CALIFORNIA STREET M. E. CHURCH COOK BOOK California Street M. E. Church, California and Broder Compiled and Published for the Benefit THE LADIES' AID SOCIF The Merchants Nationa^ Bank of San Francisco CHRONICLE BUILDING We invite inspection of our Safe Deposit Vaults which are installed on the ground floor and are the most convenient and centrally located in San Francisco. Our Equipment is Modern and our Service the Best. BKU.S i Ring up West 558 or 559 or S 2539 for Prompt Service Every Prescription Absolutely Guaranteed f ramptum S. W. Cor. California and Steiner Sts. , ICubttt & 0. Fillmorc and JPost Telephone Douglas 1910 JOE POHEIM TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1866 806-812 Market Street 13-1 5 Ellis Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The boating and bathing at SUMMER HOME PARK cannot be sur- passed. Write for booklet, 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. USE JERSEY EVAPORATED MILK A CALIFORNIA PRODUCT PURE AND WHOLESOME NONE BETTER H. M. LeBARON & SONS Valley Ford, Sonoma Co., - - California CONTENTS SOUPS SAUCES SALADS PICKLES SANDWICHES MEAT FISH CAKE PUDDING PIES PRESERVES BREAD VEGETABLES CHAPTER ON SOUPS. CANDY HOUSEHOLD HINTS. MISCELLANEOUS. SICK ROOM DELICIOUS DESSERTS. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. Ring up West 558 for Prompt THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES tion Absolutely ranteed ;um <>\, (fin. Fillmoro and JPost Telephone Douglas 1910 JOE POHEIM TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1866 -f 806-812 Market Street 13=1 5 Ellis Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The boating and bathing at SUMMER HOME PARK cannot be sur- passed. Write for booklet, 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. USE JERSEY EVAPORATED MILK A CALIFORNIA PRODUCT PURE AND WHOLESOME NONE BETTER H. M. LeBARON & SONS Valley Ford, Sonoma Co., - - California CONTENTS SOUPS SAUCES SALADS PICKLES SANDWICHES MEAT FISH CAKE PUDDING PIES PRESERVES BREAD VEGETABLES CHAPTER ON SOUPS. CANDY HOUSEHOLD HINTS. MISCELLANEOUS. SICK ROOM DELICIOUS DESSERTS. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 2 Free Deliveiy. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. PREFACE The ladies who have been devoting their time to the compilation of the contents of this book have the satisfaction of now presenting the result of their labors to the public. Believing that the work will be appreciated not only for its intrinsic merit, but also as the proceeds of its sales are for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society of the California Street M. E. Church. The thanks of the compilers are especially ten- dered to the ladies who so kindly assisted by their recipes and to the advertisers, without whose as- sistance the book could not have been published, and they cordially commend the parties advertising to the patronage of all who buy the book. To those who have helped by their contributions, they make most grateful acknowledgment. BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. Goldberg, Bowen & Co. GROCERS CALIFORNIA STREET STORE 2829 California St., near Devisadero MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO (Member of the Associated Savings Banks of San Francisco.) A SAVINGS ACCOUNT MAY BE STARTED WITH A DOLLAR Hours: 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 12 noon Saturday Evenings for Deposits Only, 5:30 to 8 p. m. GUARANTEED CAPITAL $1,000,000 PAID UP CAPITAL $300,000 SURPLUS $425,000 DIRECTORS JAMES D. PHELAN, President CHARLES HOLBROOK JOHN A. HOOPER, Vice-Pres. RUDOLPH SPRECKELS J. K. MOFFITT, Vice-President. J. C. McKINSTRY R. D. MCELROY ROLLA v. WATT H. O. BEATTY SAVING ACCOUNTS CHECKING ACCOUNTS GEO. A. STORY, Cashier C. B. HOBSON, Asst. Cashier A. E. CURTIS, Asst. Cashier J. C. McKINSTRY and D. C. MURPHY, Attorneys. 706 MARKET STREET, Opposite Third Street, SAN FRANCISCO BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. A Meal Without Meat. Popular Prices. Open All Day, Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. THE PARISIAN WAIST HOUSE J. E. KE.LLEY, Proprietor Manufacturers and Designers of High Class WAISTS, NECKWEAR, and CORSET COVERS, ready made and to order. The very highest grade of Materials, best Workmanship, exclusive Styles at Reasonable Prices. On this we solicit your valued patronage. PHONE DOUGLAS 1O44 132 Geary Street San Francisco Be Sure You Get the Genuine 10 CENTS CURES HEADACHES. EMERSON'S Bromo-Seltzer For HEADACHES NEURALGIA NERVOUSNESS AT ALL DRUGGISTS AVOID IMITATIONS THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION has made over 5000 of its stockholders home-owners. 5 No saloons at SUMMER HOME PARK. Ideal surroundings for a summer home. Write for booklet. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. SOUPS. Use KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons. Potato Soup. Peel and boil three large potatoes, wash and add one large tablespo'onful of butter, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and salt to taste, and one pint of milk; strain and add a little chopped parsley; reheat but do not boil; serve at once. A. E. P. Cream of Corn Soup. Add a pint of water to one can of corn and stew for one hour, strain, add Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and salt, and one pint of milk. Have well mixed one tablespoonful of Sperry Flour and one tablespoonful of butter; add to soup when it conies to a boil. A. E. P. Dark Bean Soup. Soak a cupful of dark beans over night. Boil for about two hours or until soft; mash and add one quart of good, well-seasoned stock and strain. When ready to serve, put into tureen one hard-boiled egg chopped fine, two or three thin slices of lemon and one tablespoonful of sherry, then pour in boiling soup. A. E. P. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Chicken Gumbo. Cut up one half-grown chicken, dip in Sperry Flour and fry; fry about two quarts okra, cut fine in separate skillet; when both are brown, put together in a pot and add two quarts of warm water and four or five ripe tomatoes peeled and sliced; add a small onion, some bay leaves and thyme. Boil slowly from two to six hours, and serve with boiled rice. T. Hollingsworth. Crayfish Bisque. Choose forty crayfish and let them have a good boiling, remove from the fire and drain; clean the heads, keep thirty of the shells, and also the remains, which put to boil in a quart of water; peel tails and chop them fine and make a paste with that meat to which add a cupful of soaked bread, a spoonful of fried onions, chopped parsley, salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper to taste, and with this fill the thirty shells and set them aside. Start soup by frying in butter and onion, some Sperry's Flour for thicken- ing, and a half cup each of green onions and parsley chopped fine, a spray of thyme and two bay leaves. When brown, pour in the bouillon made with the remains of the heads, and season with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper; boil slowly for half hour, adding more water if needed. When ready to serve, take each head, roll in Sperry's Flour and fry all in butter until crisp and throw in soup. Boil three or four minutes and serve with thin slices of toasted bread. T. Hollingsworth. Mock Turtle Soup. Make stock for soup of any fresh meat or salt pork. In another kettle boil black beans two hours, strain through a colander into the soup, adding Folger's Golden Gate' Cloves, summer savory, sweet marjoram, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and salt. When ready for the table add, after straining a second time, sliced lemon, hard-boiled eggs cut in slices. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 6 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. THE MODERN HOME Phones West 7741, Home S 4877 One of the requisites of a modern home is an up-to-date, sanitary plumbing equipment. To safeguard the domestic health and to keep the home thoroughly clean and whole- some at all times, plumbing fix- tures affording absolute and per- fect sanitation are a prime ne- cessity. "STANDARD" plumbing fix- tures and our expert mechanics will make your bathroom attrac- tive and inviting. Let us give you an estimate. || S. PETERSEN SANITARY PLUMBER 2337 FILLMORE STREET ! COCOA NAPHTHA SOAP AT YOUR GROCERS MANUFACTURED BY The LOS ANGELES SOAP CO. 250-254 FRONT ST. - - SAN FRANCISCO BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 7 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. Cream of Asparagus Soup. For two quarts of soup, use two bundles of asparagus. Cut the tops off and cook twenty minutes; pour in one pint of cream and one tablespoonful each of butter and Sperry Flour rubbed together. Serve with toasted wafers. Inquirer. Veal Gumbo Soup. Two pounds of fresh veal, one pound of fresh pork, one onion, parsley, one-half pound of okra. Cut the veal finely, also the pork; fry until brown. Cut the okra into small slices; add that with onion and parsley to the meat; stil until brown; add a pint of warm water, flavor with Folger's Golden Gate Pepper; let it simmer slowly; in twenty minutes add another pint of boiling water and two gills of claret wine. The soup is now ready for the table. Miss T. Hollingsworth. Tomato Cream Soup. Put a quart of sweet milk on the fire in double boiler, and a can of tomatoes in another saucepan. Add a scant teaspoonful of soda to the tomatoes when they have cooked suffi- ciently, and strain. Thicken the milk when hot with a tablespoonful Sperry Flour blended with a little cold milk or water. Mix together just before serving; also add seasoning just before mixing. Mrs. H. Wilson. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Cream of Celery Soup. One and a half pounds of lean veal, chopped; one moderately young chicken, jointed; add two quarts of cold water, and simmer until meat is cooked; remove the breast of chicken, and all best parts of meat; return the bones to the pot, and boil hard for an hour; strain, and let cool over night. (The chicken will make a dozen croquettes or a nice salad, and the soup is just as good without it.) About an hour before using the soup, skim off all the fat, and put the "stock," which should be a jelly, into a kettle. Let it slowly come to a boil, salt and pepper it, add a cupful and a half of good sweet cream, and two teaspoonfuls of Sperry. Flour made smooth in a little of the cream. Do not boil it now, for fear of curdling. Have ready a cupful of celery chopped fine; stew it for half an hour in a little salted boiling water; drain off the water, and add celery to soup. Have a teaspoonful of cracker crumbs in the bowl, and serve immediately, before the crumbs are soaked. Mrs. J. C. D. Tomato Soup Without Stock. One-half pound of good butter. Let it simmer. Add the heart of an onion sliced, six cloves, six Folger's Golden Gate Allspice, a small piece of red pepper, a blade or two of mace, and a .few sprays of parsley. When the onion is well browned add a quart of tomatoes chipped, or a can of tomatoes if it is in winter time. Cook slowly for an hour; strain, and add a tablespoonful of well-browned Sperry Flour made smooth in cream not enough cream to make the soup white. Of course, if you have stock, a cupful improves the soup, or two teaspoonfuls of beef extract is a good substitute for stock in any vegetable soup. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 8 Health and Happiness You will Enjoy Both. Thousands have proven it. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary. OUR TKLEPHOXE NUMBER WEST 556 UaL DRUGGIST PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES AND RUBBER GOODS. GOOD DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. CORNER FILLMORE & CALIFORNIA STS., SAN FRANCISCO BROCK & CO. GROCERS Sacramento Street and Presidio Ave. LOCATED AT 119 POWELL STREET FROM 1891 TO 1906 Telephone Douglas 3266 L. RUFFIEUX French Confectionery SELECT ASSORTMENT OF FINE CANDIES & PATISSERIE ICE CREAM TO ORDER WEDDING CAKES AND CREAM CAKES A SPECIALTY 211 POWELL STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ALBERT MENSOR, President. ALEX. MENSOR, Secretary WE CAN'T BE BEAT IN WORK OR PRICES PRESIDIO PLUMBING & HARDWARE CO. (Registered) PLUMBING, TINNING, GLAZING, STOVE REPAIRING JOBBING HARDWARE, AGATEWARE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PAINTS AND OILS 3326-28 SACRAMENTO STREET, Near Presidio Avenue Phone West 3198 THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION helps people to secure homes of their own. 9 Wild flowers and beautiful ferns galore at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Cream of Celery Soup. Cut three heads of celery into half-inch pieces, and cook in one quart of boiling water until soft, then mash in the water. Cook one dessertspoonful of chopped onions and one quart of milk in oatmeal boiler ten minutes, and add the celery. Rub through a strainer, and put on to boil again. Cook one table- spoonful each butter and Sperry Flour together until smooth, and stir into the boiling soup one-half teaspoonful of salt and one-half saltspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Pepper. Boil five minutes, strain and serve. Mrs. J. C. D. SAUCES. KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons are always best. Parsley Sauce. To be used with boiled chicken, boiled salt pork, baked white fish, boiled salmon, or lima beans. Take a large bunch of parsley, wash clean, boil with stems on in as little water as pos- sible, into which drop a piece of soda as large as a small pea, to keep the parsley green. When tender, take from the water, which must be saved; pick from stems; chop fine; add as much rich milk to the water as needed, a piece of butter the size of an egg, salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper. Stir in parsley; thicken and cook a few minutes. In serving with boiled chicken, cook the chicken in as little water as possible, boiling it down, if too much for the sauce, after the chicken is removed, and use this broth for the sauce instead of milk. Mrs. T. H. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Onion Sauce. To be served with either roast mutton or pork. Boil the onions until tender; chop fine after being thoroughly drained. Have ready half a pint of scalding milk, seasoned with butter, salt, and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper; a little cayenne. Stir in the onions and thicken; cook a few minutes and serve. ~ SALADS. We recommend KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons. Up-to-Date Salad. One and one-half cups celery chopped fine, one cup English walnuts; dressing, yolks of two eggs, two table- spoonfuls vinegar, two tablespoonfuls butter, one tablespoonful sugar, one teaspoonful salt; boil vinegar and sugar and salt, add eggs, stir until thick; remove from the stove and add butter before serving; add one-half cup whipped cream. L. R. E. Pepper Salad. One-half package white gelatine dissolved in one- half cup cold water; half cup mild vinegar, juice of one lemon, one cup sugar, little salt; add half pint boiling water; cool and pour over two cups chopped cabbage, one cup chopped celery; about one-half can sweet Spanish red peppers. This is delicious. Mrs. J. M. Jackson. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 10 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Telephone West 571 DUMBRELL'S FRUIT MARKET HIGHEST QUALITY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORDERS SHIPPED TO THE COUNTRY AGENTS FOR PURE IMPORTED OLIVE OIL 2841-43-45 CALIFORNIA STREET NEAR DEVISADERO SAN FRANCISCO Phone West 1895 A. HILLEBRANDT GROCER 1901 Devisadero Street Cor. Pine TELEPHONE WEST 7185 E. L. SUTTON FINE GROCERIES AND DELICACIES 1572 DEVISADERO ST. - SAN FRANCISCO ALWAYS ASK FOR SILVER BRAND COLLARS SOLD EVERYWHERE TWO FOR 25 CENTS BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 11 FREE Send for booklet descriptive of SUMMER HOME PARK the prettiest place in all California. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Pineapple and Celery Salad. Cut both in dice-shaped pieces. Serve on lettuce leaves with salad dressing. E. R. L. Mayonnaise Dressing. One-half pint salad oil, one egg yolk, salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, three or four tablespoonfuls lemon juice or vinegar. Have the ingredients all thoroughly cold. Add oil to yolk of egg, very slowly at first, but after a while it may be added more rapidly. When all the oil is used, put in the seasoning, and thin down to required consistency with the lemon juice or vinegar. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Chicken Salad. One cold cooked fowl, two cups celery, salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper to taste, four tablespoonfuls oil, two tablespoonfuls vinegar, mayonnaise dressing, lettuce, hard-boiled egg and olives for decorating. Cut the fowl into dice, removing all skin and gristle; mix it with the celery, add the salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and marinate for an hour before using with the oil and vinegar. Mix with mayonnaise dressing, and garnish with lettuce, hard-boiled egg and stoned olives, or strips of red pepper. Lobster Salad. Cut the lobster meat fn small pieces, but do not chop it; moisten with one tablespoonful oil and one of vinegar for one pint of meat. Season with a little cayenne, and keep it cold till served. Arrange it in a salad bowl or platter, with cup-shaped lettuce or with large leaves freshly shredded, and cover with mayonnaise dressing. A few slices of red radish, or rings from sliced beet, or sweet red pepper will give a bit of color; but eggs are unnecessary with such a salad. Mrs. Shank. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Tomato Jelly Salad. Soak one-half box gelatine in one-half cup cold water; dissolve in three cups boiling highly-seasoned tomato, strain and mold in cups and when chilled and firm serve on lettuce with dressing. Fruit and Nut Salads. Mix one cup each of freshly sliced apple and celery and one-half cup of crumbled walnuts. Dress with mayonnaise dressing and serve with lettuce. Mrs. Charlotte Weir. Boiled Salad Dressing. One pint vinegar, two tablespoonfuls Sperry Flour, two tablespoonfuls cornstarch, one rounding teaspoon- ful Folger's Golden Gate Mustard, one-eighth teaspoonful white pepper, one teaspoonful salt, one tablespoonful sugar, four yolks eggs, one-quarter cup butter. Put the vinegar in upper boiler (if too strong use part water) and salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, blend Sperry Flour and cornstarch smoothly with two tablespoonfuls of water; pour boiling vinegar slowly over mixture and return to boiler. Let cook while stirring until it thickens. Blend mustard and sugar and add to slightly beaten yolks of eggs. Put boiler over hot water in lower boiler. Remove from fire and add eggs and butter, beating in carefully with dover beater, to make dressing very smooth. Cool and put in covered glasses. When ready to use, add plain or whipped cream, in proportion of one-third cream to two-thirds dress- ing or equal parts. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 12 A Happy Smile Comes Easier With Good Digestion. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. HOME MADE BREAD, CAKES AND PIES EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS New England Bakery FRANK FREY, Proprietor HOT BREAD, PARKER HOUSE ROLLS AND CREAM BISCUITS TWICE A DAY. BOSTON BAKED BEANS & BROWN BREAD EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY A LARGE VARIETY OF HOME-MADE CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND 1709 DEVISADERO STREET SAN FRANCISCO TABLE NECESSITIES AT THE JEWELRY STORE FLATWARE in sterling and plated silver; all leading patterns. HOLLO WWARE Whether a child's cup or a tea set, we have a fine variety. CUT GLASS Selected from the leading makers and at prices very inviting to your patronage. CLOCKS Suitable for parlor, bedroom or kitchen use. JEWELERS Phones Market 7080, Home M 3926 CHRISTENSON LUMBER CO. G. M. CHRISTENSON PINE REDWOOD SPRUCE CEDAR KILN DRIED LUMBER REDWOOD SHINGLES CEDAR SHINGLES LATH SEVENTEENTH & KENTUCKY STS., SAN FRANCISCO THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION pays 6 per cent on time money. 