THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MRS. LESLIE'S BOOKS LITTLE CHILDREN. THE ROBIN REDBREAST SERIES. THE LITTLE FRANKIE SERIES. [I LITTLE FRANKIE AND HIS MOTHER. LITTLE FRANKIE AT HIS PLAYS. LITTLE FRANKIE AND HIS COUSIN. LITTLE FRANKIE AND HIS FATHER. LITTLE FRANKIE ON A JOURNEY. LITTLE FRANKIE AT SCHOOL. THE ROBIN REDBREAST SERIES. -THE ROBINS' NEST. LITTLE ROBINS IN THE NEST, LITTLE ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. LITTLE ROBINS IN TROUBLE. LITTLE ROBINS' FRIENDS. LITTLE ROBINS' LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER. LITTLE ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. LITTLE ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. CHAPTER I. ME. ROBIN'S POOR COUSINS. EARLY one May morning, Fred Symmes was sent by his mother upon an errand to the next farm. He did not go around by the road, but jumped over the stone wall, and passed along through the pleasant orchard. -As he 622703 (7) 8 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. came near the pear tree, he saw a large robin flying back and forth from it, and stopping to look, soon discovered a nest in the fork formed by two of the lower limbs. What was his surprise, as the robin flew toward the ground, to have it alight on his arm ! when he at once recognized it as Mr. Robin, who had a wife and fam- ily in the elm tree near the cot- tage. ' MR. BOBIN'S POOR COUSINS. 9 "Why, what are you doing here this bright morning?" he asked, holding out his finger, upon which the familiar bird readily perched. Mr. Robin cocked his head, turned up his bright eye, and tried to explain. But as Fred did not seem to understand, and kept saying, "I hope you have not forsaken your wife and lit- tle nestlings, pretty birdie," he alighted on the ground, picked 10 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. up a worm, and flew away into the tree. Fred quickened his steps, did his errand at the farm, and on his return, found Mr. Robin had flown away. He climbed into a tree, from which he could look into the nest. There he saw a female bird sheltering her young, who were feebly chirping as she partly rose to meet the intruder. She uttered a cry of distress, and began to flutter her wings ; MR EOBIN'S POOE COUSINS. 11 but Fred quickly slid down from the tree, and put an end to her alarm. When he reached home, both Mr. and Mrs. Robin were pick- ing up crumbs at the cottage door. " Grandpa/ 7 said he, when they were seated at breakfast, " I saw something very funny this morn- ing. I found our robin in a pear tree near Mr. Bacon's farm, feed- ing a whole nest full of birds." 12 ROBIN'S LEARNING TO FLY. " Were they alone ? " inquired Mr. Symmes. " No, father. The mother bird was there ; and he fed her too." " I suppose the father has been killed/ 7 suggested the old gentle- man. "It is very cruel to kill birds when they have little fam- ilies to take care of. But I have read many instances where birds have assisted each other when in distress : where the male bird has been killed, one of his neighbors MR KOBIN'S POOE COUSINS. 13 has fed and assisted in rearing the young brood, at the same time he attended to the wants of his own family." An hour or two later, grandpa sat in his arm chair under the shade of the graceful elm. Fred had brought his tools, and was converting a large wooden box into a playhouse for his little sister. Annie stood near him, her apron filled with small bits of broken china, which she called 14 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. her dishes, and which she was waiting to arrange in her new cupboard. It was very warm; and the boy's forehead was wet with per- spiration. He drew his jacket sleeve across his face, as he ex- claimed, " There, Annie, your house is done." " Thank you, thank you, dear brother/' cried the little girl, in an ecstasy of delight. She emp- tied the bright-colored crockery ME. ROBIN'S POOR COUSINS. 15 on the ground, and ran to the house for her dolly and two chairs ; the latter her mother had made of pieces of smooth cornstalks, fastened together with pins. "0, doesn't it look pretty, grandpa?" she asked, jumping up and down in her glee. " See Minnie sitting in her parlor. Now I'll set up my dishes. dear ! " she added, with a quick, appealing glance at her brother, 16 ROBINS LEARNING TO " how nice it would be if I had a table!" "Well, some time I'll make you one/ 7 answered Fred, with a smile. " And you can put your dolly's cradle into the bed- room." " yes," shouted Annie, with a cry of joy ; and she ran away to fetch it. "I will help you make a ta- ble," said grandpa to Fred ; " and I think we can manage to put MR ROBIN'S POOR COUSINS. 