LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORWA RIVERSIDE HISTORICAL INDEX TO ''NEW YORK COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS" BDitlon XlmttcD to 250 Cople0 HISTORICAL INDEX THE MANUALS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ("Valentine's Manuals") IS41 to 1870 CONSISTING OF Two Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty-Five References NEW YORK FRANCIS P. HARPER 14 West 22D Street 1900 Copyright, iSgg, FRANCIS P. HARPER. INTRODUCTION. The volumes of the " Manuals of the Corporation of the City of New York," which is the full title of what are generally known as " Valentine's Manuals," contain, besides the statistics and lists of city officers, a mass of " Historical " matter, consisting of extracts from old city records and old newspapers, descriptions of old maps and views, reminis- cences of old residents, etc., interspersed with a lot of mis- cellaneous matter, some of which does not relate to New York at all, strung together without any apparent order or system, just as they happened to come into the hands of the printer. This forms a queer patchwork of rather uneven value, filling a little over four thousand pages in twenty-six of the twenty-eight volumes, of which a complete set consists. They also contain some 8oo illustrations and maps, most of them of great interest at this time, distributed through the volumes with the same disregard of system, and if possi- ble adding to the confusion by having descriptions in one volume while the prints are in another. To this add a variety of sizes, running through the whole gamut from iSmosto 8vos, the first three being i8mos, the next four i6mos, then eighteen i2mos, winding up with three Svos ; complement this with repetitions both of prints and of articles, and you have a literary mess which it would be hard to equal and which has always been the despair of the student. The only thing in which these volumes main- tained an unbroken uniformity is their absolute lack of plan or system. Mr. Valentine, who is supposed to have edited the " Manuals," was clerk of the Common Council during the publication of all but the last three, and, although an 5 INTRODUCTION. amiable gentleman, was not, as is generally believed, a great historical scholar, but gathered what he could find for his books without any very searching investigation as to its merit. Fortunately for him and for us, among his advisers and helpers were a number of very excellent authorities on our old history, such as William Kelby, H. B. Dawson, Dr. Francis, and a few others, to whom their historical value is chiefly due. During a number of years of a somewhat close study of the older history of the city, I often found the " Manuals " useful as guides, so that I accumulated quite a large number of references to the various volumes, and when a portion of these was accidentally destroyed I determined to go carefully over the whole mass again. The 2325 references which form this index are the result of this second examin- tion. The first column to the right of the page refers to the date of the manual, the second to the pages. It will be necessary to say that these references are mainly to the subject-matter and not to the long lists of officers which occur there, as most of these can be found in the alphabetical list in the volume for 1870. Of course the index Avas made for my own use at the time, but at the request of Mr. Harper, who believed it would interest others sufificiently to warrant him in printing it, I cheerfully turned it over to him and will be well repaid if it serves to stimulate and keep alive that interest in old New York which now seems to be so general. O. H. Mt. Verkon, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1899. HISTORICAL INDEX TO THE COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Acrostic for an Addlepate 1862, 737 Addoms, Jonas i860, 630 Address of Burgomasters, etc., to West India Co., 1654 1847, 373 Address to Washington, Offering Freedom of City, 1784 1845, 314 Admiralty Court Proceedings 1847, 362-6 Alexander, James 1864, 563 Alexander, William 1864, 563 Allard, Anthony 1852, 395 Allen, Stephen 1863, 625; 1853, 420 Aldermen, Terms of, 1853 1854, 398 Aldermen, Presidents of Board of 1854, 368 Assistant Aldermen, Presidents of Board of 1854, 368 Almanac, 1697, Dedication of 1853, 453 Almshouse, First 1849, 338 Almshouse, 1794 1856, 435 Almshouse, 1796 1844, 321 Almshouse, 1797 1856, 436 Almshouse, Old, in Park 1865, 563 Almshouse, Site for, 1796 1856, 436 Almshouse, Governors of 1859, 576 Almshouse Department, 1857 1867, 445 Almshouse Lottery, 1794 1844, 320 American Hotel (Cozzens) 1865, 555 American Institute 1856, 559 Amherst, General, Address of Corp'n to 1760. . . 1870, 898 Andre, Major, Will of 1855, 554 Andros, Sir Edmund 1869, 768; 1864, 564 Andros, Sir Edmund, Appoints City Officers, 1675 1844, 309 Andros, Sir Edmund, Answers to Several Queries, 1678 1851,452 Andros, Sir Edmund, Province Surrendered to, 1674 1853, 499 Anne Hoock's Neck, Indians to be Removed from, i8z|4, 310 Anodyne Necklace 1862, 734 Anodyne Necklace for Children's Teeth, 1748. . . . 1865, 824 7 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Antill, Edward 1864, 565 Appointments by " Council of Appointment," 1806 Apthorpe, Charles Ward Architecture, Early Argal, Captain, Capture of New York by, 1613. . Arms for Citizens, 1653 Arms, Each Citizen to Own a Musket, 1675 Army, First Organization of Continental Arsenal, State, on Try on Row 1857, 420; Arsenal, State, on Elm Street, Built, 1808 Assembly, Speakers of, to 1854 Assessment to Pay City Debts, 169 1 Astor House 1865, Astor Library Attacks on City and Measures for Defense Attorneys Admitted in 1817 Atwood, William Auchmuty, Praise of, 1750 Aurora Borealis, Speculation Occasioned by Authorities, City, 1857 Backer, Jacobus Backer, Margaret Badger Game Practiced, 175 1 Bag Assistance Co., Mutual Baking and Bolting Monopoly, 1696 Bakers, 1686 Baker, Gardner, Museum Banks 1857, 421, 435; Banks in Wall Street Banks, First Savings, 1816 Banns of Marriage, 1658 Banquet to Lord Cornbury, Bill for Banquet, Coronation, 1717 Banyar, Goldsborow Baptism, Woman Imprisoned for " Dipping " a Child, 1674 Baptists, Petition of 1849, Baptist, Historical Society, N. Y Baptism in Dutch Church Prior to 1697 Baptism in Dutch Church, 1697 to 1720 Barber and Peruke-maker, An Honest Barbaric, John Barclay, Rev. Henry, D. D Bark for Tanning, Grinding, Patent for, 1669. . . . Barracks, The 1857, 425 1864, 565 I86I, 521 1868, 864 1845, 346 I84.S, 334 1847, 381 1866, 603 1853, 468 1854, 366 1848, 405 .S47, 555 1856, 543 1868, 864 1867, 791 1864, 565 1866, 617 1864, 678 1857, 444 1852, 396 18.S.S, 521 1866, 664 185.S, 587 1869, 854 1848, 404 1858, 600 1858, 612 1866, 569 1858, 623 1844, 302 1844, 322 1844, 322 1864, 565 1851, 440 363, 364 1856, 568 1863, 738 1864, 767 1866, 638 1864, 566 1864, 566 1851, 401 1856, 471 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Barracks along Chambers Street, 1757 1856, 428 Barracks, Upper, 1784 1856, 433, 434 Battery, The 1849. 353; 1850, 448; 1862, 499, 503; 1869, 852, 858 Battles on Land, Fought by Americans 1852, 468 Bayard, Madam Anne 1855, 530 Bayard, Balth., Purchase i860, 545 Bayard, Nicholas 1853, 388; i860, 608; 1864, 566 Bayard, Nicholas, Elected Alderman, 1784 1856, 518 Bayard, Samuel 1864, 567 Bayard, Stephen 1853, 408; 1864, 567 Bayard Farm i860, 553 ; 1865, 61 1 Bayard Sugar House, Wall Street 1866, 559 Beaver Street 1851, 360; 1852, 405 Bedlow, Isaac 1864, 568 Bedlow's Island 1855, 498; 1856, 515 Beds, Bedsteads, Bedding 1858, 499 Beekman, Gerardus 1864, 567 Beekman, William 1852, 382 Beekman Mansion 1854, 554 Beekman Pasture i860, 539, 541 Beekman Street 1849, 348; 1850, 444 Beer, Petition to Sell in City Hall 1848, 384 Beer-carriers, 1654 1854, 355, 359 Beer-carriers, Provisional Instructions for 1845, 359 Beginnings of the City, from Valentine's History 1853, 427 Belcher, John, Visits N. Y., 1747 1865, 817 Bellomont, Earl of 1864, 567 Bellomont, Earl of, Commission Read 1844, 319 Bellomont, Earl of, Coat of Arms Broken 1847, 386 Bellomont, Earl of, Buried in the Fort 1864, 644 Belvidere Club House 1853, 452; 1864, 748 Benevolent Institutions, 1857 1857, 451 Bestevaer's Cripple Bush 1856, 469 Bettys, Jos., the Spy 1848, 388 Betrayal of Girl, Judgment for 1849, 415 Bever Graft, 1677 1848, 397, 399 Bible Society, American, Library of 1856, 566 Bible Society, American and Foreign 1856, 566 Bible Union, American 1856, 566 Bill for Boarding Committee of Court, 1734 1844, 324 Bill for Corporation Entertainment, 1704 1844, 322 Bill for Silver Boxes, 1733-34 1844, 323 Biographies of Public Men during Colonial Era. . 1864, 563 Biographical Sketches of Magistrates of New Amsterdam 1852, 378 Blackwell's Island 1855, 496 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Blackwell's, Ward's, and Randall's Islands 1847, 347; 1859, 577 Blind, Institution for the 1858, 631 Blockhouse and City Gate, 1674 1862, 522 Blommaert, Adrien 1852, 390 Bloomingdale Road 1862, 518 Boagh, Catherine de 1855, 525 Board for Committee of Court, Bill for, 1734. . . . 1844, 324 Bogardus, Dominie 1863, 594 Bogart, Mr., 1806 1857, 422 Bonfire on Queen's Birthday, 1703, to be Paid for 1847, 3^6 Bookbinder, 1734 1864, 707 Bookbinder, 1752 1866, 719 Books — Charter of N. Y, Published, 1736 1864, 724 Tate and Brady's Psalms Printed, 1753. . 1868, 892 Watts' Psalms Printed, 1750 1868, 891, 895 Book of Forms and Liturgy Published, 1748. . . . 1865, 828 Books and Libraries in New Amsterdam 1858, 503 Booksellers, 1857 1857, 452 Boree, The 1856, 476 Bosch Bouwery 1856, 465 Boudinot, Elias 1864, 570 Boundaries of N. Y., 1774 1851, 372, 374 Bowery, The 1866, 573 Bowery House, The 1866, 580 Bowery, No 5 1856, 469; i860, 557 Bowery Village 1862, 692 ; 1866, 580 Bowling Green. . 1849, 348; 1850, 444; 1858, 633; 1862, 526 Bowne, Walter 1853, 424; 1863, 628 Bradford, William 1866, 711 ; 1864, 570 Bradford, William (Col.) 1864, 746 Bradford-Zenger, 1736 1864, 731-4 Bradley, Richard 1864, 570; 1866, 685 Brandenburg Deserters Pardoned, 1783 1870, 786 Braimon's Garden, 1765 1856, 466 Brasher, Abraham 1864, 568 Breach of Promise Suit 1848, 380 Bread, Assize of, 1733 1862, 696; 1864, 698 Bread, Quality and Size Regulated.. 1863, 693; 1869, 795 Bread, Prices of 1849, 418; 1863, 634, 669, 677, 693 Bread and Flour Monopoly, 1684 1848, 403 Breeches, Coat, etc., for Mayor's Marshal 1844, 319 Brewers Shall Not Sell by Small Measure, 1648. . 