MAP LIB. GA lei! ed to the Maps in Mitchell's Hew Series of Geographies, 1869 PHILADELPHIA: * JP. UCLA MAP LIBRARY Rec 'djAN 181990 IMO.: /5/6 HAND-BOOK OF MAP D ADAPTED ESPECIALLY TO THE MAPS IN '$ |E*to Juries of J|clja0l BY PETER KEAM A JOHN MICKLEBOROUGH. TEACHERS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY E. H. BUTLER & CO. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by PETER KEAM AND JOHN MICKLEBOROUGH, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Ohio. MAP LIBRARY PREFACE. IN presenting to the public a new work on the subject of Geography, the authors claim for it nothing more than its name implies, viz. : that it is a Hand-Book of Map- Drawing. It is not intended to supersede the text-books of political and descriptive Geography now in use, but to accompany them, as a means of fixing more indelibly in the memory the facts therein contained. The most effective mode of presenting a subject is through the sense of sight ; and when a child has once sketched for himself the outlines of a country, drawn in the mountain-chains, traced the water-systems, and located the principal cities, he will have received more lasting impressions of its geographical features than could be obtained in any other way. The necessities of the school-room demand a method of presenting the subject of Geo- graphy in a manner more natural and philosophical than has heretofore been adopted, yet so simple as to be within the comprehension of any pupil of ordinary capacity. We have endeavored in the present work to unite system with simplicity; and after two years' experience in teaching Geography upon the principle herein laid down, we have no hesitation in recommending it to instructors as a work tending materially to lessen their labors, and greatly to facilitate the progress of their pupils in the study of Geography. One advantage claimed for the work is that the grouping of the States and countries has been based upon the principle of climate and productions, so that when a scholar has learned what is true of one State or country, he may readily infer what is true in a great many respects of all the other States or countries contained in that group. The work is specially adapted to be used in connection with Mitchell's New Series of Geographies, the figures having been constructed in accordance with his scale of maps. If the work should tend in any degree to promote a more general interest in the sub- ject of Geography, by making it more attractive to the scholar and more satisfactory to the teacher, our object will have been attained. CINCINNATI, June, 1869. 6 INTRODUCTION. After the pupils can draw a correct outline, either on paper or slate, the map may be completed ; and, in doing so, the natural order should be followed : first the moun- tains, then the water-systems (lakes and rivers), then the cities and towns, &c. &c. By this means an indelible image of the map will be formed in the minds of the scholars, with an exactness of knowledge as to boundaries, mountain-chains, the rise and directions of rivers, location of cities, &c., which could be acquired in no other way. When the pupils have become familiar with the outline of the map, it is better to dis- pense with the lines of the figure, indicating it merely by