WITS AND THE s~ WOMAN . ~m VIOLET IRWIN WITS AND THE WOMAN WITS AND THE WOMAN BY VIOLET IRWIN Author of "The Human Desire" ILLUSTRATED BY CHRISTINE T. CURTISS BOSTON SMALL, MAYNARD & COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1919, BY SMALL, MAYNARD & COMPANY (INCORPORATED) TO MY FRIENDS IN KHAKI AND THEIR STERN ADVENTURES 2136470 WITS AND THE WOMAN CHAPTER I Call me one, if you like, at the end of the first chapter and drop it. No apologies by request ; and no hurt feelings; for, if I'm not prevaricating, I'm not aiming to make converts or to start anything either. Societies of Coalescent Souls and the Affinity Afflatus don't exist for little Clarissa. They smack of Wash- ington Square, and she's spent enough of her young life in that neighborhood, and doesn't hanker ever to cross its mental or material diagonals again. So this story is just a sorting out, for my own satis- faction, of the experiences of two eventful years; and it's going to be done on my own method, regard- less. Of course if you clap several thousand words between two covers, it becomes a book, and the author thereof breaks into the literary ring. I can't dodge the issue. But I'd hate to think of anybody wasting a dollar and a half on my account and being disap- pointed, so I'll tell the high-brows right off the bat this is no place for them. My tale is a good tale, a ninety-five horse power, twelve-cylinder scooter. It gyrates the whole spec- trum in color ; but there's no more art about it than in a cubist statue ; the plot resembles most a ragged bunch of cold slaw ; and as for morality in the events I 2 WITS AND THE WOMAN was riding on Fate's Twentieth Century Limited, and I don't pretend to justify myself for every cinder that flew out of the stack. The Scientists said I was only a poll parrot any- way, speaking from the mouth out and not to blame; for mine, I'm willing to be a cuckoo, or a mocking- bird, or a blue jay, or any other protectorate of the Audubon Society, so long as the impersonation lands me on a gilded perch. Every time I look around our coop, from its double-decked studio living rooms to the super clothes closets meaning those spacious apart- ments where we park our duds I keep on saying over and over to myself : " Truth sure is stranger than fiction ! " Scaling mental platitudes is about all the exercise " Poor Poll " gets these days. I miss effort as I missed Henri de Grasse; I missed Henri like an aching tooth extracted but more of that and I didn't realize the ingrowingness of regular work. Take it -from me, the stalled ox has a dull time. Getting out of harness into depths of luxurious ease, and sitting still there long enough for the dollar barna- cles to encrust habit so that manners can't skid, is no cinch. Perpetual loafing is right classy, and I'm for it in my old age but to fill an hour till the worst labor-hunger passes, just to buck me up against boredom, I've decided to unstring those " beads of perspiration on a thread of memory," as Terry calls Henri's life and mine together, and make a pattern of them. I could do it a conspicuous sight better with Henri's help, if that might be. De Grasse had education backing him in every move; and, though sometimes hazy about the end, he was always perfectly sure of his beginnings. He always preferred to look WITS AND THE WOMAN 3 upon an incident, no matter how final or unfortunate, as the beginning of something else. Now I come to think of it that may have started us off together. On my side I can't find beginning or reason for things except the weather. Since my very first tilt with circumstances, I'm strong on the weather; I never neglect it even in social conversation a quid pro quo for the good turn old Sol did me when he fox- trotted up the horizon off schedule, and filled a gray October morn mad-full of ecstasy. Weather caused Miss Stacy, head woman on Bain & Dingley's pay roll, to forget; led a youth of impeccable character into philandering; and for me Clarissa Kendall it turned the bag of tricks right upside down. But first, it filled me with a mighty discontent. In those days there was no such thing for this child as getting out of bed the wrong way, because one edge of my cot stood hard and fast against the wall of a six by six pill-box on the top floor of Madame Buniva's establishment ; and the other wasn't quite clear, being partly flanked by a dresser at the head. No coruscating luxury illuminated that room or its belongings, or its tenant, or its tenant's life. Barn- acles chipped off naturally there against the corners of the furniture ; and habit gathered momentum from the dollar alarm clock at precisely six, rain or shine. Everything had to be done ship-shape. My toilet routine grew into a marvel of efficiency, each action highly specialized toward saving time and not over- crowding space where it didn't exist. Day began by sliding cold feet from under a crazy quilt to the once- was Brussels rug, and rising instanter. Lying, one filled the bed and got the worth of one's money, 4 WITS AND THE WOMAN but at Buniva's I always felt best in the perpen- dicular insufficient nourishment had created stand- ing shadows. I've got to hand it to Madame for making her boarders fit into their niches. Flesh would never have been able to navigate her halls, or squeeze past other fleshies to its own place at the frugal board. It's a joke all I accomplished in the little bit of less than nothing, my center floor, lighted only from aloft. The first job that glorious day was to dive under the bed, drag out an ironing board and " do up " my best waist which had been washed over night. " Cleanliness is next to godliness," had been one of Granny's favorite maxims, and the old lady was pretty nearly right all through life, except in mistaking a gravel pit for a farm. Cleanliness is next to godli- ness, but the poet neglected to indicate which side, and as touching honors are the same value, I took the liberty of playing them in my own order after I came to New York just about the time I began wearing my Sunday clothes every day. Fifth Avenue proves how easy style can dispense with beauty, but like as not beauty will get the look over without style. The first slant I took at myself in a plate glass window I knew Clarissa had a chance of both, and then it was me for the rags. Don't get me wrong. I was never silly about dress or empty headed quite the contrary. With provo- cation I could feel big things even then a bursting sort of fullness inside music brought it on, and colors and ideas. Some folks gas about aspiration, and I fancy that's the tag. Weather does the same sort of thing to one. Had I been able to throw up a WITS AND THE WOMAN 5 sash and wallow in that grand October breeze, I might have got intoxicated with the rest. But I put it to you did anybody ever aspire through a skylight? Instead, I was just fair peeved. By whirlwinding through breakfast I could make a few minutes extra to amble to the shop; I'd have to stand there all day, selling to lucky parasites what my own vanity craved something awful; and by closing time the sun would have scadoodled. Who says discontent isn't high proof of reason? Bain & Dingley's, the world where I worked, strad- dles a side street and fills two city blocks with merchan- dise. Its closed bridges, connecting the old and new buildings, lend it the appearance of a massive hour- glass tipped over ; but, though the great store sprawls, it is full of dignity, and its isolation is its strength. Fashion pouring through those bridges, daily, north and south, and the cross-currents of wealth passing under them in every type of motor car, would make the legendary hoards of Bagdad look like thirty cents. My arrival was, of course, timed too early for the glittering show. The grim stone buildings at that hour frowned prisonlike on waking business, with blue blinds still drawn, nursing their emptiness. Fine days everybody naturally stayed outside till the last tick, and then tried to jam in all together and pull the time clocks on the minute. Miss Stacy got into the middle of our mob, and I had a chance to glare at her well-tailored back. Not that I wanted to be in her shoes managers and floor walkers are only the cornbeef and cabbage of society, and I always had a taste for caviare. But she was running in a rut miles wider than mine and I respected her. I 6 WITS AND THE WOMAN guess I was the most surprised of the lot when I found how near she came to a cropper that after- noon. Seats of the mighty offer one advantage there's some come and go about them. The king doesn't have to sit on his throne and wear his trimmings all day, whereas the lackey does. Our bosses and the sub- bosses might by extra effort get off earlier ; so the heads dug into their work as conspicuously as the cash-girls slacked. Stacy seemed to be rooting hardest of the bunch. She had burrowed through a stack of papers cluttering her desk, and was throwing the last sheets out with her hind feet, glancing at her wrist watch now and then, and barking orders short and snappy, when " Ting-a-ling-a-ling ! " went the standing 'phone at her elbow, and the hand of Fate lammed her. The lightning struck noiselessly, only a concise message in a gentlemanly voice : " Lady Deering asks me to tell you she will be a few minutes late." Yet the shock nearly shattered Miss Stacy's reputation. It blasted her clear out of her seat; and the thunder began to rumble in about six seconds ! Bain & Dingley prided themselves on selling every- thing under the sun. You could have bought a dread- naught there or a dozen of strictly commercial sub- marines if you had thought to order them! But one thing they held without money or price tickets to their own theatre. These were given away; sent out in gold-crested envelopes as thick as blotting paper, and only to the ultra smart customers carry- ing accounts in four and five figures. The theatre it- self was a gem, rigged up in the heart of the new building with a regular drop curtain and sloping floor, WITS AND THE WOMAN 7 like the best in New York, only that around the orchestra, level with the seats behind and with the boxes in front, ran a wide platform set out with comfy, loafy chairs and tea tables bearing dinky little cards that offered the best tips on sandwiches and pastries and no price mentioned just the swellest ever. The entertainments given in this doll's play-house were a special feature of our firm's advertising, and no cheap graft either, the speakers being as high toned as their audiences. Scheduled for that mad October afternoon was the first show of the season and Miss Stacy had forgotten. Lady Deering, no end of a swell, had but recently arrived in Manhattan and was being trotted round the ring. Besides holding all the blue ribbons for birth and education, she was a spiritualistic crank, and she had consented to talk " for the sake of the cause " and Miss Stacy had forgotten! The aristocrat supported by her grand manner and her several assistants was already on the way, when our Lucy S. realized in an agony that she had not only overlooked the date on the date, but had entirely for- gotten to send out any invitations! I'd have given up then. Gone to the slaughter like a chicken just lain flop down and stuck my feet in the air to be tied. Wouldn't you? But our forewoman hadn't reached her position by sloth, either mental or physical. Lady Deering's message was good for twenty minutes; and with everything at command one can do a lot in twenty minutes. Stacy spun round like a mechanical top buzzing directions. She got the tea-kitchen open by turning the idle hour of our restaurant to good ac- 8 WITS AND THE WOMAN count; started one gang to removing dusters in the theatre, while another arranged decorations com- mandeered from the florist department, and a third raided the millinery. What for? Wait! We all knew her as a hustler and expected the lightning to dissipate itself zig-zagging in every direction; but the sheer inspiration of her first move had left us gasp- ing. " Envelope, ma'm ? " I was asking for the hun- dredth time that day, when Sally Wing came running with a tip to report in the costume department and dress up as audience. You bet I didn't make any bones about a customer. That bid wasn't open to everybody, and I've done Sally many a good turn since for bringing it around to me. Three minutes later I was down there among the girls having the time of my life. The long, wide, quiet aisles, covered with dove-gray carpet, hedged by storerooms on one side and dress- ing-rooms on the other, which is the lay-out of our costume department, teemed with excited females of all ages and in all stages. Talk about a dress re- hearsal! The undressing took but a jiffy, and then there seemed to be hundreds of us all grabbing things, and laughing and squealing for joy as we buttoned each other up; while the dummies stood by in digni- fied rebuke like so many perfect ladies. Such a lark hadn't ever happened before to brighten our humdrum lot behind the counters, and it never would again not during Stacy's term of office so it was up to us to make the most of it. The dressing bee was fine; but think of sitting for a restful hour in the hallowed circle of those orchestra seats, where only very big WITS AND THE WOMAN 9 toffs were invited, and having one of the highest high- brows and tallest toffs abandoned to our absorbed gaze for all that time. Why, we'd be able to reckon the buttons on her shoes, let alone her diamonds! We didn't count much on her entertainment as such, but the whole thing was a rare treat without that, and rare things are apt to be fizzy. Men need wines to light them up, but girls can be the bubbly stuff itself when they get going. That costume department effervesced like newly opened champagne for fifteen delirious minutes. I gave the mob the once over, decided gigglers wouldn't get to the party at all, besides delaying others, and then went straight to a saleswoman and put myself in her hands as if I. were a customer. Her practised eye took in my points, and she knew the stock; a jiffy later she had sorted me out the correct size in a dark green broadcloth. Say, it was a peach ! I'd never expected to have even the copy of such a model on my humble back. She shooed off some of the herd and gave me my pick of a bunch of hats that had just been brought up; and when she threw me a marabou muff and scarf to complete the toilet, I dove into a dressing room and gloated. I'm not so very tall, but when one's body is in perfect pro- portion to one's legs, a little slimness goes a long way. And I always did carry my chin high ! Little Clarissa had never been dressed right before not to say real swell and I hardly recognized the perfectly lovely doll turning slowly before that mirror. But I was keen enough to catch at the first glance her having them both good and plenty style and the other. I floated toward the edge of the department, and io WITS AND THE WOMAN began to feel as if I was IT; and just then Miss Stacy came bustling back to round up her audience. She looked at me, hesitated and turned away. That was my cue. The imitation lady sailed up. I meant it as a joke, and thought if I asked to be directed to the lingerie, it would put her wise ; but she didn't spot me, and you bet I was game to carry the play-acting through. I knew the way to my own department as well as the way to Buniva's, and it sure was the limit to hear her explaining it all as polite as pie; but of course I couldn't smile much just that gracious con- descension swells bestow on shop people. She bit till you could listen to her teeth click, and at the end of the directions offered me a card, saying: " Lady Deering, the renowned spiritualist, is lectur- ing here this afternoon, and I understand she will give some examples of their their processes. It will be most interesting would you care to have a ticket? " Stacy to the dot ! Smart as a steel trap, and never missing a chance; and consider where it put me, will you? Hall-marked me right into the top rank. I took the pasteboard, asking for the time and place as if for news ; and along with the ticket came a bright idea. By going down in one elevator, and slipping across and up in another on the far side, I lost our gang. Instead of sitting in rows with the shop girls, I was free to choose a seat, and for one intoxicating hour pass myself off as a social item. So much I planned. The up-elevator was crowded, and a young fellow, squeezed into a corner, kept on asking anxiously for the theatre. I couldn't hold my curiosity back from peeping, because I knew he must have been invited by WITS AND THE WOMAN u the old dame herself, and she, being such a big bug, all her friends even the sort that sacrificed a fine day running to hear her lecture must be real people. The man was taking a look too, at the identical moment ; our eyes met and he blushed that got me. Blushing is scarce in the lower walks of life folks who have to rustle for a living have too much brass or too little blood. I guess I treated the kid to a smile, because, when he had allowed me to pass out, he walked along close behind, and after I had chosen a place in the theatre, he came and sat down beside me, making us look as if we were together. And that didn't spell finis. He kept on peeking every little while, till I began to get sore and gave him a bit of a cold shoulder, as a swell would do, then he turned lobsterish all over and I felt real sorry for him. The young man fidgeted, as if I was roasting him on a grill. He doubled under his chair for his hat making to leave I watching him out of the tail of my eye and he cocked one eye up at me with a supplicating look. The worst of being an amateur is overdoing things. I saw I'd overdone the snub, so I threw him a smile to make amends, and I guess I over- did that too. For he bobbed up like a cork, and com- menced fussing with his overcoat. I was feeling about him as if he was a nursery pet belonging to somebody else, when he staggered me by pulling some papers out of the pocket and handing one over to me, asking if I'd been at Lady Deering's last lecture and if I'd care to have her season's programme? I glimpsed a portrait of the English grandee in all her war paint, and thinking it would be awful fun to have it to show the girls, I put out my hand quick. 12 WITS AND THE WOMAN He misspelled my action altogether, calling it en- thusiasm, and, taking an ell where I gave an inch, opened right up. It was my turn to blush now, but I couldn't chuck him. He went on talking like a long lost relative. My coming across on the subject made him put me in his own class as a bug on hypnotism and there were all those girls sitting around taking me for the swell's sister, or his cousin or his aunt. In almost the next breath he asked me if I wouldn't have some tea, we could see so much better from the gallery. It was quite the custom to secure a table before the lecture so you'd be sure of your tea at the end, and this was the nearest I'd ever come to a square invitation from a gentleman. Oh, he was the real article the i was dotted and the t's crossed in his toilet, and he spoke with a broad A. Believe me, I was more than excited, but instead of studying the cute little card, he handed out with a club address in one corner, I took a good slant at his open face where pinkness and youth and zeal and hope struggled together. It was all so impersonal who could have refused a harmless beverage? We seated ourselves in loungy chairs from which one could see and hear magnificently. Gee ! It walks to you when you have the price. I leaned back and enjoyed luxury as if I had been born with a golden spoon in my mouth; and the situation didn't lose flavor by the knowledge that Bain & Dingley were paying for my time. " The Honorable Angelica Deering," as her cards read, put all the frills on her spirit lecture that the law allows. When we were going a gait at scientific research, she'd suddenly shut off the gas and roll into WITS AND THE WOMAN 13 something popular; then, quite without warning, she'd speed up from the variety stuff till you could hear occult ideas rattle in our poor heads like a handful of dried peas thrown into a dish-pan. We marked time thankfully when she called for a demonstration, and Henri de Grasse appeared. His coming sent a flutter over the audience for we didn't expect men- folk, and every last one of us sat up to take stock. He was the kind of looking chap a girl doesn't ap- proach with impunity, 'specially if she has any claim to beauty, or happens to be alone in a rural district dark, suave, elegant, and about the shape of a poor asparagus stalk. I'll bet there wasn't a youngster in the theatre who didn't fall in love with the beau at first sight. De Grasse announced himself quite ready to mes- merize any of us, and asked for a volunteer. I was crazy to see it done and so seemed everybody else, for they all began to turn their heads and whisper; but we waited and waited on pins and needles and not a soul moved forward. Not a blessed one of our hundred odd had the courage! The hall was pretty well filled by that time. Seeing something going on, naturally, the shoppers drifted in; but ladies of leisure apparently haven't any more courage than poor eight-hour slaves, and by and by I realized, if we were to have the show, I'd be obliged to report myself. Rising slowly I waited for my new-young-man friend to let me pass. He put out his hands as though to prevent me leaving. I thought I heard him say something about it being perfectly safe. Then, sud- denly, in the intense stillness of the room he twigged 14 WITS AND THE WOMAN my idea. A sort of a too-good-to-be-true look shot the anxiety in his glance. I found out later he was rabid on spirits, feared them, you know, and went in for seances and cold shivers regularly; but at the moment I just caught the shift of his expression as I was moving down the stairs. A tale from Granny's old volume of " Hans Christian Andersen " flashed before me, and I clung to the living memory of a " dog with eyes as big as saucers " while toddling up the aisle. Strange how crazy things like that pop into your mind uninvited, and how much they help. If I'd been thinking hard about what I was doing, I don't believe I'd have had the nerve to carry on. Their entire outfit must have been afraid I'd get cold feet, because they all hustled to make a fuss over me. Lady Deering herself shook hands, and de Grasse danced around like a hen on a hot griddle. I knew from the minute he helped me on to the plat- form that he was awful keen. He was the strangest man I ever met. Just having my hands touched casually by his sent a shock and a thrill all over me. I felt a girl oughtn't to like him, and yet I did he made me like him. During the few seconds we talked he reeled off a whole lot of silly stuff about spiritual affinity, that I'm too modest to repeat anyway there was no sense to it but I saw I had made a regular hit ; and I was mad clear through to think that in less than five minutes the man would have me doing what- ever he wanted. One of those old-fashioned writer fellows claimed women like being seen far better than seeing; but I guess the last is best for a show of this kind. Beyond being introduced to Lady Deering and the rest there WITS AND THE WOMAN 15 didn't promise to be any fun in it for me. I was set in a chair, and things got duller and duller till I went under exactly like taking gas in a dentist's shop. From the instant de Grasse faded out I knew nothing, but Griggs told me about it. Griggs is the name of the young gentleman with whom I'd been drinking tea. I proved a wonderfully easy subject, so de Grasse had me in his hands from the start; and he made me do some terrible fool acts too. Most of the show was over. I was sicking a dog at a rat hole, calling, " Get him, Nibs," slapping my knee, and behaving in general as if I were a ten-year-old cub in pants and a short jacket, and the girls were rocking in their chairs with laughter, while de Grasse stood in the middle of the platform, his arms folded, making me do it. When Crack! Like the crack of doom, came a hideous, shattering sound, followed by silence. De Grasse and I both crumpled up, and Lady Deering ran whimper- ing off the platform. A piercing scream startled the silence and pan- demonium broke loose. The whole gang had been feeling creepy over my exhibition and other stunts, and murder on top of it slipped the hounds' leash. The girls from the shop behaved as if they had lost their reason. They yelled and fought to make way. Some yelped like beaten pups, some fainted, others tore their hair. Miss Stacy might as well have talked to the four winds. Customers loitering in the doors, which had unhappily been left open, ran into the store with a dozen mad contradictory reports, electrifying women who were quietly pursuing their own interests at the counters, and sending them wildly 16 WITS AND THE WOMAN to the scene of horror, crying fatuously could they help, and what was it all about? Every little bit makes a little bit more in Bedlam. Between those pushing to have a look in, and the scared crowd striv- ing to leave, the center hall came dangerously near to being a field of bloody battle. Griggs sprang over the gallery railing and was by my side in a jiffy. He didn't know at first, he said, whether the shot had been aimed at me or de Grasse. He lifted me looking for a mortal wound, and I opened my eyes. That made him feel different. One of the stage hands helped him get me into a chair, and there I sat, still and white, but gazing calmly at all those raving lunatics. He took my composure for the out- ward sign of breeding, real people don't act in emergencies like a pack of cats and dogs, and he thought me a pretty plucky girl. But it