1844, 296 " Brick Church " 1856, 430; 1866, 594 Brick Kilns on " Commons " 1856, 427, 428 Brick Yard, 1695 1858, 495 Brick Yard along Chatham Street, 1759 1856, 428 13 I HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Bridewell, The 1855, 486; 1862, 553; Bridewell, The, Plan Advertised for, 1774 Bridge Street 1849, 352; 1850, 448; Bridges, John, LL. D British Fleet, Arrival of Friendly, 1756 Broad Street 1849, 349; 1850, 445; Broad Street Graft or Canal in 1659 " Broadsides," Pre-Revolutionary Broadway 1849, 35o; 1850, 445; 185 1, 361; Broadway below Wall Street Broadway, Extension through Commons, 1760. . Broadway, Grade Established, Duane to Canal Streets, 1797 Broadway, History of Broadway House, Broadway and Grand Street. . . Broadway Modernized Broadway, No. i Broadway, Paving, 1790 Broadway, Petition for Regulating, 1795 Broadway, Sidewalks Paved, 1790 Brooklyn, Indian Deed for Part of, 1649 Brockholst, Anthony Brooke, Chidley Brooks Gothing Store Broughton, Sampson Broughton, Sampson S Buccaneers Buckmaster, Edward Burger, Johannes, Recorded for Buildings not to be Destroyed (British Order, 1783) Bull's Head Tavern, Varian's Bundling Bunker Hill (N. Y. City) Bunker's Mansion House 1855, 582; Burgomasters and Schepens, Proceedings oJF 1844, 304; 1845, 340; 1847, 371; 1848, 376; ' 1849, 382; 1850, 487; 1851,^421; 1852.^473; Burgomasters and Schepens, Prayer before Meet- ing of 1672 Burgomasters Schout, etc., Refuse to Obey, 1673 Burgomasters Schout, etc., Reconsider and Obey, 1673 Burgomasters and Schepens Want More Power, 1654 Burnet. William Burns Coflfee House 15 865. 551 856, 431 852, 405 [864, 568 868, 871 851, 360 [862, 515 855, 482 852, 405 860, 559 856, 429 856, 436 865, 507 865, 615 856, 520 850, 416 856, 517 856,. 435 856, 434 847, 342 864, 569 864, 569 864, 7.S3 864, 570 864, 569 857- 455 864, 570 855. 597 870, 808 866, 581 858. 497 856, 471 865, 518 853. 472 851, 421- 850, 523 850. 525 845, 350 864, 570 865, 513 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Burnt Mill Pond 1856, 474 Burtnett, Daniel, butcher 1868, 861 Business, 1807-12 1859, 571 Byerley, Thomas 1864, 571 Bylevelts Bouwery 1856, 469, 473; i860, 559 Camera Obscura, 1743 1865, 752 Canals 1857, 432 Canal (Canal Street) 1856, 435, 436, 438; 1865, 607 Canal through Roosevelt Street, 1802 1853. 467 Canal Street and Broadway, Bridge at 1865, 604, 608 Canal Street and Greenwich Street, Bridge at, 1786 1856, 434 Canvas Town, 1776 1856, 470 Capture of New Amsterdam by the English, 1664 1861, 603 Carpets .' ." 1858, 500 Carriages in New Amsterdam 1858, 505 Cartmen, 1673 1850, 521 Cartmen, Rules for, 1691 1848, 404 Cartmen and Carting. 1684 1848, 403 Cartmen to Work for City, 1673 1850, 491 Carting, Prices Fixed for, 1777 1863, 654, 665 Cathenvood's Panorama 1865, 624 Catiemuts i860, 547 Catiemuts Hill 1856, 470 Cattle Market, 1659 1844, 303 Caucus, Minutes of an Old-fashioned. . 1804, 43-310, 44-291 Cedar Street 1852, 406 Cemeteries 1857, 435 Census of the City, 1850 1854, 369 Central Park ....'. 1859. 592 Certificate of Character. 1660 1861, 699 Chairs, Couches, etc 1858, 500 Chamberlain, Duties of, 1857 1857, 442 Chambers. John i860. 609; 1864, 571 Chambers Street, Origin of 1865, 568 Chapel Hill " 1856, 470 Charities, Public and Private 1859, 579 Cliart, Mercator's, Drawn by Ph. Cockrem, 1730. . 1864, 6y6 Chart and Plan of the Harbor of N. Y 1870, 845 Charter of the City — First, 1629 1857, 41 S Charter, Bencke and Evertsen, 1673. . 1851, 413; i860, 603 Charter, Nicolls', 1665 1851, 412; i860. 601 Charter, Colve's, 1864 1851, 415; i860, 606 Charter (Dougan), Petition for. 1683. . 1844. 3x1; 1851, 397 Charter (Dougan). Explanation of Petition. 1683 1844. 314 Charter (Dougan), Objections to, 1683 1844. 314 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Charter (Dougan), Governor Paid for Signing, 1686 1844. 318; 1848, 404 Charter (Dougan), Proceedings Leading to Issue oi 1851, 397 Charter, Warrant to Attorney General to Pre- pare New, 1730 1856, 600 Charter, Petition of Common Council for a New, 1750 1856, 593 Charter, Report of Committee on Petition for New, 1750 1856, 596 Charter Published, 1736 1864, 724 Chatham Square, 1812 1866, 614 Chatham Square, 1866 1866, 607 Chatham Street 1866, 590 Chatham Street, Brick Yards along, 1759 1856, 428 Chatham Street, Fire in, 1811 1853, 468 Chatham Street Named, 1774 1856, 432 Chatham Street Surveyed, 1760 1856, 516 Chatham Street, View in 1857, 548 Cherry Garden i860, 546 Cherry Orchard 1856, 467 Cherry Street, Old House, at No, 40 1855, 593 Chimney and Fireplace Viewer, 1693 1844, 319 Chimney Sweeper, 1686 1848, 404 Chimney to be Cleaned, 1648 1844, 296 Chimney, Wooden 1844, 296 China and Earthenware 1858, 502 Chronological Sketch of the Progress of the City 1856, 563 Church, Council Agrees to Support One Min- ister 1848, 378 Church Farm i860, 547; 1865, 547 Church, Lot for. Given, 1692 1848, 406 Churches in 1783 1870, 787 Churches in 1806 1857, 420 Churches in 1807-53 1858, 616 Churches in 1857 ^857, 437 Churches in New York, When Erected 1855, 573 Cingel, The 1856, 467; 1866, 542 Citation to Meeting of Council, 1654 1845, 363 City Affairs after Capture by English, 1665-72. . . 1869, 887 City Drummer, Hendrick Obe Appointed, 1673. . 1850, 492 City Fathers, Doings in Early Times 1848, 402 City Fortifications 1862, 519 City Gates to Be Shut at Nine o'clock, 1675... 1845, 334 City Hall 1857. 434 City Hall, 1655 (opposite Coenties Slip) 1848, 384 City Hall, 1665, Encumbered by Salt 1848, 384 19 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. City Hall, 1665, Petition to Sell Beer in City Hall, 1665, Permit to Lodge in City Hall, New One Necessary City Hall, Second {\Ya\\ Street) 1845. 337; 1862, 537; 1866, City Hall on Fire, 1747 City Hall (in Park), Foundation Laid, 1802 City Hall, Cornerstone Laying, 1803 City Hall Used First Time, 1811 City Hall, Declaration of Independence Read Near City Hall, Ancient and Modern (1829) City Hall Place Regulated, 1786 City Hotel City Inspector, 1857 City Judges, 1851-61 City Library 1853, 464; 1856, 568; 1865, City Records, Extracts from City Statistics, 1653-1870 Civil Officers, 1652. Order Directing Appoint- ment of Clapp' . Tavern Clarke, George 1864, 571 ; Clarke, George, Jr Clarke, Lady, Death of, 1740 Clarke, Thomas Clarkson House Clarkson, Matthew Claver Way tie Clergy of New York in 1800 Clerks of the City Council, 1653-1835 Climate, 1774 Clinton, DeWitt 1853, 415; Clinton, George Clinton, George, Freedom of City to Clinton, George, Trumbull's Portrait of Clocks and Watches Clothes, Cost of, in New Amsterdam Coats, Edward, Pirate, 1693 Cohabitation before Marriage Prohibited, 1658. . Coenties' Alley Colden, Cadwallader D 1853, 419; 1863, 624; Collect, The Collect Pond, Surveyed, 1790 Collect Pond to Be Filled in, 1805 Collect Island Surveyed, 1797 Collector, Balth. Bayard Appointed, 1673 Colsart, John 848, 384 848, 384 847, 385 546, 556 865, 806 853, 467 853. 469 853- 468 855, 472 845- 336 856, 434 865, 539 857, 448 859, 494 803, 808 856, 515 870, 609 851, 410 866, 578 869, 765 864, 572 865, 748 864, 572 865, 592 864, 572 856, 471 869, 789 860, 608 851. 371 861, 551 864, 573 845- 321 845. 323 858, 501 858, 509 857, 463 844, 303 852, 403 864, 573 860, 562 856, 434 856, 439 856, 436 850, 491 864, 573 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Columbia College Library Combustibles, 1779 Combustibles, Place for, 1762 Comedians, 1753 Comedians from Philadelphia, 1750 Comedians, Punch's, 1749 Commerce, 1857 Commissions of Mayor and Aldermen, 1665 1851, 412; Commissioners of Adjustment, British, 1783 1863, 729; 1870 Commissioners from Adjacent Villages Called for, 1653 Committee of Fifty-one, 1774 Committee of Safety, 1775 Common Council, 1806 Common Council, 1857 Common Council, Oath of, 1683 Common Council Proceedings, 1684 Common Council Records Common Council Sit at House of George Repa- neck Commons Hired Out for Brick Kilns, 175 1 Commons, No Holes to Be Dug in, or Sod Taken from, 173 1 Company's Valley or Marsh Comptroller, Duties of, 1857 Coney Island, Grant of Land Near, 1643 Conference of " Commissioners " from Vicinit}- on " Situation of the Country," 1653 Confederacy (of Towns), 1654 Confiscation of Property of Dutch Subjects, 1665 Commercial Marine, 1730 Congress at City Hall, 1789 Congress, New York Provincial Congress, Speakers of, to 1855 Constable, High, Instructions for, 1655 Constables Watch, 1700 Constitutions, City Charter, 1857 Constitutions, Adoption of, by the States Continental Service Continental Army, First Organization of Contoit's Garden 1865, Conveyances, Old 1857, 548: 1861. 577; Cooper's Combination (Trust), 1680 Corlaer's Plantation 1856 Cornbury, Lord 1864, 573 ; 23 1856, 560 1863, 681 1856, 429 1868, 889 1866, 623 1865, 841 1857, 452 i860, 602 , 779. 78-^ 1845, 350 1855, 461 1849, 34.S 1857, 425 1857, 444 1844, 317 1844, 317 1845. 314 1847, 385 1856, 428 1856, 427 1856, 469 1857- 442 1847, 348 1845. 350 1845, 357 1847, 3.SI 1869. 850 1866, .S.Si i860. 628 1854. 365 1849, .^85 1844, 320 1857, 440 1854, 362 1869, 792 1847. 381 . 548. 600 i86s. 656 1850. 425 , 467, 473 1869. 763 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Cornelisen, Duvertie 1855, 528 Coronation Banquet, 1717, Bill for 1844, 322 Cosby, William, Governor 1864, 574 Cosby, William, Governor, Arrives, 1732 1864, 693 Cosby, William, Governor, Death of, 1736 1862, 707; 1864, 727 Cosseau, Jac 1852, 397 Cost of New Netherlands (Note) 185 1, 368 Council of Appointment 1857, 449 Council, City, Fines for Tardiness at Meeting of. . 1848, 385 Council, City, Minutes, 1698 1849, 341 Counsels to Corporation 1854, 441 Counsels to corporation, 1830-60 1859, 494 County Government, 1806 1857, 425 County Government, 1857 1857, 440 County Officers, 1857 1857, 442 Court Fees, 1654 1847, 371 Court of General Sessions, History of 1859, 490 Court of General Sessions, Officers of 1859, 491 Court Proceedings, 1653 1845, 3^7 Court Proceedings, 1654 1847, 376-9 Court Rules, 1674 1853, 483 Couwenhoven, Piet. Wolf Van 1852, 393 Cowfoot Hill 1856, 471 Cricket Match, 1751 1866, 676 Criegier, Martin, Appointed Captain, 1659 1847, 345 Crimmashie Hill (Gramercy) 1856, 465 Cripplebush i860, 545 Croegers, Tryntie 1855, 5^4 Croton Aqueduct 1850, 268; 1852, 229 Croton Aqueduct Department 1854, 214; 1857, 447 Croton Dam and Reservoir 1844, 290 Croton Water 1857, 434 Croton Water and Central Park 1858, 632 Crown Point 1856, 474 Crown Point Road 1856, 471 Cruger, Henry 1864, 574 Cruger, John 1853, 406; 1865, 767 Cruger, John, Diary on Shipboard, 1698 1857, 466 Cruger, John, Jr 1853, 409 Cupboards. Chests, etc 1858, 499 Currency in New Amsterdam 1855, 547 Curtains 1858, 501 Custom House, Old, 1825 1866, 571 Custom House Orders, 1776 1869, 794 Cuvilje, Adriana 1855, 533 Cuyler, Hendrick 1864, 574 25 HISTORICAL INDEX COMiMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Daille, Rev. Peter 1864, 574 Damen Farm i860, 528 Dances in Olden Time 1869, 'jjy Dancing, 1807-08 1870, 861 Dawall, John 1864, 575 Deacon's House 1856, 474 Debt of City, Origin of 1859, 514 Debt, Imprisonment for, 1788 1869, 862 Debts, English OfBcers' Pay, 1783 1870, 810 Deaf and Dumb Institution 1858, 631 Deeds and Records to be Returned by British. . . 