LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PRESENTED BY MRS. NELLIE R. PREUSS THE TKUE GRASSES BY EDUARD HACKEL TRANSLATED FROM DIE NATURLICHEN PFLANZENFAMILIEN BY F. LAMSON-SCKIBNER AND EFFIE A. SOUTHWOETH COPIOUSLY ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1890 Copyright, 1890, i!\' HENRY HOLT & Co. ORUMMOND & NETT, Eleetrotypers, New York. *T ( V LIBRARY * UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA PREFACE TO THE TRANSLATION. A WORK embracing the grass family as a whole, in all its aspects, enumerating the best known economic species and the uses which they serve, discussing their structure and morphology and their arrangement into tribes and genera with the characters of these pointed out in a man- ner enabling one to classify any grass which may come to his hand, is a desideratum in our literature and one which has long been felt by many. Such a work is the contribution made by Prof. Eduard Hackel, of St. Poel- ten, Austria, to that great German publication on the Natural Families of Plants (Die naturlichen Pflamen- familieri) edited by Drs. Engler and Prantl. Prof. Hackel stands without a peer among agrostologists ; his contri- bution, therefore, has an especial value and may be accepted as expressing the latest views of the highest authority. The work here referred to contains so much of prac- tical as well as of scientific importance and interest that its presentation in a form available to English readers seemed highly desirable. A further incentive to the preparation of an English translation was the fact that at this time particular interest in the investigation of grasses is being taken by the United States Government, and on all sides eager demands are being made for information relative to these plants. That this is so is not remarkable when we consider the unrivalled eco- nomic importance of grasses, furnishing as they do daily food to man and the animals upon which he is most dependent, as well as supplying a great variety of articles used in manufacture, the arts, and medicine. While the present work may not add to the interest in the subject already existing, it cannot fail to afford information much desired. With a view to increasing the value of the work and rendering it more serviceable to private students and iii iv PREFACE TO TUB TRANSLATION. general readers, an introduction wherein is illustrated the manner of using the keys of analysis in determining genera is given, and a full glossary and index are added. It is hoped also that the translation will thus be made more suitable for use as a text-book in our Agricultural Colleges, for which purpose the treatment of the struc- ture, morphology, and physiology of grasses, given in detail and fully illustrated in Part I, renders the work especially well adapted. Those familiar with the German will notice that in translation occasional liberties have been taken with the original by the omission of unimportant matter, inser- tion of head-lines, etc. Except in the account of the Bambuse*, all matter enclosed in brackets has been added by myself. A number of notes and observations have been added by Prof. Hackel, to whom the manu- script was submitted for revision and approval before being sent to the printers. Following the number of each genus there has been inserted, in parenthesis, its number in Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum, facilitating reference to that work and at the same time showing the diversity between the systems of classification adopted. With few exceptions the illustrations are from electro- types of the original woodcuts obtained from the Ger- man publisher, Wilhelm Eugelmann, of Leipzig. The figures illustrating the spikes of the cereals were redrawn from the imprints in the original and reduced nearly one half by photo-engraving. Figures 3 and 91" are addi- tions, while figures 45a, 75o, and 78 were drawn especially for the translation and appear here for the first time. Thanks are due Mr. Charles E. Smith, of Phila- delphia, for his kind assistance with the proofs, and Dr. AY. J. Beal, of Lansing, Michigan, and Mr. C. M. McCluug, of Knoxville, Tennessee, for their interest in the progress of the work and material aid in its publica- tion. F. LAMSON-SCRIBNEK. TMVKRSITY OF TKNNKSSKK. KNOXVILLE, Feb. 1. 1890. INTRODUCTION. No introduction appears to be necessary further than to give for the benefit of those unfamiliar with botanical keys, an illustration of their use. For this purpose let us suppose that we have in hand a specimen of Orchard- grass. After examining it carefully and noting the char- acters presented by the inflorescence, spikelets, glumes, etc., we turn to the key to the tribes on page 34, and read the characters under " A. Spikelets one- rarely two- flowered," etc. In our specimen the spikelets are 3-5- flowered, so we pass to "B," on the next page. The characters here "spikelets 1-co (many) flowered, . . . rachilla articulated above the empty glumes, . . . with distinct internodes between the flowers" (flowering glumes) are those of our plant, and we continue by reading the characters following " a," all of which apply, and then go on reading the characters following " a." As those of our specimen are here included, the spike- lets being upon distinct pedicels and disposed in a pani- cle, we proceed to the next section of the key ; viz., " I. Spikelets one-flowered." As those in our specimen are 3-5-flowered, we pass on to " II. Spikelets 2-oo flow- ered." Our Orchard-grass falls under this section, and as it possesses characters (flowering glumes longer than the empty ones, and with a short straight awn from the point) which exclude it from the next division, "1," we try " 2," which leads us to tribe XI, Festucese, further described on page 135. Carefully comparing our plant with the more extended characters here given, we note their agreement (or disagreement, as would be the case if we had proceeded wrongly to this point). Being satisfied that our plant must belong to the vi INTRODUCTION. Festucese, we now try to determine its genus by the key which follows. The flowering glumes are not " divided into three-to-many awn-like lobes," so we pass from "A" to " B " on the next page, where it says " Flowering glumes entire or two-toothed," etc. As those of Orchard- grass are entire, we continue with the next division of the key, " a. Rachilla or flowering glumes with long hairs which envelop the latter." There are no such hairs in our specimen, so we pass at once to " b. Rachilla and flowering glume naked or hairy, hairs much shorter than the glumes." These characters apply to our plant, and as it has plumose stigmas projecting from the sides of the flowering glumes, we pass from " a" directly to " /?," the division having stigmas of this character. In order to avoid repetition, we will simply quote from the succeeding divisions of the key that which it is necessary to read to complete the determination, placing in italics the characters excluding from any one of them the grass we are analyzing. All reference to the sub- divisions under these last are of course omitted. "I. Spikelets of two forms," etc. "II. Spikelets all alike." " 1. Flowering glumes three-toothed,'" etc. " 2. Flowering glumes of some other structure." "* Flowering glumes one to three-nerved," etc. " ** Flowering glumes 3-5- to many-nerved, with two or more of the upper glumes empty," etc. " *** Flowering glumes five- to many-nerved ; each containing a $ flower or the upper with only a $ flower, or empty." (Ex- ceptions noted.) " t Leaves broad, lanceolate or ovate, with fine transverse veins between the longi- tudinal nerves" " ft Leaves linear or lanceolate, no distinct transverse veins." " O Keel of palea winged," etc. " O O Keel of palea not appendaged." INTRODUCTION. vii " A Empty glumes three to six at the base of each spikelet." " A A Empty glumes two." " X Plants strictly dioecious," etc. " XX Plants hermaphrodite," etc. " n Flowering glumes cordate at the base." " D D Flowering glumes not cordate at the base. . . . AA. etc." (referring to the next series of divisions in the key). "AA. Spikelets closely imbricate, arranged in a linear, dense false spike" "BB. Spikelets densely imbricate, crowded in short spikes" etc. " CC. Spikelets in small fascicles which are united in a glomerate or interrupted panicle." " aa. Panicles one-sided. . . 252. Dactylis." Our analysis by the key has thus brought us to the genus Dactylis, No. 252, and on page 161 we find given further characters belonging to it. We learn here also that the genus contains but one species, Dactylis glomer- ata L. or Orchard-grass, its geographical distribution, that it is "a first-class fodder-grass, especially for heavy, wet soils," that it is very productive, growing rapidly after cutting, and endures shade. There is also a figure, illustrating the inflorescence and a single spikelet, on page 102. Orchard-grass was selected to illustrate the use of the keys not only because it is widely distributed, either naturally or in cultivation for hay, and therefore readity obtainable, but also because its analysis required such an extended use of the key. There are very many genera requiring much less reading in their analysis and possible of determination far more quickly. The man- ner of procedure is practically the same in every case. While the keys are in the majority of cases a certain guide in determining the genus, the statement made on viii INTRODUCTION. page 33 must be kept in mind when using them ; for in the tribes as well as in the larger genera the characters given are of necessity subject to many exceptions. Under each genus will be found its distinguishing characters not already mentioned in the keys, the num- ber of species it embraces and their geographical dis- tribution, also the names and uses of those species of marked economic value. The somewhat extended ac- count given of the Cereals and Bamboos, due to their special importance, contains much of general interest. THE TRUE GRASSES. (GRAMINEJE.*) PART I. STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. Special Characters of the Order. Flowers hermaphrodite, rarely unisexual, perianth none, in the axils of enveloping chaff-like scales or bracts (flowering glumes), solitary or united into many- flowered spikelets ; one bract (palea) usually two-keeled and opposite the flowering glume ; one very small scale (anterior lodicule) split to the base and usually herbaceous, above the flowering glume; rarely with another entire scale (posterior lodicule) above the palea; oc- casionally with the palea only, or even without that ; very rarely truly terminal. Stamens usually in a whorl of three (rarely two) members, some- times in two alternating whorls ; the number of stamens in a whorl is very rarely either much increased, or reduced by abortion to one. Carpel single, standing opposite the palea. Ovary one-celled, usually with two lateral, rarely with three or one, styles. Ovule solitary, slightly campylotropous, without a funiculus and with the micropyle turned downwards. Fruit usually a caryopsis rich in amylaceous matter. The embryo, covered only by the pericarp, lies outside of the albumen at the front and base of it. Embryo usually small and straight with a shield-shaped cotyledon, in the anterior cavity or furrow of which lies the plumule, having several rudimen- tary leaves, and the radicle with its surrounding tissues. * IMPORTANT LITERATURE : R. Brown, General Remarks, etc., in 'Vermischte Schriften, I. p 107. Palisot de Beauvois, Essai d'une Nou- velle Agrostographie, Paris, 1812. Kunth, Revision des Grammees, Paris, 1829, and Agrostographia give Enum. Graminum, Stuttgart, 1833. Roper, Beitrdge z. Flora Mecklenburgs, 2 parts, Rostock, 1844. Payer, Traite d' Organogenic de la Fleur, p. 701, Paris, 1857. Doll, Flora d. GrossJierz. Baden, and in Martius et Eichler, Flora Brasiliensis, vol. II. parts II. and III. Eichler, Bluthendiagramme, I. 199. Hackel, Uhter- sucfiungen iiher die Lodiculce der Grciser, in Engler's Bot. Jahrb. , I. 336. Bentham in Journ. Linn. Society, XIX. p. 14, and in Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum, III. p. 1074. 2 THE TRUE GRASSES. Herbs, rarely shrubs or trees, with closed-jointed stems (culms) and alternate, sheathing leaves. Spikelets or solitary flowers usually with empty chaff-like bracts (empty glumes) at the base, arranged in panicles or spikes. Organs of Vegetation. THE CULM. Grasses are either monocarpic or, more commonly, perennial by means of a rhizome which is formed by the cateuulate lowest inter- nodes of the consecutive flowering culms and their leafy basal branches. Aerial, woody, perennial stems, occur only among the Bambusece. Perennial grasses may usu- ally be recognized by the presence of sterile shoots which grow from the lowest joint of the culm or proceed from that of other similar shoots ; they often break through the sheath of the subtending leaf while yet buds (extra- vaginal shoots) or, more rarely, develop within the sheath (iutravaginal). In the latter case the grass forms dense and sometimes large but always isolated tufts. For the formation of close turf (Grasnarbe), such as the meadows of wooded regions present, only grasses with extra vaginal shoots are adapted, since these shoots, before they grow upwards, creep for a longer or shorter distance below the surface, and the runners thus formed quickly fill up all the available interstices of the soil by their ramifications. All grass culms branch at least from the lowest nodes, and these also have the power of sending out secondary roots. Even aside from the richly branched Bambusece > branches from the upper or from all nodes occur in many tropical grasses, but in those of the temperate zone of the Old World this habit is rare. The culm is rarely filled with pith (e.g., almost all Andropogonere, many Panicece, etc.) ; it is usually hol- low, the central cavity resulting from the separation of the original pith cells which have ceased to grow, and the remains of these cells line the walls of the cavity. The Nodes. The pith cavity is always closed at the nodes which are the larger or smaller swellings at the limits of the internodes. The difference be- tween culm-nodes and sheath-nodes is constantly over- looked, but ought to be carefully noted. The swellings that are visible externally do not belong to the culm, STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. FIG. 1. A, Fragment of culm of wheat with sheath-node, somewhat bent. B, Longitudi- nal section of the same: sfc, sheath-node; hb, point of insertion of the sheath. C, Andro- pogon; the sheath s removed on the left side in order to show the culm-node, hk ; sk, sheath-node. but to the base of the leaf -sheath ; they are to be found in all grasses (Molinia excepted), at least so long as the internode above has not com- pleted its growth ; but when the base of the internode, the portion which remains longest capable of growth, is transformed into per- manent tissue, one of two things may hap- pen : the tissue of the sheath - node may re- main turgescent and capable of growth, then no swelling is formed at the base of the culm- joint ; or a true culm- node may be developed from one to three millimeters above the sheath-node, assuming all the properties of the sheath-node (see below), and at the same time the latter shrivels up. This last is the case with all Andro- pogonece and Panicece, and many Bambusece, as well as with many single genera of other tribes (for example, Stipa, Eragrostis, Pappophorum, Arundo, etc.). The majority of Agrostidece, Avenece, Festucece, and Triticece have only sheath-nodes ; and, finally, there are grasses without any distinct nodes, such as have their branches very thickly leaved, from the fact that in these the sheaths of several internodes overlap each other, as in many Bambusece. The nodes are not, as is often supposed, to give strength to the culm ; they are composed of a some- what thin-walled parenchyma whose cells are strongly turgescent and through which run delicate fibro- vascular bundles with well-developed bundles of collenchyma on the outside. Their function consists solely in the erec- tion of culms that have become bent down. The paren- chyma of the node is geotropically sensitive, and as 4 THE TRUE GRASSES. soon as the culm is placed in a horizontal or oblique position the cells of the node on the side turned towards the earth begin to elongate, and consequently the lower side becomes longer, while the upper side is shortened and often wrinkled from the pressure of the opposite side ; this continues until the upper internodes have re- sumed the vertical position. Several nodes, however, may share in this process at the same time. Minute Structure. In the tissues of the culm a larger or smaller ring of sclerenchyma is especially prom- inent ; it lies close under the epidermis, to which it is often joined by rib-like sclerenchyma bundles. Similar bundles accompany the fibre-vascular bundles both without and within, or even form a ring about them ; the great firm- ness of the culms is due to the mass of strongly developed sclerenchyma. In pithless culms the fibro-vascular bundles are usually arranged in two circles, one of which is on the inside and the other on the outside of the sclerenchyma ring ; in culms containing pith other bundles are present, either scattered through the pith or arranged in indistinct circles. Each bundle contains two or three large, pitted vessels between which and towards the centre is an air-passage resulting from the rupture of an old, ringed vessel, as is shown by the pres- ence, here and there, of isolated rings. For other por- tions of the bundle, see explanation of Fig. 2. The fibro-vascular bundles run parallel in the inter- nodes ; the superficial ones join those of the lower inter- nodes directly, the others take the form of a shallow arch bending towards the centre (in culms with pith), where they pass through several internodes, and finally bend outwards to join the superficial ones. In the nodes the bundles cross and interlace by means of small and short cross-bundles, which pass from the axillary shoots or buds towards the centre. In this way arise the dia- phragms or plates of tissue which separate the pith cavities of the iuternodes. THE LEAF. The leaves of grasses usually alternate in two ranks 180 apart, and those near the ground often form tufts or even fan-shaped bunches through the non- STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 5 development of the internodes. Such tufts are also found upon the upper nodes and runners of some grasses, for example Sporobolus, Cynodon, JEluropus, and Chloris, whenever a well-developed internode is followed by 2-4, FIG. 2. Cross-section of a fibro-vascular bundle from the culm of Maize (X 550). p p. Surrounding parenchyma (a, outer side; i, inner side), g g, Pitted vessels; /, air-passage with isolated ring, r, from a former ring-vessel; v v, sieve-tubes. The shaded cells in the circumference are those of the sclerenchyma threads ; those between g and g are very narrow pitted vessels; s, a spiral vessel. (After Sachs.) shortened, nodeless ones. Every branch begins with a two-keeled, rarely (Cynodon) two-cleft, membranous prophyllum with its back towards the main axis, and is followed by the other leaves in such a manner that their median plane crosses with that of the prophyllum and the leaf in whose axil the branch originates. The sue- 6 THE TRUE GRASSES. cessive shoots are autidrom [a technical term of German morphologists], that is, if the first leaf of one falls to the left of the subtending or supporting leaf, that of the next falls to the right, etc., so that the first leaves of all branches fall on the same side of the main axis. The same holds true, of course, in case of secondary branches rising from the axils of these leaves even when the sub- tending leaves are undeveloped, as is usually the case in the inflorescence. Every foliage leaf consists of at least two parts, the sheath and the blade. A true petiole is inserted be- tween these only in a few broad-leaved, tropical grasses (Pharus, Phyllorachis, some Ischcema, many Bambusece, etc.). The blade is always absent in hypophyllia and prophylla, and in the floral leaves (called glumes or bracts) it is either absent or transformed into a narrow bristle-shaped appendage, the awn, which is sometimes twisted or bent. The sheath surrounds the culm like a tube, and the two edges usually overlap in front, the covering edge being somewhat raised. In the successive interuodes the raised edge is alternately on the right and left. The sheaths of numerous grasses (all Sesleriece, many Poce [pratensis L., trivialis L., alpina L.~\, Bromus [inermis Leyss., erectus Huds.], Briza, Melica, Dadylis, Glyceria ftuitans Brown, etc.) are, on the contrary, per- fectly closed, but the young and still included inflo- rescences, by forcing their way upward through these narrow channels, usually cause them to split. The sheath matures earlier than the internode above its in- sertion, and consequently its stiffening tissues, viz., the sclerenchyma bundles, are perfectly formed at the time when the enclosed interuode in its basal portion is yet tender and without firmness. The sheath is, in con- sequence, a very important protection for the young in- ternodes, and this function is performed even by the blade! ess first leaf in breaking through the ground with its hard point ; if the latter be cut away, the enclosed shoot is not able to stand upright and reach the surface. The Ligule. At the point of union between the blade and sheath there is at the inside an erect prolongation STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. of the latter (ligule) which is usually membranous, but may be herbaceous at the sides. It originates from an additional growth of the sheath upwards at the insertion of the blade. If the blade is narrower than the sheath, then at least the side portions of the ligule are of the same character as the sheath, and are fur- nished with fibro-vas- cular bundles, while the centre, upon which' the blade rests ' while in the bud, remains membranous (see Fig. 3, B}. If the blade is the same breadth as the sheath, then the entire ligule is mem- branous (Fig. 3, A). In the flowering glumes of many grasses Avena and Bromus, for example whose blade has developed into an awn (Fig. 3, 6 7 ),the ligular portion is much developed, and the awn is then said to be on the back or dorsal (see above). Flowering glumes with terminal awns have no ligular portion ; there are also analogous cases in ordi- nary leaves, for example in Panicum Crus-galli L. In many grasses, especially in many of the Chloridece, the ligule is transformed into a fine hairy fringe. The ligule always embraces the culm very closely, and Schlechten- dahl thought that its office was to keep rain or water from getting between the sheath and culm. The Leaf-blade. The blade is usually elongated, nar- row linear or linear-lanceolate, rarely, and only in tropical species, ovate-lanceolate, elliptical, cordate or sagittate (PJiyllorachis, etc.). In the bud the leaf is simply folded (rarely plicate folded, as in Panicum plicatum and related species) or rolled up from one side, the other half being somewhat broader, and the sides by which FIG. 3. Point of separation of the sheath (s) and blade (spr). A, in Dactijlis glomerata L. B, in Ammophila arundinacea Host. I, Lig- ule. C. Flowering glume of Bromus Alope- curus Poir. 8 THE TRUE GRASSES. the rolling up commences alternating from right to left in the successive leaves. Leaf Torsion. The adult blade often exhibits tor- sions ; all the broader leaves of Festuca, Holcus, Calama- grostis, etc., are twisted to the left, at least in the upper portions, those of Secale, Triticum, etc., to the right, and of many Avenece in both directions, being twisted in one direc- tion above and the other below. The leaves of many wood- land grasses (Milium effusum L., Braehypodium silvati- cum K,. & Sch., Festuca silv. Vill., Melica altissima L., Pharus latifolius L.), also of some narrow-leaved species (Gynerium argenteum Nees., Ammophila arundinacea Host.), are turned 180 at the base, so that the upper and under sides are reversed. In this 'case the stomata are only upon the original upper side. This phenome- non is probably due to the influence of light (heliotrop- ism) ; and this is more certainly true in regard to the remarkable sleep-movements exhibited by the leaves of Olyra Guyanensis (Strephium Guyan. Brongn.). In the day-time the leaves of this grass stand out from the culm, and the upper surfaces are turned upwards, but at night they lie close to the culm and their surfaces are at an angle of 90 from the position during light. This torsion is effected by means of a very short petiole. Nervation. The nbro-vascular bundles (nerves) of the blade either enter it separately and then run paral- lel, or a number at first unite with colorless parenchyma to form a strong midrib at their entrance to the blade, later the single bundles separate one at a time and pass towards the edge of the leaf. This arrangement gives an especial firmness to the base of the leaf, which has to bear the weight of the entire blade. Maize, Sorghum, etc., are examples of this arrangement, which is espe- cially frequent in tropical grasses. The nbro-vascular bundles, at least the primary ones, are accompanied on the lower or on both sides by bundles of sclerenchyma which are frequently united into rings ; this happens especially in those species with rush-like leaves, and gives them their very stiff blades. The epidermis con- tains very irregular cells whose walls in many cases STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 9 contain much silica. The bands of upper epidermis that lie between the nerves often present wedge-shaped cells ("' bulliform" cells), arranged in the form of a fan, whose growth and expansion causes the blade to open out; in those leaves which are folded in the bud these cells are only to be found on each side of the midrib. In grasses that do not have such fan-shaped cell-groups the blades remain always folded or rolled up, or at most open but a little, and consequently appear thread- or rush-like (many species of Stipa, Festuca, and Nardus). In others, especially in many of the Steppe grasses, the FIG. 3a. Transverse section of the primary vein of Festuca elatior, var. arundi- nacea. Sc. selerenchyma; P, colorless parenchyma; Cb, bulliform cells. (After Hackel, Monog. Festuc. Europ., Tab. II. Fig. 6.) blades roll up whenever these cells lose their turges- cence by excessive evaporation, but become flat again, or at least half open, as soon as the air becomes moist. This rolling up of the blade acts as a protection against excessive evaporation ; for the lower side, which is then alone exposed to the air, has especial protective arrange- ments against transpiration in its strong cuticle, seleren- chyma masses, etc. The stomata of grass leaves usually stand in longi- tudinal rows and are surrounded by four cells ; two large secondary cells project beyond and cover two long and narrow guard-cells, which are usually much narrower than the first. 10 THE TRUE GRASSES. Inflorescence. Distinction must be made between the special inflorescence, the spikelets which will be re- ferred to farther on and the entire inflorescence. The latter arises by monopodial division of the upper portion of the culm, and the branching may be in different degrees : when the primary branches form single spike- lets and the lowest glumes of these are apparently sessile upon the main axis, the inflorescence is a spike (which is really compound) ; if the bases of these pri- mary branches are naked, forming a pedicel, it is a raceme; and if the spikelets are only upon secondary or farther divided branches, a panide. The inflorescence is yet more complicated in many Andropogonece, Panicece, and in Maize, where the branches of the panicle bear racemes, whose spikelets, however, are borne partly on primary and partly on secondary branchlets of these racemes. The primary branches of the whole inflorescence are most frequently alternately two-ranked, and more rarely (as in many Andropogonece, Panicece, Sporobolus, Eragros- tis, etc.) spirally arranged ; in the latter case they are often in whorls of from 2 to 4 members. The two-ranked arrangement is often altered by the more rapid growth of one side of the main axis (the side which is turned more away from the earth in the bud) ; the spikelets ac- cordingly move toward one side and the inflorescence becomes one-sided, as is especially noticeable with the panicles of Dactylis and Cynosurus, and the spikes of the Chloridece. This appearance is intensified by the relations of the secondary branches. According to the laws of anti- dromy (see page 6), the first secondary branches all fall upon the same side of the culm ; since these mostly arise near the base and are again branched, this side of the main axis appears to be much richer in spikelets. Where the secondary branches also arise near the base and are as strongly developed as the primary ones, the inflorescence regains a symmetrical appearance (Poa prafeMM, P. trivialis). If the branches are short and lie close to the main axis and all the internodes of the branches remain short, the result is a cylindrical, false STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 11 spike or spike-like panicle (PJdeum, Alopecurus, etc.). lu this case the primary branches are frequently grown to the main axis, and consequently the secondary branches appear to be arranged spirally on this (PMeum pratense L.), while Ph. Boehmeri Wib. has free primary branches. The supporting bracts of the branches of the inflo- rescence are usually entirely aborted, but on the lowest branches they often occur as rudiments, rarely as well- formed glume-like scales (Sesleria), and still more rarely (Anomochloa, Phyllostachys) they are well developed on all the primary branches. Frequently the leaf of the culm or branch which stands next to the inflorescence is in the form of a sheath enclosing the spikelets (Zea ? , Coix, Lygeum, etc.). The false panicles of some Andro- pogonece (Andropogon, Nardus, Fig. 19) are interspersed with leaves, and arise from branches supported by the upper leaves of the culm, these branches in turn bearing leaves and branching again. THE SPIKELET. The spikelets consist of an axis com- posed of short articulations, two-ranked chaffy leaves (glumes) (spiral in Streptochceta only), the first 1 to 6 of which (usually 2) are sterile and known as empty glumes or glumes only, while the following one to many glumes (flowering glumes or lower palese) bear in their axils a very short branch which begins with a bractlet called palea (or superior palea) with its back turned towards the axis, and ends with a flower.