wasn't self- control, and I don't deserve any praise. When one hasn't been frightened, one stays quiet; and I was far too much occupied to be afraid. I was consciously enjoying the queerest sensations. Some great splen- did power seemed to be pouring all through me. It pricked and tingled. I was thrilled as I had been when de Grasse took my hand, only a thousand times more so. My brain glowed inside like an incandes- cent lamp; my pulses beat double measure without ef- fort; my spirits swam to the lift of the proscenium arch, maybe higher. I might have aspired through a skylight even ! I felt I could skip upon a thousand hills. Colts in pasture and boys out of school are as hobbled donkeys compared to the terrific exhilaration of my humanity. I knew that Clarissa Kendall had just begun to live. WITS AND THE WOMAN 17 Bah! what most of us call life is merely a hanging on! My whole being was filled with lightness and energy. The medium had been killed and I was twice alive. I knew swiftly and surely, as later I came to knowledge of many things, that in a mys- terious way de Grasse had grabbed me. From this moment I would be in body a beautiful young girl, but in mentality a combination of the sexes an ambitious woman and a clever man. The stupendous knowledge kept me silent. Soon, the burning in my brain-pan and the sparks dancing before my eyes merged into form. Did you ever gaze at the sun till your lamps watered and then look away and see only floating splotches of color on light? That was it. The mass molted and floated and came out positive again. At one minute there seemed to be a cat's face watching me, at the next a serpent emerged with two wings spread. It turned from purple to green or red and back again, till I lost the shape of the vision in its confusion of color; and suddenly it flashed black on white and died clean away. For an instant I saw the snake with its twirly tail, as plain as a printed page, then it was gone and my eyes relieved from strain set my other senses free to deafen me with knowledge of the hub-bub all around. " Let's get out of here," Griggs kept on saying over and over, but he didn't manage to get anywhere on account of those noisy, stampeding girls. "Are you all right?" he asked for the twentieth time. Others came from the management and asked too, and believing him to be my escort left me to his care. i8 WITS AND THE WOMAN I was all right, more than fit, feeling magnificent full of a man's courage veiled in femininity and quickened to deceit. I was certainly on the job, and I learned in a trice that somebody else was on the job also; for my first action flabbergasted Clarissa. She would never have been able to plan so far ahead, and a mere shop girl would never have dared to take the glass of water they brought her and pour it right down the front of Bain & Dingley's gorgeous suit. When I saw myself do so, and scanned the ruin of those borrowed plumes, I thought I must be going dippy, and Griggs thought about the same. I just sat and looked up helpless from the cold thin trickle to his amazed stare; and down again, and away and around all so sweet and utterly futile and dependent, it ap- pealed to his manhood good and sharp. Anyway, he took the lead like a battering ram and got us out of there. Seeing the John Bull rampant fairly tickled me, though I've learned since by visiting the right little, tight little island that every Englishman knows how to bully. Griggs hectored the crowd and got his own way all along the line, while I hung on to him me ! that's so shy about getting close to the male sex. However, any fool could see this boy-doll was per- fectly safe, and it rounded out the business of my part. The heavier I hung the pinker and fiercer he grew, and in spite of a buzzing head for there was some excitement, believe me my muff came in handy as a laughter valve, the hysterical woman in Miss C. K. being unable to squelch completely Henri de Grasse's man-relish of our comical situation. After once catching the hang of the thing I wasn't behind 19 him in appreciation, for it sure is fun to be the audience and the show too. I was constantly spouting neat little sentences, most unexpected to me, and then patting myself on the back over saying them so well. For instance, as we neared the Broadway entrance, I heard my own distressed voice murmur: " Perkins won't be here yet whatever shall I do?" Say it came out natural! An eavesdropper would have thought I had dozens of servants. I ought to have been scared to introduce a character bang off, just like that, without the ghost of a chance of having him cast; but Perkins got over. Howard Griggs eagerly brushed him aside. " My man is here under these unusual circum- stances will you not permit me entirely at your service " and more of the same. He certainly knew how to do the courtesy act. " You're ah, not fit to be alone," served as a clincher. I was not, if he said so; moreover, I hadn't the slightest intention of being alone. I might have counted the automobile rides I'd had to date on the fingers of one hand, and my slave's soul trembled toward freedom. The temptation of driving up Fifth Avenue at fashion's hour and in fashion's choice regalia put the blinkers on fear. That rumpus we had left upstairs would surely cover a short absence, and if my lark did lead to trouble, it was at least the kind of trouble with the decency to come afterward. I didn't need cle Grasse putting it up to me that the game was worth a whole pound of candles. Foredoomed to push my luck that day, I soon began to realize with joy the acceleration of one man-power behind my feeble pushing. 20 WITS AND THE WOMAN It was I who sank into the deep cushions of Griggs's hospitality; but it was undoubtedly Henri directing, " Ritz Carlton," and Henri who parted from the stranger at one door of the hotel and then stepped double-quick to a side entrance and took a taxi back to Bain & Dingley's. I'm not a fool. I wasn't quite a two-spot originally, but I wish to give de Grasse all the credit coming to him. I don't want him ever to be a bit peeved on me heaven only knows what he might contrive to do even now! I'm ashamed to say Clarissa deserted that taxi in front of the emporium at times honesty is no policy. I beat it for the costume department, and by shedding my hat and slipping off the green coat, it was possible to steal in among the girls, unrecognized. Hazards, as laid in our gang, being a hollow form of words, were flying thick; the burning question whether the mesmeree had shot de Grasse. Public opinion was dead against her, and you bet I kept mum. I hung the damaged suit where I'd be sure of finding it again, and then went quietly back to my own counter. I was shaking in my shoes on account of the waiting chauffeur, for I didn't know Henri as well as I do now, but he took his diploma on the very first event. Closing time proved him right in guessing that a taxi driver would never spot his whilom elegant fare among the hundreds of girls leaving Bain & Dingley's by an employees' exit. CHAPTER II Up to that day I had always thought that I thought. There were evenings when I'd sit with my chin in my hand and if Madame, good soul, asked what was wrong, I'd say, " I'm thinking." But, gee! I'd never done any thinking in my whole life. For real consecutive thinking one has got to have brains and training. De Grasse had them both. He taught me a whole lot, and I showed him one or two trifles. I made him own that women are marvels at duplicity. " Beauty and brains," he'd say. " Beauty and brains both kinds we'll beat the world ! " After I got to know Henri I began to like him pretty well. His chief fault was that he wanted to get rich too quick. Of course he lied who doesn't? And he was a bit shaky on honor; but if you're not in with an honorable crowd what's the use ? I wouldn't do a mean trick on Terry's people for a million straight Henri's bunch were different. When we'd arrived at better acquaintance, we didn't have to talk about beauty and brains and such things we just lived it. And we could act along like one person without a hitch. But at first we had regular debates. I learned life wasn't worth a hill o' beans unless one meet up with Success. And success in the race of life, as in horse racing, depends largely on the getaway. Unless you draw an inside place at the post, you'll have a devil of a run. 21 22 WITS AND THE WOMAN Clothes, he said, were the hall-mark of Success, and there wasn't any use entering at all if one didn't wear the right colors. Then I knew why I had poured that glass of water over a perfectly good suit. The ac- cident brought its value within the faint outermost ring of my financial orbit. Next day, I went straight to Miss Stacy and told her about the skirt being spoiled in the panic, laying it on thick when it came to ruin, and offered her so much a week out of my wages. Looked like I was awful honest. The forewoman acted pretty nice over it, and named a low figure. I guess with the police in charge, and Mr. Bain and Mr. Dingley worried to death to hush up a scandal, and scores of reporters being continually shooed off the premises and butting in again, turning up in the guise of customers and salesmen, hanging around the count- ers buying nothings, with their eyes peeled all the time, and their tongues fairly hanging out to lick up news, Stacy wasn't anxious to hear us elaborate on her fak- ing an audience. So I gained easy leave to take the ruin home, and after operating it on the old ironing- board for the longest Sunday morning on record, its peachy surface came as good as new. Another matter de Grasse opened his eyes about was reading. Of course I had always glanced through the paper, if it was handy, and kept up with the divorce news, and the society weddings lots of the brides bought their things from me. Now I took a sheet regular, eleven cents a week, mind you, but it's noth- ing venture, nothing win and I read it from cover to cover with my lamps lit searching opportunity. If it wasn't for bluff, opportunity would be the whole thing in Success anyway it's mighty important. WITS AND THE WOMAN 23 Henri conducted my education by making me read aloud the opportunities offering. At first I was taken in by words it said chances to buy houses cheap, so cheap and so desirable tears fairly sprung to your eyes to think of the loving owners having to part with them at all; and chances to buy businesses; and chances to invest money but I soon saw that wasn't to the point, me not having any money to invest ; be- sides, I knew Henri was laughing up my sleeve. Finally the worm turned. I threw the paper down, telling him to go seek his old opportunity for himself, and that blooming sheet flopped open right on the society columns where they talk about all sorts of smart happenings notices that don't figure to be advertisements on the top line, but are so just the same. The first one my eye lighted on was a Charity Bridge to be given at the Ritz in a week. There fol- lowed a long list of names and prizes donated by swells: a Chow dog by Mrs. van Buister Clapp, a pianola from Winchley le Peyesent, an automobile by somebody else, an opera box, a vacuum-cleaner and a whole lot more things. It sure did look like a party, if one could have been in the winning class. Henri vaunted himself over finding that item, and claimed it was the only real opportunity in New York. " But I don't play bridge," I objected. " I don't know how. And anyway, I never won a prize in my life." All the same Clarissa was forced to cut the silly piece out and pin it up on her dresser; and the next thing I knew I was borrowing the " A. B. C. of Bridge " from our first-floor front. " If I deal the cards," Henri argued, " you won't 24 WITS AND THE WOMAN need to do much playing. And besides, you want to go. You've bartered your liberty for a fine new suit now what is the use of a becoming costume and no place to wear it? " De Grasse had always been foxy with the women; it's no wonder he egged me on till I filled up with the spirit of the gamble and grew keener than a March wind. Once started I was just as good as Henri in the money spending line. On Saturday afternoon I travelled up to the Vacation Savings' office and drew out all my capital. They tried hard to make girlie leave some " Just a nest egg." But my second wouldn't stand for half measures. He said he was going to put our money where it would draw interest or bust; and not to be a little Sally-sucker, and a diffident dub. I always had thought it right cute of them to handle working girls' accumulated ready and not .pay over any of the unearned increment. How- ever, I'm grateful to them for making me save, be- cause it ended in a perfectly splendid three hours buy- ing a hat, and gloves, and shoes, and a fixing for my neck. I wanted to corral the ticket also, but Henri postponed that purchase till the last minute, explain- ing if I walked in and presented a pass, they'd wonder why I was not with my own party ; and it was always best in such cases to attract as little attention as pos- sible. On Tuesday I'd have gone to the shop like an honest simp, and asked for the afternoon off and perhaps not got it. Henri pointed out the safe way was to lie in bed and makes excuses later, so I loafed, but I didn't sleep after six ; didn't want to for that WITS AND THE WOMAN 25 matter lying awake and thinking about not having to get up was such a treat! My old alarmy showed three hours past before Buniva came up hunting trouble. Board is board seven days in the week and Herself never countenanced any trifling with the al- mighty dollar. If every last one of her family didn't materialize for breakfast, business instincts drove her aloft. She was a jolly, helpful soul aside from tariff, and hearing of the party she promised to give me lunch and let it stand on the bill instead of breakfast a clear saving to me of fifteen cents. Time, they say, was made for slaves, but the less folks accomplish the faster it goes. My idle hours simply whirred. I could hear them pass. I didn't do a thing but manicure myself from top to toe, so as to be worthy of the new duds ; and fuss up the little trimmings on my waist; and try my hair in a dozen ways till I struck the sympathetic note for hat and face. My hair certainly is grand the color of a squirrel's back in the sun, as one of Terry's poetic friends told me. I punctured his metaphor at the time by asking if he meant a gray squirrel, and he ran on flat tires all the rest of the evening; but it wasn't a bad descrip- tion. Every hair is long, mere man won't be able to fathom the value of that remark; it lies smooth, you know, and holds a marcel for a week; and I haven't too much, which is almost as awkward as none, but just the right amount to make sure of following any mode. Henri held appearances didn't matter in this outing as they would all be women. Then I knew I'd be obliged to order a primer or graft femininity on to the roots of his ignorance like a tea rose. The why-for 26 WITS AND THE WOMAN of gorgeous apparel is the mental effect on oneself. That brand of courage needed to face patronesses and head waiters rises higher as the rising tide of dollars surges over one's person. Flowing lines make for egotism and a train is a great moral support. Take it from your Uncle Dudley, the hats of history have carried through more mischief than the heads beneath them. I knew this affair would be every woman for herself, and the devil take the dowdiest, so I spread myself on a toilet, and when a hotel mirror had assured me that my skirt hung even and my stock- ings hadn't ripped at the heel, I felt as if the Queen of Sheba were my orphant niece, and I issued out and ordered a taxi in my most regal manner. We put up the price to drive from the Manhattan, because de Grasse maintains arriving on foot is bound to take the starch out of any enterprise. On wheels you may be anybody, but pedestrianism sure is low down or hard up. The boy jumped so quick to the door I wondered if he could have remembered me arriving in Griggs's car; but when I saw the crowd, I got him. There were all kinds present, and some of them pretty plain dressers. I guess they took their fill of high life when the price of getting in and out again was only three dollars. I looked a swell. Money talks, even my little savings' book full. Everything I had on the outside was brand new a la the millionaire. I'd always fancied it must be uncomfortable and you're right, it was. New stays, high heels and a brimless hat the Inquisition wasn't in class, and the self- consciousness of it kept me from giving my whole mind to what was going forward. Launched alone WITS AND THE WOMAN 27 in those gigantic rooms amid a thousand she peacocks I felt like a chip going over Niagara, and I had to fall back on Henri. That's where he got the upper hand. Every time we maneuvered on new ground I fell back, and soon he was doing all the ordering. It was next door to matrimony, only more fun, because no one understood about my better half. A real fine looking girl is a peril and the boys don't forget it. Of course there's always a sucker or two hanging about the married dames, happy to bask in the grateful cer- tainty they can't tar them with father's blessing and feather them with wedding plans at the first act of in- discretion; but, thank God, the bulk of males are men, and any fellow worth his salt still yearns toward danger especially when it's unescorted. Incapable of counting a pip that afternoon I leaned hard on de Grasse, and he certainly did rise to the occasion; between my partner and me holding all the cards once in four, and fair hands other times, we ate them up. I hadn't set my heart on a prize, however, and when they called my name and handed out the opera box, I'm afraid little Clarissa attracted bushels of attention. It made Henri mad. Always disap- proving of publicity he hustled me into a taxi and home, saying it was only a beginning anyway and no time to crow. CHAPTER III De Grasse and I had a fight that evening because I refused to hand everything over to him holus-bolus. One of those opera invitations was destined for Howard Griggs. I wasn't in love with the boy, mind you, in spite of hanging on to him in the shop, but I thought it would be a lark to see him again; and having made up my mind I didn't intend to be domin- ated. Besides who else was there to ask ? It's a sure thing if any friendly philanthropist had chucked me a bunch of opera tickets before I got mixed up with Henri, I'd have cut for Buniva's, had a glori- fication with the family, and then rigged little old Madame up in her best togs and carried her off to hear " Caroose." But the party wasn't pleasure now. It had to be considered as a business opportunity. Ambi- tion is the most devastating kill-joy known! Instead of making merry I went straight and shut myself in my room to figure the thing out. I was terribly scared de Grasse would insist on selling the box for I did want to see the show and I deter- mined to render that scheme impossible without loss of time. I'd swiped a piece of paper and an envelope from the Ritz, so, when I finished composing a note, a few brief noncommittal lines, I stuck the ticket in and mailed it quick. Henri had noticed the club ad- dress and said in an offhand way, we might as well keep on the youngster's track. He had no ob- 28 WITS AND THE WOMAN 29 jections to Griggs. But he thought he could run our campaign best, and he was sore at me for acting on my own. After that he sunk himself deep in the sulks and refused all communication. Two entire days those swell bits of card lay in my room untouched, except for the way I fingered them while I was trying to think. I'd sort them out in a row on the bed and gloat; and then rearrange them and sit gazing but I failed to hit upon a classy plan. Memory kept hopping and skipping from one silly detail to another: the clothes some of the women had worn, and how the old chap looked when he gave me the prize, and what they said at the shop next morning. My mind showed about as much concen- tration as a frayed rope end. By-and-by I grew nervous over missing an oppor- tunity we didn't even have to go after, but which snuggled all ready and waiting in the top bureau drawer. Time passed, and it was a rank shame. I gave in and apologized. I guess women are most sensible about these affairs; Henri ought to have done the humility act if he hadn't been too stiff necked he was anxious to make up all right. He had been thinking the situation out, in his wounded seclusion, and was ready to get to work with a plan cut and dried I had only to follow directions. The passports were delivered in a big thick white envelope, regular wedding stationery, tied with ribbon. I had laid the last away to use in a chemise, but now we dug them both out, and sealed and tied our treasures, still innocent of address; and then, putting on my oldest clothes I sallied forth. Rain smirched the darkness into inkier black, and it was cold. How- 30 WITS AND THE WOMAN ever, my heart throbbed to adventure, and I was re- lieved over making up with Henri. The past forty- eight hours had been worse than an attack of indiges- tion. I decided never to quarrel with him again happen what might. Standing there waiting for an up-town car we sealed our bargain; and the very gutters purling at my feet seemed to lilt a jollier note. I was bound for the club district. Henri main- tained that having decent clothes the next item on the list for me was some stylish acquaintances. He felt sure I only needed to meet folks; and intended intro- ducing me, in his own fashion, to the right people the opera-box kind. Little by little one learns the re- sourcefulness of a confidence man that was a name people called Henri when they didn't like him and it was a splendid name! After the outcome of this event, which was far reaching as you'll see, he had gained my entire confidence. There was no use picking out Griggs's club, or any of the smaller, exclusive places, because the men be- longing to them had boxes of their own; and the university clubs" are apt to harbor honest, poor chaps. So we decided on the Engineers' as our likeliest gamble ; and I alighted at Fortieth Street, and plodded through the drizzle to that colossal pile. The neigh- borhood proved quite deserted. A glance to right and left assured me of safety for the moment, and, quick as a dart, I made the toss we had cast our bread upon the water. I stole across to the opposite side to watch for signs of an immediate return, for I've always been a believer in proverbs. The envelope looked so large and white glaring up from the club porch, I was afraid it might attract too much curiosity, WITS AND THE WOMAN 31 and that one of the attendants would come out and nab it. Back and forth I walked, and up and down, and nothing happened. The night was sodden, void, com- panionless. For change I leaned against the library fence, or shifted from one foot to another. Then I'd begin to tramp once more. Weariness and cold crept over me like a snail, and Henri came in for some pretty hot invective, not at all in the spirit of our late compact. As I turned for the hundredth time, a taxi whizzed around the Fifth Avenue corner, and my heart nearly stopped but it didn't affect my feet. I was down at the far end of the block when those lamps blazed on the watery road, and I fairly flew to the scene of action, crept close, out of range, and stood stark, hidden by the gloom and my umbrella. Two men came from the club. A small, jovial, sing-songy fellow, in no condition for acute observa- tion, nearly fell over our bait without taking it, but his friend shoved him away and reached for the package. He was a dandy, square shouldered man, wearing a light colored, shaggy cloth coat, and looking very much as a man ought to look. I beamed in the security of my cotton shelter, while they peered this way and that, seeking a possible owner. Nix on find- ing Clarissa. So I watched Mr. Big-Man open the envelope, glance at the tickets, and pocket the lot. Then I beat it for home. I'll bet you I was the most excited and expectant girl in Greater New York that hour; and I must confess, just a pin-prick sorry I had invited Griggs. The box was for Saturday matinee and I stayed home from the shop again, there not being time to 32 WITS AND THE WOMAN dress after closing. I wanted to get to the place first, so as not to miss anything, but I soon found out my mistake. You see with a bona fide owner sitting there, strangers might naturally hesitate to camp; however it turned out all right, and I'm glad I went early, be- cause the best of the show was watching the audience come in. Being absolutely ignorant of Grand Opera until the curtain rises is a blighting handicap it's one of those subjects you've got to study up first and last. Since then I've read a lot of high-brow articles on "opera for the Northwest," and "opera for the poor," and why in thunder the average citizen doesn't run to hear opera when he's offered a rare chance six dollars per. Say! It's easy. One can't get chummy with ideas like these by spending three or four hours in their company once a year. In order to enjoy opera you've got to pal along together regular. I'm broken to it now ; but on the level, that first show struck me as away below invoice. I was sitting there in the dark, feeling small and lonesome and about disappointed enough to cry; and no longer marvelling at the generosity that could hand out its box as a prize, because I fancied that afternoon was a frost, so many seats had been empty when the acting began. Suddenly an arrow of light shot through the back door, and I heard whispering somebody was coming in. I tried to hide behind the curtains, and held my breath so as not to scare them ; but it