Hi mlH BB UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE DCPARTMCNT OF Received /..S.../..A..S.. Accessions No . j..Pr..7.... Book No...*b. tOWER W PLATE i Beacon Lith. Co. Boston INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL SCIENCE. BY A. P. GAGE, PH.D., INSTRUCTOR IN PHYSICS, ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL, BOSTON, AND AUTHOR OF "PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS." BOSTON, ,l7.&A.j:.- -' . GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHEES. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, by A. P. GAGE, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. TYPOGRAPHY BY J. 8. GUSHING & Co., BOSTON. PRESSWORK BY GINN & Co., BOSTON. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. AN experience of about six years in requiring individual laboratory work from my pupils has constantly tended to strengthen my conviction that in this way alone can a pupil become a master of the subjects taught. During this time I have had the satisfaction of learning of the successful adoption of laboratory practice in all parts of the United States and the Canadas ; likewise its adoption by some of the leading universities as a requirement for admission. Mean- time my views with reference to the trend which should be given to laboratory work have undergone some modifications. The tendency has been to some extent from qualitative to quan- titative work. With a text-book prepared on the inductive plan, and with class-room instruction harmonizing with it, the pupil will scarcely fail to catch the spirit and methods of the investiga- tor, while much of his limited time may profitably be expended in applying the principles thus acquired in making physical measurements. A brief statement of my method of cpnducting laboratory exercises may be of service to some, until their own experience has taught them better ways. As a rule, the principles and laws are discussed in the class-room in preparation for subse- quent work in the laboratory. The pupil then enters the labo- ratory without a text-book, receives his note-book from the teacher, goes at once to any unoccupied (numbered) desk containing apparatus, reads on a mural blackboard the ques- tions to be answered, the directions for the work to be done with the apparatus, measurements to be made, etc. Having performed the necessary manipulations and made his observa- 673277 iv AUTHOR'S PREFACE. tions, he surrenders the apparatus to another who may be ready to use it, and next occupies himself in writing up the results of his experiments in his note-book. These note-books are deposited in a receptacle near the door as he leaves the labo- ratory. Nothing is ever written in them except at the times of experimenting. These books are examined by the teacher ; they contain the only written tests to which the pupil is sub- jected, except the annual test given under the direction of the Board of Supervisors. Pupils, in general, are permitted to com- municate with their teacher only. " Order, Heaven's first law," is absolutely indispensable to a proper concentration of thought and to successful work in the laboratory. Only in exceptional cases, such as work on specific gravity and electrical measurements, has it been found necessary to duplicate apparatus. The same apparatus may be kept on the desks through several exercises, or until every pupil has had an opportunity of using it. Ordinarily two pupils do not per- form the same kind of experiment at the same time. With proper system, any teacher will find his labors lighter than under the old elaborate lecture system ; and he will never have occasion to complain of a lack of interest on the part of his pupils. I venture tc hope, in view of the kind and generous reception given to the Elements of Physics, that this attempt to make the same methods available in a somewhat more elementary work may prove welcome and helpful. It has been my aim in the preparation of this book to adapt it to the requirements and facilities of the average high school. With this view, I have endeavored to bring the subjects taught within the easy comprehension of the ordinary pupil of this grade, without attempting to "popularize" them by the use of loose and unscientific language or fanciful and misleading illustrations and analogies, which might leave much to be untaught in after time. Especially has it been my purpose to carefully guard against the introduction of any teachings not in harmony with the most modern conceptions of Physical Science. NOTE TO THE REVISED EDITION. WHILE the general plan and arrangement of the original edition of this work have been preserved in this revision, numerous changes dictated by experience and improved methods of presenting portions of this science have been made here and there throughout the text. The subjects of Electricity and Magnetism, however, have been entirely rewritten and made to conform in plan and arrangement to the treatment of the same subjects in my Principles of Physics. Although several new topics, for instance, Specific Heat, have been introduced, yet the volume of the text proper has been increased only sixteen pages. Aside from these changes and additions, the matter of the text remains the same. Several subjects treated in the text notably the Pendu- lum, Expansion Coefficients, the Dynamo, and the Electric Motor have been "continued" in the Appendix for the benefit of those who may wish to pursue these subjects further than a very elementary text-book will admit. I may be permitted to suggest that copies of the Principles of Physics, the style of which is naturally similar to the style of this book, but the treatment much fuller, if made accessible to both teacher and pupil, cannot fail to be very helpful to both. A. P. G. 1896. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Matter, energy, motion, and force. Attraction of gravitation. Molecular and molar forces '. . CHAPTER II. Dynamics of fluids. Pressure in fluids. Barometers. Com- pressibility and elasticity of gases. Buoyancy of fluids. Density and specific gravity 29 CHAPTER III, General dynamics. Momentum, and its relation to force. Three laws of motion. Composition and resolution of forces. Center of gravity. Falling bodies. Curvilinear motion. The pendulum ; 67 CHAPTER IV. Work and energy. Absolute system of measurements. Ma- chines CHAPTER V. 98 Molecular energy, heat. Sources of heat. Temperature. Effects of heat. Thermometry. Convertibility of heat. Thermo-dynamics. Steam-engine 121 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGE Electro-statics. Induction. Potential. Electro-kinetics. Batteries. Effects produced by electric current. Elec- trical measurements. Resistance of conductors. C.G.S. magnetic and electro-magnetic units. Galvanometers. Measuring resistances. Divided circuits ; methods of combining voltaic cells. Magnets and magnetism. Cur- rent and magnetic electric induction. Dynamo-electric ma- chines. Electric light. Electroplating and electro typing. Telegraphy. Telephony. Thermo-electric currents . . 157 CHAPTER VII. Sound. Study of vibrations and waves. Sound-waves, veloc- ity of ; reflection of ; intensity of ; re enforcement of ; inter- ference of. Pitch. Vibration of strings. Overtones and harmonics. Quality. Composition of sonorous vibrations. Musical instruments. Phonograph. Ear 248 CHAPTER VIII. Radiant energy, ether- waves, light. Photometry. Reflection of light-waves. Refraction. Prisms and lenses. Prismatic analysis. Color. Thermal effects of radiation. Micro- scope and telescope. Eye. Stereopticon 290 APPENDIX : A, metric system ; B, table of specific gravity ; C, table of natural tangents; D, simple pendulum ; E, expansion coefficients ; F, table of electrical resistance ; G, dynamos, continued ; H, electric motors 357 INDEX . 371 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Nature is the Art of God." THOMAS BROWNE. CHAPTER I. MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. Section, I.. ^ ^ a* t 3 } MATTER AND ENERGY.' " To THE TEACHER : That portion of this book which is printed in the larger type, including the experiments, is intended to constitute in itself a tolerably full and complete working course in Physics. The portion in fine print may, therefore, be wholly omitted without serious detriment ; or parts of it may be studied at discretion as time may permit ; or, perhaps still better, it may be used by the student, in connection with works of other authors, as subsidiary reading. It should be borne in mind that recitations from memory of mere descriptive Physics and Chemistry is of little educational value. To THE PUPIL : " Read nature in the language of experiment " ; that is, put your questions, when possible, to nature rather than to per- sons. Teachers and books may guide you as to the best methods of procedure, but your own hands, eyes, and intellect must acquire the knowledge directly from nature, if you would really know. 1. Matter. Physics is the science that treats of matter and such changes in it as do not destroy its identity. Any. observed change in matter is a phenomenon. To the question, What is matter? one of the first answers that will occur to many is, Anything that can be seen is matter. 2. Is Matter ever Invisible ? We are usually able to recognize matter by seeing it. We wish to ascertain by MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. experiment, i.e. by putting the question to nature, whether matter is ever invisible. Now in experimenting there must (1) be certain facts of which we are tolerably certain at the outset. These facts (2) lead us to place things in certain situations (the operation is called manipulation) in order to ascertain what phenomena will follow. Then, in the light of these phenomena we (3) reason from the things previously known to things unknown, i.e. to facts which we wish; to .ascertain. . For example, we are certain that we cannot make our occupy the same space at the same time. All Fig. 1. Fig. experience has taught us that no two portions of matter can occupy the same space at the same time. This property (called impenetrability') of occupying space, and not only occupying space, but excluding all other portions of matter from the space which any particular portion may chance to occupy, is peculiar to matter; nothing but matter possesses it. This known, we have a key to the solution of the question in hand. MATTER AND ENERGY. There is something which we call air. It is invisible. Is air matter? Is a vessel full of it an "empty" vessel as regards matter ? 3. Experiment 1. Thrust one end of a glass tube to the bottom of a basin of water; blow air from the lungs through the tube, and watch the ascending bubbles. Do you see the air of the bubbles, or do you see certain spaces from which the air has excluded the water ? MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. Is air matter ? Is matter ever invisible ? State clearly the argument by which you arrive at the last two conclusions. Experiment 2. Float a cork -on a surface of water, cover it with a tumbler (Fig. 1) or a tall glass jar (Fig. 2), and thrust the glass vessel, mouth downward, into the water. (In case a tall jar is used, the experiment may be made more attractive by placing on the cork a lighted candle.) State what evidence the experiment furnishes that air is matter. Relying upon the impenetrability of air, men descend in diving-bells (Fig. 3) to considerable depths in the sea to explore its bot- tom, or to recover lost prop- erty. Observe the cloud (Fig. 4) formed in front of the noz- zle of a boiling tea-kettle. All the matter which forms the large cloud escapes from the orifice, yet it is invisible at that point, and only be- comes visible after mingling with the cold outside air. Place the flame of an alcohol 4 lamp in the cloud ; the matter again becomes nearly or quite invisible in vicinity of the flame. True steam is never visible. Here we see matter undergoing several changes from the visible to the invisible state, and vice versa. 3. Matter, and only Matter, has Weight. Has air weight ? Experiment 3. Suspend from a scale-beam a hollow globe, a (Fig. 5), and place on the other end of the beam a weight, b (called a counterpoise), which just balances the globe when filled with air in its usual condition. Then exhaust the air by means of an air-pump, or (if the scale-beam is very sensitive) by suction with the mouth. Having turned the stop-cock to prevent the entrance of air, replace the globe on the beam, and determine whether the removal of air has occasioned a loss of weight. If air has weight, what ought to MATTER AND ENERGY. be the effect on the scale-beam if you open the stop-cock and admit air? Try it. Can matter exist in an invisible state? How does nature answer this question in the last experiment? 4. Energy. Bodies of matter may possess the ability to put other bodies of matter in motion ; e.g. the bended bow can project an arrow, and the spring of a watch when closely wound can put in motion the machinery of a watch. Ability to produce motion is called energy. Nothing but matter possesses energy. Does air ever possess energy? Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Experiment 4. Put about one quart of water into vessel A (Fig. 6), called a condensing-chamber. Connect the condensing- syringe B with it, and force a large quantity of air into the portion of the chamber not occupied by water; in other words, fill this portion with condensed air. Close the stop-cock C, and attach the tube D as in the figure. Open the stop-cock, and a continuous stream of water will be projected to a great hight. Experiment 5. into the neck of a flask (Fig. 7) partly filled with water insert very tightly a cork through which passes a glass tube nearly to the bottom of the flask. Blow forcibly into the flask. On removing the mouth the condensed air will cause the water to flow in a stream. MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. You will not attempt to say what matter is. This, no one knows. You may, however, give a provisional (an- swering the present needs) definition of matter, ix. draw the limiting line be- tween what is matter and what is not matter. 5. Minuteness of Particles of Mat- ter. If with a knife-blade you scrape off from a piece of chalk (not from a black- board crayon, for this is not chalk) a little fine dust, and place it under a microscope, you will probably discover Fig. 7. that what seen with the naked eye appear to be extremely small, shapeless particles, are really clusters or heaps of shells and corals more or less broken. Figure 8 represents such a cluster. Each of these shells is sus- ceptible of being broken into thou- sands of pieces. Reflecting that one of these clus- ters is so small as to be nearly invisible, you will readily conceive that if one of the shells composing a cluster should be broken into many pieces, and the pieces separated from one another, they would be invisible to the naked eye. Yet the smallest of the particles into Fig. 8. MATTER AND ENERGY. T which one of these shells can be broken by pounding or grinding is enormously large in comparison with bodies called molecules, which, of course, have never been seen, but in whose existence we have the utmost confidence. (For definition and further discussion of the molecule, see Chemistry, page 4.) 1 6. Theory of the Constitution of Matter. For reasons which will appear as our knowledge of matter is extended, physicists have generally adopted the following theory of the constitution of matter: Every body of matter except the molecule is composed of exceedingly small particles, called molecules. No two molecules of matter in the universe are in permanent contact with each other. Every molecule is in quivering motion, moving back and forth between its neighbors, hitting and rebounding from them. When we heat a body we simply cause the molecules to move more rapidly through their spaces; so they strike harder blows on their neighbors, and usually push them away a very little ; "hence, the body expands. 7. Porosity. If the molecules of a body are never in contact except at the instants of collision, it follows that there are spaces between them. 'These spaces are called pores. Water absorbs air and is itself absorbed by wood, paper, cloth, etc. It enters the vacant spaces, or pores, between the molecules of these substances. All matter is porous ; thus water may be forced through the pores of cast iron ; and gold, one of the densest of substances, absorbs liquid mercury. 8. Volume, Mass, and Density. The quantity of space a body of matter occupies is its volume, and is expressed in cubic inches, cubic centimeters, etc. By the mass of a body is meant the quantity of matter in the body. 1 References in this book are made to the Introduction to Chemical Science, by B. P. Williams. 8 MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. The unit of mass generally employed in science is the gram or the pound. The gram is the one-thousandth part of the standard kilogram. This standard is a piece of plati- num carefully preserved by the French government at Paris. Originally it was intended to represent the mass of a cubic decimeter of pure water at the temperature of 4 C. A kilogram of any substance is that quantity of the substance which, placed on a scale pan, would just balance in a vacuum the standard kilogram placed on the other pan. Experiment 6. Place on one pan of a balance (Fig. 9) a vessel, A, whose capacity is one liter, i.e. one cubic decimeter (see Appendix). Place upon the other pan some body, B, which will just counterbalance the empty vessel. Then place upon the same pan a kilogram mass, C. Fig. 9. Now pour water slowly into the vessel until the water and kilogram mass counterbalance each other. What mass of water does the vessel contain? How does the mass of water in A compare with the mass of the body C.? If the weight of the water in A should change (its mass remaining the same), should we be able to detect the change by the balance? Mass is quite distinct from weight. The weight of a body is the measure of the attraction between it and the earth, and is variable, because the attraction of the earth varies with the distance of the body from the earth, while its mass remains constant, MATTEK AND ENERGY. 9 The process of measuring the mass of a body must not be con- founded with the process of finding how heavy a body is, although both processes are, in common usage, called weigh- ing. Weighing a body to ascertain its mass consists in balancing it with a body or bodies of known mass, and is performed with a scale balance and a set of masses (com- monly called a set of weights). Weighing to ascertain weight should be performed with an instrument adapted to measuring force ( 11), e.g. a spring balance (Fig. 10). For most practical purposes, however, these instruments \ may be used interchangeably, inasmuch as at the same place " mass is proportional to weight. 1 Equal volumes of different substances (e.g. cork, cheese, lead) contain unequal quantities of matter. Of any two substances, that which contains the greater quantity of matter in the same volume is said to be the denser. By the density of a body is meant the mass of a unit of volume of the body. The density of water (at 4 C.) is one gram per cubic centimeter, and the density. of cast iron is about 7.12 grams per cubic centimeter. 9. Three States of Matter. We recognize three states or conditions of matter, viz., solid, liquid and gaseous, fairly represented by earth, water and air. Every-day observa- tion teaches us that solids tend to preserve a definite volume and shape ; liquids tend to preserve a definite volume only, their shape conforms to that of the containing vessel ; gases tend to preserve neither a definite volume nor shape, but to expand indefinitely. Liquids and gases in consequence of their manifest tendency to flow are called fluids. Which of the three states any portion of matter assumes depends upon its temperature and pressure. For example, at ordinary pressure of the 1 This is one of many instances in physics in which one quantity is indirectly measured by measuring another proportional to it. 10 MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. atmosphere water is a solid (i.e. ice), a liquid, or a gas (i.e. steam), accord- ing to its temperature. In order that matter may exist in a liquid (and sometimes in a solid) state, a certain definite pressure is required. Ice vaporizes, but does not melt (i.e. liquefy) in a space from which the air (and consequently atmospheric pressure) has been removed. Section II. RELATIVE MOTION AND RELATIVE REST. 1O. What constitutes Relative Motion and Rela- tive Rest ? Motion is a progressive change of position. Two boys walk toward each other, or one boy stands, and another boy walks either toward or from him ; in either case there is a relative motion between them, because the length of a straight line (which may be imag- ined to be stretched) between them constantly changes. One boy stands, and another boy walks around him in a circular path; there is a relative motion between them, because the direction of a straight line between them constantly changes. There is relative rest between two boys while standing, because a straight line between them changes neither in length nor direction. Two boys while running are in relative rest so long as neither the distance nor the direction from each other changes. QUESTIONS. 1. What is wind? Give some evidence that it possesses energy. 2. Give a provisional definition of matter. 3. What is energy? 4. What is an experiment ? What is manipulation ? 5. What is an air-bubble? What important lesson does a mere bubble teach? FORCE. 11 6. What is impenetrability? State several properties that are peculiar to matter. 7. Can water be rendered invisible ? How ? 8. Under what conditions would a flock of birds over your head be at rest with reference to your body? Would the birds which com- pose the flock be at rest with reference to one another ? An apple rests upon a table ; are its molecules at rest ? 9. Why do all moving bodies possess energy? Do all molecules possess energy ? 10. A span of horses harnessed abreast are drawing a street car on a straight, level road. Is there any relative motion between the two horses? Between the horses and the carriage? Between the team and objects by the wayside ? Suppose them to be travelling in a cir- cular path ; is there relative motion between the horses ? 11. A boat moves away from a wharf at the rate of five miles an hour. A person on the boat's deck walks from the prow toward the stern, at the rate of four miles an hour; what is his rate of motion, i.e. his velocity, with reference to the wharf? What is his velocity with reference to the boat? 12. When is there relative motion between two bodies ? Section III. FORCE. 11. Pushes and Pulls. We are familiar with the results of muscular force in producing motion. We are also aware that there are forces, or causes of motion, quite independent of man ; e.g., the force exerted by wind, running water, and steam. If we observe carefully, we shall find that all motions are produced by pushes or pulls. It is evident that there can be no push or pull except be- tween at least two bodies or two parts of the same body. 12 MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. Commonly, the bodies between which there is a push or a pull are either in contact, as when we push or pull a table, or the action is accomplished through an intermedi- ate body, as when we draw some object toward us by means of a string, or push an object away with a pole. Can two bodies push or pull without contact and without any tangible intermediate body ; i.e. is there ever "action at a distance " ? Experiment 7. Fill a large bowl or pail with water to the brim. Place on the surface of the water a half-dozen (or more) floating mag- nets (pieces of magnetized sewing-needles thrust through thin slices of cork). Hold a bar magnet vertically over the water with one end near, but not touching, the floats ; the floats either move toward or away from the magnet. Invert the magnet, and the motions of the floats will be reversed. Notwithstanding there is no contact or visible connection between the floats and the magnet, the motions furnish conclusive evidence that there are pushes and pulls. The motions are said to be due to mag- netic force. Experiment 8. Suspend two pith balls by silk threads. Rub a large stick of sealing-wax with a dry flannel, and hold it near the balls. The balls move to the wax as if pulled by it, and remain in contact with it for a time. Soon they move away from the wax as if pushed away. Remove the wax; the balls do not hang side Fig. 11. by side as at first, but push each other apart (Fig. 11). These motions are said to be due to electric force. 12. How Force is Measured. Pulling and pushing forces may be strong or weak, and are capable of being measured. The common spring balance (Fig. 12) is a very convenient instrument for measuring a pulling force. As usually constructed, the spring balance contains a spiral coil of wire, which is elongated by a pull; and the pulling FORCE. 13 force is measured by the extent of the elongation. may be so constructed that an elongated A coil may be compressed by a pushing force; and when so constructed it serves to measure a pushing force by the degree of compression. All instruments that measure force, however constructed, are called dynamometers (force- measures). Observe that force is measured in pounds ; in other words, the unit by which force is measured is called a pound. 13. Equilibrium of Forces. Experiment 9. Take a block of wood ; insert two stout screw- eyes in opposite extremities of the block. Attach a spring balance to each eye. Let two persons pull on the spring balances at the same time, and with equal force, as shown by their indexes, but in opposite directions. The block does not move. One force just neutralizes the other, and the result, so far as the movement of the block, i.e. the body acted on, is concerned, is the same as if no force acted on it. When one action, i.e. one push or pull, opposes in any degree another action, each is spoken of as a resistance to the other. Let f represent the number of pounds of any given force, and let a force acting in any given direction be called positive, and indicated by the plus (+) sign, and a force when acting in an opposite direction to a force which we have denominated positive, be called negative, and indicated by the minus ( ) sign. Then if two forces +/and /acting on a body at the same point or along the same line are equal, the result is that no change of motion is produced. Viewed algebraically, +/ /= ; or, correctly interpreted, +/ / (is equivalent to) 0, i.e. no force. In all such cases there is said to be an equilibrium of forces, and the body is said to be in a state of equi- librium. If, however, one of the forces is greater than the other, the excess is spoken of as an unbalanced force, and its direction is indi- cated by one or the other sign, as the case may be. Thus, if a force of + 8 pounds act on a body toward the east, and a force of 10 pounds act on the same body along the same line toward the west, then the unbalanced force is 2 pounds, i.e. the result is the same as if a force of only 2 pounds acted on the body toward the west. 14 MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. 14. Stress, Action, and Keaction ; Force Defined. An unbalanced force always produces a change of motion. As there are always two bodies or two parts of a body con- cerned in every push or pull, there must be two bodies or parts of a body affected by every push or pull. When the effects on both parties to an action are considered with- out special reference to either alone, the force is fre-. quently called a stress. 1 But when we consider the effect on only one of two bodies, we find it convenient, and almost a necessity, to speak of the effect as due to the action of some other body, or, still more conveniently, to an external force. The body which acts upon another, itself experiences the effect of the reaction of the same force. To increase or decrease the speed of a moving body, or to change the direction of its motion, requires an un- balanced force. Force may be provisionally denned as the immediate cause that produces, or tends to produce, a change of motion either in magnitude or direction. This definition conveys no idea of what force is ; it merely distinguishes between what is force and what is not force. QUESTIONS. 1. Give a provisional definition of force. In what two ways is it exerted ? 2. How is motion produced ? Destroyed? Changed in any way ? 3. How many bodies or parts of a body must be concerned in the action of any single force ? How many are affected thereby ? 4. What effect does an unbalanced force produce on a body ? 5. How must the magnitude of two forces compare, and in what directions must they act with reference to each other, that they may be in equilibrium? 6. When is a body in equilibrium ? 7. In what units is force estimated ? In what units is mass estimated? What force is required to support 10 pounds of sugar? 1 Tension in a stretched rubber band, and pressure between two bodies in contact when compressed, are illustrations of stress. ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 15 8. Why will not a force of 10 pounds raise 10 pounds of sugar ? If the force produces no change of motion, how can it consistently be called a force ? 9. A bullet is flying unimpeded through space; does it possess energy? Is it (disregarding the force of gravity) exerting force? Would it exert force if it should encounter some other body? Which produces motion, energy or force ? Which denotes ability to produce motion ? Section IV. ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 15. Gravitation is Universal. An unsupported body falls to the earth. This is evidence of an action or stress between the earth and the body. It has been ascertained by careful observation that when a ball is suspended by a long string by the side of a mountain, the string is not quite vertical, but is deflected toward the mountain in consequence of an attraction between the mountain and the ball. That there is an attraction between the sun and the earth, and the earth and the moon, is shown, as we shall see further on, by their curvilinear motions. Tides and tidal currents on the earth are due to the attraction of the sun and the moon. This attraction is called gravitation. When bodies under its influence tend to approach one another, they are said to gravitate. Since this attraction ever exists between all bodies, at all distances, it is called universal gravitation. 16. Law of Universal Gravitation. Methods too difficult for us to comprehend at present have estab- 16 MATTER, ENERGY, MOTION, AND FORCE. lished the fact that the strength of the attraction between any two bodies depends upon two things; viz., their masses, and the distance between certain points within the bodies (to be explained hereafter), called their cen- ters of gravity. The following law is found everywhere to exist : The attraction between every two bodies of matter in the universe varies directly as the product of their masses, and inversely as the square of the distance between their centers of gravity. Representing the masses of two bodies by m and m', the distance by d, and the attraction by g, this relation is expressed mathematically, thus : g , at the bottom of which is a valve c, opening upward. As the piston is raised, water is forced up through the valve d, while water in b is pre- vented from returning by the valve c. When the piston is forced down, the valve d closes, the valve c opens, and the water is forced into the chamber 6, con- densing the air above the water. The elasticity of the condensed air forces the water out of the tube e in a continuous stream. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 1. What force is the cause of fluid pressure ? 2. Why does not a person at the bottom of a pond feel the weight of the water above him ? 3. An aeronaut finds that on the earth his barometer stands at 30 inches. He ascends in a balloon until the barometer stands at 20 inches. About how high is he ? What is the pressure of the atmosphere at his elevation ? 4. When a barometer stands at 30 inches, the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 pounds. What is the atmospheric pressure when the barometer stands at 29 inches ? 5. Why is a barometer tube closed at the top ? Why must air come in contact with the mercury at the bottom ? 6. What would be the effect on an aneroid barometer if it were placed under the receiver of an air-pump, and one or two strokes of the pump were made? 7. Suppose a rubber foot-ball to be partially inflated with air at the surface of the earth; what would happen if it were taken up in a balloon ? 8. Mercury is 13.6 times denser than water. When a mercurial ba- Fig. 43. TRANSMISSION OF EXTERNAL PRESSURE. 47 rometer stands at 30 inches, how high would a water barometer stand ? How high, theoretically, could mercury be raised on such a day by suction? How high coukl water be raised by the same means? How many times higher can water be raised by a suction-pump than mer- cury? 9. What is that which is sometimes called the "force of suction "? 10. The area of one side of the piston of the seven-in-one apparatus is about 26 square inches. Suppose the piston to be forced into the cylinder so as to drive out all the air, and then the orifice to be closed ; what force would be required to draw the piston out, when the barom- eter stands at 30 inches ? What force would be required on the top of a mountain where the barometer stands r,,t 15 inches ? 11. Water is raised the larger part of the distance in our lifting- pumps by atmospheric pressure ; why, then, is not such a pump a labor-saving instrument? 12. If water is to be raised from a well 50 feet deep, how high must it be lifted, and how long must the barrel be? Section VI. TRANSMISSION OF EXTERNAL PRESSURE. 45. Pressure Transmitted TJndiminished in All Direc- tions. Experiment 42. Fill the glass globe and cylinder (Fig. 43) with water, and thrust the piston into the cylinder. Jets of water will be thrown not only from that aperture a in the globe toward which the piston moves and the pressure is exerted, but from apertures on all sides. Furthermore, the streams extend to equal distances in every direction. It thus appears that external pressure is exerted not alone upon that portion of the liquid that lies in the path of the force, but it is transmitted equally to all parts and in all directions. 48 DYNAMICS OF FLUIDS. Experiment 43. Measure the diameter of the bore of each arm of the glass U-tube (Fig. 44). We will suppose, for illustration, that the diameters are respectively 40 mm and 10 mm ; then the areas of the transverse sections of the bores will be 40 2 : 10 2 = 16 ; that is, when the tube contains a liquid, the area of the free surface of the liquid in the large arm will be 16 times as great as that in the small arm. Pour mercury into the tube until it stands about l cm above the bottom of the large arm. The mercury stands at the same level in both arms. Pour water upon the mercury in the large arm until this arm lacks only about l cm of being full. The pressure of the water causes the mercury to rise in the small arm, and to be depressed in the large arm. Pour water very slowly into, the small arm from a beaker having a narrow lip, until the surfaces of the water in the two arms are on the same level. It is evident that the quantity of water in the large arm is 16 times as great as that in the small arm. This phenomenon appears paradoxical (apparently contrary to the natu- ral course of things), until we master the important hydrostatic princi- ple involved. We must not regard the body of mercury as serving as a balance beam between the two bodies of water, for this would lead to the absurd conclusion that a given mass of matter may balance an- other mass 16 times as great. We may best understand this phenom- enon by imagining the body of liquid in the large arm to be divided into cylindrical columns of liquid of the same size as that in the small arrn. There will evidently be 16 such columns. Then whatever pressure is exerted on the mercury by the water in the small arm is transmitted by the mercury to each of the 16 columns, so that each column receives an upward pressure, or a supporting force equal to the weight of the water in the small arm. This method of transmit- Fig. 43. Fig. 44. TRANSMISSION OF EXTERNAL PRESSURE. 49 ting pressure is peculiar to fluids. With solids it is quite different. If the mercury in our experiment were a solid body, it would require equal masses of water placed upon the two extremities to counter- balance each other. Experiment 44. Support the seven-in-one apparatus with the open end upward, force the piston in, and place on it a block of wood A (Fig. 45), and on the block a heavy weight (or let a small child stand on the block). Attach one end of the rubber tube B (12 feet long) to the apparatus, and insert a tunnel C in the other end of the tube. Raise the latter end as high as practi- cable, and pour water into the tube. Explain how the few ounces of water standing in the tube can exert a pressure of many pounds on the piston, and cause it to rise together with the burden that is on it. Fig. 45. Fig. 46. Experiment 45. Remove the water from the apparatus, place on the piston a 16-pound weight, and blow (Fig. 48) from the lungs into the apparatus. Notwithstanding that the actual pushing force ex- erted through the tube by the lungs does not probably exceed an ounce, the slight increase of pressure caused thereby when exerted upon the (about) 26 square inches of surface of the piston causes it to rise together with its burden. A pressure exerted on a given area of a fluid enclosed in a vessel is transmitted to every equal area of the inte- rior of the vessel; and the whole pressure that may be exerted upon the vessel may be increased in proportion as the area of the part subjected to external pressure is de- creased. 50 DYNAMICS OF FLUIDS. 46. Hydrostatic Press. This principle has an im- portant practical application in the hydrostatic press. You see two pistons t and s (Fig. 47). The area of the lower surface of t is (say) one hundred times that of the lower surface of s. As the piston s is raised and depressed, water is pumped up from the cistern A, forced into the cylin- der a?, and exerts a total upward pressure against the piston t one hundred times greater than the downward pressure exerted upon s. Thus, if a pressure Flg * 47 ' of one hundred pounds is applied at 8, the cotton bales will be subjected to a pressure of five tons. The pressure that may be exerted by these presses is enormous. The hand of a child can break a strong iron bar. But observe that, although the pressure exerted is very great, the upward movement of the piston t is very slow. In order that the piston t may rise 1 inch, the piston s must de- scend 100 inches. The disadvantage arising from slowness of operation is little thought of, however, when we consider the great advantage accruing from the fact that one man can produce as great a pressure with the press as a hundred men can exert without it. The press is used for compressing cotton, hay, etc., into bales, and for extracting oil from seeds. The modern engineer finds it a most efficient machine, whenever great weights are to be moved through short distances, as in launching ships, PRESSURE EXERTED BY LIQUIDS. 51 Section VII. PRESSURE EXERTED BY LIQUIDS DUE TO THEIR OWN WEIGHT. 47. Pressure Dependent on Depth, but Independ- ent of the Quantity and Shape of a Body of Liquid. Having considered the transmission of external pressure ap- plied to any portion of a liquid, we proceed to examine the effects of pressure due to the weight of liquids themselves. Fig. 49. Fig. 50. Fig. 51. Experiment 46. A and B (Fig. 48) are two bottomless vessels which can be alternately screwed to a supporting ring C (Fig. 49). The ring is itself fastened by means of a clamp to the rim of a wooden water- pail. A circular disk of metal, D, is supported by a rod connected with one arm of the balance-beam E. When the weight F is applied to the other arm of the beam, the disk D is drawn up against the ring so as to supply a bottom for the vessel above. Take first the vessel A, screw it to the ring, and apply the weight to the beam as in Figure 50. Pour water slowly into the vessel, moving the index a up the rod so 52 DYNAMICS OF FLUIDS. as to keep it just at the surface of the water, until the downward pressure of the water upon the bottom tilts the beam, and pushes the bottom down from the ring, and allows some of the water to fall into the pail. Remove vessel A, and attach B to the ring as in Figure 51. Pour water as before into vessel B ; when the surface of the water reaches the index a, the bottom is forced off as before. That is, at the same depth, though the quantity of water and the shape of the vessel be different, the pressure upon the bottom of a vessel is the same, provided the bottom is of the same area. 48. Methods of Calculating Liquid Pressure. Conceive of a square prism of water (Fig. 51a) in the midst of a body of water, its upper surface coinciding with the free surface of the liquid. Let the prism be 4 cm deep and l cm square at the end ; then the area of one of its ends is licm ? anc i the volume of the prism is 4 cc . Now the weight - of 4 CC of water is 4s, hence this prism must exert a downward pressure of 4e upon an area of 1 in mercury with yf-j^, of its bulk submerged. Hence the Sp. D. of mercury is 918 -f- 68 = about 13.5. We see, then, that the densities of liquids may be com- pared by seeing to what depths bodies floating in them will sink. An instrument (A, Fig. 63) called a hydrometer 1 is constructed on this principle. It consists of a glass tube with one or more bulbs blown in it, loaded at one end with shot or mercury to keep it in a vertical position when placed in a liquid. It has a scale of specific densities on the stem, so that the experimenter has only to place it in the liquid to be tested, and read its specific density or specific gravity at that point, B, of the stem which is at the surface of the liquid. , Fig. 62. 58. Miscellaneous Experiments. Experiment 56. Find the cubical contents of an irregular shaped body, e.g. a stone. Find its loss of weight in water. Remember that the loss of weight is precisely the weight of the water it displaces, and that the volume of one gram of water is one cubic centimeter. 1 Densimeter is a more suitable name for this instrument. 64 DYNAMICS OF FLUIDS. Experiment 57. Find the capacity of a test-tube, or an irregular shaped cavity in any body. Weigh the body ; then fill the cavity with water, and weigh again. As many grains as its weight is increased, so many cubic centimeters is the capacity of the cavity. Experiment 58. A fresh egg sinks in water. See if by dissolv- ing table salt in the water it can be made to float. How does salt affect the density of the water ? Experiment 59. Float a sensitive hydrometer in water at about 60 F. (15 C.), and in other water at about 180 F. (82 C.). Which water is denser ? EXERCISES. 1. In which does a liquid stand higher, in the snout of a coffee-pot or in the main body? On which does this show that pressure depends, on quantity or depth of liquid ? 2. The areas of the bottoms of vessels A, B, and C (Fig. 64) are equal. The vessels have the same depth, and are filled with water. Which vessel contains the more water ? On the bottom of which vessel is the pressure equal to the weight of the water which it contains ? How does the pressure upon the bottom of vessel B compare with the weight of the water in it? Fig. 64. 3. A cubic foot of water weighs about 62. 5 pounds or 1,000 ounces. Suppose that the area of the bottom of each vessel is 50 square inches and the depth is 10 inches ; what is the pressure on the bottom of each? 4. Suppose that the vessel A is a cubical vessel of 10 in. side ; what is the pressure against one of its vertical sides ? 5. Suppose that vessel A were tightly covered, and that a tube 10 feet long were passed through a perforation in the cover so that the end just touches the upper surface of the water in the vessel ; then SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND SPECIFIC DENSITY. 65 suppose the tube to be filled with water. What additional pressure will each side of the cube sustain ? 6. Suppose that the area of the end of the large piston of a hydro- static press is 100 square inches ; what should be the area of the end of the small piston that a force of 100 pounds applied to it may produce a pressure of 2 tons ? 7. A solid body weighs 10 pounds in air and 6 pounds in water, (a) What is the weight of an equal bulk of water ? (5) What is its specific gravity ? (c) What is the volume of the body ? (d) What is its density ? 8. A thousand-grain specific-gravity bottle filled with sea-water requires in addition to the counterpoise of the bottle 1,026 grains to balance it. (a) What is the specific gravity of sea-water ? (&) What is the quantity of salt, etc., dissolved in 1,000 grains of sea-water? 9. A piece of cork floating on water displaces 2 pounds of water. What is the weight of the cork ? 10. In which would a hydrometer sink farther, in milk or water? 11. What metals will float in mercury? 12. (a) Which has the greater specific gravity, water at 10 C. or water at 20 C.? (5) If water at the bottom of a vessel could be raised by application of heat to 20 C. while the water near the upper surface has a temperature of 10 C., what would happen? 13. A block of wood weighs 550 grams ; when a certain irregular- shaped cavity is fi)led with mercury the block weighs 570 grams. What is the capacity or cubical contents of the cavity? 14. In which is it easier for a person to float, in fresh water or in sea-water? Why? 15. Figure 65 represents a beaker graduated in cubic centimeters. Suppose that when water stands in the graduate at 50 CC , a pebble stone is dropped into the water, and the water rises to 75. (a) What is the volume of the stone? (&) How much less does the stone weigh in water than in air? (c) What is the weight of an equal volume of water ? 16. If a piece of cork is floated on water in a, graduate, and displaces (i.e. causes the water to rise) 7 CC , what is the weight of the cork ? 66 DYNAMICS OF FLUIDS. 17. If a piece of lead (sp. g. 11.35) is dropped into a graduate and displaces 12 CC of water, what does the lead weigh? (a) How would you measure out 50 grams of water in a graduate ? (6) How would you measure out the same weight of alcohol (sp. g. 0.8) ? (c) How the same weight of sulphuric acid (sp. g. 1.84)? 18. What is the density of gold? silver? milk? alcohol? 19. When the barometer stands at 30 inches, how high can alcohol be raised by a perfect lifting-pump ? 20. A measuring glass graduated in cubic centimeters contains water. An empty bottle floats on the water, and the surface of the water stands at 50 CC . If 10s of lead shot are placed in the bottle, where will the surface of the water stand? 21. What mass of alcohol can be put into a vessel whose capacity is 1 liter ? 22. On what two things does the weight of a body depend ? 23. (a) Can you suck air out of a bottle V (6) Can you suck water out of a bottle ? Explain. 24. (a) What bodies have neither volume nor shape ? (6) What have volume, but not shape? (c) What have both volume and shape? 25. When the volume of a body of gas diminishes, is it due to con- traction or compression, i.e. to internal or external forces ? 26. What is the hight of the barometer column when the atmos- pheric pressure is 10 grams per square centimeter ? 27. A barometer in a diving-bell (-page 3) stands at 96 cm when a barometer at the surface of the earth stands at 76 cra ; what is the depth of the surface of water- inside the bell below the surface outside ? 28. (a) 40 k of lead immersed in water will displace what volume of water ? (6) Will lose how much of its weight ? 29. Find the sum in meters of 4^ m , 150 cm , 8 dm , 65 im , 5.6 m , and 4 mm . 30. The sp. g. of hydrogen gas is (page 359) 0.0693. What do you understand by this statement ? 31. What is the mass of a liter* of water at 4C ? CHAPTER IIL GENERAL DYNAMICS. Section I. MOMENTUM AND ITS RELATION TO FORCE. 59. Momentum. Everyone knows that the effort to stop a moving body in a given time must depend both upon the mass of the body and its velocity. An empty car in motion is much more easily stopped than a loaded car, and a ball tossed is a different affair from a ball thrown. We have an instinctive dread of the approach of large masses and of swiftly moving masses. Thus we are led to the consideration of a quantity called momentum, which is t he product of the mass of a body multiplied by its velocity. A unit of momentum is the momentum of a unit mass moving with unit speed, and has no special name. Mo- mentum depends upon both mass and, velocity ; velocity is independent of mass. Momentum = MV. 60. Relation of Momentum to Force. Experiment 60. Weights A and B of the Atwood 'machine (Fig. 66), suspended by a thread passing over the wheel C, are in equi- librium with reference to the force of gravity ; consequently neither falls. Raise weight A, and let it rest on the platform D, as in Figure 67. The two weights are still in equilibrium. Place weight E, called a " rider," on A. There is now an unbalanced force, and if the plat- form D is removed, there will be motion, i.e. A and E will fall, and B will rise. Set the pendulum F to vibrating. At each vibration it 68 GENERAL DYNAMICS. Fig. 66. causes a stroke of the hammer on the bell G. At the instant of the first stroke the pendulum causes the platform D to drop so as to allow the weights to move. When the weights reach the ring H, the rider is caught off by the ring. Raise and lower the ring on the graduated pillar I, and ascertain by repeated trials the average distance the weights descend in the in- terval between the first two strokes of the bell. Next substitute for E a weight L, double that of E. Find by trial how far the weights now descend in the same interval of time as before. It will be found that in the latter case the weights descend nearly twice as far as in the first case. Suppose that weights A and B are each 30 grams, and that weights E and L are respec- tively 2 grams and 4 grams. Now the force of gravity which acts on weight E is 2 grams. Consequently the unbalanced force which put in motion the three weights A, B, and E, whose combined weight (disregarding the weight of wheel C, which is also put in motion) is (30 + 30 + 2 = ) 62 grams, was 2 grams. It is now evident why the descent is slow, for in- stead of a force of 1 gram acting upon each gram of matter, as is usually the case with falling bodies, we have a force of only 2 grams moving 62 grams of matter; consequently 'the descent is about -fa as fast as that of falling bodies generally. But when we employed weight L, we had a force of 4 grams moving (30 + 30 + 4 =) 64 grams of matter. Here the force is doubled, and the distance traversed is nearly doubled; consequently the average velocity and the mo- mentum acquired are nearly doubled. Had the masses moved in the two cases been exactly the same, the velocity and the momentum would have been exactly doubled. FIRST LAW OF MOTION. 69 (1) In equal intervals of time change of momentum is proportional to the force employed. Experiment 61. Once more place E on A, and ascertain how far they will descend between the first and third strokes of the bell, i.e. in double the time employed before. It will be found that they will descend in the two units of time about four times as far as during the first unit of time. Later on it will be shown that, in order to accom- plish this, the velocity at the end of the sec- ond unit of time must be twice that at the end of the first unit of time. If MV represent the momentum generated during the first unit of time, then the momentum generated during the second unit of time must be about 2MV. (2) The momentum generated "by a given force is proportional to the time during which the force acts. Conclusions (1) and (2) are summarized in the formula MV= Ft, and in the Second Law of Motion, 63. Section II. FIRST LAW OF MOTION. The relations between matter and force are concisely expressed in what are known as The Three Laws of Motion first enunciated by Sir Isaac Newton. 61. First Law of Motion. A body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion moves with uniform velocity in a straight line, unless acted upon by some external force. 70 GENERAL DYNAMICS. A body is said to be acted upon by an "external force " when the action is between that body and some other body (in contradistinction from an action between parts of the same body). The tendency of matter to remain in the state that it is in, whether it be rest or motion, is called inertia; hence the First Law of Motion is often called the Law of Inertia. The backward motion of passengers when a car is suddenly started, and their forward motion when the car is suddenly stopped, the difficulty in starting a vehicle and the comparative ease of keeping it in motion after it is put in motion, and the ceaseless motion of the planets, are illustrations of inertia. By virtue of inertia the swiftly flying bullet pierces a plank. Section III. SECOND LAW OF MOTION. 62. Graphical Representation of Motion and Force. If a person wishes to describe to you the motion of a ball struck by a bat, he must tell you three things: (1) where it starts, (2) in what direction it moves, and (3) how far it goes. These three essential elements may be represented graphically by lines. Thus, suppose balls at A and D (Fig. 68) to be struck by bats, and that they move re- Fig, es. spectively to B and E in one second. Then the points A and D are their starting- points ; the lines AB and DE represent the direction of their motions, and the lengths of the lines represent the SECOND LAW OF MOTION. 71 distances traversed. In reading, the direction should be indicated by the order of the letters, as AB and DE. Likewise, the forces which produce the motion may be represented graphically. For example, the points A and D may represent the points of application of two forces, the lines AB and DE represent the direction in which they act, and the length of the lines represent their relative intensities. Let a force whose intensity may be represented numeri- cally by 8 (e.g. 8 pounds), acting in the direction AB (Fig. 69), be applied continuously to a ball starting at A, and sup- pose this force capable of mov- ing it to B in one second ; now, at the end of the second let a force of the intensity of 4, directed at right angles to the direction of the former force, act during a second it would rig. 69. move the ball to C. If, however, when the ball is at A, both of these forces should be applied at the same time, then at the end of a second the ball will be found at C. Its path will not be AB nor AD, bat an 'intermediate one, AC. Still each force produces its own peculiar result, for neither alone would carry it to C, but both are required. 