* The end of the axis of the spikelet is either visible beyond the upper flower (Fig. 84) or its growth is ar- rested early ; in many one-flowered spikelets it is not at all visible even in the earliest stage of them, and consequently the flower is situated upon the end of the axis. In this case there is no longer a true distinction between empty and flowering glumes and paleas, for the entire spikelet represents a single flower with many * In the figures the entire inflorescence is always designated by A, the spikelets by B, the empty glumes by C, the flowering glumes by D, the palea by E. Compare Fig. 90. 12 THE TRUE GRASSES. bracts (Anthoxanthum, Oryza, Andropogonece). However, it is possible to demonstrate a perfect series of stages by which one-flowered spikelets with a distinctly lateral flower pass over into those with terminal flowers ; con- sequently a palea and flowering glume can be distin- guished in the latter by analogy. The uppermost glumes of a spikelet are not infre- quently empty, and in this case they are usually dwarfed IT FIG. 4. I, Diagram of a many-flowered spikelet of Avena, Poa, Triticum; A, axis (rachilla). II, Diagram of a flower of Bnmbusa with flowering glume and palea; I,, posterior lorlicule. III-VII, Diagrams of an entire spikelet: h, /i, , etc., empty Klumes; d, flowering glumes; v, palea; /, anterior lodicules. III. Strepiochceta; A, B-F, small outer bracts; a-/, large inner bracts, the latter distinctly in two whorls. IV, Andropogon; V, Coleanthus; VI, Oryza; VII, Anthoxanthum. or anomalous (Melica, Fig. 80). The empty glumes are lacking (Cokanthus), or scarcely visible as rudiments (Leersia), in only a few genera ; there is rarely but one, most frequently there are two, and more rarely more than two, present. In the latter case those following the second are described by most authors as sterile flowers (e.g., in Panicum, Andropogonew, and many Bambusece), a plan which we shall not adopt in our descriptions. It is true that in closely related species (of Panicum, for STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 13 example) the third glume of some is empty and there- fore a sterile glume, while in others it bears a $ flower or merely a sterile branch with the palea, in which case it becomes a flowering glume ; but this by no means makes all Panicums two-flowered, any more than we would call Leucojum vernum a three-flowered plant because both of its empty bracts bear flowers in other species of the same genus. In most and the best works (e.g., Kunth's, but not Bentham's) this third glume is called a neuter flower ("flos neuter"), a term whose meaning should be always present to those desiring to use these works. The empty glumes are often very like the flowering, but are seldom awned. The flowering glumes assume many forms and are frequently awned ; they almost always have a middle nerve. At their point of insertion they frequently extend downwards a little on the axis of the spikelet ; this portion which is grown to the axis is separated from the free portion by a more or less distinct furrow and is called the callus ; it occurs also upon many empty glumes (Heteropogon contortus R. & Sch.), is frequently hairy, and in the fruiting glumes serves to fasten them to other objects. (Compare Stipa, Fig. 44, cal.) The palea, which with its enclosed flower stands opposite to the flowering glume, does not belong to the main axis of the spikelet, but to the branch which bears the flower. That this relation of parts may be gradually obliterated in the one-flowered grasses, and that the palea may be moved back upon the main axis, has been explained above. As long as an axis or a rudiment of one, at least in its earliest stage, is visible beyond the palea, this latter possesses (like the prophylla of the culm-branches) two keels, or at least two lateral nerves, without a midrib ; only when all trace of the axis is absent does the palea become from one- to many-nerved (with a midrib) or nerveless. It is almost always of a more delicate texture than the flowering glume, its edges are usually turned in, and it has a furrow instead of a midrib. The prophylluni of the culm-branches has no blade, and the palea resembles it in being almost al- ways (excepting Amphipogori) awnless ; and as the former 14 THE TRUE GRASSES. is sometimes split in two parts ( Cynodori), so the palea is often split at the time the fruit is mature (many Sporo- bolus and Triticum monococcum L). This state has been understood by some authors as originally bifoliate, and false genera have been established upon it by some (Diachyrium Griseb, etc.). The palea is completely aborted in many Andropogonece and species of Agrostis. Opposite the palea, and therefore above the flower- ing glume, are, in most grasses, visible two small delicate scales (lodicules) ; they stand close together, their front edges touching, their bases somewhat grown together and swollen with sap at the time of flowering (cf. Fig. 28, f; Fig. 63, G). They are usually considered the two anterior members of a rudimentary perianth, whose posterior member (the posterior lodicule) is developed in Stipa and many Bambusece. The author has endeavored to prove that the anterior scales represent the halves of a leaf which sometimes (Melica, Fig. 80, jP) remains un- divided, and can be regarded as a second, and the posterior scale as a third, palea.* The anomalous con- dition of these paleas (in respect to the ordinary palea) is explained by their biological properties. The rapid swelling of the bases at least, causes the separation of the flowering glume and palea, and consequently the opening of the flower. In grasses where they swell only a little the spikelets open but slightly, and where the lodicules are membranous or entirely lacking the spikelets remain entirely closed at the sides, and the reproductive organs protrude only at the apex (com- pare Anthoxantkum, Alopecurtis, etc.). The absence of the lodicules is not necessarily a case of abortion ; for if they are bractlets, a decrease in their number (as in the Juncacere) is not very remarkable. Their large number (8 or more) and apparent spiral arrangement is striking in Ochlandra ; here their relations have, however, still to be studied in living material. All the leaf forms that have so far been mentioned in the spikelet do not really belong to the flower ; * For details see Engler's bot. Jahrbiicher, I. Bd., S. 33. STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 15 they all lie (Streptochceta and perhaps Ochlandra ex- cepted) with their median lines in one and the same plane, and, as in the branches of the culm, this crosses that of the subtending bract, which in this case must be supposed. Where the entire inflorescence ends in an apical spikelet its glumes are naturally arranged like the supposed subtending bract, and there- fore cross those of the lateral spikelets (e.g., Triticum sativum Lam.). Several genera related to Lolium form an exception to this ; in these genera the median plane of all the glumes coincides with that of the subtending bract. Hordeum and Elymus form another, but only an apparent exception ; in these not only do the empty glumes of the 2-3 lateral spikelets converge in front, but their median plane crosses that of the flowering glume at different angles (30-90). All these variations depend upon mechanical causes, and are only to allow the glumes of the double or triple spikelets to fit into a given space, since the normal arrangement is present in the solitary terminal spikelets of some species of Hordeum (H. crinitum Desf., etc.) and all species of Elymus. The succession of the flowering of the spikelets should be especially noticed, since in panicles it usually occurs about in that order in which the spikelets emerge from the sheath of the upper leaf ; therefore the terminal spikelets of the panicle and its branches flower first, and from there downwards. In spikes the spikelets situated just above the middle usually precede the others, as they are best developed. In single spikelets, flowering passes from below upwards ; in Panicew and Andropogonece only, if a terminal $ stands below the apparently terminal $ one, it blooms later than the latter. Organs of Reproduction. THE STAMENS. The androe- cium consists of from one to two whorls, each com- posed of from two to three members ; the stamens are rarely (Pariana, Luziola, Oddandra) more than six (to forty), and in this case apparently spirally arranged. The first stamen of the outer, and usually the only, whorl always stands above the flowering glume; this is distinguished by the fact that it is earlier and 16 TUB TRUE GRASSES. more strongly developed than the other two, which stand in front of the keels of the palese. On the other hand, this very stamen may be aborted and only the two posterior ones remain (Diarrhena, Ortho- dado)-, where the entire whorl is reduced to a single stamen (Uniola, Cinna, many species of Festuca and Andropogon, etc.) this is generally the anterior one, but in Elytrophorus it is posterior. We find a typical two-membered whorl in Anthoxanthitm, Hierochloa $ , and Crypsis ; here the stamens lie in the mid-line of the glumes, but in Coleanthus they alternate with the glumes. Two alternating whorls occur in the majority of the BanibusecK and in many Oryzece. Generally both whorls have three members, but in Tetrarrhena and they have but two. Since the following (single) carpel always stands above the flowering glume no matter whether the stamens are in one whorl or two, when only one is present the inner must be supposed. The stamens always have slender, distinct, rarely (Streptochceta, Gigantochloa, Oxy tenant-herd) monadelphous filaments that are composed of thin-walled cells. In the closed flower they are very short, but at the time of flowering they elongate by the very rapid extension of the cells. They remain straight for a time (Phleum), or suddenly become tipped over in such a way ( Triticutri) that the main mass of the pollen is emptied. The elongated, usually narrow-linear anthers have a very fine connective and are versatile ; that is, the filament is attached below the middle ( or ^) by a taper- ing end. This circumstance assists in the scattering of the pollen by the wind. Rarely the filaments are attached at the base of the anthers (Coleanthits). The pollen-sac usually opens by a longitudinal split which proceeds from above downwards, more rarely (Andro- pogonecK) by a hole at the apex, which is often continued into a split. The pollen is very finely granular, spherical, and perfectly smooth. It is discharged in very abundant masses, and scattered by the wind (except in the cleistogamic species). I THE PISTIL. The pistil 'arises from a single carpel STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 17 which always stands in the median plane of the spikelet towards the front. It is composed of an ovary with one ovule and 1-3 styles, each with one stigma ; the stigmas may also arise from a single style or directly from the ovary. If but one style with one stigma is present, it cor- responds to the midrib of the carpel, and is to be regarded as the blade, and the ovary as the sheath (Nardus). Many times an apparently simple style arises from the union of two (Zea, Euchlcena, and many species of Pennisetuni). If there are, as is by far the most frequent, two styles or two sessile stigmas, they are lateral, never posterior, being either on the sides or the front of the carpel. Both may be regarded as the developed side portions of one lamina (or blade), the central part of which is at the same time suppressed ; they are therefore analogous to the anterior lodicules. If the middle portion is developed, we have the three (free or partly grown together) styles of many Bambusece and Streptochceta, where the third style con- sequently lies in front. In many pistils (Briza media] there is frequently a rudiment of a posterior style (often provided with a stigma) which may be explained as a commissural form like the ligule of Mdica uniftora Ketz., which is opposite the blade and rises from the united edges of the sheath. The stigmas, easily recognizable by their papillate cells, are rarely simple (barbellate) (Figs. 73, 74), but are usually spirally branched ; in the latter case the branches either come off in all direc- tions aspergilliform (Figs. 15, 18), or only from two sides plumose (Figs. 80, 89, 95). From these branches rise smaller papillae. The entire system of branches has of course a large surface, and is especially arranged to catch pollen carried by the wind. Pollination. As has been stated, grasses are fertil- ized by the wind. Monoecious and dioecious species are not numerous; but not a few are polygamous (many Andropogonece and Panicece), and in these the $ flower of a spikelet always blooms later than the hermaphrodite, so that its pollen effects cross-fertilization upon the stigmas of other spikelets or other individuals. There are also many arrangements for cross-fertilization 18 THE TRUE GRASSES. among the entirely hermaphrodite species. Many genera (Alopecurus, Anthoxanthum, Pennisetum, Spar- tina) are strongly proterogyuous ; in most cases, how- ever, the anthers protrude earlier and discharge the greater part of their pollen, especially by turning over suddenly, before the stigmas are visible. When these emerge at the sides of dependent or nodding spikelets they are directed upwards, and consequently only the pollen from flowers situated higher up can come in con- tact with them. More rarely the stigmas project from the apex of the spikelet, and then mainly in the proter- ogynous and monoecious species. In some hermaphrodite flowers cross-fertilization is so much the rule that they have lost the power of effectual self-fertilization, as in Rye. In the majority of cases, however, both kinds of fertilization seem at least to be possible ; for example, the species of Wheat are usually self-fertilized, but may also be adapted to cross-fertilization, since their glumes are open above, the stigmas project laterally, and the an- thers empty only about of their pollen in their own flower and the rest into the air. Cross-fertilization is much more rare and difficult in Barley, and in certain races like the six-ranked, the short-spiked two-ranked, and the peacock Barley, the flowers, especially in our climate, never open, and consequently cross-fertilization is made impossible. Again, Leersia oryzoides Swz. and Amphicarpum Purshii Kunth, are strongly cleistogamic ; in both there are two kinds of inflorescence ; the con- spicuous terminal panicle of the culm is perfectly sterile, but the lateral inflorescence of Leersia, which remains covered by the sheath, is abundantly fertile ; in Amphi- carpum the fertile spikes are upon short scapes close to the ground, and seem to be fertilized and mature under ground. Diplachne serotina Link., Danthonia spicata Beauv., Stipa juncea L., etc., are also cleistogamic species. T/te Ovule. The ovule is grown to the ventral suture of the carpel without a funiculus. The point of union mav be confined to a narrow place at the base, or may vary so far as to reach to the other end of the ovule (Fig. 6, -A). The ovule itself is hemitropous (slightly campylotropous), STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 19 with its micropyle turned downward and outward. It possesses two integuments (Fig. 6, A, i lt t f ), the outer one of which has very delicate walls and forms a conductive tissue for the pollen-tube upon the anterior side. It disintegrates soon after fertilization. The embryo-sac (Fig. 6, A, es) grows rapidly after fer- tilization at the expense of the tissues of the endosperm, so as to leave only 1-2 layers. At the same time it be- comes filled with considerable albumen in whose cells, the outer layer excepted, is deposited an abundant sup- ply of starch. The ovule meantime grows rapidly in length and later also in breadth, and finally fills the cavity of the ovary so completely that any further growth causes it to grow to the walls, and this fails to happen only in a few cases. The embryo is at first a many-celled club-shaped body whose vegetative point is situated in a lateral depression ; the portion of the em- bryo above this depression becomes the cotyledon, which farther expands, becoming shield-shaped. Then the borders of the depression in which the vegetative point is situated rise up in the form of a collar, the beginning of the first sheath-like leaf, hypophyllum, and opposite to it, later on, is developed the first foliage leaf. The initials of the main root lie deep within the lower half of the young embryo, so that the surrounding tissue grows with the root for some time until the latter separates itself from the tissue around it by forming a cleft. But the entire radicle is still imbedded in it, and not earlier than the seed germinates the root first breaks through this tissue, called the coleorhiza or root-sheath (compare c in Fig. 6, L, N). Upon the sides of the main radicle 2-4 secondary radicles are occasionally situated (iv t , iv y in Fig. 6, F], and on the other end of the axis the begin- nings of the foliage leaves increase in the bud to 3 or 4, so that the germ of the grass at the maturity of the seed has reached a high degree of development. Fruit and Seed. The fruit of most grasses is a cary- opsis the thin pericarp of which is grown fast to the seed. The pericarp here answers the purpose of the testa, which is only very feebly developed ; it gener- 20 THE TRUE GRASSES. ally consists merely of a few cell layers ; one, a very thick- walled epidermis, and several of tolerably thin- walled parenchyma with delicate nbro-vascular bundles, and an inner epidermis that is frequently indistinct. It contains no amylaceous material, and when the grain is ground it, together with the adjacent layer of albumen, is removed as bran. In many grasses the pericarp unites more or less with the bracts, growing especially to the palea, seldom to the flowering glume. Those caryopses adherent to the bracts (e.g., most barleys) must not be confused with those in which the bracts are close around the fruit but not grown to it (for example, in Spelt, Tri- ticum spelta L., whose fruit is often spoken of as ad- herent). After long soaking in water the bract may with care be removed even from the adherent fruit. The following fruit forms are more rare in grasses : Utricle the pericarp thin, dehiscent, free from and sur- rounding the seed ; for example, Sporobolus (Fig. 51, &, , & a ), Eleusine (Fig. 71, Jc), Crypsis, and Heleochloa ; Nut- fruits in some Bambusece (Dendrocalamus, Pseudosta- chyum, Schizostachyum, etc.) and in Zizaniopsis ; Berries, often as large as apples, as in the Banibusew, Melocala- mus, Melocanna, and Ochlandra. The berries of Melo- canna bambusoides are often from 8 to 13 centimeters in diameter and are edible. Upon the caryopsis is a place where the embrvo lies JL J^ covered only by the pericarp Hi Hi an( ^ pl a i n l.Y visible on the out- I 1 II side (Fig. 6, B}. This place is \jf iB upon the front side (that is, the w ^HJfr side facing the floral glume) of A the base of the fruit. Opposite to it, or on the posterior side, the fruit bears a more or less clear, sometimes puuctiforni and sometimes elongated or linear mark, the hilum, the place where the seed was fastened to the wall of the ovary (Fig. 5). Since the form of the hilum is constant in every genus, and also sometimes in whole tribes, it is very im- STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 21 portant in identification, and enables us to recognize the kind of attachment of the ovulum to the carpel even in the fruit. A punctiform or only short oblong hilum at the base of the fruit indicates a narrow, and an elongated linear hilum an extended, attachment. If there is a fur- row in the fruit, then the hilum is always to be looked for in this, and moreover invariably on the side of the palea, which must first be shaved off in those fruits where the pericarp is adherent to the bracts. The embryo is usually small, seldom more than half as long as the fruit, straight, rarely slightly bent ( Oryza], with the radicle turned downwards. Its most striking portion is the scutellum (Sc in Fig. 6), which is regarded (although not undisputedly) as the cotyledon. It is a flat but somewhat thick body, roundish to elongated- oval in circumference, lying close .on its inner side to the albumen, with the plumule and radicle surrounded by the coleorhiza situated in its somewhat shallow ex- terior. The plumule lies free upon the scutellum, but below the plumule the axis of the embryo is united with it ; this is the point of insertion of the scutellum beyond which it projects downwards and outwards as far as the point of the coleorhiza (Fig. 6, E, H}. This descending portion of the scutellum is grown for a longer (Wheat) or shorter (Maize) distance to the posterior part of the cole- orhiza, and its edges are either free at both sides (Triti- cum, etc.), or they turn forward and grow so completely over the coleorhiza that they entirely unite in front or leave only a small cleft (Maize, L in Fig. 6, M, Sorghum). If this is the case, it is only in germination that the side portions are pushed back (Fig. 6, N) and the entire embryo becomes visible. The inside of the scutellum shows a peculiar kind of epidermis, the so-called cylinder epithelium, of palisade-formed, cylindrical cells with delicate walls. They are for the purpose of absorbing the dissolved amylaceous material of the albumen. The scutellum also contains a nbro-vascular bundle, and this often has short branches. In germination it remains within the pericarp. In many grasses there is in front of the embryo and 22 THE TRUE OR ASSES \ Fio 6. A, Longitudinal section through the ovary of Barley (after Johannsen, "Das Endosperm der Gerste"); ni. micropyle: /,, i,, outer and inner integuments; es. embryo-sac. B. Fruit of Wheat from in front. C, The same from behind. >, The same with the embryo uncovered; P. the pericarp thrown back; sc, scutelluin; K, embryonic bud and rootlet. E. The emoryo by itself, highly mag- nified: sc, scutellnm; ep. epicotyl. F, The same in radial section. //, The same seen from the side. J. Germinating wheat; c, the coleorhiza after being broken through. STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 23 Fia. 6, Continued. K, embryo of Rice, radial longitudinal section (Figs. B-K after L. Richard, Analyse des embryons et endorhizes). L, Fruit of maize, longitudinal sec- tion after Sachs, Lehrb. der Bot.); End, albumen; Sc. scutellum; St, epicotyl joint of stem; iUj, the beginnings of roots rising from the epicotyl; w, main root; c, coleorhiza: L. anterior edges of the scutellum; h, hilum. M, embryo of Maize; L. anterior edges of the scutellum covering the plumule (after Richard, a, a, O). N. The same germinating, consequently L are pushed to one side; c, coleorhiza (after Mirbel, Ann. Mus. Nat.. XIII. pi. 13). O, embryo of Stijxt chrysovhyUa Desv.r Sc, scutellum; K. plumule; en. epicotyl. P, The same seen from the side (after E. Desvaux, Gram, et Gyp. chil., tab. 76). 24 THE TRUE GRASSES. opposite the scutellum a small scale-like appendage, the epiblast (ep in Fig. 6, E, 0, P). It is especially clear in Stipa (Fig. 6, 0, P), and yet better developed in Zizania (where it is as long as the plumule), but is entirely lacking in many grasses (Rye, Maize, and Barley) ; gen- erally it is merely a delicate formation consisting of parenchyma witho-ut fibro- vascular bundles, and its morphological nature is still doubtful. Yet the view that it is a rudimentary second cotyledon is the most reasonable, for among other things this makes compre- hensible the surprising position of the first leaf of the plumule just above (not opposite to) the scutellum. The plumule of the embryo consists of a very short, often in- distinct internode of the axis (epicotyl) and of two to four leaves, and according to the development of the former the plumule is sessile or petioled. The first leaf, the germ-sheath, surrounds the others like a closed tube, which breaks through the ground with its hard point at the time of germination, and opens at its apex after a time in order to allow the exit of the second leaf. It is colorless or pale green or frequently reddish. Many authors consider it a part of the cotyledon, a view which is certainly incorrect, for in many grasses (all Panicece, Andropogonece, May dew, many Festucece and Hordece) it is clearly separated from the scutellum at the time of germination by a distinct internode (epicotyl) which is often much elongated (compare Fig. 6, L, st]. In others (Triticum, etc.) this epicotyl is very short or entirely lacking, so that the back of the sheath may even be grown to the scutellum. The majority of grasses have only one radicle, and grow therefore with a primary root ; in addition to which, especially from the epicotyl new roots soon arise which finally exceed the main root in growth. In several grasses, especially in the cereals, and also in Coix lachryma and others, the foundation of these secondary roots is already laid before germination, usually in the hypocotyl (the axis below the insertion of the scutellum) ; seldom, and only io a rudimentary degree, in the epicotyl (Zea, Fig. 6, L, iv^). The plane of these secondary roots STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 25 is parallel to that of the scutellum ; they can therefore be seen only in tangential (Fig. 6, F] and not in radial section (Fig. 6, G) of the seed. In germination, each root- let independently breaks through the coleorhiza, which surrounds each with a small sheath. Before the roots break through, the elongating coleorhiza ruptures the FIG. 7. A, A cell in the albumen of Zea Mays filled with polyhedral starch-grains, between which are thin plates of dried, finely-grained protoplasm, a-g, Starch- grains from the amylaceous tissue of germinating maize seed. B, Starch-grains (lenticular) from the amylaceous tissue of a germinating seed of Triticum vul- gare ; the first action of the dissolving ferment shows itself in the distinct lamination (X 800). (After Sachs.) pericarp and sends numerous hairs from its epidermis, thus fastening the somewhat superficially placed seed to the ground. The embryo is rich in oils and proteids and even sugar, but contains no starch. The albumen consists of large, polygonal, parenchymatic cells which, with the exception of the outer layer, are rich in starch- 26 THE TRUE GRASSES. grains. Between these, which often fill nearly the entire space, finely granular albuminous bodies are irregularly distributed or formed into a network of delicate plates, especially distinct in the peripheral layers. The inner cells show them but little, and are still richer in starch- grains. If the albuminoids so fill up the intervals be- tween the starch-grains that the latter seem to be im- bedded in cement, the albumen appears translucent and the fruit is called corneous ; but if the union is less in- timate, there remain numerous small air cavities, and the albumen is opaque and the fruit is mealy. Both conditions may occur in the same species or variety (Wheat), and they seem to be occasioned by differences in climate and soil. Corneous fruits are usually richer in albuminoids than mealy ones of the same species. Starch. As to the form of the starch-grains, we must distinguish between simple and compound. The latter (Fig. 8, 6) are large and composed of many angular granules, into which they often separate. Simple grains are generally present with them. The simple grains have central cavities and are