was unnecessary. The two engineers walked out with their eyes glued on the stage. A fat chap and a girl were singing turn about, and my guests never made a move to sit down till the curtain dropped, and the applause was spattering itself dead. WITS AND THE WOMAN 33 I had myself in hand by that time, and when the house lit up showing me in possession and registering dignified surprise, those poor fellows were terribly embarrassed, 'specially the big one. His companion, who seemed as jovial as ever, apologized and apolo- gized till I began to be afraid he would eject himself in spite of me. But the other cut him off in time, and began to talk sense. He said he had reported the tickets at the box office and the club, and as they were not claimed by the middle of the afternoon, he decided to make use of them. For he was leaving town, it was his last chance to hear Caruso, and they hadn't a seat in the house, as I could see. I looked over. The whole place sure enough was jammed, and rows of enthusiasts standing up at the back can you beat it ! Folks gone clean dippy over the middle of a show and not caring enough about the start to hustle their grub. Of course I invited the strangers to stay. I had to be foxy though. The box-office knew about those seats figuring as a prize, and naturally everybody thought they would be rounded up. It did seem odd not even to have inquired. I scored one against Henri, and then sailed in with a whopper, saying I had sent them to a friend, and didn't dream they were lost, but was wondering what had become of her. And I added, kind of careless, as my party was evi- dently broken to smithereens, perhaps they'd like to remain. I said remain too de Grasse uses some vocabulary. Mr. Big-Man jumped at the chance, and sat right down beside me; and after he had introduced the rubber ball and himself, he began explaining about that 34 WITS AND THE WOMAN opera. It was real comfortable, me not being obliged to put on side as I'd only won the box at cards. Wise guy ! He had armed himself with a book where every word of the play was written in two languages; and it turned out the keg she'd had her foot on was full of gold. " That's the best ever ! " I exclaimed. " When she ranted away like that, I took her for a suffragette or a temperance fiend ! " We all laughed, and I saw his nice blue eyes twink- ling. People looked our way his roar sounded so big and jolly. " I'll bet they haven't as much gold in that keg now as I have in my pocket," he said. And I was trying to square him as a boastful ass, when he pulled out a great hunk of metal that made my eyes pop. " Did you ever see how it grows ? That's a nugget from the Dome mine." Henri positively quivered with eagerness to touch the glittering thing. (Him pick on me for excite- ment!) I sat turning the blob over and over, trying to back my second-self into place, while I threw out amazingly ignorant questions about the why and wherefore. Ross that was the big man's name seeing me interested, talked a lot, and I suppose one would say he talked well. Almost any man can spiel you glibly on his own business ; but a good listener is a gift of God. Henri and I sat there with our ears flapping, and I guess the engineer enjoyed himself. We learned how La Rose, a French Canadian, had picked up a lump of silver from the surface of the rocks away out in some forsaken woods; and had rustled right in and staked all the land coming to him, WITS AND THE WOMAN 35 before he made anybody wise to his find. Of course he had the best patch in the vicinity, being Johnny on the spot. A few big bugs had jumped in second and snatched the ripe plums; and all sorts of get-rich-quick quacks had been trooping up and drawing surprise packages out of the Canadian wilds ever since. Seedy engineers overran the ground like a plague of locust, he said, but quite recently a new gold camp had been opened to the north, with blare of trumpets, and a lot of the driftwood was sweeping on. Ross himself had stuck to silver, believing there were still plenty of elegant veins to run down in the Cobalt region. W T hen I heard that old La Rose had scratched rock and grubbed around for more than twenty years be- fore he saw the " bloom," I thought it knocked a large chunk of icing off the cake. But Henri continued to be in a ferment over the whole story. He would have taken French leave then and there, so as not to miss a minute of the big gamble, only he wanted to chum up with Ross some more. I felt he yearned toward him like a brother in prosperity, and perhaps that made me more approachable than usual. As I've told you, I believe in keeping fellows at arm's length; but Ross was a great Newfoundland dog sort of man, and one doesn't mind petting a real friendly, nice dog. What with this " good old fellow " attitude, and Henri's sud- den leaning, first thing I knew the engineer had pulled his chair closer, and we were talking almost in whis- pers, so that my other guest excused himself and went out for a smoke. Ross didn't snatch the opportunity to ladle out any soft soap though, he kept right on telling me about mines, how they dig a shaft in the ground and lay 36 WITS AND THE WOMAN out galleries from that; and how they bore a hole for the explosive, and stick it in, and then all hike im- mediate, so as not to run any risk of being blown up ; and about hoisting the broken rock in buckets, and having to put it through machines before it can be sold, and what a lot of money it takes to operate a claim after you secure it. Ross owned a good looking lot I gathered, but not much of the ready. He said if you saw a bit of likely ground that you wanted, and nobody else held, you just hammered in stakes at certain distances, and then went around and registered the claim; and if you did it all according to Canadian law, not forgetting anything, nobody on earth could take it from you. But if you had a real mine, and you had left any tiniest mite of a loophole, not according to regulations, woe betide you. Some smart-aleck would up and find a fault in your title, and then the ground must be thrown as wide open to everybody as it was in the beginning. Only that the entire camp knew by then what the ore assayed, and the fellows would sit up nights waiting till your hold on it was busted, and they'd dash out and race you to it, and maybe beat you, and stake your ground in their own name, and steal your fortune altogether. That doesn't seem fair to me, but it's the way they play the mining game. I was so thrilled hearing about the real thing I forgot we were at the opera, until the lights dipped and the top gallery began to sish for silence. Ross sat back, and I couldn't get a word more out of him, only once he patted my hand where it lay on the nugget, whispering, WITS AND THE WOMAN 37 "Will you keep it to remember me by?" We were swimming along. Buckwater the other man went out in the second interval to have another smoke, and I was trembling, and enjoying and wonder- ing about it, sure Ross would try and see me again, and determined to give him my correct address since he was going out of town, when the door opened, and who should appear but Griggs, quite breathless and very pink! Gee! I hated him! But I had to get up and do the polite, and perhaps in my excitement I rather overdid it. My Gold Man drew right into himself. Of course I introduced everybody. The engineers took Griggs for a legitimate friend, and I guess they thought I was rattled because I didn't want to be caught entertaining strangers. Both men spotted it, and not a word said about losing tickets. Griggs on his side was cold surprised not to find a chaperone; and he didn't cotton to the engineers any more than they did to him. First thing Howard plucked out his nifty pocket- book and showed me a clipping about the de Grasse murder. Having read millions of words on the sub- ject I would just as soon he had left this news item at home. But at least it was news. Detective Buttle by adding two and two made thirteen. The medium, he claimed, was head of a big gang the police had been after for years; and the fact of a woman shooting him (which looked likely there having been a hundred women present to one man) opened up a long avenue of clues. They were about to round up every known female crook, and make them show their whereabouts on the memorable date. 38 WITS AND THE WOMAN Henri grew so interested in this phase of his own murder, I was forced out of general conversation, and had to read the cutting line by line. He wouldn't let up even when the performance started, and I finished with the assistance of Griggs's pro- gramme lamp. Glancing from the paper to the dark- ened dome above us I saw again that symbol of the winged snake. The creature flashed upon me bright and clear and I marked every detail: the small evil head, those strange hieroglyphics on its spread wings, which had once borne resemblance to a cat's eyes, and the perfect circle backing all. I could never mistake or forget the form though I didn't choose to see it. His wiggly tail filled me with the creeps, and a horrible fear sprang out in the darkness turning me icy cold. De Grasse must have wished the D. T.'s on me! There aren't but three acts to that opera, so when the bowing and the clapping subsided we had to leave. Griggs suggested tea, and there were no bids against him. The strangers, thinking we belonged while they were mere outsiders, beat a retreat. Griggs spouted a little about " Destinn being in voice," and " Puccini's music not expressing the spirit of our west, nor quite revealing the farther occiden- talism of Japan," he was a regular bug on opera and then we shook hands all around. The yellow car didn't look half so big, or half so yellow, or half so luxurious as it had before; but the youth himself was nicer. He would have called at the hotel next day, he said, if he had known my name. I ought to have told him " Sapphira " but of course I'd signed Kendall on the note, and he knew now and could easily figure that no unattached female WITS AND THE WOMAN 39 was registered under K at the Ritz. I cast about for plausible whopper number two (Henri has got me in all wrong with the recording angel) and suddenly decided I had been out of town for a couple of weeks and was going away again. But right there I got a tip that lack of an address and a chaperone were going to stall me with Griggs. You see Howard was a dyed-in-the-wool aristocrat; if he hadn't been a bit of a stranger in New York society himself, he would have known who owned that opera box, and then good night Clarissa. CHAPTER IV Well, it was all over with the goose, but I still had the golden egg. Henri grew hourly more de- termined on a visit to Cobalt. Silver, he said, was about the likeliest opportunity for us; and this new gold field to the north might prove a bonanza. If it had not been for my sex, he'd have floated an entire company on that one nugget alone. " Get your stock on the market first," he preached. " You can buy a hole in the ground easily enough when the directors ask for it." De Grasse always put the cart before the horse, to my way of thinking, but I was learning to appreciate him, and to lie low; and he began to figure out it wasn't all jam being a woman. Nobody takes us seriously, and aside from marriage speculative enterprise is practically closed against us. My skirts put the kibosh on Henri's operating in New York; but I knew he'd never be satisfied till he had a finger in the mining pie, so gradually I made our preparations. My extra duds, not many, some cheap jewelry, Aunt Elizabeth's ear-rings and my stock of pictures and books all found their way to Second Avenue. There was a little Vacation Sav- ings' money left ; but I'd been fined at the shop, besides having to pay regularly on my nifty suit; and we couldn't tote the fare up anyway. Henri insisted on keeping the nugget. The only scheme we hit on was for me to work 40 WITS AND THE WOMAN 41 extra time, and there we took Madame Buniva into counsel. Madame had a square head under that bob of hair she sported, and she had a right good heart too. One of her brothers ran a catering establish- ment, and she packed me off to him with a glowing recommendation. After he read it, I thought he was going to embrace me, but it was just the man's Italian way. He trotted off to call his Sefiora, and the two of them began talking with their hands and gurgling. I couldn't make head nor tale of it till Mrs. Sturani produced a frilly cap and apron and dressed me up. The black and white trimmings made me look out of sight. Then the boss spoke English long enough to promise me a job taking hats and coats at a big the dansant Saturday afternoon. I failed to get wise to the address, because I had to report at the shop and go over with a bunch of help waiters and dishes and pastry altogether. We managed to be pretty gay in the wagon and I forgot to keep tab on the blocks. It was a tall house with big iron gates and looked much like other houses outside, but a wing extending back behind their next door neighbour made it a regular mansion for accommodation. I thought the whole lay-out too ornate beamed ceilings, and gold leaf, and mirrors, hotel style, and gold furniture with red plush seats. Presently the Missus showed up. Her outline looked like a figure 8 tipsy drunk, and she wore the highest heels I've ever seen. But she wasn't a bit the grand dame with us no, sir-ee ! She knew what was what in the kitchen. Why, the way she laid it down to Sturani you'd have thought she'd been a cook all her life. 42 After a while we sifted into our places and the party began. I was stationed in the hall taking wraps, and Joe, an old hand who bossed that job, passed the time giving me pointers. Some swells filtered in, for the house though ugly was sure rich, but the bulk of the guests were nobodies old ladies rigged up like the hostess, and young ones promising to adhere to type. If you remember, the first of the dancing craze came along with the last of the tight skirts. Watching some of those goddesses waddle upstairs nearly put me out of business Joe said I mustn't crack a Smile, and very soon I felt like crying. There is always a lull between the first batch of visitors, who are going on, and the second lot who have been somewhere else. All the lady guests had gone directly upstairs, but two or three men had walked past us, without asking leave or liberty, on down the long hall and into the wing smoking-room. While we were slack, Joe was sent to get them a drink. I remained gazing idly through the glass vestibule, listening to the music and wishing I was upstairs footing it, when, jumpin' Jupiter ! Against the striped awning marking the entrance as a festive place, I saw the head of Howard Griggs. It was no frolic- some nightmare. His buttonhole rose steadily his cane and cutaway, and gloves, each upon the order of its coming. In a jiffy two immaculate white spats would stand upon the threshold, and the door swing back. Petrification ! Hearing a clink of glass I swung around, snatched the tray from Joe and plunged to cover. WITS AND THE WOMAN 43 " Door was open," somebody said as I entered between heavy curtains, and a big fellow sitting with his back towards me grunted. As I crossed to the table carrying my heavy load, I had no chance to gather more than a general im- pression of the place a queer, dark, somber room, full of grotesque furniture and ugly Art interest. Black wood panelled the walls almost to the top, and in spots struck by light from the one shaded lamp it gleamed like an evil eye. Already, in the middle of the afternoon, thick curtains were drawn over every window, making for mystery; and the men seated there seemed to oppress each other and the atmosphere with self-importance. Need of refresh- ment had evidently interrupted or delayed some grave occasion. Coming on them uninvited that way made me feel jumpy; and going forward into their midst was as bad as facing a trial by jury. The boss motioned me to set my tray on the center table, but I was obliged to wait while they cleared a place. Seeing me standing by, a fellow with a face like a horse unfolded from his chair, as you might open a jackknife, one blade after another, and began to shift the smokers' things and magazines. He stood so tall his head was lost in the gloom above me, and it was odd to watch his hands long hands covered with dark hairs growing sparsely on womanish skin moving around without any apparent control. They seemed to glide over the objects, and to hover near, yet avoid, a black leather wallet and a package of papers lying at the host's elbow. I thought of spirits and seances and of Griggs. It looked as 44 WITS AND THE WOMAN though everything was ready for proceedings as soon as I got out of the way. With attention riveted on the table, for glass is glass and I didn't hanker after any juggling stunts just then, I leaned over to set the tray in safety, but my eye lit on the wax securing their papers, and I almost dropped the lot for they were sealed with the sign of the winged snake; Henri's delirium tremens, wiggly tail and all, modelled there in official red, clear and perfect. A gasp escaped me while I was chasing my breath, and one of the men remarked : " Pretty big lift for a little girl." " That'll do," said the boss, jerking his head towards the door, and I was obliged to quit. But I only dodged out of sight, not out of hearing, they had to reckon with de Grasse. Ever since Henri fluxed his soul into mine, this snake thing had been blotching it- self on my eyeballs, and I had been racking an over- stimulated brain to find out its meaning. That it had been and perhaps still was of immense importance to him seemed sure, but how why where ? Seeing the spittin' image of the beast on Jacob's table didn't do a thing to my curiosity. I was crazy to read those papers and find out about the seal, and I'd have taken any risk rather than lose the chance, so I opened the door and then gave it a smart push as I popped back behind the curtains. The decided bang following closed me in instead of out. I stood crouched against the wall, hardly breathing with my heart whacking like a typewriter and my eyes glued to the crack. The four men were gathered close around the table I was crazy to read those papers and find out about the seal WITS AND THE WOMAN 45 under the rays of a powerful light; no stage setting ever offered a better opportunity to see; but they fell at once into a sort of voice cipher, speaking in low, monotonous tones and I heard little. " That door wasn't closed last time," murmured a fidgety fellow almost in my ear as he tried it. Gee ! I was stiff with fright. All my functions stood still till he got back to his seat and settled himself. They inspected various papers and O. K.'d them. They all had a drink again, and finally the boss drew that little black wallet towards him. My suspense fairly tingled. Deliberately the leader removed an elastic band from the pocketbook, and opened its two flaps. And he dumped out a mess of powders. Just ordinary pieces of folded white paper I was never so let down in my life! All the doctors, for they must have been doctors, I reckoned the purse-proud sort that fatten out of dying millionaires sat regarding the medicine-pile fixedly for several seconds. Then the long-nosed man opened one, shook its contents together, let it lie ex- posed for them all to see, and did it up nicely and neatly again. He opened every single powder, and all the time I had to stand waiting, I couldn't even see whether it was pink pills or stuff like salts, and I be- gan to feel awfully weary, and w r ondered how Joe was making out at the door, and figured my chances of getting away alive. When they had thoroughly inspected the contents, they counted those blessed powders once more, and Mr. Horse-Face swept them off the end of the table into the wallet with a comprehensive movement of his 46 WITS AND THE WOMAN long wrist. The boss stood. They were through. One of the guests raised his glass, tasted the drink, smacked his lips, and said, " Good liquor." " We'll have in some ice when de Sola's finished," answered the host, as the papers were bunched to- gether. " Can't be too careful don't know whose about house is in such a damned muddle to-day." "Deuced pretty little girl brought the last where do you find 'em, Jacobs? " The speaker sounded re- laxed. I could hear them well enough when they used a natural voice, and I saw him stretch into comfort. But you bet I didn't. Something was go- ing to happen, fast. I had my eyes peeled, watching. The boss had crossed to the back of the room, be- side the fireplace. He stepped behind a big chair and reached up fingering the woodwork. His dark clothes merged into the shadows of the black wall, only spots of white could be distinguished, a strip of collar, and his hands, and the bald spot on his head showing like a bull's-eye. Nobody paid any attention to his stunt. They were all talking and joking most congenial. But I'd hardly said, " Empty loft," to myself, when an ob- long panel in the wainscot sprang open. You could have knocked me over with a feather! Of course I'd played at castles with moving walls and hidden cham- bers while I was a kid what youngster doesn't ? but when I became a hard-headed young business woman I put away kiddish things. And now to find them coming true in life! Well, this one was fact. The big man switched on a side lamp and I saw, with my own eyes, a deep niche where the ends of similar wallets showed neatly stacked WITS AND THE WOMAN 47 there must have been a dozen of them. While we watched, it seemed tha-t Henri was trying to tell me something. To make me do, or think quick, or under- stand and it didn't come off. I knew there were plenty of communications from him that I failed to grasp but this one must be awfully important, and I laid my soul open to get it. Whatever was in those wallets? Whatever could be in a powder of that size valuable enough, or dangerous enough to hide away? Patent explosives? Too small. A secret treasure in a doctor's house it must be a drug Opium! Ah! I had never seen opium but, of course, Henri would be on. And the stuff was worth tanks of money. They had rung for ice, and I felt that this was my grand opportunity to slip out; but I felt sure, too, that de Grasse was going to stay right there and take a chance on opening that cupboard later. And I wished we had noticed the movement of the boss's fingers more particularly, for he just shoved the door close and left it a section of the lacquered wall, so very similar to other sections, beautiful and innocent with rows of carving along the top and in between. At last Jacobs heaved himself out of his chair and said, " Rebecca'd be sore if they didn't show up." He poured them a doch-an-doris for luck, and at that my knees began to shake literally till I feared the trembling would sure discover me. Was it going to be possible for an eavesdropping maid to flatten herself and escape detection? I had moved back from the chink of observation and could see nothing in the heavy shadow, but whisky and perfume strongly blended assailed my protesting nose and I knew they 48 WITS AND THE WOMAN approached. If they crowded into the shallow alcove at the door if any of them shoved against me I was lost ! But they moved like thoroughbreds upon the order of their going, while I did the pancake act and prayed. Their fat hands swayed the curtains, one by one their sleek black heads bobbed between the edges of my velvet screen and disappeared. I relaxed and dropped into the nearest seat. A number of people happened to arrive just then, and a magpie chattering greeted the host. I noticed with satisfaction that Joe would not have time to search for me, and I was reasonably safe from intrud- ing guests as the room lay out of the way; but, of course, I dared not close myself in lest Jacobs return. To arrange the curtains with closed edges remained my only security, and a precious slim one. Still, risk it I must. Softly I stole across the room and care- fully and minutely examined the panels covering their treasure. The secret was well hidden. I climbed upon a chair bringing my eyes nearer to the field, though realizing the position doomed me in case of interruption. Being a novice in the detective job kept me horribly uneasy. For a time my eyes and fingers joined frantically in the search, but the lamp throw- ing its bright rays on my illegal actions strung my nerves so skittishly I switched it off. Luck must serve for or against me anyway I might as well feel for the blooming springs in the safety of dark- ness. Feel for them I did, madly, nimbly, frisking my fingers over the fine carved mouldings but with- out result. Time flew, at any instant I was likely to be frightened off, prevented. I'd never be in the house again never have another chance. WITS AND THE WOMAN 49 " Now, now, now ! I've got to see it now ! " I cried, in my excitement forgetting caution and bang- ing my fists on the offending wall. A low whirring answered. I had started something sure! Burglar alarms? Was I trapped? Fear impelled me to my old hiding place, sense told me to beat it, and perhaps be able to dodge out; but something, Henri perhaps, petrified me to the spot. I knew I had to see that panel open, and if it was the springs I'd struck maybe it had buzzed for Jacobs and I hadn't been able to hear it on the other side of the room. I switched on the light and glued my eyes to the wall directly in front of me. Quiver- ing like an aspen and listening with the pores of my skin, I waited. A matter of seconds it was, but being so concentrated on the wrong idea I missed the real thing. A voice spoke close beside me and I jumped clean into the air, whirling face about. The sound had not come from