^KMIIYMO^ 3-JO^ uivaan THE LIFE OP THOMAS BURGESS, D.D. F.R.S. F.A.S. &c. &c. &c. LATE LORD BISHOP OF SALISBURY. BY JOHN S. HARFORD, ESQ. D.C.L. F.R.S . St. Basil, Ep. 70. jfrrcDirtr «f*fttum. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS, PATKRNOSTER-ROW. 1841. Printed by A. Spottiswoouu, New-Street- Square. 5^ HA TO THE MOST REVEREND WILLIAM HOWLEY, D.D. ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, PRIMATE OF ALL ENGLAND, AND METROPOLITAN, THIS MEMORIAL OF A PRELATE WHO WAS EDUCATED IN THE SAME SCHOOL AND IN THE SAME UNIVERSITY WITH HIS GRACE, AND WHO ADORNED, WITH CONGENIAL TALENTS, VIRTUES, AND PRINCIPLES, THE CHURCH OVER WHICH HIS GRACE PRESIDES, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS FAITHFUL AND DEVOTED SERVANT, JOHN S. HARFORD, A 2 PREFACE THE SECOND EDITION. The rapid sale of the first edition of this work leads the Author to hope that it has proved ac- ceptable to the public. It is now printed in a smaller and cheaper form, with the view of pro- moting its more extended circulation. Some interesting letters from the Bishop's own pen have been added. For those addressed to the late Dr. Burney the author is indebted to Arch- deacon Burney, to whom, as well as to the other individuals who have laid him under similar ob- ligation, he begs to offer his sincere thanks. Blaise Castle, May 11. 1841. A 3 PREFACE. If the charm of a biographical work consists in the novelty of its incidents, or in the striking vicis- situdes which it records, the life of a learned and pious Bishop, whose time was chiefly spent in labouring for the good of mankind, and in pro- moting the great objects of the Christian Mi- nistry, would necessarily fail in general interest. But expectations of this description arise, as Dr. Johnson observes, from false measures of excel- lence and dignity, and " must be eradicated by considering that, in the esteem of uncorrupted reason, what is of most use is of most value." In this point of view, those who teach us by their bright example how to live and how to die, — how to pluck the fruits of imperishable truth and un- fading happiness, may well claim our sympathy and fix our attention. Of this number was the excellent Prelate whose life and character it is the object of the following pages to depicture. a 4 PREFACE. To profound and extensive erudition Bishop Bur- gess united a firm and inflexible adherence to his convictions of Christian duty both in public and private life, accompanied with deep humility, and guileless simplicity of mind and manners. The particulars of his learned and literary life include much that is curious and interesting. To trace the formation and developement of his character, and its practical influence in the exalted station which he filled in the Church, has been the Author's endeavour. He writes from personal knowledge and authentic data, having been honoured with the friendship of the departed Prelate, and intrusted by him with the disposition of his papers and correspondence. His aim being to interest general readers, va- rious particulars, familiar to scholars, are occa- sionally explained, and when quotations from the learned languages are introduced, upon which the point or meaning of a passage depends, a translation is added. In the original papers a few inaccuracies of expression, which, however, very rarely occur, have been corrected, and, in some instances, a slight transposition has been made in the order PREFACE. of the sentences, with the view of conveying more clearly the meaning of the writer. The author cannot conclude without express- ing his particular obligation to the Bishop of Nova Scotia, and to Dr. Gilly, for enabling him to present to his readers many interesting par- ticulars respecting the late Bishop Barrington. To Viscount Sidmouth, to the Bishop of Lin- coln, to the Dean of Salisbury, to Archdeacon Berens, to Dr. Wordsworth, to the Rev. Mr. Townsend of Durham, to Dr. Ollivant, to the Rev. Mr. Dansey, and to Mrs. George Marriott, he is also much indebted for the loan of letters, or for useful information. But above all, he begs to acknowledge his obligations to the Rev. C. B. Pearson, for in- valuable co-operation and assistance. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. 1756 to 1775. Birth. — Parentage. — Education - - Page 1 CHAP. II. 1775 to 1778. College Life at Oxford Publishes Burton's Pentalogia - 8 CHAP. III. 1778 to 1780. Takes his Bachelor's Degree. — Publishes Dawes' Miscellanea Critica. — Opinion of Scholars upon the Work - - 12 CHAP. IV. 1780. Commencement of Friendship with Mr. Tyrwhitt. — Corre- spondence with him - - - - 19 CHAP. V. 1780 to 1781. Obtains the Chancellor's Prize. —Extracts from the Prize Essay — Lord Monboddo - - - 30 CHAP. VI. 1781. Literary Correspondence with Lord Monboddo, Mr. Tyrwhitt, and Dr. Vincent - -44 Xll CONTENTS. CHAP. VII. 1782 to 1783. Appointed Tutor of Corpus. — His College Friends and Asso- ciates - - ... Page 60 CHAP. VIII. 1784. Takes Orders. — Correspondence with Mr. Windham. — Mr. Roberts's Description of his Pursuits, &c. at Oxford - 72 CHAP. IX. 1785 to 1786. Appointed Chaplain to Bishop Barrington. — Sketch of the Character of that Prelate. — Sunday Schools. — Salisbury Spelling Book. — Hannah More - - - 82 CHAP. X. 1786 to 1789. Visits Holland and Paris.— Death of Mr. Tyrwhitt. — Publi- lications by Mr. Burgess in 1787 and 1788. — Correspon- dence with Dr. Bumey, Dr. Parr, &c. — Publishes a Trea- tise against the Slave Trade ... 101 CHAP. XL Sermon before the University of Oxford in 1 790 — Correspon- dence respecting it - - - - 139 CHAP. XII. 1788 to 1790. Character of Mr. Corai. — Mr. Burke's Work on the French Revolution. — Proposal of conferring the Degree of LL. D. on him by the University of Oxford frustrated Letters on the Subject - - - - - 154 CHAP. XIII. 1791 to 1795. Translation of Dr. Shute Barrington to the See of Durham. — Mr. Burgess resigns the Tutorship of Corpus. — A pre- bemlal Stall given him at Durham — and subsequently the Living of Winston. — His Style of Life there - - 164 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAP. XIV. Sacra Privata of Mr. Burgess - - Page 1 75 CHAP. XV. 1799 to 1803. His marriage. — Domestic Life at Winston, &c. — Is appointed to the Bishopric of St. David's - - - 189 CHAP. XVI. 1803 and 1804. Settlement of the Bishop in the Diocese of St. David's. — His primary Charge - - .... 202 CHAP. XVII. Plans pursued by the Bishop for the Improvement of his Dio- cese .... . 209 CHAP. XVIII. The Bishop's Mode of preparing for, and of conducting his Ordi- nations ... ... 222 CHAP. XIX. The Bishop's Mode of Life in London and at Durham. — Grounds of his Opposition to the Roman Catholic Claims. — His Controversial Writings against Popery. — His Tracts on the Independence of the Ancient British Church - 234 CHAP. XX. 1804. Religious Societies ..... 255 CHAP. XXI. 1814 to 1820. General Remarks on the Bishop's Tracts in Refutation of Unitarianism ... . 261 CHAP. XXII. 1810 to 1820. Beneficial Results of the Bishop's Plans. — Progress of his Collegiate Scheme. — Eisteddfodd. — Controversy with Pro- fessor Marsh and R. P. Knight, Esq. ... 272 XIV CONTENTS. CHAP. XXIII. 1820. The Author's first Acquaintance with the Bishop of St. David's. — Descriptive Character of Bishop Ryder Page 282 CHAP. XXIV. 1820 and 1821. Progress of the College- Scheme. — C. R. Cockerell, Esq. ap- plied to for Plans .... 288 CHAP. XXV. 1821 to 1822. The Bishop publishes a Vindication of the disputed Verse in St. John's First Epistle. — The King's Letter to the Bishop announcing his Subscription of One Thousand Pounds to the College. — The Bishop's Reply. — The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge also subscribe - - - 292 CHAP. XXVI. 1823. The Bishop's noble Sacrifice of Fines for the Augmentation of the Income of the See of St. David's - - 299 CHAP. XXVII. The Foundation Stone of St. David's College laid by the Bishop ...... ;303 CHAP. XXVIII. 1823. The Bishop's Catholic Spirit. — By Command of the King he frames a Plan for a Royal Society of Literature Some Account of it, and of his Anniversary Discourses. — He questions the Authenticity of the posthumous Works ascribed to Milton - - - 312 CHAP. XXIX. 1823. — 1824. — 1825. Lords Liverpool and Eldon aid the College. — The Bishop's Visit to the Author. — His perilous Voyage from Bristol to Swansea. — His Translation to the See of Salisbury - 331 CONTENTS. XV CHAP. XXX. Testimonies of affectionate Veneration to the Bishop from various Clergymen in his Welsh Diocese - Page 339 CHAP. XXXI. 1825 and 1826. Various Letters. — Testimony of Dr. Jenkinson, Bishop of St. David's, to the Necessity and Value of the College. — Further Specimens of the Bishop's Sacra Privata. — Death of the Bishop of Durham ... - 348 CHAP. XXXII. 1829. Passing of the Roman Catholic Emancipation Bill, and Feel- ings of the Protestant Public respecting it 367 CHAP. XXXIII. Analysis of the Controversy respecting the disputed Verse, 1 John, v. 7. - - - - - 371 CHAP. XXXIV. The Rev. L. Clarke's Testimony to the Episcopal Virtues of Bishop Burgess .... 392 CHAP. XXXV. Various Correspondence - - - - 411 CHAP. XXXVI. The Bishop's latter Days .... 444 CHAP. XXXVII. The Bishop's Seizure at Warminster. — The Author's last In- terview with him - 466 CHAP. XXXVIII. 1836 to 1837. The Bishop's Letter to Lord Melbourne. — Letters to Dr. Scholtz. — His last Illness and Death. — Eulogistic Tributes to his Memory from the Bishop and Dean of Salisbury, and from Archdeacon Berens - - - - 47-J XVI CONTENTS. APPENDIX. No. I. Mr. Granville Sharp's Rule ... Page 501 No. II. The Bishop's Letter to Lord Melbourne - - 505 No. III. Principles upon which Bishop Burgess listened to Applications for Orders in the Church of England from various Indivi- duals who had been Dissenting Ministers - - 513 A List of the Publications of Bishop Burgess - - 517 ERRATA. Page 236. note, after " Adolphus," read " and daughter of Theo- dosius," &c. 258. last line, for " to," read " in." 475. line 6. for "is usual," read "as usual." line 13. for "1782," read "1784." ro indole accipiuntur. BISHOP BURGESS. 11 encouraged by the authority of Quintilian, a man of the most profound judgment. ' A youthful author must not (he says) defer publishing till he grows old, for fear daily gathers strength ; that which is long meditated appears more and more awful ; and while we deliberate when to begin, the time itself for beginning passes away. Therefore the fruit must be gathered while it is yet green and tender, while there is the hope of pardon, and favour is at hand. To dare the attempt involves no dishonour, and age supplies what may be wanting to the work, and should any thing be advanced which savours of youth, it is treated accordingly.' " Such a publication by an under-graduate was so remarkable an occurrence, that it attracted much at- tention both at Oxford and elsewhere. Dr. Warton, on receiving a copy of it from his old pupil, went into an ecstasy of delight, and holding it up in his hands before the Winchester boys, addressed him- self in particular to one who has since acquired no small literary distinction, the Rev. W. L. Bowles, exclaiming, "When will you produce such a work?" The fact is, that a resident graduate, who had under- taken the office of editor, growing tired of the labour, had suddenly withdrawn his services. The publisher, Mr. Fletcher, was one day complaining in the pre- sence of Mr. Buckland a fellow of Corpus, of Bur- gess, and others, of the embarrassing position in which he consequently found himself, when Buckland ex- claimed, " Burgess, why should not you undertake it ? " The next day Fletcher called, and formally pressed the office of editor upon him. The youth- ful critic complied, and had great reason to rejoice in his decision, for independently of the reputation 12 LIFE OF which the publication secured him, he derived solid and permanent advantage from the practical applica- tion which it involved of his philological studies, from the critical works which it led him to investigate, and from the acquaintance or friendship of various learned men which it procured him. That Mr. Buckland, who was a man of learning, should have recommended an under-graduate of his college to undertake the difficult task of editing and enlarging a work which required intimate acquaint- ance with the Greek tragic authors, and much critical acumen, proves the high estimate which he had formed of the extent of his learning, and of the soundness of his judgment. CHAP. III. TAKES HIS BACHELOR'S DEGREE. PUBLISHES DAWES' MISCELLANEA CRITICA. — OPINION OF SCHOLARS UPON THE "WOKK. 1778 to 1780. In the year 1778 Mr. Burgess took his Bachelor's degree. His philological ardour now led him to engage in preparing for the press a new edition of Dawes' Miscellanea Critica, a work of great erudition, which had become scarce, and sold at a high price. For the information of general readers, it may be as well to state that it consists of critical [disquisitions on, and conjectural emendations of, the text of the Attic poets; of acute remarks on their peculiarities BISHOP BURGESS. 13 of construction; of dissertations on various questions connected with Greek metre; and of elaborate inqui- ries into the properties of the iEolic Digamma *, a * The acuteness and sagacity of Dr. Bentlcy were eminently displayed by the successful application of the properties of the Digamma, to the removal of many apparent harshnesses and an- omalies from Homeric versification In what way its disap- pearance from the Homeric poems is to be accounted for, has never been satisfactorily explained. Dawes differed from Bentley, by maintaining that it was not expressed by a letter, but by a conventional accent. Each theory may possibly be correct ; that is, each mode may have been practised ; and the supposition would aid, we think, in accounting for the final disuse of the letter. But whenever omitted, its force, if no longer visibly expressed, must have been understood, and have been supplied, as a matter of course, in the reading and pro- nunciation of a polished native, otherwise Homer could not have been admired in the degree that he was, even in the most perfect period of Grecian versification, for his metrical harmony. The form of the letter is settled by the evidence of various ancient inscriptions, and, to use the words of a distinguished scholar, Bishop Monk, was similar to that produced by the per- pendicular union of two gammas, from which it drew its name. Bentley himself affirmed that its sound, as well as that of the Latin V, answered to our W. Other authorities have asserted that its power resembled that of our F, or V, or was something between our V and \V ; others again have maintained, that it more nearly approached that of our B. The caprices of pro- nunciation are often inexplicable. After all, these various letters are more or less nearly related. B and V, for instance, were often interchanged in the speech and the writing of the Dorian Greeks, and also of the ancient Romans; and Scaligcr, quoted by Kidd, observes, Imperiti librarii inter Bet digamma nullum discrimen faciebant. In Spanish, V and B are often, likewise, interchanged. The above contradictory opinions may, it appears to us, be reconciled by the supposition, that the pro- nunciation of this letter slightly varied in different states of Greece. Of the existence of the digamma at periods long sub- sequent to the age of Homer, various ancient inscriptions testify. Sir William Gell found one of great antiquity in Elis, in which the digamma occurs no less than seven times. Upon this topic Mr. Kidd has collected much interesting matter in his edition of Dawes, in addition to the learned researches of Burgess, 14 LIFE OF letter, for the restoration of which to the Greek alphabet we are indebted to the learning and acute- ness of Dr. Bentley. Its exact form and pronun- ciation have been the subject of much learned dis- cussion, involving questions intimately connected with the prosodial laws of the Homeric poems. The critical skill and various learning displayed by Dawes in this work have procured for him a distinguished place among those who have aided the progress of Grecian literature in England, nor have foreign scholars been backward in paying a just tribute to his superior learning. It was originally published as a specimen of a projected edition of the Attic poets, a splendid project, which, had it been realised, would have proved an invaluable accession to Classical Literature, and have shed a bright lustre upon the name of its author, and of his country. The new edition was enriched by Mr. Burgess with a learned Preface, and with an Appendix of nearly two hundred pages, in the course of which he illustrates the critical principles of Dawes, en- larges the sphere of his investigations, or assigns his reasons, in particular instances, for dissenting from his conclusions. The able manner in which the work was edited, the various and profound learning displayed in the Appendix, and the elegant flow of its Latinity, be- came the theme of sreneral commendation in the ])]>. 200. 206. 214. ed. of 1827. Consult also Bishop Monk's Life of Bentley, vol. ii. ch. 20. For further remarks on this subject, and upon Homeric versification in general, see a letter from Dr. Vincent to Mr. Burgess, at the close of ch. vi. of this volume BISHOP BURGESS. 15 learned world, particularly as proceeding from a youth who had taken his Bachelor's degree little more than twelve months. He received accordingly, from some of the most eminent scholars of the age, both at home and abroad, very honourable testi- monies of their approbation, accompanied by an- ticipations of the future brilliancy of his career. The following are extracts from letters addressed to him at a subsequent period, specially referring to Dawes, by Everard Scheidius, and by Spalden, Pro- fessor of Greek and Hebrew at Berlin, and the editor of a learned edition of Quintilian : — viro celeberrimo, eruditissimo ThomjE Burgessio S. D. everardus scheidius. Nuperrime quum apud Schultensium, amicum inte- gerrimum, et Ruhnkenium suavissimum meum pre- ceptorem, in Batavis essem, tanta ac tarn honorifica nominis tui mentio, a duum viris illis, me praesente, facta est, Burgessi, vir eruditissime, ut te quum antea ex elegantissima tuaDawesiiMiscellaneorum editione cognitum habuissem, magnopere jam venerari atq. amare cccperim, &c* EVERARD SCHEIDIUS TO THE CELEBRATED AND VERY LEARNED THOMAS BURGESS. Very lately, when I was with my intimate friend Schultens, and ltuhnken my most amiable preceptor, in Holland, your name was mentioned in such honourable terms, most learned Burgess, in my presence, by both of them, that I found feelings of vene- ration and love springing up in my heart towards you, whom I already knew by your most elegant edition of Dawes's Mis- cellanies. 16 LIFE OF Spalden writes in English, and says, " A public disputation at the university of Halle, in Saxony, which I was lately obliged to engage in, made me think of publishing the little treatise, which I now take the liberty of presenting to you. The greater part of it consisting of conjectural criticism, — among the teachers of which you hold so par- ticular a rank at Oxford, — I presume that it may, in some measure, be thought worthyW your notice. You will find yourself, and your learned labours upon the ingenious Dawes, quoted therein. It is with particular benefit I have studied this book, — my inclination loading me to aim at the attainment of a thorough knowledge of Greek antiquity." The Bibliotheca Critica for 1782, a continental review of high authority, noticed his editorial la- bours in the following terms : — " The critical disquisitions of Burgess extend through 180 pages; and display, amidst something of youthful redundancy, striking indications of in- tellect, of learning, and of elegance ; so that we have no doubt that if, with advancing years, dis- crimination and judgment be added to his various endowments of learning, he will, hereafter, rank among the most eminent teachers in this depart- ment of literature. Such, indeed, is the copious- ness and variety of learning in this work, that we place it among those from which we hereafter pro- pose to extract select passages." * * Cetorum Bur^essi/i Animadversiones paginis constant in- citer Iso, ethabent injuvenili redundantia magnam eommen- dationem ingenii, eruditionis, ct elegantise ; nt. minime dubi- temus, cum, si progressu tetatis, ratio ct delectus ad reliqua doctrinse bona accesserint, aliquando in praecipuis harum liter- BISHOP BURGESS. 17 Dr. Andrew Kippis, to whom he was indebted for various biographical particulars respecting Dawes, writes thus in acknowledgment of a specimen which he had sent him of his Appendix : — " I return you many thanks for the specimen you have been so good as to present me with, of your very learned and valuable notes. I have read them with particular satisfaction ; and with singular admiration of the profound knowledge of the Greek tongue displayed in them. Critical subjects have always been peculiarly pleasing to me ; and it has been the rule of my life, amidst my various en- gagements, to read something every day in a Greek and Latin writer." It would be easy to multiply extracts of this de- scription, and to accumulate the praises bestowed upon the editor of Dawes by his learned contempo- raries. But this is needless, since the following pages will fully attest the high opinion entertained of his erudition by such scholars as Wyttenbach and Villoison, Burney and Vincent. Their united com- mendation forms a decisive answer to the depreciat- ing tone in which his services as a critic and a scholar are sometimes alluded to in the present day, by inconsiderate objectors. The real point to be investigated, in order to form a just estimate of them, is the state of Greek learning at Oxford, at the period of his academic career, and the degree of assistance which he rendered by his writings and influence to the students of his time. arum doctoribus numeratum iri. Et quandoquidem copia et varictas doctrins inest huic libro, nos eum in lis reponimus ex quibus specimina alio tempore expromamus. 18 LIFE OF The result of such an inquiry would prove every way honourable to his ability and zeal. Since then, a great increase of light has been reflected upon every department of Greek criticism, by a succession of eminent scholars, and its thorny paths have been wonderfully smoothed and laid open for students by their researches. No man was more prompt to re- cognise, and to hail the progress of this light, than Bishop Burgess. It was a topic upon which he delighted to expatiate. Though the results of his own labours may have been in some degree cast into the shade by more recent publications, they have been by no means superseded, as will be evident to any one who will take the pains to examine into the use made by Mr. Kidd, in his recent (and able editions of Dawes, of the learning and researches of Burgess. He dissents from him, it is true, in the theory which he adopted respecting the origin and formation of the Greek language. This, how- ever, is a subtle and recondite question, upon which eminent scholars have differed, and will continue to differ ; it is a question also, with respect to which very ingenious, and yet conflicting theories, may be advanced and defended. After every concession made in „he spirit of the foregoing observations, the honour will still belong to Mr. Burgess of having been the most zealous, able, and successful promoter of Greek learning at Oxford, towards the close of the eighteenth century.* * Mr. Burgess took his degree of 1?. A. on Dec. 17. 1778, and of M. A. in 1782. lie was chosen a fellow of Corpus in 1787, and was soon after appointed logic reader, and then tutor of the college. lie became 1>.D. in 1791, and 1). U. in U 13. BISHOP BURGESS. 19 CHAP. IV. COMMENCEMENT OF FRIENDSHIP WITH MR. TYRWHITT. CORRESPONDENCE WITH HIM. 1780. Consequences far beyond the value of any tran- sitory praise accrued to Mr. Burgess from the republication of Dawes, since it procured for him the acquaintance and friendship of Mr. Tyrwhitt, a gentleman who, to a large experience of men and things, united great mental acuteness, elegance, and refinement, enhanced by the polish of the best society. His influence in the literary world was justly extensive; for it was founded not only upon his personal qualities, but also upon works of ac- knowledged ability and interest. Mr. Tyrwhitt was educated at Eton and Oxford. In 1761 he became Clerk of the House of Com- mons ; but resigned this office, after occupying it for six or seven years, in consequence of the effects of fatigue and late hours upon his health. Hence- forth he devoted himself to learned and literary pursuits, and gave himself up to his beloved books. He was a man of varied and profound erudition. His knowledge of modern languages was very ex- tensive ; and he was critically conversant with those of Greece and Rome. Philology was his favourite study ; and he applied its principles, with much success, to critical questions connected with the text of our old English poets, particularly Chaucer and c 2 20 LIFE OF Shakspeare. He manifested no less acuteness in dealing with many recondite points of Greek cri- ticism. In private life, he was equally distinguished by the generosity and kindness of his heart, and by the mildness and elegance of his manners. His taste was refined and fastidious, ami his mental sagacity of a high order. Such a man was justly entitled to the compliment of a dedication of the new edition of the Miscellanea Critica. To Mr. Burgess's request, that he would accept this compliment, he not only acceded, but placed also at his disposal various notes and ob- servations upon Dawes, — the fruit of his own researches. Many of these were inserted in the new edition. The intercourse thus commenced led on to correspondence and acquaintance, and finally ter- minated in cordial and mutual friendship. Mr. Tyrwhitt soon proved himself to be a friend of no ordinary value. He was so struck, on conversing with Mr. Burgess, with the extent of his learning, and with the simplicity and integrity of his heart, with his ardent zeal for mental improvement, and his candour in the avowal of any mistakes, or errors of judgment, with the mild suavity of his manners, and the manly independence of his principles, that he quickly became affectionately interested in his success in life. He found, also, great delight in the interchange of opinion and sentiment with him, upon many interesting points arising out of their kindred studies. He, himself, was now advanced in life; and was capable, from his acknowledged wisdom and experience, of giving the most important prac- tical counsel to his learned, but, as yet, inexperienced young friend ; and finding that every hint of this BISHOP BURGESS. 21 description was gratefully received, he became to him, at length, a sort of Mentor. He watched over, fostered, and encouraged his learned studies, and became the confidant of his literary schemes and projects. His friendly counsel was always at his command ; his animating en- couragement stimulated all his laudable under- takings ; and, whenever he conceived that he had committed, or was about to commit, an error in judgment, he pointed it out to him with honest sincerity, and with equal delicacy. A remarkable instance of his kindness occurred soon after the commencement of their personal acquaintance, which produced so profound an impression upon the heart of Mr. Burgess, that, even in the latest periods of his life, he was wont to dwell upon it with the freshness of almost youthful gratitude. His pecuniary resources were narrow ; and, finding his expenses at Oxford more considerable than his means warranted, he resolved, on principles of honourable independence, to tear himself from this seat of the Muses, rather than contract debts which might prove embarrassing. His plan was, to take orders, and, in the retirement of a curacy, to prose- cute his studies in conjunction with the performance of clerical duties. This resolution he communicated to Mr. Tyrwhitt, who replied, " No ! you must on no account quit Oxford. You must be my curate there for the next two years." The assistance thus delicately offered was most gratefully accepted ; and, for about that space of time, he received from Mr. Tyrwhitt a pecuniary contribution amounting to the ordinary salary of a curate, for the express purpose of enabling him to c 3 22 LIFE OF retain his situation in the university, and of pursuing, at ease, his learned studies. A selection of letters and extracts from letters, addressed to Mr. Burgess by this amiable and generous friend, shall now be placed before my readers. Those which refer to subjects of verbal criticism connected with the Miscellanea Critica, are omitted, either wholly or in part, as having special reference to that work, and as unsuited to the taste of general readers. But many are of a more popular nature, and are distinguished by fine sense and critical discrimination, united to a deli- cate playfulness and humour, which impart to them no common charm. Various letters from other learned correspondents are also interspersed. They have reference to the pursuits and studies of Mr. Burgess, and therefore tend to illustrate his biography. It is justly remarked by Mr. Lockhart, in his Life of Sir Walter Scott, and he quotes Southey's Life of Cowper to the same effect, " that, from the style and tone of such letters, a man's character may often be gathered even more surely than from those written by himself*;" and this is particularly true in the case of a man like Mr. Burgess, of a very retiring and modest dis- position. Many of the letters addressed to him at this period have been preserved ; but very few of his own have survived, excepting those addressed to Mr. Tyrwhitt, and nearly all of these are elabo- rately critical. Some of more general interest are introduced. Two or three letters were exchanged between * Life of Sir W. Scott, vol. i. p. 158. BISHOP BURGESS. 23 them before they became personally acquainted. They had reference to the forthcoming edition of Dawes, and to notes upon the work, from the pen of Mr. Tynvhitt, to be inserted in theAppendix. Previously to the date of the following, Mr. Burgess had called on Mr. Tyrwhitt, and had left on his mind, as will appear, a most pleasing im- pression. to mr. burgess. Sir, Though you seemed willing to allow me as much time as I should desire for drawing up my notes, I thought it best to dispatch them out of hand, lest a longer delay should lead you to expect some- thing more considerable than J have to produce. I will beg the favour of you to read them over with attention, before you send them to the press, and to let me know if you observe any thing which you think wants to be corrected, or more clearly ex- plained. As to style, I have been too little prac- tised in writing Latin to attempt any elegance, but I should be sorry to break Priscian's head, or even to scratch him roughly ; if, therefore, I have committed any such enormity, pray tell me of it. I must repeat my best thanks to you for the favour of your visit, and my regret that the short- ness of your stay in town prevented me from seeing you again. It is a pleasure which I have very rarely experienced, to converse with one of your age who knows so much, and at the same time shows such an ingenuous and rational desire of learning more. If at any time you should think that I can be c 4 24 LIFE OF of the least service to you, I desire you would apply to me freely, as you may be assured that I shall be happy to take every opportunity of convincing you that 1 am with real regard, Dear Sir, Your faithful Servant, Thos. Tyrwhitt. Welbeck St., Nov. 8. 1779. to t. tyrwhitt, esq. Dear Sir, I am really at a loss to express my respect in terms equal to what my gratitude would dictate. So much condescension and politeness, with such sincerity, have convinced me that I had not idly formed an early attachment to your name. It is my singular happiness to prove, by experience, the justice of that attachment ; though the friendship, I should rather say the favour of Mr. Tyrwhitt, was what I had as little reason to expect as merit to deserve. I am very much obliged for your re- marks on Dawes, which I received last Tuesday, and I join in the thanks which I anticipate from the reader for the accurate learning which they contain. [Then follow two long pages, chiefly composed of critical remarks and questions relative to Dawes.] I cannot help mentioning a piece of University news, which I think will interest you. A scheme is much talked of, and is soon to be introduced into convocation, by which a fund is to be raised for the purchasing of books for the Bodleian library, the defects of which we are now astonished should have been of so long continuance. The fund is to be BISHOP BURGESS. 25 raised principally from an increase of the matricu- lation fees, and an annual subscription from those who are entitled to the use of the Bodleian. I remain, Sir, with sincerest respect, T. Burgess. C. C. C, Nov. 16. 1779. to t. tyrwhitt, esq. Dear Sir, I know not how to abstain from repeating my best thanks for the freedon of your censures, and the unreservedness of your friendly counsel ; but am afraid to venture on a subject in which the warmth of gratitude might, perhaps, give to my expressions the colouring of compliment. I should think, myself unworthy of your friend- ship, and of the favour of your correspondence, if I did not mention, especially after your polite and Mattering request, what perhaps, when recon- sidered, you might wish in one instance to alter in the Latinity of your remarks. [Then follows a passage in which Mr. Burgess proposes a slight change in the Latinity of a sen- tence in Mr. Tyrwhitt's notes ; a suggestion, which as he had not to do with an Archbishop of Grenada, but a most amiable and candid critic, was received in the same spirit in which it was offered.] You see, Sir, (he goes on to say,) how 1 have taken advantage of your complaisance to imitate your sincerity. When I read your sentiments concerning the 26 LIFE OF MS. Odyssey, I was quite convinced of the pro- priety of being silent on it. I am happy to subscribe myself, dear Sir, Your obliged and grateful Servant, T. Burgess. C. C. C, Nov. 29. 1779. The following letter is a literary curiosity, as coming from a very eminent scholar. The corre- spondence does not appear to have proceeded fur- ther. to mr. burgess. Sir, I should have answered your letter before, but have been much out of order for some time. I cannot give you any other information or intel- ligence concerning Mr. Dawes, than that I always esteemed him as a very ingenious man, and a man of considerable learning. He was quite a stranger to me. I am much pleased with your intended publication, and congratulate the University of Ox- ford on such a worthy young gentleman. There is one thing in Mr. Dawes's Miscellanea, p. 219., which I cannot help taking notice of, where he has mistaken a passage of Euripid. Troad, for one of an Ionic poet, which I have given some account of in my Emendations on Suidas, p. 104. It is well worth your reading. I shall always be glad to hear from you, and wishing you success in your studies, am your Most obedient humble Servant, J. Toup. St. Martin's, Oct. 13. 1779. BISHOP BURGESS. 27 In the year 1779 the subject for one of the Chan- cellor's Prizes at Oxford was, " On the affinity be- tween poetry and painting." Mr. Burgess was among the competitors ; but the present Lord Sidmouth, then Mr. Addington, bore away the palm. " My failure was a great disappointment to me," said the Bishop, reverting to this event in his latter days, " yet I can truly say I listened to Mr. Ad- dington with the most sincere pleasure, while he publicly recited his successful essay ; and I well remember how much I felt the effect which he imparted to it by his admirable voice and manner." His generous nature was, in fact, ever prompt to recognise, and to render homage to rival excellence. Among his manuscripts there is a copy of his own essay on this occasion. It is fraught with learning and research, but the subject was less within the province of his own observation and experience than many which might have been selected. to mr. burgess. Dear Sir, I have had a very transient glimpse of Valck- enaer's Theocritus ; but I had time to examine the passage which you pointed out to me, though to very little purpose, as he only observes Dawes rejicit. I condole with you upon your misfortune that Perizonius lived before you. " Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt*," was an exclamation of some angry critic upon a similar occasion. * " Perish those who have said our good things before us." 28 LIFE OF Your etymology of span new I should have proposed myself, without much hesitation, if 1 had not been staggered by another phrase in common use of the same import ; viz. spick and span, which seems to point to something different from spinning. The true etymology, whenever it is discovered, will be found, I am persuaded, ap- plicable to both phrases. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you here when you come to town, and am in the mean time, Dear Sir, Your very faithful humble Servant, T. T. Welbeck Street, 25th March, 1780. to mr. burgess. Dear Sir, I am greatly obliged to you for the trouble which you have taken in examining Stobaeus, and for your description of the manuscripts, which was new to me. I am glad I happened to mention Porphyry to you, as it has led you to read the ZrjrrifxaTa. He is certainly in the first class of the existing com- mentators on Homer. I have received lately four plays of Euripides, from M. Brunck ; viz. Hecuba, Medea, Hippoly- tus, and Baccha:. I understand that we are to ex- pect nothing more from him till his Sophocles is published. He goes on to take much greater liberties with the text of his author than I can ap- prove of. I have sometimes thought that it would not be an unsalutary law in the republic of criti- BISHOP BURGESS. 29 cism, if an editor were absolutely restrained from inserting any conjectures of his own in the text of his author. He might safely, perhaps, be intrusted with a liberty of inserting those of others. We are not apt to exceed on that side. I shall hope to continue to hear from you at your leisure, and shall be very happy whenever I can find any way of being of the least use to you or your studies. Allow me to mention a little thing which has occurred to me. You intend to spend the vacation in the country, where perhaps you may not be so well provided with books as you are at Oxford. Will you give me leave to make over to you a few useful, not splendid, Greek folios, to be added to your countrj library ? You will, at least, I flatter myself, take this offer as it is meant by Your sincere Friend, T. T. Welbeck Street, 31st May, 1780. TO T. TYRWHITT, ESQ. Dear Sir, C. C. C, 1780. I will take this opportunity of supplying the de- ficiencies of my last, of the 3d inst., by returning my sincere thanks for the pains you have obligingly taken in reading over the parts of Foster's essay, mentioned in a former letter, and I will certainly take advantage of your observations respecting them. I lately received some further intelligence of Mr. Dawes and his MSS., communicated to my Cam- bridge correspondent by Dr. Farmer of Emanuel. He says that the late Dr. Askew purchased his books and 30 LIFE OF MSS. If you could inform me by what means I may obtain a sight of them I shall be much obliged. Dr. Farmer has a MS. by Dawes, containing criti- cisms on Akenside's " Pleasures of Imagination," in which he expresses his sentiments respecting Dr. Bentley very plainly. " Of this celebrated person," says he, " I shall say no more at present, but intend soon to submit to the public censure some animad- versions upon his emendations of Aristophanes, Menander, and Philemon ; from which I presume it will appear that his skill in the Greek language has been very much over-rated, both by himself and others ; and that there has not been sufficient reason for the mighty expectation long ago raised, by his proposed edition of Homer." Dawes seems on many accounts to have imbibed no small share of the reigning prejudice against the great critic. I shall return to Oxford through town in the be- ginning of April, and I am, dear Sir, Your obliged, T. Burgess. CHAP. V. OBTAINS THE CHANCELLOR'S PRIZE. — EXTRACTS FROM THE PRIZE ESSAY. LORD MONRODDO. 1780 to 1781. In the year 1780, one of the Chancellor's prizes was adjudged to Mr. Burgess, for an Essay on the Study of Antiquities. It is referred to in the two following letters : — BISHOP BURGESS. 31 TO T. TYRWHITT, ESQ. DEAR SlR, C. C. C, June 25. 1780. I have just received the MS. belonging to Dr. Farmer, entitled " Remarks upon a Character in a late Poem, entitled the ' Pleasures of Imagination, augmented with critical Notes and Emendations, particularly some Hints relating to the genuine Pro- nunciation of the Greek Language, the Imperfection of the Oxford Edition of Pindar, and the Use of the Consonant or Aspiration waw in the Writings of Homer.'" There were some of Mr. Dawes's neigh- bours, it seems, who applied the character of Momion in the 3d book personally to him, which was the cause of this strange medley of learning and nonsense. All the critical remarks and emendations are to be found in the Miscellanea. He sometimes refers, in a later handwriting, to a supplement of his remarks on Pindar, Callimachus, and Aristophanes, which I suppose is among Dr. Askew's papers. I will just add, that I flatter myself you will not be displeased to hear that within these few days I have been so fortunate as to obtain the Chancellor's prize for an English Essay on the Study of Antiquities, a copy of which I will take the liberty to send you as soon as I can get some printed, which I mean for dis- tribution among my friends. Yours respectfully, T. Burgess. 32 L1EE OF to mr. burgess. Dear Sir, I did not intend to have written to you till I could send you notice of the departure of the books (by the frank, acceptance of which you have obliged me very much) ; but I have been induced to alter my mind by reading in the papers that one of the Chancellor's prizes for this year has been adjudged to you. Though distrustful, in general, of news- paper intelligence, I have a sort of inward persua- sion that, in this case, they have told truth ; and the warmth of my regard for you will not permit me to delay my congratulations till the fact can be better ascertained. Having now my pen in hand, I will say a few words on some points in your last. As you will give me no account of the Aristotle, I will tell you, that it is to be published next Saturday, at least so the editor has said, in a letter which I have seen of his own writing, within this week. You have seen much more of Lord Monboddo than I, who have only dined with him once, at the Archbishop of York's, where he did not open much of his philosophy, perhaps from the fault of his company. Mr. Harris's book I have long heard of. The subject, I should have thought, rather required a volume in folio, than a part only of a loosely printed octavo. However, I shall be glad to see it. I am always, Dear Sir, Yours very sincerely, T. T. June 26. 1780. bishop burgess. 33 to the same. Dear Sir, I have at length dispatched to you the Greek folios of which I begged your acceptance, — Hesy- chius, Suidas, M. Pollux, Eustathius, Photius, and Athenaeus ; I wished to have added Stobaeus, but I could not find a complete copy. As you are so fresh from the conversation of Lord Monboddo, I shall make no apology for obtruding a set of such rum gentry upon you. I was happy to hear from yourself that I had not been too credulous in the newspapers, when I congratulated you upon your having obtained the Chancellor's prize. I shall be very glad to read your essay when you do me the favour to send it to me. By your account of Dawes's MS., I should imagine that you are not likely to make much use of it. I will venture to suggest my private wishes, that nothing may be produced which would be dis- agreeable to Dr. Akenside, if he were now living. I had a considerable degree of intimacy with him for the last ten years of his life, and I consider him as Avdpa, rov ouS' aiveiv ttsri kukomti Se/iig' much less should I like to see published a satire upon him, written by Dawes in a passion. But I dare say he is very safe in your hands. I am to go out of town next Tuesday, for three weeks or a month. I have some thoughts of calling at Oxford in my return, but I am afraid not before you will have left it. Adieu, my dear Sir, and believe me always, \ours very sincerely, T. Tyrwhitt. Welbeck Street, 14th July, 1780. D 34 LIFE OF TO THE SAME. Dear Sir, I have notice of a parcel from Mr.Brunck ; but what it contains I know not, as it must perform quarantine before it can be delivered. I shall be happy to read your epistle, whenever you think proper to send it. But I hope you do not mean to impose upon future critics any neces- sity of following your example, and prefacing their lucubrations with verses.* How do you contrive to pursue, together, such different studies, criticism, poetry, etymology, Latin, Greek, and something which people spoke, or may be supposed to have spoken, before Latin and Greek ? I am obliged to you for your friend's imitations of Chaucer. After the reason which you have assigned for suppressing the tale, it would be im- pertinent to inquire further about it. As a friend of your friend, I must tell him, that there are some Chattertonianisms in his language which he must avoid in any future work, if he means to pass for Chaucer. A-propos to Chaucer, let me ask you what may seem an odd question, — whether you have got a copy of my edition of the Canterbury Tales? My reason is, that there are very few left ; and if you have not got one already, I would reserve one for you, as the book is not likely to be reprinted, and I should wish to have a copy de- posited in your hands. * Alluding to an epistle in Latin verso in the manner of Horace, intended to have been prefixed to the edition of Daves. BISHOP BURGESS. 35 I have just put out proposals for publishing, by- subscription, two dissertations of the late Dr. Mus- grave, one on the Grecian Mythology, and another on the Chronology of the Olympiads. He ordered them to be delivered to me, as I suppose, for this purpose. I am therefore trying to raise what money I can, in this way, for his family, who are in great want of assistance. As I hold myself bound to take off a certain number of subscriptions myself, I shall beg leave to set down your name in my list for a copy L. P., which I shall desire you to accept from me. If you can in any way promote the sub- scription, it will be an act of humanity. I am, dear Siij Yours very sincerely, T. Tyrwhitt. A second edition of Mr. Burgess's Prize Essay upon the Study of Antiquities was quickly called for, and published, with additions. His general object in this essay was to give just ideas of the light reflected upon history and chronology, and upon ancient arts and manners, by antiquarian researches; in particular, by the study of architecture and marbles, of coins and inscriptions, of old poetry and records. In the second part, he expatiated at considerable length upon the antiquities and the philosophy of language, and on the utility of ety- mological researches in the illustration of physics, metaphysics, and other sciences. This being a subject to which he had directed much attention, it is treated of at considerable length. The Essay on Antiquities is the production of an elegant and ingenious mind, richly stored with D 2 36 LIFE OF classical images, and glowing with sensibility to the sublime and the beautiful in nature and in art. The style, though in some parts incorrect, is in general nervous and elegant. The subject being popular, and different from those which subse- quently employed the author's pen, a few extracts are here introduced as a specimen of the mode in which it is treated. " The mind of man, always active and inquisi- tive, seems seldom to exert itself with more plea- sure than in retracing the memory of those ages which are past, and of those events and characters which are never to return. There is an involun- tary attachment to that which is irrecoverably snatched from our presence, and removed beyond the reach of our hopes and wishes, which induces us to behold with a kind of religious awe the ob- scurest vestiges of antiquity. " But these sensations of the mind are then most powerful and poignant when they arise from the contemplation of places, once the scene of actions which decided the fate of empires, or rescued an oppressed people from slavery and superstition, or which were frequented by some of the few who have distinguished themselves from the great body of mankind by the invention of arts which con- tribute to the use and ornament of life, or who stand foremost in the annals of science." After expatiating upon the inferences which may be drawn as to the customs ami maimers of nations from their progress in the arts and sciences, from the peculiarities of their language and architecture, and from the nature of their laws and institutions, he beautifully touches, in the following passage, BISHOP BURGESS. 37 upon the light reflected on classical poetry by the study of ancient sculpture : — " The same advantage results to poetry from a careful examination of the remains of ancient sculp- ture. The images of the poets receive new life and spirit from a comparison with the works of kindred artists. Their conceptions seem to acquire beauties which before were unknown, a delicacy and grace which would otherwise have escaped the acutest judgment, and the most refined sensibility. After such a comparison, we see the whole of a poetic attitude or description with more enlightened eyes, purged, like those of Diomed, of the film too gross before to discover the fine texture of celestial forms. It is thus the reader of Virgil's very affecting description feels the powers of his ima- gination enlarged after studying the Laocoon at Rome. And thus, in the flourishing days of Greece, the astonished spectator turned from the statue of Phidias to the awful and majestic. Jupiter of Homer. By studying the works of the best masters, the imagination becomes conversant with images of beauty and grandeur, the combination of which enables the artist to approach nearer to the perfect ideal form than the most exact imitation of ordinary individual beauty. From the invaluable remains of antiquity, Michael Angelo derived the excellence of many of his best performances. Raphael studied their noble simplicity and sedate grandeur of expression with the most diligent atten- tion ; and, as he more correctly imitated the antique than his great contemporary, more successfully expressed its beauties." The following passages occur in the latter part d 3 38 LIFE OF of the Essay : — " The investigation of monumental antiquities contributes much to correct the misre- presentations and supply the deficiencies of history, as well as to illustrate the state of ancient manners of which they preserve so many striking images. " In surveying the proud monuments of feudal splendour and magnificence exhibited in the remains of ancient castles, the very genius of chivalry seems to present himself amidst the venerable ruins with a sternness and majesty of air and feature, which show what he once has been, and with a mixture of disdain for the degenerate posterity that robbed him of his honours. Amid such a scene, the manly exercises of knighthood recur to the imagination in their full pomp and solemnity ; while every patriot feeling beats at the remembrance of the generous virtues which were nursed in those schools of forti- tude, honour, courtesy, and wit, the mansions of our ancient nobility. " The history of monasteries, and other religious houses, has afforded employment equal to the ardour of the most industrious antiquary. Nor can we sufficiently admire the indefatigable diligence and extensive learning exerted in collecting the im- mense treasure of records contained in our monastic antiquities. Though the history of these institutions exhibits too many instances of licentiousness, indo- lence, and ignorance, yet we ought with gratitude to remember that even while the inhabitants of the cloister were themselves, for the most part, lost to all good taste, they prevented the surrounding bar- barism of those dark ages from entirely extinguish- ing the light of classical learning, and that to them was owing the preservation of the most valuable BISHOP BURGESS. 39 ancient authors, the various discoveries of which constitute so interesting a part in the history of learning. $f: ^fe t£ % ?P % " The study of antiquities, once so far removed from all the arts of elegance, is now become an at- tendant on the Muses, an handmaid to History, to Poetry, and Philosophy. From their united in- fluence many are the advantages which have been derived to general knowledge. Much of that ob- scurity, particularly, which overspreads the first periods in the history of every nation, has been happily removed from our own by the diligence and sagacity of able antiquaries. What, indeed, may we not expect further from an age in which every part of science is advancing to perfection — in which History has attained a degree of excellence unknown to any former period of English literature : and Poetry and Philosophy have gained new ho- nours : and, lastly, in whose character that has so conspicuous a place which is essential to the success of this study, an inquisitive curiosity, and love of truth." Lord Monboddo has been mentioned as one of the correspondents of Mr. Burgess, and many of his letters have been preserved. Some of them are upon recondite metaphysical questions, which he discusses with much subtlety ; but they are treatises rather than letters, and quite unsuited to the object of these pages. Others, though tinctured with the peculiar notions and opinions of their ingenious and learned, though often very extravagant writer, are D 4 40 LIFE OF both curious and interesting, and refer so particu- larly to the studies of Mr. Burgess, that, like those of Mr. Tyrwhitt, they tend to illustrate this period of his life. Of these, therefore, a few will be in- troduced. to mr. burgess. Dear Sir, Before I left Edinburgh, I received two copies of the second edition of your Essay on the Study of Antiquities. One of them I gave — and, I hope, by your permission — to Mr. Dalzell, Professor of Greek in the university of Edinburgh, a very in- genious man, and very zealous in the study of Greek learning. Since I came into the country I have had time to go through your work, which, I think, is much improved in the second edition. I am glad to find that you compose in the true an- cient taste, and have not gone into that fashionable short cut of a style, first introduced by Sallust, and made worse by his imitator, Tacitus, who have been the model of French, and of a great deal of English writing, of late years. It is a style of writing that, I think, does not deserve the name of composition ; and I woidd rather call it notes, or memorandums for composing. But, abrupt and disjointed as it is, I like it better than such composition as Mr. Gibbon's, loaded with epithets altogether improper for prose, and generally concluding his sentences with two substantives, and each with its attendant epithet. And I heard an English gentleman ob- serve, what I believe may be true, that there is not a parenthesis in the whole book. Now, I hold that. BISHOP BURGESS. 41 there is nothing contributes more to diversify a style properly, or to express a thing forcibly, than parentheses, properly used. The finest and best pattern of writing, I mean Homer, has used them very much ; and the best poet and greatest writer we have in English, Milton, has both raised and varied his style by the use of them ; one beautiful example of which I have given from his Comus, in the third volume of the " Origin and Progress of Language." I am glad to see that you are not averse to the use of them. I see you have done me the honour frequently to mention me, and with much commendation. You speak of my system of the origin of the Greek language and that of Hemsturhusius being the same ; and it is true. But I assure you, that I no more copied from him or Lennep than they did from me. When I wrote my dissertation upon the subject, I had only heard, as I have said, that Hemsturhusius had some system of that kind ; but the account I got of it was so imperfect, that I could make nothing of it. He never published it himself, as far as I know ; and as to Lennep's work, it did not fall into my hands till about two years ago, nearly six years after that dissertation was printed ; and I am not sure (I have not the book by me) but that Lennep's work was printed after mine. Now, that being the case, it is an extraor- dinary coincidence and agreement of two men in the same system, who knew nothing of one another's opinions ; and, in that respect, is a very curious literary anecdote. There is one thing concerning the Greek lan- guage in which you and I seem perfectly to agree, 42 LIFE OF — that it is the most wonderful piece of art ever invented by mortal man, as far at least as we know ; for the Shanscrit language may, accord- ing to the account given of it, be as artificial, or more so, than the Greek. Even a barbarous language, such as I hold all European languages to be, compared with the Greek, is a great piece of art. But, in the first place, the art in them is not near so great, as they have not the variety of flexion and termination by which cases and tenses are formed ; nor even of articulation, which makes the Greek language the most various, and, at the same time, the most high-sounding language in the world. And, secondly, Ave cannot carry back the art of any other language so far, nor deduce it, by a regular and orderly progression, from a few elementary sounds. But all other lan- guages that I know seem to consist of the cries of savages, broken, indeed, and distinguished by ar- ticulation ; to which, no doubt, an art of language has been applied, so as to form out of them the several parts of speech, and connect them by a lame and inartificial syntax. There is the language of one author in Greek, of which you should make a particular study, as it may be said to be a language by itself, and unique — such as is written by no other author; and with more variety of flexion and termination, and greater beauty and pomp of sound than any other language in Greek. By this description you will know that I mean the language of Homer, in which there is a variety of beauty that is not to be found in any other. That this is truly the fact, may be easily shown by a man so learned in the Greek language BISHOP BURGESS. 43 as you are. But it is a matter of curious inquiry, how it happens that the oldest language we have in Greek should be the most perfect. In general, let me advise you to be very sparing in your censures of the ancients. When I was a young student, I was as much disposed, or more than you are, to find fault with the ancients, and I flattered myself I had detected great errors in them ; but now that I am near the age of seventy I am come to this firm persuasion, that though we may know more of facts of natural history than they did, yet as to arts and sciences, and particu- larly as to the grammatical, rhetorical, and poetical arts, and as to logic and metaphysics, and even as to the philosophy of nature, our knowledge is quite contemptible compared with theirs. From this rule I think there is but one exception, and that is the astronomy of Sir Isaac Newton. But even the principles of that astronomy have been so laid down as to lead to downright materialism, and thus to disgrace one of the noblest discoveries in science that ever was made by a single man. I will only further say a word concerning phi- losophy, and the highest kind of it, to which Aristotle has given the name of Metaphysics. About this philosophy I hope you are chiefly em- ployed, and that you will procure to the university of Oxford the glory of restoring ancient philosophy to Britain, and, indeed, I may say to all Europe, where it has now been dead a century, and in place of it are come materialism and atheism. If you can contribute to this restoration, or rather the resurrection of philosophy, you will do great honour both to yourself and to your university ; and I 44 LIFE OF know some great men in London who will be as ready to give their countenance and assistance to you, as they have declared themselves ready to give it to Dr. Horsley, on account of the help he has given me to reconcile the principles of Sir Isaac Newton's astronomy with the genuine principles of theism. Wishing you all success, both in your philological and philosophical inquiries, and hoping to hear from you soon, I ever am Your most faithful humble Servant, James Burnett. Give my service to all my acquaintance in Ox- ford, who think it worth their while to inquire about me. CHAP. VI. LITERARY CORRESPONDENCE WITH LORD MONBODDO, MR. TYRWHITT, AND DR. VINCENT. 1781. The progress of Mr. Burgess's literary life and occupations at Oxford are so graphically developed by the letters of Mr. Tyrwhitt, and by those of some few among his other correspondents, that we shall subjoin, with brief occasional comments, a further selection of them. to mr. burgess. Dear Sih, You have indulged me in such a liberty, or rather licence, of criticism upon the communications with BISHOP BURGESS. 45 which you have occasionally favoured me, that I should deem myself unworthy of your present con- fidence if I did not use the same freedom in giving you my sentiments of your Avadrjfia. A Greek epigram is certainly an ornamentum ambitiosum ; a sort of hors d'ceuvre, which, if not very exquisite, had better be spared — poterat duci quia ccena sine isto. 1 conceive, therefore, the utmost severity of morose criticism can never be more properly exerted than in a matter of this kind. ***** * * * # * * [After several critical remarks upon the epigram, and objections to particular words, Mr.T. adds: — ] I would not have you be offended or mortified with the number of them, as I scarcely remember to have read a modern Greek poem, from the time of Politian to the present, which was not equally open to censure. I do not know that Bentley has any where, in any writing of his own, explained the doctrine of the digamma in general. I am glad you continue your researches among the Bodleian MSS., but (begging your pardon) I should think you might give us something better from thence than a metaphrase of Homer. That it may afford some light to a few passages, is very pos- >ibli- ; but I am sure your time may be better em- ployed than in publishing it at length. I am always, dear Sir, Yours very sincerely, T.T. Welbeck Street, Jan. — , 17S1. 46 TO T. TYRWHITT, ESQ. DEAR Sir, Odiham, Jan. 16. I am greatly and sincerely obliged to you for your remarks on my Epigram, but was not aware that I should have given you so much trouble. To confess the truth, I looked upon it with some degree of complacency, and began to have a more favour- able opinion of the practicability of Greek com- position, than Mr. Dawes, from his better experi- ence, had. The mortification which so many errors — if pointed out by another person — might have occasioned, was entirely prevented by the real favour of your criticisms. Your remark on the ill success of Greek com- position from the time of Politian to the present is a douceur which I found little difficulty in admit- ting. I am, dear Sir, Your very obliged humble Servant, T. Burgess. LORD MONBODDO TO MR. BURGESS. Dear Sir, Monboddo, 27th Sept. 1781. I thank you for your letter and your verses ; I cannot say with Horace, Carmina possumus Donare, ct pretium dicere muneris; so I cannot repay you myself in kind ; but I send you, enclosed, some verses of a lady in London, an acquaintance of mine, which I think very good. She is the widow of Commodore Walsingham, BISHOP BURGESS. 47 lately lost; and is by inheritance a wit and a poet, for she is the daughter of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams. And, indeed, she is in every respect a very accomplished woman. The card with which she accompanied the verses is as well turned as any thing of the kind I ever saw ; but you are to remember that poets deal in fiction, or, at least, in very extravagant hyperboles. But lest you should think that, because I can- not write verses, nobody in Scotland can, I send you, likewise, inclosed, a copy of verses that I think truly classical, written by a friend of mine at the bar in Scotland, Mr. M'Laurin. As to your verses, I must tell you freely that I like the Latin very much better than the English. The Latin are an excellent imitation of Horace's familiar epistolary style ; for they are sermoni pro- piora, affecting nothing of the tumor and pomp of heroic verse which Horace could write too, and could rise even to a higher style of poetry, — I mean the Ode ; but he knew how to suit his style to his subject, and could practise his own rule — Descriptas servare vices, operumque colores. You have marked your age by a much more memorable event than the consulship of Lollius and Lepidus. I think it not amiss that you should follow the advice once given to a young student, — det primos vcrsibus annos Maeoniumque bibat felici pectore fontem. But attend to what follows, — Mox et Socratico plenus grege, &e. 48 LIFE OF I would, therefore, have you use poetry only as the amusement of your youth, and apply your Greek learning to its proper use — the study of the Greek arts and sciences, and particularly the science of sciences, — I mean Philosophy, — in which you will find the principles of all arts and sciences, even of the popular arts, such as Poetry and Rhetoric, as Aristotle has very clearly shown. At the same time, you have no reason to regret the time that you have hitherto bestowed upon Philology, which is the best introduction to Philosophy, and does much better before it than to follow after it ; for it was a fall of my friend, poor Mr. Harris, as he observed to me last time I saw him, to descend from Philosophy to Philology. I have not had time yet to read much of the phi- lological work you have sent me. In the Preface, I observe, you make very honourable mention of me, for which I thank you. I am much pleased with what you say of the digamma. It is, I think, perfectly clear that the sound, if not the character, of the digamma was used by the Arcadians and YEnotores, who imported the Latin dialect into Latium. And it is clear, from the passage of the Halicarnassian, which you have quoted, and defended against a most audacious criticism of Dawes, that it was noted by the cha- racter V among the Latins; the sound of which, as the Halicarnassian tells us, was that of the Greek diphthong ov, which I have no doubt was sounded something like our W* I am further of opinion that it was used, in the days of Homer, both * On this question, seethe note, p. 14. BISHOP BURGESS. 49 in the beginning and in the middle of words, in order to thicken the sound, and to prevent vowels from gaping upon one another. I have no doubt but the digamma had the effect of lengthening the preceding vowel, by thickening, and so retard- ing the pronunciation of the subsequent vowel; and in that way a good deal of Homer's metre is to be explained. I am, very sincerely, Your most obedient humble servant, James Burnett. to mr. burgess. Dear Sir, After my shocking rudeness upon a former oc- casion, I little expected any further employment from you in the office of censor. But I find I have to do with a young man of parts and learning, who is, yet, really desirous of hearing advice. Where did you acquire this uncommon disposi- tion ? Not, surely, from your study of modern critics. However, as long as you condescend to consult me in any matter, I shall esteem it ovce '/c larpeiov, which you are preparing for me, till my arrival. I entirely agree with you, that the addition of our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount would be a valuable improvement to the intended publication ; but I have my fears lest the increase of price may prove an impediment to the sale. These fears BISHOP BURGESS. 95 arise from the consideration of the villages, inhabited chiefly by rack-renters, where I hope to see the Sunday schools established. Perhaps, should the sale of the first edition be rapid, and the profits not contemptible, Mr. Easton may be inclined to give a little more press-work for the same money. But all these points may be more fully discussed when the time of reprinting arrives. I am much pleased with the outlines of your sketch, and I think the execution likely to cor- respond with the design, if carried on while your mind is fresh from your late humble labours, and has not soared into the higher regions of Aristotle's Metaphysics, or Plato's Parmenides. Mrs. Barring- ton sends her kind compliments, and charges me to inform you that you are much inquired for by the ladies of this place, who express great concern that, they are not to see you any more this year. I am, with true regard, Your sincere friend, S. Sarum. TO THE SAME. Dear Sir, Cavendish Square, April 13. 1786. My name is most heartily at your's and Homer's service. May the work to which it is to be prefixed contribute to render the language and the beauties of that Prince of Poets better understood and more admired ! * I hope to see you next week in perfect health, * Alluding to Mr. B.'s intended publication of the work, entitled Initia-Homerica. 9G LIFE OF and that you will bring me some tidings of the Spelling-Book, for which I feel impatient. I am, dear Sir, With true regard, Your sincere friend, S. Sarum. By the following letter from Dr. Warton, it will be seen that about this time he was meditating a publication of the Opuscula of Gravina, a learned Italian scholar and essayist : — DEAR Sir, Wint, Nov.. 25. 1786. I am exceedingly pleased with the design of your publishing some little pieces of Gravina. It is now just thirty years since, in the Essay on Pope, I en- deavoured a little to bring him forward, and make him more generally known. It is highly useful to publish small works, which even the lady -readers of the present time will venture on. I have printed in London, and it will now soon be published, Sir Philip Sidney's "Defence of Poesie," and Extracts from Ben Jonson's Discoveries. In both is excel- lent stuff. I cannot but be gratified in the compli- ment you intend me, of inscribing these pieces to me. It is obviously very agreeable laudari a laudato. I shall always be glad to see you at this place, and am, dear Sir, Your faithful friend and servant, Joseph Warton. The Bishop's favourite residence, Mongewell, on the banks of the Thames, about fourteen miles from Oxford, has already been mentioned. His chaplain BISHOP BURGESS. 97 v as a frequent guest there. On one of these occa- sions, somewhere about the period of which we are treating, an incident occurred which showed how much of manly independence was united in his character with modesty and mildness. Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus, His patron one day so far forgot his habitual cour- tesy, as to reprove his chaplain in somewhat unmea- sured terms with respect to a trivial occurrence at which Mrs.Barrington had taken needless umbrage. Mr. Burgess received the reproof in perfect silence, but almost immediately quitted the room, and, or- dering out his horse, proceeded to Oxford, leaving the Bishop to interpret, by what had passed, the cause of his departure. His Lordship quickly drew the inference, and feeling that he had been betrayed into an act of injustice towards a most amiable and excellent man, addressed an apologetic letter to the offended party, expressed in such terms of candour and kindness, as at once repaired this momentary breach of a harmony, which appears never after to have been, in the slightest degree, interrupted. The Bishop was in the habit of removing to the palace at Salisbury in the course of the summer months; and Mr. Burgess, freed by the close of the term from his official duties at Oxford, became then an inmate of the family, and daily discharged the functions of domestic chaplain. When ordina- tions took place during term time, candidates for orders came to him at Corpus for examination. He acquired, at this time, a partiality for Salisbury which made his return to it, towards the close of his life, a recurrence to early and cherished associations. H 98 LIFE OF The retired walks of the palace gardens, and the fine views which they command of the superb cathedral, were in perfect unison with the contem- plative turn of his mind, and the tastes which he had contracted in the lettered shades of Oxford. Bishop Barrington was fond of society, and being himself an elegant scholar, and of a highly intel- lectual cast, he delighted to gather men of learning and science around him, and to elicit their various stores of information and amusement. Without effort and without artifice, he had recourse to such topics as interested all, and yet drew forth, in turn, the peculiar talents of each. To playful humour and to constant cheerfulness he united a Christian benignity and a winning politeness, attempered with the dignity which became his station and cha- racter. With such qualities, he made every one around him feel at perfect ease ; and the feelings which he manifested towards Mr. Burgess were more than kind, they were almost paternal. Under such a roof he found himself truly happy ; and with some of the numerous guests who visited the palace he formed friendships which added much to the future happiness of his life. Among these he often recurred, with peculiar pleasure, to the commence- ment of an intimate acquaintance, in the summer of 1785, with one of the first female writers of her age, the celebrated Hannah More. The following note, addressed to the writer in the year 1 833, refers to its commencement. TO J. S. HARFORD, ESQ. DEAR Sir, Palace, Salisbury, Sept. 9. 1833. I return you many thanks for giving me such early information of an event which has terminated BISHOP BURGESS. 99 the very protracted sufferings of our dear and ex- cellent friend, Mrs. Hannah More. My acquaint- ance with her commenced in this house in 1785, when she passed a week here with Mrs. Garrick ; Mr. Gilpin, of Boldre ; Dr. Henington, of Christ- church ; Mr. Batt, of New Hall ; and, I think, Miss Hulse (Lady Bernard). It was a very in- teresting week, of which our dear friend sometimes reminded me in her latter days. I am much pleased with your sketch of her character for the London papers, which I shall send to the Salisbury Journal.