either isodiametric and polygonal (Fig. 7, A), or more rarely lens- shaped with rounded edges, in the latter case often distinctly lainellated and without central cavity. These lens- shaped bodies are always mingled with many smaller ones, while the isodiametric grains are of tolerably uni- form size. These characters are constant within most genera, and even within entire tribes ; they are therefore important from a systematic view, although the}" are not without exception. At the time of germination the starch-grains become eaten through by the action of a kind of ferment, so as to be full of holes before they fall apart (Fig. 7. a-g\ The starch-grains of certain kinds of liice (gluten rice), Sorghum (gluten sorghum), and of Millet, Panicum miliaceum, do not turn blue upon the addition of iodine, but red or reddish brown, and swell up very quickly. According to A. Meyer this is caused by their containing amylodextrin and dextrin. The outermost layer and sometimes two or three layers of the albumen (Fig. 8, 5) contain no starch but small oil- STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 27 drops, and still finer proteid granules are imbedded in the very delicate protoplasmic net. They are often called, but not properly, gluten cells : true gluten is not to be found in a dry kernel ; it is first formed from one of the albuminoids (Myosiu) by the addition of water. FIG. S.Avena sativa L. I, Cross-section of the entire fruit. .II, A small piece of the peripheral portion, 1; 2, Pericarp; 3, Testa; 4, Remains of the nucellus; 5-7, Amylaceous tissue; 5, Gluten cells; 6 and 7, Cells of albumen containing com- pouud starch-grains at 7 they are richer in albumen and poor in starch ; 8, Fibro- vascular bundle of the seed-coat. (From Harz, "Landwirtsch. Samenkunde.") Frequently we understand by gluten the whole of the albuminoids, but these, as already shown, are not found in the glutinous cells only. It has been often asserted that bran and bran-bread (in w r hich the glutinous layer 28 THE TRUE GRASSES. is not removed) are very nourishing, but through later in- vestigations this assertion has been brought into question. The so-called gluten layer is the outermost one formed in the embryo-sac ; outside of it is to be seen a generally indistinct, rarely very clear (Brachy podium and Bromus) layer of cells, the remainder of the nucleus of the seed ; outside of this is the testa, which has arisen from the inner integument, the outer one having disap- peared. Then follows the pericarp. (See above.) Means of Distribution. In all wild grasses certain parts of the spikelet or of the entire inflorescence fall off with the fruit. If the spikelet is many-flowered and every flower ripens its fruit, then its axis breaks into as many pieces as there are fruits, and every piece carries a floral glume and palea. If the spikelet is one-flowered, the axis of the spikelet may separate above the empty glume, so that the floral glume and the palea fall off with the fruit (Agrostece] ; or it may divide below the empty glume, and the spikelet fall off as a whole (Panicece, An- dropogonece, etc.). If the spikelets form a spike or a raceme, it frequently happens that the axis of the latter divides, so that one spikelet falls off with each joint (many Andropogonece and Horde(e) ; short spikes ( Triti- cum ovatum Godr.) fall from the culm as a whole. All these arrangements are necessary for the distribution of the seed ; they are lacking (with two exceptions) in all cultivated cereals, but are present, on the contrary, in all native races of the same species, so far as these are known. Since these arrangements are very disadvan- tageous for the complete gathering of the fruit, varieties whose axes are less or not at all articulated will be pre- ferred in culture, and will be finally fixed by natural selection. The bracts surrounding the fruit act as a more strongly developed pericarp ; they protect the embryo, which is near the surface, from too rapid wetting, and keep the soluble contents from being soaked out ; and when it is once soaked through, they also protect it from drying up again. But they are especially important as means for distributing the fruit. They decrease the STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 29 specific gravity, and consequently the seed is better adapted for transportation by the wind (very small fruits, like those of Agrostis and Eragrostis, which are light enough in themselves, usually fall entirely out of the bracts), especially if the empty glumes accompany it and have a considerable surface (Holcus), or generally the fruit-bracts are large in comparison with the fruit (Brizci), the whole having the effect of a winged seed. A still greater effect is produced when a large number of sterile glumes, or whole groups of sterile spikelets (Phalaris ccerulescens Desf.), fall off with the fruit. The glumes or parts of the axis, if they bear long hairs, form a peculiar winged apparatus (PJirag mites, Arundo, Cdla- magrostis, very many Andropogotwce, especially those re- lated to Saccharum ; Melica ciliata L., and Stipa pennata L. (by its feathery awns), as well as many Aristida spe- cies). Many grasses are also adapted to distribution by the fur of animals, for either the bracts themselves (Tragus) or the awns (Hordeum, Echinaria) are very rough or have hooked bristles. In Streptochceta the ripe fruit hangs from delicate spiral threads (the awns), which are fastened together at the end of the spike ; they are free below, and their stiff pointed bracts, bent out- ward, act like fish-hooks by catching into the fur of any animal that touches them in passing. The fleshy berries of many Banibusece are evidently fitted for distribution by animals, which neither destroy nor digest the seeds. Not a few grass-fruits possess a powerful instrument in the surrounding bracts for fastening themselves into the ground. First we find the base of such bracts prolonged into a pointed often prickly callus, which makes its pene- tration easy, and above the point are stiff hairs pointing upwards which make it difficult to draw out a bract that has once penetrated the soil (Fig. 44, cat). A very strong bent awn, twisted like a rope below the bend, often acts as a motor. This awn is very hygroscopic ; the coils unroll or unwind when damp, and when dry they return to their former condition ; and every time this happens the point of the bract is rotated with lateral variations, especially when the upper half of the awn 30 THE TRUE GRASSES. has a support (a neighboring culm or merely an un- evenuess in the soil). This rotation and nutation, to- gether with the action of the bristles, soon causes the bract surrounding the fruit to bore deeply into the ground (observed in several Stipa species, Heteropogon contortus R.. & Sch., Avenafatua L. and A. barbata Brot, several Aristida species from Brazil and New Holland). If such boring fruits get into the wool of sheep, many kinds will in a short time bore through the skin into the intestines, where they cause fatal inflammation (ob- served in Stipa capillata L. in Russia, St. spartea Trin. in N. America, Aristida hygrometrica Br. in Queensland, Heteropogon contortus R. & Sch. in New Caledonia). Fruit may also bury itself without the help of twisted awns ; in Triticum ovatum Godr. the spike falls off entire, and since it possesses a very pointed base and numerous outward- pointing rough aw r ns, wherever these find a hold they exert, by every movement of the wind, etc., a pressure upon the point, and this drives it into the ground. (Herbarium specimens loose between papers, creep backwards of themselves.) The entire inflorescence of Cornucopice (Fig. 46) falls off at the time of fruit, and the stem then becomes curved and very pointed at the end. Whether this serves to bury it or to attach it to animals is un- certain. The awns of Avena sterilis L. have a peculiar use. Two strongly awned fruit-bracts fall off fastened to- gether ; in moist surroundings the twisted awns begin to rotate their diverging upper halves, consequently they cross and press against each other until the bracts are forcibly separated, thus giving the fruit an impetus which throws it for some distance. Finally, we will mention a peculiar method of dis- tribution, viz., distribution by means of leafy spikelets. In many grasses, especially in high latitudes (south as well as north) and upon high mountains where the ripening of the fruit is often uncertain, it is not rare that entire spikelets or single flowers with floral glume and palea transform themselves into small-leaved shoots which are provided at the base with the beginnings of STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 31 roots. When these fall off from their axes they take root in the ground. In some grasses (Poa stricta Lindb.) we know only this apogamic condition ; others are very seldom sexual (Deschampsia alpina B. & Sch., Festuca Fuegiana Hook.), or the sexual stage is lacking in cer- tain regions (Poa bulbosa L.). Poa alpina L. and Festuca ovina L. are always sexual in lower countries, but in high mountains in the north are frequently asexual. Such leafy panicles have a very curled appearance. Geographical Distribution. Grasses are found in all parts of the globe, and belong to the outposts of phaeno- gamous vegetation in the polar regions, as well as to the limits of perpetual snow of high mountains. The great- est number of species is found in the tropical zone, but the number of individuals is greater in the temperate zones, where they are closely united to form extended areas of turf that cover large meadows. The formation of meadows is dependent upon a uniform rainfall or con- tinuous irrigation. Grasses also predominate in steppes and savannas, but here they grow in scattered sods or tufts and do not entirely cover the ground. The savan- na grasses are characterized by the fact that they often reach above a man's head and are reed-like. The BambusecB of the lowlands form an important part of tropical forests, especially in regions of the Monsoon. Upon South American mountains the bushy Bambusece form an entirely closed cover. Aside from the weed- grasses that have been generally distributed by com- mercial intercourse and colonization, there are several species that are cosmopolitan (for example, Heteropogon contort us R. & Sch., and Phragmites communis Trin.), and still others that are native to both hemispheres (also to both tropics). Several species from the northern wooded regions (Deschampsia ftexuosa Trin., discolor R., atropur- purea Scheele, Festuca ovina L., rubra L., elatior L., Poa nemoralis L. and pratensis L.) are absent in the tropics, and appear again unchanged in the antarctic regions ; others appear in isolated places between on high moun- tains of the tropics (Pfdeum alpinum L.) ; still others (Alopecurus alpinus L., Trisetum siibspicatum Beauv.) ap- 32 THE TRUE GRASSES. pear in varieties that may even be regarded as corre- sponding species. Not less than 90 genera are common to both continents ; among these are many that are ex- clusively tropical, and besides ten are single types. No one tribe is confined to one hemisphere, and no genus of numerous species to any one floral region. All this goes to prove that grasses are a family distributed very uniformly, and that the separation of their tribes goes back to very ancient times. To be sure, the single tribes have varied under the influence of the later divisions into zones ; while the Panicece and Andropogonece preponder- ate in the tropics, they are put in the background by the Festucece, Avenece, and Hordece in the temperate and frigid zones. The eastern North American forest region has preserved many more of them (and in general of tropic types) than has the Old World. Fossil Grasses. It cannot be doubted that during the past geological ages, and especially in the tertiary period, grasses must have been widespread and abundantly de- veloped. The numerous remains of grass-like leaves are a proof of this, but any botanist who has made the matter a study will regard as a complete failure the efforts of some phyto-palseontologists to fix upon relations to liv- ing species from the crushed and compressed spikes and spikelets. The fragments described as Poacites Brongn., Arundinites Sap., Pseudophragmites Sap., Paleopyrum Schmalh., may be entirely passed over ; but even others, whose forms point towards the living genera Oryza, Pani- cum, Uniola, and consequently may lead to conclusions as to the reasons of the existing geographical distribution, are not sufficiently characterized for the determination of genera. There are still others which with good reasons may be referred to Arundo, Phragmites, and perhaps to the Bambusece. (Engler.) Relations. The grasses form a very isolated family, showing close relationship only to the Cyperacefe, but markedly differing in the structure of the fruit and em- bryo (outside position, shield-shaped cotyledon, etc.). The number of species is uncertain, since our knowledge of them is made obscure by a mass of synonyms. There STRUCTURE, MORPHOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 33 are probably about 3500 well-defined species. As in most isolated families, the subdivision of the grasses is very difficult and nowhere consists in single characters, but in a combination of them. No single tribe, no large genus numbering over 50 species, can be definitely characterized. The keys of analysis in Part II, espe- cially the first, are therefore subject to many exceptions. PART II. KEYS OF ANALYSIS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. NOTE. The numbers in parenthesis preceding the names of the genera refer to the corresponding genus numbers in Bentham & Hooker, Genera Plantarum. KEY TO 'THE TRIBES. A. Spikelets one-, rarely tivo- flowered, lower flower when present imperfect; falling from the pedicel entire or to- gether with certain joints of the rachis at maturity. Rachilla not produced beyond the flowers. Internodes betiveen the different glumes or flowers not measurable. a. Hilum punctiform. Spikelets not flattened later- ally, but usually somewhat dorsally compressed or else perfectly round. a. Flowering glumes and palea (the latter often wanting) hyaline. Empty glumes thick mem- branaceous to coriaceous or cartilaginous, the lowest the largest, with its edges embracing the others. Spikelets generally in racemes or spikes whose articulate axes break up at maturity. I. $ and ? spikelets in separate inflorescences or on different parts of the same inflores- cence I. Maydese. II. Spikelets either all , or $ and $ , and so arranged in the same inflorescence that a $ stands near a 5 . . . II. Andropogonese. ft. Flowering glume and palea membranaceous ; empty glumes herbaceous, chartaceous or coriaceous, the first generally the largest; spikelets falling off singly or in groups from the continuous rachis III. Zoysieae. 34 DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 35 y. Flowering glume arid palea membranaceous, empty glumes, herbaceous or chartaceous ; the first empty glume smaller or narrower than the following ones. Spikelets falling off singly from the ultimate branches of the panicle. IV. Tristegineae. d. Flowering glume and palea cartilaginous, coriaceous, or chartaceous. Empty glume more delicate, usually herbaceous, the first usually smaller. Spikelets falling off singly from the ultimate branches of the panicle or continuous (rarely articulate) rachis of a spike. V. Panicese. b. Hilum linear, spikelets laterally compressed. VI. Oryzeae. B. Spikelets l-oo flowered, the \-floiveredfrequently with the rachilla produced beyond, the flowers, rachilla generally articulated above the empty glumes, so that these remain after the fall of the fruiting glumes. When from two- to many-flowered there always are distinct internodes be- tween the flowers. a. Culm herbaceous, annual ; leaf-blade sessile, not articulated with the sheath. a. Spikelets upon distinct (sometimes very short) pedicels, in panicles, spike-like panicles, or racemes (without notches in the main axis). I. Spikelets one-flowered : 1. Empty glumes four, palea one-nerved. VTE. Phalaridese. 2. Empty glumes two (rarely none), palea two-nerved. . . . VIII. Agrostideae. II. Spikelets 2-oo flowered : 1. Flowering glume generally shorter than the empty ones ; usually with a bent awn on the back, rarely awned from the point or awnless. When not awned there are two nearly opposite florets, and the rachilla is not produced beyond them IX. Avenese. 2. Floral glume generally longer than the 36 THE TRUE GRASSES. empty ones, unawned or with a straight awn from the point (seldom below). XI. Festucese. /?. Spikelets crowded in two close rows, forming a one-sided spike or raceme with a continuous axis X. Chloridese. y. Spikelets in two (rarely more) opposite rows forming an equilateral spike (very rarely uni- lateral) XII. Hordese. b. Culm (at least at the base) woody, leaf -blade often with a short, slender petiole articulated with the sheath from which it finally separates. XIII. Bambusese. TEIBE I. MAYDE.E. The $ spikelets occupying the upper portion of the inflorescence or of its divisions, the ? below. Grain ellipsoidal or roundish, unfurrowed, with large embryo, and enclosed in a hard capsule formed by the glumes or part of the articulate rachis (Zea excepted), separating finally as a false fruit. Starch-grains simple, polyhedral. Culm tall, with pith ; leaves broad, flat. EEMARKS. Only the ? spikelets are arranged in true spikes ; the $ spikes, so called, of Maize, etc., are, like the spikes of Andropogonece, really racemes, since the spike- lets corresponding to the primary branches of the axis of the spike are distinctly pedicellate. But since these pedicels bear secondary, sessile spikelets at their bases, and these apparently are borne on the main axis, the whole has the appearance of a spike. In Maydece the term " spike" has been kept up also for the $ racemes in order to avoid two different terms. A. $ spikes numerous in terminal panicles, 9 spikes in the axils of leaves subtended by large membranaceous bracts at the base. a. ? spikes of each leaf-axil free, articulated. l. Euchlsena. b. ? spikes of each leaf-axil grown together into a continuous, compound and much thickened axis (the "ear") 2. Zea. B. $ spikes solitary at the ends of the branchlets, ? below, 1-2, each of them reduced to a single spikelet ivhich is DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 37 entirely enclosed by the ovate or spherical, ivory-like sheath of the subtending bract 7. Coix. C. $ and ? spikelets in the same spike (at least in the lat- eral spikes}, the lowest empty glume of the $ spikelets indurated. a. The covering of the false fruit chiefly formed by the rachis, its opening in front closed by the nar- row empty glume 3. Tripsacum. b. The covering of the false fruit chiefly formed by the first empty glume, which is appressed to the narrow joint of the axis to which it is attached on the inner side. a. The terminal spikes $ , the lateral ones androg- ynous or $ 4. Polytoca. ft. Spikes all monoecious. I. Several $ spikelets above the $ , the latter without membranaceous appendages. 5. Chionachne. II. One $ spikelet above every $ , each of the latter provided with an open membrana- ceous appendage (the hardened outer glume) 6. Sclerachne. NOTE. In the explanations of all the following figures the letters are used as follows : A, entire inflorescence or part of the same ; B, spikelet ; C, empty glumes (in order Ci, C 2 , C 3 , C 4 ) ; D, flowering glume ; E, palea ; F, flower ; G, lodicules ; J, pitil ; K, fruit or grain. Special letters are explained in the descriptions. 1. (37) Euchlama Schrad. (Reana Brign.). Two $ spikelets to each joint of the rachis (one sessile, the other pedicellate), both two-flowered with membrana- ceous glumes ; 9 in two-ranked spikes (apparently one- ranked). These spikes are fasciculate in the leaf-axils ; the joints of the axis to which they belong are trape- zoids, so that as they fall off, the obliquity of the upper surface of one alternates in direction with that above or below it. The edges of the cavity embrace the first car- tilaginous empty glume, forming with it at maturity a smooth cartilaginous capsule or false fruit. Styles pro- longed far beyond the leaf at the base of the spikelet, and two-cleft at the end. Tall annuals with verv broad leaves. 38 THE TRUE GRASSES. one species (E. Mexicana Schrad.) (Fig. 9) with varieties (e.g., E. luxurians in Mexico, "Teosiute"). Stems 2-7 m. high, very leafy, and valuable for fodder in warm countries ; rarely blossoms in Eu- rope, even in the south. [Teosinte is cultivated in the Southern States for green fodder. It rarely blooms, and matures its seeds only in southern Florida.] 2. (38) Zea L. (Mays Gartn.). Habit, foliage, $ inflorescence, arrange- ment of the ? spikes in the leaf-axils with membra- naceous basal bracts and the long projecting styles, as in the preceding genus, but the $ spikes (orig- inally by monstrous or ter- atological development?) are grown together into a spongy, continuous, club-shaped body (the "cob") upon which the Fio. 9.- elevation that is limited by a long shallow furrow on each side) correspond to a single spike of EucMcvna. Grain developed at the expense of the other parts, projecting beyond the thin bracts, which rarely become coriaceous and enclose it. One species (Zea Mays L.), Maize (Fig. 10), known only in its cultivated state, but originating at all events in tropical America, apparently greatly changed by cul- DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 39 FIG 10 -Zea Mays L. (Grosser parts after Maout and Decaisne, details after Nees, Gen. I., 3. 4.) 40 THE TRUE Q BASSES. ture. " Husk Maize" (see below) may approach the na- tive form in its glumes, the occasional division into more or less separated spikes, and an indication of ar- ticulations in the inflorescence. The present condition, perhaps an anomaly obtained by culture, is lacking in every means of distribution, and is therefore scarcely typical. The cultivation of Maize has not only extended into nearly all tropical and sub-tropical countries, but has also penetrated into temperate regions (in Europe and North America, as a cereal, as far as 48, and as a fodder plant still farther north), and around Lake Titicaca at 3900 meters above sea level. Culm 1-5 m. high, 1-6 cm. thick ; leaves broad with undulating margins and gently drooping ends. About sixty varieties are known, differing from one an- other in form, color, and size of fruit. The following are the most important : a) Common Maize. Ear 8-24 cm. long ; kernel me- dium size, compressed from the back, rounded at the point, generally yellow ; rarely white, red, violet, black, blue, or variegated in the same ear. b) Pearl Maize, very small, slender ; kernels scarcely 6 mm. long, round above, vitreous, very shiny like glassy beads. c) Horse-tooth Maize. Kernels large, strongly com- pressed from the back, sides flat, base dimple dented or creased. A very tall variety found especially in North America. d) Sugar Maize. Kernels much wrinkled, vitreous, appearing like gum arabic when broken, containing, instead of starch-grains, a soluble modification of starch, together with a little finely granular starch. Cultivated in North America. e) Cuzco Maize. Kernels 2.5 cm. in length and 1.8 cm. in breadth, much compressed, tapering toward the base. f) Husk Maize, with herbaceous, ovate, pointed empty glumes entirely covering the kernels. If the ovary of yellow maize be fertilized with the pollen of a black DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 41 fruited variety, the resulting grain will be yellow with grayish-black flecks. Uses. The very nourishing meal is sometimes made into mush (" Polenta") by boiling, but its exclusive use gives rise to a skin disease; it is also made into cakes (" Tortillas"), and sometimes mixed with wheat flour, or wheat and rye, to make bread (" Brown bread " of New England). The unripe ears are roasted or pickled in vinegar as a vegetable ; from the fruit the natives of South America prepare an alcoholic drink (" Chica"), another (" Pulque de Mahiz") is made in Mexico by the fermentation of the very sweet sap that is pressed out of the stem. In North America efforts have been made to make sugar from this juice. The boiled fruit makes an excellent food for swine and poultry, and the entire plant, even the straw, is an excellent fodder for cattle. The husks are used for making paper as well as for hats, matting, and for filling beds, etc. The large variety horse-tooth maize) as well as that with striped leaves is used for lawn decorations in ornamental gardening. Maize was imported into Europe soon after the dis- covery of America, at about the same time that Northern Europe received Buckwheat from Central Asia and Russia. In view of the wide distribution it had attained when America was discovered, and the manner of its cul- tivation, its culture in this country must be very ancient, though older discoveries are wanting, since the finding of maize-kernels in the renowned graveyard of Ankon in Lima is not reliable, for determining its antiquity, for those graves were evidently used after as well as before the discovery of America. 3. (36) Tripsacum L. One to several upright terminal spikes, besides those in the leaf axils. The $ spikelets in pairs at each joint of the axis, two-flowered ; the ? single, one-flowered ; styles connate near the base, stig- mas long. Capsule or false fruit as in EucMcena, but separating less obliquely ; at each side of the base of the empty glumes (as in Eitchlcena] there is a cavity for 42 THE TRUE GRASSES. the protruding radicle in germination. Tall perennial grasses with rather broad leaves. Species two or three, in sub-tropical America north of the Equator. Tr. dactyloides L. (" Gama grass") extends FIG. ll.Triptacwn dactyloides L. R, Joint of the rachis. (After Asa Gray, " Man.," plate 14.) Fio. 12. CoixLacrt/ma L. (After Mart, and Eichl.', " Fl. bras.,' 1 II. II. plate 10.) as far north as Illinois and Connecticut, growing in wet places, and is used for fodder and also as an ornamental plant. (Fig. 11.) 4. (33) Polytoca Brown. (CyathoracMs'Nees.) Terminal panicle consisting of from three to many $ spikes. Fas- DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 43 cicles of spikes in the axils of the leaves composed of $ spikelets above and ? below; the latter with rather long sterile glumes that are cartilaginous below and chartaceous above, completely enclosing the narrow joints of the rachis. Species three, in the East Indies, one (P. macrophylla Benth.) in Louisiade Archipelago. 5. (34) Chionachne Brown. Culm much branched, branches terminated by spikes that are subtended by a sheathing leaf. Spikes with 1-5 ? and many (usually in pairs) $ spikelets. Similar to Coix (see below), but the fruit capsule is formed by the first empty glume. Species three, in the East Indies, Malayan Archipel- ago to Australia. 6. (35) Sclerachne Brown. Like the preceding, but the spikes, which are half enclosed in the leaf-sheath, have only one $ spikelet, and the ? spikelet has an appendage upon the first empty glume. Species one (S. punctata Brown) in Java. 7. (32) Coix L. (Lithagrostis Gartii.). Culm branched repeatedly, branches ending in one or two short, ivory- like, nearly globose capsules with an orifice at the top, and surrounding the ? inflorescences, each of which con- tains one fertile and 1-2 sterile (often reduced to a pedicel) spikelets ; the $ inflorescence projects out of the orifices of the capsules, and is composed of spikelets in pairs. The capsule is formed by the sheath of the leaf at the base of the ? inflorescence, and often shows a rudimen- tary blade. Glumes of the ? spikelets delicate ; style long, stigma short, hairy. Species 3-4, in India and China, and from there (C. Lacryma L., Tear-grass ["Job's Tears"], Fig. 12) spread throughout the tropical zone ; cultivated in China be- cause the fruit is believed valuable as a diuretic and anti- phthisis. In Catholic countries the fruit capsule is used for rosaries. TRIBE II. ANDROPOGONEJE. Spikelets in spike-like racemes (cf. remarks on May- dece), two (rarely only one) at each joint of the usually 44 THE TRUE GRASSES. articulate racliis, one sessile and one pedicellate, often apparently three at the terminal joint. Raceme some- times reduced to the terminal joint. Spikelets generally one-flowered with three empty glumes, rarely a flowering glume with a $ flower instead of the third empty glume ; first empty glume always more indurated than the flow- ering glume, the latter often hyaline, usually bearing a bent or twisted awn. Palea usually shorter than its glume, sometimes 0. Stamens three, rarely two or one. Style free, stigma plumose. Grain uniiirrowed, embryo nearly half as large as the fruit. Starch-grains simple, polyhedral to roundish. Mainly natives of elevated plains within the tropics, forming an important part of the grasses of the savannas. A. Spikelets homogamoiis, $ ; joints of the rachis not much thickened, nor excavated for the reception of the spikelet. (Saccharece.) a. Axis of racemes continuous. a. Spikelets solitary. I. Spikelets on very short pedicels, disposed in one to several slender unilateral racemes. 