behind me and no one was in the library. I saw that, while I was so intently watching for the little door to pop open, a whole lower panel of the side wall had slid back leaving me opposite the entrance into another room or closet. The voice came from there. It was a small corner not offering much comfort, as comfort went in Jacobs's house. By a table sat a gaunt figure wrapped in a worn gray dressing-gown. Her hair was gray, her very flesh seemed gray, and most uncanny of all her eyes were bandaged. " I see him. I see him," she mumbled. " I see him all the time." And immediately, as though answering her, de 50 WITS AND THE WOMAN Grasse told me. " She did it I might have known she'd get me," hatred and admiration mingled in his words. His stab at my understanding was subcon- scious of course, yet it was as clear as if you were asking for sugar in your morning coffee. From the first I felt a strong familiarity with this old woman. She repulsed me, and in spite of that I understood a great wrong was being or had been done her; not a tragic but a comic wrong, and I commenced by tolerating her with a sort of humorous pity. I felt a bit as if one had put up a huge prac- tical joke and the joke had stalemated which was odd, considering what Henri had just told me. Aside from the horrible surprise of meeting her, and my strange position I was scared of her too. Scared as a shaver is scared when he is going to be whipped. Henri didn't seem to have any of the dig- nity of the murdered. He was scared of her authority. My brain was running like a trip-hammer, setting up question marks all along the line. My first curi- osity about the winged snake, Henri's confidential connection with the wealthy Jacobs's secret paled into insignificance before the fact that Jacobs was pro- tecting Henri's murderer. Here was I face to face with a perfect stranger, a woman three times my age, down on her luck and suffering from a physical handi- cap; not at all the class or type to have intrigued de Grasse. He recognized her as his murderer and yet he didn't pitch into her. Instead he trembled toward her as a puppy to its master, a cub toward a stern guardian. I twigged at once that whatever the old dame had done to Henri, Henri had jolly well deserved it. WITS AND THE WOMAN 51 Torn between guilt and a hang-dog desire to help her I moved cautiously forward. De Grasse hadn't made clear to me what his intention was and I never knew. Very often I acted on impulse his impulse and discovered the motive to myself after the fact. Now I was moving vaguely, and as quiet as a mouse, but the blind have quick ears. She heard me and turned. " Is that you, Samuel ? What news ? " Her masterful tone sent an electric thrill down my spine. I had thought it a case of a kind word to a poor blind thing, blind and easy to circumvent. She made me realize I was the one most likely to need help and I turned to quit. Then what I saw made my blood freeze. The panel was closing! Quietly, swiftly, surely moving into place, operated by a time lock. With one stifled scream I leaped for the gap. The prisoner echoed my yell in a panic of fear and grabbed the lace of my apron. I pulled to wrench the stuff from her hold. She held on like a vice. I tore at the strings to get the thing off I was thumbs thumbs thumbs ! Only for a moment her nerves had the better of her; as soon as she recognized the feel of the mousselin she cried out sharply, " A woman ! " and raised her hand to the bandages. The echo of her first words rushed over me. I sensed foul play, that her eyes were covered to keep out the vision of Henri's corpse whatever her mad whim, she must not see me, must not have a tag on me for the rest of life. In a frenzy of terror I struck at her, and she sank into the chair, whimpering, moan- '52 WITS AND THE WOMAN ing. As I sprang through the wall to safety she cried aloud and I turned and looked. She had torn the bandage down, and above it her live eyes glared viciously not blind, not even cowed, but full of hate. So we regarded each other, I in stupefication, a new sense of familiarity dawning on me, and she mad to the bone. It was a terrible minute while the treacherous panel glided between us and closed. The whirring of its machinery stopped. I cast myself on the floor and sobbed with the muffler cut out. From sobbing I went into a sort of swoon, and I don't know how much of the afternoon passed before sounds aroused me footfalls. My breath still came with a catch that I couldn't control. The steps hesi- tated, and began to approach again stealthily. They came right on to the big chair. I wondered if it was somebody else after the secret. I bit my lips to keep back the little sighing sniffs. Springs creaked. Evidently the intruder had seated himself. Doubtless I was caged by a harm- less guest stealing off for a quiet smoke; whatever would he think, what could he think if he found one of the maids in a heap on the floor with those de- canters so suggestively near? It was clearly up to me to assert my dignity the first thing to get on my feet, without detection, if possible. Cautiously I raised my head and looked up straight into the face of Howard Griggs who was peering over the chair back. I sprang to my feet. The maid's dress, my ambi- guous position, pulling the social wool over his eyes and all such nonsense fled before the need of help. Relief, WITS AND THE WOMAN 53 joy sheer, radiant joy at seeing a safe person in- stead of the dubious stranger I expected, rushed pell- mell over me ; and I in turn overwhelmed poor Griggs. My black and white garb and scared face looked spooky, and he was a believer in manifestations. He sat back on his heels, gazing dum founded till I gave one of those laggard, rasping sobs. " Jove ! You ! " he gasped. " I thought it was a dog I'm fond of dogs." " And I took you for a cat you walked cattish." We laughed the high spasmodic cackle of excite- ment, and in the middle of it I slapped my hand over his mouth. "Hist!" My gentleman turned purple; but I commenced to talk quick, standing close and speaking into his ear. "Listen! Who are these people? What is wrong with this house? " In one embarrassed breath he told me he didn't know the people, hadn't even the honor of their name, had arrived by mistake and stayed out of inability to break away. " I was invited to some other bally place streets all sixes and sevens what do you expect ? They bagged me here because I met a girl upstairs whom I did know." I brushed the missing link aside. " This house is queer it's wrong. But of course if you don't know them " Answering his incredulous stare I hissed, " I've just seen the woman who murdered de Grasse." " Thundering stars ! What are you doing here in these clothes ? " he asked suddenly. " Are you nutty?" " Never mind the clothes I'll explain some day. 54 WITS AND THE WOMAN Concentrate on the idea that I've got to get away quick. She saw me, and she'll tell. She'll not lose time telling. They'll trap me. They are dangerous, evil people. They've got opium hidden I saw it. The walls open. It's an awful den! " Howard Griggs," I cried, taking him by the shoulders. " Wake up ! Get out of that chair. Help me, help me! I tell you I've got to escape." " Jove, yes ! " He blinked several times in rapid succession, fumbling for his eyeglass. " I'll fetch a cloak you can't go about that way and I'll call a car." He was gone. I sneaked behind the portieres and waited, but not for long. Griggs's dispatch amazed me. I reckon he must have done the John-Bullying act again good and lively ; but as a matter of fact he only sauntered up, asked for Miss Swanhill's coat, screwed his monocle into place, intimidated Joe by a cold scrutiny and sent him on an errand. Then I walked out wrapped in velvet to my feet; and at the curb he put me into a private brougham. So long as he stayed inside the social pad- dock, Howard took his high jumps as well as any- body I ever saw but he was no range mustang. " Drive Miss Kendall home, and return Miss Swanhill is leaving late," he ordered. And to me, "The Waldorf?" My own address signified nothing to a stranger. Griggs repeated it to the wondering man, with utmost aplomb, and leaned pinkly through the open window. " I'm going up to dance with my lady now keep her occupied, you know and I hate her ! Don't worry, the feeling isn't mutual you will have plenty of time. See you to-morrow." WITS AND THE WOMAN 55 I squeezed his hand, flashing my thanks, wordless; and a moment later, all in a svvither, I was speeding towards Madame Buniva's. Swither is one of Granny's Scotch expressions. It exactly describes the state of my mind and pulse when that ride began. After a while I felt quieter and glanced about, taking in every detail of the swell little automobile. Griggs's friend evidently enjoyed most of the good things of this world. All sorts of dodgy conveniences were fitted into its pearl gray upholstery, among others a case filled with women's implements in gold and crystal. I pounced on the salts bottle. Gee ! it was strong stuff but it helped ! A sneeze or two set my machinery working O. K. Our elegant seclusion afforded Henri five minutes to gather his bearings and think. Memory seized on one circumstance after another, and dropped this, and picked up that, and brought them all forward like a ride-and-tie race, eventually arriving at the conclusion we hadn't much chance if Samuel Jacobs got wise to our whereabouts. We could trust Griggs, he being a gentleman, more keenly interested than ever, and not likely to split. The chauffeur was another matter. Still pondering I sniffed a bracing whifter, and the dinky bottle in my hand gave de Grasse an idea a revolutionary, deck-sweeping inspiration but we must first put them off the scent. Having thrown them the clue of my correct address this promised difficulty, for the driver was not likely to forget such an un- usual locality, and I had no tip to pledge his silence. Twice already he had stopped to ask if it was right, and kept on, frankly under protest, into what he con- sidered the slums. 56 WITS AND THE WOMAN Fortunately, when we arrived, it was meal-time and few of my neighbors were hanging around outside. I had removed my apron and slipped the bottle down my stocking. Now I let him see me shed the hand- some cloak and put it back in the car. " You have brought me too far," I said. " But I am much obliged all the same." Then I turned deliberately away from Madame's and walked to the third door. It was an odd, flat building in a row of mansard-roofs a bum board- ing-house where persons flitted over night I was certain he would remember it. As I paused to ring, I could see the man staring, but only for a minute. He shot away before the door opened, and I beat it down those stairs and into Buniva's straight up to my own room, thanking my lucky stars that such a stylish arrival had not created more excitement. I sat on the bed panting. We were sure in wrong, and Henri said it was best to quit cold. " Everything is a beginning." Tish! I'd come near making an end of that old woman and wasn't ambitious to stay in the town with her hunting me. I might have put the chauffeur off the track, but it would be a cinch to trace the maid and I had driven the final nail into my coffin with a gold-topped bottle. I'd have both search parties on the rampage unless Griggs squared me. Packing proved simple. My old clothes had been left at the caterer's. I dressed in my best, put a few articles in Granny's bag, laid the nugget, the bottle and my purse, with all our ready money, on top, and sallied forth. But first I wrote a note to Buniva. WITS AND THE WOMAN 57 "Dear Madame: " I'm stony, and going away to take a better job. Please don't say anything to anybody. I won't for- get the two weeks' board. " Hastily, " CLARISSA KENDALL. " P.S. Sturani's uniform is in the bureau drawer. " C. K." No dinner for me that evening and not a mo- ment to spare. I had to pay a visit to my uncle. I chose a different place this time, better class, as I was better dressed and pawning gold, and I left a different name. " My day for Jews," I thought, as the smelling salts and the nugget vanished into the fat hand, so like those other fat white hands it made me shudder. I saw again the old woman's malign eyes glinting above her bandages, and I remembered I had told Griggs she murdered de Grasse. That was going far. Should the Englishman be afflicted with a sense of public duty he might fry a pretty kettle of fish. Not that I cared except to keep out myself. Tinging my lenience toward her now came the lust for vengeance. I recognized this as my own personal feeling on Henri's behalf. We both knew she was a bad dog to have on our heels. Not until the northern train was roaring and rac- ing through tunnels with me safely tucked into a Pull- man corner, did I get to looking on the other side of 58 WITS AND THE WOMAN the picnic. Somewhere in the night ahead lay Cobalt and Romance we were indeed launched on an im- mense adventure. My spirits rocketed. " Clarissa Kendall," said I. " What a chump you are not to have done it before?" And I'm afraid my self-reproach referred to borrowing that bottle. CHAPTER V American sleeping cars are the national proof of our high moral character. Of late years we seem to be slipping back or is it forward ? to drawing- room coaches and the secluded variability of central Europe. But the twenty- four bedded Pullman, as originally constructed, will always be remembered to our credit. My hasty exit from New York was the first time I had ever met up with one of 'em; and to add to the insult I could only get a top berth. Sleep didn't woo me much; when it did I dreamed. Old women started out of graves and trap doors opened like the jaws of death. Perhaps I talked some. They kept on rapping and tapping below and sishing for silence. Once the man next door pounded good and hard. Such cheek ! He was bunked head to feet, our pillows must have lain about as close as married people's, with only a thin board between, and right there I made up my mind, so help me, never to splice with a man who snored. Finally, I grew so tired of the orchestra, and lying on the half shell, I rang for the little set of steps and climbed down into the gray cold morning. Gray, did I say? Blue, indigo of the deepest dye, the early hour slump at its worst ! Our porter saved my life by tipping me to beat it to the dining-car right after Buffalo. All the hungry folk had turned in early, and I got the last vacant table, and snatched the bill-of- 59 60 WITS AND THE WOMAN fare, for I was ravenous. One glance was enough to convince me I could only afford coffee and rolls, and I went through the form of writing that order with death knocking at my hopes. When the waiter vanished, I leaned on the table twiddling my pencil, a picture of woe. What was coming next out there in the wilds? What if I failed to locate Ross? What if Henri failed me? Stray flakes of snow drove against the pane; it grew colder. My suit, warm enough in New York, would be like a veil to the Cobalt wind. I began to figure the cost of eat- ing lunch and dinner in Toronto. My mind, weary from excitement and lack of rest, slipped a cog. Fancy travelled backward over yesterday's events. I saw it all Joe answering the door^ Griggs's head like a pink balloon rising above the step, those four in the Chinese room, the seal, the papers, the long-nosed man counting powders, their cache. Curiosity about those papers knew no bounds. Why were they sealed with our winged snake, and what had the reptile to do with Henri? What was the snake anyway? In idleness I began to trace the figure, as I had seen it, on the table cloth. Clarissa isn't much with a pencil, but gradually the image of the thing appeared its naughty head, the two out- spread wings with their strange hieroglyphics, and, last, its wiggly tail. Henri and I were so interested in the creation, we failed to notice when somebody sat down opposite. It was the man's reaching for the order pad stirred us up to look at him. He was a well-dressed, well-built chap under thirty, with the sort of manner Henri calls successful; but I'm sure an English dude like Griggs would have con- WITS AND THE WOMAN 61 sidered him " fresh." If a skin looking clean and healthy and well-groomed, in spite of not being shaved, clear eyes and perfect teeth were all that went to the freshness, the term was no term of reproach. His thin-lipped mouth showed humorous corners, and above a flat forehead a thick crop of brown hair rose straight on end. Perhaps the pompadour gave him an extra wide awake appearance, he certainly looked smart not referring to clothes but to his head-piece. The newcomer was on the heavy side for an athlete, though he might have been one in his college days, and too expeditious for a man of leisure. Put him down, therefore, as an excellent example of an all- round American business man, no southern, or New England, or western type just a two or three gener- ation American, of British stock, keen, genial, straight- forward. He glanced the menu over in a business-like way and then wrote at length, while I chewed my remain- ing bun, mixed with the cud of reflection. Oh, I had lots to think about grievances in plenty a per- sistent emptiness below the belt not among the least, and hearing that man give his order was the last straw : orange juice, cream of wheat, shirred eggs with country sausages and flap-jacks on the side, and a full accompaniment of coffee and hot buttered toast. Evi- dently he had nothing to do but eat until he reached Toronto. And the smells! I rose in famished indignation and swept from the scene, but at the door I couldn't resist a backward glance. He had changed his place and was sitting in my seat studying the drawing I had left behind. Up- side down and down-side up he eyed the creature, 62 WITS AND THE WOMAN and then he whipped out a red leather notebook and proceeded to copy the winged snake. " Make a hit-you-in-the-eye trade mark," William Watson Duffy commented to himself, as he snapped the elastic band and replaced the book in his pocket, before turning his attention to his grub. Believe me, the Lord's Day Alliance have made it a grand bore to put in a Sunday alone in Canada. I wandered around till I was footsore and weary, going light on car fare, for every dime counts when you're not sure how or where the next dollar can be gleaned, but at that I payed a lot for storage on my body; we all do all the while, not half realizing it. Walking costs boot-leather, and sitting means a continual drain in hard cash. Sitting in vehicles costs hire, sitting in homes costs rents, sitting in hotels costs drinks and feeds >as I discovered. W r hen flesh and blood could stand no more, I found a cosy corner in a mezzanine palm room, and I don't know how many times I ordered tea and toast from three to five. Luck was fairly hunting me all the same. While I was leaning there on the marble rail, watching the men in the rotunda below, I suddenly spied a familiar figure. " Ross ! Or, I'll eat my hat ! " I cried, pushing for a bell hop. And when the kid came I put the question straight. " Yarsh," he replied, changing his wad of gum to the other cheek. " Charley Ross Cobalt, whatcher want? " " Look who's here ! " my gold man cried a few minutes later, standing like a pillar under the low ceil- ing, and blotting out the rest of the room with his WITS AND THE WOMAN 63 breadth. I guessed from his hearty handshake we were glad to meet again. It was just as if we had never stopped getting along as if Griggs had never butted in. Of course he felt it his duty to dissuade me from going North, but, seeing I didn't budge from my de- termination, he promised to be godfather to the enter- prise. " I'm not living in the heart of Cobalt, you know, my claim lies up river, but I'll be there to-morrow morning and fix you up. Maybe seeing me around will frighten some of the wildcats away." My eyes sparkled. " Wildcats ! Are there really beasts of prey is it so wild can we hunt? I'm out for adventure I'm crazy about it! " He laughed uproariously. " Women beat the Dutch ! Of course, if you're out for adventure, some- body's got to fall. But why do you pick upon me? " His laugh and his twinkling eyes and this sort of talk, showed he was pleased as Punch over taking Clarissa on a holiday. For there being only one train and our tickets reading the same date, we were more or less obliged to go together. In fact he swiped the charge of me from the minute we met, and blew me to an elegant dinner with several mining men gathered round the festive board. It was a good beginning. Henri played up in crackerjack form, and whenever he's at his highest pitch, I queen it. The fellows seemed quite overcome by mirth and amazement, and Ross showed off his performing bear like a master mountebank, roaring almost continuously himself. The gang put up a joke on us, telegraphed ahead, and had the Cobalt boys meet us with a royal welcome. 64 WITS AND THE WOMAN I was all sunned up and some looker when I stepped on to the platform; and, if it hadn't been for my heavy escort, I'd have been mobbed. Mining costume khaki riding pants, leather leggings, a blue flannel shirt, and any number of thick wool sweaters piled on according to the weather made Ross look about the size of a heathen god; and being god on his own claim he voted himself leave. For a week we played together, seeing everything and everybody. He got wise to my being short of the ready, when I hung back from buying proper clothes, and took a little flyer in stock on my account; and then settled me for a morning's interview with Timothy Eaton's catalogue. The result, a trans- formed Clarissa, in clothes exactly seconding his own, met with more than approval. Maybe he thought I'd get fed up being treated so swell, and pack and quit. He'd given me seven days to tire of mining; by the end of that time I was just getting into my stride. For one thing I had negotiated to pitch tent at the doctor's. A clean room, and good food, and not too much interference from his short-tempered, full- bosomed Irish housekeeper, seemed princely compared to Towne's Temperance Hotel, or even to my bunk at Buniva's. And another very ample reason cropped up in my having begun to make a living without work- ing so hard that you'd notice it. Every now and again somebody would offer to buy or sell for me and cover before it was time to put up margin. Occa- sionally, it came off. When it didn't, he paid the piper. Henri held this was a piker's game and just like a woman but it made the mare go. Gradually, I came to understand the ins and outs WITS AND THE WOMAN 65 and ups and downs of mining, the raging hope and bitter disappointments which make these men mer- curial. Ross had foreshadowed the business to me at " The Girl of the Golden West "; and now he showed me the actual operation from one end to the other on his own mine the Victoria. She was a good claim. Her veins had assayed splendidly till they side- stepped. Now it was up to the boss to outwit faults, relocate his fortune and get her going again; so presently, he cut away from me and the town life, and settled to it tooth and nail. Still there was more fun going in Cobalt any week than I'd had in my whole life before. The Doc's house being central I grew kind of central too. Some of the bunch were always dropping in for a game. "Which game?" Doc asked. There must have been a dozen flirting with me, and some hard hit but nix on the sentiment for Henri. Every evening the deck came out sooner or later, and that is where we made our killing. De Grasse is some little poker player, believe me ! We won consistently, and the boys, white sports and bred in the bone gamblers, liked me the better for it. Cobalt was a boom town in that day and not with- out its features : the drug store, because of temperance the rendezvous of good cheer, and the club, a very select institution putting a bold face on its main line of business and calling itself "The Mess." If a native belonged to the Mess, he was in it otherwise away out at the back door. A conglomerate gang, twenty or more members, they all counted themselves my in- timate friends. Certain personalities stood forth as 66 WITS AND THE WOMAN mirthmakers or were noted for a genial grouch, but Terrance O'Shaughnessy, familiarly known as the " Terrier," remained unquestioned leader. Brown of skin, blue of eye, ready of tongue, he was a very live wire indeed. His small head and delicate features giving the lie to iron muscles invited trouble and in- directly made him famous, for loud mouthed fellows didn't hesitate to pick a quarrel, and many a one wore his music-box out of condition in consequence. The hero of a hundred scraps added distinction by cursed bad luck, endless endurance, and a weakness for the fair sex; this being a gentlemanly inclination touched with the magic gift of understanding, we all en- couraged him. Don't mistake me. He was no lap dog. The fastest paddler in a bush country enforces respect among men but as a gambler save the name! Every deal left him done brown on both sides and crisp at the edges. By deduction the " Terrier " must have been a re- mittance man. He lived high at the Mess, with his hand always in his pocket and several kegs of the best brand open in his room ; and then he'd go broke, and disappear down the French River about the date his notes fell due; lie low a while; flash back un- heralded; clean up his financial slate and start some- thing. Bully-Bill, his faithful henchman, helped him spend the money and drink the rye, and fluctuated with him like a changing tide. CHAPTER VI Spring had done her worst and left it at that. Washouts ceased from troubling, and the roads firmed Cobalt took on a new lease of life. Prospectors poured in, bought supplies, selected canoes, packed their dunnage, and were swallowed by the back country. Talk on the Doc's porch ran over with rich veins, lucky strikes or new flotations. Every man in the Mess that year either went out himself or had somebody grub-staked. Sol Graham, of course, couldn't leave the Kirk- land ; and Charley Ross was in the same predicament with his place doing all his prospecting right there. He doubled his gangs and drove ahead like mad, but rumor had it the Victoria would peter out. For six months or more my goldman had kept me guessing. At the opera he acted as if he might be soft, and I put him down for a hand-holder; but up here there were no signs of kidding. Not that I wanted it, mind you, spooning never was my style even before I grafted Henri, only the change got me going. Was he afraid I would take advantage or was his attitude just the difference between a man's work and his play? I asked him once if he thought the girl of the Silver North gang as true as that Goldy Girl, and he snatched my hand and started to speak. I don't know what switched him off. In the end he merely pinched my elbow, and said I was a good 67 68 WITS AND THE WOMAN card player. We never pursued the subject Henri had had enough. Between not seeing anything of Ross and thinking so much about him, I worked up a real heart interest ; and I was awfully pleased when he tethered Barnum to the Doc's post one bright, hot noon; and asked for it cold.' " You're a sight for sore eyes ! " I cried. " Where was?" Jake Smith, sitting alongside, with his hat tilted forward about as far as his chair was tilted back, and spurred heels dangling like a lisping child's, grunted welcome. " Been working and neglecting business," Ross said, kind of bitter. " Missed the Rock Queen rise haven't heard any news for a month ! " " Good things going and us not abroad. Tish ! There's wood in the woodpile." 