* Yours, most sincerely, T. Sarum. * The following] is the tribute referred to in the Bishop's letter to the character and virtues of their mutual and revered friend : — DIED On the 7th of September, at her residence in Windsor Ter- race, Clifton, in the 89th year of her age, after a painful and protracted illness, Mrs. Hannah More. Few persons have en- joyed a higher degree of public esteem and veneration than this excellent and distinguished lady. Early in life she attracted general notice by a brilliant display of literary talent, and was honoured with the intimate acquaintance of Johnson and Burke, of Reynolds and Garrick, and of many other eminent men, who equally appreciated her amiable qualities, and her superior intellect. But, under a deep conviction that to live to the glory of God, and to the good of our fellow-creatures, is the great object of human existence, and the only one which can bring peace at the last, she quitted in the prime of her davs the bright circles of fashion and literature, and retiring into the neighbourhood of Bristol, devoted herself to a life of active Christian benevolence, and to the composition of various works, having for their object the religious improvement of mankind. Her pen could adapt itself with equal success to the instruc- tion of the highest and of the humblest classes, and the nu- merous editions through which her various publications have passed attest the high sense entertained by the public of their varied utility and excellence. Her practical conduct beauti- fully exemplified the moral energy of her Christian principles. H 2 100 LIFE OF My readers will be amused by Hannah More's own recollections of the above week, which the writer has often heard her narrate nearly as fol- lows : — " In the year 1785, during a music meeting at Salisbury, in what they call St. Cecilia's week, I formed one of a large party who were stay- ing at the Palace with my old friend, Bishop Bar- rington. We were all to have gone on one of the evenings to a concert, but I was prevented from being of the party by a furious tooth-ache. The She was the delight of a widely extended sphere of friends, whom she charmed by her mental powers, edified by her ex- ample, and knit closely to her in affection by the warmth and constancy of her friendship. She lived and walked in an at- mosphere of love, and it was her delight to do good : the poor for many miles around her felt the influence of her unceasing benevolence, and her numerous schools attested her zeal for the improvement and edification of the rising generation. In these works of faith and charity, she was aided for a long course of years by the concurring efforts of four sisters, who lived with her, who regarded her with mingled feelings of admiration and affection, and towards whom her conduct was ever marked by the kindest and most endearing consideration. It was truly a sisterhood animated by all the social and hospitable virtues. Mrs. Hannah More's last illness was accompanied by feverish delirium, but the elevating influence of Christian principles was strikingly exemplified even under the decay of extreme old age and its attendant consequences. Not seldom she broke forth into earnest prayer, and devout ejaculation, and invariably met the affectionate attentions of the friends who sedulously watched over her sick bed, by unceasing and most expressive returns of grateful love. The writer of this tribute to her memory saw her only the day before her last seizure, when she expressed to him in a most impressive manner the sentiments of a humble and penitent believer in Jesus Christ, assuring him that she re- posed her hopes of salvation on His merits alone, and expressing at the same time a firm and joyful trust in his unchangeable promises. In her excellent writings she will long live, not only as one of the brighest ornaments of her sex, but as a bene- factress of mankind. BISHOP BURGESS. 101 Bishop's chaplain, Mr. Burgess, a tall, grave, and sensible young man, rather reserved, and silent, begged to be allowed to bear me company. His reserve, when we were left alone, gradually wore away ; our conversation became various and ani- mated ; I was struck by his learning and good sense ; and out of this interview sprung an intimate friendship, and a correspondence which has been carried on for upwards of forty years." Some specimens of their correspondence Avill be found in various parts of this volume, though we regret to say that the greater part of the letters on both sides have perished. There were many points in common between these excellent persons. Both were devoted to literature, and anxious to consecrate their acquire- ments to the highest and noblest ends. Both were occupied by objects of practical utility and Christian benevolence. The refinement and vivacity of female society always had peculiar charms for Mr. Burgess ; and in the present instance he was delighted by the union of elevated and heartfelt piety, in combination with brilliant wit, extensive knowledge, and admi- rable good sense. CHAP. X. VISITS HOLLAND AND PARIS. DEATH OF MR. TYRWHITT. PUBLICATIONS BY MR. BURGESS IN 1787 AND 1788. COR- RESPONDENCE WITH DR. BURNEY, DR. PARR, ETC. PUB- LISHES A TREATISE AGAINST THE SLAVE TRADE. 1786 to 1789. At the time of which we are now writing, Mr. Burgess appears to have been the person who did h 3 102 LIFE OF the honours of Oxford to learned foreigners ; and the following letter from Mr. Spalden, a Prussian gentleman already referred to in that character (page 16.), will prove what a pleasing impression he made upon such occasions : — TO THE B.EV. MR. BURGESS. DEAR SlR, Amsterdam, October 11. 1786. I almost despair of being still present to your memory when this letter reaches you. It is not long since I finally quitted England, a country which before I had been in it I preferred to all others, and now having seen it, I still more prefer to them all. As your friendly reception at Oxford inspired me with gratitude, and with esteem for you, and as the analogy between our studies ren- dered your conversation most agreeable and useful to me, I hope you will allow me to correspond with you in English, for I feel myself drawn to you as a scholar, whose character is as amiable, as his learn- ing and knowledge are extensive. I am now enjoying the intercourse of gentlemen in Holland who know very well your name and your works, especially M. Ruhnkenius in Leyden, and M. Wyttenbach in Amsterdam. I am, dear Sir, Your most obedient servant, G. L. Spalden. In the summer of 1787, Mr. Burgess, fraught with schemes of classical research and investigation, visited Paris and Holland. In the course of this journey he formed a friendly acquaintance with BISHOP BURGESS. 103 many distinguished foreign scholars, among whom may be enumerated, Wyttenbaeh, Ruhnken, Heyne, and Villoison. He kept up with them for several years an occasional correspondence, and that with Heyne extended to the year 1800. Wyttenbaeh was at this time preparing for the publication of an elaborate and critical edition of Plutarch's moral works, and was anxious that it should be printed at Oxford. Mr. Burgess after- wards conducted a successful negociation on his account with the delegates of the Clarendon Press for this purpose. Their subsequent correspondence chiefly related to this subject. In a Latin life of his friend Ruhnken, Wyttenbaeh has depicted, in the following terms, the pleasant recollection which that eminent scholar and himself retained of the visit of Burgess. Ci Afterwards a most agreeable guest visited us, Thomas Burgess, an Englishman ; whose superior learning was adorned by a rare in- tegrity of mind and modesty of demeanour. The friendship we thus formed with him was kept up afterwards by an interchange of letters and good offices."* He received at Paris many kind attentions from Villoison, whose great erudition, and ardent zeal in the cause of Greek literature, united to no small degree of French vivacity, rendered him a very interesting companion to a traveller, whose objects were so exclusively of a learned description. Ac- * Mox gratissimus advenit hospes Thomas Burgessius, Bri- tannns ; cujus excellentem literarum scientiam, rani quwdam ornabat animi probitas, morumque modestia : unde amicitia cum praesente nobis conciliata, deinde cum absente epistolis officiisque viguit. H 4 104 LIFE OF cordingly they formed a friendship, which led to frequent correspondence. On the part of Villoison it was carried on in French. The other foreign correspondents of Mr. Burgess addressed him in Latin. Some few of Villoison's letters will be found in the ensuing pages, their liveliness and literary ardour being such as to render them in- teresting even to general readers. The following marks the commencement of their acquaintance at Paris in August, 1787 : — Monsieur, Je suis bien sensible ii l'honneur de vous i^evoir ce soir, et serai bien flatte de cultiver l'amitie d'un savant de votre merite. J'en sens vivement le prix. Si vous vous donnez la peine de relire ma lettre, vous y verrez, Mons r ., que ce n'est point des mes Epistolae Vinarienses que je vous avois fait l'offre, parceque je n'en ai qu'un seul exemplaire, maia de mon Homere qui s'emprime a Venise, et dont j'ai donne la notice dans mes Anecdota Grseca. Je vous prierai d'accepter cette faible marque de la haute estime que je vous ai vou£e, et de la recon- noissance que je vous dois du profit que j'ai tire de la lecture de vos savans ouvrages. J'espere que vous voudrez bien me donner votre adresse a Londres, et que nous entretiendrons un commerce litteraire. Je suis fache, Mons 1 "., que vous ne m'ayez pas fait l'honneur de vous adresser a moi en arrivant a Paris. Je me serois fait un devoir, un plaisir, et un honneur de vous rendre tous les services qui dependent de moi, et de vous faire avoir chez vous la communication des MSS. du Itoi, ce qui vous auroit epargne la peine (Taller a la Bibliotheque du BISHOP BURGESS. 105 Roi. En un mot disposez de moi librement et sans fa9on. J'ai ete moimeme etranger dans beaucoup de pays. Haud ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco. D'ailleurs j'airae passionement les Anglois, et surtout les savans, qui, comme vous, Mons r ., eten- dent les bornes de nos connoissances, et dont les doctes ouvrages ont beaucoup servi a mon instruc- tion. Je cultive les lettres par gout, et pour mon amusement, et respecte infiniment les personnes eclairees qui leur rendent les services. Vous trou- verez ce soir a souper chez moi un jeune homme nomme M. Lengles, qui va nous donner la gram- maire et le dictionnaire de la langue Tartare. J'ai l'honneur d'etre en vous attendant, Mons r ., Votre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur, D'Ansse de Villoison. A letter of nearly the same date, in a similar strain of esteem and compliment, written to him at Paris by l'Abbe Desfran9ois, " Interprete du Roi," proves the kind reception he met with there. During his stay at Paris the following letter reached him from Bishop Barrington : — DEAR SlR, August 24. 1787. I felt no common degree of satisfaction in learning that your expedition has, hitherto, more than answered your expectation. May your lite- rary inquiries at the Bibliotheque du Roi be as fully gratified as your curiosity has been with re- spect to those objects at Paris with which you have 106 LIFE OF been as yet conversant. I most cordially wish that I could give you a greater latitude than you ask. for, viz. to the 15th of next month. My public confirmations to compensate for the unavoidable omission of last year, are fixed for the 17th and 18th : the examinations of the candidates for the 24th. Notwithstanding these various calls, yet such is my reluctance to bring you from your pursuits a moment sooner than you can relinquish them ; that on your immediately notifying your wish to remain, I will supply your place myself as examiner, and provide some other person to assist at the confirm- ation. 1 purpose being at Salisbury, on Wednesday next the 29th inst., and shall be impatient to hear all that you can transmit relative to the state of let- ters and literary works at Paris. Mrs. Barrington charges me with her best compliments and thanks for your attention to her commission. Allow me to give you a commission as far as 10/. or 15/. for such books as you conceive will interest me. Believe me, with the truest regard and esteem, Your most sincere friend, S. Sahum. Soon after the return of Mr. Burgess, an event occurred which deeply affected his feelings. His excellent friend Mr. Tyrwhitt was cut off' in his fifty-sixth year, after a short but severe illness. What has already been said of this eminently learned, amiable, and accomplished individual, renders it needless further to dilate on his qualities as an author, and as a man. His name was seldom mentioned by the subject of this memoir, even in BISHOP BURGESS. 107 his old age without some endearing or grateful epithet. Mr. Tyrwhitt left materials for a new edition of Aristotle's Poetics, which was printed at the Cla- rendon Press in the year 1794, under the editorial superintendence of Mr. Burgess, and Mr. Randolph. This edition is extremely elegant, and contains not only Tyrwhitt's commentaries, but also his version of the original. In the course of the summer of 1788, Mr. Burgess again visited Holland, and the following letter addressed to Dr. Parr from the Hague attests the diligence of his learned researches. TO THE REV. DR. PARR. Dear Sir. Hague, Sept. 26. 1788. I have been at this place a few days. I had heard much of Mr Meerman's collection of Greek MSS.j which were bought by the present baron's father in the year 1764, when the books of the Jesuits' College at Paris were sold ; and I was un- willing to leave Holland without examining two of them in which I was most interested, the MS. of Homer, and that of Aristotle's Poetics. The MS. of the Iliad belongs to the 11th or 12th century, and is written on vellum. It contains all the twenty- four books ; there are but a few scholia. The MS. of the Poetics is of the 16th century. Though it is of so recent a date, I have met with some variations, which I have not seen noted from any other MS I collated the whole of the first chapter as a sort of estimate of its value, and I also examined va- rious select passages. I did not forget our friend Holmes's undertaking, but looked for MSS. of the 108 LIFE OF Septuagint. I soon arrived, however, at the end of my search. There are but three MSS. and each of these contains only portions of the Bible. In the public library at Leyden there is a very valuable MS. of parts of the Septuagint, the most ancient, I think, that I have ever yet seen. Some persons have atttibuted it to the age of Nero. It is however summce et venerandce antiquitatis. It was collated by Mill but very imperfectly. It contains the books of Moses, and part of Joshua and Judges. I have found my summer s excursion amply re- compensed at Leyden. My collection of Anecdota Graeca has been very much enlarged through the civility of M. Ruhnken and Van Santin. I have transcribed a great part of Philemon's Lexicon Phi- lologicum, and have left a commission to have the remainder transcribed for me. Many other parti- culars you shall hereafter hear. Ruhnken has printed oft' some sheets of a new edition of his Timsei Lexicon Platonicum, and is thinking of republishing his Elogium Hemsterhusii, to which will be added an unpublished letter of Bentley's to that scholar containing some very valu- able emendations on the comic fragments of Julius Pollux. M. Tollius has just published a new edition of Apollonii Lexicon Ilomericum in octavo. Santin has printed a considerable part of a new edition of T. Maurus, and a specimen of a new edition of Catullus. He is also the editor of Bin- man's Propertius, published a few years ago. You have perhaps heard that Villoison has at length pub- lished his long expected edition of Homer's Iliad. With my best compliments to yourself and family, Your faithful friend and servant, T. Bukgess. BISHOP BURGESS. 109 From the six following years, that is to say from 17S6 to 1792, the current of Mr. Burgess's life quietly and calmly flowed on in the discharge of his duties as Tutor of Corpus, and Examining Chap- lain to the Bishop of Salisbury, and in the publica- tion of various learned works, all of which added to ais reputation. The friendship and affection with which he continued to be treated by the Bishop were such as to remove any painful feelings of de- pendence. Nor did he owe this high consideration solely to his Lordship's genuine benignity and po- liteness, for as a literary man he was sensibly alive to the credit reflected upon himself by the selec- tion of a Chaplain whose superior learning and character attracted universal esteem. The Bishop was proud of his Chaplain, and took a lively inter- est in the various productions of his pen, and the chaplain was animated by reciprocal feelings of grateful respect and attachment to his Diocesan. During the period above referred to, a prebend of some value becoming vacant at Salisbury, it was offered to Mr. Burgess ; but he declined it, for a reason which will perhaps produce a smile in the reader, though it was strictly in unison with the shyness and modesty of his character. The reason was, as he himself told a friend, that it would have obliged him to sit in one of the most conspicuous parts of the Cathedral. Another subsequently be- came vacant, which did not put his nerves to this trial, and he gratefully accepted it. During the year 1787 Mr. Burgess was much occupied by the study of Hebrew. In 1788 he published the following works : — Conspectus Criticarum Observationum in Scrip- tores Graacos et Latinos. 8vo. 1788. 110 LIKE OF Initia Homerica, seu Excerpta ex Iliade Homeri, cum omnium locorum Greeca Metaphrasi. 8vo. 1788. A second Edition in 1820. Remarks on Josephus's Account of Herod's Re- building of the Temple of Jerusalem. 8vo. 1788; which was followed by Remarks on the Scriptural Account of the Dimensions of Solomon's Temple. 8vo.* Sententiae Philosophorum e Codice Leidensi Vos- siano. 12mo. 1788. These publications were only the precursors of other learned treatises which followed in rapid suc- cession during the ensuing five years. Even a cursory inspection of their contents would impress any intelligent reader with a strong con- viction of the mental energy, the various erudition, and the indefatigable industry of their author. His correspondents at this time were numerous, including, in addition to the learned foreigners above enumerated, Dr. Parr, Mr. afterwards Dr. Burney, Rev. Mr. Glasse, Dr. Loveday, Mr. T. Fal- coner, Dr. Heberden, Lord Sandys, &c. * These Treatises are learned and acute. Dr. Heberden and Mr. Pierce bad contended that the prophecy ( Haggai, ii. 6 — 9.) is not applicable to our Saviour, because the Temple which he glorified by Ids presence wis not the second, built by Zerubbabel, but the third Temple, rebuilt, according to Jose- phus, by Herod. Mr. Ilawtry, on the contrary, in order to remove this objection, contended that Josephus did not mean to say that Herod took down the temple and rebuilt it, but re- paired it only. Mr. Burgess differed from both of these views : from the latter, by proving that Josephus does relate that Herod took down and rebuilt, the Temple ; from the former, by maintaining that another rebuilding of the Temple by Herod is not incompatible with the usual application of the prophecy ofHaggai. Bui in doing this he disclaims offering any opinion of his own upon the justice of that application, BISHOP BURGESS. Ill Though most of their surviving letters are un- suited to the taste of general readers, from being chiefly confined to topics of learned criticism, seve- ral among them are of a more popular character, and are introduced here not only as recording the opinions entertained of the publications of Mr. Burgess by his learned contemporaries, but also as interesting specimens of epistolary correspondence. MR. BU11NF.Y TO THE REV. MR. BURGESS. S IR) Hammersmith, Sept. 8. 1788. I beg leave to return you my sincere thanks for the present of the Initia Homerica, which you did me the honour of sending to me, and, at the same time, permit me to congratulate teachers and pupils, on the appearance of a publication from which they cannot but derive mutual advantage. In a coun- try where the aspirers after knowledge are so numerous, it is very strange that elementary books should always have been so few in number, and generally so useless, from the injudicious manner in which they have been compiled or written. In the present age, however, it is surely an occasion for triumph, that while Mrs. Barbauld and Mrs. Trim- mer have successfully employed their talents to smooth the road to the English student, Mr. Hunt- ingford and Mr. Burgess have laboured to render the avenues which lead to an acquaintance with the writers of Greece, more easy of access than they were ever found by our ancestors. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obliged Charles Bukney. 112 LIFE OF TO THE REV. MR. BURGESS. Reverend Sir, Greenfbrd, Feb. 27. 1787. I hope you will forgive the liberty I take in thus introducing myself" to you with a request of so much consequence to me, that I am obliged to wave the circumstance of my not having the honour of your acquaintance. It is now about three years since I began the task of putting Milton's Samson Agonistes into a Grecian dress. After a variety of interruptions, occasioned by the laborious employments in which I am engaged, I am now bringing it very near its conclusion. It has been, as yet, submitted to no eye, save that of one highly honoured friend, who had the goodness to revise it in a very imperfect state, and to suggest several alterations of great consequence. Before it makes its appearance in the world, I am very anxious that it should have the advantage of your critical knowledge : if I can be so happy as to obtain your permission to transmit you the MS., it is a favour I shall never be able to repay, but I shall always consider myself as most essen- tially obliged to you. I hope, Sir, my presuming to address you per- sonally, instead of transmitting you this request through the medium of any of our common friends, will be attributed only to the impatience I feel to be gratified in this object so very near my wishes. I have the honour to be, with the utmost respect, reverend Sir, Your most obedient humble servant, George Henry Glasse. BISHOP BURGESS. 113 The above request was acceded to, as appears by a subsequent letter of grateful acknowledgement from Mr. Glasse. TO THE REV. MR. BURGESS. Fair Lawn House, SlR, Hammersmith, Nov. 6. 1788. I seize eagerly the first leisure moment, since the arrival of your letter, to answer it. Some years ago, Terentianus Maurus * employed my thoughts almost wholly, and engaged my hours almost continually. The delight which he then afforded me, and the knowledge which I derived from him, make me still reflect on him with respect, and hear him mentioned with pleasure. My views with regard to an edition of his works are, perhaps, entirely defeated ; but I resemble the coachman, who, when he could no longer, from infirmities, sit on the box, was charmed with the smack of the whip. I had, indeed, a firm intention of pub- lishing him, and had made considerable collections for the purpose ; but more serious avocations soon demanded my time and care, and as I became better acquainted with books, and the serious duties of an Editor, the difficulties, at which I had once been scarcely startled, appeared terrific, and my mind was by degrees weaned from its favourite purpose. I am truly happy to hear that there is a chance of a new edition, by Santenius ; but should this hope be frustrated, or should the edition of Santenius not answer the wishes of the public, I believe that * An elegant Latin poet and grammarian. I 114- LIFE OF I should almost be tempted to renew the charge ; to forget my former dangers and difficulties, and to brush up my rusty ams : — Saucius ejurat pugnam Gladiator — at idem Immemor antiqui vulneris anna capit. For though I have not opened Terentianus for several years, except accidentally, your account of Santenius has awakened my former enthusiasm, and I exclaim with Propertius, Nam mc ab amore tuo deducet nulla Scncctus, Sive ego Tithonus, sive ego Nestor ero. I lost no time, dear Sir, in sending for your Conspectus, which I perused with avidity, and am bound to thank you for it. I am really delighted to find that you have so much good treasure in store, and that these jewels have not fallen into the hands of those who are insensible of their value. Many of the articles have roused my curiosity in an uncommon degree, and most impatiently shall I expect their publication. Those to which I principally allude are the notes to, and various lections of the Tragedies, all that relates to De- metrius Phalerus, Bentley's letters, Sanctamand's notes on the Anabasis of Xenophon, the Libellus de Metris, Excerpta Herodiani, and Philemonis Lexicon. Let our countrymen remember that the founda- tion of the Miscellanea? Observationes was laid in England, and let us hope, that such another valu- able structure may be raised in our days, and be- come the envy as well as the admiration of the learned in Holland and Germany. Your intention was mentioned to me some time BISHOP BURGESS. 115 ago by Parr, who, as he spoke warmly in praise of it, will, I hope, become a contributor. Will you pardon the liberty I take in earnestly recommending to your notice, the valuable Lexicon of Photius. The original exemplar, from which the various copies that are scattered through Europe have been made, is in Trinity College Library at Cambridge. But you have a transcript at Oxford. Do then, by your love of learning I conjure you, and by your endeavours for the promotion of Greek Literature I beseech you, let this inedited treasure make a part of your publication. It might be merely reprinted, without a single note ; and Alberti's Index in his Glossaria Grasca might be completed, for some omissions have been remarked by sub- sequent critics. Were it once in print, some scholar might be induced to give a proper edition of it. If you come to town, I shall think myself much honoured and feel myself much pleased, if you could venture so far as the three mile stone. The Oxford coach, indeed, passes my door. I have several books with marginal notes, and some curious papers of a critical nature, some of which, if vou approve of them, I should not be unwilling to see in your work. May I beg you to pardon this rambling letter, and to command my services whenever you are in need of them. I am, Sir, Your very faithful humble servant, Charles Burney. P. S. My friend Porson had copied nearly half of Photius, when the College lent the MS. to the i 2 116 LIFE OF intended editor in Denmark. The book however is returned, and was on Porson's table, when I heard from him lately. He will not be tempted to complete his manuscript, nor to publish the work.* Mr. Twining of Colchester has almost printed his translation of Aristotle's Poetics. This will be one of the most valuable books that has appeared for many years, on account of its learning, taste, and sagacity. TO THE REV. DR. PARR. Nov. 19. 1788. I am very glad that the object of my Initia Homerica has met with your approbation. It was to consult such opinions as yours with respect to the object, that I published the book. I hope to make it, in another edition, more useful to beginners, and more deserving of your approbation. I have inclosed a copy of my Conspectus, which I have printed in Latin, and have endeavoured to put into a rather more readable form than it was in the English Advertisement, which you did me the favour to accept. I have lately had a very friendly letter from Mr. Burney on the subject of it, and I hope to profit, towards the completion of my undertaking, from his kindness and learning. Our common friend Mr. Routh has promised some * Mr. Porson did, however, complete his transcript, in that exquisite style <>(' Greek penmanship for which he was cele- brated, when it was unfortunately consumed by fire. He had the patience to go through the labour a second time, and the work lias since been published from his manuscript by Trinity College, Cambridge. BISHOP BURGESS. 117 remarks on Epiphanius, and I flatter myself that Dr. Parr will not be arrv/i^oXog. I have not the art of making fine speeches, and therefore I must omit the opportunity of telling you why I should be proud to have your assistance and contribution to my intended publication. The question which you ask me about the eligi- bility of any particular College is not easy to answer. However, upon the whole, I am inclined to think that Oriel is most likely to answer the views of your young friend. The fellowships are exceed- ingly good, and are open to the University. The present Provost is a very learned and excellent man, and your young friend will certainly have it in his power to recommend himself to him by his dili- gence and regularity. In our College we have no Warwickshire Scholarship. M. Wyttenbach has finished the Miscellaneous Works of Plutarch ; they are ready for the press ; and I think it is not unlikely that we shall have the honour of printing the book at Oxford. But of this, more in another letter. He has printed off half a new number of the Bibliotheca Critica, i. e. of the second number of the third volume. Brunck's Sophocles is one of the articles. The latest intel- ligence that I can give you of Heyne's Pindar, is the following extract of a letter which I received from him the 12th of last April : — " Nihilne apud vos adhuc constitutum est de Pindaro recundendo, de quo ante annos aliquot me- cum egit vir doctus Oxoniensis. Non alienus eram ab eo concilio, ut mitterem interpretationis copias, quas in Pindarum paratas habeo. Nunc eas hac i 3 118 LIFE OF urbe evulgandas typis curabo. Gottingac, d. xii Apr. 1788." M. Santenius has printed off a considerable part of a new edition of Terentianus Maurus, some of the sheets of which I saw when I was at Leyden at the latter end of September. I told him of the expected edition in England. He was very anxious that I should send him all the particulars about it, which I could collect. You will oblige me very much by any information respecting it which you can give me. I am, dear Sir, Yours, most respectfully, T. Burgess. P.S. White has mentioned to me your generous exertions for a certain distressed family. TO THE REV. MR. BURGESS. DEAR Sir, Hatton, Nov. 29. 1758. I approved, and meant to express my approbation of the object, and of the execution of your Initia Homerica. After the noble specimens you have given us of your deep erudition and correct taste, I was naturally led to wish for some of your own ob- servations upon Homer. Clarke, whom I reverence, is sometimes wrong. Ernestus, whose knowledge in Latin Literature seems to me unequalled, and who upon various subjects is a scholar and a philosopher of the first class, has not been very useful in his notes on Homer. I am sorry to add, that he is now and then unnecessarily captious; and I know that you sincerely dislike this temper in philological writers. BISHOP BURGESS. 119 I rejoice exceedingly to find that you have so many precious remains of that great and good man Mr. Tyrwhitt. I am glad to see your prospectus in Latin, for you have the rare and happy talent of writing upon philological subjects, without the ridi- culous and offensive quaintness which has long been so fashionable among philologists. Burney told me of his letter to you. He wishes, as I do, that you would give us Photius, before it comes out in London. I have seen fac similes of your three Ox- ford copies. When I inquired at Cambridge about our famous manuscript, which belonged you know to Gataker, and is deposited in Trinity Library, it was gone, I think, to Stockholm. Porson, four years ago, had transcribed down to iota. It is now returned, and I have repeatedly urged him to pub- lish it \pi\wg, if he should find himself too idle to write emendations or notes. At all events, dear Sir, pray let us have it. I have very little leisure my- self, and, strange as it is, I feel an almost invincible aversion to inspect my very numerous papers. Yet I am not without hopes of affording you a little contribution some time or other. The Review upon Glasse is to come out in January. I have seen the greater part of the intended strictures, and I assent to many of them. I need not tell you who the two critics in the Monthly are. I dissent a little from sonic of their principles, and think they impose un- necessary fetters upon a modern Greek writer ; for, as respects the Musae severiores, we may say with Martial — Nobis noil licet esse tarn disertis. True it is, that I am an advocate for great precision, and so far I must commend the general exactness of I 4 l c 20 LIFE OF Mr. Glasse's critics. But in writing, as in manners, it is easier to lay dovvn rules than to observe them. I confess of myself, what I think of almost all other scholars, that, whatever faults they may find in the translation, neither they nor I could, upon the whole, have translated the Agonistes so well. I am very sorry that the negotiation between Heyne and your university is broken off. I wait eagerly for his notes upon Pindar. The Cambridge delegates are naturally enough out of humour with the delay of Tunstall in the T. Maurus, and of Porson in the iEschylus. I am, like yourself, very little in the habit of saying fine things. But I say only what is true, when I assure you of my great respect for your diligence, judgment, learning, and candour, all of which give me an interest in your projects and your fame. Under the impression of that respect, I feel myself inclined to acknowledge that I have some doubts about two or three passages in your Con- spectus. But I will not presume to point them out, unless you give me leave. They are of no great consequence, yet I wish to be satisfied how far they are right, and I would be understood not to con- demn, but only to doubt. I thank you for your very kind account of your College, and for your advice about Oriel. As I am not acquainted with the Provost, I wish you would be so good as to ask him a few questions, and then I will write to liim myself. My efforts for Dr. Brown's family have been very successful, which you will lie glad to hear. I have taken the liberty of sending this letter to the Bishop of Chester, and must desire you to apologise for it : an apology is the more requisite as BISHOP BURGESS. 121 the Bishop probably knows how much I am dis- pleased and even shocked at his treatment of a poor curate in his diocese. The curate is much to blame from imprudence and rashness in two or three measures, which he has taken without my knowledge, and in consequence of which he is now smarting under a most heavy scourge of persecution. I have seen all the letters, and it is a deplorable case. Very good bishops are often grossly misled by prag- matical secretaries ; and in the church, as well as in common life, the poor and friendless too often meet with little candour. I am, dear Sir, Yours very respectfully and truly, S. Parr. TO THE REV. MR. BURGESS. DEAR SlR, December 1. 1788. I have recommended your Conspectus to the attention of my friend Mr. Griffiths, who has pro- mised to insert any account of it, which I may draw up, in the Appendix. This I shall do with much pleasure, though I have long since ceased reviewing any thing but my boys' exercises. But I feel very desirous that so useful a plan should be generally known ; and how can it be better circulated than in the Monthly Review? Of Mr. Glasse's Samson I have much to say. The mistakes are numerous, and many of them sur- prisingly gross. On the whole, however, it is the most astonishing performance which any modern writer of Greek verse ever produced. Did I tell you that I have a Collation of Juvenal, and part of 122 LIFE OF a Collation of Lucan, which I shall be happy to present to you for your Observationes Critical ? My hopes about Wyttenbach's Plutarch are revived by the renewal of the Bibliotheca Critica, whence, among other good things, we learn that a Polybius is to be expected from Schweighauser. De hoc viderint Oxonienses. I shall always be happy to be favoured with hearing from you, and remain, Dear Sir, Your very faithful servant, C. BURNEY. TO CHARLES BURNEY, ESQ. Dear Sir, C. C. C, Dec. 14. 1788. I shall be very much obliged to you for the col- lations of Juvenal and Lucan, which you are so good as to offer me, as indeed I shall be for any contributions that you may do me the favour to com- municate. I am much gratified by the opinion you express of my Conspectus, and of the collection which I am forming. I have great pleasure in finding that you take so much interest in both, anil shall think that the pains I have already taken, and my advertisement of what I have done and mean to do, will be fully answered, and most satisfactorily recompensed, by the advantageous manner in which you kindly offer to make them more known. You will be glad to hear that M. Wyttenbach means to contribute largely. I shall give his promise to me in his own words, from a letter which I very lately received from him. You will pardon my vanity in adding the few words which introduce what he BISHOP BURGESS. 1 2'3 says of the Conspectus. "Imprimis mihi placuit cum delectus et elegantia animadversionis in Ho- mericis Initiis, turn acumen et doctrina in dispu- tatione de Josepho. Nunc de criticarum obser- vationum Conspectu quid dicam ? Ita me libellus cepit et allicuit ad studium tuum jucundum, ut si quid habeam inedita? scriptionis vel mese vel alienae, vel antiquae, vel novae, illud lubens tecum communicaturus sim ; siquidem post editas amplius tres particulas, atque adeo absolutis tribus volu- minibus, mihi finem Bibliothecae critical impositurus videor." * I think I mentioned to you before that M. Wyttenbach has promised me his observations and emendations on the Poetics of Aristotle to add to Mr. Tyrwhitt's. Dr. Parr does not absolutely promise, but gives me reason to hope that he will not be quite aav^okoq. As to Pb otitis, there is one circumstance which would determine me to publish the whole. You must be aware of the difficulty of getting good copyists for works of any length. I have been solicited on many hands, from the Con- tinent as well as at home, to bring out the whole of Damascius, which it is my intention to do. But the only amanuensis I can get in Oxford, is at this moment employed upon Damascius, and my college engagements will not allow me to think of * " The judgment and elegance displayed in your critical remarks upon Homer, as well as the acumen and learning of your Treatise on Joseplius, particularly pleased me. And, now, what shall I say with respect to your collection of critical ob- servations? So much did this little work attract and allure me to your agreeable occupation, that if I find 1 possess any suitable inedited materials, written by myself or by others, be they ancient or modern, I will readily communicate them to you ; the more so, as after the three next parts of the Bibliotheca Critica are published, I propose to bring that work toaclose." J 24 LIFE OF transcribing from Photius more than excerpta. But if Porson would do me the favour to contribute what he has transcribed, Photius's Lexicon should be the first philological matter that I would print, and it should not be long before I would put it to the press. You must use your interest with him. I have desired Dr. Parr to do the same. I would write to him myself, if you could let me know where a letter would be likely to meet him. Wyttenbach's Plutarch, I have the pleasure of in- forming you, will be printed at Oxford. The ne- gotiation between him and the delegates of our press, which my summer's excursion in Holland gave me an opportunity of setting on foot, is settled to the satisfaction of M. Wyttenbach. I agree with you perfectly in your opinion as to the conclusion of Mr. Glasse's preface. I read through the Samson Agonistes with jileasure, and with as much diligence as my many engagements would allow me. Butj I would never be answerable for the errors of the best modern composition in Greek. Those who are best able to discover the faults of the translation, will, I think, agree with you, that it is the most astonishing performance which any mo- dern writer in Greek verse ever produced. I am, dear Sir, your faithful bumble servant, T. Burgess. The following will be read with interest, both on account of the writer and his expected guests. Oxford, Saturday, 1788. Mr. Routii presents his compliments to Mi. Burgess, and requests him to accept his thanks for his elegant, and, if he may be allowed the ex- BISHOP BURGESS. 125 pression, well-reasoned treatise on the dimensions of the Temple. Mr. Routh expects the pleasui'e of Mr. Porson's and Mr. Banks's company at dinner on Monday, and should be extremely glad if Mr. Burgess would meet them. mr. villoison to mr. burgess. Monsieur, et savant Ami, J'ai recu avec bien de la reconnoissance la lettre que vous m'avez fait l'honneur de m'ecrire par M r . Barrois. Je suis bien sensible, M r ., aux preuves de souvenir et d'amitie que vous voulez bien me donner. Mon Homere paroitra enfin a Venise dans en- viron trois mois. Vous y verrez M r ., dans la preface, l'usage que j'ai fait de vos savantes remarques, et la justice que je vous rends. Aussitot que j'aurai recu (les exemplaires, je m'empresserai de vous en envoyer ainsi qu'a Milord Stormont. J'ai lu avec beaucoup d'interet et de profit votre excellente dissertation sur Joseph (Josephus) : elle est plelne de critique, de logique et d'erudition, et repond d'une maniere victorieuse a. un des argu- mens les plus forts qu'on ait faits contre la Religion Chretienne. Vous m'obligerez infiniment, si vous aurez la bonte de me donner de vos nouvelles dans le plus grand detail, et de me marquer en menie temps les nouvelles litteraires. Comment va votre traite de l'Analogie de la Langue Grecque ? quand paroitra votre edition du troisieme livre de l'lliade, votre Douvelle edition en 8vo. des Marbres d' Arundel ? # # * * * * * # *- # 126 LIFE OF Then follow notices of works in progress by savans at Paris, Florence, Rome, Parma, Naples, cvc. A succeeding letter gives a list of nineteen dif- ferent works in progress on the Continent. Mr. Villoison seems to have been the general reporter of all literary gossip. Wyttenbach, writing to Mr. Burgess in the ensuing year, amuses himself with transcribing Villoison's list of savans and their works, and then archly adds, — Quis credidisset tot esse tamque egregios ixova-ayerciQ de quibus vix un- quam fando audiveramus.* TO THE REV. DR. PARR. DEAR SlR, C. C. C, January 5. ITS!). Though the receipt of your last kind letter, which has laid me under many obligations for the amusement and instruction which it afforded inc. and for your very liberal offer of communications on Terentianus Maurus, made me very desirous of hearing from you again, not only on the subject of Terentianus, but on the Latin ity of my Conspec- tus ; yet a variety of engagements prevented my sitting down to write to you. Not a day, however, has passed without my thinking of the debt I owe you. One of these engagements has been the preparing a pamphlet for the press on a temporary topic, which has lately occupied all the attention * Who could have imagined thai there are so many and such illustrious companions of the .Muses, of whom we had scarcely ever even heard mention ? BISHOP BURGESS. 127 which I could spare from other engagements ; of this you shall hear in my next. As to your pupil, the chance which he has of becoming a fellow of any College will depend en- tirely on his own behaviour, the connections he may make, and accidents which it is impossible to foresee, but which he may, in some degree, be able to prepare himself for, when he has resided a little at the University. If he enter a commoner at any College where there are open fellowships, there is certainly a greater probability of his succeeding to a fellowship of that society, than of any other. The best Colleges for him to enter with this view are, Oriel, Brazennose, University, Balliol, and Queen's. Though it is not easy to decide which is preferable, yet I have made my inquiries ; and, upon the whole, I should recommend Oriel. His situation in Oriel will give him a prior chance in his own society, and will not intercept his views upon any other. I congratulate you most sincerely on the success of your efforts for Dr. Browne's family. I have desired Dr. White to consider me as responsible for a small sum. But to return to the literary part of your letter. You will oblige me very much by pointing out any exceptionable words or expressions in my Conspectus. I did not send it you out of mere compliment, nor did I wish to have your good opinion only, but I hoped to profit from your judgment. I am very much satisfied by your approbation of my specimen of Initia Homcrica. The whole of this work will consist of two parts : to the first I shall prefix a collection of grammatical principles from the writers [on dialects, as an introduction to 128 LIFE OF the grammatical knowledge of Homer ; to the second part I shall prefix a collection of critical principles, as preparatory to a critical knowledge of Homer. Mr. Burney has been at Oxford lately, and I am very happy to have made his acquaintance. I remain, dear Sir, Your most obedient friend and servant, T. Burgess. Dr. Warton, his old preceptor, continued occa- sionally to correspond with Mr. Burgess ; but his letters, though expressive of sincere regard and esteem, are in general brief and hurried. In the course of one of them, written in 1788, he ex- presses regret that it will not be in his power to make any contributions to his " Conspectus," be- cause, to quote his own words, " In all intervals of leisure, I never lose sight, for a moment, of my own great work, the ' History of Grecian Poetry.' " It is humiliating to human pride to compare the projects of superior minds with their actual achieve- ments. This work, it is scarcely needful to add, was never finished. About this time the public mind was much en- grossed by discussions upon the proposed abolition of West Indian slavery. The powerful eloquence and philanthropic energies of Mr. Wilberforce were exerted in its behalf, in the British senate, for the first time, in the spring of 1789. He was nobly supported by the united influence and the splendid talents of Pitt, Burke, and Fox; but though the advocates of abolition proved invincible in the field of argument, Prejudice and Interest prevailed for a BISHOP BURGESS. 129 time against Justice and Humanity. The immediate object of Mr. Wilberforce's motion was defeated ; but a lodgment was made in the public mind in its favour, which proved the harbinger of final success. The attention of the nation was roused to a full investigation of the question ; and,, in every part, committees and associations were formed, whose fixed resolution it was, that they would wage inter- minable war against a system which they justly deemed disgraceful to their country, and an outrage upon Christianity. Happily, this great question, after a long and arduous struggle, has been ter- minated (as far as Great Britain is concerned) in a manner equally consonant with Justice and Human- ity. But those who ventured, at the time to which we now refer, to declare themselves the determined supporters of Abolition, had to incur no small de- gree of obloquy. Among these early champions Mr. Burgess may justly be numbered. While the ques- tion was yet fresh, and the prejudices stirred up in opposition to its calm discussion were hot and powerful, he published, in the year 1789, a treatise entitled "Considerations on the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade, upon grounds of natural, re- ligious, and political Duty." It is a powerful and eloquent exposure of the futility of the arguments advanced in support, not merely of West Indian slavery, but of slavery itself. It explains, in a clear and satisfactory manner, its inconsistency with the principles of Christianity; it proves in what a mitigated form it existed among the Romans ; it touches in forcible terms upon the fatal consequences of the slave trade to the progress of civilisation in Africa, and among her swarthy sons in the West K ISO LIFE OF Indies ; it describes in glowing language the genius of the British constitution, and the claims which the negroes have to a share in its paternal influence; and it anticipates, with certain and assured hope, the final triumph of the cause of emancipation, in spite of every opposing effort and influence. It is remarkable that his proposition, in the year 1789, was exactly accordant with the measure finally adopted by the British Parliament. He argues in his treatise, not for immediate emancipation, but for an Act of the Legislature which should prohibit all further importation of slaves into the British islands from the coast of Africa ; and which should abolish slavery itself after a limited period : and he pro- poses to prepare, in the mean time, for this final measure, by the Christian instruction of the Black population. One passage, and one only, shall be adduced as a specimen of the style in which the work was written. " There are those who think it is in vain to op- pose the established practice of slavery and of the slave trade, by reasons derived from morality and religion ; that all complaints of cruelty and ojmres- sion will avail nothing against the pleas of commer- cial and national interest. " And can any thing be really and ultimately useful to England, which is inconsistent with her political constitution ? to Christians, which offends against the very genius and spirit of their religion ? or to men, which violates the first duties of human nature? It is impossible to believe (however in- dustriously tlit; doctrine has been circulated) that such sentiments can be general; and we ought to BISHOP BURGESS. 131 have much better hopes of the deliberate judgment of a whole people. If, indeed, the event of the question were left to a body of slave merchants, some apprehension might reasonably be formed about the issue. But the cause of slavery and the slave trade is no longer a subject of mere private speculation. This cause of human nature is brought before the tribunal of that nation, which has always been celebrated for its mercy ; the cause of liberty is submitted to the arbitration of that country, whose freedom and happiness are founded on the general rights of mankind. And we cannot doubt that the great principles of political justice, which form the basis of our constitution, and which ought to come home to the breast of every British subject, will have their full weight in the deliberations of those august assemblies, which are to decide on a cause that involves the purity of our holy religion, and the credit and consistency of our national cha- racter." Coming from an individual of such learning and character as Mr. Burgess, this publication proved both seasonable and influential ; and a vote of thanks for it, as such, was soon after passed by the London Abolition Committee, and transmitted to him by the late Bennet Langton, Esq. to c. burney, esq. Dear Sir, I have at last sent you the long talked of Photius. I shall be obliged to you if you will be so good as to take as early an opportunity as you conveniently can to lodge it safe in Porson's hands. I have lately received a letter from Villoison with K 2 132 LIFE OF an offer of Observations on Hippocrates, by Mr. Corai, a native of Smyrna, with an assurance on the part of Villoison, that they will be V ornement du recueil, &c. You will do me the favour to accept the inclosed copy of my pamphlet on Slavery. If Elmsley has already sent you a copy, you will oblige me by sending this with my compliments to Dr. Burney. I am, dear Sir, &c. &c. T. Burgess. C. C. C, May 10. 1789. TO THE REV. MR. BURGESS. Dear Sir, The Photius arrived safely, and I directly wrote you ten words to say so. What can have become of the letter? Do the Oxford postmen play these tricks, or the Hammersmith ? I hoped you would have let me see you when you were in town, as I had much to say on many subjects. What thought you of the review of your Pro- spectus and Initia Horn. ? Pray publish a number soon, and let not curiosity be deadened by long delay. You will see the opening of my critique on Glasse in the next review. I know not how he will like it — or Parr — or yourself ; but I trust myself to the candour of you all. If I am wrong, correct me, and I will publish the corrections in the next article : if I am rude or pert, scout the whole as unworthy of notice: if I am right — why, you will know how to act, without my venturing to say a word. My troops are just dispersing, so that I am just now more than usually hurried. One of my young BISHOP BURGESS. 133 men, who is a tolerably decent scholar, is intended for Oxford, and I am extremely solicitous to have him placed at Corpus, in order that he may benefit by your lectures, and watchful eye. Can you give an idea of what chance he would have of getting a scholarship, and what likelihood there would ultimately be of his arriving at a fellowship ? The young man has talents and industry, but requires rather a tight rein. Many thanks for your treatise on the slave trade ; which I consider to be a strong proof of the mental powers and diligence of its author. Did I not, in my last, send you my father's best thanks for his copy ? How does Plutarch go on ? Your faithful and obliged friend, C. Burney. June 15. 1789. TO C. BURNEY, ESQ. Dear Sir, C. C. C, June 19. 1789. Your partiality to Corpus I consider very flatter- ing, and I beg you to accept my particular acknow- ledgements. I should be very happy to see any friend of yours a member of Corpus, and wish that there may be an early opportunity for his offering himself as candidate for a scholarship. Every scholarship is filled up from particular coun- ties, and always from the county of the person who was la>t made fellow, whose succession to a fellow- ship makes the vacancy among the scholars. I do not foresee any probable vacancy for the next year and a half: the senior scholar, however, is a Kentish man, and of course the vacancy will be filled up from Kent. From these particulars you will judge k 3 134 LIFE OF of the first circumstance of eligibility in your young friend. The number of independent members is limited by statute to six : and that number is at present full. I am glad to hear that the opening of your cri- tique on Glasse is to be in the next Review. I anticipate from the review of Monostrophica much amusement and instruction ; from the review of Glasse I cannot anticipate any possible room for displeasure. Were I the author of the work, I think, at least I hope, that I should not be offended by the correction of errors committed ; much less do I expect to be displeased with the enumeration of errors overlooked.* And I have no doubt, from the fairness of your review of the Monostrophica, that Glasse will see enough to compensate for the exactness of your criticism. If I did not tell you before, I certainly have had the impression on my mind of having told you, that nothing could be more satisfactory to me than the review of my Conspectus in the Monthly Appendix ; both from the private satisfaction of having your opinion of my undertaking, and the additional pleasure of seeing the objects of that undertaking so advantageously reported to the public. I was not less pleased with the notice which was taken of those circumstances in the contents of the Initio. Homerica-f on which it was alwaysmywish the reader should lay most stress. When I read the review, I confess I did not think of you. I am persuaded * Alluding to the friendly part Ik- had himself acted, at Mr. Glasse's request, of critically examining his translation. j- A new edition of this valuable work was published at Glasgow in 1820. BISHOP BURGESS. 135 you will not think I mean to flatter you, when I add that your experience in education, and know- ledge of the Greek language, render the opinion of the Initia Homerica expressed in the review verj* valuable to me. I am sorry that you have not had a copy of my pamphlet on the slave trade. It was my wish that Elmsley should send you one immmediately after its publication. If you will take the trouble to send for a copy in my name, you will do me a favour in accepting it. I am proud that it has met with Dr. Burney's and your approbation. I hope to send you the first number of the Critical Observa- tions in the course of Michaelmas term. All arrangements about Plutarch are settled much to \Yyttenbach's satisfaction : but his papers will not be in the hands of our delegates these twelve months. I am, dear Sir, Your faithful and obliged friend, T. Burgess. My compliments to Porson when you see him.* TO THE REV. T. BURGESS. DeAK SlR, Dec. 20. 1789. I beg leave to thank you for the letter with which I have been this day honoured, and to assure you that I shall receive with pleasure, and read with the ' In a letter from Bonnet Langton, Esq. to Mr.Burney, Dec. 1789, he says, — " I had the good fortune, when I arrived here (which I did yesterday se'rmight), to find that Mr. Poison was upon a visit to Oxford, and have been favoured on two days witli some of his conversation. On the last occasion, Mr. Burgess was of our party." K 4 136 LIFE OF greatest attention, the conjectures of your learned friend Corai. True it is that I am tolerably well versed in Hippocrates. Bentley is said to have possessed an ample store of verbal corrections of this author, and to have been ambitious in convers- ation of displaying his fondness for Hippocrates. But I know not where they are deposited. I have often been surprised in the course of my philological inquiries at the little notice which is taken of this writer. But I dare say that you will agree with me in commending and even admiring the emendations which arc scattered in Heringa's Observationes Criticae. Towards the end of Hare's strictures upon Bentley there are some observations which Dawes had pro- bably read, and which explain the Ictus Rhythmicus in its principles, so as to illustrate Dawes's hypo- thesis. But of this you will judge. I never read the close of the letter to Bland without laughing at the solemnity and the virulence of the whole metrical tribe. I rejoice at the intelligence you send me about the publication of Valckenaer, and I am very much obliged to you for being permitted to peruse the precious MS. How does Santin go on with his T. Maurus ? I rallied Burney about his former intention of pub- lishing T. M., and gave him a long catalogue of reasons for my incredulity. He replied, that his intentions were so vague and so loose that he never thought it worth while to mention them to me. But I goaded him to think seriously, and to resolve firmly about the business, in future. I tell you in con- fidence, and in great, very great confidence, that something will be done, and I beg of you never to open your lips upon the subject till I have a right BISHOP BURGESS. 137 to speak more plainly ; and, alas ! I have now spoken enigmatically enough. I have lately been much pleased with Verheyk's notes upon Anton s . What does Porson say to you about his iEschylus ? He is busy in chastising the advocates of a disputed text in St. John. I have urged him to publish a just pamphlet, and put an end to the controversy. In your book upon the slave trade 1 saw good sense, good writing, and good intention. But I remain unconvinced. What signifies writing, when Mr. Pitt can speak on one side and act on the other ? So it was in the reform of Parliament ; and when the test subject comes on, he will speak for the church, but propitiate the dissenters by losing the question in the House of Commons. I hate these virtuous, honourable men. Will the bishops do nothing except voting? Have you seen my friend Wakefield's Sylva Critica ? He is a greater heretic in metre than in theology. But I admire his book much, and I love it yet more, for it is the exact picture of his mind. I am, dear Sir, Yours very respectfully and truly, S. Parr. TO THE REV. DR. PARR. DEAR SlR, January, 1790. Many thanks for your obliging letter. The additions to Fletcher's Miscellanea Metrica which you were so good as to suggest, I have mentioned to him, and he is glad to find that his intended publication docs not meet with your disapprobation. Heath's introductory pages, and Dawes's metrical canons, shall certainly be added. I could wish to add Brunck's metrical observations, as well as 138 LIFE OF Dorville's, Maxkland's, &c, if I did not think that I shall be able to execute that part of the pub- lication more advantageously another time, should a second edition be called for. I shall make it a lecture book, which will afford me opportunities of reading it frequently and diligently. The intelligence which you sent me respecting Emmanuel College and Fair Lawn House gave me great pleasure. I rejoice that Burney has renewed his connection with Cambridge, and that he is en- gaged to publish Terentianus Maurus. The conclusion of your letter reminds me of some conversation we had at Oxford on the subject of the Test Act. You say, " Will the Bishops do any thing besides vote ? " Perhaps they will : per- haps they are now doing something : though I do not know that they are, nor have I any authority to support it. I remember you thought that the avowed countenance of the Bishops was necessary on this occasion. But why should you wait for the countenance of any men of any rank ? Your talents require no exterior assistance to give efficacy to your language or argumentation. You have the means of rendering incalculable service, not merely to the Church, but to your country, on this occa- sion, if you do not leave those means unexerted, because they are not solicited. Excuse my free- dom. I speak as I feel : and my feelings are ex- cited by sincere respect for you, and by the interesl which every friend to the present form of govern- ment, as well as every Churchman, must take in the present question. Compliments to Mr. Smelt. I am. dear Sir, yours, respectfully, T. Burgess. BISHOP BURGESS. 139 CHAP. XL SERMON BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD IN 1790. CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING IT. From the moment that Mr. Burgess took orders, his attention was directed in a serious and compre- hensive manner to theological pursuits. That he might be able to consult the Old Testament in the original, he was assiduous in the study of Hebrew, while his intimate acquaintance with the Greek language gave him every advantage that learning can impart for the critical investigation of the New. He also commenced, about this time, a perusal of some of the principal Greek and Latin fathers ; and he soon after applied his studies in this line to a useful purpose, by addressing an able letter to the Monthly Review, in refutation of a charge which they had made against the orthodoxy of the Anti- nicene Fathers with respect to the doctrine of the Trinity. In the year 1790, the first sermon which he published, issued from the Clarendon Press. It was preached before the University, and, as the subject was highly interesting, and the mode of treating it original, we shall be excused for dwell- ing upon it a little in detail. It was entitled " The Divinity of Christ ; proved from his own Declarations, attested and interpreted by his living Witnesses the Jews." Respecting the great doc- trine of which it treated, it may truly be said, in the language of his preface, " that there is the best evidence for asserting that it has always been be- lieved in all ages of the church, and the best 140 LIFE OF grounds for maintaining that it will so continue to be believed by infinitely the greater part of those who study the Scriptures seriously and without preju- dice." The evidence of its truth is cumulative ; that is, it consists of a series of direct, and of many collateral proofs. The sermon of Mr. Burgess was confined to a particular class of those proofs, which, though occasionally glanced at by preceding writers, had not been hitherto placed in a light so striking, or in a form so original. The follow- ing statement will illustrate his ground of argu- ment : — On various occasions our Saviour uses language respecting his own nature and attributes, which, interpreted according to the acknowledged and established rules of criticism, amounts to no- thing less than the assertion of his Divinity, and of his equality with the Father. If any doubt could be entertained whether his words are to be interpreted in this their plain and obvious sense, that doubt is removed by the testimony of his Jewish hearers, who, being familiar with the same customs as him- self, intimately conversant with their own native phraseology and idiom, in which he addressed them, and fully alive to all the circumstances of time, place, and occasion, were much better judges of the sense which his words conveyed, than even the most learned and critical scholars of modern times. Now their words and their conduct furnish, on the occasions alluded to, convincing proof that they understood him in this high and peculiar sense ; for they are not only represented as stirred up to the greatest pitch of indignation, at the supposed blasphemy of the claim, but as attempting to inflict upon him, in consequence, the summary punishment BISHOP BURGESS. 14-1 directed by the law of Moses against offenders guilty of this crime. (Vid. Lev. xxiv. 14. 16.) On one of the occasions referred to (John viii. 51 — 59., compared with Exodus iii. 14.), He de- clares his pre-existence in language which implied an assumption of the name and prerogative of Jehovah, which so incensed his hearers, that they instantly took up stones to cast at him. On another occasion, it is declared that the Jews sought to kill him, because he claimed to be the Son of God in a sense *, which, to use the words of the Evangelist, was "making himself equal with God." John v. 18. 23. On a third, when he remonstrates with them for being about to stone him, they justify their rage by replying, " For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy : and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God." (John x. 33.) And in this latter instance, although in the ex- ordium of his reply, He parried for a moment their anger by a certain degree of ambiguity in the comment he gave upon his own previous words (John x. 36.), yet that anger revives in all its force when he closes by re-asserting his claim to be the Son of God in such a sense, as that the Father was "in Him, and He in the Father." (ver. 38.) On none of these occasions does Jesus contradict their inferences, which, in his zeal for the honour due only to God, he certainly would have done, had they mistaken his meaning. Hut the most remarkable of these examples is * The force of the original is lost in our English version, by the omission of the word i8iov, that is, own or peculiar (his own Father). 1+2 LIFE OF connected with the closing scenes of our Saviour's life; for it appears, on a calm consideration of the facts as recorded by the Evangelists, that the im- mediate cause of his condemnation was a solemn attestation of his own Divinity. His enemies, it is true, were bent upon his destruction ; but, until he himself furnished them with a pretext for com- passing it, by a clear and express claim to that effect, they were baffled in their attempts to ad- duce any plausible reason for such a sentence. " And the chief priests and all the council (says St. Mark) sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death ; and found none. For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together." (Mark xiv. 55, 56.) Finally, after other vain attempts, it is added : " And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying, Answerest thou nothing? what is it which these witness against thee? But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed ? And Jesus said, I am : and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his clothes, and saith, What need we any further witnesses ? Ye have heard the blasphemy : what think ye ? And they all condemned him to be guilty of death." (Mark xiv. 60—64.) St. John, in like manner, testifies to the real ground of his condemnation in the following words addressed to Pilate by his Jewish accusers : " We have a Law, and by our Law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God." (John xix. 7«) BISHOP BURGESS. 14-3 That Christ applied to himself the terms " Son of the Blessed," and " Son of God," in that high and peculiar sense which involved the claim of Divinity, is therefore equally clear from their language, and from his own undisguised admission. This sermon contained a series of admirable re- marks upon the intimate connection between sound and scriptural views of doctrine and the virtues of a Christian life. In the year 1797, the Rev W. Wilson, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, published a learned and able work, intitled " An Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament by the early Opinions of Jews and Christians con- cerning Christ." In its most important parts it pursued a line of argument and illustration closely accordant with that which we have just particu- larised ; but as Mr. Wilson had neither read nor heard of the sermon of Burgess, he took credit to himself for being the first person who had placed the argument derived from the Jewish testimonies concerning Christ in a prominent light. Meeting subsequently with that sermon, he at once saw that to it, and not to his own work, belonged the claim of originality ; and therefore, in a spirit of candour and equity, he addressed the following letter to its author, which, though it is here introduced out of date, belongs to this branch of my subject. St. John's College, Sir, Cambridge, July 17. 1798. I have directed to you by the mail coach, a copy of a very imperfect book, which I ventured to publish about a year since under the title of " An 144 LIFE OF Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament by the early Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ." My only reason for taking such a liberty, and for troubling you with this letter, is, to apologise for a sentence at the bottom of the 122d page, which I am convinced, after reading your sermon on the same subject, is a very improper one. Though I was by no means unacquainted with some parts of your writings, I had not seen the title of your sermon till after the middle of the last month, and I have not had an opportunity of seeing and reading the sermon itself before yester- day. Not being aware that any of our Saviour's doctrines had been regularly and fully ascertained, or confirmed by his words as interpreted by his Jewish hearers, I had rather pleased myself with thinking that both the design and execution of my work had novelty as well as truth to recommend them. I find, however, much of the reasoning of my first six chapters in your sermon ; and, though not mortified at discovering my want of originality, I am exceedingly concerned at having published a passage, in which I may appear to think slightly of your work ; to which, had I known of it, I should most certainly have appealed with pleasure and pride, in support of some of the principal opinions which I have advanced. I am, Sir, with great respect, Your obedient servant, W. Wilson. The reply of Mr. Burgess was as follows : — bishop burgess. 145 Sir, The obliging present of your book reached Durham a few days after your letter. I should have written earlier to thank you for both, if I had not been prevented from reading your very learned work till lately. Single sermons engage so small a share of the public attention, that no apo- logy was necessary for overlooking that of which you speak so kindly, I should certainly have been much pleased to have seen my endeavours to in- terpret our Saviour's testimony of Himself by the opinions of the Jews, who lived at the same time with him, noticed in your book. But I am much gratified by finding this first, and, as I conceive, most important but neglected branch of the his- torical evidence of Christ's Divinity so largely and decisively confirmed by you. I am, Sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, T. Burgess. What the impressions of the public and of learned contemporaries were of this Sermon, will appear from the following letters : — Dear Burgess, Mongewell, June 29. 1790. Y01 R argument, on a second attentive perusal of your sermon, strikes me with its original force. On considering it in every point of view I can dis- cover no weak part You are armed at all points, and invulnerable ; though you must not suppose that an attempt will not soon be made by Dr. Priestley to convince the world to the contrary. L 146 LIFE OF If Dr. Price lias any real candour belonging to his nature, he will be inclined to re-examine the found- ation of his own opinions relative to the appella- tion of " Son of God," and about the strength of your reasoning. I am, with true regard, Your sincere friend and brother, S. Sarum. The succeeding letter is from the Reverend G. Huntingford, then Warden of Winchester .College., and afterwards, successively, Bishop of Gloucester and Hereford. He was about eight years the senior of Mr. Burgess. Their acquaintance ripened from this time, under the influence of mutual esteem, into warm and affectionate friendship. Dr. Huntingford united superior learning to emi- nence in Christian piety. His amiable and cheerful countenance was the index to a guileless heart. He diffused comfort and happiness around him by his social and domestic virtues; and the sphere which felt the influence of his truly Christian benevolence was not less illumined by the instruction, vivacity, and anecdote which marked his conversation. He died at Winchester College in IS.'5'J. to the rev. mr. burgess. My dear Sir, A Discourse on subjects at all times most im- portant, and in the present age most universally examined, must be acceptable to every reader who knows only your name. To me it is doubly va- BISHOP BURGESS. 14-7 hiable, as I am well acquainted with that simplicity and sincerity of heart from whence the thoughts proceeded. I have, indeed, thought long, seriously, conscientiously, anxiously, on the great doctrines of our religion. I have explored, too, the dark and boundless abyss of infidelity. I have stood on the slippery and unbalanced ground of scepticism. I have perilously faced all dangers of the most free inquiry, insomuch that I believe few have searched more diligently for truth, and I trust none will hold it more tenaciously now it is found, than myself. What I mean by truth, is the Gospel re- ligion. In the government of the universe, and more particularly in the scheme of man's redemp- tion, I discover One Divine Power, Mtai> Qeorrira, participated from Eternity by Three Eternally Di- vine Minds, inseparably united in one conscious- ness. This proposition appears to me perfectly intelligible, and seems to comprise the whole of what need be laid down as the first and grand ar- ticle of Christianity. Were I called upon for my second proposition, I would distinguish it by Avto- Geoc, Qeoc ek Qeov, Hrevfia. ekttopevo^levov.* Those would be followed by Qeog ek Qeov Eave- pli)dl] EV ffOpKlf EClKCUbjd)) EV TTVEVflClTl, tOl Religion and Morality, or those of the Established BISHOP BURGESS. 235 Church. From speaking in public he shrank, at all times ; and although he did on some few occasions deliver his sentiments upon momentous subjects, and in strong language, in his place in Parliament, yet such were his diffidence and modesty, that the effort never failed to cost him much previous con- flict. In his absence, his proxy was usually en- trusted to some Peer whose principles and opinions accorded with his own. The time, however, which he thus passed in London, was actively employed in the support or promotion of objects of a charitable or professional character, or in literary studies and researches. The transfer of his person to the gay and busy Metropolis made but little change in the pre- vailing bent of his thoughts and pursuits, which were usually revolving around some question of theological interest, or of public or private duty ; and his habits of temperance were so strict, that he was at his studies early and late without suffering from the effects of severe application. In one respect, however, he did painfully feel its consequences ; and that was in his eyesight, which gradually became so much impaired, that during the last twenty years of his life he was constantly obliged to wear a green shade. The weakness of his eyes rendered preaching a painful effort to him. Neither had nature endowed him with oratorical gifts. His voice, though remarkably sweet, was low ; he had not much of fancy or imagination, and the calm equanimity of his mind unfitted him for acting with power on large assemblies. He took his turn as a Prebendary at Durham, and he occasionally com- posed and delivered sermons on public occasions. 