13 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Shrimp Salad (Spanish). Pick the shrimps in small pieces, season with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and a dash of red pepper; chop green mangoes (one large one to each can of shrimps). Toss all up well and serve with mayonnaise dressing. Mrs. W. C. Baker. Cabbage Salad. Cut with a sharp knife in fine shreds one well bleached head of white cabbage, one head of Indian cabbage (red). Alternate in your salad bowl and cover with the following dressing: The raw yolks of two eggs, one-half teacupful of olive oil, three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, one tablespoonful of made mustard, one teaspoonful of sugar, a dash of Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, one saltspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of chopped capers. Pour over the cabbage and serve. Mrs. W. C. Baker. Boiled Salad Dressing. Two raw eggs beaten, one tablespoonful butter, six tablespoonfuls vinegar, one tablespoonful water. Pour on boiling water until it thickens to the consistency of cream. Salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper after taken from the stove. Mrs. Bradley. Cream Salad Dressing. Six eggs beaten very light; one-half teacupful of melted butter; one large coffeecupful of cream; one tea- spoonful of salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper each; one mustard- spoonful of mustard; one tablespoonful of sugar mixed with mustard; one small teacupful of vinegar. When well mixed float on hot water and stir until it thickens. Mrs. F. B. Dressing for Salads. Two raw eggs; one tablespoonful of butter; eight tablespoonfuls of vinegar; one-half teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Mustard. Place in a bowl over boiling water, stir until it becomes like cream, and. Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and salt to your taste. Mrs. E. P. S. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Mayonnaise Dressing. Yolk of two eggs; finest olive oil; vinegar; lemon juice; salt. Put the yolk of the eggs in a round-bottom dish, then put in a teaspoonful of salt and commence to stir with a wooden fork, dropping slowly onto this the oil; continue to stir and drop the oil until it has become thick; then add the vinegar and lemon juice, drop by drop, continuing to stir it until it is thoroughly mixed and has come to the proper consistency. Kinsley. Potato Salad. Prepare dressing as follows and have cold, ready for use: Yolks of three eggs, one tablespoonful of sugar, one table- spoonful of Sperry Flour, one cupful of vinegar, one-half cupful of water, butter size of an egg, scant teaspoonful of salt, small spoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Mustard, a little Folger's Golden Gate Pep- per. Slice cold-boiled potatoes very thin, put a layer in the salad dish. Scatter over this a pinch of chopped parsley, a trifle of grated onion, and a few pieces of beet cut in dice shape. Over this put a little of the dressing, and repeat until the dish is full. Garnish with sprigs of parsley and bits of beet. A teaspoonful of grated onion, one beet, and a tablespoonful of chopped parsley are enough for an ordinary sized dish. Mrs. E. F. C. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 14 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. E. E. JOHNSON A. S. JOHNSON A. W. JOHNSON JOHNSON BROS. INCORPORATED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS The largest and only first-class Temperance Grocery house in San Francisco. Goods sold by the dozen or case ten to fifteen per cent less than the retail price. Importers and exporters of Fancy Groceries Sole agents for all goods under Golden Grain Brand. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE 2183-87 FILLMORE ST., near Sacramento SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA PHONES: WEST 964 WEST 965 WEST 966 THE CALIFORNIA f^\ /^\ V>rr UK). 61.10 330.70 733.80 1225.10 1824.10 $5 per mo. $10 per mo. 122.20 r.iU.40 1467.60 2450.20 3648.20 HO per mo. $20 per mo. 244.40 1322.80 2935.20 4900.40 7296.40 $20 per mo. Commercial Savings and Foreign Banking THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION teaches system to others in saving. 17 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutler St., S. F. Tomato Jelly Salad. One can tomatoes or eight medium sized tomatoes, and stew them with one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Cloves, one small onion, one bay leaf, salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, two tablespoonfuls vinegar, and cook until tomatoes are soft. Dissolve one heaping tablespoonful of gelatine in one-half cup cold water; strain tomatoes and pour over gelatine while hot and mould. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise. Mrs. C. E. Cocks. Potato and Egg Salad. Three hard-cooked eggs, chop fine using silver knife to prevent the eggs being discolored; cook potatoes, cut in dice while hot, and mix with the egg. Add dressing, and season with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper. Serve very cold on lettuce or watercress. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. PICKLES, ETC. "KINGAN & CO.," the Brand of Quality. Chili Sauce. Eighteen large ripe tomatoes, five green peppers, and three onions chopped fine, three cups vinegar, two tablespoonfuls salt, four tablespoonfuls sugar, two tablespoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate Cinnamon, one tablespoonful Folger's Golden Gate Cloves, one tablespoonful Folger's Golden Gate Allspice, one nutmeg. Boil an hour, or longer if too thin. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Green Tomato Pickles. Put into stone jar a layer of plump green tomatoes, cut in slices, a large green mango sliced, a layer of sliced onions; alternate the layers until the jar is filled. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Cover and let stand over night. Drain, put in preserving kettle with vinegar to cover; scald but do not boil. Drain again, cover with cold vinegar, season with one tablespoonful of Folger's Golden Gate whole cloves, one tablespoonful of whole pepper corns and one ounce of white radish seed. Cover closely. Mrs. W. C. Baker. Mustard Pickles. One quart small cucumber, one quart green tomatoes or onions, one large cauliflower, four green peppers cut fine. Make a brine of four quarts of water, and one pint salt. Pour over the vegetables and let stand twenty- four hours. Heat just enough to scald, and turn into a colander to drain. Mix one cup Sperry Flour, six tablespoonfuls mustard, and one tablespoonful termeric, with enough cold vinegar to make paste; then add one cup sugar and sufficient vinegar to make two quarts in all. Boil the mixture until it is thick, stirring all the time; then add the vegetables, and well heat. Mrs. Pearson. Tomato Sauce. Into a saucepan put one-half can tomatoes, one bay leaf, few Folger's Golden Gate Cloves, one blade of mace, one- half teaspoon salt, one-quarter teaspoon paprika, and ten drops of onion juice. Simmer for fifteen minutes and press through a fine sieve. Add one-third box of gelatine which has been soaked in one- third cup of cold water, and stir until dissolved. Add two table- SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 18 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. MALDONADO & COMPANY IMPORT AND EXPORT MERCHANTS DEALERS IN PRODUCTS FROM MEXICO. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA SAN FRANCISCO, CAL NEW YORK, N. Y. 49 CALIFORNIA STREET 116 BROAD STREET BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 19 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutler St., San Francisco. spoonfuls of vinegar and pour into molds. When firm, set in lettuce leaves and garnish with mayonnaise dressing. Mrs. Charlotte Weir. Chili Sauce. Twenty-five good sized, ripe tomatoes, scalded and skinned; twenty-five onions of medium size; eight green peppers, seeds removed; one bunch celery. Chop all up quite fine; add two cups granulated sugar, two tablespoonfuls salt, and one-half table- spoonful each of Folger's Golden Gate ground mace, allspice, cloves and cinnamon, with one quart of cider vinegar. Put all in granite kettle-; cook slowly three hours and stir often. When cool put in bottles, sealing well. SANDWICHES. Use KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons. Cheese Sandwich. (None Better.) Take good, snappy cheese, mix to a paste with melted butter (equal parts). Make thin sand- wiches, trimming the edges neatly. Brown both sides in butter, in your chafing dish blazer. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." A Popular Sandwich. A sandwich greatly in favor among gen- tlemen, because it is substantial and appetizing and served at restau- rants of established reputation for excellence of their cuisine, as the Waldorf-Astoria of New York, is generally known as the "club sandwich." With a cup of coffee or cocoa it is almost a meal of itself. Cut slices of bread about y\ inch in thickness, remove the crusts and reserve one-half of slices to be used, plain. Toast remain- ing half very delicately, and butter, almost imperceptibly, so little is used. Broil very thinly-cut slices of bacon. Place strips of bacon on plain bread, cover with a heart leaf of lettuce, add mayonnaise dress- ing, daintily-sliced cold chicken, and finish with toasted slice on top. Serve on leaves of lettuce, garnished with parsley, or on doily without any garnish. Cucumber Sandwich. Pare a thin cucumber, divide in quarters lengthwise and slice very thin; keep them in ice water half an hour; drain on towel, mix with any preferred salad dressing, and spread a layer on thin slices of bread, cover with bread and press lightly. Egg Sandwich. Mince hard eggs very fine, mix with minced olives or cress, or parsley; moisten with softened butter or mayon- naise; season to taste and spread between sliced bread. Or combine yolks with an equal amount of potted ham. Pepper Filling for Sandwiches. Use the sweet bell peppers, re- move the seeds and chop fine, and mix with a very little mayonnaise, just enough to form a paste, and spread between thin slices of bread. Sardine Filling. Mince sardines very finely and remove all bones and skin; add a little French dressing with a little Folger's Golden Gate lemon juice. Spread on lettuce leaves; place between thin slices of bread. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 20 A Meal Without Meat. Popular Prices. Open All Day, Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. THE STANDARD OF FINE CANDIES 52 KEARNY STREET SAN FRANCISCO CAL. THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION pays 6 per cent on time money. 21 Wild flowers and beautiful ferns galore at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Chicken Salad Sandwiches. Mince cold chicken very fine (do not chop); one-third as much well-bleached celery, chopped very fine, one coffeecupful of chopped English walnuts, a few stalks of minced parsley. Toss all together lightly, mix with mayonnaise dressing; spread between thin bread and butter sandwiches. Cut in fancy shapes with sandwich cutter. Banana Sandwich. Spread Graham bread with thick cream, salt it, lay on thin lengthwise strips of banana; add a dash of sugar and a few drops of Folger's Golden Gate lemon juice, or bits of currant jelly, and cover with a slice of buttered white bread. Celery Sandwich. Equal parts of finely-minced celery, and rich cream cheese, moisten with mayonnaise or whipped cream; season, spread on thin bread, cover with a slice buttered, and spread with currant jelly. Date Sandwich. Wash dates in tepid water, dry and stone them, remove scales and the inner skin near stone, if it be tough; add an equal amount of finely-chopped walnuts, and moisten with soft butter or cream, till it can be spread on slices of bread. Cover, press together, and cut in triangles. Combine figs and pecans, or raisins and almonds in same way. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Roquefort Wafers. Spread any preferred thin biscuit or wafer, long or square, with Roquefort blended with butter or cream, and dust with Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon; put together and press lightly. MEATS. KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons are always best. Veal Loaf. Two pounds of veal and one-quarter pound of salt pork, put through sausage grinder; two cups of bread crumbs soaked in stock or milk; two eggs unbeaten; a little grated onion; salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper. Steam in pudding pail two hours. Serve hot, with tomato sauce, or is good cold. Mrs. C. E. Cocks. Ducks a la Mode. Take two fine ducks, cut them in quarters, fry them in butter a little brown, pour off all the fat and throw a little Sperry Flour over them; add a half pint of good gravy, one- quarter pint of red wine, two eschalots, one anchovy and a few sweet herbs; cover them close; let stew fifteen minutes, take out the herbs; skim off grease and let the sauce be thick as cream. Send to the table garnished with lemon. T. Hollingsworth. Boiled Pigeon. Clean and stuff pigeons with turkey dressing, sew up and truss, cover with water on a kettle and boil half an hour, then drain off the water, roll in. Sperry Flour and fry brown in pork fat. Thicken the liquor with Sperry Flour, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, salt, cloves, mace and catsup; put pigeons in this gravy and simmer for two hours. M. T. H. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 22 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Telephone West 999 Stringer Storage Co. MOVERS, PACKERS & SHIPPERS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Warehouse and Office SUTTER AND FILLMORE STREETS, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. XKW FIREPROOF BUILDING For the Storage of Household Goods, Pianos, Valuable Libraries and Paintings. Clean Warerooms. Perfect Ventilation. Every Precaution Taken Against Moths. Vaults for Silverware and Valuables. Packing Room Absolutely Fireproof. Patronize Home Industry Buy Your Solid Silverware and Gold and and Silver Jewelry Direct from the Manufacturer BY DOING SO, YOU GIVE SUPPORT TO THE PAYROLL, WHICH IS THE VERY FOUNDATION OF PROSPERITY TO CALIFORNIA. JOHN O. BELLIS Store and Factory, 328 Post Street; Union Square BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 23 FREE Send for booklet descriptive of SUMMER HOME PARK the prettiest place in all California. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Ducks and Turnips. Take ducks, either wild or domestic, place in stew-pan with small quantity of water; surround and fill ducks with turnips peeled and cut, season with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, boil slowly for two or three hours on back of stove. T. Hollingsworth. Potted Pigeons. Clean the pigeons, tie in shape, then sprinkle with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and Sperry Flour. Place some thin slices of fat salt pork or butter, if preferred, in the bottom of an earthen jar or small porcelain kettle and lay the pigeons on it. Put a few slices of onion on the birds and pour over the whole boil- ing water to nearly cover. Cover the jar or kettle so that no steam escapes and set it in a pot of water where it will simmer steadily for two hours, or until the birds are tender. When stewed enough take up onto a hot dish, skim the fat from the gravy, thicken with a teaspoonful of butter and Sperry Flour rubbed to a cream, then add a spoonful of cream and a little lemon peel. Pour the sauce over the birds and garnish with parsley and sliced lemon. If desired, the pigeons may be stuffed before jugging. In this case, add to their giblets, minced fine, a little shredded beef suet, bread crumbs, pars- ley and marjoram to season, and one or two eggs to bind. T. Hollingsworth. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Rcast Beef. Take a rib or a loin roast of about five pounds; wipe it well with a wet towel; lay it in the dripping-pan and baste it well with butter; set it a hot oven; baste it frequently with its own drippings, which will make it brown and tender. When partly done, season with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper; dredge with sifted Sperry Flour. Two hours will be required to roast. Remove the beef to a heated dish, add a tablespoonful sifted Sperry Flour to the gravy and one cupful of boiling water. Mrs. F. Elmer Buckman. Smothered Flank Steak. Lay the meat out smoothly and wipe it dry. Prepare a dressing, using a cupful of fine cracker crumbs, half a teaspoonful of salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, a table- spoonful of butter, one tablespoonful of savory, and enough milk to moisten all into a stiff mixture. Spread it over the meat, roll it up carefully and tie with a string. Place in the oven and roast one hour. Mrs. F. Elmer Buckman. Broiled Steak. For broiling, select only the choicest cuts from one inch to one and one-half inches thick; remove bone and surplus fat, trim edges and skewer into shape. Have broiler very hot, grease with bit of suet and place steak close to flame, to sear the surface. Turn, sear other side quickly and reduce flame or lower broiler and cook more slowly. Allow 8 or 10 minutes for steak one inch thick Serve on hot platter, pour over part of fat, season and garnish. If a sauce should be desired use mushroom or maitre d'hotel or a "Club- house" seasoning. Never pierce meat with fork while cooking. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 24 THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION pays 4 per cent on call money. Jos. FREDERICKS & Co. Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, Draperies WINDOW SHADES WALL PAPER Telephones Sutter 2100; Home C 2101 Post and Stockton Sts. San Francisco BOOKS A carefully selected stock containing the latest and best from all publishers is now on sale Books for Gifts Books for the Children Books for the Library Books of all Kinds Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch 565-571 Market St. 252 So. Spring St. San Francisco Los Angeles A Happy Smile Comes Easier With Good Digestion. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. 25 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. Beef Stew. Two pounds beef (round, cut in small pieces), one- half tablespoonful chopped onion, one-half tablespoonful chopped parsley, one can mushrooms. Fry beef in olive oil or butter till brown; then place in pan with water enough to cover the meat. Add one-half tablespoonful of chopped onion and parsley; simmer for two hours and one-half or until meat is tender. Add the mush- rooms and cook fifteen minutes longer. Thicken with browned Sperry Flour and salt to taste. Mrs. Charlotte Weir. Stewed Sweet Breads. Remove every particle of skin and fat from two sweetbreads; wash thoroughly and let them lie in cold water one hour to whiten. Then put them into a stew-pan, with enough boiling water to cover them; throw in a teaspoonful of salt, and boil briskly thirty minutes or until done through. Pour off the boiling water, cover with cold and let them stand ten or fifteen minutes. When cold and firm, cut into small square pieces and sprinkle over .with salt, and one tablespoonful of Sperry Flour. Put them into a clean stew-pan, with one tablespoonful of butter; one-half cup of cream; one-half a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, and a light shake of Folger's Golden Gate black pepper. Simmer for ten minutes. Serve hot in a covered dish. Mrs. Dr. L. L. G. Corned Beef Hash. Equal quantities of cold corned beef and mashed potatoes, a little chopped parsley, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and butter. Fry brown, then turn over and brown on other side. If too dry, moisten with a little milk. A. E. P. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Chicken Croquettes. One tablespoonful butter in saucepan; when melted, add one tablespoonful Sperry Flour; let cook two or three minutes. Add one and one-half cups milk, stirring all the time; when it comes to a boil add Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, salt, a little mace, one tablespoonful chopped parsley and a little minced onion and two cups cold minced chicken. Dip into beaten egg and roll in cracker crumbs. After molding into croquettes, fry in boiling fat. A. E. P. Soup Dumplings. Six soda crackers rolled fine; one egg; one- quarter cup drippings or butter; season with nutmeg, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and salt. Dumplings. Mix ,one cup of Sperry Flour, two teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate Baking Powder, one egg well beaten, one tea- spoonful melted butter, three tablespoonfuls milk and a pinch of salt. Drop in the stew; cover closely; boil 20 minutes. Mrs. Lehman. To Accompany Roast Beef. A "tasty" adjunct to roasts with good brown sauce is Mashed Potato Pie. Butter a shallow baking dish from which the pie may be served at the table, coat lightly with fine bread crumbs, fill with well mashed and seasoned potatoes, whipped until light, put on a pastry crust and bake as a pie. Serve with the roast, cutting in pie-shaped pieces and adding a spoonful or two of brown sauce. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 26 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. (En. HIGH-GRADE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which is amalgamated the Bank of British Columbia HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Paid-Up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund $7,000,000 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $150,000,000.00 Sir Edmund Walker, President Alex. Laird, Gen. Mgr. London Office 2 Lombard St., F. C. New York Office 16 Exchange Place San Francisco Office : 450 California Street BRUCE HEATHCOTE, Manager BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 27 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutler St., S. F. Paprika Schnitzel. Cut two pounds of thick veal steak into small pieces; roll in seasoned Sperry Flour and fry brown in the fat from several slices of salt pork. Remove the meat from the pan and add two tablespoonfuls of Sperry Flour to the remaining fat; brown lightly and pour in gradually the strained liquor from a can of tomatoes. Add a slice each of onion and carrot, three or four bay leaves and a bit of mace, then return meat to the sauce; cover closely and simmer slowly three-quarters of an hour. When done remove the meat; season the sauce with salt and paprika and strain onto the platter. Mrs. H. Wilson. Hamburg Steak. A Hamburg steak is much more attractive and wholesome broiled in a wire broiler under gas flame than as ordinarily cooked by frying in a pan over a top burner. Form into rounds or oval shape about size of the hand, having edges as thick as the center, and, in broiling, turn from side to side, until cooked as desired. Serve with brown or tomato sauce. Roast Beef. Heat the broiling oven. Put roast in pan under the flame, searing all sides. When seared, dust with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and Sperry Flour, and put trimmings of fat over the roast and in bottom of pan. If there is danger of flour browning too much, add a little water. Baste with the fat in the pan. Have oven hot at first to sear but not harden the surface of the meat. Keep turning the roast as it begins browning and baste frequently, and reduce heat after the searing, so as to cook more slowly. (It is a good plan to so manage your work that you can use the upper oven in baking while roasting meat in the lower.) "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." English Pot Pie. Slices of cold meat, one onion, salt, gravy, four potatoes; put layers of meat in the bottom of pie dish; then onion cut in small pieces; meat and onion alternately until the dish is almost full; pour in gravy to about three inches of filling the dish. Boil the potatoes separately, cut in slices; place over; bake in hot oven one hour. L. Semley. Steamed Veal Loaf (To be eaten cold.) Two pounds of lean veal and one cup of salt pork chopped fine (use the meat chopper, and grind meat moderately fine, as it makes a more compact loaf), one cup of freshly grated bread crumbs, two eggs, well beaten, two level teaspoonfuls salt, one-quarter teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, a tablespoonful each of celery and parsley cut fine, one- half tablespoonful of onion juice. Put ingredients into an earthen bowl and mix well with the hands. Butter baking powder cans, or a mold, coat with bread crumbs lightly, fill compactly with the meat and cover with tight-fitting lid. Place cans on a trivet in kettle of boiling water reaching almost to top of cans. Let pound cans boil (or steam) about one and one-half hours. Do not remove from cans until cold. This is a nice luncheon meat at home, and especially nice for picnic purposes. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 28 Curiosity Brought Us Our First Customer. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. lalbtmtt ano has that vibrant mass of tone responsive to the musician's stormier impulses and to quieter moods, evoking beautifully colored harmonies. Company Manufacturers 310 Suffer Sf., San Francisco COMPLIMENTS OF J. H. ADAMS & CO. BONDS 3OO SANSOME STREET THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION helps people to secure homes of their own. 29 No saloons at SUMMER HOME PARK. Ideal surroundings for a summer home. Write for booklet. Office 128 Sutler St., S. F. Beef L(v.f. Three pounds of rare beef chopped fine, one-half pound salt pork, one tablespoonful salt, ten tablespoonfuls of rolled crackers, one-half cup of milk, two eggs well beaten. Mix well and form into a loaf. Pour over half pint of water. Bake two hours, cool, and cut into slices. Mrs. E. Harmon. Yorkshire Timbales. Sift one saltspoonful of salt with one cup of Sperry Flour into a bowl; beat two eggs very light; add one cup of milk, beating eggs into the milk; pour milk on the flour gradually, to make a smooth paste. Beat all well together. Use beef drippings from roast to grease hot gem pans. After timbales have risen, baste with hot drippings. Serve with roast beef. Timbales are more easily managed and have more crust than same batter baked in pan with the roast. Jellied Tongue. Boil until done a large smoked beef tongue, saving a pint of the liquor; remove the skin, allow it to get perfectly cold, and slice as for the table. In half a pint of water dissolve thoroughly two ounces of gelatine; carefully take from a teacupful of browned veal gravy all the grease, stir in a small tablespoonful of sugar, one of burned sugar to color the jelly, and three of vinegar, then the liquor iVi which the tongue was boiled. Mix in well the dis- solved gelatine, then a pint of boiling water. Strain through a jelly- bag. As soon as it begins to set, pour a little jelly into the bottom of the mold, add a layer of tongue, then more jelly, until it is full. Set in a cold place to harden. When wanted, dip the mold an instant in hot water, and turn into a garnished dish. Mrs. W. T. S. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Fricassee of Chipped Beef. Shred one-half pound of beef. If too salt, freshen by pouring hot water over, to stand for a few moments, drain and dry, then, proceed to add two tablespoonfuls of melted butter in a saucepan. Have the burner turned low (as little heat is required for "warming over" meats). Add two tablespoonfuls of Sperry Flour and blend well through the meat, then add two cups of milk and one-quarter teaspoonful of kitchen bouquet, and let sim- mer slowly for five minutes. Add yolks of two eggs, slightly beaten, turn off the burner; for heat of mixture will sufficiently cook the egg. Chicken Souffle. One cup cold chicken ground fine; two eggs; two-thirds cup of sweet milk; two tablespoonfuls butter and same of Sperry Flour; seasoning to taste. Put butter on in saucepan till melted, then add flour. When well blended add the milk, meat and beaten yolks of eggs and seasoning. Cook a few minutes; set aside to cool, and then add stiffly beaten white of eggs. Put in buttered pan and bake half an hour. Serve immediately. Cold veal is almost as nice as chicken. Mrs. H. Wilson. Pigs in Blankets. Pick over carefully one dozen large oysters; roll each in a thin slice of bacon, and fasten ends with a skewer. Put in hot pan or chafing-dish and cook till bacon is crisp. Season and serve hot. Mrs. E. R. Louis. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 30 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Cttp of tolustoe UNION SQUARE TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 45OO BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 31 The boating and bathing at SUMMER HOME PARK cannot be sur- passed. Write for booklet, 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS "Learn More; Earn More" Y. M. C. A. Day Schools Night Schools General Plan Association Day Schools GRAMMAR GRADE SCHOOL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ACCOUNTANCY SCHOOL COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Association Night Schools EMPLOYED BOYS' SCHOOL ENGLISH SCHOOL DRAFTING SCHOOL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ACCOUNTANCY SCHOOL COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL LAW SCHOOL Association Special Summer Schools COACHING SCHOOL GRAMMAR GRADE SCHOOL For full information inquire YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Golden Gate Avenue, at Leavenworth Street E. E. ESDON, Educational Secretary. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 32 Health and Happiness You will Enjoy Both. Thousands have proven it. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary. D. HARRIS & SPIN LADIES' TAILORS AND HABIT MAKERS Corner Devisadero and Geary Sts. Phone West 7632 Home S 3984 65 POST ST. 65 POST ST BABSON BROS. Edison Phonograph Records and Supplies We have the largest stock of Edison Phonographs, Records and Supplies on the Pacific Coast EDISON PHONOGRAPHS OUR SPECIALTY 65 POST STREET 65 POST STREET PHONE SUTTER 91. The best way to win a man is to feed him well Learn the scientific way of doing this from this Cook Book. The only way to HOLD a man after you win him is to keep him at- tracted by your personal beauty Learn the scientific way of doing this at EMANUEL'S HAIR STORE Two Fifty One Powell Street, San Francisco Manicuring Shampooing Hair Dressing FACIAL MASSAGE HAIR AND SCALP TREATMENT HAIR GOODS TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. JOHN H. TIETJEN CO. FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, HOUSE-FURNISHING ARTICLES S. W. Cor. Washington and Fillmore TELEPHONE WEST 518 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION helps people to help themselves. 33 FREE Send for booklet descriptive of SUMMER HOME PARK the prettiest place in all California. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. A Rolled, Stuffed Steak. An inexpensive roast is from a large steak cut from best of round, about one and one-half inches thick, scored, brushed with oil and vinegar, covered with a well seasoned stuffing of bread crumbs and rolled into a duck-shaped loaf. Dust with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and Sperry Flour, lay thin slices of suet and strips of fat. salt pork over the top, put in covered baking pan, add one cup of hot water and cook in moderately slow oven until tender. Nice hot or cold. Brown, mushroom, horseradish or flemish sauce may be served with it. Stuffed Steak. Have a large steak cut from best round, one inch thick; brush with oil and vinegar; cover thickly with well seasoned bread crumbs and roll into loaf and tie; dust with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and lay thin strips of fat salt pork on top; put in covered baking-pan; add one cup hot water, and bake in slow oven till tender. Nice either hot or cold. Escalloped Chicken. Boil a chicken till tender, bone and chop; put into a baking-dish a layer of chicken, a layer of bread crumbs, butter, salt. Folger's Golden Gate Pepper; fill the dish with alternate layers, pouring over all the chicken gravy. Bake till brown. Mrs. I. D. Hamilton. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Dressing. Melt two tablespoonfuls butter; stir into it two table- spoonfuls Sperry Flour, and add one pint sweet milk. Boil till it thickens. Mrs. I. D. Hamilton. Veal Sausage. Chop one pound veal and one-quarter pound suet together; add two beaten eggs, one-half cup cracker crumbs, two tablespoonfuls thick cream. Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and salt; roll with the hand into sausage shapes and then in cracker crumbs. Melt some butter in baking-dish, put in the sausage cover and bake about one hour in slow oven. Mrs. I. D. Hamilton. Little Pigs in Blankets. Take large Eastern oysters, roll each one in a strip of rich pastry dough; season oysters with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and a dash of cayenne. Bake in quick oven till a delicate brown. Serve very hot. Mrs. \Y. C. Baker. FISH. We recommend KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons. Salmon Loaf. One can salmon, four eggs beaten light, four tablespoonfuls melted butter (not hot), half cup fine bread crumbs, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and salt, and minced parsley. Pick the salmon to pieces and remove all bone; then add the butter to it. Mix the eggs and seasoning and crumbs and add to fish. Put in butter-pan or mold and bake thirty-five minutes. Serve with caper sauce, which is made by adding two or three tablespoonfuls capers to a white sauce. Mrs. H. Wilson. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 34 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. CALIFORNIA TOOL CO. ==526 Market Street == Tools, ' Cutlery, Hardware Auto Supplies, Electric Irons PHONE WEST 6332 A. SIDLOWSKI PROP. THE OWL TAILORS RENOVATORY LADIES AND GENTS CLEANING DYEING PRESSING REPAIRING WORK DONE AS IT SHOULD BE \\ORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED 2219 FILLMORE STREET BET. SACRAMENTO AND CLAY A. GIURIANI & BRO. IMPORTERS OF ITALIAN PRODUCE 46O JACKSON STREET PHONE KEARNY 3517 HIGHEST AWARD MILAN exp 1906 W. W. FOSTER J. R. GREEN Phones Kearny 834, Home C 1800 GREEN (SL FOSTER WHOLESALE DEALERS BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE and HONEY POULTRY, HAMS and BACON SWEET BUTTER and BUTTERMILK Butternut Butter Churned Daily at S.E. COR. CLAY AND FRONT, SAN FRANCISCO Golden State Creamery Butter Bandon Creamery Butter Crescent City Creamery Butter Lakeside Creamery Butter BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 35 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutler St., San Francisco. Escalloped Salmon. One can salmon, chopped; put in a baking- dish a layer of salmon, a layer of cracker crumbs and a layer of dressing; have two layers of each with the crumbs on top, and bake till brown. Creamed Salmon. Put one rounding tablespoonful of butter in saucepan. When melted, add one rounding tablespoonful of Sperry Flour, one-half teaspoonful salt, one-eighth teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate paprika, one-half cup of milk. Cook until smooth, then add one small can of salmon, finely minced, free from bone and skin, one tablespoonful lemon juice and a little grated nutmeg. Re- move from fire and add yolks of three eggs, well beaten. Whip whites of eggs to stiff froth and fold in carefully. Butter individual molds, timbale cups or baking-dish, place in hot water in dripping pan. and according to size of mold used, bake 10 to 25 minutes. Hollandaise Sauce. Cream one-half cup of butter, add one level tablespoonful Sperry Flour, one-half teaspoonful salt, few grains of Folger's Golden Gate Pepper or paprika and one tablespoonful of lemon juice or tarragon vinegar. Add slowly one-half cup of boiling water; cook until mixture thickens, then add beaten yolks of two eggs Serve from sauce boat. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Boiled Fish. Place fish sheet in dripping pan to heat, brush with oil or rub with salt pork. Put fish on sheet, skin next to sheet, with backbone, head, tail and fins removed. Brush with oil or melted butter, dust with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and lightly with Sperry Flour. Put in broiling oven, close door and baste once or twice with one cup of hot water in which there is one teaspoonful of lemon juice and one tablespoonful of butter. Broil 15 to 25 minutes, according to thickness of fish. Serve garnished with Saratoga or lattice potatoes, parsley and lemon points. May be garnished with potato roses which should surround it on the platter. By using a plank and following these suggestions you would have a planked fish. New York Counts Oyster Sauce. Mix together three tablespoon- fuls of tomato catsup, three of hot water, two of tarragon vinegar and a tablespoonful of Folger's grated horseradish. Melt a table- spoonful of butter, browning it slightly, then add one scant level teaspoonful of Sperry Flour. Stir for a moment and add other in- gredients mixed together. Cook until sauce thickens smoothly. Serve hot or cold, as preferred. A few drops of tabasco sauce or grains of cayenne may be added, also, if a ''hot" sauce should be relished. Broiled Oysters. These are a possible luxury with a gas range, and who would not enjoy a "half dozen" at home with his family? Select large, plump oysters. After draining them, dip into melted butter and roll in seasoned powdered cracker crumbs. Rub a fine wire broiler with salt pork, place the oysters close together and broil under the flame of the oven. Turn from side to side, not having heat too intense. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 36 You Will Enjoy Your Meal Every Moment Try It. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. Office of the Advance Window Shade Factory Office of the Advance Carpet Beating Co. GEORGE WALCOM CO. Formerly 402 Sutter Street Dealers in UPHOLSTERY, CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS, UPHOLSTERY GOODS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS SPRING AND HAIR MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, ETC. REMODELING OF FURNITURE A SPECIALTY 1131-1139 SUTTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Phone Franklin 565 Phones Kearny 1604, Home C 1604 SMITH, LYNDBN & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Wholesale Dealers in DAIRY PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS 76-78 CLAY STREET SAN FRANCISCO IRogal Snauranrg (Eompanp, umt Snguranrp (Enmpattq FIRE MARINE AUTOMOBILE ROLLA V. WATT. Manager ROYAL INSURANCE BLDG. JACKSON MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE FURNITURE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON UPHOLSTERING POLISHING REPAIRING 1115 SUTTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PHONE FRANKLIN 2806 THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION is a co-operative savings bank. 37 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutler St., S. F. Panned Oysters. Clean one pint of large oysters. Place small. oblong pieces of toast in dripping-pan, put an oyster on each, sprinkle with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and broil under flame of oven burner until oysters begin to ruffle at the edges. Deviled Crab. Pick up the crab fine, saving the fat; season with a speck of cayenne, salt, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, a grating of nutmeg, one-quarter teaspoon of Folger's Golden Gate Mustard, one beaten egg, two tablespoonfuls cream; if not soft enough, add more cream. Butter a baking-dish and fill with the mixture; cover with bread or cracker crumbs; squeeze on a little lemon or lime juice; put bits of butter on top and brown in a quick oven. If the flavor of onion or garlic is wanted, rub on the dish before filling. Mrs. C. E. Cocks. Sardines with Tomato Sauce. Scrape skin from one can of sar- dines; place on pieces of toast the size of a sardine; put in oven to warm a little. Have ready a sauce of one-half can tomatoes, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, salt, a little butter, one-half bay leaf, three cloves. When ready to serve strain and pan over sardines. Codfish Balls. One pint of codfish minced fine and scalded; one quart of hot boiled potatoes mashed fine (better put through a potato sifter); mix with tish; add butter, one-quarter of a cup, about as much cream, a little Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and two well beaten eggs. Keep all as hot as possible. Beat together with a fork. Roll lightly in Sperry Flour and fry like doughnuts in very hot lard and beef drippings, half of each. Mrs. Goodfellow. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Creamed Oysters. Parboil one pint of solid oysters till edges curl. Drain and add to the liquor, milk or thin cream enough to make one and one-half cups; melt two tablespoonfuls butter in sauce- pan and cook in it for five minutes (without browning) one teaspoon- ful minced onion, one tablespoonful minced Folger's Golden Gate sweet pepper (green or red) and one tablespoonful minced celery. Slir in two tablespoonfuls Sperry Flour, and when blended add gradually the hot liquid; stir till smooth, add the oysters, cook a moment longer and serve. Mrs. Charlotte Weir. Fried Oysters. Drain any number of oysters required; throw them into cold water; wash and drain and wipe dry with soft cloth; dip into beaten egg; then into cracker crumbs seasoned with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper; then into the egg again, and cracker crumbs again. Fry in a skillet with part lard and part butter until a nice brown. Mrs. H. Wilson. CAKE. "KINGAN & CO.," the Brand of Quality. Lemon Cake. Half cup butter, two scant cups sugar, three eggs, three cups Sperry flour, half teaspoonful salt, two teaspoonfuls Fol- ger's Golden Gate baking powder, grated rind of one lemon, one SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 38 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Redxiso Corsets Will Give Yotx a Trim Figure The woman whose increasing weight is her despair, has one source of con- solation. Properly corseted in a W. B. Reduso, she need have no fear of criticism, for her lines will be superb. The Reduso has a trick of molding and shaping the figure, emphasizing the good features and minimizing the less attractive ones. The abdomen and hips are subdued without the slightest sacrifice of com- fort. There's a diversity of attractive models for all types of well-developed figures. From $3.00 up. For sale at all dealers. Buying from us by Phone is Safe and Satisfactory. Don't do without Drug Store Supplies because YOU can't come for them. The Goods and Service will be Right, and the Price, too. Don't hesitate to call us because you are not a regular customer i this service is for everybody. BOWERMAN'S PHARMACY, Inc. 238 STOCKTON STREET, OPP. UNION SQUARE Branch Store Clement Street at 8th Ave. SAN FRANCISCO Our Telephone Numbers Are Douglas 111; if busy call Douglas 3400; if busy call Douglas 2222. Clement Street Store Phone No. 15, Pacific 556. Established 1876. Telephone Market 6703 JOHN TWIGG & SONS CO. DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF HIGH-CLASS POWER and SAILING YACHTS SPEED LAUNCHES AND BOATS OF ALL KINDS Office and Works ILLINOIS STREET, NEAR EIGHTEENTH BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 39 No saloons at SUMMER HOME PARK. Ideal surroundings for a summer home. Write for booklet. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. cup milk. Beat the butter with half the sugar; add gradually the remainder of the sugar together with the well-beaten eggs. Next put in the grated lemon, then the milk, and lastly the flour sifted with the salt and Folger's Golden Gate baking powder. Bake about forty minutes in a moderate oven, and cover with lemon frosting. Mrs. Malcolm. Taft Cake. Two cups of Sperry flour, one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate cloves, one-half teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate nutmeg, two table- spoonfuls corn starch, three tablespoonfuls chocolate, two teaspoonfuls of Folger's Golden Gate baking soda, all sifted together; then add one- half cup of butter and one cup of apple sauce. Mrs. Cooke. Ginger Cookies. One cup of lard, one cup New Orleans mo- lasses, one-half cup of boiling water; dissolve one teaspoonful of soda in water; one teaspoonful each of Folger's Golden Gate ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg; use Sperry flour to make soft batter; put away to cool and harden; lard, the least flour possible; flour board, roll out, using little flour; made like recipe are delicious; take from board with knife. Mrs. Greene. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Doughnuts. One cup sugar, one cup sour milk, three tablespoon- fuls melted butter, one egg, well beaten, half-teaspoonful soda dis- solved in hot water; salt to taste; season with Folger's nutmeg or cinnamon; Sperry flour to roll thin; fry in deep fat. Caramel Cake. One-half cupful of butter; beat into that one cup of sugar, add one ounce melted chocolate and two unbeaten eggs; beat all five minutes; add one cup of milk; lastly, one and one- half cups Sperry Flour, teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla, one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Baking Powder. Nut Loaf Cake. Four eggs; one and one-half cups of sugar and three-quarters cups of butter (cream together), one cup of milk, two and one-half cups Sperry flour, two teaspoons of Folger's Golden Gate baking powder, one and one-half cups of walnuts chopped fine; flavor with Folger's Golden Gate vanilla; bake in moderate oven. Mrs. C. E. Cocks. Gingerbread. One cup molasses, one cup brown sugar, one cup sour cream, three-quarters cup butter, four cups Sperry flour, two eggs, one-third box (pound) raisins, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon, one teaspoon ginger. Warm mo- lasses, sugar and spices and butter; mix with other ingredients, add- ing the raisins last; bake in rather quick oven. Mrs. L. P. Williams. Hermits. Two eggs, four tablespoons milk, one cup butter, one level teaspoon soda, one and one-half cups sugar, one cup stoned and very finely chopped raisins, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon Fol- SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 40 A Meal Without Meat. Popular Prices. Open All Day. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. G. H. XKWMAX, President J. H. DAVIS, Secretary Phone South 865 Pacific Coast Glass Works MAXUFACTURERS OF HIGH-GRADE BOTTLES OFFICE AND WORKS Seventh and Irwin Streets San Francisco, Gal. O'BRIEN, SPOTORNO & MITCHELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX Poultry, Game and Dairy Produce Agents for CANTEL CHEESES California Market CALIFORNIA ST., BET. MONTGOMERY AND KEARNY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Telephones Douglas 3622, Home C 2261, Connecting All Departments. C. L. GOETTIXG C. W. GOETTIXG G. I. GOETTIXG CHARLES L. QOETTINQ & SONS Dealers in DOMESTIC AND TROPICAL FRUITS AND PRODUCE Agents for HOOD RIVER APPLE CIDER CALIFORNIA MARKET SAN FRANCISCO Phones Douglas 3761, Home C 3761 THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION pays the best interest on deposits. A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. RENAULT THE CAR "GUARANTEED FOR LIFE" The Ideal Town Car===Smooth and Silent Running 10-12 H. P. Miniature, $3,500; Chassis, $2,500 (Turns in any street). 12-16 H. P., $4,000; Chassis, $3,000. 12-16 H. P. Curved Frame, $4,250; Chassis, $3,250. 14-20 H. P. Limousine or Landaulet, $5,500; Chassis, $4,000. 20-30 H. P. Limousine or Landaulet, $6,500; Chassis, $5,000. 25-25 H. P. Limousine or Landaulet, $6,800; Chassis, $5.300. 35-45 H. P. Limousine or Landaulet, $7,500; Chassis, $6,000. 50-60 H. P. Limousine or Landaulet, $8,500; Chassis, $7,000. LANDAULET AND LIMOUSINE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY RENAULT FRERES SELLING BRANCH RENE J. MARX, Pacific Coast Manager. 116=120 Van Ness Avenue Telephone Market 7038. (Enllttta 125-127 GEARY ST WHEN DOWN TOWN SHOPPING, HAVE LUNCH AT THE HOME CAFETERIA Pure Foods STRICTLY HOME COOKING Quick Service Telephone Home J 4484 36 FIFTH ST., Near Market SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ON THE GROUND FLOOR. NEAR THE MINT. Our Aim is to Please YOU. A Trial Will Convince. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Dear Madam: When purchasing Soda Crackers and Cakes for cooking or eating purposes, please remember to encourage Home Industries by buying goods manufactured in California. Every Dollar spent East is forever lost to this State. Every Dollar spent here keeps more people em- ployed. Our product is equal if not superior to any Eastern manu- facture. One test will convince you. Standard Biscuit Company Sole Makers of PARADISE SODAS San Francisco, Cal. A. L. BRIZZOLARA, Presidc-nt. P. C. WINDHAM. Secretary L. Brizzolara &. Son (Incorporated) CHarcoal- Coal -Wood Phone Kearny 4375 Home Phone C 4375 Deliveries in Any Quantities Made to All Parts of the City. 117-119 JacKson St. San Francisco BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 41 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. ger's Golden Gate allspice, one teaspoon Folger's Golden Gate cin- namon. Dissolve the soda in the milk. Sperry flour to roll. Cut as for cookies. Mrs. S. Powel. Fruit Cake. One pound Sperry flour, one pound sugar, one pound butter, two pounds raisins, two pounds currants, one pound citron, nine eggs, two small wine glasses of brandy, one-half of a nutmeg, two teaspoons Folger's Golden Gate cloves, two teaspoons Folger's Golden Gate ginger, one-half teaspoon Folger's Golden Gate allspice, one- half teaspoon of Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon, one-half pint syrup, two teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate baking powder. Bake in two loaves three hours in a slow oven. Mrs. H. A. Lanpher. Powell's Celebrated Fruit Cake. One pound Sperry flour, one pound currants, one pound Sultana raisins, three-quarters pound sugar, ten ounces butter, one-quarter pound lemon and citron peel, five eggs, a pinch of salt, Folger's Golden Gate spices (allspice, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste), one small cup warm milk, one teaspoon bicarbonate soda; sift flour, soda and salt together, then rub in butter with hands; add other ingredients and mix well; batter must be rather stiff. Bake in moderate oven in two or three tins. Molasses Cookies. One cup of New Orleans molasses; one cup of brown sugar; one cup of sour milk; one egg; two-thirds cup of melted lard; one tablespoonful of ginger; two heaping teaspoonfuls of soda, one beaten in the molasses and one in sour milk; add Sperry Flour enough to roll out good. E. R. Lewis. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Fruit Cake. One and one-half pounds butter, one and one-half pounds Sperry flour (browned), one and one-half pounds brown sugar, two pounds currants, three pounds stoned raisins, one pound citron sliced very thin, one pound blanched and chopped almonds, one dozen eggs, one cup New Orleans molasses, one cup brandy, one teaspoonful soda dissolved in one teaspoonful of hot water; flavor with Folger's Golden Gate lemon and vanilla (both), and all kinds of Folger's Golden Gate spices; dredge fruit with Sperry flour. Bake from three to four hours in a very moderate oven; will make three medium-sized cakes. I first mixed butter and sugar, then added eggs, beating in one at a time, then the molasses, brandy, soda, flavorings, flour and the fruit last. Mrs. H. Wilson. Another Filling Easy Made. The whites of two eggs (not beaten), one tablespoon of cold water; stiffen with powdered sugar, one cup of ground sweet chocolate; flavor with Folger's Golden Gate vanilla. Filling for Chocolate Cake. Two cups of brown sugar, almost a cup of ground chocolate, one-half cup milk, butter the size of an egg. Boil hard for five minutes, pour on a meat plate and beat until thick. Chocolate Cake (Devil). One-half cup of butter, one-half cup of brown sugar, one-half cup of sweet milk, three eggs, one teaspoonful SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 42 Curiosity Brought Us Our First Customer. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. FRENCH -AMERICAN BANK OF SAVINGS SAVINGS AND COMMERCIAL 108 SUTTER STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Member of ASSOCIATED SAVINGS BANKS OF SAN FRANCISCO OFFICERS: Arthur Legallet, President Leon Bocqueraz, 1st Vice-Pres. John Ginty, Cashier J. M. Dupas, 2d Vice-Pres. M. Girard, Assistant Cashier A. Bousquet, Secretary P. Bellemans, Assistant Cashier IVOW FREE SEND THIS COUPON LEVY ELECTRIC CO., 648 SACRAMENTO ST., SAN FRANCISCO: Send me, postage paid and without cost to me, your FREE BOOK about The Arnold Massage Vibrator. Name. . . Address. Unkempt Beauty IN L,ess Alluring to Man Than Immaculate I til in ess. YOU r\.VT AVISH VOUR AVKIXKI.ES AAVAV BUT Home Massage Treatment THE ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR \Vill not only smooth them away, hut It will give to your whole hotly that glow of youth, bounty and health that comes only with a pulsing circulation which forces good, red, new hlootl to the far- thest ends of the arteries and brings health and happiness. Levy Electric Company SAN FRANCISCO Send now for OUR 04-PAGK BOOK. "V ll-ally Massage Brings New Lite and Added Happiness." THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION helps you accumulate money for old age. 43 The boating and bathing at SUMMER HOME PARK cannot be sur- passed. Write for booklet, 128 Sutler St., San Francisco. of baking soda sifted in the Sperry flour. Part II. One cup grated chocolate (sweet will do), one-half cup sweet milk, one cup brown sugar. Mix together and dissolve but not boil; make this part first and let it cool. Flavor with Folger's Golden Gate vanilla, and mix in the above batter; bake in jelly tins. "Justfine" Potato Cake. Two cups sugar and two-thirds cup butter creamed together, two-thirds cup sweet milk, one cup mashed potatoes, two cups Sperry flour, two ounces melted chocolate, four eggs, one cup walnut meats, one and one-half teaspoons Folger's Golden Gate baking powder, one teaspoon Folger's Golden Gate cloves, one-half teaspoon Folger's Golden Gate nutmeg. Bake in a moderate oven in loaf. "Yellow Cake" (Companion to Angel's Food). One cup sugar, one-half cup water, seven eggs, one cup Sperry flour, one teaspoon cream tartar, Folger's Golden Gate flavoring. Boil the sugar and water together until it strings, then beat in the well-beaten whites of the eggs, then add the yolks also well beaten, then add the flour and cream tartar, which has been sifted together; add flavoring. Boiled Frosting. One cup of sugar; pour on sufficient boiling water to dissolve the sugar; boil until dropping from spoon will be like threads; pour on to the beaten white of one egg; beat until white; add one teaspoon lemon juice; flavor with Folger's Golden Gate vanilla; nice also for layer cake. Mrs. B. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Strawberry Shortcake. Three cups Sperry flour, two teaspoons Folger's Golden Gate baking powder, two tablespoons butter, a little salt, and milk to make a soft dough; divide in two parts, roll half an inch thick, put one part on a pan, dot with bits of butter, then put on the other, and bake. When done, separate and put between and on top one quart of mashed and sweetened strawberries; serve with cream. Mrs. H. Wilson. Potato Caramel Cake. Two-thirds cup butter, two cups sugar, two cups Sperry flour, one cup mashed potatoes, one-half cup sweet milk, four eggs, two teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate baking pow- der, one cup grated chocolate, one cup chopped walnuts, one tea- spoonful each Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Take butter, sugar, yolks of eggs, cream together, add milk, mashed potato, spices and chocolate; sift baking powder with flour; beat whites to stiff froth, stir flour into batter, hastily beat whites into this; stir nuts in the last thing. Mrs. Penson. Donation Cake. One cup butter, two cups sugar, three cups Sperry flour, one cup cornstarch, one cup milk, six eggs beaten sep- arately, three teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate baking powder; cream butter and sugar; flavor with Folger's Golden Gate lemon. Mrs. Penson. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Iftbmtta ^amttga IGnatt lank INCORPORATED 1864 CORNER OF MARKET. MCALLISTER AND JONES STREETS MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED SAVINGS BANKS OF SAN FRANCISCO OHO NUMBER OF DEPOSITORS 81,204 AVERAGE AMOUNT OF DEPOSITS, $654. OO OPEN DAILY FROM 1O A. M. TO 3 P. M. SATURDAYS FROM 1O A. M.TO 12 M. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS FROM 7 TO 8 O'CLOCK FOR DEPOSITS ONLY BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books. Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 45 No saloons at SUMMER HOME PARK. Ideal surroundings for a summer home. Write for booklet. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Prune Cake. One cup chopped prunes, half-cup prune juice, one cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one and one-half eggs, one table- spoonful Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon, three tablespoonfuls sour milk or cream, one and one-half cups Sperry flour. Be sure to stir soda in the milk. Filling. One cup sugar, one-third cup boiling water, white of one egg beaten stiff. Boil sugar and water until it strings, then beat into the whites. Mrs. Penson. Nut Cake. One and one-half cups powdered sifted sugar, one-half cup butter, two cups Sperry flour, two-thirds cup milk, one-half cup chopped nuts, three eggs. Flavor to suit taste with Folger's Golden Gate extract. Mrs. Penson. Sponge Cake. Four eggs (whites and yolks beaten separately), one cup powdered sugar, one cup Sperry flour, heaping teaspoonful Folger's baking powder. Flavor to suit taste. Mrs. Penson. Lemon Cake. Whites of four eggs, one cup white sugar, half cup sweet butter, half cup sweet milk, two teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate baking powder, one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate lemon, two and a half cups sifted Sperry flour; beat firmly but lightly. Bake in three layers. Filling as follows Rind and juice of two lemons, two cups sugar, two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons cornstarch, yolks of four well-beaten eggs. Cook in double boiler. Mrs. W. C. Baker. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Potato Cake. Two cups granulated sugar, one cup butter, one cup hot mashed potatoes, one cup chopped walnuts, half cup sweet milk, two cups Sperry flour, four eggs well beaten, five teaspoonfuls melted chocolate, one tablespoonful each of Folger's Golden Gate cloves, cin- namon and nutmeg, two teaspoonfuls of Folger's Golden Gate baking powder. Bake in moderate oven, forty minutes. Mrs. W. C. Baker. White Sponge Cake. Whites of five eggs (beaten to a stiff froth), one cup of Sperry flour, one cup powdered sugar, one tea- spoonful Folger's Golden Gate baking powder. Flavor with Folger's Golden Gate extract of almond. Bake in quick oven. Mocha Cake. Beat well one cup of butter, three cupfuls of white sugar, yolks of six eggs, one cup milk, four cups sifted Sperry flour, two heaping teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate baking powder, the well-beaten whites of the eggs. Beat constantly. Bake in mod- erate oven. Bake in loaf or in two layers. Filling as follows: One- cup sweet butter, three cups powdered sugar, one teaspoonful Fol- ger's Golden Gate vanilla, one tablespoonful mocha extract, yolks of three eggs, beaten in one at a time. Beat mixture till very creamy; spread over cake and between layers. Layer Cake. Two cups sugar, two-thirds cup butter, one cup milk, one teaspoonful soda, one and one-half teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, two and one-half cups Sperry flour, and three eggs. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. A Happy Smile Comes Easier With Good Digestion. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. prman AND Savings THE GERMAN BANK Commercial (Member of the Associated Savings Banks of San Francisco) 526 CALIFORNIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Guaranteed Capital $ 1,200,000.00 Capital actually paid up in cash $ 1,000,000.00 Reserve and Contingent Funds $ 1,580,518.99 Employees' Pension Fund $ . . 109,031.35 Deposits December 31st, 1910 $42,039,580.06 Total Assets $44,775,559.56 Remittance may be made by Draft, Post Office or Wells Fargo & Go's. Money Orders, or coin by Express. Office Hours: 10 o'clock A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M., except Saturdays to 12 o'clock M. and Saturday evenings from 6:30 o'clock P. M. to 8 o'clock P. M. for receipt of deposits only. OFFICERS President, N. Ohlandt; First Vice-President, Daniel Meyer; Second Vice-President and Manager, George Tourny; Third Vice-President, J. W. Van Bergen; Cashier, A. H. R. Schmidt; Assistant Cashier, William Herrmann; Secretary, A. H. Muller; Assistant Secretaries, G. J. O. Folte and Wm. D. Newhouse; Goodfellow, Eells & Orrick, General Attorneys. BOARD OF DIRECTORS X. Ohlandt, Daniel Meyer, George Tourny, J. W. Van Bergen, Ign. Steinhart, I. N. Wal- ter, F. Tillmann, Jr., E. T. Kruse and W. S. Goodfellow. MISSION' IJ RANCH. 2572 Mission Street, between 21st and 22d Streets. For receipt and payment of Deposits only. C. \Y. Heyer, Manager. RICHMOND DISTRICT BRANCH, 432 Clement Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues. For receipt and payment of Deposits only. W. C. Heyer. Manager. THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION has made over 5000 of its stockholders home-owners. 47 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. Sponge Drops. Three eggs, one cup sugar, beaten together, one heaping coffee cup Sperry flour, one teaspoon Folger's Golden Gate cream of tartar, one-half teaspoon salaratus mixed in flour, Fol r ger's Golden Gate lemon flavoring. Bake in a large pan, every tea- spoonful three inches apart. German Coffee Cake. Two cups Sperry flour, one-half cup but- ter, one cup sugar, three eggs, two teaspoons Folger's Golden Gate baking powder, one-half cup milk; spread in pans; dust with Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon and sugar; chop walnuts or almonds and sprinkle on top. One Egg Cake. One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup but- ter beaten together, one egg, one cup milk, two and one-half cups Sperry flour, two and one-half teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate baking powder; chocolate icing between. Chocolate Filling. One cup sugar, one cup milk, one egg, one- half cake chocolate; grate the chocolate and beat with the other ingre- dients; place over fire and stir often until it thickens. Rolled Jelly Cakes. Four eggs, beat one at a time into one cup of sugar, one and one-half cups of Sperry flour, one-half teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate baking powder, one tablespoonful water. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Jelly Cake. One and one-half cups sugar; one-half cup butter, one-half cup milk, two and one-half cups Sperry flour, three eggs (yolks and whites beaten separately), two teaspoons Folger's Golden Gate baking powder. Jelly One cup sugar, one egg, rind and juice of one and one-half lemons, one tablespoonful water, one teaspoonful Sperry flour; put in double boiler; let come to boil. Sugar Cookies. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, five cups Sperry flour, one cup milk, two eggs, one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate baking powder; flavor with nutmeg. Miss Bryant. Cup Cake. One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup milk, two cups Sperry flour, two teaspoons Folger's Golden Gate baking powder; cream butter and sugar; beat eggs separately; pour in milk, then flour and flavoring. Walnut Wafers. Two eggs, little salt, one cup brown sugar, one cup chopped walnuts; mix with two tablespoons Sperry flour; add only enough flour to have mixture drop easily from the spoon, on buttered tins; bake five minutes. Mrs. Bradly. Afternoon Tea Cake. Beat two eggs and stir into them one cupful of white and brown sugar mixed, then four tablespoonfuls of sifted Sperry flour, a pinch of salt, and a teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate vanilla. Beat thoroughly and add a cupful of English walnuts, chopped fine. Drop the dough by the teaspoonful into buttered pans, allowing three inches for the cakes to spread. Miss Charlotte Weir. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 48 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Do You Know that the EUREKA STOVES & RANGES are the Best? For SO years they have been the leaders in this market. W. W. Montague & Co. Headquarters for all kinds of Cooking and Heating Appliances for Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding Houses and Clubs 557=563 Market St., Opp. Sutter St. BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Cream Almond Cake. One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup milk, one cup cornstarch, two cups Sperry flour, two level teaspoons Folger's Golden Gate baking powder, five egg whites, one-half tea- spoon Folger's Golden Gate almond extract. Cream the butter, add gradually the sugar and almond. Sift thoroughly the flour, corn- starch and baking powder, and add alternately with the milk to the first mixture. Beat the egg whites until stiff, add and beat vigorously. This quantity makes two loaves. Mrs. Charlotte Weir. White Cake. Whites of eight eggs, two cupfuls of sugar, three- fourths of a cup of butter, one of sour cream, four of Sperry flour, two teaspoonfuls of Folger's Golden Gate baking powder. Mrs. Belle B. Chrisman. Angels Food. Whites of twelve eggs, two teacups of sugar, one teacup of Sperry flour, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Mrs. Belle B. Chrisman. Cream Meringues. Beat the whites of seven eggs until stiff and dry; add slowly two-thirds of a pound of sugar and continue beating, then cut and fold one-third of a pound of sugar; continue beating, shape through a pastry tube; bake on paper over a wet board about 40 minutes. Mrs. Belle B. Chrisman. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Ginger Sponge Cake. One-half cup sugar (brown); one cup molasses; one teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon, ginger, cloves and allspice; two teaspoonfuls of soda in one cup of boiling water; two and one-half cups of Sperry Flour; salt to taste: add last two well-beaten eggs. Can be served with a sauce when hot if desired. Raisin Filling for Cake. One cup of granulated sugar; four table- spoonfuls of water. Cook until it strings. Pour into the well-beaten whites of two eggs, beat hard, adding one-third cup of chopped raisins. Put on cake when cold. Apple Sauce Cake. One cup warm apple sauce; one-half tea- spoonful soda in the apple sauce; one-half cup butter; one cup brown sugar; one and three-quarter cups Sperry. Flour; one-half cup raisins; Folger's Golden Gate Spices to suit. Mrs. I. D. Hamilton. Crullers. Three eggs, well beaten; two cups of granulated sugar; one and one-half cups of milk; Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla, and one tablespoonful of baking powder; one small teaspoonful of salt. Mix sufficient Sperry Flour to roll on board and cut and drop in hot lard. Currant Biscuits. One quart Sperry Flour, one heaping table- spoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Baking Powder, one small table- spoonful of lard, two teaspoonfuls of salt, one-half cup of currants. Add sufficient milk to mix well to roll out and cut. Bake quickly. Breakfast Muffins. One-quarter cup butter, one-quarter cup of SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 50 Curiosity Brought Us Our First Customer. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. Badger Fire Extinguisher Go, BOSTON, MASS., U. S. A. PACIFIC COAST AGENCY. 5O7 MONTGOMERY STREET TELEPHONE KEARNY 389O The ounce of protection in case of fire is the Badger Fin- Extinguisher, with which your home should be equipped fur the protection of your family. This machine can be handled by a -woman or child. The con- tents are harmless to health or fabric. Each gallon of tin- in- gredients is equivalent to 40 gallons of water in extinguishing a fire. If you have ever had a fire you know what could have been accomplished with a machine that would apply the equivalent to 40 gallons of water in a few minutes. If you never had a fire, you should profit by the experience of others, and also bear in mind that the damage is equival' 3 gallons of water, provided you use the entire contents of the machine, which is unusual. The stream, which is shot 50 feet from the machine, can be stopped at any time, by inverting the tank. Every Badger is tested, labeled and recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters for use. The Badger Company also manufacture chemical engines for city use, oil fields, large estates, hotels, etc. P\< II 1C FIRE EXTINGUISHING CO., .-,1(7 Montgomery Street Snii Francisco. ( ;i1. Telephone Kcnrny KSJW THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION has paid 6 per cent on money for 21 years. 51 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. sugar, one egg, one-half cup sweet milk, one and one-half cups Sperry Flour, two rounded teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate Baking Powder. Cream butter and sugar together and add the well-beaten egg; sift baking powder with flour and with milk. Bake in hot but- tered gem pans, in moderately hot oven, 25 minutes. Mrs. I. D. Hamilton, Apple Cake. One heaping cup of sugar; one large tablespoonful of butter: two eggs; one-half cup of milk; two cups of Sperry Flour (or enough to make a nice, thick, soft batter); one teaspoonful of cream of tartar; one-half teaspoonful of soda. This will make three layers, if the pan is not too large. Filling for layers: Two large apples (greenings are the best, or any tart apples); peel and grate; then grate one lemon peel; squeeze juice and grate the pulp; to this add one cup of sugar and one white of egg; put all into a tin cup and cook thoroughly. Then spread between cake as jelly cakes. Amy Crofford. Blackberry Jam Cake.-^-Three-quarters cup butter; one cup sugar; one cup jam (any kind, blackberry preferable); two cups Sperry Flour; three eggs; one teaspoonful soda, dissolved in five teaspoon- fuls sour milk; one-half teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Cloves; one-half teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Nutmeg; one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Cinnamon. This makes three or four layers; put together with the following frosting: Two cups sugar, three- quarters cup of milk; butter the size of an egg. Boil 15 minutes; beat until white and spread between layers. Also beat cake well. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Imperial Cookies. One-half cup butter; one cup sugar; two eggs; one tablespoonful milk; two and one-half cups Sperry Flour; one and one-half level teaspoonfuls Folger's Golden Gate Baking Powder: one-half teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Lemon Extract; one-half teaspoonful grated nutmeg. Mix and bake as wafers. Mrs. Margaret Whittaker. Spice Cake. One cup of sour milk; one cup of sugar; one-half cup of butter; two and one-half cups of Sperry Flour; one egg: one teaspoonful of soda; one small nutmeg; one teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Cloves, cinnamon and allspice; one cup of raisins. You can double this recipe and make a large cake if you wish. Ginger Snaps. One-half pound Sperry Flour; one-quarter pound sugar: one-quarter pound molasses; two ounces butter (melted); one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Baking Powder; one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Ginger; one teaspoonful baking soda; one tablespoonful milk; one-quarter teaspoonful salt. Sift dry ingredients; add butter, molasses and milk. Roll out thin and bake in a moderate oven. Miss Bryant. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 52 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. The First National Bank OF SAN FRANCISCO Offers adequate banking service to mercantile firms, business men, professional men and banks ACCOUNTS INVITED Capital, $3,000,000.00 Surplus, $I.M< ><>.< >O< ).<><> OFFICERS RUDOLPH SPRECKELS ............................. President .IAMKS K. l-\ \CH ............................. Vice-President J. K. MOFFIT ......................................... Cashier J. H. SKINNER .............................. Assistant Cashier C. H. McCORMICK ........................... Assistant Cashier not remove paper until fully risen. Increase heat after 30 minutes and bake 40 to 60 minuter Raised Biscuits. One cup warm sweet milk, one-half cup butter, two eggs well beaten, one cake compressed yeast in one-half cup warm water, three pints Sperry Flour, one teaspoonful salt, two tablespoon- fuls sugar. Mix stiff and mould; let rise four hours, roll out one- half inch thick and cut with large and small cutters; butter the larger and put smaller one on top; let rise till very light and bake 20 or 25 minutes. Mrs. I. D. Hamilton. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 72 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Khaki and Corduroy Outing Suits. Riding Breeches. Bloomers. Seton - Thompson Skirts. THE KHAKI MAN 1648 Devisadero Street - - Near Sutter ALTA PLAZA MARKET W. F. ROBERTS, Proprietor Dealer in CHOICE MEATS, POULTRY, GAME, OYSTERS, FISH, CRABS, ETC. 2847-49-51 CALIFORNIA STREET NEAR DEVISADERO Telephone West 891 Homephone S 2728 PHONE WEST 2673 JOACHIM WITT Dealer in HNE FAMILY GROCERIES FINE TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY S. E. CORNER SACRAMENTO AND BRODERICK STS. W. W. KARSTEXS THOMAS IRWIN. Manager IRWIN & KARSTENS SIGNS OFFICE, STORE, WALL AND WINDOW LETTERING OF ALL KINDS 301 FRONT STREET CORNER SACRAMENTO PHOXE DOUGLAS 4384 COMPLIMENTS OF CHARLES H. VICTOR NAT THE JEWELER EXPERT WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY PHOXK DOUGLAS 3389 700 MARKET STREET, COR. KEARNY SAN FRANCISCO BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 73 FREE Send for booklet descriptive of SUMMER HOME PARK the prettiest place in all California. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Zwieback. This popular form of bread may be made from Sperry white or entire wheat flour as preferred. Scald one cup of milk; when lukewarm add two cakes of compressed yeast, one-half tea- spoonful salt and one cup of Sperry Flour; cover and let rise until very light; then add one-quarter cup each of butter and sugar, three eggs unbeaten and flour to mold to a smooth dough. Shape into long finger rolls; place in large dripping pan far enough apart not to touch each other (about 2 inches apart); let rise and bake 20 minutes. When cold, cut diagonally, and brown delicately in very moderate oven. Should be dry and crisp throughout. Oatmeal Crisps. Melt one rounded tablespoonful of Cottolene and one-half cup sugar in one-half cup hot milk, add one-half level teaspoonful salt, one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Lemon Juice, one cup rolled oats (uncooked) and enough graham flour to make a soft dough. Drop from a teaspoon some distance apart, on a greased pan, shape with a wet knife and bake in moderate oven. Mrs. W. Hazel Doughnuts. One coffeecupful of cream; one cof- feecupful of sweet milk; one large spoonful of butter; one teaspoonful of cream of tartar; one cup of sugar; one teaspoonful of soda; three eggs, well beaten; salt and Folger's Golden Gate Cinnamon. Made as soft as can be rolled. VEGETABLES. We recommend KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons. Mushroom Sauce. One rounding tablespoonful of butter, the same of Sperry Flour, one-half pint soup stock or water, one-half tea- spoonful onion juice, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-eighth teaspoon- ful of white or black Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, one tablespoonful Worcestershire sauce, one-half pint canned mushrooms. Melt the butter, add the flour, browned, then put in stock or water, and cook till boiling. Add mushrooms and seasoning. Cook 5 minutes and serve. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Spanish Beans. One pint of dark beans, parboiled; cook slowly, with small piece of pork; take one medium-sized onion, two kernels of garlic; one tomato. Fry in one-half large cup olive oil; add four chili peppers, cayenne, salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, one-half cup New Orleans molasses. Cook all day; close tightly; place in hot oven all night. Mrs. Bradley. A Nice Way of Cooking Sweet Potatoes. Boil sweet potatoes until soft, then slice, and dip in beaten egg, and then in crackers rolled very fine. Fry in butter until brown, and pour drawn butter over them. Mrs. F. B. Southern Way of Cooking Sweet Potatoes. Take ordinary-sized potatoes, boiled until nearly ready for use. Then slice into a baking SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 74 A Happy Smile Comes Easier With Good Digestion. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. O rlara & L/ivermore ADVISORY DECORATORS AND HOUSE FURNISHERS 1366 SUTTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO We Arrange Harmonious Color Schemes for Your Home. We Select the Furniture. Carpets. Electric Fixtures. Wall Papers. And Import Exclusive Fabrics for Walls. Curtains and Upholstery. 'We Make Lamp Shades. Desk Sets and Table Covers to Suit Our Fur- nishings. Furniture. Chinese Embroideries. Russian Laces and Drawn Work. Hand-Made Jewelry. BYRON MAUZY Gold Medal Pianos ESTABLISHED IBB* Inner Player Pianos MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SHEET MUSIC IMPORTER MANUFACTURER JOBBER 244-250 STOCKTON ST. (Union Square) SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Telephone Douglas 4355 Homephone C 1442 PHOXES WEST 3722, HOMEPHOXE S 2988 RIALTO MARKET L_. R. KATZ YOUR BUTCHER FORMERLY OF TH K CALIFORNIA MARKET 3375 SACRAMENTO STREET NEAR WALNUT K. M. BRAY R. A. BRAY BRAY BROTHERS ESTABLISHED 1855 SHIPPING MERCHANTS GRAIN AND BEANS UNION SAVINGS BANK BLDG. OAKLAND, CAL. R EPUBLIC UNDERWRITERS POLICIES UNDERWRITTEN BY THE AUSTIN FIRE INSURANCE CO., Geo. W. Jalonick, Pres. Cash Capital, $200,000. and the COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF TEXAS, I. Jalonick, Pres. Cash Capital, $230.000. Total Assets, $988,934.78 Surplus to Policyholders, $631,298.10 JOHN E. ANDERSON, General Agent, Pacific Coast Department 243 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ICKELHEIMER BROS. CO. GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES 439 SUTTER STREET Between Stockton and Powell Telephone Douglas 4535 SAN FRANCISCO THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION pays 6 per cent on time money. 