17 together a very pretty one be- tween us." "I want to hear more about birds helping each other/ 7 said the boy. " It seems so queer that they should know enough to do it." " It is a most interesting study," answered the old gentleman, "to watch the character and habits of birds, and one which has engaged the attention of many learned men. There is no por- 18 KOBINS LEAKNING TO FLY. tion of God's creation in which his wisdom is more displayed than in the formation of birds. Each and every variety are ex- actly fitted for the circumstances in which they are to be placed. For instance, the eagle, who lives on high crags or rocks, almost inaccessible to man, has a short, strong beak, hooked at the end, wings of immense strength, and claws large and sharp. He is gifted with extraordinary clear- MR ROBIN'S POOR COUSINS. 19 ness of sight. Sitting on the summit of a huge rock, or sail- ing around at a great height in the air, he discerns his prey. Sometimes it is a fish just below the surface of the water, or a lamb accidentally separated from its mother. He shoots down, down, and with the speed, sure aim, and straightness of an ar- row, pounces upon the prey, and carries it off in his strong talons." 20 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. " How different from our pret- ty little robins ! " exclaimed Fred. "Yes, the eagle is a bird of prey, and is formed accordingly. The robin lives upon grubs, in- sects, or seeds and fruit. It is not necessary, therefore, for him to be possessed of much strength. His beak is just fitted for the kind of labor he must perform in getting his food. It is slight- ly notched near the end. He is a very social bird, and is re- MR. ROBIN'S POOR COUSINS. 21 markable for the bravery with which he defends his young. Then there is the pelican of the wilderness, who is furnished with a large pouch, joined to the lower part of his beak, in which he can carry a consider- able quantity of food to his young.' 7 22 EOBINS LEARNING TO FLY. CHAPTER II. THE HEN HAWK. WHILE grandpa and Fred were talking, they suddenly heard a loud cry of distress from the hen in the coop, quickly fol- lowed by the cluck, cluck, with which she summoned her chick- ens under her wings. Presently Mr. and Mrs. Robin seemed to partake of the fright. She uttered continual sharp cries, THE HEN HAWK. 23 while her husband flew with quick, violent motions over his nest. Fred hastened toward the barn, and saw a large hawk sailing in the air above them. He ran to call his father, who was, fortu- nately, near at hand. "Bring my gun;" said Mr. Symmes, taking down a flask of powder from a high shelf in the shed. "Now we'll soon bring him 24 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. down/ 5 he continued, stationing himself at the back door. He took his aim. Annie turned pale ; and pressed her hands over her ears. Then came the report ; and, true enough, the great, brown bird fell to the ground just in front of the hen-coop at which it had been aiming. "That was a good shot," re- marked grandpa, walking slowly to the place. " I seldom miss fire," said Mr. THE HEN HAWK. 25 Symmes, with a look of honest pride. " My hand is steady, and the gun is a faithful old fellow, that has served honorably in war, and has helped me to get rid of many an enemy." " 0, father, see how it flutters! It is not quite dead." " Bring it here, child, and I'll put an end to its pain. We should always avoid keeping any living being in misery." He wrung the hawk's neck, though 26 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. Annie screamed, and then began to cry. "Why, sis, do you want our chickens and birdies all carried off?" asked Fred. "This is a bad bird, and would have stolen them away if father had not killed it. Hark ! there are the robins now singing us a song to thank us for protecting them." They all stopped for a moment to listen, as the beautiful song- sters warbled forth their sweet THE HEN HAWK. 27 strains, filling the air with their rich melody. " Do you suppose they really know what we have done for them ? " inquired the boy. " Certainly I do," answered grandpa. " They made known their wants as well as they were able, and in language that it was easy to understand. The little nestlings knew at once, from the cries of their parents, that there was danger near, and joined 28 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. in the notes of distress. Now, while their father and mother sit quietly upon the bough sing- ing their thanks, they feel sure the danger is past, and that no accident will happen to them." " I'm sure the chickies knew," said Annie. " They