236 LIKE OF Thus, in the year 1804, he preached before the Royal Humane Society; in 1807, before the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Westminster Abbey ; and in 1808, before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The time which he spent at Durham, to keep residence, was employed much in the same studious manner as in London ; varied, however, by the calls of hospitality, and by his public duties within the precincts of the Cathe- dral. The house which he finally occupied in virtue of his Stall, commanded from the drawing-room window the finest among the many fine points of view which crown the course of the river Were, as its silver waters lave the rich groves, and the base of the stately and venerable piles which enchant the eye by their picturesque combinations, in the very centre of the city of Durham. The two following letters, addressed at intervals of several years to Dr. Burney, attest the interest with which he continued to revert to topics of cri- tical and literary interest. DEAR BURNEY, Durham, Feb. 21. 1805. I wish it were in my power to supply you with a copy of Ruhnkenius's De Galla Placidia.* I do not think I ever saw it. I am very glad to hear that Lunn is going to pub- lish the smaller pieces of Kuhnkcnius, and that Mr. Kidd is to have the superintendence of the work. I should rejoice to hear that it was to be followed by Leopardus. Will you desire Lunn to send me his catalogue of foreign books ? * Galla Placidia was wife of the Gothic monarch Adol- phus Theodosius the Great. BISHOP BURGESS. 237 The Dean of Christ Church informed me not long since that a young man of his college was employed on Hephaestia. I am glad to hear that Mr. Gaisford is to have the advantage of your valuable communi- cations. I have at present in the press here, a o-uyypayu/ia- Tior of Tzetzes, Htpi Aia^opae Ylonqrwv, 7rtpi Kw^twctac kcli 7r£pi Tpaywctac, of which you shall have a spe- cimen soon. I am glad you think, my Initia Paulina may be useful in a school. I am very uncertain whether I shall be in town before I return to Wales, but I think not. Though I am sorry that Porson quits Euripides, I am glad to hear that Aristophanes is likely to be the better for him. Yours very sincerely, T. St. David's. TO DR. BURNEY. DEAR Sir, Aberguilly Palace, August 5. 1812. I have inclosed a few pages which I am preparing for a preface to a sermon, which I preached lately at Camarthen, before our St. David's Society. In these pages I have occasion to controvert a date or two of Bishop Pearson in his Annates Paulini. We have both of us a common interest in respecting the authority of the incomparable author of the Exposi- tion of the Creed. You will therefore not impute my difference of opinion to any want of deference for his judgment. There is a passage in p. 21. of the Annales, " Jo sephus post annum — to per triennium," which ap- 238 LIFE OF pears to me to be very defective both in the assertion " ineunte anno lx." and in the conclusion respecting Josephus, " familiares dici non poterent." I reserve what I have to say on it for a little further enquiry. Tell me if any doubts or difficulties occur to you in the perusal of the inclosed. I am, dear Sir, Yours very faithfully, T. St. David's. I sincerely congratulate you on all your late honours. Among the few public questions in which he did take an active part was that of Roman Catholic Emancipation. From the commencement to the close of the struggle which terminated in its enact- ment, he gave, on grounds both Political and Re- ligious, his inflexible opposition to that measure; and in various publications, as well as occasionally in Ins Charges, he stated his objections to it with much energy and ability. He contended that the admission of Roman Catholics to legislative power would be not only inconsistent with the principles of our Protestant ('(institution in Church and State, but would be fraught with danger to both. The fundamental principle of the British Constitution, he maintained, was to support with the utmost te- nacity the Protestant Established Church, as the fructifying source of that Religious influence and of that well-balanced Civil Freedom upon which the security of the State depends. Now the consequence of granting Emancipation would be the admission of a body of seventy or eighty men into Parliament who, if true to their Faith, would spare no efforts BISHOP BURGESS. 239 to degrade or subvert the Protestant Established Church, and to augment the influence of their own. In addition to these objections, he urged his strong conviction that the proposed concessions, in- stead of allaying, if granted, the existing differences between Protestants and Roman Catholics, would have a directly contrary effect, by stirring up in the latter ulterior objects of ambition, and by producing an increase of demand and rivalry, forming new and perpetual sources of future contention. No calculations of expediency, he contended, ought to create any wavering in the minds of men who shared with him in these opinions, as to the course to be pursued. Every religious considera- tion which made the Reformation necessary should still endear to them their Protestant constitution ; and, trusting in the equity and the sanctity of their cause, they ought inflexibly to maintain their prin- ciples and to commit the issue to Providence. The pervading spirit of all that he spoke or pub- lished on this subject was that of uncompromising objection, upon religious grounds, to the proposed concessions. He deemed it inconsistent with his office and clerical character to take up the question in any other way. But he was also the author of several publications*, * The following is a list of the principal : — Bishop Bull's Letter to Mr. Nelson on the Corruptions of the Church of Rome in relation to Ecclesiastical Government, the Rule of Faith, &c. 18mo. 1813. Two Letters to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's on the Independence ofthe ancient British Church on any Foreign Jurisdiction. 8vo. 1813. A volume of Tracts on the Independence of the ancient British Church, on the Supremacy of the Pope, and on the 24<0 LIFE OF in which, without reference to the Roman Catholic question, his learning and researches Mere success- fully applied to expose the errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome; to vindicate the nationality and independence of that of England, and to assert its claims as a branch of the Church Catholic. He had read and reflected much upon the principal points of difference between the two Churches, and he ably defended and illustrated the grounds upon which our own proceeded in her solemn and deli- berate separation from that of Rome. The Protestant zeal of the Bishop, as displayed in these publications, proved both seasonable and useful in directing the inquiries of the Clergy to subjects connected with the Antiquities of the Pri- mitive Church, within that period of its history in which it was uncontaminated by Romish cor- ruptions. They also did much to elucidate a principle the importance of which is daily becoming more un- derstood, and which ought never to be lost sight of by the Church of England in controversial dis- cussions with that of Rome ; and that is, the broad, I the vital distinction which exists between Catho- licism and liomiuiisvi. Differences between the Churches of England and Rome. Svo. I s 1 5. The Protest ants' Catechism. 8vo. 1818. English Reformation and Papal Schism. 8vo. 1819. Remarks on the Western Travels of St. Paul, as an Argu- ment of Proscription against the Supremacy of the Pope and Church of Home. L820. Popery incapable of Union with a Protestant Church. 1820. A Speech delivered in the House of Lords on the Roman Catholic Question. 1821. BISHOP BURGESS. 24d By the term Catholicism, the Bishop meant the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Faith, deriv- able from, or provable by, Holy Scripture, and maintained by the Primitive Catholic Church in her Creeds, Sacraments, and Ordinances. By the term Romanism, he meant the cor- ruptions of Faith and Worship gradually introduced into the Western branch of the Christian Church, first by the contagion of superstition, and subse- quently by the subtle arts and usurpations of Po- pery. As the Church of Rome is Episcopal in her form of government, and receives the Apostles' and the Nicene creeds, she may be said to hold the fun- damental principles of Catholicism ; but she has engrafted upon them such a mass of novel and er- roneous doctrines, and superstitious observances, that it is impossible to defend the opinions and the worship of that Church by the authority either of Scripture or Primitive Antiquity. There is no warrant, for instance, in the inspired writings of the Evangelists and Apostles, for the Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome as Head by Divine Right of the Catholic Church of Christ, nor yet for the Infallibility, however modified and explained, which is claimed for their Pontiff by Romish writers. We look in vain in the Holy Scriptures for any passage which gives countenance to the worship of the Virgin Mary, or which as- signs to her the office of a Mediatrix between God and Man, or invests her with the Divine Attributes of Omniscience and Omnipresence. The Romish Doctrine concerning Purgatory, Pardons, Wor- shipping and Adoration as well of Images as of R cliques, and also Invocation of Saints, is (as our R 24-2 LIFE OF twenty-second Article expresses it) "a fond thing vainly invented and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant to the Word of God." The same judgment is pronounced by our Church upon ministering " in a tongue not un- derstood of the people," upon Transubstantiation, and the denial of the Cup of the Lord to lay- people. The system of auricular confession, as practised by the Roman Church, is another abuse deriving its origin from the lust of power, which was "the Mystery of Iniquity," working in the minds of the Clergy, from the third century down- wards; and the monstrous invention of Indulgences, which roused the indignation of Luther at a time when he would have shrunk as yet Avith horror from the idea of calling in question the divinely appointed Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome, is a convincing proof how far that Church, in her ambitious and covetous grasping after worldly advancement, and in her arrogant assumption of spiritual prerogatives, had departed from the simplicity of the faith which was once delivered to the Saints. The Infidelity and Irreligion which these corruptions have engendered, are prominent in every country subject to the Papal sway. But Romanism is not only not discoverable in the Bible; it is equally undiscoverable in the 1 writings of the immediate successors of the Apos- tles, — St. Clement, St. Polycarp, St. Ignatius. The Epistles of these holy men are written with pri- mitive simplicity, witli a firm adhesion to the fun- damental principles of the Gospel as developed in the New Testament, and with an utter absence of any approach to the peculiarities of Romanism. Equally catholic is the spirit of Justin Martyr, a BISHOP BURGESS. 24-3 venerable writer, and a scion of the Church of Pa- lestine; and of Irenaeus, who, though, born in Asia, was transplanted early in life to a distinguished station, and finally, to a Bishopric in the Western Church, and is therefore an unimpeachable witness of what her faith was in the days of her primitive purity. Irenseus was a learned and a devout author, and his principal work is a refutation of the heresies which had even then widely diffused their baneful influence. His subject necessarily led to precise statements, and to definite distinctions between truth and error. A member of the Church of England, a Church purified from Romanism, but essentially and vitally possessed of Catholicism, will find the scriptural faith and spirit of his Church embodied in the creeds and in the doctrinal statements of Ire- naeus: but the Papist will in vain search his writings for the peculiar dogmas and pretensions of Ro- manism. He will find, on the contrary, that the first lordly aspirings of the Church of Rome re- corded in history, were signally checked by Irenaeus himself. He it was, who, when Victor, Bishop of Rome, imperiously attempted to exercise spiritual domination over the churches of Asia by imposing upon them the Roman mode of celebrating the festival of Easter, not only aided in defeating his object by convening a synod of the churches of France in opposition to him, but reproved with dig- nified mildness his rashness and inconsideration. This fact is the more interesting, because the ad- vocates of Papal supremacy pretend to urge in defence of this tenet the authority of Irenaeus. They do so, by misinterpreting a passage, in which he simply states, what has never been disputed, that R 2 244 LTFE OF deferential honour and respect were always paid to the Bishop of Rome as presiding over the See planted in the capital of the Empire. This species of honour ceased, however, to be peculiar to the See of Rome when the Imperial Dynasty quitted what has been so proudly denominated the Eternal City. Constantinople, as new Rome, then claimed for her Bishop equal dignity (ra tact irpEa^zici) with the Roman Prelate, and this claim, allowed and recog- nised by the third canon of the first council held in that city, was ratified by the canons of the council of Chalcedon. Authorities still more antient and venerable may, however, be quoted in proof of the fact that Papal supremacy was altogether the off- spring of Papal arts and usurpation during ages of growing superstition and ignorance. Among these none are more conclusive than the Canons of the earliest General Council, that of Nice, which decree a simple patriarchate to the Bishop of Rome, and place the Bishop of Alexandria on an equality with him.* It was the distinguishing glory of the Church of England at the Reformation, under the guidance of our Cranmers, Ridleys, and Jewels, that while she renounced and repudiated the errors and corruptions of Romanism, she steadfastly adhered to genuine Catholicism. Exercising her unquestionable rights as a national and independent Church, she cast away the foul garments of Superstition and Idolatry with which Popery had invested her, and shone resplendent in the bright robe of Scriptural and Primitive Truth, * Council of Nice. Canon VI., a. d. 315. Ruffimis (Hist. i. (>.) explains this Canon as giving the Bishop of Rome autho- rity over the " auburbiearia ecclesice." First Council of Con- stantinople, Canon III., a.d. 381. Ircna*us, adv. om. IIa;r. 1. iii. 3. BISHOP BURGESS. 245 steadfastly adhering to her Apostolic form of Church Government, and inserting into her for- mularies, from amidst the Romish breviaries and ancient liturgies, the scattered pearls of Catholic verity. But though her appeal is to the Scriptures as a complete rule of faith upon all fundamental doctrines, she makes a wise use of the light afforded by Pri- mitive Antiquity upon various important particulars, which, in the nature of things, admit not of being proved by a reference to this standard. It is thus that she proceeds in defining the authority upon which the Canon of Scripture itself, which she makes the rule of Faith, is founded. Thus, also, she has manifested her deliberate conviction of, and reverence for the Scriptural Faith of the early Church by the retention in her formularies of the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. And thus, by a series of authentic and unquestionable historical facts, the conclusion is established that Episcopacy was the form of government universally prevalent in every branch of the Church Catholic from the Apos- tolical age to the era of the Reformation. Such, in a general way, was the strain of sentiment by which Bishop Burgess illustrated the distinctive differences between Catholicism and Romanism. The Apostolical origin of the British Church, its : priority, by several centuries, to its Saxon sister, founded by Austin, and its consequent independence of the Church of Rome, was another topic inti- mately connected with that which we are quitting, upon which he published several Treatises ; and as the historical facts which they involve an; highly interesting, we will here introduce a brief analysis r 3 246 LIFE OF of them *, subjoining only a few necessary links and authorities. In the history of the British Church he traced several epochs, the first of which embraced the ques- tion, — by whom Christianity was first introduced into this country. His general argument on this point maybe stated as follows. Eusebius and Theodorel assert that some of the Apostles visited the British Isles I, and that the Britons were among the nations converted by them. The testimony of Eusebius on such a point is of great weight, because his un- doubted learning, judgment, and experience were expressly and laboriously applied to the investiga- tion of the origin and history of the Church of Christ. His intimate acquaintance also with Con- stantine the Great, whose father Constantius go- verned and died in Britain, and who was himself proclaimed Emperor there by the army, must have given him the means of superior information on this particular question. But who among the Apostles are alluded to by Eusebius, is a question less easy of solution. Nice- phorus, speaking of the provinces chosen by those holy men, says that one went to Egypt and Libya, and another to the extreme countries of the ocean. and to the British Isles. From the plural term used by Eusebius it might be argued that this was true of more than one of them. But there is a remarkable coincidence of circumstances which renders it not * Some of the principal learned authorities only generally alluded to by the Bishop are specially referred to in this chap- ter, and a slight addition has been made of some interesting facts. f Euseb. Demonstr. Evang. I. iii. c. 5. Theod. torn. iv. serm. 9. BISHOP BURGESS. 247 improbable that the first missionary to Britain was St. Paul. St. Paul was sent to Rome, according to Euse- bius, in the second year of Nero, that is, a.d. 56, and he stayed there, according to St. Luke, two years. Caractacus, the British chief, upon his defeat by the Romans, was sent, as Tacitus has recorded, pri- soner to Rome, where his magnanimous behaviour procured him better treatment than was usually bestowed upon captive princes. A very ancient do- cument, the British Triads, published in the Myvy- rian Archaeology, states that the father of Carac- tacus went to Rome, as a hostage for his son, with others of his family, and that on his return he brought the knowledge of Christianity to his coun- trymen from Rome. That the family of Carac- tacus were sent with him to Rome, about the year 51, to grace the triumph of Ostorius, and remained there several years, we know from Tacitus ; con- sequently, it is probable they were there during the period of St. Paul's residence in that city, and some of them might therefore have been among his au- ditors. There were two distinguished ladies at Rome at this period, both natives of Britain, who had em- braced Christianity : the one was Pomponia Graa- cina, the wile of Aulus Plautius, the first Governor of the Roman province in Britain, of whom Ta- citus* says, that she was accused of having imbibed a " foreign superstition," and that her trial for this crime was committed to her husband. She was * Tacit. Ann. xiii. 32. R 4 24-8 LIFE OF pronounced innocent, he add.*, of any thing immoral, and lived many years afterwards, " but always a gloomy ) melancholy hind of life" Such is the de- scription which a Pagan writer would very naturally give of the manners of a Christian convert. It is therefore highly probable that Christianity was the foreign superstition alluded to, and that Pomponia had become acquainted with it in Rome before the arrival of St. Paul, or during his first residence there. The other lady was Claudia, mentioned with Pudens (2 Tim. iv. 21.), and supposed to have been Claudia Rufina, the wife of Pudens, a lady of whom Martial has spoken in terms which convey the strongest impressions of her beauty and accom- plishments, and to whom lie alludes as a native of Britain.* Claudia cacruleis cum sit Rufina Britannia Edita, quam Latin- pectora plebis habet ! Quale decus forma- ! Komanam credere inatres Italides possunt, Atthides esse suam. Lib. ii. Epig. 54. Claudia, Etufe, liu-o nubit Peregrina Pudenti : Matte esto taedis, () Hymensee, tuis! Lib. iv. Epig. 13. Those who know how diffusive a principle Chris- tian zeal is, will not doubt that these distinguished converts would be anxious to communicate by every means in their power, to their native country, the blessings of which they had been made the happy partakers. Britain was, at this time, an important Roman province, ami London and Verulam were become large, rich, and flourishing towns, crowded with * The Reverend W. L. Bowles, in a very interesting little Treatise, entitled " Pudensand Claudia of St. Paul," has placed in strong relief the argument glanced at above. BISHOP BURGESS. 249 Roman citizens. The communication between the colony and the capital of the mother-country must have been constant. It is, therefore, by no means improbable, that the attention of St. Paul should have directed itself to Britain, as an interesting and extensive field of labour, nor that the British converts in Rome should have pleaded in its behalf with the Apostle. The detention of the British captives who accom- panied Caractacus, was not only coincident with St. Paul's residence at Rome as a prisoner, but there is evidence to render it probable that they were re- leased from confinement in the self-same year in which he himself was liberated, and no opportunity can be imagined more convenient for a visit from the Apostle to Britain, if it ever took place. From the time that St. Paul was set at liberty, a.d. 58, to that when, according to Eusebius, he suffered martyrdom at Rome, a.d. 67, in the last year of Nero, an interval of nine years elapsed. What were the occupations of the great Apostle of the Gentiles during this long period? St. Chrysostom, among the Fathers, and some eminent modern au- thorities, favour the idea that he returned to Greece and the East ; but this is an opinion unsupported by any authentic data. The Asiatic Churches, as he himself said in his exquisitely touching address to the Elders of the Church of Ephesus, were to " see his face no more." * Yet his ardent mind must have been actively employed in the service of his great Master in some quarter; and we know, on his own testimony, it was his delight to preach the Gospel * Acts, xx. 25. 250 LIFE OF in countries where its sound had never been heard, " that he might not build on another man's founda- tion." The desire which he expresses to visit Spain, I naturally directs our attention to the West ; and the tradition that he visited both that country and Britain, is supported by ancient and venerable au- thorities, whereas the traditions of a similar descrip- tion respecting St. James the Less, St. Peter, and Joseph of Arimathea, are in the highest degree fabulous and absurd. Stillingfleet, in his Origines Britannicae, has collected many early testimonies in favour of this hypothesis. Theodoret, who, in common with Eusebius, has been cited as stating that Christianity was intro- duced into Britain in the days of the Apostles, in- sinuates that the Apostle Paul preached the Gospel in this island, as well as in Spain, and other countries of the West. Clemens Romanus and Jerome relate, that after his imprisonment in Rome he carried the Gospel to Spain, " and to the utmost bounds of the West, and to the islands thai lie in the ocean'' That he did visit Spain, is supported by the au- thority of Athanasius and Chrysostom, as well as of Theodoret; and the latter affirms, that he also brought salvation (MijieXtLay) -cue £»' tu) ntXaytL dia.KEijj.Eiaic vqaoiQ * — which is in perfect accord- ance with the assertion of Jerome, that after his Spanish mission, he went, from sea to sea, and preached the Gospel in the West. The language of St. ('lenient, in describing his final travels to the confines of the West, is nrt to repfxa rijc ( vutwe. * To the islands lying in the ocean. BISHOP BURGESS. 251 Catullus calls Britain the utmost island of the West, and similar epithets are used respecting it by Theodoret and Nicephorus. The above ancient testimonies furnish, therefore, no small probability that St. Paul preached Chris- tianity in Britain ; but thus much is historically certain, that it was planted in our island in the course of the first century, either by one of the Apostles, or by some apostolic man. The second epoch in the ancient British Church was the public profession and protection of Chris- tianity by Lucius, a Prince who flourished in the second century ; but the acts ascribed to him are so involved in fable, that little more can be ex- tracted from them than the general inference, that a chieftain, favoured by the Romans, did probably, at the time specified, himself embrace the profession, and foster, by his influence, the diffusion of Chris- tianity in this country. That the British Church was existing in the third century, we know, not only on the authority of Tertullian and Origen, but also on that of our native historians, Gildas and Bede. It gradually advanced, under peaceful auspices, till the time of the Diocletian persecution, A. d. 303, when, for two years, the faith of its members was exposed to severe trials, and many of both sexes suffered martyrdom in the spirit of primitive devotion.* The historical fact of the presence of three British Bishops at the Council of Aries, which was con- vened by the Emperor Constantine, shows the con- sideration attached to that Church in the fourth * Gildas and Bede both testify to this fact. 252 LIFE OF century. Athanasius speaks of British Bishops as present at the celebrated Council of Nice, and that of Sardica ; and among various Churches which he enumerates, he makes mention of that of Britain. * Jerome also particularly alludes to the British Church in this century. In the fifth century one of the most learned and acute men of his age issued from her bosom, and gave birth to an animated controversy upon a ques- tion which is still distinguished by the impress of his name. This was the celebrated heresiarch Pe- lagius. He is said to have been Abbot of the Mo- nastery of Bangor, and after having diffused the poison of his opinions both in the East and West, to have returned to England, whither St. Germain of Auxerre was sent by the Bishop of Gaul to op- pose and refute him, One auspicious result of this conflict was the establishment of religious semi- naries in Britain for the renovation of Christian learning, f The sixth century formed a new era in the Bri- tish Church, by the removal of the Metropolitan See from Carleon to Llandaff', and thence to Mene- via, afterwards St. David's, so called from the holy and venerable Bishop who first presided over it. He established many monasteries and schools for the cultivation of religion and learning, and was an able and successful opponent of Pelagianism. The Synod of Llanddewi Brefi affords an efficacious example of the influence and orthodoxy of the British Church at this epoch. * Athanasius, Ep. ad Jov. ; Apol. ad Monachos; et Apol. cont. Arianos. f Stillingfleet's Orig. Britan. pp. 74. 89. 135. BISHOP BURGESS. 253 We now come to the period of the Saxon in- vasion, the final success of which was fatal to the British Church in most parts of the island. Hea- thenism, under the sway of these barbarous con- querors, became again triumphant, and the British Church was no longer visible, excepting in Wales, Cornwall, and Cumberland, for in those places the Britons still maintained their independence. After the Saxons had been partially con- verted by St. Austin and his companions, under the auspices of Gregory the Great, the existence of the Original British Church became to them, as was natural, a subject of curiosity and interest, and they took great pains to induce its Bishops to con- form to the customs, and to acknowledge the juris- diction, of the See of Rome. Two conferences between the Bishops of the respective Churches are especially noted by Bede with reference to this ob- ject ; the first of which, according to the same his- torian, occurred at a place called afterwards Augus- tine's Oak, upon the frontiers of the West Saxons, probably in Worcestershire. And here Bede ob- serves that the British Christians were singular in their manner of keeping Easter and administering Baptism ; and that their customs, in many other respects, differed from the Romish ritual.* The two parties could by no means agree upon terms of union. The British Bishops asserted and maintained their independence, and when subsequently further pressed by Laurentius, the successor of Austin in the See of Canterbury, to Catholic unity, as Bedef terms it, all his endeavours were in vain. Hence * Bede, lib. ii. cap. 2. f Id. cap. 4. 254< LIFE OF it is plain that the British Christians formed an independent Church, were under no foreign super- intendence, and yielded no homage to the See of Rome. There is a curious passage to the same effect in an old Chronicle, which is preserved in a letter from Bishop Davies to Archbishop Parker : — " After that, by the meanes of Austin, the Saxons became Christians in such sort as Austin had taught them, the Bryttaynes wold not after that either eate or tlrinke with them, because they cor- rupted with superstition, ymages, and ydolatrie, the true religion of Christ." The Metropolitan authority of the British Church subsisted till the reign of Henry I., when the See of St. David's w : as forcibly subjected to that of Canterbury. From the preceding facts it may be inferred that the British is an Original National Church ; that it raised its mitred head, both in England and Wales, for some centuries before the mission of St. Austin ; that during the almost total extinction of Christian light in England beneath the sway of Saxon Paganism, it still flourished in Wales and Cornwall; that it protested against many of the usages introduced by the missionaries of the Ilomish Church among their Saxon converts; and that it maintained its own peculiar hierarchy until the reign of Henry I., when il was finally merged, by regal compulsion, in the Saxon division of the Anglican Church. BISHOP BURGESS. 255 CHAP. XX. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 1804. The year 1804 was marked by the establishment of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Among the earliest of its friends and supporters, in addition to its learned and philanthropic president, Lord Teignmouth, and many eminent persons belonging to the peerage and gentry of Great Britain, were those venerated prelates, Bishops Porteus, Barring- ton, and Burgess. Its fundamental principle, the dissemination of the authorised version of the Holy Scriptures without note or comment, united in its support Protestants of all denominations. Strong objections, however, were urged by many men of high character and influence in the Church to the union of her members in such an association, not only with Dissenters, but possibly, even with heretics and unbelievers ; and earnest protests were published in opposition to it. These quickly produced an animated controversy. The opponents of the So- ciety denounced the union as tending to give coun- tenance to schism, and to level important dis- tinctions. They also stated that one of the objects of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge being the dissemination of the Bible, the new asso- ciation, as far as churchmen were concerned, was altogether needless and uncalled for. To this it was replied, that the union so much censured involved no sacrifice of principle, opinion, or consistency on the part of its supporters, or thai 256 LIFE OF if a relaxation of principle could fairly be imputed to any among them, it must be charged upon Dis- senters for aiding in giving away the particular ver- sion of the Scriptures authorised by the Church. " If the Bible Society," said Bishop Burgess, who at once set himself to grapple with the most for- midable among the objections urged against it, " were an association of preachers, or for theolo- gical inquiry, there would be some justice in the charge. But as the distribution of the Bible is not an act of heresy or schism, a clergyman cannot be accused of either, for giving it away in concur- rence with heretics or schismatics. Must we de- cline any opportunity of doing good to the souls and bodies of men, because unbelievers are willing to co-operate with us, and to increase our means of doing good? Must we refuse to give our aid to infirmaries or other charities, because unbelievers arc our associates; or withdraw our arm from a drowning fellow- creatine, because a heretic is giving him the same assistance? Yet churchmen, it seems, subject, themselves to the charge of heresy and schism, by being members of the Bible Society to- gether with heretics and schismatics. If church- men may, by such association, be liable to heresy and schism, are not heretics and schismatics equally liable to truth and orthodoxy? What can be more likely to bring them into one fold, under one Shepherd, than concurring with members of an orthodox church in disseminating the Gospel of Christ, in that translation which belongs peculiarly to that Church ? Such a union is, to say the least of it, a temporary suspension of unbelief, of heresy, and of schism, in favour of Christianity and ortho- BISHOP J5URGESS. 257 doxy. How happily a connection with the Society, even in its subordinate agencies, may operate in the furtherance of the Gospel, is evident from the instance of a Roman Catholic, who was lately con- verted from popery by correcting the press of one of the Society's Bibles." * To the argument that the new Society was need- less for Churchmen, as being already possessed of a Bible Society, it was replied : — That although the Christian Knowledge Society had rendered eminent service to the cause of reli- gion, by printing the Scriptures in a cheap form, and selling them to the members at reduced prices, yet the result of a diligent inquiry, which had been instituted throughout the kingdom, proved that the means of that Society were wholly inadequate to supply the national want of and demand for the Scriptures, even were those means exclusively di- rected to it, whereas only a portion of them could be so employed. But that even had those means been more ade- quate to such an end, the supply of our own popu- lation formed only a part of the work of benevolence contemplated by the Bible Society. That it embraced also the supply of our colonies, and extending its views even beyond these, that it aspired to be, in * The Bishop of St. David's Letter to Lord Kenyon, pp. 34.36,37. Though the author is convinced that the Bishop's sentiments, as described above, were, in the main, steadfastly maintained by him, he ought perhaps in candour to add, upon the authority of two most respectable clergymen connected with his lordship, that after the year 1830, when so lamentable a spirit of hostility to the Church began to be manifested by many of the dis- senting sects, he did not invariably express himself in favour of clergymen joining the Bible Society. S 258 LIFE OF connection with its foreign auxiliaries, the Bible Society of the world. The lapse of thirty-five years has put to the test the validity of the arguments urged on both sides, and the general result might perhaps not unfairly be stated as follows : — The Christian Knowledge Society, which it was predicted would suffer seriously in its resources from the liberal support given to the Bible Society, has incalculably profited by its establishment. Roused from a state akin to torpor, by the supposed ri- valry of the new institution, it made an appeal throughout the country to the friends of the Church, to enrol themselves among its members, which was instantly responded to, and the result was a vast augmentation in its income, in its energies, and in the extent and efficiency of its exertions — a result which gladdens the hearts of all sincere Churchmen. The Bible Society itself has steadily pursued its course of usefulness, hailed in its progress by the grateful plaudits and benedictions of Protestants on both sides of the Atlantic. The fulminations of the Vatican against it, and the scornful expressions of infidels, may justly be regarded as striking testi- monies in its favour. By its own vast resources, and through the medium of foreign auxiliaries, it has extended its gigantic roots into all lands, and will not deem the benevolent object of its establish- ment attained until the Bible shall be translated into every language and diffused through every portion of the habitable globe. The Established Church, in the mean time, has been incalculably augmented in the number of its members, and has no less advanced to energy and usefulness. Those among her clergy BISHOP BURGESS. 259 who have supported the Bible Society have main- tained an undiminished attachment and preference for their own communion, while a large influx of Dissenters into the Church has taken place ; one of the causes of which may fairly be referred to their becoming better acquainted with the principles of her members, from occasional intercourse with clergy at meetings of this Society. The cordial interest taken in the circulation of the Scriptures at home and abroad by so large a body of Churchmen, through the instrumentality of these two Societies, has averted from the Church what would otherwise have been urged upon her as a signal reproach. It has rendered it impossible for her enemies to say that she has regarded with indiffer- ence the duty of promoting that great and beneficent object for which in her beautiful formularies she unceasingly prays, (C that God's way may be known upon earth, his saving health among all nations." To another religious association, the Church Mis- sionary Society, which, by its zealous and useful labours, has done much to remove from the Church of England the reproach that she is deficient in missionary zeal, Bishop Burgess also gave his early support and countenance. The venerable Societies for promoting Christian Knowledge, and for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, had al- ready received signal proofs of his attachment. The Church Union Association in his own diocese had, in fact, become, under his auspices, an active and efficient auxiliary to the former, and he felt deeply interested in the support and extension of the latter, as a Society almost identified with the Established Church, and capable, if duly supported, of diffusing s 2 260 LIFE OF her pure forms and apostolical influence throughout our vast foreign dependencies. He justly regarded it and the Church Missionary Society as occupying dis- tinct fields of labour; the one being specially devoted to the diffusion of Christian knowledge throughout our colonial possessions, without altogether overlook- ing the claims of the heathen ; the other labouring principally for the evangelization of the heathen, with- out excluding the benefit of our colonies. Between societies thus constituted on the principles of the Church, employed in works of such disinterested benevolence and such arduous difficulty, and with a World to operate upon, " bursting," to use Johnson's expressive words, " with sin and sorrow," he was not disposed to admit that any other rivalry ought to exist than a generous emulation which should most extend the kingdom of the Redeemer, and most effectually minister to the good of mankind. Upon the same general principles he cordially supported the London Society for the Conversion of the Jews ; and as it is the only association in con- nection with the Church of England which em- braces this object, he regarded it with particular interest. He thought that Christians, instead of treating Jews with contempt and prejudice, should act towards them with a charity inspired by the recollection that their own choicest blessings and privileges have descended to them through the channel of Judaism, and with the hope of being in- strumental in hastening the advent of that day, the pledge of increased glory to the Christian Church, when the veil shall be removed from the hearts of God's ancient people, and they shall acknowledge and adore in Jesus Christ the true Messiah. His love BISHOP BURGESS. 261 of Hebrew learning added to the force of these and similar considerations ; and so strongly did they act upon his feelings, that a box for the receipt of sub- scriptions and donations, in aid of the Jews' Society, usually lay upon his library-table.* The part taken by the Bishop in the exercise of his independent judgment, with respect to these Societies, Avas closely accordant with the course pur- sued by his friend Bishop Barrington. Like him, also, he was a zealous promoter of the Madras system of education, and like him (as far as his much narrower means permitted), the liberal patron of a great variety of other public institutions and charities, having for their object the temporal and spiritual welfare of his destitute fellow-creatures. CHAP. XXI. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE BISHOP'S TRACTS IN REFUTA- TION OF UNITARIANISM. 1814 to 1820. Between the years 1814 and 1820 the Bishop pub- lished various tracts in refutation of Unitarianism, * The above-mentioned Society lias recently established a mission at Jerusalem, and a chapel is at this moment in course of erection under its auspices, in which the service of our Na- tional Church is to be daily performed in the Hebrew language. Within the last twenty years, the Jews at Jerusalem have very considerably increased in number, and there is a constant influx thither from various parts of Europe. Hitherto, Jewish in- quirers after Truth, in the Holy City, have only known Chris- tianity through the Greek, or Romish, or Armenian Churches, in connection, therefore, with revolting superstition and gross errors. They will now have access to it through the medium of our own scriptural services and beautiful formularies, s 3 262 LIFE OF and re-published the whole in one volume in the year 1820. They are marked by extensive scriptu- ral and theological learning. The critical skill with which they develope the force and meaning of various important texts connected with the main subject, the ability with which they condense proofs derived from the writings of the Fathers, in attestation of the Trinitarian faith of the primitive churches ; the skill with which they accumulate authorities from the works of the most eminent modern critics and divines, in support of this fundamental doctrine of the Church Catholic, and their tone of earnest piety, illustrate the various learning, the mental acuteness, and the devout feelings of their author, while they no less forcibly expose the futility of the evasions and sophistries beneath which Unitarians are forced to take shelter in their vain endeavours to sustain a hopeless cause. Among these tracts, that addressed to a Lay Seceder combines in a superior degree these qua- lities, though it is to be regretted that the Bishop in this, as well as in some of his other publications, has occasionally pressed a doubtful text into the service of orthodoxy, which needs no other support than that which it derives from the plain tenor of the Bible, from the particular evidence of incon- trovertible texts and passages of Scripture, and from the general consent of Christian antiquity. It should always be borne in mind that the question of truth or error in reference to the doc- trine of the Trinity is one in which not a single secure step can be taken excepting under the light and guidance of Divine Revelation. Having re- ference to so mysterious and awful a subject as BISHOP BURGESS. 263 the mode of the Divine existence, no arguments drawn from the common resources of reason, no analogies derived from visible objects, can be safely- trusted to in such a discussion. " Canst thou by searching find out God ? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection ? It is high as heaven ; what canst thou do ? deeper than hell ; what canst thou know ? The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea ;" Job xi. 7, 8, 9. Every thing around and within us tends to illustrate the ignorance of man and the narrowness of the sphere to which his researches are necessarily limited. His proudest discoveries amount, in fact, to little more than a scratching on the superficies of knowledge. With effects and with the mutual relations and properties of material objects he is familiar ; and the study of these unfolds to him many of the mysteries of nature, and arms him, by means of them, with new and extraordinary powers. But the ultimate causes of the commonest of these effects are hidden from his scrutiny, and lie en- shrined in the abyss of Deity. And even every advance which he accomplishes in science, every secret which he penetrates, every fresh discovery r which he makes, serves, by opening to him new and unexplored fields of investigation, to suggest to him extended ideas of what is still unknown, and thus to convince him more forcibly of his ignorance. If the most ordinary works of the great Creator are thus pregnant with mysteries which baffle human intelligence, how presumptuous any attempt to penetrate the secrets of the Divine Essence itself, or to pretend to determine, by any analogies derived s 4 264 LIFE OF from present experience, what is possible or im- possible as to the mode of the Divine existence ! We have a full right, nay, it is an obvious duty, closely to investigate the authenticity of an alleged Revelation of the nature and will of God ; but when it is once admitted, the most implicit and reveren- tial submission of reason to its discoveries is a con- sequence equally consonant with sound philosophy and good sense. In the transcendant and spiritual nature of the Deity, and in the Unity of his Essence, there may, for aught we know, be that mysterious distinction of Persons implied in the doctrine of the Trinity. It will be quite sufficient for the conviction of any candid and reasonable inquirer, if he finds that the plain, unvarnished language of Scripture declares that so it is. The Divine testimony will be with him an all-sufficient warrant for the reception of the doctrine, and when he meets with individuals who, though unable by any shifts or evasions to refute the scriptural proofs of its truth, yet take refuge in the weak, though plausible objection, " we cannot on any evidence receive a doctrine contrary to common sense," he will no less pity, on the preceding premises, their obvious want of this quality, than he will condemn the presumption of their scepticism. Such are the general principles upon which alone the doctrine admits of being investigated, and it is from not keeping them steadfastly in view, that indi- viduals are often hurried into opinions respecting it, which the Church has ever deemed heretical. Men of speculative and excursive minds are apt to reason and conclude under very erroneous notions of the extent and powers of the human intellect, BISHOP BURGESS. 265 and especially of their own. One of the greatest triumphs of reason is to be duly sensible how many things there are which transcend its comprehension. The doctrine of the Trinity is thus reduced to the test of the simple question, what is the testi- mony of Holy Scripture concerning it ? — a ques- tion, the reply to which, if there be any force in the general consent of the Church, and in the authority of the greatest critics, divines, and scholars in the interpretation of Scripture, must be, that it is the fundamental article of the Christian faith. Throughout the volume of Tracts above referred to, the main object of the Bishop was to expose the errors and sophistries of Socinian writers, and in particular, to bring forward incontestable evidences of the Divinity of Christ. He has clearly proved, that the infinite and incommunicable attributes of Deity are ascribed equally to the Son as to the Father, and that texts apparently of an opposite description refer exclusively either to his human na- ture, or to his voluntary assumption of the subordi- nate office of Mediator and Intercessor. He has shown that by keeping this distinction in view any diffi- culty arising out of the language of Scripture with respect to this doctrine is done away, and that the very texts which to a careless or superficial reader may seem contradictory, beautifully harmonise in the testimony which they render to the Divine and to the human nature which meet in the person of the adorable Saviour. Thus, while in one sense He is the " Lord of glory " and " God over all blessed for ever," He is in another and a no less im- portant sense, " the Son of Man," and " the Man Christ Jesus," the Root, at once, and the offspring of David — David's God, and David's Son. 266 LIFE OF Such are the leading points which the arguments of the Bishop embrace throughout these Tracts. In- dependently of their main scope, he has introduced in the course of them, much of interesting disqui- sition and of curious learning on various collateral topics. He has also vindicated the orthodoxy of some eminent critics and scholars to whom Unitarian writers have been used to defer, and whom they would gladly claim as their own. Among these are Schleusner and Griesbach ; the former the author of a learned Lexicon of high authority upon the New Testament, the latter, the editor of one of the most critical editions of its text. Unitarians flattered themselves, upon the eve of its publication, that the rigid collation of numerous manuscripts undertaken by Griesbach as the foun- dation of this edition would have been fatal to the cause of orthodoxy, by disproving the authenticity of many of the texts most relied upon for its support. The result was quite the contrary ; for this extended enquiry with very few exceptions of any importance tended to establish the truth and correctness of the received readings. But independently of direct and positive proofs that the Trinitarian faith is matter of Divine Re- velation, the indirect and inferential proofs are so numerous and decisive, that it would be about as easy to dispense with the principle of gravity, in ac- counting for the phenomena of the universe, as it would be to give a rational and connected elucidation of the doctrines of Christianity without admitting that of the Trinity. What the final conclusions of * Griesbach were upon the termination of his rigid and extensive col- BISHOP BURGESS. 267 lation, the following passage will clearly testify. In his preface to the Apostolical Epistles, published in 1775, he thus expresses himself: — " In order that I may, as far as in me lies, re- move all unjust suspicions, and wrest from malevo- lent men the handle of calumny, I publicly profess, in the first place, and call God to witness, that I have no doubt whatever as to the truth of that doc- trine (the Deity of Christ); for there are so many and such lucid arguments and places of Scripture by which the true Deity of Christ may be proved, that I can scarcely understand how, if the Divine autho- rity of Holy Scripture and the just rules of interpret- ation be admitted, this doctrine can be questioned by any one. Above all, that passage, John, c. i. v. 1, 2, 3, is so clear, and so above all exceptions, that never can it be perverted and wrested from the champions of the Truth by the audacious efforts of interpreters and critics." * That the convictions of Schleusner upon this point were no less strong than those of Griesbach may be seen by referring to a passage in his Lexicon very similar in its spirit to the above, under the word Ylvtvfxa. * Ut iniquas suspieionesomnes, quantum in me est, amoliar, et hominibus malevolis calumniandi ansam preripiam, pri- muni publico profiteor atque Ueum testor, neutiquam de veri- tate istius dogmatis (Christi Deitatis) dubitare ; atque sunt profocto tarn multa et luculenta arguments et Scriptura? loca, quibus vera Deitas Christo vindieetur, ut ego quidem intelli- gere vix possim, quomodo concessit Scriptura 1 sacra; divina auctoritate, et admissis justis interpretandi regulis, dogma hoc in dubiuxn a quoquam vocari possit. In primis locus ille, Jo. i. 1,2, :i, tarn perspicuus est, et omnibus exceptionibus major, ut neque interpretum neque criticorum audacibus conatibus unquam cverti atque veritatis defensoribus eripi possit. 268 LIFE OF Porson is acknowledged to have been the most acute and able Greek critic of the last century ; and his testimony upon a point connected with the in- terpretation of that language is the more impartial, because he never manifested any zeal in the cause of orthodoxy. A friend once said to him, " Is the doctrine of the Trinity that of the New Testament? " His answer was to this effect : " If the New Testa- ment is to decide, and language has any meaning, there can be no doubt that it is." * To the treatise addressed to a Lay Seceder, its author prefixed a dedicatory address to his old and beloved friend Bishop Huntingford, who had been recently visited by a severe domestic affliction. The strain of piety and feeling in which he alludes to this visitation, and the intimate connection which he traces between the orthodox faith and the only effectual springs of Christian consolation, form a passage in itself highly interesting, while it forcibly illustrates his views of the practical evils of Unita- rianism and its deadening influence on the Christian character. We shall therefore introduce some pas- sages from it as a suitable termination to the present chapter. TO THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF GLOUCESTER. Abergwilly Palace, October, 1814. My dear Friend, A mind exercised by affliction is tenderly alive to the impressions of religious truth. In such seasons, * Communicated to me by the Bishop of Lincoln. The same anecdote is told in the Quarterly Review, vol. xxxiii. p. 99. BISHOP BURGESS. 269 the emptiness of earthly comforts, and the want of some consolation which the world cannot give, pre- pare it effectually for the reception of those pro- mises of light and aid, which the Scriptures abun- dantly supply. How sweetly then are those passages of David and Isaiah in unison with the feelings of a resigned and believing spirit, — " Tarry thou the Lord's leisure ; be strong and he shall comfort thine heart, and put thou thy trust in the Lord." " Who is he that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light ? Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God?" — Isaiah, 1. 10. Our beneficent Creator, who, for the wisest pur- poses, has implanted in us affections and sensibilities, which attach us closely to those whom we respect and love, but which by the loss of such connections, give occasion to the most acute and painful trials, has also blessed us with a religion which, above all other means, can mitigate the visitation, which de- prives us of [them. I need not remind you of His promises, who said, " My grace is sufficient for thee ;" nor bring to your recollection that those con- solatory words were an answer to St. Paul's request, addressed in prayer to our Saviour. Such trust in his assistance Christ had encouraged by his pro- mise, — " Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, I will do it, and, Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." And therefore St. John said, " This is the confidence we have in him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us." The same confidence in Christ's divine power to hear and to save induced St. Stephen to say, in his last moments, " Lord Jesus, 270 LIFE OF receive my spirit." St. Thomas, who in the public service of the Synagogue had been accustomed to hear him whom they expected as the Messiah called the mighty God and the Lord of righteous- ness, when he saw his Lord after his resurrection from the dead, exclaimed in a transport of con- viction and joy, " My Lord and my God." Nothing but belief in Christ's Divinity, his om- nipresent influence and omnipotent power, could have induced his disciples and apostles to honour him with divine worship, and to endure the pri- vations, indignities, and sufferings which they un- derwent for his sake. The Divinity of Christ was not with them a speculative notion, a disputable dogma, as the Unitarians represent it, but a great practical principle, which influenced their whole conduct, and infused into their minds a fortitude and constancy, which made them rejoice when they were counted worthy to suffer shame and death for his name. To die and to be with Christ, they counted better than life. What things were gain in a worldly sense, they counted " loss for Christ;" " yea, they counted all things loss, for the excel- lency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus." Their belief in Christ's Divinity, their confi- dence in him as God, ever present to sustaim them in all difficulties, was the governing principle of their minds through this life; and their trust in his Atonement was the ground of their hope of happiness in the next. They knew that the blood of bulls and of goats could not put away sin ; and the Psalmist had long before declared that man was utterly unable to redeem his brother. But in Christ, who was with God and was God, who wan BISHOP BURGESS. 271 " over all God blessed for ever," their " great God and Saviour " — " God manifest in the flesh," who was made flesh and came in the flesh, that he might by his death be a propitiation for the sins of mankind — in him they trusted, as a Saviour able to save to the uttermost all who should come to God by him. In the following letter the Bishop of Gloucester replies to this Christian address. My dear Friend, Your last merely intimated you should take London in your way to Durham; but mentioned neither time of continuance nor place of lodging at the metropolis. To that spot therefore I could direct with less propriety than I can to Durham. I calculate you are now keeping prebendal residence ; and I hope, after a journey favourable in all respects to Mrs Burgess and yourself. For the consolation which your Letter Dedi- catory imparts, and for the delicacy with which you touch on my afflicting loss, I return you equally my thanks and praise. You have poured balm into the wound, and not increased the pain by unskilful handling. In truth, with much dexterity you pass on to the main subject, a subject more than all others interesting to a reflecting mind. For if there be no Divinity in the nature of Christ, there is no Atonement for transgressing man ; if no Atonement for man, we are yet in our sins ; and where in natural religion can we find any other dictate or principle than that sin is obnoxious to punishment ? You have in passages innumerable exposed the 272 LIFE OF ignorance (I might have said, the impudence and disingenuity) of Belsham and his adherents. I am particularly pleased that you have refuted the claim they have made as to Grotius, Newton, Locke, &c. With repeated thanks for the well-chosen topic of your consolatory Dedication, for the abundant illus- tration and apposite erudition displayed throughout the whole of your book, I am your much obliged and ever affectionate Friend, G. J. Gloucester. Whit. Coll. May 8. 1815. CHAP. XXII. BENEFICIAL RESULTS OF THE BISHOP'S PLANS. — PROGRESS OF HIS COLLEGIATE SCHEME. — EISTEDDFOD. — CONTRO- VERSY WITH PROFESSOR MARSH AND R. P. KNIGHT, ESQ. 1810 to 1820. Occupied in these various studies, and energeti- cally exerting himself for the improvement of his diocese, the life of the Bishop of St. David's glided on in a peaceful How of serene happiness. An improved race of clergy was trained up in his seminaries, from among whom he selected indi- viduals of superior merit for preferment ; such of the beneficed clergy as were most distinguished by their professional acquirements and active piety frequently received gratifying proofs of his esteem, and the name of Dr. Burgess was associated throughout South Wales with epithets of respect and veneration. BISHOP BURGESS. 273 The fame of his useful exertions extended far beyond the boundaries of his diocese ; an assertion which the Quarterly Review for November, 1810, forcibly illustrates in the following passage, which associates in a just eulogy the two names which we have so often ourselves linked together in the pre- ceding pages. After touching on some existing defects in clerical education, it adds, — " Let it not be supposed that, in thus saying, we are depre- ciating the Church of England at a time when it boasts the learning and piety of so many of its members — when Barrington, at Durham, vies in the munificence of his charitable foundations with the most splendid of his predecessors ; and Burgess, at St. David's, performs all the duties of his apos- tolic function with a zeal worthy of the best ages of Christianity." Surprise was justly felt that, amidst such active employments, he could secure time for numerous publications, many of them bearing the stamp of great research and erudition. Among his various plans of diocesan improvement, none excited so much public interest as the pro- jected Collegiate Seminary for Clerical Education. The slightest acquaintance with the circumstances and condition of the Welsh Church was sufficient to vindicate its necessity, and it therefore daily attracted increased attention, commendation, and support. Letters were addressed to him to this effect by Dr. Manners Sutton, Archbishop of Can- terbury, by Bishops Barrington and Huntingford, by the Rev. Charles Daubeny, and by some of the leading nobility and clergy connected with South Wales. Pecuniary subscriptions in aid of the plan flowed in from various parts of England, and liberal T 274 LIFE OF contributions, or legacies of books, anticipated the period when it should have a local habitation and a name. Among the English friends who thus gave it their liberal support, the name of Bishop Bar- rington appears as a donor of 500/. ; and within the precincts of the diocese a clergyman was found who contributed no less than 750/. in one donation. The late Rev. T. Beynon, Archdeacon of Cardigan, was the munificent contributor. In the year 1809 the Bishop thought he might venture to commence this great undertaking. A plan for the intended structure was accordingly procured, and a quarry was opened near Llandewy Brefy, then its intended site ; but upon a com- parison between the probable expense and the amount of the subscriptions, the necessity of further delay became apparent. In the mean time the Bishop's hopes had been so highly excited, that he had not only sketched on paper, but even cir- culated in a printed form, a scheme for the govern- ment of the College, and for the course of studies to be pursued in it. The Eisteddfod, a triennial festive meeting held by rotation at Carmarthen, Brecon, and some other leading towns of the Principality, for the cultivation and encouragement of the ancient lan- guage and literature of Wales, was more than once honoured by the presence of the Bishop and Mrs. Burgess. The literary spirit which glowed in his own breast led him to sympathise warmly with the national predilections, which imparted peculiar en- thusiasm to these celebrations. The interest which he thus felt and displayed was very grateful to the natives of the Principality, and augmented the hold BISHOP BURGESS. 1 i 3 which he had obtained on their affections by higher and more sacred obligations. Though his studious habits, and numerous professional engagements, prevented his being a frecpaent visiter at the houses of the gentry, he was often indebted to their hos- pitality in the course of his long Confirmation tours ; and I have heard him speak with great pleasure of visits which he had thus paid to the late Mr. Johnes of Hafod, to Colonel Lewis of Llanayforion, to the late Mrs. Lloyd of Bronwydd, and to the hospitable mansions of others of the Welsh gentry. Mrs. Lloyd., whose enlarged Christian be- nevolence and many amiable qualities endeared her to a large circle of friends and acquaintance, regarded the Bishop with friendship and veneration. She delighted in welcoming him beneath her roof ; and sacred music being her favourite relaxation, she was able, with the assistance of some of the members of her family, to gratify his own taste for it by the united powers of the organ and the voice. The general impression produced by the Bishop on the minds and hearts of his various hosts was that of affectionate esteem and regard. Often has the writer of these pages heard him spoken of in such terms by various gentlemen of manly sense and great discrimination within the precincts of the Principality. They looked upon him, in fact, as the Bishop Bedell of South Wales. In the year 1814 he engaged in controversy with Professor, since Bishop Marsh, upon the following occasion. The latter, in a treatise entitled flora? Pelasgicae, had questioned the correctness of some of his opinions as expressed in las notes to Dawes' Miscell. Crit. upon certain properties of the JEoMc T 2 276 LIFE OF Digamma. The learned Professor, while he recog- nised the existence of such a letter in the Greek alphabet, and its influence on Homeric versification, differed both with Dawes and the Bishop as to its shape, properties, and pronunciation, and insisted that Pelasgic, not iEolic, was its proper designation. The question was one of a subtle and recondite nature, and which furnished ample occasion for the display of learning and ingenuity in the demolition or construction of a theory. Though Dr. Marsh could not possibly write on such a subject without his characteristic acuteness and ability, his mode of treating it was deemed arrogant and hasty by one of the first Greek authorities of the day, in an article in the Quarterly Review. The Professor came to the subject fresh from studies and pursuits congenial to it, and with the advantage of living in an advanced period of Greek criticism. The Bishop had long since laid aside the polished weapons suited to such an encounter ; but at the sound of this trumpet of defiance, he broke away for a moment from his professional occupations, and seizing Anna diu, senior, desueta, descended into the anna ; where he quickly proved that he was still capable of all his youthful prowess. The pamphlet which he published, in defence of himself and of Dawes, was entitled " A Letter to the Honourable and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Durham, on the Origin of the Pelasgi, and on the original Name and Pronunciation of the '1v;lic Digamma, in answer to Professor Marsh's Horse Pelasgicse;" and it. treated the points at issue with so much learning, and vigour of intellect, that BISHOP BURGESS. 277 in the opinion of those most competent to decide upon such erudite cpjestions, his adversary, if not absolutely unhorsed in this intellectual tournament, was rudely shaken in his seat.* * Our learned readers will not he displeased, we think, by our extracting the brief summing up of the Bishop's arguments in page 36. of his treatise, it being admirably calculated to give a just view of the critical offences charged by him on that of the Professor. " I said, in a former part of this letter, that the positions of Dr. Marsh cannot be supported without many great hallucina- tions and offences against first principles. 1 have shown this from the Professor's anachronism in denominating the Di- gamma from the Pelasgi ; from his choice of the Latin F, as his sole criterion of the power of the Digamma ; from his adopting the modern pronunciation of the Latin F as the sound of the Digamma, and the barbarous term Faf, as the name of the Digamma ; and from many strange inconsequences in his reasoning, such as the following. OT is not a right represent- ation of the Digamma, because 13 is at least as good; the Latin V is not generally represented by the Greek OT, therefore Dionys llalicarn , Plutarch, Procopius, &c., who have so ex- pressed it, have not cornet/;/ represented it; the vowel V is sometimes expressed by e, o, v, cc, eu, therefore the consonant V is not generally represented by OT ; the Digamma is not so often expressed by V as F, therefore it is not rightly expressed by V; the Digamma is not generally represented by the Latin V, therefore it is not rightly represented by it ; V cannot be pronounced like W, because it is exchangeable with 11 ; the Digamma could not have been pronounced like W, because the latter lias a broad coarse sound, intolerable to Greek ears, and which they could not have pronounced. " All these hallucinations are the consequences of the Pro- fessor's attempting to supplant the common doctrine of the Di- gamma by his F and Faf. Dawes, then, had good reason for saying — Y.x locis jam descriptis illud in transcursu observare est, quam frit situ sint ii, qui JEolicum F eidem apud Latinos figures, potestate itidem respondisse contendunt. " That, the theories of the Hora? PelasgicK, respecting the language of the Pelasgi, and the pronunciation of the JEolic Di- gamma, are erroneous, might, indeed, be inferred from their opposition to the testimonies of Herodotus, Thucydides, Di- onys 5 IIalicarnas s , Varro, and Priscian." T 3 278 LIFE OF The following passage, with which his treatise closes, is so characteristic of the amiable feelings of the writer, that it seems to belong to his bio- graphy. " I cannot dismiss these pages, without thanking the Professor for bringing to my recol- lection some of the studies of my first seven acade- mical years ; and with it the grateful remembrance of the valuable society in which I passed them, and of the inestimable advantages which it pos- sesses for the cultivation and encouragement of learning. These impressions bring with them some" of Gray's exquisite feelings on a distant prospect of Eton College : — " I feel the gales, that from you blow, A momentary bliss bestow." Mr. Payne Knight subsequently became the object of his critical censure with respect to two positions in his Analytical Essay on the Greek Alphabet ; the first was his calling the Digamma Pelasgic, and the Capuan figure its Pelasgic form ; the second, his new, and, as he deemed it, his im- proved reading, of the Lacedemonian decree against Timotheus. * Upon both of these points the Bishop assailed his opinions, and defended those of Bishop Cleaver, whom Mr. Knight had censured as ;in unskilful and blundering editor of the Decree. The title of the Bishop's treatise was, " A Vin- dication of Bishop Cleaver's Edition of the De- * TitnotheUS incurred the censure of the Spartan senate for corrupting, as they maintained, the ancient gravity and simpli- city of their national melodies, by adding four additional strings to the lyre, which had hitherto contained only seven. He was also censured for the immoral tendency of a poem which he composed Tor tile Eleiisinian festival. BISHOP BURGESS. 279 cretum Lacedenioniorum contra Timotheum, from the Strictures of R. P. Knight, Esq. 8vo. 1821." It is written in a vigorous and caustic style of criticism ; is fraught with deep and various learn- ing ; and, though the subject is one of scholastic nicety, it contains a great deal that is both amusing and interesting. Though we have very few letters of any interest to produce belonging to this period of the Bishop's life, the following note places him in a very amiable light, and the succeeding letters are specimens of the correspondence which we have already mentioned was frequent between him and Mrs. Hannah More : — TO GEORGE MARRIOT, ESQ. DEAR SlR, 188. Piccadilly, Jan. 15. 1613. I called at your rooms in the Temple yester- day, and Tuesday, to consult you about shaping a case, which is to come to you through Taylor for your opinion. I wished also to thank you for your two kind notes ; and to say how sorry I Avas that my momentary inaptitude for a joke should have given you the trouble of writing your very friendly note. The words of my oldest and best friend could not possibly give me any real offence; and still less the repetition of them by a person whom I most sincerely respect and value, like your- self. But, as I said before, the spirits and the reply are often, in some mechanical constitutions, very different before dinner and after. If you have changed your hours of attendance t 4« 280 LIFE OF at the Temple, I will trouble you to inform me, as I wish to have your advice about shaping the case before noticed. Yours very faithfully, T. St. David's. My DEAR Lord, Dawlish, Sept. 23. 1810. I am indebted to you for so many attentions, and so many interesting papers, that I can only thank you for them in the lump, which I very cordially do. I received your present of several copies of a valuable sermon, as also of the able and well-written Essay on Elocution, which I hope will stir up a spirit of exertion among your young candidates, and teach them the necessity not only of delivering good things but of delivering them in a good manner. Your little Hebrew stories are delightful — they would be encouraging too, if I were a little younger and a little healthier. So far I had written before I left home, from which I was driven by so great an influx of company, that I was obliged to fly away for re- tirement. This seems to be the quietest place on the coast, and very interesting, and I find some pleasant society. We hope ere long to visit I lie beautiful scenery with which, I am told, the neigh- bourhood abounds. I do not wonder, my dear Lord, that the regula- tions for your truly magnificent collegiate scheme cost you so much time and thought. I sympathise with Mis. Burgess on this damp weather. Yours, my Lord, very faithfully, H. Mori:. bishop burgess. 281 to the bishop of st. david's. My dear Lord, My conscience would be twitching me night and day, and I could not sleep in my bed, if I any longer delayed stripping off the laurels with which you have bound my brows. It is high time to con- sign them to the right owner. My friend the Rev. Mr. Cunningham, vicar of Harrow, is the author of the " Velvet Cushion." I was in his confidence, and kept his secret, while it remained such. I think it a very pleasant little work. Your Lordship was not singular in ascrib- ing it to me ; an ascription, however, not very flattering to the real author. My friends in Lon- don said they suspected me the first half of the book. Why they changed their opinion I know not. While the mystery lasted, however, I got a very lively epigram, which would have been flattering- had I earned it. You have strengthened your cause as far as human authority can strengthen that which was so strong without it. With such a confederated band of Trinitarians as your Lordship has mustered in your last treatise, I think Mr. Socinian Attorney-General would not much care to fight single-handed. I shall be happy to see the whole of this able defence and complete exposure, when finished. Your printer has fallen into the common trior in spelling Lord Lyttelton's name. I am ever Your Lordship's very faithful H. More. Barley Wood, 5th November, 1814. 282 LIFE OF CHAP. XXIII. the author's first acquaintance with the mshop of st. david's. — descriptive character of bishop RYDER. 1820. Hitherto the writer of these Memoirs has spoken of the Bishop from authentic documents, or from the report of others; but in the spring of 1820 he became personally known to him, and their ac- quaintance, from a concurrence of various circum- stances, quickly ripened into an intimacy, the me- mory of which will ever be grateful to his feelings. We met, for the first time^ in the spring of 1820, at the Palace, Gloucester, as guests of the late Dr. Ryder, then Bishop of that See, who was there quite alone, having come from the Deanery of Wells, during his residence, to entertain the Judges ;it dinner, according to ancient custom, in the Assize week. I was struck, at first sight, by the fine countenance and the dignified person of the Bishop of St. David's. He was then aboul sixty-three years of age, tall and upright, well proportioned in his limbs, and active in his movements. His features were fine, and cast in a regular mould. Over them was diffused a pensive, contemplative air, blended with the ex- pression of deep thought and mild composure. When he smiled the effeel was truly pleasing, like a ray of sunshine lighting up the serene beauty of an autumnal landscape. Though his manner was somewhat grave, his disposition was evidently social; BISHOP BURGESS. 