11 Musson's canned me," he croaked. That was his dandy foreman, and a big loss. " Gone prospect- ing on his own. I saw the ' Terrier ' in town wonder he's not out after it. Season's well advanced what's doing?" I caught him glancing my way. " Lots around here," said the Doc with a wink. " Poetry." " Quit talking through your hat," growled Jake. Charley sat sizing me up rather keen. And I actually blushed, making it look- as if "the fat was in the fire. " Gospel truth," I affirmed hastily. " Terry has been throwing off verses high brow quality. Makes you cow boys bulk about thirty cents." We all laughed. WITS AND THE WOMAN 69 " Terry's passing the time of day with you, youngster." Jake spoke as he willed. He was notorious for taking liberties and living up to them. " The boy's under contract to Bagster regarding those Lelland claims, and he's got to hang around with nothing particular to do." " Lelland ! " exclaimed Ross, pricking his ears. "What's new?" Bagster, a hard-shell promoter and financier, and a grabber from the word go, had made, to date, by far the biggest clean-up in Cobalt; things he was in- terested in were good. The Lelland was generally known to show two enormous veins lying open to the sunshine. All one had to do was to go and gather the stuff in. This plum, however, had fallen away at the back of beyond, and lay fast locked in unbroken wilderness. Very few of those who raved about its wealth had ever set foot on its precious mud, or passed within miles of it. Jake continued to rumble information, and we all listened, take it from me ! " Fault in the title going to be thrown open one of these days then watch the rush." " Damn ! I never knew it ! Might as well be dead as out of touch." We jumped, every one, and turned amazed eyes on Ross. Always careful of his speech before ladies he was now fighting mad, as I had never seen him yet. The doctor began to talk quietly, rubbing his glasses. " That will be the biggest haul of the year, easily. Bagster had an option on the property at two millions, before he got wind of the trouble. He allowed it to 70 WITS AND THE WOMAN lapse. I only wish I was an engineer and pioneer like the rest of you it's a great opportunity." " You stand as good a chance of winning, Doc, as any of us. Bagster has the Terrier tied up in some sort of financial scrape, hard and fast, and with the Terrier and Bully paddling no one can beat him. Knowing the country so well, they will be in and stake the claim and out to register it, before the others are half way there Bagster saves his two million, all right." " Not so fast," says Ross, quietly. " The claim will be open. A man might camp " Jake shoved back his hat, thrust forth an aggres- sive chin, and settled the chair legs with a resounding whack. " How in hell are ye going to know the date, if ye camp? There being no mortal means of communica- tion with that claim except by water, the man who's fastest with the paddles gets the mine." " Bet you ten to one Bagster don't," Charley re- plied, smiling. " I'm going to have a hard try against him." " Done," cried Jake. " What in? " " Hundreds." Ross unfolded from the lower step and walked over to Barnum. " Got to get busy," he sang out. I watched his eyes. He acted and looked like a different man had he an idea? All at once Henri was taken with one of his yearnings towards dear old Ross; it made me get up and go over there, and I caught the bridle before he mounted, saying: " Walk a bit let's talk. I haven't seen you in a dog's age and you rush away faster than a rocket." As he fell in beside me, I slipped an arm through his. It looks loverlike enough in writing, but you ought to have viewed the place. A short cut leads by the doctor's fence across to the main north road. There is more undisturbed ground here than anywhere else in the district, and perhaps an acreage of lush grass lying along the rail fences. The eastward and windy side is planted in pine, so that pine needles carpeted the road, while sapling birch trees, in full young leaf, leaned towards each other on the lower bank, making a dappled shade and a semblance of privacy just the spot for confidences. The Doc had been prophesying I'd fall for this lane as soon as spring was fairly awake; and I could see him making faces at Jake, and guess the form of his conversation next time we met. Ah if he had only known. " The Lelland is a big chance," I began. " Do you really think we can do anything?" " We ? " My quasi-sentimental companion almost overdid his part. Warmth^ softened his voice. " Two heads are better than one," I said quietly, for danger lay in confusing Henri's passions and mine. " So she thinks she can beat Bagster ! You're the gamest little girl I ever met." His arm slid around me. I drew away it was no time for twaddle and answered, serious as a judge: " I have a hunch we can win." The big man stood gazing down at me for fifty seconds; then, something hard came over him. He tossed his head impatiently, like a colt fresh haltered. "You're right, kid the job won't wait. If I think up anything, I may tell you I'll let you in. 72 WITS AND THE WOMAN Be good. And, say keep an eye on the Terrier for me." He sprang to his horse and galloped off down the sun-spattered road, leaving behind him a beautiful young fury, who tore her hair at his patronage, stamped her foot at sex, and ground her teeth with determination to beat old Bagster and others. " I may tell you." How those words rankled ! He didn't take me seriously after all these months. " Speculative enterprises closed to women " put up the bars. If I thought of any scheme I would be obliged to tell him in order to work it out. Chance opportunity. Henri's slogan. I was at last face to face with the gigantic moment of my life. " Keep cool, keep cool," I whispered, suppressing myself all the way back. And once in my room, and the door fastened, I settled with a perfectly concen- trated mind to do that terrific head stunt. I never moved all through the tiresome white after- noon ; but just sat staring inward exerting every mental faculty thinking thinking. Footsteps came and went; knuckles rapped for en- trance and gave up; the tea gong boomed five times, insisting on its office, and hummed to silence. Still I sat on. The boys began to drop in; merry voices floated to me through the luminous northern twilight. I noted Terry's among them, glad I was not working for his personal defeat. Then I became detached. I was aroused. Scraping feet and chair legs fore- told the mood downstairs ; the game began and silence fell. Dumb and inactive my body rocked to and fro, and my mind kept company, creaking the old boards but WITS AND THE WOMAN 73 never striking a new note. Waterways and paddles, waterways and paddles, lakes and rivers and canoes by what other means could one dare to hope to pene- trate that vast unbroken wilderness? Gee! The wheels in my head spun and all for nothing. I trusted Ross wasn't lying by for such a fruitless effort. Silence silence. Occasionally a wrangle of voice from below, but out in the night silence. And then crash! The crash of doom. Our house shivered in every timber, windows rat- tled, glass fell tinkling, the furniture hopped along my rag carpet, the lamps swayed on their brackets. As I ran out into the hall, one banged downstairs and flew to a thousand atoms. The bunch were crowding in the doorway, talking excitedly. Jake threw a mat over the burning oil, and somebody called loud : " Don't be scared ! It's only a big charge at the Pontiac night shift working. A little too close for comfort!" I heard them shuffle to the sideboard, for shock loves stimulant, and back to their places. " Deal the cards," said the Doc. " I smell trouble. Let's have another round before we're called." "Coming in, Clarissa?" " Nope." But I wanted to just the same. My door banged, shutting out temptation. I might as well have sat in the game who could think after such a hurly-burly! In spite of determination my wits went wool-gathering. Without the least idea of side-tracking the car, I'd suddenly find myself at the Victoria. I'd shake myself and start over; and five minutes later would be wondering how Ross was 74 WITS AND THE WOMAN getting on. The ticking clock accentuated monotony, only relieved by a dull roar once in a while from our lively neighbour. I rose and paced the little room fighting off stupor. " Clarissa Kendall," said I, " hold yourself alert. This is one of the hours about which literature is as a scaffold, and play-acting but the bricks and mortar. This is Fate's tremendous climax for you every- thing hangs in the balance. You either win out and be something from this time on or you sink to the level of the scrap heap perhaps marry do and become something utterly ordinary. You've been up here since lunch-time keeping a nice jog trot over other people's tracks now get busy and blaze a trail. We've got to strike for ourselves. We've got to get right away from the water and go inland. We've got to manage to go inland quicker than the boys can paddle we've got a devil of a job, for it's thick woods every inch of the way. We've got to " Pontiac roared again heavily, and all at once the big idea up and slapped me in the face biff! Just like that. " Got it ! Got it ! so help me ! " I cried, driving one fist into the other palm. " I own the mine I own two million dollars' worth of mine I own the Lelland!" And we did own it without possibility of failure, if my plan went through but I must have help. A dash of temper, like the bitters in a cocktail, makes life tasty. I thought of Ross and hated him. But he had been a good pal. It was up to me to take him in. I owed it to him and I must have help. WITS AND THE WOMAN 75 No longer cool plumb intoxicated, plumb crazy, I capered in my joy. Then, canned it sudden, for my scheme required time, and every hour saved might mean success. Shoes in hand I sneaked down past the dining room door; I fanned my fingers thumb to nose, and grinned my compliments at the bunch playing their measly dollar-limit, and flung a leg over Pepper Pot, Jake's fiery young mare. Silent as a pair of hold-up men we edged down to the short cut, and then, throwing caution to the winds, shot out a flying unit in the night. Rockefeller'd sell the Standard Oil to feel a tenth of our elation. Success sang in the warm air stream- ing by, a heart light as a feather challenged Fate. Exultation burst forth in whoops of joy. If I'd packed a gun, I'd have been shooting up the place. Gee! what it means, that mood! Wasting cartridges just to hear it bark ! Whooping kept the nag to her pace fine, Jake having known joy in his day too. But by-and-by the roads hardened and we slowed down. I wasn't taking any chances on a horse's legs particularly his horse. With the slackening of our pace my mood suddenly changed. I became keenly alive to some mysterious force resisting me. The uncanniness of it appalled. I knew I was in the center of a great battle which I could neither see, nor hear, nor feel. I noticed the sky had gloomed up. Over my head stars twinkled, but a wall of solid blackness rose like a rock in front. Pepper put up her nose and sniffed and whinnied. Big drops splashed on my hands. We were in for a storm, sure, but I reckoned a horse was neither sugar 76 WITS AND THE WOMAN nor salt and urged her forward. She cowered. The darkness held a menace for horseflesh too. I felt my hand on the rein shaking. A bolt of lightning fell through the sky straight to earth. It cut the night like a band of bright ribbon, and turned blackness into tawny yellow. Some storm! Another bolt fell, and another and another. Lightning rained from heaven. It didn't seem pos- sible that they were falling harmlessly into the great wilderness separating the Lelland from Cobalt. With the first of the shocks my companion planted her feet firmly, and refused to budge. I got down, tugging on the bridle, but it was no use; she stood as firmly fixed as a bronze statue. Jake's horse taking on so about a rain shower! I flecked her with the whip till she whinnied. So far there had been no sound, now the thunder struck us peal after peal. It roared around us. A battery of great guns seemed to be stationed in every quarter of the compass. The power of the storm shook the rocks on which we stood. Quite suddenly I was overcome by a terrific nausea. I felt as if I were fighting against horrible odds in a losing fight. I couldn't get my breath right. I couldn't think, it was as if Nature had withdrawn her support. And then I knew that Nature must be against me, even as I was against Nature. I saw Henri de Grasse and Clarissa Kendall, two souls in a single body, as a ter- rible blot on the order of things, a blasphemy against every natural law. I felt I was cursed. I was in a worse plight than Cain's. I had not unnaturally killed my brother, but I had unnaturally made him live. Even in the animal WITS AND THE WOMAN 77 shivering at my side I found evidence of the monstrous iniquity. " You will never prosper," voices of the storm sang. " We are against you. Beware ! " My heart sank into my boots; animal fear communicated itself to me. I leaned against the horse and shook, and the more I shook the more she shook. We shivered there to- gether, my face hidden in her neck, while the bolts continued to split the north, turning banked clouds into a tawny daylight. A sharp noise pierced the roll of thunder, the rattle of hailstones on bush. We stood in the open and the stones flung themselves against us, yet they were less real than the facts hurling through my chaotic senses. " You are against Nature and Nature is against you Look out! " I groped in black terror, but had never an idea of giving up. When the storm had emptied its wicked heart, and slid away to the south- west, I remounted Pepper, and we proceeded wearily to the Victoria. The bunk houses sheltering Charley's wops lined the road, and I didn't fancy riding between them, so I tethered my pony, and cut across to the office where Ross lived. A glance in at one of the windows gave me his whole situation. He sat at a table cov- ered with section maps, his head sunk in his hands. The slope of his shoulders that tired look put me wise to his being broke. Things looked worse than gossip represented them. I guessed Charley was keeping a stiff upper lip. Mines aren't much on accommodation and discomfort's hell when one's down and out. His bunk wasn't made up looked as if it hadn't been since Musson left. Wearing ap- 78 WITS AND THE WOMAN parel lay about, muddy boots had been kicked off and let lie anyhow. Dinner, untouched, sat on the back of the stove, while a coffee pot kept company with the lamp and maps. I saw at once Ross was one of those nice burly man-children, who never grow up and are utterly incapable of taking care of themselves. While I watched, he straightened out his long legs, rammed his hands deep into his pockets, and glowered at the floor. He looked all in despondent to the verge of suicide; so I beat it 'round to the front and banged a regular salvo for admittance. Charley, standing, filled the whole opening; and surprise there isn't a star in the film world could match his face. " I've got it ! The Lelland's ours ! " I cried, and, not waiting for a welcome, pushed inside. He blinked owlishly. " Clarissa Kendall ! At this time what's up ? " " Bagster's up the spout." He didn't seem to hear, and, now the moment had come, I was trembling. My plan bubbled out topsy- turvy. " We'll need men and dynamite lots of it. The charges must be awful big a dozen camps won't give you the right start." Words tumbled out faster and faster, till I saw him register the " are-you-mad " expression; and I flopped into a chair to recover breath. "Wake up, man! I'm onto it do you hear? The Lelland's ours." Damnation! he was going to be polite and fatherly. " I'm not drunk ! " I yelled, and then, mastering emotion, tried another line. WITS AND THE WOMAN 79 " This is a deal between you and me is it fifty- fifty ? Do you want to come in or shall I carry my idea elsewhere ? There's not an hour to lose take it or leave it." That stung. Make any human being mad, and it's serious at once. I pounded my fists on the table. " Listen There's only one thing will travel through this country faster than the Terrier and Bully- Bill in a light canoe and that is sound. We are go- ing to signal the news in." He got me. I never saw a man so flabbergasted. For long seconds he stood staring as though without a ray of intelligence, but all the while his brain was mak- ing lightning dashes, hither and thither, through the Canadian bush. He turned. Feverish shuffling of the maps and hurried calculations convinced him of the scheme's workability ; and then the giant sought for me with bloodshot eyes. " Girl ! " he cried. " We're made ! Shake on it." I guess I was more pleased at being treated like a real man partner, than over any amount of palaver. We sat down on opposite sides of the table and worked out details; and, when all was ready, Ross strode to the door, flung it open, and bellowed into the night. Night did I say? It was cold gray morn- ing. "Hi, there, boys! Shorty Green, hi!" A whisk of wind scampering around the corner tossed his great voice across the clearing. And while we waited for signs of life, I did a little calculating on my own. From the moment we heard of the fault in title de Grasse had been rampant. I thought like de Grasse, 80 WITS AND THE WOMAN acted like him, was de Grasse in fact pushing the woman part clean aside. Now she came bobbing up to complicate matters morning light always gets a woman whose been at large in the dark. I wanted to bring the matter before Ross nicely. " Jake's lost his horse," I said. " And it looks to me as if I might be going to loosen up a bit on char- acter. Do you think Miss Clarissa had better slide before the men reach here?" " Too late now," he replied. " Seeing you leave would start a lot more questions than finding you in camp. I should have sent you home." " Let be," I jollied, hating to spoil our triumph by worry. " With a million dollars, I'll not miss it any." Already we caught the tramp of hob-nailed boots, and the hands came trooping in. " You're all leaving here within the hour," ordered Ross. " Get the canoes afloat, load dynamite to capac- ity, and grub-stake yourselves for ten days." He signed that some of the older men should re- main, and spieled it to them in a few words. " Look here ! " indicating the maps. " We'll lay a charge at Halsy's Wharf, another by Fisher Creek. One at the bend will carry beyond the reserve, and from there to Long Inlet. We're not taking any chances on a contrary wind. Lay them close and heavy. Make the most of the sound, boys, you know how here, and here, and here. Two men will stay at each camp. Miss Kendall is my partner in this, Green, she'll pass the word from town to you. Better put our first charge on the portage. I'll be waiting at the head of Duck Lake and beat the others to it." CHAPTER VII Doc gave me a curtain lecture, and took my word that I had been out all night on most important busi- ness. And when I'd settled the question of the bor- rowed horse with Jake, I lapsed into watchful wait- ing. Playing amateur detective to the Terrier's progress felt almost like a regular romance. A game wasn't a game unless he sat in it. I was a hound on his track. To receive him early and speed him late; ride with him, dance with him, talk for him became the goal of life. He came and went as usual, and it was surpris- ing what a variety of small errands matured about leaving time, so that Clarissa went along. Society was on tip-toe with excitement, such a rush not having been expected from one who had always maintained the happy balance of hail-fellow-well-met with the entire outfit. But their New Yorker was changed. She developed a passion for strong drinks ; some male or other was forever piloting her in the di- rection of the soda tank. I spent hours hanging on to the drug store bar, for that was where the round up generally took place, and gossip was always on sched- ule there if not ahead of time. You could get bet- ter tips buying a toothbrush in Cobalt than paying for a dozen quarts in any city joint and it was gossip for mine those days. Absolute certainty lay in keeping the Terrier under 81 82 WITS AND THE WOMAN lock and key meaning strict supervision so I di- vorced etiquette, and every time he appeared on the street, I'd go out and flag him. " Making yourself too cheap, kid," growled Jake. " You're overdoing it." And I was. By the fourth day my quarry turned mouse-shy that is how I came to miss his getaway. Green stormed in one morning white about the gills. " What in the blankety blank blank blank blank! Don't you know O'Shaughnessy and Bully left town yesterday? " My spine went soft as a pail of mush. " But the claims aren't open ! " I stammered. " They've got something up their sleeve. There's nothing to prevent them tapping our wires, if they're on. That Dan Toms is a low-down, yellow-livered cuss heaven help him if I find a leak! " " Our signals ! You don't mean they've got wise to our scheme! They wouldn't dare. Why we could throw them off with one little false blast." " And pitch ourselves into the ditch too. Who's to tip our boys that we're raising the bets out of malice? We don't start no signals till the claims are open." My spirits tumbled into deepest midnight. Hope lay down on me. I was obsessed again by the terrific sense of Nature in all her power and might being arrayed against us. And when news of the Lelland being opened fired the town, I went out to get my nag with a lead sinker in place of my heart. There's tonic in a gallop on a fine clear day, one's pulses answer to the rhythmic thudding of the horse's hoofs. We cut the time to the Victoria pretty close, and I managed a regular " cheer, oh " for Green and WITS AND THE WOMAN 83 the boys. Our enthusiasm mounted during the hasty embarking and the straight bright course we steered to portage. Gleaming paddles dipped and carried for- ward shimmering and dipped again ; and all our breath was in our work. We were ahead of the rush and wasted no time before setting off the fuse. Dizzy thunder overwhelmed us. Lord! What a charge! Then we stood tense in the silence straining every nerve to hear, till from far away there sounded back the ghost of an explosion. Johnson and Foster, camped beyond, had got our news and sped it. At a single crack, we were away ahead of the game but were we ? Nature was working with us, she had car- ried our signal, but we could not code her. She screamed her message on the hilltop for all initiated ears to understand. A fellow who was holding down a bum claim near portage came over to ask what all the row was about, and did we think we were blowing up a blooming for- tress, or only prospecting on government property? He said the Terrier and Bully had gone through a couple of days before. Hustling they were, but look- ing powerful well set up and pleased with the universe. It was his opinion nobody had a chance against them two for the Lelland. Green and I avoided each other's eyes. We were mortally certain now tj^at somebody had tipped them off. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link and it took a lot of links to reach into that northern wilderness. Still, Ross was ahead, well ahead, if he hadn't got into difficulty and had to turn back. But he was alone and the Terrier and Bully were awful fast paddlers. 