ran in to their mother as quick as they could, and cuddled together un- der her wings." " They knew just as well," replied her father, "and under- THE HEN HAWK. 29 stood her language as quick as you would if your mother saw a great lion in the yard, and called you, " Annie, come here ! run quick into the house, or you will be killed!" In the mean time, Fred had been examining the dead hawk, and now exclaimed, "0, what a strong bird this is ! I don't wonder smaller ones are afraid of it." "It is of the same family as 30 EOBINS LEAENING TO FLY. the eagle and falcon/' said grand- pa, " though, as you see, its beak is very short, and bends grad- ually from its base. It is natu- rally a ferocious bird, but is capable of strong affection for those who treat it with kindness. In England, hawks were formerly much prized, as they were trained to catch game of various sorts, and sometimes became so tame that they would not only come when called, but they would THE HEN HAWK. 31 bring home to their owner what- ever they took in their flight. "A hawk which was once owned by a gentleman in Eng- land^ escaped from its owner, after accompanying him on a hunting expedition, and flew hun- dreds of miles in the short space of about six hours. It alighted on a vessel bound for America from Europe, which was nearly midway on her passage, and was recognized by a silver ring on 32 KOBINS LEARNING TO FLY. its leg, with* the owner's name engraved upon it." "Did it remain on board the vessel ? r inquired Fred, earnestly. "For some days it did, my dear, and then it took its flight." " Do you suppose it could find its way back to its master ? " asked Annie. " 0, yes, as easily as the robins in the tree will find their way back to our farm when THE HEN HAWK. 33 spring comes again/' said grand- pa with a smile. "The chickens are all out again now/ 7 said the little girl, running to the coop. " Yes, indeed ! " exclaimed her brother; "they have forgotten all about their fright by this time. Grandpa, what would you do with this dead hawk ? " "I would dig a hole in the ground and bury it ; my dear.' 7 34 EOBINS LEAENING TO FLY. CHAPTEE III. LEARNING TO FLY. THE next morning, Fred was awakened earlier than usual by a loud and continued chirping in the robins' nest. He dressed himself quickly, and ran to the window, where he saw Dick, the largest bird, sitting on the edge of the nest, while his father and mother were hopping from one bough to another, twittering in- LEARNING TO FLY. 35 cessantly, and trying to encour- age him to try his wings. Fred was greatly excited, and ran to the stairs to call his sister, who slept below in the room with her parents. This was indeed an important day in the robins' nest. Dick and Jack, Molly and Katy, were now fledged; and it was high time for them to begin to ex- ercise a little. " Dick is the oldest, and must 36 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. try his wings first," said Mr. Robin, firmly. " I dare not," answered Dick. " It makes me dizzy only to look down." " Don't stop to look, then," said his mother. "Spread out your wings and fly away. Try, and you will find it very easy. Here, see how I do it." She perched for a moment on the nest by his side, and then slowly raising her wings, flew to the ground. LEARNING TO FLY. 37 "I know I shall kill myself/' muttered the cowardly bird. " Let me fly/' exclaimed Jack. " It looks easy when you do it." "It is easy," said his father. " It is only to make up your mind, c I can fly if I will/ spread out your wings, and away you go. Dick, as you are the oldest, the privilege of leaving the nest first is yours ; but if you do not start before I chirp three times, . Jack may take your place." 38 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. He then began, " Chirp, chirp, chirp ; " but the foolish Dick did not move. His father was much dis- pleased, and gave him a blow with his beak, pushing him back into the nest. " Come, my brave Jack/' said his mother ; " you shall show us how easily you can learn to fly." Poor Jack's heart beat strange- Jy, as he saw how far it was to the ground. His mother showed LEARNING TO FLY. 39 him how to move his wings, con- tinually spreading them, flying a yard or two, and then returning. " I am a bird, and must learn some time/ 5 chirped Jack ; " so here goes And shutting his eyes, he resolutely let go his hold of the nest, and came down, rather awkwardly, to be sure, but still safely, upon the ground. His mother instantly joined him. "Good Jack," said she, 40 EOBINS LEARNING TO FLY. " I am proud of you ; " and she repeatedly touched her beak to his. " I thought I was falling, fall- ing," answered