283 and the moment that any literary topic or subject of religious interest was started, he became ani- mated, and spoke from the stores of an acute, a learned, and pious mind, and a tenacious memory. The two Bishops, though not altogether belong- ing to the same school of doctrinal theology, were substantially agreed upon the most important points, were both spiritually-minded, and were reciprocally animated by sentiments of affectionate regard and esteem. A full flow on both sides of affectionate kindness, of serene and cheerful hilarity, united to a pleasant playfulness of thought and illustration in touching on the various topics upon which con- versation turned, banished every approach to the starch or the severe in this spiritual symposium. Both of these excellent men are now gone to their rest ; the subject of this Memoir full of years and honour ; his brother and friend in Christ cut off by an unexpected stroke in the maturity of man- hood and usefulness. The characters of eminently good men in high stations are the public property of the Church. Their bright example excites to virtuous imitation. What others have been, we our- selves may be, if not in talent and acquirement, at least in the higher range of moral excellence. For the sake of the living, therefore, we will indulge in a brief pause from the immediate object of these pages, in order to introduce a few particulars drawn from long and intimate friendship, respecting Bishop Ryder. Born of a noble family, familiar from his youth with the best society, naturally kind and affec- tionate, he united to gentlemanly ease and polish a peculiar suavity of demeanour and manners. He 284 LIFE OF left the University of Cambridge, where he com- pleted his education, an elegant scholar; and liter- ature, both classical and general, never ceased to form, in subservience to higher and professional pursuits, one of the pleasures of his existence. The rectory of Lutterworth, in Leicestershire was his first preferment : he afterwards became Dean of Wells ; but the former place was his home, except when officially resident at Wells, until he was raised to the Episcopal bench. At an early period of his clerical career, he attained to such " ripeness and perfectness of age in Christ," that he gave himself wholly to the duties of his office, and proved him- self worthy of filling the pulpit of Wicliffc, by faithfully preaching the great doctrines of the Gospel, and by earnestly labouring for the salvation of souls. His piety was both elevated and practical. It was accompanied by a humility and gentleness, which shed their benignant influence over his whole deportment and conduct, blended with a cheerful- ness which rendered the intercourse of friendship with him peculiarly attractive. Happy himself, it was his delight to see others happy also, and his presence in the friendly circle, among his clergy, or in general society, operated as a sunbeam ; so diffusive was his kindness, so winning his cordiality. I lis style of conversation was lively, interesting, and instructive. It abounded in anecdote and incident, and the desire to do good was always predominant. It was pleasant to behold him in the prime of his days, sustaining, in the midst of a blooming and delightful family, all the charities of domestic life, with the purity and tenderness of a human angel, BISHOP BURGESS. 285 and discharging the duties of his high station with the zeal of an apostle. Prompt at every call of duty, his professional engagements, his extensive correspondence, and a frequent attendance at re- ligious and charitable meetings, left him little time for personal recreation of any kind ; but when he was able to relax, he was the life of every party of innocent pleasure, and a visit to the Rocks of Cheddar, or the ruins of Glastonbury, under his auspices, never failed to leave behind it the most delightful impressions. Few Bishops have been more zealous or success- ful in promoting the building of new churches in populous or neglected districts of their dioceses, and none according to his means contributed more liberally to their erection and endowment. His labours as a preacher, even after he became a Bishop, were incessant, and exceeded those usually undertaken by active parochial clergymen. It was sometimes suggested to him that he preached too often, and made himself too common. In allusion to this charge, he one day said to a friend, " Does not the consecration service for Bishops exhort us ' diligently to preach God's Word? ' and is not the clerical body solemnly warned by St. Chrysostom to take heed, lest indolence and secularity should exclude more of their order from heaven, in pro- portion to their number, than from any other pro- fession ?" During his residence at Wells, he usually preached twice on the Sunday, — once at the Cathedral, and again in the large parish church, which was then destitute of any evening service, except when he thus voluntarily officiated. The crowded audi- 286 LIFE OF tories on these occasions attested his powers as a preacher. His sermons were truly impressive, and composed in a strain of simple, persuasive, and affectionate eloquence. Their great object was to arouse the slumbering souls of men to a lively con- cern for their eternal interests, and to attract them in the spirit of deep humility and penitential faith to the Cross of Christ. It is often difficult to select particular incidents out of the daily tenor of a life spent in doing good, but the following will illustrate some of these general statements. Observing, on various occasions, that on Tuesday mornings, when at Wells, the Bishop disappeared at a very early hour, and did not join the party again till dinner time, I was induced to inquire into the cause ; and learned that the two large parishes of Mark and Wedmore, forming part of his Peculiar as Dean, the former distant from Wells twelve miles, the latter eight, were in a state of much spiritual destitution, from the distance of a great part of the population from their respective churches, as well as from the want of church-room. The state of these parishes had so deeply affected his feelings, that he could not be easy to bestow upon them only a barren sympathy ; and finding that the prompt and effectual remedy would be to act the part of Curate to them himself) he undertook and discharged this office with equal zeal anil cheer- fulness, every other week for many successive years, during his official residence in Wells. Early in the morning of the day mentioned, In; mounted his horse or drove over thither, in order to give the full Service of the Church in each ; and so much was his heart interested in this labour of love, that no BISHOP BURGESS. 287 weather, however unfavourable, no guests, however distinguished, were allowed to interfere with it. His Christian kindness was quickly rewarded by the at- tendance of large congregations. The people be- longed almost exclusively to the labouring class ; and such kind condescension in a Bishop, such disinter- ested zeal for their spiritual good, naturally excited their gratitude and attachment ; an impression which was greatly heightened by his amiable, affectionate manners, and by the earnestness of his preaching. Before he quitted the Deanery of Wells, he perfected this work of charity by raising a sum of money to establish a second full service every Sunday in the parish of Mark, where also he built a National School. In the parish of Wedmore, aided by the contributions of the public and the landholders, he w r as the means of building and endowing two chapels in the hamlets of Blackford and Theale, and also of founding a school. In his Tuesday pastoral visits the instruction of the children was not overlooked. His benevolent care was repaid by the affectionate gratitude of those who were its objects; and so long as any among the inhabitants survive, who person- ally attended his ministry, the name of Bishop Ryder will not cease to be pronounced with a heart- felt blessing. Only a short time before his lamented death, I reminded him of his constant rides to Wedmore and Mark, when he told me that he looked back to the hours which he had thus spent as among the happiest of his life. Such was Bishop Ryder — such were the lessons he had learnt in the school of Christ. The same spirit of charity, the same zeal for the salvation of souls, which prompted him, over- looking ordinary considerations of personal dignity, 2S8 LIFE OF to go to these two neglected parishes, and to labour assiduously and in the most disinterested manner for their good, influenced the daily course of his life and feelings. His memory is fragrant in the affec- tions of his family and friends, and it is embalmed in the veneration of the Church of Christ. CHAP. XXIV. PROGRESS OF THE COLLEGE-SCHEME. C R. COCKERELL, ESQ. APPLIED TO FOR PLANS. 1820 and 1821. Among the topics to which the Bishop of St. David's adverted with much interest in the course of our meeting at Gloucester, was his projected college for clerical education in South Wales ; but at this time he did not appear to be sanguine in the hope of speedily realising the plan. The subject was brought home much more closely to myself before the expir- ation of the year, by the following incident. Hap- pening to be on a visit to my estate at Lampeter, in Cardiganshire, I was informed that the Bishop was inclined to erect the college at this place, in prefer- ence to Llandewybrefy, the site hitherto proposed ; because, though these places are only a few miles distant from each other, Lampeter is much more ac- cessible and convenient. The pressing want of such an institution in South Wales, its literary and theological objects, and the probability that, independently of its direct ami BISHOP BURGESS, 289 obvious influence, it would tend to civiiise and im- prove the vicinity, naturally interested me, as thev would any reflecting landholder, in its favour. A piece of land suitable for the projected building quickly suggested itself. The Castle of Lampeter once stood on a gentle eminence, in extent about three acres, called in modern times Castle Field. The only trace of the ancient edifice is a small acclivity, once the castle-keep. The situation is healthy, and the view which it commands beautiful, extending over the vale of Lampeter and the wind- ings of the Tivy, and surrounded by a fine range of lofty hills. As it appeared, from its healthy and commanding position, peculiarly adapted for the in- tended purpose, I made (in conjunction with two of my brothers, who were also interested in the pro- perty) an offer of it to the Bishop, in the course of a visit which I paid him at Abergwilly, in the autumn of the same year. This offer he very gladly accepted. The subject of the college naturally be- came during my visit a leading topic of our conver- sations ; and from this time I felt a cordial interest in the promotion and success of the project. Hence- forth our intercourse, both personally and by letters, became frequent. A fresh impulse was gradually imparted to the whole plan, and strenuous and suc- cessful efforts were made to augment the list of sub- scriptions. The Bishop, in adverting to these mea- sures, often expressed great satisfaction that they had been resorted to at this particular period. " Had 1 left the diocese," he would say, " before the col- lege was actually in course of erection, it would probably have never been built, and there would have been a scramble for the money subscribed," u 290 LIFE OF At this time the sum actually available for the undertaking was under 10,000/. : it was afterwards augmented .by the transfer to the Building Fund of another sum which had hitherto been appropriated to exhibitions. The whole amounted to somewhat more than 13,000/.; part of which had been contributed In- liberal English benefactors, and by the Welsh nobility and gentry ; but by far the greater pro- portion was the produce of the annual accumulation of small contributions from the clergy of the dio- cese, who, throughout the long space of sixteen years, had cheerfully complied in this manner with the wise and provident suggestion of their revered Diocesan. It was a remarkable proof of their con- fidence in him, and of his great personal influence, that he was able to induce them cheerfully to con- tinue throughout so long a space of time these an- nual donations in aid of a distant, and, as it appeared to many, an uncertain object. Most of them, in conformity with his earnest request, had contri- buted, either by one payment, or by small annual instalments, one tenth of the annual produce of their respective benefices ; and when the poverty of those benefices, with lew exceptions, is considered, the result is highly honourable t<> the principles and feelings of that reverend body. The more intimate opportunity I now enjoyed of studying his character, confirmed the pleasing impressions produced on me at Gloucester by the mild benignity of his manners and the simplicity of his mind and character. I found the Bishop and his lady living at Aber- gwilly, in an easy hospitable manner, surrounded by BISHOP BURGESS. 291 a train of old and attached domestics. After the morning had been devoted to his professional duties and learned pursuits, he usually took a long walk ; and I look back with pleasure to some very pleasant rambles with him in the neighbourhood of Aber gwilly, in the course of which I was much interested by the unconstrained and agreeable flow of his in- structive conversation, as well as charmed by the scenery of the vicinage. One of the first steps taken by the Bishop, in immediate furtherance of the resolution he had now formed with respect to the College, was to apply, at my suggestion, to C. R. Cockerell, Esq., an architect whose name is associated with the purest classical taste, and with assiduous attention to the interests of his employers, requesting him to visit Abergwilly, and to receive his instructions for a suitable plan for the contemplated structure. None of those who were present when the Bishop and his architect met for this purpose, will readily forget how interesting an occasion it proved. The Bishop's feelings were pleasurably excited by the prospect of actually realizing a scheme which he had projected no less than sixteen years before, and for which he had long been accumulating funds, but which hitherto had eluded his hopes and endeavours. Jam tandem Italia 1 fugientis prendimus oras. Mr. Cockerell, an artist no less than an architect, .liter being made acquainted with the Bishop's general object, and with the limited extent of the sum collected for it, assiduously applied himself to the conception of a plan which should at once be u 2 292 LIFE OF picturesque and economical ; and, before the close of his visit, had the pleasure of producing a draw- ing of this description. It so entirely met the Bishop's views, and so fired his fancy, that after surveying it for some time, he exclaimed with en- thusiasm, " Should I ever be so happy as to witness the erection of such a building, I shall be ready to exclaim, with good old Simeon, ' Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.' " CHAP. XXV. the bishop publishes a vindication of the disputed verse in st. john's first epistle. — the king's let- ter TO THE BISHOP, ANNOUNCING HIS SUBSCRIPTION OF ONE THOUSAND POUNDS TO THE COLLEGE. — THE BISHOP'S REPLY. THE UNIVERSITIES OF OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE ALSO SUBSCRIBE. 1821 to 1822. In the winter and spring of 1821 much of the Bishop's attention was occupied by the subject of the college; yet he found time for publishing several treatises, among which were the following: — A Vindication of 1 John v. 7-, from the Ob- jections of M. (Iriesbacli. 8vo. 1821. Dr. Owen's Tract on the Nature of the Protestant Religion. 12mo. A.dnotationes Millii, Bengelii, Wetsteinii, &c, in 1 Joann. v. 7. Mnrci Celedensis Explanatio Fidei. The Bishopj by the publication of the first of the treatises enumerated in the above list, committed BISHOP BURGESS. 293 himself as a Defender of the authenticity of the controverted text, 1 John v. 7. In a subsequent and enlarged edition of this work, as also by various supplementary publications, he entered still more earnestly and resolutely into the controversy. As the prosecution of it formed the principal subject of his literary and theological writings in the latter stages of his life, we shall place before our readers, in a subsequent chapter, and within as small a com- pass as possible, some account of its distinctive and historical features. The first edition of this publication was dedicated to the Bishop of Durham, in the following expres- sive and grateful language : — To the Honourable and Right Rev. Shute Bar- rington, LL.D., Lord Bishop of Durham. My dear Lord, The long interval which has elapsed since your acceptance of my first endeavour * to assist the ac- quisition of religious knowledge among the poor, presents to me so many recollections of your Lord- ship's kindness and friendship, that, if I could for- get them, I should be most ungrateful to that di- recting Providence which first brought me within your Lordship's notice, and which enables me, at this late hour of an advanced life, to offer you this humble tribute of my affection and gratitude. That the same gracious Providence may long pre- * The Salisbury SpellingjBook for the use of Sunday Schools, 1786. u 3 294- LIFE OF serve you in the enjoyment of perfect health, the reward of a temperate life, is the ardent wish of, My dear Lord, Your Lordship's Ever obliged and affectionate friend, T. St. David's. The Bishop's reply, upon the receipt of this feel- ing address, was as follows : — My DEAR LORD, Mongewell, June 11. 1821. My earliest and best thanks are due for the very gratifying terms in which you make the world acquainted with the cordial friendship which has subsisted between us for thirty-five years. In look- ing back to that long interval, those parts of it afford me most peculiar pleasure, when, from the nature of our connection, I was a daily witness to your virtues, your talents, and the extent of your various and deep erudition. May that gracious Providence which has pro- longed my life prolong yours also, accompanied by similar blessings, — freedom from those painful in- firmities which usually attend age advanced as mine ! Believe me, my dear Lord, With true regard and esteem, Your faithful and affectionate friend, S. Dunelm. P. S. Why should you not take your dinner and bed here on Friday ? Your speech, which you have done well in printing, contains the soundest argu- ments in the smallest compass. BISHOP BURGESS. 295 The speech alluded to in the preceding letter was delivered in the House of Lords in the Session of this year, in opposition to Roman Catholic Emancipation. I saw him frequently about this time, and witnessed the effort which it cost him to steel his nerves with sufficient resolution for the task, of addressing that illustrious assembly. So great was his natural modesty, that nothing but a high and paramount sense of duty could have in- duced him thus to come forward. But so great were the evils, both religious and political, which he anticipated as the infallible consequence of ad- mitting Roman Catholics to legislative power, that, after the effort was made, he felt thankful and happy at having raised a warning voice, and delivered a solemn protest, against any such measure. In the autumn of 1821, in compliance with the Bishop's wishes, I met Mr. Cockerell at Abergwilly for a reconsideration of his plan of the College. The success which had attended the appeal for addi- tional subscriptions during the preceding spring and summer, and the expectation of obtaining a grant from Government, had encouraged the Bishop to authorise an enlargement in some important parti- culars of its projected accommodations, as well as the introduction of a little more embellishment into the general design. Quarries were now opened at Lampeter, and various other preparatory measures taken. A further impetus was given to the sub- scription when the same parties met in London in the spring of 1822. About this time an opportunity presented itself, through the medium of Mr. 1 1 art Davis, an inti- mate friend of the late Sir William Knighton, the u 4 296 LIFE OF Keeper of the Privy Purse, of placing before his Majesty George IV. the nature and necessity of the Collegiate undertaking. It being clearly as- certained, through this channel, that the King was favourably disposed to the scheme, the Bishop was induced to address a letter to his Majesty, humbly soliciting his Royal patronage. The King was so much interested by the facts of the case that he not only subscribed the sum of 1000/. in aid of it, but most graciously accompanied the announce- ment of his intentions with the following letter, addressed to the Bishop and penned by his own hand : — The King acknowledges with great pleasure the Bishop of St. David's letter, relative to his pious and useful scheme for the benefit of those who are in future to constitute the great body of the Welsh clergy. The King cannot express in terms of suffi- cient commendation this most laudable effort of the Bishop of St. David's. Whenever the money is wanted, the King has ordered his Privy Purse to transmit 1000/. in aid of the Bishop's benevolent intentions. G. R. Carlton House, May 17th, 1822. The receipt of this gracious communication was acknowledged by the Bishop in the following letter, addressed to his Majesty : — Sire, The very gratifying intelligence which Mr. Hart Davis has communicated to me of your Majesty's BISHOP BURGESS. 297 paternal attention to the religious and literary in- terests of the Principality in general, and of my diocese in particular, by your Majesty's munificent contribution of 1000/. towards the building of our long-projected College for the education of young men intended for Holy Orders who cannot afford the expense of an University education, claims my most grateful and humble acknowledgments of your Majesty's goodness. My most ardent prayer is, that your Majesty may very soon see the good fruits of your bountiful protection of Religion and Literature. It will al- ways be to me a source of the most heartfelt plea- sure that I have been honoured with your Majesty's confidence, as a very humble agent of your Majesty's bounty. I am, Sire, With every sentiment of the profoundest Respect and devotion, Your Majesty's Most loyal and grateful subject, T. St. David's. London, August 13. 1822. The public press quickly made the country ac- quainted with this act of Royal generosity ; and the impression which it produced was not only highly honourable to his Majesty, but attracted general attention to the object of his bounty. Throughout South Wales in particular, where, strange to say, prejudices had been stirred up against the college in various quarters, the effect of the King's muni- ficence was electrical, heightening every feeling of affectionate loyalty among the members of the 29S LIFE OF Church of England, and converting many lukewarm approvers, and even decided opponents of the plan, into professed friends and admirers. The time was now arrived when it appeared ex- pedient to submit the particulars of the collegiate scheme to the two Universities, accompanied by an application for their sanction and support, which were justly deemed of no trifling importance to its final success. Dr. Kaye, then Bishop of Bristol, and Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, under- took to bring the subject before the Heads of that University; and the same kind office was performed at Oxford by Dr. Copleston, then Provost of Oriel, and now Bishop of Llandafl'. The cordial support given by each of these learned and eminent persons to the application in question, and the kind interest which they manifested in its favour, tended in a great degree to insure the favourable result which fol- lowed. A donation of 200/. was voted by each of the Universities towards the erection of the College ; the additional sum of 100/. was subscribed by Oriel College ; and liberal donations of books were made by most of the colleges, in aid of the future library of the projected institution. The Rev. Mr. Tyler, then Tutor of Oriel, and now Rector of St. Giles's, displayed a most friendly zeal in promoting these latter contributions, BISHOP BURGESS. 299 CHAP. XXVI. the bishop's noble sacrifice of fines for the augmentation of the income of the see of st. david's. 1S23. Christianity is the fruitful parent of the noblest and purest principles of conduct. In place of those selfish and contracted motives which so commonly sway the conduct of men of the world in pecuniary matters, it prompts to deeds of generosity, and to habits of self-denial. While it exhibits to the eye of Faith glorious objects of pursuit, and a standard of action no less elevated, and stamps comparative littleness on earthly concerns and interests, it en- forces by the highest sanctions the faithful and conscientious discharge of every relative, social, and civil duty — inseparably conjoining charity to man with love to God. Such was the tendency pf religion in the mind and heart of the good Bishop of St. David's. He was moreover reflective and persevering. He framed his plans wisely, and he pursued them steadily ; and qualities like these are an overmatch for all ordinary difficulties. After eighteen years of previous patient preparation, the College was on the eve of foundation. Only a short time before this work was accomplished, he completed another plan for the benefit of his diocese, which had long been maturing; a plan at that time little known, 300 LIFE OF even within its precincts, but which so eminently illustrates his disinterestedness and liberality, that generous minds will delight to dwell upon its de- tails. Upon his occupation of the See of St. David's, its annual produce was o>nly about 1200^. The palace, which was ill built and ancient, needed frequent repairs ; and there were various other local draw- backs on his income. This See had therefore been usually regarded as a stepping stone to better preferment, a circumstance which naturally operated very detrimentally with respect to any permanent plans for its improvement. The prebendal stall at Durham, held by Dr. Burgess, produced, together with his bishporic, an income which, though not large, considering his station in the Chui'ch, his necessary expenditure, and his munificent disposition, was adequate to his wants ; and he had devoted himself, with an entire single- ness of heart and intention, to the great work of ameliorating the condition of his diocese. As there was then no reason to expect any of the public enactments which have since been made for augmenting the annual value of the poorer bishoprics, the reflection often occurred to him, when anxiously occupied in promoting his own measures of im- provement, " Unless the exertions I am making, the plans I am pursuing, are followed up by my suc- cessors, the good I may be enabled to effect may very possibly prove only temporary, and my best endeavours be finally frustrated. Can I devise any means of improving the annual value of the See to such a degree as will place future bishops in a state of comfortable independence, and induce BISHOP BURGESS. 301 them to regard it as their permanent field of labour and usefulness ? " After these questions had been much and often revolved, the following mode of effecting his object occurred to him. It is well known that before the passing of the Act of 6 & 7 William IV. cap. 77. the revenues of our bishoprics mainly arose from fines accruing upon the renewal of lives on leases of the Episcopal estates, occasionally amounting to very large sums. These fines he determined to relinquish on certain estates best adapted to the purpose he had in view, and to run his own life, which he had reason to believe was a good one, against the remaining life or lives on them, till they should all fall in ; when he proposed to annex the estates by act of parliament, in perpetuity, to the See. He cal- culated that in all human probability he should finally secure to his successors, by this sacrifice, a liberal income; and as he had no wish for trans- lation, he saw his way clearly to the entire com- pletion of the plan. As far back as the year 1807 he requested the late Lord Eldon to give him his legal opinion upon the project. It received the cordial concurrence of that eminent and upright lawyer, and thenceforwards the Bishop steadfastly kept it in view. In the year 1822, several of the leases having expired, and others being likely to fall in, he gave the finishing stroke to his design by bringing a Bill into Parliament, restraining himself and all future Bishops of St. David's from ever again letting out on lives the estates enumerated in the Act, which were thus permanently annexed to the Sec, and have doubled its income. The value of the fines which the Bishop sacrificed in order to 302 LIFE OF effect this important object was upwards of 30,000/., to every shilling of which he was fully entitled, and which was therefore his free gift, prompted by Christian principle, to Religion and to the Church. It was reserved for his successors to enjoy the benefits of his liberality, for he himself was trans- lated to Salisbury soon after the Bill came into operation. Let those in the ranks of Nonconformity, who have been used to think of Bishops as secular, selfish persons, bent chiefly on personal or family aggrandisement, follow this Prelate through his whole career ; let them especially contemplate this bright display of every opposite quality, and hence learn to discard those blind and systematic pre- judices in which they are too prone to indulge against the Heads of our Ecclesiastical Establish- ment. This sacrifice was scarcely ever mentioned by the Bishop. Eew are the persons who have heard him even allude to it. His object was to be generous and charitable on Christian principles, to the exclusion of all display or ostentation. A sen- tence now and then fell from his lips, which proved how superior he was to every thing little and sordid. I well remember, on a particular occasion, that, on my strongly commending one of his many generous acts, his reply was, " As to money, I regard it no more than as dirt, when an important object calls for support." His private charities were dispensed in the spirit of this noble sentiment. His applications were nu- merous, and were seldom unheeded. Sometimes it turned out that his goodness had been abused. BISHOP BURGESS. 303 " Well, and if I have been deceived," he would say, when remonstrated with on such occasions, " does not God make his sun to shine on the evil and on the good ? " He often said that avarice was the vice of old age, and that he was anxious to guard against its first approaches. The late Mr. Wilberforce, whose principles and feelings were in complete unison with those which prompted the generous sacrifice above described, expressed, on hearing the particulars, his determin- ation to take the first opportunity of mentioning it in Parliament, to the honour of the Bishop and of that Church of which he formed so bright an ornament. CHAP. XXVII. THE FOUNDATION STONE OF ST. DAVID'S COLLEGE LAID BY THE BISHOP. Although the amount of contributions for the building of the College fell considerably short of the estimated expense of its erection, it was re- solved immediately to commence the most essential parts of the fabric : sanguine hopes being enter- tained that a grant from Government and addi- tional subscriptions would ere long provide for the. completion of the remainder. This resolution being taken, the Bishop, with his accustomed loyalty, 304 LIFE OF fixed on the 1 2th of August, the birth-day of the Royal Patron of the undertaking, for laying the foundation-stone. A few days before the ceremonial took place, the Bishop and his family proceeded to Dery Ormond, near Lampeter, the seat of the late John Jones, Esq.*, who had kindly insisted on their making his house their home upon this joyful occasion. The party assembled there was a most happy one. The Bishop was in delightful spirits, and often re- curred in after years to this visit as one of peculiar interest. The little town of Lampeter, which seldom knows, except on market days, what a crowd is, beheld the assemblage of a great concourse of strangers on the morning of the 12th of August.f The proceedings commenced by the performance of Divine Service in the parish church, which, even before the Bishop arrived, was crowded to excess, and after his entry was so thronged that many who longed for admit- tance came away disappointed. An able and ap- propriate sermon was delivered on the occasion by the Rev. John Williams, vicar of Lampeter, and * The name of Mr. Jones deserves to be specially comme- morated for the services which he rendered to the College scheme. His libera] mind at once scanned the importance of the object ; and lie not only contributed the sum of 5002. in aid of it, Init accepted the office of treasurer of the subscription fund, in which capacity his good sense and knowledge of busi- ness rendered him a very useful coadjutor. The county of Cardigan lost in him an amiable enlightened friend and benefactor. f My own recollection of the above facts has been assisted by a manuscript account of them, from the pen of the late Rev. Professor Rees, of St. David's College, Lampeter, whose recent death has deprived that society of an un ■ nber. BISHOP BURGESS. 305 now archdeacon of Cardigan, from Mai. ii. 7., " The Priest's lips should keep knowledge." From the Church the congregation proceeded to the site of the College in the following order : — First, the Royal Cardigan Military Band ; next, the scholars of Lampeter Grammar School, two and two ; then the Rural Deans, and a numerous body of the Clergy in their canonical habits. Several of the magistrates and principal gentry of Cardigan- shire, and from the adjoining counties followed, succeeded by the carriage of the Bishop, who was seated in it in his episcopal robes, with his Chaplain, the Rev. C. Phillipps. The procession was closed by several; private carriages, and was accompanied and surrounded by a great concourse of people, who took a lively interest in the passing scene ; the band playing a piece of music in slow time, suited to the occasion. A platform for the accommodation of ladies and of gentry, who did not take part in the procession, had been erected above the area on which the ceremony was conducted, and was imme- diately filled. The writer of these pages and one of his brothers, as lords of the manor, now presented to the Bishop the conveyance of the site of the College, accompanied by a brief address, to which he replied as follows : — " Gentlemen, if you are gratified with the thought of being instrumental in promoting my plan for the advancement of religion and learning in my diocese, how deeply must I feel on this occasion, especially witnessing as I do the general enthusiasm with which its commencement is attended. It would have been in vain for me to have planned, had I not received such efficient support from the clergy and x 306 LIFE OF gentry of my diocese ; but I feel that to none is the institution more indebted than to the lords of the manor of Lampeter. Sanctioned as the undertaking is by our gracious King, and favoured with the support of the Universities ; with the blessing of Providence it must and it will prosper. I am thankful to God that I have been in His hands the humble instrument of providing a remedy for the serious obstacles in the way of education in this country. May His blessing rest upon the work, and may it, under the guidance of His spirit, con- duce to the unity of the Church, to the refutation .of error, to the propagation of sound knowledge, and above all to the salvation of souls ! " As the Bishop approached the conclusion of this address, his voice faltered, and the tear of sensibility moistened his venerable cheek His emotion Avas evident, and excited responsive feelings in the hearts of those by whom he was surrounded. The band then played a sacred overture, after which the Hundredth Psalm (old version) was sung by the boys and girls of the Lampeter Sunday School, in which the clergy and gentry cordially joined. A glorious summer sun shone on the oc- casion, and the effect of the whole wa-3 highly im- pressive. The foundation stone, a block of black marble, was now let down into its place, the Bishop having previously spread some mortar over it with a silver trowel. lie then struck it with a hammer, repeat- ing a passage from the 90th Psalm, "Prosper Thou the work of our hands, prosper Thou our bandy work." A set of coins of George IV., pre- sented by John Jones, Esq., were next, inserted into BISHOP BURGESS. 307 a cavity of the stone, and over it was fixed a brass plate with the following inscription : — ON THE 12TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1822, BEING THE BIRTH-DAT OF HIS EXCELLENT MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE FOURTH, THE FIRST STONE OF st. david's college, near lampeter, to which his majesty was a munificent benefactor, was laid by the right rev. the lord bishop of st. david's, assisted by the rural deans of the diocese and other benefactors and subscribers to the building of this college. The prayer for the King's Majesty from the Liturgy, and three appropriate Collects selected for the occasion, were read with much solemnity, and in an audible voice, by the Bishop's Chaplain, the Rev. Mr. Phillipps, preceded by a prayer, the principal passages of which were as as follows; — " O Lord ! who hast appointed an order of men to serve in the sacred ministry of thy Church, as stewards of thy Gospel, as teachers of thy Holy Will, and as watchmen to warn men of their sins, and to call them to repentance, prosper Thou, we beseech Thee, the work which we have undertaken for the instruction of those who shall hereafter be set apart for thy service. Give thy blessing to their studies, that they may become apt and meet for their future duties. Give them grace to discern diligently and faithfully the signs of the times, that they may all labour in their several stations to turn the hearts of the people from the vanities of tho x 2 308 LIFE OF world to the things which belong unto their eternal peace, before they are hid from their eyes. " Awaken and touch all their hearts most power- fully with thy grace, that they may never forget their ordination vows, and that they may become good and faithful guides to others. Enable them, we pray Thee, so to conduct themselves, that by good example they may lead the people committed to their care in the way of eternal life ; and that they may not by any irregularity of life or conversation render their instructions ineffectual, or cause the ways of religion to be evil spoken of. Teach them to be every day more mindful of their charge, more qualified to perform it, and more solicitous to do their duty, as they that must hereafter give account. " Grant them, O Lord ! a sincere love of thy Scriptures. Enable them by thy Holy Spirit rightly to understand and truly to teach the Gospel of thy Son Jesus Christ, and give them grace so devoutly to pray, and so faithfully to preach thy Word, that all who hear them may be made sensible of the reality of religion, and know that Christ is indeed their Saviour and their Redeemer. " Direct and bless all their labours, give them a discerning spirit, a sound judgment, and a religious heart, that, in all their studies, their aim may be to set forth thy glory by setting forward the salvation of men. " .Magnify the power of thy merciful goodness by disengaging their hearts from the love of worldly goods, and from the fear of worldly evils. And while Thou raisest their minds above the dread of earthly wants and difficulties, make them rich in the abundance of thy grace, rich in good works, BISHOP BURGESS. 309 rich in treasure laid up ' where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.' " To Thee, O Lord ! and to the guidance of thy Holy Spirit, we commend them, and our labours for their good, in the name and through the media- tion of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ! " At the conclusion of the prayers the Bishop pronounced the blessing. After a suitable pause, the National Anthem was sung by the whole as- sembly, accompanied by the band, and three hearty cheers were given at the termination of the cere- mony. In the afternoon a large and respectable party dined at the Town Hall in honour of the occasion, the Bishop presiding at one table, and John Lewis, Esq. of Llaniron, at the other. It may be imagined with what enthusiasm the health of the King, the generous patron of the College, was drunk on this occasion. When that of the Bishop was given, it was responded to with warm hearts and glistening eyes, but his feelings were too much affected to allow of his addressing the meeting ; at his earnest desire, therefore, a friend who was seated by him returned thanks for him, in a few words, the sentiments of which he himself sug- gested. The company separated at an early hour, and before the evening closed, Lampeter resumed its wonted tranquillity. In the course of the day, a petition was signed by the Clergy and benefactors to the College, so- x 3 310 LIFE OF liciting such Parliamentary aid as might enable them to complete the erection of the edifice. The two following letters have reference to the above events. TO J. S. HARFORD, ESQ. Abergwilly Palace, August, 1822. Dear Sir, I was glad to see in the Morning Post your ac- count of our Ceremonials at Lampeter. I was particularly pleased with the notice of the King's benignity, as also of our having used on the oc- casion the prayer for his Majesty, &c. from the Liturgy. I returned on Wednesday, the 28th, from my fortnight's tour of confirmation, and have hardly had time to read and sort the numerous letters which have accumulated during my absence. One of the earliest I have written since my return has been to acknowledge the receipt of my friend Seyer's letter, and list of Bristol benefactions. His situ- ation, as examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol, gives him an opportunity of knowing a little what a Bishop's correspondence is, and what an occupation also is a long tour of confirmation. He will not, therefore, I hope, have felt much dis- appointment at not hearing from me before. You will be glad to hear of the increased number of catechumens in one parish in Cardi- ganshire, Llanbadarfawr, the mother church to Aberystwyth : — BISHOP BURGESS. 311 In the year 1809, I confirmed there 225 1812 - - 252 1815 - - 354 1818 - - 482 1822 - - 702 I hope that St. David's College will increase this growing attachment to the Church. I regret as much as yourself our distance from each other ; so much more is done in an hour's conversation than in a week's correspondence. I rejoice to hear from all quarters such good ac- counts of the health of our excellent friend at Barley Wood. Yours very truly, T. St. David's. to the same. Dear Sir, I arrived at Llanidloes this morning, and have employed part of the two hours which I have to stay here, in my way to Kerry, in writing to Mr. Cockerell about the Corridor of the College, and to invite him to meet you at Abergwilly on the 28th of August, the day on which I hope (Deo volente) to return home. I am delighted with your account of our excellent friend Mrs. H. More. It is most consolatory to think that a life which has been so beneficial to the world may yet be continued much longer than there was any hope of last year. I regret extremely that Wales is separated from Barley Wood by " a world x 4 312 LIFE OF of waters," which makes it impracticable for me to visit it, and your own romantic residence. The horses are getting ready. Adieu. Remem- ber me kindly to Mrs. Harford, and believe me, Yours very truly, T. St. David's. CHAP. XXVIII. THE BISHOP'S CATHOLIC SPIRIT. BY COMMAND OF THE KING HE FRAMES A PLAN FOR A ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE. SOME ACCOUNT OF IT, AND OF HIS AN- NIVERSARY DISCOURSES. HE QUESTIONS THE AUTHEN- TICITY OF THE POSTHUMOUS WORKS ASCRIBED TO MILTON. 1823. In the Spring of 1823, the Bishop and his co- adjutors were actively engaged in bringing the case of the Welsh College before influential mem- bers of both Houses of Parliament, in the hope of procuring, by their exertions, a public grant in aid of it. He himself applied to the Arch- bishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London, for permission to refer Lord Liverpool to them, in testimony of the merits of the scheme, a request which was readily granted. The Premier, in the course of various interviews with the Bishop, ex- pressed himself favourably disposed to a public grant, provided it could be so made as not to establish an inconvenient precedent; but he objected on this ground to the proposed application to Par- liament. BISHOP BURGESS. 313 Our frequent meetings upon the business of the College afforded me, during this spring, continual opportunities of studying his character and habits. He was employed early and late with his books and his pen, and led the life of a laborious student. After breakfast he gave his attention for some hours to professional business, and to the claims of correspondence, and later in the day he often drove to the British Museum to consult manuscripts and learned works, or went to some literary, charitable, or religious meetings. Occasionally he attended the House of Lords. His daily dinner was two mutton chops, with little or no wine. He usually devoted his evenings to study and writing, and often sat up late at these employments. Such, at this time, was the daily tenor of his life ; and his habitual temperance, as we have already remarked, enabled him to pursue this se- dentary course without injury to his health. " Spare fare, which oft with gods doth diet," was a topic upon which he loved to expatiate. It had been the habit of his own life ; and, in order to point out its advantages to others, he published in a small tract some useful and amusing particulars of the life and maxims of Cornaro, the Italian philosopher, whom Addison has celebrated in the Spectator, as having lived by means of resolute temperance to a very great age, in spite of a delicate and frail constitu- tion. The more I became acquainted with him, the more I was struck by the purity of his feelings : his guileless confidence in the intentions of others ; the unvarying peace and cheerfulness of his mind ; and his habitual kindness of manner and address. His recreations were equally simple and innocent. Re- 314 LIFE OF ligious or literary conversation ; the perusal with a friend of tine passages of poetry ; a pleasaut walk ; listening to the tunes of his musical boxes, of which he had several of exquisite quality ; such were some of his favourite relaxations, and he enjoyed them with a keen relish. When his nights proved, as they sometimes did, wakeful, he would solace the time by a tune from one of those boxes, which usually stood by his bedside, or by repeating favourite pieces of poetry. Nor were his " Songs in the night " exclusively " the songs of Sion." I have heard him expatiate on the pleasure with which he often, on such occa- sions, went through the whole of Gray's Bard, with a lively admiration of its lofty numbers and sublime imagery. In an age and period when so much of party spirit prevailed in the Church his mind soared above its influence. He had his own firm and decided opinions upon those controverted topics, respecting which good men of the same communion may be allowed to differ ; but he was too well acquainted with the facts of Ecclesiastical History, and with the nature of the human mind, to imagine that all can be made to think alike with respect to points upon which the statements of Scripture are not so direct and positive as to preclude reasonable diversity of opinion. He never allowed names of contumely to prejudice his mind, ii priori, against any individual. He well knew with how much levity such names are often applied, by those who have no religion themselves, in order to depreciate the character and labours of men eminently pious. Any clergyman who faithfully devoted himself to the discharge of his duties, and led a useful and BISHOP BURGESS. 315 religious life, was sure of his favour and protection, whether he was called " high church " or " evan- gelical." Such were the principles upon which he acted, not only in the daily intercourse of life, but also in his disposal of church patronage ; and the consequence was, that he was occasionally censured as preferring men, who according to the objectors, did not faithfully preach the Gospel ; while he was perhaps still oftener cavilled at by those of opposite opinions, as an exclusive patron of evangelical cler- gymen. His real object was to prefer men of en- lightened zeal, and unquestionable piety ; and his great wish was, that they should so feed the flocks committed to their charge, and in such a manner be examples to them, as that when the " chief Shep- herd " should appear, they themselves might receive " a crown of glory." He discouraged all detraction both by precept and practice ; he never gave en- couragement to gossip or scandal ; and was equally unwilling, except on the clearest evidence, to hear or to believe ill of others. The following letters belong to the period of which we are now treating. The second was ad- dressed by the Bishop in answer to objections made by a friend whom he highly valued, to some ex- pressions in a prayer in " Law's Serious Call." It is taken from a MS. copy in his own hand-writing. to the lord bishop of st. david s. My dear Lord, I must be more brief than I could wish in reply to your very interesting letter. Mr. objects to the " two-fold change" spoken of in Jerram's trea- 316 LIFE OF tise. I asked, whether, substantially, there is any thing more in it than the most high church writers (such as Jackson, Jones of Nayland, Skelton, &c.) have maintained, and begged to know to what the " new man created in righteousness and true holiness," and the " old man corrupt according to the flesh,'' &c. refer. He answered, " merely to baptism." I replied that I could not think so, as the context (Ephes. c. 4. v. 22.) shows. At this moment we were interrupted, but I shall hear from him again. In his 3rd vol. (p. 284.) Jones says, " The same baptism which is sufficient to save an infant is sufficient only to condemn those who might, but never do, get any further. As the Christian advances in life, there must be other evidences of his spiritual union with Christ ; for as by baptism he is born into a new state, so by faith, by a partaking of the other sacra- ment, by prayer, and by a godly life, it must appear that he liveth in Him unto whom he was born again." Jones has another passage equally strong, beginning (p. 391.): " If any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his ; " — " he is without Christ's spirit if without its fruit." And in Scott's Christian Life (part 2nd, cap. 7.) there is a very striking passage on the same subject. It is singular that on both sides we should still be contending for first principles ; but so it is. ***** Believe me, my dear Lord, Devotedly yours, G. W. Marriott. BISHOP BURGESS. 317 DEAR , London, Dec. 24. 1823. I am grieved to think that two sincere Christians (as I trust you and I are) should differ so widely as we do in our opinion of a prayer for faith and holiness, such as Law's is. You think that prayer very objectionable ; and I think you are mistaken in all your objections. You say it ought to be addressed to Jesus as God. It is certainly addressed to Him as God ; He is God as well as man ; and a prayer addressed to Him is addressed to God. The term, " Lamb of God/' does not at all detract from His divinity. Divine honour is paid to Him as the Lamb of God in the 5th and 7th chapters of the Revelation. And in the 21st and 22d chapters, " the throne of the Lamb " is " the throne of God ; " and God and the Lamb are the Temple of the New Jerusalem (Rev. xxi. v. 22.). But under whatever name our Saviour is addressed, prayer can be addressed to Him only as God. The term regeneration is undoubtedly confined by Scripture and by our church to baptism ; that is, to the being " born of water and the Spirit." But it does not therefore follow that we cannot be " born of God" and of Christ, any otherwise than by water and the Spirit. The term i! born again " is altogether metaphorical; it is used in distinction from our natural birth, and to express a change from one state to another, from unbelief to belief, from sin to holiness, &c. To be " born of God " is to be " born again; " but " born of God " is not synonymous with baptism. For " whosoever is born of God sinneth not" (1 John, c. 5. v. IS.); 318 LIFE OF whereas we cannot say whoever is baptized sinneth not. It is also said, whoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is " born of God" (1 John, c. 5. v. 1.). " God is love," and whoever loveth is " born of God" (1 John,iv. 7.). " We are passed from death unto life because we love the brethren " (1 John, iii. 14.). We may have been baptized, and yet be living in habits of sin ; and while in this state we cannot be said to bear upon us the impress of the children of God. St. John says, " we are then not of God but of the Devil" (1 John, iii. 8, 9.). But we may be con- verted from this state of sin, and then we are " born of God " and of Christ. We may after baptism fall into doubt and un- belief, as St. Thomas did ; and we may, like him, be begotten again to a good hope, by the resurrec- tion of Christ. This expression is not actually ap- plied, 1 allow, to St. Thomas, but appears to be a fair inference from the facts of his case. The expressions, " born of Christ and of God," cannot be restricted to baptism, for we pray thus (in the Ash Wednesday Collect), " Create and make in us new and contrite hearts." We may therefore be " born of God "' after baptism. You object to the expression, " O fill me with Christ's 1 m > i \ nature," as impossible in itself and blasphemous. We might say, in the language of the Apostle, " O make us partakers of the Divine nature " (2 Pet. c. 1. v. 4\), which i< a stronger term than holy na- ture. But perhaps you will say it is impossible to be holy as Christ is holy. True ; yet Christ himself bids us to be perfeel even as our Father in heaven is perfect (Mat. v. IS.) And St. John says, that BISHOP BURGESS. 319 believing Christians purify themselves " even as Christ is pure " (1 John, c.3. v. 3.). Now this, in any- literal sense, is impossible ; but there is no blas- phemy in praying that we may be thus perfected. Nay, St. Paul prays for his Ephesian converts, that they may be " filled with all the fulness of God " (Eph. iii. 19.); and says that Christ appointed the different orders of the Christain ministry in His church, that we might come " to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ " (Eph. iv. 13.). Again, St. Paul says,' " Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus," that is, the spirit of meekness, lowliness, charity; the same spirit, tempers, and dispositions, which Christ bids us learn of him. We are " born of Christ" when we live in the spirit of Christ. St. John says (1 Eph. ii. 29.), " even- one that doeth righteousness is born of Him'.'' Why? because we then follow the example of Christ, who is emphatically called the Righteous ;" for" he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as Christ is righteous (1 John, iii 7.), and he that doeth righteousness is born of Christ." You object also to the expression, " a new creature;" yet St. Paul says, " if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature" (2 Cor. v. 17.). To be in Christ is to be a faithful disciple of Christ; or, as the sacramental prayer expresses it, " that we may evermore dwell in Him and He in us." We are born again when Christ, that is, the spirit of Christ, is formed in us. This appears from the language of St. Paul (Gal. iv. 19.), " My lit- tle children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you." These words were ad- 320 LIFE OF dressed to his Galatian converts who had been baptized but had departed from the purity and sim- plicity of the Gospel. The expression is remark- able. Of whom I labour again in birth until Christ, that is, the spirit of Christ, be formed in you, or revived in you. The prayer, therefore, of William Law, which you think is objectionable, appears to me to be conceived in the purest spirit of Christianity. For what is true religion but (as Scougal says) "a union of the soul with God," a real participation of the Divine nature, the very image of God drawn upon the soul. I am, &c. &c. T. St. David's. At the time now referred to the Bishop was often a good deal engaged by the concerns of the Royal Society of Literature, of which he was President. It was founded in the year 1820, under the special patronage of his Majesty George IV., who, bring himself an accomplished man of letters, and desirous of giving a stimulus to the promotion of general literature, and especially to that of his 0W3 country, had summoned the Bishop of St. David's to his presence, soon after his accession to the throne, and committed, in a most Battering manner, to his judgment the task of framing the plan of a society for the advancement of these ob- jects. The Bishop, aided by a provisional council, submitted to the King, in November 1820, the general outline of the Roval Society of Literature, which received his Majesty's approbation. The same parties proceeded to ingraft upon it such regulations as they deemed best calculated to give BISHOP BURGESS. 321 full effect to the proposed institution, and to ac- complish his Majesty's patriotic intentions. On the 29th of May, 1823, the Provisional Council laid before the King the proposed Constitution and Regulations of the Society, when they received his final sanction, and were embodied in a Royal Charter. The principal means of advancing lite- rature proposed by the Society are described in the charter to be, " by the publication of inedited remains of ancient literature ; by endeavours to fix, as far as is practicable, the standard of the English language, and to preserve its purity by the critical improvement of English Lexicography ; by the reading at public meetings of interesting papers on history, philosophy, poetry, philology, and the arts ; by the publication of such of these papers as should be approved by the Council of the Society ; and by the assigning of honorary rewards to works of great literary merit, and to important discoveries in literature." The Society, it was enacted, should consist of Fellows and Associates, and be governed by a President, eight Vice-Presidents, and sixteen Fel- lows, constituting a Council. The annual subscription of Fellows was to be at least 21. 2*. per annum ; or in lieu of annual pay- ments, a composition was allowed at the rate of ten years' purchase, for that or any higher sub- scription. Through the munificence of his Majesty, the Society was enabled at its outset to assign to ten Associates the annual sum of 100 guineas each, payable out of the privy purse ; and they were to be termed Royal Associates. Y 322 LIFE OP An equal number of Associates with similar al- lowances was engrafted on the funds of the Society. These Associates were to be men of distin- guished learning, and authors of some creditable work ; and were bound to communicate to the Council, once a year at least, a disquisition or essay on some literary subject. A further annual sum of 100 guineas was also contributed by his Majesty out of the privy purse for two gold medals, to be adjudged as honorary rewards to literary works of eminent merit, and to important discoveries in literature. The ordinary meetings of the Society were to take place in the first and third week in every month from November to June ; the anniversary on the last Thursday in April. We have been thus particular as to the constitu- tion and objects of this Society, because its success- ful establishment, in the face of many difficulties, Avas chiefly to be ascribed to the Bishop's anxious care and sedulous exertions; as also because he continued to the latest period of his life to rank among its most zealous supporters. In the seventh year of its institution, he states in the Discourse which he delivered as President, at its anniversary meeting, that its actual and honorary members amounted nearly to three hundred, — a number greatly beyond the expectation of its most san- guine friends. It is a curious fact, which his Majesty George the Fourth himself mentioned 'with a smile to the present Dean of Salisbury, that the Bishop, from a misconception of his meaning at their first inter- view, committed the King as an annual subscriber BISHOP BURGESS. 323 of 1000/., a sum which he had intended only as a donation to the Society at its outset, while his an- nual subscription was to have been limited to 100/. As, however, his Lordship in his zeal had imme- diately proclaimed the King's munificence, and Fame, through the medium of the press, had almost as quickly trumpeted it with her hundred tongues throughout the country, there was no retreat ; and his Majesty not only cheerfully acquiesced, but amused himself with the incident. The Bishop delivered an annual Discourse for eight years successively at the anniversary meetings of the Society. They are written with learning, elegance, and spirit ; but were perhaps a little too much pervaded by his own favourite topics and ob- jects of research, for such occasions. Thus the Discourses of 1826, 1827, and 1828, are chiefly occupied by a detail of the evidence which he regarded as conclusive against the au- thenticity of the posthumous work De Doctrina Christiana, ascribed to Milton. This work was published by his Majesty's command in 1825, in the Latin original, as discovered by Mr. Lemon in the State Paper Office; and also in the form of an English translation from the pen of Dr. Sum- ner, then Librarian to the King, and now Bishop of Winchester. In addition to the arguments ad- duced in these three Discourses, the Bishop entered into a further and more extended discussion of the question, in a Treatise entitled " Milton contrasted with Milton and the Scriptures,'' which was pub- lished together with the Discourses in an octavo form in the year 1829. It may appear strange to some of my readers i 2 324* LIFE OF that he should have devoted so much valuable time to a critical question, apparently foreign to his professional duties and avocations. His actuating motive, however, was not literary ambition, but that same zeal for the Trinitarian faith which had been one of his distinguishing characteristics throughout life. An intimate study of the writings of Milton had led him to the conclusion that the Treatise in question was, as far as his name was concerned, a forgery ; and fearing that the heretical opinions by which it is pervaded would circulate more freely under so imposing an authority, he deemed it a positive duty to vindicate the claim of the illustrious poet to the praise of orthodoxy. It is needless to enter into any minute detail of the circumstantial evidence in favour of the authen- ticity of the Treatise thus ascribed to Milton. The leading facts are well known, and lie within a small compass. It was found by Mr. Lemon in the State Paper Office, together with a copy of Milton's State Letters, in an envelope addressed to Mr. Skinner, merchant, supposed to have been nephew of Cyriack Skinner, Milton's intimate friend, to whom two of his Sonnets were addressed. It bore upon it the superscription, Joannis Miltoni Angli de Doctrina Christiana. These manuscripts appeal to have come into the possession of government at the time that arrests and seizures of papers were actively going on, during the public ferment attend- ing tlic Popish and Rye-house plots. Many close coincidences of phraseology and expression have been traced, by critical industry, between the Latin style of the Treatise, l)r Doctrina, and of Milton's published Latin works. BISHOP BURGESS. 325 The Bishop, though he did little, if any thing, to impugn the force of these evidences of the authen- ticity of the Treatise, marshalled a strong array of facts and arguments, in proof that a totally opposite conclusion was derivable from a scrutiny of the in- ternal evidence. We have evidence, he says, of Milton's Trinitarian belief in the 21st, 33d, 40th, 47th, 59th, 65th, and 66th years of his life, of which the two latter were the last. This evidence is supplied by his Ode on the Nativity, his Treatise on Reformation, his Sun- day Instructions to his Pupils, his Paradise Lost, and his Treatise on True Religion. We have also evidence of his express declaration against Arianism in his 33d and 65th years, from his Treatises on Prelatical Episcopacy and on True Religion. His change of religious sects is no proof of any change in religious doctrine ; because the Calvinists, Pu- ritans, Presbyterians, and Independents, to whom he successively attached himself, were all Trini- tarians. These assertions he has elaborately illustrated by direct quotations from the works of Milton, irre- concilable with the opinions of the author of the work De Doctrinu, except by supposing, what would altogether neutralise his authority, that at one and the selfsame period of his life he could be guilty of the most glaring and inexplicable con- tradictions. The different spirit in which this work is written from that which generally pervades his controversial writings, furnishes another objection to its authen- ticity. In his principal prose works he has closely identified himself with them by the avowal of his y 3 326 LIFE OF dominant political opinions and prejudices; by references to the circumstances of the age in which he wrote ; or to his own personal history ; and by occasional passages of fierce invective or of surpassing grandeur of diction. In the work De Doctrina, on the contrary, all is calmness and moderation.. It is a scholastic and metaphysical Treatise, unilluminated by any of those corusca- tions of fancy and eloquence which in his other works so forcibly recal the sublime author of Para- dise Lost, or the Platonising and elevated Bard of Comus. That the Bishop's arguments were not unsuccess- ful in exciting doubts of the authenticity of the Treatise in minds of a high order, will be apparent from the following letters from the present learned and venerable Archbishop of Canterbury, and the late Lord Grenville. My DEAR LORD, ' London, March 23. 1825. I have been too long without thanking you for your kindness in sending me your very interesting remarks on the late publication of what is called a posthumous work of Milton. Your arguments have great weight; and the long array of citations from works written at different periods of his life, which contain opinions altogether inconsistent, with the heretical doctrines maintained by the author of the posthumous treatise, throw great doubts upon its authenticity. My copies, Latin and English, of this latter work are both in the country; so that I have not had opportunity of examining the passages which arc adduced by the editor as proofs of the BISHOP BURGESS. 327 correspondency of this work with the other works of Milton ; nor indeed would this busy season have allowed time for the comparison. Supposing the work to be Milton's, we can hardly acquit him of disingenuous conduct in using orthodox language in the works published during his lifetime, while he reserved his esoteric heterodoxy for publication after his death. I should like to see the arguments, if any there are, in disproof of your reasoning (for my private satisfaction I mean), but I have heard of no reply. I think the work in question so para- doxical that it can hardly do any harm, whoever may have been the real author. Believe me, my dear Lord, Most truly yours, W. London. My DEAR Lord, Charles Street, May 12. 1826. I have read with much attention, and with the strong interest which I feel in all that relates to Ins great name, your note on the work recently ascribed to Milton, and I really think your reason- ing is as nearly conclusive as can be expected on such a subject. The work De Doct. Xtiana cannot have been the production of any short period in the life of any man, particularly of a blind man, though daily conversant, as we are told Milton was, and as every page of his great Poem proves him to have been, in Scripture reading. No one who knows any thing of his character will suspect him of being capable at any time of y 4 328 LIFE OF publishing works countenancing one set of opi- nions, while he was secretly convinced of the truth of contrary doctrines, and was labouring in private for the ultimate promulgation of these last. You have clearly shown that there is no con- siderable period between his fifty-ninth and sixty- sixth year, that of his death, during which he did not publicly express Trinitarian sentiments. The evidence resulting from the last of his theological works, that on True Religion, I think particularly striking. I was indeed surprised when I read in the Edinburgh Review the passage to which your Lordship adverts. Paradise Lost has long been as familiar to me, as frequent reading and the highest admiration of it could make it; and the impres- sion which the Review describes had certainly never conveyed itself to my mind. The whole structure of that magnificent poem, to say nothing of par- ticular expressions, seems to me to be undeniably in conformity with a belief in the Trinity ; and no one acquainted with the character of the work, of its author, or of the times in which he wrote, can doubt that his poetry is as much to be received for a confession of his faith, as if it had been delivered with all the solemnity of a religious creed. How far back then from the date of the pub- lication of the Paradise Lost, will not the time employed in its composition carry the evidence of his opinions ? It can never be indifferent to us to ascertain that these opinions really are supported by the authority of so learned, so pious, and so sincere a man, — a man of such deep research, and endowed with one BISHOP BURGESS. 329 of the most powerful minds that was ever exercised on such subjects. We may, I think, pronounce with much con- fidence, from the evidence which you have ad- duced, that Milton's tenets can at no period of his life have been those of an Arian. No presumption, therefore, nor any thing short of the most positive and indisputable evidence, should induce us to attribute to him an elaborate treatise in favour of doctrines which to the very close of his life he continued so openly to disavow. Believe me ever, My dear Lord, With great respect and regard, Your Lordship's most faithful And obedient humble servant, Grenville. P. S. I am not acquainted with the precise doctrines of the Churches of the Vaudois, " those who," in the language of Milton's exquisite Sonnet, " kept God's faith so pure of old." Can any in- ference as to his faith on the points now in ques- tion be drawn from this passage ; or is the purity of which he there speaks to be understood only as contrasted with the errors of the Church of Rome, which in the following lines are more particularly referred to? My DEAR LORD, Dropmore, May 25. 1826. I return you many thanks for your interesting communication of your translations of two very striking pieces of poetry ; the latter of these was 330 LIFE OF quite unknown to me, and I am much pleased with the turn of it, which is well preserved, and in some respects heightened in your translation. It is very flattering to me to see the idleness with which I sometimes give myself to this fascinating amuse- ment, countenanced by the example and authority of one who knows so well how to employ his time to the best advantage, and to use it for the highest of all purposes. Since I returned home among my books, for with them only I consider myself at home, I have turned to some accounts of the Vaudois churches ; and I think it quite indisputable that no Arian or Socinian, nor any person whose religious opinions had any such tendency, could possibly express him- self as Milton has, not in verse only, but as you observe in prose also, respecting the purity ami orthodoxy of those churches. This line of argument is, as I before took the liberty of observing to your Lordship, to be con- sidered always in this case with a particular refer- ence to the acknowledged piety and singular sincerity of Miltons' character. This last quality, as far as I know, has never been denied to him, except by one only of the numerous adversaries whom his opinions have at different times raised up against him. And this one, I am sorry to savj was the late Bishop Watson ; who, in a 30th of January sermon, referred to by both Todd and Symmons, lias charged him with the grossest fa I s< - hood. It woidd not lie difficult to show that this coarse invective is wholly groundless, and that the passage in Milton's works to which it refers has been utterly misunderstood by every one of those BISHOP BURGESS. 331 three critics upon it — by Watson, Todd, and Symmons. I have the honour to be, With high respect and regard, My dear Lord, Most faithfully and truly yours, Grenville. CHAP. XXIX. LORDS LIVERPOOL AND ELDON AID THE COLLEGE. THE BISHOPS VISIT TO THE AUTHOR. HIS PERILOUS VOY- AGE FROM BRISTOL TO SWANSEA. HIS TRANSLATION TO THE SEE OF SALISBURY. 1823.— 1824. — 1825. In the course of the session of Parliament of 1823, the sanction and support of Government were given to St. David's College by Lords Eldon and Liver- pool, who concurred in annexing to it certain ec- clesiastical sinecures, and some other pieces of pre- ferment, in the gift of the Chancellor, by act of parliament During the winter and spring of 1824, the Bi- shop's pursuits as an author, and the concerns of the college, jointly occupied his time and attention. In June, 1824, he paid a visit to the author at his residence in Gloucestershire ; and by a happy but fortuitous coincidence, the American Bishop of Ohio, Dr. Chase, together with Sir Thomas and Lady Ac- land, and part of their family, were at the same time assembled under his roof. Many neighbouring friends 332 LIFE OF joined the party on the day of their arrival; and few of them will easily forget the lively interest which all felt in witnessing the meeting, in a place so remote from the metropolis, of two Bishops pre- siding over sections of the church of Christ in such opposite hemispheres, both men of primitive and devout feeling, — both also, at that very time, en- ; gaged in furthering the erection of a college for clerical education; the one for a diocese, compre- hending nearly the whole of South Wales, the other for the vast and semi- cultivated province of Ohio, in North America. They were themselves no less gratified by this unexpected meeting. The Bishop of St. David's, tempted by its being the height of summer, fixed, when he quitted Blaise Castle, to go by the steam-boat from Bristol Hotwells to Swansea. The morning of his departure proved so stormy, that his hosts would fain have induced him to re- voke the plan ; but his arrangements were all made, and he proceeded in spite of their earnest re- monstrances. The following letter will show that the anxiety they felt on his account, as the day ad- vanced, was not without reason. TO J. S. HARFORD, ESQ. DEAR Sik, Abergwilly Palace, July 8. 1824. I thank you for your kind inquiries after the issue of my perilous voyage, for indeed (as I was informed after our arrival in port) we were once -<> near the rocks, and in so much danger, that the boats and anchors were got ready ; and the wreckers were seen crowding down to the shore, expecting BISHOP BURGESS. 