84 WITS AND THE WOMAN The sickening sense of failure lay upon my spirits like a pall. I got out of bed with it in the morning and covered myself with it at night. And Nature did her damnedest. A bright dry spell gave place to tear- ing winds, and the winds brought the smell of scorched brush to our very door step. Things were doing up North. I knew it would take something more than trivial to turn Ross from his goal but a forest on fire is no child's toy. What is having a start com- pared to being out of the woods, literally? As soon as I finished worrying over the fire, a new line started. Ross was ahead of the game; he was expert and care- ful, and had his nerve with him, and he wasn't under that mad pressure of haste that drives a man beyond his better judgment as a matter of fact he'd be giv- ing the Terrier two days more than was coming to him. Gee! If he didn't hustle! Then there was the possibility of a blow on one of the wide lakes, a mess in the rapids, an upset with loss of boat and grub, which would mean striking for civ- ilization the sooner the better. I cursed our arrange- ment for the last blast, which had necessitated Ross's going on alone and yet that last blast might be the straw to break our rival's back. Our signals must have travelled farther than the enemy could make in forty-eight hours. Barring accidents barring acci- dents ! But I wouldn't let myself build on it. And we had no news. In the blighted uncertainty of those days Clarissa commenced to hanker for town; for lights and noise and people and buildings and for a less strenuous life. Oh, to be lost in a crowd once more, unhonored and unsung and unobserved. Cobalt looked sud- 85 denly vulgar and raw, compared to her sisters, a stupid little busy-body. I resented Jake's counsel and even the Doc's mild jokes. I refused to swap yarns with the bunch. My mind was entirely full of one adventure the end of which was yet unwritten. A more thor- oughly disagreeable hotch-potch of ill-humor, nerves, uncertainty and expectation couldn't have been found to dine at anybody's table. I marvel Doc didn't throw me out by the scruff of the neck. And all the while I was rude to them, I was cogitat- ing in the bottom of my brain pan, that maybe I'd dig out if Ross got back safe. He did get back safe and first. He beat the Ter- rier to it by an hour and a half. He'd just finished his job and was enjoying a pipe preparatory to starting home, and chuckling to think how much time he had on the rest, when the two showed up. It's lucky for him it was Terry, any couple of ordinary roughhouse prospectors would have murdered him on the spot, or have done him dirt in some way. But O'Shaughnessy was born a gentleman, and he stood for fair play all along the line. Bully told how they hung on Ross's trail every mile of the way back, hoping he'd come a cropper. But he picked up his own boys at the first camp, and a couple more farther down. By the time they reached Portage there was a regular army of them ready to defend our man and our rights against all comers. Immediately on registering the claims Ross an- nounced my partnership; and I'll own I was tickled to death to find him giving me full credit for the idea. Our crowd could hardly believe their ears. They did the handsome thing by me. We celebrated long and 86 WITS AND THE WOMAN broad and wide; and of course Henri, being beyond the grasp of their practical minds, girlie had to stand up and take the salutes. But de Grasse proved right again it's safer not -to attract too much attention. After the pow-wow those boys began to fall away, scared I think. Men don't like women who are ca- pable of beating them. I soon understood the Lelland business had cooked my goose with the bunch. Some of the old hands had grown grouchy, while I appeared to be so mad about the Terrier; and now they saw through that game they turned scornful as well as peeved didn't take any stock in it or me. Terry himself wasn't struck on being a loser, so he made tracks for the bush, quick. But the most startling part of the change sprang from my turning into a capitalist. Ross sold the claim straight to Bagster for over two millions, and plunked down fifty per cent, like a white man. I was rich enormously rich rich beyond my wildest dreams. Dollars burnt my pockets; I pined for the open and limitless spending ground of Broadway and Fifth Ave- nue. Moreover, it wasn't any fun to be in Cobalt and not ring in with the right crowd. One by one, as my steadies dropped from the lists, new blood rushed in ; and the weight of Success again blighted my innocent enjoyment. I had to keep a hold on the dough now it was up to me to look out for sharks in the swimming pool. Men I had never known came up and gave me the glad hand like they'd been intimates all our lives. Speculators strove to cultivate me I was bored. It seemed as if every heavy champion in the countryside made an excuse to stop at Doc's. " Octopuses," Jake called them. " They're after WITS AND THE WOMAN 87 you, girl. Scutter and leave him to me," he'd croak from under his broad brim, when we saw a stranger coming. By-and-by I fled the veranda al- together; the drugstore and the main street knew my face no longer; a chill began to creep over our evening game. No complaints, mind you, I'm only telling how it was. After all we'd glammed in the north what we set out for, and I guess when you've got yours its pretty generally always time to quit. Ross came around a lot to make up for the cold shoul- der. Things began to look as if he was more than on the inside; and remarks could be winged frequently about his paying over a million sans struggle, because he was so jolly sure of getting it back with interest. It being none of the town's business, we kept right on going together. I liked him and he liked me; we'd been first rate pals, and we'd brought off something big, shoulder to shoulder, which creates about the nice- est kind of tie and relationship. I never gave his side a serious thought, till one evening down in the short cut. I was dressed up and I had to hold my skirts with both hands, the road being squashy along those fields. The night was sweet. Watching from Doc's stoop, moon and trees and sky had rested as still as death, but a tiny breeze blowing there by the river whisked a lock across my face. It was maddening. I shook my head and flopped the hair back, and blew upward, and each time the lock floated over again. Soon, I was tossing like a cow in a pasture full of green flies. Ex- asperated beyond enduring the pesky thing I turned to Ross: 88 WITS AND THE WOMAN "Just tuck the hair back, will you, please? It's worse than a New Jersey mosquito ! " Who'd ever have thought a nose tickle could lead to sentiment! He raised his hand, glanced at it and hesitated, as though his servant were going into action over some- thing high and holy, and wasn't, perhaps, quite fit for office. And then he fixed me up Ai. But I knew by his hesitation that I'd started trouble. A man don't hold off about touching a girl, unless he cares for her, and means to get her where the other fellows will have to hold off for keeps. We travelled a bit and leaned on a barred gate ad- miring the palish landscape ; there he snatched an occa- sion to sail right in. He told me he was stony-broke at the Victoria stony flat-broke not knowing how to pay the men, hardly, and almost in despair, when I came along and gave him the big idea. " Gave it to me," were the words he emphasized. Of course, being a man and having got something, he wanted a whole lot more. He wouldn't ask me while he was broke, he said ; which explains his shying off once or twice, but now things looked different. I kind of wanted to stay up there and marry Ross. You see I was plumb scared afraid of my own luck and he shone a fixed star in a fluxing firmament. He was so manly and big and safe. I discounted town-tattle, knowing he had enough for himself and brains to make good on the start; probably his half of the fortune would spell ten times, when mine had dwindled to a fraction. I felt pitifully small com- pared to the money and the blood-suckers' interest in the money experiencing how it had upset my WITS AND THE WOMAN 89 apple cart with the boys made me timid; but it wasn't the business end I was thinking of so much then, as his needing me round to sort up that shack. However, what's the use? Henri would have none of it. Things looked different, as Ross said; that's where the rub came. They looked different to Henri also. He was crazy to get out and play with my bank bal- ance. I was overwhelmed in a new and personal sense by the idea of being against Nature. In a flash I un- derstood these weeks of restlessness I realized I had no choice but Manhattan. Charley took this medicine like a man there was no apparent need to feel weepy after all he wasn't a loser on my account. We had made him a present of a cool million. CHAPTER VIII The first thing I did when I reached " little old New York," and had put up on the level at the Ritz, was to strike for Bain & Dingley's lingerie department, and buy about half the stock I used to spend so much of my time selling. I piled the choicest confections into a taxi and took them right home some class to being at home in the palm parlors! And after wallowing in hot water, which was a treat too, Doc's joint having sold short on baths and not having covered, I spent a whole day slipping those lush garments off and on, and admiring myself in ribbony, lacy, delicious, delicate icy-creamy finery. Wasn't I the doll ! But say ! The cash I ran through fairly made my eyes water. Gold doesn't have a chance to burn one's pockets long in a metropolis. It burns too hot. That quaint, peculiar odor folks associate with London they will say is fog Lummy! It's the smell of scorching cloth; and we've got the same here attributed to other causes. Getting together a wardrobe didn't occupy a week ; and presently I began to sup the bitter dregs of idleness. I hadn't a thing to do no place to go but out, nothing to wear but clothes. It's right lonely and a trifle cold sitting on top of a million plunks, unless one knows the signals for the other people in the same altitude and my list of acquaintances ranged chiefly in Bain & Ding- ley's, which Henri had scored off. 90 WITS AND THE WOMAN 91 During the third week my spirits ran so low I hiked down to see old Buniva. Of course I'd paid her the board money and sent her an extra ten to sweeten her dinner of herbs, so she rushed at me in really embar- rassing joy; talked volubly of a full house and an easy pocket ; and regretted she couldn't let me have my old room. Gee ! I showered her with questions trying to find out if Jacobs had made any attempt to nab me. And thinking about him and all the shady business gave me a notion to hunt up Howard Griggs. The ghost of my last appearance might be laid. Nobody would suspect a young lady domiciled at the Ritz Carlton, and paying her bills regularly, of such a crime as a petty theft. I wondered how Griggsy had squared it with the owner of the sniff bottle, and determined, if he was on this side of the pond, to learn without delay. His club acknowledged him within hail, so I beat it to the unconscious fence and gathered in my wares. Sight of Ross's nugget glued me all up with senti- ment, but by the evening I had recovered sufficiently to compile a neatly worded note apologizing for having carried away Miss Swanhill's belonging, packed among my things by mistake, and asking him to tea next day. For all the world like Henri and me at work in the old quarters! It gaye us quite a little fillip toward adventure. At our last meeting Griggs had played up fine, and we counted on him as a good scout. I didn't for a minute fancy his hounds had been nosing my track; but nevertheless I knew there was going to be a large slice of explanation served with our little party. 92 WITS AND THE WOMAN Now that appearances didn't cut much ice ; when we weren't wanting to interest Howard particularly, or to exploit his interests ; and I could don one choice dress or five according to my whim, getting ready wasn't anything like the same pure joy. I wore a marvel- lous greenery-bluerie, slimpsy, net and silk affair, with high heeled, conspicuously buckled shoes, rival- ling Mrs. Jacobs's, and a regular poultice of violets on my front. An astonishing hat that had set me back three hundred bucks topped the bow. Say, I wish the Cobalt crowd could have seen me ! H. G. turned up on time, as round and pink and kiddish looking as ever, and bubbling enthusiasm. I reckon nobody would have guessed his age for what it was, but when one came to know him he had a great deal of savvy, as he'd proved helping me out of that last scrape. And would you believe it, he acted so refined and considerate over the subtraction of milady's bottle, making light of the inconvenience, and not asking one question ; I was suddenly moved to tell him all about the opium, and cast hastily for an excuse to be wearing a maid's uniform. In his gentlemanly way Howard gave me to under- stand he had never entertained suspicions not en- tirely complimentary, and was deft enough to furnish the excuse himself. " I thought ah you must be a detective. A female Sherlock Holmes, don't you know, doing it for fun, and all that. Girls go in for such queer pas- times in America." " You disapprove of us, and yet you hang around," I laughed. He raised a downy pair of brows. " Spend nine WITS AND THE WOMAN 93 months in New York! jolly likely!" Then he hurried on, fearful lest he had wounded my deeper sentiment. "I've been home since you left and I'm going again. But I have to return. Really, I occupy the post of watch dog, appointed by a troublesome, de- ceased, male relative. So long as my niece Angelica desires to remain, I'm booked to stick along and ah take care of her." The subject of Angelica, probably a flapper in pig- tails and a knee skirt didn't interest me 'specially, so I waded into my tale. Thinking up the old excitement and dragging it all out for our guest's inspection proved very upsetting to de Grasse. We had been so completely and happily occupied making a fortune in Cobalt, he seemed to have forgotten that awful woman, the winged snake, the Jacobs and their opium den. But now his blood, or rather mine, boiled with indignant vexation. Henri started talking and I couldn't stop him I was terribly afraid Griggs would fancy Clarissa had been imbibing too freely, particularly at the snake part. But he, being a crank on hypnotism, agreed with every detail, and was certain the symbol, having come to me at the time of the murder, must be the key to the murderer. Then I gave Henri his head. I suppose it is natural for a man to wax graphic over murder a murder in his own family even if he is the corpse. Griggs electrified me by his keen spirit. He wanted to turn in and help us chase them. Of course it was the super-physical, super-mental brush of the serpent's wings that drove him to such thoroughly un-English 94 WITS AND THE WOMAN lengths, and the chances are he'd get cold feet once at home again under his valet's eagle eye, but for the nonce we three were white hot on the scent and we did enjoy ourselves. Howard sat forward, elbows on table, his hands supporting his chubby chin, and his white spats en- twining the lower rung of a gild-edged chair. " You said, at the time, something about de Grasse bally funny would you ah care to repeat it?" " Sure. No objections to putting myself on record. The old party murdered de Grasse I'll be sworn to that." . " But, I say ! How do you know ? Rummy thing her hiding there, isn't it? What makes you think she referred to him? " Even Griggs could hardly be expected to stand for the real truth about Henri and me, so I saw I'd have to clam up some on facts. " I've got a hunch," I said positively. " And, more- over now this will astonish you although the old woman was bandaged so that I saw her upper face first, and then the lower part, and never the whole of it at once, I'd swear yes, I'd almost swear she was Lady Deer ing." Astonish him ! Heavens ! My shot took effect like a gas bomb. The boy sat back stunned, grinning at me with fixed eye-balls and a dropped jaw. He'd gone limp all up and down his spine, so I ordered brandy, and babbled nothings till he got his second wind. " Ah ah impossible, quite impossible " he floundered. And taking himself in hand. " Jove, WITS AND THE WOMAN 9$ you know, it can't be Lady Deering is my niece." My turn on the high trapeze. " Niece ! " I cried. " Niece! Why she's more than old enough to be your mother ! " He drained the brandy glass, round-eyed still in amazement, and gasped out bits of their family his- tory for my enlightenment. "Corking situation eh? Second marriages youngest sons, and all that happens in the best of families. Old lady handed over to me as a ward till 1920 no ages mentioned in the will only dates. Crazy old Indian beggar, mad on dates. Got to put up with it or go into chancery. I ah 'I can assure you that Lady Deering is perfectly respect- able." We roared with laughter, while confusion painted me tomato red, and Henri, blandly smiling, thought his own thoughts. To squelch Henri, and extricate myself from the social mess, I began to tell how the snake sign had been bothering me since my return to New York. Griggs was immensely interested, and wanted me to spiel it before some of his high-brows on spiritualism suggested arranging an interview with Angelica. But there Henri refused point-blank. " The funny thing is," I continued, " that hiero- glyphic used to pop in and away just by itself, now I always see it accompanied by a child's rubber." "A what?" " A rubber rubbers." Raising my voice as if the Englishman were deaf instead of dull. " Rubbers the things you put on to keep from catching cold in the rain." 96 WITS AND THE WOMAN " Oh galoshes ! Jove, yes ! A child's rubber. Top hole ! A child's rubber ! " he gurgled. " I'm serious though. Maybe it's the association of place or " I was on the verge of giving the whole show away, but pulled up sudden, and added lamely, " I haven't had enough amusement, the creature dogs my waking and sleeping hours. I'm going to take a holiday and then I shall do a little detective work later on." " Hot stuff ! I intend, with your permission, to help you do that detective work. I can't believe Angelica would be associated with such persons. Still, if the resemblance was strong enough to impress you under such circumstances, they might be able to make some use of it which would er, involve her un- pleasantly. I have to remind myself frequently that Lady Deering is, ah almost a public character." " The old woman at Jacobs's was certainly the spittin' image of the picture on the front of that pro- gramme you gave me I remember looking at it while I was packing and being almost sure at the time." " It bears looking into but do make it later. Too bally warm for duty now, don't you know ? Allow me to introduce Miss Swanhill so you can ascertain where the house is. I blundered in there and I'm sure would never be able to locate it again. Tea to-morrow, eh, what? You and Miss Erma and Beaty Swan- hill a party of four we'll motor somewhere. But ah ' mum's the word,' as your delightful lan- guage says, mum's the word regarding this situation. Miss Erma's tongue jolly active hung in the WTTS AND THE WOMAN 97 middle and wags at both ends. No confidences eh, what?" After weary weeks of splendid isolation I snatched his invitation like a starved pup snapping at a bone. I was agog with curiosity to meet his friends, too, and it was not until I commenced contemplating the female of the species that I realized how little money I'd spent. What price a woman's hats and gowns? I didn't own an article but clothes not even a twinkler. While she showed me vistas steam yachts, automobiles and a house or two. " What's wrong with you, Henri ? " says I. " Going to sleep at the switch?" Buzz-buggies can't be wished into a garage; so I had to ride with Howard in the yellow car. But I beat it to Tiff's early next morning and I sure got some covert notice for the three gems I was wearing padlocked on to my neck and arms. Beaty Swanhill being a broker, and me knowing so little small talk, we naturally gassed about shares, and profit and loss, and unearned increment. I admire men who can wind business like a dark thread on the shuttle of light conversation, and then carry forward. The talk made me feel as jolly and comfortable as if I had still been in the backwoods, and so we were friends from the start, he coming to meet me about as fast as his gentle sister hiked away. Coming didn't do Beaty any harm either. After a while I began to loosen up on the personal pros- pect, and when he discovered I was drawing merely bank interest on over a million, I thought he would faint. Howard didn't get a look in from that on. 98 WITS AND THE WOMAN Swanhill held the conversation to its course with a high hand, offering all sorts of advice on what to buy railroads and good dividend payers. You see Henri wasn't strong on security, he was all for the make. To lie low and then slam our last dollar into some fool risky enterprise would have been his way, so the idea of a sound investment such as steel preferred had been itching me. But Wall Street is a long way down, and it springs kind of mysterious anyway I hadn't made up my mind. Now it appeared if I opened an account with Silsby, Banks and Swanhill, I'd only have to telephone once in a while and they'd do the heavy truck work a regular toy for children. He shook his head at Cobalts as mostly on the Curb, and made them seem awfully out of class. " Can one buy rubber any place ? " I asked, sud- denly remembering the new phase of my mascot. " Yes, rubber shares are quoted on the London ex- change. But I wouldn't advise it, Miss Kendall. They're speculative very speculative." Henri pricked up his ears at that. " Suits me I wish you'd cable for some to-morrow at the mar- ket." And when I mentioned the amount, he nearly fell over again, said I was a high flyer and shook his head dubiously. And I had vainly fancied I would be able to direct Henri's financial operations. Well, what's the good of having a hunch if you don't play it ? The winged snake had always brought us luck. CHAPTER IX In spite of Miss Swanhill's I-don't-care-to-associate- with-you attitude I went about with them quite a lot, Beaty arranging parties of four, including me, and after Griggs left, some gilded male of his down- town acquaintance so very desirable as to overcome milady's aversion. With matrimonial opportunity he bribed her to let the light of her aristocratic countenance shine upon his protegee, and I must say he played her fair, keep- ing the quarry right under her guns, and covering me all the time himself as if I had been an escaped crim- inal. I could have killed him for it whiles, as I'd have welcomed a change, and several of the fellows he brought along knew real business and were far too interesting to waste on an evening's patter. Then, remembering how lonesome I had been before he be- gan to hang round, I called myself down sharp for ingratitude, and took amusement out in watching both their antics when some coveted plutocrat got a notion to change loads himself. Although young and prettish, there was something unlikeable about Erma she was too cold-blooded for humanity, and her nags showed signs of restless- ness rather frequently. Once the prize stallion of the ring kicked clean over his traces; slipped his arm through mine in a masterful way after dinner, and walked me off, leaving the others to follow. 