1870, 781 Defense of New York against the Slanders of New England 1870, 892 Defense of New York, 1814, Committee on 1859, 553, 557, 559, 560 Defenses of New York, 1810-1 1 1868, 881, 882 Defenses of New York, 1775-83 1868, 871 Defenses of New Amsterdam, 1653 1845, 363-5, 370 Defenses, Contributions for City, 1653 1845, 340 De Foreest, Isaac 1852, 398 De Kay, Jacob 1864, 575 De Laet, Johanna 1855, 521 De Lancey Estate 1866, 584 De Lancey, James 1864, 575 De Lancey, Oliver 1864, 575 De Lancey, Stephen 1864, 576 Delanoy, Mary i860, 596 Delanoy, Peter 1853, 390; 1864, 576 Delavall, Thos 1853, 380; 1864, 576, 578 D'Lille, Nicasius 1852, 392 DeMeyer, Nich 1864, 577 Dentist, 1735 1864, 714 DePeyster, Abraham 1853, 392; 1864, 577 DePeyster, Abraham, Funeral of 1861, 568 DePeyster, Abraham, Jr 1864, 577 DePeyster, Johannes 1852, 380; 1853, 395; 1864. 578 DePeyster, Johannes, Jr 1864, 578 DePeyster Family 1861, 556 DePeyster House, Furniture in 1858, 522 DeRiemer, Isaac 1864, 579 Dervall, Wm 1853, 384 Description of New York, 1707-08, by John Lam- bert 1870, 847 De Truy's Plantation i860, 539 Deutel Bay 1856, 473 DeVries Settles in Delaware, 163 1 185 1, 367 DeWitt, Jannetje 1855, 533 27 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. DeWitt, Maps and Surveys of 1849, 370 Dey Street 1849, 35i ; 1850, 447 Discovery of New York 1848, 372; 1851, 364; 1857, 415 Directory of City, 1665 1849, 356; 1850, 452 Division of the City, Streets, etc 1857, 433 Dock, The 1862, 508, 509, 511, 512 Dock, Tax on Merchants for, 1675 1845, 332 Doctor's Bill, 1788 1870, 904 Documents, Interesting- 1856, 570 Dogs in New York, 1752 1869, 892 Dog-whipper and Sexton, 1654 1848, 378 Doings of Burgomasters and Schepens 1848, 376 Domestic Afifairs before the Revokition 1858, 493 Dominie's Bouwery 1856, 467 Dougan, Colonel Thomas 1864, 578 Dougan, Colonel Thomas, Petition to, for Charter, 1683 1844, 311 Dougan, Colonel Thomas, Report on the Prov- ince, 1682 1850, 486 Driesius 1848, 377 Drummer, City, Appointed 1850, 492 Duane, James 1853, 410; 1861, 547 DuBois, Rev. Walter 1864, 579 DuBois, Rev. Walter, Death Notice of, 1751 1866, 687 DuBuc's Plan of Defense of New York, 1808. . . , i860, 589 Dudley, Joseph 1864, 579 Duel, A, 1713 1869, 850 Dugee, Anthony Jos., Slack Rope Performer, I753-----' 1868,894,897 Dugee, Mrs., Female Samson, 1753 1868, 897 Dunmore, Earl of (John Murray) 1864, 580 Dupuy. Dr., M. D. and Man Midwife, 1745 1865, 782 Dutch Conquest of New York 1850, 420 Dutch Church in Fort, 1790 1869, 852 Dutch Church, Lower, Erection of 1866, 545 Dutch Reformed Burial Ground, 1766 1856, 430 Dutch Descent, Citizens of, 1687 1869, 872 Dutch Who Swore Allegiance to Great Britain. . 1854, 524 Dutch Houses 1857, 416 Dutch Record. Translation of, 1649 1869, 795 Dutch, Restoration to the, 1614 1868, 864 Dutch Restoration, Appointment of Magistrates at, 1673 1850, 489 Dutch, Times of the i860, 612 Drissius, Rev. Samuel 1864, 579 Drover's Tnn 1858, 476 T)ry Goods, Prices of, in New Amsterdam 1858, 508 89 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Dry Goods from London, 1745 Dyre, Wm 1853,387; Early Suits at Law Earthquake, 1727 Earthquake, 1737 Earthquake in Boston, 1744 East Jersey Trade Harmful to New York, 1684. . East Jersey, Annexation of, to New York, 1684. . East River Shore, Improvement of East River Shore between John Street and Peck Slip, 1746 East River Shore near Rutger's, 1760 Ebbingh, Jeronimus Ecclesiastique, 1654 Edsall, Samuel Education, 1807-8 Education, Board of, 1857 Election, 1735 Election of Burgomaster, etc., 1661 Electoral Votes for Presidents to 1852 Electricity, 1748 (exhibition of) Elgin Garden Elliot, Andrew Elliott's, Gov., House Ellis' Island (Oyster Island). . Embargo in New York, 1807-08 Emigrants, Foreign, 1847-58 Emigration, 1857 Emigration, Commissioners of Emott, James English Capture of New Amsterdam, 1664 English, Rumored Gathering of. 1653 English Ships Arrive at Boston and Cause Alarm, 1654 English Pirates, 1654 English Pirates, Prevention of Robberies by, 1654 English Power, Extinction of, in New York, 1673 English, Restoration to, 1674 English Ofificers to Pay Debts, 1783 Enrollment, Compulsory, 1780 Entrance of Americans into New York, 1783 Estimate for City Expenses. t8oo Ethnological Society, American Evacuation bv the British, 1783 Evacuation, Orders for 1870, Evacuation, Notice of 31 865, 790 864, 580 869, 865, 865, 848, 848. 376 850 738 762 402 402 862. 527 862. 862, 852, 848, 864, 870, 857. 869, 849. 854. 86=^. 856, 864, 86s. 855. 870, 859. 857. 859. 864, 861, 845. 845. 845. 845. 8r)8. 868, 870, 86-,, 870. 860, 856. 852. 801, 1870, 531 532 396 378 580 861 445 851 403 362 826 474 580 639 498 866 575 439 573 581 603 345 ?6i 358 353 86 s 865 810 700 82s 86n 568 437 802 785 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Evacuation, Papers Relating to 1870, 772 Evacuation Celebration, 1830 1870, 840 Exchange, Foot of Broad Street 1862, 555 Exchange Place. . 1849, 348; 1850, 444; 1852, 405; 1866, 535 Excise, Rates of, etc 1845, 354, 355, 359; 1850, 492 Excise Moneys, 1654 1845, 351 Excise Moneys, Application of, 1774 185 1, 392 Excise Moneys Dispute, 1653 1845, 369-70 Excise, Farming Out 1845, 335; 1849, 34^ Excise Duty, List of Persons Who Have Paid, 1776 1857, 563 Excise, Payment Abolished 1845, 33^ Executions of Persons Engaged in Negro Plot, 1741 1866,810 Expenses of the Government, 1774 185 1, 393 Exports and Imports, 1678-1789 1849, 340 Export Duties on Peltries, 1647 1844, 295 Extracts from Dunlap's History 1852, 407 Fair or Market 1844, 311 Farmer, Property of a, in 1770 1858, 524 Farm Map, Key to 1853, 436 Farm Map, Description of (Old Estates) 1852, 462 Farm Produce, Prices Fixed for 1863, 651, 671 Fasting, Day of, for Revolution in Scotland, 1745 1865, 794 Fast and Thanksgiving, 1655, Proclamation 1849, 391 Fast and Thanksgiving, 1691, Proclamation 1849, 428 Faucorier, Peter 1864, 581 Federal Hall 1849, 334; 1864, 553 Federal Procession 1856, 570; 1868, 847 Female Samson, Mrs. Dugee, 1753 1868, 897 Fenced, Gardens, etc., Ordered to Be, 1647 1844, 295 Ferry, Old 1856, 467 Ferry, 1674-75 1849, 347 Ferry Ordinances, 1654 1848. 385 Ferry Rates Fixed for Freight, 1779 1863, 667 Ferry to Long Island 1844, 381 ; 1862, 542 ; 1869, 859 Ferry to Long Island, Petition for, 1708. . . . 1851, 403, 405 Ferry to Long Island, Protest against, 1708 1851, 404 Ferry, Long Island, Question 1855, 557 Ferry, Paulus Hook 1862, 545 Ferry across Harlem River, 1667 1849. 362 Ferry, Sale of, 1747 1865, 820 Ferries, 1806 1857. 419 Ferries, 1857 1857. 433 Ferries on North River 1862, 546 Ferries to Staten Island, 1753 1868, 888 33 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Ferryboats, Steam 1859, 603 Festival of Bacchus and Shrove-tide 1845, 355 Fever and Ague 1869, 840 Field Street, 1677 1848, 398 Finances, 1857 1857, 439 Finances, City, 1653 1845, 347-8 Finances, City, Disputes about, 1655 1847, 374-6 Finance Department, 1857 1857, 447 Financial History of New York 1859, 496 Fires in New York, Great 1801, 694 Fires in New York, Great, 1776 and 1778 1866, 766 Fires in New York, Great, 1776 1869, 861 Fires in New York, Great, 1776, Mr. Grim's Ac- count 1852, 435 Fires in New York, Great, 1778, Mr. Grim's Ac- count 1852, 437 Fires in New York, Great, 1804 1853, 467 Fire-bucket Ordinances, 1693 1844, 318 Fire Companies, 1781 1863, 713 Fire Companies, " Heart in Hand,"' 1781 1862, 674 Fire Department, Origin of 1856, 521 Fire Department, First Organization of 1851, 361 Fire Department, Papers Relating to. . 1862, 661; i866, 789 Fire Department, Suggestions to, 1753 1869, 893 Fire Department, 1806 1857, 422 Fire Department, 1857 1857, 438, 446 Fire Engine, First, 1732 1869, 851 Fire Limits, Great Petition against, 1774 1850, 427 Firemen, List of, 1762 1862, 669 Firemen, List of, 1776 i860, 628 Firemen, 1793-96 1866, 791 Fire Office, Plan for a Public, 1774 1862, 670 Fireplace Furniture 1858, 502 Firewood, 1777 1863, 648, 652 Firewood £5 per Cord, 1778 1863, 663 Firewood, Scarcity of, 1779 1863, 687 Firewood, Villages Required to Furnish, 1780. . . 1863, 697 Fiscal Requests to Separate His Office from That of Schout, 1654 1845, 350 Fiscal Department, 1857 1857, 442 Fish to be Taken by Angle only, 1734 1856, 427 Fitzroy, Lord, Gold Box for.'. 1844, 323 Fitzroy Road 1856, 466 Flags Which Have Waved over the City 1863, 835 Fletcher, Benjamin 1864, 581 Fly Market 1857. 543 Fly Market, Bell Taken Down and Restored, 1783 1870, 821 35 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Fly Market Butchers Forage, Prices for, 1777 Foreign Population, Increase of, 1807 Fort, The 1849, 338; 1850, 421; 1851, 364; Fort, The, under Dougan Fort, The, Dutch Capture, 1673 Fort, The, Description of, 1688 Fort, The, History of Fort, The, Title of Land for Fort, The, Clearing Houses from under, 1673. . . . Fort, The, Left Filthy by Departing Soldiers, 1746 Fort, The. and Battery, 1789 Forts in the Province, 1774 Forts, Demolition of, after 1783 Forts, Demolition of, 1804 Forts, Construction of Regular, 1806 et seq Fortifications 1845, 34°, 343. 357. 363. 37° ; Fortifications, City Fortifications, City. Condition of, 1688 Fortifications, City, Debt for, 1654 Fortifications, City, Damage by Hogs 1844, 302, 306; 1845. 347. 349; Fortifications, Rebuilding, 1673 Fortifications, Provisioning, 1653 Fortifications, City Refuses to Contribute for Re- pairs, 1845, 369 : Fortifications at the Close of 1808 Fortifications, 1812, Locations of Fortifying New York, 1714-56 Francis, Dr., Discourse, Nov. 15. 1857 Franklin, Benjamin, in New York Fraunces' Tavern Free Academy, New York Free Masons 1865, 737. 74^ ' Freemen, Citizens Admitted as, 1749 to Revolu- tion French, Philip 1853, 400 ; Fresh Water Pond 1856, 434. 436. 