333 plunder. But (thank God) we arrived safe at the Mackworth Arms, between one and two o'clock in the morning. I was much indebted to Mr. Grove tor his kind attention in assisting me from the packet to the inn. I had heard so much of the difference between the steam packets and other vessels, that I was induced to make the experiment, but now think the passage from Bristol to Swansea a longer voyage than I would recommend to any friend who has time and money to spare. But being safe at home, I am not sorry for my ex- perience, and for this additional proof of God's merciful jDrotection in the time of danger. I have the pleasure of informing you that Poll is quite well, and seems much pleased with his fine cage, which is greatly admired. He is fond of the warm atmosphere of the kitchen, but is occasionally brought into the breakfast-room to amuse us with his company. I thank you for the passage of the Agamemnon, which struck me with its resemblance to Gray's language — Avtt) clttovq Xeaiva (rvyKoi^nofievr] Avkio, might have suggested to Gray his " She- wolf of France," &c. I had allotted yesterday for an excursion to Lam- peter, but was prevented by the rainy weather. To- day there is an amendment in the wind and the barometer, therefore I hope soon to get a sight of St. David's College. The shield for my coat of arms to be placed in your castle travelled safe with me, and shall be put in hand as soon as I can see the painter. 334 LIFE OF Pray be so good as to add Mrs. Burgess's name to Mrs. Harford's list of guinea donations towards a printing press for Bishop Chase, which, if you will pay for me, I will repay you when we meet. Remember me kindly to Mrs. H., and believe me to be, Yours very truly, T. St. David's. In the spring of 1825, the See of Salisbury became vacant by the death of Dr. Fisher, and the Bishop of St. David's was appointed his suc- cessor. It has been very generally reported that he was indebted to the influence of his old friend, the Bishop of Durham, for this mark of royal favour; but he himself assured me this report was altogether unfounded. Much surprise and regret were expressed at the time, in various quarters, that ho. should have been willing to part from his Welsh diocese, and perhaps it would have been more entirely for his happiness had he steadfastly adhered to his ancient station. His quitting it was even regarded by many as the in- fraction of an avowed determination to live and die there ; but it has already been stated on his own authority, that the utmost he ever said in this way was, that he should be perfectly content and happy should it. prove so. He had now, however, reached his sixty-eighth year; his stall at Durham involved a long annual journey thither; and this, united to the fatigue of frequent travelling through his own very extensive diocese, had become onerous to him. But these considerations, he assured me, would not have induced the step, had there not BISHOP BURGESS. 335 been, in addition to them, a motive which pressed upon his most intimate feelings. Mrs. Burgess, who was much of an invalid from rheumatism, ascribed it in a great degree to the dampness of Abergwilly, and was therefore anxious for the change. There were also other reasons which influenced his decision. His various schemes for the improvement of his diocese were now in a great measure accomplished. Its slender income had been doubled by his liberality. The College was in the course of erection and endowment. It is true, that he somewhat hazarded the final success of the plan by quitting the diocese, since it was impossible to foresee in what light it would be regarded by another. He acknowledged that he could not repress anxiety upon this point ; but was persuaded that the importance, and even the necessity of the undertaking were so undeniable, that he might venture to assure himself it would find a cordial friend and supporter in his successor. These anticipations were more than verified ; and he was quickly relieved from any solicitude on this head, by the enlightened judgment and the active energy with which the plan was appreciated and prosecuted by Dr. Jenkinson, who succeeded him in the See of St. David's. Seldom has any Head of a diocese quitted it for another accompanied by sentiments of veneration and regret more sincere and general than those which were expressed towards Bishop Burgess, both by the clergy and gentry ; and his own feelings were not a little affected at the prospect of the ap- proaching separation. They were softened, how- ever, not only by the considerations already men- 336 LIFE OF tionecl, but also by the local attachment which he felt towards Salisbury. It was the place in which he had commenced his public career as chaplain to Dr. Shute Barrington, whose friendship had en- deared it to him by innumerable pleasant asso- ciations. He was also, from the same cause, ac- quainted in a general way with the diocese; and he delighted in the cathedral of Salisbury, and in the bowery walks which skirt the precincts of that ma- jestic and elegant fane. What were the general sentiments and feelings of the clergy throughout the diocese of St. David's in the prospect of his departure are faithfully de- picted in the following address presented to him, among others, by the Archdeaconry of Carmar- then. To the Right Rev. Thomas Burgess, late Lord Bishop of St. David's, now Lord Bishop of Salisbury. We whose names are underwritten, clergy and laity of the Archdeaconry of Carmarthen, in the diocese of St. David's, beg leave to approach your Lordship, and to express our deepest regret at the irreparable loss we have sustained by the removal of your Lordship from the superintendence of this See. Your Lordship found the diocese of St. David's, in the year 1803, in a most dilapidated state in every view. The chureho and ecclesiastical build- ings were generally in a ruinous condition; many of the clergy were incompetently educated, and dis- graced their profession by ebriety and other de- BISHOP BURGESS. 337 grading vices ; but your Lordship, by requiring a strict attention to duty from the Commissaries General and rural Deans, succeeded in restoring the churches in some districts to a state of ex- emplary neatness ; and by submitting to become your own examining chaplain, and requiring su- perior learning and theological knowledge from the candidates for Holy Orders ; by enforcing the law against irregularities, and by withholding insti- tution from all who were not competently skilled in the language of their parishioners ; your Lord- ship has gradually furnished the diocese with a body of clergy much superior to that which we ever pos- sessed before. Your Lordship's enjoining that all candidates for orders should have passed seven years at one of the licensed grammar schools contributed materially to this reform ; and your having succeeded, against many difficulties, in founding a college for the future education of candidates for the Church, has crowned your Lordship's public services. But this is not all. While your Lordship was occupied in these laborious undertakings, and in attending to the detail of the various minor, yet harassing duties of this too extensive diocese, you were incessantly engaged in composing learned works, in answer to the heretical cavils of the enemies of our Church Establishment ; and though possessed of deep learning, which qualified you to figure in the first ranks of literature, you wrote numerous familiar religious tracts and catechisms for the instruction of the youth of your diocese. Nor must it be forgotten, that instead of con- firming only in the county towns, your Lordship z 338 LIFE OF confirmed in almost all the market-towns in the diocese, and thus brought confirmation, in a man- ner, to every man's door. These are such important services as can never be forgotten; and if to them we add your Lord- ship's liberal and princely subscriptions towards building the College, churches, chapels, and every useful undertaking, and, in a most disinterested manner, running out the episcopal leases, with the view of improving the revenues of the See, the aggregate will form such an accumulated mass of public service, as can scarcely be paralleled in any period of the Church. While we thus presume to trouble your Lordship with the expression of our deep and heartfelt regret for the severe and unexpected loss we have sus- tained, permit us, at the same time, my Lord, to offer our humble congratulations on your Lord- ship's elevation to the See of Salisbury, through his Majesty's spontaneous and most gracious favour ; to which we add our cordial wishes that your Lordship may enjoy your new dignity in health, comfort, and happiness, to an extended period of life. Then follow the names of the subscribing clergy, headed by that of the late Rev. Mr. Beynon, Arch- deacon of Cardigan. A. subscription was at the same time zealously entered into for presenting the Bishop with a beauti- ful piece of plate, in testimony of these sentiments. It was entitled the Cambrian Vase, and emblema- tically alluded to his eminent services. BISHOP BURGESS. 339 CHAP. XXX. TESTIMONIES OF AFFECTIONATE VENERATION TO THE BISHOP FROM VARIOUS CLERGYMEN IN HIS WELSH DIOCESE. That the sentiments conveyed in the address, which closes the preceding chapter, were truly ex- pressive of the feelings of the reverend body from which they emanated, the writer of these pages has had many occasions of knowing ; and he may, with equal truth add that the name of Bishop Burgess still lives in the affectionate veneration of the clergy of South Wales. Those, in particular, to whom he was personally known delight to dwell upon his various excellencies, and to bear their testimony to the purity and elevation of his Christian cha- racter. In proof of this assertion, some extracts shall here be introduced from written memorials of the Bishop, kindly transmitted to the writer by three highly respectable parochial incumbents of the diocese of St. David's. Though drawn up wholly without concert, their descriptions will be found remarkably concurrent with each other, and with the general tenour of the preceding pages. " I feel the liveliest interest," says the Rev. Mr. Byers, " in the task which you have undertaken ; for I sincerely loved and revered that good and holy man, and am persuaded that a biographical memoir of him will prove most welcome, not only to that branch of the Christian church of which the good Bishop was an overseer and an ornament, but to the church of God throughout the world, since the name z 2 340 LIFE OF of Dr. Burgess has been honourably associated with theology and literature for more than half a cen- tury. But his name will be more especially asso- ciated, in the memory of all who enjoyed the privilege of his friendship, with what is greater than the re- putation of learning ; I mean with every thing that is single and unaffected in personal piety ; humble and self-denying in life ; simple and urbane in de- portment: conscientious and independent in the exercise of episcopal patronage, and rigidly faithful and exact in all that he regarded as his duty, whe- ther in reference to his public office or private and social life. All this is well known to those who were privileged to have free access to his study and his table ; and to whom he was wont to open the rich stores of his mind, with a simplicity and a humility seldom witnessed, and to develope the feelings and workings of a heart in which most obviously dwelt purity and kindness. " I myself certainly had, as you observe, full op- portunities of studying his character ; the more so from the occurrence of particular circumstances, which brought me into close and frequent commu- nication with him. Conscientiously exact in his closet duties, and accustomed to find time daily for meditation and the perusal of some of the more emi- nent devotional works, he enjoyed a most enviable serenity of mind. His fine countenance Avas an in- dex of his character; there sat on it a meekness and placidity which were truly engaging, mingled with a dignity and a depth of expression which in- spired veneration. " His characteristic virtue, his prominent grace, which could not escape the observation of any who BISHOP BURGESS. 341 ever communicated with him, was humility. He had, through grace, obeyed the apostolic injunction in putting on ' kindness, humbleness of mind, meek- ness.' " He was ever anxious to avoid wounding the feelings of others ; and when necessity was imposed upon him to reprove an offender, it was obvious how much pain the act cost himself. I can illustrate this by an instance, one of several which occurred within my own observation. A Welsh curate, of low origin, attainments, and habits, convicted of dis- reputable conduct, and imprisoned in the county gaol for debt, wrote to the Bishop imploring him to pity his case, and to send him some relief to support him during the period of his confinement. The Bishop replied by faithfully pointing out the disre- putable line of conduct which had brought him into this condition, and by giving him a very serious but mild reproof, together with a hint of the conse- quences which might ensue from his present dis- graceful position. By the same post he enclosed to me the supplicatory letter, with a private injunction to inquire strictly into the case, in search of any mitigating circumstances which might spare him the pain of noticing it publicly: he also enclosed a ten pound note, desiring me, if it appeared necessary, to convey it to the wretched man to meet his im- mediate emergency; and, added the Bishop, with his characteristic modesty and conscientiousness, ' let Mr. . . . know distinctly, that he owes not this gift to me, but to a kind Providence which places it at my disposal in the very moment of his distress.' " Of his conscientious and independent disposal of z 3 342 LIFE OF preferment, I had many proofs during my acquaint- ance with him of sixteen years. Happening one day to call at the palace, the Bishop mentioned a living just become vacant, and said it was astonishing what a number of applications had been made for it in the course of eight-and-forty hours. He appeared dissatisfied with the various candidates named to him, and expressed his wish to fix on some truly good man with a family, to whom the living might be of real service. I ventured to name a curate to him, whose ministerial fidelity and moral character had been highly spoken of in my hearing a day or two before. He had a large family, and had been la- bouring with much success in a laborious but very poor curacy. He instantly desired me to inquire further and very particularly about him. I did so, and soon reported the result. He thanked me for the trouble I had taken, without saying any thing more ; but a few days after, he kindly called on me to say, that he had offered the living to the gentle- man I had named, who had joyfully accepted it. On this occasion I know the Bishop passed by the urgent recommendation of a person of great influ- ence in favour of a respectable individual, in order that he might prefer a deserving man with a large family, who had worked hard for many years on a curate's pittance. Happy those who serve in the ministry of the Gospel under such a Bishop." " Of the Bishop's literary labours and self-deny- ing life," writes the same clergyman, " few can have any conception. I was frequently admitted to see him on business, even as early as six in the morning, when, rather than detain me, lie has seen me in hifl dressing-room. Often he kindly remarked, your BISHOP BURGESS. 3i3 time is not your own, and is as precious to you as mine is to me ; scruple not to send to me when you really want to see me." " On one of my early morning visits, about eight o'clock, in the winter, I found him seated, in his great coat and hat, writing at a table in a room without a carpet, the floor covered with old folios, and his candles only just extinguished. " I have been writing and reading," he said, " since five o'clock." At another time I breakfasted with him one morning by appointment, at his hotel in town ; and found him, at eight o'clock, about Christmas, writing by candle-light, the whole room being strewed with old books, collected from various places in the metropolis. The untiring perseverance with which he prosecuted his researches for evidence on any pai'ticular subject is inconceivable." " I expected," says the same clergyman (who was privileged to spend some days in his society, at the outset of their acquaintance), " to find in him a pro- found scholar and a learned divine ; but his con- versational powers were also truly engaging on sub- jects of general literature and science; and whilst he appeared to listen with a suavity and humility to others, as though he was sitting at their feet obtaining knowledge, he himself opened the most various stores of information, and proved that he had diligently inquired into such branches of science as chemistry, medicine, anatomy, botany, &c. " I must be permitted to advert to one other point in the Bishop's character which was truly admirable. With the caprice of this world's friendship, or with its reproachful adage, ' out of sight, out of mind,' he had no fellowship. There Mas nothing vacil- z 4 Sii LIFE OF lating or worldly about him. All was simplicity, steadfastness, and high principle. In bearing this high testimony to his worth, I am far from ex- pressing my own sentiments only. I doubt if there be a clergyman in the diocese of St. David's who would not cheerfully echo and confirm it. The uniform, kind, and unostentatious hospitality at the Palace of Abergwilly will be long remembered. " It affords me the most sincere gratification thus to dilate on the high excellence of that character which you are desirous of setting before the world in its just light. I loved and honoured the Bishop in life ; his memory is dear and precious to me : and I cherish the consolatory hope, that the time is not distant when, through the infinite mercies of God in Christ Jesus, I may be permitted to join him in the realms of eternal bliss. Having often served under and ministered with him in the church below, blessed and joyful is the anticipation of resuming that glorious service in the church of the first-born in heaven." The following testimony to the Bishop is from the pen of the Rev. Mr. Vincent : — " Never was there a Prelate who was more re- spected by his clergy than Dr. Burgess; indeed, it would be difficult to give an adequate idea of their feelings of veneration and affection for his character. In all their difficulties, they applied to him as to a common parent, in whose bosom they felt sure of finding sympathy, and who they knew was ever ready to afford them the most wholesome and salutary counsel. " He was in the habit of keeping a book, in which he registered the name of every active and efficient BISHOP BURGESS. 345 Clergyman who came under his notice, and to this he referred whenever a living or important curacy became vacant ; so anxious was he that every church in his Diocese should have a minister fearing God and doing good to the souls of men. " He gave one of the best livings in the county of Pembroke to a very eminent and popular Clergy- man, and the presentation was accompanied by a truly kind letter, reminding him of the high re- sponsibility of the situation in which he was about to be placed, and, at the same time, encouraging him in the most affectionate manner to continue faithful and diligent in the discharge of his mini- sterial functions. " The Clergyman in question has long since entered into his rest ; he always kept this letter with his sermons, and said that it furnished him with a stimulus to constant and unremitting exertion. " No Clergyman, who was active and faithful in the performance of his duties, could be long w ithout receiving some intimation that his Lordship knew and approved of his conduct. " He eminently bore the character, as well as the name, of Pastor Pastorum. " The constant attention which he paid to the affairs of his diocese, and tlie numerous works which he published, left him but little time at his command ; yet I never heard a Clergyman com- plain that he called on any occasion at the Palace and found the Bishop difficult of access. " His manners were remarkably affable, but, at the same time, grave and dignified. His meek and venerable deportment seldom failed to make a favourable impression upon those whose prejudices 346 LIFE OF led them to undervalue his sacred office; and I have known more than one Dissenter constrained to ac- knowledge that they never beheld a person who had more the appearance of ' a man of God.' " The following anecdote is well known, and per- fectly authenticated. A Baptist minister took upon him to make an oration over the remains of one of that sect in the church-yard of a parish near the town of Cardigan. Proceedings were, in conse- quence, instituted against him in the Bishop's Court by the minister of the parish, who was resolved to prosecute such an irregularity. In his distress, which was great, he went to the Bishop, and ac- knowledged how wrongly he had acted, but pleaded ignorance and entreated forgiveness. Kis Lord- ship pointed out to him the illegality as well as the impropriety of his conduct, and told him that he had made himself liable to severe ecclesiastical censure, but that, being convinced the sorrow he expressed was sincere, he would take care that further proceedings against him were stayed. The leniency of his Lordship, and the mildness with which he tempered his grave reproofs, made such an impression on the poor man, that he exclaimed on leaving the Palace, — ' I do believe, if there is a godly man upon the earth, it is the Bishop.' From that time he occasionally attended the parish church ; and instead of any longer venting, as he had been accustomed, virulent invectives against the Church and her members, he conducted himself towards both with marked deference and respect. " When the Bishop and his lady quitted Aber- gwilly, they were universally regretted in the neigh- bourhood, and particularly by the poor, who followed BISHOP BURGESS. 347 them with blessings, and bewailed their loss with indications of heart-felt sorrow. I particularly no- ticed one poor man, in whose coracle I crossed the river: as he paddled along he frequently ejaculated, ' Ay, he was the friend of the poor ! ' " " The Bishop " (says the Rev. Mr. Thomas, Vicar of Cardigan) " was in the habit of con- versing freely with his clergy, and advising with them as a father, in all things connected with their sacred duties. " He ever manifested particular anxiety for the spiritual welfare of his diocese, and never lost sight of the youthful portion of its population. At con- firmations, he gave three or four small tracts, specially adapted to the occasion, to every one whom he confirmed. These he always took with him in his carriage, packed up in small parcels ready for the purpose. He was a liberal subscriber to charity schools, and he frequently gave exhibitions on particular subjects to the different grammar- schools of the Diocese." Mr. Thomas then enters into various interesting details illustrative of the Bishop's Christian cha- racter ; but they are so similar to those already given, that it would be useless repetition to intro- duce them. The following anecdote, communicated to the writer by the Rev. Mr. , will attest the firm and manly support he was ready to give to his Clergy, when unwarrantably opposed. A wcek-day r evening lecture had been established by one of them in his parish church, to which some of the parishioners offered so much vexatious opposition, that the Clergyman was compelled to exercise his 348 LIFE OF just authority in resistance of a determined inter- ference with his ministerial jurisdiction. It soon became necessary to refer the question, by a common appeal, to the higher authority, and the decision was in favour of the Clergyman. His situation before things were brought to this issue was very trying, much unjust obloquy being industriously cast upon him. The Bishop, aware of this, and being well acquainted with all the circumstances that had oc- curred, left him not to contend, uncountenanced, with his opponents, but manifested his private view of the case by immediately attending the evening lecture himself, and continuing to do so for some time. His considerate countenance and support at once abashed the opposing party, and cheered the heart of a conscientious and excellent man. CHAP. XXXI. VARIOUS LETTERS. TESTIMONY OF DR. JENKINSON, BI- SHOP OF ST. David's, TO THE NECESSITY AND VALUE OF THE COLLEGE. FURTHKR SPECIMENS OF THE BISHOP'S SACRA PRIVATA. DEATH OF THE BISHOP OF DURHAM. 1825 and 1826. We are now to think of the Bishop as fixed in his new Diocese, and occupied in the discharge of its professional duties. We shall hereafter contemplate him in this character; but the general objects of our narrative will be furthered by the insertion in this place of the following letters; and, when we add that those from Mrs. Hannah More were writ- BISHOP BURGESS. 349 ten at the age of eighty, we think our readers will doubly admire their vivacity and energy. TO MRS. HANNAH MORE. My DEAR Madam, London, Feb. 5. 1825. I arrived here on Wednesday afternoon from Durham, a journey of 260 miles, in very little more than forty-eight hours, from which you will judge that I am (thank God) in good health. I was not here long without getting possession of your valuable little volume, " The Spirit of Prayer," Avhich I am reading with great pleasure, and, I hope, profit. If the profit of your readers should be in proportion to the pleasure received from it (I conclude from my- self that all must be pleased with it), you will have employed your hours of sickness to very good pur- pose. The Bishop of Durham speaks of it with delight. When I called on him on Thursday he read to me several passages from it with great em- pressement. Our very venerable friend is looking almost as well as I ever remember him. It is, this year, forty years ago since I had the pleasure of being introduced to you by him at the Palace of Salisbury. He has been lately subject to a com- plaint of the erysipelas kind, incident to extreme old age, but appears to have shaken it off" for the present. His spirits, his recollection, his love of books, and interest in literary subjects, are as lively as ever. I came to London to attend the opening of the session, and was present at the debate on the King's Speech. The address was moved by Lord Dudley and Ward with great ability, but (as I feel on the 350 LIFE OF subject) with too favourable a view of what are called the Roman Catholic claims. If the Roman Catholics should petition Parliament this session, it is pro- bable that the majorities in both Houses will be different from what they have lately been, lessened in the House of Commons and increased in the Lords. The mover of the address (speaking of the Popish agitators) said, " They have already lost all those that wavered, and they may ere long shake those that are still firm." I hope that I shall have the pleasure of hearing from one of your young friends a favourable ac- count of your amended health. To them I beg to be kindly remembered, and I am, my dear Madam, With affectionate regard, Your sincere Friend, T. St. David's. TO THE BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. My DEAR LORD, Barley Wood, Feb. 27. 1825. Though my hand will probably never recover, yet it is so far improved that I can write a little at a time, but not without pain. I must, however, compel it to thank you for your kind inquiries. Your last letter recalled many long-past but pleas- ing scenes to my mind. Forty years since we first met at the Palace at Salisbury ! ! I thank God that excellent Bishop is not only living, but possesses all his admirable powers, both of body and mind, in their full force. As to myself, if I was a disciple of Prince Ilohcnloe, I should say my recovery was BISHOP BURGESS. 351 a miracle. It is a curious circumstance that 1 can venture to assert, I have been raised up from twenty apparently mortal diseases after having been given over. But what is very remarkable, I have been reckoning up no less than twelve physicians (and almost as many apothecaries) who have at- tended me at different times and places, not one of whom is alive ! They taken, I left ! Mr. Wilber- force, to whom I sent a list of their names, says, that if I had lived three centuries ago, Dr. Carrick (my present kind physician) would have had me burnt for a witch, lest I should kill him also. God has doubtless spared me for further repentance and preparation. I fought to record, to the honour of those honourable men, the M. D.'s, that in my whole life I never paid but two fees ! Thanks to my Merciful Father I am better in health than for the last two years, and able in the mornings to see my friends. Apropos of friends, I must tell you how they pamper me. I am almost maintained at the public expense. Such continual presents of game, venison, &c. At my age this reprieve must be short; but relief from exquisite pain is a great mercy. I have not quitted my chamber for three years and a half, but have had many blessings in it. I sometimes hope that Blaise Castle may attract you on your way to your Palace and your College, and that I may see you once more. The Misses Roberts have left me, and Miss Frowd is now lady of the bed- chamber. I fear this long letter has tried your eyes too much : how are they ? 352 LIFE OF If I thought Mrs. Burgess was with you, I would present my best respects to her. Ever, my dear Lord, Yours very sincerely, H. More. Written at several times : — Miss Frowd is distributing for me at my schools above 600 books. The care and cost of these schools are heavy ; but the time is short. I presume you have seen Davison on Prophecy. I have had a copy of this valuable work given me. I told the author, the last time I saw him, that I hoped Lord Liverpool would not long allow him to be confined to an obscure village. TO THE SAME. My DEAR Lord, Barley Wood, July 1. 1825. I hope I may by this time congratulate you on your being set quietly down in your beautiful Palace, the naming of which brings back so many pleasing reminiscences. It is rather cruel to fall upon you so soon ; I therefore enclosed to your excellent dean a letter relating to a very meritorious individual, Mr , which was, in fact, intended for your Lordship. A more deserving man will not easily be found. My contemporaries arc dropping away fast be- fore me. Your Predecessor ; the Dean of Canter- bury ; the all-accomplished Sir William Pepys, &c. We have just lost a neighbouring Clergyman) for whom I had formerly the good fortune to obtain B small living in a parish where I have a school. I BISHOP BURGESS. 353 used to say, other good men were going to Heaven, but old Jones was there already. For sixty-one years he never omitted his Sunday duty but four times. He is dead at near ninety years of age. being no longer able to mount a pulpit. That dear Bishop of Durham gave me 50/. to pro- vide him a curate. As he only lived out half the year after I received this sum, enough was left to pay his funeral expenses. His poor widow, who has been his wife sixty years, has saved a little for herself and daughters ; and the ten Clergymen who attended him to the grave will, I doubt not, help us out in some way or other. I hope Mrs. Burgess will feel the benefit of a purer air. I have taken a great interest in the fate of Lieutenant , who is broke, and for ever dis- qualified to serve in the army, because he could not wound his conscience by joining, as an officer, in firing, bell-ringing, &c. in a Popish procession at Malta. He has been to see me. He is a very sensible correct young man ; but, though con- nected very highly, and a relation of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, he is left to starve for dis- obeying orders. I will not say whether he was right or wrong, but surely there are greater sins left unpunished than following the dictates of a too tender conscience. He is only twenty-eight years old. I seldom write so long a scrawl, and, as Shak- speare's Dogberry says, I have, as a favour, be- stowed all my tediousness on you. Adieu, my dear Lord. Your very faithful and obliged, H. More. A A 354 LIFE OF I am much obliged by your last valuable present, your letter to your late Clergy : there is but one deficiency in the gift, which is, that you did not send me a portion of your learning to accompany your book ; though it is a little hard to expect that you should furnish sense for the reader as well as the writer. The following from the Bishop of Durham will be read with interest, as having been written in his ninety-second vear : — My DEAR LORD, Mongewcll, July 14. 1825. It is no inconsiderable addition to the pleasure which I feel in your translation to Salisbury, that you find the house and grounds in good order, and your comfort and Mrs. Burgess's increased by the state in which I put them both, at the expense of 8000/., in 1785. .May every circumstance, as you become better acquainted with the Diocese, be productive of all that you can wish. Worthing, thank God, has done great things for me. Miss Colberg's health is improved, but not to the extent I feel anxious it should be. Re- member her and me to .Mrs. Burgess, and believe me, Your affectionate Friend, S. Dunelm. I congratulate you on having such a Dean and such a Chancellor. BISHOP BURGESS. 355 TO THE BISHOP OF SALISBURY. My dear Friend, Wint. Col., Feb. 27. 1826. The principal topic of your last letter induces me to utter what a thousand times I have thought, viz. that your promotion to St. David's was a blessing to that diocese. Not to mention innu- merable other benefits conferred on it by you, that you have erected a College for solid, sound, and Christian education, will of itself be enough to call forth the praises and thanks of grateful posterity. My heart has always been with you in this work, and I would now most willingly send you, as you request, an abstract from the main body of our statutes, if I had authority for so doing. The re- verse, however, is the fact ; but I will most gladly return answers to any questions which may not concern the " Arcana Domus. Your affectionate Friend, G. I. Hereford. The College of St. David's found, as has been intimated, in Dr. Jenkinson, the new Bishop of that see, a firm and enlightened supporter. In the winter of 1826, the Bishop of Salisbury was highly gratified by the following letter from his Lordship on this subject : — Abergwilly Palace, My dear Lord, Jan. is. 1826. I AM very much obliged to you for your two last letters. You were most heartily welcome to the A a 2 356 LIFE OF use of my house at Durham, and I hope you did not leave it sooner than was convenient to Mrs- Burgess and yourself. On the 27th of December Mr. Harford, whom I had long been expecting, came here, and on the 28th I accompanied him to Lampeter for the pur- pose of seeing the College. We did not attempt to retux'n the same day. Mr. Cockerell met us there. I was very much gratified with all I saw. I think the College is a very handsome building, exceedingly well contrived, and adapted for the purpose for which it is intended, and that it does very great credit to Mr. Cockerell's taste and judgment. I shall be heartily glad when it is fully established and fairly brought into operation, as I think there can be no doubt that it will be conducive in a very great degree to the welfare of the diocese. The judicious regulations established by your Lordship have, I am persuaded, contributed most materially to the present improved character of the clergy of this diocese. These regulations it is my intention to continue. When the College shall have been opened long enough, then I apprehend it to have been your intention that the licensed grammar schools should become preparatory seminaries for the College, and that every candidate for orders, who has not been at one of the Universities and taken a degree, should be required to have been four years at the College. [After various other remarks his Lordship adds,] The more I reflect on the subject, and the more I become acquainted with this diocese, the more I BISHOP BURGESS. 357 am convinced that the College is the only measure which affords a prospect of any effectual remedy for the evil inseparable from the system which unavoid- ably prevails in consequence of the necessity of generally dispensing with an academical degree ; which, of course, throws open the profession to many who could not otherwise ever have aspired to it, and a considerable proportion of whom are utterly disqualified for it. At my ordination in November last, I refused to admit some of the candidates to examination from their not having been at one of the licensed grammar schools for the required period of seven years, others for want of a title, and one I rejected on account of insufficiency. I have since learned that the latter candidate, within three weeks after his rejection, enlisted as a common soldier ! ! Another whom I refused to admit for want of a title, has, I am told, subsequently married a woman who keeps an alehouse at Llandilo. All this shows that it is impossible to be too cautious in admitting young men to holy orders in this diocese. The candidates, while at the licensed grammar schools, have too often been obliged to live at inns or public houses, where they have necessarily witnessed scenes, and associated with company exposing them to the danger, and unless they are endowed with great strength of character, to the certainty of acquiring tastes and contracting habits utterly incompatible with the profession for which they arc destined. For these evils and abuses the College will prove the best and only effectual remedy, and the only adequate security against the admission of improper persons to the profession. a a 3 358 LIFE OF With the sincerest sentiments of esteem and re- spect, I remain, My dear Lord, Faithfully yours, J. B.St. David's. Part of the winter of 1826 was spent by the Bishop of Salisbury and his lady at Bath and Clifton, for the health of the latter. We thus be- came neighbours for several weeks, and our meet- ings were frequent. In reverting to them, I re- collect with particular interest a drive with him in his carriage from Clifton to Bath, in the course of which he made some striking remarks on the im- portance of habitually cultivating and maintaining a devotional frame of mind. After touching on the mental serenity and the firmness of purpose which are its characteristic accompaniments, he proceeded (casting aside the reserve which he generally maintained in reference to his own religious feelings) to repeat to me, with equal simplicity and fervour, a fasciculus of prayers, collects, and select passages from psalms and hymns, with which, variously modified, he told me he was in the habit of commencing the day. All that he thus said proved how truly his religion was an in- dwelling principle of holy living ; a salient spring of pure and heart-felt joy ; and that the Bishop of Salisbury, in the midst of continual engagements, and the engrossing circumstances of station and influence, retained the humble and devout feelings of the retired Rector of Winston. The following reflections written before he quitted the See of St. David's will not unfitly come in here, and may BISHOP BURGESS. 359 be regarded as a slight appendix to the chapter entitled his " Sacra Privata " : — " In the midst of life we are in death." " Watch and pray, for ye know not when the time is." — Mark, xiii. 33. " Lord, so teach me to number my days, that I may apply my heart unto wisdom." " Lord, increase our faith." " Love is the fulfilling of the law." " Oh, death I how bitter is the remembrance of thee to him who is at ease in his possessions ! " " Oh ! that they would consider their latter end." " Immo vere ii vivunt qui ex corporum vinculis tanquam e carcere evolaverunt. Vestra vero quae dicitur vita mors est." — Scipionis Somn. " Quid aliud agimus, cum a voluptate (id est, a corpore), cum a re familiari (quae est ministra, et formula corporis), cum a republica, cum a negotio omni sevocamus animum ? Quid inquam, turn egimus, nisi animum ad seipsum advocamus, secum esse cogimus, maxime e corpore abducimus. Se- cernere autem a corpore animum nee quidquam aliud est, quam emori discere." — Cicero. " Cicero in this passage explains what he means by abstracting one's self from the body. It is to turn the soul inwardly upon itself. It is to call it away from pleasure, from business, from politics, and to force it to self-inpection. Speaking in Christian language, it is to set our affections on things above, — not on things on the ^earth — to have our con- versation in heaven — to lay up our treasure in heaven : not by a life of indolent contemplation, but by the active discharge of our duties in that station A A 4< 360 LIFE OF of life in which God has placed us. It is, by ' bringing forth much fruit,' John, xv. 5. ; by ' letting our light so shine before men, that they seeing our good works may glorify our Father who is in heaven.' Matt. v. 16. ; ever looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith/' On the 25th of March, 1826, an event occurred, which, though quite in the course of nature, was much felt by the Bishop. We allude to the death of his old and beloved friend, Dr. Shute Barrington. He had attained the advanced age of ninety-two, and his fine faculties were unimpaired till within a few days of his departure. The funeral, in compliance with his own di- rections, was so strictly private, that none of his friends, excepting the executors, were invited to attend ; but when the day arrived on which the body was to be conveyed to Mongewell for interment, the Bishop of Salisbury gave a most touching proof of his respect and affection. Before seven in the morning, the hour appointed for the procession to leave Cavendish Square, lie came thither on foot from his own residence, and was recognised slowly pacing up and down the pavement at a short distance from his old friend's mansion, until the hearse moved from the door, when he was seen earnestly watching its progress, as if to catch the last glimpse of that which contained all that was mortal of one whom he had so sincerely loved and revered. Before; finally bidding adieu to Bishop Barrington, we will add a few particulars to those included in our sketch of his earlier career. To the end of his days he continued to administer BISHOP BURGESS. 361 the rich and extensive patronage of his princely see upon the same high and disinterested principles which have already been particularised. Sound scholars, learned theologians, pious, active, and de- voted parish priests, were men whom he delighted to honour and to advance, although, upon what may be termed open questions, they might not entertain precisely the same opinions with himself or with each other. Gisborne and Paley ; Bishops Burgess, Sumner, Gray, and Phillpotts ; Faber and Davidson, Town- send and Gilly, Collinson of Gateshead, and Gray of Sunderland, were selected by the same discrimi- nating patron to fill important situations in his diocese. The three last stalls, which became at his disposal, were bestowed upon persons whom he had never seen, until their useful writings recommended them to his notice. Dr. Holmes found in him a generous friend, in the progress of his learned collation of the Greek Bible ; and Dr. Bell, to whom the world is deeply indebted, as the founder of the Madras system, re- ceived from him the mastership of Sherborn Hos- pital — a valuable sinecure, which left him at full liberty to devote his time and thoughts to the ex- tension of national education. In each and all of these appointments, it was his wish and intention to select individuals whose talents, principles, and attainments best fitted them for the particular situations to which he appointed them. Nor were his regards confined to men eminent for learning or genius in the sacred profession. He loved and valued Christian piety for its own sake, and the humblest curate that came within his notice 362 LIFE OF in whose character and conduct he traced any thing of the image of that Redeemer, in whom alone was his trust, was sure to attract his esteem, and, if need- ful, his support. Party names with him weighed nothing ; principle and conduct were every thing. His firmness of purpose, in adhering to these principles of action, was sometimes put to a severe test ; but his presence of mind, united to a winning courtesy, never failed him on any such occasion. It was his constant maxim of conduct, and he often gave it in counsel to patrons, never to make pro- mises, nor even to encourage expectations. He was one day accosted at court by Queen Charlotte, for whom he entertained an affectionate and dutiful respect, as follows : " My Lord, I have a favour to ask of you. The living of , in your disposal, is, I understand, vacant, and I shall be greatly obliged if you will bestow it upon Mr. , for whom I feel much interested." The Bishop, in the most courteous manner, signified, in reply, his desire to meet any wish expressed by her Majesty ; but added, that he felt bound to apprise her of the rule which he had invariably laid down to himself with respect to all such applications. He had no sooner given utterance to it than the Queen stopped further explanation, by exclaiming, " My Lord, I will not say a word more : and I beg that no wish of mine may lead you to violate so golden a rule." But though he never made promises, he always had a list, known only to God and to himself, of the names of those who, he had reason to believe, were most deserving of advancement and patron- age. The following incident illustrates at once his un- BISHOP BURGESS. 363 bending principle and great kindness. A near relation of his, who had been gay and thought- less, applied to him for advice about taking orders ; adding, that he could venture to say, a great im- provement had recently taken place in his principles and habits. The Bishop received him kindly ; but before he would enter upon the subject, stipulated for the most frank and explicit replies to any ques- tions he should put to him. In this way an ac- knowledgment was obtained, that he was influenced by the hope, that, as his relation, he would ordain and provide for him. And it further came out, that his wishes were fixed on a particular living then vacant, or on the point of becoming so, the value of which was about 500/. per annum. "And would this amount of income," inquired the Bishop, " en- tirely satisfy your wishes ? " He eagerly replied in the affirmative. "■ You shall have it then," replied his Lordship, " but not in the way you propose. I cannot reconcile it to my sense of duty to ordain you, but I will immediately transfer as much stock into your name as will produce an annual sum equal to that which you have declared to be the acme of your wishes, and may it prove to you all that you anticipate." We have already stated that no hand was more open than that of Bishop Barrington to do generous acts, and to succour real merit in any station. There was nothing exclusive in his almsgiving. Though a determined opponent of political concessions to the Roman Catholics, he contributed most gene- rously to the relief and assistance of the French emigrant clergy, many of whom enjoyed his hospi- tality and friendship. 364 LIFE OF Not few were the cases in which Dissenters of various denominations, encouraged by the fame of his diffusive beneficence, successfully applied to him for their own relief, or for objects ofprivate charity. He was a generous supporter of the most approved public charities, and of institutions for the advance- ment of science and learning, particularly such as promoted the cultivation of the fine arts. Among his other noble acts of munificence was the appropriation, in IS 09, of the sum of 60,000/., which he received upon the renewal of the leases of some lead mines in the county of Durham, to the establishment of national schools in his diocese, and to the formation of a fund for the benefit of poor clergymen and their fainjlies. So large, indeed, were his acts of public and of private charity, that even his ample fortune would not have sustained them had he not been careful to exercise, in other respects, a just and exact economy. The existence of a branch of the Church of Eng- land in our remaining North American Colonies is very much to be ascribed to the influence and exer- tions of Bishop Barrington. In 1786, his Lordship drew up a very valuable and able paper, entitled " Thoughts on the Establishment of the Church of England in Nova Scotia." Its concluding paragraph, which was as follows, succinctly pointed out what he deemed the essential requisites, in order to give effect and permanence to the important object which he advocated. " Upon these measure's, the appoint- ment of a bishop, a provision for an established clergy, and a seminary of learning to furnish a regidar supply of ecclesiastics, depends the very being of BISHOP BURGESS. 365 the Church of England in our remaining colonies of North America." The government of Mr. Pitt, while it encouraged emigration to North America, was not insensible to the just claims of the settlers in those distant regions to share in the blessings ensured to their countrymen at home by a National Established Church, and therefore each of the above measures was approved and adopted. Dr. Inglis, father of the present highly respected Bishop of Nova Scotia, was appointed the first Bishop of that See in 1787. The Clerical Seminary was commenced in 1788, and chartered in 1802; and a provision for the clergy of the Established Church was finally arranged in 1813. To each of these important objects, the Bishop, in addition to his strenuous advocacy, added his liberal support. In maintaining the dignity of his exalted station, there was a sober magnificence, an unostentatious splendour, which singularly befitted the solitary instance which our national establishment then pre- sented of the Prince-Bishop. Those who ever saw him preside at the Assizes at Durham could never forget the happy union of the bishop and the noble- man in the whole of his amiable, courteous, and dignified deportment. His state of mind, and the bent of his feelings, as he approached that hour which wrests from the great and the wealthy every earthly privilege and dis- tinction, have been beautifully depictured by his friend and chaplain, the Rev. Mr. Townsend. We extract from his narrative the following particu- lars : — 366 LIFE OF " Literary curiosity, the comfort and refreshment of age, was an active principle in the Bishop to the last ; and the love of literary novelty, next to devotion and benevolence, his ruling passion. " Tea was brought in at half past seven, and at eight the Bishop ended the day as he had begun it, by the perusal of devotional books, or by private meditation and prayer. I well remember his telling me that he considered it to be a part of his duty to God to devote to Him the remaining strength of his intellect, by dedicating to His service those houis in which the faculties of his mind were most active : and for that reason he never gave his restless and sleepless hours, which at his ad- vanced age were unavoidably numerous, to prayer, and to de- votional exercises. He preferred giving up the prime of his day, and the remnant of his intellect, to the Almighty ; and he surrendered the dross of ?iis time, such was his own forcible expression, to inferior subjects ; to literary recollections, or to soothing remembrances of the friends he had lost, whose con- versation he recollected with pleasure. " At a quarter before ten, the family were summoned to evening prayer. A slight supper was then served, and at eleven the Bishop retired for the night. The pleasailtest hours which I passed with my lamented friend were those which elapsed between the removal of supper, and the entrance of the servant who attended him to his room. lie was now ninety years of age, and lie had long been accustomed to live in the constant anticipation of death. Every night he composed himself to rest; not expecting to live till the morning. The conversations therefore which we were accustomed to hold at this hour were always grave and serious, though uniformly cheerful. He regarded death, as a man of sound judgment and Christian principles will ever do — without fear, and with- out rapture; with well founded hope, though with undefin- able awe— as a punishment decreed by the Almighty, vet as the introduction t<> a higher state of happiness than he could possililv experience (though he possessed every worldly enjoy- ment) in this state of his being. Though our conversation was sometimes directed to the literary or theological publica- tions of the day, or to the actions, demeanour, or conduct of his more distinguished contemporaries, of whom he related numerous and most interesting anecdotes; yet the more fre- quent topics of our conversation were derived from the possible or probable approach of tin- period when the body should be committed to the ground, and the spirit return to its Maker. He delighted to dwell on these subjects. The nature of the future happiness, and future misery — the continuance of the BISHOP BURGESS. 367 existence of the mental habits which are farmed in this state, and which constitute in some manner our future condition — the extent of redemption — and the opposite opinions of Chris- tians, respecting the invisible state ; — these and similar con- siderations were alternately discussed in these calm and silent hours ; and he uniformly concluded these discussions by ob- serving, " I know not, and I care not, what may be the real solution of these questions ; I am in the hands of a merciful God, and I resign myself to His will, with hope and patience." All our inquiries indeed upon these subjects, though they may be very interesting, are merely speculative, and are always un- satisfactory. We cannot raise the veil which conceals the future. We must die before we can understand death ; yet the sight of an eld man, full of days, riches, and honours, at the close of a religious and well-spent life, patiently expecting his end, abounding in every virtue which can adorn mankind — in humility, in patience, in kindness, in charity to all, in serene submission to expected death, in implicit dependence upon the mercy of a God, whom he believed to be his Friend, and Father, by the Atonement, which had been accomplished by the Mediator of the New Testament — the image of such a man can never be obliterated from my memory ; and the con- tinued enjoyment of his conversation, till within a few weeks of his death, while the strength of his body was gradually de- clining, and the intellectual, though not the spiritual powers were decaying ; that is, while he was beginning to be more averse to worldly business, and more intent upon devotional exercises, was a privilege which I cannot too much appreciate, and which may be justly envied by all who can delight in the society of the wise and good; or who would contemplate the triumph of the spirit of man over the weakness of the mind, and the infirmities of the body." CHAP. XXXII. PASSING OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION HILL, AM> PEELINGS OF THE PROTESTANT PUBLIC RESPECT- ING IT. 1829. In the autumn of 1828 the public mind was agitated throughout Great Britain by reports that it was the 368 LIFE OF intention of the Duke of Wellington to make Roman Catholic Emancipation a Cabinet measure, and to support it in both Houses of Parliament by the whole weight and influence of Government. It was also stated that Mr. Peel, hitherto the firm and unflinching opponent of emancipation, had yielded to the same reasons which had swayed the Duke's decision, and was prepared to bring a bill to this effect into the House of Commons, and to give it his unqualified support. The first impression of the Protestant public was incredulity ; but when the fact became un- questionable, it naturally gave a violent shock (the more violent in consequence of the quarter whence the measure emanated) to their most deeply rooted principles and feelings. A sentiment of indignant hostility to the propo- sition was general among the great majority of the members of the Church of England, and pervaded also no inconsiderable portion of the Dissenters, so that petitions against it poured into both Houses of Parliament from every part of the country, issuing from public meetings equally numerous and influential, and attended not only by the Clergy and the higher and leading members of tlieir flocks, but also by large bodies of respectable tradesmen and yeomanry. As long as the measure was in its progress through the House of Commons, an active warfare continued to be maintained against it out of doors ; and among those who lifted a warning voice to the nation, the Bishop of Salisbury was indefatigable. He ad- dressed a series of letters on the subject to the Duke of Wellington in one of the newspapers, in which BISHOP BURGESS. 369 he strenuously denounced the intended measure as in a constitutional sense suicidal, and pregnant with future mischief and danger to the country. These letters, some of which were, in the first instance, transmitted in a written form to the Duke, led to a correspondence between himself and the illustrious Premier. The letters of the latter are written with his characteristic decision and energy ; but the reasons which he urged in support of his intentions all resolved themselves into considerations of po- litical expediency, arising out of the state of Ireland. The Bishop's opinions, on the contrary, were in the spirit of those of our Protestant ancestors, who were ready to incur any danger rather than to compromise those principles which identified opposition to the Roman Catholic religion, not only with the safety of the British Constitution, but with their zeal also for the Truth of God and the Glory of his Gospel. On the 2d of April, 1829, in one of the debates on the question in the House of Lords, the Bishop, after saying that he could not reconcile it with his conscience to give a silent vote against the Bill, stated, in a brief but forcible manner, his principal objections. He dwelt, in the first place, on the danger to be apprehended from the influence of that supreme spiritual authority by means of which the Pope ex- tends his influence into foreign countries, and in- terferes with the temporal authority of sovereigns and states. He then expressed his entire dissent from those who treated the question as one of mere political expediency, and maintained that it was impossible, upon any just principle, to view it separate from B B 370 LIFE OF religious considerations. Did not the first canon of our Church denounce the Roman Catholic reli- gion as idolatrous and superstitious ? Regarding and treating it as such, had they not all in that House repeatedly made a declaration, and bound themselves by a solemn oath against Popery — an oath, he added, from which — speaking individually for himself — he felt he could not depart without wilful and criminal prevarication ? He deemed, he said, any measure having for its object the admission of Roman Catholics to seats in Parliament to be utterly inconsistent with the principles of the British Constitution, which was exclusively and essentially Protestant; nor would any argument ever convince him that Roman Ca- tholics would fail to use legislative power, if com- mitted to them, in a manner dangerous and injurious to the interests of the Church of England. In the very nature of things it must and would be so. How could the Church of England otherwise than suffer by giving such power to the members of another Church, who are bound by principle to use their utmost endeavours for the overthrow of the Pro- testant religion? — "My Lords," he added, "the Bill for the admission of Papists into Parliament appears to me contrary to the direct and literal meaning of his Majesty's Coronation oath, in which his Majesty, by the most solemn pledge, promises to maintain, to the utmost of his power, the Pro- testant reformed religion established by law. The Bill, as it appears to me, is not less contrary to a much later pledge— the only pledge contained in his Majesty's speech from the Throne — in which his Majesty most graciously expressed his dctcrmin- BISHOP BURGESS. 371 ation to preserve inviolate the established insti- tutions of our country, of which a Protestant Par- liament is one of the chief — the pillar and bulwark of the rest ; whereas the Parliament will cease to deserve any such appellation when once the pro- posed concessions shall be made." He concluded by intimating his apprehension that the measure, if carried, would expose the established Church to imminent peril, and the country to the fatal mistake and bitter consequences of sacrificing principle to expediency. The passing of this act filled him with deep and lasting concern ; he did not cease to regard it as the prognostic of further dangerous inroads upon the Constitution ; and though no one more justly appreciated the great and commanding qualities which distinguish the Duke of Wellington, or the debt of public gratitude so eminently his due, he often lamented that the nation should have been seduced by his influence into a measure fatal, as he conceived, to its best interests and permanent se- curity. " We owe all this," he often said, " to the battle of Waterloo." CHAP. XX XII I. ANALYSIS OF THE CONTROVERSY RESPECTING THE DIS- PUTED VERSE, 1 JOHN, V. 7. The Bishop from an early period of his theological career was a zealous advocate of the doctrine of the Trinity, as maintained by the Holy Catholic Church b b 2 372 LIFE OF from the apostolic age downwards. He regarded it not as a mere speculative dogma, but as in the highest sense a practical and vital Truth ; closely interwoven with the whole frame and texture of the Christian Religion ; intimately affecting in its bearings the motives and springs of Christian conduct, and regulating the approaches of the soul to the Majesty of Heaven. The force of this conviction may be traced throughout his various theological writings. It is vividly expressed in his first published sermon ; it breaks out in the midst of his critical remarks on Mr. Granville Sharp's Tract on the Greek article ; it formed a leading subject in many of his Catechisms, Charges, and Tracts; and in the latter part of his life it led him to employ much of his time and thoughts in defending the authenticity of the Disputed Pas- sage, 1 John, v. 7., " For there are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one." It was not that he deemed this Text * essential * The following is a list of his publications on this sub- ject : — A Vindication of 1 John, v. 7. from the objections of M. Griesbacfa : in which a new view is given of the external evi- dence, witli Greet authorities for the authenticity of the verse, not hitherto adduced in its defence. Svo. 1821. Adnotationes Millii, aucts ex Prolegomenis suis, Wetstenii, Bengelii, Sabaterii ad Joan 1. v. 7. Una cum duabus epistolis Richardi Bentleii, et observationibus Joannis Selden, C. M. Psaffii, J. F. Buddei, et C. 1'. Schmidii deeodem loco. 1822. A second edition of the Vindication, to which was added a reply to the Quarterly Review, and a postscript in answer to a publication entitled Paleoromaica. svo. 1823. A selection of Tracts on 1 John, v. 7. 1824. A Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's on a passage of the second Symbolum Antiochenum of the fourth century, as evidence of the authenticity of 1 John, v. 1825. BISHOP BURGESS. 373 to the proof of a doctrine which he traced as a golden thread pervading the whole texture of Divine Revelation* ; but as he had formed a strong opinion in favour of its authenticity after much patient study and laborious investigation, he felt impelled to place before the public the grounds on which he had come to this conclusion. To vindicate what he believed to be the integrity of the sacred writings, and to secure to the cause of orthodoxy the support of an important^ text ' which he conceived had been sur- rendered on insufficient grounds, were his propel- ling motives. The influence of Porson's critical authority, and the apparent consent of the learned world, had pro- duced a general impression that the text in question A Letter to the Rev. Thomas Beynon, Archdeacon of Car- digan, in reply to a vindication of the literary character of Pro- fessor Porson, by Crito Cantabrigiensis ; and in further proof of the authenticity of 1 John, v. 7. 8vo. Remarks on the General Tenour of the New Testament regarding the Nature and Dignity of Jesus Christ. Addressed to Mrs. Joanna Baillie. 8vo. 1831. An Introduction to the Controversy on the Disputed Verse of St. John, as revived by Mr. Gibbon ; or, a Second Letter to Mrs. Joanna Baillie. 1835. * It is an interesting fact, that the two greatest Greek au- thorities of modern times, Bentley and Porson, each avowed their conviction as critics and scholars that the doctrine of the New Testament is Trinitarian. Bentley, writing to a friend with reference to the disputed verse, says, " You endeavour to prove that it may have been writ by the Apostle, being consonant to his other doctrine. This I concede to you ; and if the fourth century knew that text, let it come in, in God's name ; but if that age did not know it, then Arianism in its height was beat down without the help of that verse; and let the fact prove as it will, the doctrine is unshaken. The opinion of Porson has been already referred to, in the chapter on Unitarianism. B B 3 374- LIFE OF was an interpolation either fraudulent or accidental. In his " Letters to Archdeacon Travis," Mr. Por- son had two objects': one to prove the contested verse a forgery ; the other to prove that Mr. Travis, who had undertaken its defence, was radically igno- rant with respect to many of the points which the controversy involved. Travis, it is said, was ambitious of the bench, and for a time acquired great credit by his publication — "I'll unbishop him *," was the exclamation of his redoubted antagonist, who already by anticipation beheld his victim laid low. Infelix puer, atque impar congressus Aehilli ! There is nothing of mediocrity in any part of these letters. It is difficult to say whether they are most distinguished by their extensive and pre-emi- nent learning, their singular ingenuity and acute- ness, their keen irony and playful wit, or by their bitter sarcasm, their unrelenting severity, and the fierceness of their hostility and invective. The triumph of Porson was as complete as a signal exposure of the ignorance and oversights of Travis could render it ; but the main question, whether he had proved the disputed verse to be a forgery, was quite of another description. Un- doubtedly he placed the arguments and the evi- dence opposed to its authenticity in a more striking light than any of his predecessors, and as far as the evidence of Greek MSS. is conclusive, he fully availed himself of the results of advanced and im- proved collation; yet it may justly be questioned * These words were quoted to me by Bishop liurgess. BISHOP BURGESS. 375 whether, in other respects, he adduced any fresh evidence, that would have been deemed materially important by such critics as Mill and Bengelius. To them the most formidable objections which he has urged were familiar, and yet, in spite of them, they had firmly advocated the authenticity of the disputed passage. This consideration furnishes a sufficient general reply to a host of objectors, who, without giving themselves the trouble to study the question, have been accustomed to accuse Bishop Burgess of cre- dulity, for having ranged himself on the side of those eminent theologians. The manly integrity of his character was far removed from the cow- ardice, which would yield up an important text to public opinion, however confidently expressed, when his convictions were different. Neither let it be imagined that, in these convictions, he stood alone among his contemporaries. There were not wanting some few in the foremost ranks of learning, who, undazzled by Porson's authority, sided with him, while others deemed the question still de- batable. Among them were Bishops Horsley and Middleton. Having made these general observations, we shall now proceed to offer a brief and popular statement of the principal grounds on which Bishop Burgess steadfastly maintained his own opinion of the authen- ticity of the verse in spite of the formidable array of learning, argument, and evidence on the other side ; and in order to come at once to the point, we shall state the objections to its genuineness, in a few distinct propositions, and with the utmost force we b b 4 376 LIFE OF can impart to them, subjoining at the foot of each the mode in which they were met by the Bishop.* OBJECTION I. " Not a single Greek manuscript written before the fifteenth century contains the controverted passage. REPLY. The apparently insurmountable difficulty created by the absence of the verse from the Greek manu- scripts is in some degree diminished by the fact, that the great majority of them are comparatively modern. We have no Greek manuscript whatever of the three first centuries. Within the period extending from A. d. 301 to 900 we have only four — the Alexandrian, the Va- tican, the Passionei MS., and one of Matthaei's. — A. B. G. — 9. The early Latin versions of the New Testament were of the highest antiquity. What is called the Vulgate is a revision by Jerome of these versions in the fourth century. This revision he himself declares that he executed by a reference to the authority of the Greek original, or, to use his own words, " ad Graecam veritatem." Consequently the Vulgate furnishes important * We are far from pretending in the following statement to do more than bring forward the most forcible facts and argu- ments advanced by the Bishop in defence of the verse; and we bave entirely omitted any notice of the theories by which he endeavoured to account for its absence from the Greek manu- scripts, as none of them, we fear, can be deemed satisfactory. BISHOP BURGESS. 377 evidence of the text of those originals at a period antecedent to the date of the earliest Greek manu- scripts. Now the majority of the MSS. of the Vulgate retain the disputed verse.* There are, it is true, some important exceptions ; and Bishop Marsh has gone so far as to assert, that it is wanting in the most ancient manuscripts of the Latin version. Bishop Burgess replies, No. "It is not wanting in the most ancient MSS.; for we have none such older than the eighth century. Of these there are three in the library of Verona, and the seventh verse is found in each of them. " There are cases," Michaelis observes, " in which the ancient versions are of more authority than the best Greek manuscripts, these being modern in comparison with the originals from which the Latin version was derived." The same eminent critic says, in another place, " as it cannot be denied that the oldest Latin ver- sions are of very high antiquity, notwithstanding some of their readings are false, their principal use in the criticism of the New Testament is, that they lead us to a discovery of the readings of the very ancient Greek manuscripts that existed prior to the date of any that are now extant." Mich. vol. ii. p. 121. The Coniplutensian edition of the Greek Testa- ment, published in Spain, a. d. 1522, and printed, * It ought in candour to be added, that the argument from the manuscripts of the early Latin versions would carry much greater weight, but for the double fact that the verse is wanting in several of the more ancient, and that those which contain it present it in many different forms. 378 LIFE OF though not published, in 1514, that is to say, two years before that of Erasmus in 1516, has the dis- puted verse. The editors declare, that the text was derived from manuscripts of great antiquity. Those who are opposed to the authenticity of the verse, contend that it was probably introduced into the Greek text of this edition from the Vulgate, or on the authority of some modern MS. Mr. Porson was of the former opinion, and maintains that the style of the Greek is Latinised. Wetstein undervalues the Complutensian edition ; but Michaelis, who appears to have examined it with great accuracy, declares his conviction, " that it was faithfully taken from MSS., and that those Complutensian readings, which are in no MSS. known to us at present, were actually taken from MSS. used by the editors. So long, therefore,' - he adds, " as we are without the MSS. from which this edition was taken, it must itself be considered as a valuable MS., or as a Codex Criticus, that contains many scarce readings." Marsh's Michaelis, ii. 439. What became of the MSS. of this celebrated Polyglot edition of the Bible is involved in mystery. The current story, that they were sold to a maker of fireworks, and by him employed in the pre- paration of various devices of the pyrotechnic art, is now pretty generally exploded. Before the Complutensian Polyglot was delivered to the public, Erasmus brought out his Greek Tes- tament in 1516. It did not contain the disputed verse. Being reproached with the omission in this edition, and in a second, printed in 1519, he stated his readiness to insert it in a future edition, provided some one Greek MS. of authority containing it could BISHOP BURGESS. 379 be adduced. It was found in the Codex Bri- tannicus, or Montfortianus, a MS. Wetstein main- tains of the ]6th century, Griesbach of the 15th or 16th, and Ur. Adam Clarke of the 13th; accordingly Erasmus introduced the text into his subsequent edition of 1522.* OBJECTION II. None of the ancient Greek fathers quote the verse, although had it existed in their MSS. of the Epistle of St. John, they would, as a matter of course, have made much use of it in their contro- versies with the Arians. The defenders of the verse have not been able to parry this objection by any direct evidence to the contrary. It is true that Porson has some- what overstated the degree in which its force is admitted by Bengelius. The extent of the conces- sion made by that eminent divine and critic is as follows : ' { We as yet see no ancient Greek autho- rities for this verse, except those which I have with difficult// collected under head 23." He then in- troduces passages from Irenaus, Athenagoras, Clemens Alexandrinus, Basil, Maximus, &c, none * No great stress can, however, be laid upon this insertion of the verse by Erasmus. His edition had been violently as- sailed, and his orthodoxy questioned ; he therefore, probably, acted from prudential motives. The Bishop never took up that part of the controversy which relates to the readings of the Greek MSS. employed by Robert Stephens in his beautiful edition of the Greek Testament in small folio. He lived to witness the discovery of the contested verse in two additional Greek MSS. ; a fact which will be no- ticed in its proper place. 380 LIFE OF of which, however, are adduced as quotations of the verse, but only as probable derivations from it. The objection, therefore, is admitted by the advocates of the verse nearly to the full extent of Porson's assertion, and as the defence of its authenticity rests chiefly, as far as the evidence of MSS. is concerned, upon those of the ancient Latin versions of the New Testament, so the formidable difficulty arising from the silence of the Greek fathers is met by the authority of Latin fathers and Latin ecclesiastical writers. There is a passage in Tertullian, a native of Africa, and a Latin Christian writer of the second century, which furnishes some probability that the disputed verse was in his copy of St. John's Epistle. The passage is as follows: " Ita connexus Patris in Filio, et Filii in Paracleto, tres efficit cohaerentes, alterum ex altero, qui tres unum sint, non unus." Adversus Praxeam, 657. Editio Rigaltii.* The words "qui tres unum sint," or, as some editions read, " sunt," are maintained by Grabe, Mill, Pengelius, and others, to be a quotation of the final clause of the disputed verse ; Porson and * Thus the connexion of the Father in the Son, and of the Son in the Paraclete, makes three coherent persons, one in the other: which three are one in substance, unum; not one in number, unus. Bishop Kaye, in his learned and interesting work on Tertul- lian, p. 5-14., remarks on this passage to the following effect : — If Tertullian had been acquainted with 1 John, v. 7., a verse which clearly proved, according to his own mode of reasoning, the unity of substance and the distinction of persons in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is it not contrary to all reason to suppose that he would have neglected to quote it, and chosen rather to refer his readers to the texts, John, x. 130. and xvi. 14.? BISHOP BURGESS. 