99 IOO That was the night we attended the motor boat show, and we had a bully good time too, barring one incident. Jim Gower wasn't any fancy stock, but he might have tinkled fifty million in his pockets had the notion struck him, and every debutante, let alone the three- year-olds and over, was breathless in pursuit. But, the Lord love us! He was the nimblest and coyest beast I ever clapped eyes on! I only met him once and he played the limits of discretion from eight to twelve-thirty A. M. If I had been husband hunting, or if it hadn't been a public place, he'd have got en- gaged sure and walked away from it next after- noon, just as he walked away from Erma. I learned later that to make an enveloping rush, get what was coming to him and flee, was the multi- million grubber's chief relaxation. And it's certainly rare fun so long as neither side takes any preferred stock in the flotation. Meandering up and down the pathways in that show, and losing the Swanhills around convenient corners gave my man a fine free chance to cut his swath. We were getting along like blood brothers. By-and- by we came opposite a new model speedboat, that was all dolled up with solid gold trimmings, and set out there gloriously on a platform above the heads of the spectators, her red sides flaming like Chinese lacquer some gaudy toy! Of course she had a big crowd around for every poor piker that passed wanted to stand with open mouth, trying to realize she had more gold visible to the naked eye than he'd earn in a life-time. The youth in charge, recognizing Gower, climbed WITS AND THE WOMAN 101 down very respectfully and asked him if he wouldn't care to step inside and see the beauty at close range. So up we went, and being on the platform we got to be part of the show. Grower was a show anyway with his double chins, and his prominent fish-eyes like a boy's ' shooters ' bulging through the flesh, and harsh, close cropped, ink black hair standing out all over reminding me of my favorite shoe brush. He offered to buy the boat for me just as she stood, and I verily believe the great mush would have done it. But land's sakes, it would have cost a girl her reputation to run the thing, even if she held a certifi- cate guaranteeing that she paid for it with the sweat of her own brow. However, the suggestion gave me an idea. I scouted 'round pretty considerable during the next few days and in the end laid down my money for a black queen. Spades she was -the highest in the deck, and I soon got to priding myself on her slim beauty and her record breaking notches, more than the maker did. Everybody that had anything to do with the Swallow went crazy over her; the chap I got to run her had been working for the firm, and only came over into private service, he said, because he couldn't bear to leave the boat. And I swallowed the fiction till my gentleman began to show signs of interest in another quarter. Tom was a nice boy, working his way through college, and as smart as they're made, and I didn't turn him down because of his veiled ambition, al- though we sometimes put in a bad half hour when he overstepped the mark, as on a certain occasion when we were out alone, just playing, ourselves making 102 WITS AND THE WOMAN her show her heels to the wind. We were running smooth as ball bearings, cutting the water sharp, but simply dreaming along, till suddenly I saw the nose of a white boat creep up on my left. " Full steam ! " I yelled, bracing myself for the race. I thought it was one of the yacht club fleet. The stranger pulled even and I took a flying look at her. She might have been about our own build, appearing larger owing to the light hull, but she was showering the salt spray like a bird of Paradise too much resistance. We struck into our speed by then and she slipped to the rear before I had time to glimpse her captain, nevertheless I heard him call : " Bet you forty to one ! " " Nothing doing ! Never bet on a sure thing ! " The owner of the Swallow yelled derisively. " Pile it into her, Tom ! " He gave her all the juice there was, and we leapt forward. With clear water ahead the pilots could afford to watch each other and enjoy the sport. I glanced over my shoulder. The white craft reared, honest she did ! Stood up on her rudder, and with a cloudy pother of foam under her ribs made after us. But we held our distance. "What's your name?" hollered her master. "I'll double the odds ! " I shook my head, grinning. We flew at a devil of a pace now and I had no time for words. He was not a man easily discouraged. " Lunch with me if I win," he cried. I fancied I must have met him and forgotten, and was about to nod WITS AND THE WOMAN 103 acceptance, when I saw his bow a bare inch behind mine even ahead. Gee ! Losing that race was worse than losing my character. I couldn't believe my eyes, and didn't cinch the reason till his stern was overlapping us. Then I saw the Swallowed dropped her speed. Any Christian who thinks my temper wasn't at boiling point has got another guess coming ! The white boat sailed away from pursuit, her boss sitting erect and cupping one hand to cry aspersions across the lengthening space of foam-flecked water: "Quitter!" Outlined against the Recket's blue of August mid- day he seemed about thirty years old. His blue jersey bathing suit showed off good muscular propor- tions. Though he was a bit on the heavy side for an athlete he might easily have classed under train- ing. Above a flat forehead a thick crop of brown hair rose straight on end, giving him a very wide- awake expression. He looked as fresh as he acted, and that's quite some. In soup and fish he might have been anybody or nobody I was too mad to take stock in him. " You lost that race! You did it on purpose! " I flung the words savagely at Tom. " The fellow's an impudent puppy," growled my engineer. " ' Lunch with me ! ' Gosh ! What does he think we are anyway ? " " Why, I know him ! I knew his face perfectly well. You don't understand. He was asking the name of the boat. I must have bowed to him some place and forgotten." " He was not asking the name of the boat. He was damned fresh! He could have run us bow and bow, 104 WITS AND THE WOMAN docked a minute behind and made good on the intro- duction. I know the breed. A financial upstart with an eye like a hawk's for money, and perfectly unscrup- ulous methods of advancing his own interests." " Shut up ! " I snapped. " You're not running this boat, and you have no call to run me." The way we sulked home was a sample of our nasty natures, but I couldn't bring myself to sack Tom, he was a real person in his way and always ready to fetch and carry on shore. I might have had a swell time that summer playing with the Swanhills and their crowd, if Henri de Grasse hadn't everlastingly been butting in. He hated to see me lolling about enjoying candy instead of cigars, and flirting. He was dead scared I'd marry, for men make themselves heroes to a dollar princess, so to di- vert me he grew more keen on showing up the murder. Every week he'd haul me back to town and begin negotiations for detective work now on one line and now on another. We found the mansion with the sliding panels and rented the house next door. When the keys were handed over and the agent finally left us, Henri rushed at the business feverishly. We put in a morning calculating how much of our wall lay against the wall of Jacobs's wing smoking room ; and just about where we would strike into the latter if an opening were cut through. Sakes ! It was hot that August in New York ! De Grasse had to back out himself once or twice and beat it for a cool corner. We received lots of bids to Deal Beach and such places, and doubtless the necessity of returning to town, of coming and going and flitting about was the best medicine for my social standing. WITS AND THE WOMAN 105 Nobody knew that during my absences I was swelter- ing over Henri's murder in close Manhattan. Racing back and forth lent me the appearance of a very popu- lar young lady I was IT. Clarissa gave up buying diamonds, Henri didn't think much of jewelry, and bought rubber instead. Beaty Swanhill kept on warning me, but every time I saw the winged snake with that doll galosh floating alongside, I just naturally had to go and order some more of the stock. After a while it began to soar and Beaty's eye beamed an appreciative, critical glance as we discussed business. He thought I was the foxy grandma, all right! And was dying to know my mentor. By this time the lists of my personal property showed a limousine, open car, victrola, golf sticks, polo cos- tumes, wrist watches and innumerable junk. All that the swells flaunted I could match, and more. Thanks to Cobalt I could out-ride them, and out-dress them. I had natural advantages over the ruck in looks, and was perfectly Scot free. Moreover and above I boasted brains. Henri led me the long way round from lots of pitfalls; and I gave him certain pointers on tactics. We sure had the men going down by the sea, but the women nix on the swell women ! They get my goat! There's more breadth in the thickness of a man's little finger nail, than in the whole avoirdupois of those social leaders. They never ac- cept you for what you are, though some of them will come across for what you have, and any of them for what your grandfather had if he had enough! It was the women put me on to getting old Aunt Eliza- beth's ear-rings back, and having them fixed up with io6 WITS AND THE WOMAN diamonds instead of the original bits of colored glass. I simply yearned to reveal my ancestors under a spot- light, as it were; and therefore all that followed from the ear-rings is up to that female bunch. But it doesn't belong here, and if I ever get the facts mis- placed Lord ! I'll be in a regular mess. I could write an entire book on the history of my summer, and it would be rapid history too, with the old ladies snubbing, and the young ones jealous, and all makes of available bachelors jostling to shove in line for a grab at my money bags, or at least to beg a ride in the Swallow. Such stuff has been written and published before this and purchased and de- voured. The human bug is interesting enough in his more complex motives, if one hasn't heaps of pulse- stirring adventure to recite things happening bang ! biff! bang! like a bunch of firecrackers going off. I mean to tell the adventures and let each reader figure out for himself how everybody looked, and what they wore at the circus, and who thought this about that one, and so on and so forth. Truth is I almost stopped thinking myself during the height of the season. Hurly-burly wasn't any name for life! Proposals popped like champagne corks, and, take it from me, in our crowd that indi- cates frequency. Mostly it was the little make or break one-cylinder engines missed fire; boys who had run in, God knows how, for a week-end with the big speed, and who would never have another chance. But I didn't fall for sentiment, not even from Beaty Swanhill and Beaty was reckoned quite a bit of a catch socially. CHAPTER X About the time autumn turned too cold for motor- boating, Griggs cabled his arrival. He had gone over for grouse; had never missed the twelfth at Helling- ham in his life, and seemed to think that date awfully important. Do you get it crossing the great big ocean to shoot birdies! Dates must run in families like twins and strawberry leaves. Well, Howard took his fill of the sport and started back, and I was tickled by the news because we'd cooked it up to go in on this detective business together, and Henri was champing his bit. Of course I didn't live in that small house we had rented, lying in the bosom of Jacobs's L. We were in no position to court attention or comment, and while one can be pretty sure of New Yorkers not knowing or caring anything about their poorer neighbors, naturally a smuggling bunch would have their eyes peeled in all directions, so we came and went from that place unostentatiously by night. Excitement is no word for Griggs's frame of mind when I let him in on the scheme. And when we actu- ally began to work with picks and hammers in a bare, darkly shuttered room, its only light turned and shaded to throw a spot on the conspirators, our red corpuscles scampered like mice in the wainscot. " Here's mud ! " I cried, twisting my skewer out 107 io8 WITS AND THE WOMAN and scattering a shower of plaster; and then had to stop and explain the idiom. We started gaily, thinking those first steps, digging a hole through our wall and then on through theirs, would be nothing at all, but, say, when it comes to manual labor that kind of thing takes quite some time. The farther we got the quieter we had to go. Hour after hour we scraped and pried, softly loosening a brick at a venture, and then another and so on, being 'specially cautious towards the end that sounds might not penetrate. We weren't exactly sure of our sur- face, and while not expecting secret springs and deep set cupboards in an outer ramification, you never can tell what these robber barons will contrive our game was to move slowly lest a whizzing and a buzzing and dodging doors, if not police alarms, should throw our actions open to a most unsympathetic world. We wanted to steer clear of cupboards and all other ob- stacles, for theft had no part or lot in the scheme at least not a drug theft. Like wise men of old we sought knowledge, and our object was to come up with the back of the neighbor's carved woodwork. I calculated pieces might be carefully cut away there to afford eye holes, and a listening chink, though hearing anything from such a position would be no cinch. Griggs was a scream all through that delayed the work too. It was a " bally funny " occupation for one so nifty. I laughed to see him going into the dirty job with as great gusto as a truant mixing mud pies. Gloves preserved his manicure, but a white shirt, and silk hose and patent pumps aren't a first class brickpicker's costume; they got the worst of the WITS AND THE WOMAN 109 bout and then, of course, it was too late to do any good. He was a sight, a mess of lime, his round face extraordinarily red, and perspiration streaming from every pore. Between laughing and looking I guess I left him to do most of the manual odd how soon work grows monotonous ; a year of Sundays seemed to pass be- fore we struck it soft, and Howard muffled my tri- umphant squeal in his glove. " Jove, you mustn't wake the blighters ! Come out of the cave and talk. How do I look? " He commenced dusting at himself here and there, dabbing at shoulders and knees like a birdie preening its plumes. " You look fierce," I chirped. " But we're on the boards sure enough. Take a lung- full and then we'll go to it and see what we can see." I switched on our electric torch, but it failed to re- veal any clue to the relative position of our neighbor's mouldings. No little ridges or seams, such as I had hoped for, no cracks, just beautiful planed light boards, showing the traces of what had been Jacobs's wall, and now lay in a neat pile behind us. " We're treed ! I might have known that fine stuff would be backed flat. What are we going to do now?" " A bird and a bottle wouldn't be amiss, eh what?" " Splendid ! But gee ! There's a splash on the dashboard. I mean we'll have to clean up." " Right oh ! I very often have to conjecture what you do mean, Miss Clarissa, owing to your command of the great American language." no WITS AND THE WOMAN I laughed. " Then let's descend to simple prose. ' Use Sapolio.' But what's the good of quoting to a man who's not familiar with the national classics? That's from a series of bully street-car ads. They created quite an intellectual stir nobody's been able to decide yet whether Shakespeare or Bacon wrote 'em." " Ah I'm afraid I never ride in trams." " You miss one of the freest gifts of life Ameri- can art instinct is focused on the pictorial advertise- ment. We can't call a taxi here, so let's walk out to Madison Avenue and take a car down to the hotel. Mixing with the proletariat will help us to think, any- way." We tidied each other up as much as possible and didn't look unlike the rest of the world, as we boarded a green one and dropped our nickels at the door. " Behold ! Your education is about to begin." While he adjusted his monocle, I ran the line of ads over, and my eye fastened on a demonstration of a new-fangled suction cleaner for mouldings, carvings, etc. " Golly! " cried I, almost pinching Griggs. (Think of being that intimate with a real swell! It goes to show what a leveler honest labor is.) "Do you see the painted houri up there manipulating a Gadfly on a Louis quince chair from A. & S's. Farther on near the middle. She solves our problem or at least she carries us half way." " Bally poor drawing," was his first comment. " Listen! I'm going to operate one like him in our neighbor's smoking room." " How do you know Jacobs has one? " WITS AND THE WOMAN in " Don't know hope he hasn't. I'm going to sell him one, and then I'm going to demonstrate person- ally conducted tour for a flabby financier. I'm going to act as an agent of that firm." Howard stared at me open mouthed. " But you aren't an agent, eh what ? " " I'm off to apply for the job to-morrow morning. Watch me!" " Do you think they ah, they'll take you on? " " Take me on ! " I laughed, thinking privately of the trepidation with which I had approached Bain & Ding- ley. "If they don't we'll buy the firm. I never was so set on anything in all my life as on that suction cleaner." After all I didn't have to buy the blooming com- pany out. Gadflies sold on commission. I entered my name, paid a guarantee for the sample and sallied forth. It was then too late for business, so I hustled around and looked up a suitable costume, and next morning I lay for the man of the house and nailed him coming out. Clarissa isn't bad looking, and she had spent money to dress the part ; also she has a way, when she wants, of getting her hooks into people. Jacobs fell for me and made an appointment to have the thing demon- strated at his office. I knew there wouldn't be enough carving in any office in New York city to give my pet what I con- sidered a fair trial, but gently does it, a step at a time. I turned up on the minute, wearing a sweet timid smile, and an earnest innocent air selling a cleaner was so very important to the poor little girl, she would al- most have done anything to sell her first machine. ii2 WITS AND THE WOMAN Easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Jacobs fell for me harder than ever. He crashed. And when I'd played around with him a little, I asked straight out if there wasn't any carved furniture, or any place in his house where I could really show him the wonders of the Gadfly, and prove its value. Of course his mind jumped at once to the ornate seclusion of that Chinese room. My words had suggested, as nearly as I dared, just such a spot. He hummed and hawed a bit, finally appointing me to go and clean the smoking room in his home next morning. I was to be sure to turn up at nine o'clock, before he left for the office, so that he could show me the place himself. " Yes, sir," I answered meekly, for as a mere agent I wasn't guessing how elaborate those decorations were. And then I tripped away along his double avenue of clerks, and flew into the nearest telephone booth to bellow my success at Griggs. Lordy! What a chance! All day alone there and working right over the spring! Success! The scheme had prospered beyond our wildest expectation. I marvelled at the man running a risk of discovery, or a risk of damage to the delicate mechanism. But I had to learn about Jacobs from him. Next day he escorted me directly into the L room, and, take it from me, I was mightily relieved. The old lady with the tipsy figure 8 had looked the cater- er's people well over, and some of these madames have memories like a boss Free Mason. She might have placed me even in my piquant disguise, and she would certainly have spotted the price of those simple and vastly becoming clothes maybe have subtracted them from Jacobs's income I thanked my lucky stars WITS AND THE WOMAN 113 that his family were the happy kind that lie blissfully unconscious of crimes on their own doorstep until eleven thirty A. M. I hadn't gone into the details with Griggs, but natur- ally I expected a joy ride. You can't be a working girl alone in New York without cutting your eye teeth, and my new employer was quite too prompt and too personal to be single-eyed about the little business deal. But I hadn't been looking for his burst of speed Samuel was no flivver when it came to senti- ment so I nearly suffered a smack from that fat old Jew before I got the speedometer tamed. I come close to kicking myself every time I think of him. " Over here," he commanded. " I want to show you something." I crossed the floor slowly, alive to the stupendous fact that we were standing facing his secret, tingling with excitement and revulsion from the presence and nearness of it and him. Only Jacobs, the boss, stood now between me and my object. As a matter of course he slipped an arm around the little agent and drew her against his great bulk. I twisted from under his fat elbow and sprang behind a chair the very chair in which Griggs had knelt when he found me sobbing. I was near, tantalizingly near to Mecca but there was that old woman-eater rising strong as Gibraltar in the foreground. He laughed and lunged for me, and I sidestepped again, but after a very short spell of puss-in-the- corner he got mad. Winded I guess, too stout to play the game gracefully, and spoiled by getting everything just when he wanted it. The Salamander act ig- noring him and piquing, and tempting him on H4 WITS AND THE WOMAN wouldn't have worked with Samuel Jacobs, big pow- erful brute. If the butler hadn't come knocking at the door, calling out that some person wanted him par- ticularly on the telephone, I'd have been mauled sure. Bah! How I loathed mankind then! But I couldn't split into an open quarrel with the game so close un- der my hand. As soon as the host left, I flew to the case where my trusty Gadfly lay, and got it out directly, so that I was hard at work, earnest and innocent and distant against his return. Clarissa was counting on all morning to explore those walls, and she got it with the icing off the cake though, pretty clean. Matters downtown must have been pressing. Ja- cobs left the door open when he came back, and he only buzzed in for a minute. " Got to go appointment sorry want to show you this." Manner and voice indicated business only. With relief I watched him cross to the wall THE WALL and raise his hand. My eyes glued themselves on the spot. Then a horrible thought over- whelmed me : suppose he made me a prisoner shoved me into the secret chamber and let the old woman pick my bones. I'm no coward, if I do say it, but my knees shook. His fingers rested on the very corner I had banged. But he was talking again, and I had to wrench my wits to attention. " There are special panels here," he said. " Built in when I bought the house. If you come on them while cleaning, don't call anybody don't be sur- prised. You see they spring out so, and you can shut them with a push." Before my astonished gaze he lightly opened the WITS AND THE WOMAN 115 door of the first cupboard I had glimpsed, and another beside it. Both closets were absolutely empty! " Mum's the word, girlie. Do you get me? " While I yet stood petrified, staring up at the wall, he turned, and placing one finger under my tilted chin, advanced his thick lips. That's where I nearly got off. In a flash hate and chagrin boiled over ; I jerked away fiercely angry, showing bared teeth and my hon- est opinion of the old scoundrel. "No?" the master hazarded in utmost surprise. " Still haughty. Well, I must be quick. Make a good job of it." And on that he turned and hurried out. But I wasn't free to walk out. No, sir, I had to stay there and clean the damned room all morning and not a blooming thing to find not a paper to peek at! After my frantic, soul-sweeping disappointment had subsided to a moderate gale of feeling, I was forced to admire the wise old guy taking an outsider into confidence, rather than risk discovery by his household servants. Between gusts I commenced to wonder what the emptiness signified. Had he gone out of the smuggling business? All the time I kept my fingers busy, for I had a job to do, so that philandering my way into the heart of a deserted citadel could not be counted waste effort. I had armed myself with many sharp, headless steel pins, and pacing off the location of our dug-out be- hind, I proceeded to drive these clean through the carving, thereby outlining several small w y ells of the ornament in such a way that they could be cut from the back and surreptitiously removed. I calculated the u6 WITS AND THE WOMAN center-light in the room would bank darkness against the walls at night and cover our fraud; and I was pleased to note how easily the steel ran into the soft wood; evidently the boarding on our side was only a thin layer and not difficult to cut away. At noon the Gadfly girl quit for lunch, and you bet she didn't turn up again, either in Jacobs's house or at the head office. Instead, I called for Griggsy and he arranged a condolence party. If we only could have had parties without women swell women never failed to introduce the discord- ant note. One of the doves we met that afternoon wore an .ancient and very ugly bracelet which her forty- second grandmother once removed had come by, no doubt quite properly, when she took the washing home to the Duke; and she began putting on side over the Mayflower flotilla. Makes me sick! If social Amer- ica knew more history, it would burn less incense be- fore the Pilgrim Fathers, who were nothing more than earnest working people. We're all bound to have had ancestors, sure thing, an unbroken line on both sides of the family but if they weren't ripsnorters, what's the sense of blowing about them? This creature with her high-falutin' talk made me mad and clinched the idea of Aunt Elizabeth's ear-rings. I determined to get them out of pawn, have some bona fide flashers put in, like she had done, and be wearing jewels on the settings of which, at least, my grand- mother had cast a spell. Henri and I are thrifty folk, we'd kept the tail of our eye on the pawn ticket and knew it was just about due, so first convenient moment I hustled round to Second Avenue and interviewed my uncle. I was WITS AND THE WOMAN 117 so swathed in luxury now it went against the grain to visit slums, and this was the real lowdown shop where I had stored my superfluous garments while trying to make up the Cobalt fare. The dingy shop being full I had to wait my turn. I hate dinge and unwashed humanity, and I hate waiting. I stood by with a pencil and my card, for Henri's utmost efforts failed to make me accurate at figures in my head and I'd been calculating the interest. Impatience made me restless. I began to jab the pencil point into little holes on the counter thinking how I had driven those pins through Samuel Jacobs's woodwork. I noticed the boss observed me and I was suddenly overcome by a shop-girl feeling real embarrassment at hav- ing marked his counter. This set my nerves fidgeting more than ever, but I transferred my high art stunt to the card, and drew a fine full-tailed portrait of Henri's snake. I had grown quite familiar with the sign now, and often amused myself seeing how few strokes I could make him in. Of course I realized the old reptile must mean a great deal to several people, but hunting for a needle in a haystack wasn't my line. I'd never tried to work him off, and when the head man came to wait on me, I handed over the ticket without a thought. He gave me one swift, keen, understanding glance, that set my pulses tingling; then proceeded quietly to the back of the shop, opened a drawer here and there, got my things together, apparently all in the regular course of business, but, when those odds and ends were shoved across, he whispered without moving his lips: " Broadway Subway, Union Square, up town." I eyed him straight before putting the lot into an ii8 WITS AND THE WOMAN ample handbag. Not a fractional expression crossed his face; as I walked out of the shop he was already attending to another customer. I dashed around