8. Dimeria. II. Spikelets pedicellate, forming a narrow, symmetrical, and much-branched panicle. 36. Cleistachne. ft. Spikelets in pairs, rarely in threes, upon each joint of the rachis. I. Eacemes in a narrow spike-like panicle, spikelets awnless 9. Imperata. II. Racemes in broad often fan-shaped pani- cles, spikelets usually awned. 10. Miscanthus. b. Axis of racemes articulate. a. Racemes solitary, terminal. I. Spikelets in pairs at each joint of the rachis. 16. Pogonatherum. II. Spikelets in threes at each joint of the axis. 15. Polytrias. ft. Racemes two to many, digitate or approximate on a shortened main axis. I. Spikelets one-, rarely two-flowered ; when DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 45 two-flowered the first empty glume has a median longitudinal furrow. . 13. Pollinia. II. Spikelets two-flowered, first empty glume without a longitudinal furrow. 25. Ischsemum (in part). y. Racemes in a much-branched panicle upon an elongated main axis, the lateral racemes sessile. I. Spikelets awned 12. Erianthus. II. Spikelets unawned. . . .11. Saccharum. d\ Racemes ^usually short) in branched panicles with elongated main axis, the lateral racemes pedicellate 14. Spodiopogon. B. Spikelets heterogamous or rarely homogamous, the joints of the axis of the raceme (false spike) appressed or grown to the pedicels of the primary spikelets, forming together with the pedicels a hollow or excavation for the reception of the secondary spikelets ; fertile glumes alivays awnless. (fiottbcelliece.) a. Joints of the rachis and pedicels complanate, not pressing against each other, but opposite ; the spikelets sessile upon each joint of the axis and their posterior sides pressed against each other, embracing only by the edges. . 17. Ratzeburgia. b. Joints of rachis and pedicels thick, appressed or grown together, the spikelets single upon each joint (very rarely in twos), entirely enclosed in front. a. First empty glume naked, awnless (at most only the terminal spikelet caudate). I. The first empty glume flat or simply con- vex 18. Rottboellia. II. First empty glume globose, with an open- ing upon the inner side which is closed by the joint of the rachis. . . 19. Manisuris. /?. The first sterile glume of all or of only the pedicelled spikelets awned or caudate. I. Racemes simple or again disposed in racemes (compound). 1. Spikelets, both sessile and pedicellate (the latter sometimes apparently re- 46 THE TRUE GRASSES. duced to a pedicel) with 1-2 short awns 20. Rhytachne. 2. Sessile spikelets awnless, the pedicellate with long awns. .. . . 21. Urelytrum. II. Racemes digitate ; the first glumes of all the spikelets long caudate-pointed. 22. Vossia. C. Spikelets heterogamous, the sessile (rarely ? ), the pedi- cellate $ , empty or wanting, very rarely all % or all pedicellate. Joints of raceme not strongly thickened, nor with excavations for the reception of the spikelets. (The- lepogon excepted.) a. Sessile spikelets two-flowered (Ischwmece). a. Racemes reduced to the terminal joint with three spikelets, and enclosed by a sheathing leaf or bract 28. Apluda. /3. Racemes with many joints. I. Pedicellate spikelets developed, flower- bearing. 1. Sessile spikelets awnless, pedicellate awned; first empty glume three- toothed 27. Lophopogon. 2. Sessile spikelets awned or with the flowering glume at least mucronate- pointed ; empty glumes not three- toothed 24. Ischsemum. II. Pedicellate spikelets, very rudimentary, or reduced to the pedicel. 1. First sterile glume pectinate-fringed at least at the base ; racemes solitary, spikelets awnless. . .25. Eremochloa. 2. First empty glume not fringed ; racemes two, closely appressed to each other; spikelets usually awned. 26. Apocopis. 3. First empty glume not fringed, trans- versely wrinkled and tuberculate ; racemes digitate ; spikelets awned. 23. Thelepogon. b. Sessile spikelets, one-flowered ( Euandropogonece}. Flowering glume of the pedicellate spikelets awn- less. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 47 a. Axis of racemes indistinctly articulate, not brittle ; spikelets all pedicellate. 29. Trachypogon. /3. Axis of racemes distinctly articulate ; spikelets both sessile and pedicellate. I. First empty glume with a balsam-bearing line within the side keels. Racemes soli- tary ; spikelets awnless. 30. Elionurus. II. First empty glume without balsam lines. Racemes when solitary almost always awned. 1. A false whorl of four or more staminate or empty spikelets at the base of each raceme. Racemes solitary, short, usu- ally subtended by a sheathing leaf. * False whorl composed of four $ , one-^ flowered or empty spikelets. t $ spikelets with a pointed callus, readily separating from the false whorl. . . . 33. Themeda. ft $ spikelets without a callus, falling off together with the false whorl. 35. Iseilema. ** False whorl composed of 6-9 $ two-flowered spikelets. 34. Germainia. 2. No distinct false whorl of $ spikelets at the base of the racemes, or where an im- perfect one occurs, the racemes in pairs, subtended by a leaf-sheath. * Fertile glume awned from the back or base ; leaves cordate at base. 31. Arthraxon. ** Fertile glumes awned from the point or from a more or less deep cleft, or awnless ; leaves not cordate at the base 32. Andropogon. 1. SUB-TRIBE Dimerieae. 8. (82) Dimeria R. Brown. (Haplacline Presl., Didactylon Zoll., Psilostachys Steud., Pterygostachyum Nees). Spike- 48 THE TRUE GRASSES. Fio. 13. Saccharum officinarum L. (After Bentley et Trimen, " Medicinal Plants.") DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA 49 F FlQ. 13. Continued. lets one-flowered, linear, laterally compressed ; first emp- ty glume keeled, flowering glumes awned. Stamens two. Species twelve, in East Indies, S. China, N. Australia. 2. SUB-TRIBE Sacchareae. 9. (73) Imperata Cyr. Spikelets one-flowered, densely clothed with long silky hairs. Empty glumes mem- branaceous, narrow, the two outer with long hairs. Flowering glume small. Stamens 1-2. Stigmas long, exserted from the point of the spikelet. Species five, throughout the tropical and sub-trop- ical zones, also in warm temperate countries. /. arundi- nacea Cyr. is cosmopolitan in its several varieties. It forms the principal grass of the Alang Alang fields in the Malay Archipelago, and furnishes material for thatching roofs. 10. (74) Miscanthus Andersson. Distinguished from the preceding by the broad panicle, three stamens, and the flowering glumes more or less bifid and usually awned between the teeth or lobes. Tall, the ample panicles terminal and usually silky hairy, rarely naked. Species six, in Southern and Eastern Asia to Amur. M. Sinensis Anders. (Utdalia Japonica Trin.) with awued spikelets, is a favorite ornamental grass, as also is the more rare M. sacchariftorus Hack. (Imperata sacchariftora Maxim.) with awnless spikelets, from Amur. 11. (75) Saccharum L. Panicles usually expanded, the branches (racemes) many-jointed. Spikelets slender, the 50 THE TRUE GRASSES. somewhat hardened first and second empty glumes with long hairs (especially on the callus). Third empty glume (often 0) as well as the flowering glume and short palea hyaline. Anthers three. Tall grasses, usually with narrow leaves ; the small spikelets surrounded by long silky hairs. Species twelve, mostly in the tropics of the Old World, only three (forming Sec. II) in America. Sec. I. Spikelets all $ . Panicles expanded, axis of racemes articulate. To this section belongs S. officina- rum L. (Sugar-cane) (Fig. 13), which has a culm 2-4 m. high, 2-5 cm. thick, with very juicy pith ; leaves long, 24 cm. broad ; panicles 40-80 cm. long, pyramidal, and the third empty glume wanting. Native country not known, probably from tropical East Asia, but now cultivated in all tropical countries, especially in South America, and also in South Spain. In many countries, especially in the islands of the Pacific Ocean, it readily becomes spon- taneous, and when this is the case it blossoms. For culture varieties are chosen which have been reproduced for centuries by cuttings, and consequently have become nearly incapable of blooming. To propagate sugar-cane it is sufficient to place a piece of the culm possessing buds at its nodes, in a hole or furrow in the ground, where it will root rapidly if sufficiently moist. The different cultivated varieties are distinguished almost entirely by the color and height of the culm. The expressed juice or sap yields 17 to 18 per cent sac- charose (crystallizable sugar), and the uucrystallizable molasses that remains is used for the manufacture of rum. In many countries the fresh culms are sold for chewing. At present the colonial sugar industry is somewhat on the decline, a condition to which the manu- facture of beet-sugar and the attacks of certain insects (Tortrix sacclmriphfiga, Coccus sacchari) have contributed. S. spontaneum L. with narrower leaves and a developed third empty glume is found from Sicily (where it is also cultivated as a hedge plant) through the tropics of the Old World, and is a component of the Alang Alaiig fields of Sunda Islands (Malayan Archipelago), and of the grass- bars of the Upper Nile. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. Sec. II. Sclerostachya. Like Sec. I., but the axis of the raceme is continuous. Spikelets all pedicellate. Species one, in Asia. Sec. III. Eriochrysis (Beauv. as a genus). Pedicellate spikelets ? , smaller ; panicle compact, interrupted ; axis articulate. Species four, in South America and Cape of Good Hope. Sec. IV. Leptosaccharum. Spikelets single along the axis of the raceme. Eachis not articulate. Species one, in South America. 12. (76) Erianthus Michx. (Ripidium Trin.). Differs from Saccltarum only by the awned spikelets. Reed-like, narrow-leaved grasses with the usually expanded panicles clothed with silky hairs. Species seventeen, in the warmer countries of both hemispheres. One species (E. Ravennce, Beauv.) extends as far north as upper Italy. Also cultivated for ornament. (Fig. 14.) 13. (78) Pollinia Trin. Ra- cemes usually digitate, sel- dom arranged in panicles. First and second empty glumes chartaceous or mem- branaceous, the third hyaline. Flowering glumes awned from the point or from a notch. Awns twisted or geniculate, very rarely 0. Species thirty -two, in the tropical and sub-tropical re- gions of the Old World. Sec. I. Eulalia (Kunth as a genus). Spikelets clothed with silky hairs. Leaves nar- row-linear. Sec. II. Leptatherum (Nees as a genus, Nemastachys FIG. 14. Erianthus Ravennce Beauv. (After Nees, Gen. Germ. I. 90. A, Branch of the panicle.) 52 THE TRUE GRASSES. Steud., Microstegium Nees). Spikelets slightly liairy, usually only upon the callus, rarely upon the keel. Leaves lanceolate, much narrowed at the base. 14. (77) Spodiopogon Trin. Racemes with long pedi- cels, usually with only two to three pairs of spikelets ; first empty glume keelless, strongly 5-9-nerved. Spike- lets somewhat laterally compressed, awned from a deep notch in the flowering glume. Species five, in Asia Minor, Hiudostan, China, Amur, and Japan. 15. (77o) Polytrias Hack. A low, prostrate grass with shining, red-brown, hairy racemes, each joint of the rachis bearing two sessile and one pedicellate spikelet. Flowering glumes with a terminal awn. Species one (P. prcemorsa Hack.), in Java. 16. (79) Pogonatherum Beauv. (Homoplitis Trin.). Spikelets very small, the second empty glume and the flowering glume with long delicate awns. Anthers two. Delicate grasses. Species two, in the East Indies ; one (P. saccharoideum Beauv.) extends to Japan. 3. SUB-TRIBE Rottbcellieae. Joints of the rachis and the spikelets usually naked. 17. (86) Ratzeburgia Kunth. Racemes (false spikes) linear, flattened. Joints of the rachis curved above ; first empty glume reticulately ribbed. Species one (R. pidcherrima Kuuth), on the river Irawaddi. 18. (84) Rottbcellia L. False spikes cylindrical or slightly compressed ; first empty glume coriaceous, covering the excavation in the rachis-joint ; spikelets awnless. A polymorphous genus with the following sub- genera : Sub-genus I. Coelorhachis (Brongn. as a genus, Stegosia Lour.). Racemes solitary and terminal upon the culm and its branches, articulate and joints read- ily separating ; joints of the rachis hollow at the apex, DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 53 free, rarely grown to the pedicels of the lateral spikelets ; spikelets usually one-flow- ered, the pedicellate and sessile ones alike, the former rarely rudiment- ary. Species twenty, in the tropics of both hemi- spheres. Sub-genus II. Ophiu- rns (Gartn. as a genus). Resembling Sub-genus I, but the lateral spikelets are absent or rudimentary, vm.w.-itottbaittia loricata Trin. (After and their pedicels grown Mart et Eichl " " Flora Bras '" n ' IIL) to the rachis ; sessile spikelets one-flowered. Species four, in the tropics of the Old World. In 0. Icevis Benth. (Mnesithea Kunth, Thyridostachyum Nees) there are frequently sessile spikelets, in pairs, upon the lower portion of the false spike. Ophiurus may be cor- rectly considered as an independent genus. Sub-genus III. Hemartliria (Brown as a genus). Re- sembling Sub-genus I, but the false spikes are more compressed, not imperfectly articulate, and joints of the rachis hollow at the apex. Lateral spikelets formed like the one-flowered sessile spikelets, their pedicels usually grown to the rachis-joints so that the spikelets appear to be in pairs. Species three, in warm countries extending beyond the tropics as far as South Europe and Tasmania. Sub-genus IV. Peltophorus Desv. (Manisuris L., not Sw.). Like Sub-genus III, but the two contiguous ses- sile spikelets are very unlike, the first sterile glume of one having a broad margin (" bordered on each side at the apex by a membranous wing" Bentham) ; joints of the axis easily separable, with two appressed cavities at the apex. Species three, in India. Sub-genus V. Thyrsostachys. False spikes in a bushy panicle. First empty glume of the sessile, one 54 THE TRUE GRASSES. flowered spikelets almost inembranaceous, coriaceous only upon the edges. Species one, in Khasya Mountains. Sub-genus VI. Phacelurus (Griseb. as a genus). False spikes in simple racemes, sessile, rarely solitaiy. All spikelets alike, two-flowered. Species three, in the Orient, Himalaya, and East Asia. 19. (87) Manisuris Sw. Sessile spikelets one-flowered, hollow-globose, pitted externally ; pedicellate spikelets flat, $ , or empty, their pedicels grown to the rachis. Species one (M. granularls Sw.), with leaves cordate at the base. A weed in all tropical countries. 20. Rhytachne Desv. Axis of the false spike articu- late, easily separable at the joints whose ends are at right angles to the axis and without appendages. First empty glume of the sessile spikelets rugose and with one or two terminal points or tails. Pedicellate spikelets rudi- mentary, awned. Sub-genus I. Eurytachne. False spikes terminal and solitary. Species two, in tropical Africa ; one of them said to occur upon the Antilles. Sub-genus II. Jardinea (Steud. as a genus). False spikes, several, in a simple raceme, pedicellate. Species two, in tropical Africa. 21. Urelytrum Hack. Axis of the false spike articu- late, easily breaking into joints whose ends are oblique and provided with . -an appendage at the upper end. First empty glume of the sessile spikelets smooth, awn- less. Species two, in tropical Africa to Natal. 22. (89) Vossia Wall. & Griff. False spikes digitate, stout, compressed. Kachis-joiuts curved, notched, not excavated. First empty glume of the sessile spikelets smooth, and like the pedicellate produced into a long straight point or awn 1.5 to 2 cm. long. Species one (V. procera Wall. & Griff.), a tall, aquatic grass, frequently floating. In western India, and in tropi- cal Africa, where it occurs in the swampy lands of the Upper Nile, forming, in company with Saccharum spon- DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 55 ., the vast floating grass-bars which frequently make navigation impossible. 4. SUB-TRIBE Ischaemeae. 23. (90) Thelepogon Both (fihiniachne Hochst.). Ra- cemes digitate. Rachis flexuose, joints notched. First empty glume tuberculate. Flowering glume strongly awned from the notch. Species one ( Th. elegans Roth), in India and Abyssinia. 24. (91) Ischgemum L. (Fig. 16). Racemes two to many, digitate, rarely solitary. Spikelets broad, the pedicellate like the sessile, but frequently unawned, FIG. 16. Ischcemum Urvilleanum Kunth. (After Mart, et Eichl., " Flora Bras," II, III, re.) rarely $ or empty. First empty glume coriaceous or membranaceous, obtuse, often two-toothed. Flowering glume awned from the apex or a notch. Mostly low grasses with rather broad leaves. t Species thirty -four, chiefly in Southern Asia and Australia, very few in America and Africa. Sec. I. Meoschium (Beauv. as a genus, Colladoa Cav., Ischcemopogon Griseb.). Racemes .two to many. Sec. II. Sehima (Forsk. as a genus) (Hologamium Nees). Racemes solitary. 25. (89) Eremochloa Base non Watson (Pectinaria Benth. as a section). Racemes solitary, densely flow- ered, unilateral. Spikelets broad, awnless. Delicate, ornamental grasses. 56 THE TRUE GRASSES. Species six, in East Indies. 26. (80) Apocopis Nees (Amblyachyrum Hochst.). Racemes in pairs (often having the appearance of being single). Spikelets crowded, the lowest sessile, & , aAvu- less, the upper $ , awned. Stamens two. Delicate, low grasses. Species three or four, in East India, China, and the islands of the Malayan Archipelago. 27. Lophopogon Hack. Spikes in pairs, appressed to- gether, clothed with shining, rusty-brown hairs ; spikelets crowded. (Characters in the key.) A low, delicate grass with narrow leaves. Species one (L. tridentatus Hack.), in western India. 28. (98) Apluda L. Racemes minute, enclosed in the sheaths, fascicled ; fascicles in false panicles interspersed with numerous leaves. Callus of the sessile spikelets spherical, both the other spikelets (one $ and one rudi- mentary) upon broad, flat pedicels. Species one (A. varia Hack.), Avith many varieties (spikelets awned or awnless), in East Indies, China, and Australia. 5 SUB-TRIBE Euandropogoneae. 29. (92) Trachypogon Nees. The long, pedicellate spikelet of every pair $ , with a long stout awn ; the $ spikelet subsessile, awnless. Racemes solitary or two or three together, often clothed with silky hairs. Species one ( T. polymorphm Hack.), in tropical and subtropical America, Southern Africa, and Madagascar. 30. (83) Elionurus Humb. & Bonpl. Axis of the soli- tary raceme obliquely articulate, densely hairy. First empty glume bifid or two-lobed, fringed ; spikelets with a strong balsam-like odor when fresh or after soaking in water, and burning the tongue when chewed. [Two species within the limits of the United States, viz., E. tripsacoides H.B.K. (Rottbcettia ciliata Nutt.) and E. bar- biculmis Hack. (Wright, No. 2106).] Species fifteen, mostly in tropical and subtropical America, some in Africa, western India, and Aus- tralia. Savanna grasses, rejected by cattle. (The DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 57 strong balsamic products in these grasses may protect them from being exterminated by grass-eating animals.) 31. (82) Arthraxon Beauv. (Pleuroplitis Trin., Batlira- Utmi.m Nees, Luccea Kunth, Alectoridia Rich., Psilopogoa Hochst.,Lasiolytrum Steud.). Racemes usually digitate, delicate, often becoming true spikes by the abortion of the $ spikelet together with its pedicel. Spikelets awned, very rarely awnless. Delicate grasses. Species nine, in the tropics of the Old World ; one extends to Japan, China, and Asia Minor. 32. (94) Andropogon L. Racemes solitary or in pairs, digitate or panicled, occasionally reduced to a few joints or to the terminal joint with three spikelets. Rachis and callus of the first empty glume usually hairy. Spikelets usually narrow, the pedicellate $ , empty, or reduced to the pedicel, its flowering glume awnless, but the first empty glume occasionally awned. Palea fre- quently small or 0. A polymorphous genus, spread over all parts of the world in the tropical and temperate zones ; the species prefer dry places, especially savannas. The numerous sub-genera form two distinct series. Series A. Isozygi. The sessile spikelets of the lowest pairs in each raceme like those above as regards sex, form, and awns. Sub-genus I. Schizachyrium (Nees as a genus). Ra- cemes slender, solitary, usually smooth, terminal upon the culm or its branches, the thickened joints of the rachis with a cup- or tooth-like appendage at the apex. Flowering glume often cleft nearly to the base, awned from between the divisions ; second empty glume awnless. Species twenty-seven, in the tropics, especially of America, and as far north as New England (e.g., A. scoparius Mich.). Sub-genus II. Diectomis (Humb. & Bonpl. as a genus). Like Sub-genus I, but the spikelets laterally compressed, the second empty glume awned, the flower- ing glume slightly notched at the point. Species one, in tropical countries. Sub-genus III. Hypogynium (Nees as a genus). Ra- 58 THE TRUE GRASSES. cemes solitary, terminal upon the branches and culm, subtended by sheathing leaves. Rachis slender, with- out appendages ; flowering glume awned from the point or from a narrow slit, or awnless. Species five, scattered through the tropics (A. spathi- florus Kunth from Paraguay to Cuba). Sub-genus IV. Anaddphia (Hack, as a genus). Like the preceding, but only a part or none of the sessile, $ spikelets are accompanied by $ ones. Species one, in tropical Western Africa. Sub-genus V. Arthrolophis (EuEastaxon Steud. as a genus). Racemes mostly in pairs, rarely digitate or panicled, the lateral ones sessile ; joints of the rachis somewhat thickened, not translucent. Flowering glume usually bifid or two-toothed. Species fifty, the majority American (A. Virginicus L. ["Broom Sedge"] and its allies, A. provincialis Lam., etc.). Sub-genus VI. Amphilophis. Racemes digitate or panicled, all pedicellate. Rachis-joiuts and pedicels witli a median, longitudi- nal, translucent line. Flowering glume pedicel-like, tapering into an awn. Species fifteen, mostly of the Old World. A. Ischwmum L. (Fig. 17) of ('(Mitral Europe and tWW/JT Asia, and A. xaccharoides S\v. of % ^jmJK\ America, belong here. Sub-genus VII. Sorghum L- WJwl (Pers. as a genus, Blumeiibachia Kol.). Racemes in panicles, fre- Fio. 17.Andropogon Ischce- Germ 'i s f )% ^pai^of q uent; l.y w ^ n few (sometimes only spikelets.' one) fertile spikelets. Rachis- joints without a translucent line, empty glume usually broad-lanceolate, finally indurated and shining. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 59 Species thirteen, A. arundinaceus Scop. (A. Halapensis Sibtli.) (Fig. 18) with a compound panicle, 2-5 spikelets in each raceme, and fringed lodicules. Scattered in many varieties over the torrid and warm temperate countries. This is probably the original form of the cultivated Sorghum or Black Millet races (A. Sorghum Brot.). In these the fruit and spikelets are. usually larger and rounder, and the rachis is not articulate. The most important are variety saccJiaratus (Sorghum saccharatum Pers.), Sugar Sorghum, panicles looser with drooping branches and red-brown spikelets ; var. technicu-s, like the preceding, but the branches very long, exceed- ing the shortened main axis ; var. vulgaris (S. vulgare Pers.), with more compact panicles and light-colored obovate spikelets ; var. niger, like the preceding, but with black spikelets ; var. cernuus (S. cernuum Host.), like vulgaris, but the culm is bent or recurved just below the panicle ; var. Durra, with . more condensed panicles and deltoid spikelets, etc. The culture of Sorghum probably had its origin in Africa, where " Durra," as it is called there, is now cultivated over the entire con- tinent, and has become the most important cereal. The natives also chew the stem, which contains sugar. It is also considerably cultivated in India and China. In Europe it is raised less for bread than for mechanical purposes (especially the variety technicus) ; the panicles are made into the so-called " rice brooms," and into brushes, etc. Italy, South France, and North America furnish the raw material in great quantity. In Ger- many, Sorghum, like Maize, is only occasionally raised for green fodder. In North America sugar is also made from the culms, and for this purpose the variety called Sugar Sorghum (S. saccharatum) is used less than cer- tain kinds of the variety vulgaris. In South Europe these industries may develop in the future. From the fruit the Caffirs make "TiaUva" and the negroes "Merisa," alcoholic drinks. The fruiting glumes contain useful coloring matters. Sub-genus VIII. Vetiveria (Virey as a genus). Ra- 60 THE TRUE GRASSES. FIG. IS.- m Brot. A, the original form (A. Hnlnpensis Sihth ). ; after Reicheub ' Ic - im - D > ^ and ' var - DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 61 cemes very many, in whorls upon slender pedicels ; these are arranged above one another, forming a panicle. Species two. A. squarrosus L., fil. (A. muricatus Betz., Anatherum muricatum Beauv.). Spikelets small, narrow; empty glumes cartilaginous, beset with small spines. Swamp plants, called in India " Khushus" or " Bena," in the French colonies " Yetives." [Introduced in Louisiana, where it has become spontaneous.] The rhizome is very aromatic. In India the whole plant is used in making the " Vessaries," or broad fan-screens, which when kept wet and placed in a current of air, cool and at the same time perfume the heated atmos- phere of a room. When laid among clothing the rhizome keeps it free from insects. In European drug stores it is known as Radix Anatheri or R. Vetiverice, a stimulant or antiseptic. It is also used in perfumery (Vitivert). Sub-genus IX . Chrysopogon (Triii. as a genus ; Rhapliis Lour.). Bacemes whorled, pedicellate, usually reduced to one or two terminal joints. Spikelets somewhat laterally compressed. Species twelve (A. Gryllus in S. Europe and Asia, etc.), with one exception (A. pauciflorus = Sorghum pauci- florum Chapm.) from the Old World. Series B. Heterozygi. Sessile spikelet of the lowest pair or of several of the lower pairs (at least in one or two racemes) differs from the upper pairs in sex and awns, or is empty. Sub-genus X. Dichanthium (Willemet as a genus, Le- peocercis Triii.). Bacemes usually three to many, digitate, all pedicellate or all sessile, not subtended by a leaf- sheath. Flowering glume usually stalk-like. Species ten, in the tropics of the Old World, two of them (A. piptatherus Hack., A. Neesii Kunth) also in America. Sub-genus XI. Cymbopogon (Spreng. as a genus). Ba- cemes in pairs, terminal upon the culm or its branches, one sessile, always with 1-2 basal homogamous pairs (of 2 $ spikelets), the other short pedicelled with or without homogamous pairs, both together subtended by a sheathing leaf, frequently arranged in a false panicle THE TRUE GRASSES. interrupted by leaves. Flowering glume usually two- toothed, strongly awned. About forty species in the tropics of the Old World (very few in America). Pre- dominating grasses of the savannas of tropical Africa. A. Nardus L. (Fig. 19), in Ceylon and Hindostan, also FIG. 19. Andropogon Nardus L. (After Bentley et Trimen, " Medicinal Plants.") cultivated, has very large panicles, and is in all parts, especially the spikelets, rich in a volatile oil, which when distilled is known in commerce as Citronella oil ; the closely related A. Schcenanthus L., distinguished by a longitudinal furrow in the lower third of the first empty glume, is the source of Lemon-grass oil. Both are used as stimulants and anti-spasmodics for neuralgia and rheumatism, and are also employed in the adultera- tion of oil of roses. One variety of A. Schoenanthus is highly valued by the negroes for stopping hemorrhages. A. laniger Desf., from North Africa to India, furnishes Herbn Schoenanthi or Junci odorati, and A. Iivarancusa DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. Blane, is in use in India as a medicine for cholera. From the related A. refractus Brown, the Tahiti ilsanders prepare a cosmetic oil (" rnonoi "). Exotheca Andersson also belongs to this sub-genus. Sub-genus XII. Heteropogon (Persoon as a genus). Racemes solitary and terminal upon the culm or its branches ; spikelets imbricated, the first to fifth pairs homogamous ; awns large, and those of all the spikelets often entangled together ; $ or ? spikelets with a pointed callus. Species five, in the tropics, one of which (A. contortus L.) is cosmopolitan as far north as South Europe and North America. The fruiting glumes of these species easily bore into the skin and flesh of sheep by means of their pointed callus, and are thus a source of injury, especially in Australia. The awns may serve as hygrometers. 33. (97) Themeda Forsk. (An- thistiria L. fil., Androscepla Brongn., Heterelytrum Jungh., Perobachne Presl). The racemes are united into false panicles ; they appear like a fascicle of 7-11 spikelets. Occupying the middle of the racemes are 1-3, loug-awned, $ spikelets; near these and in a false whorl at the base are the unawned $ spikelets ; the whole included in a foliaceous bract. Species nine, in the warmer countries of the Old World. Th. Forskalii Hack. (Anthistiria tiliata of authors, not of L. fil.) (Fig. 20) from Syria and Algeria to Cape Of Good Hope and TaS- FIG. M.