381 Michaelis, on the contrary, maintain that Tertul- lian did not quote the verse. That, although he cannot fairly be said to quote it, he had it in view in the preceding passage, is rendered the more probable by a remarkable passage in St. Cyprian, a venerable father of the African church, living in the third century, and a great admirer of Tertullian. He thus expresses himself in his treatise on the Unity of the Church : " Dicit Dominus — Ego et Pater, unum sumus: et iterum de Patre, et Filio, et Spiritu Sancto scriptum est. — Et hi tres unum sunt." * Now, the first part of this passage, viz. " I and the Father are one," is cited by Cyprian as having been " spoken by the Lord," and is a direct quotation of John, x. 30. He then goes on to say, And again of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, it is written, " And these three are one." The words it is tvritten, taken in connexion with the previous reference to the Gospel, imply also a quotation from Scripture. Where, then, is it written concerning the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, " these three are one" — where but in 1 John, v. 7.? Hence arises a strong probability that Cyprian had the verse in his copy of St. John's First Epistle, and that he refers in the words, " it is tvritten," to its conclud- ing paragraph. Mr. Porson, on the authority of Facundus, a writer of the sixth century, urges the probability that Cyprian regarded " the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood," enumerated in the eighth verse, as mystically referring to the Father, the * The Lord says, " I and the Father arc one." And again, of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, it is written, •' And these three are one." 382 LIFE OF Son, and the Holy Ghost; and therefore argues that the words, " these three are one," had refer- ence to the eighth verse, not to the seventh. This interpretation of the meaning of Cyprian is so forced and extravagant, that it deserves no credit upon the mere assertion of any individual, much less of a writer of no higher authority than Facun- dus. And where is the evidence of it ? Cyprian himself drops not a hint to this effect. The first and the real author of this mystical «;loss was St. Augustin, at the end of the fourth century ; but he introduces it coupled with a qualification implying the interpretation to be far-fetched and questionable. After giving the natural and primary meaning of "the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood," in verse eight, he adds, hesitatingly, " If we wish to ascertain what these words signify, the Trinity itself not ab- surdly suggests itself." Si vero ea quce his signifi- cata sunt, velimus inquirere, non absurde occurrit ipsa Trinitas. If Augustin could have appealed to the authority of Cyprian for this mystical gloss, lie would not, it maybe presumed, have introduced it thus doubtfully. It was not till nearly two centuries after the aera of Augustin, that his mystical interpretation of the eighth verse was adopted by Facundus, who attempts, but without either reason or evidenv. t<> fasten it also upon Cyprian. It deserves, by the way, to be noted that. Facundus, in quoting the eighth verse several times, introduces in connexion with it the words in terra, onearth* — which are not in general * It may, however, be questioned whether the words " in terra " were in the original MS. of Facundus. AW' knowthat they were interpolated in Bede. BISHOP BURGESS. 383 found in MSS. omitting the seventh verse, and which even Mr. Porson allowed, form, when they occur, a possible antithesis to the words in the seventh verse, in ccelo, in heaven ; whence there is some probability that the seventh verse was in the copy of Facundus. But the attempt to fasten this gloss upon Cyprian through the medium of Facundus, is frustrated not only by the facts glanced at above, but also by the au- thority of Fulgentius, a learned father who flourished at the latter end of the fifth and the beginning of the sixth century ; prior by fifty years to Facundus. He introduces the seventh verse as a quotation from St. John with special reference to the authority of St. Cyprian. His words are, " The blessed Apostle John testifies, saying, There are three that bear re- cord in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Spirit ; and the three are one." Which also the most blessed martyr Cyprian confesses in his epistle on the unity of the Church. And that he may prove that there is one Church of the one God, he adduces at the same time these testimonies from the Scriptures. The Lord says, " I and the Father are one — and again it is written concerning the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, And the three are one." Upon this passage Mr. Porson says, that Fulgen- tius fairly confesses he became acquainted with the verse solely by the means of Cyprian ; an assertion which Bishop Burgess terms perverse, and which even the learned advocate of Porson, Crito Canta- brigiensis, attempts not to vindicate. It may be left to the plain sense of any intelligent reader to determine, with the above quotations be- 384< LIFE OF fore him, whether Fulgent ius does not quote the disputed verse as St. John's, and subsequently refer to its latter clause as having been quoted from the Scriptures by Cyprian. The words of Fulgentius are thus understood by Griesbach, who in conse- quence candidly states, that Fulgentius evidently had the seventh verse in his own copy of St. John's epistle, and also concluded that Cyprian had it in his. But if Cyprian quoted the verse, it must have existed long prior to him, for even had he been dis- honest he would scarcely have ventured to adduce in so unhesitating a manner a novel interpolation ; but his character was pre-eminently entitled to re- spect and reverence, and therefore Mill argues that it existed in the MSS. of the African Church be- fore Cyprian and Tertullian, and that it had thence passed into the Latin copies of other nations. Upon the whole, Bishop Burgess concludes, that Cyprian did not interpret the eighth verse mysti- cally or allegorically of the Trinity, because there is not the slightest trace of such an intention in the context of the passage in question in his writings ; because Augustin, who first suggested this inter- pretation, makes no appeal to Cyprian in support of it ; because nothing of the kind was ever imputed to him by any ancient writer before Facundus, and be- cause the authority of Fulgentius tends to establish the very reverse of this supposition. At the Council of Carthage, A.D.484, an express appeal was made to the seventh verse, by more than 400 Bishops of the Western Church, in their pro- fession of faith, and no exception was made to its authenticity by the Arian Bishops, who were BISHOP BURGESS. 385 present at the Council. This fact, testified by Victor Vitensis, is of great importance. It not only tends to prove the existence of the verse at that time, but its recognition by all parties in the African Church. It strengthens the grounds of belief that Cyprian quoted the seventh verse, as also that Fa- cundus has misrepresented and Fulgentius rightly stated Cyprian's meaning. It forms, in short, the crowning point of the testimony of the African Church in favour of the authenticity of the verse. The author of the Prologue to the Canonical Epistles, ascribed by Erasmus, Le Clerc, &c. to Jerome (but without any sufficient evidence), had the verse in his copy, for he expressly refers to its existence in the Greek originals, and finds fault with the omission of it in many of the Latin MSS. Mr. Porson and Bishop Marsh have availed them- selves of the authority of the Prologue to prove that the verse was wanting as thus stated in many of the Latin MSS. ; but they ought to have added, that in whatever degree it is conclusive as to this fact, it is no less so as to its presence in various Greek MSS. when the Prologue was written. Its probable date is the sixth or seventh century. OBJECTION III. Mr. Porson has asserted that, if the text of the heavenly witnesses had been known from the be- ginning of Christianity, the ancients would have inserted it in their Symbola or creeds. reply in. Direct quotations are unsuited to the epitomising quality of creeds ; but an ingenious argument in fa- 386 LIFE OF vour of the probable existence of the text in Greek originals of the fourth century, is derived by the Bishop from a passage in the second Symbolum Antiochenum, in the following clause, we eivcu ry fiev vTrotrratTEi Tpto, tj] <5e ovfitytovuf Er, so that they are three in personality, but One in agreement. Now the only place in the New Testament, in which a unity of testimony is ascribed in direct terms to the three persons of the Trinity, is 1 John, v. 7. This passage made such an impression upon the late Bishop Tomline, that he thus expresses himself in a letter to Bishop Burgess : " The passage you quote from the Symbolum Antiochenum is certainly a very striking one, and adds materially to that species of evidence in favour of 1 John, v. 7. Your other quotations and observations have also consi- derable weight, and I willingly own that, upon the whole, you have shaken my former opinion." The inference in this case would, however, be far more forcible if rpeic instead of rpia had been the reading of the first clause. The other quotations to which Bishop Tomline alludes are various sentences, gleaned from the Greek fathers by the industry of the Bishop, and similar in their tenour to the above ; of which the following are specimens : To dt rpia icvpioc o Qtog flaw. \\nt yap o't TpeiQ To ' F.i' euru* Of this sen- tence, ascribed to Origin, Fabricius says — Ad locum 1 Joh. v. 7. alkali ab Origine non est dubitandum. Maximus applies the same words to the Trinity, and expressly quotes St. .John as his authority ; U.pOQ < f TOVTOlfi Tract!' IwaWJ/fi (bCKTKEt, Kill oi tptiq To Ev * But the Three are the Lord our God. for the Three are One. BISHOP BURGESS. 387 iifTu Gr. Nazianzen says, 'Ec, to. rpia $£oti]ti, hh to ,sp, rpia raiQ idiOTtjfft ; and, again, kui ravra ra tpia Er. The three are one in Godhead, and in their pro- perties the three are unity, and these three are One. The last words are used also by Euthymius Zigabenus. * In addition to the external evidence adduced by the Bishop in support of the authenticity of the text, he defended it also on various grounds of in- ternal evidence. That the omission of the seventh verse renders the context of the passage false in grammar and mutilated in sense he strongly maintained ; a posi- tion in which he is, in some degree, supported bv the opinion of Bishop Midclleton, who, in his very learned and elaborate work on the Greek Definitive Article, thus expresses himself: — " If the seventh verse had not been spurious, nothing could have been plainer than that TO h> of verse 8., referred to ki> of verse 7. As the case now stands, I do not perceive the force or meaning of the article ; and the same difficulty is * It would not be difficult to add to the number of similar quotations, but their bearing upon the point at issue, viz. the authenticity of the text, it must in candour be allowed, is at best equivocal ; for, supposing the text to be genuine, though a Creed might not, for the reason already given, have quoted it, yet the Greek lathers, it may fairly be argued, certainly would. Their total silence respecting it is therefore inexpli- cable on the supposition of its authenticity. But the existence of sentences like these, instead ot being a cause for wonder, on the supposition that the verse is spurious, was a natural con- sequence of the general belief in the doctrine ol the Trinity, which prevailed in the Christian Church from the beginning. At this time controversy bad given rise to rigorous and scho- lastic definitions. c C 2 388 LIFE OF briefly noticed by Wolfius." He then goes into an elaborate exposition, on critical grounds, of the dif- ficulty which he felt in reconciling the reading of the eighth verse with the rejection of the seventh. After fully allowing the great weight of the evi- dence against its authenticity, he closes thus : " The objection, however, which has given rise to this discussion, I could not, consistently with my plan, suppress. On the whole, I am led to suspect, that though so much labour and critical acuteness have been bestowed on these celebrated verses, more is yet to be done before the mystery in which they are involved can be wholly developed." Another point of internal evidence, which the Bishop took great pains to establish and to illustrate, was an almost necessary connexion, as he conceived, of verse 7. with the context, and with the main scope of the Epistle; as also an intimate correspond- ence between the general aim of the Epistle (the verse being retained) and many important state- ments in the Gospel of St. John relative to the Divinity and Incarnation of Jesus Christ. This unity of design and illustration between the Gospel and Epistle depended, he conceived, in a great de- gree, upon the retention of the verse, and furnished an almost conclusive proof of its authenticity.* It was chiefly upon grounds similar to these, that Bengelius, an able critic, and profound divine, while he candidly admitted (with the single exception of * The fullest development of this argument is contained in tli" Bi hop's " Second Letter to Mrs. Joanna Bail lie," enume- rated in the list at the commencement of this chapter. Lord Grenville, and Mr. J.J. Gurhey of Norwich, who is distin- guished as a Biblical critic expressed themselves, after reading it, strongly disposed to regard the verse as genuine. BISHOP BURGESS. 389 the important testimony of the African Church) the full force of the external evidence against the verse, yet contended, unhesitatingly, for its authen- ticity. He concludes his vindication of it by de- claring that, on studying the context of the passage, the verse can be more certainly recognised than the part of a leaf of a book long lost, every where sought for, at length somewhere found, and proving its claim to be restored to its former position by an exact agreement in all its exterior points with the part which was not lost. This alleged agreement he denominates the " adamantine coherence of the two verses." Upon a general review of the Bishop's labours and researches upon this interesting and much- debated question, we think we shall not be deemed, by the majority even of our learned readers, as going too far in maintaining, that he has established the existence of some strong points of external evidence in its favour, and has added to their force by various important considerations, coming under the head of internal evidence, — By placing in a strong light the argument in its favour, furnished by many ancient MSS. of the Latin version : By arraying authority against authority ; that, for instance, of Selden, and Mill, and Bengelius, and Horsley, against that of Newton, and Michaelis, and Porson, and Marsh : By showing how aptly, both in antithetical point and grammatical accuracy, the disputed verse fits into the place assigned to it ; as also by arguing ingeniously in its favour, from the similarity of the train of thought which it developes, in connexion c c 3 390 LIFE OF with the context, to various important passages in the Gospel of St. John : But, above all — for it must be allowed that the above-mentioned particulars weigh but lightly against the main difficulty, viz. the absence of the verse from every Greek MS. of any authority, and the total silence of the Greek fathers respecting it — above all, we repeat, by the force and pro- minence which he has given to the remarkable and continuous testimony of the African Church in its favour. This testimony, which had already been power- fully pressed home by Mr. Nolan, he has strength- ened in a manner honourable to his researches as a scholar, and his acuteness as a critic. His able vindication of the passage in St. Cyprian, upon which this testimony mainly depends, from the comments and inferences of Mr. Porson, has, been noticed in its proper place ; and in the conclu- sion which he draws that it is a positive reference to the disputed verse, if not a citation of it, he is sup- ported, be it remembered, not only by very eminent scholars of past days, but, in recent times, by the authority of Griesbach. The suffrage of the African Church in favour of the verse ought not to be undervalued, when it is considered how high a testimony Eusebius bears to its integrity and purity, and how remarkably it was protected (a short period only excepted) from the influence of those great convulsions which for many years agitated the Eastern and Western Churches, and endangered the integrity of the sacred text.* * To the Rev. Mr. Nolan's " Inquiry into the Integrity of the Greek Vulgate," I am indebted for this remark. Hia BISHOP BURGESS. 391 Thus regarded, the first link of the chain of evi- dence in its favour, furnished by this church, is coeval with the second century ; thence it de- scends through Cyprian, Fulgentius, Victor Vitensis, Marcus Celedensis, Phcebadius, Eucherius, Cassio- dorus to the celebrated Council of Carthage, in the reign of Hunneric, the Vandal, at which 4-00 Bishops were present, when it was solemnly adduced by them in their Confession of Faith, and its authen- ticity unquestioned by the Arians present. There is, however, it must candidly be avowed, an important link wanting in this chain of evidence; and that is, the high authority of St. Augustin. That he should have resorted to the eighth verse, for an argument in support of the doctrine of the Trinity, which he does in his mystical gloss upon it already cited, if the seventh verse had been in his copy of the Epistle, is highly improbable. From what has been stated, our readers will, we trust, be able to form a correct opinion for them- selves of the principal points of the evidence con- nected with a controversy which has employed the learning and industry of the greatest scholars and critics of modern times. work, which is equally learned and ingenious, developes, by many interesting facts and arguments the importance of the evidence furnished by the African Church in support of the verse. C C 4 392 LIFE OF CHAP. XXXIV. the rev. l. clarke's testimony to the episcopal virtues of bishop burgess. We have now brought our memoir to a period at which our readers will naturally expect us to give some account of the mode in which the Bishop discharged his various duties in the Diocese of Salisbury. Our description of him, as Bishop of St. David's, was in many particulars derived from personal observation and local knowledge. We cannot lay claim to the same advantage in respect to his new sphere of labour, excepting in a very inferior degree ; but we are happy to have it in our power to introduce the following description of his Episcopal virtues, from the pen of the Rev. Lis- combe Clarke, a clergyman universally respected and esteemed, and who, from having ably discharged the important functions of Archdeacon of Saruni and Bishop's Chaplain, from the year 1827 until 1836, when ill health led him to resign the first- named office, had the closest opportunities of study- ing, to the life, the character and habits of his vene- rable Diocesan. to j. s. harford, esq. My dear Sir, You have desired me to furnish you with a short account of the leading principles upon which our late revered friend Bishop Burgess acted in the BISHOP BURGESS. 393 Diocese of Salisbury, and of the practical results of las plans. I fear that the task which you have called upon me to perform will not be so executed as to prove worthy of your acceptance. Yet as I cer- tainly had, during my intimacy and official con- nexion with that eminent Prelate for the larger por- tion of the time during which he held this See, many opportunities of forming a judgment of his character as a Christian Bishop, I am induced to comply with your request, from a desire to offer, however unwor- thily, my humble tribute of respect and veneration for the public principles and conduct of one for whom I entertained, also, an unfeigned personal attachment. It is well known that Bishop Burgess was not translated to the See of Salisbury from that of St. David's till he had reached an advanced period of life, at which the responsibilities attaching to the discharge of the Episcopal functions in a new r sphere of action must have been felt by him to be in no ordinary degree arduous. Much allowance must therefore be made, and, in fact, was made, by every considerate person, for some slight deficiencies ; for a letter occasionally unanswered, or an official paper mislaid ; for some well-devised plan for the good of the Diocese imperfectly carried out, some salutary regulation only casually enforced. It may, however, be fearlessly asserted, that the great leading principle which actuated him in all his views in his public capacity was a sincere desire to do his duty faithfully and conscientiously, for the promotion of true religion and the honour of God, to the en- couragement of the active and zealous among the labourers in his Lord's vineyard, and to the increase 394- LIFE OF of spirituality in that Church which he so much loved, and for the scriptural doctrines of which he contended so earnestly, but at the same time so meekly and charitably. The practical results of his high and holy aims, and the light emanating from his pure and bright example, were visible in the increased efficiency and more spiritualised affections and sentiments of many of the clergy over whom he presided. Of the laity, too, all who conversed with or had occasion to consult him held him in the highest estimation for the guileless simplicity of his charac- ter, the stores of his learning, and the readiness with which he brought these to bear in social inter- course ; for his unaffected humility, the peculiarly mild and benevolent tone of his sentiments in judging of the motives and conduct of others, the religious turn which he gave to many topics otherwise devoid of much interest, and the united ease and dignity of his demeanour. Many of them did not fail to express themselves gratified and honoured by his notice, and acknowledged that they seldom departed from his presence without having made some acqui- sition of human knowledge, some personal advance in Christian experience. For they had found in him that which realised their ideas of a Bishop whose " affections were set on things above, not on things on the earth ;" who, at the same time that he was uninfluenced by mere worldly considerations, yet took a deep interest in promoting the welfare, both temporal and spiritual, of his fellow-creatures. Such, my dear Sir, is (I firmly believe) a faithful sketch of the general character of that pious and good man. But you will probably expect that I BISHOP BURGESS. 395 should enter a little more into detail as to the man- ner in which he performed the duties of his high and responsible office. And I am myself the more disposed to do so, because I think that his character has not always been in this respect sufficiently un- derstood or appreciated ; in fact, there have been some who did not scruple to charge him with a neglect of the business of the Diocese. How this originated I have never been able very satisfactorily to discover. That it was the effect of prejudice in some quarter or other I believe ; for I can truly say that, so long as I had the privilege and happi- ness of knowing the Bishop, he was intent upon dis- charging his duties with scrupulous attention and diligence. Considering the late period of life at which he succeeded to the See of Salisbury, he obtained a remarkably accurate knowledge of the topography of the Diocese, and of the circumstances of the several parishes comprised in the two counties of which it then consisted. Indeed, his acquaintance with these would have surprised me a good deal, if it were not in my power to mention a minute, but not unin- teresting, proof of the pains which he took to ac- quire them. I found him one day engaged in tracing with his own hand, notwithstanding the infirmity of his sight, on a large map of Wiltshire 1 , a number of circles, of which the old-established stations for confirmation were the centres, in order that, for the future, no person might have to travel more than seven miles from his home to be confirmed ; and this (be it re- membered) at a period when it had been customary for Confirmations to be held at only the principal 396 LIFE OF market towns, and not unfrequently on the same days as the Visitation of the Clergy. I have also in my possession a Diocesan Atlas, if I may so call it, which he had caused to be prepared at a consider- able expense by a surveyor, containing separate maps of all the Deaneries of the Diocese, with the names and relative position of the several parishes in each Deanery accurately delineated. It was truly recorded of him, soon after his de- cease, that he had " devoted an exemplary attention to the affairs of the Diocese with the conscientious zeal of a man whose heart goes with him in the per- formance of the duties of his office ; that his habits of business were active ; and that he afforded facility of access at all times to those who had occasion to communicate with him." His fondness for profes- sional study and literary retirement did, indeed, (as was also said,) induce a life of comparative seclusion ; and hence, perhaps, many persons less acquainted with his general habits were inconsiderate, not to add uncharitable enough, to place to the account of indolence or negligence the gradually increasing infirmities ofjdmost octogenarian age. Yet, as was truly testified in the record before alluded to, " he never lost sight, even for a moment, of the claims which the Church had upon him; and his loss was deplored, not more as a local bereavement, than as a great public deprivation of learning and talents devoted to its service." Throughout the twelve years during which he presided over this Diocese he contributed liberally towards the improvement and increase of places of religious worship, and towards the erection and esta- blishment of schools : he assisted in procuring, and BISHOP BURGESS. 397 in some instances provided out of his own pocket, for the augmentation of poorly-endowed benefices ; he made himself acquainted with the names and characters of his clergy ; and omitted no opportu- nity which was regularly brought before him, and in which he could safely and legally interfere, for cor- recting any neglect or irregularity in the ministra- tion of the public offices of the Church, or enforcing a more adequate performance of parochial duties. Curates coming out of other dioceses were exa- mined as to their general competency and the sound- ness of their religious opinions, besides being re- quired to produce the ordinary testimonials of previous good conduct, before he would license them. And in order to obviate as far as he could, without undue rigor, the anomaly which certainly appears to exist in our Church, of intrusting a deacon who is not authorised to perform some essential functions, and to whom the Church assigns only a secondary and subordinate office, with the sole care of a parish, he would not accept titles for orders from deacons upon curacies of which the population exceeded four hundred, except in cases where the incumbent, or a curate in priest's orders, was resident : he required also that they should be deacons a full year before they applied to be or- dained priests, and that they should remain in the same curacies to which they were ordained at first, for two years at the least. Among the Queries which he addressed to the Clergy, and to which he requested to be furnished with answers, previously to his triennial visitations, were the following : — How often is Divine Service performed in your 398 LIFE OF Church on Sundays, and at what hours ? Do you preach twice every Sunday ? Is Divine Service performed at your Church on Wednesdays and Fridays, and is the Litany then read ? Have you always Divine Service on Ash Wednesday ? Do you usually preach on that day ? Is the Church Service daily and duly attended throughout Passion Week ? and do you always preach on Good Fridays? Is there a Sunday School in your parish ? Where is it held, and do you personally superintend it ? Is there a Day School, or Free School, in the parish for the poor ? Is it in union with the National Society? Is there any Grammar School? Is there any Infant or Adult School? Are pains taken in the Parochial School to prepare the children for Confirmation, and are they taught to join at all times in the Service of the Church? If you are engaged in the conduct or superintendence, as trustee, of a Grammar or Classical School, do you take care that religious instruction in the evidences, doctrines, and duties of Christianity is duly attended to? Is there any annual village feast or wake ? Is it attended with any disorderly consequences? Do the churchwardens take care to prevent the pro- fanation of the Sabbath ? Do you observe any in- crease or decrease of crime among the younger part of your parishioners? If an increase, to what do you attribute it ? Surely the desire to obtain information from time to time on such particulars speaks for itself, and ar- gues no deficiency of interest in the religious state of the diocese. And 1 must again notice, that at the period in question several of those particulars BISHOP BURGESS. 399 had not excited the general attention which they have since attracted. Infant Schools were then but few in number, and a Diocesan Board of Instruction was not even contemplated. It is unnecessary for me to do more than simply to advert to the Church Union Society, for the assistance of infirm and distressed clergymen, and the numerous unseen channels through which he ministered privately to the wants of many others of his poorer brethren, whose cases were almost daily coming to his knowledge, and were no sooner known than relieved. But in connection with that Society, which was mainly conducted through the instru- mentality of the rural deans, I cannot deny myself the gratification of quoting the high testimony borne to the episcopal usefulness of my late revered patron by one who also knew him well, the Rev. Win. Dansey, Rector of Donhead St. Andrew, and Rural Dean of Chalke, in this county and diocese. That very able and zealous clergyman, in the Appendix to his valuable and interesting work on the Name, Origin, &c, of Rural Deans, makes the following honourable and impartial mention of the late Bishop : — " Such is the present constitution of the office under the venerable Bishop Burgess, who has ren- dered it more effective during his occupation of the See of Sarum, by enjoining on his rural deans annual or more frequent inspection of churches and chapels, with their ornaments and furniture, church- yards, manses, &c. ; by circulating periodically visitation articles of inquiry, to be formally filled up by them, and deposited in the archives of the See; by distributing mandates ami prosecuting inquisi- 400 LIFE OF tions where necessary, by the instrumentality of deans rural; and, lastly, by holding a yearly con- ference of all the deans of the three archdeacon- ries of the diocese at the palace ; reviving therein the image of those older conventions at which the deans rural, as the proper delegates and standing representatives of the parochial clergy, were here- tofore wont to deliver their acta Visitationis to their diocesan, and to report and consult with him on the spiritual condition of their respective decanates." Of the Church Union Society just now alluded to, which owes its origin entirely to him, and con- stitutes so striking an instance of his munificence, the diocese is at this time enjoying, and will con- tinue, I trust, to enjoy, the permanent benefits. Upon the beneficial effects of his system in the dis- charge of the two most important branches of the episcopal functions — I mean the Confirmation of the young, and the Ordination of candidates for the pastoral office — I shall take leave to dwell a little more in detail. As to the general importance of a decent and pro- fitable administration of the scriptural and apostolic rite of Confirmation, there cannot be any diversity of opinion among those who duly consider its mean- ing, and the effects which may be expected to follow it. For baptism being a solemn covenant between God and man, into which it concerns all to enter through Jesus Christ, and infants being by our Church allowed to be baptized at an age too tender to admit of their performing at baptism what is re- quired on their parts, which is therefore performed by proxies, it clearly becomes necessary that all BISHOP BURGESS. 401 should take some subsequent suitable opportunity of openly confessing Christ in the face of the Church, and of ratifying and expressing their own individual consent to their baptismal covenant. This is best done at the time of Confirmation, which is an or- dinance admirably calculated to stamp a mark upon the minds of the rising generation at a very critical age. It will therefore, according to the manner in which it is administered and received, be the seal of piety or irreligion to thousands. But it is sufficiently notorious that some years ago the mode of conducting Confirmations in many dioceses was unhappily such as to afford matter of grief to every sincere friend of religion and of the Church ; and it must be acknowledged that a better system did not prevail in the diocese of Salisbury than in others. It too often happened in every diocese that one of the most affecting offices of the Church was deprived, not only of the solemnity of an act of Divine worship, but also even of common decency and propriety. We cannot be thankful enough that the scenes of confusion which fre- quently prevailed on such occasions are now of comparatively rare occurrence, and that the admi- nistration of this holy rite is conducted with more method and on better principles. Our late revered Diocesan effected a considerable improvement in this respect. He increased the number of places for holding Confirmations, and confirmed at some of them every year. He always appointed separate days for the visitation of the clergy and for confirming. The circular letters in which he desired every parochial minister to an- nounce to their respective flocks his intention of D D 402 LIFE OF confirming, and the form of address which he him- self drew up and transmitted to them for that pur- pose, gave earnest expression to the great anxiety which he felt that the solemn ordinance might be properly conducted. He " entreated them to in- struct their parishioners, both publicly and privately, in the nature and benefits of Confirmation ; " and, still more earnestly, to " appoint a day for the cele- bration of the Holy Communion, soon after the Confirmation, and to invite especially all who had been recently confirmed to partake of that most sacred ordinance." He directed " them also to re- mind parents of their natural duty, and sponsors of their spiritual engagements to see, as far as in them lay, that the young persons committed to their charge were made duly sensible of their obligations in these respects." These instructions were further accompanied with a very useful series of questions for elderly persons and others, who could not read or retain in their memory the whole of the Church Catechism, so framed that, while they comprised a brief summary of the Catechism, they recjuired only the simple answers of " Yes," or " No." At the time of Confirmation the arrangements in which his system differed somewhat from the mode more usually adopted were simple, and their effect was impressive and edifying. Admission into the church was allowed only to the catechumens, their ministers, and their parents or guardians. All of these were, if possible, admitted some half hour pre- viously to the commencement of the service : thus constituting one uniform congregation, they were seated and silent, each in his proper place, (the males on one side of the church, the females on the BISHOP BURGESS. 403 other,) and had time to collect their thoughts, and offer up without distraction a prayer for the bless- ing of God on the ordinance in which they were about to participate, before the entrance of the Bishop, who, on proceeding to the chancel, found there a moderate number of young people, seldom exceeding seventy or eighty, in readiness for him. The ceremony, which consisted only of the Con- firmation Service, commenced by the officiating minister reading the introductory preface. The Bishop then delivered to the division of catechu- mens about to be confirmed, who were kneeling before him, a few words of exhortation, in which he called their attention to the responses which they would have to make ; but more especially he en- joined them to answer distinctly and individually, with an audible voice, that most important and heart-searching question, " Do ye here, in the presence of God and of this congregation, renew the solemn promise and vow that was made in your name at your baptism, ratifying and confirming the same in your own persons, and acknowledging your- selves bound to believe and to do all those things which your godfathers and godmothers then un- dertook for you ? " He then confirmed them, repeating the Prayer of Confirmation after imposi- tion of hands on four or six only, never more, at a time ; pronounced over them the blessing ; and dis- missed them with a short charge, referring princi- pally to the 17th chapter of St. John's Gospel, and very touching from its simplicity; in which he again pressed upon them a continual remembrance of that day's solemnity, the regulation of their future lives according to the tenor of their vows, and a Chris- d d 2 w 404 LIFE OF tian steadfastness in the doctrines in which they had been instructed. This division was then allowed to retire altogether from the church, and another division was brought up from their seats, and con- firmed and dismissed in like manner; and so throughout the whole number of catechumens ; the Blessing and the Charge being repeated to each division, till all were confirmed. The Bishop and clergy then left the church. The good effects of this simple arrangement were obvious: there was but little noise and no unnecessary detention in the church ; and in very many cases a manifest impression of the propriety and benefits of Confirmation, and of respect for the venerable Bishop himself, and, as I trust, for episcopal au- thority in general, was left upon the mind. And within my own knowledge more than one instance occurred of parents expressing, with tears of grati- tude in their eyes, their sense of the improvement which they had just witnessed in the mode of con- ducting this important rite. You will, perhaps, wonder how the Bishop could have borne, at his age, the fatigue of thus going through the service, together with his charge, so frequently in the course of one morning, when, per- haps 700 or 800 persons were confirmed. Indeed, I often myself expressed to him my fears lest the fatigue should be too much for him. But the purport of his answer was always the same. " Be assured/' he would say, "that the lively interest which I take in a rite every way so affecting, and of such vast importance to the spiritual welfare of so many of Christ's ' little ones,' precludes any feeling of personal inconvenience. God grant that the BISHOP BURGESS. 405 ceremony (however imperfectly I may have per- formed it) may be blessed to them, and that there may have been vouchsafed to them, through me, a portion of that heavenly grace which shall enable them ' to continue his for ever.' " This was his constant language on such occasions ; and I have since reflected, with a melancholy satisfaction, on the gracious dispensation of Providence, which or- dained that he should receive the first awful sum- mons to prepare for his own departure out of this world, and should have even entered upon the first stage (if I may so speak) of his passage through the gate of death to Christ's everlasting kingdom, while engaged in administering the sacred rite in which he always took so lively an interest, and which he administered, as we have just seen, so effectually for edification. You are well aware that, while in the act of confirming in the parish church of War- minster, in the year 1835, he was seized with an attack of paralysis, which, though slight and partial, evidently affected his speech and bodily strength at the time ; and it may be doubted whether he ever afterwards entirely recovered from its effects. But if such was the unceasing anxiety of this ex- cellent bishop to give a solemn and abiding effect to the sacred rite of Confirmation, it will easily be be- lieved that it was still more his earnest aim to admit into the ministry, if possible, only such persons as were duly qualified for it by their previous studies and attainments, and, above all, by the purity of their principles and the integrity of their moral habits. It might be truly said of him that he acted up to the apostolical direction of " laying hands sud- denly on no man." His earnest prayer to God d d 3 406 LIFE CF was, that he might be enabled "faithfully and wisely to make choice of fit persons to serve in the sacred ministry of the Church." How often have I heard him declare that the Ordination Weeks were to him the most anxious and disquieting weeks of his life.* In fact, so great was his caution, and so firm was he in carrying out the principles which " guided and governed his mind," in this respect, that till his character was better understood, and the real kindness and benevolence of his heart more gene- rally appreciated, he was thought by many to be unduly strict and particular. One or two points in his system, with reference to the preparation which he required in those who applied to him for Ordination, deserve a more especial notice. He instituted a preliminary examination for the candidates for Deacons' Orders to take place at Salisbury about three months previously to the Ordination Week. At this they were to appear per- sonally, and to bring with them a written syllabus or abridgment of certain prescribed books, such as Pearson on the Creed, Butler's Analogy, Burnet's History of the Reformation and Pastoral Care ; and they were required to give proof of their qualification for the performance of the public offices of the Church by reading aloud the Morning Service, in the Chapel, before the Bishop or his Chaplain, and a small congregation, consisting generally of the Dean and one or two of the Canons and Prebenda- ries of the Cathedral ; and a sufficient competency in this very important part of clerical duty was an * Bishop Burnet's feeling, with respect to Ordinations, was precisely similar. BISHOP BURGESS. 407 indispensable requisite for the candidate being per- mitted to proceed in his examination, which subse- quently embraced a thorough acquaintance with the Bible, Ecclesiastical History, the Evidences of Christianity, and the Thirty-nine Articles of Re- ligion with their Scripture Proofs ; some proficiency in Hebrew was also required. But I would more particularly mention that the examinations were not confined to a literary and critical knowledge of the Bible and the other sub- jects referred to. The Bishop's anxiety extended to a still more important point ; and the following, which were among the questions usually required to be answered by the candidates, were calculated to test their moral and religious training and habits of previous self-examination : — " Have you, during the last seven years, been engaged in any secular profession? What books have you read on the qualifications necessary for Holy Orders ? What books have you read to enable you to judge of the fitness of your own talents and disposition for the Ministry of the Church, and to instruct you in the knowledge of yourself? What is the difference be- tween the literary and spiritual preparation for Holy Orders ? What are the characteristics of personal religion ? "■ What is the end and design of the Christian Ministry? By what names are the ministers of Christ distinguished in the Scriptures? Why are they styled Christ's Ambassadors ? Why are they styled Stewards of the Mysteries of God ? What are the duty and office of Christ's Ministers ? What especial motive have they to do this faithfully? When are men regularly called to the Ministry ? d d 4- 403 LIFE OF What is the outward Call to the Ministry ? What is the inward Call ? Is the inward Call sufficient without the outward? Will the outward Call succeed without the inward ? " The Bishop himself compiled a small tract on the importance and difficulty of the Pastoral Office, and the danger of rashly undertaking it, which was put into the hands of the candidates, on their first appearance at Salisbury, and was afterwards read aloud and commented on. It contained, among other things, some of the most awakening and heart- stirring passages of Bishop Bull's well-known Ser- mon on the Pastoral Office, and a striking passage or two from Dr. Glasse's translation of Erasmus's Ecclesiastes on " the duty of parents and pre- ceptors to prepare such as are destined for the ministry, even from their tender years, for the reception of Divine grace, and to instruct them chiefly in those things which may best fit them for their great work." Among the subjects for the written exercises which were required of the candidates were the fol- lowing : — " No one can come unto me, except the Father, which hath sent me, draw him." John, vi. 41. " Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matt, xviii. 3. " Holiness, without winch no man can see the Lord." Hebrews, xii. 14. " Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God ?" James, iv. 4. On the Ordination Service. On the disposition of mind necessary for the due BISHOP BURGESS. 409 observance of the Ordination Service, and on the personal responsibilities consequent on it. A Summary of the Epistles to Timothy and Titus. A written translation of the Latin pages of the tract (above referred to) " De Dignitate Sacerdotii Christiani." " If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him." Luke, xi. 13. I have it in my power to add some particulars of the mode of treating this last subject which he pro- posed for the adoption of the candidates ; viz. scriptural proofs of the distinct Personality and Divinity of the Holy Spirit ; an enumeration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and fruits of the Spirit ; proofs from Scripture of the presence, communion, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit in the minds of believers in Christ; a statement of the duty and necessity of prayer for the presence and aid of the Holy Spirit incumbent on all men, but especially on the ministers of religion, and the assurance that such presence and aid will be granted, if prayed for in faith. But I need not multiply evidences of the impres- sive character which he was anxious should be given to these examinations ; those which I have already adduced are, I trust, sufficient for the purpose. And I think it will be granted that it was next to impos- sible, but that in the minds of the majority of per- sons ordained by him, after such strict and searching preparatory requirements, the seeds at least must have been implanted of such principles of duty and 410 LIFE OF responsibility as tend to alienate the heart from mere worldly engagements, and from pursuits calculated to discredit our function and lessen our usefulness. That in all on whom he " laid his hands " these dis- positions readied the height to be desired may not be true ; but I do not scruple to assert, of my own knowledge, that very many among the younger clergy did at the time of their ordination apparently form corresponding resolutions, and have since given satisfactory proofs of their striving to pursue and improve them. In the same proportion were the efficiency and influence of the parochial clergy in- creased, the spiritual interests of the diocese pro- moted, and the character of our apostolical Church exalted. On the whole, Ave may, I think, safely conclude that, as among the Prelates of modern times none was more distinguished for personal piety and learn- ing than Bishop Burgess, so the services also, which he practically rendered to the Diocese of Salisbury, were beneficial and permanent. We who had so many opportunities of studying his character and appreciating his many virtues, may, I trust, be permitted, without the charge of presumption, to apply to him, in testimony of our admiration and gratitude for his unceasing exertions in the cause of true Beligion, the language of St. Paul ; and as we know that like that great Apostle, towards the end of his labours, he waited patiently and " in the full assurance of hope " for his passage to eternity, we may venture to affirm that he " fought a good fight," that "his course" upon earth was " finished " with joy, that he " kept the faith ; " that the work given him by his divine BISHOP BURGESS. 411 Master to do was effectually done ; and that there is "laid up for him a Crown of Righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give him at that day." Believe me, my dear Sir, With every sentiment of respect and esteem, Your faithful Servant, Liscombe Clarke. CHAP. XXXV. VARIOUS CORRESPONDENCE. The Bishop's correspondents to the close of his life Were numerous, including many eminent men in the two Universities, and some of the most gifted of his literary contemporaries. The topics chiefly touched upon in their letters were connected with the criticism of the Greek Testament, or with col- lations of MSS., or with one or other of the Bishop's learned publications ; so that, among the large mass which have passed under the writer's examination, there are not many suited to the taste of general readers. The Bishop's own letters, of which but few are in his possession, were in general brief, and confined to the immediate point of business ; they were seldom discursive, and he rarely gave the rein to fancy in them, or full expression to the noble sen- timents of his kind and generous heart. No one was ever more distant from professions of any kind. Among his more intimate friends, and frequent cor- respondents, were the late Archdeacon Churton and 412 LIFE OF George Marriott, Esq. The letters of the former bespeak the scholar, and breathe the cordial, affec- tionate regard of early and intimate friendship ; those of the latter are fraught with pleasant literary intelligence, with elevated Christian sentiment, and with high respect for the Bishop's character and office. The late Rev. Lewis Way was another friend with whom the Bishop corresponded for many years. One of the links between them was a mutual in- terest in the objects and proceedings of the Jews' Society, the existence and present flourishing condi- tion of which may be traced back to the munificence and zeal with which Mr. Way supported its funds, and laboured in its cause, when pecuniary and other embarrassments threatened its extinction. At this critical period, Bishops Burgess and Ryder* were persuaded by him to become its joint patrons. The respect felt by both of these excellent men for Mr. Way's eminent Christian virtues ripened into cor- dial friendship and regard, under the influence of his amiable and brilliant social qualities. The present Chapter will be principally composed of a select few of such of the letters referred to, as will tend to illustrate the general object aimed at in these pages. TO THE REV. CHARLES DAUBENY. Dear Sir, August 15. 1 825. The Thirty-ninth Canon of our Church directs that " No Bishop shall institute any to a Benefice, who hath been ordained by any other Bishop — ex- cept he shall appear, upon due examination, to be BISHOP BURGESS. 413 worthy of his Ministry." I wish to fulfil the in- tention of this Canon ; and for this purpose, though I cannot at once exact the various proofs of compe- tency which I may require, yet there is one upon which I must be fully satisfied, before I take any de- cisive step towards disposing of the Vicarage of War- minster ; I intend that the person who shall succeed to it shall first read prayers and preach in the Church, that I may know whether he has sufficient ability in reading prayers and in preaching for such a congregation as that of Warminster. The judges of his competency in these particulars might, per- haps, be the rural Deans of the district, and any two Clergymen selected for the occasion. Incompetency of voice and of elocution is such an evil in our Church, wherever it exists, that I am anxious to provide against it in every way I can. I wish, therefore, to profit by your advice and experience, and shall be glad to have your opinion on the subject of this letter. I have already ap- pointed a commission for the examination of can- didates for orders as to the competency before mentioned, previously to their coming to me for examination in Divinity. I am, dear Sir, Yours very sincerely, T. Sahu.m. TO THE LORD BISHOP OF SALISBURY. My LORD, N. Bradley, August 22. 1825. I have the honour to coincide perfectly in opinion with your Lordship on the subject of your last letter. The evil complained of, and which your 414 LIFE OF Lordship has in view to correct, has always appeared to me a very serious one ; as nothing tends so much to diminish the effect of our excellent service as the careless or incorrect manner of delivering it : a cir- cumstance which never fails to leave an unfavourable impression on common minds. The fact is, every person supposes he can read, and is therefore above learning ; and the consequence is, that so few of our Clergy read well. There has always appeared to me to be some defect in our University system on this head. In whatever degree your Lordship may correct this evil so generally complained of, the Church of England must be your debtor; whilst the satisfaction arising from such a circumstance cannot fail to be your Lordship's just reward. I would only take leave to hint, that as Rural Deans were not originally appointed with a view to the office, with which your Lordship proposes to invest them, it may be a subject for consideration, how far, as individuals, they may be competent to discharge it. In venturing to suggest this, I trust the " Cobler will not be thought to have gone be- yond his Last." I have the honour to remain, with due respect, Your Lordship's Faithful and obedient Servant, Charles Daureny. TO THE SAME. My DEAR LORD, Middleton, October 25. ]iMo of vain anxieties. f>. Prospects of Eternity. Hope of Heaven. At the end of this statement he adds, — "But none BISHOP BURGESS. 447 of these things move me: neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy." Acts, xx. 24. Such was the spirit in which the Bishop met the advances of age ; such the radiance which illumined his approach to the valley of the shadow of Death. Yet he had had to encounter not a few prejudices when he first settled in his new diocese. He was already in the decline of life when he was translated to Salisbury, a stranger to almost every one in the place, active and energetic in the discharge of his professional duties, and fond of exercising an unpretending hospi- tality, but having no taste for large parties, and often silent in them. While, therefore, he was loved and revered by all who had the privilege of his intimate acquaintance, and while the Clergy, in particular, bore witness to his uniform kindness and facility of access, those who only saw him casually, or in a formal manner, were apt to misconstrue the mixture of gravity and shyness in his address to strangers into coldness, and even into distance. Upon being ques- tioned on literary or theological topics, he was easily drawn out, and his conversation became instructive, amusing, and animated ; but he had very little of the pleasant small-talk which makes up so much of the current coin of general society. He was quite aware of this deficiency, and would often, when listening to the conversation of ladies, tell them, with a smile, how much he would give for their power of running on so long upon agreeable nothings. But if causes like these did produce in some quarters misconceptions to his disadvantage, they were par- tial and temporary ; and long before he had reached the end of his career, esteem and veneration for his 44-8 LIFE OF character pervaded the whole diocese. How much of courage and firmness of purpose was blended in his character with benignity and meekness, was proved in 1831, at the time of the Bristol riots, when so general an expectation prevailed at Salis- bury of dangerous insurrectionary movements there also, and of the popular fury being blindly directed against the Church and the hierarchy, that the Bishop was advised, nay, strongly urged by many of the neighbouring gentry, who waited on him for the purpose, to quit the palace, for a time, for some securer residence. " No," he replied, energetically raising his hands ; " this is my post of duty, and nothing shall induce me to abandon it." It has been urged to his prejudice, that, owing to the absorption of his time in learned pursuits, he was an unpunctual correspondent. It would be too much to say that the charge is wholly without foun- dation ; but I am convinced, after much inquiry, that it has been most grossly exaggerated. The con- troversy about the disputed verse, and books in general, were his amusement, and were dismissed when business required his attention. Yet, it is very possible that frequent long absences from home upon visitation and confirmation tours, and some- times defects of memory, may have often retarded his answers to important letters, and thus have given apparent ground for such a censure; but those who best knew the Bishop will attest, that neglect of this description was the exception, and not the habit of his life. The writer of these pages was among his frequent correspondents, and ever found him most punctual. The first thing done after breakfast at Salisbury was the reading and an- BISHOP BURGESS. 449 swering of letters, both of which were duly entered with his own hand in a book, specially kept for this purpose. Nothing else was attended to till this occupation was finished. Whenever the health of Mrs. Burgess induced him to leave home for any length of time, he was in the habit of fixing at a place sufficiently near to Salisbury (it was generally Southampton) to allow of his spending a day there in each week for the transaction of business. The Bishop's two nieces, the Miss Pinkertons, were much his companions, and were treated by him with an affection almost paternal. The eldest, whose Christian character had particularly endeared her to him, was cut off, to his great grief, pre- maturely, by consumption. The younger, whose sedulous attentions added greatly to his comfort, was married in the year 1833 to the Rev. C. B. Pearson, eldest son of Dr. Pearson, Dean of Salisbury. He eventually gave this gentleman the valuable prebend of Fordington, on the understand- ing that, in the event of a renewal of the lease of the estate of that name, he should augment the vicarage of Fordington to 300/. per annum ; an arrangement which he had the happiness of effecting in the Bishop's lifetime. His infant son, born in 1834, attracted much of the Bishop's notice and affection. He delighted in having it brought to see him, and in making his musical boxes play for its gratification. The frequent intercourse which this family alliance produced between himself and the Dean of Salis- bury contributed in many ways to his advantage. The Dean, whose influence, from office, and not less from acknowledged ability and high character, G G 450 LIFE OF was naturally groat, often proved a kind and useful medium of communication between the Bishop and the members of the Chapter, and was anxious to manifest, by every attention in his power, the affectionate regard and esteem which he felt for his Diocesan. Mr. Pearson rendered the Bishop much valuable assistance, by often acting as his amanuensis, and by reading to him works in the learned languages. The impressions produced upon him by the inti- mate opportunities which he thus enjoyed of con- templating his character, are justly and feelingly depicted in the following extract from one of his letters. " He was truly an object of my most unfeigned respect and veneration. His deeds of charity and active benevolence were known of all men, but his character in private, the 'vita interior hominis' was neither generally known nor appreciated. He was a man of whom the race is just disappearing from the earth — one who resembled the ancient fathers of the Church in simplicity and holiness, in extensive learning and scholarship, as well as in the calm and meditative turn of his mind. The present day has called forth a different character among the heads of the Church. The busy, bustling, innovating spirit of the times seems to require men less firmly attached to ancient usages, less imbued with the learning and spirit of a recluse, more sharp-sighted and skilled in politics. I have a great respect and esteem for the present governors of the Church; but I must confess I turn from them to contemplate with the highest veneration the simple, straightforward, self-denying and holy course of the good Bishop of Salisbury. BISHOP BURGESS. 451 After the intercourse with and knowledge of him which it has been my privilege to enjoy for the last four years, united to the impressions produced on my mind by his private books and papers, as to the course of his secret studies and devotions, and his high principles of public conduct, my conviction is, that if ever there was an upright and holy man, whose single aim and object was to ' exercise him- self to have always a conscience void of offence both towards God and towards man,' it was he. I should not say all this to most people, lest it should seem the partial praise of a relative; but you will believe it to be the inward conviction of my heart ; and I can truly comprehend the feeling which prompted Bishop Burnet to say with respect to his intercourse with Archbishop Leighton, ' For what I have seen and heard of him, I know that I shall have to give account to God in a most particular manner.' " The Archdeacon of Sarum, the Rev. Francis Lear, who paid a feeling tribute to the Bishop's memory in an obituary sermon, depicts in the following ex- pressive terms the temper and frame of his spirit: — " The peace of which we have been speaking was largely vouchsafed to our late venerable Diocesan : he was one whose mind was stayed on God, and who was, according to the gracious promise in the text, kept by that God in perfect peace. He was em- phatically a man of peace. I appeal to all who were in the habit of conversing with him, and who really knew his character, if I am not fully justified in using that term. There was something in his man- ner and appearance, nay, even in the very sound of his voice, which spoke of peace; all was calm and quiet around him and within him ; the world, with G G 2 •152 LIFE OF its noise and restlessness, was ever shut out ; he heard of it only as we hear the roar of the stormy ocean, borne to us by the wind from afar ; he had no heart for its turmoils, no hand in its schemes, and seldom turned so much as a look towards its commotions. The same stillness prevailed in his dwelling which reigned in the mind of its owner: his was a calm which seemed to spread itself from his own heart to the hearts of those with whom he held converse. I do not think that the most ruffled spirit could have remained in his presence without being tranquillised; there was a serenity in his man- ner which would have acted as oil on the troubled waters : all that was disturbed and violent would, if brought in contact with one so placid, have died away. There is a peace which the world giveth, and which they that are of the world enjoy ; there is a peace which a naturally placid temper gives ; and there is a peace which arises from mere out- ward prosperity. Sadly indeed do they mistake, and awfully will they be deceived, who suppose that a state of mind so low, so earthly, and so un spiritual will bring a man peace at the last ! But how dif- ferent was that peace which he of whom I speak enjoyed ! It sprang from far other sources, it rested on quite another foundation, it had respect to a far other recompense ; it had, as I firmly believe, the Holy Spirit for its author, Christ for its rock, and Heaven for its end." During the winter of 1S35, the Bisliop solaced some of his leisure hours by adding a few additional stanzas to Bishop Ken's well-known evening hymn — " Glory to Thee, my God, this night," &c. BISHOP BURGESS. 453 and printed some copies of them for distribution among friends. These octogenarian verses, though not of a nature to endure the severity of morose criticism, forcibly illustrate the simplicity and fer- vour of his devout affections. For instance, after expressing the most entire resignation to the Divine Will, whether for life or for death, and paraphrasing these words of St Paul — " To depart and to be with Christ is far better " — he pursues the train of thought as follows : — TO DIE, AND WITH THE LOUD TO BE, " With John, and James, and holy Paul, And dearest friends long gone, and all The spirits of just men perfect made, Midst purest joys that never fade. " Come then the maladies that may Close, at thy bidding, life's short day, And find me so prepared t' ohey The call, so prompt to watch and pray ; " That, thankful for my sins forgiven, The Saviour's love, the hope of Heaven, I may my final rest attain, From sorrow free, and sin and pain, The Christian's everlasting gain." " Oh, may my soul on thee repose," Sec. &c* The following letter will be read with interest in connexion with tlie above devout effusions. * The succeeding extract will show how much the Bishop's heavenly anticipations were in unison with those of the sainted George Herbert, as expressed to a friend not long before bis death. " I now look hack upon the pleasures of my life past, and see the content I have taken in beauty, in wit, in music, and pleasant conversation, is now all passed by me like a dream, or as a shadow that returns not, and is all become dead to me, or I to it ; and I see that as my father and generation have done before me, so I also shall now suddenly (with Job) make G G 3 454 LIFE OF TO THE LORD BISHOP OF SALISBURY. My DEAR Lord, Lambeth, February 13. 1835. I received your kind letter, and your two little inclosures in prose and verse, not indeed on New Year's Day (as you intended), but on the day pre- ceding my entrance on my seventieth year, a time of life, when those who have lived to any useful purpose have learned fully to appreciate the senti- ments so feelingly expressed in Bishop Ken's ori- ginal hymn, and the additions which you have made in the same spirit of pious devotion. The prose extract is a valuable portion of a very excellent book, great part of which I read in the intervals of leisure which I could command in the autumn. With many thanks for your interesting present, and kind recollection of me, and hoping for the my bed also in the dark ; and I praise God I am prepared for it; and I praise Him that I am not to learn patience now I stand in such need of it ; and that I have practised mortifica- tion, and endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eter- nally ; and my hope is that 1 shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be free from all fevers and pain ; and, which will he a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, and all the temptations and anxieties that attend it ; and this being past, I shall dwell in the New Jerusalem ; dwell there with men made perfect ; dwell where these eyes shall see my Master and Saviour Jesus; and with him see my dear mother, and all my relations and friends. But I must die, or not come to that happy state. And this is my content that 1 am going daily towards it, and that every day which I have lived hath taken a part of my appointed time from me; and that I shall Live the less time, for having lived this and the day past." — Walton'* Life of Herbert. BISHOP BURGESS. 455 benefit of your prayers at this critical juncture of the affairs of our Church, I remain, my dear Lord, Very faithfully yours, W. Cantuar. TO THE SAME. My DEAR Lord, Pall-Mall, March 5. I return you my grateful thanks for your Lord- ship's letter and promise of a copy of the Appendix to Sir A. Carlisle's essay. It will be doubly valu- able to me as one fast approaching to the appointed age of man, and more particularly as recommended by your Lordship, who, while you advance to that better country to which you allude in your motto, still continue to point out to your followers the way that leads to peace and happiness. If I might be allowed to re-translate your Lordship's lines sent to me on a former occasion, I would say — Sit Vcritatis fas mihi luminc Lenire curas, corpore et in gravi Mulcoru me fessum senemque, Spe placida melioris ajvi. I am, my dear Lord, Yours very faithfully, W. Heberden. TO THE REV. W. DANSEY. DEAR SlR, Palace, 1835. Your precious volume of the poems of Fla- minius came safe to hand. The fourteen accom- panying pages of the fifth part of your Rural g G 4 456 LIFE OF Dean.ery Lucubrations are also very acceptable. I am preparing to send to the Rural Deans who have been appointed since my incumbency in this See, an officially sealed appointment. I may, per- haps, send you one by to-morrow's post, to which the attention which you have lately paid to this subject, may probably suggest some additions as to the Decanal duties. Yours very faithfully, T. Sarum. TO THE SAME. DEAR Sir, Christ Church, January, 20. 1835. Your approbation of my portion of an Evening Hymn induces me to think that you will not tire of the subject if I send you an addition to it. Instead therefore of the line, " The Christian's everlasting gain," I add the following : — That thus, enlarged from earth's gross clay, My soul in pure existence may Join with the Church of God above In hymns of gratitude and love, To God, the Author of all good, And Him, who bought us with his blood, And the Holy Spirit of both in one, In homage round th' Eternal Throne. I believe that deatli to a Christian, who dies in penitence and faith, is an everlasting gain, by its freeing him from pain, sorrow, and sin ; but it is much more. And what more, I have alluded to on the authority of Scripture rather than expressed. If you have a copy of Bishop Butler's Sermons, I wish you to read his second sermon on Human BISHOP BURGESS. 457 Nature, because to that sermon, what I have to say on the use of verbal criticism in the investigation of moral truth has a reference. I am, dear Sir, Yours very faithfully, T. Sarum. TO THE SAME. DEAR Sir, Palace, Salisbury, July 27. 1835. In looking over the list of letters sent last week to the rural deans to invite them to our Church Union Meeting on the 11th of August, I am ap- prehensive that you may not have received such a letter from me. If this should be a duplicate, it affords me an opportunity of sending you a copy of a hymn much used in the Scotch Church, not un- worthy of Flaminius, or your friend Barnard * ; and * The hymn was as follows : — The hour of my departure's come, I hear the voice that calls me home ; At last, O Lord ! let trouble cease, And let thy servant die in peace. The race appointed I have run, The combat's o'er, the prize is won ; And now my witness is on high, And now my record's in the sky. Not in my innocence I trust, I how before Thee in the dust ; And through my Saviour's blood alone I look, for mercy at thy throne. f It was for sinners such as me Thou diedst upon th' accursed tree, And every groan thou utter'dst there Embalms a contrite sinner's prayer. f This stanza was added by Miss Catherine Fanshawe in her last illness. 458 LIFE OF at the same time of adding that I am as comfort- ably convalescent as could be expected after my late illness at Warminster and at my time of life. I think I have before informed you that the Dean will preach on the day of our Church Union Meeting. I am, dear Sir, Yours very faithfully, T. Sarum. TO THE LORD BISHOP OF SALISBURY. King's College, Cambridge, My LORD, March 19. 1835. I feel extremely indebted to your Lordship for your little poetical present, to every word of which my heart responds. I am myself dying daily ; and I find that to be the best and happiest mode of living. Why should we not be taking Pisgah views of the promised land, and tuning our harps that we may be ready at any moment to join the heavenly choir in their songs of praise to " Him, who hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own I leave the world without a tear, Save tor the friends I hold so dear ; To heal their sorrows, Lord, descend, And to the friendless prove a friend. I come, I come, at thy command, I give my spirit to thy hand ; Stretch forth thine everlasting arms, And shield me in the last alarms. The hour of my departure's come; I hear the voice that calls me home ; Now, () my God 1 let trouble cease, Now let thy servant die in peace. BISHOP BURGESS. 459 blood ? " or, rather, I would say, to Him who loveth and washeth us from our sins. The Psalmist has strongly suggested this distinction, in calling upon all that is within him to adore and magnify his God for present and existing blessings ; " forgiveth, healeth, redeemeth, croivneth, satisjieth," and if we be in a right frame of mind, we shall receive all God's dispensations in the same way, tasting no- thing but love even in his chastisements. The words your Lordship quotes from Mrs. Hannah More's Memoirs, as having been used by her sister Martha in her last illness, — '• I love whatever comes from God ; I love my sufferings," — struck me also. Is not this, indeed, the proper dispo- sition to be exercised in the hour of trial. St. Paul (What? was resigned? No:) took pleasure (evcokuj) in trials of every description : he had scarcely the word resignation in his vocabulary ; and we also according to the grace given to us, should almost banish that word, except in very grievous trials indeed ; and substitute for it the Apostle's euooklo. It is a joy to me, my Lord, to see that this is the happy frame of mind which you enjoy under the infirmities of age, when the grasshopper may be a burthen to the body ; but tri- bulation itself is an occasion of nothing but joy to the soul. If only we believe that our very hairs are all numbered, and the minutest occurrences an* ordered by Infinite Wisdom for our good, we neither have, nor can have, any thing but what should bn to us a source of joy. At this time last year, this was my blessed expe- rience on what w r as thought by all to be the bed of death : and I am anxious so to improve my few re- 460 LIFE OF teaming hours, that, when the closing scene shall actually arrive, I may be thus highly favoured again, and have an abundant entrance ministered unto me into the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Since my restoration to health, circumstances of more than ordinary importance have engaged my attention. I have been called to dispose of no less than six livings, in all of which I have placed Ministers, without reference to any thing but their peculiar fitness for the place they are sent to occupy. This is the great reform wanted in our Church; and if generally carried into effect by all who have patronage in the Church, it would supersede all occasion for any further reform. If it did not stop the mouths of Dissenters, it would diminish their numbers, and effectually prevent their increase. At our last Jews' Auxiliary Society, of which your Lordship is the president, I dropped a few hints which produced a great effect amongst Mi- nisters, as well as the Undergraduates ; and as my views are both peculiar and important, I take the liberty of transmitting a paper to you containing them. Religion is understood by many in its rise and progress in the soul ; but by very few in its more perfect state. Even the Apostles themselves, for six years after the day of Pentecost, did not see their duty towards the Gentiles ; and so it is even with good and pious .Ministers at this day in refer- ence to the Jews : and if the contents of my paper be duly considered, I cannot but hope that many of our brethren, and even fathers in the ministry, will exclaim, "Then hath God appointed me to seek the salvation of the Jews, and 1 am shamefully remiss BISHOP BURGESS. 