. Irvine, Ph. D., President, is a boys' school of the Reformed Church, offer- ing two courses of study, each of four years, the academic course and the English course. The academic gives a complete prepara- tion for any college in America ; the English furnishes a liberal general education, fitting either for business life or for entrance into a technical school. The faculty includes eight college gradu- ates. Board, tuition, furnished room, heat, light, laboratory, library and reading room facilities, per year, $250. THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE, Mount Pleasant, Henry C. Dixon, M. S., Principal. The Institute is an academy for both sexes situated near Chestnut ridge of the Alleghany Mountains, amid picturesque surroundings. It is under Baptist control, and was opened in 1873. Its courses of study are the classical and scien- tific, which prepare students for admission to any college, and the normal literary, which prepares for teaching. Besides the literary courses, departments of instrumental and vocal music and art are sustained under the direction of strong specialists. The endow- ment, which was secured in 1890, reduces the expenses to about $200 per annum. LAIRD INSTITUTE, Murrysville, J. R. Steeves, A. M., Prin- cipal, was organized in 1861 and incorporated in 1897. The school is co-educational and non-sectarian, and prepares for college. Full tuition per term of twelve weeks, $8. ALBRIGHT COLLEGE, Myerstown, C. A. Bowman, Ph. D., President, is located in the center of the Lebanon Valley, and on the main line of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. The building is a substantial brick structure, and the campus is large,- elevated, and shaded by beautiful trees. The apartments, includ- ing students' rooms, are conveniently arranged, well ventilated, and heated by steam. Albright College was founded in Reading in 1 88 1 ; from Reading the school was removed to Fredericksburg, where it was conducted under the name of Schuylkill Seminary until January, 1895, at which time it was removed to Myerstown, its present location. From 1895 to 1898 the school was known as Albright Collegiate Institute. In 1898 it was advanced to the grade of a college and took its present name. It is co-educational, 309 Mew Berlin. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. is under the patronage of the United Evangelical Church, and has a collegiate and an elementary department. Its courses in music, art, and elocution are unusually strong. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, New Berlin, the E.ev. Aaron E. Gobble, D. D., President. The institution was founded in 1855 as Union Seminary, and so continued till 1887, when it was raised to the collegiate standard and the name changed to Central Pennsylvania College. The college offers four courses of instruction, has a good reading room and a library of about five thousand volumes. There are two active literary societies connected with the college, besides a Young Men's Christian Association and other organizations such as are found in literary institutions. The location is a very healthful one, and the neces- sary expenses very moderate, ranging from $150 to $175 for a full year, embracing- tuition, boarding, and incidentals. WESTMINSTER COLLEGE, New Wilmington, the Rev. R. G. Ferguson, D. D., President. Classical, scientific, literary, and pre- paratory courses are offered. The following degrees are conferred : A. B., B. S., B. L., and A. M. There is a conservatory of music and an art department. The school is co-educational. The annual expenses of the student, exclusive of books and clothing, may be met by an expenditure of from $150 to $200 a year. CHELTENHAM MILITARY ACADEMY, Ogontz, John C. Rice, Ph. D., Principal. This academy is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful suburbs of Philadelphia on the sum- mit of the Chelten Hills. It was founded in 1871 by the Rev. Samuel Clements, D. D., and in the twenty-seven years of its history more than six hundred young men have been prepared for college or business life. The buildings are extensive and commo- dious and are kept in excellent condition. The grounds are finely shaded, and the athletic field of nearly six acres affords facilities for all manly sports. Military drill forms a part of the daily rou- tine, and military discipline is enforced to as great an extent as the welfare of the pupil and the interests of the school require. The classical, the Latin-scientific, and the modern language courses provide a thorough preparation for entrance to the best American colleges or scientific schools. The English course, which may be completed in six years, is intended for boys who have a business career in view and do not intend to enter college. The expense of board and tuition is $500 in the Lower and $600 in the Upper school. A reduction is made to clergymen and to officers of the army and navy. THE OGONTZ SCHOOL, Ogontz, Frances E. Bennett and Sylvia J. Eastman, Principals. This school, until 1883 known as the Chestnut Street Seminary, is situated in. the suburbs of 310 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. The buildings afford ample accommodations, the surroundings are attractive and healthful, and the appliances for the promotion of the well-being of pupils are all that could be desired. The Sargent system of physical training is used. Ogontz was the first girls' school to adopt the regular military drill, which has proven a valuable adjunct to mental as well as bodily development, inducing habits of quick perception and prompt obedience. With college equipment and instruction, it is not, however, a college, nor an attempted imitation of one. The course of study is fully rounded in itself, stretching in some branches into the second and third years of college work, and in others stopping on the threshold of such. Special attention is paid to English, the work in this branch being abreast of that in CHELTENHAM MILITARY ACADEMY. our best colleges. The department of music is large and con- ducted with the highest ability. The terms for board, laundry, lectures, and tuition are $1,000 per annum. MISS ANABLE'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, 1350 Pine Street, corner of Broad Street, Philadelphia, Isabella Anable, Principal. Miss Anable's English, French, and German Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies was established by Miss A. M. Anable in 1848, and is Philadelphia's oldest school for girls. It is thorough and progressive in all its departments, offering the advantage of a limited number of pupils, and the personal super- vision of the principal and her assistants. Pupils may pursue the prescribed course of study for graduation, or may select such studies as they prefer. The graduation course is designed to prepare pupils for college, at the same time including advanced courses in history, literature, and general culture. The terms for board and tuition are $500 to $600 per annum. Philadelphia. WHERE TO EDUCATE. . Pa. THE BROAD STREET CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 1331 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Gilbert Raynolds Combs, Director, aims to impart a thorough musical education in the fullest sense of the term. The fundamental department receives the same careful and exacting attention as the finishing depart- ment. The latest methods are used ; there is a large faculty of specialists, and the musical library is valuable and extensive. A normal training course for teachers is included in the curriculum. THE BROWN COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Phila- delphia. This school furnishes several groups of studies, some that thoroughly prepare students for our best colleges and uni- versities, and others for those not contemplating a college course. The managers point with pride to a long list of graduates who, having become successful men, are a strong evidence of the bene- fits derived from the careful training of the school. The aim is to develop the pupil rather than to teach things ; to preserve the individuality of the student ; to develop the man that is in the boy ; to send out manly men. A healthy interest in athletics is encouraged. DREXEL INSTITUTE OF ART, SCIENCE, AND IN= DUSTRY, Philadelphia, James MacAlister, LL. D., President. Founded by Anthony J. Drexel, 1891. The main building is one of the finest devoted to educational purposes in the United States, and is unsurpassed in its equipment and appointments. The Institute embraces the following departments: (i) Department of Fine and Applied Art, embracing courses in drawing, painting, modelling, design and decoration, architectural drawing, illustra- tion ; (2) Department of Mechanic Arts, a three years' sys- tematic course in mathematics, mechanical drawing, freehand drawing, science, English, history, civics, shopwork in wood and iron, applied electricity ; (3) Department of Science and Tech- nology, embracing courses in electrical engineering, machine, construction, mechanical drawing ; (4) Department of Commerce and Finance, embracing the general course in commerce and finance and office courses in bookkeeping, stenography, and secretary's work ; (5) Department of Domestic Science and Arts, embracing courses in domestic science and the domestic arts : (6) Normal Department, for the training of special teachers of manual training, domestic science, and the domestic arts ; (7 ) Department of Physical Training ; (8) School for the training of librarians ; (9) Department of Evening Classes, courses in all the departments of the Institute and in choral music; (ib) De- partment of Free Public Lectures and Entertainments; (u) Library Department; (12) Museum Department. 312 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Philadelphia. THE FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL, 140 North Sixteenth Street, Philadelphia, is the outgrowth of an educational movement organized among the Society of Friends in Philadelphia in 1832. In its present location, however, the institution dates from 1886. The purpose of the school is that of intellectual training under religious auspices and influence. There are four departments : Primary, secondary, intermediate, and higher. The higher de- partment contains a four years' course. Features of the school are the physical and manual training, for which the gymnasium and workshop afford opportunity, and the well selected library of fourteen thousand volumes. Tuition varies from $40 in the primary department to $110 in the higher. J. Henry Bartlett is superintendent. HAHNEHANN MEDICAL COLLEGE, Philadelphia, Pern berton Dudley, M. D., Dean. This widely known medical school was founded in 1848. It affords a four years' graded course and unexcelled clinical facilities. There are complete laboratories of anatomy, chemistry, histology, pathology, surgery, and obstetrics. During the year closing March 31, 1898, nearly twenty-seven thousand individual patients were treated in the various depart- ments of the hospital, and this clinical material is utilized for the instruction of students. LA SALLE COLLEGE, Broad and Stiles Streets, Philadelphia, is conducted by the Brothers of the Christian Schools, whose methods of teaching were handed down to them from their founder, the Blessed John Baptist de la Salle, and have been developed by the experience of two centuries. There are pre- paratory, mercantile, and college courses. The degrees awarded are A. B. and A. M. The charge per quarter is as follows : Col- legiate department, $20; mercantile, $20; preparatory depart- ment, class I., $20 ; preparatory, classes II., III., IV., V., $15. . THE flASTER BUILDERS' MECHANICAL TRADE SCHOOL, 1 8 to 24 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, is con- ducted under the auspices of the Master Builders' Exchange, and comprises seven departments, in which instruction is given in the following trades : Carpentry, bricklaying, plastering, stonecutting, blacksmithing, painting, and plumbing. For the present, evening classes only are formed. The charge for the course of nine months is $27. PALMER'S COLLEGE, 405, 406 Betz Building, Broad Street, Philadelphia, Orson R. Palmer, Principal, includes an evening and a day school, and offers shorthand and full business courses. Lessons in shorthand will be given by mail. Philadelphia. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. THE PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF DENTAL 5URGERY, Eleventh Street, below Spruce, Philadelphia, C. N. Peirce, D. D. S., Dean. This college is one of the three oldest institutions of its class in the United States, having been in existence for more than forty years. Its course of instruction embraces the following branches : Anatomy and surgery, operative and prosthetic dentistry, materia medica and therapeutics, chemistry and metallurgy, physiology and pathology, dental anatomy and histology, and clinical dentistry. The fees are : Matriculation, $5 ; yearly tuition, $100 ; dissecting ticket, $10 ; and diploma, $30. Women admitted, of whom the school has graduated about one hundred since 1877. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOR THE INSTRUC= TION OF THE BLIND, 2001 Race Street, Philadelphia, Edward E. Allen, Principal, was established in 1833, being with the schools at Boston and New York City one of the three pioneer institutions for the blind in the United States. The aim of the school is to Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Philadelphia. educate the blind of the State, with a view to making them self- respecting and good citizens. All those not having sufficient sight to be educated in the public schools are eligible to admit- tance, and the earlier children are sent to the school the more can be done for them. The Institution is non-sectarian. Pupils are required to attend the Sunday morning services at the church their parents may designate. The course of instruction includes the branches usually taught in the public kindergartens and schools, and such higher studies as the pupil can profitably under- take. Every faculty is provided for a thorough musical educa- tion. All pupils spend more or less time in the manual training and work department. There the boys are taught wood-working, bead-making, hammock, broom, and mattress making, carpet weav- ing, and cane seating ; the girls, hand and machine sewing, mend- ing, knitting, crocheting, and, in some cases, cooking. The fee for those able to pay it is $300 for the school year. The buildings of the Institution have long been inadequate and poorly arranged, but a new plant is now being erected at Overbrook, six miles from the heart of Philadelphia, in a tract of twenty-six acres. The new buildings are constructed upon plans that have been given careful study and thought by those experienced in the education of the blind. PHILADELPHIA flUSICAL ACADEMY, 1617 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Richard Zeckwer, Director, was founded in 1870 ; offers, besides many other departments, four distinct depart- ments for piano instruction : Primary, intermediate, main, and finishing departments. The faculty is made up of specialists who have received the best European education. The students num- ber eleven hundred. Terms for a quarter of ten weeks, two lessons a week, $7.50 to $20. RITTENHOUSE ACADEflY, Corner Chestnut and Eighteenth Streets, Philadelphia, De Benneville K. Ludwig, Ph. D., Principal, prepares young men and boys for college, scientific school, or busi- ness. Boys are received into the lowest form as soon as they can read with intelligence. The number of pupils is limited, thus insuring individual attention to each. There is a well appointed gymnasium. The tuition fees are as follows : First form $80 and $100, according to the pupil's advancement; second and third forms, $125 ; fourth, fifth, and sixth forms, $150. A discount of 33 YZ per cent, made to ministers and ministerial students. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OF THE EVANGELICAL LU- THERAN riOTHERHOUSE OF DEACONESSES, (Mary J. Drexel Home), Philadelphia, the Rev. O. Goedel, Principal, was opened in 1890 and is a branch of the Deaconess Institution. Philadelphia. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. Both day pupils and boarders are admitted. The material wants of the pupils are in charge of the Sister Superior, Emilie Schwarz. Each class has a daily lesson in religion. Only German is spoken on certain days and only English on others. Great attention is paid to the instruction in sewing, knitting, and women's handiwork generally. Boarding pupils pay $200 annually. THE SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL ART of the Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, C. W. Miller, Principal, represents the most comprehensive effort that has yet been made in America to apply the principles of art, as of science to the technical processes of existing industries. Its promoters and instructors believe that art is to be studied, not as a thing apart from the great tendency of the productive energy of the age, but rather that it ought to be the informing spirit of this tendency. They believe that mechani- cal devices and scientific methods of every kind should be utilized, not rejected, by art. Its classes are technical as well as artistic. Its professors are eminently practical men, and its graduates really go to work in responsible and commanding positions as producers. Established in 1876 to perpetuate the lessons of the Centennial Exhibition, it has been the chief exponent of the industrial art idea in this country, and the model which has been more or less frankly imitated in all the organizations with a similar purpose which have come into existence since that time. The courses include drawing, painting, and modelling from cuts and the life, decorative paint- ing and design ; architecture and the allied arts, including prac- tice in all important technical processes, such as carving, leather work, metal work, pyrography, tapestry painting, etc., as well as everything relating to the production of textiles. Extensive mechanical laboratories, making it possible for pupils to turn out all kinds of fabrics that have been woven and dyed as well as designed by themselves. This technical instruction includes a study of raw materials and such processes as carding and spinning. Great attention is paid to industrial chemistry, and graduates are eagerly sought as superintendents of industrial establishments, as well as designers, modellers, decorators, etc. The school is sub- sidized by the city and the State, and its fees are very moderate, not over $60 a year for the majority of students. A liberal system of free scholarships is provided for residents of Penn- sylvania. SCHOOLS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEflY OF THE FINE ARTS, Broad Street, Philadelphia, H. H. Breckenridge, Secretary of the Faculty. These schools are (1898-99) in their ninety-third year. The school year is divided into two terms of seven- teen weeks each. A number of valuable money prizes are offered, and the travelling scholarship of $800, providing for one year's 316 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Philadelphia. study abroad, is available annually. The monthly work of the student is the principal factor in determining the award of this scholarship. Exhibitions of the students' work are held each year in the spring and fall. Fees for regular courses : Day life and head course, $30 per term; day antique course, $15 per term; women's afternoon life course, $15 per term; men's night life course, $12 per term ; night antique course, $12 per term. THE TEflPLE COLLEGE, Broad and Berks Streets, Phila- delphia, Russell H. Conwell, President, is a unique educational enterprise. It offers for a nominal fee a complete education, from the lowest kindergarten grades to the university, and has both day and evening sessions. Organized in 1884 as a non-sectarian movement, and regularly incorporated in 1888, it has grown to such magnitude that up to the present over thirty-six thousand students have matriculated, while the total number in attendance on classes in 1897-98 reached 3,545, and including those attending public lectures, 7,395. The power to confer degrees was granted in 1892, and the present elegant building was completed in 1894. At present the regular instructors number sixty-one, while thirty- one different courses are offered to the students. The following departments are included : I. University Grade, Law School (LL. B.) ; Divinity School (B. D.) ; Post-graduate courses (M. A. and Ph. D.). II. College Grade, Course in Arts (B. A.) ; Course in Science (B. S.) ; Course in Philosophy (Ph. B.) ; Four years' course in business (Ph. B.) ; Course in Music (B. M. and Mus. Doc.). III. Preparatory Grade, College Preparatory ; Medical Prepara- tory ; Scientific Preparatory ; Law Preparatory. IV. Business Grade, Bookkeeping Course ; Stenography Course. V. Normal Grade, Normal courses for kindergartners, elementary teachers, also teachers of household science, physical training, music, millinery, and dressmaking. All graduates receive teachers' diplomas. VI. . Elementary Grade, Grammar schools, primary schools, kindergarten schools. VII. Special Courses, Painting, drawing, telegraphy, physical training. VIII. Domestic Science, Dressmaking, millinery, cooking, embroidery. IX. School for Nurses (with Samaritan Hospital). The college year is divided into two terms of four and one half months each. The annual fees for college courses in the day department are $60, in the evening department are $10. Requirements for admission are the same as at Harvard. THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, founded 1740, is located at Philadelphia, occupying some fifty acres of land near the banks of the Schuylkill River. It comprehends the following departments : The College, including (in the School of Arts) the courses in arts and science, finance and economy, biology, music (in Philadelphia. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. the Towne Scientific School), architecture, science and technology, mechanical and electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering ; the Department of Philosophy (Graduate School) ; the Department of Law ; the Department of Medicine ; the University Hospital ; the Auxiliary Department of Medicine ; the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology ; the Laboratory of Hygiene ; the Department of Dentistry ; the Department of Veter- inary Medicine ; the Veterinary Hospital ; the University Library ; the Museum of Archaeology and Paleontology ; the Flower Astro- nomical Observatory ; the Department of Physical Education. In addition to the spacious and substantial buildings required for these departments, there is an extensive dormitory system, con- sisting of separate but contiguous houses of the highest architec- tural and hygienic type, and large athletic grounds, known as Franklin Field. An extensive botanic garden is attached to the Biological School. Tuition fees vary in the different departments, but, with board (in or out of the dormitories) and other expenses, average from $350 to $450 for a school year of thirty-seven weeks. Full details are given in circulars of each department, mailed free on application to its dean, or in a general catalogue, price ten cents, for which application should be made to J. Hartley Merrick, Assistant Secretary, University of Pennsylvania. In 1898 there were 258 instructors, and 2,834 students, representing forty-one States and Territories, and thirty foreign countries. The provost is Charles Curtis Harrison, LL.D., and the governing body con- sists of twenty-four trustees, of life tenure, one-third of whom represent the alumni. WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, Montgomery Avenue and Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia, Henry Leffmann, President, was founded in 1855 by the late William Wagner. Having spent many years of his life in the pursuit of science, and having made large collections of natural history specimens, he determined, with the cheerful cooperation of his wife, Louisa Binney Wagner, to devote all the material he had acquired, together with his whole fortune, to the establishment and main- tenance of a Free Institute of Science. There are four depart- ments of work : Instruction by lectures, the museum, the library, and original research. THE WILLIAfl PENN CHARTER SCHOOL, 8 and 10 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Richard M. Jones, LL. D., Head Master. In 1689 the first public school in Pennsylvania was established at Philadelphia, under the care of George Neith. It was incorporated February 12, 1698, and was chartered by William Penn in 1711. The William Penn Charter School, the largest boys' day school of its class in the United States, is its legitimate 318 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pittsburg. successor. The entire course of study extends through three schools: The lower, the junior, and the senior. The course of the senior school is arranged to meet the demands of those intending to complete their studies at the William Penn Charter School, those preparing for a scientific or technical school, and those aiming for a classical course in college. Boys who satis- factorily complete the studies are awarded a diploma. The school buildings are thoroughly modern and completely equipped. Tui- tion, including instruction in all branches of the course, is, in the lower school, $100; in the junior school, $150; and in the senior school, $200 per annum. THE WOMAN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYL= VANIA, North College Avenue and Twenty-first Street, Phila- delphia, Clara Marshall, M. D., Dean, offers a four years' course, given by means of lectures, demonstrations, laboratory work, reci- tations, and clinical teaching. Applicants for admission to the regular college course must be not less than eighteen years of age, and must pass a preliminary examination in English, arithmetic, algebra, physics, and Latin. A degree in Arts from any college in good standing, a regents' certificate of the University of the State of New York, or (under specified conditions) a diploma from any high grade school or teacher's certificate from a county super- intendent of schools, may be substituted for the entrance examina- tion. The clinical advantages are excellent. Students who have reached the age of twenty-one years, and have completed the requirements for graduation, receive the degree of Doctor of Medicine. The cost of a general lecture and laboratory ticket is as follows : First year, $130 ; second year, $135 ; third year, $135 ; fourth year, $100. THE ALINDA COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Pittsburg, Miss Ella Gordon Stuart, Principal, is situated in one of the most desirable residence portions of the city. Now in its seventh year, it has representative students at Bryn Mawr, Smith, Vassar, and Wellesley, who give evidence of the thorough training furnished by the school. A course of study, which is especially strong in English and the modern lauguages, for girls not preparing for college is also a feature of the Alinda School work. In the last year of this course are given lectures on current topics and the history of art, and students are prepared for travel in Europe and the East. A branch of the Alinda school has lately been established in Sewickley, furnishing the same courses of study, and having classes of exactly the same grades. A boarding department for girls has been added to the Sewickley School, which offers a home to a limited number of resident students. In this home, pupils of the Alinda School may be placed for a few Pittsburg. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. weeks or months, during the absence of their parents from the city, and thus avoid any interruption in the year's work. DUFF'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 19 Fifth Avenue, Pitts- burg, William H. Duff, Principal. The institution was founded in 1840 at a time when no similar institution existed. It has kept thoroughly abreast of the times, and offers a practical business education at a reasonable rate. Actual business is pursued in connection with theoretical instruction. The entire expenses of the course of ten weeks, including tuition, board, books, and stationery, and washing, are $105. PITTSBURG COLLEGE OF THE HOLY GHOST, Pitts burg, the Rev. J. T. Murphy, C. S. Sp., President, was opened in 1878, and incorporated with power to grant the usual college and university degrees in 1882. The institution occupies a massive and costly building dedicated in 1885. There are three distinct departments : Grammar department ; classical department (divided into academic and collegiate) ; commercial and business depart- ment. Tuition, per session of ten months, all departments, $60. Tuition and board, with washing and mending of linen, $250. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Miss R. J. De Vore, President. This college, situated among the beautiful homes of the east end of Pittsburg, combines the advantages accruing from life in a large city with the seclusion of a country residence. There are eleven acres of well kept grounds around the buildings, which stand on a high hill overlooking the city. Ttyree minutes' walk takes one from the college, through " Wood- land Avenue " which has been aptly named to the Fifth Avenue electric cars, leading to the business parts of the city, and to sev- eral of the many parks which beautify Pittsburg. A marked characteristic of this college is its refined and happy home life. Not more than fifty or sixty students, with the faculty, make up the family, the day students from Pittsburg and surrounding cities bringing up the enrolment to nearly two hundred. Two full courses of study are offered : The college preparatory, and the regular college work of four years, leading to the degrees B. L. and B. A. The training given in each course, under the direction of college-bred women, is thorough and systematic. Certificates are awarded on the completion of specified work in music, art, and elocution. These departments are finely equipped. Three hundred and thirty dollars to $400 cover the expenses for board, tuition, and room. Choice of rooms is allowed the students, but all rooms are attractive and well furnished. Tuition for day students is $100 per annum. 320 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Sewickley. THE HILL SCHOOL, Pottstown, John Meigs, Ph. D., Principal, was established in 1851 by the Rev. M. Meigs, LL. D., ex-presi- dent of Delaware College, and reorganized in 1876. The school property comprises over forty acres, and the grounds, on which the magnificent new building stands, overlook the beautiful Schuyl- kill Valley. The high scholarly aim of the institution is no less marked than its purpose to develop symmetrical character. To the latter end, the number of pupils is so far restricted that per- sonal attention can be given to the physical, social, and moral growth of the students. There are ample athletic grounds, a gym- nasium, and a large swimming pool. Military drill is compulsory, and while under the direction of an experienced officer, resident in the town, the corps is regularly organized, with officers from the school. The teachers are carefully chosen, and the curriculum includes all studies necessary for college preparation, and for the enjoyment of life. The annual charge for tuition, board, fuel, laundry, and lights, is $775. ROSE POINT ACADEMY, Rose Point, G. H. McKay, A. M., Principal. This institution has five courses of study : Normal, business, college preparatory, music, and scientific. The location is in the midst of some of the most beautiful and romantic scenery in Pennsylvania on the line of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts- burg Railway. The town is free from all the evil influences that are apt to lead the student astray. The opportunity is given to students to secure a good education that will fit them for business or professional life at an exceedingly small cost. Instruction in all departments is very thorough. SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY, Selinsgrove, the Rev. J. R. Dimm, D. D., President, was founded under Lutheran auspices in 1858, and with the name Missionary Institute. It was virtually a theological seminary designed to train young men for the Lutheran ministry, although a short classical course was included in the curriculum. This department, at first subordinate, became para- mount in efficiency and importance about 1882, and in 1894 the course, which formerly prepared for the junior year of the neigh- boring colleges, was itself elevated into a full college course. The name of the institution was now changed to its present one, further professorships were added, and a large new building was erected. The courses are : Theological course of three years, classical course, leading to degree B. A., Latin scientific (B. S.), Greek scientific (B. S.), and preparatory. Cost of an entire year's resi- dence and tuition, $125 to $150. fllSS STUART'S COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Sewickley. This school, which is a branch of the Alinda College Preparatory School of Pittsburg, has been opened during the present 321 South Bethlehem. WHERE TO EDUCATE.- Pa. season, and is pleasantly located in Thorn Street, in the town of Sewickley. It is Miss Stuart's aim to establish a school which shall give every advantage for college preparation, while providing a thorough course for pupils who do not desire to enter college. A home has been established in connection with the school where a limited number of girls will be received for the school year. Owing to the close vicinity of Pittsburg, it is possible to offer resident pupils many advantages in the way of lectures, concerts, etc., which would otherwise be unattainable. THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, South Bethlehem, Thomas Messinger Drown, LL. D., President. In the year 1865 the sum of $500,000 was appropriated by the Hon. Asa Packer, of Mauch Chunk, towards establishing an educational institution in the Lehigh Valley. To this munificent gift the founder added that of 115 acres of land in South Bethlehem, and by his last will he secured to the University an endowment of $1,500,000, and to the University library, $500,000. The design of Judge Packer was that of affording " a complete education, technical, literary, and scientific, for those professions represented in the development of the peculiar resources of the surrounding region." To this end, the University is divided into the School of General Literature and the School of Technology, the former of which embraces the classical, Latin-scientific, and science and letters courses, and the latter the civil engineering, mechanical engineering, mining engineering, electrical engineering, and chemistry courses. Work in all departments is notably exacting and thorough. The teach- ing force includes eighteen professors and assistant professors, and twenty-four lecturers, instructors, and assistants. The stu- dents, drawn from over forty States, number over three hundred. The graduates number over one thousand, and a still larger number, besides, have here received at least a partial training for business or professional life. The buildings, which are numerous and handsome, include a library containing ninety-seven thousand volumes, a large and well equipped physical laboratory, a building costing over $200,000, which is devoted to the chemical, mineral- ogical, and metallurgical laboratories, and an expensive gym- nasium. The latter is under the supervision of a competent instructor, and is furnished with the latest and most approved apparatus. All students are required to undergo a rigid physical examination before being admitted to its privileges. Tuition for students in the technical courses is $100 per annum, for students in the school of general literature is $60. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE, located in the borough of State College, Centre County, in one of the most beau- tiful and healthful portions of the Allegheny region. President, 322 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Towanda. George W. Atherton, A. M. (Yale), LL. D. (Franklin and Marshall) ; faculty and instructors, forty-three. General courses : Classical, Latin-scientific, general science, philosophy. Technical courses : Agriculture, biology, chemistry, engineering (civil, electrical, me- chanical, mining), mathematics, physics. These courses are grouped in seven " Schools : " Agriculture ; natural science ; mathe- matics and physics ; engineering ; mines ; language and literature ; history, political science, and philosophy. The buildings and equip- ment are very extensive, and mostly new. The engineering build- ing is probably the finest of its kind in the United States. Ladies are admitted to all courses. Military drill is required under charge of an officer of the United States regular army, detailed by the President for that purpose. The income of the college is derived from interest on the proceeds of the United States land grant of 1862 and from State appropriations. Tuition is free in all courses. Graduate courses and a limited number of fellowships are provided. SWARTHflORE COLLEGE, Swarthmore, William W. Bird- sail, B. S., President, was founded in 1864 by the Society of Friends. A property of 240 acres was secured, ten miles from Philadelphia, on the Central Division of the Philadelphia, Wilming- ton, and Baltimore Railroad. About half the land is used for farming purposes, providing milk and vegetables for the college, the rest is devoted to lawn and pleasure grounds. The building site is high, securing perfect drainage and pure air. The princi- pal college building is a magnificent stone structure 348 feet long. All the buildings are heated throughout by steam, and thoroughly ventilated. The laboratories, machine shop, foundries, observa- tory, etc., are fully equipped with appropriate apparatus, and the separate gymnasiums for the young men and young women are furnished with the most modern appointments. There are nearly nineteen thousand volumes in the library. Four courses are offered : Arts, letters, science, and engineering. These lead re- spectively to the degrees : Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Letters, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Master's degrees and the degree of Civil Engineer are conferred on graduates after the completion of specified courses of study. Board and tuition are $400 per year. The annual tuition of day students is $150. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Towanda, E. E. Quinlan, A. M., Principal, has a high and healthful location, and the best railway connections. The school was chartered in 1850, under direction of the Presbytery of Susquehanna, and, at the union of this with the Presbytery of Lackawanna, it passed under the care of the latter religious body. The instruction of the 323 Upland. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. school is divided into three departments, English, commercial, and academic. Thorough preparation is given for college or for busi- ness. Board, tuition, and room, with steam heat and with light, per year of forty weeks, $200. CROZER THEOLOGICAL SEfllNARY, Upland, Henry G. Weston, President, is located in an attractive village fourteen miles south of Philadelphia. The post-office address is Chester, Delaware County, Pa. The faculty of the school includes eight names ; the student body, nearly one hundred. The Seminary, while under Baptist auspices, is open to all members of Christian churches of any denomination. Founded in 1867, its thirty years of history represents substantial growth. The library now contains over fourteen thousand bound volumes, besides a large number of valu- able pamphlets selected with great care in Europe and in this country. The buildings are commodious and well arranged. No charge is made for tuition, room rent, servants' attendance, fuel, light in the public rooms, or use of the library. Students furnish light for their own rooms. There is a boarding department where excellent board may be obtained at about $3 per week. TRINITY HALL, Washington (one hour from Pittsburg), Wil- liam W. Smith, A. M., Rector ; Ulysses Grant Smith, M. S., com- mandant and instructor in military tactics and calisthenics. Trinity Hall, a boarding school for boys, is situated on an eminence twelve hundred feet above tide water and in a beauti- ful and healthful location. The design of the school is to educate boys in the various English branches, in mathematics, and in the ancient and modern languages, preparing them for the best colleges, or for business. Owing to the limited number of pupils received, and the strength and ability of the corps of instructors, each boy is given an amount of personal instruction impossible in a larger in- stitution. While not a military school, a modified military training is found invaluable, and a regular course of light gymnastics and calisthenics continued throughout the year leads up to the drill under arms. The terms are $500 for the school year. THE WASHINGTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Washington, Louis Van Orden, Principal, is a commercial, English, shorthand and typewriting school for both sexes. Terms, $50 per annum; evening sessions, $25. WAYNESBURG COLLEGE, Waynesburg, A. B. Miller, LL. D., President, is under the control of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and has been in operation since 1850. Number of stu- dents, 376 ; instructors, fifteen; books in the library, three thou- sand ; buildings, two ; general courses, six ; other courses, eight. 324 Pa. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Westtown Township. The courses follow : Classical (B. A.), scientific (B. S.), literary (B. L.), philosophic (Ph. B.), elective, normal (Master of Didactics). The other courses are : M. A. course for graduates, Ph. D. course for graduates, music, commercial, oratory and physical culture, three courses in art. A specialty of the school is study of the English Bible. Tuition per term of thirteen weeks, $9. Board, furnished room, fuel, and light, per week, $3 to $3.50. HISS SPALDING'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS> 3911 Spruce Street, West Philadelphia, Miss Edna Spalding, Principal, presents a course of study comprising English, Latin, French, German, drawing, literature, both American and English, composition, and mathematics. The number of pupils is limited and references are required. The tuition for house pupils is $500 per annum. Music and painting, under Miss Delphine Spalding's special guidance, are extras. MRS. SUTTON'S HOflE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 3509, 3511, and 3513 Hamilton Street, West Philadelphia, Mrs. Annie M. Sutton, Miss Mary E. Roney, Principals. The aim of this school is to provide a pleasant home, combined with a thorough course of instruction. It is in one of the most beautiful parts of Philadelphia, and the high ground and quiet neighborhood render its location healthful and well adapted to school purposes. The boarding pupils, whose number is limited to sixteen, receive the personal supervision of the principals, who endeavor to carry into effect that home training which is so necessary a part of a girl's education. The teachers of the various departments have, made a careful study of the best methods of imparting instruction. Cer- tificates admit to Wellesley and Mt. Holyoke, and pupils are pre- pared for other colleges. The charge for boarding pupils is $500 per year, and for day pupils from $20 to $60 per term, according to the grade. THE WESTTOWN BOARDING SCHOOL, Westtown Town- ship, Chester County, is under the patronage of the Society of Friends, and only members of that body are admitted. The school was opened in the spring of 1799, since which year more than eleven thousand boys and girls have received their education there. The buildings are on high ground near the center of a tract of six hundred acres belonging to the institution. In addi- tion to an exceptionally thorough curriculum, much attention is paid to social life and to physical development. There is a normal department, a course for the boys in manual training, and instruc- tion for the girls in sewing and cooking. The expense for board arid tuition is $180 a year. William F. Wickersham is Principal. 325 Wilkesbarre, WHERE TO EDUCATE. Pa. HARRY HILLMAN ACADEflY, Wilkesbarre, Harry C. Davis, Ph.D., Principal, was organized in 1878. Its distinctive aim is that of preparing boys thoroughly for college or technical school. Few preparatory schools in the country have so high a standard. There are at the present writing (1898) more than forty-five gradu- ates of the academy in fourteen higher institutions of learning; most of these have made notable records. But while scholarship is emphasized, the gymnasium and the large athletic field are reminders that* physical culture is not neglected. The tuition varies from $50 to $100 for resident pupils, and for non-resident pupils the annual expense, including board, amounts to $450. RHODE ISLAND. ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Newport, John B. Diman, A.M., Head Master, was opened October i, 1896. The school is small, and its daily life resembles that of a large family. It is the aim of the school to prepare boys for any of the colleges or scientific schools of the country ; to secure such a simple and regular course of life and such constant out-of-door exercise as shall develop strong and sound bodies as well as clear and active minds ; and to implant and strengthen in the boys' minds motives to right action which shall permanently control their lives. The charge for tuition, board, and washing is $650 a year, payable half-yearly in advance, and for day pupils $150 a year. THE fllSSES BRONSON'S HOME AND DAY SCHOOL, Providence. The house is large and sunny and the location is one of the healthiest in the city. The school has three depart- ments : Kindergarten, primary, and high school preparatory. The home department is designed particularly for young girls who for any reason must be sent from home. Superior home influences and advantages are offered. Special arrangements may be made for any desiring to take special studies with music or a college preparatory course. The terms for tuition and board are $500 and $600. BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, was founded as Rhode Island College in 1764 at Warren, R. I. Its denominational control is Baptist, with a liberal charter. The college was moved to Providence, and University Hall was built in 1770. In 1804 its name was changed in honor of Nicholas Brown, its chief benefactor. The presidents have been : James Manning, Jonathan Maxcy, Asa Messer, Francis Wayland, Barnas Sears, Alexis Cas- well, Ezekiel G. Robinson, E. Benjamin Andrews. A medical department was maintained 1811-28. The Women's College was established in 1892. The buildings at present number fifteen. 326 R. I. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Providence. The library contains one hundred thousand volumes. The observa- tory is provided with a twelve-inch telescope. The campus con- tains ten acres, besides an athletic field. The professors and instructors number eighty, the students 860, including 101 gradu- ate students. There are twenty-five departments of instruction. Physical training is compulsory throughout the course. The necessary expenses of the student vary from $300 to $400 a year. The total number of graduates is nearly five thousand, of whom about one-half are living. Distinguished living graduates are: Edwards A. Park, George P. Fisher, James B. Angell, Richard Olney, John Hay, William W. Keen, Robert H. Thurston, E. Benjamin Andrews, Benjamin I. Wheeler. PROVIDENCE BRYANT & STRATTON BUSINESS COL= LEGE, 357 Westminster Street, Providence, T. B. Stowell, Principal, was established by H. B. Bryant and H. D. Stratton in 1863, and is conducted on the community plan of business prac- tice. There are eleven energetic teachers. Tuition payable in advance. Commercial Department : Scholarship for ten months payable in one amount, $100; first term (three months), $40; second term (three months), $40; each following month, $10. Amanuensis Department : First term (three months), $40 ; each following month, $10; special course (one hour per day, three months), $30. Special Penmanship Department : Instruction (ten weeks), one hour per day, $15 ; instruction, twenty lessons, $10; instruction, sixty lessons, $20. English and Preparatory Depart- ment : Per term (three months), $35. LA SALLE ACADEflY, Providence, under the direction of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, was founded in 1871, and offers the advantages of either a classical or commercial education. Pupils may enter the preparatory department after completing their ninth year. Daily instruction is given in Christian Doctrine. RHODE ISLAND 5CHOOL OF DESIGN, n Waterman Street, Providence, Warren S. Locke, Head Master, was founded in 1877. Since 1882 the State of Rhode Island has made a yearly appropriation of $500 for the school, and both the State and city of Providence have since made an additional appropria- tion to be used in scholarships to be paid for at the schedule rates of tuition. There are day, evening, and Saturday classes, and two general departments of instruction, free hand and mechanical. In 1897 446 students were registered, 283 in the free hand and 163 in the mechanical department. The instructors number fourteen. The fee for the day class is $25 for a term of four months. 