Jack; "and now that I am here, I'm afraid I shall be obliged to stay, for it seems impossible to get back." "Here, take this worm, my dear," said his mother, " and then mount that little bush." Jack did so, and found he could fly a short distance with LEARNING TO FLY. 41 perfect ease ; indeed, he was de- lighted with the exercise, and ; being quite pleased with his mother's praise of his conduct in showing more courage than his brother, he thought, " There was never a happier robin than I am!" "I will leave you," said Mrs. Robin, " for I see your father cannot persuade Dick to ven- ture. You may practise from the bush to the ground and back 42 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. until I return. There is no dan- ger/ 7 she added, as she saw Jack turn his head quickly and gaze anxiously around. " All are friends to us; even King, the great dog. And there he is now; so I will stay and intro- duce you to him." King came walking into the yard, and Mrs. Robin hopped boldly up to him, calling Jack to follow her. She stopped when she was within a few feet of him. LEARNING TO FLY. 43 and began talking in a lond twit- ter, every now and then turning her bright eye round upon the young bird. " Bow, wow, wow ! " barked the dog, in such a loud roar that Jack shook all over. But King seemed to understand that Mrs. Robin had asked his inter- est in her young fledgling, and he was quite ready to do his part. He walked a step or two forward, and then lay down to 44 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. survey the new comer at his leisure. At this minute, Annie came running to the door with an apron full of crumbs. Her face was glowing with pleasure, and her voice was so kind and cheer- ful, as she called out, " Birdie, birdie, pretty birdie," that Jack felt acquainted at once. Mrs. Robin caught one crumb, swallowed it, and then, with a glance of affection at Jack. LEAENING TO FLY. 45 returned to her duties in the tree. The little robin hopped up nearer, and began picking up the bread, ever and anon cock- ing his funny little head, and chirping pleasantly, as if to thank her for her care. Then he re- turned to the bush, and flew up and down, up and down, while Annie laughed, and shouted, and clapped her hands, and called him the smartest bird she ever knew. 46 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. CHAPTER IV. GETTING WORMS. " COME ; Dick/' said Mrs. Robin, in an encouraging tone, after she had related Jack's delight at his success. " Come, now, or your little sisters will learn to fly be- fore you do." "I don't feel at all afraid," chirped Katy; "now Jack has learned, I know I can." " That is right, my dear," said GETTING WORMS. 47 her mother. "But come, Dick ; your father is getting Impa- tient." Dick reluctantly hopped up on the side of the nest. "Now? said Mr. Robin, "I will give you one more chance to re- trieve your character. Spread your wings and fly away, or be content to remain in the nest without food. For I will no longer feed so disobedient and obstinate a bird." 48 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. Mrs. Robin hopped from branch to branch uneasily, while her hus- band was speaking. She would not be guilty of the impropriety of interrupting him ; but she feared he was making a threat his parental affection would not allow him to execute. " 0, I'm sure Dick will try to be as brave as his brother ! " she said ; " look ? _ how he is enjoying himself, pick- ing his fill, and chirping to the dear little giii ! " GETTING WORMS. 49 "I'll chirp one, two, three/' said his father, "and don't let me find you here when I'm through." Dick, though very much afraid, was more than half inclined to venture. His father's threat of leaving him without food had terrified him; and -then he saw Jack in the enjoyment of plenty; but he could not quite make up Ms mind to let go of the nest. . " Chirp, chirp," cried his father. 50 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. Dick trembled, and at last ven- tured to hop to the next bough ; and before Mr. Robin had re- peated the last chirp, his mother went behind him and pushed him off. Poor Dick was awfully fright- ened ; but before he had time to scream, he had alighted safely at the foot of the tree. " dear ! " said he, straight- ening himself up with a bragga- docio air. "It's nothing at all GETTING WOKMS. 