63. Second L.aw of Motion. Change of momentum is in the direction in which the force acts, and is proportional to its intensity and the time during which it acts (see Sec. I). This law implies that an unbalanced force of the same intensity, in the same time, always produces exactly the same change of momentum, regardless of the mass of the body on which it acts, and regardless of whether the body is in motion or at rest, and whether the force acts alone or with others at the same time. 72 GENERAL DYNAMICS. Section IV. COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES. 64. Composition of Forces. It is evident that a sin- gle force, applied in the direction AC (Fig. 69), might produce the same result that is produced by the two forces represented by AB and AD. Such a force is called a resultant. A resultant is a single force that may be sub- stituted for two or more forces, and produce the same result that the simultaneous action of the combined forces produce. The several forces that con- tribute to produce the result- ant are called its components. When the components are given, and the resultant re- quired, the problem is called composition of forces. The resultant of two forces acting simultaneously at an angle to each other may always be represented ly a diagonal of a parallelogram, of which the two adjacent sides represent the components. Thus, the lines AD and AB represent respectively the direction and relative intensity of each component, and AC represents the direction and intensity of the resultant. The numerical value of the resultant may be found by comparing the length of the line AC (Fig. 69) with the length of either AB or AD, whose numerical values are known. Thus, AC is 2.23 times AD ; hence, the numer- ical value of the resultant AC is (4 X 2.23 = ) 9.92. When more than two components are given, find the result- COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES. 73 ant of any two of them, then of this resultant and a third, and so on until every component has been used. Thus in Fig. 70, AC is the resultant of AB and AD, and AF is the result- ant of AC and AE, i.e. of the three forces represented by the lines AB, AD, and AE. Generally speaking, a motion may be the result of any number of forces. When we see a body in motion, we cannot determine by its behavior how many forces have concurred to produce its motion. 65. Resolution of Forces. Assume that a ball moves a certain distance in a cer- tain direction, AC (Fig. 71), under the combined influence of two forces, and that one of the forces that produces this motion is represented in intensity and direction by the line AB : what must be the intensity and direction of the other force ? Since AC is the result- ant of two forces acting at an angle to each other, it is the diagonal of a parallelogram of which AB is one of the sides. From C draw CD parallel with and equal to BA, and com- plete the parallelogram by connecting the points B and C, and A and D. Then, according to the principle of compo- sition of forces, AD represents the intensity and direction of the force which, combined with the force AB, would move the ball from A to C. The component AB being given, no other single force than AD will satisfy the question. Experiment 62. Verify the preceding propositions in the follow- ing manner : From pegs A and B (Fig. 72), in the frame of a black- board, suspend a known weight W, of (say) 10 pounds, by means of two strings connected at C. In each of these strings insert dyna- mometers x and y. Trace upon the blackboard short lines along the strings from the point C, to indicate the direction of the two com- 74 GENERAL DYNAMICS. ponent forces ; also trace the line CD, in continuation of the line WC, to indicate the direction and intensity of the resultant. Remove the dynamometers, extend the lines (as Ca and C6), and on these construct a parallelo- gram, from the extremities of the line CD regarded as a diagonal. It will be found that 10 : number of pounds in- dicated by the dynamometer o:::CD:Ca; also that 10: number of pounds indicated by the dynamometer y : : CD : C6. Again, it is plain that a single force of 10 pounds must act in the direction CD to produce the same result that is produced by the two components. Hence, when two sides of a parallelogram represent the intensity and direction of two component forces, the diagonal represents the resultant. Vary the problem by suspending the strings from different points, as E and F, A and F, etc. An excellent verification of the Second Law of Motion and the principle of composition of forces is found in the fact that a ball, projected horizontally, will reach the ground in precisely the same time that it would if dropped from a state of rest from the same hight. That is, any previous motion a body has in any direction does not affect the action of gravity upon the body. Experiment 63. Draw back the rod d (Fig. 73) toward the left, and place the detent-pin c in one of the slots. Place one of the brass balls on the projecting rod, and in contact with the end of the instru- ment, as at A. Place the other ball in the short tube B. Raise the apparatus to as great an elevation as practicable, and place it in a perfectly horizontal position. Release the detent, and the rod, pro- pelled by the elastic force of the spring within, will strike the ball B with great force, projecting it in a horizontal direction. At the same instant that B leaves the tube and is free to fall, the ball A is re- leased from the rod, and begins to fall. The sounds made on strik- COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES. 75 ing the floor reach the ears of the observer at the same instant; this shows that both balls reach the floor in sensibly the same time, and that the horizontal motion which one of the balls has does not affect the time of its fall. Fig. 73. 66. Composition of Parallel Forces, If the strings CA and CB (Fig. 72) are brought nearer to each other (as when suspended from B and E) so that the angle formed by them is diminished, the component forces, as indicated by the dynamometers, will decrease, till the two forces become parallel, when the sum of the 'components just equals the weight W. Hence, (1) two or more forces applied to a body act to the greatest advantage when they are parallel, and in the same direction, in which case their resultant equals their sum. On the other hand, if the strings are separated from each other, so as to increase the angle formed by them, the forces necessary to support the weight increase until they become exactly opposite each other, when the two forces neutralize each other, and none is exerted in an upward direction to support the weight. If the two strings 76 GENERAL DYNAMICS. are attached to opposite sides of the weight (the weight being supported by a third string), and pulled with equal force, the weight does not move. But if one is pulled with a force of 15 pounds, and the other with a force of 10 pounds, the weight moves in the direction of the greater force ; and if a third dynamometer is attached to the weight, on the side of the weaker force, it is found that an additional force of five pounds must be applied to prevent motion. Hence, (2) when two or more forces are applied to a body, they act to greater disadvantage the farther their directions are removed from one another ; and the result of parallel forces acting in opposite directions is a resultant force in the direction of the greater force, equal to their difference. When parallel forces are not applied at the same point, the question arises, What will be the point of application of their resultant? To the opposite extremities of a bar AB(Fig.74) apply two sets of weights, which shall be to each other as 3 Ibs. : 1 Ib. The resultant is a single force, applied at some Fig ' 74< point between A and B. To find this point it is only necessary to find a point where a single force, applied in an opposite direc- tion, will prevent motion resulting from the parallel forces; in other words, to find a point where a support may be applied so that the whole will be balanced. That point is found by. trial to be at the point C, which divides the bar into two parts so that AC : CB : : 1 Ib. : 3 Ibs. Hence, (3) when two parallel forces act upon a body in the same direction, the distances of their points of applica- COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES. 77 tion from the point of application of their resultant are inversely as their intensities. The dynamometer E indicates that a force equal to the sum of the two sets of weights is necessary to balance the two forces. A force whose effect is to balance the effects of one or more forces is called an equilibrant. The result- ant of the two components is a single force, equal to their sum, applied at C in the direction CD. 67. Moment of a Force. The value of a force to produce rotation about a given axis as C (Fig. 75) is called its moment A fcjt C 3ft B about that axis. The a Ibs. ,a) UB, \ \ n M perpendicular distance * (AC or BC) from the fixed point (C) to the M* re- line of direction in which the force acts (AD or BE) is called the leverage or arm. The moment of a force is meas- ured by the product of the number of units of force into the number of units of leverage. For example, the moment of the force applied at A is expressed numerically by the number (30 x 2 =) 60. 68. Equilibrium of Moments. The moment of a force is said to be positive when it tends to produce rota- tion in the direction in which the hands of a clock move, and negative when its tendency is in the reverse direction. If two forces act at different points of a body which is free to rotate about a fixed point, they will produce equi- librium when their moments are opposite and their alge- braic sum is zero. Thus the moment of the force applied at A (Fig. 75) is (-30 X 2) -60. The moment of the force applied at B in an opposite direction is accordingly (+ 20 X 3 =) -f 60. Their algebraic sum is zero, conse- quently there is equilibrium between the forces. 78 GENERAL DYNAMICS. When more than two forces act in this manner, there will be equilibrium if the sum of all the positive mo- ll * ments is equal to the a\ b\ sum of all the nega- soi ^ T j ^ |3o tive moments. Thus c \ d \ c \ f\ the sum of the posi- ijg s 2% vt tive moments acting Fig * 76 * about point F (Fig. 76) is (/) 45 + (e)25 + (a) 30 =100; the sum of the negative moments acting about the same point is (c) 30 + ( force, and = the ratio of gain of force. When S ; is F S greater than S, there is a gain of velocity, and "^r = the ratio of gain of velocity. Experiment 76. Support a lever, as in Figure 97, so that there shall be unequal arms. Move w until the lever is balanced in a hori- zontal position. Suspend (say) seven balls from the short arm (say) one space from the ful- crum. Then from the other arm suspend a single ball from such a place (in this case seven equal spaces from the fulcrum) that it will balance the seven balls. There is now equilibrium between the two forces. Suppose 112 WORK AND ENERGY. the smaller force to be increased a little and to produce motion ; what mechanical advantage (i.e. intensity of force or velocity) would be gained by the use of the machine ? What is the ratio of gain neg- lecting the small additional force? How does this ratio compare with the ratio between the length of the two arms ? For convenience we call the distance of the point of application of the force from the fulcrum the force-arm, and the distance of the resistance from the fulcrum the resistance-arm. Suppose the small additional force is applied to the short arm; what mechanical advantage would be gained ? What would be the ratio of gain ? While the general law of machines is always applica- ble, a special law, one in which the relation be- tween the ratio of gain and the ratio between certain dimensions of the machine is stated, is often more convenient in practice. For example, in our experiment with the lever we discover that R : F : : force-arm : resistance-arm, i.e. the force and resistance vary inversely as the lengths of their respective arms. Compare this special law with the general law. Place the fulcrum at other points in the lever, and thereby vary the length of the arms, and verify by numerous experiments the special law of levers. Experiment 77. By means of a pulley, D, so arrange (Fig. 98) that both F and R may be on the same side of the fulcrum. First, Fig. 98. MACHINES. 113 place in the pan weights sufficient to produce equilibrium in the machine (for example, in this case, one ball). Then suspend weights at some point, as A, and place other weights in the pan to counter- balance these. Verify the law of levers. If A is the resistance, what mechanical advantage is gained ? What is the ratio of gain ? If B is the resistance, what mechanical advantage will be gained ? Experiment 78. Obtain a toy carriage, place it on an inclined plane, pass the cord over a pulley, B (Fig. 99), so adjusted that the cord between the carriage and pulley shall be parallel with the plane. Suspend a small bucket, P, and place sand in it to balance the carriage. Place in the carriage a weight W, and place weights in the bucket to balance W. The weights placed in the bucket represent the force Fig. 99. Fig. loo. Fig. un- applied ; then what advantage is gained in the use of an inclined plane as a machine? W, in traversing the inclined plane AB, only rises through the vertical hight CB, while P must move through a distance equal to AB. Measure the distances AB and CB. How does the ratio 114 WORK AND ENERGY. between these distances compare with the ratio of gain ? Construct a special law of the inclined plane. Experiment 79. Place a "wheel and axle" (Fig. 100) on the support A. Wind a cord around the wheel B, and another in the re- verse direction around the axle C. Suspend a weight, D, from the axle, and another, E, from the wheel, to balance it. If E be the force applied, what advantage is gained ? What, if D is the force applied ? What is the ratio of advantage in either case ? How does the ratio of advantage compare with the ratio between the radius of the wheel AC (Fig. 101) and the radius of the axle BC ? Construct a special law of the wheel and axle . Fig. 102. EXERCfSES. 1. (a) When is a machine said to gain intensity of force? (b) When is it said to gain velocity V MACHINES. 115 2. (a) Can any machine do work ? (6) Can we by the use of any machine accomplish more work than the work performed upon the machine ? What is the proof ? 3. How is intensity of force gained by the use of a machine ? 4. What machine is used only to change the direction of motion ? 5. (a) What is a mechanical Fig. 1O3. (6) Give a rule by which the mechanical advantage Fig. 104. advantage ? that may be gained by any machine may be calculated. 6. Figure 102 repre- sents a pile-driver, (a) How can the energy or the work which the weight W can do when it is raised a given distance be com- puted ? (b) What benefit is derived from the use of the machine in raising the weight ? (c) Suggest some simple attachment to the machine which would enable one man to raise the weight, (e?) Sug- gest some attachment by means of which a horse could be made to do the work, (e) What difference will it make whether the weight is raised 5 feet or 10 feet? (/) Illustrate, by means of this ma- chine, what you un- derstand by force and energy. (g} Which, while the weight rises, is constantly accumu- lating, and which re- Fig. 105. mains nearly constant ? (A) Which can be meas- ured with an instrument, and what is the name of the instrument? 7. (a) What advantage is gained by a lever when its force-arm is longer thin its resistance-arm? (b) What, when its resistance-arm is longer? 8. (a) What advantage is gained by a nut-cracker (Fig. 103)? (6) What is the ratio of gain ? 116 WORK AND ENERGY. Fig. 106. 9. (a) What advantage is gained by cutting far back on the blades of shears near the fulcrum? Why? (b) Should shears for cutting metals be made with short handles and long blades, or the reverse ? (c) What is the advantage of long blades ? 10. Is work done when the moment of the force applied to a lever is equal to the mo- ment of the resistance ? Why ? 11. (a) If P (Fig. 105), weighing 1 pound, is suspend- ed 15 spaces from the fulcrum of the steelyard, what weight (W), suspended 3 similar spaces the other side of the fulcrum, will balance it ? (&) Where would you place the one-pound weight in order to weigh out 6 pounds of tea? 12. (a) If the circumference of the axle (Fig. 106) is 15 inches, and the force applied to the crank acts through 15 feet during each rev- olution, what force will be necessary to raise the bucket of coal weighing (say) 36 pounds? (b) Through how many feet must the force act to raise the bucket from a cavity 48 feet deep? 13. The arm is raised by the con- traction (shortening by muscular force) of the muscle A (Fig. 107), which is attached at one extremity to the shoulder and at the other ex- tremity B to the fore-arm, near the elbow, (a) When the arm is used, as represented in the figure, to raise a weight, what kind of a machine is it ? (b) What mechanical advantage is gained by it ? (c) How can the ratio of gain be com- puted ? (c?) For which purpose is the arm adapted, to gain intensity of force or velocity ? The lengths of the two arms of a balance, such as is used in finding specific gravity (Fig. 60, page 61), should be exactly equal. The arms may be of unequal length, and yet the beam may be in equilibrium Fig. 107. MACHINES. 117 (i.e. take a horizontal position when no weights are applied), in conse- quence of having more matter in the shorter arm, as in Figure 97, page 111. Such a balance is called a, false balance. 14. (a) How would you test a balance to ascertain whether it is true or false ? (6) If you were buying diamonds, and the seller should sell them to you by weight as obtained by placing them on the shorter arm of a false balance, would you be the loser or gainer? The true weight of a body may be found with a false balance by a process called double weighing. The article to be weighed is placed in one pan, and a counterpoise of sand in the other pan. The article is then removed, and known weights placed in the pan until equilibrium is again produced. These weights represent the correct weight of the article. In this way the balances used in the school laboratory should be tested by the pupil Fig. 1O8. Fig. 109. 15. During one revolution a screw advances a distance equal to the distance between two threads, measured in the direction of the axis of the screw. Suppose the screw in the letter-press (Fig. 108) to advance \ inch at each revolution, and a force of 25 pounds to be applied to the circumference of the wheel B, whose diameter is 14 inches. What pressure would be exerted on articles placed beneath the screw? (The circumference of a circle is 3.1416 times its diame- ter.) 16. The toggle-joint (Fig. 109) is a machine employed where great pressure has to be exerted through a small space, as in punching and 118 WORK AND ENERGY. Fig. 110. shearing iron, and in printing-presses, in pressing the types forcibly against the paper. An illustration may be found in the joints used to raise carriage-tops. Force applied to the joint C will cause the two links AC and BC to be straight- ened, or carried forward to e. If point C moves 5 inches while G moves | inch, then what pressure will a force of 50 pounds applied at C exert on the book below ? 17. Show that the hydrostatic press (page 50) conforms in its operation to the general law of machines. 18. A wedge may be regarded as two inclined planes placed base to base, as dc (Fig. 110). (a) What mechanical advantage is gained by it ? (b) Suppose that the thickness db is 4 inches, and the length dc is 8 inches, and that the aver- age pressure exerted upon it by the blow of a sledge is 100 pounds ; what will be the average pressure exerted by the wedge tending to separate the fibers of wood ? A compound machine is one consisting of two or more machines combined in one; e.g. com- pound pulleys (Fig. Ill) and compound wheels and axles (Fig. 112). The mechanical advantage that may be gained by a compound machine may be calculated by multiplying continuously together the ra- tios of the several machines. 19. (a) How great is the advantage gained by one mov- able pulley? (b) How great is the advantage gained by the Fig. 113. compound pulley (Fig. Ill) consisting of three movable pulleys? MACHINES. 119 20. Suppose that the radii of the wheels , d, and/ (Fig. 112) are, respectively, 20 inches, 16 inches, and 24 inches, and the radii of their axles are, respectively, 2 inches, 4 inches, and 6 inches; how great advantage may be gained by the compound machine? Fig. 113. 21. How would you calculate the mechanical advantage gained by a machine like that of Figure 113 ? (On the axle A is an endless screw, by means of which motion is communicated from the axle to the wheel W.) 22. (a) What kind of a machine is a claw-hammer (Fig. 114)? (6) What mechanical advantage is gained by it ? 23. In its technical meaning, a " perpetual motion machine " is not a machine that will run indefinitely, but a machine which can do work without the expenditure of energy. Is such a machine possible? 24. A plank 12 feet long and weighing 24 pounds is supported by two props, one 3 feet from one end, and the other 1 foot from the other end. What is the pressure on each prop? 25. With a movable pulley what force will support a weight of 100 pounds ? 26. The gradient of a certain road on a hillside is one foot in ten feet. What force must a horse exert on a carriage which weighs to- gether with its load one ton, to prevent its descent ? 27. What must be the diameter of a wheel in order that a force of 20 pounds a,pplied at its circumference may be in equilibrium with a resistance of 600 pounds applied to its axle, which is 3 inches in diam- eter? 120 WORK AND ENERGY. 28. Draw a straight line to represent a lever ; locate the fulcrum, and locate the points of application of the force and resistance un- equally distant from the fulcrum. Draw lines from the points of application of the force and resistance so that they will make some angle with each other (i.e. not parallel with each other) to represent the directions in which the two forces respectively act. Ascertain the ratio between the two forces when their moments are equal, i.e. when the two forces are in equilibrium. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS * CHAPTER V. MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Section I. WHAT HEAT IS. SOME SOURCES OF HEAT. 96. Theory of Heat. A body loses motion in com- municating it. The hammer descends and strikes the anvil; its motion ceases, but the anvil is not sensibly moved ; the only observable effect produced is heat. In- stead of a motion of the hammer and anvil, there is now, according to the modern view, an increased vibratory mo- tion of the molecules that compose the hammer and anvil, simply a change from molar to molecular motion. Of course, this latter motion is invisible. According to this view, heat is but a name for the energy of vibration of the molecules of a body. A body is heated by having the motion of its molecules quickened, and cooled by parting with some of its molecular motion. One body is hotter than another when the average kinetic energy of each mole- cule in it is greater than in the other. As late as the beginning of the present century heat was generally regarded as " a sensation which the presence of fire " (an " igneous fluid" " matter of heat," called sometimes " caloric ") " occasions in animate and inanimate bodies." A text-book of that period makes this significant statement : "There is fire in the wood, and there is air in the field, though we do not perceive either while at rest. Kubbing two pieces of wood does not create fire any more than the blowing of the wind creates air. Motion renders both perceptible." The former and the more modern views are in 122 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. harmony in attributing the immediate cause of the sensation to motion. According to the former view, the sensation is produced by putting an imaginary fluid in motion ; according to the modern view it is produced by quickening the motion of the molecules of a body. 97. Artificial Sources of Heat. As heat is energy, so all heat must originate in some form of energy, i.e. by the transformation of some other form of energy into heat. Experiment 80. Place a ten-penny nail on a stone or a flat piece of iron and hammer it briskly for a few minutes. It soon be- comes too hot to be handled with comfort. Rub a desk with your fist ; your coat-sleeve with a metallic button; both the rubbers and the things rubbed become heated. (1) Heat is generated at the expense of molar motion, i.e. molar motion checked becomes molecular motion, or heat. Experiment 81. Take a glass test-tube half full of cold water and pour into it one-fourth its volume of strong sulphuric acid. The liquid almost instantly becomes so hot that the tube cannot be held in the hand. When water is poured upon quicklime, heat is rapidly developed. The invisible oxygen of the air combines with the constituents of the various fuels, such as wood, coal,, oils, and illuminating-gas, and gives rise to what we call burning, or combustion, by which a large amount of heat is generated. In all such cases the heat is generated by the combination or clashing together of molecules of sub- stances that have an affinity (i.e. an attraction) for one another. Before union the energy of the molecules is of the same kind as that of a stone on a shelf. When the shelf is withdrawn, gravity converts the potential energy of the stone into kinetic energy ; so affinity converts the potential energy of the molecules into kinetic energy of vibration ; i.e. into heat. WHAT HEAT IS. 123 (2) Molecular (or atomic) potential energy is transformed in the act of chemical combination into heat. 98. The Sun as a Source of Heat and Energy. The sun is the source of very nearly all the energy employed by man in doing work. Our coal-beds, the results of the de- posit of vegetable matter, are vast storehouses of the sun's energy, rendered potential during the growth of the plants many ages ago. The animal finds its food in the plant, appropriates the energy stored in the plant, and converts it into energy of motion in the form of animal heat and muscular motion. Every rain-drop that rolls its way to the sea, contributing its mite to the immense water-power of the earth, derives its energy from the sun. QUESTIONS. 1. On every hand we see what appears to be at least an almost universal tendency to destruction of motion. Is the destruction usually an annihilation of motion ? 2. What name is usually given to molecular energy? 3. How does it appear that heat is energy? 4. What do you mean when you say that one body is hotter than another ? 5. How must all heat originate ? 6. State all the sources of heat with which you are now acquainted. 7. (a) Give an illustration of mechanical or visible motion trans- formed into molecular motion. (6) Give an illustration of molecular motion transformed into mechanical motion. 8. What kind of energy does coal and other fuel possess ? 9. A lump of coal is raised and placed upon a shelf, (a) How can the potential energy of the lump be transformed into kinetic energy ? (6) Will the kinetic energy resulting from the transformation be mechanical or molecular ? (c) When the lump strikes the earth, what transformation of energy occurs ? 10. Every lump of coal possesses molecular potential energy, (or) How can its energy be transformed into kinetic energy ? (6) What 124 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. two varieties of potential energy does a lump of coal on the shelf 11. (a) How do bodies acquire energy? (b) From what source did coal obtain its molecular potential energy ? (c) What does the entire value of coal consist in? 12. How does animal energy originate ? Section II. TEMPERATURE. METHODS OF EQUALIZATION. 99. Temperature Defined. If body A is brought in contact with body B, and A tends to impart heat to B, then A is said to have a higher temperature than B. Temperature is the state of a body with reference to its tendency to communicate heat to, or receive heat from, other bodies. The direction of the flow of heat deter- mines which of two bodies has the higher temperature. If the temperature of neither body rises at the expense of the other, then both have the same temperature. 100. Temperature distinguished from Quantity of Heat. The term temperature does not signify quantity of heat. If we dip from a gallon of boiling water a cupful, the cup of water is just as hot, i.e. has the same tempera- ture, as the larger quantity, although of course there is a great difference in the quantities of heat the two bodies of water contain. Temperature depends upon the average ki- netic energy of the individual molecule, while quantity of heat depends upon the average kinetic energy of the indi- vidual molecule multiplied by the number of molecules. TEMPERATURE. METHODS OF EQUALIZATION. 125 There is always a tendency to equalization of tempera- ture; that is, heat has a tendency to pass from a warmer body to a colder, or from a warmer to a colder part of the same body, until there is an equality of temperature. 1O1. Conduction. Experiment 82. Place one end of a wire about 10 inches long in a lamp-flame, and hold the other end in the hand. Heat gradually travels from the end in the flame toward the hand. Apply your fin- gers successively at different points nearer and nearer the flame ; you find that the nearer you approach the flame, the hotter the wire is. The flow of heat through an unequally heated body, from places of higher to places of lower temperature, is called conduction ; the body through which it travels is called a conductor. The molecules of the wire in the flame have their motion quickened ; they strike their neighbors and quicken their motion ; the latter in turn quicken the motion of the next ; and so on, until some of the motion is finally communicated to the hand, and creates in it the sensation of heat. Experiment 83. Figure 115 represents a board on which are fastened, by means of staples, four wires : (1) iron, (2) copper, (3) brass, and (4) German silver. Place a lamp-flame where the wires meet. In about a minute run your fingers along the wires from the remote ends toward the flame, and see how near you can approach the flame on each without suffering from the heat. Make a list of these metals, arranging them in the order Fi s- H5- of their conduetibility. You learn that some substances conduct heat much more rapidly than others. The former are called good conduc- tors, the latter poor conductors. Metals are the best con- ductors, though they differ widely among themselves. MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Experiment 84. Fill a test-tube full of water, and hold it some- what inclined (Fig. 116), so that a flame may heat the part of the tube near the surface of the water. Do not allow the flame to touch the part of the tube that does not contain water. The water may be made to boil near its surface for several minutes before any change of the temperature at the bottom will be perceived. Liquids, as a class, are poorer conductors than solids. Gases are Fig. lie. much poorer conductors than liquids. It is difficult to discover that pure, dry air possesses any conducting power. The poor conducting power of our clothing is due partly to the poor conducting power of the fibers of the cloth, but chiefly to the air which is confined by it. Loose garments, and garments of loosely woven cloth, inasmuch as they hold a large amount of confined air, furnish a good protection from heat and cold. Bodies are surrounded with bad conductors, to retain heat when their temperature is above that of surrounding objects, and to exclude it when their temperature is below that of surrounding objects. In the same manner double windows and doors protect from cold. 1O2. Convection in Gases. Experiment 85. Hold your hand a little way from a flame, beneath, on the side of, and above the flame. At which place is the heat most intense ? Experiment 86. Draw on thin glazed paper an unfolding line, so that the windings shall be about | inch apart. Cut along the line; give the central portion a conical form ; place the cone on a pointed end of a vertical wire, and allow the remainder of the paper to fall spirally around the wire as in Figure 117. Place the spiral over a flame or hot stove. A continuous current of air, a mini- Fig. 117. ature wind, moving upward from the flame or stove causes the spiral TEMPERATURE. METHODS OF EQUALIZATION. 127 to rotate. This current tends only upward. The air having become heated by contact with the surfaces of the flame or stove conveys, in its ascent, heat to objects above. Heat is thus diffused by a process called convection (conveying). Experiment 87. Cover a candle-flame with a glass chimney (Fig. 118), blocking the latter up a little way so that there may be a circu- lation of air beneath. Hold the spiral over the chimney; the rotation is much quicker than before. Hold smoking touch-paper near the bottom of the chimney; the smoke seems to be drawn with great rapidity into the chimney at the bottom ; in other words, the office of the chimney is to create what is called a draft of air. Notice whether the combustion takes place any more rapidly with than without the chimney. Fig. 118. Fig. 119. Experiment 88. Place a candle within a circle of holes cut in the cover of a vessel, and cover it with a chimney, A (Fig. 119). Over an orifice in the cover place another chimney, B. Hold a roll of smoking touch-paper over B. The smoke descends this chimney, passes through the vessel and out at A. This illustrates the method often adopted to produce a ventilating draft through mines. Let the interior of a tin vessel represent a mine deep in the earth, and the chimneys two shafts sunk to opposite extremities of the mine. A fire kept burning at the bottom of one shaft will cause a current of air 128 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. to sweep down the other shaft, and through the mine, and thus keep up a circulation of pure air through the mine. The cause of the ascending currents is evident. Air, on becoming heated, expands rapidly and becomes much rarer than the surround- ing colder air ; hence it rises much like a cork in water, while cold air pours in laterally to take its place. In this manner winds are created. The so-called trade-winds originate in the torrid or heated zone of the earth. The air over the heated surface of the earth rises, and the colder air from the polar regions flows in on both sides, giving rise to a constant southward wind in the northern hemisphere, and northward wind in the southern hemisphere. Chemistry teaches us the vital importance of thorough ventilation. Figure 120 represents a scheme for heating a room by steam, and venti- lating it by convection. Steam is conveyed by a pipe from the boiler to a radiator box just beneath the floor of the room. The air in the box becomes heated by contact with and radiation from the coil of pipe in the box, and rises through a pas- sage opening by means of a register into the room near the floor at C, a supply of pure air being kept up by means of a tubular passage opening into the box from the outside of the building. Thus the room is fur- nished with pure warm air, which, mingling with the impurities aris- ing from the respiration of its occu- pants, serves to dilute them, and render them less injurious. At the same time, the warm and partially Fig. 120. vitiated air of the room passes through the open ventilator, A, into the ventilating-flue, and escapes, so that in a moderate length of time a nearly complete change of air is effected. It is evident that on the coldest days of winter the convection is most rapid ; indeed, it may be so rapid that the air cannot be heated sufficiently to render the room neai 1 the floor comfortable. At such times TEMPERATURE. METHODS OF EQUALIZATION. 129 the ventilator A may be closed, while the ventilator B is always open. The heated air rises to top of the room and, not being able to escape, crowds the colder air- beneath out at the ventilator B. No system of ventilation dependent wholly on convection is adequate to ventilate properly crowded halls ; air is too viscous and sluggish in its movements. In such cases ventilation should be assisted by some mechanical means, such as a blower or fan, worked by steam or water power. 103. Convection in Liquids. Experiment 89. Fill a small (6 ounce), thin glass flask with boiling hot water, color it with a teaspoonful of ink, stopper the flask, and lower it deep in a tub, pail, or other large vessel rilled with cold water. Withdraw the stopper, and the hot, rarer, colored water will rise from the flask, and the cold water will descend into the flask. The two currents passing in and out of the nack of the flask are easily distinguished. The colored liquid marks distinctly the path of the heated convection currents through the colored liquid and makes clear the method by which heat, when applied at the bottom of a body of liquid, becomes rapidly diffused through the entire mass notwithstand- ing that liquids are poor conductors. Experiment 90. Fill again the flask with hot colored water, stopper, invert, and introduce the mouth of the flask just beneath the surface of a fresh pail of cold water. Withdraw the stopper with as little agitation of the water as possible. What happens? Explain. 104. Radiation. In some way the sun is the cause of a large amount of the heat which -the surface of the earth possesses. On the other hand, the earth in some way parts with a large amount of heat. It is quite apparent that the earth does not receive heat from the sun by conduction or convection, and that by neither of these processes does it part with heat. It is also apparent that there is another and a much more rapid and effectual method by which bodies of higher tempera- ture on the earth part with their heat, and other bodies of lower temperature acquire heat at the expense of distant bodies, than by either of the two comparatively slow pro- cesses of diffusion so far described. This process is called 130 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. radiation. The process is a very peculiar one, and must be reserved for discussion in its proper place in the chapter on Radiant Energy. QUESTIONS. 1. Why does more heat reach your hand above than at an equal distance beside a flame ? 2. Why is loose clothing warmer than tight-fitting clothing? 3. (a) Which contains more heat, the Atlantic Ocean or a tea-kettle full of boiling water? (6) Which is capable of giving heat to the other? (c) Can a body have less heat than another and yet be hotter than the other? 4. Why should heat be applied to the bottom of a body of water? 5. (a) How is equalization of temperature effected in solids? (6) In liquids and gases ? Section III. EFFECTS OF HEAT. EXPANSION. 1O5. Expansion of Solids, Liquids, and Gases. Experiment 91. The brass ring and ball (Fig. 121) are so constructed that the latter will just pass through the former when both have the same, or nearly the same, temperature. Heat the ball quite hot in a flame, and ascertain by trying to pass it through the ring whether it has increased in size. Devise some method of passing it through the ring without cooling the ball. Experiment 92. Figure 122 represents a thin Fig. 121. brass plate and an iron plate of the same dimensions riveted together so far as to form what is called a compound bar. Place the bar edgewise in a flame, dividing the flame in halves (one- EFFECTS OF HEAT. EXPANSION. 131 half on each side of the bar) so that both metals may be equally heated. The bar, which was at first straight, is now bent, owing to the unequal expansion of the two metals on receiving equal increments of heat. Which metal expands more rapidly? Thrust the hot bar into cold water. What happens ? Cover the bar with chips of ice. What happens? Experiment 93. Fit stoppers (perforated rubber stop- pers are best) tightly in the necks of two similar thin glass flasks (or test-tubes), and through each stopper pass a glass tube about 18 inches long. The flasks should be nearly of the same size. Fill one flask with water and the other with alcohol, and crowd in the stoppers so as to force the liquids up the tubes a little way above the stoppers. Set both flasks at the same time into a large basin of hot Fig 7"i22. water in order that both may have the same opportunity to acquire heat. Soon the liquids begin to expand and rise in the tubes. Which liquid is more expansible ? Experiment 94. Take a dry flask like that used in Experiment 89, insert the end of the tube in a bottle of colored water (Fig. 123), and apply heat to the flask ; the enclosed air expands and comes out through the liquid in bubbles. After a few minutes, withdraw the heat, keeping the end of the tube in the liquid ; as the air left in the flask cools, it loses some of its tension, and the water is forced by atmospheric pressure up the tube into the flask, and partially fills it. ^ Experiment 95. Partly fill a foot-ball (see Fig. 9, page 8) with cold air, close the orifice, and place it near a fire. The air will expand and distend the ball. Different substances, both in the solid and liquid states, expand unequally on Flg ' experiencing equal changes of temperature. Except at very low temperatures, all gases expand alike for equal changes of temperature. Under uniform pressure (as is very nearly the case in the experiment with the balloon) 132 MOLECULAB ENERGY. HEAT. the volume of any body of gas varies -^ its volume at the freezing-point of water for every degree Centigrade, or -jiy for every degree Fahrenheit, its temperature is changed. But if the gas is confined in a vessel of rigid sides, so that its volume is necessarily constant, then its tension varies in the same ratio for every degree its temperature is changed. The force exerted by bodies in expanding or contracting is very great, as shown by the following rough calculation : If an iron bar, 1 square inch in section, is raised from C. (freezing-point of water) to 500 C. (a dull, red heat), its length, if allowed to expand freely, will be increased from 1 to 1.006. Now, a force capable of stretching a bar of iron of 1 square inch section this amount is about 90 tons, which represents very nearly the force that would be necessary to prevent the expansion caused by heat. It would require an equal force to prevent the same amount of contraction if the bar is cooled from 500 to C. Boiler plates are riveted with red-hot rivets, which, on cooling, draw the plates together so as to form very tight joints. Tires are fitted on carriage- wheels when red hot, and, on cooling, grip them with very great force. 1O6. Abnormal Expansion and Contraction of Water. Water presents a partial exception to the general rule that matter expands on receiving heat and contracts on losing it. If a quantity of water at C., or 32 R, is heated, it contracts as its temperature rises, until it reaches 4 C., or about 39 F., when its volume is least, and there- fore it has its maximum density. If heated beyond this temperature, it expands, and at about 8 C. its volume is the same as at 0. On cooling, water reaches its maximum density at 4 C., and expands as the temperature falls below that point. [See treatment of Expansion-Coeffi- cients, Section E, Appendix.] THERMOMETRY. 133 Section IV. THERMOMETRY. A thermometer primarily indicates changes in volume ; but as changes of volume are caused by changes of tem- perature, it is commonly used for the more important pur- pose of indicating temperature. 1C 7. Construction of a Thermometer. A thermom- eter generally consists of a glass tube of capillary bore, terminating at one end in a bulb. The bulb and part of the tube are filled with mercury, and the space in the tube above the mercury is usually a vacuum. On the tube, or on a plate behind the tube, is a scale to show the hight of the mercurial column. 108. Standard Temperatures. That a thermometer may indicate any definite temperature, it is necessary that its scale should relate to some definite and unchangeable points of temperature. Fortunately nature furnishes us with two convenient standards. It is found that under ordinary atmospheric pressure ice always melts at the same temperature, called the melting-point, or, more com- monly, the freezing-point (water freezes and ice melts at the same temperature). Again, the temperature of steam rising from boiling water under the same pressure is always the same. 109. Graduation of Thermometers. The bulb of a thermometer is first placed in melting ice (Fig. 124), and allowed to stand until the surface of the mercury becomes 134 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. stationary, arid a mark is made upon the stem at that point, and indicates the freezing-point. Then the instru- ment is suspended in steam rising from boiling water (Fig. 125), so that all but the very top of the column is in the steam. The mercury rises in the stem until its tempera- ture becomes the same as that of the steam, when it again becomes stationary, and another mark is placed upon the stem to indicate the boiling-point. Then the space be- Fig. 134. Fig. 125. tween the two points found is divided into a convenient number of equal parts called degrees, and the scale is ex- tended above and below these points as far as desirable. Two methods of division are adopted in this country : by one, this space is divided into 180 equal parts, and the result is called the Fahrenheit scale, from the name of its author ; by the other, the space is divided into 100 equal parts, and the resulting scale is called centigrade, which means one hundred steps. In the Fahrenheit scale, which is generally employed in English-speaking countries for ordinary household purposes, the freezing and boiling THERMOMETRY. 135 points are marked respectively 32 and 212. The of this scale (32 below freezing- point), which is about the lowest tempera- ture that can be obtained by a mixture of snow and salt, was incorrectly supposed to be the lowest temperature attainable. The centigrade scale, which is generally em- ployed by scientists, has its freezing and boiling points more conveniently marked, respectively and 100. A temperature be- low in either scale is indicated by a minus sign before the number. Thus 12 F. in- dicates 12 below (or 44 below freezing- point), according to the Fahrenheit scale. To reduce a Fahrenheit reading to a centigrade reading, first subtract 32 from the given number, and then multiply by ^. Thus, 100 c To change a centigrade reading to a Fah- renheit reading, first multiply the given number by -|, and then add 32. Thus, Fig. 126. 11O. Absolute Zero. The zeros on the thermometric scales which we have hitherto considered are provisional, arbitrary. Absolute zero is the temperature corresponding to total absence of heat. At the absolute zero the mole- cules must be supposed to be at rest. At this temperature gases (if they may be called such) exert no pressure, and occupy no space save that which their molecules take up when closely packed together. The point of absolute zero is a point beyond which no cooling is conceivable. It is independent of the conventions of man. 136 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Now it has been found that the pressure in air increases or diminishes by .00367 = (about) ^^ of its pressure at for each centigrade degree of rise or fall of temperature, the volume being maintained constant. If air were a per- fect gas, and could be cooled down in this way to 273 C. ( 459.4 F.), it would exert no pressure. The reason it would exert no pressure is that its particles possess no kinetic energy, no motion. This is assumed, therefore, to be the absolute zero of temperature. 111. Absolute Temperature. Absolute temperature is that reckoned from the absolute zero, or 273 C. Temperatures measured from absolute zero are proportional to the pressure of a theoretically perfect gas of constant volume or density. The absolute temperature (based on the above theory) of any body is found by adding 273 to its temperature as indicated by a centigrade thermometer,, or 459.4 to its temperature as indicated by a Fahrenheit thermometer. EXERCISES. 1. Express the following temperatures of the centigrade scale in the Fahrenheit scale: 100; 40; 56; 60; 0; -20; -40; 80; 150. NOTE. In adding or subtracting 32, it should be done algebraically. Thus to change 14 C. to its equivalent on the Fahrenheit scale : f X ( 14) = 25.2; 25.2 + 32 = 6.8, the required temperature on the Fahrenheit scale. Again, to find the equivalent of 24 F. in the centi- grade scale :24 32= 8; 8X f = 4f ; hence, 24 F. is equivalent to - 4.4 + C. 2. Express the following temperatures of the Fahrenheit scale in the centigrade scale : 212; 32; 90; 77; 20; 10; - 10; - 20; -40; 40; 59; 329. 3. Mercury freezes at 39 C. and boils at 350 C.; find, in both centigrade and Fahrenheit degrees, the absolute temperatures at which mercury freezes and boils. LIQUEFACTION AND VAPORIZATION. 137 Section V. EFFECTS OF HEAT CONTINUED. LIQUEFACTION AND VAPORIZATION. 112. Liquefaction. As previously stated (page 9), whether a body exist in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state depends upon its temperature and the pressure which it is under. Experiment 96. Take a lump of ice as large as your two fists, put it into boiling water ; when reduced to about \ its original size skim it out. Wipe the lump, and place one hand on it and the other on a lump to which heat has not been applied. Do you perceive any difference in their temperatures? Ice reduces the temperature of victuals in our refrigerators ; do the victuals raise the temperature of the ice? How does the heat which the victuals impart to the ice affect it? Experiments and experience teach that (1) the melting or solidifying point (they are always the same for the same substance) may vary widely for different substances, but for the same substance it is invariable when under the same pressure. (2) The temperature of a solid or liquid remains con- stant at the melting-point from the moment that melting or solidification begins. 113. Vaporization. Experiment 97. Place a test-tube (Fig. 127), half filled with ether, in a beaker containing water at a temperature of 60 C. Although the temperature of the water is 40 below its boiling-point, it very quickly raises the temperature of the ether sufficiently to cause Fig. 137. it to boil violently. Introduce a chemical thermometer 1 into the test-tube, and ascertain the boiling-point of ether. 1 A chemical thermometer has its scale on tho glass stem, instead of a plate, and is otherwise adapted to experimental use. 138 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Experiment 98. Take two beakers half full of water. Kaise both to the boiling-point. Dissolve pulverized saltpetre in one as long as it readily dissolves. Suspend in both liquids chemical ther- mometers, so that the bulb of each shall be within one inch of the bottom. Does the boiling water, as you continue to apply heat, get hotter? Is the boiling solution any hotter than the boiling water? Does the solution get hotter as it becomes concentrated by loss of water by vaporization ? After a liquid begins to boil, the temperature remains con- stant until the whole is vaporized, if the density of the liquid and the pressure remain constant. Experiment 99. Place a beaker, half full of water at 80 C., under the receiver of an air-pump, and exhaust the air. The water, though far below its usual boiling-point, boils violently. Readmit the air, and test the temperature of the water which has just been boiling. Fig. 138. Fig. 129. Experiment 100. Half fill a thin glass flask with water. Boil the water over a Bunsen burner; the steam will drive the air from the flask. Withdraw the burner, quickly cork the flask very tightly, invert the flask, and pour cold water upon the part containing steam, as in Figure 128 ; the water in the flask, though cooled several degrees LIQUEFACTION AND VAPORIZATION. 139 below the usual boiling-point, boils again violently. The application of cold water to the flask condenses some of the steam, and diminishes the tension of the rest, so that the pressure upon the water is dimin- ished, and the water boils at a reduced temperature. If hot water is poured upon the flask, the water ceases to boil. Why? Experiment 101. Provide a tumbler of cold water, a test-tube nearly filled with water, tightly stoppered, and having glass tubes ex- tending through the stopper, as represented in Figure 129. Place the exposed end of the bent tube in the tumbler of water, and apply heat to the bottom of the test-tube, and boil the water for about five minutes. Then remove the heat, leave the end of the tube in the tumbler of water, and allow the water of the test-tube to cool for some time ; or, better, to hasten the d\\\ cooling, place the test- tube in another tum- bler of cold water. Ob- serve carefully, and explain all phenomena which occur from the beginning to the end of the operation. 114. Distillation. Experiment 102. Vessel A (Fig. 130) (called a condenser) contains a coil (called a worm) of copper Fig ' 130> tube, terminating at one extremity at a. The other end of the tube, b, projects through the side of the vessel near its bottom. Near the top of the vessel projects another tube, c (called the overflow), with which is con- nected a rubber tube, e. This tube conveys the warm water which rises from the surface of the heated worm away to a sink or other convenient receptacle. Take a glass flask of a quart capacity, fill it three-fourths full of pond or bog water. Connect the flask by means of a glass delivery-tube with the extremity a of the worm. Heat the water in the flask ; as soon as 140 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. it begins to boil, commence siphoning cold water through a small tube, d, from an elevated vessel E into the condenser. Inasmuch as the worm is constantly surrounded with cold water, the steam on passing through it becomes condensed into a liquid, and the liquid (called the distillate} trickles from the extremity b into a receiving vessel. The distillate is clear, but the water in the flask acquires a yellowish brown tinge as the boiling progresses, due to the concentration of impurities (largely of vegetable matter) which are held in suspension and solu- tion in ordinary pond water. The apparatus used is called a still, and the operation distillation. When a volatile liquid is to be separated from water, for example, when alcohol is separated from the vinous mash after fermentation (see Chemistry, page 184), the mixed liquid is heated to its boiling-point, which is lower than that of water. Much more of the volatile liquid will be con- verted into vapor than of the water, because its boiling point is lower. Thus a partial separation is effected. By repeated distillations of the distillate, a 95 per cent alcohol is obtained. 115. Evaporation. In boiling, the heat, applied at the bottom, rapidly converts the liquid into vapor, which, rising in bubbles and breaking at or near the surface, pro- duces a violent agitation in the liquid, called boiling or ebullition. Boiling takes place only at a definite tempera- ture, which depends on the kind of liquid and the pressure that is on it. Evaporation is that form of vaporization which takes place quietly and slowly at the surface. Al- though hastened by heat, the evaporation of water occurs at any temperature, however low; even ice and snow evaporate. The rapidity of evaporation increases with the tempera- ture, amount of surface exposed, dryness of the atmosphere, and diminution of pressure. This vapor of water mixes freely with the air, and diffuses rapidly through it, acting like another gas. A given space, for example, a cubic foot (it matters little whether there is air in the space or whether it is a vacuum), can hold only a limited amount LIQUEFACTION AND VAPORIZATION. 141 of water vapor. This quantity depends on the tempera- ture of the vapor. The capacity of a space for water vapor increases rapidly with the temperature, being nearly doubled by a rise of 10 C. When a space contains sucli an amount of water vapor that it temperature cannot be lowered without some of the water being precipitated in the form of a liquid, the vapor is said to be saturated, and the temperature at which this happens is called the dew-point. Experiment 103. Take a bright nickel-plated cup, such, for ex- ample, as are used for lemonade-shakers ; pour into it a small quantity of tepid water. Place in the water the bulb of a chemical thermome- ter. Gradually reduce the temperature of the water by stirring into it ice water until you discover a slight dimness of the luster of that portion of the outside of the cup next the water. If the ice water does not reduce the temperature sufficiently, add ice, keeping the mix- ture briskly stirring. If the ice does not answer, pour out some of the water and sprinkle salt on the ice, keeping the bulb of the ther- mometer in the remaining water. Note the temperature of the water at the instant that the first mist or dimness appears on the cup. Wait until the dimness or mist disappears, and note the temperature of the water when the last disappears. Take the mean of the two temperatures for the dew-point. The form in which the condensed vapor appears is, according to its location, dew, fog, or cloud. 