-Themeda Forskalii . _., . . ., - Hack. (After Andersson, Mo- mania. This is the " Kangaroo nogr., Androp. pi. 3.) grass" of the Australian farmer, often almost exclusively 64 THE TRUE GRASSES. covering wide-extending plains and mountain slopes in Australia and South Africa. 34. (97 ) Germainea Balansa & Poitrass. Inflorescence terminal, clustered, consisting of three central ? , loiig- awned, one-flowered spikelets, and of 6-9 $ , awnless, two-flowered ones. Species one (G. capitata Bal. & Poitr.), from Saigon to South China and the Khasiya Mts. 35. (97 ) Iseilema Anderss. Like Themeda, but more delicate. (For characters, see Key.) Species three, in India, one in Australia. (I. Wrightii Anderss. has a scent like bedbugs.) 36. (59) Cleistachne Benth. Resembling Sorghum in its habit and the hard empty glume, but without lateral $ spikelets or their pedicels. Awns of the fertile glume terminal, stout. Species two, one in the East Indies, one in tropical Africa. TRIBE III. ZOYSIEJE. Spikelets solitary or in groups, usually one-flowered, the flowering glume always awnless, membranaceous ; the empty glumes of firmer texture and frequently awned. Rachis continuous. Otherwise as in Andropogonece. A. Spikelets in groups of from three to several at each joint of the main axis ; each group fatting off entire. a. Spikes in pairs, articulate ; spikelets 7-8 together. 37. Trachys. b. Spikes or racemes solitary, continuous, terminat- ing the culm or its branches. a. Spikelets 3-4 together, each group surrounded by an indurated, pitcher-shaped pseudo-invo- lucre formed by the first empty glume of each spikelet 38. Anthephora. ft. Groups of spikelets without an involucre. I. Uppermost spikelet of each group sterile. Second empty glume coriaceous, with hooked spines on the back. . 41. Tragus. II. Lowest spikelet of each group sterile, terminal one fertile, one-flowered with delicate glumes 40. JEgopogon DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 65 III. Two outer spikelets $ , two-flowered ; one inner $ , one-flowered. . . . 39. Hilaria. B. Spikelets solitary, very rarely two upon each internod,e of the rachis. a. Empty glumes three, the third often having the function of the flowering glume of a $ flower. 44. Neurachne. b. Empty glumes two, these much longer than the flowering glume. a. Both empty glumes with hooked spines upon- the back, awnless 42. Latipes. /?. Both empty glumes with a fringed crest upon the back, awnless 43. Lopholepis. y. Both empty glumes smooth. I. Empty glumes with long awns. 45. Perotis. II. Empty glumes subulate, awnless. 46. Leptothrium. c. Empty glume one. a. Empty glume coriaceous, acute, awnless. 47. Zoysia. ft. Empty glume with 3-5 awns. . 48. Schaffnera. 37. (64) Trachys Pers. (Trachyozus Keichb., Trachys- tachys Dietr.). The outer spikelets of the clusters $ , the inner 1-3 ; the third glume very large, coriaceous, all the others much smaller. Species one ( T. mucronata Pers.), on the sea shores of western India. 38. (63) Anthephora Schreb. (Fig. 21). Eachis strongly flexuose, spikelets fitting exactly into the curves in the joints. Pseudo-involucre below with 3-5 deep incisions ; all spikelets , awnless. Species five ; one in tropical America, the others in tropical and southern Africa. 39. (60) Hilaria Kunth (Hexarrhena Presl, Pleuraphis Torr.). Empty glumes of the spikelets two-cleft, with one to several awns, those of the $ spikelets very obtuse, short awned or awnless. Flowering glume awnless or mucronate-pointed. Species five, from Central America to California and Texas. 66 THE TRUE GRASSES. 40. (61) JEgopogon. Humb. & Bonpl. (Hymenothteium Lag., Schettingia Steud.). Fascicles of spikelets secund along a delicate axis, finally pendent. Spikelets small, usually awned. Species two, from Brazil to California. 41. (65) Tragus (Fig. 22). The 3-5 spikelets of each fascicle somewhat divergent. First empty glume minute, sometimes wanting ; the second large, beset with hook- FIG. 21. Anthephora elegana Schreb. L, Involucre. (After Mart, et Eichl., Fl. br. II. III. pi. 44.) FIG. 22. Tragus racemosus Hall. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 28.) like spines. Flowering glume and palea smaller and smooth. Species (or varieties) two. Low, branching weeds, in all warm countries. [Introduced about Philadelphia, Mobile, etc.] The fruiting glume readily adheres to the wool and hair of animals. 42. (66) Latipes Kunth. Spikelets curved, very spiny, solitary or in pairs upon a very broad and flat pedicel, DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 67 filially bent downwards, and together with the pedicel they easily fall off. Species one (L. Senegalensis Kunth), from Senegambia to the East Indies (Sciiide). 43. (67) Lopholepis Decne. (HoUbcellia Wall, in Hook. Misc.). Spikelets very small, resembling a bird's, head. First empty glume with a basal, knob-like protuberance (the head), then suddenly bending outward and like the second, assuming the form of a beak. Delicate, annual grasses. Species one (L. ornithocephala Decne.), in Hindostan. 44. (68) Neurachne Brown. Spikes elongated or short and thick. Second empty glume largest and fringed within the edge. Perennials with narrow and hard leaves. Species three, in Australia. 45. (69) Perotis Ait. (Xystidium Trin.). Spikelets nar- row, delicate, very long-awned, standing at right angles to the axis of the long, linear spikes. Leaves short and broad. Species three, in the tropics of the Old World. 46. (70) Leptothrium Kunth. Empty glumes two, otherwise like the next. Species one (L. rigidum Kunth), in the warmer por- tions of America. 47. (71) Zoysia Willd. (Matretta Pers., Osterdamia Neck.). Spikes slender. Spikelets closely appressed. Empty glume one, compressed, keeled, coriaceous, sur- rounding the flowering glume and palea. Creeping, maritime grasses with rigid aiid frequently sharp-pointed leaves. Species 2-3, in Southern and Eastern Asia, on the Mascarene Isles, Australia, and New Zealand. 48. (72) Schaffnera Benth. Spikelets not in spikes, but disposed in clusters in the axils of the upper leaf- sheaths. Flowering glume with a single awn. A low, anomalous grass of very doubtful position. Species one (Sch. Mexicana Benth.), in Mexico. 68 THE TRUE GRASSES. TRIBE IV. TRISTEGINE.S:. Spikelets all $ , 1-2-flowered, in panicled racemes ; axis continuous. Empty glumes three, the third some- times having the function of a flowering glume of a $ flower. Like the preceding tribe, this forms a transition between the Andropogonece and Panicece. All tropical. A. Flowering glumes of the Q spikdets aivned ; awns usually geniculate and twisted below. . . . 49. Arundinella. B. Flowering glume awnless (frequently, hoivever, the 1-3 empty glumes are awned). a. First empty glume very small, appressed to the one above 50. Melinis. b. First and second empty glumes very small, resem- bling minute scales ; spikelets in spikes. 55. Beckera! c. First empty glume half as large as the second and third, all awnless. a. The long racemes of spikelets in distant whorls along a common axis. . . .51. Phaenosperma. /?. The short racemes of spikelets solitary along the main axis 52. Triscenia. d. First and second empty glume equal in length, half as long as the third and the flowering glume, all awnless ; spikelets minute. . 54. Thysanolsena. e. First empty glume subulate, awn- like, projecting beyond the others 53. Arthropogon. NOTE. Compare Tricholcena (Panfcw). 49. (51) Arundinella Eaddi (Ooldbachia Trin., Acra- therum Link, Thysanachne Presl, Brandtia Kunth). (Fig. 23.) Spikelets pedicellate, usually in pairs upon the branches of the panicle, pedicels of unequal length. First empty glume shorter than the others, the second frequently awned, the third awnless, usually inclosing a $ flower. Species twenty-four, mostly in the tropical regions of the Old World, a few in South America [one in Mex- ico]. 50. (53) Melinis Beauv. (Tristegis Nees, Suardia DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. Schrk.). Spikelets very small, elliptical, naked; third glume usually awned ; disposed in somewhat compact panicles. Species one (M. minutijlora Beauv.), in Brazil, Ascension, Natal, Madagascar. In Brazil it is called " Capimmellado" on account of its glutinous proper- ties. It is prized for fodder and is even cultivated. 51. (52) Phsenosperma Munro. Panicles large, branches in whorls ; caryopsis projecting -^ from the glumes half its length. Species one (Ph. globosa), in China. 52. (54) Triscenia Griseb. A grass of doubtful relationship, on account of the small embryo, having nearly the same habit as Festuca ovina. Panicles few- flowered. Spikelets one-flow- ered. Species one ( T. ovina Gri- , x r . _. , FIG. 23. Arundtnella Nepalensts Seb.), in Cuba. Trin. (After Trin.,Spec. Gr. pi. 53. (55) Arthropogon Nees. Panicles loose. Empty glumes coriaceous, the second largest. One $ flower in the axil of the third glume. Species two ; one in Brazil, the other in Cuba. 54. (58) Thysanolaena Nees ( Myriachceta Zoll.). Pani- cles very large, with innumerable minute spikelets in short racemes. Spikelets as in Panicum, but the flowering glume is delicate and fringed with hairs. Species one (Tk. acarifera Nees), "Tiger Grass," in tropical Asia a troublesome weed among cultivated plants ; 2-4 m. in height. 55. (47) Beckera Fresen. Spikelets in numerous spikes in the axils of the leaves. Third empty glume with a long straight awn, flowering glume awnless or 70 THE TRUE GRASSES. mucronate-pointed, three-nerved ; palea narrow, hyaline, nerveless, two-toothed. Species three, in Abyssinia. Position of the genus doubtful. TRIBE V. PANICEJE. Spikelets one- (or occasionally two-) flowered, the second flower $ (very rarely ), in the axil of the third glume ; arranged in spikes, racemes, or panicles ; axis usually continuous. Flowering glume and palea of the $ flower always firmer in texture than the empty glumes, unawned (empty glumes rarely awued). Fruit as in An- dropogonecK. A. Spikelets all hermaphrodite. a. Spikelets neither sunken in an excavation in the rachis nor subtended by a large leaf-sheath. a. Spikelets without any special covering consist- ing of bristles or spines (sterile branches). I. Empty glume one 56. Beimaria. II. Empty glumes two, $ flower single. 1. Lower empty glume with a swollen ring-like callus. . . . 60. Eriochloa. 2. Lower empty glume without a ring-like and swollen callus. * Spikelets in one-sided racemes or spikes, these frequently in pairs or in panicles. . . . 57. Paspalum. ** Spikelets in panicles. O All the spikelets alike, fertile, in terminal panicles. 58. Anthsenantia. OO Spikelets of two kinds: first, the sterile, borne on a terminal panicle ; second, the fertile, borne on short subterranean branches. . 59. Amphicarpum. III. Empty glumes two, and $ flowers two. 61. Isachne. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 71 IV. Empty glumes three, and $ flower one, or a flowering glume with $ flower instead of the third empty glume. 1. First and second empty glumes with- out a distinct callus, awnless. * Flowering glumes without lateral appendages or pits at the base. 62. Panicum. ** Flowering glume with membrana- ceous appendages or pits at the base 63. Ichnanthus. 2. First empty glume very small, awnless, the second apparently distant from the first on account of a conical or pedicel- like callus, and like the third (flower- ing glume of the $ floret) more or less awned between the cleft apex. 64. Tricholaena. 3. First and second empty glumes awned. * First empty glume without any dis- tinct callus. . . .65. Oplismenus. ** First empty glume with a pointed, pedicel-like callus. 66. Chaetium. /?. Spikelets single or in pairs, subtended by an involucre consisting of from one to many bristles or spines (sterile branches) which are sometimes grown together. I. Spikelets falling at maturity, bristles per- sistent 67. Setaria. II. Involucral bristles falling off with the spike- lets at maturity (cultivated forms excepted). 1. Bristles numerous, rigid, thickened at the base, frequently grown together. 68. Cenchrus. 2. Bristles usually numerous, apparently whorled, delicate, not thickened at the base, often plumose. 69. Pennisetum. 3. Involucral bristles numerous, forming a paniculate, one-sided system of branchlets 70. Plagiosetum. 72 THE TRUE GRASSES. 4. Only one bristle below each spikelet. 71. Chamseraphis. NOTE. Compare Pennisetum, Sec. D. b. Spikelets in small spikes, these surrounded by large subtending bracts and united into a raceme. 72. Xerochloa. c. Spikelets forming very short spikes which are sunken into cavities of the one-sided, broad axis 73. Stenotaphrum. B. Plants monoecious, dioecious, or dichogamous, or the spikelets partly neuter. a. Spikes very short, consisting of one $ and two to three upper, neutral spikelets crowded and united into a one-sided spike with a leaf-like axis. 74. Phyllorachis. b. One terminal, simple spike, consisting of one to two lower $ and four to six upper $ spikelets upon a broad (not leaf -like) axis. . . . 75. Thuarea. c. Dioacious ; ? spikelets in heads with spiny subtend- ing bracts, $ in spikes which are united into dense, globular heads. . 76. Spinifex. d. Mono3cious, spikelets scattered in panicles. 77. Olyra. 56. (1) Reimaria Fliigge. Spikelets one-flowered, acuminate-pointed, in loose two-ranked, digitate spikes. Flowering glume and palea slightly indurated. Stamens two. Species four, in tropical and sub-tropical America. [One species, R. oligostachya Munro, in Florida.] 57. (2) Paspalum L. Spikelets one-flowered, usually obtuse, in two- to four-ranked racemes or spikes, these two to many, digitate or disposed in panicles, seldom soli- tary. Flowering glume and palea cartilaginous. Stamens three. Species one hundred and sixty, in the tropics of both hemispheres, but most abundant in America, forming an important component of the pampas and campos. Sec. I. Eupaspalum. The lower empty glume and the flowering glume turned towards the rachis of the spike or raceme. P. dilatatum (Fig. 24), with remote racemes, is a good forage plant, like many other species of DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 73 the genus. P. exile Kippist, with digitate spikes, and spikelets 2 mm. long, is found in Sierra Leone, where it is culti- vated (" Fundi" or "Fundungi "), the fruit being used for food ; P scrobiculatum L. (with racemes in pairs, and roundish spikelets having small pits at their bases) is used in India (" Koda") for food ; the rhizome of P. distichum L. (with racemes in pairs, and oblong, pointed spikelets) is used in India as a medicine for in- flammation of the gums and against conjunctivitis, and in the Argentine Republic for liver complaint; and P. notatum Fliigge for gonorrhoea. The few species with only one empty glume form the sub-section Anachyris (Nees as a genus); those with the axis of the spikes leaf-like, form the sub-section Ceresia (Pers. as a genus). Sec. II. Cabrera (Lag. as a F genus). Like Sec. I, but the spikelets sunken in the notches of the axis. Sec. III. Anastrophus (Schlechtend. as a genus). Lower empty glume and flowering glume turned away from the axis. [P. platycaule Poir., a forage plant in the warmer parts of America.] The genus Lappagrostis Steud. belongs here. 58. (3) Anthaenantia Beauv. (Aulaxanthus Ell., Au- laxiaNutt., LeptocoryphiumNees). Spikelets as in Pas- palum ; hairy, arranged in panicles ; flowering glume and palea slightly indurated. Species three, in the Southern United States and in South America. 59. (4) Amphicarpum Kunth. Fertile spikelets cleisto- gamous, upon filiform runners at the base of the culm ; Paspalum dilatatum Poir. (After Trin., Spec. Grain, pi. 139.) 74 THE TRUE GRASSES. runners with scale-like leaves. The open-flowered spike- lets of the terminal panicle sterile. Species two, in the South- eastern United States. 60. (5) Eriochloa Kunth. (Hdopus Trin., (Edipachne Link) (Fig. 25). Spikelets in ra- cemes and these arranged again in simple or compound racemes. Spikelets, aside from the annu- lar callus, as in Paspalum. Flowering glume mucronate- poiiited or very short-awned. Species five, in the tropical and subtropical zones of both hemispheres. 61. (7) Isachne Brown. Spike- lets in panicles, two-flowered, the fruiting glumes with the grain falling out of the persist- ent empty ones. Species about twenty, in the warmer countries of both hemispheres, especially of the FIG. 25. Eriochloa grandiflora _j , J . (Trin.) Hack. (Helopus grandi- Old VY Ol'ld. floras Trin.) (After Trin.. Spec. Gram. pi. 278.) 62. (8) Panicum L. Spike- lets in spikes, racemes, or panicles, one- to two-flowered. First empty glume usually smaller than the second, and this as large as the third, which has the same struct- ure but often encloses a $ flower. Flowering glume and palea indurated, awnless or very short-awned. Stamens three. Species about three hundred, in all warm and a few in temperate countries. They form, with species of Pas- palum, excellent forage in the savannas and campos of South America. Sec. I. Digitaria(Pe>T8. as a genus, Syntherisma}. Racemes (false spikes) simple, one-sided, digitate, rarely scattered. P. sanguinale L. (Fig. 26), "Blutfenmch," is DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 75 a weed in gardens, but is cultivated in Bohemia upon sandy soils, where the fruit is used for mush and por- ridge ; in the Southern United States, where it is known as Crab-grass, it is valued for fodder. Sec. II. Trichachne (Nees as a genus, Adcarpa Raddi, UrocMoa Kunth, Alloteropsis Presl, Holosetum Steud., FIG. 26. Panicum sanguinale L. A t , Part of a spike enlarged. A % nat. size. (After Nees, Gen. Germ. I. 18.) FIG. 27. Panicum spectabile Nees. A nat. size. (Af- ter Mart, and Eichler, Fl. bras. II. II. pi. 22.) CoridocJdoa Nees, Bluffia Nees). Racemes or panicles simple, usually with long silky hairs. Sec. III. Tlirasya (Kunth as a genus, Tylothrasya Doll.). Spikes with a broad axis, solitary. Flowering glume of the $ flower frequently two-cleft. Sec. IV. Echinolcena (Desv. as a genus). Spikes single, divergent (Genus No. 17 of B. & H., Gen. PI. III. p. 1107). Sec. V. Braclriaria. Inflorescence as in Paspcdum, glumes awnless. 76 THE TRUE GRASSES. Sec. VI. Echinochloa (Beauv. as a geims). Spikelets iu three- to four-ranked racemes, and these again in ra- cemes or panicles ; second and third glumes more or less awned. P. Crus-gatti L., without ligules and with naked nodes, is cosmopolitan, also cultivated for fodder ; one variety (P '. frumentaceum Roxb.) is cultivated in India for its fruit. P. spectabile Nees (Fig. 27), with a more distinct ligule and bristly-hairy nodes, is an extremely productive fodder-grass for tropical countries, and large- ly cultivated in Brazil. Sec. VII. Hymenachne (Beauv. as a genus). Spikelets small, in spike-like panicles. Flowering gluine but slightly indurated. Sec. VIII. Ptychophyllum. Spikelets in false spikes which are arranged in panicles ; axis projecting beyond the spikelets. Leaves plicate, elegant in appearance. P. plicatum Lam., from the tropics of the Old World, is a favorite ornamental grass in greenhouses. Sec. IX. Eupanicum. Spikelets all pedicellate, in panicles, naked or with short hairs. P. Miliaceum L. (Millet) (Fig. 28) has loose drooping panicles and ovate spikelets ; first empty gluine half as long as the second, flowering glume smooth and shining. Cultivated from prehistoric times. Native country unknown, but prob- ably the East Indies, where, and in China and Japan as well, it is yet much cultivated. It is raised to a consid- erable extent in South Russia and Roumania, but only here and there in other parts of Europe. Several varie- ties are distinguished by the color of the fruit and the habit of the panicles. The fruit is mostly used for por- ridge ("Brei"). P. altissimumJ&cq. (P. jtimentorumPers.}, " Guinea grass," is 2-3 m. high, spikes loose, upright, spikelets, lanceolate, fruiting glumes with fine transverse wrinkles. Native of tropical Africa. Cultivated as a fodder-grass, especially in America, on account of its vigorous and rapid growth. The rhizome of P.junceum Nees is used in the Argentine Republic as a substitute for soap for washing woollen goods. To this section belong Coleatcenia Griseb., Otachyrium Nees, Streptostachys Desv., all more or less anomalous species. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 77 63. (9) Ichnanthus Beauv. (Navicularia Kaddi). Spike- lets ovate or acute, short pedicellate on the branches of the panicle, with one $ and one $ flower. Leaves broad- lanceolate to ovate. Species twenty, all in tropical America, one of them also in India. 64. (8 ) Tricholaena Schrad. (Bhynchdytrum Nees, Hochst., Monachyron Parl.). Spikelets in loose panicles, FIG. 28. Panicum miliaceum L. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 19.) broad, somewhat laterally compressed, very hairy, es- pecially on the callus of the second empty glume. The latter and the flowering glume of the $ flower often thick -membranaceous ; flowering glume and palea much shorter, chartaceous, shining. Species ten, in all parts of Africa : one of them extends to Sicil} T and western India, one of which is endemic, two in Madagascar. Tr. rosea Nees, with reddish, silky hairs on the spikelets, awns short or wanting, from the Cape 78 THE TRUE GRASSES. of Good Hope, is an elegant ornamental grass, especially for dry bouquets. 65. (10) Oplismenus Beauv. (Orthopogon Brown, He- katerosachne Steud.). Spikelets one-flowered, in small groups or clusters along the branches of the panicle, turned to one side ; first and second empty glumes always, and the third frequently, awned. Broad-leaved, delicate grasses. Species four, in the tropical and sub-tropical zone (one species in South Europe). 66. (11) Chsetium Nees (BerchtoUia Presl). Spikelets lance-awl-shaped, pedicellate, in close panicles, one- flowered, all three empty glumes awned. Species two ; one in Mexico, one in Cuba and Brazil. 67. (12) Setaria Beauv. (Fig. 29). Spikelets 1-2 flow- ered, ovate, in a close, cylin- drical or bushy panicle. Glumes awnless, first empty glume short. Flowering glume and palea ob- tuse, finally hard and shining or transversely wrinkled. In- volucral bristles usually pro- jecting beyond the spikelets, rough. About ten species, in all the warmer countries of the world ; some as weeds in the temperate regions. S. glauca Beauv. (Fig. 29), with numerous bristles under each spikelet, and flowering glume with strong transverse wrinkles, is cosmopolitan. S. viridis Beauv., with 2-3 bristles under each spikelet, and flower- ing glume indistinctly transverse- wrinkled, is widespread, and is probably the original form of S. Italica Beauv., Hungarian grass, which is distinguished only by its larger panicles and thicker and larger spikelets which I - 22 -) DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 79 do not fall off at maturity. The fruiting glume has, at its base, a smooth place enclosed by two slight longitu- dinal swellings and is not shining, a character which makes it easy to distinguish this species from the com- mon Millets. Hungarian grass is extensively raised in Japan, China, some parts of the East Indies and Trans- Caucasia, where it forms an important article of food ; in Europe its culture is less important, and it is mostly used for food for fowls. The sixteen varieties may be divided into two main groups : large Millet, with long, usually irregular, nod- ding false spikes, and " Mohar" (Hungarian), with short, regular, upright spikes. The culture of Setaria Itcdica Beauv. has its origin in prehistoric times. As early as 2700 B.C., Hungarian grass formed one of the main cereals of the Chinese ; it was sown in early spring by the princes of the royal house themselves, just as the emperor sowed rice with his own hand. Its culture extends back to an early date also in Egypt, and in the Lake Dwellings of the stone age it is found in such quantities that it must be regarded as the main bread- supply of the prehistoric peoples. Traces of its very ancient culture are also found in other places (Hungary, Upper Italy, etc.). Ixophorus Schlechtd. is a Setaria with only one bristle. 68. (13) Cenchrus L. (Fig. 30). Spikelets narrow, each one, or as many as two to three together, enclosed by an involucre. The involucres in a spike or raceme. First empty glume small, all awnless ; stamens three ; styles mostly united below. Species twelve, in the tropical and sub-tropical zones of both hemispheres, and in America also in the temper- ate zone. C. tribidoides L., bristles grown together into a coriaceous and very spiny capsule. A troublesome weed in North America. The involucre adheres very strongly to the wool of sheep, from which it can scarcely be removed, and in consequence materially injures its value. It ought to be carefully rooted out in sheep dis- tricts. It is also very troublesome to workmen who are 80 THE TRUE GRASSES. barefooted, like C. myosuroides Humb. & Kunth, in South America. 69. (14) Pennisetum Pers. Spikelets in racemes, spikes or false spikes, narrow or ovate, single or in groups of twos or threes, usually surrounded with many (rarely with only one) dissimilar bristles. First empty glume very FIG. 30. A. Cenchrus echinatus L. (After Mart, and Eichler, Fl bras. ,11. II. pi. 43.) L, In- volucre of C. tribuloides L. LI, Cross-section of the same- B, Sp. of latter. (After A. Gray, Man. pi. 14.) FIG. 31 . Penn isehnn Prieurii Kunth. (After Kunth. Revis. pi. 119.) small, flowering glume shorter than the second empty glume. Styles often united, projecting from the apex of the spikelet. Species forty, mostly in tropical and sub-tropical Africa ; one in Southern Europe, and a few in America and Asia. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 81 Sec. I. Pennisetum (Eriochceta Figari & De Notar. as a genus). Bristles numer- ous, all, or only the middle ones, bearded. P. villosum Brown, from Abyssinia, with broad spikes, is a favorite or- namental grass under the false name of P. longistylum (which be- longs to Section III). Sec. II. Penidllaria Willd. (as a genus). Dis- tinguished from the pre- ceding section only by the artificial character (probably due to cultiva- tion) of the permanent involucre. P. typhoi- deum Rich. (Penicill. spi- cata Willd.) " Pearl Mil- let" (Fig. 32), the original form and native country of which are unknown, has a culm 1-2 m. high, and fruiting panicles 8-20 cm. long, 2-4 cm. thick, and bearded. This is an important agricultural grass in Central Africa. The fruit is used for Mush (" Kuskus"). It is also grown in Arabia Fe- lix and the East Indies. [Cultivated in the South- ern United States for fodder.] Sec. III. Gymnothrix ~Be&UV.(Oxyanthe Steud.). Fle - ^--Pennisetum typhoideum Rich. All involucral bristles naked. P. latifolium Spr. (Gym- 82 THE TRUE GRASSES. nothrix latifolia Schult.), with culms 1-1.5 m. high, leaves broad-lanceolate, is an ornamental grass used for cover- ing roofs of houses in the Argentine Eepublic, where it is native ; P. Japonicum Triu. ( Gymnoth. Japonica), a low- growing species with linear leaves, is also an ornamental grass. Amphochceta Anderss. includes a species with spikes in panicles ; Sericura Hasskarl, is a Malayan species with very long bristles. Sec. IV. Beckeropsis (Fig. & De Notar, as a genus) has only one involucral bristle to each spikelet ; spikes in panicles. Distinguished from Chamceraphis by the persistent pedicels of the spikelets. 70. (15) Plagiosetum Benth. One to two, narrow, acute spikelets within each involucrum. Species one (P. refrcuctum Benth.), in Australia. 71. (18) Chamseraphis Brown (Paratheria Griseb.). Spikelets lanceolate, in simple or slightly branched racemes, on short pedicels which fall off with the spike- lets. First empty glume very short. Species five ; four in tropical Asia and Australia, one in the West Indies and Brazil. 72. (20) Xerochloa Brown. Subtending bracts of the spikes husk-like, distichous ; axis of the spike short, with a chaff-like continuation beyond the spikelets. Spikelets two-flowered ; flowering glume of flower very narrow. Species three, in Australia. 73. (21) Stenotaphrum Trin. (Diastemanthe Steud.). Spikelets 2-4, forming a short, partial spike, embedded in the alternate notches of the broad rachis of a spike- like panicle ; axis of the spike with a chaff-like prolonga- tion. Spikelets two-flowered, first empty glume small. Creeping grasses with compressed culms and flat, diver- gent leaves. Species three or four, one of which, St. Americanum Schrank (Fig. 33), is widespread in the tropics and sub- tropical regions, and is useful for holding the sand on the banks of rivers. The rhizome is used in South America as a diuretic. The other species occur on the islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 83 74. (22) Phyllorachis Trimen. Each partial spike with one fertile spikelet, and 2-3 sterile ones reduced to single glumes ; axis prolonged. First empty glume minute, bristle- like, the third glume largest, with a palea in its axil. Be- sides the terminal leaf-like spikes there are solitary, long- pedicelled spikelets in the axils of the leaves. Species one (Ph. sagittata Trim.), with sagittate leaves, found at Coanza in Angola. Belationship doubtful. 