461 if I do not exert my talents and my energies for the promotion of it." § I am, my Lord, Your Lordship's most obliged and obedient Servant, C. Simeon. TO THE SAME. King's College, Cambridge, April 4. 1835. My Lord, my dear Lord, I am this moment returned from the table of the Lord, and think I am performing an acceptable service to my Divine Master in returning a few lines to your Lordship, in answer to the letter which I received from you this morning. You notice my observation relative to the word " resig- nation." I love the high tone of Christian morals. " Rejoice evermore : in every thing give thanks : for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concern- ing you." I see no exception here : nor would I make any in my own experience. I read that " all the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies." But what is truth ? Is it not an accomplishment of a promise ? Shall I be resigned then to a mercy coming in this way ? J pray daily, " Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven." And if actively, why not passively also ? I do not read of the Apostles being resigned to their imprison- ment and beating ; or of Paul and Silas being resigned to their stripes, and feet in the stocks. The former " rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer ; " and the latter " sang praises to 462 LIFE OF God at midnight." I grant that the occasion of their sufferings gave an elevation to their minds ; but sufferings of whatever kind are, in faet, sent and apportioned by God himself, without whom not a sparrow falls to the ground : and our privilege under them is to say, " The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it ?" Shall I not then be thankful for it, under a full assurance, that it is amongst the " all things that are to work together for my good ? " The great secret is, to have it well settled in our minds what our desert is ; nothing will appear heavy then. On the contrary, every- thing which is sent to keep us from our desert, will be welcomed as a blessing in disguise. But even this is low ground. It is our pri- vilege to soar above all this. I have been preach- ing on those words (Isaiah, xliii. 4.) " Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou art honourable, and I have loved thee ; " and I ask, Were the Jews " precious, and honourable, and loved " above all the people upon earth, and are Christians less so ? If they were so blessed as having been redeemed from temporal bondage, am not I as redeemed by the blood of God's only dear Son ? Am I then precious in his sight, and shall not he be so in mine ? Am I " honourable and beloved " in his estimation ? what then shall I quarrel with, or com- plain of, that comes from him? If you want to' see my desert, see the two last verses of the 42d chapter ; and if you want to see the extent of God's mercv, see the first three verses of the 43d chapter ; and then if you want to see what kind of resignation befits us, see my text ; and then be as querulous under any trials, or if you please, as re- BISHOP BURGESS. 463 signed, as the remembrance of such mercies will admit of. Now, my Lord, you will forgive the fulness of my heart, and pardon the expression of it. It is your own kindness and condescension that embolden me thus to divulge the secrets of my heart ; and the rather, because I feel assured that there is a respon- sive chord in your heart, that will vibrate to the touch. Your own expression, that " we are bought with a price," shows that we should be equally ready to glorify our God either by life or death, both the one and the other of which are to be numbered amongst our treasures. " All things are yours, whether life or death, if ye be Christ's." This, my Lord, it is our privilege to feel ; and I hope that every day which shall be added to your Lordship's life will bring you to a richer enjoyment of it. And now let me thank your Lordship for the kind present which you did me the honour to send me about a week ago, and to which you have added the last page by this day's post. I am quite of your Lordship's opinion, that " the Gentiles being a law unto themselves," is only as distinguishing them from those who had a law revealed to them : and whilst I do not enter much into the vexata question of innate ideas, I feel assured that every one has a sense of right and wrong operating in accordance with the light that has been vouchsafed to him ; and that every one is bound to get his mind enlightened in order that that consciousness may aid him in fleeing from evil and in doing good. To us who enjoy the full light of the Gospel, this divine prin- ciple is a source of the deepest humiliation and of the sublimest joy. I have a consciousness that I 4<64< LIFE OF ought to lie at the foot of the Cross, and I have a consciousness that I do so. I have a consciousness that I perform no duty aright; but I have a con- sciousness that God hears my sighs, and treasures up my tears : and taking this consciousness in con- nection with God's promises, I rejoice in hope of the glory of God. With many thanks to your Lordship for your condescending kindness towards me, I remain, my dear Lord, Most truly yours, C. Simeon. TO THE REV. C. B. PEARSON. Dear Nephew, April 12. 1835. I was glad to receive from you, a good account of my niece's health, and to hear that your present situation has proved beneficial to her. I yesterday finished the labour of examination of candidates, who are to be ordained to-morrow. If I should live to this time next year, I shall probably devolve the greater part of the examination on the archdeacon, after having been personally engaged in it just half a century. I became Bishop Barrington's chaplain early in ITS.'). With my best wishes for your and your wife's health, I am, yours affectionately, T. Saru.m. BISHOP BURGESS. 465 to the lord bishop of salisbury. My Lord, At your Lordship's advanced period of life, the wonder is, that you should still retain such powers of mind and body. But to you who are looking simply, as the wounded Israelites to the brazen serpent, no change can come amiss. When it is said of our blessed Lord, that he came to seek and to save that which was lost, we want nothing more. Out of the word " lost," we can both of us spell our names with more satisfaction, than if our re- spective names had been there. We might in this latter case have doubted, whether we were the in- dividuals intended ; but in the word as it now stands, we can have no more doubt than of our own exist- ence. Blessed prospect for those who feel their lost state by nature I Through mercy I am singularly strong at this time, and am preaching to very large audiences three times every week. I wish to work while it is day. The night is very shortly coming, when I shall cease to work ; but when I shall hope to enter on a bright and everlasting day. I am, my dear Lord, Your devoted Servant, C. Simeon. King's Coll., August 20. 1835. H H 466 LIFE OF CHAP. XXXVII. THE BISHOP'S SEIZURE AT WARMINSTER. THE AUTHOR'S LAST INTERVIEW WITH HIM. On the 16th of June, 1835, the Bishop held a con- firmation in the parish church of Warminster. He slept the preceding night at the house of the Rev. Mr. Dalby, a clergyman high in his regard and esteem, whom he had himself appointed to the vicarage. In the course of the service, while dis- charging the functions of his sacred office, the Bishop suddenly sunk down, from a slight attack of apoplexy, in a state of insensibility, at the communion table. Through the prompt assistance of a medical gen- tleman present, who bled him in the arm, he was quickly restored to consciousness, and conveyed back in a sedan chair to the vicarage, where he received the most considerate attentions from his kind host and hostess. He was well enough to re- turn to Salisbury the next day ; and amended so rapidly, that on the 28th of the month his thanks were publicly offered in the usual form in the Ca- thedral, and he was soon after able to enjoy society, and partially to resume his former avocations. Before the close of the month I spent some days with him, and found him composed, serene, and cheerful. His recent seizure, however, had fixed a strong conviction on his mind, that the term of his mortal pilgrimage could not be distant, and that he bad received a merciful warning to make ready for the final summons. The bent of his thoughts and BISHOP BURGESS. 467 meditations corresponded with these impressions. He talked in his usual pleasant way upon literary topics, but seemed desirous of directing the current of thought to objects of higher interest. The bea- tific vision of Christ in a future state was a subject he had in past days delighted to converse upon with any intimate friend, and he was now humbly rejoic- ing in its anticipation. " I receive," he said, " my recent illness as an intimation from the great Head of the Church that my day of active service is almost closed. It is a pleasing reflection to me that it was in the act of prayer I sunk down at Warminster. He then added, that his thoughts at the time were much in unison with a passage that he admired in one of the hymns of Marcus Flaminius, trans- lated by the Rev. \V. Barnard. He pointed it out to me as follows : — Blessed Jesus — rescue me : Thou alone canst set me free, Loose the prison-house of clay, Bear me to the realms of day, Teach my ransom'd soul to sing Glory to th' Eternal King, Glory to the Blessed Son, And the Spirit — Three in One. He then requested me to read him the same pas- sage, together with a few additional lines, in the Latin original. Jesu benigne subveni, Tuamque dextram porrige. Tu morte, mortuum, Tua Olim cvocasti ex inferis ; Nunc vita me vivum tua Perire ne rursum sinas. Humana fac spernam omnia, Nudumque te nudus sequar; 468 LIFE OF Et pondcrosi corporis Me solvi tandem nexibus : Ut pura mens et integra iEvo potita Ccelitum, Te sanctum et optimum Patrem Et Sempiternum Spiritum Laudare nimquam desinat. The poems of Flaminius have been alluded to in a preceding chapter. The Bishop greatly admired them, and, as their author's history is little known, and the facts are interesting, we subjoin the fol- lowing particulars. His family name was Zar- rabini ; that of Flaminius was assumed. He was born at Imola a.d. 1498, was educated with the ut- most care by a pious and learned father, and dis- played even in early youth indications of genius, which fixed on him the admiring attention of some of the greatest men of that golden age of modern literature. He pursued his studies at the University of Bologna, and after some years spent in Rome, attached himself to Mattheo Giberti, Bishop of Verona ; at which place, and at Padua, he spent several happy years, dividing his time between his patron's palace and a delightful villa which he gave him on the lake of Garda. Here he devoted him- self to the study of the Greek philosophy, and to the composition of those beautiful Latin poems which were the admiration of his contemporaries, and which still continue to be read with much interest. Tiraboschi speaks of him thus : — "I am now treat- ing of the sweetest, the most amiable, the most modest of all the Latin pods of that age, that is, of Marc Antonio Flaminio, a name not less dear to virtue than to the muses. He inspired all who BISHOP BURGESS. 469 knew him with equal sentiments of admiration and tenderness."* The villa on the lake of Garda was his beloved home ; but though his tastes were of the simplest kind, and his habits temperate, he suffered severely from a weak and debilitated stomach, and was forced to travel in 1538 to the South of Italy in pursuit of health. Wherever he w r ent, his literary acquire- ments and amiable manners procured him friends. At Naples he became acquainted with the Spanish reformer, Valdez, and with others who were in- clined to the Protestant communion. His own mind was soon deeply interested in the questions at issue between the two churches, and emancipated itself, in a great degree, from the shackles of popery. The Reformers indeed claim him as their own, but as he lived and died in the communion of the Church of Rome, he can only, with propriety, be classed with such men as Erasmus, who, whatever might be their restraining motives, were almost but not altogether Protestants. Pos- sibly he had not been able to make up his mind on all the various points which enter into the contro- versy. He was a beautiful example of genius clothed with humility, and walking in the paths of purity and peace. Of his Latin poetry Roscoe has observed, that it has the simplicity and tenderness of Catullus, without his licentiousness. Often, indeed, he strikes the lyre to sacred themes, and celebrates * Io parlo del piu tlolce, del piu amabile, del piu modesto fra tutti i poeti Latini di questo secolo, cioe di Mareantonio Flaminio, nome caro alia virtu non meno che alle muse, e che in tutti color che il conobbero desto sentimenti di ainmirazione al pari che di tenerezza. — Tiraboschi, lib. Hi. c. 31. H H 3 470 LIFE OF in lofty numbers the praises of the Saviour of men, and the wonders of redeeming love. It was natural that such an author should be a favourite with Bishop Burgess ; and he felt pecu- liarly obliged to the Rev. W. Dansey, the learned Vicar of Donhead St. Andrews, near Shaftesbury, for procuring, at no small pains, a copy of the Latin poems of Flaminius for him, and also an elegant paraphrase of many of them, executed by the late Rev. E. W. Barnard, and edited by Archdeacon Wrangham. As the Bishop appeared to me unequal to the fatigues of business, I strongly urged him, in the course of our conversation, to employ a secretary for his correspondence, telling him that I felt persuaded it would tend to prolong his life. " I am not at all anxious," he replied, " for prolonged life ; I trust I am willing to resign it whenever God may please. I have long been making this my aim. The best state of existence here below is dashed with much sorrow." The text, Heb. iv. 15., " We have not an high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our in- firmities," being repeated to him, as one pregnant with consolation, " Yes," he replied ; " but the most sustaining words to me are these: 'Being justified by faith, we have peace with God.'" Rom. v. 1. " It is obvious," he added, " that 'peace with God' is the result of a true faith, and hence it follows that justifying faith is something far beyond the mere assent of the understanding to Divine testimony. The peace spoken of is the result of faith in the atonement of Christ. When Bishop Bull," he went on to say, "was in his last moments, his son-in- law, with a view of administering to his comfort, BISHOP BURGESS. 471 reminded him of the good he had done by his life and writings, and of his various exertions in the cause of religion ; ' My only hope,' replied the Bishop, 1 is in the mercies of God through the merits of Christ.'" Then addressing me, he added, " In this sentiment I entirely accord."* We next con- versed a little upon public affairs, and in particular upon the attempts which had recently been made by some of the Dissenting Sects to excite bitter feel- ings of hostility against the Established Church. The very different spirit, or rather the cordial respect and attachment manifested towards it, at this critical juncture, by the Wesleyan Methodists, called forth his marked commendation, and he spoke with much esteem of that community of Christians — " What a different front should we present as a Church to our opponents," he observed, " were it not for internal divisions among ourselves — minor differences of opinion among good men, upon what may be termed open questions, ought not to separate them from each other, or to provoke party-feeling. Division in the Church makes us a rope of sand." * Not only this declaration, but the whole tenor of the Bishop's sentiments, as expressed in these pages, proves how entirely lie rested on the merits of Christ as the sole ground of our justification. We are the more particular in drawing at- tention to this point, because we are aware, that though from first to last he never built on any other foundation, there are statements in some of his printed works which have been cen- sured as defective with respect to this vitally important doctrine. The fact is, he felt jealous lest the term justified by faith only, should be so construed as in any degree to impair the obligation to a life of Christian holiness. It was, therefore, his object, on the one hand, to give prominence to the great doctrines of Grace, and, on the other, to the awful certainty of human re- sponsibility ; but in attempting to define their respective hear- ings, and mutual dependencies, he was not always free from ambiguity or contradiction. H H 4 472 LIFE OF After further remarks upon this and upon some other topics of public interest, he again adverted to Ins own precarious condition, and spoke of the wisdom and the happiness of making preparation for death the object of our years of health and strength. " What a reproach," said he, " to the inconsideration of Christians as to the consequences of death, is that fine saying of a Pagan, ' Tota phi- losophorum vita commentatio mortis est.' " * Re- ligion, he feared, was too generally supposed to con- sist in little more than a decent compliance with established forms, instead of being that which is the end and aim of all devotional forms, — the grateful homage of a renewed heart, the worshipping of God in spirit and in truth. He then referred to a sermon of Scougal's, pub- lished by Bishop Jebb, upon that text, " Many shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able ; " adding, f 'It is one of the most awful that I know." This led him to touch upon the difficulties which any one, who is bent upon pursuing a steadfast course of consistent piety, must be prepared to encounter in the world, not only from a multitude of contrary attractions and temptations, but also from the shafts of calumny and ridicule. Not only religious laymen, but even clergymen, he observed, were often exposed to this trial. He had known many most laborious and useful clergymen stigmatised by reproachful appellations, chiefly, he believed, because they were more zealous and earnest in their preaching, and in * The whole life of philosophers is a contemplation of death, a sentiment in Cicero's Tusculan Disputations, lib. i. c. 30., but borrowed, like many other of Ins noblest thoughts, from Plato. BISHOP BURGESS. 473 discharging their pastoral duties, than some of their neighbours. " Then," added he, fi there are excellent observ- ances which have been cast off because they are thought to savour of popery; fasting is one of them, and another is a greater attention to discipline in our Colleges and Halls." He afterwards turned the conversation on the best devotional writers, and expressed great delight in a little work of Fenelon's, entitled " Reflections for every Day in the Week." " It was happy," he observed, " for Fenelon, as a Christian, that adverse circumstances banished him from the gay circles of Paris to the duties and seclu- sion of his diocese. He writes like one who well knew how and where true peace is to be found." In allusion to his growing infirmities, he said, that, fearing the time had arrived when he was be- come incapable of efficiently discharging the im- portant duties of his office, he had not long since requested permission to resign his bishopric, but had been informed, in reply, that a resignation of this description was deemed, for many reasons, inad- missible. It gave me much pleasure to hear from him that it was his intention to leave his valuable library, consisting of 10,000 volumes, to St. David's College, Lampeter ; and also a sum of money to enable the College to enlarge their present library for the reception of so great an addition. This bequest was made by a codicil to his will, which he showed me. After his death it could no where be found, but Mrs. Burgess, with prompt affection, completed his liberal intentions, by making an immediate pay- 474> LIFE OF ment of the sum that had been specified. The pro- posed enlargement has since been accomplished in a manner very creditable to the good taste of the members of that learned body, who are now in pos- session of a library which does honour to the munifi- cent spirit of their founder. Such in substance, and in some parts in his very words, was one of the last conversations I had the privilege of holding with my revered friend. We never again met, though I frequently had the pleasure of hearing from him. In the course of my visit he communicated to me many of the particulars of his early life recorded in this volume. Like the thread of Ariadne, they have guided me through what would otherwise have proved an inextricable labyrinth. CHAP. XXXVIII. THE BISHOP'S LETTER TO LORD MELBOURNE. LETTERS TO DR. SCHOLTZ. HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. EULOGISTIC TRIBUTES TO HIS MEMORY FROM THE BISHOP AND DEAN OF SALISBURY, AND FROM ARCHDEACON BERENS. 1836 to 1837. In the autumn of 183.5 the Bishop and his family spent some months at Lyme, in Dorsetshire, where I received from' him the following letter in reply to some queries of mine respecting his college life : — DEAR Silt, Lyme, August, 29. 1835. Your very kind letter deserved an earlier answer. The state of my health is (x a P l c ru $e BISHOP BURGESS. 479 said the Bishop cordially assented ; and expressed the strong consolation he had derived from various passages of Scripture which he quoted ; all bearing upon the mercy of God to the penitent believer in Christ Jesus. During this conversation, his calm but expres- sive emotion attested the depth of his feelings. His voice faltered, and tears of mingled penitence and immortal hope coursed down his venerable cheeks. To another valued friend he said, in ad- verting about the same time to similar topics, — " I think, on looking back to my past life, I have acted for the most part conscientiously ; but how unworthily, how shortly ! Oh, what a comfort there is in looking to Christ ! I scarcely like to use that expression, common as it is, of looking to the cross ; it is a figurative term, whereas I want something substantial. I had rather make mention of Him who died, than of the instrument by which he suffered." Soon after reaching Southampton!, he addressed the Dean of Salisbury, and his sister, in the follow- ing letters : — My DEAR DEAN, Southampton, Nov. 11. I have lately thought much of Mr. Simeon's very interesting words, which you were so kind as to send me at Salisbury. A Christian can have no doubt of the truth of Christianity, and of its doc- trines, as declared by men who died for their pro- fession of it. He who is a real believer in the Gospel can have no spiritual wish unfulfilled. Mrs. H. More's " Consolations of Prayer " have 480 LIFE OF been lately read to me, and I was much pleased with a short sentence, similar to those of Mr. Simeon, — " The Christian feels that he is entering on a state where every care will cease, every fear vanish, every desire be fulfilled, every sin be done away, every grace perfected." Have you seen any thing of Mr. Clarke ? Our last accounts of him were rather more favourable, and I shall be glad to hear them confirmed. With our united kind regards to you all, I am, My clear Dean, Yours very faithfully, T. Sarum. TO MRS. RHODA BURGESS. My DEAR SlSTER, Southampton, Dec. 20. 1836. Your letter of this morning finds me in a con- siderable degree of pain, which I am almost ashamed to mention to you, who have experienced so much suffering in the course of a not very short life ; shorter, however, than mine by many years. I am glad, but not surprised to hear so good an account as you send me of your adopted daughter, whom I have always thought an invaluable companion to you. Accept my best wishes that the approaching season may always return to you in health and good spirits, and with a grateful remembrance of the mercy which we have to commemorate. Love God your Creator, love God your Saviour, love the Holy Spirit your teacher, instructor, comforter, and sanc- tifier. With every good wish from my wife to yon and Miss It , I am. my dear sister, Yours very affectionately, T.Saru.m. BISHOP BURGESS. 481 The following reply to an application from Lord Sidmouth for his consent to accept the resignation of the Vicar of Potterne, a gentleman far advanced in years, in favour of his curate, a highly respect- able clergyman, is very honourable to the Bishop's memory. And not less so to Lord Sidmouth were the terms in which, in a second letter, his Lordship expressed his entire acquiescence in the wisdom and propriety of the Bishop's decision. TO VISCOUNT SIDMOUTH. My DEAR Lord, Southampton, Dec. 1836. I have had a variety of applications for the exchange, which is the subject of your letter, but I have always objected to it. My first objection is on very general grounds, namely, to the principle of exchange, which in my opinion is very seldom admissible, except in cases of extreme ill-health. My next objection is to the irregularity of this case, it being intended^ that the present incumbent should continue to occupy the parsonage house after the exchange, so that the new incumbent would not occupy his legal place of residence. My third ob- jection is to the injury which, by consenting to this application, I might be doing to a successor, to whom this, one of the largest livings in the Bishop's gift, might prove, if vacated in the ordinary course, a valuable acquisition. There are few persons whom I would so willingly oblige as your Lordship, but I should be sorry to think that one of the last acts, perhaps the very last, of my episcopal life, should be an act of favour against law, rule, and precedent. My health, which you kindly enquire after, is some- i l 462 LIFE OF what improved by my residence here, though I am still an invalid, Believe me, my dear Lord, Yours most sincerely, T. Sarum. During the first two months of his residence at Southampton, the Bishop, though in a state of in- creasing debility, was not seriously ill ; but early in January, 1837, the difficulty of respiration from which he had suffered in the preceding autumn recurred, with aggravated symptoms. Mr. Maule, his usual medical attendant at Southampton, was first called in, and subsequently Dr. Oke. In the course of their visits he often diverted the convers- ation from himself and the symptoms of his com- plaint to books and to topics of literary interest, and charmed them by the easy and agreeable flow of his observations, and the mild serenity of his de- meanour. Though much of the business of the diocese, in consequence of his declining health, was now done by commission, he still attended to it as far as his strength permitted, and daily dictated official letters ; but the fatigue which this employment caused him, proved that he was making efforts beyond his strength. His chaplain and relative, the Rev. Henry Deane, who was with him in the closing scenes of his life, attests the anxiety which he manifested to make him- S( If acquainted (notwithstanding his great debility), with the particulars of the new duties which had de- volved upon him by the recent annexation of th<- archdeaconry of Dorset to the diocese of Salisbury. BISHOP BURGESS. 483 Mr. Deane placed several papers conveying inform- ation upon the subject on the chair by his bed- side, only two days before his death. Among his latest notes was one to the Rev. Mr. Dansey, conveying a charitable donation for a fellow- creature in distress. It was not till the 2d or 3d of February, that the attached friends who watched over him were pain- fully impressed with the conviction of his imme- diate danger. The embarrassment of breathing be- came daily more oppressive ; and in spite of his efforts to spare the feelings of relatives by sup- pressing any outward demonstrations of suffering, the fact was often evident from his clasped hands and declining head. Though his patience was truly exemplary, he sometimes expressed anxiety lest his very slight acquaintance with pain, the consequence of habitual good health, should interfere with that perfect submission to the Divine will to which he aspired. Owing to the inclemency of the winter, he was deprived at this time of his usual airings in the carriage ; and on attempting to take walking exer- cise in the house, the exertion so affected his breathing that he often returned to his chair <|uite exhausted. On one of these occasions, he said, " There mvst be something to bring every one to his journey's end. The days of our years, as the Psalmist says, are threescore years and ten ; after which it is labour and sorrow. Why should I be taking so much care and pains, just as if I wished to live for ever, when, as you know (addressing a friend), I do not wish to live any longer tlian it pleases God." The affectionate attentions of Mrs. i i 2 484 LIFE OF Burgess were unceasing, and he often repaid them by grateful acknowledgments, and by the assurance that they ministered essentially to his comfort. In the same spirit he responded to the assiduous care of his attached man-servant Michael, and of his other attendants. About this time an account appeared in the " Christian Observer," of the last illness and death of the Rev. Mr. Simeon, of King's College, Cam- bridge. It was read to the Bishop, who listened to it with marked interest, and desired to hear some parts of it a second time. Soon afterwards, while slowly pacing the room, he was heard repeating in a low but emphatic voice, and as if applying the words to himself, some of the most striking expres- sions of humility, faith, and hope, uttered on the occasion referred to by that eminent Christian. There was something inexpressibly interesting, and which will find a response in every Christian bosom, in the feelings with which he himself continued to regard the approaches of death. Deeply sensible how much of imperfection mingles with and mars the best actions and obedience of our fallen race, the idea of passing into the presence of the Great Supreme, infinite in purity and holiness, impressed him with solemn awe, and led him again and again to try by the test of Scripture the foundation of his immortal hopes. His self-communings, and the particular texts which sustained and animated his faith, he himself recorded, with his almost dying hand, on some loose sheets of paper, and the follow- ing is a copy of this interesting document : — " May I die the death of the righteous, and may BISHOP BURGESS. 485 my last end be like his," was the expressed wish of one who by his duplicity seems to have forfeited the blessing of which he expresses himself desirous. What his precise view of the blessing was, is not evi- dent. Another and a better judge on the subject says, " Mark the perfect man, and observe the up- right ; for the end of that man is peace." But, as all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and as it is true, that " no man liveth and sinneth not," vain will be any man's depend- ance on his own performances and uprightness for acceptance with God. A sense of pardon will alone bring a man peace at the last. " Being justified (that is, acquitted of our sins, and forgiven) through faith in the atonement of Christ, we have peace with God ; " Romans, v. 1. For by Christ we are jus- tified and acquitted of all things from which we could not be acquitted and justified by the law of Moses. A sense of pardon was the ground of David's peace : " I said, I will confess my sins unto the Lord, and so thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Blessed is the man whose iniquity is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man, to whom the Lord imputeth not sin." David's expression is remarkable — " to whom the Lord imputeth not sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile," i. e. no subterfuge, no concealment. Sin to be forgiven must be forsaken, especially the sins that most easily beset us. Teach me to live that I may dread The grave as little as my bed: Teach me to die that so I may Triumphant rise at the last day. i i 3 486 LIFE OF GROUNDS OF CHRISTIAN CONSOLATION. Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matt. xi. 29. Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out. John, vi. 37. No one will truly go to Christ who does not feel the want of a Saviour. This feeling can arise only from the sense of sin. I said, I will confess my sin unto the Lord, and so Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Ps. xxxii. 5. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. Ps. xxxii. 1. The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin. 1 John, i. 7. By Him we are justified. Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Romans, v. 1. My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. John, xiv. 27. Lord, increase our faith. Luke, xvii. 5. Lord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief. Mark, ix. 24. O Lord, we beseech Thee, mercifully hear our prayers, and spare all those who confess their sins unto Thee, that they whose consciences by sin are accused, by Thy merciful pardon may be absolved through Christ our Lord. Amen. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans, xv. 13. BISHOP BURGESS. 487 CHRISTIAN RECOLLECTIONS. Come unto me all ye that travail, and are heavj laden, and I will give you rest. Matt. xi. 28. To Thee, oh Lord ! I come, weary and heavy laden with the burden of my sins. To Thee I con- fess them in heart-felt and sincere humility. To Thee alone, oh Lord ! my Creator, my Saviour, my Comforter, and Sanctifier, I look for mercy and forgiveness. I have confessed to God the sins of my past life, I think of them daily with grief and contrition. I think of them as most deserving of God's anger and punishment. But I console myself with the remembrance of God's promise of forgiveness to confessed and forsaken sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John, i. 8, 9. God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that all who believe on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John, iii. 16. Therejs no peace with God without pardon, and no pardon without belief. Being justified by faith, being pardoned through faith, we have peace with God. There can be no doubt that the doctrines of the New Testament, delivered by Apostles and Martyrs, who died in verification of them, must be true. There can be no doubt that God is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. I believe that God sent His Son into the world to be the Saviour of the world. I believe that the Son of God came into the world to save sinners by His l I i< 488 LIFE OF death on the cross, and that without that atonement there is no salvation. I believe that the Holy Spirit of God is the Teacher, Instructor, Comforter, and Sanctifier, and that through Him only we believe in Christ. I believe that Christ was made Sin — that is, a sin-offering for us, that we might be made the righte- ousness of God in Him. 2 Cor. v. 21. The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin. 1 John, i. 7. On the 11th of February the Bishop dictated his last letter to a literary friend, but in so low a voice as to be scarcely audible, and he had great difficulty in franking it. On Sunday the 12th of February he appeared a little better, and was able to listen with interest to the church service and a sermon. His mind was peaceful, calm, and happy, and he conversed plea- santly in a low voice with those around him. After tea he repeated Mrs. Heman's beautiful sonnet, written on her death-bed, on hearing the Sabbath bells*, until he came to the concluding lines, — * The Bishop greatly admired this sonnet. It is as follows : — " How many blessed groups this hour are bending, Through England's primrose meadow-paths their way Towards spire and tow'r, 'midst shadowy elms ascending, Whence the sweet chimes proclaim the hallow'd day ! The halls, from old heroic ages grey, Pour their fair children forth ; and hamlets low. With whose thick orchard-blooms the soft winds play, Send out their inmates in a happy flow, Like a frce'd vernal stream : I may not tread With them those pathways, to the feverish bed Of sickness bound : yet, oh, my God ! I bless Thy mercy, that with Sabbath peace hath fill'd My chasten'd heart, and all its throbbings still'd To one deep calm of lowliest thankfulness." BISHOP BURGESS. 489 " I may not tread With them those pathways, to the feverish bed Of sickness bound : yet, oh, my God ! I bless Thy mercy, that with Sabbath peace hath fill'd My chasten'd heart, and all its throbbings still'd To one deep calm of lowliest thankfulness." In attempting to repeat this passage his voice faltered, and he was mastered for a few moments by strong emotion ; but recovering himself, he ex- claimed, " Let me finish them, I ivish to finish them ;" and then calmly proceeded to the end of the sonnet, while all around him were much affected. He had continued to this time to read family prayers in the evening. On this day he did so for the last time. His voice was very weak, but deeply earnest. It had long been customary with him to have a chapter of the Bible read after prayers, together with Fene- lon's " Reflections " for the day. On this occasion he selected for himself a Confession of Sins, and part of the Office for the Sick, from a Book of Devotions. On the evening of the 13th of February the Bishop was so unwell, that he retired early to his room, never again to leave it. During the three ensuing days he lay in a state of great debility, but was not materially worse. In this state of prostra- tion he gave a manifest proof how strong the ruling passion was even in death. He had sent to the press at the close of the preceding week a final letter to Dr. Scholtz, defending his own views respecting the controverted verse. He asked for the proof sheet on the very day on which he thus took to his bed, but it was not ready. On the next day, the 14th, his servant procured and brought several copies 190 LIFE OF of it to him. The Bishop rallied for a moment* on being told it was come, and desired that he might be supported in bed while he franked two covers enclosing proof sheets to his friends, Dr. Babington and the late Rev. Francis Huyshe. With the aid of his man-servant and of Mrs. Burgess he at length accomplished his object, though with great difficulty. With this effort the Bishop resigned every earthly anxiety, and his thoughts became wholly absorbed by religious meditation and prayer. On the evening of Thursday, Mr. Maule, his assiduous medical attendant, on taking leave of him, expressed the hope that he would be able to lie still, and obtain some rest ; to which the Bishop replied, " The only rest I desire, or have ever sought for, * This instance of the rally of mental energy, at the signal of a cherished and favourite object — even under the approaches of death — is not unlike an interesting fact connected with the closing scenes of the life of venerable 15ede. His last days had been employed on his translation of the Gospel of St. John into the Saxon language. The day before his death the person that wrote for him, observing his weakness, said, " There now only remains one chapter, but it seems difficult to you to speak." " It is easy," he replied ; " take another pen and write as fast as you can." About nine o'clock he sent for some of his bre- thren, to divide among them a fnw articles that were in his chest. While he was speaking to them, Wilberch, the ama- nuensis above referred to, said, " There is now, master, but one sentence wanting," upon which lie bid him write quick, and soon after the young man said, "It is now done;" to which Bede replied, " Well, thou hast said the truth — it is now done. Take up my head between your hands, and lift me, for it will please me much to sit over against the place where I have been wont to pray, and where I may yet invoke my hea- venly Father." Being thus seated, he said, " Glory be to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;" and as he pronounced the last words, expired. Vide Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary. BISHOP BURGESS. 491 is pointed out in those comforting words, — 'Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest;'" uttering the last words with all the emphasis in his power : " And as for peace, through faith we have peace with God ; and if we have peace with God, we have peace with all the world. Is it not so?" He then added a cordial " Good night." He continued to grow weaker until the ensuing evening, when so decisive a change took place, that his medical attendants declared the struggle was well nigh over. His sight seemed to be gone — he appeared to be scarcely conscious of any thing that was passing around him — his utterance became very indistinct — and the oppression on his breathing was extreme. His old servant, who for months had scarcely lost sight of him, was unwearied in his attentions to his dying master, and studious of every thing that could alleviate his sufferings. He was sensible, which he proved by his rejection or acceptance of any thing that was offered, and as long as he was able he never omitted to add his thanks for every attention. Throughout the night of Saturday his breathing grew shorter and shorter, till about two on the morning of Sunday, the 19th of Febru- ary, when he gently breathed his last. The funeral took place in Salisbury Cathedral on the 27th of February. The shops of the city were closed by general consent, and the cathedral was crowded. The body left Southampton early in the morning, and reached its last home about one. It was met at the great western door by the Clergy of the Chapter, headed by the Dean, and followed by those of the city, and of the immediate neighbour- 492 LIFE OF hood. The moment it entered the precincts of that venerable fane, the organ poured forth its rich volume of majestic sound, while the voices of the choir responded in those sublime words, " I know that my Redeemer liveth." The place selected for the grave was the south transept, near those of the relatives of Bishop Ken. The service was read very impressively by the Dean, and as we committed the remains of this eminent servant of God to the silent tomb, I could not but reflect, What would now avail the purple andijthe mitre which adorn that coffin — what the dignified title of Bishop of Salisbury, and all the reputation of the critic and the scholar, had he not also been, in heart and life, a true disciple and follower of Jesus Christ ? " Tell them it is an awful thing to die ; 'Twas ev'n to him ; but, the dread path once trod, Heaven lifts its everlasting portals high, And bids the ' pure in heart ' behold their God." " What I was as an artist " (the sculptor Bacon desired might be graven on his tomb) " appeared to me of some importance while I lived, but what I really was as a believer in Christ Jesus is the only thing of importance to me now." The following tribute paid to his memory by Dr. Denison, his successor in the see of Salisbury, at the first meeting of the Church Union Society after the Bishop's death, is not less impressive than just. After touching on the utility and ex- cellence of the Society, and mentioning that the system of charity which it embraced had first been organised by Bishop Burgess, in the diocese of St. David's, he thus proceeds : — " And as circumstances have thus led me to ad- BISHOP BURGESS. 493 vert to his name, may I be allowed to pay a passing tribute to his departed worth. " It is not necessary for me, and would be pre- sumptuous, to speak of that with which the world at large is well acquainted, viz. his deep erudition and extensive and exact studies in both sacred and pro- fane learning. It would ill become me, a stranger, to speak to you, who knew and loved him, of that which I can know only by report, the gentle and unobtrusive virtues of his private life ; how with meekness, humility, and Christian charity, he lived in good repute with men, and adorned the doctrine of God his Saviour in all things. But I may be allowed to speak of that which the occasion sug- gests, viz. the deep feeling he entertained of the importance of the work of the ministry, and his careful anxiety for its due discharge. It was this high sense of the nature of the ministerial office, which made him scrupulous and exact beyond almost all other bishops in ascertaining the qualifications of those whom he admitted to administer in holy things. It was this same sense which made him feel deeply the importance of supplying the place of those whose ministrations failed through age or infirmity, and led him, in two successive dioceses, to establish in- stitutions whose operations should especially be di- rected to the supply of this want. Nor did it seem to him enough to watch during his life with anxious care over this his favourite object, but even in his death, while he delegated the charge of this society to those who, he well knew, would earnestly endea- vour to supply his place, he so endowed it by his own munificence * as not to allow the execution of * The Bishop bequeathed the sum of 3000/. to the Salisbury Church Union Society. 494< LIFE OF his object to be altogether dependent upon the zeal of others. " We may believe that he did in this a work well pleasing to the Lord ; and we should not fail to add our endeavours that his efforts be not in vain." Conceived in the same spirit was the following impressive tribute paid to his memory by Dr. Pear- son, Dean of Salisbury, in a sermon preached in the cathedral, upon the Easter Sunday following his death : — " And here I cannot but remind you of one who will, I doubt not, have his share in the glory and the happiness of that celestial day. I refer to the late venerable Bishop of this diocese. How sin- cerely he was beloved and revered I need scarcely say. The feeling of attachment and respect to his memory is universal; and I am happy in having this opportunity, which I cannot but deem peculiarly appropriate, of adding my grateful testimony to that of so many others, to the various graces and virtues of his character. To the talents and the learning of our late excellent diocesan ; to his inflexible in- tegrity and consistency, both of principle and con- duct; to his public spirit, and his patriotic love of all our ancient, and especially our ecclesiastical, in- stitutions ; to his disinterestedness and liberality ; to his active benevolence and diffusive charity ; to the kindliness of his affections, and the sweetness of his manners, — a just and general tribute has been and Mill continue to be paid. " The subject which we have been considering rather leads me to speak of the Christian character of our late venerable Bishop, and of that faith and hope which have been completed and realised in BISHOP BURGESS. 495 the happiness of a future world. His reliance on his Saviour's merits for pardon and acceptance in the sight of God was simple and sincere. Blame- less and abundant as he was in every good work, he depended for salvation only on the atonement of Jesus Christ. This gave peace to his conscience, and enabled him to rejoice ' in hope of the glory of God.' He truly loved his Redeemer, and earnestly desired the extension of his kingdom. He was < a lover of good men,' and delighted in their society. He was a father and friend to the poor. He was spiritually minded, which is ' life and peace.' How fervently he desired, and how diligently he pursued the perfection and the happi- ness of a higher world, those who conversed with him most confidentially and unreservedly best know. He aspired to the communion of prophets and apostles, of saints and angels, and, more than all, to a nearer and more intimate approach to * God the Judge of all,' and to ' Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant.' The anticipation of this blessed and glorious termination of his earthly course- cheered him amidst the infirmities of age, and the prospect of the grave. His faith triumphed over the last great enemy; and he is, doubtless, now safe in ' the resting-place of the spirits of the just,' await- ing, in joyful hope, the adoption, that is, ' the re- demption of the body,' in that day when, with the assembled Church of the redeemed, he shall rise radiant and immortal from the tomb." The following extract from a charge of Archdea- con Berens (a justly respected name) is added, on account of its characteristic fidelity of description : — " To those who knew the Bishop intimately, and 496 LIFE OF saw him in the retirement of his own family, there was, in his demeanour, something singularly en- gaging. There was an unruffled calmness, a quiet cheerfulness, a gentle and unaffected courtesy and kindness of manner, which well befitted a Christian bishop. Familiarly acquainted, as he was, with the classical and theological literature of all ages ; pos- sessed of a memory, even in advanced years, re- markably retentive and well-informed in the current literature of the day, his conversation was most in- structive and interesting ; and he was particularly pleased when he could give to the intercourse of friendship any thing of a religious character. The prayers which he used in his family were the pray- ers of the Liturgy, but those Collects were especially selected which were the most strong and explicit in expressing reliance upon the Atonement of Christ, and upon the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit. I never knew any one who appeared to live in more constant anticipation of the time when he should be summoned to his last account, or who was habitually sustained by a more lively faith in the merits and mediation of the Redeemer." The facts detailed in this volume, and the im- pressive testimonies which have been quoted, may well absolve the Author from placing before his readers a particular summary of the intellectual and moral qualities which shed so bright a lustre on the character of Bishop Burgess. But he may be al- lowed to add a very few remarks on his merits as an Author. As a Controversialist, he was a rare instance of tenacious earnestness and zeal in maintaining and defending his own opinions, or challenging those of BISHOP BURGESS. 497 others, without the slightest admixture of polemical bitterness. Controversy was always carried on by him in a courteous and Christian spirit, and he gave no advantage to an opponent by want of tem- per, or by any ebullitions of spleen or impatience. He possessed, as a critic, much skill in detecting the weak points or fallacies of an argument, and placing his own sentiments in an advantageous light. Whatever was the subject of which he treated he never failed to bring the stores of deep study and extensive learning to bear upon it, though it is to be regretted that his conclusions were sometimes drawn in stronger terms than the premises war- ranted, and that his judgment did not always keep pace with the march of his erudition. The elegant flow and the lucid expression of his Latin style have been often and justly admired ; and he composed in his native language with vigour, cor- rectness, and elegance. The publications of the Bishop were very nume- rous, and tended to attract particular attention to many interesting subjects connected with classical learning and research, with the doctrines and evi- dences of Christianity, or with the criticism of the Sacred Writings. Of the principal of these a list is printed in the Appendix, and a summary of some of the most important has been given in the pre- ceding pages. The republication, either in whole or in part, of his ablest treatises, would be highly honourable to his researches as a scholar, his acute- ness as a critic, and his piety as a Divine. Had he, however, directed his powers of application and his learned attainments to fewer topics, or concen- trated them on some select subject of general Hi- lt K 498 LIFE OF terest, he might have enriched the literature of his country with more permanent monuments of his fame. As it is, he has left behind him numerous ma- terials for thought, and great stores of learning to aid the researches of the student and the critic ; but in whatever light posterity may regard his writings, the name and memory of Burgess will not cease to be revered in the Church of Christ as a model of Episcopal virtue and Primitive Piety. A handsome monument, erected to his memory in the Cathedral of Salisbury, bears the following inscription from the pen of Dr. Pearson, Dean of Salisbury. BISHOP BURGESS. 499 Sacred to the Memory of The Right Reverend THOMAS BURGESS, D.D. F.R.S. Late Lord Bishop of this Diocese, And Chancellor of the most noble Order of the Garter ; Who departed this life, regretted and revered, February 19th, 1S37, aged 80 years. This venerable Prelate received his early Education on the foundation at Winchester College ; From whence he was elected Scholar, and afterwards became Fellow and Tutor, of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. At that seat of learning, he was distinguished by his talents and attainments ; and after a residence of some years was appointed Examining Chaplain to Dr. Shute Barrington, then Lord Bishop of Salisbury : Who, on his translation to the See of Durham, preferred him to a Prebendal Stall in that Cathedral. In the year 1803, he was promoted to the Bishopric of St. David's. His praise in the administration of that extensive Diocese, and, still more, in the foundation of St. David's College, for Clerical Education in the Principality of Wales, is in all the Churches. After twenty-two years of faithful and unremitting labour, he was translated to the See of Salisbury ; Whire, among other Ecclesiastical and Charitable Institutions, he founded and endowed the Church Union Society for this Diocese. The learning of this eminent Prelate was extensive and profound, and his critical talents were of a high order. Of this his numerous publications bear ample testimony. His literary studies embraced a wide and varied circle; in the zealous pursuit of which he was chiefly instrumental in forming the Royal Society of Literature, of which he was elected the first President. But the principal employment of his life, from its earliest to its latest period, was devoted to the elucidation and defence of Scriptural and Catholic Verity, as professed and inculcated by the Church of England. His love of primitive Christianity was deep and unalterable- He had imbibed the great principles of the English Reformation; and was firmly persuaded that their maintenance, in all their original purity and integrity, was inseparably connected with that of constitutional freedom, and of true religion. 1 Its manners were simple, yet dignified ; bis temper singularly sweet, placid, and equable ; His spirit generous, candid, and disinterested ; His charity liberal and diffusive. His faith was sound and unwavering ; his life pure, and unspotted from the world. His end was p iace, ami his hope, through Christ, full of immortality. K K 2 501 , APPENDIX. No. I. MR. GRANVILLE SHARP'S RULE. In adverting to the publication of the second number of the Museum Oxoniense, we stated that the Appendix would give some account of a remarkable treatise which it included, entitled " Remarks on the Uses of the Definitive Article in the Greek of the New Testament, containing many new proofs of the Di- vinity of Christ, from passages which are wrongly translated in the common English Version," by Granville Sharp, Esq. This tract, which we are assured by its author would never have seen the light but for the intervention of Mr. Burgess, who selected it from various others placed at his disposal, has given rise to much animated discussion on critical questions of great interest connected with the scriptural evidences of the Divinity of Christ. In these discussions Mr. Burgess took for a series of years so prominent a part, that it becomes the duty of his biographer to place before his readers, in as popular a form as the subject will authorise, a general sketch of the nature of the controversy. Mr. Sharp, who was an able linguist, and devoted to the study of Sacred Literature, maintains, in this tract, that the force of various texts bearing strong testimony to the Divinity of Christ, had been in a great degree sacrificed by the trans- lators of our English Bible, from their not having adhered to the following critical canon, which he maintained was esta- blished by the genius of the Greek language, and by the practice of its best writers, both sacred and profane. When two personal nouns of the same case are connected by the copulative («ai — and), if the former has the Greek definite article and the latter has not, they botli relate to the same per- son. Example : 2 Peter, c. i. v. 1. (v SiKaiocrvvy rov 0eou r\jx(tiv kcu Swrrjpos -qtxtov Itjctov Xptarov, which, according to the rule, should K K 3 502 LIFE OF BISHOP BURGESS. be rendered thus: Through the righteousness of Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour. Titus, ii. 13. T\poo the supposition that the doctrines of both churches are funda- mentally the same. But, my Lord, the doctrines of Chris- tianity contained in the Nicene Creed are so perverted by the Church of Rome, from the true sense of Scripture, by the additions of the Papal creed, as to constitute a very different profession of faith from that of the Gospel and of the Church of England. In the Scriptures we are taught that there is APPENDIX. 507 only one God, and in the Niccne Creed we profess it. But the Church of Rome, hy her adoration of angels and saints, and prayers to them for spiritual and temporal blessings, be- comes a worshipper of many gods. The Scriptures teach us that there is one Mediator between God and man, and only one name under heaven by which men must be saved ; but in the Church of Rome every saint is a mediator, and every mediator a saviour. By the Scriptures we are taught that Christ offered himself once on the cross for the sins of man- kind. The Church of Rome professes in the mass to offer up Christ ever// day as a propitiatory sacrifice to God. In the Gospel we are taught to honour the Son even as we honour the Father. But in the Church of Rome greater honour is paid to the Virgin Mary than to the Son, or to the Father. The Church of England believes that Christ in his divine nature is omnipresent, and that he is nowhere bodily present, but in heaven at the right hand of God. The Church of Rome teaches that Christ is bodily present in the consecrated bread of the Eucharist, and in every particle of bread that is eaten at the Lord's Supper. Nothing more strongly shows the fun- damental difference of the Church of Rome from the Church of England than the doctrine, that the bread and wine are changed by consecration into the body and blood of Christ ; and the worship of Christ under the visible forms of bread and wine ; the belief of which the Church of Rome declares to be necessary to every man's salvation ; but which the Church of England pronounces to be idolatry, — to be abhorred of all faithful Christians.* You object, my Lord, to the imputation of idolatry, as ap- plied by the Protestant prelates of the Irish Church to the Church of Rome. The charge of idolatry was so applied by our Reformers of the sixteenth century, who were born and bred Papists, and knew by their own experience and know- ledge what Popery was. It is so applied in our Liturgy and Homilies; and has been so applied by the best informed and most learned f Protestants from their time to the present. It may be sufficient to quote the testimony of Bishop Jeremy Taylor : — " We know idolatry is a damnable sin ; and we know that the Roman Church, with all the artifices she could use, never can justify herself or acquit the common practice [image- worship] of idolatry. "J It is the legitimate language * Declaration subjoined to the Communion Service. t Bishop Jewell, Archbishop Whitgift, Bishop Bilson, Bishop Andrews, Bishop White, Archbishop Usher, Bishop Davenant, Bishop Jeremy Taylor, Bishop Downman. % Dissuasive from Popery, p. 10. Preface. 508 LIFE OF BISHOP BURGESS. of parliament, and has been the language of your Lordship's own solemn declaration, as often as you have taken your seat in either house of parliament, — in terms expressive of the most unequivocal belief that " the invocation or adoration of the Virgin Mary, or any other saint, and the sacrifice of the mass, as now used in the Church of Rome, are superstitious and idolatrous."* When your Lordship, in your speech on the Irish Church Bill, condemned the charge of idolatry against the Church of Rome, as an insult on the Irish population, it must have been on the supposition that the worshippers of one supreme God are incapable of idolatry. But, my Lord, the profession of belief in one God, and the worship of one supreme God, are no proof that the members of the Church of Rome are not idolatrous by the worship of the Virgin Mary and other saints. The Jews, who were under the immediate and peculiar go- vernment of God, were addicted to idolatry from the time they left Egypt, uniting the worship of Baal with that of Jehovah, in spite of God's awful judgments against it, and in defiance of the national calamities which it frequently brought upon them, till they were finally punished for it by the total overthrow of their nation, and their captivity in Babylon. The most en- lightened people of pagan antiquity were worshippers of one supreme God, at the time that they had many subordinate deities, national, domestic, and local, like the deified angels and saints of modern Rome. For an exact parallel between Pagan and Papal idolatry, I may refer your Lordship not only to Dr. Middleton's celebrated Letter from Rome, but to the author of a tract, entitled " A true and lively Representation of Popery, showing that Popery •is new-modelled Paganism, and perfectly destructive of the great Ends and Purposes of God in the Gospel," published in London in 1679; a period, when the increase of Popery ex- torted from the legislature a remedy f, which we have lived to see repealed, to the great increase and encouragement of Popery — a remedy, the wisdom and expediency of which nothing was wanting to prove, but its loss (what if it may be but a tem- porary loss?) and the renewed and dear-bought experience which has followed this repeal. Your Lordship objects to that part of the petition of the Protestant Prelates of Ireland, which appeared to you to be couched in injurious, uncharitable, and unchristian language towards the Roman Catholic Church of Ireland. " The words • Declaration (30 Car. 2.). "I., A. B., do solemnly and sincerely, in the presence of God, profess, testify, ami declare, thai I do believe," &c. t 30 Car. 2., a. d. 1678, repealed 1829. APPENDIX. 509 usurpation, idolatry, and blind superstition," you observe, " are not terms of conciliation, nor were they fit language for a bench of right reverend prelates." The language is justified by the example of the many great authorities before mentioned, from Bishop Jewell down to Archbishop Usher, who have proved the Church of Rome to be usurping, idolatrous, and super- stitious. The words are not terms of conciliation ; but they are the language of truth, of history, and (as before mentioned) of parliamentary authority. What other term, indeed, than usurpation can be given to the assumption of universal dominion over the Church of Christ, which the Pope and the Church of Rome have employed to the degradation of sovereigns, the in- terdict of kingdoms, and the massacre of provinces? What other terms can with truth be applied to the bowing down in prayer before the images of saints, and to the adoration of Christ under the visible forms of bread and wine, than those which are employed by our church and parliament, and constitutionally adopted by your Lordship ? Your Lordship laments the great errors of the Church of Rome ; and you scruple not to deprecate the spirit of some of her doctrines. But experience has abundantly shown, that those errors are not to be reformed, nor her doctrines mitigated, by conciliation and concession. To call idolatry, superstition, and apostasy by any other terms than by their own appropriate appellations, is not to conciliate the church that is guilty of such corruptions, but to confirm her members in their errors, and to mislead uninformed Protestants. The Prophet's denun- ciation is true in respect of religion above all other subjects : " Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil ; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness." The disuse of the old parliamentary terms, Popery, Papistry, and Papists, and the common use of the term Catholic instead of Popish, — of Catholicism instead of Popery, — of real presence instead of transubstantiation, — cannot fail to confound the un- derstandings of uninformed and unthinking Protestants, and to propagate pernicious errors. The Church of Rome is falsely called Catholic, and most inconsistently denominated Roman Catholic. It never was the Catholic or universal Church of Christ, either in authority or doctrine : — not in authority ; for it never had dominion over the Eastern Church, nor over the whole Western Church, for the first ten centuries, nor after the beginning of the sixteenth. Nor can a church be Catholic in doctrine, which has added to the generally received faith of Christians sundry articles of belief, as necessary to salvation, which are mere " novelties and heterodoxies," as they are called by Barrow at the close of his 510 LIFE OF BISIIOF BURGESS. never-answered and unanswerable Treatise on the Pope's su- premacy. The boasted term Catholic, as applied to the Church, is a novelty unknown to the Scriptures, and to the primitive Church of Rome ; and though used by the Greek Church in the fourth century, was not admitted into the Roman Creed till after the fifth or sixth century. The Papal Church, there- fore, has not the claim of antiquity for the term Catholic, nor even the authority of the Trent Creed for the ?node in which it is applied. For in that Creed the Church of Rome is called Catholic Roman, and not Roman Catholic. But whether en- titled Catholic Roman, or Roman Catholic, nothing can excuse the incongruity of combining in one appellation two contradic- tory terms, universal and particular, so as to call it either an universal particular, or particular universal Church. * Your Lordship condemns in harsh terms the employment of Protestant missionaries in Ireland, as if it were placing the Irish population on a level with the worshippers of Juggernaut. Your Lordship is evidently not aware of the state of Popery in Ireland, or of the extent of that blind superstition and idola- try which is stated in the petition of the Protestant Prelates of Ireland; or of the details which have been given of it in various publications from the time of the Reformation to the present. Of its present state, I can refer your Lordship to a very recent account in a tract entitled Popery in Alliance with Paganism, by John Poynder, Esq. especially in Letters XII. and XIII. concerning the Water Idolatry in Ireland. Of a former period the following is by the Bishop of Down in 1686, — the learned, the pious, the excellent Jeremy Taylor, in the preface to his Dissuasive from Popery: — "We have observed amongst the generality of the Irish such a declension of Chris- tianity, so great credulity to believe every superstitious story, — so little sense of true religion and the fear of God, so much care to obey the Priests, and so little to obey God, — thinking themselves more bound to swear on the Mass-book than on the four Gospels, and St. Patrick's Mass-book more than any new one; — these and s,> many other things of like nature we see daily, that we being conscious of the infinite distance which these things have from the spirit of Christianity, know that no charity can be greater thou to persuade the people to come to our Churches, where they shall /«' taught all tin ways of godly wisdom, of peace and safety to their souls." — I shall give one particular instance of their miserable superstition and blindness, for which ■ \ml whereas tin- Papist boasts himself to !><• a Roman Catbolii a mere contradiction ; as it lie should say, universal, partii ular, or Catholic schismatic." — Milton's Tracts on True Religion. APPENDIX. 511 I refer your Lordship to the whole very instructive passage from p. xii. to p. xviii. Deeply as we are interested in the responsibility imposed upon us by our connection with India to diffuse the light of religious and moral truth among its inhabitants, this responsi- bility, as it respects Ireland, is increased in a tenfold degree in proportion to our religious and political affinities with it, as well as its vicinity, — in proportion, too, to that declension from the light of the Gospel, which your Lordship laments and deprecates in the errors of the Church of Rome, — in propor- tion also to the duty entailed upon us of maintaining, in its primitive truth, that Gospel which we have the highest histo- rical authority* for affirming was preached in these islands by some of the apostles ; and consequently the duty of opposing the establishment of any religion contrary to the Gospel; — and lastly, in proportion to the long neglect of these Protestant duties towards Ireland in past times. The three historical characteristics of the Christian Church in these islands, — Apostolical, Episcopal, and Protestant, — as it subsisted before the end of the sixth century, should never be forgotten, as motives of attachment to its authority, and of zeal in its defence ; as evidences of its antiquity and inde- pendence on the Church of Rome, and means of disabusing the minds both of Romanists and Dissenters, — of Romanists, igno- rant of the compact between Pope Adrian and Henry the Second, so late as the twelfth century, by which Popery was first intro- duced into Ireland ; and of Dissenters forgetful of the origin of Dissent in the sixteenth century. Your Lordship is of opinion that " Protestant missionaries in Ireland have not the quality essential to missionaries, — of disinterested parties ; and that it is to be doubted whether missionaries have been productive of that good which has been generally ascribed to them." What purer interest, or more righteous motive, can any man have than the conversion of his fellow-creatures from idolatry and blind superstition, by the diffusion of the Gospel, and a pure profession of Christianity among them? And if we may judge of the beneficial effects of missionary labours in the cause of religion from the success of one individual, we might resolve all doubts on the subject by an appeal to the life of Swartz, which has lately been read bv the public with so much interest, from the pen of the Dean of Salisbury. But, great and influential as were his talents and example in our eastern empire, the success of our home missions in the reign of Edward VI., by the zeal and piety of Bernard * Clemens Romanus, Eusebius, Theodoret, Giklas, &c. 512 LIFE OF BISHOP BURGESS. Gilpin, for the instruction and conversion of a benighted popu- lation, bred up in the errors of Popery, is more to the purpose of meeting your Lordship's objection to the employment of Protestant missionaries in Ireland. Bernard Gilpin, who was Rector of Houghton-le- Spring, in the county of Durham, was also a licensed preacher, and in that capacity itinerated through Northumberland, Yorkshire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Cheshire, which were the chief scenes of those missionary labours which have transmitted his name to posterity, as the Apostle of the North. " If a missionary be one who carries forth the torch of Revelation in order that he may diffuse its light over dark places of the earth, Bernard Gilpin was justly entitled to that appellation. He laboured for the conversion of souls who had no other means of coining to the knowledge of the Gospel. In the reign of Edward VI. he had received a general licence for preaching, which he possessed in the reign of Elizabeth, and of which he made a most important use."* An ample field appears to present itself in the south of Ire- land for similar exertion in the dissemination of the Gospel, in co-operation with the resident clergy, by licensed preachers, by school catechists, and Bible readers. The success of the cir- culating schools of Wales, instituted in the last century f, for the instruction of the Welsh poor in their own language, affords great encouragement to such missionary labours for the in- struction of the Irish poor, by the mutual aid of the two lan- guages, Irish and English, in the Protestant principles of the Established Church. Under such institutions, especially if aided by parliamentary grants for the building of glebe houses, chapels of ease, and school houses, and protected by the due administration of the laws, Protestant congregations might be created in the 860 devoted parishes with as much facility as we see new associations grow up in England under the shadow of Dissenting Meeting Houses and Roman Chapels. In their view of enlarging the means of general instruction, it does not seem to have occurred to the framers of the Irish Church Bill that, as lay impropriations arc held on no other original right of tenure than are the proscribed benefices, a large portion of the benefits intended, through sequestration and confiscation by the abandoned bill, might be obtained by a property tax of ten per cent, on the average annual value of- lay impropriations] * Lives of eminent Christians, vol.11, p. 43. t Instituted by the Rev. (Iritlith Jones, in IT.'iO, and continued under bis superintendence for mure than twenty years, — conducted by the liberality of Mrs. Bevan for nearly twenty years, tul the time ol her death, — and, after a long Chancery suit, conlirmcd by the Decretal Order of Lord Chanci lloi Eldon, in 1807. APPENDIX. 513 to be applied exclusively to their respective parishes, without depriving any parish of its Protestant character, or any eccle- siastical incumbent of his vested rights. I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's Very obedient servant, T. Sarum. Palace, Salisbury, Nov. 18. 