1 The atmosphere is said to be dry or humid, not according to the quantity of water vapor which it at any time contains, but according as it can contain much or little more than it has. The air in summer months usually contains a large amount of water vapor, yet it is usually very dry. The heat of a stove dries the air of a room without destroying any of its water vapor. In such a room, the lips, tongue, throat, and skin experience a disagreeable sensation of dryness, owing to the rapid evaporation which takes place from their surfaces. This should be taken as nature's admonition to keep water in the stove urns, and tanks connected with furnaces. 1 A cloud is simply a fog in an elevated region of the atmosphere. It is composed of minute spheres of water from 7^53 to TO \j C of an inch in diameter. 142 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Section VI. HEAT CONVERTIBLE INTO POTENTIAL ENERGY, AND VICE VERSA. 116. Heat Units. It is frequently necessary to meas- ure quantity of heat, and for this purpose a standard unit of measurement is required. The heat unit generally adopted is the amount of heat required to raise the tempera- ture of one kilogram of water from 4 to 5 C. This unit is called a calorie, or kilogram-centigrade. Let it be required to find approximately the amount of heat that disappears during the melting of one kilogram of ice. Experiment 104. Weigh out 200 of dry (dry it with a towel) ice chips whose temperature in a room of ordinary temperature may be safely assumed to be C. Weigh out 200& of boiling water, whose temperature we assume to be 100 C. Pour the hot water upon the ice, and stir until the ice is all melted. Test the temperature of the resulting liquid. Suppose its temperature is found to be 10 C. It is evident that the temperature of the hot water in falling from 100 to 90 would yield sufficient heat to raise an equal weight of water from to 10 C. Hence it is clear that the heat which the water at 90 yields in falling from 90 to 10 - a fall of 80 in some manner disappears. At this rate had you used l k of ice and l k of hot water, the amount of heat lost would be 80 calories. Careful experiments, in which suit- able allowances are made for loss or gain of heat by radiation and conduction, have determined that 80 calories of heat are consumed in melting 1 kilogram of ice. How near to this do the results of your ex- periments approach ? Next let it be required to find the amount of heat that disappears during the conversion of 1 kilogram of water into steam. Experiment 105. Take in a porcelain evaporating-dish 50 g of HEAT CONVERTIBLE INTO POTENTIAL ENERGY. 143 ice water at (say) 5 C. Place it over a flame, and, watch in hand, note the time in seconds which elapses before it boils. Then note the time which elapses before it is all converted into steam. Suppose that it required 100 seconds to raise the water from 5 to its boiling- point, which we assume is 100 a rise of 95 ; and that it requires 530 seconds to convert the water, after it commences to boil, into steam. Then the latter operation consumes (530-^100=) about 5.3 times as much time as the former. But the heat applied to the water while boiling does not raise its temperature (see Exp. 98, page 137) ; then all the heat given to the water during the interval of time dis- appears. Had you taken l k of water, it would have required 95 calo- ries to raise the water from 5 to 100 C. Hence, in converting the l k of water into steam, 95x5.3= (about) 503 calories disappear. Accurate methods have determined that 537 calories disappear during the conversion of l k of water into steam. The heat which disappears in melting and boiling is generally, but with our present knowledge of the subject, rather objectionably, called latent (hidden) heat. The error consists in calling that heat which has ceased to be heat. The heat, i.e. kinetic energy, that disappears in melting is consumed in doing interior (i.e. molecular) work. The molecules that in the solid are held firmly in their places by molecular forces, are moved from their places during melting, and so work is done against these forces, much as work is done against gravity when a stone is raised. In both cases kinetic energy is consumed disap- pears ; but this means simply that it is transformed into potential energy. The so-called latent heat is simply a misnomer for molecular potential energy. When water is converted into steam, the larger portion of the heat, which is rendered latent, is consumed in separating the molecules so far that molecular attraction is no longer sensible ; a small portion about x 1 ^ is consumed in overcoming atmospheric pressure. The amount of work done in melting and boiling especially the latter is very great, as shown by the amount of heat consumed. Hence it requires a long time to acquire the requisite amount of heat. This is a protection against 144 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. sudden changes. For example, if snow and ice melted immediately on reaching the melting-point, all the snow and ice would melt in a single warm day in winter, creating most destructive freshets. 117. Potential Energy converted into Heat by the Solidification of Liquids and the Liquefaction of Vapors. If our theory be true that heat is converted into potential energy during vaporization and melting, then ought the energy to be restored to the kinetic state (i.e. the heat which disappears during these operations ought to be restored) when the molecules return to their original positions, i.e. when vapor becomes liquid, or when liquids solidify. Experiment 106. Take in a beaker C (Fig. 131) l k of water at (say) 12 C. Take about 500s of water in a flask A, and raise it to the boiling- point. As soon as it be- gins to boil, connect the flask with the beaker by a delivery-tube B, carry- ing the end of the tube nearly to the bottom of the beaker. When about one- fifth of the water has boiled away, remove the delivery tube from C, and immedi- Flg * 131 " ately test the temperature of the water in the beaker, and weigh it. Assume that the temperature of the steam is 100 C., and we will suppose, for illustration, that there are 1,100= of water now in the beaker; then 100s of water have been converted into steam which has passed into the beaker and been condensed or liquefied by the cold water. Suppose, again, that the temperature of the water in the beaker was raised thereby to 70 C. Now 100* of water at 100 C. (resulting from the condensation of the steam) in falling to 70 C. could yield (30-4-10=) only 3 calories; hence it could raise the l k of water only 3; i.e. from 12 to 15 C. Then it is evident that it must have acquired the balance of (70 15=) 55 calories, by the HEAT CONVERTIBLE INTO POTENTIAL ENERGY. 145 restoration of the latent heat to real heat when the steam is liquefied. If the liquefaction of 100s of steam yields 55 calories, then the lique^ faction of l k of steam would yield 550 calories. Accurate methods give 537 calories. Various phenomena show that heat is developed during the solidifica- tion of liquids, but as the development is slow, and the loss by radiation rapid, it is difficult to make measurements. There are good reasons for assuming, however, that there are 80 calories of heat generated for every kilogram of water that is frozen. Farmers sometimes turn to practical use this well-known phenomenon. Anticipating a cold night, they carry tubs of water into cellars to be frozen. The heat generated thereby, although of a low temperature, is sufficient to protect vegetables which freeze at a lower temperature than water. Steam is a most convenient vehicle for the conveyance of latent heat. For example, every kilogram of steam that is condensed in the radiator box (Fig. 120, p. 128) contributes to the air which passes through the box 537 calories, or heat sufficient to raise 5.37 k of ice water to the boiling- point. 118. Methods of Producing Artificial Cold. The fact that heat must be consumed because work is done, in the conversion of solids into liquids and liquids into vapors, is turned to practical use in many ways for the purpose of producing artificial cold. The following ex- periments will illustrate. 119. Cold by Dissolving. Freezing Mixtures. Experiment 107. Prepare a mixture of 2 parts, by weight, of pulverized ammonium nitrate and 1 part of ammonium chloride. Take about 75 CC of water (not warmer than 8 C.), and into it pour a large quantity of the mixture, stirring the same, while dissolving, with a test-tube containing a little cold water. The water in the test-tube will be quickly frozen. A finger placed in the solution will feel a painful sensation of cold, and a thermometer will indicate a temperature. of about 10 C. One of the most common freezing mixtures consists of 3 parts of snow or broken ice and 1 part of common salt. The affinity of salt for water causes a liquefaction of the 146 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. ice, and the resulting liquid dissolves the salt, both opera- tions requiring heat. 12O. Cold by Evaporation. Experiment 108. Fill the palm of the hand with ether; the ether quickly evaporates, and produces a painful sensation of cold. Experiment 109. Place water at about 30 C. in a thin porous cup, such as is used in the Grove's battery, and the same amount of water, at the same temperature, in a glass beaker of as nearly as pos- sible the same size as the porous cup. Introduce into each a chemi- cal thermometer. The comparatively large amount of surface exposed by means of the porous vessel will so hasten the evaporation in this vessel, that, in the course of 10 to 15 minutes, quite a sensible difference of temperature will be indicated by the thermometers in the two vessels. Experiment 110. Cover closely the bulb of an air thermometer (Fig. 132) with thin muslin, and partly fill the stem with water. Let one person slowly drop ether on the bulb, while another briskly blows the air charged with vapor away from the bulb with a bellows ; or, place the bulb in a window whose sash is raised a little way, so as to be in a draft. As the air changes rapidly, it does not become saturated with vapor so as to impede evaporation, and in 10 to 15 minutes the water in the stern freezes, even in a warm room. The evaporation of perspiration conduces to our health and comfort by relieving us of surplus heat. We cool the fevered forehead by bathing it with a volatile liquid, such as a solution of alcohol in water. Windy days seem colder to us than still days, although the temperature of both is the same, because evaporation of perspiration takes place more rapidly in a changing air. Fanning in a similar way changes the air next our persons, thereby quickening the evaporation of the perspiration, and cooling the surface of the body. Ice is now manufactured in large quantities during the summer season in warm climates by the evaporation of liquid ammo- nia. Evaporation is the most efficient means of producing extremely low temperatures. HEAT CONVERTIBLE INTO POTENTIAL ENERGY. 147 QUESTIONS. 1. How can water be made to boil at a low temperature ? 2. Upon what does the tension of steam depend ? 2. Why can you not make ice warm ? 4. Does ice always have the same temperature ; i.e. can it be made colder than 32 F. ? 5. What is the lowest temperature any body can have ? 6. (a) Where does the " sweat " on ice-pitchers come from ? (6) Where does dew on grass come from ? (c) How are clouds formed ? 7. (a) When the sweat on ice-pitchers is very abundant, what does it indicate about dew-point ? (b) Does it forebode fair or rainy weather ? 8. How will you easily show that ether boils at a lower tempera- ture than water? 9. In which will vegetables cook quicker, in fresh or salt water ? 10. How could you separate the alcohol of rum or brandy from the watery part ? 11. (a). On what kind of days do clothes dry fastest? (6) W T ill frozen clothes dry? 12. (a) How does heat dry the air ? (b) How does heat dry clothes ? 13. Suppose that 10 k of steam, at 100 C., is condensed in the steam-pipe in the radiator box, Figure 120, per hour ; how much heat will it furnish to the surrounding air ? 14. How much heat will be produced by freezing one cubic foot (about 29 k or 02.5 pounds) of water? 15. (a) When the barometric column stands at 760 mm , what quantity of heat must be applied to 5 k of icer at 0C to convert it into steam in an open vessel ? (7>) What will be the temperature of the steam at the instant of generation ? (c) How much of the heat applied is rendered latent during the conversion from ice to steam ? 16. Is there any reason why the boiling point of water in an open vessel should be different on the top of a mountain from what it is at its base ? 17. Why does ice melt slowly even in warm places? 18. 10 k of water at 100C will melt how much ice at 0? 19. The freezing of the water of lakes and other bodies of water tends to produce what change in the temperature of the air ? 20. Why does not all the water in a tea-kettle flash into steam at the instant it reaches its boiling point ? 148 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Section VII. HEAT CAPACITY. 121. Heat Capacity, Specific Heat. The expression heat capacity applied to a body refers to the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of the body 1. The expression specific heat l is applied only to some par- ticular substance and refers to the quantity of heat required to raise one kilogram of that substance from 4 to 5 C. It is apparent that the specific heat of a substance is the heat capacity of 1 unit of mass of that substance. Experiment 111. Mix l k of water at with l k at 20; the temperature of the mixture becomes 10. The heat that leaves l k of water when it falls from 20 to 10 is just capable of raising l k of water from to 10. Experiment 112. Take (say) 300 g of sheet lead, make a loose roll of it, and suspend it by a thread in boiling water for about five minutes, that it may acquire the same temperature (100 C.) as the water. Remove the roll from the hot water, and immerse it as quickly as possible in 300 g of water at 0, and introduce the bulb of a thermometer Note the temperature of the water when it ceases to rise, which will be found to be about 3 (accurately 3.3 +). The lead cools very much more than the water warms. The temperature of lead falls about 33 for every degree an equal mass of water is warmed. From Experiment 111 we infer that a body in cooling a certain number of degrees gives to surrounding bodies as much heat as it takes to raise its temperature the same 1 The specific heat of a substance is often defined as the ratio of the heat capacity of a body of that substance to the heat capacity of an equal mass of water. HEAT CAPACITY. 149 number of degrees. From Experiment 112 we learn that the quantity of heat that raises l k of lead from 3.3 -)- to 100, when transferred to water, can raise l k of water only from to 3.3. Hence we conclude that equal quantities of heat, applied to equal masses of different substances, raise their temperatures unequally. If equal masses of mercury, alcohol, and water receive equal quantities of heat, the mercury will rise 30, and the alcohol nearly 2, for every degree the water rises. From this we infer that to raise equal masses of each of these substances 1 requires 30 times as much heat for the water as for the mercury, and twice as much as for the alcohol. Since a given quantity of heat affects the temperature of a given mass of water less than that of an equal mass of mercury or alcohol, water is said to have greater specific heat than these substances. It is also apparent that a given mass of water in cooling imparts to surrounding bodies more heat than the same masses of mercury and alcohol would impart in cooling the same number of degrees, in proportion to its greater specific heat. " The vast influence which the ocean must exert as a moderator of cli- mate here suggests itself. The heat of summer is stored up in the ocean, and slowly given out during the winter. This is one cause of the absence of extremes in an island climate." j The high specific heat of water is utilized in heating buildings by hot water. 122. Method of Measuring Specific Heat. A known mass m (in kilograms) of the substance of which the specific heat is required is taken, as in Experiment 112, and heated to a known temperature ti (C.); then it is mixed with (or immersed in) a known mass of water w 2 at a lower temperature t%, and as soon as thermal equilibrium is established throughout, the temperature of the mixture t is taken. Let s represent the specific heat of the substance sought. Then the quantity of heat lost by the substance is m X 3 (ti t) calories ; while that gained by the water is m z (t 2 ) calories. Now if no heat be lost during the operation, m X s fa t) mz(t t 2 ) whence s =^-77 r'. For example, taking the in \i>\ f ) quantities obtained in Experiment 112, we find for lead (300 g==c=.3 k ) 150 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Section VIII. THERMO-DYNAMICS. 123. Therm o-dynamics Defined. Thermo-dynamics is that branch of science that treats of the relation between heat and mechanical work. One of the most important discov- eries in science is that of the equivalence of heat and work; that is, that a definite quantity of mechanical work, when transformed "without waste, will yield a definite quantity of heat; and conversely, this heat, if there were no waste, could perform the original quantity of mechanical work. 124. Transformation, Correlation, and Conservation of Energy. The proof of the facts just stated was one of the most important steps in the establishment of the grand twin conceptions of modern science : (1) That all kinds of energy are so related to one another that energy of any kind can be transformed into energy of any other kind, known as the doctrine of CORRELATION OF ENERGY; (2) That when one form of energy disappears, an exact equivalent of another form always takes its place, so that the sum total of energy is unchanged, known as the doctrine of CONSER- VATION OF ENERGY. These two principles constitute the corner-stone of physical science. Chemistry teaches that there is a conservation of matter. 125. Joule's Experiment. The experiment to ascer- tain the "mechanical value of heat," as performed by Dr. Joule of England, was conducted about as follows. He caused a paddle-wheel to revolve in water, by means of a tailing weight attached to a cord wound around the axle THERMO-DYNAMICS. 151 of a wheel. The resistance offered by the water to the motion of the paddles was the means by which the mechan- ical energy of the weight was converted into heat, which raised the temperature of the water. Taking a body of a known weight, e.g. 80 k , he raised it a measured distance, e.g. 53 m high; by so doing 4,240 kgm of work were performed upon it, and consequently an equivalent amount of energy was stored up in it ready to be converted, first into me- chanical motion, then into heat. He took a definite weight of water to be agitated, e.g. 2 k , at a temperature of C. After the descent of the weight, the water was found to have a temperature of 5 C. ; consequently the 2 k of water must have received 10 units of heat (careful allowance being made for all losses of heat), which is the amount of heat-energy that is equivalent to 4,240 kgm of work, or one unit of heat is equivalent to 424*^ m of work. 126. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. As a con- verse of the above it may be demonstrated by actual ex- periment that the quantity of heat required to raise l k of water from 4 to 5 C. will, if converted into work, raise a 424 k weight l m high, or l k weight 424 m high. According to the English system, the same fact is stated as follows : The quantity of heat that will raise 1 pound of water 1 F. will raise 772.55 pounds 1 foot high. The quantity, 424 kgm , is called the mechanical equivalent of one calorie, or Joule's equivalent (abbreviated simply J.). Or, we may say that one calorie is the thermal equivalent of 424 kgm of work. 152 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Section IX. STEAM-ENGINE. 127. Description of a Steam-Engine. A steam-en- gine is a machine in which the elastic force of steam is the motive power. Inasmuch as the elastic force of steam is entirely due to heat, the steam-engine is properly a heat en- gine ; that is, it is a machine by means of which heat is continuously transformed into work or mechanical motion. The modern steam-engine consists essentially of an ar- rangement by which steam from a boiler is conducted to both sides of a piston alternately ; and then, having done its work in driving the piston to and fro, is discharged from both sides alternately, either into the air or into a condenser. The diagram in Figure 133 will serve to illus- trate the general features and the operation of a steam-en- gine. The details of the various mechanical contrivances are purposely omitted, so as to present the engine as nearly as possible in its simplicity. In the diagram, B represents the boiler, F the furnace, S the steam-pipe through which steam passes from the boiler to a small chamber VC, called the valve-chest. In this chamber is a slide-valve V, which, as it is moved to and fro, opens and closes alternately the passages M and N leading from the valve-chest to the cylinder C, and thus admits the steam alternately each side of the piston P. When one of these passages is open, the other is always closed. Though the passage between the valve-chest and the space in the cylinder on one side of the piston is closed, thereby preventing the entrance of steam into this space, the passage leading from the same space is open STEAM-ENGINE. 153 through the interior of the valve, so that steam can escape from this space through the exhaust-pipe E. Thus, in the position of the valve represented in the diagram, the pas- sage N is open, and steam entering the cylinder at the top drives the piston in the direction indicated by the arrow. At the same time the steam on the other side of the piston escapes through the passage M and the exhaust-pipe E. While the piston moves to the left, the valve moves to the Fig. 133. right, and eventually closes the passage N leading from the valve-chest, opens the passage M into the same, and thus the order of things is reversed. Motion is communicated by the piston through the piston-rod R to the crank G, and by this means the shaft A is rotated. Connected with the shaft by means of the 154 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. crank H is a rod R' which connects with the valve V, so that, as the shaft rotates, the valve is made to slide to and fro, and always in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the piston. The shaft carries a fly-wheel W. This is a large, heavy wheel, having the larger portion of its weight located near its circumference; it serves as a reservoir of energy which is needed to make the rotation of the shaft and all other machinery connected with it uniform, so that sudden changes of velocity resulting from sudden changes of the driving power or resistances are avoided. By means of a belt passing over the wheel W motion may be communi- cated from the shaft to any machinery desirable. 128. Condensing and Non-Condensing Engines. 1 Sometimes steam, after it has done its work in the cylin- der, is conducted through the exhaust-pipe to a chamber Q, called a condenser, where, by means of a spray of cold water introduced through a pipe T, it is suddenly con- densed. This water must be pumped out of the condenser by a special pump, called technically the air-pump ; thus a partial vacuum is maintained. Such an engine is called a condensing engine. The advantage of such an engine is obvious, for if the exhaust-pipe, instead of opening into a condenser, communicates with the outside air, as in the non-condensing engine, the steam is obliged to move the piston constantly against a resistance arising from atmos- pheric pressure of 15 pounds for every square inch of the surface of the piston. But in the condensing engine no resistance arises from atmospheric pressure, and so with a given steam pressure in the boiler the effective pressure on the piston is considerably increased ; hence, condensing engines are usually more economical in their working. 1 The terms, low-pressure and high-pressure engines, are not distinctive as applied to engines of the present day. STEAM-ENGINE. 155 129. Compound Condensing Engine. This engine has two cylinders, each like that of a simple engine. One, A (Fig. 134), called the high-pressure cylinder, receives steam of very high pressure directly from the boiler through the orifice V. The steam, after it has done work in this cylinder, passes through the steam-port E into cylinder B, called the low-pressure cylinder. Cylinder B is larger than cylinder A. The steam which enters cylinder B possesses considerable pressure, and is therefore capable of doing considerable work under suitable conditions. It should be borne in mind that in order that steam may do work in any cylinder, it is necessary that an inequality in the pressure of the steam each side of the Fig. 134. piston should be maintained ; just as an inequality of level, i.e. a head, is essential to water-power. The steam, after it has done its work in cylin- der B, passes through a port C into a condenser (not represented in the figure), where it is suddenly condensed or let down to a very low pressure. If a vertical glass tube were led from the condenser to a vessel of mercury below, the mercury would ordinarily stand about 25 inches high in the tube, which would show that the pressure of the steam against which the steam when it enters cylinder B does work, is only about one-sixth of an atmosphere. Much energy is economized by the compound engine. 13O. The Locomotive. The distinctive feature of the locomo- tive engine is its great steam-generating capacity, considering its size and weight, which are necessarily limited. To do the work ordinarily required of it, from three to six tons of water must be converted into 156 STEAM-ENGINE. steam per hour. This is accomplished in two ways : viz., first, by a rapid combustion of fuel (from a quarter of a ton to a ton of coal per hour) ; second, by bringing the water in contact with a large extent (about 800 square feet) of heated surface. The fire in the "fire-box" A (Fig. 135, Plate II.) is made to burn briskly by means of a powerful draft which is created in the following manner : The exhaust steam, after it has done its work in the cylinders B, is conducted by the exhaust-pipe C to the smoke-box D, just beneath the smoke-stack E. The steam, as it escapes from the blast-pipe F, pushes the air above it, and drags by fric- tion the air around it, and thus produces a partial vacuum in the smoke- box. The external pressure of the atmosphere then forces the air through the furnace grate and hot-air tubes G, and thus causes a constant draft. The large extent of heated surface is secured as follows : The water of the boiler is brought not only in contact with the heated surface of the fire-box, but it surrounds the pipes G (a boiler usually contains about 150). These pipes are kept hot by the heated gases and smoke, all of which must pass through them to the smoke-box and smoke-stack. The steam-engine, with all its merits and with all the improvements which modern mechanical art has devised, is an exceedingly wasteful machine. The best engine that has been constructed utilizes only about twenty per cent of the heat-power generated by the combustion of the fuel. QUESTIONS. 1. What kind of engine (i.e. condensing or n on- condensing) is that which produces loud puffs? What is the cause of the puffs? 2. Why does the temperature of steam suddenly fall as it moves the piston ? 3. What do you understand by a ten horse-power steam-engine? 4. Upon what does the power of a steam-engine depend? 5. Is the compound engine a condensing or a non-condensing en- gine ? Which is the locomotive engine ? 6. The area of a piston is 500 square inches, and the average unbal- anced steam pressure is 30 pounds per square inch ; what is the total effective pressure ? Suppose that the piston travels 30 inches at each stroke, and makes 100 strokes per minute, allowing 40 per cent for wasted energy, what power does the engine furnish, estimated in horse-powers ? CHAPTER VI. ELECTRO-STA TICS. Section I. INTRODUCTION. 131. Electrification. Certain bodies, when the con- ditions are suitable, acquire by contact and subsequent separation (or more readily by friction) the property of attracting light bodies such as pieces of tissue paper, etc. For example, glass rubbed with silk, and sealing-wax or ebonite with woolen cloth, manifest this property by picking up scraps of paper, etc. Bodies in this state are said to be electrified or charged with electricity. Experiment 113. Rub a rubber comb with a woolen cloth or draw it a few times through your hair (if dry). Hold the comb over a handful of bits of tissue paper ; the papers quickly jump to the comb, stick to it for an instant, and then leap energetically from it. The papers are first attracted to the comb, but in a short time acquire some of its electrification, and then are repelled. 132. Two Kinds of Electrification. Experiment 114. Suspend a ball of elder pith, C (Fig. 136), by a silk thread. Electrify a glass rod D with a silk handkerchief and present it to the ball; attraction at first occurs, followed by repulsion soon after contact. Next excite a stick of sealing-wax or a rubber comb with a woolen cloth and present it to the ball which is 158 ELECTRO-STATICS. repelled by the electrified glass ; the ball is attracted by the electrified wax or rubber. It is evident (1) Fig. 136. that there are two kinds or condi- tions of electrification ; (2) that bodies similarly elec- trified repel one another, bodies oppositely electri- fied attract one another. Glass rubbed with silk is said to receive a charge of vitreous electrification ; the wax, after being rubbed with woolen cloth, on the other hand, is charged with resinous electrification. Vitreous charges are said to be positive (written +E), and resinous negative (written E). Experiment 115. Once more electrify a stick of sealing-wax with a woolen cloth, and present it to the pith ball, and after the ball is repelled, bring the surface of the flannel which had electrified the rod near the ball; the ball is attracted by it, showing that the rubber is also electrified, and with the opposite kind to that which the sealing-wax possesses. One kind of electrification is never developed alone ; when two substances are rubbed together, and one becomes electrified, electrification of the opposite kind is always developed in the other. 133. Electrification a Form of Potential Energy. - When small pieces of glass and silk are rubbed together, it is found that after they are pulled apart they attract each other with a definite and measurable force ; and that this force varies inversely as the square of the distance INTRODUCTION. 159 between them. When two bodies are pulled apart, energy is expended upon them which will be restored when they are allowed to approach each other. It is certain that electrification is the result of work done, and is a form of potential energy. 134. What is Electricity ? The student naturally has already begun to ask the never-answered question, "What is electricity?" and to inquire, " What is the function of electricity in these operations ? " Provision- ally we shall regard electricity as that which is transferred from one body to another body when the two become oppositely electrified. Electricity is not a form of energy. It is quite true that electricity under pressure or in motion possesses energy ; in the same sense do water and air under like conditions possess energy, but no one presumes to call them forms of energy. 135. Electroscope. This is an instrument used to detect the presence of electrification in a body, and to determine its kind. It usu- ally consists of two strips of gold foil, A B (Fig. 137), suspended from a brass rod within a glass jar. To the upper end of the rod is fixed a metal disk, C. On the opposite sides of the interior of the jar are two strips of metal foil, D and E, of suf- ficient hight to be touched by the strips A and B on their extreme divergence. Fig. 137. 160 ELECTRO-STATICS. (1) If an unelectrified body be brought near the disk C, no change takes place in the two strips of foil A and B, but if an electrified body be brought near the disk, the strips diverge, thus indicating the existence of a charge of electricity in the body. (2) If the electroscope be charged by contact with an excited body, the strips will remain in a divergent posi- tion. While they are in this condition, if a body similarly charged be brought near the disk, the strips will diverge more; but if an unexcited body or a body oppositely electrified be brought near the disk, the strips will collapse. 136. Conduction. Experiment 116. a. Rub a brass tube, held in the hand, with warm silk. Bring it near the disk of the electroscope ; the leaves are unaffected, b. Wrap a piece of sheet rubber around one end of the tube and hold this end in the hand, and rub as before. Bring it near the disk of the electroscope ; notice that the leaves diverge. c. Repeat the last operation ; but before bringing the tube near the disk touch the tube with a finger. The leaves no longer show signs of electrification. In the first (a) and last (c) operations electricity escaped through the hand and body to the earth ; in the second (b) it was prevented from escaping by the intervening sheet rubber. Substances which allow electricity to spread over them, i.e. substances which offer little resistance to the flow of electricity, are called conductors. Those which offer great resistance to its passage are called non-con- ductors, insulators, or dielectrics. Some of the best insulating substances are dry air, ebonite, shellac, resins, glass, silks, and furs. On the other hand, metals are exceedingly good conductors. Moisture INDUCTION. 161 injures the insulation of bodies ; hence experiments suc- ceed best on dry, cold days of winter, when moisture of the air is least liable to be condensed on the surfaces of apparatus, especially if the latter be kept warm. Water cannot be retained in a reservoir unless its walls be of sufficient strength ; so a body, in order to become charged and to retain the charge, must be surrounded by something that will offer sufficient resistance to the escape of electricity. There is no limit to the quantity of electri- city with which a body can be charged, provided the charge can be retained. This entity which represents the walls of the reservoir is termed the dielectric. It may be the air or any of the so-called non-conductors of electricity. A body thus surrounded is said to be insulated. Section II. INDUCTION. 137. Electricity acts across a Dielectric. Experiment 117. Figure 138 represents an empty egg-shell cov- ered with tin foil to make it a good conductor. It is suspended from a glass rod by a silk thread, a. Electrify a glass rod and bring it near the shell. The shell moves toward the rod. b. Next introduce a glass plate between the rod and shell. The shell ap- proaches the rod as before. The chief lesson we learn from this experiment is that electricity acts across a dielectric. In a the dielectric was air ; in 6, air and glass. 162 ELECTRO-STATICS. 138. To determine what actually happens on an Insulated Conductor when an Electrified Body is brought near. Experiment 118. a. Suspend, as above, two shells so as to touch each other, end to end, as in Figure 139, thus making prac- tically one conductor. Bring near to one end of the shells a sealing-wax rod, D, excited with E. While the rod is in this position carry a thin strip of tis- sue paper, C, along the shells. The- paper is attracted to the shells, but most strongly at the ends. In the middle of the con- ductor, where the shells touch each other, there is little if any electrification. b. While the rod D is still in position, separate B from A, then remove D. Test each shell with the tissue paper ; both are found to be excited. c. Charge an electroscope with + E. Then bring A near it ; the leaves diverge, showing that A is charged with +E. Bring B near the electroscope ; the leaves collapse, showing that B is charged with -E. d. Finally bring the two shells near each other ; they attract each other. Allow them to touch each other, and then test each with the tissue paper or the electroscope ; it will be found that both have become discharged. From the above operations we learn that when an electri- fied body is brought near but not in contact with an insu- lated conductor, the electrified body acts across the dielec- tric upon the conductor, repelling electricity of the same Fig. 138. INDUCTION. 163 kind to the remote side of the conductor, and attracting the opposite kind to the side near to it. Such electrical action is called induction. The electrified body which Fig. 139. produces the action is called the inducing body ; the charge of electricity thus produced is called induced electricity. 139. Charging 1 by Induction. Experiment 119. Take a proof plane E (Fig. 140) (which consists of an insulating handle of glass or gutta-percha, terminating at one end with a thin metal disk, F, about the size of a 5-cent nickel), and connect it with an electroscope, G, by a fine wire, H. Bring a stick of sealing-wax electrified as before with E near the egg-shell conductor. Holding the proof plane by the insulating handle, bring the disk near the end of the conductor charged by induction with E. The E will act inductively upon the continuous conductor consisting of disk, wire, and electroscope, charging the end nearest itself (i.e. the disk) with +E and the remote end (i.e. the leaves) with E. The leaves of the electroscope show the presence of a charge by their divergence. Now while everything is in the position indicated by the cut, touch with the finger any part of the continuous conductor ; the 164 ELECTRO-STATICS. leaves of the elec- troscope instantly collapse. The E with which the leaves had been charged being/ree is discharged through your body. But the + E concentrated on the disk of the Fig. 14O. proof plane is bound by the attraction of the charge of E on the end of the shell nearest it, and cannot escape. Remove the finger from the electroscope and the proof plane from the influence of the shell ; the leaves again diverge. The last phenomenon is explained as follows : After E had been discharged from the continuous conductor, there was left an excess of -)- E ; but this excess was all concentrated in the disk F so long as it remained near the negative charge of the shell. But as soon as F was removed from the influence of the shell, the charge spread itself over the entire conductor, and the leaves, which received a portion of the charge, diverged. The conductor is said to be charged by induction. Experiment 120. To electrify the shell by induction, bring the excited wax near it, touch the shell with a finger, remove the finger, and finally remove the rod. The proof plane being connected with the electroscope and being charged with E, bring F near to the shell A ; the leaves collapse, showing that the shell is charged with + E, which draws the E away from the leaves. Observe that when a body becomes charged by induc- tion the charge which it receives is opposite in kind to that of the inducing body. ELECTEICAL POTENTIAL. 165 140. Charging- by Conduction. Experiment 121. Disconnect the proof plane from the electro- scope. Charge the electroscope with E and the shell with +E ; touch the shell with the disk of the proof plane, then hold the disk near the electroscope ; the divergent leaves collapse, showing that the disk bears +E which it received by conduction from the shell when they were brought in contact. Of course the charge is the same kind as that of the body which communicated it. 141. Induction precedes Attraction. When ball is brought near an electrified glass rod, the the rod A (Fig. 141) induces E on the side of the ball B nearest A and repels -j- E to the farther side. The -f- E of A and the E of B therefore attract each other ; likewise the + E of A and the + E of B repel each other : but since the former charges are nearer each other than the latter are, the attraction exceeds the repulsion. FIg - 141 Section III. ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL. 142. Electro-statics and Electro-kinetics. Electric- ity may be at rest, as in a charged body, or it may be in motion, as in the case of a charged body connected by a conductor with the earth, when it is discharged through the conductor to the earth. It will be shown later on that as long as a flow of electricity continues, the con- ductor along which it flows has properties different from 166 ELECTRO-STATICS. those of a simple electrified body. That branch of electri- cal science which treats of the properties of simple electrified bodies is called Electro-statics, because in them electricity is supposed to be at rest; and that branch which treats of electricity in motion is called Electro- kinetics. 143. Potential. The fundamental fact of electricity is that we are able to place bodies in different electrical conditions. A charge of electricity, which implies an abnormal electrical condition, is the foundation of all electrical phenomena. We are now to discuss the mean- ing and use of the very important term potential, with reference to electricity. a. When a charged conductor is connected with the earth, a transfer of electricity takes place between the body and the earth. b. If the body be charged with -{- E, we say arbitrarily that electricity passes to the earth ; but if the body be charged with E, electricity passes from the earth to the body. c. If two insulated charged conductors be connected with each other, electricity may or may not pass from one to the other. Now whether electricity passes from one to the other, and in what direction it passes, if at all, depends upon the so-called potentials of the conductors. d. If two bodies have the same potential, no transfer of electricity takes place between them when they are con- nected by a conductor ; but if the two bodies have different potentials, there will be a transfer, and the body from which the electricity flows is said to be at a higher poten- tial than the one to which it flows. ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL. 167 144. Definition of Potential. The potential of a conductor may, therefore, be defined provisionally as the electrical condition of that conductor which determines the direction of the transfer of electricity. The term potential is relative. It is important to have a standard of reference whose potential is considered to be zero, just as it is convenient in stating the elevations or depressions of the earth's surface to give the distances above or below sea-level, which is taken as the zero of hight. For experimental purposes the earth is usually assumed to be at zero potential. A body charged with -J- E is understood to be one that has a higher potential than that of the earth, and a body charged with E is one that has a lower potential than that of the earth. 145. Analogies. Potential is analogous, in many respects, to (1) temperature, and to (2) liquid level. (1) When we say that the temperature of air is 20 or 10 C., we mean that its temperature is 20 above or 10 below the standard temperature of reference, viz. that of melting ice. If two bodies at different temperatures be placed in thermal communication, heat will pass from the body at a higher temperature to the one at a lower, and will continue to do so until both are at the same temperature. (2) If two vessels containing water at different levels be put in communication at their bottoms by a pipe, water will flow from the one at a higher level to the one at a lower until the water is at the same level in both vessels. Temperature is not heat ; level is not water ; and potential is not electricity, but merely the state of the 168 ELECTRO-STATICS. conductor which determines the direction of transfer of electricity. Section IV. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY. 146. Lightning 1 . Franklin, by his historic series of experiments, proved the exact similarity of lightning and thunder to the light and crackling of the electric spark. Certain clouds which have formed very rapidly are highly charged, usually with +E, but sometimes with E. The surface of the earth and objects thereon immediately beneath the cloud are, of course, charged inductively with the opposite kind of electricity. The opposite charges on the earth and on the cloud hold each other prisoners by their mutual attraction, the air serving as an intervening dielectric. As condensation progresses in the cloud its potential rises (or sinks). This process continues till the difference of potential between the cloud and the earth becomes great enough to produce a discharge through the air. It is the accumulation of induced charges on elevated objects, such as buildings, trees, etc., that offers an intensified attraction for the 'opposite electricity of the cloud in consequence of their greater proximity, and renders them especially liable to be struck by lightning. The clouds gather electricity from the atmosphere. Our knowledge of the method by which the atmosphere becomes charged is very limited. 169 CHAPTER VII. ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. ELECTRO-KINETICS. Section I. VOLTAIC CELLS. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS. 147. Introductory Experiments. APPARATUS REQUIRED. A tumbler $ full of water, into which have been poured two or three tablespoonfuls of strong sulphuric acid ; a strip of sheet-copper, and two pieces of rolled zinc, each about 5 inches long, 1 inches wide, and at least T \ of an inch thick (a piece of No. 16 copper wire 12 inches long should be soldered to one end of each piece of metal, and the soldering covered with asphaltum paint) ; 2 yds. of silk insulated No. 18 copper wire ; two double connectors (Fig. 142), which serve to join two wires without the incon- venience of twisting them together. One of the zincs should be amal- gamated as follows :. First dip the zinc, with the exception of inch at the soldered end, into the acidulated water ; then pour mercury over the wet surface, and finally rub the surface, now wet with mercury, with a cloth. (To insure complete amalgamation, it is best to repeat this operation.) Experiment 122. a. Put the unamalgamated zinc into the tum- bler containing acidulated water. Bubbles of hydrogen gas arise from the surface of the immersed zinc. 6. Remove this zinc and introduce the amalgamated zinc. No bubbles (or at least very few) arise from the latter, provided that the zinc is properly amalgamated. If a plate of metal be placed in a liquid of a class which we shall term an electrolyte (i.e. one which is capable of 170 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. being decomposed by a current of electricity), there is a difference of electrical condition produced between them so that the metal becomes either of higher or lower poten- tial than the liquid, according to the nature of the metal and liquid. We know that if two conductors be at different poten- tials, electricity tends to flow from the one whose potential is higher to that whose potential is lower ; if, therefore, two dissimilar metals be placed in the same electrolytic liquid, it may be shown, by actual experiment, 1 that the free end of the wire in connection with one plate is charged with -f- E, and the free end of the other with E. Hence we conclude that if the two oppositely charged bodies be brought in contact, a current of electricity will flow from the positively charged plate to the negatively charged one. A current therefore flows through the connecting wire from the copper (which is called the positive electrode) to the wire leading from the zinc (which is called the nega- tive electrode), when they are connected. That difference in quality in virtue of which zinc and copper placed in acidulated water can give rise to an elec- trit current, is called their electro-chemical difference, and the zinc is said to be electro-positive to the copper in the liquid. 148. Voltaic Cell. Two electro-chemically different solids (of which zinc is almost invariably one) placed in an electrolytic liquid constitute what is called a galvanic or voltaic 2 cell (or pair). One of these plates must be more actively attacked by the liquid than the other ; the 1 See author's Principles of Physics, p. 463. 2 A single voltaic couple is usually termed a cell ; a combination of cells, a battery. VOLTAIC CELLS. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS. 171 plate most acted upon is called the electro-positive plate, and the other the electro-negative one. The greater the disparity between the two solid elements with reference to the action of the liquid on them, the greater the difference in potential ; hence, the greater the current. In the following electro-chemical series the substances are so arranged that the most electro-positive, or those most affected by dilute sulphuric acid, are at the beginning, while those most electro-negative, or those least affected by the acid, are at the end. The arrow indicates the direction of the current through the liquid. I fe & 8 ^ a o i 6 a *x 8* P 2 " +1 f a f > I 1 s~ NHH;OPHU It will be seen that zinc and platinum are the two substances best adapted to give a strong current. When the wires from the two plates are joined, the dis- charge of the two plates would produce electrical equilib- rium were there not some means of maintaining a difference of potential between the two plates. This is accomplished by the chemical action be ween the liquid and the electro- positive plate and at the expense of the chemical potential energy of the electrolyte and plate. A voltaic cell is, there- fore, a contrivance which converts chemical energy into electrical energy. 149. Circuit. This term is applied to the entire path along which electricity flows, and it comprises the battery itself and the wire or other conductor connecting the bat- tery-plates. 1 Bringing the two extremities of the wire in 1 It was an early discovery in telegraphic history that a complete metallic circuit is not necessary, but that, in common parlance, the earth can be used as a " return circuit." This type of circuit is represented by a battery with a wire leading from 172 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. contact and separating them are called, respectively, clos- ing and opening, QT making and breaking, the circuit. Open- ing a circuit at any point and filling in the gap with an instrument of any kind so that the current is obliged to traverse it, is called introducing the instrument into the circuit. 150. Importance of Amalgamating- the Zinc. Com- mercial zinc contains impurities, such as carbon, iron, etc. Figure 143 represents a zinc element having on its surface a particle of B^^^s. carbon a, purposely magnified. If such a plate be immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, the particles of carbon will form HlS with the zinc numerous voltaic circuits, and a transfer of W oj electricity along the surface will take place. This transfer ^fp between the zinc and the impurities on its surface diverts so much from the regular battery current, and thereby weakens it. In addition to this, it occasions a great waste of mate- 1 rials, because, when the regular circuit is broken, this local action, as it is called, still continues. If mercury be rubbed over the surface of the zinc it dissolves a portion of the zinc, forming with it a semi-liquid amalgam, which covers up its impurities. 151. Polarization of the Negative Element. Experiment 123. Construct a voltaic cell composed of dilute sulphuric acid and plates of copper and zinc. Introduce into the circuit a galvanoscope ( 159) and note the deflection of the needle when the circuit is first closed. Watch the needle for a time. Little by little this deflection will decrease, and as it decreases bubbles of gas collect on the copper plate. This accumulation of gas is called " polarization of the negative element or plate." We already understand that difference of potential is indispensable to a flow of electricity. Accompanying a difference of potential there seems to be something anal- one plate to any convenient point of the earth, and a second wire leading from the other plate to any other point of the earth, which may he many miles distant from the first point. VOLTAIC CELLS. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS. 173 ogous to a force which causes the flow of electricity through the circuit. The film of gas on the copper reduces the electro-chemical difference between it and the zinc plate, upon which the generation of this force depends, and thereby diminishes the efficiency of the battery. The remedy for this is to prevent the deposit of hydro- gen upon the negative plate. The usual method is to employ in . addition to the dilute sulphuric acid (i.e. the exciting liquid) some oxidizing substance which will com- bine with the hydrogen as soon as it is liberated. A sub- stance used for this purpose is termed a depolarizer. A mixture of a solution of crystals of bichromate of potassium in water with a suitable quantity of dilute sulphuric acid is used as a depo- larizer in the so-called bichromate batteries. 152. Grenet Cell. This is a bi- chromate of potassium battery in which two carbon plates, CC (Fig. 144), elec- trically connected, and a zinc plate, Z, suspended between them by a brass rod, a, are immersed in the mixed liquid re- ferred to above. This combination furnishes a much more energetic and constant current than would be furnished if only dilute sulphuric acid were used. Fig. 144. 153. Bunsen Cell. A plan generally adopted to keep the oxi- dizing liquid away from the zinc plate, where it is not wanted and only does harm, is to place the carbon plate in an unglazed, porous, earthen cup and to surround it with the oxidizing substance. This arrangement, called a two-fluid cell, is that adopted by Bunsen (Fig. 145) and others. 174 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. 154, Ijeclanch^ Cell. There is a class of galvanic cells in which the negative element is protected from polarization by means of metallic oxides. Of these the best known is the Leclanche" cell (Fig. 146). In this cell the carbon plate C is contained in a porous cup P, and packed round with fragments of gas-retort coke and manganese peroxide. The manganese compound has a strong affinity for the hydrogen. But the Fig. 145. Fig. 146. chemical action of solids is sluggish and they quickly polarize when in action. They need periodical rest to recover their normal condition. Such are called open-circuit batteries, since they are suited for work only on lines kept open or disconnected most of the time, such as in telephone and bell-ringing circuits. The zinc rod Z is immersed in a solution of ammonium chloride, which is the exciting liquid. EFFECTS PRODUCIBLE BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. 175 Section II. EFFECTS PRODUCIBLE BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. 155. Summary of Effects. The several effects pro- ducible by an electric current may be classified as (1) electrolytic, (2) magnetic, (3) thermal, and (4) physiological. 