75. (23) Thuarea Pers. (Mi- crothuareia Thouars, Orintho- cephcdochloa Kurz). Spikes surrounded by a sheathing leaf ; at maturity the dilated base of the axis envelops the 1-2 spikelets, and the rest A Of the axis, Stripped of its FIG. SS.-Stenotaphrum Americanum spikelets, forms a beak which ff a t /L^t *S$uS bores into the ground. A creeping maritime grass. Species one (Th. sarmentosa Pers.), from Ceylon to New Caledonia. 76. (24) Spinifex L. (Fig. 34). The $ spikes with projecting rachis, in dense heads with subtending bracts at the base; spikelets two-flowered; ? spikelets one- flowered, with the pungent-pointed, subtending bracts projecting far beyond them. Species four ; three in Australia, the fourth from there to Ceylon and Japan. At maturity the entire ? head falls off and is carried away by the winds or floats on the sea, and finally presses itself into the sand by means of its bristles and falls in pieces. The species are an important agent in binding the drifting sands of the coasts. Leaves usually with hard, rigid points. This 84 THE TRUE GRASSES. genus should not be confused with the " Spinifex" of Australian travellers (see Triodia). Fio. 34. Spinifex hirsutus Labillard. $ plant above, ? below. (After Labill., Sent. PI. N. Holl. pi. 280, 231.) 77. (25) Olyra L. (Lithachne Beauv., Strephium Schrad., Raddia Bertol.) (Fig. 35). All the spikelets one-flowered, DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 85 the $ upon the lower portion of the panicle or in separate panicles, without empty glumes; flowering glume narrow and acuminate -pointed ; ? spikelets ovate ; empty glumes two, her- baceous, pointed or awned ; flowering glume much shorter, cartilaginous. Lodicules three. Leaves broad, netted-veined, often with short petioles. Species twenty, all, with the exception of one in Africa, from tropical America. TKIBE VI. ORYZEJE. Spikelets $ or unisexual, one-flowered ; flowers apparently terminal and enclosed by a flowering glume and a palea which is usually one-nerved. Empty glumes two or none, very seldom numerous. Sta- mens frequently six. Stigmas FlG . 35 ._ , 2/ra micrantha Humb . more or less elongated, fruit fflLS^^ftrtSL''! usually with a small embryo 12 -> and long, linear hilum. Starch-grains compound. A. Spikelets unisexual ; plants monoecious ; anthers six or more. a. Spikelets in short, solitary spikes, terminal and axillary 78. Hydrochloa. b. Spikelets in panicles, or spikes arranged in panicles. a. Spikelets in pairs at each node of the panicle- branches ; one large, ? , sessile, the other small, $ , long-pedicelled. I. Flowering glume linear-oblong. 79. Pharus, II. Flowering glume inflated, globose, closed excepting a hole at the point. 80. Leptaspis. 86 THE TRUE GRASSES. ft. Spikelets not in pairs at the nodes of the branches. I. Spikelets without empty glumes. 1. Spikelets linear. Embryo as long as the fruit 83. Zizania. 2. ? spikelets ovate or elliptical. Eni- bryo many times smaller than the fruit. * $ and ? spikelets in different pani- cles, rarely in the same, and then the $ spikelets terminal on each branch. 81. Luziola. ** $ and ? spikelets in the same pani- cle, the ? terminal, the $ at the base of each branch. 82. Zizaniopsis. II. Spikelets with two very small or bristle- like empty glumes. . . 84. Potamophila. B. Spikelets all $ . a. Spikelets arranged in panicles. a. Empty glumes two, short but distinct, awnless (two additional rudimentary empty glumes in Oryza}. I. Flowering glume and palea roundish in section (but slightly compressed). 85. Maltebrunia. II. Flowering glume and palea much com- pressed laterally 86. Oryza. /?. Empty glumes two, awned, exceeding or slightly shorter than the flowering glume. * Empty glumes gradually tapering into awns. 68. Achleena. ** Empty glumes awned from a notch in the apex 89. Reynaudia. y. Empty glumes wanting or present only as minute rudiments. I. Flowering glume awnless. . 87. Leersia. II. Flowering glume awned. . 90. Hygroryza. b. Spikelets in a terminal, naked spike at whose apex the ends of the awns of all the spikelets are fast- ened together 93. Streptochseta. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 87 c. Spikelets in twos or threes in the axils of sheath- like subtending bracts. a. Only one subtending bract with 2-3 united spikelets terminating the culm. . 92. Lygeum. ft. Subtending bracts, in two series with 2-3 free spikelets in the axil of each. 91. Anomochloa. 78. (39) Hydrochloa Beauv. An aquatic grass with flat leaves, 3-5 <3 spikelets in a terminal spike, a few ? in each axillary spike, which scarcely exceeds its sub- tending sheath. Stigmas long. Species one (H. Carolinensis Beauv.), in the Southern United States. 79. (26) Pharus L. ? spikelets linear ; empty glumes two, short ; flowering glume long, coriaceous, involute. Palea two-nerved. Spikes paniculate. Leaves broad, pedicellate ; blade reversed. (See page 8.) Species five, in tropical America. 80. (27) Leptaspis Brown. $ spikelets small, termi- nal on the short branchlets ; ? spikelets 1-2, sessile on the lower portions of same, large, globose, with two short empty glumes. Leaves as in Pharus. Species five, in the tropics of the Old World. 81. (41) Luziola Juss. (Fig. 36). Spikelets awnless, ovate ; flowering glume with many prominent nerves. Caryopsis with a thick, hard peri- carp. Creeping, narrow-leaved, marsh or aquatic grasses. Species six, from Brazil to Ala- bama. Sec. I. Eiduziola. $ and 5 spike- lets in separate panicles. Stamens usually more than six (6-18). Sec. II. CaryocMoa (Trin. as a genus). Arrozia Schrad. 3 and ? ^ ^_ Luziola Peruviana spikelets in the same panicle, ota- Juss. A $ spikeiet. mens six. 82. (40) Zizaniopsis Doll & Ascherson. Habit of Zizania. ? spikelets terminating the branches of the panicle. Fruit a globose nut with a hard, shining, easily 88 THE TRUE GRASSES. separable pericarp. Embryo and hilum not visible on the outside. Stigmas united. Species one, with two varieties Z. milicwea Doll & Asch. [(Zizqnia miliacea MX.)] in Brazil and the Southern United States. 83. (40) Zizania L. (Hydropyrum Link, Melinum Link). A reed-like grass with broad leaves and large panicles which are ? and narrow, with the branches somewhat appressed above, and 6 and expanded below. ? spike- lets almost subulate, awned, supported on thick pedicels. $ awnless, lanceolate. Fruit a caryopsis 2 cm. long and 1 mm. thick, pericarp thin ; embryo very long, concealed in a furrow, with large epiblast, plumule pedicellate. Species one, Z. aquatica L. (Z. palustris Link and Hy- dropyrum esculentum Link), " Tuscarora rice" or " Indian rice," which grows upon the banks of streams and lakes in North America and Northeastern Asia. The Indians annually collect the fruit in quantities for food ; they also sow the seed in order to provide for farther exten- sion of the plants. Lately it has been sown in fish-ponds, for the fruit, when it falls, is eagerly eaten by the fish.* The Asiatic form (Z. latifolia Turcz.) is only a variety. 84. (42) Potamophila Brown. Spikelets lanceolate, awnless, in long panicles whose lower branches bear the ? (with distinct staminodia in the flowers) and the upper the 6 or $ spikelets. Fruit spherical. Species one (P. parviftora Brown), in Australia. 85. (42) Maltebrunia Kunth. Like the preceding, but with all the spikelets $ . Leaves broader, almost petiolate. Species two, in Madagascar and Cape Colony. 86. (44) Oryza L. (Podia Zolling & Mor.). Spike- lets elongated ; empty glumes of two small scales or bristles, and underneath these two more minute rudi- mentary empty glumes. Flowering glume complicate and keeled, usually awned ; palea narrow, one-nerved. * The stems are used by coopers for making the joints of barrels intended to hold whiskey or petroleum perfectly tight. The tidal mud along the Delaware River for fifty miles bears a heavy growth of Z. aqua- tica (locally called " The Reeds"), and the fruit furnishes the food of the Reed-bird, giving it the flavor for which it is so much esteemed. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 89 Stamens six ; fruit long, obtuse, closely enveloped by the fruiting glume, and compressed laterally with two lateral furrows ; embryo short, curved. About six species, in the tropics of both hemispheres. 0. sativa L., Eice, has contracted panicles and rough, prominently five-nerved flowering glumes. Wild in wet places in India and tropical Australia ; one variety in Africa ; naturalized in Brazil. Eice has been cultivated in China from the most ancient times (for over 2800 years B.C.), in South Europe, where it was introduced by the Arabs, and in Egypt, since the mid- dle ages (in Central Africa earlier?), in North America since 1700 A.D., and besides in Mexico, Brazil, and Paraguay. It needs stagnant water which readily breeds swamp- fever, and in Europe its culture in the vicinity of villages or ham- lets is forbidden. Mountain- or Upland-rice, which requires only to be irrigated, is much less prized 4 for economic uses. Eice is used for food by more people than any other one grain. It is generally used in the form of soup or boiled F iG.37.-orj,za^LiT (After rice. " Arak" is made from it by * ees ' Gen - Gerra - T pl - 2 - } fermentation ; in Japan a light alcoholic drink, " Sake," is made from rice by means of an organic ferment. Gluten rice (" Klebreis"), whose grains stick fast to- gether when cooked, forming a firmly united mass, and whose starch turns reddish brown (see p. 26) instead of blue with iodine, is used in Japan for paste and for mak- ing an elastic dough from which cakes are baked. In China a kind of sugar and a sweet drink are prepared from it. Eice-starch has lately become an article of trade, especially in England. Eice-brooms, rice-paper, 90 THE TRUE GRASSES. are not made from rice ; the first comes from Sorghum, the second from Broussonetia or Bambusa. About forty varieties are founded upon the color and size of the fruit and the absence or presence of awns. 87. (45) Leersia Swartz (Homalocenchrus Mieg, Ehr- hartia Wigg., Blepharochloa Endl.). Distinguished from Oryza only by the aborted (indicated by minute rudi- ments) empty glumes, awnless flowering glume, three, two, or one stamen (six only in L. hexandra), and the relatively smaller fruit. Species five; swamp-grasses, one of which, L. oryzoides Sw., is found in the north temperate zone of both the Old World and New World ; another, L. hexandra, throughout the entire tropical zone, and three in America only. 88. (46) Achlsena Griseb. Panicle widely expanded. Spikelets large, linear-lanceolate, awned. First empty glume aristiform ; flowering glume convolute. Stamen one. Caryopsis linear, with a very small embryo. Species one (A. piptostachya Gr.), in Cuba. 89. (56) Reynaudia Kunth. Spikelets long. Empty glumes subequal, two-lobed at the apex ; flowering glume short-awned below the point, slightly exceeding the empty glumes. Lodicules two ; stamens two ; embryo small. Species one (R.Jtliformis Kunth), in Cuba. Leaves narrow ; branches of the panicle erect ; spikelets small. 90. (43) Hygroryza Nees (PotamocMoa Griffith). Float- ing, aquatic grasses with broad, short leaves ; the sheaths of the lower ones much inflated. Panicles umbellate, few-flowered. Species one (H. aristata Nees), in the East Indies. 91. (30) Anomochloa Brongniart. An anomalous grass with long-petiolate leaves ; the solitary apical spike with many large, sheathing bracts. Flowering glume inem- branaceous, palea harder, closed and tubular below with a filiform appendage. A membranaceous fringed ring in place of the lodicules. Stamens four. Species one (A. marantoidea Brongn.), in Brazil. 92. (28) Lygeum L. The united, very hairy flowering DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 91 glumes of the 2-3 spikelets finally form a hard capsule or false fruit. Palea linear, two-nerved, much exceeding the flowering glume. Styles elongated, stigmas short, feathery ; stamens three ; common subtending or sheathing bract of the spikelets lanceolate. Species one, L. Spartum L. (Fig. 38), has a creeping rhizome and stiff, rush-like, convolute leaves. In rocky soil on the high plains of the countries bordering the Medi- terranean, especially of Spain and Algeria. A part of the "Esparto" (see Stipa tenacissima) is furnished by this plant. 93. (29) Streptochaeta Schrad. (Lepideilema Trin.). Distinguished from all other grasses by the spiral arrangement of its numerous (12) glumes, one of which bears a deli- cate, tendril-like, twisted awn. Spikelets elongated, terete, acu- minate. Stamens six, monadel- Fl - phous. Style one, stigmas three ; leaves broad. Species one (S. spicata Schrad.), in Brazil. A genus of very doubtful relationship, placed with the Oryzecv on account of the character of its fruit. (For manner of dispersing its seed, see page 29.) TBEBE VII. PHALABIDE.E. All the spikelets fertile, one-flowered or with 1-2 $ flowers inserted below the apparently terminal one. Empty glumes four (the two inner ones rarely acting as flowering glumes for $ flowers), unequal, the third and fourth occasionally very small, or one of them rudiment- ary. Flowering glume and palea alike, laterally com- pressed, nerves one or none, awnless. Styles distinct ; stigmas usually projecting from the point of the spike- 92 THE TRUE GRASSES. let ; caryopsis unfurrowed ; embryo small ; starch-grains compound. A. The third and fourth (or only the fourth) empty glumes larger than thejirst and second. a. Stamens six, rarely three. . . . 94. Ehrharta. b. Stamens four or two. a. Panicles loose, third and fourth empty glumes equal, awned 95. Microlaena. /?. Inflorescence a spike or spike-like panicle. Fourth glume longer than the third, awnless. 96. Tetrarrhena. B. Third and fourth empty glumes smaller than or barely equalling thejirst and second. a. Third and fourth glumes empty, reduced to small scales, awiiless 97. Phalaris. b. Third and fourth glumes empty, small, awiied upon the back 98. Anthcxanthum. c. Third and fourth glumes, or at least the third, with a $ flower, almost equalling the first and second, awnless or short-awned. . . . 99. Hierochloe. 94. (99) Ehrharta Thunb. (Trochera Eich.) (Fig. 39). Spikelets arranged in panicles or simple racemes. First and second empty glumes short, the third and fourth fre- quently awned ; flowering glume slightly shorter, keeled, with a callus or tuft of hairs at the base. Species twenty-four ; twenty in South Africa, two on Mascarene Isles, two in New Zealand. Two have become naturalized in New Holland. 95. (100) Microlsena Brown (Diplax Hook.). First and second empty glumes very short, third and fourth longer than the flowering glume, all keeled ; lodicules quite large ; stamens two or four. Inflorescence paniculate. Species five, in Australia to New Zealand. 96. (101) Tetrarrhena Brown. Like the preceding, but the spikelets in a more simple, scarcely branched spike. Fourth glume largest, indurated ; stamens four. Species four, in Australia. 97. (102) Phalaris L. Inflorescence usually a close spike-like, rarely interrupted panicle ; spikelets later- ally compressed. First and second glumes boat-shaped. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 93 usually with a membranaceous wing upon the keel. Flowering glume and palea hard, shining ; lodicules dis- tinct ; stamens three. Species ten, mostly in Southern Europe ; a few in Northern Europe and in America. Ph. canariensis, " Canary grass" (Fig. 40), with strongly-winged keels on FIG. 40. Phalaris minor L. M, FIG. 39. Ehrharta Urvilleana Kunth. Ph. canariensis L . (After CAfter Kunth, Revis. Gram. pi. 6.) Nees, Gen. Germ., 1. 12.) the empty glumes and the third and fourth empty glumes half as long as the flowering glume, is cultivated in South- ern Europe and in Germany. The grain is used for bird- food, and sometimes, in Southern Europe, as a cereal. From the flour, weaver's glue is prepared. Ph. arundinacea L., " reed-grass," with more open, interrupted panicles and wingless empty glumes, forming a distinct section Digraphis (Trin. as a genus, Bcddingera^lL&j. & Schreb.) grows upon river-banks and is of some value for hay ; a variety with leaves striped with white (" ribbon-grass") is cultivated for ornament. 94 THE TRUE GRASSES. 98. (103) Anthoxanthum L. Spikelets in short, spike- like panicles, narrow ; first and second empty glumes unequal, herbaceous; third and fourth clothed with brown hairs. Flowering glume and palea short, membranaceous ; lodicules none ; stamens two. Species four, in Europe, one of them in Northern Asia, North America, and Australia. A. odoratum L. (Sweet Vernal-grass) (Fig. 41) is fragrant on account of its containing cumarin, and is often wrongly con- sidered a valuable forage- Fio. 41. Anthoxanthum odoratum L. , ., ,, , , (After Nees, Gen. Germ. pi. 16.) plant ; it lOrniS a low turf which can scarcely be mowed, and its taste is unpleasant to cattle. 99. (104) Hierochloe Gmelin (Savastana Schrad., Dis- arrenum Labill., Torresia Ruiz & Pav.). Inflorescence an open or close panicle. Spikelets shining, having one apparently terminal $ flower with two stamens, and 1-2 $ flowers below, each with three stamens'. Flowering glume of the male flower frequently awned. Glumes all membranaceous, those surrounding the fruit indurated. All contain cumarin. Species thirteen, throughout the temperate and frigid zones, rarely in high mountains of the tropics. H. odorata Wahlb., Vanilla grass (Fig. 42), is very fragrant, but useless for for- age, as it is disliked by most animals. [The long leaves of the sterile shoots are woven into mats and Small boxes by FiB.42.-HierochloeodorataW&hlb the North American Indians.] The five species with only one $ flower form the section Ataxia (Brown as a genus). DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 95 TRIBE VIII. AGBOSTIDEJS. Spikelets usually all $ , one-flowered, rachilla some- times prolonged beyond the palea. Empty glumes often somewhat unequal, usually as long as or longer than the flowering glume, very rarely none ; palea usually two- nerved ; grain not sulcate ; embryo usually small ; starch-grains compound. A. Flowering glume indurated at maturity (at least firmer in texture than the empty glumes} and very closely en- veloping the fruit. (Sub-tribe Stipece.) a. Spikelets all $ , fertile. a. Eachilla not prolonged beyond the palea. I. Flowering glume deeply three-cleft, each segment awned ; palea two-awned. 100. Amphipogon. II. Flowering glume entire, awned ; awn trifid or three-branched (lateral divisions often very short) 1O1. Aristida. III. Flowering glume entire [two-toothed or bifid] ; awn simple. 1. Lodicules usually three, flowering glume and palea finally very hard. * Flowering glume narrow. Awn twisted, stout, persistent. 102. Stipa. ** Flowering glume broad, awn slender, falling off after flowering, t Flowering glume elliptical or ovate, not gibbous at top ; awn terminal or but slightly ec- centric ; embryo small. 103. Oryzopsis. ft Flowering glume obliquely obovate, gibbous at top ; awn decidedly eccentric ; embryo small. O Palea membranaceous, without nerves or keel. 104. Nassella. 96 THE TRUE GRASSES. O O Palea coriaceous, two- keeled, with a deep furrow between the keels. 105. Piptochsetium. 2. Lodicules two (anterior) ; awns slender, sometimes reduced to a mere point. Palea simply membranaceous,. spike- lets small. . . . 108. Muhlenbergia. (N.B. Compare Limnas.) IV. Flowering glume awnless. . 1O6. Milium. ft. Rachilla with a pedicel-like prolongation be- yond the palea. I. Both empty glumes much shorter than the flowering glume, the latter with a straight, terminal awn. . . . 100. Brachyelytrum. II. Second empty glume one fourth shorter than flowering glume, the latter with a terminal, recurved awn. . . . 110. Podophorus. b. One $ and one $ (or sterile spikelet) in pairs on each branchlet of a spike-like panicle, these branch- lets deciduous at the time of fruiting. 111. Lycurus. c. spikelets surrounded at the base with numerous sterile (and a few $ ) spikelets which are either re- duced to bristles or delicate bracts. 112. Perieilema. d. Spikelets dioecious, the ? solitary upon long pedi- cels 107. Aciachne. B. Flowering glume usually hyaline or membranaceous at maturity, at least more delicate than the empty glumes; grain loosely or not at all enclosed. a. Stigmas sub-plumose (their very short hairs springing from all sides), projecting from the apex of the nearly closed glumes. a. Spikelets in a head which is surrounded by a bell-shaped involucre formed by the uppermost leaves 113. Cornucopias. /3. Spikelets in a flattened (broader than long) head which is enclosed between two opposite inflated sheaths with thorn-like blades. . 114. Crypsis. y. Spikelets in a close, often shortened false spike, the upper leaf not forming an involucre. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GSNERA. 97 I. Spikelets readily falling off at maturity. 119. Alopecurus. II. Empty glumes persistent ; flowering glumes usually deciduous. 1. Flowering glume awned from below the bifid apex. . . . 118. Echinopogon. 2. Flowering glumes awnless. * Flowering glume somewhat longer than the empty ones. . . 115. Heleochloa. ** Flowering glume somewhat shorter than the empty ones, the latter with winged keels 116. Maillea. *** Flowering glume much shorter than the wingless empty ones. 117. Phleum. 6. Spikelets in a delicate, simple spike. 120. Mibora. e. Spikelets in a panicle consisting of small umbel- like clusters ; empty glumes none. 121. Coleanthus. C. Spikelets in a short, narrow panicle; empty glumes short 122. Phippsia. ?]. Spikelets in a loose, broad panicle, empty glumes as long as the flowering glumes and falling off with them 129. Limnas. b. Stigmas distinctly plumose (branchlets distichous), projecting from the sides of the spikelets, rarely remaining enclosed within them. a. Grain not covered by the flowering glume and pa- lea, usually with a loosely attached pericarp which opens readily at maturity. . 123. Sporobolus. /?. Grain covered by the flowering glume and palea, pericarp adherent. 1. The entire spikelets deciduous (together with the whole or a part of the pedicel) at maturity. The pedicel of the spikelet often being distinctly articulated even at the time of flowering. * First empty glume long-awned. 125. Chaeturus. ** First and second empty glumes awned. 126. Polypogon. 98 THE TRUE GRASSES. *** Empty glumes awuless or only the second very short-awned. t Flowering glumes awned from the very point or not at all. 127. Garnotia. ft Flowering glume awued below the toothed point. . . 128. Thurberia. [Cinna, No. 131, may be looked for here.] 2. Empty glumes persistent upon the unartiou- late pedicel of the spikelet. * Palea one-nerved, with one keel ; sta- men one 131. Cinna. ** Palea two-nerved, rarely wanting ; sta- mens three. t Empty glumes covered with long plumose hairs. . . 144. Lagurus. ft Empty glumes saccate at the base, many times longer than the flowering glumes. . . . 134. G-astridium. ttt Empty glumes neither plumose- hairy, nor saccate at the base. Q Flowering glume four-cleft, each division terminated by a fine straight awn besides a strong twisted awn upon the back. 143. Pentapogon. O O Flowering glumes two-cleft, the divisions awn-pointed, and be- tween these an awn that is tor- tuous below. 142. Diplopogon. O O O Flowering glumes with two fine lateral awns exceeding the length of the glume, and a delicate dor- sal awn. 141. Trisetaria. D O O O Flowering glume with a delicate awn, inserted below the point and many timeslongerthanthe glume. <] Second empty glume larger than the first. . 139. Apera. < , Dorsal view of flowering glume ; St, stamen; J, Pistil; K, Fruit. (Orig- contracted or diffuse ; spikelets small, awns often bent or flexuose but rarely twisted. Very varying in habit. Species about sixty, mostly American, a few in Japan and in the mountains of Asia. Vaseya Thurber, Podo- scemum Desv., Tosagris Beauv., Tricliochloa Beauv., 104 THE TRUE GRASSES. Clomena Beauv., and Calycodon Nutt. are all founded upon one or several species of this genus. Clomena Beauv., to which Bealia Scrib. belongs, found in Mexico and Peru, forms a sub-genus characterized by the two- toothed flowering glume which is awned between the teeth.* 109. (114) Brachyelytrum Beauv. Panicles with few spikelets ; spikelets long and narrow ; empty glumes minute ; flowering glume with a long straight awn. Species one (B. aristatum Beauv.), in North America. 110. Podophorus Philippi. Panicles open ; flowering glumes longer than the empty ones, narrow, involute, with a pointed and short-bearded callus ; awn geniculate near the base, but not twisted. Bachilla prolonged, fre- quently bearing an awned, rudimentary glume. Species one (P. bromoides Ph.), upon the island of Juan Fernandez. 111. (116) Lycurus Kunth (Pleopogon Nutt.). Spike- lets small, narrow, the upper one of each pair $ , the lower $ or sterile. Lower empty glumes with 2-3 awns, the upper one and the flowering glume with only one. Species two, in Mexico and New Mexico. 112. (115) Perieilema Presl. Panicles spike-like or interrupted, covered with the numberless awns (espe- cially of the sterile spikelets). Palea and all the glumes awned. Species three, in Mexico and tropical America. * I cannot agree with Prof. Hackel in this disposition of Bealia (Fig. 45). There are several species of Muhlenbergia which have the flower- ing glume two-toothed, the awn arising from between the teeth, which certainly do not belong to the sub-genus or section Clomena. This sub- genus is best characterized by the broad, three-nerved and three-toothed second empty glume. The flowering glume closely envelops the conical or ovoid grain. In Bealia the empty glumes are entire, sub- equal, nerveless (or very faintly many-nerved), and the elongated grain is only loosely enclosed by the broad and deeply two-toothed flowering glume. The habit of Bealia somewhat resembles that of the typical Clomena, and I at first named it Muhlenbergia Clomenoides, but the characters presented by the empty glumes, flowering glumes, and grain are so unlike the true Muhlenbergias that I can but consider it geueri- cally distinct. F. L. 8. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA, 105 SUB-TRIBE 2. Phleoideae. Fruiting glumes delicate. Stigmas with short branches, projecting from the apex of the spikelets. 113. (106) Cornucopias L. A small, branched grass with minute spikelets in small heads ; the pedicels be- FIG. 46. Cornucopia cucullatum L. (After Schreber. Beschreib., pi. 41.) come curved at maturity, when they separate at the jointed base and bore into the ground. Species one (C. cucullatum L.), in the Orient (Fig. 46). 114. (105) Crypsis Ait. (Antitragus Gartn.). Spikelets small, awnless ; palea one-nerved ; stamens two ; fruit a utricle, the seed adhering to the spikelet for some time after it is expelled. Species one (C. aculeata Ait.), in the Mediterranean region and upon the saline soils of the interior. 115. (120) Heleochloa Host. (Pechea Pourret). Like the preceding, except that the palea is two-nerved and the stamens three. The false spikes are subtended by a single leaf. Species eight, in the Mediterranean region and in the temperate parts of Asia. Rhizocephcdus Boiss. belongs 106 THE TRUE GRASSES. here. [H. schcenoides (Crypsis schcenoides Lam.) has been introduced into N. America, and become estab- lished about Philadelphia.] 116. (121) Maillea Parl. A dwarf grass with short, false spikes and much compressed, awnless spikelets. Stamens two ; palea one-nerved. Species one (M. Urvillei Parl.), upon the Cyclades, Sporades, and also in Sardinia. 117. (122) Phleum L. Inflores- cence usually in cylindrical, ex- serted, false spikes. Keel of the empty glumes extending into a point or short'awn ; flowering glumes awn- less. Stamens three ; palea two- nerved. Species ten, in the temperate zones (except in Australia). Ph. pratense L., " Timothy" (Fig. 47), has its empty glumes truncate, with a long fringe upon the keel. Com- mon in Europe. A very valuable grass for hay in heavy soils. FIG. 47. - Phleum pratense The Section CMlochloa (BeaUV. as h-uif r "(!?ter el NeIs, th Gin e a genus, AcTinodon Link) has the Germ. pi. 10.) ' Achilla prolonged beyond the palea. Ph. Bcehmeri, of central Europe, also belongs here. 118. (117) Echinopogon Beauv. (Hystericina Stem!.). False spike bristling with the long, straight awns of the flowering glumes. Empty glumes awnless. Species one (E. ovatus P. B.), in Australia and New Zealand. 119. (107) Alopecurus L. False spike cylindrical or ovate. Empty glumes awnless, usually fringed on the keels ; flowering glume usually with a bent, dorsal awn ; lodicules none, and palea often wanting. Flowers de- cidedly proterogynous. Species twenty, in temperate Europe and Asia, a few also in North and South America and Australia. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 107 A. pratensis L., " Meadow Foxtail," lias acute, hairy, empty glumes connate below the middle ; root-stock creeping ; culms leafy. An excellent fodder-grass, espe- cially for wet meadows. [A. ocddentalis Scribn. is a val- uable hay grass in the Rocky Mountain region.] The species having a distinct palea are Colobachne Beauv. (as a genus) ; Tozettia Savi is A. utricidatus L. 120. (123) Mibora Adans. (Chamagrostis Borkh., FIG. 48. Al opecurus praten- sis. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 7.) FIG. 49. Mibora verna Adans. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 6.) Knappia Sm., Sturmia Hoppe). A delicate, dwarf grass with short setaceous leaves, slender spikes, and awnless glumes. Species one (M. verna Adans.), in Western Europe (Fig. 49). 121. (124) Coleanthus Seid. (Schmidtia Trattiu). A 108 THE TRUE GRASSES. dwarf, prostrate grass with the base of the panicle en- closed in the inflated upper leaf-sheath. Stamens two, alternating with the flowering glumes and palea. Grain projecting beyond the flower. Species one (C. siihtilis Seid.) (Fig. 50), on the muddy banks of rivers, lakes, and ponds. Distribution remark - Fio. 50. Coleanthiis subtilis Seid. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 27.) FIG. 51,Sporobolus pungens Kunth. Br. t Mature spikelet ; K t , K y , Fruit, opened and discharging the seed. (After Nees.) able : Bohemia, Moravia, Lower Austria, Tyrol, France, Norway, Amur, Oregon, and Washington. 122. (125) Phippsia Brown. Dwarf ; panicle mostly enclosed in the leaf-sheath ; spikelets minute ; stamen one. Species one (P. dgida Br.), in the arctic polar regions, also on the higher Fjelden. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 109 SUB-TRIBE 3. Euagrosteae. Fruiting glume delicate ; stigmas pectinately branched, usually pro- jecting from the sides of the spikelets. 123. (126) Sporobolus Brown ( Vilfa Beauv. non Adans., Agrosticula Raddi, Cryptostachys Steud.) (Fig. 51). Pani- cles variable. Spikelets small, awnless, naked ; flower- ing glume and palea usually exceeding the empty glumes. Palea bifid. Fruit a utricle ; the expelled seed usually remains adherent for a time to the spikelet. Species eighty, chiefly in temperate and tropical America, but also in the warmer parts of Africa and Asia. One species (S.pungens Kunth) in Europe. Peren- nial, meadow grasses of the American prairies. [S. cryp- tamdrus Gray, a valuable forage-grass.] Diachyrium Griseb. and Triachyrium Hochst. are founded upon the erroneous conception of two separate paleae; the divi- sion or splitting of the palea arises mechanically during the ripening of the fruit. 124. (127) Epicampes Presl. Flowering glume with a delicate, often deciduous, or rudimentary awn on the point ; fruit apparently a true caryopsis. Species twelve, from California to the Andes, in the Argentine Republic. Crypsinna and Bauchea Fourn. belong here. 125. (130) Chaeturus Link. Panicle contracted, short. Spikelets very narrow, in twos or threes upon each branchlet ; flowering glumes somewhat shorter than the empty ones, awnless. Low, annual grasses. Species two, Ch. fascicvlatus Link and Ch. prostratus Hack, and Lange, upon the Iberian Peninsula. 126. (131) Polypogon Desf. (Santia Savi, Raspalia and Nowodivorskya Presl) (Fig. 52). Panicles contracted or spike-like, often interrupted. Empty glumes fre- quently bifid, their awns usually long and slender ; flowering glumes awned. The numerous awns impart a bristly appearance to the inflorescence. Species ten, in the warm temperate zones of both hemispheres. Two in the tropics. P. Monspeliensis 110 THE TRUE GRASSES. Desf. and P. maritimus Willd. in the Mediterranean re- gion. [Introduced into North America.] 127. (50) Garnotia Broiign. (Mi- qudia Nees, Berghausia Endlich). Spikelets small, in pairs along the branches of the usually expanded panicles. Flowering glumes with slender, slightly bent awns, or awnless. Species eight, from Eastern India to Japan. 128. (48) Thurberia Benth. (Greenia Nutt. non Walk, et Arn., Sclerachne Torr. non Brown). Spikelets narrow, solitary along the branches of the panicle. Empty glumes rather hard. Awu of the flowering glume genicu- late, twisted below. Species two ( T. Arkansana and T. pilosa), Arkansas and Texas. 129. (49) Limnas Trin. Pani- cles loose, few-flowered ; all the glumes firm in texture ; empty glumes with three prom- inent nerves ; awns dorsal near the base, bent and twisted ; styles connate below. Species one (L. Stelleri Trin.), in Eastern Siberia. 130. (132) Arctagrostis Griseb. Panicles contracted, narrow, few-flowered. Spikelets large (for the tribe), awnless. Flowering glume herbaceo-membranaceous. Species one (A. latifolia Griseb.), arctic-circumpolar. 131. Cinna L. (134) (Abola Adans., Blyttia Fries). Panicles elongated, many-flowered, spikelets small ; flowering glumes with a very short awn just below the point. [Rachilla usually prolonged, naked.] Species two, C. pendula Trin. and C. arundinacea L., in Northern Europe and North America. 132. (129) Agrostis L. Panicles variable, usually dif- fuse and many-flowered ; spikelets small, flowering Germ., i. 32.) DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. Ill glumes thin-membranaceous, or hyaline, awnless, or often with a bent awn inserted below the middle of the back ; two lateral nerves sometimes also projecting into very short awns ; palea usually short, often minute or none. Species about one hundred, distributed over the entire globe, especially in the north tem- perate zone, where they constitute the more important meadow grasses, though the foliage is too low and too delicate to produce a great quantity of forage.' A. cdbd L., " Fiorin grass" (Fig. 53), has a long ligule, pyram- idal panicles which are contracted after flowering, and usually awnless spikelets. It is a valuable fodder- grass, especially for moist lands, moors, etc. ; the same is true of the related A. vidgaris With. (" Red Top"), which has a shorter ligule and panicles more open after flower- ing. A. nebulosa Boiss. & Reut., a native of Spain, has extremely deli- cate panicles and very small spike- lets ; it is commonly cultivated for dry bouquets. The genus Tricho- Jt dium Schrad. comprises those spe- FIG. *s. Agrostis alba L. , . , (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. cies having the palea rudimentary 29.) or w r anting. Bromidlum has a spike-like panicle. 133. (136) Chaetotropis Kunth. Distinguished from the preceding by its very compact panicle, fringed keel of the empty glumes, and distinct projection of the rachilla beyond the palea. Species one (Ch. Chiknsis Kunth), in Chili. 134. (135) Gastridium Beauv. Panicles dense, spike- like ; spikelets narrow, shining; rachilla produced be- yond the palea, flowering glumes one third as long as the empty ones, awnless or awned. Species two, G. australe Beauv., G. scabrum Presl, in the Mediterranean region. 135. (137) Triplachne Link. Panicles short, spike- 112 THE TRUE GRASSES. like, shining, flowering glume downy ; awns almost basal, geniculate. Species one (T. miens Link), in the western countries of the Mediterranean region. 136. (133) Calamagrostis Roth (Figs. 54 and 55). Pani- cles very variable ; hairs on the callus of the flowering glume sometimes short and sometimes longer than the glume itself, which is usually thin-membranaceous and vari- ously awned. Frequently reed-like in habit. The spikelets usually larger than those of Agrostis. Sec. I. Epigeos Koch. Rachilla not produced ; hairs on the callus usually long. Species ten, in the north temperate zone of the Old World, including C. Epigeos (L.) Roth, C. titorea DC., (7. lanceolata Roth, and C. Halleriana DC. Sec. II. Deyeuxia Beauv. (as a genus). Usually with a hairy prolongation of the rachilla ; callus hairs shorter than in Sec. I, very rarely wanting. Species over one hundred and twenty, distributed throughout all the temperate and arctic zones, also upon the high moun- tains of the tropics ; about sixty species in the Andes alone. [Calamagrostis Tweedyi, Suksdorfii, Montanensis, and ambigua Scribn. are Rocky Mountain species.] Achcete Fourri., Relchela Steud., Cinnas- FlG 55 JJ trum Fourn. are more or less anomalous ^f !< L species of this section. ( Getf r Germ e , e i! 137. (139) Cinnagrostis Griseb. Like the 34 > preceding, but with unisexual spikelets ; rachilla with a long and very hairy prolongation ; callus short, bearded. Species one (C. polygama Griseb.), in the Argentine Republic. 138. (141) Ammophila Host. (Psamma Beauv.) Pani- cles usually narrow and spike-like. Flowering glume DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 113 and palea chartaceous, somewhat indurated, awnless; spikelets comparatively large. Species one, A. arundinacea Host. (" Sand reed"), has long, creeping rhizomes, and cylindrical, false spikes. On the sandy coasts of Europe and the Atlantic States of N. America, rarely in the interior. This grass is fre- quently planted for binding the dunes and loose sands, as it penetrates these by a thick network of rhizomes that withstands the strongest washing of the waves. A cross (A. Baltica Link) is sometimes formed with Cala- magrostis Epigeos Both. OBS. Very nearly related to Ammophila are two N. American spe- cies, Calamagrostis brempilis Gray and C. longifolia Hook., with the loose panicle of Calamagrostis, but the chartaceous flowering glumes of Ammophila, distinct from both genera by the one-nerved flowering glumes ; they may best be considered a separate genus, Calamomlfa (Gray as a sect, of Calamagrostis). (Hackel in MS.) [138a. Calamovilfa. Empty glumes unequal ; flower- ing glumes one-nerved ; rachilla not prolonged. Species two, in N. America (C. brevipilis of the Atlantic coast, and C. longifolia of the western interior). These species are referred to Ammophila in B. & H. Gen. PL, vol. Ill, p. 1153.] 139. (138) Apera Adans. (Anemagrostis Trin.). Pani- cles loose, spikelets delicate ; rachilla prolonged, naked. Awns four times as long as the flowering glumes, straight or somewhat geniculate. Species two, in Europe and Western Asia. A. Spica- Venti Beauv. is often a troublesome weed in crops. [In- troduced into United States about Philadelphia, etc.] 140. (142) Dichelachne Endl. Panicles dense, long and narrow, bristly on account of the numerous awns ; rachilla very slightly produced ; awns very long, some- what flexuous, not bent. Species two (D. crinita and D. sciurea Hook.), from Australia to New Zealand. 141. (143) Trisetaria Forsk. (Anomalotis Steud.). Pani- cles long and narrow ; rachilla prolonged, pedicel-like ; middle awn from the back of the flowering glume, genic- ulate, twisted below ; lateral awns delicate, straight. 114 THE TRUE GRASSES. Species two (T. linearis Forsk. and T. quinqueseta Hochst.), in Egypt and Abyssinia. 142. (118) Diplopogon Brown (Dipogonia Beauv.). False spikes capitate; rachilla not prolonged; palea with two awns ; middle awn of the flowering glumes tendril-like below, recurved above. Species one (D. setaceus Brown), in Western Australia. 143. (144) Pentapogon Brown. Panicles narrow, dense ; rachilla prolonged, pedicel-like ; middle awn of the flowering glume dorsal, twisted below, at length geniculate, longer than the four lateral awns. Species one (P. Billardieri Brown), in Tasmania and Vic- toria. 144. (145) Lagurus L. Pani- cles spike-like or capitate ; spike- lets thickly clothed in the fine, woolly hairs covering the empty glumes, from which project the lon S dorsal awns of flowering glumes ; lateral awns short. Species one (L. ovatus L.) (Fig. 56), in the Mediter- ranean region ; frequently cultivated for dry bouquets. TRIBE IX. AVENEJE. Spikelets 2-oo -flowered (only one-flowered in Aniso- pogori) ; inflorescence in panicles, rarely in spikes ; all flowers $ or one $ ; empty glumes often persistent or remaining after the fruiting glumes have fallen, usu- ally longer than the flowering glumes, the latter usually awned on the back, sometimes near the point ; awn ge- niculate, rarely nearly straight ; palea two-keeled ; style short or none. Stigmas feathery, protruding above the base or middle of the spikelet. Grain usually furrowed ; embryo small ; starch-grains compound. A. Spikelets readily deciduous as a whole. .. 145. Holcus. B. Fruiting glumes deciduous, empty glumes persistent. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 115 a. Spikelets strictly two-flowered, racliilla not pro- longed. a. Empty glumes cartilaginous on the back ; keel with pectinate teeth. . . . 146. Prionachne. /?. Empty glumes membranaceous. I. Flowering glumes long ciliate-fringed on the back or margins ; palea naked ; empty glumes broad, many-nerved. 147. Eriachne. II. Flowering glumes and palea, especially the latter, with a long fringe on the keels. Empty glumes narrow, 1-3-nerved. 148. Zenkeria. III. Flowering glumes and palea naked. 1. Upper flower in each spikelet on a rather long pedicel, smaller than the lower one, ? . . . . ISO. Coelachne. 2. Both flowers nearly sessile, of equal size, . * Palea many-nerved. 149. Micraira. ** Palea two-nerved. t Empty glumes semi-globose. Panicle spike-like. 151. Airopsis. ft Empty glumes not semi-globose. Panicle expanded. O Empty glumes evidently long- er than the flowering glumes. < Flowering glume truncate, slightly three - toothed, awnless. 153. Antinoria. <] < Flowering glumes two- toothed, awned. 152. Aira. OO Empty glume shorter than the flowering glume. 154. Molineria. NOTE. Compare Isachne. b. Spikelets 2-oo -flowered (except Anisopogori), ra- chilla prolonged beyond the upper flower. a. Flowering glume awnless or with a short ter- minal awn. Spikelets small. . 155. Achneria. ft. Awn of the floAvering glume upon the back (i.e., 116 THE TRUE GRASSES. rising from below the teeth of the point, not betiveen them). I. Spikelets in an open (rarely spike-like) panicle, not in a true spike. 1. Flowers all $ or the upper ones $ , or sterile. * Grain free, unfurrowed. Spikelets usually small (less than 1 cm. long). O Flowering glumes finely erose- dentate, or two-lobed, or with the edges entire. <] Awns not articulated, the point fine. . . 157. Deschampsia. < < Awns articulated, the point club-shaped. 156. Corynephorus. OO Flowering glume cleft or two- toothed with the teeth sometimes produced into awns. < Lower flower awnless, spike- lets narrowly oblong. 159. Ventenata. < < Lower flower awned. Spikelets elliptical-lanceolate. 158. Trisetum. ** Grain furrowed, usually adherent to the glumes ; spikelets over 1 cm. long. O Only two nerves of the flowering glume reach the point ; grain hairy at the apex. . . . 160. Avena. O O Nerves five, prominent, all extend- ing to the point ; grain naked. 161. Amphibromus. 2. Upper flower , the lower $ and strongly awned 162. Arrhenatherum. II. Spikelets in a trua, two-ranked, simple spike 163. Gaudinia. y. Awns from between the lobes or teeth of the flowering glume; the teeth also frequently awned. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 117 I. Spikelets two-flowered, upper flower $ or ? , lower $ . 1. Spikelets in threes, terminal on the branches of the panicle. 164. Tristachya. 2. Spikelets solitary, terminal on the branches of the panicle. 165. Trichopteryx. II. All the flowers , or the upper imperfect. 1. Spikelets one-flowered, very large. 166. Anisopogon. 2. Spikelets 3-QO -flowered. 167. Danthonia. NOTE. Compare the Festucem; GrapTwphorum, Scliismus, Dupontia, Dissanthelium (all awnless). 145. (157) Holcus L. (in part). Spikelets paniculate, two-flowered, upper flower $ (rarely S), awned; lower $, awnless, its flowering glumes finally indurated, shining ; empty glumes keeled, the upper one often short-awned. Species eight, in Europe and North Africa, especially the western part, one in Cape Colony. H. lanatus L. (Fig. 57), with woolly or downy leaves, is of some value for forage. 146. (147) Prionachne Nees (Chon- drolcena Nees [Prionanthium Desv.]). Panicle narrow, spike-like ; spikelets * awnless, somewhat like those of FIG. 57. Holcus lanatus _, , L. (After A. Gray, Man. Pholans. pi. 12.) Species one (P. dentata Nees), in South Africa. Ktenosachne Steud. may also belong here. 147. (146) Eriachne Brown (Fig. 58). Panicle loose or dense. Empty glumes many-nerved ; flowering glumes awnless or with fine terminal awns, finally somewhat indurated. Two flowers " apparently inserted at the same point, without any development of rachilla" (Benth. Notes, Gr. 92). Species about twenty-two, all but two Asiatic and Australian. Megcdachne Thwaites, belongs here. 118 THE TRUE GRASSES. 148. (148) Zenkeria Triu. (Amphidonax Nees (in part) ). Panicle loose, empty glumes 1-3- nerved ; flowering glumes aw r n- less, the two flowers closely ap- proximate. Species two, East Indian penin- sula and Ceylon. 149. (149) Micraira F. Mull. A low, matted grass, with appressed, subulate leaves ; spikelets very small, awnless, in loose panicles. Species one (M. subulifolia Mull.) in Queensland. 150. (150) Coelachne Brown. A very delicate, often prostrate grass with narrow panicles and small, round, awuless spikelets. Flowers divergent. Species three, in East Indies, South China, and tropical Aus- tralia. 151. (151) Airopsis Desv. A delicate annual grass with nearly FIG. bs.Eriachne giauca R. cylindrical panicles. Spikelets Brown. (After Kunth, Rev. J ,, , , . . . Gram. pi. 64.) small, globose, sliming, awuless ; the two flowers very closely appressed to each other. Species one (A. globosa Desv.), in Southwestern Eu- rope and Northwestern Africa. 152. (152) Aira L. (in part) (Fussia Schur.). Spikelets small, usually in loose panicles. Empty glumes thin-membra- naceous, the two flowers closely superposed. Flowering glumes usually awned on the back (awn rarely wanting), finally some- 9.-AiracarvophyiieaL. (After what indurated. Delicate an- Nees, Gen. Germ., 1. 44.) , ., , , , nual grasses with slender panicle-branches. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 119 Species six, throughout Europe, especially in the South, and in North Africa, one species in all temperate countries. A. elegans Gaud, and A. caryophyllea L. (Fig. 59) are frequently cultivated for dry bouquets under the false name of Agrostis elegans. Fiorinia Parl. is an awn- less species. 153. (152) Antinoria Parl. In general like the pre- ceding, but the flowers are separated by a manifest internode of the rachilla, and the flowering glumes are different Species two, in Southwestern and Southern Europe. 154. (152) Molineria Parl. Like the preceding, but with the flowers projecting from the empty glumes. Flowering glumes truncate or slightly toothed, awnless or with short awns. Species three, Western and Southern Europe to Asia Minor. Periballia Trin. is a species with a short, two- toothed flowering glume. 155. (155) Achneria Munro (non Beauv.). Spikelets small, in panicles ; flowers separated by a short inter- node of the rachilla, somewhat shorter than the empty glumes, often hairy. Perennial grasses. Leaves fre- quently convolute. Species eight, in Southern and tropical Africa (Eri- aclme of Nees, in Flora Afric. Austr.). 156. (153) Corynephorus Beauv. ( Weingcertneria Bern- hardi). Grasses with the habit of Aira, but with the rachilla prolonged, and club-shaped awns with a circle of short bristles at the point of articulation. Species three, in Europe. C. canescens Beauv. (Fig. 60) grows in sand fields ; it is a hardy but a poor pasture grass. 157. (154) Deschampsia Beauv. Spikelets rather small, two-flowered (rarely with an imperfect third flower) ; panicle loose or compact ; florets separated by an inter- node ; flowering glumes exceeding the empty ones ; awns slender. Species twenty, in all cold and temperate countries, a few in the high mountains of the tropics. Sec. I. Campella Link (as a genus). Awns straight. 120 THE TRUE GRASSES. D. ccespitosa Beauv. (Fig. 61), with large, open panicles, narrow, rough, hard leaves, forms a thick turf, and is cosmopolitan. It is of little value for fodder. FIG. 61. Deschampxia ccespitosa Beauv. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., FIG. 60. Corynephorus canescens Bv. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 42.) FIG. 62. Trisetum pra- tense Pers. (After Nees. Gen. Germ., I. 46.) Sec. II. Avendla Parl. (as a genus) (Lerchenfeldia Schur.). Awns geniculate (D. flexuosa Trin. and others). Sec. III. Vahlodea Fries (as a genus). Like Section II, but with entire flowering glumes (Airidium Steud., Peyritschia Four., and Monandrah-a Desv. are more or less anomalous species). 158. (158) Trisetum Pers. Spikelets in an open or close panicle, two-flowered, rarely 3-6-flowered ; empty glumes unequal, 1-3-nerved ; flowering glumes keeled ; callus and rachilla usually hairy ; lateral teeth of the flowering glumes frequently produced into awns ; middle awn geniculate. Species about fifty, from the Arctic regions through DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 121 the north temperate zone, the high mountains of the tropics to the south temperate zone. T. pratense Pers. (Avena ftavescens L.), " Golden oats" (Fig. 62), has a loose panicle and yellow, shining spike- lets, and is a valuable fodder-grass. T. subspicatum Beauv. is arctic, alpine, and antarctic. Trichceta Beauv. and Acrospelion Bess, are species of this genus. 159. (159) Ventenata Kolr. Like the preceding, but with the flowering glumes of the lower floret entire and awnless, and the spikelets longer and narrower ; empty glumes 3-5-nerved. Species three, Europe (V. avenacea Kolr.) and the Orient. 160. (160) Avena L. Spikelets 2-6-flowered (rarely one-flowered) in panicles. Empty glumes membrana- ceous, unequal ; flowering glumes rounded on the back, 5-9-nerved, often two-toothed ; awn dorsal, geniculate, twisted below (sometimes wanting or straight in culti- vated forms). Callus of flowering glumes and the ra- chilla often hairy ; ovary hairy all over or only at the point ; caryopsis fusiform, deeply sulcate. Species over fifty, in the temperate zones of the Old and a few in the New World. Sec. I. CritJie. Annuals. Spikelets nodding ; empty glumes many -nerved. A. sativa L., cultivated Oat (Fig. 63), with the awns of the persistent flowering glumes straight or none, has originated, perhaps, from the Avild Oat (A.fatua L.), which has geniculate awns and deciduous flowering glumes ; or from a similar species of which there are several in Southern Europe and Western Asia. Oats were cultivated in very ancient times in Europe, and extend as far as 69. 5 north lati- tude. It is the principal grain of Norway and Sweden, where it is used partly for mush, and partly for griddle- cakes (" Fladbrode"). Oatmeal is used in the same way in Scotland, Ireland, and on the Shetland and Orkney Islands. In the rest of Europe and in North America the plant is cultivated mainly as food for horses. In China there is a naked oat (see below) which is used in medicine ; in Europe also water-gruel, made with oat- 122 THE TRUE GRASSES. meal, is used as a mildly stimulating drink (hence the officinal Avence fructus excorticatus}. It is also raised for green fodder. There are two principal races : Panicled oats, with expanded, and " Banner oats" (A. orientalis Schreb.), with contracted, one-sided panicles. Each of these is divided into the chaffy and naked-fruited varie- ties, and the first, according to the color of the flower- ing glumes, into white, yellow, gray, brown, and black oats. In the naked oats (A. mida L.) the rachilla is pro- Fio. 63. Arena sativa L. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 48.) longed and bears 4^6 flowers which project beyond the empty glumes ; the flowering glumes are thiu-mem- branaceous and allow the fruit to fallout. The "wild oat" (A. fatua L.) is often very troublesome as a field weed in crops, especially in Southern Europe. The " Hairy oats" (A. strigosa Schreb.) and the " Short oats" (A. brevis Both.) are distinguished from A. sativa by the pedicellate lower flower and the usually two-awned spikelets ; in the first the flowering glume is drawn out DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 123 into two fine, awn-like points ; in the latter into two short, coarse teeth ; the fruit is also shorter and broader. The culture of these two varieties has been given up in most countries on account of the small profits derived from them ; they can be utilized advantageously only on very light, sandy soils. In Portugal, Spain, the Shet- land and Orkney Islands, and in Mechlenburg, Holstein, etc., Hairy oats (A. strigosa) are here and there culti- vated. Both species occur as weeds, however, especially among common oats. Sec. II. Avenastrum (Heiiffelia Schur., Helicotrichum Bess.). Perennials. Spikelets upright ; empty glumes five-nerved. A. pubescens, " Downy oats," with downy lower leaves, is a good fodder-grass. [Avena Hookeri Scrib. (A. versicola Hook, non Yill.) with the habit of A. pi*atensis L. is common in the Rocky Mountain region of the Northwest.] 161. (162) Amphibromus Nees. Spikelets 8-10-flow- ered, loosely panicled ; awns slender, geniculate. Species one (A. Neesii Steud.), in Australia. 162. (163) Arrhenatherum Beauv. Habit of Avena, Sec. II ; but the spikelets are somewhat smaller, and the two flowers in each are different (as to sex). The flowering glume of the lower floret is awned from the base, while that of the upper is awned from the point or awuless. Species six, in Europe, North- em Africa, Western Asia. A. FlG - ^.-Arrhenatherum avena- ceum Beauv. (After Nees, Gen. avenaceum Beauv. (Avena elatior Germ., 1.49.) L.) (Fig. 64) with expanded panicles and naked, shining spikelets is the French "Bay grass." It is native in Central and Southern Europe, and much cultivated in North America (" Randall grass," " Evergreen grass"), a very good and productive grass for chalky soils. 163. (161) Gaudinia Beauv. (Arthrostachya Link) (Fig. 65). Annuals with the habit of Lolium, and spikelets as 124 THE TRUE GRASSES. in Avena, many-flowered, but singly sessile in notches of the articulate rachis ; awns slender. Species two, one, G.fragilis Beauv., in the regions of the Mediterranean, the other ( G. geminiflora J. Gay), on the Azores. FIG. 65. -Gaudiniafragilis Beauv. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 84.) FIG. 66. Danthonia provincialis DC. (After Nees, Gen. Germ., I. 50.) 164. (164) Tristachya Nees (Monopogon Presl). Pani- cles loose ; flowering glumes of the $ flower awnless, that of the ? flower deeply cleft, and with a long, ge- niculate and twisted awn. Species eight, in tropical America, the others in tropical Africa and Western Asia. 165. (165) Trichopteryx Nees (Loudetia Hochst.). Dis- tinguished from the preceding only by the solitary spikelets. Flowering glume often hairy. Species ten, in tropical and Southern Africa, one of them also in Brazil. 166. (166) Anisopogon Brown. Panicles loose, with solitary, very large (4 cm. exclusive of the awns) spike- lets ; flowering glumes five-cleft, four lateral points finely awned, and the middle one with a strong geniculate awn. Species one (A. avenaceus Brown), in Australia. 167. (167) Danthonia DC. Panicles loose or dense ; flowering glumes rounded on the back, 7-9 nerved, fre- quently fringed, two-cleft, the points sometimes two- DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 15 parted and ending in awns ; middle awn flattened at the base, usually geniculate and twisted. Species about one hundred, in the warm and tem- perate zones of both hemispheres, more than half of them in South Africa. [D. compressa Austin, on the moun- tains of North Carolina and Tennessee, is valuable for grazing.] Sec. I. Himantochcete. The two teeth of the flower- ing glume undivided. D. provincialis DC. (Fig. 66), from South Europe to Vienna. Crinipes Hochst. and Streblochcete Hochst. are species of this section. Sec. II. Pentaschistis. Teeth of the flowering glumes again two-toothed and often produced into awns. Pen- tameris Beauv. and Chcztobromus Nees belong here. TEIBE X. CHLORIDES. Spikelets one- to many-flowered, in two series upon the outer side of the continuous rachis of the spike or raceme ; flowering glumes deciduous with the fruit ; the usually two empty glumes rarely falling with them. Palea two- nerved ; styles distinct ; stigmas projecting from the sides, rarely from just below the apex, of the spikelets ; grain free, unfurrowed ; starch-grains usually compound, rarely simple. A. Flowers of all the spikelets hermaphrodite. a. One $ flower (very rarely two) in each spikelet. a. No sterile glumes or $ flowers, and only rarely a short projection above the flower. I. Spikelets awnless [sometimes short-awned in Spartind], 1. Spikelets falling off from the rachis entire. 17O. Spartina. 2. Empty glumes not deciduous. * Spike terminal, slender. 168. Michrochloa. ** Spikes 2-6, digitate. . 169. Cynodon. *** Spikes many along a common axis, t The axis slender ; flowering glume longer than the empty ones. 179. Schedonnardus. 126 THE TRUE GRASSES. ft The axis bordered by a narrow membrane ; flowering glumes many times shorter than the empty ones. 180. Craspedorhachis. II. Spikelets distinctly awned. 1. Spikes terminal, one to four in number. 171. Schoenefeldia. 2. Spikes numerous, approximate at the end of the culm 178. Monochsete. NOTE. Compare Nardus with one spike, one pistil, one indistinct empty glume. ft. One to several empty glumes above the $ flower ; these are often small or awn-like, rarely with a $ flower in their axils. I. Empty glumes four, the two upper often having a palea in the axil but bearing no flower 173. Ctenium. II. Empty glumes two. 1. Spike one, terminal. * Spikelets awnless. 