439: Fresh Water Pond, Claim to. Purchased. 1791 ... . Fresh Water Pond. Dock in. Proposed in 1796. . . Fresh Water Pond. Encroachments on, 1787. . . . Fresh Water Pond Staked, 1792 Fresh Water Killetje Front Street Fulton, Robert, Memoir Fulton Steamboat. 1807-08 Fulton Street 37 868 86^ 859 869 864 864 864 864 864 850 865 856 851 868 868 868 849 862 855 845 850 850 845 848 864 868 8s8 850 854 856 868 856 864 860 856 856 856 856 866 8^1 9,66 870 852 841 642 572 749 636 632 636 624 644 511 797 5'8 389 874 875 876 340 519 551 351 495 495 346 406 879 852 868 6co 417 547 557 889 477 581 562 434 436 434 435 611 359 727 866 406 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUN'CIL MANUALS. " Funeral Inviter " Appointed, 1691 1848, 404. 405 Furniture in New Amsterdam 1858. 511 Furniture of House in 1750 1858, 521 Furniture, etc., of a Literary Gentleman 1855, 543 Furniture, etc., in Gov. Montg-omerie's House. . 1858, 517 Furniture, etc., in Philipse House 1858, 519 Furniture in the Van Dams' House 1858, 520 Furniture of Cornelius Steenwyck 1855, 543 Gabry, Timotheus 1852, 396 Gage, General 1869, 766 Garrison Orders, 1781 (Fire Duty) 1862, 676 Gallows 1866, 600, 606 Gallows Removed from Common to near Five Points, 1756 1856, 428 Genealogy of a Jacobite 1862, 704 General Sessions Court 1859. 490, 491 Geographical and Statistical Society, American. . 1856, 567 German Settlements 1866, 654 Gibbet Island (Ellis) 1855, 498 Gibbons, Thomas. Butcher t868, 854 Girls, Pretty, in New York, 1807-08 1870, 859 Glean, Anthony, Revolutionary Soldier 1870, 840 Gaol, New (Hall of Records), Building of, 1757. . 1856, 428 Goffe, Colonel William, Plan for Seizing 1858, 643 Gold Box for Lord Fitzroy, Bill for, 1732 1844, 323 Gold Street 1852, 406 Golden Hill 1856, 467 Goods not to be Carried into Interior, 1647 1844, 294 Goose-riding Prohibited, 1654 1845, 355 Gordon, Rev. Patrick 1864. 582 Governeur, Abraham 1864, 582 Government of New York, Concise History of. . . 1854, 537 Government, Early Municipal Privileges i860, 597 Government, First Application for a Municipal, 1649 1851, 407 Government, Provisional Order for a, 1650 185 1, 409 Government of New York Like That of Amster- dam 185 1 , 364 Government, First Municipal, 1653 1857. 416 Government of New York about 1670 '84(), 37 :; Government and Constitution, 1774 1851. 378 Government, City, 1857 1857. 441 Government, Coimty. 1806 1857, 425 Government, List of Members of, 1653-1854 1854, 400 Government House 1848, 371 Governor's Island 1851, 369; 1855. 407 39 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Governor's Island Ceded by Indians, 1637 1847, 346 Grace Church 1865, 517, 651 Grafton, Duke of, Son of. Arrives in New York 1732 1864,696 Graham, James 1864, 582 Gramercy (Crimmashie) 1856, 465 Grants of Land 1847, 348 Grant of Land, 1641, Laurens Cornelissen 1854, 558 Grant of Land, 1641, Lamb. H. Mott 1854, 558 Grant of Land, 1642, Corn. Lamb. Cole 1854, 559 Grants to Duke of York 1857, 416 Grants below Wall Street (of Village Lots, etc.) 1857, 495. 498 Graveyard, Old, of New Amsterdam 1856, 444 Great Barn Island (Ward's) 1855, 495 Great Kill, The 1856, 473 Great Meadow 1856, 476 Green Hill 1856, 471 Greenwich Road 1862, 519 Greveraat, Isaac 1852, 385 Greveraat, Lysbet 1855, 538 Grim's Memorandum of Old New York 1855, 584 Gunpowder Proclamation Forbidding Exporta- tion, 1774 1865, 760 Gunpowder Treason Celebration, Expenses for 1733 1844,323 Hall, Ralph and Mary, Trial for Witchcraft, 1665 1853, 445 Hallam, Lewis, Actor, 1753 1868, 898 Hallam, William, Actor, 1753 1868, 889 Hamilton, Alexander, First Speech of 1855, 464 Hamilton, Alexander, Inquest on Body of 1865, 711 Handbills Relating to Revolution 1855, 482 Hanover Square, 1806 1857, 424 Hanover Street 1852, 404 Hard Times in New York, 1735 1869, 851 Hardenbrook, Margaret ' 1855, 518 Hardy, Sir Charles 1864, 583 Harlem, First Establishment of the Village of. . . . 1863, 610 Harlem Bridge, 1774 1856, 518 Harlem, Dutch Records of. 1675 1848, 387 Harlem, List of Freeholders and Inhabitants, 171 3 1848, 386 Harlem, Magistrates for, 1673 1880, 490 Harlem Night Watch, 1675 1848, 387 Harlem, Road to 1862, 517; 1869, 857 Harlem Heights, Battle of 1868, 804 Harrison, Francis 1864, 583 41 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Harrison, Kath., Trial for Witchcraft, 1665 Hazzard House Heathcote, Caleb 1853. 403; Health, Board of, 1857 1857, Heere Graft 1848, 397. 400; Hell Gate Rocks Hendricks, Geesie Herdsman for Hog-s to be Provided by City, 1653 Hessian Deserters Hanged in Efifigy, 1781 Hessian Deserters Pardoned, 1783 Hicks, Whitehead 1853, 409; Highways and Fences, Instructions for Overseer of, 1673 Historical Society, New York Hoare, John, Pirate, 1698 Hogs Damage Fort 1844, 302. 306; 1845, Hogs not to be at Large 1844, 299; Hogs, Herdsman for, 1653 Hogs Root in Churchyard Holidays in Old New York Holidays, Official, 1776 Holland, Edward 1853, 409; Honan, David Hone, Philip 1853. 423 ; Hoaghlandt, Christopher Horen Hook " Hope," Confiscation of The, as a Prize, 1666. . i Horses 1844, 311 ; Horse Races. . . . 1864. 737; t86.s, 817; 1866, 685; Horse Thief, Reward for Sol. Jennings, 1730 Horsemanden, Daniel Hospital, New York 1856, 431 ; 1862, 553; Hospital. New York, Library of Houses, Dwelling Houses, One of the Oldest in the City House, Old, at 40 Cherry Street House, Old, at Corner Chatham and Doyer Streets House, Old, in Water Street, between DePeystcr and Pine Streets Houses, Old, in William Street Houses, Number of. and of Blocks in City, Ex- cepting I2th Ward, 1854 Houses, List of, A^ilucd at £2000 and over, 1799. • House of Refuge 1857, 451; 1859, 578; 1864, 751; Hotels, T857 Howe, Sir William Hudson. Hcnrv, Account of Discovery bv 853. 447 859. 599 864, 665 441, 444 862, 513 864, 852 855, 534 845. 347 863, 717 870, 784 864, 584 850, 513 856, 551 857, 464 347. 349 845, 349 845. 347 852, 474 845- 339 869. 794 864, 584 864, S84 863, 627 852, 397 856. 465 351-3 8.s8, 504 868, 886 864, 677 864. 585 865, 576 865. 563 8.S7. 4.36 855. .S93 8.SS, .S93 860. 627 857. 529 86 T, 630 854. 557 86<), 863 865. 6s4 ^^7' 436 861. 585 848. ^72 847 43 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Hudson, Henry, Arrival at Sandy Hook Hudson River Closed by Ice, 1780 Hudson River and Erie Canal Hudson River, Vessels Navigating, in 1684. . Hugginiana Huguenot Settlers in New York and Vicinity Hungerford, Ducey Hunter, Robert Illumination of City for Surrender of Louisburg, 1745 Imports and Exports, 1678-1789 Impressment of Sailors, 1779 Inclenburg Income and Expenditures of Old New York. . . . " Independent Foot Company,'' Battalion of, 1775 Ingoldsby, Richard Indians, Battles with Indians, Declaration of War against, 1643 Indians, Habits of Indians, Manners and Customs of Indians, Not to Harbor, 1686 Indians, Number of, and How Inclined, 1774. . 185 Indians, Rewards for Heads of, 1641 Indians, Selling Liquor to, 1647 Indians to be Paid for Work, 1648 Indian Tradition of First Landing of Europeans . . Indian Troubles 1844, 310; Indian Wars in New Amsterdam Indian Deeds 1849, 432-3; 1850, 539; Indian Deeds for Part of Brooklyn Indian Deeds for Floboca, 1630 Inhabitants Fifty Years Ago (1806) Inhabitants and Slaves, List of, 1712 and 1731 1849 Island, The (Manhattan) Insurance Companies Instructions for Overseers of Fences and High- ways, 1673 Islands in the East River Ceded by Indians, 1637 Islands in the East River and Harbor, Historical Sketch of Jacobite, Genealogy of a Jacob's Well Jail 1852, 461 i8S3. 464 1858, 621 1866, 787 1870, 920 1862, 743 1864, .S8.S 1864, 586 1865, 781 1849, 340 1870, 880 1856, 468 1859, 498 1849. 344 1864, 586 1852, 469 1863, 538 1852. 401 1858, 591 1848, 404 51, 389-90 i86s. 537 1844, 295 1844, 301 1851, 462 1863, 550 1863, 533 1869, 881 1847, 342 1849, 431 1857. 427 . 360, 361 1857- 415 1866, 569 1850, 513 '847- 347 1855. 493 1862. 704 1856, 471 1862, 553 Jail, New (Hall of Records) 1855, 473. 483 45 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Jamison, David 1864, 587 Janeway's Farm on Chatham Street, 1765 1856, 430 Jans, Annetje 1855, 531 Jans, Old, Land 1870, 922 Jansen, Johannes 1853, 405 Jauncey, James 1864, 587 Jay, Sir James 1864, 588 Jay, John, LL. D 1864, 588 Jay, John, Freedom of City to 1845, 3^3 Jews Expelled, 1655 1849, 387 Jews' Burial Ground 1866, 515 Jewish Worship not Permitted, 1685 1848, 404 John Street 1849, 352; 1850, 448; 1852, 406 Johnston, John 1853, 404 Johnston, John, Dr 1864, 588 Johnson, Samuel D 1864, 588 Jones Hill 1856, 472 Jones, Samuel 1864, 589 Jones, Thomas 1864, 589 Jorisen, Sara 1855, 530 Judiciary 1857, 425, 443 Justice, " Little Bench of," 1654 1845, 356 Justice, " Small Bench " Repaired, 1654 1845, 355 Jurisprudence, 1857 1857, 453 Kalckhook i860, 550, 562; 1865, 572, 580 Kalckhook, Value of Land at, 1769 1856, 431 Kean's Benefit, 1750 1866, 659 Kean Leaves the Stage, 175 1 1866, 675 Keating's Store, Corner Peck Slip and Water Street 1857, 515 Kemble, Samuel 1864, 590 Kempe, John T 1864, 589 Kempe, William 1864, 590 Kennedy, Archibald 1864, 590 Kennedy, Captain Archibald 1864, 590 Kerfbyle, Joannes .... 1864, 590 Keys of Houses Occupied by British to be De- livered, 1783 1870, 782 Kidd, Captain Wm. (Pirate) 1857, 470; 1864, 591; 1869, 857 Kidd, Captain William, House of 1858, 514 Kidd, Captain William, Marriage License 1847, 350 Kieft Arrives 185 1 , 36() Kierstedt, Dr., Died, 1751 1866. 677 Kierstede Girls 1855, 526 Kill Where Water is Running over the Stones. . . 1856, 473 Kill Where the Tree Lies over the Water 1856, 473 47 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. King's Arms Tavern 1854, 442 King's Bridge Road 1862, 518 King's College 1849, 338 King's Farm, 1761 1856, 429 Kingston's Land, John i860, 554 Kip, Hendrick 1852, 389 Kip, Jacob i860, 608 Kip, Rachel 1855, 534 Kip's Farm 1858, 600 Kip's Mansion 1852, 472 Kissing Bridge 1866, 612 Knockers Stolen from Doors, £60 Reward 1866, 627 Kolck i860, 562 Krigier, Martin 1852, 386 Kuyter, Joch., Piet 1852, 384 Kuyter, Madam 1855, 524 Lafayette, Freedom of the City to 1845, 326 Laendert's Farm i860, 559 Lamb, John 1864, 745 Landais, De, Admiral 1870, 910 Lands, Disposition of, in Olden Times, 1638-49. . 1851, 464 Lands, State of, in Province. 1732 1851, 454 Lands, Titles under Which, Are Held, 1774 185 1, 378 Laslaes Plantation 1856, 469 Latham, John 1864, 591 Law Department, 1857 1857, 449 Law Institute, New York 1856, 558 Law Case, Singular, 1804 1866, 746 Law Suits, Early 1848, 376 Laws, Criminal, in New Amsterdam 1861, 533 Law and Lawyers in New Amsterdam 1863, 569 Lawyers Disbarred (J. A. and Wm Smith), 1735. . 