156. (1) Electrolysis. Experiment 124. Take a dilute solution of sulphuric acid (1 part by volume to 20), pour some of it into the funnel (Fig. 147), so as to fill the U-shaped tube when the stoppers are removed. Place the stoppers which support the platinum electrodes tightly in the tubes. Connect with these electrodes the battery l wires. Instantly bubbles of gas arise from both elec- trodes, accumulating in the upper part of the tube and forcing the liquid back into the tunnel. Introduce a glowing splinter into the gas surrounding the + electrode ; it relights and burns vigor- ously, showing that the gas is oxygen. Invert the tube, allow the gas which had accumulated about the electrode to escape at a, and apply a lighted match to it : the gas burns ; it is hydrogen. Fig. 147. The volume of hydrogen is just double that of the oxygen liberated in the same time. The process by which l A battery consisting of not less than two Grenet or Bunsen cells connected ii series will be required. 176 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. a compound substance is separated into its constituents is called electrolysis, and the compound thus treated is called the electrolyte. The electrode by which the current enters the electrolyte is called the anode; and that by which the current leaves, the cathode. When a chemical salt is electrolyzed, the base appears at the cathode, and the acid at the anode. In general it will be found that in both the battery and the decompos- ing cell, hydrogen, bases, and metals appear at the plates toward which the current flows. Experiment 125. Dissolve about three grains of pulverized potassium iodide in a teaspoonful of water. Make a paste by boiling pulverized starch in water. Take a portion of this paste about the size of a pea, and stir it into the solution. Wet a piece of writing-paper with the liquid thus prepared. Spread the wet paper smoothly on a piece of tin, e.g. on the bottom of a tin basin (Fig. 148). Press the nega- tive electrode of the battery against Fig. 148. an uncovered part of the tip. Draw the positive electrode over the paper. A mark is produced upon the paper as if the electrode were wet with a purple ink. In this case the potassium iodide is decom- posed, and the iodide combining with the starch forms a purplish- blue compound. 157. (2) Magnetic Action and Magnetic Field of a Straight Current. Magnetic Lines of Force. Experiment 126. Construct a low resistance battery of (say) four cells. Close the circuit and dip the wire into a little heap of filings of soft iron. On raising the wire you will find filings adher- ing in a cluster to it (Fig. 149). EFFECTS PRODUCIBLE BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. 177 If a wire bearing a very strong current be passed vertically through the center of a board on which have been sifted some very fine iron fil- ings, the filings will arrange themselves in circular lines round the Fig. 149. current-carrying wire (Fig. 150), thus furnishing a graphic representation of the magnetic field set up by a current. If a small pocket compass be carried around and near the wire, the needle will at every point take a position tangent to these circular lines of fil- Fig. 150. ings, whichever way the current passes. If the current be reversed, however, the position of the n and s poles of the needle will be reversed. This clearly indicates that there is a differ- ence of direction of these circular lines according as the current flows in one direction or in the other. These circular lines represent the so-called magnetic lines of force which occupy a limited space or field round a current-bearing wire. 158. Deflection of the Magnetic Needle by a Current. Experiment 127. a. Place the apparatus ^(Fig. 151) so that the magnetic needle, which points (nearly) north and south, shall be parallel with the wires W l and W 2 . Introduce the + electrode of a battery into screw-cup T 2 , and the electrode into screw-cup T v and pass a current through the upper wire. At the instant the circuit is closed the needle swings on its axis, and after a few oscilla- tions comes to rest in a position which forms an angle with the wire bearing the current. b. Break the circuit by removing one of the wires from the screw- cup. The needle, under the influence of the magnetic action of the earth, returns to its original position. c. Reverse the current by inserting the + electrode of the battery into screw-cup T x , and the electrode into screw-cup T 2 . Again ITS ENERGY OF ELECTKIC FLOW. there is a deflection of the needle, but the direction of the deflection is reversed ; that is, the north-pointing pole (N-pole), which before turned to the west, is now deflected toward the east. d. Place your right hand above the wire with the palm towards Fig. 151. the wire, and with the fingers pointing in the same direction as that in which the current is flowing, and extend your thumb at right angles to the direction of the current (Fig. 152). You observe that Fig. 152. Right hand above the wire; needle below it. Fig. 153. Right hand below the wire ; needle above it. your thumb points in the same direction as the N-pole of the needle under the current-bearing wire. e. Reverse the current again (so that it will flow northward), place your right hand as before (viz. with the palm towards the wire and with the fingers pointing in the same direction as the current) ; your outstretched thumb still points in the same direction as the N-pole of the needle. EFFECTS PRODUCIBLE BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. 179 /. Introduce the + electrode of the battery into screw-cup T 3 and the electrode into screw-cup T 4 so that the current will flow north- ward under the needle. Place the right hand as directed before, except that it must be under the wire, so that the wire shall be between the hand and the needle ; the thumb will point in the same direction as the N-pole (Fig. 153). Reverse the direction of the current in this wire, and apply the same test ; the same rule holds. The rule for determining the direction of the deflection of the N-poles of a needle when the direction of the current is known is this : Place the outstretched right hand over or under the wire so that the wire shall be between the hand and the needle, with the palm towards the needle, the fingers pointing in the direction of the current and the thumb extended laterally at right angles to the direction of the cur- rent; then the extended thumb will point in the direction of the deflection of the N-pole. It will be observed that a deflection is reversed either by reversing the current or by changing the relative posi- tions of the wire and needle, e.g. by carrying the needle from above the wire to a position below it. The force exerted by the current upon the needle in deflecting it is called an electro-magnetic force. 159. Simple Galvaiioscope or Current Detector. Experiment 128. Introduce the + electrode of the battery into screw-cup T 2 (Fig 151) and the electrode into screw-cup T 3 , so that the current will pass above the wire in one direction and below it in the opposite direction, as indicated by the arrows. A larger deflection is obtained than when the current passes the needle only once. If the right-hand test be applied, it will be seen that the tendency of the current, both when passing the needle in one direction above and in the opposite direction below, is to produce a deflection in the same direction, and con- 180 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. sequently the two parts of the current assist each other in producing a greater deflection. If a more sensitive instrument, i.e. one which will produce considerable deflections with weak currents, be required, then it will be necessary to pass the current through an insulated wire wound many times around the needle. Such an instrument is called a galvanoscope or current detector, since one of its important uses is to detect the presence of a current. 16O. Magnetizing- Effect of an Electric Current. Electro-magnets. Experiment 129. a. Wind an insulated copper wire in the form of a spiral round a rod of soft iron (Fig. 154). Pass a current of electricity through the spiral, and hold an iron nail near the end of the rod. Observe, from its attraction for the nail, that the rod is magnetized. A magnet may be provisionally denned as a body which attracts iron. b. Break the circuit ; the rod loses its magnetism and the nail drops. The iron rod is called a core, the coil of wire a helix, and both together are called an electro-magnet. In order to take advantage of the attraction of both ends or poles of the magnet, the rod is most frequently bent into a U-shape (A, Fig. 155). More frequently two iron rods are used, connected by a rectangular piece of iron, as a in B of Figure 155. The method of winding is such that if the iron core of the U-magnet were straightened, or the two spools were placed together end to end, one would appear as a con- Fig. 154. tinuation of the other. A piece of soft EFFECTS PRODUCIBLE BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. 181 iron, 5, placed across the ends and attracted by them is called an armature. The piece of iron a is called a yoke. 161. (3) Thermal and Luminous Effects of the Electric Current. Experiment 130. Construct a low resistance battery ( 181) of four to six cells, and introduce into the circuit a platinum wire, No. 30, about \ inch long. The wire very quickly becomes white hot, i.e. it emits white light, which indicates a temperature of approximately 1900 C. This experiment illustrates the conversion of the energy of an electric current into heat energy. In this case the energy of the current is said to be consumed in over- coming the resistance which the conductor or the cir- cuit offers to its passage. Heat is developed by a current in every part of the circuit, because all substances offer some resistance to a current ; in other words, there are no perfect conductors. The small platinum wire offers much greater resistance than an equal length of a larger copper wire ; whence the greater quantity of heat generated in this part of the circuit. All of the energy in any electric current that is not consumed in doing other kinds of work is changed into heat. 162. (4) Physiological Effects. Experiment 131. Place one of the copper electrodes of a single voltaic cell on each side of the tip of the tongue. A slight stinging (not painful) sensation is felt, followed by a peculiar acrid taste. 182 ENEKGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. Section III. ELECTRICAL QUANTITIES AND UNITS. OHM'S LAW. 163. Strength of Current. The Ampere and the Coulomh. The magnitude of the effects produced by an electric current depends, among other things, upon the magnitude of the current. Any one of the effects pro- ducible by a current may be made the basis of a system of measurement of currents. For example, the quantity of hydrogen gas or of any metal liberated at the cathode in a given time, by electrolysis, is strictly proportional to the magnitude of the current, or as it is technically termed the strength of the current. By current strength is meant the number of units of electricity which flows in a given time, or, briefly, it is the "rate of flow." The practical unit of current (i.e. the unit of current strength) is the ampere. It is the current which passed through a solution of nitrate of silver ( u in accordance with standard specifications "), deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 gram per second. The quantity of electricity transferred by a current of one ampere in one second is called a coulomb. 1 The coulomb, then, is the unit of quantity of electricity. When the quantity of electricity conveyed by a current in one second is one coulomb, its strength is one ampere. 164. Electro-Motive Force. The Volt. - Water flows from one place to another in virtue of a difference 1 The definitions of the coulomb and the ampere here given are those of the so- called international units, which were adopted as the legal units by act of the United States Congress in July, 1864. ELECTRICAL QUANTITIES AND UNITS. 183 of pressure between the two places, and the flow takes place from the place of high pressure to the place of low pressure. For instance, when water flows from a reservoir or cistern the pressure at any point in the pipe is due to the "head" of water above it. If it be set flowing by a force pump, we might say the flow of water is due to a water-motive force which could be expressed as equal to a " head " of a certain number of feet of water. Similarly, electricity flows in a conductor only when there is a difference of what may be termed electrical pressure between its ends. If such be maintained between two points connected by a conductor, it obviously repre- sents a kind of current-producing force, one which can keep electricity in motion against resistance. It is for this reason called electro-motive force (E.M.F.). Electro- motive force is that which maintains or tends to maintain a current of electricity through a conductor. That which hinders the current is called resistance. Difference in electrical pressure we have hitherto assumed to be due to difference of potential. It is this difference of electrical pressure which sets up a current in the conductor. Potential difference may be due to con- tact of dissimilar substances, as in the voltaic cell, or to the movement of a part of the conductor in a magnetic field, as in the dynamo (p. 223). The volt is the name chosen for the practical unit of E.M.F. and difference of potential. It is the electrical pressure required to maintain a current of one ampere against a resistance of one ohm ( 165). For purposes where great accuracy is not required, it will answer to consider a volt as the E.M.F. of a Daniell's cell, i.e. it is 184 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. about the difference of potential between the zinc and copper of this cell, the E.M.F. of a standard Daniell cell being approximately 1.07 volts. 165. Electrical Resistance. The Ohm. - - Every substance offers resistance to the passage of a current. Those substances which offer a very powerful barrier are called insulators. The unit of resistance is called the ohm. The international ohm is " the resistance offered to an unvarying electric current by a column of mercury at the temperature of melting ice, 14.421 grams in mass, of a constant cross-sectional area, and of the length of 106.3 centimeters " ; or about the resistance of 9.3 ft. of No. 30 (American gauge) copper wire (.01 in. diam.). 166. Electrical Work and Electrical Power. The Joule and the Watt. If a coulomb of electricity flow between two points in a conductor whose difference of potential is one volt, then one joule or volt-coulomb of work is done thereby. The volt-coulomb is analogous to the foot-pound. If a conductor be traversed by a current of one ampere (i.e. a coulomb per second) and there be two points in the conductor whose difference of potential is one volt, then the rate at which work is done in that portion is one watt = one joule per second. The joule and the watt are units of electrical work (or energy) and electrical power respectively. 167. Re'sume'. A unit current is a current maintained by a unit E.M.F. against a unit resistance. A unit E.M.F. is the E.M.F. required to maintain a unit current against a unit resistance. ELECTRICAL QUANTITIES AND UNITS. 185 A conductor has a unit resistance when a unit E.M.F. (or a unit difference of potential between its two ends) causes a unit current to pass through it. A unit of electric power is the power of a unit current maintained by a unit difference of potential. 168. Ohm's L,aw. The three factors, current (C), electro-motive force (E), and resistance (R), are evidently interdependent. Their relations to one another are stated in the well-known Ohm's Law thus : The current is equal to the electro-motive force divided by the resistance; or E E C = 77 ; whence E = R C, and R = -^ it u Hence the strength of a current is directly proportional to the E.M.F. and inversely proportional to the resistance. This famous law is the basis of a large portion of electrical measurements commonly made. 1 EXERCISES. 1. What E.M.F. is required to maintain a current of one ampere against a resistance of one ohm ? 2. An E.M.F. of 10 volts will maintain a current of 5 amperes against what resistance? 3. What current ought an E.M.F. of 20 volts to maintain against a resistance of 5 ohms? 4. A volt-meter applied each side of an electric lamp shows a difference of potential of 40 volts ; what current flows through the lamp, if it has a resistance of 10 ohms ? 1 The following formulas relating to the electric current will be found convenient for reference : (1) P (watts) = C (amperes) x E (volts). (2) The watt OTIS horse- O F 1 power. Hence =power in horse-power. (3) Substituting in (1) the value of E 2 C (Ohm's formula), we have P = . Or, (4) substituting in (1) the value of E (Ohm's formula), we have P = C*R. 186 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. 5. The resistance between two points in a circuit is 10 ohms. An ammeter (an instrument which measures the strength of a current in amperes) shows that there is a current strength in the circuit of 0.5 ampere ; what is the difference in potential between the points ? Section IV. GALVANOMETER COIL INSTRUMENTS FOR MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. 169. Galvanometer. This is an instrument for meas- uring current-strength by means of the deflection of a magnetic needle when placed in the field of the current. It is so constructed that either the deflection angle itself, or some function of it, is proportional to the current- strength. A very simple form of this instrument is represented in sectional elevation and plan in Figure 156. It consists of an insulated wire wound many times around a magnetic needle. A card graduated like that of a mariner's compass is placed beneath the needle so that the number of degrees of deflection may be read from it. This form of instrument is much used to detect the presence of a current, to locate faults, etc. 17O. Tangent Galvanom- eter. A tangent galvanom- eter is one so constructed that Fig. ise. the current passing through MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. 187 it is proportional to the tangent of the angle of deflection produced. To this end it is necessary that the needle be very short (not more than -fa) in comparison with the diameter of the coil. It consists of a large vertical coil (C, Fig. 157) in the center of which is either a small compass needle or a needle suspended by a silk fiber. A needle thus placed in the field of a current is acted on by a mechanical couple tending to place it at right angles to the plane of the coil, and it is deflected until this couple is balanced by the return couple due to the earth's magnetism. When the scale is divided into degrees, the correspond- ing tangents are found by consulting a table of tangents (see Appendix). In some instru- ments the scale is graduated direct- ly in tangents. If the strengths of two currents are to be compared, it is only nec- essary to obtain deflections with each current, and compare the tangents of the angles. 171. Ammeter. If the gal- vanometer be calibrated so as to read in amperes, we shall have a direct^reading ampere -meter, or ammeter as it is more commonly called. There is a great variety of ammeters in use, for a description of which the student is referred to technical works on the subject. Fig. 157. 188 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. Section V. RESISTANCE OF CONDUCTORS. 172. External and Internal Resistance. For con- venience the resistance of an electric circuit is divided into two parts, the external and the internal. External resistance includes all the resistance of a circuit except that of the generator, while the latter is termed internal resistance. When the external resistance in a circuit is considered separately from the internal, Ohm's formula must be con- verted thus (calling the former R, and the latter r}: r- E ~RT? If a cell have E = 1 volt, and r = 1 ohm, and the con- necting wire be short and stout, so that R may be dis- regarded, then the cell yields a current of one ampere. If by any means the internal resistance of this cell can be decreased one-half, it will then be capable of yielding a two-ampere current under the same conditions. 173. External Resistance. Experiment 132. Introduce into a circuit a galvanometer, 1 and note the number of degrees the needle is deflected. Then introduce into the same circuit the wire on the spool numbered 4 on the plat- form 2 S (Fig. 158). (The wire on any one of the five spools on this 1 The galvanometer represented in the cut is a form of galvanometer chiefly used hy the author in elementary laboratory work. 2 The platform of spools containing wire of different (known) sizes, lengths, and material, so arranged that any one, two, or more can he introduced into the circuit for the purpose of measurement of resistance, is an instrument of great convenience in a school laboratory. RESISTANCE OF CONDUCTORS. 189 platform can at any time be introduced into a circuit, by connecting the battery wires with the binding screws on each side of the spool to be introduced.) The deflection is now less than before. The copper wire on this spool is 16 yards in length ; its size is No. 30 of the Brown and Sharpe wire gauge. When this spool is in circuit, the circuit is 16 Fig. 158. yards longer than when the spool is out. The effect of lengthening the circuit is to weaken the current, as shown by the diminished deflection. Experiment 133. Next, substitute Spool 2 for Spool 4. This contains 32 yards of the same kind of wire as that on Spool 4. The deflection is still smaller. The weakening of the current by introducing these wires is caused by the resistance which the wires offer to the current, much as the friction between water and the interior of a pipe impedes, to some extent, the flow of water through it. The longer the pipe the greater is the resistance to the flow. If the wire on the spools had been the only resistance in the cir- cuit, then, when Spool 2 was in the circuit, the resistance would have been double what it was when Spool 4 was in the circuit, and the current, with double the resistance, would have been half as strong. (1) Other things being equal, the resistance of a conductor varies as its length. 190 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. Experiment 134. Next substitute Spool 1 for Spool 2. This spool contains 32 yards of No. 23 copper wire, a thicker wire than that on Spool 2, but the length of the wire is the same. The deflec- tion is now greater than it was when Spool 2 was in circuit. This indicates that the larger wire offers less resistance. Careful experiments show that (2) the resistance of all conductors varies inversely as the areas of their cross-sections. If the conductors be cylindrical, it varies inversely as the squares of their diameters. Experiment 135. Substitute Spool 5 for Spool 1, and compare the deflection with that obtained when Spool 4 was in the circuit. The deflection is smaller than when Spool 4 was in circuit. The wire on these two spools is of the same length and size, but the wire of Spool 5 is German-silver. It thus appears that German-silver offers more resistance than copper. (3) In obtaining the resistance of a conductor, the specific resistance of the substance must enter into the calculation. (See table of specific resistances in the Appendix.) The resistance of metal conductors increases slowly with the temperature of the conductor. The resistance of German-silver is affected less by changes of temperature than that of most metals ; hence its general use in standards of resistance. 174. Internal Resistance. Experiment 136. Connect with the galvanometer the copper and zinc strips used in Experiment -122, and introduce the strips into a tumbler nearly full of acidulated water. Note the deflection. Then raise the strips, keeping them the same distance apart, so that less and less of the strips will be submerged. As the strips are raised, the deflection becomes smaller. This is caused by the increase of resistance in the liquid part of the circuit, as the cross- section of the liquid lying between the two strips becomes smaller. MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE. 191 (4) The internal resistance of a circuit, other things being equal, varies inversely as the area of the cross-section of the liquid between the two elements. In a large cell the area of the cross-section of the liquid between the elements is larger than in a small cell, con- sequently the internal resistance is less. This is the only way in which the size of the cell affects the current. Obviously the resistance of the battery would be increased by any increase of the distance between the elements, since this increases the length of the liquid conductor ; but as this distance is usually made as small as convenient, and is kept invariable, it demands little of our attention. Section VI. MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE. 1 75. Description of the Resistance Box. Figure 159 represents a wooden box containing what is equivalent to a series of coils of German-silver wire, whose resistance ranges from 0.1 ohm to 100 ohms. Each of these coils is connected with a brass stud on the top of the box. Three switches, A, B, and C, so connect the coils with the bind- ing screws a and 6 that a current can be sent through any three coils at the same time by moving the switches on to the proper studs. The resistance in ohms of each coil is marked on the box near its stud. 192 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. When the three switches rest upon studs marked 0, the current meets with no appreciable resistance in passing through the box, but any desired resistance within the range of the instrument can be introduced by moving the 'switches on to the studs, the sum of whose resistances is the resistance required. This instrument we shall call a resistance box. G G X Fig. 160. 176. Wheatstone Bridge. Figure 160 represents a perspective view of the bridge (as modified by the author), and Figure 161 represents a diagram of the essential electri- cal connections. The battery wires are connected with the bridge at the binding screws B B'. A gal- vanometer, G, is connected at G G', a resistance box, r, at R R, and the conductor, x, whose resistance is sought, at XX. When the circuit is closed by means of the key T, the current, we will suppose, enters at B ; on reaching the point A it divides, one part flowing via the branch A G B', and the other via the branch A D B'. If points D and G in the two branches be at different potentials and a connection be made between them through the galvanom- eter, G, by closing the key S, there will be a current through this wire and through the galvanometer, and a de- flection of the needle will be produced. But if the points D and G be at the same potential, there will be no cross current through the bridge wire and no deflection. Now it can be demonstrated that points D and G will be at the same potential when R (the resistance) of A D : R of D B 7 :: R of A G : R (the unknown resist- ance) of G B'. Between A and T) and A and G there are three coils of MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE. 193 wire having resistances respectively of 1, 10, and 100 ohms. One or more of these coils are introduced into the circuit by removing the corresponding plugs a, 6, c, d, e, and /. As the other connections between A and D, and A and G, have no appreciable resistance, being for the most part short brass bars, the only practical resistance between these points is that introduced at will through the coils. Similarly between points D and B', the only practical resistance is that introduced at will through the resistance box, and between the points G and B' the resistance is the resistance (x) sought. It is apparent, then, that in using the bridge after the connections are properly made through the several instruments and certain known resistances are introduced between A and D, and A and G, we have simply to regulate the resistance through the resistance box so that there will be no deflection in the galvanometer; then we are sure that the above proportion is true. The first three terms of the proportion being known, the fourth term, which is the resistance sought, is computable. 1 If the same resistance be introduced between points A and G as between A and D, it is evident that the resistance in the resistance box r must be made equal to the unknown resistance x in order that there may be no deflection in the galvanometer. Consequently when this result is obtained the resistance of x may be read from the resistance box. Experiment 137. Measure the resistance of each of the several spools of wire used above, electro-magnets, electric lamps, etc., using the bridge. Place the switches of the resistance box on the zero studs. Make connections as in the description above. Then close the circuit at T, and afterwards the bridge at S. There will probably be a deflection in the galvanometer, Regulate the resist- ance through the resistance box, throwing in or taking out resistance according as one or the other tends to reduce the deflection (the process is much like that of weighing), until there is no deflection. Then compute the resistance sought according to the above proportion. 1 The accuracy of the results obtained largely depends upon so choosing resist- ances of the bridge as to make the arrangement have maximum sensibility, and upon the sensitiveness of the galvanometer. In using the bridge the following directions should be observed : (1) Always close the circuit at T before closing the bridge at S, and in breaking the circuit reverse this order. (2) Introduce between A and D, and A and G, resistance as nearly equal to the resistance sought (x) as practicable. If you have no conception what the unknown resistance is, it is best to begin by using high resistances. (3) Use a sensitive galvanometer, e.g. a mirror galvanometer, or the galvanometer shown in Figure 158, substituting the astatic needle for the tangent needle. 194 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. B' 177. Measurement of Galvanometer Resistance. Lord Kelvin's Method. The bridge may be used for measuring the resistance of the galvanometer actually in use. The bridge is arranged as in Figure 162. The resistance in the resistance box K is then varied until the deflection of G does not change when the key S is closed ; then in which r is the resistance of the galva- nometer, R is the resistance in the resistance box, and a and 6 are the resistances in the arms A G' and A D respectively. If Fig. 162. a = 6, then r = R. Section VII. E.M.F. OF DIFFERENT CELLS. DIVIDED CIRCUITS. METHODS OF COMBINING VOLTAIC CELLS. 178. Electro-Motive Force of Different Cells. If a galvanometer be introduced into a circuit with different battery cells, e.g. Bunsen, Daniell, Greiiet, etc., very different deflections will be obtained, showing that the different cells yield currents of different strengths. This may be in some measure due to a difference in their internal resistance, but it is chiefly due to the difference in their electro-motive forces. We have learned that difference of electro-motive force is due to the difference of the chemical action on the two plates used, and this depends upon the nature of the substances used. It is E.M.F. OF DIFFERENT CELLS, ETC. 195 wholly independent of the size of the plates ; hence the electro-motive force of a large battery cell is no greater than that of a small one of the same kind. Consequently any difference in strength of current yielded by battery cells of the same kind, but of different sizes, is due wholly to a difference in their internal resistances. The electro-motive forces of the Bunsen, Daniell, and Grenet cells are respectively about 1.8, 1, and 2 volts. 179. Divided Circuits; Shunts. Experiment 138. Make a divided circuit as in Figure 163 (using double connectors a and 5). Insert a galvanometer, G, in one branch and a resistance box, R, in the other. When the cur- rent reaches a, it divides, a portion traversing one branch through the galvanometer, and the remainder passing through the other branch and the resistance FI s- 163 ' box. The branch a R b is called a shunt or derived circuit. Increase gradually the resistance in the resistance box. The result is that it throws more of the current through the galvanometer, as shown by the increase of deflection. In a divided circuit the current divides between the paths inversely as their resistances. For example, if the resist- ance of the resistance box above be 4 ohms, and the resistance in the galvanometer be 1 ohm, then four-fifths of the current will traverse the latter and one-fifth the former. Suppose that the resistance box and galvanometer be removed from the shunts, and that the shunts be of the same length, size, and kind of wire, and consequently have equal resistances. Using the two wires instead of one to connect a and b is equivalent to doubling the size of this portion of the conductor ; consequently the re- sistance of this portion is reduced one-half. 196 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. Generally, the joint resistance of two branches of a circuit is the product of their respective resistances divided by their sum. If any portion of a circuit be divided into three or more branches whose resistances are respectively r v r%, r^ etc., it may be demonstrated 1 that, E^n^^n"* in wliich R represents the joint resistance of the several branches. That is, the reciprocal of the joint resistance of any number of branches is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the resistances of the several branches. ISO. Combining- Cells. Batteries. A number of cells connected in such a manner that the currents generated by all have the same direc- tion constitutes a voltaic battery. The object of combining cells is to get a stronger current than one cell will afford. We learn from Ohm's law that there are two, and only two, ways of increasing the strength of a current. It must be done either by increasing the E.M.F. or by decreasing the resistance. So we combine cells into batteries, either to secure greater E.M.F. or to diminish the internal re- sistance. Unfortunately, both purposes cannot y be accomplished by the same method. I 181. Batteries of Low Internal Resist- ance. Figure 164 represents three cells Fig. 164. having all the carbon (-}-) plates electrically i See the author's Principles of Physics, p. 509. ' i if \( E.M.F. OF DIFFERENT CELLS, ETC. 197 connected with one another, and all the zinc ( ) plates connected with one another, and the triplet carbons are connected with the triplet zincs by the leading-out wires through a galvanometer G. It is easy to see that through the battery the circuit is divided into three parts, and consequently the conduc- tivity in this part of the circuit, according to the principle stated in 179, must be increased threefold ; in other words, the internal resistance of the three cells is one-third of that of a single cell. This is called connecting cells " in multiple arc," and the battery is called a " battery of low internal resistance." The resistance of the battery is decreased as many times as there are cells connected in multiple are, but the E.M.F. is that of one cell only. The formula for the current-strength in this case is written thus : E in which n represents the number of cells. It is evident from this formula that when R is so great that - is a v 7Z* small part of the whole resistance of the circuit, little is added to the value of C by increasing the number of cells in multiple arc. 182. Batteries of High Internal Resistance and Great E.M.F. Figure 165 represents four cells having the carbon or -|- plate of one connected with the zinc or plate of the next, and the -j- plate at one end of the series connected by leading-out wires through a galvanometer with the plate at the other end of the series. It is evi- 198 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. dent that the current in this series traverses the liquid four times, which is equivalent to lengthening the liquid conductor four times, and of course increasing the internal resistance fourfold. But, while the internal resistance |+ is increased, the E.M.F. of the battery is increased as Fig. 165. many times as there are cells in series. The gain by increasing the E.M.F. more than offsets, in many cases (always when the internal resistance is a small part of the whole resistance of the circuit), the loss occasioned by increased resistance. The formula for current-strength in this case becomes XV, T? c== It is evident that C is increased most by adding cells in series when n r is smallest in comparison with R. 183. Rule for Combining- Cells. When the external resistance is large, connect cells in series ; when the external is less than the internal resistance, connect cells in multiple arc. EXERCISES. 1. What E.M.F. is required to maintain a current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm ? 2. Through what resistance will an E.M.F. of ten volts maintain a current of 5 amperes ? 3. What current ought an E.M.F. of 20 volts to maintain through a resistance of 5 ohms ? EXERCISES. 199 4. A voltmeter applied each side of an electric lamp shows a differ- ence of potential of 40 volts ; "what current flows through the lamp, if it have a resistance of 10 ohms ? 5. The resistance between two points in a circuit is 10 ohms. An ammeter shows that there is a current-strength in the circuit of 0.5 ampere ; what is the difference in potential between the points ? 6. What current will a Bunsen cell furnish when r = 0.9 ohm (about the resistance of a quart cell), E = 1.8 volts, and R = 0.01 ohm (about the resistance of 3 ft. of No. 16 wire) ? [In the following exercises, whenever a Bunsen cell is mentioned it may be understood to be a quart cell, having a resistance of about 0.9 ohm. Its E.M.F. is about 1.8 volts.] 7. a. When is a large cell considerably better than a small one ? b. When does the size of the cell make little difference in the current ? 8. If you have a dozen quart cells, how can you make them equivalent to one 3-gallon cell ? 9. If a battery of 10 cells have an E.M.F. 10 times greater than that of a single cell, why will not the battery yield a current ten times as strong ? 10. a. The internal resistance of ten cells, connected in multiple arc, is what part of that of a single cell ? b. If the cells were con- nected in series, how would the resistance of the battery compare with that of one of its cells ? c. How would the E.M.F. of the latter battery compare with that of a single cell ? 11. What current will a single Bunsen cell furnish through an external resistance of 10 ohms ? 12. What current will 8 Bunsen cells, in series, furnish through the same resistance ? SOLUT.ON : = ~~ = 0.83+ ampere. 13. What current will 8 Bunsen cells, in multiple arc, furnish through the same external resistance ? 14. What current will a Bunsen cell furnish through an external resistance of 0.4 ohm ? 200 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. 15. What current will a battery of two Bunsen cells, in series, furnish through the same resistance as the last ? 16. What current will two cells, in multiple arc, furnish through the same resistance ? 17. A coil of wire having a resistance of 10 ohms carries a current of 1.5 amperes. Required the difference of potential at its ends. 18. a. The resistance between two points, A and B, of a con- ductor is 2.5 ohms ; the resistance of a shunt between the same points is 1.5 ohms ; what is the joint resistance between these points? b. If a current of 10 amperes be maintained between these points, what will be the strength of current in each branch ? c. How will the strength of current between these points be affected if the shunt be removed and the same fall of potential be preserved ? Why ? Section VIII. MAGNETS AND MAGNETISM. 184. Law of Magnets. Suspend by fine threads in a horizontal position two stout darning-needles which have been drawn in the same direction (e.g. from eye to point) several times over the same pole of a powerful electro-magnet. These needles, separated a few feet from each other, take positions parallel with each other, and both lie in a northerly and southerly direction with the points of each turned in the same direction. That point in the Arctic zone of the earth towards which magnetic needles point is called the north magnetic pole of the earth. That end of a needle which points toward the north magnetic pole of the earth is called the north-seeking, marked, or -\-pole; this is the end that is MAGNETS AND MAGNETISM. 201 always marked for the purpose of distinguishing one from the other. That end of the needle which points south- ward is called the south-seeking, unmarked, or pole. Experiment 139. Bring both points near each other ; there is a mutual repulsion. Bring both eyes near each other ; there is a mutual repulsion. Bring a point and an eye near each other ; there is a mutual attraction. Like poles of magnets repel, unlike poles attract each other. 185. Magnetic Transparency and Induction. Experiment 140. Interpose a piece of glass, paper, or wood- shaving between the two magnets. These substances are not them- selves perceptibly affected by the magnets, nor do they in the least affect the attraction or repulsion between the two magnets. Substances that are not susceptible to magnetism are said to be magnetically transparent. When a magnet causes another body, in contact with it or in its neighborhood, to become a magnet, it is said to induce magnetism in that Fig. 166. body. As attraction, and never repulsion, occurs between a magnet and an unmagnetized piece of iron or steel, it must be that the magnetism induced in the latter is such that opposite poles are adjacent : that is, a N or -f- pole induces a S or pole next itself, as shown in Figure 166. 186. Polarity. Experiment 141. Strew iron filings on a flat surface, and lay a bar magnet on them. On raising the magnet it is found that large 202 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. tufts of filings cling to the poles, as in Figure 167, especially to the edges ; but the tufts diminish regularly in size from each pole towards the center, where none are found. Magnetic attraction is greatest at the poles, and diminishes towards the center, where it is nothing; i.e. the center of the bar is neutral. This dual character of the magnet, as exhibited at its opposite extremities, is called polarity. If a magnet be broken, each piece becomes a magnet with two poles and a neutral line of its own. 187. Retentivity and Resistance. It is more difficult to magnetize steel then iron ; on the other hand, it is difficult to demagnetize steel, while soft iron loses nearly all its magnetism as soon as it is removed from the influence of the inducing body. That quality of steel by which it resists the escape of magnetism which it has once acquired is called its reten- tivity. The greater the retentivity of a magnetizable body, the greater is the resistance which it offers to becoming magnetized. The harder steel is, the greater is its retentivity. Hence, highly tempered steel is used for permanent mag- nets. Hardened iron possesses considerable retentivity ; hence the cores of electro-magnets should be made of the softest iron, that they may acquire and part with magnetism instantaneously. 188. Forms of Artificial Magnets. Artificial magnets, including permanent magnets and electro-magnets, are usually made in the shape either of a straight bar or of the letter U, according to the use to be made of them. If we wish, as in the experiments already described, to use but a single pole, it is desirable to have the other as far away as possible ; then, obviously, the bar magnet is most convenient. But if LINES OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 203 the magnet is to be used for lifting or holding weights, the U-form (see Fig. 155) is far better, because the attraction of both poles is conveniently available. Section IX. LINES OF MAGNETIC FORCE. THE MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. 189. Lines of Magnetic Force. These lines are easily studied by the use of iron filings. The field of force around a magnet is shown by placing a paper over Fig. 168. it, dusting filings upon the paper, and tapping it. The filings take symmetrical positions, form curves between the poles of the magnet or magnets, and show that the lines of force connect the opposite poles of the magnet. The fact is, that each filing, when brought within the influence 204 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. of the magnetic field, 1 becomes a magnet by induction, and of necessity tends to take a definite position which represents the resultant of the forces acting upon it from ;:> /l\\<:<: : 5^ / ; \ \X .-- ' W Fig. 169. each pole of the system. A line of magnetic force is a line drawn in such a manner that the tangent to it at any point indicates the direction of the resultant magnetic ^~^//p\M$ N::---X/// vi\\N x ^ **'/! \ \ \ \ . ---^"- / / ! ; \ ^ Fig. 17O. force at that point. Figure 168 represents a magnetic field photographed from a specimen paper, and Figure 169 is a graphical representation of the same. In this illustra- 1 A portion of space throughout which magnetic effects are exerted is called a magnetic field. LINES OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 205 Fig. 171. tion the unlike poles of two magnets are placed opposite each other. Figure 170 is a diagram of paths of lines of force of a bar magnet, and Figure 171 of a U-shaped magnet. 19O. Magnetic Circuit. - - A line of force is assumed arbitrarily to start from the N-pole and to pass through the surrounding medium (e.g. the air), entering the magnet by the S-pole, and completing its path through the magnet itself to ^ its starting-point (the N-pole), thus '^ forming a complete circuit (Fig. / , 170). These lines do not all ( emerge, however, from the extrem- ities. A multitude of lines start from all parts of the magnet and enter at corresponding points on the other side of its central or neutral line. No magnetic line of force can exist without completing its own circuit, and lines of force never cross or merge into one another, consequently a magnet cannot have a single pole. Lines of force possess several peculiar characteristics. One is that in air and most other mediums they tend to separate from one another, but at the same time tend to become as short as possible. The strain is as if these lines were stretched elastic threads endowed with the property of repelling one another as well as of shortening themselves; in other words, there is tension along the lines and pressure at right angles to them. If the N-pole of one magnet be placed opposite the S-pole of another (Fig. 169), the lines of force issuing from the former will enter the latter, and, tending to shorten, will produce attraction. If the similar ends be opposed (Fig. 172), the lines of force will be turned away from each pole in all directions, and will complete their circuits independently. Thus becom- ing parallel they will repel one another ; for this reason like magnetic poles repel each other. 206 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. Air is a poor conductor for lines of force, or its permeability is low ; on the other hand, iron has high permeability for lines of force, and if a piece of iron be brought within a magnetic field, a portion of the lines of Fig. 173. force will crowd together into it, leaving their normal paths through the air for a medium of greater permeability. 191. Law of Inverse Squares. It may be demon- strated experimentally 1 that the force exerted between two magnetic poles varies inversely as the square of the distance between them. Section X. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. 192. The Earth a Magnet. Experiment 142. Place a dipping-needle 2 over the + pole of a bar magnet (Fig. 173). The needle takes a vertical position with its pole down. Slide the supporting stand along the bar ; the pole gradually rises until the stand reaches the middle of the bar, where the needle becomes horizontal. Continue .Fig. 173. moving the stand toward 1 See tlie author's Principles of Physics, p. 528. 2 A magnetic needle so supported that it can rotate in a vertical plane is called a dipping-needle. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. 207 the pole of the bar ; after passing the middle of the bar the + pole begins to dip, and the dip increases until the needle reaches the end of the bar, when the needle is again vertical with its + pole down. If the same needle be carried northward or southward along the earth's surface, it will dip in the same way as it approaches the polar regions, and be horizontal only at or near the equator. The experiment presents a true exhibition, on a small scale, of what the earth does on a large one, and thereby Fig. 174. presents one of many phenomena which lead to the con- clusion that the earth is a magnet. In other words, these phenomena are just what we should expect if a huge magnet were thrust through the earth, as represented in Figure 174, having its N-pole near the S geographical pole, and its S-pole near the N geographical pole ; or if the earth itself were a magnet. 208 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. 193. Magnetic Poles of the Earth. Points on the earth's surface where the dipping-needle assumes a vertical position are called the magnetic poles of the earth. A point was found on the western coast of Boothia, by Sir James Ross, in the year 1831, where the dipping-needle lacked only one-sixtieth of a degree of pointing directly to the earth's center. The same voyager subsequently reached a point in Victoria Land where the opposite pole of the needle lacked only 1 20 ' of pointing to the earth's center. It will be seen that, if we call that end of a magnetic needle which points north the N-pole, we must call that magnetic pole of the earth which is in the northern hemisphere the S-pole, and vice versa. (See Fig. 174.) Hence, to avoid confusion, many careful writers abstain from the use of the terms north and south poles, and substitute for them the terms positive and negative, or marked and unmarked poles. 194. Variation of the Needle. Inasmuch as the magnetic poles of the earth do not coincide with the geographical poles, it follows that the needle does not in most places point due north and south. The angle which the vertical plane through the axis of a freely suspended needle makes with the geographical meridian of the place is known as the angle of declination. In other words the angle of declination is the angle formed by the magnetic and geographical meridians. This angle differs at different places. The magnetic axis of a needle is a straight line connecting its two poles. 195. Isogfonic curves. These are lines connecting all points of equal declination on the earth's surface. The line of no declination, or isogonic of (Fig. 175), commences at the N. magnetic pole about lat. 70, long. 96, passes in a southeasterly direction across Lake Erie and Western Pennsylvania, and enters the Atlantic Ocean near the boundary between the Carolinas. Pursuing its course through the south polar regions, it reappears in the eastern hemisphere and crosses Western MAGNETIC RELATIONS OF THE CURRENT. 209 Australia, the Caspian Sea, and thence to the Arctic Ocean. There is also a detached line of no declination inclosing an oval area in Eastern Asia and the Pacific Ocean. In the eastern (or Atlantic) hemisphere, bounded by the line of no declination, the declination is westward, as Fig. 175. indicated by continuous lines in the figure. In the western (or Pacific) hemisphere the declination is eastward, as indicated by dotted lines. The magnetic poles are not fixed objects that can be located like an island or cape, but are constantly changing. They appear to swing, something like a pendulum, in an easterly and westerly direction, each swing requiring centuries to complete it. The north magnetic pole is now on its westerly swing. Section XI. MAGNETIC RELATIONS OF THE CURRENT. ELECTRO-MAGNETS. 196. Magnetic Field due to a Circular Current. If a wire be bent into the form of a circle of about 10 in. diameter, and placed vertically in the magnetic meridian, 210 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. and a cardboard be placed at right angles to the circle so that its horizontal diameter is coincident with the upper surface of the cardboard, and a very strong current be sent through the wire in the direction indicated by the arrow-head in the wire, iron filings sifted upon the card will arrange themselves as shown in Figure 176. And if a freely suspended test-needle be carried inside and out- Fig. 176. side the circle, the several positions taken by the needle, as indicated in the figure by arrows, corroborate the direc- tions of the lines of force as indicated by the filings. If the direction of the current be reversed, the direction of the needle will be reversed wherever it may be placed. In fact, when a current traverses a wire (or other con- ductor) lines of force encircle the electric current at right angles to it. 1 The electric current and its encircling lines of force always coexist, and one varies directly as the other when there is no magnetic substance near the wire. 1" Every conducting wire is surrounded by a sort of magnetic whirl. A great part of the energy of the so-called electric current in the wire consists in these external magnetic whirls. To set them up requires an expenditure of energy ; and to maintain them requires a constant expenditure of energy. It is these magnetic whirls which act on magnets, and cause them to set, as galvanometer needles do, at right angles to the conducting wire." S. P. THOMPSON. MAGNETIC RELATIONS OF THE CURRENT. 211 Fig. 177. 197. Solenoid. If instead of a single circle of wire an insulated wire be wound into a helix of several turns, it is called a solenoid. The intensity of the magnetic field is greatly increased by the joint action of the many cur- rent turns. The passage of an electric current through a solenoid gives it all the properties of a mag- net. The magnetic field within the solenoid is nearly uniform in strength, and the lines of force to within a short distance of its ends are parallel with its axis, as shown in Figure 177. A solenoid encircling an iron core constitutes an electro- magnet. The iron core greatly increases the number of lines of force which pass through the solenoid by reason of its permeability. Hence the magnetic strength of a solenoid is greatly increased by the presence of an iron core. 198. Magnetic Polarity of Electro-Magnetic Solenoid. Figure 178 represents a small battery floating on water. The leading wire of the cell is wound into a horizontal solenoid. Slowly after the cell is floated it will take a posi- tion so that the axis of the solenoid will point north and south like a magnetic needle. Hold (say) the S-pole of a bar magnet near that end of the solenoid which points north ; the solenoid is attracted by the magnet. Hold the N-pole of the magnet near the north-pointing end of the solenoid; the magnet repels the solenoid. Fig. 178. 212 BNBEGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. Fig. 179. Repeat the above, using in place of the bar magnet another current-bear- ing solenoid (Fig. 179) ; there will be a repetition of the same phenomena as obtained with the bar magnet. Intro- duce a rod of soft iron into the solenoid held in the hand, thereby making of it an electro-magnet; the only change observed is that the force of attraction and repulsion is greatly increased. Place the wire of another battery over and parallel with the coil (Fig. 180), so that the two currents will flow in planes at right an- gles to each other. The coil is deflected like a magnetic needle (Fig. 181). Reverse the direc- tion of the current Fisr ' 18 * above and the deflection is reversed. Fig. 181. We thus prove that a solenoid bearing a current pos- sesses polarity as if it were a magnet, and that there can be produced by a current-bearing solenoid a magnetic field of the same character as that produced by a permanent magnet. There is no essential difference between a per- manent magnet, a current-bearing solenoid, and an electro- magnet, except that the last may be made much stronger than either of the others. 