172. Harpechloa. ** Spikelets awned. 174. Enteropogon. 2. Spikes two to many (occasionally re- sembling short fascicles). * Spikes in false whorls or at least closely approximate. t Flowering glume of the flower with one awn, or awnless. 175. Chloris. ft Flowering glume of V flower with three awns. 176. Trichloris. ** Spikes remote or the lowest only approximate, t Spikelets scattered or remote. 177. Gymnopogon. ft Spikelets crowded. O Flowering glume plumose- ciliate. 182. Melanocenchris. O O Flowering glume not plu- mose. . . 181. Bouteloua. NOTE. Compare the one-flowered Leptochloa species. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 127 b. Each spikelet with 2-3 $ flowers. oc. Spikes terminal, solitary or 2-3 approximate and upright ; spikelets awned. I. Flowering glumes with three awns, the middle one from below the entire point, the lateral ones (often short) beginning lower down 183. Tripogon. II. Flowering glumes with one awn below the entire point. ... 184. Lepidopironia. III. Flowering glumes with one awn below the two obtuse lobes of the point. 185. Tetrapogon. IV. Flowering glume deeply three-cleft; lat- eral divisions pointed, the middle one prolonged into a strong awn. 186. Astrebla. /?. Spikes 1-3, short, terminal, not digitate, spike- lets awnless 192. Ccelachyrum. y. Spikes numerous, along a common axis or digitate at its apex ; spikelets awnless. I. Spikelets deciduous as a whole. 1. Empty glumes four. . 187. Tetrachne. 2. Empty glumes two. 189. Beckmannia. NOTE. Compare Leptochloa Mpinnata Hochst. II. Empty glumes two, persistent, flowering glumes deciduous. * Empty glumes with a subulate awn, projecting beyond the flowering glumes. 188. Dinebra. ** Empty glumes awnless or mucronate pointed, shorter than the flowering glume. t Spikelets densely crowded, spikes usually digitate. O Spikes with terminal spikelets. 190. Eleusine. O O Spikes without terminal spike- lets ; the rachis drawn out to a point and projecting beyond them. . 191. Dactyloctenium. 128 THE TRUE GRASSES. ft Spikelets distinctly alternating ; spikes remote. . 193. Leptochloa. NOTE. Compare Wangenfieimia, Festuca, also Trichloris with three awns. B. Plant.s dioecious, rarely monoecious, the two sexes very unlike. a. 9 inflorescence capitate, $ spikelets 2-3-flowered. 194. Buchloe. b. ? inflorescence a loose, one-sided spike, $ spike- lets one-flowered 195. Opizia. 168. (168) Microchloa Brown. Low, csespitose, delicate- leaved grasses, with long, frequently curved spikes. Species three, two African, the third (M. setacea) dis- tributed throughout tropical zone. 169. (170) Cynodon Pers. (Capriola Adans., Fibichia Kol., Dactylon Vill. (in part)). Spikelets small ; flower- ing glumes usually longer and broader than the nar- row empty ones, ciliate on the keel ; spikes slender, radially divergent. Species four, three in Australia, the fourth (C. Dactylon Pers. (Fig. 67) " Dog's tooth," with long creeping runners and 3-5 digitate spikes) cosmopoli- tan. This species covers the ground extensively in sandy soils, and although it has delicate leaves, it with- stands protracted drouths. In the S. States ("Ber- muda grass"), it is the FIG. 67.-Cynodon Dactylon Pers. (After most important graSS for pasturage, and, as in Hin- dostan, it is prized for fodder, both for horses and cows. The Hindoos consider it sacred. In Bengal it is called " Durba," in N. India " Dub," and in the Deccau " Hariali." In Europe it has been little appreciated. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 129 Its rhizome (Rh. Graminis ItdLici) is used in medicine like that of the Paspalum distichum (see p. 73). 170. (19) Spartina Schreb. (Trachynotia Michx., Lim- netis Pers., Solenachne Steud.). Spikes two to several, usually upright, approximate, rarely remote ; spikelets large, compressed ; empty glumes unequal ; as long or nearly as long as the flowering glume ; embryo nearly as long as the fruit. Species seven. Maritime grasses, three of which are common to the Atlantic coast and to the Mediterranean shores (Sp. stricta Both) ; two in the Western prairies, one in Montevideo, one upon Tristan da Cunha, Amster- dam, St. Paul. Coarse grasses, of not much value as fodder. 171. (169) Schoenefeldia Kunth. Spikes 2-4, long. Spikelets densely crowded, sub-pectinate. Striking in appearance on account of the very long slender awns which impart to the spikes an elegant crinate aspect. Species three, tropical Africa ; one East Indian. 172. (171) Harpechloa Kunth. Spikelets crowded, pectinate ; flowering glumes of flower broad, com- pressed, obtuse, long-fringed ; above the 9 flower are 1-3 small glumes that are either empty or with $ flow- ers ; spikes dense, often falcate. Species two (H. capensis Kunth), in South Africa. 173. (172) Ctenium Panzer (Campidosus Desv., Mono- cera Ell.) (Fig. 68). Spike one, rarely 2-3, usually curved ; spikelets densely imbricated, pectinate ; second empty glume awned on the back ; awn stout, divergent ; flowering glume of $ flower with a very slender awn below the point ; one to two empty or $ bracts above the flowering glume. Species seven, four in South and North America, three in Africa and the Mascarene Isles. 174. (173) Enteropogon Nees. Spikes long, often curved ; spikelets imbricated ; flowering glume of the $ flower with a slender awn below the point ; 1-2 empty or $ bracts above. Species four, in East India, tropical Africa or the Mascarene and Seychelles Islands. 130 THE TRUE GRASSES. 175. (174) Chloris Sw. (Fig. 69). Empty glumes nar- row, very acute ; flowering glumes broader, usually two- Fio. 68.-Cteniwn Americanum Schrank. (After A. Gray, Man. pi. 9.) FIG. 69. Chloris barbata Sw. O, Sterile glume. (After Trin., Spec. Gram. pi. 306.) cleft, frequently ciliate ; one to several empty glumes above, which are usually broadly truncate and often awned. Species about forty, in all warm countries, except Europe. Elegant grasses, some of which (Ch. gradlis Dur. for example) are cultivated as ornamental plants. The species with awnless flowering glumes compose the section Eustachys Desv. (as a genus), Schultesia Spreng. 176. (176) Trichloris Fournier. Spikes erect, rather slender, approximate, or in elongated panicles, clothed with the numerous delicate awns. Spikelets sometimes 2-3-flowered ; sterile bracts reduced to awns. Species two, in Mexico, Texas, Arizona ; two in Chili and one in Argentine Republic. That in the latter country (Tr.Blanchardiana Hack.) is as yet undescribed, but has long been known to gardeners as CJdoropsis or Chloridopsis Blanckardiana, and is prized as an ornamental grass ; the one in Arizona is perhaps identical with it. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 131 177. (177) Gynmopogon Beauv. (Anthopogon Nutt, Dichcetaria Nees). Flowering glume a little broader than the empty glumes, awned below the two-cleft apex ; sterile glumes often reduced to awns ; spikes delicate, at first erect, finally divaricate-spreading or reflexed. Species six, all, except one in Ceylon, American. Leaves short, rather broad and rigid. 178. (178) Monochsete Doll. Like the preceding, but the rachilla is not produced beyond the flowers ; spikes many, densely flowered. Species one ( M. fastigiata Doll.), in Brazil. 179. (179) Schedonnardus Steud. Spikes loosely flow- ered, remote on a common ra- chis, spreading ; flowering glume finally indurated, linear, acuminate- pointed. Species one (Sch. Texa,nus Steud.), in N. America. 180. (180) Craspedorhachis Benth. Like the preceding, but the flower- ing glume and palea are very deli- cate, and so small as to appear like minute scales. Species one (C. Africana Benth.), in tropical Africa. 181. (181) Bouteloua Lagasca (Eutriana Trin., ActinocMoa Willd.) (Fig. 70). Spikes very variable, FIG. m.-Bouteioua racemosa 5 ' r . . ' Lag:. (After Asa Gray, Man. sometimes consisting of many and P 1 - 9 -) sometimes of 1-3 spikelets ; in the latter case they re- semble solitary spikelets, but are distinguished by the prolongation of the axis beyond the spikelets ; flowering glumes with 3-5 teeth, of which 1-3 bear awns or mucros ; upper sterile glumes usually reduced to awns. Species about thirty, especially abundant upon the plateaux of the southwestern United States, where they form a large part of the prairie-grass ("Mesquite" or "Grama grass") and furnish excellent grazing for stock. Sec. I. Chondrosium Desv. (as a genus). Spikelets pectinate, numerous in each of the more or less falcate 132 THE TRUE GRASSES. spikes; upper sterile glumes usually three-awned. B. hirsuta Lag., Illinois to Mexico. Sec. II. Atheropogon Muhlenb. (as a genus) (Heteros- tega Desv.). Spikelets few (less than twelve) in many short spikes ; upper sterile glumes variable (see Fig. 70). B. racemosa Lag., New York to Peru. Sec. III. Triathera Desv. (as a genus) (Aristidium Endl., Tricena Kunth). Spikelets either single or in twos or threes in each of the numerous spikes ; upper sterile glume three-awned. B. aristidoides Griseb., in Mexico, California, etc. Sec. IV. Polyodon Kunth (as a genus) Triplathera Endl.). Like Sec. Ill, but with 2-3 sterile bracts above the $ flower ; sterile bract with 3-5 awns united in a fascicle. B. multiseta Benth. in S. America. B. Texana Wats, in Texas. 182. (182) Melanocenchris Nees (Ptiloneilema Steud.). Spikes very short, sub-globose, very remote, finally de- ciduous. Low annuals. Species three, in Hindostan and tropical Africa. 183. (183) Tripogon Koth. (Plagiolytrum Nees). Spikes terminal, elongated, solitary ; spikelets sub-imbricated, many-flowered, the 1-2 upper flowers smaller, $ , or sterile. Small, csespitose grasses with very narrow leaves. Species eight, in East India and tropical Africa. 184. (184) Lepidopironia Kichard. May belong to the preceding ; it differs only in the uni-aristate flowering glume, which is covered with long wooll} 7 hairs. Species one, in Abyssinia. 185. (185) Tetrapogon Desf. (Cryptochloris Benth.). Spikes solitary or in twos or threes, usually clothed with silky hairs ; spikelets crowded, 2-3-flowered, broad. Species five, four in North Africa, Abyssinia, and Western Asia. One ( Cryptochloris) of doubtful origin (in Patagonia?). 186. (186) Astrebla F. Mull. Spikes terminal, soli- tary or in pairs ; spikelets large, thickened ; empty glumes and flowering glumes many-nerved, the latter clothed with silky hairs. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 133 Species two or three. A. pectinata and A. triticoides F. Hull, in Australia. 187. (189) Tetrachne Nees. Spikes remote, with densely crowded spikelets ; leaves terete, convolute. Species one (T. Dregei Nees), in South Africa. 188. (188) Dinebra Jacq. Spikes short, numerous, scattered along a common axis, finally reflexed. Species one (D. Arabic, Jacq.), a low annual in Northern and tropical Africa to Hindostan. 189. (6) Beckmannia Host. Spikelets broad, com- pressed, crowded, two-flowered. Empty glumes navicu- lar, inflated on the back ; flowering glumes narrower, keeled, pointed, but awnless. Species one (B, erucceformis Host.). Eastern and Southern Europe, temperate portions of Asia and North America. [Specimens from America have one-flowered spikelets.] Fio. 71. A, Eleusine Coracana Gartn. (After Schreber, Bschr. pi. 35.) B, S, Spikelets of E. Indica Gartn. (After A. Gray, Man. pi. 9.) K, Utricle. S. seed. 190. (191) Eleusine Gartn. Spikes digitate or rarely scattered ; spikelets many-flowered, crowded ; glumes closely imbricate, diverging, compressed and keeled, obtuse or mucronate-pointed ; pericarp very delicate. Species six, mostly in the tropical and sub-tropical 134 THE TRUE GRASSES. zone of the Old World ; one (E. Indica Gartn.) is a weed in all warmer countries. E. Coracana Gartn. ("Korakan" or " Dagussa ;" " Mandua" in N. India, " Marua" in Bengal, "Ragi" in S. India) has thick spikes, and a seed which is marked with very fine comb-like lines. It is probably derived from E. Indica (see above), whose ob- long seeds are marked with more distinct comb-like lines, and whose spikes are more slender. " Korakan" is cultivated in E. India, Sunda Islands, S. China, Japan, and especially through the whole of Africa. In mam- parts of Africa it forms the principal food in spite of the bitter taste of the flour. A kind of bread or unleavened cake is made from it. In Abyssinia and Niam Niam a tolerably good beer is brewed from it. In India it is much prized, as it yields good harvests from very poor soil. 191. (191) Dactyloctenium Willd. Empty glumes strongly mucronate-pointed. The pericarp is absorbed before the fruit is ripe. Species one (D. jffgyptiacum Willd., with several varie- ties), which occurs as a weed throughout all warm coun- tries. A decoction is prepared from the seeds, which is used in Africa for inflammation of the kidneys. 192. (230 ) Coelachyrum Nees. Small, annual plants, with short spikes and no prolongation of the axis ; fruit a utricle whose pericarp is easily loosened at an early period, leaving the shield-shaped seed marked with prom- inent radial lines. Species two, C. brevifolium Nees in Arabia and C. Indicum Hack. (Eragrostis brevifolia Benth.) in India. 193. (192) Leptochloa Beauv. (Oxydenia Nutt., Rab- docMoa Beauv.). Inflorescence a panicle formed of numerous slender spikes ; spikelets small, two-oo -flow- ered, rarely one-flowered, compressed ; glumes and palea keeled ; flowering glume obtuse or acute, rarely awned. Species twelve, in the warmer countries of both hemi- spheres. One, L. mucronata Kunth, in temperate North America. 194. (193) Buchloe Engelm. (Bidbilis Eafinesque). Male plant with 2-4 short unilateral spikes, spikelets obtuse, DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 135 2-3-flowered ; inflorescence of the ? plant capitate, ses- sile (recalling Cenchrus], scarcely exserted from the sheath of the subtending leaf ; empty glumes two, con- cave, indurated, three-lobed. Species one (B. dactyloides Engelm.), the renowned "Buffalo grass" of the North American prairies. In Texas it remains green over winter, and if it completely dries up during the summer drouth it is still readily eaten by cattle, and a few hours' rain is sufficient to make it green again. 195. (195) Opizia Presl. $ spikelets in several alter- nating, slender spikes ; second empty glume of the ? spikelet with three long awns surrounding the rest of the spikelet like an involucre ; flowering glumes two- lobed, sterile bracts long-awned. Species one (0. stolonifera Presl), in Mexico. TRIBE XL FESTTJCEJE. Inflorescence in panicles or racemes (apparently spikes on account of the very short pedicels of the spikelets) ; spikelets 2-oo -flowered, rarely one-flowered, usually $ ; empty glumes usually shorter than the near- est flowering glume ; flowering glumes awnless or with from one to many awns which are usually terminal, rarely dorsal, and straight (very rarely geniculate) ; palese two- keeled ; embryo usually small ; starch-grains usually compound. The most important meadow-grasses of the temperate zones, as well as the predominating grasses of high mountains in the tropics. A.. Flowering glumes divided into three-to-many awn-like lobes, or with the awns rising from between the lobes, or dorsal. a. Flowering glumes cleft above into 9-23 awn-like divisions 196. Pappophorum. b. Flowering glumes with 9-11 irregular, membra-- naceous, awned lobes 197. Cottea. c. Flowering glumes with 5-9 dorsal awns. 269. Boissiera. d. Flowering glumes with four membranaceous lobes, between and at the sides of which arise five awns. 198. Schmidtia. 136 THE TRUE GRASSES. e. Flowering glumes with five sharp, subulate divi- sions, which are bent backwards. Spikelets two- flowered ; inflorescence capitate. . 206. Echinaria. f. Flowering glumes with 3-5 lanceolate, pointed, rigid, and erect or straight lobes. Spikelets many- flowered, in racemes 207. Orcuttia. g. Flowering glumes with five delicate awns. 210. Sesleria, Sec. Psilathera. h. Flowering glumes five-cleft, divisions awl-shaped, the middle and two outer ones awned. 199. Calamochloa. NOTE. Compare Triraphis. i. Flowering glumes deeply 3-4-cleft-with a dorsal awn 201. Pommoreulla. k. Flowering glumes deeply four-cleft, usually awned between the hyaline divisions. 200. Cathestechum. 1. Flowering glumes of the fertile flower three-cleft, three-awned. a. Plant dioacious, the two sexes very unlike. 202. Scleropogon. ft. Plant hermaphrodite. . . . 203. Triraphis. B. Floivering glumes entire or two-toothed to two-deft, awn- less or ivith one awn (3-5-atvned only in a variety of Bromus macrostachys). a. Rachilla or flowering glume (at least of the fertile flower) with long hairs which envelop the latter. Tall, reed-like grasses. a. Plant dioecious, $ spikelets hairy, $ spikelets naked 214. Gynerium. ft. Plant hermaphrodite (very rarely dioacious), all the spikelets hairy. I. Flowering glumes thick-membranaceous, five-nerved. . . . 215. Ampelodesmos. II. Flowering glumes thin-membranaceous or hyaline, three-nerved. 1. Flowering glumes hairy, rachilla naked. 216. Arundo. 2. Hairs on the rachilla only. 217. Phragmites. b. Rachilla and flowering glume naked or hairy; hairs much shorter than the glumes. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 137 a. Stigmas with short hairlets on all sides (bar- bellate), projecting from the point of the flow- ering glumes, upon elongated, free styles. I. Spikelets dioecious, solitary, terminal, con- cealed between the leaves. 204. Monanthochloe. II. Spikelets usually in threes, terminal in the axils of stiff, spinescent leaves which pro- ject far beyond them. . . 205. Munroa. III. Spikelets in a capitate panicle which is enclosed within the sheath of a bract-like leaf and falls off with it. 2O9. Urochlsena. IV. Spikelets in a capitate or short cylindri- cal panicle which is neither surrounded by a leaf nor deciduous ; the spikelets also (at least their empty glumes) persistent. 1. Lowest spikelet with bracts at the base. * Empty glumes winged upon the keel ; spikelets very many-flowered. 208. Ammochloa. ** Empty glumes not winged, spike- lets 2-6-flowered. . 21O. Sesleria. 2. Lowest spikelet without bracts at the base . 211. Oreochloa. V. Spikelets in contracted, spike-like pani- cles, articulated below the empty glumes and falling off one by one. 212. Fingerhuthia. YI. Spikelets minute in compact, very long, lobed panicles whose ultimate branches are subtended by subulate bracts ; spike- lets minute, not deciduous. 213. Elytrophorus. NOTE. Compare Streptogyne, Zeugites, Schismus. /?. Stigmas plumose, relatively short, sessile or raised on a short style, emerging from the sides of the flowering glume. I. Spikelets of two forms, the fertile 1-3-flow- ered, surrounded by the sterile consisting of many glumes. 138 THE TRUE GRASSES. 1. Fertile spikelets one-flowered, sterile spikelet with obtuse glumes. 254. Lamarckia. 2. Fertile spikelets 2-3-flowered, sterile spikelet with awned or pointed glumes. 253. Cynosurus. II. Spikelets all alike. 1. Flowering glumes thiee-toothed, three- pointed or two-toothed, usually three- nerved; lateral nerves and the callus usually hairy. * Spikelets with only one fertile flower, four empty glumes and one upper, empty, three-awned rudi- ment. . . . 218. Blepharidachne. ** Spikelets witli three to many fertile flowers ; empty glumes two. 219. Triodia. *** Spikelets 1-3-flowered ; flowering glumes keeled ; branches of the diffuse panicle very long and capil- lary 219a. Redfieldia. NOTE. Compare IMplachne with its sharp- keeled flowering glumes. 2. Flowering glumes of some other struc- ture. * Flowering glumes 1-3-nerved, all with $ flowers, or the uppermost only with a $ flower, or empty. t Panicle-branches spirally ar- ranged. O Panicle-branches in spike- like racemes either with short-pedicelled or sessile spikelets. <3 Flowering glumes keeled. 22O. Diplachne. 3 < Flowering glumes round- ed on the back. 224. Ipnum. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIBES AND GENERA. 139 O O Branches of the panicle again with branchlets, these be- coming shorter above. < Spikelets loosely 2-4- flowered, conical; rachilla articulated. 222. Molinia. < < Spikelets densely many- flowered ; rachilla usually continuous: if articulated, the spikelet not conical. 223. Eragrostis. ft Primary panicle-branches dis- tichous, usually branched again at the base. O Empty glumes much longer than the flowering glumes. 221. Dissanthelium. O O Empty glumes not at all or only a little longer than the flowering glumes. < Panicle spike-like or very much contracted, usually dense. X Second empty glume much broader and somewhat longer than the flowering glumes. D Flowering glumes broadly obtuse, awnless. 225. Eatonia. D D Flowering glumes awned. 226. Avellinia. XX Second empty glumes not broader nor longer than the flowering glumes. 227. Kceleria. C'., 112. lanceolata Roth, 112. littorea DC., 112. longifolia Hook., 113. Moutauensis Scribn., 112. Suksdorffii Scribn,, 112. Tweedy i *cribn., 112. Calamochloa Fourn., 136, 145. filifolia Fourn., 145. Calamovilfa, 99, 113. brevipilis Scribn., 113. lougifolia Scribn., 113. Callus. Term applied to an exten- sion of the flowering glume be- low its point of insertion, and which is grown to the axis or rachilla of the spikelet, 13. Calotheca Desv., 160. Calycodon Nutt. , 104. Campella Link, 119. Campulosus Desv., 129. Campy lotropous. An ovule or seed which is curved upon it- self, bringing the apex near to the base. Canary-grass, 93. Capillary. Hair-like. Capitate. A dense globular in- floresence; head-shaped. Capriola Adans., 128. Cartilaginous. Firm yet flexible, gristle-like. Caryochlita Trin., 87. Caryopsis. Term applied to the grain or seed-like fruit of grasses in which the thin pericarp is adnate to the seed, 19. Castellia Tin., 166. Catabrosa Beauv., 140, 156. aquatica Beauv., 156. Cataclastos, 154. Catapodium Link, 144, 167. loliaceum Link, 167. Lolium Hack., 167. Catenulate. Composed of parts united end to end in an indefi- nite series. Cathestechum Presl, 136. 145. erectum Vasey & Hack., 146. prostratum Presl, 146. Caudate. Tail-like or having a tail-like appendage. Cenchrus L., 71, 79. echinatus L., 80. rayosuroides Humb. & Kth. , 80. tribuloides L. , 79. Centotheca Desv., 141, 158. Cephalochloa Coss. & Our., 147. Cephalostachyum Munro, 201, 210. Ceratochloa Beauv., 169. pendula Schrad., 169. CeresiaPars., 73. Chaboissaea Fourn., 211. CluEtaria Beauv., 100. Chsetium Nees, 71, 78. Chmtobromus Nees, 125. Chsetotropis Kanth, 100, 111. Chilensis Kunth, 111. Chaeturus Link, 97, 109. fasciculatus Link, 100. prostratus Hack., 109. Chamcedactylis Nees, 161. Chamoeraphis Brown, 72, 82. Chamagrostis Borkh., 107. Chartaceous. Like writing-paper in texture. Chascolytrum Desv., 160. Chasmanthium Link, 159. Chilochloa Beauv., 106. Chionachne Br., 43. CHLORIDE/K, 36, 125. Chloridopifis Blancliardiana, 130. Chloris Sw., 126, 130. barbata Sw. (fig.), 130. gracilis Dur., 130. Chloropsis, 130. CJiondrolcena Nees, 117. Cliondrosium Desv., 131. Chrysopogon Trin., 61. Chrysurus Pers., 163. cynosuroides, 163. Chusquea Kunth, 200, 204. Ciliate. With a fringe of hairs. Cinna L., 98, 110. arundinacea L., 110. pendula Trin., 110. Cinnagrostis Griseb., 99, 112. polygama Griseb., 112. Cinnastrum Fourn., 112. Citronella oil, 62. Cleistachne Benth., 64. CLomena Beauv , 104. Coelachne Brmcn, 115, 118. Ccelachyrum Nees, 127, 134. brevifolium Nees, 134. Indicum Hack., 134. Ccelorhachis Brongu., 52. CoixZ, 37. Lachryma L., 43. INDEX AND GLOSSARY OF TERMS. 217 Coleanthus Seid ., 97, 107. subtilis Seid., 108. Coleabenia Griseb., 76. Coleorhiza. Sheath investing the radicle of the embryo through which the roots burst in ger- mination. 19, 25. Colladoa Cav., 55. CollinariaEhrb., 155. Colobnchne Beauv., 107. ColobanthusTrin., 155. Colpodium Trin., 143, 164. fulvum Grineb., 164. penduliuum Griseb., 164. Complanate. Flattened. Compressed. Flattened from op- posing sides or from one side only, as when speaking of spikelets being flattened from the back (dorsally compressed). Connate. Said of parts united or grown together from their origin. Connective. The part of a stamen connecting the cells of an anther. Continuous. Without separable joints ; opposed to articulated and to interrupted. Contracted. A panicle is con- tracted when narrowed by hav- ing its branches erect or ap- pressed. Convulute. Rolled up. Cordate. Heart-shaped. Coriaceous. Leathery in texture. Coridochloa Nees, 75. Corneous. Like horn in texture. Cornucopias L., 96, 105. cucullatum L., 105. Corynephorus Beauv., 116, 119. canescens Beauv., 119. Cottea Kunth, 1&5, 145. pappophoroides.fifw7i<7i, 145. Couch-grass, 176. Crab-grass, 75. Crcepalia Schrank.. 173. Craspedorhachis Benth., 126, 131. Africana Benth. , 131. Crinipes Hochst., 125. Critesivn'Rsifin., 188. Crithodium ., 165. [153. Grasses, fossil, 32. fruit and seed of, 19. [31. feographical distribution of, ey to tribes of, 34. means of distribution of, 28. organs of reproduction of, 15. organs of vegetation of, 2. pollination in. 17. relations of, 32. special characters of, 1. Greenia Nutt., 110. Greslania Balansa, 201 , 210. Guadua Kunth, 207. Guaduella Franch., 207. marantifolia Franch., 208. Guinea-grass, 76. Gynerium Humb. & Bonpl. 136, argenteum Nees, 149. [149 Gymnopogon Be., 144, 163. dura Beauv., 163. Scleropoa Griseb., 144, 167. rigida Griseb., 167. Scleropogon PUlippi, 136, 146. Scolochloa Mert. & Koch, 150. Scolochloa Link. 143, 164. festucacea Link, 165. spiculosa Schm. , 165. Scribneria Hack. , 171. 175. Bolanderi Hack., 175. Scutellum. The usually shield- shaped portion of the embryo regarded as the cotyledon ; its inner face lies against the albu- men, while in its somewhat con- cave outer side rest the plumule and the radicle (hypocotyl) to which it is attached' 21. Secale L., 171, 177. cereale L., 177. fragile Bub.. 177. montanum Guss., 177. Secund. Turned to one side, one- sided. Sehima Forsk., 55. 226 INDEX AND GLOSSARY OF TERMS Senites Adans., 158. Sericura Hassk., 82. SerrafalcusP&rl., 168. Sesleria Scop., 137, 148. cserulea Ard., 148. Seslerieae (sub-tribe), 146. Sessile. Devoid of a pedicel or stalk. Setaria Beauv., 71, 78. glauca Beauv., 78. Italica Beauv., 78. viridis#em>., 78. Setiforui. Bristle-like. Sheath. Applied to the tubular or convolute portion of the leaf, between the leaf-blade and its point of insertion, which in- closes or embraces the culin. 6. Sheath, function of, 3, 6. Sheath-nodes, 2. Sheep's Fescue, 166. Sieglingia Bernh. . 152. Sitanion Rafin., 192 Solenachne Steud ,129. Solitary. Standing alone. Sorghum Pers. , 58 cernmim Host , 59. pauciflorum, 61. saccharatum Pers., 59. Sphenopus Trin., 140, 156. Gouani Trin., 156. SpinifexZ., 72, 83. Sp:irtiua Schreb., 125, 129. stricta Both, 129. Spelt, 182. Spike. An inflorescence in which the spikelets are sessile on the main axis. 10. Spikelet. A secondary spike, or in grasses a special inflorescence consisting of a more or less elongated axis (the rachilla) and two-ranked imbricated glumes in the axils of some of which the flowers are borne. 11. Spikelet, diagrams of. 12. Spikelets, succession of flowering of in a given inflorescence. 15. Spinescent. Furnished with spines. Spodiopogon Trin., 45, 52. Sporobolus Brown, 97, 109. cryptaudrus Gray, 109. pungeiis Kunih, 109. Stamens, 15. Staminodia. Rudimentary or im- perfectly developed stamens. Starch-grains, 26. Stegosia Lour., 52. Stemmatospermum Beauv. , 204. Stenobromus (sub-gen.), 168. Stenochloa Nutt., 153. Stenotaphrum Trin., 72, 82. Americauum Schrauk, 82, 83. Sterile bracts. Same as sterile glumes. Stipa L., 95, 101. capillata L., 101. inebrians Hance, 102. peunata L., 101. Sibirica Lam., 102. spartea Trin., 101. tenacissima L., 91, 101. tirsa Stev., 101. viridula Trin., 102. Stipagrostis Nees, 101. Strebloclutte Hochst., 125. Strephium Schrad., 84. Streptachne Brown, 102. Streptachne Kunth, 100. Streptochseta Schrad., 86, 91. Streptogyue Beauv., 141, 158. criuita Link, 158. Streptostachys Desv., 76. Slurmia Hoppe, 107. Suardia Schkr., 68. Subulate. Awl-shaped. Sugar Cane, 50. Sugar Maize, 40. Sulcate. Grooved or furrowed. Sweet vernal-grass, 94. Syntherisma Walt., 74. Tabasheer, 199. Teiuostachyum Munro, 201, 210. Teosinte, 38. Terete. Cylindrical. Tetrachne Nees, 127, 133. Dregei Nees, 133. Tetrapogon-Des/., 127, 132. Tetrarrhena Brown, 92. Thamnocalnmus Munro, 202. Thelepogon Roth, 46, 55. elegaus Roth, 55. Themeda .For**., 47, 63. Forekalii fioci., a Thuarea Pers., 72, 83. sarmentosa Pers., 83. Thurberia Benlh., 98, 110. Arkansana, 110. pilosa, 110. Thrasya Kuutli, 75. Thyridostachyum Nees, 53. Tlrtneria Bernh., 119. Waugenheimia Monch, 142, 161. disticha Monch, 161. Wheat (see Trittcum), 183. Egyptian, 185. Polish, 185. Whorl. The arrangement of organs in a circle around an axis. Wilhelmsia C. Koch, 155. Windsoria Nutt., 152. Witch-grass, 176. Xerochloa Brown, 72, 82. Xy&tidium Trin., 67. Zea L., 36, 38. Mays L., 38. Zeobrouius (sub-gen.), 168. Zankeria Trin., 115, 118. Zeocriton Beauv., 188. Zeugites Schreb., 158. Zizania L., 86, 88. aquatica L., 88. latifolia Turcz., 88. miliacea MX., 88. palustris Link, 88. Zizaniopsia ZW., 86, 87. miliacea Doll. & AscJi. , Zoysia Wittd., 65, 67. ZOYSIE^S, 34, 64. Ok ^ 6-7if H THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 50m-9,'6G(G633888) 9-182