the corner to where I had left my car and dove into its cushioned privacy in the wildest state of excitement. What luck! What a coinci- dence! Blind chance had led me into a dive of the gang and I had happened just happened to shove the pass-sign right under his nose. That old winged snake had got them going fine! What I was to meet at Union Square, or when I was to meet it remained a mystery, but I swore to be there if I had to take my bed and sleep on the platform. Sheer luck swung on vanity with a hot clue lying at my hand for twelve long months, was the way it all looked at first, and my eyes fairly goggled with won- der over what might be lying around the next corner of Fate. If I had spurned the Mayfiozvcr if I had hardened my soul against the antique. . . . How thin a thread! "Jumpin' Jimminy! At this rate I'll hesitate whether to order ice cream or roly-poly pudding for desert ! " I cried. But before the car reached Union Square I had quieted down and saw the thing in true perspective. Coincidence nothing! There was no luck about it. Henri, of course, had guided me to that shop when first he prompted the pawning of my extra junk. And in due time he had rescued those ear-rings, work- ing on my vanity de Grasse knew women. I had considered the drawing of the snake an idle whim, but I was learning daily there could be little mental idle- ness with Henri at the helm. Now what was he up WITS AND THE WOMAN 119 to? Why should he turn crafty and not take me into confidence ? Circumstances pointed to some culminat- ing plot. It behooved me to use my own wits too. I recounted link by link the long light chain wherewith he had lassoed me to the time and place. Good Heavens! If Henri was going to practise subtlety I would be lost. Now coldly observant and controlled I dismissed the motor and committed myself to their enterprise. I had paced the platform perhaps five minutes, eyeing the people, thinking if a bunch of Jews wanted to be inconspicuous, they had sure chosen the right place in that melting pot of Coney Island crowds, when I spied my man. He dropped his nickel, glanced to right and left and came directly toward me. He looked and acted ordinary, touching his hat, smiling, saying in quite a well-bred, pleasant way : " You are on the wrong platform, shall we cross? " To anybody looking on it meant just nothing, but in that almost deserted, white-tiled underground pas- sage he gave me my verbal instructions. Whether they were framed for some one not quite in the know, or my ignorance caused the blanks I could not telir" I kept my mouth shut, believe me, for fear of making mistakes, and I listened hard. " To-morrow morning you will take the early train for Babylon, on the south shore of Long Island. At the railroad station at Babylon enter a car having on its side a streamer marked ' Millbrook ' blue and white. The driver will take you to a dock where a man and a boat will be found waiting. He will ac- company you in the boat. It is their business to land you on a sand bar some forty minutes' run from the 120 WITS AND THE WOMAN dock. Then their business ends. You will speak to no one, notice nothing, but walk at once to a square gray house standing at the end of a row of houses, a little apart, isolated on the dunes, overlooking the sea." Gosh! Here was dyed-in-the-wool, real old-fash- ioned melodrama. Until that minute I'd have said the world had outgrown such doings. There was financial romance and plenty to be had if you made it on the plan of the Lelland mine scoop but melodrama surely only happened to newspaper men and then had to be colored up for publication. He stopped abruptly at the house on the sea, and I didn't dare to ask for more probably I was expected to know the next step. " I'm going back down town," he said. " You had better take a surface car up." Then he hesitated. " I mistrusted the chief's judgment when I saw you," he hurried on. " But you are most discreet most not a single question." I handed him my best smile without a word, and he stood, hat off, watching me mount the exit stairs with a look of admiration that had nothing to do with business. To-morrow! To-morrow for the great adventure! Everything was fixed up for me O. K. I had only to proceed according to programme and take in the scenery a la Cook. It never occurred to Clarissa not to go. Griggs enjoyed the supreme triumph of turn- ing on the red lights, tuning up the danger motif and all that. For, of course, I sent at once to my con- federate. He was set against the affair from the start, and suggested all sorts of horrors, including sand- WITS AND THE WOMAN 121 ticks and Chinamen. The last pretty nearly made a freeze out, for there's more love lost between a French- man and a Prussian than there is between me and the Celestials. Seeing " frightfulness " effective, my pal lingered on the thought trying to persuade me. But talking ideas over always makes them familiar, and familiarity breeds contempt, even with fear. Courage righted it- self. Soon my imagination began to run on what was likely to happen in that gray house, standing apart, looking out to the sea. I couldn't grow familiar with this idea because of being left guessing. I stood on the threshold of the house and mystery to-morrow I would have the chance to solve it. Henri and the woman in me proved too strong for Griggs. " Nothing doing, Howard ! " I cried finally. " Can it. I'm booked for Babylon on the early train you may come along if you like. But I'll tell you some- thing. I feel so chockful of excitement and curiosity, I'm liable to bust out and be ready for the madhouse between this and that, if I don't get busy and take my mind off their blooming riddle. What's the matter with going up to Jacobs's corner this afternoon and putting in a bit of work. My fingers itch for the knife, and my eyes burn to witness. Let's risk being seen for once. If we work all afternoon, I dare say we can look in on them to-night, and to-night's the night at least it may very well be. We know the gang are on the war-path ; it's the snake gang Jacobs's gang ; and it's more than probable we'll see something worth our while. CHAPTER XI " Did you ever feel such a low-down cuss in your life? " I asked, as we climbed the high stoop of Number 17- "Rather hollow about the spine, isn't it?" "Hollow! I feel as if the whole universe was a vacuum crystal globe, with me and my criminal inten- tions in the center, and every Jew alive gazing in to read his fortune." " I feel like a bride and groom," he replied, blushing poppy red. " So long as you feel like the bride too, it lets me out," I laughed. " But you're on. This is a sort of public confession of complicity. If society could only peep inside at us, how surprised it would be. You look positively domestic." We had provided ourselves with huge, blue checked kitchen aprons; and our room by this time resembled an armory or a section of the patent office, bristling with knives and chisels of every size and shape. For we were poor enough workmen to quarrel with our tools, and eager to further a tedious job by employ- ing scimitars and two-edged swords. The space opened through the bricks had narrowed considerably from our original margins, and so, when we began hacking at the boards, we were obliged to stand very close together. " Do you know what we are doing? " asked How- 122 WITS AND THE WOMAN 123 ard. " In plain English, we hope to spy if possi- ble to listen. Romance has its degrading side, eh what?" "This is detective work!" I answered indignantly. " We are being very deliberate about it and have gone to a lot of expense and trouble. I guess that squares things on our side. Listening is only despicable when you flop behind a curtain and then tell how many times, he kissed her. Savvy?" "If anybody was listening now, old thing ?" " There isn't anybody," I said, chiselling away earnestly. A pause followed. I glanced up, saw his pink face approaching, caught the intention in his eye, and thwarted it. " Howard Griggs, I forbid you. I've never been kissed, and I'm not going to be till I'm married." I thought the last word would frighten an English- man, and it did. " Women have no modesty no reticence," he murmured. " He who hesitates is lost," I murmured back as one disinterested, and then a painful silence hung about us for a year. " Clarissa," he ventured at last, " I don't believe you will ever be married. You are so like a man in cer- tain ways business and money affairs so inde- pendent. I don't believe you would stand for a man around." His words, nearly expressing one of my secret anxie- ties, caused me to fly at him in amazed indignation. " I'd like you to understand that Henri de Grasse is nothing to me but wits not one atom. He hasn't 124 WITS AND THE WOMAN got a say-so when it comes to other matters not not mental. I'd just like to see him butting in on a wedding." And then I hung on to the wall for support because I realized I had given the whole show away. Griggs stared. " I don't know who Henri thing- umbob is if it's the chap running your boat, you needn't get so jolly warm about him," he said sulkily, and striking another note, " Can't you understand it's just minds which are so hard to adjust when two per- sons get tied up together? Look at me and my niece. If it wasn't for these bally silly notions An- gelica takes lecturing in America and all that I could settle down and live at Hellingham the year round or at least I might settle down settle down He floundered, and I left him to it for his words had set me thinking hard. How much of Clarissa Ken- dall had gone over to Henri's control, and how much of her could I count on as myself? From the first I had been entirely willing to join forces, to depend on de Grasse. He financed me and amused me, but I wasn't sure I had bargained for him to absorb me. This question of sentiment raised a new issue. When a girl gives the impression of not being able to stand a man around, it's one sure thing the real men won't stand her around unless for her money or her youth and puppets! That class ain't good enough for Granny's girl. If I wanted a man I wanted a MAN ; and if I wanted a husband and family now was the time to snatch them but did I want them ? Was I content to chase adventure with Griggs and buy roses from Lilly Love? WITS AND THE WOMAN 125 Stalled! Brought up short. And almost thrown into the ditch! It was perfectly true. We had been ordering flow- ers twice a day from the beautiful blonde at the corner. And before he discovered her my hands were manicured at the same table every morning for a month; and before that it was a waitress. Lord deliver us! Where was Henri leading me? " Clarissa," said I to myself solemnly. " You'll cut a fine figure flirting with the chickens in your mid- dle age. You've driven Henri on the snaffle much too long. I begin to suspicion de Grasse is some dark horse but maybe it's only his nature. Anyway, whatever is his nature is apt to be your second nature, so mind and keep it second. Take warning and get busy." By five o'clock we finished thinning the boards that backed our neighbor's decoration; and commenced whittling out the pieces I had marked. Although seemingly so simple it was desperately difficult for us, and occupied every faculty. If any person had chosen to sit in the smoking room next door just at that hour, we must surely have been discovered, for a whole orchestra of gnawing rats could hardly have got away with the sound of our scraping. I doped out the thick- ness of the boards by pulling one of the steel pins through and measuring it to the rest, and when we had cleaned the wood down to a thin shell, we fixed this pin in the center of our little island, and very carefully cut the remaining quarter inch. " Your fingers are smaller," said Griggs, wiping his brow. And it was up to me to lift the plug from our first peep-hole. 126 WITS AND THE WOMAN The immediate sensation was like a blow in the face, until we remembered a back room would naturally at this hour be shrouded in darkness, and that not seeing is no proof of not being able to see. I put my finger through and felt the surface of the ornament, and reassured of an entirely clear opening, we whaled in on a general destruction scheme. For it was better to cut separate eyeholes than to attempt sharing one. At seven we sneaked out for a sandwich and re- turned, still hungry, to lie in wait. Both had forgot- ten the tiff of the afternoon. Thieves have got to be good pals or quit cold. I can't imagine anything need- ing stricter harmony than grovelling shoulder to shoul- der on a crackman's job, eating together in side streets, creeping in through unlighted hallways, and holding hands in the dark as we did from sheer excitement, and partly to still the beating of our hearts when we saw what we saw. The door opened suddenly, a brilliant oblong showed beyond the curtains; two figures entered and Jacobs strode across and switched on the lamp, casting a pool of light in the center of the room and clothing the wings with darkness. The other man had once joshed his host about a pretty waitress. I whispered the fact to Griggs. They sat a long time talking and drinking ; sometimes they argued, but we failed to catch a word though we applied our ears to the slots. My companion showed signs of boredom, but Henri was simply boiling with excitement. The butler appeared, spieled his piece, and disap- peared. And a moment later there was ushered into the room with due pomp and ceremony, an erect, hand- WITS AND THE WOMAN 127 some, stately, elderly woman Lady Angelica Deer- ing as sure as there are pearly gates above ! I clutched Howard in a silent spasm and he shook me off as if I'd bitten him. " Jove ! " I heard him murmur. " Jove ! " His relative sat down quietly and joined in the con- versation. Jacobs seemed set on making her do some- thing, and the other chap on her not doing it at least on not making her do it against her will. The argu- ment between them waxed fast and furious, but the lady never budged. We could see her saying the same words over and over again. Not a sentence did we hear till the little fellow grabbed Samuel by the sleeve, and dragged him over towards us, urging his point in private. They stood right under the paneling, and we clapped our ears on to listen madly intrigued. "Put the whole thing off," the man said. "We haven't any one to take her place. We daren't risk it." " Too late now arrangements are all made." I could imagine Jacobs shaking his bull head, and the veins on his neck swelling. " She won't go till Wednesday I doubt if she goes then. She funks it." " I'll funk her! " he growled. " Send the youngster down to-morrow. The police are getting wise to us, and we want to make good this haul." ("It's the same gang my gang!" I whispered, dry mouthed, to Griggs. But he was far beyond speech. ) " You're wrong, Jacobs. Better lie low, keep the kid out of it, and let the old lady get her nerve back. 128 WITS AND THE WOMAN She's the smartest woman we've ever worked with, and she deserves some consideration. Murder's mur- der a nasty job. It wouldn't pay her to get the hounds on her trail right now. I doubt if her family even could do much." Jacobs bit the end off a cigar. We heard his teeth grind, and he snarled: " Nerves! Didn't I hide her here! How long does she want to recover from a bit of a jar? Mind you, if she shot de Grasse, it don't pay us to work with her any longer. Murder will out, and we aren't so par- ticular to have the dogs barking up our trees neither. I can't throw her down; but this is a darned good chance to quit. "Bah!" he added after a moment's pause. "I don't believe it. Any woman who would funk the beach job hasn't got pluck enough for shooting. Bet- ter send her on a lecture tour." Silence followed. I felt so bad for Griggs I daren't look at him, but just draped myself around that peep-hole and kept on spying till the three of them went away. Then I had to face about. The boy was pacing the floor with arms folded and his round countenance ashy. " I've got to know more of this," was all he said. As a relation the shoes pinched, and being guardian hung her medals around his own neck. It was hor- rid. Thinking of him in the dock witnessing against his very flesh and blood gave me the creeps exactly as if we'd been handling real bones instead of unearth- ing a family skeleton. And right there and then I offered to let the whole business slide. But the Eng- WITS AND THE WOMAN 129 lish aren't snifflers. He wanted to know, and he meant to know. Jacobs had worse than a barking dog to deal with when Howard turned serious over a question of their honor. CHAPTER XII Following a gray evening the morning broke glori- ously golden ; I knew all about it from the start, being awake early, that is, not having slept. And true to the adage, when we, the travellers, reached port, rain was descending on our heads in a steady methodical fash- ion, looking good for a week's pour. Griggs had come down on the same train, but not with me, fearing possible espionage. He hated like poison to let a girl walk into the trap alone, but they expected a young woman, and beggars can't be choos- ers much less detectives. It was catch as catch can for us. Talk about cold feet! I never experienced such a sinking as when I stepped on to that bleak platform, and in one swift glance saw my only ally get out two cars ahead, and walk off without so much as a twist of his neck. We had arranged he would dodge into the station, hire anything in sight, and follow the auto- mobile marked " Millbrook " ; but I didn't think of all this carefully devised counter-plot, as I stood alone, crushed by that uncompromising sky. Jimminy Crick- ets! No! The sinking feeling dominated every thought. I was wet, cheerless, in a blue funk, and felt a per- fect ninny of helplessness, not having an umbrella, and very much like indulging in a regular cry, a dangerous mood lasting while we drove through the town streets, 130 WITS AND THE WOMAN 131 mostly obscured by rain, miles along a winding road, and out to the sea. From the instant of placing my foot in the car I was lost. A sunless heaven makes direction guesswork; and I soon gave up counting the turns and corners. But of one thing I was firmly con- vinced : we could not have embarked at Babylon unless the driver acted with intention to blind me, which, as he took me for one of the gang, seemed futile. A silly refrain from an English song kept humming through my head : " How many miles to Babylon Shall we get there and back again ? " The grim suggestion in the last line annoyed me less than the lack of rhyme. I thought of the Terrier and his poetry. Memory flashed to other and wilder out- ings; strange larks in Cobalt, reckless rides, the dark interior of mines. And that night when Pepper Pot and I had fled to the Victoria. My spirits began to rise. After all it wasn't Clarissa Kendall of the Ritz Hotel, lapped in luxury and chilled by the inclemency of weather, who was on this job; but the winner of the Lelland Mine, undertaking another desperate gamble. Here's to us, Henri ! Soon I shed my last tremors in the bustle of being conveyed from our automobile, and in observing dock, boatman and the lay of the land with mind alert for clues. Nowhere on all the flat landscape stretching behind did I glimpse Griggs or his car. He was play- ing it safe; but I had faith he would hang on their tracks like a British bulldog. With a purr of engines the two strangers and I 132 WITS AND THE WOMAN forged forth into that silent void, where gray heaven and gray sea lapped one upon the other, meaningless, offering no guidance. The rain continued falling, heavier and more uncomfortable than mist, yet lacking the dignity of a smashing storm just miserable wet rain. I sat for an hour in the back of the open boat, wrapped in oilskins, my feet in a puddle, the water sloshing about. We made slow progress steering through the bank of cloud, with never a perspective to lead from buoy to buoy, and the devil of a weedy bottom fingering us. Gradually the ghost of a lighthouse loomed out of trailing moisture, and then a row of blots a pencil of darkness on the horizon the bar itself. Blobs of color took form as cottages, and finally a wharf showed its gray streak against brown grasses. We were there. They pointed out the roof of the house on the dunes and my heart beat like a trip-hammer what would happen? My guides, philosophers and friends, promptly set- tled themselves on a packing case under a shed roof spanning the lower end of the dock, and sought liquid comfort from a good-sized bottle. Their orders were to wait and they gave me the up and down wondering why I hung around. For once in her life Clarissa yearned to be a Bay- man, to smoke a dirty pipe and linger swopping yarns with another human being and then she turned to face the lions. Board walks, built level over the rolling ground drifted with sand, or wind swept above the tops of stark bushes, stretched slippery and uninviting in both directions. My way led to the shore and eastward. WITS AND THE WOMAN 133 Slowly I footed it past the backs of a row of summer homes, standing now with all eyes blinded, and their hospitable souls turned inward. At the end of the row civilization made one valiant effort with a few loose planks and stopped abruptly. I must choose either to scramble through deep soft sand, overgrown by scrub, or climb the dunes to the beach. And I chose the dunes. How splendid and desolate they looked lying seaward, a lumpy line of unfriendly, tousel-haired giants crouching asleep. Coarse fringes of grass along their spines moved in a breath of wind. Did you ever see a beast twitch its skin while dreaming? Those hummocks looked so alive I dreaded to wake them. Shivering weakness flowed through me I wanted to run. I did turn, but the moment was too cowardly even for flight. What if the men in the boat spotted my funk and refused to take me off? Between the devil and the deep blue sea I chose the sea; and as soon as I placed my heel on the neck of the first monster, and caught the air and the sound of open water, I could have gone to the under world without battin' an eye. Only I was hungry and very wet. There stood the gray house, farther back from the shore than the others, and almost hidden among the dunes. Though the front door and windows boarded up put it in the same class as the closed cottages, I found a little puff of smoke rising from the chimney and cut across to the back. The roll and crash of a dead-swell surf obliterated minor sounds, but I thought as I knocked that a snatch of song, drunken and ribald, floated by. I knocked again and again, each time more loudly, WITS AND THE WOMAN and at last drummed with both fists. The ground fell away toward the rear of the house. I was standing on a high veranda which must in season have been a kind of summer kitchen. Rags of faded mosquito net- ting hung on rusty nails ; dirty cloths littered the floor ; the whole place looked rotten. I had knocked my knuckles sore and was at my wits' end for the next move, when a grating and shuffling below made me double over the banister, peering underneath the open steps. A rough sailor-like head was thrust cautiously out of what might be called the cellar door, opening hard on the sand. Crusty but kind, I doped him. The old fellow laid his fingers on his lips as though warning me, and beckoned. I slipped quietly down and around. We stood inside a dark foundation built out of rough planks nailed on posts, and lighted only through their gaping edges where diagonal pieces had broken away. Old clothes were rammed into crev- asses in the floor, but they did not prevent the sand from drifting and piling itself through the gaps. A row-boat, bottom side up, with ropes, buckets and a confusion of sea gear filled one-half, the rest being given over to cases of booze. " Not hard to tell which side you're on," I said, nod- ding toward the fishing nets, and I knew at once the old man was pleased with even so little attention. " You're the lass as is to come for the package? " he asked, eyeing me keenly. And I, scared of giving my ignorance away, mum- bled some assent. " Then I'd not anither time. This is no place for WITS AND THE WOMAN 135 the bonny likes of you," he remarked calmly, preparing to lead the way upstairs. Gripes! If I couldn't bluff that old top, how was I going to fare with the rest of the bunch ! We mounted directly to the kitchen where the heat of a wood stove, a strong smell of stale fish, and sing- ing mingled with the clink of glass made my senses reel. Something very very must be afoot. I trem- bled with apprehension. " Come thy ways in," said the sailor, indicating a chair. " That is 'gin you're no afraid," he added, a gleam of humour livening his watery blue eyes, as a burst of filthy language interrupted the song. " They're uncu' rough. It was na so when the muckle woman came hersel'. She held them a' in hand." Excitement coursed in my veins for the last ques- tion of being on Jacobs's track vanished in his refer- ence. Who could the " muckle woman " be but An- gelica Deering, or the woman who was impersonating her ? Poor Griggsy ! I would have pushed right in, but he motioned me aside. " Bide ye here, lass. He's cursing for his drink." And twining his gnarled fingers about the necks of ten or a dozen bottles, the old chap walked off, through an adjoining room into the main den. I followed hot- foot, keen to see without being seen ; and, hiding behind a flimsy cretonne drape, took a slant at the enemy's position. Gee ! The heart of that home was in worse disorder than its extremities some show ! The furniture, any old cast-off thing, set the scene cheaply, and the 136 WITS AND THE WOMAN actors seemed to me more punk than their surround- ings. A