199. Given the Direction of the Current in a Sole- noid, to find the N- and S-poles of the Solenoid, and vice versa. RULE 1. Place the palm of the right hand against the side of the solenoid so that the fingers will point in the direc- tion of the current passing through the windings (as shown ELECTRODYNAMICS. 213 in Fig. 182); the thumb will point in the direction of the N-pole of the solenoid or electro-magnet. 1 RULE 2. Ascer- tain the N-pole of the solenoid or electro- magnet with a mag- netic needle, and place the palm of the right hand upon the solenoid so that the outstretched thumb points in the direction of the N-pole; the fingers will point in the direction in which the current passes in the windings. Fig. 183. Section XII. ELECTRODYNAMICS. AMPERE S THEORY OF MAGNETISM. 2OO. Mutual Action of Currents on One Another. If we suppose that a test-needle be moved up or down just back of the current-bearing wires (Fig. 183), the N- and S-poles will take the positions indicated by n and s. We may readily predict from inspection of the polarity developed, that if the wires were so suspended as to be 1 The following suggestion will often prove of practical value : that is the south pole of a helix where the current corresponds to the motion of the hands of a watch, S, and that is the north pole where the current is in the reverse direction, N! 214 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. free to move either toward or from each other, the pair of wires in which the currents flow parallel to each other and in the same direction, A, would attract each other, and the pair of wires in which the currents flow in opposite directions, B, would repel each other; but if the ft II Fig. 183. Fig. 184. currents be inclined to each other, as in Figure 184, they will tend to move into a position in which they will be parallel and in the same direction. That such actually takes place may be shown by the following experiments:- Experiment 143. Figure 185 represents a portion of a divided circuit. The lower ends of the wires dip about one-sixteenth of an inch into mercury, and the wires are so suspended that they are free to move toward or from each other. Send a current of a battery of three or four Bun sen cells, in multiple arc, through this divided cir- cuit. The two portions of the current travel in the same direction and parallel with each other, and the two wires at the lower extremi- ties move toward each other, showing an attraction. Experiment 144 Make the connections (Fig. 186) so that the current will go down one wire and up the other. They repel each other. ELECTRODYNAMICS. 215 Fig. 185. Fig. 186. In the experiment with the floating cell and current- bearing wire placed over and parallel to the solenoid (Fig. 180), a careful examination will disclose the fact that not only do the planes in which the current flows in the coil tend to become parallel to the current above, but that the current in the upper half of the coil, where the influence due to proximity is greatest, tends to place itself so as to flow in the same direction as that of the current above. 201. Ampere's Laws. LAW 1. Parallel currents, if in the same direction, attract one another ; and if in oppo- site directions, they repel one another. LAW 2. Currents that are not parallel tend to become parallel and flow in the same direction. 202. Ampere's Theory of Magnetism. This cele- brated theory briefly stated is that magnets and solenoid systems are fundamentally the same; that magnetism is simply electricity in rotation, and that a magnetic field is a sort of whirlpool of electricity. Not, of course, that a steel magnet contains an electric current circulating round and round it as does an electro-magnet, but that every molecule of iron, steel, or other magnetizable sub- stance is the seat of a separate current circulating round it continuously and without resistance, and thus every molecule is a magnet. 216 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. According to the theory, in an unmagnetized bar these currents lie in all possible planes, and, having no unity of direction, they neutralize one another, and so their effect as a system is zero. But if a current of elec- tricity or a magnet be brought near, the effect of the induction is to turn the currents into parallel planes, and in the same direction, in conformity to Ampere's Second Law. If the retentivity be strong enough, this parallelism will be maintained after the removal of the inducing cause, and a permanent magnet is the result. Intensity of magnetization depends on the degree of parallelism, and the latter depends on the strength of the influencing magnet. When these currents have become quite parallel, the body has received all the magnetism that it is capable of receiving, and is said to be saturated. The hypothetical currents that circulate round a magnetic molecule we shall call amperian currents, to distinguish them from the known Fig. 187. current that traverses the solenoid. In strict accordance with this theory, the poles of the electro-magnet are determined by the direction of the current in the helix. The inductive influence of the electric current causes the amperian currents to take the same direction with itself, as represented in Figure 187. Section XIII. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 2O3. Description of Apparatus. A (Fig. 188) is a short coil of coarse wire (i.e. the wire which it contains is comparatively short), and has, of course, little resistance. B is a long coil of fine wire having many turns. Coil ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 217 A is in circuit with two Bunsen cells in multiple arc. This circuit we call the primary circuit, the current in this circuit the primary or inducing current, and the coil the primary coil. Another circuit, having in it no battery or other means of generating a current, con- tains coil B and a galvano- scope with an astatic needle. 1 This circuit is called the secondary circuit, the coil the secondary coil, and the cur- rents which circulate through this circuit are called secondary or induced currents. Experiment 145. Lower the primary coil quickly into the secondary coil, watching at the same time the needle of the galvano- Fig. 188. Fig. 189. 1 This needle consists of two needles of about the same intensity with their poles reversed, fixed parallel with each other. Though the needles nearly neutralize each other and are therefore little affected by the field of the earth's magnetism, they are especially sensitive to the influence of the electric current properly situated. 218 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. scope to see whether it moves, and, if so, in what direction. Simul- taneously with this movement there is a movement of the needle, showing that a current must have passed through the secondary circuit. Let the primary coil rest within the secondary, until the needle comes to rest. After a few vibrations the needle settles at zero, showing that the secondary current was a temporary one. Now, watching the needle, quickly pull the primary coil out ; another deflection in the opposite direction occurs, showing that a current in the opposite direction is caused by withdrawing the coil. It is evident that in this case the current does not by its mere presence cause an induced current, but that a change in the relative positions of the two circuits, one of which bears a current, is necessary. Instead of a current-bearing coil a bar magnet may be introduced into the secondary coil, and afterwards with- drawn from it. The needle is deflected at each act as before. Experiment 146. Place the primary coil within the secondary. Open the primary wire at some point and then close the circuit (Fig. 189) by bringing in contact the extremities of the wires. A deflec- tion is produced. As soon as the needle becomes quiet, break the circuit by separating the wires ; a deflection in the opposite direction occurs. The same phenomena occur when the primary current is by any means suddenly strengthened or weakened. An examination of the direction of these currents enables us to state the facts as follows : Starting a current in a primary, increasing the strength of the primary current, or moving the primary nearer while the current is steady, produces a transitory current in the opposite direction in the secondary. Stopping the primary, diminishing the strength of the primary current, or moving the primary ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 219 away while the current is kept steady, causes a transitory current in the same direction in the secondary. It is evident, therefore, that the conditions under which a current in the primary coil can cause a current in a neighboring secondary depend upon some change either in the strength of the primary current or in the relative posi- tions of the primary and secondary circuits. The act by which the primary, or a magnet, causes a current in a neighboring secondary is called magneto- electric induction. 204. Faraday's Law of Induction. If any conducting circuit be placed in the magnetic field, then, if a change of relative position or change of strength of the primary current cause a change in the number of lines of force passing through the secondary, an electro-motive force is set up in the sec- ondary proportional to the rate at which the number of lines of force included by the sec- ondary is varying. Consider the case of induction by a magnet. Let S (Fig. 190) be a secondary circuit and N a magnet projecting a certain number of lines of force through the circuit. If S be moved nearer to the mag- net, say to S', a much greater number of lines of force of the magnet pass through the circuit than when in its former position, owing to the divergence of the lines as they recede from the pole. 205. Lenz's Law. The law by which the direction of the induced current is determined is known as Lenz's law, and may be expressed as follows : "In all cases of Fig. 190. 220 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. induction the direction of the induced current is such as to oppose the motion which produces it." Thus approach develops an opposite current, since opposite currents resist approach, while recession develops a current of similar direction, since similarly directed currents attract one another and thus resist recession. It is, then, apparent that the current developed in the secondary circuit is at the expense of mechanical energy, and that mechanical energy is, therefore, transformed into electric energy. 206. Self-induction. " Extra Currents." Not only does a current at starting and stopping or changing strength act on neighboring conductors, generating currents in them, but it acts upon itself by a process which is called self- induction. A current starting or increasing creates an oppositely directed current not only in its neighbor, but also in its own wire. Likewise at the instant a circuit is broken a current is generated in the same direction as the retiring current, and this induced current causes the spark seen on break- ing a circuit. If a current pass through the helix of an electro-magnet, owing to the permeability of the iron a far larger number of lines of force traverse its circuit than if the core were removed ; and hence, at the stoppage of the current, a correspondingly greater impulse operates in the wire and creates a correspondingly more powerful spark. For a similar reason the self-induction is much greater in a coil of wire than if the same wire were laid out straight. 20 7. Induction Coils. If a core of iron, or, still better, a bundle of wires (A A, Fig. 191), be inserted in the primary coil, it is evident that it will be magnetized ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 221 and demagnetized every time the primary is made and broken. The starting and cessation of amperian currents in the core in the same direction as the primary current, and simultaneously with the commencement and ending of the primary current, greatly intensifies* the secondary current. To save the trouble of making and breaking by B Fig. 191. hand the core is also utilized in the -construction of an automatic make-and-break piece. A soft iron hammer b is connected with the steel spring 193. sideration ; the mid- dle finger will indicate the direction of the induced current. 211. The Dynamo. We are now prepared to study the action of the dynamo. Our inducing magnet, which is commonly an electro-magnet, is called the field magnet, and our coil or series of coils of wire, which is generally made to move in front of the poles of the field magnet, is called the armature. The armature is that part of the electric circuit in which the induced current is generated. Like the battery, it may be considered as the source of the current. The number of lines of force passing through a circuit may in general be changed in two ways: either (1) by moving the circuit Fig. 194. 226 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. =>v Fig. 195. through a field in which the density of the lines of force varies, as represented in ' Figure 194 ; or (2) by rotat- ing the plane of the circuit so as to change the angle which it makes with the line HZ of force, thus increasing or decreasing the number which the circuit encloses (Fig. 195). A common simple form of dynamo is illustrated in Figure 196. A large mass or bar of soft iron of the U form, surrounded with a coil of in- sulated wire, and terminating in the pole pieces N and S, forms the field magnet. The ar- mature consists of a single rectangu- lar loop of wire fixed to a horizon- Fig ' 196 ' tal axis and terminating in two rings of metal, a and 6, which are fixed to the axle, but insulated from it. When a current passes through the field coils, and the core becomes magnetized, lines of force will cross and fill the space between the pole pieces of the field magnet. As these lines are cut by the horizontal parts of the rotating wire, an E.M.F. is generated in these parts, and a current flows in the direction indicated by the arrows. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. 227 A metallic or carbon brush m touches, and carries off the current from, the lower horizontal segment of the rectangular coil. This current flows through the external resistance R, and completes the circuit through the brush n to the ring 6, and the upper half of the loop. The current will continue to flow in this direction while the loop moves through one half of a revolution. Since the lines of force are cut in the opposite direction in the next half revolution, the current will be reversed in the armature wire and also through the external circuit. Thus with each half revolution of the armature a reversal of the current takes place. This, then, would be called an alternating current dynamo. 212. The Commutator. The alternating current is not adapted to all uses, and for many purposes it is desir- able to have the current continuously flowing in the same direction. To accomplish this a commutator is attached to the axis of the armature. In Figure 197 the two brass rings a and 6 are replaced by a single brass tube divided into two parts by cutting it lengthwise. These two segments are attached to but insulated from the axis, and are connected with the separate ends of the armature wire. When the plane of the armature coil is perpendicular to the line of force passing from N to S, as in Figure 197, no lines of force are being cut, and hence no E.M.F. is developed and no current flows through the loop. But the instant it moves out of the vertical in the direc- tion of the arrow, lines of force will be cut, and as the lower segment of the loop is moving upward past the pole S, and the other segment is mov- 228 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. ing downward in front of the pole N, a positive current flows from the loop through the segment a, the brush w?, the resistance R, the brush ?i, and the strip of the commutator 6. During the next half of a revolution the lines of force will be cut from an opposite direction by each of the horizontal segments of the armature loop, and hence the current will be reversed. But the segment b of the commutator will now be in contact with the brush m ; and although the current is reversed in the armature it will flow off at the brush m as before. Inasmuch as no E.M.F. is developed when the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the lines of force, it is at this point that the brushes pass from one segment to the other. Thus by means of the commutators and brushes, reversal of the current is prevented in the external circuit, although the current in the armature reverses with each half revolu- tion. This arrangement will constitute a direct-current dynamo. We may have two turns of wire before connect- ing with the commutator strips, giving twice the E.M.F., or three turns, giving three times the E.M.F. ; i.e. the E.M.F. will be proportional to the number of turns of wire in the coil. Again, instead of having only one coil we may have two or any number of coils, each separate from the others, and terminating in strips or segments which are on opposite sides of the commutator. Generally the coils are connected in series, thus making any segment a terminal of one coil and the beginning of the next. 213. Classes of Dynamos. 1 Dynamos may be divided into different classes according to the method by which their field magnets are excited. Figure 198 illustrates a magneto-electric machine, where the field magnet is a per- manent steel magnet. This form of machine is seldom 1 For the characteristics of the various classes of dynamos, as well as for a most lucid and comprehensive treatment of dynamos generally, see Dynamo-Electric Machinery, by S. P. Thompson. DYNAMO-ELECTKIC MACHINES. 229 used, since a permanent steel magnet cannot be made as powerful as an electro-magnet having a soft iron core of equal mass. Figure 196 illustrates a separately excited dynamo, where the field magnet coils receive their currents from a sepa- rate generator, e.g. a battery, and not from the armature coils. Since an alter- nating current dynamo does not produce a constant magnetic field, alternating d}^namos, in general, are separately excited. Fig. 198. In a series dynamo the coils of the field magnet are joined in series with the armature so that the entire current passes through these coils. Figure 199 illustrates a shunt machine, where the field-coil serves as a shunt to the external circuit. L is the main wire and I is the shunt wire. In the shunt machine only a part of the current generated in the armature passes through the field-coils. A dynamo is said to be " self -exciting " when the whole or any part (Fig. 199) of Fig. 199. 230 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. the current which is produced is used to magnetize the field magnets. Such are the Edison incandescent dynamos. The fields, after being once excited from any source, e.g. another dynamo, always retain a little residual magnetism, so that when the armature begins to rotate, a slight current is at once induced in it. This strengthens the field, and the stronger field reacts to increase the current, so that the current soon rises to its normal strength. For further treatment of the dynamo, see Appendix, Section G. Section XV. ELECTRIC MOTOR. 214. Reversibility of the Dynamo. If a current from an external source, e.g. a battery or another dynamo, be passed through the armature and field magnet of a direct-current dynamo, it will excite the armature and make of it an electro-magnet x and will also excite the fields. The current will enter at the terminals and will pass through the commutator into the armature. The relation of parts is such that in doing this it will develop N and S poles in parts of the periphery of the armature distant from the N and S poles of the fields. Hence there will be set up between the armature and the poles of the field magnet a stress tending to move the former a little ELECTRIC MOTOR. 231 in the opposite direction to that in which it is compelled to move when generating a current. But as soon as it has turned a short distance, the action of the commutator shifts the current, and new poles are established in the armature back of the first and in the same relative posi- tions which they at first occupied. The armature con- tinues to rotate as the new poles are attracted and repelled, and the action goes on so long as a current is supplied. Obviously if there were no commutator the poles of the armature would be fixed, and it never could rotate through a greater angle than 180. It is evident, then, that if two dynamos be connected by wires in the same circuit and the armature of one be rotated, the armature of the other will rotate in a reverse direction as soon as the current transmitted from the first attains a certain intensity. The dynamo, then, is a reversible machine, in which mechanical energy can be changed directly into electrical energy or electrical energy into mechanical energy. When the dynamo is used for the latter transformation, it is commonly known as an electric motor. In other words a modern motor is a dynamo reversed. * The discovery of the reversibility of the dynamo is considered to be one of high importance. For further treatment of the electric motor, see Appendix, Section H. 232 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. Section XVI. THE TRANSFORMER. 215. The Induction Coil Reversible. An induction coil is in a certain sense a reversible machine. If a cur- rent of considerable strength circulate under small E.M.F. in the primary, then variations in its strength give rise to very weak currents of exceedingly high E.M.F. in the secondary. Conversely, if we cause to circulate in the secondary weak currents under very high E.M.F., by their fluctuations there will be generated in the primary strong currents of small E.M.F. We do not in either case create electric energy. Electric power is the product of two factors, current and electro-motive force. The induction coil enables us to increase one of these factors at the expense of the other, and to transform electric energy in form much as a mechanical power (e.g. a lever) enables us to convert a quantity of work which consists of small stress exerted through a great distance into a large stress exerted through a small distance. The transformer sometimes called a converter is merely an induction coil used to change the relation of the number of volts to the number of amperes of any current. In a perfect transformer the number of watts in the primary equals the number of watts in the secondary. The Ruhmkorff coil as ordinarily used may be regarded as a "step up" transformer from low potential to high potential. But if the coil of long thin wire be used as the primary, it becomes a "step down " transformer from high potential to low potential. THE TRANSFORMER. 233 Figure 200 represents the coils of a transformer used in the incan- descent lamp service, and Figure 201 represents the same enclosed in a case. These transformers are usually supported on the street poles. The transformer is applied in the welding of metals, i.e. to fuse the ends of metals that are to be joined together, where many hundred or Fig. 2OO. Fig. 201. even thousand amperes of current, and only a fraction of a volt, would be required for an instant. A still wider application of transformers is in the transmission of electric power. Since the rate at which a current performs work equals the volts times the amperes (Ex C), then according to Ohm's law the work done per second by a current passing through a conductor equals C2R. 1 That is, when the current strength is doubled there will be four times as much energy transformed per second. We see, then, that to transfer electric energy to a great distance it may be desirable to have a high E.M.F. with a small current passing through the mains, and then to reduce the E.M.F. and increase the current by a transformer at the place where the energy is to be used. By this means the expense involved in the copper conductors is much reduced. For electric lighting in private houses transformers are used to bring down the high potential of the mains to the safe limit of about 100 volts. 1 P (watts) Ex C. E=rCR (Ohm's formula); by substituting this value of E the first formula becomes P = C 2 R. 234 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. Section XVII. SECONDARY OR STORAGE BATTERIES. 216. Reversibility of Electrolysis. If water be decomposed for a time between neutral electrodes such as platinum plates and then the battery or other generator be withdrawn from the circuit and replaced by a sensitive galvanometer, a deflection of the needle shows that a transitory current flows in the opposite direction to the primary or electrolyzing current. It is evident that the electrolyzing current polarizes the electrodes in the electrolyte, and that energy is thus stored in the cell. Polarization is of the nature of a counter E.M.F. It is precisely this polarization which we have to contend with in nearly all voltaic cells, and which we seek to neutralize by means of depolarizing substances. Devices for thus storing up energy by electrolysis are called storage or secondary batteries, and sometimes accumu- lators. Note that the process is an electrical storage of energy, not a storage of electricity. The energy of the charging current is transformed into the potential energy of chemical separation in the storage cell. When the circuit of the storage cell is closed this energy is recon- verted into the energy of an electric current in precisely the same way as with an ordinary voltaic cell. A common form of storage cell consists of large lead plates (for electrodes) covered with a paste of red lead dipping into dilute sulphuric acid. Connected with a dynamo the positive electrode becomes by electrolysis peroxydized and the negative electrode deoxydized. The storage battery offers a means of accumulating energy at one time or place, and using it at some other time or place. For example, energy THERMO-ELECTRIC CURRENTS. 235 of a dynamo current may be stored during the daytime when the current is not needed for illuminating purposes ; and this energy reconverted into electric energy may feed incandescent lamps at night at any convenient place; or the charged cells may be transported to lecture-halls, work- shops, electric cars, etc., where powerful currents may be needed. Section XVIII. THERMO-ELECTRIC CURRENTS. 217. Heat Energy Transformed Directly into Elec- tric Energy. Experiment 148. Insert in one screw-cup of a sensitive galvanometer an iron wire, and in the other cup a copper, or better, a German-silver wire. Twist the other ends of the wire together, and heat them at their junction in a flame; a deflection of the needle shows that a current of electricity is traversing the wire. Place a piece of ice at their junction ; a deflection in the opposite direction shows that a current now traverses the wire in the opposite direction. These currents are named, from their origin, thermo- electric. Apparatus required for the generation of these currents is very simple, consisting merely of bars of two different metals joined at one extremity, and some means of raising or lowering the temperature at their junction, or of raising the temperature at one extremity of the pair and lowering it at the other ; for the electro-motive force, and consequently the strength of the current, is nearly proportional to the difference in temperature of the two extremities of the pair. The strength of the current is 236 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. also dependent, as in the voltaic pair, on the thermo- electromotive force of the metals employed. 218. Thermo-Electric Batteries. A combination of the metals antimony and bismuth makes the most effective thermo-electric pair. The E.M.F. of such a pair is small in comparison with that of a voltaic pair ; hence the greater necessity of combining a large number of pairs with one another in series. Such contrivances for generating electric currents are called thermo-electric batteries. They are seldom used, inasmuch as the best transform less than one per cent of the heat energy employed. Section XIX. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. 219. Electric Light : Voltaic Arc. If the terminals of wires from a powerful dynamo or galvanic battery be brought together, and then separated 1 or 2 mm , the current does not cease to flow, but volatilizes a portion of the terminals. The vapor formed becomes a conductor of high resistance, and, remaining at a very high temperature, produces intense light. The heat is so great that it fuses the most refractory substances. Metal terminals quickly melt and drop off like tallow, and thereby become so far separated that the electro-motive force is no longer sufficient for the increased resistance, and the light is extinguished. Hence, pencils of carbon (prepared from THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. 237 the coke deposited in the distillation of coal inside of gas retorts), being less fusible, are used for terminals. The light is too intense to admit of examination with the naked eye; but if an image of the terminals be thrown on a screen by means of a lens or a pin-hole in a card, an arch-shaped light is seen extending from pole to pole, as shown in Figure 202. The heated air containing the glowing particles of carbon forms what is called the electric arc. The larger portion of the light, however, emanates from the tips of the two carbon terminals, which are heated to an intense whiteness, al- though some emanates from the arc. The -f- pole is hotter than the - pole, as is shown by its glowing longer after the current is stopped. Flg * 303 ' The carbon of the -f- pole becomes volatilized, and the light-giving particles are transported from the -(- pole to the pole, forming a bridge of luminous vapor between the poles. -What we see is not electricity, but luminous matter. 22O. Electric Lamp. It is apparent that the + pole is subject to a wasting away ; so also the pole wastes away, but not so fast. At the point of the former a conical-shaped cavity is formed, while around the point of the latter warty protuberances appear. When, 238 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. in consequence of the wearing away of the -f- pole, the distance between the two pencils becomes too great for the electric current to span, the light goes out. Numerous self-acting regulators for main- taining a uniform distance between the poles have been devised. Such an ar- rangement (Fig. 203) is called an electric lamp. The movements of the carbons are accomplished automatically by the action of the current itself. 221. Incandescent Electric Lamps. The incandescent (or " glow ") light is produced by the heating of some refractory body to a state of incandescence by the passage of an electric current. Carbon filaments are now al- most exclusively used in incandescent lamps. TThe filament of the Edison lamp is carbon- ized bamboo. It is es- Fig. 203. sential that the oxygen of the air be removed from these bulbs, otherwise the carbons would be quickly burned out ; hence very high vacua are produced in the bulbs with a mercury pump. Figure 204 represents an Edison lamp. The loop or filament of carbon, L, is joined at n n to two platinum wires which pass through the closed end of the glass tube, ELECT ROT YPING AND ELECTROPLATING. 239 T. One of these wires is connected with the brass ring, B, and the other with the brass button, D, at the bottom of the lamp. When the lamp is screwed into its socket, connection is made with the line through pieces of brass in the socket which are insulated from each other. An Edison 16 candle-power lamp has a resistance (when hot) of about ^Negative Fig. 205. 140 ohms, the difference of potential at its terminals is about 110 volts, and it requires a current of 0.75 ampere. Each lamp consumes about one-tenth of a horse-power. Incandescent lamps are usually introduced into the circuit in multiple arc (Fig. 205), the current being equally divided by properly regulating the resistance between all the lamps in the circuit. Section XX. ELECTROTYPING AND ELECTROPLATING. 222. Electrotypiiig". This book is printed from electrotype plates. A molding-case of brass, in the shape of a shallow pan, is filled to the depth of about one-quarter of an inch with melted wax. A few pages are set up in common type, and an impression or mold is made by pressing these into the wax. The type is 240 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. then distributed, and again used to set up other pages. Powdered plumbago is applied by brushes to the surface of the wax mold to render it a conductor. The case is then suspended in a bath of copper sulphate dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid. The pole of a galvanic battery or dynamo machine is applied to it ; and from the -f- pole is suspended in the bath a copper plate opposite and near to the wax face. The salt of copper is decomposed by Fig. 306. the electric current, and the copper is deposited on the surface of the mold. The sulphuric acid appears at the -f- pole, and, combining with the copper of this pole, forms new molecules of copper sulphate. When the copper film has acquired about the thickness of an ordinary visiting card, it is removed from the mold. This shell shows distinctly every line of the types or engraving. It is then backed, or filled in, with melted type-metal, to give firmness to the plate. The plate is next fastened on THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 241 a block of wood, and thus built up type-high, and is now ready for the printer. (For full directions which will enable a pupil to electrotype in a small way, see the author's Physical Technics.) 223. Electroplating". The distinction between elec- troplating and electrotyping is that with the former the metallic coat remains permanently on the object on which it is deposited, while with the latter it is intended to be removed. The processes are, in the main, the same. The articles to be plated are first thoroughly cleaned and suspended on the pole of a battery, and then a plate of the same kind of metal that is to be deposited on the given articles is suspended from the -f- pole (Fig. 206). The bath used is a solution of a salt of the metal to be deposited. The cyanides of gold and silver are generally used for gilding and silvering. Section XXI. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 224. Morse Telegraph. First, it should be under- stood that, instead of two lines of wires (one to convey the electric current far away from the battery, and another to return it to the battery), if the distant pole be connected with a large metallic plate buried in moist earth, or, still better, with a gas or water pipe that leads to the earth, and the other pole near the battery be connected in like manner with the earth, so that the earth forms about one- 242 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. half of the circuit, there will be needed only one wire to connect telegraphically two places that are distant from each other. Let B (Fig. 207, Plate III) represent the message sender, or operator's key ; Y, the message receiver. It may be seen that the circuit is broken at B. Let the operator press his finger on the knob of the key. He closes the circuit, and the electric current instantly fills the wire from Boston to New York. It magnetizes a ; a draws down the lever 6, and presses the point of a style on a strip of paper, c, that is drawn over a roller. The operator ceases to press upon the key, the circuit is broken, and instantly b is raised from the paper by a spiral spring, d. Let the operator press upon the key only for an instant, or long enough to count one : a simple dot or indentation will be made in the paper. But if he press upon the key long enough to count three, the point of the style will remain in contact with the paper the same length of time ; and, as the paper is drawn along beneath the point, a short straight line is produced. This short line is called a dash. These dots and dashes constitute the alphabet of telegraphy. 225. The Sounder. If the strip of paper be removed, and the style be allowed to strike the metallic roller, a sharp click is heard. Again, when the lever is drawn up by the spiral spring it strikes a screw point above (not represented in the figure), and another click, differing slightly in sound from the first, is heard. A listener is able to distinguish dots from dashes by the length of the intervals of time that elapse between these two sounds. Operators generally read by ear, giving heed to the clicking sounds produced by the strokes of a little hammer. A receiver so used is called a sounder, a common form of which is repre- sented in the lower central part of Plate III. 226. The Relay. The strength of the current is diminished, of course, as the line is extended and the number of instruments in the circuit is increased. Hence, a battery that would give a current sufficient to move the parts of a single sounder audibly, on a short line, would not move the same parts of many sounders on a long line with sufficient force to render the message audible. Resort is had to relays. In Figure 208, Plate III, R represents a relay and S a sounder. Suppose a weak current arrives at New York from Boston, and has sufficient strength to attract the armature of the relay at that station. This, as may be seen by examination of the diagram, will close another Plate III. THE TELEPHONE. 243 short circuit, called the local circuit, and send a current from a local battery located in the same office through the sounder at that station. The sounder, being operated by a battery in a circuit of only a few feet in length, delivers the message audibly. Section XXII. THE TELEPHONE. 227. Bell Telephone. Figure 209 represents a sectional and a perspective view of this instrument. It consists of a steel magnet, A, encircled at one extremity by a spool of very fine insulated wire, B, the ends of which are connected with the binding screws D D. Immediately in front of the magnet is a thin circular iron disk, E E. The whole is enclosed in a wooden or rubber case, F. The conical-shaped cavity G serves the purpose of either a mouth-piece or an ear-trumpet. There is no difference between the transmitting and the receiving telephone ; con- sequently, either instrument may be employed as a transmitter, while the other serves as a receiver. Two magneto-telephones in a circuit are virtually in the relation of a dynamo and a motor. The transmitter being in itself a diminutive dynamo, no battery is required in the circuit. Connect in circuit two such telephones, and the apparatus is ready for use. A person talking near the disk of the transmitter, throws it into rapid vibration. The disk, being quite close to the magnet, is magnetized by induction ; and as it vibrates, its magnetic power is constantly changing, being strengthened as it approaches the magnet, and enfeebled as it recedes. This fluctuating magnetic force will of course induce currents in alternate directions in the neighboring coil of wire. These currents traverse the whole length of the wirje, and so pass through the coil of the distant instrument. When the direction of the arriving current is such as to increase the intensity of the magnetic field of the receiver, the magnet attracts the iron disk in front of it more strongly than before. When the current is in the opposite direction, the disk is less attracted, and flies back. Hence the disk of the receiving telephone is forced to repeat whatever movement is imparted to the disk of the transmitting 244 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. telephone. The vibrations of the former disk become sound in the same manner as the vibrations of a tuning-fork or of the head of a drum. The above is a description of the original and simplest form of the Bell telephone. It is apparent that the original energy (i.e. that of the Fig. 3O9. voice) applied at the transmitter must, during its successive transforma- tions and especially during its transmission in the form of electric energy through large resistances, become very much enfeebled, so that when it reappears as sound, the sound is quite feeble and frequently inaudible. Fig. 21O. The first grand improvement on the original consists in introducing a battery into the circuit, and so arranging that the voice, instead of being obliged to generate currents, shall be required only to render a current, already generated by a voltaic cell, fluctuating or undulating. THE TELEPHONE. 245 The fluctuations are caused by a varying resistance in the circuit. The pupil must have learned by experience ere this that the effect of a loose contact between any two parts of a circuit is to increase the resistance and thereby weaken the current; but the effect of a slight variation in pressure is especially noticeable when either or both of the parts are carbon. Figure 210 illustrates a simple telephonic circuit in which are included a variable resistance transmitter, T, and a battery, B. One of the electrodes, a platinum point, touches the center of the trans- Fig. 313. mitter disk; the other electrode, a carbon button, a, is pressed by a spring gently against the platinum point. Every vibration of the disk, however minute, causes a varia- tion in the pressure between the two elec- trodes and a corresponding variation in the circuit resistance. As the resistance changes, so changes the current strength, and thus the current is rendered undulatory. The next improvement of considerable importance consists in* the adoption of an induction coil (C, Fig. 210), which, we have learned, may produce a current of much greater electro-motive force than is possessed by the original battery current. Since the battery current traverses only a local circuit, as may be seen by reference to Figure 210, a single Leclanche" cell is generally sufficient to operate it. The currents induced by the fluctuating primary current traverse the line wire and generate sonorous vibrations in the disk of the receiver K, in the same manner as in the original telephone. Figure 211 represents the entire telephonic apparatus required at any single station. The box A contains a small hand-dynamo, such as is Fig. 211. 246 ENERGY OF ELECTRIC FLOW. represented in Figure 212. A person turning the crank F generates a current which rings a pair of electric bells G, both at his own and at a distant station, and thus attracts attention. He next takes the receiver B off the supporting hook and places it at his ear. When the weight is removed from the hook, the hook rises a little and throws the dynamo and bells out of the circuit, and at the same time introduces the receiver B, the transmitter C, and the battery D, so that the circuit stands as represented in Figure 210. The box C contains the induction coil. E is a "lightning arrester." In Figure 212a, A and B are buttons of carbon ; the former is attached to a sounding-board of thin pine wood, the latter to a steel spring C, and both are connected in circuit with a battery and a telephone used as a receiver. The spring presses B against A, and any slight jar will cause a variation in the pressure and corresponding variations in the current strength. A- Fig. 312a. By means of this instrument, called the microphone, any little sounds, as its name indicates, such as the ticking of a watch or the footfall of an insect, may be reproduced at a considerable distance, and be as audible as though the original sounds were made close to the ear. THE TELEPHONE. 247 REVIEW EXERCISES. 1. How is a body charged by conduction ? How by induction ? 2. In a circuit of large resistance which would be more sensitive, a long-coil or a short-coil galvanometer ? Why ? 3. How does the condition of a wire and its surroundings when traversed by a current differ from that of a wire when not traversed by a current ? 4. What conditions are prerequisite to a current of electricity ? 5. If a current be sent through the armature of a dynamo, what happens? Why? 6. Upon what conditions does the strength of a current furnished by a dynamo depend ? 7. You wish to make an electro-magnet of an iron rod with a certain end as an N-pole. Explain the method by a diagram. 8. What is the strength of a current which falling 15 volts yields .002 horse-power ? 9. When would you wind an electro-magnet with fine wire ? 10. If the difference of potential between the terminals of an arc lamp supplied with a 10-ampere current be 50 volts, what is the power consumed in the lamp? 11. A difference of potential of 5.5 volts is maintained at the terminals of a wire of 0.1 ohm resistance, (a) What current flows ? (&) What is the power of the current ? 12. To which electrode must an article to be electroplated be attached ? Why ? 13. Explain, in accordance with Ampere's theory of magnetism, the deflection of a magnetic needle by an electric current. 14. What length of copper wire .012 in. in diameter will offer a resistance of 1 ohm ? 15. What currents are difficult to insulate ? Why ? 16. Upon what does the E.M.F. of a dynamo depend 17. (a) How does a storage cell differ from a voltaic cell? (6) What can you say as to the direction of the current produced by each? 18. What pole of an electro-magnet is that where the direction of the current in the coil is anti-clockwise ? CHAPTER VII. SOUND. Section I. STUDY OF VIBRATIONS AND WAVES. The subjects of Sound-waves and Light-waves, which we are about to study, have two important characteristics in common that distinguish them from the subjects already studied. First, each of them affects its peculiar organ of sense, the ear or the eye. Secondly, both originate in vibrating bodies, and reach us only by the intervention of some medium capable of being set in vibration. 228. Period of Vibration. Experiment 149. Suspend an iron ball by a string, as in Experi- ment 71, cause it to vibrate, and, watch in hand, ascertain the num- ber of vibrations made in a given number of seconds; e.g. 60 seconds. Then, remembering that all the vibrations are made in equal intervals of time, ascertain the period of vibration of this pendulum ; i.e. the time it takes to make each vibration, using the formula s <=-> n in which t = the period, and n = the number of vibrations made in s seconds. 229. Direction of Vibration. Experiment 150. Grasp one end of a small rod or yardstick in a vice, pull the free end one side, and set it in vibration. Pluck a string of a piano or violin. Note that the motions of all the bodies which thus far we have caused to vibrate are at right angles to their length. These are called transverse vibrations. Experiment 151. Hang up a spiral spring or elastic cord with a small weight attached at the lower end; lift the weight, and, drop- STUDY OF VIBRATIONS AND WAVES. 249 ping it, notice that the cord vibrates lengthwise. This is a case of Longitudinal vibration. There may also be torsional vibrations, for ex- ample children often amuse themselves by producing these by twist- ing a window cord and tassel. 230. Propagation of Vibration ; Waves. Experiment 152. Take a rubber cord about the size of an ordi- nary lead'pencil and 12 feet long. Attach at intervals a few glass beads and fasten one end of the cord to the wall of the room. Hold the free end in the hand and draw the cord out so as to be nearly horizontal. By quick movements of the hand in a horizontal or a vertical direction set this end in vibration. Notice that these vibra- tions are communicated from point to point along the cord, and that each point in the cord successively goes through a vibration precisely similar to that held in the hand. Fix the eyes upon any one of the beads ; it simply vibrates transversely. Observe the cord as a whole ; waves traverse it from end to end, but it is easy to see that it is only a form that traverses it ; the beads and all other points of the cord move transversely. These successive transverse movements give rise to the wave-line into which the cord is thrown. 231. Wave-Length and Amplitude. Imagine an in- stantaneous photograph taken of the cord along which con- tinuous waves are passing. It would appear much like the curved line CD (Fig. 213). c This curved line represents what is known as a simple wave-line. The distance from any vibrating point to the nearest point which is in exactly the same stage of its vibration is called a wave-length, as wx, uv, or en. The distance between the extreme positions of a vibrat- ing point or the length of its journey is called the ampli- tude of the wave or the amplitude of vibration. 232. Reflection of Waves ; Interference. Experiment 153. Stretch the cord horizontally between two 250 SOUND. elevated points, and pluck it with the hand or strike it with a stick near one end, and send along it a single pulse, forming a crest on the rope (A, Fig. 214). This travels to the other end, and there we see it re- flected and inverted (B). Experiment 154. Just at the instant of re- flection, start a second crest ; these two, the crest and the returning inverted 214 - crest or trough (C), are now travelling along the rope in opposite directions, and must meet at some point. This point will be urged upward by the crest and downward by the trough, and so its motion will be due to the differ- ence of the two forces. Experiment 155. Send along the rope, first a trough, then a crest;. now two crests (D) will meet near the middle of the rope, and the motion here will be due to two forces acting in the same direc- tion, so that the resulting crest will be greater than either of the origi- nal ones. This action on a single point of two pulses, or two trains of waves, no matter if from different sources, is termed interference. The resulting motion may be greater or less than that due to either pulse alone, or it may be zero. 233. Stationary Vibrations, Nodes, etc. Experiment 156. Hold one end of the cord while the other is fixed, and send along it a regular succession of equal pulses from the Fig. 315. vibrating hand; it will be easy, by varying the tension and rate a little, to obtain a succession of hazy spindles (Fig. 215), separated by points that are nearly or quite at rest. Unlike the earlier experiments, STUDY OF VIBRATIONS AND WAVES. 251 the waves here do not appear to travel along the tube ; yet in reality they do traverse it. The deception is caused by stationary points being produced by the interference of the advancing and retreating waves. This interference of direct and reflected waves gives rise to the important class of so-called stationary vibrations. The points of least motion, as a and 6, are called nodes ; the points of greatest motion, c and d, are called antinodes ; and the portion of the rope between two nodes, as ab^ is a ventral segment. 234. L/ongitudinal Waves. Experiment 157. Figure 216 represents a brass wire wound in the form of a spiral spring, about 12 feet long. Attach one end to a cigar-box, and fasten the box to a table. Hold the other end H of the spiral firmly in one hand, and with the other hand insert a knife- blade between the turns of the wire, and quickly rake it for a short distance along the spiral toward the box, thereby crowding closer together for a little distance (B) the turns of wire in front of the hand, and leaving the turns behind pulled wider apart (A) for about an equal distance. The Fi s- crowded part of the spiral may be called a condensation, and the stretched part a rarefaction. The condensation, followed by the rare- faction, runs with great velocity through the spiral, strikes the box, producing a sharp thump ; ic reflected from the box to the hand, and from the hand again to the box, producing a second thump ; and by skilful manipulation three or four thumps will be produced in rapid succession. If a piece of twine be tied to some turn of the wire, it will be seen, as each wave passes it, to receive a slight jerking movement forward and backward in the direction of the length of the spiral. How is energy transmitted through the spring so as to deliver the blow on the box ? Certainly not by a bodily movement of the spiral as a whole, as might be the case if it were a rigid rod. The movement of the twine shows 252 SOUND. that the only motion which the coil undergoes is a vibra- tory movement of its turns. Here, as in the case of water-waves, energy is transmitted through' a medium by the transmission of vibrations. There are two important distinctions between these waves and those which we have previously studied : the former consist of condensations and rarefactions; the latter, of elevations and depressions. In the former, the vibration of the parts is in the same line with the path of the wave, and hence these are called longitudinal waves ; in the latter, the vibration is across its path ; they are therefore called transverse waves. A wave cannot be transmitted through an inelastic soft iron spiral. Elasticity is essential in a medium, that it may transmit waves composed of condensations and rarefactions ; and the greater the elasticity, the greater the facility and rapidity with which a medium transmits waves. 235. Air as a Medium of Wave-Motion. May not air and other gases, which are elastic, serve as media for waves ? Fig. 317. Experiment 158. Place a candle flame at the orifice a of the tube (Fig. 217), and strike the table a sharp blow with a book near the orifice b. Instantly the candle flame is quenched. The body of air in the tube serves as a medium for transmission of motion to the candle. Was it the motion of a current of air through the tube, a rninia- STUDY OF VIBRATIONS AND WAVES. 253 ture wind, or was it the transfer of a vibratory motion ? Burn touch- paper 1 at the orifice b, so as to fill this end of the tube with smoke, and repeat the last experiment. Evidently, if the body of the air is moved along through the tube, the smoke will be carried along with it. The candle is blown out as before, but no smoke issues from the orifice a. It is clear that there is no translation of material particles from one end to the other, nothing like the flight of a rifle bullet. The candle flame was struck by some- thing like a pulse of air, not by a wind. 236. How a Wave is propagated through a Medium. The effect of applying force with the hand to the spiral spring is to produce in a certain section (B, Fig. 216) of the spiral a crowding together of the turns of wire, and at A a separation ; but the elasticity of the spiral instantly causes B to expand, the effect of which is to produce a crowding together of the turns of wire in front of it, in the section C, and thus a forward movement of the con- densation is made. At the same time, the expansion of B causes a filling up of the rarefaction at A, so that this section is restored to its normal state. This is not all: the folds in the section B do not stop in their swing when they have recovered their original position, but, like a pendulum, swing beyond the position of rest, thus produc- ing a rarefaction at B, where immediately before there was a condensation. Thus a forward movement of the rarefaction is made, and thus a pulse or wave is trans- mitted with uniform velocity through a spiral spring, air, or any elastic medium. 237. Graphical Method of Studying Vibrations. Experiment 159. Attach, by means of sealing-wax, a bristle or a fine wire to the end of one of the prongs of a large steel fork (like 1 To prepare touch-paper, dissolve about a teaspoonful of saltpetre in a half-teacupful of hot water, dip unsized paper in the solution, and then allow it to dry. The paper produces much smoke in burning, but no flame. 