1835. No. III. PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH BISHOP BURGESS LISTENED TO APPLICATIONS FOR ORDERS IN THE CHURCH OP ENGLAND FROM VARIOUS INDIVIDUALS WHO HAD BEEN DISSENTING MINISTERS. It is well known that Bishop Burgess admitted several indi- viduals, who had been dissenting ministers, to holy orders in the church of England, and the wisdom of his conduct in this particular has been occasionally questioned. The following extract of a letter to the author, from the Rev. Mr. Meek, who was one of those thus ordained, explains in so satisfactory a manner the principles upon which the Bishop acted in all such cases, that it is made public with the permission of its respected writer. After paying a very high tribute of affectionate and re- spectful regard to the Bishop's memory, he thus proceeds : — " I shall ever regard it as one of the greatest mercies and pri- vileges of my life, that I was admitted by him to ' holy orders,' was nominated to my first curacy, was preferred to my first benefice, encouraged in all my literary labours, and honoured by his friendship and correspondence for several years. " You are aware that, before I was admitted to holy orders in our beloved and apostolic church, for many years I exer- cised my ministry among Dissenters. This at once brings me to a part of the Bishop's history, concerning which you desire information. The conduct of Bishop Burgess in admitting to ordination several who had been dissenting ministers has been incorrectly represented by some, and, in my opinion, unjustly condemned by others. By Dissenters, it was said, the Bishop held out temptations, to some of their ministers to conform to the Established Church. Such was not the fact in a single L L 514 LIFE OF BISHOP BURGESS. instance. My knowledge of the circumstances of nearly every case of this nature fully justifies me in saying, that Bishop Burgess required the fullest satisfaction as to sincerity, cha- racter, and fitness, before he gave encouragement to any such applicant to hope for ordination. I know several dissenting ministers, who are now clergymen, who so far from being allured and encouraged by the Bishop to conform, felt that his Lordship discouraged their advances to the church, by requiring of them delay and sacrifices, which, though most painful, were exacted by the Bishop, as evidences to himself and to the church of their sincerity. As the Bishop did me the honour of con- sulting me on several cases of the kind, — this, connected as it is with my own experience, enables me to speak with accuracy on the point. At first, in the case of dissenting ministers seeking admission to the church, the conditions were, a printed declaration of reasons for conformity, testimonials as to cha- racter and fitness from their dissenting connections, twelve months' cessation from their dissenting ministry, a certificate of their actual communion with the church of England during that time, a nomination to a curacy in his diocese, and the usual examination required of candidates previous to ordination. From these regulations the Bishop departed, so far as I know, only in one instance, and in that he had special reasons, which in his own mind fully justified it. One instance in particular, as showing the Bishop's conscientious caution and strictness, I notice. A respectable dissenting minister, strongly recom- mended by the Dean of , sought ordination of the Bishop ; his testimonials were in all respects satisfactory. At an inter- view which the applicant had subsequently with the Bishop, liis Lordship discovered that he laboured under certain phy- sical infirmities, and therefore decided at once on refusing him ordination. On me devolved the painful task of communi- cating that decision. From the Bishop's letter, authorizing that communication, now before me, I make the following ex- tract : — " ' You are at liberty to state to Mr. , that my objec- tions to receiving •him as a candidate for orders, are to his voice and his lameness. In admitting as candidates persons wjio have been dissenting ministers, by an indulgence at variance with the general usages of the Established Church, I should think myself inexcusable if I did not endeavour to limit that indulgence, as far as possible, to perfection of talents and character; but in all cases to the absence of every thing, which in mi/ own apprehension is exceptionable.' " The gentleman thus rejected, I ought to state, subse- quently obtained ordination from the late venerable Bishop i;t APPENDIX. 515 Norwich, and is a respectable and useful clergyman. In an- other instance, reports to the prejudice of a candidate for orders, under like circumstances, reached the Bishop, who, on that ground, expressed to me doubts about receiving him as a candi- date. The Bishop would not admit the gentleman, who is now a beneficed clergyman, to ordination, till he obtained from the best sources the satisfaction he required, and not till the expiration of full three years from the cessation of his dis- senting ministry. The examination of such candidates for ordination was not less strict than was required of the more regular candidates. Previously to my own ordination, having before entered, and resided some time at Cambridge, I had, with the other and regular candidates, to go through all the exercises required of deacons and priests, which continued daily at the palace, from Tuesday morning to Saturday. The Bishop himself examined me two days in Latin and Greek. I have been thus particular in my notice of these facts, as showing, in opposition to the opinions of some, especially of Dissenters, that the Bishop did not invite, or tempt by laxity, dissenting ministers to conform to the church. I shall be excused if I add, that the Bishop, in this indulgence, never allowed himself to be influenced unduly by the recommendation of others. When it was known that I desired to enter the church, a noble lord, who had honoured me with his notice when I was a disssenting minister, voluntarily sent me a kind letter to be handed to the Bishop, recommending me to his Lordship's favour. This letter, however, the Bishop desired might only be seen by him at the time of my ordination ; and was not read till he had received all the satisfaction he usually required in such cases. " I am aware, as you doubtless also are, that by some the indulgence of Bishop Burgess, in ordaining dissenting ministers, has been condemned as an irregularity in the church, and as approximating to injustice to those who seek admission to holy orders by the regular and expensive way of university education. On this subject I think I can pretty accurately state the Bishop's reasons. Those dissenting ministers to whom the Bishop extended this indulgence, though few in number, were generally such as had enjoyed the advantages of dissenting institutions for education for the ministry; they were men who, having exercised their ministry among Dis- senters for years, had not only gained experience in ministe- rial duties, but in quitting dissent, had to make a sacrifice of all their professional income, and to endure the reproaches of abandoned connections. Some, I know, had to sacrifice a larger amount of income than they could reasonably expect L L 2 516 LIFE OF BISHOP BURGESS. from any curacy they might obtain in the church. Such sacrifices the Bishop justly regarded as vindicating the purity of their motives. He kindly felt that the advances of such candidates to the church ought not to be repelled or preju- diced by the fact of their previous nonconformity, the error of which they discovered and renounced, and who from con- scientious preference desired to transfer their ministry to the church. A sudden transfer the Bishop did not sanction ; he required at first an interval of twelve months, and latterly of three years. The Bishop considered that, as conformity sub- jected such to the loss of previous income, and to the expenses of an interval of one, two, or three years, before ordination in the church, it would be hard to require of them the usual uni- versity course ; though in two or three instances, which came under my own knowledge, he recommended this where practi- cable, and his recommendation was acted on. I may add to this, the Bishop felt that the labours of such ministers (who thus conscientiously renounced dissent), in the church and in defence of the church, would tend to the advancement of her true interests. How far his Lordship felt and judged cer- rectly on this last point it becomes not me to pronounce, but must be left to the judgment of others to decide. My own conviction is, — of course I exclude my own humble labours, — that conformists, from their experimental acquaintance witli dissent, have been found in our days among the most able and efficient defenders of the church against dissenting bitterness and misrepresentation. And I cannot but regret that more such conformists in heart (and I know many) do not find a door of admission into the ministrv of the Church of England." APPENDIX. 517 A LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF BISHOP BURGESS, TO THE YEAR 1823. (the principal of those which followed have been enume- rated IN THE CHAPTER ON 1 JOHN, V. 7., OR IN OTHERS.) 1. Observationes in Tragcedias Burtoni Pentalogia com- plexas. 1778. 2. Burtoni Pentalogia, seu Tragoediarum Graecarum Delec- tus, ed. 2da. cui accedunt Observationes et Index Grscitatis. 2 vols. 8vo. 1779. 3. Ricardi Dawes Miscellanea Critica, iterum edita. 8vo. 1781. 4. Essay on the Study of Antiquities, 2d edition. 8vo. 1782. 5. The Salisbury Spelling Book, for the Use of Sunday Schools. 1786. 6. Conspectus Criticarum Observationum in Scriptores Grascos et Latinos. 8vo. 1788. 7. Initia Homerica, seu excerpta ex Iliade Homeri, cum om- nium locorum Graeca Metaphrasti. 8vo. 1788. ed. 2da. 1820. 8. Remarks on Josephus's Account of Herod's rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. 8vo. 1788. 9. Sententiae Philosophorum e Codice Leidensi Vossiano. 12mo. 1788. 10 Tractatus Latini, Crevier, &c. 1788. 8vo. 1 1 . Considerations on the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade, upon grounds of natural, religious, and political duty 8vo. 1789. 12. The Divinity of Christ proved from his own Declarations, attested and interpreted by his living Witnesses, the Jews. A Sermon, Oxford. 1790. 13. Child's First Lessons in Religion. 1790. 12mo. 14. Remarks on the Scriptural Account of the Dimensions of Solomon's Temple. 8vo. 1 7 90. 15. Reflections on the Controversial Writings of Dr. Priest- ley relative to Religious Opinions, Establishments, and Tests. 8vo. 1791. L L 3 518 LIFE OF BISHOP BURGESS. 16. Emendationes in Suidam. 1791. 4 vols. 8vo. 17. Gravinae Opuscula. 12mo. 1792. 18. Musei Oxoniensis Fasciculus I. 8vo. 1792. 19. First Book of Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity. 8vo. 1793- 20. Aristotelis Liber de Poetica cum Animadversionibus Thomas Tyrvvhitti variisque Lectionibus Venetis, &c. 1794. 21. Musei Oxoniensis Fasciculus II. 1797. 22. Moral Annals of the Poor. 1797. 23. Aristotelis TleirAos, sive Epitaphia Heroum Homerico- rum Opusculum ab H. Stephano primum editum, hac editione pluribus epitaphiis auctum. 12mo. 1798. 24. Thomae Tyrwhitti Conjecturae in jEschylum, Euripidem, et Aristophanem ex autographo editas, adjectis ejusdem ad Dawesium Observatis. 8vo. 1798. Reprinted by Mr. Elmsley, with Notes, and Epistola; Diversorum ad Tyrwhittum. 1822. 25. The Spirit of Prophecy the Testimony of Jesus. A Sermon. 8vo. 1802. 26. Johannis Tzetzis Carmen irepi Siatpopas Tfovryroiv e Codice Bodleiano. 27. Sharpe on the Greek Article, Durham. 1803. 12mo. 28. Charity the Bond of Peace and of all Virtues. A Sermon. 1803. 29. De Poeseos ortu et versificatione. Gr. and Lat. 12mo. 30. Initia Paulina, sive Introductio ad Lectionem Pauli Epistolarum. 12mo. 1804. 31. A Sermon preached at the Anniversary of the Royal Humane Society. 8vo. 1804. 32. Christmas Gift. 180.5. 12mo. 33. First Principles of Christian Knowledge. 12mo. 1804. 34. The peculiar Privileges of the Christian Ministry con- sidered in a Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's, in the Year 1804. 2d ed. 1810. 35. A Sermon preached before the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral in Westminster Abbey, on Jan. 30. 1807. 36. Copper-plate Copies of Hebrew Letters and Words. 1807. , 37. Practical Christianity. 12mo. 1806. ' 38. A Hebrew Primer. 12mo. 1807. 39. Hebrew Reader. 2 Prts. 12mo. 40. Hebrew Elements, or an Introduction to the Reading of the Hebrew Scriptures. 8vo. 1807. 4th edit. 12mo. 1823. 41. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's, in the Year 1807. 42. A Sermon preached before the Society for the Propaga- gationofthe Gospel. 1808. 43. Prayers in Time of War, and Public Danger. 1808. APPENDIX. 519 44. A Companion for Ash Wednesday. 1809. 45. The Arabic Alphabet, or an Introduction to the Reading of Arabic. 1809. 46. Maxims of Health for the Use of the Poor. 1810. 47. Motives to the Study of Hebrew, two Parts. 12mo. 1810. 48. Selecta Loca Prophetarum ad Messiam pertinentia. He- braice et Grace, 12mo. 1810. 49. Extracts from Bishop Bull's Sermon on the Difficulties and Dangers of the Pastoral Office. For the use of Candidates for Holy Orders. To which is prefixed an Introduction De Dignitate Sacerdotii Christiani. 1811. 50. Reflections on the Judgment delivered by Sir John Ni- choll, against the Rev. T. W. Wickes: — printed and distri- buted 1811, but not published. 51. Elementary Evidences of Christianity. 3d ed. 1812. 52. Bishops and Benefactors of the Church of St. David's vindicated from the Misrepresentations of a recent Publication : a Charge delivered to the Chapter of St. David's in 1811. 4to. 1812. 53. Johannis Sulgeni Versus Hexametri in laudem Patris Sulgeni, Archiepiscopi Menevensis. E Codice MS. Cotto- niano. 1812. 54. Faith founded on Reason, or a Rational Christian's Pro- fession of Faith ; being a Summary of Christian Doctrine, ex- tracted from the Exposition of the Apostle's Creed, by the Right Rev. John Pearson, D. D. Lord Bishop of Chester, with a Creed of Evidences by the Editor. 12mo. 1812. 55. Jones's Catechism on the Thirty-nine Articles. 12mo. 1812. 56. The First Seven Epochs of the ancient British Church. A Sermon. 8vo. 1813. 51. A Charge in 1813. 8vo. 58. Bishop Bull's Letter to Mr. Nelson on the Corruptions of the Church of Rome, in relation to Ecclesiastical Govern- ment, the Rule of Faith, and Form of Divine Worship, in answer to the Bishop of Meaux's Queries. 18mo. 1813. 59. Brevis Conspectus Historian Ecclesiastical. 1813. ( 60. Hebrew Etymology. 12mo. 1813. 61. The Protestant's Retrospect. 12mo. 1813. 62. Two Letters to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's on the Independence of the ancient British Church on any foreign Jurisdiction. 8vo. 1813. 63. Friendly Advice to Servants, Apprentices, and Work- men, consisting of useful Maxims, Scripture Extracts, and moral Proverbs, together with some Christian Thoughts on Stage Entertainments. 1813. 520 LIFE OF BISHOP BURGESS. 64. An Introduction to the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity. 1814. 65. Tracts of various Writers on the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and on the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, to which is added, an Introduction to the Doctrine of the Trinity, hy the Editor. 12mo. 1814. 66. Rudiments of Hehrew Grammar. 1814. 67. Samaritan and Syriac Alphabets. 12mo. 1814. 68. A Charge addressed to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's. 1814. 69. The Gospel Way of Salvation. A Tablet on Pasteboard. 1814. 70. A brief Memorial on the Repeal of the Statute relative to the Doctrine of the Trinity. 8vo. 1814. 71. A Protestant's and Papist's Manual, containing a Papist's Reasons for not conforming to the Church of England, and a Protestant's Answer to them. 1814. 72. Ecclesia? Christiana? Primordia. 8vo. 1814. 73. A Letter to the Lord Bishop of Durham on the Origin of the Pelasgi, and on the original Name and Pronunciation of the iEolic Digamma. 1814. 74. The Bible, and nothing but the Bible, the Religion of the Church of England. 8vo. 1815. 75. The Truth to which Christ came into the World to bear witness ; and the Testimony of Christ's Contemporaries to his Declaration of his Divinity, confirmed by his Discourses, Ac- tions and Death; a Sermon, 8vo. 1815, being a Sequel to a Sermon preached at Oxford, 1790. 76 A Good- Friday Address to our Countrymen, the Roman Catholics, on the Character and Authority of St. Peter. 1815. 77. Miss Smith's comparative Vocabulary of Hebrew and Arabic, to which is prefixed as a Praxis, the Carmen Toghrai. 12mo. 1815. 78. Evidence of the Divinity of Christ, from the literal Testimony of Scripture ; containing a Vindication of Mr. Sharp's Rule from the Objections of the Rev. Calvin Win- stanley; with Observations on Right Principles of Interpre- tation. 2d Edition. 1815. 79. Three Addresses to Persons calling themselves Unita- rians. 1815. 80. Appendix to Hoare's Life of Sharp. 4to. 81. A Volume of Tracts on the Independence of the Ancient British Church, on the Supremacy of the Pope, and the Incon- sistency of all foreign Jurisdictions with the British Con- stitution, and on the Differences between the Churches of England and of Rome; to which is prefixed a Map, showing APPENDIX. 521 the Limits of the Pope's Jurisdiction at the End of the Fif- teenth Century. 8vo. 1815. 82. The Scripture Evidence of the Divinity of Christ, ex- tracted from Bishop Pearson's Exposition of the Apostles' Creed. 1815. 83. Chrysostomi Selecta. 12mo. 1815. 84. Queries addressed to Persons calling themselves Unita- rians. 1815. 85. A Collection of such Scriptures as ought to be seriously and frequently considered by all those who either are preparing for Holy Orders, or are already ordained. In Hebrew, Greek, and English. 12mo. 1816. 86. The Unitarian Catechised. A folio page. 1816. 87. The Protestant Catechism. 8vo. 1818. 88. Reasons why a New Translation of the Bible should not be published without a previous Statement and Examination of all the material Passages, which may be supposed to be misinterpreted. Second edition. 8vo. 1819. 89. English Reformation and Papal Schism. 8vo. 1819. 90. Three Words on General Thornton's Speech. 8vo. 1819. 91. An easy Way by one Duty to serve Religion, to double your Income, and to prolong Life •, or Devotion, Frugality, and Health promoted by the Observance of Lent ; to which are added, Extracts from the Works of the Rev. W. Jones, Lessius, Cornaro, and Cheyne. 1819. 92. Three Letters to Dr. Phillimore (by Philopatris). 1819. 93. A Volume of Tracts on the Divinity of Christ, con- taining the Bible, and nothing but the Bible; Evidence of the Divinity of Christ ; a brief Memorial ; and Three Addresses to Unitarians ; to which is prefixed a Preface, containing Stric- tures on the recent Publication of Mr. Belsham and Dr. Car- penter. 8vo. 1820. 94. Remarks on the Western Travels of St. Paul, as an Evidence of the Truth of Christianity, and an Argument of Prescription against the Supremacy of the Pope, and of the Church of Rome. 1820. 95. Popery incapable of Union with a Protestant Church. 8vo. 1820. 96. Scripture and Antiquity united in a Christian's Testi- mony against the recent Publications of Mr. Belsham and Dr. Carpenter. 8vo. 1820. 97. The Challenge answered in Defence of the Authenticity of Matthew, xxviii. 19. 12mo. 1820. 98. A Vindication of 1 John, v. 7., from the Objections of M. Griesbach. 8vo. 1821. 99. Dr. Owen's Tract on the Nature of the Protestant R.li- 522 LIFE OF BISHOP BURGESS. gion ; and its present State in the World ; to which is prefixed a Letter to William Wilberforce, Esq. 12mo. 1821. 100. A Vindication of Bishop Cleaver's Edition of the De- cretum Lacedamoniorum contra Timotheum, from the Stric- tures of R. P. Knight, Esq. 8vo. 1821. 101. Adnotationes Millii, Bengelii, Wetstenii, &c. in 1 Joann. v. 7. ( The. two preceding were printed and distributed, but not pub- lished. ) 102. Marci Celedensis Explanatio Fidei. 1821. 1 03. A Speech delivered in the House of Lords on the Roman Catholic Question. 1821. 104. The Church of England Man's Elementary Catechism ; or First Lessons in the Doctrine of Christ and his Church. Eleventh Edition. 1822. 105. Arrian's Epictetus. 12mo. 106. A Speech intended to have been delivered in the House of Lords on the Roman Catholic Question. 1 822. 107. The Greek Original of the New Testament asserted, in Answer to a recent Publication, entitled Pala-oromaica. 1823. 108. A Vindication of 1 John, v. 7., from the Objections of M. Griesbach. Second Edition. To which are added, a Pre- face in Reply to the Quarterly Review for March, 1822, and a Postscript in Answer to a recent Publication, entitled Palao- romaica. 1823. 109. Christianity of Stoicism; or Selections from Arrian's Discourses, &c. 12mo. 1822. 110. Tertulliani Liber de Prasscriptione adversus Hereticos, Latine et Anglice. 12mo. 111. Milton contrasted with Milton and the Scriptures. 8vo. THE END. London : Printed l>y A. SpomawooDE, New-Street- Square. By the same Author. THE AGAMEMNON OF .ESCHYLUS, translated from the Greek. Illustrated by a Dissertation on Grecian Tragedy. 8vo. With Plates, 14*. in cloth. To be had of Longman & Co., Paternoster Row PATERNOSTER ROW. OCTOBER 1842. @L Catalogue of BOOKS ON EDUCATION, IN ALL BRANCHES OF KNOWLEDGE, PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. CTautlOll. — Early and immature Editions of some of Messrs. Longman is Co.'s School Books having been reprinted by other Book- sellers, it is necessary to caution purchasers that the only correct and GENUINE Editions, with the Authors' 1 latest Additions and Improve- ments — all of which are Copyright — bear the imprint of Messrs. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. Messrs. Longman and Co. beg to call attention to the following important New School Eooks : — ENGLISH ; or, The Art of Composition explained in a Series of Instructions and Examples. By G. F. Grahax. This work differs materially from all others on the subject which have preceded it. It is founded on the application of the principle of Imitation to thesimplesl expression of thought j and conduits the mind gradually, by imitative exercises of progressive difficulty, to the practice of connected composition'. ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY; consisting; of the first Four and Sixth Books of Euclid, chiefly from the Textof Dr. Robert Simeon: with the principal Theorems in Proportion, and a Course of Practical Geometry on the Ground ; also, Four Tracts rrlatini; to circh s, l'l.mcs, and Si, lids, with one on Spherical Geometry. By Mr. Narrien, Prof, of Mathematics in the Royal Military I 'ollege, Sandhurst.' AN ENTIRELY NEW EDITION of the REV. J. GOLDSMITH'S GRAMMAB of GENERAL GEOGRAPHY, for the Use of Schools and Young Persons With a Ne« Set ol Maps and 1 an: i ,u ings. Revised throughout and corrected by Hvou Murray, Esq. Author of '• The Encyclopaadia of Geography." A NEW EDITION of the REV. JOHN HARTLEY'S GEOGRAPHY foi rOl 'I'M, adapted to the diil'erent Classes of Learners; revised, and containing the latest Changes. AN ENTIRELY NEW EDITION of SMART'S PRACTICE of ELOCUTION; or, a I ourseof Exercises for acquiring thi everolRi quisites of a g I Delivery: augmented, p.irticularh bv a Chapter on Impassioned Heading qualified bj Taste; with Exercises' adapted 'to a Chronological OuUineof English Poetry. Great care ha been taken in preparing this, the Fourth Edition of the present work, for the press; and the new chapter, it is hoped, will supplj a desideratum m the scl Is —an introduction t- ets, aprehenaive m outline, but brief in detail. DR. BLOOMFIELD'S EDITION of THUCYDIDES' HISTORY of Hi. PELOPONNESI IN WAR, \ new Recension of the Text : with a carefully amended Punctuation . md i opioua Not. s, ( ritii al, Philological, and Explanatory, I at partlj sell it. i an I arranged from the bi si expositor's, ami tin m d with full Indices, both of < 1 ma discui sed in thi 06 In 2 volt . Bvo.) Vol. 1 pres LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO.'s CEUmcntan) (T.rccfc 2\ the Rex. F. E. J. Yalpv, M.A. Head Master of Rurton-on- Trent Grammar School'. 1 vol. 8vO. pp. 604, 15s. cloth. London, 1842. CILES'S CREEK AND ENGLISH LEXICON. A Lexicon of the Greek Language, for the use of Colleges and Schools ; containing -1, \ Greek-English Li tin adv itagcs of I , 1 thick vol. t: This is a worthy companic information necessary to author is generally suet eklanguagei avoidin < nns, and . they can be "In two 1 Greek part, i-Greek U prefixed. a com ise Grammar of the I, L.l). late Fellow oi C.C. College, Bvo pp. 976,21s, cloth. L.md. 1800. Riddle's Latin Dictionary,' containing all the student, and, what is of equal importance, no more. The sful in developing the structure and composition of the the quibbling derivations which disfigure the older lcxi- Schrevt lius, hi points out the genuine radicals so far as > kind ; na • ill Iv, in tin Bnglish- primitn.s. ' k Gkammar. MOODY'S ETON CREEK GRAMMAR IN ENGLISH. The Ne gua id Lc id the Quantity of i: the Synt.i I and rk and Latin Lati- tat. 'I'll. wlmlc l.i-iii- ace, n Clement m, \ , of Magdal Grammar in English. 2d Edition, carefullj revised, &c 12mo. pp.214, Is. cloth. London, 1841. In this grammar arc followed out the simplified plan and easy principles Of the 1 \,'u Eton Latin Grammar.' The analogy between the two languages is developed chiefly from the elaborate work of Vossius; and the Notes have hem carefully scl.-rtc.l and condensed from Matthias, Thiersch, Buttmann, and other learned atter has been added are, among others, 'uialous Verbs, the Syntax of the Genitive till of Idii ctives.the li- Case alter the \ ill,. VALPY'S CREEK CRAMMAR. The Ll, i.ling Sch( n. 1840, Ne 1 ..lit ■■ i Notes. HvH.Viitv, I). D. late Master. o. pp. 216,6s. 6d. bds.; or, Is. 6d. hound. VALPY'S CREEK DELECTUS, AND KEY. Delectus Sententiarum Greecarum, ad usum Tironum acoommodatue : cum Notuiis et Lei,-,, lucton R iun.li.n. Editio Nova, eademque aucta et ndata, I'jmo pp. 120, Is. cloth. London, 1841. Lii to the above, being a laical Translation into English, 12mo. pp. 62, fid. -.1. L, Ml. VALPY'S SECOND CREEK DELECTUS. Second Greek Delei tua; or, \c Inalecta Minoi i in between Dr. Valpy's Greek Delectus and tht 'I h English Notes, and a copious Greek and Engl! r. E, .1. \ m pt, M. \. lhad Master ofthi n Trent. 3d Edition, 8vo. pp. 316, 9s. 6d. bound, I., The Extracts are taken from the following Writers:— i ,,i Bui ton <>n I .'Lsnp Paleephatua Plutarch Elian The S.pliiagint -t. Matthi n I uripidea Sophocle .1 sclnh ophanea lomer Tj rta-iis ('.inn . Moschui Iry, ins.,1 I \/i,um STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Greek Works — continued. VALPY'S THIRD CREEK DELECTUS. The Third Greek Delectus ; or, New Anaiect i Majora : with English Notes. In Tun Part-. By the Rev. F. E. J.A'ali'v, M.A. Head Master of the Free Grammar School, Burton-on-Trent. 8vo. pp. 700, 15s. 6d. bound. Loud. 1S31. *,' The Parts may be had separately. Part 1. PROSE. 8to. pp. 304, Bs. 6d. bound.— The Extracts are taken from Herodotus l Isoerates I Demosthenes I Thucydides Xenophon | Plato | Lysias | Longinus Theophrastus. " 2. POETRY. 8vo. pp. 406, 9s. 6d. bound. Homer i Callimachus Hesiod Lnnna Apollonius Rhodius Bacrliylides SimonidfS Sappho Tht-ocritus Pindar Euripides Sophocles .Esehylus Aristuphanes. Callistratus Cleanthes VALPY'S CREEK EXERCISES, AND KEY. Greek Exercises; being an Introduction to Greek Composition, leading the student from the Elements of Grammar t<> the hidier parts oi Syntax, and referring the Greek of the words to a Lexicon at the end : with Specimens of theGreek Diale ts, and the Critical Canons of Dawes and Porson. 4th Edition, with many Additions and Corrections. By the Rev. F.E.J. Valpi, M.A. Master of Burton-on-Trent Grammar School. 12mo. pp. 364, 6s. 6d. cloth. London, 1839. Kky. [2mo. pp. 4S, 3s. Cd. sewed. London, n. d. NEILSON'S GREEK EXERCISES, AND KEY. Greek Exercises, in Syntax, Ellipsis, Dialects, Prosody, and Metaphrasis. To v. In h is prefixed, a concise but comprehensive Syntax ; with Observations on some Idioms of the Greek LanmiaL'e. Bv the Rev. W. NsiLSON, U.I), late Professor of Greek and Hebrew in Belfast College. New Edition, wo. pp. 24f, 5s. boards. London, 1839. Ki:v, pp. 90, 3s. bunds. London, 1S40. HOWARD'S CREEK VOCABULARY. A Vocabulary, English and Greek; arranged svst.'mnticallv, to advance the learner in Scientific as well as Verba) Knowledge: with a List of Greek and Latin Affinities, and of Hi brew, Greek, Latin, English, and other Affinities. By Nviiiwiii. Hon vui,. New Edition, corrected, I8mo. pp. 178, 3s. cloth. London, 1838. HOWARD'S INTRODUCTORY GREEK EXERCISES, AND KEY. Introili Exercises to those of Huntingford, Dunbar, Neilson, and others; arranged under Models, to assist the learner: with Exercises on the different Tenses of Verbs, extracted from the Table or Picture of Cebes. By N vi ii \ m i i. 1 low \ a 0. New Edition, with considerable improvements, l2mo. pp. ".">t;, as. Cd.. , l,,tb. London, n.d. Kn , 12mo. pp. 68, 2s. 6d. cloth. London, 1838. DR. MAJOR'S CREEK VOCABULARY. Greek Vocabulary . or, I ■ on the Declinable Tarts of Speech. Bv the Rev. J. R. Mv.ion, d.d. Head Master of the King's College School, London. 2d l.di , i. i and i olarged, l2mo. pp. 121, 2s. 6d. cloth. London, 1639. EVANS'S CREEK COPY-BOOK. TpacpiVS Aova.%. sive, Calamus s,riptorius: Copies for 'Writing Greek in Schools. By A. II. Evans, D.D. Head Master of Market-Bosworth Free Grammar School. Ito.pp 62,68 cloth. London,n.d. The use of one Copy-Book is sufficient for securing a firm and clear Greek hand. DR. MAJOR'S GUIDE TO THE CREEK TRACEDIANS. A Guide to the Reading of the Greek Tragedians; being a series of articles on the Greek Drama, Greek Metres, and Canons of Criticism. Coll, ctcd and arranged by the Rev. J. R. MajoRj D.D. lb-ad Master of King's College School, i 8vo. pp. 210, 7s. Gd. boards. London, n.d. LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO. S SEACER'S EDITION OF BOS ON THE ELLIPSIS. Bos nn the Greek Ellipsis. Abridged and translated into English, from Professor Schffiffer's Edition; with Notes', by the Rev. J. Seaqer, II. A. Bvo. pp. 262, 9s, Sd. bds. London, n. d. SEACER'S HERMANN'S CREEK METRES. Hermann's Elements of the Doctrine of Metres. Abridged and translated into English, by the Rev. John Seager,B.A. Bvo. pp. 194,8s. Bd. bds. Lond.n.d. SEACER'S HOOCEVEEN ON CREEK PARTICLES. Hoogeveen on the Greek Particles. Abridged and translated into English, by the Rev. John Seager, B.a. 8to. pp. 216, 7s. Bd. boards. London, n.d. SEACER'S MAITTAIRF. ON THE CREEK DIALECTS. Maittaire on the Greek Dialects. Abridged and Translated into English, from the Edition of Sturaus, by the Rev. John Seageb, B.A. Bvo. pp. 312, 9s. Bd. boards. London, n. d. SEACER'S VICER'S CREEK IDIOMS. Tiger on the Greek Idioms. Abridged and translated into English, from Pro- fessor Hermann's last Edition, v/ith Original Notes, by the Rev. John Si win, B.A-. 2d Edition, with Additions and Corrections, Bvo. pp. 276, 9s. ud. boards I .melon, n. d. *," The above Five Works may be had in 2 vols. 8vo. £2. 2s. cloth lettered. lEIniKMam £atm iltorfes, dictionaries, CTirammars, fcc. RIDDLE'S LATIN DICTIONARY. A Complete Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary; compiled from the best source: , chiefly German. Bj the Rev. J. E. Riddle, M.A. of St, I Ha 1, Oxford. 2d Edition, corrected and enlarged, in 1 very thick vol. Bvo pp. 1 126, cloth, 31s. 6d, cloth. London, 1840. The ■ nglish I rtin 3d Edition, pp. 316, 10s. 6d. i loth, London, 1842), and Latin- ion, corrected and enlarged, pp. 808, 21s. cloth, London, 1840, pori ions maj be had separately. RIDDLE'S YOUNG SCHOLAR'S LATIN DICTIONARY. The Young Scholar's Latin English and English Latin Dictionary; being an Abridgment of the abi [uare lZmo. pp. 480, 12*. bd. Lond.1841. The Latin English pp 794, 7s. bound, London, 1841, and I n 312, as. 6d. bound, London, 1841), portions maybe had separately. Extract prom \n \hti, i i n j " Schooi B cs" is THI i it i m h 01 England Quab.teb.li Review No. win.) for July. 1 "From the time thai a boj a1 school commence translation of the simplest kind, ii,n ,ii, , ns should be attended to; and indeed we should consider Mr. Riddle's an invaluable book, when compared with other Dictionaries, merel] on tli, ground ofits large stock ol derivations. In the totonj of earij instruction th.s,. are, perhaps, the verj 6rs( things that awaken curiosity and interest; s momentary es api and i ipite,ifonii apparent, from the irksome matter in hand, is thai for which boys are continually craving; and this may be more ndvan tagoously indulged by frequent reference to kindred English words, in which they feel themselves al home, than in m;. other manner. MOODY'S ETON LATIN GRAMMAR IN ENGLISH, ETC. The New Eton Latin Grammar, with thi Mark of Quontitj ind the Rules of cont '. inn Grammar as usi d al I I thi Etc allowing important Additions :— Rules of Declension and jugs 1 of Position, Roi nl.i\, \i . &C. . y i I r,ol • : i [English, Ith I i i cloth let!, red. Vccidence : with Edition ... i 10 STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. VALPY'S LATIN CRAMMAR. The Elements of Latin Grammar : with Notes. By R. Valpt, D.D. late Master of Reading School. New Edition, with numerous Additions and Corrections, 12mo. pp. 144, 2s. 6d. bound. London, 1841. VALPY'S LATIN VOCABULARY. A New Latin Vocabulary ; adapted to the best Latin Grammars : with Tables of Numeral Letters, Fn^lish and Latin Abbreviations, and the Value of Roman and Grecian Coins. By R. Valpy, D.D. 11th Edition, 12mo. pp. 104, 2s. bound. London, 1841. VALPY'S LATIN DELECTUS, AND KEY. Delectus Sententiarum et Historiarum ; ad us urn Tironum accommodatus: cum Notulis et Lexico. Auctore R. Valpy, D.D. New Edition, with Explana- tions and Directions ; and a Dictionary, in which the Genders of Nouns, and the principal parts of Verbs, are inserted. 12mo. pp. 188,2s. 6d. cl. Lond. Itvl2. Key; being a Literal Translation. By a Private Teacher. New Edition, carefully revised, and adapted to the alterations in the new edition of the text, by W. R. Bukdox, 12mo. pp. 112, 3s. 6d. cloth. London, 1838. VALPY'S SECOND LATIN DELECTUS. Tin* Second Latin Delectus; designed to be read in Schools after the Latin Delectus, and before the Analects Latins Majora: with English Notes. By the Rev. F. E. J. Valpy, M.A. Head Master of the Free Grammar-School, Burton-on-Trent. 2d Edition, 8ro. pp. 226, 6s. bound. London, 1836. Phcedrus Justin Velleius P* Cornelius Nepos Quint us Curtius Horace Ovid - Epistles Virgi] ( icero Caesar I.i-.v Lucretius. Ovid's Metamorphoses Florus VALPY'S FIRST LATIN EXERCISES. First Exercises on the principal Rules of Grammar, to be translated into Latin : with familiar Explanations. By the late Rev. K. Vaxpy, D.D. New Edition, with many Additions, bino. pp. 68, Is. 6d. cloth. London, 1841. In this work it has been endeavoured to give the learner some little knowledge of the elements of things, while he is studying the construction of words. general principles of science and morality imprinted on the menem at an eat will never be erased from the mind, and will often lav the foundation of a substantial fabric of useful knowle g . VALPY'S SECOND LATIN EXERCISES. V id Latin r.i>-ivi>< -. : applicable to every Grammar, and intended as an Intro- duction to Valpj s ■ ■ Id. ill;;' I, .itin ;•.''' Bvtlic Kev. !•',. V i i.i". , H.I I. late M i fcer of Norwich School. 6th Edit I2roo. pp. 122, 2s. 6d. cloth. Lond. 1841. Rules and Examples are Intended as an immediate Sequel toValpy's" l irsl ■■- ." with which the youthful reader is supposed to be fully acquainted bel thesi 1 cercises are put into his hands. He will thus be led, by a regular I li'-aimii' I.atillie," to which tlic-i- Exeivw-s' will be all introduction. The Examples are taken from the purest Latin Writers [chiefly the I Verse. VALPY'S ELECANTI/E LATIN/E, AND KEY. of Elegant Latin Style : s t.t' \, rammai E fflcull Una-,-. 11th Edition, corrected, Elegantiae Latinss; or. Rule intended far the use ofthe Middle and Higher ( To which i- added, i!..- Original Latin of the mi Rev. E. Valpy, 11.1). late Master ,.f \o 12mo. pp. 276, is. 6d. cloth. London, 183! Kbt, being the Original Passages taken from Latin Vuthoi .which have been translated into English, to serve as Examples and Exercises m the « Eli Latuue," l2mo. pp. 48, ■_',. ,;,i. sewed. London, n. d. VALPY'S LATIN DIALOGUES. Latin Dialogues ; colli cted from the best Latin Writers, for the use of - By R. Vim, D.ii. 6th Edition, l2mo. pp. 104,2s, 6d. i loth. London, 1832. The principal use of thi ply the Classical Student with the best . Terence. \ IrgU, I icero, Horace, Juvenal, &c. With a view of leading the scl >lar to a familial I ofthe purest miter-, bj storing his mind with eleg ml i ipn isions, the Poets have idet ntrihnt; i rni ider.aiilc shaxeofthe hi ■•■- lie \ ; ;' i-inm and the Diluculum, the most strikinc; and useful of En Ided. LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO. S HOWARD'S INTRODUCTORY LATIN EXERCISES. Introductory Latin Exercises to those of Clarke, Ellis, Turner, and others : designi d for the 5 nun-, r I lasses. Bj N \ I baniel Howard. A New Edition, 12mo. pp. 118,2s. 6d. cloth. London, n. d. HOWARD'S LATIN EXERCISES EXTENDED. Latin Exercises Extended ; or, :i Series of Latin Exercises, selected from the beet Roman Writers, and adapted to the Rules of Syntax, particularly in the Eton Grammar. To which an- added, English Examples to be translated into Latin, immediately under the same rule. Arranged under Models. Bv Nathaniel Howard. A New Edition, 12rao. pp. 262, 3s. 6d. cloth. London, n. d. Ki i , 2d Edition, 12mo. pp. 104, 2s. 6d. cloth. London, 1832. BUTLER'S PRAXIS, AND KEY. A Praxis on the Latin Prepositions : being an attempt to illustrate their Origin, Signification, and Government, in the way of Exercise. By the late Bishop Bdtler. 6th Edition, Svo. pp. 266, 6s. 6d. boards. London,' L839. Key, pp. 160, 6s. boards. London, 1S36. BRADLEY'S EXERCISES, ETC. ON THE LATIN GRAMMAR. Series of Exercises and Questions; adapted to the best Latin Grammars, and designed as a Guide to Parsing, and an Introduction to the Exercises oH olpj , Turner, Clarke, Ellis, &c. &c. By the Rev. ('. Bradley, Vicar of Glasburj , 4th Edition, 12mo. pp. 112,2s. 6d. "bound. London, n. d. BRADLEY'S LATIN PROSODY, AND KEY. Exercises in Latin Prosody and Versification. By the Iicv. C. Bradley, Vicar of (ilashurv, r.icinii. stii Edition, with an Appendix on Lyric and Dramatic Measures, 12.il". pp. 180, :)s. (id. .loth. London, 1811. K ET. , flth Edition, 12mo. pp. 52, 2s. 6d. sewed. HOOLE'S TERMINATIONS. Terminationcs et Exempla Declinationum et Conjucntionum, itemque Propria quss Maribus, Quee Genus, et As in Presenti, Englished and explained, for the us,- of young Grammarians, By C, Hoole, M.A. New Edition, revised throughout, with verj considerable improvements, by Thomas s>mh.n, sec. ,nd Master of the Grammar School, Lincoln. 12mo. pp. 124, Is. 6d. cloth. London, n. d. GREENLAW'S RULES, ETC. ON SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, X KEY. Rules and Exercises on the Right fthe Latin Subjunctive M 1 1 inter- spersed with Observations to assist the Learner in the acquisition of a pure LatinStyle. Bj the Elev. R. n. Greenlaw. M.A. Author ol "The True Doctrine of the Latin Subj tive Mood. - ' l2mo. pp. 190, 5s. cl. Lond. 1839, Key, 12mo. pp. 52, 2s. lid. cloth. TURNER'S LATIN EXERCISES. Exercises to the Accidence and Grammar; or, an Exemplification of the several Moods and Tenses, and oi the principal Rules of Construction : consisting chiefl] oi Moral Sent I out ol the l»'~t Roman Vuthoi . and translated into English, tool rendered bacl into Latin ; with reference: to the Latin Syntax, an. ► Notes. By William Tdrner, M.A. late Master of the Free School at Colchester. Nefl Edition, IJinn, pp. 264,3a. cl. let. Lond. n.d. BEZA'S LATIN TESTAMENT. Novum Testamcntnm Domini No^tri Jesu Christi, Interprets Theodob v Hf;z\. Editio Stereotypa, I vol. l2mo. pp. 248, 3s. 6d. bound. London, n.d. VALPY'S EPITOME SACR/E HISTORI/E. Sacra- Historin Epitome, in usum Scho m cum Notts Angiitis. By the Rev, I". E. .1. Valet, M. \ Head Waster of the Free Grai ar School, B on-Trcnt. 6th Edition, l8mo. pp. 126, 2a, i loth London, 1836. STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. tuitions of Greek Classic Sutljors. MAJOR'S EURIPIDES. Euripides. From the Text, and with a Translation of the Notes, Preface, and Supplement, of Porson ; Critical and Explanatory Remarks, original and selected ; Illustrations and Idioms from Matthke, Dawes, Yiger, &c. ; and a Synopsis of Metrical Systems. By Dr. Major, Head Master of King's College School, London. 1 vol. post 8to. pp. 886, 24s. cloth. London, 1838. Sold separately as follow: — Alcestis, pp. 132, London, 1838; ELsci ba, 5th Edit. pp. 220, London, 1840; Mi a>E k, 3d Edit. pp. 102, London, n. d. ; Orestes, 2d Edit. pp. 166, London, n. d. ; Phceniss.e, 2d Edit. pp. 174, London, n. d. 5s. each. BRASSE'S SOPHOCLES. Sophocles, complete. From the Text of Hermann, Erfurdt, &c. ; with original Explanatory English Not'-, Questions, and Indices. By Dr. BRAS8E, Mr. Bcrges, and Rev.F. Yalpt. 2 vols, post 8vo. pp. 1032,31s. cloth. Lond. Is. is. Sold separately as follow: — Oedipus Coloneus, 2d Edit. pp. 118, London, n. d. ; OZdiptjs Rex, 3d Edit. pp. 134, Lond. 1842; Philoctetes.SiI Edit. pp. 142, Lond. 1833; Thachini.e, 3d Edit. pp. 1"4, Lond. 1830 ; A.iax, 3d Edit. pp. 206, Lond. n. d. ; Antigone, 2d Edit. pp. 13s, Lond. 1839 ; Electra, 2d Edit. pp. 180, Lond. 1838. 5s. each. BURCES'S /ESCHYLUS. ^Eschylus— The Prometheus : English Notes, &c. By G. Burges, A.M. Trinity College, Cambridge. 2d Edition, post 8vo. pp. 144,5s. boards. London, 1833. STOCKER'S HERODOTUS. Herodotus ; containing the Continuous History alone of the Persian Wars : with English Notes. Bv the Rev. C. W. Stocker, D.D. Vice-Principal of St. Alban's Hall, ( Ixford ; and late Principal of Elizabeth College, Guernsey. 2 vols, post Bvo. pp. 73*, lss. boards. London, 1831. BELFOUR'S XENOPHON'S ANABASIS. The Anabasis of Xenophon. Chiefly according to the Text of Hutchinson. With Explanatory Notes, and Illustrations of Idioms from Viger, &c, copious Indexes, anil Examination Questions. By F. Cunningham Beliocr, M.A. Oxon. F.R.A.S. LL.D. late Professor of Arabic in the Greek University of Corfu. 4th Edition, with Corrections and Improvements, post 8yo. pp. 286, s,. 6d. boards. London, 1840. BARKER'S XEIMOPHON'S CYROP/EDIA. The Cyroprpdia of Xenophon. Chiefly from the text of Dindorf. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, from Dindorf, Fisher. Hutchinson, Poppo, Schneider, Sturtz, and other eminent scholars, accompanied by the editor's comments. To which ;nc mMciI, Examination Questions, and copious Indices. By E. II. B\RKER,lateof Trinity Coll. Camb. PostSvo.pp. 352, 9s. 6d.bds. Lond 1831. BURCES'S PLATO. Plato— Four Dialogues: Ciito, Greater Hippias, Second Alcibiades, and Sysiphus. With English Notes, original and selected. In this edition Bekker's Text is adopted, and the whole of F'eindorPs Notes are translated. By G. Burges, A.M. Post Bvo. pp. 212, '.is. 6d. boards. London, n. d. BARKER'S DEMOSTHENES. Demosthenes— Oratio Philippica [., Olvnthiaral.II. and II I., De Pace,. TV. dunes contra Demoathenem, De Corona. With English Notes. By E. H. Barbj a. .1 Edil post Bvo. pp. 896, 8s. 6d. boards. London, lstl. HICKIE'S LONCINUS. Longimis on the Sublime. Chiefly from the Text of Weiske; with English Notes and Indexes, and Life of Longinus. Bj D. B. Hickie, Head M Hawkshead Grammai School. Ivol.post8vo pp. 146,5s. cl.lett'd. Lond. 1838. HICKIE'S THEOCRITUS. Select Idylls of Theocritus; comprising th 20th, and 24th. From the Text of Mein Grammatical and Explanatory Beferenci Master "t Hawkshead Grammar School. London, 1839. VALPY'S HOMER. Homer's Iliad, complete : with English Notes, and Questions to the first Ejeht Books. Text ot Heyne. By the Rev. E. Valpt, B.Ii. late Waste, ,,f \ „ i, Si-honl. ml. ijhtion. smi. pp. 576, los. i'..l. bound. London, 1839. Text only, 5th Edition, Bvo. pp. 392, 6s. 6d. bound. London, 18 ». ■ first Eleven, the 15th, 18th, 19th, l.i- , with copious English Not* s. s. 4c. Bj If I!. Ill' k.r. Head lvol. post Bvo. pp. Is", 6s. cloth LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO. S CESitions of Tatin ©lassie Huifjors. VALPY'S TACITUS, WITH ENGLISH NOTES. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera. From the Text of Brotier; with his Explanatory Notes, translated into English. By A. J. Valpv, M.A. 3 vols, post 8vo. pp. 982, 24s. boards. London, n. d. BARKER'S TACITUS-CERMANY AND ACRICOLA. The Germany of C.C.Tacitus, from Passow's Text; and the Agrioola, from Brotier's Text: with Critical and Philological Remarks, partly original and partly collected. By E. 11. Barker, late of Trinity College, Cambridge. 5th Edition, revised, 12mo. pp. 182, 5s. Gd. cloth. London, tfiSB. VALPY'S OVID'S EPISTLES AND TIBULLUS. Electa ex Ovidio et Tihullo : cum Notis Anglicis. By the Rev. F. E. J. Yai.cy, M.A. Master of Burton-on-Trent School. 2d Edition, 12mo. pp. 274, 4s. Gd. cloth. London, 1838. BKADLEY'S OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Ovidii Metamorphoses ; in usum Scholarum excerpts : quilms accedunt N'otuko Anglics el Qusstiones. studio C. Bradley, A.M. Editio Septima, 12mo. pp. 232, 4s. 6d. cloth. London, 1837. VALPY'S JUVENAL AND PERSIUS. Decimi J. Juvenalis et Pereii Flacci Satire. Ex cdd. Ruperti ct Krenig expur- gate. Accedunt, in gratiam Juventutis, Note qusedam Inglicte Edited by A. .1. \ u.rv, M. \. 2d Edit. I2mo. pp. 214,6s. 8d. bd. Land. 1823. The Text only, 2d Edition, pp. 120, 3s. bound. London, 1SSG. VALPY'S VIRGIL. P.Virgilii Maronis Bucolii a, Georgica, T'.neis. Accedunt, in gratiam .luventutis, Notffi qusedam inglice scripts. Edited by A. .1. Yalcy, M.A. loth Edition, Imibi. pp. Iii'.o, 7s. Gd. bound. London, lsIL The Text only, 19th Edition, pp. 988, 3s. Gd. bound. London, 1841 VALPY'S HORACE. Q. Horatii Flacci Opera. Ad fidem optimorum cxompl.n mm castigata ; cum \otuhs \nglicis. Edited by A. .1. Yalfy.M.A. New Edition, Ismo. pp. it'.is, (is. bound. London, 1839. The same, without Nolo-. New Edition, pp. 276.3s. Gd. London, 1840. "„• The objectionahl lee and passages have been expunged. BARKER'S CICERO DE AMICITIA, ETC. Cicero's Cato Major, and Leelius: with English Explanatory and Philological Motes: and with an English Essay on the Respect paid to Old ige bj tha Egyptians. the I'ei-i.in-.thc spai'taos, i be (.in ok-, and the B ans. By the late L. 11. lUllKI'.H, I'.sq. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Gth Edition, 12mo PP bis, |g. (id. bound in cloth. London, 1839. VALPY'S CICERO'S EPISTLES. Epistols M. T. CiceronU. Excerpts e) ad optimorum ndero exemplorum denuo castigats; rum Notis Inglicis. Edited by A. J. Viui, M.A. N, ■« Edition, [8mo. pp. 144,3s. cloth. Tondon, 1831. Tin- Text only, 8th Edit pp. 118, 2s. iloth. London, 1829. VALPY'S CICERO'S OFFICES. M. Tullii Ciceronis de Officiis Libri Ties. Accedunt, in usum Juventuti . Nota qusdam \iml ripts Edited bj \. J. Valfy, M.A, Editio Quarts, aucta ei emi adata, I !mo. pp, 388,8s 8d. cloth. London, 1888. BARKER'S CICERO'S CATILINARIAN ORATIONS, ETC. ( - ( atilinarian Orations. From the Text of Ernesti; with somi the Editor, E. II. Iiuimh, Esq., and many selected from Ernesti; and with I ttrai t from 1 ndrt a Si hottu I lissi rl ition. entitled Cicero a I alumniii \ 1 1 1 . 1 1. 1 1 ii i"o which i appended, Tacitus's Dialogns de Oratoribus, i i di Causis Corrupt..' Bloquentite; and, also, Beveral beautiful I ctracts from h Authors ; with a Suggestion to the Conductors of Classical 8chi devote one daj in the wei I to the Btudj ol English Literature. l2mo. pp. 180, .. 6d. bound. I Ion, 1829. VALPY'S CICERO'S TWELVE ORATIONS. Twelve Select Oration of M Tullius Ci - From the Text of Jo Casp Orellius; with Engli h Not Edited I J. Vjj.pt, M.A. 2d Edition, post 8vo. pp. 292, 7-. 6d. board London, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. BARKER'S C/ESAR'S COMMENTARIES. C. Julius Cesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War. From the Text of Ouden- dnrp ; with a selection of Notes from Iliouvsius Yossms, from Drs. Davies and Clarke, and from Oudendorp, &c Sua. To which are added, Examination Questions. Bv E. H. Barker, Esq. late of Trinity College, Cambridge. Post 8vo. pp. 272, with several Woodcuts, 6s. 6d. boards'. VALPY'S TERENCE. Terence— The Andrian : with English Notes. Divested of every indelicacy. By R. Valpt, D.D. 2d Edit. 12mo. pp. 60, 2s. bound. London, 1838. CATULLUS, JUVENAL, AND PERS1US. Catullus, Juvenal, and Persius, Expurgati. In usum Scholse Harroviensis. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. pp. 200, 5s. cloth lettered. London, 1839. Although the text is expurgated, the established number of the lines is retained, in order to facilitate the reference to the notes in other editions. BRADLEY'S PH/EDRUS. Phiedri Fabulse; in usum Scholarum expurgate: quibus accedunt Notulas Anglican et Quastiones. Studio C. Bradley, A.M. Editio Octava, 12mo. pp. 104, 2s. 6d. cloth. London, 1841. BRADLEY'S CORNELIUS NEPOS. Cornelii Nepotis Vite Excellentium Imperatorum: quibus accedunt Notulse Anglica> et Quiestiones. Studio C. ltuuiuv, A.M. Editio Octava, 12mo. pp. lss,3 s . 6d. cloth. London, lbll BRADLEY'S EUTROPIUS. Eutropii Historic Romanip Libri Septem • quibus accedunt Notulse Anglicse et Queestiones. Studio C. Bradley, A.M. Editio Dccima, 12mo. pp. 112, 2s. 6d. cloth. London, 1841. HICKIE'S LIVY. The First Five Books of Liw : with English Explanatory Notes, and Examina- tion Questions. Bv D. Ii. Hukie,LL7D. Head Master of Hawkshead Grammar School. 2d Edition, post 8vo. pp. 430,8s. 6d. boards. London, 1841. raorfcs tm tl)e Heft. 5. &. IMoomficlB, B.B. J3M. BLOOMFIELD'S CRK. X ENC. LEXICON TO NEW TESTAMENT. Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament; especiallj adapted to the rue ofCollem-s ihi,! the lu-1, e. Classes m the Public Schools, but also intended as ., convenient Manual tor Biblical Students in general. Pep. Svo. pp.492, 9s. cloth lettered. London, 1810. BLOOMFIELD'S CREEK THUCYDIDES. The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Trracydides. \ No'. Recension of the Text;' with a carefully amen, led Punctuation; and copious Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory; almost entirely original, but parti) selected and arranged from the best Expositors, and forming a continuous Commen- aCCOmpanied With full Indues, both of Greek Wolds and Phrases ex- plained, and matters ,li>enss, d in the Notes. I ).,!,. it, .1 , I.-, pciniis^ton, to the Right Hon. and Right Rer. Charles James, Lord Bishop of London. Illus- trated bv Maps and Plans, mostly taken lioni actual survey. In - vols. Bvo.) Vol i . pp. 600, 18s. doth. I. ,,n, r,,n, 1812.— Vol. 2 is in the press. BLOOMFIELD'S TRANSLATION OF THUCYDIDES. The II, .ton of the Peloponnesian War. By THUCYDIDES. Newly translated into English, and accompanied with very copious Notes, Philological and Explanatory, Historic;,] an. I ( :,ml , :, he .,!'; with Maps and Plates, ii vols.8TO. E2 is. boards. London, 1829. BLOOMFIELD'S CREEK TESTAMENT. The Greek Testament: with copious English Notes, I ritical. Philological, and Explanatory 3d Edition, greatly enlarged, and rerj considerably unproved, in 2 closely-printed volumes, 8vo. pp. 1160, with Mapol Palestine, 62, hand- somely bound in cloth, let* red. London, 1811. BLOOMFIELD'S COLLEGE X SCHOOL CREEK TESTAMENT. College and School Greek Testament: with English Notes. 2d Edition, with Additions, and a new M ,|, oi Palestine, adapted to the Gospel History, 1 thick vol. 12mo. pp. 576, 10s. Gd. Cloth. London, 1838. 10 LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO.'s Ijiston), ffifjronofogB, antJ Jrftmljologn. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOCICAL AND HISTORICAL TABLES. Blair's Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Creation to the Present Time. New Edition, carefully corrected, enlarged, and brought down to the present time, and printed in a'more convenient form. (In the Press). IVIANGIMALL'S QUESTIONS-- * 1 -' 1 Genuine and Complete Edition. Historical and Miscellaneous Questions, for the Use of Young People ; with a Selection of British and General Biography. Bj li. Manonau,. New Edi- tion, with the Author's last Corrections and additions, and other very consi- derable recent Improvements. 12mo, pp. 474, 4s. 6d. bound. London, 1842. The only edition with the Author's latest Additions and Improvements, bears the imprint of Messrs. Longman and Co. CORNER'S SEQUEL TO MANCNALL. Questions on the History of Europe: a Sequel to Hangnail's Historical Ques- tions; comprising Questions on the History of the Nations of Continental Europe not comprehended in that work. By Julia Corner. New Edition, 12mo. pp. Ins, 5s. bound. London, 1842. HORT'S PANTHEON. The New Pantheon; or, an Introduction to the Mythology of the Ancients, in Question and Answer ; compiled for the Use of Young Persons. To whii b ire added, an Accentuated Index, Questions for Exercise, and Poetical Illustra- tions of Grecian Mythology, trom Homer and Virgil. By W. .1. Hour. \cw Edition, considerably enlarged by the addition of the Oriental and Northers Mythology. lHmo. pp. 280, 17 Plates, 5s. 6d. bound. London, 1842. HORT'S CHRONOLOGY. An Introduction to the Study of Chronology and Ancient History By W, J. Hort. New Edition, ISmo. pp. 234, 4s. bound. London, Is:;;. KNAPP'S UNIVERSAL HISTORY. An Abridgment of Universal History, adapted to the Use of Families and Sci Ls; with appropriate Questions at the end of each Section. Bj the Rev. i!..i. Knaim-, M.a. New Edition, with considerable additions, L2mo. pp.250, 5s. bound. London, n. d. BICLAND'S LETTERS ON THE STUDY OF HISTORY. On the Study and I senf Vm-ient and Modern Histnn ; containing Observations and Koilcc'tions on the Causes and ( onsequences ofthose Events whii i> have produced conspicuous Changes in the aspect of the World, and the general state of Human Iflairs: in a Series of Letters. By John Biolamd, Author of " Letters on the Political state of Europe." 7th Edition, 1 vol, l-'nio. pp. I7n, 6s. bds. London, 1840, KEICHTLEY'S OUTLINES OF HISTORY Outlines of History, from the Earliest 1'cnod. By Thomas Eeio . . I q STev. Edition, corrected and considerably improved, ftp. 8vo. pp. 188, 6s, doth. or 6s.6d. bound and lettered. London, n. d. KEICHTLEY'S HISTORY OF ENCLAND. Tin Historj of England. Bj Thomas k. iohti by, Esq. In 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 1206, 14s. cloth; or 16s. bound. London, 1837. For the convenience of Schools, the volumes will a in ays be sold separately. KEICHTLEY'S ELEMENTARY HISTORY OF ENCLAND. An Elementary Historj of Engl ind Bj Thom ^ Ki tom let,] »q Luthorol ■• \ History of England," " Greece," " Rome," "Outlines of History," &c. &c. I2mo. pp. 984, Bs. bound, I Ion, 1841. KEICHTLEY'S HISTORY OF GREECE. The Historj of Greece, llv Tmnu. K i I' .[. 3d Edition, 12mo. pp. 508, 6s. 6d. cloth , or 7s. bound. London, 1839. Elementary History of Greece. 18mo. pp. 264,3s. 6d. bound. London, 1841. KEICHTLEY'S HISTORY OF ROME. The History of Rome, to the end of thi Republic. ByTHOMi Km m ley. Esq. 3d Edition, l2mo. pp. 512, 6s. Bd, cloth; 7s. bound. London, 1840. Elementary History of Rome. I8mo. pp, 264, 3s. 6d. bound, London, 1841. STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 11 KEICHTLEY'S HISTORY OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. The History of the Roman Empire, from the Accession of Augustus to the end of the Empire in the West By Thomas Keightlet, Esq I2mo. pp. 450, 6e. tki. cloth , or, 7s. bound. London, 1840. Qt i BTIONS on Ki [OHTJ i 'i 's History of Enoi.and, Parts 1 and 2, pp. 56 each, London, 1840; Rome, 3d Edit. pp. 40, London, 1841 ; Greece, 3d Edit. pp. 42, London, 1*41. 12mo. Is. each, sewed. COOPER'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. The History of England, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. On a plan recommended by the Earl of ( Ihesterfield. By the Rev. W. Cooper. -3d Edition, considerably improved, and brought down to the year 1842. 18mo. pp. , 2s. 6d. half-bound. London, 1842. BARKER'S LEMPRIERE'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, abridged from Anthon's and Barker's. By E. II. Barkeh, of Trinitj I ollege, Cambridge. 2d Edition, for Public and Private Schools of both Sexes. New Edit, post svo. pp.476, Ss. 6d. hd. Lond. n.d. • ,* This is the only edition, for public and private schools of both sexes, divested of all indelicacy. VALPY'S ELEMENTS OF MYTHOLOCY. Elements of Mythology; or, an Easy History of the Pagan Deities: intended to enable the young to understand the Ancient Writers of Greece and Rome. By E. V ilpy, D.D. 8th Edition, 12mo. pp. 52, 12s. hound. London, ls41. VALPY'S POETICAL CHRONOLOGY. Poetical Chronology of Ancient and English History: with Historical and Expla- natory Notes. By R.Vaupy, D.D. New Edit. 12mo. pp. 88,2s. 6d.cl. Lond. 1841. RIDDLE'S ECCLESIASTICAL CHRONOLOGY. istical i hronology : or, Annals of the Christian Church, from its Foun- dation to the Present Time. To which are added, Lists of Councils and of Popes, Patriarchs, ami Archbishops of Canterbury, liv the Rev. J. E. Riddle, M.A. Bro. pp. .312, 15s. cloth. London, ls4o. TATE'S CONTINUOUS HISTORY OF ST. PAUL. The Continuous History of the Labours and Writings of St. Paul, on the basis of the Acts, with intcn alary matter of Sacred Narrative, supplied from the Epistles, and elucidated in occasional Dissertations: with the 1IOR.E PAULIN.E of Dr. PALEY, in a more correct edition with occasional notes . subjoined. By J. Tate, M.A. Canon Residentiary of St. Pauls. Bro. with Map, pp. 240, 13s. cloth. London, ltslu. Bicttonarics. +§£ f or other Dictionari BOSWORTH'S ANGLO-SAXON DICTIONARY. A Dictionary of the ingle s.ixnn Language: containing the Accentuation, the Grammatical I n lie xn.n-. . He- Iji.jul.o Words referred to their Themes, the Parallel Terms from thi other Gotbii Languages, the Meaning of the Anglo- Saxon in English and Latin, an. I .-..pious i nuii-h am! Latin indexes: serving as a Dictionary of English and Anglo-Saxon as well as of Latin and Anglo- Saxon. With a Preface, on the Origin andConnei tion of the German Tongues ; aMapof l.angu:iL*es; ami the Essentials of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. By the Rev. .1. BoswoBTH, 1.I..I). &c. Royal 8vo pp.766. E2.2s. bds. Camb. 1838. ffieotnctri}, 'arithmetic, .taB=Stttftt8lng, Sec. NARRIEN'S ELEMENTS OF EUCLID Element- of Geometry: consisting of the first four, and the sixth, Books of Euclid, chiefl; from the Text of Mr. Robert *„„-,,„. , u th the principal Theorems in Proportion, and Q I ourse of Practii al l ri ometry on the Ground. four Tracts relating to Circles, Planes, and Solids J with one on Spherical Geometry. Bj John Naurien, I R.S and R.A.S. Professor of Mathematics, &c. at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Bvo. pp. !c68, with -.nam diagram-, 10 s . (Id. 'bound. \ ide page 1.) London, 1842, Elements of Arithmetic and Algebra. By W. S Esq. A.M. .\ IK l.S. Second Mathemat. Professor at the Royal Mil. Coll I vol. Bvo. - In prepai The \pplaation .if Algol. r i and Geometry, Plane and spherical Trigonometry (treated analytically , Topographical Surveying, Mensuration of Planes and Solids. Also by Mr. Scott. lvol.8vo. (In preparation.) \> LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO. S KEITH ON THE GLOBES, AND KEY. A New Treatise on the Use of the Globes ; or, a Philosophical View of the Earth and Heavens: comprehending an Account of the Figure, Magnitude, and Motion of the Earth: with the Natural Changes of it- Surface, caused by Floods, Earthquakes, &c. : together with the Principles of Meteorology and Astronomy : with the Theory of Tides, &c. Preceded by an extensive Selection of Astronomical and other Definitions, &c. &c. By ThoxaS Ki:itii. New Edit, considerably improved, by J. Rowbotham, F.RA.S. and YV. H. Prior. 12mo. with 7 Plate-, pp. 388, 6s. 6d. bound. London, n. d. In this edition are introduced menv new questions relating to the position- of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, for the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842, respectively. *." The only oeni inc. edition with the Author's latest Additions and Improve- ments bears the imprint of Messrs. Longman and Co. Key, by Prior, 12mo. pp. 46, 2s. Gd. cloth. London, 1842. KEITH'S CEOMETRY. The Elements of Plane Geometry ; containing the First Six Books of Euclid, from the Text of Dr. Simson : with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. To which are added. Book VII. including several important Propositions which are not in Euclid; together with the Quadrature »'!' the Circle, the Lune id' Hippm i ate-, the Maxima and Minima of c netrical Quantities : and Book Vin. consisting of Practical Cc, ma lr\ . al.n, Hook IX. Of Planes and their Intersections; and Bouk \. Of the Geometry of Solids. By Thomas Keith. 4th Edition, cor rected by s. Matnard, 8vo. pp 410, 10s. Gd. boards. London, 1835 KEITH'S TRIGONOMETRY. An Introduction to tin- Theory and Practice id' Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and the Stereograpbic Projection of the Sphere, including the Tneory of Navi gation ; comprehending a variety of Rules, Formulas, &c. with their Practical Applications to the Miii-uratioii of Heights and Distances, to determine the Latitude by two Altitude- of the Sun, the Longitude by the Lunar Observations, and to other important Problems on the Sphere ; and on Nautical Astronomy. By Thoji.is Keith. 7th Edition, corrected by S. M vi .\ via., Bvo. pp- 472, 14s. cloth. I -:i'.i CROCKER'S LAND SURVEYING. lit- of hind Surveying. New Edition, corrected throughout, ilj improved and modernized, by T. G. Bdnt, Land-Surveyor. iii.l, are added. Tables of six figure Logarithms, superintended irley, of the Nautical Umanac Establishment Post 8vo. with anor of North Hill. Somerset, belonging to .1. w . mi Esq., Hi. i. a. no-, a field ! k, Plan of part of the City of Bath. &c. iili. 1 lon,184L and eonsii Bristol. '1 bj Richai Plan Of tl very nuinc pp.432, ia FARLEY'S SIX-FIGURE LOGARITHMS. Tablei oi Sis figure Logarithms; containing the Logarithm- of Numbers from 1 to ii i.i .and of Sines and Tangents for every Minute of the Quadrant and every Six Seconds of the first Two Deg s: with a Table of Constants, and Formulas for the Solution of Plane and Spherical Triangles. Superintended by Richard Farley, ol the Ninth , \i,,,an.,r l,-tai,li-lmicnt. Post »vu. pp. 276, unenumevated . I- 6d. i loth. I ondon, 1840. EULER'S ALGEBRA, BY HEWLETT. ; ! of Algebra, B; I bona; i leu. Translated from the French, with the Notes of M. Bernouilli,&c. and the Additions of M, De la Grange, bj the Rev. Johk Hi » a n, BD P.A.S. &c To which is prefixed, a Memoii ol the Life and Character of Euler, by the late Francis 11 , Esq Btb Edition, fuUj revised and i ted. I vol Bvo. pp. 618, ISs. cloth. London, 1840. TAYLOR'S ARITHMETIC, AND KEY. The Arithmetician's Guide ; or, a c pleb Exercise Book: for Public Scl Is and Private Teachers. By W. Tailor. Nov. Edition, 12mo. pp. 200, 2s. 6d. bound. London, 11. d. Kei to the -' Bj W. II White, of the Commercial and Mathematical ol, Bedford, l !mo. pp 1 72, U. bound, i ondon, L841. MOLINEUX'S ARITHMETIC, AND KEY. in Introduction to Practical Arithmetii ; in Two Parts: withvariou ' occasional Directions for the usi of Learners. By T. Mulineox, man] Teachi i of \ nl i and thi M ithi matii in M i i li Si Id. In Two I iri Part, 1, Nev. Edition, l2mo pp 198, 2s. 6d. bound. London, n. d. Part 2, 6th Edition, l2mo. pp. 168, '.'-. 6d, bound, London 1839 Kiv to Pari l,pp 16, 6d I Lon , , i Kl.v to I'ait ', pp. 1 1,0,1 18 to 32 London, n. d. STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 13 JOYCE'S ARITHMETIC, AND KEY. A System of Practical Arithmetic, applicable to the present state of Trade and ej Transactions: illustrated by numerous Examples under each Rule. By the Rev. J. Joyce. New Edition, corrected and improved by 8. Maynard, L2mO. pp.264, 3s. bound. London, n. d. "„" The only Genuine Edition, containing the Author's latest Additions and im- provements, bears the imprint of Messrs. Longman and Co. Key ; containing Solutions and Answers to all the Questions in the work. To which are added, Appendices, shewim: the Vethodof making Mental Calcula- tions, and a New Mo'e of NtthiL: Sums in the Early Rules of Arithmetic. New Edition, corrected and enlarged by s. Maynard, lfcmo. pp.228, 3s. bound. London, 1840. SIMSON'S EUCLID. The Elements of Euclid : viz. the First Six Books, together with the Eleventh and Twelfth; also the Book of Euclid's I'ata. By ROBUST Simson, M.D. Emeritus Professor of Mathematics in tie University of Glasgow To which are added, the Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry; and a Treatise on the Construction of Trigonometical Canon: also, a concise Account of Logarithms. By the Kev. k. Robertson, 11. 1). t'.H.S. Savilian Professor of A -ti i. nomy in the University of Oxford. 25th Edition, carefully revised and corrected by S. Maynard, 9vo. pp. 498, 9s. hound. London, 1841.— Also. The Elements of Euclid: viz. the 1 irsi ether with the Eleventh and Twelfth. Printed, with a feu variations and additional references, from the Text of Dr. Simson. New Edition, carefully corrected by S. Mivmbu, hmo. pp. 332, 5s. bound. London, lsll — Also, The same work, edited, in the Symbolical form, bv R. Bi.akelock, M.A. late Fellow and Assistant-Tutor of ( atherine Hall, Cambridge. New Edition, l8mo. pp. 396, Cs. cloth. London, 1-42. MORRISON'S BOOK-KEEPING, AND FORMS. The Elements of Book-keeping, bj Single and Double Entry; enmprisins several Set- of Hooks, arranged according to Pn ' Pi ctice, and designed for the use of Schools. To wliah i* aniexc ( |, an [ntroduction to Merchants' Accounts, illustrated with forms and Examples. By James Morrison, Accountant. New Edition, considerably improved, 8vo. pp. 27--, 8s. half- hound. Lond. n. d. Sets of Blank Books, ruled to correspond with the Four Sets contained in the above work: set k. Single Entry, 3s. j Sel B, Double Entry, 9s. ; Set C, Com- mission Trade, 12s. ; Set D, Partnership I oncerns, 4s. 6d. MORRISON'S COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, AND KEY. \ (once, system of Commercial Arithmetic. By J. Morrison, Accountant. V e 1 !iti.,n, i e ■. i - , a I and improved, 12mo. pp. 254, 4s. 6d. bound. Lond. Is42. KET. 2d Edition, 12mo. pp. 316, 6s. hound. London, 1826, NESBIT'S MENSURATION, AND KEY. A. Treat I Mensuration: containing the most approved Methods of m- ( m omit) lea] | laurs, \! i 11 - 11 I a 1 loll of SUI k-j tieies , Land Surveying; Mela : the I se of the < .trpentor'-. Line, Timber Measure, in which is shewn the mi the,: of Measuring and Valuing Standing Timber ; Arti- ficers' Works, illustrated by the Dimensions and < ontenK of a House ; a Dic- tionary of the ! Architecture. &c. By \. Nesbit. 11th Edition, corrected, with 200 "VI lent-, 3 Copperplates, and an engraved Field-book, 12mo. pp. 168, lis bound. York, 1811. Key, ;:\i Edition, I2mo. pp. 3(H), 5s. bound. York, lsll. NESBIT'S LAND SURVEYING. A Complete Treatise on Practical Land Surveying. By A. Nesbit. 7th Edition ;. enlarged, 1 vol. 8vo, illustrated with I60w Icuts, 12 Copperplates and an I eld-1 k, (pp. 16, sewed), pp 112, 12s. boards. York, 1839. NESBIT'S ARITHMETIC, AND KEY tise on Practical Arithmetic. I'., LNi I 3d Edition, 12mo. pp. 430, i-mo. pp.268, 5s. bound, Y oik. 1830. ILLUSTRATIONS OF PRACTICAL MECHANICS. By the] eley, M.A. Prol or of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in King's College, London. Being the First Volume of Illustrations of Science, bj the I'rofe. i , Jr . 2 i i .iiiii.n. i rol. I p. 8vo with on uts, pp. 178, s». cloth. London, lsll II LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO.'s acHorfts for Young people, lirj JUSTrs. Jllarcct. THE CAME OF GRAMMAR: With a Book of Conversations (ftp. 8vo. pp. 54) shewing the Rules of the Game, ami affording Examples of the manner of playing at it. By Mrs. M uu i r. In a varnished box, or done uji as a post ^-\ <>. volume in cloth, *8s. London, 1842. MARY'S GRAMMAR: Interspersed with Stories, and intended for the use of Children. By Mrs. Mabcet, Scathor of " Conversations on Chemistry," &c. 5th Edition, revised and enlarged, l8mo. pp. 336, 3s. 6d. half-bound. London, 1841. CONVERSATIONS ON THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. For the Use of Children. By Mrs. Muoit. Vol 1: the History of the Reign of Henry VII. 18mo. pp. 354, 4s. 6d. cloth. London, lsl'.:. THE SEASONS: Stories lor \ery Young Children. New Editions, 4 vols.— Vol, 1, Winter, 3d Edition.'pp. 180, London, 1839 ; Vol. 2, Spring, 3d Edition, pp. 196, London, 1839; Vol. :s, Summer, 3d Edition, pp. 17s, London, 1840; Vol. 4, Autuvitfr, ltd Edition, pp. 1S4. London, 1S4H. 'Js. each, half-bound. WILLY'S STORIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN; ( ontarning The House-Building— The Three Pits (Tlfe Chalk Pit,The( oal l'it, and Th, Gravel Lit —and The Land without Laws. 3.1 Edition, 1- , ■> pp. 138, 2s. half-hound. London, 1839. WILLY'S HOLIDAYS: Or, ( onversations on ihiTerent Kinds of Governments: intended for Young Children. ISmo.pp. 158, 2s. half-bound. London, 1836. Cicoornplivj anti Atlases. BUTLER'S ANCIENT AND MODERN GEOGRAPHY. A Sketch Of Modern a. id indent (.oo-rapliv. liv'Suan III Tl in, n.n. the late Lord Bishop of Lichfield, and former!; Head Master of si, lewshun school. New Edition, revised by bis Son, Bvo. pp. 4»4, '.is. hound. London, 1812. BUTLER'S ANCIENT AND MODERN ATLASES. An Atlas of Modem tjeouraphv; consisting of Twenty-three Coloured Maps.fn.m ™ set of plates, eorreete.l, with ,■ complete Index , pp. 36). lly the late Dr. Bv 12s. hi .d. By the same Author, An Atlas of Aneimt Geography; consisting of Twenty two Coloured Maps, with a complete Accentuated Index. Sue pp, :14, PJs. half-hound. London, ii d. A General Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography; consisting of Forty-five coloured Maps, and Indices, 4tO. pp. 34, 24s. half-bound. London, n. d. •/ The Latitude and Longitude are given ,11 the Indexes to these AtLlsi-s. ABRIDGMENT OF BUTLER'S CEOCRAPHY. An AhriiUnnont of Hisl„,p Hutl.i's Modem and Ancient Geography: arranged in the form of Question and Answer, tor tl„- us, of Beginners. Bj ttufi Ci N'Mnoium. :!d Edition, fep. Svo.pp. 132, 28. Cloth. London. 1842. BUTLER'S GEOGRAPHICAL COPY-BOOKS. I iot I, coy raphe al Cop] Books, An, lent and Mod, ,11 : with the I IneB of I at I tudc and Longitude only, for the Pupil to fill up, and designed to accompany the above. Ito. each Is.; or together, sewed, 7s. 6d. London, n.d, GOLDSMITH'S CEOCRAPHY IMPROVED. (ji a on iia I ot I ,, nerall - iaph\ , I,, nej .n ] a n . .. ae t u ai .aid I ', ,,,, | .1 n i, a, p, tlie larger Work of the same luthor. By the Rev. J. I -mho. n. v. Edition improved. Revised throughout and corrected bj Hugh Murray, Esq. With Views, Maps, &c. 18mo pp. 234, 3s. 6d. bound. London, 1842. Key, pp. 38, ftd. bi wed. Lond 1642. COLDSMITH'S POPULAR CEOCRAPHY. Geograph) on a Popular I Ian. \,n Edition, in, ludinr; Extracts from went (laps, \c. Bj the Rev. J, 12n . I Is id. Li 1-1: DOWLINC'S INTRODUCTION TO COLDSMITH'S GEOGRAPHY. Introduction to Goldsmith's Grammar oi Geography: for the use of J uni. By J. Dowliko. Mattel ol w [stock Boarding School. New Edition, 18mo. pp. Ill, '.id. sewi d. London, 1842, By the same \uthor, Pive Hundred Questions on the Map ofEurope, \ ,,. UVica, North and South Imerii '. and th, Briti i, ii,-. prim ipaii^ from the Map- in Goldsmith's Grammai of I eq raph; Ken Edition, 18mo. pp. 30, Bd. London, 1840. Kit, pp. 22, 9d. London, 184 . STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 15 MAIMCNALL'S CEOCRAPHY. A Compendium of Geography ; with Geographic Exercises : for the use of Schools, Private Families, &c. By 11. M vm.nalL. 4th Edition, completely corrected to the Present Time, 12mo. pp. 590,7s. 6d. ! onnd. London, 1s3j. HARTLEY'S GEOGRAPHY, AND OUTLINES. Geography for Youth. By the Rev. J. IIaktli.v. New Edit, (the 8th), containing the latest Changes. 12mo. pp. 32n, 4s. Gd. bound. London, 1S42. By the same Author, Outlines of Geography: the First Course for Children. New Edition, ISmo. pp. 36, 9d. sewed. London, 18©. .jprendfj language. J5± For other "Works on the French Language, see Messrs. Longman and Co.'s royal Bvo. School Catalogue. HAMEL'S FRENCH CRAMMAR. A New Universal French Grammar; being an accurate System of French Acci- dence and Syntax. By N. Hamel New Edition, greatly improved, 12mo. pp. 236, 4s. bound. London, n. d. HAMEL'S FRENCH EXERCISES, KEY, AND QUESTIONS. French Grammatical Exercises. By N. Hamel. New F:dition, carefully revised and greatly improved, 12mo. 4s. bound. London, n. d. Key, pp. 128, 12mo. 3s. hound. London, n.d. Ui BS noNS, with Key, pp. 22, 9d, sewed. London, 1832. HAMEL'S WORLD IN MINIATURE. The World in Miniature ; containing a faithful Account of the Situation, Extent, Productions, Government, Population, Manners, Curiosities, &c. of the different Countries of theWorld: for Translation into French. By N. Hamel. New 1 ..I it ion, corrected and brought down to the present time, 12mo. pp. 274,4s. 6.1. bound. London, ls41. MARILLIER'S FRENCH GRAMMAR. A Summary of French Grammar, for the Use of the Gentlemen Cadets of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. By Henri Mabillier, French Master in that institution. 3d Edition, l2mo. pp. 120, 3s. cloth. London, 1S42. TARDY'S FRENCH DICTIONARY. An Explanatory Pronouni 1112 Dictionary of the French Language, in French and English; "herein the exact Sound of 1 very Syllable is distinctly marked, accord- ing tn the method adopted by Mr. Walker, iii his Pronouncing Dictionary. To which are prefixed, the Principles of the French Pronunciation, Prefatorj Directions for using the Spelling representative of everj Sound ; and the Con- jugation of the Verbs, Regular, Irregular, and Defective, with their true Pronunciation. By I.'Ani.i: Tardy, late Master of arts in the University of Pans. New Edit, carei'nll; revised, 1 vol. l2nio.pp. 348, 6s. bound. Lond. Is37. (!?nglisi) (iiirammars, XUaffling 13ooks, Sec. LINDLEY MURRAY'S WORKS. • ,* Tin: only Gr.MiNi: Eiiiiions, w itii the \i ihoh's list Corrections. 1. First B""k for Children, 'J :d edition, l-nio. pp. 72, 6d. sd. ^ oik, 1840. 2. English spelling Hook, 46th edition, 18mo.pp. 252, 18d.bd. York, 1840. 3. Introduction to the English Ri idi r, 22d edit. 12mo.pp.276,2s. 6d. bd. fork. 1839. 4. The English lie ader, 24th edit. 12mo. pp. 406,3s. 6d. bd. York, 1842. IS, Sequel to ditto, 7th edit. 12mo. pp. 124. Is. 6d. hound. York, L829. 6. English Grammar, 51st edil L2mo. pp. 348, 3s. Bd. lid. York, 1841 . Ditto abridged, 121st edit. l*mO. pp. in-. iMini. Is. bd. Lond. 1841. 7. Enlarged Edit, of Murray's Abridged English Grammar, bj Di Gili ■ IM110. pp. 216, Is. tid. cloth. London, 1839. 8. English I'm n ises, 18th edit I2mo, pp. 228,2s. hound. York, 1 > 12. 9. Key to ditto, 121110. pp. 22s, 2s. hd. York, 1842. 10. Exercises and Key, 4^th and 25th editions, in 1 vol. pp. 456, 3s. Gd. bound. York, 1842. 11. Introduction an Lecteur Francois, 6th edition, r.'mo. pp. 27G,3s. 6d. hound. York, 1833. 12. Lecteur Francois, 6th edit. 12mo. I,,. 120.5s. bound. York, 1834. 13. Library Edition of Grammar, Exer- cises, -m'i Key, 7th edit. 2 vols. .pp. 1H72. 2N. I.ds Vork,1842. 14. First Li Net lisb Grammar, and enlarged, ,1. Lond. 1-41. his, adapted to with Not,.. By \ \l mIi Edil in pp. 1211,2- Bd. I.d. ■i ork, 1- : - 16 MESSRS. LONGMAN AND CO.'s EDUCATIONAL WORKS. MAVOR'S SPELLING-BOOK. Tin 1 English Spelling-Book : accompanied by a Progressive Seriea of easy and familiar Lessons: intended as an Introduction to the Reading and Spelling .if the- English Language. Bj Dr. Mayor. 446th Edition, with various revisions and improvements nf Hi. Mavor, legally conveyed to them by his assignment with Frontispiece l>y Stothard, and 44 beautiful Wood Engravings, designed expressly for the work, by] [arvey. The whole printed in an entirely new typi . 12mo. pp. inc.. Is. fid. bound. London, 1841. *»" The only Genuine Edition, with the Author's latest Additions and Improve- ments, bears tin' imprint of Messrs. Longman and Co. CARPENTER'S SPELLINC- BOOK. The Scholar's Spelling Assistant ; wherein the Words are arranged according to their principles of Accentuation. By T. Carpenter. New Editi corrected throughout, I2mo. pp. 132, Is. 6d. bound. London, 1842. NOTICE.— The only Genuine and Complete Edition of Carpenter's Spelling is published by Messrs. Longman ami Co. and Messrs. Whittaker and Co. Any person selling any other edition than the above is liable t :tion at law, and on discovery wiu be immediately proceeded against, the whole book being copyright. BLAIR'S CLASS-BOOK. The Class- Book ; or, 365 Reading Lessons: for Schools of cither sex ; every lesson having a clearly-defined object, and teaching sonic principle of Science or Morality, or sunn important Truth. By the Rev. U. Bum, New Edition, 12mo. pp.504,5s. bound. London, 1841. BLAIR'S READING EXERCISES. Reading Exercises for Schools ; being a Sequel to Mayor's Spelling, and an Intro- duction to tin Class-Book. Bj the Rev. Ii.Iii.un. New Editi corrected, 12mo. pp. 192, 2s. bound. London, n.d. SMART'S ENCLISH GRAMMAR, AND ACCIDENCE. The Accidence and Principles of English Grammar. Bv B. II. Smart. 12mn. pp. 332, 4s. cloth. London, 1831. The Accidi nee separately, pp. 52, Is. Bewed in cloth. London, 1841. SMART'S PRACTICE OF ELOCUTION. The Practice of Elocution . or, a Course of I'm:, in i (bi acquiring the scleral requisites of a good Deliver 1'.-, II B Smari tth Editi augmented, particularh h\ a Chaptei on Imps I Ri dine Qualified by Taste, with rlish Pi 296, i cloth, \ nil' pagi I . London, 1842, CRAHAM'S ART OF ENCLISH COMPOSITION. 1 i lish; or. Tin \rt Of Composition explained in a series of Instructions and Examples, By G. F. Graham. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 348, 7s. cloth. Videp el London, IE 12. BULLAR'S QUESTIONS ON THE SCRIPTURES. Questions on the Holy Scriptures, to he answered in " School, oi in Mi He i of Private Instruction, Bj John Hi llar. New Edit. 18mo. pp. 192,2s, 6d, cloth letti nil. London, 1840. 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