1864, 717 Lawrence, John 1853, 383; 1864. 591, 593 Leake, Robert 1861, 623 " Leander," British Man-of-War i860. 620 Lee, Gideon 1853, 425 ; 1863, 629 Lee, William, Actor. 1753 1868, 890 Leete, Samuel 1864, 592 Leisler, Elsie, Wife of Jacob i860. 594 Leisler, Jacob 1864. 592; 1869, 738 Leisler Estate i860. 543 Leisler Grave 1856. 439; 1866, 597 Leisler Family, Marriages in 1869, 747 Leisler Troubles 1869, 741 Leisler and Anti-Leisler, 1701 1857, 515 49 HISTORICAL INDEX COMiMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Letter Sent by Burgomasters to West India Co., 1664 Lewis, Francis Lewis, Thomas Liberty Poles 1855, 444 Liberty Poles, Destruction of Liberty Poles, Citizens Desire to Erect a, 1770. . Liberty Street. . 1849, 35^'> 1850, 447; 1852, 406; Library, City, City Hall Library, City, Books Let Out for Hire, 1765. . . 1853, 464-5 Library, City, Books Loaned, 1746 1865. Library, Printers' Free Library, First Public, 1729 Library, Public, 1807-08 Library, Public, of New York Libraries Pillaged, 1777 1863 Libraries, Recapitulation Lichtenstein, Jan Max Lighting the City Lighting by Gas Lindsay, John Ling, Matthew Linn's Sermon on Washington, Extracts from . . . Liquors, Fixing Prices for Liquors, List of Retailers of. 1776 Liquors, Selling to Indians 1844, 295; Liquors, Selling to Indians or Slaves, 1691 Liquor Sellers to Keep Lodgings Liquor Sellers. Fixing Ninnber of Lispenard, Anthony Lispenird Meadows .,, List of Contributors to Putting City into a State of Defense, 1653 List of Maps and Illustrations 1857, 565; Litschae, Anneken Livingston, Edward 1853, 414; Livingston, Philip • Livingston, Philip, Jr Locust Trees, Tlie Lodowick, Charles 1853, 393; Loockermans, Covert Loockermans, Marretjc Looking (Classes, etc Lorillards Lottery for Almshouse, 1794 Lottery for a College, 1753 Lottery for Procuring Fire-buckets, 1780 860, 864, 864, 45 1» 592 593 593 488 855- 450 852, 435 860, 533 856, 568 803. 808 856, 565 869, 853 870, 855 856, 541 636, 639 856, 569 870, 912 847- 385 857- 435 864, 864, 869, 845. 593 594 790 333 857. 556 845. 363 848, 405 845. 845, 864, 856, 332 333 592 442 845- 340 863, 839 855. 526 861, 550 864, 594 864, 594 856, 469 864, 595 852, 855. 858, 866, 844. 398 537 5(^1 610 320 868. 892 862, 673 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMOxX COUNCIL MANUALS. Lots Offered for Sale by City, 1691 Loudon, Lord Love, Charles, Musician, 1753 Love Lane Lovelace, Colonel Francis Lovelace, John Loyalist Militia, 1779 Loyalist Soldiers, Grants to, 1777 Loyalists, Notice to, 1783 Lurting-, Robert 1853, 405; Lyceum of Natural History McDougall, General Alexander McDougall, General Alexander, in Jail Madison Avenue. View on, in 1859 Magistrates of New Amsterdam, Biograpliical Sketches of Maiden Lane 1849, 351; 1850, 447; 1851, 360; 1852, 406; Mall, The Mammoth, The Original, 1705 Manhattan, The Island of Manhattan Island, Purchase of Manhattan Company's Reservoir Manners and Customs, from Watson's Annals. . . Manning's Defense for Surrendering (to the Dutch), 1673 Mans, Engiltje Manufactures and Trade of the Province Map of New York, 1664-88, Nicholls' Map and Survey by DeWitt Map of Harbor Published, 1735 Map of Mannados or New Amsterdam, 1661, Re- marks on Marine, Commercial, 1730 Marionettes, 1747 Market for Cattle, 1659 Market House to be built in Broad Street., 1691 . . Market Ordinances 1863. 714; 1848, Market, Field and Broadway, 1677 Market, Public Markets 1857, 419; Marketfield Street 1848, 399; 1849. 351 ; 1850. 447; 1 85 1. 359; Marriages in Times of the Dutch, Notices of . . . . Marriage, Consent of Parents, 1653 Marriage Must Follow Banns, 1658 Marriage, Cohabitation before. Prohibited, 1658. . 53 848, 406 869, 767 868, 890 856, 472 864, 595 864, 595 863, 690 863, 640 870, 788 864, 596 856, 562 864. 596 855, 448 860, 578 852. 378 860, 533 856, 470 869. 859 857- 415 857, 415 856, 437 833, 457 85^, 425 855. 521 852, 441 863. 6i() 849. 370 864. 717 859. 548 869, 850 865. 8i6 844. 303 848, 405 403. 404 848. 393 S.f)2, 503 8sj, .105 862, 762 845, 368 844. 302 844. 303 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Marriage Contract, Decision on Marriage Inquiry, Van Breck-\"arleth, 1654 Marriages in the Dutch Giurch before the Revoki- tion Marriages in the Dutch Church, 1639-88 Marsh, The Marsh, David, Butcher Maruelt Street, 1677 Mason, Wilham, Pirate, 1689 Masonic Hall 1865 Massachusetts Bay, Claims of, 1774 Masters of Ships to Report Passengers, 1675. . . . Mathematical Instrument Maker, Ant. Lamb, 1745 Matthews, David, Mayor, 1778 1853, 410; Matthews, Peter Mayors of the City 1861, 547; 1863, 624; Mayors, Sketches of, 1665, 1834 Mayors, Duties of, 1857 Mayor's Marshal Appointed, 1698 Mayor's Election Disputed, 1702 Mayor's and Alderman's Commission, 1665. . . . 1851, 412; Meadows and Collect Pond i860, 565; Meadows, The, or New Batavia i860 Meal and Slave Market, 1746 Meat for Sale at Shambles, 1691 Mechanics' Hall Mechanics, Renowned, etc., 1806 Mechanics' Institute, Library of Mechanics and Tradesmen, General Society of. . Medical Science in New York, Early State of. . . Megapoliensis and Driesius Mementos of Old New York Memorials of the Ancient Condition of the City. . Memorials of Returning Merchants, 1784 Mercantile Library Association Mercator Chart, 1730 Merchants' and Clerks' Library Association Merchants to be Citizens of New York, 1675. . . . Merchants' Exchange..,. 1856, 515; 1866, 565; Mcrritt, William 1853, 394; Metropolitan Hotel Mever, Nicholas dc 1852, 386; Middle-Church, Bell of Old ". . Milborne, Jacob Milborne-Leisler Marriage, 1691 55 845. 361 844, 306 862, 556 861, 640 856, 475 868, 857 848, 400 857, 462 583, 587 851- 376 845. ?>?^2. 865, 780 863, 659 864, 596 869, 772 853, 379 857, 441 844, 319 853, 398 863, 602 862, 551 555. 559 862, 506 848, 404 865, 555 857, 422 856, 564 856, 553 849, 378 848, 377 869, 850 8c;2, 401 858. 639 8s6, S48 864. 676 856, 567 845. 332 869, 784 864, 596 865. 632 853. 385 861. 575 864, 597 869. 7?>7 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Mile =■ 20 Blocks Military, 1857 Military Operations near New York, 1776, Map of Military, Muster-roll of C. Steenwyck's Co., 1673 Military, New York Regiments (in Revolution) . . Military, Officers of ist Troop of Light Horse, 1776 Military, Officers of ist Co. of Artillery, 1776. . . . Military, Officers of ist Regiment Raised in New York, 1776 Militia, Number of, 1774 Militia, 1806 Militia, 1814 Militia Companies, List of Militia Officers of Province, 1700 Militia of New York, First Gun of Continental Army Mill Street Lane, 1677 Minerva Rooms Mines, 1777 Ministers, Maintenance of Minutes of an Old-fashioned Caucus, 1804 1843, 310; Minvielle, Gab'l 1853, 388; " Mirror, New York," Selections from Miscellaneous Subjects Missive from West India Co., 1654 Mitchill, Samuel Latham " Mohawks " Organized Mompesson, Roger Monckton, Robert Money in New Netherlands, First Money in New York, 1777 Money, Paper, Burnt Montagnie's Garden Montgomerie, Gov. John, House of Montgomerie, Gov. John Montgomery, Richard, General Montgomery, Richard, General, Monument to, 1787 Montressor, Major, before House of Commons, 1779 Monument Lane Monument Road Moody, Lady Deborah Moore, House of Bishop Moore, Sir Henry 57 864, 856 857- 438 864, 669 850, 424 847, 381 769. 793 869, 793 869, 792 851, 388 857, 422 870, 902 852, 498 85 1. 475 847, 381 848. 397 865, 596 851, 387 844. 311 844, 291 864, 597 844. 338 853- 442 845, .366 859, "538 855. 456 864, 597 864, 598 853, 449 863, 641 844, 321 86 s. 548 858. 517 864. 598 864, 599 847. 381 870. 814 856, 468 862. 519 855. 520 854, 536 864, 599 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Moore, John 1864, 599 Moore Street 1852, 404 Morgan, Captain, 1665 1857, 457, 458 Morris, Colonel, Verses on, 1734 1864, 713 Morris, Lewis 1864, 599^ 600 Morris, Lewis, Mrs., Dead, 1752 1866, 708 Morris, Lewis, ]r 1864, 600 Morris, Richard 1864, 601 Morris, Roger 1864, 601 Morris, Staats L 1864, 601 Morris Street 1852, 403 Morton, Jacob i860, 610 Mostons, Thos., Pirate, 1698 1857, 464 Mount Pleasant 1856, 471 Mount Vernon Garden 1865, 600 Municipal Government, First, 1653 1857, 416 Municipal Privileges, Grants of, prior to Dougan's Charter i860, 597 Murray, Joseph 1864, 602 Murray Street, Regulation of, 1768 1856, 431 Muskets with 3>^-feet Barrel 1845, 351 Mutual Bag Association Company 1855, 587 Nails Borrowed for Fortifications, 1653 1845, 34^, 348 Names of Localities, Obsolete 1856, 495 " Nancy " (Tea Ship) Sent Back, 1774 1855, 458 Nanfan, John 1864, 602 Nassau Street 1849, 351 ; 1850, 447 ; 1852, 406 National Guard, 1857 1857, 439 Naturalization Act, 1744 1865, 757 Negro Burial Ground, near Broadway and Cham- bers Street.... 1856, 428, 437; i860, 547; 1865, 567 Negro Burial Ground, Land near, 1760 1856. 429 Negro Executions 1856, 448 Negroes Confiscated by English, 1664 1847, 3^9 Negro Pot-house, 1753 1856, 428 Negro Plot, 1712 1869, 775 Negro Plot, 1740-41 1856, 450 ; 1870, 764 Negro Plot, 1741, Executions of Persons Engaged in 1866, 810 Negro Settlement on Bayards Mount, 1644 t866, 574 Nevins, John 1852, 383 ; i860, 608 New Batavia, or The Meadows i860, 55c; New Netherlands, Cost of (Note) 1851, 3(58 Newspapers, 1806 1857, 421 Newspapers, 1857 1857, 452 59 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Newspaper Correspondence on Public blatters, 1704-08 1869, 796 Newspaper, First Daily, 1785 1869, 860 Newspaper Extracts 1856, 514, 520; 1862, 695; 1864, 672; 1865 , 726; 1866,617; 1868, 884 New Year's Celebrations, Shooting Prohibited, 1675 1845, 335 New Year's Day, 1807-08 1870, 865 New York Regiments (in Revolution) 1^47. 3^1 New York, Memorials of the Ancient Condition of the City 1852, 401 New York, Old, by Benjamin R. Winthrop 1862, 686 New York in Olden Time 1849, 333 New York, Town of, 1664-68 1863, 623 New York, 1737 1870, 900 New York, 1748 (by Kalm) 1858, 526; 1869, 837 New York, 1750 1858, 527 New York, 1753, Advantages of 1869, 755 New York, 1777-83, under British Military Rule. . 1863, 634 New York, 1806 1868, 828 New York, Fifty Years Ago (1806-07) 1858, 606; 1857, 417 New York, 1807 — Fifty-two Years Ago 1859, 564 New York, 1807-08, by John Lambert 1870, 847 New York, 1808-21, North of Canal Street 1864, 847 New York, 1857 1857, 415 New York, Papers Relating to. 1776 1862, 652 New York City Prospectively 1856, 423 New York Harbor, Report of Colonel Romer on, 1700 1854, 555 New York, City and Count v of, 1857 1857, 440 Niblo's Garden, 1828 1865, 631 Nicholson, Francis 1864, 602 Nicoll, Matthias 1853. 