254 SOUND. a tuning-fork, but larger) called a diapason. Set the fork in vibra- tion, and quickly draw the point of the bristle lightly over a smoked glass (A, Fig. 218). A beautiful wavy line will be traced on the glass, each Fig. 318. . wave corresponding to a vibration of the prong when vibrating as a whole. Next, tap the fork, near its stem, on the edge of a table, and trace its vibrations on a smoked glass as before. You will generate a similar set of waves, but, running over these, is another set, of much shorter period, like No. 3 of Figure 233, showing that the prong vibrates, not only as a whole, but in parts. The serrated wavy line produced represents the resultant of the combined vibrations, and may be called a complex wave-line. QUESTIONS. 1. In what kind of motion does all wave-motion originate ? 2. Watch the waves of the ocean moving landward; what is it that advances? 3. Throw a cord into wavy motion by the movement of your hand ; upon what do the number and the length of the waves which traverse the cord at any given time depend? 4. How is a node produced ? 5. How do the vibrations in longitudinal waves differ from the vibrations in transverse waves? 6. Are the vibrations in air-waves longitudinal or transverse? Section II. SOUND-WAVES. 238. How Sound-waves Originate. Listen to a sounding church-bell. It produces a sensation ; it is heard. The ear is the organ through which the sensation SOUND-WAVES. 255 of hearing is produced. The bell is at such a distance that it cannot act directly on the ear ; yet something must act on the ear, and it must be the bell which causes that something to act. Commencing at the origin of sound, let the first in- quiry be, How does a sounding body differ from a silent body? Experiment 160. Strike a bell or a glass bell-jar, and touch the edge with a small cork ball suspended by a thread ; you not only hear the sound, but, at the same time, you see a tremulous motion of the ball, caused by a motion of the bell. Touch the bell gently with a finger, and you feel a tremulous motion. Press the hand against the bell ; you stop its vibratory motion, and at that instant the sound ceases. Strike the prongs o'f a tuning-fork, press the stem against a table : you hear a sound. Thrust, the ends of the prongs just beneath the surface of water ; the water is thrown off in a fine spray on either side of the vibrating fork. Watch the strings of a piano, guitar, or violin, or the tongue of a jews-harp, when sounding. You can see that they are in motion. Sound-waves originate in a vibrating body. 239. How Sound-waves Travel. How can a bell, sounding at a distance, affect the ear? If the bell while sounding possesses no peculiar property except motion, then it has nothing to communicate to th'e ear but motion. But motion can be communicated by one body to another at a distance only through some medium. Do sound-waves require a medium for their communi- cation ? Experiment 161. Lay a thick tuft of cotton-wool on the plate of an air-pump, and on this, face downward, place a loud-ticking watch, and cover with the receiver. Notice that the receiver, inter- posed between the watch and your ear, greatly diminishes the sound, or interferes with the passage of something to the ear. Take a few strokes of the pump and listen ; the sound is more feeble, and con- 256 SOUND. tinues to grow less and less distinct as the exhaustion progresses, until either no sound can be heard when the ear is placed close to the receiver, or an extremely faint one, as if coming from a great dis- tance. The removal of air from a portion of the space between the watch and your ear destroys the sound. Let in the air again, and the sound is restored. Sound-waves cannot travel through a vacuum, i.e. with- out a medium. Boys often amuse themselves by inflating paper bags, and with a quick blow bursting them, producing with each a single loud report. First the air is suddenly and greatly condensed by the blow, and the bag is burst ; the air now, as suddenly and with equal force, expands, and by its expansion condenses the air for a certain distance all around it, leaving a rarefaction where just before had been a condensation. If many bags were burst at the same spot in rapid succession, the result would be that alternating shells of condensation and rarefaction would be thrown off, all having a common center, enlarging as they advance, like the waves formed by stones dropped into water ; except that, in this case, the waves are not like rings, but hollow globes ; not circular, but spherical. In this manner sound-waves produced by the vibration of a sounding body travel through the air. As a wave advances, each individual air-particle con- cerned in its transmission performs a short excursion to and fro in the direction of a straight line radiating from the center of the shells or hollow globes. A sound-wave travels its own length in the time that a particle occupies in going through one complete vibration so as to be ready to start again. Experiment 162. Take a strip of black cardboard 4.5 inches X 1 inch. Cut a slit about one-sixteenth of an inch wide lengthwise and centrally through the strip nearly, from end to end. Place the SOUND-WAVES. 257 slit over the dotted line at the bottom of Figure 219, and draw the book along underneath in the direction of the arrow. Imagine that the short white dashes seen through the slit represent a series of air- particles, and the slit itself represents the direction in which a series of sound-waves are travelling. It will be seen that each air-particle moves a little to and fro in the direction in which the sound travels and comes back to its starting-point; but the condensations and rare- factions, represented by a group (half a wave-length) of dots being alternately closer together or farther apart, are transmitted through the whole series of air-particles. Fig. 219. 240. What Sound Is. Sound is a sensation caused usually by waves of air beating upon the organ of hearing. 241. Solids and Liquids as Media for transmitting- Sound-waves. Experiment 163. Lay a watch, with its back downward, on a 258 SOUND. long board (or table), near to one of its ends, and cover the watch with loose folds of cloth till its ticking cannot be heard through the air in any direction at a distance equal to the length of the board. Now place the ear in contact with the farther end of the board, and you will hear the ticking of the watch very distinctly. Experiment 164. Place one end of a long pole on a cigar box, and apply the stem of a vibrating diapason to the other end ; the sound-vibrations will be transmitted through the pole to the box, and a loud sound will be given out by the box, as though that, and not the tuning-fork, were the origin of the sound. Experiment 165. Place the ear to the earth, and listen to the rumbling of a distant carriage ; or put the ear to one end of a long stick of timber, and let some one gently scratch the other end with a pin. Solids and liquids, as well as gases, transmit sound- vibrations. Section III. VELOCITY OF SOUND-WAVES. 242. The Velocity of Sound-waves tlepends on the Elasticity and Density of the Medium. The relation of velocity to the density and elasticity of gases, as ascer- tained by careful experiment, is as follows: the velocity of sound-waves in gases is directly proportional to the square root of their elasticity, and inversely proportional to the square root of their respective densities. The velocity of sound-waves in air at C. is (332.4 m ) nearly 1091 feet per second. The velocity increases nearly two feet for each degree centigrade. At the temperature of 16 C. (60 F.) we may reckon the velocity of sound- waves at about (342 m ) 1125 feet per second. REFLECTION OF SOUND-WAVES. ECHOES. 259 The greater density of solids and liquids, as compared with gases, tends, of coarse, to diminish the velocity of sound-waves ; but their greater incompressibility more than compensates for the decrease of velocity occasioned by the increase of density. As a general rule, solids are more incompressible than liquids; hence, sound-waves generally travel faster in the former than in the latter. For example, sound-waves travel in water about 4 times as fast as in air, and in iron and glass 16 times as fast. Section IV. EEFLECTION OF SOUND-WAVES. ECHOES. 243. Reflection. In the experiment with the spiral spring, waves were reflected from the box to the hand, and from the hand to the box. When a sound-wave meets an obstacle in its course, it is reflected; and the sound re- sulting from the reflected waves is often called an echo, or, when they are many times reflected sb that the sound becomes nearly contin- uous, a reverberation. 244. Sound-waves reflected by Concave Mirrors. Experiment 166. Place a watch at the focus A (Fig. Flg * 220) of a concave mirror G. At the focus B of another concave mirror H, place the large opening of a small tunnel, and with a rubber connector attach the bent glass tube C to the nose of the 260 SOUND. tunnel. The extremity D being placed in the ear, the ticking of the watch can be heard very distinctly, as though it were somewhere near the mirror H. Though the mirrors be 12 feet apart, the sound will be louder at B than at an intermediate point E. How is this explained ? Every air-particle in a certain radial line, as Ac, receives and transmits motion in the direction of this line ; the last particle strikes the mirror at , and being perfectly elastic, bounds off in the direc- tion cc\ communicating its motion to the particles in this line. At c' a similar reflection gives motion to the air particles in the line c'B. In consequence of these two re- flections, all divergent lines of motion as Ad, Ae, etc., that meet the mirror G, are there rendered parallel, and after- wards rendered convergent at the mirror H. The prac- tical result of the concentration of this scattering energy is, that a sound of great intensity is heard at B. The points A and B are called the foci of the mirrors. The front of the wave as it leaves A is convex, in passing from G to H it is plane, and from H to B concave. If you fill a large circular tin basin with water, and strike one edge with a knuckle, circular waves with concave fronts will close in on the centre, heaping up the water at that point. Long u whispering-galleries " have been constructed on this principle. Persons stationed at the foci of the concave ends of the long gallery can carry on a conversation in a whisper which persons between cannot hear. The external ear is a wave-condenser. The hand held concave behind the ear, by its increased surface, adds to its efficiency. An ear-trumpet, by successive reflections, serves to concentrate, at the small orifice open- ing into the ear, the sound-waves that enter at the large end. INTENSITY OF SOUND. 261 Section V. INTENSITY OF SOUND. 245. Intensity depends on the Amplitude of Vibra- tion. Gently tap the prongs of a tuning-fork and dip them into water, the water is scarcely moved by them ; increase the force of the blow, the vibrations become wider, and the water spray is thrown with greater force and to a greater distance. The same thing occurs when the fork vibrates in the air ; though we do not see the air-par- ticles as they are batted by the moving fork, yet we feel the effects as a sound sensation, and we judge of their energy by the intensity of the sensation which they produce. Loudness of sound refers to the intensity of a sensation. We have no standard of measurement for a sensation, so we are compelled to measure the intensity of the sound- wave, knowing at the same time that loudness is not pro- portional to this intensity. Unfortunately, the expressions loudness and intensity of sound-wave are often inter- changed. The intensity of a vibration is measured by the energy of the vibrating particle. It is clear that if the amplitude of vibration of a particle is doubled while its period remains constant, its velocity is doubled, and its energy is increased fourfold. Hence, (1) measured mechanically, the intensity of a sound-wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the vibrations of the vibrating body. 246. Intensity depends upon the Density of the Me- dium. In the experiment with the watch under the receiver of the air-pump (page 255), the sound grew 262 SOUND. feebler as the air became rarer. Aeronauts are obliged to exert themselves more to make their conversation heard when they reach great hights than when in the denser lower air. (2) The intensity of sound-waves increases with the density of the medium in which they are produced. 247. Intensity depends on Distance. It is a mat- ter of e very-day observation that the loudness of a sound diminishes very rapidly as the distance from the source of the waves to the ear increases. As a sound-wave ad- vances in an ever-widening sphere, a given amount of energy becomes distributed over an ever-increasing sur- face ; and as a greater number of particles partake of the motion, the individual particles receive proportionately less energy ; hence it follows, as a consequence of the geometrical truth, that " the surface of a sphere varies as the square of its radius," - that (3) the intensity of a sound-wave varies inversely as the square of the distance from its source. For example, if two persons, A and B, are respectively 500 and 1000 rods from a gun when it is discharged, the waves that reach A will be four times as intense as the same when they reach B. 248. Speaking-Tubes. Experiment 167. Place a watch at one end of the long tin tube (Fig. 217), and the ear at the other end. The ticking sounds very loud, as though the watch were close to the ear. Long tin tubes, called speaking-tubes, passing through many apartments in a building, enable persons at the distant extremities to carry on conver- sation in a low tone of voice, while persons in the various rooms through which the tube passes hear nothing. The reason is that the sound-waves which enter the tube are prevented from expanding, consequently the intensity of sound is not affected by distance, except as its energy is wasted by friction of the air against the sides of the tube. REENFORCEMENT OF SOUND-WAVES. 263 Section VI. REENFOKCEMENT OF SOUND-WAVES AND INTERFERENCE OF SOUND-WAVES. 249. Reenforcement of Sound-waves. Experiment 168. Set a diapason in vibration ; you can scarcely hear the sound unless it is held near the ear. Press the stem against a table ; the sound rings out loud, but the waves seem to proceed from the table. When only the fork vibrates, the prongs presenting little surface cut their way through the air, producing very slight condensations, and consequently waves of little in- tensity. When the fork rests upon the table, the vibrations are communicated to the table ; the table with its larger surface throws a larger mass of air into vibration, and thus greatly intensifies the sound-waves. The strings of the piano, guitar, and violin owe as much of their loud- ness of sound to their elas- tic sounding-boards, as the fork does to the table. A 25O. Keenforcement by Bodies of Air ; Resona- tors. Experiment 169. Take a glass tube A (Fig. 219), 16 inches long and 2 inches in diameter; thrust one end into a vessel of water C, and hold over the other end a vibrating diapason B that makes (say) 256 vibrations in a second. Gradually lower the tube into the water, and when it reaches Fig. 331. 264 SOUND. a certain depth, i.e. when the column of air oc attains a certain length, the sound of the fork becomes very loud; continuing to lower the tube, the sound rapidly dies away. Columns of air are thus found to serve, as well as sound- ing-boards, to reenforce sound-waves. The instruments which enclose the columns of air are called resonators. Unlike sounding-boards, they can respond loudly to only one tone, or to a few tones of widely different pitch. How is this reinforcement effected ? When the prong a moves from one extremity of its arc a' to the other a", it sends a condensation down the tube ; this condensation striking the surface of the water, is reflected by it up the tube. Now suppose that the front of this reflected con- densation should just reach the prong at the instant it is starting on its retreat from a" to a' ; then the reflected condensation will conspire with the condensation formed by the prong in its retreat to make a greater condensation in the air outside the tube. Again, the retreat of the prong from a' 1 to a' produces in its rear a rarefaction, which also runs down the tube, is reflected, and will reach the prong at the instant it is about to return from a' to a", and to cause a rarefaction in its rear; these two rarefactions moving in the same direction conspire to produce an in- tensified rarefaction. The original sound-waves thus com- bine with the reflected, to produce resonance ; but this can only happen when the like parts of each wave coincide each with each ; for if the tube were somewhat longer or shorter than it is, it is plain that condensations would meet rarefactions in the tube, and tend to destroy one another. The loudness of sound of all wind instruments is due to the resonance of the air contained within them. A simple vibratory movement at the mouth or orifice of the instrument, scarcely audible in itself, such as the KEENFORCEMENT OF SOUND-WAVES. 265 vibration of a reed in reed pipes, or a pulsatory movement of the air pro- duced by the passage of a thin sheet of air over a sharp wooden or metallic edge, as in organ pipes, flutes, and flageolets, or more simply still by the friction of a gentle stream of breath from the lips sent obliquely across the open end of a closed tube, bottle, or pen-case, is. sufficient to set the large body of enclosed air in the instrument into vibration, and thus re- enforced, the sound becomes audible at long distances. Experiment 170. Attach a rose gas-burner A (Fig. 222) to a metal gas-tube about l m in length, and connect this by a rubber tube with a gas-burner. Light the gas at the rose burner, and you will hear a low, rustling noise. Remove the conical cap from the long tin tube (Fig. 217), support the tube in a vertical position, and gradually raise the burner into the tube ; when it reaches a certain point not far up, the body of air in the tube will catch up the vibrations, and give out deafening sound-waves that will shake the walls and furniture in the room. t 251. Measuring Wave-Lengths and the Velocity of Sound-waves. Experiments like that described on page 263 enable us read- ily to measure the wave-length produced by a fork that makes a given number of vibrations in a second, and also to measure the velocity of sound-waves. It is evident that if a con- rig. 222. densation generated by the prong of the fork in which its forward movement from a' to a" (Fig. 221) met with no obstacle, its front, meantime, would traverse the distance od, or twice the distance oc ; hence the length of the condensation is the distance od. But a condensation is only one-half of a wave, and the passage of the prong from a f to a" is only one-half of a vibration ; conse- quently the distance od is one-half of a wave-length, and the distance oc is one-fourth of a wave-length. The measured distance of oc in this case is about 13.13 inches ; hence the length of wave produced by a C'-fork making 266 SOUND. 256 vibrations in a second is (13.13 inches x 4 =) 52.5 inches = 4.38 feet. And since a wave from this fork travels 4.38 feet in ^TG of a second, it will travel in an entire second (4.38 feet X 256 =) 1121 feet. The dis- tance oc varies with the temperature of the air. It is evident that the three quantities expressed in the formula velocity wave-length = number of vibrations bear such a relation to one another that if any two are known, the remaining quantity can be computed. It will further be observed that with a given velocity the wave- length varies inversely as the number of vibrations ; i.e. the greater the number of vibrations per second, the shorter the wave-length. 252. Interference of Sound- Waves. Experiment 171. Hold a vibrating diapason over a resonance- jar as in Figure 223. Roll the diapason over slowly in the fin- gers. At certain points, a quarter of a revolution apart, when the diapason is in an oblique posi- tion with reference to the edge of the jar as represented in the figure, the reinforcement from the tube almost entirely dis- appears, but reappears at the intermediate points. Return to the position where there is no resonance, and enclose in a loose roll of paper, the prong farthest from the tube, without touching the diapason, so as to prevent the sound-waves produced by that prong from passing into the tube; the resonance resulting from the vibrations of the other prong immediately appears. Fig. 233. REENFORCEMENT OF SOUND-WAVES. 267 Experiment 172. Select two of the tubes (Fig. 237) of nearly the same length, blow through them, and notice the peculiar throbbing sound produced by the interference of the two sounds. Experiment 173. Stop one of the orifices of a bicyclist's whistle (Fig. 224), and sound one whistle at a time. The sound of each is clear and smooth. Sound both whistles at the same time, and you obtain the usual rough and discordant sound. The two whistles of unequal length give out waves of slightly different length, so that at certain short inter- vals the same phases of both sets will coincide (i.e. con- densation with condensation) and produce intensified sounds which are heard at long distances, while at other intervals opposite phases coincide (i.e. condensation with rarefaction), and the result of their mutual destruction is to cause the otherwise smooth sound to become broken or rattling. Two sound-ivaves may unite to produce a sound louder or weaker than either alone would produce, or even cause silence. 253. Forced and Sympathetic Vibrations. Experiment 174. Suspend from a frame several pendulums, A, B, C, etc. (Fig. 225). A and D are each 3 feet long, C a little longer, and B and E are shorter. Set A in vibration, and slight impulses will be communicated through the frame to D and cause it to vibrate. The vibration- period of D being the same as that of A, all the impulses tend to accumulate motion in D, so that it soon vibrates through arcs as large as those of A. On the other hand, C, B, and E, having different rates of vibra- tion from that of A, will at first acquire a slight motion, but soon their vibrations will be in opposition to those of A, and then the impulses received from A will tend to destroy the slight motion they had previously acquired. Experiment 175. Press down gently one of the keys of a piano so as to raise the damper without making any sound, and then sing -268 SOUND. loudly into the instrument the corresponding note. The string cor- responding to this note will be thrown into vibrations that can be heard for several seconds after the voice ceases. If another note be sung, this string will respond only feebly. Raise the dampers from all the strings of the piano by pressing the foot on the right-hand pedal, and sing strongly some note into the piano. Although all the strings are free to vibrate, only those will respond loudly that correspond to the note you sing, i.e. those that are capable of making the same number of vibrations per second as are produced by your voice. These experiments show that a vibrating body tends to make other bodies near it vibrate even if their periods of vibrations are different. Vibrations of this kind, such, for example, as those of B, C, and E in Experiment 174 and those generated in the sounding-boards of pianos, violins, etc., are called forced vibrations. But if the period of the incident waves of air is the same as that of the body which they cause to vibrate, the amplitude and intensity of the vibrations become very great, like that of the pendulum D, and those of the piano strings which gave forth the loud sounds. Such are called sympathetic vibrations. QUESTIONS. 1. Why do not sound-waves travel with the same velocity through all bodies? 2. How are echoes produced ? 3. On a day when sound-waves travel through the air at the rate of 1120 feet per second, what is the length of the sound-waves that pro- ceed from a church bell which makes 192 vibrations in a second? 4. With what velocity do sound-waves travel when a jar whose depth is 10 inches gives the maximum reenforcement for a diapason which makes 256 vibrations in a second? 5. Great danger often arises from vibrations of the walls of a building caused by certain vibratory movements of machinery within. The danger in such cases can frequently be greatly diminished by changing the rate of motion in the machinery. Explain. PITCH OF MUSICAL SOUNDS. 269 Section VII. PITCH OF MUSICAL SOUNDS. 254. On What Pitch Depends. Experiment 176. Draw the finger-nail or a card slowly, and then rapidly, across the teeth of a comb. The two sounds produced are commonly described as low or grave, and high or acute. The hight of a musical sound is its pitch. Experiment 177. Cause the cir- cular sheet-iron disk A (Fig. 226) to rotate, and hold a corner of a visiting- card so that at each hole an audible tap shall be made. Notice that when the separate taps cease to be distin- guishable, the pitch of the sound depends upon the rapidity of the rotation, i.e. upon the frequency of the taps. Experiment 178. Hold the ori- fice of a tube B so as to blow through the holes as they pass. When the ear is no longer able to detect the separate puffs, the sound becomes quite musi- cal, and the pitch rises or falls with the speed. fitch depends upon the number of sound-waves striking the ear per second, or upon the frequency of vibration. The greater the number of vibrations per second, or the shorter the wave-length, the higher is the pitch. 255. Musical Scale. Suppose a body, e.g. a tuning fork, to make 201 vibrations per second, the sound produced is recognized by our Fig. 236. 270 SOUND. musical sense as the note which corresponds with the so- called middle C (c') of a piano tuned to the national standard pitch. The pitch of a sound produced by twice as many vibrations as that of another sound is called the octave of the latter. Between two such sounds the voice rises or falls, in a manner very pleasing to the ear, by a definite number of steps called musical intervals. This gives rise to the so-called diatonic scale, or gamut. The successive tones of the diatonic scale of C are related to one another with respect to vibration frequency as follows : No. of vi- brations Ratios or 256 1 d' 293.62 288 : 9 e' 326.25 320 : r 348 341.3 I 391.5 : 384 : a 435 426 f b' c" 489.37 522 480 : 512 Section VIII. VIBRATION OF STRINGS. 256. Sonometer. Experiment 179. Stretch an elastic wire a over the bridges of the sonometer (Fig. 228), so that the portion between will be free to Fig. 228. vibrate. Pluck the string at its middle with the thumb and finger, causing it to vibrate, and observe the pitch. Next place a movable bridge d half-way between the two fixed bridges and cause the portion UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS VIBRATION OF STRINGS. 271 between either fixed bridge and the movable bridge to vibrate, and observe the change in pitch. How is the vibration period changed? Experiment 180. Stretch another wire b, either thicker or thin- ner than the last, employing the same length and tension as before, and notice the change in pitch due to the difference of weight of the wire. How is the vibration period changed? Experiment 181. Increase the tension of either wire by turning the pin, to which one end of the wire is attached, with a wrench C, and observe the change in pitch caused by change of tension. How does an increase of tension affect the vibration period? Careful experiments show that the vibration numbers of strings of the same material vary inversely as their lengths and the' square roots of their weights, and directly as the square roots of their tension. 257. Beats. Experiment 182. Strike simultaneously the lowest note of a piano and its sharp (black key next above), and listen to the result- ing sound. You hear a peculiar wavy or throbbing sound, caused by an alternate rising and sinking in loudness. These alternations in loudness are called beats. Fig. 229. Let the continuous curve line AC (Fig. 229) represent a series of waves caused by striking the lower key, and the dotted line a series of waves proceeding from the upper key. Now the waves from both keys may start together at A ; but as the waves from the lower key are given less 272 SOUND. frequently, so are they correspondingly longer ; and at certain intervals, as at B, condensations will correspond with rarefactions, producing by their interference momen- tary silence, too short, however, to be perceived ; but the sound as perceived by the ear is correctly represented in its varying loudness by the curved line in the lower part of the figure. The number of heats per second due to two simple tones is equal to the difference of their respective vibration numbers. The sensation produced on the ear by such a throbbing sound, when the beats are sufficiently frequent, is un- pleasant, much as the sensation produced by flashes of light that enter the eye, when you walk on the shady side of a picket fence, is unpleasant. The unpleasant sensation, called by musicians discord, is due to beats. Section IX. OVERTONES AND HARMONICS. 258. Vibration in Parts. Experiment 183. Hang up a rubber cord AC (Fig. 230) 4 feet long, and fasten both ends. Pluck it near the middle, and it will swing to and fro as a whole (2), at a rate dependent on its length, tension, etc. Hold it fast at B (3), and pluck it at a point half-way between A and B. Both halves are thrown into independent vibra- tions, and continue so to vibrate for a brief time after the hand is withdrawn from B. Again hold it fast at B, one-third its length above A (4), and pluck it half-way between A and B ; the length BC instantly divides itself at B' into two equal parts, and on withdraw- ing the hand from B, the whole cord is seen to vibrate in three dis- tinct and equal sections. In a similar manner it may be made to vibrate in four, five, etc., sections. OVERTONES AND HARMONICS. 273 Sounds coming from a string or other body that vibrates in parts are called overtones. If, as is the case with a string, the vibration num- ber of the overtone is just two, three, four, etc., times that of the funda- mental or lowest tone, the sound is called a har- monic. Many overtones can be produced from a steel bar or a metallic plate, but no harmonics. This distinction is of great importance, for, practically, no musical instruments are of much use unless their vibrat- ing parts furnish harmon- ics- Fig. 230. Experiment 184. Press down the C'-key (middle C) of a piano gently, so that it will not sound ; and while holding it down, strike the C-wire strongly. In a few seconds release the key, so that its damper will stop the vibrations of the string that was struck, and you will hear a sound which you will recognize by its pitch as com- ing from the C'-wire. Place your finger lightly on the C'-wire, and you will find that it is indeed vibrating. Press down the right pedal with the foot, so as to lift the dampers from all the wires, strike the C-key, and touch with the finger the C'-wire ; it vibrates. Touch the keys next to C', viz. B and D r ; they have only a slight forced vibra- tion. Touch G' ; it vibrates. Now it is evident that the vibrations of the C' and G'- wires are sympathetic. A C-wire vibrating as a whole cannot cause sympathetic vibrations in a C'-wire ; but if it vibrates in halves, it may. Hence we conclude that 274 SOUND. when the C-wire was struck, it vibrated, not only as a whole, giving a sound of its own pitch, but also in halves ; and the result of this latter set of vibrations was, that an additional sound was produced by this wire, just an octave higher than the first-mentioned sound. Again, the G'-wire makes three times as many vibra- tions as are made by the C-wire ; hence the latter wire, in addition to its vibrations as a whole and in halves, must have vibrated in thirds, inasmuch as it caused the G'-wire to vibrate. It thus appears that a string may vibrate at the same time as a whole, in halves, thirds, etc., and the result is that a sound is produced that is compounded of several sounds of different pitch. Not only do stringed instruments produce compound tones, but no ordinary musical instrument is capable of producing a simple tone, i.e. a sound generated by vibra- tions of a single period. In other words, when any note of any musical instrument is sounded, there is produced, in addition to the primary tone, a number of other tones in a progressive series, each tone of the series being usually of less intensity than the preceding. The primary or lowest tone of a note is usually sufficiently intense to be the most prominent, and hence is called the fundamental tone. That two notes sounded together may harmonize, it is essential not only that the pitch of their fundamental tones be so widely different that they cannot produce audible beats, but that no beat shall be formed by their overtones, or by an overtone and a fundamental. Not only is there perfect agreement among the overtones of two notes an octave apart when sounded together, as when male and female voices unite in singing the same part of a melody, but the richness and vivacity of the sound is much increased thereby. QUALITY OP SOUND. 275 Section X. QUALITY OF SOUND. 259. How Sounds from Different Sources are Distin- guished. We easily learn to distinguish by certain pecu- liarities the voices of our acquaintances. So we readily distinguish sounds emanating from various musical instru- ments, e.g. a piano, violin, harp, and cornet. It is not necessarily by the loudness or pitch of the sounds that we recognize them. It is by another property of sound called quality. Two sounds can differ from each other in only three particulars, viz. intensity, pitch, and quality. Pitch depends on frequency of vibrations, loudness on their amplitude ; on what does quality depend ? 260. Analysis of Sounds. The unaided ear is unable, except to a very limited extent, to distinguish the individual tones that com- pose a note. Helmholtz ar- ranged a series of resona- tors consisting of hollow spheres of brass, each hav- ing two openings : one (A, Fig. 231) large, for the re- ception of the sound-waves, rig. 331. and the other (B) small and funnel-shaped, and adapted for insertion into the ear. Each resonator of the series was adapted by its size to resound powerfully to only a single tone of a definite pitch. When any musical sound is produced in front of these resonators, the ear, placed at the orifice of any one, is able to single out from a collec- tion that overtone, if present, to which alone this resonator 276 SOUND. is capable of responding. In this manner a complete analysis of any musical sound may be made, and the pitch and intensity of each of its components determined. It is found that when a note is produced on a given instrument, not only is there a great variety of intensity represented by the overtones, but all the possible overtones of the series are by no means present. Which are wanting depends very much, in stringed instruments, upon the point of the string struck. For example, if a string is struck in its middle, no node can be formed at that point ; consequently, the two important overtones produced by 2 and 4 times the number of vibrations of the fundamental will be wanting. Strings of pianos, violins, etc., are generally struck near one of their ends, and thus they are deprived of only some of their higher and feebler overtones. 261. Synthesis of Sounds. The sound of a tuning- fork, when its fundamental is reenforced by a suitable resonance-cavity, is very nearly a simple tone. By sound- ing simultaneously several forks of different but appropri- ate pitch, and with the requisite relative intensities, Helm- holtz succeeded in producing sounds peculiar to various musical instruments, and even in imitating most of the vowel sounds of the human voice. Fig. 232. Thus it appears that he has been able to determine, both analytically and synthetically, that the quality of a given sound depends upon what overtones combine with its fundamental tone, and on their relative intensities; or, we may say more briefly, upon the form of vibration, since the form must be determined by the character of its components. COMPOSITION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 277 Section XI. COMPOSITION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS, AND THE RESULTANT WAVE-FORMS. 262. Method of Representing Sound-Vibrations Graphically. It is evident that there must be a particular aerial wave-form corresponding to each compound vibration, otherwise the ear would not be able to appreciate a difference in the quality of sounds to which these combination forms give rise. Every particle of air engaged in Fig. 234. transmitting a compound sound-wave is simultaneously acted upon by several sets of vibratory movements, and it remains to investigate what its motion will be under their joint influence. The light wave-lines AB (Fig, 232) represent typically two series of 278 SOUND. aerial sound-waves, corresponding respectively to a fundamental tone and its first overtone. The heavy line represents the form of the joint wave which results from the combination of the two constituents. If we suppose lines perpendicular to the axis, that is, to the dotted line, or line of repose, to be drawn to each point in this line, as ab, cc?, eF, etc., they will represent by their varying lengths the displacement of any particle in a vibrating body, or any particle of air traversed by sound-waves, from its normal position. The rectangular dia- gram CD is intended to represent a portion of a transverse section of a body of air trav- ersed by the joint wave represented by the heavy wave-line above. The depth of shading in different parts in- dicates the degree of condensation at those parts. Figure 233 repre- sents wave-lines drawn by an instrument call- ed a vibrograph (Fig. 234). The second line represents a sound two octaves above that which the first line rep- resents, and the third line shows the result of the combination of the Fig. 235. two sets of vibrations. 263. Manometric Flames. Apparatus like that shown in Figure 235 will serve to illustrate in a pleasing manner many facts per- taining to sound vibrations. The cylindrical box A is divided by a membrane a into two compart- ments c and b. Illuminating-gas is introduced into the compartment c, through the rubber tube n, and burned at the orifice d. CD is a frame holding two mirrors, M, placed back to back, so that whichever side is turned toward the flame there is a reflection of the flame. COMPOSITION OF SONOKOUS VIBRATIONS. 279 When the mirror is at rest, an image of the flame will appear in the mirror as represented by A (Fig. 236). If the mirror is rotated, the flame appears drawn out in a band of light, as shown in B of the same figure. Fig. 336. Sing into the cone B (Fig. 236) the sound of oo in tool, and waves of air will run down the tube, beat against the membrane a, causing it to vibrate, and the membrane in turn acts upon the gas in the compartment c, throwing it into vibration. The result is, that instead of a flame appear- ing in the rotating mirror as a continuous band of light, as B, Figure 236, 280 SOUND. it is divided up into a series of tongues of light, as shown in C, each con- densation being represented by a tongue, and each rarefaction by a dark interval between the tongues. If a note an octave higher than the last is sung, we obtain, as we should expect, twice as many tongues in the same space, as shown in D. E represents the result when the two tones are produced simultaneously, and illustrates in a striking manner the effect of interference. F represents the result when the vowel e is sung on the key of C' ; and G, when the vowel o is sung on the same key. These are called manometric flames. Section XII. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 264. Classification of Musical Instruments. Musi- cal instruments may be grouped into three classes : (1) stringed instruments; (2) wind instruments, in which the sound is due to the vibration of columns of air con- fined in tubes; (3) instruments in which the vibrator is a membrane or plate. The first class has received its share of attention ; the other two merit a little further consideration. 265. Wind Instruments. Experiment 185. Figure 237 represents a set of Quinke's whistles. The tubes are of the same size, but of varying length. Blow through the small tube across the lips of the large tube of each whistle in the order of their lengths, commencing with the longest. Repeat the experiment, closing the end of the whistle farthest from you with a finger, so as to make what is called a " closed pipe." The pitch of vibrating air-columns, as well as of strings, varies with the length, and in both stopped and open pipes MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 281 the number of vibrations is inversely proportional to the length of the pipe. An open pipe gives a note an octave higher than a closed pipe of the same length. Fig. 237. Experiment 186. Take some of the longer whistles, blow as before, gradually increasing the force of the current. It will be found that only the gentle current will give the full musical fundamental tone of the tube, a little stronger current produces a mere rustling sound ; but when the force of the current reaches a certain limit, an overtone will break forth ; and, on increasing still further the power of the current, a still higher overtone may be reached. Figure 238 represents an open organ-pipe provided with a glass window A in one of its sides. A wire hoop B has stretched over it a membrane, and the whole is suspended by a thread within the pipe. If the membrane is placed near the upper end, a buzzing sound proceeds 282 SOUND. from the membrane when the fundamental tone of the pipe is sounded ; and sand placed on the membrane will dance up and down in a lively manner. On lowering the membrane, the buzzing sound becomes fainter, till, at the middle of the tube, it ceases entirely, and the sand becomes quiet. Lowering the membrane still further, the sound and dancing recommence, and increase as the lower end is approached. When the fundamental tone of an open pipe is produced, its air-column divides itself into two equal vibrating sections, with the anti-node at the extremities of the tube, and a node in the center. Fig. 338. Fig. 239. If the pipe is stopped, there is a node at the stopped end ; if it is open, there is an anti-node at the open end; and in both cases there is an anti-node at the end where the wind enters, which is always to a certain extent open. A, B, and C of Figure 239 show respectively the posi- tions of the nodes and anti-nodes for the fundamental tone MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 283 and first and second overtones of a closed pipe ; and A', B', and C' show the positions of the same in an open pipe of the same length. The distance between the dotted lines shows the relative amplitudes of the vibra- tions of the air-particles at various points along the tube. Now the distance between a node and the nearest anti node is a quarter of a wave-length. Comparing, then, A and A', it will be seen that the wave-length of the fundamental of the closed pipe must be twice the wave- length of the fundamental of the open pipe ; hence the vibration period of the latter is half that of the former; consequently the fundamental of the open pipe must be an octave higher than that of the closed pipe. Fig. 240. 266. Sounding Plates, etc. Experiment 187. Fasten with a screw the elastic brass plate A (Fig. 240) on the upright support. Strew writing-sand over the plate, and draw a rosined bass bow steadily and firmly over one of its edges near a corner ; and at the same time touch the middle of one 284 SOUND. of its edges with the tip of the finger; a musical sound will be produced, and the sand will dance up and down, and quickly collect in two rows, extending across the plate at right angles to one an- other. Draw the bow across the middle of an edge, and touch with a finger one of its corners ; the sand will arrange itself in two diagonal rows (2) across the plate, and the pitch of the note will be a fifth higher. Touch, with the nails of the thumb and forefinger, two points a and b (3) on one edge, and draw the bow across the middle c of the opposite edge, and you will obtain additional rows and a shriller note. r!"\ulun*Trii-MjrrimiL'"-' *,Ti-v-w>*i''v.vjrMO. Fig. 341. By varying the position of the point touched and bowed, a great variety of patterns can be obtained, some of which are represented in Figure 241. It will be seen that the effect of touching the plate with a finger is to prevent vibration at that point, and consequently a node is there produced. The whole plate then divides itself up into segments with nodal division lines in conformity with the MUSICAL INSTBTJMENTS. 285 node just formed. The sand rolls away from those parts which are alternately thrown into crests and troughs, to the parts that are at rest. 267. Interference. Experiment 188. C (Fig. 240) is a tin tube made in two parts to telescope one within the other. The extremity of one of the parts ter- minates in two slightly smaller branches. Bow the plate, as in the first experiment (1), place the two orifices of the branches over the segments marked with the + signs, and regulate the length of the tube so as to reenforce the note given by the plate, and set the plate in vibration. Now turn the tube around, so that one orifice may be over a + seg- ment, and the other over a segment ; the sound due to resonance entirely ceases. It thus appears that the two segments marked + pass through the same phases together ; likewise the phases of seg- ments correspond with one another ; i.e. when one + segment is bent upward, the other is bent upward, and at the same time the two segments are bent downward; for, when the two orifices of the tube are placed over two + segments or two segments, two condensa- tions followed by two rarefactions pass up these branches and unite at their junction to produce a loud sound ; but when one of the orifices is over a + segment, and the other over a segment, a con- densation passes up one branch at the same time that a rarefaction passes up the other, and the two destroy one another when they corne together; i.e. the two sound-waves combine to produce silence. 268. Bells. A bell or goblet is sub- ject to the same laws of vibration as a plate. Experiment 189. Nearly fill a large goblet with water, strew upon the surface lycopodium powder, and draw a rosined bow gently across the edge of the glass. The surface of the water will become rippled with wavelets (Fig. 242) radiating from four points 90 apart, corresponding to the centers of four ventral segments into which the Fig ' goblet is divided, and the powder will collect in lines proceeding from the nodal points of the bell. By touching the proper points of a 286 SOUND. bell or glass with a finger-nail, it may be made to divide itself, like a plate, into 6, 8, 10, etc. (always an even number), vibrating parts. Experiment 190. Remove the brass plate (Fig. 240) from its support, and fasten the bell B (Fig. 243) on the support. Bow the edge of the bell at some point, and hold the open tube C in a horizon- tal position with the center of one of its walls near that point of the edge of the bell which is opposite the point bowed. The tube loudly reenforces the sound of the bell. Move the tube around the edge of Fig. 243. the bell and find its nodes. Thrust the plunger D into the open end E of the tube, and find what part of the length of an open tube a closed tube should be to reenforce a sound of a given pitch. 269. Vocal Organs. It is difficult to say which is more to be admired, the wonderful capabilities of the human voice or the extreme sim- plicity of the means by which it is produced. The organ of the voice is a reed instrument situated at the top of the windpipe, or trachea. A pair of elastic bands aa (Fig. 244), called the vocal chords, is stretched across the top of the windpipe. The air-passage 6, between these chords, is open while a person is breathing ; Fig. 344. k^ wnen he speaks or sings, they are brought together so as to form a narrow, slit-like opening, thus making a sort of double reed, which vibrates when air is forced from the lungs through the narrow passage, somewhat like the little tongue of a toy trum- pet. The sounds are grave or high according to the tension of the chords, which is regulated by muscular SOME SOUND-WAVE RECEIVERS. 287 action. The cavities of the mouth and the nasal passages form a compound resonance-tube. This tube adapts it- self, by its varying width and length, to the pitch of the note produced by the vocal chords. Place a finger on the protuberance of the throat called " Adam's apple," and sing a low note ; then sing a high note, and you will observe that the protuberance rises in the latter case, thus shortening the distance between the vocal chords and the lips. Set a tuning-fork in vibration, open the mouth as if about to sing the corresponding note, place the fork in front of it, and the cavity of the mouth will resound to the note of the fork, but will cease to do so when the mouth adapts itself to the production of some other note. The different qualities of the different vowel sounds are produced by the varying forms of the resonating mouth- cavity, the pitch of the fundamental tones given by the vocal chords remaining the same. This constitutes articu- lation. Section XIII. SOME SOUND-WAVE RECEIVERS. 27O. The Phonograph. Figure 245 represents the Edison phonograph. A metallic cylinder A is rotated by means of a crank. On the surface of the cylinder is cut a shallow helical groove running around the cylinder from end to end, like the thread of a screw. A small metallic point, or style, projecting from the under side of a thin metallic disk D (Fig. 246), which closes one orifice of the mouth-piece B, stands directly over the thread. By a simple device the cylinder, when the crank is turned, is made to advance just rapidly enough to allow the groove to keep constantly under the style. The cylinder is covered with tinfoil. The cone F is usually applied to the mouth-piece to concentrate the sound- waves upon the disk D. 288 SOUND. Now, when a person directs his voice toward the mouth-piece, the aerial waves cause the disk D to participate in every motion made by the parti- cles of air as they beat against it, and the motion of the disk is communi- Fig. 245. cated by the style to the tinfoil, producing thereon impressions or indenta- tions as it passes on the rotating cylinder. The result is that there is left upon the foil an exact representation in relief of every movement made by the style. Some of the indentations are quite perceptible to the naked eye, while others are visible only with the aid of a microscope of high power. Figure 247 represents a piece of the foil as it would appear inverted after the in- dentations (here greatly exaggerated) have been imprinted upon it. Fig. 246. The words addressed to the phonograph having been thus impressed upon the foil, the mouth-piece and style are temporarily removed, while the cylinder is brought back to the position it had when the talking began, and then the mouth-piece is replaced. Now, evidently, if the crank is turned Fig. 247. j n ^ ne same direction as before, the style, resting upon the foil beneath, will be made to play up and down as it passes over ridges and sinks into depressions; this will cause the disk D to SOME SOUND-WAVE RECEIVERS. 289 reproduce the same vibratory movements that caused the ridges and depressions in the foil. The vibrations of the disk are communicated to the air, and through the air to the ear ; thus the words spoken to the apparatus may be, as it were, shaken out into the air again at any subse- quent time, even centuries after, accompanied by the exact accents, into- nations, and quality of sound of the original. 271. The Ear. In Figure 248, A represents the external ear-passage; a is a membrane, called the tympanum, stretched across the bottom of the passage, and thus closing the orifice of a cavity b, called the drum ; c is a Fig. 348* chain of small bones stretching across the drum, and connecting the tympanum with the thin membranous wall of the vestibule e; ff are a series of semicircular canals opening into the vestibule; g is the open- ing into another canal in the form of a snail-shell /, hence called the cochlea (this is drawn on a reduced scale) ; d is a tube (the Eustachian tube'} connecting the drum with the throat; and h is the auditory nerve. The vestibule and all the canals opening into it are filled with a trans- parent liquid. The drum of the ear contains air, and the Eustachian tube forms a means of ingress and egress for air through the throat. Now how does the ear hear ? and how is it able to distinguish between the infinite variety of form, rapidity, and intensity of aerial sound-waves 290 SOUND. so as to interpret correctly the corresponding quality, pitch, and loudness of sound 1 Sound-waves enter the external ear-passage A as ocean-waves enter the bays of the seacoast, are reflected inward, and strike the tym- panum. The air-particles, beating against this drum-head, impress upon it the precise wave-form that is transmitted to it through the air from the sounding body. The motion received by the drum-head is transmitted by the chain of bones to the membranous wall of the vestibule. From the walls of the spiral passage of the cochlea project into its liquid con- tents thousands of fine elastic threads or fibres, called " rods of Corti." As the passage becomes smaller and smaller, these vibratile rods become of gradually diminishing length and size (such as the wires of a piano may roughly represent), and are therefore suited to respond sympatheti- cally to a great variety of vibration-periods. This arrangement is some- times likened to a "harp of three thousand strings" (this being about the number of rods). The auditory nerve at this extremity is divided into a large number of filaments, like a cord unravelled at its end, and one of these filaments is attached to each rod. Now, as the sound- waves reach the membranous wall of the vestibule, they set it, and by means of it the liquid contents, into forced vibration, and so through the liquid all the fibres receive an impulse. Those rods whose vibration periods correspond with the periods of the constituents forming the com- pound wave are thrown into sympathetic vibration. The rods stir the nerve filaments, and the nerve transmits to the brain the impressions re- ceived. Just as a piano when its dampers are raised and a person sings into it, may be said to analyze each sound-wave, and show by the vibrat- ing strings of how many tones it is composed, as well as their respective pitch, and by the amplitude of their vibrations their respective intensi- ties ; so, it is thought, this wonderful harp of the ear analyzes every com- plex sound-wave into a series of simple vibrations. Tidings of the dis- turbances are communicated to the brain, and there, in some mysterious manner, these disturbances are interpreted as sound of definite quality, pitch, and intensity. CHAPTER VIII. RADIANT ENERGY, ETHER-WAVES, LIGHT. Section I. INTRODUCTION. 