points, inasmuch as heavy lines to a certain extent mar the beauty of the drawing. Thus, instead of actually drawing the lines of a square, it answers equally well to indicate it by four points, allow- ing the pupil to imagine that the lines extend from point to point. The letters employed in the construction of the figures serve to simplify the explana- tion, but are not intended to be used before a class, where the verbal explanation of the teacher will supersede the necessity of lettering. While the map thus drawn is before the class, the teacher should endeavor to awaken an interest in the subject, and call forth the reasoning faculties of the scholars, by directing their attention to certain results which naturally follow certain physical con- ditions; such, for example, as the course of rivers following the general slope of the country; the influence of navigable rivers upon internal commerce; the effect of high mountain-chains, and of distance inland, together with that of distance from the equator, upon climate. In a similar manner the judicious teacher will be able to draw out from the class certain facts concerning the nature of the soil and the kind of productions, as well as the general character of the cities, from their location. In this way there is a constant appeal to the highest power of the mind reason; and the subsequent labor of memorizing the lessons from their regular text-books will be rendered comparatively easy to the learners. MAP OF THE CoJtral . Archipelago Jinerica K *\ '" Society?""*' "WuinotttK Vji^k^F^ HEMISFHERE. MAP OF THE EASTTERN HEMISPHERE. 10 FIGURE FOR NORTH AMERICA Construct a rectangle in ths proportion of 3 to 4. lrise////// /// H D . tun/ . ifiti \ N AR C T I C O C RA N : s OTJTH \MER TCA QUESTIONS. NS'hat is the position of the I'nited States ' NVheiv are its principal highlands .' What is thru- <;eiieral direction .' Deserihe tin- plateaus. Describe tlif lowlands. \Vlial lakes on the boi-der.or in the interior .' Ki-oin the nature of the surtiire. what would naturally he the eneral dirertJon of tlie rrvea-s .' \Vhii4i rivei-s alliinl ool water power ' \Vliirh ;nv navi'jil>le. so as to he ot'jiivjit value tor domestic commerce ? What is the climate of the southern pa it of the i-uunti-v tit' the central portion ' lit' die northern part ' Efaw does elevation affect 1*111113,16;' How tlm-s |m>xiiuity to the sea affect clim;ite .' \Vhat are the principal prudurtions of tKe .southern poilion of tlie eonnti*\ T .' DC the central portion ? Of the northern poilion .' Name and locate the principal coiiuiienual cities. What natural causes have contributed to their prosperity .' Name ami loi-ale the U-adnii;' iuiiniil:ieturin>^' ilies Name and locate the ivai :i^nenltii<"il marts. OF THE ITNITED STATES. 20 Longitude 15 Wesf from. ID "Washington 5 H S\A M * jlj .onituiniitt\/nf>/,T,- t/u' mil i tt if /f GH DE . /;.>////// E B ii/n/ nuiki- Bl t-ifiniJ t AG. .//'///' IK tin il LE ////// f//\7f/t- fi/r/i of f/u-rn in /! //'/// .v. H D <;>/txln/rt n xi/n/// D N ? DS ////-/ tris*'( it . T/in>ni//i ///>/ M Q~[ /timittr/ ft' DN '///// /vlrcv/ //. 7X//.v \/n>iili/ />> (ji\,'rt I/.Y fir// //-.w/v/.i- ///< />r/f /-M-.V/V/ / /'ill nun fif //////// /// 17 , iiiili \\.iln- //////// /'/'FG ///;/ HI./'///;/////// 1 CD. //ntli the line E F . Itivide the lines A E. E F . F B eiieh r intn liuir ,;/nol /xiitt. Trisect A B. i&e&tfo^nidctb!