383 ; 1864, 603 Nicoll, William 1864, 603 Nicolls, Richard (Gov.) 1864, 603 Nicolls, Richard, Takes Command 1844, 309 Nicolls, Richard, Assumes the Government, 1674. 1845, 330 Nicolls, Richard, Answers Several Queries, 1678. 185 1. 451 Nicolls' Map of Manhattan Island. 1664-88 1863, 619 Night Watch, 1675, Orders, etc.. for 1845. 333 Noell, Thomas 1853. 397 ; 1864. 604 Noell, Thomas. Journal of. 1701 1857, 515 North River Travel, Reminiscences of 1852. 438 North River Shore, Improvement of 1862. 547 Nortwick i^S'^. 47^ Nut Island Ceded bv Indians. 1637 1847. 316 Nutten Island ^849. 367 6i HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Oath of Allegiance to be Taken, 1675 1845, 33^ Oaths Administered to City Officers, 1703 1^47, 3^o Oath of Common Council, 1683 1844, 317 Oath of Fidelity, 1673 1850, 499 Obsolete Names of Localities 1856, 465 Officers of City, Order Directing Appointment of, 1652 1851,410 Officers of City, Warrant Appointing, 1675 1844, 309 Officers of City, 1673 1850, 421 Officers of Province (Civil), 1774 1851, 393-6 Officers of City and County, 1806 1857, 423 Officers of State, 1806 (in City) 1857, 423 Officers of U. S., 1806 (in N. Y. City) 1857, 4^3 Olden Time in New York 1848, 372 ; 1849, 33^ Old Man's Swamp i860, 545 Old New York, by Benjamin R. Winthrop 1862, 686 Old Wreck Brook 1856, 473 Ordinances of the Director General, etc., of the New Netherlands 1861, 669 Ordinances, etc., of the New Netherlands 1844, 293 Ordinances, Publication of, 1654 1845, 358 Ordinances, 1683, after Dougan's Charter 1858, 544 Ordinances, 1684 1848, 402-3 Ordinances, Digest of, during First English Pos- session 1858, 541 Ordinances, Digest of, during Second Dutch Pos- session 1858, 543 Ordinances, Digest of, prior to Revolution 1858, 531 Orphan (Half) Asylum (Protestant) 1859, 580 Orphans and Orphan Masters, 1653 1845, 353 Osborne, Sir Danvers, Gov 1864, 604 ; 1868, 900-1 Otter's Spoor, The 1856, 473 Ould Kill 1856, 467 Overseer of Fences and Highways, Instructions for, 1673 '. 1850, 513 Oyster (Ellis) Island ^855, 498 Oyster Pastie 1856, 471 Oyster Pastie Battery. 1751 1869. 851 Oyster War, 1736 1862, 708 Packets to England, 1817 1858, 629 Paine, Tom, Recollections of 1864, 838 Paine, Tom, Residence of 1864, 841, 848 Paisley 1 863, 63 1 Pali.sades (Stockade) 1845, 342-4: 1858. 541 ; 1866, 537, 538 Palmer, Thomas 1864, 605 Palmo's Cafe 1865. 372 63 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Pannebacker's Bouwery 1856, 469; Panther in New York, 1732 Paper Money Burnt, 1796 Parade Park, The (City Hall) 1849, 352; 1850, 448; Park, The, Claimant for 1785 Park, The, Inclosing 1856, Park, The, Iron Railing- around Park, The, Improving Park, The, and Vicinity, by H. B. Dawson Park, The, and Neighborhood in Former Times . . Park, The, Collect, Swamp, Broadway, etc., Prog- ress of Park Place (Robinson Street), Regulation of, 1773 Park Row and Chatham Street Park Theater Parmiter, Paroculus Patroons, The First Paulding, William 1853, 421 ; Pauperism, Society for the Prevention of, 1818. . . Pavements, First, 1658 Peace between Holland and England Proclaimed . . Peace Proclamation Read at City Hall, 1783 Peace Celebration, Fireworks at, 1783 Pearl Street 1849, 347; 1850, 444; 185 1, 358; Peartree, William 1853, 401 ; Pell, John, Butcher Pell's Neck, Indians to be Removed from Penalties for Refusing Office, 1683 Perin, John, Sr., Butcher Perin, John, Jr., Butcher Perro's Land Peruke-maker, 1750 1866, 636, Pessenger, John, Butcher Peters, Hielke Petersen, Captain, 1688 Petition for Charter, 1683 Petition for Return of Confiscated Negroes Philipe, Adolphus 1864, 606 ; Philipe, Annetje Philipe, Frederick 1864, Philipe, Frederick, Owns Contraband Goods Philipe, Miss, Epitaph, 1752 Philipe House, Contents of Physicians, 1806 Physicians and Surgeons, College of Pictures anrl Engravings (>5 860, 558 864, 693 844, 321 856, 466 8O5, 555 856, 433 433. 435 849. 434 856, 434 855. 433 856, 426 856, 432 856, 431 866, 590 866, 593 864, 605 851, 365 863, 626 858, 625 857, 416 845. 365 870, 774 870, 833 852, 405 864, 605 868, 852 844, 310 844, 317 868, 851 868, 851 860, 554 638, 644 868, 843 855. 517 857, 461 844, 311 847. 369 866, 619 855. 525 605, 606 857. 4^4 866, 71s 858. 519 857. 423 85^^ 5^>5 858, 500 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Pie Woman's Lane 1856, 471 Pierce, Joiin, Killed by British Ship " Leander " in New York in 1806 i860, 620 Pigeons, Wild, 1759 1869, 852 Pillory and Cage, 1764 1869, 852 Pillory, Stocks, etc.. Location of 1847, 386; 1848, 406 Tiracy Favored by Governor's Council, 1698 1857, 469 Pirates Captured, 1723 18O9, 859 Pirates and Privateers, 1723 1869, 853 Pitt, Statue of 1862, 657 ; 1866, 569 Pinborne, William 1864, O06 Pine Street 1852, 406 Pintard, John i860, 610; 1866, 716 Pintard, John, Memorabilia by the Late i860, 620 Plain, The 1856, 474 Plowman, Matthew 1864, 607 Police 1857, 435 Police Department, 1857 1857, 446 Police and Watch Regulations, 1676 1867, 854 Political Disputes of the Year, 1701 1857, 5^5 Political History of New York 1854, 446 Poor, Providing for •. . . . 1848, 406 ; 1862, 551 Poor, Constable to Collect for, 1690 1848, 404 Poor, History of the, in New York, 1699-1816. . . . 1862, 658 Poor House Burial Ground, 1757 1856, 428 Population of New York (at various times) 1849. 339; 185 1, 352, 357, 387; 1854, 369 Population of New York, Calculated, 1805-1900. . 1854, 552 Porter's Instructions for Beer- and Weigh-house, 1605 1852, 476 Post, Jotham, Butcher 1868, 847 Post, Monthly, to Boston, 1672 1857, 54^ Post Office, 1753 1868, 893 Post Office, 1807 1858, 630 Postmaster, Instructions for, 1672 1857, 543 Postmaster, Oath of 1857, 544 Potter, Elizabeth de 1855, 535 Potter's Field 1856, 465, 469; 1865, 653 Pound Regulations, 1673 1850, 514 Pounding Cattle, etc., 1647 1844, 295 Powers, George, Sr., Butcher 1868, 845 Powder House on Island in Fresh Water Pond 1856, 427, 433 Pratt, Benjamin 1864. 607 Prayer before Meeting of P.urgomasters and Schepcns 1 844, 304 Precentor and Schoolmaster, 1654 1848, 378 Presbyterian Board of Missions 1856, 566 67 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Presbyterian Church, First (in Wall Street, 17 18) 1869, 860 Presbyterians, Petition of, 17 17 and 1721 1849, 3^3 Prices in New York, 1739 1865, 746 Printers' Free Library 1856, 565 Prison, Provoost 1855, 473 Prison, Provoost, List of Prisoners Confined in, 1783 1868, 906 Prisoners, Charity for, 1751 1866, 670-1, 693 Prisons, British, in New York during Revolution. 1849, 37^ Prison Ships, British, at New York 1851, 417 Prison Ships Martyrs, Interment of Bones of, 1808 1853, 4^8 Privateers 1847, 362-9; 1857, 455 Privateers, New York, 1704-1815 1870, 867 Privateers, 1812-15 1870, 883 Privateersmen Wanted, 1743 1865, 751, 763 Proclamation Prohibiting Vessels Leaving New York, 1746 1865, 799 Produce, Prices Fixed for Farm 1863, 651, 671 Progress of the City 1851, 350 Progress of the City, Chronological Sketch of the 1856, 530 Property, Value of, in 1643-1705 1855, 546 Protestants, Petition of, to William III 1855, 598 Province of New York, Size and extent of, 1774. . 1851, 377 Province of New York, Parts Cultivated, 1774. ... 1851, 377 Provoost, David 1853, 396 Provoost, David, Jr 1864, 607 Provoost, Johannes 1864, 607 Provoost, William 1864, 607 Provoost, Vault 1858, 530 Public Buildings, 1857 1857, 437' 449 Public Buildings, Ancient and Modern City Halls 1845, 33^ Public Buildings and Churches in Broadway 1865, 635 Public Buildings and Churches, When Erected. . . 1855, 573 Public Institutions, 1807 1858, 619 Punishments ^^47. ?,S^-7^ ^ ^859, 490 Punishments, Execution for Burglary, 1745 1865, 776 Punishments for Fornication, 1639 1863, 535 Punishments, Examination by Torture. 1849, 42T ; i86t, 54T Pimishments, Examination, Gantlope, Soldier to Run, for Pilfering 1847, 371 Punishments, " Ladies of Pleasure " at Whipping Post. I7S3 *. t868. 801 Punishments, Negro Burnt at the Stake for Rape, 1734 1862. 699 ; T864, 703 Punishments, Pillorv and Cage. 1764 1869, 852 Pimishments, In Pillory with Cabbaires on Head. . 1849. 422 Puni^hmcnt'5. Two Slaves Burnt at Stake. T712. . . 1864. 365; HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Punishments, Slaves Broken on Wheel 1849, 366 Punishments, Slaves Hung in Chains 1849, 3^6 Punishments, Slaves Whipped at Cart's-tail 1849, 3^5 Punishments, Scourged, Branded, and Banished, 1661 1849, 429 Punishments, Women, Whipped and Banished for Stealing, 1661 1849, 4^0 Punishments, Women, Sentenced to Death for Burglary, 1752 1866, 698 Punishments, Women, Sentenced to Death, Par- doned 1866, 702 Punishments, Whipping-posts, Stocks, Pillory, etc., 1764 .' 1856, 430 Psalms, Tate and Brady's, Printed in New York in 1753 1868, 892 Psalms, Watts', Printed in New York, 1750. . 1868, 891, 895 Quaker Arrives, 1674 185 1, 440 Quakers, Petition of, 1704 1849, 3^^ Quakers, Punished for Harboring, 1674 1851, 442 Quarantine Proclamation, 1744 1865, 756 Randel's Roads of New York North of Canal Street, 1808-21 1864, 847 Randell's Island 1855, 493 Radclifif, Jacob 1853, 419! 1861, 555 Railroads, 1857 1857, 43^ Ranelagh 1856, 472 ; 1865. 575-6 Rapelye. Joris Jans, Family Record 1869. 787 Rapelye, Sara ^855, 530 ; 1862, 762 Reade, Joseph 1864, 608 Real Estate Operations in Olden Time i860, 527 Rechawan 1856, 475 Recollections of an Old Citizen (Peter Gassncr) . . 1859, 588 " Recorded for Johannes Burger " 1855, 597 Recorders of New York 1854, 438; 1859, 494 Recorders of Commission. 1683 1844, 316 Records of the City Abstracted (about 1797). .. . 1856, 437 Records of the Common Council 1845. 314 Records, Deeds, etc., to be Returned by the King's Officers, 1780 1863, 730 Rector Street 1852, 403 Red Sea Men 1857, 455 Refugees, Memorial of. to Carleton, 1783 1870, 806 Refugees, Contributions for. 1783 1870. 791 Refugees. Notice to. 1783 1870, 790 Register, 1857 '. 1857. 443 71 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Register of Burgomasters and Schepens 1844, 304 Remarks on the Map of Mannados or New Am- sterdam 1859, 548 Reminiscences i860, 630 Reminiscences by G. C. Verplanck, 1828 1870, 904 Remonstrance, Proclamation Forbidding Printing of, 1747 1865, 819 Removal of Brick House 1859, 610 Repairs and Supplies Department, 1857 1857, 448 Revenue, Application of, 1774 1851, 391 Revenue of Province, 1774 185 1, 391 Revenue, Copy of Manuscript Showing City's. . . . 