272. Energy Received from the Sun. Exposed to the sun, the skin is warmed, the sense of touch is affected; it is illuminated, thereby the sense of sight is affected ; it is tanned, its chemical condition is changed. It is evident that we receive something which must come to us from the sun. To the sense of touch it appears to be heat; in the eye it produces the sensation of light ; in certain substances it has the power to produce chemical changes. What is it that we receive from the sun? Figure 249 represents an instrument called a radiometer. The moving part is a small vane resting on the point of a needle. It is so nicely poised on this pivot that it rotates with the greatest freedom. Fig - 249 * To the extremities of each of the four arms of the vane are attached disks of aluminum, which are white on one side and black on the other. The whole is enclosed in a glass bulb, and the air within is reduced to less than one- millionth its usual density. If the instrument is exposed 292 KADIANT ENERGY. to the sun the wheel will rotate with the white faces in advance. In just what manner it is caused to rotate does not con- cern us at present ; but the fact that it rotates, and that it is caused to rotate directly or indirectly by something that comes from the sun, is pertinent to the question be- fore us. Whenever a body is caused to move or increase its rate of motion, energy must be imparted to it; hence energy must be imparted to the radiometer-vane by the sun. That which we receive from the sun, whether it affects the sense of touch or of sight, or produces chemical changes, is in reality some form of energy and is one and the same form whatever the effect. 273. The Ether. If we receive the energy of motion, what moves ? Our atmosphere is but a thin mantle covering the earth, while the great space that separates us from the sun contains no air or other known substance. But empty space cannot communicate motion. It is assumed it is necessary to assume that there is some medium filling the interplanetary space ; in fact, filling all space otherwise unoccupied, a medium by which motion can be communicated from one point to another. This medium has received the name of the ether. We cannot see, hear, feel, taste, smell, weigh, nor meas- ure it. What evidence, then, have we that it exists? This : phenomena occur just as they would occur if all space were filled with an ethereal medium capable of transmitting motion ; we have been able to account for these phenomena on no other hypothesis, hence our belief in the existence of the medium. The transmission of energy through the medium of the ether is called radiation; energy so transmitted is called UNDULATORY THEORY. 293 radiant energy, and the body emitting energy in this manner is called a radiator. 274. Undulatory Theory; the Sensation of Sight. All evidence points to one conclusion : that we receive energy from the sun in the form of vibrations or waves; that a portion of these waves having suitable wave-length are capable of causing through the eye the sensation of sight. Such as affect the sense of sight are called light- waves. 1 This is known as the undulatory theory of light. The term light is commonly applied to those ether-waves which are capable of producing the sensation of sight ; hence light is that vibration of the ether which may be appreciated by the organ of sight. 275. Sources of Light- waves, Incandescence and Phosphorescence. Every form of matter when suffi- ciently heated emits light-waves ; in other words, when the vibration period of its molecules becomes such as to create ethereal waves that are capable of affecting the sense of sight, the body is said to be luminous. This con- dition is termed incandescence. The sun and fixed stars are in a condition of intense incandescence. Nearly all the artificial sources of light-waves, such as lamp and gas flames and electric lamps, depend upon the development of light-waves mainly through the incandescence of carbon. 1 It will be shown further on, that not all ether-way es are capable of affecting the sight, hence for the purpose of distinction we apply the term light- waves to those ether-waves only which are capable of producing vision. It is strongly recommended that the student in beginning this branch of science make use of the term light-waves instead of light except when such usage would lead to an inconvenient circumlocu- tion, in order that he may have strongly impressed upon his mind the fact that when he is dealing with light he is dealing with waves. 294 RADIANT ENERGY. There is a class of substances, such as the sulphides of calcium, strontium, etc., which, after several hours' expos- ure to light-waves, absorb their energy (i.e. their molecules ac- quire sympathetic vibrations) without becoming hot, and in turn emit light-waves, which are quite perceptible in a dark room for several hours after the ex- posure. This property of shining in the dark after having been . exposed to light-waves is termed phosphorescence. A so-called lumi- nous paint is prepared and ap- Fig. 250. plied to certain parts of bodies that are exposed to sunshine during the day; at night those parts to which the paint is applied are alone lumi- nous. This paint may be used for a variety of purposes, such as rendering luminous danger signals, door numbers and plates (Fig. 250), etc. 276. Light-waves travel in Straight Lines. The path of light-waves admitted into a darkened room through a small aperture, as indicated by the illuminated dust, is perfectly straight. An object is seen by means of light- waves which it sends to the eye. A small object placed in a straight line between the eye and a luminous point may intercept the light-waves in that path, and the point become invisible. Hence we cannot see around a corner, or through a bent tube. 277. Ray, Beam, Pencil. Any line RR, Figure 251, which pierces the surface of an ether-wave ab perpen- RAY, BEAM, PENCIL. 295 dicularly is called a ray. The term "ray" is but an expression for the*direction in which motion is propagated, and along which the successive effects of ether-waves occur. If the wave-surface a'b' is a plane, the rays R/R' are parallel, and a collection of such rays is called a beam. If the wave-surface a n b" is spherical or concave, the rays R"R" have a common point at the center of curvature ; and a collection of such rays is called a pencil. 278. Transparent, Translu- cent, and Opaque Bodies. Bodies are transparent, translu- cent, or opaque, according to the manner in which they act upon the light-waves which pass through them. Generally speak- ing, those objects are transparent that allow other objects to be seen through them distinctly, e.g. air, glass, and water. Those objects are translucent . that allow light- waves to pass, but in such a scattered condition that objects are not seen distinctly through them, e.g. fog, ground glass, and oiled paper. Those objects are opaque that apparently cut off all the light-waves and prevent objects from being seen through them. 279. Luminous and Illuminated Objects. Some bodies are seen by means of light-waves which they emit, e.g. the sun, a candle flame, and a " live " coal ; they are called luminous bodies. Other bodies are seen only by 296 RADIANT ENERGY. means of light-waves which they receive from luminous ones; and when thus rendered visible are said to be illuminated, e.g. the moon, a man, a cloud, and a "dead" coal. Every point of a luminous body is an independent source of light-waves, and emits light-ivaves in every direction. Such a point is called a luminous point. In Figure 252 there are represented a few of the infinite number of Fig. 353. pencils emitted by three lumi- nous points of a candle flame. Every point of an illumi- nated object, db, receives light-waves from every luminous point. 28O. Images formed through Small Apertures. Experiment 191. Cut a hole about 4 inches square in one side of a box ; cover the hole with tin-foil, and prick a hole in the foil with a pin. Place the box in a darkened room, and a candle flame in the box near to the pin-hole. Hold an oiled-paper screen before the hole in the foil ; an inverted image of the candle flame will appear upon the translucent paper. An image is a kind of picture of an object. If light- waves from objects illuminated by the sun, e.g. trees, houses, clouds, or even an entire landscape, are allowed to pass through a small aperture in a window shutter and strike a white wall in a dark room, inverted im- ages of the objects in their true colors will appear upon it. The cause of these phenomena is easily understood. When no screen intervenes between the candle and the screen A, Figure 253, every point of the screen receives SHADOWS. 297 light-waves from every point of the candle ; consequently, on every point on A, im- ages of the infinite num- ber of points of the candle are formed. The result of the confusion of images is equivalent to no image. But let the screen B, containing a small hole, be interposed ; then, since Fig. 253. light- waves travel only in straight lines, the point Y' can only receive an image of the point Y, the point Z' only of the point Z, and so for intermediate points; hence a distinct image of the object must be formed on the screen A. That an image may be distinct, the rays from different points of the object must not mix on the image, but all rays from each point on the object must be carried to its own point on the image. 281. Shadows. Experiment 192. Procure two pieces of tin or cardboard, one 18 cm square, the other 3 cm square. Place the.first between a white wall and a candle flame in a darkened room. The opaque tin inter- cepts the light-waves that strike it, and thereby excludes light-waves from a space behind it. This space is called a shadow. That portion of the sur- face of the wall that is darkened is a section of the shadow, and represents the form of a section of the body that intercepts the light-waves. A section of a shadow is fre- quently for convenience called a shadow. Notice that the shadow is made up of two distinct parts, a dark center bordered on all sides by a much lighter fringe. The 298 RADIANT ENEEGY. dark center is called the umbra, and the lighter envelope is called the penumbra. Experiment 193. Carry the tin nearer the* wall, and notice that the penumbra gradually disappears and the outline of the umbra be- comes more distinct. Employ two candle flames, a little distance apart, and notice that two shadows are produced. Move the tin toward the wall, and the two shadows approach one another, then touch, and finally overlap. Notice that where they overlap the shadow is deepest. This part gets no light-waves from either flame, and is a section of the umbra; while the remaining portion gets light-waves from one or the other, and is a section of the penumbra. Or move the eye across the shadow from side to side and see parts of the flame in the penumbra, but none in the umbra. Just so the umbra of every shadow is the part that gets no light-waves from a luminous body, while the penumbra is the part that gets light-waves from some portion of the body, but not from the whole. Experiment 194. Repeat the above experiments, employing the smaller piece of tin, and note all differences in phenomena that occur. Hold a hair in the path of the sun's waves, about a quarter of an inch in front of a fly-leaf of this book, and observe the shadow cast by the hair. Then gradually increase the distance between the hair and the leaf, and note the change of phenomena. If the source of light-waves were a single luminous point, as A (Fig. _, 254), the shadow of an opaque body B " =as ^ ^ would be of infinite length, and would consist only of an umbra. But if the source of light-waves has a sensible size, 254. the opaque body will intercept just as many separate pencils as there are luminous points, and consequently will cast an equal number of independent shadows. Let AB (Fig. 255) represent a luminous body, and CD an opaque body. The pencil from the luminous point A will be intercepted between the lines CF and DG, and the pencil from B will be intercepted between the INTENSITY OF ILLUMINATION, ETC. 299 wave-lines CE and DF. Hence the light-waves will be wholly excluded only from the space between the lines OF and DF, which enclose the Fig. 355. umbra. The enveloping penumbra, a section of which is included between the lines CE and CF, and between DF and DG, receives light-waves from certain points of the luminous body, but not from all. , QUESTIONS. 1. What do you understand by radiant energy ? 2. State some of the immediate effects which radiant energy is capable of producing. 3. How do light-waves originate ? 4. a. Has a ray of light a physical existence? b. What is a light-wave ? 5. a. Does a " dead " coal emit ether-waves ? b. Does it emit light-waves ? 6. a. When is a body said to be incandescent ? b. How may a non-luminous body be rendered incandescent ? 7. Why are images formed through apertures inverted ? 8. Why is the size of the image dependent on the distance of the screen from the aperture ? 9. Why does an image become dimmer as it becomes larger? 10. Why do we not perceive an image of our persons on every object in front of which we stand ? 300 RADIANT ENERGY. 11. Upon what fact does a gunner rely in taking sight? 12. Explain the umbra and penumbra cast by the opaque body H I, Figure 255. 13. When will a transverse section of the umbra of an opaque body be larger than the object itself ? 14. When has an umbra a limited length ? 15. What is the shape of the umbra cast by the sphere C D, Figure 255 ? 16. If C D should become the luminous body, and A B a non- luminous opaque body, what changes would occur in the umbra and the shadow cast ? 17. Why is it difficult to determine the exact point on the ground where the umbra of a church-steeple terminates ? 18. What is the shape of a section of the shadow cast by a circular disk placed obliquely between a luminous body and a screen ? What is its shape when the disk is placed edgewise ? 19. Describe the shadow cast by the earth. Section II. INTENSITY OF ILLUMINATION, PHOTOMETRY, VELOCITY OF LIGHT-WAVES. 282. Unit of Measurement. The unit generally employed for the measurement of the intensity of the light emitted by a luminous body is the British candle power. It is the intensity of light emitted by a sperm candle J in. in diameter, burning 120 grains to the hour. 283. Diminution of Intensity of Illuminating Capac- ity with Distance. Application of the Law of Inverse Squares to Light. Light diminishes in intensity, and INTENSITY OF ILLUMINATION, ETC. 301 hence in its power to illuminate objects which it strikes, as it recedes from its source. The intensity of light diminishes as the square of the distance from its source increases. Calling the quantity of light falling upon a visiting card at a distance of 2 feet from a lamp flame 1, the quantity falling upon the same card at a distance of 4 feet is J, at a distance of 6 feet it is l, and so on. This is the meaning of the law of inverse squares, as applied to light. This law may be illustrated thus : A square card placed (say) 1 foot from a certain point in a candle flame, as at A (Fig. 256), receives from this point a certain quantity of light. The same light if not intercepted would go on to B, at a distance of 2 feet, and would there illuminate four squares, each of the size of the card, and being spread over four times the area can illuminate each square with only one fourth the intensity. If allowed to proceed to ' Fi C, 3 feet distant, it illuminates nine such squares, and has but one ninth its intensity at A. The law is strictly true only when distance from individual points is considered. 284. Photometry. The law just established enables us to compare the illuminating power of one light with that of another, and to express by numbers their relative illuminating powers. The process is called photometry (light-measuring) ; and the instrument employed, a photometer. 285. The Bunsen Photometer (Fig. 257) has a screen of paper S, mounted in a box B, open in front and at the two ends. The box slides on a graduated bar. The screen has a circular central spot saturated with paraffine, which renders the spot more translucent than other por- 302 RADIANT ENERGY. tions of the screen. One side of the screen is illuminated by the light L, whose intensity is to be measured, and the other side by a standard candle L'. When the screen Fig. 257. is so placed that the two sides are equally illuminated by the two lights, the paraffined spot becomes nearly invisible. When one side is more strongly illuminated than the other, the spot appears dark on that side and light on the other. The candle power of the two * lights is directly propor- tional to the square of their respective distances from the screen when it is equally illuminated on both sides. Fig. 358. In order to render both sides of the disk simultaneously visible, two mirrors, m and m' (Fig. 258), are placed in the box in a vertical position, so as to reflect images of the circular spot in the screen S to the eyes at E, EL QUESTIONS. 1. Suppose that a lighted candle is placed in the center of each of three cubical rooms, respectively 10, 20, and 30 feet on a side ; would a single wall of the first room receive more light than a single wall of either of the other rooms, or less ? INTENSITY OF ILLUMINATION, ETC. 303 2. Would one square foot of a wall of the third room receive as much light as would be received by one square foot of a wall of the first room? If not, what difference would there be, and why the difference ? 3. Give a reason for the law of inverse squares. 4. To what besides light has this law been found applicable? 286. Visual Angle. We see an object by means of its image formed on the retina of the eye ; and its apparent magnitude is determined by the extent of the retina covered by its image. Rays proceeding from opposite extremities of an object, as AB (Fig. 259), meet and cross Fig. 259. one another in the window of the eye, called the pupil. Now, as the distance between the points of the blades of a pair of scissors depends upon the angle that the handles form with one another, so the size of the image formed on the retina depends upon the size of the * angle, called the visual angle, formed by these rays as they enter the eye. But the size of the visual angle diminishes as the distance of the object from the eye increases, as shown in the diagram ; e.g. at twice the distance the angle is one-half as great ; at three times the distance the angle is one- third as great ; and so on. Hence, distance affects the apparent size of an object. Our judgment of size is, however, influenced by other things besides the visual angle which the object subtends. 304 RADIANT ENERGY. 287. Velocity of Light- Waves. By several ingenious methods it has been ascertained that light-waves travel at the rate of about 186,000 miles in a second, a velocity which would enable them to go around the earth about seven times in a second. Sound-waves travel in air at the rate of only about one-fifth of a mile per second. This great difference can be accounted for only on the suppo- sition that the rarity and elasticity of ether are enormously greater than that of air. Section III. REFLECTION OF LIGHT-WAVES. 288. Law of Reflection. Experiment 195. Look through the hole in the metal band (Fig. 260), marked zero, at the mirror. You see in the mirror an image of the hole through which you are looking, but you do not see the image of any of the other holes. Rays that pass through this hole strike the mirror perpendicularly, Fig. 260. an( j are ca i} e d incident rays. The reflected rays are thrown back in the same line and through the same hole that the incident rays travel to the eye. Hold a candle flame at one of the other holes (or stop it with a fin- ger), e.g. at the hole marked 10. You can see the reflected rays of the candle flame only through the hole of the same number on the other side, i.e. for example, incident rays making an angle of 10 (called the angle of incidence) with the perpendicular to the surface of the mirror is reflected at an angle of 10 (called the angle of reflection) with the perpendicular. The angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence. REFLECTION OF LIGHT-WAVES. 305 289. Reflection from Plane Mirrors; Virtual Im- ages. MM (Fig. 261) represents a plane mirror, and AB a pencil of divergent rays proceeding from the point A of an object AH. Erect- ing perpendiculars at the points of incidence, or the points where these rays strike the mirror, and mak- ing the angles of reflection equal to the angles of incidence, the paths BC and EC of the reflected rays are found. Fi s- It appears that divergent incident rays remain divergent after reflection from a plane mirror. (In like manner con- struct a diagram, and show that parallel incident rays are parallel after reflection.) Construct another diagram, and show that convergent incident rays are convergent after re- flection, i.e. reflection from a plane surface does not alter the angle between rays. To an eye placed at C, the points from which the rays appear to come are of course in the direction of the rays as they enter the eye. These points may be found by continuing the rays CB and CE behind the mirror, till they meet at the points D* and N. Every point of the object AH sends out its pencil of rays ; and those that strike the mirror at a suitable angle to be reflected to the eye, produce on the retina of the eye an image of that point, and the point from which the light- waves appear to emanate is found, as previously described. Thus, the pencils EC and BC appear to emanate from the points N and D ; and the whole body of light-waves re- ceived by the eye seems to come from an apparent object ND behind the mirror. This apparent object is called an image; but as, of course, there can be no real image 306 RADIANT ENERGY. formed there, it is called a virtual or an imaginary image. It will be seen, by construction, that an image in a plane mirror appears as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it, and is of the same size and shape as the object. 29O. Reflection from Concave Mirrors. Let MM' (Fig. 262), represent a section of a concave mirror, which may be regarded as a small part of a hollow spherical shell having a polished interior surface. The distance MM' is called the diameter of the mirror. C is the center of the sphere, and is called the center of curvature. G is the vertex of the mirror. A straight line DG drawn through the center of curvature and the vertex is Fig. 262. called the principal axis of the mirror. A concave mirror may be considered as made up of an infinite number of small plane surfaces. All radii of the mirror, as CA, CG, and CB, are perpen- dicular to the small planes which they strike. If C be a luminous point, it is evident that all light-waves emanating from this point, and striking the mirror, will be reflected to its source at C. Let E be any luminous point in front of a concave mirror. To find the direction that rays emanating from this point take after reflection, draw any two lines from this point, as EA and EB, representing two of the infi- nite number of rays composing the divergent pencil that strikes the mirror. Next, draw radii to the points of inci- dence A and B, and draw the lines AF arid BF, making REFLECTION OF LIGHT-WAVES. 307 the angles of reflection equal to the angles of incidence. Place arrow-heads on the lines representing rays to indi- cate the direction of the motion. The lines AF and BF represent the direction of the rays after reflection. It will be seen that the rays after reflection are con- vergent, and meet at the point F, called the focus. This point is the focus of all reflected rays that emanate from the point E. It is obvious that if F were the luminous point, the lines AE and BE would represent the reflected rays, and E would be the focus of these rays. Since the relation between the two points is such that light-waves emanating from either one are brought by reflection to a focus at the other, these points are called conjugate foci. Con- jugate foci are two points so related that the image of either is formed at the other. The rays EA and EB emanating from E are less divergent than rays FA and FB, emanating from a point F less distant from the mirror, and striking the same points. Rays emanating from D, and striking the same points A and B, will be still less divergent ; and if the point D were removed to a distance of many miles, the rays incident at these points would be very nearly parallel. Hence rays may be regarded as practically parallel when their source. is at a very great distance, e.g. the sun's rays. If a sunbeam, consisting of a bundle of parallel rays, as EA, DG, and HB (Fig. 263), strike a concave Fig. mirror parallel with its principal axis, these rays become convergent by reflection, and meet at a point (F) in the principal axis. This point, called the principal focus, is just half-way between the center of curvature and the vertex of the mirror. On the other hand, it is obvious that divergent rays 308 RADIANT ENERGY. emanating from the principal focus of a concave mirror become parallel by reflection. If a small piece of paper is placed at the principal focus of a concave mirror, and the mirror is exposed to the par- allel rays of the sun, the paper will quickly burn. Construct a diagram, and show that rays proceeding from a point between the principal focus and the mirror are divergent after reflection, but less divergent than the incident rays. Reversing the direction of the rays the same diagram will show that convergent rays are rendered more convergent by reflection from concave mirrors. The general effect of a concave mirror is to increase the convergence or to decrease the diver- gence of incident rays. The statement, that parallel rays after re- flection from a concave mirror meet at the prin- cipal focus, is only ap- proximately true. The Fig. 264. smaller the diameter of the mirror, the more nearly true is the statement. It is strictly true only of parabolic mirrors. Such are used m the head-lights of locomotives. 291. Formation of Images. Experiment 196. Hold some object, e.g. a rose, as ab (Fig. 264), a few feet in front of a concave mirror. Looking in the direction of the axis of the mirror you see a small inverted image AB of the object between the center of curvature, C, of the mirror and its principal focus F. Evidently if AB represent an object placed between the principal focus and center of curvature, then ab will represent the image of the object. The image in this case may be projected upon a screen, but it will not be so bright as in the former case, because the light-waves are spread over a larger surface. KEFLECTION OF LIGHT-WAVES. 309 Experiment 197. Place a candle in an otherwise dark room 20 feet from the mirror, catch the focused light-waves upon a paper screen, and show that the focus is half-way between the vertex and the center of curvature of the mirror. Experiment 198. Advance the distant candle flame toward the mirror, moving it up and down. (1) Show that the focus advances to meet the flame, and that when the flame is raised, the focus is depressed, and the converse. (2) Show that when the flame is at the center of curvature, there also is the focus. (3) Show that when the flame is be- tween the center of curvature and the principal focus, the focus of the flame is farther away than the center of curvature. (4) Show that when the flame is at the principal focus, the reflected rays are parallel, or the focus is at an infinite distance. (5) Show that when the flame is still nearer, the reflected rays diverge and appear to come from a point behind the mirror. (6) Notice that in all cases except the last the im- ages are real and inverted, and that in all cases where a real image is formed, the flame and the image may change places. Experiment 199. Form a real image of the flame between your- self and the mirror ; view the image through a convex lens (Fig. 284) ; show that the im- age can be magnified by a convex lens, and thereby illus- trate the principle of an astro- nomical reflecting telescope. Construct the image of an object placed between m s- tbe principal focus and the mirror, as in Figure 265. It will be seen in this case that a pencil of rays proceeding from any point of an object, e.g. D, has no actual focus, but appears to proceed from a virtual focus D', back of the mirror ; and so with other points, as E. The image of an object placed between the principal focus and the mirror is virtual, erect, larger than the object, and is back of the mirror. 292. Convex Mirrors. The general effect of convex mirrors is to separate incident rays. In them all images are virtual, erect, and smaller than the objects. 310 RADIANT ENERGY. Section IV. KEF R ACTION. 293. Introductory Experiments. Experiment 200. Into a darkened room admit a sunbeam so that its rays may fall obliquely on the bottom of the basin (Fig. 266), and note the place on the bottom where the edge of the shadow DE cast by the side of the basin DC meets the bottom at E. Then, without moving the basin, fill it even full with water slightly clouded with milk or with a few drops of a solution of mastic in alcohol. It will be found that the edge of the shadow has moved from I)E to DF, and meets the bottom at F. Beat a blackboard rubber, and create a cloud of dust in the path of the beam in the air, and you will dis- cover that the rays GD that graze the edge of the basin at D be- come bent at the point where they enter the water, and now move in the bent line GDF, instead of, as formerly, in the straight line GE. The path of the line in the water is now nearer to the vertical side DC ; in other words, this part of the beam is more nearly vertical than before. Experiment 201. Place a coin (A, Fig. 267) on the bottom of an empty basin, so that, as you look through a small hole in a card BC over the edge of the vessel, the coin is just out of sight. Then, without moving the card or basin, fill the latter with water. Now, on looking through the aperture in the card, the coin is visible. The beam AE, which formerly moved in the straight line AD, is now bent at E, where it leaves the water, and, passing through the aperture in the card, enters the eye. Observe that, as the beam passes from the water into the air, it is turned farther from a verti- BEFR ACTION. 311 cal line EF ; in other words, the beam is farther from the vertical than before. Experiment 202. From the same position as in the last experi- ment, direct the eye to the point G in the basin filled with water. Reach your hand around the basin, and place your finger where that point appears to be. On examination, it will be found that your finger is considerably above the bottom. Hence, the effect of the bend- ing of rays, as they pass obliquely out of water, is to cause the bottom to appear more elevated than it really is ; in other words, to cause the water to appear shallower than it is. Experiment 203. Thrust a pencil obliquely into water ; it will appear shortened, bent at the surface of the water, and the immersed portion elevated. Experiment 204. Place a piece of wire (Fig. 268) vertically in front of the eye, and hold a narrow strip of thick plate glass horizon- tally across the wire, so that the light-waves from the wire may pass obliquely through the glass to the eye. The wire will appear to be broken at the two edges of the glass, and the intervening section will appear to the right or left accord- ing to the inclination of the glass ; but if the glass is not inclined to the one side or the other, the wire does not Fig. 368. appear broken. Experiment 205. Partly fill a cell 1 with parallel glass sides with carbon bisulphide, then add water. Place the cell in the path of a beam reflected from a porte lumiere. Place vertically in front of the cell a wire, and project with a lens a shadow of the wire on a screen. Turn the cell obliquely, as in the last experiment, and notice the difference in the refracting power of the two liquids. Experiment 206. Partly fill the same cell with water. Focus it on the screen so that the surface of the water will be visible. Add a lump of ice on the water. Observe the streakiness caused by difference in the density of water at different temperatures. Experiment 207. Project with a lens a luminous circle on a screen. Hold, a few feet in front of the screen, a candle flame in the path of the light-waves. Observe the wavy streakiness arising from the changing density of the air and convection currents. 1 These cells, used with stereopticons for projecting liquids, can be procured of apparatus dealers. 312 RADIANT ENERGY. When a light-beam passes from one medium into another of different density, it is bent or refracted at the boundary plane between the two media, unless it falls exactly perpendicularly on this plane. If it, pass into a denser medium, it is refracted toward a perpendicular to this plane ; if into a rarer medium, it is refracted from the perpendicular. The angle GDO (Fig. 266) is called the angle of incidence ; FDN, the angle of re- fraction; and EDF, the angle of deviation. 294. Cause of Refraction. Careful experiments have proved that the velocity of light-waves is less in a dense than in a rare medium. Let the series of parallel lines AB (Fig. 269) represent a series of wave-fronts leav- ing an object C, and passing through a rectangular piece of glass DE, and constituting a beam. Every point in a wave-front moves with equal Fig. 269. velocity as long as it traverses the same medium ; but the point a of a given wave ab enters the glass first, and its velocity is impeded, while the point 6 retains its original velocity ; so that, while the point a moves to a', b moves to b f , and the result is that the wave-front assumes a new direction (very much in the same manner as a line of soldiers execute a wheel), and a ray or a line drawn perpendicularly through the series of waves is turned out of its original direction on entering the glass. Again, the extremity c of a given wave- front cd first emerges from the glass, when its velocity is immediately quickened ; so that, while d advances to d f , c advances to c', and the direction of the ray is again changed. The direction of the ray, after emerging from the glass, is parallel to its direction before entering it, but it has suffered a lateral displacement. Let C represent a section of the wire used in Experiment 262, and the cause of the phenomenon observed will be apparent. If the beam strike the glass perpendicularly, all points of the wave will be checked at the same instant on entering the glass ; consequently it will suffer no refraction. 295. Index of Refraction. The deviation of light- waves, in passing from one medium to another, varies with the medium and with the angle of incidence. It UNIVERSITY OF OF PHYSfCS REFRACTION. 318 diminishes as the angle of incidence diminishes, and is zero when the incident ray is normal (i.e. perpendicular to the surface of the medi- um). It is highly impor- tant, knowing the angle of incidence, to be able to determine the direction which a ray will take on entering a new medium. Describe a circle around the point of incidence A (Fig. 270) as a center; through the same point draw IH perpendicular to Fi s- 3>?0 - the surfaces of the two media, and to this line drop per- pendiculars BD and CE from the points where the circle cuts the ray in the two media. Then suppose that the perpendicular BD is -$ of the radius AB ; now this frac- tion y^- is called (in trigonometry) the sine of the angle DAB. Hence, T 8 7 is the sine of the angle of incidence. Again, if we suppose that the perpendicular CE is T % of the radius, then the fraction -f$ is the sine of the angle of refraction. The sines of the two angles are to one another as T V : T %, or as 4 : 3. The quotient (in this case f = 1.33+) obtained by dividing the sine of the angle of incidence by the sine of the angle of refraction is called the index of refraction. It can be proved to be the ratio of the velocity of the incident to that of the refracted light-waves. It is found that for the same media the index of refraction is a constant quantity ; i.e. the incident ray might be more or less oblique, still the quotient would be the same. 296. Indices of Refraction. The index of refraction for light- waves in passing from air into water is approximately |, and from air into 314 RADIANT ENERGY, glass f ; of course, if the order is reversed, the reciprocal of these frac- tions must be taken as the indices ; e.g. from water into air, the index is f ; from glass into air, f . When a ray passes from a vacuum into a medium, the refractive index is greater than unity, and is called the absolute index of refraction. The relative index of refraction, from any medium A into another B, is found by dividing the absolute index of B by the absolute index of A. The refractive index varies with wave-length. The following table is intended to represent mean indices : TABLE OF ABSOLUTE INDICES. Air at C., and 760mm pressure . 1.000294 Pure water 1.33 Alcohol 1.37 Spirits of turpentine 1.48 Humors of the eye (about) . . . 1.35 Carbon bisulphide 1.641 Crown glass (about) 1.53 Flint glass (about) 1.61 Diamond (about) 2.5 Lead chromate 2.97 297. Critical Angle; Total Reflection. Let SS' (Fig. 271) represent the boundary surface between two media, and AO and BO incident rays in the more refractive medium (e.g. glass) ; then OD and OE may represent the same rays respectively after they enter the less refractive Fig. 371. medium (e.g. air). It will be seen that, as the angle of incidence is increased, the refracted ray rapidly approaches the surface OS. Now, there must be an angle of incidence (e.g. COM) such that the angle of refraction will be 90 ; REFRACTION. 315 in this case the incident ray CO, after refraction, will just graze the surface OS. This is called the critical or limiting angle. Any incident ray, as LO, making a larger angle with the normal than the critical angle, cannot emerge from the medium, and consequently is not refracted. Experi- ment shows that all such rays undergo internal reflection ; e.g. the ray LO is reflected in the direction ON. Reflec- tion in this case is perfect, and hence is called total reflec- tion. Total reflection occurs when rays in the more refractive medium are incident at an angle greater than the critical angle. Surfaces of transparent media, under these circumstances, constitute the best mirrors possible. The critical angle diminishes as the refractive index increases. For water it is about 48}; for flint glass, 38 41' ; and for the diamond, 23 41'. Light-waves cannot, therefore, pass out of water into air with a greater angle of incidence than 48|. The brilliancy of gems, particularly the diamond, is due in part to their extraordinary power of internal reflection, arising from their large indices of refraction. 298. Illustrations of Refraction and Total Reflection. Experiment 208. Observe the image of a candle flame reflected by the surface of water in a glass beaker, as in Figure 272. Experiment 209. Thrust the closed end of a glass test-tube (Fig. 273) into water, and incline the tube. Look down upon the immersed part of the tube, and its upper surface will look like bur- Fig. 273. Fig. 273. nished silver, or as if the tube contained mercury. Fill the test-tube with water, and immerse as before ; the total reflection which before occurred at the surface of the air in the submerged tube now disappears. Explain. 316 RADIANT ENERGY. Section V. DOUBLE REFRACTION. 299. Double Kefraction. Experiment 210. Through a card make a pin-hole, and hold the card so that you may see the sky through the hole. Now bring a crystal of Iceland spar (Fig. 274) between the eye and the card, and look at the hole through two parallel surfaces of the crystal. There will appear to be two holes, with light- waves passing through each. Cause the crystal to rotate in a plane parallel with the card, and one of the holes will appear to remain nearly at rest, while the other rotates around the first. A ray, PQ, immediately on entering the crystal is divided into two parts, one of which, QO, obeys the regular law of refraction ; the other, QE, does not. The former is called the ordinary ray ; the latter, the extraordinary ray. The rays issue from the crystal parallel with each other. In every direction in which one looks through the crystal, except that parallel to its optical axis, objects seen through it appear double. (See Figure 275.) The optic Fig. 274. Fig. 275. axis of a crystal is a line around which the molecules of the crystal appear to be arranged symmetrically. A crystal is called uniaxial when it has only one optic axis, PRISMS AND LENSES. 317 and biaxial when it has two such axes. By far the largei number of crystals of other substances possess the prop- erty of causing objects seen through them to appear double. This phenomenon is called double refraction. Section VI. PRISMS AND LENSES. 300. Optical Prisms. An optical prism is a trans- parent, wedge-shaped body. Figure 276 represents a transverse section of such a prism. Let AB be a ray incident upon one of its surfaces. On entering the prism it is refracted toward the normal, and takes the direc- tion BC. On emerging from the prism it is again re- fracted, but now from the normal in the direction CD. The object that emits the ray will appear to be at F. Observe that the ray AB, at both refractions, is bent toward the thicker part, or base, of the prism. 301. Lenses. Any trans- ms ' 276 ' parent medium bounded by two curved surfaces, or by one plane and the other curved, is a lens. Experiment 211. Procure a couple of lenses thicker in the middle than at the edge : strong spectacle glasses, or the large lenses in an opera glass will answer. Hold one of the lenses in the sun's rays, and notice the path of the beam in dusty air (made so by strik- ing together two blackboard rubbers), after it passes through the lens ; 318 RADIANT ENERGY. also, that on a paper screen all the rays may be brought to a small circle, or even to a point, not far from the lens. This point is called the focus, and its distance from the lens, the focal length of the lens. Find the focal length of this lens, then of the second, and then of the two together. You find the focal length of the two combined is less than of either alone, and learn that the more powerful a lens or combination of them is, the shorter the focal length ; that is, the more quickly are the parallel rays that enter different parts of the lens brought to cross one another. Experiment 212. Procure a lens thinner in the middle than at its edge. One of the small lenses or eye-glasses of an opera glass will answer. Repeat the above experiment with this lens, and notice that the rays emerging from the lens, instead of coming to a point, become spread out. Lenses are of two classes, converging and diverging, according as they collect rays or cause them to diverge. Each class comprises three kinds (Fig. 277) : CLASS I. CLASS H. 1. Double-convex "j Converging, or convex 2. Plano-convex 1 lenses thicker in 3. Concavo-convex. [ the middle than at (or meniscus) } the edges. 4. Double-concave J c '^ g S e r MSsaM'SiSas? A straight line, as AB, normal to both surfaces of a leus, and passing through its center of curvature, is called its principal axis. In every thin lens there is a point in the principal axis called the optical Fig. 377. center. Every ray that passes through it has parallel directions at incidence and emergence, i.e. can suffer at most only a slight lateral displacement. In lenses 1 and 4 it is half-way between their respective curved surfaces. A ray, drawn through PRISMS AND LENSES. 319 the optical center from any point of an object, as Aa (Fig. 286), is called the secondary axis of this point. 3O2. Effect of Lenses. We may, for convenience of illustration, regard a convex lens as composed, approxi- mately, of two prisms placed base to base, as A (Fig. 278), and a concave lens as composed of two prisms with their edges in contact, as B. Inasmuch as a beam ordi- narily strikes a lens in such a manner that it is bent toward the thicker parts or bases of these approximate prisms, it is obvious that the lens A tends to bend the transmitted rays toward one another, while the lens B tends to separate them. The general effect of all ^s- 378. convex lenses is to converge transmitted rays ; that of con- cave lenses, to cause them to diverge. Incident rays parallel with the principal axis of a convex lens are brought to a focus F (Fig. 279) at a point in the prin- cipal axis. This point is called the principal focus, i.e. it is the focus of incident rays par- allel with the principal Fig ' 379 - axis. It may be found by holding the lens so that the rays of the sun may fall perpendicularly upon it, and then moving a sheet of paper back and forth behind it until the image of the sun formed on the paper is brightest and smallest. Or, in a room, it may be found approximately, by holding a lens at a considerable distance from a window, regulating the distance so that a distinct image of the window will be 320 RADIANT ENERGY. projected upon the opposite wall, as in Figure 280. The focal length is the distance of the optical center of the lens Fig. 380. to the center of the image on the paper. The shorter this distance the greater is the power of the lens. If the paper is kept at the principal focus for a short time, it will take fire. The reason is apparent why convex lens- es are sometimes called " burning glasses." A pencil of rays emitted from the princi- pal focus F (Fig. 279), as a lumi- nous point, be- 88i. comes parallel on emerging from a convex lens. If the rays emanate from a point nearer the lens, they diverge after egress, but the divergence is less than before ; if from a point beyond the principal focus, the rays are rendered convergent. A PRISMS AND LENSES. 321 concave lens causes parallel incident rays to diverge as if they came from a point, as F (Fig. 281). This point is therefore its principal focus. It is, of course, a virtual focus. 3O3. Conjugate Foci. When a luminous point S (Fig. 282) sends rays to a con- vex lens, tho emerge n trays converge to another point S'; rays sent Fig . 383 . from S' to the lens would converge to S. Two points thus related are called conjugate foci. The fact that rays which emanate from one point are caused by convex lenses to collect at one point, gives rise to real images, as in the case of concave mirrors. Fig. 283. 3O4. Images Formed. Fairly distinct images of objects may be formed through very small apertures (Fig. 253); but owing to the small amount of radiant energy that passes through the aperture, the images are very deficient in bril- liancy. If the aperture is enlarged, brilliancy is increased 322 RADIANT ENERGY. at the expense of distinctness. A convex lens enables us to obtain both brilliancy and distinctness at the same time. Experiment 213. By means of a porte lumiere A (Fig. 283) in- troduce a horizontal beam into a darkened room. In its path place some object, as B, painted in transparent colors or photographed on glass. (Transparent pictures are cheaply prepared by photographers for sun-light and lime-light projections.) Beyond the object place a convex lens L (such as represented in Figure 283), and beyond the lens a screen S. The object being illu- minated by the beam, all the rays diverging from any point a are bent by the lens so as to come to- gether at the point a 1 . In like manner, all the rays proceeding from c are brought to the same point c' ; and so also for all intermediate points. Thus, out of Fig. 284. fa e innumerable rays emanating from each of the in- numerable points on the object, those that reach the lens are guided by it, each to its own appropriate point in the image. It is evident that there must result an image, both bright and distinct, provided the screen is suitably placed, i.e. at the place where the rays meet. But if the screen is placed at S' or S", it is evident that a blurred image will be formed. Instead of moving the screen back and forth, in order to "focus" the rays properly, it is customary to move the lens. Experiment 214. Make a series of experiments similar to those (Experiment 198) with the concave mirror. Ascertain the focal length of the convex lens. Place the lens a distance from a white wall about equal to its focal length. Place a candle flame (better the flame of a fish-tail burner) at such a distance the other side of the lens that it will produce a distinct and well-defined image on the wall (Fig. 285). (1) Observe and note on paper the size and kind of image. Advance the flame toward the lens, regulating at the same time the distance between the lens and wall, so as to preserve a distinctness of image. (2) Note the changes which the image undergoes. (3) When the image and flame become of the same size, measure and note the dis- tances of each from the lens. (4) Advance the flame still nearer, and note the changes in the image, until it is impossible to obtain an image on the wall. Measure the distance of the flame from the lens, and compare this distance with the focal length of the lens. (5) Move PRISMS AND LENSES. 323 the flame still nearer. Note whether the rays, after emerging from the lens, are divergent or convergent. (6) See whether an image and Fig. 285. an object may change places. (7) Form images of the flame on the wall at different distances from the lens ; measure the distances, also the linear dimensions (e.g. the width, or the vertical hight) of the images, and determine whether the linear dimensions of images are proportional to their distances from the lens. 305. To Construct the Image .Formed by a Convex Lens. Given the lens L (Fig. 286), whose principal fo- cus is at F (or F', for rays coming from the other direction), and object AB in front of it ; any two of the many rays from A will determine where its image a is formed. The two that can be traced easily are the one along the secondary axis AOa, and the one parallel to the principal axis A A': the latter will be deviated so as to pass through the principal focus F, and will afterward intersect the principal axis at some point a ; so this is the conjugate focus of A ; similarly for B, and all intermediate points along the arrow. Thus, a real inverted image is formed at ab. 286. 324 RADIANT ENERGY. 3O6. Virtual Images ; Simple Microscope. Since rays that emanate from a point nearer the lens than the principal focus diverge after egress, it is evident that their focus must be virtual and on the same side of the A' Fig. 287. lens as the object. Hence, the image of an object placed nearer the lens than the principal focus is virtual, magnified, and erect, as shown in Figure 287. A convex lens used in this manner is called a simple microscope. Since the effect of concave lenses is to scatter trans- mitted rays, pencils of rays emitted from A and B Fig. 288. (Fig. 288), after refraction, diverge as if they came from A' and B', and the image will appear to be at A' B'. Hence, images formed by concave lenses are virtual, erect, and smaller than the object. PRISMS AND LENSES. 325 3O7. Spherical Aberration. In all ordinary convex lenses the curved surfaces are spherical, and the angles which incident rays make with the little plane surfaces of which we may imagine the spherical surface to be made P. F' up, increase rapidly toward the edge of the lens. Thus, while those rays from a given point of an object, as A (Fig. 289), which pass through the central portion, meet approximately at the same point F, those which pass through the marginal portion are deviated so much that they cross the axis at nearer points, e.g. at F'; so a blurred image results. This wandering of the rays from a single focus is called spherical aberration. The. evil may be largely corrected 1 by interposing a diaphragm DD', pro- vided with a central aperture, smaller than the lens, so as to obstruct those rays that pass through the marginal part of the lens. Experiment 215. (Illustrating spherical aberration.) Cut a cardboard disk as large as the convex lens (Fig. 284). Cut a ring of holes near the circumference, and also a ring near the center. Support the disk close to the lens, so as to cover one of its surfaces. Place the whole in a beam from a porte lumiere. Catch refracted beams on a screen. Move the screen away from the lens. The beams through the outer ring of spots are the first to cross one another and form an image. Further away, the inner beams coincide, forming an image. The outer ones, having crossed, form a ring of spots. 1 It can be wholly corrected only by modifying the curvature of the surfaces of the lens. A lens having surfaces thus modified is said to be aplanatic. 326 RADIANT ENERGY. Section VII. PRISMATIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHT- WAVES. SPECTRA. 3O8. Analysis of Light-Waves which Produce the Sensation of White. Experiment 216. Place the disk with adjustable slit in the aper- ture of a porte lumiere, so as to exclude all light-waves from a darkened room except those which pass through the slit. Near the slit inter- pose a double-convex lens of (say) 10-inch focus. A narrow sheet of light will traverse the room and produce an image AB (Fig. 290) of the slit on a white screen placed in its path. Now place a glass prism C in the path of the narrow sheet of light-waves and near to the lens with its edge vertical. (1) The light-waves now are not only turned Fig. 290. from their former. path, but that which before was a narrow sheet, is, after emerging from the prism, spread out fan-like into a wedge-shaped body, with its thickest part resting on the screen. (2) The image, before only a narrow, vertical band, is now drawn out into a long PRISMATIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHT-WAVES. 327 horizontal ribbon, DE. (3) The image, before white, now presents all the colors of the rainbow, from red at one end to violet at the other ; it passes gradually through all the gradations of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. (The difference in deviation between the red and the violet is purposely much exaggerated in the figure.) From this experiment we learn (1) that white waves (i.e. those waves which are capable of producing the sensation of white) are not simple in their composition, but the result of a mixture. (2) The color waves of which white waves are composed may be separated by refraction. (3) The cause of the separation is due to the different degrees of deviation which they undergo by refraction. Red waves, which are always least turned aside from a straight path, are the least refrangible. Then follow orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet in the order of their refrangibility. The many- colored ribbon DE is called the solar spectrum. This separation of white waves into their constituents is called dispersion. The variety of color waves of which white waves are composed is really infinite ; but we name the seven principal ones as follows: red, orange (or citron), yellow, green, cyan-blue, ultramarine-blue, and violet; these are called the prismatic colors. The names of the blues are derived from the names of the pigments which most closely resemble them. 3O9. The Kainbow. The rainbow is an illustration of a solar spectrum on a grand scale. It is the result of refraction, reflection, and dis- persion of sunlight by falling raindrops. Let spheres 1 and 2 (Fig. 291) represent drops at the extreme opposite edges of the bow. The eye is in a position to receive after the dispersion and internal reflection of the light- waves within 1 drop, only the red waves ; consequently this part of the bow appears red. So, likewise, from drop 2, the eye receives only violet ; consequently this edge appears violet. In like manner, the intermediate colors of the bow are sifted out. Outside the primary bow a secondary bow (Fig. 292) is sometimes seen. Drops 3 and 4 (Fig. 291) are supposed to be at the opposite edges of the 328 RADIANT ENERGY. Fig. 291. secondary bow. It will be seen that the light-waves undergo two internal reflections within the drops which produce this bow. The colors of this bow are in reverse order of those of the primary bow, and less brilliant. Fig. 393. 31O. Synthesis of White Waves. The composition of white waves has been ascertained by the process of anal- ysis ; can it be verified by synthesis ? i.e. can the colors PRISMATIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHT-WAVES. 329 after dispersion be reunited ? and, if so, will white be re- stored ? Experiment 217. Place a second prism (2) in such a position (Z^7) that light-waves which have passed through one prism (1), and been refracted and decomposed, may be refracted back, and the colors will be reblended, and a white image of the slit will be restored on the screen. Experiment 218. Place a large convex lens, or a concave mirror, so as to receive the colors after dispersion by a prism, and bring the rays to a focus on a screen. The image produced will be white. 