51 Here I am, safe and sound. I can fly now as well as any bird." Jack flew from the lilac bush to congratulate him on his suc- cess. " I knew you could fly, if you would only make the at- tempt/' said he, kindly. " Of course I can fly," answered Dick. " I was not at all afraid. I saw you wanted to alight first, and so I held back; that was all." 52 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. At this answer Jack was very angry. He flew at his brother, and was just about to pick him, when he remembered his prom- ise to his mother to strive for peace. "After all," said he, hopping away, " you are not worth quar- relling with. You are a wicked, lying bird." "It is now so late," said Mr. Robin to his wife, " I think we had better feed Molly and Katy ; GETTING WORMS. 53 and eat our own breakfast, be- fore I go to my cousin's family. When I come back, we will give our daughters their lessons." They flew away first to the garden, when Mr. Robin stood a moment, as was his custom, looking vacantly around. Sud- denly he cocked his ear on one side, made a glancing sort of dart with his head and neck, gave one or twT> little hops, then listened attentively, w T hile his eye 54 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. glistened with animation and in- telligence. He held his beak close down to the ground, then drew back his head and hopped once or twice ; then, after a mo- ment's pause to ascertain that all was right, he began to pick with all his might, and presently pulled out a fine worm, which his keen sense of hearing in- formed him was not far oif, and which his hops and pickings had brought to the surface to escape GETTING WORMS. 55 what the poor worm thought was his underground enemy, the mole. After having repeated this pro- cess many times, until Molly and Katy were satisfied, Mr. and Mrs. Robin flew back to the yard, and alighted at the cottage door. Here they found the family as- sembled to watch the motions of the young robins. Jack had grown very friendly with An- nie ; and had even ventured to 56 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. hop up and rest on King's head. It was evident to all ; that the dog was delighted with this mark of friendship, though he consid- ered it beneath his dignity to take much notice of the little fellow. Dick appeared to be not so great a favorite. Fred and his sister had often watched him from the window, and had al- ready given him the name of GETTING WORMS. 57 the greedy bird. Now he acted consistently with that character, and seemed wholly occupied with the crumbs, hopping about and picking them up as fast as pos- sible. Mrs. Robin tried to make an apology for him, at the same time calling him to come for- ward and speak to his kind friends. But Dick could only stop to bow awkwardly, and then return to his food again. 58 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. Indeed, he much wondered how his parents and brother could wish to spend their time in talk- ing, while there was such a feast spread out before them. " Now," said Mrs. Robin to Jack, a I must go back to your sisters --will you go with me ? " " I will," answered Jack. " I want to tell Katy what a fine time I have had." So he turned up his head in a very arch way to Annie, and after a few pretty GETTING WORMS. 59 little chirps, flew lightly into the top of the lilac bush. Dick made no answer, and his mother determined to take no notice of him, but to let him re- turn to the nest when he thought fit. She ascended to the tree, where Jack alighted as soon as she did. His little heart panted with the excitement and exertion, but his mother praised him, and his sisters received him with joy. 60 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. CHAPTER V. SORROW IN THE NEST. " I DO not think/' said Molly, " that I shall ever learn to fly." "0, don't be afraid!" cried Jack, soothingly. ""We'll all help you." " I am not afraid, but I cannot get away from the nest." "Why not ? " asked Mrs. Rob- in, in surprise. " Why not ? " re- peated Jack and Katy. SOKROW IN THE NEST. 61 " Because my foot is fastened to the bottom of it," replied poor Molly, in a mournful tone. Her mother hopped to her side, and endeavored to remove a long piece of worsted thread, which was woven into the nest, and was now firmly twisted about Molly's leg. " How long has this been done ? " she asked, in an anx- ious tone. " I first discovered it last 62 KOBINS LEARNING TO FLY. night/' said the patient bird. "Every time I tried to stir, it bound me firmer than before. I have endeavered to remove it with my beak, but I think I have only made it worse. Now I fear I can never learn to fly." "Dear Molly/' said Jack, press- ing his neck to hers. " I will stay in the nest with you," said the tender-hearted Katy. Mrs. Robin said nothing, but SORROW IN THE NEST. 63 after flying to the top of the tree to see whether her husband was in sight, she began to pull at the string ; but every motion made poor Molly utter a cry of pain. " I must be content to remain quietly in the nest/' she faltered, in a touching tone of sadness. Jack and Katy began to chirp most piteously, and continued to do so until their father returned. In the mean time Dick went 64 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. on eating until he could scarcely move; and when he began to think it was time to return to the nest, he was so heavy and stupid that he could not raise his wings. He heard the continued chirping of his brother and sis- ter, and said to himself, " Prob- ably they are anxious about me ; but I will let them see that I can take care of myself.' 