>se(t^Jon.^>f^. B. _".' liixe,1 CD .untf CE . .//>/// F N ^/^/ f.\/^w/ // imletini/eh Tn.w,-/ CN ,///// ////?'////// M ///;/)> L P ineetinii I/if line F N pn'ilncet/ . Note . 77//.v /.v niteiuli^l f<> f>e tts>-<{ < V^^^41 & ^o&aEH^T^ r^J \.; v m^ G N Kave tl e,ille ],. 7, DELAWAK K,3iARYLAND. N.&S.CARO11XA -n *Engm.* ^ - Q ^ 5 ti 5 O hJ o 5 P>w fr 5 45 > 3 _ hH PH P^ 5 < ^^^ CD * 1 f*H o g t W C a I uJ O ^ uJ ol * i .s ^ UN ft j c5 ^ ^ 1 It O * |-S & *s 1 I M i r uJ $ > * ^ I * ^ * 4 ^ ^ * -I Si- ^ S .g ^ ^ I V 24 25 i'H ^ f. X p R | - -"N J I l : ! t; X I. X. X -^ 7 :u FIGURE FOR C ALI F O RNIA, OREGON 8c NEVADA. N O I'i'iixliiiii 1 1 n-i-tiiiitili- in //!/ /in '/nn'/ii >n . /fn ////> infc //v///////V'.AG. t't'/n/>/rt,- ///> />iiiix. M E AX C O SOUTH AMERICA. 7'n'wf C D . F I' -i ii netOJHffle /'/ ihi> />r/>/>rtt<>fi of 3 to 4 . Divide thf thjvf .vi/lex AC, AB.BD in//' faus' equal p Though E dm E F fnini/M '/ A C mul fn'.wf it . bin GH and bi,?fct it . .fain H I and trix-sri it . " I* : ^ I - s 5^ 11. 10 H<;i"KK FOK T11K ItKITISII IS1.KS. Dfiin it /n-ri ;i'nlti/ ///// A B , ijinl />/.v/v7 il . . // C /v>v/ //// />i'f/>t'/n/i('ii/tir CD fifinil It k&, and jow AD c///// DB . /Ji\ii/,- CD AC ////// CB. i-nc/t ///// //>/// fquai parts, '/'h/-/ //nni//,-/ //> AB. ///>/v/ FE ////// EG ////// ///AW/ GD. XVII HKITISH ISLKS. I.' FH;UKK FOB FRANCE STAIN \ POKTI-CAL c l>ni h\i' /t/tt'.v AB ii/nl C B Itixi-iiiiii/ /-///// ///////,:< /// /////////// E . t'i'//i/'/t'/,' //// in-y C E B F ,///./ A G D E . ///i /;/, C E C F ////,/ E B . /w/-// />/A- ///// //////// /;,///.> . /^iv/v/ A G , G D t FB. .//v// DH ////// i/i\ /// 4 XV V i 1 ,._ jV a T f/ & \ * ' * Y fb > t J KXGLAXD J ff ,^ )XJ^ - A F R ( A 44 ICrHK FOH ITALY I'i'n.ftnict n rertasiylr in the f>n>f>(>rHi>n t't'L'tt'/ . Ht.wt A B aru/CD . Ji'in A f ami wti'ml it AG e(funl fi> twice the leriat/i /^'/'AB . Thrt'iuih D dmw E H equai tf> AG. Join G H tititl trixett it . I)i\ itlf A G and E H ead-i w///> four equal parts. S CORSICA AjaodeT! I K I) I T K ft R A N E A A F R C A X. cc - 5S = fc J^ X I X 3 O 1 ! X 17 >* P*-J I e 1 t- u */?>- ^B ^ ^ a: c > f ^^^^- - s ijLs y ^ --vK^fc A ^^ / 8 ' -^ y^^p ^ v^^*"^?--^ S^re, * ^ ^ JJ -?r !-, -C>~V^> ^ ^ft>^l vlJ^&'fev ' v7TUAi.* *( ' v: ** -X. b r. ^i as I I r^~\ I x S ? g 1 a s s. < 00 FICl'KK FOU Rl'SSl A, SCANDINAVIA K DKNMAHK I <'//.!//// four equat parts , H.vtftn/ BD and rnaJcf DE r-tfintl /, ON . Hisr;-/ H I //////_//'/>/ K E T/tri'Hf//i F ///r/> FG t>n // c /<; .1 \ SrAMMXAVIA & nK;v;V:L\KK, n;; iFKnamvtaln J.tTJItH(/h E ttmw EF fHini/Irl /<> AC. Tn.vri"! AB ii/i// EF. n/.w fnxft-t (fie mtfM/f .verti'mi of E F . Divide DB. E B //// /r>tt/- parts. (>n G B - twn.rl/i/rf /i .n/iiftrr . Risert H I tmdjtmi KB. A" I) I T K R R A X K A ,f- Ttnffravrtl fy- I CD J* < ^ "5*. B^ ^ -^ o UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000015634 9 GOODRICH'S HISTORIES, : > PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES CHILD'S PICTORIAL i'Kl) STATKS < To RIAL HISTORY OF KM I LAND - GooDRIc!r,s PKTORIAL HISTORY OF ROME ..... t.ooDRicirs p] \~ OF GREECE ...... 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