311. Cause of Color Revealed by Dispersion. Color is determined solely by the number of waves emitted by a luminous body in a second of time, or by the corresponding wave-length. In a dense medium, the short waves are more retarded than the longer ones ; hence they are more re- fracted. This is the cause of dispersion. The ether waves diminish in length from the red to the violet. As pitch depends on the number of aerial waves which strike the ear in a second, so color depends on the number of ethereal waves which strike the eye in a second. From well-established data, determined by a variety of methods (see larger works), physicists have calculated the number of waves that suc- ceed one another for each of the several prismatic colors, and the corre- sponding wave-lengths ; the following table contains the results. The let- ters A, C, D, etc., refer to Fraunhofer's lines (see Plate I.). Length of waves Number of waves in millimeters. per second. Dark red A 000760 395,000,000,000,000 Orange C 000656 458,000,000,000,000 Yellow D 000589 510,000,000,000,000 Green E 000527 570,000,000,000,000 C. Blue F 000486 618,000,000,000,000 U. Blue G 000431 697,000,000,000,000 Violet H 000397 760,000,000,000,000 There is a limit to the sensibility of the eye as well as of the ear. The limit in the number of vibrations appreciable by the eye lies approximately 330 KADIANT ENERGY, within the range of numbers given in the above table ; i.e. if the succes- sion of waves is much more or less rapid than indicated by these numbers, they do not produce the sensation of sight. 312. Continuous Spectra. All luminous solids and liquids give continuous spectra. If the spectrum is not complete, as when the temperature is too low, it will begin with red, and be continuous as far as it goes. 313. Spectroscope. A small instrument called a pocket spectro- scope l will answer for all experiments given in this book. More elaborate experiments require more elaborate apparatus, a description of which must be sought for in larger works on this subject. This instrument con- tains three or more prisms, A, B, and C (Fig. 293). The prisms are en- closed in a brass tube D, and this tube in another tube E. F is a convex lens, and G is an adjustable slit. By moving the inner tube back and forth, the instrument may be so focused that parallel rays will fall upon Fig. 393. prism A. By varying the kind of glass used in the different prisms, 2 as well as their structure, the deviation of light-waves from a straight path, in passing through them, is overcome, while the dispersion is preserved. On account of the directness of the path of light-waves through it, this instrument is called a direct-vision spectroscope. 314. Bright Line, Absorption, or Reversed Spectra. Experiment 258. Open the slit about one-sixteenth of an inch wide, by turning the milled ring M (Fig. 294), and look through the spectroscope at the sky (not at the sun, for its light-waves are too intense for the eye), and you will see a continuous spectrum. 1 It is expected that the pupil will be provided with a pocket spectroscope, the cost of which need not exceed ten dollars. 2 A and C are crown-glass, and B is flint-glass. PRISMATIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHT- WAVES. 331 Experiment 219. Repeat the last experiment with a candle, kerosene, or ordinary gas flame, and you will obtain similar results. Experiment 220. Take a piece of platinum wire 16 inches long. Seal one end by fusion to a short glass tube for a handle. Bend the wire at a right angle. Dip a portion of the wire into a strong solution of common salt, and support it by a clamp in the midst of the almost invisible and colorless flame of a Bunsen burner or alcohol lamp (Fig. 295). Instantly the flame becomes luminous and colored a deep yellow. Examine it with a spectroscope, and you will find, instead of a continuous spectrum beginning with red, only a bright, narrow line of yellow, in the yellow part of the spectrum, next the orange. Your spectrum consists essentially of a single bright yellow line on a comparatively dark ground (see Sodium, Plate L, frontispiece). Experiment 221. Heat the platinum wire until it ceases to color the flame, then dip it into a solution of chloride of lithium, and repeat the last experiment. You obtain a carmine-tinted flame, and see through the spectroscope a bright red line and a faint orange line (see Lithium, Plate I.). Experiment 222. Use potassium hydrate, and you obtain a violet-colored flame, and a spectrum consisting of a red line and a violet line (the latter is very difficult to see even with the best instru- ments). Use strontium nitrate, and obtain a crimson flame, and a spectrum consisting of several lines in the red and the orange, and a blue line (see Potassium and Strontium, Plate L). Experiment 223. Use a mixture of several of the above chemi- cals, and you will obtain a spectrum containing all the lines that char- acterize the several substances. Every chemical compound used in the above experiments contains a different metal, e.g. common salt contains the metal sodium ; the other substances used successively con- tain respectively the metals lithium, potassium, and stron- tium. These metals, when introduced into the flame, are vaporized, and we get their spectra when in a gaseous state. All incandescent gases, unless under great pressure, give discontinuous, or bright line, spectra, and no two gases give the same spectra. 332 RADIANT ENERGY. 315. Dark-line Spectra. Experiment 224. Close the slit of the spectroscope so that the aperture will be very narrow; direct it once more to the sky, and slowly move the inner tube back and forth, and you will find, with a certain suitable adjustment which may be obtained by patient trial, that the solar spectrum is not in reality continuous, but is crossed by several dark lines (see Solar Spectrum, Plate I.). Remark. In general it is best to focus either the D line in the orange, or the E line in the green. The inner sliding tube ought to be drawn out a little when examining the blue end of the spectrum, and pushed in for focusing the lines in the red. Experiment 225. Put a few copper turnings in a test-tube, add a little nitric acid. Hold the tube causing the colored vapor before the slit, and notice the black bands. Experiment 226. The electric light is now in so common use that it may be possible to perform this experiment. Between the electric light and the spectroscope introduce the flame of a Bunsen burner, and color it yellow with salt. Examine the spectrum formed through this yellow flame. In the last experiment you would naturally expect to find the yellow part of the spectrum uncommonly bright, for there would apparently be added to the yellow waves of the electric light the yellow waves of the salted flame. But precisely where you would look for the brightest yellow, there you discover that the spectrum is crossed by a dark line. If you use salts of lithium, potassium, and strontium in a similar manner, you will find in every case your spectrum crossed by dark lines where you would expect to find bright lines. Remove the Bunsen flame, and the dark lines disappear. It thus appears that the vapors of different substances absorb or quench the very same waves that they are capable of emitting ; very much, it would seem, as a given tuning-fork selects from various sound-waves only those of a definite length corresponding PRISMATIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHT-WAVES. 333 to its own vibration-period. The dark places of the spec- trum are illuminated by the salted flame ; but these places are so feebly illuminated in comparison with those places illuminated by the electric light, that the former appear dark by contrast. Light-waves transmitted through cer- tain liquids (as sulphate of quinine and blood) and certain solids (as some colored glasses) produce dark-line spectra. These spectra are obtained only when light-waves pass through media capable of absorbing waves of certain length; hence they are commonly called absorption spec- tra. Since a given vapor causes dark lines precisely where, if it were itself the only radiator of light-waves, it would cause bright lines, dark-line spectra are frequently called reversed spectra. There are then three kinds of spectra: continuous spectra, produced by luminous solids, liquids, or, as has been found in a few instances, gases under great pressure; bright-line spectra, produced by luminous vapors; and absorption spectra, produced by light-waves that have been sifted by certain media. 316. Spectrum Analysis. More elaborate spectroscopes contain many prisms, by which the purity of the spectrum is greatly increased. (By purity is meant a freedom from the overlapping of images of the slit, by which many lines of the spectrum are obscured.) They also contain an illuminated scale which may be seen adjacent to the spectrum, by which the exact position of the lines and their relative distances from one another can be accurately determined, and a telescope by which the spectrum and scale may be magnified. The positions of some of the prominent lines of the solar spectrum were first determined, mapped, and distinguished from one another by certain letters of the alphabet, by Fraunhofer; hence the dark linos of the solar spectrum are commonly called Fraunhofer's lines. So far as discovered, no two substances have a spectrum consisting of the same combination of lines ; and, in general, different substances but very rarely possess lines appearing to be common to both. Hence, when we have once observed and mapped the spectrum of any substance, we may ever after be able to recognize the presence of that substance when emitting light-waves, whether it is in our laboratory or in a distant heavenly body. 334 RADIANT ENEKGY. The spectroscope, therefore, furnishes us a most efficient means of detect- ing the presence (or absence) of any elementary substance, even when it is combined or mixed with other substances. It is not necessary that the given substance should exist in large quantities; for example, a fourteen-millionth of a milligram of sodium can be detected by the spec- troscope. 317. Celestial Chemistry and Physics. The spectrum of iron has been mapped to the extent of 460 bright lines. The solar spec- trum furnishes dark lines corresponding to nearly all these bright lines. Can there be any doubt of the existence of iron in the sun ? By exami- nation of the reversed spectrum of the sun, we are able to determine with certainty the existence there of sodium, calcium, coppery zinc, magnesium, hydrogen, and many other known substances. The moon and other heavenly bodies that are visible only by reflected sunlight give the same spectra as the sun, while those that are self-luminous give spectra which differ from the solar spectrum. 318. Relative Heating- and Chemical Effects of Ether- Waves of Different Lengths. If a sensitive thermome- ter is placed in different parts of the solar spectrum, it will indicate heat in all parts ; but the heat generally increases from the violet toward the red. It does not cease, however, with the limit of the visible spectrum ; indeed, if the prism is made of flint glass, the greatest heat is just beyond the red. A strip of paper wet with a solution of chloride of silver suffers no change in the dark ; in the light-waves it quickly turns black ; exposed to the light- waves of the solar spectrum, it turns dark, but quite unevenly. The change is slowest in the red, and constantly increases, till about the region indicated by G (see Solar Spectrum, Plate I.), where it attains its maximum ; from this point it falls off, and ceases at a point considerably beyond the limit of the violet. It thus appears that the solar spectrum is not limited to the visible spectrum, but extends beyond at each extremity. Those waves that are beyond the red are usually called the infra-red waves, while those that are beyond the violet are called the ultra-violet waves. The infra-red waves are of longer vibration-period, and the ultra-violet of shorter period, than the light-waves. 319. Only one Kind of Kadiation. The fact that radiant energy produces three distinct effects viz. luminous, heating, and chemical formerly gave rise to a prevalent idea that there are three distinct kinds of radiation. There is, however, absolutely no proof that these different effects are produced by different kinds of radiation, PRISMATIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHT-WAVES. 335 Science recognizes in radiations no distinctions but periods, wave lengths, and wave forms. The same radiation that produces vision can generate heat and chemical action. The fact that the infra-red and ultra-violet rays do not affect the eye does not argue that they are of a different nature from those that do, but it does show that there is a limit to the susceptibility of the eye to receive impressions from radiation. Just as there are sound-waves of too long, and others of too short period to affect the ear, so there are ethereal waves, some of too long, and others of too short period to affect the eye. While waves traverse the ether there is neither heat nor light (i.e. sensation) ; hence the propriety of applying either of these terms to a train of waves traversing the ether may well be called in question. Yet this is all that traverses the space between the sun and the earth. 32O. Chromatic Aberration. There is a serious de- fect in ordinary convex lenses, to which we have not before alluded, called chromatic aberration, which has required the highest skill to correct. The convex lens both refracts and disperses the light-waves that pass through it. The tendency, of course, is to bring the more refrangible rays, as the violet, to a focus much sooner than the less refrangible rays, such as the red. The result is a disagree- able coloration of the images that are formed by the lens, especially by that portion of the light-waves that passes through the lens near its edges. This evil has been overcome very effectually by combining with the convex lens a plano-concave lens. Now, if a crown-glass convex lens is taken, a flint-glass concave lens may be prepared that* will correct the dispersion of the former without neutralizing all Flgt 396 ' its refraction. 1 A compound lens, composed of these two lenses (Fig. 296) cemented together, constitutes what is called an achromatic lens. 1 The refractive and dispersive powers of the two lenses are not proportional. 336 RADIANT ENERGY. Section VIII. COLOR. 321. Color by Absorption. Color is a sensation ; it has no material existence. The term "yellow light" means, primarily, a particular sensation ; secondarily, it means the physical cause of this sensation, i.e. a train of ether-waves of a particular frequency. " All objects are black in the dark"; this is equivalent to saying that without light there is no color. Experiment 227. By means of a porte lumiere introduce a beam of sunlight into a dark room. With the slit and prism form a solar spectrum. Between the slit and prism introduce a deep red glass ; all the colors of the spectrum except the red are much reduced in intensity. It thus appears that the color of a colored transparent object, as seen by transmitted light, arises from the unequal absorption of the different colors of white light incident upon it. A red glass absorbs less red light than light of other colors. The color produced by absorption is rarely very pure, the particular hue of the transmitted light being due merely to a predominance of certain colors, and not to the absence of all others. As the absorbing layer is thicker, the resulting color is purer but less intense. Experiment 228. We have found that common salt introduced into a Bunsen flame renders it luminous, and that the light when analyzed with a prism is found to contain only yellow. Expose papers or fabrics of various colors to this light in a darkened room. JVo one of them except yellow exhibits its natural color. COLOR. 337 Experiment 229. Hold a narrow strip of red paper or ribbon in the red portion of the solar spectrum ; it appears red. Slowly move it toward the other end of the spectrum ; on leaving the red it becomes darker, and when it reaches the green it is quite black or colorless, and remains so as it passes the other colors of the spectrum. Repeat the experiment, using other colors, and notice that only in light of its own color does each strip of paper appear of its natural color, while in all other colors it is dark. These experiments show that the color of a body seen by light reflected from it depends both upon the color of the light incident upon it and upon the nature of the body. If a piece of colored glass, A B (Fig. 297), be held near a window so as to receive, obliquely, rays of sunlight, a portion of the light will be reflected by the anterior surface of the glass, and, falling upon the white ceiling, will illuminate it with white light. Another portion of the light will enter the glass and be reflected from the posterior sur- face ; this light, having entered the glass and traveled in it a distance a little greater than twice its thickness, will suffer an unequal absorption of its rays, and after emerging from the glass will, if the glass be blue, illuminate a neighboring portion of the ceiling with blue light. This illustrates the method by which pigments afford color. Thus, the first surface of a water-color drawing reflects the white daylight. Most of the light reflected to the eye has, however, passed through the pigment to the white paper beneath, and being reflected from this, again passes through the layer of pigment before reaching the eye. With less transparent pigments the light may be reflected merely by particles of pigment beneath the surface. The color of paints and pigments is, therefore, due to the rays which they absorb least readily. When we paint our houses we do not apply color to them ; we apply substances which have the property of absorbing or subtracting from white light largely all the Fig. 297. 338 RADIANT ENERGY, colors except those which we would have our houses appear. This is technically called selective absorption. The color of bodies thus depends generally upon their molecular structure. Different bodies quench different portions of the complex sunlight. The unquenched light determines the color of a body. 322. Mixing- Colors. A mixture of all the prismatic colors in the proportion found in sunlight produces white. Can white be produced in any other way ? Experiment 230. On a black surface, A (Fig. 298), lay two small rectangular pieces of paper, one yellow and the other blue, about two inches apart. In a vertical position between these papers, and from 3 inches to 6 inches above them, hold a slip of plate glass, C. Looking obliquely down through the glass you may see the blue paper by transmitted light-waves and the yellow paper by reflection. That is, you see the object itself in the former case, and the image of the object in the latter case. By a little manipula- tion the image and the object may be made to overlap each other, when both colors will apparently Fig. 398. disappear, and in their place the color which is the result of the mixture will appear. In this case it will be white, or rather, gray, which is white of a low degree of luminosity. If the color be yellowish, lower the glass ; if bluish, raise it. Experiment 231. With the rotating apparatus, rotate the disk (Fig. 299) which contains only yellow and blue. The colors (i.e. the sensations) so blend in the eye as to produce the sensation of gray. X Fig. 399. Fig. 30O. Fig. 3O1. COLOR. 339 Figure 300 represents " Newton's disk," which contains the seven prismatic colors arranged in a proper proportion to produce gray when rotated. In like manner, you may produce white by mixing purple and green ; or, if any color on the circumference of the circle (see Complementary Colors, Plate I) be mixed with the color exactly opposite, the resulting color will be gray. Green mixed with red, in varying proportions, will produce any of the colors in a straight line between these two colors in the diagram (Plate I), green mixed with violet will produce any of the colors between them ; and violet mixed with red gives purple. The three colors, red, green, and violet, mixed (Fig. 301), give gray (see 324). All colors are represented in the spectrum, except the purple hues. The latter form the connecting link between the two ends of the spectrum. Our color chart (Plate I) is intended to represent the sum total of all the sensations of color. By means of this chart we may determine the result of the (optical) mixture of any two colors, as follows : Find the places occupied upon the chart by the two colors which are to be mixed, and unite the two points by a straight line. The color produced by the mixture will invariably be found at the center of this line. 323. Mixing- Pigments. Experiment 232. Mix a little of the two pigments, chrome yellow and ultramarine blue, and you obtain a green pigment. The last three experiments show that mixing certain colors, and mixing pigments of the same name, may pro- duce very different results. In the first experiments you mixed colors ; in the last experiment you did not mix colors, and we must seek an explanation of the result obtained. If a glass vessel with parallel sides containing a blue solution of sulphate of copper be interposed in the 340 RADIANT ENERGY. path of the lightwaves which form a solar spectrum, it will be found that the red, orange, and yellow waves are cut out of the spectrum, i.e. the liquid absorbs these waves. And if a yellow solution of bichromate of potash or picric acid be interposed, the blue and violet waves will be absorbed. It is evident that, if both solutions be inter- posed, all the colors will be destroyed except the green, which alone will be transmitted ; thus : Cancelled by the blue solution, $ ^ G B V. Cancelled by the yellow solution, R O Y G Cancelled by both solutions, $ V G In a similar manner, when white light strikes a mixture of yellow and blue pigments on the palette, it penetrates to some depth into the mixture ; and, during its passage in and out, all the colors except the green are destroyed ; so the mixed pigments necessarily appear green. But when a mixture of yellow and blue waves enters the eye, we get, as the result of the combined sensations produced by the two colors, the sensation of white ; hence a mixture of yellow and blue gives white. The color square 3 (Plate I) represents the result of the mixture of pigments 1 and 2 ; while 4 represents the result of the optical mixture of the same colors. 324. Theory of Color Vision. The generally accepted theory of color vision is that of Dr. Young (1801-2), verified by Maxwell and Helmholtz. It supposes the existence of three color sensations, red, green, and violet. These excited simultaneously, and with proper inten- sities, produce the sensation of white light. Combined in twos, they produce the remaining color sensations. Thus red and green sensations combined give yellow or orange ; green and violet give blue, etc. The longer light- waves excite the sensation of red ; together with those some- what shorter, they excite both red and green, thus giving yellow, and so on. Strictly speaking, light-waves of any length excite all three sen- sations ; but usually either one or two of them greatly predominate. 325. Complementary Colors. Experiment 233. On a piece of gray paper lay a circular piece of blue paper 15 mm in diameter. Attach one end of a piece of COLOR. 341 thread to the colored paper, and hold the other end in the hand. Place the eyes within about 15 cm of the colored paper, and look steadily at the center of the paper for about fifteen seconds ; then, without moving the eyes, suddenly pull the colored paper away, and instantly there will appear on the gray paper an image of the colored paper, but the image will appear to be yellow. This is usually called an after-image. If yellow paper be used, the color of the after-image will be blue ; and if any other color given in the diagram (Plate I.), the color of its after-image will be the color that stands opposite to it. This phenomenon is explained as follows : When we look steadily at blue for a time, the eyes become fatigued by this color, and less susceptible to its influence, while they are fully susceptible to the influence of other colors ; so that when they are suddenly brought to look at white, which may be regarded as a compound of yellow and blue, they receive a vivid impression from the former, and a feeble impression from the latter ; hence the predominant sensation is yellow. Any two colors which together pro- duce white are said to be complementary to each other. The opposite colors in the diagram (Plate I.) are comple- mentary to one another. The complement of green is purple, a compound color not existing in the spectrum. 326. Effect of Contrast. When different colors are seen at the same time, their appearance differs more or less from that observed when they are seen separately. Thus a red object (e.g. a red rose) appears more brilliant if a green object be seen in juxtaposition with it. Such effects are said to be due to contrast. When any two colors given in the circle (Plate I.) are brought in contrast, as when they are placed next each other, the effect is to move them farther apart in the color scale. For example, if red and orange be brought in contrast, the orange assumes more of a yellowish hue, and the red more of a purplish hue. Colors that are already as far apart as possible, e.g. yellow and blue, do not change their hue, but merely cause each other to appear more brilliant. 342 RADIANT ENERGY. 327. Color-blindness. In this defect in vision, one of the three color sensations is either wanting or deficient, usually that of red ; so that the colors perceived are reduced to those furnished by the remain- ing two sensations, viz. green and violet. This causes the red-blind person to confound reds, greens, and grays. In some rare cases the sensation of green or violet is the one deficient. Section IX. THERMAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION. 328. Heat not transmitted by Radiation. We have learned that heat may travel through matter (by con- duction), and with matter (by convection), and it is some- times stated that there is a third method by which it travels, viz. "radiation." Heat itself is not transferred by radiation ; heat generates radiation (i.e. ether waves) at one place, and radiation is transformed into heat at another. Radiation travels, not heat. Heat can flow only one way, viz. from a given point to a point that is colder ; radiation travels in all directions. The sun sends us no heat; it sends radiations which the earth transforms into heat ; but it should be borne in mind that while it is radiation it is not heat, and vice versa. Tem- perature is a condition of bodies, not of radiations ; wave-lengths belong to radiations, not to heat which produces them. 329. Diathermancy and Athermancy. What be- comes of radiations which strike a body depends largely upon the character of the body. If the nature of the THERMAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION. 343 body be such that its molecules can accept the motion of the ether, the vibrations of the ether are said to be absorbed by the body, and the body is thereby heated, i.e. the undulations of the ether are transformed into molecular energy or heat. Glass* for instance, allows the sun's radiations to pass very freely through it, and very little is transformed into heat. But if the glass be covered with the soot of a candle flame, the soot will absorb the radiations and the glass become heated. Observe how cold window-glass may remain, while radia- tions pour through it and heat objects in the room. Only those radiations that a body absorbs heat it; those that pass through it do not affect its temperature. Bodies that transmit radiations freely are said to be diathermanous, while those that absorb them largely are called athermanous. The most diathermanous substance known is rock salt. A solution of iodine in carbon bisulphide absorbs almost completely the rays of the visible spectrum, but transmits almost completely all of longer wave-length than the red end of the spectrum. A plate of alum acts in the reverse man- ner, transmitting the visible and absorb- ing the invisible. Among liquids carbon bisulphide is exceptionally transparent to all forms of radiation; while water, transparent to short waves, absorbs the longer waves, and is thus quite ather- manous. Experiment 234. Prepare a differential thermometer with two glass flasks and a glass tube, as represented in Figure 302. Cover one Fig. 303. 344 RADIANT ENERGY. of the flasks with lamp-black by holding it above a smoking kerosene flame. Place colored liquid in the bend A. Stopper both vessels tightly and expose the apparatus to the direct rays of the sun. The rays pass through the clean glass and through the air within, affecting the temperature of either but little. But the lamp-black absorbs the radiations, the 'flask becomes heated, the enclosed air becomes heated by contact with the heated flask, the heated air expands and pushes the liquid in the tube toward the cooler flask. Dry air is almost perfectly diathermanous. All of the sun's radiations that reach the earth pass through the atmosphere, which contains a vast amount of aqueous vapor. This vapor, like water, is comparatively opaque to long waves. This fact has great influence in modifying the climate of the earth. For the earth, warmed by the sun's radiations, tends also to part with its heat by radiation. But the character of the radiations emitted by the earth is quite different from that of the radiations which it receives. The earth at a low temperature emits chiefly long ether waves, but it is heated chiefly by short waves. But it is exactly these long waves which are most readily stopped by the atmosphere ; hence, the atmosphere, or rather the aqueous vapor of the atmosphere, acts as a sort of trap for the energy which comes to us from the sun. Remove the watery vapor (which serves as a " blanket " to the earth) from our atmosphere, and the chill resulting from the rapid escape of heat by radiation would probably put an end to all animal and vegetable life. 33O. Provost's Theory of Exchanges. Hot bodies usually part with their heat much more rapidly by radiation than by all other processes combined. But cold bodies, like ice, emit radiations even when surrounded by warm bodies. This must be so from the nature of the case, for the molecules of the coldest bodies possess some motion, and being surrounded by the ether they cannot move without imparting some of their motion to the ether, and to that extent becoming themselves colder. Let us suppose that we have two bodies, A and B, at different temperatures, A warmer than B. Radiation takes place not only from A to B, but from B to A ; but, in consequence of A's excess of tempera- ture, more radiation passes from A to B than from B to A, and this continues until both bodies acquire the same temperature. At this point radiation by no means ceases, but each now gives as much as it receives, and thus equilibrium is kept up. This is known as "Provost's Theory of Exchanges." THERMAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION. 345 331. Good Absorbers, Good Radiators. As bodies differ widely in their absorbing power, so they do in their radiating power, and it is found to be universally true that good absorbers are good radiators, and bad absorbers are bad radiators. Much, in both cases, depends upon the character of the surface as well as of the substance. Bright, polished surfaces are poor absorbers and poor radiators ; while tarnished, dark, and roughened surfaces absorb and radiate rapidly. Dark clothing absorbs and radiates more rapidly than light clothing. QUESTIONS. 1. What objections can you raise to the term " radiant heat "? 2. Explain why the temperature of a hotbed is above that of the surrounding air. 3. How could you separate the dark radiation of an electric arc lamp from the luminous radiation ? 4. How can you demonstrate the existence of ether waves of greater length than the light-giving waves ? 5. Ice appears to radiate cold. Explain the phenomenon by Provost's theory. 6. What parts of the spectrum are invisible to the eye ? 7. On what does the color of bodies primarily depend? 8. What agency does a body perform in determining its own color when illuminated with white light ? 9. a. Why is grass green ? b. Snow white ? c. Soot black ? 10. What utility is there in keeping certain parts of a steam- engine very bright ? 11. When red and green sensations coexist, what is the resulting sensation ? 12. Describe the surface which a hot-water vessel should have in order to retain its heat well. 346 RADIANT ENERGY. Section X. SOME OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 332. Compound Microscope. When it is desired to magnify an object more than can be done conveniently and with distinctness by a single lens, two convex lenses are used, one, O (Fig. 303), called the objective, to form a magnified real image a' b f of the object a b ; and the other E, called the eye-piece, to magnify this image so that the image a' b' appears of the size a" b". Instead of looking at the object as when we use a simple lens, we look at the real inverted image a' b' of the object. This represents the simplest possible form of the compound microscope. In practice, however, the construction is more complicated. Figure 304 represents a perspective and a sectional view of a simple form of a modern compound microscope. The body of the instrument consists of a series of brass tubes movable one within another. In the upper end H is the ocular or eye-piece. It consists of two plano-convex lenses o and ?i, the former called the eye lens, the latter called the field lens. This combination tends to diminish both the spherical and the chromatic aberration as well as to increase the size and flatness of the field of view. All microscopes, however, should be furnished with an achromatic objective. This consists of two to four achromatic lenses (the achromatic triplet, the most common form, is represented on an enlarged scale at L in Figure 304), combined so as to act as a single lens of short focus. By the use of several lenses, the aberrations can be better corrected than with a single lens. Fig. 303. SOME OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 347 The object to be examined is placed on a stage S, and if the object be transparent, it is strongly illuminated by focusing light upon it by means of a concave mirror M. If the object be opaque, it is illuminated by light directed upon it obliquely from above by the converging lens N. Fig. 304. 333. Magnifying Power. The magnifying power of a compound microscope is the product of the respective magnifying powers of the object-glass and the eye-piece ; that is, if the first magnify 20 times and the other ten times, the total magnifying power is 200. The magnify- 348 RADIANT ENERGY. ing power is determined experimentally by means of a micrometer scale, for a description of which the student is referred to technical works on microscopy. 334. Telescopes. Telescopes are used to view (scope) objects afar off (tele). They are classified as astronomical or terrestrial, according as they are designed to be used in viewing heavenly bodies or terrestrial objects ; reflecting or refracting, according as the objective is a concave mirror or a converging lens. The terrestrial telescope differs from the astronomical in producing images in their true position without inversion. This is effected by means of an extra object lens, which corrects the inversion of the main object lens. The matter of inversion is of little or no consequence in viewing heavenly bodies. The refracting astronomical telescope consists essentially, like the Fig. 305. compound microscope, of two lenses. The object-glass (O, Fig. 305) forms a real diminished image (a, 6) of the object A, B; this image, seen through the eye-glass E, appears magnified and of the size c, d. The object-glass is of large diameter, in order to collect as much light as possible from a distant object for a better illumination of the image. This telescope is analogous to the microscope, but the two instruments differ in this respect : in the microscope, the object being very near the object-glass, the image is formed much beyond the principal focus, and is greatly magnified, so that both the object-glass and the eye-piece magnify ; while in the telescope, the heavenly body being at a great distance, the incident rays are practically parallel, and the image formed by the object-glass is much smaller than the object. The use of the SOME OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 349 object-glass is to collect as large a number as possible of the greatly scattered rays, so as to increase the brilliancy of the image. The only magnification which can occur is produced by the eye-piece, which ought therefore to be of high power. The magnifying power of this instrument equals approximately the focal length of the object-glass divided by the focal length of the eye-piece. 335. The Human Eye. Fig. 306 represents a hori- zontal section of this wonderful organ. Covering the front of the eye, like a watch- crystal, is a transparent coat 1, called the cornea. A tough membrane 2, of which the cornea is a continuation, forms the outer wall of the eye, and is called the sclerotic coat, or " white of the eye." This coat is lined on the interior with a delicate membrane 3, called the choroid coat; the latter consists of a black pigment, which prevents internal reflection. The inmost coat 4, called the retina, is formed by expansion of the optic nerve O. The muscular tissue i, i is called the iris; its color determines the so-called " color of the eye." In the center of the iris is a circular opening 5, called the pupil, whose function is to regulate, by involuntary enlargement and contraction, the quantity of light-waves admitted to the posterior chamber of the eye. Just back of the iris is a tough, elastic, and transparent body 6, called the crystalline lens. This lens divides the eye into two chambers ; the anterior chamber 7, is filled with a limpid liquid, called the aqueous humor; the posterior chamber 8, is filled with a jelly-like substance, 350 RADIANT ENERGY. called the vitreous humor. The lens and the two humors constitute the refracting apparatus. The eye may be likened to a photographer's camera, in which the retina takes the place of the sensitized plate. Images of outside objects are projected by means of the crystalline lens, assisted by the refraction of the humors, upon this screen, and the impressions thereby made on this delicate network of nerve filaments are conveyed by the optic nerve to the brain. With the ordinary camera, the distance of the lens from the screen must be regulated to adapt itself to the varying distances of outside objects, in order that the images may be properly focused on the screen. In the eye this is accomplished by changing the convexity of the lens. We can almost instantly and unconsciously change the lens of the eye, so as to form on the retina a distinct image of an object miles away, or only a few inches distant. The nearest limit at which an object can be placed so as to form a distinct image on the retina is about five inches. On the other hand, the normal eye in a passive state is adjusted for objects at an infinite distance. 336. Defects of Vision. Myopia (short-sightedness) is caused by the excessive length of the globe from front to back, so that the images of all but near objects are formed in front of the retina. Remedy : use diverging lenses. Hypermetropia (long-sightedness) occurs when the axis of the globe is so short that the image of an object is back of the retina unless the object is held at an inconvenient distance, in which case it tends to become indistinct. Remedy : use converging lens. Presbyopia is due to loss of accommodation power, so that while vision for distant objects remains clear, that for near objects is indistinct. This defect is incident to advancing years, and is due to progressive loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens. Remedy : converging lenses. Astig- matism is caused by an inequality in the curvature of the cornea in SOME OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 351 different meridians, so that when, for example, a diagram like Figure 307 is held at a distance, vertical lines will be in focus and horizontal lines will be out of focus and will appear blurred and indistinct, or vice versa. Remedy : lenses of cylindrical curvature. But, for this, as well as for all other defects or troubles of the eyes, consult a skilled ocu- list, and the earlier the better. Advice to all : Do not overstrain or over- tax the eyes, or use them in insufficient or excessive light, in flickering light such as that of a gas-jet, or in unsteady light such as that in a moving vehicle ; and avoid so far as practicable sudden changes of light, such as lightning flashes, etc. 337. Stereopticon. This instrument is extensively employed in the lecture-room for producing on a screen magnified images of small, transparent pictures on glass, called slides ; also for rendering a certain class of experi- ments visible to a large audience by projecting them on a screen. 1 The lime light is most commonly used, though the electric light is preferred for a certain class of pro- jections. The flame of an oxyhydrogen blow-pipe, A (Fig. 308), is directed against a stick of lime B, and Fig. 307. Fig. 308. 1 For useful information relating to the operation of projection, especially for scientific illustrations, see Wright's Light, and Dolbear's Art of Projecting. 352 RADIANT ENERGY. raises it to a white heat. The radiations from the lime are condensed by means of a convex lens whence g > in which Z = length of pendulum ; t = time of one vibration in seconds. The development of this formula may be found in Chapter VII. of Maxwell's "Matter and Motion." APPENDIX. 363 SECTION B. EXPANSION-COEFFICIENTS. The expansion which attends a rise of temperature depends not only upon the size of the body, and upon the number of temperature degrees through which it is heated, but upon a quantity peculiar to the substance itself called its expansion-coefficient. This term is applied to the increase of unit-length per degree rise of temperature. Suppose that a rod of length I at C. be heated through t degrees, so that its length becomes li ; then, representing the linear expansion- coefficient by c, we have c 1 , whence li = l(l + ct). IT; The expression 1 + ct, called the expansion-factor, is evidently the ratio of the final to the original length. Hence l\ I (1 + ct) ; that is, multiplying the length of a solid at C. by the expansion factor gives its length at t degrees above zero. Conversely, dividing its length at t by the expansion factor gives its length at 0. TABLE OF MEAN COEFFICIENTS ON LINEAR EXPANSION BETWEEN AND 100 C. Platinum 00000085 Brass . 0000019 Steel Wrought iron 0.000012 0.000012 0000011 Silver Tin . Lead 0.000019 0.000022 000029 Gold. 0.000015 Zinc . 0.000029 In the expansion of fluids we have to do only with increase of volume, called volume or cubical expansion. A volume-expansion-coefficient is the increase of unit-volume per degree rise of temperature. This is approxi- mately 3 c, or three times the linear expansion-coefficient, and may be taken as such for most practical purposes. Likewise, the surface or superficial expansion-coefficient is approximately 2 c. Not only do the expansion-coefficients of liquids and solids vary with the substance, but the coefficient for the same substance varies with the temperature, being greater at high than at low temperatures. Hence, in giving the expansion-coefficient of any substance it is customary to give the mean coefficient through some definite range of temperature, as from to 100 C. 364 APPENDIX. SECTION F. TABLE OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE OF WIRE. Chemically pure, one meter long, one millimeter in diameter, at C. (Jenkin). Relative Resistances. Silver, annealed 01937 ohm 1.000 " hard drawn 02103 " 1.080 Copper, " . . . . .02104 " 1.086 Zinc, pressed 07244 " 3.741 Platinum 11660 " 0.022 Iron, annealed ,12510 " 6.400 Lead, pressed 25270 " 13.050 German-silver , .26950 " 13.920 APPENDIX. 365 SECTION G. DYNAMOS CONTINUED. All figures given in preceding pages have been diagrammatic repre- sentations of dynamos. Figure 310 represents a modern typical dynamo, the Weston. Large field magnets, A and B, are placed each side of the revolving armature. A steam-engine communicates motion to the . 310. armature by means of a belt passing over the circumference of the wheel W. The magnets are shunt- wound. Figure 311 represents one of the most common forms of the Edison dynamo, and Figure 312 is a skeleton diagram corresponding in most particulars with the first. It will be seen by the latter figure that it is a shunt-wound dynamo. The terminals of an automatic regulator for regulating the intensity of the current are inserted in the binding screws a a. P is a so-called pilot-lamp joined in multiple arc to the field-coils. F F are leading wires ; and b b are points for the attachment of fuses. 366 APPENDIX. These fuses are to the dynamo what the safety-valve is to the steam boiler ; they protect the dynamo from injury by overpressure, since an overload is sure to cause them to melt and thus interrupt the current. Fig. 311. Classes of Armatures. 1 (1) In ring-armatures the coils are wound round a ring-shaped core. Example : the Gramme and the Brush. (2) In drum-armatures the coils are wound longitudinally over a cylinder or drum, as in Figure 313. Examples : the Edison, the Weston, and the Siemens. (3) In pole or radial armatures the coils are wound on separate poles that project radially from a cylinder (Fig. 314). 1 The Thomson-Houston armature cannot be classified, as it is unique among armatures. It is spheroidal in shape. APPENDIX. 367 In alternating-current dynamos, in order to obtain the rapid reversals (in some machines as many as 200 per second) of currents in opposition to resistance offered by self-induction, a number of poles of alternate polarity are employed. Fig. 313. Fig. 313. The separate coils may be coupled either in series or in multiple arc. When low E.M.F. is desired, as for incandescent lamps in multiple arc, the separate coils are united in multiple arc ; but where great F/.M.F. is required, they are connected in series, as shown in Figures 314 and 315. Fig. 315. (4) Disk-armatures are usually composed of a number of separate coils set side by side in the circumference of a disk (Fig. 315). Mechanical difficulties in their construction have not permitted them as yet to compete successfully with the first two types named above. 368 APPENDIX. SECTION H. ELECTRIC MOTORS CONTINUED. 316. The Action of the Dynamo-Motor. This may be under- stood by referring to Figure 316, and imagining a generator to replace the external resistance R. Suppose the current from the generator enters at the brushes and flows in the loop in the direction of the arrows; then the upper face of the loop will have S polarity and the under face N g polarity. Then by the mutual action between this field and that of the magnet N S, a rota- tion of the loop will take place clockwise till it comes into a vertical position. When it reaches this position, however, the brushes are so arranged with reference to the commu- tator segments that the current in the loop and hence its polarity is reversed. Even if there were only one loop its inertia would be sufficient to carry it by this critical position, and the loop would continue to rotate in the attempt again to bring its field parallel to that of N S ; but as a matter of fact the other loops in the armature are never in the critical position at the same time as the one considered, and those on each side of it conspire to produce a continuous rotation in the same direction. If the armature contain a soft iron core, as is usually the case, the intensity of the field will be much greater and the mechanical effect corre- spondingly increased. Figure 317 represents a modern form of motor weighing only two or three pounds, and capable, when worked with four or five Bunsen cells, of operating a sewing-machine or run- Fig. 317. APPENDIX. 369 Fig. 318. ning a small saw. It consists of a movable coil within a fixed coil. The wires of each coil are wound on an iron frame-work, the two opposite edges of the iron being north and south poles when the current is passing. The inner coil is fur- nished with a commutator, which reverses the current as soon as opposite poles of the inner and outer coils are opposed. A represents the outer coil of wires, B one pole of the fixed electro-magnet made by it, and C the commutator by which the inner coil has the current reversed each half revolution. Figure 318 shows the inner coil D, whose terminals are attached to the two halves of the spin- dle E, which are carefully insulated from each other. In Figure 319 the commutator is shown in plan. The current enters the inner coil through the spring H, which carries a friction roller working on the commutator E ; after traversing the coil it returns to the upper half of E, and thence passes by the spring G to K, from K through the outer coil to L, and from L back to the battery. The dynamo as a generator and the dynamo as a motor have already revolutionized electrical economics and relegated the battery to an honored position among things of the past. The electric motor is now extensively used in large towns and cities, in factories where power is not continuously needed. Its widest application at present is in the propulsion of street cars. The current is generated by dynamos at some central power house and thence distributed to the motors at various points on the circuit. Fig. 319. INDEX. [Numbers refer to pages.] Aberration, Chromatic, 335; Spheri- cal, 325. Absolute temperature, 136; zero, 135. Accelerated motion, Laws of, 89. Adhesion, 25. Air-pump, 41, Mercury, 42. Amalgamating zincs, 172. Ammeter, 187. Ampere, 182. Ampere's theory of magnetism, 215; laws of currents, 215. Annealing, 23. Artificial cold, 145. Barometer, 34 ; Aneroid, 35. Batteries, Electric, 196-198; Stor- age, 234. Beats, 271. Boyle's law, 40. Buoyant force of fluids, 56. Capillary phenomena, 27-28. Center of gravity, 82. Centrifugal tendency, 93. Circuit, Divided, 195; Electric, 171. Cohesion, 19. Color by absorption, 336; Cause of, 329. Color vision, Theory of, 340. Colors, Complementary, 340; Mix- ing, 338; Prismatic, 327. Commutator, 227. Compressibility of gases, 38. Condenser, Air, 44. Contrast, Effect of, 341. Coulomb, 182. Couple, Mechanical, 78. Critical angle, 314. Crystallization, 20. Curvilinear motion, 92. Density, 9, 59; Specific, 60. Diathermancy, 139. Dielectric, 161. Distillation, 139. Ductility, 25. Dynamo, 223-230, 365-367. Dynamometers, 13. E Ear, 289. Elasticity, 24; of gases, 38. Electric current, 170; Effects of, 175-181 ; Strength of, 182. 372 INDEX. Electric light, 236-239. Electric motor, 230, 231, 368, 369. Electrical induction, 161. Electricity, Conduction of, 160; What is it ? 159. Electrification, 157, 158. Electrodes, 170, 176. Electrokinetics, 165, 169. Electrolysis, 175; Reversibility of, 234. Electrolyte, 169. Electro-motive force, 182; of dif- ferent cells, 194. Electroplating, 241. Electroscope, 159. Electrostatics, 165. Electrotyping, 239. Energy, 5, 100, 102, 103; Conserv- ation and correlation of, 150 ; Kinetic and potential, 100; Ra- diant, 292; Unit of, 101. Equilibrium,, 13, 77, 84. Ether, The, 292. Evaporation, 140. Exchanges, Prevost's theory of, 344. Expansion, 130-132 ; Abnormal, 132. Extra currents, 220. Eye, 349. Falling bodies, Laws of, 87. Flexibility, 24. Fluids, 9; Buoyant force of, 56; Elasticity of, 38; Measurement of atmospheric, 33; Pressure in, 29, 51. Foci, Conjugate, 321. Force, 14 ; Centripetal, 92 ; Graph- ical representation of, 71; Gravi- tation units of, 17; How meas- ured, 12. Forces, Composition of, 72, 75; Equilibrium of, 13; Molecular, 18 ; Resolution of, 73. Focus, Principal, 319. Galvanometer, 186. Galvanoscope, 179. Gases, Elasticity of, 38. Gravitation, 15; Law of, 16. Hardness, 22. Harmonics, 273. Heat, 121; Conduction of, 125; Convection of, 126-129; Latent, 143; Mechanical equivalent of, 151; of liquefaction, 142; Sources of, 122; Specific, 148. Hydrometers, 62. Hydrostatic press, 50. Images, Formation of, 296, 308, 321. Impenetrability, 2. Incandescence, 293. Induction coils, 220; Electrical, 161; Electro-magnetic, 216-222; Faraday's law of, 219; Lenz's law of, 220. Inertia, 70. Insulators, 184. Isogonic lines, 208. Joule, 184. Joule" 1 s equivalent, 150. INDEX. 378 Kinetic energy, 100. L Lenses, 317. Lenz's law of induction, 219. Light, Prismatic analysis of, 326; Undulatory theory of, 293.. Lightning, 168. Light-waves, Sources of, 293. Liquefaction, 137. Locomotive, 156. Luminous objects, 295. M Machines, 108; Law of, 110. Magnetic circuit, 205; field, 177, 209; lines of force, 177, 203; polarity, 201; rentivity and re- sistance, 202; transparency and induction, 201. Magnetism, Ampere's theory of, 215; Terrestrial, 206-209. Magnets, Forms of, 202; Law of, 200. Malleability, 25. Manometric flames, 278. Mass, 7; Unit of, 8. Matter, 1, 6; Amorphous, 22; Mi- nuteness of particles of, 6; Theory of constitution of, 7; Three states of, 9. Metric system, 357, 358. Microphone, 246. Microscope, Compound, 346; Simple, 324. Moments of forces, 77. Momentum, 67. Motion, 10; Graphical representa- tion of, 70; Newton's laws of, 69, 71, 80. N Nodes, 251. Ohm, 184. Ohm's law, 185. Optical center, 318. Overtones, 272. Pendulums, 95, 96, 361. Penumbra, 298. Phenomenon, 1. Phonograph, 287. Phosphorescence, 293. Photometry, 301. Physics, 1; Celestial, 334. Pigments, Mixing, 339. Pitch, Musical, 269. Polarization in voltaic cells, 172. Porosity, 7. Potential, Electrical, 166, 167. Power, 104. Pressure, Atmospheric, 29; Trans- mission of fluid, 47. Prisms, Optical, 317. Pumps for liquids, 45, 46. Quality of sound, 275. Radiant energy, 292. Radiation, 129, 342 ; Only one kind of, 334. Radiators, 345. Radiometer, 291. Rainbow, 327. Ray, 294. Reflection, Law of, 304 ; Total, 314. 374 INDEX. Refraction, Cause of, 312; Double, 316; Indices of, 312. Resistance, Electrical, 184, 188-194. Resonators, 264. RuhmkorjTs coil, 222. Shadows, 297. Shunts, 195. Siphon, 54. Solenoid, 211. Sonometer, 270. Sound, 257; Analysis of, 275; In- tensity of , 261; Quality of , 275; Synthesis of, 276. Sounding plates and bells, 283. Sound-waves, 254-257; Interference of, 266, 285; Measuring length and velocity of, 265 ; Reenf orce- inent of, 263 ; Reflection of, 259 ; Speed of, 258. Speaking tubes, 262. Specific density and specific gravity, 60; heat, 148. Spectra, 326-334. Spectroscope, 330. Spectrum analysis, 333. Steam-engine, 152-156. Stereopticon, 351. Storage batteries, 234. Telegraph, 241-243. Telephone, 243-246. Telescopes, 348. Temperature, 124; Absolute, 136. Tenacity, 20. Tension, 26; Surface, 26. Thermo-dynamics, 150. Thermo-electric currents, 235. Thermometry, 133. Transformer, 232. Transparency and translucency, 295. Undulatory theory of light, 293. Units, Absolute, 106. Vaporization, 137. Velocity, 88, 90. Ventilation, 128. Vibrations, 248-250; Composition of sonorous, 277; Forced and sympathetic, 267. Viscosity, 24; Surface, 26. Vision, Defects of, 350. Visual angle, 303. Vocal organs, 286. Volt, 183. Voltaic arc, 237; cell, 170, 173, 174. Volume, 7. W Watt, 184. Wave motion, 248-254. Weight, 8, 16. Wheatstone bridge, 192. Wind instruments, 280. Work, 98-100; Unit of, 101; Wasted, 103. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. SEP LD 21-100m-7,'40 (6936s) YB 17198 673277. IOWER DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ' : : '