7 As he said this he tried to feel very brave 3 but he really SOBROW IN THE NEST. 65 longed for the pleasant nest and the shelter of his mother's wings. Just then he heard the cock- rel crowing right merrily. He had often heard it before; but now it sounded dreadfully loud and near at hand ; and indeed it was so, for presently Mr. Cock came marching by, his head erect, and the comb on his fore- top glowing like fire. Dick ran to the lilac bush, and trying to conceal himself in some 66 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. of the lower branches, trembled like a leaf in the wind. Here at last he fell asleep, with his head tucked under his wing. When Mr. Robin returned from his labor of love, he found his wife and family in deep afflic- tion. Poor Molly lay exhausted at the bottom of the nest, her limb being more firmly secured to it by the exertions of her mother to remove it. Jack and Katy kept up a succession SORROW IN THE NEST. 67 of plaintive cries, while their mother hopped from one bough to another, her tail jerking and her wings flapping in distress. They all began at once to re- peat the sad story of Molly's de- tention, which Mr. Robin listened to with sharp cries of pain. He hopped into the nest, but the poor bird begged so earnestly not to be disturbed at present, that he postponed trying to re- move the string until another day. 68 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY " Come, darlings/' said he, " I will sing you a song, to try to cheer your spirits." He flew to the Observatory at the top of the tree, and warbled forth, " See, the morning lights the skies ; Open, birdie, ope your eyes ; The trees begin to blossom fair, And fling their odors on the air ; And every balmy zephyr brings Health and sweetness on its wings. The plants within the garden beds Begin to lift their pretty heads. We, merry birds, extend our throats, SORROW IN THE NEST. 69 And carol forth our sweetest notes. The hen, with all her little brood, Comes clucking round the door for food ; Around the yard the pigeons fly ; The stately geese, with heads so high, Are marching off to swim and scream, And sport upon the glassy stream. The fields are smiling all around ; You cannot hear one jarring sound ; There's nothing harsh, there's nothing sad, But all seems beautiful and glad. O, how delightful all we see ! And if to robins, such as we, So much of loveliness is given, How very charming must be heaven ! " 70 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. CHAPTEE VI. KATY'S FLIGHT. THE next morning Molly felt quite refreshed. " My foot/ 7 she said, in answer to her mother's inquiries, "feels quite free from pain. I am convinced that it is my lot to remain quietly at home ; and I will try to bear it as cheerfully as 1 can." "Dear Molly/' whispered her mother. KATY'S FLIGHT. 71 " Darling sister/' repeated Jack and Katy. Dick said nothing, bnt looked stupidly from one to the other, wondering what they conld mean. He had returned to the nest late the previous evening, and had not heard of his sister's affliction. Mr. Robin sat on his favorite bough, gazing sadly at the poor bird. He had not yet tried to relieve her, and notwithstanding his wife's fears ; indulged strong 72 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. hopes of being able to remove the string without breaking the tender linib. " I cannot be really unhappy," continued Molly, looking cheer- fully around, " while you are all so kind. To be sure, I have longed for the time when I could fly from bough to bough, or skim through the clear air; and I have hoped, when I was old enough, to find a mate and rear a family of my own in the KATY'S FLIGHT. 