1858, 594 Reverie of a Solitaire, Written in 1823 i860, 625 Revolutionary Reminiscences 1848, 388 Reservoir, City 1865, 579 Residences (Private) 1855, 561 ; 1857, 419 Restoration to the English, 1674, Papers Relating to 1852, 415 Richard, Paul 1853, 406 ; 1864, 608 Richard, Paulus 1864, 608 Richard, Stephen 1864, 608 Richmond Hill House 1852, 467 Rickett's Amphitheater 1865, 596 " Riding the Goose " on Certain Feast Days, 1654. 1853, 44^ Riemer, Isaac de 1853, 397 Riemer, Margaret de 1855, 538 Riot, 1770 1855, 489 Riot after Capture by English, 1665 1869, 890 Riot Punished by Banishment 1847, 357 Rivington, James 1864, 608 Rivington Press, Notes Concerning the Destruc- tion of, 1775 _ 1868, 813 Roads (Randell's Recollections) 1864, 847 Roads, Public 1862, 517 Roelantsen, First Schoolmaster 1863, 559 Roelofs, Cath 1855, '529 Roelof , Sara 1855, 53^ Rogier, M. de, Sent to Plymouth 1851, 365 Romayne, Dr T858, 604 Rombouts, Francis 1853, 386; 1855, 595 ; 1864, 609 Romcr, Wolfgang William 1864, 609 Rope-dancer (Dugee). 1753 1868, 894, 897 Roosevelt Street, Canal through, 1802 i8S3, 467 Rose Hill ' 1856, 465 Rotten Road 1856, 470 Rott, Rev. Louis, Died, 1750 t866, 658 Rudyard, Thomas 1864, 610 Rutger's Farm on East River i860, 556 73 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Rutger's Park 1856, 473 Rutger's Female Institute 1856, 567 Ruyven and Crieger Appointed Commissioners, 1659 1847, 345 Sack-posset, Recipe for 1862, 720 Sailing Vessels, 1857 1857, 439 Sailors not to be " Trusted," 1691 1848, 405 Sailors' Snug Harbor 1856, 468; 1864, 849; 1865, 640 St. James' Church, Hamilton Square 1870, 924 St. Nicholas, Poem in Dutch (Translation) 1851, 450 St. Nicholas Hotel, Site of, in 1820 1865, 623 St. Paul's Church 1865, 536 St. Thomas' Church 1865, 636 Salt not to be Carried out of City, 1777 1863, 646, 649 Sand Hill 1856, 475 Sandy Hill 1865, 608, 639 Sands, Comfort 1864, 610 Sands, Juliana Elmore 1861, 629 Santen, Lucas 1864, 610 Sapokanican 1856, 475 ; i860, 552 Saw Mill Creek 1856, 470 Schaap Waytie 1856, 469 Schempos, Hill of 1856, 473 Schepens, Instructions for Under-. 1673 i860, 604 Schoeinge or Street on Piling Near Coenties Slip, 1658 ^ 1862, 529 Schout's Bouwery i860, 558 Schout, Instructions for, 1673 1850. 515. 523 Schipper Louro's Point 1856, 475 School, 1747 1865, 813 School, Classical, 1732 1869, 857 School, First, in City Hall 1845, 33^ School, Free, Burnt, 1750 1866, 622, 624, 625 School, Free, No. i. Tryon Row 1866. 604 Schools, 1857 1857. 438 Schools, Public, 1805-57 1858. 614 Schools and Schoolmasters in the Time of the Dutch 1863. 559 Schoolmaster, Roelantsen the First 1863. 559 Schoolmaster, Robert Leeth, 1752 t866. 717 Schoolmaster and Precentor, 1654 1848. 378 School Money, Suit for 1848, 376. 380 School, Dancing and Singing, t8o6-o8. 1857. 420; 1870. 864 Schout, Request to Separate the Ofifice from that of " Fiscal," 1654 1845, 350 Schreyer's Hook 1856. 471 75 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Schuyler, Brandt 1864, 610 Schuyler, Geertrud 1855, 535 Scotch Merchants, 1648 1844, 300 Scott, Captain, Threatens the Dutch, 1664 1864, 651 Scott, John Morin 1864, 61 1 Scientific and Literary Institutions, 1857 1857, 452 Seal of New England, Great 1862, 738 Seals of New York, Early 185 1, 420 Seaman, David, Butcher 1868, 856 Seamen, The Cause of the 1859, 582 Seamen's Friend Society, American 1859, 584 Sears, Isaac 1864, 61 1 Seawant Regulations, 1650 1844, 301 Seawant, Depreciated, 1650 1844, 301 Seditious Words, Punishment for, 1667 1847, 359 Selyns, Henricus 1864, 61 1 Sepulcher, Wooden, Falls Apart 1848, 377 Settlement of New York 185 1, 364 Settlement, First, by Whites 1852, 402 Settlers, Names of Some of the First 1853, 470 Sexton and Dog Whipper, 1654 1848, 378 Shackerly, John 1864, 61 1 Shambles, 1691 1848, 404 Sharpas, William i860, 609 Sheep Walk (T'schappe Waytie) i860, 352 Sheriff, Instructions for, 1650 i860, 600 Sheriff, Instructions for, 1660 185 1, 410 Sheriff, Under-, Instructions for, 1673 1851, 414 Sheriffs of the City 1854, 439 ; 1859, 49^ Ships, Regulations for Security of, 1782 1863, 720 Ships and Vessels in Olden Times i860, 570 Shipyards 1857, 419. 452 Shoemaker's Pasture 1856, 476; i860, 537; 1865, 432 Shooting Match for a Lot, 1735 1864, 716 Shot, Firing, across the Narrows 1868, 877 Shore Patrol, 1779 1863, 682 Sickness in New York, 1731 1864, 684 Sickness, Great, Caused by Impiety, 1668 1856, 514 Silver Boxes for Major Cosby and Thomas Free- man, 1733-34 1844, 323 Silverware 1858, 5^3 Silverware under P-ss pot 1850. 508 Singeron, M. de. Confectioner, 1793 1870, 908 Sinking Fund, Commissioners of. 1857 ^857, 442 Skaats, Mr. and Mrs., 1806 1857. 424 Slander Trial, 1662 1849, 423 Slave Market Foot of Wall Street, 1709 1866, 559 77 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Slave and Meal Market, 1746 1862, 506 Slave Sold with Blacksmith Shop, 1746 1865, 804 Slave Ships, First, 1655 18O3, 553 Slave with Shackles Runs Away, 1747 1865, 812 Slavers' Log-book, 1659 1863, 587 Slavery in New York 1861, 700 Slaves not to be Abroad at Night, 1731 1869, 853 Slaves, Number of, 1807-08 1870, 8O4 Slaves, White, sold, 1732 1864, 695 Slaves and Slavery in New Amsterdam 1858, 50b Slaves and Slave Trade in New Netherlands 1863, 581 Sloughter, Henry 1864, 612 " Small Change Notes " Burnt, 1796 1844, 321 Smallpox 1864, 686; 1869, 850; 1865, 788 Smith, William 1864, 612, 613 Smith, William, Jr 1864, 613 Smith Street, 1677 1848, 396 Smith Street Lane, 1677 1848, 397 Snuff-taking by Women, 1731 1864, 682 Social Amusements in Olden Time 1869, ']']'] Society Library, New York. 1855, 576; 1856, 545 ; 1865, 592 Soil, Nature of Country and, 1774 185 1, 371 Soldier Caught Pilfering to Run Gantlope 1847, 37 ^ Soldier Condemned to Death for Desertion — Pardoned 1847, 359 Soldier Condemned to Death for Stealing — Pardoned 1847, 354-6 Soldiers, Order for Levy of, 1654 1845, 354 Sons of Liberty 1855, 446 Sons of Liberty, Riot between 1855, 466 South Street 1851, 359 South William Street 1852, 403, 405 Spiken Devil 1856, 474 Spingler Estate 1865, 643 Spingler Institute 1856, 567 Spinning-wheels 1858, 504 Spring Garden 1856, 470 Spuyten-duyvil 1856, 474 Stadium 1865, 631 Stadt Huys 1844, 338 ; 1850, 421 State of the Country, Delegates Called to Discuss, 1653 1845. 350 Stages, 1806 1857, 419 Stages to Philadelphia, 1753 1868, 898 Stages and Ferry to Philadelphia, 1753 1868, 887 Stages and Post-roads to Boston, 1697 1853, 456 Stamp Act in New York 1849, 338; 1855, 436 79 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Stamper of Weights and Measures, 1674 Staples and Manufactures, 1774 Staten Island Granted to Cornells Melyn, 1640. . . . Staten Island Deed, 1670 Staten Island, Separate Jurisdiction for State's Prison, Old Statistics, 1653-1870 Statistics, Chronological Statue of King George, 1770 Steamers, 1805-57 Steam Frigate, A Paper Concerning First, 1814. . Steats, Samuel Steenwyck, Cornells 1852, 390; 1853, 381; 1855, 543; Steenwyck, Cornells, Furniture of Steenwyck House Steenwyck, Inventory of Estate Steenwyck, Journal of Commission on Long Island Sound, 1673 Steenwyck Orchard Steuben, Baron, Freedom of City to Stille's Bouwery Stockades Being Built, 1706 Stone Street. . . . 1848, 400; 1849, 35 ^ '■> 1850, 447; Stone Bridge, Broadway and Canal Street. . . 1865, Stone Bridge Tavern and Garden, 1812 Stores and Storekeepers in New Amsterdam Strangers in Town to be Reported, 1691 Street Department, 1857 Streets, Early History of Streets, Further Account of Streets, Cleaning of. . 1857, 421, 434; 1862, 525; Streets, Commissioner for Laying out, Remarks of, 1807 Street Cries of New York Fifty Years Ago ( 1806) Street Lighting 1847, 385 ; 1856, 516; 1857, 448; 1862, 541 ; Street Names, Origin and Changes of 1852,404; 1855,499; Street Numbering, 1793 Street, Cost of Opening, 1830-56 Street Regulating and Paving Street, Reasons why They Were Built on Present Sites Street Views in New York, 1806 Stryker, Jacob Stuyvesant, Gerardus 81 851. 437 851, 3«6 847> 348 857, 544 844, 311 853> 461 870, O09 853. 462 8O9, 852 857, 43 i 859> 502 864, 013 864, 648 855, 543 864, 050 864, 662 864, 655 856, 475 845, 328 856, 474 869, 817 852, 405 604, 608 857, 542 858, 507 848, 405 857, 448 849, 347 852, 402 863, 658 866, 756 857> 429 869, 858 869, 780 856, 516 857. 529 862, 533 851, 358 857- 430 852, 395 864. 614 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Stuyvesant, Nich. William 1864, 614 Stuyvesant, Peter, and Family 1852, 413 Stuyvesant's Appeal to Burgomasters, 1654 1845, 3^3 Stuyvesant Appoints Ruyven and Crieger Com- missioners, 1659 1847, 345 Stuyvesant's House 1862, 500; 1866, 579 Stuyvesant's House, Burning of 1862, 657 Stuyvesants, Letter from, 1653 1844, 3^5 Stuyvesant's Property, Map of 1862, 689 Stuyvesant Threatens to " Wash His Hands from the Calamities," etc 1845, 3^4 Sub-Treasury, 1866 1866, 539 Sugar House, Bayards in Wall Street 1866, 559 Sugar House in Liberty Street 1852, 414 Sugar and Candy Refinery, 1730 1864, 674 Summons, 1657 1848, 384 Sunday Laws, 1673 1850, 492 Sunday Observance, 1647 and 1648 1844, 293, 300; 1848, 402 Surface of Island, 1806 1857, 426 Survey and Alaps of Sim. DeWitt 1849, 370 Survey and Laying out of Highways, 1707 i860, 568 Swamp, Papers Relating to 1854, 529 Swamp, Afifidavit of George Montgomerie about. . 1854, 531 Swamp, Petition of Anthony Rutgers for 1854, 533 Symes, Lancaster 1864, 614 Tabernacle, The 1865, 591 Tables, etc 1858, 500 Tailor, Ladies', 1735 1864, 716 Tammany Hall 1866, 599 Tammany Society, History of 1865, 849 Tanners May Dig Pits, 1745 1856, 427 Tap, Permission to 1848, 377 Tattersall's 1865, 628 Tavern Customs in Old New York 1861, 525 Taverns, Increase of, 1648 1844, 297 Tavern Licenses, 1778 1863, 664 Tavern Licenses Restricted to 200, 1780 1863, 688 Taverns, Regulations for, 1648 1844, 296 Tax List, 1674 1866, 805 Tax on Real Estate, 1654 1848, 379 Tax for City Defenses, 1653 1845, 340 Taxation in New York 1859, 496 Taxes, 1703 1849, 340 Taxes, Levying, 1655 1849, 39^ Taxpayers and Amounts of Taxes, 1677 1848, 391 Tax Rates in Case of Indian War 1844, 31 1 83 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Tea Thrown into the Sea from the Ship " London " 1855, 458 Tea Room, 1806 1857, 424 Tea Ship " Nancy " Sent Back, 1774 1855, 458 Tea Water Pump' 1855, 555; 1856, 438; 1866, 612 Telegraph 1857, 433 Telegraph, Atlantic 1861, 637 Teller, Helena 1855, 520 Teller, William 1864, 615 Ten Eyck, Conraedt 1864, 615 Tennant, Gilbert, Sermon by, 1736 1864, 724 Tew, Captain Thomas, Pirate, 1694 1857, 463 Thanksgiving Day for British Victories, 1783. . . 