75 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. dish, putting a very little salt on each layer. Take a piece of butter the size of a small hen's egg, melt and pour over with a scant table- spoonful of sugar sprinkled on top. Bake a half hour in not too hot an oven. Mrs. J. M. R. Tomatoes and Rice. Put into a saucepan, butter the size of an egg, and when it bubbles sprinkle in a dessertspoonful of Sperry Flour. Stir in one quart, or a little less, of stewed tomatoes, and when quite hot, add a cupful of fresh boiled rice and a half teaspoon- t'ul of soda. A little sugar to the tomatoes when cooking is an improvement. Mrs. M. S. Spinach. Put the spinach, after it is well picked and washed, into boiling water with a little salt, and boil uncovered for five min- utes; then drain in a colander, pour over it some boiling water, press out water, and cut with a knife (not chopped fine). For one peck of spinach have ready -scant pint of good strong beef broth, into which put crumbs of two soda crackers, one small onion, some butter, and when it boils add spinach. Season with Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and salt, and let it simmer half an hour. Warmed up Potatoes. Slice or chop up boiled potatoes. Put on the lire, in a saucepan, a little milk. When boiling, add a small teacupful of butter, into which rub a teaspoonful of Sperry Flour. Add potatoes and cook about ten minutes. Mrs. H. B. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Corn Puree. Take one dozen ears of plump tender corn, care- fully cut the grains from the cob; put into the stew pan and just water enough to cover. Cook one hour, season with Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and salt. Pour in one pint of cream and two well- beaten eggs, one tablespoonful of butter and one tablespoonful of Sperry Flour rubbed to a cream. Let simmer, but not boil, for 1.0 minutes. Serve very hot in vegetable cups. Correspondent. Pea, Bean or Lentil Croquettes. If dried, soak over night, then stt-w till tender, drain dry, mash or sift and season with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, a bit of sugar, onion, and minced parsley; add to each cup of pulp, one beaten yolk and soft bread crumbs sufficient to hold in shape. Make into balls, crumb-egg-and-crumb and fry as usual. Lima Bean Puree. Soak one pint of lima beans over night. Pour off water and if the skins are very loose, remove them as you would almonds, when blanching them. Put on to cook in one pint of water, add one-eighth teaspoonful of soda, celery leaves or stalk of celery, and a few moment's before tender, one level teaspoonful of salt and one-eighth teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Pepper. When soft, put through puree sieve, return to fire and add one pint of milk and one tablespoonful of Sperry Flour, blended with two tablespoonfuls of butter. Serve with croutons. SIEVERS-CORNWE T L CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387,' Home C 1387. 76 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. ESTABLISHED 1896 PHONE WEST 6641 H. LONDONER and CO. 3333 SACRAMENTO STREET WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING EXCLUSIVELY All Stock on Hand to Be Closed Out, Regardless of Cost, to Enable Us to Devote All Our Time to Repairing Only. T. LUNDY WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY TELEPHONE KEARNY 2023 718 MARKET STREET, Between Kearny and Grant Avenue SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TELEPHONE WEST 1645 WM. C. ZIMMERMANN Dealer in FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES N.W. CORNER PINE & BRODERICK STS., SAN FRANCISCO LOUIS MARSH'S ANTIQUE SHOP REPAIRING AND RE-UPHOLSTERING OF FINE FURNITURE 341-345 SUTTER STREET Between Stockton and Grant Ave. PHONE PACIFIC 3983 RESIDENCE 64 SIXTH AVE. G. H. BATCHELOR PAINTING, GRAINING, PAPER HANGING & TINTING SHOP, 2875 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO COMPLIMENTS OF THE COLUMBIA STABLES BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 77 The boating and bathing at SUMMER HOME PARK cannot be sur- passed. Write for booklet, 128 Sutler St., San Francisco. Squash on Half Shell. Divide a Hubbard squash in half length- wise. Put in oven in dripping pan to bake. Cover and cook until tender. Aim to preserve the rind in good condition. Take out cooked center when done, mash and season with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, butter and very rich cream, a suspicion of sugar and Folger's Golden Gate Cinnamon or nutmeg; beat until light and creamy, re- turn to the shell, reheat in the oven and serve in the shell. Garnish the platter with grape or other large leaves available. Baked Beans. Wash and put on to parboil one quart of small white beans, with a half teaspoonful of soda added. Let boil an hour, drain and add four tablespoonfuls New Orleans molasses, a pinch of Folger's Golden Gate Mustard, salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pep- per. Put part of the beans in the bean pot, then a pound of bacon (salt pork, if preferred), then rest of beans. Cover with hot water; cover tightly, and bake ten hours, keeping water replenished as it cooks away. Are nicer if they can be started the day before and left in the oven over night. Mrs. H. Wilson. Tomato Soy. Eight pounds green tomatoes, one dozen bell peppers, one dozen large onions. Chop fine and add one cup salt and let stand over night. Drain and pour over one quart vinegar, one quart sugar, one tablespoonful Folger's Golden Gate cloves, cinna- mon and allspice. Boil one and one-half hours. Bottle and seal. Mrs. C. E. Cocks. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Beans Slavonian. Take three pounds of yellow wax beans, string and break them in the usual manner. Peel and slice a quart of tomatoes; peel and slice thin four good-sized onions and chop fine four bell peppers. Arrange in layers in a deep kettle: beans, tomatoes, onions, and a sprinkling of peppers until all are used; then add a pint of water, four tablespoonfuls of olive oil and a scant dessert spoonful of salt. Cover and cook slowly for 3 hours. More water may be added to prevent burning, and more seasoning if desired. Stir often. Mrs. C. E. Cocks. Corn Fritters. Six ears of corn grated, one egg, two tablespoon- fuls butter, one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Baking Powder, and a little salt. Mrs. B. Stuffed Peppers. Six green peppers from which stem ends and seeds have been removed. Scald in water to cover, over the simmer- ing burner, from 5 to 8 minutes. Drain ready to fill. Make filling from rice nicely boiled or steamed whole and blanched, seasoned with salt, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and butter. Or a more elaborate filling from "left overs," if at hand; one and one-half cups of rice, three-quarters cup of minced lamb, veal or chicken is used. Tomatoes may be stuffed with one-half cup of stewed and strained SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 78- A Happy Smile Comes Easier With Good Digestion. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. Calif ene is manufactured in our Refinery at So. San Francisco under Government In- spection, and under ordinary condi- tions CALIFENE will reach the home from two to three weeks fresher than Eastern product Califene Shortens Perfectly and is Made in California If you cannot secure CALIFENE from your dealer, it will pay you to communicate with the Western Meat Company San Francisco Oakland San Jose Sacramento Stockton THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION helps people to help themselves. 79 No saloons at SUMMER HOME PARK. Ideal surroundings for a summer home. Write for booklet. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. tomatoes, and one teaspoonful grated onion pulp. Mix ingredients, fill peppers two-thirds full and finish each with buttered bread crumb-.. Put closely together in a deep baking dish, with one-half cup of stock or water in the dish. Cover for first 10 minutes in the oven and bake 15 minutes longer uncovered. A very rare vegetable entree when minced lamb, veal or chicken is used. Tomatoes may be .-tuffed with the same mixture, substituting chopped pepper for tomato or using peppers with the plain rice. Stuffed Baked Potatoes. Use medium-sized potatoes and bake till done without burning. Then take from the oven. Take a slice of the skin from the Mat side of the potato. Remove the inside of all in pan and season with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, cream and butter and beat till white and fine and return to the skins and oven till they rise up like a puff. Serve very hot in the skins. Mrs. I. D. Hamilton. Browned Potatoes. Chop some cold boiled potatoes, not too fine; season with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper. Put one tablespoonful of butter in the frying pan, and when hot add the potatoes, spreading them out evenly. After they get hot through add one-third cup of rich milk or thin cream; have only moderate heat and let them brown for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally till all are evenly browned. Serve very hot. Mrs. I. D. Hamilton. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Littleton Potatoes. Arrange in layers in baking dish alternately, cold minced or diced potatoes, hard-boiled eggs and white sauce made of milk, Sperry Flour and butter; season to taste and on top put buttered crackers or dry bread crumbs. Bake slowly about 1 hour. Mrs. J. M. Jackson. CHAPTER ON SOUPS. KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons are always best. "I do not like the stock foundation, made, as it usually is, from bones, and by long and repeated boiling reduced to a stiff jelly which is kept for weeks. The best soups are made on the day they are to be served, or the day before, or from comparatively fresh stock. The best foundation for which is a shank of beef, boiled not longer that 6 or 7 hours. Strain, and when used, skim off the fat, which will be excellent to use. after proper clarifying. Xo foundation for soup is better than the bones from roast beef or mutton. Sometimes we put the bones on a gridiron over a clear fire before putting them to boil, adding any scraps of cold meat we may have on hand, and a tablespoonful of rice or two medium-sized potatoes cut in thin slices. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 80 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. GHIRARDELLI'S Chocolates and Cocoas The Standard of Excellence Since 1852 3 KINDS WHEAT FLAKES ROLLED OATS GRANULATED WHEAT Serve Piping Hot With Cream and Sugar BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 81 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. For the bones from a leg or loin of mutton, or rib roast of beef, allow from three pints to a quart of cold water, cover closely, boiling three or four hours. One-half hour before dinner, remove all the bones and meat, adding boiling water to make the required quantity if it has boiled down; salt to taste; small bunch of celery, cut fine. Cook 15 or 20 minutes, strain into warm tureen, and serve as quickly as possible. The flavoring may be varied; a chopped carrot, an onion, or a little browned Sperry Flour, or a quart of nice, ripe tomatoes may be used instead of the celery; or a real vegetable soup may be made by adding two potatoes, an onion, two carrots, one-quarter of small cabbage, or a small cauliflower, all cut in small pieces and put in the soup at least three-quarters of an hour before dinner. Removing nothing but scraps of meat and the bones, three pounds of the cheaper pieces of beef or mutton part of which is better will answer in place of roast beef bones. Soups should be made in porcelain-lined kettles; cook slowly and serve with toasted bread cut in small squares, or toasted crackers, bread sticks, or slices of bread cut into long, narrow strips. Or the bones and pieces from roast meat, especially if there is considerable fat, as in a loin of mutton, may be boiled in sufficient water for the soup the day before it is used. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." How to Make Bouillon. Bouillon is only another name for beef tea, but it is usually not made as strong as for an invalid's nourish- ment, and frequently vegetables are added, or flavoring, which are never found in the beef tea proper. The following recipe is an excellent one for serving at luncheons and dinners: To every pound of beef add a pint of cold water. Put on fire where it will not get more than lukewarm for three hours; then boil hard for ten minutes. Strain through cloth, and set aside to settle. When cold, put in beaten white and shell of egg, a little onion, carrot, parsley, and turnips; make a caramel of one lump of sugar, and strain again. Bouillon requires considerable salt. Do not pour the bouillon in the cups until guests are ready to come to the table. The soup and salad both came from a shin of veal weighing 6 pounds. It was boiled very slowly and carefully in salted water to cover, until as tender as chicken; then after it had partly cooled in the water, it was taken out and set in a cool place over night. Next morning the meat was cut from the bones in pieces about the size of one's finger, and three-quarters of an hour before wanted. The soup was made from the liquor of the meat. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 82 A Meal Without Meat. Popular Prices. Open All Day, Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. Favorite Bread Recipe Dissolve one cake Golden Gate Compressed Yeast and one tablespoonful of sugar in a cup two-thirds full of lukewarm water. Let this stand while you warm the mixing bowl, and get everything ready to make up the dough. If milk is used, scald it and allow to cool to lukewarm. Add to one pint of lukewarm milk (or lukewarm water if milk is not desired) one tablespoonful of salt, then pour in the cup of yeast and sugar (never put salt in the cup con- taining the yeast, as it will kill the yeast). Make dough as soft as can be handled, then work in a tablespoonful of melted butter or lard. When milk is used the butter and lard may be omitted. It is important to mix dough thoroughly, and not to work in the butter or lard until all of the flour is thoroughly taken up and worked into dough, as greased flour will not absorb yeast and water very well, thus interfering with the raising. Set in a warm place to rise, cover with cloth to avoid draught. When quite light (almost ready to fall), knead well, let raise for half hour longer, then make up loaves and let prove in greased pan well covered with cloth. When light, bake in moderately hot oven. Be careful not to give too much proof in pan, remember- ing that bread should be allowed to raise still more while baking. If you start your bread at 6 a. m., it should be in the oven by or before noon; thus it is not necessary to spend part of two days making a batch of bread, as is the case when the over-night method is used. If it is desired to hurry the bread through, use double the amount of yeast, being careful not to let the dough over- prove (get too ripe). If two cakes are used, bread can be started at 7 a. m. and be out of the oven by noon. It is not a good plan to use potatoes in the dough unless the potato flavor is particularly desired; potatoes add both cost and unnecessary work to the making of bread. It also destroys that delicious nut-like flavor produced by properly fermented dough, which is the quick method. THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION'S plan helps the old man enjoy life. 83 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. White Soup From Veal. "Carefully simmer one-half hour in three cupfuls of the meat liquid, one very small onion, three bay leaves, and four Folger's Golden Gate Cloves. Then add one cup milk, tablespoonful Sperry Flour, and butter well mixed and thinned with a little of the hot soup. Boil up once, add Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and salt. The cup used in measuring should hold one-half pint, so that there should be one quart of soup. For serving with white soups, small butter crackers, split, buttered, browned in an oven are best, and they certainly were delicious." For Tomato Soup. Take one quart of the bran stock and let one-half an onion and one-half can of tomatoes boil together for three-quarters of an hour. Strain, add a teaspoonful sugar, salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, one cup milk, and, if the stock is not very rich, a small bit of butter. Thicken with about two tablespoon- fuls of Sperry Flour rubbed to a paste with milk or water. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." For Potato Soup, or puree, rather, boil five medium-sized pota- toes and one onion together until potatoes are ready to fall to pieces. Drain well, sprinkle with salt; have the stock hot and skimmed. Rub potatoes through colander into the hot stock, and to make it smooth stir in one or two tablespoonfuls of Sperry Flour blended smoothly in a little cold water, as in the tomato soup; add Folger's Golden Gate Pepper and teaspoonful chopped parsley. Easy Way to Make Soups. Why is it that so many people think it a hard matter to have soup for dinner, and why is it that those who have the most available materials for this purpose often use it the least? You do not necessarily need meat. Bran makes an ex- cellent stock and ought to be used by housekeepers, especially during the summer months, as it is inexpensive and contains much of the nutritive properties of meat. It is made in the proportion of one cup bran, six cups water, one-half teaspoonful salt. This should boil slowly 2 or 3 hours. Should then be strained and set aside to cool, forming a stock from which many varieties of soup may be made such as rice puree, vegetable soup, potato soup, etc. It all depends what you put with it. Have in the house always a bottle of celery salt, some bay leaves, Folger's Golden Gate whole cloves, five-cents' worth of bay leaves to be bought at a druggist's will last a dozen years. In perhaps a quart or more of the stock put, one hour before dinner, one-half onion sliced, three tablespoonfuls well-washed rice. Let boil gently. A few minutes before dinner add a teaspoonful celery salt. Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, and salt to taste; chop a little fresh parsley fine and put into tureen. It will not flavor much but will look pretty. A little here means a teaspoonful when chopped. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 84 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. talinnprg (Eatttptmg STATIONERS, & PRINTERS ENGRAVERS and BOOKBINDERS Phones: KEARNY 2664 HOME C 2664 Salesrooms Printing and Bookbinding: De pt. 210-218 SANSOME STREET 555-561 FOLSOM STRETE SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LONG'S Woodlawn Maple Syrup and Saratoga Drips are the Finest Table Syrups made. Try them and be convinced. Ask your Grocer for them. LONG SYRUP REFINING COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA MODERN METHODS FIRST-CLASS WORK PHONE MARKET 1511 EAGLE LAUNDRY COMPANY Try Us. We Will Satisfy You. 53-55-57 Colton Street San Francisco THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION has reduced saving to a system. 85 No saloons at SUMMER HOME PARK. Ideal surroundings for a summer home. Write for booklet. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. The rice, meantime, has boiled itself into a thickish substance, form- ing what is called a puree. Try it. For a vegetable soup, chop fine a medium-sized carrot, one-half turnip, one large onion; add small bay leaf, one Folger's Golden Gate Clove, and boil with as little water as possible for an hour. If you have any cooked or uncooked tomatoes, add a few spoonfuls. Let the bran stock come to a boil, skim and put in the vegetables. Thicken slightly with two tablespoonfuls of corn starch or Sperry Flour, and your soup is done. CANDY. "KINGAN & CO.," the Brand of Quality. Smith College Fudge. One-quarter cup butter; one cup brown sugar; one-half cup cream; one cup white sugar; one-quarter cup molasses; two squares Baker's No. 1 chocolate; one and one-half teaspoonfuls of Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla. Melt one-quarter cup butter. Mix together in a separate dish, one cup of white sugar, one cup of brown sugar, one-quarter cup molasses, and one-half cup of cream. Add this to the butter, and, after it has been brought to a boil, continue boiling for two and one-half minutes, stirring rapidly. Then add two squares of Baker's chocolate, scraped fine; boil this five minutes, stirring it first rapidly, and then more slowly towards the end. After it has been taken from the fire add one and one-half teaspoonfuls of Folger's Extract of Vanilla. Then stir constantly until the mass thickens; pour into buttered pan and set in a cool place. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Karo Fudge. Grate two squares or ounces of Baker's unsweet- ened chocolate, and stir into one-half cup milk; add two cups granu- lated sugar and one-third cup Karo corn syrup. Put over the fire and stir in two tablespoonfuls butter. When chocolate is melted, allow to cook slowly, stirring once in a while. When the mixture makes a soft ball between the fingers upon being dropped into cold water it is done. Take from the fire and turn in one teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla Extract, and beat. Granulation will soon begin, when the mixture must be immediately turned into a buttered pan. Mark deeply in cubes when nearly cold. Mrs. Margaret Whittaker. Taffy. Two cups sugar; one-half cup vinegar; one-quarter cup water. Let boil until it hardens in cold water; flavor; cool, color if desired, and pull. Don't stir while boiling. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Orange Fudge. Two cups brown sugar; one cup milk; flavor with Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla; two cups water; lump of butter. When nearly done, add one-half teaspoonful cream of tartar. Boil SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO- High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 86 Health and Happiness You will Enjoy Both. Thousands have proven it. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary. A HAPPY HOME is your one greatest desire, of course, and, likewise, to be a Good Cook. But if your Eyes Trouble you, your naturally good disposition is unbalanced, and unconsciously you be- come irritable. A PAIR OF GOOD GLASSES and Happiness Will Reign. There is an advantage in getting Glasses of the Maker. We Are Makers of Good Glasses. 181 Post Street San Francisco SECOND-HAND PIANOS We have a large number of good makes in slightly-used PIANOS, from $75.00 up. You can find almost any of the Standard Makes at a fraction of cost new. Sole Agents for IVERS & POND PIANOS J. T. BOWERS & SON 356 POST STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. LOUIS SARONI FACTORY SO1.K MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICAN GIRL CHOCOLATES and FLEUR DE LIS MARSHMALLOWS BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 87 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. until it ropes well. After removing from fire, stir in cup of walnuts, chopped fine, one-half fresh orange peel. Beat cool, and mark in cubes. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Chocolate Caramels. One cup granulated sugar; one square Baker's chocolate; one tablespoonful melted butter; one-half cup milk. Boil until brittle, cool, and mark in squares. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Panoche. Four cups brown sugar; one cup sweet cream; butter size of an egg. Boil, stirring constantly until it forms soft balls when dropped into water. Remove from fire and add cup chopped walnuts and flavoring. Stir until it becomes creamy or doughy, and pour in pans. Cut in squares. Chopped raisins, dates, prunes, figs, orange peel, etc., make a variety. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Kisses. Beat whites of four eggs until it clings to dish; add seven teaspoonfuls sugar to each white, beating all the time; flavor with Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla; invert a dripping pan and cover with brown paper. Drop kiss on paper by spoonful, so as not to touch. Bake in very cool oven until delicate brown. Mrs. E. R.- Lewis. Vinegar Candy. Three cups sugar; one-half cup water; one-half cup vinegar. Stir before putting on stove, but not after. When partly done add one teaspoonful of butter. Just before removing from stove stir in one-half teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in a few drops of hot water. When cool enough to handle, pull white with tips of fingers. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Marshmallows. Two heaping tablespoonfuls of gelatine; one pound powdered sugar; three-quarters cup boiling water; one-half teaspoonful Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla. Dissolve gelatine in water, pour in sugar, and beat steadily for one-half hour. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Chocolate Creams. For chocolate creams, roll any good fondant into balls, place on platter in cool place. Grate Baker's chocolate and put in a bowl over boiling teakettle. When it becomes melted, drop in the balls, one at a time. When coated, remove to wax paper. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. . Cream Candy. Two cups brown sugar; one cup cream; two cups milk; a small lump of butter if milk is used. Stir until it boils, and boil until it holds together when dropped in cold water. Add any flavoring desired, and beat until cool. Mrs. E. R. Lewib. Butter Scotch. One cup molasses; one cup granulated sugar; one-half cup butter. Boil until hard when dropped in water. Pour in tins and make in squares. Mrs. E. R. Lewis, Caramel or Burnt Sugar. Into a small tin vessel put two table- spoonfuls granulated sugar; cook until it bubbles. When it is brown and bubbling, but not burned, pour in two tablespoonfuls of boiling water. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 88 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Phones Mills at Pacific, Sutler 594-5 ALBION Home, J 2387 Kendocino County Albion Lumber Co. REDWOOD and PINE Sales Office and Yards WHOLESALE LUMBER 145 Berry St. Car Shipments San Francisco a Specialty Good Olive Oil is as essential as Good Butter in order to obtain the best results in cooking. Olive Oil being the most-readily digestible and most wholesome fat, should be used in place of animal fats in the kitchen. MONTE SANTO OLIVE OIL is the best grade of California Olive Oil obtainable, warranted absolutely pure, is mild, mellow and smooth in taste. MONTE SANTO OLIVE OIL is selected each season from the crops of one of California's most reliable olive growers. Every pack- age is submitted to rigid examination, and careful attention is given to the bottling and packing, so that the natural rich, nutty flavor remains unaltered. We think you will appreciate one of our MONTE SANTO OLIVE OIL RECIPE BOOKLETS, which contains many excellent recipes and suggestions regarding the use of Olive Oil. If you care for one of these booklets, either ask your Druggist, or drop us a postal. Coffin Redington Co. 35-49 SECOND STREET SAN FRANCISCO THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION helps you accumulate money for old age. 89 Wild flowers and beautiful ferns galore at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Peanut Brittle. One cup granulated sugar; put in fry pan and let dissolve. Stir until it boils up. Add one teaspoonful butter, pinch soda. Scatter nuts on greased pan, pour candy over. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Vanilla Fudge. One cup granulated sugar; one cup light brown sugar; one cup cream or milk. -When removed from stove flavor with Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla, and stir until it starts to grain; then hastily pour in buttered tins. Cube when cold. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Chocolate Fudge. Two cups granulated sugar; one cup milk; small lump of butter; two squares of grated chocolate. Beat until it forms soft balls when dropped in cold water. Beat while cooling, and flavor with Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Maple Cream. One pound maple sugar; one cup cream. Cook until hardens in cold water. Stir constantly, and when done, beat until it hardens. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons are always best. How to Preserve a Husband. Be careful in your selection. Do not choose too young, and take only such varieties as have been reared in a good, moral atmosphere. When once decided upon and selected, let that part remain forever settled, and give your entire thought to preparation for domestic use. Some insist on keeping them in a pickle; others are constantly getting them into hot water, liven poor varieties may be made sweet, tender and good by gar- nishing them with patience, well sweetened with smiles and flavored with kisses to taste. Then wrap well in a mantle of Charity. Keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devotion, and serve with peaches and cream. When thus prepared, they will keep for years. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. . "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Marketing. At the World's Food Fair held in Boston a few years ago Mrs. A. D. Lincoln gave a most interesting talk on mar- keting, the substance of which was as follows: "In different cities beef is cut differently, but if one has the right knowledge regarding the structure, and fat and lean parts, there will be no trouble in purchasing. "In Boston three ribs are left on the hind quarter. In cutting this up the flank is removed first, composed of thin layers of meat covered with fibres, giving a peculiar texture, yet juicy. Nearest SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 90 A Meal Without Meat. Popular Prices. Open All Day. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. Hooper Lumber Company 17th The place to buy Lumber for Building Purposes. Also carry a complete line of Mouldings and :: :: Inside Finish. :: :: Gal. YARDS, OFFICE AND MILL and Illinois Street - San Francisco, Phones: MARKET 5313 HOME M 3855 BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 91 FREE Send for booklet descriptive of SUMMER HOME PARK the prettiest place in all California. Office 128 Sutler St., S. F. the leg the meat makes a nice beef roll, or it can be stuffed and steamed. Some of the tenderest parts of the animal are along the back, while the juicy parts are taken from the leg. "To illustrate all the various parts, a market man cut a leg of beef into sections. First, the aitch bone was removed. This makes a nutritious soup. While the adjoining top of the round steak is a more expensive cut, the lower parts make the best meats for braising <>r pot-roasting. Toward the end, where there are more cords and tendron-. the pieces are good for spiced beef, while the shin is suitable only for soup stock. "A good way to cook the top of the round is to have it cut 2 or 3 inclu-s thick. Sear both surfaces over a hot fire, then hold it high over the coals and let it cook very slowly. "Tin- face of the rump is full of juice, and when roasted rare is delicious. Tenderloin is cheaper when cut from the rump. A choice roasting piece comes from the back of the rump, as it is tender, although lacking in flavor, which can be imparted to it by mushrooms and other sauces. In carving it should be cut across the grain. The whole hind-quarter being hung up after it is cut. much juice settles in this particular part. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." "The loin and the sirloin were next considered. The bulging muscle makes that part rather undesirable, but as it is cut farther down it improves in quality. In Boston Market the second cut is considered the best. The extreme end or tip of the sirloin is juicy and is generally bought for roasting. It is preferable to even the 1>e-t cut- from the rib. "In the fore-quarters are parts with thick lean meats, suitable for various styles of cooking, except roasting. The brisket is particu- larly go<>d for corning. ".Mutton is cut about the same as beef, after the first division of the animal. Through the loins are to be found the best parts for roasting and for chops. Never be afraid of buying fat, said Mrs. Lincoln, either in beef or mutton, as the meat is always of finer flavor when surrounded by fat. The outer skin should be cut off before it is cooked. Loin or kidney chops, cut thick, are the ones io buv. Those already rolled up and skewered together with equal layers of lean and fat are delusions. They would do very well for corned beef, or perhaps to stew, but never to broil. The fore- quarter is good if boned, steamed or broiled until tender, then baked." In Serving Birds, a good rule to remember is that the leg of a living bird and the wing of a swimming bird are the choicest portions. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 92 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. We Develop Roll Film, 6 exposures lOc We Develop Roll Film, 12 exposures 15c We Print 2%x3% 3c We Print 3^x4% 4c We Print 4x5 and Post Cards 5c We Enlarge to 8x10 30c SUNSET PHOTO SUPPLY CO. 895 MARKET STREET NEXT TO FIFTH TELEPHONE WEST 9372 A. DE CAMP, Proprietor MERCED CREAMERY GUARANTEED PURE MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, EGGS AND CANNED GOODS 3001^ SACRAMENTO STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Near Broderick Let us apply new rub- ber tires on your old buggy. We carry a full line of Vehicles, Harness, Robes and Whips. MILLER & MILLER, 13th and Mission Sts., Now the C. V. Co. CROW-ELKHART AUTOS are in a class by themselves when price is con- sidered $900.00 to $2000.00; 107 to 120-inch wheel-base; 4 cyl.; 4 speeds. McFARLAN SIX holds more records for number of races entered than any car made. 120 wheel base; 36 inch wheels; $2150 here. Consolidated Vehicle Co. 13th AND MISSION STS., - SAN FRANCISCO Cable Address Vanwinkle Codes A. B. C., 5th Edition Western Union PHONE DOUGLAS 2114 H. L. VAN WINKLE CO. (Successor to I. S. VAN WINKLE & CO., Est. 1849) IMPORTERS OF IRON AND STEEL 160 BEALE STREET SAN FRANCISCO THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION helps people to help themselves. 93 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. Macaroni and Vermicelli arc very nice soups. Either may be added to soups not previously thickened by either rice or potatoes. Wash carefully and put in saucepan with cold water to cover; heat gradually, and when hot add to soup 20 minutes or half an hour before serving. Macaroni should be broken in pieces an inch or less in length. Brown soups are easily made by the addition of a table- spoonful of browned Sperry Flour. A teacupful may be browned at once, putting it when cold into closely covered glass jar. It will be found very convenient and will keep a long time in any cool closet. To prepare it, put the Sperry Flour, a little at a time, in a hot fry pan, stir rapidly, being careful not to scorch, as it is then unfit for use. When a rich dark brown, it is done. A brown soup made in the following manner is a favorite with us: Procure a round steak, allow a pound of meat to each quart of soup required, the rule given being for that quantity. Broil the meat over a very hot fire a little. Should be well browned on each side and cut in small pieces. Put in stew pan with quart of cold water and tablespoonful of rice. Cover and cook slowly one hour; then add an onion, one small carrot chopped fine, one sliced potato cut in small pieces, salt, cover and cook three-quarters of an hour. The vegetables may be omitted if desired. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Care of Meat Chopper. Take a round piece of cloth, run a rubber in it, and keep it over the top of the meat chopper. No dust can get in, and it will always be ready for use. Mrs. G. Lewis. Mold on Preserves. Mold can be kept from the top of preserves by putting a few drops of glycerine around the edges of the jar before screwing on the cover. Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Canned goods should always be removed from the case as soon as opened, and allowed to stand a while before being used. In purchasing canned goods, examine the cans carefully, and if the sides bulge outward reject them, as that denotes the presence of gas which renders the contents unfit for use. Store all canned goods in a cool, dry, dark place, as it is very beneficial to the contents. MISCELLANEOUS. Mince Meat. Three pounds of round of beef, boiled the day previous; one and one-half cups suet; two pounds raisins; one pound citron; ten pounds apples; two pounds currants; one pint boiled cider; one and one-half quarts sweet cider; one tablespoonful Folger's Golden Gate cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, ginger; one pint molasses; two large cups sugar; one tablespoonful salt. Cook well Add brandy to suit taste when cold. Mrs. Ellen Simmons. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 94 You Will Enjoy Your Meal Every Moment Try It. Cafeteria in VEGETARIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. Pierre Chige Cecil Raymond Jacques Pouquette PRIVATE EXCHANGE PHOXE DOUGLAS HOME C 3748 THE CALIFORNIA POULTRY CO. Incorporated \\ I1OLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX Poultry, Game, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Etc. Stalls 113-114-115-116-117 THE CALIFORNIA MARKET 118-119-120-121-122 Pine Street Entrance Branch: Bay City Market, 966-968 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO - - - CALIFORNIA ions Stattottet^j Show Gattds Pa els MOST UP TO DATE AND MODERN PLANT FOR HANDLING WITH QUICK DISPATCH AND EXCELLENT QUALITY ALL CLASSES OF BOTH PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHY. SchmtdtSithopitaph (k PORTLAND.ORE. ~O~ LOS ANGELES.CAL. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 95 The boating and bathing at SUMMER HOME PARK cannot be sur- passed. Write for booklet, 128 Sutler St., San Francisco. Roast Turkey. The turkey should be killed and dressed at least two days in advance. Make a force meat of grated bread crumbs, Folger's Golden Gate pepper, salt, sweet marjoram, minced suet, and beaten yolk of egg. Chop the liver, gizzard and heart for the gravy. Stuff the craw and the body, and sew the openings. Dredge with Sperry Flour, and put the bird into the bake pan, with the bottom well cov- ered with water. Baste every half-hour with butter. Boned Turkey. This is a favorite dish at evening parties, and may be thus prepared: Boil a turkey in as little water as you can, until the bones can be separated from the meat. Remove all the skin; slice, mixing together the light and dark parts. Season with salt and pepper. Take the liquid in which the turkey was boiled, having kept it warm, and pour it on the meat; mix it well. Shape it like a loaf of bread, wrap it in a cloth, and press with a heavy weight for a few hours. When served, it is cut into thin slices. Chickens can be pre- pared in the same way. Chicken Patties. Chop very fine all the dry, poorest bits left from baked chicken; season carefully with pepper, salt, and a little celery, cut into small bits; make a light puff paste; roll a quarter of an inch thick; cut with a neatly-shaped paste cutter; lay a narrow strip of the paste all round, then put some of the mince on the paste; cut another piece of the same size and lay over. Bake fifteen minutes. This makes a neat dish, and is good. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Cheese Straws. One cup grated cheese, one-half scant cup butter, one cup Sperry Flour, one-half teaspoonful salt, one-eighth teaspoon- ful Folger's Golden Gate Paprika, yolk of one egg, two tablespoonfuls milk or water. Knead ingredients well together, roll out crust one- quarter inch thick, cut in narrow strips about 4 or 5 inches long, lay on wet dripping pan, not touching each other, and bake in quick- oven. May be cut in circles, part of crust, and served by placing strips in rings tied together with ribbons, or pile log-cabin fashion on plate. Very dainty with salads. Some housekeepers like the cheese straws made from pastry rolled thin and cheese sprinkled between two layers, cut in strips and baked. Perfect Fish Balls. Cut enough raw potatoes in small pieces to fill two cups. Cook with one cup flaked codfish till potatoes are tender. Wash thoroughly till every lump is gone. Add one table- spoonful of butter, one-sixth teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, one egg. Beat till whole is light and creamy. Take up a little of the mixture at a time with a spoon that has been dipped in hot fat; this prevents mixture sticking to spoon; and drop into pan with plenty smoking hot fat. Cook golden brown; if fat is right heat, tliis will not take more than a minute. Drain well. Serve with or without bacon. ^ rs - G. H. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 96 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Telephones Douglas 4025, Douglas 4026 Home C 4025 A. DECOURTIEUX CO. (Incorporated) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SPECIAL SELECTED MEATS. Orders Called For and Delivered CALIFORNIA MARKET, 420 PINE STREET Stalls 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ARYOU 1OOFAT? Instead of Lunch Drink A.W. Fink's Buttermilk The scientific explanation of the effect of buttermilk is that it corrects the digestion so that nourishment taken into the body is used only for necessary pur- poses and does not go to the formation of fat cells. Butter- milk satisfies the craving of hunger and yet gives no nourish- ment of a fattening nature. Whenever you feel hungry, take a drink of buttermilk. How much buttermilk should be taken by persons of various weights: 140 Ibs 2 1-5 qts. 150 Ibs 2 1-3 qts. 160 Ibs 2 1-2 qts. 170 Ibs 2 2-3 qts. 180 Ibs 2 5-6 qts. 190 Ibs 3 qts. 200 Ibs 3 1-6 qts. 210 Ibs 3 1-3 qts. Home Phone C 2024 SAN FRANCISCO CONTAINS Water ............... 91 per cent Fat .................. 1 per cent Milk sugar ........... 4 per cent Albuminous (casein etc.) .............. 4 per cent Telephone Douglas 3737 RED RIBBON AND BLUE RIBBON BRANDS of COFFEES, TEAS, EXTRACTS, BAKING POWDERS, SPICES and GENERAL GROCERIES are THE FINEST PACKED IN THE MARKET Try RED RIBBON "ATHLETICO" The Modern Wonder A Substitute for Coffee Tastes Like, Looks Like COFFEE Not a Particle of Coffee in it. A HOME PRODUCT. WILLIAM CLUFF COMPANY, WHOLESALE GROCERS, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. RED RIBBON AND BLUE RIBBON BRANDS AT ANY FIRST- CLASS RETAIL GROCERS. THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION'S plan helps the old man enjoy life. 97 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. Melton Veal. Veal may be cooked in dozens of ways. It is not as nutritious as beef or mutton, but in many places is much cheaper. Cooked with ham or bacon, it has a fine flavor. One method of cook- ing the two combined, is to line a large bowl, well buttered, with slices of hard-boiled eggs. Then alternate thin slices of veal and ham, sprinkling pepper, salt and grated lemon rind, on the veal; pepper and lemon on the ham. Fill the bowl nearly to the brim; make a thick paste of Sperry Flour and water; cover over the top, and press tight on the outside edges of the bowl. Put in water, but not enough to boil over the paste, and boil three hours. Leave the paste on till nearly cold; do not turn it out of the bowl till the next morning; then if the bowl was well buttered, you will find a very appetizing dish. Cut into very thin slices, and it is excellent as a supper, breakfast, or side dish at dinner. It is styled Melton veal, because it was much used, in years past, at the Melton races. Beef Steak. Probably no point in cookery is less thoroughly understood than that of preparing beef steak, so as to be palatable, and suitable for food. Beef steak is best, when prepared by broiling over a hot fire of live coals. Beef cooked in this way, will not require more than three or four minutes for its preparation. The meat should be lean and tender. Sprinkle it with salt; and place it upon a small broiler. In about two minutes, turn it, and broil as before. You will be surprised at its tenderness. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Roast Beef. Rub the piece with salt; then place it into a well- heated oven, but be careful to prevent burning. Twenty minutes be- fore it is done, pour off the grease; thicken with browned Sperry Flour, and season with salt and Folger's Golden Gate pepper. It will be much more palatable if served immediately. Corned Beef. In cooking corned beef, it should be put into boil- ing water when put on to cook, and when it is done it should remain in the pot until cold. This is the whole secret of having corned beef juicy and well-flavored, instead of the contrary. SICK ROOM RECIPES. We recommend KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons. Sick Room Recipes. If a physician order raw beef for a patient, this is a nice way to prepare it: Scrape fine a small piece of juicy, tender beef, seasoned highly with salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, spread on thin slices of bread put together like sandwiches, and cut into small squares. These may be toasted slightly. Beef Croquettes. Beef croquettes are made by scraping a suffi- cient quantity of raw beef, sprinkle a little salt and Folger's Golden Gate Pepper over, and shape into little balls, and put in a hot frying- SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. A Meal Without Meat. Popular Prices. Open All Day. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETERIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. Train Your Boys and Girls for Business TRAIN THEM AT HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE and SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING 425 MCALLISTER ST. Send for Catalog SAN FRANCISCO BOOKS Juveniles, Gift Books, Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 99 Wild flowers and beautiful ferns galore at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. pan which lias been well sprinkled with salt; shake the pan so that the balls may be heated alike on all sides. Beef Tea. Chop tine one pound of beef, add one and one-half pints of cold water, into which have been put 8 drops of muriatic acid and a pinch of salt; after an hour, drain off the fluid without pressure, add half a pint of cold water poured over the beef, strain it all and use it as a drink, very cold. Cannot be kept long in warm weather. 2. Make beef tea in the ordinary way: A pound of chopped beef to a pint of cold water, cooked very slowly until the beef is hard, strain off the juice which should be a clear liquid-like water; have it frozen, and give to the patient in little lumps like cracked ice. 3. Take beef juice as in No. 2, add a tumbler of boiled milk, slightly and evenly thickened with Sperry Flour, flavor with bits of celery or celery seeds, which are to be taken out before serving, add salt, and call it white celery soup. 4. Slightly boil a pound of lean beef (the '"round" is best); cut into strips, and squeeze out the juice. Give it cold with a little salt and celery essence; a tablespoonful of claret wine may be added. A pound of beef makes about three tablespoonfuls af juice. This is often preferred to beef tea. The following are often preferred to beef tea: 1. Put a quart of milk into a large perfectly clean bottle; drop in the whites of three raw eggs; cook it and shake hard. 2. To one pint of milk (sugar and vanilla to taste) slightly warmed, stir in a dessertspoonful of essence of pepsin (Fairchild), and set on ice. Serve with cream. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Wine Whey. Boil a tumbler of milk, and as it rises throw in a wine-glass of sherry, giving one stir round the edges; let it stand over the fire until the curd sets; strain it; sweeten and Cream of Rice Soup. Half a pint of chicken broth strained; add to it two tablespoonfuls of rice; let it simmer for two hours, strain, and then add a half-pint of cream, salt to taste; let it come just to the boiling point. If the patient can bear it, Folger's Golden Gate Pepper, celery, or a soupscore of onion may be added. DELICIOUS DESSERTS. Use KINGAN'S Hams and Bacons. Charlotte Russe. Line a plain round or oval mold with lady fingers dipped in white of egg. Beat one pint of cream stiff, add three tablespoonfuls sugar, arid one teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla, and the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Pour into the lined mold, and stand on ice one hour before serving. A. E. P. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 100 Free Delivery. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. J. E. SCHMID J. H. HENNING (Formerly with the Justinian Caire Co. Excelsior Wire Works.) ELEVATOR Gl ARDS AND (AGES, WIRE SIGNS. WROl GHT IROX FENCE, SOLID BRASS OFFICE RAILING, STEEL PATENT FOLDING GATES. Eureka Iron and Wire Works HENNING & SCHMID, Proprietors. Manufacturers of IRON FENCE AND AVI RE WORK. BRONZE, BRASS OR IRON BANK WORK. WIRE FENCES, RAILINGS, WINDOW" GUARDS, ETC. 148-50 TWELFTH STREET Near Mission, San Francisco Box 109, Builders' Association, 402 Kearny Street. Box 46, Builders' Exchange, 180 Jessie Street. TELEPHONES Market 328fi, Home M 3294. Personal appearance has a powerful influence upon those with whom we come in contact. Ill Shaped Noses, Receding or Weak Chins, Out- standing Ears, double lip and hair lip Corrected. Scars, indents from accidents, abscesses or gun shot and knife wounds Removed. Hollow cheeks, sunken temples, thin necks, arms, hands, shoulders and busts rounded out by the ONLY SERUM that builds a perfect healthy tissue in every case. Pock pitting, birth marks, Wrinkles, Coarse pores, black- heads, pimples, red nose, red veins, oily or withered Skin, freckles, Baggy Eye-lids, Sagging cheeks or brow, and Superfluous Hair Re- moved. The Doctors Steele Parisian Cosmo Protoplastic rejuvenation and rest cure gives a new lease of life. Rejuvenates and invigorates the whole physical system and leaves no tell-tale marks of age. Obstinate cases of Skin Diseases cured in a short time. Consultation FREE. DRS. STEELE & STEELE Licensed Physicians and Surgeona Renowned Skin and Feature Specialists Practice of 27 Years Original New York Institute (Formerly of N'ew York City) Phone Franklin 1428 006 Market St. San Francisco, Cal. THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION pays the best interest on deposits. 101 Spend the summer at SUMMER HOME PARK, in the redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., San Francisco. Scotch Cream. Make a corn starch blanc mange, and separate in four parts; put the white in the bottom of the mold; stir into one part, while warm, one heaping tablespoonful of grated chocolate; pour into the mold on top of the white; color the next part with one-half teaspoonful of damask rose fruit coloring; color the last part with leaf green fruit coloring, and pour all into the mold. Place in a cold place till firm. Slice in squares and serve with whipped cream. Cover the top with powdered sugar. B. L. B. Pineapple Ice Cream. One quart of cream; half a cup of milk; one teacupful of sugar; one pineapple. Pare the pineapple, remove the core and eyes and chop fine; sprinkle with sugar, half a cup to one pint of fruit; add juice of one lemon. Add this to the cream when partly frozen. Ice Cream. To one quart of cream add one tumbler of fruit jam and one tablespoonful of sugar; freeze. If strawberry Jr rasp- berry jam is used, after it is thoroughly dissolved in the cream, strain through a wire sieve to take out seeds. Mrs. G. M. H. Lemon Ice. Dissolve five cups sugar in the juice of 12 large lemons and 4 oranges; add three quarts of water and freeze. This will make one gallon of ice. Mrs. E. M. B. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Prune Souffle. Half a pound of prunes; whites of six eggs; 12 tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar; stew the prunes and chop fine. Beat the eggs to a stiff froth; stir in the sugar, and whip in very lightly the prunes. Bake in quick oven five or ten minutes, and serve immediately with cream. Chopped peaches are also very delicious. Lockby. Coffee Jelly. Soak one-half box of Cox's gelatine in a cup of cold water. When clear stir it into three cups of boiling coffee, sweeten with three-quarters of a cup of sugar, and strain into a mold. When ready to serve, whip one pint of cream and two table- spoonfuls of sugar, and flavor with Folger's Golden Gate Vanilla. Turn out the jelly on a platter and put the whipped cream around and on top of it. Mrs. C. I. P. Fruit Pudding. One cup of chopped suet; one cup of molasses; one cup of raisins; one cup of sweet milk; three cups of Sperry Flour; one teaspoonful of soda; Folger's Golden Gate Spices to taste. Boil four hours in a farina kettle; then put in the oven fifteen minutes, and turn out. Serve with wine sauce. Mrs. D. Souffle. Yolks of six eggs; three-fourths of a cup of sugar; rind and juice of half a lemon; one cup of milk. Bring the milk, sugar, and eggs to the boiling point; let cool; add juice of half a lemon; beat well the whites of six eggs; stir slowly into the pre- pared custard. Take out three-fourths of a cup of the custard before adding the whites of the eggs; put sugar on the bottom of a pan; add H little water; brown the sugar before putting the souffle in; SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. 102 A Meal Without Meat. Popular Prices. Open All Day. Cafeteria in Connection. VEGETERIAN CAFE, 43-45 Geary Street. JOHN A. ROEBLING'S SONS CO. Works Trenton, Roebling, New Jersey MANUFACTURERS OF IRON, STEEL AND COPPER WIRE AND WIRE ROPE Bare and Insulated Electric Wires and Cables Telegraph and Telephone Wire, Insulators, Brackets and Pins Wire Cloth and Netting, Wire Nails, Barb Wire "WELD-CLAD" COPPER-CLAD STEEL WIRE Enameled Iron Conduit High Tension Porcelain Insulators 624-646 Folsom Street SAN FRANCISCO Corner Market and Alameda Streets 89 Fifth Street 900 First Ave. South LOS ANGELES PORTLAND, ORE. SEATTLE, WASH. SAN FRANCISCO RUG WORKS HOAG & CANFIELD, Proprietors NO. OF LBS. OF CARPKT SrIZE OF RUGS PRICK of RUGS n H -3 W - ; - s a. -. < =ToW <-s OB z< G V- I ~ -I i*3 _ S =* 3 = ' - . -. -. ' ? / ~ " 3 6 I 11 16 30 45 IS 50 ."> ." 60 65 95 4 6 8 11 14 23 42 60 63 70 77 84 85 114 i 8 10 13 16 27 48 72 72 80 88 96 105 162 4 5 I 6 8 18x35 inches $1.25 1.66 1.80 2.00 2.50 4.50 7.50 1 1.2.'. 11.2.'. 12.50 13 75 24x48 inches 27x54 inches 30x60 inches 3x6 feet 4x7 % feet 6x9 feet 8x10 fete 9x9 feet 'xll feet 1x12 feet .... 15.00 10x12 feet 16.65 "2 3 . 3 5 12x14 feet RUGS MADE FROM OLD CARPETS \VK TAKI-; THK CARPETS JUST AS THEY COME FROM THK FLOOR. "Promptness is the Key Note of Our Success." 929 LARKIN STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Between Geary and Post Telephone Franklin 554 BOOKS Juveniles. Gift Books. Bibles, Stationery, Fiction, Standard Works. Only one block from Market on McAllister to our door. Phones J 2372, Market 72. JENNINGS & GRAHAM, 5 and 7 City Hall Ave., at McAllister St. 103 A perfect paradise for a summer home SUMMER HOME PARK in the Redwoods on the Russian River. Office 128 Sutter St., S. F. hake in a pan of water fifteen minutes. Sauce. Take the three- fourths of a cup of custard reserved from the souffle, and add half a cup of cream. Use coffeecup for measure. Mrs. H. C. P. Cafe Parfait. Take a pint of thick cream, a small teacup of >ugar, one-half cup of strong coffee, and beat to a stiff froth; put in a mold and pack as for ice cream, not stirring it; it will freeze in three hours; delicious. E. A. C. Sea Foam (A very pretty dish). One-half box of Cox's or Xel- M'MI'- gelatine, pour over it one pint of boiling water, and stir until dissolved. When cool, not cold, break in the whites of five egg> and whip to a froth. Flavor and sweeten to taste. Mrs. J. M. R. Lemon Sauce. Malt" a cup of butter; one cup of sugar; juice and grated yellow of one lemon; three-fourths of a pint of boiling water; one tablespoonful of corn starch. Cook until it thickens. Pie-plant Pie. One crust baked first as for lemon pie; one large cup of stewed pie-plant. While boiling add one cup sugar, one tablespoonful butter, one teaspoonful corn starch, mixed with the well-beaten yolks of two eggs. Put the mixture in the crust with the well-beaten whites of two eggs on top and brown in the oven. Farina Pudding. One coffeecup of farina; one-quarter cup of butter; one pint of milk; one-quarter cup of sugar; six eggs; grated rind of one lemon; 10 almonds, blanched and chopped. Boil the milk, let farina run slowly into it, and stir till the mass separates from the kettle. Then remove it from the fire and stir into it the sugar, butter, lemon rind, salt, yolks one by one, and last the beaten whites of the eggs. Bake slowly one hour. "Always order your groceries over the HOMEPHONE." Herodotus Pudding. One pound of fine raisins, stoned; one pound of minced beef suet; one-half pound of bread crumbs; four figs, chopped fine; two tablespoonfuls of honey; two wineglasses of Greek wine; the rind of a lemon, grated: boil 3 hours. Sherry may replace the Greek wine. Sugar may be used instead of honey. H. C. P. Fig Pudding. One cup of molasses; one cup of chopped suet; one cup of milk; three and a quarter cups of Sperry Flour; two one teaspoonful of soda; one teaspoonful of Folger's Golden Gate Cinnamon; half a teaspoonful of nutmeg; one pint of figs, chopped. Mrs. F. B. Ice Cream. Put three cups sweet milk on in double boiler. When hot, stir in one cup sugar; half cup Sperry Flour (scant), and two eggs beaten together. When cold, add three cups cream and partly freeze; then add any kind of fruit you prefer, mashed and sweetened. Strawberries, peaches or bananas make delicious cream. Or if a plain vanilla cream is preferred, put six or eight, inch pieces of vanilla bean in with the milk when first put on fire, and strain custard to remove the pods. The small seeds will still remain, but that does not matter. Mrs. H. Wilson. SIEVERS-CORNWELL CO. High-Class Florists and Decorators. Northwest Corner O'Farrell and Powell Streets, San Francisco. Phones Kearny 1387, Home C 1387. ' 104 Free Delivexy. WAKELEE'S Prescription Pharmacies, California at Devisadero. Telephones KEARNY 1966 HOME J 1966 BADGES . RECALIA I LAPEL. BUTTONS ETC. 880 MISSION STREET AT FIFTH STREET, NEAR U. S. MINT San Francisco California WE PRINTED THIS BOOK We Make a Specialty of Invitations, Prognims, etc. ORIGINAL IDEAS THE CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION has paid 6 per cent on money for 21 years. ADAMS MDHOLLOPETER JOHNP-YOUNC .WILLIAM ADAMS FRANK ADAMS WN-H-HOLLOPETER 745-M1SSION-STREET- SANFMNQSCO-CAL- TELEPHONE- DOUGLAS-I773- ARTHUR C. THORNTON General Agent City of New York Insurance Co. Prussian National Insurance Co. FIRE INSURANCE 240 Sansome Street SAN FRANCISCO Compliments of a Friend ORANGE BLOSSOM CANDIES The Best Made. Fifty Cents the Pound. 47 Kearny Street, near Market. Fruits - Vegetables Breakfast Del Monte Orange Marmalade, Fruits, Jellies or Preserves. Lunch Any of the above. Also, Del Monte White Asparagus cold for salad. Dinner &mui Cream Tomato made from Del Monte Tomatoes. fc Make with Del Monte Asparagus White or Green Tips. B Prepare with Del Monte Chili Peppers or with Del Monte Tomato Sauce, or serve with Del Monte Tomato Catsup. B Use Del Monte Tomatoes, Peas, Spinach, Corn, Beans or Asparagus. Jrra (Instead of using Flavor, empty a can of Del Monte Raspberries just as they come in the can and freeze with your ice.) i Use Del Monte Lemon Cling Peaches, Pineapple or any other Fruit or Berry that has Del Monte Label. TRY ALL OP THE ABOVE, THEN TELL YOUR FRIEXDS. "20 Coupe $1100 f.o.b. San Francisco Immediate Deliveries As an investment in health and 'comfort the Flanders "20" Coupe will pay big dividends to the busy physician on the rounds of his practice; the society woman shopping or attending to her social duties; the business man who makes use of his car on short journeys about the town to any motorist, in fact, who finds it neces- sary to face inclement weather. Ask -or "FOLDER A." Oakland: Twelfth and Jackson Phones: Oakland 2105, Home A 4105 ORANGE BLOSSOM CANDIES The Best Made. Fifty Cents the Pound. 47 Kearny Street, near Market.