73 same sweet, peaceful happiness as our dear parents have reared us ; but now I resign all these innocent joys, and find my de- light in sharing yours. " Come, dear Katy," she added, " let me no longer detain you from your morning flight. I long to see how gracefully you will raise your pinions and soar away." " Sweetest and best of sisters," murmured Katy, in a loving tone, 74 BOBINS LEARNING TO FLY. u every moment I love you better than before, and am more sorry to leave you ; " and she nestled closely to Molly's side. "You will soon return, dear one," said her sister, tenderly ; "and remember there will al- ways be one heart in the nest that will welcome you with joy. Go now, love, and treasure up all you hear and see, to cheer me in my solitude." While this beautiful inter- KATY'S FLIGHT. 75 change of affection was taking place, Mr. and Mrs. Robin, the delighted parents, were sitting near, their hearts every moment swelling with pleasure. " Now," said the tender mother to herself, " I am well repaid for all my care and watchfulness of my beloved children ; for all my share of the labor of building a nest ; for the long days and nights, through cold and rain, that I have sheltered my eggs, until at 76 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. last I have seen the dear ones come forth. " Yes, indeed, and for the anx- iety with which I have endeav- ored to impress virtue and affec- tion upon their young minds. To see them growing up in the interchange of mutual affection, and to hear them give utterance to pure and noble sentiments, far exceed all the joys of my lifetime." One thought of Dick, as unlike KATY'S FLIGHT. 77 the others, intruded itself upon her mind ; but she would not allow this to interrupt the de- light she had experienced. Very similar were the thoughts and emotions of Mr. Robin, but mingled with them was a plan he was forming for the benefit of his dear child. His purpose was to attract to his nest the notice of some kind friend at the cottage. If he could suc- ceed in this, he was perfectly 78 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. confident that she could be lib- erated. But now his attention must be given to Katy, who, in obedience to her sister's wish, hopped to the side of the nest. " 0, dear ! " she chirped ; " it seems a very long way to the ground." " It's just nothing at all/ 7 said Dick, spreading his wings and flying away. " I know just how you feel/' KATY'S FLIGHT. 79 added Jack ; " but it is really safe, or our parents would not allow us to try it; --and only think what delightful sails we will have through the bracing air. Come, dear, now we'll start." " Steady, my little one," called out Mr. Robin. " Open your wings like this. There, that is right ; now let go the nest. One moment more, and youll be safe on the ground." 80 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. " Bravo ! pretty bird, bravo ! " shouted Fred, who had that mo- ment opened the outer door. " That was well done for a begin- ner. Come, hop up this "way, and I'll give you some crumbs." " Chirp, chirp, chirp," answered little Katy, her bright eyes twin- kling with pleasure. Fred darted into the house, and presently returned with a liberal supply of food. Mr. Robin caught up the lar- KATY'S FLIGHT. 81 gest piece just as Dick was hop- ping toward it, and ascended with it to the nest. " 0, ho ! " exclaimed Fred, "I suppose there are more birdies in the tree." " Yes/ 7 said Annie, " who had run to the door in her night dress, "you know we counted four little mites of robins." " 0, don't let that greedy bird get all the best crumbs!" she added, as Dick hopped from one 82 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. piece of bread to another, catch- ing them up as fast as he could. "Just see how pretty those act/' said Fred, pointing to Jack and Katy. " Yes, he stands back to give her a chance, but the greedy one cares for none but himself." MR. ROBIN'S APPEAL. 83 CHAPTER VII. MR. KOBIN'S APPEAL. WHEN the tender parents had finished their willing task of feed- ing Molly, they hopped forward close to the very door of the cottage, and seeing the old gen- tleman sitting in the room, Mr. Robin made bold to walk in and make known his errand. " I wonder what he is talking about, so very loud and earnest/' 84 EOBINS LEARNING TO FLY. exclaimed Fred, coming in soft- ly behind him. " I don't know ; but he is very zealous about it. See how he turns first one eye, then the other, while he twitters away as if his life depended upon making us understand." Suddenly robin uttered a sharp cry, and flew away toward the nest ; and before they could ex- press their surprise, he was back again, twittering as fast as ever. MR ROBIN'S APPEAL. 