327 Prwidence. WHERE TO EDUCATE. R. L ST. XAVIER'S ACADEMY, Providence, is under the direction of the Sisters of Mercy. It is a day school for young ladies, the boarding school affiliated with it being situated at Bay View. The academy curriculum is divided into three parts: The junior, intermediate, and senior. In this it covers all the work usually taught in the best academies of the country. Instruction is also given on the piano, organ, harp, and guitar, in addition to vocal music. Differences of religious opinion are not regarded in the admission of pupils who are willing to conform to the general regulations of the academy. As a result the number of Protestants attending the institution is generally large. MISS WHEELER'5 SCHOOL AND STUDIO, 16, 24, and 26 Cabot Street, Providence, Miss Mary C. Wheeler, Principal. The school was opened by Miss Wheeler in 1889 to accommodate a few local patrons. In a short time additional buildings were taken, and the school now accommodates twenty-five boarding pupils. Systematic studio work is offered in connection with courses of study that fit for the best colleges, and also give a thorough education to girls who cannot undertake a college course. A certificate is given to those who complete the college preparatory course; a diploma to those who complete the art and literary course. Classes in elective studies are formed in accordance with the individual needs of the pupils, and the advanced courses are mostly in charge of professors from Brown University. Miss Wheeler, who is a pupil of M. Jacquesson de la Chevreuse and M. Raphael Collin, has charge of the studios, with a view to giving such preliminary instruction as is necessary to fit for entrance to the Paris studios. Pupils of all ages are received. The expenses for home and tuition are $1,000; piano lessons, $75 ; laundry, $40 ; and seat in church, $10 per annum. SOUTH CAROLINA. THE GIBBES SCHOOL, Charleston, Miss S. P. Gibbes and Miss E. S. Gibbes, Principals, is located in the centre of the city, thus rendering it easy of access to all. The school is for girls only, and was known from 1881 to 1886 as Miss E. S. Gibbes's School. The curriculum gives a range of study from kindergarten classes to branches studied in the freshman classes of various colleges. Art, physical culture, elocution, stenography, type- writing, vocal and instrumental music are taught by specialists. There is no boarding department. Terms for day pupils, includ- ing the extra studies, are from $50 to $150. 328 S. C. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Clem son College, P. O. SOUTH CAROLINA MILITARY ACADEHY, Charleston, Col. Asbury Coward, LL. D., Superintendent. This school was founded in 1842. It is maintained in part by the State. Students will be received from any State. The course of study is parallel with that given by the best scientific schools of the country. The discipline and methods closely follow those employed at the West Point Academy, and the results obtained qualify the graduates for command of infantry troops. An annual encampment of two weeks is held to give special instruction in the field., An army officer is detailed as military professor and commandant of cadets. The cost for board, clothing, books, tuition, and all other neces- sary expenses is $300 per annum. THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, 141 Meeting Street, Charleston, founded in 1881, Edward F. Mayberry, M. A., Principal, N. B. Barnwell, M. A., Assistant. The aim of this school is to drill its pupils in the principles of a sound education, either classical or practical, and to prepare thoroughly for college. It prepares particularly for the University of Virginia and Charleston Col- lege. Terms for English branches, per session of nine months, $80; ancient and modern languages, each $15. The session begins the first Monday in October. THE CLEflSON AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE of South Carolina, Clemson College P. O., Henry S. Hartzog, President. In 1886 a convention of the farmers of South Carolina passed a resolution advocating the establishment of an agricultural college. The matter was given definite form by the action of the Hon. Thomas G. Clemson, son-in-law of John C. Calhoun, who died in 1888, leaving as a bequest to the State the old Calhoun homestead, Fort Hill, consisting of about eight hundred acres of land, and about $80,000 in other securities, for the purpose of establishing an agricultural college. The Legis- lature passed an act which became a law in November, 1889, accepting the bequest. The college opened July 6, 1893, with an enrolment during its first session of 446 students. The object of the college, in conformity with the acts of Congress and of the State Legislature, is to give practical instruction in agriculture and in the mechanic arts. The college is located on the dividing line between Oconee and Pickens Counties, in the picturesque foot-hills of the Blue Ridge mountains. It has an elevation of about nine hundred feet above sea level, and commands an excel- lent view of the mountains to the north and west, some of which attain ah altitude of nearly five thousand feet. The climate is invigorating and healthful, and the surroundings are in every way favorable to the highest physical and mental development. The buildings are located on the old Fort Hill homestead of John C. 329 Columbia. WHERE TO EDUCATE. s. C. Calhoun. The grounds occupy about two hundred acres of land, including the campus, sites of buildings and residences, and grounds for military drill and outdoor athletics. For purposes of instruction the college is organized into five departments, as follows : Agricultural, mechanical, chemistry and natural science, literary, and military. Free tuition is given to residents of the State, who properly sign and file a certificate of inability to pay tuition. All others pay a tuition fee of $40 per session. COLUflBIA FEMALE COLLEGE, Columbia, John A. Rice, D. D., President. This institution, situated in one of the finest winter resorts of the South, is accessible from all directions. Denominational without being sectarian, it is controlled by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. There is a sub-collegiate and college department. The latter offers thirteen departments of instruction, as follows : English language and literature, modern languages and literature, ancient languages and litera- ture, history, political economy and civics, mathematics, natural sciences, mental .and moral science, English Bible, music, art, elocution, physical culture, business department. Two courses of study are given leading to the degrees of B. A. and B. S. Expenses for boarding pupils per half year are $100. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE FOR WOHEN, Columbia, Robert P. Pell, A. B., President, is chartered by the South Caro- lina Legislature with the right and authority to confer the usual degrees upon its graduates. The main building is heated by hot water and lighted with gas. Every floor is supplied with hot and cold water, bath-rooms, and first class sanitary arrangements. The home life is under the supervision of the lady principal and the lady teachers, and a resident physician cares for the health of the pupils. The course of instruction offered is embraced in the preparatory, academic, collegiate, pre-medical, music, art, elocution and physi- cal culture, and commercial departments. There are two terms in the year. Board and tuition in collegiate course per term, $100. The same for ministers' daughters, $75. GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, Greenville, M. M. Riley, D. D., President, was founded in 1854. It is the property of the Baptist State Convention of South Carolina. The college consists of thirteen distinct schools, each in charge of a competent teacher with necessary assistants. These schools are : English and English Literature, Ancient Languages, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, History, Political Sciences, Mental and Moral Sciences, Bible Study, Music, Art, Expression and Phy- sical Culture, and Business. The degrees conferred are Bachelor of 330 S. C. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Spartanburg. English, Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts. The tuition varies in the different schools. Board is moderate. NEWBERRY COLLEGE, Newberry, George B. Cromer, A. M., President, is designed to give deserving students of moderate means the best opportunity for thorough education and true culture. The following degrees are conferred by the board of trustees : The degree of Bachelor of Arts upon all students who have passed a satisfactory examination upon the prescribed classical course ; the degree of Bachelor of Science upon all students who have passed a satisfactory examination upon the course prescribed for that degree ; the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy upon all students who have passed a satisfactory examination upon the course pre- scribed for that degree ; and the degree of Master of Arts upon any Bachelor of Arts, or of Science, or of Philosophy, who passes a satisfactory examination upon the course prescribed for that degree. There are a number of available prizes and scholarships. CONVERSE COLLEGE, Spartanburg, Benjamin F. Wilson, President. This is a non-denominational but distinctly Christian college. It is one of the best women's colleges in the South. Its faculty numbers nearly forty, and its four hundred and thirty stu- dents are drawn from fifteen States. The institution is located in one of the most convenient railroad centers of South Carolina ; its nine buildings occupy the summit of a high hill one thousand feet above sea level, and is surrounded by an oak grove extending over fifty acres. The buildings have every modern convenience. There are satisfactory and well appointed laboratories, and a library of four thousand volumes. The college has six general departments : Collegiate (granting usual degrees), post-graduate, music, art, ex- pression and physical culture, commercial. Expenses of boarding students per half year, $117.50; of day pupils, $27.50. WOFFORD COLLEGE, Spartanburg, J. H. Carlisle, LL. D., President, was chartered by the Legislature of South Carolina in 1851, and was opened in 1854. More than four hundred gradu- ates have been sent out during its history. The college is under the patronage of the M. E. Church, South, and has its name from the Rev. Benjamin Wofford, a local preacher of that church, who left in his will a legacy of $100,000 for its foundation. Two courses of study are offered, each leading to the degree of A. B. The degree of Master of Arts will be conferred on any Bachelor of Arts who shall pass a satisfactory examination on courses of study prescribed by any two professors the student may choose. Board, tuition, matriculation, w r ashing, lights, fuel, books, and sta- tionery, the necessary college expenses for the year,' can be met with $150. 331 Walhalla. WHERE TO EDUCATE. S. C. THE WOFFORD COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL is an associated insti- tution occupying Alumni Hall, a four-story brick building, and preparing for the freshman class of the college. Expenses per annum a little below $150. MISS flcCOLLOUGH'S SCHOOL, Walhalla, supplies thor- ough training from the beginning of school life. The course is designed so to develop the mind that the pupil may profit by a college course, or may enter life with educated thinking powers. Latin is begun at an early period in the school course, that the drill work may be accomplished before the development of imagi- nation and reason renders such work burdensome. This also leaves more time for work along lines of general culture when the pupil is of an age to need and enjoy it. The training in music and drawing is thorough. Ensemble playing, for violin and piano, is used as a means of exciting enthusiasm and training the sense of rhythm. Walhalla was selected as the site of this school because of its peculiarly healthful position, and because its retired situation makes it a desirable place for the training of young minds and bodies. The number of pupils is limited to ten. Expenses, including board, tuition, and incidental expenses, are about $200. SOUTH DAKOTA. SOUTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Brookings, John William Heston, Ph. D., President. Provision was made for this college in 1881 by an act of the territorial Legislature. The Legislature of 1883 provided for the erection of the first building ; this was put up the following year. The institution took its pres- ent name when the Territory was divided into the two States of North and South Dakota in 1889. Centrally located in a city free from saloons, the college has about half a dozen fine buildings, and a carefully laid out campus of thirty acres. Adjoining on the rear is a fifty-acre plot devoted to the Horticultural Gardens and the United States forest experiments. The work of the institution is carried on under more than twenty thoroughly organized depart- ments, as follows : Agriculture, architectural and agricultural engineering, botany, chemistry, commercial, dairying, domestic science, English, economics and philosophy, experiment station, geology and agronomy, history, horticulture, languages, mathe- matics, mechanical engineering, military, music and physical cul- ture, pharmacy, physics, preparatory, steam engineering, and zoology. Under provision of the Hatch Act the Agricultural Experiment Station for South Dakota is established in connection with the Agricultural College. The institution is co-educational ; all the male students are required to take military drill, and physi- 332 333 Huron. WHERE TO EDUCATE. S. D. cal culture is compulsory for young women. The college year is divided into quarters of ten weeks each. Work is carried on six days each week. The only baccalaureate degree is that of Bach- elor of Science, four-fifths of the work for which is required. The balance determines the subject of specialization and is elective. Efforts are made to reach the residents of the State in courses for home study. Several short special courses, such as pharmacy, commercial, dairying, agriculture, and horticulture are offered. Expenses, including board, average $200. HURON COLLEGE, Huron, Calvin H. French, M. A., Presi- dent. This college, established in 1898 by the Presbyterian Synod of South Dakota, is the result of the consolidation of two institu- tions of that church, Pierre University (established in 1883) and Scotland Academy (established in 1886). The city of Huron, located almost exactly at the centre of the agricultural region of South Dakota, is easy of access from all parts of the State. The people of Huron have generously presented the Synod with a sub- stantial building, and will provide land for a campus. Academic, normal, collegiate, musical, and commercial departments are estab- lished, and the usual Bachelor's and Master's degrees given by colleges are conferred on candidates upon completion of the higher courses. Tuition is $10 per term. Dormitories, with resident professors in charge, are provided for both young men and young women. SOUTH DAKOTA SCHOOL OF MINES, Rapid City, R. L. Slagle, Ph. D., Secretary, is controlled by the State, and is at present almost wholly maintained by appropriations of the Legis- lature, though it will eventually have the income from the proceeds of forty thousand acres of land, a grant of the federal govern- ment. It is governed by a board of five regents of education, appointed by the governor. The object of the institution is to furnish facilities for the education of such persons as may desire to receive special instruction in chemistry, metallurgy, mineralogy, geology, mining, milling, engineering, mathematics, mechanics, drawing, the fundamental laws of the United States, and the rights and duties of citizens. Besides a three years' college preparatory course, there are courses of four years each in mining engineer- ing and general science. The tuition fee is $8 per year to all students. SCOTLAND ACADEMIC INSTITUTE is beautifully located in Scotland, a town of twelve hundred people. It is the suc- cessor of Scotland Academy, which was founded and operated by Southern Dakota Presbytery for twelve years. The Academic Institute is a first-class academy of rank, and is operated under 334 S. D. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Vermillion. local auspices as a Christian but undenominational school. It is managed by a local board of directors, has a literary and musical department, and fits students for the freshman year in any first-class college. It starts out with an enrolment exceeding that of its predecessor, and has the following instructors : Rev. M. M. Whiteford, A. M., Ph. D., Principal ; Prof. C. P. Metzler, A. B., Assistant Principal ; Miss Hattie E. Van Arsdale, Preceptress and teacher of normal and business course, and Miss May Reid, B. L., in charge of the musical department. The tuition is $10 a term, in advance. Room and board may be obtained in the dormitory, where teachers and students live much as a family at a cost of about $2 a week. ALL SAINTS SCHOOL, Sioux Falls, Miss Helen S. Peabody, Principal. Since its foundation in 1885, under the jurisdiction of Bishop Hare, the school has taken exceptionally high rank in scholarship; the curriculum prepares for college and provides post-graduate and teachers' courses, but the chief aim of the school is symmetrical development in character and physique. Care for health in all details, particularly by heating and ventila- tion, is attested by the record of the school. The climate is bracing and healthful. All work is conducted in one building substantially constructed of Sioux Falls jasper, one of the handsomest buildings in the Northwest. Expenses for the year, including board and tuition, are $200. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA, Vermillion, James E. Todd, M. A., Acting President. This institution was established on a modest scale in 1882, and its scope widened and name changed to that of University of South Dakota in 1891. It is located at Vermillion, on the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway, thirty-six miles from Sioux City, la., and twenty-six miles from Yankton. The land is elevated and the scenery beautiful. There are several commodious buildings and a campus of twenty acres. The laboratory equipment and appointments leave little to be desired, and the library is well selected. The University em- braces : The College of Science, Literature, and Arts ; the College of Music ; the College of Business ; the Department of Art ; the Sub -Freshman Department. Military science and tactics are under the charge of an officer of the United States army, detailed by the War Department, and the opportunities for athletics and physical training are extensive and judicious. The College of Science, Literature, and Arts offers three courses, leading re- spectively to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Letters. The corresponding Master's degrees are also given for an additional year of resident work. Tuition in college and academic courses is $2 per term. 335 Wessington Springs, WHERE TO EDUCATE. S. D. WESSINQTON SPRINGS SEniNARY, Wessington Springs, Prof. J. G. Baird, Principal, has been in successful operation for eleven years. The town in which it is located is situated on the east slope of the Wessington Hills, and in front of the seminary building is a fine rolling prairie. The distance of Wessington Springs from a railroad and the town's freedom from saloons combine to shield the inexperienced student from many tempta- tions. The seminary, which is under the auspices of the Free Methodist Church, offers a wide course of study : Academic, inter- mediate, normal, musical, and business, and has in addition a special course for Christian workers. There are numerous oppor- tunities for employment and self-help. The tuition in the academic department is $8 a term. TENNESSEE. ANDERSON VI LLE INSTITUTE, Andersonville, C. T. Car- penter, A. B., Principal. It is the aim of the Andersonville Insti- tute to place an education within the reach of worthy young men and women of limited means, and to give special training to those preparing themselves for teaching. The usual academic course is offered. Diplomas are given to graduates. Tuition is $i to $2 per month. Board ranges from $4.50 to $6.50 per month. WEBB SCHOOL, Bell Buckle, W. R. Webb, A.M., J. M. Webb, A. M., Principals, is located among the blue grass hills of Middle Tennessee on the watershed between the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Its altitude gives a fine summer climate. It was founded in the fall of 1870 at Culleoka, Tenn., by W. R. Webb. J. M. Webb joined him in 1874. The purpose and scope are the requirements for entrance into the great universities. The honors in literature, oratory, as well as in classics and mathe- matics, have been won by Webb students in Princeton, Vanderbilt, Lehigh, and other great universities. Supreme Court of the United States, of Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, the Senators of Ten- nessee, Mississippi, a majority of the bishops of the Methodist Church, South, have been patrons of this institution. There has not been a vacant seat in this schoolroom for more than twenty- five years. Every vacancy spoken for in advance. Students are declined every year. KING COLLEGE, Bristol, the Rev. J. Albert Wallace, D. D., President, was founded in 1867. It is a Presbyterian college exclusively for men. The expenses are moderate, as the institution is partially endowed. The faculty numbers five. It has gradu- ated one hundred students. 336 Tenn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Columbia. BROWNSVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, Brownsville, C. A. Folk, B. A., President, was founded in 1851, and incorporated in 1852. The location is in a refined and cultured town of about three thousand inhabitants. The town occupies a healthful eleva- tion, and is supplied with the purest artesian water. The college site is attractive ; the campus is well shaded, and the buildings consist of a 'concert hall, a brick college building, and a home building or boarding hall at a short distance from the college building. The courses offered include primary, preparatory, and collegiate, with especial advantages for the study of elocution and art. The expense of board, tuition, and music, including practice in the latter one hour a day for five months, is $112.50. A special reduction is made for the daughters of clergymen. SOUTHWESTERN PRESBYTERIAN UNIVERSITY, Clarks- ville, formally organized in 1875, Stewart College, established in 1855, being merged into it. Owned and controlled by the Pres- byterian Synods of Alabama, Arkansas, Memphis, Mississippi, Nashville, and Texas. Literary department supplied at first by the equipment in buildings and faculty of Stewart College, put into operation at once. Theological department established in 1885. Eleven members of the faculty. First chancellor, Jno. N. Waddel, D. D., LL. D., from 1879 to 1888, succeeded by S. S. Hersman, D. D., for three years, and James M. Rawlings, D. D., for one year. Present chancellor, George Summey, D. D., since 1892. In 1875 received $50,000 from the city of Clarksville, in return for which the city owns ten scholarships. The Palmer Chair of Theology endowed principally by the ladies of Doctor Palmer's church, in New Orleans, the McComb Chair of History by Mr. J. J. McComb, of New York, and the Chair of Biblical Languages and Literature partially by Doctor Welch, of Little Rock. "Old College" erected in 1850, Stewart Hall in 1877, Calvin Hall in 1895, and Waddel Hall in 1898. COLUflBIA ATHEN/EUH, Columbia, Robert D. Smith, A. M., President. Chartered in 1858 with full college powers and privileges. While this school for girls dates only from September i, 1852, its founder, the Rev. Franklin G. Smith, began teaching at this place in 1838, so that a continuous record of students is shown for the past sixty years. Regular courses of instruction are given in primary, preparatory, and collegiate work. Special advantages are offered in all branches of music, art, elocution, shorthand, and typewriting. The equipment of the school is ample. In this connection may be mentioned the library of over eight thousand volumes, physical and chemical apparatus which cost $4,000, an extensive museum of curios and all departments 337 Fayetteville. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Tenn. of natural history, many valuable works of art. The buildings are of liberal size, well arranged with modern conveniences. Ample grounds sixteen acres offer every inducement for out- of-door exercise, while in the well equipped gymnasium systematic exercise is free to all students. The tuition varies according to the branches pursued and the advancement of the student. The expense for board, laundry, and full literary tuition in collegiate department is $225 for ten months, or forty weeks. FAYETTEVILLE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Fayetteville, James A. Tate, A. M., Principal. The course of study is divided into a three years' primary department, an academic department offering a four years' scientific course and a five years' Latin scientific course, and a classical course covering five years. Art and bookkeeping are also taught. TENNESSEE FEMALE COLLEGE, Franklin, T. E. Allen, J. H. Chiles, Associate Principals. The location of Franklin is in one of the fine agricultural districts of middle Tennessee and the college is situated in the heart of the city, in the midst of a beautiful grove. The buildings are large and well ventilated, and will accommodate one hundred boarders. The college was estab- lished in 1856, and under the control of such teachers as Bishop Hargrove, Doctor Vaughn, Mrs. Clark, and others, it has had a history of success. The departments are a primary, a preparatory, and a collegiate, the latter being divided into two courses, leading respectively to the degrees B. A. and M. E. L. The conservatory of music provides the best facilities for both theoretical and prac- tical knowledge of the several branches of music. The regular course for piano study covers six years and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Music. The school is non-sectarian, it is well equipped, has a well selected library, and a faculty numbering fifteen. The healthfulness of the location is unsurpassed by any school in the State. During the entire forty-three years' history of the institu- tion there has never been the death of a pupil in the buildings. All of the faculty are from the best colleges and three have had the advantage of study in Europe. Tuition and board averages about $200 per year. AflERICAN TEflPERANCE UNIVERSITY, Harriman, J. F. Spence, S. T. D., LL. D. (Ohio Wesleyan University), Chancellor and Founder. In 1893 this University was granted a liberal charter by the State of Tennessee and made inter-denominational, non-sectional, and co-educational, and was dedicated to the cause of Temperance. The first term opened in September, 1893, and the enrolment for the first year reached 250, representing fifteen States. The enrolment is now over four hundred students. Its 338 Tenn WHERE TO EDUCATE. Jasper. location in the city of Harriman is appropriate, as the motto on the city's seal reads : " Prohibition, peace, and prosperity." The institution is well endowed and owns property amounting in value to over one hundred thousand dollars. Three substantial build- ings are completed and another is in the process of construction. The curriculum is practical and comprehensive, ranking with the standard universities. The faculty numbers thirty teachers and lecturers of experience and high attainments. Thirteen distinct departments are already provided. Three years' preparatory and four years' college classes. The law department has a special faculty of trained and experienced teachers ; also four affiliated schools of academic grade. The conservatory of music and art department have able and skilled instructors. The normal department, for the training of teachers, and the commercial college, for the training of students for active business life, are ably managed by practical teachers. Dr. Bushrod W. James, LL. D., of Philadelphia, Pa., an eminent surgeon, scientist, and author, has just given a large sum for the founding of a school of domestic science for young women. The department is to be conducted on the Mt. Holyoke principle, " Training the hand as well as the head." The expense of board and tuition is very moderate. The board of control offers to each State Woman's Christian Temperance Union and each State Grand Lodge of Good Templars one free scholarship in the literary departments. HIWASSEE COLLEGE (co-educational), Hiwassee College P. O., was founded in 1849. In 1871 it passed under the control of the M. E. Church, South. In 1897 it became non-denomina- tional, and in April of that year the Tennessee State Board of Education established in it a training school for public school teachers. The buildings are modest, the course of study limited, the rates of tuition are very low, and the living expenses are at a minimum. A. G. Gilbreath, B. S., Ph. B., ex-State Superintendent of Education, is president, and Frank M. Smith, ex-State Superin- tendent of Education, is principal of the training school. PRYOR TRAINING SCHOOL for boys and girls, Jasper, J. R. Hunter, Principal, was founded in 1888 by Jackson Pryor, Col. A. L. Spears, and others of the community. The buildings and grounds are valued at thirty thousand dollars and are free from debt. It is the property of the M. E. Church, South. The school prepares boys and girls for the best schools and colleges of the United States, and its pupils have taken high rank wherever they have gone. It is located on the N. C. and St. L. R. R., in the beautiful Sequachee Valley, at the very base of the Cumberland range of mountains, and is unsurpassed in beauty and healthful- ness of location. 339 Kimber tin Heights. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Tenn. SCHOOL OF THE EVANGELISTS, Kimberlin Heights, Ashley S. Johnson, LL. D., President. The purpose of this school is to prepare young men for the ministry. Those applying for admission must be at least seventeen years of age, and furnish testimonials of character. They must be fully decided and deter- mined to preach, and be prepared to live plainly and sparingly, if need be, and must pledge themselves in writing to stay at the school through vacations until it is considered that they can spend them profitably in preaching. This is demanded of the young man who wishes to be assisted in earning his way. He must pay a matricu- lation fee of $10. The student who can pay for benefits received has his vacations to himself, but must pay $66 besides the $10 fee, and can enter for one year only. Seriousness of purpose and a spirit of self-sacrifice are essential for the work. CUflBERLAND UNIVERSITY, Lebanon, Nathan Green, LL. D., Chancellor. Cumberland College was established at Princeton, Ky., in 1827. It continued in operation under the patronage of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church until 1842, when the General Assembly transferred its patronage to Cumberland University, which was located at Lebanon, Tenn., and was opened in 1842. The departments of the University are organized into preparatory, academic, law, engi- neering, and theological schools. The academic school is divided into undergraduate and graduate schools, the former leading to the degrees of A. B. and B. S., the latter to A. M. and Ph. D. The professional schools confer the degrees of C. E., B. D., and LL. B. The University is open to both sexes. The expenses per term of twenty weeks, including tuition and board, are about $100. McTYEIRE INSTITUTE, McKenzie, Clough A. Warterfield, B. A., Principal. The aim and work of the schpol is to train boys and girls in a few subjects universally recognized as fundamental, and to this end a four years' course is offered in English, Latin, Greek, and mathematics. The school prepares directly for Vander- bilt University. Expenses, including board, tuition, and inci- dental items, amount to about $82 for the session of twenty weeks. HIGBEE SCHOOL, Memphis, Miss Jenny M. Higbee, Prin- cipal. The course of study is divided into a seven years' prepara- tory department, a four years' regular course, and an advanced or collegiate course of one year or more. The curriculum is extended into collegiate courses because most of its graduates finish their work there. The college preparatory department fits pupils for any college. Pupils are admitted to Vassar on certificate. Instruc- tion is also given in music, art, and elocution. For day pupils the tuition in the higher grades is $57 per year. For boarding pupils, Tenn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Nashville. the charge for tuition in the higher departments, board, and laundry is $268 per year. SOULE COLLEGE, Murfreesboro, V. O. Wardlaw, A. M., President. The preparatory and academic schools of this institu- tion for women are conducted on the principle that the work assigned to their scope must be that of outlining the whole educa- tion afforded by the institution. The standard is work accom- plished, and the course is not divided into years or classes. There is no time limit, and promotion is made when the pupil is fitted for higher work. The college proper offers the usual college cur- riculum of four years, and confers the degrees of B. A. or B. S., according to the course taken. Music, art, and elocution are included in the curriculum. Tuition in the collegiate department is $70 per year. Board, including furnished room, fuel, lights, and laundry, is $130 per year. BELMONT COLLEGE, West End, Nashville, the Rev. R. A. Young, D. D., Regent ; Miss Hood and Miss Heron, Principals. A comparatively limited number (one hundred) of students is received, and there is one resident teacher to every ten girls. Thus the classes are large enough to secure zestful enthusiasm and small enough to permit individual attention. Nashville is the college and university city of the South, and offers many advan- tages that cannot be secured in a smaller place. Besides the ordi- nary courses there are schools of music, art, and elocution, with instructors of foreign training and culture; a school of modern languages, with native teachers ; a school of physical culture, well equipped with modern apparatus ; and a school of natural sciences, with a working laboratory. Board is $200 per year; tuition in the freshman and sophomore classes, $60 ; in the junior and senior classes, $70. FISK UNIVERSITY, Nashville, the Rev. Erastus Milo Cra- vath, D. D., President, is probably the leading college for the education of colored youth in the United States. It was founded under the auspices of the American Missionary Association of New York City, and the Western Freedman's Aid Commission of Cincinnati, October, 1865, and was incorporated under the laws of Tennessee in 1867. The campus contains thirty-five acres, and the eight permanent buildings include Jubilee Hall, erected at a cost of over $100,000. Campus, buildings, and apparatus aggregate in value over $350,000; the endowment is not, how- ever, at all commensurate with the size of the plant. Urgent appeals are made for donations. The faculty numbers over thirty and the students nearly five hundred. Among the principal departments are the theological, college, normal, college preparatory, common 34i Nashville, WHERE TO EDUCATE. Tenn. English, and music departments. There are also departments of physical training, industrial education, and domestic science. The University is co-educational and, while non-sectarian in spirit, is aggressively Christian. Tuition and board, including furnished room, heat, light, and washing, per calendar month, is $12, payable in advance, besides an hour's work a day. flONTGOriERY BELL ACADEMY, Nashville, S. M. D. Clark, A. M., Principal. This academy had its origin in the bequest of Montgomery Bell, a pioneer of Southern iron interests. Its first ses- sion began September, 1867. It has a varied and extended course. It prepares for college and for business pursuits ; but very many of its graduates go directly to the specialty they have chosen for their life work. Instruction in elocution is a marked feature of the school. Few academies are so well equipped. Its mineral specimens, appliances for teaching physiology and physics, and its chemical laboratory are marked features of the institution. While it offers all these advantages, its rates of tuition are less than those of other schools of a similar grade. NASHVILLE COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES, Nashville, was founded under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in 1880, by the Rev. Geo. W. F. Price, D. D., who for eighteen years has been and still is the President of the insti- tution. Without grounds or buildings at first, the college now owns a superb central location in the city of Nashville, has three commodious buildings, and is supplied with all the most modern requisites for the thorough education of young ladies in the higher branches of literature, languages, sciences, mathematics, art, physi- cal culture, and practical education. Nearly five thousand pupils have attended its classes during its history, and its two hundred and twenty-five alumnae are recognized everywhere as amongst the most accomplished members of Southern society. NEW flARKET ACADEflY, New Market, F. A. Penland, A. B., Principal. New Market Academy was opened in 1885, and is a chartered institution under the care of the Union Presby- terian. While it is under the direct control of the Presbyterian Church, it is liberal in spirit and welcomes students of all denomi- nations. Its object is to give a thorough preparation for college, and to give a liberal English education to those not intending to enter college. The course of study embraces ten years, and is divided into primary, intermediate, and academic departments. The academic department is three years in length, and includes classical, Latin-scientific, and English courses. Tuition varies from $i to $2.25 per month. 342 Tenn. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Washington College P. O. SYNODICAL COLLEGE, Rogersville, is one of the oldest and best known schools of the South. It was established in 1849, and has had a remarkable record. Even during the war, when both armies were occupying East Tennessee, this institution was full of students. The property is owned and controlled by the Presbyterian Synod, Southern Assembly. They have a beautiful college home embracing fifty acres of land. Rogersville has for one hundred and twenty years been noted for the sturdy character of its Scotch-Irish citizens, and for the good morals and culture of its people. The institution enjoys a most remarkable record for health known in the history of colleges. It has never had a case of fever within its walls, and has only had two deaths in forty-nine years, both of these occurring during the war, and are traceable to no local cause. The institution maintains a strong faculty of specialists, and has long been known for its high standards and the beautiful college life of its students. It is not a fashionable school, but one in which much attention is given to personal and social culture. It is run on a different plan from other institutions. It does not employ drummers, issues an inexpensive catalogue, and advertises but little. It can, therefore, give many advantages at low rates and has a good attendance year after year. SMYRNA FITTING SCHOOL, W. H. Bates, Principal, Smyrna, is a member of the "Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Southern States." Prepares for regular courses in -the best colleges. Situation and equipment are ideal. The best of homes are open to boarding pupils. Board and tuition, $164 per year. WASHINGTON COLLEGE, Washington College P. O., the Rev. James T. Cooter, A. M., President. This institution was founded by Scotch-Irish Presbyterians in 1780. It was chartered as an academy in 1783, and as Washington College in 1795. It enjoys the distinction of being the first seat of classical learning west of the Alleghanies. Classical, scientific, and English courses are offered, each covering four years. The first leads to the degree of A. B., the second to L. B., and the third to S. B. The English course is planned especially for those desiring a liberal English education instead of the classics or higher mathematics which are emphasized in the other two courses. Both sexes are admitted. Tuition is $27 per year. Board and room can be had for $5 per month. 343 Austin. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Texas. TEXAS. STUART SEfllNARY, Austin, the Rev. John M. Purcell, A. M. President. This boarding school for young ladies was established in 1853 at Gay Hill, Texas, under the name of Live Oak Seminary. In 1876 the school was moved to Austin. Instruction is offered in English literature, the classics, the sciences, music, and art. The work is divided into an academic or preparatory department and a collegiate department. The collegiate studies are divided into a classical and a scientific course, each occupying four years, at the conclusion of which the degrees of A. B. and B. S. are conferred. For boarding pupils the cost of tuition and board, including fuel and lights, is $180 per year of nine months ; for day pupils, tuition is $5 per year. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, Austin, was established by a vote of the Legislature in 1881, and opened its doors for the ad- mission of students in the fall of 1883. The faculty numbered six professors and one executive officer. The enrolment of students for the first year was 218; the enrolment of students for the session of 1897-98 was eight hundred students. There are seventy-one officers and teachers connected with the institution. The University of Texas has an endowment of about one million dollars in bonds, besides some 2,500,000 acres of land. This land is leased to Western stockmen and produces a handsome annual revenue. There are no tuition fees in the University, and the cost of a liberal education is reduced to a minimum by co- operative boarding clubs. George Tayloe Winston, LL. D., was the first president. He has just closed his second year of service. HENRY COLLEGE, Campbell, Hunt County, T. H. Bridges, President, is ten miles east from Greenville, on the S. S. and S. R. R. ; is a chartered literary college, founded in 1892 ; confers the degrees of A. M., A. B., B. Ph., and B. Lit. Two years prepara- tory work, four years' collegiate course, allowing graduates to enter senior class in Yale, Harvard, Chicago, or any of the great uni- versities. Eighteen teachers employed, average enrolment three hundred students per annum. CLEBURNE ACADEMY, Cleburne, K. A. Berry, A. B., Principal. The four years' course of the academy is restricted to high school work. It seeks to intervene between the common schools and the universities, and to afford opportunity for a higher order of work than the public schools, for those unable to go to college. English, mathematics, history, science, Latin, music, and art are the chief subjects taught. Tuition is $50 per year, and board $120. 344 Texas. WHERE TO EDUCATE. AGRICULTURAL AND flECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS, College Station, Brazos County, L. L. Foster, President. This is one of the " Land Grant Colleges," owing its origin to the act of Congress of 1862, as amended in 1865. The Texas Legis- lature by joint resolution, approved November, i, 1871, formally accepted the provision of the act, and the State came into posses- sion from the general government of 180,000 acres, the proceeds of which form the permanent endowment fund of the institution. Successive appropriations by the State Legislature, aggregating $187,000, provided for equipments sufficient to start the college, and the county of Brazos secured its location within her limits by donating a tract of 2,416 acres the present college farm. In 1876 the institution was made a branch of the University of Texas, and in the same year it was formally opened to students. Besides farm buildings, work shops, creamery, infirmary, and natatorium, there are several dormitories, an Assembly Hall, and the handsome four story Main Building. Instruction is given in military science and discipline, the students being organized into a battalion of four companies and a staff. There are four regular courses lead- ing to the degree of Bachelor of Science : Agricultural course : horticultural course ; mechanical engineering course ; civil en- gineering course. The total expenses, including board, for the year amount to $140. RIO GRANDE CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOL, El Paso, the Rev. A. C. Wright, Director. This school is designed to educate young Mexicans, preparing them for the ministry. It was organized in 1890, and is located so as to draw pupils both from old Mexico and from the Mexican population of the United States. The classes are conducted in the Spanish language, and English is taught only enough to facilitate the use of text-books in that language. It is under the auspices of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. LEWIS ACADEnY, Forney, E. C. Lewis, B. S., Principal. The course of 'study is divided into preparatory and academic or high school departments. The preparatory course covers the usual primary and grammar school grades, and the academic course is the ordinary four years' high school course. The high school work divides itself into classical, modern language, scien- tific, and business courses, which overlap to suit the individual pupil. Ancient and modern languages, mathematics, sciences, music, and drawing are taught. Tuition is $45 per year, and board for resident pupils is $135 per year. URSULINE ACADEMY, Galveston. This preparatory school for young ladies, while a Catholic institution, is opened to pupils of every religious denomination. The course of study begins in 345 Georgetown. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Texas. the junior department with a kindergarten, and concludes in the senior, with the highest branches of a collegiate course. The classes are divided into departments, and each department is sub- divided into first and second sections. Pupils are promoted according to progress and ability. Music, drawing, and painting are taught. The terms for board, washing, and tuition are $200 per year. Lessons in music, stenography, telegraphy, oil and portrait painting, etc., are charged for extra. SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, Georgetown, the Rev. John R. Allen, A. B., D. D., Chairman of Faculty. This institu- tion is under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The course of instruction is divided into schools, and the courses of study leading to degrees compare favorably with like conditions for graduation from the more reputable institutions. For graduation in a school, proficiency in the entire course of that school is required. The degrees of B. S., Ph. B., and A. B. are con- ferred on completion of the four years' work in the respective de- partments. The degree of A. M., is conferred on completion of the fifth year of collegiate work. The Ladies' Annex was designed to utilize the faculty of the University to the benefit of young women as well as young men, but in distinct departments and classes. The same degrees are conferred. The cost of tuition for the collegiate course in both departments is $60 per year. BISHOP COLLEGE, Marshall, Albert Loughridge, President, was founded in 1881 by the American Baptist Home Mission Society and supported by the same for education of colored people. Campus twenty-two acres, seven buildings used by school, the whole property valued at about $100,000. Academy, college, normal, and theological departments were organized. Manual training well developed. FORD COLLEGE, Newton, J. E. Sharpe, President, is a pre- paratory and finishing school for both sexes, and is a chartered institution, incorporated with all the rights and privileges of a college. The buildings are large and commodious, and are the best equipped for good school work in all East Texas. The laws which control the development of a human soul are as inexorable as the law of gravity, therefore our aim is the development of strong, healthy, symmetrical manhood. The expenses for the entire session of nine months need not exceed $100. ST. LOUIS COLLEGE, San Antonio, John Wolf, President. This boarding school for boys and young men is conducted by the Brothers of Mary. The curriculum comprises a complete course of collegiate studies, a thorough commercial, the languages, 346 Texas. WHERE Tp EDUCATE, San Antonio. and music and art in all their departments. The institution is incorporated, with power to confer all the degrees usually con- ferred by colleges. Its religion is Roman Catholic. Students of a different belief are admitted, but they are required, for the sake of order and conformity, to assist at the exercises of religious worship, but need not attend religious instruction or change their belief in any way. SAN ANTONIO ACADEflY, 1927-1935 North Flores Street, San Antonio, W. B. Seeley, A. M., Ph. D. (Princeton), Principal. Twelve years ago the San Antonio Academy was founded with the promise that, in addition to its primary and intermediate de- partments, and its business course, it would afford a thorough preparation for the best colleges and schools of science. Since then it has sent out eighty graduates with university preparation who have been entered, in most cases without examination, at the leading colleges of the country. It is not a finishing school, but offers to both sexes alike preparation for the best colleges. There are four buildings, the Home, the Cottage, the Schoolhouse and the Gymnasium. Boys only are taken as resident pupils, and the expenses are $400 per year. The tuition for day pupils varies with the course taken. As the academy is an affiliated school of the University of Texas, that graduate of the academy who has the highest standing in his class receives from the board of regents of the University a scholarship in the department of literature, science, and arts, carrying with it exemption from all matriculation or tuition fees. SAN ANTONIO FEMALE COLLEGE, San Antonio, the Rev. J. E. Harrison, President. This college for the higher education of girls and young women is the property of the West Texas Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The college confers three degrees, M. E. L., B. A., and M. A. The degree of M. E. L. is conferred on the completion of five years' work, consisting of two years of preparatory work and three years of college work. The B. A. degree is received at the end of the fourth year of college work, and the M. A. degree on the comple- tion of a fifth year of college work. Courses are offered in music, elocution, and art. Tuition for the senior year is $74 per year, and board $150. WEST TEXAS MILITARY ACADEMY, San Antonio, the Rev. A. L. Burleson, M. A., Rector. Founded by Right Rev. J. S. Johnston, D. D., in 1893. The only boys' school of the Episco- pal Church in the Southwest ; modern conveniences. Present attendance is 122. Rates are $250 a year. 347 Springtown. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Texas. SPRINGTOWN MALE AND FEMALE INSTITUTE, Spring- town, Parker County, the Rev. L. W. Coleman, A. M., President, is a chartered institution for the higher education of young women and young men. Established in 1883, it has turned out more successful graduates than any other school in this section of the State. It offers complete courses of study in elementary, collegi- ate, and business departments. Music, vocal and instrumental ; art and elocution. The location is healthful; the expenses moderate. ADD-RAN UNIVERSITY, Waco, A. Clark, LL. D., President. The University was founded in 1873 by private enterprise. In 1890 the proprietors of Add-Ran gave all its property to a board of trustees to hold in trust for the Christian Church of Texas. In 1895 the University was removed to Waco. The college or department of science, literature, and art offers three collegiate courses, each comprising four years, and leading to the degrees of A. B., S. B., and L. B. To those unprepared for the collegiate courses, a preparatory academic department is open. The Bible college offers excellent opportunity for Biblical study. The schools of business, music, art, and elocution are departments of the University devoted to these special subjects. The University admits both sexes. Tuition for the collegiate course, is $45. Board and lodging can be obtained for $125. YANTIS INSTITUTE, Wills Point. Courses in the collegiate department lead to the degrees of B. S., B. L., and A. B., accord- ing to the subjects chosen. English receives special attention. In addition to the departments or schools of English, mathematics, history, languages, sciences, and philosophy, are schools of music and elocution, both containing regular graded courses. The school of music includes instruction on the piano, violin, and in voice. The primary department has a well arranged course of study and receives the attention of the entire faculty. The school is open only to girls. UTAH. SANPETE STAKE ACADEflY, Ephraim, Newton E. Noyes, Principal, was organized in 1888 under the auspices of the Latter- day Saints. The curriculum includes a four years' high school course, a three years' normal course, and a two years' commer- cial course. Carpentry and blacksmithing are taught, and there is a music department which includes instruction in vocal culture, choral work, piano, and organ. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH (co-educational), Logan, Joseph M. Tanner, President, was established by the Land Grant Act of 1862. The course of instruction embraces the Eng- 348 Utah. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Salt Lake City. lish language and literature, mathematics, civil engineering, agri- cultural chemistry, animal and vegetable anatomy and physiology, the veterinary art, entomology, geology, and such other natural sciences as may be prescribed, technology, political, rural and household economy, horticulture, moral philosophy, history, book- keeping, and especially the application of science and the mechan- ical arts to practical agriculture in the field. The value of the college property now in possession is about $238,700. Under an act of Congress, approved August 30, 1890, an agricultural experi- ment station was opened. The usual degrees are conferred. A preparatory department is maintained. Tuition is free. The price of board is moderate. BRIQHAfl YOUNG COLLEGE (co-educational), Logan, Wil- liam Jasper Kerr, President. On the twenty-fourth of July, 1877, about a month prior to his death, President Brigham Young con- veyed to a board of seven trustees 9,642 acres of land, located south of Logan City, the profits and issues of which were to be used for the support of an institution of learning to be known as the Brigham Young College. The college was opened for the admission of students September 9, 1878. The following courses of study are offered : General science, four years ; letters, four years ; academic, four years ; normal, four years ; and sub-academic course, one year. The courses in general science and letters correspond to the usual courses of the leading American colleges, and lead to the baccalaureate degrees B. S. and B. L., respectively. Tuition is free and board is reasonable. THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS' COLLEGE, Salt Lake City, is under the direction of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Willard Done, D. B., Ph. B., is President. At present, two courses, high school and normal, are given, each extending four years beyond the eighth grade. Special courses in theology, music, and ladies' work are provided. A collegiate course, lead- ing to the degree Bachelor of Philosophy is prescribed, but no active work in that direction has been done as yet. The institu- tion was founded November 15, 1886. The entrance fee, payable annually, is $10. Board is provided in private families, under the supervision of the college. More extended courses will be offered in the near future. ROWLAND HALL, Salt Lake City, Miss C. I. Colburne, A. B., Principal, is a girls' school, under the direction of the Episcopal Church. The idea of the -founders was to establish " an Eastern educational institution in a Western land." The teachers have always been from Eastern colleges, and they encourage their graduates to go East for a higher education. It is a school which 349 Salt Lake City. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Utah. is perhaps most appreciated by people of wealth and refinement who have recently come from the East. Special attention is given to the manners, habits, and conversation of pupils, as well as to their studies. The health of the boarding pupils receives especial care, and in the eighteen years of the school's history no case of severe illness has occurred. There are preparatory, academic, music, -and kindergarten departments. The school year is divided into two terms. The charges for boarding pupils are $150 for each term ; for day pupils, $8 to $25. SALT LAKE COLLEGE AND GORDON ACADEflY, Salt Lake City, W. S. Hunt, B. D., President, is an outgrowth of the First Congregational Church of Salt Lake City, and is the result of a continued effort to meet the needs of the people of Utah. It was first incorporated under the laws of Utah Territory as Salt Lake Academy in 1878. The charter conferred upon the corpora- tion the right to perpetuate itself, to carry on academic and col- legiate instruction, and the privileges usually granted to such institutions. During the first twelve years of its existence as an academy there were no public schools in Utah, and its walls were crowded to the utmost to accommodate those who came. When the public school system was adopted, and there seemed to be less demand for primary and intermediate work, those departments were dropped and more attention given to the higher classes. In February of 1895 it was voted by the board of trustees to change the corporate name of Salt Lake Academy to Salt Lake College, and to open its doors to college classes. Since that date both the preparatory and college departments have been open to students. The preparatory courses in Gordon Academy are three years in length, and fit students for the corresponding collegiate courses. The normal course is four years in length. College tuition : For fall term, $8 ; winter and spring term, each, $7. Gordon Academy tuition : For fall, winter, and spring term, each, $5. NORflAL SCHOOL, of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, William M. Stewart, M. Did., Principal. In 1869 the University of Deseret, now the University of Utah, established a normal department for the training of teachers, under the direct super- vision of the President of the University, Dr. J. R. Park. Later this department became known as the State Normal School of Utah. It is still connected with the University of Utah, and offers a four-year normal course, also a college normal course of four years. Students having completed a creditable high school course are admitted to the senior year of the normal course. The school has connected with it a department for the training of kindergarten teachers, a manual training department, and a mod- ern and well equipped practice school. The present enrolment is 350 VL WHERE TO EDUCATE. Burlington. 425 normal students. Dr. J. T. Kingsbury, Ph. D., is the Presi- dent of the University, and William M. Stewart, M. Did., is Principal of the Normal School. VERMONT. THE BISHOP HOPKINS HALL, Burlington, Miss Edith M. Clark, Principal, is the Vermont diocesan school for girls. The Rt. Rev. A. C. A. Hall, D. D., Bishop. There are four courses of study open to the older pupils. The classical and Latin-scientific courses of four years make a special preparation for entering our leading colleges. The modern language and English courses, for which the school grants a diploma, cover more general ground, embracing the sciences, modern languages, and a thorough and solid training in the English language and literature. The object is not to make specialists, but to give the broad and general cul- ture on which alone special work can profitably rest; To these courses properly belong a certain amount of music and art, as an aid to that general cultivation at which we aim. An important department of the school is the special course in music, covering four years, and aiming to give a thorough musical education. Pupils receiving a diploma in music will be competent to pass the examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Music in the higher colleges and universities. Tuition and board ranges from $350 to $400 per year. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, Burlington, Matthew H. Buck- ham, D. D., President, was founded by legislative enactment in 1791. In 1865 the Vermont Agricultural College was incorpo- rated with the University into one institution, with the full name of "The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College." The following are the general departments : Department of arts, leading to the degrees Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Philos- ophy ; scientific departments, embracing the departments of engi- neering, chemistry, and agriculture, and leading to the degree Bachelor of Science ; medical department, leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Admission is by examination and by certifi- cate from accredited schools. Young women are admitted to all courses in arts and science upon the same conditions as young men. They are required to room and board in families approved by the faculty. The library contains over fifty thousand books. Tuition is $60 per annum. There is also an annual fee of $20 for incidental expenses, a registration fee of $10, reading room charge of $2, and a diploma fee (on graduation) of $8. Room rent, $15 to $80. Burlington. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Vt. VERflONT EPISCOPAL INSTITUTE, Burlington, Henry H. Ross, A. M., Principal, is located about two miles north of Burling- ton on high ground overlooking Lake Champlain, and command- ing an unrivalled view of the Green Mountains and Adirondacks. The school was opened in 1860, and during its thirty-eight years of history has had two principals only. Daily military drill, under a special instructor, is required of all pupils, and there is every facility for out-of-door sports. The school is carefully graded, and prepares for the best colleges or for business. Total charge per school year, $400. LYNDON INSTITUTE, Lyndon Centre, Fremont L. Pugsley, A. B., Principal. Lyndon Institute was chartered in 1867. Be- tween 1 88 1 and 1883 the school was closed for lack of funds, but during the latter year a permanent endowment of $25,000 was secured, and the school reopened in the autumn. The railway station nearest the Institute is Lyndonville, fifteen minutes' walk distant. Thompson Hall, the main building, is situated on an eminence overlooking the Passumpsic Valley. The equipment and apparatus is limited, but growing, and an effort is on foot permanently to endow the school library, which already contains more than one thousand volumes. The courses of study include classical, English and Latin, English, music, pedagogy, and com- mercial. A term's tuition, not including electives, is as follows : Classical, $8 ; English and Latin, $8 ; English course, $7 ; Com- mercial, $10. Table board per week is $2.50. Rooms, $3 to $7 per term. BURR AND BURTON SEfllNARY, Manchester, Eli Herbert Botsford, A. M., Principal. This is the oldest endowed academy in Vermont, the present year being the seventieth anniversary of its incorporation, though it was not opened to students until 1833. In 1849 it adopted co-education. In 1860 it added Burton to its original name of Burr Seminary, both names commemorating eminent benefactors. The location is central thirty miles south of Rutland on the Bennington & Rutland Railroad, and fifty miles north of Troy, N. Y. The school property covers forty acres, and the main building is a handsome edifice of stone, heated by steam, and provided with an independent sewerage system. The semi- nary aims to combine the influences and restraints of a well ordered Christian home, with thorough instruction, and a study of the individual pupil. It prepares for the best colleges. Tuition is $30 per year; board, $3.50 per week. fllDDLEBURY COLLEGE (co-educational), Middlebury, Ezra Brainerd, LL. D., President, was chartered in 1800. It is on the line of the Rutland Railroad, midway between Rutland and Bur- 352 Vt. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Northfield. lington, in a healthful and beautiful location, the view including the Champlain Valley, the Green Mountains, and the Adirondacks. Two courses are offered in the curriculum, the classical, leading to the degree of A. B., and the Latin-scientific, leading to the B. S. degree. The studies are of two classes, required and elective, but each student is required to have at least fifteen hours of recitation each week. All the studies of the freshman and sophomore years are prescribed. In the junior year nine hours a week are pre- scribed, in the senior year six hours are prescribed, and the studies for the remaining hours in these two years may be selected by the student from the electives, subject to certain regulations of the faculty. The exercises of each week day begin with religious service, which all students are expected to attend, and on Sunday they are required to attend public worship at such churches as are decided upon by the students or their parents. The college has a valuable equipment and is well endowed. The tuition is $60 per year. The income of various scholarships, a part of them under the control of individual proprietors, and a part furnished by the State, is available to students of good scholarship and correct deportment. NORWICH UNIVERSITY, military, scientific, and classical, Northfield, the Rev. Allan D. Brown, LL. D., President, was founded at Norwich, Vermont, in 1819, by Capt. Alden Par- tridge, and was known as the American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy. It retained the name until November 6, 1834, when a charter of incorporation was granted it by the State of Vermont, under the name of Norwich University, which thus became the first scientific and classical, as well as the first military, collegiate institution in the United States. Its success was imme- diate, and every State in the Union had, in its early days, repre- sentatives among its students. In March, 1866, the buildings at Norwich were destroyed by fire, and the University was removed to Northfield, Vt., where the citizens had offered fine grounds and commodious barracks. It is a characteristic and peculiar feature of the institution that, in addition to the usual collegiate courses, the charter requires " a course of military instruction both theoreti- cal and practical." For this reason the discipline is, of necessity, military in form and principle, being modelled after that of the National Military Academy at West Point, of which Captain Par- tridge was at one time the superintendent ; and from its founda- tion to the present time it has held the distinction of being the foremost military institution in the land, West Point, and Annapo- lis alone excepted. Her sons have done yeoman service in both army and navy; from her founder, Captain Partridge, and her second president, Truman B. Ransom, who resigned his chair to 353 Poultney. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Vt. lead the Ninth New England in the Mexican War (falling at the head of his regiment at the assault of Chapultepec, in September, 1847), through a long line of distinguished men in {he Civil War, until to-day, when her graduates are still to be found in both the services. Candidates for admission must be at least fifteen years of age. Besides the military course there are four regular courses in the academic department, as. follows : Civil engineering, arts, chemistry, and science and literature. The courses in civil engi- neering and chemistry have a distinctly practical bearing, and give a thorough training for the technical professions. The course in arts embraces the usual classical course, with French or German, physical science, etc. The course in science and literature is intended for such as may not wish to pursue a full course in classics or mathematics, or one for a distinctly scientific profession. Each of these courses extends through four years, and is intended to give the student a liberal preparation for the duties of life. Changes are made in the course in chemistry to meet the wants of students preparing for medicine and pharmacy. The regular degrees are conferred, and, upon graduation, cadet officers receive commissions signed by the president of the University, and by the Adjutant and Inspector-General of the State. The total expense of board and tuition is $207 for the year. TROY CONFERENCE ACADEMY, Poultney, Herbert Augus- tus Durfee, D. D., Principal. This school is conveniently located in a quiet village eighteen miles from Rutland by rail, and sixty- eight miles from Troy, N. Y. The grounds cover ten acres ; the buildings are steam-heated, and lighted by electricity. There is a well furnished laboratory, a large cabinet, and a library of three thousand volumes. Careful attention is given to physical train- ing, athletic sports and gymnasium practice being encouraged and wisely regulated. The regular courses of study follow : Preparatory, scientific and commercial, academic, Latin scientific, belles lettres, college preparatory, college science preparatory. There are also art, music, and business courses. The academy is under Methodist auspices, but is free from sectarian influence. Young ladies are admitted. Board and tuition per term in com- mon English branches is $63. THE RUTLAND ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL INSTI- TUTE AND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Rutland, O. H. Perry, A. B., President, L. J. Egelston, Secretary. Located in the heart of the Green Mountains, in the beautiful " Marble City," with every advantage of situation and surroundings, this institution, in its short existence of only nine years, has won a strong position among the schools and colleges of the State. Its special features are individual instruction, made possible by the fact that there is 354 Vt. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Saxton's River. one instructor for every fifteen pupils, and careful attention to health and physical training. While there are no less than fourteen courses of study provided, the large majority of the students are pursuing some one of the following : College prepara- tory, normal, commercial, stenographic, and telegraphic. The tuition is from $20 to $25 for a term of twelve weeks; $180 to $200 will cover all necessary expenses for the school year. The graduates of the normal and business courses are assisted to positions. Those completing the college preparatory course are admitted to most colleges on certificate. " A practical school for practical people " is the motto. PENSIONNAT FRANCAIS DE L'ACADEflLE du Vermont, and training school for teachers of French, Saxton's River. This institution, founded in 1887, was introduced to the public by Dr. H. M. Willard, now of Quincy Mansion School, in the following words : " Both Professor and Madame Roux are excellent teachers of great experience. Their mastery of the French language and literature, and their command of the English, ensure the success of all persons who wish to make rapid progress in French, and to become able to read it with ease and speak it with fluency. Wish- ing to educate their own children at Vermont Academy, they have come to Saxton's River, and are now prepared to receive into their family a few pupils desiring to make French a specialty. Such students can have at the same time the advantages offered at the academy by its courses of study in music and art. The opportunity of living in a French family of culture and refinement, of hearing and speaking French alone, is second only to a resi- dence in France." The Pensionnat has a beginners' intermediate, and advanced course, and French is the language of the house. The training school has an elementary (one year's) and an ad- vanced (two years') course. The number of pupils is limited. Address Rev. L. C. Roux, M. A., Saxton's River, near Bellows Falls, Vt. VERMONT ACADEMY (co-educational), Saxton's River, Edward Ellery, Ph. D., Principal. Two courses of study are offered, the classical and the scientific. There are also special courses in music and art. The classical course aims to give a maximum preparation for college. The scientific course is in- tended to prepare students for the scientific schools, for the scientific course of colleges, and to afford a general training to those who do not propose to enter a higher institution of learning. Laboratory work in the sciences, an extra year in mathematics, and full courses in history are offered. The advantages arising from the study of one of the classic languages are fully recognized, and the scientific course includes two years of Latin. The military 355 356 Va. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Ashland* course is now in charge of an officer of the National Guard, and the work is carried on with the intention of conforming as nearly as possible to the methods used in schools where military instruc- tion is given by officers of the United States Army. VIRGINIA. MARTHA WASHINGTON COLLEGE AND CONSERVA- TORY OF MUSIC, Abingdon, the Rev. W. M. Dyer, A.M., President, is situated amid the mountains of Southwest Virginia. The departments of instruction include primary, intermediate, academic, and collegiate, in addition to the Conservatory of Music and schools of art, elocution, and business. The degrees conferred are M. E. L., B. S., and A. B. The school is under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Teachers are selected with reference to their Christian character as well as their ability. The scholastic year is divided into two terms. Board per term, including furnished room, servants' attendance, light, and fuel, $75. THE RANDOLPH-MACON SYSTEM OF COLLEGES AND ACADEfllES is something unique among educational enter- prises. It comprises five institutions : (i) Randolph-Macon Col- lege, at Ashland, Va., chartered in 1830; (2) Randolph-Macon Academy, Bedford City, Va., established in 1890; (3) Randolph-Macon Acad- emy, Front Royal, Va., established in 1892 ; (4) Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va., established in 1893 ; and (5) Randolph-Macon Insti- tute, Danville, Va., admitted in 1897. These five institu- tions are owned by one self-perpetuating board of trustees, under the presi- dency of Bishop John C. Granbery, D. D., chartered by the State of Virginia, which has been entrusted by public-spirited Christian WM w ^^ A ^ CHANCELLOR> men and women with nearly three-quarters of a million dollars for the purpose of providing the best facilities for the education of young men and women 357 Alexandria. WHERE TO EDUCATE. v a . under Christian influences. It is not sought or desired to influ- ence the denominational preferences of students, but the officers in charge consider themselves under obligations to conform to the moral standards and religious usages of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, under whose auspices the institutions were estab- lished. The work is entirely benevolent. There are no stock- holders, nor are the executive officers financially interested. The endowment interest, students' fees, and other funds contributed for the purpose are applied to the best advantage for the making of noble men and women, and not for the making of money for any one. Any surplus of receipts is at once applied to improving the facilities or enlarging the corps of instructors. The system admits of enlargement and expansion and, without doubt, will continue to grow in power and usefulness. Correspondence on business of the system as a whole should be addressed to Wm. W. Smith, A. M., LL.D., Chancellor of the Randolph-Macon System, Lynchburg, Va. EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL OF VIRGINIA, near Alex andria. The diocesan school for boys of the three Virginia dioceses, established in 1839. Seated upon a commanding plateau three miles west of Alexandria, the situation is singularly healthy at all seasons. Its elevation affords a magnificent view of the Potomac, of Washington (with capitol, library, and monu- ment), and of the surrounding country for many miles. Though close to the Theological Seminary, its only connection therewith is in being held by the same trustees. The playgrounds are extensive and include a gymnasium and skating lake. Improve- ments during the past seven years in buildings and equipment cost nearly $35,000. The present principal, L. M. Blackford, M. A., has been in charge since 1870. There is one all inclusive charge of $330 per year. RANDOLPH-flACON COLLEGE (men), Ashland, John A. Kern, D. D., President, has been maintained for nearly seventy years as one of the leading colleges of the South. The location is distinguished for healthfulness and accessibility, being on the line of the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad, sixteen miles north of Richmond, upon an elevated plateau. The campus, of about twelve acres, is beautiful, and shaded by a fine grove of oaks and maples. The buildings, besides professors' residences, are eight dormitories, the Pace Lecture Room Building and Chemical Laboratory, the Duncan Memorial Chapel, the halls of the literary societies, the gymnasium, and the Pettyjohn Hall of Science. Besides the college library, containing about ten thousand volumes, there is the Walton Classical Library, with an endowment of $1,000. The college courses lead to the degrees 358 Va. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Berkley. of Ph. B., B. A., and M. A. The necessary expenses per half session for board, washing, lights, fuel, matriculation fee, medical fee, and tuition fees in three schools are $95. Applications for rooms or information with regard to the college should be addressed to Capt. Richard Irby, secretary and treasurer, Ash- land, Va. RANDOLPH=nACON ACADEMY, Bedford City, E. Sumter Smith, Principal. RANDOLPH-HAGON ACADEMY, Front Royal, C. L. Melton, A. M., Acting Principal. These duplicate institutions are distinctively academies for boys, ranking in work between the preparatory home school and the college course. Their purpose is to prepare youths for college or university, or for business life, under the most wholesome moral influences. The grounds are commodious, and the buildings were erected at a cost of $80,000 each upon the most approved plans. The suggestions of the " Committee of Ten " are given due considera- tion in the course of study, which includes primary studies, history, languages, mathematics, science, drawing, music, and the Sargent system of physical culture. These subjects are distributed over a period of five years, the classes being known as forms. A physician is in regular attendance at the home, and a matron gives careful attention to all the needs of the boys. The expenses are $211.60 for the session. RYLAND INSTITUTE, Berkley, the Rev. A. E. Owen, D. D., President, is a private institution founded by Miss Lula M. Butt, and incorporated by an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, 1892. It. is a non-sectarian school for young ladies. Founded in Suffolk, Va., in 1889, it soon outgrew all the building facilities 359 Bristol. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Va. of that city, and was removed in 1893 to its present location. A select home school conducted under the highest Christian influ- ences, the Institute offers a thoroughly practical education. The Home Department is presided over by Mrs. A. E. Owen, assisted by competent helpers, who give constant attention to the comfort, health, and need of the pupils. SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA INSTITUTE, Bristol, W. H. Tharp, A. M., President, was organized for regular work in the summer of 1884. The property is held in trust by a board of trustees appointed by the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and is the property of the Baptist denomination. The school up to NDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY. June, 1893, was located at Glade Spring, Washington County, Va. The building is a four story brick and stone structure, with pressed brick front. It contains 165 rooms, is steam-heated, and is lighted by gas and electricity. The Institute, which admits young women only, consists of an academic department proper and a conserva- tory of music and art. In the former department there are primary, preparatory, and collegiate branches. The full college courses lead to the degrees of A. B. and A. M. Board, furnished room, fuel, light, tuition in literary department, and physical culture, $225. Tuition in regular course: Primary department, $25 ; preparatory department, $40 ; collegiate department, $60. RANDOLPH=MACON INSTITUTE, Danville, Wm. Holmes Davis, A. B., Principal, is a high grade seminary preparatory to the Woman's College. Its course begins with the primary studies, and carries the work to complete the student's preparation for advanced college classes. An extra year is added for those who desire to complete their education at the Institute. Courses in music, elocution, art, and physical culture are also offered. The students and teachers form one household. The charges for 360 Va. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Hollins. boarding pupils in the literary courses are $87.50 for the half session. HAMPDEN SIDNEY COLLEGE, Hampden Sidney, Prince Edward County, Richard Mcllwaine, D. D., President, was founded in 1775, and incorporated by the Legislature of Virginia in 1783. It has been from the beginning non-sectarian in its organization and instruction, and while historically, and in sympathy and ser- vice, closely allied to the Presbyterian Church, has been patronized by members of all denominations, and done much for the upbuild- ing of Christianity, irrespective of denominational lines, not only in Virginia, but throughout the country. There are spacious athletic grounds, capacious buildings, well supplied laboratories, a gymnasium furnished with modern apparatus, and a library of fifteen thousand volumes. Hampden Sidney is a curriculum col- lege. The degrees granted on prescribed courses are : B. A., B. L., B. S., and M. A. Entire annual expense, $212 to $225. Students for the ministry and sons of Christian clergymen of any denomi- ation who need assistance are received without tuition fee. HAflPTON COLLEGE, Hampton, Miss Bessie L. Fitchett, Principal. This institution is delightfully located on Hampton River, one of the many estuaries from Hampton Beach and Chesa- peake Bay. In common with other similar localities, so near as this is to the Atlantic Ocean, it is remarkably healthy by reason of the extremely saline character of the waters which continually ebb and flow past the lawn which fronts the river. It is fifteen minutes' ride from Fortress Monroe, and in close communication with the North, South, and West. The buildings are all new, well ventilated, well heated, and lighted by electricity. The course of instruction embraces all the studies included in a thorough classical education. A limited number of young ladies only is taken. The expenses for the year are $250. HOLLINS INSTITUTE is located in Roanoke County, seven miles from the city of Roanoke. The picturesque mountain scenery, the invigorating atmosphere, and the extensive grounds, covering one hundred and fifty acres, are features of this school. The six main buildings are of brick, and accommodate one hundred and seventy-five boarding pupils. A resident physician has charge of the health of the students. The institution when founded in 1842 was co-educational, but subsequently became exclusively a school for young women. While unsectarian, the institute is marked by high religious ideals. The school has numerous courses, and grants degrees. Full board and tuition in literary studies varies from $225 to $246. The school maintains high standards of instruction under eight male professors (university graduates) 361 Lewiston. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Va. and fifteen lady teachers, of varied accomplishments. Located in the great and beautiful Valley of Virginia, a region abounding with schools, and redolent of health at all seasons, it attracts pupils from a broad area, South, West, and North, and its accommo- dations are usually fully occupied. Charles L. Cocke, A. M., is the General Superintendent. P. O., Rollins, Virginia. BEL=AIR, a select school for young ladies, near Lewiston, Spottsylvania County, Miss N. E. Scott, Principal. The situation of the school has been pronounced by medical authority singularly healthy ; and its remarkable health record has sustained that opinion. It has the combined advantages of daily communication with Richmond and Charlottesville by the C. & O. R. R. with that of quiet surroundings and freedom from distractions, and pleasant HP HOLLINS INSTITUTE. seclusion, so conducive to study, while the atmosphere of the school and its society have been found'SO healthful and bright that the girls have been in most cases remarkably happy at Bel- air. The position of the school among the historic places of Spottsylvania County gives opportunity for interesting excursions ; and great attention is paid to recent periods of history, as well as those more remote. Daily exercise is part of the school routine, and usually consists of walks in the open air or tennis. The manners of the girls receive careful attention, and ladylike con- duct is expected at all times. The credentials of the principal are from the University of Virginia. The session is one of nine months, as much as .three weeks being allowed as holidays, part at Christmas, part at Easter, and part elsewhere in the session. Besides the regular course, a short course, preparatory to a sum- mer tour in Europe with Miss Scott, is provided. Terms for short course and tour, $800. The object of the school is to fur- nish to the group of girls under its care the circumstances that 362 Va. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Lynchburg. have usually formed the features of a Virginia home, a simple style of living, a high course of study, and access to a well chosen old library, to which judicious additions are made from time to time. Bel-air is an old colonial house to which modern and well ventilated rooms have been added, so as to supply comfortable apartments for sixteen young ladies. Terms for board, tuition, and music, $193. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, Lexington, the Hon. Wm. L. Wilson, LL. D., President, is the modern develop- ment of a "log college " erected beneath the shadow of the Blue Ridge in the Valley of Virginia, in the year 1749. The founder of the colonial school, styled at first the Augusta Academy, was Robert Alexander, who had received his education in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. In 1774 the Hanover Presbytery assumed control over the "log temple of learning," the Rev. William Graham being brought from Princeton to act as head master, and in 1776 the Presbytery gave the school the name of Liberty Hall Academy. In 1782 it was chartered by the Commonwealth of Virginia, and in the closing years of the eighteenth century was renamed Washington Academy, in honor of George Washington, who aided the institution by liberal gifts. In 1813 the title of the school was changed to that of the College of Washington in Vir- ginia. From 1 86 1 to 1865 the halls of Washington College were practically closed. At the close of the war General Robert E. Lee was elected to the presidency, and on his death, in 1870, a new charter of incorporation was secured for " The Washington and Lee University," which was presided over until 1897 by the son of Robert Lee, and since that date by the Hon. W. L. Wilson, the well-known member of President Cleveland's Cabinet, and chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the House. Washington and Lee University has an unrivalled location, an excellent material equipment, and three general courses of instruc- tion : Academic, engineering, and law. RANDOLPH=nACON WOMAN'S COLLEGE, Lynchburg, William W. Smith, A.M., LL. D., President. This college is officially classed by the United States Commissioner of Education in " Division A " as one of the fourteen leading colleges for women in the United States. It is the only one south of the Potomac River that is so classed. In 1891 its central idea was expressed in the following resolution of its founders : " We wish to establish in Virginia a college where our young women may ob- tain an education equal to that given in our best colleges for young men, and under environments in harmony with Southern ideals of womanhood; where the dignity and strength of fully 363 Newport News. WHERE TO EDUCATE. " Va. developed faculties and the charm of the highest literary culture may be acquired by our daughters without loss of woman's crown- ing glory, her gentleness and grace." The buildings, placed in a campus of twenty acres, are of modern construction, and are fully equipped for college work. The courses of the college instruction lead to the degrees of B. Let., A. B., and A. M. The endowment reduces the cost of the regular literary courses to $125 for each half year. Superior courses are offered in music and art. NEWPORT NEWS MILITARY ACADEMY, Newport News, Edward W. Huffman, Principal, was founded in 1894. Its loca- tion in Newport News, both a winter and a summer resort, and the eastern terminus of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway system, is very fortunate. The building is of brick, and is supplied with electric lights, hot and cold water, baths, and all modernconven- RANDOLPH-MACON WOMAN'S COLLEGE, LYNCHBURG. iences. There are preparatory, academic, and business depart- ments. Preparation is given for West Point, Annapolis, Harvard, Yale, Virginia, and all similar institutions. Expenses per half ses- sion, payable in advance : Academic department, including board, tuition, fuel, lights, and furnished room, $100; preparatory depart- ment $95 ; day students, academic department, tuition, $25 ; pre- paratory department, tuition, $20 ; commercial school, tuition for the whole course, $25. TILESTON HALL, Old Point Comfort, Ruth G. Tileston and Laura E. Tileston, Principals. This school opened its eleventh year in October, 1898. It is delightfully located, overlooking Chesapeake Bay, and, as the climate of Old Point compares favor- ably with the famous health resorts of the Mediterranean and Southern California, it has proved especially desirable for delicate pupils, or those requiring the out-of-door life prohibited by 364 Va. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Onancock. Northern winters. It is a college preparatory home and day school. A limited number of girls is received into the boarding department, also young ladies desiring special work in languages, art, or music. Board and tuition for the regular course, including German, is $400 per annum ; French, music, and art extra. MARGARET ACADEMY, Onancock, the Rev. R. A. Robinson, B. A., B. D., Principal. In 1786 the General Assembly of Vir- ginia granted a charter for the establishment of " Margaret Acad- emy on the Eastern Shore of Virginia." She thus stands among the oldest preparatory schools in the United States; her history has been enriched by three generations of graduates. The acad- emy opens her doors to both sexes, and the design is to prepare TILESTON HALL. her students to enter the higher classes in the leading institutions of learning ; or, where this is not contemplated, to enter at once on the active duties of life. She seeks, by holding up high ideals of moral and intellectual worth, to develop her students into men and women of cultured minds, sterling character, and elegant manners. The music department, including both vocal and in- strumental, is under the direction of a highly accomplished pianist and an experienced teacher. The buildings and grounds are extensive and beautifully located. The entire expenses of a pupil per session for board, fuel, lights, washing, and tuition, not includ- ing music, will range from $135 to $210, according to age and grade of studies. 365 Portsmouth. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Va. THE PORTSMOUTH ACADEMY AND COMMERCIAL NIGHT SCHOOL, Portsmouth, W. H. Stokes, Principal, was established under the present management in 1868. The design of the school is to give boys a thorough training in the studies usually pursued in academies, to prepare them for college and the United States military and naval academies, or to fit them at once for the daily duties of life. The academic department is mainly designed for boys, and is under the immediate instruction of the principal. The primary department, though intended mainly for little girls, admits boys under nine years of age. Terms per month: Academic, $3.25; primary, $2; bookkeeping (per course of twenty lessons), $5 ; music on pianoforte, $2.50. ST. ALBANS SCHOOL, Radford, Geo. W. Miles, Founder and Head Master. This school is situated on the banks of New River in the blue grass region of Virginia. The buildings are of colonial architecture, modern and well equipped with hot water heating, electric lights, hot and cold water on every floor. The plan of the school is unique. There are four masters, and the school is limited to fifty young men. It combines a delightful home life and at the same time gives a course of study extensive enough to put a boy in the junior class of Yale, Harvard, or Princeton. Of this school Gen. Fitzhugh Lee says : " I have always thought St.Albans School a most excellent institution for preparing boys for college or for the national academies. It is located in the most beautiful section of Virginia, and has a high grade of scholarship." The buildings for these fifty boys cost $30,000. The total expenses, including board, furnished room, servants' attendance, heating, lights, tuition in all branches, gym- nasium, reading room, are $350 for the school year. There are no extras. One-half of this is payable upon entrance and the other in the middle of the year. This school has commanded the patronage of many of the leading citizens of the South. Among them are ex-Speaker Crisp, of Georgia, Hon. Henry S. Turner, of Georgia, Gov. Thomas G. Jones, of Alabama, Judge R. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana, Judge Sterling F. Cockrill, of Arkansas, Dr. E. E. Hoss, of Tennessee, Gen. Joseph C. Breckin- ridge, of Washington, Senator John W. Daniel, of Virginia, Gov. J. Hoge Tyler, of Virginia, and many others of equal ability, reference to whom is given. The climate of Virginia where this school is located would be especially desirable and delightful for Northern boys. The altitude makes it cold, dry, and bracing, while at the same time its location in the South frees it from the severe rigors of a more Northern clime. It is especially suitable for boys who are subject to interruptions and distractions at home, and gives them a quiet harbor in which to prepare themselves for 366 Va. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Salem. real university work, or for business. There is a regular order of the day, as much so as at a military school, together with a regular gymnasium drill under a master each morning. The school is not military. This school has been the leader in athletic sports among the preparatory schools of the South, and its football and baseball teams regularly play the University of Virginia. Its games have been reported in Outing and one year in Harper's Weekly. UNION THEOLOGICAL SEfllNARY, Richmond, the Rev. T. C. Johnson, D. D., Chairman of Faculty, is a Presbyterian institution dating from 1824. The name arose from the union of the Virginia and North Carolina Synods in the management of the school. Since its establishment at Hampden- Sidney, seventy- four years ago, nearly twelve hundred students have received instruction in its halls. The buildings are modern and convenient, and the library contains sixteen thousand volumes. No charge is made for room rent or tuition. An annual fee of $5, to be paid at the opening of each session, is the sole charge due to the Seminary. Good board is provided at the Refectory at cost price. Board, light, fuel, and attendance are furnished for $12 per calendar month. THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, Richmond, W. Gordon Mc- Cabe, Principal. The school was founded in 1865, for the purpose of giving thorough preparation for the University of Virginia and other institutions of high grade, and for the practical business of life. The discipline is strict. The honor system obtains entirely in the management of the school, and the only punishment for deviation from that system is expulsion. The terms for board, tuition, and washing are $340 for school year. A large number of pupils from this school have graduated with distinction at the United States Military and Naval Academies, the leading engi- neering schools in the North, and at the leading universities throughout the country. ROANOKE COLLEGE, Salem, Julius D. Dreher, A.M., Ph. D., President, was chartered in 1853. It is favorably situated in the beautiful valley of the Roanoke, eleven hundred feet above the sea. There are courses for the degrees A. B. and A. M., with electives. The faculty is experienced. Five have had in the aggregate sixteen years of post-graduate work in the best Ameri- can and European universities. Two are authors of college text-books. The library contains twenty-one thousand volumes. Chemistry and physics are taught mainly by laboratory methods. The college draws its students from many States and several foreign countries. Its graduates are laboring in thirty-five States and four foreign countries. The expenses at Roanoke are very 367 Staunton. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Va. moderate, ranging from $150 to $210 a year. The college publi- cations are the Annual Catalogue and the Roanoke Collegian (monthly). HARY BALDWIN SEfllNARY, Staunton, Miss Ella C. Weimar, Principal, is situated at the central point of the Shen- andoah Valley, fourteen hundred feet above sea level. The Chesapeake and Ohio and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroads pass through the town. The school buildings are steam heated and well ventilated, and are lighted by gas and electricity. There are preparatory, academic, and university departments, in addition to Schools of Music, Art, and Elocution. The trustees, upon recom- mendation of the principal, are authorized by law to confer the degree of Bachelor of Music upon graduates of the music course, and the degree of Bachelor of Arts upon students who satisfactorily complete the university course. Board, laundry, steam heat, light, physician's fee, contingent fee, seat in church, gymnastic and Delsarte exercise, and full English course, including general elo- cution, for session of forty weeks, $250 ; day pupils, $27 to $50. SUFFOLK COLLEGE, Suffolk, Sally A. Finney, Principal, was founded in 1869, and incorporated by act of the General Assembly of Virginia in 1880. It is situated in one of the most healthful towns of the State, and has the best railroad connections. The three large buildings occupy an elevated site. The institution offers the comforts of a well ordered home, with excellent advan- tages for instruction and discipline, to young ladies and little girls. For convenience of study and classification of students, the course of instruction is divided into three separate departments, viz.: (i) Primary" department; (2) introductory department; (3) academic or collegiate department. Board, including washing, lights, and fuel, for each quarter of the scholastic year, $30. The tuition charges vary widely with the subject taught. Special rates to the daughters of ministers. FAUQUIER INSTITUTE, for young ladies, Warrenton, Geo. G. Butler, A. M., Principal, is ideally located at an elevation of a thousand feet above the sea level, in sight of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and surrounded by a fertile and beautiful country wholly free from malaria. It has direct railroad communication with Washington, fifty miles distant, and with the principal Northern and Southern cities. It is preeminently a home school, the number of boarding pupils being limited to twenty-four. The institute building is commodious, and the grounds embrace ten acres. The broadly planned course of study, covering four years, no less than the special oversight of diet and exercise and the 368 Wash. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Burton. moral and Christian influences, commends this school to the attention of parents. Expenses are moderate. FISHBURNE MILITARY SCHOOL, Waynesboro, James A. Fishburne, A. B., Principal. This, as its name implies, is a train- ing school for young men. The military regulations are not burdensome, but are used especially for the purpose of physical culture and moral training. English, history, the languages and sciences, form most of the curriculum. Instruction is also given in bookkeeping, the Bible, elocution, and music. Tuition, board, and room rent make a total expense of $200 per year. SHENANDOAH VALLEY ACADEMY, near Winchester, J B. Lovett, M. A. (Univ. Va.), Principal, is a strictly first class school, attractive and complete, for boys and young men. Atten- tion to the individual pupil is a leading feature. GLADEVILLE COLLEGE, Wise, C. Y. Chapman, A. M., President, is almost a new institution. The instructors are endeavoring to build up in a mountain region a school where boys and girls of small means may procure a good academic education. The enrolment in 1898 was 160, of all grades, from the primary to the college. WOODLAWN NORHAL INSTITUTE, Woodlawn, Carroll County, E. E. Worrell, L. I., Principal, has a healthful location, with picturesque mountain scenery. In the students' boarding hall students and teachers form one household. The school pre- pares for college, and has primary, preparatory, high school, nor- mal, music, and elocution departments. Tuition, per term of twenty weeks, $5 to $12.50, according to the course. Board per month, including fuel, lights, and furnished rooms, $6.50. WASHINGTON. VASHON COLLEGE, Burton, A. C. Jones, Ph. D., Presi- dent. The two college courses, classical and scientific, are substantially the same as offered by our best American colleges. Each is four years in length, and graduates receive the degrees of 369 Tacoma. WHERE TO EDUCATE. B. A. or B. S. For those not prepared to enter college, a three years' preparatory course is offered, with the work under the supervision of the college faculty. The commercial school sup- plies a thorough business training covering two years. The cost of tuition and board, including room, light, and heat, is $175 per year. ANNIE WRIGHT SEMINARY, Tacoma, Mrs. Sarah K. White, Principal. The aim of the school is to offer the usual studies pursued in preparatory schools, combined with religious instruction and physical training. The course of study is divided into primary, intermediate, and academic departments, each em- bracing four years' work. The outline of study corresponds gen- erally with that of the primary, grammar, and high school grades of the public schools. Penmanship, composition, and spelling are required throughout the course. The yearly charge for board and tuition in English and one language is $200. Tuition for day pupils in the academic department is $50 per year. WHITflAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla, the Rev. S. B. L. Pen- rose, A. B., B. D., President. Whitman College was founded in 1859 by the Rev. Gushing Eells, to commemorate the name of Marcus Whitman, M. D., a missionary to the Cayuse Indians in 1836. The institution, however, was not opened to the public until 1866. Courses of study are offered in the classical, scientific, and literary departments of the college, each of which requires four years for graduation. The degrees of B. A., B. S., and B. L. are conferred on graduates of the respective departments. The Master's degrees are also conferred. There are departments of art and music. Whitman Academy is under the immediate super- vision of the college faculty, and prepares for the college. The college is open to both sexes. Tuition is $48 per year. WEST VIRGINIA. ALLEGHANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Alderson, the Rev. W. S. Anderson, A. M., Principal, is the only complete school for young men and young ladies in the southeastern part of West Virginia. In addition to the regular A. B. course there is much work done of an academic character. It is situated in the most picturesque town on the C. & O. R. R., Alderson, twenty miles west of the famed White Sulphur Springs. While all work done is of a high character, yet the expense is nominal, only $175 for all expenses of home and literary tuition. It is now in its sixth session. 370 W. Va. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Morgantown- WEST VIRGINIA CONFERENCE SEMINARY, Buckhannon,. the Rev. S. L. Boyers, A. M., B. D., President. This seminary, which is under the control of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is in its ninth school year, and already numbers nearly four hundred students. It is located on the uplands, near the centre of West Virginia, about fourteen hundred feet above sea level. The town has never had a liquor saloon. Two handsome brick buildings adorn a campus of over forty acres, overlooking the town. The aim of the school is that of developing Christian character, and secondarily that of preparing thoroughly for college, technical school, and practical life. It is the intention of the authorities to- establish full college courses as soon as the resources of the institution will permit. There are classical, scientific, literary, and normal courses, besides the usual music, art, elocution, and business departments. Annual expense in the regular courses, $120 tO $155. BURNSVILLE ACADEflY, Burnsville, G. F. Queen, Principal, embraces four departments, offering seven courses of study : The literary, normal, music, and elementary commercial. Art courses are also offered by a graduate of the School of Art of Otterbein University. The academy is co-educational, and fits for college, public school teaching, or practical life. Cost of board, tuition, room, fuel, and light, per session of thirty-eight weeks, $85 to- $100. BROADDUS INSTITUTE, Clarksburg, Miss Bertha B. Stout, Principal, and Prof. Luther Rice Warren, A. M., Boys' Principal. This school bears the reputation of being the" most thorough col- lege preparatory school in West Virginia, and enjoys a well earned prosperity. Its graduates are admitted to State University with- out examination, and the State Board of Examiners award State cer- tificates to its graduates in normal course the same as to graduates of State Normal College. It is a school open to both sexes. Its courses are classical, scientific, normal, and also graduating courses in music and art. The faculty consists of eight college- trained instructors. To produce more man, and not to turn out titled men, is the ambition of those who shape the policy of this home of morals and letters. Clarksburg as an educational center is strategic. Easily accessible and prosperous, beautiful for sit- uation, and breathing health from the hills. The expenses for the school year, for board and tuition in academic department, are $15- WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY, Morgantown, J. H. Ray- mond, Ph. D., President, is the outgrowth of an academy incor- porated in 1814. In 1867 the West Virginia Agricultural College Salem. WHERE TO EDUCATE. W. Va. absorbed the original academy as well as a neighboring seminary for young women. In 1868 the name of the institution was changed by act of Legislature to the West Virginia University. The uni- versity organization consists of the following colleges, schools, and departments : The College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering and Mechanic Arts, the College of Agriculture, the College of Law, the School of Music, the Commercial School, the Pre- paratory Schools, the Department of Elocution and Public Speaking, the Department of Drawing and Painting, the Department of In- struction by Correspondence, the Military Department, the Depart- ment of Physical Training. The general expenses, not including tuition, are from $132 to $203 per year. Except in the School of Music, and in the departments of elocution, drawing, and painting, tuition is free to West Virginia students. The tuition charged stu- dents from other States is : $5 per quarter in the Preparatory School ; $5 P er quarter in the Commercial School ; $8 per quarter in the College of Law ; $12.50 per quarter in the other colleges. 5ALEH COLLEGE, Salem, the Rev. Theodore L. Gardiner, A. M., B. D., President. The college was organized in 1889 under a State charter, in accordance with the requirements of the Seventh- day Baptist Education Society. Its short history has been one of growth in influence and number of students. The college is located on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, fourteen miles from Clarks- burg, and sixty-eight miles east of Parkersburg. The college build- ing is a substantial two story frame structure with mansard roof, containing a commodious chapel and numerous recitation roorns. There are preparatory, collegiate, normal, and music departments. Religious influences, while not sectarian, are very pronounced. Tuition depends in amount upon the subjects taken, but the general expenses at this college are remarkably low. WISCONSIN. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY, Appleton, Samuel Plantz, Ph.D., President, was opened in 1849. Tne charter provided for the organization of a college with authority to confer degrees ; the trustees, however, at first undertook only the establishment of the academic department. The school was named " The Lawrence Institute of Wisconsin," after the principal benefactor, Hon. Amos A. Lawrence, of Boston. The organization of the college depart ment was completed in 1853. There are six principal buildings, including a well furnished gymnasium. The library contains six- teen thousand books. Military instruction and exercise is given under a United States officer ; also physical culture for girls, under a competent teacher. The general departments are academic, col- 372 Wis. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Fond du Lac. lege, musical, art, and commercial. Entire annual expenses, includ- ing board, $150 to $200. The University, while non-sectarian, is under Methodist auspices. THE NORTH WISCONSIN ACADEHY, Ashland, S. F. Her- sey, Ph. B., Principal. This school is located on Lake Superior, and has the advantage of a healthful climate where hay fever is unknown. It was established in 1892 as a preparatory school of the New Eng- land type, where young ladies and gentlemen are fitted for college , I REV. THEODORE L. GARDINER. in the classical and scientific courses, or given a short English course. None but educated Christian 'teachers are employed. The influences are excellent, and the necessary expenses low. The campus consists of about twelve acres, containing the main brick academy building and the ladies' boarding cottage. Musical instruction will be given by a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory. GRAFTON HALL, school for young ladies, Fond du Lac, the Rev. B. Talbot Rogers, A. M., B. D., Warden ; Mrs. B. Talbot Rogers, B. L., Matron and Associate Principal. Applicants for 373 374 Wis. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Aft. Calvary. admission should be at least twelve years of age, and in good health. A thorough academic course is provided, with special advantages in the languages, music, and art. The school is accredited by the State University for all its courses, and by Eastern colleges for women. The main building is of stone, three stories, heated throughout with indirect radiation hot blast, and lighted with electricity, supplied by a dynamo owned by the school. The home life is made congenial and comfortable, and each stu- dent is given a well furnished room with ample closet. Three hundred dollars per year pays the living expenses and tuition in all courses. CONCORDIA COLLEGE, Milwaukee, the Rev. M. J. F. Albrecht, President. This college is conducted and supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church. The buildings, which num- ber three halls, a gymnasium, a hospital, and seven residences, occupy an elevated and healthful site in the western part of Mil- waukee near the city limits. The grounds contain about seven acres, and include a large campus and an athletic field. The primary object of the college is to prepare young men for the theo- logical courses of Lutheran divinity schools ; but it also fits for the best American universities. The institution was modelled after the German " gymnasia," where most attention is devoted to the classics. But in conformity to modern educational demands a number of studies have been added which were not contemplated in the original plan. The general course of study occupies six years. Attention is also given to music and physical training. Tuition is free to students for the ministry ; to all others it is $40 per year. Board and fuel are $63 per year. flARQUETTE COLLEGE, Milwaukee, the Rev. Leopold Bushart, S. J., President, was incorporated with collegiate powers in 1864, and is under the exclusive control of members of the Society of Jesus. It has a classical department with collegiate and academic courses, and a commercial department. The catechism is a text-book in all the classes, and Holy Mass opens the exercises of the day. No applicant for admission is refused on the ground of his religious opinions. Degrees of A. B. and A. M. are conferred by the college. As the institution is not endowed, it is entirely dependent for its support on the fees for tuition. Tuition per session of ten months, $60. ST. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, Mt. Calvary, Fond du Lac County, the Rev. Antonine Wilmer, O. M. Cap., Rector. The college was organized as a separate institution in 1864, it having previously been a part of the neighboring monastery. Its history has been one of zeal and devoted sacrifice. Both monastery and 375 Racine. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Wis. college were wholly destroyed by fire in 1868, but were soon replaced by more substantial structures. In 1872 and 1873 still other college buildings were erected, and the present main build- ing was reared in 1882. A beautiful chapel was added in 1893. The location of this college, both for healthfulness and accessibility, leaves nothing to .be desired. Its primary aim is to prepare young men for the Roman Catholic priesthood, but in addition to its classical course of six years it offers a practical course in business. Board and tuition per session of five months is $60. RACINE COLLEGE, Racine, the Rev. Arthur Piper, D. D., Warden. Beautifully and healthfully situated on the banks of Lake Michigan, between Chicago and Milwaukee. The aim of the school is to thoroughly cultivate the intellectual, physical, and spiritual powers of growing lads, enabling them to approach a well rounded manhood. There are two general courses of study, the classical and scientific, divided and adapted in such a manner as to enable boys to prepare for the various university courses. The divisions follow the general lines indicated by Harvard University. The school is under the control of the Episcopal Church. ST. CATHERINE'S ACADEflY, Park Avenue and Twelfth Street, Racine, Sisters of St. Dominic. This is an institution for Catholic young ladies, situated in a retired part of the city of Racine, and commanding a fine view of Lake Michigan. The building is commodious, steam heated, and furnished with every modern improvement. Though electric cars constantly pass the academy, the extensive recreation grounds surrounding the school furnish all the advantages of the country. The aim of the school is the development of womanly character. Careful attention is paid to the health, manners, and morals of the students, and the intellectual standard is proportionately high. In addition to strong academic courses there are departments of music, art, normal training, and business. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions of five months each. The general expenses for one session are $75, in advance. RIPON COLLEGE, Ripon, the Rev. R. C. Flagg, D. D., President, was incorporated in 1851. It is reached by the Chicago and N. W. and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railways. The buildings number six, and the library contains eight thousand bound and three thousand unbound volumes. There are four general departments : College, preparatory school, conservatory of music, and school of drawing and painting. The college offers three courses of study, the classical, the scientific, and the literary, each requiring four years for its completion, each leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and each requiring four 376 Wis. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Watertown. full years of preparatory work before entering it. Graduates who shall have completed an approved course equivalent to an addi- tional year of non-professional study, and paid the required fees, may receive the degree of Master of Arts. A wide range of elec- tives is provided for students in the regular courses. Tuition, per term, $10 to $12. An average estimate of expenses, per term, for board and room rent in college buildings, incidental fee, with fuel and lights included, will be about : For fall term, $54 ; for winter term, $48 ; for spring term, $44; for full year, $146. SAINT CLARA ACADEMY, Sinsinawa, is under the direction of the Dominican Sisters. This widely known institution is situated in one of the most beautiful parts of Wisconsin. To the rear of the academy is the celebrated landmark, " Sinsinawa Mound," rising 550 feet above the surrounding country, and commanding a view of the neighboring States. Railroad communications render Saint Clara easy of access from all parts of the United States, a fact which should commend itself to parents seeking a desirable school and home for their daughters. The building is spacious and attractive, furnished with every modern improvement condu- cive to health and comfort. The design of the institution is to give pupils, by a systematic practical training, an education at once solid and refined. For this purpose, the academy offers three courses : The classical, preparatory for university or college, the English, and the commercial. Tuition varies with the advancement of pupil and the branches pursued. STOUGHTON ACADEflY AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, Stoughton, located in the famous four-lake region of Wisconsin, fifteen miles from Madison, the State capital. The school has thorough preparatory courses for college and is " accredited " at the University of Wisconsin. Its courses in bookkeeping, short- hand, and typewriting are practical and complete. The normal course is one of the special features of the school, and a large number take advantage of it every year. The musical course is taught according to the methods of the best music schools. The Stoughton Academy is open to both sexes. It is preeminently a school for people of small means. Expenses, including tuition, board, room, and books, from $26.50 to $30 per term of ten weeks. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, Watertown, the Rev. A. F. Ernst, President. The University was founded in 1864 and chartered by the State, March, 1867. It comprises three depart- ments : The preparatory department, the collegiate department, both of which are in Watertown,- and the theological seminary, situated near Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. The plan of studies in the preparatory and Collegiate departments is similar to that of a Ger- 377 Wausau. WHERE TO EDUCATE Wis. man gymnasium. The school therefore has practically but one course, leading to the degree of A. B. In the preparatory de- partment, however, boys and girls are admitted that wish to pursue academic studies, for which liberal provisions have been made. As yet the institution is bi-lingual (English and German) ; it is controlled by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin. The college expenses are $117.75 P er annum of forty weeks, including board, tuition, fuel, and incidentals. WAUSAU BUSINESS COLLEGE AND ACADEMY, Wau- sau, C. M. Boyles, Principal. This school was established in 1886, and offers a thorough business course to its pupils, including shorthand, typewriting, and bookkeeping. Students can enter at any time. Terms are about $6 per month. WYOniNQ. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING, Laramie, F. P. Graves, LL. D., President, is on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, two hours distant from Cheyenne. The foundation of the University was a bill passed by the Ninth Legislature of the Territory of Wyoming, which convened on the twelfth day of January, 1886. A site consisting of twenty-one acres was at once procured and work was begun on the main building, which, when completed, cost over eighty-five thousand dollars. The first State Legislature (1890) passed an act greatly enlarging the scope of the institution, and also author- izing the Agricultural College to receive from the national gov- ernment the appropriations provided for in the Land Grant Act. The university is undenominational, co-educational, and non-parti- san. The departments number eight : The Preparatory School, the College of Liberal Arts, the Normal School, the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station, the College of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Mines, the School of Military Science and Tactics, the School of Music. Admission is by examination and on certificate. Degrees conferred are B. A., B. S., B. Fed., M. A. Tuition is free. SHERIDAN COLLEGE, Sheridan, Frank O. Hellier, President, is a Congregational college and has been adopted as such by the State Congregational Association. Its first term opened on October 3, 1898, with about thirty students; before the close of the term the number increased to fifty. The college is now fully prepared with a competent board of not less than ten instructors to take the best of care of all students who may attend in the higher common branches, the sciences, history, literature, mathe- matics, Latin, Greek, the modern languages, business course, 378 Wy. WHERE TO EDUCATE. Sheridan. shorthand and typewriting, painting, drawing, elocution, physical culture, vocal and instrumental music, and voice culture. The college will grant certificates and diplomas to any and all who com- plete any of these lines of study, and will confer degrees upon those who complete the higher and regular college courses. The tuition is fixed at the lowest point consistent with actual require- ments, and is $30 for the three terms of the regular school year. 379 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. PAGE Authors' Agency . . . ... . . . 388 Astoria Operatic-Concert-Dramatic Bureau . . . . 391 Blackboards : J. L. Hammett Company 394 Boarding School Directory 385 Globes: J. L. Hammett Company 394 Kindergarten Material : J. L. Hammett Company . 394 Milton Bradley Company 384 Lecturer to Schools : Charles Barnard . . . . . . 393 Maps : J. L. Hammett Company . ... 394 Music Teachers : Emil Gastel 393 H. W. Greene 393 Newell L. Wilbur 393 Publishers : Milton Bradley Company 384 Brown and Company . 383 Educational Publishing Company .... 385 Ginn & Company 386 Romeyn B. Hough 387 G. & C. Merriam Co 386 John P. Morton & Company . ... 386 Schools : Boston Normal School of Gymnastics . . . . 389 The Frye Private School 390 The Salem Commercial School . . * . .392 School Supplies : J. L. Hammett Company ...... 394 381 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. PAGE Sloyd Material : Chandler & Barber 385 Teachers' Agencies : Bardeen, C. W 388 Colorado Teachers' Agency 388 Fisk Teachers' Agencies 388 Teachers' Exchange of Boston . . . . .388 Yacht Designer : Fred. W. Martin .... 393 3 82 School Libraries should be supplied with AMERICAN NAVAL HEROES, by JOHN HOWARD BROWN. A popular and comprehensive retrospect of the gallant conduct of the American sailor in the wars of the United States against England, 1776-84; against the Barbary States, 1803- 15; against England, 1812-13; against Mexico, 1847-48; and against Spain in 1898 ; together with an impartial record of heroism as exhibited by the two American navies in the Civil War, 1861-65. The work has been carefully prepared, is fully illustrated, and verified as to dates and facts, and is supplied with a complete analytical index, making it a reli- able book of reference without detracting from its popular value as a story of heroes. Price, $3.00 ; sold by subscrip- tion. WHITTIER BOOK. "The paths their feet have worn," by ANNA M. LUCY. Price, $2.00. FRIENDS' SCHOOL, PROVIDENCE, R. I., Dec. 15, 1898. BROWN AND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. Dear Sirs : I have examined with great pleasure and satisfaction "The paths their feet have worn." It is a beautiful, indeed an elegant, book. I am personally familiar with most of the places and associations which appear in the illustrations, and I regard them all as excellent artistic productions. There certainly is great merit in them as pictures, but to this is always joined the personality of a master spirit who once passed this way and ren- dered memorable every spot where he lingered. The groupings of persons and places mentioned in his poetry and prose, as well as his own sacred haunts and ways, are admirable. The thought- fulness and penetration into the life and works of Whittier, which are manifest throughout the book, will secure to it a permanent and enduring place beside his verse in the homes and hearts of the American people ; indeed, wherever in the wide world the universal church extends, and Divine love and human brotherhood sway the souls of men. Very truly yours, (Signed) AUGUSTINE JONES. WHERE TO EDUCATE, edited by GRACE POWERS THOMAS. Price, $3.00. We offer liberal discounts to schools and teachers, and will send our books on approval. Brown and Company, Publishers 378 Boylston Street, Boston 383 EVERYTHING FOR THE KINDERGARTEN We are the Leading Manufacturers of All Kinds of Kindergarten Material Our goods go all over the country, from Maine to Hawaii, and no doubt they will soon follow our flag to Havana, San Juan, and Manila. Send for our 80=page Catalogue with descriptions and illustrations of our immense variety of Helps for the Kindergartner and Primary Teacher WE SEND IT FREE* It will pay you to study it if you have the care of young children. MILTON BRADLEY CO. Springfield, Mass. Or, if more convenient, send to either of our Branch Stores in NEW YORK, ATLANTA, or KANSAS CITY 384 New York Boarding School Directory J56 Fifth Avenue, corner 20th Street ROOM 626 PRESBYTERIAN BUILDING Circulars and full information of select, high-grade Boarding Schools, city and country, given parents. Special attention paid to out-of-town applicants. In writing, state sex and age of pupil and what State is preferred, as we have circulars from every State in the Union, and schools for young ladies, young men, and children. MISS H. N. HANNAY OFFICE HOURS : IO A. M. to 5 P. M. Camior be atfemed urify hpor tools. As tuoneers i? School Supplies we are hrebared fa juirnis^ complete ourtihs ind quote unusual di&counte. A BENCHES, TOOLS > * SUPPLIES ammj^ 1109.^ CHANDLER &BARBER BOSTON m Ten Cent Edition of Shakespeare (With Notes) The text has been carefully purged of expressions not in accord with modern ideas of pro- priety ; and the notes are very numerous and elementary, dealing, it is hoped, with all the real difficulties which beginners are likely to meet with. Allusions are fully explained, free para- phrases are given where a mere note might not make the passage sufficiently clear, and in many cases metaphors have been expanded. Some attempt has also been made to enable the pupil to appreciate the dramatic points which are likely to be missed in reading. The introduction has been kept as much as possible from the argumentation, and the notes are as a rule brief. The index will assist the pupil in making classifications of some of the characteristics of the play. NOW READY As You LIKE IT. MERCHANT OF VENICE. MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. JULIUS CAESAR. CYMBELINE. KING JOHN. HAMLET. CORIOLANUS. KING HENRY V. MACBETH. TWELFTH NIGHT. HENRY VIII. THE TEMPEST. KING RICHARD II. PRICES: Paper, JO cents. Boards, 20 cents. Cloth, 30 cents, postage prepaid Of other books required to be studied for admission to American colleges, we publish the following low-priced editions : LOWELL'S Vision of Sir Launfal .... 5 cents* COLERIDGE'S Ancient Mariner .... 5 cents. TENNYSON'S PRINCESS (Annotated) ... JO cents. MILTON'S PARADISE LOST " I. and II. . JO cents. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL (Annotated) . . JO cents* HAWTHORNE'S HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES . 30 cents. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY Dept. 28, 50 Bromfield Street, BOSTON, MASS. 385 Ginn & Company's Standard Books Hudson's Shakespeare. Harvard Edition. Edited by HENRY N. HUDSON. Hudson's School Shakespeare. Edited by HENRY N. HUDSON. Hudson's Life, Art and Characters of Shakespeare. 2 volumes. Cloth, $4.00 ; half calf, $8.00. Open Sesame. About one thousand pieces of the choicest Prose and Verse. 3 volumes. 75 cents and 50 cents. Classics for Children. A series of classics edited by well-known authorities. 53 volumes now ready ; others in preparation. The Athenaeum Press Series. A series intended to furnish a library of the best English literature. Twenty volumes now ready. Standard English Classics. Edited by competent scholars, with special reference to college requirements. Twenty volumes now ready. Gay ley's Classic Myths in English Literature. $1.50. GINN & COMPANY, Publishers BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. LONDON BARKER'S CHEMISTRY New and Revised Edition By GEO. F. BARKER, M. D. Professor of Physics in the University of Pennsylvania Barker's Chemistry has had marvellous success as a College Text-book. It has been used in all the leading Colleges of the country, such as Yale, Wil- liams, Amherst, Dartmouth, Brown, etc., etc. No book on Chemistry has received such unqualified praise from the highest authorities, or has stood so well the test of the recitation-room. 348 pages, 100 fine wood-cuts. Price, $1.75, postage paid Butler's Revised Practical Grammar, 53 cents Butler's Practical and Critical Grammar, 67 cents By NOBLE BUTLER Special Terms to Educators for Introduction Address the Publishers JOHN P. flORTON & COMPANY 440 to 446 West Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Webster's International Dictionary Standard of the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Gov't i Printing Office, and nearly all Schoolbooks. Commended by all State Superintendents of Schools. THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES BECAUSE It is easy to find the word wanted. It is easy to ascertain the pronunciation. It is easy to trace the growth of a word. It is easy to learn what a word means. Specimen pages, etc., sent on application. & C. Merriam Co., Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Hough's "American Woods" A publication on the trees of the United States illustrated by actual specimens of the woods " A work where plant life does the writing and which no one ca without thinking." G. A. PARKER, ESQ., Hartford, Conn. n read I know of nothing so well calculated to make young people fall in love with trees." E. H. RUSSELL, Principal State Normal School, Wor- cester, Mass. "This is a unique and beautiful publication for which the lovers of nature owe a great debt to Mr. Hough." DR. A. E. WINSHIP, Editor Journal of Education, Boston, Mass. "You must be working more in the interest of mankind generally than for yourself, to furnish so much for so small a compensation." C. H. BAKER, C. E., Seattle, Wash. "Cannot show my appreciation better than by subscribing for an additional copy." PROF. GEORGE L. GOODALE, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. WOOD SPECIMENS FOR CLASS USE PREPARATIONS OF WOODS FOR STEREOPTICON AND MICROSCOPE VIEWS OF TYPICAL TREES WOODEN CROSS = SECTION CARDS for invitations, menus, personal cards, etc. Admirably adapted to India-ink work and painting for gift cards, etc. Send for circulars and enclose 10 cents for sample speci- mens from American Woods. Address ROMEYN B. HOUGH, Lowville, N. Y. Publishers' Announcement THE 1898-99 edition of "WHERE TO EDUCATE" is now ready for distribution. This is essentially a reference book, containing condensed information of more than three thousand private schools and colleges in the United States. The information is in the form of brief sketches, attractively written and well illustrated by half-tone engravings. The book is edited by Grace Powers Thomas, who has had wide experience in edu- cational work. Aside from its value as a reference work it has a distinct literary value, as it contains an introduction on The Private School, by Mr. Arthur Gilman, the well-known author and educator, of Cambridge, Mass., and a treatise on How to Teach English, by Frederic Lawrence Knowles, editor of " Cap and Gown." This book should find a place in every library and in every home where there are children to be educated. It is of handy size, handsomely bound in cloth, and will be sent, postpaid, to any address upon receipt of the price, $3.00. Discount to teachers and to the trade. BROWN AND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 378 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. 387 The Colorado Teachers' Agency We recommend competent teachers to School Boards. We assist teachers to desirable positions. Inquire into our method, satisfy yourself of our reliability, and then join us. We have representatives in forty -two counties of Colorado occupying posi- tions from superintendents at $2,500 a year, to principals at $1,500, to specialists in high schools at $1,000, to grade teachers at $900, to rural teachers at $450. We also have representatives in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, and Nebraska. FRED DICK, Manager, = = Denver, Colorado M i g va l ua ble in proportion to its influence. If it merely hears of vacancies and T^|_| A 'p is something, but if tells you about them 1 ll/\ 1 it is asked to recom- mend a teacher and re'com- mends you that is more. Ours C. W. BARDEEN, Syracuse, N. Y. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES EVERETT O. FISK & CO., Proprietors Send to any of the following addresses for Agency Manual, Free : 4 Ashburton Place, Boston. 825 Market Street, San Francisco. 378 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 1041 -3,26. Street, Washington. 730 Cooper Building, Denver. 414 Century Building, Minneapolis. 156 Fifth Avenue, New York. 525 Stimson Block, Los Angeles. 25 King Street, West Toronto. TEACHERS^ EXCHANGE OF BOSTON 258 Washington Street Telephone, 2192 Selects and recommends Teachers, Tutors, and Schools Reliable information furnished without charge A uthors gency Eighth Year. CRITICISM, ADVICE, RE- VISION, DISPOSAL. MSS. of all kinds. Thorough Preparation for the Press. Practi- cal Instruction. Writers' Supplies. REFERENCES: Noah Brooks, Mrs. Deland, Mrs. Burton Harrison, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, W. D. Howells, Mrs. Moulton, Charles Dudley Warner, Mary E. Wilkins, and others. For rates, and edit references, and editorial notices, send stamp to WILLIAM A. DRESSER, Director, 95 Pierce Building Mention "Where to Educate." Copley Square, BOSTON, MASS. 388 Boston Normal School of Gymnastics flechanics' Building, Boston, flass. ESTABLISHED BY THE LATE MRS. MARY HEMENWAY The Trustees under the Will of Mary Hemenway AUGUSTUS HEMENWAY REGINALD GRAY HORATIO A. LAMB Director and Officers of Instruction AMY MORRIS HOMANS, Director. C. O. LOUIS COLLIN, M.D., Instructor in Applied Anatomy and Gymnastics. GULLI OBERG CALLOWHILL, Graduate of Royal Gymnastic Central Institute, Stockholm, Instructor in Medical Gymnastics. SARAH A. BOND, M.D., Assistant Surgeon, Vincent Memorial Hospital, Medical Examiner and Lecturer on Symptomatology. JOSIAH ROYCE, PH.D., Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University, Lecturer on Psychologv and Pedagogy. H. P. BOWDITCH, M.D., Professor, and WILLIAM T. PORTER, M.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology, Harvard Medical School, Lecturers on Anthropometry. W. M. CONANT, M.D., Assistant in Clinical and Operative Surgery, Har- vard Medical School; Surgeon to the Carney Hospital, at the St. Elizabeth's Hospital, at the Charity Hospital, and Out-patient Surgeon to Massachusetts General Hospital, Lecturer on Emergencies. THEODORE HOUGH, PH.D., Assistant Professor in Physiology, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Instructor in Physiology and Histology, and Lecturer on Personal Hygiene. FRED L. BARD WELL, S.B., Assistant Professor of General Chemistry. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Instructor in Chemistry. LOUIS DERR, M.A., Instructor in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Instructor in Physics. ETHEL PERRIN, Graduate of the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, Instructor in Applied Anthropometry, Dancing, and Games. JAMES G. LATHROP, Instructor in Athletics, Harvard University, Instructor in Athletics. LIONEL A. B. STREET, JVI.D., Instructor in Swimming. 389 THE FRYE PRIVATE SCHOOL, 434 MASSACHUSETTS AVE. The Frye Private School 434 Massachusetts Avenue Corner Columbus Avenue BOSTON, - - - MASS, Prepares for Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Medical School, Radcliffe, Smith, Wellesley, or other college or school. This school, although primarily a fitting school, is open to any student wishing to pursue one or more studies. Pupils placed here from Latin or grammar schools are enabled to save two or three years' time. This is accomplished through the individual attention received by each pupil from all his in- structors and our method of classification, which places the pupil in a class fitted to his ability in each subject pursued. The sciences of Chemistry and Physics are taught in a well- equipped laboratory, where the opportunity for advanced courses is open to all who wish to study. The certificate of The Frye Private School is accepted by all colleges admitting on certificate. Catalogues on application, 39 EDWIN A. PRATT, Director ASTORIA OPERATIC -CONCERT- DRAMATIC BUREAU St. James Building, 1133 Broadway, New York Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. M R. EDWIN A. PRATT, impresario and operatic manager, one of the most popular and energetic men in the operatic and concert field to-day, has removed his office to the new and elegant St. James Building, 1133 Broadway, where,' with more space, greater facilities, and finer environment, he can the better transact his ever-increasing business. There is hardly a man more widely known in the operatic and concert world than this successful and courteous gentleman, who is thoroughly conversant with musical affairs from an experience of fifteen years. Mr. Pratt conducts all affairs in connection with his bureau on strictly business princi- ples, where the manager and artist can depend upon the truthfulness of all statements made, and rely on the integrity of all business transactions. He has received the strongest commendation of both sexes in the profession for his exact business methods. A visit to Mr. Pratt's elegant office any day will convince the caller of the amount of business he is doing. Mr. Pratt has shown exquisite taste in fitting out his office, which has been pronounced by press and public among the neatest offices in New York. It is through Mr. Pratt that many of the operatic and dramatic organizations in the country have been supplied with talent, and several persons occupying prominent positions to-day on the stage have secured the opportunity through him such organizations as FrancisWilson, De Wolf Hopper, Frank Daniels, E. E. Rice, Oscar Hammerstein, Augustus Piton, Jacob Litt, and others. He is always identified with the best known musical and dramatic artists in the country. He is desirous to secure new fresh talent, for the opera, concert, and drama, at all times. ^^^ Mr. Pratt desires correspondence with any ladies or gentlemen who wish to go on the operatic, concert, or dramatic stage with a view to business. 391 The Salem Commercial School 126 Washington Street SALEM, - - MASS. Is one of the highest graded business schools in the United States. It was established in 1890, and incor- porated under the laws of Massachusetts in 1894. It maintains two distinct courses of instruction. The De- partment of Commerce trains the young men and young women for the duties and responsibilities of active busi- ness life, makes practical accountants and well in- formed business people of them. The Department of Shorthand and Typewriting offers a thorough and wholly practical course of training for stenographic work, both for commercial and literary purposes. The school is thoroughly equipped in all its departments with the latest and most approved educational devices, as well as the most modern office appliances. A large faculty of ex- perienced teachers is employed, and a separate employ- ment bureau is maintained. The location of the school in one of the smaller cities overcomes the objections often found to sending young people to a large city to attend school, and, at the same time, Salem is near enough to Boston to afford this school equal facilities with those in Boston for securing employment for com- petent graduates. The well-known culture of Salem, its fine library and church facilities, and numerous lecture courses allow the student to secure a thoroughly prac- tical business education under the. most helpful environ- ment. Tuition is placed at $25 per term of ten weeks. Those desiring further information -should address George P. Lord, Principal, or F. A. Spence, Secretary. All cor- respondence receives the careful personal attention of one of these gentlemen, and their illustrated catalogue will be mailed free on application. THE SALEM COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 392 BOATS FOR AMATEUR BUILDERS All designs shown in my new "ALBUM OF DESIGNS" to scale as indexed or enlarged full size very cheap. SPECIAL DESIGNS TO ORDER. Patterns, Moulds, and Instruc- tions to Amateur Builders. Small Steam and Sailing Craft Built and Rigged entirely or in part. Stems and Stern Posts, Keels, Frames furnished worked in the wood. All kinds of boats set up in frame and shipped " knockdown " to any part of the world. Send 5O cents for 72-page "Album of Designs" FRED. W. MARTIN, Yacht Designer, North Chicago, 111. Formerly Racine, Wit. Charles Barnard's Pictorial Science-Talks INSTRUCTIVE, POPULAR, PRACTICAL, ENTERTAINING MR. BARNARD'S SCIENCE TALKS are personally conducted tours through shops, shipyards, studios, and the workrooms of the great masters of modern applied science. They are admirable for Schools and Teachers. Illustrated circular on application. For terms and dates all communications should be addressed to WILLIAM T. GREGG, 104 Fulton Street, New York EMIL GASTEL Voice Culture and Artistic Singing Odd Fellows' Temple Room 300 Broad and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MR. NEWELL L. WILBUR Fellow of American College of Musicians Teacher of Piano, Organ, and Theory 513 BUTLER EXCHANGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Harmony and Counterpoint successfully taught by correspondence The H. W. GREENE VOCAL STUDIOS A complete school of singing, comprehending all the branches of the vocal art and its accessories, such as sight singing, pianoforte, theory, and dramatic action No. 487 5th Ave., New York City 393 SCHOOL SUPPLIES Maps, Globes, Blackboards, Books, etc. KINDERGARTEN MATERIALS J. L. HAMMETT COMPANY 352 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 394 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAR THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE STAMPED APR 11 1916 1954 Ltf S 'B I.OAN 30m-l,'15 YC 02839