1863, 726 Theater, Money Raised by a Charity Performance Refused by Common Council, 1795 1847, 379 Theater, Comedians 1865, 841 ; 1866, 623; 1868, 859 Theater Performances 1866, 628, 632, 659, 663, 665, 667, 678, 692, 695, 704 Theater, Play, " Bateman, or the Unhappy Mar- riage '' 1862, 735 Theater. Play, "Conscious Lovers," 1753 1868, 896 Theater, Play, " Constant Couple," 1753 t868, 899 Theater, Play, " George Barnwell," 1753 1868, 905 Theater, Play, " Love for Love," 1753 1868. 905 Theater, Play, " Richard IH," 1750 1866. 623, 626 Theater, Plav, " The Spanish Friar," 1750 1866, 630 Theater, Play, "Tom Thumb the Great," 1753. . 1868, 90=; Theater, Play, " Tunbridge Wells," 1753 t868, 898 Theater Marionettes. 1747 1865. 816 Theater " Posture " Master. 1752 1866. 709-10 Theater, John Tremain Leaves the Stage, 1751. . . 1866, 684 Theater, "Broadway \ 1865, 588 Theater, Chatham, 1822 1866, 6t6 Theater, New, in Nassau Street, 1753 1868. 896 Theater, Old Bowerv 1866. 583 Theater, Olympic, 1812 and 1838 1865, 628 Theater, Park 1866, 593 ; 1870. 849 Theaters, 1806-07 1857, 421 ; 1858, 630 Theaters, 1857 1857, 437 Theft, Restitution Ordered, 1667 1847, 31^6 Theological Seminary. General 18=^6, 561 Theological Seminary Union, Library 18=^6. 561 Thompson- fColeman) Duel, 1803 1857, 428 Tliysen's Garden 1856. 467 Titles, Derivation of (opposite Blackwell's Island) 1869. 88t Titles under Which Lands are Held, 1774 tS^t, 378 Tokens. Earlv New York 1859. 50^ Tonncman, Pieter 1852, 397 85 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Tontine Building- 1852, 458 Tontine Coffee House 1866, 564 Tothill, Jeremiah 1864, 616 Trade of Province, 1774 1851, 383 Trade with Foreign Plantations, 1774 185 1, 385 Trade, Illegal, Means to Prevent, 1774 185 1, 386 Trade, Free, with Holland, 1669 1850, 423 Trade and Manufactures of the Province, 1705-68 1852, 441 Traders Must Be Residents 1844, 300 Travel between New York and Philadelphia, 167 1- 1813 1855, 571 Trespass on Orchards, etc., 1647 1844, 295 Trinity Church 1847, 349! 1865, 527; 1869, 854 Trinity Church Archives, Burning of, 1750 1869, 851 Trinity Church City Officers Attend, 1703 1847, 380 Trinity Church Robbed, 1713 1862, 758 Trinity Church Yard 1861, 622; 1862, 679; 1864, 740; 1866, 725 Trinity Church Yard, Grant for, 1702 1844, 320 Trumbull's Portrait of George Clinton 1845, 323 Trumbull's Portrait of Washington 1845, 3^0 Tryon, William, Governor 1864, 615 Tryon, Proclamation by, 1779 1870, 880 Tryon, Report of, 1774 1851, 371 Tudor, John 1864, 616 Turtle Bay (Deutel) 1856, 473 Two Ponds, The 1856, 474 Tymen, Elsie 1855, 536 Union Cockade, 1783 1870, 822-3 Union Square 1857, 480 University, New York, Library 1856, 567 Vaccination, Proclamation Forbidding, 1747. . . . 1865;. 813 Valuation of Property in the City, 1684 1848, 404 Value of Property in the City in Early Times. . . . i8c;5, 546 Van Arsdale, John, Revolutionary Soldier T870, 842 Van Borsum, Annetje 1855. 519 Van Brugh, Johannes 1864, 616 Van Brugh, John Piet 1852, 381 Van Cenlen's Neck l8q6, 475 Van Cliff's Estate i860, 536 Van Cortland, Aug t86o, 609 A^an Cortland, Cath 1855. S18 Van Cortland, Jacobus 1853, 402; 1864. 617 Van Cortland, Johannes 1864, 617 87 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Van Cortland, Oloff. Steph 1852, 391 ; 1864, 616 Van Cortland, Oloff. Steph., Madam 1855, 524 Van Cortland, Philip 1864, 617 Van Cortland, Stephanus 1853, 385; 1864, 616 Van Dam, Rip 1864, 618; 1865, 713 Van Dam, Rip, Contents of House of 1858, 520 Vandegrist, Paul L 1852, 381 Vanderspiegle's Daughters 1855, 523 Vandervin, Hend. Jansen 1852, 398 Van Dyck, Lydia ^855, 529 Vange, Maria 1855, 523 Van Gheel, Max 1852, 383 Van Hattem, Arent 1852, 380 Van Home, Ab'm 1864, 618 Van Home, Cornelis 1864, 618 Van Home, Garret 1864, 610 Van Horn, Mary 1855, 535 Van Ness, Eliz 1858, 517 Van Ness, Ab'm, Residence of 1854, 528 Van Ruyven and Criejer, Commissions of, 1659. . 1849, 430 Van Trenhoven, Corn 1852, 387 Van Trenhoven Plantation i860, 534 Van Twiller's Plantation 1856, 469 Van Voorhandt. Lysbet 1855, 533 Varian House 1856, 519; 186=^, 653 Varian's Bull's Head Tavern 1866, 581 Varick, Richard 1853, 413; 1861, 549 Varleth, Judith 1855, 532 Vauxhall 1856, 470 Vauxhall Garden 1856, 472; 1865, 627; 1866, 586 Verplanck, Gulian. Dies Suddenly, 1751 1866. 690 Verplanck, Guleyn 1864, 619 Verplanck Mansion 1866, 560 Viellecour, M. de, 1829 1870, 914 View of New York on a Powder Horn i860, 591 Verrezauss' Voyage 1856, 503 Vesey, Rev. William 1847. 349! 1864, 619 Vesey, Rev. William, Preaches before City Offi- cers 1844, 320; 1847, 380 Vesey, Rev. William, Paid £5 for Corporation Sermon 1847, 386 Vineyard, The t86o, 543 Vigne, Tan 1852, 378 Vinje, Rachel 1855. 537 Visboom, Margaret 1855, 522 Vlattenbarck Hill 18^6, 471 Vly. The 1856, 470 89 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Votes Cast in City in 1853 1854, 374 Vote for Governor, 1790-1852 1854, 370 Waal, The 1856, 467 Wall Street i849> 353; 1850, 449; 1852, 405; i860, 532; 1866, 542 Wall Street East of William Street 1866, 548 Wall Street, History of 1866, 533 Wall Street, Original Survey of North Side of, 1685 1851,406 Walloons Settle on Long Island 185 1, 365 Walls, The, 1677 1848. 395 Walters, Robert 1853, 404; 1864, 619 Walton, William 1864, 620 Walton House 1849, 331 ; 1858, 524 Walton House. Two Views of Interior of 1857, 494 War with the English, 1653-54 1849, 354; 1850, 450 War with the Indians, 1655-56 1849, 3555 1850, 451 War with the Swedes, 1655 1849, 355; 1850, 451 War, Battles with the Seminoles 1852, 469 War of 1812, Battles of 1852, 470 War of 1812, Brigade Orders 1857, 484 War of 1812, Declaration of War Read in Citv Hall Park '. 1855, 475 War of 1812, Detachments Stationed at Bath or New Utrecht, Long Island 1857, 485 War of 1812, Incidents Relating to 1857, 482 War of 1812, List of Hussars 1857. 483 War of 1812, Order Calling Militia into United States Service 1857, 487 War of 1812, Order of Thanks for Parade, 1814. . 1857, 491 War of 1812, Tenth Regiment in United States Service 1857, 488 Wards, Boundaries in 1854 1854, 398 Wards, Division of City into Six, 1683 1844. 315 Ward's CGreat Barn) Island 1855, 495 Wardrobe of a Fashionable Lady, 1685 1855, 541 Wardrobe of an Officer, 1692 1855, 539 Wardrobe of an Old Citizen, 1682 1855, 540 Wardrobe of a Professional Gentleman, 1685. . . . 1855, 541 Warrant Appointing City Officers, 1675 1844. 309 Warren, Sir Peter 1864, 620 Warren and Robinson Streets, Regulation of, 1773 1856, 531 Washington, Address to 1845, 314, 318; 1870, 827 Washington, Farewell at Fraunces' Tavern 1857, 54.^ Washington, Letter of Thanks from 1845, 317, 319 91 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Washington Made a Citizen of New York 1845, 315 Washington, Portrait by Trumbull 1845, 3^0 Washington Hall (S. E. Corner Reade and Broadway) 1865, 568, 571 Watch, Setting the, 1673 1850, 523 Water Line, Survey of City, 1730 1856, 598, 599 Water Side, 1677 1848, 391 Water, Standing, in Meadows, 1798 1856, 437 Water Street 1849, 35i ; 1850, 446, 1851, 359 Water from East River for Fire Purposes, 1750. . 1866, 652 Water Supply, before Revolution 1862, 554 Water Supply, 1806 1857, 421 Water Supply Chronology 1854, 215 Water Supply from Bronx River Proposed, 1798 i860, 580, 581 Water Works, First, 1774 1856, 432 Water Works Money, 1774 1854, 215 Watts, John 1864, 620 Wax Figures, Exhibition of, 1749 1865, 841 Wealth of Citizens, Comparative, 1815 and 1820. . 1864, 755 Wealthy Citizens, Principal, about 1795 1855, 565 Weather, Cold, 1747 1865, 808 Weather, Cold, 1750 1866, 696, 699 Weather, Cold, 1780 1869, 860 Weather, Mild, 1755 1869, 861 Weaver, Thomas 1864, 621 Weights and Measures, 1653 1845, 352 Weights and Measures, English, Introduced 1844, 310 Weights and Measures, Stamper of, 1674 1851, 437 Weighing House, 1653 1845, 352 Wenham, Thomas 1864, 621 Wessells, Metje 1855, 527 West, John i860, 608 ; 1864, 621 Westchester 1868, 818 Westchester, Ferry to Nassau Island, 1745 1862, 728 Westchester, Trial for Witchcraft at, 1670 1853, 447 Westchester County, Ann Ploecks Neck 1844, 310 Westchester County, Eastchcster 1865, 754; 1868, 813 Westchester County, Mamaroneck, Heathcotc House .••:••;• ^^^4. 666 Westchester Countv, Hadden, John and Abigail die. 1749 ". 1865, 832 Westchester County, New Rochelle 1862, 752 Westchester County, Pell's Neck, Indians to be Removed from 1844, 310 Westchester County Plundered by Refugees, 1783. 1870. 791 Westchester County, Woman Whips a Man in, 1733 1864, 699 93 HISTORICAL INDEX COMMON COUNCIL MANUALS. Westchester County, Yonkers, Child Drowned at, 1734 1864,706 Westchester County, Yonkers, Frederick Philipse dies, 1751 1866, 681 West India Company, Address of Burgomasters to, 1654 1847, 37i West India Company, Letter from, 1654 1847, 373 West India Company Storehouses 18O4, O35 Wharf, Location of, 1691 1848, 405 Wharfage, Rates of, 1813 1855, 600 Wheeler, Andrew C, Butcher 1808, 859 White, Henry 1864, 622 White Conduit House 1865, 599 Whitehall 1862, 500 Whitehall Street 1849, 348 Whitney, Stephen, House 1848, 371 Willemsen, Matilda 1855, 53^ Willett, Marinus 1853, 416; 1861, 553 Willett, Marinus, Speech in City Hall Park, 1814 1855, 477 Willett, Richard 1864, 622 Willett, Thomas 1853, 379 5 1864, 622 William Street 1852, 405 Williamson and Romayne, Drs 1858, 602 Wilson, Ebenezer 1853, 4^2 ; 1864, 623 Windmills. . 1856, 462; 1862, 547; 1866, 603, 605 ; 1869, 853 Wine and Beer Carriers, Provisional Instructions for 1845, 359 Winkle Street, 1677 1848, 400 Witchcraft Trial, Ralph and Mary Hall, 1665. . . . 1853, 445 Witchcraft Trial, Katharine Harrison, 1670 1853, 447 Wolphert's Valley 1856, 476 Women, Notable, of Olden Time 1855, 517 Woodlawn Mansion 1856, 514 Work House in Park 1866, 601, 602 Yellow Fever, 1807-08 1870, 856 York, Duke of, Presents a Seal, Mace, and Gown, 1669 1849, 343 Young Men's Christian Association 1856, 563 Zant Berg (Sand Hill) 1856, 475 Zenger, John Peter 1864, 623, 721, 725, 727 Zenger Imprisoned, 1734 1862, 704 Zenger, Letter from Prison, 1734 1864, 71 1 Zenger Press to be Sold, 1751 1866, 680 Zenger, Proclamation against, 1734 1864, 708 Zenger Trial, 1735 1856, 452 95 :\r '1 1981 DATE DUE ji^rLKv-i^f V'.KY L'v../v;-J ^ liCR APR 1 198b CAVLORO PRINTCDINU.S.A AA 001 148 484 7 JS-1 222 A3A3 Index New York (City) Common Counci 1 . Historical index to the : Manuals of the corporation 3 1210 00325 2184