85 Fred laughed aloud. " How very funny ! " lie cried. " What does it mean ? He never did so before." " I have no doubt he is trying . to tell us something ; and I fear it is not pleasant news, from his mournful cry." " I wish we could understand/ 7 said the boy. " I once read of a man/ 7 said grandpa, "who, from his boy- hood, had studied the language 86 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. of birds, and by close attention had acquired such a knowledge of it, that from the song of the parents, he knew where the nests were situated, whether they con- tained eggs, or whether the brood was hatched. He knew even the number of young birds and their age, before he saw them. This is truly wonderful, and if I had not read it from the best author- ity, I could hardly credit it. If so, I suppose, by careful observa- ME. EOBIN'S APPEAL. 87 tion, we could in many cases understand their different notes, and thus learn their wants and emotions, as well as the birds themselves do. " I was once walking in a wood, and caught sight of a party of jays before they saw me. They were all chattering together and enj oying themselves highly. Sud- denly one of them uttered a short, deep-toned note, when in an in- stant all was silent, and they 88 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. skulked one by one to a neigh- boring thicket." "I suppose one of them caught a glimpse of you, and warned the others that you were near enough to listen to their secrets/' said Fred, with a hearty laugh. Grandpa now took his cane and walked to the door, deter- mined, as the appeal was made to him, to watch the motions of the robins, and try to help them if they were in trouble. MR ROBIN'S APPEAL. 89 But though Mr. Robin kept repeating his flight to the nest, and his effort to talk, nothing could be made of it ; and at length the poor father seemed to despair. In the mean time. Jack, Katy and Annie were. chatting merrily together ; and before this first interview closed, Katy had even ventured to take a crumb from Annie's mouth. This the child thought the very summit of hap- 90 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. piness, and called loudly to her mother to come and share her delight. Jack was evidently very proud of his sister ; and while this was going on ; hopped from one to the other, his small head cocked in a very arch manner. After a time the little ones hopped away, as they wished to fly back to the nest. Katy was quite impatient to impart her success to her sister ; but when MR KOBIN'S APPEAL. 91 she glanced up into the tree ; she was almost in despair. " Fly up a few times into this bough," said Jack. " It is beau- tiful exercise.' 7 Katy did so, and presently, with a beating heart, from the bush mounted to the nest. " Molly ! " she cried, " if you had been with us, I should have been the happiest bird that ever lived." "How like her mother she 92 EOBINS LEAENING TO FLY. grows ! " said Mr. Robin to him- self, as he gazed lovingly upon his youngest child. "Every time I picked up a crumb I thought of you/' said Jack "of you alone here in the nest." " I have scarcely been alone a moment," said Molly. "Either father or mother has been with me, and they have treated me to a delicious feast. I shall soon become quite reconciled to MR ROBIN'S APPEAL. 93 my situation. But where is Dick ? " He is eating, as usual," said Mr. Robin, in a stern voice. Jack and Katy now repeated the adventures of the morning, to which their sister listened with great interest. "I can't help thinking about Mr. Robin," said grandpa, tak- ing his cane and walking out of doors as soon as breakfast was over. " Birds have a won- 94 EOBINS LEARNING TO FLY. derful instinct ; and I have no doubt he was asking my aid about something. They will often fly to man for protection when pursued by an enemy." "I wish you would tell us a story about a bird," said Annie, earnestly. The old gentleman seated him- self in his chair, and after resting his chin on the top of his cane for a moment, he began: "A beautiful pair of goldfinches once ME. KOBIN'S APPEAL. 95 built their nest on a small branch of an olive tree. The female laid the eggs and hatched the young brood, when the parents per- ceived that the weight of the growing family would soon be too great for the strength of the branch which supported the nest. This fact was evident to the family who lived near, and had watched with interest the proceedings of the birds. " One morning the goldfinches 96 ROBINS LEARNING TO FLY. found their nest was giving way, and that something must be done at once, or it would fall. They consulted together, then picked up a string, and with their beaks drew it around the slender twig, and then fastened it to a stronger and higher branch of the tree. Thus they saved their falling house." 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